B" m MINERALS o^ CALIFORNI BULLETIN No. 9i CAUFORNIA STAl'ii MiNTa^ BUREAU i 1 m ■ yjiiiii« i u i i »ii i i i i »uiiim i>«m»ww<«»'»fc i: ■oKaaasBaiMBSsaBsaBBvai MiM MiMMdan»aaoisaa0 ift ..-->-x\.. 1^ 3^ '*"»^t.-'.'*^*^ iDi C12B THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS CALIFORINIA STATE MINING BUREAU FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO FLETCHER HAMILTON State Mineralogist San Francisco] BULLETIN No. 91 [November, 1922 Minerals of California ' • ^lENTS OF ARTHUR S. EAKLE, Ph. D. Professor of Mineralogy, University of California UNIVERSITY OF CAUFOF DAVIS CALIFOKNIA STATE PBINTING OFFICE FRANK J. SMITH, Superintendent SACKAMENTO, 1923 22132 LETTER OF TRANSMITIAL. November 1, 1922. To His Excelloicy, the Hon. Wm. D. Stephens, Governor of the State of California, Sacramrnto, California. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin 91 of the State ^lining Bureau iipou the minerals of California. This bulletin records our knowledge of California minerals to date, and is a revision of a similar bnlletin. Xo. 67, issued in 1914. The edition of Bulletin No. 67 was soon exhausted, a)id there has been a continual demand for this work. The author, Arthur S. Eakle. Ph. D., Professor of Mineralogy, of the University of California, has performed a particular service in co- operating with the State ]\rining Bureau iu making possible this addi- tion to our records. Respectfully submitted. Fletcher Hamilton, State Mineralogist.. «J^v>cJ,^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. Pag:e CHAPTER I. NATIVE ELEMENTS 7-26 non-metai-s 7 Semi-metals 11 Metals 13 .CHAPTER II. SULPHIDES 27-59 Semi-metals 27 Metals ^ 32 oxisitlphides .- 59 CHAPTER III. ARSENIDES, SELENIDES, TELLURIDES AND SULPHO SALTS 60-7 ■! Arsenides fiO Selenidbs . 63 tellurides 64 Sulphantimonites 69 SULl'HARSENITES 73 CHAPTER IV. HALOIDS 75-81 Chlorides 75 Bromides 80 Iodides 80 Fluorides 81 CHAPTER V. OXIDES OP HYDROGEN, SILICON AND SEMI-METALS- __ 82-96 Hydrogen 82 Silicon 83 Semi-metals 93 CHAPTER VI. OXIDES OP THE METALS 97-125 Anhydrous 97 Hydrous 117 CHAPTER VIL CARBONATES 12 6-148 Anhydrous 126 Hydrous 140 CHAPTER VIII. ANHYDROUS SILICATES 149-175 Feldspars 149 Pyroxene Group 156 Amphibole Group 1 63 Not Grouped 169 CHAPTER IX. HYDROUS SILICATES AND TITANO-SILICATES 196-230 Micas 19G Brittle Micas 202 Chlorites 203 Zeolites 200 Not Grouped 210 Titano-silicates 228 CHAPTER X. PHOSPHATES, CHROMATES VANADATES, etc 331-259 Phosphates 1 231 Chromates 240 Vanadates 240 Arsenates 242 Antimonates 244 Nitrates 244 Borates 246 Niobates-tantalates 253 Tungstatbs 255 Molybdates ■ 257 Uranates 25^ CHAPTER XI. SULPHATES AND HYDPOCARBONS 260-285 Anhydrous 260 Hydrous 268 Hydrocarbons 283 CHAPTER XII. Minerals Arranged According to the Elements 280 Minerals — Distribution by Counties 299 Bibliography on California Minerals 306 Index to Minerals 30S INTRODUCTION, The first list of California luiiierals was published by "W. P. Blake in 1866, and it comprised about seventy-five mineral species. At that early time California was a new and largely unexplored field, and only a few scattered localities were known for mineral specimens; conse- quently, the list was short and not at all representative. The second list appeared in 1884 as a part of the Fourth Annual Report of the State Alining Bureau, by Henry G. Hanks, who was then State ^Mineralogist. This list included double the number of previously known minerals, and gave detailed descriptions of some of the locali- ties, and much instructive matter relating to minerals of economic value. The third list was issued in 1914 as Bulletin 67 of the California State Mining Bureau. In the thirty years which elapsed since the appearance of the second list, our knoAvledge of the geology and min- eralogy of the State became vastly increased. The ore deposits of many of the counties, the gem and borate deposits of the southern counties, and the petrography of many districts, had been investigated and described, so that the third list contained more than double the number of definite mineral species given by Hanks, besides many sub- species and varieties. This fourth list is an enlarged edition of the third list. Many addi- tional species are included and the localities in which some of the more common economic minerals occur, have been greatly multiplied. The desire has been to make the list as complete as possible of the known minerals, and where they occur, but the list of localities where the same mineral might be found is necessarily incomplete. Many minerals are so commonly distributed throughout the State, in small bodies or pockets of metallic minerals and as rock-fonning minerals, that it would be impossible to cite all of their occurrences. In such a vast area as California, localities may be known to local collectors where excellent specimens may occur, unknown to the author, and they could materially assist in the preparation of a future and more comprehensive list, if the}' would kindly notify the author of such occurrences. Some mineral species may be known to occur in the State Avhich have not been mentioned in this work, but it is believed that they wiU be very few in number. So many minerals and localities are included in the list, that geolog- ical and petrographical descriptions in detail, have had to be omitted, and reference must be made to the bibliography at the end of the work 6 INTRODUCTION. under the autlior's name and nnrahor. This l)il)lio^raphy includes, witli few exceptions, only those articles which bear directly on the minerals of the State, omitting the great amount of literature of a general nature on the geolog>' and mining industry of the State. The various kinds of minerals have been grouped under a chemical classification in order to be more instructive and show better the rela- tions of the various species and varieties. The crystal forms have been cited and the chemical analysis given, to show Avhat has been done in these two lines of work on California minerals. In addition, tlu^ indices of refraction and the characteristic blowpipe and chemical tests for the minerals are given in order to make the list more useful in the detection of the minerals. The author is indebted to Edgar Woodcock, formerly of the State Alining Bureau. Walter W. Bradley of the State Mining Bureau, M. Vonsen of Petaluma, John Melhase of the Southern Pacific Railroad, W. F. Fjoshag of the U. S. National Museum, and Gordon Surr of Porterville, for much useful data concerning mineral localities. The excellent bulletin by Dr. Larsen on the "Microscopic Determination of the Non-opaque Minerals" has been used for the optical data. New minerals and important localities for known minerals are con- stantly being discovered as California becomes more settled and pros- pected, and this list must be considered more as a check-list to form a basis for continual additions. CHAPTER I. NATIVE ELEMENTS. Xon-victals. Metals. Diamond. Gold. Platinum. Graphite. Gold amalgam. Iridium. Sulphur. Bismuth gold. Platiniridiniii Electrum. Palladium. Silver. Iridosmine. Semi-metals. Copper. Osmium. Antimony. Mercury. Rhodium. Arsenic. Lead. Ruthenium. Bismuth. Tin. Iron. Tellurium. Zinc. Awaruite. NON-METALS. 1. DIAMOND. Native carbon, C. Isometric. Octahedrons and hexoctahedrons common. Crystal faces often curved. Perfect octahedral cleavage. Brittle. Yellow and colorless crystals common. Red, orange, green, blue, brown and black are rarer shades. H = 10 ; G = 3.5. Refractive index: »i=: 2.419. Infusible and not acted on by acids. Tlic t'xtreme hardness and brilliant adamantine luster serve to distinguish diamond from quartz and other glassy minerals. Jiort is a hard rounded form without distinct cleavage, unsuitable for gems. Carbonado is a hard black variety without cleavage. Diamonds Avere found in California soon after placer mining began. As early as 1849, Lyman^^^ reported seeing a pale yellow crystal about the size of a small pea, which came from one of the placers. A few years later they were observed in the gold gravels at Cherokee, Butte County, and this locality became the most noted one in the State for the number found. Placer deposits elsewhere have also yielded them from time to time, so their occurrence has not been limited to any one field. No record has been kept of the total number found, Imt it is proba])ly between four and five hundred. Since all of them have been chance finds, there can be no doubt that many more have been overlooked or destroyed. A few of the stones found are over two carats in weight and of good quality, but the majority are small and mostly "off color," usually with a pale > el low tinge. Most of these diamonds now in the possession of different individuals were found during the days when placer mining and hydraulicking were at their height, and since that time diamond finds have been rare. 8 STATE MINING BUREAU. The mode of origin and sources of the diamond are as yet unknown. They have only been found in placer gravels and in "black sands" and concentrates of placer mines. Presumably their origin has been in the basic igneous rocks from which the serpentines of the gold regions have been derived, and continued search may yet reveal them in situ. The discovery near Oroville of an apparent pipe of serpentinized rock bearing a resemblance to the diamond pipes of South Africa has led to some active operations on the part of the United States Diamond Min- ing Company, and a shaft has been sunk, which has not proved success- ful. Tlie rock is a hard eclogite differing in its character from the kimberlite of South Africa. Hanks^^^ gives an interesting account of the diamonds found during the early days of gold mining, and Turner'*^^ and Storms^'" contribute short articles on California dia- monds. Amador County: A few small stones have been picked up near the towns of Volcano, Oleta and Fiddletown. Butte County: In 1853 it was observed that diamonds occurred in the gravels at Cherokee Flat, about nine miles north of Oroville. More than three hundred good diamonds have been obtained from the placers in this district and it leads all other districts in the State. It seems quite probable that the source of these diamonds is not far from this vicinity. Silliman^^^^^) gave the contents of the black sands at Chero- kee as platinum, iridium, iridosmine, gold, pyrite, chromite, magnetite, limonite, diamonds, quartz, rutile, almandite garnet, topaz, zircon and epidote. Some have also been found in the placers at Thompson Flat, two miles north of Oroville. El Dorado County: A diamond weighing 1^ carats Avas found at Forest Hill. About sixty have been found near Placerville, namely, on Webber Creek, in White Rock canyon and at Smith's Flat. Fresno County: Small diamonds are reported to have been found a few miles north of Coalinga. Imperial County : Some small diamonds are said to have been found near the San Diego border. Nevada County : A 1^ carat stone was found at French Corral. Siskiyou Count.y : Diamonds occur in the placer gravels at Hamburg Bar. Trinity County: Microscopic examinations of the black sands of Trinity River and some of its tributaries have shown the presence of small diamonds as a constituent of these sands. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 9 2. GRAPHITE — Plumbago— Black Lead. Native carbon, C. Hexagonal, rhomboliedral. Commonly in scaly or foliated masses. Color dark steel-gray to dull black. Terfect basal cleavage. Soft with greasy feel. H = l — 2; G = 2.2. lusolubk' in uciils anil unuffei-tfil l>y licatiii.i;-. \\'liiii mixi'd willi polussium nitrate and sulphur and huated on iilatinum foil, the mixture will dcfla- grato. Molybdcnilc. wliii-h closely ii'somhles it. is fusible and soluble. Graphite is a comuioii constituent of crystalline limestones and is often disseminated tlironu;!! the limestone in minute flakes and in larger foliated masses. It is also prominent as la^'ers in some schists and gneisses and when present in considerable amount the graphitic gneiss or schist is sometimes mined for the graphite. In mining districts it is often seen coating the walls of veins and mixed with the talcose gouge. No extensive deposits of good quality graphite are known to occur in the State, but a few small deposits have been worked for the manufac- ture of paints and lubricants. Much of the graphite of California is so intimately mixed with silica that its separation as pure material is an expensive operation. It is typically a constituent of metamorphic rocks and as such may be found in every county. Calaveras County : It occurs in the copper-bearing schists, and speci- mens have come from Copperopolis and Campo Seco. Del Norte County : The limestone near Gasquet contains foliated plates of the mineral. Fresno County: Prominent mineral in the rocks near Dunlap and at Borer Hill. Graphite schists occur on the Kean and Ruth ranches, four miles east of Squaw Valley; also on Sycamore Creek near Trimmer. Ilumlioldt County: Occurs near Eureka. Small deposits at Otto Rest on South Fork of Trinity River. Imperial County: A good grade of graphite is found seven miles northwest of Coyote Wells on the San Diego and Arizona Railroad. Inyo County: Graphite occurs eighteen miles east of Independence. Los Angeles County: Found in the schists at West Carbondale and in the limestone near Elizabeth Lake. A deposit of graphite gneiss occurs in the Verdugo Canyon, ten miles northeast of Los Angeles. It occurs as a stratum running from the head of San Francisquito Canyon across to Charles Canyon. Mendocino County: A deposit occurs about fifteen miles east of Point Arena which has been worked for paint and lubricant. Monterey County: Graphite is disseminated in the limestones and metamorphics of the Santa Lucia range, south of Monterey. Riverside County: Flakes of graphite are prominent with the bru- cite in the limestone at Crestmore. Good quality is found near Temecula. 10 STATE MINING BUREAU. Sail Bornardino County : Large deposits are said to exist in San Ber- nardino mountains, fifteen miles from East Highlands. It is also found as a constituent of the limestone near Colton and near Oro Grande. San Diego County: Graphite in mica sehist ooeurs near ]\Iasons. Santa Cruz County : Occurs in flakes and foliated masses at the lime- stone quarries near Santa Cruz. Siskiyou County: Reported from head of Kelsej^ Creek in Marble Mountain District, and from headwaters of East branch of Seiad Creek. Sonoma County: A deposit near Guerneville, one four miles west of Healdsburg and one four miles south of Petaluma, are known in this county. Specimens have come from Cazadero, Pine Flat and Santa Rosa. Tulare County: Graphite occurs in metamorphic rock in Drum Val- ley, north of Auckland, and on quartz at Three Rivers. Tuolumne County : Large foliated masses and dull earthy masses of the mineral occur in the Jimestones north of Sonora, near Columbia. The mineral was formerly mined here, but none is now produced. 3. SULPHUR. Native sulphur, S. Orthorhombic. Common in small crystal coatings and incrustations. Sulphur — yellow color. Resinous luster. H = 1.5 — 2.5 ; G = 2. Refractive indices: oc =1-950; ^ = 2.043; y = 2.24. Burns with a blue flame. Yellow sulphur is common in the vicinity of geysers, hot springs and volcanoes as sublimations from the emitted hj^drogen sulphide gas in contact with the air, and as precipitations from solf atari c waters. It is commonly found in gypsum beds as a reduced product, and in associa- tion with borax. No workable deposits are known in the State. For. the manufacture of sulphuric acid, pyrite deposits and pyrite concen- trates from the gold and copper mines are utilized. Colusa County: On the banks of Sulphur Creek solfataric action has produced fine crystallized masses and granular coatings of the mineral, .sometimes in association with cinnabar and good specimens have come from the Manzanita mine, and also from the Elgin mine. Imperial County: The mud volcanoes near Volcano have rims of sulphur crystals a.ssociated with gypsum and salt. These volcanoes have been described by Hanks'^*. Small deposit on the east slope of Coyote Mountain. Inyo County: Sulphur Bank on Owens Lake, near Olaucha con- tains a deposit of the mineral. Specimens of sulpluir with fluorite and gypsum have been found in the Defiance mine. A small deposit is reported in the mountains east of Big Pine and also one mile southwest MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 11 of Coso Hot Springs. Native sulphur at the Suii»shine mine, Last Ijhance Mountains. Kern County: On both sides of the San Joaquin Valley impure beds of gypsum and limestone occur, having considerable sulphur inter- mixed. It is mixed with alum in the Sunset district. Lake County: At the Sulphur Bank quicksilver mine, silnaled on Clear Lake, a very interesting deposit of sulphur occurs wliich was described by Le Conic and ]\ising^'> and by Beckcr^'>. Tlic black basaltic rock wiiicii ()utcroj)s (ni the lake has been bleached white and altered to .-i poi'oiis mass of silica by tlic action of the sulpliui'ic acid fumes coming from several hydrogen sulphide vents. The pores and cavities of this altered mass of rock have had deposited in them brilliant crystals of sulphur and acicular crystals of cinnabar. The forms of the sulphur crystals are : (111), (113), (Oil), (101), and (001). Sulphur was obtained in considerable quantity from this deposit before it was discovered to overlie the much richer deposit of cinnabar. Sulphur also occurred associated with borax at Little Borax Lake, just south of Clear Lake. Mariposa County: Crystals of sulphur have been found with cinna- bar on Horseshoe Bend Mountain, near Coulterville. San Bernardino County : Occurs at Searles Borax Lake as one of the many associated minerals of borax. Sonoma County : Native sulphur is found at the Geysers. Tehama County: A large crystalline deposit is said to exist on the south slope of Lassen Butte in the northeastern part of the county. Trinity County: Found on the Supan property, six to eight miles from Mt. Lassen. Ventura County: Deposits occur in Suii)hur JMouni.ain, three miles east of Fillmore, and at the borate deposit of the Frazier Mountains. SEMI-METALS. 4. ANTIMONY. Native antimony. Sb. Hexagonal-rhomboliedral. Generally massive. Perfect basal cleavage. Very brittle. Color and streak tin-white. H = 3 — 3.5. G = 6.65 — 6.72. Metallic luster. Heated on cliarcoiii. dense white fumes and a white coating on the coal near tho assny inc oiitjiincd. ('omplctcly vaporizt's without odor. Masses of metallic antimony are sometimes found associated with the sulphide of antimony, stibnite, but the mineral is comparatively rare. El Dorado County: Specimens of native antimony have come from Pleasant Vallev. 12 STATE MINING BUREAU. Kern County: Large nodules of metallic antimony, coated with white oxide of antimony have been found on Erskine Creek, east of Vaughn. It has been found in the Butfalo mine and antimony mines of the San Emidio Mountains in the southwestern part of the county. 5. ARSENIC. Native arsenic, As. Hexagonal-rhombohedral. Generally granular massive in reniform shapes. Perfect basal cleavage. Brittle. Color and streak tin-white but surface usually tarnishes dark gray or black. Luster metallic. H = 3.5; = 5.63 — 5.73. Heated on charcoal, very volatile white fumes are obtained similar to antimony, but more difficult to catch on the coal ; fumes have strong garlic odor. Metallic arsenic is a rare mineral and its existence in the State is doubtful. Arsenic is common in the concentrates of many of the gold mines, but it comes from such minerals as arsenopyrite or arsenical tetrahedrite. Monterey County: The native metal was said to have been found in the old Alisal mine on El Rancho Alisal, about eight miles southeast of Salinas, in the foothills of the Gabilan range, W. P. Blake ^^\ This mine contained a small body of argentiferous galena and sphalerite. 6. BISMUTH. Native bismuth, Bi. Hexagonal-rhombohedral. Usually in arborescent-reticulated shapes. Color silver-white with reddish tinge, tarnishing dark brown. Luster me- tallic. H=:2 — 2.5; = 9.70 — 9.83. Heated on charcoal, it gives a lemon yellow coating. Mixed with a flux of potassium iodide and sulphur and fused on charcoal, the coating is bright red, which distinguishes it from lead, which is yellow. Crystals and veinlets of metallic bismuth sometimes accompany ores of bismuth, cobalt, silver and gold. It is also occasionally found in pegmatitic veins. When bismuth occurs in the concentrates of gold and copper ores it probably is present as a sulphide. Inyo County: Found with bisnnithinite at Big Pine Creek and at Antelope Springs, Deep Spring Valley. Mono County : Specimens have occurred at Oasis. Nevada County : The concentrates of the Providence mine, Nevada City, contained the element, according to Lindgren^^^ San Diego County : Upwards of a hundred pounds of metallic bis- muth have been obtained from the pegmatitic vein of quartz, lepidolite, feldspar, tourmaline and amblygonite at the Stewart mine of the Ameri- can Ijithia company, at Pala. The mineral occurred in platy and long MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 13 prismatic crystals, one of \vhich was a pscndoniorph after feldspar. The occurrence was described by Kunz^^^ The native bismuth is also found in small metallic cleavages in lepidolite at the Victor mine Rincon. Rogers^^\ Tuolumne County : IMinute crystals of bismuth have been observed in the gold ore at the Soulsby mine. 7. TELLURIUM. Native tellurium, Te. Hexagonal-rhombohedral. Generally massive. Perfect prismatic cleav- age. Brittle, and sectile. Color and streak tin-white. lAister metallic. H = 2. — 2.5; G = G.1--G.3. Heated on charcoal, it gives dense white coating similar to antimony. I'owdor heated in a test tube with a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid givc.« a violet solution. Metallic tellurium is sometimes found in association with the tel- lurides of gold, silver, lead and bismuth, but it is of rare occurrence. It is occasionally found in the gold concentrates when not visible in the ore, and has been reported from some of the mining districts of the State. Calaveras County : Carson Hill, a low hill on the north bank of the Stanislaus River, a few miles south of Angels, was one of the most noted places along the Mother Lode for telluride minerals, and it was here that the two new tellurides, calaverite and melonite were found. The old Stanislaus mine and the Melones mine contained foliated masses of native tellurium with the gold tellurides. Shasta County : Native tellurium was found in the Eureka mine, near Chumtown. Tuolumne County : Some metallic tellurium has been found associ- ated with tellurides of gold and silver in the mines near Tuttletown and Jamestown. METALS. 8. GOLD. Native gold, Au. Isometric. Good crystals are rare. Common in grains, scales, plates and arborescent forms. No cleavage. Highly malleable and ductile. Color gold-yellow. H= 2.5 — 3.0; G = 15.6 — 19.3. Unaffected by any single acid, but soluble in the combined hydrochloric- nitric acids, called aqua regia. Its insolubility in nitric acid distinguishes it from chalcopyrite and pyrite. Gold has a very wide distribution in California and it has always been the chief mineral product of the State. It has been found in every county and is now produced in two-thirds of them. Practically 14 STATE MINING BUREAU. all oi' the gold exists as the native metal, either as free gold in the quart/ or else mechanically mixed with the sulphides of iron, copper, lead or /inc. Tclhiriih's of gold occur, but they are quite subordinate in quantity. Crystals, arborescent groups, spongiform masses, wires, plates, scales, grains, luiggets and every shape known for gold, have been found. Cubes, rhombic-dodecahedrons and octahedrons are the prevailing forms of the crystals. The forms given by E. S. Dana (i> and Alger^^) for some placer gold crystals were: (111), (311), (18.10.1) and (421), with twinning on the octahedral plane. Crystalline masses and nuggets of large si/e have occurred in the placer gravels and in the pockets of ([uartz veins. One found in 1854 at Carson Hill, Calaveras County, weighed 2,340 tro}^ ounces, and another found in 1860 at the Monu- mental mine, Sierra Buttes, weighed 1,596 ounces. Many valuable nug- gets and masses have been found and Hanks-** gives a descriptive list of some of them. Gold in (juart/ is the usual association and the mineral is often in the quartz in such a finely divided state as to be invisible, even in high grade rock. Flaky gold has been found implanted on clear quartz crystals at Placerville and elsewhere. Gold in pyrite, or "auriferous pja-ite, " is abundant and this gold- bearing pyrite is the source of much of the gold produced in the State. Gold in arsenopyrite is also common in the Mother Lode region and in the Alleghany district. Sierra County. Gold with ealcite as a gangue mineral is not uncommon, and in some mines considerable ealcite is found with wires and scales of included gold. Lenticular masses of ealcite with much gold are found in Miners- ville, Trinity County. Diller^^^ It has been found with ealcite at the Palma mine, In}'o County, at the Yellowstone mine, Mariposa Count}^, in the Soulsby mine, Tuolumne County, and in the Calico district, San Bernardino County. Gold in barite is uncommon, yet barite is found to be a gangue min- eral in the copper-gold districts as well as in the silver-lead districts. It occurs in barite at Pine Grove, Nevada County, in the Morning Star mine, Big Bend, Butte County, at the INIalakolf mine. North Bloomfield, Nevada County, and in the barite of some of the Shasta County copper mines. Gold in cinnabar is an exceptional occurrence, yet the association has been noted in a few localities. At the old Manzanita mine in the Sulphur Creek district, Colusa County, minute specks of gold occurred in the cinnabar and implanted on cinnabar crystals; also in the old Redington or Boston mine, Knoxville, Napa County, some gold has MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 15 I)ecii fouLitl with llie ciimahMi-. ami likewise near Coulterville, in the Horseshoe Bend mountain, INFariposa County. In addition to the above, f?old has been observed with graphite, galena, altaite, petzite, hessite, tetradymite, ealaverite, native tellurium, ehalcopyrite, chalcocite, native bismuth, stibnite, sphalerite, tetrahe- drite, fiuorite, chalcedony, jasper, cuprite, magnetite, hematite, limonite, pyrolusite, dolomite, ankerite, rhodochrosite, siderite, albite, rhodonite, mariposite, chlorite, roscoelite, talc, serpentine, asbestos, chrysocolla, and asphaltum. Gold is not confined to one class of rocks, altliough the gold-bearing (piartz veins are i)riucipally in metamorphic sclnsts and slates. The original source of the gold has been the igneous rocks and it has been found in granites, syenites, monzonites, granodiorites, dio- rites, rhyolites, quartz-porphj-ries, andesites, porphyrites and diabases. It has been deposited, with quartz or as impregnations, in such meta- morphic rocks as gneisses, amphibolites, chlorite-schists, talc-schists, mica-schists, slates and quartzites, and in sedimentary conglomerates, sandstones and shales. The great supply of gold was brought into California with the intru- sion through the JMesozoic sediments of the mass of igneous granitic rock Avhich forms the core of the lofty Sierras. The intrusion of the great plutonic mass lifted on high the overlying sediments, tilted, folded, faulted, and metamorphosed the Cretaceous sediments on the flanks of the uplift into slates, schists, quartzites and crystalline lime- stones ; and in the joints and fissures of the granitic and metamorphic rocks, gold-bearing quartz was deposited, forming veins and seams of the precious metal. Then followed a long period of erosion in the Cretaceous and Ter- tiary time in which the high mountain masses were planed down nearer to their present levels, and the gold became concentrated and deposited with the gravels along the stream l)eds, and in the valleys and canyons, forming the numerous placer deposits. Volcanic eruptions took place in the late Tertiary and much of the surface in the northern counties became covered with thick layers of rhyolitic and andesitic lavas and tuffs. The old placers became buried under this mass of volcanic rock and mud, and new river channels, valleys and canyons, and new placer deposits were formed by the extensive erosion during the late Pliocene and early Quarternary time. Some gold is found in the Coast Range and some is mined in the southern counties, but the great bulk of the precious metal comes from the northern half of the State and from those counties bordering on, and intersected by, the Sierra Mountains. Gold occurs in so many localities in the State that it would be impos- sible to cite all of them. The literature on the gold deposits is also extensive. 1^ STATE MINING BUREAU. The leading gold-produciug counties of the State are: Amador, Butte, Calaveras, El Dorado, Kern, Mariposa, Nevada, Placer, Sacra- mento, Sliasta. Siskiyou, Sierra, Trinity, Toulumne and Yuba. ' Amador County: Gold is the chief mineral of the county. The Mother Lode crosses the county and some of the famous mines are: the Argonaut and Kennedy mines at Jackson ; the Bunker Hill, Fre- mont, Keystone and Amador mines at Amador City; the Central Eureka mine at Sutter Creek; and the Plymouth mine at Plymouth. Butte County : Much of the gold of this county has come from the dredgers along the Feather River at Oroville and other towns. Chero- kee Flat, Forbe.stown and Magalia are old noted places. Calaveras County : The ^Mother Lode crosses this county and gold is the principal mineral. Some of the noted mines are : the Utica, Angels and Lightner mines at Angels Camp ; Gwin mine near Mokelumne Hill; Sheep Ranch mine at Sheep Ranch, and the Melones and Morgan minei on Carbon Hill. El Dorado County: Placerville, Georgetown, El Dorado, Grizzly Flat, Shingle Springs and Greenwood are all noted districts. Kern County : The Yellow Aster mine at Randsburg has been the largest producer of the southern mines. The Amalie, Cove, Tehachapi, Mojave, Rand and Stringer districts are well-known. Mariposa County: The Princeton and other mines on the Mariposa Estate, the mines near Coulterville, Hornitos and Bagbv were all noted producers. Most of the mines of the county are now idle. Nevada County : The Grass Valley and Nevada City mines have been large producers of the precious metal. The Empire, North Star, Alli- son Ranch, Providence and Union mines are among the most noted in the State. Placer County: Auburn, Colfax, Emigrant Gap, Gold Run, Blue Canyon. Dutch Flat, Michigan Bluff. Forest Hill and Weimar are his- torical mining districts, mostly for placer mining. Sacramento County : Most of the gold of this county is obtained by dredgmg along the ancient courses of the American River. Fair Oaks, Folsom and Natomas are some of the places. Shasta County: This is more of a copper county, but considerable gold IS produced. The largest quartz mines are in French Gulch and Harrison Gulch. Much of the gold is obtained from smelting copper ores. Sierra County : The gold mines are mostly on the Sierra Buttes, on Kanaka Creek, and near Downieville, Alleghany and LaPorte. Siskiyou County: Both quartz and placer mining are carried on in the county. Sauyer's Bar, Scott Bar, Humbug Creek, Callahan, Happy Camp, Quartz Valley, Klamath River, Scott River are noted districts MINER^VLS OF CALIFORNIA. 17 The Black Bear group of quartz mines has been the largest producer. Fine large nuggets have come from the placers. Trinity County : The principal mines are centered around the famous towns of ^Minersville, Trinity Center, Deadwood, Douglas City, and Carrville. Tuolumne County : The Mother Lode crosses the county and many Tioted mines are along it. Sonora. Soulsbyville, Tuolumne, Jamestown, Tuttletown, Big Oak Flat, Chinese Camp. Stent and Groveland are all noted places. Yuba County : Most of the gold of this county is obtained from dredgers along the Yuba River Some quartz and pocket mining is nlso tlone. The counties of Del Norte, Fresno, Humboldt, Inyo, Lassen, Los An- geles. Madera, Modoc, Mono, Plumas, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego produce gold. It occurs in every county in California. Gold Amalgam. — A native alloy of gold and mercury very rarely found. Mariposa County : It occurred in some of the mines near Mariposa and was analysed by Sonnenschein*^^^ Analyses: Au Hg 39.02 60.98 per cent 41.63 58.37 Nevada County : It was reported from the Odin shaft, Grass Valley, by Lindgren ^^K Electrum. — A pale yellow alloy of gold and silver of rather frequent occurrence where considerable silver is found \\dth gold. Imperial County: Considerable ciuantity of electrum is said to have been found in the Oro Plata mine, in the extreme eastern part of the county. Madera County : Wire electrum occurred wdth gold in Fine Gold Gulch. Placer County : It occurred with the gold in the Ophir District, according to Lindgren^ ^), and was analysed by Ilillebrand. Analysis : Ag Au 27.91 72.09 per cent Bismuth Gold. — An alloy containing about 60 per cent gold and 40 per cent bismuth. El Dorado County : Observed in the Coon Hollow mine near Placer- ville. »-22132 18 STATE MINING BUREAU, 9. SILVER. Native silver, Ag. Isometric. Crystals rare. Generally in wires, arborescent shapes and massive. Color silver-white but soon tarnishes to dark brown. Malleable and ductile. Metallic luster. H=2.5 — 3; G = 10.o. Soluble in nitric acid. A few drops of hydrochloric acid added to the nitrate solution precipitates white curdy silver chloride, which soon turns brown and is soluble in ammonia. Native silver has not been found in any large masses in the State, yet the element is quite universally present in the gold and copper districts, and occasionally arborescent crystallizations, wires and thin sheets are found in the mines of these metals. It is more common, however, in the silver-lead districts, where it occurs often near the w'alls of veins or in the vicinity of intrusive dikes, as a reduction product. Alpine County : The Silver Mountain district has yielded good speci- mens of native silver. Calaveras County : Occurred in arborescent forms with the copper ore at Quail Hill. Inyo County : This is one of the silver counties of the State and has several deposits of argentiferous galena, tetrahedrite and silver-anti- mony minerals, formed along the contact between limestone and the granitic rock of the Inyo, Coso and Argus ranges. Fine specimens have come from the old Cerro Gordo district and also from the Kear- sarge district near Independence. Kern County : In the Amalie district and near Garlock it occurs with the silver minerals. Los Angeles County: Native silver was associated with argentite, and with cobalt and nickel minerals, at the Kelsey mine near San Gabriel Canyon. Mono County : In the silver district at Blind Spring Hill, near Benton, the native metal was frequent, associated with tetrahedrite and partzite. The Diana mine and the Comache mine of this district have produced good specimens. At Bodie it has been found with the copper- gold ores. In the Sweetwater range, north of Bridgeport, native silver occurs associated with gold, cerargyrite and argentite. Placer County : Occurs as one of the associated minerals with gold at the Ophir mine, Lindgren^'*^ Plumas County.: Some native silver has been found in the old Poca- liontas mine associated with native copper and cuprite. San Bernardino Country : This county has long been known for its deposits of silver haloids. The Calico district, described by Ling- gren(i> and Storms^^^, the Grapevine district, the Silver Eeef district and the Silver Mountain district have all produced some native silver with the cerargyrite and embolite of the mines. Native silver with gold occurs in the Avawatz Mountains. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 19 Shasta CoiiDty: Native silver is laiv in tlie eopper deposits of this county, but an occasional arborescent specimen has been found at the Bully Hill, Aftertiionj^lit and other mines. Fine crystallized speci- mens occurred in the old Excelsior mine. Copper City, Fairl)anks^'-'. Native silver in aborescent crystallization associated with stephanite, galena and sphalerite, in a calcite-quartz gangue occurs at the Igo Con- solidated mines. 'lO. COPPER. Native copper, Cu. Isometric. Cood crystals rare. Generally in wires, thin sheets and .irborescent crystallizations. No cleavage. Malleable and ductile. Luster metallic. Color copper-red. Hr=2.5 — 3; G = 8.83. Solulilc ill iiiriic acid — on adding ammonia the solution turns deep blue. Some metallic copper has been found in most of the eopper mines of the State, but no deposits of the native metal are known. It is fre- quently mixed with cuprite and malachite in the oxidized zone of copper deposits, or found as coatings along the walls of copper veins, or in the vicinity of intrusive dikes, which have brought about a reduction of the ores. Most of the localities cited for chalcopyrite have yielded some native eopper. Alameda County: At the Alma pyrite mine on Leona Heights, east of Oakland, fine arborescent crystallizations of the native metal are occasionally found. The minerals of this mine have been described by Schaller(i). Amador County : Arborescent nuisses occurred in the old Newton mine. Calaveras County : Some of the mines along the copper-sulphide belt, especialh' at Copperopolis and at Campo Seco, have produced some of the mineral. At ]\Iokelumne Hill it occurred associated with silver. Colusa County : Found in serpentine with cuprite and melaconite at the Cray Eagle luino, and also at the Lion mine. Del Norte County: Some large pieces have come from the Diamond Creek district and from the Pearl and Occidental mines. El ])ora(lo County: Tiic old Cosumnes mine, near Fairplay, has yielded small masses oL' native copper Avitli bornite, chalcocite and cuprite. The Alabaster Cave mine near New^castle, the Cambrian mine near Placerville, the Ford mines near Georgetown and the Oest mine near Auburn, have had native copper with the cuprite. Fresno County : Thin sheets have been found in quartz east of Fresno City. Glenn County : Large float pieces have been found a few miles north of Chrome Mountain and also on Elk Cteek. 20 STATE MINING BUREAU. Humboldt County : Many specimens oeeni' on Red Cap and Boise creeks and also in the Horse Mountains. Inyo County : The copper deposits in the Ubehebe Mountains contain the oxides of copper and some native copper. Lake County : Observed as finely disseminated particles in the serpen- tine of this county. Lassen County : Native copper in epidote rock at the Lummis mine. Los Angeles County: At the Free Cuba^mine, near Acton. Mariposa County : Massive with mjflachite in the Copper Queen mine. Mendocino County: Sheets and grains of metallic copper occur at Eed Mountain, fifteen miles southeast of Ukiah. It is also seen in the serpentines in Lost Valley. Merced County : Occurs with quartz and chalcopyrite in the Victor Bonanza mines. Modoc County : Observed near Fort Bidwell with malachite and limonite. Mono County : Found sparingly in the Lundy and Benton districts. Monterey County: Occurs disseminated in serpentine on Table IMoun- tain near Parkfield ; also in serpentine with chalcopyrite near summit of Santa Lucia Range, seven miles from Santa Lucia. Placer County: At the Algol mine near Spenceville in sheets and hackly masses; at the Valley View mine, six miles from Lincoln; and near Todd on magnetite. Lindgren^'*) reported it as one of the minerals of the Ophir district; at Meadow Lake with cuprite and chalcocite. Plumas County: Found with rhodonite at Mumford's Hill. Large lumps occurred with cuprite, malachite and native silver in the old Pocohontas mine, Indian Valley. Riverside County: In the McCoy Mountain district. San Luis Obispo County: At the Tiptop mine, ten miles north of San Luis Obispo, and on Chorro Creek in small pieces. Shasta County: This is the principal copper county and many of the mines have produced specimens of arborescent copper and occa- sionally compact masses. The Bully Hill mines, Copper City mines, Shasta King mine. Mountain Copper mine, Mammoth mine, Balaklala mine and Kosk Creek mines may be mentioned. Siskiyou County : Pieces have been found at Preston Peak with pyrite and chalcopyrite. Tehama County : On Elder Creek and at White Bluff. Tulare County : ]\Iasses have been found on the Middle Fork of the Tule River, about thirty miles east of Porterville. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 21 11. MERCURY— Quicksilver. Native mercury, Hg. Liquid. Forms small fluid globules in the matrix which is usually cinna- bar. Color tin-white. Brilliant metallic luster. G = 13.59. Vaporizes at comijaritivcly low heat and disapijoars ; the vapors are in- visible. Soluble in nitric acid. Liquid globules oi" mercury are common in most of the cinnabar mines, formed either by reduction of the sulphide or by sublimation of mercuric vapors. It prevails in deep workings and in those parts of ill-ventilated mines where intense heat is developed by the decomposi- tion of iron sulphides. It is also frequently found near the walls of cinnabar veins. Most of the localities cited for cinnabar will serve for the metallic element. Kings County : Occurred in the Kings mine with serpentine. Lake County : In the Wall Street mine at was abundant in the gravels and was also associated with cinnabar in quartz veins. Occurred also in the Big Injun and Big Chief mines, west of Middletown. Napa County : Frequent in the minas at Oat Hill and Knoxville. Orange County: Small amounts of native mercury associated with veins of barite have been reported from a locality two miles east of Tustin in a hill of sandstone. San Benito County : In the cinnabar deposits at New Idria. Occurs witli cinnabar in serpentine at the Alpine Quicksilver mine. San Francisco County : Liquid globules have been found in silicious rock near Twin Peaks. Santa Clara County: Very prevalent in some of the shafts at New Almaden. Sonoma County : Prominent in the New Sonoma mine, Pine Flat district, sixteen miles northeast of Ilealdsburg. In the Rattlesnake mine much native quicksilver occurred, as was also the case with the Pioneer Socrates mine. Present in the Bright Hope (Esperanza) mine near "The Geysers"; in the Clear Quill mine about one. mile from the Great Eastern mine, associated with cinnabar. Trinit}^ County : Found at the Altoona mine with cinnabar. 12. LEAD. Native lead, Pb. Isometric. Crystals rare. Usually in small plates and pellets. Mal- leable. Color lead-gray. H = 1.5; = 11.37. Heated on charcoal, it gives a yellow coating, which remains unchanged in color with the potassium iodide and sulphur flux. Metallic lead is an exceedingly rare mineral and its reported occur- rence as a true mineral is sometimes doubtful. Small bits of lead which 22 STATE MINING BUREAU. are now and then found in the placer gravels may be portions of lead bullets, but the occurrence of the metal in deep placer mines is indicative of its origin as a natural reduction product. Butte County: Some pieces of metallic lead found in a placer at ]\Iagalia were believed by Hanks^^'^ to be flattened bullets. Small angular fragments of native lead have been found at a prospect 14 miles east of Chico, on the "West Fork of the Feather River, Rogers^^^. Kern County: Several pieces of metallic lead have been found in the dry washings at Goler. Placer County : Small pellets of native lead have been found in a placer mine in North Ravine, in the Edgewood district, adjoining the Ophir district. 13. TIN. Native tin, Sii. Rounded grains. Color tin-white. Metallic luster. H = 2: G=7.1S. Ilpatcd on oharcoal, it gives a slisht yellowish coating, which Ijecomes bluish-green when moistened with cobalt nitrate and intensely heated. Metallic tin is a rare mineral and there is some doubt regarding the origin of some of the small pieces found in the State. Humboldt County: Bits of metallic tin have been observed in the sluices at Orleans. Siskiyou County : Small pieces of tin have been found in the gravels at Sawyers Bar. Tuolumne County: Several pieces of native tin were found in the sluices of the AVhite Lead gravel claim, near Columbia. 14. ZINC. Native zinc, Zn. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Crystals very rare. Color grayish white. Metallic luster. H = 2 ; G = 6.9 — 7.2. Heated on charcoal, it gives a yellow coating while hot, whitish cold. Coating becomes yellowish-green when moistened with cobalt nitrate and intensely heated. A rare mineral, but of probable occurrence in the State. Shasta County: Specimens of metallic zinc were found some years ago about five miles from Round Mountain and their occurrence was reported by Fair))anks^2^ The specimens are somewhat columnar in appea.ranc(' and had some rock attached to them when found. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 23 15. PLATINUM. Native platinum, Pt. Isometric. Generally occurs in grains and small nuggets. Malleable and ductile. Color light steel-gray. Metallic luster. H = 4 — 4.5; G = 14 — 19. Platinum and tlio platinum group of minerals are soluble only in a(|ua rogla. To dftoct small amounts of these minerals in sands, first <-onc(>ntrate by panning until a suHioicnt number of the gray metallic grains are obtained. Dissolve in aqua rcgia and in the clear solution add a few drops of potassium chloride, which will precipitate orange- yellow potassium platinic chloride. Gray metallic grains and small nuggets of platinum were early observed in some of the gold-bearing black sands of the streams and beaches, and also in the concentrates from the gold washings. Little attempt was made to save this precious metal, and it is only recently that any record has been kept of the production. It is rather a constant associate of the gold in most of the districts, and its origin lies doubt- less in the serpentine rocks, in close association with the chromite. While it has a widespread occurrence in the State, it has not been definitely detected as a constituent of any of the rocks. Some platinum is recovered in electrolytic refining of blister copper from the Iron ^Fountain mine, Shasta County. Platinum has been identified in lead carbonate ore, associated with gold, silver, copper values, in the Piute mine, near Cima, San Bernardino County. Analyses of California platinum have been made by Deville and Debray(i) and by Genth^D. Pt Deville and Debray_85.50 Genth 90.24 j\Iost of the platinum is alloyed with iridium, osmium, palladium and other metals of the platinum group, and much of it would be classed as platiniridium. ]\Iany of the black sands have been investigated by Day and Richards^^^ Butte County : It is a constituent of the black sands of Feather River and some of its tributaries, and the largest production is from the dredging operations at Oroville. It is present in the concentrates of Butte Creek, Brush Creek, Magalia, Cherokee, and Buchanan Hill. Calaveras County : Observed in the concentrates at Douglas Flat and Mokelumne Hill. Del Norte County: In the black sands at Cresent City, and with gold, iridium and osmium in the sands of the Smith River Basin. Humboldt County: Early mentioned as one of the constituents of the gold-bearing beach sands at Gold Bluff. Found in the concentrates at Orleans, Trinidad. Wil.son Creek and China Flat. Inyo County : Said to have been found in the concentrates of the ^It. Hope mine, nenv Citrus. Ir Iridos Pd Rh Fe Cu Au SiO= l.Oo 1.10 0.60 1.00 6.75 1.40 0.80 2.95 2.42 0.68 some some 6.66 — — — 24 STATE MINING BUREAU. Kern County: Traces of the metal have been observed in the sands at Kane Springs. Mariposa County: Reported to have been found in Devil's Gulch near the junction of Devil Creek and south fork of the Merced River, about five miles from Jerseydale. The ore is said to carry mainly plati- num, gold and small amounts of eol)alt, nickel and tin. Mendocino County : In the beach sands near Little River. Platinum minerals occur in the superficial deposits in the valley near Hopland. Gold and osmiridiuin accompany the platinum. Nevada County : In the concentrates of the Rough and Ready district and in considerable amounts at Relief Hill. Placer County: In the black sands on the North Fork of American River, at Butcher, East Auburn. Blue Canyon and Michigan Blutf. The sands of the Deadwood district contain gold and platinum. Plumas County : In the concentrates at Genessee, La Porte and Rock Island Hill. San Luis Obispo County : Observed in some of the beach sands. Santa Barbara County : In the beach sands at Lompoc and north of Point Sal. Santa Cruz County : In some of the beach sands of the county. Shasta County: Found in the sands at Redding and on Cottonwood Creek. The black sands of Beegum Creek contain platinum, iridium and a little gold. Siskiyou County: Observed in the sands at Callahan, Castella, Hen- ley, Happy Camp, Sawyers Bar, Oak Bar, Fort Jones, Hornbrook, Cecilville, Klamath River, and Rock Ranch. Tehama County : In the sands near Beegum. Trinity County: Early observed as a constituent of the black sands of the Trinity River and its tributaries, and nuggets weighing several ounces have come from the county. Its presence has been shown in the sands at Douglas City, Burnt Ranch, Junction City, Big Bar, Hawkins Bar, and in the Hayfork district. Ventura County: It has been observed in minute quantities in some of the beach sands. Yuba County: Found in the concentrates at Indian Hill, Campton- ville, and in the Brownsville district. 16. IRIDIUM. Native iridium, Ir. Isometric. Generally in grains. Color silver-white. Metallic luster. H=6 — 7; G=22.6 — 22.8. Practically iii-suluble e\ou in aqua regia. Steel-gray grains of iridium have been detected with the platinum in some of the sands, but most of this metal is in alloy with platinum. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 25 17. PLATINIRIDIUM. Native alloy of platinum and iridium, Ptlr. Isometric. Generally in grains and nuggets. Color light steel-gray. Metallic luster. H = 6 — 7; G = 22.65 — 22.84. Much of the so-caUed platinum of the State is really this alloy, and several nuggets of a few ounces weight have been found along the Trinity River. 18. PALLADIUM. Native palladium, Pd. Isometric. Minute octahedrons. Generally in grains. Color light steel- gray. Malleable. H = 4.5 — 5; G = 11.3 — 11.8. An associate of the platinum but in small amount. It is usually alloyed with platinum or iridium. 19. IRIDOSMINE. Native alloy of iridium and osmium, IrOs. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Generally in grains. Cleavage perfect basal. Color light steel-gray. Metallic luster. H = 6 — 7; G= 19.3 — 21.12, This alloy is a frequent associate of the platinum .and an analysis of it by Deville and Debray<^> shows the presence of the rarer metals, rubidium and ruthenium. Ir Rd Ru Os 53.50 2.60 0.50 43.40 Siscrkitc is a variety witli not over 30 per cent iridium. According to Genth*^^^ the composition of some of the gray metallic grains is: Siserkite 49.4 per cent Platinum 48.4 Platiniridium 2.2 Palladium and rhodium some 20. OSMIUM, RHODIUM and RUTHENIUM. Rarer metals of the platinum group and generally found in alloy with the platinum or iridium. 21. IRON. Native iron, Fe. Isometric. Generally massive. Malleable. Color steel-gray to iron- black. Metallic luster. H=:4 — 5;G=:7.3 — 7.S. Strongly magnetic. Its strong magnetism and the fact that it is malleable distinguishes it from all other iron minerals, since these are brittle. Iron occurs native either as telluric iron or as meteoric iron. Tel- luric iron is sometimes found in basaltic rocks, but its occurrence in this 26 STATE MINING BUREAU. form is not known in the State. ]\Ieteorie iron has been found in at least four localities and analysed. Nickel is always present and some- limes cobalt, phosphorous, graphite or diamond. El Dorado County : A meteorite weighing 85 pounds was found at Shingle Springs in 1871 and was analysed by Shepard^^^ Analysis : Fe Ni Insol 88.02 8.88 3.50 = 100.40 per cent Kern County: A meteorite found in the San Emidio Mountains in 1888 weighed about 80 pounds. It Avas unfortunately crushed before its identity was recognized and only fragments were saved. Merrill^i) described the material and it was analysed b}' "Whitfield^^^ It was erroneousl}^ called the San Bernardino meteorite. Analysis : Fe Ni Co. 88.25 11.27 0.48 = 100 per cent San Bernardino County: An irregular-shaped mass of meteoric iron was found in the Ivanpah district in 1880 which weighed about 117 pounds. Analysed by Shepard^^^ and by G. Gehring. Analyses : Shepard SpG 7.65 Fe 94.98 Ni 4.52 Co P 0.07 C 0.10 S SiO: Graphite -._ =99.67 Gehring 8.076 94.86 4.47 0.26 tr. 0.12 tr. 0.04 0.07 =99.82 This meteorite is now in the Museum of the California State Mining Bureau. Trinity County : A small oval-shaped mass weighing 19 pounds was found at Canyon City about 1875. Tlie surface was oxidized to limouite. Analysis of the purer portion was made by Shepard^'*^ Analysis : Fe Ni Co P 88.81 7.28 0.17 0.12 =96.38 per cent 22. AWARUITE. Native alloy of nickel and iron, NijFe. Isometric. Grains and nuggets. Tin-white to steel-gray color. Mag- netic. H = 5;G = S.l. Del Norte County: Small grains- of this alloy averaging 0.15 to 1.5 mm. in diameter were found in the residues from the gold washings of Smith River, associated with magnetite and chromite. Analysed by Jamieson^^^ Va rn rii P s G = 7.S5 Ni Fe Co Cu P S 76.69 21.37 1.20 0.04 0.04 0.06 MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 27 CHAPTEU II. SULPHIDES. Scini-nivloh. IJralgiir OrpimiMit Stibnite r.ismuthinite .Molybdenite Metals. Argentite Galenite Chalcocite Stnuiicyorite Splialerite Alaltandite Metacinnabaiite Cinnabar Greenoekite Covellite Millorite 'I'roilitc I'vrrhotite I'olydyniite I'.ornite Ciihanite Chalcopyrite .Maicasile I'yrite Oxlsulphidat. Kormesite A'oltzite SEMI-METALS. 23. REALGAR— Red Arsenic. Sulphide of arsenic, AsS. Monoclinic. Crystals common ; also granular massive and incrusta- tions. Color bright red to orange-yellow. Streak orange-yellow. Resin- ous luster. 11 = 1.5 — 2; G = 3.55. Uofraetivo indices: a:=--^0; ^=2.50; y = 2.Gl. IlcatPd on chaivoaj. it gives volatile white fumes of arsenic oxide having garlic odor. Its red cdIoi- iuid arsi'iiic fumes distin-uisli it from other minerals. Realgar is occasionally found with arsenical ores of silver, lead and copper, but it lias been rarely seen in the State. Al])ine County: Spocimins of deep red realgar coaliiiL; p.\ rite oc- curred in the IMonitor mine, associated with minute white octahedrons of arsenolite. Lake County : S(mie realjLrar with orpimcnt is said to occur on Ihc Eel Ivivcr. about fifteen miles noi"thwi\st of Bartlett Springs. San Bernardino County : Reported as occurring about forty miles from Needles, the locality being uuknowui. Sonoma County : Five miles west of Geyserville. Trinity County : A specimen was found in calcite in the northwestern part of the county. 24. ORPIMENT. Sulphide of arsenic, AsjSj. Monoclinic. Usually in foliated masses. Perfect clinopinacoidal cleavage. Sectile. H=: 1.5-2: G — 0.4-.S.5. Color lemon-yellow. Pale ytdlow streak. I'early luster. Uofractive indices: oc =2-4 ; « = 2.72; ,, = 2.72. Like realgar in the reactions. Readily distinguished from realgar by color. The two are usually associated and realgar alters into orj^iment. 28 STATE MINING BUREAU. Lake County : Some orpiment with realgar is said to have been found on Eel River, about fifteen miles northwest of Bartlett Springs. Trinity County: Some yellow orpiment occurs iu the decomposition of the iron sulphides at Island Mountain. 25. STIBNITE— Antimonite Sulphide of antimony, SboSj. Orthorhombic. Long prismatic crystals, often bent and curved and with faces striated and furrowed. Cleavage perfect brachypinacoidal. Color lead-gray. Streak dark gray. Metallic luster. H = 2; G=4.52 — 4.62. Refractive indices: ex =3.194; ^ = 4.046; y=:4.303. Melts in a candle flame. Heated on charcoal, it gives dense white coat- ing and the odor of sulphur. Stibnite is the common ore of antimony, and good deposits of the mineral exist in the State. It occurs generally as veins in granitic and metamorphic gneisses and schists. In gold and copper districts it is a common associate of the prevalent .sulphides galena, sphalerite, chalco- pyrite, pyrite and tetrahedrite, consequently may usually be found in those districts in small amounts. It is characteristically associated with cinnabar. Calaveras County : Observed with gold at Mokelumne Hill and in the Mother Lode region. Inyo County: In the Cerro Gordo district considerable stibnite was found with the silver-lead ores, and some limonite specimens recently obtained from there are evident pseudomorphs after long prismatic stibnite crystals. Large bodies of the mineral are said to occur on the western slope of the Panamint IMountains, near Wild Rose Springs, associated with the oxide of antimony. Large outcrop on east slope of Argus ^Mountains, between Revenue and Shepherd canyons ; near Owens Lake. Kern County: The deposits in the San Emidio ]\Iountains at the head of the San Emidio Canyon have long been knoAvn and were the first worked in the State. Veins of the mineral also are plentiful in the mountains in the northeastern part of the county. On Erskine Creek considerable native antimony has been found in association with the -stibnite. Stibnite also occurs in the Caliente district. Good crystal- line specimens occur at Piute ; in the Tom IMoore mine, Clear Creek dis- trict ; near Tehaehapi ; near Kernville ; at Hot Springs ; near Havilah ; in the Cedar Creek Mining district. Occurs also at the Sierra Sue mine near GlennviUe. Lake County: Some stibnite has been found with the cinnabar at Sulphur Bank, on Clear Lake. Los Angeles County: Specimens have been found in the mountains south of Lancaster. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 29 Mariposa County: Stibnite forms one of the sulphide minerals in the gold districts of the county. Merced County : Fine specimens of prismatic stibnite have come from the McLeoud mining district. Mono County : Very common in the Blind Springs district, associated with the silver-lead ores, and goood specimens have come from the Comanche, Comet and Diana mines. Monterey County: The mineral occurs about nine miles from San Lucas. Napa County : Fibrous bands of stibnite occurred with the cinnabar at the Manhattan and the Boston or old Kedington mines, at Knoxville. Nevada County : Occurs with galena in quartz at the lied Ledge mine; also in the Mohawk Antimony mine near Nevada City. Placer County : With gold-bearing quartz in the St. Laurence Mine, Ophir ]\Iining district. Riverside County : Bunches of stibnite were found at the Crowell mine, five miles southeast of South Riverside. Fine-grained stibnite was found near Corona. San Benito County :• There are numerous veins of stibnite in the county, especially in the northeastern part, in close association with the cinnabar deposits. Fine crystallized specimens have come from the Rip Van Winkel, Alta, Gleason and Shriver claims in the Antimony Mountains, northeast of Hollister, and some of the crystals have the forms: (010), (130), (110), (310), (210), (430), (113), (4.5.12), (102), Eakle^'*. Long divergent prisms of stibnite have come from the Blue Wing vein of Stay ton mine. San Bernardino County: In a boulder at the Centennial mine. A small vein of stibnite associated with wolframite was found in the Clark Mountains ; occurred with the scheelite at Atolia. San Diego County: Occui-s on Laguna Mountains; also four miles west of Jacumba. San Luis Obispo County : Occurs near head of San Simeon Creek ; radiating prisms in quartz occur near Cambria; beautiful crystalline stibnite with pyrite in ([uartz occurs on the south fork of San Simeon Creek, near summit of Santa Lucia range. Santa Clara County: Large divergent columnar masses have come from near Gilroy. Stibnite is also an associate of the cinnabar at the New Almaden cinnabar mines. Sierra County : Occurs as one of the sulphides with the gold ores at Downieville. Sonoma County: Occurs in small amounts on San Antone Creek near Marin County line. 30 STATE MINING BUREAU. 'I'l-iuily County: Found ncvir AVcnvcfvillf with (|n;ii1/. and pyritc. Ila.s bet'ii round near Ilayi'ork. Tulare County: Found in the j\Iineral King district as an associate of argentiferous galena. In (juartz with pyrite on Dennison Mountains; in a quartz vein cutting slate at tlic Lady Alice mine, one-quarter mile south of Mineral King. 26. BISMUTHINITE. Sulphide of l)isimUh, JJi^Sa. Oillioilioiubic. Usually Jibrous niiissivc. Color lead-sray. Melallie luster. H = 2; = 0.4 — 0.5. Heated on charconl. ii sives yellow eoatini;- and suliihur odor. ('oatln.!>- assumes a liriuhl red lionler when fused witli iiotasshuu iodidi' and suli)hur. The presence of bisuuith lias fre(|uently been detected in the con- centrates from several of the gold and copper districts, but the form in which it occurs has not in general been determined. Bismuthinite as a distinct mineral has only been noticed in a few localities. Fresno County: Some small pieces were found in Lot 1 mine and in the second Sierra mine, King.s River district. Found about twenty miles north of Trimmer on Kings River. Specimens have been found in the northeastern ])ai't of the county. Inyo County : Said to occur in some of the mines in the Kearsarge Mountains, near Independence. Madera County : A constituent of the ores at Minarett Mountains, Turner^ ''\ Mono County: Found at Oasis with l)isiuutite. Riverside County : Found at the Lost Horse mine. San Bernardiiio County: Was found witli bismutitc in the I'nitcd Tungsten Copper uu'ue, ^lorongo district. 27. MOLYBDENITE. Sulphide of molybdenum, MoSn. Hexagonal. Usually in scales and foliated masses. Cleavage perfect basal. Color light bluish lead-gray. Streak lead-gray, sometimes with greenish cast. H = l. — 3.5; G = 4.7. Soluble in nitric acid and fusible, ;;i\ing sulphur odor. This readily dis- tinguishes it from graiiliile. \\iii
  • and at Knights Creek near Big Trees, Turner *■*'. Occurs in quartz in the Kinsley mining district and with molybdite, seven miles from El Portal. Mono County: Found with molybdite at Cameron near Bridgeport; in quartz at the Minnie mine, Sweetwater Range; at Silverado Creek with molybdite, Whiting<^'. Found Avith molybdite one mile north of Star City. Occurs in granite about six miles west of Sweetwater, Nevada. Also found in a quartz ledge ten miles south of Fales Hot Springs. Monterey County: Occurs m (|nartz on the Westcott ranch, eight miles east of Soledad. Napa County : In quartz on Mt. St. Helena. Nevada County: Abundant at Nevada City mixed Avith limonite, Genth(2) . g^Q^j plates in the Mayflower mine, Nevada City ; in the Excelsior mine. Meadow Lake district ; in the rocks of Signal Peak ; in a garnet-epidote rock near Lake Tahoe; broad plates in white quartz near Truckee. 32 STATE MINING BUREAU. Placer County : In a granodiorite with copper minerals at the Elder mine, about four miles west of Clipper Gap. Occurred in some of the mines of the Ophir district, Lindgren'^'. Occurs with pvrite in quartz near Cisco. Flakes of large size occur in a pegmatite near Rubicon River. Plumas County: Broad plates occur in the Meadow Valley mining district. Riverside County : Small flakes of molybdenite occur in thin peg- matite veins intersecting granite at a quarry about 4^ miles northeast of Corona. Occurs in a quartz vein in n quartz-liiotite gneiss about thirty-five miles east of Hemet. San Diego County: Found in granite at Campo, with malachite and chalcopyrite at Potrero and in the Grapevine mining district. The Ramona deposit at the Bour mine was concentrated and a small amount produced ; wdth molybdite twenty miles north of Encinitas. Shasta County: In granite on Hazel Creek and also on Tom Neal Mountain, near Delta. In aplite or alaskite on Boulder Creek near Gibson Avith molybdite coatings, where it has been concentrated by flotation and several tons produced. Siskiyou County : Occurs in the YelloAv Butte CopiM'i- mine, east of "Weed. Occurs also near Dunsmuir. Trinity County: With molybdite near Lcwiston, Sec. 31, T. 33 N., R. 8 W., M. D. ]\L Occurs in quarts with some pyrite near Helena. Tulare County: In plates at Three Rivers and in the Mineral King district, with molybdite. Fine large foliated plates of molybdenite occur in a granodiorite at the head of Kaweah River. Tuolumne County: In a quartz vein in granite on the south side of Knights Creek, northeast of Columbia; in a quartz vein Avith garnet, epidote, and sphalerite, about three miles west of Tower Peak, Turner^^^ Ventura County : Reported from Frazer ^Mountain and .McDonald Peak. Yuba County: Plates of molxbdcnitc with yellow inolybdite occur in granitic rock near Camptonville. METALS. 28. ARGENTITE— Silver Glance. Sulphide of silver, Ag-S. Isometric. Octahedral crystals, often distorted. Commonly in arbor- escent and reticulated shapes. Color dark lead-gray to black. Streak black. Metallic luster. Highly sectile. H = 2 — 2.5; G = 7.3. Heated ou charcoal, it givos a slight odor of sulphur and is readily reduced to a bead of metallic silver. Argentite is the primary silver mineral in many of the silver districts and is usually associated with other silver minerals such as cerargyrite, MINERALS OK CALIFORNIA. 33 stephanite, polybasite and pyrargyrito. and with argentiferous galena. Silver is found with the gold and copper of the State, but there are few distinct silver districts. Alpine County: One of the sulphides of the Silver Mountain dis- trict, and small octahedral crystals have come from the Advance mine. Inyo County : This is one of the few silver counties of the State and argentite has been (piite common in some of the mines, especially at Cerro Gordo. Massive and crystal specimens have been prominent in the Oi'iental mine, Deep Spring Valley. Occurs as an important silver mineral in the Minietta Belle mine. Kern County: Argentite crystals associated with native silver have been found in the Silver King mine, near Garlock. It occurs with tetrahedrite and pyrargyrite at the Amalie mine. Los Angeles County : Was one of the silver minerals of the Kelsey mine, near San Gabriel Canyon, associated with native silver, erythrite, smaltite, and annabergite. Also found at Silverado with argentiferous galena. Mariposa County : The Bryant silver mine contained argentite and ruby silver. Mono County : 'Found sparingly in the Bodie and Benton districts with gold, tetrahedrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. In the Sweetwater Range, north of Bridgeport, the mines contained argentite with gold, cerargyrite, tetrahedrite, native silver. Nevada County : Mentioned by Lindgren^^'^ as occurring in the Alli- son Ranch mine, near Nevada City. San Bernardino County : The silver districts of this county have produced some argentite, but in general the sulphide has not been prominent. The mines of the New York Mountains near Manvel show .some, and also the old Imperial and Tiptop mines. Lava Beds district has produced crystals. It occurred to some extent with the hornsilver in the Calico and Barstow mining districts. Found with galena, chalco- pyrite and pyrite in the Goldstone district. 29. GALENITE— Galena. Sulphide of lead, I'bS. Isometric. Cubes and cubooctahedrons common. Also massive, coarse and fine granular and sometimes lamellar and foliated. Cleavage perfect cubic. Color lead-gray. Streak dark gray. Metallic luster. H. — 2.5; G-7AS. Heated on charcoal, a deu.se lemon-yellow coating forms and a slight odor of sulphur can be detected. Is easily reduced to a bead of metallic lead. Galenite is a very common mineral and is usually prominent in all of the gold, silver and copper districts. It is found in large and small cubes and in granular and foliated masses. Much of it is argentiferous 3—22132 34 STATE MINING BUREAU. and forms the silver ore of the State. The characteristic associates are sphak^rite, pyrite, totraliedrito, chalcopyrite, barite, fliiorite and calcite. Its two common alteration products, cerussite and anglesite, very often accompany it. Alpine County: It occurs argentiferous in the Silver ]\Iountain dis- trict. Amador County: Very often found in the mines near Plymouth and along the Mother Lode. Butte County : Occurs with clialcopyrite and quartz in the Butte Creek mining district. Calaveras County: On Carson Hill, at Angels and in many of the mines of the ]\Iother Lode. It occurs with sphalerite at the Buckhorn mine, Oromiento mine, Wa^shington mine, Yaller Kid mine. Collier mine near ^Murphy, at West Point in the Star of the West mine and Gold Nugget mine ; at the Come t mine on ^Mokelumne River. El Dorado County : A sulphide constituent of many of the mines of the county. Common in cubes at Grizzly Flats. Some of the mines of the county from which it has been reported in the ores, mostly accom- panied by pyrite and sphalerite, are: Grand Victory mine, Diamond Springs, Flagstaff, Mount Pleasant, Humbug mines' of Grizzly Flat; Bonesett and Vandalia mines near Shingle Springs; Pilot Hill mines. Fresno County : At Luakala mine. Contact mine, Fresno Chief mina Jumper Claim near Spanish Peak. Imperial County : Small veins and pockets five miles east of Picacho ; large masses in Paymaster mine in the northern part of Barren Moun tain near Colorado River. Inyo County : Argentiferous galena has been the important silver ore of the county. At the old Modoc, San Felipe, Defiance, and other mines of the Cerro Gordo district it formed the chief silver ore. Common also in the Panamint Range and fine crystals have come from the Blue Wing mine. Fine-grained masses occur at the Hidalgo mine. At Blue Dick mine ; Kingston ^Mountain ; with cerussite in limestone at Chloride Cliif mine; in limestone with splialerite at Camp Burgess; with smith- sonite and cerussite in limestone at tlie Ophir mine. Slate Range; in the Deep Spring-; mining district ; at the ]\Iorning Star mine, Saratoga Springs; at the Custer mine in banded masses with chalcopyrite; the ^Montezuma mine with cerussite, ten miles southeast of Big Pine ; Mar- ble Canyon mine. Opal mine. Lucky Hike Prospect, Nancy Hanks mine, and Daisy mine, in the Wancobe mining district ; l^nion mine ; Santa Rosa mine ; in most of the mines of the Resting Springs district ; with anglesite and cerussite in the l^behebe mine ; in the Darwin mining district ; mined at the Monster mine on the east slope of Inyo jMountains. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 35 Kern County: Occurs in th(? mines near Garlock and in the Ainalie district at the Hri^ht Star mine, I'iute district associaird witli arsciio- ])yrite; witii sclieelite in the Amalie Jawbone Canyon. Los Anyeles County: The Kelscy mine near tlie San Cahriel Canyon contained some galena. A small deposit occurred on Santa Catalina Island which carried a little silver and some sphalerite and chalcopy- rite. Madera Count}' : Large cubes have come from the Star mine, Mount Raymond district; at the ({ambetta mine, (iiub (tuIcIi; in the Kings Creek and ^Minaret districts; in the Silver J'eak and De Soto mines, North Fork district; White Chief mine, ^linei-al T^^ing district. Mariposa County : Mines near Bagby and Coulterville show galena and it is a fre(|uent sulphide constituent of the gold-bearing veins. Occurs with light yellow sphalerite disseminated through aui-iferous quartz in the Trea^^ure mine, Quartzburg district; also in the ^loore Hill and Bondurant mines. , Mono County : This is one of the silver-lead counties and argen- tiferous galena forms important bodies of ore. It is very common in the l^odie, Ik^nton and Jjundy districts and at the claims on the Sweetwater Range. ]\[()nterey County : Small veins of argentiferous galena occurred in ihe old Alisal mine on VA Rnncho Alisal, aliout cighl miles southeast of Salinas. Nevada County : Found in the Meadow Lake and other mining districts of the county. Mentioned by Lindgren^^) as one of the minerals of the mines at Grass Valley and Nevada City. Orange County: Argentiferous galena occurs near Elsinore and in the Silverado district; a1 the Blue Light mine, Santiago Canyon. Placer County: In the ()i)hii' mining district at several of the mines; also in the mining districts: Last (.'hance, Weinar, Michigan Bluff, Butcher Ranch, Dutch Flat, Canada Hill, Deadwood, Rock Creek. Plumas County: Occurs in the Meadow Valley and Light's Canyon disti'irts. At the Plumas Eureka mine; in the Butte Bar mine; witii gold at (iranite Basin; on Feather Kiver a few miles above Quincy. Riverside County: Found in the Free Coinage mine, the Steele mine and Gold Galena mine. ^Massive pieces and cubes of galena are asso- ciated with the garnet, quartz, sphalerite, pyrite and chalcopyrite at Crestmore. Sacramento County: At Michigan I^ar with sphalerite and pyrite, Hanks(6). San Bernardino County : Argentiferous galena with lead carbonate was common in several of the silver districts of the county. Common in the Silver Mountain, Silver Reef, and to some extent in the Calico 36 STATE MINING BUREAU. and Barstow districts. Occurs with linarite. aiiglesite, cerussite and smithsonite in a doloniitie limestone at tlie Ibex mine. Black IMountairLs, six miles north of Saratoga Springs. San Diego County : Small Ixxiy in mica schi.st north of Valley Center. Shasta County : It is present although not in abundance at most of the copper mines. Common in veins in slate in Weaverville Quadrangle. Sierra County : In the Pride, Ironsides, Phoenix, Sierra Buttes, Wil- lowby, Alhambra. Bullion, Four Hills, Gold Canyon, Black Jack Alaska, Kanaka, Nixon and other mines. Siskiyou County : Occurs in deposits near Callahan, carrying some silver. Also at Seiad valley, Siskiyou mine; Hunter mine; near Yreka; altered to anglesite and cerussite at Happy Camp. Tehama County: On Cow Creek, Hanks^^^. Trinity County : Reported from Dobbyn Creek near Grizzly Creek. Tulare County : Prominent in the Mineral King district. Tuolumne County :• At the Soulsby mine, and to some extent with pyrite and sphalerite in the mines on Quartz Mountain and Whiskey Hill. Also at Black Oak mine, Mt. Dana mine, Santa Maria mine, Porto Fino mine, Piatt mine, Mary Ellen mine, Keltz mine. Rising Sun mine, (lolden Treasure mine, Juliana Bar mine, Star mine, Semi- noU^ mine. Providence mine, Carlotta mine. Gem mine. Sonnet mine, Experimental mine. Ventura Count}' : Occurs with pyrite in the Long Dave mine, near Stauffer. 30. CHALCOCITE — Copper Glance — Redruthite. Sulphide of copper, Cu^S. Orthorhombic. Crystals with deeply striated faces. Generally com- pact massive. Color dark lead-gray to black. Streak black. Metallic luster. H = 2.5 — 3; G = 5.70. Chalcocite is easily reduced to metallic copper on charcoal. Dissolved in nitric acid and adding ammonia produces a beautiful blue solution. Some reddish ferric hydrate is apt to be precipitated as an impurity. Massive specimens of the dark gray chalcocite are common in many of the copper claims of the State, but large bodies of this valuable copper mineral are rare. The mineral is formed in the lower levels through the secondary enrichment of the copper-iron sulphides by solutions charged with copper obtained from the upper zones of oxida- tion. Boruite and chalcopyrite are often intermixed with the chalco- cite, and malachite commonly coats the surfaces of specimens. Alpine County : Probablj^ the tirst copper claim in the State was the Uncle Billy Roger's claim in Hope Valley, in the northwestern comer of the county. The claim was described as a chimney-shaped deposit in a garnet rock which carried some chalcopyrite, p.^inte and chalcocite. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 37 Calaveras County : Small amounts of massive ehalcocite have been found in the copper deposits at Campo Seco and Copperopolis. Occurred also on Quail Hill, Silliman*'^'. Small amount in quartz at the Excelsior mine, Angels; also in the Telegraph mine, Hog Hill. Colusa County : ^Massive at the American mine. Del Norte County : ]\Ia.ssive ehalcocite occurred in the Copper Creek, Diamond Creek and Crescent 'City mines. El Dorado County: In the old Cosumnes copper mine near Fair- play it was associated with boruite and ehalcopyrite. With bornite and chalcopyrite in serpentine at the Boston mine, Latrobe. Humboldt County : Occurs in the Horse ^Mountain district. Large masses and disseminated particles in serpentine, in assocation with native copper, malachite and cuprite, occur at the Iron Mt. mine. Inyo County : There are numerous copper claims in this county and good specimens of the massive ehalcocite have come from the TJbehebe Mountains. Also occurs in the JMinnictta mine. Lookout Mining district. Kern County: Associated witli ('}iH]('0])yrite on Mesquitc Mountain, near Garlock. Lake County : Some found on tlie Langtry Ranch, seven miles south of Middletown. Lassen County : A fine specimen lias come from the Lummis mine. Los Angeles County : Occurred in the mines at La Soledad Pass. Madera County: Found in the old Buchanan mine. Mariposa County: Occurred in small amounts in some of the claims near Coulterville. In the Comet mine, Pocahontas mine and at Hornitos. Napa County : Associated with covellite and malachite in the Jumper mines. Nevada County: With cuprite and malachite at the Ore Grande mine, Cisco. Placer County : Said to have occurred in the Baker mine near Lincoln. With native copper and cuprite at Meadow Lake. Plumas County : Rich copper ore consisting of ehalcocite and bornite is found in the Gennessee Valley and Light's Canyon districts. Chal- cocite occurs at the Engels mine as a replacement of bornite. Riverside County : Observed at the Mt. King mine. A little chaco- cite is present with other sulphides in the limestone at Crestmore. San Benito County : Small grains of ehalcocite occur in the natro- lite with the benitoite of this county, Louderback*^^) San Bernardino County : Some of the copper claims in the mountains in the eastern part of the county contain rich masses of copper glance. Good specimens have come from the Silver Prize, Copper AVorld, Francis, Arabella, Florence and Hettie mines. Occurs with bornite at the Francis Copper mine, Kelso district, Providence Mountains. Found 38 STATE MINING BUREAU. in a quartz pori)hyry. seven miles south of Ludlow; with bornite, four miles east of Judson ; with tenorite, thirtj'-eight miles east of ]\Iojave. San Diego County : Found at Potrero in massive specimens. Shasta County : Some chalcocite has been found in most of the copper mines of the county, but the mineral is not prominent in any of them. Specimens have come from the Mountain Copper, Balaklala, Afterthought, Bully Hill and Copper City mines. Sierra County : Observed in the Four Hills mine. Siskiyou County : Found intermixed with molybdenite at the Yellow Hutte Copjier mine, De Laney ; in the Copper King mine; in the Bonanza mine near Honolulu. Trinity County : In the Copper Queen lode, Carrville district. Occurs with the pyrrhotite mass at Island ^Mountain. Tuolumne Count}^: Occurred in the "Whiskey Hill mines, Silliman^^^. 31. STROMEYERITE. Sulpliiue of silver and copper, (Ag, Cu):S. Orthorbombic. Generally compact massive. Color and streak dark steel-gray. Metallic luster. H = 2.5 — 3; G = 6.15 — 6.3. Dissolved in nitric acid, and a few drops of hydrochloric acid added to the solution produces a precipitate of white silver chloride. Ammonia added to solution dissolves this precipitate and the .solution turns deep blue. This mineral has only been found in silver districts where copper is also present. It is formed in the same way as chalcocite and may grade into it. Alpine County : Believed to be a part of the ore in the Monitor and Mogul districts, associated with galena, sphalerite, pyrite and enargite. Inyo County : The Silver Queen and other mines of the Panamint Mountains contained the mineral with tetrahedrite and cerargyrite. Found also in the Cerro Gordo and Wild Rose districts. Riverside County: Probably present in the Homestake copper mine in the Palen Mountains. San Bernardino County : It occurred as one of the numerous minerals of the Calico district and an analysis of it from the Silver King mine was made by Melville and Lindgren(i>. Ag Cu Fe S Res =: BaSO^+SiOs 53.96 28.58 0.26 15.51 1.55 = 99.86 per cent. Sp. = 6.28 Sierra County : A specimen of copper-silver sulphide stromeyerite came from the Original 16-1 mine, Alleghany. MINERALS OF CALTFORNIA. 39 32. SPHALERITE— Zincblende— Black Jack. Sulphide of zinc, ZuS. Isoiuetnc, tctrahodnil. Imperfect crystals, granular and massive. Cleav- age perfect dodecaiiodral. Color yellow, brown and black. Streak colorless to yellowish brown. Kesinous luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 4.0. l{»'fractivt' index: /(=1.'.47. A slight coating, yollowisli wiiih' 1h>1 and wliili.sh wlicn cold, is ublainetl liy intense heating. A few drops of cohall nitrate added to the assay and intensely heated sives a yellowish ;:r('rn color, which is characteristic of zinc uiinei'als. (jives slronj? hydrogen sulphide odor when dissolved in hydrochloric acid. Sphalerite is a very common sulphide and is very prevalent in most of the mining regions. It occurs from clear light brown to very dark brown, almost black masses. Its typical associate is galena, but it is also often intimately mixed with pyrite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, arsenopyrite and lead-silver minerals. In the smelting of zinc-bearing ores few of the smelters have endeavored to save the zinc. Alpine County : Occurred as one of the minerals in the Rogers claim, Hope Valley. Calaveras County : Common in the pyrite ore at Campo Seco and Coppernpolis. Common in the mines near ]\Iurphy with galena. In the \Va.shiii,trton mine, Indian Creek ; at West Point in the Gold Nugget, Star of the AVest and other claims, with galena in auriferous quartz. In the Grasshopper, Comet, Jones mines. El Dorado County: One of the sulphides in the mines at Grizzly Flats, Pilot Hill and other mines of the county. In the ]Mt. Pleasant, Eagle King, Sun Dog, Flagstaff. Madelena, Humphrey, Grand Victory mines associated witli galena. Fresno County: In the -Jumper Claim near Spanish Peak. In the Luakala mine with galena and quartz. Humboldt County : Found as float on Yager Creek. Inyo County: Common as an associate with galena in the Darwin, Cerro Gordo and Inyo ^Mountain mines. Occurs in small amounts with the garnet and scheelite near Bishop. Kern County : Very fine-grained masses in tlie Cinderella mine ; with pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite near Lebec Post Office; in the Urbana mine. Los Angeles County: With galena and chalcopyrite on Santa Cata- lina Island. IMadera County : With galena in the McMurray and Homestake mines, ]\It. Raymond ; in the Gambetta mine. Grub Gulch ; at the Fine Gold mine. Railroad Flat ; with galena and chalcopyrite at the Nellie and Abbey mines. Hildreth district ; in the El Capitan. Advance, De Soto, Alatilda and Commoner mines. North F'ork district. Occurs on 40 STATE MINING BUREAU. the North Fork Sail Joaquin River, and masses of sphalerite with streaks of ehalcopyrite occur in the Best Chance mine in the Minaret district. Mariposa County : Occurs in the mines along the Mother Lode. A light brown tribo-luuiiuescent variety mixed with white barite and gray tetrahedrite, the ore resembling a dark gray schist, was found at the Fitch mine and was described by Eakle^^^ and Eakle and Sharwood^^^. The sphalerite emits a peculiar train of light when scratched or rubbed. The material was first put on the market as a radium ore, and later has been ground and sold to the gullible public, under the name "Akoz, " as a curative for a great variety of ailments. Light yellow with galena at the Treasure mine, Quartzburg district ; dark sphalerite Avith ehalcopyrite on the Chowchilla River; in the Bondurant mine with galena and quartz. ]\Iono County : Occurs in the Homer, Lundy and Benton districts. Massive black with pyrite occurs at the Bunker Hill mine. Largo dis- trict; with galena in the White Mountains east of Benton. Nevada County : Occurs in many of the gold mines of this county. Prominent in the Meadow Lake district and in the mines of Grass Valley and Nevada City. Orange County : Occurs with galena in the Blue Light mine, San- tiago Canyon. Placer County : One of the associate minerals in the gold deposit at Ophir. With galena and pyrrhotite in the True Fissure Mine; in the St. Lawrence and Bullion mines. Plumas County : The mines of the Meadow Valley, Indian Valley and Light 's Canyon contain some sphalerite with the other sulphides. Small crystals occur in the fine-grained quartz at Cronsberg; with galena and gold-bearing quartz in Granite Basin and in the Plumas Eureka mine. Small amounts occur with the eop])er ores at Engels. Riverside County : Blaek sphalerite occurs in the vesuvianite-garnet masses at Crestmore, some of it coated with yellow greenockite. Sacramento C'ountj^: At Michigan Bar with galena. San Bernardino County : In this county zincblende is found to some extent with the silver-lead sulphides. Specimens have come from the Silver Reef, Calico, Grapevine and Lava Beds districts. Perfect tetra- hedral crystals were found in the Morongo district ; also common in the New York mountains. San Diego County : With pyrrhotite and pyrite near Fallbrook. Santa Clara County: Small amounts in quartz reported from the Dennis Martin ranch, four miles* west of Menlo Park. Shasta County : Masses of sphalerite occur in the Afterthought and Peck mines and to some extent in the Bully Hill, Copper City, Iron Mountain and other districts of the county. MINERALS OF CALIB'ORNIA. 41 Sierra County : With galena, chaleopyrite and arsenopyrite in the Allegliany district ; in the Sierra Buttes mine. Kanaka mine and in the Nixon Group. American Hill district. Siskiyou County : Connnon with galena and chaleopyrite at Calla- han. Occurs witli pyritc in gold 4. Vaporizes with invisible fumes and yields a slight sulphur odor, hut no coating which distinguishes it from roalirar. Completely disappears by heat- ing. Cinnabar was known in the State long prior to the discovery of gold, and the old mine at New Ahnaden had been in active operation for some time when Lyman^^) described a visit to it in 1848. The most important deposits lie in the Coast Ranges extending from Del Norte County to San Diego County, those in the Sierras being of minor value. The most important counties in the production of quicksilver have been Lake, Napa, Santa Clara and San Benito counties and many flasks of mercury have come from once famous mines which are now idle or exhausted. The deposits in general occur along the contact between serpentine and metamorphic sandstones and shales, and the mineral has been deposited from solfataric waters carrying the sulphide in solution. These solu- tions have impregnated the sandstones and brecciated masses of opal and chalcedony which have formed in the serpentine through much silicification, leaving seams and pockets of cinnabar. The impregna- tions have followed flows and intrusions of igneous rock in the immediate neighborhood. Beoker<^*, Forstner'^' and Bradley^^' have issued gen- eral reports on tlie quicksilver deposits of California. Alameda County : Streaks of cinnabar occur in a chalcedonic mass in the Cragmont district, North Berkeley. Calaveras County : A small amount of cinnabar witli quart/, has been found in the Blue Wing mine, north of ]\Iurpliy. Colusa County : Deposits occur on both sides of Sulphur Creek in sandstones and shales, associated with sulphur, bitumen and gold. The Manzanita, Elgin, Empire and Wide Awake mines were former pro- ducers. Till- Manzanita mine was noted for its occurrence of gold with the cinnabar. Contra Costa County : A deposit was found on the eastern slope of the north peak of Mt. Diablo in sei'pentine. Del Norte County : Cinnabar is found in the northern part of the county in the Diamond Creek district. El Dorado County : The Bernard or old Amador quicksilver mine has produced some of the mineral. The mine is located on Fanny Creek, two miles west of Nashville and about eight miles from Shingle Springs, in slates and quartzites. 44 STATE MINING BUREAU. Fresno County : Cinnabar claims exist in the Little Panoche district on the Gabilan Range and on Cantua Creek. The Mexican mine, about nine miles southeast of New Idria in sandstones, was an early producer. Glenn County : The mineral has been reported on the Nye Ranch, southwest of Fruto, and on the Turner Ranch, west of Elk Creek. Humboldt County : A small deposit occurs near Orleans Bar. Inyo County : Small amounts of cinnabar occurred at the Cerro Gordo mines. Also observed at the Chloride Cliff mine in the Funeral Mountains west of Rhyolite. Kern County: The Cuddeback cinnabar mine, three miles from Woodford, contains cinnabar in a porous porphyritic rhyolite. Some cinnabar has been observed about 2^ miles west of Cinco and twenty miles from Mojave. Kings County: Small deposits of the mineral exist on Table Moun- tain in the southern part of the county, and the Kings mine has native mercury associated with the cinnabar. The mineral occurs in serpen- tine, shale and metamorphosed sandstone. Lake County: The important and interesting deposit of cinnabar at Sulphur Bank on the shore of Clear Lake has been described at length by Becker^ 1) and by Le Conte and Rising(i>. Cinnabar is at present in process of formation in the porous disintegrated basalt which out- crops on the lake. They are characteristically long hexagonal prisms capped by the low rhombohedron (2023). Melville and Lindgren^^^ gave the forms (3034) and (0334). The Great Western, Baker, Helen, Wall Street and Mirabel mines, all situated a few miles from Middle- toMns, were famous producers. Quicksilver was once the leading min- eral output of the county, but at present little cinnabar is mined. Marin County : Streaks of cinnabar have been observed in the rock near Point Reyes', but no deposits are known. Mariposa County : Crystals of cinnabar are said to have occurred near Coulterville associated with gold, in a quartz ledge on the Merced River. Mendocino County: A small deposit at the Occident mine, seven miles southwest of Hopland. Merced County: Small deposits occur on the dividing line of San Benito County. Modoc County : A deposit occurs 3^ miles southeast of Willow Ranch station, close to the county road. It has also been reported twenty-five miles southeast of Cedarville. Mono County: Small amounts of cinnabar have been found about five miles northeast of Bodie. Cinnabar occurs with calcite and some native mercurv five miles northeast of Bodie. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 45 Monterey County: Some of the deposits on Table Mountain near Parkfit'ld are in this county. Tlic l*atri<|uin or ParktieM mine has been the chief producer. Napa County : This county has long ])een an important producer of mercury, the mine at Oat Hill being among the best known in active operation. The cinnabar is found impregnating unaltered sandstone. The abandoned old Redington or Boston mine at Knoxville is famous for the rare and new minerals found with the cinnabar. Much of the cinna- bar of this region impregnates shattered chalcedony masses in the ser- pentine, as at the Manhattan mine, and some impregnates the serpen- tine. Crj'stals from tlie Boston mine, according to IMelville and Lindgren*^\ have the forms (0445) and (lOTO). Deposits of the Pope Valley have also been important. Cinnabar was the leading mineral of the county, the Oat Hill mine l)eing the chief producer. Nevada County: Found in association with gold at Grass Valley, W. P. Blake*^', Lindgren**^'. Occurs scattered through quartzose and dolomite gangue on contact of serpentine and quartzite on Nickerson Ranch, in southern part of county. Orange County : A small deposit on San Joaquin Ranch. San Benito County : The mines in the New Idria district, in the southern part of the county, have been the most productive in the State. The cinnabar solutions have impregnated the sandstones and to some ex- tent the serpentines near the contact of the two and also as stockwerks in slate. The New Idria mine is the most important of the district. Smaller deposits of the mineral also occur near the center of the county and in the extreme northeastern part of the county. Melville and Lindgren^^) describe crystals from the New Idria mine with the forms: (0001), (0223), (01T2), (OlTl), (2023), (10T2), (lOTO), (6.4.T0.25), (, (, (, (, ( It occurred with stibnite at the French and Florence mines. San Bernardino County : Deposits exist nine miles northeast of Danby in a breccia. The mineral occurs as inclusions in bluish gray chalcedony in the southern end of Death Valley, fifteen miles northeast of Lead Pipe Spring.s and forty-five miles north of east from Johannes- l)urg, and colors the chalcedony with reddish blotches and streaks, forming the gem stone known as ' ' myrickite. ' ' It has also been found associated with wolframite in the Clark ^Mountains near Ivanpah. Some cinnabar was also found on City Creek, six miles from San Bernardino. San Francisco County: Small streaks of cinnabar occur on Twin Peaks. San Luis Obispo County : The productive mines occur in the Santa Lucia Range, and comprise several districts of which the Oceanic and Adelaide are the most important. The ore impregnates the Fran- 46 STATE MINING BUREAU. eiscan sandstones and shales and also chalcedonic masses in the ser- pentine. There are numerous other small deposits in outlying districts. San Mateo County : Some cinnabar oet'urred on the Corte de Madera Raneho near Searsville, west of I'alo Alto. Small .striiifrers of cinnabar occur in the serpentine just ea.st of San ^Niateo. Santa Barbara County: Some cinnabar occurs in the Santa Ynez Range and near the Acachuma Creek. The Acachuma, Los Prietos and Santa Rosa mines have produced some quicksilver. Santa Clara County: The New Ahnaden mine is the oldest quick- silver mine in the State. It has been a famous producer and is still being worked. The cinnabar of the district occurs impregnating in streaks the opal-like masses of silica formed by the alteration of the serpentine. Melville and Lindgren^^^ described crystals from the mine with forms: (0001), (01T2), (0228), (0221), (lOTO), (0.U.T1.5). The Guadalupe, Senator, and other mines of this locality, have also been important producers of the metal. Shasta Coimty : Some cinnabar is found about thirty miles northeast of Redding, and at the Clover Creek mine. Siskiyou County : Deposits occur near Oak Bar, Avhich have been worked slightly. Solano County: The old St. John mine, in a basin between Mount Lutfman and oMount St. John, about six miles northeast of Vallejo, was a good producer in the early days of cinnabar mining. The mineral was disseminated in metamorphic dikes. Sonoma County : Most of the mines Avhich were once productive occur in the Mayacmas district, along the ]\Iayacmas range. This region has been the scene of great volcanic activity and the cinnabar has followed these eruptions and impregnated the sandstones, serpentines and meta- morphosed sedimentaries Avhich lie on the tianks of the range. Cinna- bar in fine crj^stals occurs witli native mei-cury and metacinnabarite in the Culver-Baer mine. In the Great Eastern mine a black bitumen corresponding to grahamite occurred with the ore, Bradley'^'. Native mercury is quite prominent in the New Sonoma mine in the ]*ino Flat district, about sixteen miles northea.st of Healdsburg. Stanislaus County: The cinnabar deposits occur on Red Mountain on the border of Santa Clara County. Trinity County: The old Altoona and other claims in the northern part of the county, near Cinnabar and Carrville, were once productive. Tuolumne County: Small crystals and grains of cinnabar occur at ]\Iarsh's Flats and on the slope of the ridge east of Horseshoe Bend. Yolo County : The deposits of this county are in the continuation of the Knoxville district. Tlie Reed mine, originally called the California mine, was the most noted. ^ludi mctaciimabaritc was associated. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 47 36. GREENOCKITE. Sulpliiile of tadmiuiu, CdS. Hexagonal. Geuerally as Ihiu coatings. Color lemon-yellow. Resinous luster. H=3 — 3.5; G = 4.9 — 5.0. Refractive indices: £=2.5l2!>: t^ = l2.5(X). Mixed with sodium carbonate and heated on charcoal, a coating is ob- tained which is rcddish-lnown near the assay and yellow beyond. A very rare mineral found coating sphalerite occasionally. It is usually present in zinc siili)lii(le ores and the metallic cadmium output comes fi-(im zinc ores. Mono County : Thin coatings of yellow greenockite occur on magne- tite and sphalerite near Topaz. Riverside Comity : Thin coatings of yellow cadmium sulphide were found on sphalerite in the limestone quarry at Crestmore. Shasta County : Cadmium as greenockite occurs in the copper-zinc ores of this county and the jMammoth Copper Company recovers it in their electrolytic zinc plant. 37. COVELLITE— Blue Copper. Sulphide of copper, CuS. Hexagonal. Commonly massive. Cleavage basal. Color indigo-blue. Streak grayish black. Metallic luster. H = 1.5 — 2; 0=4.59 — 4.63. Refractive index: (^ = 1.45. Gives a stronger oder of sulphur than is obtained from chalcocite, other- wise the reactions are the same. Distinguished by color. Covellite is a much rarer form of copper sulphide than chalcocite and it has only been found as an occasional specimen. It is usually associ- ated with bornite, chalcocite or ehalcopyrite. Calaveras County : Specimens have been found at the Satellite mine near Campo Seco. El Dorado County: With clialcopyritc in the Rose Kimberley and Jionesett mines. Humboldt Coiiiit.x-: Some covellite has been found on Horse Moun- tain. Inyo County : Specimens have come from the Ubehebe Mountains. IVIadera County : Found at the old Pocahontas mine. Mariposa County: Small amounts have been found in the Copper Queen mine, near Mariposa. Napa County : Associated with chalcocite and malachite at the Juni- per mine. Plumas County: Occurs as a marginal replacement of bornite and ehalcopyrite at Engels. 48 STATE MINING BUREAU. Shasta County: Some covellite occurs in the Balaklala mine, and at the Bully Hill mine as an alteration of ehalcopyrite. Sierra County : At the Black Jack miue, Kanaka Creek. Siskiyou County : Oecur.s associated Avith bornite and ehalcopyrite at the Copper Kin"- mine, Blue Ledge mining district. 38. MILLERITE— Capillary Pyrites. Sulphide of nickel, NiS. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Usually in long slender needles and hair- like tufts. Cleavage perfect prismatic. Color brass-yellow. Streak greenish black. Metallic luster. H=:3 — 3.5; G = 5.65. Roasted on charcoal, it yields a slight od2.72. (!ivos a reaction similar to stibnite. This is a rare mineral formed by the oxidation of minerals containing antimony, especially stibnite. It is generally in cavities as long cherry- red needles. Kern County : Fine red needles of kermesite were found on stibnite at the Mojave antimony mine, about fifteen miles north of Mojave. 48. VOLTZITE. Oxisulphide of zinc, ZnjSiO. Globular and lamellar forms. Color rose-red to brown. Streak brownish red. Vitreous luster. H = 4 — 4.5; = 3.66 — 3.8. Refractive index: (,, = 2.03. Like sphalerite in its rL-actioiis. A very rare mineral which forms globular and platy reddish brown coatings from the oxidation of zinc sulphide. San Bernardino County : Specimens have come from some place in this county. 60 STATE MINING BUREAU. CHAPTER III. ARSENIDES, SELENIDES, TELLURIDES AND SULPHOSALTS. Arsenides. Cobaltite Arsenopyrite Niccolite Smaltite Lollingite Leucopyrite Selenides. Tiemannite Tellurides. Tetradymite Hessite Petzite Altaite Coloradoite Melonite Sylvanite Calaverite Nagyagite Svlphantimonites. Berthierite Jamesonite Bournonite Miargyrite Pyrargyrite Tetrahedrite Geocronite Stephanite Polybasite Sulpharsenites. Dufrenoysite Proustite Enargite ARSENIDES. 49. COBALTITE. Sulpharsenide of cobalt, CoAsS. Isometric. Commonly in cubes and pyritohedrons ; also massive. Cleav- age perfect cubic. Color reddish white. Streak grayish black. Metallic luster. H=:5.5; G = 6 — 6.3. On charcoal it gives sulphur odor and white coating of arsenic oxide when roasted. The residue becomes magnetic. Borax bead of the roasted material is cobalt blue. Ammonia colors a nitric acid solution pink. Cobalt and nickel compounds are very rare in the State, and only an occasional specimen is found. Mariposa County : Good crystals were found in the Copper Chieftain mine. Mono County: Occurred with gold in the Tioga mine, Turner^^). Nevada County : Small seams of cobaltite with chalcopyrite occur in a schist on Rattlesnake Creek, south of Signal Peak. Placer County: Found with arsenopyrite in the Metallic mine, near Cisco, and with chalcopyrite about four miles northeast of Alta. 50. ARSENOPYRITE— Mispickel— Arsenical Pyrites. Sulpharsenide of iron, FeAsS. Orthorhombic. Common in crystals. Generally compact to granular massive. Color silver white to steel gray. Streak grayish black. Metallic luster. H=:5.5— 6; G = 5.9— 6.2. Copious white volatile fumi?s of arsenic oxide and a strong garlic odor are obtained when roasted on charcoal. Residue becomes magnetic. Borax bead is yellow to pale green. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 61 Arsenopyrite is a very corainon vein mineral and is sometimes highly auriferous. The concentrates from most of the mining regions of the State generally contain more or less of it and in some districts arseno- pyrite is the chief gold-bearing ore. ]\Iost of the arsenic of commerce is obtained from this mineral generally as a by-product in the smelting for gold and silver. Danaite is a variety containing from four to ten per cent of cobalt. Amador County : In the New Hope mine, in Quartz Mountain mines, and in the mines between Jackson and Mokelumne Hill; arsenopyrite occurs. Calaveras County: Near Angels and in the mines along the IMother Lode considerable arsenopyrite has been found high in gold content. Occurs with pyrite in quartz veins cutting amphibole schist, at the Chaparral Hill mine. Del Norte County : At Monkey Creek. El Dorado County : Occurred in the Florence mine near Placerville, and also near Georgetown. Auriferous at the Frog Pond mine, one- half mile north of Garden Valley; at the Barnes Eureka mine near Shingle Springs; in the Mt. Pleasant district. Fresno County: Quite large amounts with pyrite and chalcopyrite in auriferous quartz in the N. W. j Sec. 16, T. 13 S., Pt. 27 E. Imperial County : Found in the mines of the Cargo Muchacho district. Kern County: The Sumner, Confidence, Relief and other old mines near Kernville and Havilah contained auriferous arsenopyrite. Occurred with the gold quartz at the Yellow Aster mine, Randsburg. Good crystallized specimens found at the Long Tom mine ; with quartz in the Amalie district; with galena and pyrite in quartz at the Bright Star mine, Piute district. Madera County : On Iron Mountain in small amounts. Mariposa County : In mines near Coulterville ; danaite with erythrite was found in the Josephine mine, Bear Valley, Turner'**. With calcite and quartz in the Smith mine. Bear Valley; with magnetite in the Cave mining district; with chalcopyrite and pyrite at Hornitos. Mono County : Common in the Lundy district carrying gold. ]\Ionterey County : In auriferous quartz at the Oregon mine, Sec. 2, T. 24 S., R. 5 W. Nevada County: Found in the Betsy mine, Grass Valley and in the Meadow Lake district. Danaite was found in the Meadow Lake district, W. P. Blake^^"'. A two-foot ledge was found- at the Porcupine mine, Cisco. Fine crystals in schist on Poormon Creek ; crystals on quartz at the Delhi mine, Columbia Hill. Placer County : One of the minerals in the mines of the Ophir district, Lindgren<<^'. Observed in the Canada Hill and Dutch Flat districts. 62 STATE MINING BUREAU. Arsenopyrite containing nickel and cobalt has been found three miles from (Hsco. Plumas County: Large bunclies in Pilot Hill gold mine, six miles northwest of Gibsonville. Some lias been found in Genessee Valley. Riverside County: Small crystals about two inillinieters long occur in the limestone quarry at Crestmore. San Bernardino County: Occurs on Baldy ^Mountain. San Diego County : Occurs in the Julian district. Sierra County : The chief gold-bearing mineral at Alleghany and containing a high percentage of gold. In the Golden King mine on Kanaka Creek it is said to have occurred with gold telluride. Common in the mines of the Forest Hill district, the Oriental Osceola Lode, Uncle Sam, Rainbow, Bonanza. Mannnotli Springs, Ijost Treasure, Kate Hardy, El Dorado mines; in tlie Eagle and Docile mines. Kanaka Creek; at the Mexican Elcy and High Commission mines, Downieville district; at Gold Canyon, three miles from Moore's Flat; at the Kenton, Ironsides and Four Hills mines with chakopyrite and galena. Tehama County : Occurs with quartz and pyrite at Sarkenita. Trinity County: Gold-bearing ar.-«enopyrite occurs in the Craig mine, two miles east of Dedrick; on Lowden's Ranch and Burnt Ranch with gold ; near Weaverville. Tulare County : Found in the Mineral King district. Tuolumne County : Crystals of arsenopyrite having crystallized gold deposited on them occur at the Alameda mine, Rawhide mining dis- trict. 51. NICCOLITE. Arsenido of nickol, NiA.s. Hexagonal. U.sually massive. Brittle. Color pale copper- rod. Luster metallic; streak brownish l)lar-k. 11 = 5 — 5.5; = 7.33 — 7.67. Fuses on charcoal to a globule giving- off fumes of arsenic. Koasted mineral fused in borax bead gives a brown bead in oxidizing flame and a gray, cloudy Ix'ad in reducing flame. T'sually contains some cobalt. Niccolite is often associated with smaltite and both cobalt and nickel i-eactions ai'e generally obtained. A very rare mineral in the State. San Diego County: The only nickel mineral named as possibly pres- ent in the pyrrhotite of the Friday mine, Julian district, is polydymite, but the ore carries eonsiderable arsenic and cobalt, so there is a strong probabilit\- that niccolit(> and smaltite are both ]U'esent. MINERALS OF CALTFORNIA. 63 52. SMALTITE— Cobalt Glance. Arsenide of cobalt, CoAso. Isometric. Geuerallj' massive. Color tin white. Streak grayish black. Metallic luster. H = 5.5 — 6; G = 6.4 — 6.6. (iives a white coating of arsouic trioxidc on charcoal. A cobalt blue bead of borax is obtained, using the roasted mineral. The roasted mineral be- comes magnetic. Smaltite usually contains some nickel and it is the more common form of cobalt compound. A few small veins and seams of the mineral have been found in the State but no important deposits. Lassen County : Specimens of gray smaltite with erythrite and anna- bergite as alteration products have come from some locality in this county. . Lo.s Angeles County : At the old Kelsey and 0. K. mines near San Gabriel Canyon smaltite coated with erythrite occurred with the native silver and argentite. Napa County : The mineral has been found in thin seams with eryth- rite in the serpentine rock of the Beryessa Valley. Nevada County : Occurs in the ]\[eadow Lake district. San Diego County: Specimens have been received from a locality nrai- the ^Mexican line. 53. LOLLINGITE. Arsenide of iron, FeAs,. Orthorhombic. Small crystals or granular. Color silver white to light steel-gray. Streak grayish black. Metallic luster. H = 5 — 5.5; G = 7 — 7.2. Similar to arsenopyrite in its reactions except that it gives no sulphur deposit in a closed tube. This mineral is rare as most of the arsenical iron is arsenopyrite. Leucopyrite is a variety with a different proportion of arsenic and iron, FcgAs^. Amador County: Small crystals of lollingite were found in the black slate at the Maj^ower mine, Amador City. Los Angeles County : Specimens of leucopyrite have come from this county, Hanks^^). SELENIDES. 54. TIEMANNITE. Selenide of mercury, HgSe. Isometric, tetrahedral. Generally massive. Color dark lead-gray. Streak black. H = 2.5; G = 8.30 — 8.47. Gives the peculiar odor- of selenium when heated on charcoal. Reduces easily to metallic globules of mercury. The selenide is not a common form of mercury but some large masses of it have been found in the cinnabar districts. 64 STATE MINING BUREAU. Lake County: According to W. P. Blake^^^ the mineral occurred in large masses in the vicinity of Clear Lake. Masses of it occurred in the Abbott mine associated with cinnabar and petroleum. Orange County: Found with cinnabar and metacinnabarite at the San Joaquin Ranch mine. Santa Clara County: Found witli cinnabar at the old Guadalupe mine near New Alraaden. TELLURIDES. 55. TETRADYMITE. Telluride of bismuth, BuTe^. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Commonly granular. Color steel-gray. H = 1.5 — 2; = 7.2 — 7.6. Cleavage perfect basal. Metallic luster. Yields a yellow coating ou charcoal which becomes bright red on its outer border when fuse. Tc Au Agr 59.6 25.5 13.9 Trinity County: It has been found with gold in the Yellow Jacket mine, and with nagyagite at the Dorleska mine. Coffee Creek district. Tuolumne County : Occurs in tlie Sugarman and Nigger mine, two miles north of Sonora. Yuma County : Occurs with the gold in the Red Raven mine, Dobbins district. 68 STATE MINING BUREAU. ^ 62. CALAVERITE. Telluride of gold and silver, (Au, Ag)Te.^. Monoclinic. Crystals with striated faces ; also massive. Color pale bronze-yellow to yellowish silver-gray. Streak yellowish gray. Metallic luster. H=2.5; 0=9.04. Similar to sylvauite in its roactious. Calaverite and sylvanite give deep violet solutions when boiled with concentrated sulphuric acid. A chemical investigation of the various telkiride minerals from the mines on Carson Hill by Genth^^^ proved the existence of a new tel- luride of gold and silver which he named after the county, and there- fore should have been called calaverasife. Since that original discovery, the mineral ha.s been found in very valuable deposits at Crip})le Creek, Colorado, and in Australia. < (Jalavcras County: Discovered at the old Stanislaus mine and later in the Melones mine, the latter mine l)eing the only one of this famous group of mines on Carson Hill still in active operation. An analysis of the mineral from the Stanislaus mine was made by Genth^'*^ Au Ag Te 40.70 3.52 55.89 =100.11 per cent 40.92 3.08 (56.00) El Dorado County: Found with petzite in the Darling mine near Rock Creek, about three miles northeast of American Flat. Siskiyou County: Reported from the northern part of the county near State line, associated with free gold and petzite. 63. NAGYAGITE. Sulpho-telluride of gold, lead and antimony, AuoPbuSbaTeiS,:- Orthorhombic. Generally foliated and granular. Perfect cleavage into thin flexible laminae. Dark lead-gray color and streak. Metallic luster. H = 1 — 1.5; 0=6.85 — 7.2. Gives the yellow and white coatings of lead, antimony and tolhuium oxides, when roasted on charcoal, with a slight odor of sulphur. The presence of tellurium can best b(< tost.'tiuriing till' violet color. This is a very rare telluride aud lias oidy been observed at one locality in California. Trinity County: Observed with hessite at the Dorleska mine, Coffee Creek district. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 69 SULPHANTIMONITES. 64. BERTHIERITE. Snlphautimouite of iron, FeSb-Si- Long prismatic. Usually fibrous massive. Color dark steel-gray. Streak grayish black. Metallic luster. H=r2 — 3; G=4 — 4.3. A slighr coatiiijj of white n\'u\o of antimony and a slight odor of sulphur can ln' ohtaiiu'd by rojisting on <-liarfoal. Tlio roasted mineral becomes magnetic. This is a rare iron coinpound and its existence in the State has not been definitely established. Tuolumne County: Heavy ledges of dark ore occur in an area of schists on the southeast slope of Mount Gibbs, which appear to be an impure berthierite mixed with galena, pyrite and quartz, Turner^''). 65. JAMESON ITE— Feather Ore. Sulphantimonite of lead, PbjSbjSs. Orthorhombic. Generally fibrous massive. Cleavage perfect basal. Color lead-gray. Streak grayish black. Metallic luster. H = 2 — 3; G = 5.5 — 6.0. The yellow and white coating on charcoal of lead and antimony oxides and odor of sulphur are obtainwl by heating. Dissolved in nitric acid, the lead goes into solution, while th:^ antimony is pi-ecipitated as an oxide. Jamesonite is one of the common lead sulpho-salts and is often present in silver-lead districts, sometimes in large masses. Calaveras County: Found at Mokelumne Hill, Hanks(^>. Inyo County : Compact massive specimens have come from the Cerro Gordo mine, associated with argentiferous galena. Napa County: The delicate capillary or hair-like variety was found with cinnabar at the IVIanhattan mine, near Knoxville. 66. BOURNONITE. Sulphantimonite of lead and copper (Pb,Cu2)3SboSa. Orthorhombic. Short prismatic and tabular crystals and massive. Color and streak lead-gray. Metallic luster. H=2.5 — 3; G = 5.7 — 5.9. Fuses easily and on charcoal gives a white coating, at first of antimony oxide, followed by a yellow coating of lead oxide nearer the assay. Dis- solved in nitric acid and ammonia added, the solution tunis blue ; soluble in hj'drochloric acid with odor of hydrogen sulphide. Bournonite is occasionally found in silver-lead districts where copper is also a constituent of the veins. It occurs in good crystals as well as massive. Inyo County: The only known occurrence of the mineral is at Cerro Gordo, where it is found massive, Reid^*\ 70 STATE .>riM\G BUREAU. 67. MIARGYRITE. Snlpliantiinoiiito of silver, AgSbS:.. Moiiocliiiic. Crystjils mihI gnniiiUir massive. Color black to sted-.uray. .Alftallic luster. Streak eliorry-red. H=2 — 2.."i : = 5.30. Fuses easily on charcdal with the emission of sulphur fumes and gives a white continir of antimony oxide. Continued o.xidation with the blowpipe l)roduces a silver button. Soluble in nitrie a1.'.7"J. (iivcs a sliglit white coalinj; on (luircoal and a faint odor of sulpluir. Til? roasted mineral gives the ])lup bead of copper with borax. Soluble in nitric acid and the antimony ])rerii)itates as trioxide. Ammonia added will -ive the characteristic lilne solution of copper, and precipitates any iron present. The Steel-gray metallic tetrahedrite is quite common in many of the gold and copper mines of the State. It is, however, seldom prominent hut occurs in small amounts mixed with galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and other common sulphides. Freibergite is the argentiferous variety and is perhaps the most com- mon form of the mineral in California. Tennantite is a sulpharsenite of copper and while really a distinct mineral, it may he considered as a form of tetrahedrite with its anti- mony replaced hy arsenic. The two minerals are seldom ditferentiated. Alpine County: Considerable tetrahedrite has been found in the Silver Mountain district. Calaveras County : Small amounts of the mineral were found in the mines on Carson Hill. Present in the ore at the Jones mine, Carson Creek. Del Norte County: Found at Crookeshine. Imperial County: Occurred in llio Blue Jacket and other mines of the Picacho district. Inyo County: Tetrahedrite was an important mineral in the Cerro Gordo district containing a large percentage of silver. Occurred also in some of the White Mountain mines, in the mines of the Button Eange and in the old San Carlos mine. Los Angeles Countj^: Found in the Zapate mine in the San Gabriel Canyon. Mariposa County : A common mineral in the gold mines of the county, associated with quartz, pyrite, galenite and sphalerite. The silver-rich variety freibergite was found in large mas'>'es in white quartz, at the Live Oak mine, near Mariposa, PIanks^^\ The mineral also occurred in the Pine Tree mine near Coulterville. In the Louisa and Bunker Hill mines. Mendocino County: In. the Redwood Copper Queen mine with chalcopyrite, gold and silver. Mono County: An important silver ore in several districts. In the Diana. Comet, Comanche and other mines of the Blind Spring Hill 72 STATE MINING BUREAU. district, it occurred massive associated with partzite. Also found in the Bodie district. Nevada County: A heavy mass was found in the Osborn Hill vein, associated with zincblende and chalcopyrite. In small quantities at the North Banner and at other mines of the Banner Hill and Willow Valley districts, Lind^ren""". Tt is pi-cscnt in tlie oi'o in the Badiivr Hill mining district. Placer County: Dark .slcel-gray tetrahedrite associated with other sulphide minei*als and with electruin was quite common in the Ophir district, having been noticed in the Boulder, Gold Blossom, Pine Tree and Golden Stag mines, Lindgreii'^'. Observed at Michigan Bluff. Plumas County: Found at the Irby Holt mine in Indian Valley. Argentiferous tetrahedrite was found at the Trask and Coffer mine. Observed in small amounts in the ore at Bngels. Riverside County : A small amount of gray copper ore was found in association with chalcopyrite, pyrite and galena, at Crestmore. San Bernardino County : It has been found massive in the New York and other mines in the New York Mountains. Shasta County: Gray copper is of rather common occurrence in the copper mines of the county although in small amounts. It has been found in a barite gangue in the Bully Hill mine. Tuolumne County : Occurred as one of th€ mirerals on "Whiskey Hill, Silliman^5\ Found massive in the Golden Role vnine, near Jamestown. 70. GEOCRONITE. Sulphantimonite of lead, PbsSb^cj,, Ortliorhombic. Generally massive, granular or earthy. Col»r bluish lead-gray. Streak lead-gray. Metallic luster. H = 2.5; 0^1:6.3 — 6.4.5. GiA'es the same reactions as jamesonite. Geocronite is one of the very rare lead minerals found in the State. Inyo County: According to Hanks^^^, small masses were found with galena in the Inyo Mountains. Mono County: It was observed in the Garibaldi mine, Prescott district, associated with galena and sphalerite. 71. STEPHANITE— Brittle Silver— Black Silver. Sulphantimonite of silver, AgjSbS,. Orthorhombic. Crystals common, usually with striated faces. Also massive. Color iron-black. Streak black. Metallic luster. H = 2 — 2.5; = 6.2 — 6.3. The reajctions are similar to fliuse for pyraruyritc. but llio streak or pow- der is black, whereas pyrareyritc is reddish. Stephanite is a very important and usually prominent silver mineral in silver districts but it does not appear common in California. It is MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 73 often associated with argentite and polybasite as an original mineral of the veins. Alpine County : Said to have been found in the Morning Star mine, J. D. Dana(i). Mono County: In llic Blind Spring Hill district it occurred as one of the associate minerals. Jjarge inasses were found with pyrargyrite in the Oro, Addenda and Fortuna mines, Bodie district, Whiting*^i>. Also one of the minerals of the Sweetwater Range north of Bridgeport. Nevada County: One of 1]i(^ minerals found in tlie Grass Valley mines, Lindgren^*'^ Shasta County: Occurs witli native .silver, i^alona and splialerite in a caleite-<[uartz gangue at the Igo consolidated mines. 72. POLYBASITE. Sulphantimonite of silver, AgjSbSo. Orthorhombic. Tabular crystals and massive. Color iron-black. Streak black. Metallic luster. H=2 — 3; G = 6.2. In its blowpi])!' n^aetioiis polybasite is like stopluuiite ami p\rargyrite. I'olybasite cldsely resembl(\s stcphanite; the two are often mixed and are seldom differentiated. When in good crystals they can be told apart but when massive their separate identification is difficult. Alpine County : The only reported occurrence of polybasite is from this county. Specimens have come from the Pennsylvania mine in the Silver Mountain district, and Hanks^^^ observed it in microscopical crystals from the Monitor and Mogul districts. SULPHARSENITES. 73. DUFRENOYSITE. Sulpharsenite of lead, PbiAs^Sj. Orthorhombic. Generally massive. Color dark lead-gray. Streak red- dish brown. Metallic luster. 11 = 3; G = 5.56. Refractive index : n = 2.72. Like jamesonitc in its rt-actioiis. cxccitt thai tlic more \'olutil<' fumes of arsenic trioxido. instead of the antimony, are given off. This compound of lead is a very rare mineral and its existence in California is somewhat doubtful. Inyo County : Reported to have been found in the Cerro Gordo dis- trict, Hanks (^>. 74 STATE MINING BUREAU. 74. PROUSTITE— Light Ruby Silver. Sulpharsenite of silver, AgjAsSs. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Prismatic crystals and massive. Color and streak scarlet-red. Adamantine luster. H = 2 — 2.5; G = 5.5. Refractive indices: £=2.711; 4^ = 2.979. The fumes given off by lioat are more volatile than from antimony, and have a slight garlic odoi*. Othenviss^ the reactions are the same as for l)yrargyritp. The two minci'nls (jfton are intermixed or grade into each (ither. The term "ruby silver" is given indiscriminately to proustite and pyrargyrite. Both minerals usually contain arsenic and antimony and they often grade into each other. The metallic gray pyrargyrite is more common than the transparent red proustite, but the tAvo are often associated. Kern Countj'^: Specimens of proustite with pyrargyrite have been found in the old Amalie district. Mariposa County: The light ruby silver occurred with pyrargyrite and argentite in the Bryant Silver mine. Mono County : Found in the Oro and Bodie mines, Bodie district, Hanks(6). Shasta County : Occurred in the Chicago mine near Igo, associated with galena, pj^rite and quartz. 75. ENARGITE. Sulpharsenite of copper, Cu^AsS^. Orthorhombic. Crystals and massive. Cleavage perfect prismatic. Color grayish black. Streak black. Metallic luster. H=3; G=4.4. Fuses and gives a faint coating of arsenic. The roasted mineral can be reduced to metallic copper by fusion with sodium carbonate. The liorax bead is blue. Soluble in nitric acid with the precipitation of a small amount of antimony trioxide. Famatinite gives a larger amount of antimony tri- oxide when dissolved in nitric acid. Enargite is a valuable but not a common copper compound in the State. Very few of the copper districts shoAv it even in small amounts. Famatinite is a corresponding sulphantimonite of copper and the enargite of Alpine County appears to grade into this mineral. Alpine County : Enargite was found in large masses associated with massive pj'rite in the Mogul district and formed the chief copper mineral of the Morning Star and a few other mines of this locality. An analysis of the mineral was made by Root^^^ from the i\Ioruing Star mine. S Cu As Sb 31.68 47.21 14.06 6.19 =99.14 per cent Crystals have the forms : (110), (001), (100), (010), Silliman^^) and (130), (250), (101), Eakle<'?). El Dorado County : Some enargite was found in the Ford mines near GeorgetoMii. Plumas County : Small amounts occur with the bornite and chalco- pyrite at Engels. mtnp:rals of California. 75 CHAPTER IV. HALOIDS: CHLORIDES, BROMIDES, IODIDES AND FLUORIDES. Ch lofidcs. Calomel Halite Sylvite Sal Amiuoniac Ceiartryiitc Chlormagnesite Atacamite Efflestonite Jiroinidc. Embolito Iodide. Cocciuite Fluoride. Fluorite CHLORIDES. 76. CALOMEL. Chloride of mercury, HgjCL. Tetragonal. Small crystals. Color white, gray, browu. Adamautiue luster. H = l — 2; G = 6.4S. Refractive intlicos : £ = 2.(ir)(>; ^,- On charcoal oasih- volatilizes and coats the coal white. , = 1.!»7:!. The mineral is easily reduced to mci-cury globules by fusion Avith soda. The calomel used in medicine is a manufactured product as the nat- ural mineral is very rare. It is sometimes found in clear colorless crystals of a brilliant adamantine luster, and in white crystalline coat- ings, in cinnabar districts. Napa County : White coatings of the mineral on metacinnabarite occurred at the Oat Hill niine. San Mateo County: Small amounts of calomel associated with cinna- I)ar, native mercury and eglestonite occur about five miles west of Palo Alto. Rogei-s •". 77. HALITE— Rock Salt Chloride of sodium, NaCl. Isoinctric. (^'ubcs niassi\(', uranular and crusts. Cleavage perfect cubic Color white, reddish and colorless. Vitreous luster. Hr=2.5; G — -y.lo. Refractive index: ii = l.~A4. Fuses with intumescence and gives a strong yellow flame. Easily soluble in water and has a taste. Most of the salt produced in the State is obtained by the evaporation of the water of San Francisco Bay, yet extensive deposits of the mineral exist in the southern counties and some of them are mined. Salt is of very common occurrence in the desert regions, where former lakes existed, and the deposits reach considerable thickness in some localities, often alternating with beds of sulphates, borates, carbonates and mud 76 STATE MINING BUREAU, shales. Salt wells, salt springs, salt marshes, and salt- rivers occur in these arid plains and white incrustations of salt are often found along their borders. Alameda County : The salt Avorks at Alvarado evaporate the water of San Francisco Bay on a large scale, and the bulk of the salt produced in the State is obtained by this method. Colu-a County : Salt was obtained by evaporation from the saline springs on the Peterson Ranch in Antelope Valley, near Sites. Glenn County : Salt springs occur in Salt Spring Valley, four miles north of Stonyford and some a few miles west of Elk Creek postoffice. Imperial County: Efflorescences of salt on the dry plains of the Great Colorado Desert were early reported. Inyo County : Salt is common in the dry valleys as white efflorescences and in solution in many of the springs, marshes and lakes of this county. In the borax district of Death Valley it is a common associate, and the bottom of this valley is an extensive salt marsh, into Avhich the Amar- gosa River sinks. The waters of Owens Lake have been evaporated for salt and soda. Pure white crusts occur in Saline Valley and at Salt Wells. Kern County : In the Mojave Desert region on the eastern side of the county, numerous salt lakes and wells occur. The alkaline desert from the Kern River to the Caiiada de las Uvas is impregnated with salt. Salt and borax are associated at the Buckthorn, Indian and Mesquite springs. Riverside County : The well-known Salton Sea is an extensive depres- sion in the south central part of the county which was noted for its immense deposits of white salt and where thousands of tons have been gathered. It is now covered by the waters of the Colorado River and the salt works have been wholl3^ obliterated. An analysis of this salt Avas made by Allen^^^ NaCl CLl N02SO4 Gypsum H2O Insol. 5)4.54 0.31 3.53 0.79 0.14 0.50 =99.81 per cent San Bernardino County : Numerous diy lakes exist in this county, all of which contain salt. Some of the salt near Daggett has been mined locally for chloridizing the silver ores of the district. A large lake deposit occurs in the desert about twenty-five miles southeast of Danby and the Surprise salt mines have produced large quantities. Bailey^i^ reports a vein of rock salt 12 to 16 feet thick on the Avawatz Mountains. Crusts of the mineral associated with sodium, magnesium and calcium sulphate occur at the Mojave sink. Salt and borax with some nitrates exist along the Amargosa River, near the Inyo County line. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 77 San Luis Obispo County: Along the shores of the Salinas River white crusts of salt can he found in many places. The Soda Lake in Carissa Plains is a dry lake in the eastern part of the county, and the surface contains crusts of salt and sodium sulphate. Slrnsta County : Sandstones occur on Salt Creek, about twelve miles east of Kedding, which are slightly impregnated with salt. Solano County : Halite is obtained by evaporation of salt water from a gas well eight miles northeast of Suisun. 78. SYLVITE. Chloride of potassium, KCl. Isometric. Cubes and octahedrons; also granular massive. Cleava.ure perfect cubic. Colorless to white. Vitreous luster. H = 2;G = 1.97 — 1.99. Refractive index: h = 1.4!X>. Resembles salt and tastes salt and sli.nlilly l)itt<'r, Imt is distinguished bv ts \in]i't flnnii' when fu.«ed. The potassium salt is sometimes associated with the sodium salt, but, unlike the sodium chloride, it is very rare and no deposits of it occur in the State. The brines of Searles Lake contain potassium which may be sylvite in solution. Inyo County: According to Bailey^^^ sylvite occurs in traces in some of the springs of this county. Analyses of some of the impure salt covering depressions in Death Valley show low percentages of potas- sium chloride. 79. SAL AMMONIAC— Salmiac. Chloride of ammonium, NH^Cl. Isometric. Ciystals, crusts and efflorescences. Color white, yellowish. Vitreous luster. H = 1.5 — 2; G = ].53. Refractive index : ii = \AJi2. A'ery easily volatile witliout fusion w hrn heated and is wholly converted into dense white fumes. Heated in a dosed t\ihe with soda or lime, am- monia is givfn ofl" whicli cnii \k- detect^] by odor. Sohiblr in water. Inyo County : According to Bailey(i> sal ammoniac is found as efflo- rescences at some of the fissure springs in Death Valley. Los Angeles County: A Avhite crystalline incrustation of sal ammo- niac was found in the Monterey shale of Burning Mountain, Rogers^^). Santa Barbara County : Crusts 5 nun. thick, associated with sulphur, came from burning oil-shales on the Hope Ranch, Rogers^^). 78 STATE jMINING BURELVU. 80. CERARGYRITE— Hornsilver. Chloride of silver, AgCl. Isomotiic. Usually in tliiu plates and crusts. Sometimes massive. Color gray but generally tarnished brown. Highly sectile. Waxy. n=l — 1.5; G = o.55. Refractive index : »r= 2.061. Easily reduced on charcoal to metallic silver. Mixed with copper oxide It imparts to the flame the azure blue color of the copper chloride flame. Insoluble in acids, but soluble in ammonia. Cerargyrite has been one of the most important silver minerals of the State. It is characteristic of silver deposits located in arid regions and is often abundant in such regions. It has been formed in general by solutions from above carrying alkali chlorides, obtained from the over- lying strata, acting on the silver minerals of the veins and forming solutions of silver chloride, from which the mineral is precipitated along fissures and in cavities of the gangue, mostly in the oxidized zones of the deposit. It is usually accompanied by the chlorobromide, embolite, and occasional!}' by the iodide, iodyrite. Barite is a common gangue mineral. Inyo County : Hornsilver with argentiferous galena, argentite and copper minerals has been found abundant in the Argus and Coso ranges and to some extent in the Darwin and Cerro Gordo districts. Hanks^^^ mentions it from the Slate Kange and in microscopical crystals at the Modoc mine near Darwin. Cerargyrite with cerussite oecur^s in the Noonday mine, Tecopa; associated with chiwsocolla at the Bonanza King mine, Sherman district. Kern County : The mineral has been found in the Amalie mine with pyrargyrite and native silver. Mono County : Cerargyrite has been found in the Blind Springs district near Benton and in some of the mines of the Bodie district, but never in large masses. It occurs also in the Sweetwater Range. Placer County : It occurred in small amounts as one of the minerals in the Ophir district, on Duncan Hill, Lindgren^^^ San Bernardino County : Hornsilver has been a very important silver mineral in the Calico and Barstow mines. The chloride, together with the chlorobromide, has been deposited along the fault planes and in the numerous fissures of brecciated vein-rock formed by much faulting. The minerals associated with the hornsilver of this region are embo- lite, cerussite, barite, pyrolusite, chrysocolla, malaehite and jasper. It occurs with limestone associated with embolite, wulfenite, sphalerite, galena, cerussite and pyrite in the Silver Reef district, on the desert about forty miles east of Victor. It is associated with argentite and secondary from it at the Bonanza King mine on Providence Mountain and in the Imperial mine. Lava Beds district, about nine miles from ]\[INERALS OK CALIP'OBNIA. 79 Lavic. Cerargyrite was reported as one of the minerals with borax at Searles Lake, but the hK'ality was probably Calico. The silver deposits at Calico and liarstow have been fully described by Lindgren^i^ and by Stornis(i>. 81. CHLOROMAGNESITE. Chloride of magnesium, MgCL. Efflorescence. Color wiiite. Refractive indices: £3=1.59; („ = l.(>7r). Mixed witii copper chloride, the azure h\uo. llamo is obtaiiit'd. Soluble in water and the magnesia is precipitated as magnesium pyrophosphate on addition of sodium ])h()s|iliale. Magnesium chloride exists in soluble state in the waters of some of the springs and lakes but its easy solubility prevents it from forming as a mineral except in the dryest climate. San Bernardino County: White efflorescences of chloromagnesite occur at Saratoga Springs, near the southern end of Death Valley, Bailey(i). 82. ATACAMITE. Hydrous oxichloride of copper, CU2CIH3O3. Orthorhombic. Slender needles and fibrous reticulated masses. Color deep grass-green. H=3 — 3.5; 6 = 3.7. Refractive indices: oc =1.S31; y3 = l.SGl; y = 1.8S0. Fuses aud imparts an azure blue color to the flame. Readily reduced on charcoal to metallic copper. Silver nitrate added to a nitric acid solution of the mineral precipitates flocculent silver chloride. Ammonia added to a nitric acid solution gives a blue color to solution. (Jives water in a closinl tube, which reacts acid. Atacamite is a very rare form of copper and its occurrence in Cali- fornia has not been definitely established. Inyo County: J. D. Dana^^^ gives this mineral from an unknown locality in this county. As the Cerro Gordo mine was the best known for rare minerals, the atacamite, if correctly identified, perhaps came from this mine. 83. EGLESTONITE. Oxichloride of mercury, Hg4CL0. Isometric. Minute crystals. Color yellowish brown, changing to black. Resinous to adamantine luster. H = 2 — 3; G = 8.327. Refractive index : n = 2.49. Easily reduced to globules of mercury. Solnl)]f in nitric acid and silver nitrate precipitates silver chloride. This is a very rare mercury mineral which has been found associated with cinnabar, metallic mercury and calomel. 80 STATE MINING BUREAU. San Mateo County : Minute yellow crystals of eglestonite occur about five miles west of Palo Alto in seams and cavities in the silicious material so common in the serpentine of tlie cimiabar districts, and the crystals were described b}' Rogers^'*\ Forms: cube (100), octahedron (111), ihombicdodecahedron (110), and trapezohedron (211). Hg SS.00 CI 7.43 The mineral was associated with cinnabar, mercury, calomel, dolo- mite, magnesite, opal and quartz. BROMIDES. 84. EMBOLITE. Chlorobroniido of silver, A.a;(P»r,('l ) Isometric. Generally massive. Color green. Resinous luster. H = l — 1.5; = 5.31 — 5.43. Refractive index: h=2.15. Heated in a closed tube with potassium bisulphate and pyrolusite, red vapors of bromine are set free. Heated in closed tube with galena, yellow lead bromide forms, which turns white on cooling. Silver nitrate will pre- cipitali' silver l)romid(' from a nitric acid solution. The greenish embolite has only been found in association with cer- argyrite and in much smaller amounts. Inyo County : Found with cerargyrite in the Indiana mine near Swansea, Hanks^^^ ]\Iono County : In the Minnie mine, Sweetwater Range, with horn- silver. Hanks ^^^ San Bernardino County : An associate of the cerargyrite in the Calico, Grapevine and Silver Reef districts. One of the minerals re- ported with borax at Searles Lake, probably, however, from the Calico district. IODIDES. 85. COCCiNITE. Iodide of mercury, Hgl. Thin coatings. Color n-ddish brown. Reactions for the iodine are similar to those for chlorine and bromine in embolite. Violet vapore are given off when heated in closed tube with potas- sium bisulphate and pyrolusite. With galena the sublimate is dark orange red hot, which changes to lemon yellow when cold. Reduced on charcoal to metallic mercui*y. Traces of iodine have been found in some of the springs of the State, but the occurrence of any iodide is questionable. Kern County: This rare reddish brown iodide is said to have been found with stibnite in the San Emidio Canyon, J. D. Dana^^). MINERALS OF CALIKOKNIA. 81 FLUORIDES. 86. FLUORITE. Fluoride of calcium, CaFj. Isometric, lisually in cubes. Also massive, granular or compact. Cleavage perfect octahedral. Colorless, green, yellow, purple, blue, white. Vitreous luster. 11 = 4; G=3.2. Uefraclive index: /i = 1.434. Fuses witli some decrepitation, (iives reddish fianie >>f ciilciuni. Sol- ul>l<' in acids and caUinm is precipitated by amoniuni oxalate. Mixed with ixitassiuin sulplialc and fused in a closed tube, tlie ulass becomes etched. Fliuii'ito is a comnioii uiiiuTal, especially as gangue in lead districts vvitli galeua. Tt soinetiines forms tliiek veins and becomes important as a tlnx. No good deposits are known in the State. Contra Costa ('ounty : Small cubes of white tliiorite were found on ^Vlount Diablo with some copper minerals, Hanks^^). Inyo County : Found as a gangue mineral with argentiferous galena in the Cerro Gordo, Darwin and other districts. Los Angeles County : Fine specimens have come from the Felix mine near Azusa. consisting of purple and green masses and cubes. White fluorite occurred on Santa Catalina Island with galena and chalcopyrite. Mono County : In the Ferris Canyon on the east slope of the Sweet- water Mountains green and violet crystals and masses occur. San Benito County : Specimens have come from the western part of this county. San Bernardino County : Green and purple tiuorite comes from the Kings Fluorspar mine, Cave Canyon district, with some iceland spar. Occurs in the Cave Canyon district coated witli black manganese oxide. Light green occurs near Barstow. Occurs near Ludlow and near Needles. San Diego County: Occurs in large specimens of green color at Oak (irove. Paloiiiar Mountains. A small amount is found at tile ^rountain Lily (Jem mine. Aguanga Mountain. ft-22132 82 STATK MINING BUREAU. CHAPTER V OXIDES OF HYDROGEN, SILICON AND SEMI-METALS Hydrogen. Scmi-metals. Water Arsenolite Silicon. Claudetito Quartz Valontinitc Chalcedony Rismite Tridymito >rolybdito Cristohalito Corvantite Opal Stibioonite Siibioferrito Partzite Stetefeldtite OXIDE OF HYDROGEN. 87. WATER. Oxide of hydrogen, PI^O. Hexagonal when solid, as ice. Colorless. Brittle. H = l..'3; G = 0.91G. Refractive index : h = 1.333. Ice. refractive indices: £= 1.313: ,.,= 1.300. The mineral springs of California are very numerous and of a great variety. Many of them have a reputed medicinal value and have become popular health resorts. Thermal springs are common and many of them represent the linger- ing remnant of a former volcanic activity- of the region. Some owe their origin to the heat develojoed by decomposition of sulphides and other mineral bodies below, in the courses of the underground waters. These springs are usually strongly sulphurous as Avell as hot. The salts most commonly found in the spring waters of the State are the carbonates, sulphates and chlorides of magnesium, sodium, calcium and iron. Traces of boron are found in many and in some localities like Clear Lake, Lake County, and the desert regions of Inyo and San Bernardino counties, boracic acid has been an abundant ingredient. Some of the lakes are also strongly saturated with salts, and Mono Lake and Owens Lake are noted for the large percentage of solid con- tents of their Avaters, mostly sodium bicarbonate. Stream waters are purest in granitic regions, less pure and harder in limestone regions, and quite impure and strongly alkaline in the arid regions. Colusa County : There are many mineral springs in the county along Sulphur Creek. IMINKRALS OF CALIFORNIA. 83 Lake C'ount>" : 'Pliis couiily is the most noted oiio in the State for its luiiieral si)rin^'s. Adams, Anderson, Bartlett, Castle, Harbin, Highland. Howard, Saratoga. Siegler, Soda liay and AVittci- S|)rings are noted tourist resorts. Mendoeino ("oniity: Several mineral .springs occiii- in tlie county. Vichy, Orr's and Duncan Springs are noted. Napa County: There are several noted mimral spring resorts in the county. Aetna. Calistoga, Napa Soda, Napa Vichy. White Sulphui", Pope, Se(|uoia. and Walters Springs are well known, all of them con- taining iiiinrriil salts in solution. San liuis Obispo County: The Paso Robles Hot Springs are the most noted in the State. Sonoma County : Numerous .springs exist in the county containing mineral salts in solution. Agua Caliente, Alder (tIcu, Barcal. Boyes, ''Tilt' Geysers," Lytton, ^Mark West, and Skaggs are noted. OXIDES OF SILICON. 88. QUARTZ— Silica. Oxide of silicon, SiO;. Hexagonal, ihomboliedral. Hexagonal prisms with pyramids verj' common and sometimes large. Compact and granular massive. Promi- nent conchoidal fracture. Colorless, white, j-ellow, red-brown, etc. Optically positive. Vitreous luster. H = 7; G = 2.6o. Refractive indices: £=1.553: (,^ = 1.544. Infusible and insoluble in nitric or hydrochloric acids. Soluble in hydro- fluoric acid. Fused well witli a flux oi sodium carbonate, the fusion dis- solved in water and hydrochloric acid, when evaporated to dryness, will leave the silica as an insoluble residue. The hydrochloric acid solution, after all silica is remo\ed. will .ai\e no precipitates of alumina, calcinni or mag- ui'siiuu when trejited suceessively witli ammoniuui. junmniiinni oxaliiti^ and sfidium phi:si(liaf(>. jiroxing the uiineral to be silica and not a silicnte. Silica constitutes al)Out three-fifths of the solid crust of the earth; eonse(|uently (piartz and chalcedony and their varieties are exceedingly connnon minerals. It is usual to class under (piartz those forms of silica which arc phenocrystalline, that is, those with a distinct crystal- line structure, and under chalcedou}^ those forms which are crypto- crystalline, that is, those so finely crystalline that they appear non- crystalline except under the microscope. Under each of these two mineral species are grouped many varieties based generally on color and structure. Common quartz is an essential constituent of granites, granodiorites, quartz-porphyries, rhyolites, gneisses, schists, (piartzites and sandstones, and is an accessory mineral in many other kinds of rock, either vol- canic, metamorphic or sedimentary. Veins, ledges, seams and pockety- masses of white quartz are common in volcanic and metamorphic 84 STATE MINING BUREAU. areas and much of it in California is gold-bearing. In ordinary rock decomposition silica remains as a rcsidnal i")rodnct, as it is practically unattacked by the usual weathering agencies. Rock crystal is the clear colorless variety -which is seldom to be found except as hexagonal crystals. Fine large groups of these crystals are frequently found in the mines. Amethyst is the variety colored violet by manganese or possibly titanium. It also occurs in groups of crystals, being rarely massive. Very little good amethyst has been found in the State. Rose quartz is a massive variety colored pink by manganese. Some very deep colored rose quartz has been found. Smoky quartz or Cairngorm stone is the hair-brown transparent variety, also in crystals, the color being due to carbonaceous material. The color is readil}' discharged or converted into citrine-yellow by heat and much of the so-called "false topaz" has been made in this w^ay. This is a y^Yy common variety and some excellent large crystals have been found in the State. Inclusions of other minerals in (juartz are very common and have several varietal names. Phantom crystals show the outlines of one crystal within another, due to inclusions of green chloritic matter or brownish earthy material arranged about the boundaries of the forming crystal during a stage in its growth. Some fine phantom crystals have come from near Plaeer- ville. Sagenite or rutilated quartz is rock crystal pierced by long red needles of rutile. No good sagenite has been found in the State. Thetis hairstone is rock crystal containing long hair-like fibers of asbestos or actinolite. Avetiturine or gold-stone is glassy (quartz speckled with flakes of hematite or brow)i mica. Good aveuturine is very uncommon. Alameda County : Yellow crystals occur associated with glas.sy albite at the Newman mine on Cedar Mountain, twelve miles southeast of Livermore. Alpine County : Fine specimens of rose quartz have been found in Hope Valley and in the Mogul and Monitor districts. Amador County : Fine large .specimens of rock crystal have come from Volcano and Oleta. This section has also produced good speci- mens of amethj'st, smoky and rose quartz. Thetis hairstone has been found at Oleta. Butte County: Smoky quartz occurs on the North Fork of Feather River. Fine rose quartz occurs lu^ar Forbestown; also clear crystal aggregates. Calaveras County : Good rock crystal in fine large aggregates have been found in many of the gold mines. Mokelumne Hill, Green MINERALS OF CALII-X>RNIA. 85 Mountain gravel mine near iVIiirphy, Angels and West Point have pro- (liK-eil large crystals. Clear (|uart/ crystals occur at llic .Icnnic Ijjiul mine. Colusa County: The Colusa sandstone from near Sites is one of the best known in the State. El Dorado County: Roek crystal, i)hantom crystals and smoky quartz have come from near I'lacerville, which are the best in the State. A fairly ]n\Vi' wliile (|uart/. is found on the .McDonald Ivam-li. mar Shingle Springs. A large deiM)-it occurs ten miles northwest of I'lacerville. Cleai- ciystals are found in While Rock Canyon iicmi- Georgetown. Quaitz with actinolite occurs near Fairplay. (ilenn County: The i)rincipal mineral output of the counly is sand and gravel produced chieHy at AVyo and Willows. Inyo County: Good rock crystal has been found in the Cerro Gerdo and Darwin districts. Kern County : Rose quartz reported as occuri'ing north of Kernville. Los Angeles County: Thetis hairstone has been found near Los Angeles. Vein quartz some thirty feet thick has been reported to occur six miles northwest of Acton. Quartz in vein.s occurs between Lancas- ter and Muroc. Occurs on ^loonstone Beach, Santa Catalina Island. Marin County: Chert, quartzite and sandstone are the chief mineral products of the county, u.sed for macadam. Quartz amygdules occur on ]Mt. Tamalpais. ]\[ariposa County : Fine rock crystal occurs at Mount Bullion. ]\Iono County: Rock crystal, amethyst and tabular drusy quartz have come from the Bodie district. Monterey County: White quartz .^^and occurs in sand dunes at Del ]Monte and Carmel Bay. Napa County : Good rock crystal occurs near Calistoga. Nevada County: Good specimens of rock crystal are often found at (Jrass Valley and Nevada City. Large crystals occur near Washington. Orange County: Sand (luai'tz occurs with biotite and muscovite one mile northeast of Capi.strano. Placer County: Quartz containing green chlorite is found at Shady Uun. Rock cryi-tal occurs in the Ophir district. Rock crystals, some with inclusions of green chlorite, occur at Shady Run. Plumas County: Rock crystal from the Granite Basin. Some deep colored rose (piarlz has come from IMeadow Valley. Riverside County: Rock crystal, smoky quartz and pink quartz in fuie large crystal are associated with the gem tourmaline at Coahuila. Granular quartz occurs in the Crestmore limestone quarry. Quartz as massive quartzite occurs in large quantity on Eagle i\Iountains. Sacnnnento County: Rock crystal is found at Folsom of fine (|uality. 86 STATE MINING BUREAU. San Bernardino County : Quartz with rutile needles has been found in the San Bernardino Range. Found as pseudomorph.s after calcite at Hart. Clear white occurs in tlie Fremont mininf? district. Found associated with specular hematite and epidote in the San Bernardino ]\rountains about tliirty miles northeast of San Bernardino. San Diego County : Excellent specimens of rock crystals, smoky quartz and ])ink quartz are associated with the green and ])ink tourmaline of the county. Large groups of crystals and single crystals of a deep rose color occur in the pegmatite veins which carry the tourmaline, some at Pala, Mesa Grande and Kincon. Rock crystal with long and almost black needles of tourmaline occur at Pala. Crystals from Pala and Rincon have the forms: (3031)., (4041), (50ol), (1121), (3141), (41ol), (5161), Waring*^'. A deposit of rose cpiartz of some size occurs twenty-nine miles from Tia Juana on road to Ensenada. An opalescent rose quartz occurs at Escondido. Tourmalinated quartz has been found on the east side of Chihuahua Valley. San Luis Obispo County : Glass sand reported to occur about four miles south of Edna and also fortv miles east of Arrovo Grande. Sierra County: Yellow or citrine quartz has been found on Bald Mountain. Stanislaus County : Large ledge of quartz about twelve miles above Patterson on El Puerto Creek. Analysis : SiO.. 00.78 ALO, 0.21 FeoO.i None Tulare County : Rock crystal occurs at Three Rivers and in Drum Valley. Rose quartz is found at Bull Run IMcadows and at Yokohl. Quartz Avith inclusions of hornblende is found at Deer Creek. Beautiful rose quartz occurs at the Summer Rose Quartz claim, eight miles south- east of California Hot Springs near Kern county line. Rose quartz of good color occurs on the west side of Bull Run Ridge, near county line associated with graphic granite. Good rose quartz occurs near Lemon Cove and near Badger. Excellent rose quartz occurs on the Gasenberger Ranch near Exeter, in a pegmatite associated with massive ])lack allanite. MIXKKALS OF CALIFORNIA. 87 89. CHALCEDONY. Silicon dioxide. SiO;. Ki'l'i;.' li\i' imli'A : /^ I.'nIT. Kcactidiis llir s;\nic ;is with (iiinrtz. An iuiimi'ity of iron will usually be sJKiwii on rill- iiddition of aniinonia to (In- liydriH-lildric acid sDlution after tlie silica is ri'nio\cd. The ehalecdonic forms of silica are never transparent, but occur in dense cryptoerystalline masses and layers, translucent to opaque, and without crystal form. Hot solutions, especially alkaline solutions, act- ing on silieious rocks dissolve some of the silica and this is deposited in layers along the Avails of cavities, or completely fills cavities, forming geodes and irregular shaped masses, with often a banded structure. ]\Iany of the large masses of chalcedony and jasi)er have been formed by deposition from springs, whose waters contain soluble silica. Chal- cedony is a ver}- common secondary filling of cavities and fissui-es in volcanic rock, and may form large geodes in this way. There are many names given to the varieties of cry])tocrystalline silica which may be classed under the head of chalcedony, most of them based on color or structure. They include chalcedony, agate, carnelian, sard, prase, heliotrope or bloodstone, chrysoprase, onyx, sardonyx, jasper and flint, all of which may l)e found in the State. Ordinary silicified wood and agatized wood are silieious pseudomorphs after wood. Myrichitc is a local name applied to a chalcedony, having blood-red spots and patches of cinnabar. Kinraditc is a local name given to a spherulitic jasper occurring on the shores of Golden Gate. Alameda County : Small geodes of chalcedony are common in the Berkeley Hills. Alpine County: Kcd jasper is common in the IMonitor district. Amador County: Bluish chalcedony occurs at Volcano. Calaveras County : Red, green and brown jasper is found near Murphy. Silicified wood at Angels. Del Norte County : Agate, chalcedony and jasper pebbles are com- mon beach pebbles at Crescent City. 101 Dorado County: Some chalcedony occurs with the quartz at Georgetown. Fresno County : Chrysoprase has been found fifteen miles northwest of Coalinga. Banded, delicately-veined masses of white chalcedony occur at Panoehe. Humboldt County : The beach peljbles at Big Lagoon are agate, chal- cedony, jasper, prase, carnelian, etc. Imperial County: Pine agates are found as drift pebbles in Colorado Desei't, near Canyon Springs. 88 STATE MIXING BL'REAU. Inyo County : Porcelain jasper has Ijeen found in the Coso district. Kern County : Deep blue and sky blue masses of chalcedony occur near Kane Springs. Los Angeles County : The beach pebbles at Redondo are largely chal- cedony. Marin County: The beach jjcbbles at Bolinas have agate and chal- cedon;/. Red jasper outcrops on Reed Ranch. Spherulitic jasper, i-alled "kinradite. '' occurs on shore west of Sausalito between Point Bonito and Lime Point. Some of the beach pebbles at Bolinas Point are used for moonstones. The red and yellow jaspers from the Fran- ciscan cherts make beautiful polished specimens. ^lendocino County : Red jasper is quite common at Shelter Cove. Xapa County : Red jasper is found on Mount St. Helena. Chal- cedony is common at the ^lanhattan cinnabar mine, Knoxville. The I>etrified wood of the Petrified Forest near Calistoga is largely chal- cedony. Nevada County : Brown jasper occurs at Nevada City. The beach pebbles at Lake Tahoe contain chalcedony, agate, jasper, carnelian, prase, etc. Good moss agate is found near Indian Flat. Placer County: Fine geodal masses of chalcedony have been found at the Spanish mine. Ophir district. Plumas County : Banded green and red jasper occurs in the slates and schists west of Meadow Valley. San Benito County : Bluish gray chalcedony occurs as pseudomorphs after elongated crystals of barite and also forms shells about oily bituminous matter, in the Phipps Quicksilver mine, east of Emmet. San Bernardino County : Moss agate has come from the San Ber- nardino Jlountains. Bluish chalcedony is associated with opal in the Black Mountains north of Barstow. ]\Iyrickite occurs forty-five miles northeast of Johannesburg and fifteen miles northeast of Le.ad Pipe Springs, in bunches and small masses. Fine blue chalcedony occurs two miles northeast of Lead Pipe Springs. Bloodstone occurs in vesicu- lar basalt with jasper near Lead Pipe Springs. San Diego County : Red and white banded chalcedony occur south- east of Dulzura and east of Donohue mine. The amethystine-colored chalcedony found east of San Diego has been called ''violite. " San Francisco County : Red. green and brown jasper is common in the serpentine of San Francisco. Spherulitic ja.sper called "kinradite" is found near Land's End. San !Matco County : The beach pebbles at Pescadero contain fine specimens of chalcedony, agate, carnelian, jasper, etc. Santa Barbara County : The beach pebbles of this county contain agate and chalcedonv. .MIXEKAI.S OK CALirORMA. 89 Siskiyou County : Jasper is coninion with the numerous serpentine beds. Sonoma County : Red jasper is found at Windsor. 'I'rinity ("ouiity: Jasper oecuis on R<'d ^Fountain at the head iJ" I'r'os]n'('t l*('ak. Tuhuv Counly : Fine moss agate oeeurs on Deer Creek. Chrysoprase is fcMUid in the liills east of Visalia, on Deer Creek and at Yokohol. Chrysoprase was mined at N'euiee Hill, Stokes ^Mountain, on Tnle River, Deer Creek and one mile east of Lindsay. Tuolunnie County : Yellow and brown jasper oeeurs at Shaws Flat. 90. TRIDYMITE. O.vide of silicon. Si(X. Hexagonal. Tliiii i)iates ofu-n ovi'iiappin.i;'. ("ulnrirss to wiiili'. lIi 7: G = 2.28 — 2.33. Hi'frac'tive indices: oc=^''>7: «— 1.47; ,, = 1.473. Reactions the same as with quartz. Tridymite is a form of siliea which is found in recent volcanic rocks. It occurs in thin and often overlapping hexagonal plates, crystallizing as a secondary mineral in the cavities and fissures of the rock. The mineral is generally of microscopic size and therefore is rarely seen, except in thin sections of rocks. As a rock miner;*! if may occur in all of the recent voleanics. Mono County: Observed in the cavities of lava as small hexagonal plates, near Bridgeport, with the forms: (0001), (lOTO), (3250), (5490), (3034), (10T2j, Schaller^"). Sliasta County: Oecuis abundantly in ^•esi(•lllar basalts on road to Terry's Mill, east of Kouiid .Mountain. Tuolumne County: Found l)y Kogers^''^ in cavities of an audesite near Jamestown. Occurs as very thin, Avhite hexagonal plates. 91. CRISTOBALITE. Silicon liio.Kide. SiO.. Isonntiic. Siiiall oclalicdrons. Color while. Dull luster. II=artb oecui-s nine miles iiortliwest of Bradley. Xaj)a County : Wood opal in large trees occurs in the fossil forest near Calistoga. Some diatomaceous earth occurs in Friend's ^''a]ley west of Calistoga; also four miles .southeast of St. Helena. Nevada County: Wood opal at Chalk Bluff, Nevada City, North Bloomtield, and Shelly Hill. ^Masses of moss opal are found at New- town. Orange county: Diatomaceous earth around Allison Creek south of El Toro. Placer County: Wood opal at Cold llun and near Roseville. Dia- tomaceous earth at Dutch Flat. Plumas County: Wood oi)al in Gravel Range. Riverside County: White hyalite coats the walls of some of the small cavities in the feldspathic pegmatite at Crestmore. It shows strong yellow liuninescence under the electric spark, indicating the presence of uranium. Wood opal of a dark bi-own color also occurs at the tpiarry. San Bernardino County: ()i)al occurs in the Black Mountains about 25 miles north of Barstow. some of which is good gem material and is worked. IMost of it is coiinne.n opal with chalcedony. Some clear 92 STATE MINING BUREAU. hyalite occurs with it. Common white, colorless hyalite, red, and gem opal occur in cavities in rhyolite two miles northeast of Lead Pipe Springs. An opal deposit occurs about twenty-five miles north of Barstow, in Copper Mountain. San Diego County: Thin coatings of glassy hyalite occur on the quartz and iilhite at Rincon, Rogers'"'. Diatomaceous earth has come from about forty miles north of San Uiego. San Francisco County : Nodular masses of common opal occur in the serpentine of San Francisco. A moss or dendritic opal occurs on the Black Hills. San Joaquin County: Diatomaceous earth is found on Staple's Ranch. San Luis Obispo County : Diatomaceous earth occurs near Port Har- ford, near Arroya Grande and near Edna. Several occurrences of dia- tomaceous earth are reported: In the mountains back of Pismo; in the hills on the south side of San Luis Valley; in the San Luis Range south of Morro Bay; various points in Salinas Valley as far north as Rinconacla. San Mateo County: Diatomaceous earth at San Gregorio. Santa Barbara County : A large deposit of diatomaceous earth occurs at Lompoc. Also on south slope of Santa Ynez Mountains and near Santa Barbara. Diatomaceous earth is exposed in low hills south of Surf and along the coast south of Goleta. Shasta County : Diatomaceous earth is found in extensive beds along the Pit River and on Hat Creek. A pure white diatomaceous earth occurs a few miles southwest of Bartle in T. 37 W.. R. 3 E. Sierra County : Wood opal has come from Downieville. ■ Siskiyou County : Fire opal has been found near Dunsmuir. Sonoma County : "Wood opal near Santa Rosa ; diatomaceous earth about ten miles north of Petaluina : geyseritc at the Geysers. Yellow masses occur on hills north of Sonoma. Some opal of gem- (piality lias been found neai- (Jlen P]lleu. Fire opal has been found in a clay .deposit on the Wcisc Ranch, bi'tween Glen Ellen and Kenwood, infn- sorial earth occurs as a five-foot-thick bed, one mile north of Mark West Springs and six miles east of Windsor. A deposit occurs also two miles northeast of Agua Caliente. Tehama County : Diatomaceous earth near Lassen Butte. Probably is volcanic tufiF. Tulare County : Wood opal in Kings River Canyon. Diatomaceous earth near Exeter. Chrysopal or prase opal is a nickel green opal f(;und with chrysoprase in hills east of Visalia and Porterville. Yellow opal occurred with chrysoprase at Yokohol. Tuolumne County : Wood opal has been found near Columbia. AIIXKKAI.S OF CALIFORNIA. 93 OXIDES OF SEMI-METALS. 93. ARSENOLITE— White Arsenic Oxide of arsenic, AsoOj. Isometric, commonly fibrous crusts and earthy. Color white. Silky or vitreous luster. 11 = 1.5: G = 3.7. Taste sweet. Astringent. Refractive inde.K : «=: 1.785. Fusible with wliitr fuuifs ;uh1 :;;n'lif odor. (Jives no sulphur in dosed tube. , The white oxide of arsenic is readily obtained by heating any arsenic compound l)nt it is not very common native. Alpine County : Found as an alteration of enargite at {he Exchequer mine. Small white octahedrons occur in the pyrite and enargite associated with ivalgar at the Monitor mine. San Bernardino County : Large masses occurred with gold at the Amargosa mine, W. P. Blake^^^ 94. CLAUDETITE. Trioxide of arsenic, As.O.. Monoclinic. I'lat.v crystals. I'crl'cM-t clinoiiinncoidal clcnNiinc. ('oloi- less to white. 11 = 2.5; = 4.05. Refractive iiidices : a-l-S71; ^ = 1.1)2; y = 2.01. Dense white fumes and garlic odor when heated on charcoal. A mineral formed hy oxidation of arsenides of metals, and is rare. Trinity County: Occurs in crusts of well-formed monoclinic crystals in the pyrrhotite deposit at Islantl ^lountain. 95. VALENTINITE. Trioxide of antimony, SbnOj. Orthorhombic. Genei'ally cohimnar masses. Perfect bracliypiuacoidal cleavage. Color snow-while to ash-gray. H = 2.5; G = 5.5G. Refractive indices: oc=2.lS; ^=2.;>5; y = 2.35. Gives white coating, but: no odor on charco.-il. Gives no siilplnir in closed tube. Valentinite is an oxidation product of antimony minerals, especially of stibnite. San Benito County : Lemon-yellow bladed aggregates of valentinite, probably pseudomorphs after stibnite, occur at the Picahotes mine associated with cinnabar, (piartz and chalcedony, Rogers^^\ San Bernardino County: Occurs as white coating on stibnite in northern part of county. 94 STATE MlXIXr; lU-RKAU. 96. BISMITE— Bismuth Ocher. Oxide of bismutli. Bi^O;.- Orthoiliombic. Coininonly occurs ns nil earthy coaling. Color yellow to irray. G = 4.36. U.'fractivo indices: £ = 1.82; ,„ = 2.(lO. (ii\i'S yellow coating ou charcoal, which heeoincs liri'^'ht red wlii'n fii'ied with jjotassinni iodide and sulphur. Bismite occurs generally as a yellowish powder or coating on bisiiiuUi minerals, especially on native hi.snmtli. ]\l()ii() Connly : Foiuul at Lone Pine. San Diego County: Bisnnitli ocher was found as a yellow and gray powder with native bismuth at Pala, Kunz*°\ This powder is, accord- ing to Schaller^^^, in ])ai't hismiith hydroxide, bismuth vanadate and mixtures of these two. An analysis of the yellow ocher from the Stewart mine showed it to be a mixture of the hydroxide and the vanadate. Gang HoO Bi..O.-. V-O-. .Sol. in HXO;.. jnsol. in HNO., 107° 210° Ign. 04.43 12'.11 2.27 17.(i3 0.32 0.224 3.43 =100.43 per cent An analysis of the gray ocher from the Stewart mine showed it to be probably bismuth hydroxide with the formula Bi.0.....3H.O. Gang H.O Bi..Os V-.0-, Sol. in HNO;.. hisol. in HXO~ 107° 240° Ign. 04.0 0".s f)..-, ]:;..-, 0.4 0..'1 11.4 =100.8 per cent All analysis of the yellow ocher from the Pala Chief mine showed it to be the bismuth vanadate, pucherite. Yellow bismite in small irregular particles and minute tabular crystals with the forms (100) and (0^^) occur at the Victor mine, Rincon, Rogers^ ^\ 97. MOLYBDITE— Molybdic Ocher. O.xide of raolybdennui, M0O3. Capillary crystals in radiating tufts and earthy. Color straw-yellow. 11 = 1 — 2; G = 4.r>. Refractive indices: cc =1.720; ^=1.733; ^ = 1.03.'). A deej) blue solution is obtained by dissolving the powder in concentrated sul])liuric acid and adding a scrap of paper not larser than a i)in head. The si)Iulion sioii turns brown. Molybdite occurs as a yelloAv powder or as small radiating tufts as a secondary alteration product of molybdenite. JMost of the localities given for molybdenite will show some of the yellow oxide. Del Norte County: Found associated with bornite at French Hill. Mono County: Occurs with molybdenite at Cameron and at Silverado Creek, Whiting^). MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 95 Nevada County : Occurred mixed with linionite at the Wisconsin and Illinois claim, Nevada City. And in Stuart Ledge. Shasta County : Occui*s on Boulder Creek west of Gibson Siding, associated wth molylidenite. Tuolumne County : Found in some of the rocks on the Stanislaus River. 98. CERVANTITE— Antimony Ocher Oxide of antimony, SboOs. Orthorhombic. Usually as a crust or powder. Sometimes massive. Color yellow. 11=4 — 5; G = 4.0S. Kefractivi" indox : // = l.t)S. Differs from valcntiiiitc in hciii.^- iufusildc and the antimony coaliny, on charcoal is ubtaint-d only when reducod by moans of a flux like sodium car- bonate. Cervantite usually occurs as a yellowish crust or powder as an oxida- tion product on stibnite. Inyo County: Found massive yellow at the Lottie mine, Wild Rose district and at the St. Ignacio mine. Kern County: Occurred associated with stil)nite at the San Emidio mine. 99. STIBICONITE. Hydrous oxide of antimony, Sb204lLO. Massive or as a crust or powder. Color yellowish white. H = 4 — 5.5; G = 5.1 — 5.28. Refractive index: h^I.OO — l.i). Reactions like cervantite, but also yields water in a closed tube. Occurs as an alteration product of stibnite or native antimony in massive crusts or powder, of a yellowish white color. It is the common oxidation of antimony minerals. Kern County: Found with luitive antimony at Ijittle Caliente Springs and on Erskinc Creek. San Benito County : Occurs with stibnite at some of the mines of the northeast part of the county. Santa Clara Count}- : Found with stil)nite at some of the mines of the county. 100. STIBIOFERRITE. Hydrous oxide of antimony and iron. Amorphous. Color straw-yellow. Resinous luster. H = 4; = 3.6. This oxide was found as a thick coating on stibnite from Santa Clara County and Avas described as a new mineral by Goldsmith'^^^ The analysis of the substance suggests that it was a mixture of stibiconite and silicious limonite and not a new mineral. SbaOs FeaOa HoO Si02 Ign. 42.46 31.85 15.26 8.84 1.09 9G STATK MIKING BrREAU. 101. PARTZITE. Hydrous oxide of antiniony, coiiin'i- and otlit-r bases. ^Massive. Color blackish srocu to black. 11 = 3 — 4; G = 3.8. Blackish green to black masses occurring in the oxidation zone in the mines of the Blind Springs district. Stetefeldt'Uc is similar to ])art/ite with more silver. Mono County : Found in the Kerrick, Comanche, Diana and Comet mines of the Blind Si)rings district and described as a new mineral and analysed hy Arents'^'. Considered, however, by W. P. Hlake*^^^) f,, \^^, a mechanical iiii.xtui-c of the liydrous oxide of antimony with other metallic bases. Sb.O;, CU:..0 Ag..O ri)0 FcO H,0 47.or> 32.11 (i.12 L'.tn i> MO S.29 3=0S..')1 IH'V CCIll A specimen labeled stelefeldtite 1ms come from the Giant mine. MINERALS OP CALIFORNIA. 97 CHAPTEU VL OXIDES OF THE METALS Anhydrous. Cuprite IVriclase Melaconite Massicot LitLarije Corundum Hematite IlmenitP Spinel Magnetite Chromite Cassiteritc Rutile Anatase Brookite Chrysoberyl Hausmannite Minium Crednerite Braunite Pyrolusite ANHYDROUS OXIDES. Hydrous. Manganite. Turgite Gothite Limonite Bauxite Brucite I*j'rochroit<' Sassolite Psilomelane A.sbolitp 102. CUPRITE— Red Copper. Red oxide of copper, Cu^O. Isomoliic. Small cuhcs an I octahedrons. Generally massive. Color red. Streak brownish red. Adamantine to snbmetallic liistev. H=r3.r) — 4. G = 5.99. Refractive index : « = 2.S49. Mixed with sodium carbonatf. it is easily reduced on chiin-oal to metallic copper; ammonia add<'d to tiie nitric acid solution produces a deep blue color, but no priii|)itate if mineral is pure. Cuprite occurs in most of the copper localities as a secondarj' mineral in the oxidized portions of the deposits. Massive specimens have come from various counties but no large bodies of the mineral are known. It is ail important ore of copper. CJialcofrirhite is a long hair-like variety. Alameda County : Massive specimens have been found near Liver- more. Amador Country : At Volcano. Calaveras County: Masses are occasionally found at Copperopolis and Campo Seco, associated with the chalcopyrite. Mentioned by Si]liman<5) from Quail Hill. Colusa County : Found at the old Candace and Union mines. The capillary variety chalcotrichife with massive cuprite was found in the Lion mine. Del Norte County : Masses with native copper found at the Pearl copper mine. Common in the Rockland district. El Dorado County: Found with malachite, chalcopyrite and native copper at the Cambrian mine. Fresno County: Prominent in the Cordon-Fresno Coi)per mine. Glenn County : At L 'Homme. 7— 22t32 98 oTATE MIXING BUREAU. Iluiuboklt County : Occurs associated with native copper and mala- chite on Horse ^Lountain. Occurs with melaconite, dialcocite and malachite on the Fields Lebanon property. Red Cap Creek. Kern County : Found on the old San Emidio Ranch. Lassen County : Fine specimens have come from the Lummis mine. Modoc County : Excellent specimens of cuprite with malachite, native copper, and chrysocoUa have come from the Christy mine, Fort Bid- well, and from the Leitz mine, seven miles south of Fort Bidwell. Mono County: Massive at the Eclipse, Kerrick and Mammoth mines. Also near Lundy with cerarg:yi'it(' and chrysocolla. Occurs with native copper at the Cavin mine. Copper ^lountain. twenty-two miles .southwest of Hodie. Excellent specimens of cuprite with mala- chite and melaconite are found in the Detroit Coi)per mine. Jordan district, about six miles northeast of Lundy. Napa County : Found near Calistoga and St. Helena, some of it the chalcotrichite variety. Nevada County: Occurs with chalcorite and native copper at ^leadow Lake. Occurs \\ith chalcocite and malachite at the Oro (irande mine. Placer County: Massive near Lincoln. Occurs at the Elder miiic with chalcopyrite. Plumas County : In Light's Canyon. "With native silver at the Poca- hontas mine, Lidian Valley. Riverside County: Occurred in (|uantity at the Red Cloud mine. Chuckawalla ^Mountains. San Bernardino County : IMassive in Holcombe Valley. Common at the Copper World mine, Clarke Mountain. Shasta County : Massive pieces have been found at the Peck, After- thought, Copper City and other mines of this county. Trinity County : Massive at Trinity Center. Tulare County : In the ]\Iineral King district. Tuolumne County: At Whiskey Hill. Silliman(5). 103. PERICLASE. Oxide of inasnesium, MgO. Isometric. Cubes and octahedrons. Cubic cleavaso. White or colorless. H = G; G = 3.(57— 8.00. Refractive index: » = 1.78G. lnfusil)lt'. l)ut completely soluble. Ammonia and sodium phosphate added to hydrochloric acid solution precii)ir;'.tcs mai;nesia. .Vltcrs to brucite. A very rare mineral found in crystalline limestone. Riverside County : Occurred in the crystalline limestone at Crest- more, but is altered to brucite and hydro-rnagnesite. Fomid also in the City Quarry at Riverside, Rogers''' '. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 99 104. MELACONITE — Tenorite — Black Copper. Oxide of copper, CuO. Mouocliuic. Genorally as au earthy powder. Color black. Streak black. Submetallic luster. H=:3 — 4; G = 5.82. Refractive index: « = 2.fio. Haine reactions as (>l>t!iined from cuprite. l>istinj;uished by color. The black oxide of copper is a l're(|iieiit oxidation product of clialeo- pyrite, forining a black powder or nodular nuisses. It occurs in many more localities tliaii what can be given here. Calaveras County : Ratlw^r coninion with the clialcopyrite of Copper- opolis and Cainpo Seco. Large nodtdar nuisses have come from the Satellite mine. Associated with mclacouitc and malachite at the Tele- graph nunc, Ilog Hill. Colusa County: Found in serpentine with native copper and cuprite at the Gray Eagle mine. Del Norte County : "With the chalcopyrite at the Alta and Pearl mines. Tnyo County : The black oxide of copper occurred with chrysocolla, azurite and malachite in the Greeuwater district. ^fono (,'ounty: Associated with cuprite atid the coppei- carbonates at the Detroit Copper mine. Nevada County : At the Excelsior mine. Shasta County: At the Afterthought and other chalcopyrite mines of this county. 105. MASSICOT. Monoxide of lead. I'hO. Tetragonal? Usually in scjiles or scalv masses. ("oIdv lirowiiisli nransc- red. H = 2; G = 7.1)S. ' Refractive index: ^=2.(54. Fuses ea.sily to a yellowish glass. Easily reduced on charcoal to metallic lead and yielding- yellow coating. Kern County : Has been found in scaly masses near Fort Tejoii. Placer County: Said to occur at the Rescue mine, or in tluil vicinity. San Bernardino County: Crystalline scaly masses occur on Cuca- monga Peak, associated with litharge and were described by Larsen'-'. 106. LITHARGE. Monoxide of lead, PbO. Orthorhomhic. Scaly uiasses. Color leman-yi>llow to orange-yellow. H = 2; G = S. Refractive index : « = 2.(>1. Fuses easily to a yellow glass. Easily reduced on charcoal to metallic lead, and gives yellow coating. San Bernardino County : Occurred with massicot on Cucamonga Peak. Larsen*-'. 100 STATE MINING BUREAU. 107. CORUNDUM. Oxide of aluminium, ALO3. Hexagoual, rhoiiibobedral. Prismatic crystals aud massive. Cleavage rhombohedral. Color generally bluish gray ; also blue, green, yellow and red. Vitreous luster. H-9; 0=^3.95 — 4.10. Refractive indices: £=1.7(iO; (,j=:1.7l)8. Infusible and insoluble. Fragments moistened with cobalt nitrate and intensely licated assume a sky-blue color. Necessary to fuse ii with sodium carbonate in order to get it into solution and i)recii)itate the alumina inHhe wi't way. Coruiidnin-l)earing rocks are very rare in the State and no workable deposits of this useful mineral are known. In the few localities where it occurs it exists in very limited (luantities. The gem varieties, ruby and sapphire, have not been found in good clear crystals. Los Angeles County : The first mention of corundum in the State was of some sapphire-blue pebbles found in the drift of the San Fran- cisquito Pass, W. P. Blake^"\ Crystals of ruby corundum occur in a corundum syenite in San Antonio Canyon, near Uplands. Plumas County: Large crystals of a pale violet-blue shade occur in the plumasite of Spanish Peak, Lawson^^^. San Bernardino County: Found in the Kingston Range, Kunz^"^ San Diego County: A con.stituent of the dumortierite schist of De- he:-;a, Schaller *'". Occurs in a vein with garnet in a mica schist on the north slope of San ]\Iiguel ^Mountains, 2'6 miles east of San Diego, in pink colors and as opaque gray cry.stals. Blue corundum is reported from Tule ^lountain, north of Jaeumba. 108. HEMATITE— Red Ocher. Sesquioxide of iron, FeoOj. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Crystals, compact massive, granular, mica- ceous and earthy. Color black, red. brown. Streak red and reddish brown. Metallic, subraetallic or earthy dull. H = 5.5 — 6.5; 0=4.9 — 5.3. Refractive indices: £ = 2.!>4 ; ,^ = 3.2li. (Jradually acted on by strong acids, and ammonia precipitates ferric hydrate. Becomes magnetic on heatinj;. (Jives little or no water in closed lul>e. Hematite is the chief iron mineral and large deposits occur in Cali- fornia awaiting development. It occurs massive black, and massive and earthy red. The crystalline black masses are found in connection with the crystalline metamorphic and igneous rocks while the red earthy masses are sedimentary alterations of iron bearing minerals. Red hem- atite mixed with ])rown limonite forms the common gossan capping of iron sulphide deposits. The flaky specular variety, often termed "spec- ularite," is a common constituent of the crystalline rocks of the State. MIXKRALS OF CAL1?\)RNIA. 101 Martite is a pseudoinorph of hematite after niaguetite. Much of the magnetite of the State shows a change into hematite and martite is com- mon in the magnetite-hematite deposits. Alameda County : ]\Iassive red earthy hematite mixed with limonite forms the caj^ping of the pyrite body at Leona Heights. Alpine County : Massive black specimens are common at Monitor. Amador County : Small amounts occur about two miles west of lone. Impure hematite occurs in a l)ody two miles west of lone, and also one-half mile iioi'thwest of Clinton. Butte County : Common in the gravels at Magalia, Butte Creek, Oro- ville and Stirling City. Specular hematite is found at Bangor. Calaveras County: Small amounts found at Douglas Plat, Murphy, Wallace and Quail' ITill. Colusa Count \- : (iood massive hematite occurs forty miles west of Willows. A red hematite suitable for mineral paint occurs in a deposit Jour miles southwest of Lodoga. Del Norte County: Found at the Kelsey Tunnel, fourteen miles southeast of Crescent City. p]l Dorado County : Heavy masses at Shingle Springs, in the gravels at Diamond Si)rings, Green Valley and Virner. Humboldt County : Large vein three miles south of Centerville. Red ocher is found near Garberville and also eight }niles from Ferndale. Some soft red ocher occurs on Jones Creek, two miles northeast of Areata. Some specular hematite occurs at Orleans in the Humboldt mine. ^lassive red hematite on Rainbow Ridge; associated with man- ganese deposit as red ocher at Fort Bakei". Inyo County : Massive specular hematite occurs at the Defiance mine. Also found in Owens Valley. Hanks"". A large deposit of specular hematite is found near Alvord Station. Specular variety is found in iarjre masses in the Inyo Mountains, seven miles east of Kearsarge Also in the White Mountains. R«d hematite occurs five miles north of Shoshone. Fine specular variety in the Grapevine Range. Kern County: At Cane Springs and Ricardo. A deposit of some size of specular variety occurs in a mica schist at the foot of ]\rt. Breckenridge. about twenty miles north of Caliente. Red ocher occurs in the Red Rock district. Lake County : ^Massive red near Glenbrook. In Cobb Valley. A deposit of red ocher used locally occurs in Jerusalem Valley, near Dollai- Springs. Lassen County: Excellent specimens of specular hematite have come from near Susanville. iMadera County : One of the largest deposits of magnetite-hematite occurs in the Minaret Mountains. Much of this ore is martite. 102 STATE MINING BUREAU. Marin County : Massive specimens have come from the Maillard Ranch, about two miles southwest of San Geronimo. INIendoeino County : A red ocher once used for paint is found on I'orter Creek, ten miles southwest of Ilealdsburg-. Large crystalliiu' masses occur seven miles east of Round Valley on Eel River. Some red ocher is found in Anderson Valley and some near Covelo. Modoc County : Hematite flakes occur along the Feather River. Mono County: Common mineral in the Blind Spring district. A])\uid- ant masses of specular hematite occur in the andalusite mass on White .Mountains in the southern part of the county. Knopf*-"". Napa County : Massive red occurs near St. Helena. ]\Iassive at White Sulphur Springs and Blaisville. Red and brown masses of hema- tite and limonite occur at the Sterling Iron mine. St. Helena. Red ocher deposit on Benoli Mountain, two miles south of Ctdistoga. Nevada County: Associated with gold at Meadow Lake, Lindgren^^^ Minor deposits occur at Indian Springs and at Newtown. Orange County : Observed at Fullerton. Placer County : Some hematite occurs with magnetite at the Hotaling deposit about six miles north of Auburn. Small amounts occur at Clipper Gap, Red Hill and near Weimar. Plumas County: With magnetite near Crescent Mills; at Mumford's Hill, Light's Canyon, Genessee Valley and Nelson Point. Foliated masses of specular hematite in quartz occur on north side of Diamond Range. Specular hematite mixed with magnetite occurs as a vein very close to the Diadem Lode. Black masses Avith magnetite occur near Moonlight, eleven miles north of Taylorville. Occurs common at the p]ngels copper mine. Riverside County: Consideral)le hematite is associated with, and has been formed from, magnetite, at the extensive Eagle ]\Iountain deposit. The specular variety associated with green epidote is common in the Monte Negro district. Some of the cellular cavities formed by leaching out of brucite are filled with red hematite, at Crestmore. San Benito County: Reported to occur at the old Quilty Iron mine. San Bernardino County: The numerous iron deposits of the I\Iojave Desert have hematite and magnetite in heavy black masses. The de- posits near Dale, on Iron Mountain, in the Kingston Range, at Cave Canyon, Newberry, on Providence ^Mountain near Kelso and elsewhere in the county are massive hematite after magnetite, or martite. A soft red ocher occurs in the Calico district, five miles west of Yermo. Found massive on Sheephole Mountain. San Diego County : Black massive hematite in Eagle Peak Canyon. San Joaquin County : Earthy red hematite as shale occurs at the Ladd manganese mine. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 103 San Luis Obispo County: A vertical bed about ten feet wide in shale can be traced crossing Prefumo Canyon, in the mountains soutli of Los Osos Valley. Shasta County : The Kedding or Pitt River deposit of hematite has been utilized at the electric smelting furnace at Ileroult. The capping of the pyrite beds of this county are thick deposits of earthy hematite and limonite. Siskiyou County : The gravels of the Shasta River show specular iiematite. Sonoma County : Deposits are reported near Fort Ross and near the west fork of the Guelala River. Hematite occurs on the Lancaster Ranch, east of Fisk's Mills. .\ large* body is said to occur six miles east of Fort Ross. A silicious variety occurs on Porter Creek, about ten miles southeast of IIealdsl)urg. Stanislaus County : A foliated variety occurs near La Grange. Tehama County : JNIinor deposits occur at Beegum. Trinity County: In the sands at Trinity Center. Specular variety occurs in the vicinity of Burnt Ranch. Yuba County: Li the sands of the Brownsville district. 109. ILMENITE — Menaccanite — Titaniferous Iron. Oxide of iron and titanium, (FeTi)203. Hexagonal, rliombohedral. Plates, massive, in rounded pebbles and grains. Color black. Streak dark brown to black. Metallic luster. H = 5~6; G=4.5 — 5. Magnetism usually increased by beating. Fused witli sodium carbonate and the flux dissolved in hydrochloric acid, the solution turns reddish or l)!iiisli violet when rediici'd with nielallic tin. Ilmenite resembles hematite and magnetite so closely that it is not often differentiated. The black beach sands and the black concentrates in the gold fields contain much of the mineral in small grains and rolled pebbles. In most of the localities given below it exists in the sands. Amador County : Near Volcano. Butte County: At Oroville, Cherokee, Little Rock Creek, Brush creek, and Inskip. Calaveras County: San Andreas, Murphy and Wallace in consider- able amount. Del Norte County : At Crescent City. El Dorado County: In the Brownsville district, at Green Valley, Placerville, Grizzly Flats. Its occurrence is mentioned at Georgetown, Hanks(9). Freeno County: It occurs with rutile near Friant. Humboldt County: At Upper Gold Bluff. 10-4 STATE MINING BUREAU. Imperial C/Oiinty : Mass occurs near Niland. Kern County : A large constituent of the black sands at Vaughn. Los Angeles County : In the beach sands at Ocean Park. Madera County : With magnetite in the Minaret Mountains. Mariposa County : Near Princeton and in dolomite as crystals near Mariposa. Nevada County : At Rough and Ready, Nevada City, North Bloom- field and Relief Hill. Orange ('ounty : At Fullerton. Placer County : At Gold Run. Plumas County: At Spanish Ranch, Crescent Mills, Genessee, La Porte and Nelson Point. Occurs intergrown with hematite and mag- netite at Engels. Good ci'ystals have been found at Genessee. San Bernardino County : Near Needles. San Francisco County : A constituent of the dikes cutting across the city. San Luis Obispo County: A constituent of the beach sands of the county. Santa Barbara County : At Point Sal. Santa Cruz County : At Aptos. Shasta County : At Round Mountain, French Gulch and Redding. Siskiyou County : In the sands of Jackson Creek, Happy Camp, Forks of the Salmon, Sawyers Bar, Scott River and Shasta River. Trinity County: At Junction City, Carrville, Minersville and on Trinity River. Tulare County: Occni-s with specular hematite and magnetite near Orosi. Tuolumne County : At American Camp. Yuba County : At Marysville, Brownsville, Yuba River, Strawberry Valley, Indian Hill and Oregon House. 110. SPINEL, Oxide of aluminium and magnesium, MgO.ALOs. Isometric. Small crystals ; rounded grains. Color rub.v-red, blue, green, brown and black. AMtreous luster. H=:S; G = 3.5 — 4.1. Refractive index: /! = 1.723 — 1.75. Infusible and insoluble. Fused with sodium carbonate, dissolved in liydrochloric acid, the solution yields alumina iiydrate on the addition of ammonia, and white magnesium pyropho.sphate on the further iuldition of sodium i)hos])h!ite, thus distinguishing it fmm corundum. Spinel occurs only as a rock constituent and exists in some of the gold sands as ruby-red grains resembling red garnet. Picotite is a brown spinel containing chromium and iron which occurs in the serpentine rocks. Pleonaste is an iron-magnesia spinel. MIXKKAl.S Ul" CALIl (JKNIA. ]05 Butte County : Small crystals of ruby spiuel have been found in the rock of the diamond mine near Orovillc. Ilninboldt County: Ruby spinel occurs in the beach sands at Gold Bluff. Placer Countv : Picotite has been found at llocklin, llanks^*'^ San Bernardino County: Jilack spinel occurs in the basalt lldws south of Pipes Canyon. Sec. 21 and 22. T. 1 N., R. 4 E. ; also in basalt near Quail Springs, T. 1 S., R. 7 E.. S. B. :\r. San Diego County: Blue spinel was reported to occur in the Mack mine near Rincon ; the deep green, pleonaste variety, in small octahe- drons, occurs there, associated with garnet, Rogers^^^ San Luis Obispo County : HiUn- spinel lias been observed near San Luis Obispo, Kunz^"\ Siskiyou County : Picotite occurs in the basalts of JMount Shasta, Hanks^«^ 111. MAGNETITE— Magnetic Iron. Oxide of iron, FejO^. Isometric. Octaliedral crystals, compact and granular massive. Color iron black. Streak black. Metallic luster. H = 5.5 — 6.5; 0=5.1. Strongly magnetic. Very magnetic. Soluble in liydnxlilm-lc acid, and reddish ferric hydrate precipitated on the addition of anmionia. Distinguished from hematite by strt>ak and ningnetisni. Magnetite is one of the most abundant of the iron minerals and good deposits of it occur in the State. Jt is a constituent of all igneous rocks and in such condition exists in all of the counties. It forms the bulk of the black sands. ]\Iost of magnetite occurs with the raetamorphic schists and gneisses, and in igneous rocks. Often occurs along the con- tact of igneous intrusions tlirough metamorphic or sedimentary rocks. Some of the magnetite is titaniferous, grading toward ilmenite. Lodcstone is the variety possessing polarity forming a natural magnet. Alameda County : Octahedral crystals occur in the schists of North Berkeley. Amador County: Large boulders have been found at Volcano, W. P. Blake(i>. On Sutter Creek. Butte County : Abundant in the drift workings at Magalia, in the gravels on Butte Creek and in the dredging sands at Oroville. In the concentrates at Stirling City, Little Rock Creek, Brush Creek, Lovelock and Inskip. Masses occur near Oroville. Calaveras County : In the concentrates at Douglas Flat, San Andreas, Murphy and Wallace. Some massive magnetite occurs on Carson Hill. 106 STATE MINING BURE^VU. Del Norte County : At Crescent City, Gilbert Creek, on Smith River. Masses of pure magnetite in the French Hill mining district. El Dorado County : Massive about two miles northeast of Shingle Springs and also fine octahedrons in chlorite. The lodestone variety has been found at Colonia. Common in the concentrates at Yirnir, Green Valley, Grizzly Flats, Reliance mine and in the Brownsville district. Occurs at the Lilyoma mine. Pilot Hill, associated with galena, chalcopyrite, calcite, quartz and garnet as a contact deposit. Fresno County: Lodestone has been found at the Sparkling Iron mine. Kings Creek district. Octahedral crystals associated with copper ore occur in Uncle Sam mine at Tehipite Dome, on Kings River. Occurs intermixed with bornite at Crown Creek opposite Tehipite Dome. Pure masses occur in the Cinnamon Bear district, Pine Flat. Humboldt County : The greater part of the black constituent of the beach sands at Gold Bluff and Upper Gold Bluff is magnetite. Common also at Orleans and Trinidad. Imperial County : Found massive near Palo Verde. Inyo County: Large deposits are said to occur in the Olancha dis- trict near the Haiwee Dam. Kern County: Abundant at Ricardo, Kane Springs and Vaughn in the black concentrates. Granular masses occur in the San Emidio mining district. Deposit of some size occurs at contact with mica. schist, 1-| miles south of Woody. Los Angeles County : Black sands at Ocean Park. Solid masses near Russ Station in Soledad Canyon. Small deposit in canyon about ten miles northeast of Acton : with garnet in the black sands of Santa Monica Bay. Madera County : Large deposits of magnetite-hematite occur in the Minaret Mountains. Deposits occur on the west slope of Mount Ray- mond. Mariposa County: Classes occur at the base of Mt. Hoffman. Modoc County : In the drift and black sands of the Feather River. Mono County : Found massive in the Benton, Bodie and Lundy dis- tricts, Whiting^i). Nevada County: A deposit occurs about one mile west of Newto-^oi and also about four miles south of Indian Springs at the contact between granodiorite and diabase. Common in the concentrates at Nevada City, Grass Valley, North Bloomfield, Relief Hill, and Rough and Ready. A small deposit in place at Diamond Creek, about one mile east of Omaha mine. Orange County: In the sands at Fullerton. Placer County: A deposit which was worked in 1881-1886 by blast furnace occurs at Ilotaling, five miles west of Clipper Gap, on the MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 107 fontact between diabase and (luartzite. Oetahedrous are eoininun at Forest Hill. Common in the black sands and concentrates at Butcher Ranch. ^Michi^ran Bluff. Gold Knn. Kast Auburn, in Blue Canyon, and on the North Fork of the American Kivci-. Masses of magnetite are found near Fallen Leaf Lake. Plumas County: Common at Spanish Kauch, Genessee, La Porte, Nelson Point. Crescent :\Iilis, and on Kock Island Hill, but only in small amounts. A larye l)ody of the ore occurs close to west shore of Wade's Lnke. Found associated with hematite at ^Moonliuht. Common in the rocks at P^n^els. sometimes intero-rown witli ilnuiiite. Riverside County: One of the largest deposits of iron in the State occurs on Eagle j\Iountain. It is magnetite-hematite or martite ore. Sacramento County : In the black sands at j\Iichigan Bar. San Benito County : A large deposit is said to be near Ilollister. San Bernardino County : Important deposits of magnetite occur in several localities in tiiis county but are as yet not utilized. Good deposits on Iron Mountain, near Dale, at Owl Holes, on the Kingston Range, at Cave Canyon, Garlic Springs, Newberry, and on Providence ^lountain. The Dale deposit has been described by Harder ^-\ ^Massive lodestone exhibiting strong polarity has come from a deposit thirty miles southeast of Daggett. San Francisco County : A constituent of the beach sands. San Luis Obispo County: Common at La Panza. Santa Barbara County : Common in the beach sands at Point Sal. Santa Cruz County : On the Leonard Ranch, about one-half mile from the coast, magnetite occurs int(M'stratifiod with boach sand which carries some gold. Shasta County: Large ilei)osit at Ileroult on contact ])etweeu dia- ])ase and slate was worked by electric smelter. Deposit near Baird. Occurs with hematite at Iron Mountain and at most of the copper mines. In the sands at French (iulcli. Redding and Round ^Mountain. On contact between dia])ase and carboniferous limestone at Gray Rock and on McCloud River. A large deposit between cjuartz diorite and limestone about five miles east of Pit on the Sacramento and Eastern Railroad. Occurs as contact mineral with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite at the Black Diamond mine. Sierra Count}^: Large beds said to occur in this county, "W. P. Blake' '^'. Fine perfect octahedrons have come from Forest City. A massive deposit occurs south of Lake Hawley in the Calaveras forma- tion, and also southeast of Spencer Lakes. Siskiyou County : In the black sands it is common at Happy Camp, Seiad. Cecilville. Forks of the Salmon. Sawyer's Bar, Scott River. 108 STATE MINING BUREAU. Oro Fino, Castella, Shasta River, Beaver Creek, Heuley and Klamath River. A lodestone variety occurs near AVeed. Tehama County: Magnetite occurs in the Bee»um district and is titaniferous. Trinity County : In the black sands at Trinity Center, Douglas City, Junction City, Carrville, Minersville and along the Trinity River. Massive at Douglas Citj', and on the northwest side of Chauckelulla ^Mountain. Tulare County: Massive at New Pass, \V. P. Blake*^'. Massive near Three Rivers and on Greenhorn Mountain. Tuolumne County : In the black concentrates at all of the mines. Yuba County : Common at Marysville, Brownsville, Strawberry Val- ley, Indian Hill, Oregon House. Camptonville and on Yuba River. Occurs massive with hematite four miles from Clipper Alills. 112. CH ROM ITE— Chromic Iron. Oxide of chromivim and iron, FeCr^O^. Isometric. Generally massive. Color black. Streak grayish brown. Metallic luster. H = 5.5; G = 4.32 — 4.57. Kefraetive index: h=2.16. Infusible and insoluble. Gives an emerald jji'een l)ea(l of chromium with borax. Iron Ijeads with borax are \ellow to bottle j;reen. Man.iianese l)eads are wine to violet. In much of the chromite of the State magnesium replaces the iron, forming magnesium chromite. The mineral is formed in serpentine rocks, often as large boulder-like masses and irregular shaped masses. It is abundant in the serpentine areas of the State, and some tons of it are produced annually. It is also abundant in the black sands. Alameda County : Pockets of massive chromite occur at the ]\Ien- denliall mine and other mines about si.xteen miles southeast of Liver- more in the Cedar ^Mountain district, sometimes coated with zaratite. Amador County : Found near Jackson. Deposits near lone ; about eight miles northeast of Carbondale : five miles southwest of Plymouth, near Willow Creek. Butte County: A constituent of the black sands at Magalia, Oro- ville, Cherokee, Buchanan Hill, Lovelock and Pentz. Massive near ForbestoA\ni. Deposits about one mile southwest of Big Bar; one mile east of Yankee Hill ; five miles southwest of Magalia : one mile north of Woodleaf ; east of Brush Creek ; near Twin Cedars six miles east of Paradise ; 2| miles northeast of Forbestown. Small bodies occur at the Powell manganese mine, one mile north of Clipper Mills, and at Pentz. Calaveras County : In the serpentine about five miles east of Valley Springs. In the concentrates at Forest Gulch. Deposits near Copper- MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 109 opolis; about seven miles west of Augels; four miles west of Fostoria; five miles southwest of A'alley 8prin mih's northeast of Angels; fourteen miles east n\' Miltmi. Deposits oceui- on the Tower Kam-li. nine miles east of ^lilton. ami on lln' Wright Raneh. in Salt Spring Valley, ten miles nortlu'ast of Milton. A deposit at tlie Uig Pine mine has been used for furnaee lining at Campo Seeo. Colusa County: Massive at Xewville. Oeeurs near Stnnyforfl, near Wilbui- Springs; H miles northwest of Cook Si)rings. Del Norte County: In the blaek sands of Smith River, on Gilbert Creek and at Crescent City. Good deposits on Rattlesnake ]\Iountain, twenty miles east of Crescent City. Deposits at h'n'iich Hill, near Smitli River, in lens(\s eight feet thick; of ronsich-rahlc si/e on Copper Ci'cek. Low l)ivi(h' and .Monkey Creek. El Dorado Count.x' : Near Latrobe, near Coloma and at Shingle Springs. Three miles northeast of Georgetown near Latrobe; two miles south of Georgetown; in IMarble Valley near Clarksville; analysis of chromite from the Donnelly deposit, ten miles northeast of Folsom. gave : Cr„0,. SiO,. FeO A1.,0, MgO CaO Ign. -Hj'.r.ii (;.(;('► i7.(« n".r><> ir,.s() i.-j;; o.r»o-(«».;>4 Large deposits id FlagstalT Hill, eight miles south of Auburn as ui-ainUar masses in s;M-i)entine. Tons have been mined at the Pilliken ( 'hioiiie mine, ten miles northeast of Folsom. Large deposit on the Wil- liamson property, six mile:? east of Shingle Springs. Fresno County: Deposits occur in the southwest part of the county in the Blount Dial)lo Range, and in the serpentine iiills east of F'resno, from Letcher to Piedra. Deposits in Watt Valley, on Hog ^fountain, and at Pine Flat. Glenn County: Deposits occur near ^lillsaps; at Bedford, five miles east of Chrome; about six miles east of Xewville; near Orland. Humboldt County : Constituent of the beach sands at Gold Bluflf, and of the concentrates at Orleans ami Trinidad. jMassive occurs near lilocksburg. Small nuisses on Horse ^lountains; in the serpentine east of Orleans. Small bodies on the Hoopa reservation. Keni County: Some small deposits on the Kern River. Kings County : Some masses have been found in southwest corner of county near Parktield. Lake County : Pockets of chromite occur on the Pardee Ranch, near ^[iddletown. AEasses have been found in the mountains near Adams and Siegler Springs. Large body three miles northeast of llullville; reported from Jerusalem Valley. Los Angeles County: Deposit rei)orted near Acton and near Harold Station. 110 STATE MINING BUREAU. Madera County : Found near Madera in masses eoated with zaratite. ^Nlarin County: Occurs on the ^laiUard Kaucli near San Geronimo, about eight miles northwest of San Kafael. Mendocino County: Found coated with green uvarovite garnet about ten miles north of Willits. Specimens have come from near Ukiah. Has been found at several points in hills west of Russian River. Occurs about twelve miles north of Willitts coated with uvarovite garnet. Deposits occur about H miles west of Ukiali, on Red ^Mountain and in Potter Valley. Monterey County : Common in small masses in the serpentine of this county, and specimens have been analysed, Goldsmith' ■'. Masses occur about three miles east of I'arkfield. on Tal)h' ^lountain. CrnOr. AI0O3 Fe,Os MgO CaO SiO- 52.12 2.1s 15.24 12.20 5.65 ]2.12 =99.60 por cent Xapa County: Some small bodies have been found near Knoxville. Deposit occurs eight miles northwest of ^Monticello. Nevada County: Fine octahedrons occur in the serpentine near Indian Springs. In the concentrates at Rough and Ready. North Hloomfield, and Relief Hill. At the Red Ledge mine, two miles south- west of Washington, the mineral occurs as a large liody in serpentine near contact with mariposite schists. Has much uvarovite garnet and chrome chlorites coating the specimens. Classes occur in the vicinity of Grass A'alley. Placer County : A deposit occurs in serpentine near Green Valley below Towle. and also near Auburn. In the black sands of the North Fork of American River, of Blue Canyon, at Loomis, and at Micliigan Bluff. Small deposits occur about 2^ miles from Dutch Flat ; near Weimar; four miles from Colfa.x ; in the Iowa Hill district and on Forest Hill Divide. Large deposits seven miles south of Newcastle as nodular masses coated with good crystals of uvarovite and micaceous rhodochrome and kjimmererite. Ijenticular masses occur in serpentine on the Scott property two miles east of Towle. and in Green Valley, nine miles southeast of Towle. Plumas County: Common at Rock Island Hill, La Porte, and in Meadow Valley as concentrates. Bodies occur six miles south of Quiney, also three miles southwest of Crescent Hill, two miles north of Spanish Ranch and three-fourths mile southwest of ^leadow Valley. Sacramento County: A prominent constituent of the black sands at 3Iiehigan Bar. ^Massive occurs at Nigger Hill near Folsom. San Benito County: Massive specimens eoated with zaratite have come from near Hollister. Occasionnl massi's iwo found in the serpen- tine near New Idria. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. Ill Sau Luis Ohispo County: IMiued in mountains southeast of San Luis \'alley on the slope of the San Lucia Range. Occurs at the London mine, 4| miles northeast of San Luis Obispo. Found at the head of Carpojero Creek and at La Panza. The ehromite from the Pick and Shovel mine on Chorro Creek, six miles northeast of San Luis Ohispo, has been analysed, Pemberton*". OroO., AloO., FeoO;, MgO FeO MnO SiOs H,.0 56.6S 11.40 3.52 16.23 11.77 0.15 3.40 0.94 =100.09% San ]Mateo County : Conunon in the beach sands. A few scattered masses occur near C'rystal Springs Lake, west of San Mateo. Santa Barbara County: Small deposit in hills southwest of Point Sal and one in the San Kafael Mountains soutli of Santa Ynez. Santa Clara County: Found in small masses in the serpentine near Los Gatos and near New Almaden. Small amounts have been found in the hills east of Alum Rock Park. Small deposit on Righetti Ranch, three miles east of Coyote Station. Shasta County: At French Gulch and in the black sands of the Sacramento River. Deposits of massive ehromite occur near Castella. A series of lenses in a shear zone in serpentine occur north of Shotgun (/reek. Large body in the northern i)art of the county on Little Castle Creek. Several bodies occur three miles east of Simon.s Station. Sierra County : Occur.s as pebbles in gravels at Tlowland Flat ; also in Goodyear Creek near D(Avnieville, " Siskiyou County: A good deposit near Dunsmuir coated with kiim- mererite. Massive near (Jallahan coated with uvarovite and zaratite. Very common as grains in the concentrates at Callahan, Grouse Creek, Happy Camp, on Scott River, Beaver Creek and in Seiad Valley. Deposits near Gazelle and on toji of Forest ^Mountains. Massive near Edgewood. Solano County : Small amounts have been found near Fairfield. Sononui County : Found at Litton Springs and near Cloverdale and Cazadero. hi the hills near Cam]) ^Meeker ; twelve miles east of Stew- art's Point; small deposits bacJc of Stewart's Point; small deposits back of the Geysers and on the Madera property, eight miles north of (luerneville. Tehama County : Large deposits at Lowry mine and Kleinsorge mine on north fork of Elder Creek about twenty-eight miles west of Red Blutl'. Large deposit ten miles east of Paskenta on Toms Creek. Trinity County: Tn the sands at Trinity Center. Massas found at Island ]\Iountain; reported from Carrville and near Weaverville; a small deposit ten miles south of AVildwood. Tulare County: Some occurs near Three River.s on the Nicola prop- erty. .1.12 STATE MINING BUREAU. Tuolunme County: Masses liavc Ix'cii loiiiid U miles west of Chinese Camp. Yuba County : Jn the black sands at Caniptonville, on the Yuba River, and on Indian Hill. 113. CASSITERITE— Tin Stone. Oxide of tin, SnO.. Tetragonal. Twinned crystals and massive. Color brown and black. Streak gray or pale brown. Adamantine to dnll luster. H = G — 7; G = 6.S — 7.1. Refractive indices: g = 2.(>!);5; „j=l.;i!lT. Infusible and ins()hibl(\ 'W'itli sodium carhonate on charcoal can bo retlufcd to globules of metallic tin. These globules, intensely heated with cobalt nitrate, will give a bluish green coating. This valuable oxide, from which practically all of the metallic tin is obtained, is rare in California. A few specimens of stream tin and a small deposit quickly exhausted, are all that have been found. Placer County: Stream tin has been found near Michitjan Blulf. Plumas County : Stream tin was found in the bed of the middle fork of the Feather River, three miles above Big Bar, Hanks^^\ Riverside County: The Temescal tin mine was situated a few miles southeast of South Riverside in the Santa Ana Mountains. The oxide occurred in a rudely semicircular area of granite about two miles in diameter, as brownish masses and reddish brown crystals in a vein of tourmaline and quartz. Some layers of wood tin also occurred. An analysis of a fairly pure specimen of the ore was made by Genth, Fair- banks^^\ SiO- WO3 SnOo CuO Alo03Fe..0,i MnO CaO 9.82 0.22 76.15 0.27 13.54 San Diego County : Small crystals were found associated with gem tourmaline, beryl and stibiotantalite, at Mesa Grande, Penfield and Ford'". Reported from the placer gravels on the east slope of Laguna ^[oiintain ; also from Pine Valley and from the south end of Viejos Mountain east of Alpine. Said to occur in the Detiance Copper district and on Aguanza Mountain. Crystals associated with topaz at the Little Three mine, Ramoiia. Occurs in a pegmatite dike about ten miles east of Oak Grove in the Chihuahua Valley, two miles south of the Riverside- San Diego coiiiity line, associated with (piartz, feldspar, lepidolite, blue tourmaline, columbite and all)ite. Schaller""". Siskiyou County : Stream tin is not uncommon in the gravels at Sawyer's Bar and on Hungary Creek, a tributary of Klamath Ki^er. Trinitv Countv: Found as stream tin neai- Weaverville, Hanks^^\ MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 113 114. RUTILE. Oxide of titanium, TiOj. Tetragoual. Loug prisms and grains ; crj-stals often twinned. Color red- dish brown to brownish blaclc. Adamantine to metallic luster. Streak pale brown to colorless. 11 = — 6.5; G = 4.1S — 4.25. Refractive iudlce.s : £ = 2.903; ,„=L'.i'>l(;. Infusibli-. SoUibli" siiniriontly in hydrochloric acid to yield a blue-violet solution on reduction by metallic tin. With phosphorous salt (sodium am- monium phosphate) yields a delicate violet bead. Rutile, as a rock constituent in microscopic crystals, is common in many of the metamorpliic rocks of the State. Large crystals have not been found. Amador County : Reported as needles in quartz, forming sagenite, at Tyler's ranch near Oleta. Butte County: A constituent of the gold washings at Cherokee, Silliman(7). Fresno County : Brownish red rutile crystals occur witli ilmenite near Friant. Humboldt County: First noticed in the State in the granite at EuJ'eka. iVlono County: It occurs in small reddish l)ruwn ciystals in white (luartzite with bands of blue lazulite near Mono Lake. Placer County : Has been observed at jMichigan Bluft'. San Diego County : One of the constituents of the dumortierite schist at Dehesa, Schaller^^^ Santa Clara County: Found in the schists of Calaveras Valley and in much of the metamorphics of the Coast Range, Murgoci^^^ 115. ANATASE— Octahedrlte. Oxide of titanium, TiO^. Tetragonal. Small pyramidal crystals. Cleavage perfect basal and prismatic. Color brown. Adamantine* to metallic luster. H = 5.5 — 6; G= 3.82 — 3.95. Refractive indices: £ = 2.49^: „^ = 2.554. Same reactions as rutile. Distinguished by form. This dimorphic form of the oxide is much rarer than rutile, and is alwaj'S found in minute crystals. El Dorado County: Minute crystals with brookite were found implanted on quartz crystals near Placerville. Kunz^^^- ^-\ 8—22132 114 STATE MINING BUREAU. 116. BROOKITE. Oxide of titanium, TiOo. Orthorhombic. Crystals tabular or pyramidal. C'olor dark brown to black. Adamautiue luster. II=:r>.5 — G; G = 3.87 — 4.01. Kefractivo indices: a:=2..')8o; y3 = 2..jS(!; y = 2.741. Same reactions as rutili'. Distinjiuislic^d by form. This trimorphic form of the oxide is also much rarer than rutile, and only the one locality is known in the State for its occurrence. El Dorado County : Found in tabular reddish brown crystals, with anatase on quartz crystals at Placerville. Forms by Peufield: (100), (001), (110), (210), (102), (104), (021), (121), (122), (134), (234), Kunz(i)'(2). 117. CHRYSOBERYL. Oxide of beryllium aud aluminium, BeALO.,. Orthorhombic. Usually twinned crystals. Striated faces. Color grass-green, yellowish green and yellowish brown. Vitreous. H = 8.5; G = 3.5 — 3.84. Refractive indices: cc =1.747; ^ = 1.74S; y = 1.7.57. Infusible and insoluble. Fine powder, when intensely heated on char- coal, moistened with cobalt nitrate and re-heated, assumes a sky-blue coloi*. This is a very rare mineral and when of good color is important as a gem stone. Butte Comity : Supposed green specimens of chrysoberjd have been found near Stanwood and at Big Bar. They are probably californite, which occurs in that vicinity. 118. HAUSMANNITE. Oxide of manganese, MnjOj. Tetragonal. Small pyramidal crystals, massive, granular. Color brownish black. Streak chestnut-brown. Submetallic luster. H=:5 — 5.5; 0=4.72 — 4.85. Uefractive indices: £ = 2.1."); (,j = l.'.4(l. Infu.siblo. Dissolves in hydrochloric acid, yielding chlorine gas. llorax bead is amethystine or wine-colored. Fused on platinum with sodium car- bonate, gives deep blue-green fusion. Manganese is abundant in the State, and it is quite possible that this rarer oxide may occur in many of the localities and remain unidentified. Plumas County: Specimens of hausmannite have come from Meadow Valley. Santa Clara County : Very abundant as crystals with the terms : (001), (113), (111) and (221) in the manganese boulder occurring near Alum Rock T*ark, five miles east of San Jo-:e, Rogers''". MINERAI.S OF CALIFORNIA. 115 119. MINIUM— Red Lead. Oxide of load, Pb^iO,. Powder. Color bright rod mixed with yellow. Streak orange-yellow. G=:4.6. Dull luster. Refractive index : ii—'2.'H). Gives a yellow coating of load uxide on chairoal .iiid is n-duced by sodium carbonate to metallic lead. The red oxide of load rarely is found native. It is an oxidation product of galena and other lead minerals, occurring as a powder. Kern County : Specimens have come from near Fort Tejon. Tulare County: A small amount of red lead was found in the northern part of the count}'. 120. CREDNERITE. Oxide of manganese and copper, CuoMujO,. Monoclinic. Foliated masses. Cleavage perfect basal. Color iron-black to steel-gray. Streak brownish black. Metallic luster. H = 4 — 5; G=4.9."i. Gives the manganese reactions like liausnmnnito and in addition a blue copper chloride flame when dipped in hydioclilorie acid and heated in bun- sen flame. This is a very rare mineral and its occurrence in tlie State is limited to one locality. Xapa County : Found massive near Calistoga. 121. BRAUNITE. Silico-oxide of manganese, SMn^Os.MnSiOs. Tetragonal. Small pyramids and massive. Color brownish black. Streak brownish black. Submetallic luster. H — G — 6.5; G = 4.75. Soluble in hydrochloric acid and leaves a residue of silica. Gives all the reactions for manganese similar to hausmanuite. Silicious manganese ores are very common in California, and it is probable that the rather common l)rowu manganese exists in many of the localities, but it has never been reported. Plumas County: Specimens of braunite have come from Meadow Valley. 122. PYROLUSITE. Oxide of manganese, MnO^.. Orthorhombic. Generally librous or as a powder. Color black. Streak dull-black. Metallic to dull luster. H=:2 — 2.5; G = 4.82. Keactions like those for hausmanuite and distinguished by crystallization and structure. Distinguished from manganite and psilomelane by not yield- ing water in a closed tube. Pyrolusite is a very common mineral generally associated with other ores of manganese. It is usually found as tibrous seams and coatings 116 STATE MINING BUREAU. in masses of psilouiclane, and often grad'3S toward mangauite. Com- mon as dendritic coatings. Alameda County: It occurs -with psilomelane in the Diablo Range, southeast of Livermore in tlic Corral Hollow district. Occurs with psilomelane and sometimes rhodochrosite in deposits a few miles south of Tesla and along the Arroyo Mocha, southeast of Livermore. Amador County : Found in the Seaton mine and on volcanic ash at Volcano. Pyrolusite occur's with psilomelane H miles south of Vol- cano. Calaveras County : Occurred at Wild Ro.'-:e Flat near ]\Turphy. Good specimens have come from Hfin Andreas; also near Angels with psilo- melane, and three miles northeast of ]\lilton. Colusa Count}': Found at Stonyford in association with cinnabar, and at the Manzanita mine. Contra Costa County: Occurred with psilomelane on Red Rock, San Francisco Bay. El Dorado County : In dendritic coatings near Plaeerville and fibrous at Greenwood. Masses occur at (rreenwood and at Cool. Humboldt County: Occurs witli psilomelane at Alder Point; also on the Porter Ranch, Fort Bakei-. Kern County: Fine specimens of pyrolusite with some psilomelane occur five miles west of Atolia. Lake County: At the Phillips mine, near Laurel Dell with psilo- melane. Los Angeles County : Associated with psilomelane in small amounts at Banning. Madera County : Occurs associated with limonite fourteen miles from Fresno Flat. Also near Coarse Gold with psilomelane, manganite, rhodochrosite and rhodonite. Marin County : Small amounts found in the rock at Sausalito. Mariposa County: Occurs with psilomelane at Jasper Point. Small masses oicur in Hunters Valley. Mendocino County : At Red Mountain. Occurs with the psilomelane at the Independence Manganese mine. Potter Valley. Near Covello; four miles west of Ilopland with psilomelane; in the Potter Valley and Redwood Valley ; near AVillitts ; at the Long mine, near Woodman Station; in chert at Westport; at the Cleveland mine, Ukiah. Mono County: Some ]iyrolusite and psilomelane occur in the Bodie mines. Napa County : Pyrolusite occurred as radiate concentric masses with cinnaliar at the old Redington and ^lanhattan mines. Knoxville. Small amounts oiicur with psilomelane on ]\lt. St. Helena, and Ihi'ee un'les west of Oakville. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 117 Nevada County: Found in the Grass Valley district, Lindgren^^^ Also at Sweetland, and as dendrite on rocks of Sugar Loaf Hill. Placer County : Occurs twelve miles from Auburn on Wolf Creole road. Plumas County: Common in the Diadem lode, Meadow Valley dis- trict. Riverside County : Occurs near Elsinore. San Bernardino County : One of the minerals in the Calico and ]>arstovv districts. Associated with psilomelane in the Emma and Owi,> Hole mines, in the Owl Mountains. San Francisco County : It has been found in small amounts associ- ated with .psilomelane at Hunters Point. San Joa(iuin Countj^ : In the manganese deposits of the Diablo Range. San Liii.s Obispo County : The manganese deposits in the Pref umo Canyon on Staneuch Ranch are pyrolnsite and psilomelane. San Mateo County : At Baden. Santa Clara County : Found at the Washington mine and in mines of the Diablo Range. Shasta County: Small amounts about sixteen miles northwest of Redding. Sierra County : Common as dendrite at Alleghany. Siskiyou County: Occurs with rhodonite at Sawyer's Bar. Sonoma County : At the Shaw mine. Stanislaus County: Psilomelane and soft botryoidal pyrolnsite form the ore of the Seagrave mine; also at the Buckeye mine, Hospital Creek, with rhodochrosite. Tehama County : Pyrolnsite and psilomelane on the Luce prospect. Tuolumne County : Common with psilomelane at Knapp 's ranch, near Columbia. HYDROUS OXIDES. 123. MANGANITE. Hydrous oxide of manganese, MnoOa.HoO. Orthorhomblc. Crystals long prisms. Structnre usually columnar. Perfect brachypinacoidal cleavage. Color iron-black. Metallic luster. Streak dark reddish brown. H = 4; G = 4.3. Kofractivo indices: oc=2.24; « = 2.24; y=:2..j3. Yields the manganese reactions as given under hausmannite and a slight amount of water in a closed tub?. There are numerous small deposits of manganese in the State, and much of tlifi ore appears to be manganite mixed with a more or less silicious psilomelane. The deposits consist generally of black porous ore in masses and lenses of red and brown jasper in the metamorphics of the Coast ranges, and to some extent in the Sierras. Reports on the deposits of the State have been made by Penrose^^^ and by Harder^^^ 118 STATE MINING BUREAU. Alameda Comity : Deposits occur in the Livermore-Tesla district southeast of Livennore in the Diabh) Range. The ore is in jasper lenses, and much of the manganese produced in the State has come from tliis district along the Arroyo ]\Iocha Creek. Calaveras County : Some manganite with psilomelane occurs two miles northeast of San Andreas in mica schist. Colusa County : Small deposits on the east flank of St. John Moun- tain, near Little Stony. Contra Costa County : The deposits on Red Rock Island in San Francisco Bay contain some manganite with the psilomelane. Kern County : The hydrous oxide manganite occurs vritli psilomelane in the Rand mining district near Randsburg. Marin County : Some manganite is found in the red rock near Sausalito. Mendocino County : At the Cave mine, ten miles northeast of Ukiah. Placer County: Small pieces have been found near Colfax. Plumas County : Considerable manganese occurs in this county in the Meadow Valley and other districts, and manganite is probably common. Riverside Comity : Psilomelane and manganite occur in a network of veins in schist six miles northeast of Elsinore, in the Maria Mountains. San Joaquin County: Some small deposits in jasper in the Diablo Range. The Ladd or Corral Hollow mine, southeast of Livermore, is the best known manganese mine in the State. San Luis Obispo County : Small deposits occur live miles west of San Luis Obispo. Santa Clara County: In the Black AVonder and other mines of the Diablo Range. Sonoma County : At the Shaw mine eight miles northwest of Clover- dale. Tuolumne County : Occurs with rhodonite two miles north of Sonora. 124. TURGITE. Hydrous oxido of iron, 2Feo03.H20. Compact Hbrous, botrj'oidal or earthy. Color red lo reddish blattk. Streak red. Hardness of compact varieties = 5—6 ; G = 4.29- — 1.41). Ilefractive indices: oc=2.45; Q = 2.'m\ y^'IXi-*. Flies to pieces when heated in a closed tube, which serves to distinguish it from hematite or limonite. Gives water in closed tul)e. Other reactions similar to hematite or limonite. Turgite is a very common mineral in the State, since it is a hydrous hematite and may occur in hard masses or as ocher. It has seldom been ditt'erentiated from hematite, so our knowledge of distinct ioeali- ties is deficient. Inyo County : Reported to occur near Shoshone. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 119 125. G6THITE. Hydrous oxide of iron, Fe^^O^.H^O. Orthovhorubic. Slender prisms, vertically striated. Cleavage perfect brachypiuacoidal. Color yellowish brown. Streak yellowish brown. Ada- mantine to submetallic luster. H = 5 — 5.5; G = 4.37. Refractive indices: ex =2.26; ^ = 2.39; y = 2.40. Distinguished from the more common limonite iiy its crystalline-fibrous and columnar structure and cleavage. Gothitc is usually found as slender prismatic crystals in masses of limonite or hematite, and resembles limonite so closely that it would be usually classed as such. Inyo County : Found with chrysocolla and limonite at the St. Ignacio mine. Mariposa County : Observed at Burns Creek in masses of limonite. Riverside County: Cothite is associated with the other iron minerals of Eagle Mountains. San Bernardino County: An associate with limonite at the mag- netite-hematite deposit, near Dale. 126— LIMONITE— Brown Hematite. Hydrous oxide of iron, 2Fe„03.3HoO. Massive. Compact, stalactitic, botryoidal, columnar, fibrous, earthy. Color yellow, brown to black. Streak yellowish brown. Submetallic to dull luster. H = 5 — 5.5; G = 3.6 — 4. Refractive index : « = 2.05. Distinguished from hematite by its streak and by its yielding water in a closed tube. Becomes magnetic on heating. Soluble in hydrochloric acid and brown ferric hydrate is precipitated by ammonia. Limonite is the most common of the iron minerals, and is quite uni- versal in its occurrence as a staining material. It is found varying from soft yellow and brown ocher to hard compact masses. As the common alteration product of pyrite and of most minerals containing iron, it is prevalent in most mineral districts and forms the gossan and brown capping of ore deposits. Cubes of limonite as pseudomorphs after pyrite are common in mining regions. As an ore of iron it is not so valuable as hematite or magnetite. It is present in every county in some form and only a few of its occurrences can consequently be cited. Alameda County: Earthy limonite mixed with hematite is common as a gossan capping of the pyrite deposit at Leona Heights. Amador County : Found in concretions and earthy masses at Pine Grove. With hematite and magnetite at Volcano. Butte County: Large blocks at Burns Creek, W. P. Blake^^^. Thick masses at the Monarch mine ; cubes at Red Hill and at Magalia. 120 STATE :mixixg bureau. Calaveras County : Forms capping of hill about one mile and a half north of Murphy. The Detert deposit near Valley Springs was form- erly worked. Massive and yellow ocher at the Eureka mine, near Valley Springs. A depo.sit occurs 1^ miles jiortheast of iMurphy, and also one seven miles southeast of ]\Iokelumne Hill. Yellow and red ochcr occurs at Campo Soco. A deposit occurs on Bonanza Creek, seven miles sonthea.st of ]Mokclinnne Hill. ^Massive limonite has come from the Diett'enbach Ranch, twenty-five miles northeast of Valley Spring. It is common in the vicinity of Campo Seco as ocher. Colusa County: Yellow ocher occurs in a large outcrop 4|- miles west of Stonyford. Yellow and red oclicr suitable for mineral paint occurs four miles south of Lodoga. El Dorado County : Ma.ssive near Diamond Springs. Inyo County : Pseudomorphs after long prisms of stibnite have been found at the Cerro Gordo mine. Lake County : Ocliers of yellow and brown shades occur two miles north of Hough Springs suitable for paint. ^Massive specimens have come from the hills near Glenbrook. Mariposa County: Fine large cubes have come from the Chowchilla Valley. Xapa County : An ocher deposit occurs 1^ miles east of Calistoga. Placer County : At Gold Run. Massive limonite occurs at the Clip- per Gap mine. Plumas County: ]Vrassive in Light's Canyon and at Nelson Point. Red and yellow ocher occurs near Quincy. Riverside County: Yellow and brown limonite is common in the pisolitic cavities formed by the ])rucite, at Crestmore. !Mas.sive limonite occurs on the Eagle ^Mountains with some goethite. Sacramento County : Yellow ocher occurs at ^Michigan Bar. San Luis Obispo County : Brown banded masses have come from the Prefumo Ranch. This deposit lies in the Los Osos .^Fountains inter- bedded with Franciscan shales and sandstones and occurring with hema- tite. Dark brown massive limonite is found at the Harrington mine, four miles southwest of San Luis Oliispo. Shasta County: Common as cappings of the pyrite deposits of the county. Pseudomorphs after hedenbergite have been found at Ydalpan. Highly iridescent specimens have come from Copper City. Excellent bronze colored stalactites occurred at the Lost Confidence mine. Iron Mountain. Sonoma County : Yellow ocher at the Occidental mine. Yellow ocher occurs on the Lancaster Ranch, ea.st of Fisk's Mills. Stanislaus County : A deposit of yellow ocher used for paint occurs at Knight's Ferry on the Stanislaus River. Tulare County: Common in the Mineral King district. Yolo County : In the sands at Capay. :minerai,r of California. 121 127. BAUXITE. Hydrous oxide of aluminium, AI2O3.2II0O. Massive, eartliv, pisolitic. Color \\hiie, yellow, red or brown. II — l..'*: G = 2.55. Kefraetive index: R^^ IJu. Infusible and insoluble. Moistened by a few drops of cobalt nitiat<' ami intensely heated, the powdiu" assumes a sky-blue color. Fused with sodium earbonatt^ and the mass dissohed in hydroehlorie acid, leaves no silica resi- due. Ammonia precipitates tiocculent alumina hydrate from I In- soliitiim. The absence of silica differentiates it from clay. Bauxite has hct'ii ropoi'tcd from scvi-fal localities in the State, but they are not authentic aiul a.s yet only one deposit is known. The min- eral closely resembles clay and is only distin«iuislied at sight from elay V° 1.9<) 1.26 0.9.> 11,0 above 105° 23.23 13.06 29.08 101.46 101.02 100.83 128. BRUCITE. Ilydnius oxide of magnesium, MgCIIoO. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Foliated plates and fibrous masses. Cleav- age perfect basal. Color white, .gray, pink. Pearly luster. H=:2.5; (} = 2.38 — 2.4. Refractive indices: £ = 1.5S0: t,j = 1.559. Yields a small an'ount of water in a closed tube. Easily soluble in dilute h.vdrochloric acid and maanesia is prfcipitated by sodium phosphate, (lives a j)ink color characteristic of magnesia when intensely heated with cobalt nitrate. Brucite occurs as thin veins in serpentine, but very little has been observed in the State as an alteration of serpentine. It also occurs as a metamorphic mineral in crystalline magnesian limestone. 122 STATE MINING BUREAU. Riverside County: Brucite is abundant in small globular masses in the white crystalline limestone at Crestmore, formed probably as a hydration product of original perielase. An analysis by Eakle gave: MgO FeoOg HoO C.7.48 0.55 31.73 99.76 per cent ;San Francisco County : A small amount of brucite has been observed as thin seams in the serpentines of San Francisco. 129, PYROCHROITE. Hydrous oxide of manganese, Mn(0H)2. Rhombohedral. In hexagonal plates. Color white, but alters to brown and black. Pearly luster. H = 2.5; G=3.258. llefractive indices: g^l.GSl; ^^ = 1.723. Heated in a closed tube, it becomes green, then black, and yields water. Gives green bead with sodium carbonate. A rare manganese mineral only previously known to occur in this country at Franklin, New Jersey. Santa Clara County : Occurred as a prominent constituent of a man- ganese boulder (supposed meteorite) near Alum Rock Park, five miles east of San Jose, Rogers^°\ 130. SASSOLITE— Boracic Acid. Hydrous oxide of boron, B^Os.SHoO. Triclinic. Usually in small scales. Cleavage perfect basal. Color white. Pearly luster. H = l; G = 1.4S. Refractive indices: cc =1-340; ^ = 1.456; y = 1.459. Solnlilc' in water. Yellow turmeric paper when immersed in a hydro- chloric acid solution and then dried, will assume a carmine red color. Fused in a colorless flame the mineral gives a momentary yellowish green flame. This flame and the turmeric paper reaction are characteristic of al! borates. The waters of some of the springs and lakes of the State contain traces of boracic acid, but the scaly white crystals of the solid sassolite have not been fomid. Lake County: Occurs in the waters of Clear Lake, W. P. Blake^^^ San Bernardino County : Some of the borate waters of this county yield the oxide upon evaporation. IMINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 123 131. PSILOMELANE. Hydrous oxide of manganese, usually inipuie. Massive, bolryoidal, stalaelitic. Prominent conchoidal fracture. Color bhuk. Streak brownish black. 11 = 5 — G; G = 3.7 — 4.7. Yields till' manganese rcuetions as jnvt'u un\\' district, which extendi into San Joaciuin County. Psilomelane is the ciiiel" mineral, associated with ]>yrolusite and occa- sionally rhodochrosite. Anuidor County: A deposit of |)silomelane mi.xed with pyrolnsite occurs 1.! miles south of Volcano. Also one four miles east of Pine drove and another about one-lialf mile southeast of Defender. Butte Count\' : Psilomelane occuj-.s in several localities in the imme- diate vicinity of Clipper IMills. Calaveras County: Deposits of psilomelane occur three miles iiortli- east of Milton, assm-ijited with pyrolnsite; two miles northeast oi San Andreas: six nn'les southeast of Valley Springs. Colusa ( 'ountx' : I'silomehnie in small amounts occurs on eastei ti s]o[)e of St. Johns ^Mountain, west of Stonyford. Contra Costa County: The deposit of manganese on Red Rock, San Francisco Baj', whicli was formerly mined, is psilomelane. Fi-esno County : Some psilomelane occur.s near Piedra on Pine Flat. Clenn County: Associated with pyi'olusite at the Black Diamond and Rattlesnake mines, about thirty miles soutliwest of Fruto. Some •silicious psilomelane is reported from ]\Iill.saps. Humboldt County: Occurs with pyrolnsite on the Porter Ranch, Foi't Baker, in good massive ore. Imperial County : Psilomelane deposits have been reported in the Chocolate Mountains. Inyo County: Fine specimens found at southeast end of Panamint Range, twenty-five miles south of Bennett's wells on Death Valley slope. 124 STATE MINING BURELVU. Lake County : Small amounts of good ore come from the vicinity of Glenbrook. Psilomelane occurs on the Phillips Ranch about 1^ miles south of Laurel Dell, and on Dry Creek about three miles west of Mid- dletown. A large deposit occurs about ten miles north of Upper Lake and thirty-eight miles northeast of Ukiah on the soutliwest slope of Horse Mountains. The manganese ore of the Smythe manganese pro.s- pect is mainly psilomelane with some pyrolusite. Los Angeles County : Asbolite occurred in the K mine, San Gabriel Canyon. Deposits occur about five miles west of Palmdale, of silicious psilomelane. ]\LTrin County: Small streaks and pockets of psilomelane occur near Sausalito and Fort Baker and in masses on tlie Mallard Ranch, about eight miles northwast of San Rafael. J\Iariposa County : Small masses occur in Hunters Valley. Mendocino County : Large deposits in Potter Valley. Reported on the Pieta Creek near Pieta in large amounts. Deposits occur at the Cleveland mine three miles east of Calpella ; and at the Independent mine fourteen miles east of Willits. Occurs in the hills east of Middle Fork of the Eel River. Associated with rhodochrosite on Mount San- hedrin. A deposit of high grade occurs on Shaw Ranch, seven miles northwest of Cloverdale. The Thomas and Wild Devil mines, about six miles northeast of Redwood Station, contain psilomelane in jasper. Merced County: ^Manganese deposits occur in the southwestern cor- ner of the county, about twenty-six miles east of Tres Pinos. Monterey County : Deposit occurs about tliree miles north of the mouth of San Carpojaro Creek and one mile inland. Occurs in the Chalone district near Soledad. Napa County: Deposit five miles west of Oakville and another six miles northeast of St. Helena. Small amounts of manganese minerals occur on Mt. St. Helena and on Moore Creek. Also three miles west of Oakville. Nevada County : "Wad occurs near the North Banner mine. Psilo- melane occurs near west bank of Bear River, seven miles from Colfax. A large body occurs in the Limekiln district, northwest part of county. Placer County: ]\lasses at INIiehigan Bluff. Deposits occur about nine miles north of Colfax near Yankee Jim. Plumas County : Large masses on ]\rumford Hill. Psilomelane, man- ganite and rhodonite occur in the Diadem and Penrose Lodes, near Edmanton, in the Meadow Vallev district. Deposits occur near Crescent :Mills. Riverside County: Deposits occur in the McCoy ^Mountains about twelve miles northAvest of Mineral Station. Occurs about seven miles southwest of Perris interbedded with .jasper. Black massive psilo- MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 125 inelaue occurs iii tin* Paleu Mountains about tvveuty-two miles northwest of Mineral. Some occurs about six miles northeast of P^lsinol'e asso- ciated with rhodonite. At the base of the Santa INIaria ^Mountains. Some occurs al)out eight miles northwest of Palo Verde. San Benito County : Stringers and coatings occur with the benitoite of this county, Louderback'-*. Occurs in cherts about eighteen miles east of Tres Pinos on Paries and Lewis ranches. San Bernardino County : Occurs on the north slope of Avawatz Mountains ; at tiie Owls Hole mine. Owl ^Mountain ; on the Lavie ^louu- tains, five miles northwest of Ludlow, associated with pyrolusite. Good specimens have come from "Wagner, Mojave Desert. San Diego County : Fine specimens have come from Winchester and from Campo. San Joaquin County : Li the manganese deposits of the Diablo Range, notably at the Ladd mine in Corral Hollow. Santa Clara County : Tlie outer crust of the manganese boulder near Alum Rock Park, five miles east of San Jose, was the black oxide, psilo- melane, Rogers**^'. Shasta County: A deposit of psilomelane occurs on Pitt River, one mile soutli of Heroult. Occurs with jasper in Arbuckle JMountain. Siskiyou County : Occurs in small amounts with pyrolusite near Fort Jones. Sonoma County : Deposit near Freestone. Stanislaus County: Occurs on Porter Creek west of Patter.son. In the manganese deposits of the Diablo Range, notably at the Buckeye mine, west of Vemalis. Tehama County: Deposits occur with jasper on Beauty View Butte, ten miles west of Paskenta. Tuolumne County: Massive with pyrolusite near Columbia. 126 STATE MINING BUREAU. CHAPTER VII. Anhydrous. Calcite Dolomite Ankerite Masnesite Siderite Rhodochrosite Smithsonite Aragonite Strontianile CARBONATES. Witliorite Bismiitospliaorite Phosgenite Nortliupite Tychito ITinh-oits. Malachite Azurite Aurichalcite Hydiozincite Dawsonite Thormonatrite Gay Lussite Natron Trona Pirssonite Hyd romagnesite Hydrodolomite Zaratite Bisraiitite ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 132. CALCITE — Calc Spar — Limestone. Carbonate of calcium, CaCOs. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Crystals common, rhombohedrons and scale- nohedrons. Also massive, granular, stalaetitic, chalky. Cleavage perfect rhombohedral. Colorless, white, yellow, brown, blue, red, pink, green, black, etc. Vitreous luster. 11 = 3; G:^2.71. Refi'active indices: £ = 1.4SG; (,j = ].658. The carbonates are all characterized by their effervescence with hydro- chloric or nitric acids. Calcite eff( rvesces freely in very dilute acid and gives a flame test that is bright red at tirst. fading into a yellow red. The calcium can be precipitated by ammonium oxalate as a white granular cal- cium oxalati". Calcite is one of the exceedingly common minerals and occnrs in many colors and in many varieties l)ased on color and structure. Some of these varietal names are: iccland spar, dofjlooth spar, stalactite, stalagmite, marhh, onyx marhlc, travertine, calc-tufa, chalk and com- mon limestone. Extensive beds of limestone are common in the State, and are (quarried for the manufacture of cement. Fine quality marble is also known, but much of it is quarried for cement. Manganocahite is a variety containing manganese. It weathers blael-:. Alameda County: Crystals are common in the chalcedony geodes on the Berkeley Hills. A fine grade of lithograpliie limestone on the Crocker-AVinship properties, soutli (if Danville. Crystals of calcite anfl 'iiassive limestone near Snnol. Alpine County : Fine groups of rhombohedrons have come from the Pennsylvania mine. Amador County : Liglit gray and bluish marble occurs 2| miles east of Plymoutli in Dry Creek Canyon. Butte Couuty: A black mottled marble is found at Pent/. On We^t Feather River, a few miles west of Yankef Hill : white and liluisb MINERALS OP CALIFORNIA. 127 crystallized limestone at the Big Bend of North Foik Kctiihfr liivci- near Intake Station. Calaveras County: Crystals oeeiir near Natural Bridge. Fine stalac- tites occur in Mercer's Cave, 1] miles northwest of jNIurpliy. Good marble occurs near ^Murphy and near San Andreas. White and \arie- gated marble occurs about 1] miles east of San Andreas, also aboui fonr miles southeast of Valley Springs. El Dorado County: Fine stalactites occur at the Alabaster Cave. Good crystals found at the Cosumnes copper mine. Large cleavage rhombohedrons occur in the Starlight mine, three miles south of ^lud Springs. Fresno County: Good marble in various colors, white, blue, black. •dud variegated occurs on th& south .side of Big Creek, five miles ])(>low Cascada. Glenn County: Banded marble on the Nye Ranch and (m east side of Stony Creek. Imperial County: Large deposit of crystalline limestone or inai-blc on the south side of Coyote ^Mountain : Analysis : CaCOs !^r,.(; MgCO, 1. SiO, tr. ALO,. Fe-Os 0.0 CaS04 0.5 99.7 Good variegated marble occurs at the Fowler Quarry, Coyote Moun- tains. Inyo County : Thick deposits of beautiful variegated marble occur at the foot of the Inyo Mountains, between Keeler and Lone Pine. The marble is dolomitic. Fine crystal specimens and stalactites have been found at the Cerro Gordo and Unica mines. Gray, greenish and yel- low marble found at tlu^ Lindsay quarries, Walker River; fine crystals at the Lane mine. Kern County : Large deposit of crystalline limestone occurs three miles south of Tehachapi, near Neenach. Blue rhombohedrons in Grizzly Canyon, three miles southwest of Tehachapi. Lake County : Small body of crystalline limestone near Hullville. Los Angeles County : Calcite crystals occur with the colemanite at Lang with the forms : (lOTO), (01T2), (0995), (0221), (0001). White marble occurs in Antelope Valley ; also in Paeorina Canyon near San Fernando. ^Marin County : Low thin-edged rhombohedrons of manganocalcite occur in a trachite on the Burdell Ranch. They turn black when heated and also l>y weathering. 128 STATE MINING BUREAU. Mariposa County : Good crystals have come from the mines near i\[aripo.sa. Large deposit of white marble eontaiuiug dark streaks occurs ou South Fork of INTorced River, ('alcite crystals occur with (juartz and arseiio]\yrite at the Smilli mine, Bear Valley. Merced County : A strontian-liearing ealcite is said to occur at Delhi. Modoc CouiitN': Small stalactites occur on South Fork of Pitt River. Mono County : A large deposit of 1 rayertine occurs near Bridge- port, (lood crystals have come from the Bodie district. A mass of white uuirble occurs in canyon southeast of Topaz. Monterey County: Large perfect crystals occur near Soledad. Deposit of linu'stone near Natividad, i)-^ miles from Salinas. Napa County: Onyx mai'l)lc has come .from a plac(> called Zem Zem near Knoxville. Nevada County : Common in the Grass Valley and Nevada City mines. Fine scalenohedrons have come from the Pittsburg mine. Found northeast of Nevada City on banks of South Yuba River. Caleite crys- tals occur with kannnererite at the Red Ledge mine, near Washington. Orange County : Greenish and white marble occur in Cool Canyon on west side of iNFt. Downey, Santa Ana Range. Fossiliferous beds occur near El Toro. Placer County : One of the minerals of the Ophir district, Lind- gren^^^ A verd-anti(iue variety was found about sixteen miles north- east of Auburn. Verd-autiqne marble reported near Butcher Ranch; white nuirble near llotaling. Plumas County : Large divergent masses of caleite in the (Tencssee Valley. ]\larble occurs on sides of Middle Feather River. Riverside County : Blue caleite occurs at Crestmore, which is quar- ried for cement manufacture. Ophicalcite is foiuid on the P]agle IMoun tains. San Benito County : Found in the rocks adjoining the benitoite veins near the headwaters of the San Benito River, Louderback'^-\ San Bernardino County: A large deposit of beautiful variegated marble occurs at the Geni INIarble quarries in the Silver Mountain district about five miles south of Oro Grande which is now quarried for cement. Also on Slover ]\Iountain, near Colton, gray limestone is ((uarried for cement. Large caleite cleavage masses with black carbo- naceous matter arranged zonally, and twinned on the-iR face, occur six miles northwest of Ludlow. Verd-antique marble <>n ]Mo,jave Desert about sixteen miles from Victorville. Tjarge deposit of white, pink and blue near Baxter. Iceland spar occurs in Cave Canyon district, near Yermo. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 129 San Die^ro County: AVliilc and ^i*ay banded marble on Los Penas- quitas Creek. Dark jLirax marble near Jacumba ; larj^e bed of wliite speckled marble 4^ miles northeast of Dos Cabezas Springs. San Franeisco County : Sealenohedrons of ealcite occur at Fort Point. They have the forms: (5382), (23o8), (, (, Schal- leraird, Eakle'"'. Marble deposit reported five miles cast o^ Kennett. Siskiyou County: Large deposits of white and variegated marble occur on Marble Mountain. Solano County: Onyx marble and massive limestone occurs near Tolenas. A brown banded onyx marble occurred near Suisun, Sonoma County : Ijow rhom])ohedrons of ealcite occur in geodes near Petaluma. Trinity Comity: CMlcite oi-ciirs with garnet and epidote at Red ^fountain. Tuhii-e County : Dju-k giviy iniirl)lo on James Ranch, efght, miles soutli- east of Porterville. Tuolumne County: White and blue-veined marble occurs in an extensive deposit on the Stcinislaus River a few miles north of Columbia. Fine crystals with the forms (lOTO), (OlTl), and (3121) were found at the Keltz mine. Large stalactites at the Crystal Palace Cave near Columbia. The mai'ble (luai-ries three miles northwest of Columbia on Staui'laiLs River are well known in the State. Yuba County: Marble on north and .south side of Yuba River, and on Oregon Creek. »-22132 ]30 STATE MIXING BUREAU. 133. DOLOMITE — Magnesium Limestone. Carbonate of magnesium and calcium (Ca,Mg) CO3. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Crystals usually with curved faces and mas- sive. Cleavage perfect rhombohedral. Color white, gray, brown, pink. 11 = 3.5 — 4; G = 2.S8. Refractive indices: £ = 1.500; (^ = l.(iSl. Effervesces feebly in cold dilute acids. Best distinguished from calcite in the wet way. After removal of the calcium by its precii)itatiou with ammonium oxalate, the magnesium is obtained from the filtered solution by precipitating with sodium phosphate. Dolomite is a common mineral, but is not so abundant as calcite. Much of the limestone and marble of the State is dolomitic, and some is doubtless pure dolomite, but the amount and localities are unknown since the two carbonates are only chemicall.y differentiated. The min- eral is commonly associated with magnesian silicates, especially the serpentine rocks, in which it is often found as white veins. Alameda County : Some dolomite occurs in the manganese district about fiften miles southeast of Livermore. Calaveras County: "White crystals of dolomite occurred in the gold- bearing schist of Carson Hill. El Dorado County : A large vein occurs at the Laskin mine, one-half mile east of Diamond Springs. Inyo County : The variegated and white marbles of the Inyo ]Moun- tains are dolomitic. Good crystals were found in the San Felipe mine. A commercial body occurs at the Bodgley quarrA-.' four miles north of Keeler. ^Monterey County: Occurs at Natividad. Large deposit of dolomite occurs lying along the foothills six mile.s east of Salinas. Nevada County: Dolomite occurs as veins in the serpentine at Nevada City. Orange County : A mass of dolomite with gypsum occuts in Gyp- • sum Canyon, west slope of Santa Ana Range. Plumas County : Silicious dolomite is common in the Diadem Lode. Riverside County : Dolomite in a variety of colors occurs on the Eagle Mountains. San Benito County: Pure white dolomite is found in a large body about ten miles southwesj; of IloUister. ]\lassive dolomite occurs wast and southwest of llollister. Crystals occur at Sa'iip.son ^lagnesito mine near New Idria. San Bernardino County : ^Fassive near Victorville, associated with bodies of calcite. San Luis Obispo County : A vein of white dolomite occurs in Little Falls Canyon. MINERALS or CALIFORNIA. 131 Santa Clara County: Large specimens of drusy crystal lizations and low rhombohedrons of snow-white dolomite occurred in the New Al- inaden and Guadalu])e (luicksilvcr mines. Tnoluifine County : Dolomite is a common associate of the mariposite schists of the mines n«'ar Jamestown. Part of the limestone nOiir Sonora is dolomite. 134. ANKERITE. Carbonate of calcium, magnesium and iron, CaCOa.MfiCOs.FeCOj. Hexagonal, rliombohedral. Generally massive. Cleavage like calcite. Color white to brown. H = 3:5 — 4; G = 2.95 — 3.1. Uffrac-tivi- iiulifi's : £=1.520; (^ = 1.716. Becomes magnetic on heating. The presence of the three bases, iron, talcium and magnesium, is determined by their precipitation from the acid solution with iimmonin. aniuiiiiim oxalate and sodium phosphate in the order given. Ankerite is sometimes classed as an iron-bearing dolomite. It is a very common form of carbonate associated with the gold-bearing schists of the Mother Lode region, especially with the green mica, mariposite. Calaveras ( 'oniity : Occurs in the schists at the Golden Gate mine. Mariposa County: The miiieral was first reported by Silliman^^) as an associate of mariposite on the Mariposa Estate. It was prominent in mariposite schists at the Josephine mine. Tuolumne County : Common on Quartz Mountain and at the Raw- hide ranch mine, near Tuttletown. Reported from the Eagle Shaw- mut mine on Woods Creek. 135. MAGNESITE. Carbonate of magnesia, MgCOj. He-xagonal, rliombohedral. Ci*ystals are rare. Generally compact mas- sive; sometimes earthy. Color snow-white to brown. Prominent con- choidal fracture, of massive mineral. ri = 3..5 — 4.5; G = 3.0 — 3.12. Kefrartivo indices: £=].."09; ,,, = 1.700. Cold dilute iiydnx-hloric ncid hiis little effect, but wln'ii IicmI'mI it efTer- \-('sces frei'ly. The solution, wlien trcjited by ainuiouia. anuuoniuni oxnlat<» and sodium i)bosi)bate. will give an important precipitate only wlicn the last K^agent is used. Magnesite moistem-d with cobalt nitrate and intensely heuted. will tui-n ])ink. Magnesite is a very common mineral in California because of the great areas of serpentine from which it is an alteration product. It is characteristic of the serpentinized rock to be intersected by veins and patches of the snow-white to light bufip carbonate, some of these veins forming important deposits of the mineral. The main deposits lie in the serpentine belts of the Coast Ranges, but minor deposits also occur in the serpentines of the Sierras. The mineral is almost uniformly in 132 STATE MINING BUREAU. cryptocrystalliue masses with prominent couchoidal fracture, and the silieious varieties are very hard. A bulletin on the maguesite deposits of the State has been issued by Hess^^^ who gives the analyses cited below. • Alameda County: Small veins occur in the serpentine on Cedar Mountain, about twentj'-two miles southeast of Livermore. Stray boul- der* found on Hoyle's Ranch, eleven miles southeast of Livermore. Calaveras County : Veins occur near San Andreas. Fresno County: A very pure magnesite occurs in veins on Kings River at Piedra, nine miles east of Sanger. Deposits at Piedra and Watt Valley, latter showing peculiar surface jointage cracks. Kern County : Some veins are found near Walker 's Pass, east of Bakersfield. A sedimentary bedded deposit interstratified Avith clay and clay shales occurs about three-quarters mile north of Bissell Station, eleven miles east of Mojave, Gale.*"' Kings County : Occurs in southwest corner of county near Parkfield. Los Angeles County: A small deposit occurs in serpentine on a branch of San Franeisquito Canyon. ]\Iendocino County : Pure white veins on Hixon ranch, about twelve miles north of Cloverdale. SiOa AI2O3 FeaOs CaO MgrO CO2 0.41 0.28 0.12 0.03 47.16 51.88 =99.88 per cent Deposit six miles north of Ilealdsburg. A deposit fifteen miles north- west of Cloverdale. ^lodoc County : Specimens have come from near Adiu. ^Monterey County : Found three miles east of Parkfield. Napa County : A large number of veins occur in the serpentine of the county. Very prominent in Chiles Valley, about thirteen miles from Rutherford. Analyses of the mineral from this locality gave : Si02 AI0O3 FeoOs CaO MgO CO- H^O 2.1.T 1.22 1.16 5.28 41.01 48.72 "__ = 99.54 per cent 1.81 0.08 tr. 46.55 51.25 0.32 =100.01 6.6S 15.10 — __ 37.20 40.98 __ = 99.96 Veins also occur on the east side of Pope Valley, in Soda Creek Canyon, and in the serpentine of Beryessa Valley. ]\Iag-nesite is one of the mo.st important minerals of the county. The deposits are mainly in Pope and Chiles Valleys. Large deposit of yellowish brown limon- itic miignesite in the White Rock deposit. Nevada County: Narrow veins occur in the serpentine at Nevada City. Placer County : Veins occur near Damascus and Michigan Bluff and at Gold Run. Deposits occur about five miles northeast of Iowa Hill, and near Towle. .MIXKRALS UK CALIFORNIA. 133 Riverside County : Veins are found in a hill of serpentine, about three miles south of Winehester, which are worked for cement purposes. SiO; AUO3 I'-e^O, CaO :Mg:0 CO- 4.73 0.12 O.OS' 0.43 44.77 49.40 =99.53 per cent San Benito County : Large deposits on west .^lope of Sampson Peak, three miles southwest of New Idrin. Some of the magnesite at Sampson mine is coated with dolomite. San Bernardino County: Occurs in the Quaker (iroup, four miles south of Cima. The mineral has been observed near Needles. San Francisco County: Small veins occur in the serpentine at Fort Point. San Luis Obispo County : Small veins on the Kiser ranch about nine miles northwest of Cambria. Santa Barbara County : Some veins exist in the mountains back of Santa Barbara. Santa Clara County: Large veins exist in the Diablo Kangc in the northeast corner of the county. An analysis of quite pure magnesite from the Alameda claim gave : SiO; AI2O3 FesOs CaO MgO CO2 0.73 0.14 0.21 0.40 4G.61 51.52 =99.61 per cent An analysis of butf-colored silieious magnesite from the Cochrane ranch, about four miles from Morgan Hill Station, gave: SiO" AlcC-, FeoQ:, CaO MgO CO2 49.85 3.45 0.18 0.48 21.53 23.96 =99.45 per cent Analysis of the mineral from veins in serpentine near Coyote gave: siOo AL-O-, Fe-jOs CaO JIgO CO- 0.30 0.16 0.38 1.34 45.86 51.80 =99.74 per cent The mineral oecui-s prominently at the ^ladrone ^Magnesite mine, near ]\[adrone. Sonoma County: There are luiiuerous veins in the serpentine of the countA\ and IIcss gives several analyses. 1. Veins near Preston called the Kelling deposit contain an isomorphous mixture of siderite; 2. Verdi Ranch, near Cloverdale ; 3. Gillam Creek deposit on steep west side of creek, about seven miles northwest of Guerneville ; 4. Red Slide deposit in valley of East Austin Creek, about eight miles north of Cazadero. SiOi Al.Os Fe203 CaO MgO CO2 3. 1.60 0.25 1.09 1.04 45.20 50.43 =99.61 per cent of 0.51 - 1 0.23 1.98 0.16 0.59 45.84 50.80 = 99.88 0.04 0.20 0.19 46.88 51.57 = 99.11 3. 3.51 1.10 0.80 1.46 43.65 49.16 = 99.68 4. 7.67 0.26 0.20 0.04 48.42 48.08 = 99.76 134 STATE MINING BUREAU. Stanislaus County : The veins of the American Magnesite Company extend across the line from Santa Clara County. Occurs in the south- west corner of this county. High grade from the Quinto mining claim. Tulare County: A large amount of magnesite has been mined from veins on hills about four miles northeast of Porterville. Hess gives several analyses of the mineral from this county. 1. From the serpen- tine hills near the chi-ysoprase locality, about eight miles southeast of Porterville; 2. On range of hills about four miles northeast of Porter- ville; 3. From veins on South Fork of Tule River. SIO2 AloOs FeoOa CaO MgO CO2 1. 0.31 0.11 0.08 0.24 47.22 51.64 = 99.60 per cent 2 \ 2.2.S 0.03 0.26 1.32 45.17 50.74 =99.80 / 1 0.00 0.49 1.49 44.39 50.06 \ 3. o.so 0.42 0.20 1.02 45.94 51.30 = 99.68 Small veins also occur in Round Valley, about four miles east of Lindsay ; on Rocky Hill, about two miles east of Exeter, with call- fornite; near Naranjo with white opal; and near Auckland. Deposit at the Alpha claim 3^ miles east of Strathmore of high grade. White River deposits five miles west of Tailholt. 136. SIDERITE— Spathic Ore. Carbonate of iron, FeCOj Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Crystals with curved faces, also massive. Cleavage pei'fect rhombohedral. Color ash-gray to dark brown. Vitreous to pearly luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 3.8. Refractive indices: £ = 1.633; 4^ = 1.875. Effen'esces only in hot hydrochloric acid. Becomes magnetic on heating. The iron carbonate is occasionally found in the mining regions in drusy crystallizations associated with pyrite and galena, but the mineral does not appear to be very common in the State. Calaveras County : Occurs with albite, caleite and quartz at Campo Seco. El Dorado County : Occurs with ealcite and albite at the Red Hill mine, Kelsey mining district. Imperial County: Occurs with spectdai; hematite in ([uartz, near Bard. Inyo County : Small masses have been found at the Custer mine, Coso district. Los Angeles County : Some massive siderite occurs in the Tejunga Canyon. ]Maripc)sa County: Found with caleite at Devils Gulch. Mono County: Occurs with limonite and hematite near Benton. Plumas County: A common carlionate associated with the copper nunerals of the Engels mine. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 135 Santa Clara County: A deposit occurs on the Weber Kancli. in Los Animos Hills, three miles northeast of ]\Iadrone ; large masses on Red Mountain: on Coyoti' Creek 4^ miles east of ^Nladrone; small irregular bunches three miles east of Coyote on west slope of ]\Ietcalf Canyon. Shasta County: According to Fairbanks'^^) siderite occurs in large masses in this county east of the Stillwater region. 137. RHODOCHROSITE. Carbonate of maugaueso, MnCO;. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. SmaH crystals and massive. Cleavage per- fect rhomholiedral. Color rose-red •r gray. Vitreous luster. 11 = 3.5 — 4.5; G = 3.45— 3.()0. Refractive indices: £ = 1.597: (,j = 1.n17. Its efferve.«couces and wine or amethystine bead with borax serve to distinguish it. Few good specimens of the rose-red carbonate have been found in the State. The mineral is generally found in gold-silver regions where manganese is associated with the veins. In many of the manganese deposits of the State the gray carbonate is quite abundant as tlie primary mineral. Alameda CouTity : Rhodochrosite, both gray and pink, occurs com- monly in the pdlomelane mines of the Tesla district, southeast of Liv- ermore. Occurs on the Arroyo ]Mocho road southeast of Livermore, with the black oxide of manganese. Found at the ^Ferehant mine nine miles southeast of Livermore. Amador County: Occurs with black manganese oxides two miles east of Pine Grove. Butte County : The mineral has been found on the North Fork of the Feather River. ^ladera County : Occurs near Coarse Gold with manganese minerals. Mariposa County : In Indian Gulch gray and red rhodochrosite is associated with psilomelane. ^lendocino County : In Mt. Sanhedron Group at Impassable Rock. Placer County : Small druses of the mineral have been found in some of the mines of the county. San Bernardino County : Good specimens occur at the New York mine near ]\ranvel. Rt'i)orted as a vein mineral in quartz at the Saga- more mine. New York ^Mountains. San Joaquin County : In the Ladd mine of Corral Hollow. Santa Clara County: Oeciirred as pink crvstals showing steep nega- tive rhombohedron (0221) with occasionally the. unit rhombohedron (lOTl). in the manganese boulder near Alum Rock Park, five miles east of San Jose, Rogers'^'. Stanislaus County : With caJcite and pyrolusite in tlie Buckeye Man- ganese mine, Hospital Creek. 136 STATE MINING BUREAU. 138. SMITHSONITE— Dry Bone. Carbonate of zinc, ZnCOa. Hexagonal, ihombobedral. Drusy crystals and massive; often bone-like. Color grayisb, bluish, greenish. Vitreous luster. H = 5; G = 4.45. Refractive iudici's : £ = 1.G1S; ^.^^ 1.818. Effervesces i-eadily iu hydrochloric acid. Fused with sodium carbonate on charcoal, liecomes yellow while hot and white when cold. Moistened with cobalt nitrate and intensely hciited, assumes the yellowish-gi-een color, characteristic of zinc minerals. Smithsonite is a secondary mineral more often found iu silver-lead districts. It is usually associated with lead carbonate and the silicates of zinc. Inyo County : Found with cerussite at the ]\Iodoc mine, Cerro Gordo, Hanks^*'*. Present also at the Ignacio mine with calamine and willemite. An unu.sual stalactite form of the zinc carbonate occurs at Cerro Gordc. Occurs with calamine at Camp Burgess. Found in the limestone foot- wall of Cerro Gordo mine. With cerussite and galena in limestone a: Redwing and Noonday mines. Resting Springs district. Common at the ]\Iiuneatta mine. Occurs with galena and cerussite in limestone at the Ophir mine. Kern County : Occurred in drusy veins at the Jewett mine on Cot- tonwood Creek. San Bernardino County : With calamine at the Cuticura mine, near Daggett. Occurs witli cerussite, angiesite, linarite and galena in dolo- mite at the Ibex mine. Black ^Mountains, six miles north of Saratoga Springs. Found at tli(> Ophir mine. Slate Range. 139. ARAGONITE. Carbonate of calcium, CaCO^. Orthorhombic. Slender prisms, acicular, fibrous, stalactitic, massive. Colorless, white, yellow, brown. Vitreous luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G--2.93 — 2.95. Refractive indices: oc=l.")31: ^ = 1.«382; ^ = 1.086. Distinguished from calcite by its action with cobalt nitrate. Th? powder boiled in a solution of cobalt nitrate, turns violet and the solution also as- sumes this color. Whereas calcite has no effect on the solution. Other reactions the same as for calcite. The distinction between calcite and aragonite has seldom been made, and much of the })anded onyx marble of the State has been erroneously called aragonite. The fine snow-white branching stalactitic form of aragonite, calk'd ^'fios fcrri," is exceptional in its occurrence in the State. Calaveras County: Fine stalactites of "flos ferri" have come from a cave near ^lurpli\'. Fine nia.sscs have been found in tlie ^Morgan mine. Carson Hill. MINERALS Ol' CALIFORNIA. 137 {'oliisa County: Found with sulpliui- ;it Sulphur Creek. A l)eautirul liaiuled ilarU brown onyx niarl)le occurs near Sulpluii- Creek. Masses liave eome from the ('andaee mine. i'hicer County: Said to occur at Gold Run. River.^ido County: Small amoi;nt.s of fibrous ara^onite weie found at Crestmoi'e. San Benito County : Occurs in tlie rocks adjoining the benitoite veins as radiate bunches and stringei's near the headwaters of the San Benito River. TjOuderback^-\ San Bernardino County : Said to have occurred with priceite, Silli- man'^\ l)robably from Calico. Occurs with calcite in the limestone of Slover Mountains near Colton. San Francisco County: Found as thin veins in the serpentine of Fort Point. Kakle(i>. Solano County: Some aragonite is formed at the Tolenas Springs. Tuolumne County: Occurs as bunches in the basaltic rock of Table Mountain. 140. STRONTIANITE. Carbonate of stroutium, SrCO^. Orthorhombic. Columnar mas.ses, fibrous, granular. Cleavage pris- matic. Color white, pale green, yellowish. Vitreous luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 3.68 — 3.71. Refractive indices: oc =: 1 ••"»-*' : 0~l.i\^u: -y^l.t'diT. Effervesces like calcite. Distinguished from calcitf hy its peniiancni dci'l) crimson flame obtained b.v taking a little of the i>o\vder on a platinum wire miiist(Mied with hydrochloric acid and holding it in a colorless B'unsen HauK'. .\ls() b.v its suliihate being more insohible than calcium sulphate. The sli'ontia eoin()))Uii(ls are of recent ilisrovei-y in the State, and the carbonate has been found in several localities. Inyo County: A deposit of brown massive strontian cai'bonatc occurs three miles west of Shoshone. Plumas County: Large masses of divergent columnar strontianite were found in the Genessee Valley. San Bernardino County : Large deposits occur as brown fibrous dnOi gray granular masses in limestone on ]\Iud Hills, or Strontium Hills, ten miles north of Barstow. Some eelestite and gypsum are associated. The deposit has been described by Knopf'^'. 138 STATE MINING BUREAU. 141. WITHERITE Carbonate of barium, DaCOj. Orthorhombic. Soldom iu sood crystals. Usually columnar or iiranular. Poor cloavagi'. Color white or gray. II = ."> — 3.75; G = 4.2T. Refractive indices: oc=l-'^^; /J = 1.C76; y = l.G77. Infusible. Cives alkaline reaction on turmeric paper. Easily soluble with offervesceuce in hydrochloric acid. On adding sulphuric acid, barium sul- phate is precipitated. Gives green flame of barium. Sometimes found associated with barite, but it is very rare in this country. ]Maripo.sa County : Massive witherite occurs with barite in the deposit near El Portal. This is the only commercial deposit known in the United States. Shasta County : On BecLium Creek, near Platina. ]\Iassive. 142. CERUSSITE. Carbonate of lead, PbCOa. Orthorhombic. Platy crystals. Generally massive. Color gray, cream- white, brown. Adamantine to vitreous luster. H = 3 — 3.5; G = 6.46 — 6.57. Refractive indices: oc =1.S(U: y5 = l>.(>7G: y = 2.078. Soluble in nitric acid with effervescenc". P'asily fusible. Fused on char- coal with sodium carbonate, reduces to metallic globules of lead and gives yellow coating. The carbonate of lead is a common alteration product of galena, and in all mines carrying much lead sulphide it is to be found in the oxidized portion of the veins. It generally occurs as heavy gray or brown masses, but is occasionally found in cream-white platy crystals in the porous ore and galena cavities. In silver districts it is frequently rich in silver and forms the chief ore. Imperial County : Occurs in small veins and pockets five miles east of Pieacho. Inyo County: Large crystals were found in the Russ district, W. P. Blake"''. A common mineral in the Cerro Gordo and other silver dis- tricts of the county. With galena at the ^Montezuma mine, ten miles southeast of Big Pine ; with galena and smithsonite in limestone at the Ophir mine. Slate Range ; at the Redwing mine with smithsonite ; at the Santa Rosa mine. Lee district ; with smithsonite in limestone at the Ventura mine ; common in the Carbonate mine ; with galena and smith- sonite at the Noonday mine ; large crystals with anglesite at the Ube- hebe mine ; occurs with galena, ehalcopyrite and native copper in lime- stone at Chloride Cliff, Grapevine Range. Kern Count}' : With galena seven miles northwest of Randsburg. Mono County: Common in the Blind Springs district, Goodyear^^^ Riverside County : Occurs with galena in gold-bearing quartz at the Free Coinage and Steel mines, Hodges district, in southeast corner of MINERALS Of^ CALIFORNIA. 139 county. The load oarljonate oecMif.s in vci-v small amounts as an altera- tion of galena at Crestniore. San Bernardino County : In the hornsilver districts of Calico and Barstow the lead carbonate was a very prominent mineral, Lindgren^^^ Storms'^'. Very jirominent in the Silver Reef disti'ict near Oro Crande. Oeeui-s with smithsonite at the Silver Rule mine, one-quarter mile south of Inyo county line. Occurs with siuithsonite, anglesite, linarite and galena in dolomite at the Ibe.x mine, si.x miles north of Saratoga Springs. Platinum has been identitied in a lead carbonate ore from the Piute mine, near Cima. 143. BISMUTOSPHAERITE. Carbonate of bisinutli, BiiiCOj. Concentric globular with radiating fibers. Color bright yellow to brown. H=3 — 3.5; G=:7.30. Refractive indices: £ = 1.04; t^ = 2.13. Effervesces in acid. Mixed with ])otassium iodide and sulphur and fused on charcoal, it gives a bright red coating on the outer edge of a yellow coating. This very rare mineral is formed by the alteration of bismuth minerals, and is always secondary. San Diego County : Occurs in grayish black masses and as a yellow powder from the alteration of native bismuth at Pala, Schaller^*^ 144. PHOSGENITE. Chlorocarbonate of lead (PbCl),COa. Tetragonal. I'rismatic ci-ystals. Color white to yellow. Adamantine luster. H = 2.5 — 3; G = G. Kofractivo indices: ^ = 2.140; (,^ = 2.1 14. Effervesces with dilute nitric acid. Easily fusible to yellow l)rad. Kr- duced with sodium carbonate to metallic lead. Fused with copper oxide, it gives blue flame of copper chloride. Tliis is a very rare lead compound, and but one locality in the State is known for its occurrence. Inyo County : A specimen was found of acicular, straw-yellow crystals in cjuartz at the Silver Sprout mine, Hanks^^\ 145. NORTHUPITE. Double carbonate of sodium and magnesium with sodium chloride, Na2CO3.MgCO3.NaCl. Isometric. Octahedral crystals. Colorless to brownish. Vitreous luster. 11 = 3.5 — 4; G = 2.38. llefractive index: « = 1.514. Easily fusible, coloring the flame intensely yellow. SolubU' in dilute acid, frum whieli magnesia can be prccipitatt^d. Northupite is a new mineral, only known to occur in this State. 140 STATE MINING BUREAU. San Bernardino Conntj^ : Some small dirty Avhite and dark brown octahedrons of the combined carbonates and chloride were discovered in 1895 at Searles Borax Lake and named by Foote^^\ An analysis was made by Pratt^^^. CO" Cl SOa MgO Na.>0 H-O Insol. O for CI 35.12 14.10 0.08 16.08 36.99 0.72 0.22 =100.31 — 3.16 = 100.15 per cent 146. TYCHITE. Double carbonate of sodium and magnesium with sodium sulphate, 2MgC03.2Na„C03.Na,SO^. Isometric. Small octahedral cry.stals. Color white. Vitreous luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 2.5S. Refractive index: /i = 1.508. Similar to northupite in its reactions. This new mineral was found with northupite, and likewise is only known from the one locality. San Bernardino County : A few small octahedrons of the combined carbonates and sulphate were mixed with the northupite crystals and discovered in 1905 and named bv Penfield and Jamieson^^^ so,-. CO2 MgO Na^O 15.08 33.55 15.83 35.49 = 99.95 per cent 15.06 33.45 15.77 35.65 = 99.93 HYDROUS CARBONATES. 147. MALACHITE— Green Copper Basic carbonate of copper, CuC03.Cu(0H);. Alonoclinic. Fibrous, radiating tufts, botryoidal. stalactitic. Color green. Streak green. Vitreous luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 4. Refractive indices: oc =1.655; ^= 1.875; ,, = 1.009. BflFervesces in nitric acid. Ammonia turns solution deep hlu(\ Malachite is to he found practically in every locality where there is the least trace of copper, as it is the common alteration mineral of copper compounds. As an iiulieation of the presence of copper, it occurs in green coatings and stains, and in the oxidized portion of copper veins it often forms beautiful drusy and velvety crystallizations. Azurite is often associated. Amador County : Fine reniform masses have come from Volcano. Calaveras County : Frequently seen at Campo Seco and Copperopolis, but more as stains than as good specimens. Fine specimens came from the old Hughes mine. W. P. Blake^^\ Del Norte County: Occurs with magnetite and chalcocite at French Hill ; with chalcopyrite and bornite at the Diamond mine. Low Divide ; at the Morning Star mine. Rockland district, associated with magnetite. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 141 Humboldt Coiuity : Excellent specimens have come from Horse Mountain, also from the Mattole district. Inyo County : Good drusy uuilachite occurred in the Cerro Gordo district. Found associated witli clirysocoUa ten miles east of Death Valley Junction. Kern County: Found in the San Emidio Canyon a.ssociated with azurite. Kings County : Observed at Anshall Creek. Lake County: Occurs on the Langtry Ranch, seven miles south of Middletown. La-ssen County: Associated with azurite at Copper King mine, near Westwood. Los Angeles County: Occurs with azurite on Upper San Gabriel River. Mariposa County: Fine drusy coatings and excellent specimens of crystallized malachite occur at the White Rock mine. Good specimens with azurite at the Peter.son and Cornet mines. ^lendocino County: AVith native copper in serpentine at Red ^loun- tain, ten miles southeast -of Ukiah. In the Anderson Valley as altera- tion of chalcopyrite. Mono County : Common alteration mineral in the Blind Springs district. Good specimens of malachite with cuprite and melaconite occur at the Detroit mine. Monterey County: Some malachite has been observed in the serpen- tine east of Parkfield. Napa County : Occurred with some covellite and chalcocite in the Jumper group of mines. Placer County : Large amounts witli native copper at the Algol mine, nine miles northeast of Lincoln. Plumas County : Good specimens associated with bornite and chalco- cite occur in Ijight's Canyon. Large masses in limestone at the Bluebell mine, Genessee district. With azurite as a vein in the Pettinger mine, near Taylorville. Excellent specimens with chalcocite at Green Ledge, Genessee Valley. As an alteration of chalcocite and bornite at the Oregon, Olympia, Polar Star and Engel mines. Occurs in a bante gangue with hematite and yellow limonite, in Cook's Canyon. Riverside County : Observed in the ^lonte Negro district as an altera- tion of chalcopyrite. Occurs with azurite and cuprite in Ironwood, Palen and Santa Maria ^Mountains. Green copper carbonate occurs as an alteration of copper sulphides at Crestmore. San Benito County : Associated with azurite at the Towle Copper mine near Elkhorn. 142 STATE MINING BUREAU. Sail Bernardino County: One of the minerals found in the Calico district; also (piite common in the oxidized copper ores of the eastern part of the county. Occurs witli cluilcocite and bornite four miles east of Judson. San Diego County : Excellent specimens have come from three miles south of Julian. San Luis Obispo County : Occurs on Santa Lucia Mountains and on Chorro Creek. Trinity County : Observed on Uobbyn Creek. Sparingly at the Cop- ])er Queen Lode, Carrville. Occurs as a secondary mineral at Island .Mountain. Tuolumne County : Occurs with chalcopyrite at the Green.stone mine. 148. AZU RITE— Blue Malachite. Basic carbonate of copper, 2CuCOo.Cu(OH);. Monocliuic. Good crystals, massive, cartliy. Color deep azure-blue. Streak light blue. Vitroous to adamantine luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 3.77 — 3.83. Refractive indices: oc =1-730; ^ = 1.754; y:=l.S36. Similar to uialacliitc in reactions, but easily distinguished by color. The blue azurite is not so common as the green malachite with which it is usually found. It occurs generally in aggregates of distinct crystals, often lining cavities in liuionitic and malachitic masses. Most copper districts may have some azurite formed as an oxidation mineral. Butte County : Observed with malachite near Bangor. Calaveras County: Fine crystals occurred with malachite at the old Hughes mine, W. P. Blake''". Some azurite with malachite has been found in the Santa Cruz niiiio near Kobinsnn's Ferry. Also at the Telegraph mine, Hog Hill. El Dorado County: Good specimens of the two carbonates have been found at the Alabastei- Cave mine. Cave City. Inyo County: Occui'.s with melaconite, malachite, and chry.socolla in the Creenwater district. Black ^Mountains; at the ^Mountain View mine, Panamint; at the Half Dollar mine it occurred with pink and white lepidolite. Kern County : In the Cinco district it is associated with malachite, galena, anglesite and ceritssite. Fine specimens have been found in San Emidio Canyon. Lassen County : With malachite near Westwood. Madera County : Occurs with malachite in the old Buchanan mine. Mariposa County : Fine crystals occur in the Hawlington district. Observed in the White Rock mine. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 143 Modoc County: Occurs seveu miles south of Fort Bitlwell with iiiahi- I'hite, cuj)rite and uative copper. Mono County : Crystals on limonite front tiie Diana mine had the forms: (001), (T02), (012), (Oil), (110), (111), Jackson^^). Napa County : Some azurite and malachite have been found near Monticello. Placer County : Small amounts observed in copper mines seven miles north of Auburn. Plumas County : Occurs with malachite near Taylor.sville at the Pettinger and Polar Star mines. Riverside County: Occurs in the Ironwood and Palen Mountains with malachite and cuprite. Blue azurite is associated with malachite at Crestmore. San Benito County : Small crystals occur at the Towle Copper mine near Elkhorn. San Bernardino County : Occurs with malachite and copper sul- phides in the Signal mining district. Specimens have come from the Bumper claims near Needles. Siskiyou County : With malachite near Gazelle and in the Bonanza mine near Honolulu. Sonoma County : Small perfect crj'stals w^ith malachite occur eight miles northea.st of Cazadero. Trinity County: Oecur.s with malachite as a secondary mineral at Island ^Mountain. Tuolumne County : 01)served at Whiske}' Hill, and in various mines of the county in small amounts. 149. AURICHALCITE. Basic carbonate of zinc aucl copper, 2(Zn,Cu)C03.3(Zu,Cu I (Oil).. Monoclinic. Plumose, tabular, laminated. Color pale green, bluish green. Streak like color. Pearly luster. H = 2 ; G=3.54 — 3.64. Refractive indict^s: a:=l-C>54j; «=:1.740; y = 1.743. Easily solublo witli flforvescciu'c. In a closed tube, bla<'k(>ns and gives water. On charcoal, wiien mixed with sodium carbonate, it gives yelhiw coating of zinc and globules of c'opiier. This is a very rare .secondary mineral, and has only been found in Iwo localities in the State. Inyo County : Plumose aggregates and long prismatic crystals associated with calamine and chrysocolla occurred in specimens from the Cerro Gordo mine. Has been mentioned from this locality by Rogers^^>. ^lono County : Occurs as pale green fissure fillings in magnetite con- taining sphalerite, from near Topaz. ]44 STATE MINING BT'REAU. 150. HYDROZINCITE. Basic carbonate of zinc, ZuCOs, Zu(OH)j. Massive and cartlu'. (Icncralh as inci-ustaiions. Snow-white color. Dull luster. H = 2 — 2.5; G = 3.58 — 3.8. Refractive indices: a: =1.040; ^=1.7:'.0: ,, = 1.750. Soluble with effervescence in dilute acid. Gives water in closed tube. Intensely heated on charcoal with cobalt nitrate, will assume green color of zinc and give globules of copper. Hydrozincite is formed as a secondary mineral from the alteration of sphalerite. It is rare in the State. Inyo County : Thick layers of the white carbonate occur at the Cerro Gordo mine with si)haltn'ite, willemito and calamine; has been men- tioned from this locality by Rogers'-''^ 151. DAWSONITE. Basic carbonate of aluminium and sodium, Na3Al(C03)3.2Al(OH)3. Monoclinic. Incrustations. Color white. Vitreous luster. H = 3;G = 2.4. Refractive indices : ex = 1 .4<^>n : ^ = 1 .542 : y = 1 ■•">i'<''- Effervesces easily.. Swells and fuses, coloring flame deej) yellow and fused mass gives an alkaline reaction. With cobalt nitrate gives a line 1)lue color. Gives water in closed tube. Dawsonite is a very rare mineral, and occurs in arid regions as white crusts. Inyo County : Reported to occur as a soft incrustation in a dike in Amargosa Canj^on, Bailey ^^\ 152. THERMONATRITE. Hydrous carbonate of sodium, Na-CO^.HnO. Orthorhombic. Usually as efflorescences. Color white, yellowish. Vit- reous luster. H = l — 1.5; G = 1.5 — l.G. Taste alkaline. Refractive indices: ex =1.120; aj=1.."iO0; ,, = !.. 524. Soluble in watei- and liiis alkaline l:iste. Stroncr yellow flume of sodium and .gives an alkaline reaction, on heating. This is a very rare mineral which forms as efflorescences in arid regions. Inyo County : Forms white efflorescent coatings in Death Valley, .lecording to Bailey ^^\ MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 145 153. GAY LUSSITE. Hydrous carbonate of calcium and sodium, CaCOs.NaoCOa.SH-O. Monoclinic. Flat wodftc-shaptHl crystals. Cleavatre perfect prisnintic. Color white. Vitreous luster. 11 = 2 — 3; G = 1.93 — 1.95. Ilcfractive indices: ex =: 1-444; ^ = l.r)lG; y = 1.523. Easily fusible to a white enamel with strong yellow flame. Gives alkaline reaction on turmeric paper. Easily effervesces. Gives water in closed tube. Calcium shown by precipitation with ammonium oxalate. This double carbonate is frequently formed on the shores of soda lakes in flat wedge-shaped crystals. Found only in dry regions. Mono Count}' : Found in crystals on the shore of ]Mono Lake. San Bernardino County : One of the minerals of the Searles Borax Lake, Hanks^^'^^ The forms on the crystals from this lake as determined by Pratt d) are: (010), (001), (110), (Oil), (TOl), (112). Bailey mentions it as occurring at the Owl Springs niter beds. 154. NATRON. Hydrous carbonate of sodium, NajCOa.lOHjO. Monoclinic. Exists only in solution or mixed with trona. Tabular crystals obtained by the evaporation of waters from soda lakes. Color white. Vitreous luster. H = 1 — 1.5; G = 1.42 — 1.46. Taste alkaline. Refractive indices: a: =1.405; ^ = 1.425; y = 1.440. Soluble in water and effervesces in acids. Gives intensely yellow flame and reacts alkaline. The normal carbonate of soda has not been found in native state, but it exists in solution in some of the lakes and springs of the State. Crystals of the carbonate, mixed with the bicarbonate, are obtained by evaporating the water of Owens Lake and other soda lakes of Death Valley and San Bernardino County. The solid contents of Owens Lake have been analysed by Foster^^^ and Chatard^^\ 155. TRONA— Urao— Soda. Hydrous bicarbonate of sodium, Na2CO3.HNaCO3.2H2O. Monoclinic. Slender crystals and fibrous masses. Cleavage perfect ortho- pinacoidal. Color white. Vitreous luster. H = 2.5 — 3; G = 2.11 — 2.14. Taste alkaline. Refractive indices: oc =1.412; ^ = 1.492; y = 1.540. L/ike natron in reactions. Much water in a closed tube. The bicarbonate is the common form of soda found in lakes and springs. In dry protected localities it exists as crystals and finely fibrous coatings. Mono County: The solid contents of the waters of Owens Lake are mainly trona, and the mineral occurs along the shores in white layers. 10— S2182 146 STATE MINING BUREAU. Chatard^^^ analyses of the solid iiiattcr of this lake show it to be over 90 per cent pure soda. San Bernardino County : Soda is (juite eouimon in this county at the various sinks and borate lakes. At Searles Borax Lake it is the material mined, and large amounts of it have been accumulated. Thick layers of solid trona occur with the borax, hanksite, thenardite, glauberite and other salts. Crystals are very common. They are elongated right and left, and have the forms: (100), (001), (101), (302), (111), (Til), (211), Ayers<2). 156. PIRSSONITE. Hydrous double carbonate of calcium and sodium, CaCO3.Na2CO3.2HoO. Orthorhombic. Hemimorphic crystals. Colorless to white. Vitreous luster. H = 3 — 3.5; G = 2.352. Refractive indices: cc =1-504; Q=l.r>10; y = 1.575. Similar tt) .i;ay lussite in its reactions. Boiled in water the sodium car- bonate is leached out and causes the solution to l)efome stron,i;ly alkalim'. Pirssonite is a mineral discovered in California in 1896 and only known from the one locality. San Bernardino County : Good hemimorphic crystals of this salt were found with nortliupite and borax at the New Well, Searles Borax Lake, and the mineral was described and named by Pratt^^\ Forms: (010), (110), (111), (111), (131), (311). CO2 CaO NaaO K2O H2O AI0O3 SiOo 36.07 23.38 25.70 0.15 14.73 0.13 0.29 = 100.45 per cent 157. HYDROMAGNESITE— Hydrodolomite. Hydrous carbonate and hydrate of magnesium, 3MgC03.Mg(OH);.3H20. Monoclinic. Generally massive chalky. Color white. Vitreous, silky to dull luster. H = 3.5, crystallized ; G = 2.14 — 2.18. Refractive indices: a: =1.527; «= 1.530; y = 1..540. Easily effervesces in dilute acids and the solution made alkaline with am- monia and sodium iihosi)hate addinl. the masiiesia is jirecipitated. Soft white veins of a hydrated magnesite have been found in the serpentine, but most of these veins are classed as magnesite. Alameda County: A specimen of hydromagnesite from Livermore was analysed by Gutzkow^^^ SiOsAloOaFeeOs CaO MgO CO2 H2O Moisture 1.25 tr. 43.00 30.30 18.70 0.75 Massive white hydromagnesite has been found near Pleasanton. Inyo County : Said to occur in chalky and mealy crusts in spots along the Amargosa River, Bailey^^\ Riverside County : Crystals of hydromagnesite occur in the calcite at Crestmore as an alteration product of brucite. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 147 Sau Benito County: llydroinagnrsitt' ot'ciirs witli ma^nesite in pow- dery white balls, on Larious Creek, on slope of Sampson Peak, and was analysed by W. li. Hicks. Deposit described by Gale*^*. SiO.. AI.O; I'V.t):, Ca(» MkO CO, ILO? 2.r>0 0.13 0.44 0.34 41.(W 'M.^k) 10.2] =n!).ll% San Francisco County : Small white veins are found in the serpentine of San Francisco. Kadiatinii; rosettes of hydroma^nesite occur on the serpentine at Fort Point. The white veins in the serpentine of San Francisco are in jiart hydrolomite and in part hydroma^nesite. San Luis Obispo County : Small veins found in the rocks near Port Harford. 158. HYDROGIOBERTITE. Hydrous magnesium carbonate, 2MgO.C02.."}IInO. Spherulitic iiKTustations. Light gray color. H = 3 — 4; = 2.152. Effer- vesces with hydrochloric acid. Napa County: Found in Chiles A'alley near Philips Sprinf2:s and analysed by Wells'^'. MgO co„ H„o 4,(>.n4 23.ft4 21.42 45.80 28.00 26.20 Larsen has shown by a microscopic and optical examination that it is a mi.xture of two fibrous minerals and is probably hydi'omag'nesite. 159. ZARATITE. Hydrous carbonate of nickel, NiC03.2Ni(OH)j.4H„0. Incni.stations. Massive. Color emerald-green. Streak green. \'iti'eous luster. H = 3; = 2.57 — 2.69. Refractive index: « = 1.57 — 1.61. Effervesces in hot acid. Gives water in closed tube. Imparts to the bora.x bead a brown color whicli. when reduced, becomes gray and cloudy. The emerald-green nickel carbonate is always accompanied by chro- mite, occurring as an incrustation on massive ehromite. Most of the green coatings on the ehromite of the State consist of small uvarovite garnet crystals or green chlorite. Alameda County : Green coatings of zaratite occur on the ehromite at Mendenhall mine on Cedar IMountain. Madera County : Found as coating on ehromite near Madera. Monterey County: Found on ehromite in this county, W. P. Blake^^^ San Benito County: Found on ehromite near Hollister and near Panoche. Shasta Count}' : Observed on the ehromite at Castella. Siskiyou County : Green coatings occur on the ehromite near Cal- lahan. 148 STATE MIiNIXG BUREAU. 160. BISMUTITE. Hydrous carlionatc of bismuth, BiX'Oj.HjO. Incrustations and earthy. Color white and dirty green. Streak greenish gray. Vitreous to dull luster. H=:4 — 4.5; G = 6.9. Kefractivo indices: £ = 2.20; ^ = 2.0. Effervesces in acid. Ftised on charcoal with ixjtassium iodide and sul- phur, it gives a red coating. A small amount of water is obtained by heating in a closed tube. The carbonate of bismuth is a secondary mineral formed by the altera- tion of ores containing bismuth. Fresno County : Occurred at the Second Sierra and Lot One mines, Kings River. Inyo County : Found at Big Pine Creek, Hanks^^^ ; also at Antelope Springs, Deep Spring Valley. Fibrous and crypto-crystalline speci- mens have been found near Lone Pine. Los Angeles County : White earthy bismutite has been found in this county. Mono County: Found at Oasis, Hanks^^\ San Bernardino County: Occurs as an alteration of associated bis- muthinite at the United Tungsten Copper mine, Morongo district. San Diego County : Occurs as an alteration of bismuth at Pala, Schaller(4). MINERALS UK CALIFORMA. 149 CHAPTER vni. ANHYDROUS SILICATES. I Ftldspam. Orthoclase Microcline Anortlioclase Albite Oligoclase Andesine Labradorite Bjtownite Anorthite Pyroxene Group. Enstatite Bronzite Hypersthene Pyroxene Malacolitc Diopside Diallage Omphacite Augite Violan Hedenbergite Arruite Apgirite Spodumene Kunzite Iliddenite Wollastonite Pfctolite Rhodonite A inphibole Group. Anthophyllite Ainphibole Tremolite Asbestos Actinolite Smaragdite Cummingtonite Uralite Asbeferrlte Edenite Hornblende Soretite Pargaslle Caranthiue Glaucophane Crocidolite Not Grouped. Beryl Xepheline Sodalite Nosean liazurite Carnet .Mouricellitc Olivine Te|>hri>ito Iddingsite ^A'illemite FELDSPARS. WiMucritt' Scapolilo Clehlonite Mcrwiniic Vcsuvianite Californite Zircon Topaz Andalnsite Siilimanite Cyanite Spurrite Datolite Zoisite Saussurite Clinozoisite Epidote Allanite Piedmontite Axiuite Prehnite Choudrodito Lotrite llvaite Calamine Lawsonite Tourmaline Dumortierite ^ The name feldspar is given to a group of alumina silicates with potash, soda and lime, whose members have the general properties of hardness, cleavage, gravity and twinning similar. They include: two potash feldspars, orthoclase and microcline; a potash-soda feldspar, anortlioclase: a soda feldspar, albite; a lime feldspar, anorthite; and four soda-lime to lime-soda feldspars intermediate between albite and anorthite, namely oligoclase, andesine, labradorite and bytoivnite. The feldspars are the most abundant and most important of the rock-form- ing silicates, and the classification of a volcanic rock is in general based upon the prevailing feldspar. The potash feldspars are characteristic of the acid volcanics, while the albite-anorthite feldspars belong to the basic volcanics, the terms "acid and basic" meaning whether high or low in silica percentage. The albite-anorthite feldspars are commonly 150 , STATE MINING BUREAU. called the "plagioelase feldspars," and in many petrographic descrip- tions this name is used, so that the particular kind of feldspar is not designated. As rock-forming minerals the feldspars are too universally distributed to give many localities. 161. ORTHOCLASE— Potash Feldspar. Silicate of potassium and aluminium. KAlSijOg. Mouocliuic. Crystals very common. Often as Carlsbad twins. Perfect basal and clinopinacoidal cleavage. Colorless, white, flesh-red. Vitreous luster. H = 6 — 6..5; G = 2.57. Refractive indices: a:=l.."tlS; ^ = 1.524,: y = 1.5'2CK Fused at 5 in the scale of fusibility, therefore can only be rounded on edgi^s of splinter. Insoluble in acids. The powder mixed with gypsum, taken on the loop of a platinum wire and held in the colorless flame of a Bunsen burner, will give the violet flame of potassium, best seen through blue glass or the Merwin color screen. Orthoclase is an essential constituent of the acid igneous rocks, granites, syenites, quartz-porphyries, rhyolites and trachytes, and an occasional constituent of other more basic rocks. Large crystals often form the phenocrysts of porphyritic rocks, and these crystals are often "Carlsbad twins." The color of granites is mainly due to the color of the orthoclase, red granites having orthoclase colored by ferric oxide. Granites, syenites and diorites are often intersected by "pegmatite veins" consisting of coarse crystals and massive orthoclase, with quartz and mica, and these veins vary greatly in width, and some can be quarried for the feldspar. The principal commercial localities in California are in ^loiiterpy. Riverside. San Diego, and Tulare counties. Adularia is a glassy, transparent variety, sometimes found in large crystals. Sanidine is a glassy potash feldspar, common to rhyolites and trachytes. Valcncianite is a variety name given to vein orthoclase. 162. MICROCLINE— Potash Feldspar. Silicate of potassium and aluminium, KAlSijOg. Triclinic. Crystals very common. Bases often show rectangular grat- ing structure. Cleavage like orthoclase. Color white, green. H = 6 — 6.5; G = 2.54 — 2.57. Refractive indices: cx=1.522; ^ = 1.526; y = l..j30. Same reactions as for orthoclase. Microcline has the same composition as orthoclase, but differs from it in its twinning structure and crystallization. It is a constituent of granites, syenites, and granodiorites and some of the pegmatitic veins. Amazo7i stone is a green variety. I MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 151 163. ANORTHOCLASE— Potash-Soda Feldspar. Silicate of potassium, sodium aud alumiuium. KAiSiaOj with NaAlSijO^ in varying proportions. Triclinic. Crystals observed in rock sections. Like orthoclase in its physical properties. H=:6 — 0.5; = 2.57 — 2.60. Kofractivo indices: oc =1.52.3; ^=1..T2n: ^ = 1. .■..!]. Sanio reactions as for orthoclase. Anorthoclase is a constituent of granites and granodiorites of the State, but has seldom been mentioned in the petrographical descriptions. 164. ALBITE— Soda Feldspar. Silicate of sodium and aluminium, NaAlSisO.,. Triclinic. Crystals common aud usually as repeated twins. Often mas- sive. Cleavage perfect basal and brachypiuacoidal. Colorless and white. Vitreous luster often very glassy. H = 6 — 6.5; G = 2.02 — 2.65. Refractive indices : oc = 1 "'25 ;^= 1.52!) : y = 1 .536. Fused at 4 and imparts a bright yellow color to flame. Unacted on by acid. The soda feldspar is a common constituent of acid granites, acid rhyolites, granodiorites and diorites and metamorphic gneisses and schists. It forms very prominent white veins in the crystalline schists of the Coast Ranges and the Sierras. Albite is frequent as pegmatitic veins in diorites and basic igneous rocks. 165 OLIGOCLASE— Soda-lime Feldspar. Silicate of sodium, calcium and alumiuium, juXaAlSiaOs with nCaAKSijOs, nearer albite in composition. Triclinic. Crystals, usually twinned like albite. Cleavage perfect basal and brachypiuacoidal. Colorless to white. H = 6 — 6.5; G = 2.65 — 2.67. Refractive indices: oc =1.539; Q = 'i.^yii^; y = 1..547. Same reactions as albite. The calcium can be dctcrmuu'd in the wet way, by precipitation as calcium oxalate. All insoluble silicates need to be fused with sodium carbonate to render them soluble. A constituent of diorites, porphy rites, andesites, etc., and to some extent in granites, syenites and granodiorites. Occasionally found in large white masses as veins in diorite and other basic rocks. Moonstone is a soda-lime feldspar with milky chatoyancy. Much of the so-called moonstone is chalcedony. 152 STATE MINING BUREAU, 166. ANDESINE— Soda-lime Feldspar. Silicate of sodium, calcium and aluminium, intermediate between albite and anorthite. Triclinic. Crystals similar to albite. H = 5 — 6; G = 2.68 — 2.60. Refractive indices: a:=l."».W; ^=1..153; y = l.^T)7. Samo roactlons as for olis;oclase. A constituent of diorite, gabbro, porphyrite, audesite and other basic rocks. Only observed as a mierosoopieal constituent. 167. LABRADORITE — Lime-soda Feldspar. Silicate of calcium, sodium and aluminium, CaALSijOj with NaAlSijOs, nearer anorthite in composition. Triclinic. Small twinned crystals in rocks ; sometimes massive with twin- ning striations. I'roperties like oligoclase. 11 = 5 — (5; G = 2.70 — 2.72. Refractive indices: ex = 3 -"'i) : ^=1.563; y = 1..568. Same reactions as for oligoclase. The minei-al is slightly acted on by hydrochloric acid. An essential constituent of most basic eruptive rocks such as diorites, gabbros, diabases, andesites and basalts. Sometimes it occurs as veins of large cleavable masses. 168. BYTOWNITE— Lime-soda Feldspar. Silicate of calcium, sodium and aluminium, near anorthite in composition. Triclinic. Properties like oligoclase. H = 5 — 6;G = 2.72. Refractive indices: oc =l-i'>C(5 : i3 = ]..")72; y — l.r>lCi. Sonii'whaf more suhihlc than lahradorite. (ii\es the red flamo of calcium. A common constituent of very basic rocks like gabbros, diabases and basalts, associated with labradorite and anorthite. 169. ANORTHITE— Lime Feldspar. Silicate of calcium and aluminium, CaALSijOg. Triclinic. Generally in small crystals as a rock constituent. Properties like oligoclase and labradorite. H = 6 — 6.5; G = 2.74 — 2.76. Refractive indices: oc =1.576; «=1.584; y3:1..5SS. Soluble slowly and yields gelatinous silica. Gives the red flame of cal- cium. Fused at 4. Anorthite is the most basic of the feldspars, and is a constituent of the very basic rocks, especially gabbros, diabases and basalts. A few of the localities where feldspars have been noticed may be cited. Alameda Count>- : Good crystals of glassy albite occur at the New- man mine. Cedar ^loiuitain, associated with yellow euliedral quartz. Calaveras County : Large crystals of orthoclase occur at Mokelumne Hill. Albite is a common constituent of the schists of the Mother Lode. MINERALS OK CALIFORNIA. 153 Crystals of albite from the old Stanislaus mine, Carson Hill, had the forms: (010), (001), (Til), (lOl) (1T0\ (130), (_021), Jackson^^). Crystals from Angels had tho forms : (010), (110), (ITO), (111), (TTl), (001), Geuth(2). The mineral from Angels was analysed by Genth. SiOo AI2O3 Fe.03 CaO Na^O K,.0 H2O 68.39 19.0", 0.41 0.47 10.97 tr. 0.21 100.10 per cent Valencianite occnrs five miles east of Milton in small prismatic crystals. Forms: (160), (lOT), (001) and (010), Rogers^^). Contra Costa County : Albite is a common constituent of the chlorite and actinolite-schists of the county. Numerous white veins of the mineral intersect these schists. Prominent as veins in the actinolite schist near San Pablo and analysed by Blasdale^^^ H2O SiOo AloOj CaO NaoO at 100° ab 100° 67.09 20.47 0.24 10.96 0.27 0.59 99.62 per cent El Dorado County : Large white crystals of orthoclase occurred at the old Cosumues copper mine near Fairplay with bornite, molybdenite, epidote and axinite. Massive red orthoclase occurs with tourmaline at Buck's Bar, Cosumnes River. Small colorless crystals of adularia have been found on the south side of Fallen Leaf Lake with forms (110), (101), (001), and (010). They are associated with pale green diopside, Rogers'"'*. Albite with siderite and calfite occurs at the Red Hill mine, Kelsey district. Fi"esno County: Bodies of f('lds|)atlii(' rock, mainly orthoclase, as pegmatites, occur live miles northeast of Trimiuei', and beryl and topaz are said to be associated. Humboldt Count\' : Classy ci-ystals of albite are common as vein.s in the schist of Horse Mountain. Inyo County : "White argentiferous orthoclase occurred at the White Lime mine. Deep Spring district. Glassy adularia was found in good crystals at Rialto in the Funeral Mountains. Pink ]ierthite oi-curs six mile.s east of Tecopa. Kern County : "White orthoclase was reported from the Long Tom mine. Albite in schists occurs near Randsburg and Johannesburg. A massive flesh-red orthoclase occurs near Rosamond. Los Angeles County : White veins of labradorite occur near Lang.^ Labradorite is a constituent of the rocks on Mount Gleason. Madera County: Massive white orllioclase is found near Hildreth. Marin County : Albite veins are common in the schists of the county. Crystals from the lawsonite schist at Reed Station have the forms: (001), (010), (021), (021), (TOl), (201), (150), (180), (Til), (111), (112), (131), (221), (120), (350), (110)'. (110), (130), (112), (221), (241), (312), Schaller(io). 154 STATE MINING BUREAU. Mariposa County : Orthoclase occurs with black tourmaline and molyl)(lenite in the granites of the Yosemite Valley. Labradorite occurs in tlie rocks of Yosemite Park. Modoc County. Pink orthoclase occurs in a pegmatite near Susan- ville. Pebbles of labradorite from this county were found containing small opaque inclusions of native copper, making tliom aventuriuc lal)- radorite. Mono County : Ortlioclase is found in pegmatitic veins in the Blind Spring district. Monterey County : Large phenocrysts of orthoclase occur in the porphyritic rock at Pacific Grove and Cypress Point. The potash feldspar is quarried four miles east of Chualar for pottery. Massive cream-colored orthoclase from Jem Quarry, four miles east of Chualar, occurs on contact between limestone and granite, and was analysed by E. W. Rice: .SiO:; AL.Oj Fe.,03 CaO MgO K,,0 Loss (55.60 2l'.34 0.40 1.00 tr. 11.85 0.48 = 101.23% Nevada County : Anorthoclase and microcline are constituents of the diorite and granodiorite, and labrodorite, bytownite and anorthite of the diorite and gabbro of Nevada City and Grass Valley, Lindgren"^'. Good cystals of albite occur at Gra-s Valley. Plumas County : Albite is a constituent of the syenite of Spanish Creek, Murgoci^^^ Oligoclase was described by LaAvson^^^ as a con- stituent of plumasite from Spanish Peak and the mineral was analysed by J. Newfield. SiO» AI2O3 CaO NaoO HoO 61.36 22.97 5.38 8.08 1.72 - 99.51 per cent Labradorite, andesite, oligoclase and albite occur as constituents of the noritic rocks at En gels. Riverside County : An outcrop of orthoclase and quartz occurs in the granite hills, four miles south of Lakeview. Also on Warren Ranch three miles east of Lakeview. ^Massive cpiartz and feldspar occur 3^ miles northeast of Murrietta. Orthoclase feldspar occurs near Nuevo. San Benito County: Albite occurs in grayish and greenish, minute twinned crystals in the rock surrounding the veins of benitoite and neptunite near the headwaters of the San Benito River. Forms : (001), (010), (110), (110), (120), (130), (130), (101), (iTl), (Ul), (n2), (T31), (221), Louderback<2). San Bernardino County : Veins of orthoclase occur in the mountains in the northeastern part of the county. Massive red orthoclase occurs near ^lanvel. Giant crystals of orthot'lase are abundant in granite-por- phyry dikes H miles southwest of Twenty-nine Palms, some of them MINERALS OK CALIFORNIA. 155 Carlsl):id Twins. Orthoelase as a constituent of pegmatite dikes inter- sect iii": granite occurs 1^ miles south of Oro Grande. Some occurs 3^ miles north of Hinkley Station. Orthoelase and albite occur as pegma- tite veins containing col\iiii])itt', cassiterite and l)hie tourmaline, in tiic Chihuahua Valley. San Diego County : Albite was mentioned as a constituent of some of the rocks of the county by Kroustcholf*^^ and analysed by him. SiO" TiOo AI2O3 FeoOa CaO MgO KoO Na^O Ign 65.17 tr. 21.14 0.74 1.20 0.04 1.70 0.20 0.80 =99.89 per cent Large veins of acid pegmatite consisting of albite, orthoelase and microcline intersect dark gray diorite at Pala, Mesa Grande, Rincon and Ramona, as well as northward into Riverside County, and these veins carry large crystals of gem tourmaline and associated minerals. Large crystals of the feldspars occur in these veins showing Carlsbad, Baveno and albite twinning structure. Crystals of albite at the Victor mine, Rincon, occur tabular to (010) with forms (010), (001), (110), (ITO), (130), (TOl), (201), (Til), (nl), Rogers<2). Anorthite is a constituent of the orbicular gabbro at Dehesa and was analysed by Schaller, Lawson^^) SiO- AI2O3 CaO NaiO 44.39 36.55 18.55 0.83 rr 100.32 per cent A large outcrop of feldspar aiul (|uai-l/ occurs near Marina Dam, about five miles north of Campo. Outcrops of orthoelase and q'uartz occur five miles west of Alpine. Good massive orthoelase near Mesa Grande, Campo and Lakeside. Santa Barbara County : Labradorite is a constituent of the teschen- ites at Point Sal and Avas analysed by Fairbanks'^\ SiO" AUO3 CaO Na..O KnQ ]gn 52.72 30.46 11.01 3.70 0.42 1.44 = 99.75 per cout Santa Clara County: Oligoclase is a constituent of the glaucophane rocks of this county, Murgoci^^\ Shasta County : Veins of orthoelase occur on Tom Neal Mountain. Good crystals of andesine occur in dikes of andesite porphyry in Jones Valley, fifteen miles northeast of Redding. Good crystals of orthoelase occur in dikes of soda granite-porphyry on Salt Creek along the high- way ])etween Baird and Antler. Tulare County : AVhite crystals of orthoelase occur at Three Rivers. Outcrops occur at Three Rivers and Lemon Cove. Near Exeter it occurs as microcline. ^Massive perthite occurs near Exeter, Lindsay and at Lemon Cove. Tuolumne County : Large crystals of orthoelase are found (ui Sul- livan Creek. Graphic granite is common at Soulsbyville. 156 STATE MINING BUREAU. PYROXENE GROUP. 170. ENSTATITE. Silicate of magnesium, MgSlOa. Ortliorhombio. Generally massive, lamellar. Cleavage perfect prismatic. Color greenish or brownish gray to brown. Pearly to vitreous luster. H = 5.5; G = 3.1 — 3.3. Refractive indices: a:=]M~j(J: «;^1.(>j3; y = i. {>'>(>. Practically infusible and insoluble. Its constituents can be determined only in the wet way as in the treatment of a silicate. Enstatite is n roek-fonning niiueral which is characteristic of gab- broitic rocks and rocks that have been derived from gabbros, like much of the serpentinized rocks of the Coast Range and of the Sierras. It is a rather common mineral but has seldom been mentioned. Bronzite is a variety in Avhich part of the magnesia is replaced by iron. It occurs in bronze-brown reticulated masses. Alameda County : Bronzite occurs in some of the rocks of the Berke- ley Hills, Hanks(6). Contra Costa County : Massive enstatite is found in the Diablo Range in this and other counties to the south. Del Norte County: Specimens of enstatite have come from this county. Fresno County : Has been observed in rock near Lindsay. Kern County : Bronzite Avas one of the constituents of the San Emidio meteorite and was analysed by Whitfield^^^ SiO" FeO MgO CaO 54.42 14.03 29.11 9.46 =100.02 per cent Mariposa County : Massive In-onzite occurs in the gabbroitic rock of the old Mariposa estate. Nevada County : Enstatite is a constituent of the gabbros of Nevada City, Lindgren^^^ Plumas County : Enstatite and bronzite are constituents of the noritic rock at Engels. San Francisco County : Enstatite or bronzite occurs abundantly in the serpentine of San Francisco, Lawson^^^, Palache^^)^ Eakle^^^ San Luis Obispo County : Found in the serpentine at San Simeon. Sonoma County : Large bladed masses of bronzite associated with glaucophane and garnet have come from this county. Stanislaus County : En.statite witli actinolite have come from near Patterson. Trinity County: Observed in the rock near Trinity Center. Bronzite occurs near Hyampom. Tuolumne County : Light green enstatite occurs in the gabbro between Jamestown and Montezuma and also near Jacksonville. Yuba County : Green enstatite occurs near Rackerby. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 157 171. HYPERSTHENE. Silicate of iron and magnesium (Fe,Mg)Si03. Orthorliombic. Generally massive, foliated. Cleavage perfect brachy- pinacoidal. Color brownish green to brown. I'early to vitreous luster. H = 5 — 6; = 3.4 — 3.5. Refractive indices: ex =1-^39-; f^^^.lO^; ,.= 1.705. Infusible and insoluble. Somi- iron can be dissolved by boiling in hydro- chloric acid. The dark brown liyperslliene is a constituent of basic eruptive rocks, especially gabbros and andesites. Plumas County: A constituent of the hypersthene andesite at La Porte. Turner*^'. TTyixTsthcne is one of the constituents of tlio norite rock at Engels. San Diego County : One of the minerals in the orbicular gabbro at Dehesa, Lawson^*^. San Francisco County : A constituent of the dikes cutting the serpen- tine of San Francisco, Palache^^^. Siskiyou County : Mentioned by J. D. Dana^^^ as a constituent of the hypersthene andesite of Mount Shasta. 172. PYROXENE. Silicate of calcium and magnesium, CaMg(Si03)o with or without mixtures of Fe,Al,Na and K. Monoclinic. Prismatic crystals, granular. Cleavage perfect prismatic. Color generally some shade of green, often nearly white, brown, black. Vitreous luster. H = 5 — 6; G =3.2 — 3.6. The i\vroxenes are insoluble in hydi'ochloric acid. Diopside fuses to a colorless glass. Angite fuses to a shiny black glass. The pyroxenes are very important rock-forming minerals, the alumina variety augite being an essential constituent of most of the basic erup- tives and is occasionally found in syenites and granites. The light colored non-aluminous varieties are tnore characteristic of metamorphic limestones and schists. Malacolitc. Lime-magnesia pyroxene, CaMg(Si03)2. A white py- roxene often found in crystalline limestone near contact with eruptives. Diopside. Lime-magnesia pyroxene, CaMg( 8103)2 with ferrous iron. A light to deep grass-green pyroxene, characteristic of crystalline lime- stones, metamorphosed eruptives and some schists. Refractive indic«es : oc =1.664; ^ = 1.671; y = 1.094. Diallage. Lamellar or fibrous pyroxene near diopside in composition. Characteristic of gabbros. Omphacite. A granular non-aluminous pyroxene. Characteristic of eclogites in association with garnet. 158 STATE MINING BUREAU. Aiigitc. Iron-alumina pyroxene. Dark green to black and com- monest of all the pyroxenes. An essential constituent of diorites, gabbros, diabases, basalts, andesites, pyroxenites and other basic eruptives. JNIentioned in all petrographic descriptions of basic igneous rocks. Hcfraclive indices: oc =1-608; ^=1.704; y = 1.72.3. Violan. A variety name for a violet-colored augite. Hedenbergite. An iron-rich pyroxene. Refractive indiceg : oc =1.732; « = 1.737; ^ = 1.751. Contra Costa County : Diopside is common in the schists with albite near San Pablo and has been described and analysed by Blasdale^^^ SiOz AI..O3 FeoOa FeO MgO CaO Fiosh 51.91 3.55 1.30 2.65 16.15 22.85 Altered 49.62 2.97 2.49 2.99 19.72 19.14 HoO NaaO at 100° ab. 100° TiOo MnO Fresh 0.56 0.21 0.S6 0.10 0.33 =100.47% Altered 0.60 __ 2.71 — — =100.24 El Dorado County: Diallage is a constituent of gabbro on Mount Diablo. Fine dark green crystals of diopside occur near JNIud Spring.s. Occurs in good crystals at the Cosumnes Copper mine. Inyo County: Masses of malacolite have come from the Panamint Mountains. A constituent of calc-hornfelses at Deep Canyon near Bishop, with diopside. garnet and epidote. Lake County: Violan occurs in Big Canyon. Los Angeles County : Large light green crystals of diopside are found near San Pedro. Nevada County: Diallage is a constituent of the gabbro at Nevada City and Grass Valley, Lindgren^^). Plumas County: Diallage occurs in gabbro near Grizzly Peak, Tur- ner(i\ Riverside County : Crj-stals of pale green diopside occur in the lime- stone at Crestmore, and were described by Eakle'^"'. Forms observed were: (001), (010). (100), (110). (Oil). (021), (111), (221), (112), (111), (22_1), (331), (131), (121), (231), (211), (121), (352), (753), (836), (14.3.10) and (10.12.7). A deep green pyroxene resembling omphacite occurs associated with cinnamon-garnet at the Crestmore Quarry. Augite is a constituent of the quartz-monzonite porphyry of the quarry. A white pyroxene occurs in the dolomitic limestone of Ea^le Mountains. San Francisco County : Crystals of diallage occur in the serpentine of San Francisco, Erman^^^ Lawson^^)^ Palache^^) San Mateo County : Diallage occurs in gabbro near Crystal Springs. MINERALS OP CALIFORNIA. 159 Sauta Barbara County : Augite as a constituent of teschenite at Point Sal was analysed by Fairbanks^''^ SiOo AI2O, Fe-Oa FeO CaO MgO KaoOKjO Igii 4r,..-n n.on ^.^y^ 4.7.". L'l.as i3.S9 1.23 1.22 =99.78% g= 2.33s Santa Clara County: Diallage occurs at Los Gatos Creek. Ompha- cite is a constituent of eclogite in the Calaveras Valley, Murgoci^^\ Shasta County : Iledenbergite occurs associated with ilvaite at Pot- ter's Creek, Prescott^^\ Tulare County : Specimens of white malacolite have come from this county. Tuolumne County: Diallage occurs in tlie gabbro of Kawhitlc Ranch. 173. ACMITE— AEGYRITE. Silicate of sodium and Iron, essentially NaFeCSlOa);. Monoclinic. Prismatic crystals. Color brown or dark green. Vitreous luster. H = G — G.5; G = 3.50 — 3.55. Acmite: Refractive indices: cc =1-765; « = 1.S05; y=r 1.820. Aegyrite : Refractive indices: oc =1-708; i3 = 1.734: y = 1.758. . Insoluhlo. hut fuses quietly to a globule which is slightly magnetic and gives a yellow sodium flame. Acmite and aegyrite are rock-forming minerals more prominent in syenites. Their occurrence in California has not been mentioned in petrographical literature. San Benito County : A specimen of rock containing prisms of acmite has come from some locality near HoUister. Aegyrite occurs in stellate groups in the albite associated with benitoite and natrolite, at the benitoite locality near the headwaters of the San Benito River, Louder- back(2). 174. SPODUMENE. Silicate of lithium and aluminium, LiAl(Si03)j. Monoclinic. Crystals sometimes very large. Cleavage perfect prismatic. Color grayish white, emerald-green, lilac, amethystine. Vitreous luster. H = 6.5 — 7; G = 3.13 — 3.20. Refractive indices: oc=l-OGO; ^ = 1.6GG; y = l.G70. Fuses to a clear glass and gives a red lithium flame, best seen through blue glass or through a Mer^vin color screen. Insoluble. Spoduraene is found in large crystals and cleavage masses in peg- matitie veins where lithia is present. It is commonly associated with the lithia mica, lepidolite, and with lithia tourmaline. Kunzite is a beautiful transparent variety, lilac or amethystine in color. Sometimes called California iris. Hiddenite is an emerald green spodumene. 160 STATE MINING BUREAU. Riverside Coimty : Some kunzite occurs iu the San Jacinto Moun- tains, near Coahuila, Sehaller^^)^ San Diego County: The trlinsparent lilac variety discovered in 1903 and named kunzite by Baskerville^^^ and which is used as a gem, occurs in the pegmatite veins of the Pala Chief mine at Pala with the gem tourmaline, altliough not very almndant nor in large pieces. Most of it is in flat cleavage pieces but fair crystals have been found with the forms: (010), (100), (110), (130), (350), (32.0), (121), (T12), Schaller*-'. The mineral has been further described by Baskerville and Kunz''' and analysed by Schaller*-' and by Davis' ^\ SiO.. AI0O3 MnoOs Li:0 NaoO KoO CaO MgO NiO MnO ZnO Ign. Schaller 64.42 27.32 0.15 7.20 0.39 0.03 __ — __ __ __ none = 99.61 Davis __G4.05 27.30 __ 6.88 0.30 0.06 0.80 none 0.06 0.11 0.44 0.15 =100.15 A few crystals of hiddenite and some masses of white spodumene have also been found at Pala, Math tlie kunzite, Schaller^-^ Kunzite also occurs sparingly at the Victor mine, Rincon, in tabular crystals, some of them twinned as seen by the natural etch-figures. Forms: (100), (110), (010), (320), (130), (021), (111), (Til), Rogers^^^ 175. WOLLASTONITE. Silicate of calcium, CaSiOj. Monoclinic. Generally in fibrous masses. Cleavage perfect ortho- pinacoidal. Color white, grav, rose. Vitreous luster. H — 4.5 — 5.0; G = 2.8— 2.9. Refractive indices: cc =1-616; =^1.629: y = l.f»:n. Fuses easily and quietly to a clear glass. Soluble iu hydrochloric acid without usually gelatinizing. Wollastonite is formed as a contact metamorphic mineral especially near the contact of eruptives with limestone. Usually found as com- pact fibrous masses either white or pink. Alameda County : Some wollastonite has been found in the Berkeley Hills. Del Norte County : White divergent masses found near Crescent City. . Lake County : White drusy wollastonite has come from Dry Creek, near ]Middletown. Speeimens have come from near Clenbrook. Napa County : Massive white occurs in Hunting Creek Canyon, near Knoxville. Nevada County: White and pink are found as contact minerals at Grass Valley. Riverside County : Fibrous, columnar and fine granular wollastonite occurs in the crvstalline limestone at Crestmore as one of the contact MINERALS OF CAL[FORNIA. IGl metaniorphie minerals. An analysis of the fine granular by Eakle gave: SiO^ FesO.i CaO H«0 51.77 2.12 44.85 1.02 - 99.76 per cent An analysis of the crystals l)y Eakle gave: SiO.. CaO MgO Pe.O^ Ign 5(1.42 4S;.2!> O.i'A) O..!! 0.07 = 9i).S0% Forms observed on the cry.stals were: (001), (100), (740), (540), (340). (140), (101), (104). (T04), (T08), (102), (TOl), (Oil), (744), (844). (144). (744). (344). (T44), (122), (T22). (142), (T42). San Diego County : Large masses of divergent eolunniar woUaston- ite, ]Mire white, occui" near Boulevard and at Cai'rizo Gorge, near Jaeuinha. Santa Barbara County : Divergent fibrous masses having a pale rose color have been found at Santa Ynez. Siskiyou County: Fine divergent .si)eeimens occur in limestone on Salmon River, three miles above Sonnnes Bar. Tehama Count j- : Found at Glenbrook Lake. 'I'rinity County: Wliite fibrous occur near llyampoin. Tulare County : Specimens have come from Ujiper Tule River. Tuolumne County: Found on North Mokelumne River near Bear Creek and analysed by Hillebrand, Turner^^^ SiOi TiOi AI0O3 FeaOa FeO CaO MgO K:;0 NaoO 50.G7 0.20 6.77 0.31 0.50 40.34 0.58 0.22 0.14 H,.0 at 110° ab. 110° CO2 0.08 0.31 0.52 =100.24% 176. PECTOLITE. Basic silicate of calcium and sodium, HNaCa2(Si03)o. Mouocliiiic. Generally fibrous massive. Cleavage perfect orthopinacoidal. Color white. Luster silky to vitreous. H=:5; G = 2.68 — 2.78. Refractive indices: oc =1.595: « = 1.00(j; y = l.f>34. Kasily fusil)le to a clear slass and easily .«olul)le. sometimes yielding sclatinous silica. A small amount of water is obtained in a closed tube. White fibrous pectolite occurs as veins and patches in altered basic dikes and flows, and in serpentinized rocks. San Francisco County : Fibrous pectolite occurs as veins in an altered dike which intersected the serpentine at Fort Point. Described and analysed by Eakle'^'. Forms: (001), (100), (540), (140). SiOs AloOjFe-Oa CaO NajO HoO 53.40 3.87 30.56 7.61 4.46 = 99.90 per cent Tehama County : Large mass occurred in serpentine on Elder Creek and was analysed by Eitel, Preston*^ Si02 AUO3 FeaO. CaO NaaG KoO 56.84 1.27 33.4t 3 45 3.97 = 99.63 per cent 11—22132 162 STATE MIXING BUREAU. 177. RHODONITE. Silicate of manganese, MnSiO«. Triclinic. Crystals often large. Generally massive or in grains. Cleav- age perfect prismatic. Color rose- red. Vitreous luster. H=:5.5' — 6.5; = 3.4 — 3.68. Refractive indices: oc =1.7-6; i3=1.730; y = l.ToT. Gives a violet or wine-colored bead with borax. Insoluble, but fusible to a l)lack glas.s. Tlie manganese silicate is often present in copper and silver veins where oxide of manganese is abundant and it is usually associated with pyrolusite or psilomelane. It is generally developed as a contact min- eral in veins. Alameda County: Some rhodonite occurs at the Corral Hollow deposit, Butte County : Found on the north fork of the Feather River with j'hodochrosite. Occurs with p.silomelane and pyrolusite one mile north of forks of Butte. Fresno County : Pink rhodonite occurs with hlack o.^ides near Dun- lap. Glenn County : Occurs with psilomelane on Elk Creek. Humboldt County : . Observed near Orleans. ]Madera County: Occurs near Coarse Gold with rhodochrosite and black oxides of manganese. Placer County: Occurs with rhodochrosite near Forest Hill. Plumas County: Considerable manganese occurs in the Genessee, ]MeadoM', and other valleys and canyons of the county, and some good red rhodonite has come from them. Occurred Avitli copper at the Diadem Lode, Meadow Valley, Hanks^'", Turner'^'. Good gem quality occurs near Taylorsville. Riverside County : Specimens associated with pyrolusite and psilome- lane near Elsinore. Siskiyou County : Fine specimens of rhodonite occur at Sawyer's Bar. Rhodonite partly altered to the black manganese oxides occurs near Gazelle and on south fork of Salmon River. Specimens have come from Empire Creek, also Dutch Creek near Goltville. ^lassive and of good red color suitable for gem purposes occurs on Indian Creek near Happy Camp. Tulare County: Some good gem rhodonite occurs about three miles north of Lemon Cove. Tuolumne County: Found with pyrolusite on Rose Creek, near Columbia. Occurs as veins altering to the black oxides two miles north of Sonora. MINERALS OK CALIFORNIA. 163 AMPHIBOLE GROUP. 178. ANTHOPHYLLITE. Silicate of raaguesium and irou, (Mg,Fe)Si03. Orthorhombic. Commonly lamellar or fibrous. Cleavage perfect pris- matic. Color brownisb sray, brownish e;reon. Vitreous luster. H--:=5.5 — 6; = 3.1 — 3.2. Refractive indico.s: (x=l.(^i3: « = l.(i42: y = l.(>."i7. Infusible, but blackens on heating. Insoluble in acids. Anthopliyllite is a inetamorphie mineral occurring in schists and gneisses. It is usually found in fibrous and bladed masses, and is not uncommon, but has seldom been mentioned. Contra Costa County: P""i))rous masses of anthopliyllite occur in the schists near San Pablo andihe mineral has been analysed by Blasdale^^\ The analysis shows the mineral to be somewhat serpentinized. HoQ SiC AI0O3 FeaOs FeO MgO CaO Na;0 at 100° ab. 100° 33.66 1.36 0.34 4.80 3.S.70 0.48 0.98 0.24 19.79 MnO tr. =100.26 per cent Riverside County: Occurs associated with tremolite and ai^tinolite on Kaoie ^Mountains. San Bernardino County: Occurs in the Slate Range, Hanks^^^. 179. AMPHIBOLE. Silicate of calcium and magnesium, CaMg;(SiO|)4 with or without isomorphous mixtures of Fe.Al and Na. Monoclinic crystals, columnar, fibrous, granular. Cleavage perfect pris- matic. Color white, gray, green, brown, black. Vitreous luster. H = 5 — 6 ; G = 2.9 — 3.4. Insolubh' in hydrochloric acid. Tremolite fuses quietly at 4 to practi- cally a colorless glass. Actinolite fuses to a greenish or brownish glol^ule. Ilorublondi^ fuses to a l)lack mass and gives a slight yellowish flame. The amphiboles are similar to the pyroxenes, and, like them, are very important rock-forming minerals. They occur in metamorphic and igneous rocks, and the common varieties are to be found in every county. There are numerous varieties and those found in the State will be briefly mentioned. Tremolite. Lime-magnesia amphibole, CaMg2(SiO.()4. Common as a metamorphic mineral in schists and crystalline limestones in white or gray long prismatic and fibrous aggregates. Refractive indices: a:=1.60!»: /j = l.B23: y = l.t>3,i. Asbestos is a soft fibrous form of amphibole having the composition of tremolite or actiuolite. ]Much of the asbestos of the State is, however, serpentine-asbestos, which is a hydrous form of magnesium silicate. 164 STATE MIXING BUREAU. Mountain cork and Mountain IcatJier are cork-like and leathery- masses of tremolite. Actinolite. Lime-magnesia-iron amphibole, Ca(Mg,Fe)3Si40io. Very- abundant in the schists of the Coast Kanges and Sierras. Generally found in reticulated long prismatic crystals, sometimes fibrous. Color is bright grass green to dark green. Kefrac'Hve indices: ex =1.'>11 : Q—lA\'2~: y=l.lioti. Smaragditc is an emerald-green foliated variety of actinolite. Cum)ningtonitc is an iron-magnesia ampliiljole similar to anthophyl- lite. Uralite is an amphibole derived by the alteration of pyroxene. The process of change from pyroxene to amphibole is called "uralitization. " Asheferrite is a variety of tremolite. Edcnite is a light green aluminous variety of amphibole. Hornblende. A lime-magnesia-iron-alumina amphibole similar to augite in its general composition. Kefraftive indices: oc =1-629; ^=1.(J42: y = 1.0.j:i. Hornblende is the commonest of tlie amphiboles and is found in large cleavage ma'-ses to fibrous. Common color is black to very dark green, sometimes brown. Hornblende is characteristic of the acid and inter- mediate eruptive rocks while augite is characteristic of the basic. Horn- blende forms large areas of schists or amphibolites and is also a con- stituent of granite, syenite, diorite, rhyolite and trachyte. Less common in gabbro. diabase and basalt. Soretite is an amphibole showing some optical differences from hornblende. Pargasite is an amphibole between hornblende and glaucophane in composition, but is generallj' classed as hornblende. Carinihine is an amphibole between hornblende and glaucophane in composition. Amador County: Sheets of mountain leather with mountain cork have been found at the Little Grass Valley mine. Pine Grove. Some a-sbestos occurs near Oleta. Butte County : Hornblende is the most abundant constituent of a quartz-amphibole diorite on ridge between this and Plumas counties and has been analysed by Valentine, Turner^'*)'^^). SiOi' TiO« AI0O3 Cr^Oa Fe^Os FeO MnO CaO MgO Na^O oO.OS 0.7G 7.97 0.16 2.G9 (5.71 0.49 11.31 10.31 1.22 K2O HoO P^Or, 0.46 1.40 ir. 99.40 per cent Tremolite asbestos occurs in limestone on Berry Creek. Reported from near Blinzig. MINERALS OP CALIFORNIA. 165 Calaveras County: ^Massive hlai-k hornl)lendo in large crystals occur in the country rock of the Shenandoah mine, ten miles northeast of San Andreas. .Vctinolite is common near Val^'y Springs. Contra Costa County: Tremolite and actinolite are common in the schists north of Berkeley and near San Pablo, and have been analysed by Blasdale(i\ H2O SiOs Al;;03 Fe^Os FeO MrO CaO Ka.O K^O at 100° ab. 100 » Tremolite 56.68 1.79 1.70 2.23 19.35 15.80 __ __ 0.10 2.25 =99.90% _ 7.49 18.97 10..10 2.45 __ __ 1.75 =99.86 _ 5.97 19.45 12.13 1.94 0.30 -_ 2.58 =99.98 , . ,. r55.21 3.45 Actinolite-j ^ ^ n- Del Norte County : Tremolite is found near Diamond ('reek. El Dorado County : Large cleavage masses of black hornblende occur with orthoclase, bornite, molybdenite, epidote and axinite at the old Cosumnes Copper mine near Fairplay. Bladed crystals of green actino- lite occur in the schists near Latrobe. Short white fibers as asbestos occur neai' Georgetown. F'resno County: Large crystals of hornblende in massive hornblende rock occur at the Cinnamon Bear mine near l*ine Flat. Asbestos is reported to occur thirty miles east of Sanger. ILnnboldt County: Massive homl)lende occurs west of Three Creeks near Horse Mountain. Actinolite schist with chlorite occurs at Brice- land. Inyo County : JNIasses of mountain cork are found in the Swansea district and in Craig's Canyon on the east slope of the Inyo Mountains. Kern County: ^Mountain leather occurs near Keefte. Actinolite and tremolite occur in schists near Kandsburg. Large columnar, l)rittle tremolite occurs at Toll Gate Canyon. IMountain cork occur.s at the Tom Reed mine. Los Angeles County : Crystalline masses of tremolite occur in calcite in Cpper San Gabriel mining district. Madera County : Asbestos occurr; at the Savannah mine, Gnib Gulch, and at the Baker mine near Coarse Gold. Actinolite schists carrying pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite occur at the Heiskell mine. Marin County : Actinolite is common in the lawsonite schist of Reed Station. IMassive blaclx: hornblende occurs near Reed Station in close proximity to the lawsonite. Mariposa County : Hornblende is a constituent of : 1, the gabbro of Beaver Creek, near Big Trees ; and, 2, of a ciuartz-monzonite on Tioga road, southeast of Mount Hoffman, Turner^'*)^'^^ The first has been analysed by Valentine and the second by Hillebrand. 1. SiO- 46.08 TiO" 0.77 AloOn 10.56 A^sOs Fe203 2.81 FeO 8.30 MnO 0.15 NiO CaO 12.64 MgO 14.40 2. 47.40 1.21 7.07 0.04 4.88 10.69 0.51 0.02 11.92 13.06 NaoO 1.62 KoO 0.34 Li.O none H;0 at 100° ab. 100° 0.17 1.97 P2O5 0.18 F none = 99.99% 0.75 0.49 tr. 1.86 none 0.06 = 100.05 — 0^2 = 1 100.03 166 STATE MINIXG BUREAU. Some asbestos occurs east of the Mariposa Grant. Large crystals of lioniblende as rock masses occur near El Portal. Mendocino County : Aetinolite occurs at Calpella. Large masses of good aetinolite prisms occur near Potter Valley. Mono County : Long prisms of hornblende occur in the cavities of lava near Bridgeport, with forms : (001), (010), (100), (110), (201), (021), (T31), Sclialler(«). ^lonterey County: Aetinolite is found in schists near Soledad. Napa County : Tremolite occurs in Chiles Valley. Nevada County : Hornlileude occurs in large crystals in the granodio- rite of Nevada City and Grass Valley, Lindgren^^^ Uralite is common in the diorite of this locality. Large cleavage pi-isms of hornblende in schist occur in the Bireliville district. Placer County : Large masses of asbestos are found at Wisconsin Hill and Arizona Flat. Long white fibers of asbestos occur one-quarter mile east of Iowa Hill. Ijong silky fibers of light green to white asbes- tos are found south of Towle. Plumas County : Edenite is a constituent of the plumasite of Spanish Peak, Lawson'-^'. Aetinolite and hornblende occur at Engels as rock constituents. Good-fibered asbestos occurs at the Fireproof Asbestos mine near Sloat. Green asbestos is found near Spring Garden. Riverside County: Aetinolite, tremolite and anthopyllite occur in llie schist of Eagle Mountains. A good deposit of asbestos is reported fifteen miles southeast of Palm Springs. Black hornl)lende is a con- stituent of the graiio-diorite at Crestmore. Some tremolite has also been found. San Benito County : Aetinolite occurs in the veins and wall-rock in capillary bunches at the benitoite locality, Louderback^^^. Good speci- mens at Tres Pinos. San Bernardino County : Cummingtonite has been found near Dag- gett, with calcite. Asbeferrite occurs at Halleck. Coarse fibered tremo- lite occurs in the Oro Grande district. San Diego County : Large crystals of black hornblende forming rock masses occur four miles ea.st of Fallbrook. Also large crystals near Mexican line. San Francisco County : Aetinolite occurs in the schists on Angel Island. Santa Clara County: Aetinolite, sraaragdite, soretite, pargasite and earanthine occur in the eclogites of Oak Ridge and Calaveras Valley, j\rargoci^i\ J. P. Smith*^'. Specimens twelve miles east of Gilroy. Fibrous tremolite is found near Morgan Hill. Shasta County : Long fibrous white tremolite or asbestos occurs in the Stock Asbestos mine near Sims. I MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 167 Sierra County : Lonp: fibers of asbestos occur on Goodyear Bar Creek. Siskiyou County : Tremolite asbestos occurs in the Blue Ledge mining district. Sonoma County : Large crystals of actinolite occur in foliated talc, near PetaUuua. Mentioned by W. P. Blake<^\ Smaragdite occurs in the glaucopliane-gneiss near Santa Rosa, JMurgoci^^'. Actinolite is com- mon with glaucophane at Camp Meeker. Coarse actinolite prisms occur on Ilasey Ranch, west of Cloverdale. Trinity County : Mas-sive hornblende occurs near Wild wood and Otto Rest. Large crystals are found near Trinity Center and Douglas City. Tulare County: Asbestos occurs near Globe and near Porterville. Tremolite and horn])lende occur at the White Chief mine. Tuolumne County: White librous tremolite occurs in the marble near Columbia; asbestos near Chinese Camp and Monte/uma; mountain cork at Sawmill Flat and on Table Mountain. Yuba County : Small amounts of tremolite asbestos occur near Chal- lenge. 180, GLAUCOPHANE— Blue Hornblende. Silicate of sodium, aluminium, iron and magnesium, essentially NaAl (8103)2 (Fe,Mg)SiO,. Monoclinic. Generally fibrous massive. Cleavage perfect prismatic. Color deep blue to bluish black. Streak grayish blue. Strongly pleochroic. Vitreous luster. H = 6 — 6.5; G = 3.1. llefractivo indices : «: = 1 .021 ; ^ = 1 .038 ; y = 1 .088. Fuses quietly and yields a strong yellow flame of sodium. Insolublf in acid. Glaucophane is a constituent of schists and gneisses which have been formed by metamorphism of igneous rocks containing a high percentage of sodium. Extensive areas of glaucophane rocks exist in California along the Coast Range and they have been described by Becker^^^, Ransome(2), Lawson^), Palache^^), J. P. Smith(i>, Murgoci(i>, Hanks^^), and others. Crossite. This name was given by Palache^^^ to a mineral which differed from glaucophane in its optical orientation and with a com- position between it and riebeckite. Refractive indices: oc=l-0-">7: «=: 1.650; y;=1.6(i3. Contra Costa County : The glaucophane from the schists near San Pablo was analysed by Blasdale^^^ SiOo AI2O3 FeoOs FeO MgO CaO Na^O K«0 HoO TiO" MnO 54.52 9.25 4.44 9.81 10.33 1.98 7.56 0.16 1.78 0.39 0.46 =100.68% 52.39 11.29 3.74 9.13 11.37 3.03 6.14 tr. 2.57 0.14 tr. = 99.80 168 STATE MINING BUREAU. Crossite was found in a boulder on the hillside north of Berkeley and was described by Palaehe^^^ as a new amphibole, with analysis by W. S. T. Smith. ' SiOs Al .Os FeaOs FeO MnO MgO CaO NaoO K2O H-O 55.02 4.75 10.91 0.46 tr. 9.30 2.38 7.02 0.27 iindet. =99.70% Fresno County : Common in the Coast Range from Coalinga to Liv- er more Pass. Humboldt County : Occurs above Orleans on Klamath River and on east side of Jaeoby Creek above Bayside. Lake County: Classes have been found in the mountains near Upper Lake. Marin County : Common in the schists near Reed Station. Mendocino County: Common near Calpella. With hornblende, bio- tite and quartz at Long Vale. Monterey County: In the schist near Pleyto. Napa County. In schi-st near Calistoga. San Benito County : A glaucophane resembling crossite occurs in the natrolite vein carrying the benitoite near the headwaters of the San Benito River, and was analysed by Blasdale, Louderback^^) H2O SiOo AI2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO NaoO K.>0 at 100° ab. 100° 52.94 3.76 13.40 1.44 11.54 5.45 5.11 0.43 1.31 3.72 =99.10% San Francisco Coiuity : In the schist of Angel Island. Santa Clara County : Murgoci^^^ mentions glaucophane as a con- stituent of eclogite, quartzite, mica schist and greenstone in the Cala- veras Valley. Sonoma "County: Associated with actinolite, garnet, epidote and quartz in schist near Healdsburg. Also at Camp ]Meeker and near Petaluma. Stanislaus County: In schist east of Red Mountain. Trinitv County: Occurs near Havfork. 181. CROCIDOLITE. Silicate of sodium and iron, essentially NaFe(Si03);.FeSi03. Monocliuic. Usually fibrous. Cleavage perfect prismatic. Color deep blue or green. Vitreous luster. 11 = 4; G = 3.2 — 3.3. Pleochroio. Refractive index: ^=1.70. Fuses with slight intumescence to a black magnetic mass and colors riie flame yellow. Insoluble in acid. A rock-forming mineral similar to the amphiboles and glaucophanes but not so common. Cataphorifc is a soda-iron crocidolite between berkevikite and arfved- sonite in optical characters. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 169 Lake County : Fibrous veins of blue erocidolite are said to occur in schist near Lakeport. Monterey County: Occurs in schist near I'leyto. Plumas County : Crocidolite and cataphorite occur in the syenite of Spanish Pe/ik, Murgoci^^^. Santa Clara County : Cataphorite is a constituent of diorite at Oak Ridge, Calaveras Valley, jMurgoci^^\ Crocidolite occurs as bluish fibrous seams in metaniorphic rock east of Mount Hamilton, and an analysis of it by A. K. Schcllinger is given by Rogers' '^^ SiQ.. AloO:i Fe.O;, FoO MgO CaO Na-O (by diff. ) HoO 00.65 0.90 ]0.21 21.70 0.70 0.39 4.93 1.43 NOT GROUPED. 182. BERYL. Silicate of berjilium and alumiuivim, Be^ALSioOis. Hexapoual. Prismatic crystals, sometimes very large. Color green, blue, rose, yellow, ^'itreous luster. H = 7.5 — 8 ; G = 2.63 — 2.80. Ilcfnutivc indices: £=: 1.564; (y = 1.5fiS. Whitens and is vei-y difficult to fusi^. yifldiuii ;ni cniuni'l. Insolulil" in acid. Beryl is found as crystals varying greatly in size in acid pegmatite veins, general]\'. Most of the l)eryl known lo occur in the State is limited to the series of feldspathic pegmatite veins of Riverside and San Diego counties, in which the beautiful gem tourmalines occur. Trans- l^arent a(iuaniarine, golden, deep green and blue crystals, forming beautiful gems when cut, occur in thesic pegmatites. El Dorado County: Rich green emerald beryl has been found near Georgetown. The cry.stals are most too small to cut as gems. Fresno Coiintx- : Beryl is said to be associated with the feldspar tive miles northeast of Trimmer. Riverside County : Fine yellow and green beryls occur at Coahuila and rose crystals near Hemet. San Bernai'dino County: Blue and green ))ei\vl is found in northern ]jart of county. San Diego County: Yellow, green and blue crystals occur in the Palomar Mountains, nine miles southeast of Pala : Some rose, yellow and green occur at Pala and Mesa Grande. Green crystals from Rincon have the forms : (lOTO), (0001), (lOTl), (1120), (1121), (2130), (1122), (13J.14.1) and rose crystals the forms : (lOTO), (ll2Tj, (lOTl), (0001), (2131), Eakle(6). Mentioned by Kunz''>, Schaller^*), and Rogers<2). Pink beryl occurs at Katrina mine. Pala. Golden beryl one mile northwest of Jacumba. Gem beryl at Crystal Gem mine, eight miles northwest of Jacumba. Fine, large crystals from Aguanga ^Mountain, 170 STATE illNIXG BUREAU. Golden and aquamarine at the Esmeralda mine. Fine crystals at the Surprise, ABC, Hercules and Lookout mines, Ramona. Tuolumne County : W. P. Blake^^^ reported beryl from near James- town. • 183. NEPHELITE— Eleolite. Silicate of aluniinium, sodium aud potassium, K.NauAl^SiaO,,. Hexagonal. Generally massive, compact as a rock constituent. Color greenish gray to brown. H = 5.o — 6; G = 2.55 — 2.(15. Luster greasy. Refractive indices: £ = 1.538: (^=1.542. Fuses quietly to a colorless glass and colors the fiame yellow on account of the large amount of .sodium present. Gelatinizes with hydrochloric acid. Nepheline rocks are apparently very rare in California since they have never been reported in petrographical literature. Tulare County : Found as a constituent of a boulder of fine-^'ained gray syenite along the Stratlimore-Lindsay Canal. 184. SODALITE. Silicate of sodium aud aluminum with chlorine, 3 XaAlSiOi. XaCl. Isometric. Usually massive. Brittle. Color blue to gray. H = 5.5 — 6; G = 2.14— 2.30. Refractive index: « = 1.483. Becomes white on heating and fuses with intumescence to a colorless gla.ss. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, yielding gelatinous silica. Dissolved in nitric acid, and adding silver nitrate, silver chloride is precipitated. Los Angeles County : The optical properties of the so-called lazurite from San Antonio Creek indicate that it is sodalite and not lazurite. 185. NOSEAN— Noselite. Silicate of sodium and aluminium with sodium sulphate, NaiCNaSOi.Al) Al2(Si04)3. Isometric. Granular. Color gray, blue, brown. H = 5.5;G = 2.25 — 2.4. Refractive index: h = 1.495. Easily fusible and is easily soluble, yielding gelatinous silica. Barium chloride added to a hydrochloric acid solution will precipitate barium sul- phate. Fuses with intense yellow flame. A rare rock-forming mineral characteristic of nepheline rocks which have not been reported in the State. San Bernardino County : There is a specimen of nosean rock from Calico exhibited in the museum of the State Mining Bureau. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 171 186. LAZURITE— Lapis-Lazuli. Silicate of sodium aud aluminium with sodium sulphide, Nai(NaS3.Al) Al2(SiOj3. Isometric. Massive. Color deep azure-blue or violet-blue. Vitreous luster. 11 = 5 — 5.5; G = 2.38 — 2.45. Refractive index: )i=:1.50. (ielatinous and reacts similar to uoselite. A faint odor of hydrogen siil- pliidc may be detected when tre;iti>d with hydi-ochloric acid. The blue oriiameiital mineral lapis-lazuli is rare, and is only definitely known to occur in one locality. A blue lazulite and a blue dumortierite have been erroneously reported as lazurite. Los Angeles County: Small boiildei's of limestone containing lapis- lazuli with pyrite occur in the bed of San Antonio Creek, near Uplands. The boulders come from an old prospect which was thought to be a silver deposit. Tt oei-urs on the north sloi)e of south fork of Cascade Canyon, H miles east of the "Hogback" in San Antonio Canyon, twelve miles from I'plaiid. The occurrence has been described as lapis-lazuli by Surr"'. IVIadera County : Specimens are said to have been found in the Minaret Mountains. San Bernardino County: A small boulder of gray limestone con- taining lapis-lazuli, pyrite, diopside and an unknown mineral was reported as coming from this county by Rogers'^\ It is possibly a stray boulder from the Los Angeles deposit. 187. GARNET. Silicate of Ca,Mg,Al,Fe,Cr,Mn, etc., forming several varieties. Isometric. Rhombic (hidccahedrons and trapezohedrons very common. Also comi)act to granular massive. Color generally some shade of red ; often yellow, brown, ^rei'ii, lilack. and while. Vitreous luster. 11=^.5 — 7.5: (G- 3. 15 — 4.3. Most garnets ai"e fusible at about M to a brownish glass, but are insoluble. The iron garnets, almandite aud andradite, become magnetie when fused anTavels of San Andreas. Good crystals of andradite in schist at the Shenandoah mine. Del Norte County : Common in the sands at Crescent City, Gilbert Creek, Smith River. El Dorado County: Large crystals of grossularite have been found at the old Cosumnes copper mine. Good crystals nine miles southeast of Placerville. Massive at Pilot Hill, W. P. Blake^^^ Common near Georgetown. At the Lilyoma mine. Pilot Hill, crystals occur associated with chalcopyrite, galena, calcite and quartz. Grossularite occurs with calcite. specular hematite, pyrite and chalcopyrite at the Rodgers mine, in eastern part of county. MINERALS OP CALIFORNIA. 173 Fresno County: Occurs at Grub Gulch and Fort ]\filler. The lime- stone near Trimmer contains much garnet. Brown garnet is associated with ureen tourmaline on Spanish Peak in a ledge of white fjuartz. Near Dunlop in cry.stals. Found near Spanish Mountain. In ealcite at San Ramon a white'opaque garnet occurs with the green californite, on south side of Watt Valley. Associated with galena and chalcopyrite at the Fresno Chief mine. Huiiihokit County: Common in llie sands at Gold lUutf and Orleans. In chlorite schist at Big Lagoon. Inyo County : Crystals and massive garnet are found in the Coso and Inyo mountains. Fine large crystals of grossularite occurred associ- ated witli white massive datolite and greenish brown vesuvianite at the San Carlos mine and the mineral was analysed by J. L. Sraith^i\ SiOs AloO.-! Fe.Os MnOo CaO MgO 42.01 1T.7(; 5.0G 0.20 S.l.Ol 0.13 =100.17% = 3.59 Andradite oecui's witli epidote and si-heelite in Deep Canyon eight miles west of Bishop. This deposit was described by Knopf ^•". Com- mon ill limestone at contact with aplite at tlie (jreen Monster mine. As a contact metamorphie mineral in limestone in ^Nla.jourka Canyon. Kern County: Massive near Hot Springs between Havilah and Kern- ville and on sinnmit between Walker's Basin and Ilavilah. Sand gar- net is abundant at Soapstone Mountain. Lassen County : Common at the Diamond mine. Los Angeles County : In sands at Mount Meadows. iMadora County. Common in the liildreth district and at Mt. Ray- mond. Garnet rock carrying galena occurs at the De Sota mine, North P^ork mining district. Marin County: Andradite crystals are common in the schist of the Tiburon Peninsular. Mariposa County : Massive brown almandite occurs on Mount Hoff- man. Good crystals are found at the junction of Moore Creek and Mokelumne River. Mendocino County : Common in the sands at Fort Bragg. The green uvarovite coats chromite about twelve miles north of Willets. Monterey County : Common in the sands of the Los Burros district. Uvarovite has been found coating chromite in the county. Trautwinite, which was described as a new mineral by Goldsmith^^^, from this county, appears from the analysis to be a mixture of uvarovite and chromite. SiOa CroOs FeoO.., AI0O3 CaO MgO Ign. 21.78 38.39 13.29 0.81 18.58 7.88 0.11 =100.84% G = 3.505 Pyrope garnet occurs in granitic rock on Xaciemento River. Nevada County : In the concentrates of the Rough and Ready district. With wollastonite at Grass Valley, Lindgren'"'. Fine green crystals 374 STATE MINING BUREAU. coat the chromite at tlie Red Ledge mine, two miles southwest of Wash- ington, associated with i-hodochrome and kiimmererite. Orange County : A constituent of the schists near Anaheim. Pale apple-green pebbles of grossularite were found near El Toro and analysed by Steiger, Clarke "^^^ SiO: T10> AloO.i FesOs FeO CaO M&O Alk P-.O^ Ign. 37.54 tr. 22.84 0.79 0.2G 36.6G 0.44 0.13 tr. 1.74 =100.407o G = 3.485 Placer County : Essouite is found at Deer Park, and on the American River near Towle. Uvarovite has l)een found on chromite near Auburn. Andraditc with epidote antliopliyllite. augite and chalcopyrite occurs in the magnetite deposit at Hotaling. Fine uvarovite crystals have been found on chromite, seven miles southeast of Newcastle at P^'armer. Swanton mine, with rhodochrome and kammererite. Plumas County : In sands at Nelson Point and at the Good Hope mine. Oily green grossularite occurs at the Good Hope mine. Found with epidote and the copper sulphides at the Duncan mine, Genessee district, at contact of limestone and granodiorite. Occurs near Portola in ((uartz rock. Riverside County : One of the minerals in the concentrates at Hol- comb. Occurs massive at the Santa Ana tin district. Hyacinth or essonite is found at Hemet. Abundance of grossularite and some andradite garnet occurs in the crystalline limestone at Crestmore, associated with vesuvianite, diopside and wilkeite. An analysis of the grossularite by J. Buford Wright gave : SiO-2 AI..O3 FeoOs FeO CuO CaO MgO NaoO H-O 35.52 21.11 3.95 0.60 0.70 3r>.0(! 0.78 0.20 1.23 = 100.15% G = 3.39 Essonite or liyacinth garnet occurs with tourmaline in fine cry.stals at Coahuila. Near INIecca in considerable ((uantity. San Benito County : Fine green crystals were found coating chromite and rhodochrome at New Idria, Brush^^\ San Bernardino County : Found with epidote and calcite in the iron oras at Dale. Red garnet and green epidote in the Cajon Pass. San Diego County : Fine crystals of transparent essonite garnet are found in the tourmaline districts of Mesa Grande, Pala and Rincon and these have been extensively cut into gems under the name ''hyacinth." Essonite also occurs about ten miles east of Jacumbe Hot Springs with vesuvianite and quartz. Garnet is found in the Julian district and at Ballina. Spessartite was reported from Mesa Grande but it may have been essonite. Fine granular red at Rincon. Rogers*-^ Essonite or hya- cinth in good cry.stals from the Plercules, Surprise. Lookout and Prophet mines at Ramona. Occurs also near San Vincente. IMassive garnet used for .sandpaper occurs at the ]\IcFall mine, 7^ miles south- east of Ramona. Some e.-sonite is found near Bannei". Witli vesuvian- I MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 175 ite and calcite at Boulevard. Almandite in mica schist on San ]\Iar- garita Ranch. ]\Iassive from the Dos Cabezas district. Santa Barbara County : Common in the sands at Point Sal. Santa Clara County : A constituent of the eclogites of Calaveras Valley. ]\Iurgoci(^\ Analysed from the omphacite-eclogite of Coyote Creek by W. 0. Clarke, J. P. Smith^). SiO. Al-O;, FeO MgO CaO 38.69 19.10 26.81 5.07 10.64 =100.38% Shasta County : Uvarovite has been found on chromite on Shotgun Creek. Red garnet on Round IMountain. Bands of garnet mixed with pyroxene occur on ^IcCloud River on contact between diabase and carboniferous limestone. Yellow garnet occurs with epidote near Castella. Siskiyou County: In sands at Cecilville and on Klamath River. Uvar- ovite coats chromite near Callahan at the iMartin ]\IcKean mine. Sonoma County : Large masses of garnet occur near Petaluma, W. P. Blake''". Almandite garnets occur abundantly in a chlorite schist on the Cox ranch, three miles west of Healdsburg. (Jrossularite is said to occur near Petaluma. Garnets in schist near Gualala. With glauco- phane and aetinolite in schists at Camp Meeker and near Healdsburg. Almandite garnets occur in chlorite schist wast of Healdsburg. Trinity County : Emerald green crystals of uvarovite occur on chromite near Carrville. Andradite occurs at Peanut. Found in lime- stone with epidote at Red Mountain. Colorless grossularite occurs associated with epidote, titanite and zircon in a soda granite-porphyry in the Iron Mountain district. Tulare County: "White massive grossularite was found in the north- west corner of the county, which was analysed by Steiger, Kunz('^>. HoO SiO; TiOa AloOa Fe:;03 FeO CaO MgO MnO at 100° ab. 100° 38.59 22.24 0.45 0.36 35.97 0.64 CO2 0.39 0.10 F 0.17 0.31 O.SO = 100.02% I Essonite in good crj^stals occurs at Three Rivers. Topazolite was found at the Old Soldier mine. Drum Valley, twelve miles northeast of Visalia. Aplome, a manganese andradite. was found near Visalia. Occurs with tremolite on North Tule River. With (juartz and epidote on Kaweah River, twenty-five miles northwest of Exeter. Tuolumne County : With epidote at Mutton ledge ; in schist on Jarvis Ranch and at Soulsbyville. Occurs with quartz east of Columbia. Ventura County: Abundant in sands in Piru district. Garnets with the f orm.s : (110) and (211) occur in the Piru Mountains. 176 STATE MINING BUREAU. 188. MONTICELLITE. Silicate of calcium and magnesium, CaMgSiOi. Orthorhombic. Usually massive or in grains. Color yellowish gray or light brown. H = 5 — 5.5 ; G = 3.03 — 3.25. Uefrac-tivf indices: ex =:1.(;."1 : Q--^.m'2■. y = l.»;(>S. Almost infusible, but soluble with gelatinizatiou. Magnesium can be pre- cipitated from a solution after all silica and calcium have been removed. A rare mineral formed by contact metamorphism in a magnesian limestone. Riverside County : One of the many minerals occurring in the crystal- line limestone at Crestmore. It was found massive and in isolated grains in the blue calcite, associated with xanthophyllitc. Analysed by Eaklo'i"'. SiO.. FeO CaO MgO 37.26 3.35 34.20 24.74 = 99.61% 189. OLIVINE— Chrysolite— Peridot. Silicate of magnesia and iron (Mg,Fe);Si04. Orthorhombic. Generally in grains. Color olive-green, grayish green. Vitreous luster. H=:6.5 — 7; G = 3.27 — 3.37. Uefractive indices: a:=l.<>62: «=rl.t>SO; y = I.r,l»!». Usually infusible, but wliitcns when heated and may become magnetic if nuicb iron is present. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, yicldin-j: gelatinous silica. Olivine is a rock-forming mineral which is practically limited to very basic eruptive rocks like diabase, basalt, andesite. gabbro and peridotite. Occurs occasionally in clear green crystals large enough to cut into gems. Butte County: A constituent of diabase at Mooreville Ridge, Tur- ner^i\ Also in the concentrates at Oroville and Cherokee. Del Norte County : In the sands at Crescent City, Gilbert Creek and Smith River. Humboldt Count}' : In the beach sands at Gold Bluff and also in the sands at Orleans Bar and Trinidad. Los Angeles County : Small amount is found in the sand at Ocean Park. Mendocino County : Occurs in the sand at Fort Bragg. Modoc County: Olivine is a constituent of the basalt near Cedarville. Nevada County : In the gabbro-serpentine series at Grass Valley, Lindgren^^). Plumas County : A constituent of plumasite at Spanish Peak, Law- son(3\ Riverside County : In basalts of Eagle ^lountain.s. San Bernardino Cotmty : Large bombs of granular olivine occur in the basaltic rocks of the Moronga district. Olivine bombs are common in the lavas alone the State Highwav near Ambov. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. . 177 San Diego Couuty : A constituent of the gabbro at Dehesa, Lawson^^^ San Francisco County : In the serpentine of San Francisco, Law- son(2>, Palache(2). San Mateo County : In the beach sands of the county. Santa Cruz Count}' : Small amount of the crystals in the sands at Aptos. Siskiyou County : At the forks of the Salmon in sand. Trinity County : Common constituent of the basic rocks west of Trinity River, Weaverville Quadrangle. Yuba Count}' : Quite a prominent constituent of the concentrated sands at Marysville. 190. TEPHROITE. Silicate of mauganest', MunSiOi. Orthorhombic. Usually massive. Brittle. Color grayish-red to smoky- gray. Luster vitreous to greasy. H — 5.5 — 6; G = 4.1. Refractive indices: oc =1 •">».; ^ = 1.78G: ,, = 1.797. Fuses to a black mass. Soluble in hydrochloric acid with gclatinization. Gives manganese and usually iron reactions. This is one of tlu' rai'cr manganese minerals and only has been reported previously in this country from tlic zinc district of New Jer- sey, wliere it is I'ather abundant, f'sually of contact iiictamorphic origin. Santa Clara County : Grajish red tephroite in small residual masses occurred in the manganese boulder found near Alum Rock Park, five miles east of San Jose, Rogers''^ 191. IDDINGSITE. Silicate of iron, magnesium, calcium and sodium. Orthorhombic. Lamellar crystals. Cleavage perfect macropinacoidal. Color chestnut-brown to yellowish green. Bronze luster. H = 2.5; G = 2.84. Refractive indices: oc=l-70: ^3 = 1. 72; y=:1.74. Gelatinizes with acid and becomes magnetic when heated. Iddingsite is the name given by Lawson^^^ to a new rock-forming mineral similar to olivine, found in basic eruptive rocks. Since its discovery the mineral has been observed in many other localities in the rock sections. Los x\ngeles County : Occurs in basalt in the Santa ^lonica [Moun- tains. Monterey County : The mineral was first observed in reddish sections in the earmeloite (augite-andesite) at Carraelo Bay. 12—22188 178 STATE MINING BUREAU. 192. WILLEMITE. Silicate of zinc, ZooSiOi. Hexagoual, rhombohedral. Crystals usually prismatic. Also massive am', sranular. (Mca\age basal. Color li.uht ^jrocTi. appli'-sioon. Ilcsli v.h]. \\t- reous luster. 11 = 5.5; G = 3.89 — 4.18. Refractive indices: £=1.723; (^ = 1.G94. Fuses to a white enamel. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, yioldins gelatinous silica. On charcoal a coating, yellowish white, hot, and white when cold, is obtained, which turns yellowish-green when heated with cobalt nitrate. Vory little zinc has been found in the State except in the form of the sulphide and carbonate. Willemite is sometimes found with the more common calamine as a dehydrated product. Tnyo County : Found with calamine and hydrozincite at the Ygnacio and Cerro Gordo mines. 193. WERNERITE— Scapolite. Tetragonal. Usually massive granular. Color white, gray or pink. H = 5 — 6; G = 2.66 — 2.73. Refractive indices: g = 1..54.^: (,j = 1.5(;7. Fuses easily with slight intumescence to a white blebby gla.ss. Slightly atlacki'd liy hydi'ochlorie aci(.\ but the fused Ix'ads are soluble with gela- linizalion. .V yellow sodium flame is usually obtained. Scapolite is the name given to a group of rock- forming silicates con- sisting of isomorphous mixtures of Ca4AlQSi|jOo-, with Na4Al.,SiyOo4Cl. Wernerite is the most common member of the group. The scapolites are in general formed by contact metamorphism. Nevada County : Scapolite occurs in a contact schist at Nevada City and Grass Valley, Lindgren^^^. Riverside County : Scapolite occurs in association with greeji pyrox- ene, quartz, feldspar, wollastonite and gros-sularite garnet, at Crestmore. Occurs in .small dikes with augite on P^agle Mountains. 194. GEHLENITE. Silicate of calcium and ahiuiinum, OaaALSi^Cj. 'rctragonal. (ji-j'stals and massive granular. Color graj' to l)n>\\n. ^'it- reous luster. 11 = 5.5—6; = 2.9—3.07. Refractive indices: £=1.GG1; <,j= 1.660. Practically infusible. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, fonning a thick jelly. A lime silicate formed by contact metamorphism of limestone. It is not known to occur in many localities. Riverside County: Occurs in granular masses intimately associated with merwinite and spurrite and with diopside and wollastonite at the Crestmore limestone quarry. Its occurrence has been mentioned by Foshag'^'. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 179 195. MERWINITE. Silicate of calcium and magnesium, Ca3Mg(Si04):. MouocliuicV Compact granular masses. Colorless to pale greenish, (ireasy luster. II = G; G =3.150. Polj synthetic twinning. Refractive indices: oc =1.708; ^=1.711: ^ = 1.718. A new mineral nainetl and desrribed by Larsen and Fosliag'^*. A contact metaniorphic mineral formed in limestone. Riverside County: Occurs a.s granular masses associated with gchlcn- ite, spurrite, wolla.stonite and an unknown mineral in the limestone quarries at Crestmore. Analysis of the mineral by Foshag gave : H„0 H,0 SiOo AloO:, Fe,03 CaO MgO FeO at 110° Ign 35.50 O.Gf) None 49.9G n.(>-j 1.22 0.12 o.n4- = 100.020'^ The mineral alters to thanmasite. 196. VESUVIANITE— Idocrase. Basic silicate of calcium and aluminium, HiCai2(Al,Fe)oSiio043. Tetragonal. Square prisms, granular, massive. Color brown to green. Vitreous luster. H = — 6.5; G = 3.35 — 3.45. Refractive indices: £=1.721; (^—1.71i'>. Fuses easily to a greenish or brownish glass. Insoluijle, but the fused t)cads are soluble with gelatinization when powdei-ed. The various bases can only lie determinefl by ijrecipitation from solution. Vesuvianite is a characteri.stic mineral formed in limestone near the contact with intrusive rocks. It is often associated with grossularite garnet. Californitc. A very compact massive green vesuvianite, resembling jade, named by Kunz^'*^ Occurs as streaks and nodules in serpentine. Butte County : Good green californite occurs on the west side of the North Fork of Feather River, near Big Bar. It occurs as streaks and nodules in serpentine. Rogers^^^ mentions some water-worn pebbles from the Feather River. El Dorado County : Brown crystals o*f vesuvianite occurred at the Siegel Lode, W. P. Blake<^'>. Fresno County: Californite occurs on east side of Watts Valley, about thirty-two miles east of Fresno. Californite is reported from Burro Valley. Inyo County : Brownish green crystals were associated with garnet and massive white datolite at the San Carlos mine. Analysed by J. L. Smith. AI2O2 FesOs MnO CaO MeO K,0 Isn. = 99.23% SiOe AlsOa FesOs MnO CaO MgO KaO Ign. 36.56 17.04 5.93 0.18 35.94 1.07 0.51 2.00 180 STATE MINING BUREAU. One of the minerals of contact nietamorphic origin in the garnet- scheelite depasit at Deep Canj^on ; occurs with es.sonite in the Co.so min- ing district. Kern County : Small yellow crystals occur in white crystalline lime- stone in Jawbone Canyon. Modoc County: Reported from the Willow Ranch with calcite. Riverside County : Green and brown vesuvianite masses and crystals are common in the crystalline limestone at Crestmore, and were de- scribed by Eakle<^°'. Forms observed on the crystals were: (001), (010), (110). (Oil), (111), (221), (331), (121). '(m), (132), (154), and (285). Analysed by J. liuford Wright: G=3.36. SiOo AUO3 FeoOs FeO MnO CuO CaO MgO Na^O H^O 36.88 17.61 3.11 0.46 1.50 1.06 33.27 4.73 0.34 0.61-99.57% San Diego County: Brown vesuvianite occurs with essonite garnet about ten niile-s east of Jacumba Hot Springs, Kunz''\ Occurs near Boulevard associated with garnet. Siskiyou County : The apple-green variety, calif ornite, outcrops for about 200 feet along the south fork of Indian Creek, twelve miles from Happy Camp, and the mineral was analysed by Steiger, Kunz^^\ SiO.. 35.8(1 TiOo 0.10 AloO, 18.35 FeoO:, 1.67 FeO 0.39 MnO 0.05 P2O5 0.02 CaO 33.51 COo MgO 5.43 F HoO at 100° ab. 100" 0.29 4.18 =99.85% This is the original locality of the variety. Found also near Hawkins- ville and in small crystals on east shore of Miller Lake. Tulare County : Californite is found in the chrysoprase locality east of Porterville. This variety occurs also with white grossularite garnet in the northwest corner of the county, about thirty-five miles east of Selma. Analysed by Steiger, Kunz^^^ HoO SiOs AI2O3 FesOs FeO CaO MgO at 100° ab. 100° CO- 36.55 18.89 0.74 0.74 35.97 2.33 0.58 3.42 O.Oi F 0.13 =100.26% 197. ZIRCON. Silicate of zirconium, ZrSiO^. Tetragonal. Small prisms. Colorless, pink, gi'ayi.sh bi'own. Vitreous lu.ster. 11 = 7.5; = 4.68 — 4.7. Kefractive indices: £=1.9G8; ,^ = 1.923. Infusible and insoluble. Tlie zirconium reaction is obtained by dipping a striii of turmiMMC pnpor in a liydroohlorio add .solution, whicli turns it an oranao-rorl. Zircon is an almost constant accessory mineral in the acid eruptive I'ocks, especially granites and syenites. The concentrates from the gold MINEKALS OK CALIFORNIA. 181 washings and the black sands generally carry some zircon crystals, but there is no locality in the State known for "zircon sands." Alameda County : Mentioned as one of the constituents of the soda- rliyolite of North Berkeley, Palache^^^ Butte County : First mentioned in the State by Silliman<'^> as a con- stituent of the gold-washings at Cherokee. Has been observed in the sands at Oroville. Stirling City, Little Rock Creek and Hriisli Creek. Calaveras County : In the sands at Douglas Flat and Wallace. Del Norte County : At Crescent City, Gilbert Creek and Smith River. ■El Dorado County: Sands of the Brownsville district, near Placer- ville and at Grizzly Flat. Fresno County : In the sands at Picayune Flat. Humboldt County: The beach sands at Gold Bluff and Upper Gold Bluff contain a little zircon. Also found at Orleans and Trinidad. ]\Iarin County: In quartzite near Reed Station, Murgoci^^\ Mendocino County: Observed at Fort Bragg, in Anderson Valley, and on the Navarro River. Nevada County: A constituent of the granodiorite of Nevada City, Lindgren^^^ Also in the concentrates at Nevada City, Grass Valley and Rough and Ready. Placer County : Observed at Butcher Ranch and Gold Run. Plumas County: In the Diadem Lode, Meadow Valley, Turner^^. In the sands at Spanish Ranch and Rock Island Hill. A constituent of the norites at Engels. Riverside County : Small amounts in the sands at Holcombe. Minute clove-brown crystals .showing the forms: (100). (110), (111), (331), are scattered through some of the white pegmatite dikes at Crestmore. A con.stituent of the igneous rocks of Eagle Mountain. Sacramento County : Common in the sands at Michigan Bar. San Diego County : A constituent of the dumortierite schist at De- hesa, Schaller(^>. San Luis Obispo County : The beach sands at Port Harford and Pismo contain some zircon. San Mateo County : The beach sands of the county show a little of the mineral. Santa Barbara County : In the sands at Point Sal. Santa Cruz County : At Aptos. Shasta County : In the sands from French Gulch and Redding. Siskiyou County : In the sands of Jackson Creek, Scott River, Salmon River and at Sawyer's Bar. Colorless and pale pink crystals from near Fort Jones have the forms: (100), (110), (101), (111), (311), (511), Eakle(i>. Trinity County: At Trinity Center, Burnt Ranch, Junction City, Minersville and in the sands of the streams. Yuba County : In the sands of Camptonville. 182 STATE MINING BUREAU. 198. TOPAZ. Silicate of aluminium and fluorine, AKCFj) AlSi04. Orthorhombic. Prismatic crystals. Cleavage perfect basal. Colorless, aquamarine, j'ellow, blue. Vitreous luster. H = 8; G = 3.4 — 3.65. Refractive indices : cc = l.«10 ; j^- 1.620 : y = 1 .627. Infusible and insoluble. Tlie powdered mineral ground with a few beads " of i)hosi)horous salt and heated in a bulb tube, will yield hydrofluoric acid which etches the glass and foiTus a white ring or coatikg of silicon fluoride. The powdered mineral moistened with cobalt nitrate and intensely heated, becomes sky-blue. Topaz occurs in veins in metamorphic and eruptive rock where fluorine has accompanied the formation of the vein. It is usually associated with tourmaline and other minerals whose formation has heen due to the action of gases on the constituents of the rock. Butte County : Mentioned by Silliman^'^^ as a constituent of the sands at Cherokee. Probably mistaken for zircon. Fresno County: At the feldspar deposit, tive miles northea.st of Trinuner it is said to occur, associated with beryl. San Diego County: Fine large crystals of colorless and aquamarine topaz occurred at the Little Three and Sunrise mines, a few miles from Kamona. Some of them resemble the topaz from the Urals. Fine ciystals, light green in color, occur in the Aguanga jMountains. Good l*)lui.sli topaz resembling the Ural topaz has been found at the Moun- tain Lilv mine, near Oak Grove. 199. ANDALUSITE— Made— Chiastolite. Silicate of aluminium, ALSiO^. Orthorhombic. Prisms. Color gray, pink, rose-red. Vitreous luster. H = 7.5; G = 3.16 — 3.20. Refractive indices: oc =1.632: yj^ 1.638; y = 1.643. Infusible and insoluble. The powdered mineral moistened with cobalt nitrate mid heated, yields the alumina bine color. Occurs as a constituent of gneisses and schists, and is usually associ- ated with cyanite, sillimanite and staurolite. Chiastolite is a variety found in carbonaceous schists, in knott}' and long prismatic individuals having black inclusions of carbon arranged axially, and thus forming black crosses seen in the transverse sections. Fresno County : Chiastolite occurs near Chowchilla Crossing on the old Fort Miller Koad. Kern County: Chiastolite schists occur on Walker's Creek southeast of Bakersfield. Mariposa County : Chiastolite schists are abundant along the Chow- chilla River and were first reported by W. P. Blake*^^\ This variety was mentioned by Turner*^!^ from the Ne Plus Ultra mine, near Barehda, from the Daulton ranch near Indian Gulch and from Yaqui Gulch near MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 183 Mariposa. Small crj'.stals occur in slate on ]\Iuller Ranch, near Hor- nitos. The chiastolite variety is found on IMoore's Flat. Mono County : Occurs as a large coarsely graiuilar mass in the south- ern part of tlu' county on the northern part of White ]\Iountains. Deep l)lue lazulite and specular hematite are associated, Knopf'"''. Nevada County: Andalusite is a constituent of quartzite at Grass Valley, Lindgren^^^ Riverside County: Large crystals of pink andalusite are found near Coahuila, Kunz^^). Schaller(4>. 200. SILLIMANITE— Fibrolite. Silicate of aluminium, Al.SiOj. Orthorhombic. Long slender prisms and fibers. Cleavage p;erfect brachy- pinacoidal. Color grayish and light brown. Vitreous luster. H = 6 — 7; G = 3.23. KofractivL- indices: oc =1-638; Q = l.&i2\ y = 1.653. Reactions are identical to those for andalusite and tlic iwo minerals ar;- generally differentiated by dissimilar structure. A constituent of metamorphie gneiss and schist, and usually with cyanite, andalusite and staurolite. Inyo County : Random fibers of sillimanite in schist are found at the scheelite deposit in Deep Canyon, west of Bishop. IMassive, near Laws. Mariposa County: Occurs in the schists near Mariposa, Turner^'*^ Fairbanks^^^ San Bernardino County : Occurs in schist fifteen miles southeast of Daggett, at Ord Mountain. San Diego County: A constituent of the dninortierite gneiss at Dehesa, Schaller<5>. 201. CYANITE— Disthene. Silicate of aluminium, AljSiOj. Triclinic. Long slender or blade-like crystals. Cleavage perfect macro- pinacoidal. Color sky-blue, green, white. Vitreous to pearly luster. H=:5 — 7; G = 3.56 — 3.67. Refractive indices: oc =1-712; ^3 = 1.720; y = ].728. Infusible and insoluble. Like andalusite in its behavior before the blow- pipe. Can be distinguished from andalusite and sillimanite by phy.sical properties. A common metamorphie mineral found in schists and gneisses with andalusite, sillimanite and dumortierite. Imperial County : Large blue boulders of dumortierite rock found in the Cargo Muchacho district near Ogilby contain small crystals of cyanite. Los Angeles County : Found in the schists near Los Angeles. Tuolumne County : A constituent of the schists on Yankee Kill. 184 STATE MINING BUREAU. 202. SPURRITE. Carbonato-silicate of calcium. 2 CajSiOj.CaCO,. Monocliiiic. (irauular masses. One good cleavage. Pale gray to slightly bluish. H=:o. Refractive indices: a:=l.<>4t>; ^=J.G72; y = 1.676. Infusible. Gives calciuin flame. Soluble with some effervescence and separation of silica. A minoral formed by coutac-t metaiuorphism in limestone, but very rare. Riverside County : Occurs intimately associated with merwinite and gehlenite in the limestone at Crestmore, Foshag*-'. 203. DATOLITE. Basic silicate of boron and calcium, HCaBSiOj. Mouoclinic. Small crystals and massive. Colorless to white, often with greenish tinge. Vitreous luster. H = 5 — 5.5; G = 2.9 — 3.0. Refractive indices;: oc=l.'>2">; ^ = 1.053: ^ = 1.669. Fuses easily to a clear i^lass and colors tlame groen. Easily soluhlo in hydrochloric acid r.ud .solution boiled down to almost dryness .A-ields gela- tinous silica. Gives a little water in closed tube. Datolite forms veins of glassy crystals or white massive material in dikes and along the contact of igneous intrusions of diabase and diorite. Inyo County : White massive datolite was associated with vesuvianite and garnet at the San Carlos mine and was analysed by J. L. Smith^^\ SiO; BoOa CaO HjO 38.02 21.62 33.87 5.61 =99.12% G= 2.988 Riverside County : Ma>isive white glassy datolite, with slight green- ish tinge, occurs with the pegmatite at Crestmore. San Francisco Count}' : Glassy crystals and white veins of datolite occur in an old altered diabase dike in the serpentine at Fort Point. Analysed by Schaller. Forms: (001), (100), (110), (120), (Oil), (012), (102), (104), (T02), (111), Til), (T12), (T13), (114), (116), (312), (121), (231), (1.1.18), Eakle(i>. SiOo AI0O3 BsOs CaO H2O 36.71 0.17 22.11 33.83 6.52 =99.34% 204. ZOISITE. Basic silicate of calcium and aluminium, HCajAlsSiaOia. Orthorhombic. Prismatic crystals ; sometimes massive. Cleavage perfect brachypinacoidal. Color grayish white to greenish gray. Vitreous luster. H = 6 — 6.5; G = 3.25 — 3.37. Refractive indices: oc =1.700; ^3=1.702; y = 1.706. Insoluble, but fuses rather easily with some intumescence to a light-col- ored slaggy mass, which, if pulverized and boiled in hydrochloric acid, will yield gelatinous silica. A small amount of moisturp can be obtained in a ciosed tube by intense heating. MINERALS^ OF CAMTORNIA. 185 Zoisite belongs to the metamorphic class of minerals and is often developed by the niotamorphisin of gabbros and diorites. It is not an uncommon mineral in the State, but has seldom been mentioned. Sfiitssuriti is a mixture of zoisite, caleite and plagioclasc feldspar formed in gabbros and plutonie rocks by alteration and pressure, and the process of change is called "saussuritization." Clinozoisite. Name given to a rock-forming silicate near zoisite in composition but monoclinic in crystallization. Refractive indices: oc. = 1.714; ^i=1.7ir»; y=: 1.719. Lake ('(lunty: Zoisite is mentioned by Becker'^' as common in the metamorphic rocks at Suli)lmr Hank and in the Coast Range. Ana- lysed from Sulphur Bank. SiOz TiO" Al-Os Fe.O:, FeO NiO MnO CaO MgO NasO 39.80 tr. 22.72 4.85 1.49 __ 0.26 17..55 3.89 4.09 39.19 1.17 22.70 6.49 1.78 tr. U.09 22.02 1.64 3.38 K2O H2O P2O3 0.12 5.25 — =100.02% 0.58 1.12 tr. =100.22 Plumas County : Found iji the Diadem Lode, Meadow Valley, Tur- ner(^>. Riverside County: Saussurite is eonnnon in the igneous rocks of Eagle Mountains. Santa Clara County: Mentioned by Murgoci<^^> in the eclogite of Oak Ridge. Clinozoisite also occurs as a constituent of the eclogites of the Calaveras Valley. Shasta County : Saussurite was analysed by Clarke^^) from a gabbro found thirty-seven miles north of Pit River Ferry. SlOo AI0O3 FeO CaO MgO NaoO HoO 42.79 29.43 3.65 18.13 1.40 2..51 2.42 =100.33% Sonoma County: Found in quartzite at Pine Flat, Murgoci^^). Occurs also near llealdsburg. 205. EPIDOTE. Basic silicate of calcium, aluminium and iron. HCa2(Al,Fe)3Si30,3. Monoclinic. Crystals, massive, earthy. Cleavage perfect basal. Color pistachio-green, dark green, dark brown, yellow. Vitreous luster. H = 6 — 7; G = 3.25 — 3.5. Refractive indices: o:=l.''21>; R=l.lo4r, ,, = 1.768. Similar to zoisito in its reactioDs. but fuses to a black slag. Epidote is a very common mineral in the State, especially as an alteration mineral -in crystalline rocks. It is often found in aggregates of large crystals and columnar masses in veins with quartz and feldspar. Alpine County ; Occurs in the hills near Loop. 186 STATE MINING BUREAU. Butte County : Mentioned by Silliman^'') as a constituent of the gold washings at Cherokee. Calaveras County : Large crystals found at Bald Point on the Moke- lumne River, at Mokelumne Hill, and at Copperopolis. Found with quartz, seven miles north of Angels. Colusa County : Green epidote is associated with hematite in a deposit four miles south of Lodoga. Yellow oeher outcrops on Stony Creek, 4.^ miles west of Stonvford. Contra Costa County: In the rocks on Mount Diablo and in the Diablo Range. El Dorado County : Fine large crystals occurred in a coarse vein with orthoclase, bornite and molybdenite which were coated with axinite, at the old Cosumnes copper mine. ]\Iinute prisms in quartz at Placer- ville. Fresno County: Common at Grub Gulch. As contact mineral with (luartz and garnet near Trimmer; found near Sanger. Humboldt Country : Large prisms with calcite in schists on west side of Horse Mountain. Conmion as a rock-forming mineral near Orleans. Inyo County : Columnar specimens have come from near Inde- pendence. Kern County : Associated with scheelite at the Cadillac claims, Green- horn mining district. Lassen County : Occurs with native copper at the Lummis mine. Los Angeles County: Found with bitumen and orthoclase at White Point and with labradorite near San Pedro. Disseminated through crystalline limestone in Pacoima Canyon, 3| miles from San Fernando. Madera County : Common on the Minaret IMountains. Associated with (juartz, hematite and magnetite in the Hildreth mining district. Specimens have come from Coarse Gold. Marin County: Occurs with lawsonite at Reed Station, Ransome^^^. Mariposa County: Massive at Hornitos. Also near Coulter^iille and at Yosemite Cliff. On the south side of Mount Hoffman. Mono County: Massive at Epidote Peak at head of East Fork of Green Creek. Occurs in rock near Mono Lake. Nevada County : Common near Glen Alpine with violet axinite. At Meadow Lake. Lindgren '*"■'", nnd also at Grass Valley. With quartz and calcite at the Oustamoh mine. Placer County: Near Newcastle. ' Plumas County : With garnet and quartz on Mount Herbert. Occurs with garnet at contact of limestone and granodiorite at the Cosmopoli- tan and Duncan mines, Genessee district. Occurs at' Engels with born- ite and chalcop3^rite. Riverside County : Deep green epidote occurs in the calcite and long prismatic crystals, altered brown, occur in the pegmatite at Crestmore. MINERALS OK CALIFORNIA. 187 Associated with specular hematite in the Monte Negro mining district. Occurs ten miles from Beaumont. In gneiss on Eagle Mountains. San Bernardino County: Common in the Monte Negro " district, Storms^^\ Coarsely crystalline with calcite at contact of granodiorite and limestone in the Morongo district. Occurs with specular hematite seventeen miles northwest of Needles. Associated with garnet, mag- netite and hematite in the iron ore deposit near Dale. San Diego County : Occurs as a secondary mineral with black tour- maline at Rincon. Rogers^^^ Clear, transparent crystals of gem qual- ity occur at the ^IcFall mine, 7^ miles southeast of Ramona. Occurs near Campo. San Luis Obispo County : Occurs with quartz, pyrite and calcite near La Panza. Santa Clara County: In the eclogite of Calaveras Valley, Murgoci^^^ Shasta County : Epidotc from this county was analysed by Schaller. SiO« ALOs Fe-Os FeO MnO MgrO CaO NaoO K2O 38.22 25.12 8.75 1.25 0.19 tr. 22.77 0.11 0.06 HoO at 105° ab. 105° TiOs 0.52 :?.04 0.33=100.36% Siskiyou County: Associated with dark brown garnet and quartz on South Fork of Coffee Creek. Occurs in a schist near Seiad. Sonoma County : In glaucophane schist near Healdsburg. Trinity County : Green epidote associated with colorless garnet, titan- ite and zircon, occurs in a soda granite-porphyry in the Iron Mountain district, Weaverville Quadrangle. With calcite at Douglas City. As a contact mineral in limestone with garnet at Red ^lountain. Tulare County: Common in the Mineral King district, Goodyear^^). Large divergent columns at Eber Flat and at Three Rivers. Also com- mon in Eraser Valley. Occurs with quartz and garnet on Crowley Mountain near Dunn Valley. Specimens have come from near Lindsay, Large masses of divergent prismatic crj'stals occur at Eber Flat. Tuolumne County: Near Sonora. Yuba County : At Smartsville. 206. ALLAN ITE—Orthite. Basic silicate of calcium, iron, aluminium and cerium. Monoclinic. Flat tabular crystals and imbedded grains. Color brownish black. Pitchy luster. H=i5.5 — 6; G = 3.5 — 4.2. Refractive index: ^ = 1.74. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, yielding gelatinous silica. Fuses easily with intumescence to a dark s\a^. The rare earth bases can only be determined chemically. A constituent of some crj'stalline rocks, but some of its reported occurrences in the State are doubtful. 188 STATE MINING BUREAU. Riverside County : Has been observed as a constituent of the gneiss of Eagle Mountains. Santa- Barbara County : Said to have been found in rock near Santa Barbara. Tulare County : Specimens of pegmatite rock containing massive allanite occur near Exeter on the Gasenberger Ranch associated with rose quartz. 207. PIEDMONTITE. Basic silicate of calcium, aluminium, mangauese and iron, HCa2(Al,Mn,Fe)3Si30ui. Monoclinic. Prismatic crystals. Color reddish brown and reddish black. Reddish streak. Altreous luster. H = 6.5; G = 3.4. Refractive index: /^ — 1.S3. Insoluble in acid. Fus^s easily with intumeseence to a black slass. Gives a violet bead of manganese with borax. San Bernardino County : A specimen of the manganese epidote has come from this county. San Diego County: Found in tlie thin section of a dark red c^uartz- porphyry boulder from the gravels at Pacific Beach, Rogers^^^. 208. AXINITE. Borosillcate of alumnium and calcium with iron and manganese, H(Ca,Mn,Fe)3BAL(SiO,)4. Triclinic. Thin wedge-shaped crystals. Sometimes granular massive. Color clove-brown, yellow. Vitreous luster. H = G.5 — 7; G = 3.27. Refractive indices: oc =1-678; «=;1.GS5; y = 1.688. Insoluble. Fuses with swelling and intumescence and may show slight gi'eenish flame. Powder mixed with potassium bisulphate and fluorite and held on platinum wire in the Bunsen flnme. will give a momentai^- green Hame of boron. Crystals of axinite are sometimes developed in the veins and along the contact of intrusive rocks but the mineral is rather rare in its occurrence. El Dorado County: Small clove-brown crystals t)ccurred deposited on epidote at the old Cosumnes copper mine near Fairplay. They have been described and analysed by Schaller^^^^ Forms: (ITO), (010), (120), (130), (160), (1.29.0), (160), (270), (7.11.0), (110), (540), (430), (210), (310), (510), (100), (3T0), (950). = 100.00% Inyo County : Found in the Funeral Mountains and in the Owl Mountains, Death Valley. Perfectly formed small white crystals with smithsonite occur at the Ubehebe mine. Crystals found in the Argus Range. SiOo AlaOa FeO CaO MnO MgO B2O3 HjO 42.79 16.38 4.22 19.21 8.76 0.09 6.70 1.85 SiOj A1:0:, FeeOs FeO CaO MnO MgO BoO:, H^O 42.61 17.43 0.38 7.53 10.74 4.10 0.44 6.04 1.56 MINERALS 01' CALIFORNIA. 189 Nevada County : Thin bladed masses of violet-colored axinite occur in veins near Glen Alpine. Riverside County : A large axinite crystal from the city quarry at Riverside, measured by 12 by 1^ centimeters. The forms are: (ITI), (111), (ITO), (201), (001), (110), and (OTO). The axinite of this quarry is violet brown, Rogers'-'-'. Violet axinite occurs associated with cinnamon garnet in the pegmatite at Crestmorc. Crystals of violet col- ored iixinitc arc found in the Box Springs ^Mountains. San Diego County: Smoky-pink cr.vstals occur in an altered granite in Moosa Canyon, about eighteen miles south of Pala near Bonsall, associated with quartz, epidote and laumontite, and have been described by Schaller(ii). Forms: (ITO), (130), (110), (100), (331), (iTl), (112), (021), (T32), (201), (111), (131), (132). 3, HoO = 99.83% 209. PREHNITE. Acid silicate of calcium and alumiuum. HjCaoALSisOj;. Orthorhombie. Tabular crystals, .i;rauu]ar, drusy masses. Color light .ijiven to white. Vitreous luster. II = 6 — 6.5; = 2.8 — 2.95. llefractive indices: oc =1-016; ^=1.626; y = 1.649. Sliffhtly soluble. Fuses with intumescence to an enamel. Gives water in clos_»d tube. The fused mass will sdatinize with hydrochloric acid. Green drusy coatings and veins of prehnite are sometimes present in altered diabase and lavas, but the mineral is not common in the State. Loiritc is a mineral similar to prehnite in composition, but differs from it in optical characters. Plumas County : Occurs as a hydrothermal product at the Engels mine. Riverside County : Green drusy and light brown prehnite occur in cavities of white feldspar in the pegmatite veins of the limestone at Crestmorc. Forms of brown crystals are: (001), (110), (100), and (061). Analysis of the brown variety: SiO.. ALO, CaO ll..t> 44.10 24.20 25.20 5.86 =9J).36% Santa Barbara County : Prehnite occurred in the analcite-diabase of Cuyamas Valley, Fairbanks^^^ Santa Clara County: Lotrite was observed by Murgoci^^) as probably present in the greenstone of Calaveras Valley. 190 STATE MINING BUREAU. 210. CHONDRODITE. Fluosilicate of magucsium, [Mg (F,OH) ]» MgJSiOJ,. Monoclinic. Usually in grains. Color yellow to brown. Vitreous luster. n = 6— 1;..5; Tt =3.1—3.2. Refractivo indices: a:=1.*H)7: ^ = l.39. Infusible. Soluble with Kolatinization. Fused with iwtassium bisul- phate in a closed tube, gives off lluorine, which will etch the glass. Mag- nesia is precipitated from auunouiu solution by sotlium phosphate. A fairly common mineral foruuHi in the metamorphism of a dolomitic limestone. Riverside County : Some of the crystalline limestone at Crestmore shows evidence of the former presence of granular chondroite. Re- ported to occur in the limestone at Colton. Observed in the City Quarry at Riverside, and mentioned by Rogers. Occurs in the lime- stone of the Jensen property about three miles west of Crestmore. 211. ILVAITE. Silicate of iron and calcium, CaFe2(FeOS) (SiOi).. Orthorhombic. I.ong prisms vertically striated. Color grayish black. Submetallic luster. H = 5.5 — 6 ; G = 4.0. Refractive index : ^ = 1.91. Becomes magnetic after heating. Easily fusible. Soluble iu hydrochloric acid and yields much gelatinous residue. Ilvaite is a rare mineral and is only knowii from two localities in the State. Formed by contact metamorphism in crystalline limestone. Shasta County: Thin bands and long prisms of ilvaite occur on both sides of a narrow dike cutting througli limestone on Potter Creek, near Baird. The crystals occur on quartz and hedenbergite and have been described by Prescott(i>. Forms: (110), (120), (010), (111), (101), (890). Analysed by H. R. Moss. SiOo Fe-Os AI2O3 CroOs FeO MnO CaO MgO H2O 28.09 20.80 0.32 0.13 29.93 3.24 15.89 0.18 1.62 =100.20% Sonoma County : A boulder of quartzite colored black with ilvaite was found near Petaluma. 212. CALAMINE. Basic silicate of zinc, H.Zn^SiOs. Orthorhombic. Hemimorphic crystals, drusy masses, earthy. Cleavage perfect prismatic. Color white; sometimes bluish or brown. H=:4.5 — 5; G = 3.4 — 3.5. Refractive indices: a:=l.<514; g-LGl' ; y — 1.6S(i. Soluble with gelatinization. Difficultly fusible. Mixed with sodium car- bonate and reductid on charcoal, gives yellow coating of zinc. Some water iu a closed tube. Calamine is found in the oxidized portion of veins carrying zinc, but its occurrence in California is quite limited. MINERAL.S OF CALIFORNIA. 191 Inyo County : Small amounts have been found with willcmite and smithsouite at the St. Yguaeio, Cerro Gordo and Indiana mines, and in Surprise Canyon. San Bernardino County : Found with simthsonite at the Cuticura mine, near Daggett. 213. LAWSONITE. Basic silicate of calcium aud aluiuiuium, HiCaALSijOio. Orthorhoinbic. Prismatic aud tabular crystals. Cleavage perfect basal aud brachypinacoidal. Color pale blue to white. Vitreous luster. H = 8; G = 3.09. Refractive indices: cx^l.OO.j; «=l.(j74; y— l.tj^4. Swells aud fuses to a frothj' mass. Vei^j' slightly ncted ou by iiydro- chloric acid. Yields water in a closed tube. Lawsonite was discovered in California as a new constituent of cer- tain schists, and since its discovery has been found to be quite wide- spread in its occurrence in the rocks of the Coast Range. It is limited to the metamorphic rocks. Contra Costa County: Found as a constituent of a chlorite boulder on side of hill north of Berkeley and analysed by Eakle*^\ SiOo AUOsFeoO,-; CaO HoO 38.43 33.39 16.85 9.83 =98.50% Marin County : Discovered as a new mineral in the schists of the Tiburon Peninsular, near Reed Station, and w^as described and named by Ransome(2). Forms: (Oil), (110), (041), (001). Additional forms by HiUebrand and Schallerd), (221), (331). Analyses: 1. Ransome and Palache; 2. HiUebrand and Schaller. FeO MnO 0.10 tr. SiOo TiOc AloOs Fe.O:, )38.10 28.88 0.85 "J37.32 35.14 38.45 0.38 31.35 0.86 CaO 18.26 MgO KsO 0.23 NazO 0.65 17.83 __ 17.52 0.17 0.23 0.06 Ign. 11.42 = 99.39% 11.21 = 101.50 11.21 = 100.33 San Luis Obispo County : Masses of green chlorite with platy crystals of lawsonite occur about four miles east of San Luis Obispo. Santa Clara County: Mentioned by Murgoci^^^ and by J. P. Smith^i) as one of the constituents of the gneisses, schists and quartzites of Oak Ridge, Redwood and Calaveras Valley. 192 STATE » MINING BUREAU. 214. TOURMALINE. Borosilicate of aluminium with various bases. Hexagonal, ihombohedral. Long prismatic crystals, often divergent radi- ating groups. Color black, green, rose-red, brown, blue, smoky. Vitreous luster. H=r7 — 7.5; G=:2.9S — 3.2. Refractive indices: £=1.041; (,, = 1.<>S7. Generally fusible to a blebby mass. Insoluble in acids. Fused on plat- inum wire with a mixture of potassium bisulphate and fluorite, will give a momentary groen flame. The greeu flame distinguishes the black tounnaline from black hornblende when the physical characters are similar, and the brown tounnaline is like- wise distinguished from l>rawn gnrai't. Black tourmaline is a very common mineral in the State and large areas of tourmaline-granites exist in the Sierras. Brown tourmaline has also been found, but in limited quantity. The richly colored red and green tourmalines of San Diego County are the tinest in the world, and have become almost universally known and used as gems. Tourma- line always occurs in prismatic crystals, often bunched into radiating groups and usually much fractured. The common black tourmaline is characteristic of granites and quartz veins in granites. Brown tourma- line is found in crystalline limestone near the contact with intrusive igneous rock. The transparent green and red and other shades occur in pegmatite veins which carry lithia and they are classed as lithia- tourmaliues. The red tourmaline is often called ruhellite, the blue, indicolite and the colorless, achroife. Alpine County: Black tourmaline is common in Hope Valley. Calaveras County : Black occurs in quartz at Sheep Kanch. El Dorado County : Black tourmaline occurs with orthoclase at Buck's Bar. Small, black crystals occur in orthoclase quartz rock, twenty miles east of Placerville. Fresno County : Black is connnon in Fine Gold Gulch, at the Enter- prise mine, and at Eber Flat. Black crystals associated with horn- blende and quartz occur in Watts Valley. Black occurs in the Syca- more district. Red and green tourmaline occurs in quartz on the White Divide, south of ]Mt. Godard. Green occurs on Spanish Peak asso- ciated with brown garnet, Bradley'^*. Inyo County : Black occurs in the Lee district. Black crystals occur in a metamorphosed sandstone at Deep Canyon, west of Bishop. Needles and reticulated masses of black, slender prisms are found in the Slate Range. Kern County : Black is found in the rocks of the Tehachapi Moun- tains. Black tourmaline occurs in a calcite vein cutting schist, associ- MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 193 cited with schcclitL' a few miles west of Randsburg. A large vein of quartz and feldspar containing black tourmaline occurs near Woody. Lassen County : Specimens of black tourmaline have come from near Susanville. ^ladera County : Black tourmaline occurs in the rocks near Ray- mond. Mariposa County : Black is very common in the granites of the Yosemite Valley. Modoc County : Black crystals occur in quartz near Cedarville. ^Fono County: Radiating masses of black tourmaline occur near a contaet mass of magnetite, which carries greenockite. near Topaz. Nevada County : Black occurs at Emerald Bay. Lake Tahoe and near Crystal Peak. A chiik brown variety found two miles northwest of (Jolfax was analvsed ])v Melville^^\ SiOo AUOn FeoQ.. CaO MgO KjO Na«0 BoO.t Ign. :'.G.40 33.64 3.13 1.51 10.01 0.12 2.49 C.52 3.53 F O— F 0.74 = 98.07 — 0.31 = 97.76% Orange County : Black is found at the Santa Ana tin mine, Santa Ana Mountains. Placer County : Black at Soda Springs. Black tourmaline in quartz is found near l^liir (Canyon. Specimens of black with quartz occur at the Excelsior mine, near Cisco. Occurs in granitic rock as black tour- maline with white feldspar and glassy quartz, near Rocklin. Plumas County : Black tourmaline occurs at Red Clover Creek. Black tourmaline in quartz occurs on Grizzly Range, and near Taylorsville. Occurs in the pegmatites at Engels. Black crystals occur seven miles from Portola. Riverside County : Some tine gem tourmaline occurs near Coahuila and in the San Jacinto Mountains. Black tourmaline in quartz occurs in the Santa Maria ^Mountains, two miles north of Blythe. Black tour- maline occni's occasionally in the pegmatite veins at Crestmore. Black radiating prisms occur with axinite on Box Spring Mountain. Occurs in a pegmatite vein in the Pinacate district. San Bernardino County: Black at Halleck. San Diego County : A series of pegmatite veins consisting mainly of white albite Avith quartz and lepidolite mica, cut through the diorite hills in the northwestern part of the county from the vicinity of Mesa Grande northward through Pala and into Riverside County, and these veins have been prolific in their yield of beautiful transparent tourma- lines in many shades of rose-red and green. The first mention of the occurrence of rubellite and lepidolite in southern California was by W. P. Blake ^^^^ who gave the locality as the San Bernardino Range. 13—22132 194 STATE MINING BUREAU. Later Orcntt^^) described the occurrence at Pala. The first material obtained was tlie lavender and lilac lepidolitc containing radiating clusters of bright red rubellitu prisms, which form beautiful museum specimens and can be seen in most mineral collections. The gem varieties were found later and since 1893 a number of mines have been located and many large beautiful crystals obtained. At present the best tourmalines come from Mesa Grande. Sterrett^^^ gives the crystal- lography of tourmaline from Damoron ranch, four miles northwest of Mesa Grande. Forms: (0221), (1230), (1450), (2131), (1232), (OOOT), (OlTT), (1012), (1120), (lOTO), (OITO), (lOTl), and (0001). Tour- malines of many shades, black, pink, blue, violet, green and colorless, occur at Kincon in tlie Victor and other claims and some of the crystals have the forms: (1120), (lOlO), (OlTO), (1232), (lOTl), (OOOT), (OlTT), Rogers^"^^ Analj^ses of the tourmaline of the county have been made by Schaller^'^^ 1. Pink from JMesa Grande; 2. Pale green from Mesa Grande; 3. Pink from Pala; 4. Altered pink from Pala; 5. Black from Lost Valley ; 6. Black from Ramona. SiO, 37. .57 36.72 36.98 37.05 35.96 35.21 ALOa- 42.18 41.27 43.69 44.25 33.28 36.07 TiO, tr. 0.06 0.36 0.23 Fed 0.19 1.13 __ __ 11.04 11.11 MnO 0.24 1.48 tr. tr. 0.13 0.98 MgO none none tr. 0.10 3.48 0.19 CaO 1.20 0.87 0.25 0.22 0.42 0.25 LioO 1.92 1.76 1.28 1.27 none tr. Na„0 2.05 2.23 2.02 1.06 2.16 1.92 K„6 none none 2.29 1.95 none none B,03 10.65 10.60 7.66 2.46 10.61 10.48 H„0 3.39 3.33 4.67 lO.Sl 3.31 3.51 F 0.29 0.31 — — none — 99.77 99.76 98.84 99.17 100.75 99.95% The bluish green tourmaline from the Mountciin Lily mine near Oak (irovc has Ix'cii enllod ''eineralite." Fine ])lu(' and pink occurs at the Peter Cabat mine, nbout six miles north of AVarner's Hot Springs. A deposit of green tourmaline occurs south of Banner. Good blue and green occur on east side of Chihuahua Valley. Black tourmaline occurs with cassiterite on Aguanga Mountain. San Luis Obispo County: Black tourmaline occurs in the rocks of the Santa Margarita Hills. Si-skiyou County : Black crystals in quartz occur near Etna Mills. Black, slender crystals in quartz associated with specular hematite occur at Westwood. Trinity County : Small rosettes of black tourmaline occur at the IMountain ^Monarch Prospect, Weaverville Quadrangle. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 195 Tulare County : Black in Frazer Valle}', Drum Valley, and at Mineral Kinf;. Jilack crystals with feldspar imd imiscftvitc occur near ^lilo. }i]ack occurs in fjuai'tz near Dinuba. Tuolunnie County : Jilack near Crimea House, near ISonora and near Soulsby. Occurs with quartz as black prisms about eight miles south of Sonora. 215. DUMORTIERITE. Basic silicate of aliiminiuni with boron. IIAlsRSiaOjo. Ortliorlioinbic. Small i)risms, jrrauular. Color sraalt-hlno, dark hUio, violet-red. Vitreous luster. IIi^T; G = 3.22 — 3.43. Uefractive indices: a:=l.t>78: fj=l.{iSii; y = l.G81>. Insoluble and infusil)le. Fused on platinum wire with a mixture of potas- sium bisuliihate and Huorite will give a momentary green Hame. Dumortierite is a metamorphie mineral found in certain gneisses and schists; very rare in its occurrence. Imperial County : Dark blue boulders of dumortierite occur on the plains about twenty-five miles from Ogilby. Riverside County : -Afassive dark blue dumortierite occurs one mile north of Big Four mines, Pinacate district. San Diego County : A violet-red variety of dumortierite occurs near Dehesa and was described and analysed by Schaller*^^^ and also analysed byFord(i>. Forms: (010), (100), (110), (120), (320), (210), (102), (203). SiO. AI2O3 TioOs Fe^Os B2O3 H^G Schaller 28.68 63.31 1.45 0.23 5.37 1.52 =100.56% Ford 30.58 61.83 __ 0.36 5.93 2.14 =100.84 Tuolumne County : Boulders of dark, blue dumortierite have been found in the countv. 396 STATE MINING BUREAU. CHAPTER IX. HYDROUS SILICATES AND TITANO-SILICATES. Micas. Muscovite Mariposite Paragonite Lepidolite Phlosopito Biotite Lepidomelane Roscoelite Brittle Micas. Margavito Xauthophyllito Chloritoid Ottrelitc C'hloritcs. Clinochlore Kotchubeite Penninite Kiimmererite Prochlorite Corundoph.vllitc Griffithite Chalcodite Jefiferisite Zeolites. Heulandite Phillipsite LaumontitP Stilbite Chabazite Analcite Natrolite Mesolite Tbomsonitc Xot (Ironped. Gyrolite .Jurupaite Apophyllite Xonotlite Eakleite Okenite Inesite Ganophjilito Crestmoreite Riversideito Plazolite Serpentine Chiysotile De\Yeylite Garnierite Talc Sepiolite Celadonite Pyrophyllito Kaolinite Halloysite Montmorillonite Allophane Rectorite Cimolite Thaumasito Chrysocolla Cbloropal Nontronite Bementite Xeotocite Pilolite Searlesite Tit a no-silicates. Titanite Benitoite Neptunite MICAS, The mica family consists of a number of silicates, having various and complex compositions, which occur characteristically in thin elastic scales and plates. The common micas, muscovite and biotite, are very important rock-forming minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks, and are to be found all over the State. There are several rare micas and alteration products of micas Avhich have not been observed in Cali- fornia and will therefore not be mentioned. 216. MUSCOVITE— Potash Mica. Hydrous silicate of potassium and aluminium, essentially (H,K)AlSi04. Monocliuic. Hexagonal-shaped plates, plumose aggregates, scales. Cleav- age perfect basal. Colorless, gray, brown, pale green. Vitreous luster. H = 2 — 2.5; G = 2.76 — 3. Refractive indices: cx=l-'Cl: ^r^l.-TOO; ^ = 1.594. Insoluble in acids and veiy difficult to fuse. A little of the powder taken on a platinum wire and moistened with sulphuric acid will give the violet flame of potassium when held in the colorless Bnnsen fiame. A small amount of moisture is obtained by intense beatini; in a close^l tube. Muscovite is a common constituent of granites, syenites, gneisses and schists. It is generally called mica or isinglass and is of economic MINERALS OF CALTFORNL\. 197 value when in large transparent sheets. Extensive areas of mica- schists occur in the State in which muscovite is the principal constituent and gives the rock its schistose structure. Sericite is a soft greasy-feeling muscovite forming mostly sericitic schists. Furhsitr \s a chronu'-muscovite of an emerald-i>i-een color. Pinite and Agahnaiolite are names given to compact muscovite or altered muscovite, usually of gray or white color. Alexandrolitc is a name given to a pale green micaceous mineral be- longing to the chrome micas. El Dorado County : According to Hanks^^> some material resembling agalmatolite occurred in a vein at Greenwood. Inyo County : Muscovite is found in the Saratoga district. Lassen County: Muscovite was early reported from Susanville. Nevada County : Sericite and biotite are mentioned by Lindgren^^^ as COTistituents of the rocks of Grass Valley and Nevada City. Orange County : Fuchsite has been found at Arch Beach. Plumas County : Sericite occurs as a hydro-thermal mica at Engels. Riverside County : JVIuscovite and lepidolite occur with the gem tour- maline at Coahuila. San Diego County : Muscovite is a common mineral in the pegmatite veins which carry the gem tourmaline and kunzite of this county. Crystals occur at the Mack mine, Rincon,with the forms: (001), (010), (221), Rogers (2\ Pink muscovite from Mesa Grande has been analysed by Schaller^'^^ PiO.. TiO" Al.Or. Fe-O:, MnO MgO CaO LisO NoeO KoO 45.63 tr." 37.42 tr. 0.06 none none 0.20 1.43 9.95 4.43 0.77 =99.89 — 0.32 = 99.57% Tulare County : A green micaceous and earthj^ mineral containing chromium and believed to be alexandrolitc occurs near Exeter. No analysis of the mineral has been made. Ventura County : Good sheets of muscovite have come from the Mount Almo mica mine. 217. MARIPOSITE. Monoclinic. Micaceous, scales, foliated massive. Cleavage perfect basal. Color apple-green, white. Vitreous luster. H=2.5 — 3; G = 2.78 — 2.81. Itcfractive indices: oc =1.00; ^ = 1.63; y = 1.63. Similar to musc-ovite in its reactions. An emerald green borax bead is sometimes obtained. Mariposite is essentially a muscovite with its characteristic green color due to the presence of chromic oxide. It is distinctly charac- teristic of the gold belt of the Sierras and was described as a new mineral by Silliman^^\ 198 STATE MINING BUREAU. Calaveras County : Occurs iu schist on Carson Hill at the Reserve mine and at the Golden Gate mine. El Dorado Count}' : Green flakes of mariposite occui* in quartz at the Pyramid mine, four miles north of Shingle Springs. Kern County : Some green micaceous mariposite occurs at Rands- bur k. ^Mariposa County: The green mica, mariposite, is common in the ^lother Lode schists of this county and of Tuolumne and Calaveras counties, and it was first descril)ed by Silliman^'^' as a new mineral. The mineral from the Josephine mine was analysed by Hillebrand, Turner'*'. SiOe TiOs AI2O3 Cr^Oa FeoO., FeO CaO MgO Green 55.35 0.18 25.62 0.18 0.63 0.92 0.07 3.25 White 56.79 25.29 none 1.59 0.07 3.29 K2O (Li,Na)oO H2O 9.29 0.12 4.52 =100.13% 8.92 0.17 4.72 =100.84 Nevada County : Good specimens of green mariposite occur with quartz and calcite in veins at the Red Ledge mine, Washington. Occurs at the Idaho mine. Grass Valley. Placer County : Found at the Marguerite mine. San Diego County : Found also near Oak Grove and on west side -of ^It. San Jacinto. Sierra County: Mariposite- is found at the Rainbow mine. Occurs at the Alhambra mine. Poker Flat, and at the El Dorado mine, Forest mining district. Tuolumne County : Mariposite is common at the Rawhide Ranch mine near Tutth^owii. Also at the App mine, (^nicga mint^ and other mines in the vicinitv of Jamestown. 218. PARAGON ITE— Soda Mica. Silicate of sodium and aluminium, HoNaAliSijOu. Massive, compact, scaly. Cleavage perfect basal. Color gray, yellowish gray, pale green. Pearly luster. H=r2.5 — 3; = 2.78 — 2.90. Refractive indo.x : ^ = 1.(>0. Like ninscovitc in it.<5 reactions. l)ut gives the yellow sodium flame. The rocks of the Coast Ranges are notably rich in soda and this mica has been observed as one of the constituents of the schists. Santa Clara County: Paragonite is mentioned as a constituent of eclogite at Coyote Creek, near San IMartin and of greenstone on San Francisquito Creek. J. P. Smith'^). MINER.M.S OF CALIFORNIA. 199 219. LEPIDOLITE— Lithia Mica. Silicato of litliinin. potassium, fluorine and alumiuiuni (KLi) A1(0I-I,F) Al(Si03)3. Monoclinic. Commonly in scaly masses; sometimes in broad plates. Clcavase ixnlocl basal. Color lilac, lavender, violet-blue.. pink to colorless. Vitreous to pearly luster. II=:2.r) — 4; G = 2.S — 2.0. Ilefractiv<' indici-s: ex = 1 ■•"•l^>0 ; ^=1.r.!>S; y^l.liO."). Easily fusible to a wliito iilohulc. and shows the red flaiui' of lithiuni. Insoluble in acids. A small amount of water is obtained in a closed tube by intense ignition, which reacts acid. Lepidolite occurs in scaly masses of a lavender, violet and pink color. It is the characteristic mica of pegmatitic veins which carry red and green tourmaline. Cookeite is a hydrous lithia mica, white to yellowish green in color. Inyo Coiuily: Pink lepidolite willi muscovite occurs in the vein matter of Half Dollar mine. San Bernai'diiio County: Cookeite has been reported fi'ciu Oro Grande. San Diego County : Lepidolite mica ranging in color from gray through lavender and rose to deep violet is the connnon mica asso- ciated with the gem tourmaline of the county. Good crystals were found four miles east of Ramoiia having the forms: (001), (010), (100). (023). (112), (Til), (132). (130), (223), (221)?, (112)?, Sehaller"'". Coarse and fine scaly lepidolite is common at the Victor mine, Riiicon, and crystals have the forms (001), (100), (010), (131), Rogers'-'. The lepidolite of Pala and of Mesa Grande has been analysed by Sehaller^"'. 1. Red purple from Pala, Tourmaline Queen mine; ■:> Uhlc |)Uii)le from Pala ; 3. Pi ill' pie; - 1. White; 5. Lepic lolite b( >rder ;ill llllisc ()\ite IVuiii .\resa G rande. 1. SiO.. .■il.12 A1..0.-.. 22.20 FgoO,-, 0.80 FeO Ml 1. l-.O:. 34 MnO MgO CaO LisO 5.12 NaaO 2.28 o_ SO.Of) 23.07 0.82 1. 20 __ __ 4.63 2.39 .3. riO.:n 28.71 0.11 tr. __ 0.50 none tr. 2.39 1.59 4. 51.2.J 2.5.(;2 0.12 1 lonc • 0.05 none tr. 4.31 1.91 5. 50.8.^) 20.78 0.60 -- -- 0.07 tr. 0.10 4.27 1.41 KoO 30.00 HoO 2.05 P2O, 0.04 F 6.38 : 102.43 - 0=F -2.69= 99.74% 10.60 1.91 0.04 6.11 " : 102.80 - -2.57 = 100.23 10.37 3.15 5.02 :102.18- -2.11 = 100.07 10.65 1.00 7.0G : 102.60 - -2.97 = 99.63 10.30 1.74 6.71 :102.S3- -2.82 = 100.01 Cookeite from Pala has also been analysed by Schaller^'^^ HoO SiOo A1..0n MnO MgO CaO I^i-O Na^.O K^O at 105° ab. 105° 35.53 44.23 tr. tr. tr. 2.73 2.11 0.31 0.61 13.57 F 0=F 1.46 =100.55 — 0.61=99.95% Colorless and dee]) pink cookeite is foiaid in pockets at the Victor mine, Rincon, coating (piartz, lepidolite, orthoclase, albite and kunzite, and as pseudomor])hs after knnzite, Rogers^^\ 200 STATE MINING BUREAU. 220. PHLOGOPITE— Magnesia Mica. Siliciite of uiaKiit'sia aud alumiua, HoKMgjAl^SiOi I3. -Moiioclinic. Usuallj- six-sided plates. Cleavage perfect basal. Tough and elastic. Color yellowish brown; sometime greenish aud even colorless. 11=2.5—3; = 2.78=2.85. Refractive iudices : oc =1.502; ^=J.UU4J; y = 1.(300. Fuses on thin edges. Decomposed by sulphuric acid. Gives a little water in closed tube. A mica similar to biotito, but contaiuing little or no iron. Inyo County : Phlogopite occurs with scheelite in calc-liornfels at Deep Canyon west of Bishop. 221. BIOTITE — Magnesia-iron Mica. Silicate of magnesia, iron and aluminium (H,K);(Mg,Fe)4(Al,Fe)2Si40ic- Monoclinic. Broad plates, foliated, scaly, micaceous. Cleavage perfect basal. Color black, dark brown, green. Vitreous to pearly lustei'. H=2.5 — 3; = 2.7 — 3.1. Refractive indices: ex =1.541; « = 1..574; y = 1.574. Decomposable by boiling in sulphuric acid. Veiy difficult to fuse. Iron- rich varieties become magnetic on heating. The dark brown and black biotite mica is the commonest of all the micas. It is generally a prominent constituent of nearly all eruptive rocks and also of gneisses and schists. It is present as a rock-forming mineral in every county. Lcpidomelane is very black iron mica usually classed as biotite. Alpine County : A black l)iotite from a quartz-monzonite rock at Blood Station was analysed by Valentine, Turner^'^^ SiO:; TiOs AI2O3 FeoOs FeO MnO CaO SrO BaO MgO LizO 35.62 2.61 15.24 4.69 13.67 0.74 0.95 tr. 0.26 12.70 tr. H,.0 Na;0 KoO at 105° ab. 105° P2O3 F 0.50 7.72 0.94 ' 4.-36 none none =100.00% Amador County : Biotite from a pyroxene gneiss on the north fork of the Mokelumne River was analy.sed by Valentine, Turner^'^^ SiOo TIO" AI2O3 FeoOs FeO MnO CaO SrO BaO MgO LioO Na/>0 36.62 3.03 14.37 4.04 17.09 0.40 1.48 tr. 0.33 9.68 tr. 0.45 HoO K,0 at 105° ab.l05° P:05 F 0=F 8.20 0.90 3.26 none 0.10 = 99.95- -0.04 =99.91% Mariposa County: 1. Black biotite from biotite-granite of El Capi- tan, Yosemite ^'alley. was analysed by Valentine; and, 2. Brown biotite ^riNERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 201 from quartz-monzonite on Tioga road, soutlieast of Mount Hoffman, was analysed hy Hillebrand, Turner^"). Si(% TiO. \1"0, X-Oi Cr-Oj Fe^O;, FeO MnO NiO CoO CaO SrO 1 35 64 1.12 1S"62 1- — H.M 14.60 0.79 — — 0.90 __ 2. 35.75 3.16 14.70 0.05 tr. 4.05 14.08 0.45 0.02 0.17 V H-.0 BaO MgO IJ.O NaoO K...O at 100 » ab. 100° P.O. F = F tr. 9 72 Ir. 0.3S 9.22 0.4S 2.54 0.2U 0.26 = 100.01—0.11=99.90% 0.12 12^37 _- Q.32 9.19 1.03 3.04 0.03 0.17- 99.90 — 0.07 = 99.83% Kivcr.sidc County; HiotiU' is a eon-stituiMil of the i-i'anodiorite at Crestmort'. Fouml a.s.soeiated witli earhonate roeks of Eagle ^[ountain. Long and .slender rods and plates of black biotite occur in a granitic rock in the city quarry at Riverside. San Diego County : Plates, fairly large, of black biotite occur near Jacumba. 222. ROSCOELITE— Vanadium Mica. Hvdn.us silicati' of vanadium, aluminum and potassium. II,K i .Mi;.1m' t (.Vl.\'i< (^iOo),,. Minute scales often in stellate groups. Cleavage perfect basal. Color clove-brown, greenish brown or brownish green. Pearly luster. Soft. G = 2.92 — 2.94. Refractive iiiduvs : oc =1-610; ^ = 1.685: y = 1.704. Insoluble, hut fusildc T.ike biotite in its reactions, l)m in addition gives a green head of vanadium with phosphorous salt. Vanadium is a rare constituent of some igneous rocks, and is occa- sionally found in small amounts in biotite. Roscoelite is unique in having a large percentage of vanadium in place of iron and thus form- ing a vanadium-mica. It is a very rare mica, and few specimens of it are now in existence, since most of the material was destroyed for the gold whieh was thickly interlamiuated with the micaceous plates. El Dorado County : Layers from a tenth to a half inch in thickness of a dark green micaceous mineral, thickly interlamiuated with gold, were found at the Stuckslager or Sam Sim's mine on Granite Creek, near Coloma, whieh proved to be a new mineral and was named by James Blake^->, in 1874. The new mica was later described and analysed by Genth<6>, Roscoe(^>, and Hillebrand, Turner and Clarke^^^. SiO:; TiOi V2O3 V,05 VoOii AUG., Fe^Os MnoOa FeO Genth _. '> f 47.82 21.36 12.60 3.30 47.69 22.02 14.10 1.67 Roscoe 41.25 28.60 14.14 1.13 1.15 Hillebrand. 45.17 0.78 24.01 11.54 1.60 MgO CaO NaoO K2C) IA2O H2O 2.43 tr. 0.33 8.03 tr. 5.13 = 100.00% 2.00 tr. 0.19 7.59 tr. 4.96 = 100.22 G = 2.938 2.01 0.61 0.82 8.56 3.35 = 101.62 1.64 0.06 10.37 tr. 4.69 = 99.86 Several hundred pounds of the mineral were also found in Big Red Ravine, near the old Sutter :\Iill. where gold was first discovered, but tha masses were destroyed for their gold values, Hanks^^). 202 STATE MINING BUKEAU. BRITTLE MICAS. Tht; brittle micas include several micaceous minerals whose plates or scales are non-elastic and easily break when bent. Otherwise they resemble the common micas. They are characteristic of the crystalline gneisses and schists. All of them probably occur in the State, but only margarite, xanthophyllite. chloritoid, and ottrelite have been observed. 223. MARGARITE. Hydrous silicate of calcium and aluminium, HoCaoAljSizOjj. Monoclinic. Scaly, micaceous. Cleavage perfect basal. Color grayish, pink. Pearly luster. H = 3.5 — 4.5 ; G = 2.99 — 3.08. ^ ^ Refractive indices: oc =1.032 ; yJz=l.G43 ; y = 1.64.5. Insoluble, but is somewhat fusible. Similar to the micas, but its flakes are not elastic and thus differ from true micas. Margarite is prominent in the glaucophane rocks and has been ob- served in several localities. Calaveras County : Soft silver-white pearly masses of flaky material occur in the Gold Cliff mine at Angels and in some of the other mines of the Mother Lode which bear a strong resemblance to margarite, and are probably this mineral. Marin County: Mentioned by Ransome^^^ as an associate of the law- sonite at Reed Station. Much of this, however, is muscovite, Eakle^^^ San Mateo County : A constituent of the schists of Belmont, Mur- goci^^^ Santa Clara County : Occurs in the eclogite of Oak Ridge, J. P. Smith(i). Sonoma County : A constituent of the glaucophane gneiss of Melitta, near Santa Rosa, Murgoci^^^ 224. XANTHOPHYLLITE. Hydrous silicate of aluminium, calcium and magnesium, Hs(Mg,Ca)34AljoSi505;. Monoclinic. Tabular crystals pai'allel to the base. Perfect basal cleav- age. Coior leek-green, bottle-green. Vitreous luster. H = 4.G; G = 3.09. Refractive indices : oc = l.WO ; ^=1.600 : y - 1.661. Infusible and insoluble. Gives water when intensely heated in a closed tube. Plates are not flexible. A very rare green platy mineral belonging to the brittle micas, resembling green muscovite. Riverside County : Abundant platy crystals of xanthophyllite oc- curred in the blue calcite of the cement quarry at Crestmore, intimately associated with monticellite. An analysis by Eakle gave : H„o 5.07 = 100.62% (J = :!.iKsi 4.49 = 100.31% SiO, AIP3 Fe,0, FeO CaO MgO 16.cS4 44. OS 2.85 14.14 16.24 16.74, 42.70 2.85 0.41 13.0S) 20.03 iJlNI:JJ.VL.i> OF CALIFORNIA. 203 225 CHLORITOID. Hydrous silicate uL" iron, magnesium and aluminium, lL(Fe,Mg) Al..SiO,. Monoclinic. Foliated massive, scales. Cleavage perfect basal. Color dark gray, grayish black, grass green. Pearly to vitreous luster. H = G.5; G-3.52 — 3.r)7. K('fr;icli\(' indi'X : i^ I. "•"'>. Insoluldc and infusibii". I'liitcs wh' ilcxililr. Imt not (dastic (Jives nuich \\;itiT in a closed I nbe. Calaveras County : Dark green chloritoid has been found in some of the scliisis (if tills eonntv. 226. OTTRELITE. Hydrous silicate of iron, manganese and aluminiuui. rio(Fe,Mn) ALSijOn. Monoclinic. Ilexagonal-shniied scales. Cleavage perfect basal. Color blackish gray, black. Vitreous luster. H = 6 — 7; G = 3.3. Insoluble ami infusible. Yields wnter in a closed tube. Ottrelite sehists appear to be rare in the State. Siskiyou County : A specimen of ottrelite schist has come from the vicinity of Yreka. CHLORITES. Uniler the name chlorite are included several species having a mica- ceous structure Avith the flakes flexible but not elastic. The chlorites are prominent in many schists, forming chlorite-schists. They are also formed as secondary alteration products of hornblende and pyroxene rocks, and as such are very common throughout the State. They are characteristically dai'k hn^k-greeii or brown in color. As a general thing tlui various kinds of chlorite have not been differentiated. 227. CLINOCHLORE. Hydrous silicate of magnesium and aluminium, IIsMg-jAloSijOis- Monoclinic. Scaly, earthy, compact. Cleavage perfect basal. Color deep grass-green, olive-green, rose- red. Pearly luster. H = 2 — -2.5; 0=2.65 — 2.78. Refractive indices: oc = ^ ••">'^'> : y8=1.5S<>; y = l..".!M;. lnsohil)le in hydrochloric acid and iiractically infusilile. r)ecomposed by boiling sulphuric ac-iii. (Jives water in closed tube when intensely heated. I'lates are fle.xilile, but without elnsijijiy, thus dilVering I'roin true micas. Cliuochlore occurs as an alteration i)roduct of magnesian-iron minerals and is common in schists. Kotschuhcitc is a rose-red variety of clinochlore containing chro- mium and is associated Avith chromite in serpentine rocks. Calaveras County : Some pink chrome chlorite has been found near Angels. 204 STATE MINING BUREAU. Nevada County: Fine chrome chlorite, pink and green, occurs on chromite at the Red Ledge mine. Washington district. Placer County : Rose-red kotschubeite aLso occurs on chromite in the serpentine of Green Valley, above Dutch Flat, Lindgren*^'. It has been analysed by ]\Ielville^^\ H;0 SiOo AI2O3 CroOs FeO NiO CaO MgO at 105° ab. 105° 31.74 6.74 11.39 1.23 0.49 0.18 35.18 0.37 12.68 Riverside County : Clinochlore occurs in pale green flakes with vesuvianite in the limestone at Crestmore. Siskivou Countv : A chrome chlorite occurs near Dunsmuir. 228. PENNINITE— Rhodochrome. Hydrous silicate of iron, magnesium and aluminium, Hs(Mg,Fe)5Al2Si.,Ois. Monoclinic. Plates, scales, scaly massive. Cleavage perfect basal. Color emerald-green, grass-green, violet, rose-red. Pearly luster. H = 2 — 2.5; G 3=2.6 — 2.85. Refractive indices: £ = 1.579: ^j = 1.570. Same reactions as given by clinochlore. Penninite is similar to clinochlore Avith more iron in its composition. Kdmmcrerite is a peach-blossom red variety associated with chromite. Alameda County: Reddish violet kammererite occurs with chromite on Cedar Mountain at the Mendenhall mine, Rogers^^^ Del Norte Count}' : Kammererite has been observed coating chromite from this county. Placer County: Kammererite occurs on chromite in Green Valley above Dutch Flat. Kammererite coats the chromite about seven miles south of Newcastle. San Benito Count}' : Red kammererite occurs on chromite associated with uvarovite at New Idria, Brush^^^ Shasta County : Kammererite coats chromite in Little Castle Creek mine, near Dunsmuir. 229. PROCHLORITE. Hydrous silicate of magnesium, iron and aluminium. Monoclinic. Scaly, foliated, granular, massive. Cleavage perfect basal. Color green, blackish green, brown. Pearly luster. H = l — 2 : G = 2.7S — 2.9(5. Refractive indices: oc =1.606; ^=1.600; ^ = 1.610. Like cliniK'Iilori' in its reactions. Tron-rich varieties Iiec05: ^=1.007; ,^=:l.r)73. IJke cliuochloro in reactions. This is a rarer form of chlorite, but probably exists in more localities than are now known. Riverside County : Corundophyllite has been found at Roggentramp. 231. GRIFFITHITE. ITydrous silicate of magnesium, aluminum, iron and calcium, H, ( Mg,Fe,Ca ), ( Al,Fe ^ , Si-O^, .JILO. Monoclinic? Basal plates and shreds. Cleavage basal. Sectile. Color dark green. H = l; G = 2.309. Refractive indices: cx^l.GOo; fj-l.Wl; y = l.G7o. Fu.'^os with intumescence to a black magnetic slag. Soluble in hydro- chloric acid with gelatinization. A new member of the chlorite group of silicates and was described by Larsen and Steiger^^'. Los Angeles County: Occurred tilling amygdaloidal cavities in ba.salt at Cahuanga Pass, Griffith Park, Los Angeles. Analysis by Steiger: SiO: AUO3 Fe„0, FeO MgO CaO Na..O K.O — H,0 +H.O TiQ, 39.r,4 !>.a-. 7.:{2 7.s:; l.-..S(> S.m O.fl None V2.il 4.9r> None = 100.49% 232. CHALCODITE— Stilpnomelane. Hydrous silicate of iron, magnesium and aluminium. Minute scales. Color black, yellowish and greenish bronze. Brassy to submetallic luster. Flexible. H = 3 — 4; G = 2.9G. Ik-fractivo index: ^, = 1.09. Fuses with difficulty and becomes magnetic. Decomposed by hydrochloric acid, but without forming a .ielly. Gives much water in a closed tube. Chalcodite is a rare brown chlorite, occurring in minute scales, often ■with a bronze luster. 206 STATE MINING BUREAU. Inyo County : Occurs as bronze brown Hakes on analcite and natro- litc ill tlic aniygdiilcs of an andesite on the Furnace Creek wash, two miles west of Ryan. Santa Barbara County : Brown crystals of chaleodite have come from this county. 233. JEFFERISITE. Hydrous silicate of magnesium, iron and aluminium. T.road plates, small scales. Cleavage perfect basal. C%>lor dark yeliowlsii l.rown. Pearly luster. 11 = 1.5; G = 2.30. Uefraetivo indices: £=l.r»4; ^,,:=zlJ>V>(i. Kntlier ditticult to fuse, but exfoliates when heati-d. Soluble in li\(lr''^ : ^=1.499: y-l.rm. Intumesces or boils when fused. Soluble in hydrochloric acid. Imt does not yield a jelly on evaporation, (iives water in a closed l\d)e. A zeolite formed as a secondary mineral in cavities and seams of basic volcanic rock, usually witli stilbilc. cliabazite and other zeolites. It is probably present in llic l)asalti(' areas of tlic State, but has not been reported. Plumas County: Occurs as a hydrothormal mineral in the drnses of tiie pegmatites at Engels. Gralon and ^McLauglilin" '. San Diego County: Occurs sparingly as pale brown crystals with stil- bite at Rincon. Forms: (010), (001), (201), (201), (110), Rogers^^). 235. PHILLIPSITE. llydi\>us silicate of ahuninium. calcium and iwtassium, (Ko,Cal.\LSi,(),,.4n„(). Monoclinic. Usually in grouijs of twinned crjstals. Color white to red. Translucent to opaque. n=:4 — 4.5: = 2.2. Refi-active index: ^=1.57. Fuses easily to a white enanud. Gelatinizes with hydrochloric acid. A rarer member of the zeolites. Phimas County : One of the zeolites at the Engels mine. I MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 207 236. LAUMONTITE. Hydrous silicate of calcium and aluminium, HiCaAl2Si40n.2HjO. Monoclinic. Radiatiuy: or divergent columnar. Cleavage perfect basal and clinopiuacoidal. Color white. Vitreous luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 2.25 — 2.36. Refractive indices: ex =l.">l-"> ; ^3 = 1.524; y = 1.52o. Fuses easil.v to a glass and shows the roddi.^h flame of calcium ; soluble in hydrochloric acid and yields gelatinous silica, (iives water in a closed tube. A zeolite occurring in cavities of basic volcanic rock, usually with other zeolites. Plumas County : Occurs as a hydrothermal zeolite at the Engels mine. Riverside County : Soft fibrous masses of .snow-white color coat some of the green prehnite at the Crestmore quarry. Analysis gave : SiO.. ALO3 CaO MgO FLO 53.49 22.01 lO.SC) tr. 13.39 = 99.69% San Bernardino County : Fibrous white laumontite has been found near the Grant mine, on the right bank of the Cucamonga Canyon. San Diego County: Small amounts are associated with the axinite crystals of Moosa Canyon near Bonsall, Schaller^^^ The mineral also occurs at Rincon in minute radiate crystals with the forms (110), and (201), and as a pseudomorph after stilbite, Rogers^^^ 237. STILBITE. Hydrous silicate of sodium, calcium and aluminum, H4(Na2,Ca) ALSieOis.4H20. Monoclinic. Commonly in sheaf-like aggregates, lamellar. Cleavage per- fect clinopinacoidal. Color white, yellowish brown. Vitreous to pearly luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 2.09 — 2.20. Refractive indices: oc=1.4i;M:; ^=1.498: y = 1.5(J0. Fuses with exfoliation. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, but does not yield a ji'lly when evaporated to dryness. Gives water in a closed tube. A common zeolite occurring usually as sheaf-like aggregates in cavi- ties and seams of volcanic rock. It is more common in the State than what has been reported. Fresno County: Found in lava in the North Fork mining district. Modoc County : Specimens of lava with amygdules filled with stilbite and natrolite have come from this county. Plumas County : White and brown stilbite occurs with chabazite and natrolite in the cavities of basic rock at Engels. San Diego County: Occurs as sheaf-like aggregates of small brown crystals at the Victor mine near Rincon, Rogers^^^ Santa Barbara County : Found in the San Pablo Mountains of Santa Rosa Island. Tulare County : Occurs in volcanic rock at Mount Kaweah. 208 STATE MINING BUREAU. 238. CHABAZITE. Hydrous silifato of c-alciuin. sodium and aluniiniuiu (Ca,Nao) ALSi^Ojj.GHjO. Hexagonal, rliombohedral. Crystals nearly cubic. Color white, flesh- red. Vitreous luster. H = 4 — 5; G = 2.08 — 2.10. Refractive indices: g= 1.482; (,j = 1.480. Fuses with light swelling. Decomposed by hydrochloric acid, but witli- out gelatinization. (Jives nuich water in a closed tube. A zeolite occurring as a secondary mineral in cavities of basic volcanic rock, usually in rhombohedrons nearly cubic in shape. Nevada County : Occurs in colorless crystals with epidote and pyrite at the Star placer mine, Grass Valley, Lindgren^^^ Plumas County : Found as rhombohedrons in olivine basalt at the Dodson mine, Mooreville Ridge, Turner'^''. Present as one of tlu' hydro- x.eolites at tlie Enuels mine, (iraton and Meliaiiiihlin'^ '. 239. ANALCITE. Hydrous silicate of sodium and aluminium, NaAlSijOo.H^O. Isometric. Crystals usually trapezohedrons. Sometimes quite large. ("olorless to white, ^'itn•()lls luster, ll^.j — ."».."i ; (j!=2.22 — 2.2'.t. Refractive index : « = 1.487. Fuses to a clear glass and shows bright yellow Hanie of sodium. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, but docs not gelatinize. (Jives a small amount of water in a closed tube. A zeolite occurring as a secondary mineral in volcanic rocks and often in large trapezohedral crystals. It is also found as an original constituent in some dial)ases and basalts. Alameda County: Occurs as one of the secondary minerals in the cavities of andesitic rock on the Berkeley Hills. Inyo County: An amygdaloidal mass of andesite occurs on the Fur- nace Creek wash, about two mih's west of Ryan with its amygdules lined with clear, eolorless ti'apezohedroiis of aii.'ilcitc. needles and wliitc bunches of natrolite and l>roii/.(>-bi-o\vn Hakes of chalcodite, Foshag. Plumas County: Occni's as ;i liydi-otlieniial minei'al in the druses of the pegmatites at JOiigels, (ir;iton and Ahdjaughlin" '. Santa liarbara County: A constituent of the tesclienite of Point Sal and was analysed by Fairbanks^^)('*\ SiO" AloO., CaO Na-O KoO Ign. 54.40 23.04 0.21 13.33 0.10 8.46 =99.63 G = 2.26 MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 209 240. NATROLITE. Hydrous silicate of sodium and aluminium, Na2Al;Si3O]0.2H2O. Orthorhombic. Lonff needles, columnar, fibrous. Cleavage perfect pris- matic. Colorless to white. Vitreous luster. H = 5 — 5.5; G = 2.2 — 2.25. U.'fractivo indicts: a:=l.-l'^0; fi=1AS2: y = 1.4!ty. Fuses quietly to a clear glass and gives yellow flame of sodium. Soluble in hydrochloric acid and yields much jelly on cvaiwration. (Jives water in a closed tube. A zeolite formed as a secondary mineral in cavities of igneous rock and sometimes as veins in sneh rock. It usually occurs fibrous or acicular, associated with stilbite and other zeolites. Alameda Comity : Needles of natrolite occur with analcite in the amygdules of the andesitic rock on the Berkeley Hills. Inyo County: Occurs m slender colorless needles and white fibrous bunches in the amygdules of an andesite on the Furnace Creek wash, two miles west of Ryan. Associated with analcite and chalcodite, Foshag. Modoc County : Slender needles occur with stilbite in the lava of this county. Plumas County: Occurs as a hydrothermal zeolite in tlic druses of the pegmatite at Engels. San Benito County: A large vein of white natrolite occurs near the headwaters of the San Benito River on the west side of the Diablo Range about twenty-five miles north of Coalinga, in which crystals of benitoite and neptunite are included. The natrolite is mostly granular although some crystals with the forms (110) and (111) occur. The occurrence has been described by Louderback^^^^-^ with analysis by Blasdale. SiOj AlnOs NaaO HoQ 47.69 27.14 15.74 9.5G =100.13% Sierra County: Found on Herkin's ranch north of Sierra. Sonoma County: In the rocks of the Sonoma Mountains not far from Petaluma. 241. MESOLITE. Hydrous silicate of sodium and calcium, m NaoALSi30,o2H;0 n CaALSijOjo-SHoO. Triclinic. Prismatic crystals. Generally silkj' fibrous crusts" Cleavage perfect prismatic. Colorless to white. Vitreous to silky luster. H = 5; G = 2.2 — 2.4. Refractive indices: «:= 1.505: « = 1.505; y=il.50G. Fuses with intumescence to a white vesicular glass. Soluble with gela- tinization. (4ives much water in a closed tube. A zeolite occurring generally as silky fibrous crusts as a secondary mineral in cavities of basaltic rock. 14—22132 210 STATE MINING BUREAU. Lassen County : Observed in the lava of Lassen Butte. Shasta County : Found near Redding. Ventura County: Observed in the basalt of tlie Pinos Mountains. 242. THOMSONITE. Hydrous silicate of aluminium, sodium and calcium. ( Xa,,Ca ) Al,Si,0s-2^H,0. Ortliorhombic. Usually radiate fibrous in si)henc'al forms. T'lcavaire pfr- fict basal. Snow-wliite to browu. 11 = 5 — 5.."i ; (} = 'J.;3^ — 2.4. Kefractive indices: a:=l.-t->": ^ = 1.503; y=:1.52;j. Fuses very easily to a whiti- I'uamel. Gelatinizes with liydrocliloric acid. Found in cavities of vesicular lava with other zeolites. Pliunas County: One of the zeolites occurring: at the Engels mine. NOT GROUPED. 243. GYROLITE. Hydrous silicate of calcium, HjCaoSisOa.H^O. Fibrous and lamellar concretions. Tolorloss and white. Vitreous luster. H = 3 — 4; G = 2.39. Refractive index: ^^=;l.r»45. Fuses easily to a blebb.v irlass and uivos the yellowish red flame of cal- cium. Soluble with some gelatiuizaliou. (iives water in a closed tube. Formed as a secondary mineral in crevices of rocks by the alteration of lime silicates. San Francisco County : Occurs lining fissures in the rock at Fort Point and was analysed by Schaller*^^ SiOo AloOs CaO NaeO Ign. 53.47 0.22 32.00 1.25 13.21 =100.15% Santa Clara County : Fibrous gyrolite occurred in the crevices of the cinnabar mine at New Almaden, associated Avith apophyllite and bituminous matter, Avhich Mas analysed by Clarke *^-^ SiOe AloOaFe-Os CaO K-O Na-O F Ign F — O 52.54 0.71 29.97 1.5G 0.27 0.(55 14.60=100.30 — 0.27=100.03% 244. JURUPAITE. Hydi-ous silicate of csilcium and masnesium. H2(Ca.Mg)„Si207. Mouoflinic. Fibi"ous. radiating. Snow-white coloi'. PI = 1 — 4: (1 = 2.75. Kofracrtve indices: a: =1.5(18; .y = 1.57". A secondary mineral found in cavities of volcanic rock. Plumas County: C'ry.stals occur in cavities of l)asalt at tiie Buckeye mine, near Onion Valley. Riverside County : Cavities in the massive vvolhustouite at Crest- more are lined with small crystals of colorless and white apophyllite. The forms identified are: (100), (111), and (001). San Francisco County : A few crystals were found at Fort Point with the forms (111) and (100), but most of them were largely changed into quartz pseudomorphs, Schaller^^^ Santa Clara Cotmty : Found at Ncav Almaden in large crystals associated with gyrolite and bituminous matter, Clarke^-\ 246. XONOTLITE— Eakleite. Hydrous silicate of calcium, OCaSiOo.H.O. Monoclinic. Compact fibrou.s. Color snow-white or pink. Vitreous to silky luster. H = 4— 1>; G = 2.705. Refractive indices: «: =i-->'^'^ : ^^ = 1.583; y = l..">0.3. Fuses easily to a glassy globule. Easily soiluble in hydrochloric acid with the separation of flaky silica. Yields water at a high heat. A white mineral resembling pectolite in structure. Santa Barl)ara County : A mineral specimen collected years ago from somewhere in the vicinity of Santa Ynez and labeled wollastonite, was found by Larsen''" to ditlfVr (>j)tically from tliat mineral, and, on the sui)position that it was a new mineral, lie proposed the name of eakleite for it. It apparently agrees with xonolite in composition. Analyses of the mineral by Eakle gave: Mg-O NajCKjO H^O tr. None 3.25 = 100.17% tr. None 3.11 = 99.51% SiO„ Fe,03 CaO 50.45 0.98 4o.51 49.90 1.11 45.39 212 STATE MINING BUREAU. 247. OKENITE. Hyflrons silicate of cakiuni. ILCaSi^O,:.Ho(). Finely fibrous an;l acicular. Color sno\v-\\liit<'. Luster pearly. H — 4.."» — .""> : G=2.2S. Refractive iiulires : oc=l."'l-; «=1.-">14: y = l.ol5. Soluble with slight gelatinizatiou in a hydrochloric acid solution. Fuses to a glass and colors flame reddish. Gives water in a closed tube. Riverside County : The wilkeite in the limestone at Crestniore is often altered to a white tihrous material, which was similar to okenite in its optical properties. p]akle and Rofjers'^'. Radiating botryoidal coatings of okenite occur on apophyllite, evidently as an alteration product, at Crestmore. Forms and analysis are by Foshag. Forms: (UO), (010), (Oil). Analysis: SiO., CaO H..O .-►8.17 -JO.IO W.ki - !»n.io% 248. INESITE. Hydrous silicate of manganese and calcium. IMMn.Ca) SiO,;.ILO. Triclinic. I'rismatic crystals, sometimes fibrous radiating or sphenilitic. Cleavage perfect brachy-pinacoidal. T'olor rosi>-red. Vitreous luster. H = 6: G=3.03. Refractive indices: oc=:1.609; ^^l.BSC: y-\XA\. Inesite is considered quite rare, since it has been reported only from one locality, but it appears to be a common associate of the psilo- melane in several of the mines of the State. Alameda County: Rose-red veins of the mineral intersect the rhodo- chrosite, a.ssociated with bemenite, at the Xewhall or Bailey mine, ten miles southeast of Livermore, on the Arroyo Mocho. ^Mendocino County : In the Rhodochrosite Claim, Mt. Sanhedrin, situated about eight miles from Hearst, inesite veins are associated with bementite ;iiid iieotocite. San Joaquin County : The mineral appears to be common at the old Ladd mine, associated with bementite. Stanislaus County : The gray rhodochrosite of the Cunnuings or AVin- ship properties is intersected by veinlets of rose-red inesite associated with bementite. The forms observed on the inesite cry.stals are: (llO), (100), (010) and (OOlj, Foshag and Eakle. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 21 li 249. GANOPHYLLITE. Hydrous silicate of aluminium aud manganese, TMnO.AlnO^j.SSiOj. <)II:(1. Monoclinic. Tabular crystals. Color yellowish to brown. Vitreous lus- ter. I'erfeet ba.sal cleavage. H = 4 — 4.5; G = 2.S4. Refractive indices: oc=l-T(»r>; ^=1.720: y= 1.7:50. Soluble in strong acid. Give.s green bead of manganese with sodium carlronate. A \{-rv vHVv mineral imt known to occur clscwlit'i't' in this ci»iinir>-. Santa Clara County : One of the minerals of the manganese boulder found near Alum Rock Park, five miles east of San Jose. Occurred in seams with barite as brownish yellow tabular crystals, Rofjei^^"*. 250. CRESTMOREITE. Hydrous silicate ot" calciniii. H...( 'aSiO,. I'ihnius. compact. Snow-white. Vitreous to dull luster. ll=."i: (;=2.22. Refractive indices: a:=l-""3: ^=1.007; y=: 1.603. Fuses quietly and easily to a slishtly vesicular glass. Easily soluble with seijaration of flocculent silica. Gives reaction for sulphate, phosphate and carbonate. A new silicate fornieti l)y.liydrothermal metamorphism of limestone. Riverside County : Occurs as a new mineral at the Crestmore lime- stone quarry, formed as an alteration of wilkeite and also as a direct ervstallization ; naiiietl for the locality, described and analysed by Eakle'i"' . Ana lysis wave : SiO., CaO P.O.-. SO, CO.. Less :ji;.i2 42.71 2.;w 2.42 l.l'(» 14.98 :{s.3o 41.20 3.50 1.25 15.17 34.42 43.r>4 3.50 2.24 16.24 251. RIVERSIDEITE. Hydrous silicate of calcium, CajSi^Oo.HjO. Fibrous: White, silky luster. 11 = 3; G = 2.&4. Refractive indices : oc = 1.51>5 ; ^=1.003 : y = ^ •♦'<>• Fuses easily to a white glass. Easily soluble with sepai:itiasily soluhlo in hydrochloric acid, with sc|)ai-aii<; 22.77 24.63 CaO 4<).22 40. 13 40.13 MgO 0.12 tr. H.,0 12.21 9.39 9.04 CO., 3.41 1.13 100.34 99.55 99.99 253. SERPENTINE. Hydrous silicate of magnesium. HiMSiSi^O,,. Monoclinic. Commonly massive, compact to fibrous. Color leek-green, oil-green, brown, black. Greasy luster. Feels smooth, sometimes greasy. H = 2.5 — 4; = 2.5 — 2.65. Refracriv." indices: oc =1.490; ^3 = 1.502: ^ = 1.511. Infusil)li'. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, but without foiMuing a .ielly. (lives water in a c-losed tube. A hea\y jji-eciiiitate of magnesia is obtained by sodium phosphate. Serpentine is one of the commonest minerals and also rocks of the State. It occurs in every county, and probably all tlie varieties are present. It is a common alteration product of basic igneous rocks rich in magnesian silicates, and it has all been formed by alteration and inetamorphism of such rocks. Besides the ordinary massive serpentine, retinolite, porcellophitc, marmolife, chrysotilc, picrolite, antigorite and nieta.ritc have been observed in petrographical literature. The only \'ariety of conunercial importance is the fibrous or asbestiform variety known as chrysotile, or asbestos, which occurs as narrow veins in the mas.sive material, mostlx' too narrow to be of value The massive serpen- tine ranges in color from light green to greenish black, but very little of it can be utilized as an ornamental stone on account of its foliated .111(1 slieared structure. Turner and jMelville*^' give several analyses of serpentine rock from Mount Diablo. MINERALS OF CALIFOHNIA. 215 Serpentine is al)undaiit in the Coast Range from San Diego to Del Norte County and also on the west flank of the Sierras. Amador County : A fine mottled serpentine occurs 1^ miles west of Sugar Loaf ^Mountain. Broad sheets and long fibers of chrysotile occur in serpentine in the American River Canyon near Towle. Chrysotile asbestos occurs in small veins in serpentine 2i miles east of lone. De- posit of chrysotile has l)een quarried two miles west of Plymouth. Veins of chrysotile occur in a dark green serpentine at the Mace mine, 2-^ miles east of lone. Calaveras Count\- : \'eins of chrysotile occur in the serpentine of the ridge northwest of the Stanislaus River, about six miles southeast of Copperopolis, forming a large deposit. El Dorado County: Veins of fibrous chrysotile are found at Forest Hill. Good quality of fibrous chrysotile occurs near Georgetown. Fresno County : Serpentine containing veinlets of chrysotile occur near Lanare. Inyo County : Long fibers of asbestos occur at Cerro Gordo. Kern County : Chrysotile veins occur in serpentine in Jawbone Can- yon. Lake County : Becker^^> gives analyses by Melville of the serpentine at Sulphur Bank. 1 . Black ; 2. Light green. SiOs AliOa Cr^Oa FeO MnO NiO CaO MgO HoO . 30.04 1.30 0.29 7.76 0.12 0.33 37.13 13.81 = 100.38% ;. 4i.su 0.G9 0.24 4.15 0.20 tr. 38.63 14.16 = 99.93 Fibrous chrysotile in serpentine occurs eight miles southeast of IjOWci- Lake. Some occurs near Siegler Springs and in the mountains near Bai'tlett Springs. Mariposa County: Small veins of chrysotile occur in the serpentine near Mariposa. Na])a County : Chrysotile asbestos in short fibers occurs in Steel Canyon, Berryessa Road. Nevada County: Massive serpentine is connnon in the Grass Valley and Nevada City region. Zones of short fibrous chrysotile occur in the Washington district on the South Yuba River. The picrolite variety of .serpentine occurs in ^Maryland mine. Grass Valley. Placer County : Long fibers of chrysotile occur at Wisconsin Hill, Iowa Hill and Arizona Flat. Specimens of serpentine carrying a.sbes- tos come from Cisco. Plumas County : Diller^^^ gives an analysis by Melville of serpentine from Greenville. », Fe.,0» FeO OaO Merf) HoO = 100,07% SiOo AloOs Fe^-Oo FeO CaO MgO H2O 39.14 2.08 4.27 2.04 tr. 39.84 12.70 SiO.. AI2O3 Cro03 FeO MnO CaO MgO H2O 39.60 1.94 0.20 8.45 36.90 12.91 216 STATE MIXING BUREAU. Riverside County : Small grains of serpentine occur in the white crystalline limestone at Crestmore. Yellowish green nodular masses occur in crystalline limestone on Eagle ^Mountains. San Benito County: Becker^^^ gives an analysis by Melville of a light green marmolite from New Idria. SiOo Al.Os FeO NiO CaO MgO HoO 41.54 2.48 1.37 0.04 __ 40.42 14':i8 =100.03% San Francisco County : Newberry^^^ gives an analysis of the serpen- tine of San Francisco. FeO MnO CaO MerO H,0 = 100.00% Santa Clara County : Small veins of chrysotile occur in the serpen- tine near New Almaden. Pierolite occurs near ^lorgan Hill. Shasta County : Large tibrous masses of chrysotile asbestos occur near Sims Station. Massive serpentine containinu' chrysotile asbestos veinlets is found about three miles east of Castella Station. Sierra County : Serpentine a.sbestos occurs on west bank of Good- year Creek. Siskiyou County : .Massive serpentine occurs on ridge on Cottonwood ^Mountains at the head of Bogus and Dutch Creeks. Sonoma County : Fibrous veinlets of asbestos occur in the serpen- tine near Petaluma and Sebastopol. Tulare County: A chrysotile variety- giving cat's-eye effect and called "satelite" comes from this county. Chrysotile is found in the serpen- tine east of Lindsay. Tuolumne County : The serpentine near Chinese and Montezuma con- tains small veins of chrysotile. 254. DEWEYLITE. Hydrous silicate of maguesiiim. 4Mg0.3Si02.6H;0. Amor])hous. Massive, gum-like. Color whitish, j'ellowish, reddish. Greasy luster. H = 2 — 3.5; G = 2 — 2.2. Like serpentine in its reactions. A whitish claj^-like mass with greasy luster. Its occurrence in the State may be more general than is knoMTi. Santa Clara County' : At the big magnesite mine on Red Mountain, crusts of deweylite have been found and described by Rogers^^^. Shasta County : Specimens resembling deweylite have come from this county. Siskiyou County : Tins been reported from this county. I MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 217 255. GARNIERITE. Hydrous silii-atc of iiinKiifNimu luul nickel, n..(Ni..Ms>-^i< •.•"'I.<^- Amoriihoiis : Clay-like masses with pod-shaiH'cl concretions. Color apii''- Sreen. Kjirtliy luster. Soft aud friahlo. (.i='2.'A — 2.S. liefrattive index: /i = l..''»l>. Infusible, but soluble in bydrocliloric acid with separation of .silica. Gives with b(trax a vi(det tii-jid while hm and lnown li;Md when cold. CJives water in closed tube. The cliit'f ore of nieki'l. hut (li'i>osit.s of it are not known to oeeiir ill this country. Imperial County : Rei)orte(l to oeeur on the .sontli slope of Coyote ^lountains. but the si/c of the deposit is not stated. 256. TALC — Steatite — Soapstone. Hydrous silicate of magnesium, H2Mf;3Si40,;. Mouoclinic. Foliated massive to granular and compact massive. Color gray, white, pale green, apple-grccn. brown. Greasy luster and feel. H = l — 1.5; G = 2.7 — 2.8. Refractive indices: oc =l->^>5> : ^ = l..')8n: ,^=3.o8r». Insoluble and infusible. Gives water in closed tube on intense ignition. Talc is a very common mineral in the metamorphic areas of the State, forming talc schists and talc gouge in mines. It occurs as a hydration product in the alteration of magnesian silicates, and is often associated with serpentine and with actinolite. The massive soapstone variety is of value and some is (juarried in the State. The location of some of the deposits is given, ])ut most of Ihciii nic of little value. Alameda County : Light green talc outcrops iu the serpentine about twenty miles southeast of Livermore. Amador County : Talc occurs in the sciiists near Jackson. Excellent foliated talc occurs at Plymouth. Light green talc occurs on the Tonzi Ranch, six miles northeast of lone. Butte County : Soapstone occurs in the vicinity of Flea Valley and Clear Creek. Narrow seams of talc occur in the Big Bend of the North Fork of the Feather River. Cray soapstone near Buck's Ranch, ilas- sive soapstone near Poe Station, tiiirty miles east of Oroville. Some talc has come from near Swayne. Calaveras County : Talc seams are found two miles northeast of Angels aud on Quail Hill. Deposits 2^ miles west of Murphys and 1| miles southwest of Vallicita ha\'e beeit utilized to some extent. ^Massive soapstone occurs four miles east of Valley Springs, ^lassive soapstone one mile southwest of Vallicita. Large deposit .six miles east of Moke- lumiii' Ilil] on the Calaveras l\ivrr. Also 2-1 miles west of Murpliy. H.O SiOo AI0O3 FeoOs FeO MgO CaO at 100° ab. 100° 56.02 9.02 1.10 5.14 24.10 0.60 0.16 4.34 218 STATE MINING BURKAU. Contra Costa County : An analysis of the talc from the schists near San Pablo was made by Blasdale^^^ Can at 100° ah. 100° = 100.48% El Dorado County: In the Kelsey district and at Georgetown some tale occurs. Good talc or soapstone occur.s near Shingle Springs and near Latrobe. Fresno County : Talc occurs in schist in Watts Valley and in Kings Kiver Canyon. Glenn County : Talc seams occur with the serpentine on the eastern border of the county. Specimens have come from near Willows. * Inyo County : Fine greenish and white talc occurs near Keeler. Pure white talc is found at contact of limestone and diorite. eight miles southwest of Zabriskie. White and gray indurated talc occurs in the Darwin district. A deposit of soft silvery talc occurs at Acme Siding. A fine bluish white tale occurs near Keeler, which can be cut into blocks. Kern County : Steatite occurs on Soapstone ^Eountain. Good speci- mens of talc occur near Goler and Randsburg. Foliated masses are foimd near Kernville. Los Angeles County : Soapstone is found with serpentine at Empire Landing, Santa Catalina Island. Steatite occurs near Acton in the vicinity of the Red Rover mine. Madera County : Tale schist from which large blocks of soapstone can be obtained occurs on the north side of San Joaquin River, above Friant. Marin County: Some talc is found near San Rafael and Taylorville. Mariposa County : Small amounts of talc are found near Princeton, and in thf Lewis District. Gray soapstone occurs near Coulterville. Napa County : Seams of talc with serpentine are found in the Chiles district. ^Massive green talc is found on the Fir Hill Ranch, two miles west of Chiles P. 0. Nevada County : Specimens occur in the Grass Valley region. Placer (,'Ounty: Outcrops of tale oct-ur a few miles north of Colfax. Small amounts of talc have been found near Clipper Gap. Soapstone occurs at Bobtail mine. Rock Creek district. Riverside County : A white, scaly talc occurs about three miles south- west of "Winchester, and near Perris. Sacramento County: Talc occurs with chromite on Bear Mountain, near Mormon Island. San Benito County : Some talc is found between San Benito and Clear Creeks. San Bernardino County : A talcose clay called ' ' rock soap ' ' is found near Waterman. An extensive deposit of silvery white talc occurs along MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 219 contact of limestone and tliorite near Riggs, 10 miles north of Silver Lake and on Sheep Creek about twenty miles northwest of Silver Lake. San Diego County: A rock soap is found near National City, at Otay and in Tia Juana Valley. Steatite specimens come from about five miles from p]scondido. Santa Barbara County : Kock soap occurs on the Santa Maria River. Santa Cruz (V)unty : Some talc occurs near Aptos. Shasta County : Talc is found on Boulder Creek. Sierra County: Soapstone suitable for slabs has been ([uarried near Pike City. Siskiyou County : Talc occurs in several localities associated with the serpentine areas of the county. It is found near Etna, near Fort Jones, near the head of Wolley Creek, near Scott, and in the Cottonwood ^lountain. Small quantity occurs in serpentine about thirty miles west of Etna. Large deposit of soapstone south of Marble ^Mountain near head of Wolley Creek. l)ei)osit in Cottonwood ^Mountains on divide between Beaver and Bumble Bee Creeks. Large mass of soapstone occurs a few miles southeast of Hamburg Bar. Sonoma County : A soft green talc is associated with actinolite at Petaluma. A French chalk variety is found at Pipe Flat. Tehama County: Soapstone mixed with limonite has come from Paskenta. Trinity County: Light gray soapstone occurs on Brown's Mountain. Tulare County : Specimens of talc are found near Visalia. Green- ish massive soapstone occurs in large deposit eight miles east of Lind- say. Analysis : SiO, A1..0. Fc.O, MnO TaO MjrO Irii r.7.:u .'i.iV .-..rw) 0.20 1.7-2 2T.2f. ."..12 = n«».02% .Massive talc occurs near Portcrville. Tuolumne County : A greenish white talc is found about nine miles north of Sonora. Talc also occurs at Shaw's Flat and on Yankee Hill. A deposit of talc occurs near Shawmut. Yuba County: Soapstone has been ({uarried I'nr local use below Weed's Point near Camptonville and in the vicinity of Challenge, and Oak Vallev. 220 STATE MINING BUREAU. 257. SEPIOLITE— Meerschaum. Hydrous silicate of magnesium, HiMgoSigOio- Compact. Earthy texture and smooth feel. Color white. Dull luster. H = 2 — 2.5; = 2. When dry floats on water. Refractive indices: oc =1.")1!> : R='i.~>-: y=1.52S. Difficult to fuse. Heated in closed tube, gives off water. Moistoued with cobalt nitrate and intensely heated. as=sumes a pink color. Sohiltli' in hydro- chloric acid without fomiing a .jolly. Sepiolite occurs as a compact earthy white mineral with a smooth feel. When dry it floats on water. It is a valuable mineral, but its occurrence in California is doubtful. Inyo County: Mentioned by Planks^^^ as possibly occurring at the Half Dollar mine. Kern County : Reported to have been found in this county. Maripo.sa County : Found in excellent (juality on a copper claim just east of Mariposa. 258. CELADONITE. Hydrous silicate of iron, magnesium and potassium. Earthy or in minute scales. Very soft. Color deep olive-green or apple- green. Greasy feel. ■ Refractive indices: oc = 1.02;" ; y^ = l.(i3: y = 1.038. Infusilili'. hut somewhat soIuIjIc without gelatinization. An earthy green mineral usually found in minute scales, having a greasy feel like talc. San Mateo County : A specimen has come from near San Mateo. 259. PYROPHYLLITE. Hydrous silicate of aluminium, HnALSiiOj;. Monoclinic. Radiating fibrous, compact granular, lamellar. Cleavage perfect basal. Color white, apple-green, light brown, gray. Pearly luster. H = l — 2; G = 2.8 — 2.9. Soft and greasy like talc. Refractive indices:' oc=1.5r)2: ^=:1..588: y = 1.(i<»o. Fuses usually with exfoliation. Insnhiblc in acids. ^loislcnrd with cobalt nitrate and intensely heated, assumes a l)lue color. Gives a little water in closed tube. Pyrophyllite resembles talc so closely in its properties that it is generally classed as talc. It occurs generally in schists and gneisses, often associated with eyanite. Agalmatolite is an indurated talc or pyrophyllite often carved into small ornaments. Alameda County : A radiating fibrous variety occurs near Irvingtou. Butte County : Found in rock on Berry Creek. Invo Countv : Occurs near Keeler. MINERALh^ OF CALIFORNIA. 221 Marin County: A fibrous radial inti: pyropiiyllite has boon found on Mount Tanialpais. Mariposa County : Gray inassos of radiating, fibrous rosettos occur at Tres Cerritos, southwest of Indian Gulch, wliich have been described by Turnor^^\ An analysis of the pyrophyllite from this locality has been made by H. C. McNeil. H::0 SiO" AloO., FeoOa MgO at 105" ab. 105° TiO,. (io.nc 28.25 O.IS none 0.14 5.27 tr. =99.80% Plumas County: Some i)yropliyllito occurs at the Diadem Lode, Meadow Valley. San Diego County : A mottled jjyrophyllite occurs near San Diego. A compact cream-colored agalmatolite with dark red streaks occurs near Encinitas, Rogers^^^ San Luis Obispo County : Some massive pyrophyllite has come from this county. 260. KAOLINITE— Kaolin— Clay. Hydrous silicate of aluminium, Alo03.2SiO;.HoO. Monocliuic. Occurs occasionally in scales and plates but is generally mas- sive, earthy, clay-like. Color white, yellow, red, brown. A'itreous to dull luster. H = 2 — 2.5; G=2.6. Plastic. Refractive indices: cc ='\.Zi(il; i3 = 1.5G5; y=1.507. Pure clays are infusible and insoluble, but sonic iiDt iK^ing i^ure kaolinite, will fuse to a RJass and are slijihtly soluble. Most will turn a blue color when heated intensely after moistening with cobalt nitrate. Give water in a closed tube. Kaolinite forms the base of clays. It is derived by the alteration of rocks containing aluminium silicates, especially the feldspars, and most good clays come from the alteration of the potash feldspar, orthoclase. As clay it is usually (piite impure with iron, sand, and other impurities, thus giving rise to many varieties which may be suitable for one purpose and not for another. Clays possess more or less plasticity, the highly plastic kinds being used for pottery and chinaware while the sandy and less plastic kinds may make bricks and terra-cotta ware. There are extensive deposits of clay in the State, some of which are utilized. Many analyses of clay are also available, but these analyses and the many occurrences of clay in the State are beyond the scope of this book. Rock soap and Mountain soap are names applied to impure clay-like masses having a soapy feel. They belong perhaps under the species talc, halloysite, or montmorillonite. Lithomarge is a finely compact variety which might be classed as a halloj'site. 222 STxVTE MINING BUKEAU, Fuller's earth is a sort of non-plastic clay suitable for decolorizing a)i(l i)urifying fat.s and oils. Its value as fuller's earth depends upon tliis propci'ty. which can he determined only by trial. Amador County : Banks of white clay containing silica occur two miles north of Carbondale. Good white clay occurs near lone. Fine pure white kaolinite occurs on the Scully Ranch near lone. Calaveras County: Good clay ocmii's at Valley Springs. Litliomarge occurs near Big Trees. J^ake County: Good quality of cla^' occurs at the Mt. Sam mine, on .\li. Koiiocti, southeast of Kelseyville. Los Angeles County: A deposit occurs si.\ miles west of Saugus. Napa County : Some has been found at the old Redington Mine, Knoxville. Riverside County : Fine kaolinite is found in Hagador Canyon. Soft white clay is present as an alteration of the feldspars at the Crestmore (|uarry. Solano County: ^lonterey shales suitable as fuller's earth occur on the Joice Ranch, one-half mile northeast of Vacaville. Sonoma County : A deposit of white kaolin occurs in a hill about 07ie-quarter mile northeast of Beltane Station. Analyses gave : MgO H„o 0.0(i 8.80 = 100.32% 0.05 11.67 = 100.09% O.OG 12.0(3= 99.65% 261. HALLOYSITE. Hydrous silicate of aluminium, HiAloSioOg.HoO. Massive. Earthy clay-like masses. Color white, gray, greenish, reddish. Waxy luster. Slightly plastic. H = l — 2 ; G = 2 — 2.2. Kefractivp index: ;/ = 1.470 — 1.57. Like kaolinite in its blowpipe reactions aud indistinguishable from it. (iiMicriilly elassod as clay. A clay-like material occurring in masses which are indistinguishable from ordinary clay except by an analysis. It is usually less plastic than clay. Lenzinife is a compact "rock soap" form of halloysite or clay. Inyo County : Lenzinite has been reported from Owens Valley by Hanks^^\ A banded white and brown halloysite occurs at the Cerro Gordo mine, Rogers-"^'. Pure white halloysite or montmorillonite occurs •at Shoshone. Kern County : Occurs near Piute Mountains. Lassen County : Halloysite occurs at Hayden Hill. SiO., TiO., A1.,0,, Fe„0, MnO CaO Hard 74.(>(> 0.21' 15.97 0.50 tr. O.IS Mt'diuni • 56.29 0.31 31.13 0.59 __ 0.05 Soft .-.8.10 0..%' 26.79 1.17 tr. 0.32 MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 223 ]Moiio County : Halloysite was analysed from the Detroit mine, near Mono Lake, by Clarke^^^ SiO- AUG.-, Fe.O:, CaO MgO HoQ 42.01 38.40 tr. O.(i0 1.50 18.00 =101.05% San Bcniartlino County : Near Vietorville. San Diego County : ^Massive pink halloysite occurs at Pala with the gem tourmaline and has been analysed by Schallor^^^ SiO-. Tic A1-.0.1 Fe-O. MnO CaO MgO LioO Na^O KjO 43.02 i.oiio .",.-)..". 0.21 (t.2r, 1.02 0.10 0.2?, 0.10 0.03 H,.0 at 107° ab. 107"- 6.63 12.2r, -1(X).1S% The rock-soap from Otay used for oil lilti-iition is montmorillonite. Locally called "otay lite." Ventura County : An analysis of lenzinite from this county has been made bv ^lerrill. White earthv hallovsite occurs near Xordhotf. 262. MONTMORILLONITE. Hydrous .silicate of aluminium, HoALSiiOjo.nHoO. Massive, clay-like. Color rose-red. Soft. Uofractive index: g — 1.5CA). Like kaolinite in its reaction-s. A massive clay-like mineral indistinguishable from clay except by analysis. Inyo County : Found in Death Valley. San Bernardino County: A clay mass, pi-obably montmorillonite, occurs near Needles ; ailso from near Yerma and Ludlow. Deposit occurs ;ibout seventy miles north of Ludlow. San Diego County : Some of the pink clay associated with the tour- maline of Pala may bo in pai-t montmorillonite. Mentioned by Good- year(^> as forming a deposit about three miles northeast of Otay. This white to reddish sonpy iii;itcri;d is classed as a 'rock soap.' 263. ALLOPHANE. Hydrous silicate of aluminium, ALSiOj.oH^O. Amorphous. Incrustations. Colorless, pale sky-blue, green, brown. Vit- reous luster. H = 3; G = 1.S.j — 1.S9. Refractive inde.\ : h = 1.40. Infusible. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, yielding gelatinous silica. Heated with cobalt nitrate assumes a blue color. This is a rare amorphous mineral occurring as an incrustation. San Luis Obispo County : A specimen has come from Arroyo Grande. 224 STATE MINING BUREAU, 264. RECTORITE. rij'drous silicate of ahimiuium, Al;Oo.2SiO:.H;0. Mouocliuic. In leaves like inountaiu leather. Soft with soapy feel. Color white. Pearly luster. Like kaoliniio in its reactions. This minoral exists as white, pearly scales with a greasy feel. It is a rare mineral. Amador County : Found in pearly scales near lone by Turner^^> and analysed hy Uillebrand. HoO SiO-. TiO.. AI..O3 Fe-Oa FeO CaO K.>0 Na-^O at 100° ab. 100° .=i.-..SS 0.50 :',0.24 0.45 0.10 tr. 0.42 0.84 0.63 11.72 =rl00.3l7o Cahiveras County: A mineral similar in appearance has been found in the gangue of the mines at Angels and elsewhere in the Mother Lode. 265. CIMOLITE. Hydrous silicate of aluminium, 2AL03.9SiO,6H,0. Amorphous. Clay-like or chalky. Color white, grayish or reddish. Soft. G = 2.18 — 2.30. Refractive index: h = 1.5G4. Another clay-like substance not distiusuishable from kaolin by the blowpipe. An amorphous clay-like or chalky mineral of rare occurrence. Lake County: Found in the Uncle Sam quicksilver mine, near Clear Lake. 266. THAUMASITE. HyJrous silicate, carlionatc ami sulplialc dI calcium. CaSiOs. CaCOa. CaSO,. Ti'trasonalV Masse.^ of interlaced needles. Colorless and \\hite. Greasy luster. 11 = 3.5: G = 1.8T7. Refractive indices: £=1.4(>N: „j=- 1..'')(i7. Infusible, but swells up when iieated, coloriuir the (lanu- red. Easily sol- uble. (;i\-es watiM' in cl(is<>il tube. This is a rare and interesting mineral containing three acid radicals. Riverside County : Occurs in needles lining cavities of the rock in the limestone at Crestmore. Associated with spurrite. Observed, described and analysed by Foshag*-*. Analysis: SiO, A1.0,.Fe.,0, CaO SO, H,O.CO,, 9.10 0.84 12.98 27. m 4i).4S = 99.96% MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 225 267. CHRYSOCOLLA. Hydrous silicate of copper. CuSi03.2H20. Cryptocrystalliuo. Opal-like, earthy, incnistations. Color bluish ?reen, turquois-blue. Vitreous to dull luster. H = 2 — 4; = 2 — 2.24. Uefractive indices: j — l..")!: ,„:=1.4lc in nilric acid witiuuU funning' a jelly. A blue solu- tion is oi)lained by addinjr ammonia to the nitric acid solution. Can be reduced to metallic copiK'r by fusing on charcoal with sodium carbonate. Darkens and gives water in a closed tube. Small amounts of chrysocolla occur in most of the copper districts of the State, but there are no deposits of the silicate. It occurs as an oxidation product of copper minerals, and is usually a stain or incrusta- tion. Amador County: Common at Volcano. Calaveras County: Common as a staining material at Campo Seco and at Copperopolis. Fresno County: Found at the Ne Plus Ultra mine. Occurs as an alteration of copper minerals at the Gordon Fresno Copper mine and at the Red Streak mine, Big Dry Creek. Inyo County: Connnon at the Cerro Gordo mines. Occurs pseudo- mor])h after limonito at the Aries mine. As an alteration of chaleopy- rite in the Gold Belt of Panamint Range. Associated with brochantite near headwaters of Cottonwood Creek ; with garnet at the Green Mon- ster mine, 1^ miles north of Citrus. Occurs as an alteration of chalco- pyrite in garnet rock in ^lazourka Canyon. Associated with the scheel- ite of Deep Canyon, west of Bishop. Occurs with cerargyrite at the Bonanza King mine, Sherman district ; at different points on Ubehebe ^lountains. Associated with azurite, cuprite, malachite and melaconite at mines of Greenwater district, IMack ^Mountains. Los Angeles County: Reported from th(> old Kelsey mine, near San Gabriel Canyon, by Storms'^\ Mariposa County : In streaks near Mariposa. ^Mendocino County: Found in the Red Mountain mining diijtrict. ^lodoc County: Occurs with malachite and cuprite near Fort Bid- well. Mono County : Common at Lundy and Benton districts. With part- zite at the Diana mine. Blind Springs district. Nevada County : Common with the copper of ]\Ieadow Valley and also at Spenceville. Plumas Count}- : Banded masses with malachite occur at the Engels mine. Light's Canyon, and in the ]Mohawk Valley. Fine specimens of chrysocolla and malachite are found at the EngeLs mine. 15—22132 226 STATE MINING BUREAU. Riverside County: Has been found in the mines of Chuckawalla ^Mountains. Good specimens have corao from the Mountain King mine. San Benito County :. Small amounts occur witli ohalcocite in natrolite at the benitoite locality, Louderback^->. San Bernardino Couut}^: Common in the Calico and Bismark dis- tricts, Lindgren^'^\ Massive at the Copper AYorld mine, Clarke Moun- tain. San Diego County : Common in the Julian and Banner districts. Good specimens have come from various places in the county, Santa Clara County : Occurs with malachite near Fifteen Mile House. Siskiyou County : Found at the Blue Ledge mine. 268. CHLOROPAL. Hydrous silicate of iron, HoFe^Si30,2.2H20. Compact massive, opal-like. Color pistachio-green, greenish yellow. Dull luster. H = 2.5 — 4.5; G = 1.72 — 2.01. Refractive indices: cc =1.<325; ,, = 1.655. Heated in1:ensely, becomes magnetic. Soluble with precipitation of silica. (Jives water in a closed tube. Chloropal is a green, opal-like mineral of rare occurrence. Nontronite is a yellowish variety. El Dorado County: Nontronite was observed at Georgetown altered to limonite. Kern County : Specimens of chloropal have come from the mountains east of Bakersfield. Mariposa County : Nontronite has been found with garnet in this county. Placer County : Specimens of chloropal have come from Bath. 269. BEMENTITE Hydrous silicate of mauganese, 2 Mu SiOs.HX). Urtliorhombic. Fine fibrous masses and granular. Color pale grayish yellow to light brown. Luster vitreous to pearly. H=::3; G=2.98. Refractive indices: cx:=l-G24; R — 1.Q^~; ^ = 1.047. Fuses easily to a dark brown glass. Soluble in hydrochloric acid with- out gelatiuizatiou. Gives green bead of mauganese with sodium carbonate. This is considered a rare mineral, but it appears to be abundant in some of the psilomelane deposits of the State. It is characteristically associated with rose-red inesite and l)rown neotocite. Alameda County: Occurs in the Arroyo Moeho manganese ore and observed at the Bailej'- mine in association with inesite and gray rhodo- chrosite. .MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 227 Humboldt County : Associated witli browu neotocite and rhodoehro- site at the Woods niiue, 12 miles liorthwest of Blocksburj?. Meiidoeiuo County: (Ti-anular pale brown bementite occurs with neo- tocite and psilonielaue at tlie Tliomas mine, six miles northeast of Red- wood. Also at the ^It. Sanhedrin deposits, especially in the Rhodo- clirosite Claim at Impassable Rock, associated with inesite and neotocite. San Joaquin County : Masses of it occur at the old Ladd manganese mine. Stanislaus County : First observed and identified by Foshag in the ore from the Cummiugs Lease, where it occurs granular, mixed with grav carbonate and rose-red inesite. 270. NEOTOCITE— Stratopeite. Hj'drous silicate of manganese and iron. Amorphous. Color black to dark brown. Dull luster. 14 = 3 — 4; G = 2.64. Refractive index: n—lAl. Gives green bead of manganese when fustMl with sodium carbonate. Solu- ble in acid. Yields wat.^r in a closed tube. This amorphous silicate of mangane.se and iron appears to be common in association with the manganese deposits of the State. Humboldt County : Very abundant in resinous brown to almost black masses at the Woods mine, twelve miles northwest of IMocksburg. Lake County : Associated with psilomelane at the Witter Springs mine. Mendocino County : Abundant in the Thomas mine in light and dark brown colors. Also in the deposits of IMt. Sanhcdrin. Sonoma County : A dark brown amorphous mineral with dull luster, supposed to be stratopeite has come from this county. 271. PILOLITE. Hydrous silicate of calcium and aluminium. Found in felt-like iiias-ses re.S4jmbling mountain Icathci- ;im(1 asbestos. l*\isible but insoluble. Gives water in a closed tube. Santa Clara County : Found on quartz at New Almaden. Also in sheets with dolomite at the Senator mine. Yuba County : Occurs at Smarts vi lie. 228 STATE MINING BUREAU. 272. SEARLESITE. Hydrous borosilicato of sodium, Na B (SiO,.;)„.II^.O. Mouoclinie. Radiate-fibrous spherulites. Color white Vory soft. Ilefractivo indices: oc=l--~>l'^; Q—1.^:VA; y = l.~}liry. Kasily soluble in hydrochloric acid and .somewhat .S'ohii)le in water. Fuses easily to a clear glass. This rare salt was described by Larseii and Hicks* ^^ as a new Cali- fornia mineral. San Bernardino County : Occurred as crusts of white spherulites at Searles Lali:e. Analyses and composition determined by Hicks: SiO, , B.O3 Na,0 K„0 MgO FeO Al,03 H,0 56.41 16.26 12.78 i.bo 1.82 1.89 0.37 9.47 TITANO-SILICATES. 273. TITAN ITE—Sphene. Titano-silicate of calcium, CaTiSiOj. Monoclinic. Wedge-shaped crystals, sometimes massive. Color brown, yellow, gray, yellowish green. Adamantine luster. H = 5 — • 5.5. G = 3.4 — 3.56. Refractive indices: ex =1.900; ^ = 1.907: y = 2.034. Slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid and the solution when boihMl down with metallic tin, assumes a violet color due to the titanium. Fusible at about 4. Titanite is a common accessory mineral of the granites, gneisses and schists of the State. It has been mentioned by most writers in their petrographical descriptions as a microscopic constituent of the rocks, and large crystals are seldom found. Leucoxene is a grayish alteration product of ilmenite, rutile and titanite, often observed in rocks containing those minerals. Contra Costa County : Titanite is mentioned as an associate of crossite in the schists near San Pablo, by Palache*^-^ El Dorado County: Titanite was first observed by Blake^'^^ in the granite of Slippery Ford and other places of the Sierras. Fresno County : Titanite is a constituent of the rocks at Fine Gold Gulch. Inyo County : Occurs at the scheelite deposit of Deep Canyon west of Bishop, in microscopic crystals. Marin County : Occurs as one of the minerals of the lawsonite schists of the Tiburon Peninsular, Ransome^^^ Plumas County : Leucoxene is mentioned by Murgoci^^^ in the sye- nite of Spanish Peak. A constituent of the norites at Engels. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA, 229 Riverside County : Granular titanite is rather abundant in the quartz monzonite at Crestmore, in pale brown grains. Small crystals occur in the igneous rocks of Eagle ^Mountains. San Diego County : Titanite is an associate of duniortierite at Dehesa, Sehaller<5). San Francisco County : A constituent of the rocks of San Francisco, Lawson^^^ Santa Clara County: Fine large crystals occur in the eclogites of Calaveras Valley, in the quartzite and diorite of Oak Hill, near San Jose, and it is a common constituent of the glaucophane rocks of the Coastal region, Murgoci^^^ Trinity- County : Associated with epidote, colorless garnet and zircon in a soda granite-porphyry in the Iron Mountain district. 274. BENITOITE. « Titiiuo-silicate of barium, BaTiSisO,;. Hexagonal, rhombohedral. Prisms with trigonal pyramids. Colorless to deep blue. Vitreous luster. Transparent, strongly dichroic. H=:6.5; G = 3.64 — 3.65. Rt'fractivo indices: £=1.^(14; ^^l.TnT. Soluble sutlifiontly to give the titanium roaction when the hydrochloric acid solution is boiled with tin. Gives the green flame of barium. San Benito County: Colorless and beautiful sapphire-blue crystals of this new gem mineral were discovered in 1907 near the headwaters of the San Benito River, about twenty-five miles north of Coalinga and the mineral was described by Louderback^i),^^). They show the forms: (0001), (lOTO), (lOTl), (OlTl), (1120), (10T2), (2241), and are of tri- gonal habit. The crystals occur in a zone of narrow veins of natrolite in serpentine and have associated with them neptunite, chalcocite, chryso- colla, actinolite. crossite, albite, aegyrite. calcite, arauonite and psilome- lane. Analyses of the mineral were made by W. C. Blasdale : Si02 TiOs BaO 43.56 20.18 36.34 =100.08% Sp.G. = 3.64 — 3.67 43.79 20.00 36.31 =100.10 Additional notes on benitoite have been made by Baumhauer^^)^ Hlawatsch(i>, Palache^^) and Rogers<2). 230 STATE MINING BUREAU. 275. NEPTUNITE. Titano-silicate of iron, manganese, potassium and sodium (Na,K)»(Fe,Mn)TiSi40,o. Monoclinic. Prismatic crystals. Color black, in thin splintera blood-red. Streak cinnamon-brown, yitreous luster. H = 5 — 6; G = 3.234. Refractive indices: « =3.fflX>; ^ = 1.009; y = 1.736. Soluble in hydrochloric acid and solution turns violet when boiled willi metallic tin. Fused with sodium carbonate, gives green b6ad of manganese. San Benito County : Black crystals of neptunite accompany benitoite and these were first described by Louderback^iX^). The crystals are deep blood-red in thin splinters and show the forms: (001), (100), (110), (111), (Til), (T12), (211), (221), (311). An analysis was made by Blasdale : SiOo TiO" FeO MnO CaO MgO KoO Na^O 53.44 17.18 11.23 1.7S 0.25 1.82 5.39 9.14 =100.23% The mineral was later analysed by Bradley ^^^ : SiOo TiO" FeO MnO CaO MgO K^O Na-O 52.91 17.77 11.54 0.82 1.59 1.41 5.11 9.83 =100.98% 52.83 17.89 31.83 0.88 1.53 1.48 5.06 9.28 =100.78 Further notes on neptunite by Ford^^^ and Schallcr(^°>. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 231 CHAPTER X. PHOSPHATES, CHROMATES, VANADATES, ARSE- NATES, ANTIMONATES, NITRATES, BORATES, NIOBATES-TANTALATES, TUNGSTATES, MOLYB- DATES AND URANATES. Phosphates. Monazite Triphylite Lithiophilite Triplite Apatite Pyromorphite Amblygonite Lazulite Vivianite Purpurite Turquois Variseite PlunilM>jjummite Anapaite Torbernite Autiinito Hureaulite Palaite Stewartite Salmonsite Strengite Sicklerite Wilkeito Chromaic^. Crocoito Yanadatcs. Pucherite Yanadinite Descloizite Volborthite Arsenates. Mimetite Erythrite Annabergite Scorodite Liroconite Pitticite Antimonates. Bindheimite yitrates. Soda niter Niter Nitrocalcite Darapskite Nitroglauberite Borates. Ludwigite Vonsenite Borax Colemanite PHOSPHATES. Prieeite •Meyerhofferite Inyoite Ulexite Hydroboracite Bakerite Howlite Niobates-tantalates. Pyrochlore Microlite Columbite Stibiotantalite Tuiigstates. Hiibnerite Wolframite Scheelite Ciiproscheelite Moh/bdatex. Wulft'uile Powellite Uranates. Urauinite Uraconite The only phosphate of commercial importance as a source of phos- phoric acid is the lime phosphate, represented by apatite and lime phosphate rock, deposits of which have not been found in the State. Masses of amblygonite occur, which have been mined for lithia, and veins and seams of turciuois are mined for the gem, but the rest of the phosphates are very rare in the State. 276. MONAZITE. Ptiosphate of cerium, lanthanum and didymium (Ce,La,Di)P04. Monoclinie. Crystals rare. Commonly in grains as sand. Color yel- lowish brown, sometinips reddish. Vitreous to resinous luster. H = 5 — 5.5; G = 5.0. • Refractive indices: oc =1.780; «=1.788; y = l.S37. Insoluble and infusible. Fused with sodium carbonate and the fusion dis- solved in nitric acid, the .solution will give a lemon-yellow precipitate on the addition of ammonium molybdate. Decomposed by concentrated sul- phuric acid and the solution treated with ammonium oxalate, will precipi- tate the rare earth metals (cerium, lanthanum, etc.). Monazite has been detected in the black sands and concentrates from some of the mines but no deposits of this important mineral are known 232 STATE MINING BIREAU. in the State. Its presence in the sands has been noted by Day and Riehards^^^ Butte County : Traces of monazite have been found in the black sands of Little Rock Creek. Del Norte Countj^ : Observed in the sands at Crescent City and on Gilbert Creek. El Dorado County : Traces have been found in the concentrates of the Brownsville district and at Plaeerville. Humboldt County : Observed at Trinidad. Placer County : Traces at Michigan Bluff. Plumas County : Occurs in the sand at Nelson Point. Yuba County: Traces in the Brownsville district. 277. TRIPHYLITE. Phosphate of lithium and iron, LiFePO^. Orthorhombic. Commonly massive. Cleavage perfect basal. Color bluish Jiray. lisht blue, grayish green. Vitreous luster. H = 4.?) — -H; G = 3.42 — 3.56. Refractive indices: oc=l-t>SS: ^ = 1.(588: y = l.(5J)2. I'iasily fusible and soluble. Ammonium molybdatc added to a nitric acid suhitiou precipitates yellow ammonium phospbo-molybdate. Yields a reil lithium flame when fused. This rare phosphate usually contains manganese and grades into lithiophilite. San Dipgo County: Found in the lithia mines at Pala associated with lithiophilite and purpurite. Gratou and Sehaller^^\ 278. LITHIOPHILITE. Phosphate of lithium and manganese, LiMnPOj. Orthorhombic. Commonly massive. Cleavage perfect basal. Color brown, salmon-pink. Vitreous luster. H = 4..5 — .5: G = 3.42 — 3. 50. Refractive indices: oc=l-07G: « = 1.G79: y = 1.6S7. Easily fusible and soluble. The phosphate reaction is obtained wIumi ammonium molybdate is added to the nitric acid solution. Fuses with a red flame. The sodium carbonate bead is blue-green. San Diego County : Found with triphylite and purpurite as an altera- tion product of triphylite at Pala. Graton and Schaller^^^ MINERALS OK CALIFORNIA. 233 279. TRIPLITE. Phosi)hatt' of iron, inangaueso ami niioniic. ;; ( Mii.Fc )(). ro(.).-,. MuF.. Monoclinic. Massive, Color pir.i<. hrowii. tu lilmk. Stroak yellowish l.n.wii. 11=4 — 5.5; G = 3.44— 3.S. Itcfractivo iiulices : a:=l-<><>5: ^=l.: y= 1.08*2. Fuses easily to a black nia{,'netic kIoI'uI''- With bora.K it ,u;ives an aiiir- th.ystine bead and with sodium corbonate a green bead. Soluble in liydio- eliloric acid. Usually gives a fluorine test when dissolved with sulplmiic acid. A rare mineral usually ()('ciirrinhate is found in many of the limestones of the State, Contra Costa Count}' : Found in brownish masses in the schists north of Berkeley. Fresno County : Observed in the rocks near Dunlap. Humboldt County : Specimens of rock phosphate or phosphorite have been found near Yager. Placer County : An earth>" lime phosphate has been found near Dutch Flat. Plumas County : A constituent of the syenite of Spanish Peak, Mur- goci"'. Occurs as a constituent of the norites at Engels copper mine. Riverside County : Greenish blue apatite as granular masses occur in A\hite calcite. associated with diopside and wollastonite, at Crestmore. San Bernardino County : Small crystals were found in limestone on eastern end of Kingston Range. 234 STATE MINING BUREAU. San Diego County : Occurs in the gneiss at Dehesa with dumortierite, Schaller^^). Tabular crystals of violet and pink colors occur at the old Mack mine near Rincon. At the Victor mine, Rineon, pale dirty green crystals occur with the forms: (0001), (lOTO),' (1121), (10T2), (lOTl), (3141), Rogers^^\ Crystals are also found on South Mountain and at ]\Iesa Grande. Small crystals occur in limestone near Jaeumba. and near Grapevine Camp. San Francisco County : Mentioned by Lawson^^) in the rocks of San Francisco. 281. PYROMORPHITE. Phosphate of lead with chlorine (PbCl)Pbi(P04)3. Hexagonal. Prismatic crystals, columnar, massive. Color brown, yel- lowish green. Adamantine luster. H = 3.5 — 4; G = 6.5 — 7.1. Refractive indices: £=2.042; (^=2.050. Fuses easily on charcoal and yields a lemon-j-ellow c-oating when reduced. The phosphate reaction can be obtained by dissolving in nitric acid and adding ammonium molybdate. The lead phosphate is occasionally found in the mining districts as an oxidation product of galena and a few localities are known. Calaveras County : Green crystals in gold quartz have been found at the Reliance mine. El Dorado County : Occurred at Mosquito Gulch, six miles northeast of Placerville as a yellowish green coloring matter in botryoidal chal- cedony and as a crystalline coating, Turner ^^^. Inyo County : Found in small amounts in the Cerro Gordo district. Mariposa County : A small amount was found in the mines near Coulterville. Riverside County : Found at the El Dorado mine in crystals at 300- foot level. Tulare County : Found in the White Chief mine, Mineral King dis- trict, Goodyear^i^ 282. AMBLYGONITE. Phosphate of lithium and aluminium with fluorine, Li(AlF)P04. Triclinic. Generally massive. Cleavage perfect basal. Color white. Pearly to vitreous luster. H = 6; G = 3.10. Refractive indices: cc =1-579; ^ = 1.593; y = 1.597. Insoluble, but easily fusible, giving the red flame of lithium. Fused with sodium carbonate and then boiled with nitric acid, the phosphate reaction is obtained on the addition of ammonium mol.vbdate to the solution. This is an important lithia mineral, and but one deposit is knoAvn in the State. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 235 San Diego County : A large mass of white massive amblygonite occurs in the pegmatite vein carrying the rnbollite and lepidolite and was mined at the Stewart mine, Pahi. The mineral was analysed by Schaller^s). P-.0.-. A1,0:, Fe.Os MnO MgO Li,0 Na,0 HoO i8.83 33.70 0.12 0.00 0.31 9.8S 0.14 5.95 F TiOi O 2.29 none = 101.31 — 0.96 = 100.35% Massive amblygonite occurs on Aguanga Mountains associated with blue tourmaline and cassiteritc A few small specimens of white cleavablc amblygonite have been found at the Victor mine, Rincon. Kogers^^^ 283. LAZULITE. Basic phosphale of aliuainium, iion and magnesium (Fe.Mg) A12(OH)2P;Ok. Monoclinic. Sharp pointed pyramids, granular. Color azure-blue. Vit- reous luster. H = 5 — 6; = 3.05. Ucfriu-tivo indices: oc=l.<><^3: ^--l.(J32: y^^AuVJ. Infusible and insoluble. Falls to pieces when heated. ]'"usr(l \\ itii soiliuiii carbonate and then dissolved in nitric acid, tlii> i)lK)S))hat(' reaction is obtaincnl liy adding ammonium molybdate. Yields water in a closed tube. Lazulite is a rare phosphate found in quartzites and metamorphic rocks. • Inyo County: Lazulite occurs in a white ({uartz vein intersecting schist in Breyfogle Canyon, Death Valley. Occurs in a vein cutting- schist, in pfde to deep azure blue colors in Breyfogle Canyon, Death ^''alley. Los Angeles County: Specimens have been found in the San Gabriel Mountains. Mono County: Blue lazulite occurs as bands in a white quartzite associated with rittile, near Mono Lake. Occurs associated with coarse granular andalusite in the White ^FountHins near the southern border of the county, Knopf*^'. Deep blue lazulite was found in a quartz vein in Green Creek Canyon, near Bodie, Kogers^^V San Diego County : Some lazulite has been reported as found in the rock at Oceanside. 284. WILKEITE. Phosphate and silico-sulphate of calcium, 3Ca,(P04)2.CaC03 + 3Ca3 (SiOj (S04).CaO. Hexagonal. Small prismatic crystals and grains. Color pale rose- red. Vitreous luster. H=:5; = 3.234. Refractive indices: £=].. MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 237 287. TURQUOIS. Hydrous phosphate of alumiuium, AIPO,.Al(OH)3.H;0. Massive. In thin seams and incrustations. Color sky-blue, bluish green, apple-green. Waxy luster. II = G; G=2.6 — 2.S3. Refractive indices: oc=l*>l; /J=1.62; y = 1.65. Soluble in liydiXK-hloric acid. Infusible and becomes browu or black when boated. Ma.v give reaction for i-opper. After fusion with sodium car- bonate and dissolving in nitric acid, tlie plios]>liate reaction is obtained on addition of ammonium molybdate to solution. Gives water in a closed tube. Thin seams of apple-green and 1)luish green turquois occur in the State which are suitable for gem i)urposes when cut with the matrix. Madera County: A specimen of turquois (Kallaite) was found on the Taylor ranch, having a hexagonal form and it was described as a pseudomorph after apatite, Moore and Zepharovitch^^^ San Bernardino County : Some apple-green turquois has been found near Victor. Turquois was early mined from a deposit in the extreme northeastern part of the county in the high mountains north of Ivanpah. Considerable light green gem material has been obtained from this district. Occurs near the head of Riggs Wash, twelve miles northeast of Silver Lake, iu a coarse porphyritic granite autl in porphyry dikes. Some turquois has been found in the Solo mining district, thirty miles northwest of Cima. Tulare County : Specimens of turquois have come from this county, a few miles from the Kern county line. 288. VARISCITE. Hydrous phosphate of nluminium, AirO,.2H^O. Orthorhombic. Usuall.v in round compact masses. Color dci-]) emernld- green or bluish green. Vitreous luster. II- 4: (i=:2.54. Refractive indices: oc— 1.551; « = 1.55S: ,, = 1.582. Infusible, but whitens when heated. Moistened with cobalt solution and intensely heated, it becomes blue. (Jives water in a closed tube. Phos- phate can be precipitated by ammonium molybdate from a nitric acid solu- tion after fusion of the i)owd<-r with sodium carbonate. El Dorado County : Specimens have come from Pleasant Valley. 289. PLUMBOGUMMITE. Il.vdrous phosphate of lend iiiid jiluminium, lM)f).2Al203.Po(),,.H;0. Hexagonal. Globular, incrustations, compact massive. Color reddish brown, yellowish gray. Resinous luster. H = 4 — 5; G = 4 — 4.9. Refractive indices: gUil.CiTG; ^j = l.()54. Fused on chai'coal with sodium carbonate, a yellow coating and metalli(; globule of lead are obtained. The nitric acid solution gives the phosphate reaction on adding ammonium molybdate. Yields water in a closed tube. Inyo County : A specimen of this rare mineral has been found at the Cerro Gordo mine. 238 STATE MIXING BUREAU. 290. ANAPAITE. Hydrous phosphate of calcium iuul ii-ou, (Ca,Fe)3PO.,.4H:.0. Triclinic. Usually in tal)ular crystals. Color pale greon. A'itroous. H = 3.5 ; G = 2.81—2.8."). Refractive iudices : oc=l'J02; fj-IMli; y = 1.04J». Soluble in nitric acid and a yellow precipitate is obtained by adding am- monium molybdalf to the acid solution. Becomes magnetic on heating, (lives water in a closed tube. Kings County : This rare phosphate was found in the Lewis well, Sec. 23, T. 21 S., R. 21 E., at a depth of 500 feet, in layers of pale green crystals. 291. TORBERNITE. Hydrous phosphate of uranium and copper. CuO. 2 VO.. IVOj. 8HjO. Tetragonal. Usually in square tiakes and micaceous. IVrfect basal cleavage. Color emerald-green. Sti'eak pale green. H = 2 — 2..j ; (4=3.-! — 3.<>. Refractive indices: £ = 1.582: ^,J=l.o9'2. Uranium minerals are very rare in the State. San Bernardino County : Specimens of green torbernite with yellow antunite have come from the uoi'thcjistcfn pjirt (if llic county. 292. AUTUNITE. Hydrous phosijliate of uranium and calcium. CaO. 2 UO,. 1\.():,..SH4). Orthorhombic. Thin tabular crj-stals. Color lemon-yellow. Streak yel- h)w. Cleavage perfect basal. 11 = 2— 2..") : (i = 3.1 9. Refractive indices: oc = 1 ••~>53 ; fl=l..")75: .y = 1.577. Fuses easily to black mass giving a pale greenish flame. Gives green bead with phosphorous salt. Soluble in nitric acid. San Bernardino County : Specimens of yellow autuuite associated with green plates of torbernite have come from the northeastern part of the county. 293. HUREAULITE. Hydrous phosphate of manganese, 5Mu0.2P205.5H;0. Mouoclinic. Groups of short prisms. Also scaly, massive. Color orange- red, rose and nearly colorless. H = 5; = 3.185. Refractive indices: oc=l.<»47: ft=1.054i; y = l.Gt>0. Fusible and .soluble. The nitric acid solution gives the phosphate reac- tion on addition of ammonium niolybdate. A blue-green bead of manganese is obtained when fused with sodium carbonate. Yields water in a closed tube. San Diego County: Found iu the Stewart mine at Pala and men- tioned by SchallerjG; y = l.G6<>. Ucactious aro .similar to those for hureaulito. San Diego County: A new phosphate of manganese having a flesh- red color, which has resulted from the alteration of lithiophilite. Found in the Stewart mine at Pala and described and analysed by Schaller^i^\ Analysis : FeO MnO CaO FecC-! FnO-^ H2O Li^O Insol. 7.4S 40.S7 1.77 O.IG 39.02 - 10.43 tr. 0.89 =100.62% 295. STEWARTITE. Hydrous phosphate of manganese. Triclinic? Minute crystals. G = 2.94. Kefractivo indices: cc— 1-*>^: ^=l-*>f»: y = 1.09. Reacts similar to hurcaulite. San Diego County : Found in the Stewart mine at Pala as an abund- ant alteration product of lithiophilite. Finely fibrous doubly refract- ing mineral, probably triclinic. Described by Schaller* ,(14) 296. SALMONSITE. Hydrous phosphate of manganese and iron, Fo„03.9Mn0.4P205.14H20. Massive. Color bufif-yellow. G = 2.88. Kefvactive indices: cc =l-^>~>'~» : 13 = 1. (JO; y = l.(>7'll. Ueaets similar to vivianitc. but gives in addition a hlui'-grecn head «if manganese with sodium oarl)onatc. San Diego County : A new )iiineral resulting from the alteration of hureaulite, having a buff-yellow" color, occurring in the Stewart mine associated with fibrous palaite and blue strengite. Described and analysed by Schaller^^^V Analysis: .Or. H«0 Insol. = 100.45% 297. STRENGITE. Hydrous phosphate of iron. Fe2O3.P2O5.4H2O. Orthorhombic. Generally in spherical and botryoidal forms. Color pale red. Vitreous luster. H = 3 — 4; G = 2.S7. Refractive indices: cc =1.708; ^ = 1.708; y = 1.745. Reacts .simihir to vivianite. San Diego County: Found in the Stewart mine at Pala associated with salmonsite, Schaller^^^^ FeO MnO CaO FeoOs P2O5 H2O Insol. 0.13 37.74 LOG 9.53 34.86 15.73 1.40 240 STATE MINING BUREAU. 298. SICKLERITE. Hydrous phosphate of iron, manganese ami lithia, Fe;,03.6Mn0.4PoOo.3(Li,H)20- Massive. Color dark brown. Streak light yellowish brown. = 3.45. Refractive indites: tx ^I.TIS: ftml.To."); y=rl.74."5. IJeacts like lithinitiiilite. San Diego County : Occurs in cloavable masses at the Vanderburg- Naylor mine on Hiriart Hill, near Pala. Dark hrown mineral result- ing from the alteration of litliiophilitc Described and analysed by Schaller^^'*^ Analysis: MnO CaO PesOs Mn.O:, P..>0-, H2O LiaO Insol. 33.60 0.20 n.26 2.10 4'8.10 1.71 3.80 4.18 =99.95% CHROMATE. 299. CROCOITE, Chromate of Inul. ThrrO,. ^lonoclinic. lAtnti ]>risinatie crystals or uranuhir. Scdile. 11=2.5 — ;i ; (;=5.!) — 0.1. Adiiiiiaiitiiic liistci-. Color lii-ii;lit red. Stri'ak 6 — 7.23. Refractive indices: £ = 2.299; ^, = 2.804. Boused on charcoal with sodium carbonate, the mineral is reduced to metallic load with a yellow sublimate on the coal. The green bead of vana- dium can be obtained with phosphorous salt. Di.ssolved in nitric acid and a drop of .silver nitrate added to the sDlutioii. silver chloride will he lirecipitated. Kern Coimty : Some crystallized vanadiiiite has been found two miles north of Searles Lake. Associated with galena and miraetite near Kandsbnrg. San Bernardino County: This rare lead mineral occurs at Camp Signal, near Goffs, in the Vanadium King mine, associated with cerus- site and cuprodescloizite, Schaller^'-'. Some has been found near Moore Station on Salt Lake Railroad. 302. DESCLOI2ITE— Cuprodescloizite. Vanadate of lead, zinc and copper. Orthorhomhic. Drusy surfaces and crusts. Color yellowish brown, dull green and greenish black. H=:3.5; = 0.2. Refractive indices: a:=2.1S; ^ = 2.20; y=:2.35. RlowpiiK* reactions are similar to tho.se for vanadinite. Ammonia added to a nitric acid solution may show blue solution of copper. Reaction can also be obtained for zinc by heating coating on charcoal with cobalt nitrate. Gives a small amount of water in a closed tube. San Bernardino County : Minute colorless and yellowish plates of the rare cuprodescloizite occur with cerussite and vanadinite at Camp Signal Schallermes reduced to metallic arsenic, which forms a ring around the walls of the glass. Gives a slight chlorine reaction with nitric acid and silver nitrate. Brown crystals of mimetite are often associated with pyromorphite, and the two minerals are very closely allied in properties and occur- rences. Inyo County: One of the numerous minerals occurring in the Cerro Gordo mines. Kern County : Found associated with paleua near Randsburg. San Bernardino County : Small amounts of the mineral were found in the Morning Star mine, Lava Beds district. Brown mimetite asso- ciated with galena, wulfenite and malachite about eighty miles north of Barstow. 305. ERYTHRITE— Cobalt Bloom. Hydrous arsenate of cobalt, Co-As„Os.8H;0. Monoclinic. Fibrous, incrustations, earthy. Cleavage perfect clino- pinacoidal. Color peach-blossom red. Pearly to adamantine luster. H = 1.5 — 2.5; G = 2.95. Refractive indices: oc =1.626; ^ = l.t561; y = 1.690. Gives a white coating of arsenic oxide on charcoal. A little of the wcll- roasted powder fused in borax bead, gives the fine blue bead of cobalt. Yields water in closetl tube. The peach-blossom red coatings and incrustations of erythrite are seen wherever smaltite or other cobalt minerals exist, and this secondary oxidation product often serves to locate deposits of cobalt. Los Angeles County: Coatings of erythrite with smaltite, argentite and barite occurred at the old Kelsey and 0. K. mines near the San Cabriel Canyon. jMariposa County : Found in rock seams with danaite, the cobaltifer- ous arsenopyrite, at the Josephine mine, Bear Valley, Turner ('*\ MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 243 Napa County : Occurs with .suialtite in serpentine and chlorite in the Berrye.ssa Valley. San Diego County : Associated with snialtite in a specimen from near the Mexican line. 306. ANNABERGITE— Nickel Bloom. Hydrous arsenate of nickel, Ni3As208.8HjO. Monoclinic. Finely fibrous incrustations. Color apple-green. Vitreous luster. Very soft. Refractive indices : oc = 1.622 ; ^ = 1.052 : y = LOST. Reacts similarly to erythrite, but the borax bead of nickel is brown in oxidizinji Hamo and gray-cloudy in tbe reducing flame. The green coatings of this nickel compound are an indication of the presence of nickel minerals that have been oxidized, and often the cobalt bloom is associated with the nickel bloom. Lassen County : Reported with erythrite and smaltite from this county. Los Angeles County : The green coatings of nickel arsenate were associated with erythrite and smaltilc m1 the Kelsey mine, San Gabriel (yanyon, Storms^^^ Tulare County: The green color of the chrysoprase and chrysopal in the hills east of Porterville is due to nickel, and some coatings of annabergite occur in the region. 307. SCORODITE. Hydrous arsenate of iron, FeAsOi.2H20. Orthorhombic. Aggregates of small crj-stals. Color pale leek-green, liver-brown. H = 3.5 — 4; 6 = 3.1 — 3.3. Refractive indices: cx=l."3S; «=1.742; y = 1.7(,)5. A slight coating of arsenic can be obtained on charcoal when, reduced, and the residue becomes magnetic. The areenic ring can be obtained by fusing in a closed tube with a splinter of charcoal. (Jives wafer in a closed tube. Inyo County : In Noonday mine, near Tecopa. Mariposa County : Pale green crystals of scorodite were found as an alteration product of arsenopyrite associated with pitticite on the South Merced River, near the mouth of Devil's Gulch, Rogers^^^ San Diego County : Near ^Moreno Lake. ^lassive. 244 STATE MINING BUREAU. 308. LIROCONITE. Hydrous arsenate of alumiuium and copper. Monocliuic. Thin tabular crystals. Color sky-blue, green. Streak blue or green. Vitreous luster. H = 2 — 2.5 ; G = 2.88 — 2.98. Refractive indices: a:=l-*>12; /^=^.'>>2; y = l.G7r». Can be reduced to metallic copper on charcoal with sodium carbonate flux, and .yields a slight coating of arsenic. Ammonia addi'd to a nitric acid solution will precipitate flocculent alumina hydrate, while the solution becomes blue. Gives wati'r in a closfd tube and also an arsenical mirror when vapor.-^ are reduced b.v a splinter of charcoal. Inyo County: The very rare copper arsenate was found at the old Cerro Gordo mine associated with other rare copper salts. 309. PITTICITE. Hydrated arsenate and sulphate of iron. Massive and reniform. Color brown. H=z2 — .3; G = 2.2 — 2.5. Refractive index: h = 1.635. Becomes magnetic on heating. Barium chloride added to the hydro- chloric acid solution precipitates barium sulphate. Gives water mid the .•iisciiic mirror in a closed tut)e. IMariposa County: Dark brown amorphous pitticite resembling limo- nite was found with scorodite as an alteration product of arsenopyrite, on the South Merced River; near the mouth of Devil's Gulch, Rogers^^^ ANTIMONATE. 310. BINDHEIMITE. Hydrous antimouate of lead, Pb3Sb20s.4H20. Amorphous. Lamellar, massive, incrustations. Color brown, white, gray. Resinous luster. H = 4; G = 4.6 — 4.76. Refractive index: h = 1.?>(>: j^ = 1.587. Soluble in water. Fuses with strong yellow flame of sodium. Heated in a bulb tube willi potassium bisulphate, gives off red vaiK)i-s of nitrous oxide. Inyo County: Crusts of saltpeter occur along the Amargosa River and along shore lines and old beaches of Death Valley, which were reported by Bailey ^^\ ]\1 creed County : Occurs in crusts with other sodium salts, from Mer- ced Bottom. San Bernardino County : The same white incrustations extend along the Amargosa River in this county. Small amounts of soda niter have been found in the Calico district, Williams^^', and at Searles Borax Lake. Tulare County : Alkaline crusts containing soda niter with other soda salts occur in San Joaquin Valley, near Tulare City. 312. NITER— Saltpeter. Nitrate of potassium, KNO^. Orthorhombic. Silky tufts, incrustations. Color white. Vitreous luster. H = 2; G = 2.09 — 2.14. Salt taste. Refractive indices: oc =1-334; ^ = 1.505; y = 1.506. Similar to soda niter in its reactions, but the flame is violet red, best s,!t'n through blue glass or Thf> Menvin color screen. Inyo County : The connnon saltpeter occurs with the soda niter in the Death Valley region. Crusts of the nitrates of sodium and potas- .sium occur near Shoshone. Modoc County : Incrustations of potassium nitrate have been found near Cedarville. Riverside County : Bailey^^^ mentions saltpeter as found in the desert northeast of Salton. San Bernardino County : Occurs Avith the soda niter in the Amargosa Canyon. 246 STATE MINING BUREAU. 313. NITROCALCITE. Hydrous nitrate of calcium, Ca(N03)2./iH20. Silky tufts and masses. Efflorescent. Color white or gray. Sharp, hitter taste. Refractive indices: a:=^--4(i5; Q — 1A9S; y = 1.50ed in a hydrochloric acid solution, turns deep red on drying. Gives much water in a closed tube. The natural borax, usually accompanied by sulphates of lime and soda, is common at many of the depressions or sinks of the deserts. For some time it was the chief mineral, but the more extensive solid masses of eolemanite have replaced it as the principal boron mineral. Tincalconite. A name given to a w'hite efflorescent variety by Shepard(2). Inyo County : The borax industry began with the discovery of the extensive deposits of Death Valley, although some borax had been 248 STATE MINING BUREAU. previously dredged from Little Borax Lake, iii Lake County. The mines on Furnace Creek and at Resting Springs produced large quantities, and it was hauled to Mojave bj'' the famous 20-mule team. Kern County : Borax is also common at some of the sinks and wells of the desert and has been obtained from Kane Springs and Desert Wells. Lake County : The first discovery of borax in the State was made at Little Borax Lake, a few miles south of Clear Lake. Fine large crystals were obtained from the mud of the lake bottom, and consider- able borax was dredged from this lake before the more important deposits of San Bernardino County were discovered. W. P. Blake^*' and Hanks'"'' have described this occurrence. Riverside County : Incrustations of borax are rather common at some of the playa or dry lakes of this county, but none is produced. San Bernardino County : The most important deposit of natural borax in the State occurs at Searles Borax Lake in the northern part of the county. Hanks^^^^ and others have described this deposit. It consists of a pan-like depression about 10 miles long by 5 miles wide and borax occurs with numerous other salts deposited by the evaporated waters of the lake. The associated minerals forming layers in the deposit are mainly sulphates and carbonates of sodium and it is now mainly for these and for the potash associated with them that the deposit is worked. This locality is noted for the great variety of interesting salts that have formed by the evaporation of the waters. Borax has been found with the colemanite near Yenna and at many of the numerous depressions in the Mojave desert and in the lower end of Death Valley. 319. COLEMANITE. Hydrous borate of calcium, CaiBaOu.SHjO. Monoclinic. Crystals, massive. Cleavage perfect clinopiuacoidal. Color- less, white, yellowish white. Vitreous luster. H = 4 — 4.5; G=li.42. Refractive indices: oc ==1-586; ^=1.592; y==1.614. Decrepitates violently wheu touched with hot flame, but finally fuses to a clear glass. I'owder on platinum wire, moistened with sulphuric acid, will give a momentary green flame of boron mixed with reddish flame of calcium. Yields water in a closed tube. This valuable borate is the principal mineral for borax in the State. It was first discovered in Death Valley in 1882 and in the following spring at Borate in what was known as the Calico district. Inyo County : The deposits of Death Valley occur on the east fork of the Black Mountains of the Amargosa Range near its southern end, and immense solid veins or beds of the mineral occur. The important mine is the Lila C, at Ryan, which has been described by Gale^^^ The MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 249 mineral was first analysed by Price^i^ with the results shown in analysis No. 1. Analyses 2, 3 and 4 are by Whitfield^i). B2O3 CaO AI0O3 FesOa MgO SiOa H^O 1. (4S.12) 28.43 0.60 — O.60 22.20 2. 50.70 27.31 0.10 — 21.87 = 99.98% 3. 49.56 27.36 0.25 0.44 22.66 =100.27 4. 49.62 27.40 0.26 0.47 22.70 -: 100.45 Some crystals from the Biddy ^IcCarthy mine were shown by Rogers to be pseudomorphs after the new borate, inyoite. The forms occur- ring were: (001). (110), (010) and (111). Tabular parallel to base. The crystals were formed by dehydration of inyoite. Kern County : Specimens have come from Lost Hills. Los Angeles County : An important and extensive deposit occurs near Lang which Eakle'^^* described as a variety and called neocolemanite. Hutchinson*^2)^ Jackson^^^^^xs)^ Hiortdahl^i^ Arzruni^i), Bodewig and von Rath(i>, Mulheims^^^ Baum- hauer<^\, Eakle*-'^^', Campbell '"'-', Gale'^'''-^'^^'. 320. PRICEITE— Pandermite. Ilydi-ous calcium borate, 5CaO.6R.O3.9H2O. Tricliuic. Massive, chalky or compact. Snow-white. H = 3;G = 2.26 — 2.30. Refractive indices: a:=t-5T2; ^ = 1.501; y = 1.594. Easily fusible and gives green flame. Soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. Gives water in closed tube. Priceite and pandermite are identical and form a different species from colemanite, with which they have been classed as varieties, Lar- sen<*^'. Inyo County: Priceite has been found as pseudomorphs after ulexite iu Death Valley. It occurs associated with the colemanite. San Bernardino County : Both the chalky priceite and more compact pandermite have been found with the colemanite of the Calico district. Ventura County : Massive soft pandermite occurs at the colemanite deposit of Frazer Mountains. 321. MEYERHOFFERITE. Hydrous borate of calcium, 2Ca0.3B203. THoO. Triclinic. Long prismatic crystals, sometimes tabular parallel to the maeropinacoid. Color white or colorless, ^'itreous luster. Cleavage brachy- pinacoidal. H = 2; G = 2.12. Refractive Indices : ex =1-500; /J= 1.535; y = 1.560. Fuses readily with intumescence to an opaque white enamel, giving the green flame of boron. Gives water in n closed tube. Easily soluble in acids. This new mineral was associated with inyoite as an alteration product. Described, analysed, and named by Schaller^^^\ Inyo County : Occurs as an alteration of the glassy inyoite crystals in the colemanite deposit of Mount Blanco district on Furnace Creek. Forms observed are : (100), (010). (001), (110), (210), (120), (370), (350), (450), (520), (310), (510). (810), (350), (ITO), (430), (3T0), (101), (12.0.11), (706), (605), (504), (705), (302), (12.0.1), (101), (]11). Analysis: H.O H,0 CaO B„0. under 110° ab. 110° 25.45 46.40 1.01 27.75 = 100.61% MINERALS OF CAI,IFORNIA. 251 322. INYOITE. Hydrous borate of Ci^lcium, 2 Ca«>. SB.O^.ISILO. MoDocIiiiic. I^arjro jrlassy transparent crystals. Cleavage basal. IJrittle. 11 = 2; = 1.87"). Refractive indices: oc=l.^*«>^: rt=1.51: y = 1.52U. Decrepitates on fusing and intumesces, jrivins the irrecn huroii llaiue. lOasily soluble in acids. Gives water in a closed tube. A new borate from the colenianite deposits of the Death Valley re- j;ion. Described and named for the county by Schaller^^^\ Inyo County: This new l)or;ite occurred in llie Mount Blanco district on Furnace Creek directly associated with colemanite and its alteration product, meyerhofferite. Forms observed are: (001), (010), (110) and (111). Crystals tab- ular to base. Analysis : H„o H.O CaO B.,0, under 110° ab. 110° 20.5 [37.2] 26.1 16.2 =100.00 323. ULEXITE— Cottonballs. Hydrous borate of sodium and calcium, NaCaBjO.j.SHoO. Usually in nodules or sheets of fine fibers. Color white. Silky luster. Very soft. G = 1.6.5. Refractive indices: oc =1.41)1: ^ = 1..504; y = 1.520. Fuses with strong yellow flame to a clear glass. Turmeric pai)er im- mersed in a hydrochloric acid solution Ix-comcs red on drying. Calcium can be determined as the oxalate by ])recipitation fi"om a veiy weak hydro- chloric acid solution. Gives much water in a closed tube. The white silky balls of ulexite are frequently found at some of the desert depressions, often with borax. Inyo County : Ulexite masses are found at some of the sinks in the Death Valley. Kern County : Ulexite was mentioned from the Cane Spring District by Silliman(^). Found in f|uautity in the bed of an extensive salt marsh a few miles north of Desert Wells, W. P. Blake^^^\ Los Angeles County : Found in compact divergent masses at Lang with colemanite. A partial analysis by Foshag gave : B„0, CaO X„0 Xa.O 43.1.3 14.14 .Ho'.eS (7.05) San Bernardino County : Small amounts occur at the colemanite deposit near Yerma and in the lower part of Death Valley. It has also been found in several places in the Mojave Desert. f52 STATE MINING BUREAU. 324, HYDROBORACITE. Hydrous borate of calcium and ma,i,'nesium, CaMgBgOn.eHjO. Monoclinic. Fibrous masses. Color white with red spots. H = 2; G=:1.9 — 2. Refractive indices: oc =1.517: «=1.534; y = 1.565. Fuses easily to a clear glass and coloi-s flame green. Calciuiu and mag- nesium can l)e detennined by precipitation from a weak hydrochloric acid solution. Gives much water in closed tube. Gives also the wet test for boron with turmeric paper. Inyo County : Occurs in acicular aggregates with the colemanite at Ryan. San Bernardino County : Found with cok'niauite near Yerina, but in subordinate amounts. Ventura County: Said to occur at the colemanite mines of Frazer Mountains. 325. BAKERITE. Hydrous silico-boratc of calcium, SCaO.GB^Oj.eSiOj.BH^O. Amorphous. Massive. Color white to faint green. H = 4.5; G = 2.7o. Refractive index : n = 1.583. The reactions obtained' for bakcritr are the same as those for howlite. San Bernardino County: This new borate was found in the Mojave Desert, about sixteen miles northeast of Daggett, associated with howlite and ulexite. Described and named by Giles^^\ B2O3 White 27.74 Faint green 26.85 326, HOWLITE. Hydrous silico-borate of calcium, HsCaoBsSiOu. Orthorhombic? Round nodules, massive, chalky. Color white. Dull luster. H-1 — 3.5; G = 2.5. Refractive indices: a:=1.58G; « = 1.508; y = 1.005. Fuses easily and colors the flame green. Easily soluble and precipitates silica. Calcium is precipitated with ammonium oxalate from a weak hydro- chloric acid solution. Yields water iu a closed tube. Gives the boron reaction with turmeric paper. Howlite is an associate of the other borates, but owing to the silica present it is not utilized, although it contains a large amount of boric oxide, Inyo County: Massive howlite is associated with the colemanite at Rvan. CaO SiOo HoO AloOsFeoOj 34.88 28.45 8.30 0.63 35.22 28.05 8.66 0.22 MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 253 Los Angeles Coimty: Large masses of compact white howlite are common in the colemanite deposit near Lang, and the mineral has been described and analysed by P]akle^'**\ B.O3 CaO SiO" H:;0 45.0G 28.26 14.81 11.37 =100.38% San Bernardino Connty : Large masses occur associated with bakerite and ulexite in the ]\Iojave Desert, sixteen miles northeast of Daggett, Giles^^^ Analyses No. 1 is of soft scaly, and No. 2 of hard rock-like material, iiuuk^ by Giles. Analysis No. 3 is of soft white material, made by Will. Lawson. BoQ.., CaO SiOs HoO MgONasO ]. 44.38 28.45 15.50 11.58 0.00 2. 43.78 28.44 15.33 11.39 LOG 3. 44.32 29.22 15.31 11.44 = 100.29% NIOBATES-TANTALATES. The niobate-tantalate group of minerals are characteristic of acid pegmatite veins. They are mostly of high specific gravity, varying in (!olor from yellow tn lirown ;inil black, jiiid ol'teii contain tli<' rare-earth oxides. 327. PYROCHLORE. Niobate of titanium, calcium, cerium aud thorium. Isometric. Commoulj- in octahedrons. Color dark reddish brown. Streak light yellowish brown. H = 5 — 5.5; G = 4.32. Kcfractive index: }i = l.!)(). Insoluble and infusible. Fused with bora.x as a tiux, the fused mass pow- d'.-red and then dissolved by Iwilins in hydrochloric acid. If metallic tin is mhled and the solution boiled flown lo small bulk, the color of the solution lieeomes at first violet, due to tilnnium, an: ^ = 2.2.') ; y = 2.:i4. Insoluble and practically infusible. Fused with i>otassiuui bisulphate, then dissolved in hydrochloric acid and the solution boiled down with tin. it assumes a deep blue color. Gives the green color of manganese when fused with .sodium carbonate. Fresno County : Massive and crystalline black columbite has been found at the Reynolds mine, Kings River district. San Diego County: Crystals from the Little Three mine, near Ramona, were described by Eakle^") Forms: (100), (010), (110), (130), (150), (160), (021), (111), (221), (211), (121), (131), (141). Small imperfect crystals found at the Victor mine, Rincon, have the forms: (100), (210), (130), (103), (133), Rogers^^'^ Occurs in good crystals associated with eassiterite, tourmaline all)ite and ortlioclase in the Chiliuahua Valley, Schaller'^*'. 330. STIBIOTANTALITE. Niobate and tantalate of antimony, m (SbO)oNboOe.H (SbO)oTa„Oo. Orthorhombic. Hemimorpliic prisms, twinned. Color light brown to dark brown. Resinous to adamantine luster. H = 5 — 5.5; G = 5.98 — 7.37, mostly 6.6 — 6.7. Fyroelectric. Refractive indices: a: =2.374: ^=2.404: ^ = 2.457. Reduced on charcoal w-ith sodium carbonate, it gives a white coating and metallic brittle bead of antimony. Fused with ix)tassium bisulphate, fusion dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and the solution boiled down with metallic tin assumi^s the blue coli)r due to ni(>l)iiini and tantalum. San Diego County: This rare mineral was found in small amounts in the pegmatite veins at Mesa Grande associated with gem tourmaline, pink beryl, quartz, orthoclase, lepidolite and eassiterite. It was de- scribed and analysed by Penfield and Ford'^^\ Forms: (100), (110), ri30), (209), (203), '(4.12.9), (043), (100), (110), (130), (209), (203), (4.12.9). The analyses show a varying amount of niobium and tantalium to antimony. (Nb,Ta)o05 Sb^Os BiaOs 55.33 44.26 0.33 = 99.92% Sp.G. = 6.72 50.30 49.28 0.53 =100.11 Sp.G. = 5.98 (Nb,Ta):03 NboOs Ta^Os 55.33 = 18.98 36.35% 50.30 = 39.14 11.16% The mean of three analj'ses of this stibiotantalite by Foote and Lang- ley ^^^ gave: Sb.O, Bi„0, Ta..O-, Nb.O, 40.95 0.60 41.02 16.19 = W.667o MINERALS OP CALIFORNIA. 255 TUNGSTATES. The three valuable tungsten minerals, scheelite, wolframite and hiibnerite, have been found in several localities in the State, but only scheelite has until lately been worked for tungsten. The manganese tungstate, hiibnerite, usually contains iron and grades into the iron- manganese tungstate, wolframite. 331. WOLFRAMITE— HOBNERITE. Tuugstate of manganese and iron (Mn,Fe) WOi. Monoclinic. Thick tabular crystals and massive. Perfect clinopina- coidal cleavage. Color dark grayish or brownish black, brownish red. Thin splinters often deep red. Streak dark brown to black. Luster metallic to submetallic. H=:5 — 5.5; G = 7.2 — 7.5. Refractive indices: a:=-'.2G; ^=2.32; ^ = 2.42. (Wolframite.) Refractive indices: cc=2.17; «=2.22; ^ = 2.32. (Hiibnerite.) Fusible, but i-ather insoluble. Fused with sodium carbonate, gives blue- green fusion ; the fused mass dissolved in hydrochloric acid ami tln'ii Ivoilcd down with iiit'tallic tin, the solution beoimies deo]) lilue, later turning tt) brown. 'I'hi' iiliosjihorous salt i)ead of tungsten in the reducing flame is a tilli' blue. Inyo County : Boulders of black wolframite have been found in Death Valley. Kern County : Occurs with chalcopyrite at "Woody. Madera County : Large crystals and masses weighing several pounds occur in quartz, about twelve miles north of Raymond. The quartz •vein with the wolframite is in an andalusite schist. Mariposa County: Crystals and massive wolframite have been found near Buchanan. San Bernardino County : Veins of wolframite wdth some scheelite have been located in the Clark ^Mountains. Hiibnerite associated with triplite occurs at Camp Signal about nine miles north of Goffs. Occurs in a (|uartz vein with chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena at the Saga- more mine, New York Mountains. Siskij'ou County : Said to occur in quartz in one of the mines of the county. 256 STATE MINING BUREAU. 332. SCHEELITE. Tun8:3tate of calcium, CaWO^. Tetiasoual. Pyramidal crystals and massive. Color white, yellow, brown. Vitreous luster. H=4.5 — 5; 6 = 5.9 — 6.1. Kefractivo indices: £ = l.!lv}4i; („:=1.01S. Difficult to fuse and only solnbh; by Imilinjj in strong hydrochloric acid, the solution becomes bright yellow jind tinigstic oxide is precijjitated. On the addition of tin and boiling, the sfjiution turns blue and later brown. Ammonia and ammonium oxalate i'.dded to tlie diluted hydrochloric acid solution will precipitate the calcium. Scheelite is the principal tungsten ntineral of the State and important deposits exist. It is frequently found in isolated crystals and patches in quartz-feldspar veins and has been reported from several localities. Fresno County : Found at contact of limestone and granite near Trimmer. Reported from thirt}' miles northwest of Coalinga. Inyo Count}^ : Scheelite in white and yellowish grains and occasion- ally in crystals intermixed with a dark brown garnet mass occurs in Deep Canyon about eight miles west of Bishop, and also at several l)oints a few miles south. Other minerals of the district are : silliman- ite, quartz, muscovite, diopside, wollastonite, epidote, vesuvianite, cal- cite, phlogopite, apatite, andesite, titanite, biotite and quartz. The deposit is of contact metamorpliic origin and has been described by Knopf '^'>. Kern County : Small amounts of scheelite occur in the Amalie, Rand and Stringer districts, associated with gold. Occurs in the Yellow Aster mine. Randsburg, and in the Winnie, Sidney and other mines of the Stringer district. Occurs in massive green epidote M'ith quartz and calcite at the Cadillac claims. Greenhorn mining district, near- Kernville. Found with wolframite in Slick Rock Canyon near Glenn- ville. As a contact mineral near Weldon. In the Amalie district it occurs in Jawbone Canyon with p>'rite and gold-bearing Galena. Occurs with molybdenite and possilily pow(41ite in Black ]\Iottntains about twenty miles northwest of Randsl)urg. Occurs in a garnetiferous rock on the west slope of Greenhorn INIountains along Cedar and Slick Rock Creeks. The garnet rock also contains pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalco- pyrite, hornblende, black tourmaline, quartz and feldspar. Sheelite and quartz as veinlets occur in a hornblende schist at the Cottonwood mine, Kelso district. Nevada County: A few brownish yellow masses were found in a quartz ledge at Howard Hill, Grass Valley, Hanks^^\ Small amounts of reddish brown scheelite occurred at the 3,000-foot level of the Empire mine, Grass Valley. Veins of white scheelite intermixed with quartz and feldspar occur at the Union Hill mine, Grass Valley, and is mined. San Bernardino County : The most important veins of scheelite occur at Atolia in the Papoose and other claims. The scheelite occurs in a MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 257 quartz-feldspar vein, and is jicnerally intimately mixed with the pnigue, forming a low grade ore. Some scheelite is associated with wolframite in Clark Mountain. (Jecurs in limestone at contact with granite asso- ciated with garnet and epidote in clear pyramidal crystals in the ^lor- ongo district. Sometimes massive np to three feet in width and high grade. San Diego County : ]\lassive brown scheelite has been found at Julian. Tt occurs in quartz fi\e miles southeast of Laguna Mountains. Siskiyou County : Scheelite in crystals has been observed at Scott Bar. Tulare County: Small amounts of yellow scheelite liave come from a locality east of Visalia. Tuolumne County : A small amount found on the Mackey Ranch, three miles from Jamestown. 333. CUPROSCHEELITE— Cuprotungstite. Tungstate of copper and calcium (Ca.Cu)WOi. rji-anular, incrustations. Color olive-green, pistachio-green. Vitreous luster. H=^1.5 — 5. Refractive index: /3=2.15. ( 'MprosL-lu'clitc will give similar reactions to scheelite. The presence of copper can be told by the borax bead. Kern County: Reported to have been found with radiating black tourmaline at the Green Monster mine, twelve miles east of White River, Hanks(i>. MOLYBDATES. 334. WULFENITE. Molybdatc of lead, PbMoOi. Tetragonal. Thin lahular crystals; sometimes pyramidal. Color orange- yellow, bright red. Adamantine luster. H = 2.5 — 3; G = 6.7 — 7. K(!rrii(tivr indices: trTl'.;{04 : ,„ = L'.402. Jteduced on charcoal, using sodium carbonate as ilu.x, it yields metallic lead and a yellow coating. Easily fusible and soluble. Powder dissolved in a few drops of strong sulphuric acid by Iwiling, gives a solution which turns blue when a small amount of organic matter is introduced, a piece of pai)er the size of a pin head generally being sufficient; the blue solution turns bix)wn in a short time. El Dorado County : Occurs in small grains near Garden Valley. Inyo County: Crystals of wulfeuite occurred with the linarite and caledonite of the Cerro- Gordo mine. Has been observed in the Darwin mines associated with croeoite. Kern County : Wulfenite was found six miles northeast of Kane Springs, Hanks^^^. 17—22132 .258 STATE MINING BUREAU. Plumas County: Found at the Diadem Lode on Muraford Hill. Riverside County : Occurs associated with crocoite at the El Dorado mine near Indio. Said to occur in the gold mine of Chuckawalla ^Mountains. San Bernardino County : Considera])le wulfenite was found with the lead carbonate of the Silver Reef district, Storms^^'. Light red crystals of wulfenite occurred with galena, mimetite and malachite about eighty miles north of Barstow. Crystals coming from Lavic were described by Guild and Wartman^i'. Forms observed were : (001), (012), (Oil), (113), (111) and (133). Occurs associated with vauadinite at the Vanadium King mine near Golfs. San Luis Obispo County : Found at the Fairview mine. 335. POWELLITE. Molybdate of calcium, Oa Mo Oj Tetragoual. Minute pyramids. Color grei-nish yellow. IIr=3..5 ; G = 4.53. Refractive indices: £ = 1.967; (y = l.'JT8. Fusible with difficulty to a gray mass. Soluble in nitric and hydrochloric acids. A deep blue solution is obtained by boiling the powdered mineral in a few drops of strong sulphuric acid and adding a pin-head scrap of paper. Powellite is a rare molybdate and is formed as a secondary mineral usually by the alteration of molybdenite. Kern County: Found in the Black Mountains as an oxidation prod- uct from molybdenite with which it is associated. URANATES. The uranium minerals are very rare and only one or two specimens of them have been found in California. All uranates are highly radio- active and pitchblende is one of the ores of rndiuin. so it is a very valuable minornl. 336. URANINITE— Pitchblende. Uranate of uranyl, lead and the rare earths. Isometric. Crystals rare. Generally massive and granular. Color grayish to brownish black. Streak brownish black or greenish. Sub- metallic to pitch-like luster. H = 5.5; G = 9 — 9.7. The phosphorous salt bead of uranium is yellowish-green in the oxidiz- ing flame and a fine clear green in the reducing flame. Uranium minerals arv' very heavy and all arc strongly radioactive. Calaveras County : The only known occurrence of the heavy brown pitchblende was at the Rathgeb mine, near San Andreas, where it was found in acicular crystals in a pocket with spongy gold, quartz and clay, Rickard^^\ MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 259 337. URACONITE— Uranocher. Hydrous iiranate or sulphato-urauate. Amorphous, earthy or scaly. Color lemon-yellow. Refractive indices: oc =1.75; Q=l.li); y = l.S5. In addition to the uranium reaction, the mineral will i;iv.' wntcr in ;i closed tube. Calaveras County: This occurs as an alteration product of pitch- blende at the Ratgeb mine, in coatings immediately in contact with the gold. Rickard(i>. 260 STATE MINING BUREAU. CHAPTER XI. SULPHATES AND HYDROCARBONS. Anliydrous. Mascagnite Thenardite Aphthitalito Arcanite Glauberite Barite Celestite Anglesite Anhydi'ite Sulfohalite Hanksite Leadbillite Caledonite Brochantite Linarite Hydrous. Mirabilite Gypsum Epsomite (joslarite Morenosite Melanterite Pisanite P>ioberite Boothite Chalcanthite Bli5dile Boussiugaultite Kallnite Tschermigite Mondozite Pickering! te Ilalotricbite Sonomaite Coqiiimbite Alunogen liomoritf Copiapite Knoxvillite Rediugtonite Fihroforrite Botryogen Alunite Jarosite Dui'denite ANHYDROUS. 338. MASCAGNITE. Sulphate of ammonium (NH4)oS0,i. Orthorhombic. Generally in mealy crusts. Color lemon-yellow, yel- lowish gray. Vitreous to dull luster. H = 2 — 2..5;G = 1.70 — 1.77. Bitter taste. Refractive indices: oc=l..")21: ^=1..523; y = l.;j:ii3. Soluble in water and very easily fusible. Boiled in a test tube with potassium bisulphate, it gives off the odor of ammonia. F.arium chloride added to the solution precipitates barium sulphate. Sonoma Comity : Goldsmith^^^ reported finding mascagnite with boussingaultite in this county but the locality was not given. 339. THENARDITE. Sulphate of sodium, NrjSOi. Orthorhombic. Pyramidal crystals. Color white. Vitreous luster. 11 = 2.68—3; G = 2.68— 2.69. Refractive indices: . 262 STATE MINING BUREAU. 342. GLAUBERITE. Sulpliatt; of sodium and calcium, NajSOi.CaSOj. Monocliuic. Tabular crystals. Cleavage perfect basal. Color yellowish white or gray. Vitreous luster. H = 2.5 — 3; G = 2.7 — 2.85. Kefractivo indici's : oc=1.5ir); «=1.532; y = l.r(36. Tartly sohildc in wattn- and completely soluble in dilute acid. Calcium is liri'cipitatt'd from the acid solution hy adding ammonia and ammonium oxalate. Fuses easily, coloring the flame yellow. San Bernardino County : The doul)le salt of soda and lime is also a very prominent mineral in the deposit at Searles Borax Lake. It is found in platy crystals with the forms: (001), (111), vom Rath^^^. 343. BARITE— Heavy Spar. Sulphate of barium, BaS04. Orthorhombic. Tabular and jtrismatic crystals, massive, lamellar, granu- lar, concretionary. Cleavage perfect basal and good prismatic. Color white, yellow, brown. Vitreous luster. H = 2.5 — 3.5; G = 4.3 — 4.6. Refractive indices: a: =1.030: ^8= 1.037; y=: 1.048. Insoluble in acids. Fuses with decrepitation and colors the flame green, l^'used with sodium carbonate and the fused mass leacb.ed with boiling water, gives the sulphate in .solution, which can be tested with barium chloride and leaves the precipitate as barium earlK>uate, which can be tested for barium. Barium sulphate is one of the common minerals of the State and some deposits of it occur. It is commonly found as a gangue mineral in vein deposits, and is especially associated with galena, and therefore promi- nent in silver-lead districts. Alpine County: Found with pyrite and enargite at the IMorning Star mine. Butte County: "With gold at the Pinkstown ledge. Big Bend Moun- tain, Turner (1^ Calaveras County: Occurs on Carson Hill with quartz and gold. Also with the pyrite at Copperopolis and at Carapo Seco. El Dorado County : Yellow platy barite occurs on Slate Mountain and ten miles above Georgetown. Fresno County: Nodules and large concretions of dark gray impure barite occur in the Mount Diablo Range. Inyo County : jMassive barite occurs near Independence ; at the Defiance mine with native sulphur ; white massive at Bishops Creek, White Mountains; veins in the Alabama Range. Deposits of massive barite occur twenty miles west of Shoshone. Kern County : Nodular masses in the Mount Diablo Range. Lake Count v : Some barite has been found near Glenbrook. .MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA. 263 Jjos Angeles County : White barite occurs near Azusa. Barite was a gangue mineral in the old Kelsey mine, San Gabriel Canyon, Storms(i>. Mariposa County: A large deposit of barite occurs about two miles west of El Portal which has produced much of the mineral mined in the State. The barium carbonate, witherite. is associated with it. Mendocino County : A large deposit occurs near Castella on moun- tains east side of river, Castle Crags. ]\lerced County: A tribolumiscent sphalente mixed with barite occurs near INIereed Falls. Mono County: Barite has been found as a gangue mineral near Bodie, Benton and other mining districts. Some barite has been found in the ^Nlono Lake district. Monterey County: A deposit occurs on Fremont Peak. Napa County : Plates of barite occur at the Manhattan mine, Knox- ville, with cinnabar ; platy quartz as pseudomorphs after barite also are common at this mine. Occurs associated with cinnabar at the Oat Hill mine. Nevada County: Occurs with gold at the Malakoff mine. North Bloomtield. Slender prisms of barite in a limonite gangue associated with gold occur at Pine Hill and these crystals have been described by Eakle(6). Forms: (100), (010), (110), (210), (320), (530), (130), (001), (102), (Oil), (111), (113). A large deposit of white barite occurs live miles north of Alta. Round concretions have been found at the Buckeye Hill min(\ White veins of barite occur near Graniteville. Tjarge deposit five miles northeast of "Washington, pure whito. Orange County: A white barite gangue occurred with the tiemannite of San Joaquin Ranch mine. Placer County : AVhite barite comes from near Lincoln. Plumas County : Found associated with lead and copper minerals in Indian Valley. Small veins occur in altered andesite at Indian Valley Silver Mine. San Benito County : Pure white barite occurs in limestone on Bardin ]?anch, Fremont Peak. San Bernardino County: Barite was common as a gangue in the silver districts of Calico and Barstow, occurring as white and yellow platy masses, Lindgren^^\ Storms^^'. Also common at the Imperial mine. Occurs six miles north of Barstow in limestone. White barite has been found near Trona. One of the minerals occasionally found at Randsburg. Reported as a deposit near Ludlow. San Diego County: Occurs on Red Mountain. San Francisco County : Needles of barite have been found at Fort Point. 264 STATE MINIXG BUREAU. San Mateo County: Massive barite has ])een found on Permenente Creek. Santa Barbara County: White massive at Santa Maria. White massive on north fork of La Brea Creek, twenty miles from Sisquoe. Wide white vein in sandstone on ridge above north fork of La Brea Creek. Santa Chira County: Occurred in small amounts with ganophyllite in the manganese boulder found near Alum Rock Park, five miles east of San Jose. Crystals had the forms: (110), (111) and (001), Rog- ers^"'. Occurs as veins in an old cinnabar mine on Yagis Creek, eight miles from Gilroy. Found as coarsely crystallized masses in the Solis district. Shasta County: Barite occurs at several of the copper mines as a gangue mineral, but the amount is small. A large deposit of white massive barite occurs 2^ miles north of Baird. Large deposit occurs near Copper City. Siskiyou County: Found with argentiferous galena about 2i miles north of Callahan. Trinity County: Dark gray barite occurs about fifteen miles below Hayfork. Small tabular crystals occur in gold ores of Five Pines mine associated with pink calcite, and also at Delta mine, WcaNcrvillc Quad- rangle. 344. CELESTITE. Sulphate of strontium, SrSOi. Orthorhombic. Crystals and ma.ssive. Cleavage perfect basal. Color- less, pale, bluish. Vitreous luster. H = 3 — 3.5; G = 3.9o — 3.97. Kofrai'tivo indices: a:=l.t>2"J; ^ = 1.G24; y=zl.(Wr>. Similnr to barite in its reactions, except that the flame is ib'cj) cmniino ri'd. Slightly soluble in .acid. Imperial County: Celestite associated with gypsmn beds occurs in the Fish Creek Mountains, thirty miles west of Brawley. Inyo County: Slender l)luish crystals occur with the colemanite of Death Valley and these have been measured by Eakle^'^^ Forms: (001), (110)", (102), (104), (Oil), (122), (067). Mono County : Blue celestite has come from the county. . San Bernardino County: Long crystals occur with the colentanite of Calico similar to those from Death Valley. Celestite was reported as one of the associated minerals of Searles Borax Lake by Hanks^®*. A large deposit si lowing as wdiite outcrops visible from the railroad occurs on southern base of a mountain four miles northeast of Lavic. Occurs as veins in walls of jasper, Mallery*^'. Some celestite is associated with th.e strontianite on Strontium Hills, ten miles north of Barstow. MIXKRALS OF CALIFOUNIA. 265 345. ANGLESITE. Sulphate of lead, PbSO,. Orthoilioiubic. riismalic crystals aud massive. Colorless, white, yellow. gray, brown. Adamantine luster. 11 = 2.5 — 3; G = 6.12 — 6.30. Refractive indices: oc =1-877; jg = l.S82; ^/ = 1.894. Reduced on charcoal, using sodium carbonate as tlux. to uu'lallic lead. Siisrhtly soluble and haritim cldoridL' added to the acid soluti