J Zbc XTubor jfacsimile ^eyts bastard §m Made by Geo: Chapman and Others Date of the first known edition 1605 [B.M.,C. 12. g.^. (4).] Reproduced in Facsimile 1914 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/eastwardhoeOOchaprich Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER (Sastoar4 Mn Made by Geo: Chapman and Others 1605 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIV Written by George Chapman 1605 This facsimile is from the B. M. copy : other examples are at Bodley and at Trinity College, Cambridge. Halliwell mentions three editions in the year 1605, Hazlitt says four, but Greg records two only. Ben Jonson and Marston appear to have had a hand with Chapman in writing this play, which brought the authors into some trouble on account of satirical reflections on the Scots followers of James I. (see Bullen in D. N. B.). These allusions are to be found in a few only of the extant copies. The reproduction from the original copy is satisfactorily and carefully done. Some of the pages are badly clipped. Where these interfere with the text they will be given, in duplicate where possible, in one of the volumes of ''Fragments." JOHN S. FARMER, 292449 EASTWARD HOE. As It was^ pKyd In the ThcCMdrcn QficrMaiciHcs RcHcI»» GeocChapman. BhN:Ionson. I»h:Marston; •1 AT LONDON Printed fpr fVilliam lAffUj. 1 60% i k V 7 1 ""^0/ out of-muy^ftr thews' no egeii A.^ \Vhert there t Jto^^^Jf -^rfiitt efimmhB For we liMe ett&mri bin Imt/aed v Korotttofonrcontentfonto doehetter Then that which it offopi to ours in Titk^ Hrr thaiWMgooJtondhfttercmnot be >AndfortheTitUiJitfeeme •ffeHei We might AS^UhameaU'eiS^odyougooitfteti: Onely thst Eift'WArd^VefiwArdsfiilTexceides^ ffonourtbeSunnesfairer^fig not hisfettin^: Nor.isonrTitk vtterljenforcte. As by the points we toitchat^oH jiAll/er, Searewitho»rwiUi^p.unes,ifdtUor witty, Weeij$elydediateittoSheCitty£. '^M " • • • * « EASTWARD H A£lus priini, Scena prims. Inter Af^tifterTomhllotie/ir.dQuicl^jilHtr at fetural filHcr with hit hat, ftmpjjhort /word & dagger, & a racket iritjfcd Vf vnder his cloak^.tit the middle dorr, Enter G aiding difrottertnjt a Cold-fmtthj/hopfe,andvalkingjhort tHrnes before it, ToMchJI: ne. ND whether with you bow ? what loofea- dion arc yen bound for fcovac what coracle* arc yon to meetc wilhali? wherj the fuppe: i when the rasdeuous i Q*».Indeed,& in very good fober truth, dr. To«f. Indeed, & in very good fober truth fir Behind oiy back thou wilt fwearefaftcr then a f f ench toot-boy;and talkc more baudily then a common mid- wifc,and now indeed and in v;ry good fober truth Sir; but if a priuie fearch /hold be made,with what furniture are you riggd now i Sirrali 1 tell thec,T am thy maifter Willia TottchfiotieCold- fmith : and thou my Prentife Francts Quick:filMer and I will fee Vil\cthcvyovtirer\uiniDg.fForkevpoii that Haw Qutck: Why Sir I hq)e a man may vfe his recreation withhif Maflcri profit. TwKf/'.Prentifei recreationtare feldome with their mafleri pTo6t.ff^orkfvpothatMov,You flial giue vp your cloakc tho you be no Aldcrma.Hcyday,RufIin» hal.Sword,purop$>hccr$ a Rac- ket indeed. Totich.vitcfeaksQtac, QitickiJ^orkevpoK that new. Tc«c*.Thou /hamelefle varlet doeft thou icil at thy Lawfull maifter contrary to thy Indentures? Qg/V^Zbloud fir,my mother's a Gentlewoman and my father a Tufticc ofpcacc,& of Quorum^Sc tho lama yonger brother & a prentifc,yet I hope I am my fathers fou.& by Godflidde.tis for yourworlhip & for your comodity that Ikcepe company. I am intertaind among gallants.true.They cal mc coze fr^wj^, right; llcnd tht monycs.good.tbcyfpcndif, well : But when they sre fpcnt.muft net they fl riue to get n:orc mufl not their land flir ? andiowhcmi/hall not your worrhipf c ha'thc icfufall ? well As lam lam izpoS mcmljcr of the Citty ifl were well conlidered.How -would Merchant thriuc, if Gentlemen would not be vnthrifti t How could Gentlemen liecvnthrifts if their humours were not t be gallanted outot mymonyes. And as for my rjilng bv other mens fall 5 God (l>teld me . Did I cainemy weal rh by Ordmjnrs"-no:by exchanging of gold' no:. By keeping of Gaiiants ccrapanie, no . 1 hired me a litt'elTioi^ foughe low Tooke f'liaU giinc.kept no debt booke,»arriii])cd my Qx^^ihi vant'o* iMarc.'vthgJ. d wholforajthrirtiefcnrencesi Ai TvJt'hlf.jtf; l^r.-pfthy 7>7ppe andth^ Ih'pp: -will ke^fe thee. Light falifei m^k^t hfastte pur/^'t. Tit ^jiiJ ta he merrj 4ftd »»^;: And when was wiu*d?,ha;iiiig tomjthing to ft clcc ri>o, 1 had the home of Suretirhipeu.-rbsfoismy eyes: You I'l Icno.vthe deuitof the Fivirne, where the young fei low flippcs iti at the Bu; ecnJ,and «oine$ fq-iefd ootat the Buclchll : and I grew v 1, and I praife proiiid^nce,! bcaremy browes now as high as the bell of my hcighbDuis: butchou— well looke totheaccounts.your father* J>ond lyes far you : feuen (core pound is yet in the reere. ,^tck. Why Slid fir.l haoe as good , as proper gallants wordi for it as a ly are in London, gentlemen of good uhrafc, perfect langiugrjpafTin^ly bchau'd , Gallants that wearc focJccs and cleans linnen, and call me kindecoozcn Franckf .goodcoozen Frmcke J for they know my Father : and by godfliddc (hall not ] ti u(l 'hem f not trud ; BttterATdgeaiimfuiringfar TtuchJisHes Sbopft, ■ j^»A/. What doe yelackc Sir .'What ifl yoo'Iebuye Sir? ToMchjione. I marry Sir . thcr's a youth of another pcec«. There's thy fcllovwc-Prentifc > as good a Gentleman borne a» tkouarr.' nay, aiid better mean'd. But docs hepumpcit,orRac- /kctit?Wcll,if hcthiiuc hor,if hecouc4ail not a hundred fuch crackling nAStrv ARDHOE. crackling Baiiin J as thou art.God and men neglect induftrj^ (7#/^. Itiihi»niop,andhacnyMwalkes. TothePAgt'.' 7-»«fA. With mc Boy ? "••:'?'. Pare. My M Sir Tetror.ellTUJh, recommends his loue to you, and will inftantly vifit you.- Touch. To make vp the match with my eJdeft daughter, my wi-JCJ Dilling, whom ft>e longs to call Madam. Hec (hall finde BieTnwi!lin2;lyrcadieBoy. ExitT*ge. Ther's another affliftion too. A$ I haue two Prentifes : the one of a boundlefleprodigalitie.theothcrofamoft hopefuU Indu- ftrie. So haiic I oncly two daughters ; th« eldeft , of a proud am- birion and nice wantonneflc : the other of amodeft humilitic and comely fobcrncfle. Theoncmufl bceLadyfied forfooth: andbcattir'd lullrotheCourt-cut'.and long tayle. So farrc i$ fliecillnaturdcto the place and meanes of my preferment and fortune . that Jl-.ee throwes all the contempt and dcfpight , ha- tred it fel e can caft vporj it. Well,a peccc of Land fhe has, t'was licr Grandmothers gift? lethcr,and herSir Petronel, flafliout that: But as for my fubftance , fliee thatskornes me, as I am a Citizen and Trades -man, fhall neuer pamper her pride with my induflry : (ball neuer vfe me as men do Foxes ; keepe themfeloes warmc in the skinne , and throwe the bodie that bare it to the dung-hill, ImuftgoeentcrtainethisSirT'frrtfW/. GtuUing.My vtmoftcare'* for thee, and onely truft in thee, looke to the fliop, as for you.Maifter .^»V^(f/r/«^r,ihinkc of huskcs, for thy courfe i« njnning direftly to the prodigalls hogs trough huskcs S% fFerke vpon that ngrv. Exit 7 oHch^ J^iick. Mary fough goodman flat- cap : Sfoot tho I am a Prcntifelcan giuearmes, my Father's aiufticc a peace by defc cent ; and zbloud ' — ■■ -■ ^»nld, Fy e how you fweare. ^ick. Sfoote man lama Gentletnan and may fweare by my pedegree.Gods myJifc- Sirrah (?ff«/rake-hslW (& holds him. Could.Pi{h, in fofcc tearmcs ye arc a Cowardly braging boy, Ilenayouwhipt. Q«»citWhipt,thats good ifaithjVntrulTe me' &(;.No,thou wilt Yiidoe thy felfe. Alas,I behold thee with pitty, tiot with anger :thou common fhot-clog,gull of all companies; Oiethinkcslfce thee alreadic walking m Moore ficldes with- out a Cloake , with halfc a Hat>withouta band , a doublet with three Buttons : without a girdle : a hofc with one point,and no Garter , with a cudgell vnder thine arme, borrowing and beg- ging three pence. QtuVi^Nay Sbfe,take this and take all : as I am a Gentle^maa bome,Ile be drunk,growvaliant,and beat thee. Exit, t g»mldGoc thou mod madly vaine, whom nothing can reco- wer but that which rcclaimjs Athciflf ,and makes great pcrfons fome times religious: Calamitic. As fot my place and lilc thus I haueread: What ere fome vainer youth may terme di/grtice, "Thegdine of honffl painer is tieuer baftt From trades, from art er, from valour JkoHOMrffringf, Thtfe three are founts i^Cjentry,jea »f Kings. Etitif i i Enter Grrtrei^ AfUdredtBettrice , M»d VaUanie a T^fhr, V»i4m« with a faire go-»ne,Scotch Varthitt^slMd Frtneh-falin hu Mrmet. Cirtred in a French headattire,4»d CittizetiJgort>Ke,A^Idred fowing ,^nd Bef trice i fading a Monkey after her, Oir.VoT the pafTion of patience , lookc if m Petreiie/ appoich, that fweet;thatfine,thatdelicatc,that — for loues fake tcU me if he come. O Hrter cJJii/.though my father bee a low capt tradf- inan,yet loiuftte a Ladie ; and 1 praifc God my mother muft cal me Madam,(does he come.')cff with this gowne for fhames fake,ofF with this ^ownc : let not my Knight take mc in the dt- tie-CHt in any hand;teat't,paxont(docs he comc?)tear't oi.Thm whil{iJhepefes^Iforrfwf»rherf»ks/i-c. Mi.Loti n(ler,wi^ what an immodeft impadencie and dif- gracefull fcorne/loyouput off your cittie tire • I am forric to tkinke you imagine to right your fitifc^ wronging that which hath made both you and Yi. Girt, I teUyou I cannot indure it J muftt>ee a Lady : doe you weareyour Q^oifle with a London Ijcket : your Stamen peti- coate with two guardej, the Buffin gowne with the tuftaffitie cape,and the Veluet lace.I muft be a Lady, ai»d 1 will be a La- dy.Ilikefome humors of theCitty Daraca welU to eate Cher- ries oncly at an Angell a pouild,good,|to die rich Scar!et,black, prcty :taline a Grogarom gewnc deaae thorough with vcluetj tollerable : their pure linen, their fmocks of 3 .li.a fmock are to be borne withall.But your raindng niceries.taffata pipkins^du- ranee pctucotes,and nltier bodkins— ^^-Gods my life,as 1 Hial he a Lady I cannot indure it. Is he come yet i Lx>rd what a. long Knight tis.' Aid efterfibe cridefioMt h9me,ziidyttl k^ewcone \on^(CX,andeiterJbecrideJh»Mthome,fAMJy/eJoJat , . ^i/,WcllSifter,thofe that f pome their neft, oit^e with a fickcwing* • Gir,'Boe-heL (J^tiLWhctc Titles prefume to^hruft befor? fit roeanes to fc- cond th,Body a trinh,ChitiizeKS, chittize^s.SweetKm^ht,as foon« as eucr we are married.take mc to thy mercy out of this mifera- bkChittr, picfcntly, carry mec out of the Cent of New-caflle Thcbeft I canfayof himi>,I kno v himnot? (him? Touch, tia GoHldtHgfl commend thee, I approue thee, & will make it appears my aflcflion is ftrong to thee. My wifehashcr humour,aad I wili ha'minc.Doft thou fee my daughter hcrc?/h« is not(aire,wcll-(auourcdorfo, indiflferentjwhichmodeftraca- fiire o' bcciuty, (Jiail not make it thy oncly workc to watch licr, nor fufHcient ruifchatw;e,to fufpeft her .Thou an towardly.dice jamadeft, thou art pvouident, ftieiscarefulLihee'snowcmine: giuc me thy hand^fbee's nov» t\\ine.f^orkevpon that m». Gful, Sir,as your fon 1 honor youjand as your feruant obey you. ToMch.S.ii&. thou (b, come hither Mildred. Do you fee von'd fcllowPhc is » Gcntlemanftho my Prnitifc)an. J^,Sir,I am all yours : your body gaue me lifc,your ctre and louehapineiTeonife : let your vcrtue ftill direftit, for to your wifdora: I wholv difpofc my fclfc, Teuch.Saiik tnou lo. ? be yc two better acquainted,. Lip Her, Lip Lip licrknaue. So fhut vp fliopnn.Wc mufi makefioTidayi - - •J his match Jh*ll en, far Imtendtofrsue Ex^G out. and Alii. which tbriues the keHjthe mcMe »r lofty loug, whether fit WedUckvonJtntxt like and Itke, OrfToudir hopestvhtck^dintngly crtflrik^e Their f Lee tindmeaftes-.ttsbo»!eHTimisex])ence, H henfeeming lightneffe bearcs a nnrrdU/enfe, Workc vpon that now. Exk. ACiui Tecundi. Seem Pnm«. Toi4chflone,^ii\ffuerfioulclir.g , ndAfildred,ftlting en either jiiieej the stall. T/»ich.^ickflMer,Miii[ct Francis Quickjiluer. Maificr Quickj filucr. Enter Quick^jilMer, ^iV.Hcr"" fir J (fw9.) Touc .So firinothing but flat Maflcr Q!ficksilMcr(\fi'n\\o\it any familiar addition jwil fetch you: aHI you truilc my pomts fir? Q/^c^I for footh -.{vrnp.) Touch . How now fu?thc druncken hyckop, fofoonethis Quicl'^,T\% but the coldncflc ofmy ftomakc forfooth . Tdiich.whiX} haucyouthc caufe naturall for itPy'are a very learned drunkcrd ; ibclceuel fliall mifle fome ot my filncr fpooncj with your learning.Thc nuptiall nighr will not moiftcn your throat fufficicntlVibut the morning likcwifc muft raine her dewej into your gluttonous wcland, Q;/Ci(;. An'tplcafe you fir, v\ e did but drinke (vmf, ) to the conuHing ofF.of the Knightly Bride groomc» ToHch, To the conimmg ofFan'hini I QhjcA forfooth: Wc druncke to his tommjng onf ww^. )when we went to bcdjand now wc are vp,wc mull drinke to his com* rning o(r;for thats the chicfe hoiiour of a Souldier fir, & therfore wc muft drinke fo much the more to it, forfooth. {vmp.) Touch, \ Very capitall rcaf on. So that you goe to bed !ate,5c rife early to commit drunkcncfTc .' you tulfiil the Scripture vc- rie fufHcicnf wickedly forfooth. Q^/V. Tlie Knights men for footh be ftill a their knees at it, (vmp) Si bccaufe tis for yo;ir credit fir,l would bclothtofluich. Touch, I pray fir,cen to'liem againc thcn;y'are one of the fe, Bi perated peratcd crew , one of my wiucs faftion , and my yoiingtadici^ with whom,& with their great match,I wil haue nothing to do. ^^ickSo fit , noiv I will go keepc ray (vmp) credit with them an'rplcafcyoufir. ToHch. In any cafe Si*-, lay one cup o f Sack more a'yoiir cold ftomacke,! bcfccch you. .^ick. Yeslorfooth. Exit jQuick. yowci This is for my credit,Scruanf $ cuer maintame driinken- nes in their Maiftcrs hoiifc ior their maifters crediteia good idle Scruing-mans rcafon.-I thankc time the night is paftj ncre wakt to fuch coft •; I thinka wee haue ftowd more forts cfflc/h in our bellies,- then euer A^m/;t Arkercceiued : and forWine,whymy houfeturnesgiddicwithir , and more noife in it rhcn at a Con- duit', Aye mc, euen beaftes condemneour gluttonie,Weirdi our Citties faiilt^which betai'fe we comni::fcldome,we commit the more finfully.we lofe no time m our fcnfualitie.but vye make iimend>forit';0 thatwewoulddofoin vertue,& religion j ntg- ligencej'.but fee here are al the foberparcels my houfe can fhow, lie eauefdrop, hcate what thoughts they vtter this morning. Enter Goulding, (yffjv/.Butisir pofTible, that you feeing your lifter preferdrbt the bed of a Knight-, fliould containeyour affeftions in the armes of a Prentice? \Mjl, I had rather make vp the garment of my affc^ions in fbmc of the fame peece , then like aiuole weare gowncs of two couloursjormixe Sackcloth with Saftin. Gouk Apddoethe coflly garments 5 the tittle and fame ofa Lady.the faihion,obferuation,& rciicrence proper to fuch pre- ferment , no more endamc you , then fuch conuenience ak my poore meanes and indunrie can ofFer to your vertues? MUX haue ob !'eru'd that the bridle giuen to thofe violentflat- teries offortune,is feldome recoiicred.thry beare one headlong inde'ire from one noueltie to another :ana where thofe ranging appetites raigne, there is eucr more pafsion then rcalonno uay, and fo no happineffc.Thefe haftie aduancementf are not natu- vali. Nature hath giuen vs lcgges,to go to our obie As;not wings toflietothem. Qoml. Howcdeare an obieftyouaretomydefires I cannot exprelTe, whofe fruition would my MaiftcrtabfotuteconfenC atid yours vouchfafe mc, 1 (hoold bee abfolutcly liappie. And though .x; t»n J ^ rf j^ i.\. LJ £i 1/ s:,t thoughit were a grace fo farrcbcyondm)' merit,' that! flibtild blufli with vnwoi thincfle to receiuc it.yet thus far both my lo«e 5c my mcanes fliall affiire your requital ; you /hal want nothing fit fiiami; to be drwnke.Lend me fome monye, faue my credit,! muft dine with the feruirgmcn and their wiues; Sfrlhcir wiuesHrha. gatfid.tenc who yoii will, lie not lend ri^cc three pence. ■ J^MickSoQte leiid me fome monye, h iflihou mt Hjren heref Touch.VJhy how now firha ? what vain'$thi»,hah? £luickjyh9 cries on murther ? Ijady ffAS itpn ? how doc« our maiftcrrpray theccrie Haftward hoe.? (drunke TouchS,\x\\v, firha , y'arc pafl your hick vp now,Ifcc y'arc ^»f^.Tis for your credit maiffer. 7o«f A. And here you kejpe a whore in towne. ^ifi^Tis for your cicdilMaifter. 7fl«f A. And »vhat you arc out in Ca(hc,I know. ,^;V^.So do I:my father's a Gcnt\emin,fFtrks vpoti thatneit Eaftward hoc. * Twci.Sir.Eaftward hee.will make you go iVeftvvard hoc : I will no longer diflioncft my hourc,nor endanger my [lock with your licence- There fir.there's your Indennirc,ail your apparel! (that 1 mufl; know)is on your back : & from this time my doorc i$ ("hut to you : from me be free • but for other freedomc, and ths monyes vou haue waftcd.Eaftward hoe.fliall not fcrue vou. Sjiickf Am I free a my fetters ? Rente : Rye with a Duck in thy mouth ; and now I tell thee Tomchfletie -'. . , , TflwcA.Good fir. QAtckyyheH this etermdlfubfiMKe vfmjftmU, T(»*.4. Well faid, chanw your gold ends for your play ends. O^ick. Did Hut imfrifn d in mj w^mttHJUfi, TtfwA.What then fir? (myname. Q««>. / W4/ << CsHTtier in the SpMtJi court ^fi- D en iAndrcA imt T*«f A.Good maifter Don iAndren will you marche V J^ickgSvicete T»*fA/?#*/,wilI jrou lend me two (hillings ? Touch.Not a penny. ^if^Not a penny ?I haue friends,& I haue acquaintance,! wil paffe at thy (hop poHs^d throw rotten Egges at thy fi^e: JVorkevp»nthatMorr. Exit Jldggering. Teu.Uow firha,you ? heare you ? you /halffcrue me no more neither .• not an houre longer* ulc,but with a little flecpc he is much rcco* iiered •, and I ihinkc is making himfclfe ready to bedrunkcina ga'lanter hkfne$:My houfe is as t'werc the Caue.where the yong C)ut-la we hoords the ftolne vailes of his occupation •, And here when he will reuell it in his prodigal! fimilmide, he retires to his Ti links and(I may fayfoftlyjhisPunksJ he dares truft me with the keeping of both:for I am Securitic it fclfe,my name is Secttri- tie, the famous Vfurer. £>ue)- ^^icl^in his prtMtifes (^ote ffr Capy his gallant breechet, and S:ocki»gs,garteri»g him/elfe,Secteritif following. jSjiic-Ccme eld SecuritieytDoy: father of dcQru^ionrth inden- ted Sheepskin is burn'd wherein I was wrapt,&: I am now loofe, to ijetmorc children ofperdition into my vfurousbonds.Thou feca'ft my Lccherie, and I thy Cou:to;ifnej:Thou art Pander to msformy wench;andl to thee for thy coofcnagcs :K. me, K* thee runnes tiirou':^ Courtand Coiintrey» Sccn.W'cA Cxd my fubtle Qa/V.Thofe K's ope the dores to all this wcrlds felicity-che dullcfl forhead fees it.Let not maft.Cour- tier think he caries a! the knauery on his fhoufders:Ihaueknown poorcHoii in the country jthat has vvornehob-nailes on'sfhoes , nauc as much villany,in's head. as he that wearcs gold bottos in's cap. ,^«/f^Why man/is the London high-way to thriff,ifver- tue be y fdf, tis but a fcapc to the nette of viilanie . They that vfe itfiinplie.thriuefimplie I warrant: *-Waight and fafliioa makes GoldfmithsCockoldes. E»t(r Sjndmth Quick ftlners Do.tb/et^Cloakf, Rafter, & Dagger, SjHd}\t.\e fir,put otthc other halfc of your Prentiflbip. £lf^ic^Nc\\ faid fweet i^w.-bring forth my braucric, iJowTcimy Truncks fhoote fof tli their lilkcs conceid, Ifiow '^E^JST'f^A-KP HOE. I now am free- and now will iuftifie My Trunkci a-jd Pankes; Aiint dull Flat- cap thcp, Ty/^i.thecurtaineihac fliadowcd "Boirptf, There lie thou hujlce of my cnuaflail'd State. I Sainffon now.hauc biiVfi the FhiUfiiris Bands, And in tby lappc my loucly /)KArf«, Ilclic.andfnoteoutmv cnfran?hird»- ftate. V^^hen Sampfon rv.ts a taltyong man j Old Touchftone ttnv writ to thyfrUndt His patvcr and jlrengtlx iacHufed tliM, ■ Fur one .' « 'ell thy baft gold c/tdt, Hsfuld no m m,mr Cufjiior dn, I Quickfiluer,»«3» no mors atteitdt Butdid-themalidcfpife. 'Ti;ce Touchftone. But Dadjhaft thou fecne my mnning (Jclding drcft to daie? SecM.That I hauc f r^wc/^fhc Oilier a'th Cocke, dreft him for i Brcakfaft, ^»ci what did he catc him? Sfctr, Nv\but he eatt his breakfaft for drefling him : and Co drcft him for breakfaf?. ■ jS^ict^jHtUr.O vittii i/fge,where age it jongin rvitte, k^HdailyoHthsreordthuHe gray bfardes full of it\ Jfcw.But ahlas f r4c;^',how will all this bcc maiiitain'd no we? Your place tnaintain'd it before. ;^«c.Why & I raaintamd my place lie to the Court, another manner oFplace for maintain ance I hope then the filly Citty.I heard ray father fay.I heard my mother fing anold fongand a true.* Thoa art 4Pnfoole,& kjtorvFi not vfhitt belongs taonr m ile vij- iiftfwif.lflialbc a Merchant forfooth.-truft my eUatcinawoodcn Trough a$ he does? What'arethefe fhips but tennis Sails for the I winds to play withal JToft from one waue to anothcr,Now vn- der-linejNow ouer the^oufe;Sometimis Brick-wal'd againd a Rocke fo that the gutts flie out apine-lomcti mes ftrooke vnder the wide Hazzard.and farewell M.Mcrchant. Sytf.WeM Franck.viehthe feasyou fay are vncertaine: But he ' that faiJcs in your Court feas.fhallHnde 'hem ten times tuUer of hazzai'd ; v/herin to fee what is to be fecne.is iorra.;ni more the a free Spirit can indure;Biit when you coma to fuffcr, how many iniuries fwallo w you ! What care and dcuotion muQ you vie to hum Jiir an im Jerious Lord'propornon your looks to his looks? fm'ies to hts (miles? fit your (ailes to the winde of his breath? J^i.T.ath hec's no lourney-man m his craft that cannot do that. Si».B\it hec's worfc then a Prcntifc that docs it,not oneiy humo- ring the Lord,buteuery Trencherbearcr,eueryGroome that by indiJgcncc &intelli5«cc ci'epTir.to hishuour,& by pandarifmo mro EtASTWARn HOE. into hUchambcnhe rules the roftc- And when ray honourable Lord faies it fliall be thus, vay worftiipfuU Rafcall (the gromc of his dofc ftoole)raici it flial not be thus,claps the doorc after him, and who dares enter* A Prcntifc,quoth you/tis but to learncto liucjanddoesthatdifgraccaman ? hee that rifes hardly ,Qand< firmelytbut he that rifes witheafc,Alas,fallesascafily. J^ck-^ pox on youjwho taught you this moralitie? Sccm.'T'k Ion» ofthis wittie Aee,M.f r<»«r«.But indeed, Mift. Sjttdefie^sXi Trades complainc orinconuenience,and therfore ds beftrohauenone. The Merchant hee Complaincs , andfaies, Traffickcis fubiedUomuchincertaintie andlofleJet'hemkfepc their goods on drie land with a vcngeancc,and not expofe other mens fubdanccs to themcrcic of the winde$,vnder prote>Slion of awoddenwall)asM.fr4««/faie$)andallfor greedie difirc,to enrich thefelucs with vnconfcionablr gaine,two for one,or fo: where l,and fuch other honed men asljuc by lending monie.are content with moderate profit; Thirtie, or foriiei'tn'hundred, fo we may haue it with qtiietiies,and out of peril! of winde and weather,rathcr thenrunne thofe daungerous courfcs of trading as they doe. ^»4.1Dad,thoumaiftwellbe called ^^cm/;, for thou ta« kellthefa^eftcourfe. Secu.Vinh the quieter,and the more contentcdj& outof doubt the more godIy.For Merchants in their courfcs are neuer pleafd but euer repining againft hcaucnrOnepraycs fbra Wefterlic wind to carry his fliip forthjanother for an haftcrly,to bring his /hiphomcj&atcucryfhakingofaleafe, hcfalles into an ago- ny.tothinkc what danger hisShippe is in one fuch a Coaft, and fofoorth. The Farmer he is euer afoddeswith the Weather, fomctimes the clouds haue beene too barren 5 Sometimes the HcaucBS forget themfelucs, their Haruefts anfwerc not their hopcs.Somctimcs the Scafon falls out too fruitful!, Come will bcarc no price and fo foorth. Th' Artificcr,hc'3 all for a ftirring World, if this Trade be too full:and fall fhort of hisexpeftation, thenfdlles he out ofiovnt.Where we that trade nothing butmo- ncy.arc free from all this,we are pleafd with all [weathers : let it raineorholdvp,becalmeorwindy,letthe fe;)fon bcwhatfoe- ucr.iet Trade go how it will,wc take a'l in good part, ccn what pleafe the hf aucs tofcnd vs.fo the fun flad not flil,&: the raoone keepe her vfuall rcturncsjand make vp daics,moncthy,5c yeeres. i:Jid,jfrAR'D HOE, ^ickfAnd you haue good (ecutiric ? Seeu.l mary Fraficke.thiti the fpeciall poin t. ^«V4.And yet forfoothvvcmufthaue trades to line withal-, For we cannot Had without Icgges.nor flyc without vs irgs ,& a number of fuch $kuruicphrafes.No,i fay ftill,hc that has wit,let him !iuc by his wit : he ihat has nonc.lct himbe a Tradef-raan» SecuyVitty Maiftcr Francu ! Tis pitty any ti'adc fliould dull that quick braine of yours. Doc but bring Knight Peirone/ intomy Parchment Toylcs oncc,and youfhallneuerneedetotoylcinanytrade, amy credit! You know his wiues Land.' ,^m kiHuen to a foofc fir,l haue beene often there : a pretic fint Scate,good Land,allintirc within it felfe* Sff/.vWell wooded.' Qv/c^. Two hundred pounds worth of wood ready to fell, Andafinefwect hoiifcthaf (lands iufl in the midft an't, hke a Pricke in the middcll of a circle, would 1 were your Fanncr,fcr a hundred pound a yeare. S^f«Excellcnt]VI.Frrf»(r«, howldolong to doe thee good: Hqtv I de hunger^ andthirft to haue the honaur to enrich thee .' I euen to die.rhat thou mighlcft inherit my liuing: euenhmger atidthirfi,- for a my Religion M.fr HOE, to worlcehef to which a£lion, with the more eng!n(>s,lpurpofe prefcntly to prcferrcmyfweetcS»»»rhere,to the place other Gentlewoman j whom you(for the mote credit)fl«ll prerent as your friends daughter,a gentlewoma of the countric,new come vp with I wiilfora whiletolearnefa(faionsforrooth,and be to- ward fomc Ladyjand /lie Gull buzz pretty deuil'cs into her La- dies earei ieedmg her humours fo feruiceaDlie(as the maimer of ■ fuchasilieisyouknow.) Sf cur. True good Maiflcr FrAuncis, Entfr S?,VVhereiimy C«lhere?C»? Secur.I ff'inme. yi'^ti.WiU thou come in,fweete CufSeeu.lfVtHHie^rcet/ji Ex» Qi:^\V}'inr.y,c^\oA hc'thats al he can doe poorc man: he may well cot off her name at Vi^jwrj:, O tis an egregiouis Pandarc I what wil not an viuroun knaue be/ohee may bee richKD'tis a notable Icwes trump ! I hope to line to fee dogs meate made of the old vfircrs ficfh.dice of his bonesj& Indentures of his skin: & yet his skin is too thicke to make Parchment , 'twould make good Boots for a Pcetcr man to catch falmon m . Your ouely fmooth skin to make fine vellam.is your Pmitanes skinne; they be the fniootheft and flxkeft knaues in a countrie. Enter fr Petrenell in 'Bootes rvtth a rjiittg Vf.n. TetWi out ot this wicked towne as faft as my hoifc can trot: Here's now no good adion for a man to fpcnd his time in.Ta- Hcrns grow dead.Ordinarics are blown vpjPlayes arc at a Hand H jA'fcs oi Ffofpitjlity at a fall-not a Feather wauing,nor a fpur EASTfVAR'D UOE. ^i.Y'id beft take fomc crowns in your purfe Knight.or elfc your Eaftward Cafilc will fmoalcc but miferably. Peter.O Franc^.my cafllc< Alas al the CaftlesI haue,are built with ayrt.thou know'fl* Q»ic. I know it Knight,and therefore wonder whether your Lady is going. Pet. Faith to feekc her Fortune I thinke.I fard I had a cafl!e and land Eaftward ,and Eaftward £hc wil without cotradiftion. her coach,and the coach of the Sunnemuftmecteful butt: And the Sunnc being out fhined with her Lady fliipi glorie,Qie tearcs he goes Weft ward to hangchimfclfc. Q«<£^. And I feare, when her enchanted Caftle becomes in- uifible,hcr Lady fliip wil returne and follow his example. Tft.O that rfic would haue the grace, for I fhall neucr bee a- ble to pacific her,whcn (he fcc$ her felfe dccciued fo. QgickiAi cafily as can bc.Tcl her £he miftooke your dirc^ions, and that fhortlyjyour fclfe will downc with her toapproouc itjand then,cloath but her crouppet in a newe Gowne,and you may driue her any way you lift: for thefe women fir.are like tf- fexCalues , you muft wriggleliera on by the tayle ftill» or they willneuer driue orderly. ~, Pet, But alas fweet Franck. thou kno'ft ray tabiUtie will not furnifh her bloud with thofe coftly hu mors. Qwic.Caft that coft'on me Sir.l haue fpokcn to my olde Pan- der Stctiritie,{ot money or commoditie:and commoditieCifyou will) I know he will procure you. Ptf/.Commoditie I Alas what cotnraoditie? Q««rj^. Why Siifwhat fay you to Figecs^nd Rayfons. Pet. Ap\ig\ic of Figges and Rayfons, and all fiich fraile commodities we lliall make nothing of hem. (Becici Q«igs 'Bench t , or the Fleete,oT which of the two Cfl«»- »*r/ they like beft,for by the Lord i like none ofhcm. ^ Vtt^fiiS^Triottkf thofc is no icfting with my c*meft neceffK tyjthouknow'ftif I makc'not prcUnt pjoney tofurthcrmy ▼oyage bcgun,all's loft and all J haue laid out BDout if. Q«hound StcHritie Will fmcl ou t read y money for y ou in ftari tly. Pf/rtf.There fpake an Angchto bring her too which confor- mit)',Iinuftfaincmy felfeextrrtmlv amorous j and alicadging vrgent excufes for my ftay behind, part with ficr as pafsionatC' ly,as flic would from her foyflingboynd. , Q«»,You haue the Sowe by the right care Sirs! warrantthere was rtcucr Childe longd more to ride a Coclc-horfc.or weare his new coatc then fhe longs to ride in her new CoachsShe would long for euery thing when Ihec was a maide ) and now Hie will runnc mad for Jiem ; I'lay my life Q^c wil hauecucry yeare fourc " children; and what charge ai^d change of humour,you mud en- dure while /he is with childe '-, and how flicfc will -tie you to youi tackling till flic be with child,.a Dogge would not endure. Nay, there is no turncfpit Dog bound to his whcele more feruily,thc you flialbeto her wheelc s For as that Dogge.can neiicrclimbc. the toppe of his wheele , butwhcn the toppc coiiies vnder him; fo fliall you ncuer clirabc the lop of her contentment, but whei^ £he is vnder you. 7.By my faith but he /hal notgo fir ^I /hal fwpwne & he fup from me. Pet Vriy thee forbeare,(hal he loofe his prouifion? gjr.l by Lady Sir/ather then I loofe ray longing; come in I {ay:a$ I am a Lftdy you fhal not goc; Q^ic.l told him- VKhat a Burre he had gotten. Sfw.Ifyou will not fuppe from your Knight, Madam, let mec cntreityour Ladilliip to fuppe at my houfc-with him . ^ir.No by my faith fir^thcn we cannot be a bed loone eBou^h after fiipper» ** P«-/.\\ hat a medicine is this? well Maifter Sec$trity , you are new married as well as Jj Ihope you are.bound as well:wc mnft honour our yong wiucs you know. ^ic. In policie Dad.tiU to morrow /he has fcafd, SecM.lhopzm the mornin* yet your Knight-hood will breake fcftwithme. /*<•/, As earely as you will fir. (gaod fr, Seca.l thank yoiirgood worfliip;! da hufuger and thirfl to dojcft ■ Gir.ComcSyiectKtn^ht cornel do hf/^igerttnd thtrli to hi 4 bed with thee. Exeunt^ AftusTcrtij., jccna Prima. Enter Petre>ie/,Cluickf/i/Her,Secuntj!,'Braml>U,c} IVinnifiidi P«/ Jhankes (or your fcaft-like Breakefaft good Maifter Sir- curitj , lamforric, Cbyrcafonofmyinftanthafletoffflonga voiage as t;;>/«»;W,)I am without mcanes by any kind amends- to (hew how affcaionatly I take j'our kindncs, & to ccfirme by feme woithy Cercmojiy a pcrpctuall league of friendfiiip be- twixt v$. *^ S««. bccellcnt knighttlet this be atokc betwixt v$ of inuiolable tnf(h!p.I am new niarried to this f aire Gemlcw<«jh.i vou knowj and by my hope to make her fruitful! thoi^h \ bcc fomcthing - ■- ' . . ._,... jn_ in yeafes)! vowc faithfully vnM you , to tnake you Godfachw (though in your abfencc)to the firll child I am blcft withall .• & neccforth call me Goflip 1 bcfccch you.if you p!eafc to accept it.' Tft.la the highcftf degree of gravitude, my moil worthy Gof- fip^ for confirmation or which friendly title.letmcentreatemy fairc Goflip your Wife hereto accept th's Diamond ,and]keepc it as my gift to her firft Child,whercfocuer my Fortunem eucnt of my Voyage fhall beftowc me. . SecHr.\\oyv how my coye wcdlocke ! make you ftrangc of fo Noble a fauour ? take it I charge you,with all afFcftion, and (by way oftakin^ your leaue^ prcfent boldly your lips to our honourable GoHip. ^icMovf ventrous he is to him and how iealousto others.' T^?, Long may this kind touch of our lips Print in our hearts all the formes of afFeftion. And now my good Goflip, if the writingsbercadytowhichmy wife fhould feale, let them bee brought this morning,bcforcihe takes Coach into the countrie, a nd my kindncffe fliall worke her to difpatch it. Securi.The writings arc ready Sir.My learned counfell here, Maider 'Br4ml>/e the Lawyer hath perufdc them; and within this hourc.I will bring the Scriucnour with them toyourwor- fhipfull Lady. Tft.Good Maifter Bramble^ will here take my leaueof you then')God fend you fortunate Pleas fir,and contentious Clients. 'Bramtkad. you forcright winds fir,& a fortunate voyage. Exifr Enter ttLMejftrger, Me f Sit Petrone/,hetc are three or fowre Gentlemen defire to fpeakc with you. P*r.What are they? QfjV^.Thcy are your followers in this voyage Knight, Cap- taine i'M^*/andhis aflbciates,! met them this raorning,and told them you would be here. P«t. Let them enter I pray you,I know they long to begone, for their ftay is dangerous. . Enfer Seaml,Sc4pethrift,and Sfendall. . iVrf^God faue my honoutable Collonell. 7'(r^Welcomp good Captaine Sea^ul,XAd worthy GcntlcmS, if you will mecte my friend Fran k^hcre, andmce, at the bicwe Anchor Taucrn? by BiUinfgate this Euening', wee will there drjnke to our happy voy4ge,bc'lticny> and take Boate to our Shi|)witli all expedition.;;: iv ..• •'.■.;.ii' - •. f ' ' Spe»d. ] S](v«^ Dcfisafe it no lon^^rr 1 befcKSr yottfir,bofc aiyb»ir««oyi aackiaihettacirrycddoiti^iHd in aik>thrr$ kn gHt* nsdRO^- for your mvnc iafctte and oiir*, lets it bie tdiitmuedjdur irtcnng &"fpi:cciic purpofc of departing knownt to aj few as if is pofsi- bUjicaft your £-4>Wcllaauird Captaine,oiir CoibnetlYhiilliiauenione^ ihismorning to difpach all our dcpanurci,bring 'hofeGcntlc- tncn at nigbt to the place appoinfed,and wKh our skinncs iiii of vint;^ge,wieelc take occafion by the vantage,and away. S/;♦ P#r.lwillfor(oothprcrent!y. Exit. Enter f^iflrejfe Fond,and Afifrejje GnK^r. Fond. Come fwcc tc Miftreflc Gaz^r , lets watch hcre.and fee my Lady F/afie ta:kc coach. Gaz^k my woid here's a mofl fine place to (land in, did yon feethencwniiplanchtlaftday,Mifbrcnefowach?coach.ray Ladyes coach. Exitt Cjr.Aslim a Lady.Ithink I am vrith child alrcady.l long for a coach fojmay one be ier. Q«»(r;(^.I Madam. C»>.: Doft remember fincc thou and I cljpt what d'yc'caltJ ia the Garret. Quickfl know not w hat you ttieanc.Madjm. Cjr.His held as wf re as mili^e, 4il flaxen iras his h^ire: "Bttt «♦» be ti dead^t^ndUid m his 'Bed, tAnd neuer villcome Ag^tine. God be at your labour. Enter Touch. Gaulding. CMild. mth Rofem^rj, Pet Was there cuerfuch a Lady? Quick- Sec M adam,t he Bridegrome, Gr .Gods my precious/God giucyou)f>y.MiOri{Ie WhatUha ^ow.Now oui vpon thee B3ggage;my fide? married in a TafFcta Hat? Marie hang yoiv Weftward with awanionte'yef, Naiel hauedoncweye Minion then y'faith, neuer looketo hauemy conn tcnance any move ;nor any thing I can doc for thee. Thou ride in my coacli? or come doAne to my Caft'e?fie vpcnthcc : I charge thee in iry Ladiil^ips name,calmeSiflcrno more: Teuch.An'i pleafe your worlliip, this is not your fitter : Thii is my d juglitcr.and /lie call me Fatner, and fo dcei not yoiir Ladi* {hip.an'tplcafc your wor/hip Madam, Miff. 7 ouch. No nor file muft not call thee Father by HeraU drit, Ltcaufe tiiou niak ft thy Prcntife thy Sonne as wel as fhcc t Ah thou mifproudc Prcntjfe,dar'l{ thou prefumc to marry a La- dies fiftcr? (/o/. It pleafd my Maflcr forfooth to embolden me with his fauocr. And though I confcffeiuyfelfc far vnworthy fo wortiiy a wifc'^bcing in part,hcr feruant,as I am your prcntirc)yet (fincc I may lay it without boalhng) I am borne a Gcntlenian,and by tlic Trade 1 hauelearn'd of my maiftcr ( which I trufl taints not my bIood)able with mine ownc Indudrie and portion to main- tainey our daughterpny hope is,hcaucn will fo blcflc our humble Dz begin- EC4t!Sfvi^fRT^ nog. ♦ lte^inomg,tTiat In the eni T (halbe no difgrace to the grace wiA which m/ M i(l.T hath bound me hn double Prcntifc. Touch, Maflcr mec no more Sonne, if thou think'ft mc worthy to be thy father. <7i>.Sun/'Now good Lord how he fliines & you markchimi hccs a gentleman. y Goidld.l indeede Madam,a Gentleman borne* 'Pitt Neuer (land a' your Gentryc M. Bridgegrime.-if your legges be no bctrer then your AmicJ,you'lebe able to (land vp- on neither fliortly. Touch. An't pleafeyour good wor/hippe air, there are two forts of Gentlemen. 7*^. What meane you Sir? Touch.^oXii to put off my hat to your worfhippe, Pi'/.Nay pray forbeare Sir,& then foorih with your two forts ofGentlemen. Touch My o\xt worrtiip wil haueit fo?I fay there arc two forts ofGentlemen: There is a Gentleman Artificia!,& a Gentleman Natural!; No '.v, though your worfli.p be a Gentleman naturall; Worke vpon that now. .^«Vi^.Wclfaid o!de7*w;E>,Iaraproude_tohea!fc thcecntera- fetfpeechyfaith/orth 1 befeechthec. ^ TbwfA.Cric you mtfrcieSir',yourwor(jhip'$ a Gentleman Ido not knovv? if you bee one of my acquamtance y'are vencmuch difguifdeSir. i ,^»Vi^.Go too old Q^iipper:fbrth with thy fpccch 1 fay. TouchyihM. Sir,my (peechci'werc eucr in vaine to your gra« tious worlhip ^ And therforc till I fpcalce to you gollantry in^ -deed.I will faof my breath for my brpthanon.Come my poore • fonne and daughterf Let vs hide our felues in our poore humili- •tie and liue fafc: Ambition confumesit felie,wuh the very (how* ^orkevpoHihatnorPj ' JSyr^tt him goe.let him goe for Gods fakeslet him ttiakc his Prentife , his fonnc for Gods fake-.- giufe away his daughter for •Gods fake: and when they com? a begging to vs tor GocSs fake, let's laugh at their good husbandry for Gods fake. Farewell iwecfc Knighf, pray thee make haltc afier. P*r .What Ihall I fayjl would not hauc thee goc, .^uici^NOfO now, I mu/i deptwn 9,trtiti^ though it nhfenct mout. .Thu^ittic , Knight, doe 1 fee vx tliy lookes in Capitall Letters. U/hae fFhatAgriefktis t6'ii*^^t,4HiiU4iig tbefitfinr fb/aliM m/ieHrti Myfweet Lady^ndalackefor woe, whyHoHldriefart/o. Tell truth Knight,iancl fllamc all diiTcmbhng Loners , ddcs not your painciye on that fide/' ' • ret.li'xt docjcaaft thou rcU me how I may cur* it ? .^Vf^Kxcellentcafily : dctiidc your fclfe in twohalfcs, iuft by the gjrdleftcad,firn4 one halte with yous LadViand keepc the totheryburfcJferorelicdoasall trueLoufcrs doe, part with, your heart and leaiie yo^t'bddy behind ; 1 haue feen't cfone a hundred times.Tis as cafie a matter ifor a rolTcrto part without a heart from his fweet heart , and he nere the worfe : as for a Moufe to get from a trap & leaitcber tailtf behind him. See here comes ihe writings. ■ '••. i Muter Secwitjvith^fcriMener, Secu.Good morrow to my worfhipfilU Lady. I prefentyoar ladifliip with this wfiting, to which if you jpleafe to fct yo'or hand,wuh yourKnights,aveluetGoWne fliallattendyouif iour-, . oey amy credit. CinWhat Writing is it Knight? Tet.The fale(fwcet«heart)of thepoore Tenement 1 told thee ofF.onely to make a little money to fend thee dowrte fiirniturc for my Caftlc, to whiehmy hand ftiall leadlhcc, C/r.Vcrywell:Nowgiueme'yo»irPenIpray. • ^»H.It goes downc without chewing y'faith. '■ • iycri*.Ycur vvorfhips deliuer this as your deed-? Amho,\NcAoc. G»>.So now Knight fatwell till I fee Pf/.AJl farewell to my fwcct hearr, (thee. C!W//?.ro«fyfi.Gc»d-boy fonne Knight. Pf/.Farewell my good mother. G»r .Farewell fr/iwc^I would faine take thee downeiff could. £lMicke/UMir.l thankeypurgoodLadi/hip^arcwell MiftrisS/»- de^. Exenntt P^r.O tedious Voyagejwhereofthcre is coende' What will they thinke of me? ^Jci^.Thinke what they lifttThey long'd for a vagarie into the Country ,5c now thfcy are fitted ; So a woman marry to ride in a coach,(hc cares notii/lic ride to her ruioe:Tis the great end of many of their marriages : This is not firft time a Lady has riddr a falfc iourney in Btr Coach I hope. Pf r.Nay,tis no marte*,! care little what they thinke s hec that waies mens thoughts,has his hands fnl of nothing : A mania thecourfcofthisvVorld'flxjbildbc like aSurgions inftrumcnt, • - wnike WorkeJn the wounds ofother$,and feclenothinghimfcIfe'The {K3rpcr,and fubtlv.r,tlie better. Q»/r.AsitfallsoutiK)wICnight, yoii(Iiallnotnccdc t'->dc- iiifecxcufc?,or endure her out-crics,when/]'crctiur-cs:wcflial now begone before, where they cannot reaq^ vs. Pet, X^cWmyVmA Compere yonhiMz now th'alTunnc; wcc both can makcyou',lttmenow intrcatyou, the money wee a- •grced on may be brought 'o the 'BUiv C^nchnr^nnrz to DilUngf- ^/?4«i ii>«»g«- 1 • To taflthedearefcaftcfhercoinpafiy. And if the hunger and the thirst you vow C As my fworne Gj/^pjto my willicd good, Be(as 1 know it is)vnfaind and firmc, Do me an eafie fauour in your power. .Jtffw.Bc fure braue C»j^/),aU that I cando To my bcft Nerue,is wholy at your ferdice; .Who is the woman(fir[l)that is our Friend? "Pf/.The wonian is your learned Counccls wife. The Lawyer Maiilcr ^r<»W/ Stcttrity. Pf f.So/o,Now Fmnckf goe thou home to his houfe. Stead of his tawycrs,and bring his wife hether: Who iuft hkc to the Lawyers wife is prifon'd. With eyes flernc vfurous idouHe which could nciier Be ouer rcacht thus.but with ouer-reaching. E«r ontHtfodaine. . ■.'J''-r^/>r.m .' ♦ .^*»f.God$ met?\^e''j thcmifchiefevtut harke you,her*san excellent deuice : fore Qud a rare one .-!! will cat ry her. a Sailers gowneandcap,andcq.acrlier;ahd.i:playersi>eard, ,. } ' 7'^^And what vpon her head?-. Q«ic^.l tell you a SayUrs Cap^flight God forgiuemeywhat kindofn^entitihnbryhaueyou} • P/r.Nay then,whatkind o^'figent wit haft thou? A.Saylerscap?hownia|inieputitofF , . When thouprefentfl her to ourxorapany J t' .^ir.Tumman.fotthat.inake-hcrafawcieSaylcr. ■ Pet.Tuih eufli,ti$ no fit fawce forfuch Iwccte mBltonsT know notwhatt'aduife. Sitter Se-uruj,iritb hit mMfsGomie^ iSrnvr.Knighttknighr a rare deuif<^. P^^^wnes yet againe. ,^if i^.What (Iratageme haue you now ? SecM.lhc bcfl that euer.You talktof difguifing ? Pff .1 mary Goffip thatt our prefen t care. .Srrw.Caft care away then here's the bed deuice For plaine J'*f*ri>7(for 1 am no better) I thinke that euet liu'd : beer's tnv wiues go wne WhichyoutnayputvpontheLawyerswiFe, ^ And which I brought you firtforiwc greatrcafons, Oncit,thatMaiftcr 3r4M^/rajay take hold Of fome fufpicion that it is my wife, And gird me To perhappes with his law wit; The other(v^ich is policv indeed^ Isjthatmywifemay now lie tied at home, Hauing no more but her old gownc abroad, And not fliowe me a quirck,whiles Ifyrkeothers« Is notthitrarr/ e^-w^*?. The bcft that tucrwaiw Seci»,Am I not borne to furniih Geodeima i* "Pet.O my dearc Goflip I S^fw^Well hold Mzidet FrMMte, watch wJicn the Lawyer** out,and put it inj And now -•! will go fetch him. ^■*"« x;yio^ »y~Yij\yj nu x:.. — — — ' r- , t » ^> - ^ick . O my clad ! hce gocj aj'twerc the Dcuill to fetch ih^ Lawvcr,ar.cl dciiill Hiall he DC,if horn cj will makrhim. y^AVhy how now GofTip.why flay you there mufing.' Secttr. A toy a toy runnes in my hed ytaith. ^^ick.A poxofthat headps there more toyes yet? Tetr. What is it pray thee Gofflp.' 5f f*r.Why Sir J wnatif you fhould flip away now wilh my wiues beft gowne,l hauin^no fecuritie for it? ^ick.Tor that I hope Dad you will take our words. Secur.l by th'maflc your word thats a proper ftafFc For wife Securitie to leane vpon; But tis no matter,once ile truft my Name, On your crakt credits,Iet it take no Hiame, Fetch the wench Francke. Exit j^ick^Xe waite vpon you fir. And fetch you ouer,you were ncuer fo fetcht.* Go to the Tauetnc Kni^ht.your followers Dare not be drunke I thmkcbcfore their Captaine. Exiu '7'(fr,Would I might lead them to no hotter feruice, Till our Virginian gould were in our purfcs. Exit. Enter Seagun,Sfendat,a>id Scape thrift in the Ttmerne with a Drarver. Sea, Come Drawer, pierce your ncateft Hogfheads, and lets hauecheare, not fitforyourBillinofgateTaueinc, butforour Virginian Colonth\\c will be here instantly. (Wine. Drav.'Yow Hial hauc al things fit finplcafc you hauc any more Spend-MoTc wine Slaue?whcther we drinke it or no,fpill it,& drawc more. Scap.ViW al the pottesin yourhoufe with al forts of licour,and Ict'hem waite on vs here Hke Souldiers in their Pewter coatcsj And though we doe not eroploie them now, yet we will main- tainc'hem,till we doe. j 'Dr^w.Said like an honourable Captaincjyou flial haue al you can commaund Sir. Exit Drarver. t Sea . Come b oXes , Virginia longs till wc fliare the reft of her Maiden-head. Sj>end,\M\\y is fhe inhabited alreadie with any Englipj} Sif J. A. whole Countrie of Knglifh is there man.bread ofthofc t^at wcrclifcthcrcin 79 .they hauc married with the ]ndiam,& maktf'hrm brinj forth as beainifull faces as any wc haue in Eng- £ land : ^ ^^^ s.—' -li-'-* i\y ■•*•' t-* c, land;and therefore the Indians are fo in louc with'hcm.that all the trcafjrc they hauc.they lay at their fecte, Srjjp.But ij there fiich t::afurc there Captainc ,as I haue heardj %eA. ItellthcCjGoldcis more plemifuU there then Copprr jj y/ith vs .• and forasmuch rcddc Copper as 1 can br'fnp, i!c haoc thrife the waight in Gold . Why man ail their dripping Pans, and their Chamber potts arc pure gould ; andalltheChaines, with wliich they chainc vp their rt rcctcs, arc ma(Tic-Gold;all the Prifo- ners they take arc fcterdtn Gold: & for Rubies &Diam6ds,they goc forth on holydayes 3c gather 'hem by the Sca-ftiore,to hang on their children? Coatjs, and (Vicke in their childrens Caps, as commonly as cur children weaic SatFroo gilt Brooches, and gro- ates with hoalcs «i hem. Sf jJ.And IS it.i p'eafant Countrie withall? Sf.*. As euer the funne fhind on : temperate and ful of all forts of excellent viands', wilde Bore is as common there,as our tameft Bacon ii here:Veniron,as M ntton . And then you {lull hue ftetly tii;;re,vvithoutSargCMnts, or Courtiers, or Lawyers, or inteliigen* ccis. Then for your meanes to aduanccmeix, there, it is fimple, and not prcpoRcroufly mixt : You may bee an Alderman there, and ncuer be Scauingcr,you may bee any other officer, and neuer bcaSlauc. You may come to preferment enough,and ncuer be ti^.indxr. To Riches and Fortune enough, and haue ncuci the njorc villanic,nor the Icflc wittc. Bcfides, there wee ftiall haue no wore Law then confcience , and not too much of eyther", feme God enough ,eate and diinke inough , and cntHgh U m goodM Spend. Gods me ! and how farrc is it thethcr ? Sca.Some fix wcckcs faile no more , with any indifferent good "Windc : And if I get to any part of the coafte of (tytjfrica, ilo faile thcther with any windc. Or when T come to Cape Finijier, ther's aforcrightwinde coniinuall wafts vs till we come iQFirginu.St,iy eur Collonclfs come. Enter fir Petroneltvcith hisfoltovtrs. 1>et. Well met good Captainc SeagHlIjua^ my Noble Gentle* men ! Now the fwcetc hourc of our freedomeis at hand. Come Tir Offer : Fill vs fomccarowfcs ; and prepare vs for the mirth, that Will beoccafioned prefently.- Here will be apretty vvenchc Gen- t3cmen,that will beare vs company all our voyage. .Sm, Whatlocuei fbc be ; here's to her health Noble Colonel!, ' ~ both both with Cap and Knee. P*/.Thankc$ kinde Captainc Sea^nlh, (lice's one I loue dear- ly : and muft not be knownc till wc be free from all that knowe vs:And io Gcntlcmen,hccr'« to her health, Kmh. Let it come worthy QoWonzU ^fV^ee doe hMiiger Attd thirflfor it, Petro. Afore hcauen . you haiie hitte the phrafe of one that hcrprefencc will touch, from the foote to the forhead,ifyce knew it. Spetid.Why then wc will ioyne his f orhead , with her Htalth, Gt : and CiptiiacScapethnfi,hcct's to *hcm both. EntcrSecuritie and'^ramhle. Sfc».See,fec,Malfler 'Bramblcsiotc heaiien their voyage can* not b'jt profpcr,thcy arc o'their knees for fucceffe to it. "Bram.KnA they pray to God "Bacchus. Sicu. God faue ray braue Colonell with all hij tall Captaines andCorporall5*)fccfir,my worftiiphill learned CounfailcM. "BramblftM come to take his Icaue of you. P^f.Wor/liipful M,lir(««»^/f ,how farre doe yon draw vs into thefwcctc brycrofyour kindnes'come Captain Si'rf^^/janother health to this rare Br^/tf,thathathncucra prickc about him, Sm. I pledge his moft fmoolh difpofition fir : come maiftcc Src«r;V/>,bcnd your fupportcrs, & pledge this notorious health here. S-cw.Bend you your likewife, M, gamble, for it is you (hall pledge mc. S^'-^.Not (o,MSecuntie,\\t muft not plcadgc his owne health! Sff/^.No Maifter Captainc. Enter ^^ickepluer viih H'innj difguis'd Why then here's one is fitly come to doe him that honour, ^ick. Here's the Gentlewoman your cofin fir, whom with much emrcatie I hauc bronght to take her Icaue of you in a Ta- ucrnc •, afliani'd whcrcof,you muft pardon her if Ac put not ofF her Maskc. P<'/.Pardon me fwcete Cofen^my kinde dcfirc to (ce you before I wcnt,madc me fo importunate to entreat your prcfcncc here. Sfc«.How now,M.f rrfM«j:bauc you honour'd this prcfcncc with a fairc Gs;ntlewomaa? ,^»»V^.Pray fir, take you no «o:ice of her, for flic will not be knownc to yoiL Sf f *.B«t my learn'd Counfaile,' M. Br4m^/e here, I hope may know her. . ,_ . ^ '^iCi^J^Jo iparc then yo« fir,at this time , hii learning muft pardon her. > ■ Sirw.Wcll;God pardon her for my part,and I do,tlc be fworne: andfoMaincrfr4»fM,heer'sto all that arc going Haflward to night.towards CuckJioUs hMteny and Co to the health of Mai- iXtr'Sramkle. ^ici^.iplcdgc it fifjhath it gone round,Captainc$? S M,lthas fwect f rd»r^and the round clofcs with thcc, jQuick-^cW fir.hcrc's to al Eaftward and toward Cuclcoldj, and fo to famous Cuckholdj hAuen fo fatally remembred. Surgitt Ttf/.Nay pray thee Cuz weepe notGolTip Seemritji SecH.l nay braue GolTip. Vft. A word I befeech you Gr, opr friend, Miftreffe Bramble hcri,i$ fodiflola'din tearcs,that flie drowns the whole mirth of our meeting: fwectGoflip,takc her afidc and comfort her, StcH. Attyof alltruc loue, Miftrefle 'Bramble , what weepe you to inioy your loue i whats the caufc Lady i iR becanfc your husband is fo ncere and your heart earnes,to haue a little abufd him i AlUas.Ahlas the offence is too common to bee refpe£ted.' Sogreatagrace.hathfeldomechanc'dtofo vnthankfuU a wo- nun, to be rid of an old iealous Dotard: to inioy the armes of a louing young Knight: that when your prick -Icfle Brambleit withered with griefe of your lofTe , will make you flonfh a frcfh in the bed of a Lady. EnUr Drawer t Draxf.Sn Vetrnnel^Mxei one of your Witerracn come to tell you.it wil be flood thefe three howret: aud that t w'll! be darge- rous going a^ainft the Tide: for the fkie is ouer call, and there was a Porpike , euen now fccne at London bridge,which is al- wayc^ the meflTenger of tempefls,he fayes. Vet. APorpifirc? whats that to th'purpofe? charge him if hee loue his life to attend v$:can wc not reach BlackpaU(vihae my fhip lies^againft the tidc,and m fpight of Tempefls ? Captaynes and Gentlemen, wcc'li begin a new ccremonie at the beginning of our voyage,which 1 belceue will be foUowed of all future ad- ocntures. Sf-J.Whats that good CMnell i Vet.Thii Captaine SftguU : wec'll haue our prouided fupper brought brought a bord Sir f>v4»rifZ)r4^^i- Ship, that hath compaR the worldrvvhcrc with full Cups, and Banquets wee will doc facri- ficcforaprofpejous voyage. My mind giucsmc that fomc good Spirits ot the waters ftiould haunt the defart ribs of hcrj and be aufpicious to all that honour her racmory.and will with like Orgies enter their voyages. Sw.Rarely conceiptcd .* one health more to this motion, and aboard to perforraeit.Hc that wil not this night be dronkc,may he ncucr be fober. Thcj i ompajfe in IVjmifitd,da>^nce the dronkeHround,aKdclrinkecar0rrfes. "Bram.Sir Petrofif l/,3nd his honourable Captaines, inthefe young (t juices, we old Seruitors may be fparcd : We oiicly came to take our leaues,and with one health to you all, lie be bold ta do fo. Here neighbour Sccuritj, to the health of Sir PetroaeU, andailhisCaptaincs. , SecurJYou muft ben(j thet^ Mailler '3raml>/f,(o,novi I am for yQU.'lhaueonc'cprincrofmy braine, lhope,fit to beare one caroufe more. Here Lady, to you that are incompaftthere,and are afham'd of our company .Ha,ha,ha,by my troth,(my Icarnd counfaile Maifter 'BrambU)my mind runnes fo of Cftckjxoldes' hauen to niglif,that my head runnes ouer with admiration. ^r.LooktvpFatherpre you acquainted with this Markc? J^fx.What .' landed as Chsk^tlis «4« I wilgrouellhere.andeatedurttjllbechoaktjlwill make the gentle earth do that the cruell water has denied me. S/<>.Alas soodfather.be not Co derperate^Rife man,if you wil ilecomeprefcntly and lead you home. Sccif, Home / rhall I make any know tny Home , that has knowneme thus abrode?howlowefhal I crouch away,thacnoe eye may (ee me? I vvil creepe on the earth while I liue,and ncuer lookeheauen in the face more. Exit creep. S/»>. What young P/Met raignes now troe,that old men are lb foolilTi? What dcfpcrate young fwaggerer would haue bccnc a- broadfuch a weather astnis.vpon thewatcr?Ay me/ee another remnant of this vnfottunate Inip-wrack / or fomc other.A wo- manyfaith.'a womnnthoughitbealmoftatS. ^rf/A^r»/, Idif- ccrne it to be a woman for al her body is abouc the water,& her cloths fwim about Jicr moft handfomely. O they beare her vp moftbraudy/hainotawomanrcaronto loue the taking vpof her cloaths the better while (he liucs.foT this? Alas, how bufic the rude thamf) is about her? A pox a'that wauc.It will drowne hcr,yfaith,twi!ldrownchcr.Cryc God mercyjfliee has fcapt it.I thank heaucn fhe has fcapt it.O how fhc fwims like a Mermaid fome vigilant body lookeoutj&faueheri Thatswellfaid, inft nherethe PriefifeU i»,thacs one fets downe a Ladder,& goes to take her vp.Gods blefilng a thy heart boy, now take her vp in thy armes & to bed with hcr,fhecs vp,fhee8 vp / fhecs a beauti- fiill woman I warrant hcr,theBillowesdurfl not dcuoure her» Enter the Drawer in the TnHcrne before n'tth Winrtifrid, D^-rfw-How fare y ou now Ladyi EASTy-'AH^ytiOE, «^««.Mucli better, my 2;ood friend then I wifh : a$ one def- pcraic of her Fami.now my l)fc is prcferu'd. T^nvv. Comfort ycur fclfc : That power that prefcrucd you from death .• can likewiTc defend you from infamic, howfocucr you defcrue it. Were not you one that tooke Bote late this night, wi:h a Knii;ht,and other Gvntlcmcn at BUUngs-gate ? fTrww.Vnhappy that I am,T was. Draw, I am glad it was my good happc to come downe thus farrc after you , to a houfc of my friends hecre in S . Katherints^ fince I am now happily ma^e a m;anc to your rcfcuc, from the ruthlelTe tempeft} which (when you tooke Boatcj wasfoex- treamc,and the Gentleman that brought you forth,fo defperate and vnfober , that I fear'd long ere tnis I (hould hearc of your iliip- wracke,and therefore ( with little other reafon ) made thus farre this way .• And this I m ift tell you, fince perhaps you may make vfc of it,thcre was left behind you at our tauernc.brought by a Porter { hir'd by the young Gentleman that brought you) a Gentlewomans Gowne, Hat , Stockins , and (hooes ; which i. th:y bee yours , and you pleafe to fhift you , taking a hard bed hsre^in this houfe of my friend, I will prcfently go fetch you. ^y/»».Thankcs ray good friend, rbr your more then good newes. The Gewne with all things bound with it arc mine; which if you pleafe to fetch as you haue promid, I will bouldly re:eiue the kinde fauour you haue offered,till your returne ; ia< treating you, by all the good you haue done in prefcrulnemec hitherto.to Ice none take knowledge of what fauour you oo me, ot where fuch a one at I,am be(lowed,leaflyouincurre me much more damige in my fame, then you haue donemee pleafurein prcferuin^ my life, 'Draw. Come in Lady , and (hift your felfe ; refolucthat no- thingjbut your o ^nc pleafiire, Hjall be vfde in your difcouery* rf^-w^.Thankc you good friend ; the time raayxome , Khali requite you. Exeunt, -ii S/*>.See,fee,fee .' I ho'd my life,there's fotne other a taking vp at yf^appi>i(,novfl Looke.what a fort of piopl? clufter about the Gallows therein good troth it is fo.O mc.'a fine young Genth- mati! What ? & talcen vp at the GaUowei?H:auen gra'int.he be not one day taken downe there: A,my life it is ominous.Wcll,he is deliuered fbrthetim:,! fee the people haue al left himyet wil I keipc my profpeft a while , to fee if any more haucbin fhip- wrackt. C •■^«""' '^ Et/fStfTAAD HOE. Enter ^fwk.l>4r^rtuL ^»Vi.Accur*ft that cuer I wa« fau'd,or borne. ' Howfatkllismyfadrfriudihertf ^' ' As if th« J'Mrrw.and TV^^KiWjrwf fpake to me. And faidjthe drift of al rnlawfijil courfcs, (Wfiat cuer end they -Jarc propol: themfeluei; In frame of their hcentious policyes.) Inthefirmc order of iuft Dfjiimv^ ' They are the ready high waVes Wi Our Ruinei. I know not what to dje,my wicked hopes Arc,withthiiTcTnpeftjtori»evpl>ythcroow«s not whether he be in France.orin Englandjwhe he (e^ 'btmPVViat rhall we do?we muft cenc to'hcni, and intrtat fomo re!ic>cot'iKm: LifeisfW^ctey-ind wtc haue noothfi ffi^a^iMt* rchcus our hues ntJW;butthfirCharitiei5 ♦^t,- SeM.Vtay you, do you b« pnliem then you can fpeale French. Pet.KMonJieKr^laifi ildaunrfUy de »oflre grdndinfortUHei.If 'fuuvnf«nrt CbeU4lier TytySngUttrreqHi aftiffritirfortHfitde Uaufrage, . „ ' , \.Gen.VnfoureCheiMUer't>'A»gliterrf? Out LMonjiettrttleJi trof vray\ maif voHsfcauet hienntHsfimet toHtesfuhieB a fortune. i.Gen.K poorelCnight of Endand ?a poore Knight tffVindfon arc you not?Why fpcake you this broken French , when y'are a whole engUrh mah^on what coaft arc you fhinke you ? 1 .Gen.On the coaft of Doggej (ir.'Y'are ithV/f a 'Dogges I tel yott I fee y'auc bin waflit in the Thames here, & I bclecue yee were drownd in a Taueme bcforc,or els you would neuer hauc tokc b oat in fuch a dawning as this was.Fare well/are wel,we wil not know you for Hiamingof you.I ken the man wccl , hees one oS rny thirty pound knigjhts. » .CI hope I haue fome trickeipn this braine of mine* fiiailnotletvspenih, • S*4, Wcl faid Ftdnel^yhith.O my nimble-fpirited ^d^^lnef Foregod would thou hadft bcene our CoUoncU, fB-a liAStlvARD HOE. 7etrA like his fplrit rareljr,but I fee no meanes he hat to fup* port that fpirit. ^ T ' . ^ick> Go too Knight, I haue more mcancs then thoii arta* ware oiF- 1 haue nut liu'd amon»(^ Gould-fniths and Gouldma- kers all this while.but I haue learned fomcthing worthy oftaf time with 'hem. And not to let thee flincke where thott (landil Knight .He let thee know fome of my skjll prefcnily, Sea. Doe good f r<»»ri^if I befccch thee. ^ici^l wiil blanch copoer Co cunningly,tliat it Ihall endure a1lproofes,buttheTeft:itfliall endure mallcation, it Ihall haue thcponderofitie ofZ.««rf,and the tenacity of Luna joy no means '?r/.Sli2;ht,whcrc Icarnft'thou thefe tearme$,tro? Cfriablc, ^ic%Tii(\i Knight,thetearmes of this Artc,euery ignorant Quack-falu?rij perfect in: but iletv'll you how your felfe Ihall blanch Copper thus cunningly. Take tyfrfnickftorhaviiit cal- led /?M/^^f which indeed isplaine /J4//^<«»<')Sublimc'hcm threa or foure times , then take the fublimate of tiiis 'B^alga, and put 'hem into a Gladcj into QojmU , 8c let them haue a conucnient decp^lion Natural, foure and twenty howre!!,6c he wil become perrcifWyfixt fThen take this fixed powdcr,& proitft him vp- on welpiirgd Copper^et hal>ehf Magifterutm* A«^(?.ExcellentFr<*w;^letvihuffgethec. .^jf.Nay this I wil do bcfidcsjile take you off twcluepcncc from cucry Angell,with a kinde of A^nafartis^ind ncucr deface any part of the Image. /'f/.But then it will want weight. ^tckf You fhail reflore that thus ; Take joMr/al Achime !)repar'd, & your diftild Vrinc ajid let your Angch lie in it but oure and twenty houres,6c they fhatHuuc thtk perfeft weight againe : corns on now , I holde (his is enough to put forac fpirili into the liucrs of you, lie inriife more an ctner time * Wee haue faluted th« proud Ayre long enough with our bare skonces» now will I naueyou to a wenches hoafc ofmine at London,^ there make ihiftto/Iiiftvs.and after take fuch fortunes as the ftarreslhallafsigncvsc - * Aw^tf.Notable Framkyic will euer auorc thee. BxtHut, Enter Drawer with fVjmifridynew attired. W/w.Now fwec£e friend you haue broijght me neere enough yoarTaucrne, vrhich i dehted I njight vsith focic colour n»; Fs fccd« EASTtFAMiS> HOE. feene neare,inquiring for ray hustandswho I moft tell you flole thcthcrthe laft night with my wet go woe wchaue left at your frieack: which, to continue your fortner heneft kind.ncs,lct mc pray you to keepc clofe from the knowledge of anyjand fo with all vow of your rcqui tall, let mc now entreat you to leaue me to niy womatu wit.and fo. tune. DrMwer. Ai, (halbe done you deiSre 5 and fo al the fortune ypn can wifli for, attend you. Exit Bra, EHttr Sccnntj. Seen. I ynl once more to this vnhappy Tauerne before 1 {hilt one » aggc of me mote , that I m^ there know what is left bc- hmd.and what newes of their pafleneers : 1 haue bought me t Hat and band with the little mopey Ihad about me , and made the (Ireats a litje leaue Hanng at my night-cap. ffyn.O my dcare husband 1 where haue you bin to night ? all night abroade at Tauernejprob me of my garments ?and,fare as one run away from me ? Ahlas I it this fecmcly for a man of your credit^of your age ? and afFe^on to your wife? S^cw.What fliould lfay?bowmiraculou(ly forts this/was not I athome.and cald thee laft night/ W/«,Yes Sir.the harmeleffe fleepe you broke,and my anfwer to you would haue witne{lit,ifyou had had thep^tirnce tuhaue flaid and anfwcrcd mt\ but your fo fodain rctrait,madc mc ima- gine you were gone to M . "Sramt/es, and Co reftcd paticnt.and nopcfull of your comming againe, till thi» your vnbeleeued ab- feiicc brought mcabrodc with no hdc then wonder, toficeke you where the (a!fe Knight had carried you. S««.Villainc,&Monftcrthat 1 wa>,how hauel abuf 'd thee? I was fuddcniy gone indeed ! for my fodaine ieloulie tranfferred m ,T will fiy no more but this deare wife Ifufpeftcd thee. ifynDid you fufpeii mc? , SrfAf.Talkcnotofitlbcfcechthcei I am afhamed to imagine it»Twi]l hopie.I will home.and eucry morning on my knc«$ askc tl>eche;irf 5lic forgiuencfTc. Exeunt. Nowwillldefccnd my honorable Profpeft ;thc farthyeft feeing Sea mark of tlic World : Noe mjrnaile then if I could (ce two miles about me. I hope the redde Tempefts anger be nowc ouer blowne, which fure I thinke Heauen fenr as a puniilimcnt fpr prophaning holie Saint iMkst mcmorie, with fo, ridicolous a cnflomc.Thou diib©.ncftSf ,farevvcl to honef^ married Men; Earewell,to all forts and degrees of thcc. Farewell thou home of hun?er EASTITARD HOE» iTunger that calft th'Innesacoort to their Manger: Farewell thou home of aboundance.that adorncft the hcadfmen of the Comnion wealth- Farewell thou hornc of direftion, that is the Citty Lanthotnc :Farev»ell thou Horne ofPleafure.the Enfigne ofthehuntfman-- farewell thou horne of defliny, th enfigne of ihemirrjcd raati : Farewell thou Horne Tree that beareftno- thing but Stone- fruitt . Exit. Enter Ttuchftme, Ttich^^A (irah .' Thinlces my Kiiight Adiienturcr wc can no point ol our compaflc ? Doe wee not knowe North Ntrth-e^Jl f Iforth -eafl and by Futji f Eafl and hj North ! nor pi aine fafi-VArdl }ii i haue we ncuer heard oWtygMia ? nor the ^4«4//«rw ; nor ^e Colonoritt ? Can we difcouer no difcoueries? well mine errat fir F/.i^,and mv ninnagate Q/^icl^^^/uer,yoa may drinlcc dronlce ciackccanncSjiiurlcawayabrownedozcnof MoHmcuth cappt or fo.in fca ccrcniony to your bone vo fug*: but for reaching any Co;:n fauc the coud of F.ent,ot EJffx,w'»h this Tide.or with th is fleetc, He bcc your warrant for a Grauef-cndToR iThe'ts that gone afore, will ftay your A(/»«/>4// and Vice-admira/l , and Rtre-admir.'dl^vivce they all('a$ they are j but one Tmmte,^n^ vnder faile, as well as a /f swor.^idoubt it not ; & fro this Sconce without eitlurpouder or fliot. ff^orl^et/ptn that nav.T^ay , and youlc fluwtiiclccswcclc vie with yoiijahttlcMy daughter his Lady was fcntta'leva-d.by land toacaflieof hij, i'theaireOn wlia'Rgion Iknow not,and(a$1 hcare)wasgladto take vp hcrlodgiiv^in he: coachjHic and her two waiting women ,her miy 'l,.if.d Jici m ther.likc three fnailcs in a ihell and the coach- man a toppon'hi.m,] ihinke fince they haue al found the way backca;;aincl!y'vccping croflc. Butile not fee 'hem. And for tvioon'hcm,.'if.id^./fiiud hct C^Mki>},ihcy are like to bite o'the biiulefoi/*'irr,andiiopeinhira,lrtif>iild growe deP- pcrat : of ->ll.Scf,He is come I'my thought / How now fonne? wliai ntwcs ai the Court of Aldtrmcni F 3 Enter EASTHTART) HOE, Enter Golding. G»M/d.Xtoth Sir, an Accident fome what ftrange, els it hath U- tic in it worth the reporting. Touch, What? It is not borrowing of money then? Go/. No (ir, it harh pleafde the wor(hipful Comnionert of thd citcie to take mc one i their number at pre fenuti6 of the inquetf* Tottch. Ha I Gold. And the iiyflJermait of the wardc wherein I dw;l,ro appoint me his Deputy* Touch.Hovi\ ("wenr. Gonld. In which plac«,l haue had an oath niiniOred me.tiitce I TouchNow ray dearc, & happy fonne ! let me ktlTe thy newe wor(hip,& a little boaft mine o wnc happines in thee rWhat a for- tune was it(or rather my iudgment indeed) for m:,fu(l to fee that in his difpofitionj which a whole Citty fo confpirej to fccondf TaaeirttotheLiuotieof his company .the fitftday of his free- dome? now(oot a weeke married)cho(en Ctmrntnerfiad Aiders >W4«/ Deputy in a day? note but the rcwardof athriftic con.rfir. The wonder of his time! Wcll,I wil honour M. Alder^nin^ot this a^, fas becomes me) and (hall ihinke the better of the common Councels vvlfdom,& wordiip, while I line, for thus meeting, or but coraming after ra; in the opinion of his dcfcrt ; Forward, my {uffi.-icnt/<>-*»(r,and as this is thr ficft,fo efteeme it the Icaft ftep.to that high and prime honour that expefts thee. GohL Sir as I was not ambitious of this , fo I couct no htghee placej it hath dignity enoughjf it will but faue me lio contempt: and I had rather ray bearing, in this , or any other office , (hould adde worth to it ; then the place giue the lead opinion to me. Touch. Excellently fpokem This modeft Anlwer ofthioe blu* flies,as if it faid,I wil'wearc fcarlet fhordy. Worfliipfull fonne ! T cannot containe my fclfe,! muft tell chcc', I hope to fee thee one o'the Mo:iument$ ofourctfy,and reckon'd among her worthies to bq remcmbred the fame day with the Lady '^tuf^y , & gtaue GreJhAm.^hcn the famous fable of ^him»gten^& his TujftJM* be forgotten, and thou and thy Afts become the Pofies for Hof- pitals , when thy nam? (hill be written vpoii Conduits, and thy deeds plaid i'thy life tirac,by the bcfl com panics of Aitcjrs.anA be calld their Gtt.penie. This I diuine and Prophcfie, G»MSir,cngagc not your expecftaclonfarder: then my abilities ywil anfwer.I that know njine own ftrcngths/care 'hem-, & there is fo I'eldoin a lofle in promifi.ig the \ex% that c6mon!y is brings With it a welcome dcceipc. 1 hauc other ncwc* for you fir, I T'l^**^^ -■* ir..xSTWART> HOE, 7#«fij,Noneniore welcome,! am fiire? Ce/.They h»ac their degree of welcome, I dare affirme . The Colonell,and al hiscompany,this morning putting forth drunk from Beli»gfgate,h3i^\i\i^cto haue becne caft away o'rhis fide greenwick8i.{Ai I haue intelligence,by a falfc Brother)are come dropping to townc,like fo many maifterlcs men,i'their doublets and hofejwithout Hat,or Cloakc; or any other.. ^ Touch. A mirzde .' the iufticc of Hcauen ! where are thcy.'Iets goc prefently and lay for *hcm. GouU.1 haue done that already fir , both by Conftables, and other officcrs.who (hal take 'hem at their old iyfnchtr\ dc with leflc tumult.or fufpition,thcn if your felfe were feene int : vnder colour ofa great Preffcjthat is nowabroad^and theyfhall here be brought afore me. TtfW^.Prudent,& politique fonne / Difgraec *hcm all that e- uer thou canft J their ihip I haue already arreftcd, Howe to my wi(hitfal$out,thatthouhaftthcplaceofaiufticer vpon them I I am partly g!ad of the iniurie done to mc,that thou maift ptini/h it.Bc feuere ithy placc,like a new officer othc firft quarter, vnrc- fle Aed:you heare how our Lady is come backe witb her trainc, from the inuifible Caftle? Go/d.^o, where is fhe? To«i^^,Within,but I ha not feene her yet,nor her motfier,who now bcginrestowifli her daughter vndubd ,theyfay,and that flie had walked a foot-pafe with her fifter»Hcre they come ftand back. TtHchfioHe,^^Mipre^e Tonchfiane, GirtrHdc,GoHldifig, Mildred^jndefj. God faucyour Lidi(liip:fauc your good Ladi/hip : your La- diihip is welcome from your inchar^tcd Caftle,fo are your beau- tiou sRerincw,! heare your Knight errant is traueld on flrange aduenturcs;furely in my xnxaA, your Lttdijhif haTh^/htfaire^and taught Afroggefii the faying is. Aft si. Touch. S^eikt to your father Madam, & kneelc donrnc. G«V.Knecle ? I hope I am not brought fo low yet: thou^ my Knightbe runaway.and has fold my iand,Iam a Lady ftill. 7'<»«fA.YourLad)ni:pfaiestrue,Madam,&it is fitter, and* greater decorum,thit I fhould curtfic to you that are a Knights wife,and a Lady,then you be brought a your knees to me, who am a poorccullion,and your father. 9»>.Low / my Father knowcs his duty: C^^.Ttuch.O child/ TtMcb* EASlfTAR'D tJOf. Touch. An j tlscreforcl doc dsfireywir LaJi/liip , my good Lady fitfl), in allhumili y, to depart my obfcurcCortage . and returuj inqucft of your bright, aadmofttrantfparentCafteH,' haT» eaerfrefenilf conce^tdio mortall eyes. And aisforonep-)ore' woinaa of your trainc here. F will take that order, fhee ihall no longer b e a charge vnto you.nor heipe (ofp?nd your Ladifliip; (lie (hill (lay at home with mc,and not goc abroad not put you to the pawning uf an odiieCoach-horlc , or three whccles.W take part with thsTbwr^TSIjaf.If we Ucke.vewil not complain* to your Ladifhip . And fo good ' Mi'Um , with your DanffeU hcre^pleafc you toletvj fee your ftrai»Ht backs,incqaipagevfor' truly jhere is no rouft for fuch chiclccns as you arc, or birds o'your feather.if it like your Ladilhip. Cir.Mary, fyfte o'your kindnelle.I thoughtas much. Come away Si»He,vfe fhall afToone get a fart from a dead min.as a far- thmgofcourt'Gehere. c^«/,!/.0,2;ood Sifter.' ' <7'r.Sifter,firrcuercce?com: away.I fay,H'jnger dropsoutaf Go/tO Midim,F4irerv irjt »eMrr hurt the tongue, (hisnofc. C(>. Howe fay you by that ? you come out with your golde as (hed has brcw'd fo let her drinkr^a Gods name.fhe went with fleto wed- ding,now ftie may 50c wifely a begj^ing-It's buthony-Moonc vet with her Ladilliip;flieha$Coachhorfes,Apparel,'ewelsyet IcfcHie needs care forno friends, nor take ktiowledgof F-«//Sifr, Mother, Brather,SiJfer, or any body ; When thofe are pa wn'd or fpent.perhaps we (hall returne into the lift of her acquaintance. Gyrt.l fcornc it ifaith.Come Sime. ( Exit Gjrt, M!.T»u,0 Madam, why doe you prouoke your Father , thus? 7««f*.N3y,nay eene let Pride go afore.Shame wU follow after I warrant you, come, why doeft thou weepe now?thou are not the firft good cow haft had an il calfe,! truit What's the newes, with that fcllbw.' Enter Cmftthle, G*H/.Sir,thc Knight,and your man ^ic^eji/fter.itc without, wiir hem brough t in. ToHch.O by any meanes. And Sonne,heer's a Chairc,appeare terrible vntoTiein , on the firft enter view. Let tiiem behold the melanchci'y of a Magi'lrate,3c taftcthc fiiry ofa Citiz ; in office. n,(wJtn our needles) and we niouldneuerneed tobebeholdingtoourfciruyPai-ents?GoodLord , thatthcrearc no Tnrtt no w a daies,i7». Sp. Why Madame ? Gjr, To doeMiradcs, and bring Ladies money. Sure, if wee lay in a cleanly houfe,they would h aunt it,57«w ? He trie.Ilef.vcepc the Chamberfooncatnight,& fetadifh of watcro'the Hearth. A Taj~ r«>may comc,and bring a Pearle,or a Diamond. Wedouotknow Ji)»»f?Or,therc may be a pot of Gold hid o'the back-fide, if we had toolestodiggefor'tJwhymaynot wctworifeearely i'thc morning (ly«»anaes Upfe . TeiitrtAfkevireefGold^ Bjf.vphtchftiee caught a c/appr, Q l^«d u httue my kaf, O hccrs's my niothcrlgood lucke, ( Hew ere the blow ^oth thr eaten) So well I hke the flaj. That Icottldwijh at day ^ud flight to ie fa beaten,. Enter Adift.Ttuchlicne. I bope.Ha'you brought any mo< iicy iTiothcr?Pray you mother your blef$iiig.Nay,fweete mother do notwec{>e- MiJl.ToMch.God blcflc yoy jl would I were in my grauc. Gjr.Nay dcarc mother, can you fteale'no jnore money from my fathcr:dry your eyes and conifortme. Alasitismy Knightsfault, and not minc,that I am in a Wafl:-coatc,and attyred thus innply. Mt[i.Toncb. SimplyJtis better thcnthou deferu'ft. Ncuer whim- per for the matter. Theujhinuldft haue l»ol(t beftre thtm hadfi leapt. Thou wert afire to be a Ladie, and now your JLadi/Lip & you may hoth blowe at the Cole, for aught I know, Stl/e dee,Jel/e hatte, The hafii-e ferfoii ftener wants woe,lhty fay, <77r.Nay thcnmothcr,youfhouldhalook'ttoit5 Abodiewould thinkeyouvvcretheolder:Ididbutmykinde, I, he was a Knight, and I was fit CO be a Ladie. Tis not lacke of liking, butlacke oTli- uing,that fcuers vs .And you talkc like your felf & a Cittiner in this, y faitivYou !lic w what husband you come on iwis ? You fmell the Zrwffc^ow^Hc that will doc more for hisdaughtcrthathehas marri- ed a fcuuyg9ldcid man,&his Prentifc then he wil for his t'other Daughtcrjthat has wedded a Knight,& his Cuftomcr,By this light, IthinkehcisnotmylcgittimateMther.- Sjn. O good Madam.d c e not take vp your mother fo. MjhTeuch, Nay,nay,let her eene alone. Let her Ladi/hip gricuc me ftill.wjth her bitter taunts and tcrmes. I hauenotdole inoughto feeherin tliis mifcrablccafe, I? withouthcrVcluetgowncs, without Ribbands, without Jewels, without French-wires, or Cheat-bread, or Quai!es,ora little Dog, or a Gentleman Vflier, or any thing in* decdjthat's fit for a Lady.- Sjn. Except her tongue. MflTottch. And I not able to rclicuc her neither, being kept fo iiwrt by my husband.Well.God knowes my heart. I did htle thinke thateuer flie fhould h^uc had need ofhsr^ftcr Gelding. all his IcindncfTc with acourfc &Jhar(h bchauiour , ncuer returning thanks for any one benefit, but recciuing ali,as if they had bjn debts tothec,r<»////^/f,isftonewalles,rtndyrongrate$j you fccit.thisistheweakeftparton't. And, for getting mce forth, no ircancs but hang my fcUe, and fo be carried forth, from which they hauc hcere bound me, in intollerable bands. Bram. Why but what is't you are in for,Sir? iieeu. For my Sinnes, for my Sinnes Sir, whereof Mariage is the greateft.Ojhad I neuer marryed,! had neuer knowne this Pmrgattirjy towhich HellisakindcofcooleBathhirefpeft : Mywiucscon- fedcracieSir, with old T9Wi&_/?<»w, that fheemightkccpe her /w^//**;, and the Fcaft of hipr New-MaontX^oz you vnd erftand me Sire Enter ^uickffilHer. ^kk. Good Sir,Goe in and talkc with him.Thelight do'* him harmc,and his example will be htirtfuU to the weake Prifoners. Be, "Father Seotritie, thatyou'lc be iHUfoprophanc, will nothing hum- ^jifsyQuJ E mtr tiro IPrifiMix s, with ttFruni. Friud, What's he? EASTWARD tiUE. Pri. I. Ohcisararcyongman.DOC you not know him? Fri. Not 1,1 ncucr faw h Jm,I can remember. Pri. 2. Why, itis he that was the gallant Prentifc of Zo*^ com- mends him to you, and with this token, wiflics he could doe you o- thcrgood. — E^T^TWARD HOB, " ^mckt IthankeJiim. GooAIA. 'Bramble, troiibleour quietno Biorci doc not molcft vs in Prifon thus> with your winding deuifes: Pray you depart. For my part, I commit my caufc to him that can fuccourmCjlctGod worke his will. M. Wm^J pray you let this be diftributed among thcPrifoncrs, and dcfirc hem to pray for vs. jyool. It fliall be donc,M. Francii. Pri. I . An excellent tcmperl Pri. 2. Now God fend him good luckc. Exemt, Pet. But what faid my Father in Law, M.W«^/ Enter H$ld. Held. Here's oncwouldfpeakc with yoUjSir. JVool. lie tcllyou anon J^/rPrtrow^/f, who is't? held. A Gentleman, Sir, that willnot be feenc. SnterGouli, jVoolft, WhcrcishcJM. Df^wwr.'your worriswel-comc.*^ GohL Peace! JVoelfe. Away.S'a. Ceul. Good faith M. JVoolfe, the edatc of thefc Gentlemen, for whom you were folate and willing a Sutor,doth much afFcftmc:5c becanfcl.im defirous to do thcmfomc faire office.and find there is nomcanestomakemyFatherrclentjfohkcly, as tobringhirato be a Spf viator of their Mifcry; I hauc ventur'd on a deuicc,which is,to make my felfc yourPrifoncr: cntreating.you will prcfcntly goc re- port it to my Father, and (fayning, an Aftion,atfutcofforae third perfon)pray him by this Token, that he will prcfently,and with all Iccrecic, come bether for my Bay Ic 5 which trayne, (if any ) I know will brin^ him abroad? andtl'.en, hauing him here, Idoubtnotbut . wc (liall be .ill fortunate jn the Eucnt. (in. fVocif Sir,I w ill pr.t on my bcft fpecd,to efFeft itPlcafe you come Cold. Yes; And let me reft conccafd,! pray you. " ^ Woolfe. See, here a Benefit, truely donejwhen it is done timely, fi-ccly,ar.d to no Ambition. Exit. Enter Touchjiene fVife Daughters^SjnJVinjifiid. Teuchflone. I wjU fayle by you, and not hearcyou, likethe wife Mild. Deare Father. Mtfi. Touch. Husband." (V/jifej^ Cjr. Father. Wm.&Sjn. M-Touchfione. ' Touch. Away S) rcns,I will inmiirc my fclfc,againft your cryesj and lockemyfelfcvp to our Lamentations. Mi. ToMc. Gentle Husband,heare me. Cjr, Father,itisIFather',my Lady F/i«/&:mv(iftcr Sclamfriends M/. Good Father. ;f«». Bcnothardncd, good A/.7tf*«i/?ew.. Syth Iprayyou,Sir,bemcrdfull. Touch. I am deafe, I doe not heare you; I hauc Aopt mine cares, 'm^ShomMke)tti»iixey and drunke Ze/M, and A/iW<^«g0r4 to forget ^ou : All you fpeakc to me,I commit to the Ayre. Evttr JVee^. — T^ATrrw^riru how. fJ^eel. Where's M. toMchftont? I muft fpeakc with him prcfcntlyj I haue loft my brcathfor haftc. Milci. What's thcraattcrSir'prayallbcwell. fyoolfe. Maiftcr Deptuie Gouldtttgh arrcfted vpon an execution, ^and df fires him prefcntly tocome to hini^ forthwith. Miki. Ayeme,doeyouheareFather? Teuc. Tricks, tricks,confederacie,tricks, I hanc'hcminmynofc, / Ifcnt'hcm. Wol. Who's that?Maifl:cr7»w/>/7ff«? Mi.TcH. WhyitisM.WW/tfhimfclfCjhusband. ^i/. Father. TcH. I am dcafe ftillj fay : I will neither yeeld to the fong of the Syrev^ northe voyceofthei:^w4, thetearcs of the CroetiAle, northc howHngo'tliefToi/Jf.'auojdmyhabitation.monftcrs. Wolfe. Why youarenblmadSir?Iprayyoulookcforth,andfcc the token I haue brought yoii,Sir. Tou. Ha! what token isit? ffo^*-. Doe you know it Sir? Tdh. My (onnc Gou/dings ring! Are you in carneft M. Wtlfef Wolfe. I iy my faith fir.Hc isin prifon,3nd requir'd mc to vfeall (peed,and fccrecie to you. Touch. My Cloake there (prayyoubepaticnt) lamplagu'dfor my Auftcritiejmy Cloakc.-at whofc fuiteMaifter Wolfe! Wolfe. He tell you as we Goc fir. Exeunt. Enter Fr'tenA. Prifoneri, Frh. Why.but is his offence fuch as he cannot hope of life? PW.i. Troth it (houldleeraefo: and 'tis great pity; forheisex- cccding penitent. Fri. They fay he is charg'd but on fufpicion of Felony ,yet. Tri. 2. IbuthisMaiftc.risaihrcwdreUow, hccl'e prouc great matter againft him. Fri. i'dcasUueasany thingjIcouldfcchisFrfr^wr//. fri. I . O tis rarely written : why Toiiemiy get him to fingitto you.hec's not curious to any body. Pri. 2. Ono. He would that all the world iTiould take knowledge ofhis repentance, & thinks hcmerits in't.tbemorcihame he fuffers. fri. I . Pray thee try what thou canft do. Pri. 2. I warrant you, he will not dcnicitj ifheebcnothoarcc with the often repeating of it. Sxit. Pri. I . You neuer faw amore curteous creature.then he isjaiid the Knighttoo : thcpooreftPrifoner ofthehoufcmay command'hcm. You fliail heare a thing admirably pend. Fri. IsthcKnightany Schollcrtoo; ♦ . • li Pri.i. Nojbut he will fpeakc very well, and difccurfc admirably^ Fofrunnmghorfcs,andW'A//*-Fr(rrf,&againftBaucIs:andofCockn and talicc as loudc as a Huntcr,but is none. Enter }V0ifea»dToMcbftotu. frfl//^*.Pleafcyouftayhcrcfir,ilc call his worfKip downctoyou. Prtf^l .See.he has brought him, and the Knight too. Salute him I pray:Sir,thisGendcman, vponour reportisvcriedefiroustohcare fomc piece of your ^^-^^wMWf. Enter ^kk^Pet.c^c. ^g«*f.Sir,with all my heart, and as ItoldM.7"e^«*,Iflialbegladto hauc any man a witneffe of it. And the more openly I profcuc it, I hope it will appcaretheharticr, and the more vnfaincd. ToMch.VJho isthisJrayman fr/Wfw.'and my Tonne in law? ^d matwtrs, I ^ ^.And rviih a knight, jir Flafti, by name. Did dii)lyylion<,t»isforie for the fame. \ P*f.IthankeyoujFrj/htiilditb*fif O C MjfbMnhM^ ^UsIamACHckfld: f S F*rwhi{h,araiii* IttUyMf *r i.a.a-1 rryiBnr-nx/c.- r^^tfAjBringliimfoorthM. Wolfe^dc rclcafc his bands. This day fliali be facrcatoA/«'«V,& the mirth of this £»««»wr, in ihtCeun- t*r.--Scc,wc are encountred with more futers. Enter Mift.Touchfi.Gjr.mtld.SyinitVtmif.&c. Sauc yoUrBrcathjfauc your Breath: All things haue fuccecdcd to your wi/hc$:and we arc heartily fatisfied in their euents. Cjr. Ah,Runaway,Runaway 1 haue I caught you ?And,hov/ has my poore Knight done all this while? Tet. Dcarc Ladle wifc/orgiuc mc. ^/r.AsheartilyasIwouidbe forgiuen, Knight . Deare Father, giucmcyourbIefsing,andforgiucmctoo;Iha'bin prowd, andla- fciuious Father,and a Poole Father; & being raifd to the ftatc of a wanton coy thing, calld a Lady, Father, haue fcomd you. Father; and my Sifters! and my Sifters veluctcaptoo; and wouldemakca mouth at the Citty, as I rid through it : and flop mine tAnsziBeif' bell: I hauefaidcyoiirBcardwasabafeonCjFathcr; and thatyou looktliice Twierpife^tTihtxtx) andthatmyMotherv/asbutmy Midwife. THi.Touch. Now God forgi'you, Child Madam. TcMch. No more Repetitions. What is elfc wantingj to make our Harmony full? Col. Only thiSjfir, That my P'^'low Francis make a mends to Mi- ftreffe Sindefie,mth roariage. ,^'^' With all my heart. Coi. And Securiiie giucher a dower, which iball be all the reftitu- lion he /hal make of that hu^e maflc,hc hath fo vnlawfully gotten. T'owc^.Exccllently deuifd! a good motion.What faiesM SecHritjfi Secu. I fay any thing fir, what you'll ha mc fay. Would I were no Cuckold. W»w.Cuckold,husband? why, I thinke this wearing of yellow hasinfeftedyou. Touch. WhyM. Securitie, that Ihould rather be a comfort to you, then a corafuie. Ifyou be a Cuckold , it's an argument you haue a beautifiill woman to your wife, then, youfliallbemuch made of, youfliallhaucftoreoffricnds,neucrw.nntnKney, you fhall becafd ofmucho'your wcdlockpainc, others will takc'it for you : Bcfides, you being a Vfurer,(andhkely to gocto Hcll)theDiuels willneuer torment you: They'll take you for one ofthcirownc Race. Againc, ifyou be a Cuckold , and know it not , y ou ar e an Innocm ; if you know it and indure it,a true Mart jr. Seenr. I am r cfolu'd fir, Com chithcr ^(Pwwy. TtHcbt ". TMch. 'Wc\hhen,3ll are pleafedjor (hall bcanonCjMairter7F'*i5^ • ^ you lookc hungric mc thinke. Havic )