ap I9U ' AN ANALYSIS OF THE NERVOUS CONTROL OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING OCCLU- SION OF THE HEAD ARTERIES IN CATS BY CORA SENNER WINKIN SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, IN THE FACULTY OF PURE SCIENCE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY REPRINTED FROM THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OP PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 60, No. 1, p. 1, March, 1922 Baltimore, Maryland BIOLOGY LIBRARY G Reprinted from THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 60, No. 1, March, 1922 AN ANALYSIS OF THE NERVOUS CONTROL OF THE CAR- DIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING OCCLUSION OF THE HEAD ARTERIES IN CATS CORA SENNER WINKIN From the Department of Physiology, Columbia University Received for publication November 4, 1921 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. 1 The relations dealt with in this study are the cardio-vascular relations found in the mammalian or- ganism under extreme conditions of stress. The procedure of the ex- periments, occlusion of the head arteries, gives a complete anemia of the brain, and thus produces a profound change in the internal environment of the animal. To this the mammal tends to respond by a series of vigorous reactions. These reactions, moreover, seem to go in a direc- tion opposite to that of the change in internal conditions of a par- ticular group of cells. Thus, with an asphyxial accumulation of carbon dioxide in the medium surrounding the critical medullary cells, there is released an entire series of reactions which, could they all be carried to completion, would reduce the tension of this gas in the body fluids of the cerebral region. Prominent among these reactions is a great and prolonged rise of blood pressure, involving the extreme resources of the organism, tending to send a greater volume of blood to the anemic regions, and hence to decrease the concentration of the carbon dioxide in the nerve cells of the medulla oblongata. In the cat, this anemic rise of blood pressure can be well controlled anatomically, and is suscep- 1 A preliminary note has been published in Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med., 1921, xviii, 155. 1 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OP PHYSIOLOGY, VOL. 60, NO. 1 4787 t 6 2 CORA SENNER WINKIN tible of rather exact registration. Moreover, artificial respiration may be maintained throughout the reaction, and thus the activity of the peripheral mechanisms, the heart, blood vessels and internal secretions, be kept free from the central asphyxial changes. Furthermore, under artificial respiration, the reaction may be obtained repeatedly in the same animal. It has therefore offered an opportunity for analyzing the factors involved in such an emergency reaction to inimical condi- tions in the central mechanism. Since the work of Ludwig, Cyon and Bezold in the sixties, the im- portance of the splanchnic vasomotor fibers for the production of extensive changes in blood pressure has been recognized. The re- lated action of the discharge of adrenalin into the blood stream has recently received considerable emphasis. However, the degree to which either the splanchnic constrictor fibers or the secretion of the adrenal glands is involved under such conditions of stress as evoke the anemic rise, has not been evaluated with sufficient accuracy. This study has therefore been concerned particularly with the efferent nervous pathways of the "anemic rise" of pressure: above all, with the degree to which it involves the splanchnic constrictor fibers. The extent to which splanchnic involvement has made for adrenal activity has then been investigated. Finally, the influence of the cardiac innervation, insofar as this may directly effect changes in the level of blood pressure during anemia, has also been examined. Through the restriction of the effect of the arterial occlusion to the head region alone, the activation of the vascular response by the medulla oblongata is under close experimental control. Accordingly, the cen- tral relations of the various nervous levels controlling the efferent channels could also be investigated. Indeed, the analysis of the peripheral factors was in large part undertaken in order to establish more accurately the functional organization of the central nervous mechanism upon which the vascular response depends, that is, the extent to which the peripheral agents executing the vascular responses of the intact animal are activated either by the higher nervous levels, or by the spinal cord alone. This analysis was undertaken in connection with the studies on the central nervous system carried out under Prof. F. H. Pike, which have dealt particularly with the bearing of its organization on the problem of "spinal shock." In connection with the problems here opened up it was necessary to ascertain the exact nature of the peripheral and central factors controlling the typical vascular response in animals in CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING CEREBRAL ANEMIA 3 which either no lesions within the central system were undertaken, or when these were inflicted, no interval for recovery after the operation was allowed. In comparison with such data, a study of the vascular responses after recovery from transection of the spinal cord could be undertaken more intelligently, and the actual changes wrought by the so-called shock effect evaluated with greater precision. HISTORY OF THE METHOD. Initiated by the very early work on abdominal ligation of Stenson (1) and Swammerdam (2), Magendie and Poiseuille (3) and Sir Astley Cooper (4) in the early nineteenth century worked out the procedure of cerebral ligation, particularly the isolation of the four chief arterial channels to the head, and noted the circulatory changes which followed. Batelli (5) and Hill (6) have given the earlier history of the procedure in some detail. The experiments of the eighteen fifties and sixties led to the recogni- tion of the nervous organs as the chief agents in activating the changes following arterial ligation: thus the work of Kussmaul and Tenner (7), Brown Sequard (8), (9) and Vulpian (10) on the head area and of Schiffer (11) on the spinal cord. The emphasis of the importance of the medulla for the maintenance of life as given by the work of Le Gallois and its extension by Flourens (12) was still more increased by the localization in the same region of the vasoconstrictor center as soon accomplished by Ludwig (13), Owsjannikow and Dittmar, and soon, led up to the most complete studies on occlusion of the head arteries carried out by Sigmund Mayer (14), (15). Mayer not only described the series of changes following anemia with great detail and accuracy, but also recognized that the elicitation of the anemic rise was dependent on conditions of functional conductivity within the brain stem. He also saw that occlusion of the head arteries was comparable to decapi- tation with the knife, and that the various functions retained following cerebral ligation were all to be attributed to the activity of the spinal cord, notably the residual spinal level of blood pressure of 50 to 60 mm. Gouty (16) produced circulatory obstruction in the head region by the injection of lycopodium spores. This work, contemporaneous with that of Mayer and equally detailed, but carried out under the influence of the earlier work of Goltz (17), (18) and Vulpian, stressed the residual spinal functions, maintained following isolation of the medulla. Sub- sequent work on cerebral anemia was almost exclusively done from this point of view. Thus the papers of Schlesinger (20), Kowalewsky and Adamtik (21), Bochefontaine and Vulpian (22), Mayer (23), attempted to combat this viewpoint by an analysis of the differential 4 CORA SENNER WINKIN * effect of compression of the abdominal aorta. Konow and Stenbeck (24) and Landergren (25) more recently stressed the functional sur- vival of the cord in the decapitated animal preparation. The residual spinal blood pressure was analyzed by Pike (26) (1912) who showed that afferent impulses, presumably from skeletal muscles, were re- sponsible for it. His observation that a further fall occurs on paralysis of skeletal muscles by curare has recently been confirmed by Langley, 1919 (27). A revival of interest in the central relations of the asphyxial picture, particularly to the higher nervous levels, was in part achieved through the reexamination of the problems of resuscitation of the organism by Stewart, (28), (29), (30), (31), (32), (33) Pike and Guthrie. These observations threw sharply into relief the dependence of resuscitation on the medullary respiratory and vasoconstrictor mechanisms rather than on other organs, which, whatever their importance, were found neither as sensitive nor as susceptible as the medullary and higher cells. The functional activity of the medulla was abolished 15 minutes or more, and in its abeyance, no independent existence of the animal could be reestablished. An analysis of the conditions of so-called spinal shock was undertaken by Pike (34), (35), (26), who employed the procedure of cerebral anemia, and the vascular response obtainable from it, as a means of comparing the various functional levels of the central nervous system. In this way the central relations, particularly to the bulbar levels, of the vascular response in anemia were clearly indicated. A further extension of this problem is found in the study Of Yates (36), in which the response to anemia was used as a criterion of the degree of recovery of the vascular system following spinal tran- section. These studies bring out the importance of the maintenance of medullary activity as the essential factor in the avoidance of a shock effect and the relative incompetence of the spinal cord in the initiation of significant adaptive responses. Consideration of the excitatory and depressing effects of the blood gases has led toward a recognition of their importance in influencing the behavior of the medullary cells. The literature of the subject is reviewed by Bethe (37), Hill and Flack (38), Hasselbach (39). Pike, Coombs and Hastings (40), (41) have pointed out the adaptive nature of the nervous changes induced by a rapid lowering of CO 2 tension in dyspneic blood, and have suggested that in thus acting in a direction opposite to environmental change, the organism meets the conditions by adjustment of physical equilibrium as prescribed by le Chatelier's CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING CEREBRAL ANEMIA 5 theorem. Mathison (42), (43) has shown the very much greater sensi- tivity of the medullary over the spinal cells in their response to the asphyxial agents such as increased CO2 or lactic acid, or decreased oxygen. Pike and Scott (44) have discussed the regulation of H-ion concentration in connection with the regulation of mammalian internal environment. METHOD. In the present study advantage was taken of the rever- sibility of the procedure of cerebral anemia. The ability to repeat the initial stimulating effect of the insult on the medullary cells was ex- ploited, rather than its abolition of conductivity within them. The specific problems attacked were dealt with in terms of the intensity and duration of the anemic rise, under given central and peripheral lesions. A seemingly significant series of observations on the changes at the periphery could be obtained by means of the pronounced differences in the character of the curves recorded. Mayer (14) had called attention to the fact that the magnitude of the vasomotor effect under asphyxia could be approached only by the effect of compression of the thoracic aorta, or injection of strychnine. From Mathison's work (42), (43), especially from his conception that all forms of asphyxia are due to definite increase of the acid content of the blood, cerebral anemia can probably be assumed always to be acting at a maximum. The procedure followed was essentially that indicated by Stewart (28). As here used, the emphasis lay especially on the restriction of the occlusion time to as narrow a limit as possible, in order to insure more rapid recovery. Accordingly, the shortest possible occlusion period was uniformly employed and as a routine procedure the head arteries were released as soon as the spontaneous fall of pressure at the end of the response set in. The experiments were all carried out on cats. Ether was the anes- thetic uniformly employed, and administered by tracheal cannula. The purpose of the study was essentially to determine the degree of involvement of the chief factors concerned, rather than their minute evaluation. This has been left for subsequent study. The extensive series of Stewart served as a basis of comparison and control. The head arteries were all secured outside the thoracic wall, the branches of the left subclavian, separately secured in the axilla, the right carotid, and right subclavian from within the carotid sheath in the neck; the left carotid held the blood pressure cannula. All the arteries were kept under ligatures ready to be occluded by clamps at the convenience of the experimenter. Since there was no interference 6 CORA SENNER WINKIN with extra-pulmonic pressure through the operative procedure, artificial respiration could be dispensed with as long as the medullary cells remained functional. Prior to occlusion, ether was reduced until various obvious tests of the activity of the brain stem could be secured, the return of a vigorous corneal reflex always being awaited before the circulatory arrest was made. With the elicitation of the corneal reflex, artificial respiration was begun, and the clamps on the arteries immediately adjusted. Care is needed to include all the arterial branches isolated in the clamps. With the adjustment of the clamps, the entire series of peripheral effects follows; the eye reflexes are immediately lost, and within about 20 seconds the more marked peripheral effects are released. Deep and labored breathing sets in, skeletal convulsions appear, and a sharp rise of blood pressure is recorded which often reaches 200 mm. Hg. or more (fig. 5a). This frequently outlasts the other functions; the pressure may not begin to fall until some 10 to 80 seconds after respiratory failure. The time from the shutting off of the arteries to the circulatory failure is then taken as the complete occlusion time. On the average, this occupied 3 minutes. Immediately following reestablishment of the circulation there is a profound depression of all functions. Blood pressure continues falling markedly when the arteries are released, and finally reaches a level of about 50 mm. No other medullary responses are elicitable at this time. Artificial respiration is, of course, maintained throughout the period of depression, and until such time as the bulbar functions again become evident. If no further lesions are inflicted, occlusions of 3 to 4 minutes are usually followed by a beginning of recovery within 5 to 7 minutes after release of the arteries. Blood pressure usually starts rising first, and after a rise of 10 to 15 mm. spontaneous respiratory gasps reappear. Pressure continues to rise, respiratory movements become more and more frequent; soon normal pressure is regained and the animal breathes quietly and regularly. Ten to 15 minutes after release of the arteries, pressure is usually normal, vibrissae are erect, and the corneal reflex is again elicitable. At this point, a renewed occlusion of the head arteries may be done and the entire cycle repeated. The modification of anatomical conditions was usually carried out in the interval of depression following a control occlusion. In this way further etherization was avoided. Except under certain specified CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING CEREBRAL ANEMIA 7 conditions, the various lesions did not materially change or delay the picture of the recovery outlined. THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. 1 . The role of the splanchnic constric- tor fibers in the rise of pressure during cerebral anemia: Following the work of Claude Bernard in 1848 who showed that the section of the cervical cord caused a considerable fall of blood pressure, Bezold, Ludwig and Cyons (46), (47), (48), (49), (50) measured- the magnitude of these changes and showed their dependence on the integrity of the splanchnic system. There was thus demonstrated the relation of the blood pressure changes to the level which is maintained after the continuity of the cord with the brain has been interrupted. Mall (51) showed that frequently 27 per cent of the blood in dogs was transferred by the splanchnic system, thus explaining the great increase of volume in the extremities during rises of systemic pressure (52). Edwards (53) calculated that 85 cc. of blood in dogs were trans- located under splanchnic stimulation. In spite of its probable involve- ment in the powerful vasomotor response of the anemic rise, very little direct evidence for its participation has been obtained. Hill's (46) reference to the splanchnic nerves in cerebral anemia is, so far as can be ascertained, largely by way of implication. For asphyxia itself both V. Anrep (54) and Cathcart and Clark (55) have argued for con- siderable splanchnic participation from the dependence on the central nervous system of the adrenalin release obtained. Finally, some in- direct evidence for splanchnic nerve involvement has been obtained by section of the spinal cord in cerebral occlusion. Nawalichin (56) found that the vasomotor changes following obstruction of the cere- bral circulation were practically obliterated when the cord had been sectioned in the cervical region. The same observation was made by Stewart (28). In order to obtain any exact, or possibly even quantitative, evalua- tion of the actual involvement of the splanchnic system, other factors concerned in the maintenance and change of blood pressure must be isolated. Three factors in the nervous regulation must above all be properly controlled. These are (a), the indirect effect of the activity of the skeletal muscles; (&), the influence of the cardiac innervation; and (c), the non-splanchnic constrictor (or possibly dilator) fibers in the vasomotor system. a. The influence of the skeletal muscles in the anemic rise. The older authors, Mayer and Gouty, used curarized animals, rabbits and dogs, for their experiments on cerebral occlusions, and reported anemic 8 CORA SENNER WINKIN rises as great in magnitude and duration as those recorded by Stewart (28) or those herein obtained. The relative volume of blood held in these animals within the splanchnic system, as compared with that controlled by the somatic innervation is, however, somewhat different from that in cats. Little experimental attention was here given to this problem. In one animal, however, curare was injected and a vigor- ous anemic response was obtained. The occlusion time was normal (3 minutes) ; the anemic increment, however, was below the average, being only 80 mm. In another cat, both sciatics and the brachial plexuses on both sides were divided. Pressure did not fall after the lesions. Both stellate ganglia were then removed. The animal gave an anemic increment of 100 mm. Hg. It seems accordingly that the muscular factor is of no primary signifi- cance in either the initiation or the maintenance of the anemic rise. The fact that no great depression of the level of blood pressure results in spite of extensive elimination of muscular innervation is interesting in comparison with subsequent results, and effectively contrasts the influence of skeletal innervation and visceral innervation on blood pres- sure. b. The influence of the cardiac innervation on the anemic rise. The influence of the cardiac nerves on the anemic rise may be exerted in either of two ways. The change in rate and amplitude of the heart beat may affect the output per minute as emphasized by Tigerstedt, (57) or afferent impulses aroused within the heart may affect reflexly the efferent cardio-vascular innervation as discussed by Hill (59). It is conceivable that in either of these ways, or both, the heart may influence significantly the level of blood pressure. Frank (57), mathematically, and Erlanger (58) by sphygmomano- metric measurements, have attempted to show that the output of the heart remained a constant, or in other words that pulse pressure times pulse rate remains a constant. Wickwire (60) has shown that the usual compensatory changes in heart rate to a change in the systemic blood pressure may be absent in deep anesthesia or in cases of restric- tion of the volume of blood flow to the brain. Under normal circum- stances, Erlanger's statement probably holds true, but may not necessarily apply under critical conditions. 1. Effect of the vagus. Mosso (61), Gouty- and Stewart found that following the first short rise in blood pressure (which in the intact ani- mal is never very great) there is a considerable slowing of the pulse. As long as this slowing of the pulse persists, pressure ceases to rise, and CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING CEREBRAL ANEMIA 9 is indeed often lowered. After about half a minute of this effect, the heart seems to break away from this retardation, and the beat is, if anything, accelerated and pressure immediately rises to the maximum level which is maintained until its final fall. The slowing of the heart rate and the depression of blood pressure gives the anemic rise its typical double crest. Both Gouty (16) and Stewart (26) saw this double crest disappear on section of the vagi, leaving a smooth curve, which attains its maximum height somewhat more rapidly, but is not otherwise greatly altered in time or intensity. Bilateral vagotomy has been done only incidentally to other lesions. The results confirm the earlier findings. 2. Excision of the stellate ganglia. Section of the accelerators as the only lesion was undertaken in five cats, all except one dissection being made in the open thorax under artificial respiration. In all cases the entire stellate ganglion was removed. The mass of nervous tissue was secured by a hemostat and this then cut away from all the connections by which it was held, until the hemostat could be removed without tearing. All the records therefore give a picture of the effects obtained by excision of the entire ganglion including, of course, those additional accelerator fibers recorded by Ranson, Spadolini and Wickwire (60), which reach the stellate ganglion by way of the superior cervical ganglion. Hunt (62) recorded a loss of pressure on section of the stellate ganglia. Wickwire found a considerable loss (60 mm.) on their section, when this was undertaken without a previous vagotomy. In two cats, 1 and 3, a similar depression was noted. In cat 2, however, the fall was only 20 mm. In cat 7, in which pressure was already very low, no change at all was noted. Section of the accelerators on both sides seems, like double vagotomy, to have a typical effect on the contour of the curve. It also tends to obliterate the double nature of the curve, which then more closely approaches a single peak. Characteristically, section of the accelera- tors imparts to the anemic rise a marked plateau effect. After a relatively restricted latent period, pressure rises sharply to its maximum level (fig. 1, occlusion 2), near which it is maintained until just prior to its final fall, when it may again strike the greatest height. The anemic increment of pressure for the five cats examined lay between 120 and 160 mm. Hg. Such a vagus effect as made itself felt, curiously enough, appeared somewhat later than when the accelerators were intact, and the slowing was recorded at the crest of the wave at a very 10 CORA SENNER WINKIN high level of blood pressure. Occasionally a sharp depressor effect may be recorded, which is rapidly compensated for; this effect gives an M-shaped appearance to the curve. On the whole, with the stellate ganglia excised, pressor responses are more promptly executed and longer maintained. In six additional cats, section of the accelerators was complicated by other lesions. In the two cases in which it was preceded by low section of the sympathetic chain, an anemic increment of 80 mm. was obtained in each. Fig. 1. Cat 4; Occlusion 1. Cerebral anemia, anomalous contour of curve. In this, great fall of pressure replaces the rise ordinarily obtained. The levels of blood pressure before anemia, after anemia and after recovery of bulbar function are shown. Head arteries were released immediately after the rise of pressure, in which the pre-occlusion level was partially recovered. Pressure fell sub- sequently as low as the lowest point obtained during anemia, but regained 90 mm. above this level with the return of bulbar function. Occlusion 2: Cerebral anemia; record following excision of both stellate gan- glia. When anemia is induced, pressure is 50 mm. lower than after recovery of bulbar function, prior to section of the stellates; M-shaped curve, showing sharp immediate rise of pressure, almost to its maximal height; vagus effect appears at crest of wave. Temporary recovery on release of head arteries, followed by fall to lowest level of pressure (55 mm. Hg. above base line) . This low level was three times reached in this animal. Final rise of pressure on renewed return of res- piration and other medullary activities. Each occlusion occupied 3 minutes. CAKDIO-VASCTJLAR CHANGES DURING CEREBRAL ANEMIA 11 3. Excision of the entire cardiac innervation. In three cats the sec- t'on of both vagi and accelerators was undertaken without any previous lesion. In two of them, section of the vagi was undertaken first, and in both cases a rise of 20 mm. obtained. Subsequent section of the stellates did not appreciably lower (by more than 5 mm.) the original level. The order in which the section of the cardiac nerves is carried out is, therefore, significant for the general level of pressure, and is again in agreement with Miss Wickwire's findings. Several successive curves were obtained from cat 5. The anemic increment was in these cases somewhat reduced, increments of 80 to 100 mm. being obtained after elimination of all the extrinsic cardiac nerves. When all cardiac nerves were sectioned, the curve tended to be smooth, the initial acute rise not being at all delayed. No change in the occlusion time was noted. Recovery from occlusion after excision of one or both sets of the extrinsic cardiac nerves was uniformly o.btained. The time interval of recovery was in no way different from that in normal animals. In additional cats to be mentioned later, excision of the extrinsic innervation was preceded by a low section in the sympathetic chain. One animal gave an even higher anemic increment (125 mm. Hg.) than is usually obtained after section of the cardiac nerves alone. In all the curves of reaction to anemia from animals with denervated hearts, pressure was not uniformly maintained at the maximal level. In two cases the pressure dropped immediately; in the rest (4 cases) a plateau was maintained. 4- Effect of the cardiac innervation on the anemic rise. Neither lesion of the cardiac innervation, as a whole, nor of the vagi, nor of the stellate ganglia separately, greatly affects the blood pressure response. Its duration seems to be fairly constant for the given individual tested. Excision of the entire cardiac innervation may reduce the anemic merer ment in some cases, but the reduction when it occurs does not seem to be considerable. However, the cardiac nerves seem to have considerable influence on the level of blood pressure in the more detailed relations of the anemic rise, especially in the early part of the reaction. From the results of the section of the accelerators, particularly the abruptness with which an intense rise appears immediately on occlusion of the head arteries, it seems that the conception of the action of the accelerators must be extended. Marey asserted in 1881 that with the vagus intact no very great rise of pressure can be obtained. Indeed, as long as the vagi are 12 CORA SENNER WINKIN functional the maximal anemic increment is not immediately obtained, and cannot be reached in tlie early part of the occlusion unless the vagi be sectioned. The same seems to follow also for the accelerators since, when they are removed, the vagus cannot prevent the immediate and considerable augmentation of pressure. In the earlier part of the anemic response, the combined action of the entire cardiac innervation seems to effect a considerable check on the rapid rise of blood pressure. This may be due to afferent or efferent impulses, but the accelerators seem to be involved as well as the vagi. The relations of the cardiac innervation to the second rise of pressure are not so clear. Stewart (28) attributed this in part to accelerator fibers in the stellate ganglion, and possibly in the vagus, but recently Stewart and Rogofif (63) have demonstrated the possibility of producing Fig. 2. Cat 23; cerebral anemia. Splanchnic nerves sectioned at their entry to coeliac ganglia. Occlusion time 3 minutes. Skeletal convulsions and res- piratory spasms evident. The only factors in the vascular reaction recognizable in the tracing are the changes in heart rate. This is accompanied by a very slight change in level as the heart is breaking away at the usual time from its slow rate. Two respiratory gasps are later imposed on the tracing. cardiac acceleration by sciatic stimulation even after the heart is com- pletely denervated. In this series of experiments the rise appears very definitely in cats with accelerators removed and vagus intact. It must, therefore, be referable to vasomotor or endocrine effects under these conditions. Ordinarily, there is no break in the curve after double vagotomy, the fall due to vagus slowing being absent. In two cats, however, such a second rise has also been seen when the heart was com- pletely denervated. It seems that the cessation of the vagus effect, while undoubtedly significant, is only one of the factors involved. In the absence of the influence of tne cardiac nerves on the initiation and maintenance of the reaction to cerebral anemia, it seems that we must look to the vasomotor mechanism itself. CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING CEREBRAL ANEMIA 13 It is interesting to note, however, that when the animal is no longer intact, and the peripheral resistance has been markedly lowered by a high transection of the cord, these relations are changed. Yates (36) has observed that cats which showed a considerable anemic rise after recovery from such a section, completely lost their ability to react to cerebral anemia following a subsequent excision of the stellate ganglia. However important for all practical purposes the vasomotor control may be, the considerable involvement of cardiac factors in the inte- grated response, particularly in the event of injury to the vasomotor nerves, must not be overlooked. c. Influence of the splanchnic nerves on the anemic rise. The wide distribution of the splanchnics, gives a possibility for various lesions within the system. Section of the splanchnics was therefore undertaken 1, in the base of the sympathetic chain before leaving the thorax; 2, in the abdomen, just prior to their entrance into the coeliac ganglion; 3, in various levels of the spinal cord in the thoracic region. The anatomical relations of the splanchnic outflow in the cat have been described by Langley (64), who concludes that the fibers destined to enter the splanchnic nerves leave the cord in large part below the level of the sixth thoracic, though occasionally fibers can be traced at the level of the fifth and even fourth thoracic. Langley's statement appears based only in part on his own observations, and is largely founded on the work of other investigators embodied in the papers quoted. Several authors included higher levels for the effects studied based on experimental rather than anatomical evidence though all have stated that the effect elicitable is relatively slight. Bayliss and Starling gave 3rd thoracic as supplying the portal circulation, Bradford, the 3rd thoracic as supplying the kidney; and Schafer and Moore, 3rd thoracic as supplying the spleen. In a more recent study on cats Ranson (65) has re-investigated the problem. He confirms Langley's findings and considers the 4th thor- acic the highest limit of the splanchnic outflow. Ranson's material, however, was in part restricted to animals in which only the levels below the 6th thoracic were examined. Ranson has investigated fur- ther the level at which the splanchnic nerve leaves the sympathetic chain. In far the greater number of cases (13 out of 17) the nerve was given off between the 1st lumbar and 13th thoracic ganglion, in the remaining four cases, the nerve left between the 1st and 2nd lumbar ganglia. The relation of this branching to the diaphragm was not stated. 14 CORA SENNER WINKIN 1. Lesions within the splanchnic outflow: Section of the sympathetic chain; thoracic section of the splanchnics. In 12 animals the splanchnic outflow was interrupted in the lower thorax. Under artificial respira- tion, a low midventral incision was extended bilaterally on either side of the diaphragm, and the lungs held back while the sympathetic chain was isolated and sectioned. Section of the sympathetic chain below the level of the 8th or 9th thoracic vertebrae usually gives a very marked fall of pressure. When the splanchnic branch from the sympathetic chain itself is cut, this depression amounts at least to 80 mm. Hg. In spite of this low level of pressure, spontaneous respiration is not usually lost, and w r hen ether is reduced, eye reflexes and other skeletal responses are readily elicitable. The condition of the animal, however, is precarious, and prolonged operative manipulations with too great a depth of anes- thesia will readily cause complete loss of the bulbar responses. This precarious .condition is in fact met with in all extended lesions within the splanchnic system, and offers some difficulty in the further manip- ulation of the animals. Occlusion of the head arteries in this series generally gave a relatively vigorous response. The intensity of the response varied, the degree of variation from the normal being dependent apparently on the nature of the lesion. Group I. In these animals section of the sympathetic chain was undertaken in its lower levels, post-mortem examination showing no lesion above the level of the 8th thoracic. In two of these animals autopsy showed the lesion incomplete on one side, thus amounting largely to a unilateral injury. The anemic response obtained in four of these animals was very considerable, the values being 100, 120, 140, 150 mm. Hg., respectively. The contour of the curves was typical of the normal anemic responses, and the rise of pressure easily over-reached the original control level of blood pressure. All these cats showed a normal recovery from the occlusion. In nos. 12 and 15, excision of the stellate ganglia was done subsequent to recovery and a third occlusion obtained. Cat 15 that had shown an unusually vigorous response in its first occlusion gave an increment of 125 mm. Hg. after excision of both vagi and both stellates. The thoracic chain was sectioned at the level of the 8th and 9th thoracic on one side, between the 10th and llth on the other. Cat 11 was slightly different. The original depression of blood pressure after section of the chain was 80 mm. Hg.; the anemic increment was somewhat reduced, amounting only to 70 mm. so that CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING CEREBRAL ANEMIA 15 the anemic rise fell short of reaching the original level. The cat recovered, however, and subsequently made up the 10 mm. difference in an anemic rise obtained after the stellate ganglia had been excised. The greater splanchnics may have been involved in this case. Group II. This comprised the remaining 7 cats of the series. In all these animals a complete bilateral section of the splanchnic nerves was done in the thorax between their branching from the sympathetic chain and before their entry into the diaphragm. On cutting the splanchnic nerves the initial, fall of pressure was great, averaging 80 mm. In four cats the effect of occlusion was well marked, the curves differing from the normal only in a slight reduction of the anemic increment of blood pressure, this being 70 mm. in three cases. In these cases also pressure did not reach the level held prior to section. In the three remaining cats of the series a still greater depression of the anemic response was obtained. Cat 20 gave a most complete picture. The anemic rise reduplicated all the characteristics of the normal response on a smaller scale. A vagus effect appeared promi- nently. The maximum anemic increment of pressure in these experi- ments was 40 mm. When pressure fell spontaneously after occlusion it reached the identical level maintained after section of the splanchnics prior to occlusion. Low section of the spinal cord at this time induced a further fall of only 10 mm. Hg. In cat 22 the acclerators were also removed, and an even greater depression of the anemic response was obtained, the entire change of level on occlusion amounting to only 5 mm. Cat 21 was slightly anomalous but yet highly instructive. The animal showed a great resistance to anemia, and it took some 15 minutes before the respiratory and vasomotor responses fully faded out. At first the Record clearly approximated that of cat 20, an initial rise of 30 mm. being shown. With the parsistence of the bulbar functions, however, there was reproduced on a different scale, the wide oscilla- tions procurable in all animals difficult to asphyxiate. At first the vasomotor oscillations were slight and rather irregular, but they grad- ually developed into large and rapid waves in which the greatest ex- cursion of blood pressure was developed, amounting to a fluctuation of 60 mm. at the height of the response. The level of blood pressure from which these oscillations developed was not raised, the whole response being simply recorded within this maximum variation of 60 mm. This offers a striking contrast to the analogous records of incomplete occlusion periods of similar length obtained in intact ani- 16 CORA SENNER WINK1N mals. In such animals the level of pressure shows similar oscillations, but these vary within a much greater range, usually approaching 200 mm. difference in level. No recovery of bulbar functions was elicited from any of these animals. That this was not the necessary conse- q/uence of a lesion at this level, but merely an indication of the precarious conditions of animals exposed to this double lesion, is shown in the following experiments. Section of the sympathetic chain; abdominal section of the splanchnics. Although the blood pressure response is. seriously reduced by section of the splanchnic nerves above the diaphragm, a slight degree of re- sponse still seems elicitable. It seems possible, however, completely to eliminate all rise of blood pressure as the result of bulbar anemia, while maintaining all other evidence of medullary activity, by section of the greater splanchnic nerves in the abdomen. Dissection for the splanchnics in the abdomen was made 'by the method indicated in Sherrington's Mammalian Physiology (66). The incisions were made from the back, through the latissimus dorsi mus- cles, and the nerves were cut just before their entry into the coeliac ganglion. The identity of the nerves was first tested by electrical stimulation with shielded electrodes. A striking example of the result of this section was obtained in cat 23. In this animal (fig. 2) the greatest excursion of blood pressure amounted to 10 mm., yet all other effects of occlusion were noted. An asphyxial effect on the vagi appeared in the pressure curve followed by a very slight improvement in the level. From this point on, however, pressure fell very gradually, until, at the end of 3 minutes, it remained constant. In this very gradual fall, pressure reached a level some 20 mm. below that of the original pressure before occlusion. After digital compression of the abdominal aorta, spontaneous respiration returned in this animal. When respiration had become completely reestablished and a corneal reflex again obtained, the trachea was clamped. No asphyxial rise of pressure to speak of was obtained, the entire subsequent variation of pressure being well within 20 mm. Hg. Respiratory waves and some vagus effect were recorded; failure of the heart soon followed. Section of the thoracic spinal cord. Section of the spinal cord was undertaken in 16 cats. The laminectomy was carried out immediately following tracheotomy, the wipund temporarily closed by hemostats and the head arteries then prepared for ligation. Finally the cord was sectioned, and blood pressure allowed to reach a constant level CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES DURING CEREBRAL ANEMIA 17 before inflicting any further lesions. Several successive sections of the cord were frequently carried out in the same animal before occlusion was produced. Section of the thoracic cord was carried out at various levels. The effect of section varied considerably with the level of the lesion, and to some extent also with the individual animal. Certain results, however, are patent. Lesion in the lowest levels of the thorax elicited only a slight permanent fall of pressure, and did not seriously affect the anemic response. Lesions in the midthoracic, at the level of the 8th thoracic and 9th thoracic vertebrae were more apt to elicit a profound fall of pressure, and seriously to reduce the anemic increment. Lesions in the upper thorax also elicited a great fall on section and often completely Fig. 3. Cat 30: cerebral anemia. Spinal cord sectioned at the level of the 5th thoractic verterbra. This reaction shows the features of the typical blood vas- cular response to anemia in every respect, but the level to which the maximal rise of pressure (second rise) attains. The anemic increment here is only 50 mm. Hg. Cardiac effects of slowing and acceleration recorded as usual. abolished the rise of pressure. There were, however, certain individuals in which even a high thoracic lesion did not evoke a maximum fall of pressure, and in which a relatively vigorous response was obtained even after a high dorsal section. Accordingly the experimental material can be roughly classified into three groups: Group I. Lesions in the lower thoracic region. Very vigorous responses to cerebral anemia can still be obtained from animals with a lesion at the level of the 10th to 12th thoracic vertebrae. Cat 25 with section at T 10-11 showed an anemic increment of 125 mm. Hg. In cat 24 an anemic response lasting over 5 minutes was obtained, in which the variation of pressure extended over 75 mm. Hg. The contour of CORA SENNER WINKIN II - I "S 'c 'a 5f 2 O) C O -2 03 o3 c3 U 'S "3 bD '2 "S 9 -i- Q) C3 | 1 * . > cr UHVE 0> a c 1 T3 o o 03 03 .2 ^ h . 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H ~ u 6 o te: O) 0) r 1 Q Q 0> X! -u 02 appreciabl O 60 _fi Double curve, 1*9 O Double curve, 1 S c ^3^ -a bJD o 03 o T3 * S c >H .2 03 -4-3 g O a o i-H O Cat difficult to o fades out afti oscillations of o .8 '-5 "o 5 Corneal present c is a" ED 02 02 bfi cS H-l O c o O o CO o o a) o O -3 O S 00 CO !H oo ^ O DD C 02 9 (H 1 a 2 s 02 u 'S o 0} o bC o bo p^ a 3 a 03 3 o3 03 *-i d >g g,p, 'ft'ft 02 C? 42 13, 'S 'S 2 r5 F "O *"O ^3 ""O tt a 42 S bO C 42 13, 1 o3 go c i .a^ 03 _g c; -5 a gfl 02 02 ^ 'o3 03 o3 o3 '3 '~ **-i o p, .2 *o a, "S 3 02 J "o "^3 e O "^ O """* Q ^ _o '-+J .PH - -u O ^O * s O o 03 s ^ S fl V -^ CO CO CO CO CO OS OS OS OS 05 I-H s OS i-H I 1 OS j^ 1 CD" oo" ,4- oT te o a d bD DESCRIPTION OF CUR -1J CO . ll T3 P-c S3 -^ 03 ^ S "S '3 flj r< 1 i s fusion ise marked vagus ei mm. pressure CO +t 03 8 ^3 a JS 39 IM O M fi o 1=1 (H 03 > 3 o I- s 12 l *S * 1 Itf 3. %> lusion reciable effect althou bC _fl 13 -S & O M 9 o ^2 * M a, O t-t o 5 M l-H *o "* "S to S? 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GO o o3 49 O c3 'C a o 0) to o q >> in "ol 03 02 00 03 o /R X^N. ^^ ^ ^ 3 a -t-> 03 O c X o p O GO o M 03 Rather marked slowing Poor record, difficulties with 'S, GO CO bO o3 0) 1 lations show in curve o a o s-, a o> .2 <-, o> 1 o T3 T3 -* O M V Oj O> s Effect extremely reduced Great fall instead of rise (Cf . \ Marked vagus slowing, curve Rise obtained on clamped abd Absolutely typical curve, vei Marked vagus effect, pressure lower after occlusion No occlusion Very marked curve obtained, second rise accentuated > i o o o o O o o o o o o S u o (N (N CO CO CO co 1C j; > ' o JH Q^ 8 o "5 o CO o o o iM o 00 o "3 15 -> ^ IV -1-3 0) .2 j o "5 o o o Q (_ o o o o CO CO (M oo 3 S 00 y 1 r^ r~4 **"* o3 -u O *H *^ fc ^ fl "S '5b a r 1 os fl IM a) X! 00 o o co 00 CO 1 o 00 ~ GO o > M C B M _ ^ _o >i P Jd o 'M 02 2 o f , ^ ^ I 1 1 3 o M 15 .a > i 3f T .1 o t> GQ 13 49 d 02 PH O TS d> E 3 02 02 O> bC cS aT > L 3 o ^ ial increment o 09 SG o 02 bC 03 cj O a 03 o 02 02 X ..-M ^ ^ ^ 02 1 a -^ ? >, ^ o S Jj o 02 d OH 03 14 PH -fO~ O 01 *G o> 3 3 O TS 03 O X >> ,d a 03 03 O 1 !? > 05 OQ O ^ 3 a H si & K o g TH o CO o o 00 (M < p J K SB e< w i o o o t> CO <*H 00 2 ^ m a ^3 5 o B J3 1 H M . 49 O H H 03 V; S 1 3 000 CO TP > 2 .9 02 OS OS OS g i i T 1 os t M >-H > 1 Bfl (N 1 00" 8" o ^ ^ h h H 9 5 5 1 K H CO 00 o H (N f gWu . 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