i^^^^<>^^^ ly IIBRIRV OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CUIFORNU I ^mMM^^>^^^^ i ^^ y\ - U LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 7866: LIBRARY OF i^^^^>^^ffl ^ 6 _-. t?>.<^ ..,.^. ^' ITY OF GAllFOflllU lIBRiRY OF THE UmVEASITY OF CUIFORIIIIt M NOVELS SIR EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, Hibrar? Htiftion HISTORICAL ROMANCES VOL. XYI. LEILA; THE SIEGE OF GRAXADA, CALDERON. THE COURTIER. SIR EDWARD BULff.E&.iITTOX, BART. ^POR^ LIBRARY EDITION— ly ONE TOLOIE . PHILADELPHIA J. B. LIPPIXCOTT & CO, 1860. >^3; 9i'tr PEEFACE The two Eomances which form the contents of this Volume were originally published in an expensive form, with pictorial illustrations; and perhaps fi'om the prejudice generally conceived against the litera- ture of works that are supposed to rest some of their attractions on the skill of the engraver, as well as from any demerits of their own, they have been hitherto less popularly knovrn than other prose fictions by the same Author. It is true, however, that in delineation of character and elaboration of plot, the '^ Sieo^e of Granada" is inferior to the xluthor's other Historical Romances — but there are portions of the conception — as connected with the position of Al- mamen between Moor and Christian — and detached scenes and descriptions — which the writer's more matured experience would be unable to improve. The story of ^^ Calderon," though slight and briefly told, belongs to a higher grade of passion and art than its companion ; and the Author once thought of convertinp; it into a trasjedv. 1 * (V) LEILA: OB, THE SIEGE OF GRANADA. BOOK FIRST CHAPTER I. Tte Enchanter and the "Warrior. ^T was the summer of the year 1491, and the armies of Ferdinand and Isabel invested the city of Granada.- The night was not far advanced ; and the moon, which broke through the transparent air of Andalusia, shone calmly over the immense and murmuring encampment of the Spanish foe, and touched with a hazy light the snow- capped summits of the Sierra Nevada, contrasting the verdure and luxuriance which no devastation of man could utterly sweep from the beautiful vale below. In the streets of the Moorish city many a group still lingered. Some, as if unconscious of the beleaguering (7) 8 LEILA. war witliout, were listening in quiet indolence to the strings of the Moorish lute, or the lively tale of an Arabian Improvvisatore ; others were conversing with such eager and animated gestures, as no ordinary excitement could wring from the stately calm habitual to every Oriental people. But the more public places, in which gathered these different groups, only the more impressively height- ened the desolate and solemn repose that brooded over the rest of the city. At this time, a man, with downcast eyes, and arms folded within the sweeping gown which descended to his feet, was seen passing through the streets, alone, and apparently unobservant of all around him. Yet this in- difference was by no means shared by the straggling crowds through which, from time to time, he musingly swept. " God is great I " said one man ; "it is the Enchanter Almamen." "He hath locked up the manhood of Boabdil el Chico with the key of his spells," quoth another, stroking his beard; "I would curse him, if I dared." "But they say that he hath promised that when man fails, the genii will fight for Granada," observed a third, doubtingly. "Allah Akbar ! what is, is ! what shall be, shall be ! " said a fourth, with all the solemn sagacity of a prophet. Whatever their feelings, whether of awe or execration, terror or hope, each group gave way as Almamen passed, and hushed the murmurs not intended for his ear. Pass- LEILA. 9 ing through the Zacatin (the street which traversed the Great Bazaar), the reputed enchanter ascended a narrow and winding street, and arrived at last before the walls that encircled the palace and fortress of the Alhambra. The sentry at the gate saluted and admitted him in silence ; and in a few moments his form was lost in the solitude of groves, amidst which, at frequent openings, the spray of Arabian fountains glittered in the moon- light ; while, above, rose the castled heights of the Alhambra ; and on the right, those Yermilion Towers, whose origin veils itself in the furthest ages of Phoenician enterprise. Almamen paused, and surveyed the scene. "Was Aden more lovely?" he muttered; "and shall so fair a spot be trodden by the victor Xazarene ? "What matters? creed chases creed — race, race — until time comes back to its starting-place, and beholds the reign restored to the eldest faith and the eldest tribe. The horn of our strength shall be exalted." At these thoughts the seer relapsed into silence, and gazed long and intently upon the stars, as, more numer- ous and brilliant with every step of the advancing night, their rays broke on the playful waters, and tinged with silver the various and breathless foliage. So earnest was his gaze, and so absorbed his thoughts, that he did not perceive the approach of a Moor, whose glittering weapons and snow-white turban, rich with emeralds, cast a gleam through the wood. The new-comer was above the common size of his race, 10 LEILA. generally small and spare, but without attaining the lofty stature and large proportions of the more redoubted of the warriors of Spain. But in his presence and mien there was something, which, in the haughtiest conclave of Christian chivalry, would have seemed to tower and command. He walked with a step at once light and stately, as if it spurned the earth ; and in the carriage of the small erect head and stag-like throat, there was that undefinable and imposing dignity, which accords so well with our conception of a heroic lineage, and a noble though imperious spirit. The stranger approached Al- mamen, and paused abruptly when within a few steps of the enchanter. He gazed upon him in silence for some moments ; and, when at length he spoke, it was with a cold and sarcastic tone. " Pretender to the dark secrets," said he, " is it in the stars that thou art reading those destinies of men and nations, which the Prophet wrought by the chieftain's brain and the soldier's arm?" '' Prince," replied Almamen, turning slowly, and re- cognizing the intruder on his meditations, "I was but considering how many revolutions, which have shaken earth to its centre, those orbs have witnessed, unsympa- thizing and unchanged " "Unsympathizing ! ■' repeated the Moor — "yet thou believest in their effect upon the earth ? " "You wrong me," answered Almamen, with a slight smile, "you confound your servant with that vain race, the astrologers." LEILA. 11 " I deemed astrology a part of the science of the two Angels, Harut and Marut."* ** Possibly ; but I know not that science, though I have wandered at midnight bv the ancient Babel." " Fame lies to us, then,'' answered the Moor, with some surprise. ''Fame never made pretence to truth,'' said Almamen, calmly, and proceeding on his way. "Allah be with yon, prince ! I seek the king." " Stay I I have just quitted his presence, and left him, I trust, with thoughts worthy of the sovereign of Granada, which I would not have disturbed by a stranger, a man whose arms are not spear nor shield.'' " Xoble Muza," returned Almamen, ''fear not that my voice will weaken the inspirations which thine hath breathed into the breast of Boabdil. Alas I if my counsel were heeded, thou wouldst hear the warriors of Granada talk less of Muza, and more of the king. But Fate, or Allah, hath placed upon the throne of a tottering dynasty, one who, though brave, is weak — though wise, a dreamer ; and you suspect the adviser, when you find the influence of nature on the advised. Is this just?" Muza gazed long and sternly on the face of Almamen ; then, putting his hand gently on the enchanter's shoulder, he said — * The science of magic. It w.'is taught by the Angels named in the text ; for -which offence thev are still supposed to be confined in the ancient Babel. There they may yet be consulted, though they are rarely seen. -^ YallaVodin Yahya. — Sales Koran. 12 LEILA. " Stranger, if thou playest us false, think that this arm hath cloven the casque of many a foe, and will not spare the turban of a traitor ! " "And think thou, proud prince ! " returned Almamen, unquailing, " that I answer alone to Allah for my motives, and that against man my deeds I can defend ! " With these words, the enchanter drew his long robe round him, and disappeared amidst the foliage. CHAPTER II. The King -witliin his Palace. In one of those apartments, the luxury of which is known only to the inhabitants of a genial climate (half chamber and half grotto), reclined a young Moor, in a thoughtful and musing attitude. The ceiling of cedar-wood, glowing with gold and azure, was supported by slender shafts, of the whitest alabaster, between which were open arcades, light and graceful as the arched vineyards of Italy, and wrought in that delicate filigree-work common to the Arabian architecture : through these arcades was seen at intervals the lapsing fall of waters, lighted by alabaster lamps ; and their tinkling music sounded with a fresh and regular murmur upon the ear. The whole of one side of this apartment was open to a broad and extensive balcony, which overhung the banks of the winding and moon-lit LEILA. 13 DaiTo ; and in the clearness of the soft night might be distinctly seen the undulating hills, the woods, and orange- groves, which still form the unrivalled landscapes of Granada. The pavement was spread with ottomans and couches of the richest azure, prodigally enriched with quaint designs in broideries of gold and silver ; and over that on which the Moor reclined, facing the open balcony, were suspended on a pillar, the round shield, the light javelin, and the curving cimiter, of Moorish warfare. So studded were these arms with jewels of rare cost, that they might alone have sufficed to indicate the rank of the evident owner, even if his own gorgeous vestments had not betrayed it. An open manuscript, on a silver table, lay unread before the Moor : as, leaning his face upon his hand, he looked with abstracted eyes along the mountain summits, dimly distinguished from the cloudless and far horizon. Xo one could have gazed without a vague emotion of interest, mixed with melancholy, upon the countenance of the inmate of that luxurious chamber. Its beauty was singularly stamped with a grave and stately sadness which was made still more impressive by its air of youth and the unwonted fairness of the com- plexion : unlike the attributes of the Moorish race, the hair and curling beard were of a deep golden color; and on the broad forehead, and in the large eyes, was that settled and contemplative mildness which rarely softens the swart lineaments of the fiery children of the snn. I. — 2 14- LEILA. Such was the personal appearance of Boabdil de Chieo, the last of the Moorisli dynasty in Spain, "These scrolls of Arabian learning," said Boabdil to himself, " what do they teach ? to despise wealth and power, to hold the heart to be the true empire. This, then, is wisdom. Yet, if I follow^ these maxims, am I wise ? alas ! the whole world would call me a driveller and a madman. Thus is it ever; the wisdom of the Intellect fills us with precepts which it is the wisdom of Action to despise. Holy Prophet ! what fools men would be, if their knayery did not eclipse their folly I ■' The young king listlessly threw himself back on his cushions as he uttered these words, too philosophical for a king whose crown sat so loosely on his brow. After a few moments of thought that appeared to dis- satisfy and disciuiet him, Boabdil again turned impatiently round : " My soul wauts the bath of music,'' said he ; "these journeys into a pathless realm have wearied it, and the streams of sound supple and relax the travailed pilgrim.'' He clapped his hands, and from one of the arcades a boy, hitherto invisible, started into sight ; at a slight and scarce perceptible sign from the king, the boy again vanished, and in a few moments afterwards, glancing through the fairy pillars, and by the glittering water- falls, came the small and twinkling feet of the maids of Araby. As, with their transparent tunics and white arms, they gleamed, without an echo, through that cool and voluptuous chamber, they might well have seemed LEILA the Peris of the eastern magic, summo! sated leisure of a youthful Solomon. With them came a maiden of more exquisite beauty, though smaller stature, than the rest, bearing the light Moorish lute ; and a faint and languid smile broke over the beautiful face of Boabdil, as his eyes rested upon her graceful form and the dark yet glowing lustre of her Oriental countenance. She alone approached the king, timidly kissed his hand, and then, joining her comrades, com- menced the following song, to the air and very words of which the feet of the dancing-girls kept time, while, with the chorus rang the silver bells of the musical instrument which each of the dancers carried. AMINE-S SONG. I. Softly, oh, softly glide, Gentle Music, thou silver tide, Bearing, the lull'd air along, This leaf from the rose of song! To its port in his soul let it float, The frail, but the fragrant boat, Bear it, soft Air, along! ir. With the burthen of sound we are laden. Like the bells on the trees of Aden,* "When they thrill ■with a tinkling tone At the Wind from the Holy Throne, Hark, as we move around. We shake off the buds of sound ; Thy presence, Belov'd, is Aden ! * The Mahometans believe that musical bells hang on the trees of Paradise, and are put in motion by a wind from the throne of God. 16 LEILA, Sweet chime that I hear and wake: I would, for my lov'd one's sake, That I were a sound like thee, To the depths of his heart to flee. If my breath had his senses blest; If my voice in his heart could rest; What pleasure to die like thee ! The music ceased ; the dancers remained motionless in their graceful postures, as if arrested into statues of alabaster ; and the young songstress cast herself on a cushion at the feet of the monarch, and looked up fondly, but silently, into his yet melancholy eyes, when a man, whose entrance had not been noticed, was seen to stand within the chamber. He was about the middle stature, — lean, muscular, and strongly though sparely built. A plain black robe, something in the fashion of the Armenian gown, hung long and loosely over a tunic of bright scarlet, girded by a broad belt, from the centre of which was suspended a small golden key, while at the left side appeared the jewelled hilt of a crooked dagger. His features were cast in a larger and grander mould than was common amongst the Moors of Spain ; the forehead was broad, massive, and singularly high, and the dark eyes of unusual size and brilliancy ; his beard, short, black, and glossy, curled upward, and concealed all the lower part of the face, save a firm, compressed, and resolute expression in the lips, which were large and full ; the nose was high, aquiline, and well-shaped ; and the whole character of LEILA. IT the head (which was, for symraetrv, on too large and gi- gantic a scale as proportioned to the form) was indicative of extraordinary energy and power. At the first glance the stranger might have seemed scarce on the borders of middle age ; but, on a more careful examination the deep lines and wrinkles marked on the forehead and round the eyes, betrayed a more advanced period of life. With arras folded on his breast, he stood by the side of the king, waiting in silence the moment when his presence should be perceived. He did not wait long ; the eyes and gesture of the girl nestled at the feet of Boabdil drew the king's attention to the spot where the stranger stood : his eye brightened •when it fell upon him. *' Almamen," cried Boabdil, eagerly, "you are wel- come." As he spoke, he motioned to the dancing-girls to \Nithdraw. "May I not rest ? core of my heart, thy bird is in its home,'* murmured the songstress at the king's feet. " Sweet Amine,-' answered Boabdil, tenderlv smoothino: down her ringlets as he bent to kiss her brow, "you should witness only my hours of delight. Toil and busi- ness have nought with thee ; I will join thee ere yet the nightingale hymns his last music to the moon." Amine sighed, rose, and vanished with her companions. " My friend," said the king, when alone with Almamen, "your counsels often soothe me into quiet, yet in such hours quiet is a crime. But what do ? — how struggle ?-— = how act ? Alas ! at the hour of his birth, rightly did 18 LEILA. they affix to the name of Boabdil, the epithet of El Zo- ^oy^L'^^lisfortune set upon my brow her dark and fated stamp ere yet my lips could shape a prayer against her power. My fierce father, whose frown was as the frown of Azrael, hated me in my cradle ; in my youth my name was invoked by rebels against my will : imprisoned by my father, with the poison-bowl or the dagger hourly before my eyes, I was saved only by the artifice of my m.other. "When age and infirmity broke the iron sceptre of the king, my claims to the throne were set aside, and my uncle. El Zagal, usurped my birthright. Amidst open war and secret treason I wrestled for my crown ; and now, the sole sovereign of Granada, when, as I fondly imagined, my uncle had lost all claim on the affections of my people by succumbing to the Christian king, and accepting a fief under his dominion, I find that the very crime of El Zagal is fixed upon me by my unhappy subjects — that they deem he would not have yielded but for my supine- ness. At the moment of my delivery from my rival, I am received with execration by my subjects, and, driven into this my fortress of the Alhambra, dare not venture to head my armies, or to face my people ; yet am I called weak and irresolute, when strength and courage are for- bid me. And as the water glides from yonder rock, that hath no power to retain it, I see the tide of empire well- ing from my hands. 'jf-^ The young king spoke warmly and bitterly ; and, in * The unlucky. * LEILA. 19 the irritation of bis thoughts, strode, while he spoke, \^-ith rapid and irregular strides along the chamber. Alma- men marked his emotion with an eve and lip of rigid composure. "Light of- the faithful,"' said he, when Boabdil had concluded, "the powers above never doom man to per- petual sorrow, nor perpetual joy : the cloud and the sun- shine are alike essential to the heaven of our destinies ; and if thou hast suffered in thy youth, thou hast ex- hausted the calamities of fate, and thy manhood will be glorious, and thine age serene.'' " Thou speakest as if the armies of Ferdinand were not already around my walls,'' said Boabdil, impatiently. " The armies of Sennacherib were as mighty," answered Almamen. " Wise seer,'' returned the king, in a tone half sarcastic and half solemn, "we, the Musselmans of Spain, are not the blind fanatics of the Eastern world. On us have fallen the lights of philosophy and science ; and if the more clear-sighted among us yet outwardly reverence the forms and fables worshipped by the multitude, it is from the wisdom of policy, not the folly of belief. Talk not to me, then, of thine examples of the ancient and elder creeds : the agents of God for this world are now, at least, in men, not angels ; and if I wait till Ferdinand sliare the destiny of Sennacherib, I wait only till the Standard of the Cross wave above the Yerrailion Towers."' "Yet," said Almamen, "while my lord the king re- 20 LEILA. jects the fanaticism of belief, doth he reject the fanati- cism of persecution ? You disbelieve the stories of the Hebrews ; yet you suffer the Hebrews themselves, that ancient and kindred Arabian race, to be ground to the dust, condemned and tortured by your judges, your in- formers, your soldiers, and your subjects." "The base misers ! they deserve their fate," answered Boabdil, loftily. " Gold is their God, and the market- place their country ; amidst the tears and groans of nations, they sympathize only with the rise and fall of trade ; and, the thieves of the universe ! while their hand is against every man's coffer, why wonder that they pro- voke the hand of every man against their throats ? Worse than the tribe of Hanifa. who eat their god only in time of famine ; * the race of Moisa f would sell the Seven Heavens for the dent J on the back of the date-stone." "Your laws leave them no ambition but that of avarice," replied Almamen ; " and as the plant will crook and distort its trunk, to raise its head through every ob- stacle to the sun, so the mind of man twists and perverts itself, if legitimate openings are denied it, to find its natural element in the gale of power, or the sunshine of esteem. These Hebrews were not traffickers and misers in their own sacred land when they routed your ancestors, the Arab armies of old, and ornawed the flesh from their * The tribe of Hanifa worsliipped a lump of dough. J Moisa, Moses. ;i: A proverb used in the Koran, signifying the smallest possible trifle. LEILA. 21 bones in famine, rather than yield a weaker city than Granada to a mightier force than the holiday lords of Spain. Let this pass. My lord rejects the belief in the agencies of the angels ; doth he still retain belief in the wisdom of mortal men ? " " Yes ! " returned Boabdil, quickly ; "for of the one I know nought ; of the other, mine own senses can be the judge. Almamen, my fiery kinsman, Muza, hath this evening been with me. He hath urged me to reject the fears of my people, which chain my panting spirit within these walls ; he hath urged me to gird on yonder shield and cimiter, and to appear in the Yivan^ambla, at tlie head of the nobles of Granada. My heart leaps high at the thought I and if I cannot live, at least I will die — a king ! " "It is nobly spoken," said Almamen, coldly. " You approve, then, my design ? " " The friends of the king cannot approve the ambition of the king to die." " Ha ! " said Boabdil, in an altered voice, " thou think- est, then, that I am doomed to perish in this struggle ? " "As the hour shall be chosen, wilt thou fall or triumph." "And that hour?" " Is not yet come." "Dost thou read the hour in the stars?" " Let Moorish seers cultivate that frantic credulity : thy servant sees but in the stars worlds mightier than this little earth, whose light would neither wane nor wink, if earth itself were swept from the infinities of space." 22 LEILA. " Mysterious man I '" said Boabdil ; " whence then is thy power ? — whence thv knowledge of the future ?" Almamen approached the king as he now stood by the open balcony. "Behold!'' said he, pointing to the waters of the Darro — "yonder stream is of an element in which man cannot live nor breathe : above, in the thin and impalpa- ble air, our steps cannot find a footing, the armies of all earth cannot build an empire. And yet, by the exercise of a little art, the fishes and the birds, the inhabitants of the air and the water, minister to our most humble wants, the most common of our enjoyments ; so it is with the true science of enchantment. Thinkest thou that, while the petty surface of the world is crowded with living things, there is no life in the vast centre within the earth, and the immense ether that surrounds it ? As the fisherman snares his prey, as the fowler entraps the bird, so, by the art and genius of our human mind, we may thrall and command the subtler beings of realms and elements which our material bodies cannot enter — our gross senses can- not survey. This, then, is my lore. Of other worlds know I nought ; but of the things of this world, whether men, or, as your legends term them, ghouls and genii, I have learned something. To the future, I myself am blind ; but I can invoke and conjure up those whose eyes are more piercing, whose natures are more gifted." "Prove to me thy power,'' said Boabdil, awed less by the words than by the thrilling voice and the impressive aspect of the enchanter. LEILA. 23 " Is not tlie king's will my law ? " answered Almamen ; "be his will obeyed. To-morrow night I await thee." "Where?" Almamen paused a moment, and then whispered a sentence in the king's ear : Boabdil started, and turned pale. "A fearful spot!" " So is the Alhambra itself, great Boabdil ; while Ferdinand is without the walls, and Muza within the city." " Muza ! Barest thou mistrust my bravest warrior ?" " What wise king will trust the idol of the king's army ? Did Boabdil fall to-morrow, by a chance javelin, in the field, whom would the nobles and the warriors place upon his throne ? Doth it require an enchanter's lore to whisper to thy heart the answer, in the name of 'Muza?'" " Oh, wretched state ! oh, miserable king ! " exclaimed Boabdil, in a tone of great anguish. " I never had a father ; I have now no people ; a little while, and I shall have no country. Am I never to have a friend ? " "A friend ! what king ever had ?" returned Almamen, drily. " Away, man — away ! " cried Boabdil, as the impatient spirit of his rank and race shot dangerous fire from his eyes ; "your cold and bloodless wisdom freezes up all the veins of my manhood ! Glory, confidence, human sym- pathy, and feeling — your counsels annihilate them all. Leave me 1 I would be alone.'* 24 LEILA. " We meet to-morrow, at midnight, mighty Boabdil," said Almamen, with his usual unmoved and passionless tones. "May the king live for ever!" The king turned ; but his monitor had already disap- peared. He went as he came — noiseless and sudden as a ghost. CHAPTER III. The Lovers. When Muza parted from Almamen, he bent his steps towards the hill that rises opposite the ascent crowned with the towers of the Alhambra ; the sides and summit of which eminence were tenanted by the luxurious popu- lation of the city. He selected the more private and secluded paths ; and, half-way up the hill, arrived, at last, before a low wall of considerable extent, which girded the gardens of some wealthier inhabitant of the city. He looked long and anxiously round : all was solitary ; nor was the stillness broken, save as an oc- casional breeze, from the snowy heights of the Sierra Nevada, rustled the fragrant leaves of the citron and pomegranate ; or, as the silver tinkling of waterfalls chimed melodiously within the gardens. The Moor's heart beat high : a moment more, and he had scaled the wall, and found himself upon a green sward, variegated by the rich colors of many a sleeping flower, and shaded LEILA. 2d by groves and alleys of luxuriant foliage and golden fruits. It was not long before he stood beside a house that seemed of a construction anterior to the Moorish dynasty. It was built over low cloisters, formed by heavy and time-worn pillars, concealed, for the most part, by a pro- fusion of roses and creeping shrubs : the lattices above the cloisters opened upon large gilded balconies, the superaddition of Moriscan taste. In one only of the casements a lamp was visible ; the rest of the mansion was dark, as if, save in that chamber, sleep kept watch over the inmates. It was to this window that the Moor stole ; and, after a moment's pause, he murmured rather than sang, so low and whispered was his voice, the following simple verses, slightly varied from an old Ara- bian poet : — SERENADE. Light of my soul, arise, arise ! Thy sister lights are in the skies; We •want thine eyes, Thy joyous eyes ; The Night is moumiug for thine eyes! The sacred verse ia on my sword, But on my heart thy name: The words on each alike adored. The truth of each the same, — The same! — alas! too well I feel The heart is truer than the steel ! Light of my soul ! upon me shine ; Night wakes her stars to envy mine. Those eyes of thine, Wild eyes of thine. What stars are like those eves of thine? I— 3 26 LEILA. As he concluded, the lattice softly opened; and a female form appeared on the balcony. " Ah, Leila I " said the Moor, " I see thee, and I am blessed ! " "Hush!" answered Leila; "speak low, nor tarry long : I fear that our interviews are suspected ; and this (she added, in a trembling Toice) may perhaps be the last time we shall meet." " Holy prophet ! " exclaimed Muza, passionately, " What do I hear ? Why this mystery ? why cannot I learn thine origin, thy rank, thy parents ? Think you, beautiful Leila, that Granada holds a house lofty enough to disdain the alliance with Muza Ben Abil Gazan ? and oh ! he added (sinking the haughty tones of his voice into accents of the softest tenderness), if not too high to scorn me, what should war against our loves and our bridals ? For worn equally on my heart were the flower of thy sweet self, whether the mountain top or the valley gave birth to the odor and the bloom." " Alas ! " answered Leila, weeping, " the mystery thou complainest of, is as dark to myself as thee. How often have I told thee that I know nothing of my birth or childish fortunes, save a dim memory of a more distant and burning clime ; where, amidst sands and wastes, springs the everlasting cedar, and the camel grazes on stunted herbage withering in the fiery air ? Then, it seemed to me that I had a mother: fond eyes looked on me, and soft songs hushed me into sleep." LEILA. V.^^^ 27 " Thy mother's soul has passed into^54|^^^^«atid the Moor, tenderly. Leila continued : — " Borne hither, I passed from child- hood into youth within these walls. Slaves minister to my slightest wish ; and those who have seen both state and poverty, which I have not, tell me that treasures and splendor, that might glad a monarch, are prodigalized around me : but of ties and kindred know I little : my father, a stern and silent man, visits me but rarely — some- times months pass, and I see him not ; but I feel that he loves me ; and, till I knew thee, Muza, my brightest hours were in listening to the footsteps and flying to the arms of that solitary friend." "Know you not his name?" " Xor I, nor any one of the household ; save perhaps Ximen, the chief of the slaves, an old and withered man, whose very eye chills me into fear and silence." " Strange ! " said the Moor, musingly ; "yet why think you our love is discovered, or can be thwarted ?" " Hush ! Ximen sought me this day : ' Maiden,' said he, ' men's footsteps have been tracked within the gardens : if your sire know this, you will have looked your last on Granada. Learn,' he added (in a softer voice, as he saw me tremble), 'that permission were easier given to thee to wed the wild tiger, than to mate with the loftiest noble of Morisca ! Beware ! " He spoke, and left me. Muza (she continued, passionately wringing her hands), my heart sinks within me, and omen and doom rise dark before mv sischt 1 " 28 LEILA. "By my father's head, these obstacles but fire my love ; and I would scale to thy possession, though every step in the ladder were the corpses of a hundred foes ! " Scarcely had the fiery and high-soul ed Moor uttered his boast, than, from some unseen hand amidst the groves, a javelin whirred past him, and, as the air it raised came sharp upon his cheek, half buried its quivering shaft in the trunk of a tree behind him. " Fly, fly, and save thyself ! God, protect him I " cried Leila ; and she vanished within the chamber. The Moor did not wait the result of a deadlier aim ; he turned ; yet, in the instinct of his fierce nature, not from, but against, the foe ; his drawn cimiter in his hand, the half-suppressed cry of wrath trembling on his lips, he sprang forward in the direction whence the javelin had sped. With eyes accustomed to the ambuscades of Moor- ish warfare, he searched eagerly, yet warily, through the dark and sighing foliage. No sign of life met his gaze : and at length, grimly and reluctantly, he retraced his steps, and quitted the demesnes : but, just as he had cleared the wall, a voice — low, but sharp and shrill — came from the gardens. "Thou art spared," it said, "but haply for a more miserable doom ! " LEILA. 29 CHAPTER lY. The Father and Daughter. The chamber into which Leila retreated bore ont the character she had given of the interior of her home. The fashion of its ornament and decoration was foreign to that adopted bv the Moors of Granada. It had a more massive, and if we may use the term, Egyptian gorge- ousness. The walls were covered with the stuffs of the East, stiff with gold, embroidered npon ground of the deepest purpie ; strange characters, apparently in some foreign tongue, were wrought in the tessellated cornices and on the heavy ceiling, which was supported by square pillars, round which were twisted serpents of gold and enamel, with eyes to which enormous emeralds gave a green and life-like glare : various scrolls and musical in- struments lay scattered upon marble tables : and a soli- tary lamp of burnished silver cast a dim and subdued light around the chamber. The effect of the whole, though splendid, was gloomy, strange, and oppressive, and rather suited to the thick and cave-like architecture which of old protected the inhabitants of Thebes and Memphis from the rays of the African sun, than to the transparent heaven and light pavilions of the graceful orientals of Granada. Leila stood within this chamber, pale and breathless, 3* 30 LEILA. with her lips apart, her hands clasped, her very soul in her ears ; nor was it possible to conceive a more perfect ideal of some delicate and brilliant Peri, captured in the palace of a hostile and gloomy genius. Her form was of the lightest shape consistent with the roundness of womanly beauty ; and there was something in it of that elastic and fawn-like grace which a sculptor seeks to em- body in his dreams of a being more aerial than those of earth. Her luxuriant hair was dark indeed, but a purple and glossy hue redeemed it from that heaviness of shade too common in the tresses of the Asiatics ; and her com- plexion, naturally pale, but clear and lustrous, would have been deemed fair even in the north. Her features, slightly aquiline, were formed in tlie rarest mould of symmetry, and her full rich lips disclosed teeth that might have shamed the pearl. But the chief charm of that ex- quisite countenance was in an expression of softness and purity, and intellectual sentiment, that seldom ac(;ompa- nies that cast of loveliness, and was wholly foreign to the voluptuous and dreamy languor of Moorish maidens ; Leila had been educated, and the statue had received a soul. After a few minutes of intense suspense, she again stole to the lattice, gently unclosed it, and looked forth. Far, through an opening amidst the trees, she descried for a single moment, the erect and stately figure of her lover, darkening the moonshine on the sward, as now, quitting his fruitless search, he turned his lingering gaze towards the lattice of his beloved ; the thick and inter- LEILA. 31 laciDg foliage qnickly hid him from her eyes ; but Leila had seen enough — she turned within, and said, as grate- ful tears trickled down her cheeks, and she sank on her knees upon the piled cushions of the chamber : '• God of my fathers! I bless thee — he is safe!*' '•And yet" (she added, as a painful thought crossed her), '•■ how may I pray for him ? we kneel not to the same Divinity ; and I have been taught to loathe and shudder at his creed ! Alas ! how will this end ? Fatal was the hour when he first beheld me in yonder gardens, more fatal still the hour in which he crossed the barrier, and told Leila that she was beloved by the hero whose arm was the shelter, whose name is the blessing, of Granada. Ah, me ! Ah, me ! "' The young maiden covered her face with her hands, and sank into a passionate reverie, broken only by her sobs. Some time had passed in this undisturbed indul- gence of her grief, when the arras was gently put aside, and a man, of remarkable garb and mien, advanced into the chamber, pausing as he beheld her dejected attitude, and gazing on her with a look in which pity and tender- ness seemed to struggle against habitual severitv and sternness. " Leila ! '' said the intruder. Leila started, and a deep blush suffused her counte- nance ! she dashed the tears from her ejes, and came forward with a vain attempt to smile. " Mv father, welcome ! " 32 LEILA. The stranger seated himself on the cushions, and motioned Leila to his side. " These tears are fresh upon thy cheek," said he, gravely ; "they are the witness of thy race ! our daughters are born to weep, and our sons to groan 1 ashes are on the head of the mighty, and the Fountains of the Beautiful run with gall ! Oh that we could but struggle — that we could but dare — that we could raise up our heads, and unite against the bondage of the evil-doer ! It may not be — but one man shall avenge a nation I" The dark face of Leila's father, well fitted to express powerful emotion, became terrible in its wrath and passion ; his brow and lip worked convulsively ; but the paroxysm was brief; and scarce could she shudder at its intensity, ere it had subsided into calm. "Enough of these thoughts, which thou, a woman and a child, art not formed to witness. Leila, thou hast been nurtured with tenderness, and schooled with care. Harsh and unloving may I have seemed to thee, but I would have shed the best drops of my heart to have saved thy young years from a single pang. Nay, listen to me, silently. That thou mightst one day be worthy of thy race, and that thine hours might not pass in indolent and w^eary lassitude, thou hast been taught the lessons of a knowledge rarely given to thy sex. Not thine the las- civious arts of the Moorish maidens ; not thine their harlot songs, and their dances of lewd delight ; thy delicate limbs were but taught the attitude that Nature dedicates to the worship of a God, and the music of thy LEILA. 33 voice was tuned to the songs of thy fallen country, sad with the memory of her wrongs, animated with the names of her heroes, holy with the solemnity of her prayers. These scrolls, and the lessons of our seers, have imparted to thee such of our science and our history as may fit thy mind to aspire, and thy heart to feel for a sacred cause. Thou listenest to me, Leila ? " Perplexed and wondering, for never before had her father addressed her in such a strain, the maiden answered with an earnestness of manner that seemed to content the questioner ; and he resumed, with an altered, hollow, solemn voice : "Then curse the persecutors ! Daughter of the great Hebrew race, arise and curse the Moorish task-master and spoiler ! " As he spoke, the adjurer himself rose, lifting his right hand on high, while his left touched the shoulder of the maiden. But she, after gazing a moment in wild and terrified amazement upon his face, fell cowering at his knees ; and, clasping them imploringly, exclaimed, in scarce articulate murmurs — " Oh, spare me ! spare me ! " The Hebrew, for such he was, surveyed her, as she thus quailed at his feet, with a look of rage and scorn : his hand wandered to his poniard, he half unsheathed it, thrust it back with a muttered curse, and then, deliberately drawing it forth, cast it on the ground beside her. " Degenerate girl ! '" he said, in accents that vainly struggled for calm, " if thou hast admitted to thy heart c 34 LEILA. one unworthy thought towards a Moorish infidel, dig deep and root it out, even with the knife, and to the death — so wilt thou save this hand from that degrading task." He drew himself hastily from her grasp, and left the unfortunate girl alone and senseless. CHAPTER y. Ambition distorted into Vice by Law. Ox descending a broad flight of stairs from the apart- ment, the Hebrew encountered an old man, habited in loose garments of silk and fur, upon whose withered and wrinkled face life seemed scarcely to struggle against the advance of death — so haggard, wan, and corpse-like, was its aspect. "Ximen," said the Israelite, "trusty and beloved ser- vant, follow me to the cavern." He did not tarry for an answer, but continued his way with rapid strides, through various courts and alleys, till he came at length into a narrow, dark, and damp gallery, that seemed cut from the living rock. At; its entrance was a strong grate, which gave way to the Hebrew's touch upon the spring, though the united strength of a hundred men could not have moved it from its hinge. Taking up a brazen lamp that burnt in a niche within it, the Hebrew paused impa- tiently till the feeble steps of the old man reached the spot ; and then, reclosing the grate, pursued his winding LEILA. 35 way for a considerable distance, till he stopped suddenly by a part of the rock which seemed in no respect different from the rest : and so artfully contrived and concealed was the door which he now opened, and so suddenly did it yield to his hand, that it appeared literally the effect of enchantment, when the rock yawned, and discovered a circular cavern, lighted with brazen lamps, and spread with hangings and cushions of thick furs. Upon rude and seemingly natural pillars of rock, various antique and rusty arms were suspended ; in large niches were deposited scrolls, clasped and bound with iron ; and a profusion of strange and uncouth instruments and machines (in which modern science might, perhaps, discover the tools of chemical invention), gave a magical and ominous aspect to the wild abode. The Hebrew cast himself on a couch of furs: and, as the old man entered and closed the door, "Ximen," said he, "fill out wine — it is a soothing counsellor, and I need it." Extracting from one of the recesses of the cavern a flask and a goblet, Ximen proffered to his lord a copious draught of the sparkling vintage of the Yega, which seemed to invigorate and restore hira. " Old man," said he, concluding the potation with a deep-drawn sigh, "fill to thyself— drink till thy veins feel young." Ximen obeyed the mandate but imperfectly; the wine jnst touched his lips, and the goblet was put aside. "Ximen," resumed the Israelite, "how many of our 36 LEILA. race have been butchered by the avarice of the Moorish kings, since first thou didst set foot within the city ! " "Three thousand — the number was completed last winter, by the order of Jusef, the vizier ; and their goods and coffers are transformed into shafts and cimiters, against the dogs of Galilee." "Three thousand — no more ! three thousand only ! I would the number had been tripled, for the interest is be- coming due ! " "My brother, and my son, and my grandson, are among the number," said the old man, and his face grew yet more death-lil^e. " Tlieir monuments shall be in hecatombs of their tyrants. They shall not, at least, call the Jews niggards in revenge." "But pardon me, noble chief of a fallen people; thinkest thou we shall be less despoiled and trodden under foot by yon haughty and stiff-necked Nazarenes, than by the Arabian misbelievers ? " "Accursed, in truth, are both," returned the Hebrew ; " but the one promise more fairly than the other. I have seen this Ferdinand, and his proud queen ; they are pledged to accord us rights and immunities we have never known before in Europe." "And they will not touch our traffic, our gains, our gold^ " Out on thee ! " cried the fiery Israelite, stamping on the ground. " I would all the gold of earth were sunk into the everlasting pit ! It is this mean, and miserable, LEILA. 31 and loathsome leprosy of avarice, that gnaws away from our whole race the heart, the soul, nay — the very form, of man ! Many a time, when I have seen the lordly fea- tures of the descendants of Solomon and Joshua (features that stamp the nobility of the eastern world born to mastery and command;, sharpened and furrowed by petty cares, — when I have looked upon the frame of the strong man bowed, like a crawling reptile, to some huckstering bargainer of silks and unguents, — and heard the voice, that should be raising the battle-cry, smoothed into fawn- ing accents of base fear, or yet baser hope, — I have asked myself, if I am indeed of the blood of Israel ! and thanked the great Jehovah, that he hath spared me, at least, the curse that hath blasted my brotherhood into usurers and slaves ! " Ximen prudently forbore an answer to enthusiasm which he neither shared nor understood ; but, after a brief silence, turned back the stream of the conversation. "You resolve, then, upon prosecuting vengeance on the Moors, at whatsoever hazard of the broken faith of these Xazarenes?" "Ay, the vapor of human blood hath risen unto heaven, and, collected into thunder-clouds, hangs over the doomed and guilty city. And now, Ximen, I have a new cause for hatred to the Moors : the flower that I have reared and watched, the spoiler hath sought to pluck it from my hearth. Leila— thou hast guarded her ill, Ximen ; and, wert thou not endeared to me by thy I.— 4 d^ LEILA. very malice and vices, the rising sun should have seen thy trunk on the waters of the Darro " "My lord," replied Ximen, "if thou, the wisest of our people, canst not guard a maiden from love, how canst thou see crime in the dull eyes and numbed senses of a miserable old man ? " The Israelite did not answer, nor seem to hear this deprecatory remonstrance. He appeared rather occupied with his own thoughts ; and, speaking to himself, he muttered, "It must be so: the sacrifice is hard — the danger great ; but here, at least, it is more immediate. It shall be done. Ximen," he continued, speaking aloud; "dost thou feel assured that even mine own countrymen, mine own tribe, know me not as one of them ? Were my despised birth and religion published, my limbs would be torn asunder as an impostor ; and all the arts of the Cabala could not save me." " Doubt not, great master ; none in Granada, save thy faithful Ximen, know thy secret." " So let me dream and hope. And now to my work ; for this night must be spent in toil." The Hebrew drew before him some of the strange instruments we have described ; and took from the re- cesses in the rock several scrolls. The old man lay at his feet ready to obey his behests ; but, to all appear- ance, rigid and motionless as the dead, whom his blanched hues and shrivelled form resembled. It was, indeed, as the picture of the enchanter at his work, and the corpse of some man of old, revived from the grave to minister to his spells, and execute his commands. LEILA. ^"^Ss^^r^-^-g^ Enough in the preceding conversation has transpired to convince the reader, that the Hebrew, in whom he has already detected the Alraamen of the Alhambra, was of no character common to his tribe. Of a lineage that shrouded itself in the darkness of his mysterious people, in their day of power, and possessed of immense wealth, ■which threw into poverty the resources of Gothic princes, — the youth of that remarkable man had been spent, not in traffic and merchandise, but travel and study. As a child, his home had been in Granada. He had seen his father butchered by the late king, Muley Abul Hassan, without other crime than his reputed riches ; and his body literally cut open, to search for the jewels it was supposed he had swallowed. He saw; and boy as he was, he vowed revenge. A distant kinsman bore the orphan to lands more secure from persecution ; and the art with which the Jews concealed their wealth, scatter- ing it over various cities, had secured to Almamen the treasures the tyrant of Granada had failed to grasp. He had visited the greater part of the world then known ; and resided for many years in the court of the sultan of that hoary Egypt, which still retained its fame for abstruse science and magic lore. He had not in vain applied himself to such tempting and wild researches ; and had acquired many of those secrets, now perhaps lost for ever to the world. We do not mean to intimate that he attained to what legend and superstition impose upon our faith as the art of sorcery. He could neither command the elements, nor pierce the veil of the future, ^^! 40 LEILA. — scatter armies with a word, nor pass from spot to spot by the utterance of a charmed formula. But men who, for ages, had passed their lives in attempting all the effects that can astonish and awe the vulgar, could not but learn some secrets which all the more sober wisdom of modern times would search ineffectually to solve or to revive. And many of such arts, acciuired mechanically (their invention often the work of a chemical accident), those who attained to them could not always explain, nor account for the phenomena they created, so that the mightiness of their own deceptions deceived themselves ; and they often believed they were the masters of the Nature to which they were, in reality, but erratic and wild disciples. Of such was the student in that grim cavern. He was, in some measure, the dupe, partly of his own bewildered wisdom, partly of the fervor of an imagination exceedingly high-wrought and enthusiastic. His own gorgeous vanity intoxicated him : and, if it be an historical truth that the kings of the ancient world, blinded by their own power, had moments in which they believed themselves more than men, it is not incredible that sages, elevated even above kings, should conceive a frenzy as weak, or, it may be, as sublime ; and imagine that they did not claim, in vain, the awful dignity with which the faith of the multitude invested their faculties and gifts. But though the accident of birth, which excluded him from all field for energy and ambition, had thus directed the powerful mind of Almamen to contemplation and LEILA. 41 study, nature had never intended passions so fierce for the calm, though visionary pursuits to which he was addicted. Amidst scrolls and seers, he had pined for action and glory ; and, baffled in all wholesome egress, by the universal exclusion which, in every land, and from every faith, met the religion he belonged to, the faculties with- in him ran riot, producing gigantic, but baseless schemes, which, as one after the other crumbled away, left behind feelings of dark misanthropy, and intense revenge. Perhaps, had his religion been prosperous and power- ful, he might have been a sceptic ; persecution and afflic- tion made him a fanatic. ' Yet, true to that prominent characteristic of the old Hebrew race, which made them look to a Messiah only as a warrior and a prince, and which taught them to associate all their hopes and schemes with w^orldly victories and power, Almamen de- sired rather to advance, than to obey, his religion. He cared little for its precepts, he thought little of its doctrines ; but, night and day, he revolved his schemes for its earthly restoration and triumph. \,^\b*^ /_At that time, the Moors in Spain were far more deadly persecutors of the Jews than the Christians were. Amidst the Spanish cities on the coast, that merchant tribe had formed commercial connexions with the Christians, suffi- ciently beneficial, both to individuals as to communities, to obtain for them, not only toleration, but something of personal friendship, wherever men bought and sold in the market-place. And the gloomy fanaticism which after- wards stained the fame of the great Ferdinand, and in- 4 * 4^ LEILA. troduced the horrors of tbe'Inquisition, bad not yet made itself more than fitfully visible. But tbe Moors bad treated this unhappy people with a wholesale and relent- less barbarity. At Granada, under the reig:n of the fierce father of Boabdil, — "that king with the tiger heart." the Jews had been literally placed without the paie of humanity ; and even under the mild and con- templative Boabdil himself, they had been plundered without mercy, and, if suspected of secreting their trea- sures, massacred without scruple ; the wants of the state continued their unrelenting accusers, — their wealth, their inexpiable cv'imeA It was in the midst of these barbarities that Almamen, for the first time since the day when the death-shriek of his agonized father rang in his ears, suddenly returned to Granada. He saw the unmitigated miseries of his brethren, and he remembered and repeated his vow. His name changed, his kindred dead, none remembered, in the mature Almamen, the beardless child of Issachar the Jew. He had long, indeed, deemed it advisable to disguise his faith ; and was known, throughout the African kingdoms, but as the potent santon, or the wise magician. This fame soon lifted him, in Granada, high in the councils of the court. Admitted to the intimacy of Muley Hassan, with Boabdil. and the queen-mother, he had conspired against that monarch ; and had lived, at least, to avenge his father upon the royal murderer. He was no less intimate with Boabdil ; but, steeled against fellowship or affection for all men out of the pale of his LEILA. 43 faith, he saw, in the confidence of the king, only the blindness of a victim. Serpent as he was, he cared not through what mire of treachery and fraud he trailed his baleful folds, so that, at last, he could spring upon his prey. Nature had given him sagacity and strength. The curse of circum- stance had humbled, but reconciled him to the dust. He had the crawl of the reptile, — he had, also, its poison and its fangs. CHAPTER YI. The Lion in the Net. It was the next night, not long before daybreak, that the king of Granada abruptly summoned to his council, Jusef, his vizier. The old man found Boabdil in great disorder and excitement ; but he almost deemed his sovereign mad, when he received from him the order to seize upon the person of Muza Ben Abil Gazan, and to lodge him in the strongest dungeon of the Yermilion Tower. Presuming upon BoabdiPs natural mildness, the vizier ventured to remonstrate, to suggest the danger of laying violent hands upon a chief so beloved, and to in- quire what cause should be assigned for the outrage. The veins swelled like cords upon BoabdiPs brow, as he listened to the vizier ; and his answer was short and peremptory. 44 LEILA. "Am I yet a king, that I should fear a subject, or excuse my will ? Thou hast my orders ; there are my signet and the firman : obedience, or the bow-string I" Never before had Boabdil so resembled his dread father in speech and air ; the vizier trembled to the soles of his feet, and withdrew in silence. Boabdil watched him depart; and then, clasping his hands in great emotion, exclaimed, " lips of the dead 1 ye have warned me ; and to you I sacrifice the friend of my youth." On quitting Boabdil, the vizier, taking with him some of those foreign slaves of a seraglio, who know no sym- pathy with human passion outside its walls, bent his way to the palace of Muza, sorely puzzled and perplexed. He did not, however, like to venture upon the hazard of the alarm it might occasion throughout the neighbor- hood, if he endeavored, at so unseasonable an hour, to force an entrance. He resolved, rather, with his train, to wait at a little distance, till, with the growing dawn, the gates should be unclosed, and the inmates of the palace astir. Accordingly, cursing his stars, and wondering at his mission, Jusef, and his silent and ominous attendants, concealed themselves in a small copse adjoining the palace, until the daylight fairly broke over the awakened city. He then passed into the palace, and was conducted to a hall, where he found the renowned Moslem already astir, and conferring with some Zegri captains upon the tactics of a sortie designed for that day. It was with so evident a reluctance and apprehension -LEILA. ^^ that Jusef approached the prince, that the fierce and quick-sighted Zegris instantly suspected some evil inten- tion in his visit ; and when Muza, in surprise, yielded to the prayer of the vizier for a private audience, it was with scowling brows and sparkling eyes that the Moorish warriors left the darling of the nobles alone with the messenger of their king, " By the tomb of the prophet ! " said one of the Zegris, as he ciuitted the hall, " the timid Boabdil suspects our Ben Abil Gazan. I learned of this before." "Hush!" said another of the band; "let us watch. If the king touch a hair of Muza's head, Allah have mercy on his sins I " Meanwhile, the vizier, in silence, showed to Muza the firman and the signet ; and then, without venturing to announce the place to which he was commissioned to conduct the prince, besought him to follow at once. Muza changed color, but not with fear. "Alas ! " said he, in a tone of deep sorrow, " can it be that I have fallen under my royal kinsman's suspicion or displeasure ? But no matter ; proud to set to Granada an example of valor in her defence, be it mine to set, also, an example of obedience to her king. Go on — I will follow thee. Yet stay, you will have no need of guards ; let us depart by a private egress : the Zegris might misgive, did they see me leave the palace with you at the very time the army are assembling in the Yivar- rambla, and awaiting my presence. This way." Thus saying, Muza, who, fierce as he was, obeyed 46 LEILA.- every impulse that the oriental loyalty dictated from a subject to a king, passed from the hall to a small door that admitted into the garden, and in thoughtful silence accompanied the vizier towards the Alhambra. As they passed the copse in which Muza, two nights before, had met with Almamen, the Moor, lifting his head suddenly, beheld fixed upon him the dark eyes of the magician, as he emerged from the trees. Muza thought there was in those eyes a malign and hostile exultation ; but Alma- men, gravely saluting him, passed on through the grove : the prince did not deign to look back, or he might once more have encountered that withering gaze. "Proud heathen!" muttered Almamen to himself, "thy father filled his treasuries from the gold of many a tortured Hebrew ; and even thou, too haughty to be the miser, hast been savage enough to play the bigot. Thy name is a curse in Israel ; yet dost thou lust after the daughter of our despised race, and, could defeated pas- sion sting thee, I were avenged. Ay, sweep on with thy stately step and lofty crest — thou goest to chains, per- haps to death." As Almamen thus vented his bitter spirit, the last gleam of the white robes of Muza vanished from his gaze. He paused a moment, turned away abruptly, and said, half-aloud, "Vengeance, not on one man only, but a whole race! Xow for the Nazarene." BOOK SECOND. CHAPTER I. The Royal Tent of Spain. — The King and the Dominican. — The Visitor and the Hostage. /Our narrative now summons us to the Christian army, and to the tent in which the Spanish king held nocturnal counsel with some of his more confidential warriors and advisers. Ferdinand had taken the field with all the pomp and circumstance of a tournament rather than of a campaign ; and his pavilion literally blazed with purple and cloth of goldj The king sate at the head of a table on which were scattered maps and papers ; nor in countenance and mien did that great and politic monarch seem unworthy of the brilliant chivalry by which he was surrounded. His black hair, richly perfumed and anointed, fell in long locks on either side of a high imperial brow ; upon whose calm, though not unfurrowed surface, the physiognomist would in vain have sought to read the inscrutable heart of kings. His features were regular and majestic ; and his mantle, clasped with a single jewel of rare price and lustre, and (17) 48 LEILA. wrought at the breast with a silver cross, waved over a vigorous and manly frame, which derived from the com- posed and tranquil dignity of habitual command that im- posing effect which many of the renowned knights and heroes in his presence took from loftier stature and ampler proportions. IXi his right hand, sat Prince Juan, his son, in the first bloom of youth ; at his left, the cele- brated Rodrigo Ponce de Leon, marquess of Cadiz ; along the table, in the order of their military rank, were seen the splendid duke of Medina Sidonia, equally noble in aspect and in name ; the worn and thoughtful counte- nance of the marquess de Yillena (the Bayard of Spain) ; the melancholy brow of the heroic Alonzo de Aguilar ; and the gigantic frame, the animated features, and spark- ling eyes, of that fiery Hernando del Pulgar, surnamed " the knight of the exploits."^ ''You see, seiiores," said the king, continuing an ad- dress, to which his chiefs seemed to listen with reverential attention, " our best hope of speedily gaining the city is rather in the dissensions of the Moors than our own sacred arms. The walls are strong — the population still numer- ous ; and under Muza Ben Abil Gazan, the tactics of the hostile army are, it must be owned, administered with such skill as to threaten very formidable delays to the period of our conquest. Avoiding the hazard of a fixed battle, the infidel cavalry harass our camp by perpetual skirmishes; and in the mountain defiles our detachments cannot cope with their light horse and treacherous am- buscades. It is true, that bv dint of time, bv the com- LEILA. 49 plete devastation of the Yega, and bj vigilant prevention of convoys from the sea-towns, we might starve the city into yielding. But, alas ! my lords, our enemies arc scattered and numerous, and Granada is not the only place before which the standard of Spain should be un- furled. Thus situated, the lion does not disdain to serve himself of the fox ; and fortunately, we have now in Granada an ally that fights for us. I have actual know- ledge of all that passes within the Alhambra : the king yet remains in his palace, irresolute and dreaming ; and I trust that an intrigue, by which his jealousies are aroused against his general, Muza, may end either in the loss of that able leader, or in the commotion of open rebellion or civil war. Treason within Granada will open its gates to us." "Sire," said Ponce de Leon, after a pause, "under your counsels, I no more doubt of seeing our banner float above the Yermilion Towers, than I doubt the rising of the sun over yonder hills ; it matters little whether we win by stratagem or force. But I need not say to your highness, that we should carefully beware, lest we be amused by inventions of the enemy, and trust to con- spiracies which may be but lying tales to blunt our sabres and paralyze our action." " Bravely spoken, wise de Leon I" exclaimed Hernando del Pulgar, hotly : " and against these infidels, aided by the cunning of the Evil One, methinks our best wisdom lies in the sword-arm. Well says our old Castilian pro- verb — L-5 D 50 LEILA. ' Curse them devoutly, Hammer them stoutly ) /•> The king smiled slightly at the ardor of the favorite of his army, but looked round for more deliberate counsel. " Sire," said Yillena, " far be it from us to inquire the grounds upon which your majesty builds your hope of dissension among the foe ; but, placing the most sanguine confidence in a wisdom never to be deceived, it is clear that we should relax no energy within our means, but fight while we plot, and seek to conquer, while we do not neglect to undermine." *'You speak well, my lord," said Ferdinand, thought- fully ; " and you yourself shall head a strong detachment to-morrow, to lay waste the Yega. Seek me two hours hence; the council for the present is dissolved." The knights rose, and withdrew with the usual grave and stately ceremonies of respect, which Ferdinand ob- served to, and exacted from, his court : the young prince remained. "Son," said Ferdinand, when they were alone, "early and betimes should the infants of Spain be lessoned in the science of kingcraft. These nobles are among the brightest jewels of the crown ; but still it is in the crown, and for the crown, that their light should sparkle. Thou seest how hot, and fierce, and warlike, are the chiefs of Spain — excellent virtues when manifested against our foes ; but had we no foes, Juan, such virtues might cause us exceeding trouble. By St. Jago, I have founded a miuhtv monarchy ! observe how it should be maintained : LEILA. 61 — by science, Juan, by science! and science is as far removed from brute force as this sword from a crowbar. Thou seemest bewildered and amazed, my son : thou hast heard that I seek to conquer Granada by dissensions among the Moors ; when Granada is conquered, remem- ber that the nobles themselves are a Granada. Ave Maria ! blessed be the Holy Mother, under whose eyes are the hearts of kings ! " Ferdinand crossed himself devoutly ; and then, rising, drew aside a part of the drapery of the pavilion, and called, in a low voice, the name of Perez. A grave Spaniard, somewhat past the verge of middle age, appeared. "Perez," said the king, reseating himself, "has the person we expected from Granada yet arrived ? " "Sire, yes; accompanied by a maiden." " He hath kept his word : admit them. Ha, holy father ! thy visits are always as balsam to the heart." " Save you, my son ! " returned a man in the robes of a Dominican friar, w^io had entered suddenly and without ceremony by another part of the tent, and who now seated himself with smileless composure at a little distance from the king. There was a dead silence for some moments ; and Perez still lingered within the tent, as if in doubt whether the entrance of the friar would not prevent or delay obedience to the king's command. On the calm face of Ferdinand himself appeared a slight shade of discompo- sure and irresolution, when the monk thus resumed : — 52 LEILA. ''My presence, my son, will not, I trust, disturb your conference with the infidel — since you deem that worldly policy demands your parley with the men of Belial ? " ''Doubtless not — doubtless not," returned the king, quickly: then, muttering to himself, "how wondrously doth this holy man penetrate into all our movements and designs !" he added, aloud, "let the messenger enter." Perez bowed, and withdrew. During this time, the young prince reclined in listless silence on his seat ; and on his delicate features was an expression of weariness which augured but ill of his fit- ness for the stern business to which the lessons of his wise father were intended to educate his mind. His, indeed, was the age, and his the soul, for pleasure ; the tumult of the camp was to him but a holiday exhibition — the march of an army, the exhilaration of a spectacle ; the court was a banquet, the throne, the best seat at the entertainment. The life of the heir-apparent, to the life of the king-possessive, is as the distinction between enchanting hope and tiresome satiety. The small grey eyes of the friar wandered over each of his royal companions with a keen and penetrating glance, and then settled in the aspect of humility on the rich carpets that bespread the floor; nor did he again lift them till Perez, reappearing, admitted to the tent the Israelite Almamen, accompanied by a female figure, whose long veil, extending from head to foot, could conceal neither the beautiful proportions nor the trembling agita- tion of her frame. LEILA. vv €^\^ When last, great king. I was admil cnce," said Almamen, "thou didst make question of the sineeritv and faith of thy servant ; thou didst ask nie for a surety of my faith ; thou didst demand a hostage; and didst refuse further parley without such pledge were yielded to thee. Lo ! I place under thy kingly care this maiden — the sole child of my house — as surety of my truth : I intrust to thee a life dearer than my ^wn." '•You have kept faith with us, stranger,*' said the king, in that soft and musical voice which well disguised his deep craft and his unrelenting will ; "and the maiden whom you intrust to our charge shall be ranked with the ladies of our royal consort." " Sire,"' replied Almamen, with touching earnestness, "you now hold the power of life and death over all for whom this heart can breathe a prayer, or cherish a hope, save for my countrymen and my religion. This solemn pledge between thee and me I render up without scruple, without fear. To thee I give a hostage — from thee I have but a promise." "But it is the promise of a king, a Christian, and a knight,", said the king, with dignity rather mild than arrogant : "among monarchs, what hostage can be more sacred ? Let this pass : how proceed affairs in the rebel city ? " " May this maiden withdraw, ere I answer my lord the king ? " said Almamen. The young prince started to his feet. "Shall Icon- s' 54 LEILA. duct this new charge to my mother ?" he asked, in a low voice, addressing Ferdinand. The king half-smiled : " The holy father were a better guide," he returned, in the same tone. But, though the Dominican heard the hint, he retained his motionless posture ; and Ferdinand, after a momentary gaze on the friar, turned away. "Be it so, Juan," said he, with a look meant to convey caution to the prince; "Perez shall accompany you to the queen : return the moment your mission is fulfdled — we want your presence." While this conversation was carried on between the father and son, the Hebrew was whispering, in his sacred tongue, words of comfort and remonstrance to the maiden ; but they appeared to have but little of the desired effect ; and, suddenly falling on his breast, she wound her arms around the Hebrew, whose breast shook with strong emotions, and exclaimed passionately, in the same lan- guage, " Oh, my father ! what have I done ? — why send me from thee ? — why intrust thy child to the stranger ? Spare me, spare me ! " " Child of my heart 1 " returned the Hebrew, with solemn but tender accents, " even as Abraham offered up his son, must I offer thee, upon the altars of our faith : but, Leila ! even as the angel of the Lord forbade the offering, so shall thy youth be spared, and thy years re- served for the glory of generations yet unborn. King of Spain ! " he continued in the Spanish tongue, suddenly and eagerly, " you are a father ; forgive my weakness, and speed this parting." LEILA. 56 Juan approached, and with respectful courtesy at- tempted to take the hand of the maiden. " You ? " said the Israelite, with a dark frown. " king ! the prince is young."' " Honor knoweth no distinction of age," answered the king. •''What ho, Perez! accompany this maiden and the prince to the queen's pavilion.*' The sight of the sober years and grave countenance of the attendant seemed to re-assure the Hebrew. He strained Leila in his arms ; printed a kiss upon her fore- head without removing her veil ; and then, placing her almost in the arms of Perez, turned away to the further end of the tent, and concealed his face with his hands. The king appeared touched ; but the Dominican gazed upon the whole scene with a sour scowl. Leila still paused for a moment ; and then, as if re- covering her self-possession, said, aloud and distinctly, *' Man deserts me ; but I will not forget that God is over all.'' Shaking off the hand of the Spaniard, slie con- tinued, " Lead on ; I follow thee !" and left the tent with a steady and even majestic step. "And now,"' said the king, when alone with the Do- minican and Aimamen, "how proceed our hopes?'' "Boabdil," replied the Israelite, "is aroused against both his army and their leader, Muza : the king will not quit the Alhambra; and this morning, ere I left the city, Muza himself was in the prisons of the palace." *• How ! ■' cried the king, starting from his seat. " This is my work," pursued the Hebrew coldly. '*It 56 LEILA. is these hands that are shaping for Ferdinand of Spain the keys of Granada." *'And right kingly shall be your guerdon," said the Spanish monarch : " meanwhile, accept this earnest of our favor." So saying, he took from his breast a chain of massive gold, the links of which were curiously inwrought with gems, and extended it to the Israelite. Almamen moved not. A dark flush upon his countenance bespoke the feelings he with diSiculty restrained. " I sell not my foes for gold, great king," said he, with a stern smile : " I sell my foes to buy the ransom of my friends." ''Churlish!" said Ferdinand, offended: "but speak on, man ! speak on ! " " If I place Granada, ere two weeks are past, within thy power, what shall be my reward ? " " Thou didst talk to me, when last we met, of immunities to the Jews." The calm Dominican looked up as the king spoke, crossed himself, and resumed his attitude of humility. "I demand for the people of Israel," returned Almamen, " free leave to trade and abide within the city, and follow their callings, subjected only to the same laws and the same imposts as the Christian population." "The same laws, and the same imposts! Humph I there are difiBculties in the concession. If we refuse ? " "Our treaty is ended. Give me back the maiden — you will have no further need of the hostage you de- LEILA. 57 manded : I return to the city, and renew our interviews no more.'' Politic and cold-blooded as was the temperament of the great Ferdinand, he had yet the imperious and haughty nature of a prosperous and long-descended king ; and he bit his lip in deep displeasure at the tone of the dictatorial and stately stranger. "Thou usest plain language, my friend,"' said he; "my words can be as rudely spoken. Thou art in my power, and canst return not, save at my permission.'' " I have your royal word, sire, for free entrance and safe egress," answered Almamen. " Break it, and Granada Is with the Moors till the Darro runs red with the blood of her lieroes, and her people strew the vales as the leaves in autumn." "Art thou then thyself of the Jewish faith ? " asked the king. " If thou art not, wherefore are the outcasts of the world so dear to thee ? " " My fathers were of that creed, royal Ferdinand ; and if I myself desert their creed, I do not desert their cause. O king ! are my terms scorned or accepted ? "' F^ accept them : provided, first, that thou obtainest the exile or death of Muza ; secondly, that within two weeks of this date thou bringest me, along with the chief councillors of Granada, the written treaty of the capitu- lation, and the keys of the city. Do this : and, though the sole king in Christendom who dares the hazard, I offer to tlie Israelites throughout Andalusia the common 58 LEILA. laws and rights of citizens of Spain j and to thee I will accord such dignity as may content thy ambition." The Hebrew bowed reverently, and drew from his breast a scroll, which he placed on the table before the king. " This writing, mighty Ferdinand, contains the articles of our compact." "How, knave ! wouldst thou have us commit our royal signature to conditions with such as thou art, to the chance of the public eye ? The king's word is the king's bond ! " The Hebrew took up the scroll with imperturbable composure. " My child ! " said he — " will your majesty summon back my child ? we would depart ! " "A sturdy mendicant this, by the Virgin ! " muttered the king ; and then, speaking aloud, " Give me the paper, I will scan it." Running his eyes hastily over the words, Ferdinand paused a moment, and then drew towards him the imple- ments of writing, signed the scroll, and returned it to Almamen. The Israelite kissed it thrice with oriental veneration, and replaced it in his breast. Ferdinand looked at him hard and curiously. He was a profound reader of men's characters ; but that of his guest baffled and perplexed him. "And how, stranger," said he, gravely — "how can I trust that man who thus distrusts one king and sells another ?" LEILA. 59 " king ! " replied Almamea (accustomed from his youth to commune with and command the posssessors of thrones yet more absolute) — " king ! if thou believest me actuated by personal and selfish interests in this our compact, thou hast but to make my service minister to my interest, and the lore of human nature will tell thee that thou hast won a ready and submissive slave. But if thou thinkest I have avowed sentiments less abject, and developed qualities higher than those of the mere bargainer for sordid power, oughtest thou not to rejoice that chance has thrown into thy way one whose intellect and faculties may be made thy tool ? If I betray another, that other is my deadly foe. Dost not thou, the lord of armies, betray thine enemy ? The Moor is an enemy bitterer to myself than to thee. Because I betray an enemy, am I unworthy to serve a friend ? If I, a single man, and a stranger to the Moor, can yet command the secrets of palaces, and render vain the counsels of armed men, have I not in that attested that I am one of whom a wise king can make an able servant?" " Thou art a subtle reasoner, my friend," said Ferdi- nand, smiling gently. " Peace go with thee ! our con- ference for the time is ended. What ho, Perez ! " The attendant appeared. "Thou hast left the maiden with the queen?" " Sire, you have been obeyed." " Conduct this stranger to the guard who led him through the camp. He quits us under the same protec- 60 LEILA. tion. Farewell ! Yet stay — thou art assured tliat Muza Ben Abil Gazan is in the prisons of the Moor ? " "Yes." " Blessed be the Yirgin ! " " Thou hast heard our conference, Father Tomas ?" said the king, anxiously, when the Hebrew had withdrawn. " I have, son." " Did thy veins freeze with horror ? " " Only when my son signed the scroll. It seemed to me then that I saw the cloven foot of the tempter." " Tush, father ! the tempter would have been more wise than to reckon upon a faith v.hich no ink and no parchment can render valid, if the Church absolve the compact. Thou understandest me, father ? " ''' I do. I know your pious heart and well-judging mind." " Thou wert right," resumed the king, musingly, " when thou didst tell us that these caitiff Jews were waxing strong in the fatness of their substance. They would have equal laws — the insolent blasphemers ! " " Son ! " said the Dominican, with earnest adjuration, •' God, who has prospered your arms and councils, will require at your hands an account of the power entrusted to you. Shall there be no difference between His friends and His foes — His disciples and His crucifiers ? " " Priest," said the king, laying his hand on the monk's shoulder, and with a saturnine smile upon his counte- nance, " were religion silent in this matter, policy has a voice loud enouu^h to make itself heard. The Jews LEILA. 61 demand eqnal rights : wbeu men demand equality with their masters, treason is at work, and justice sharpens her sword. Equality ! these wealthy usurers I Sacred Virgin ! they would be soon buying up our kingdoms." The Domkiican gazed hard on the king. " Son, I trust thee,'' he said, in a low voice, and glided from the tent. CHAPTER II. The Ambush, the Strife, and the Capture. The dawn was slowly breaking over the wide valley of Granada, as Almamen pursued his circuitous and soli- tary path back to the city. He was now in a dark and entangled hollow, covered with brakes and bushes, from amidst which tall forest-trees rose in frequent intervals, gloomy and breathless in the still morning air. As, emerging from this jungle, if so it may be called, the towers of Granada gleamed upon him, a human counte- nance peered from the shade ; and Almamen started to see two dark eyes fixed upon his own. He halted abruptly, and put his hand on his dagger, when a low sharp whistle from the apparition before him was answered around — behind ; and, ere he could draw breath, the Israelite was begirt by a group of Moors, in the garb of peasants, ''Well, my masters." said Almamen. calmly, as he 1—6 62 LEILA. encountered the wild savage countenances that glared upon him, " think you there is aught to fear from the solitary santon ? " "It is the magician," whispered one man to his neigh- bor — "let him pass." " Nay," was the answer, " take him before the captain ; we have orders to seize upon all we meet." This counsel prevailed ; and gnashing his teeth with secret rage, Almamen found himself hurried along by the peasants through the thickest part of the copse. At nJength, the procession stopped in a semicircular patch of rank sward, in which several head of cattle were quietly grazing, and a yet more numerous troop of peas- ants reclined around upon the grass. "Whom have we here ?" asked a voice which startled back the dark blood from Almamen's cheek ; and a Moor of commanding presence rose from the midst of his brethren. " By the beard of the Prophet, it is the false santon ! What dost thou from Granada at this hour?" "Noble Muza," returned Almamen — who, though indeed amazed that one whom he had imagined his victim was thus unaccountably become his judge, retained, at least, the semblance of composure — " my answer is to be given only to my lord the king ; it is his commands that I obey." "Thou art aware," said Muza, frowning, "that thy life is forfeited without appeal ? Whatsoever inmate of Granada is found without the walls between sunrise and sunset, dies the death of a traitor and deserter." L £ I L A 63 " The servants of the Albambra are excepted," an- swered the Israelite, without changing countenance. "Ah ! " muttered Muza, as a painful and sudden thou,£rht seemed to cross him, '* can it be possible that the rumor of the city has truth, and that the monarch of Granada is in treaty with the foe ? " He mused a little ; and then, motioning the Moors to withdraw, he continued aloud, "Almamen, answer me truly : hast thou sought the Christian camp with any message from the king ? " "I have not." "Art thou without the walls on the mission of the king ? " " If I be so, I am a traitor to the king should I reveal his secret." "I doubt thee much, santon," said Muza, after a pause; "I know thee for my enemy, and I do believe thy counsels have poisoned the king's ear against me, his people, and his duties. But no matter, thy life is spared awhile ; thou remainest with us, and with us shalt thou return to the king," "But, noble Muza " " I have said ! Guard the santon ; mount him upon one of our chargers; he shall abide with us in our ambush." While Almamen chafed in vain at his arrest, all in the Christian camp was yet still. At length, as the sun began to lift himself above the mountains, first a murmur, and then a din, betokened warlike preparations. Several parties of horse, under gallant and experienced leaders. 64 LEILA. formed themselves in dififerent quarters, and departed in different ways, on expeditions of forage, or in the hope of skirmish with the straggling, detachments of the enemy. Of these, the best equipped was conducted by the Mar- quess de Villena, and his gallant brother, Don Alonzo de Pacheco. In this troop, too, rode many of the best blood of Spain ; for in that chivalric army, the officers vied with each other who should most eclipse the meaner soldiery in feats of personal valor ; and the name of Yillena drew around him the eager and ardent spirits that pined at the general inactivity of Ferdinand's politic campaign. The sun, now high in heaven, glittered on the splendid arms and gorgeous pennons of Yillena's company — as, leaving the camp behind, it entered a rich and wooded district that skirts the mountain barrier of the Yega — the brilliancy of the day, the beauty of the scene, the hope and excitement of enterprise, animated the spirits of the whole party. In these expeditions strict discipline was often abandoned, from the certainty that it could be resumed at need. Conversation, gay and loud, inter- spersed at times with snatches of song, was heard amongst the soldiery ; and in the nobler group that rode with Yillena, there was even less of the proverbial gravity of ■Spaniards. " Now marquess," said Don Estevon de Suzon, " what wager shall be between us, as to which lance this day robs Moorish beauty of the greatest number of its wor- shippers ? " LEILA. 65 "My falchion against your jennet," said Don Alonzo de Pacheco, taking up the challenge. "Agreed. But, talking of beauty, were you in the queen's pavilion last night, noble marquess ? it was en- riched by a new maiden, whose strange and sudden ap- parition none can account for. Her eyes would have eclisped the fatal glance of Cava ; and had I been Ro- drigo, I might have lost a crown for her smile." "Ay," said Yillena, "I heard of her beauty; some hostage from one of the traitor Moors, with whom the king (the saints bless him !) bargains for the city. They tell me the prince incurred the queen's grave rebuke for his attentions to the maiden." " And this morning I saw that fearful Father Tomas steal into the prince's tent. I wish Don Juan well through the lecture. The monk's advice is like the algarroba ; * when it is laid up to dry it may be reasonably wholesome, but it is harsh and bitter enough when taken fresh." At this moment, one of the subaltern officers rode up to the marquess, and whispered in his ear. "Ha!" said Yillena, "the Virgin be praised! Sir knights, booty is at hand. Silence ! close the ranks." With that, mounting a little eminence, and shading his eyes with his hand, the marquess surveyed the plain below : and, at some distance, he beheld a horde of Moor- ish peasants, driving some cattle into a thick copse. The word was hastily given, the troop dashed on, every voice * The algarroba is a sort of leguminous plant, common in Spain. 6* E 66 LEILA. was hushed, and the clatter of mail, and the sound of hoofs, alone broke the delicious silence of the noon-day lanascape. Ere thev reached the copse, the peasants had disappeared within it. The marquess marshalled his men in a semicircle round the trees, and sent on a detachment to the rear, to cut off every egress from the wood. This done, the troop dashed within. For the first few yards the space was more open than they had anticipated ; but the ground soon grew uneven, rugged, and almost pre- cipitous ; and the soil, and the interlaced trees, alike for- bade any rapid motion to the horse. Don Alonzo de Pacheco, mounted on a charger whose agile and docile limbs had been tutored to every description of warfare, and himself of light weight, and incomparable horseman- ship — dashed on before the rest. The trees hid him for a moment ; when, suddenly, a wild yell was heard, and as it ceased, uprose the solitary voice of the Spaniard, shouting ''Santiago, y cierra Espana; St. Jago, and charge, Spain ! " Each cavalier spurred forward ; when suddenly, a shower of darts and arrows rattled on their armor; and up sprang from bush, and reeds, and rocky clift, a num- ber of Moors, and with wild shouts swarmed around the Spaniards. "Back for your lives ! " cried Yillena, " we are beset — make for the level ground ! " ITe turned — spurred from the thicket, and saw the Pa3'nim foe emerging through the glen, line after line of man and horse ; each Moor leading his slight and fiery LEILA. 6T Bteed by the bridle, and leaping on it as he issued from the wood into the plain. Cased in complete mail, his vizor down, his lance in rest, Yillena (accompanied by such of his knights as could disentangle themselves from the Moorish foot) charged upon the foe. A moment of fierce shock passed : on the ground lay many a Moor, pierced through by the Christian lance ; and on the other side of the foe, was heard the voice of Yillena — *' St. Jago to the rescue ! "' But the brave marquess stood al- most alone, save his faithful chamberlain Solier. Several of his knights were dismounted, and swarms of Moors, with lifted knives, gathered round them as they lay, searching for the joints of the armor, which might admit a mortal wound. Gradually, one by one, many of Yil- lena's comrades joined their leader; and now the green mantle of Don Alonzo de Pacheco was seen waving with- out the copse, and Yillena congratulated himself on the safety of his brother. Just at that moment, a Moorish cavalier spurred from his troop, and met Pacheco in full career. The Moor was not clad, as was the common custom of the Paynim nobles, in the heavy Christian armor. He wore the light flexile mail of the ancient heroes of Araby or Fez. His turban, which was pro- tected by chains of the finest steel interwoven with the folds, was of the most dazzling white — white, also, were his tunic and short mantle ; on his left arm hung a short circular shield, in his right hand was poised a long and slender lance. As this Moor, mounted on a charger in whose raven hue not a white hair could be detected, 68 LEILA. dashed forward against Pacheco, both Christian and Moor breathed hard, and remained passive. Either nation felt it as a sacrilege to thwart the encounter of champions so renowned. " God save my brave brother ! " muttered Yillena, anxiously. "Amen," said those around him ; for all who had ever witnessed the wildest valor in that war, trembled as they recognized the dazzling robe and coal-black charger of Muza Ben Abil Gazan. Xor was that re- nowned infidel mated with an unworthy foe. " Pride of the tournament, and terror of the war," was the favorite title which the knights and ladies of Castile had bestowed on Don Alonzo de Pacheco. When the Spaniard saw the redoubted Moor approach, he halted abruptly for a moment, and then, wheeling his horse round, took a wider circuit, to give additional im- petus to his charge. The 3Ioor, aware of his purpose, halted also, and awaited the moment of his rush ; when once more he darted forward, and tlie combatants met with a skill which called forth a cry of involuntary applause from the Christians themselves. Muza received on the small surface of his shield the ponderous spear of Alonzo, while his own light lance struck upon the helmet of the Christian, and by the exactness of the aim rather than the weight of the blow, made Alonzo reel in his saddle. The lances were thrown aside — the long broad fal- chion of the Christian, the curved Damascus cimiter of the Moor, gleamed in the air. They reined their chargers opposite each other in grave and deliberate silence. LEILA. 69 " Yield thee, sir knight ! "' at length cried the fierce Moor, " for the motto on my cimiter declares that if thou meetest its stroke, thy days are numbered. The sword of the believer is the Key of Heaven and Hell." "^ "False Paynim," answered Alonzo, in a voice that rang hollow through his helmet, " a Christian knight is the equal of a Moorish army ! " Muza made no reply, but left the rein of his charger on his neck ; the noble animal understood the signal, and with a short impatient cry rushed forward at full speed. Alonzo met the charge with his falchion upraised, and his whole body covered with his shield : the Moor bent — the Spaniards raised a shout — Muza seemed strickeu from his horse. But the blow of the heavy falchion had not touched him ; and, seemingly without an effort, the curved blade of his own cimirer, gliding by that part of his antagonist's throat where the helmet joins the cuirass, passed unresistingly and silently through the joints ; and Alonzo fell at once, and without a groan, from his horse — his armor, to all appearance, unpenetrated, while the blood oozed slow and gurgling from a mortal wound. "Allah il Allah ! " shouted Muza, as he joined his friends; "LeliliesI Lelilies ! " echoed the 3Ioors ; and ere the Christians recovered their dismay, they were en- gaged hand to hand with their ferocious and swarming foes. It was, indeed, fearful odds : and it was a marvel to the Spaniards how the Moors had been enabled to * Such, says Sale, i< the poetical phrase of the Mahometan divines. TO LEILA. harbor and conceal their numbers in so small a space. Horse and foot alike beset the company of Yillena, already sadly reduced ; and while the infantry, with desperate and savage fierceness, thrust themselves under tlie very bellies of the chargers, encountering both the hoofs of the steed and the deadly lance of the rider, in the hope of finding a vulnerable place for the sharp Moorish knife, — the horsemen, avoiding the stern grapple of the Spanish warriors, harassed them by the shaft and lance, — now advancing, now retreating, and performing, with incredible rapidity, the evolutions of Oriental cavalry. But the life and soul of his party was the indomitable Muza. With a rashness which seemed to the super- stitious ^Daniards like the safety of a man protected by magic, he spurred his ominous black barb into the very midst of the serried phalanx which Yillena endeavored to form around him, breaking the order by his single charge, and from time to time bringing to the dust some champion of the troop by the noiseless and scarce-seen edge of his fatal cimiter. Yillena, in despair alike of fame and life, and gnawed with grief for his brother's loss, at length resolved to put the last hope of the battle on his single arm. He gave the signal for retreat ; and to protect his troop, remained himself, alone and motionless, on his horse, like a statue of iron. Though not of large frame, he was esteemed the best swordsman, next only to Hernando del Pulgar and Gonsalvo de Cordova, in the army ; practised alike in the heavy assault of the Christian warfare, and the LEILA. 71 rapid and dexterous exercise of the Moorish cavalry. There he remained, alone and grim — a lion at bay — while his troops slowly retreated down the Yega, and their trumpets sounded loud signals of distress, and demands for succor, to such of their companions as might be within hearing. Yillena's armor defied the shafts of the Moors; and as one after one darted towards him, with whirling cimiter and momentary assault, few escaped with impunity from an eye equally quick and a weapon more than equally formidable. Suddenly, a cloud of dust swept towards him : and Muza, a moment before at the further end of the field, came glittering through that cloud, with his white robe waving and his right arm bare. Yillena recognized him, set his teeth hard, and putting spurs to his charger, met the rush. Muza swerved aside, just as the heavy falchion swung over his head, and by a back stroke of his own cimiter, shore through the cuirass just above the hip-joint, and the blood followed the blade. The brave cavaliers saw the danger of their chief; three of their number darted forward, and came in time to separate the combatants. Muza stayed not to encounter the new reinforcement ; but speeding across the plain, was soon seen rallying his own scattered cavalry, and pouring them down, in one general body, upon the scanty remnant of the Spaniards. *• Our day is come ! " said the good knight Yillena, with bitter resignation. " Nothing is left for us, my friends, but to give up our lives — an example how Si>anish warriors should live and die. May God and 72 LEILA. the Holy Mother forgive our sins, and shorten our pur- gatory ! " Just as he spoke, a clarion was heard at a distance ; and the sharpened senses of the knights caught the ring of advancing hoofs. " We are saved ! " cried Estevon de Suzon, rising on his stirrups. While he spoke, the dashing stream of the Moorish horse broke over the little band ; and Estevon beheld bent upon himself the dark eyes and quivering lip of Muza Ben Abil Gazan. That noble knight had never, perhaps, till then known fear ; but he felt his heart stand still, as he now stood opposed to that irresistible foe. " The dark fiend guides his blade ! " thought De Suzon ; "but I was shriven but yestermorn." The thought re- stored his wonted courage ; and he spurred on to meet the cimiter of the Moor. His assault took Muza by surprise. The Moor's horse stumbled over the ground, cumbered with the dead and slippery with blood, and his uplifted cimiter could not do more than break the force of the gigantic arm of De Suzon ; as the knight's falchion, bearing down the cimiter, and alighting on the turban of the Mahometan, clove midway through its folds, arrested only by the admirable temper of the links of steel which protected it. The shock hurled the Moor to the ground. He rolled under the saddle-girths of his antagonist. " Victory and St. Jago ! " cried the knight, " Muza is " The sentence was left eternally unfinished. The blade LEILA. T3 of the fallen Moor had already pierced De Suzon's horse through a mortal but undefended part. It fell, bearing his rider with him. A moment, and the two champions lav together grappling in the dust ; in the next, the short knife which the Moor wore in his girdle had penetrated the Christian's yizor, passing through the brain. To remount his steed, that remained at hand, humbled and motionless, to appear again amongst the thickest of the fray, was a work no less rapidly accomplished than had been the slaughter of the unhappy Estevon de Suzon. But now the fortune of the day was stopped in a progress hitherto so triumphant to the Moors. Pricking fast over the plain, were seen the glittering horsemen of the Christian reinforcements ; and, at the remoter distance, the royal banner of Spain, indistinctly descned through volumes of dust, denoted that Ferdinand himself was advancing to the support of his cavaliers. The Moors, however, who had themselves received many and mysterious reinforcements, which seemed to spring up like magic from the bosom of the earth — so suddenly and unexpectedly had they emerged from copse and cleft in that mountainous and entangled neighbor- hood — were not unprepared for a fresh foe. At the command of the vigilant Muza, they drew off, fell into order, and, seizing, while yet there was time, the vantage- ground which inequalities of the soil and the shelter of the trees gave to their darts and agile horse, they pre- sented an array which Ponce de Leon himself, who now arrived, deemed it more prudent not to assault. While I.— t 74 LEILA. Villena, in accents almost inarticulate with rage, was urging' the Marquess of Cadiz to advance, Ferdinand, surrounded by the flower of his court, arrived at the rear of the troops ; and, after a few words interchanged with Ponce de Leon, gave the signal of retreat. When the Moors beheld that noble soldiery slowly breaking ground, and retiring towards the carap, even Muza could not control their ardor. They rushed for- ward, harassing the retreat of the Christians, and delaying the battle by various skirmishes. It was at this time that the headlong valor of Her- nando del Pulgar, who had arrived with Ponce de Leon, distinguished itself in feats which yet live in the songs of Spain. Mounted upon an immense steed, and himself of colossal strength, he was seen charging alone upon the assailants, and scattering numbers to the ground with the sweep of his enormous and two-handed falchion. With a loud voice, he called on Muza to oppose him ; but the Moor, fatigued with slaughter, and scarcely recovered from the shock of his encounter with De Suzon, reserved so formidable a foe for a future contest^ It was at this juncture, while the field was covered with straggling skirmishers, that a small party of Span- iards, in cutting their way to the main body of their countrymen through one of the numerous copses held by the enemy, fell in at the outskirt with an equal number of Moors, and engaged them in a desperate conflict, hand to hand. Amidst the infidels was one man who took no part in the affrav ; at a little distance, he gazed for a LEILA. ^5 few moments upon the fierce and relentless slaughter of Moor and Christian with a smile of stern and complacent delight : and then taking advantage of the general con- fusion, rode gently, and, as he hoped, unobserved, away from the scene. But he was not destined so quietly to escape. A Spaniard perceived him, and, from something strange and unusual in his garb, judged him one of the Moorish leaders ; and presently Almamen, for it was he, beheld before him the uplifted falchion of a foe neither disposed to give quarter nor to hear parley. Brave though the Israelite was, many reasons concurred to prevent his taking a personal part against the soldier of Spain ; and, seeing he should have no chance of expla- nation, he fairly put spurs to his horse, and galloped across the plain. The Spaniard followed, gained upon him, and Almamen at length turned in despair and the WTath of his haughty nature. " Have thy will, fool ! '' said he, between his grinded teeth, as he griped his dagger and prepared for the con- flict. It was long and obstinate, for the Spaniard was skilful ; and the Hebrew, wearing no mail, and without any weapon more formidable than a sharp and well- tempered dagger, was forced to act cautiously on the defensive. At length the combatants grappled, and, by a dexterous thrust, the short blade of Alnmmen pierced the throat of his antagonist, who fell prostrate to the ground. "I am safe," he thought, as he wheeled round his horse ; when, lo ! the Spaniards he had just left behind, Y6 LEILA and who had now routed their antagonists, were upon him. " Yield, or die ! " cried the leader of the troop. Almamen glared round ; no succor was at hand. " I am not your enemy,*' said he, sullenly, throwing down his weapon — "bear me to your camp." A trooper seized his rein, and, scouring along, the Spaniards soon reached the retreating army. Meanwhile the evening darkened, the shout and the roar grevr gradually less loud and loud — the battle had ceased — the stragglers had joined their several standards ; and, by the light of the first star, the Moorish force, bearing their wounded brethren, and elated with success, re-entered the gates of Granada, as the black charger of the hero of the day, closing the rear of the cavalry, dis- appeared within the gloomy portals. CHAPTER III. The Hero in the Power of the Dreamer. It was in the same chamber, and nearly at the same hour, in which we first presented to the reader Boabdil el Chico, that we are again admitted to the presence of that ill-starred monarch. He was not alone. His favorite slave, Amine, reclined upon the ottomans, gazing with anxious love upon his thoughtful countenance, as LEILA. ^>> ■ ' iiXh he leant against the glittering \vaIrH*.ylfie sTcte* of the' casement, gazing abstractedly on the ^ceiie below. From afar he heard the shouts of the populace at the return of Muza, and bursts of artillery confirmed the tidings of triumph which had already been borne to his ear. "May the king live for ever!" said Amine, timidly; '•his armies have gone forth to conquer." "But without their king," replied Boabdil, bitterly, "and headed by a traitor and a foe. I am meshed in the nets of an inextricable fate ! " " Oh ! " said the slave, with sudden energy, as, clasp- ing her hands, she rose from her couch, — " oh, my lord ! would that these humble lips dared utter other words than those of love ! " "And what wise counsel would they give me ?" asked Boabdil, with a fiint smile. " Speak on." " I will obey thee, then, even if it displease," cried Amine ; and she rose, her cheek glowing, her eyes spark- ling, her beautiful form dilated. " I am a daughter of Granada ; I am the beloved of a king ; I will be true to my birth and to m.y fortunes. Boabdil el Chico, the last of a line of heroes, shake off these gloomy fantasies — these doubts and dreams that smother the fire of a great nature and a kingly soul ! Awake — arise — rob Granada of her Muza — be thyself her Muza ! Trustest thou to magic and to spells ? then grave them on thy breast- plate, write them on thy sword, and live no longer the Dreamer of the Alhambra ; become the saviour of thy people ! " "7 * Y8 LEILA. Boabdil turned, and gazed on the inspired and beauti- ful form before him witn mingled emotions of surprise and shame. "Out of the mouth of woman cometh my, rebuke ! " said he, sadly. "It is well ! " "Pardon me, pardon me!'' said the slave, falling humbly at his knees; "but blame me not that I would have thee worthy of thyself "Wert thou not happier, was not thy heart more light, and thy hope more strong, when at the head of thine armies, thine own cimiter slew thine own foes, and the terror of the hero-king spread, in flame and slaughter, from the mountains to the seas. Boabdil, dear as thou art to me — equally as I would have loved thee hadst thou been born a lowly fisherman of the Darro, — since thou art a king, I would have thee die a king ; even if my own heart broke as I armed thee for thy latest battle ! '' "Thou knowest not what thou sayest, Amine," said Boabdil, "nor canst thou tell what spirits that are not of earth dictate to the actions, and watch over the destinies, of the rulers of nations. If I delay, if I linger, it is not from terror, but from wisdom. The cloud must gather on, dark and slow, ere the moment for the thun- derbolt arrives." " On thine house will the thunderbolt fall, since over thine own house thou sufiferest the cloud to gather," said a calm and stern voice. Boabdil started ; and in the chamber stood a third person, in the shape of a woman, past middle age, and of commanding port and stature. Upon her long- LEILA. 79 descending robes of embroidered purple were thickly woven jewels of royal price ; and her dark hair, slightly tinged with grey, parted over a majestic brow, while a small diadem surmounted the folds of the turban. " My mother I '' said Boabdil, with some haughty reserve in his tone ; "your presence is unexpected." "Ay," answered Ayxa la Horra, for it was indeed that celebrated, and haughty, and high-souled queen, "and unwelcome ; so is ever that of your true friends. But not thus unwelcome was the presence of your mother, when her brain and her hand delivered you from the dungeon in which your stern father had cast your youth, and the dagger and the bowl seemed the only keys that would unlock the cell." '• And better hadst thou left the ill-omened son that thy womb conceived, to die thus in youth, honored and lamented, than to live to manhood, wrestling against an evil star and a relentless fate." " Son," said the queen, gazing upon him with lofiy and half-disdainful compassion, "men's conduct shapes out their own fortunes, and the unlucky are never the valiant and the wise."' "Madam," said Boabdil, coloring with passion, "I am still a king, nor will I be thus bearded — withdraw ! " Ere the queen could reply, a eunuch entered, and whisp^ed Boabdil. " Ha ! " said he, joyfully, stamping his foot, "comes he then to brave the lion in his den ? Let the rebel look to it ! Is he alone ? " 80 LEILA. "Alone, great king." "Bid my guards wait without ; let the slightest signal summon them. Amine, retire ! '' " Son ! " interrupted Ayxa la Horra, in visible agita- tion, "do I guess aright? is the brave Muza — the sole bulwark and hope of Granada — whom unjustly thou wouldst last night have placed in chains — (chains ! great prophet ! is it thus a king should rew^ard his heroes ?) — is, I say, Muza here ? and wilt thou make him the victim of his own generous trust ? " " Retire, woman ! " said Boabdil, sullenly. " I will not, save by force ! I resisted a fiercer soul than thine when I saved thee from thy father." " Remain, then, if thou wilt, and learn how kings can punish traitors. Mesnour, admit the hero of Granada." Amine had vanished. Boabdil seated himself on the cushions — his face calm, but pale. The queen stood erect at a little distance, her arms folded on her breast, and her aspect knit and resolute. In a few moments ^luza entered, alone. He aj)proached the king with the pro- found salutation of Oriental obeisance; and then stood before him with downcast eyes, in an attitude from whicli respect could not divorce a natural dignity and pride of mien. "Prince." said Boabdil, after a moment's pause, " yester-morn, when I sent for thee, thou didst brave my orders. Even in mine own Alhambra, tliy minions broke out in mutiny ; they surrounded the fortress in which thou wert to wait my pleasure ; they intercepted, they insulted. LEILA. 81 they drove back my guards : they stormed the towers protected by the banner of thy king. The governor, a coward or a traitor, rendered thee to the rebeUious crowd. Was this all ? Xo, by the prophet ! Thou, by right my captive, didst leave thy prison but to head mine armies. And this day, the traitor subject — the secret foe— was the leader of the people who defy a king. This night thou comest to me unsought. Thou feelest secure from my just wrath, even in my palace. Thine insolence blinds aud betrays thee. Man, thou art in my power ! Ho, there I " As the king spoke, he rose ; and, presently, the arcades at the back of the pavilion were darkened by long lines of the Ethiopian guard, each of height which, beside the slight Moorish race, appeared gigantic; stolid and passionless machines, to execute, without thought, the bloodiest or the lightest caprice of despotism. There they stood ; their silver breast-plates and long ear-rings, contrasting their dusky skins ; and bearing over their shoulders immense clubs studded with brazen nails. A little advanced from the rest, stood the captain, with the fatal bow-string hanging carelessly on his arm, and his eyes intent to catch the slightest gesture of the king. "Behold," said Boabdil to his prisoner. "I do ; and am prepared for what I have foreseen." The queen grew pale, but continued silent. Muza resumed — " Lord of the faithful ! '- said he, " if yester-morn I had acted otherwise, it would have been to the ruin of thy F 82 LEILA. throne and our common race. The fierce Zejjris sus- 'D' pected and learned my capture. They summoned the troops — they delivered me, it was true. At that time had I reasoned with them, it would have been as drops upon a flame. They were bent on besieging thy palace, perhaps upon demanding thy abdication. I could not stifle their fury, but I could direct it. In the moment of passion, I led them from rebellion against our common king to victory against our common foe. That duty done, I come unscathed from the sword of the Christian to bare my neck to the bow-string of my friend. Alone, untracked, unsuspected, I have entered thy palace, to prove to the sovereign of Granada, that the defender of his throne is not a rebel to his will. Now summon the guards — I have done." " Muza ! " said Boabdil, in a softened voice, while he shaded his face with his hand, "we played together as children, and I liave loved thee well : my kingdom even now, perchance, is passing from me, but I could almost be reconciled to that loss, if I thought thy loyalty had not left me." " Dost thou, in truth, suspect the faith of Muza Ben Abil Gazan ?" said the Moorish prince, in a tone of sur- prise and sorrow. " Unhappy king ! I deemed that my services, and not my defection, made my crime." "Why do my people hate me? why do my armies menace ? " said Boabdil, evasively ; " why should a subject possess that allegiance which a king cannot obtain ? " "Because," replied Muza, boldly, "the king has dele- LEILA 83 grated to a subject the command he should himself assume. Oh, Boabdil!"' he continued, passionately — "friend of mv boyhood, ere the evil days came upon us — gladly would I sink to rest beneath the dark waves of yonder river, if thy arm and brain would fill up my place amongst the warriors of Granada. And think not I say this only from our boyish love ; think not I have placed ray life iu thy hands only from that servile loyalty to a single man, which the false chivalry of Christendom imposes as a sacred creed upon its knights and nobles. But I speak and act but from one principle — to save the religion of my father and the laud of my birth : for this I have risked my life against the foe ; for this I surrender my life to the sovereign of my country. Granada may yet survive, if monarch and people unite together. Granada is lost for ever, if her children, at this fatal hour, are divided against themselves. If, then, I, Boabdil I am the true obstacle to thy league with thine own subjects, give me at once to the bow-string, and my sole prayer shall be for the last remnant of the Moorish name, and the last monarch of the Moorish dynasty." '• My son, my son ! art thou convinced at last ?" cried the queen, struggling with her tears ; for she was one who wept easily at heroic sentiments, but never at the softer sorrows, or from the more womanly emotions Boabdil lifted his head with a vain and momentary attempt at pride ; his eye glanced from his mother to his friend, and his better feelings gushed upon him v.ith irresistible force : he threw himself into Muza's arms. 84 LEILA. "Forgive rae," he said, in broken accents, "forgive me ! How could I have wronged thee thus ? Yes," he continued, as he started from the noble breast on which for a moment he indulged no ungenerous weakness, — "yes, prince, your example shames, but it fires me. Granada henceforth shall have two chieftains ; and if I be jealous of thee, it shall be from an emulation thou canst not blame. Guards, retire. Mesnour ! ho, Mes- nour ! Proclaim at daybreak that I myself will review the troops in the Yivarrambla. Yet" — and, as he spoke, his voice faltered, and his brow became overcast, "yet, stay; seek me thyself at daybreak, and I will give thee my commands." " Oh, my son ! why hesitate ? " cried the queen, " why waver? Prosecute thine own kingly designs, and " "Hush, madam," said Boabdil, regaining his customary cold composure ; " and since you are now satisfied with your son, leave me alone with Muza," The queen sighed heavily ; but there was something in the calm of Boabdil which chilled and. awed her more than his bursts of passion. She drew her veil around her, and passed slowly and reluctantly from the chamber. "Muza," said Boabdil, when alone with the prince, and fixing his large and thoughtful eyes upon the dark orbs of his companion, — "when, in our younger days, we conversed together, do you remember how often that converse turned upon those solemn and mysterious themes to which the sages of our ancestral land directed their deepest lore ; the enigmas of the stars — the science of LEILA. 85 fate — the wild researches into the clouded future, whicli hides the destinies of nations and of men ? Tliou re- memberest, Muza, that to such studies mine own vicissi- tudes and sorrows even in childhood — the strange for- tunes which gave me in my cradle the epithet of El Zogoybi — the ominous predictions of santons and as- trologers as to the trials of my earthly fate, -^ all con- tributed to incline my soul. Thou didst not despise those earnest musings, nor our ancestral lore, though, un- like me, ever more inclined to action than to contempla- tion, that which thou mightest believe had little influence upon what thou didst design. With me it hath been otherwise : every event of life hath conspired to feed my early prepossessions ; and, in this awful crisis of my fate, I have placed myself and my throne rather under the guardianship of spirits than of men. This alone has re- conciled me to inaction — to the torpor of the Alhambra — to the mutinies of my people. I have smiled, when foes surrounded and friends deserted me, secure of the aid at last — if I bided but the fortunate hour — of the charms of protecting spirits, and the swords of the in- visible creation. Thou wonderest what this should lead to. Listen ! Two nights since (and the king shuddered) I was with the dead ! My father appeared before me — not as I knew him in life — gaunt and terrible, full of the vigor of health, and the strength of kingly empire, and of fierce passion — but wan, calm, shadowy. From lips on which Azrael had set his livid seal, he bade me be- ware of thee f^ \ —6 8B LEILA. • The king ceased suddenly ; and sought to read on tlie face of Muza the effect his words produced. But the proud and swarthy features of the Moor evinced no pang of conscience ; a slight smile of pity might have crossed "his lip for a moment, but it vanished ere the king could detect it. Boabdil continued : "Under the influence of this warning, I issued the order for thy arrest. Let this pass — I resume my tale. I attempted to throw myself at the spectre's feet — it glided from me, motionless and impalpable. I asked the Dead One if he forgave his unhappy son the sin of re- bellion — alas ! too well requited even upon earth. And the voice again came forth, and bade me keep the crown that I had gained, as the sole atonement for the past. Then again I asked, whether the hour for action had arrived ? and the spectre, while it faded gradually into air, answered, ' Xo ! ' 'Oh!' I exclaimed, 'ere thou leavest me, be one sign accorded me, that I have not dreamt this vision ; and give me, I pray thee, note and warning, when the evil star of Boabdil shall withhold its influence, and he may strike, without resistance from the Powers above, for his glory and his throne.' 'The sign and the warning are bequeathed thee,' answered the ghostly image. It vanished, — thick darkness fell around ; and, when once more the light of the lamps we bore became visible, behold there stood before me a skeleton, in the regal robe of the kings of Granada, and on its grisly head was the imperial diadem. With one hand raised, it pointed to the opposite wail, wherein burned, LEILA 8t like an orb of gloomy fire, a broad dial-plate, on which were graven these words, 'bew.ajre — fear nut — arm I ' the finger of the dial moved rapidly round, and rested at the word, beware. From that honr to the one in which I last beheld it, it hath not moved. Muza, the tale is done ; \dlt thou visit with me this enchanted chamber, and see if the hour be come?" "Commander of the faithful," said ]\[uza, "the story is dread and awful. But pardon thy friend — wert thou alone, or was the santon Almamen thy companion ? " " Why the c^uestion ? " said Boabdil, evasively, and slightly coloring. "I fear his truth," answered Muza ; "the Christian king conc|uers more foes by craft than force : and his spies are more deadly than his warriors. Wherefore this cau- tion against me, but (pardon me) for thine own undoing ? Were I a traitor, could Ferdinand himself have en- dangered thy crown so imminently as the revenge of the leader of thine own armies ? Why, too, this desire to keep thee inactive ? For the brave every hour hath its chances ; but, for us, every hour increases our peril. If we seize not the present time, our supplies are cut off, — and famine is a foe all our valor cannot resist. This dervise — who is he ? a stranger, not of our race and blood. But this morning I found him without the walls, nor far from the Spaniard's camp." " Ha ! " cried the king, quickly, " and what said he ? " "Little, but in hints ; sheltering himself, by loose hints, under thy name." 88 LEILA. '' He ! what dared he own ? — 3Iuza, what were those hints?" The Moor here recounted the interview with Almamen, his detention, his inactivity in the battle, and his subse- quent capture by the Spaniards. The king listened at- tentively, and regained his composure. '' It is a strange and awful man," said he, after a pause. " Guards and chains will not detain him. Ere long he will return. But thou, at least, Muza, art henceforth free, alike from the suspicion of the living and the warn- ings of the dead. Xo, my friend," continued Boabdil, with generous wajmth ; " it is better to lose a crown, to lose life itself, than confidence in a heart like thine. Come, let us inspect this magic tablet ; perchance — and how my heart bounds as I utter the hope ! — the hour may have arrived." CHAPTER lY. A fuller view of the Character of Boabdil. — Muza in the Gardens of his Beloved. JiLZA Bex Abil Gazan returned from his visit to Boabdil with a thoughtful and depressed spirit. His ar- guments had failed to induce the king to disdain the com- mand of the magic dial, which still forbade him to arm against the invaders ; and although the royal favor was no longer withdrawn from himself, the Moor felt that such favor hung upon a capricious and uncertain tenure LEILA. 89 SO long as his sovereign was the slave of superstition or imposture. But that noble warrior, whose character the adversity of his country had singularly exalted and refined, even while increasing its natural fierceness, thought little of himself in comparison with the evils and misfortunes which the king's continued irresolution must bring upon Granada. " So brave, and yet so weak " (thought he) ; "so weak, and yet so obstinate ; so wise a reasoner, yet so credulous a dupe ! Unhappy Boabdil ! the stars, indeed, seem to fight against thee, and their influences at thy birth marred all thy gifts and virtues with counteracting infirmity and error." 3Iuza, — more perhaps than any subject in Granada, did justice to the real character of the king ; but even he was unable to penetrate all its complicated and latent, mysteries. Boabdil el Chico was no ordinary man ; his aff'ections were warm and generous, his nature calm and gentle ; and, though early power, and the painful experi- ence of a mutinous people and an ungrateful court, had imparted to that nature an irascibility of temper and a quickness of suspicion, foreign to its earlier soil, he was easily led back to generosity and justice : and, if warm in resentment, was magnanimous in forgiveness. Deeply accomplished in all the learning of his race and time, he ^yas — in books, at least, a philosoplier ; and, indeed, his attachment to the abstruser studies was one of the main causes which unfitted him for his present station. But it was the circumstances attendant on his birth and child- 8* 90 LEILA. hood that had perverted his keen and graceful intellect to morbid indulgence in mystic reveries, and all the doubt, fear, and irresolution of a man who pushes metaphysics into the supernatural world. Dark prophecies accumu- lated omens over his head ; men united in considering hira born to disastrous destinies. Wlienever he had sought to wrestle against hostile circumstances, some seemingly accidental cause, sudden and unforeseen, had blasted the labors of his most vigorous energy, — the fruit of his most deliberate wisdom. Thus, by degrees, a gloomy and despairing cloud settled over his mind ; but, secretly scep- tical of the Mahometan creed, and too proud and sanguine to resign himself wholly and passively to the doctrine of inevitable predestination, he sought to contend against the machinations of hostile demons and boding stars, not by human but spiritual agencies. Collecting around hira the seers and magicians of orient fanaticism, he lived in the visions of another world ; and, flattered by the prom- ises of impostors or dreamers, and deceived by his own subtle and brooding tendencies of mind, it was amongst spells und cabala that he thought to draw fonh the mighty secret which was to free him from the meshes of the preternatural enemies of his fortune, and leave him the freedom of other men to wrestle, with equal chances, against peril and adversities. It was tlius, that Almamen had won the mastery over his mind ; and though upon matters of common and earthly import, or solid learning, Boabdil could contend with sages, upon those of super- stition he could be fooled by a child. He was, in this, a LEILA. 91 kind of Hamlet : formed under prosperous and serene fortunes, to render blessings and reap renown; but over wliom the chilling shadow of another world had fallen — whose soul curdled back into itself— whose life had been separated from that of the herd— whom doubts and awe drew back, while circumstances impelled onward — whom a supernatural doom invested with a peculiar philosophy, not of human effect and cause — and who, with every gift that could ennoble and adorn, was suddenly palsied into that mortal imbecility, which is almost ever the result of mortal visitings into the haunted regions of the Ghostly and Unknown. The gloomier colorings of his mind hu.d been deepened, too. by secret remorse. For the preserva- tion of his own life, constantly threatened by his unnatural predecessor, he had been early driven into rebellion against his father. In age, infirmity, and blindness, that fierce king bad been made a prisoner at Salobrena, by his brother. El Zagal, Boabdil's partner in rebellion ; and dying suddenly, El Zagal was suspected of his murder. Though Boabdil was innocent of such a crime, he felt himself guilty of the causes which led to it ; and a dark memory, resting upon his conscience, served to augment his superstition and enervate the vigor of his resolves : for, of all things that make men dreamers, none is so ef- fectual as remorse operating upon a thoughtful tempera- ment. Revolving the character of his sovereign, and sadly foreboding the ruin of his country, the young hero of Granada pursued his way, until his steps, almost un- 92 LEILA. consciously, led him towards the abode of Leila. He sealed the walls of the garden as before — he iieared the house. All was silent and deserted : his signal was un- answered — his murmured song brought no grateful light to the lattice, no fairy footstep to the balcony. Dejected, and sad of heart, he retired from the spot ; and, return- 'ing home, sought a couch, to which even all the fatigue and excitement which he had undergone, could not win the forgetfulness of slumber. The mystery that wrapt the maiden of his homage, the rareness of their inter- views, and the wild and poetical romance that made a very principle of the chivalry of the Spanish Moors, had imparted to Muza's love for Leila a passionate depth, which, at this day, and in more enervated climes, is un- known to the Mahometan lover. His keenest inquiries had been unable to pierce the secret of her birth and station. Little of the inmates of that guarded and lonely house was known in the neighborhood : the only one ever seen without its walls was an old man of the Jewish faith, supposed to be a superintendent of the foreign slaves (for no Mahometan slave would have been sub- jected to the insult of submission to a Jew) ; and though there were rumors of the vast wealth and gorgeous luxury within the mansion, it was supposed the abode of some Moorish emir absent from the city — and the interest of the gossips was at this time absorbed in more weighty matters than the affairs of a neighbor. But when, the next eve, and the next, Muza returned to the spot equally in vain, his impatience and alarm could no LEILA. 93 longer be restrained ; he resolved to lie in watch by the portals of the house night and day, until, at least, he could discover some one of the inmates whom he could question of his love, and perhaps bribe to his service. As with this resolution he was hovering round the mansion, he beheld, stealing from a small door in one of the low wings of the house, a Ijended and decrepit form : it supported its steps upon a staff; and, as now entering the garden, it stooped by the side of a fountain to cull flowers and herbs by the light of the moon, the Moor almost started to behold a countenance v-hicli resembled that of some ghoul or vampire haunting the places of the dead. He smiled at his own fear ; and, with a quick and stealthy pace, hastened through the trees, and, gain- ing the spot where the old man bent, placed his hand on his shoulder ere his presence was perceived. Ximen — for it was he — looked round eagerly, and a faint cry of terror broke from his lips. " Hush ! " said the Moor ; " fear me not, I am a friend. Thou art old, man — gold is ever welcome to the aged." As he spoke, he dropped several broad pieces into the breast of the Jew, whose ghastly features gave forth a yet more ghastly smile as he received the gift, and mum- bled forth,— " Charitable young man [^generous, benevolent, excel- lent young man ! " " Xow then,'' said Muza, "tell me — you belong to this house — Leila, the maiden within — tell me of her — is she well ?'' 94 LEILA. , " I trust so," returned the Jew ; " I trust so, noble master." "Trust so! know you not of her state?" " Not I ; for many nights I have not seen her, excel- lent sir," answered Ximen ; "she hath left Granada, she hath gone. You waste your time, and mar your precious health amidst these nightly dews : they are unwholesome, very unwholesome, at the time of the new moon." " Gone ! " echoed the Moor ; " left Granada ! — woe is me ! — and whither ? there, there, more gold for you, — old man, tell me whither ? " "Alas ! I know not, most magnanimous young man ; I am but a servant — I know nothing." " When will she return ? " " I cannot tell thee." "Who is thy master? who owns yon mansion?" Ximen's countenance fell ; he looked round in doubt and fear, and then, after a short pause, answered, — "A wealthy man, good sir — a Moor of Africa ; but he hath also gone ; he but seldom visits us ; Granada is not so peaceful a residence as it was, — I would go too, if I could." Muza released his hold of Ximen, who gazed at the Moor's working countenance with a malignant smile — ■ for Ximen hated all men. "Thou hast done with me, young warrior? Pleasant dreams to thee under the new moon — thou hadst best retire to thy bed. Farewell ! bless thy charity to the poor old man ! " LEILA. 95 Muza heard him not ; he remained motionless for some moments ; and then with a heavy sigh, as that of one who has gained the mastery of himself after a bitter struggle, he said, half aloud, "Allah be with thee, Leila ! Granada now is my only mistress." CHAPTER Y. Bonbdil's Reconciliation with his People. Several days had elapsed without any encounter between Moor and Christian ; for Ferdinand's cold and sober policy, warned by the loss he had sustained in the ambush of Muza, was now bent on preserving rigorous restraint upon the fiery spirits he commanded. He for- bade all parties of skirmish, in which the Moors, indeed, had usually gained the advantage, and contented himself with occupying all the passes through which provisions could arrive at the besieged city. He commenced strong fortifications around his camp ; and, forbidding assault on the Moors, defied it against himself. Meanwhile, Almamen had not returned to Granada. Xo tidings of his fate reached the king; and his pro- longed disappearance began to produce visible and salutary eflFect upon the long-dormant energies of Boab- dil. The counsels of Muza, the exhortations of the queen-mother, the enthusia-m of his mi>tres?, Amine, un- 96 LEILA. counteracted by the arts of the magician, aroused the torpid lion of his nature. But' still his army and his subjects murmured against him ; and his appearance in the Yivarrambla might, possibly, be the signal of revolt. It was at this time that a most fortunate circumstance at once restored to him the confidence and affections of his people. His stern uncle, El Zagal — once a rival for his crown, and whose daring valor, mature age, and military sagacity, had won him a powerful party within the city — ^had been, some months since, conquered by Ferdinand ; and, in yielding the possessions he held, had been re- warded with a barren and dependent principality. His defeat, far from benefiting Boabdil, had exasperated the Moors against their king. " For," said they, almost with one voice, " the brave El Zagal never would have suc- cumbed had Boabdil properly supported his arms.'' And it was the popular discontent and rage at El Zagal's de- feat, which had, indeed, served Boabdil with a reasonable excuse for shutting himself in the strong fortress of the Alhambra. It now happened, that El Zagal, whose dominant passion was hatred of his nephew, and whose fierce nature chafed at its present cage, resolved in his old age to blast all his former fame by a signal treason to his country. Forgetting everything but revenge against his nephew, whom he was resolved should share his own ruin, he armed his subjects, crossed the country, and appeared at the head of a gallant troop in the Spanish camp, an ally with Ferdinand against Granada. When this vras heard by tlie Moor.-, it is impossible to LEILA. 9T conceive their indignant wrath : the crime of El Zagal produced an instantaneous reaction in favor of Boabdil ; the crowd surrounded the Alhambra, and with prayers and tears entreated the forgiveness of the king. This event completed the conquest of Boabdil over his own irresolution. He ordained an assembly of the whole armv in the broad space of the Yivarrambla : and when at break of day he appeared in full armor in the square, with ]Muza at his right hand, himself in the flower of youthful beauty, and proud to feel once more a hero and a king, the joy of the people knew no limit ; the air was rent with cries of "Long live Boabdil el Chico I " and the young monarch, turning to Muza, with his soul upon his brow, exclaimed, "The hour has come — I am no longer El Zogoybi ! " CHAPTER YI. Leila. — Her new lover. — Portrait of the first inquisitor of Spain. — The chalice returned to the lips of Almamen. While thus the state of events within Granada, the course of our story transports us back to the Christian camp. It was in one of a long line of tents that skirted the pavilion of Isabel, and was appropriated to the ladies attendant on the royal presence, that a young female sate alone. The dusk of evening already gathered around, and only the outline of her form and features was visible. I.— 9 G 93 LEILA. But even that imperfectly seen, — the dejected attitude of the form, the drooping head, the hands clasped upon the knees, — might have sufficed to denote the melancholy nature of the reverie which the maid indulged. ''Ah," thought she, "to what danger am I exposed ! If my father, if my lover, dreamed of the persecution to which their poor Leila is abandoned ! " A few tears, large and bitter, broke from her eyes, and stole unheeded down her cheek. At that moment, the deep and musical chime of a bell was heard summoning the chiefs of the army to prayer : for Ferdinand invested all his worldly schemes with a religious covering, and to his politic war he sought to give the imposing character of a sacred crusade. "That sound," thought she, sinking on her knees, "summons the Xazarenes to the presence of their God. It reminds me, a captive by the waters of Babylon, that God is ever with the friendless. Oh ! succor and defend me, Thou who didst look of old upon Ruth standing amidst the corn, and didst watch over thy chosen people in the hungry wilderness, and in the stranger's land." Wrapt in her mute and passionate devotions, Leila re- mained long in her touching posture. The bell had ceased; all without was hushed and still — when the drapery, stretched across the opening of the tent, was lifted, and a young Spaniard, cloaked, from head to foot, in a long mantle, stood within the space. He gazed in silence upon the kneeling maiden ; nor was it until she rose that he made his presence audible. LEILA. 99 "All, fairest ! " said he, then, as he attempted to take her liaiid, "thou wilt not answer my letters — see me, then, at thy feet. It is thou who teachest me to kneel." "You, prince !" said Leila, agitated, and in great and evident fear. " Why harass and insult me thus ? Am I not sacred as a hostage and a charge ? and are name, honor, peace, and all that woman is taught to nold most dear, to be thus robbed from me, under the pretext of a love, dishonoring to thee, and an insult to myself?" " Sweet one," answered Don Juan, with a slight laugh, "thou hast learned, within yonder walls, a creed of morals little known to Moorish maidens, if fame belies them not. Suffer me to teach thee easier morality and sounder logic. It is no dishonor to a Christian prince to adore beauty like thine ; it is no insult to a maiden hostage, if the Infant of Spain proffer her the homage of his heart But we waste time. Spies, and envious tongues, and vigilant eyes, are round us ; and it is not often that I can baflle them, as I have done now. Fair- est, hear me !" and this time he succeeded in seizing the hand, w^hich vainly struggled against his clasp. " Xay, why so coy ? what can female heart desire, that my love cannot shower upon thine ? Speak but the word, en- chanting maiden, and I will bear thee from these scenes, unseemly to thy gentle eyes. Amidst the pavilions of princes shalt thou repose ; and, amidst gardens of the orange and the rose, shalt thou listen to the vows of thine adorer. Surely, in these arms thou wilt not pine for a barbarous home, and a fated city. And if thy 100 LEILA. pride, sweet maiden, deafen thee to the voice of nature, learn that the haughtiest dames of Spain would bend, in envious court, to the beloved of their future king. This night — listen to me — I say, listen — this night I will bear thee hence ! Be but mine, and no matter, whether heretic or infidel, or whatever the priests style thee, neither church nor king shall tear thee from the bosom of thy lover." " It is well spoken, son of the Most Christian Monarch 1'^ said a deep voice ; and the Dominican, Tomas de Tor- quemada, stood before the prince. Juan, as if struck by a thunderbolt, released his hold, and, staggering back a few paces, seemed to cower, abashed and humbled, before the eye of the priest, as it glared upon him through the gathering darkness. "Prince,"' said the friar, after a pause, "not to thee will our holy church attribute this crime; thy pious heart hath been betrayed by sorcery. Ketire ! " "Father," said the prince — in a tone into which, de- spite his awe of that terrible man, the first grand in- quisitor OF SPAIN, his libertine spirit involuntarily forced itself, in a half-latent raillery — "sorcery of eyes like those bewitched the wise son of a more pious sire than even Ferdinand of Aragon." "He blasphemes!" muttered the monk. "Prince, beware ! you know not what you do." The prince lingered ; and then, as if aware that he must yield, gathered his cloak round him, and left the tent without reply. LEILA. 101 Pale and trembling — with fears no less felt, perhaps, thong'h more vague and perplexed than those from which she had just been delivered — Leila stood before the monk. " Be seated, daughter of the faithless," said Torque- n:ada, " we would converse with thee : and, as thou vainest — I say not thy soul, for, alas ! of that precious treasure thou art not conscious — but mark me, woman! as thou prizest the safety of those delicate limbs, and that wanton beauty, answer truly what I shall ask thee. The man who brought thee hither — is he, in truth, thy father ?" "Alas ! " answered Leila, almost fainting with terror at this rude and menacing address, " he is, in truth, mine only parent." "And his faith — his religion?" "I have never beheld him pray." "Hem! he never prays — a noticeable fact. But of what sect, what creed, does he profess himself?" "I cannot answer thee." " Xay, there be means that may wring from thee an answer. Maiden, be not so stubborn ; speak ! thinkest thou he serves the temple of the Mahometan?" "No ! oh, no !" answered poor Leila, eagerly, deeming that her reply, in this, at least, would be acceptable. " He disowns, he scorns, he abhors, the Moorish faith — even" (she added) "with too fierce a zeal." " Thou dost not share that zeal, then ? Well, worships he in secret after the Christian rites ? " Leila hung her head, and answered not. 9* 102 LEILA. '• I understand thy silence. And in what belief, maiden, wert thou reared beneath his rouf?" " I know not what it is called amoDg men," answered Leila, with firmness, " but it is the faith of the one God, who protects his chosen, and shall avenge their wrongs — the God who made earth and heaven ; and who, in an idolatrous and benighted world, transmitted the know- ledge of himself and his holy laws, from age to age, through the channel of one solitary people, in the plains of Palestine, and by the waters of the Hebron." ''And in that faith thou wert trained, maiden, by thy father ? '' said the Dominican, calmly. " I am satisfied. Rest here, in peace : we may meet again, soon." The last words were spoken with a soft and tranr.uil smile — a smile in which glazing eyes and agonizing hearts had often beheld the ghastly omen of the torture and the stake. On quitting the unfortunate Leila, the monk took his way towards the neighboring tent of Ferdinand. But, ere he reached it, a new thought seemed to strike the holy man ; he altered the direction of his steps, and gained one of those little shrines common in Catholic countries, and which had been hastily built of wood, in the centre of a small copse, and by the side of a brawling rivulet, towards the back of the king's pavilion But one solitary sentry, at the entrance of the copse, guarded the conse- crated place ; and its exceeding loneliness and quiet were a grateful contrast to the animated world of the surround- LEILA. 103 ing- camp. The monk entered the shrine, and fell down on bis knees before an image of the Virgin, rudely sculp- tured, indeed, but richly decorated. "Ah, Holy Mother ! " groaned this singular man, ''sup- port me in the trial to which I am appointed. Thou knowest that the glory of thy blessed Son is the sole object for which I live, and move, and have my being ; but at times, alas ! the spirit is infected with the weakness of the flesh. Orapro nobis, Mother of mercy I Yerily, oftentimes ray heart sinks within me when it is mine to Tindicate the honor of thy holy cause against the young and the tender, the aged and the decrepit. But what are beauty and youth, grey hairs and trembling knees, in the eye of the Creator ? Miserable worms are we all ; nor is there anything acceptable in the Divine sight, but the hearts of the faithful. Youth without faith, age with- out belief, purity without grace, virtue without holiness, are only more hideous by their seeming beauty — whited sepulchres, glittering rottenness. I know this — I know it ; but the human man is strong within me. Strengthen me, that I pluck it out ; so that, by diligent and constant struggle with the feeble Adam, thy servant may be reduced into a mere machine, to punish the godless and advance the Church." Here sobs and tears choked the speech of the Domi- nican ; he grovelled in the dust, he tore his hair, he howled aloud : the agony was fierce upon him. At length, he drew from his robe a whip, composed of several 104 LEILA. thongs, studded with small and sharp nails; and, strip- ping his gown, and the shirt of hair worn underneath, over his shoulders, applied the scourge to the naked flesh, with a fury which soon covered the green sward with thick and clotted blood. The exhaustion which followed this terrible penance seemed to restore the senses of the stern fanatic. A smile broke over the features, that bodily pain only released from the anguished expression of mental and visionary struggles ; and, when he rose, and drew the hair-cloth shirt over the lacerated and quivering flesh, he said, — " Now hast thou deigned to comfort and visit me, pitying Mother ; and, even as by these austerities against this miserable body, is the spirit relieved and soothed, so dost thou typify and betoken, that men's bodies are not to be spared by those who seek to save souls, and bring the nations of the earth into thy fold." With that thought the countenance of Torquemada reassumed its wonted rigid and passionless composure ; and replacing the scourge, yet clotted with blood, in his bosom, he pursued his way to the royal tent. He found Ferdinand poring over the accounts of the vast expenses of his military preparations, which he had just received from his treasurer ; and the brow of the thrifty, though ostentatious monarch, was greatly over- cast by the examination. "By the Bulls of Guisando !" said the king, gravely, " I purchase the salvation of my army, in this holy war, LEILA. 105 at a marvellous heavy price ; and if the infidels hold out much longer, we shall have to pawn our very patrimony of Arragon." "Son," answered the Dominican, "to purposes like thine, fear not that Providence itself will supply the worldly means. But why doubtest thou ? are not the means within thy reach? It is just that thou alone shouldst not support the wars by which Christendom is glorified. Are there not others?" " I know what thou wouldst say, father," interrupted the king, quickly, — "thou wouldst observe that my bro- ther monarchs should assist me with arms and treasure. Most just : but they are avaricious and envious, Tomas ; and Mammon hath corrupted them." "Nay, not to kings pointed my thought." "Well, then," resumed the king, impatiently, "thou wouldst imply that mine own knights and nobles should yield up their coffers, and mortgage their possessions. And so they ought ; but they murmur already, at what they have yielded to our necessities." "And, in truth," rejoined the friar, "these noble war- riors should not be shorn of a splendor that well becomes the valiant champions of the Church. Xay, listen to me, son, and I may suggest a means whereby, not the friends, but enemies of the Catholic faith shall contribute to the downfall of the Paynira. In thy dominions, especially those newly won, throughout Andalusia, in the kingdom of Cordova, are men of enormous wealth ; the very 106 LEILA, caverns of the earth are sown with the impious treasure they have phindered from Christian hands, and consume in the furtherance of their iniquity. Sire, I speak of the race that crucified the Lord." "The Jews — ay, but the excuse " " Is before thee. This traitor, with whom thou holdest intercourse, who vowed to t'hee to render up Granada, and who was found, the very next morning, fighting with the Moors, with the blood of a Spanish martyr red upon his hands, did he not confess that his fathers were of that hateful race ? did he not bargain with thee to elevate his brethren to the rank of Christians ? and has he not left with thee, upon false pretences, a harlot of his faith, who, by sorcery and the help of the Evil One, hath seduced into frantic passion the heart of the heir of the most Christian king ? " " Ha ! thus does that libertine boy ever scandalize us !" said the king, bitterly. " Well," pursued the Dominican, not heeding the inter- ruption, " have you not here excuse enough to wring from the whole race the purchase of their existence ? Note the glaring proof of this conspiracy of hell. The outcasts of the earth employed this crafty agent to con- tract with thee for power ; and, to consummate their guilty designs, the arts that seduced Solomon are em- ployed against thy son. The beauty of the strange ■woman captivates his senses ; so that, through the future sovereign of Spain, the counsels of Jewish craft may LEILA. 101 establish the domination of Jewish ambition. How knowest thou (he added, as he observed that Ferdinand listened to him with earnest attention) — how knowest thou but what the next step might have been thj secret assassination, so that the victim of witchcraft, the minion of the Jewess, might reign in the stead of the mighty and . unconquerable Ferdinand ? " " Go on, father," said the king, thoughtfully ; "I see, at least, enough to justify an impost upon these servitors of Mammon." " But, though common sense suggests to us," continued Torquemada, ''that this disguised Israelite could not have acted on so vast a design without the instigation of his brethren, not only in Granada, but throughout all Andalusia, — would it not be right to obtain from him his confession, and that of the maiden, within the camp, so that we may have broad and undeniable evidence, whereon to act, and to still all cavil, that may come not only from the godless, but even from the too tender scniples of the righteous ? Even the queen — whom the saints evermore guard ! — hath ever too soft a heart for these infidels ; and " " Eight !'' cried the king, again breaking upon Torque- mada ; " Isabel, the queen of Castile, must be satisfied of the justice of all our actions." "And, should it be proved that thy throne or life were endangered, and that magic were exercised to entrap her royal son into a passion for a Jewish maiden, which the 108 LEILA. Churcli holds a crime worthy of excommunication itself, — sureh', instead of counteracting, she would assist our schemes." "Holy friend," said Ferdinand, with energy, "ever a comforter, both for this world and the next, to thee, and to the new powers intrusted to thee, we commit this charge ; see to it at once ; time presses — Granada is obstinate — the treasury waxes low." '•' Son, thou hast said enough," replied the Dominican, closing his eyes, and muttering a short thanksgiving. "Now then to my task." ^' Yet stay," said the king, with an altered visage ; "follow me to my oratory within : my heart is heavy, and I would fain seek the solace of the confessional." The monk obeyed : and while Ferdinand, whose wonder- ful abilities were mingled with the weakest superstition, — who persecuted from policy, yet believed, in his own heart, that be punished but from piety, — confessed, with penitent tears, the grave offences of aves forgotten, and beads untold ; and while the Dominican admonished, rebuked, or soothed, — neither prince nor monk ever dreamt that there was an error to confess in, or a penance to be adjudged to, the cruelty that tortured a fellow- being, or the avarice that sought pretences for the ex- tortion of a whole people. LEILA. ^V 109 CHAPTER YII. The Tribunal and the Miracle. It was the dead of night — the army was hushed in sleep — when four soldiers, belonging to the Holy Brotherhood, bearing with them one whose manacles proclaimed him a prisoner, passed in steady silence to a huge tent in the neighborhood of the royal pavilion. A deep dyke, formidable barricadoes, and sentries stationed at frequent intervals, testified the estimation in which the safety of this segment of the camp was held. The tent to which the soldiers approached was, in extent, larger than even the king's pavilion itself — a mansion of canvas, surrounded by a wide wall of massive stones ; and from its summit gloomed, in the clear and shining star-light, a small black pennant, on which was wrought a white broad-pointed cross. The soldiers halted at the gate in the wall, resigned their charge, with a whispered watch-word, to two gaunt sentries ; and then (relieving the sentries who proceeded on with the prisoner) re- mained, mute and motionless, at the post : for stern silence and Spartan discipHne were the attributes of the brotherhood of St. Hermandad. The prisoner, as he now neared the tent, halted a moment, looked round steadily, as if to fix the spot in his remembrance, and then with an impatient though 10 110 LEILA. stately gesture, followed his guards. He passed two divisions of the tent, dimly lighted, and apparently- deserted. A man, clad in long black robes, with a white cross on his breast, now appeared ; there was an inter- change of signals in dumb-show, and in another moment Almamen, the Hebrew, stood within a large chamber (if so that division of the tent might be called) hung with black serge. At the upper part of the space was an estrado, or platform, on which, by a long table, sat three men ; while, at the head of the board was seen the calm and rigid countenance of Tomas de Torquemada. The threshold of the tent was guarded by two men in gar- ments similar in hue and fashion to those of the figure who had ushered Almamen into the presence of the in- quisitor, each bearing a long lance, and with a long two- edged sword by his side. This made all the inhabitants of that melancholy and ominous apartment. The Israelite looked around with a pale brow, but a flashing and scornful eye ; and, when he met the gaze of the Dominican, it almost seemed as if those two men, each so raised above his fellows by the sternness of his nature, and the energy of his passions, sought by a look alone to assert his own supremacy and crush his foe. Yet, in truth, neither did justice to the other ; and the indignant disdain of Almamen was retorted by the cold and icy contempt of the Dominican. " Prisoner," said Torquemada (the first to withdraw his gaze,) " a less haughty and stubborn demeanor might have better suited thy condition : but no matter ; our LEILA. Ill Church is meek and humble. We have sent for thee in a charitable and paternal hope ; for although as spy and traitor, thy life is already forfeited, yet would we feign redeem and spare it to repentance That hope mayst thou not forego, for the nature of all of us is weak and clings to life — that straw of the drowning seaman." " Priest, if such thou art," replied the Hebrew, " I have already, when first brought to this camp, explained the causes of my' detention amongst the troops of the Moor. It was my zeal for the king of Spain that brought me into that peril. Escaping from that peril, incurred in his behalf, is the king of Spain to be my accuser and my judge ? If, however, my life now be sought as the grateful return for the proffer of inestimable service, I stand here to yield it. Do thy worst ; and tell thy master, that he loses more by my death than he can win by the lives of thirty thousand warriors." "Cease this idle babble," said the monk-inquisitor, contemptuously, "nor think thou couldst ever deceive, with thy empty words, the mighty intellect of Ferdinand of Spain. Thou hast now to defend thyself again>t