BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA VETUSTISSIMA. I \ 3Stfoiioti)eca Americana Setusttsstma DESCRIPTION OF WORKS RELATING TO AMERICA PUBLISHED BETWEEN THE TEJRS i49 2 an d ill t horn helh doit auoir cette confederation au choix det es, de rcgardcr J ils font les premiers qul t eft e compofe* fur la matiere de laquelle raifient, farce quil eft de la doElrint des mes comme de l eau y qui n"eft iamais plut , plus claire & plus nette yu afafourcc. G. NAUDE, Advis povr dreffer vne Bibliotheqve; pp. 48-49. GEO. P. PHILES, PUBLISHER sw MDCCCLXVI FOUR HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED IN ROYAL OCTAVO, NINETY-NINE COPIES PRINTED IN QUARTO, TEN COPIES PRINTED IN OJJARTO ON HOLLAND PAPER (THE LATTER FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION). No. 2,04 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by HENRY HARRISSE, In the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York. BRADSTREET PRESS, NEW YOKK. SAMUEL L. M. BARLOW OF NEW YORK THIS WORK, UNDERTAKEN AT HIS SUGGESTION, IS DEDICATED BY HIS FRIEND HENRY HARRISSE INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION. Artts etfcientitf confiftunt in libris, quorum emolumenta nulla metis fufficcrtt enarrarc. R. DE BURY, Philobiblion, cap. xv. I. HE abnegation practiced by true scholars in every branch of knowledge is one of the most interest ing and striking features of the age in which we live. With the recognition daily more and more absolute of the inter-dependence of the sciences, this abnegation has come to be the test of scholastic worth and loyalty. As Herbert Spencer admirably expresses it, every single fact of observation and discovery now has u to be digested by the organism of the sciences" ere it can be made available for the development of the work to which its special discoverer or observer may give the glory and strength of his life. And hence we see, and see with a just pride in the intellectual eleva tion of our epoch, the scholars and students of the world practice a degree of self-denial hitherto most uncommon, revere a reli gion of science which teaches us that we are all " members one of another," and cause studies apparently the most dissimilar in their scope and objects to converge upon the genesis of a general science, not yet perfected, but wherein all scientific ele- A ii Introduction. ments may one day find their absolute connection, and assume a true philosophical character. In this praiseworthy communion, it becomes as practicable as it is necessary at once to subdivide every field of inquiry, and to unite and concentrate all separate efforts upon investigations of a positive kind. Nor less by it is every teacher and student strengthened to resist the fatal seductions of that inner voice which is forever lifting itself rebelliously against the limits imposed upon human knowledge by human nature, and forever prompting hypotheses which really minister only to individual vanity and weakness, while they delay the genuine advance of learning. To accept and exercise this virtue of our age is, it must be confessed, comparatively easy. For while every day opens new horizons to our gaze, the very basis upon which we strive to build our systems and erect our hypotheses is perpetually giving way under that incessant accumulation of materials which re sults in every direction of inquiry from the increasingly active consensus of all the sciences. Nevertheless, let all fit honor be paid to those who practice this virtue, who control the constant aspirations of the mind after the unknowable, who select for themselves a sphere of modest labor, and who give to the ex haustive investigation of a single class or order of facts all their talents, their time and their energy. Not, indeed, that we fully share the dazzling hopes enter tained by so many earnest inquirers, especially in that vast field of historical studies, one secondary section of which we have made it our duty to till, with what results this volume must attest. It seems to us, for instance, over-bold to assert that we shall ever find in historical facts, when accumulated and ana lyzed, a new latent power adequate to bring forth a science which shall unfold the universal force always present, active and supreme, in the history of humanity, and shall exhibit, through the medium of historical similitudes, a progressive march of mankind toward a necessary end no longer undefined and mysterious. Introduction. Hi i But even if we are required to abandon the hope of so surpassing a result of our patience and our perseverance, noble prizes still remain to be won. A clearer understanding of the secret workings of human nature, a juster and a wiser appre ciation of the disparity which exists between our mental powers and the most imposing of the problems which mankind so pas sionately yearns to solve, may compel us to put aside, and for years to come, all questions which concern primary and final causes. But there will yet be left to us crucial problems worthy of the loftiest intellect, lying incontestably within the grasp of the human mind, fraught with great teachings, and fit to engage in their solution the united efforts of all men truly devoted to scientific studies. Pascal says that 1 "non seulement chacun des hommes s avance de jour en jour dans les sciences, mais tous les hommes ensemble y font un continuel progres, a mesure que 1 univers vieillit." This proposition implies a progress already achieved. Let the historian, then, describe this curious and necessary evolution in the history of man not by hypothetical generalities, but by the light of well-ascertained facts, and in the real order of succession. O 7 The march of mankind, from Engis 2 to Athens, is surely exten sive enough to satisfy the most ambitious inquirer ! This prog ress seems to involve a development in accordance with ascer- tainable laws. It is the province of the historian to set forth the premises from which these laws can be deduced and demon strated. Such a development must have necessarily taken place in forms varied and multifarious, running sometimes parallel, though with unequal rapidity. The historian may show its starting-points, land-marks and resting-places, its divergences and its return to homogeneity ; he may assay for us the modicum of truth which underlies our sternest beliefs, and rivet anew the links of a chain disconnected by ignorance or superstition. 1 Preface sur k Traitedu Vide, in Pensees, Vide the late works of HUXLEY and Fragments, &c., de Pascal, publics par M. P. LYELL, and especially the lectures deliv- FAUGERE; Paris, 1844, 8vo, Vol. i, p. 98. ered by VOGT in 1862-4. ii Introduction. ments may one day find their absolute connection, and assume a true philosophical character. In this praiseworthy communion, it becomes as practicable as it is necessary at once to subdivide every field of inquiry, and to unite and concentrate all separate efforts upon investigations of a positive kind. Nor less by it is every teacher and student strengthened to resist the fatal seductions of that inner voice which is forever lifting itself rebelliously against the limits imposed upon human knowledge by human nature, and forever prompting hypotheses which really minister only to individual vanity and weakness, while they delay the genuine advance of learning. To accept and exercise this virtue of our age is, it must be confessed, comparatively easy. For while every day opens new horizons to our gaze, the very basis upon which we strive to build our systems and erect our hypotheses is perpetually giving way under that incessant accumulation of materials which re sults in every direction of inquiry from the increasingly active consensus of all the sciences. Nevertheless, let all fit honor be paid to those who practice this virtue, who control the constant aspirations of the mind after the unknowable, who select for themselves a sphere of modest labor, and who give to the ex haustive investigation of a single class or order of facts all their talents, their time and their energy. Not, indeed, that we fully share the dazzling hopes enter tained by so many earnest inquirers, especially in that vast field of historical studies, one secondary section of which we have made it our duty to till, with what results this volume must attest. It seems to us, for instance, over-bold to assert that we shall ever find in historical facts, when accumulated and ana lyzed, a new latent power adequate to bring forth a science which shall unfold the universal force always present, active and supreme, in the history of humanity, and shall exhibit, through the medium of historical similitudes, a progressive march of mankind toward a necessary end no longer undefined and mysterious. Introduction. in But even if we are required to abandon the hope of so surpassing a result of our patience and our perseverance, noble prizes still remain to be won. A clearer understanding of the secret workings of human nature, a juster and a wiser appre ciation of the disparity which exists between our mental powers and the most imposing of the problems which mankind so pas sionately yearns to solve, may compel us to put aside, and for years to come, all questions which concern primary and final causes. But there will yet be left to us crucial problems worthy of the loftiest intellect, lying incontestably within the grasp of the human mind, fraught with great teachings, and fit to engage in their solution the united efforts of all men truly devoted to scientific studies. Pascal says that 1 "non seulement chacun des hommes s avance de jour en jour dans les sciences, mais tous les hommes ensemble y font un continuel progres, a mesure que 1 univers vieillit." This proposition implies a progress already achieved. Let the historian, then, describe this curious and necessary evolution in the history of man not by hypothetical generalities, but by the light of well-ascertained facts, and in the real order of succession. The march of mankind, from Engis 2 to Athens, is surely exten sive enough to satisfy the most ambitious inquirer ! This prog ress seems to involve a development in accordance with ascer- tainable laws. It is the province of the historian to set forth the premises from which these laws can be deduced and demon strated. Such a development must have necessarily taken place in forms varied and multifarious, running sometimes parallel, though with unequal rapidity. The historian may show its starting-points, land-marks and resting-places, its divergences and its return to homogeneity ; he may assay for us the modicum of truth which underlies our sternest beliefs, and rivet anew the links of a chain disconnected by ignorance or superstition. 1 Preface sur U Traitedu Vide, in Pcnsets, Vide the late works of HUXLEY and Fragments, &c.,de Pascal, publics far M.P. LYELL, and especially the lectures deliv- FAUGERE; Paris, 1844, 8vo, Vol. i, p. 98. ered by VOGT in 1862-4. iv Introduction. If any important results have already been attained in studies of this character, it is due to the subdivision of each and every field of inquiry. But the work of analysis must be carried still further. No subject should be deemed too insignificant to enlist the entire attention of series and successions of students ; and when, in consequence, and as the glorious reward of this con centration of labor, the subject so investigated again exhibits an opening for a new division, this, in its turn, must be probed by new men and with adequate means. It is thus that in the exact and natural sciences such marvelous progress has been accom plished. History, we know, is not based upon the observation of identical phenomena, and no one, therefore, as we have already suggested, can hope to see this science keep pace with Chemistry, Astronomy or Natural Philosophy ; but from a union of all the pursuits which have the least bearing on man, his past and his place in creation, we may possibly find that several of the ques tions which have so long exercised the ingenuity of the most acute thinkers, will eventually admit of a solution. And when we con sider these sciences philosophically, we are surprised to find how easily they may be connected with a view to the solution of such questions. Geology and Palaeontology enable us to see man in his first stage not only of physical but of intellectual develop ment ; Archaeology brings to light his earliest efforts in art ; Philology gives us the history of his origin and migrations ; Literature reveals to us his dearest traditions, and the primitive aspirations of his poetical genius. But each of these sciences is in itself complex and extensive. Divide and subdivide them into as many and as minute sections as the mind can conceive, and every fragment will yet require the use of all the means which we can apply to the survey and analysis they require. From every such subdivision, indeed, arises a new necessity, de manding a still greater abnegation ; for the task, in proportion as its field is enlarged, becomes ever more and more thankless. This is eminently true in reference to the study of the mechan- Introduction. v ical means which the votaries of these sciences must possess ; to the pursuits of those who devote themselves to devise and per fect instruments to alleviate the efforts of synthetic philosophers and historians ; to the modest callings which aim at placing within the reach of others, whosoever they may be, appliances which rarely fail to impart method, logic and precision. BIBLIOGRAPHY is concerned with one great class of these appliances, and we may be pardoned, perhaps, a few words in regard to the imme diate bearing of this science on the subject now before us. II. The assertion of Caspar Thurmann* : " Notitia librorum est dimidium studiorum," has not been considered an exaggeration of the claims of bibliography by historians who strive to elucidate facts in lieu of ventilating theories and reinforcing opinions. All that survives to us from the past of positive knowledge has been preserved in books and manuscripts. Traditions, even among semi-barbarous races, are no longer intrusted to the memory of those who cherish the remembrance of their ancestors and of their deeds : they find a lasting shrine in the printed word. And when we consider that we have inherited at least forty centuries of recorded facts, and that annals hitherto engraved on stone are now transferred into books, which are thus carrying back the accessible history of man to periods heretofore shrouded in dark ness and mystery, it will easily be admitted that he is no trust worthy historian who can seize, without a thrill of gratitude, the hand which alone may lead him unerringly through so vast an accumulation of materials. The science of Bibliography limits its claims to this right and duty. 8 apud Abbe RIVE, Prospectus fun ou- See also COTTON DES HOUSSAYES Dis- vrage public par souscrip tion ; Paris, 1782, course, in Bulletin du Bibliophile, No. II, I2mo, p. 59, notes. 3d series, p. 488. vi Introduction. A bibliography is not necessarily a list of books contained in a certain library ; but even when limited by this modest definition, it yet possesses a value which subsists, and is available, long after the books described may have been scattered or destroyed. A mere title frequently supplies the historian with the link which alone can impart a logical connection to this work. This title may lead him to study a book, which was perhaps unknown to his predecessors in the same line of investigation, and from this study he may often acquire a knowledge of certain facts which shall cause him to alter the entire plan of his work 4 . Viewed, indeed, in its proper light, a well-constructed catalogue of books is simply a luminous chronology of intellectual facts, and there is no Bibltotheca Philosophica which does not exhibit, in a more or less striking degree, the history of the human mind. But it is in the exact sciences that catalogues are fraught with their most useful teachings. We see in them at a glance the attempts and theories, often teeming with errors, which have paved the way for the discovery of those great truths never to be wrung again from our grasp. Do not the quaint titles affixed to the works of Lulli, Paracelsus, Agricola, Bruno, or Cardan, give us an insight into that curious process from which arose in due time 4 We may here cite, as an instance in a catalogue of modern books, which had point, the greatest historical composition of escaped his notice, was handed him by a modern times, AUGUSTIN THIERRY S His- friend. It contained the title of a work toire de la Conquetc dt rAnghterre par les which purported to give a faithful tran- Normands, Our readers doubtless recollect script of the Lambeth and Fitz-Stephen that in this immortal work the author de- manuscript. This single advertisement picts in vivid colors the history of the van- was sufficient to destroy the entire frame- quished, and finds in Thomas a Becket the work of Thierry s History : Thomas a personification of the Anglo-Saxon race and Becket, the bold protector of the Anglo- the champion of its rights against the Nor- Saxon race, was no longer himself an man dynasty. The ninth chapter is con- Anglo-Saxon, but disappeared in Thomas sidered the keystone of the history, as it re- Bequet, a Norman by birth and parentage ! lates exclusively to the memorable struggle The discovery preyed upon the mind of between Henry II and the Archbishop of Augustin Thierry for years, but, prompted Canterbury, who, to his dying moments, by his love for truth, which was dearer to remains the champion of an oppressed him than all his theories, he intended to people. THIERRY was preparing a new remodel his History ; unfortunately he died edition of his work for the press, when without accomplishing his work. Introduction. vii % the only true science? We grant that the meaning suggested by a mere name can only be appreciated by him who brings to its observation a certain degree of knowledge, which no succinct catalogue of books can ever give ; but a title, if properly set forth, will teach the reader at what time it was that a given thought, now trite and unnoticed, first assumed a positive char acter. The title repeated at a later period shows a progress accomplished ; a succession of editions marks its diffusion ; the controversies which follow, its importance; and accordingly as the work which it identifies disappears altogether from subse quent records, or maintains its place in them, the student may, by comparison, ascertain to what extent its influence continues still to be felt. Information of this character may be derived from a mere list ; but when the works are classified in the order of subjects, the divisions assume a philosophical bearing of great import. Our readers are aware that, independently of the immediate utility which arises from a methodical arrangement, classifica tions pertain to metaphysics. Aristotle, Bacon, D Alembert, Daunou, Ampere, have made classification the object of their highest efforts ; yet there is no bibliographer who is not required to follow in their wake, and to impart to the frame-work of a bib liography the philosophical character which these great thinkers failed to perfect. Aldus Librl graci impressi may be considered a mere printer s catalogue, intended solely to invite the public to purchase his books ; yet, in the primitive classification it sets forth, and which is composed of only five sections (Grammatica, Poetica, Logica, Philosophia, Sacra Scriptura)^ we see an evidence of the necessity which forces itself upon every enlightened bib liographer to go beyond a mere enumeration or index. The Pandectarum of Conrad Gesner, and the Tableaux of Christofle de Savigny, which may have served as a model for Bacon s divisions, show that Bibliography requires of its votaries some thing more than perseverance and attention. Even when these Introduction. are the only faculties which the bibliographer can bring to bear upon the science, he is frequently interrogated to ascertain who was the originator of an idea, the discoverer of a fact, or the inventor of a system, either in History, Literature, Science or Philosophy ; and this simply because his compilation gives an exact date or describes a book with accuracy. How many popular traditions have been shown to be erroneous by a single reference to catalogues of this description 5 ! But whether we consider Bibliography as an indispensable means to explore the sources of literature and of the historical sciences, or as the competent guide which leads conscientious critics to the knowledge of the subjects they are called upon to discuss, it is evident that its sphere of usefulness may be greatly extended. There is no reason why the bibliographer should limit his efforts to a faithful transcription of titles, coupled with minute collations. He may, without trespassing upon the prov ince of Belles-Lettres, give the history of the book, enumerate its contents, ascertain its precise place in the chronology of literature, state the references which mark its influence in the preparation of other works, quote the opinions expressed by competent critics, divulge its author or editor when published anonymously, and, if it be devoid of imprint, discover the date at which, and the place where, it was printed, and by what printer. He must, furthermore, describe the typographical pecu liarities of the book, the changes they inaugurate, and their bearing upon the history of the art of printing. Nor should he neglect to group around each title the data which may enable 6 "Quand on saura que le Don <%uicAottc d oeuvres de PAngleterre, on n accusera plus a eu cinq editions 1 annee meme qui le vit les contemporains de Cervantes, de Ca- paraitre ; que le poeme des Lusiades, quoi- moens et de Shakspeare, d avoir meconnu que ecrit en une langue d un usage tres- le merite de ces grands hommes, et 1 on limite, a eu deux editions dans sa nou- reconnaitra que 1 absence de lois veritable- veaute, et une troisieme quelques annees ment protectrices de la propriete litteraire apres ; quand on aura remarque que la a ete, sinon la seule, du moins la principale presse anglaise a frequemment reproduit du cause de la misere dans laquelle les deux vivant de leur illustre auteur, 1 Hamlet, premiers ont vecu." BRUNET, Manuel, POthello, le Romeo, et les autres chefs- Introduction, p. xix. Introduction. ix critics to correct errors and to elucidate every point in contro versy. As the reader will perceive, these requirements seem to imply that a perfect bibliographer should be so gifted as to be able to concentrate upon his investigations the multifarious labors of a Mabillon, an Audiffredi, a Bayle and a Mylius. Yet, it is a question with us, whether bibliographers are entitled to express any opinion of their own, or to decide a single ques tion beyond the matters connected with what we may call the external characteristics of the book. They are only expected to furnish critics with sources of information, and to trace to the fountain-heads all current statements, whether true or erro neous, concerning the subjects of their study. The task of extracting from the materials thus supplied the synthesis re quired, devolves exclusively upon the historian. Bibliography thus understood, it will be seen, assumes an encycloposdical character, which we deem necessary to bring the science in closer connection with historical studies. We are aware that to limit the province of bibliographers to labors so arid and uninviting, is to thrust out of the career many inquisitive scholars who are willing to make strenuous exertions for the benefit of collateral branches of knowledge, but who cannot easily bring themselves to abdicate their right of judging and deciding. Yet it should surely be considered a meritorious occupation for bibliographers to bring into play the analytical powers demanded by the sphere to which we would confine them ; and whatever may be the privations involved, we hold that no one should devote himself to Bibliography who cannot regard that occupation as both adequate and honorable. He only is " called and chosen" to such labors, indeed, who seeks in books a solace and a refuge, and loves them chiefly for the sake of the independence which they confer 6 . 8 " O libri soli liberates et liberi, qui titis vobis sedulo servientes !" RICHARD omni petenti tribuitis, et omnes manumit- BURY, Philobiblion, cap. i. Introduction. III. The subdivision which we suggest, of the component parts of every branch of science, may be said to have been carried into effect in Bibliography. The Bibliotheca Bibliographica of Dr. Julius Petzhold? exhibits a number of bibliographical works for almost every subject. It is not our province to cite or describe such special repertories, but it behooves us to mention all the bibliographies exclusively devoted to America which have come to our notice. Early in the seventeenth century, the vast coast-line which hems the New World had already been surveyed. Shouten doubling Cape Horn in 1616 had marked the extreme limit of the southern hemisphere, while in the same year William Baffin had sailed to the seventy-eighth degree of north latitude and dis covered the bay which now bears his name. Immense regions in the interior of the continent still remained unknown, but the colonies of different European nations were rapidly encroaching on the wilderness, and already encircled the whole hemisphere with a chain, to the completeness of which but a few links were lacking. The continent was daily growing in importance to the people of Christendom not only as an inexhaustible source of revenue to different European Powers, but as a vast field for immigration and for the development of commerce. True it is that the names of Cibola, L el Dorado, Quivora and Tiguex had not entirely lost the magic influence, which, nearly a century before, had led a Vasquez de Coronado, a Nuno de Guzman and an Orsua to undertake fruitless expeditions, of which these bold adventurers fell the first victims ; but such illusions pertain to 7 Leipzig, 1866, 8vo, pp. 10 + 939. Introduction. xi human nature, and we see them exercise the same damaging power over the mind of men at all times and everywhere 8 . It would be rash to assert that the crafty statesmen who at that time ruled Spain, France, England and Holland, shared the delusions which prompted so many Europeans to cast their lot in the New World. It was not the Fountain of Youth which Philip of Spain and Elizabeth of England had in view when they encouraged maritime expeditions to America, but a market for their manufactures and seaports for their navies. We hear of a Spanish fleet sailing in 1602 from Acapulco to California, but although the production of gold in Peru and Mexico had risen in the year 1600 from three to eleven million dollars per annum, this precious metal was not even mentioned among the objects of the expedition ; and Sebastian Vizcaino received no other instructions than to find a safe harbor for the galleons on their way homeward from the Philippine Islands?. The colonies were gradually emerging from that state of absolute tutelage, which checked all individual efforts, and, in imitation of the military colonies established by the Romans in Bruttium and Campania, seemed to have no other object than to exhaust the resources of the country for the benefit not even of the con quering power, but of a few privileged adventurers. John III of Portugal had already broken ground for the division into twelve captainships, which was destined to initiate the prosperity of Brazil ; and James I of England had commissioned Governor Yeardley to establish a provincial legislature in Virginia. Spain, even, striving to keep a watchful eye over her distant posses- 8 " M. de Humboldt ayantdans sa der- les resultats ne repondirent pas a 1 attente mere edition [de YExamen Critique f\ des speculateurs, et ils eurent 1 etrange donne de nouveaux details sur ce fameux pensee de traduire le nom de 1 illustre voy- lac de Guatavita ou s accomplissaient les ageur a la barre du Parlement." DENIS, actes de 1 ancien Dorado, et ou Ton sup- Le mondc Enchant e ; Cosmographie et His- pose que de nombreux tresors sont enfouis, toire Naturclle fantastiques du Moyen Age ; une compagnie anglaise s empara de cette Paris, 1845, i8mo, p. 2,88, note. revelation historique et se constitua pour * TOROJJEMADA, Monarquia Indiana, lib. 1 exploitation du lac. Malheureusement v, cap. 45 and 55. xii Introduction. sions, had framed a judicious system of laws 10 , which, had they not been thwarted in the application by the rapacious and reck less adventurers whose nefarious influence was still felt two centuries after the conquest, would have proved a blessing instead of a bane and a curse to the vast regions over which they were extended. This constant interposition of the European governments, and the growing prosperity of the American colonies, naturally increased the interest which individuals took in the geography, history and laws of America, either for the purpose of trade or immigration, and created a corresponding demand for works from which the required information might be obtained. We see, therefore, sometimes under the direct influence of the govern ment, but generally at the cost of booksellers or of companies interested in promoting immigration from certain localities, books, pamphlets, broadsides and maps multiply at the beginning of the seventeenth century with amazing rapidity. The great works of Hakluyt, Herrera, Linschotten and Wytfliet, with their nu merous translations, are of that period. The splendid publica tions of the Brothers De Bry and of Hulsius, parts of which have been so frequently altered and reprinted that a perfect collection is almost an impossibility, show that the demand for works of this description had already reached certain spheres where beauty in the execution was deemed paramount to truth or reliability. The curious and extensive list of English pla- quettes and pamphlets begins in 1602, with the Brereton and Waymouth books, which were soon followed by a succession of tracts relating to New England and Virginia, the number of which is truly surprising". The Diary of W. Cornelitz Shouten 10 Of- ] GUTIERREZ DE RUBALCAVA, Espanolcs con sus colonias en las India* Oc- Tratado histdrico politico y legal del Comer- cidentales; Madrid, 1797, 4to, and CAM- IT to ; Madrid, 1750, 4to, R. ANTUNEZ Y poMANEs ^cndVce a la Educcacion popular. ACEVEDO, Memorial Hhtdricas sobre la Le- n Cf. Bibliotheca Barloiviana, p. 16, sy., gislacion y Gobierno del Comercio de los and Part n of Bibliotheca Broivniana. Introduction. xiii opens, in 1617, the era of Dutch pamphlets 11 , many of which come to light daily, and increase beyond all expectation the list of such works. We have seen an entire shelf covered with the different editions and translations of the Brevissima relation of Las Casas, published in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The Mexican and Peruvian presses begin at that time to furnish their contingent of American books, while the works of Les- carbot and Champlain pave the way for the Jesuits Relations, then comparatively numerous and now so rare. A catalogue of all these publications was certainly needed ; yet, the only special list of books relating to America which seems to have been published from the time when the Roman presses first published the Epistle of Columbus in 1493 to tne year 1625, is the meagre chapter de Scriptoribus Rerum Ameri- canarum in the Bibliotbeca Classica of Draudius 1 *, that " Cata logue mal digere des foires de Francfort," as Baillet justly calls 15 this miserable compilation. It was left to a native Ameri can, Pinelo, to frame the first and best Bibliotheca Americana. Born in Peru and educated in Lima 16 , Antonio de Leon y Pinelo commenced at a very early age to take a lively interest in the geography, laws and history of this con tinent. Having been bred to the bar, he concentrated his efforts on a digest of the numerous ordinances which had been enacted for the regulation of the Indies 17 . But as such a compilation required extensive researches into the archives of Spain, he repaired to Seville, when, after having been appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Colonies, he received the important office of Chronicler of the Indies, which had already IJ Cf. TROMEL, Bibliotheque Americainc, " Jugcmcns des Sa-vans, Vol. 11, p. 7. p 29, sq. 18 ANTONIO, Bibliotheca Hispana Nova, 13 Nos. I, 2, 3, 4. Vol. i, p. 1395 FRANCKENAU, Bibliotheca 14 Francofurti ad Mcenum, 162,2, 4to. Hispanica, p. 38. The reference in the If our memory serves us right, the Bib- latter to J. FLORES DE OCARIZ, Genealogias liotheca Historica of BALDUANUS, which del nue-vo Reyno de Granada (Madrid, was published five years before, does not 1674, fol.), Vol. i, p. 295, leads only to classify separately the works relating to an insignificant marginal note. the New World. 1T See infra, p. 392, ty. Introduction. been filled with so much credit by Oviedo, Herrera and Davila y Padilla. It was in the discharge of his duties that Leon Pinelo prepared a history of the Council of the Indies 18 , to which he intended to add, at the request of the Chief Justice of the Council, an analysis or description of every work, whether printed or in manuscript, relating to the Spanish possessions beyond the seas 19 . But instead of publishing this vast repertory, which was actually composed 20 , and would have proved in valuable to subsequent bibliographers, he only printed in 1629 an abridgement or Epitome " como primicia de mis [sus] largos estudios, i suma de mayor Biblioteca, que superior mandate anticipo a la estampa"." This Epitome may be considered the first Bibllotheca Americana. The plan of the work is remarkable. The four main sections are composed of a Biblioteca Oriental, a Biblioteca Occidental, a Biblioteca Nautica, and a Biblioteca Geografica. The second of these, which is the only one that interests us, is subdivided into historians who wrote concerning the Indies in general, and those who treat of particular countries, such as New Spain, Florida, Peru, &c. Religions, Linguistics, Jurisprudence and Natural History form separate chapters. Leon Pinelo intended to add two sections, one giving the titles of works which referred inciden tally to America ; the other, which would have proved of great interest, containing a description and extracts of the " Libros 18 Conscjo Real i Supremo de las Indias, de Toral i Monasterio, Conde de Parma- su origcn i jurisdicion, i los Prcsidentcs, coel/o i Valdorce, Comendador de Valdcpcnas, Cosejeros, Fiscales i Secretaries que desde su Gran Canciller de las Indias, Tcsorcro Gen- fundacion hasta oy ha tenido ; MS., Epitome, eral de la Corona de dragon, i Conscjo de page 119. Italia, Capitan de los den Hijosdalgo de la 19 Dedication to the Duke de Medina guarda de la Real persona i Sumiller de de las Torres, on signature 3. Corps. Per el Licenciado Antonio de Leon 20 " la Biblioteca que mas ampliada, Relator del Supremo i Real Conscjo de las tengo escrita," loc. cit., p. 1 34. Indias. Con Priuilegio. En Madrid, Par 21 Epitome de la Bibliotheca Oriental i luan Gonzalez. Ano de M.DCXXIX. Occidental, Nautical Geografca. Al Excel- *^*4to; title i 1. + 43 unnumb. 11 + entiss. Senor D.Ramiro Nunes Perez Felipe 183 numb. pp. + 12 pp. for appendix-)- I de Guzman, Senor de la Casa de Guzman, 1. for colophon. Duque de Medina de las Torres, Marques ** Prologo, on sign. 4. Introduction. xv Reales" in the offices of the secretaries of the Supreme Council of the Indies upwards of five hundred of which he had read. The Epitome describes manuscripts as well as printed books, in the alphabetical order, with valuable notes. Pinelo seems to have made his descriptions from the works themselves, except in a few instances where the titles are derived from the catalogues of Balduanus 2 , Draudius 24 , Gabriel de Sora 25 , and from works in the library of his predecessor, Thomas Tamayro. He likewise extracted from Hervagius, Ramusio and De Bry, the accounts relating specially to the New World. Prefixed are several poems, an introduction by Juan Rodriguez de Leon, who was Pinelo s brother, and several indices carefully and skillfully drawn. From the fact that Juan de Solorcano Pereira was appointed in 1634 to continue the Recopilacion de Leyes, commenced by Rodrigo de Aguiar and Leon Pinelo, we infer that the latter died probably in 1633. Although several authors of note 26 may have intended to follow the example of the Peruvian jurist, the earliest cata logue of books exclusively devoted to America which 1713. we can find after the work of Leon Pinelo, is the useful Bibliothecte Americana Primordia of White Kennett, Dean of Peterborough 2 ?, enlarged by the Rev. Thomas Watts 28 . The 83 Bibliotheca Classica, siue Catalogus borough, 1718; died, 1728. DARLING, Officinalis, Francofurti ad M. 1625, 4to. Cycloped. Bibliogr., col. 1718. 24 Bibliotheca Historica, Lipsie, 1 620, 28 Bibliotheca Americanos Primordia. 4to. An Attempt Towards laying the Foundation 25 " Bibliothecae amplissimae dominus, of an American Library, In several Books, cujus non exigui voluminis extat catalogus Papers, and Writings, Humbly given to the typis editus . . . . " ANTONIO, loc. cit., Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Vol. i, p. 509. Foreign Parts, For the Perpetual Use and 28 Alcedo mentions in the prologue of Benefit of their Members, their Missionaries, his manuscript bibliography, a Biblioteca Friends, Correspondents, and others con- Americana, composed by JUAN DIEZ DE LA cern d in the Good Design of Planting and CALLE 5 a few sheets only were printed promoting Christianity within Her Majesty s about the year 1646. Colonies and Plantations in the West-Indies. 27 Born at Dover, 1660. Entered of St. By a Member of the said Society. London, Edmund Hall, Oxford, 16785 Vicar of Printed for J. Churchill, at the Black Amersden, Oxfordshire, 1684; Rector of Swan in Pater- Noster-Row, 1713. Shottesbrook, Berkshire, 1693; Minister of * # * 4105 title one leaf 4- 16 preliminary St. Botolph, Aldgate, London, 1699; Dean pp. + 276 pp. + 112 unnumbered leaves of Peterborough, 1707; Bishop of Peter- for table. xvi Introduction. title explains the purpose of this excellent bibliography. The accounts, which are chiefly extracted from the collections of Hervagius, Ramusio, Eden, Hakluyt, and Purchas, are, together with relations borrowed from the Epistles of Peter Martyr, arranged in the order of dates. A certain number of valuable works, especially of the seventeenth century, apparently taken from the library which the learned Bishop donated in 1713 to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, are described with accuracy. As an index of subjects, the Bibliotbeca Ameri cans Primordla stands prominent among the works of the kind. Lenglet Du Fresnoy inserted in his well-known Methods pour etudier la G eograpbie 2 9 a list of works relating to LENGLET America. It numbers about sixty titles (exclusive Du FRESNOY. , , . / T ^ r r r> N / of- the reprint or Kothehn s De Bry), beginning with Benzoni. We notice an Ovledo of 1730, which is not to be found anywhere else. The catalogue of American voyages 3 " is still more succinct. Both of these lists bear a certain resemblance to Mencke s work jl . Andres Gonzales de Barcia Carballido y Zuniga 32 , while pre paring the edition of Herrera s Historia General, BARCIA " o which is so well known for its admirable index, 1737-0. thought it advisable to enlarge the list of Los Autores impresos, y de mano, que ban escrito cosas particulares de las Indias Occidentals, which precedes the original edition of Herrera. To that effect he instituted diligent researches to dis cover the larger work of Leon Pinelo, but failing in this 34 , he 29 Paris, 1742 (third edit.), Vol. i, Part 3a " Barcia was a man of literary dis- u, p. 405, sq. We have not been able to tinction, much employed in the affairs of procure the edition of 1768, which is the state, and one of the founders of the Span- most complete. ish Academy. He died in 1743." TICK- 30 loc. cit., p. 504, sq. NOR, Hist, of Spanish Literature, Vol. 11, 31 Catalogue des principaux Aistoricns, p. 29, note 13, on the authority of BAENA, a-vec des rcmarques critiques sur la bonte de Hijos de Madrid, Vol. i, p. 106. leurs ou-vrages et sur le choix des meilleurcs 33 Madrid, 1726, . editions. Par J. B. MENCKE ; Lipsic [ c], 34 " Esta Obra maior, que no falta quien M DCC xiv, izmo, p. 426, sq. diga haverla acabado (i en el continuo tra- Introduction. xvii availed himself of his " noble collection of books and manu scripts relating to America" 35 , of some stray notes (" Papeles Originales, i copias del autor") left by Pinelo, and of such materials as he could find in the extensive compilations of Rodriguez 36 , Quetif and Echard 37 , Labbe 38 , Nicholas Antonio, Du Halde, Trevoux, &c., and following the plan of the Epitome of Leon Pinelo, compiled the extensive BibliotbecaW, which, to distinguish it from the latter, we call Pinelo-Barcia. Barcia s work is an immense repertorium, containing abridged titles, all translated into Spanish, and fraught with inaccuracies of all kinds. The multiplicity of indices, and the different paginations render this bulky compilation of little use, although in the midst of a chaotic mass, painstaking bibliographers may discover notices, especially in the mention of manuscript sources, which could not be found in any other work. Many of the errors which mar the utility of subsequent bibliographies can be traced to Pinelo-Barcia. If no bibliography of American books is to be found for a number of years after Barcia s, there are several lists, prefixed to histories, which, although relating exclusively to particular sec tions of countries, find their place in this con- CHARLEVOIX. . ~M c . , . . . , c nection. I he nrst is a description, with notes, or 1744- fifty-five works, added by Charlevoix to his His- bajo del Autor, es verisimil) no han podido Se-villa, y Coronista Maior de las Indias, descubrir las mas eficaces diligencias." Pi- anadido, y enmendado nue-vamente, en qitc se NELO-BARCIA, Proemio, third page. conticncn los cscritores de las Indias Orien- 36 RICH, Bibliotheca Americana Nova, tales, y Occidentales, y Reinos con-vecinos Vol. I, p. 55, No. 7. China, Tartaria, Japan, Persia, Armenia, 86 BibliothecaValentina^ Valencia, 1702- Etiopia, y otras partes. Al Rey nuestro 1703, folio. senor. Par mono del Marques de Torre- 37 De Scriptoribus ordinis Pradicator. , Nueita, su Secrctario del Despacho Uni- Paris, 1719-21, fol. -versa/ de Hacienda, Indias i Mexico. Con 38 Bibliotheca BibHothccarum , Paris, Privilegio. En Madrid : En la oficina ^664, 4to. de Francisco Martinet Abad, en la Calle 39 Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental, y del 0/i-vo Baxo. Ano de M. D. cc. xxxvu. Occidental, Nautica, y Geografica. De *^* Folio, 3 vols. (second and third Don Antonio de Leon Pinelo, del Consejo de dated M. D. cc. xxxvni.), Biblioteca Occi- su Mag. en la Casa de la Contratacion de dental, cols. 516912, in Vol. n. xviii Introduction. tory of New France* . Laudonniere (1586) is the earliest author mentioned ; but we find reliable accounts of Lescarbot, Champlain, Sagard, and of the most important historians of Canada. The notes are succinct, but trustworthy, and such as would have added still greater value to the History of America of Robertson, had that painstaking historian done more than limit himself to a mere mention of titles. The ROBERTSON. books Described by Robertson* 1 seem to have com- 1777. posed a part of the library which was procured for him by Mr. Widdilove, the chaplain of the English embassy at Madrid, and of copies of such manuscripts as Lord Grantham was permitted to consult. It must be said, however, that the Spanish government exhibited then, as now, a great reluctance 42 towards communicating, even to the English ambassador, cer tain documents, which it was left to Navarrete to publish for the first time. Robertson s catalogue comprises nearly two hundred and fifty works, all intrinsically valuable, but of no great rarity. The leading historians are not in original editions, but mere extracts from Ramusio s, De Bry s and Barcia s col lections or late reprints. We notice, however, the princeps of Las Casas, Castanheda, and the Vocabulario of Molina. Clavigero enjoyed advantages which were denied his prede cessors. A member of the order of the Jesuits at the time when the New World was ruled by 1780. the clergy as a conquered province, he spent thirty-six years in Mexico collecting documents for his intended 40 Liste ft examcn des autcurs que fal 4a " Les journaux originaux de Colomb, consultes pour composer ctt outrage [fr:s. : de Pinzon, d Ojeda, d Ovando, de Balboa, Histoire et Description Generate de la Nou- de Ponce de Leon, d Hernandez de Cor- velle France, avec le journal historique fun doue, de Cortez, &c., se trouvent tous dans Voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans T Ante- le cabinet des archives de la couronne, a rique Septentrionale ; Paris, M.DCC.XLIV, 2 Simancas, a deux lieues de Valladolid. vols. 4to. In Vol i, pp. xlj-lxj], Les chartes et les diplomes des affaires de 41 A catalogue of Spanish books and man- I Amerique qui, sur 1 ordre de Philippe II, uscripts ; in ROBERTSON, History of the y furent deposes, occupent la plus grande Discovery and Settlement of America j Lon- chambre, et forment huit cens soixante- don, 1777, 2 vols. 4to, Vol. n, pp. 523- treize gros paquets, que M. Robertson a 535. vainement cherche a consulter." DE Introduction. xix history 43 , which he prefaced with two lists, one of European and native authors, who wrote in the Mexican, Otomee, Maya and other American languages ; the other, containing thirty-nine valuable notices of writers on the ancient history of Mexico. Clavigero mentions manuscript sources, such as Sahagun, since printed, Motolinia, afterwards lost, and Chimalpain, which he did not suspect to be only a translation of Gomara 44 . It is worthy of notice that nearly all the works relating to the New World published in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen turies in the Spanish language, were written by priests, monks or individuals who were connected in some manner with the Church. The extensive number of publications of this character induced Juan lose de Eguiara y Eguren, a native -|-^ J J O J D / GUIARA. Mexican? who held the chair of Theology in the University of Mexico, to compose a dictionary, historical and bibliographical, of all the authors born in New Spain. He died, unfortunately, in 1763, without completing his work. Although Eguiara carried his dictionary to the letter J, only one volume was published 45 . This includes only the first three letters of the alphabet. The rest of the manuscript was preserved until within a few years in the library of the Cathedral of Mexico 45 . The prolixity of the dissertations, the MURR, Histoirc diplomatique du Che-valier 44 See infra, p. 204, note 8. Btha im ; Strasb. and Paris, 1802, 8vo, p. 45 Bibliotheca Mexicana si-ve ervditor-vm 63. This note of De Murr seems to be historia virorvm, qul in America Boreali taken from Robertson s own preface, but nati, vcl alibi geniti, in ipsam Domicilio aut we have to discover the authority of the Stuijs asciti, quavis lingua serif to aliquid Nuremberg critic for his assertion as re- tradiderunt : Eorum prcesertim qui pro Fide gards the journals of Pinzon, Ojeda, Catholica fijf Pietate ampliandafovendaque, Ovando, &c. egregie factis & quibusvis Scrip tis flouere 43 Storia antica del Messico ; Cesena, editis aut ineditis. Tomus primus exhibens 1780-1, 4 vols., 410. In the absence of litteras ABC Mexici : Ex no-va the Italian original, we quote Cullen s Typographia in Ai,dibus Authoris editioni translation, London, 1780, 410. Catalogue ejusdem Bibliothecte destinata. Anno Do- of some [12,8] European and Creole au- mini MDCCLV. thors who have written on the Doctrines of *^* Folio; title I, + 18 11. + 59 + I, + Christianity and Morality, in the Languages pp. 1543; on two columns. of New Spain; Vol. I, p. 412,57. Au- (Private Library, New York.) thors of Grammars and Dictionary, p. 414, sq. 48 Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Account of the Writers on the Ancient Geograjia y Estadistica, Vol. x, No. 2, History of Mexico, Vol. I. page 77. XX Introduction. lack of criticism, and the fact that every title is translated into Latin, deter greatly from the merit of this work, which, how ever, has not been entirely superseded by the more extensive Biblioteca of Beristain, as Eguiara gives his authorities, which Beristain frequently neglects to do. The work of Father Maneiro 47 is entitled to a place in this list on account of the bibliographical details contained MANEIRO. in h} t hi rt y_f our elaborate biographies of Mexican authors. Maneiro belonged to the order of the Jes uits. He was born at Vera-Cruz in 1744, and died in the city of Mexico in 1802. His biography of Clavigero is espe cially interesting. But the repertory of Mexican works and authors which is sought after by collectors (not so much on account STAIN. ^ j ts i nt ri ns i c me rit as because of its rarity), is the 1816-21. Biblioteca of Beristain 48 . Jose Mariano Beristain Martin de Souza was born at Puebla in I756 4 9. He completed his education in Spain, and returned in 1790 to Mexico. He was afterwards appointed to the offices of Dean of the Cathedral of that city, and Rector of the College of San Pedro ; and became the champion of Spanish absolutism during the revolution of 1810. Dr. Beristain never recovered from an attack of apoplexy with which he was seized while 47 Joannis Aloysii Maneiri, Vtracrucen- a lux algun escrito, o lo han dexado prepa- sis, de Vit n aliquot Mexicanorum, aliorum- rado para la Prensa. La escribia El Doctor que qui si-ve Virtutc, si-ve litteris Mexici in De Jose Mariano Beristain De Souza, del primis floruerunt ; Bononite, 17912, 8vo, Claustro de las Uni-versidades de Valencia y Vol. i, pp. 412; Vol. n, 412; Vol. in, Valladolid, Caballero de la Orden Espanola 324. de Carlos III, y Comendador de la Real We find in the Diccionario Uni-vers. de Americana de Isabel la Catolica, y Dean de Hist, y Geogr. (Mexico), Vol. i, p. 562, a la Metropolitana de Mexico. En Mexico: notice of a MS. Mexican bibliography, w . : Calle de Santo Domingo y esquina~ de Ta- Catdlogo de los escritores Angelo-Politanos cuba Ana de 1816. [of Puebla], for DIEGO BERMUDEZ DE CAS- *#* Large 410, Vol. i, 14 11. + 540 pp. ; TRO. Vol. ii (dated 1819), 2 11. + 525 pp. ; Vol. 48 Biblioteca Hispano- Americana Septen- in (dated 1821), 2 11.+ 365 pp. trional : o Catalogo y Noticia de los Litera- (Private Library, Washington.) tot que o nacidos o educados o jlorencientcs en 49 Biblioteca Hispano- Americana Sept. la America Septentrional Espanola, han dado Vol. I, art. Beristain. Introduction. xxi preaching in the Cathedral, and died in iSiy 50 . He was a literary priest of varied attainments, who wrote poetry, and enjoyed some reputation as a pulpit orator ; but he is chiefly remembered on account of his bibliographical work. Beristain devoted twenty years to the preparation of his Bib lioteca, but he lived to publish only the first hundred and eighty- six pages of the first volume ; the rest of the work having been edited by his nephew, Jose Rafael Enriquez Trespalacios Beris tain. When first published it could be procured for six dollars ; now as much as ninety or a hundred dollars are asked in Mexico for a complete set, and the work is rarely met with. The reason of its rarity is simply that the number of copies printed was limited to the list of subscribers, as there was no prospect of finding purchasers for a larger edition. As to the merits of the work, they have been greatly exag gerated by the booksellers who happened to have a few copies for sale. Its three thousand six hundred and eighty-seven notices convey, it is true, a great deal of information, but of a kind which is not always to be trusted, while the titles are so muti lated as to be still a source of error and confusion 51 . When it was proposed, in 1863, that the Mexican Society of Geography should reprint the work, a member, of undoubted competency in such matters, reported that to reprint Dr. Beristain s Biblioteca, as it was, might not render any service to science, while to correct it would be almost an impossibility ; and that if a bib liography of this character was absolutely needed, the Society would find it a much easier undertaking to compose a new one altogether. 60 Diccionario Uni-v. de la Hist, y Geogr. Observacioncs prcsentadas a la Sociedad (Mexico), Vol. I, p. 560. Mexicana de Geografa y Ettadistica for el 61 " El defecto principal de la Biblioteca Socio de numero que suscribc [Sr. d. J. GAR- de Beristain consiste en la libertad que se CIA ICAZBALCETA], acera de la proycctada tomo el autor de alterar, compendiar y re- rcimprcsion de la Biblioteca H npano-Amtr- construir los titulos de las obras que cita, icana Septentrional del Dr. Beristain ; in hasta haber que dado algunosinconocibles." Bolctin, Vol. x, No. 2, 1864. xxii Introduction. Whether we consider MeuselV* work as an enlarged edition of Struvius Biblioteca Historical, or as the realiza- MEUSEL. t j Qn Q ^ afi jj ea SU p-p. es ted by the compilations of 1782. Balduanus, Zeiller and Bartels, Meusel s Historical Library will always be considered a scholarly and reliable work of the utmost importance to the student of history. It was intended to comprise Modern Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, England and Northern Europe, increasing the work to forty parts. These, however, were never published, but we are glad to record the fact that the sections relating to the New World were all inserted. They occupy half of the second part and half of the first part of Vol. in, with additions in the Analecta. Many of the original editions of the most important authors seem to have escaped his notice. Thus, for the first collection, he does not ascend to Fracanzio da Montalboddo 54 , but to Ruchamer 55 j and for the epistles of Columbus he refers to Robertus Monachus 55 ; but he knows from the Cosmograpbits Introductio the accounts ascribed to Vespuccius, while several of the Cortes Letters are described from Seville editions. The secondary authors are mentioned with a fullness and accuracy which betray the hand of a bibliographer who did not limit his efforts to the mere transcription of titles and collations, but to a perusal of the works themselves and appreciation of their merits. John George Meusel was born near Bamberg in 1743. A pupil of Heyne, he acquired, when only twenty-three years of age, a certain reputation for his editions of Theocritus and Lucan, and was considered in after life an historian of consider able merit. He died, in 1820, at Erlangen, where he held the chair of History in the University. 82 Bibliotheca Historica. Instructa a B. parts in eleven volumes, including analccta Burcardo Gotthelf Stru-vio, aucta a B. and index. Chrhti. Gottlieb Budtro nunc -vero a loannc 83 lena, 1740, 8vo. Georgia Mcusclio ita digcsta, amplificata et 64 No. 48. tmcndata, at paene no vum opus viJeri pot* 65 No. 57. sit ; Lipsite MDCCLXXXII ; 8vo, twenty 56 No. 175. Introduction. xxiii To supply data to an American gentleman who proposed to write a history of America, one Mr. Reid 57 compiled s a chronological catalogue 58 of books, pamphlets and state papers. The titles are extracted chiefly from the lists then in the British Museum, Jefferson s Notes on Virginia, The Monthly Review, &c., and arranged in the order of dates, but abridged and imperfectly transcribed. It is a worth less compilation, which we should not notice, were it not to be found on the shelves of almost every American library. Although the Voyages of De Bry were not sought after in the last century with the eagerness which distinguishes the f^ collectors of our time, when Camus 59 read to his col- 1802. leagues of the Institute of France the elaborate descrip tion which he had prepared of the fine copy in the National Library he was immediately requested to add a part describing the contents of the work. It is to this circumstance that we owe an excellent analysis, not only of De Bry s, but of Thevenot s collections, with incidental notes on those of Hervagius, Ramu- sio, Hakluyt and Hulsius. Camus M emoire^ may not contain as minute bibliographical details as the well-known descriptions of Cisternay Du Fay s 61 and of De Bure s 62 copies, or collations as 67 This work is sometimes ascribed to state of Literature in those countries ; Lon- DEBRETT or to one Rev. Mr. HOMER, don, printed for J. DEBRETT. MDCCLXXXIX. Debrett was only the publisher, while Mr. *+* 410; title i 1. -f i 1.4-2.71 pp. Homer happened simply to own a copy, 59 Armand Gaston Camus, born at Paris which contained the following note: " R. in 1740, was a great jurist, who played an for Reid, the anonymous author of a book important part in the French Revolution entitled Bibliotheca Americana, printed in of 1789. He died in 1804. 1789." See RICH, Biblioth, Americana 60 Memoires sur la collection des Grands No-va (SuppL), p. 491, No. i. et Petits foyagcs, et sur la collection des 88 Bibliotheca Americana} or, a chrono- -voyages de Melchisedech The-venot , par A. logical catalogue of the most curious and in- G. CAMUS, membre de rinstitut national, teresting Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, Imprimepar Tordrc et aux frais de Tlnstitut ; &c., upon the subject of North and South Paris, Frimaire An. xi. (1802.). 410, 3 11. America, from the earliest period to the +401 pp. + I 1. present, in print and manuscript $ for which 6I No. 2825 of the catalogue of his research has been made in the British Muse- library, prepared by G. Martin. urn, and the most celebrated public and pri- ea Bibliographic Instructive, Vol. I, pp. vote libraries, re-views, catalogues, &c., 67187 (an interleaved copy of this part, with an introductory discourse on the present with De Bure s cwn annotations). xxiv Introduction. full as the monographs published by De Rothelin 6 , Brunei 6 *, Quaritch 65 and Weigel 66 , but it must always be considered a most valuable contribution to Analytical Bibliography. Antonio de Alcedo y Bexarano, the author of the well-known Geographical Dictionary, was born at Quito about ALCEDO. ^ ^ ear jy^ o . After finishing his education at Mad rid he entered the Spanish army, and, in 1767, while yet holding a commission, studied Medicine at Montpellier. In 1807 he held the post of Governor of Coruna. His last work was a Eiblioteca Americana^ 1 , which never was printed. This bulky compilation seems to be based entirely upon Pinelo-Bar- cia, with the addition of a few biographical notes, which are of interest only when referring to modern American authors. The titles are given in alphabetical order, abridged, and selected with very little discrimination 68 . Part V of the extensive bibliography of Voyages 6 ^ by G. Bou cher de la Richarderie, is devoted exclusively to L A America. The number of volumes cited is con- RlCHARDERIE. . , ,, , . , , 8 siderable, but not worthy the high encomium passed on this compilation by Peignot, who calls See also, by the same bibliographer : state that the copy described in this care- Descriftion dt fexemplaire de la Collec- fully drawn memoir is now in a private tion des Grands et Petits voyages de Th eo- library of this city. dore de Bry appurtenant a M. le Due de " Eiblioteca Americana, Catalogo de /os Bedford, s. a. a. 1. [Paris, May, 1838], autores que han escrito de la America en fol. 6 pp. diferentes idiomas. T noticia de su vida y 83 Observations et Details sur la col- patria, anos en que viuieron y obras que lection des grands & des petits voyages ; escribieron. Compuesto par El Mariscal de Paris, 1742, 4to, p. 44 (Abbe de Rothe- Campo D. Antonio de Alcedo, Gobernado de lin s own copy with MS. notes). Reprinted la Plaza de la Coruna. Ano de 1807. in LENGLET Du FRESNOY, Methode pour Fol. vi-\-iQ2% 11. MS. etudier la Geogr., Vol. I, pp. 324-361. (Private Library, Providence.) 64 Manuel, Vol. I, cols. 1310-1363. 8S Witness the following (fol.^236) : 95 Collation of the German De Bry, first " CRASOE, ROBINSOR. Vida y maravil- editions ; i. a. a. /., 4 large fol. pages. losos sucesos de Crasoe Robinsor, y entre 66 Bibliographische Mittheilungen uber otros varios el de haber estado 28 anos en die deutschen Ausgaben von DE BRY S Samm- una Isla desierta sobre la costa y boca del lungen der Reisen nach dem abend- und mor- rio Orinoco: en ingles . Londres, 17. .. 8." genlandischen Indien. Aus dem " SERA- 69 Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages, PEUM" besonders abgedruckt j Leipzig, T. ou Notice complete et raisonnee de tous let O. Weigel, 1845, 5 2 PP- ^ e are S^ a ^ to voyages anciens et modernes dans let differ- Introduction. xxv it " un vrai monument de bibliographic speciale 70 ," we feel con- . strained to say that were it not for the extracts which it gives from books published in the eighteenth century, the portion of the Bibliotheque universelle des Voyages relating to America would be a very useless compilation. Unfortunately, the work was frequently consulted, and to this untoward circumstance do we ascribe many of the egregious mistakes which mar a number of subsequent publications 71 . Giles Boucher de la Richarderie was an eminent French jurist, whose erudition should have enabled him to compose a better work. He was born in 1733, and died at Paris in 1810. Dr. David B. Warden, an Irishman by birth, but who held for forty years the post of U. S. Consul at Paris, % where he died in 1845, nac ^ collected a library com posed of works relating to America, neither very extensive nor containing books of extreme variety, but, for the time, a useful and valuable collection. This he offered for sale in 1820, and, for the use of purchasers, compiled a catalogue 721 , which evinces methodical habits, and a competent knowledge of the subject. The collection was purchased by Mr. Samuel E. Elliott, who donated it to Harvard College 75 in 1823. The earliest work on the list is the Novus Orbis of 1537. A few years later, Dr. Warden having consented to furnish M. de Courcelles (the editor of the continuation of the Art de Verifier les Dates) , with chronological tables of American history 74 , com- entes parties du monde, publics tant en Ian- 7a Bibliotheca Americo-Septentrionalis : gue fran^aise quen langues etrangeres, classes being a choice collection of Books in various par ordre de pays dans leur serie chronolo- languages, relating to the History, Climate, gique ; ai-cc des extraits plus ou mains Geography . . . of North America, from its rapides des "voyages les plus estimes de chaque Jirst disco-very to its present existing Go-vern- pays, et les jugements, motives sur les rela- ment. S. a. a. I. [Paris, 1820], 8vo, pp. tions anciennes qui ont le plus de celebrite. 147. Par G. BOUCHER DE LA RICHARDERIE. 7S Jos. QUINCY, History of Har-vard Coll., Paris, 1808, 8vo, Vols. v and vi. p. 553. This college had already received 70 Repertoire de Bibliographies Speciales, as a gift, in 1818, from Mr. Thorndike, . the valuable collection of Prof. Ebeling of FARIBAULT, among others, for in- Hamburg, which contained a large number stance, borrows many of his inaccurate of books on America 5 loc. cit., p. 413. descriptions from La Richarderie. r4 Paris, 18269, 8vo, Vols. ix-xn. D xxvi Introduction. menced a new collection of books on America, which, when his work had been published, he also offered for sale. It was pur chased, for $4,000, by the State of New York?? ; and it is the catalogue of this second collection which is frequently quoted as " Warden s Bibliotheca^" It numbers 1118 works, begin ning with the translation of Munster by Belleforest (ed. of 1570), and, with the exception of some rare charts, does not contain anything of special interest to bibliographers. The compiler mentions as the rarest books in the collection, Heylin s Cosmog raphy, the Peter Martyr of 1533, a De Bry, a Ramusio, a Pur- cbas, a Laet, a Torquemada and an Ogllby. The collected voyages of Levinus Hulse or Hulsius 77 may be considered an imitation 78 of that of De Bry, A A OTT p n x although it is superior to this highly-prized collec tion in many respects, and, what is of greater im portance to collectors, much more difficult to complete. It is in the German language, and devoted chiefly to the voyages of the Dutch. Camus 7 ? states, on the authority of Meusel 80 , that " Hulsius a employe pour cooperateurs quelques-uns de ceux qui 1 avaient ete par de Bry, entre autres Gothard Arthus." Although mentioned as rare and valuable as far back as Haller 81 , it was only in 1833 that a bibliographer attempted to do for Hulsius what Camus had so successfully done for De Bry. Mr. A. Asher, a Berlin bookseller, who had collected the 75 Session Laws of the State of New blicum ab, that 1602 eine Reise nach York, for 1845, p. 72. Documents of the Holl. und Engelland, liess sich hernach zu Assembly, 1845, Doc. n. Franckfurt am Mayn nieder; und starb 78 Bibliotheca Americana, being a choice um 1606," QOCHER, on the authority of collection of Books relating to North and VALER. ANDREAS). South America and the West Indies, includ- 7S " ad imitationem operis hojlocporici ing Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere, fratrum de Bry." FREYTAG, Analecta, p. Maps, Engravings and Medals ; Paris, 1831, 47 3 . 8vo, pp. 139. Reprinted, Paris, 1840, 79 Memoire sur De Bry, p. 23, note. 8vo, pp. 124. 80 Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. n, Part I, 77 "ein Geographus und Mathematicus p. 337. von Gent, gieng um 1590 nach Niirn- 81 " quo toms 26 prodiit, quae rarissima berg, gab daselbst einen Informator in der est edito." Bibliotheca Botanica. Tiguri, frantzosischen Sprache und Notarium pu- 1771-72, 410, Vol. I, p. 378. Introduction. xxvii fine set, afterwards sold to Mr. Thomas Grenville, first pub lished a brief memoir 81 , which, six years later, was enlarged and printed in 4to 8j . Although full of interest, and a praise worthy effort in the proper direction, this description is not as reliable as hypercritical collectors would desire 8 *. It is therefore necessary to add to Asher s Memoir the collations published by Quaritch 85 , the London bookseller ; although these covers only the first editions of Hulsiuses. Of late the attention of collectors of American books seems to be concentrated on perfect sets of De Brys, O CALLAGHAN. TJ , , T . , D / . -ru i Hulsiuses and Jesuits Relations. 1 he latter are 1047 certainly the most valuable, if not the most in viting to the eye, and deserve the solicitude of collectors, inas much as there is not a perfect set to be found anywhere. As our readers are doubtless aware, these Relations are the annual reports sent by the Superiors in Canada to the Provincials at Paris, from 1632 to 1672, and contain interesting accounts of the progress of the Jesuit missionaries, among the Indians, as well as trustworthy details concerning the geography of the country, the different tribes, their customs, languages and tradi tions. The only bibliographical account which we could find of these Jesuit Relations, is a paper read by Dr. E. B. O Calla- 82 A short Bibliographical Memoir of the ist, with variations only in the title and Collection of Voyages and Travels published prel. 11.), instead of 1627. The earliest by Lc-vinus Hulsius, at Nuremberg and issue of the 3d edit, of Part v is 1603, in- Francfort, from 1598 to 1650. By A. stead of 1612. There is no dedication to ASHER, i. /., 1833, 8vo, pp. 16; extracted Ander Schiffahrt s 2d voyage (Nuremb., from No. 35 of his Monthly list of Old 1602); the text in Raleigh s Guiana (Part Books. v, 1601) is in 18 pp. instead of 17. In 83 Bibliographical essay on the Collection Part iv, 1599, there are fifteen plates, in- of Voyages and Travels edited and pub- eluding Schmidel s portrait, instead of " six- lished by Lcvinus Hulsius and his successors, teen besides the portrait," &c., &c. We at Nuremberg and Francfort, from anno are sorry to say that bibliographers are ex- 1598 to 1660. By A. ASHER, London and pected to take notice of such minutiae; Berlin, 1839, 4to, 3 11. + 118 pp. nay, these often constitute the only stock 84 For instance, the 1st edit, of Part v of knowledge of certain collectors, whose is not 1601, but 1599; it is the second lynx eyes are constantly in search of errors which is dated 1601, instead of 1603. The or omissions of this character. 1st edit, of Part x is not 1613, but 1608. 88 Collation of Hultius. First editions, The ad edit, of Part xin is 1617 (like the s. I. a. a., 410, 8 11. XXV111 Introduction. ghan before the N. Y. Historical Society, afterwards published in pamphlet form 86 , and translated into French 8 ?. This was fol lowed by the publication of an annotated list 88 , mentioning where, in 1853, all the copies then known could be consulted 89 . Dr. O Callaghan s brief disquisition is interesting, and as full as the subject and the knowledge of the copies at the time could permit. The discovery made since of five unknown editions 90 , 86 Jesuit Relations of Discoveries and other occurrences in Canada and the North ern and Western States of the Union. 1632-1672. By E. B. O CALLAGHAN, M. D.; New York, MDCCCXLVII, 8vo, 22 PP- 87 Relations des J esuites sur les De- couvertes et les autres evenements arrives en Canada, et au Nord et a f Quest des Etats- Unis (1611-1672). Par h DR. E. B. O CALLAGHAN. Traduit de / Anglais [by Father Felix Martin] avec quelques [erro neous] notes, corrections et additions ; MONT REAL, 1850, 8vo, 70 pp. 88 A few notes on the Jesuit Relations, Compiled for Private Circulation, by E. B. O CALLAGHAN, M. D. ; 1850, one folio leaf. 89 When we consider the extravagant price now paid for Relations, it is interest ing to learn that the twenty-three volumes left by SOUTHEY sold, at his death, for less than <8 the entire lot; and that thirty more were purchased at Quebec in 1851, for $100. They consist of two reprints of the time, with different paginations, &c., but no change in the text of the Relation of 1638 ; a translation into Latin of the Ra- guenau Relation of 1653, forming part of: Progressus fidei Catholicae in Novo Orbe. I. In Canada, sive Noua Francia. 2. In Cochin China. 3. In Magno Chinensi Regno. De quo R. P. Nicolaus Trigautius. Soc. Jesu. libris V, copiose et accurate serif sit, etc. Colonite Agrippime. Joannem Kin- chium, 1653, I2mo, 60 pp. (Biblhtheca Browniana, Part II, p. IIJ,No. 564.) And the two following : COPIE DE DEUX || LETTRES || ENVOIE ES DELA || NOVVELLE FRANCE, || Au Pere PrO- cureur des Millions II de la compagnie de IESVS en ces contrees. II A PARIS II chez Se- baftien CRAMOISY, Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy et GABRIEL CRAMOISY. rue S. lacques aux Ci- || cognes. || M.DC . LVI . Auec pri- uilege du Roy. *.* 1 8 mo, title i 1 . + pp. 3-28. RELATION || DE ce qui f eft paffe ||en la Nouvelle France || en 1 annee 1634!! Enuoyee au R. Pere Provincial de la Com pagnie de lefus en la || Prouincc de France. \\ Par le Pere le IEVNE de la Compagnie, Superieur de la || Refidence de Kebec. || EN AflGNON || de 1 Imprimerie de IAQUES BRAMEREAV, || Imprimeur de fa Sain<3ete, de la Ville, & || Vniuerfite. Auec permijjion des Superieurs || M . DC . XXXvi . *x* 8vo, title i 1. 4- 4 unnumb. 11. + pp 1-269; then pp. 291-336 for Relation of LE JEUNE of 1635; pp. 337-392, for Relation de ce qui s est passe aux Hurons en Vannee 1635, by BREBEUF; pp. 390400, for Relation by PERAULT (1634-5); pp. 401-416, for Divers Sentiments. The first part corresponds with the Le Jeune Relation of 1634 (Paris, 1635) ; the second part is a reprint of the Relation of 1635 (Paris, 1636). These two reprints and Relations are in a Private Library of this city ; the Latin Raguenau in a Private Library, Provi dence. As to the Relation of 1658-9, vim.: Lettres envoices de la Nouvelle France au R. P. Jacques Renault Provincial de la Comp. de Jesus en la Province de France. Par le R. P. Hier. Lalemant, etc. ; Paris, Sebastien Cramoisy, 1660, I2mo,j>p. 49 + 2 ; although there is no original copy known at present, there was one, but it was destroyed in the conflagration of the Parliamentary Library at Quebec, in 1854. Fortunately a collector of this city had se cured, a short time previous, a manuscript copy, which he caused to be printed in fac simile, at Albany, in 1854, for private dis tribution. Introduction. xxix and the scarcity of the pamphlet, render a reprint of this valua ble contribution to American bibliography necessary. But it was not until 1828 that collectors, acting under the in fluence of Obadiah Rich, began to form libraries exclu- 1832. R.ICH sively composed of American books. This bibliopole, whose name is a household word with American col lectors, was a native of Boston, Mass. In early life he devoted himself to botanical pursuits, but having been made a member of the Mass. Hist. Society, he directed his attention to the study of bibliography, which "became his ruling passion through life." In 1815 he received the appointment of United States Consul for Valencia, in Spain, from which he was afterwards transferred to Madrid. It was during his residence in Andalusia that he succeeded in forming a library, which Prescott, Irving and Ticknor consulted at the time they visited Spain for the purpose of writing the works which have rendered their names celebrated. His means being limited, he visited London at in tervals for the purpose of disposing, by private sale or by auction, of the rare works which he was continually collecting in Spain. It is to this circumstance that we owe the formation of the four greatest collections of books in America 91 , as well as the Amer- " European students of American his- cux* This contains minute descriptions tory frequently express their surprise when of parts of Thevenot, Hulsius, De Bry, informed of the richness of certain libra- Relations, as well as Columbus and Cortes ries in this country; but they forget that Letters. It is worthy of notice that after the owners commenced collecting forty a circulation of ten years, and the knowl- years ago, at a time when collectors abroad edge that the highest price in the market neglected American books, and were loth would be paid, not twenty numbers were to pay prices which were frequently much below the bids sent from America. Our .. * Livres Cuneux. Garrtgue et Cftristern. Li- collectors were in direct correspondence braim Strangers; New York, 1854, Svo, pp. 37. with De Bure, Rich and Asher ; when The following passage, not in the purest French, traveling abroad they never neglected to explains the object of this otherwise valuable cata- . . . ....... , . , logue : " Les editions specifiees etant les seules visit the public libraries, and notice the jont on a besoin, aucunes autres ne pourraient editions which were wanting in their col- etre prises. Les offres devraieiit done corresponds lections ; and went even so far as to print xac1 "L . nt avec les Collations donnees ci-dessous. /-I., i- i Les differences entre les differentes editions etant catalogues of desiderata, which circulated quelquefois tres-minimes, les descriptions ont etc freely among the European booksellers, preparees avec grand soin, de maniere que Ton It is one of these which Brunet quotes oc- trouvera indique precisement ce qui est desire, et . , c r , quelquefois meme les particulantes des editions casionally, under the title of Li-vres Cun- tres-semblables mats fauists, qu on neveut pas." XXX Introduction. ican portion of the Bibliotkeca Grenvilliana, which contains gems not to be found in any other library. These four American collections are located as follows : one in Providence, Rhode Island, one in Washington city, and two in New York, the Aspinwall collection having been removed hither from Boston in 18639*. In 1828 Rich removed to London, where he opened a place of business, which remained as such during the remainder of his life, although in 1836 he accepted the consulate at the Balearic Isles, and fixed his residence at Port Mahon, attracted thither chiefly by the desire of examining at leisure one or two extensive private libraries in that vicinity. The business meanwhile was carried on under the superintendence of his son, Mr. George obtained out of a list of two hundred and sixteen mentioned in this curious catalogue, which points out important differences which had escaped the notice of previous bibliographers. It must be said, however, that the books asked were among the rarest known ; while several,-)- we feel cer tain, had not been seen in many years ! The number of rare and valuable works which are scattered in several American libraries is considerable, but we possess five collections exclusively devoted to America, which, as far as we have been able to as certain, surpass all libraries of the kind in Europe. These are the collections of Messrs. J. CARTER BROWN, in Providence, SAMUEL L. M. BARLOW, in New York city, PETER FORCE, in Washington, HENRY C. MURPHY, at Owl s Head, Long Island, and JAMES LENOX, in New York city. We have examined all these, except Mr. Len ox s, which we have never seen; but if we may judge from the sundry works which the owner permitted us to consult, and from conversational remarks, Mr. Lenox s collection stands unrivaled. It is very much to be regretted that none of these great libraries are catalogued. A large-paper Tcrnaux, interleaved and crammed with manuscript additions, seems to afford the only clue to those bibliograph ical treasures ; so that if a conflagration f See Nos. 106, 109, I4Z, 143. by no means a rare occurrence in this country should destroy these collections, there would be no traces whatever left of the losses thus sustained by the students of American history. Let us state, however, that there is in course of publication, a catalogue of Mr. J. Carter Brown s library. We quote the parts already printed in our work under the title of Bibliothcca Broivn- iarta, but the real title is as follows : Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to North and South America in the library of John Carter Brown, of Pro-vidcncc, R. /., with Notes by JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETTJ Providence, 1866, 8vo. First part (Fifteenth century), pp. 79, 302. numbers. Second part (up to date), pp. 1 80, 940 to the year 1685. The richness of this collection in Co lumbus, Vespuccius and Cortes epistles, in Las Casases, De Brys, Hulsiuses, Jesuits Re lations and colonial pamphlets, will not fail to excite the admiration of scholars, and the envy of European collectors. 92 One of the earliest collections of books on America was formed by Coh THOMAS ASPINWALL, for nearly thirty years U. S. Consul at London. Extremely well versed in the colonial history of his coun try, a bibliophile of great tact and activity, Col. Aspinwall succeeded in collecting a number of remarkably rare and valuable works, which the richest libraries at home and abroad scarcely surpassed. During one Introduction. xxxi Rich, but after a few years he returned to London and resumed the management of the store to the time of his death, which took place in February, 1850. He was much regretted. A gentleman by birth and education, Rich was a very different man from sev eral of those who now attempt to follow in his wake. Entirely reliable, he scorned to resort to the dextrous artifices now so much in vogue to enhance the price of a book ; and modest, because he was really learned, he never thrust himself before the public or worried reading communities with loud and egotistical appeals, from which a true bibliophile would turn with disgust. The bibliographies published by Rich are only lists, chiefly composed of such works as he had for sale. A number of scarce books are inserted at the end of each year, with a star, which is un derstood to mean that some of the works were not in Rich s pos session, but in that of Col. Aspinwall. The first of his catalogues^ of his visits to Paris, in 1833, Col. Aspin wall had printed a succinct catalogue* of his library, which he withheld from circu lation. Afterwards the collection was in creased threefold, and another catalogue made, but it remained in manuscript. This fine library was sent to Boston, and, in 1863, purchased by a gentleman of this city. Unfortunately thirty-five hundred out of nearly four thousand volumes were destroyed in the conflagration which con sumed the establishment of Bangs Bro thers,! w ^ere the books had been tempo rarily stored after their arrival. Let us hasten to say, however, that the gems of the collection, which had been sent in ad vance and brought to the mansion of the purchaser, were saved, and still grace the shelves of the library of the friend to whom we dedicate this work. These con sist in what we consider the first edition of de Cosco s Latin version of Columbus Epistle to Raphael Sanchez ; Madrig- nano s and Ruchamer s translations of Fra- canzio da Montalboddo s Pacsi nouamcntc retro-vat!^ Gruniger s edition of Waltze-mul- ler s Cosmographia Introduction an extreme ly full and complete Latin De Bry , the uniques Waymouth and Bereton pamphlets; the Earl of Warwick s large paper copy of Smith s History of Virginia ; an exten sive collection of colonial pamphlets relat ing to New England and Virginia, and a number of such works, besides the well- known folio volumes of original manu scripts of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. J 93 A Catalogue of Books, relating princi pally to America, arranged under the years in which they ivere printed ; London : 0. Rich, 12, Red Lion Square, 1832, 129 pp. Books relating to America, 1493-1700; Supplement, 8vo, 8 pp. Booksrelating to America, 1493-1700, i6pp. Bibliotheca Americana Nova , or, a catalogue of books in -various languages, re lating to America, printed since the year 1700. Compiled principally from the works themselves by 0. Rich, &c. j London : 0. Rich, 12, Red Lion Square ; Neiu York: Harper and Brothers, 82 Cliff Street, 1835. * Catalogue of books relating to America in the collection of Col. Aspinwall, Consul of the United States of America at London; 8vo, s. a. a. I. [Paris, 1833], pp. 66, 771 numbers. t September i8th, 1864. t A number of these works are described in our Bibliotheca Barlowiana ; New York, MDCCCLXIV. Sm. 8vo, pp. 35. Only four copies printed. xxxii Introduction. contains four hundred and eighty-six books printed before 1700, and beginning with a Leipsic Vespuccius, which is not mentioned anywhere else. This was followed by two supplements, in which we notice the Imago Mundi of Alyaco, Lilius Orbis compendia and several works on Guaicum wood, none of which are entitled to a place in an American library. Three years later, Rich published the first volume of his Bibliotheca Americana Nova, which was completed in 1846. The edition of this valuable work was limited to two hundred and fifty copies. The books are arranged in chronological order, with a new set of numerals for each series, and he does not limit himself to works which come to his personal notice, but borrows from Meusel, Warden, Kennett, and even Reid s imperfect compilation, indicating how ever, the source. The Bibliotheca of Rich naturally brings to mind the Biblio- tkeque Am ericaine of Ternaux?*. All we could learn ERNAUX. concern i n g Henri Ternaux, afterwards called Ter- naux-Compans, is that he was once secretary of legation?*, and that he died in December, I864-9 6 . This pains taking compiler, collector and translator, is said to have been the owner of the remarkable library which was sold at auction In the copy before us there is a second 98 QUERARD, La France Litteraire, Vol. title, as follows : ix, p. 374. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Acata- * 6 VAPEREAU, Dictionnairc des Contem- logue of books relating to America, in -various porains, 3d edit. We have vainly searched languages, including voyages to the Pacific for biographical details concerning TER- and Round the World, and Collections of NAUX in the Bulletins de la Societe de Geog- voyages and Travels Printed since the Tear raphie, and as late as the number for June, 1700. Compiled principally from the works 1865 (which is the latest we could find in themselves, by 0. Rich, &c., Vol. I, 1701- the city), there was no mention even of 1800; London: Rich and Sons, 12, Red his death. Surely this painstaking com- Lion Square, 1846. 8vo, 4 prel. 11. + 424 piler, who translated and published that + 93 PP- f r Supplement, dated 1841 ; and long series of useful Voyages, Relations et Index. M emoires originaux pour servir cTTHhtoirc Vol. ii (same title), 1801-1844, 4 12 delaDecouvertederAmeriyue,andtheAr- pages. chives des Voyages, deserved at least a pass- 94 Bibliothtqut Am ericaine ou Catalogue ing notice We do not know what has des ouvrages relatifs a f Am erlque qui ont been done since in France in this respect, paru depuis sa decouverte jufqu a ran 1700 but in America we can count on our fingers par H. TERNAUX; Paris, M.DCCC.XXXVII. those who know that Ternaux is no longer 8vo, viii + 191 pp., 1153 numbers. in the land of the living! Introduction. xxxiii under the name of Raetzel in November, 183697; and the fact is that all the items bearing a date anterior to the year 1700 are included in his well-known Bibliotheque. The latter is a bib liography, comprising a description of eleven hundred and fifty- four works, arranged chronologically, and beginning with Plannck s corrected edition of Columbus Letter to Sanchez? 8 . The titles are abridged, and followed by a translation into French of the truncated titles. Occasionally a note is added, which is generally of little value. Many of the works men tioned had been in Ternaux s possession, but we are sorry to say that we can cite several which never existed 9 ?, and these (owing to the untoward circumstance that Ternaux s imaginary description of them was copied by all subsequent bibliographers) were the cause of a great deal of labor and time wasted on our part. These defects render Ternaux s compilation much inferior to Tromel s, which, for the period it covers, is one of the best American bibliographies ever published. Paul Tromel, who died lately, was, we are told, one of the editors of the Serapeum, His Bibtiotbeque 100 gives a o/- description of books collected chiefly by Muller of Amsterdam, and offered for sale by Brockaus of 87 Catalogue des li-vres et manuscrits de la et notre ami M. Thomas Wright n a pas bibliotheque de feu M. R.ETZEL ; Paris, eu plus de succes dans les investigations 1836, 8vo, 249 pp. Part relating to qu il a faites par lui-meme ou par ses amis America from No. 908 to 2,117. dans ^ es bibliotheques les plus renommees 89 Our No. 4. de Londres, de Cambridge et d Oxford. 89 Bibliotheque Am ericaine, Nos. 11,44, Nous n osons guere esperer un meilleur 47, 47 bis. It seems that we are not the resultat des verifications que nous avons only victims of this wild chase after imag- demandees a Vienne et a Venise." D Av- inary editions. A supposed second volume EZAC, Introduct. to his valuable edition of of Ramusio, dated 1564, which rests DU PLAN DZ CARPIN S Historia Monga- solely on the authority of Ternaux (loc. lorum, in Recueil de Voyages et de M emoires cit., p. 13 repeated in the Manuel and de la Soci et e de Geographic, Vol. iv, p. 435, Tr esor), caused this interesting note : note I. " Nous n avons pu en decouvrir un seul Bibliotheque Am ericaine. Catalogue exemplaire a Paris, malgre des recherches raisonn e d"unc Collection de litres frecieux opiniatres dans les grandes bibliotheques et sur FAm erlque parus depuis sa decou-verte dans les plus riches collections d amateurs ; [?] jusqua ran 1700, en vente chez F. A. nous n avons pas ete plus heureux dans le Brockhaus a Leipzig. Redig e par PAUL depouillement des catalogues des biblio- TROMEL; Leipzig, 1861, 8vo, pp. xi + theques des principales villes de France; 133. xxxiv Introduction. Leipzig, and contains four hundred and thirty-five items, arranged in chronological order, and enriched with notes, extracts and minute collations, which betray the hand not only of an expert bibliographer, but of a trustworthy scholar. The collection is especially rich in books on New Netherland (New York) and in Dutch works relating to Brazil. We notice among the early rarities, the St. Diey September edition of Waltze-miiller s Cosmographies introductio, Ruchamer s translation of the Paesi, and a Basle 1532 Novus Orbis, with the map. Before mentioning the special bibliographies, it behooves us to notice a sumptuously-printed and illustrated descrip tion of several of the earliest and rarest books relating to America. This valuable contribution to American bibliography forms an appendix to the New York reprint of Scillacio s account of Columbus second voyage 101 , and describes with extreme minuteness and accuracy our Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 1 6, 19, 36 and 115. We are inclined to believe that there are bibliographies of local history for all sections of the American continent, as well as of the adjacent islands ; but the only ones which have come to our notice are, for Paraguay, the small pamphlet prepared by Alexander Dalrymple ; for Canada, the Catalogue of Fari- bault ; for Cuba, the dissertations of Bachiler ; for New Nether- land, the essays of G. M. Asher ; for Guyana, DE NOUVION. _ __. . > AVAGOUR e wor * cs * victor de JNouvion 102 and or L/u DA SILVA. Pare d Avagour 10 ; for Brazil, the important dic- ACOSTA. tionary of Da Silva 104 ; for Nueva-Granada, the *f~\ Compendia of Joaquin Acosta 105 ; and for Pata- 101 Nicolaus Syllacius De Insults Meridian! los La France rendue Jlorissante par la atque Indict Marts Nuper Invcntis. With Guy one j Paris, 1852., 8vo. Liste de 320 a translation into English by the Rev. JOHN auteurs, pp. 40-48. MULLIGAN, A. M.; New York, 1859, fol. 104 Dice ion. bibliogr. portug. Estud. de IN- and 410, 105 + lxiii pp., Portrait +28 fac- NOC. FRANC. DA SILVA afflicaveis a o Par- similes. (Privately printed.) tug. e Brasil; Lisbva, 1858-62, 7 vols., 8vo. loa Extrait des auteurs et -voyageurs qui ont 105 Compendia del descubrimiento y colo- ecrit sur la Guy ant , sui-vi du Catalogue bib- nixacion de la Nue-va-Granada en el siglo liographique de la Guyane ; Paris, 1844, 8 vo. decimosexto; Paris, 1848, 8vo. Introduction. xxxv gonia, the notices scattered over the great work of Alcide D Orbigny 106 . The first four of these deserve an extended notice. The history of Paraguay, not only under the domination of the Jesuits from 1556 to 1767, but from the DALRYMPLE. . c . , , , . . , T, o time when bpam ceded this rich country to ror- tugal to the beginning of our century, when it was again a Spanish possession, soon to become a republic, presents features of uncommon interest. The thin pamphlet prepared by Alexander Dalrymple, the well-known English geog rapher, found therefore a ready sale, and is not now easily obtained. It is a small catalogue 107 , devoted exclusively to works treating of Rio de la Plata and Paraguay, arranged in the order of dates, from 1534 to 1806, with supplements, the last of which was published only a few months before Dalrymple s death. The list is only Pinelo-Barcia s, enlarged with few additions, taken chiefly from Muratori s " Cristianisimo Felice, and such books as the compiler could find in the British Museum. 108 UHomme Americain consid er e sous les On page 810 : rapports physiologiques et moraux ; Paris, Histoire physique, economique et politiquc 1839, 8vo, 2 vols. -)- atlas. da Paraguay et des etablissements des J e- DR. JULIUS PETZHOLDT cites in his Bib- suites , accompagn ee fune Bibliographic , liotheca Bibliographica, par L. ALFRED DEMERSAY, Tom. I ; Paris, On page 807 : 1800, large 8vo. Centra- Amerika. Nach deft gegenwiirti- On page 8 1 2. : gen Zustanden des Landes und Volkes, in Be- Haiti, ses progres, ion avcnir, avec mic hung der beiden Oceaneundim Interesseder un precis historique sur ses constitutions, deutschen Auswanderung bearbeitet <von C. le texte de la constitution actutllement F. REICHARDT; Braunschweig, 1851, 8vo. en -vigueur et unc bibliographic d" Haiti ; Enthalt C. 255-56: Die neuere Litcratur par ALEXANDRE BONNEAU ; Paris, 1862, iiber (Centra- Amerika. Die neuercn Schrif- 8vo. ten iiber die Berbindung der beiden Octane. On page 813 : On page 808 : Catalogue d un Choix de Li-vrcs rclatifs Wandcrungcn durch die mittcl-amerikan- a rAmeriquc et particuliercmcnt aux Anti- ischen Freistaaten Nicaragua, Honduras und quites et a fHistoire naturcllc du Mexique ; San Salvador. Mil Hinblick auf deutsche Paris, 1857, 8vo. Emigration und deutschen Handel, -von Q.A.9.1. " Eine Kleine, aber gut gewahlte und geord- SCHERZER; Braunschweig, 1857, 8vo. Ent- nete Sammlungvon 180 Nrr. halt C. 51012: Bibliographischcs Ver- m Catalogue of Authors who ha-ve ivrit- zeichniss der neueren und neuesten Werke ten on Rio de la Plata, Paraguay, and Chaco, und Abhandlungen uber die funf Freistaa- collected by A. DALRYMPLE; London, 1807- tcn Central- Amerikas. 8, 410, 17+3 + 2 pp. xxxvi Introduction. George Barthelemy Faribault, an attorney at Quebec, pub lished in 1837, a catalogue in three parts 108 , giv- * ARIBAULT. j n ^ j n alphabetical and chronological orders, a list of works, clipped chiefly from booksellers catalogues, and enriched with notes borrowed from Pinkerton, La Richarderie, and Michaud s Blographie Unlverselle. The first two parts contain nine hundred and sixty-nine articles, the third is devoted to maps and plans. Judging from the sign affixed to the titles, and indicating that the works are, or were, in the library to which Faribault had access, not one tenth of the books described seem to have been examined by the author. The list abounds in errors of all kinds 10 ?. To New Yorkers, G. M. Asher s series of memoirs on Dutch books relating to New-Netherlands 110 is " a very valuable compilation. It was under- 1054* taken for Frederick Muller, the Amsterdam bookseller, and compiled chiefly from works which he had for sale at the time ; but, owing to a quarrel between the compiler and his employer, the series never was completed. Although the section relating to maps and charts bears on the cover the 108 Catalogue (fouvrages sur fhlitoire de Orbe Novo, Decades tres : Bale, 1516, rAm erique, et en particulier sur celle du Ca- 1590; Paris, 1532, in-4. 1536, in-fol. nada,dc la Louisiane, de I Acadie, et autres 373. LAS CASAS. Brc-vissima relacion ; lieux, ci-devant connus sous le nom de Nou- Seville, 1532, in-4," & c -i & c - vcllc-France ; avcc des notes bibliograph- These errors can be traced to BOUCHER iqucs, critiques, et litt eraires. En Trois Par- DE LA RICHARDERIE. ties. Redige par G. B. FARIBAULT, A-vo- no Prospectus of a Bibliographical and cat; Quebec, 1837, 8vo, aoy pp. Historical Essay on the Dutch books and 109 As an instance: Pamphlets relating to Nctv-Ncthcrland, and " 1 8. ANGIADELO (JEAN MARIE) Le to the Dutch West-India Company , as also Nouveau-Monde, nouvellement decouvert on the Maps, Charts, &c. of Neiu-Ncthcr- par Americ Vespuce : (en Italien.) 1519; land. Compiled from the Dutch public and in-4. Sans lieu d impression On a pri-vate libraries, and chiefly from^the col- publie une traduction latine de cet ouvrage, lection of Mr. Frederick Muller in Amster- mais on n a pu en decouvrir la date ni le dam. By G. M. ASHER ; Amsterdam and lieu d impression; en voici le titre : New York, 1854. 19. Mundus-Novus; de natura, mori- *%.* 4 to > PP- 120-)- a 11. for additions -|- bus et ceteris istius generis gentiumque in a large map of the country -f- i 1. for title Novo-Mundo autore Americo of A List of The Maps and Charts of Ne-w- Vespucio, r-l6. Netherland + 20 pp. + 12 11. for List of 15. ANGHIERA. De Rebus Oceanis et Names. Introduction. xxxvii title of Parts IVth and Vth, Part IV is still in manuscript, in the possession of M. Muller. As far as the compilation ex tends, it must be considered a bibliographical contribution of great merit and usefulness. In consequence of the compiler s extreme unpopularity, his publications are frequently assailed ; but we have only to judge a work on its merits, and freely confess that bibliophiles must go as far back as Camus to find a bibliography which can favorably compare with M. G. M. Asher s Essay. As the compiler had access to the Dutch public and private libraries, it is, however, surprising that he should have com menced the list with de Laet s Nieuwe Wereldt. There are works relating to New-Netherland of an earlier date. As far as we can ascertain, the first book of this character is the supple mentary volume of Emanuel Van Meteren s history of the Netherlands 111 , which was published in 1611, and contains the first account that appeared in print of Hudson s voyage for the East-India Company. Mr. Asher also omits the Hudson tract of i6i2 IIZ and its Latin editions" 3 . There are several more omissions of the same character, which we leave to those who devote themselves to the bibliography of this section of the country to point out. The reader, however, is doubtless aware 111 Bclgischc ofte Nederlantsche Oorlogen Ende een Memoriae/, gcfrescnteert aan den ende Gcschicdcnisscn beginnende van t jacr Coningh van Sfaengien, bclanghcndc de ont- 1595 tot 1611, mede vervatende enighe ge- deckingc ende ghclcghcnheyt van* t Land ghc- buercn handclinphc. Beschreven door EMAN- naemt Australia Incognita, f Amsterdam by UEL VAN METEREN. Bij hem voor de leste Hessel Gerritsx. Boeckvercoofer, oft Wa- reyse o-vcrsic verbetert ende vermeerdert na ter, inde Pascaert, Anno 1612. die co fie gedruckt of Schotlant buyten Dans- *%.* 4to, 40. pp. + 3 maps. wyck by Hermes -van Loven. Voor den ns Amsterdam, 1612; 4to, 46pp. +3 Autheur Anno 1611. maps; and same place, 1613, 410, 44 pp. *.* 410, sine loco (Dordrecht?), 360 + 4 maps, text entirely re-written, numb. 11. BLACK LETTER. We borrow these titles from the Hon. 114 Beschryvinghe van der Samoycdcn HENRY C. MURPHY S extremely interesting landtinTartaricn. Nieulijcks onder^t ghebiedt and valuable: der Moscoviten gebracht. Wt de Russche Henry Hudson in Holland. An inquiry tale overgheset, Anno 1609. Met een ver- into the origin and objects of the -voyage tuhich had van de ofsoeckingh ende ontdeckinge van led to the discovery of the Hudson River, de nieuive deurgang ofte straet int Noord- With bibliographical notes. The Hague, ivesten na de Rycken van China ende Cathay. 1859, 8vo, pp. 72. (Privately printed.) xxxviii Introduction. that to study the early history of New-Netherland, it is neces sary to go beyond the Dutch books, and commence even with Lescarbot and the relation of Lord Delaware. The field is ex tensive, and let us hope that one of the three New York bibli ophiles who possess in their libraries all the works relating to the subject, will till it to the satisfaction of scholars and historians. The bibliography by Senor Bachiler y Morales" 4 is a kind of appendix to a series of contributions to the literary 13 L hi storv f Cuba, describing a number of works pub lished in the island from the time of the introduction of printing thither to the year 1840. The earliest work bears the date of iy24" 5 , but it seems that there is a Havana impres sion of lyao" 6 . As to the assertion of Ambrosio Valiente" 7 that printing was first introduced in Santiago de Cuba as early as 1698, we apprehend that no Cuban book of the seventeenth century can be produced. Dr. Hermann E. Ludewig, a Dresden jurist who emigrated to America in 1844, where he resided until his death g / in 1856, prepared soon after his arrival a bibliog raphy" 8 of works relating to each State and Terri tory in the Union. The titles are arranged by states, counties and towns, with references to historical collections, numbering about fourteen hundred volumes, which belong chiefly to the present century. It was this useful work which prompted the publication by Norton of a series of local bibliographies, of which 114 Apuntes para la Historia de las Le- m " Introduccion de la imprenta, 1698. tras, y de la Instruction publica de la Isla Introducese la imprenta en esta ciudad, de Cuba. For ANTONIO BACHILLER Y Mo- primera que se establece en la Isla." Tab/a KALES; Habana, 1861, 8vo, Part m, pp. Cronologica de los succsos occurridos en la ciu- 121-241. dad de Santiago de Cuba; New York, 18 Meritos que ha justificado y probado 1853, I2mo, p. 30. tlLd-v. D. Antonio de sossa, &c. ; Havana, I8 The literature of American local His- Imprenta de Carlos Habre, 410. tory ; a bibliographical essay, by HERMANN 16 "he adquirido casualmente un im- E. LUDEWIG; New York, MDCCCXLVI, 8vo, preso que parece de 1720 . . . es una carta xx+ 180 pp. First Supplement extracted de esclavitud a la Virgen Santisima del Ro- from The Literary World, for Feb. 1 9th, sario, sin nombre de impresion." Apuntes; 1848; 8vo, pp. 20. Relates exclusively p. 121, note. to New York. Introduction. xxxix we have seen only the Bibliographies of New Hampshire"? and Maine 120 . Mr. J. R. Bartlett s elaborate Bibliography of Rhode Island 111 shows how wide a field local bibliography offers to painstaking bibliographers. His catalogue, which gives a list of the works relating to one of the smallest States in the Union, and which was a wilderness a couple of centuries ago, fills not less than two hundred and eighty-seven octavo pages. The de scriptions were all made from the original works, which are, without any exception, in private libraries in Rhode Island. The earliest book mentioned is Hakluyt, on account of Verra- zano s description of Narragansett Bay. As Dr. Ludwig justly remarked " Exotic languages are no longer considered as mere matters of curiosity, but 1> D J are looked upon as interesting parts of the natural history of man, and as such receive their share of the brilliant light which modern critical studies have shed upon the natural sciences in general." No other reason need be adduced for including in our list his enlarged edition 111 of that 118 By S. C. EASTMAN, in Norton s Liter- Mr. Taylor s " Bibliografa" to works pub- dry Letter; New Series, 1860, No. i, pp. lished in the last fifty years, are useful; 8-30. but as regards the sixteenth and seven- no By WILLIAM WILLIS, 1859, pp. n- teenth centuries, the compilation is of no 30. value whatever. It is evident that the There are other bibliographies of this compiler has only an inadequate notion of character, but they seem to be scattered in the works which he jumbles together, reviews or newspapers. We notice the fol- Nothing worth preserving will ever be lowing : accomplished in bibliography so long as a Bibliografa Calif arnica ; or, Notes and pair of scissors is deemed the only requisite Materials to aid in forming a more perfect to prepare what Mr. Taylor calls a " Bib- Bibliography of those countries anciently liografa." called " California," and lying "within the Descriptive Catalogue of Historical limits of the Gulf of Cortes to the Arctic References to the Valley of the Mississippi, Seas and West of the Rocky Mountains to by J. M. PECK. (American Pioneer, Cin- the Pacific Ocean, by A. S. TAYLOR. (Sac- cinnati, Vol. n), pp. 262-9, 314-323). ramento Daily Union, for June 25th, 1863.) Begins with De Soto in English translations. Continuation (copyrighted), same lal Bibliography of Rhode Island. A newspaper for Marcb 13, 1866. The com- catalogue of Books and other Publications piler states that he made use of two cata- relating to the State of Rhode Island, tulth logues in the Sacramento Union of May, notes, historical, biographical and critical , 1858, in the Herald of June, 1858, and Providence, 1864, 8vo. of a partial catalogue of works on the 1M The Literature of American Aborig- Pacific Ocean, in the Polynesian news- inal Languages. By HERMANN E. LUDWIG. paper of July, 1844. The references in With additions and corrections by Professor xl Introduction. part of Vater s Linguarum totius orbis index^ which treats of American languages. It is an extremely .valuable compendium, eivinp- the titles of the grammars and lexicons devoted exclu- O O D sively to the aboriginal idioms, with copious references to the works which treat of the subject incidentally. Not less than nine hundred tribes are represented in this curious collection, with a corresponding number of bibliographical authorities ; yet, if we may be permitted to judge from the annotated copy which our friend Dr. Berendt is preparing for the press, Dr. Ludwig s work does not cover the whole ground, nor is it free from mistakes and important omissions. Withal, it must be consid ered a compilation of unusual interest. The works of Messrs. E. G. Squiers and Schoolcraft belong to this class of bibliographies. The first of these 143 R is a brief account of one hundred and ten authors 1861. who wrote on the languages of Central America, followed by a list of books and MSS. relating wholly or in part to the history, aborigines and antiquities of Central America. The biographical notices are extracted from the Biblioteca of Beristain, while many of the titles are derived not from an examination of the works themselves, but from the notices in Ramesal, Vasquez, Cogolludo, Villagutierre, De Souza, and similar sources. As to Schoolcraft s 124 list, it is limited to the works composed and printed in the languages of the Indians, SCHOOLCRAFT. which were preserved in the Department of the Interior at Washington, and simply with the WM. W. TURNER. Edited by NICOLAS m A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, TRUBNER. (Part I of " Trubner^s Biblio- Translations of the Scriptures, and other pub- theca Glottiea") ; London, MDCCCLVIII, 8vo, lications in the Indian Tongues of the United pp. xxiv + 258. States; with brief critical notices. By H. 128 Monograph of Authors who ha-ve writ- R. SCHOOLCRAFT j Washington, 1849, 8 vo, ten on the Languages of Central America, pp. 28 ; afterwards reprinted with additions and collected vocabularies or composed works in Historic, and Statist. Information respect- in the native dialects of that country ; New ing the Hist. &c. of the Indian Tribes, &c. ; York, M.D.CCC.LXI, 410, pp. xv+ 53+ 16 Philad., 1851, 410, Vol. iv, p. 523, sy. for appendix and index. We must also call the attention of our Introduction. xli view of obtaining information to render the inquiry more com plete. We know of several other catalogues, some of which are exclusively composed of American books, while a certain num ber, although covering the entire field of history and literature, contain many valuable titles ; but they are chiefly lists prepared by booksellers 125 , or catalogues of sale 126 , and to notice them all would so enlarge the scope of our work as to remind the reader of a certain verse of Juvenal 127 , which, we greatly appre hend, will be uttered at all events. Several extensive collections, such as the Scriptores Ordinis Minorum of Wadding, the Scrip- tores Ordinis Prezdicatorum of Quetif and Echard, the curious compilation of Stoecklein 128 , the dictionaries of Philip Alegambe, Nathaniel Southwell 12 ?, Foppens, Nicholas Antonio, Barbosa readers to a small work in course of pub lication, which promises to be a valuable addition to comparative Philology, vix. : Apuntes para un catdlogo de escritores en Lenguas indigcnas de America, par JOAQUIN GARCIA ICAZBALCETA 5 Mexico, 1866, I2mo ; and to Noticia de las personas que han escrito 6 publicado algunas obras sobre idiomas que se hablan en la Rcpublica \_De Mexico], for DR. JOSE GUADALUPE ROMERO, in Boletin de la Sociedad Mex. de Geogr. Vol. vui, 1862, pp. 374-386. Also to the following, although it re lates chiefly to the history or manners of the Indians : Catalogue of the Private Library of Sam uel G. Drake, of Boston, chiefly relating to the Antiquities, History and Biography of America, and in an especial manner to the Indians, collected and used by him in pre paring his Works upon the Aborigines of America , Boston, 1845, 8vo. 1118 The following from a New England bookseller settled in London, is printed with remarkable accuracy : Historical Nug gets || Bibliotheca Americana or a descriptive account of my collection of rare books relating to America || HENRY STEVENS G M B F s A || London, MDCCCLXII, I2mo, xii + 805 pp. in two vols ; 2,9 34 items, with prices. Of Stevens s American Bibliographer, Chiswick, 1854, 8vo, only two numbers were published. These cover 96 pages, giving a number of titles in alphabetical order, with minute collations, a map and several illustrations. 126 The Bibliotheca Heberiana and the Courtanvaux (Paris, 1783), Hibbert, Mon- didier (London, 1851), and Butsch (Augs burg, 1858) catalogues present features of great interest in this respect. Vol. vn of the Bibliotheca Thottiana contains several titles of extremely rare works, among which a Syllacio (p. 223). 1ST " Scriptus et in tergo necdum finitus Orestes." Satyr, i. 6. 198 Reiscbcschreibungen -von der Missio- nariis der Gesellschaft Jesu ; Augsburg, 1726, fol., Vols. i-xxxn. 139 Bibliotheca Scriptor. Soc. Jest) ; Romae, M.DC.LXXVI, fol., describes the works of not less than 2237 authors. But all these bibliographies of Jesuit writers have been superseded by the following, which is fraught with reliable notices, both bio graphical and bibliographical : AUGUSTIN ET ALOIS DE BACKER ; Bib- liotheque des Ecri-vains de la Compagnie de Jesus, ou Notices Bibliographiques de tous les outrages publics par les mcmbrcs, Sec., Liege, 1853, large 8vo. We know of six series, each one forming a complete collec tion arranged in alphabetical order. xlii Introduction. HUMBOLDT. 1836-9. Machado and Fabricius, as well as the Annales of Maittaire and Panzer, describe a great many works relating to the New World, but as they are not grouped in a separate division, we do not include them in this list, although the reader will find in the following pages frequent references to those valuable collections. But there is a series of dissertations which all American bib liographers and historians should constantly keep at their elbow. It is the Examen Critique 1 * of Hum- boldt. This noble work, which we consider the greatest monument ever erected to the early history of this con tinent, is, despite a few immaterial errors 131 , a sure guide, which has proved to us an inexhaustible source of valuable suggestions. The bibliographical notes contained in the Examen are not, we confess, in keeping with the learned and profound dissertations which we can never cease to admire, but there is scarcely a page which does not throw a vivid light upon every question connected with the geography, discovery and history of America. We regret to say that the manuscript additions which were to complete the work are, owing to the culpable remissness of a certain American bookseller in London, probably lost. If so, it is the greatest misfortune which could befall the student of American History 13 *. 180 Examen Critique de I Histoire de la Geographic du Nouveau Continent et des Progres de F Astronomic Nautiquc au Quin- xiemc et Seixieme Siecles ; Paris, 1836-39, 8vo, 5 vols., with sections of the La Cosa map. Dedicated to ARAGO. The Histoirc de la Geographic du Nou veau Continent, Sec., Paris, n. d. is only composed of the unsold sheets of the above, bound in two volumes, with a new title-page, and an introduction of four pages, but without the sections of the La Cosa chart, which in this new issue are replaced by two well-executed maps of this continent. 11 For instance, he falls into the error of Capmnani, Salazar, Zach and others, who give the title of Raymond Lully s Libra Felix 6 marawllas del mundo, as El Fenix dc las mara-villas del mundo. See D AVEZAC, Bulletin de la Soci et e de G eogr. for October, 1857. 13a Our readers are doubtless aware that the most important cartographical monu ment concerning the New World is the manuscript chart of Juan de la Cosa, an extremely skillful pilot, who accompanied Columbus in his second voyage. This map, which bears the inscription " Juan de la Cosa la fao en el puerto de Sta Maria enano de 1500," was discovered in 1832, by HUMBOLDT, in the library of WALCKN^R, and is now in the Royal Library of Mad rid, having been purchased by the Queen of Spain for 4020 francs, or about the tenth part of the sum which certain Amer- Introduction. xliii IV. The bibliographies which we have just described contain a mention, more or less succinct, of nearly all the works relating to America, known at the present day ; and whatever may be their incompleteness or imperfections, they must be considered a source of indispensable references. But it is a question whether, as a whole, these bibliographical repertories are ade quate to the wants of the student of history. Could we boast of exhaustive historical compositions, delineating in a critical manner the annals of every section of this country, and pre paratory to a comprehensive history of the entire continent, the necessity for a complete and trustworthy Bibliotbeca Americana would still be felt. But it must be confessed that we possess ican collectors have frequently offered for a De Bry, which, as a work of reference, is totally worthless. De la Cosa s chart has been published several times, but never described or annotated. Humboldt prom ised to do so. "Je n anticiperai pas," said he,* " sur les renseignements plus amples que je dois donner sur la personne de Juan de la Cosa, en decrivant, dans la troiseme section de cet ouvrage, la mappe- monde de ce celebre navigateur." That third section never was published ; but after Humboldt s death, his library (which was composed of presentation copies of modern works) was found to contain a set of the five volumes of the first issue of the Examen, which the compiler of the catalogue*^ described as " having numerous manuscript additions in the autograph of the author, who evidently contemplated a supplementary volume." This assertion is confirmed by the following note in the Cosmos : J " I here give the principal re- * Examen Critique, Vol. HI, p. l8j. f The Humboldt Library; London, 1863, 8vo, 11164 items, No. 4658. J Bonn s edit., Vol. II, p. 6}i. suits which are contained in the sixth (still unpublished) volume of my Examen Critique." Steps were immediately taken to purchase this valuable set, with the view of translating the work into English, and of adding biographical and bibliograph ical annotations, which are now embodied in the present Bibliothcca Americana Ve- tustissima. The order came too late, as the set had already been bought by a gen tleman of this city. Unfortunately, the work was not delivered at the time of the purchase. Three years have now elapsed, and Humboldt s supplementary volume to the Examen Critique is still missing. It is not even known what has become of those precious additions, which no work, as yet written, could possibly replace, and without which the early history of Amer ica can be only imperfectly studied and analyzed. We sometimes hear the name of that bookseller praised ; but let the reader imagine the bibliopoles employed by PEIRESC, for instance, guilty of such gross negligence, what calamities would the historian of Science and Literature have to record ! xliv Introduction. no compositions of this character. True it is that we find here, in almost every household, works which purport to enlighten us concerning the past of several American nations. Some of these display great talents and still greater imagination ; others exhibit style and research ; while one, which is perhaps the most common of all, is only a fulsome panegyric, pandering to the inordinate vanity of a certain political party once in the ascendant, and bidding for the author s personal promotion to lucrative office. Who can say that these works will maintain their present place for any length of time ? History with us, then, still presents an open field ; and although the republics and empires now in existence on this continent do not offer a grateful theme for historical compositions, as they have not yet passed through all the phases which must ever constitute the elements of every history, there are epochs already completed which await the labors of historians. We allude, among other subjects, to a history of the rise, decline and fall of the Spanish Empire in the New World. The first requisite in the preparation of works of this character consists of a bibliography, which is to the historian what a chart is to the mariner 1 ". The question then naturally recurs, What books should enter into this bibliography ? It would seem, at the first glance, that the lists should be confined to works relating exclusively to America. But such a limitation would compel us to thrust out of the repertory many works which are of paramount importance to the American historian. For instance, in the correspondence of Peter Martyr 134 , there are eight hundred and sixteen letters, but we can find only thirty which relate to the New World ; the Polyglot Psalter of Gius- tiniani 135 is a huge folio containing in all no more than four 133 " Post bibliothecarios scriptores veni- grinaturo. MORHOFF, Polyhistor, Lib. i, unt catalogorum scriptores, quorum accu- cap. xvm, Vol. I, p. 196 of Fabricius edit, ratior notitia ita necessaria est polyhistori, S4 No. 1 60. ut mapparum geographicarum cognitio pere- 3B No. 88 bis. Introduction. xlv columns which historians of the New World need to con sult ; nearly one half of the celebrated collection of Fracanzio da Montalboddo 1 6 , with its numerous train of editions 137 and trans lations 1 8 , is devoted to Africa and Asia ; only one volume in the Raccolta of Ramusio refers exclusively to America. Yet every one of these works (and there are many more of the same kind) is indispensable to the student of American history. On the other hand, to admit every book which contains a passage or chapter concerning the subject before us, especially among those published within the last three centuries, would compel the bibliographer to insert the titles of more than fifty thousand volumes. Yet, the wants and duties of the historian are such that he cannot neglect to consult every source of information, however apparently insignificant. The early history of any country, the tl origins," as French writers would say, generally present but scanty materials, scattered in the works not only of annalists and historians, but of orators, poets and commentators ; and although the discovery of this continent is comparatively a modern event, we often find in mere glosses and incidental notices which are buried in bulky chronicles and miscellaneous collections, valuable details which have been omitted in the compositions of contemporaneous historians. But as there must be a limit to detailed bibliographies, we are inclined to confine such a particular list to the books published during the century which followed the first voyage of Columbus excluding all " inferential" works. We apply the term "inferential" to such volumes, for instance, as are labeled " Alyaco." This name designates the treatise De Imagine Mundi, written in 1410 by Cardinal Pierre D Ailly. It is evident that a work which was printed in I49O IJ 9 cannot contain anything relating directly to America ; and if such a prominent place is given to the book, it is simply because 138 No. 48. 138 Nos. 57, 58, 83, 84, 86, in. 187 Nos. 55, 70, 90, 94, 109. 1S * infra, p. 5, note 61. xlvi Introduction. Christopher Columbus cites it frequently, and probably derived from its numerous references to the old authors the notion of the existence, not of this continent, for Columbus, like Ves- puccius, died in the belief that he had only discovered the Western coast of Japan 140 , but of a direct passage to the West. The treatises of D Ailly, however, are not the only works which he repeatedly consulted, cited and annotated. It is known, at present, that the frequent references to Aristotle, Seneca, Strabo, &c., with which the third letter of Columbus 141 is studded, were communicated to the Admiral by Father Gor- ricio 142 ; but we have published in another work 143 , photographic copies of annotations in the hand of Christopher Columbus, written on the margin of the works of ^Eneus Sylvius 144 and of Marco Polo 145 . If we insert the Imago Mundi, there is no reason why we should omit // Milione. We know of an Amer ican library which, on the recommendation of Rich 146 , secured Zachary Lilio s Orbis breviarum 1 * 1 , simply because it " showed 140 DE LAUNOI, Regii Na-varrte Gym- nasii Parisiensis Historia; Paris, 1677, 4*0, Vol. n, p. 478. 141 The epistle of Columbus describing his third voyage* contains a passage cover ing nearly two pages, literally translated from the Imago Mundi^ itself, plagiarized from the Opus Majus of ROGEB BACON. See HUMBOLDT, Examcn Critique, Vol. I, p. 65, sq., and Historic del Fernando Co lombo ; Venice, 1571, 8vo, cap. vn, vm, ix, pp. 411 " se conserva en la Biblioteca Colom- bina un codice autografo de D. Cristobal Colom 5 contiene su correspondencia con el Padre Gorricio, monge cartujo en el mo- nasterio de Sta Maria de las Cuevas de Se- villa, una multidud de textos del antiguo * Navarrete, Coleccion, Vol. I, pp. 260-261. f Cap. 8, fol. 13 in signal, b. The Cohmbina copy of the Imago Mundi contains, as Humboldt justly supposed, the treatises by Gerson, which are usually added to what we call, on the authority of Maittaire (Annal. Tyfogr.^ Vol. iv, p. 81, No. 44, and of Panzer (Annal. Typtgr., Vol. ix, p. 246, No. log) the Louvain edition, which accounts for Columbus frequent references to the works of the Chancellor of the University of Paris. y nuevo Testamento relatives al descubri- miento del nuevo mundo y reconquista de la Tierra Santa, ademas varias autoridades de Santos Padres, sentencias de Jilosofos sobre el mismo asunto y los celebres versos de la tragedia Medea de Seneca lenient annis, &c." Letter from Senor LEMANDEZ, the librarian of the Colombina, kindly com municated by the Duke DE MONTPENSIER. 148 Notes on Columbus, New York, 1866, folio, p, 215, sq. 44 Historia rerttm ubique gestarum, cum locorum description nonfinita. Asia minor incipit ; Venice, 1487, folio. 148 Judging from the Latin title in Senor Lemandez letter, the Marco Polo used by Columbus was the edition supposed to have been printed at Antwerp towards the year 1484, by Gerard de Leew, which is de scribed in the Libri Catalogue for 1859 (No. 1562) as follows: Marci Pauli de vcncciis Liber de consuetudinibus et condi- cionibus orientalium regionum. Small 410, s. I. a. a. 46 Supplement, p. i, ad item. 147 Florence " Anno Salutis M.CCCC- LXXXXIII. Nonis luniis." Introduction. xlvii the condition of geographical knowledge immediately before the first voyage of Columbus." But Columbus s original observa tion of the declination of the compass 148 , and his application of this important fact to find the longitude of the vessel 149 , have produced almost as great a change in the science of magnetics and the art of navigation, as his discovery of the New World in geography. Must we, therefore, add to our list the early works quoted in the curious dissertation of Trombelli de Acus nautiae inventore I5 ? No American collection is considered complete unless it contains all the editions of Ulrich von Hutten s quaint treatise De guaiaci mediclna et morbo galllco. Some collectors place the book in their library because they are of opinion that it contains proofs that the Morbus gallicus, so called, came ori ginally from America. We only find in that too highly prized and priced volume that the author of the work, who was born in 1488, inherited the disease from his father 151 . Other biblio philes purchase the volume for the reason that it describes for the first time a medicament of American origin ; but this is equally true of quinine, sarsaparilla, and a number of other medicinal plants, which would entitle all the early dispensatories, from Le Myrouel des appothicaires pharmacopoles downward, to a prominent place in our bibliography. Several enthusiastic bib liophiles go even so far as to say that the works which contain an early mention of any substance essentially American, such, for instance, as cotton, cocoa, as well as guiacum wood not to speak of Indian corn and potatoes should be represented in a Bibliotheca Americana. If this is the case, we must make room for King James Covnterblaste to Tobacco, and for the treatise in which Leon Pinelo agitates for the first time the momentous 148 On the 1 3th of September, 1492., 16 apud de Bononiensi scicntiarum In- during his first transatlantic voyage, Cf. stituto atqut Academia commcntarii ; Bo- Columbus s log book, abridged by Las logna, 1731-91, 410, Vol. n, Part in, Casas, apud NAVARRETE, Co/eccion, Vol. i, p. 333. p. 9, sq. m Of the Wood called Gviacvm, that 49 HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique Vol. healeth the French Pocxes ; London, 1536, in, p. 38. i6mo, pp. 4 and 6. xlviii Introduction. question whether Catholic priests can eat chocolate on a Friday, and yet save their souls from perdition 154 . As a compensation for excluding these works, we insert all the editions of the Latin and Italian translations of Ptolemy s Geography. A map is frequently of more importance to ascer tain the extent of a maritime voyage or discovery, than the most perfect description ; and although we are convinced that all the charts of the New World, from Ruysch s 1 " to Mattiolo s 154 , can be traced to one or two prototypes only, they present so inter esting a survey of the progress of cartography and of geographical knowledge during the first half of the fifteenth century, that we have taken pains to describe all the editions which contain such maps and the chapter " Extra Ptolemeum" which, as the reader is doubtless aware, became the nucleus around which were gathered the results of all subsequent investigations of a geo graphical character 155 . In arranging or classifying these works, the only object which must be kept in view, is the convenience of the inquirer ; unfor tunately, we know of no classification or arrangement which is entirely satisfactory. The alphabetical method brings in juxta position the most heterogeneous works. The classification ac cording to subjects is more or less arbitrary, while it compels the bibliographer to insert the same book in five or six different classes, as a great many of the early works relating to America treat of a variety of subjects. The disposition according to the order of time presents certain advantages, but it is also defective, as a work written, for instance, in 1493, ^ e the Spanish letter of Columbus (No. 7), must be placed under the year 1865, when it was first published ; while if we only adopt the date of its composition, bibliographically speaking, the arrangement is en tirely useless. On the other hand, each of these modes has its 152 Question moral si el chocolate que- 18S No. 56. (In the Ptolemy of 1508.) branta el ayuno eclesiastico ; Madrid, 1636, I84 No. 285. 4to. 186 See infra, p. 107, sq. Introduction. xlix merits, and, nothwithstanding the perplexity which arises from a multiplicity of indices, we think that these three systems might be adapted to a comprehensive bibliography, in this wise : The works arranged chronologically according to the order of their publication ; then two separate indices, one of names exclusively ; the other, a classified index, setting forth under special heads all the subjects mentioned, for example, in the Epitome of Leon Pinelo. The works should be described with extreme minuteness and accuracy. The title of a book frequently conveys the " pre liminary" information required ; but if the title is truncated in the description or imperfectly abridged, it is apt to become a vehicle of error. It is also necessary to give the colophon, as it shows when the book was really published or completed, while, at times, we can find in no other part of the volume what is called the imprint 156 . There are many more details of a technical character with which bibliographers are expected to be conversant ; and as these apply to all bibliographies in general, we must refer the reader to the works which treat specially of such matters 157 , and to the catalogues which exhibit their application 158 in a much higher 169 When the curious plaquette Copia at Augsburg by Erhard Oeglin, who ceased der Nciven Zcytung auss Prcsillg Landt to print after 1516; and, therefore, if (No. 99) was first made known, Hum- Humboldt s supposition is correct, Chris- boldt expressed the opinion* that it must topher de Haro visited the Straits three have been printed between 1525 and 1540. years at least before Magellan. M. de Varnhagen,f on the other hand, 16T In BRUNET, Manuel, Table m ethod- was inclined to ascribe to the book a date iquc, Nos. 3112231365; and the most circa 1508. It was a matter of some con- valuable treatise of CONSTANTIN, Biblio- sequence to ascertain the exact time when theconomic ; Paris, 1841, i8mo. it had been published, as Humboldt thought 18e FRANCK, Catalogus bibliothccae Buna- that it contained a description of a voyage -vian^e; Lipsite, 1750-1756, 6 vols., 4to ; to the Straits of Magellan, undertaken by AUDIFFREDI, Catalogus historico-criticus ro- Christopher de Haro. But we describe an- manorum cditionum aeculi Xf; Roma, other edition (No. 100), which, but for the 1783, 410; REUSS, Repertorium commenta- colophon, would appear in a catalogue simply tionum a socictatibus litter -arils cditarum ; as a duplicate of the first. Now, this colo- Gottingee, 1801-1821, 16 vols., 410 ; and phon shows that the plaquette was printed for the fountain-head of the best modern classifications, GARNIER, Systcma biblio- * E xamtn Critiqu,, Vol. v, P . 149. thec * co!U ^ ii f arii eniis Soc - J"> Paris, t Historia do, . ^78, 4to. 1 Introduction. degree than any example we could cite, or description which it is in our power to give. Whatever may be the natural impartiality of an author s mind, his works must always bear the impress of the circumstances which surround him, and of his times. It is necessary, there fore, to study his personal history as well as that of his epoch, and of the social center in which he lived, that we may form a correct estimate of the credence to which he is entitled. In fact, we know of no better means to ascertain to what extent his views may have been modified by such external influences ; and no historian will fail to appreciate the facilities offered him by the bibliographer who groups around each title references to all the works in which information in regard to these illustrative subjects may be found. How thankful have we not often felt for the Scriptures vitarum eruditorum particulares in the celebrated Bunau catalogue ! Nor should the bibliographer limit this class of researches to the life of the author of each work which comes under his notice. He must also contribute towards elu cidating the history of the principal characters who figure in the books, by adding such authorities as may have escaped the notice of the writer himself, or as may have come to light subsequently to the publication of his work. The requisites which we have already mentioned are much more onerous and difficult to fulfill than the majority of readers are inclined to believe 15 ? ; yet, they by no means constitute the whole task which devolves upon the bibliographer. Every special bibliography demands special requisites, which must be adequate to its particular object. Our own province is only to state those which pertain to a bibliography of works relating to 149 See in the Edinburgh Re-view for made. When the twenty-five titles, illus- October, 1850, a curious account of the trative of his bibliographical attainments, mishaps experienced during the discus- were put into the hands of a competent sions, of the British Museum Commis- librarian for examination, it was discov- sion, by a well-known English scholar and ered that " they contained almost every antiquary, who had attempted to show possible error which can be committed in how the Museum catalogue should be cataloguing books." Introduction. li America. Now, a Bibliotbeca Americana is essentially geograph ical and historical, and whoever would compose it must, there fore, assume to the full extent of its original compass the obligations which pertain to the study of geography and history. These consist in a critical survey of certain documents, and in an effort to connect certain data in view of an ultimate conclu sion. The main difference between history and bibliography, in this respect, is that the latter is limited to printed documents, whilst the data it furnishes refer chiefly to their external charac teristics. But this does not imply that the labors of the bibliog rapher must be confined to a correct statement of the title and size of a book, or to tables exhibiting the chronology of its various editions and translations. We think that after these requisites have been fulfilled, the bibliographer must show wherein the texts of these editions present differences, and trace to their original sources the changes introduced. Years some times elapse between successive editions of the same work. Meanwhile, new documents are published, exhibiting a discovery made or a progress accomplished. By the light of these new developments, the author, in a later edition, modifies the opinions or corrects the errors set forth at a time when he possessed no better means to ascertain the truth of his statements. We hold that it is the duty of bibliographers not only, as it were, to label all such alterations, but to mark the sources from which the motive which prompted the author in each instance was derived. Withal, we must not be understood to advocate the insertion of elaborate essays in connection with every book described or cited in any bibliography whatsoever. This course would be tanta mount to blending Bibliography and Literary History together. We only advocate the addition of succinct indications of a most trustworthy and suggestive character, paving the way for ulterior researches, which the bibliographer may be supposed to have instituted himself, but of which he only gives what is called in common parlance "the chapter and verse." In fine, the bibliog- Hi Introduction. rapher s whole duty will be done, as we conceive it, only when he has presented the synthetic historian with the means of con trolling, comparing and weighing the authorities which he needs to consult, as well as with the fullest possible list of those authorities. Within certain limits, it will be seen, therefore, that we assign to bibliographers a relation to the historian not unlike that which exists at the British bar between the attorney who prepares the brief and the barrister who pleads the case. Each has a most serious and important task to perform ; nor will the honest historian hesitate to admit that if the results of his own labor are necessarily more splendid than the modest efforts of the student who precedes him and prepares his way, the duties of the bibliographer may probably enlist scientific faculties of a high order, and strenuous exertions which, although left often unrewarded, are deserving of praise and recompense. We are well aware that the present work by no means presents a perfect illustration of the bibliographical principles which we have endeavored to set forth. But we cannot honestly take upon ourselves the whole responsibility of this untoward fact. In the preparation of such an elaborate bibliography, the great con dition precedent is a free, untrammeled, and repeated access to the books which the bibliographer intends to describe. He should be at liberty to examine them, not one by one, but all together, frequently, and with a large collection of works of reference at his elbow. These facilities it has been denied to us to com mand. We have, indeed, enjoyed the freedom of one admirable library, but this did not contain all the books needed to establish necessary comparisons. Other collections, in which these sup plementary books could be found, were located, some of them in distant cities, whilst others, existing within a stone s throw of our study, belonged to bibliophiles who hesitated to extend to us the facilities required by the nature of our task, although they Introduction. liii often enabled us to examine a number of valuable books, which had been actually removed from the shelves for our special inspection. But whilst this was a great advantage, meriting acknowledgment, every reader at all familiar with bibliograph ical researches knows full well that unless the inquirer is gifted with the erudition of a Mabillon and the memory of a Mezzo- fanti, it is impossible for him to commence his investigations with a competent knowledge of all the works which are to come within the range of his researches. " Book openeth book," says Dibdin; and this wise saying is still more true of biblio graphical and historical inquiries than of any other class of investigations, as an indefinite number of useful suggestions is the first result of untrammeled access to the alcoves of every opulent library. Nor is this all. However careful in his collations a conscientious bibliographer may be ; however numerous and detailed may be the memoranda which he never fails to make, he is nevertheless sure to be beset with excruciating doubts when he sits down to achieve his task at a distance from the books which he is to describe with no other help than his notes and memory. These notes are taken too often in a hasty manner, for fear of exhausting the patience of the unconfiding proprietor, who frequently considers and treats the student as a purloiner in disguise, an intruder or a parasite. Hurrying back to his solitary cell, the painstaking bibliographer peruses the notes so onerously obtained. As he dwells upon his memoranda at leis ure, innumerable new ideas and suggestions arise out of them ; but these new ideas and suggestions remain sterile because they need to be controlled and fructified by fresh references to works examined for a different purpose, and long before the germination of these tardy but welcome notions. So far as we, ourselves, are concerned, we feel constrained to state that could we have spent no more than four days in the undisturbed examination of certain libraries, even with our hands manacled, it would have saved us fully six months of most arduous researches. liv Introduction. As to the works of reference which we had to consult, we found them scattered all over the country, not a few, for exam ple, being discovered by us in the dusty garret of a dilapidated church, where we .were so unfortunate as to pore over them when the thermometer stood below zero. Others, less accessible still, we heard of as lying snugly coffined in comfortable bookcases, never to be disturbed by mortal eye. A goodly number were picked up and purchased at book-stalls, while many more could be consulted only at the price of journeys to Boston or Cam bridge, where librarians dispense to students a hospitality which New York has yet to emulate. We enter into these details, not for the purpose of working upon the sympathies of the reader, but simply to explain the shortcomings which he will not fail to note in this, our first and last attempt in American Bibliography. H. H. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS, May i$tA, 1866. Bifcltort)eca Americana etu0ttsstma* Btftltotfjecaam TURY. i. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER)-(L IHptftola <f)riftofim OTolmn: mi ftas noftra multii trefcet: tre||5nfults Sntri^ fupta (Siangan nuper inuentis. Etr quas petqui- 1| rentras octauo antea menfe aufpicti^ r fte inutctiffimij^ernan-lltrt l^tfpantarum Hegis mtffuss fuerat: ati Jftagmficum trftm Mallpijaelem jb&nxz iis: etufirem fcreniffimi liiegi^ ^efaurartii mtffa:|| quam notiltsi ac litteratug bit Eliantrer tre OTofcci at l^ifpano || itreomatc in latinum conuerttt : tertto liftaij. iW.cccc.armj.ll ^Jonttficatus *,,,* Sm. 410, j/^ tfw^ aut loco, four leaves, thirty-four lines in a full page. No water-mark. (Private Libr. New York. The only other copies known are in the British Museum and Munich Royal Library.) * Anglice : Letter from Christopher noble lord Raphael Sanxis : Treasurer of Colom : to whom our age oweth much : the same most serene King : which the concerning the Islands of India beyond noble and learned man Allander de Cos ine Ganges recently discovered. In the co translated from the Spanish idiom search of which he was sent eight into Latin : the third day of the ca- months ago under the auspices and at lends of May [April 2jth ?] 1493. The the expense of the most invincible King Year One of the Pontificate of Alexan- of the Spains, Ferdinand : addressed to the der VI. 2 Bibliotheca Americana. 14.03. Christopher or Pedro (Luc. Marineo 1 } Colon (Fer- . nando Columbus 2 -, official documents 3 ), or Colonus (Pet. Martyr 4 , Geraldinfi}, or Colom (Oviedo ( \ de Cozco 1 , Stam- ler*}, or Colomo (Libros de Cuentos*, Medina CelP], or Colombo (yrivigiano 9 , Grynteus 10 , Coppo da Isola 11 , Zorzi, Dati n ], or Colyns (Sharon Turner 14 ), or Dawber (Ru- chamer^), or Columbus (Gfustiniatt? 6 , Syllacio 11 , Bembo^} ; born at Genoa (Giustiniani, Peter Martyr, Bernaldez lf) , Gal/o 20 , Senarega 11 , Herrera, Munoz^, Spotorno^), or at Cucarro (Donesmund?*, Napione*, Cancellieri* 1 , Conti^}, or at Pradello (Campi^}, or at Savonna (Salinerio 10 , Chiabre- ra* 1 , Belloro^], or atCugureo (Eden], or Nervi (Oviedo), or 1 DC las cosas memorables de Espana ; I5 Newe unbekanthe landtc ; Nuremberg, Alcal.t, fol., 1530, 1533, 1539. fol., 1508. 2 Historic del Signor D. Fernando Cs- 16 Psalterium ; Genoa, fol., 1516. lombo ; Venice, I2mo, 1571, 1614, 1672, 11 De intulit meridian! atque indici mart 1676 (Franck s Catal.), 1678, 1685. nuper in-ventis ; Pavia, 410, s. a. 3 apud NAVARRETE, Coleccion de los 18 Historic VenettK ; Venice and Paris, viatres y descubrimientot f Madrid, 8vo, fol., 1551. 1825-37, Vol. ii. 19 Historia de los Reyes Cath. D. Fer- 4 Opus Epistolarum ; Alcala, fol., 1530, nando y Da. Isabel ; Granada, 2 vols., 410, and Amsterd., 1670 (best edit.) 5 Decades, 1856. Sevilla, fol., 1511, Alcala, fol., 1516, and M apudMuRATORl,Rcrum Italic. Script.; 1530; Basle, 1533, Paris, 8vo, 1587 (Hak- Vol. xxm. luyt s, best edition). 21 Idem, Vol. xxiv. 5 Itinerarium ad re^iones sub equinoct. ; 22 Historia General de los Hechos dc los Rome, I2mo, 1631. Castellanos ; Madrid, fol., 160115, and 6 Historia General de las Indias ; Se- 1728-30 5 Antwerp, 1728 (bad edition), villa, fol., 1535, Salamanca, 1547, Valla- 2S Historia del Nuc<vo Mundo ; Madrid, dolid, 1557; Madrid, 4 vols., fol., 1851-55, 410, 1798 (MS. of 2d vol. in Private Libr., complete edit. New York). 7 Latin translat. of Columbus letter, see 24 Delia orig. e patria di C. Colombo , infra, Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Genoa, 8vo, 1819, and Codice diplomatico 8 Dyalogus; Augsburg, fol., 15085 Ven- Colombo-Americano ; Genoa, 410, 1823. ice, i. a. 25 Historia Ecclesiastica di Manto-va ; " Letter, apud MORELLI, Lettera raris- Mantova, 410, 161316. sima ; Bassano, 8vo, 1810, and Operettc, 29 Delia patria di C. Colombo ; Florence, Venice, 3 vols., 8vo, 1820. 8vo, 1808, and Del Primo Scopritore; Flo- 10 No-vus Orbis; Basle, fol., 1532, Paris, rence, 8vo, 1809. 1532, Basle, 1537, and 1555 (best), Rot- " Disscrtaxioni epistolari bibliografichc terdam, 8vo, 1616. supra C. Colombo; Rome, 8vo, 1809. 11 Portolano; Venice, sm. 410, 1528. 28 Noti-z. storicbe della citta di C. di 12 Paesi nouamente retrouati ; Vicenza, Monferrato ; Casali, 8vo, 1838-42. 4to, 1507, Milan, 1508, 1512, 1519, 2a Historia Ecclesiast. di Piacenxa ; Pia- Venice, 1517, 1521. cenz.i, fol., 1651-72. 13 La letter a dclle iso/e; Florence, 410, 3I) Annotattonet lulij Salinerij Sauonensis 1493, two editions. ad Cornelium Taciturn; Genoa, 4to, 1602. 14 History of England in the Middle :tl Canxon-Eroichi Venice, 8 vo, 1730-31. /% ; Lond., 4to, 1814-23. 32 apud Cor re span dance Astron. G eogr., Eibliotheca Americana. 3 at Cogoletto (Gambara, IsnardP 4 }, Oneglia, Chiavara, Finale, Bugiasco, Cossena, Quinto, Albisola, or in England (Molloy}, or simply in some unknown village near Genoa (Las Casas*, Barros 37 ), in 1435-6 (Bernaldez, Napione, Navarrete, Humboldt^^ Luigi Colombo), or in 1441 (Char/evoix 40 ), or in 1445 (Cladera 4 \ Bossi 4 *), or in 14.4.6 (Munoz], or in 1447 (Robertson 43 , Spotorno) of hum ble parentage, to say the least : " vilibus orbus parenti- bus" (Giustiniani), "da ignobili Parenti" (Salinerio 10 ). Died at Valladolid, May 2oth, 1506, notwithstanding Grynaeus Novus Orbis, which, as late as 1532, mentions him as still living. After a very short time spent at the University of Pavia (Ferd. Columbus, Bossi], Christopher Columbus, like his father and brothers (Gallo, Senarega, Casoni 44 , Sali- nerio 30 , Allegretti}, followed the occupation of wool- carder; and afterwards (Las Casas, Bernaldez), when still in Genoa, became a bookseller. The time when he first went to sea is not known. Repaired to Lisbon, after a shipwreck 2 ( ? ), in 1470, and joined his brother Bar tholomew, who made his living in that city by drawing and selling maps or nautical pictures (Gallo, Giustiniani). Was again in Italy, March 2oth, 1472 (BianchP*), and, probably in 1473, * n tne employ of King Rene of Pro vence. Married in Lisbon (Barros], or perhaps at Calvi, in Corsica 46 , Felippa Muniz Perestrello, the daughter &c., du Baron de Zach^ Genoa, 8vo, 1826, lent work, 2 vols., n. d , is only this, Vol. xiv 5 ani Appcndicc, Genoa, 8vo, without the sections of La Cosa s map.) 1 $ 39 j quotes PuLLf.Ko,Efic^erema; Turin, 39 Patria e Biogr. del Grande Ammira^- 4to, 1696. Ha; Rome, 8vo, 1853. 33 De Na-vigat. C. Columbi ; Rome, 8vo, 40 Histoire de r Isle Espagno/e; Paris, 410, 15855 4to, 1683. 1730 ; izmo, Amsterd., 1733. 34 Disurtaxiorie ; Pinerolo, 8vo, 1838. 41 Invcstigacioncs historical ; Madrid, 410, 35 De Jure Maritime; London, 8vo ; 1794. from 1676 to 1769, nine editions. 42 Vita di Colombo; Milan, 8vo, 1818. 38 "de algun lugar de la Provincia de 3 History of America ; London, 410, Genova," Historia General de las Indias, 1788. Chapt. n ; MS., Private Library, N. Y. 44 Annali di Geneva, del seiolo sedi- 37 Decadas da Asia ; Lisbon, 3 vols., fol., cesimo ; Genoa, fol., 1708. 1552-53-63; 1628, and 1778-88, 24 vols., 46 Osscr-va-zioni sul clima, &c., della Li- 8vo (best). guria (apud Codice]. 38 Examen Critique;- Paris, 3 vols., 8vo, - 46 Documents in the Revue de Paris, 1836-9, (The edit, of that most excel- Aug., 1841, vol. xxxn. 4 Bibliotheca Americana. 14.03. of the discoverer (Ferd. Columbus], or Governor (Ca da , Mosto 47 ) of the island of Porto-Santo, and sister to the wife of Pedro Correa, an expert navigator, before 1474, the year in which his first son, Diego, was born. This Diego is the boy who is made to play such a lamentable part in the scene at the La Rabida convent, in 1484 or 1486. Made a voyage to England, Iceland, and " Thule," February, 1477 (Letter apud Ferd. Columbus], where he may have obtained the confirmation of the data furnished him by Toscanelli, June 25th, 1474, concerning the existence of Western lands. Was on board the piratical fleet which, in 1485, attacked the Venetian galleys off Cape St. Vincent (Raw don Brown 4 *). Made his home at Porto-Santo (a small island near the coast of Africa), on an estate belonging to his wife, and where he compared notes with Correa r and matured his plans. First proposals to Genoa (P. Martyr, Benzoni 49 , Her- rera, Ramusio* }, or to Portugal (MaffeP 1 , Gafoano^}, then to Venice (Bossi, Navarrete], or to France (Geraldini, Montesquieu}, to Genoa again (Munoz), to England (Ge raldini}, through his brother Bartholomew, who seems to have remained seven years at the court of Henry VII, for whom he made a chart, February, 1488 (Hakluyl}, but where the project was laughed to scorn (Benzoni), or delayed only by accident (Bacon* 5 }, or accepted, but too late (Pure has* 6 }, then to Portugal (Vase one elks* 1 }, from which country he repaired to Spain, 1484 (Spotorno], 47 apud Itinerarium Portugallesium; Mi- qui lui proposait les Indes." Liv. xxi, Ian, fol., 1508. chap. xxn. These regrets cannot be 48 Calendar of State Papers and MSS. in termed timely, for not only Francis I did the Archives of Venice; London, 8vo, 1864. not ascend the throne of France until the 49 Historia del Mondo Nuo-vo ; Venice, Western World had been rediscovered near- 8vo, 1565, 1572. ly twenty-two years, but he was not born 60 Delle Na-vigat. et Viagg: ; Venice, until September, 1494. (See HENAULT.) fol., 1603, or 1613 for the ;d vol. i4 The Principal Navigations; Lond., 61 Historiarumindicarum; Florence, folio, fol., 1589, 1598-1600,410, 1809-12. 1588, Venice, 410, 1589, &c. 6<> Historic of the Raigne of K. Henry 82 Tratado; Lisbon, 1563. VII; London, fol , 1622. 53 Esprit des Lois, "J ai 0111 plusieurs S6 Pilgrimcs; Lond., fol., 1625, Part m. fois deplorer Taveuglement du conseil de 67 Vida del Rey Juan II; Madrid, 410, Fran9ois I qui rebuta Christophe Colomb, 1639. Eibliotheca Americana. 5 and made proposals to Ferdinand and Isabella, 1485 (Bossi), or 1486 (Oviedo). Met at Cordova Beatrix Eririquez, to whom he was married (Herrera, TiraboschP*, Bossi, Koselly de Lorgues 59 ), or with whom he never lived in lawful wedlock (Napione, Spotorno, Navarrete, Hum- boldt), before August 29th, 1487 (Ortiz de Zuniga 60 ), or August 15th, 1488 (Navarrete), the year in which his youngest son and future historian was born. Distin guished himself in the campaign against the Moors, 1489 (Or/. deZuniga). The commission sitting at Sala manca rejected his proposals, 1491. The project was finally accepted by Spain, April iyth, 1492. Set sail from Palos with three caravels, viz.: the "Santa-Maria" or " Gallega" (Oviedo), flag-ship, the " Pinta," and the " Nina," with a crew of ninety men (Ferd. Columbus] or one hundred and twenty (Martyr, Giustiniani), Friday, August jd, 1492, a half an hour before daylight. Discovered, Friday, October i2th, 1492, at 2 A. M., what he always believed, and compelled his crew, under penalty 61 of having their tongues cut off, to assert to be the western coast of China, but which was only Grand Turk, one of the Turks islands (Navar- rete, Gibbs^, Major 6 *), or Watling Island (Munoz, Btcfar**), or San Salvador Grande (Ferrer 65 }, or Cat Island (Catesby^^ Humboldf). Discovered the Island of Cuba, October 28th, and Hayti, December 5th, 1492. Sent an Embassy to the " Gran Can," Novem ber 2d. Lost his flag-ship by shipwreck, December 24th. Set sail on his way back to Spain, Wednesday, 58 Storia del/a left. Italiana; Milan, 8vo, torical Society, 1846; and Athemeum for 1822-26. 1846. 59 Christophe Colomb $ 1 2mo, Paris, 1859 ; " 3 Select Letters of Columbus $ Lond., 8vo, and La Croix dans les Deux-monJcs, Paris, 1847 ; printed for the Hakluyt Society. 8vo, 1843 (a very strange perform- H The Landfall of Columbus ; Lond., $vo, ance). 1856. 60 Annales eclesiastk. de Sevilla; Madrid, 85 Carta etferica (1802), afud notes to fol., 1677. French translation of NAVARKETE; Paris, 81 Information, apud NAVAKRETE ; Vol. 8vo, 1828. n, No. LXXVI, page 145. e6 Natural History of Carolina; London, 62 Proceedings of the New York His- folio, 1731. 6 Eibliotheca Americana. 14.93* January i6th, 1493. Owing to severe storms, he an- ! chored off St. Mary s, one of the Azores, February iSth, and afterwards at Rastello, in the Tagus, near Lisbon, where he landed March 4th, and from which he sent to Castile a messenger bearing the news and letters ad dressed to Sanchez and Santangel. After an eventful time at the court of John II, of Portugal, where the courtiers proposed openly to murder him (Garcia de Re- sende^j Barros, Vasconcellos}^ Columbus departed, Wed nesday, March ijth, landing finally at Palos, Friday, March I5th, 1493, at noon. When still onboard his caravel, February I5th, off the island of St. Mary, Columbus wrote two official ac counts of his voyage, one of which was addressed to Raphael or Gabriel Sanchez or Sanxis, the Crown Trea surer. No copy, either in print or in manuscript, of the Spanish original has yet been found, but the dis covery made a few years ago, in the Ambrosian library, of a printed copy of the letter addressed to Luiz de Santangel (No. 7), warrants the belief that not only it may have been printed, but that it is not irretrievably lost. As to the original itself, notwithstanding the diligent searches instituted by Munoz in Simancas, and Navarrete in the Lonja at Seville, where, after the estab lishment of the General Archives of the Indies, in 1792, all documents relating to the Western World had been transferred, no traces of it have ever been dis covered. Munoz supposes that it has been inserted in Chapt. cxvui of Bernaldez Historiade los Reyes Catolicos. We are of opinion that the latter work contains only a close paraphrase of the letter addressed to Santangel, as the reader can ascertain by comparing the Ambrosian text with the original of Bernaldez, both of which are inserted, together with a translation into English, in our Notes on Columbus, pages 89115. The substance of that valuable document, however, 97 Ly-vro das obras; Evora, fol., 1554; as CAronica, Lisb., fol., 1596, 1607, 1622, 1752. Bibliotheta Americana. 7 has been transmitted to us through a translation made 14.03, in very poor Latin " semi-barbaro" (Munoz) by one Leander or Aliander de Cosco, on or about April 25th, 1493. Of that translation we describe, de visu, six editions, all apparently published within the year 1493. Only one of those six editions contains the name of the printer, his place of residence, and the year when it was printed. It is our No. 3. Another has the printer s name and residence, but no date (No. 6) ; whilst a third (No. 5) gives only the place. The other three (Nos. i, 2, and 3) are all sine anno aut loco. The text, with the exception of variations in the use of contracted letters (viz. : tp, $, qj, 12, f , 9, $, a, 5, , f, t> 5, p, CJ, f, U, p, ty), is the same for all. The titles differ. In Nos. i, 2, 5, and 6, the name of King Ferdinand only is given ; in Nos. 3 and 4, that of Queen Isabella is added. In Nos. i, 2, 5, and 6, the recipient of the letter is called Raphael ; in Nos. 3 and 4, he is named Gabriel. His family name is spelled in Nos. 1,2, 5, and 6, Sanxis ; in No. 3, Sanchis ; in No. 4, Sanches. The translator is mentioned as Aliander in Nos. i, 2, 5, and 6 ; in Nos. 3 and 4, as Leander ; whilst No. 3 adds the complimentary adjective of generosus where all the others have nobilis. No. 2 is the only one which lacks the words Indie supra Gangem in the title 68 . Nos. 5 and 6 were certainly printed at Paris, and No. 68 Graesse states that " Dans 1 ex. de Silber in the Ambrosian, he would have 1 ed. de Euch. Silber, conserve a la bibl. mentioned it instead of referring to an un- Ambros. de Milan, manquent les deux illustrated copy in Florence. It must be mots supra Gangem au titre." We are of said, however, that by a clause in the will impression that in this instance No. 2 is of Cardinal Fred. Borromeo, the founder intended. The Ambrosian is not known of the Ambrosian, it is prohibited to make to possess a copy of the Silber (our No. a catalogue of that great library ; the books }), whilst the Brera has, or had, a fine, have not even their titles inscribed on the though incomplete specimen of No. 2, back, which may account for a plaquette which has lately been stolen. When of that description escaping the lynx- Morelli, Gianorini and Boss! have occasion eyes of a Bossi or a Morelli. Still, the to mention a four leaves unillustrated edi- omission of those two words throws a tion, they always refer to one in the Mag- dubious light upon Graesse s assertion, liabechi (No. 3). Had the diligent Bossi, We have examined four copies of the Sil- who made his transcript of No. 2 from the ber, and heard of two more, none of which Brera copy, known of the existence of a omit the passage Indie supra Gangem. 8 Ribliotheca Americana. IA.Q1.. 3 at Rome, which is said by Morelli, Gianorini, Bossi and others, to be also the case with Nos. i, 2, and 4. There are no positive proofs that the latter are Roman impressions, but the probability is that they were at least published in Italy. The kind of type used is a good test for those who possess the means of compar ing: but in the absence of a large collection of dated in- D O cunabulte we propose an hypothesis. Of the translator, de Cosco, we know absolutely nothing; but there is no lack of precise details concerning the author of the epi gram which is at the end of Nos. i, 2, 3, and 4 (in Nos. 5 and 6 it is on the verso of the first leaf). Although called in that versified eulogium R. L. de Corbaria, his name should be Berardus or Leonard de Carninis 69 , whilst he was, from 1491 to 1498, Bishop of Monte-Peloso, situated in the kingdom of Naples, but a direct depen dency of Rome. Now, when we take into consideration the short time which elapsed between the return of Co lumbus and the publication of his letter, one of which (No. 3, which also contains the epigram) bears the un mistakable date of 1493 in the colophon; the distance between Spain and Italy; the difficulty of sending books or letters to and fro, in those days, and the fact that the epigrammatist resided in Italy, it is certainly per mitted to infer that the plaquette before us is the work of an Italian printer. The types used in Nos. i, 2, and 3 differ from each other in size, form, and in the employment of contrac tions. We suppose, therefore, that they were printed by three different printers. Franck Silber, usually called Eucharius Argenteus or Argyrios, is certainly the printer of No. 3, Guyot Marchant or Mercator that of Nos. 5 and 6. Nos. i and 4 have the same type, and are, therefore, the work of one printer, who is supposed, from the great similarity found to exist between the lat ter and the books printed in 1493 by Stephanus Plannck, " 9 UGHELLI, Italia Sacra (ed. of Rome, fol., 1644-62); Vol. i, page 1072. Bibliotheca Americana. 9 to be the work of that excellent typographer. Jo- 14.93 hannes Besicken may have printed No. 2. Had we access to some of the early publications of Plannck and Besicken, so artistically described by the great Audif- fredi, we might hope, perhaps, to establish the chrono logy of those plaquettes. But in the absence of any typographical criterion to ascertain which of our six edi tions is entitled to the much-coveted place of editio princeps, we beg leave to resort to another hypothesis, which the reader may take for what it is worth. Ferdinand and Isabella reigned conjointly to the year 1504. We have already stated that in the titles of four of the editions the name of Isabella is omitted, as if Ferdinand was, when the plaquettes were printed, sole King of Spain. This would be a presumption that they date from after 1504, as Ferdinand reigned until 1516; but we know of no book printed by Plannck after 1498, and of Besicken, whether in partnership with Mayr or with Martinus of Amsterdam, after 1501. Besides, Nos. 5 and 6, which also omit the name of Isabella, bear the imprint of Guyot Marchant, who cer tainly ceased to print before 1501; the Basle edition of the Verardus^ which gives, in a kind of appendix, the Columbus letter, evidently taken from No. 2, is plainly dated on the verso of the twenty-ninth leaf: 1494. We must, therefore, consider the absence of the Queen s name in Nos. i, 2, 5 and 6, involving, as it does, a grammati cal change which runs through the entire sentence, as a premeditated omission, which was afterwards repaired in Nos. 3 and 4. The claims of 5 and 6 we set aside, for it is not likely that the letter was sent to Paris before it reached Rome. Bossi justly remarks that the Spanish sovereigns would lose no time in dispatching an official account to the Holy-See, in order to obtain from the Pope the inves titure of the newly discovered lands. On the other hand, it is well known that after Charles VIII had re stored Roussillon and Cerdagne to Ferdinand by the io Eibliotheca Americana. 1403. Treaty of Barcelona, January I9th, 1493, the Spanish Monarch, anxious as he was to find a pretense to disregard his own engagements relating to the Kingdom of Naples, took no extraordinary pains to make himself aoreeable to Charles VIII. We believe that an official account was sent from the Court of Spain to Rome, previous even to the second Embassy of Obedience intrusted to Carvajal; the Bull of Concession of May jd 70 , and the Bull of De marcation of May 4th, I493 71 , are conclusive on that point ; but we are not prepared to say that the said ac count was the Letter of Columbus. The latter was originally written in Spanish, and although the reigning Pope, Alexander Borgia, was a Spaniard by birth, the dispatch sent by Isabella, being an official document, it must have been in Latin. The letter, however, may have been added to the package ; but if it was not sent in the original Spanish, some obscure clerk in the Foreign Office is entitled to the merit or demerit of the version ; nor do we believe that his name would have been inserted in the title. The fact that the communi cations were much more frequent and facile between Italy and Spain than between Spain and France, is a sufficient reason to consider the Paris editions of the De Insults as mere reprints. Nos. 3 and 4, being set aside because they contain the name of the Queen, and Nos. 5 and 6 simply on ac count of their origin, Nos. i and 2 only remain. But which of these two is the editio princeps ? No. i is a plain plaquette, without even an orna mented or red-printed initial, so common in those days, whilst No. 2 contains no less than seven (the eighth being only a repetition) elaborate woodcuts, five of which cover each an entire page. Now, when we recol lect the importance of the news which the Letter was 70 NAVARKETE, Coleccion de los -viages ; 71 EDEN, Decades of the Neive Vol. n, pages 22-35. Lond., 410, 1555, pages 167-171. Bibliotheca Americana. ii intended to convey, and the time required to prepare 1 4.9 3, the woodcuts, it is fair to assume that the unillustrated edition, which, all things considered, was only what we would now call an cc extra," was published first. We therefore suppose that No. i is the editio princeps 7 *. On the verso of the tenth leaf of No. 2 there is a woodcut, comprising the word " Granata," and the arms of that city, which might lead, perhaps, to the belief that No. 2 was printed in Granada, and therefore before any of the other editions, but for the following objections: In the first place, if we can understand how a stranger five hundred leagues away should not know that both Ferdinand and Isabella were on the throne, it is difficult to believe that the same ignorance could prevail at Granada, especially in the year following its conquest by the two sovereigns. In the second place, armorial bearings cannot be considered a test, as they are not unfrequently found on books known to have been printed in cities or countries which do not claim as their own the inserted escutcheon. 75 For instance, the Mundus NovuSj which was printed for Wm. Vorster- 72 The following title, which we borrow from the Livres Curieux (No. 106), if correctly given, and an Italian edition, would prove a formidable rival for the po sition of editio princeps not because it bears the date of 1492, but for the reason that it is unillustrated, and omits the name of Isabella. In fact, there is no argument alleged in favor of No. I which could not apply to the following : " Epistola Chris- tofori Colom, cui etas nostra multum de- bet ; de Insulis Indiae supra Gangem nuper inventis. Ad quas perq.-rendas octavo an- tca mense ausspiciis et ere in-victissimi Fer- nandi Hispaniarum Regis missus fuerat (au lieu de Fernandi et Helisabet Return missus fuerat) Ad magnificum duum Gabrielem Sanchis missa : quam nobilis ac litteratus vir Leander de Cosco ab His- pano idiomate in latinum convertit tertio kal s Maii m.cccc.xcii. [s/V]. Pontifi- catus Alexandri Sexti Anno primo. (4 feuillets, dont les pages entieres portent 33 lignes.)" Evidently a cross between No. I and No. 3 if not a myth altogether. The title to the text published by Mr. Major also differs from any. It seems to follow No. 4, but whilst the latter calls the Treasurer Gabriel Sanches, in the Select Letters he is named Raphael Sanxis. Must we view this difference as a correction in troduced by the learned editor, or as indi cating another edition ? As to the allusion in Pinelo-Barcia (col. 564), made on the authority of Draudius, and repeated by Navarrete, which might convey the impression that a separate edi tion of the Letter had been given by one Enrique Pedro, of Basle, we scarcely need say that the Bibliotheca Classica of Drau dius (page 718, edit, of 1611) refers only to the collection published by the monk Robert, under the title of Bellum Chrh- tianorum, and printed at Basle in 1533. 73 CHEVILLIER, Origine de rimprimeric ; Paris, 4to, 1694. 12 Bibliotheca Americana. mann, of Antwerp (see infra)., contains on the last leaf , the double-headed eagle coat-of-arms, and the escut cheon of the latter city, yet it is generally believed that the plaquette was printed somewhere on the Lower-Rhine, where neither Charles V nor Philip II ever reigned. In the third place, we have shown that the epigram, which is in No. 2 as well as in No. i, was the production of an Italian Bishop, who then lived near Rome. Finally, not only Maittaire 74 , La Caille 75 , Cabrera 76 , Mendez 77 , Orlandi 78 , and the leading historians of the Typographical Art assert that printing was not introduced into Granada until 1496, but, to quote La Serna Santander, the highest authority on such matters : c< Primer volumen de vita Christi, de Fray Franc. Ximenez, in fol., 1496, est la seule impres sion connue faite a Grenade dans le XV e siecle ; ce qui n a rien d extraordinaire quand on sait que cette ville su- perbe ne fut conquise sur les Maures qu en Fan 1492. " 79 Were we called upon to advance a supposition as to what English philosophers would now term the genesis of those editions, we should say, that on the receipt of the great news in Spain the Letter of Columbus was made public, and printed in the original Spanish, probably at Barcelona, by Posa, Michael, or Barro, or at Seville, by Ungut and Polonus, in a kind of semi-gothic character, resembling, we imagine, the Santangel Letter (No. 7). That when Francesco Marchesi and Giovanni Antonio. Grimaldi, the Genoese Embassadors, returned to Italy a short time after the arrival of the transatlantic expedi tion (Senarega il ), they procured some of those pla- quettes, one of which may yet come to light in some private or public library of Genoa, Rome, Naples, or Florence, just as a copy of the Santangel was discovered 74 Annaics Typogr. ; Vol. I, Part I, page " Typograp/iia Esfano/a ; Madrid, 410, 76 (edit, of 1733). 1796, page 345. 76 Histoirc de rimprimeric ; Paris, 410, 7b Ongine dellc Stampa , Bologna, 4to, 1689, pnge 49. 1722, page 214 76 Memorial ; p. 10, apud the follow- 79 Dictionnairc Bibliographiquc ; Suppl., ing : Bruxelles, 8vo, 1805, Vol. in, page 516. Bibliotheca Americana. 13 a short time since among the books bequeathed by Cus- todi to the Ambrosian library. The results of Colum bus voyage were so flattering to his countrymen that the Spanish accounts must have circulated freely, and easily found their way into the large cities of Italy. A copy having been secured either by Cosco or the Bishop of Monte- Peloso, the former undertook to translate it into Latin, and add a title, while the latter inserted the following epigram : C IBpigramma. K. H. tre OTorimria IBpi palufij. Et Jn-|| btctifttmum Kcgem f^ifpauiannn Jam milla fgtfpantg tellus atrtrentra triumpijte, Etcp parum tantis birifcus orte erat litinc Irmge ems regto treprenfa fufc bnlrte. Euctura eft tituios 13etice magne tuosi repettoti incrito tefereittra OToiumtrj (Btatia : fttr fttmmo eft mator fjafcewlra tieo. bincctttia parat noua regna titicp fii)i(p fttnul fortem preftat et effe ptum. 80 The manuscript was then intrusted to Stephanus Plannck, who immediately printed No. i ; the success of which, as they had no copyright in those days, in duced Johannes Besicken, who had lately come or sim ply returned from Basle (where, in imitation of the Nuremberg printers, it was a common thing to insert a number of woodcuts), to prepare an illustrated edi tion, which is our No. 2. The grave omission in the B0 E p i G R A M , BY R. L. DE CORBARIA, BISHOP OF MONTE-PELOSO. To the In-vincible King of the Sfains : And the mid-ocean summons to thy sway ! Less wide the world than the renown of Give thanks to him but loftier homage Spain, pay To swell her triumphs no new lands remain ! To God Supreme, who gives its realms to Rejoice, Iberia! see thy fame increased ! thee ! Another world Columbus from the East Greatest of monarchs, first of servants be ! !4 Bibliotbeca Americana. 1403. title of the name of Queen Isabella, combined with the demand for the news which, as we know, was una bated, prompted Franck Silber to publish a corrected edition, which is our No. 3 ; on seeing which, Plannck also made a new edition, but with the improved title taken from Silber, and which is our No. 4. It is pro bable that copies of the earliest editions were the first sent abroad, and that Nos. 5 and 6 were copied in Paris from No. i, while the edition inserted in the Verardus of Basle, I494 81 , was copied from No. 2. We have never seen, among the early historians, a direct reference to any of the fifteenth century editions of the De Insults, although we fancy that traces can be found in the works of Sabellico, Maffei of Volterra, and Bergomas. After 1511 it becomes obvious that all the references to Columbus and his voyages are inspired by the Raccolta of Vicenza, its various translations, and the Decades of Peter Martyr. Towards the end of the sixteenth century, authors, including even Conrad Ges- ner, begin to quote the Letter itself, but in almost all instances it is with the addition of an honest apud, referring directly to the monk Robert s Bellum Chris- tianorum Principum. De Cosco s Latin translation was republished in an appendix to Charles Verardo s drama on the conquest of Granada 81 , and afterwards inserted in Robert s collec tion 82 . In 1602 Andrew Schott 83 again published the De Insulis in his rare Hispania illustrata^. It is also in Amati s Storico-Critico-Sdentifiche y copied from No. 4 84 . 81 In laudem Serenhsimi Ferdinandi, &c. ; Verardus, folio, printed in Basle, 1533," 1494, sine loco (Basle, by de Olpe), 8vo, last which we think to be only the follow- seven leaves; which edition of 1494 we be- ing : lieve to be the only one of the original Ve- 82 Bellum Christianorum principum ; Basle, rarduses containing the De Insults The fol., 1533, page 116, sq. Rassdel catalogue (No. 1117) mentions a M The mysterious and introu-vablc " Es- Rome edition with the. Dt Insulis, 1494, coto" of Munoz and Navarrete. 83 Frank- which we think erroneous, as the Rome fort, 5 vols, fol., 1603-8, art. xxn, Vol n, editions of the Verardus do not contain page 1282, sq. the Letter. Mr. Major, in his valuable H4 Milan, 8vo, 1828-30; Vol. iv, pages Select Letters, page vi, also quotes "another 314-18, from a copy in the Trivulgio edition of the letter forming a sequel to libr., Milan. Eibliotheca Americana. ir We find the text with a French version in C. M. 14.0 7, LJrano s translation of Bossi 85 , in the Paris edition of Navarrete 86 , and in M. de Rosny s late publication 87 . With an Italian version, the text, taken from No. 2, has been inserted in the original work of Bossi 42 . Navar rete gives it from No. 3, with a Spanish translation, and Mr. Major with a correct English version and valuable introduction in his Select Letters^. It is likewise in our Notes on Columbus^ copied line for line, with the original abbreviations, from No. i. In Italian alone, it is inserted in a pompous octavo, lately published 88 . A German translation was printed as early as 1497 (see/#/r0), whilst, according to Tross 89 , one Charles Fon taine dedicated to " M. d lvor, Secretaire du Roy," a French version, which was published at Lyons by Rigaud, in 1559, i6mo, under the title of " La De scription des terres trouuees de nostre temps." The first version in English and a very poor one it is we find in the Edinburgh Review^ \ the last was given in the New York Historical Magazine** 1 . Direct references : |" MEUSEL, Eibliotheca Historica, Vol. x, Part n, page 237. -J Aspinwall Catalogue, No. i. | TERNAUX, Blbliothequt Am ericaine, No. 2. Sykes Catalogue, Part in, No. 234. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 158. Serapeum, 1845, Vol. vi, page 350. Appendix to N. Y. reprint of Syllacio, page xliii ; letter B. BRUNET, Manuel, Vol. n, col. 163. GKAESSE, Trcsor, Vol II, page 228. Notes on Columbus, fol., 1865, pages 117-124; letter A. 85 Paris, 8vo, 1824, and 1825-8. the notes in the hand of Columbus, which 86 Paris, 8vo, 1828. fill the margin of the copy of D Ailly s 87 Lettre de Christophe Cnlomb ; Paris, Imago mundi, in the Columbian library at 8vo, 1865, 44 pp. Seville. 88 Raccolta completa ; s. I. (Lyons), 8vo, 89 Catalogue, 1865, No. 1366 1864, with a stately portrait of the trans- " For Decemb., 1816, pages 505-11. lator, which, in a complete collection, might Republished in the Analectic Magazine, have been replaced with advantage by a Vol. ix, pages 516-522. transcript of the Libra de Profecias, and of 91 For April, 1865, pages 114-118. 1 6 Bibliotheca Americana. 2. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER} Recto of the second leaf : nfitlte imwttte ISpiftoia OMftoferi Ololom (cui etas noftrall muU tu fcebet: tie Jnfitlte in mari Jntiieo nup || inuette. Efc pas perpirento octauo antea || mettfe : auk ptctjs et ere Juutctimmi ,ifernantii||^ifpaniarum Hepsmtttus fuerat) atJ Jttas- 1| nifmtm tinm pijaele? g>an:mj: eiufte fere-||ntttimi IRe faurariii mitfa. pam noWHlte ae litterat? bit anlret fl ofco: at |^if-||pauo gtreomate in latinu couuertit: tercio ttrs||Jiila(j. W.ccce.mtj. t Enno |)rtmo. II* *.,.* Sm. 8vo, sine loco aut anno ; ten leaves, twenty-seven lines in a full page; eight woodcuts, viz. : single escutcheon of Castile and Leon on recto of the first leaf; and on the verso a vessel, with the words : Oceanica c/assis ; on verso of the second leaf, men landing, and Insula hyspana ; on verso of the third leaf, a kind of map, with the words: Fernada, Tsabelln, byspana, saluatorie, conceptores, marie, and a caravel ; on the recto of the fifth leaf, the woodcut of the verso of the second leaf is repeated ; on the verso of the sixth leaf, a town or fort in process of construction, and the words Insula byspana , on recto of the tenth leaf, full-length portrait of Ferdinand, hold ing the escutcheon of Castile and Leon in his right hand, and that of Granada in his left, and the words : FernatT rex byspania ; on the verso, solitary coat-of-arms of Granada, and the word Granata. No water-mark. (Private Library, New York.) * Anglice : Concerning islands discov- addressed to the noble lord Raphael Sanx- ered. Letter from Christopher Colom is : Treasurer of the same most serene (to whom our age oweth much : concern- King, which the noble and learned man ing the islands in the Indian sea recent- Allander de Cosco : translated from the ly discovered. In search of which he Spanish idiom into Latin : the third was sent eight months ago : under the day of the calends of May, 1493. rne auspices and at the expense of the in- Year One of the Pontificate of Alexan- vincible King of the Spains Ferdinand), der VI. Bibliotheca Americana. 1 7 The present is the only perfect copy known, and for- 14.03, merly belonged to M. Libri. There is another copy in the British Museum. There was one also in the Brera library at Milan, which served for Bossi s 1 and the Edinburgh Review 2 - versions, but it has lately been stolen 5 . The latter, as well as the Grenville copy, lacks the tenth leaf, and therefore the last two woodcuts. Brunet 4 , in answer to the supposition that the present might have been printed at Granada, because it bears the arms of that city, says : " Cette conjecture serait fort hazardee, car les memes armes se trouvent dans 1 edition imprimee a Bale en 1494." What we find in the Basle edition (see infra] and in the present, in the form of an escutcheon, is the coat-of-arms which Fer dinand holds in his left hand ; but the solitary shield, which is so conspicuous on the verso of the last leaf of this No. 2, is not to be found in the Verardus^ nor in any other book mentioned by bibliographers. Direct references: ( Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, page 158, where the date of " 1494 or 1495" is ascribed to the above, "as it contains the same wood cuts as those used in the fourth edition of Bernardinus de Olpe," which is totally inadmissible, as the latter lacks three woodcuts, to say the least. HAIN, Refertorium, No. 5491. N. Y. Syllacio, page xliii; letter A. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 2,2,8. Notes on Columbus, pages 118-120; letter B. 1 Vita di Cristoforo Colombo ; Milan, suits In-ventis. Eodem fol. 2. verso tabu- 8vo, 1818, pages 167-174, and French la exhibens Insulam Hyspanam. Fol. 3. translation, Paris, 8vo, 1824, pages 2,03- recto sequitur Epistola, eodem verso tabula 2,4.1. exhibens Insulas Fernandam, Isabellam, 2 For December, 1816, pages 505-11. &c. Fol. 4. sequitur textus. Fol. 5. recto 3 The following description, copied from iteratur tabula exhibens Oceanicum classcm. a manuscript annotation in the Brera li- eod. verso, uti & fol. 6. sequitur textus. brary, and which betrays the hand of an Fol. 7 verso tabula exhibens Insulam adept, probably that of Zaccaria, fully iden- Hyspanam. Deinde sequitur textus usque tifies the copy : ad 9 fol. rectum quo Epistola absolvitur " Constat foliolis novem in 8 vel 4 absque ulla nota typograph. char. est. Go- parvo. Fol. primo recto habentur insignia thicus nitidus. Linea in qualibet pag. 27. Regis Hispaniae. cum Inscriptione Reg. Desunt custodes & numeri paginar. Fol. Hispaniae ; eod. verso tabula exhibens jm. 2 m . 3. & 4% prae se ferunt signa- Oceanicam classem. Fol. 2 d " recto Epistolae turas i, ij, iij. Tabulae ligno exculptae, sed initium cum titulo supra relato cui prae- satis elegantes. Initiales literae pictae." mittuntur haec verba char. maj. De In- * Manuel, Vol. n, col. 163. 1 8 Bibliotheca Americana. 1493. 3. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER) (E = OMom : cui etas noftra multum trefcet: fce|| JnMte Jntrte fupra <&angem nuper inuetis. &tr quag per^ quirenlltras octauo antea menfe aufpictte r ere faz uictittimorum J^tnantri || ac f^eiifatet i^ifpania^ mittus fuerat: atr J&agnificu trnm||<atrie=: : eorunfcem fmmttimorutn MegumEe= mttta: <ua generofus ac litteratug bit Ueantrer *re (^ofco atlll^ifpano itriomate itt latinu wuertit: tertio l^aleft Waij. titicattts ^lexantrti S^ti &nno Colophon : (E JmpreJTit fttime no trfti. * !)c * Sm. 410, three unnumbered printed leaves and one blank, forty lines in a full page. (Private Library, New York and Providence.) \ MuRoz, Historia del Nurvo MunJo, page 7. NAVARRETE, Colcccton, Vol I, page 176. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 158. TERNAUX, Biblioth. Amiricalne, No. 3. Appendix to N. Y. Syllacio, page xlv ; letter D. Notes on Columbus, page 122 ; letter C. BRUNET, Vol. u, col. 164. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 75, states that the copy in the Ambrosian library lacks, in the title, the words supra Gangcm. We have examined four copies ourself, and read the description of five more, but without discovering such an omission. The only supposed variation is in : Boone s Lond. Catal., No. 278, where there is a mention of a copy alleged to have the date printed " 1492," and which we think to be only the above with the last figure effaced or blurred, which is not a very uncommon device on the part of certain booksellers to find a ready market for their wares. * Anglicl : Letter from Christopher bella : addressed to the noble lord Gabriel Colom : to whom our age oweth much : Sanche^ Treasurer of the most serene concerning the Islands of India beyond Sovereigns : which the liberal and learned the Ganges recently discovered. In the man Leander de Cosco translated from the search of which he was sent eight Spanish idiom into Latin, the third day of months ago under the auspices and at the calends of May, 1493 ; the Year One of the expense of the most invincible Sov- the Pontificate of Alexander VI. Printed ereigns of the Spains, Ferdinand and ha- at Rome by Eucharius Silber, A. D. 1493. Bibliotheca Americana. 19 4 COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHORUS)-(L ISptftflia fort <olom : cut etas noftra multu iretet: tre| fults Jntrie fupra (Slangem nuper uuietts. Eft octauo antea menfe aufpictte r ere in mtttus fuerat : at magnificum fcftm II (Balmeiem Sandjte eorunfce ferenitttmo^ Megum Eefaurariull mitta : pa noMlis ac litteratus bir Heantrer tie <ofto at l^tfpa || no itriomate in latinum couertit tertio fcai s IHaii. iil.ecce.Kiitlnaonttficatus anfcri gexti Enno primo.H* * + * Sm. 4to, j/ ^ <?wo tfa/ loco, four leaves, thirty lines in a full page. No water-mark. I Private Library, New York and Providence. The only other copies known are in the British Museum, the Munich Royal Library, and in the collection of a French amateur.) Direct references : \ Fossi, Bibliotk, Magliabcchi, Vol. i, col. 561. -[ PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. n, page 544, ascribes it to Plannck. CANCELLIERI, Diuerta*ioni t page 127; on the authority of the famous Danish physician, P. G. Hensler. HAIN, Rcpcrtorium, Vol. i, Part 11, No. 54489 [sic fro 5489). Bibliotbeca Heberiana, Part vi, No. 837, "bound with this are several Latin Orations, printed at Rome at the end of the fifteenth cen tury. From Cardinal Fesch s library." Bibliotheca Grcn-villiana^ page 158. TERNAUX, Biblioth. Americainc, No. I. BRUNET, Vol. 11, col. 164. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 228. Tross Catalogue, 1865, No. 4. Notwithstanding the high price, the catalogue was scarcely out that there were seven applications for the plaquette. Appendix to N. Y. Sy//acio, page xlv ; letter C, and in Notes on Columbus, page 122; letter D. * Anglice : Letter from Christopher Co- noble lord Gabriel SancAis, Treasurer lom : to whom our age oweth much : of the same most serene Monarchs : concerning the Islands of India beyond which the noble and learned man Le the Ganges recently discovered. In the under de Cosco translated from the Span- search of which he was sent, under the ish idiom into Latin, the third day of auspices and at the expense of the most the calends of May, 1493. The Year invincible Sovereigns of the Spains, Per- one of the Pontificate of Alexander dinand and Isabella : addressed to the VI. Bibliotheca Americana. . COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER) Recto of the first leaf: jwriftn0 in cqw gaillarM Recto of the second leaf: CjriMa Cfjnftofori Con lorn : cui etas nta muitu trefcet : tie Jnfuits intrie fupra (Bangemllnuper inuentis. Etr quag petpire= tras octauo antea menfe au || fpictjs r ere tnuictt^ ttmi jFernantii l^ifpaniarum Megis miffug || fuerat : afc magnificii tin{ Hapijaeiem Sanxi^: eiuttre fere^ nifH || mi i&egte ^efautartu miffa : qua nottlte ac Ifatus bit Eliatrer litre OMco at ?^ifpano itreomate in iattnu cnnuertit: tercio fersi|| JHaij. ^otificatus Elexatrri. In. ilnno primo.l In fine : (Kfttiftofcitus (ftdlom ceane rlaffig *^* Sm. 410, j-/^^ 1 ^w<7, but printed, like the following, by Guyot Marchant, as it bears the imprint of the Cbamp-Gaillard. Four leaves, including the title ; thirty-nine lines in a. full page. The woodcut representing Guyot Marchant s mark, which we reproduce in No. 6, is not in this. On the verso of the first leaf, a woodcut representing the angel appearing to the shepherds. (Private Library, Providence.) * Anglice: Letter concerning the Islands the most invincible King of Spain, Fer- newly discovered. Printed at Paris in the dinand : addressed to the noble lord Ra- Champ-Gaillard. phael Sanxis : Treasurer of the same most Letter from Christopher Colom : to serene King : which the noble and learned whom our age oweth much : concerning man Aliander de Cosco translated from the Islands of India beyond the Ganges the Spanish idiom into Latin : the third recently discovered. In the search of day of the calends of May, 1493. Of the which he was sent eight months ago Pontificate of Alexander VI, the Year one. under the auspices and at the expense of 1 BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 164. Bibliotheca Americana. 21 This copy, which originally belonged to Ternaux 1 (although it is mentioned neither in the Rassdel Cata logue nor in the Bibliotheque Americaine], is supposed to be the only one known; but a pamphlet 2 which we have just received from Paris leads us to the belief that the Imperial library in that city likewise contains this No. 5. The said pamphlet professes to give the text " d apres la rarissime version latine conservee a la Bibliotheque Imperiale;" and we see from the transcript that the first line in the title reads : " Epistola de Insulis de Nouo re pertis ," and that it also contains the subscription at the end. The reader will notice that the first line in No. 6 reads " Epistola de insulis nouiter repertis" while it omits altogether the closing subscription : Christoforus Colom Oceane classis Prefectus. Direct references : j STEVENS, American Bibliographer, page 67. -j Historical Nuggets, No. 618. j EBURT, Vol. i, page 371, for this or the following, as they are the only ones which have the word repertis instead of in-ventis in the first title. Appendix to N. Y. Syllacio, pages xlvi-xlvii ; letter E. Notes on Columbus, page 123 ; letter F. 2 Lettre de Christophe Colomb. Traduite par Lucicn de Rosny , Paris, 8vo, 1865; 44 pp. It is to be regretted that the "Co- mite d Archeologie Americainede France" whatever that is, and under whose auspi ces that reprint has been published should not have endeavored to explore the Bibli- otheques Imperiale and Mazarine, which certainly contain rarities relating to Ameri can bibliography, and the description of which would have given some value to their " appendice bibliographique." The trans lator of the Columbus letter in the Edinb. Re-view for December, 1816, states (page 510), after describing the Brera : "We have seen three other copies in the French King s library at Paris." M. de Rosny s pamphlet (although very imperfect as a bibliographical contribution, as it does not even give the numberof pages, and neglects to mention the woodcut) enables us to ac count for one ; but what are the other two ? We also beg leave to correct some slight mistakes. The Codex diplo- maticus (i. e. Codice Diplomatico Colombo- Americano) was not published at " Gene-ve," but at Genoa ; nor does it contain the Journal of Columbus, to which M. de Rosny imagines the great navigator alludes when he writes : " quee te uniuicujusqut rei in hoc nostro itinere gcst<e in-venteeque admoneant." The only traces of that valu able journal, unfortunately abridged by Las Casas, which we could find outside of Na- vairete (Coleccion, Vol. i, pages 1-175, and in the Fr. transl., Vol. 11, pages I- 338), is in a volume, now very scarce, and which deserves the honor of a reimpression : A Personal Narrative of the Voyages of Columbus to America, from a Manuscript recently discovered in Spain. Translated from the Spanish [by the late Samuel Kettell, at the suggestion of the learned historian of Spanish Literature]. Boston, 8vo, 1827, pp. 303. As to Bernaldez Historia de los Reyes Catolicos, it has been printed. We have a copy before us, which bears the imprint of "Granada, Imprenta y iibreria de D. Jose Maria Zamora, 1856," 2 vols. 410 (edited UNIVERSITY I4.Q7 22 Eibliotheca Americana. ^* COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER} Recto of the first leaf: lorn: cui etas nfa multu tiebet: tre Jnfulis intie fupta (Sangetn || nuper muentis. by Miguel Lafuente y Alcantara) 5 but it * jfnglicii Epistle concerning the islands does not "conserve en partie," or at all, newly discovered. Printed at Paris in the the Journal. Champ-Gaillard. Eibliotheca Americana. 23 tras octauo antea menfe aullfpicijs r ere imiictiffimt 1493 J^rttantri l^tfpaniarum l&cgis tnittug||fuerat: aft magnified trw Mapfjaeiem g>anxis : eiuf&e ferenik fill mi i&egte Eefaurartu mitta: qua noinlte ac Ifatug bit Eliatoer litre <ofco at f^ifpano itreomate in lattnii conuertit: tereto fcl s || iftlaij. Elezatrri. bi. Etmo primo : | *>-* Quarto, sine anno, thirty-nine lines in a full page. On the verso of the title, woodcut representing the angel appearing to the shepherds. The subscription at the end of No. 5, viz.: (ftijtiftoforug (Kolom eeane elaftte ^refeetus, is omitted in this. In other respects it is precisely like No. 5. (Private Library, Providence. The other two copies known are in the Bodleian 1 and Gottingen University libraries 8 .) " Guyot-Marchant qui demeurait au Champ-Gaillard, grand hotel de Navarre, avait choisi pour marque les deux notes sol, la, au bas de desquelles etaient les initiales G. M. ; puis la foi represented par deux mains jointes, pour faire allusion a ces paroles : Sola fides suffi- fit, tirees de 1 hymne Pange Lingua" (TAILLANDIER*.) Direct references : ( STEVENS, American Bibliographer, page 66, for a well-executed fac simile of the woodcut on the reverse of the title, which is also given in Appendix to N. Y. Syllacio, with a description, pages xlvii-xlviii ; letter F, and Notes on Columbus, page 123, also under the letter F. Historical Nuggets, No. 617. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 164. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 228, for this or for No. 5. 1 Catalogue of Mr. Doucc s Collection, lections of the monastic orders in Italy page 70. contain not only valuable manuscripts, but 8 This closes the series of the separate printed books of the utmost rarity and im- editions known to exist of Cosco s version portance to the student of American his- of the Letter of Columbus to Sanchez, tory ; and a printed Spanish original of the Some others may yet come to light, as Letter perhaps still lies concealed in their none of the great Italian libraries have unexplored archives. ever been thoroughly searched to that 3 Resume historique in Memoires de la effect. We are of opinion that the col- Sociite des Anti/juaires, Vol, xin. 24 Bibliotheca Americana. 1493. 7- COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER) ===== aureig plater tre la gran* || bictoria que n!ro fenor me l)a trairo en mibgaie || bog efcriuo efta por la ql fafc= tegs como e .trrnj lltriag pafe alas Jntrtag cola ar= matra que lofillu || ftrufimog Keg r regttanfosi fe= noteis me trieton||trontreso falle mug mucijas Jflas potlatras con gete fgn||numero. s tiellag totras je eomatro pofeffto pot fug altejasllnmpregon g batieta real eftetiitia g no me fue eotratiieljo : || The above gives the first eight lines of the plaquette , the following the last three: lEfta cartaemtto <olon a lefctiuano 33eracion|| trelag JJTas ftallatrag en lag Jntriag, <ontenftra||a *.,,* Sm. 410, without title, colophon, date or printer s name ; four leaves, thirty-two lines in a full page. Water-mark : an open hand with a kind of small flower over the third finger. (Ambrosian Library.) The preceding six numbers represent the separate editions known of the Latin translation of the letter addressed by Columbus to Raphael Sanchez on his return in 1493 ; but, as we have observed, the great navigator wrote immediately afterward, and sent at the same time another letter directed to Luiz de Santangel, the " Escribano de Racion," or Steward of the House hold of Aragon, to whose exertions he was mainly in debted for the approval of the project by Isabella, and who had himself supplied either out of his private purse a portion of the expenses of the expedition (Eden\ Ferd. Columbus, Herrera, Munoz), or the whole from the Ara- gonese revenues deposited in his hands (Prescott z ). The Spanish text of the letter to Santangel had been made 1 De nouo orbc ; London, 410, i6izj 2 Ferdinand and Isabella, Vol. u, page Preamble. 128. Bibliotheca Americana. 25 known through Navarrete 3 , who possessed a transcript 14.03. from the original, which in 1818 was still deposited, among the archives at Simancas. It was not known then, or even suspected, that this important document had been printed before. In 1852 the Baron Pietro Custodi, the learned continuator of Verri s Storia di Mi- lano y died, bequeathing to the Ambrosian library his own private collection. This valuable library contained a plaquette, heretofore undescribed, which was supposed to be, even by the erudite Prof. Longhena, the original Spanish text of the letter to Sanchez, known now only through the miserable Latin version of Aliander de Cosco. This plaquette, however, was the letter ad dressed to Santangel, giving a text very similar to that already published by Navarrete, but containing some variations of a curious character as regards dates and names. For instance, we find "en xxx dias pase a las Indias," whilst the Navarrete codex gives "en veinte dias," both of which numbers are erroneous, as we know from the paraphrase of the journal made by Las Casas 4 , that Columbus reached the Western lands in " setenta y un dias." At the end we find : " Esta carta embio Colon a lescriuano Deracion de las Islas halladas en las Indias, Contenida a otra Desus Altezas," instead of Navarrete s rendering : " Esta carta envio Colon al Escribano de Racion de las islas halladas en las Indias e [en ?] otra de sus Altezas," which does not make sense, whilst the Ambrosian text indicates that the San tangel letter was written subsequently to the Sanchez, as it was enclosed within the latter. This rarissime plaquette is printed in a kind of semi- gothic type, of the roughest character, resembling none of the incunabula which we have been able to examine. The fact alone that the text is in the Spanish language authorizes the belief that it was printed in Spain. The printers of the fifteenth century were not accustomed 1 Coleccion, Vol. I, pages 167-75. 4 Colcccion, pages 1-166. a 6 Bibliotheca Americana. 14.93. to P r * nt wor ks in languages different from that of the -. country in which they lived. For instance, Rome was a great centre and mart for typographical productions, and the number of books which were published in that city from the time when Sweynheim and Pannartz re moved from the monastery of Subbiaco (1467) to com mence printing in Rome, to the last book printed by Eucharius Silber in 1509, is considerable, yet Audif- fredi s masterly Catalogus historico-criticus Romanorum editionum S<eculi XV does not contain a single work, printed in any other language than Latin or Italian. Then why print abroad a small pamphlet in Spanish ? The skill of the Spanish printers was quite adequate to a work of that description. The only Spanish incuna bula which we have been permitted to examine (Ortiz Tratados, No. 10) is really a beautiful specimen of the typographical art. On the other hand, it is evident, from the appearance of the plaquette, that it was issued to answer the wants of the moment, and in an off-hand manner. For, as Humboldt justly remarks 5 , such were "I etatet la voie des communications litteraires rela tives aux evenements les plus graves dans Tespace de quinze on vingt ans anterieurs a la mort de Vespuce," that the only means employed to propagate important news " etaient des lettres ou de petites notes manu- scrites rapidement multipliers par des copies, quelque- fois imprimees, le plus souvent sans indication de la source d ou elles etaient tirees." But where in Spain and by whom ? Let the fortu nate bibliophiles who possess books printed by Posa, Gumiel, or Moros of Barcelona, Johannes of Burgos, Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus of Seville, or de Villa of Valencia, decide the question. With only one Span ish incunabula, and that three hundred miles away, we consider the undertaking impracticable. We were in hopes that the water-mark might prove a 8 Examcn Critique, Vol. iv, page 71. Bibliotheca Americana. 17 guide. True it is that the open hand, with something 1493. resembling a stalk and leaf or flower over the third finger . . the usual symbol of faith given or kept 6 which is rather conspicuous in the plaquette before us, is also to be found within the woof or warp of the paper used by Cromberger of Seville in his edition of Enciso s Suma de Geographia (1519), and of Oviedo s Historia General (1535), which, if the mark had been exclusively used by Cromberger, would locate the plaquette at Seville between the years 1511 and I546 7 ; but we regret to say that, in this instance, the water-mark cannot be relied on. Not only do we find an identical one in many of the Caxtons 8 , but it is quite frequent in Netherland manuscripts which bear dates extending from 1445 to the end of the sixteenth century 9 . The text of the Ambrosian plaquette was first pub lished three years ago 10 . It is also in two late Amer ican publications". The Marquis D Adda has lately reproduced the entire letter in fac-simile 12 . Direct references : ( lo Lett. Autogr. di Cristof. Colombo ; Milan, iSmo, 1863, pp. 72-85. Historical Magazine, New York, for September, 1864. I 1Q Notes on Columbus; New York, fol., 1^65, pages 89-100. Let ters of Columbus describing his first -voyage to the Western Hemisphere; New York, 410, 1865, pages 1-5. * MONTFAUCON ; apud SOTHEBY. the libraries which had been scattered 7 Which are the years between which among the Neapolitan convents before the first decade of Peter Martyr and the they were suppressed in 1807, to explore Onzeno de Amadis were printed at Seville their numerous and undisturbed alcoves, by Jacobus Crumberger, Corumberger, or for the purpose of exhuming bibliograph- Kromberger the latter work by his sue- ical treasures, which, in all probability, cessors a few years after his death. are lost to them as well as to the outside 8 Viz. : Description of Britain, n. d. ; world. Fossi s and Audiffredi s catalogues Directortum Sacerdotum, n. d. ; Festi-valis leave us but little hope of finding Colum- Liber, 1483; Knyght of the Toure, 1483. bian incunabula either in the Maglia- See SOTHEBY, Principia Typographia ; Lon- bee hi or Cas anata ; and the fact that Mo- don, fol., 1858, Vol. in, plate QB. relli was the librarian of the Saint Marc 9 The discovery of that remarkable pla- at Venice is also a sure indication that quette should prompt the librarians of the very little in the way of undescribed Genoa University library, which contains works relating to America is likely to be forty-five thousand volumes, gathered ex- discovered in that curious library, which clusively from the Ligurian cloisters, and was founded by Petrarch. the keepers of the Bourbon Museum at n Letter a in lingua Spagnuola d. d. Cm- Naples, who are now the custodians of all toforo Colombo ; Milan, 410, 1866. 28 Bibliotheca Americana. 1493. 8. DATI (GIULIANO)-(L <uefta t la ^ftotla trella --- inuentioe trelle triefe Stole tri OTannaria in Jn || triane eztracte truna IBpiftola tri (tfijriftofano colons to r per metter (Bin || liano 29ati tratructa tre latino in uertt ulgari a lautre e gloria trella cele || fttale corte r aeonfolatione trella (Eijriftiana religioe r apregfjiera trel ma || gnifico ^aualier mtfer (Biouan^ filippo Belignamtne tromefttco familia 1 1 re tiello faeratifftmo Ke fit Spagna (Kijrifttaniffimo a tri. troetotre. || iW.ceceto^tii. ||* In fine : trictuis jFlorentinug. * + * 410, sine loco (Florence), four unnumbered leaves in a com plete copy, two columns in a page, text in black letter. The present copy, which is the only one known, lacks the second and third leaves. (British Museum.) Giuliano Dati was born at Florence in 1445, and died Bishop of St. Leone, in Calabria 1 , in 1524. " D antico Langue, insigne Teologo, Canonista famoso," &c. 2 , au thor of several poems , which are among the rarest of bibliographical curiosities. The present is one of them. * Anglice : This is the history of the the most sacred and Christian King of discovery of the Canary [?] islands in the Spain, October 25th, 1493. John, alias Indies ; extracted from a letter of Christo- the Florentine. fano Colombo, and translated from the UGHELLI, Italia Sacra, Vol. ix, p. 722. Latin into the common language, by Mr. a NEGRI, Istoria degli Scritt. Florent. ; Juliana Dati, for the praise and glory of Ferrara, fol., 1722, p. 305. MELZI, Bib- the celestial court, and for the consolation liografia dei romanzi e poem! c. italiani ; of the Christian religion, and at the re- Milan, 8vo, 1838, p. 308. quest of the magnificent Chevalier John 3 POCCIANTJ, Catal. Script. Florentini ; Philip Delignamine,f private secretary of Florence, 410, 1589, p. 103. HAIN, Re- pertorium, No. 5963, so. AUDIFFREDI. t Messere Gio. Fihppo dal Legname Cavalier r a tl n <r ,//,V T)^ V Messineso, Medico di Sixto iv."-CancelIieri, Dh- Lata/0 S- edlt - Roman. Sac. XV ; pp. 322, art. " Correcteur et successeur de Ulrich Hahn, 3 Z 7) S 2 ^, 329, 421, for description of i Rome de 1479 1481." Brunei, Diction, de other poems by DATI tUblltgrafnii Catholique, p. 894. Bibliotheca Americana. 29 It is not a translation of the first letter of Columbus, 1493 but only an ottava rima paraphrase, in sixty-eight stan- -___._ zas, the first fourteen of which contain a fulsome and vapid preamble, praising, among others, the infamous Alexander Borgia. The following is a fair sample of the style of that mitred sycophant : cji potetti leggere nel futtiro twno &le*atn:o magno papa toto trella fua creatione ilmotro puro grato a ctafcuo anettu mat molefto, & tolprimanno fuo il magno mum dje no glipuo nettuno etter infefto toto alexatrro pappatorgia ttpano iufto nei gtutrtcare & tucto ijumano.f The reader will find in our Additions (infra page 461) a description of another edition, dated 1495, which is preserved in the Trivulzio Library at Milan. Direct references : ( TIRABOSCHI, Storia della Letteratura Italianaj Florence, 8vo, 1809, Vol. vi, page 871. I BRUNET, Vol. u, col. 164. Costabili Catalogue; Paris or Bologna, 1858, page 208, No. 2365. Appendix, to N. Y. Syllacio, page lii. Notes on Columbus, pages 240-6, for text and translation of the first fourteen stanzas. f Anglice : teenth stanza, in a kind of doggerel, of But in the future men shall read the which the following is a version : f ame " Back to my theme, O Listener, turn Of Alexander, Sixth of that great name ; with me Of his election, pure of every guile, And hear of islands all unknown to thee ! Hailed by the world with an approving Islands whereof the grand discovery sm jj e Chanced in this year of fourteen ninety- Walled about from his first papal year three, With general love and reverential fear ; One Christopher Colombo, whose resort Benign to all, pope, Borgia, Son of Spain, Was ever in the Kin g Fernando s Court, In judgment righteous, and in heart hu- Bent himself still to rouse and stimulate mane [" The King to swell the borders of his State." Columbus is introduced in the four- (For the text, see infra, p. 31.) -jo Bibliotheca Americana. Q. DATI (GIULIANO) Recto of the first leaf; ClaletteradellifolecIieliatrouatonuouamcnteilRediTpagna. In fine : C Finita laftoria della iuetione del || le nououe ifole di canaria idiane trac || te duna piftola dixjpofano colobo &||p meffer Giu- liano dati trado&a di la||tino i uerfi uul- Bibliotheca Americana. 31 gari allaude della ce||leftiale corte & aeon- 1493 folatione della || chriftiana religione & ap- ghiera del || magnifico caualiere meiTer Gi- oua- || filippo del ignamine domeftico fa- || miliare dello illuftriffimo Re difpa || gna xpi- aniffimo a di. xxvi. do6to- || bre. 14.93. II Florentie. || *,* 410, four unnumbered leaves, including the title, upon the verso of which the text commences in two columns ; ten full stanzas on each page, none of which are broken as in No. 8. Text in Roman. Only copy known. There are material differences between this edition and the above. Here, we find a woodcut, the text is in Roman, the spelling is different, and the text, even, presents variations. Yet according to the colophon, only one day elapsed between the publication of Nos. 8 and 9. (British Museum.) The following is the stanza in which Columbus is first introduced : Hor vo tornar almio primo tra&ato dellifole trovate incognite a te in qfto anno prefente qfto e ftato nel millequatrocento novatrate, uno che xpofan colobo chiamato, che e ftato in corte der prefe&o Re ha molte volte quefta ftimolato, el Re ch cerchi acrefcere il fuo ftato. Direct references: f MAJOR, Select Letters, pages Ixxiii-xc, for the text. -| QOADRIO, Delia storia e d. ragioni fogn t poesi ; Bologna, 410, 1739-52, Vol. iv, page 49, and, after him, CANCELLIERI, Dissertation!, page 153, gives the date of MCDLXXXXV. BRUNET, Vol. u, col. 165. GRAESSK, Vol. iv, page 183. Libri Catalogue, 1847, No. 1253. Appendix to New York Syllacio, pages lii-lv. 3/2 Bibliotheca Americana. I4Q7. J* ORTIZ (ALONSO} Recto of the first leaf : CUOHp W liv " regJIEratairo confolatorio ala princefa tre Portugal. || Stem bna oracion regeg en latin g en romance II Stem *rog cartag tajerag a log regeg. bna que emMo II la cifctratr la otra el cafciltro irela gglefta tre toletro II &ratatro con= tra la carta trel protfjonotario ire lucena.H* In fine : jfue imprimftro enla II mug nofcle r mug leal cfo= irair tre ge II uilla, por treg ^llemaneg copanerog. || <$nel ano trel Mor, JE.cccc.xciij. || * + * Folio, one hundred numbered leaves, printed in black letter on two columns, ending with the printer s mark of Johannes Pegnizer, Magnus, and Thomas, the three Germans above mentioned, viz. : an oblong square with dark ground, and a white circle containing the letter T and the word ALE- MANES. (Private Library, Boston.) This collection of orations, treatises, and epistles, from a canon of Toledo not less famous for his big otry than for his rhetoric 1 , contains one of the earliest allusions 1 to the rediscovery of the Western hemisphere * Anglice : The treatises of Doctor one by the city, the other by the Chapter Alonzo Ortis. of the church of Toledo. Treatise concerning the wound [in- Treatise against the letter of the pro- flicted] on the King [by an assassin at thonotary De Lucena. Barcelona, Dec. yth, 1492]. Printed in the very noble and faithful Treatise to comfort the Princess of Por- city of Seville, by three Germans in part- tugal. nership. In the year of our Lord, 1493. Also, an oration [addressed] to the So- * TICKNOR, History of Spanish Litera- vereigns, in Latin, and in the vernacular ture, Vol. i, p. 379. language. a NAVARRKTS, Coleccion, Introduction, Also, two epistles sent to the Sovereigns, p. LI, note. Bibliotheca Americana. 33 by Columbus in 1492. It is to be found on the verso I2J-93 1 of folio XLIII, in the oration addressed to Ferdinand and Isabella after the fall of Granada ; and is as follows : fon trignamen- II te en bofotros pncipes rtofos pot II tan feliees ijatanas los oios fl totiosll los mortalles entreretyatros eo Irtgno II merefcimiento : porq no ag gente tan II tofcara aun cj[ fea enlas intriag remollta. ijgafce bfos tan profperos benetllmtetos fea sgnorante: aun 5 parefca||elos fines folos Ul oeitrete l^fpana co || b!as bictoriag tefplantrefcer, Ota ^losllfines trela tierra Ija falitro tal fonftro fortaleia 5 f)a potritro ferir las o-||rejas te tiuientes: ponien-lltro panot alos moratrores tre totja la ttetra/ t Direct references : f ANTONIO, Bibliotheca Hisfan. Nova, Vol. i, page 39. 4. PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. iv, page 337. I CABALLERO, De Prima Typogr. Hispan., Rome, 410, 1793, page 45- MENDEZ, Typogr. Espaflo/a, Vol. i, page 194. MAIN, Repertorium, Vol. n, Part i, No. 12109. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part vi, No. 2635. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 243. GRAESSE, Vol. v, page 56. Notes on Columbus, page 155. I I. CARVAJAL (BERNARDIN)- ftanda folenni obedientia San-||6tiffimo. D. N. Alexandro Papae vi ex parte Chri-|| ftianiffimorum. domino^ Fernandi & He- lifabe (fee) Re || gis & Reginae Hifpanias : j- Anglice : Behold ! the eyes of all mor- tories seem to shine in the remotest limits tals are justly fixed upon you with merited of the Occident of Spain, as from the ex- approbation, O Glorious Princes ! for there tremities of the world such an echo of is no nation ever so barbarous, even in the your power has arisen that it could reach distant Indies, that is not aware of your the ears of all the living, striking terror triumphs, so prosperous, although your vie- among the inhabitants of the whole earth! 34 Eibliotheca Americana. r 493 habita Romae inconfifto|| rio publico per. = R. Patrem dnm Bernardinum Car-||uaial Epm Carthaginen. die Mercurii. xix. lunii Sa||lutis Chriftian^. M.cccc.xciii. Pontifi- catus eiufdem||D. Alexandri Anno Primo. In qua fuere quattuor ce||lebres Oratores: Nobiliffimus dns Didacus Luppi||de Faro Galleciae uicerex. R. D. Gundiffaluus Fer-|| nadi Heredia Archiepifcopus Tarraconen. Idem. D.||Bernardinus Caruaial Epus Car thaginen. D. lohan lines Methina Epifcopus Pacenfis.H C Vitulus & Leo fimul morabuntur: & puer paruu||lus minabit eos. Efayae. xi*. ** Sm. 410, for size ; signatures : a, ai, aii, aiii, aiiii, four blanks ; making eight unnumbered leaves. Sine anno aut loco (Panzer says, 1 after Audiffredi 1 and Denis, 8 " Besicken vel Silberi."} Hain ascribes it to Plannck.4 No water-mark. (Private Libr. New York and Washington city.) Bernardin de Carvajal, a Spanish Cardinal and states man 5 , born at Palencia about 1456, died in 1522 (Mo- * Angllce : A Sermon on the solemn licia ; the Rev. Gonzalvo Ferdinand de pledge of obedience from the Most Chris- Heredia, Archbishop of Tarragona, the tian Sovereigns Ferdinand and Isabella, same Lord Bernardin Carvajal, Bishop of King and Queen of the Spains, to our Most Carthagena, and John Methina, Bishop of Holy Lord the Pope Alexander VI ; de- Badajoz. The calf and the lion will lay livered at Rome, in a public assembly, together, and a small child will watch by the Reverend Father, Lord Bernar- them. ISAIAH, xi. din Carvajal, Bishop of Carthagena, on 1 Annales Tyfogr., Vol. n, page 506. Wednesday, June I9th, A. D. 1493, and 2 Catal. Romanes edition. Stfc. xv, page of the Pontificate of the same Lord Alex- 315. ander, the first year; being present four 3 Sufplementa ann. tyf>., Part n, page 530. celebrated orators, the very noble Lord Di- 4 Rcfertorium, No. 4545. dacus Luppi de Faro, Vice-Roy of Gal- B GUICCIARDINJ, Istoria Italia ; Pisa, Bibliotheca Americana. 35 rerf] or 1523 (Antonio"). It was while filling the office 1493 of Spanish Embassador to the Court of Rome that he delivered the above oration 8 , which contains one of the earliest allusions 9 to the rediscovery of the New World. Several of Peter Martyr d Anghiera s letters are ad dressed to him. He was excommunicated by Pope Julius II. The copy before us formerly belonged to the Duke of Sussex, and was purchased at an auction sale in New York. The passage begins at the sixteenth line of the verso of the sixth leaf, and is as follows : " . . . . fubegit quocp fub eis xps fortuna- tas infulas. qua$ iertilitate mirabile efTe conftat. Ofidit 8c nup alias incognitas ver- fus Indos que maxime ac plene oibQmun- di pcioiis existimant : & xpo p regies iter- nuntios brevi pariturae credunt."J Direct references : \ PAXZU, Annalet Tfpvgr., Vol. n, page 506. -I ACDITFBIDI, Catai. R^man* edition. &fc. XT, page 315. I DESIS, Supplementa ann. tfpegr., Part n, page 530. HAIX, Repertorium, No. 4545. LAIKE, Specim. Hist. Typegr., page 275. Bibliztbeta Grenvilliana. CAXctLLiru, Disserttrz., page 189. Notei on Columbia^ page 170. STO, 1819 ; Vol. ill, page 177. MAX IAS A, a,r. de" Cardinal}; Rome, 410, 1792, VoL Hi atria Gem. de Etfafa ; Madrid, fbL, m, page 253.] 1678, VoL n, page 183. " NAT/^ETTZ, CcIecci?a,Vol. L, Introd., Z. ------ r .": - . "" . ::.:._- : - : : ; . - .:.: 1 Biblittketa Hispania Nova, Vol. i, J Anglict : And Christ placed under page 21 5. their [Ferdinand and Isabella s] rule the CA>CELLII*I quotes, in connection Fortunate [Canary] laiuif f the fertility of with that Embassy of Obedience : CIAC- which has been ascertained to be wonder- cosirs \V~tt4C et res gat* pontif. et cardi- ful. And he has lately disclosed some u*i ; Rome, 4 vols. fol., 1677, Vol. ni, other unknown ones towards the Indies page 170]. PALAZZI, or PALATICS [either which may be considered among the most his Getta Penti/ieum, Venice, fol. 1687, or precious things on earth; and it is be- his Fasti Cardinalium, Venice, foL, 1703, lieved that they will be gained over to Vol. n, page 470]. CAKOXIXA [Mem-sric Christ by the emissaries of the King. 3 6 Bibliotheca Americana. 1493. 12. DE ALMEIDA (FERDINAND) && vi. Pont. Max. FERD : DE || ALMEIDA electi Eccl ie Septifi: & Serenifs:|| lo. II. Regis Portugallie oratoris Oratio.|| (in 4. par.} Primo folio habetur Epistola dedic. Auctoris ad Joannem II. Folia in summa sunt IV., & character est Rom. elegans Besicken. Extat in Biblioth. privata SS. D. N. PII PP. VI. (AUDFFREDI 1 .) The present seems to be the oration delivered on the occasion of the Embassy of Obedience on the part of Portugal. This Almeida may be the F. Ferdinandus de Almeida mentioned by Antonio 2 . At all events, it is concerning this No. 12, as well as No. n, that Cancel- lieri exclaims : 3 " Qual contrasegno di gratitudine potevano mai daire que due Sovrani, proporzionato a benefizio si grande [/ . e., the re-discovery of this country] compartito ad entrambi, col tratto il piu magnanimo del piu generoso disinteresse, senza essersi pensato da Alessandro VI, alia minima riserva, o Possesso in America, per la S. Sede, benche egli da loro stato scelto per Giudice di si gran Controversia ? Ci e rimasta memoria della solenne Qbbedienza, prestatagli in pubblico Concistoro da Ferdinando c? Almeida, Ambasciadore di Giovanni II, e da Bernardino de Carvajal, a nome di Ferdinando, e d Isa bella 4 ." . 1 Catalog. Romano; edition. S<ec. xv, page as the umpire in that great controversy ? 315. The remembrance has been preserved of a Bibliotheca Hispania Nova, Vol. i, the Solemn Obedience sworn to in a pub- page 367. lie Consistory by Ferdinand d Almeida, 3 Dissertation!, page 189. Ambassador of John II, and Bernardin 4 Anglice : What mark of gratitude de Carvajal in the name of Ferdinand could those two sovereigns give which and Isabella. Cancellieri cites in con- should have been proportionate to the great nection either with this Portuguese Em- benefits divided between them by a trait bassy : No-vaes vi, 876, which we sup- of the most magnanimous and liberal dis- pose to be the work mentioned by interestedness ; the thought even never Meusel (Biblioth. Histor., Vol. v, Part entering Alexander VI s mind to reserve u, page 266), under the title of: AN- the least possession in America for the TONII GONSALVI DE NOVAES (Doctoris iuris Holy-See, although they had selected him canonici et Examinatoris synodalis Epis- Bibliotheca Americana. 37 493 I^. SCHEDEL (HARTMANN] libri t)tn- ab inicio muMt * End of Colophon on verso of the map -which follows leaf ccxcix : &tr in II tuitu autem r preceg prouitioru ciuiu taltri Sdjreger II r gcfwftiani fcamermatfter ijunc litrum trmninus Entijo II niug ^oterger i%urem= terge impreffit. Etiijititig tame bi II tig matfjematk cis pmgentficp arte perttiffimis, JHidjaele || toolse= mutij et toiiijeimo ^legtrenhjutf . (juaru folerti acu=|| ratiffimac^ animatruertioue turn ciuitatum turn iliuf^ ttium II birorum figure tnfette funt (^oufummatu autem tiuotieci- II ma menfis Juiii. Enno faiutig nte. I493-H * !(c * Large folio, three hundred leaves numbered on the recto ; leaves CCLVIIII, CCLX, CCLXI, blank on both sides, but num bered. These blanks were left for the purpose of annotations (see verso of leaf CCLVIII). The six unnumbered leaves, con taining de Sarmacia regione Europe, come, in this copy, im mediately after leaf CCLXVI, which contains the following sub scription : (ftumpleto in famofiffima i^utemtergenfi urfce peri litre fjgftorijs etatum muntri. ac fcefcriptione uririum. fe-lllhc imponitur finig. ^ollectum ireui tempore Euxilio trocto II rig Ijartmant >fbtfwl. pa copatus Elvensis) Rela^ao do Bispado de * Jlnglicl : Register of the books of the El-vas, e de todos os Prelados que a te chronicles and histories, with figures and oseu tempo governarao aquclla Igreja. Lis- illustrations from the beginning of the boa, 1635. fol. world. og Bibliotheca Americana. fieri ptutt Mltgentia. &nno rhmentefimt) nonagefimotercio. trie quarto || menfte Two thousand two hundred and fifty woodcuts, by Pleydenwurff and Wolgemuth (Albert Diirer s master), representing portraits and cities of a fanciful character. Large map of central Europe filling the last two leaves. (Private Library, New York.) The name of Martin Behaim is so closely connected with the controversies which sprung up towards the end of the last century regarding the real discoverer of the Western World and the Straits of Magellan, that it explains, if it does not authorize, the insertion of Sche- del s Chronicles in our work. The claims of Behaim concerning the discovery of the Straits of Magellan, as set forth by Postel 1 , Chauveton 2 , Metellus 3 , Herrera 4 , Wurzelbau 5 , Lochner 6 , Schwarz 7 , Moerl 8 , Bielefeld 9 , and Fuerer 10 ; or even to the Western World prior to Co lumbus, as asserted by Riccioli 11 , Wagenseil 12 , Wuelfer 13 , Omeis 14 , Stuvenius 15 , Doppelmaier 16 , Cellarius 17 , and the 1 Cosmograpbica disciplina , Basel, 4to, 9 Progres des Allemands dans les Sciences, 1561; Leyden, I2mo, 16365 and de Uni- &c. ; Amsterd., I2mo, 1752. versitate liber ^ Paris, 410, 1563, 1564; 10 Oratio de M. Bebaimo, apud Museum Leyden, 241110, 1635. Noricum. * In his Latin translation of Benzoni, J1 Geographic et hydrogr. reformats; Geneva, 8vo, 1578, 1581, 1586, 1600; Bologna, fol., 1661. idem in the French, Geneva, 1579 and ia The promise made by Wagenseil, as 1589, 8vo, copied in De Bry s, Part iv, mentioned by Leibnitz (Duten s edit., and Hulsius, Vol. vi. Vol. vi, page 261), seems to have been 3 America, si-ve no-vus orbis; Cologne, carried out in his Sacris Parcntalibut fol., 1600, and apud Wagenseil, Pera libror. B. G. F. Behaimo dicatis ; Altdorf, fol., iu-veni/ium Synops ; Nuremb., 8vo, 1695. 1682. 4 Decadas de las Indias ; Madrid, fol., 13 De Maioribus Oceani insulii ; Nu- 1728-30. Decad. u, Chap. 19. remb., 8vo, 1691. 6 Vranies Nor:c<e Basis astron. geogr. ; 14 Dissert, de claris quibus d. Norimb ; Nuremberg, fol., 1697. Altdorf, 410, 1708. 6 Commentat. de Ananasa ; Nuremb., 16 Dissert, historico-critico de -vero no-vi 410, 1716. or bis invent ; Franckfort, 8vo, 1714. 7 Dissert, de Columnis Herculjs , Altdorf, 16 Histor. Nachricht -von Nurnberg. Ma- 4to, 1749. thcmat.i Nuremb., fol., 1730. * Oratio de meritis Norimb. in Geograph., 17 Historia uni-versalis ; lena, izmo apud Museum Noricum ; Altdorf, 410, 1759. 1709. Bibliotheca Americana. 39 ignorant and presumptuous Otto 18 , but who were victo- 1493- riously refuted by Tozen 19 , von Murr 20 , Cladera 21 , and = Ghillany", rest on a map of the world, and an extremely curious globe 23 , manufactured by Behaim himself, toward the year 1492 (both of which are still in the possession of his descendants in Nuremberg) ; and on an extract from Schedel s Chronicle, which is as follows : Verso of leaf ccxc : Ennte no pofterioriiws b t anno trni. 1483. io= ijanes fctr s portugalie ux altiffimi bit cortrte certas galeas oitws atr btctu neceffariis inftru.tit eafqp bltra colunas ijerculis atr meritrie berfus etljiopia inueftk gaturos mint. }9refent aut J)te patronos twos Ja= coM canti portugalenfem r marttnu toijemu ijomine germanu e.t nurmberga fupiorte germanie tre tona toljemoru famtlia natu. ijotem intg in cognofcentro fitu terte peritiffimu marifc^ pacientiffimu. dluicp pijolomei logitutriness r latitutrines in occitrente atr bngue experitneto. iogeuacp nauigatione nouit. ll^ij two ftono treoru aufpicio mare meritrionale fultantes a littore no longe euagantes fupato circulo eqnoiiaii in alteru ortem excepti funt. bM ipis ftantitu^ ori= ente berta bmtra atr meritrie r trextra proicictat. 18 Letter to Benj. Franklin, and Me- which we have never been able and never moir on the Detection of America, in the expect to procure. Transact, of the Americ. Phil. Society ; 21 Iwvestigaciona Historicas ; Madrid, Philadelphia, 410, 1786, and London, 410, 1794. 1787. 2a Gescbichte dts Seef. M. Behaim; Nu- 19 Der ivahre und crste Entdccker der remb., 4to, 1853. neuen Welt (a capital work) ; Goetting., 23 Copies of the map and globe have 8vo, 1761. been published by Doppelmaier, De Murr, 20 Diflomatische Gescbicbte des Portug. Cladera, Ghillany, and in the following Bcriihmten Ritters Martin Behaims ; Nu- works : remb., 8vo, 1778, and Histoire Diploma- Geographic du Moyen-Agc; Bruxelles, tiquc du Cbevalier Martin Bebaim, &c. ; 8vo, 1852. Les Monuments de la Geo- Strasb., 8vo, 1802, from which we borrow graphic; Paris, fol., 1865, plate xv for nearly all of the above references to works the Map of the World. 4O Eibliotheca Americana. 1493. ^pettier? igt? iua iniwftrta aim ortetn ftacten? no? === ins incognitu r multte annte a nulite $ tanuenfito licet fruftra temptatu. IJeracta aiit Jjwot nauiga? tione bicefimo toto mcnfe reuerfi funt portugalia piurilws oft calitriffimt aeris patentia mortute. 24 This passage, according to GebauerV 5 faithful summing up, amounts simply to this, that the King of Portugal, Juan II, sent, in 1483, James Canus, a native of Por tugal, and Martin Behaim of Nuremberg, with some galleys to Ethiopia; that they went to the Southern Sea, near the coast, and, after crossing the line, reached the New World, where, when they happened to look to wards the East, their shadow, at noon, appeared on the right ; that in that region they discovered lands, hereto fore unknown, which had not been searched after by any people for many years, except the Genoese \i. ., An thony and Bartholomew de Nolle], and that in vain ; finally, that after a navigation of twenty-six months they returned to Portugal ; and in proof of their dis covery brought pepper and grana paradisi whatever that is. 26 However interesting this passage may be, we scarcely need add that it is only a spurious interpolation, as it is written in a different hand in the MS. of the Latin text, whilst it cannot be found in the original manuscript of the German translation of the Chronicle (No. 14), both of which are still preserved at Nuremberg. On the other hand, the passage on recto of fol. xini : iSxtra tres ptes orfc : pta e ps trasocceanu tte? riore t meritrie 5 for arlmrit? nol) incognita z : I cut? fmtltf antipote falwiofe IjaMtare tJtcuntur, shows that the author of the Chronicle, whether we call 24 That passage was republished in ^NE- 25 Portugesischc Geschichts -von den a/tes- AS SYLVIUS De Europ<s sub Friderico III ten Zeiten ; Leipzig, 8vo, 1759, P a S e IZ 3- imfcrat.; Strasburg, folio, 1685 and 1702. 26 Amomum Melegueta? Eibliotheca Americana. 41 him Hartmann Schedel, " Medicus Norimb." (Ham*, X 493 Trithemus* 7 , Gesner^, Vossius^, Fabricius*) y or the Pope ^neas Sylvius (Maresius, Schmidius, in Mylius^ 1 }, or Matthias Doringk (Oudin, Salig 11 }, or simply one of the learned men, ,, f)OCf)l]devtcU tttttttttett," mentioned in the colophon of the German edition, knew nothing of those western discoveries. Yet it is this interpo lation which, with acute collectors, would perhaps entitle the Chronicle to a place in the Eibliotheca Americana^ as we must view the passage concerning Behaim in the light of a counter claim set up in consequence of the news of Columbus return and discoveries. Direct references: f a<> HAIN, Rcpertorium, No. 14508. HEUMANN, in MYLIUS, Bibliotbeca anonym, (ed. of i74o),^Vol. n, pages 147-9. SCHELHORN, Amanit. Lit., Vol vm, page 143. FREYTAG, Analect. Lift., page 82,5. CLEMENT, Bibliotheque curieuse, Vol. vm, pages 3434. HELLER, Gescbicbte der Hols&scbncidckunst ; Bamberg, 8vo, 1823, page 71. MEUSEL, Bibllotheca Historica, Vol. I, Part i, page 93. Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Vol. HI, page 255. BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 1860. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 139. 27 De Serif tor. Eccksiast.; fol. 139 apud COM || PENDIO/ OR || DINEO^. CAP || TV AC CLEMENT. MEMO || RATV FACILLIMVM || FOELIX ET GRA- 28 Bibllotheca Uni-vcrs. ; Friburg, 1583, TVS LEGITO. fol., page 318. c,lo f h,H, 29 De Histor. Latin. ; page 573. IMPRESSIT || Florentie Antonius Misco- 30 Bibliotb. med. et infim. Lat. ; Lib. m ; nus || Anno Salutis .M.CCCCLXXXXIII. || iv, page 133. Nonis luniis. 32 Comment, de Script. Eccles. , De Dypt. *^* Sm _ 4t0j I3O leaves> Veter. ; apud CLEMENT. (Harvard Coll. Libr.) * Relying upon Rich (Books relating to America, 1493-1700, which is a kind of We are sorry to say that we found only short appendix to his Bibliotheca), we con- a short note in pencil, to the effect that sulte( j . the work shows the amount of geographical ZACHARIAE LiLii || viCENTiNi || CANONICI || knowledge immediately preceding the voy- REGVLA||RIS OR||BIS BRE || VIARIVM || FIDE X age of Columbus. 6 42 Bibliotheca Americana. 1493. 14. SCHEDEL ( HAR TMANN) f/V HI I IHk -I -U V V bet KfD- ntfett tmb gefcl)uf)tett nrtt fiprt trail jriflwttf fen tmt an- lHH}hi fccr toclMti* auf Wfe ttttfett Colophon on the verso of leaf CCLXII : 9luff ptlirfjem fce^tanb enbet fid) alljie bag fcitrl) tjoit ben ncfd)id)teu ber alter bet ttier(t||tinb bon ber Berum^tiftett tinb nam^ttftigiftett ftett fagenbe eorgillitm alt begmal (ofitngf^reiBer ber faiferlia^e rei(|ftatt ^lurmfierg auff (atein in teittfa^ || tjefcradjt unb Befi^fop nad^ ber gejwrt ^rifti 3^f tinfferg 9Jl.cccc.3tUi. iar||am futtften tag be manatg TOit^rono fint jjetyetue (aubeg. ag. alt.||f * 5|c * Folio, title I, nine unnumbered prelim, leaves, CCLXXXV numbered leaves, two leaves for a map of Central Europe, on the verso of which there is a colophon different from the above, which we omit, because the last two leaves are want ing in the copy before us, but which the reader will find in Clement. Plates colored. (Private Library, New York.) j- Anglict : Register of the books of the don of the most celebrated and important Chronicles and histories, with figures and places, translated from the Latin into portraits from the beginning of the world German by Georges Alt, at that time to our own times. Secretary of the free city of Nuremberg, With the help of God is here ended and finished October 1 5th, A. D. 1493. the book treating of the histories of the Perpetual praises to him on the high antiquity of the world, and of the descrip- throne. By Alt. ( ? ) Eibliotheca Americana. 43 The present work is only a translation of No. 14 by Georges Alt, Alten, or simply Georges senior, printed by Anthony Koberger, December 23d, 1493. The passage relating to Behaim (which is wanting in the original manuscript of the German translation, while in the Latin codex it is inserted 1 in a different hand writing from the rest of the work) will be found in the present copy on the verso of leaf CCLXXXV. " Cette edition ressemble beaucoup a celle de 1493 ; mais seulement dans Pexterieur. Si nous examinons 1 interieur de cette Version, nous y remarquerons, que George Alten qui en est 1 Auteur, ne s est pas si fort gene, qu il n ait abrege le Texte Latin, quand il le trou- vait a propos : & qu il n en ait retranche ce qui ne lui convenait pas." (CLEMENT 2 .) Direct references : * Bibliotheque curietise, Vol. vn, page 348. PANZER, Annalen der dltern dcutsch. Lit., Vol. I, page 204. FREYTAG, Analecta Lift., page 825 ; and generally the authori ties given for the Latin edition. H93- VERARDO AND C. COLUMBUS In nifli||mi Ferdinand! Hispania^ regis / Be- thi-!icae & regni Granatae / obfidio / victo- ria / & triuphus Et de Infulis in mari In- dico||nuper inuentis.||f - 1494* 1 The MSS. are still preserved at Nurem berg. See von Murr s Diplomat. Gescbicbte. * We find (GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 337, and G. BRUNET, Nouii. Biogr. Gzer., Vol. xin, col. 156), under the date of 1494, a mention of a poem by Dati, the title of which indicates a reference to the Oceanic discoveries, vix. ; Dcirisolc scoperte a suoi tempi. Finito el secondo catare dellindia, Sec. ; Rome, Besicken, 410, 1494, 4!!., fig. We read the same title in Audiffredi (Roman, edit. Sac. xv, page 327), but with the important omission of the first line : Deir hole, &c., which alone imparts to the title the appearance of an Americana. Is it a continuation of our Nos. 7 and 8, or a new work altogether ? M. Brunet of Bor deaux, whom we consider one of the most learned and trustworthy of bibliographers, says, in reference to the poem of Dati, that it is " assurement curieux mais il n est connu que de titre, et il parait in- trouvable aujourd hui." On the other hand, Audiffredi adds to his description : " Extat in Casanatensi." ) Anglicl : To the praise of the most illustrious Ferdinand, King of the Spains, Bethica and Granada [of the latter of which] the siege, victory, and triumph. And of the Islands newly discovered in the Indian Sea. 44 Bibliotheca Americana. 1494. Then full-length portrait of Ferdinand, differing somewhat from the woodcut on the recto of the tenth leaf of No. 2. Recto of the thirtieth /^/(sign. dd vi ) : Epiftola Chriftoferi Colom (cui etas nos- tra mul- || turn debet : de Infulis in mari Indico nuper inuen- 1| tis : ad quas perqui- rendas octauo antea menfe : au-||spiciis & ^re inuidiffimi Fernandi Hifpaniaru Re-|| gis miffus fuerat) ad Magnified dominu Raphae-||lem Sanxis : eiufdem fereniffimi Regis Thefaurari||um miffa : quam nobilis ac litteratus vir Aliander||de Cofco : ab Hifpano ideomate : in latinum con-||uer- tit: tercio kalendas Maii. M.cccc.xciij. Pon- tifi- 11 catus Alexandri Sexti Anno primo.|| In fine (verso of the twenty-ninth leaf}: 1.4.94. Nihil line caufa. 1 ** 8vo, thirty-six unnumbered leaves ; the Letter of Columbus filling only the last seven and a half; six woodcuts, evidently copied from No. ^, Text in Roman. (Private Library, New York, Providence, Washington city, Harvard Coll. Libr.) The first part of this work is simply a drama on the capture of Granada from the Moors by Ferdinand, and which was represented at Rome in 1492*. 1 Nothing without a cause. (Device of 2 CANCELLIERI, Dissert., page 271, adds Bergmann de Olpe, printer at Basle.) The to his chaotic note, that the drama " Fu rest of the title as in No. a. tradotta in Francese con 1 Epigrafe, la Direct references : Bibliotheca Americana. 45 Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. vu, page 223. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Histor., Vol. in, Part I, page 260. MENCKE, Catal. des Historiens, page 310. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part vi, No. 838. Bibliotheca Grcn-villiana, page 731. N. Y. Syllacio, Appendix, page xlviii. TERNAUX, No. 4. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1129. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 228, states that of this edition " on ne connait que 2 ex." Bibliotbeca Browniana, No. 6. Notes on Columbus, page 119. Easier Buchdruckcrgcschichtc, page 129, contains an interesting sketch of the printer, Johannes Bergmann de Olpe. 1494. I 6. STLLACIO (NICHOLAS) Recto of the first leaf : atr fapietittimu Hutmbtcu Jftaria gtfortia Englu feptimu JBe&u) || iani Buce : tie tfuite tnetitiiani atcp itrtci mam fufc aufpicijs tnuictif||nmo^ l^egu nup tuetig : i^icolat fgliacij ttnili arti^ fr celebre, digne de memoire et victorieuse prise de la Cite de Grenade, 1497, 4." We can find no traces of this French trans lation, and are unable to say whether it also contains the Columbus Letter. * Our attention has been called to a notice in a bookseller s catalogue of a small pamphlet, sine anno out loco (but which must have been published before 1495, as the author takes the title of orator to John II, thirteenth King of Portugal, who died in the month of October of that year), by one " Ferdinandus," and containing on the sixth page a passage which, it is said, entitles it to a place in the Bibliotheca Americana, and is as follows : " Primum quod eo regnante Henrici patrui ejus de quo supra meminimus in- dustria cepta navigari Ethiopia est. Alte- rum vero sit quod eodem tempore, in oceano Athlantico decent insule <vix ifsis orbis descriptoribus cognitie : a nostris in- vente sunt ; et in omnes Lusitanie colonie deducte^ &c. We take that Ferdinandus to be the one described in Antonio, in these words : " FERDINANDUS VELASCUS, Joannis II. Portugalliae. Regis orator, edidit : "Orationem habitam Romae nomine dicti Regis ad Innocentium VIII. Pontificem Maximum. De quo auctor est Ludovicus Jacobus a Sancto Carolo in Bibliotheca Pon- tificia." (Bibliothec. Hisf. Nova I, page 393.) We also think that the plaquette is identical with that which is mentioned by Fossi (Catal. Codic. Snecul. xv, Vol. II, col. 737 ,and by the great Audiffredi as follows: " VALASCI FERDINANDI UtriuSqUC JUHS COn- sulti Illustrissimi regis Portugallie oratoris ad Innocentium. viii. pontificem maximum de obedientia Oratio. (In 4. par.) " Charact. Goth., foil, vi, cum signaturis a. a ii. Exst. in Casanat. Emendandus est hujus Orationis titulus, quilegiturin Specim. P. L. page z6z, nimi- rum : Valaici fro Ferdinando Portugallia Rege, &c., quo Oratoris nomen ipsi Regi, qui Johannes II. vocabatur tribuitur. Recte autem titulus re- fertur in Catalogo Biblioth. Regis, a P. L. in subjecta annot. laudato." ( Catalog. Seec. xv. page 167.) It is evident that the above passage en titles the pamphlet only to a place in the Bibliotheque Africaine ; as it refers to the discoveries accomplished under the reign of Henry, King of Portugal. On the other hand, the oration was delivered at Rome, as we take it, in Innocent s life-time. Now, Pope Innocent VIII died in July, 46 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 495. urn t||tiutrtcin trortorte pi)ilofr)pf)ia $apt i Recto of the second leaf: Be infulte merftuani atqp intrici tnari nuper uentte.ll tx papia 3Mfcus trecemfcrtfws. tiij. lit * # * 410, //#* anno aut loco (but supposed to have been printed at Pavia, in 1494 or 1495, by Girardhengi), ten unnumbered leaves, thirty-five lines in a full page ; text in black letter. No water-mark. (Private Library, New York. The only other copy known is in the Trivulzio Library, Milan.) " In 1494, while Scillacio was thus employed at Pavia [as lec turer on Philosophy in the University], living at the time with Giovanni Antonio Biretta [who printed several works in connection with Francesco Girardhengi PANZER], Guglielmo Coma, a noble personage, wrote to him from Spain, describing the discoveries re cently made by Columbus. These letters he immediately translated into Latin, inserting such other accounts as were then universally current. " The voyage to which this account refers is the second ; that on which Columbus sailed from Cadiz, on the 25th September, 1493. The first island he discovered was called Dominica, from the day in which it was seen. The second was named Maria-galante, or vo- lante, after the Admiral s vessel. He then visited, in succession, Guadaloupe, Santa-Cruz, the Island of St. John the Baptist, now Porto-Rico, and, last of all, Hispaniola. " This voyage has also been described by other writers of the same age. Among these are the physician Chanca 1 of Seville ; who, 1492, or eight months before it was known and Medicine, Lecturer on Philosophy at in Europe that Columbus had rediscovered Pavia. the New World. Adieu, [dated] Pavia, ides of Decem- j" Anglic e : To the most learned Lewis ber, 1494. Maria Sforza of Anghiera, seventh Duke : Published for the first time by Navar- of Milan. Concerning the newly discovered rete, in his Coleccion, Vol. I, pages 198- islands of the South and Indian Ocean, 224 ; and afterwards in Mr. Major s Select under the auspices of the most invincible Letters, pages 1 8-68, with an English trans- Sovereigns of the Spains. Preface of lation, republished in the Appendix to the Nicholas Syllacio of Sicily, Doctor of Arts N. Y. Syllacio, pages i-xxxiv. Bibliotheca Americana. 47 by order of the King and Queen of Spain, accompanied Columbus in this expedition, and also Peter Martyr of Anghiera 2 ." (N. Y. Sy/lacio, Introd., page XI.) Direct references : i Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. vn, page 2,23. { PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. ix, page 193. | RONCHINI, Intorno a. un rarissimo opuscule, Modena, 8vo, 1856. Nicolaus Syllacius, N. Y., fol. and 410, 1859, a valuable reprint with a translation; privately printed. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 166 17. LILIO (ZACHARr } -lN HOC VOLVMINE 1496, CON||TINENTVR HI LIBRI. Primus liber De origine & laudibus fcientiarum. || Secundus liber. Contra An tipodes || Tertius liber De miferia hominis & contemptu || mundi. || Quartus liber De generibus uentorum || Quintus liber Vita Caroli Magni.|| Recto of the second leaf : ZACHARIAE LILI VICENTINI CANONI|| CI REGVLARIS AD VENERANDVM || PAT- REM SACRIS LITTERIS ET || PRVDENTIA CLARVM. D. GA||BRIELEM VICENTINVM CON||CANONICVM DE ORIGINE ET || LAV- DIBVS SCIENTIARVM LIBER|| INCIPIT. Colophon : FINISH FLORENTIAE || IMPRESSVM || Per Ser Franciscu Bonaccursium || Im- penfa uero & fumptibus Ser || Petri Pacini de Pifcia. Anno Salutis| M. CCCC. LXXXXVIH Septimo idus Aprilis.|| 2 Decade I, lib. II. 48 Bibliotheca Americana. I4.Q6. *** 4 to > seventy-two unnumbered leaves. On the recto of the last, the register ; on the verso, a woodcut representing the arms (probably) of the Piscia family. Diagram on the recto of J-iv. Printed in Roman type. (British Museum.) " In this remarkable work (f. ii) allusion is made to the recent dis covery of America by the Spaniards." (LlBRI. 1 ) " Zacharie Lilio, Chanoine regulier de Saint-Jean-de-Latran et eveque titulaire de Sebasti en Armenie, ne a Vienne dans le 1 5 e Siecle 1 ." Direct references: ( MAITTAIRE, Annales Typogr., Vol. I (of 1733), page 629. PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. I, page 424. FABRICIUS, Bib/. Media et Infim. Lat., Vol. VI, page 921. LAIRE, Index Librorum, Vol. n, page 214. AUDIFFREDI, Spec. ed. Ita/., page 348. Fossi, Catalog. Codic. Sac. xv, Vol. II, cols. 79-80. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part v, No. 2526. BRUNET, Vol. ill, col. 1078. GRAESSE, Vol. IV. page 210. 1 8. BENEDETTI (ALEXANDER) DIARIA DE BEL- LO CAROLING. Recto of the last leaf: Alexander Benedictus Veronenfis Phy- fi ||cus Sebaftiano Baduario eqti : & Hie|| ronymo Bernardo con{iliariis||Veneti Sena- tus Clariffimis.||S. P. D.) Venetiis||M .IIIID. Sexto Cal. Septem- bres. || Impetratum eft ab Illuftriff. S. Veneto ne lice || at cuiq has ephemeridas imprimere 1 Catalogue of 1 861, No. 294. universe/, Paris, 1810 (9th edit.), Vol. a Chandon et Delandine s Dictionnairc x, page 136. Bibliotheca Americana. 49 nec latino fermoe nee uulgario &c. ut I 1496, priuilegio.* * # * Sm. 410, sine anno (but supposed to have been printed in 1496, from the date of the above-mentioned letter; and by Aldus at Venice, because the type resembles that in the edition of the jEtna of Bembo, given by that celebrated printer). Title, with verses on the verso, -f- sixty-seven unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) " Ce journal d Alexandre Benedetti, medecin attache a 1 armee veni- tienne opposee a Charles VIII, a ete reimprime a la suite de PHistoria veneta de P. Giustiniano, edit, de Strasb., 1611, in fol., et inseree par Eccard dans son Corpus bistor. medii avi, Lips., 1723, in fol., n, col. 1577-1628." (CLEMENT 1 .) We insert this work, we are sorry to say, on no bet ter authority than the Bibliotbeca Americana, London, 1789, 4to, alleged to have been perpetrated by the Rev. Mr. Homer. After a diligent survey of the book, we are constrained to confess that we did not find a single line or word relating to America. Others may be more successful. Direct references : f FABRICIUS, Biblioth. Lat. Med. y Vol. I, page 1 64. PANZER, Annales Tyfogr., Vols. Ill, page 402, IV, 449. MEUSEL, Biblioth. Histor., Vol. Til, page 175. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana (see Paentius). BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 771. GRAESSE, Vol. I, page 334. * Anglicl : Alexander Benedict of Ve- 1510. The Most Illustrious Senate of rona, Physician to Sebastian Baduarius, Venice forbids any one to print these an- and to Jerome Bernard, Counsellors of the nals, either in Latin or in common Ian- Most Illustrious Venetian Senate, Hail guage, as [expressed] in the privilege, and Greeting. * Bibliothcquc Curieusc, Vol. Ill, page Venice, the sixth calend of September, 1 30. ^o Biblwtheca Americana. 1497. IQ. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER}-^^ fjjjott ban etfidjen infflen||bie bo in fourteen ^ten fmtben ftyub buriij be || filing unit Ijifvnnia. tinb fagt bo flvofjcn uwn|| bertidjeu bittgett bie in be fel&e infflen tynb. Then woodcut of the king receiving Columbus, which is repeated on the verso of the last leaf. Colophon : etntcft ju ftraflwrg toff grwtecf too meifter $artlo- nteff fitftfer tym iar: SJt.cccc.yctoi}. toff fant ^cron^mus tag. ||* * !)c * Sm. 410 ; eight unnumbered leaves, the last of which is blank. Thirty lines in a full page. (Private Library, New York and Providence.) Ebert 1 and Graesse 2 state that this curious German translation of the first Letter of Columbus has been republished in the Rbeiniscb. Archiv., Vol. xv, page 17, sq. There is a very successful fac-simile made by the elder Harris of London. Direct references : f HAIN, Refertorium, Vol. I, No. 5493. MEUSEL, Biblioth. Histor., Vol. Ill, page 261. HUMBOLDT, Exam. Critique, Vol. IV, page 73. Biblwtheca Gren-vil/iana, page 159. N. Y. Syllacio, Appendix, page Ivi, for a well-executed fac-simile of the woodcut on the recto of the first leaf. Bibliotbeca Broivniana, Nos. 7 and 8. BRUNET, Vol. u, col. 165. STEVENS, American Bibliographer, page 67, states that it contains "changes and additions." * Anglkl : A fine, nice reading, con- J Bibliogr. Dictionary, Vol. I, page cerning several islands which have lately 371. been discovered by the King of Spain ; a Tr esor, Vol. II, page 228, also refers and giving an account of great and won- to Hummel. Ncuc Bibl., v. selten Buch., derful things found in the said islands. Vol. i, page 15, s<?. Am Ende, Frei- Printed at Strasburg by Master Bartholo- miith. Betracht. iiber alte u. neue Bii-. mew Kustler, in the year 1497, the day cher. Augsb., 1784. in-8. Vol. i, page of St. Jerome. 79, sq. Bibliotheca Americana. 51 2O. ANONYM. Dife figur anzaigt vns das volck vnd 1497 infel die gefunden ift durch den chriftenlichen kiinig zu Portigal oder von feinen vnderthonen. Die leiit find alfo nacket hiibfch. braun wolgeftalt von leib. ir heiibter.|| halfz. arm. scham. fufz. frawen vnd mann ain wenig mit federn bedeckt. Auch haben die mann in iren ange- fichten vnd bruft vid edel geftain. Es hat auch nyemantz nichts funder find alle ding gemain. || Vnnd die mann habendt weyber welche in gefallen, es fey mutter, fchwesfter oder freiindt. darjnn haben fy kain vnder- fchayd. Sy ftreyten auch mit einander. Sy eflen auch ainander felbs die erfchlagen || werden. vnd hencken das felbig fleifch in den rauch. Sy werden alt hundert vnd funtzig iar. Vnd haben kain regiment. ||* Folio. " The above text, in German, occupies four lines be neath an old block leaf, nine by thirteen inches square, repre senting the manners and customs of the natives ot the North ern and Eastern coast of South America as first found by the Portuguese at the end of the fifteenth or beginning of the sixteenth century. It is without date, but was probably printed at Augsburg, or Nuremberg, between the years 1497 and 1504 ." (British Museum.) : f 1 STEVENS, American -I xylographic leaf. ^ Historical Nuggets, Direct references : f * STEVENS, American Bibliographer, page 8, with fac-simile of the No. 77. * Anglice : This figure represents to us anything, but all things are in common, the people and island which have been And the men have as wives those who discovered by the Christian King of For- please them, be they mothers, sisters, or tugal or by his subjects. The people are friends, wherein they make no distinction, thus naked, handsome, brown, well shaped They also fight with each other, and eat in body, their heads, necks, arms, private each other, even the slain, and hang parts, and the feet of men and women, are that same flesh in the smoke. They a little covered with feathers. The men become a hundred and fifty years old, have also in their faces and breast many and have no government, precious stones. Nor does any one possess 5 2 Bibliotheca Americana. IAQ8. 21. SABELLICO (MARC-ANTONIO) M. ANTONIVS SABELLICVS: AVGVSTINO BARBADICO SE- RENISSIMO||VENETIARVM PRINCIPI ET SENATVI FELICITATEM.H Recto of second leaf: LIBER PRIMVS.||MARCI ANTONII COC- CII SABELLICI IN RAPSODIAM HISTORI- ARVM AD ORBE CONDITO.|| Colophon : IMPRESSVM VENETIIS PER BERNARDI- NVM ET MA-HTHEVM VENETOS. Q VIVVL- GO DICVNTVR LIAL-|| BANESOTI. ANNO INCARNATIONIS DOMINI-||CE. MCCCCXC- VIII. PRIDIE CALENDAS APRI-||LIS. REG- NANTE INCLITO AVGVSTI-||NO BARBADI- CO SERENISSIMOU VENETIARVM PRIN CIPE. || FELICITVR DIVQ VE||ET FAVSTE SVI||PERSTITE. DIV. Then, printer s mark. ** Large folio, CCCCLXII leaves. (British Museum.) This is the first part, which we have seen frequently quoted by the modern biographers of Columbus, con cerning the Admiral s early life, or on the subject of the Columbuses who had preceded him, especially the one called by Sabellicus himself, " Archipirata illustris." The following continuation, however, is somewhat fuller on the subject of Christopher Columbus and his voyages, viz. : Secunda pars Enneadum ab inclinatione Romani Imp. usque ad annum 1504, cum Epitome. Ed. hujus collectionis prima Venetiis, Bernardinus Vercellensis, 1504, folio. (KLOSS 1 .) 1 Catalogue, page 241, No. 3385. Bibliotheca Americana. 53 " Chacune de ces Enneades contient neuf livres. Sabellico en pub- lia sept, on soixante-trois livres, a Venise, en 1498, in fol., et en 1504, trois autres Enneades, et deux livres de plus : en tout quatre- vingt douze livres." (GlNGUENZ 9 .) Marcus-Anthony Coccio, alias Sabellicus, was born in 1436, at Vicovaro 3 , in or about the country of the old Sabines (hence his surname); he died at Venice in 1506, of an extremely unpleasant complaint 4 . He is the author of the above attempt at a universal history from the be ginning of the world to the year 1503, which he divided into Enneades. We regret to say that we have never been able to consult that rare compilation, which is fre quently quoted in histories, where mention is made of Columbus and his transatlantic voyages. "The eighth book of the tenth Enneade contains a short (" exiguis tantum punctis" Jovius would say 5 ), but, we are told, highly interesting sketch of Columbus. It was written before the year 1503, at a time when the only printed works treating of the Western World, so far as we know, were Columbus letter, Syllacio s second-hand relation, and one or two of the letters of Vespuc- cius. On that account the Enneades^ like Maffei of Volterra s Commentary, and Bergomas Chronicle, ac quire that kind of interest which pertains to all works relating to this country, and published before the first Decades of Peter Martyr, which form, as it were, the basis and material of al] subsequent publications on the subject. In Sabellicus Rerun venetiarum ab urbe condita (De- cad. 4, lib. 3), we only find the remark : " Adh<ec negocia de more exierant triremes quatuor, . . . Sed cum h*e Ibe- ricum navigant oceanum, Columbus junior, Columbi pirate isj ut ajunt^ nepos, cum sept em navibus ad pugnam in- a Histoire Litteraire (fltalie, Vol. 3, 4 VALERIAN, De littcratorum infclicitatc page 428. (Edit, of 1811.) (Amst., 1647), page 28. Jovius, de gli 8 TIRABOSCHI, Storia del/a Letter. Ital., Hvomini famosi (Venice, 1558), page 104. Vol. VI, page 698. (Edit, of 1807.) Elog. Viror, doct., Chap. XLVIII. 54 Eibliotheca Americana. 1 4.0 8 . structis circa Sacrum promontorium . . . sub noctem factus est Veneto obvius" which is probably a repetition of the passage in the first Enneades, and which derives its im portance chiefly from the great stress laid upon it by Fernando Columbus in that curious chapter of the His- torie y where he strives to make the reader believe that his father could reckon among his ancestors the Cilio men tioned by Tacitus. Direct references: f BERGOMENSIS, Suppl. Cronic. (edit of 1506), page 435. \ MAITTAIRK, Annales Typogr., Vol I (edit, of 1733), P a e ^^4- I PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vm, page 371. SAXIUS, Onomasticon, Vol. II, page 496. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. I, page 96. Vossius, de Historicis Latinis, page 670. NICERON, Memoires, Vols. xn and xx. SIXTEENTH CENTURY. 22. FESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: Verso of the first leaf: JUbmnt* wfjmcitt* tie metricis falutem pluritnam Weft. II* End of the verso of the last leaf : italica in latinam linguam ioctitrus interpret pc epiJMam bertit bt||lattni oes tnteliigant $ mulz ta miratra in tries reperian! r eo^ cmnprima||tur autracia qui ceiu et maieftatem fctutati: et plus fapete liceat faperellbolunt : quantro a tanto itm? pnre quo tnuntrus cepit ignota fit baftitai||terte r que contineatur in ea||f Deo *,,.* Sm. 410, sine anno aut loco; four unnumbered leaves. Only forty lines in a full page, a. triangle at the top of the fourth page ; neither signatures nor water-marks. (Private Library, New York.) * Anglkl : The New World. Alberic j- The interpreter Giocundi translated this Vespucius presents his best wishes to Lau- letter from the Italian into the Latin rent Peter de Medicis. language, that all who are versed in ^6 Bibliotheca Americana. I 5 Of. Albericus (Madrignano\ Ruchamer 2 , Jehan Lambert^, . Emeric (Du Redouer 4 ), Alberico 5 or Americo (Goma- ra 6 ), Morigo (Hojeda 1 }, Amerrigo (Munoz*), Ameri- cus (Peter Martyr 9 ), Almerigo Fiorentino (Vianello 10 ] de Espuche 11 , Vezpuche 12 , Despuchi 13 , Vespuccio (Ramu- sio 14 ), Vespuchy (Christ. Columbus^), usually called Amer- icus Vespuccius, the third son of a public notary of patrician origin, was born, March 9th, H5I 16 , some say at Venice (Herrera 17 ), or at Florence, in a hospital founded by one of his ancestors, and which is still stand ing in the street called Borgpgnissanti. He was educated ^J O by his uncle, a learned friar, with whom he seems to have been still studying, October i8th, I4y6 18 , in com pany with Pietro Soderini (Guliano Ricci l() ), who became afterwards (from 1502 to 1512) Gonfalonier of Flor ence 20 , and to whom the duplicate account of the third voyage was addressed. Nothing is known of him from the time he was a stu- O dent to the year 1490, when he left Italy. 21 He repaired the Latin may learn how many wonder- 9 Decade n, lib. 10. ful things are being discovered every day, 10 Letter to the Signoria of Venice, dis- and that the temerity of those who covered by Ranke, and published in Hum- want to probe the Heavens and their boldt s Examen Critique, Vol. v, p. 157. Majesty, and to know more than is al- ll NAVAR., Vol. Ill, Doc. Ill, p. 292. lowed to know, be confounded ; as not- ia Id., Doc. IT, p. 292. withstanding the long time since the 13 Id., Doc. IX, p. 299. world began to exist, the vastness of the 14 Raccolta. earth and what it contains is still un- 15 Letter to his son Diego, Feb. 5th, known. I SS> in NAV., Vol. i, p. 349. That 1 Itiner. Portugal/., cap. cxxn. name seems to be a corruption of the Ger- 8 Newe unbekanthe, lib. v. man word Amalrich ; see VON DER HAGEN, 3 Title to his and all the separate edi- Amerika, ein urspriinglicb Deutscher Name, tions of Vespuccius letters. in Neum lahrb. der Berlin. Gcsclhchaft, 4 Titles to the five editions of his trans- 1835, p. 13-17. lation of Vespuccius letters into French. 16 Libra fapprovazioni d eta, chesi con- 8 Titles to the six editions of the Pacsi ser-va nell" Archi-vo Secreto de S. A. R. nouamente retrouati. (Great Duke of Toscany), in BANDINI, * Historia general de las Indias ; Sara- p. XXIV. gos., fol., 1552-535 Medina del Campo, 17 Decad. I, lib. IV, c. 4. fol., 1553; Saragos., fol., 1554; Antw., I8 Letter to his father (Strozziana Libr., 8vo, 1552 (for 1554); and in Barcia s codice 480) ; BAND., pp. XXVII-XXTIII. Historiadores primitives, cap. 103. l9 apud BAND., p. XXV. 7 Probanzas del Fiscal, No. LXIX, NA- 20 RANKE S letter to Humboldt, in Ex- VAR., Vol. Ill, p. 544. amen Critique, Vol. V, p. 261. 8 Historia del Nuc-vo Mundo, p. x. 21 BANDINI, p. xxxv. Bibliotheca Americana. 57 to Spain in the beginning of 1493 (Humboldt^}, as an 150! agent (Bartolozzi^} of Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de Me dici (cousin of the great Lorenzo), or simply as clerk (Navarrete 24 } in the leading commercial house of his countryman Juanoto Berardi, at Seville. Miinster 25 erroneously asserts that Vespuccius joined the first expedition of Columbus in 1492, while Canovai 16 states that he was sent as an apprentice by Ferdinand on the second voyage in 1493. After the death of Juan oto Berardi, December, 1495 (Navarrete 17 ), Vespuc cius was promoted to the position of factor or part ner 17 ; and, as such, equipped the vessels for the third expedition of Columbus ; receiving, January I2th, I496 18 , ten thousand maravedis. From April, 1497, to May 3Oth, 1498, Vespuccius was constantly traveling from Seville to San Lucar (Munoz). He was married to Maria Cerezo, when and where does not appear. She survived him* 9 . Vespuccius quitted Spain for Portugal in 1501, secretly (Bandini 10 ), or at the instigation of King Emmanuel 31 , and remained at Lisbon, or on board Portuguese vessels, to 1505, when he returned to Spain, at the request of Ferdinand. He repaired to the court with an earnest letter of introduction from Columbus to his son Diego, February 5th, 1505, and was made a Spanish subject, April 24th, I5O5 32 . From May, 1505, until August, 1506, Vespuccius was at Palos and Moguer, preparing Pinzon s expedition. On the 23d of August, 1506, he 82 Examen Critique, Vol. IT, p. 45. las fosesiones espano/as in America, sacados 33 Ricerche, p. 79; on the authority of del Real arc hi-vo de Indias ; Madrid, 1864, several letters contained in the " Carteggio Tom. I, No. 3, p. 241, we find a memo- della Famiglia de Medici," in the Archives rial " de Juanoto Berardi acerca de varias of the Medici, in Florence. cosas tocantes a la gobernacion de las In- 24 Coleccion, Vol. in, p. 315. dias," to which the editors ascribe the date 55 Cosmograpbia Uni-versalis ; Basle, n. of 1517. d. (1550), fol., p. 1269. 18 NAVARRETE, Vol. in, p. 317. 86 Viaggi, p. i23;D/ Mr/fl2;./ rf.,No. 7. 39 MuRoz, Historia, Prologo, p. x. 47 Colcccion,Vo\. Ill, p. 317. Have there 30 Vita, p. XLVI. been two Juanoto Berardis ? In the Co- " Third voyage in HYLACOMYLUS, Gru- Icccion de Documents ineditos rclati-vos al nig. edit., recto of F-iiij. descubrimiento, conquista y colonization de 8a NAVAR., Vol. in, Doc. IT, 8 $8 Bibliotheca Americana. was written to by order of Philip I", to ascertain what was required for an expedition in the search of groceries (with Vicente Yanez Pinzon 34 ). In 1506, Vespuccius was associated with Juan de la Cosa for a new expedition, in which he was to command the caravel La Medina, but which did not sail, owing to the death of King Philip. He was again summoned to the court, November 26th, 1507", and appointed Chief Pilot of the Indies before March 22d, 1508, on which day he received a certain number of maravedis, although his nomination (or perhaps only an extension of powers) is dated August 6th, I5o8 36 . Vespuccius finally died, at Seville, February 22d, I5I2 37 , or at Terceira, one of the Azore islands, in 1516 (G. Lopez de Pintho^, Bandini, Meusel), or in 1518 (Negri* 9 ), poor, but highly respected by all 40 , never dreaming that he had discovered a new continent, and persuaded 41 , like Columbus 42 , that, at best, he only visited the western coast of Japan. Four voyages are ascribed to Vespuccius. The first voyage was undertaken for the King of Spain, probably under Hojeda (Las Casas 4 *, H err era, Charlevoix^, Hum- 83 Philip the Fair, who reigned only is made to say that he brought with him from June 27th, 1506, to Sept. 25th, two hundred and twenty slaves (as if such 1506; but long enough to deserve the a number of human beings could hold to- contempt in which he is held by all im- gether with the crew in the light caravels partial historians. of those days), may be, after all, the real 34 NAVAB., Vol. in, Doc. v. cause of his wrath. 38 Id., Doc. xxvi. 41 Duplicate of second voyage, in BAN- 86 Id., Doc. vn and vin. DINI, pp. 66 and 83. We are at a loss 87 Id., Doc. x. to find the authority for Alcedo s state- 38 apud BANDINI, p. LXIII, and CANO- ment that : " el Rey de Portugal para per- VAI, p. 156. petuar su memoria hizo colgar en la Ygle- 89 htoria de Fiorent. Scrittori ; Ferrara, sia Metropolitana de Lisboa los fragmentos fol., 1722, p. 31. de la Nave que mandaba." Bibliotheca 40 The only exception is Las Casas ; but Americana, MS., Vol. n, p. 891 There is we should not forget that the good but a similar assertion in NEGRI (Istoria, p. impulsive Bishop of Chiapas did not com- 31.) mence writing his Historia de las Indias 42 Letter in NAVAR., Vol. I, p. 3045 until 1527; and the severe language used and Letter to the Pope, id. op., Vol. II, in Lib. i, caps. 164 and 168 seems to have p. 280. been prompted by Hylacomylus version, a 43 Historia de las Indias, MS., Cap. 164. late edition of which he cites in Lib. i, 44 Histoire de risle-Esfagnole ; Parrs cap. 140. The passage where Vespuccius 4to. Bibliotheca Americana. 59 , Vespuccius sailing in the capacity of pilot (Ho- jeda*}, or of simple trader (Servetus 46 ), or of a mer chant well versed in cosmography (Herrera), or selected by King Ferdinand to aid in making discoveries (Valori- Bandini* 7 ), or as the astronomer of the expedition (Hum- boldt^\ or as a passenger pecuniarily interested (fira- boschi^). He sailed from Cadiz, May 2oth, 1497 (Hylacomylus* , Giuntini 51 } , or May loth, 1497 (Palori-Bandim**, Cano- vai"), or May 2oth, 1499 (Las Casas, H err era). First reached the mainland after a passage of twenty- seven days (Hylacomylus , Giuntint)^ or thirty-seven (Va- lori-Bandini, Canovai* 6 ). Returned to Cadiz, October 1 5th, 1499 (Hylacomylus 51 }, or October I5th, 1498 (Ca- novai 5 *"), or October I4th, 1498 (Valori-Bandini}, bring ing two hundred and twenty-two slaves (Indians), who were sold. If Hylacomylus dates are correct, the leader of that expedition is entitled to the credit of having landed on the shores of this continent before Columbus (August ist, 1498), and even previous to the Cabots (June 24th, H97"). 48 Examcn Critique, Vol. IT, pp. 195, 200, 284, 293. 48 apud his edit, of Ptolemy s Geogr. ; Lyons, fol., 1535 ; recto of leaf 28. 47 " Fui eletto per Sua Altezza, che io fussi in esta flotta, per aiutare a discoprire," apud BANDINJ, p. 6, and Grenville codex, recto of the second leaf. 48 Examcn Critique, Vol. IT, p. 190. 49 Storia delta Lett. Ital., Vol. Ti, p. 251 (edit, of Flor., 1807). 50 " M.CCCCXCIJ. xx mensis Maij die," St. Die edit., recto of b 5 ; GRUNIGER S, recto of D ii; LA PLACE S, verso of D 7, GRYN^EUS S, Basle, 1532 and 1537,?. 155. 61 Commcntaria in Sphteram Sacro-Bos- c o ; Lyons, 8vo, 1578, cap. in. 52 " xo.di Maggio 1497," BAND., p. 6; Grenv. codex, recto of second leaf. " riaggi, P- *9- 64 " xxvij. vix elapsis diebus," St. Die edit., verso of b 5, GRUN., recto of D II; LA PL., recto of D8; GRYN., p. 155. 66 A J P-7- capo di 37. giorni" BAND., 57 " cum cc.xxij captiuatis personis. xv. Octobris. die. Anno dni M.CCCC.LXXXX ix. Ubi lastissime suscepti fuimus ac vbi eosdem captiuos nostros vendidimus," St. Die edit., recto of d iii; GRUN., verso of E 6; LA PL., verso of E 7; GRYN., p. 168. 68 "15 di Ottobre, 1498," Viaggi, p. 49- 59 "Adi 18. di Ottobre, 1498,"^*, p. 36 (for p. 32). HERRERA (Dec. I, lib. IT. c. 2.), ascribes only five months to the entire voyage ; CHARLEVOIX (Hist, de risle-Et- pagnolc) twenty-five. 60 As we will have no other opportunity of mentioning Cabot s name, we beg leave to insert in this place several overlooked authorities concerning his memorable voy age, -vix. : ist. The Map of Juan de la Cosa, dated 1 500, which was discovered by Hum- 6o Elbliotheca Americana. I COf . The second voyage was also undertaken for the King of Spain, probably under Vicente Yanez Pinzon (Hum- boldf 1 }. They sailed from Cadiz, one day of May, 1489 (Hylacomyluf 1 ), or May i6th, 1499 (Falori-Bandin?*) , or May i8th, 1499 (Canova? 4 ). Reached land after nineteen days (Hylacomylu&\ or forty-four (Valori-Ean- dini 66 ), or on the twenty-third day (Canovaf 7 ) . Re turned to Cadiz, after a month and a half, September 8th (Hylacomylus, Falori-Bandinfr}, or June 8th (Canovai 70 ). boldt in the library of Walcknasr, and afterward sold to the Queen of Spain for 4,020 francs. It is now in her library, at Madrid. Fac-similes have been published by JOMARD (Monuments dt la Geographic , Paris, fol., 1854, map xvi); GHILLANY (Gescbicbte d. Behaim, Nuremb., 410, 1853) ; RAMON DE LA SAGRA (Hist, phys., Sec., dt file de Cube; Paris, fol., 1842); LELEWEL (Geographic du Moyen-Age, Brux., 3 vols., 8vo, 1852, atlas, map 41) ; HUMBOLDT (Exam. Crit., Paris, ed. of 1836-8). 2d. ZIEGLER, Lib. de regionibus septen- trion., Antwerp, 8vo, 1542. 3d. The map quoted by Ortelius in his catalogue of authors (TAeatrum, Antwerp, fol., 1570) in these words : " Sebastianus Cabotus Venetus, Vniuer- salem tabulam ; quam impressam seneis formis vidimus, sed sine nomine loci, & impressoris." (That extremely valuable document, in its original form, or an inedited map of Cabot, is, we are informed, on exhibition in one of the halls of the Bibliotheque Im- piriale of Paris. If our information is correct, would it not be worth the while of some enterprising publisher in this country to have it engraved ? Perhaps it is bold to assert that the patriotic bibliophiles who give so readily enormous prices for such trash as the spurious reprints of the Salem Witchcraft might feel tempted to purchase a copy !) The " Scbastiano Cabota. Na-vigatione nelle parte settentrionali ; Venice, 1583," included in the early catalogues of the Bodleian library, is, we scarcely need add, not to be found as a separate work, but only in the second volume of Ramusio (ed. of 1583, fol. 212). Foscarini (Letterat. vcncx. p. 438) and Tiraboschi (Vol. vii, p. 263), had already shown that it was erroneously ascribed to Cabot ; but Mr. Biddle (Memoir, p. 327), showed that it was only " the Journal of Stephen Bur- rough during his two voyages to the North east, with an absurd introduction from some anonymous writer at Venice !" The reader will find a valuable list of works relating to Cabot in a note to Humboldt s Examen Critique, Vol. IT, pp. 231,232. 81 Exam. Crit., Vol. IT, p. 200; Vol. T, p. 46. VARNHAGEN, Historia General do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro or Madrid, 2 vols., 8vo, 1852; D AvEZAC, considera tions geogr. sur leftist, du Bresil, Paris, 8vo, 1857. There is a full list of works re lating to Pinzon, Vespuccius, and Paria or Brazil, in the second volume of UOyapoc et VAmazone, by Gaetano da Silva, Paris, 8vo, 1861. 83 " M.CCCCLXXXIX (sic) Maij die," St. Die edit., recto of d iii ; GRUN., verso of E 6 ; LA PL., verso of E 7 ; GRYN., p. 1 69 meaning, evidently, 1499. 68 "16. di Maggio 1499" BAND., p. 33; Grenv. codex, verso of b. ii. 64 " XTIII di Maggio," ^iaggi, p. 50 ; Letter to P. F. de Medici, apud BANDINI, p. 65. 86 " xix dies," St. Die edit., recto of d iii ; GRUN., verso of E 6 ; LA PL., verso of E 7 5 GRYN., p. 169. 86 "44. giorni," BAND., p. 33; Grenv. codex, verso of b ii. 87 " al capo di XXIIII di," -Viaggio, p. 51 ; Letter to P. F. de Medici, apud BAN DINI, p. 65. 88 " viij. mensis Septembris," St. Die edit., recto of e i ; GRUN., verso of F iii ; LA PL., recto of F iii; GRYN., p. 175. 69 BANDINI, p. 45. 70 " 8 di Giugno," Vlaggl, p. 81 Bibliotheca Americana. 61 The third voyage was undertaken for the King of Portugal. The expedition sailed probably under Cabral (Humboldt 11 ), from Lisbon, May loth, 1501 (Hylacomy- tus 7 *, Valor i-Bandim ll \ or May ijth, 1501 (Canova? 4 ), or June loth ( Temporal). Reached land August iyth (Hylacomylus^j Canovai), or August ist (Valori-Ban- dtm 17 ), or August yth, I5OI 78 , or simply after a voy age of sixty-four days (Barto/ozzi 79 }. Returned to Lis bon, after a voyage of sixteen months, in 1502 (Hy- lacomylus* ), or September yth, 1502 (Valori-Bandin? 1 , Canovai] . The fourth voyage was also undertaken for the King of Portugal, and the expedition sailed from Lisbon, probably under Gonzales Coelho (Humboldt^^ Southey^}, 71 Exam. Crit., Vol. v, p. 5. The reader may consult with advantage con cerning Cabral : BARROS, Dccadas; Lisbon, 8vo, 1778, Dec. i, lib. i, cap. 305 MAF- FEI, Histor. Indica, Cologne, fol., 1593, lib. 2 ; FARIA Y SOUZA, Asia Portugueza, Lisb., fol, 1666; Vol. I, cap. 5; LAFI- TAU, Conqaetes des Portugal!, Paris, 410, 1733. 72 " Die Maij decima. M.cccc. & pri- mo," St. Die edit., recto of e ii ; GRUN., recto of F iiii ; LA PL., verso of F iii ; GRYN., p. 176. 78 " 10 di Maggio, 1501," BAND., p. 47- 74 "13 di Maggio, 1501," Viaggi, p. 101 ; id., Duplicate to Soderini, in BAN- DINI, p. 101. 75 Historiale description de f Afrique ; Lyons, fol., 1556, p. 466; id., Paris, 4 vols., 8vo, 1830. 78 " xvij scilicet Augusti," St. Die ed., verso of e ii ; GRUN., recto of F iiii ; LA PL., verso of F iii 5 GRYN., p. 176 ; ^iaggi, p. 102. 77 " Adi i. d Agosto," BANDINI, p. 48. 78 " 7. di Agosto del 1501." Duplicate to Soderini, in BAND., p. 103. 79 Riccrchc istorico-critichc ; Flor., 410, 1789, p. 169. _ 80 " XTI. circiter menses, M.D.ij," St. Die edit., recto of f iii ; GRUNIG., verso of F 6 ; LA PL., recto of F 6 ; GRYN., p. 180. 81 "7 di Settembre del 1502," BAND. p. 56; Viaggi, p. 109. 82 Examen Critique, Vol. v, p. 142. 83 History of Brazil ; Lond., 410, 1810, Vol. I, p. 20. " GONZALO COELLO, sabio cosmografo Portugues, que fue por orden del rey Don Man l de Portugal a esplorar y re- conocer los puertos de la America nu- evamente descubierta, como las costum- bres y ritos de sus naturales. Salio de Lisboa mandando una Escuadra de seis navios y reconocio con juicio sabio y ob- servacion de curioso cuanto era digno de saberse, tomando posesion en nombre de su Soberano y escribio la relacion de cuanto habia visto, que presento al rey Don Juan 2d por haber muerto su Padre cuando volvio. Description del Brasil. MS. fol." ALCEDO, Biblioteca Americana. Cata- logo de los Autores que han escrito de la America en diferentes idiomas. 1807, 2 vols., MS., fol., Vol. I, page 208. Private- library, Providence (Lord Kingsborough s copy). The reader may consult, concerning Coelho s voyages : DAMIANO DE GOES, Chronica do Joao II; Lisbon, fol., 1567. P. DE MARJZ, Dialogos de -varia Historia ; Coimbra, 8vo, 1594; 410, 1597; Lisb., 4to, 1674, Vol. ill. VASCONCELLOS, Vida del Rey D. Juan II ; Madrid, 4to, 1639. 62 - Eibliotheca Americana. I COf. May loth, 1503 (Hylacomylus^^ Valori-Eandini^ Canovai}. Was wrecked, August loth, on the coast of the island of San Fernando Noronha, or Peiiedo de San-Pedro, or the imaginary island of Saint Matthews. Returned to Lisbon, June 28th, 1504 (Hylacomyluf*), or June i8th, 1504 (Valor i-Bandini^^ Canovai}. How can we account for these, and an infinite num ber of other discrepancies ? They are, says Humboldt 87 , "Ferret du desordre de la redaction et des gloses ajou- tees par d ignorans ou zeles commentateurs." The four voyages were published for the first time together in a kind of appendix to a Latin work on Cos mography 88 by one Waldsee-muller, #//#.$ Hylacomylus, in 1507, which also contains, so far as known, the princeps of t\\z first and fourth voyages. It is that work which we quote under the name of Hylacomylus. The next collection of the four voyages is in Italian, and seems to have been printed at Florence about the year I5i6 89 . We call the latter the Grenville codex, from its last possessor, Mr. Thomas Grenville. This Italian collection was republished by Bandini 90 and Canovai 91 , from a printed copy, which had on the title page the name of Baccio Valori, one of the first librarians of the Laurentian library at Florence. We call Bandini s text Valor i-Bandini^ and Canovai s (which we must quote, as it contains new readings of the learned abbe s own manufacture) , Viaggi. In Latin, we again find the four voyages in the OSORIO, De rebus Emmanuelis j Lisb., B7 Exam. Crit., Vol. v, p. 70. fol., 1571, frequently reprinted. 8S Cosmographies introductio, 4to, four A. DO CAZAL, Corografia Brasilica ; Rio editions or issues at St. Die, in 1507; de Janeiro, a vols., 4to, 1817. Strasburg, 1509; Lyons, 1510. The other 84 " Decima ergo Maij die M.D.iij ;"- - editions of the same Cosmography do not St. Die edit., verso of f iij ; GRUN., verso contain Vespuccius Voyages, of F 6; LA PL., recto of F 6; GRYN., p. " Lettera di Amerigo uesfucci delle hole 181; "adi 10. Maggio, J53j" BAND., p. nuouamcntc trouate in quattro suoi uiaggi, 585 Viaggi, p. in. 410, sine anno aut loco. 88 "xxviij, Junij. M.D.mj.," St. Die 90 Vita e lettere di Amerigo Vespucci } edit., verso of f5; GRUN., recto of F8$ Flor., 410, 1745, PP- I-I S3- LA PL., verso of F 7; GRYN., p. 183. 81 Viaggi f America Vespucci; Flor., "18. di Giugno, 1504," BAND., p. 8vo, 1817, pp. 25-115, with dates al- 625 Viaggi, p. 114. tered. Bibliotheca Americana. 63 various editions of Grynaeus Novis orbis 9 *, and abridged in De Bry s Collections ; the first and second voyages in the Grands^, the third and fourth in the Petits Voy ages^. A peculiarity of De Bry s edition is the interpo lation of the word America 9 *. The second and third voyages alone have been printed separately in the form of plaquettes, all within the first eight years of the sixteenth century, in France and Ger many, but only in Latin and German. We describe, infra, sixteen of those separate editions ; fourteen of which, de visu. Besides the account of the third voyage published in the above-mentioned collections, there are two others, one of which has been frequently republished. The lat ter we call First Duplicate. It is by far the most in teresting, was probably printed before all others, and contains astronomical diagrams, and descriptions of an immodest character. The reader will find it in Ra- musio 96 , whose extremely valuable collection also con tains a translation of the third and fourth voyages as given by Hylacomylus, but not the first two voy ages, which he promised to publish 97 , the MS. having probably been lost in the conflagration which destroyed the printing office of Thomas Giunti, at Venice, in I 557 98 - That duplicate, which is addressed either to Soderini or to L. P. F. de Medici, is also in Zorzi s 99 , Madrignano s 100 , RuchamerV, Redouer s 101 , Tempo- 82 Novus orbis rcgionum ac insularum, tota America reperiantur," page 1 1 ; "mais veteribus incognitarum ; Basle, fol., 1532, cette expression ne se trouve que dans 1537, 1555; Paris, fol., 1532; Rotter- 1 edition des de Bry," CAMUS, Mimoircs dam, 8vo, 1616. The preamble or pre- sur la Collection dcs grands et Petits -vo-;- fatory letter is only to be found in the edi- ages ; Paris, 410, 1802, p. 140. tions of 1555 and 1616. It is wanting in 98 Sommario die due navigation! di Ahie- the following: rigo Vespucci ; Raccolta, Vol. I, p. 128. 93 America pars decima. Du<e na-vigat. 9T Raccolta, Vol. in, p. 310. Dn. Amend Vcsputn ; Oppenheim, fol., 98 FOSCARINI, Delia Lett. Vcneziana 1619. Padoua, fol., 1752. 94 Indite orientalii pars undecima. Da- " Paesi nouam. retro-v., cap. 114-123. arum na vig. quas. . . . ann. 1501 Dn. - 00 Itinerar. Portugal/., cap. 115124, Americas Vcsputius instituit, historia ; Op- fol. LXX. penheim, fol., 1619, pp. 5-10. 101 Sensuyt le monde d Emcric de fcspuce, 96 " QiJ. cum ^ s com P arar i possint vix fol. LXXI. 64 Bibliotheca Americana. ral s 75 , Grynaeus s 102 , Bandini s, and Canovai s collec- tions. The other letters ascribed to Vespuccius are all mod ern publications The first is a duplicate account of the second voyage, which was first published by Ban dini 103 , from a manuscript in the Riccardiana library. The second letter gives a duplicate account of the third voyage, and was printed for the first time by Bar- tolozzi 78 . The third is a letter addressed to L. P. F. de Medicis, from Cape Verd, June 4th, 1501, and published from a manuscript in the Riccardiana, by the Count Baldelli 104 . There is a fourth, describing Vasco da Gama s voy age, but it is rejected altogether by all the critics since Bandini, who first published that spurious account. Vespuccius certainly wrote a great deal 105 , but he is not the author of the accounts of his voyages which have been transmitted to us. As to the above-mentioned letters, not only the original text is lost, but we do not even know in what language they were originally written. That two of those important documents were composed at Lisbon does not admit of much doubt, but whether in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian or Latin, no one can determine; although some critics endeavor to satisfy all parties by asserting that the first two were written in the language of Spain, and the last two in 101 Na-vigationum Albcrici Vesputii epi- 190-290) ; and in a rehash of Canovai, pub- tome, p. 87, ed. of 1555. We do not find lished in English, New Haven, 8vo, 1852. any earlier version in English than that 103 " indirissssata a Lorenzo di Pier Fran- which is in the third volume of ROBERT cesco de Medici, Vita, pp. 64-865 Cano- KERR S collection 5 Edinburgh, 8vo, 1811, vai substitutes this in the room of the Va- pp. 342-382, from Hylacomylus s text, lori or Grenville second voyage (Viaggi, In German, besides Kerr s version of the pp. 50-69), which he places immediately Novus Orbis, we think that only the du- afterwards. plicate of the third voyage is inserted in lo4 // Milione di Marco Polo ; Flor., 410, Voss, Allcraltcstc Nachricht -von der ncuen 1827, Vol. I, pp. LIU, note. Welt; Berlin, 8vo, 1722, while the four 106 POCCIANTI, Catalog. Script. F/orent. ; voyages and duplicates are in the German Flor., 410, 1589, p. 10; HUMBOLDT, Exam. translation of Bandini, Hamburg, 1748. Crit., Vol. iv, p. 170, sq. for extracts from The four voyages are also in the third Vespuccius letters, and the evidence given volume of Navarrete s Coleccion, text and by John Vespuccio (Americus s nephew), translation from Griiniger s edition (pp. in the Information, NAV., Vol. in. Bibliotheca Americana. 65 that of Portugal. Be that as it may, the Hylacomylus version was made from a French text : " de vulgari gallico in latinum ; " the one in the Itinerarium, from the Portuguese : " Fidus interpres presens opus e Lusi- tano italicum fecit ; " that in the Unbekanthe Landte, from an Italian text, which itself was only a transla tion from the Spanish : " Auss hyspanier sprache ist discs fiinfte buchlein in die welysche sprache gewandert, und zu letze auss der welyschen in die dewtschen ge- bracht." As to Lambert s (No. 26), Gourmont s (No. 28), and Otmar s (No. 31) editions, they all are "ex Italica in linguam Latinam." After a diligent study of all the original documents, we feel constrained to say that there is not a particle of evidence, direct or indirect, implicating Americus Ves puccius in an attempt to foist his name on this con tinent. In our notice of the various editions of the Cosmographia introductio we will give the " genesis" of that unjust appellation. We have now to mention the leading works which contain assertions for or against Vespuccius. The first attempt to tarnish the reputation of the Florentine cosmographer was made by Schoner 106 , in 1533, twenty-one years after the death of Vespuccius. It was repeated with increased violence by Servetus 46 , Herrera 107 , Fray Pedro Simon 108 , Solorzano 109 , Charle- voix 110 , Stuvenius" 1 , Totzen" 1 , Robertson" 3 , Meusel" 4 , Tiraboschi" 5 , Formaleone" 6 , Mufioz, do Cazal 83 (the 10 * Opusculum geographicum ; Nuremb., na Der tuahre und erste Entdecker ; Got- 4to, 1533, Part n, caps, i and xx. ting., 8vo, 1761. 07 Decade I, lib. vn, cap. 5. 11S History of America $ London, 8vo, 108 Conquhtas Aistorialcs ; Cuenca, fol., 1826, p. 49. 1627, Part i, pp. 18-26. n4 Bibliotheca historica, Vol. in, Part i, 109 Ditputationes de Indiarum jure , Mad- p. 265. rid, fol., 1629, lib. i, cap. iv. 11S Storia dtlla Letter atur a Italiana; Vol. 110 Histoire de ILle-Espagnole ; Paris, vi, p. 186. 410, 1730, Vol. i, page 311. ll * Saggio sulla nautica antica de Vene-z.^ 111 Dissert, de uero no-vi orb. invent.} Venice, 410, 1783 ; and in French, Venice, Francf., 8vo, 1714. 8vo, 1788. 66 Bibliotheca Americana. I 5 Of. most bitter of all), Navarrete, Santarem" 7 , and a host of .55-.---.. others. The Nova Acta eruditorum 11 * cite in favor of Vespuccius one " Americi Cinellius"" 9 , Vasari 120 , Mellini 121 , Alber- ti 122 , Metellius 123 , Manni 124 , della Rena 125 , and Hondius 125 ; nearly all of whom are taken from Bandini, who quotes, besides, in favor of his hero, Bocchi 127 , Cluver 128 , Mariana 129 , Genebrier 30 , Salvini 3 , " Padre della Fio- rentina erudizione," and the introuvable Giov. Matteo Toscano 132 ; to which list we must add the poet Barto- lomei 133 , Ruscelli 134 , J. de Lery 135 , Natalis de Comiti- bus 136 , Pighius 137 , and all the editions of Ptolemy s 117 Rcchcrchcs Hist., Critiques et Bibliogr. sur Amtric Vespuce et ses -voyages ; Paris, 8vo, n. d. 5 translated, Boston, I2mo, 1850. 18 For Aug., 1749; Leipz., 4to, p. 483. 119 Is it not Giovanni Cinelli, the con- tinuator of Francesco Bocchi (Belleze della cita di Firenze ; Flor., 8vo, 1677), who is intended ? 120 Le vite dt" piit excel, pittori j Flor., 4to, 1568, Part m. 131 Descrixione della entrata delta regina Giovanna d Austria ; Flor., 410, 1566. These three last works are chiefly quoted for the portraits of Vespuccius, or the honors paid to his memory. 144 Dcscrizzionc di tutta Italia ; Bologna, fol., 1550; Venice, 410, 1553, 1568, and 1581. 123 Preface to his edition of OSORIUS, de rebus Emmanuel.; Cologne, 8vo, 1574, 75, 76, 81, 86. 134 De Florent. Invent, comment. ; Fer- rara, 410, 1731, cap. 42. l De/la Serie de gli antic, due. df Tos- cana , Flor., fol., 1690; 410, 1764. 139 Nova Italia Hodiernia Descript. ,- Leyden, fol., 1627. 137 Libras duos Elogior. quib. Viri aliqui Clarriss. Florentini ; Flor., 410, 1667. 138 Introduc. in Univers. Geogr. ; Ve nice, r6mo, 1646; Amst., 4to, 1661, lib. vi, c. xl, n. 3. 139 Historia, lib. xxvi, cap. HI. 80 Chronographite " LL. iv. Priores n."j Paris, fol., 1580; Lyons, fol., 1599, anno H97- 181 Fasti consolari dell" acad. Fiorent. ; Flor., 410, 1717. 133 Also cited by SAXIUS ( Onomasticon, Vol. HI, p. 14), under the title of Peplus Italiee L. i. n. XLVI. p. 414. 133 U America, poema eroico ; Rome, 4to, 1650. 134 La Gcograjia di Cl. Tolomeo; Venice, 4to, 1561. 136 Historia Navigation, in Brasiliam, izmo, 1585. 136 Universte hist, sui temporis , Venice, 4to, 1572. 137 AZquinoctlorum de solstitior. invent. , Paris, 4to, 1520. BARCIA-PINELO (Epitome, col. 573) quotes PIEDRA-HITA, Historia del Nuevo Reino de Granada [Antwerp, fol., 1688], lib. i, cap. i, fol. 2; A. DE CALANCHA, Chronica del [ord. de S. August, en^ Peru [Barcelona, fol., 1638], lib. i, cap. 4; GARCIA, Origen de los Indies [Valencia, 8vo, 1607; Madrid, fol., 1729], Proemio ; and CARDENAS v CANO, [pseudonym for BARCIA himself], Ensayo Chronologico [Ma drid, fol., 1723], introd. NEGRI (Istoria, p. 31) cites GADIUS, de Serif tor. non Ec- clesiast. [Flor. and Paris, fol., 164849] ; and " TH. LANSIUS, Consultatione de Prin- cipatu inter Prov. Europ." The reference in SAXIUS (Onomasticon, Vol. in, p. 14) to MAGIRUS, Eponymol. Crit., leads only to DE THOU. MR. CALEB GUSHING (Reminiscences of Spain, Vol. n, p. 235, sy.) quotes ROCHA PITTA, Hist, da America Portugueza [Lisb., fol., 1730], p. 24; LIPSIUS, Physiol. Stoic.; Bibliotheca Americana. 67 Geography, from Beneventanus (1508) to that edited by the unfortunate Servetus. All of which authorities, pro et con, are more than counterbalanced by the great Humboldt, who, in his Examen Critique, Cosmos 1 ^, and in the Bulletins de la Societe de Geographie 1 , has shown conclusively that no proof whatever has yet been adduced to incriminate Americus Vespuccius. The assaults on the reputation of the Florentine cosmographer are generally bitter and periodic. A re markable recrudescence was inadvertently caused to wards the end of the last century by the French Em- bassador at Florence, Count de Durfort, who, in 1788, offered a premium to be conferred by the Academy of Cortona for the best eulogium of Americus Vespuc cius, and which was awarded to Stanislaus Canovai. The boldness of the Abbe s oration 140 brought a reply from an anonymous writer 141 , followed by a rejoinder, ascribed to Canovai 141 , a complete refutation by Barto- lozzi 14 , a sur-rejoinder by the laureate 144 , another reply by Llorente 145 , and a number of other pamphlets, keep ing up the fire until the publications of Napione, Belloro, &c., and even afterwards. 146 Judging from some gentle hints lately given by the English and Amer ican periodicals, we seem to be threatened with a re- [Wesel, 1675], lib. n, dis. 19, t. iv, p. m Annotations sincere del? elogio pre- 947 [and Leyden, I2mo, 1644, Vol. n, miata di Amerigo Vespucci per una seconda p. 233] ; BARL/EUS, Res gestte in Brasilia editions; in SANTAREM, p. 150. [Cleves], I2mo, 1660, p. 24; ENSL, In- 14a Lettera allo Stampat. Sig. P. Alle- dite accident. Histor. ; Cologne, 1 2mo, 1 6 1 2, grini, a name delf autorc del? clogio prem. p. 130; PIZARRO, Varones illustres [Mad- di Am. Vespucci ; Flor., 8vo, 1789. rid], fol., 1639, p. 50. To which list 143 Apologia delle Ricerche istorico-crit- may be added Vossius, De Natura Arti- iche , Flor., 8vo, 1789. urn , Amsterd., fol., 1696, p. 535 DE 144 Difensa d* Amerigo Vespuccio ; Flor., THOU, Histoire uni-verselle 5 London, 410, I2mo, 1796, 15 pp. Vol. i, p. 3. 146 Saggio Apologetico, degli storici e 138 Oceanic Disco-veries,^fo\. n, exhaust- conquistatori Spagn. dell" America; Florence ive note at the close of the chapter. and Naples, 8vo, 1796. 189 Paris, for Dec., 1835, p. 411. l4 * TRUCCHI, Dei primi scopritori del 140 Elogio d Amerigo Vespucci ; Flor., nuo-vo continente Americano , Flor., 8vo, 4to, 1788 ; id., 1790. 1842, 80 pp. 68 Bibliotheca Americana. lapse. Let us hope that this time some tangible facts will be adduced. Direct reference! : I" Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 766. Bibliotheca Bronvniana, No. u. Serapeum for January ist, 1861. Hibbert Catalogue, page 461, No. 8376. (?) Notes on Columbus, A, page 28. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1154, although the spelling is somewhat different, and he ascribes to the plaquette forty-two lines in stead of forty. 2 3 . VESP UCCIUS (AMERICUS) Verso of the first leaf: ALBERICVS VESPVTIVS LAVRENTIO||PE- TRI DE MEDICIS SALVTEM PLVRI-||MAM DICIT.II Then the text on the same page, beginning with a capital S in an ornamented wood-cut. * HC * Sm. 410, sine loco aut anno, four leaves ; forty-two lines in a full page, text in black letter, no signatures. The last page has at the top the sentence : " Ex italica," &c., &c. ; then " LAVS DEO," followed by the triangle. (Private Library, New York.) Dirtct references :( Serapeum for January 1st, 1861. \ Notes on Columbus, D, page 29. 24. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: JKttttfrtttf tUiS Haurentio ^etrt||tre metricis Saiutem plutimam trtctt.H Bibliotheca Americana. 69 *.,.* Sm. 410, sine anno aut loco, four leaves; forty lines in a full I page, no signatures. The verso of the last leaf has twenty-six lines of text, then the sentence : " Ex Italia" (j*V), and at the end : (Private Library, New York.) Direct rtftrtnctf : ( Serapcum for January 1st, 1861. \ Notes on Columbus, E, page 30. 2 5. FESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: c Mundus nouus \\ c Mundus nouus de natura & r ceterte itr generis gentle (jue in nouo opera r impenfis ferenittimi ^ottugallie fuper [v] annis inuento.H (E &lfcericus befputius Hautenti opetri tre || metric g>aiutem plutimam tricit.H* Sm. 8vo, ^/W anno aut loco, eight leaves ; thirty lines in a full page ; no water-mark ; very large ornamented initials ; no diagram; only one signature, which is on the second leaf, viz. : Aij. The last page has sixteen lines of text, the sentence, " Ex Italica . . . ," and : CHaus tre0.ll (Private Library, New York.) Direct references : ( Bibliotheca Grenvil/iana, page 766. \ Notes on Columbus, G, page 30. * Anglice : The New World. Touch- discovered through the efforts and at the ing the nature, customs and other things, expense of the Illustrious King of Portu- concerning the people of the new world gal in former years. jo Bibliotbeca Americana. 5 Of. 26. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: ~ JUbmr 9 ttffjmm 9 laurftio H petri francifcide medicis Salutem plurima dicit || Then within a border Felix Baligault s mark, viz. : two monkeys at the foot of a tree, from which hangs a kind of carpet-bag, with the word: and below : Jd)cm UmbiTt * 5|e * Sm. 410, title and text, six leaves, in Roman type, verso of the last leaf blank. The sentence, " ex italiaca \sic\ . . ." oc curs at the end of the text. Forty lines in a full page. (Private Library, New York and Providence.) Jehan Lambert exercised his art at Paris from 1493 to 1514. Direct references: f CAMUS, M emoires sur De Dry, page 12,9. DIBDIN, Library Companion, (zd edit.), Vol. I, page 380, note. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 766, and BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1155, line 17, describe only a copy of this No. 26, but with a spurious title. Notts on Columbus, B, page 29. 2 7 . VESP UCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: Then the complicated mark and mottoes of Denys Roce. Verso of the title page : ire natura moriitf et ceterte to ge||nms gette q in nouomutro opa Iim||peni8 tiunnittimi portugaliie Bibliotheca Americana. 71 tegisllfupetiottfws annte tnueto Elfceti- 1| eug putius Hautetui petti tre me||tricte Salutem mam tricitll * # * izmo, twenty-nine lines to a full page. An imperfect copy, containing only five leaves, sold at an auction in London, June, 1865. This heretofore unknown Paris edition, of which fragments only remain, was once the property of M. Libri, and is now in the British Museum. " Denis Roce ou Rosse, dont nous avons des impres sions, a imprime a Paris, depuis 1490 jusqua 1500," says Santander, 1 yet the Pharsalia of Peter Desponte, so much prized by bibliophiles, bears the imprint : Parrhisis, per Guielmu Lerouge, Expensis Dionissii Roce, MDXII" together with a printer s vignette, which is identical with that in the present copy of Ves-puccius. 2 8 . FESPUCCIUS (AMERICUSy-Recto of the first leaf: Then the mark of " (gtlleg tie Verso of the first leaf: JBe natura et morituis et ceteris itr ge- II net is gen=: tifque in nouo mutro opera Urn [>] Upenfis feren== iffimi portugallie regis fu-llperioritus annis inueto Eltericug TrJefpu || tins Hautetio petti fce metricis g>alutem||plutimam tieitll 1 Dictionnaire Bibliogr., Vol. i, p. 231. of the Alphabttum gr<tcum of 1507. See 2 It is the same which adorns his edition BRUNET, Vol. I, col. 198. 72 Bibliotheca Americana. I COf Then the text, which ends on verso of the last leaf with : (I LAVS DEO 1| *** Very small 8vo, sine anno aut loco, eight leaves, thirty-one lines in a full page. An elegant book ; unique copy thus far. (Private Library, New York.) We are inclined to affix a comparatively late date to this edition of what seems to us the first duplicate of Vespuccius third voyage. Gilles de Gourmont was a Paris printer of great renown. The French are in debted to him for their first Greek and Hebrew edi tions, and for the publication of the earliest book de scribing public pageantry with illustrations . We can find no dated work of his bearing an earlier imprint than 1507. He exercised his art as late as 1527. Mr. Brunet 4 says that this Vespuccius " doit etre de 1 annee 1504 a peu pres." Direct references: ( Libri Catalogue, 1859. -j * Manuel, Vol. v, col. 1155. (^ Notes on Columbus, F, page 30. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS, Recto of the first leaf: jit it irii 110 H0UU0 ii (EBe natura et nwrtfwg r eeterts ft gn!s get x pe inouo mutro opera r impefis ferenifft tugailie regisi fupmorttus ants tnuento II ^litertcus befputius Hautetto tre metrtcts pitmmafctettll Then the text. 8 Du Puys Tryumphantc et solemnelle at Bruges, in 1515) ; folio, no date (Paris), entree (of Charles, Archduke of Austria, thirty-three woodcuts. Bibliotheca Americana. 73 * jjl * 410, sine anno out loco, four leaves, forty-four lines to a full page ; on recto of the fourth leaf nineteen lines of text ; then the sentence " Ex italica . . ." (from which Brunet omits several words), then : (EUaus* fceo. || On the last leaf is the mark of Wm. Vorsterman, of Antwerp, as given in the Bibliophile Beige 1 , which edition is nevertheless supposed (from the type) not to have been printed at Antwerp, but by some printer on the Lower Rhine, and that Vorsterman had his mark added to give the book currency in the Netherlands. Water-mark, a kind of pitcher. (Private Library, New York, and Harvard Coll. Libr.) Humboldt, in describing the copy in the Gottingen Library, expresses the opinion that the woodcut repre senting the double-headed-eagle escutcheon with the three towers, " parait annoncer le regne de Philippe II, fils de 1 empereur Maximilien, ou de Charles V ; " yet the same woodcut is also in the rare Noble science des joueurs despee, which bears the imprint of " Lan mil cinq cens et xxxvin." Direct rtfertnces : ( HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. v, page 7. BRUNET, Vol v, col. 1155. Paelinck Catalogue, Brux., 1860. Notes on Columbus, H, page 31. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the fin t leaf: m. i, : PH. i b , for verso ?] EUjertcus befpuctug Haurentto &e melltucis falutem plurimatn fcidt || jE?$Jp eriori- iM8 in Bl. 2 a : ip^a^ ijatentes Bl. a b : in inn Bl. 3* : ttUtaMliUttl Figur. wie bei Nr. II [our No. 22] angegeben. Bl. 3 b : $0gt guflmant Bl. 4* : Figur. wie bei Nr. I [our No. 23] und II ea Hatl0 Bl. 4 b weiss." 1 Vol. v, page 301. IO 74 Bibliotheca Americana. "45 zeilen auf der vollen Seite. Schlussworte aller drei Ausgaben (ohne Abkiirzungen und abweichende Interpunction) : 3Qx jjtalica/ &c." (SERAPEUM 1 .) We copy the above verbatim et literatim, leaving it to the reader to decipher its mysterious abbreviations. This extremely rare Vespuccius is in the Mercantile Li brary of Hamburg. The others mentioned in the same number of the Serapeum we describe supra et infra, from original copies and a fac-simile. 3 ! VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS} Recto of the first leaf: Jllmrtus Hmw0n Verso of the first leaf: JUb*rtni0 ucspn rtns jSm- falutem plurimam Verso of the fourth leaf: jopnes otmar : bintrelice tmpreffit quingentefimo parto. || * # * 410, four unnumbered leaves ; in every respect like No. 22, with the exception of the above colophon, which is inserted in place of the words Laus deo. (Private Libr. New York and Providence.) Dirtet references : ( ZAP*, Augsb. Buchdruck., Vol. II, page 1 6, and Annal. Typogr. t \ P a ge 49- j PANZIR, Annulet Typogr., Vol. vi, page 133. Raetzel Catalogue, No. 908. NAVARRETE, Co/eccion, Vol. in, page 186. Bibliotheca Grenvii/iana, page 766. Bibliotheca Broiuniana, No. IO. TERNAUX, No. 6. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1154. Notes on Columbus, C, page 29. 1 For January, 1861. Bibliotheca Americana. 75 3 2. ANONYM. " Libretto de tutta le navigatione de Re * 54" de Spagna le ifole, et terreni novamente trovati, ftampato = in Venezia da Albertino Vercellefe nel 1504."* (ZURLA 1 .) Or, " Libretto de tutta le Navigazione del Re di Spagna delle Ifole, e Terreni, nuovamente fcoperti. Per Al bertino Vercellefe di Lifona a di 10 Aprile 1504, 4." (CANCELLIERJ 1 .) " II a etc vu par Foscarini, Zurla et 1 abbe Morelli," says Humboldt*. Brunet states 4 , on the authority of Morelli, however, that it is only "une traduction en dialecte venitien, par Angelo Trivigiano de la premiere decade latine d Anghiera." The letter (apud Morelli) in which Trivigiano confesses that he has copied and translated into the language of everybody the " verbose" account of Columbus voyages ; and Anghiera s bitter complaints 5 when brought together, seem to fasten the charge of plagiarism on Trivigiano ; but there are several circumstances which may lead to a contrary opinion. In the first place, Trivigiano was Chancellor to the Venetian Embassy, and of course a frequenter of the Court ; Anghiera, by his position as preceptor of the royal pages, was also a courtier, and being likewise an Italian by birth, he must have known Trivigiano. If so, how is it that Anghiera calls his plagiarist " Aloy- sius Cadamostus?" In the second place, there is at least one passage in the first Decade 6 , viz. : " Interro- gati a me nautae (qui Vicentium Agnem Pinzonum fuerant comitati) an antarcticum viderent polum," which, according to Humboldt, indicates a redaction * Anglice : A short relation of all the owte of the three first bookes of my first navigations of the King of Spain, the Decade - - - - supposinge that I woolde islands and countries newly discovered, neuer haue publysshed the same" (Eden i Printed in Venice by Albertino Vercellese transl., London, 410, 1555, and 1612); [di Lisona], in 1504. Decade n, Lib. vu and vm. * " But he stoule certeyne annotacions * Lib. ix. 7 6 Bibliotheca Americana. 1C 04. of a date later than 1505, whilst the Libretto was pub- lished as early as 1 504. This work, which seems to be now lost, has been the prototype of all subsequent collections of voyages, down to all the reprints of the Novus orbis, in which it is sup posed to have been inserted and translated. Dirtct rtftrencci : f 1 Di Marco Polo t dtgll altri viaggiatori Veneziani, Vol. n, page 1 08, note. [ s Disscrtazioni, page 138, on the authority of the Aggiunt. alia Eibl. Volantt del Cinelli ; " Scanzia" xxxin, page 1 60. 1 Examen Critique, Vol. iv, page 77. * Manuel, Vol. I, col. 294. NAPIONE, Delia patria, &c., page 138. MORELLI, Lettera raritsima, page 43. 33* ^ESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS} Recto of the first leaf: Wan ber item grfunniie We tool* SLSS ben ^riftcuU^cu ^u ||nig don ^ortiirjaH, iuitnuDcrbnrlid) Then woodcut filling the rest of the page, representing the King of Portugal, with sceptre and escutcheon, illuminated. Verso of the first leaf: gaurrntta ^etri ftrancif -- mcbici0 nil Recto of the sixth leaf, after fourteen and a half lines of text : Itttcin ift bift miffftue in Icittfrf) ge^ogeanf^ bem ^lar bag ban ^tariff fam \\\\\ maien mo net nad) geburt ^ttnfft$en|nn||bert bnnb unffjar.|| Eibliotheca Americana. 77 r Wedrittft tjn 9luremBurg || burrf) SBoIff gating || ue- 1505. Bet. ||* Then three escutcheons. * # * Sm. 410, six leaves, verso of the last blank ; thirty-seven linei in a full page. (Mercantile Library, Hamburg.) There is a remarkable fac-simile made by Mr. Pilin- ski, a Polish artist residing at Paris. Direct references :( Serafeum for January, 1861 (No. nr). \ Franck s Catalogue, Paris, 1865. 34. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: ^oubmtdtU) grfitnbcn burdj ben <repttadjett||ftttti8 tu.qal luuuberbalid) erfuttben.|| Then, woodcut as in the above. *,,,* 410, sine loco, title I, seven unnumbered leaves, two signatures, viz. : A iii and A iiii. Last word on reverse of the title : QHiliClt * thirty-five lines in a full page. (British Museum.) " This German account of the third expedition of Vesputius in 1501 is not only prior to that in my library of Leipsick, 1506, but is quite a different version from that of 1506, and is without the division into chapters which was subsequently adopted." (MS. note in the Grenville copy.) The length of the lines in the title page shows this to be a different issue from No. 33. * Anglice : Concerning the newly and This epistle has been translated from wonderfully discovered region which may the Latin into German, from a copy well be called a world, by the Christian which came from Paris in the month of King of Portugal. May, in the year of Christ s birth, 1505. Alberic Vesputius presents his respects Printed at Nuremberg by Wolffgang Hue- to Laurent Peter Francis de Medicis. ber. 7 8 Bibliotheca Americana. 35* ^ LBERTINI (FRANCIS DE) (C De Mirabilibus novae, & veteris Urbis Romas. Opus editum a Francifco de Albertinis Clerico Florentine, tribus Libris divifum, dicatumque Julio II. Pontif. Max. ; Romas per Joan- nem de Befichen An. 1505." (NEGRI 1 .) Although the above title is given with a certain mi nuteness, we are not at all prepared to admit it as authen tic. The name of the printer imparts to the work a suspicious appearance. It is not known that John Besicken printed at Rome alone after 1496, or even in partnership with Martinus of Amsterdam after 1501.* See infra. 36. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER) Copia de la Lettera per Columbo mandata a li Sereniffimi Re et Regina di Spagna : de le infule et luoghi per lui trouate. Verso : Conftantio Bayuera Breflano || Al Magnifico et Clar- iflimo Francefco || Bragadeno Podefta di BreiTa S. Colophon : Stampata in Venetia (a nome de Conftantio Bayuera citadino di Breffa) per Simone de Louere. a di 7 di Mazo. 1505. cum priuilegio.* * # * Small 410, eight leaves, the last of which is blank ; text in black letter. 1 Istor. de Fiorent. Scrittori, p. 1 8 1 . Constancio Bayuera of Brescia to the a SANTANDER, Dictionnaire Bibliogr., magnificent and illustrious Francesco Bra- Part i, p. 153. gadeno, Podesta of Brescia. * Anglice : Copy of a letter of Columbo Printed at Venice for Constancio Bay- written to the most illustrious King and uera (citizen of Brescia), by Simon de Queen of Spain, concerning the islands and Lovere, March yth, 1505. With Privi- countries discovered by him. lege. Bibliotheca Americana. 79 Prompted by the success of Vasco da Gama s voyage, I 5 5 Columbus, fitting out a new expedition, sailed, taking = == with him his brother Bartholomew and his own son and future historian, Fernando, May 9th, 1502, from Cadiz with four small caravels. After a voyage of only twenty- five days, the Admiral reached what is supposed to be the island now called Martinique ; discovered, July 3Oth, the unimportant island of Bonacca, near the Bay of Honduras ; sailed along the Veragua coast, hoping yet to find the Ganges, the kingdom of the Great Khan, and the precise locality of Paradise. After a succession of shipwrecks, mutinies, and manifold misfortunes, he set sail for Spain, September i2th, landing finally at San Lucar, November yth, 1504, when he learned, to his great sorrow, that his best friend and protectress, Isa bella, had died. The above is a description of the events of this voy age (which was Columbus fourth and last), only to July yth, 1503; and is dated from Jamaica. It was originally written in Spanish. There is still a manu script copy in that language, either in the library of the Cuen9a College at Salamanca, or in the Lonja of Seville. Navarrete published it in his valuable Colecdon 1 . We have the authority of Pinelo 2 for the assertion that it was printed ; but no such Spanish edition has yet been found. An Italian translation, however, either from that printed original or from a MS., was published in Italy very soon after the return of Columbus; it is the present No. 36. The latter had long been forgotten when Morelli, the modest, obliging and erudite librarian of the St. Mark 1 Vol. i. pp. 296-313. We have seen it stated that Fernando 8 " Hallase otra Carta del mismo Colon, Colombo also asserts that the account of escrita en Jamaica, a 7. de Junio (sic) de his father s third voyage was printed. We I S3- 1 ue ^ ue su v lti mo Viage ; de el have examined from chapter LXXXVIII to qual, es Re/acion, embiada a los Reies Ca- the end of the Historic for the purpose of tolicos, imp. en 4 ... La impresa estaba finding such a reference ; and although en la Librcria de Don Juan de Soldier- the last twenty chapters are devoted exclu- na." BARCIA-PINELO, Epitome, Vol. n, col. sively to that remarkable voyage, we failed 565. LEON PINELO, p. 61, gives Julio. to discover any allusion to a printed account. 8o Bibliotheca Americana. Library at Venice, corrected the text of Simon de Lo- vere s edition, and republished it in 1810 under the title now so frequently quoted of Lettera rarissima 1 . This reprint contains notes and extracts of the utmost interest, among which the reader will notice the curious biographi cal sketch of Christopher Columbus, from the Por- tolano of Coppo da I sola (see infra), and the letter, dated Granada, August 2ist, 1501, and addressed to Mali- piero by Angelo Trivigiano, Secretary of Domenico Pisani, Venetian Embassador to the Court of Spain 4 . Bossi reprinted Morelli s version, which is also in Urano s French edition of Bossi, and in Daelli s Biblio theca rara*. Mr. Major has inserted the Spanish text and an English translation in his Select Letters. We copy our title from Brunet. Dirtct refertnctt : f * Bassano, 8vo, 1810, and Oferette, Venice, 8vo, 1820, Vol. i, p. *43t . ? I Magasin Encyclopidique (MILLIN S), for i8ia, Vol. i, pp. 133- a 3 8. N. Y. Syilacio, Appendix, page Ixi. * Lcttere autografe, Milan, 1 8 mo, 1863, pp. 115140. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 167. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 228. Notes on Columbia, page 127. 4 It is as follows : sara presto uno anno che siamo fuora. " lo ho tenuto tanto mezzo, che ho preso Circa il Trattato del Viaggio di detto Co- pratica e gran amicizia con il Colombo j il lombo, uno valentuomo 1 ha oomposto, et quale al presente si attrova qui in gran des- e una diceria molto longa. L ho copiata, dita, mal in grazia di quest! Re, e con e ho la copia appresso di me ; ma e si pochi denari. Per suo mezzo ho mandate grande, che non ho modo di mandarla, se a far far a Palos, che e un luogo dove non non a poco a poco. Mando al presente abita, salvo che marinari e uomini pratichi alia Magn. V. il primo libro, quale ho tras- di quel viaggio del Colombo, una Carta ad latato in volgare per maggior sua como- instanza della Magnificenza Vostra; la dita. II compositor di questa e lo ambas- qual sara benissimo fatta, e copiosa e parti- sator di questi Serenissimi Re, che va al colar di quanto paese e scoperto. Qui non Soldano ; il quale vien li con animo di pre- ce n e, salva una di detto Colombo, ne e sentarla al Serenissimo Prencipe nostro, il uomo che ne sappia far. Bisognera tardar qual penso la fara stampar ; e cos! la qualche giorno ad aver questa, perche Pa- Magn. V. ne avera copia perfetta." los, dove la se fa, e lontano da qua 700 Anglice : " I have had so much to do miglia : e poi come la sara fatta, non so with COLUMBUS that we are now on inti- come la potro mandar, perche 1 ho fatta mate terms, and I have a great friendship far del compasso grande, perche la sia piu for him. He is at present here in great bella. Dubito che 1 bisognera che la want, out of favor with the sovereign, and Magn. V. aspetti la nostra venuta, che di with little money. Through him I have ragione non doveria tardar molto } che 1 sent to Palos, a place where only sailors Bibliotheca Americana. 81 VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: ne illcajon fa tool ein melt genentyt merbcnj bnrd) ben lut- ftclidjcn fnnig, don ^ortipl || tuuubebalid) cvfnn&cn, Then woodcut similar to that in the above (No. 36), but evidently printed from a different block. In fine : Uft latin ijt blft mifffneinSntfdj gejogen nft bem efent|| jilar bag doit tariff fam tin Wlcijen monet mitlc nadj Griftne geburt. rd Ijunbert dub funff tar. II *^* 410, sine loco, eight leaves, thirty-three lines in a full page ; signatures Aii, Aiii, Aiiii. Altogether different from the above Nos. 35 and 36. (British Museum.) 2 8 . VESP UCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: bet neu jjefwtliett eltt toew 9ettettt ben (UMftculid)cu fnnig||bon ^arttgal.. njuudcrtJtirltd) cr- funben. II and men acquainted with COLUMBUS S voy- not be far off, seeing that we shall soon age live, to have a map made at the request have been out of the Republic for a year. of your Magnificence. It will be extremely Concerning the Treatise on the Voyage of well executed, and copious and minute in COLUMBUS, a skillful person has composed respect to all the newly discovered countries, it and it is a very long story. I copied it There is no such map here save one in the and have the copy by me, but it is so large possession of the said COLUMBUS, nor is that I have no way of sending it, except- there any man who can make one. I shall ing piece-meal. I here send your Magnif- have to wait some days for the same, be- icence the first book, which I have trans- cause Palos, where it is to be made, is seven lated into Italian for your greater conveni- hundred miles from here ; and then when ence. The author of this treatise is the it is finished I do not know how I can send embassador of these Most Serene Sovereigns it, as I have ordered it to be made of a to the Sultan, who will come to Venice to large size that it may be handsomer. I present it to our Most Serene Prince, who, expect your Magnificence will be obliged I think, should have it printed, and so your to await our coming, which necessarily can- Magnificence will have a perfect copy of it." II * i, MUM. f:ac ins: ,-r" . scares jt - ! .at ^. it lit? MijijK it ^rfftif *,."* 3Ti. Zlf "__ ______ "T- -^_- "VJr^r JJC 3SOJK" JH T"^ *. nssBsnix 3^~ Tr...rr_^.- -^i" rmt . sux ^ i_ : . j-rr rmrrr or ~ry ^p - - ic~-. I rn - Bibliotheca Americana. rESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: per regent ^ortugalliellprilrem inuenta. || Then two woodcuts : one representing four naked savages, the other, five vessels. Verso of the first leaf: L itingmannus ^i)ileJuis, &. i, fuo Eejjatt g>. p. tr. || of the second leaf: H He terra fufc cartrine Entarettco per regem tugallte pri- 1| trem inuenta, W. Kingmanni iefij barmen. 1 1 Verso of the second leaf: rentiu On the recto of the last leaf a certificate from a papal notary, fol lowed by : Emprettum Argentine per J&ati)iam fjupfuff . M. V e V. ||* * J|S * Sm. 410, six leaves. (Private Librar., New York, Providence, and Washington city.) * Anglice : Concerning the Antarctic Antarctic region formerly discovered by coast formerly discovered by the King of the King of Portugal. Master Ringman Portugal. Master Ringman Philesius to Philesius Poem. Printed at Strasburg James Bruno his friend. Concerning the by Matthias Hupfuff, 1505. 84 Bibliotheca Americana. I CO C Direct reference: f PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vi, page 33. Bibliotheca Grcn-vi/iiana, page 766. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part vi, No. 3849. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 6, No. 12. TERNAUX, No. 7. Raetzel Catalogue, No. 1158. Crowninshield Catalogue, No. 1071. Notes on Columbus, I, page 31. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1155. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS) Recto of the first leaf: $iw ben nftme 3*" fttle nub (nnbeit fo ^ $nt#id)en erfnnben f^ut kn ffuttfl Don ^ortuptt. || Then the same woodcuts as in No. 39, and on the verso two wood cuts : the one above representing two men looking with astonish ment at a mermaid ; the other, the King (probably) greeting Ves pucci upon his return. Recto of the second leaf: fafjt rtl ()ci!^ tin rjute Ittutetia )>etri be tttebicl^. of the last leaf: 1[ efrtttft p @trapit?g in bem funff^e Then woodcut of the King receiving Vespuccius. ** Sm. 410, eight leaves, in a demi-cursive German type ; signa tures A and B in fours ; thirty-two lines in a full page. No water-mark. (Private Library, New York.) * Anglic e : Concerning the new islands New World. Alberic Vespotius sends his and countries which have lately been dis- respects to Laurent Peter de Medicis. covered by the King of Portugal in the Printed at Strasburg in the year 1506. Bibliotheca Americana. 85 Direct references: f TERNAUX, No. 8. I COO. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1155. __^_^_^ ROULIN, in HUMBOLDT S Examen Critique, Vol. v, page 7, note. Kloss Catalogue, page 310, No. 4354. Notts on Columbus, J, page 32. 4.1. VESPUCCIUS (4MERicus)"Von den newen Infulen und Landen so yttz kurtzlichen erfundenn seynd durch den kunigk von Portigal, curious woodcut in the title 1 . This EXCESSIVELY RARE TRACT consists of only six leaves. <f Leypjick durch Baccalarium Martinum Landejfbergt, 1506." (Bibliotheca Heberiana 9 .) Direct references: { a Part vi, No. 3846. RICH, No. I. NAVARRETE, Coleccion, Vol. m, page 187. HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. iv, page 1 60. Li-vres Curicux, No. 115. BERGOMAS (JAC. PHIL.) Recto of the first leaf : j^outfftmeijtftciriarttliomniu repercufHSe^: noui| ter a <Keuerentritttmo patre Jacoto pijiiipll gomenfe ortrinis Ifyeumitwcut II etrite : pe ttuntum fupple || mentt Otronicarfi nuncupan II tut jFnctptentro at) exar II trio mutri bfqp in &n II nu S>alu= tis nostxe. II iilccccc bi 11 (Eutn gratia r ^riuilegio. || Then a coat of arms, surmounted by a cardinal s hat. Colophon : IT J&zplicit Supplementum Suppleti icarum 3iiii||gettter iEt Accurate Keuifum OTorrectu. Uene||tii8 imprettum pete $p ttnpen fa (Beorgii tre Mu-||fconituj3 Enno a 1 BRUNET, " Alice la marque de rimprimcur," Vol. v, col. 1156. 86 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 506. OTfmftl M> li .11 bi. Me Hit J&ait : ^egnante nat- II fco Hobetmtui Uenetia- 1| rum * 5K * Folio, thirteen unnumbered leaves, then numbered leaves from 4 to 449. Many woodcuts. (Private Library, New York and Providence.) Many of the historians of the fifteenth century were mere chroniclers, who kept a historical register of events in the order of time, beginning a mundi incunabu- liSj and ending with the year when the manuscript was intrusted to the printer. Every two or three years, ad ditions were made and new editions published under the name of the author who had given celebrity to the work, even after he was dead and buried within the walls of the monastery, which had often been his only sphere of action and personal influence. The present chronicle is one of that character. Its author, James Philip Foresti or Bergomas, was born either at Soldio (Niceron 1 ), or at Bergamo (Bayle*, and himself: Bergamum ciuitas nostra : unde mihl origo est], hence his name, in 1423 (E/ssius*), or in 1434 (Nicer on] ; and died in 1518 (Boyle, Elssius and Meusel 4 ), or in 1^20 (Niceron or Donato Calvi\ whom Niceron seems to have copied in his notice of Foresti). He was of a noble family, and abandoned the world to become a monk of the Augustine order. " Tritheme a parle de lui comme d un tres celebre Historiographe." (Sallengre 6 .) * Anglk e : The latest reflections of all * Memoires pour ser-vir a rhistoire da history, lately published by the most rever- hommes illustres, Vol. xvn, page 223. end Father James Philip of Bergamo, of 3 Dict:onnaire,Vo\. i, page 534. the order of the Hermits, called the Sup- 3 Encomiasticon Auguitinian, in Cle- plement s Supplement to the Chronicles, ment s Bibliotheque Curieuse, Vol. in, from the creation of the world to the year pages 174-181. of our Redemption, 1 506, with Grace and 4 Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. I, Part I, Privilege. page 96. Carefully revised and corrected. Ven- 6 Scena Lett, de gli Scritt. Bergam, (Ber- ice, printed at the expense, and by the care gamo, 1664, 4to), Part I, page 196, apud of Georges de Ruscon, A. D. 1506, May Clement. 4th, under the reign of Leonard de Love- 6 Memoires de Litterature, Vol. I, pages dano, Prince of Venice. 166-171. Bibliotheca Americana. 87 The first edition of the Supplementum chronicarum is of Venice, folio, 1483 ; which, with additions, was fre- quently reprinted as late as 1547, and in Italian to the year 1581. It is entitled to a place in the Bibliotheca Americana on account of the chapter De quatuor per- maximis insulis in india extra orbem nuper invenfis 7 , which, like the passages in the Enneades of Sabellicus and the Commentary of MafFei of Volterra, his most intimate friend, acquires a peculiar interest from the fact that it preceded the publication of Peter Martyr s Decades. Maittaire 8 and Panzer 9 give editions of 1483, 1484, and " non castratum," 1485 ; Clement cites one of 1486, and Denis 10 another of 1492 (before us) to which Du Fres- noy and Niceron erroneously ascribe the date of 1493. The Kloss" and Butsch Catalogues add to the list : " Supplementum supplement! chronicarum ab exordio mundi usque in anno 1502, libri xvi, cum multis figg. ligno incisis. " Venetiis Albert, de Lissona, 1503, folio" which is the first edition containing the chapter relat ing to Columbus and his voyages. There is a Nuremberg reprint of 1506. Direct references: f Bibl. Hist. Struvio-Buder., Vol. i, page 123, PANZER, Annahs Typogr., Vol. vm, page 382. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Histories, Vol. i, page 97. Bibliotheca Grcn-villiana, Part n, Append., page 450. Biblioth. Bro-wniana, No. 14. 7 In the present copy it is on the verso 10 Supplement, page 302. ofleaf44o. ll London, 1835, page 49, No. 668. To 8 Annales Typogr., Vol. i (that which all of which we add: GESNER, Bibliotheca, bears the date of 1733, and constitutes page 17; Bibliotheca Thott., Vol. VH, page Parts i and a of Vol. iv of that erudite 1085 Vossius, de Histor. Lat., page 662; but chaotic compilation), pages 442, 458, FABRICIUS, Bibl. Lat. Med., B. ix, p. 38 j 469, 479, 519, 548. ENGEL, Bibl. Select., Part i, page 15; HAIN, 9 Annales, Vol. i, p. 247, Vol. ill, pp. Repertor., Nos. 1805, sy. ; Catal. Biblioth. 232, 280, 288, 320, 482, Vol. vm, pp. Buna-v., Vol. n, page 1735 BRUNET, Vol. 364, 382. i, col. 7875 GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 341. 88 Bibliotheca Americana. 1500. ^_g. MAFFEI OF VOLTERRA " Commentariorum urban- = orum Libri xxxviu. "Roma:, J. Beficken [?], 1506, folio." (Biographit Uni-verselle and EBERT .) Raphael Maffei, MafFeus Volaterranus, or Rafaello Volterrano, born at Volterra in 1451, died, 1521 (MeuseF, Blount*) or 1522 (Tiraboschfi), at Rome. " Raphael de Polterre avait deja dedie a ce grand pontife [Julius III, ses Commentaires Urbains, sorte d encyclopedie contemporaine dont la geographic forme 1 element principal [the first twelve books], et ou les recentes decouvertes des Espagnols et des Portugais sont appreciees au point de vue du christianisme qui les avait inspirees. Apres avoir glorifie le passage aux Indes par le cap de Bonne-Esperance, et les navigations vers les iles de 1 occident, qui n avaient point encore re9u le nom immerite d Americ Vespuce, 1 auteur depeint les peuples nou- veaux, dont les mceurs etranges ne le surprennent pas moins que leurs richesses. Qui le croirait, s ecrie-t-il, ils ont entendu la voix des apotres, eux qui ne connurent pourtant des Macedoniens ou des Remains, ni les armes ni meme le nom." (THOMASSY 6 .) The passage referred to by Mr. Thomassy in his in teresting pamphlet is in the last section of Book xn, "Loca nuper reperta," and begins in these words : <c Huius itaque laudis aemuli nautas Hispani, qui sub Ferdinandi regis auspicijs agunt, duce Christophoro Columbo, anno MCCCCXCI, a Gadibus soluentes." The above may not be the exact title of the edition of 1506, as the latter seems to be a collection of all of Maffei s works. Direct references: ( * Dictionary, No. 13007. 11 Biblioth. Histor., Vol. I, Part I, page 281. 3 Censura celeb, auct., page 369. 4 Storia della Let. Ital. Vol. vii, page II. * Les Papes Geographes, page 2z. 8 Vossius, De Histor. Latin., Lib. in, cap. xil, page 672. BAILLET, Jugements, Vol. II, page 135, FREHERUS, TAeatrum, Part iv, page 1438. FABRICIUS, Bibliogr. Antiq., page 609 ; and Bibl. Latin. Mcd., Vol. VI, page 142. Govio, Degli huomi famos. t (1558), page 233. MAGIRUS, Eponymologium Criticum, page 800. SAXIUS, Onomaaicon, Part in, page I. Bibliotheca Americana. 89 .. fESPUCCIUS & HYLACOMYLUS Recto of the first leaf: I COSMOGRAPHIAE INTRODVC- TIO, &c., cum iv Americi Vefpucij navig. Recto of Aii: " Divo Maximiliano C&fari au- \\gufto Martinus iliaco-\\ milius Foelicita- || tern optat. ||" * * * 410. This is the Eyries copy, now in a private library of Lyons. We have failed to secure a collation of this raris- sime edition ; but the Mazarine Library contains a specimen which, as far as it goes, is identical with the Eyries. M. D Avezac informs us that in the Mazarine copy, the signa tures read: A and B in sixes, C and D in fours (it lacks the remaining leaves) ; and that the title-page, together with Ringmann s ten lines of verse on the verso, and the dedication on the recto of Aii in the name of " ILACOMILVS" (which, in this No. 44, we copy literally from Brunei), are precisely like our No. 47. IDEM OPUS Recto of the first leaf: COSMOGRAPHIAE INTRODVC- TIO/ || CVM QVIBVSDAM || GEOME- TRIAE||AC||ASTRONO||MIAE PRIN- CIPI1S || AD EAM REM NECESSA- R1IS || Infuper quatuor Americi Ve- || fpucij nauigationes. Vniuerfalis Cbofmo- graphiae \sic\ defcriptio || tarn in folido qpplano/ eis etiam || infertis que^ Ptholomeo || ignota a nuperis || reperta || funt. || DISTI CH ON || Cum deus aftra regat/ & terrae climata Caefar || Nee tellus nee eis fydera maius habent. || 12 90 Bibliotheca Americana. I C O 7 First four lines on the verso of the title : = DIVO MAXIMILIANO CAESARI SEM-||PER AVGVSTO GYNNASIVM [V] VOS||AGENSE NON RVDIBVS IN DO || CTISVE ARTIVM HVMANI ||* In fine, encircling a printer s mark, containing the initials S. D. |j G. L. || N. L. || M. I. (the latter interlaced) : Vrbs Deodate tuo clarefcens nomine praeful || Qua Vogefi. mentis funt iuga pref- iit opus || Preffit/ & ipfa eade Chrifto mo- nimeta fauete || Tempore venture caetera multa premet. || Finitu. vij. kl . Maij || An no fupra fefqui Millefium. vij. ||f * * * 410 ; signature A in six, B in four, a in eight (+two for rnap- pemund, so called), b, c and d also in eights, e in four, f in six ; title one leaf; then from A ij to the double leaf or map, so called, and which we count as one, ten unnumbered leaves, making, with the title-page, eleven ; then from a to fiiij, forty leaves, followed by two more without signatures, with the colophon on the recto of the last, the verso being blank. Text in Roman characters; twenty-seven lines in a full page; description of the map in twelve lines in Roman type. (Private Libr., New York, Owl s Head and Providence.) * Anglict : Introduction to Cosmog- f Sic fro : " Praesul Deodate ! urbs cla- raphy, together, with some principles of rescens tuo nomine qua sunt iuga montis Geometry and Astronomy necessary to the Vogesi, pressit [hoc] opus ; et ipsa eadem purpose. Also four navigations of Ameri- Christo favente monimenta;| tempore ven- cus Vespucius. A description of universal turo premet catera multa." Cosmography, both stereometrical and planometrical, together with what was } These "M/^" are another work by Hy- unknown to Ptolemy, and has been recently lacomylus, as appears from the following passage discovered. DlSTICH. Neither the earth in the dedication of the Instruct manuducthncm nor the stars possess anything greater than S <^^%Lv^l, died God and Caesar, as God rules the stars and in 1508] . . . laboris nostri monimenta sibi oblata Caesar the climes of the earth. a t>is susceperet." Bibliotheca Americana. 91 4.6. VESPUCCIUS & HYLACOMYLUS Recto of the first leaf: COSMOGRAPHIAE || INTRODVC- TIO || CVM QVIBVS || DAM GEOME-II TRIAE||AC||ASTRONO||MIAE PRIN- CIPIIS AD||EAM REM NECESSARIIS|| Infuper quattuor Americi || Vefpucij naui- gationes. || Vniuerfalis Cofmographiae de- fcriptio tarn |] in folido qjplano/ eis etiam infertis || quae Ptholom^o ignota a nu || peris reperta funt. || DISTHYCON || Cum deus aftra regat/ & terrae climata Caefar || Nee tellus/ nee eis fydera maius habent. || First four lines of tbe verso of the title : DIVO MAXIMILIANO CAESARI SEM || PER AV- GVSTO GYMNASIVM || VOSAGENSE NON RVDI- BVS || INDOCTISVE ARTIVM HV || In fine (encircling the printer s mark) : Vrbs Deodate tuo clarefcens nomine praeful || Qua Vogefi mentis funt iuga pref- fit opus || Preflit/ & ipfa eade Chrifto mo- nimeta fauete || Tempore venture caetera multa premet. || Finitu. iiij. kl . Septe || bris Anno fupra fes || quimillefimu. vij. || *,* 410; signatures A and B in sixes, C in four (4- two f or map- pemund) D in four, with verso of the last blank, A (again) in eight, b and c in fours, d in eight, e and f in fours ; fifty-two unnumbered leaves ; map, the explanation on the back of which is in fifteen lines. The Dedication to the King of Jerusalem is on the recto of A ii in the part containing fes- puccius 1 Voyages. In the second May edition this Dedication is on the -verso of b iii in the first part. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) 9 2 Bibliotheca Americana. I CO7. 47. rzspuccius & HYLACOMYLU& Recto of the first leaf: COSMOGRAPHIAE INTRODV- CTIO/ CVM QVIBVS DAM GEOME TRIAE AC ASTRONO MIAE PRINCIPIIS AD EAM REM NECESSARIIS. Infuper quatuor Americi Ve- fpucij nauigationes. Vniverfalis Cofmographi^ defcriptio tarn in folido eg piano/ eis etiam infertis qu^ Ptholom^o ignota a nuperis reperta funt. DISTI CHON. Cum deus aftra regat/ & terrae climata Caefar Nee tellus nee eis fydera maius habent. Bibliotheca Americana. 93 Verso of the title-page: MAXIMILIANO CAESARI AVGVSTO PHILESIVS VOGESIGENA. Cum tua lit vaftum Maieftas facra per orbem Caefar in extremis Maximiliane plagis Qua fol Eois rutilum caput extulit vndis/ A teg freta Herculeo nomine nota petit: Quacg dies medius flagranti fydere feruet/ Congelat & Septem terga marina Trio: Aciubeas regu magnorum maxime princeps Mitia ad arbitrium iura fubire tuum Hinc tibi deuota generale hoc mente dicauit Qui mira praefens arte parauit opus. o TeX,o<J. First four lines of the recto of Aij : DIVO MAXIMILIANO CAESARI AV GVSTO MARTINVS ILACO MILVS FOELICITA TEM OPTAT. Colophon precisely like No. 46. * 5lc * 41:0 ; signatures exactly as in No. 46. The explanation on the back of the mappemund in fifteen lines ; the head line on the verso of Aiij, reads SPHERHAE MATE, instead of GEOMETRIAE, as in No. 45. (Private Library, New York.) 94 Bibliotheca Americana. But for this little work the Western Hemisphere might have been called "The Land of the Holy Cross," or "Atlantis," or "Hesperides," or "Iberica," or " Co lumbia," or "New India," or "The Indies," as it is designated officially in Spain to this day. The idea of calling the newly discovered world America originated with the compiler of the work before us, one Martin Waltzmuller or Waldsee-muller, a native of Freiburg, * O^ who held a professorship in the gymnasium of St. Die, in Lorraine (and not in Lower Hungary, as Navarrete supposed 1 ). Following the custom of the scholars of those days, he grecized his name into Hylacomylus, under which he is now generally known. The sugges tion to which we owe our national name, and which seems to be an inexhaustible source of abuse and asper sions, bespattering the reputation of a man justly and universally respected to the last day of his life, will be found in No. 45, on the verso of the fifteenth leaf (which is the first after a-iiij and the map), and is as follows : NUC to & h^ partes funt lathis luftratae/ & alia || quarta pars per Americu Vefputiu (vt in fequenti || bus audietur) inuenta eft/ qua non video cur quis || iure vetet ab Americo inuentore fagacis ingenij vi || ro Amerigen quafi Americi terra/ flue Amer- icam || dicenda : cu & Europa & Alia a mulieribus fua for || tita fint nomina.* It is followed by the word "America," in the margin. * Viz. : " But now that those parts have Americus, a man of sagacious mind, since been more extensively examined and an- both Europe and Asia took their names other fourth part has been discovered by from women." Americus (as will be seen in the sequel), " Ex offido di-vi Deodati, que corre- I do not see why we should rightly refuse sponde hoy a Tata 6 Dolis, ciudad situada to name it America, namely, the land of en la Hungria inferior" Cotcccion, Vol. Americus or America, after its discoverer, in, p. 183. Bibliotheca Americana. 95 The popularity of Hylacomylus Cosmographia was such in Central Europe that his proposition was immediately acted upon. As a consequence, we find in Gaultier Ludd s Speculum Orbis (No. 49), written in the same year, the credit of having discovered the Western Hem isphere ascribed solely to Vespuccius, while an anony mous Globus mundi, published by the same printer in 1509 (No. 61), boldly calls the new world America^ which figures under this name for the first time in maps 2 eight or ten years after Vespuccius had been in his then honored grave. Well may we say with Humboldt 3 that : "c est un homme obscur, qui allait manger du raisin en Lorraine, qui a invente le nom d Amerique, qu Appien [the designer of the map inserted in Gamers Solinus], Vadianus et Gamers ont repandu depuis par Strasbourg, Fribourg et Vienne." Although this important fact is now generally known through the praiseworthy efforts of Humboldt 4 , who took it at heart to vindicate the calumniated Florentine, Foscarini 5 and Bandini 6 were the authors who first called the attention of critics to that interesting passage in the Cosmographia. It is also in the volume before us that the reader will find the first collection of Vespuccius voyages, which we quote in No. 22, under the name of Hylacomylus. " Quoiqu il en soit, 1 auteur de cette Cosmographie a fait plus que de dormer a 1 Amerique le nom qu elle porte aujourd hui, car on voit, par differents endroits de son ouvrage, que deja au commencement de 1507 il avait prepare des mappemondes comprenant ce qu on con- naissait alors de 1 Amerique. Totius orbis typu tarn in solido piano .... paraq erimus (Cosmograpbite, i e edit. feuilletAij rec to) .... Si te modi umonuerimus prius, nos in depingendis tabulis typi generalis no omnimodo sequatos esse Ptholomeu, praesertim circa novas terras vbi in cartis marinis aliter animadvertimus u equatorem costitui q Ptholomeus fecerit (ibid, feuillet b. recto). L auteur donne a Inserted in two editions of Solinus, * Examcn Critique, Vol. iv, p. 33; Cos- Vienna and Cologne, fol. 1520. See infra, mos, Vol. n, p. 676, note. 3 Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic, 6 Del. Letterat. Veneziana, p. 432, note. for December, 1835, p. 411. * Vita, Introduction, p. LVI. g 6 Bibliotheca Americana. I CO7 de plus grands details encore dans 1 inscription placee au recto de la _____^_ planche qu on appele mappemonde et qui ne contenant absolument ~~ rien de geographique, n a rien de commun avec les mappemondes geo- graphiques que 1 auteur avait preparees, et dont il parle. En effet au verso de cette mappemonde qu on voit dans les deux editions, verso qui pour le dire en passant contient 12 lignes dans 1 edition vn Kal. Maij [the above] et 15 lignes dans la reimpression iiij Kl. Septe- bris [No. 46] bien que les inscriptions soient les memes dans les deux editions, (nous indiquons cette difference qui pourra servir a recon- naitre si 1 on n a pas interpole la mappemonde d une edition dans 1 edition a laquelle elle n appartient pas) 1 auteur explique comment dans la veritable mappemonde qu il avait preparee, il avait distingue par des signes speciaux les quatre parties de la terre, savoir : L Europe par des aigles romaines, 1 Afrique et une partie de 1 Asie par des crois sants . . . . Deniq in quartam terre parte per inclytos Castilie et Lusitanix reges repertam eorundem ipsorum insignia posuimus. On voit done que c est avant 1 edition de Ptolemee, publiee avec le supple ment Marci Beneventani \infra\, que 1 auteur de cette Cosmograpbia avait prepare une mappemonde contenant ce qu on connaissait alors de 1 Amerique. Cette mappemonde a-t-elle paru separement en 1507 ou bien, 1 auteur ne l a-t-il publiee qu apres ? c est la, une question que des recherches ulterieures dirigees specialement vers ce point pourront peut-etre eclaircir. "C est dans cette edition que les quatre navigations d Americ Ves- puce ont paru pour la premiere fois [together] en latin. Ceux qui se sont occupes de 1 histoire de la geographic savent, que la relation du troisieme voyage de Vespuce fait en 1501, qui se trouve a la suite de cette Cosmograpbie offre une redaction totalement diff erente de celle que Vespuce a donnee dans la lettre a Laurent de Medicis, publiee sous le litre de Mundus Novus de Ora Antartica 1 , &c. Celle qu on voit dans la Cosmograpbia est adressee au due de Lorraine (qu on appelait le roi de Sicile) et elle offre une tres grande analogic avec celle qui a ete publiee comme etant adressee a Soderini. On sait du reste, que dans differentes editions de ces lettres on trouve des dates differentes " (LlBRJ 8 .) We cite four copies of this work : two dated of the calends of May (April 25th), 1 507, and two of the calends of September (August 29th) of the same year. All four differ in their typographical arrangements, but not in the text, either of the Cosmographiae Introductio, which 7 It is the first duplicate, see supra, p. 63. 8 Catalogue of 1862 (?), p. 15. Bibliotheca Americana. 96* forms the first part of the work, or of the relation of I CO7. the four voyages of Vespuccius, which constitutes the second part. The variations are chiefly in the text of the dedications, and in the omission in Nos. 45 and 46 of Ringmann s ten lines of verse, which in these are replaced by a short text in prose and four lines in verse, totally different. No. 44 we have never seen, but Nos. 45, 46 and 47, we describe de visu. It is extremely difficult to give with certainty the chronology of these four issues ; but thanks to the corrections sent us by M. D Avezac, we are enabled to set forth a very plausible arrangement. No. 44 must be considered the first edition. The reader will notice that in this, the dedication to the Emperor is in the name of " MARTINVS ILACOMILVS," while in No. 45, it is inscribed by the <c GYMNASIVM VOSAGENSE." Now in the Margarita of Strasburg, 1513 , there is a letter addressed to Ringmann or Phi- lesius, in which Hylacomylus complains bitterly of cer tain parties who profited of his absence to arrogate to themselves the merit of having composed the Cosmo- graphia. This charge implies the existence of a previous edition by Hylacomylus ; and the distich which con cludes the verses addressed by Ringmann to the Em peror 10 , may be interpreted as indicating that No. 44 is the first edition ; which, as we have already stated, bears the name of Hylacomylus. 9 " Ce passage se lit dans la Margarita nomen Sancto Deodato) ubi, ut nosti, meo philosophica edition de Strasbourg, 1513, potissimum ductu et labore (licet plerique intercalle entre le 6" et le 7" livre (la alii falso sibi passim ascribant) Cosmo- pagination manque). II ne se trouve pas graphiam non sine gloria et laude per orbem dans 1 edition de Bale de la meme annee ni disseminatam nuper (c etait en 1507) corn- dans aucune des nombreuses editions subse- posuimus, depinximus et impressimus . . ." quentes que j ai pu examiner dans les dif- HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. iv, p. ferentes bibliotheques d Allemagne. Cum 113, note. his diebus Bachanalibus solatii causa, qui 10 " Hinc tibi devota generale hoc mente mihi mos est, in Germaniam venissem e dica-vit Gallia, seu potius ex Vogesi oppido (cui Qui mnzfrtesens arte faravit of us." 1 2 bis. q6 b Bibliotheca Americana. ICO7. The edition published in his absence is evidently . No. 45, as it is in this that we first find the substitution complained of by Hylacomylus. No. 46 is a reprint of 45, but with a different arrangement, and dated Sep tember instead of May in the colophon. No. 47 is un questionably a copy composed of two different editions, viz. : No. 44 for the Cosmographta, and No. 46 for Vespuccius Voyages. The signatures of the first part agree perfectly with the Mazarine-Eyries copy ; and not only the signatures of the second part tally with No. 46, but the blur on b iij is found in both. The colophons in Nos. 46 and 47 are also identical, as re gards the date and typography. There may be in existence copies formed with parts taken from Nos. 44, 45 and 46, and differing still more from No. 47". Concerning Hylacomylus, all we can add is that "Mar- finus Waltze-muller de Friburgo Const antiensis dyoecesis, a ete inscrit comme etudiant sous le rectorat de Conrad Knoll de Griiningen, le 7 decembre 1490, . . . et qu il avait etabli peu avant 1507 (nuper) une librairie (libra- 11 The Cosmographiae Introductio justly The September copy, sold the year before, ranks among the rarest books pertaining by Tross,^[ yielded 280 francs. How dif- to an American library, but it is not as ferent these prices are from those paid scarce as a good many works of equal im- sixty years ago. The Lomenie de Brienne portance, such, for instance, as the Epistles copy** commanded only four francs ; and of Columbus and Vespuccius. We pos- when it was again brought under the ham- sess in this country, three copies of the mer at the Meon sale, in i8o3,-j"j- to ob- second May edition (No. 45), three of the tain six francs, the auctioneer was obliged first September (No. 46), and what might to add it to some other work. The Eyries be termed an amalgamated copy (No, 47). copy, which is the first and rarest of all In Paris, we know only of the incomplete the editions, was picked up at a book-stall, first May in the Mazarine Library. The in Paris, by M. Eyries himself, and bought British Museum possesses in the Grenville for twenty cents. collection either a May or a September. The copy described by Humboldt,* and * Examen Critiqul ^ Vol< IV> p JOQj B(/f- which seems to be the identical one still ) he. <//., p. 104. preserved in the Royal Library at Berlin,f J Tromel, Biklioth. Amiricaine, p. 119. is the second May. The edition sold in f SSSSSftSS^ .858, Nos. lOOI, by Brockhaus, for Thlr. 50,^ was 347 & 348. the first September. That advertised a IT Catalogue for 1857. few months since at Berlin | and pur- ft gS5 J J^ B& 3gi J* SJ chased the same day for Thlr. 60, was a " avec cette singuliere indication," Brunei says, May. From the description we are unable in his valuable Manuel: " Francofurti Deodati, to ascertain the precise kind of the Butsch l^ff^mffgZZZ Z copies, II one of which brought 101 norms, primeur." Bibliotheca Americana. 96 riam offidnam) a Saint-Die 11 ." In the Ptolemy of 1552 1 507* he is mentioned by Laurent Phrysius as the " late" de- ---.-. signer of the maps contained in that valuable edition. Matthew Ringmann or Philesius was a poet and scholar, born at Schlettstadt, towards the year 1482. He became a professor in the Gymnasium of the Vos- ges, and died in 15 n 14 . Walter Ludd is mentioned in connection with the work, on the assumption that the initials G. L. in the col ophon are intended for his name. He is even believed to have been the first printer in St. Die. Ludd may have introduced printing in that town, just as Mr. Glover established the first press in Cambridge, but the reader will see from our No. 49 that he was Secretary to the Duke of Lorraine, and a dignitary of the Church. As to the prince to whom the work is dedicated, it is Rene II, called King of Sicily and Jerusalem, the hero, we believe, of the battle of Morat, and who died in I5o8 15 . Lelewel says 16 that " encourageant 1 etude de la geographic, il faisait graver a ses frais les cartes mo- dernes qui devaient accompagner Ptolemee." Direct references : f PANZER, Annalcs Typographic}, Vol. vi, page 490. SCHEIBEL, Astronomische Bibliographic, Vol. I, page 63. Bibliotheca Grcn-villiana, page 765. Bibliotheea Hcbcriana, Part vi, Nos. 147 and 3847 ; Part vn, No. 6409. HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. iv, pages 33 and 100, note. BEAUPRE, Rechcrches sur le commencement de flmprimerie en Lor raine (Nancy, 8vo, 1845), page 67. TROMEL, Bibliothequc Am ericaine, No. I. Historical Nuggets, Nos. Z74 and 2745. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 280. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 316 (fac-simile of the printer s mark). Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. vn, page 219; EBERT, Vol. iv, No. 23544,- Hibbert Catalogue, page 129, No. 2266: and TER- NAUX, No. 10, one of the four, but we cannot ascertain from the description whether it is the May or September issue. 18 HUMBOLDT, Examen Critiquc,Vo\.iv, " ROTERMUND, Fortsetzung xu Jockeys p. 105, sa. Gelehrten-Lexicon, art. Ringmann. 18 . . " has tabulas e novo a Martino Ila- 16 Art de Virif. les Dates,Vo\. xin, p. 410. comylo pie defuncto." Lib. vm, cap. u. 18 Geogr. du Moyen-Age,Vo\. n, p. 143. q6 d Bibliotheca Americana. CQ7. 4-8. MONTALBODDO (FRAC. DA) Recto of the first leaf: Then, in a scroll, encircling a sphere, and covering the entire page,. the words, printed in red, and irregularly, owing to the folds of the scroll : Colophon : If Stampato in Vicentia cu la impenfa de Mgro || Henrico Vicentino : & diligente cura & indu || ftria de Zamaria fuo fiol nel M.cccccvii. a || di iii. de Nouembre. cum gratia & || priuilegio.* *x* Sm. 410, six preliminary leaves + one hundred and twenty unnumbered leaves, the last blank ; twenty-eight lines in a full page. Text in Roman. Some copies present slight vari ations in the register. (Private Library, New York and Providence.) " Son merite intrinseque est grand, parce qu a 1 exception de celle de Milan, 1508 [No. 55] toutes les autres editions et traductions ont eprouve, dans plusieurs endroits du texte, des alterations sensibles, et pour des causes particulieres." [?] (CHARLES NODIER*.) " Le veritable compilateur (raccoglitore} de ce curieux et important Recueil de Vicence n est, comme on 1 a cru long-temps, ni Montal- boddo Fracanzano de Vicence, ni Fracanzio da Montalboddo, c est- a-dire natif de Monte-Alboddo, dans la Marche d Ancone, professeur de belles-lettres a Vicence ; mais (selon 1 ingenieuse observation du comte Baldelli) Alessandro Zorzi, habile cosmographe et dessinateur de cartes a Venise." (HuMBOLDT*.) * Anglice : Countries newly discovered, son, November 3d, 1507. With permis- and the New World of Alberico Vesputio, sion and privilege. called the Florentine. Printed in Vicenza, * Catalogue of 1844, Part i, No. 1042. at the cost of Master Henrico Vicentino, * Examcn Critique, Vol. iv, p. 80 ; but and by the care and skill of Zamaria, his see infra, p. 469, sq. Bibliotheca Americana. 97 The opinion that Zorzi was actually the compiler of I this work is based upon a manuscript note in the Ma- gliabechi copy, stating that Bartholomew Columbus (who visited Rome in 1505) made a present of the account of his brother s first voyage (probably the De Insu/is of 1493), with a map of his earliest discoveries, to a canon of St. John of Latran, and that the latter gave it after wards, while in Venice, to Alexander Zorzi, " suo amico e compilatore della raccolta." The contents of this rarissime work are as follows : LIBRO PRIMO. ([ In comenza el libro de la prima Nauigatione per loc- ceano a le terre de Nigri de la Bajfa Ethiopia per com- andamento del Illufl. Signor Infante Don Hurich fratelk de Don Dourth Re de Portogallo. This first book, which extends from cap. i to cap. XLVII, contains the voyage of Aloysius or Lewis da Ca da Mosto to the Cape Verde and Senegal (August 8th, 1454, to June, 1455)." LIBRO SECUNDO. (I De la Nauigatione de Lifbona a Callichut de lengua Portogalleje intaliana. It contains, from cap. XLVIII to cap. L, the voyage of Piero d Sinzia (Peter de Cintra) to Senegal, in 1462, written by Ca da Mosto as it fell from the lips of Cintra s secretary. From cap. LI to cap. LXI, the first voyage of Vasco da Gama 4 (July 8th, 1497, to July loth, 1500); and that of Pedro Alvarez Cabral (March gth, 1500, to July, 1501). * ZURLA, Dei Viaggi e delle Scoferte * CASTANHEDA, Hist, do Descobr. e Con- Africant di Ca da Mosto; Venice, 8vo, quista da India; Coimbra, 410, 1551, and 1815. FARIA Y r SOUZA, Asia Portugueza; Lisb., KULB, Geschichte der Entdckungsrciscn ; fol. 1666. CAMOENS, os Lusiadas ; Lis- Mentz, 8vo, 1841. bon, 410, 1572,. DENIS, Portugal; Paris, SPRENGEL, Geschichte der wichtigsten 8vo, 1846. K. DE KLOGUEN, Historic. Entdcckungcn ; Halle, izrno, 1792. Sketch of Goa ; Madras, 8vo, 1831. 13 9 8 Bibliotheca Americana. 1507. LIBRO TERTIO. d De la nauigatione de Lijbona a Caliehut (sic), de lengua Portogallefe in taliana. It contains, from cap. LXI to cap. LXXXIIII, the continuation of Ca- bral s voyage. LIBRO QUARTO. ([ In comenza la nauigatione del Re de Cafliglia dele IJole & Paefe nouamente retrouate. It contains, from cap. LXXXIIII to cap. cvm, the first three voyages of Columbus ; from cap. cvm to cap. cxi, the voyage of Alonso Negro (sic), and from cap. cxi to cap. cxini the voyage of the brothers Pinzon. LIBRO QUINTO. ([ El Nouo Mondo de Lengue Spagnole interpretato in Idioma Ro. It contains, from cap. cxini to cap. cxxv, the duplicate of Vespuccius third voyage. LIBRO SEXTO. (T De le cofe da Caliehut coforme ala Nauigatide de Pedro A Hares nel. ii. & . Hi. libra leq le Je bano ueriffeme Perle Copie de alcune Lre Jecundo lor dene de li Millejfimi in queflo ultime racolte. It contains, Cap. cxxv : a chapter of a letter from Critico, the Por tuguese correspondent of the Signoria of Venice, concerning the voy age of Cabral, described in Book n. Cap. cxxvin (which comes immediately afterwards) : A letter concerning a treaty of peace be tween the Kings of Portugal and Calicut. Cap. xxvi : Letter of the Venetian embassador (" orafore"), Peter Pasquaglio, concerning Cas par Cortereal s first voyage (from the Spring of 1500, to October 8th, 1501). Cap. cxxvn : Letter of Francis de la Saita to Pasquaglio, concerning John de Nova s expedition (March 5th, 1501, to Septem ber nth, 1502) to the East Indies. Cap. cxxix, and cxxx : Account given by Joseph, the Indian (Camanor, a converted aborigene brought to Portugal by Cabral, and afterwards to Rome and Venice). Cap. CXXXI-CXLIII : Account of Carangonor and Calicut. Cap. CXLIII : Letter of the King of Portugal to Pope Julius II, concerning the Por tuguese navigations and discoveries in Asia. Bibliotheca Americana. 99 We have dwelt upon the contents of this work because it is the most important collection of voyages, and, in the absence of the Libretto of Vercellese 5 , now lost, the earliest. It has been frequently reprinted and translated, and serves to this day, in the Latin repertory of Gry- naeus, as a trustworthy and interesting source of infor mation. Direct reftrencet : f FOSCARINI, Letter atura Vcntxiana, pages 432-4. ZURLA, Di Marco Polo e degli altri viaggiatori f^eneaiani, Vol. II, page 109. BALDELLI, // Milione, Vol. I, page xxxn, note. TIRABOSCHI, Storia, Vol. vn, pages 213 and 246. CAMUS, Mimoire sur De Bry, page 342. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 764. Bibliotheca Broivntana, page 6, No. 15. Bibliotheca Hcbcriana, Part YII, No. 1146, and Part VI, No. 598, to the latter of which " was subjoined a very curious collection of Manuscript Papers (in Latin) containing Letters from Emma nuel, King of Portugal, to the Popes Julius Second and Leo X, and a copy of Americus Vesputius own account of part of his Voyages. Sir Mark Sykes copy." Hibbert Catalogue, page 93, No. 1631. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1156. Historical Nuggets, No. 2743. PANZER, Annalu Typogr., Vol. vm, page 563, Nos. 3 and 4 ( ? ) ; EBERT, Vol. I, No. 3139 ( ? ) ; and TERNAUX, No. 9, probably. 4. Q . L UDD ( WAL TER ) Recto of the first leaf: inclqjcms p*clara utia, tt (Canon- See supra, page 75, No. ioo Eibllotheca Americana. Then, encircling a diagram showing the planetary system : J^eltcts animae piiws ijaec cognofcere primumll Jn$ trotmis fuperas fcanfcere eura fuit. tra fignorum ofcitug fpeculamur et ortus. ritufcp parent triuerfte quatuora nnum i And at the bottom of the page : Mr atom. Colophon : tatlonfst in fpe- 1| culu orfcte p I (^i^e || rii Hutrtr 1 Otanonicii tuut||3Beoiratt Jlluftriffimi Henallti SolBmorutn ac gnriliae regi^ II ^* ^n:e tarium trigniffitnu || triltgenter patatum || et intruftria Joan- II nig (irunk gcri II Etgetift, im- II prettum || finis. II* * 5)c * Folio, four numbered leaves ; text in black letter ; diagrams on the verso of leaf n and on the recto of leaf in. The date, according to the dedication to Rene, on folio n, is 1507. On the verso of folio in are : l^etftCUli fcC mCOgnita t0tta, the last two lines of which read : j^eft qtr plura : fitfi, gentis moref^ reptg II Etnerz ici parua mole UWlus ijatet.llt (British Museum.) * Anglice : A most succinct but neither The End of the Exposition of the Mir- inaccurate nor inelegant Exposition and ror of y e World, most diligently prepared Canon of the Mirror of the World. by Walter Ludd, Canon of St. Die, most Happy the first who felt their spirits yearn worthy Secretary of Rene, the most Illus- To climb the Heavens and all their secrets trious King of Jerusalem and Sicily. Print- learn, ed by the pains of John Gruninger of Nor vain nor idle is our taste to scan Strasburg. How, moving ever through that upper } But hold, enough ! Of the American race, sphere, New found, the home, the manners here Stars rise and set, and how in Heaven s you trace high place By our small book set forth in little space. Four seasons rounding fill the equal year. * The reader who has access to CHEV- Dedicated to Rene, King of Sicily, &c. RIER, Memoires four ser-vir a fhht. des Bibliotheca Americana. 101 50. rESPuccius (AMERicus}-"VON DEN NEWEN I 5 Infulen vnd Landen fo yttz kurtzlichen erfundenn feynd durch den kiinigk Portigal. " Gedruckt zu Strajfburg in dem funfftzen hunderten und acht jar (1508). et prefente la meme vignette que 1 edi- tion de 1506" [No. 40]. (BRUNET 1 .) Direct references: f 1 Manuel, Vol. v, col. 1156. \ Li-vres curieux, No. 117 C I. STAMLER (JOHN) Within a very complicated woodcut : DYALOGVS IOHANNIS STAMLER AV- GVSTN . || DE DIVERSARVM GENCIVM SEC- TISHET MVNDI RELIGIONIBVS Colophon : ImprefTum Augufte : per Erhardum og- lin. & leorgiu Nadler Curallcorredione et diligentia venerabilis domini Wolfgang! Aittinger||pfpiteri Auguftefi. ac bonarum Artium zc. Magiftri Collonienf II Anno noftre falutis .1.50. & .8* die .22. menjRs May. zc.* hommes illustres de Lorraine} Bruxelles, which Joan Ludd filled when John and 8vo, 1754, or to CALMET, Notice de la Nicholas were Dukes of Lorraine. Lorraine ; Nancy, fol., 1756; may ascer- * Anglice : Dialogue by John Stamler, tain whether this Walter Ludd was not an Augustine [monk], on the sects of the son of the well-known historian Joan diverse nations and the religions of the Ludd, who had been Secretary to several World. dukes of Lorraine, before enjoying the per- Printed at Augsburg by Erhard Oglin sonal friendship of Rene II. M. Brunet and Georges Nadler, with the care, correc- calls him a printer, and considers the vig- tion and industry of the venerable Mas- nette in the above Number as his mark ; ter Wolfgang Aittinger, presbyter of the yet the colophon of the present Speculum Augustine order, and master of arts at shows that he held to Rene the office Cologne, A. D. 1508, May 2oth. IO2 Bibliotheca Americana. I jjOo. * * Folio, title + two preliminary leaves, -{- thirty-two numbered leaves, + an index of two leaves. The woodcut title by Hans Burgmaier is repeated on the reverse. (Private Librar., New York, Washington city, and Harvard Coll. Libr.) " An extremely rare and curious Drama described on the leaf fol lowing the title as " Dyalogus in modum comici dramatis formatus a J. Stamler de Tartarorum, Saracenorum, Turcorum, Judeorum et Gentilium Sectis et Religionibus ac eorundem Confutatione, &c. The letter from Stamler to Jacob Lorcher, dated 13 Kal. Junii 1506, is of the highest interest to American collectors, as he mentions by name Christopher Columbus and Albericus Vespucius as the dis coverers of the New World. The Drama has a marginal Commen tary, which is important not only to theologians as pointing out here sies, but also to the astronomer. Stamler seems to have been an enemy to judicial astrology." (LlBRI. 1 ) We give the passage for the purpose of enabling the reader to ascertain whether the above eulogium tallies with the facts. Verso of the second unnumbered leaf : De infulis aute inuentis mentione nulla facio : Sed Criftoferi Colom erunde inue- toris et Alberici Vefpucii de orbe moderno inuento (quibus etas noftra potiffimu de- bet) quos tibi prefentibus tratatulos mitto confpicias.-f Direct references : [ Bibliotheca TAottiana, Vol. vn, page 38 PANZER, Annalcs Tyfogr., Vol. vi, page 137. ZAPF, Annal. Typogr. Augustante, page 38. Libri Catalogue for 1861, No. 329. Bibliotheca Barloiviana, page 14. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 507, gives the title from the first prelimi nary leaf. Historical Nuggets, No. 2603. f Vi-z. : I do not make any mention of the Albericus Vespucius : On the discovery of newly discovered islands, but of Christopher the new world (to whom our age is chiefly Colom, the discoverer of a world, and of indebted) behold what treatise I send you. Eibliotheca Americana. 103 52. STAMLER (yo^)-DIALOGO || DI GIOVAN- 1508. NI||STAMLERNO &N \\guflenje de le Jette diuerje\\ genti^ e de le religio- 1| ni del mondo. || Colophon : Stampata in Vinegia per Giovanni Pa || douano, del mefe di Febrairo. || Page 2 : Toglie adunque pregati padre e precettore reuerendifjimo [Mattheo Gurgenfe], con animo placabile e gratiojo quefta fimplice e picciola noftra dedicatione : laquale fia memoria del tuo deditiffimo difcepolo a 20 di Agoflo. 1507. *.* 8vo, sine anno, one hundred and fifty-one pages, entirely printed in italics. (British Museum.) This is simply a translation into Italian of No. 51. Libri Catalogue, 1861, No. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 507. Direct references : ( Libri Catalogue, 1861, No. 329. I" r-7. BERGOMAS (JAC. PHIL.} " Supplementi de le Chro- niche vulgare nouamente dal frate Jacobo Philippo al anno 1503 vulgarizz., per Francefco C., Fiorentino. Vinegia, 1508, in-fol. " Contient aux feuillets 342 et 343 une relation de la decouverte de r Amerique par Ch. Colomb" (CRETAINE : ) As regards these Italian versions, Clement 2 gives one, Venice, folio, 1491, which he calls "la plus an- cienne;" but we find in Brunet another of 1488, Venice, fol., " Volgarizzato per me Francesco C. nella nobilissima 1 Catalogue, Paris, 1863, No. 73. a Biblioth. Curieuse, Vol. ill, p. 181. IO4 Bibliotheca Americana. I Co8t citta di Fiorenza questo anno 1488," which is followed in . Graesse 3 by what would be an earlier one still : ff Ven.^ Bern. Rizo de Novara, 1481. in-fol.," were it not iden tical with Clement s 1491 edition. We then find the above, which escaped the lynx eyes of Clement, Haym, Niceron, and Fabricius ; another, folio, Venice, 1 540*, and I553 5 ; ibid., 1554, 4to, and 1573, 2 vols. 4to ; and 1581, with additions borrowed from P. Jovius, Bembo, Carione, and Guazzo 5 . The first translation was made by one Francisco San- sovino, notwithstanding the initial C. in the Cretaine and Brunet titles. The additions in the Italian edition of 1540 were made by one Bernardo Bindoni. .. ALBERTINIS (FRANCIS DE)" De Mirabilibus novae & veteris Urbis Romas. Libri III. ex Edit. Andr. Fulvii Praeneftini, Romse. in 4to. Premiere Edition. (CLEMENT 7 .) The learned Hessian bibliographer gives this title on the authority of the Bibliotheca Menkeniana, page 196, and seems to disbelieve its authenticity. Panzer 8 calls the edition of 1510 (< Edifio prima." 55. ZORZI ALEXANDER) Paefi. nuouamente re- trouati. & Nouo Modo da Alberico Vef- putio Flo-||retino intitulato.|| Then woodcut filling the rest of the page, and representing the king seated on a throne and receiving Vespuccius. Colophon : CC Stampato in Milano con la impenfa de lo. lacobo & fratelli dallLignano: & dili- 8 Tresor, Vol, I, p. 341. * MOLINI, Aggiuntc,^- 239, and HAYM, 4 HAYM, Biblioth. Italiana, Vol. I, p. 52. loc. cit. 8 NICERON, Memoires four ser-vir a This- 7 Bibliothequc Curieusc, Vol. I, p. zao. toire da hommes illustres, Vol. XVII, p. 223. 8 Annales, Vol. Till, p. 249. Eibliotheca Americana. 105 gente cura & induftria di loanne Angelo 1508, fcinzen || zeler. M.ccccc vm. a di. xvn. di = Nouembre.*|| Then register and printer s mark. * 5 | C * Sm. 410, seventy-nine 1 unnumbered leaves ; text in Roman. (Private Library, New York, and Harv. Coll. Libr. In the latter the title is only a fac-simile.; Direct references : f Bibliotheca Grcn<villiana, page 764. NODIER, Description raisonnec } t3o. 1106. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1157. TERNAUX, No. 12 [?]. We have not yet succeeded in finding any traces of the Vicenza edition of 1508, mentioned in the Bibliothique Americaine (No. n), the Li-vres Curieux (No. 109). and the Manuel (Vol. v, col. 1158, on the authority of Payne and Foss catalogue for 1830, No. 3359). We think that in the latter MCCCCCVIII should read MCCCCCVII. I PTOLEMY-BENEVENTANUS Recto of the first leaf: N HOC OPERE||HAEC CONTI || NENTVR || GEographiae Cl. Ptolemaei a plurimi uiris utriuscg linguae doctiff. || emedata : & cu archetype graeco ab ipfis collata. || SChe- mata cu demonftrationibus fuis correcla a Marco Beneuentano|| Monacho caeleftino, & loanne Cotta Veronenfi uiris Mathema- ticis||confultiffimis.||FIgura de proiectione fpherae in piano quae in libro o6tauo de- fidera || batur ab ipfis nodum inftaurata * Countries newly discovered, and New * The Livrcs Curieux (No. 118) say World of Alberic Vesputio, called the Flo- " iv feuillets preliminaires, et 80 feuillets of John Jacob and Br and attention and ski j Scinzenzeler. November I7th, 1508. et a s par 4. 106 Bibliotheca Americana. 1508. fed fere ad inuenta eius. n. ueftigia || in ^~ nullo etiam graeco codice extabant. || MAxi- ma quantitas die^ ciuitatu : & diftantiae loco^ ab Alexadria || Aegypti cuiufcp ciui- tatis : quae in alijs codicibus no erant. || PLanifphaerium Cl. Ptolem^i nouiter re- cognitu & diligentiff. emen- || datum a Marco Beneuentano Monacho c^leftino. || NOua orbis defcriptio ac noua Oceani nauigatio qua Lifbona ad||Indicu perue- nitur pelagus Marco Beneuentano mo- nacho caele-ll ftino aedita.||NOua & uniuer- falior Orbis cogniti tabula loa. Ruyfch Germano||elaborata.||SEx Tabulae nouiter confectas uidelicet Liuoniae : Hyfpaniae : Galliae :|| Germaniae : Italiae : & CAVTVM EST EDICTO IVLII. II. PONT. MAX. ||NE QVIS IMPRIMERE AVT IMPRIMI||FACERE AVDEAT HOC IPSVM OPVS || PENA EXCOMMVNICATIONIS LATAE SENTENTIAE || HIS QVI CONTRA MANDATVM IVS- SVMQ VE || CONARI AVEBVNT. . |j ANNO VIRGINEI PARTVS R ME * * Large folio ; title one + thirty-four preliminary leaves -j- seventy-one unnumbered leaves + one blank,-)- fourteen leaves for Marcus Beneventanus Noua orbis descriptio ac noua Oceani nauigatio qua Lisbona ad Indicu peruenitur pelagus -\- twenty- leaves for the chapter De Tribus orbis partibus, -\- thirty-four maps, illuminated. (Private Librar., Brooklyn and Washington city.) * Anglke : Claudius Ptolemy. This raphy of Claudius Ptolemy revised by many work contains the following : The Geog- men learned in both languages, and com- Ribliotheca Americana. 107 Our readers are doubtless aware that immediately after I ^08. the publication of AngeloV and de Donis 2 Latin trans- lations of Ptolemy s Geography, a new light seemed to dawn upon the learned, and the works of Strabo, Soli- nus, Isidorus of Seville, and even Pliny, " maestre de mappa mundi," were thrust aside, and replaced by the Cosmography of the Alexandrian mathematician or geographer, which, however incomplete it may seem to us at present, was justly considered in the fifteenth cen tury as a model and a wonder. But Geography is pre eminently a progressive science ; and a more precise knowledge of the voyages and discoveries accomplished by Machin, Gilianez, Baldaya, Gonzales, Nuno Tristan, da Cintra, Denys Fernandez, Ca da Mosto, Diego Cam, Bartholomew Dias, Covilham and de Payva, together with the marvelous accounts of Marco Polo s travels 3 , had the effect of convincing the geographers of the times that neither the Geographia nor the twenty-seven magnif icent maps of Agathodai mon were adequate. But as to commence a new Cosmography was an undertaking alto gether beyond their scope, and averse even to the spirit pared by them with the Greek original; man. Six maps newly constructed, "vi%. : Plates with their explanations corrected by of Livonia, Spain, France, Germany, Italy Marcus of Benevent, a monk of the Celes- and Judea. tine order, and John Cotta of Verona, very By an edict of Pope Julius II, it is for- experienced mathematicians. A planome- bidden to print this work or to have it trical representation of spheric projection printed under penalty of excommunication [ ?] which was wanting in the eighth book, pronounced against those who dare infringe left incomplete by the same, but planned this order. A. D. 1508. according to his [Ptolemy s?] precepts; a Posthumous; Vicenza, folio, 1462 and of which there were no traces even in (Hoffmann) or 1475 (Brunei). the Greek MS. The greatest number of * Ulm, folio, 1482. traveling days [ ? ] between cities, and the 3 Le Li-vre de Marco Polo, citoyen de distances of places from Alexandria in Venhe, conseiller prive et commissaire im- Egypt, which were not in the other codices, ferial de Khaubilat-Kaan, redige en fran- The Planisphere of Cl. Ptolemy newly fais sous sa dictec, en 1 398, far Rusticien revised and carefully corrected by Marcus de Pise ; public pour la premiere fois d^apres of Benevent, a Celestine monk. A new trots manuscrits in edits de la Bibliotheque description of the world, and a new de- imferiale de Paris, presentant la redaction scription of the Ocean whereby one goes primitive du Li-vre, re-vue par Marc- from Lisbon to the Indian Ocean, edited Pol, lui-memc et donnee par lul, en 1 307, by Marcus of Benevent, a Celestine monk, a Thiebault de Cepoy, &c., &c., par A new and more general map of the entire M. G. Pauthier. Paris, 2. vols. 8vo, globe, composed by John Ruysch, a Ger- 1865. io8 Bibliotheca Americana. which then ruled all classes of scholars, Ptolemy s Geog- raphy was preserved entire, and made to form a kind of nucleus, around which were gathered under the title of "Extra Ptolemeum" the results of all subsequent investigations. The maps, especially, which, when first introduced by the German Benedictine Nicholas Donis, numbered only twenty-seven, were increased in number, and, to a certain extent, perfected. The startling dis coveries of Columbus, Cabral, Vasco da Gama, Magel lan and others, gave a new impetus to the geographical science, which, so far as we are concerned, culminated in the present edition of Ptolemy, which contains the first engraved map representing the newly rediscovered isles and hemisphere. "Jean Ruysch developpe, pour sa table universelle, la projection conique sur tous les 360 degres de longitude, et jusqu a 45 de la lati tude australe : de cette facon il deroule toutes les nouvelles decouvertes graduees. Terra sancta cruets sive mundus nouus, ne differe en rien de ce qu on voit dans 1 hydrographie portugaise 4 . On y lit en has : naute Lusitani partem bane terre bujus observerunt et usque ad eleva- tionem poli antarctici 50 graduum pervenerunt, nondum tamen ad ejus finem austrinum.^ Cependant les epigraphies des cotes n avancent que jusqu au 40 degre, comme dans 1 hydrographie. Tabula terrae novae de cette hydrographie, reproduite en 1513, 1520, 1522, 1535, offre une singuliere erreur dans 1 epigraphe de abbatia omnium sanctorum, au lieu de bahia, baya, baie. Cette erreur figure dans les quatre voy ages edites par Ilacomil [Hylacomylus], On croirait que cette erreur est inventee par 1 editeur Ilacomilus, qui probablement coopera dans la publication de 1 hydrographie. Mais la carte de Ruysch, attachee a 1 edition romaine de 1508 de Ptolemee a laquelle est jointe, nova orbis descriptio de Benvenuti, presente la meme erreur : or, elle a sa source dans la traduction latine de Giocondo, qu en 1504 Ben venuti expedia de Lisbonne en Lorraine et que lui-meme apporta en Italic." 4 Lelewel, Humboldt and Santarem s above Ptolemy). For a statement tending constant references to the " Portuguese to prove that the said Admiral was Colum- Hydrography," apply to a map ordered bus himself, the reader may consult the from Portugal about 1504, by King Rene Ptolemy of 1513 (infra). of Lorraine, who took great interest in f Viz. : The Portuguese mariners ex- geographical studies, and which is repre- amined this part of the earth, and went as sented to have been drawn by an Admiral far as the 5oth degree of the elevation of in the service of King Ferdinand of Spain, the Antarctic pole, but not to the Southern (see Essler and Ubelin s preface to the end of it. Bibliotheca Americana. 109 " Au nord de ce nouveau monde Ruysch est different de 1 hydrogra- I phie portugaise." II ignore beaucoup plus les decouvertes espagnoles." (L.ELEWEL 6 .) " Quant a la derniere et la plus remarquable de ces cartes, c est-a- dire la mappemonde, Jean Ruysch n a fait que la dessiner, et c est Marc Beneventanus, 1 auteur du texte qui accompagne cette nouvelle description de 1 univers, qui s en est fait 1 editeur, Mais cette circon- stance n amoindrit en rien le merite de 1 allemand Ruysch, que Bene ventanus appelle " Geographorum, meo judicio, peritissimus, ac in piugendo orbe diligentissimus," et qui, navigateur intrepide, parti du sud de 1 Angleterre, en compagnie peut-etre d Americ Vespuce, etait parvenu au dela de 1 equateur jusqu au 53 de latitude australe, et, sous ce meme parallele, avait visite plusieurs iles dans le voisinage meme du detroit que devait decouvrir Magellan. " N oublions pas, enfin, qu un protection plus puissante que le cardinal de Nantes, le pape Jules II, avait, des le 28 juillet 1506, accorde a 1 editeur Tosinus un privilege de vente exclusive pour six annees, en recompense de ses soins et frais de publication pour la cosmographie de Ptolemee, accrue de la description et position des terres nouvellement decouvertes. Cette description nouvelle, cet accroissement de texte, prouvent que deux ans avant qu il fut question de la mappemonde de Ruysch, on songeait deja a constater les progres recents de la geographic. " Le privilege de vente exclusive fut subordonne a un autre privilege, destine a le moderer, et accorde a un chanoine de Saint-Jean-de-La- tran, bibliothecaire et familier de Jules II, charge par le pape de fixer le juste prix de 1 ouvrage imprime a cinq cents exemplaires." (THOMASSI*.) The present Ptolemy is only a reprint of the follow ing: "Bl.Ia,- JN HOC OPERAE (?)||HAEC CONTINE || TVR [ ? ] || GEOGRAPHIA CL. PTOLEMAEI. A plurimis uiris utriusq; linguae dcctiss. || emendata : & cum Archetypo graeco ab ipsis col- lata. 1| SChemata cum demonstrationibus suis correcta a Marco Mo- nacho Caelestino Beneuen- 1| tano : & loanne Cota Veronensi uiris Mathematicis consultissimis. || &c., &c. "El. 107 a : Nee no Claudii Ptholemaei a plurimus utriusq ; || lin guae doctiss. emendatu cum multis additionibus Rome (?) No- 1| uiter impressum per Bernardinu Venetia de Vitalibus. Expesis || Euagelista Tosino Brixiano Bibliopola [?] Im pante Julio. II. Pont. || Max. An no. III. Potificatus fui. Die. VIII. Septebr. M. D. VII." (HOFFMANN 7 .) 6 Geographic du Moycn-Age, Vol. II, T Bibliographischcs Lexicon der gesamm- p. 149. ten Litteratur der Gricchen ; Leipzig, 8 Les Popes geographer et la Cartographic 8vo, 1845 (an excellent work), Vol. Ill, du Vatican, p. 25. p. 317. no Bibliotheca Americana. I COO. " In-folio, avec 33 cartes. Les vingt-sept premieres cartes sont ___ >> _^^^_ celles de 1 edition de 1478 [engraved by Conrad Sweynheim and Ar- ~ nold Buckinck], et les six autres ont etc nouvellement gravees." (Labanoff Catalogue 8 .) The additions consist in fourteen leaves for the chap ter devoted to the Nona orbis descriptio together with an epistle of Tosinus, the bookseller, and the celebrated map of Johannes Ruysch, which is wanting in the edition of 1507. This map, which contains, as far as known, the first engraved delineations of the newly re-discovered countries, is a mappemonde bearing the following title : VNI-VERSALIOR COGNITI ORBIS TABVLA. | EX RECEN-TI- BVS CONFECTA OBSERVATIONI- Bvs. The strip of land representing this country is named therein TERRA SANC- TE CRVCIS" SIVE MVNDVS Novvs, covering in latitude from 90 N. to 38 S. The map has been republished by de Santarem 10 and Lelewel 11 . Direct references: f PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. VI II, page 248. -I REIDEL, Comment, critico-litt. de Claud. Ptolem. Geogr., page 52. I FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca Grteca, Vol. v, page 275. VAN PRAET, Catalogue des litres imprimis sur f^e/in, Vol. v, No. 3, describes a copy, the maps of which (34) are on vellum ; also, Groslier s. HUMBOLDT, Examcn Critique, Vol. n, pages 5 and 9, Vol. IV, page 121. Memoires de la Societe de Geographic, for February, 1837, page 75. La Valliere Catalogue, Vol. in, No. 4484. Kloss Catalogue, No. 3320. Mapotcca Colombiana, No. I. Bibliotheca Brcivortiana. Historical Nuggets, No. 2258. EBERT, Dictionary, No. 18224. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 954. GRAESSE, Vol. v, page 500. Notes on Columbus, page 170. 8 Paris, 8vo, 1823, p. 6, Nos. 18 and 19. and nothing else ! This very prosaical view 8 " La Decouverte ayant ete faite sous of the case is shared, we are glad to see, les auspices de la Croix, et pour letriomphe by the learned and pious Benedictines de la Croix, cette terre nouvelle etait themselves. See Art de -verifier les dates, generalement indiquee sur les cartes par le third series, Vol. XI, p. II, note. signe et le nom de la croix." ROSELLY 10 Atlas compose de mappemondcs et de DE LORGUES, Christophe Colomb, p. 6. To cartes hydrographiques et historiques, depuis which we say that Columbus transatlantic le v e jusqu au xvn e siec/es. voyages were undertaken for the " tri- u Atlas of the Geographic du Moycn- umph" of dealers in spice and groceries, Age. Eibliotheca Americana. 1 1 1 C 7 . R U CRAMER (JOBST.) On a scroll encircling a globe : I ^ O O . $etoe unJef atttJje latt&te ttni etn $etoe tort&te in fur<j tJcrpttget* je^ljc er-- fttttben. Colophon on the verso of the leaf preceding the table of contents : l)at ein enbte biefeS SurfjteinJ toel- djeg !i)clli|d)cr uirnd) in Die betotfrfjenllgdtradjte unD flcmnditc ift nun-Den, twrrf) !Den tottbige unD {jorfjfldartljeu Ijcrrf 3ofi- II (ten ^ui^amer bet fre^en funfte, unb ar^- II enneien &c. $nb burt^ mit^ eor- 1| gen Studjffen ^tt l, ebrutfte II bnb bolenbte unri) (Cl)rifti dnfero lieften Ijer II ren gefiurbte. 5Dl.ccccc.tJiij. 3ttte, am SOlit- II [mutt lUirttijci, be0 ^eUigen nvaftoleiladcutijc bet bo bet ^iuei)ut^nifte tage * :fc * Folio for size, but the signatures are : one blank (for a i), a ij, a iij, two blanks, then b, &c. Title one -|- sixty-seven un numbered leaves, text in two columes. (Private Librar., New York, Brooklyn and Providence.) We have seen a copy of the same date, which contains on the verso of the title, and immediately after the pre face, a curious woodcut, representing a man, probably * Anglke : New unknown countries and learned Mr. Jobsten Ruchamer, doctor of a new world recently discovered. arts and medicine, &c. And was printed There ends this little book which has and finished by me, George Stiichszen, at been translated from the Italian language Nuremberg, A. D. 1508, the Wednesday into German by the most worthy and before St. Matthew s September 2Oth. ii2 Bibliotheca Americana. Ca da Mosta, kneeling before a King who is surrounded hy a retinue of armed men, some of whom are mounted on an elephant. The table of contents is not reliable. The third book is therein called the second, the fourth is taken for the third. The chapters 80-90, 91-101, and 105-108, con tain the first three voyages of Columbus. The fourth voyage is not inserted at all. The work presents a remarkable peculiarity in the spelling of names. Colum bus is called Dawber (male pigeon), Alonzo Nino, der Schwartze (the black), Lorenzo de Medicis, Laurentz artzt (L. the physician). As to Vespuccius, the reader will find only the third voyage. Humboldt 1 says that " 1 ouvrage de Ruchamer, d un style extremement naif, est plus correct et beaucoup mieux redige que / Ifinera- rium Portugallensium" (No. 58). It follows, however, very closely the text and arrangement of the Paesi nuoua- mente retrouati of 1507, without additions of any kind, although it seems to have been made on the Itinerarium. O This work is not as rare as the Italian and Latin versions of Zorzi s Collection, and seems to have been reprinted several times in the same year and place, but without any alterations in the text or pagina tion. Direct references : f PANZER, Annales Typogr., and Annalen der alteren deutsch. Lit. Vol. I, page 298. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca historica, Vol. ill, page 2.20. CAMUS, Memoire sur de Bry, page 6. TERNAUX, No. 15. EBERT, Dictionary, No. 11686. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1160. Kloss Catalogue, page 318, No. 4491. Raetzel Catalogue, No. 908. Bibliotheca Grcnvi/liana, page 765. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part vii, No. 4262, and Part vm, No. 3069. Bibliotheca Broiuniana, No. 19. Bibliotheca Bre wortiana, Bibliotheca Barloiviana, page 15. Catalog. Biblioth. Buna-v., Vol. II, page 45. 1 Examen Critique, Vol. iv, pp. 86-88. Bibliotheca Americana. 113 ^ 8 . ZORZI-MADRIGNANO Recto of the first leaf: I ^ O O . t $tiftt<nrict in $Ma ? in n frc in flcdfrcntcm t frcrnum a i] nil 011 cm. Then a large map of Africa filling the rest of the page. Recto of the second leaf: ITINERARIVM Portugallenfium ex Vlif- bona i Indiam nee || non in Occidentem ac Setemptrione : ex Vernaculo fermone in || latinum tradud:um. Interprete Arch- angelo Madrignano Medio || lanenfe Mo- nacho Careuallenfi.* First recto of signature B : Mediolani Kalendis Iimiis. M.CCCCC.VIII. In fine : Operi fuprema manus impofita eft ka- lendis quintilibus. Ludouico gal||lia^ rege huius urbis iclite fceptra regete. lulio fecudo potifice maxi-||ma orthodoxa fide * Anglict : A Portuguese itinerary from to the West and to the North, translated Portugal to India, and from thence to the from the vernacular language into Latin, West, and lastly to the North. Portu- by Archangelus Madrignano of Milan, of guese itinerary from Lisbon to the Indies, the order of the Carevalenses ( ? ). H4 Bibliotheca Americana. 1508. feliciter moderate : anno ntae falutis .M.D.VIII.f ** Folio, signatures in sixes and eights. Title i, then an index of two unnumbered leaves, the first of which is marked aa; then from A ii to B (exclusive of B), seven unnumbered leaves ; then text in eighty-eight numbered leaves, the last through mistake being marked LXXVIII. The last signature is N iii, followed by three unnumbered leaves. (Private Libr., New York, Providence, Washington city, and Harv. Coll. Libr.) Camus 1 and Ebert 1 say that there should be eleven preliminary leaves. More than ten copies, including the one in the Dresden Library from which Ebert made his transcript, have been examined by a distinguished bibliophile of this city with the view of testing the asser tion of the learned and unfortunate Dresden bibliog rapher, but in no instance could he find more than nine, or ten leaves with the title-page. It should be noticed, however, that the poetry on the verso of the last unnum bered leaf seems to end abruptly, although the signature is complete. As to the index it is said to be rarely found, either at the beginning or end of the volume; yet all the copies which we have examined in this country (six) have it. In the Mus ee des Souverains, at the Louvre, there is a splendid copy printed on vellum, and bearing the arms or cipher of Henry IP, interlaced with that of the beau tiful Diane de Poitiers. The present is a Latin translation of the collection of voyages ascribed to Zorzi (No. 48), by a Milanese monk called Madrignano. It contains the navigations of Ca da Mosto (cap. 1-83), three of Columbus (cap. 84-108), Alonzo the Black s (cap. 109-111), Pinzon s (cap. 112- f Angl.: Milan, Kalends of June, 1508. 1 Memoires sur de Bry, p. 342. The work was finished July 1st, under the 2 Dictionary, No. 10637. illustrious reign of Lewis, King of France, 3 VAN PRAET, Catalogue des livrei im- and under the Pope Julius II, the wise primes sur ve/in de la Bibliotheque du preserver of the Orthodox faith, the year Roi (Paris, 8vo, 1822-8); Vol. v, p. 150, of our Salvation 1508. No. 172. Bibliotheca Americana. 115 113); Vespuccius third voyage (cap. 114-124); the navigation of Josephus the Indian (from cap. 129, which should be numbered 128, to cap. 142) ; and several let ters relating to Portuguese voyages. " La redaction de la traduction latine de Madrigano a d ailleurs etc faite avec une extreme negligence. De la division en six livres il n y a d indique dans le texte que le deuxieme et le troisieme aux chap. 48 et 71, non le quatrieme et le cinquieme. Le chapitre 114 traite d Americ Vespuce, et sans la table des matieres, le nom du navigateur dont on donne le voyage resterait inconnu." (HuMBOLDT*.) Direct references : f FOSCARINI, Delia Letter. Vcncziana, Vol. I, page 434, note. Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. vu, page 107. Bibliotheca Grcnvilliana, page 765. Bibliotheca Hebcriana, Part II, No. 3080. PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. Till, page 385. TIRABOSCHI, Storia della Letter. Ital., Vol. VIII, page 213. NAPJONE, Del Primo Scofitrore, pages 32-38. Bibliotheca Broivniana, No. 18. Bibliotheca Bar/oiviana, page 13. RICH, No. 2. TERNAUX, No. 13. BRUNET, Vol. in, col. 474. GRAESSE, Vol. in, page 439. Kloss Catalogue, page 158, No. 2187, ascribes the printing of the present to Gotardo de Ponte. SABELLICUS (MARK-ANT.) " Rhapfodias Hiftoria- I COO, rum Enneadum MARCI ANTONINI Coccn SABELLICI ab == orbe condito ; pars prima complectens quinque En- neades \_falfo> nam complectitur tantum quatuor] fecunda tres, tertia quatuor. ; ufque ad annum 1504; praemiffis earundem repertoriis auctis & recognitis ab ASCENSIO cum authoris Epitomis : Vosnundantur in Parrhifiorum Academia ab JOHANNE PARVO & ipjo, qui imprejjlt, ASCEN SIO. fol. Parif. 1509." (MAITTAIRE*.) " Recusa haec editio [our No. 21] Paris, in aedibus Ascensianis 1509. 2 Voll. f. ibid. 1513. 3 Voll. f." (MEUSEL .) 4 Examcn Critique, Vol. IV, p. 85. 6 Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. I, Part I, * Annalct Tyf., Vol. n, Part I, p. 198. p. 96, sq. 1 1 6 Eibliotheca Americana. I COO. 60. VESPUCCIUS & HYLACOMYLUS Recto of the first leaf : (051)10 1| VUpHic tttte0 II trbetto : eum quitufc tram dieome- ||trif ae &ftronomi princillpijs atr earn rem II necettartjs. II JJnfuper pattuor Emeriet Be II fpuetj nauigattones. II Bniuerfalte. (Eofmograpijif treferiptto || tarn in foiitro # piano, etg etiamllinfertis qu^ ^tijolom^o || tgnota, a nuperisi II reperta funt. || Otum fceus aftra regat, et terrg elimata <&far II iBtec tellug, nee eis fgtrera maiusi patent || Colophon : Jngenutfus bit Joannes II gruniger. Enno poft natu fal- II uatote fupra fef(|uimil- 1| lefimu j^ono. || Joanne ^Itrelpijo Wuliejo &rgenttneft eaftiga^ tore. II* *^* Sm. 410, thirty-two unnumbered leaves, diagrams, description on the back of the mappemonde, so called, in fourteen lines, and black letter. (There is an issue of the same date with the said description in fifteen lines. In the May and September editions of 1507 it is in Roman characters). (Private Librar., New York, Providence, Washington city, and Harvard Coll. Libr.) See the recto of cij, and the verso of ciiij. It is the text of the present edition which has been published by Navarrete 1 , with notes and a translation into Spanish. We quote the above on pages 59-60, under the name of Gruniger. * Anglice : The ingenious man, John the corrector John Adolphus Mulich of Gruniger, printed this work at Strasburg, Strasburg. in the year of our salvation 1509, under The rest as in No. 44. Bibliotheca Americana. Direct references: f PiNELo-BARciA, Epitome, col. 574. J TOQ, PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. vi, page 44. - * Colcccion, Vol. in, page 183, and 190, sq. Bibliotheca T/iottiana, Vol. VII, page 219. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 765. Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part in, No. 4988. Bibliotheca Broivniana, No. 2O. Bibliotheca Barloiviana, page II. Historical Nuggets, No. 2746. HUMBOLDT, Examcn Critique, Vol. iv, page 103 TERNAUX, No. 14. BRUNET, Vol. u, col. 319. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 281. 6 1. ANONrMous.-$WMl$ ttlttttdl I tio Hue treftriptio tmmtri II et tottus orto terrarum. globule rotuntro cotnparati bt fpera foil II fca. (Una cuittte etia meiriocriter fcocto atr omlu bitrere licet an II tipoires ette, QUOT? peires noftrte oppofiti funt. IBt paliter in bna- II pa$ : orte parte bitatn agere queunt falutare, fole fin- II gula loca illufttante: QU^ tamen terra in bacuo aere pen= tore II btoetur : fold fcei nutu fustetata, alijg $ ; per? tnultig tre quarta orto II terraru parte nuper afo Emerieo reperta. II Then, woodcut representing a. globe, in which the New World is laid down. In fine : .... 2Ealete felieiter ex II Argentina bltima &ugufti. anno poft natu falutatore. W.3i.$X. Joannes gruniger hnpri II metat. ^itrelpijo eaftiga= tore.ll* * Angllce : The World s globe. Expo- can see with his own eyes that there are sition or description of the world, and of antipodes, whose feet are opposite ours ; the terrestial sphere constructed as a round and how men may lead a healthy life in globe similar to a solid sphere, whereby every part of the glole, the sun shining every man, even if of moderate learning, upon the different parts thereof, which 1 1 8 Bibliotheca Americana. I COO *** Sm. 4 to ( s ig nat - C in sixes), fourteen unnumbered leaves. (Harvard Coll. Library.) " C est dans cette brochure tres rare aujourd hui que j ai trouve employee pour la premiere fois la denomination d Amerique pour designer le Nouveau Monde, d apres le conseil donne par Hylacomylus en i 507. L auteur anonyme, que Panzer 1 a cru par erreur etre Hen- ricus Loritus Glareanus [see infra] ne nomme le navigateur florentin que sur le titre de 1 ouvrage et sans faire aucune mention de Colomb." (HUMBOLDT 9 .) Direct references: f 1 PANZER, Annales Tyfogr.,~Vol. vi, page 445 mentions also on page 12,8, of the same vol., an edition sine anno. Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. v, page 219. Bibliotheca Grcnvi/liana, page 481. a Examen Critique, Vol. vi, page 141, and introduction to Ghil- - lany s Behaim, page 8, note. Historical Nuggets, No. 1252. GRAESSE, Vol. in, page 94. 62. fESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS Recto of the first leaf: Mdjlitt faget toie intrdjlitditiajtf Ijcrrr Ijevr Jymtauints. I ^. ju ^aftUien ||Unb Jerr ^manuel. ^. jit. Portugal jaften bag toetyte || mor erfii^et ttnnb funbeu nil ^ufuleu unnb ein Mdttuc || melt don milben imrtcubcn t cittcn tiorumls dnbcf ant. || Then woodcut representing two kings receiving two men landing from a vessel, at the top of the picture : LISBONA. Colophon : ebrutft jit Strafflittrfj bnrdj Soljatte rwtiger II 3n iar. lE.ccccc. i| toff Setarc, 2Sie bie aBer b^e II fitgel tw bcfriircibuitg ber gan^enn luclt ucrftcn foltt II tuurft bie finben unnb lefett. ||* seems to be suspended in the airy vacuum, on the last of August, A. D. 1509, printed supported only by God s will ; together by John Griiniger and corrected by Adol- with many other things concerning the phus ( ? ). fourth part of the earth recently discov- * Anglicl : This little book relates how ered by Americus. Farewell, Strasburg, the two most illustrious Lords, Ferdinand, Bibliotheca Americana. 119 * J|C * 410, (signat. B and C in sixes) ; thirty-two leaves. Large I woodcuts on verso of B i, recto of D iiii, verso of E iiii and of ___ F iiii, the last being a repetition of the vignette on the title- page. (Private Library, New York, and British Museum.) German translation of the four voyages of Vespu- cius, probably taken from the Cosmographia printed by John Gruniger. 63. VESPUCCIUS-HrLACOMYLUS Recto of the first leaf: I CIO. COSMOGRAPHIAE INTRODVCTIO CVM QVIBVSDAM -^ GEOMETRIAE || AC. ASTRONO || MIAE PRINCIPIIS || AD EAM DEM Infuper quatuor Americi Vespuccii || nauigationes. Vniuerfalis Chofmographiae defcriptio || tarn in folido qplano, eis etiam infertis quae Ptholomaeo || ignota a nuperis || reperta funt. || Then eight lines of verse addressed to " Dominvm lacobvm Robertetvm." Colophon : Explicit foeliciter cofmographias uniuer- falis defcriptio || cu quattuor Americi uef- pucii nauigatioibus uigi, || lantiffime Im- preffa per lohanem de la Place. || Vt nee mendula quide fuperit. ||* FINIS. || King of Castile, and Emanuel, King of you shall understand the globe and the Portugal, have searched through the vast description of the whole world, that you seas, and discovered many islands, and a will hereafter find out and read, new world of naked savages, hitherto un- * Anglice : The description of universal known. cosmography, happily explained, together Printed at Strasburg by John Gruniger, with the four navigations of Americus in the year 1509, on Laetare. But how Vespucius, most elegantly printed by John I2O Bibliotheca Americana. IO * * Sm. 410, title, sine anno aut loco ; title one + thirty-two un- _ numbered leaves; text in Roman; two simple diagrams. (Private Library, New York.) " Cette edition, tres-peu connue, a du l etre imprimee a Lyon, ou Jean de la Place exercait des 1 annee 1510." (See the recto of D iij for the passage relating to America.) Direct references : f MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. in, page 265. -J Bibliotheca Heberiana, Vol. Til, No. 6409 ( ?). | Bibliotheea Grcn-vil/iana, page 765. Bibliotheca Barlo-wiana, page 14. 1 BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 318. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 281. 64.. ALBERT IN I (FRANC. DE) Recto of the first leaf, within an ornamental frontispiece : OPVSCVLVM DE MIRABI- || libus Nouae & ueteris Vrbis Romae edi- || turn a Fracifco de Albertinis Clerico Flore || tino dedicatumcp lulio fecundo Pon. Max.* Then an epigram in eight lines, addressed to Andrew Fulvius, the versifying antiquarian; followed by " CVM PRIVILEGIO." Colophon : Impreffum Romae per lacobum Mazo- chium || Romanae Academiae Bibliopolam qui in- || fra paucos dies epythaphio^ opuf- culu || in luce ponet afto Salutis. M.D.X. Die. iiii. Febr. || de la Place, so that not even the least the wonderful things of the new as well mistake can be found. as of the old city of Rome, edited by Fran- The rest of the title as in No. 44. cis de Albertini, a Florentine clergyman 5 * Anglice : A little work concerning dedicated to Pope Julius II. Bibliotheca Americana. 121 \* Sm. 410, title one + one hundred and two unnumbered leaves. I ^ IO (Private Library, New York.) ____^___ " Editio prima." (PANZER 1 .) " Francesco Albertini, dont 1 ouvrage curieux a paru deux ans apres la mort de Colomb [nay, in his life-time, if the edition mentioned by Negri is authentic], ne connait aussi que les decouvertes de Vespuce." (HUMBOLDT 8 .) After speaking of the Antiquities of Rome in a man ner which stamps him as the first archaeologist of his times, he speaks " De noua Vrbe" and by a slight di gression ends the book with a section De laudibus ciui- tatu Florentine et Sauoensis, in which, after enumerating the famous orators, writers, painters and others of Flo rence, he thus speaks of Vespuccius : Recto of leaf 101 : " na in || nouo mundo Albericus Vefpulcius (sic] Flo. miffus a fi||deliffimo Rege Portugal. Poftremo uero a Catholill co Hyfpaniaru Rege primus adiuenit nouas infu/ 1| las & loca incognita : ut in eius li- bello Graphice ap/||paret in Epiftola eius de nouo mundo ad Lauren || tium luniorem de medicis."-f~ Direct references: f MAITTAIRE, Annales Typogr., Vol. v, Part I (index), page 18. J CLEMENT, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Vol. i, page 120. j MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. iv, Part 2, page 175. MAZZUCHELLI, Gil scrittori d Italia, Vol. I, page 321. BANDINI, Vita, page LII. NAPJONE, Ragionamcnto, page 101, note, Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. VII, page 222. Bibliotheca Barloiviana, . BRONET, Vol. i, col. 135. GRAESSE, Vol. I, page 53. j- Viz,. : In the new world, Albericus describes the stars, and the new islands, as Vespulcius of Florence, sent by the most is also seen in his letter upon the new Christian King of Portugal, but lastly by world, addressed to Lorenzo de Medicis, the Catholic King of Spain, first discovered junior. new islands and unknown countries, as is : Annalcs, Vol. VIII, page 249. graphically set forth in his book, where he a Examen Critique, Vol. v, p. 209, note. 16 122 Bibliotheca Americana. 151 0.* 65. MAFFEI of VOLTERRA-" Commentariorum urban orum Libri xxxvm. Paris. 1510. f." (MZUSEL 1 .) I I. 66. MARTYR (PETER} Recto of the first leaf: i0 babglmttai ocmata ;j)tgrammcitft Cum prcmtegia Co top ban ; TT $mpteffum ffiifpali cu fumma triltgencia per SlacoM corum || Merger alemanu. mo quingenteffimo, xi. mefe bero 1 Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. I, Part I, certain importance to the editions of Ber- page 281. gomas published in Latin and Italian after * The translation into Spanish of Ber- 1503. gomas Chronicle, by Narcis Vinoles, the f AngUce : The works of Peter Martyr Valencian poet (Summa dctodas las cronicas Anglerius of Milan. The Embassy to del mundo, Valencia, folio, 1510), although Babylon, the Decade of the Ocean; carrying the annals as late as the war of poems, epigrams. With privilege. Naples, full ten years after the first voyage Printed at Seville with the greatest care of Columbus, does not contain the chapter by James Corumberger, a German, in the relating to America, and which imparts a year 1511, in the month of April. Bibliotheca Americana. 123 ** Folio, seventy-four unnumbered leaves, text in Gothic type, I $ I I printed in two columns. The decade commences on signa- _ ture D (twenty-first leaf), extending to the verso of the forty- fourth leaf. On the recto of the forty-fifth leaf, there is a map without title, representing Cuba, Hispaniola, Bermuda and the coasts of Florida and Central America. The text continues on the verso of the leaf containing the map, which evidently belongs to the work. (Private Library, Providence.) Pietro Martire d Anghiera is almost always called Peter Martyr, for which he must stand responsible as he was the first to set the example 1 , while his epitaph bears no other name 1 . We call our author Peter Martyr, as it is the clearest mode of quoting him, and we are satisfied that no student of American history will mistake our quotations for references to Peter Martyr Festus, Peter Martyr Tronus, Peter Martyr Vermilli, or Martyr the Armenian who acquired so much reputation as a traveler towards the close of the fifteenth century 3 . The present Peter Martyr was born in 1455 (Niceron 4 ), or in 1459 (Antonio*, Alcedo 6 } at Arona, on the banks of Lake Major. He went to Rome in 1483, where he formed the acquaintance of Cardinal Ascanio Sforza and of Pomponius Laetus, to both of whom many of his letters 1 To the reader who is familiar with * " II y a eu quatre S9avans hommes qui Peter Martyr s sportive style, it is evident ont porte le nom de Pierre Martyr. Scavoir that the remark "Italus quidam Martyr Pierre Martyr dit Anglariensis de Milan, nomine ad Curiam se nuper contulit," &c. qui a fait les Decades du nouveau Monde. (Efist. xxv, p. 10; Amsterd. edit.), applies Pierre Martyr Festus d Urce ville d Es- to himself. pagne, qui a publie Summarium Conttitutio- a RERVM AETATE NosTRA GESTARVM num fro rcgimine Ordinis Prefdicatorum. ET NOVI ORBIS IGNOTI HACTENVS Pierre Martyr Tronus de Novarre en Italic, ILLVSTRATORI PETRO MARTYRi MEDioLANSi qui est 1 Auteur d un Livre, De ulceribut CAESAREO SENATORI & -vulncribus copttis. Et Pierre Martyr ojn PATRIA RELICTA Vermil, dont M. de Thou a fait 1 Eloge." BELLO GRANATENSI MILES INTERFVIT (TESSIER, Elogcs dcs Hommcs Scavans, MOX VRBE CAPTA PRIMVM CANONICO Vol. I, p. 2d8.) DEINDE PRIORI Hvivs ECCLESIAE * Memoircs pour ser-vir a rhistoirc da DECANVS ET CAPITVLVM hommcs illuftrcs dans lar ep. dcslettres; Paris, CARISSIMO COLLEGAE POSVERE SEPVLCHRVM I2tno, 1727-45, Vol. XXIII, pp. 209-12. ANNO MDXXVI. Biblioth. Hi if an. Nova, Vol. n (Af- " posta nel Duomo di Granata, e riferita dal pendices), p. 372. Mazzucchelli" (CANCELLIERI, Disserta- * Bib .ioteca Americana (MS.), Vol. I, Kiotti, p. 212, note.) p. 48- 124 Bibliotheca Americana. I CI I. are addressed. He repaired to Spain with Count Ten- , dilla in 1487, joined the Spanish army in the war against the Moors in 1488, was ordained a priest in 1494, and was appointed during the same year tutor to the chil dren of Ferdinand and Isabella, or only preceptor of the royal pages. Peter Martyr was intrusted in 1501 with a diplomatic mission to the Sultan of Egypt, which is related in his Legatio babylonica (I. e. Cairo). As a reward for his having dedicated this work to Pope Leo X, he was appointed Apostolical Prothonotary (one of the twelve members of a college intrusted with the custody of the last wills of cardinals, and with the proceedings for the canonization of saints) ; and in 1505 obtained the much-coveted office of Dean of the chapter of the Cathedral of Granada. He died in that city after August 1525, or in 1526 (Alcedo}. The friend or contemporary of Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Cortes, Magellan, Cabot and Vespuccius, a member of the Council of the Indies, he was enabled to obtain valuable information in regard to the great Oceanic discoveries, the substance of which, with some additions of his own, is embodied in his Decades or " Oceanics." There is an impression among Italian bibliographers, based probably upon the assertion of Caballero 7 or a mistake in the Bibliotheca Filenbroukiana* (afterwards corrected in the index), that the first Decade was pub lished at Seville as early as the year 1 500. Panzer 9 and Hain 10 repeat this assertion, but Mazzuchelli", with his usual acuteness, exhibits the fallacy of the statement. The earliest edition known is the above, which, if Bru- net s description is correct, must have been printed twice in the same year and place, as Brunei s title, which dif fers from ours, was likewise taken from an original which he had " sous les yeux." Leon Pinelo lz asserts that all the Decades of Peter 7 De prima Typogr. Hisp. (Rome 1793, n Gli Scrittori tf Italia, doe notizie sto- 4to), p. 80. richc e critic he ; Brescia, fol., 1753-63, 8 Vol. n, No. 1181. Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 773-7. 8 Annales Typogr., Vol. IT, p. 339. ia Epitome, p. 68; and Barcia s edit. 10 Rcpcrtorium, No. 10863. Vol. I, col. 579. Bibliotheca Americana. 125 Martyr were printed in 1511, which is evidently an error. The present edition contains only the first de- cade, which was republished, together with the second and third, at Alcala in 1516 (infra). This collection of three decades was again printed separately at Basle, folio, 1533 (infra), and at Cologne, 8vo, in I574 13 . The entire eight decades were not published until I 53j folio, Alcala de Henarez (infra). Ternaux 14 , Brunet and Graesse mention a Paris folio edition of- 1536, while Pinelo-Barcia, with his usual inaccuracy, adds to the list of imaginary editions, one of 1540, and an other of 1557. The Paris edition by Hakluyt 15 is, as we have since ascertained, erroneously considered the best. Extracts from the fourth Decade, known as de in- sulis nuper repertis liber, were published in Latin at Basle in 1521 (infra), in all the editions and transla tions of the Novus orbis 16 ; in French by Simon de Colines in 1532 (infra), and added to the Antwerp edition of Brocard s Description of the Holy-Land (1537, infra). The German translation mentioned by Graesse 17 contains the first three decades and the ex tracts from the fourth. An abridgement in Italian 18 was printed under the title of Sommario, in 1534 (infra). We have the authority of Leon Pinelo 19 for the asser tion, repeated by Antonio 5 , that a descendant of Peter Martyr translated the Decade into Spanish, but it is doubtful whether this translation ever was printed. As to the English versions 20 , they are well known. 18 De Rebus Oceanicis, et Nova Orbe, Relation! del S. Pietro Martire Milanese, decades tres, &c., 24 prel. 11., 683 pp. Venice, 8vo, 1564, is only a translation of 14 Bibliotheque Amiricainc, No. 47, bis. the Legatio babylonica, and therefore be- 16 De orbe novo, &c., Paris, 8vo, 1587, longs only to the Eibllothlqut Asiatlquc. 8 prel. 11., 605 pp., 12 unnumb. 11., map. l9 " IVAN PABLO MARTIR Rizo, des- See Bullet. Soc. Geogr. Oct. 1858, p. 271. cendiente de don Pedro Martir, conocedo 18 Peter Martyr de insults nuper refer- cuesta Corte, por las obras que ha impresso, tis liter, No. 17, pp. 570-584 of the Basle tiene traduzidas las Decadas de su bisabuelo edit, of 1 5 32. en Castellano, para dar a la estampa," 17 Petrus Martyr -von Meylandt .... Epitome, p. 69. Vcrtcutschct durch Nic. Honiger -von Ko- ao The Decades of the New Worlde . . . nigshofen. Basle, fol., 1582; in the Tresor, translatcdintoEnglysschcbyRycharde Eden.; Vol. i, p. 130. London, 4to, 1555, 24 prel. 11., 361 11. $ 18 If we may judge from the title, the and 1 3, contains the first three Decades, 126 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 1. Peter Martyr seems to have written other works, -.. which were printed. Pinelo-Barcia", mentions a History of the Palestinians, Tyrians and Sidonians ; and An tonio, a Synopsis of Pliny s Historia naturalis. Direct references: ( PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vn, page 120. MORELLI, Operette, Vol. i, page 291. TERNAUX, No. 16. Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. vri, page 95. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part Vi, No. 214. Bibliotheca Brotvniana, No. 21. BRUNET, Vol. I, col. 292. GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 129. 6y. MAFFEI OF roLTERRA " Commentariorum urban- orum RAPHAELIS POLATERRANI (sic] octo & tringinta libri .... Venundantur Parrhifiis in via lacobea loanne paruo & lodoco Badio Afcenfio, ad kalendas lulias anno falutis noftre 1511. in-fol. folior. 414. fi duplicem indicem." (FREYTAG 1 .) 6 8 1 PTOLEMT-STLfANUS Recto of the first leaf, printed in red : CLAVDII PTHOLEMAEI ALEXANDRINI LI || BER GEOGRAPHIAE CVM TABVLIS ET || VNIVERSALI FIGVRA ET CVM AD || DITIO NE LOCORVM QVA || EA RECENTI- ORIBVS REFER || TA SVNT a DILIGENTI || CVRA EMENDA||TVS ET IM || PRESSVS.|| and extracts from the last five. The His- trie and fainefull Trauaile of M. Lok Gent.; tory of Tra-vayle in the West and East Lond., 410, 1612; 5 prel. 11.; 318 11. Idem Indies, . . by Eden; newly set in order, opus; Lond., 410, 1628. augmented, &c., by Richard Willcs ; Lon- 21 Loc. cit., col. 1469. don, 410, 1577 ; 10 prel. 11., 466 11., 4 11. ; * Analecta Lift., page 1063, and Catal. contains the first four Decades, and an Bib/. Lugd. Bata-v., page 206. abridgment of the remaining four. De 2 " C est-a dire, au sud 1 Afrique ; a No-vo Orbe, . . by Eden, . . . ivhereunto Test les relations de Marco Polo j a 1 ouest, the other fine are newly added by the indus- terra crucis, les iles du nouveau monde et Bibliotheca Americana. 127 Verio of the title, after a series of verses to the reader, by loannes I I I Aurelius Augur ellus : Sylvanus anotationes in Ptholemaei geo- graphiam. || Colophon : Venetiis per Jacobum Pentium de leu- cho || Anno domini. M.D.XI. Die xv || Meniis Martii. || * ** Folio, four preliminary leaves + fifty-seven of text, and, in a perfect copy, twenty-eight maps. The present contains only twenty-seven, viz. : One for a mappemonde, ten for Europe, four for Africa, and twelve for Asia ; nor are the maps colored. The Labanoff copy contains " les 28 cartes" 3 . We infer that the map wanting in our copy is a second mappe monde, and probably that which is reproduced in Lelewel s At las, and described in the Mapoteca Colombiana. (Private Library, New York.) " En la carta jeneral de la tierre hasta entonces conocida en Claudii Ptolemaei Geographia cum 28 tabulis ligno incisis etc. Venetiis 1511 fol. que es la primera de las 28, se ve la terra Ste. Crucis (Brasil) ; la Isla Espanola." (Mapoteca Colombiana*."] " Les cartes sont d autant plus remarquables qu elles furent les pre mieres imprimees d apres un nouveau precede ; les planches etaient gravees en bois, et percees de trous aux endroits ou doivent se trouver les noms des lieux, afin de les y placer en caracteres ordinaires d im- primerie ; 1 ecriture devint alors plus lisible, mais les cartes offrirent un effet desagreable a 1 ceil." (Labanoff Catalogue.) Bernard Sylvanus, of Eboli (in the kingdom of Naples), was a geographer of remarkable learning, terra Laboratoris : sont figurees sur la pre- supplement containing the places which miere carte, mappemonde de Ptolemee. have been discovered by recent navigators. A cet effet il a donne un developpement de Carefully corrected and printed. Annota- 108 de la longueur de 1 habitable, de 70 tions of Sylvanus to Ptolemy s Geography, tant a Test qu a 1 ouest : ainsi qu elle Venice, by James Pentius de Leucho, s etend sur 320 de longueur." LELEWEL, A. D. 1511, March 151)1. G eogr. du Moyen Age, Vol. n, p. 151, n. 3 Catalogue des Cartes Geographiqua dc * Anglicl : The book of Claudius la Bibliotheque du Prince Labanoff; Paris, Ptolemy of Alexandria on Geography, to- 8vo, 1823, p. 7. gether with maps, a mappemonde, and a * London, 8vo, 1860, p. i, No. 2. 128 Bibliotheca Americana boldness and imagination. His work can scarcely be called an edition of Ptolemy s Cosmographia y for he undertook therein to remodel Ptolemy himself, by means of data borrowed from modern navigators, which he interspersed with such erroneous conjectures boldly set forth as facts, that no reliance whatever can be placed upon his maps, text, or assertions. Withal, Sylvanus Ptolemy is, in a cartographical point of view, an extremely curious book. Lelewel says 5 that the maps are " admirables, d une forme seduisante et plus pro- portionnee, plus harmonieuse que les constructions de ce genre de geographies posterieures." Raidel 6 , on the other hand, seems to entertain a contrary opinion. Direct references : f FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca Grteca, Vol. v, page 275. PANZER, Annales Tyfogr., Vol. Tin, page 405. BAUER, Biblioth. Suppl. Vol. Ill, page 210. NAPIONE, Del Prime Scopritore, page 87. ZURLA, Sulle Antiche mappc, cap. XXVIII. Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. vn, page 104. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part VII, No. 52,33. VAN PRAET, Catal. des livres sur -velin, Vol. ill, No. 4; Lomenie Catalogue, Part in, page 66, No. 383 ; MacCarthy Catal., Vol. II, No. 3876; Bibliotheca Hohendorfiana, page 83, No. 500; BRUNET, Vol. IT, col. 954; Libri Catalogue, 1859, No. 2176, all for copies printed on vellum. ICI2. 6g. STOBNICZA (JOHN DE) " Introductio in CLAVDII 5=5 == PTHOLOMEI Cofmographiam : cum longitunibus & lati- tunibus regionum. Cum Carmine Sapphico Rudolphi Agricolae ad Epifcopum Posnanienfem Joannem Lu- 8 Loc. cit., Vol. II, p. 152. Europe enerratione a Ringmanno Philesio 8 De Ptolem. Geogr. ejusq. codicibus ; vosigena conscripta. Argentorati ex offic. Nuremb., 410, 1737, p. 55. Johannh Grunigeri [1511, in 4. folior. * Walsee-muller, alias Hylacomylus, oc- 21] (LELEWEL, Geogr. du Moyen Age, cupies such a peculiar position, owing to Vol. II, page 143), contained some details the publication of the St. Die Cosmography, of interest concerning the subject before that everything which he ever wrote on us ; but if we may judge from the interest- kindred subjects must prove of interest to ing and apparently exhaustive analysis the collector of books on America. We given by FREYTAG (Analecta litteraria de were in hopes that the " Instructio manu- libris rarioribus ; Leipzig, 8vo, 1750, page ductionum prestans in cartam itinerariam 449), we apprehend that the search would Martini Hilacomili cum luculentiori ipsius prove fruitless. Bibliotheca Americana. 129 branfki. ImprerTum Cracoviae per Florianum Ungle- rium Anno Domini MCCCCCXII. 4. " lanodana I. p. 8. it. p. 237. Bibl. Scbw. tun."* (PANZER 1 .) Concerning this Polish geographer, we could only find two or three passing notices 1 of the most insignifi cant character. Those who have access to Lelewel s Bibljograficznych Ksiag dwoje\ may be more fortunate. The present isagogic treatise contains important pas sages relating to America, which the reader will find in our description of the edition of 1519. There are two copies of this rare work in Vienna (Kaiser liche H of & Staats Bibliothek). The statement to the effect that it contains a map with the word " America" inscribed is doubtful. According to Kunstmann 4 , the map is a very imperfect woodcut, almost illegible. The New World is drawn as a continent, from 50 N. lat. to 40 S. lat. ; and from the Equator to the Tropic of Capricorn there is an inscription running along a coast line west, with the words: "terra incognita." Judging from the de scription given by Kunstmann, the map does not seem to bear anywhere the name of America. It has been supposed that it was an intercalated map ; but from the passage in which the author gives instructions to make the editions of Ptolemy serve for the late discoveries, it is evident that it belonged originally to the work. It is often wanting. Kunstmann states that the date of 1512, given by Panzer, is not to be found in the Vienna copies, which contain at the end only these words : " Impressum Cracoviae per Florianum Ungle- rium" and no date whatever. * Anglice : Introduction to the Cos- * Annales, Vol. VI, p. 454. mography of Claudius Ptolemy, together 2 Vossius, de Natura artium, lib. in, p. with the latitude and longitude of places. 148 ; Re-vue Gcrmaniquc , Paris, Vol. vm, With the Sapphic poem of Rudolph Agri- p. 205. cola to John Lubranski, Bishop of Pos- 3 Wilna, 8vo, 1823-26, Vol. i. nania. Printed in Cracovia by Florian 4 Die Entdeckung Americas ; Munich, Ungler, A. D. 1512. 4to, 1859, p. 130, sq. Bibliotheca Americana. 7O. MONTALBODDO* (F. DE) Recto of the first leaf: i nonamft? rdron- 110 no JUon^o Then vignette representing the king receiving Vespuccius. Colophon : C Stampato in Milano con la impefa de lo. lacobo & fratelli da Lignallno: & diligente cura & induftria de loanne An- gelo fcinzezeler : nel. M. II cccccxn. adi. xxyil. de Mazo II * s|c * Sm. 410, seventy-five unnumbered leaves, including title and three leaves of tables; text in Roman characters. (Private Library, New York.) Direct references : f Hibbert Catalogue, page 461, No. 8377. 4 BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1158. (C. R. (Riva of Milan) Catalogue, Paris, 1856. 71. "EUSEBii C&SARIENSIS Epifcopi Chronicon : quod Hieronymus prefbyterdivino eius ingenio latinum facere curavit, et ufque in Valentem Caefarem Romano adiecit eloquio. Ad quern & Profper & Matthasus Palmerius, * The following note, which we have emplaire du Patsi nuouamtntt ritrovati de Fra- iust received from M. D AvEZAC, enables f n ? io dc Montalboddo, Vicence 1507, auquel il ... fit de nombreuses additions de pieces manuscntes us to correct the mistake we had fallen dont la date descend au moins jusqu en i;z 4; into (on the authority of Baldelli and c est une des legeretes d Alexandre de Humboldt Humboldt), when describing the preced- d . e ra . voir .P r l s f, our , l " aut ur ,, mSm J e d , e la collcc - ... , , tion impnmee. (See Bulletin di la Sociiti dt ing editions of the present work : Giografhit, Paris, for October, 1857, Note x, "Alexandre Zorzi a etc le ftsitsstur d uii ex- page 312.) Bibliotheca Americana. 131 & Matthias Palmerius, demum & Johannes Multivallis complura quae ad haec ufque tempora fubfecuta funt adiecere. Abfolutum eft in alma Parifiorum Academia, per Henricum Stephanum, in formularia literarum arte opificem, illius maxima cura & diligentia, nee non eiuf- dem & Jodoci Badii in hoc opere fociorum non parvis expenfis. Anno ab incarnatione domini cuncta guber- nantis, millefimo quingentefimo duodecimo. Idibus vero lunii. In-4." (MAiTTAiRZ 1 and RENOUARD*.) We could find only one copy of a Paris edition of Eusebius Chronicon, printed by Stephanus, in 1512. It is in the British Museum, and was once the property of Abp. Laud. We had it examined, and the report is that it extends only to A. D. 449. As the title is want ing we are unable to state whether it is the same edition mentioned by Renouard, with the remaining leaves torn off, or whether it is a different edition not containing the additions of Matthias Palmerius (to 1481), and of one John Multivallis (to the year of the impression). Bibliographers are familiar with an edition of the Chroni- con of 1512, owing to the circumstance that it contains, under the year 1457, a statement which is often quoted in favor of the claims of Guttenberg to the invention of printing 3 ; but judging from the following notice, which we clip from a booksellers catalogue 4 , it seems that this edition of the Bishop of Cesarea s Chronicon (which in its original form was written before A. D. 338), deserves a place, however small, in our Bibliotheca. " Sous 1 annee 1500, on trouve une notice sur les voyages de Cada- mosto, &c., sous la date 1509, une notice dit que 1 on a amene a Rouen sept Sauvages de F Am erique du Nord, &c., on y mentionne que leur pays est situe sous le meme meridien que la France." 1 Annahs Typographic!, Vol. II, Part 3 " . . . ratia 1440. in-venta ;" in I, p. 231. MAITTAIRE, /or. cit., p. 232, note. 9 Annalti det Estitnnt, p. 15, No. 15. 4 Cretaine s, Paris, 1863, No. 98. Bibliotheca Americana. r i 2 This passing notice is interesting when added to the . following from Charlevoix 5 : " La meme annee [1508] on vit en France un Sauvage du Canada, qu un Pilote de Dieppe, nomme Thomas Aubert, y avait amene." I C I 7. 72. SABELLICO (MARK- ANT. y-" Rhapfodiae Hiftoriarum Enneadum, 2 torn, folio. Parifiis, apud Afcenfium, 1513." (PANZER* and KLOSS S .) Doctor Kloss annotation, " Ed. ii." is erroneous, as this must be at least the third edition. . BERGOMAS (JAC. PHIL.) Within an ornamented border : SVPPLEMENTVM rum at ipfo jttunfci lExorfcfo nfcp atr retiemptto nte j^oftr^ ^Innum .ffi.ttttt.x. etritutn, IBt fime recognitut.ll 35t caftigatum Jacolio ^ijilippo ISergomate ortrints atrtriti^ per eu, II tiem Euctore $ pluritus btiiiffimi^ r neceffa II rijs atrtrtttonitug, &tt n5 elegati ia II nouiter excogitata quae omnta mtritice . || <Ett (ratta \Woodcut representing St. Michael} Colophon : C Explicit fupplementum fupplementi Chronicarum Dili || genter Et Accurate 6 Histoire de la Nou-vcl/c France ; Paris, 1 Annalcs Typogr., Vol. vin, p. 642. 4to, 1744, Vol. i, p. XIV. a Catalogue, p. 241, No. 3386. Bibliotheca Americana. 133 Reuifum Atcj Correctu. Vene||tiis im- 1513. preffuz Opere & impenfa Georgii de Ru || == fconibus Anno a Naitiuitate Xpi .M.D. || XIII. Die .xx. Augufti. Regnate Leo nardo Lauredano || Venetiarum Principe.ll* *x* Folio, three hundred and thirty-five numbered leaves. (Boston Athenaeum.) The chapter tc De quattuor p maximis infulis in India extra orbem nuper inuentis" commences on the verso of folio 329. Direct references : ( PANZER, Annalts Typogr., Vol. viu, page 415. \ Kloss Catalogue, page 49, No. 670. 74-. PTOLEMr-ESSLER-UBELIN Recto of the first leaf: ClcmMi t>iri Mathematic^ difcipline Philofophi || doc- tiffimi || Geographi^ opus nouiffima traduc- tione e Gr^co || rum archetypis caftigatif- fime preffum : c^teris || ante lucubratorum multo pr^ftantius. || Pro Prima parte con- * Angllce : Supplement s Supplement to supplements were added by the same the Chronicles from the beginning of the author, together with a newly elaborate world to the year of our Redemption table, which explains everything. With 1510. Very recently revised and cor- Grace and Privilege. Venice, printed by rected by the Venerable Father James Georges de Rusconi, A. D. 1513, August Philip of Bergamo, of the order of the zoth, under the reign of Leonard de Love- Hermits. The most useful and necessary dano, Prince of Venice. Bibliotheca Americana. 1513. tinens || i Cl. Ptolemei Geographiam per octo libros partitam/ 1| ad antiquitate fuam/ integre & fine ulla corruptione. || 2 Vna cum collatione di6tionum grecarum e re- gione||ad latinas certiffima graduum cal- culatione. || 3 Regiftrationem item nouam regionum/ praefecliurarum/ ciuitatum/ flu- minum/ marium/ lacuum/ portuum/ filua-|| rum/ oppidorum/ villarum ac gentium/ ad ordinem || chartarum & columnarum fingula certiffimo mon || ftrans indice. || 4 Qua breuis & do&iffima Gregory Lilij fubfequitur in- 1| ftru6tio de Gr^co^ numer- ali fupputatione/ in tradu- 1| cftione greca res fcitu aurea. || 5 Tabularum dein Auctoris vigintifeptem ordo hie eft || Generate orbis iuxta defcriptione Ptolemie Vna. || Europe tabule Decem. || Aphric^ tabule Quat- tuor. || Afi^ tabule Duodecim. || Eft & una corporis Spherici in piano iuxta fine. 7. li. || Pars Secunda moderniorum luftrati- onum Viginti tabu || lis/ veluti fupplemen- tum quoddam antiquitatis obfo || lete/ fuo loco que vel abftrufa/ vel erronea vide- ban-lltur refolutiffime pandit. ||Adnexo ad finem tractatu ficuti lecliu iucundiflimo/ || ita & utiliflimo de varijs moribus & ritibus Bibliotheca Americana. 135 gen- || tium : eorundemqj ac localium no- 1513 minu originibus. || Breuis continentia Libri.|| < =^ ss Oppida/ regna/ lacus/ montes/ & equora/ filuas/ 1| Ac hominum mores hie Ptolemeus habet. || Cum gratia & priuilegio Imperi- ali|| per 4 annos. II Colophon, verso of the seventy-second leaf: ANNO CHRISTI OPT. MAX. MDXIII. MARCH xii. || Preffus hie Ptolemeus Argentine vigi- lantiffima cafti- 1| gatione/ induftriacg loan- nis Schotti ur- || bis indigene. || REGNANTE MAXIMILIANO CAESARE || SEMPER AVGVSTO. || ** Large folio, title one leaf-f- one unnumbered leaf-j- leaves numbered from 5 to 60 -|- fifteen unnumbered leaves for the index -f- twenty-six maps on double leaves -|- another title- page -(- twenty maps + fifteen unnumbered leaves for Tracta- tus de locis mundi. (Private Librar., New York and Owl s Head.) The merit of this edition of Ptolemy s Geographia is great, for it not only corrects Angelo s translation by means of a Greek manuscript until then unknown, but it contains twenty new maps ; among which the reader will notice the first, bearing the title of: ORBIS TYPVS VNIVERSALIS IVXTA HYDROGRAPHORVM TRADITIONEM, and presenting on the left of the reader a promontory, with five inscriptions, and two islands (viz.: " IJabella and Jpagnolla"} ; and the second map, which is headed : TABVLA TERRE NOVE. The latter is very full, consider ing the times, as it shows a prolongation of the coast from a certain "Rio de cananor" to a cape fc del mar uji- ano" There are not less than sixty names along the coast, besides the inscription afterwards so frequently reprinted : Bibliotheca Americana. 1513. |^ec terra rum atrtaeenttttf infulis tnuenta eft per (golumM || lanuenfem esmantrato i&egis &afteiie. This inscription is on the section which corresponds to what we now call Yucatan, and is followed by the WOrds TERRA INCOGNITA. These two maps acquire a certain importance from the following lines, which we extract from the preface on the verso of the second title-page : Charta aute Marina/ quam Hydro- graphiam vocant/ per Admiralem quondam fereniffi. Portugal^ 1 regis Ferdinand!/ ce- teros deniqj luftratores veriffirnis pagra- tioibus luftrata. This passage has doubtless prompted the opinion that the first of the two maps above described had been depicted by Columbus himself. " Nous voyons, says Santarem 2 , que la carte marine etait appelee Carte de F Amiral, ainsi elle fut primitivement dressee par Colomb ou par Cabral, mais jamais par Vespuce, car celui-ci n a pas eu ce grade eminent. II parait hors de doute que la carte ainsi designee a etc dessinee soit par 1 Amiral Colomb, soit par ses ordres soit d apres ses decouvertes." Kloss 3 calls this edition " Ed. ix." Direct references : f FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca Grteca, Vol. v, page 275. PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. VT, page 60. RAIDEL, Comment, critico-lit. de C. Ptol. page 56. HOFFMANN, Bibliogr. Lexicon, Vol. m, page 317. HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. IV, page 109. LELEWEL, G eogr. du Moyen-Age, Vol. n, pages 157-160. Mapotcca Colombiana, No. 3, for the statement that " en la edicion de Londres de 1535 [Lyons?] se halla este mismo mapa con algunas modificaciones reducida a. 36. 395." BEAUPRE, Rccherches sur rimprim. en Lorraine, page 83. GRAESSE, Tresor, Vol. V, page 501, states that "Dans quelques exemplaires la souscription de la seconde partie est datee 1512." BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 955. 1 Ferdinand of Spain is evidently in- a Recherches sur Am erlc Fespucc et ses tended, as Ferdinand of Portugal died Oc- voyages, p. 165. tober 22d, 1383. 8 Catalogue, p. 237, No. 3321. Bibliotheca Americana. 137 J jj. CATANEO (J. M.\~Within an ornamented border : * 5 * 4" IO: MAll ~~ Ctttatwi of the title-page : Data Roma calendis Februarii. M.D. XIIII. Colophon : Impreffum Romae apud lacobum Ma- zo-||chium Ro. Acad. bibliopolam. ** 4to, sine anno, eleven unnumbered leaves -f- one blank. (British Museum.) Cataneo was a clergyman of greater classical attain ments than poetical genius. A native of Novarra 1 , he died at Rome in 1529% rich, envied, and was secretly buried by his enemies, who wished to enjoy, under his name, the emoluments arising from his benefices. The touching epitaph composed on that occasion by one Mirteus 3 is well known. Cataneo wrote at the request of his benefactor, Car dinal Bendinelli, a Genoese, a poem in praise of the city of Genoa, which is the present, and contains some verses concerning Columbus and his voyages. Direct references : ( Bibliotheca Hebcriana, Part I, No. 1476. \ Tross Catalogue, 1865, No. i. 1 Vossius, de Historicis Latin., p. 684. Elogia doctorum Virorum. In the Italian 2 MORERI, Dictionnaire, Vol. II, p. 204. translation before us (Venice, I2mo, 1558) 3 The epitaph is to be found in Jovius, it is on p. 166, 138 Bibliotheca Americana. 7^ ABERTUS MAGNUS-TANNSTETTER Within a border : Habes in hac pagina. Amice le/ 1| tor. ALBERTI MAGNI || Germani principis philofophi. || De natura locoru. Libru mira|| eruditioe & fingulari fruge re/ || pertu, & iam primu, summa diligetia reuifum/ in lucem || aeditu/ que legis dilige/ 1| tius/ fi. uel Cofmogra/ 1| phia uel Phifica p.feciffe te uo- 1| lueris. || Colophon : Excufum VIENnae Auftriae . Mens . Mar . M.D. XIIII. || Opera HIEROnymi Vi6toris & IOAN . Sin/||grenii Socio^, di- ligentiu impreffoty . Impe- || fis uero LE- onhardi & LVcae Alantfe II fratrum Ciuium Viennenfiu. || Imperante Diuo MAXIMI- LIANO Carfare Aug. || P. F. P. P. II * ;|c * 410, fifty-two unnumbered leaves ; large woodcut, representing five imperial shields, on the verso of the last leaf. (British Museum.) First edition given by Georges Tannstetter, sometimes called Collimitius, and interesting to the American col lector on account of the following marginal note, which seems to have been inserted with movable type after the book had been printed. Recto of the last leaf in signature e : Ecce cocludit || vltra eqno6ti || ale. 50. gradi || bus terra effe || habitabile eg || Vefpu- Bibliotheca Americana. 139 tius fu || pioribus an- || nis in fuis na || uiga- I 5 I 4 tionibus || inuenit & de- || fcripfit.* 77. IDEM OPUS" De Natura Locorum, edente Georg. Faunftelter (sic). " Ed. ii Argentorati, Math. Schurer, &c., 1514, 4to. VI - 73^ 3 8 9 [Panzer]." (Kloss Catalogue. 1 ) Owing to the want of liberality exhibited by narrow- minded owners of the Annales of Panzer in New York and Philadelphia, we are unable to ascertain in what re spects the present edition differs from the following, and whether there is not an error in the imprint as to the date. 7 8 . IDEM OPUS Within an ornamental border : I C I C , Habes in hac pagina. Amice lector/ AL- || BERTI MAGni Germani pricipis II philofophi/ De natura locorum Li || brum mira eruditione/ & fingula || ri fruge refertu/ & iam primum || fumma diligetia reuifum/ in || luce editum/ quern leges diligetius/ vel fi. Cosmo II graphia vel Phyiica || profecnTe te vo- || lueris. || Colophon : Argentorati. Ex Aedibus Matthiae Schu- * Anglice : Lo ! he concludes that beyond smacks of heresy, if we may judge from the ecliptic, in the 5Oth degree, that region certain passages in the works of many of which Vesputius in his voyages in former the fathers, and especially in ST. AUGUS- years discovered and described, was habit- TINE, De Ci-vitate Dei, xvi, 9. able. * Page 7, No. 705 and GRAESSE, Tresor, This opinion from Albertus Magnus Vol. I, p. 55. 140 Bibliotheca Americana. 1515. rerij || Menfe lanuario. M D. XV. || Dudu - Leonhardi, & Lucae Alantfe fratrum. * # * 410, forty-three leaves numbered on the recto. Below the colophon a woodcut representing two griffins supporting a shield. (British Museum.) " Dans 1 edition de Strasbourg dont je me sers, et qui a paru trois ans apres la mort d Amerigo Vespucci, 1 editeur, George Tanstetter, est si emerveille des conjectures d Albert le Grand sur les terres de Phemisphere austral, habite jusqu au 50* degre de latitude, qu il y re- connait une prophetic accomplie par la navigation d Amerigo Ves pucci." (HUMBOLDT 2 .) ALBERIINI (FRANCIS. DE)" De mirabilibus novae & veteris Urbis Romae, & de Laudibus Civitatum Florentiae & Sauonae. Romae 1515. ap. Jac. Mazochium in 4tO." (CLEMENT.) See supra, No. 64. 8 O . SCHONER (J OHN} Recto of the first leaf: fimtlcitttfrim a quarta H terrae totius trefcriptio: cii muitis bttliffitnig &tfz\\ mographiae iniciis. Nouacj & q ante fuit verior Europae noftrae forma- || tio. Praeterea, Fluuioru : montiu : prouintiaru : Vrbiu : & gentium qpluri- || mom vetuftiffima no- 5 Examcn Critique, Vol. I, p. 57. Vossius, de Histor. Latin., p. 672, and 1 Bibliotheque Curieuse, Vol. I, p. 1215 Gallarini s Catal., Rome, 1856, No. 695. Bibliotheca Americana. 141 mina recentioribus admixta vocabulis. Mul- 1 5 T 5 ( ta etia || quae diligens lector noua vfuicg fu- = tura inueniet. || Then an epigram, in eight lines, from John Hiltner, followed by <um ^rtuUegto Snutetif. i&amanoru Jmpera, iilaxtmiltani per cto annos : ne quts hnprimat : aut tmprimere procuret coirices fjos : cum i&lotte <ofmograpt)icte : fufc muieta quintitiaginta flore- norum Henen. et amitttotte amnin exemplar ium. || Colophon on recto of leaf 6$ : ^f Impreffum Noribergae I excuforia offi- cina || loannis StuchfTen. Anno domini. * s|c * 410, title one, with arms on the verso + eleven unnumbered preliminary leaves + one unnumbered leaf with woodcut rep resenting a large globe on a stand ; then sixty-five numbered leaves. (Private Libr., New York, Brooklyn, and Harvard Coll. Libr.) " JEAN SCHONER, ne 1477 a Karlstadt en Frankonie, vir rerum matbe- maticarum excellens (Apiani cosmogr. II. p. 33), cultivant la science a Bamberg, commen9a a fabriquer les globes 1 . A cet effet, en 1515, il publia un ouvrage [the above]. II y confectionna en 1520, aux depends de Jean Seyler, un globe du diametre de 2, 8 pieds de Paris. Appele en 1526 a Nuremberg, comme professeur, il y transporta son globe, qui y est encore. En 1532, fabriquant un globe pour le due de Saxe, il publia deux nouveaux renseignements sur 1 utilite des * Anglice : A most luminous descrip- Emperor of the Romans, Maximilian, for tion of the whole earth, together with eight years, to the effect that nobody shall many very useful elements of Cosmography, printer have any of these books printed A new and truer description of Europe with the cosmographic globe, under penalty than any of the preceding ones. The of 500 Rhenish florins and the loss of all oldest names of rivers, mountains, cities the copies. and of most nations, have been compared Printed at Nuremberg in the establish- with the recent ones j the reader will also ment of John Stuchssen, A. D. 1515. find many other things new and useful to 1 Copies of which are inserted in SANTA- him. REM, Atlas, No. I 30; GHILLANY, Geschichte With the privilege of the invincible d. Behaim , and LELEWEL, Atlas. Bibliotheca Americana. I ^ globes. II mourut en 1547 [1567*] et pendant sa vie ses globes re- _ pandaient 1 image modernisee de 1 habitable de Ptolemee, nova et quam ante fuit, verior Europas formatio" (LELEWEL 3 .) The reader may consult with advantage (especially after having read the passages relating to Vespuccius in the Opusculum geographic um of the same author, see infra) , the cap. xi, fol. 60, which begins in these words : AMERICA {lue Amerigen no- || uus mundus : & quarta orbis pars : didia ab eius inuetore Americo Vefputio viro faga- cis ingenii : qui earn reperit Anno domini. 1497. In ea funt homines brutales (sic) . . . Direct references : | PiNELO-BARClA, Epitome, Vol. II, col. 1009 ( ? ). PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. VII, page 455. DOPPELMAYR, -v. d. nurnberg. Mathematicis, pages 45-50. GHILLANY, Gcschichte d. Behaims, pages 58, note, and 66, ij. ; quoting : WILL, Niirnberg. Gelehrtenlexicon, Vol in. Bibliotheca Brcivortiana, . Butsch Catalogue, Nos. 396 and 397. BRUNET, Vol. y, col. 216. O I IDEM OPUS Surmounting a large globe on a stand : ORBIS TYPVSn At the bottom of the page : Hexaftichon loannis Coclei in libellum Followed by six verses in small Gothic. a Vossius, de Natura Artium, Lib. nr, LER, Historia Astronomic (Wittenberg, 410, p. 126; and, if our memory serves us 1741). right, in GASSENDI, Vita: Braheri, Coper- Geographic du Moyen-Agt, Vol. n, nici, &c. (Paris, 410, 1655), and WEID- page 176. Bibliotbeca Americana. 143 Recto of folio 65 : I I nis Schoner : omnes Aftrorum imagines continente : || aliquot verfus loannis Hilt- ner. Followed by eight lines of poetry and II Impreffum Noribergae I excuforia offi- cina II loannis Stuchffen. Anno domini. * ;jc * Sm. 410, title one + sixty-five numbered leaves. On recto of folio 1 6, another woodcut of a globe on a stand. It contains two tracts; the first ends on verso of folio 14. (Private Library, Washington city.) We insert this title, not to convey the impression that it belongs to a work different from the above, but simply because it is one of the forms in which the Lu- culentissima is sometimes found. This is only the above No. 80, but without the first title and without the eleven unnumbered preliminary leaves. 82. REISCH (GEORGES) " Margaritha Philofophica nova cui annexa funt fequentia Grecarum literarum in- ftitutiones Hebraicarum literarum rudimenta Architec ture rudimenta Quadrantum varie compofitiones . Af- trolabii novi geographici compofitio . Formatio Tor- queti . Formatio Polimetri. Vfus et utilitas eorundem omnium . Figura quadrantis poliginalis Quadrantura circuli. Cubatio fphere. Perfpectiue phyfice et pofitive rudimenta . Cartha univerfalis terre marifque formam neoterica defcriptione indicans. In fine: Accipe candide 144 Bibliotheca Americana. lector Margaritam Philofophicam jam denuo regnoni- tarn. Cum qui te bene valere induftrius vir Joannes Griiningerus operis excufor et optat et precatur. Ex Argentoraco Veteri Nono Kalendas Februarias. Anno re- demptionis nqftre decimo quintojupra mille quingentos . Sequi- tur Appendix. Graecarum literarum inftitutiones, &c. ut Jupra . 4. " Gefner, p. 61 . Thott . vn . p . 159 . Collectio noftra" (PANZER 1 .) Our readers are doubtless aware that the present is the well-known encyclopedia, first published as early as 1496% by the Carthusian Prior Georges Reisch, who lived at Freiburg and was the Emperor Maximilian s confessor 3 . The popularity which that work enjoyed in the early part of the sixteenth century, renders it neces sary to ascertain what geographical notions in regard to the new world the Margaritha was calculated to convey. There are editions of Strasburg, by Schott 4 , and by Grii- niger 5 , 4to, 1504; Basle, 1508, 1517, 1535, &c., but we are unable to state whether all of these contain maps. We found none in the Freiburg edition of 1503, but there seems to be a very important map, in the edition which heads the present notice. " Auf der Karte bei Reisch, says Kunstmann 6 , ist Amerika als Fest- land von 75 N. B. bis 55 S. B. gezeichnet. Die Kiiste vom 75 N. B. bis zum 40 N. B. fuhrt den auffallenden Namen Zoana Me- la\" &c., &c. 1 Annalei Typogr. Vol. VI, p. 69, No. * Die Entdeckung Amerikai. Nach den 353. ahesten Quellen geschichtlich dargestclt ; a HAIN, Refertorium, No. 13852. Munich, 410, 1859, p. 131 8 WELLER, Alta aus alien Theilen der 7 Anglh e : On the map in Reisch, Gesch., Chemnitz, 8vo, 1760-66, Vol. I. America is drawn as a continent from 75 4 Libri catal., for 1861, No. 6171. N. L. to 55 S. L. The coast from 75 s Leipzig. Lift. Zcitung for Febr. 1804, N. L. to 40 N. L. bears the remarkable page 122. name Zoana Mela. Bibliotheca Americana. 145 83* MONTALBODDO-DU REDOUER Recto of the first leaf : I CJ I lt<m it tt?att ma- t mHtti0atiatt0: ctes par SBmertc tre befpuce jplorentin, lies r ifles nouuellemet trouuej , au pau&t II a no? in= cogneuj &ant en letf)iope q atratie II (ttalic^ut et aultres pluHeurg regions eftrall ges STraflate tre Jtaiien en Hague fracotfe II par matijurtn trti re^ trouer llcencie es Then vignette filling the rest of the page, and representing the signs of the zodiac; under which, we notice, printed in red: XIX. Verso of the fourth leaf: <n les bent a paris en la rue neufue no II ftre trame a lenfeigne tre lefeu tre ^France, II ** Sm. 410, sine anno t title one leaf-f- three unnumbered leaves -j- LXXXVIII numbered leaves, the last of which is marked by mistake LXXXX. (Private Library, New York.) This work is a literal translation, in primitive French, of No. 48. The headings, however, differ. See the following : (E <&s commence ie quart liure tre la nauigatio faiete en la mer tre ponent par <i)riftofle colomfc geneuois. Brunet is of opinion that the present may be the earliest of the editions of Du Redouer s translation, and that it was printed " chez Jehan Trepperel ou sa veuve." But which of the two Trepperels ? One Jehan Trep- 146 Bibliotheca Americana. I 5 I 5* P ere l died in 1502 (Lotting or after 1506*, or in 1508 . 5=5 = = Another Jehan Trepperel printed, also, " a lenseigne de lescu de franc e" as late as I5JI 4 . As to the widow Trep perel, she continued her husband s business, first in single blessedness, and afterwards in partnership with Jehan Janot. Her name, according to Brunet 5 , does not appear after 1520. At all events we ascribe to the present the date of 1515, simply because Brunet is inclined to consider it the earliest of the editions, and that Galliot du Pre s (infra] contains a privilege dated January 1516. Leng- let du Fresnoy 6 , however, ascribes to the edition before us the date of 1519. Direct rtferencfs : f CAMUS, M emoirt sur de Bry, page 346. Bibliotheca Gren-villiarta, . BRUNET, Vol. V, col. 1159, quotes also the De Bure sale or cata logue. 84. IDEM OPUS Recto of the Jirst leaf S<nftu)t monfrc par IBmeric te btfpuce r tfles nouueliement trouuef au ^auat a II no? icon- gneuf 5Tat en letfjiope q aratie call- II djut|t aultres plufteuts tegiois eftrages. xix || Then woodcut representing a circle in a square, with the signs of the zodiac. 1 Catalogue Chronol. des libraires-impri- 8 Marques Typographiqucs, p. 38, No. 74. mcurs de Paris ; Paris, 4to, 1789. 4 See La -vtngance nostre seigneur, printed 2 See the various editions of Tardif s " Ian mil cinq ccns trente ung." Lart de faulconnerle ; and Le mistere de la 5 Manuel, Vol. in, col. 1970. passion, which was performed " Ian mil c \q " M ethode pour etudicr rHistoirc, Vol. ctns et sept." IV, page 407. Bibliotheca Americana. 147 <E <n les bentr a ^arte a lenfeigne Spinet teim 1515.* tap II r ifle en ia Hue neufue $,oftre trame pres 3?atnete gene- II uiefue ties arirans. Jefjan iannut.H ** 4to, title, printed in black and red, one leaf -{- three prelimi nary leaves + LXXXVII numbered leaves, thirty-nine lines to a full page. Sine anno, but from its great resemblance to the above, and the fact that Jehan Janot became the partner of Trepperel s widow, we give it a place close to the latter s edition. (British Museum and Private Libr., New York, the latter an imperfect copy.) " Cette edition ne porte, ni privilege, ni date, en sorte qu il est difficile de savoir si elle a precede on suivi celle de Galliot du Pre ; cependant Jean Janot ne vivait plus en 1522." (BRUNET 1 .) references : ( Bibliotheca Grmvillia \ Li-vres Curicux, No. ( Manuel, Vol. v. col. Direct references : j" Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, . 119. 1 1 60. MAFFEI of roLTERRA " Commentariorum urban- orum Libri xxxvm. Parif. 1510. f." (MEUSEL 9 .) 8 6. IDEM OPUS Recto of the first leaft \ tf j 6.-f- LIS nouueau motre et nauigaetons fainter p IBmerie tre Uefpuce ftoretin| Besi || pas^ et ifles nouuellemet trouuetlaullparauat a nous neu{|Cat en lelltfjtope q araMe (Kaliefjut r 8 Bibliotk. Histor., Vol. I, Part I, p. 281. JOACH. VADIANI Epistola responsoria, 4to * We find under this date, in Maittaire \_Basilea~\ ; but we are unable to state (AnnaIcs,~Vo\.ll, Part I, p. 267): Ru- whether the Epistle of Vadianus mentioned DOLPHI AGRICOLA junioris [who, by the in that work is the same which entitles way, should not be mistaken for the great the various editions of Pomponius Mela and genuine Rudolph Agricola or Rolef by Vadianus (infra) to a place in this Huysman, who died in 1485, and whose compilation. name, in this instance, was assumed by a f As a reference made by Hakluyt Franciscan monk called John de Came- (Vol. in, p. 6) might lead the reader to rino], ad JOACHIMUM VADIANUM Epistola consider Robert Fabian s Annals or Chron- de locorum nonnullorum obscuritate cum icles as a work belonging to the Bibliotheca 148 Bibliotheca Americana. 1516. plu || fteurs regions eftranges | ftranflate tre italten = en fUgue II francosfe par Iftatfwrin tru refcouer iicencie eg lots. II Then spirited woodcut 1 representing a vessel, with the motto : VOGVE LA GVALLEE and the words : GALLIOT . DV . PRE, followed by <&um priuilegto regtell C Smprime a $aris pour (Balliot tru pre mar= cfjant li- II traire tremourant fus le pont noftre trame | a lenfeigne tre II la gallee | agant fa 13outtque en la grantr falle fcu ^allagg II au fecontr ^illier. II *^* 8vo, sine anno (but the privilege is dated Jan. loth, 1516); title one leaf -f- five preliminary leaves + cxxxu numbered leaves. (Private Librar., New York, Providence, and Harvard Coll. Libr.) " La Croix du Maine a indique" cet ouvrage comme imprime a Paris par Galiot du Pre en 1516." (CAMUS .) Galliot Du Pre, printed at Paris, according to the Marques Typographiques from 1512 to 1559, yet we know of a Palmerin (f Olive with his imprint, dated 1572. We find the same woodcut both in the present Du Redouer and in the edition of Alain Bouchard s Croniques, pub lished in 1531, when Du Pre was in partnership with Jehan Petit. Direct references: f TERNAUX, Bibliothequc Am erlcaine^ No. 17. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part IX, No. 3128. Bibliotheca Broivniana, No. 23. La Valliere, Aime Martin, Eyries and Essling Catalogues. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1159. Americana, we must state that Pynson s coverie of part of the Indies," seems to edition (1516, five years after Fabian s have been taken from a continuation by death), which is the first, reaches only to Fabian himself, mentioned by Stow, but the year 1495. That date is early enough, never published. (See chap, v, and appendix we grant, to admit of at least a reference A, in Biddle s Memoir of Sebastian Cabot.) to the New World ; but we failed to find, Republished in the Marques Typogra- either in that edition or in Rastall s (1533) phiqucs, Paris, 8vo, 1853, p. 24, No. 47. which contains a continuation, a single a Bibliotheques franfoitet, Paris, 1772- line germane to the subject. Hakluyt s 73, Vol. II, p. 119. reference to Sebastian Cabot s " first dis- 3 Memoires sur de Bry, p. 346, note. Bibliotheca Americana. 149 87* VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS Recto of the first leaf: ICl6. fli &mmgo vefyncci - troiuitf in quattvo Then the woodcut which adorns the title-page of the second edi tion of the Dati poem (supra, page 30) en contre epreuve. * # * 410, sine anno aut loco, sixteen unnumbered leaves, forty lines in a full page; text in Roman characters; signatures a. ii, a. iii -|- three blanks ; b. i, b. ii, b. iii -{- three blanks; c. i, c, ii -|- two blanks. The last three lines on the verso of the last leaf read: Data in Lifbona a di 4. di || Septembre 1 504. || Seruitore Amerigo Vefpucci in Lif bona. || On the verso of the eighth leaf there is a colophon : C Finifce elprimo Viaggio. || C Comincio el fecondo. || On the top of the recto of the ninth leaf, a rude woodcut repre senting two vessels with their crews. On the recto of the twelfth leaf, a second colophon : C Finito elfecondo Viaggio. || C Comencia el terzo. || On the verso of the same twelfth leaf, a woodcut representing a vessel at sea. On the recto of the fifteenth leaf, a third colophon : ([ Quarto Viaggio || Beneath which, a woodcut representing a vessel entering a harbor. There is a fifth woodcut, which is only a repetition of that which adorns the title, we think. (British Museum.) 150 Bibliotheca Americana. From the fact that the present was printed with the same type as the Corsali letter of Stephano di Carlo da J 1 1 Pavia, Florence, 1516, and is of the same size (but with some difference in the texture of the paper), and that a copy of this Corsali letter was once found bound in its original binding with this Vespuccius, we ascribe to the latter the date of 1516. It is this work which we quote (supra, page 62) under the title of Grenville codex. " Ouvrage excessivement rare, qui, m a-t-on assure, ne se trouve point a la bibliotheque imperiale de France [1810] Les bibliographes n en font point mention ; il n a ete tire, dit-on, qu a DIX exemplaires pour les dix souverains de 1 Europe [?] J en ai vu un chez M. 1 abbe de Billy, amateur tres-eclaire, qui possede un cabinet infiniment curieux a Besancon ; cet exemplaire, bien conserve, est superieure- ment relie en maroquin rouge [like the Grenville copy], par Bozerian ; son possesseur le croit UNIQUE. La derniere lettre de Vespuce est datee du 4 Septembre 1504. La suivante qui termine ce livret, est d Andre Corsali, 1 adressee a Jules de Medicis. Ce Corsali, lieu tenant d Amerique Vespuce [ ? ] prit le commandement de la flotte apres le deces de celui-ci, a Pile Tercere [ ?], en 1514 [ ? ]. Cette lettre est datee de 1515, et elle a ete imprimee, ainsi qu il est dit a la fin, le II decembre de 1516, a Florence, par lo. Stephano di Carlo da Pavia. L ouvrage tout entier parait avoir ete imprime en meme terns." Direct references: ( 9 Repertoire, page 139. Bibliotheca Gren-vi/liana, page 764. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part VI, No. 3848. NAPIONE, Appendix to the Ragionamento, pp. 107-115. EBERT, Dictionary, No. 23542. TERNAUX, Bibliotheque Americaine, No. 5. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1154. 1 It is scarcely necessary to add that the British Museum, and as we happen to these Corsali letters do not refer in any have a faithful transcript of one of them, manner to America ; they belong ex- we beg leave to insert in this place a clusively to the Bibliotheque Asiatique. literal copy of the title : Andrew Corsali may have known Vespuc- I.ETTERA DI ANDREA CORSA || LI ALLO cius, as he was also a Florentine by birth, ILL. PRJNCIPE || ET SIGNORE LAV- || RENTIO and in the employ of King Emanuel of DE ME || DICI DVCA |j DVRBI- || NO. || EX Portugal, but he never visited the New INDIA. World, nor did he ever hold the position / f ne : of " Lieutenant d Amerique Vespuce." Ex India quintodecimo kl. octob. M.D. Corsali s letters are addressed to Julian xvn. || F. D. 111. Ser. An. Corsalius. and Laurent de Medicis, but describe only * # * 410 for size, signatures a, b, c, each the East Indies, China, Cochin-China, &c. in eights, d, in four ; which, with the The only copies known, we believe, are in title, make twenty- nine leaves; although Eibliotheca Americana. 151 88. MARTYR (PETER) Within a border: I C I 6. loannes ruffus foroliuienfis Archiepus ===== C6fenti||n 9 : legata 9 apo. ad lediore de orbe nouo. || Accipe non noti praeclara uolumina mimdi || Oceani : & magnas nofcito lector opes. || Plurima debetur typhis tibi gratia : gentes || Ignotas : & aues qui uehis orbe nouo. || Magna quocp autori referenda eft gratia noftro : Qui facit haec cunctis regna uidenda locis. || Autor. || Sifte pedem lector : breuibus compa&a libellis|| Haec lege: prin- cipibus uariis de cimoqj leoni || Pontifici fummo infcripta. hie noua multa .uidebis. || Oceani magnas terras : uafta aequora : lin- guas || Hacl;enus ignoftas: atqj aurea faecula nofces : || Et gentes nudas expertes feminis atri : Mortiferi nummi : gemmifcg aurocp feracem || Torrentem zonam : parcat uene- randa uetuftas. Colophon : Cura & diligentia uiri Celebris Magiftri Antonii Ne- || briffenris hiftoriciregii fue- we have seen it stated that there should out catchwords. It is the other let- be thirty : " an invaluable blank leaf" ter of Corsali, addressed to Juliano de (which, however, we cannot, at such a Medici, which bears Stephano di Car- distance, connect with the last signature) lo s colophon, and that was bound with being, we suppose, that great desideratum, the above Italian Vespuccius in the He- The text is in Roman characters, with- ber collection. 152 Eibliotheca Americana. 1516. runt hae tres protono || tarii Petri martyris decades Impreffie in || contubernio Arnaldi Guillelmi in || Illuftri oppido carpetanae pui || ciae copluto quod uulgari || ter dicitur Alcala pfe || &u eft nonis No || uebris An. || 1516.* * :!e * Folio, title one leaf -j- sixty-two unnumbered leaves + one unnumbered leaf-f- one blank -f- three leaves for the Vocabula barbara -\- sixteen leaves for the Legationis Babilonicte. Text in Roman characters. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) The edition of the first decade of Peter Martyr, printed at Seville in 1511 (supra, No. 66), had been published, as it seems, contrary to his wishes 1 , and con tained only the first nine books of the first decade (the portion which, on the recto of the forty-first leaf, bears the title of Occean. decadis libri Decimus, is only a short dissertation De superstitionibus insularium solutum per se libellum). In 1508, he wrote for Mendoza de Tendilla, a genuine Lib. x, which completes the first decade in the edition before us, while the xth of the edition of 1511 is added to the ixth. We know that Pope Leo X was so charmed with Peter Martyr s Decade * Angllcl : John Rufus of Forli, Arch- golden ages and of nations free from the bishop of Cosenza, apostolic legate to the corrupting influence of money ; of the tor- reader, touching the new world. rid zone, fertile in precious stones and Accept these exquisite volumes concern- gold, respect the venerable antiquity, ing the new world, and learn, O reader ! Decades of the new world, of the great treasures of the Ocean. The By the care and industry of the cele-, greatest gratitude is due to the pilot brated master Anthony of Nebris, these [Tt0t>? ?]; Thee who carriest unknown na- three decades of the historian and pro- lions and birds to the new world. Great thonotary, Peter Martyr, were printed in thanks are also due to our author, who shows the office of Arnold William in the cele- all those kingdoms in their places. The brated city, which is commonly called Al- Author. Reader, stop, read what is con- cala. Finished, November 9th, 1516. tained in this short work, inscribed to l " Duas decades addidi primae quae me different princes, and to Pope Leo X. Here inconsulto praelis fuit impreilbrum expo- you will see many new things of the Ocean, sita." Epistle to Charles V, dated Sep- great countries, vast seas; you will learn tember 3Oth, 1516, in the present collec- of hitherto unknown languages, and of tion of the three Decades. Bibliotheca Americana. 1 53 that he read it to his sister and to the cardinals "after supper, serena fronte, and to satiety, until late in the night 2 ," and are not surprised, therefore, to learn that this enlightened Pope instructed Bottrigari, his Em- bassador to the Court of Spain, to request the inter esting annalist to continue his Oceania. It is in con sequence of this request that the second decade was written, December I4th, 1514, and the third, partly in March, 1515, remitting the manuscript to the printer only on the I4th of October, 1516, owing to his wish to insert the news which had just been brought to him by one Roderick Colmenares. The present No. 88 is this edition : the earliest that contains the first three decades. " Brunet mentions an edition of Madrid, 1516 [ Matriti, 4th ed., Vol. v, No. 28479], as being noticed in the Catalogue of the College of Clermont, which is probably the same book as this, the dedica tion to Charles V. being dated from Madrid, pridie kl. Deto. 1516." (Blbliothtta Grenvilliana.) It would prove interesting to compare these three decades with the letters of Peter Martyr, which treat of the New World, and dated to the year 1516, for the purpose of ascertaining whether there are any variations in the statements of facts. Peter Martyr has been charged with antedating his letters for the purpose of acquiring the reputation of a sagacious seer ; but as according to Juan Vergara 3 our author wrote with such rapidity that he had frequently been seen to pen two epistles while the table was being set, he may have given different versions of the same occurrences. Direct references: I TERNAUX, Bibliotheque Am erhaine, No. 1 8. -{ EBERT, Dictionary, No. 13321, for a repetition of the imaginary | title, " Matriti, 1516." BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 293. GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 129. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 26. Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part i, No. 5558. Bibliotheca Broivniana, No. 24. 9 Of us Epistolarum (edit, of 1670), Let- 3 apud ANTONIO, Bibliotheca Hispan. ter No. 562, page 310. Nova, Vol. II, page 372. 20 Bibliotheca Americana. 88. GIUSTINIANI (AUG.) Within a highly ornamented border Pfalterium, Hebr^um, Gr^cu, Arabicu, & Chald^u, cu tribus latinis iterptatoibus & gloffis. v i6paticbv iyrjviicbv, dp a 6 IKOV ical %aX6aiKov per a rpivv ip kartv IKUV nal . J n n Impreffit miro ingenio, Petrus Paulus Porrus, genuae in aedibus Nicolai lufti niani Pauli, praslidente reipub. genuenfi Bibliotheca Americana. 155 pro Sereniffimo Franco^ Rege, preftan || ti viro Odauiano Fulgofo, anno chriftia || ne falutis, milleiimo quingentefimo fex || tode- cimo menfe. VHIIbri. Colophon, under a letter P on each side of an onion: Petrus Paulus Porrus Medio || lanenfis, Taurini degens.* ** Folio for size, but the signatures read : one blank, then A ii, A iii, A iiii, A ij, then five blanks, B, B ii, B iii, B iiii, then four blanks, and so on through the register, which does not contain a single folio signature. Title one leaf-j- four leaves containing an epistle from Jacobus Antiquarius addressed to Giustiniani, dated Milan, vm kalen. aprilis 1516 ; a preface by Giustiniani addressed to Pope Leo X, dated Genoa, Cat, Aug. 1506; which preface is repeated in Hebrew, Chaldean, Greek, and Arabic. Then the text in one hundred and ninety-nine unnumbered leaves. (Private Libr., New York, Brooklyn, Providence, Owl s Head, and in many other American libraries.) Agostino, or Pantaleone 1 Giustiniani, was born in Genoa in 1470.* When only fourteen years of age he was kidnapped, notwithstanding his aristocratic parentage, and sent to Valencia, in Spain, from which place he re turned to Italy in 1488, to join the order of the Domini cans. He soon acquired an extensive reputation for his great learning, especially in the Oriental languages, which he taught until he was made Bishop of Nebbio, in Cor sica, November 1 5th, 151 4 . At the request of Francis I, * Anglice : The Hebrew Psalter, to- year of the Christian Salvation 1516, Oc- gether with three Latin interpretations tober 9th. Peter Paul Porrus of Milan, and glosses. residing at Turin. Printed with wonderful skill by Peter- * ZENO in FONTANINI, Bibliotheca Ital- Paul-Porrus of Genoa, in the house of iana, Vol. ii, p. 232. Nicholas Justinian Paulus, under the ex- a UGHELLI, Italia Sacra, Vol. IT, p. 411. cellent Octavius Fulgoso, President of the * QUETIF & ECHARD, Serif tores ordinis Republic of Genoa in the name of the Pradicatorum recensit ; Paris, 1719-11, most illustrious King of France. In the Vol. ii, p. 96. 156 Bibliotheca Americana. I Cl6, who had lately founded the literary institution since so . famous under the name of College de France, Giustiniani removed to Paris to fill the chair of Hebrew 4 , which he occupied four or five years, visiting, occasionally, Hol land, where he acquired the personal friendship of Eras mus, and England, where Henry VIII and Thomas More bestowed upon him flattering marks of attention. He died before 1530 or in 1536^ at sea, but whether by the hands of pirates 7 or by shipwreck is not known. Giustiniani is the author of a number of valuable works 8 , which should not be ascribed to the Genoese prelate of the same name mentioned by Soprani 9 . Benevolent, patriotic, and disinterested, Augustine Giustiniani yet suffered persecutions at all hands 10 . De voting all his energies, means, and talents to the prose cution of a work which was destined to redound to the credit of the community in which he lived, his efforts were neither appreciated nor rewarded. The circum stances connected with the publication of Giustiniani s Polyglot Psalter are fraught with wholesome teachings. Prompted by a desire to promote learning and conscien tious investigations, Giustiniani, after elucidating the texts of Job, Plato, Xenophon, and Maimonides, con centrated all his powers on a laborious, difficult, but necessary edition of King David s Psalter, in the He brew, Chaldean, Greek, Arabic and Latin languages. It was the initiatory step towards the first publication 4 Giustiniani is still gratefully remem- by BAYLE, Dictionnairc, Vol. n, page 906, bered by the Paris students as the frst note. professor appointed to the professorship of 7 Govio, de gli Hvomi Famosi, p. 244. Hebrew in their favorite college. But our (We must apologise for quoting so fre- impression is that Paolo Paradisic, other- quently Paul Jovius Eulogies in Orio s wise called Le Canosse, received the first version Venice, izmo, 1558, but we appointment. (See GOUJET, Mem. stir k have not yet succeeded in securing for con- College de France, Vol. I.) The Dizio- stant use a copy of the original.) nario S. degli aut. ecc/es., Venice, 8vo, 8 TIRABOSCHI, Storia dclla Lett. Italiana, 1769, Vol. n, p. 323, states, however, Vol. rn, pp. 344 and 403. that Giustiniani was the first incumbent. * Scrittori delta Liguria ; Genoa, 410, 6 Vossius, de Historicis Latinit t Lib. m, 1667, p. 6. p. gg lt 10 The Psalter was prohibited and con- 6 MICHAEL GIUSTINIANI, gli Scrittori fiscated by the civil ( ? ) authorities of Liguri [Rome, 4to, 1667], p. 18, quoted Genoa. Bibliotheca Americana. 157 of a polyglot edition of the entire Bible printed with the types belonging to each version. In a community abandoned to the lust of lucre, it is scarcely necessary to say that the undertaking was viewed with supine indif ference. Giustiniani persevered, but there were ob stacles which it was beyond his power to surmount ; and although all knew that he wished nothing for himself, his appeals remained unheeded". He caused two thousand copies of the Psalter to be printed on paper, and fifty on vellum 12 . Not one fourth of the edition found purchasers 1 . His exertions, his sacrifices, his solicitude even, so far from commanding respect, were treated with taunts and sarcasm 4 . Centuries have now elapsed ; and although the egotism and bigotry exhibited by Giustiniani s contemporaries still find apol ogists and imitators, his polyglot Psalter remains a great monument of his learning, perseverance, and devotion ! It is this Psalter which entitles the unfortunate Bishop of Nebbio to a place in our American gallery. Remem- 11 Two scholars, Jacob Furnius and umi del Dauidico psalterio in le predette Baptista Cigala, aided him, however, to cinque lingue, paredomi di questa opera the extent of their abilities. See note to doner acquistar gran laude & no mediocre Psalm LXXVIII. We feel tempted to quadagno, il quale pensauo di esporre en think that the well-known verses of Vir- la suuentione di certi miei parent! ch erano gil : " Nan ignara mall miseris succurrere bisognosi. credendomi sempre che 1 opera disco," may be quoted as an explanation douessi hauere assai grande vscita, & che i for the proffered assistance. Withal, let prelati richi, o i Principi si douessero mo- it be said that Giustiniani was not com- uere & mi douessero aggiutare i la spesa di pelled to go begging from door to door, fare imprimere il restante della biblia in almost always in vain, for permission to quella varieta di lingue, ma la credulita consult books which remained untouched mia resto ingannata, p che 1 opera fu da and uncut in the hands of their owners, ciascaduno laudata, ma lassata riposare & One of his ancestors, Andreolo Giustiniani, dormire, p che a pena si sono venduti la had left him a valuable library, which he quarta parte de i libri, come che 1 opera afterwards bequeathed to the city of Ge- sia p valent huomini, & p ingegni eleuati, noa. It has since disappeared. che sono al mondo ran, & pochi, & co 12 LELONG, Discours hhtorique sur Us stento puoti ricauare i denari, ch aueua Bibles folyglottes ; Paris, lamo, 1713, posto in la stapa, che furono bona quan- pp. 32 and 319. tita, p che oltra i dua millia volumi sta- 18 The following passage is really touch- pati in papero, ne feci imprimere cinquata ing : in carte vitelline, & mandai di essi libri a " Feci stampar in Genoa alle mie spese tutti i Re del mondo, cosi Christian! come con quel trauaglio, & co quella spesa, che pagani." See Castigatissimi Annali de la ogni literate puo giudicare doa millia vol- Republics di Genoa (infra), page ccxxiv. 158 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 6. Bering that Christopher Columbus frequently pro- - claimed that he had been chosen by God to exemplify the thought or prophecy expressed in verse 4 of Psalm xix : Laudatoria Dauidis. )ui Jufpiciunt celos enarrant gloriam DEI, & opera manuum eius annunciant qui Jufpiciunt inaera, he inserted in the margin, close to the verse, a lengthy biography of the bold navigator, his countryman and contemporary. This untimely note, which may have been the cause of the persecutions suffered by our author, is frequently quoted. Fernando Columbus devotes an entire chapter to a refutation of what he mildly terms 15 the " twelve lies uttered by Giustiniani." The text of the note has been republished by Von Murr 16 , and, with a translation, in the Notes on Colum bus. There is an English version in the Christian Ex aminer* 7 , and, we believe, in the N. T. Historical Mag azine. Direct references : f GESNER, Bibliotheca uni-versalis, page 92. MAITTAIRE, Annalts Typogr., Vol. II, Part I, pages 276-7. PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. vu, page 63. LELONG, Bibliotheca Sacra, Part I, page 400. FABRJCIUS, Bibliotheca Lat. Med. et Inf., Vol. iv, pages 61014. AUDIFFREDJ, Bibliotheca Casanata, Vol. I, page 625. VAN PRAET, Catalogue des li-vrcs sur i>elin, Vol. I, page 8, No. 4. Bibliotheca Barloiuiana, . Bibliotheca Breivortiana, . La Valliere Catalogue, Vol. I, page 3, No. 7 ; McCarthy Cata logue, Vol. I, page 2, No. 3; Bibliotheca Susscxiana, Vol. i, Part II, pages 107-112; and Bibliotheca Broivniana, No. 25, all for copies printed on vellum. 14 See the indecorous remarks of Jovius, I8 Histoirc Diplomatique du chc-valicr as noticed by BAYLE, loc cit. Behaim, pp 150-156. 14 " dodicie bug-ic" Historie deW Ammi- 17 Boston, for September, i8s8. o -> raglio (ed. of 1571), cap. u, fol. 3. Eibliotheca Americana. 159 8g. SABELLICO (MARK-ANT.} 11 Rapfodiae hiftoria- I^iy* rum Enneadum ab orbe cond. P. I quinque compl. En- = neadeSj praem. earundem repertoriis auctis et recogn. ab Afcenfio cum auth. epitomis. In aedd. Afcens. ad nonas Novbr. a. 1516. in-fol. Posterior pars ejd. Raps, hift. cont. fex enneades relig. c. earundem repertoriis et epitomis. Rapfodia hiftor. ab o. cond. in a. ufque fal. noftrae M. D. IIII optatum iterum recepit finem in aedd. Afcens. ad Idus Febr. 1517. in-fol." (GRAKSSE 1 .) go. MONTALBODDO (PR. DE) c: Paefi nouamente retrou- ati per || la Nauigatione di Spagna in Calicut. Et da Alber || tutio [?] Vefputio Florentine intitulato Mon || do Nouo: Nouamente Impreffall [Colophon~\ C Stampata in Venetia per Zorzi de Rufconi milla- || nefe : Nel. M.ccccc.xyii. a di. xyiii. Agofto. || 124 unnumbered leaves, with woodcut of the City of Venice on the title ; the reverse of the last leaf blank ; signatures A in four^ b to q in eights" (Historical Nuggets*.) 91. Pomponius Mela. || Ivlivs Solinvs. || 1518. Itinerarium Antonini Avg. | Vibivs. P. Victor de regionibus urbis Romae. || Diony- fus Afer de Jftu or bis Prefciano Interprete. Colophon : VENETIIS IN AEDIBUS j| ALDI, ET ANDREAE || SOCERI MENSE OCTOBRI M.D.XVIII. ||* 1 Vol. vi, p. 202. * Anglice : Pomponius Mela, Julius So- a Page 752, No. 2747. an d BRUNET, linus ; Itinerary of Antoninus Aug. Vi- Vol. v, col. 1158. bius. P. Victor on the vicinity of the 1 60 Bibliotheca Americana. _ ^ T o * # * 8vo, two hundred and thirty-three numbered leaves -f- three unnumbered ; no map. (British Museum.) Ed. prima collect." (Kloss Catalogue.) We insert the above solely on the authority of Bisnop Kennett s valuable Bibliotheca America Primordia. We failed to discover in this edition of Pomponius Mela and its suite of the " lesser geographers" anything re lating to America. Although Bishop Kennett cites the Aldine edition, we are of opinion that he had in view the following, which is of the same date, and contains the well-known epistle of Vadianus to Agricola. Q2. POMPONIUS MELA Within a highly ornamented border : POMPONII MELAE Hif-||pani, Libri de fitu orbis tres, || adie&is lOachimi VA- diani || Heluetii in eofdem Scho- || His : Addita quocp in Ge- || ographia || Cate- chefi: || & Epiftola Vadia- || ni ad Agrico la ||digna le-||du.|| Cum Indice fummatim || omnia comple&ete. || n* im- city of Rome; Dionysius Afer, on the site Venice, in the house of Aldus and An- of the world; translated by Priscianus. dreas, his father-in-law, Oct., 1518. Bibliotheca Americana. 1 6 1 Colophon on verso of the last leaf: I C I O IMPRESSVS EST POMPONIVS || VIENNAE PANNONIAE, EXPENSIS LVCAE ALANTSE|| CIVIS ETBIBLIOPOLAEVIENNENSIS, PER|| IOANNEM SINGRENIVM EX OE. || TING BAIOARIAE . MENSEH MAIO, ANNI, || M.D. XVIII. ||* Then large printer s mark, and LVCAE ALANTSE. *^* Folio, title one leaf-f- twenty-two unnumbered leaves + one hundred and thirty-two numbered leaves -j- one unnumbered, with colophon on the verso. No map. (Private Library, New York.) LIB. PROHIB. & EXPURG 1 . See on verso of folio 124, and recto of 128, in the epistle of Vadianus to Agricola, the passage relating to America : "... nondimeno sembla, che il Vadiano, celebre pe suoi Comenti a Pomponius Mela, sia stato il primo a chiamare il Continente Occiden- tale, col Nome di America fin dal 1512, o 1514 American a Vespuc- fio repertam." (CANCELLIERI*.) "JoACH. VADIANUS, Suisse de S. Gal. mort en 1551 [astatis LXVI*] Monsieur Vossius le fils dit [Preefat. in Mel. Geogr.~\ que les Re- marques que cet homme a faites sur Pomponius Mela sentent la chariie & le village. Mais quelques uns ont trouve cette sentence un peu rigoureuse." (BAILLET*.) Direct references : f PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. IX, page 37. -j DENIS, Wicni Buchdruckcrgeschichtc, pages 186-8. ( GRAESSE, Vol. v, page 401. * Anglice : Three books of Pomponius not be printed within the next six years. Mela the Spaniard, on the site of the Pomponius is printed at Vienna in Austria, earth, together with the scholia [annota- for Lucas Alantse, by John Singrenius of tions] of Joachim Vadianus, a Swiss, and Oettingen in Bavaria, May, 1518. also the guide to the geography, and let- * Index Librorum Prohibitorum ; Mad- ter of Vadianus to Agricola, worthy of rid, fol., 1667; I. Class., p. 557. being read, with an index, containing, in a a Ditiertazioni, p. 46. concise form, everything. It is provided Vossius, De Natura Artium, p. 148. by Imperial privilege that this work can- * Jugements des Savants, Vol. n, p. 46. 21 1 62 Bibliotheca Americana. I O. DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES Recto of the first leaf: ifij Uttf- fo mii ii * no interpret*. Then woodcut of a cardinal s arms in a border. Colophon : VIENNE || <ufptmanug neuos r berrucas fuftulit || SHtntetfwrgn: tmprefftt anno iij 1 ?) * Jte * 410, twenty-six leaves, text in Roman characters. (British Museum.) On the reverse of the title there is an address contain ing the following slight allusions to the Oceanic dis coveries : " Tfi pl ima feculo nto fut & inueta || loca prius ignota & a fcriptorib 9 uetuftifli- mis negle/ || d:a : q prope die tuae R. P. . . - 5 mitta. As to the work itself it is only Rufus Festus Latin paraphrase of the well-known hexametrical description of the earth, written originally in Greek by Dionysius Periegetes, Lybicus or Africanus, toward the latter part of the third century. Direct references : ( HOFFMANN, Bibliogr. Lexicon, Vol. 11, page 106. \ BRUNET, Manuel, Vol. n, col. 731. 1 See DENIS, ffiens Buchdruckcrgcschichtc, p. 19, No. ao. Bibliotheca Americana. 1 63 94. MONTALBODDO (PR. DE) Paeu nouamente retrouati. & Nouo Modo da Alberico Vef- putio Flo- || retino intitulato. || Then vignette representing the king receiving Vespuccius. In fine : C Stampato in Milano con la impenfa de lo. lacobo & fratelli da || Lignano : & diligente cura & induftria de loanne An- gelo fcinzen || zeler: nel. Mccccc.xix. a di. v. de Mazo. || *,* Sm. 4to, title one leaf -j- three preliminary leaves -}- eighty unnumbered leaves for the text, which is in Roman characters. (Private Library, Providence.) This edition seems to be the best known, as it is almost exclusively quoted by the early authors, who frequently ascribe the work to J. M. Angiolelo 1 , and even to Vespuccius 2 . " Le vol. porte dans le catalogue de Floncel [Paris, 1774], No. 5427, sous le titre de Prima navigatione . . . Milano, 1519, est tout simplement un exemplaire de la presente edition, ou il manquait les quatre ff. prelim 3 ." Direct references: f LEON PINELO, Epitome, page 132. \ HAYM, Bibliotheca Ita/iana, Vol. i, page 179, No. 9. I CAMUS, Memoire sur De Bry, pages 6 and 345. NAVARRETE, Coleccion, Vol. m, page 1 88. TERNAUX, No. 21. 8 BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1158. La Valliere Catalogue, No. 4541 . Historical Nuggets, No. 2748. Bibliotheca Bro-wniana, No. 28. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part VI, No. 599, in describing the Dal- rymple copy, adds a curious, although very common memoran dum : " In the old wrapper, ------------ u. (,d. 1812, Hering, binding, washing, and sizing, a. 7. o. 2. 8. 6." 1 PINELO-BARCIA, col. 907. * LEON PINELO, loc. cit., p. 62. 1 64 Bibliotheca Americana. 5 I 9* 95* STOBNICZA (JOHN DE) Recto of the first leaf: in fHoiilmun Ciifnuij)raj)l)iam cum u longitudinibus & latitudinibus regionum & || ciuitatum celebriorium || (E Epitome Europe Eneae Siluij. || (E Situs & diftin&io partium totius Aafiae per brachia Tauri mon/ || tio ex Afia Pij fecudi || (E Particu- lalior minoris Afiae defcriptio ex eiufdem Pij afia. || (E Sirie compendiofa defcriptio ex Ifidoro. || (E Africe breuis defcriptio ex Paulo Orofio. || (E Terras facli & urbis Hierufalem apertior : fratris Anf- || helmi 1 ordinis Minorum de obferuantia. || (E Magifter Paulus Crofnenfis. Lecliori Studiofo. || Qui freta, qui frontes populos ac mcenia colles || Quiqg cupias uafti nofure regna foli || Hue praecor hue uultum paulif- per uerte benignam || Exiguumqg legas can- dide leclor opus || Omnia quo magni clau- duntur climata mundi || Quodcp ponet uariis terra rotunda locis || Quo populos urbes mirabere flumina montes || Et quae funt oculis non bene uifa tuis || Quo Pto- lomei fubito (mihi crede) uidibis || Et re- 1 See infra, p. 166, note i. Bibliotheca Americana. 165 leges fpariim grandia fcripta libri || Et 1519. quod mille alii dodi fcripfere libellis|| Hoc paruo inuenies confpiciesq$ libro || DIS- TICHON || Afpice quam paruo ledor ftudiofe libellojl Claufa fit immenfi ma- china magna poli. || Colophon : Impreffum Cracouiae per Hieronymum Vitorem || Calcographum. Anno falutis humanae. Mille/ 1 fimo quingentefimo de- cimo nono. Deci/ || mo feptimo kalendas Maii. || * + * 410, two preliminary leaves, including the title, -f- forty-four leaves. No map or maps. (British Museum.) On the verso of the title, in the Dedication inscribed : C Reuerendijfimo in Chrifti patri & Domino loanni dei gracia Epifcopo Pojnanienfi loannes de Stobnicza. Salutem dicit, There is the following : Et ne foli Ptolomeo laboraflem, curaui etiam notas face requafdam partes terroe ipfi Ptolomeo alijfcp uetuftioribus ignotas q Americi Vefputij alio^ eg luftratione ad noftra noticia puenere. Upon the verso of folio 5, in the chapter De Meridi- anis, Stobnicza speaks of the discovery by Vespuccius of parts of the earth unknown to Ptolemy, and adds : " Similitu in occafu ultra Affricam & Europa magna ps terroe quam ab Americo 1 66 Bibliotheca Americana. 15*9* ei 9 rep tore america vocat, uulgo aut nouus mundus dicit," &c. See also on the reverse of the folio 7, in the ninth chapter, what seems to be a repetition of the famous passage in the St. Die Cosmographia : " Non folu aut pdicl:^ tres ptes nuc funt latius luftrate, veru & alia quarta pars ab Americo Vefputio fagacis ingenii viro, inuenta eft, qua ab ipo Americo eius inu- entor amerigem quasi americi terrain iiue america appellari volunt, cui latitude eft fub tota torrida roua," &c. Since our No. 69 was in print we have discovered the following note in Meusel 1 : " ANSELMI, ordinis Minorum de Observantia, apertior descriptio terrae sanctae et urbis Hierusalem (facta 1509) ; edita una cum Pto- lemaei Cosmographia, a loan de Stobnicza. Cracoviae f. a (circa 4-" Direct references: C Vossius, De Natura Artium, Lib. in, page 148. -| PINELO-BARCIA, Epitome, col. 1227, seems to refer to a reprint of ( Ptolemy itself, and not to a mere introduction. 0,6. ALBERTINI (FRANCIS DE) " Opufculum de mira- bilibus novae & veteris Urbis Rom<e : induftria & im- penfa THOM^ WOLFF Chalcograpbi* gnari exara- tum nuper. 4. to ex propria OJficina Urbis Basilese. 1519." (MAITTAIRE*.) " Ed. III." (Kloss Catalogue 8 .) 1 Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. i, Part If, Hum, Lyons, fols. 1632-76, will perhaps . 8 1, referring to " Canisii Lectt. antiqq. find some additional details under the head Bibl. [Dresden 8vo, 1747], T. n. p. 124." Ptolemy s Cosmographia. The reader who has access to BONONJA, a Annales Typogr., Vol. II, Part i, p. Biblioth. Scriptor. Ordinis S. Francisc., 335, and PANZER, Vol. VI, p. 216. Venice, fol., 1747 or to BOVERO, Anna- Page 7, No. 71. Bibliotheca Americana. 1 67 97* ENCISO (M. F. DE) Under a large sphere held by a band : Suma Ire geograpijta 5 II trata tie totras las par= tiiras r prouin- 1| eias trel muniro : en efpecial ire las iniri- II as. r trata largamete trel arte trel mare II ar : Juntamete eon la efpfjera en romace : eon el regU mieto trel S?ol r trel norte : nue II uamente tecfta. II (Eon preuilegio real. II Verso of the title-page : ^reuilegioreal. || ?l reg. || ^or quato por parte tre bos el fmcjiller fHartin fernatrej tre || enctfo al= guatil ma^or tre caftilla trel oro me fue feefja rela^ cio II trefientro q nos auegs ^eeijo bn litro tre eofmo^ grapfjia . dFee^a en la etutratr tre ^arago^a a chuo trtas trel mes tre fetie || bre tre mil r qntnietos r trettocfjo anos. go el reg. ^or mantratro trel II reg. OTaftailetra. II Colophon : jFue impreffa enla nofcilittima r mug leal cmtratr tre g>^illa por Ja- II cofco croterger alema en el afto S la encarnacion tre nueftro feftor. II tie mil r pink entos r trie* r nueue. II* * # * Folio; title one leaf + seventy-five unnumbered leaves ; text in Gothic. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) * Anglicl : Compendium of Geography, you, the Bachelor, Martin Fernandez de which treats of all the parts and regions Enciso, Alguazil Mayor of the Golden of the world, and especially of the Indies ; Castil, have informed us that you have also at length of the art of navigation and made for us a book on cosmography. . . . of the sphere in the vernacular [language], Done in the city of Saragossa, Sept. $th, together with the regulation of the Sun 1518, I, the King. By order of the king, and North. Newly composed. With Royal Castafleda. Was printed in the very noble Privilege. and loyal city of Seville, by James Crom- Royal Privilege. The King. Whereas berger, a German, A. D. 1519. 1 68 Bibliotheca Americana. I I Q. " Apparently the first book printed in Spanish relating to America ; unknown to Robertson. Enciso having gained a considerable sum in St. Domingo by practicing law, was induced by Ojeda to join him in an expedition of discovery and conquest to the continent of Amer ica. After suffering great hardships and hairbreadth escapes, which are related by Herrera, he returned to Spain, and published this work for the instruction of Charles V. The account of America is prin cipally from his own observations." (RICH 1 .) We must add that Martin Fernandez de Enciso first came to the New World with Rodrigo de Bastidas 2 , was Alguazil Mayor of the Golden Castil, and the owner of the vessel as well as the planner of the expedition in which Vasco Nunez de Balboa 3 acquired so much fame. A great hydrographer and explorer, his work is invalu able for the early geographical history of this continent 4 . Speaking of the supposed edition of 1482, mentioned in Spicilegium veter. Secul. xv. edit., Mendez is very posi tive 5 : " Dudo 6 niego que haya tal edicion, pues segun D. Nicolas Antonio, no pudo alcanzar el Autor a este tiempo." Judging from the following passage 6 , Enciso wrote a disquisition, which entitles him to a place side by side with Las Casas 7 , Francis of Vittoria 8 , Julian Garces 9 , and D. de Avendano 10 , or perhaps only with J. Gines de Sepulveda" : " Escribio Enciso un papel muy curioso sobre si los conquista- dores espanoles podian tener y poseer indios encomendados, contra 1 Bibliotheca Americana Vetus. No. 4. es un tratado ; id., 36 11. 6 Entre los a HERRERA, Dec. i, Lib. VII, cap. xi. remedies ; id., 53 11. 7 Aqui se contienen NAVARRETE, Disertacion sobre la Hist, unos auisos ; id., i611. 8 Tratado compro- de la Nautica; Madrid, 410, 1846, page batoria; id., 1553, 80 11. 9 Princifia 146. qued. ex quibus. f raced. ; id., 10 11. 4 HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. IV, 10 Resolution a 12. dua"as, MS. 11 Singul. p. 306; and DE LA ROQUETTE in Noui>. tractatus, MS. Annales des Voyages, Vol. IV, p. 5. 8 De Indis et jure Belli, in Theol. Relec- 8 TyPg ra fi a Espanola ; Madrid, 410, tiones ; 8vo, 1565. 1796, Vol. i, p. 170. * Letter to Paul III, in PADILLA, His- NAVARRETE, loc. cit., p. 147. toria de la fundacion de Santiago ; Madrid, 7 i. BreuiJ/ima relation; Seville, 410, fol. 1596. 1552, co 11. 2 Lo que se sigue es vn fe- 10 Thesaurus indicus; Antwerp, fol. 1668. dafo f id., 4 11. 3 Aqui se contiene una n Apologia pro libra de justis belli di sputa ; id., 6l 11. 4 Aqui se contienen causis contra Indos suscepti { Rome, 8vo, treynta proposicionet ; id., 10 11. 5 Este 155- Bibliotheca Americana. 169 los frailes dominicos que decian que no, y se opusieron al despacho I CIQt de la expedicion de Pedrarias Davila, so pretexto de quel el Rey no _ podia enviar a hacer tales conquistas." Direct references: ( LEON PINELO, Epitome, p. 172, and PINELO-BARCIA, col. 1279. 3 ANTONIO, Bibliotheca Hispania Nova, Vol. n, page 101. Bibliotheca Hebcriana, Vol. vi, No. 1525. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 9, No. 27. TERNAUX, No. 20. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 973. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 473. 98. VARTHEMA & DIA8 ITINERARIO || DE LV- I $ 2O. DOVICO DE VARTHEMA BOLOGNESE || nel- == lo Egitto, nella Soria, nella Arabia de || fetta, & Felice, & nella Perfia, || nella India, & nella Ethyopia || Le fede el viuere/ & coftumi delle pre/ || fate Prouincie. || ET AL PRESENTS AGIONTOVI || alcune Ifole nuoua- mente || trouate. || Then large , woodcut, with the inscription BIBELLO. SENZA. DIME. LHVOM. FASST. Recto of leaf 89 : (T Qui finiffe lo Itinerario de Ludouico de || Varthema Bolognefe/ de li paefi & Ifole || la Fede el viuere & coftumi loro. || Nuouamente per lui vifti || in piu parte. (T Qui comincia lo Itinerario de Lifola de luchatan || nouamente ritrouata per il fignor Gioan de || Grifalue Capitan Gen- erale de L annata || del Re de Spagna & per il fuo Ca- || peliano copofta. || Ludo. || Colophon (which, in this copy, is somewhat crooked, as the letters in two of the words are transposed) : 22 i jo Bibliotheca Americana. 1520. (Tin Venetia per Matthio Pagan || in == Frezzaaa (sic), al fegno || dell (sic) Fede. ||* ** Sm. 8vo for size, with signatures in fours, sine anno. Title one leaf-)- one hundred numbered leaves -j- three unnumbered leaves for the index -f- one inestimable blank leaf. (Private Library, New York.) This extremely rare volume contains two distinct works. The first, by Ludovico de Varthema, sometimes called Ludovicus Patricius Romanus, Varomicer, Var- rommicer, Barthema, Vartomanus, Varibemo, and Varon- miser ; the second, which alone entitles the book to a place in our Bibliotheca, by Juan Diaz. The latter is a description of the memorable expedition to Yucatan under Juan de Grijalva, from March ist to November 1 5th, 1518. Grijalva wrote an account of the voyage, which he presented to Velasquez, who intrusted it to Oviedo to be remitted to the king. This full report is now lost, but Oviedo has probably embodied it in his Historia 1 . Bernal Diaz, who was a companion of Gri jalva, gave also an account* of the expedition. As to Juan Diaz, he was the chaplain, and accompanied, to gether with the Dominican monk Bartolome de Ol- medo, Hernan Cortes to Yucatan and Mexico. On that occasion he was the first who said mass in Yucatan (Feb., 1519, at the island of Cozumel). He baptized * Angllce: Itinerary of Ludovico de Var- King of Spain, and composed by his thema of Bologna, to Egypt, Syria, the chaplain. Desert and Arabia felix, Persia, India, and At Venice, by Matthew Pagan, at the Ethiopia; the creeds, manner of life and sign of the Faith. customs of the said countries, together * Historia General de las Indias, Part I, with the description of some islands re- Lib. 17, cap. 8 1 8. cently discovered. a Historia -verdadera ; Madrid, fol. 1632 Here ends the Itinerary of Ludovico de (two issues of the same date). The reader Varthema, of Bologna, concerning the may also consult, concerning the Grijalva countries and islands, creeds, manner of expedition : GOMARA, Prim, y scg. pane de life and their customs, recently seen by lajiht. gen. de las Indias ; Saragossa, fol., him in several parts. J 55 2 -3j HERRERA, Decade 11, Lib. in, Here begins the itinerary to the island cap. I ; COGOLLUDO, Historia de Tucathan ; of Yucathan recently discovered by Signer Madrid, fol., 1688; LORENZANA, Hist, de Juan de Grijalva, Captain-General of the Nue-va Esfafta ; Mexico, fol., 1770; CLA- Bibliotheca Americana. 171 the famous Malinche, and is said by Diaz de la Calle 1 to have been the first priest who said mass in the city of Mexico, although Gonzaga 4 asserts that this mass was said by Olmedo, and that Diaz only assisted him. Diaz wrote a short itinerary in Spanish of the expedi tion of Grijalva, the original of which has never been published, nor is it known to exist. We find the first version of it in a translation into the Toscan dialect. It is the present No. 98. This version was republished in the editions of 1522 (infra), 1526 (infra) and 1535 (infra}. It is not in the Varthema of Scinzenzeler, Milan, 1523, nor has it been added to the reprints of Varthema in the various editions of the Novus orbis and of Ramusio. We doubt whether it is inserted in any of the French, German or English editions of the Itine- rario which were published towards the middle of the sixteenth century. We had the rare Spanish translation by de Arcos examined, hoping, as it bears the date of 1520 (Seville) that it might contain the original text of Diaz, but we regret to say that Grijalva s expedition is not inserted. Brunet and Graesse mention, as contain ing it, an edition by Rusconi, dated Venice, 1520. This assertion seems to be based upon the Hibbert Catalogue No. 8793. The copy seen at the Hibbert sale was an imperfect one, lacking, we think, the leaf with the colophon ; and which was mistaken for the edition published by Rusconi in 1522 (infra). We ascribe to the present the date of 1520, but with no better reason than that it seems to be an earlier impression than any of the dated editions which have come under our notice. This date is arbitrary altogether, and might as well be 1521. There is a valuable translation into Spanish of Diaz account in Senor Icazbalceta s important, trustworthy VIGERO, Storia antica del Mtssico ; Cesena, 3 Memorial de las Indias Occident. ; Mad- 4to, 1780-1; SOLIS, Hist, de la conquista rid, 410, 1644. de Mexico; Madrid, 410, 17885 NAVAR- * De origine Scraphica: Relig. Tranche. ; RETE, Co/eccion,Vo\. in, pp. 55-64; PRES- Rome, fol., 1587. COTT, loc. cit. 8 Coleccion de documentor para la historia 1 72 Eibliotheca Americana. 1C 2O. and too little known Coleccion*. The late M. Ternaux a--- has given a faithful version in his Recueil 6 . " The most circumstantial account of Grijalva s expedition is to be found in the Itinerary of his chaplain above quoted [under the title of Itinerario del Capellano, MS.] The original is lost, but an indif ferent Italian version was published at Venice, in 1522. A copy, which belonged to Ferdinand Columbus, is still extant in the li brary of the great church of Seville. The book had become so ex ceedingly rare, however, that the historiographer Munoz [and even Navarrete], made a transcript of it with his own hand, and from his manuscript that in my possession was taken." (PRESCOTT 7 .) Direct references : [ C. R. (Riva of Milan) Catalogue, . Hanrott Catalogue, . BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1094. GRAESSE, Vol. I, p. 301. 99* 4NONYMOUS~Recto of the first leaf : t* bet Clemen gfrefiflg Then woodcut filling the rest of the title-page, and representing vessels, islands, and a sea-port. *^* Sm. 410, sine anno aut loco , title one leaf + two unnumbered leaves + ne blank. Neither colophon nor water-mark. (Private Library, New York and Providence.) This extremely curious and interesting plaquette pur ports to be a translation into German of a letter describ ing the arrival of a vessel from Brazil to a port not mentioned, October i2th, of a year also left blank, but which is supposed by Humboldt 1 to be between 1525 and 1540, while de Varnhagen 2 ascribes to the expedi tion the early date of 1508. The letter describes an exploration coastwise of nearly two thousand miles, de Mexico; Mexico, 410, 1858, Vol. I, * Anglice : Copy of a late letter from pp. 281-308. the Land of Brazil. 6 Rccucil des pieces relatives a la Conquete * Examen Critique, Vol. v, p. 249. du Mcxiquc; Paris, 8vo, 1838, pp. 1-47. 9 Historia geral do Brazil ; Madrid, 7 Conquest of Mexico, Vol. i, p. 229, note. 4to, 1854. Bibliotheca Americana. 173 undertaken with two vessels belonging to one "No- no" ( ? ) and to the well-known Christopher de Haro 3 , with the authorization of the King of Portugal. Hum- boldt is of opinion that this was a voyage to the Straits of Magellan ; Varnhagen, on the other hand, attempts to prove that it is only the well-authenticated Spanish expedition of Solis and Pinzon. Ternaux seems to value the work only in so far as it " prouve d une ma- niere authentique, Tanciennete des relations de la France avec le Bresil 4 ." This assertion rests upon a single line containing a statement to the effect that "les habitants disent qu il vient de temps en temps d autres vaissaux, et que ceux qui les montent sont habilles comme nous ; d apres ce qu en disent les habitants, les Portugais pen- sent que ce sont des Fra^ais. Us ont presque tous la barbe rouge 5 ." We are inclined to think that the early date of the visits of the French navigators to Brazil rests on better authorities. Even if we leave aside the interesting documents produced by Des Marquetz 6 and the ingenious arguments urged by M. Estancelin 7 con cerning the supposed expedition of Cousin of Dieppe to Brazil in 1488, we have authentic deeds and deposi tions proving beyond a doubt a French expedition to Brazil as early as 1503, by Binot Paulmier de Gonne- ville 8 . The anonymous Enforma^ao do Erasil et de suas 3 "J observeraid abord que 1 opuscule allcmand, TERNAUX, Archives des Foyagcs ; orne sur le titre d une gravure en bois qui repre- p , /.O AI \ Vo i TT , ofi sente un port de mer et deux ilots rocheux, est ^ ans 8VO > n - d 1 IS 4I;, vol. II, p. 300, cortainement traduit de I italien et non du poitu- note. gais, comme on pourrait le supposer La 6 TERNAUX, loc. cit., p. 309. maison e ris p a e * r ^ * C fouTnissai* " Memoircs chronologiqucs pour seriiir a comme ja-lis celles de Berardi et de Marchioni i I histoire de Dieppe; Paris, 2 vols., I2mo, Seville et Lisbonne, des fonds pour de grandes en- 1785, Vol. I, pp. 93-98. . pretendues injustices de la cour de Lisbonne, prit Paris, 8vo, 1832, pp. 37, and 332-61. une part si active au l projet du detroit, qu il 8 p_ j} GONNEVILLE, Memoires touchant . d u^r VEspSe^ loulufpa^acc^r ^M^mnt June rnntion chretienne dans des offres si genereuses en apparence, mais Hato la troisieme monde; Paris, I2mo, 1663; DE finit par s engager pour la cinquieme partie des BROSSES, Hist, des Navigations aux terres frais de 1 expedition, ou pour 4000 ducats. Aussi , / p . t I7e6 Vo i , DD au retour de la fameuse nao Victoria, toute la car- austraies , f iris, 4to, 1750, vol. i, pp. gaison de cloux de giroffe lui fut remise." HUM- 104-1145 D AVEZAC, in Bulletin de la BOLDT, loc. cit. Societe de Geographic, Vol. xiv. p. 172. 174 Bibliotheca Americana. 2O. capitanias 9 , also mentions the arrival of French vessels . into the port of Bahia in 1 504, which date is corrobo rated by another account published by Ramusio 10 , and mentioning the discoveries made by Jean Denys, a na tive of the hospitable and ever gratefully-remembered town of Honfleur, in Normandy. This curious and enigmatic account was probably writ ten originally in Portuguese, then translated into Italian, from which the present version seems to have been made. Humboldt gives" an excellent analysis of the plaquette, made from a copy in the Dresden library. There is a French translation in Ternaux Archives des Voyages^ and extracts in the Portuguese language have been inserted by Varnhagen in his valuable and too little known History of Brazil 13 . The date of 1520 is altogether arbitrary, and rests on no other foundation than mere inferences tending to show that the account may have been written soon after 14 the expedition of Magellan, and the fact that this date, having been given already in some catalogues, it may facilitate researches. Direct references : f ZAPF, Augsb. Buctidruckergeschichte, Vol. n, page 202, No. ix. < Bibliotheca Grcn-villiana, page 835. ( Bibliotheca Bronvniana, page 10, No. 30. I O O . IDEM OP US Recto of the first leaf: Mclueu Se^tung efWa Stmbt. Then, instead of the above-described vignette, a large woodcut representing the royal arms of Portugal. Colophon : (E (Betntrft $u 9fojjftw?fj burdj drljart oglin. * Jlt * Sm. 410, sine anno ; title one leaf 4* three unnumbered leaves, the third containing only ten lines, including the colophon. For water-mark, a cup, (Private Library, New York.) * Re-vista trimcnsal ; Rio de Janeiro, 1J Loc. cit., Vol. v, pp. 239-258. Vol. vi, pp. 412-414. la Vol. ir, pp. 306-310. 10 Discorso (fun gran cafitano di mare 18 pp. 434-435, note. Francese, Vol. in, foil. 423-432. * If not before ! See infra, p. 175. Bibliotheca Americana. 175 This edition presents differences in the orthography throughout, but not to such an extent as to give new readings, especially of the mysterious passage : " Uub tooUcu bie (*rfamcu ^ovtunalefcr fagen co fcicu ejtyiter, fo gettMtafttpa nttbigieren," and of the expres sion " 9lo?t 5lff?U," which so greatly perplexed von Hagen and Humboldt. Yet, had Humboldt and de Varnhagen enjoyed an opportunity to consult it, they might have modified their views. The reader will no tice that this bears on the title-page a large woodcut representing the royal arms of Portugal. This must be viewed as one more indication that the translator or printer considered the plaquette as giving an account of a voyage undertaken under the auspices of Portugal, and not, as Varnhagen is inclined to think, of a Spanish expedition under Solis and Pinzon. On the other hand, the plaquette was printed by Erhard Oeglin, which militates against the conjecture of Humboldt that the events it relates transpired between the years 1525 and 1540. This Erhard Oeglin or Oglin, some times called Erhard Ocellus of Reutlingen, was already in partnership with John Otmar in 1505. Judging from a careful examination of Zapf s Augsburgs Euchdrucker- geschichte 1 , Oglin does not seem to have printed after 1516, when he enjoyed the then uncommon title of Im perial Printer. Nor should we forget that there are internal evidences 2 tending to show that the translation was made from an Italian version, itself probably taken from the Portuguese. All these transformations im ply a certain lapse of time, which, when added to the probability that the German printer had ceased to print after 1516, present materials for a new history of the voyages to the southern seas, which may yet prove that what is now termed the Straits of Magel lan was visited before 1519, and that Christopher de 1 Augsburg, 410, 1788, Vol. I, page 8 Note B to Vol. v of the Examen XLIIJ, and Vol. n, p. 202, No. ix. Critique, page 245. i 7 6 Bibliotheca Americana. 2O. Haro, imparted to his intimate friend Magellan the indications which led to the memorable voyage of the nao Victoria. We must also be permitted to remark that this wood cut adds weight to our assertion when describing the .escutcheon of Granada in the second edition 3 of the Columbus letter (supra, p. n), that armorial bearings are no sure tests to determine where the book was printed, as in the present instance we have an Augs burg edition, which, instead of the well-authenticated vignete of a pine-apple, contains the arms of Portugal. Had the present copy of this Augsburg plaquette lacked the colophon, as is frequently the case with those early printed sheets, it might have been ascribed to a Lisbon or Evora printer by the bibliographers who accept the theory that a coat-of-arms on the title-page indicates that the book was printed in the country which assumes the inserted escutcheon. I O I . ANONYMOUS Within a border : C PROVINCIAE SIVE || REGIONES IN INDIA || OCCI- DENTALI NOVI||TER REPERTA IN || VLTIMA NA- || VI- GATIO- 1| NE.-. In fine : Et Valleoletti feptima || Martij. Millefimo Quingentejimo vigejimo.\\* *.,,* Very sm. 410, fourteen unnumbered leaves, including the title. Private Library, New York. Account of the conquest of Cuba by Diego Velas quez ; and is a translation into Latin of a Spanish ac count, as yet unknown 1 . 3 We use the words second edition on * Anglice : The provinces or regions the strength of the following endorsement in the West Indies recently discovered in by such a high authority as M. D Avezac: the last navigation. Valladolid, March " Je portage coiipletement -votre opinion sur yth, 1850. Pordre chronologique des six editions de 1493 * On the verso of leaf c-iiij there is a par vous decrites." letter from Peter Acosta. Bibliotheca Americana. 177 I O2. PETER MARTYR (?) Within an ornamented border : IC2O. $ie fdjlffnng mitt || bent Sannbt ber || (Stalben Snfelge- == funDc bitrd) I ern .Joljau bo 9lngliara|| ^atojjtnwn beg (Stiffen || litfjcn Alitntfl* uo if Urania, gar fjubftfj vu 1)0 re mit || alien ijreu lebcu || iwb fit- 1| ten. || ^ || * J|e * Sm. 410, // rf0 <z^ /<?, title one leaf-|- two unnumbered leaves. No water-mark. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) A foreign catalogue 1 ascribes four leaves to this work, and adds the following notice : " Premiere edition allemande de la premiere lettre de Pierre Mar tyr, sur la decouverte du nouveau continent, tres-rare." Pinelo-Barcia, Antonio, Meusel, Jocher, &c., are all silent concerning this or any other " Johan von An- gleria." Peter Martyr is probably intended ; but what is meant by his " first letter concerning the discovery of the new continent," we have failed to discover 2 . Direct references : f GRAESSE, Vol. I, page 130, on whose authority (in the absence -( of any other) we ascribe the date of" vers 1520." ( Bibliotheca Broiuniana, page 10, No. 30. IO3. ALBERTINI (FR. DE) Recto of the first leaf: i&otne pufculu ire $,oue et ftJetmg urbte Home etritu. a d cifco Eltettino jFlorentino * OTum 1 Asher s, for 1858, No. 35. dated the ides of May, 1493, which is the * See Opus Efistolarum Petri Martyris first letter of Peter Martyr mentioning (infra) and Notes on Columbus, pp. 129-135, that startling event. The description for the Epist. cxxx to Joseph Borromeo, covers only five lines. 178 Bibliotheca Americana. I C2O The title is within a highly ornamented border, surmounted by a ________ vignette representing the gates of a city, and terminating with two woodcut portraits, which we have failed to identify. Colophon : Impffu Lugd. 9 p loan, mario fuptib 9 & expefis Romani morin bi- || bliophile eiufde ciuitatis. ano dni M.D.XX. die vero. xxviii, martii. || * ;jc * 410, title one leaf + sixty leaves numbered in Arabic nu merals on the recto, repeating 56 twice ; on the verso of the last leaf two woodcuts, the lower being a papal coat-of-arms. (British Museum.) This edition reproduces, without any alterations, the passage referring to Vespuccius, which we have inserted supra, in describing the edition of 1510 (No. 64). Clement ascribes to the present, " Feuillets 57." Direct references: f Bibliotheca Sarraxiatta, Part n, p. 117, and Biblioth. Anonym. -j Hagac-Com. ap. BEAUREGARD 1744, p. 161, cited by: I CLEMENT, Bibliotheque Curicuse, Vol. i, page 121. 104. PTOLEMT-ESSLER-UBELIN " Ptolemaeus auctus reftitutus emaculatus, cum tabulis veteribus et novis [opera Georgii Ubelii]. Am. E. von Buck 8 : loannes Scotus Argentorati literis excepit MDXX. Diefe Aufg. enthalt XLVII Tabulae, Geographicae in Holfchn. Bern- har, Aretiri s Beytrage Bd. V. p. 535 fagt, dafs in der Bibl. zu Munchen zwei Exx. seien mit roth, und eins mit fchwarzegedr. Titel." (MEUSEL* and HOFFMANN".) Reimpression of No. 74, which see. " Dans le texte les noms propres en grec sont omis : 1 atlas y est de meme double comme dans 1 edition de 1513." (LELEWEL*.) 1 Annal. Tyf., Vol. v. Part II, p. 1 88. * Geographic du Moycn Age, Vol. IT, 8 Bibliogr. Lexicon, Vol. ill, p. 319. Appendix, p. 208. Bibliotheca Americana. 179 ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: I 5 2O< ettii^et jenDbvicff bem allcr bur dj leu djtigtftcu || groffmedjttgifte gftrften tmb erren erren <arl SRomifdjen tmb II ty- fottttifdif Miwifl &c unfcrm gttebiben Ijcnt burd) ire Der- orbent || .au^tlcut Don toegen ciucr neiti gefunbe 3 feln, ber felfie gefegenllljeit dnb jumaner jltten tin ge- loonijcitc iulialtcnb nor Alur^ucrfdji- 1| ucit tagcn pge- fanbt. || Then woodcut representing the landing of" armed men from a man- of-war. Colophon on verso of the seventh leaf: ettuift in ber feiferlidjen @tat ^litrmfierg bnri||| Srtibcridjcu ^{m|tmb fclt^flidj tiolcnb II am. 17. tag 9Jtarcij|be3 jav bo man|| jalt nad) ^Hfti nnferS UeBewll getet. * # * 410, title one leaf -j- six unnumbered leaves -j- one blank; thirty-eight lines to a full page. (Private Library, Providence.) This rare plaquette contains a relation of the expedi tions of Francisco Hernandez de Cordova, Grijalva and Cortes to Yucatan, taken apparently from Peter Martyr s Decades. Direct reference: Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 10, No. 29. 1 06. ALBERTINI (FR. >)" Opufculum de Mirabili- bus novse et veteris Urbis Romae. Bononiae, 1520, 4to." ^Bibliotheca Heberiana 1 .) * Anglice : An extract from several scribing its locality, the customs and missives to the most illustrious and power- habits of its inhabitants. Printed in the ful prince and lord Charles, King of the Imperial city of Nuremberg, by Frederick Romans and of Spain. Our gracious lord Peypus, and happily finished March lyth, sent through his appointed captains an A. D. 1520. account of a recently-discovered island, de- * Part vi, No. ia8. 180 Bibliotheca Americana. 1520. 107. PIGGHB (4LBERT)-A\bertvs Pi || Ghius Campen || iis de cequinodiorvm fol || fti- tioruque inuentione Ad. R. in Chrifto patrem D Fra || cifcum Molinium Abbatem S. Maximini, a Secretis & coiilio . R . Fran- corum Chriftianifs. & pijs largitionibus eius || dem prcepofitum primarium || Eiufdem de ratione Pafcha || lis cele- brationis/ Deque Reftitutione ecclefiaftici Kalen || darij. Ad Beatiffimum Patrem Leonem X Pontificem || Maximum. || venundantur Pari{ij/ in vico Diui lacobi fub fcuto Bafilienfi. || Cvm privile || gio ad Trien || nivm. || *,,.* Sm. folio, sine anno (the second treatise bears the date of 1520). (Imperial Library at Paris.) The above title has proved to us such a fruitful cause of disappointments and vain researches in the dusty garret of an old church, and in the damp cellars of our dealers in second-hand books, that it is not with unmitigated sorrow that we find ourselves constrained to state that Albert Pigghe, frequently called Pighius Campensis (1490-1 542 ), was frightfully homely 1 , a Pelasgian 3 , and probably a plagiarist. A certain stress has been placed by Humboldt 4 upon the following passage, which the reader will find on page 28 : 1 NICERON, Memoircs, Vol. xxxix. * CALVIN, Resfons. contra Pighium, 3 " la brutezza d un viso tanto spia- Opusc. TAeol., p. 140, in BAYLE, Dic- ceuole," Govio, de gli Hvomini famosi in tionnaire, Vol. m, p. 721, note. lettcrc, p. 222. * Examen Critique, Vol. iv, p. 145. Bibtiotheca Americana. 1 8 1 Terra etiam noua Chriftianiffimi hif- 1520, panarium regis aufpiciis a Vefputio nuper *== inuenta/ quam ob fui magnitudinem mun- durn nouum appellant vltra oequatorem plus 35 gradibus vefputii obfervatione pro- tendi cognita eft et necdum finis inuentus. 5 " Fa stupore egualmente," says Canovai", " che Alberto Pighio Cam- pense nell anno 1520 conservi i suoi diritti al Vespucci ad onta di tutte le macchine che contro di lui gia cominciava ad innalzare la potente Famiglia del Colombo : terra etiam nova, &c." Direct references : ( MIGNE, Encyclopedic Theologique, Vol. XLII, col. 670. j CANCELLIERI, Dissertation!, page 46. | WATT, Bibliotheca Britannica, Vol. n, col. 757. GRAESSE, Vol. v, page 289 ; and, if we can trust a memorandum half-effaced, WADLER, Bibliotbeca Astronomies, page 339; PAN ZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vm, page 69 ; BLOUNT, Centura Celebr. Author., page 417. I O 8 . SOLINUS-CAMERS Within an ornamental border : IOANNIS CAMERTIS MINORI || TANI. AR- TIVM/ ET SA- || CRAE THEOLOGIAE || DOCTORIS/ IN. C. IVLII || SOLIN nOAVi ETQPA || ENARRATIO- || NES. || Additus eiufdem Camertis Index/ || turn literarum ordine, turn re- | rum notabiliu copia/ per- || comodus Studiofis. || Cum Gratia & Priuile- || gio Imperiali. || 8 Anglice : The new land lately dis- by the observation of Vespuccius to ex- covered by Vespuccius under the auspices tend further than thirty-five degrees be- of the most Christian King of the Spains, yond the equator, and the end of it has and which, on account of its magnitude, not yet been found, has been called the new world, is known * t r a gg > PP- Z 99> 300 (ed. 1817). 1 82 Bibliotheca Americana. Colophon: EXCVSVM EST HOC OPVS SOLINI- || anUHl (5u Ennerationibus egregii facre The- || ologiae Dod:oris IOANNIS CA- || MERTIS Minoritani, Anno na- || tiuitatis domini. M.D.XX. || Viennae Auftriae per lo- || anne Singreniu, im- || peniis honefti || LVCAE ALANTSE, ciuis/ Bibli- || opolae Viennenfis. | * # * Folio, title one leaf-)- seven preliminary leaves -f- three hun dred and thirty-six pages + two unnumbered leaves, with the above colophon on the recto of the- second, followed by a woodcut representing two griffins supporting a shield, sur mounted by a tree -f- fifteen leaves for index, on the verso of the last, Singrenius mark. Text in Roman characters. (British Museum.) " Der Minorite Gamers (^sein eigentlicher weltlicher Name war Giovanni Rienzzi Vellini 1 , aus Camerino in Umbrien gebiirtig und Lehrer in Wien [1468-1546]) datirt seine Vorrede zum Solinus Vien nae* Pannoniae VI. Calendas Febr. anno post Christi natalem MDXX. Apianus (Peter Biencwitz, geb. 1495 zu Leissnig bei Meis sen), gibt folgenden Titel seiner Karte, auf der zuerst der Name Amerika in dem siidlichen Theile des Neuen Kontinents eingeschrie- ben ist : Typus Orbis universalis juxta Ptolomei Cosmographi Tra- ditionem et Americi Vespucii aliorumque lustrationes a Petro Apiano Leysn. elaboratus, Anno Do. MDXX. Der Isthmus von Panama ist auf der Karte des Apianus von einer Meerenge durchschnitten, was um so merkwiirdiger ist, als dieser, bis in die neuesten Chines- ischen Weltkarten fortgepflantze offene Isthmus sich auch auf dem Globus von Johann Schoner findet, der dasselbe Alter hat. Dazu fiigt die Karte des Apianus in der Ausgabe des Gamers iiber den am grossten geschriebenen Namen America die Inschrift hinzu : Anno 1497 haec terra cum adjacentibus insulis inventa est per Co- lumbum Januensem ex mandate Regis Castillae." (HuMBOLDT*.) 1 CLEMENT, Biblioth. Cur. Vol. vi, p. 146. not state whether this edition contains * There is another edition of Solinus likewise the map which imparts so much of the same date, supposed by some authors importance to the Vienna book, to be anonymous, but which was also pub- Within a highly ornamented border : lished by Gamers. As it is extremely C. I VLII || SOLINI POLYHISTOR, || rare, we insert in this place a transcript of SEV RERVM ORBIS ME || MORA- the title, although our memorandum does BILIVM COLECTANEA. || Bibliotheca Americana. 183 This remarkable map, which, thus far, is the earliest with the name of America inscribed, is inserted close to the verso of the eighth leaf. It is a woodcut \\\ -}- *6 inches, with an ornamented border, and bears the following inscription : TIPvs ORBIS VNIVERSAL S IVXTA PTOLOMEI CSMGRAPHI TRA- DITIO N EM ET AME || RIG 1 V E SPVCII ALICHQVE LVSTRATIONES A PE- TRO APIANO LEYSNIC ELVCRJ9 || AN. DO M.DXX 3 . || The southern continent is separated from the northern, and ex tends just to the equator. On the southern part, we read : Anno 1497, hac terra cum adiacetib 9 infulis inueta eft per Columbum lanuen- fem ex mandate regis caftelle AMERICA puincia. North, several islands, one marked ISABELLA, under which the following queer inscription : Spagnolla infula in qua rep/r guaicu lignum. Which would almost entitle the work of Ulrich de Hutten on Guaicum wood to a place in our Bibliotheca. The northern continent is termed Terra incognita. This valuable map was also inserted in the Pomponius Verso of the title-page : published in that city, folio, 1538, by SOLINI VITA || PER IOANNEM Sebastian Miinster (as appears on p. 46 of CAMERTEM EDITA. || this Basle edition) intended ? See FREY- Colophon: TAG, Apparat. Lift., Vol. in, p. 649. Colonies apud Eucharium Ccruicor || nunt * Anglice : Delineation of the entire & Hcroncm Fuchs. Anno || uirginci partus. world, prepared according to the teach- M.D. || XX. mcnsc Decem- \\ bri. || ing of Ptolemy the cosmographer, and *.* 410, ninety-two numbered leaves. the voyages of Americus Vespuccius It is also stated that there is a Basle and others, by Peter Apian of Leiss- edition of Gamers. Is not the So/inus nig [Saxony]. 184 Bibliotheca Americana. Mela of 1522 (infra], and necessarily preceded the map- >.pemonde bearing also the word America, and inserted in the sumptuous Ptolemy of 1522 (infra], The cartography of the sixteenth century is of such importance to the student of American history that we deem it necessary to devote more space to maps and geographical works than has been heretofore the custom in bibliographical compilations. We will, therefore, describe all the maps contained in the works before us, and add, at the end of the present volume, a Cartographia Americana, or description of the geographical delinea tions engraved or printed separately, before 1550. Researches have also been instituted in the Imperial, Mazarine and St. Genevieve libraries at Paris, for the purpose of bringing to light the manuscript maps of that period which refer to America. Direct references: ( FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca Latina (ed. 1721), Vol. i, page 415. \ MAITTAIRE, Annales Typogr., Vol. v, Part n, page 250. I ERNESTI, introd. to the Bipont edit, of So/inus, 8vo, 1794, page x. Bibliotheca Hebcriana, Part x, No. 723. EBERT, Dictionary. 1 Introd. to GHILLANY, Gcschichtc des S. Bchaim, p. 8. I OQ. MONTALEODDO (FRANC. DE) Recto of the first leaf: $aefi nouamente ritrouati per II la Nauigatione di Spagna in Calicut. Et da Alber || tutio Vefputio Florentine intitulato Mon || do Nouo. Nouamente Impreffo. || Then vignette representing Venice, filling the rest of the page. Colophon : C Stampata in Venetia per Zorzo de Rufconi Milla || nefe. Nel. M.D.XXI. adi. xy. de Febraro. Bibliotheca Americana. 185 * # * Sm. 410 for size; title one leaf + one hundred and twenty I Cj 2 I unnumbered leaves for text -f- three unnumbered leaves for _ the table. Printed in Roman in two columns. (Private Library, New York.) Mr. Hanrott, in a note to the Grenville copy, states that this edition, " though not so rare as the preceding ones of 1507 (No. 48) and 1508 (No. 55), contains more at the end." Per contra, Nodier says 1 that all the editions, except these two, "ont eprouve, dans plusieurs endroits du texte, des alterations sensibles, et pour des causes particulieres," while Brunet 1 calls this number a "simple reimpression de 1 edit. de 1517" (No. 90) ; and then proceeds to reopen the controversy as regards the original compiler of the Paesi, in these words : " Ce nom de Montalboddo Fracan. ou Franc. (anzano) se lit cer- tainement dans toutes les editions de ce recueil. Nous voyons meme que c est celui sous lequel est placee 1 edition de 1507, dans la Bib- lioth. pinelL, qui passe pour etre 1 ouvrage de 1 abbe Morelli. Ce- pendant ce savant bibliothecaire, dans ses notes sur la lettre de Co- lomb 3 , dit que le recueil de voyages (Mondo novo) imprime a Vicence, en 1507, a etc donne par les soins d un certain Fracanzio, natif de Monte Albodo, dans la marche d Ancone, et reprend a ce sujet ceux qui, d apres la mauvaise le^on de 1 epitre citee, ont attribue ce livre a un pretendu Montalboddo Francanzano. C est aussi ce que repete Zurla, di Marco Palo, vol. n, p. 1 08." This note of Brunet, together with the use which we made of Zorzi s name in mentioning the preceding edi tions of the present work, and the alteration introduced at the suggestion of M. D Avezac (see supra, No. 70) make it incumbent on us to state our authorities for ascribing then the compilation of the Paesi to Alexan der Zorzi. 1 Catalogue of 1844, Part i, No. 1042. di grande rnerito indotti furono a nomin- a Vol. v, col. 1159. are quel raccoglitore dalla guasta lezione, 3 "... per opera di un Fracanzio, che il libro nella lettera dedicatoria, con che ivi professava Lettere, ed era nativo da altre molte d importanza, presenta : le Monte Alboddo, terra nella Marca An- quali bene spesso vennero adottate da Fra conitana ; non di un Montalboddo Fra- Arcangelo da Madrignano," &c. (Lettera canzano Vicentino, siccome scrittori anche rarissima, pp. 45-46). 24 1 86 Bibliotheca Americana. I C2I. In the first place, we had the authority of Hum- _ boldt 4 , and in the second place the explicit statement of Baldelli, upon which it is based. Baldelli, in his ex tremely curious note 5 to the Milione, mentions his dis covery in the Magliabechi Library of a copy of the col lection of voyages known as the Paesl of 1507, which contained a transcript of a letter stating that when Bar tholomew Columbus visited Rome in 1505 he made a present of the account of his brother s discoveries to a certain canon, who afterwards gave it to " the compiler of the said collection compilatore della raccolta pre- detta" Not having the means of consulting that let ter, which, so far as we know, has never been printed, we were constrained to accept Baldelli s version of it, which we had no reason to question. At all events, Humboldt was perfectly justified in making his state ment on the authority of Baldelli. It is only for those who have had the good fortune of reading the contents of the letter itself to state, if such is the case, that the learned editor of Marco Polo s Milione misunderstood its purport. True it is that the manuscript additions to the Magliabechi copy contain notes, which are also ascribed to Zorzi, and imply a date later than 1507, but there is no evidence that Zorzi was not living as late as 1524. Zeno, Fontanelli, Tiraboschi, and nearly all the historians of Italian Literature, whose works we have been able to consult, ignore our Zorzi, but we can 4 Examcn Critique. Vol. IV, p. 80 (id. classate per ordine cronologico. Ho con diligenza . f\ studiata questa raccolta, ed ho scoperto chi ne fosse supra, p. 90;. ;, racco gij tore . Nel volume secondo, dopo la " Una scoperta da me fatta, reca alcuin lumi, copia d > una i ettera d j Simone del Verde Florentine, e necessita delie rettificaziom important!, relativa- scritta di Spaglia a Matteo Cini mercante Fioren- mente all 1 illustrazione di questo celebre mappa- tillo in yenezia a di z. Gennajo 1498. (Stil. mondo [fra Mauro s]. Esiste nella Bibhoteca Mag- Florentine) ne ll a qua l e lo ragguaglia della prima liabechiana (Class, xin. var. Palch. 8. Cod. n. zi. navigazione del Colombo, segue: Informazione e 84.) la celebre Raccolta Vicentma delle naviga- di fiartolommeo Colombo della navigazion di Po- zione del Portughesi, della quale sara in acconcio nentCi e Gar bi n ne l Mondo Nuovo e si racconta in altroluogo il ragionare, divisa espressamente in cne Ile u essere Bartolommeo in Roma nel 1505, due volumi,uno contenente gli scuoprimenti orien- dopo ta morte d ; suo f rat ello Cristoforo la diede ad tali, 1 altro gli occidental!. E il primo volume un frate j eron imo Canonico regolare in S. Giovan intitolato Nicole Conti : e cio perche il viaggio Laterano, e questi essendo in Venezia diede una del medesimo della dettatura originate del Poggio carta de ; dett ; scuoprimenti, e la relazione di Bar er in fronte del volume. II secondo e intitolato Al- tolommeo ad Alessandro Zorzi, suo amico am- berico, perche contiene le navigazioni di Americo f n at , re dtlla ratcolta fredettn (v. II. Intit. Alber. Vespucci. Cio che rende pregievohssima delta gz) S((/ria dd Mi / ione . Florence, 410, raccolta e che vi sono state aggiunte le relazioni r interessantissime ed inedite di parecchi viaggiatori I<> 2 7> *Ol. I, p. XXXII, note. Bibliotheca Americana. 187 find nothing in Foscarini 6 (who seems to be the foun- tain-head of all information concerning this viaggiafore erudito] which precludes the possibility of his having annotated his own work. But we always defer cheer fully to the opinion of those in whose experience and erudition we have been taught to place confidence, and did not hesitate to substitute the name of Fracanzano Montalboddo in the place of that of Alessandro Zorzi as the author of this most valuable collection of voyages, which at no distant day we intend to reprint word for word, without notes or additions of any kind. Direct references: |" TERNAUX, Bibliotheque Americainc, No. 23. Bibliotheca GrenviHiana, page 765. Hanrott, Langles and Libri (1859) Catalogues. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1159. I IO. MARTYR (PETER) Within a border designed by Holbein: DE NVPER || SVB D. CAROLO REFER/ || tis Infulis, fimulatcp incolarum || moribus, R. Petri Marty/ 1| ris, Enchiridion, Domi/||nse Margaritas, Diui || Max. Caef. filiae || dicatum. f BASILEAE, ANNO || M.D.XXL* Verso of the title-page : MAGNIFICO EQVI || TI IONNI CATENAEO SALE- DIENSI EXBEI || naco, diui quonda Maxi- miliani Caef. Augufti, nunc diuae Mar- ga || ritae Auguftae filiae medico clariilimo || Adam Petri deditiffimus. || * Delia Lcttcratura Vcncziana, Lib. viu, concerning the customs of their inhabit- page 315, note 269. ants. Dedicated to Lady Margaret [of * Anglic e : An abridgement concerning Flanders], daughter of the Empress Maxi- the islands recently discovered under the milian [and aunt of Charles V]. Basle, reign of the Emperor Charles; and also 1521. 1 88 Bibliotheca Americana. I C2 I. *** 4 to> t t ^ e one l ea f ~t~ twenty-one leaves; twenty-eight lines in a full page ; Roman characters. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) Judging from the following lines (on the second leaf): Ex MEARUM decadu libellis in uulgus emiffis colligere licet, Pater fandie/ fugi- tiuos quofdam ad uicina Darienfis appulfos noftrorum libellos admirantes dixiffe .... the present is only an extract from the fourth Decade, made by Peter Martyr himself; and not, as it is an nounced in a well-known catalogue 1 , " a rare edition, scarcely known to bibliographers, which is neither con tained in the Decades of the same author, nor an extract from them, but is the very interesting and curious Ori ginal Account of the Discovery of those isles." This extract is inserted in all the editions of the Novus Orbis 1 , and added to the Antwerp reprint of Brocard s Descriptio Terr<e Sanct<*. It was published in French by Simon deColines 4 , and in German by Honiger 5 von Konigshofen. We find many references to the reprints of this abstract in the early writers on Mexico. It mentions the Grijalva expedition, and, we believe, the first voyages to Darien. Direct references: f PANZER, Annalti Tyfogr., Vol. vr, page 227. MAZZUCHELLI, Gil Scrittori <TItalia, Vol. i, Part 11, page 776. NICERON, Memoires, Vol. xxin, page 212. TERNAUX, Bibliotheque Amerkainc, No. 24. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part x, No. 1706. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page II, No. 33. BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 294. GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 130. 1 Bohn s, Lond., 1847, p. 455. * Paris, 1532 (infra}. 9 Edit, of Basle, 1532, pp. 570-584; of 6 apud Der Neiven Wcldt und In- 1555^ p. 497, tq. dianiichen Nidcrgangischcn Konigreichs ; 1536, and not 1537, as is stated Basil, 3 vols. fol., 1582-83, Vol. n. supra, p. 125. (Private Libr., N. Y. and Providence.) Bibliotheca Americana. 189 III. MONTALBODDO-DU REDOUER Recto of the first leaf: S<$nfitt)t I* Umnitmw nw- to ft na ii tti0att<m0 : /at- n ctes par IBmeric ire befpuce jFlorentimHies gags et ides nouuellemet trouuejiau pauat llano? icog^ neuf ftant en letijiope q[ arratieiea||lici)utir aultres plufieurs regions eftranges || Eranflate te gtalte en langue francogfe par 1 1 matfjurtn Iru retrouer licecte es loss XX 1 . Then vignette representing a circle, with the constellations. In fine : C ^Tg fintft ie liure intitule le nouueau motre r nauigation || tre IBmertc ire beipuce treg nauigatios faictes p le rog tre por || tugal es pass tres mores et aultres regions et triuers pagslljmprime a par ^ijelippe le iBtoir. || * J)S * Sm. 410 for size, signatures a i, a ii a iii + one blank, then b i, b ii, &c. Title one leaf -j- three unnumbered leaves + eighty-eight numbered leaves. Text in Gothic. (Harvard College Library.) Philip le Noir was the son of Michael Le Noir, who printed at Paris as early as 1489. He succeeded his father in 1514, and we find his name among the twenty- four printers who exercised their art in Paris under the enlightened rule of Francis I, in 1521*. We place this 1 " Ces chiffres qu on trouve tres-sou- cette marque au lieu d imprimer un re- vent, sur le titre, et d autres fois a la fin gistre." DE BURE, apud No. 4543 of du volume, indiquent le nombre des sig- Catal. La Valliere. natures qui composent la totalite de 1 ou- a DIDOT, art. Typographic, in Encyclo- vrage .... Les imprimeurs mettaient fedie Modcrne, Vol. 26, p. 754. \ Bibtiotheca Americana. 1521.* edition under the latter date, solely in deference to Brunet s remark that " d apres le nom du libraire, elle ne peut etre anterieure a 1 annee 1521." The passage, Chapt. cvn, f. LXVIII : " . . . . latrmiral et frm frere lefquelg furet mte es fer8 r enuoge? a la bolte Hefpatgne et ireg ce quilj furet acurtres le i&os et la rogne trefpaigne les enuogerent treliurer et leg firent benir a leur court boulontairement en laquelle au prefent iour ilg fe trouuetenf might lead to the belief that the work was written as early as 1506, but for two similar assertions which we find in the Itinerarium (ch. cviii.) and the Unbekanthe Landte, (ch. 108), both of which were printed as late as 1508. We even read it in the Novus Orbis of 1532 ! Direct references : f CAMUS, Memoires sur de Bry, page 346. -| Livres Curieux, No. izo. ( BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1160. 1^22. 112. POMP. MELA-VADIAN. Within a wide ornamented border : fr POMPONII ME || LAE DE ORBIS SITV LIBRI TRES. ACCVRATIS || iime emendati, una cu Commetariis loachimi || Vadiani Helu- etii caftigatioribus, & multis || in locis auc- toribus factis : id quod cadi || dus ledior orbiter, & in tranfcurfu || facile depre- * So much stress has been placed by tury, that we must notice, at least in a YOCLIETTA (Historic Gcnucnsium libri xn; note, the earliest authority for the state- Genoa, fol., 1585, fol. no, republished in ment. It is PETER D ABANO, Conciliator GR^VIUS Thesaurus antiq. Ital. Vol. l) different. pAilosopAor.; Mantua, fol., 1492; on the unfortunate voyage of Doria and many editions (in that of Venice, fol., Vivaldi, the two Genoese navigators who 1521, the statement is on fol. 97). CA- are supposed to have anticipated Colum- SONI, Annales ; Genoa, fol., 1708, p. a8, bus toward the end of the thirteenth cen- should also be consulted. Bibliotheca Americana. 191 hendet. || ADIECTA funt praeterea loca ali- 1522, quot ex VADIANI com||mentarijs fummatim repetita, & obiter explicata : in quibus || aeftimandis cenfendifcp dodriffimo uiro loanni CAMERTI || ordinis Minorum Theo- logo, cum loachimo VADIANO || non ad- rnodum conuenit. || RVRSVM, Epiftola Vadi- ani, ab eo pene adulefcente ad Ru || dolph- um Agricolam iuniorem fcripta, non in- digna letu, || nee inutilis ad ea capienda, quas aliubi in Commentary s fuis libare magis, quam longius explicare uoluit. || Cantem est priuilegio, ne alibi hoc opus proximo trienno imprimatur. BASILEAE, ANNO. M.D.XXII. Colophon : BASILEAE, APVD ANDREAM CRATAN || DRVM, MENSE IANVARIO, ANNO || M.D.XXII. *..,* Folio, title one leaf"-}- nineteen preliminary leaves unnum bered -j- two hundred and twenty-two numbered pages -f- one unnumbered leaf with verso blank + another title + forty- one leaves -f- one leaf with recto blank, and verso containing the printer s mark. (Private Library, New York.) "Seconde edition de Vadianus [the first being dated 1518] fort- changee et corrigee sur des MSS., le commentaire contient beaucoup de notices utiles, mais une foule de choses bizarres, p. ex. il raconte, note a L.III, ch. 3. qu une salade de harengs est un mets for delicat et salubre." We must warn our readers that the above is not the only obnoxious passage in the present work. The Index 1 Tresor, Vol. v, p. 401. Bibliotheca Americana. I 522. Libr. Prohib. Expurg. &? Damn* gives a long list, in the . interesting passage, which begins on page 557, in these words : " Post adhibitam notam Auctoris damnati," and ends with " In tit. Epist. loach. Vadiani ad Rudolphum Agricola, quae incipit, Grata admodum iftte gratis p , dele, a C<efare laureatus" This edition should contain the map described supra No. 108, and which is thus described by Muller 4 : " America appears on it as a narrow strip of land extending from 55th degree of southern latitude to about 65 N. A broad channel traverses the isthmus of Panama. More remarkable still is the out line of Greenland, which bears here the same name as on the cele brated Zeni 4 chart, namely Engronelant. The configuration also of the country is so much alike in both, that they must have proceeded from the same source." See on the recto of the first leaf following F-f4, the passage : " Ex recentiorum autem inquifitione, fl Americam a Vefpuccio repertam, & earn Eoae terrae partem, quae terrae a Ptolemaeo cognitae adied:a eft, ad longitudinis habi- tatae rationem referimus, longe ultra hern- isphserium habitari terra coftat : Imo non ufcpadeo imenfurn pelagus intereffe inter extimum ab America occides & oriens Ptol. poftremum, quin fere toto globi am- 3 Madrid, folio, 1667. TICOLARE DI || tutte le dette pane di Tra- 3 Catalogue; Berlin, 1861, No. 86. montana da lor scoperte. || CON GRATIA, ET 4 In DE I COMMENTARII DEL || PRJVILEGIO. || yiaggio in Persia di M. Caterino Zeno il VERI [iuoodcut~\ TAS. || K. || & delle guerre fatte nelf Imperio ^ IN VENETIA || Per Francesco Marco- Pcrsiano, \\ dal tempo di Fssuncassano in lint. M D LVIII. qua. || LIBRI DVE. || ET DELLO SCO- %* jzmo, 58 namb. ff. PRIMENTO || deir hole Frislanda, Es- (Private Libr., Brooklyn.) landa, Engrouclanda, Esto || ti/anda, & See also concerning the two Zenis, their Icaria, fatto sotto il Polo Artico, da || due voyages and maps, ZURLA, Di Marco fratelli zeni, M. Nicolo il K. e M. /Into- Polo a degli altri i/iaggiatori Pcncziani ; nio. || LIBRO VNO. || CON VN DiSEGNO PAR- Venice, 4to, 1818, Vol. II, pp. 7-94. Bibliotheca Americana. \ 93 bitu terra habitationis frequentia culta fit, *5 22< quod ex Geographies defcriptionis globulo " perpulchre dinofci poteft." Direct references: f FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca Latina (ed. 1721); Lib. II, c. 8, Vol. I, page 346. I HUMBOLDT, Introduction to GHILLANY S BcAaim, page 8. Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. v, page 103. Bibliotheca Barloiviana^ . EBERT, Dictionary, No. 13619. II ANONYMOUS Within a wide ornamented border : Smnffortonuj 8enw||d)tifo durd) be $tce Wet) in 9lea- fram ^larpreten et^ogin in ^ur || pndi jit Qefdjribett.* Then a very unseemly portrait of the Emperor. On verso of" the title, a complicated coat-of-arms, repeated on the verso of the last leaf, with this inscription on a scroll : AH. 1517, * !(t * Sin. 410, sine anno aut loco, title one leaf-j- three unnumbered leaves ; many woodcuts ; no water-mark. The conquest of the city of Mexico by Cortes is slightly alluded to on verso of Aiij, in these words : " Wit toeit no der fclbcn infcl Ijabcn || ft) crobcrt cin ftat genant leuuftitaniiu Dcrcu ge^alt find f adjoin tnu- [cut |atd ftattcu mit ci || ucr rjittcu riudt^mauvcu inge- (Private Library, New York.) * Anglice: Translation from the Spanish j- Anglice : Not far from the same island into French ; addressed by the Viceroy of they have conquered a city called Tenus- Naples to Margaret, Duchess of Bur- titan, wherein sixty thousand hearths have gundy. been counted, within a good inclosure. 1 94 Bibliotheca Americana. C 2 2. 114.. VARTHEMA-DIA& Recto of the first leaf: U iittftati0 de iEutoico fle f at n l!)ema itfolognefe ne io 3Bgi)ptoitte la S>u||rtai ne la EraMa fcefetta r feltceme la $er || flame la Jntita i me la IBtljiopta. Ea fetre || el biuere r cafe tumi te le prefate prouincte. II 3Bt al prefente agiontout alcljune Jfole no 1 1| uamente IRttrouatte. II Then fine vignette representing a man bent on a globe. Colophon : C Stampata in Venetia per li heredi de Georgio di || Rufconi Nellanno della in- carnatione del no || ftro fignor lefu Chrifto. M.D.XXII. adi||XVII. de Setembrio. Reg- nado lo || inclito Principe Antonio || Gri- mano. II *^* Sm. 8vo ; title one leaf -j- one hundred and one unnumbered leaves, printed in two columns, in Roman characters. (Private Library, New York.) The Itinerary of Grijalva commences on the verso of signature M. It is this edition which supplied the text for Munoz , Navarrete s and Prescott s transcripts, made from the copy in the Columbian library at Seville, once the property of Fernando Columbus, and then supposed to be the only copy in existence. The text, together with a translation into Spanish, have been pub lished by Senor Icazbalceta 1 . 1 In Colcccion de Documcntoi ineditos for has been supplied with different readings, la Historia de Mexico, Vol. I, p. 307, copied from an earlier edition, and which tq. The learned Mexican bibliographer will probably appear in his second volume. Bibliotheca Americana. ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: 195 196 Bibliotheca Americana. I C22. *#* 4 to > s* ae anno aui I co > eight leaves, text in Gothic type. Water-mark, a large P. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) " Containing an abridged account of the voyages of Columbus, and of the conquest of Mexico down to the year 1522, was printed, it is supposed, at Augsburg by Sigmund Grimm, about 1522." (N. T.Syllacio 1 .) " Mr. Panizzi s MS. account of the book inserted in the volume [Grenville copy] is very interesting : he thinks Ternaux had not seen it, because he states that the account extends only to 1519* whereas it extends to 1522, in which year it was probably printed. At the end is the device of Augsburg, a pine cone, and no doubt it was printed there." ( Bibliotheca Grcnvil iana*.) There is a full account of Sigmund Grimm in Zapf s Augsburgs Buchdruckergeschichte* j and Panzer 4 gives the list of all the works known to have been printed by this " Gelehrter und Doctor der Arzneygelehrsam- keit" from 1517 to 1524 the year in which Zapf sup poses him to have died, but in neither work do we find a reference to the book before us. We infer that it is ascribed to Grimm on account of a supposed resemblance in the type. Direct references : ( TERNAUX, No. 22. I Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 10, No. 32. I I 6. ANONYMOUS Within a border : f tfje netoe laires attfr of g* people || (ountre tg tfje meffetiQers of tfje Itgn || ge of portggale nametr fEmanuel. || <f tije .x. trguerg nacptts ti^U tenetr. || f pope Joijn an* f)te lante antr of tfje eofteig ^egess antr toonfcers molo || trgesi tfjat in tfjat iantre is. II * Anglice : Pleasant new tidings, re- l Appendix, p. LVII, from which we cently come from India to His Imperial borrow the preceding woodcut. Majesty. Very beautiful concerning the a Part II, p 125. new islands and their customs, very amus- 8 Vol. i, p. XLIV. ing to read. * Annala Tyfogr., Vol. xi, p. 205. Bibliotheca Americana. 197 Then woodcut representing a man decked with feathers, standing J ^22. with a spear in one hand and an arrow in the other, a woman is seated , nursing a child, whilst from a tree hang the head and legs of a man. On the reverse of the title four woodcuts, viz. : an elephant, a griffin carrying off a man, a phoenix rising from the flames, and a man with one eye in the middle of his forehead. Recto of the first leaf after the title : f^ere afore tgmes in tfje gere of our Horfce goto. W.ccc.e.xcbi. r fo be toiti) ff)gPP?s of Hatteboene {Lisbon} faglefc oute of $<tttgnsale tijroug!) ti)e eomantremet of tije Itgnge IBmanuel g>0t)aue toe fjatr our bgagei jFor bg fortune glanfces ouer tjje great fee toitf) great djarge anfo danger fo ijaue toe at tlje iafte fountre oon [?] lorfcfljgp toijere toe fagleir beii. ix. e. mgles tg tlje eoofte of S^lantreg tijere toe at g lafte toent a lantre but tijat lafce iss not notoe fenotoe for tijere ijaue no mafterss torgten thereof nor it Itnotoetije antr it \# nantetr Ermentea [>v]itf)ere toe fatoe meng tootrersi of teiftes antr fotoles s be Jaue neuer feen before itlje people of tijte lantre ijaue no fcpnge nor lortre nor tijegr gotr 13ut all tfjinges is eotnune i tf)ig people goeti) all naltetr H3ut tfje men anlr toomen ijaue on tljegr fjeetr necfeeiErmesi^neesiantr fete all toid) fetrerss Bontien for tijere betotgnes r fagreneis. 5Cf)efe folfee Iguen Igfee beftes tottijout ang refonablenes antr tfje bgmen be alio as eomon. ^ntr tfje men ijati) con= uerfacjon toitij tije togmemtoijo tijat tijeg ben or toijo tijeg fpft mete i is ff)e i)is fgftenijis motien f)is traugijter i or ang otfjer kgretj. Entr tije togmen be berg 1)oote anfc trgfpofeti to lecfjertines. Enti tijeg Bibliotheca Americana. 1522. ete alfo on another &ije man etetJje J)is togfeijis efjgltrene i as toe alfo ijaue feen ant tfjeg fjange alfo tfje totges or perfons fleefefje in tije fmofce as men to toitf) bs ftognes fleffje, &nt tijat lante is rggijt full of folfceifor tfjeg Igue comonlg .iii. c. gere r more as in fglteneffe tijeg tige notitijeg take muc^ fgttije for tfteg ean goen bntrer tlje toater antr feclje fo tije fgfeftes out of tfte toater. r tjeg toerre alfo bpon a notfjenfor tfte ottre men tr^nge tije gonge men tfjertoitijat tijeg gather a great company tftere^ to of totoe partges i antr eometje on agene tije otfjer to tfje feltre of tategllir flee on tfje otjjer toit^ great ijepes. Entr fjotoe ijolte t^e fgltreitfteg talte tje ot^er prgfoners ant tjeg trgnge tijem to fceti) ant ete tijemiant as ti)e treet is eten tijen fleg ti)eg t!je refti^nt tfteg teen tfjan eten alfo i or otjjertogle Igue tfjeg longer for tfjeg ijaue eoftelg fpgces r rotes i toftere tijeg tijem felfe recouer toitf) i ant ijele tftem as tfteg te fefce. The work then treats" of the black Mores, of the lande of Allago, Arabia, ofgreaf Indyen, of Guts chin that Kyngedome, of the x dyuerce cristened nations ; each subject preceded by an appropriate woodcut. After the letter of Pope John, dated " Written in oure holy pallays in the byrtb of my selfe .v. bddred and seuen ;" we find the following colophon : ISmprentet tg me Jofjft of Heftorotoe: with a woodcut representing a crown surmounting the escutcheon, three lions quartered with three fleurs-de-lys. On the last page is a woodcut representing Justice crowned, blindfolded, holding a sceptre and a wheel, underneath which an unintelligible line in Greek. *q* 410, sine anno aut loco, twenty-four unnumbered leaves, thirty lines in a full page. (British Museum.) Bibliotheca Americana. 199 Thus far, the present is the first book in the English language containing a notice of America (called therein Armenica). Herbert 1 is of opinion that from mention ing Emanuel, King of Portugal, and exclaiming against Luther, this work may have been printed " about 1521 or 1522," when King Emanuel died, and Luther was burnt in effigy. As to the printer, John of Does- borough or Jan van Doesborch 2 , he printed at Antwerp, perhaps as early as 1502 , but as late as 1525*. Direct references: ( HERBERT, Typographical Antiquities, Vol. m, page 1533. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, pag^e 24. LOWNDES, Manual, Part v. page 1306. 117. PTOLEMT-FRISIUS Within an ornamented border : CLAVDII PTOLEM^I || ALEXANDRIA Mathematicoi*: principis/ opus Geographic^ || nouiter caftigatu & emaculatu additioibus. raris et iuuifis. necnon || cu tabularum in dorfo iucunda explanatione. Regiftro quoqj totius || operis. tarn Geographico. qj etia hiftoriali. facillimu introitu prebeti. || ORDO CONTENTO RVM IN HOC LIBRO TOTALI. OCTO libri Geographic^ ipfius Autoris ad antiquitate fuam in- || tegri & fmevlla cor- ruptioe. cum collatione diclionu grecaru 3 PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. v, p. Manual, Vol. I, p. 42, and DIBDIN, Library 468, Vol. xi, p. aoi. Companion, p. 174 (ed. 1824). a See the first edition of The names of the 4 PANZER, Annales Typographic!, Vol. Baylifs, Gustos Mayers and Sherefs (Rich- xi, p. 255, and Bibliophile Se/ge, Vol. v, ard Arnold s Chronicles); cf. LOWNDES, p/212. 2oo Bibliotheca Americana. 1522. e regioe || ad latinas. certiffima graduu cal- culatioe examinati. || REGISTRVM Item alphabeticu omniu re- gionu. prefe6turaru || ciuitatu. Fluuio. ma- riu. lacuu. portuu Silua^. oppido^. villa^. gen || tiu & hiftoriaru iingula certiffimo in- dice monftrans. POST hoc Sequutur tabule. qua# nuero. xxvij. erut. Prima fez Generale orbis de- fcriptione tradens iuxta mente Ptolem^i. Europ^ || poft hie tabule. &. Aphrice^ . iiij. afie. xii. et vna corpors fperici inplao || HAS fuccedut neoterico^ perluftratioes. ea que abandiqs. emitia || xx. tabulis ad im- plentes. Et in haru omnium, ta vetuftio^ eg recen- || tio^ tergis expoiitoes vni lateri. alteri vero lucubratioes incudiffime || rituu. eafda plagas habitantiu (cu varijs mirabilib 9 mudi) incubut. || TANDEM breuis fub oritur dodrina. igno- ratibus viam pr^ || bens fru&u aufcultandi Geographicu/ Que hue vfqj multis in- || cognita/ & fepulta de lituit Gaudeat igit Le6tor optimus. || HEC bona mente Lauretius Phrifius artis Appolline^ doctor x || mathematical artium dientulus. in lucem iuffit prodire. || Agam- memnonis puteoli plurimu delicati : || Bibliotheca Americana. 201 Colophon: *5 22< Joannes Grieninger ciuis Argentoraten || opera et expenfis proprijs id opus infigne. ereis || notulis excepit, Laudabilicp fine per fecit xii. die || Marcij Anno. M.D.XXII. || * Jf; * Large folio, title one leaf-f- eighty-five unnumbered leaves -f- one leaf for spbera in piano -\- forty-nine maps, with descrip tions on the reverse. Many well-executed woodcuts. (Harvard Coll. Library.) This Ptolemy derives its importance from the preface by Thomas Aucuparius, who praises Vespuccius extravagantly, but more espe cially from the following maps : ORBIS . TYPVS . VNIVERSALIS . IVXTA . HYDROGRAPHORVM . TRADITIONEM . EXACTISSIME . DEPICTA . 1522 . L . F . [Laurent Fri ll us] This exhibits a kind of promontory advancing from the border on the left of the reader, which bears the names of JDatOia ? baleS, CapUt. S. CrU., and the long-sought word fra. The islands of Ysabella and Spagnola are also in sight. It is followed by another map (thirtieth), bearing the following inscription on a scroll : E. TABV-LAITER RElNOVAllFl D I Vv 1L and exhibiting only the eastern shore of this continent, with the word FARIAS between 45-5o, whilst below the equi noctial line we read the usual inscription : i^ec terra ann attiacenttt? infulte inuenta eft p (Eriftoferum || <olumtum tanuenfem ex tnatrtrato OTafteile. || 26 2O2 Eibliotheca Americana. I C22. Then, close to a spirited woodcut representing cannibals feeding on human flesh : TERRA |j NOVA. This map does not exhibit the word " America" anywhere. " Extat in hac editione perrara ad tertiam Africae mappam iam famosus iste de Palaestina locus, qui Serveto postea tanquam atrox crimen imputabatur. Cf. Mosheimii Anderweitiger Vers. einer Ket- zergeschichte, p. 260. sqq." (PANZER*.) It is scarcely necessary to remind the reader that this victim of Calvin s intolerance and cruelty was only thirteen years of age, and yet at school in Spain, when the above-mentioned passage respecting Palestine, and which was laid to the charge of the unfortunate Servetus as a heinous crime, was first published. Direct references: C FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca Graca, Vol. v, page 275. -| RAIDEL, Comment. critico-litt. de Ptolem., page 58. j HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. IV, page 119. NAPJONE, Del Primo Scofritore, page 87. LELEWEL, Geographic du Moyen-Age, Vol. n, page 208. HOFFMAN, Lexicon Bibliogr., Vol. in, page 319. EBERT, Dictionary, No. 18229. IIO. CORTES (FERNANDO) Under a large woodcut repre senting the Emperor Charles V seated on the throne : to Man* a (k 3* majeflflfr tol ejw- tror n!o Mot par el capita general fcela nueua fpana: llamatro fernatro corlltes. iEnla ql relaeto fllas tierras g proulcia^ fin cueto q[ cutierto || nueuamete enel gucata trel ano te. xix. a efta pte: g f)a fotnetitro ala corona II teal tre fu. S- W- iEn efpecial ija^e relacio tre bna gratriffima proutcia mug II rtca llamatra Otulua : g tre gratres ctutratreg g tre marautllofos etrt- 1| ficios : g tre s^tres tratos g Annal. Typogr., Vol. VI, p. 98, describes a copy with only forty-seven maps. Bibliotheca Americana. 203 IBntre las cjies ag bna mas marauillofa || g rica (jtotras llamatra imu:tita : 5 efta por mar&= billola arte etrificatrafo || tre bna gratre laguna. trela 5i ciutratr g prowcia es teg bn gratritftmo lenor || llamatro Jftuteep uma : trotre le acaeciewi ai capita g alos efpanoles efpata- 1| fas cofas tre ogr. Cuenta largamete trel gratnifftmo feilorio trel titdjo Jftu- 1| tee^uma g tre fus rttoiei g cerimonias. g ire como fe ftrue. || Colophon : Ha prefente carta tre telacion fue tmpreffa enla mug nofcle r mug leal ciutratr tre S>e- | uilla : por Jacoto croterger aleman. Mo tre M. tr. r. biij. trias tre Small folio for size (signatures a, b, c, in eights, d, in four) ; twenty-eight unnumbered leaves ; with text commencing on the verso of the title-page. (A.) (Private Library, Providence.) The reader may consult concerning Hernando Cortes, his life, his exploits, and the immediate results of the conquest of Mexico, the works of Peter Martyr 1 , Ber- * Anglice : Epistolary relation sent to His Sacred Majesty the Emperor, our Lord, by the Captain-General of New Spain, called Fernando Cortes, wherein is an ac count of the lands and provinces innumer able, newly discovered in Yucatan, from the year xix to the present j and which he subjected to the Royal Crown of his Sacred Majesty. There is an especial mention of a very extensive and rich province, called Culva ; and of large cities and marvelous edifices, and of great trade and wealth, among which there is one richer and more wonderful than all, called Tim- ixtitan, which, with astonishing skill, is built on a large lake, of which city and province the king is a great lord, called Muttefuma, where happened to the Cap tain and Spaniards things astounding to hear. With a full account of the great estate of the said Mutee^uma, of his rites and ceremonies, and how he is attended. The present Epistolary Relation was printed in the very noble and loyal city of Seville, by Jacob Cromberger, a German, November 8th, 1522. 1 De Orbc Nouo Petri Martyris ab Anglcria ; Alcala, fol., 1530, Decades 11, iv and v ; De Jnsu/ii nuper refertis liter, in the No-vus Orbit of Basle, 1532, pp. 1522, 204 Bibliotheca Americana. [ 522. nardino de Sahagun 2 , Andres de Tapia 3 , Lucius Ma- - rineo 4 , Gonzales Oviedo 5 , Juan Gines de Sepulveda 6 , Bartholomew de Las Casas 7 , Lopez de Gomara 8 , Garcia del Palacio 9 , Josef de Acosta 10 , Geronimo Ramirez", Henrico Martinez 12 , Antonio de Herrera 1 , Juan de Torquemada 4 , Antonio de Remesal 15 , Blasco de Lanu- 570-584; Opus cpistolarum ; Amsterdam, fol., 1670; Letters No. 650, 715, 717, 766, 770, 780, 814. a Historia de la conquhta de Mexico ; Mexico, 410, 1829. (Book xii of the Historia General, printed separately.) 3 Relacion hecha sobre la conquhta de Mexico. (An eye-witness and participant. It is to be published in Vol. n of Senor Icazbalceta s Coleccion.) 4 De las cosas memorable! de Espana ; Alcala, fol., 1530. 6 Historia General y Natural de las In- dias ; Madrid, 4 vols., fol., 1851-55 (which is the only edition containing Lib. xxxni). 8 De rebus Hispanorum gestis ad no-vum orbem Mexicumque (seven books, .based, ac cording to Mufioz, on Oviedo s Historia), apud Vol. in, pp. 1-244, of Opera cum edita, turn incdita ; Madrid, 4 vols., 4to, 1780. 7 Historia General de las Indias, and Afiologetica Historia sumaria cuanto a las calidades, disposition, description, &c., de estas gentes de las Indias occidentales y meridionalcs, still in manuscript, but very legible transcripts of which are preserved in private libraries, in New York, Boston and Washington. (We have examined one of these, and confess that we know of no work calculated to throw more light on the early history of this country than the Historia of the good Bishop of ^Chiapas. ) 8 Cronica de la nueua Esparto con la con- yuista de Mexico y otras cosas hechas for Hernando Cortes. (2d Part of the Sara- gossa edit., fol., 1554, see supra, p. 56, note 6.) Also, as a curiosity: Historia de las conquistas de Hernando Cortes, escrita en espanol par F. Lopez de Gomara, trad, al mexicano par J. B. de San Anton. Munon Cfiimalpain S^tauhtle- hunirzin indico mexicano : publicala con varias notas y adiciones par C. M. de Bus- tamente ; Mexico, a vols. 410, 1826 . Sup plement of 37 pp., dated 1827. (The Mexican MS. has never been seen, not even by Bustamente himself!) 9 Didlogos mi/itares; Mexico, 410, 1553. 10 De Natura No-va Orhis libri duo et de Prom-vlgatione E-vangdli apud Barbaras ; Salamanca, 8vo, 1589 ; id., Cologne, 1596; (first draft of) Historia Nat-vral y Moral de las Indias ; Seville, 410, 1590 ; id., 8vo, 1591; Barcelona, 8vo, 1591 (apud Ensayo de una Bibliot. Espafiola, Madrid, 8vo, 1863); Madrid, 4to, 1608; id., 1610; id., 1792. (According to LEON PINELO, p. 101, this valuable work is taken from the MS. Historia de los In- dios de Nucva Espana, of the Dominican monk Diego Duran.) 11 Apologia en defensa del ingenio y far- tales de los Indies de la Nue-va Espana con- quistada par D. Fernando Cortcz. (Added to the 2d edit, of Lasso de la Vega s Cortes "valeroso, 1594 ) 18 Reportorio de los Tiempos y Historia Natural de Nuc<va Espana ; Mexico, 410, 1606. ("libromuy curioso i de grandes noticias por tenerlas su Autor, que oy vive en Mexico, i tiene otros escritos, que nunca llegaran a Espana, pues el impresso no se halla." LEON PINELO, p. 102; AN TONIO, Vol. i, p. 564.) 13 Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos ; Madrid, fol., 1601-15 (best edit, for accuracy); id., 1728-30 (with an invaluable index). Decade n, Lib. 7 ; Dec. in, Lib. iv. 14 XXI libros rituales y monarchia Indi ana, con el origen y guerras de los Indies occidentals; Madrid, 3 vols.. fol., 1613; Madrid, 3 vols., fol., 1723; Madrid, fol., 1730? (See MEUSEL.) 18 Historia de la pro vincia de S. Vicente de Chyapa y Guatemala ; Madrid, fol., 1619, or Historia General de las Indias occidentales, y particular de la go-vernation de Chiapa y Guatemala ; Madrid, fol., 1620. (An excellent work, invaluable be sides for a history of Bart, de Las Casas.) Bibliotheca Americana. 205 za 16 , F. Caro de Torres 17 , J. de Solorzano Pereira 18 , Bernal Diaz del Castillo 19 , B. L. Argensola 20 , Prudencio de Sandoval 21 , F. Pizarro y Orellana", J. Dias de la Calle 25 , Antonio de Solis 14 , Lopez de Cogolludo 25 , Agostin de Vetancurt 26 , J. de Villagutiere de Soto- Mayor* 7 , Malo de Luque 28 (Duke de Amodovar), Carl Curths 29 , Pietro Manzi 30 , Telesforo de Trueba 3 (?), Andres Cavo 32 , F. E. Santdner 33 , Alexander Soltwedel 34 , 1522, 18 Historias Ecclesidsticas y Sccularts de Aragon ; Saragossa, fol., 1622. 17 Historia de las Ordenes Militares j Madrid, fol., 1629. 18 de Indiarum I-vre ; Madrid, fol., 1629-39 ; Lyons, fol., 1672 ; Madrid, fol., 1777. Politico Indiana; Madrid, fol., 1648 ; id., 1776. 18 Historia -verdadera de la conqvista de la nueua Espana ; Madrid, fol., 1632; id., with addition of chapter ccxn j 1 6mo, 1795-1796 ; Mexico, 4 vols., 410, 1854. 20 Anales de Aragon , Saragossa, fol., 1630. 21 Historia de la Vida y Hcchos del Em- perador Carlos V , Valladolid, fol., 1604; Pamplona, 2 vols., fol., 16185 id., 1634; Antwerp, fol., 1 68 1. (The deeds of Cortes and the development of the Spanish rule, tyranny and abominations, in New Spain, are so interwoven, so to speak, with the policy and rule of Charles V, that valuable details, both of an historical and political character, may be found in the works of STAPHVLUS, ULLOA, ZENOCARUS or SNOE- KEART, BEUTHER, SALDE and VERA F. DE LA ROCA.) " Varonts ilustres del Nue-vo Mundo , Madrid, fol., 1639. (The second part of JUAN DE CASTELLANOS Elegias de Varones illustres de las Indias, published at Madrid only in 1850, in ARIBAU S Biblioteca, may- contain an eulogy on Cortes. If our memory serves us right, there is none in the first part, published in 1589.) 33 Memorial y Noticias sacras y reales del Imperio de las Indias Occidentales ; Madrid, 410, 1646 (and not 1546, accord ing to Meusel and others). This seems to be only the second edition, for he states in his dedication: "En el ano de 1645 forme, imfrimi y presente a V. M. un breve memorial deste asunte . ." But we have not yet succeeded in finding a men tion anywhere else of this memorial. 24 Historia de la Cony-vista de Mexico ; Madrid, fol., 1684; Barcelona, fol., 1691 ; Madrid, fol., 1704; Cordova, 1743 (with a second part by Salazar y Olarte, which is perfectly worthless) 5 Madrid, 410, 1763; id., 1768 ; Barcelona, 8vo, 1771 ; Madrid, 410, 1783-4 (a sumptuous edition); id., 4to, 1790; id., 8vo, 1791. 26 Historia de la provincia de Yucathan ; Madrid, fol., 1688 j Campeche, 8vo (first vol.), 1842; Merida (second vol.), 1845. a Teatro Mexicano ; Mexico, fol., 1698. 47 Conyuista de la provincia del TTtxa ; Madrid, fol., 1702. (The second part never was published.) 48 Historia politico de los Establicimien - tos ultram. de las naciones Europeas ; Mad rid, 5 vols., 410, 1784. (Rich says that it is only an altered translation of Ray- nal.) a * Ferd. Cortex, der Eroberer Mexico s ; Berlin, 8vo, 1818. 80 Istoria della conquista di Messico ; Rome, i6mo, 1820. 31 Life of Hernan Cortcz ; Edinburgh, I2mo, 1829; London, 8vo, 1830,- in German by Sporschil, Leipzig, 8vo, 1837. (We know nothing concerning this work, and mention it simply because it had the honor of several reimpressions.) 32 Los tres Siglos de Mejiko ; Mexico, 4 vols., 8vo, 1836-8. (Contains a supple ment by BUSTAMENTE. Vol. iv is rarely met with.) 83 Ferd. Cartels und die Eroberung -von Mexiko ; Prague, 8vo, 1842. (Probably the same as E. Delhinor, Ferdinand Cortex oder die Eroberung "von Mexico ; Prag., 8vo, 1843.) 34 Mexikoi erofring af Ferd. Kortex ; Linkoep, 8vo, 1844. io6 Bibliotheca Americana. I C2 2. Belani (Haeberlin 35 ), F. D. Ring 36 , Lucas Alaman 37 , M. Orozco y Berra 38 , J. L. Rayon 39 , R. A. Wilson 40 ; Dr. Robertson 41 , and especially the history composed by the eloquent and imaginative William H. Prescott 41 . Valuable information may also be gathered from the well-known collections of Ramusio 43 , Hakluyt 44 , Pur- chas 45 , J. Sanchez de Aguirre 45 , J. F. de Espinosa 47 , Lord Kingsborough 48 , Ternaux-Campans 49 , several re- 85 Geschichte der Entdeckung und Ero- berung -von Mexiko ; Berlin, 8vo, 1847. 35 Kurzgefasstc Geschichte der dreiy ersten Entdeckcr -von Amerika ; Frankfurt, 8vo, 1781. " Libellus, in usum illiterato- rum ex Robertsono potissimum excerptus." MEUSEL. 87 Discrtacioncs Historicas sobre la His- tdria de la Republics Mcxicana ; Mexico, 3 vols., 410, 1844-49. 88 Noticia Historica de la Conjuration del Marques del Valley Mexico, 4to, 1853. (Alleged conspiracy to cause Mexico to " secede," and place at the head of the government Martin Cortes, son of the conquistador , 1565-68.) Itinerario del ejercito espanol en la conquista de Mejico. (This valuable mo nograph is in the Diccionario, but we think that a few copies were published sepa rately.) 88 Sumario de la Residencia tomada a D. Fernando Cortes , Mexico, 2 vols., 410, 1852-3. Process de Residencia contra Pedro de Al-varado, y Nuno de Guzman ; Mexico, 8vo, 1847 (with notes by D. J.F.Ramirez). 40 A new history of the Conquest of Mexico; Philadelphia, 8vo, 1859. 41 History of America, Book v. 42 History of the Conquest of Mexico, "with a preliminary vicio of the ancient Mexican civilization, and the life of the conqueror Hernando Cortes ; New York, 3 vols., 8vo, 1843 (first edition). The following translations contain valu able notes, corrections and additions : Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, trad, p. D. S. M. Gonza/es de la Vega, y ano- tada p. D. L. Alamdn , Mexico, 2 vols., 4to, 1844-46. Historia de la conquista de Mexico con una ajeada frelimin., &c., trad. p. D. Joaq. Navarro. (with notes by J. F. Ramirez and J. R. Gondra) ; Mexico, 3 vols., 8vo, 1844. 13 Terxo Volume delle navigation! et "viaggi ; Venice, fol., 1556 (for two letters from Pedro de Alvarado to Cortes (id., in BARCJA, Hittoriad. primit., Vol. i), the ac count addressed by Diego de Godoy to the latter, but more especially for the all-im portant " Relatione d"un gentilhuomo del Sig. Fernando Cortese" the Spanish original of which is unfortunately lost. 44 The principal Nauigations, Voyages, Sec. ; London, 3 vols., fol., 1599-1600. (In Vol. in, the journeys or voyages of Marco de Ni9a, Coronado, Ruiz, Espejo, Tomson, Bodenham, Hawks and Phil lips. 44 Hakl-vytus Posthumus, or Pvrchas his Pi/grimes ; London, 5 vols., fol., 1625- 1626; in Vol. in, Book V, extracts from Herrera, Oviedo, Acosta, Gomara, and the Mendoza codex; in Vol. iv, Books vi and VII, sundry interesting pieces. 46 Collectio maxima conciliorum omnium Hispania et No-vi Orbis ; Rome, 4 vols., fol., 1693. 47 Chronica Apostolica y Seraphica de todos /as colegios de Propaganda Fide de esta Nue<va-Espana j Mexico, 2 vols., 410, 1746-1792. 48 Antiquities of Mexico; London, 9 vols., fol., 1830-1848 (the drawings by A. Aglio). See Vols. v, Til, vm, for writ ten accounts. 49 Voyages, Relations et Memoires ; Paris, 20 vols., 8vo, in two series, 1837-1840. See, especially, Vols. vm and x (1838), xni and xvi (1840). The Histoire de Tlaxcala, by CAMAR- GO, and the Histoire des Provinces Septen- trionales du Mexique, by LA MOTA PADIL- LA, were promised, but not published. Elblwtheca Americana. 207 pertories published in Spain and Mexico 50 , but, above all, from the invaluable Coleccion of Sefior D. Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta 51 . As to understand fully the circumstances that led to the rapid conquests achieved by Cortes, which were due in a greater degree to the character of the natives 1522, 60 Diccionario Universal dc Historia y de Gcografia ; Mexico, 10 vols., fol., 1853- 56. (This is a reprint of the Barcelona edition, but with valuable additions by Messrs. Icazbalceta, Ramirez and others.) Documentos para la Historia de Afejico, four series, published in the Diario official, between the years 185357, in 17 vols., 8vo, fol., and 410, Mexico. (See BERENDT, apud Peterman^s Mitthcilungen, for Aug., 1856.) Coleccion de Documentos ineditos par la Historia de Espana $ Madrid, 1842-1865, in parts, forming, up to this date, about 40 vols. 8vo. Coleccion de Documentos ineditos rela tives al descubrimiento, &c. ; Madrid, 1864, in monthly parts. (It is really painful to see the little method, discrimination, and knowledge displayed by the editors of this new publication.) 61 Coleccion de Documentos para la Ais- ioria de Alexico ; Mexico, 4to, 1858. In these times when reputation, in view merely of personal advancement, or the lust of pecuniary profit, are the motives of so many attempts in the sphere, not only of letters but of science, disinterested efforts are so commendable, that we cannot allow the present opportunity to pass without noticing the literary and historical labors of Sr. Dn. Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta. A scholar of methodical habits and clearness of per ception, a critic of great acumen, and a disinterested, modest, persevering votary of science, Senor Icazbalceta deserves well of the student of American history. We wish it were in our power to think as highly of the labors of certain scholars, so called, who, by continually thrusting themselves before the public, have succeeded in secur ing a position, a name, and an abundance of worldly goods ! The first volume of this Coleccion con tains, besides the History of the Indians by Motolinia, several letters of Cortes, never before published; the important Pro- banza fecha en la Nueva Espan.i, a pedi- mento de J. Ochoa de Lejarde en nombre de Hernando Cortes ; the Ordenanxas milt- tares y civiles, issued by Cortes, an anony mous life of this conqueror, in Latin ; his instructions for the Colima expedition ; and upwards of fifty important documents, all relating to the subject before us, and published for the first time. The second volume, which is to be published within a few weeks, will con tain, among others, the following import ant documents : Memorial de Luis Cardenas contra Cortes. Merced a Hernando Cortes de tier- ras a Mexico. Real provision sobre descubrimien- tos en el Mar del Sur, y repuesta de Cortes a la notificacion que se hizo de ella. Relacion de los servicios del Marques del Valle, que de su orden presento a S. M. el lie. Nunez. Peticion que dio F. Cortes contra A. de Mendoza, virey, pidiendo residencia contra el. Fragmentos de la vista hecha a A. de Mendoza, Interrogatorio, &c. (303 questions). Leyes y ordenanzas nueuamente he- chas por S. M. por la gobernacion de las Indias. (The " famous" laws which were promulgated by a kind of hue-and-cry in the city of Mexico, May 24th, 1544.) Several memorials by Las Casas. Relacion de la Jornada que hizo F. de Sandoval Acazitle, cacique, con A. de Mendoza, cuando fue a la conquista de los indios Chichimecas, and, above all, the wholly unknown, though highly important, Relacion hecha sobre la conquista de Mexico (by ANDRES DE TAFIA, an eye witness and participant). 208 Bibliotheca Americana. I $2 2. and the dissensions which existed among the Mexican - princes, than to his unquestionable skill, bravery and perseverance, it is necessary to study the history of Mexico before the conquest, we refer to the works of Sahagun 52 , Alvarado Tezozomoc", Torribio de Bene- vente or Motolinia 54 , Fernando d AIva Ixtlilxochitl 55 , A. de Zurita 56 , Gregorio Garcia 57 , J. Eusebius Nierem- berg 58 , L. Boturini Benaduci 59 , J. J. Granados y Galvez 60 , F. X. C. de Siguenza y Gongara 61 , F. X. Clavigero 62 , M Historia general de las Cosas de Nue-va Espafia; Mexico, 3 vols., 410, 1829 (edited and castrated by Bustamente in such a manner as to require for a perfect under standing of that dry but important work, the reading of the parts also published in Vols. v and vi of Kingsborough s Anti quities). 63 Cronica Mexicana, no chapters in KINGSBOROUGH, Vol. ix, pp. 1-196, and Histoire du Mexique, trad, sur un MS. inidit par H. Ternaux-Campans ; Paris, 2 vols., 8vo, 1853. 64 Historia de los Indies de la Nue-va Espana, in Vol. I of ICAZBALCETA S Colec- cion de Documentos. " The " Mexican Cicero," as Busta mente calls him, wrote a certain number of works, all germane to the subject before us, but we think that the following only were printed : Horribles Crueldades de los conquistadores de Mexico; Mexico, 410, 1829. Trans lated into French by TERNAUX, and in serted in his Rccueil; Paris, 8vo, 1838. Historia Chichimeca, apud KINGS- BOROUGH S Antiquities, Vol. IX, pp. 197- 316, and in TERNAUX, second series, a vols., 8vo, 1840. (Extracts have been translated and published in the appendix to PRESCOTT S History of Mexico.) 68 Rapport sur les different^ classes de chefs de la Nou-velle Espagne, in TERNAUX, Rccueil, 8vo, 1840. 47 Origen de los Indies del Nue-vo Mun- do y Indias Occidentales ; Valencia, 12010, 1607; Madrid, fol., 1729. (Book v con tains the opinions which the Indians them selves held concerning their origin.) 68 Historia naturte, maxime peregrina:, librit xvi distinctte ; Antwerp, fol., 1635. (This work seems to occupy a middle ground between the work of Acosta and the well-known Naturaleza y Virtudcs de los Ar boles, &c., de la Nueva Espana of FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ (Mexico, 410, 1615), as it contains a great deal of Natural History, probably taken from the latter, and historical facts, which we have seen quoted by several Mexican historians. ) 69 Idea de una Nue-va Historia General de la America Septentrional ; Madrid, 410, 1746. 80 Tardes Americanos ; gobierno gentil y catolico, breve y particular noticia de toda la historia Indiana; Mexico, 4to, 1778. (Imaginary dialogue between a learned Indian and a Spaniard concerning the early history of Mexico.) 81 Piedad heroyca de Hernando Cortex. Del origen de los Indies Mexicanos que se llamaron Toltecas. Cyclographia Mexicana, o modo qite los Mexicanos tenian en contar los anas, meses, y dias, de que se deduce con c-vidcncia la antiguedad de la nacion. Mithologia Mexicana. We borrow these last three titles from ANTONIO, Bibl. Hist Nova, Vol. i, p. 232, but are unable to state whether the works were ever printed. Those who have access to the rarissime Biblioteca His- pano- Americano Septentrional of BERIS- TAIN may ascertain the fact. 8a Storia antica del Messico ; (Jesena, 4 vols., 4to, 1780-1 ; History of Mexico ; London, 410, 1787; Philadelphia, 8vo, 1804; London, 410, 1807; Historia an- tigua de Megico ; London, 8vo, 1826. (The latest translation into Spanish is by F. P. Vasquez, Bishop of Puebla, Mexico, 4to, 1853.) Bibliotheca Americana. 209 Mariano Veytia 63 , C. M. Bustamente 64 , and even the 1522, ambitious attempt of the indefatigable Abbe Brasseur -.-- de Bourbourg 6 ". The Catholic Church and its various monastic orders have so shaped what some authors term the modern civilization of Mexico the Dominicans, Franciscans, and Jesuits played such an important part in the early history of the conquest that their chronicles yet form a trustworthy, though chaotic repertory of facts and documents. The reader, therefore, should not neglect to consult the monkish histories of Alonso Fernandez 65 , Geronimo de Mendieta 67 , J. de Grijalva 68 , Gonzales de la Puente 69 , G. G. Davila 70 , G. Garcia 71 , A. Davila Padilla 72 , Alonso de la Rea 7? , Baltazar de Medina 74 , F. 63 Historic! Antigua de Mejico ; Mexico, 3 vols., 4to, 1836. (The best work as yet written concerning the early history of Mexico. Published with additions by D. F. Ortega, but without the introduction, which was afterwards inserted in K.INGS- BOiiOUGH s Antiquities, Vol. vm, pp. 159 217. 64 Galeria de antiguos Principes Meji- canos ; Puebla, 4to, i8zi. Cronica Mexicana. Teomoxtli o Libra que conticnc todo lo interesante a Usos, Cos- tumbres, &c., de los Indies antiquos Tultecas y Mexicanos ; Mexico, 4to, 1822. Tezcoco en los ultimas tiempos de sus antiquos reyes ; Mexico, 4to, 1826. (Los horores de Cortes ; Mexico, 410, 1821, is simply a virulent pamphlet, in which Bustamente endeavored to show that O Donoghue (the last Vice-Roy of Mexico) surpassed even Cortes in cruelty. 65 Histoire des nations civilised du Me- xique et de PAmerique-Centrale; Paris, 4 vols., 8vo, 1859. (Years will elapse before the historian is placed in possession of sufficient data to write anything but an imaginary history of the civilized nations of Mexico " durant les siecles anterieurs a Christophe Colomb" !) 69 Hi star la eclesiastica de nucstros tiempos; Toledo, fol., 1611. 67 Historia eclesiastica Indiana. (This valuable work, which was known only from the notice in LEON PINELO, p. 114, and supposed to be lost, has been lately discovered in Spain, and will be pub lished in Vol. in of Senor ICAZBALCETA S Coleccion. ) 69 Cronica de la Orden de N. P. S. Augustin en las Provincial de la Nueva Esfafla; Mexico, 410, 1624. (Es His toria bien escrita, i que no sale de lo que en el Titulo promete " PJNELO-BARCIA, col. 761.) 89 Historia de S. Agostin de la provincia de Mechoacan ; fol., 1624 (TERNAUX, No. 466). ro Teatro Eclesiastico de la primiti-va Iglesia de las Indias occidentales ; Madrid, 2 vols., fol., 1649-56. 71 Predicacion del E-v angelio end Nuevo Mundo, 1625 (apud ANTONIO, Sib/. H. Nov. i, 544). 72 Historia de la fundacion ; discurso de la provincia de Santiago de Mexico ; Madrid, fol., 1596; Bruxelles, fol., 1625; Antonio and Meusel add " Valladolid (hac epigraphe non satis apta : Varia Aistoria de la Nueva Espana), 1634, fol." 73 Chronica de la Orden de N. S. P. S. Francisco; Mexico, 4to, 1643. (There is an Alonso de Roa mentioned by PINELO- BARCIA, col. 754, as the author of Chronica de la Pro-vincia de San Pedro, i San Pablo de Mechoacan ; Mexico, 410, 1635.) 74 Cronica de la Pro-vincia de S. Diego de Mejico; Mexico, fol., 1682. 210 Bibliotheca Americana. 1522. J. Alegre 75 , Juan Lopez 75 , A. Perez de Ribas 77 , and the collections of Abp. Lorenzana 78 , all of which find their fit complement and commentary in Matias de Bocane- gra s Historia del Auto de Fe en Mexico. In studies of this description, the pandects 80 (if the 74 Historia de la Pro-vincia de la Com- pania de Jesus de la Nue-va Esfafta, pub lished by BUSTAMENTE ; Mexico, 3 vols., 410, 1841-2. 78 Historia General; Valladolid, 1615. We know the work only from the citation in DIAZ DE LA CALLE, which leads to the belief that this Historia refers to the sub ject before us, but we are apprehensive that the Lopez mentioned by De la Calle is the Johannes Lopez of UGHELLI and ANTONIO, while the work is only the well-known Historia General de Santo Do mingo y de su or den de Predicadores. It must be said, however, that in PINELO-BARCIA (col. 753) there is a ref erence to JUAN MELENDEZ (Tesoros -verd. de las Tndias; Rome, fol., 1 68 1, Vol. i, fol. 97), from which we infer that there are additions to the above Hist. gen. de S. D. which refer to the Indies. 77 Historia de los Triumfos de nucstra Santa Fe entre gentes las mas bdrbaras y fieras del nueuo Orbe ; Madrid, fol., 1645. 78 Concilios provinciates, frimero y segun- do ; Mexico, 410, 1769. Concilium pro-vinciale III Mexican ; Mexico, 410, 1770. (The acts of thejirst councils were printed as early as 1556, by Juan Pablo, and therefore before 1622, which is the date given by BRUNET, in, 467.) 79 Historia del Auto de Fe en Mexico ; Mexico, 410, 1649; id., 1652. We are of the impression that the fol lowing works might serve as a useful index to comprehend the inner workings of those religious organizations which have been the immediate cause of so much harm in Mexico : Constituciones del arxobispado de Mexi co ; Mexico, fol., 1556. Ordinarium sacri ordinis huercmitarum ; Mexico, 410, 1556. Reglas y de la cofradia de los juramentos , Mexico, fol., 1567. Instituta ordinis Beati Francisci ; Mexi co, 410, 1567. Estatutosgenerales de Barcelona ; Mexi co, 410, 1585 (for the order of the Fran ciscans). Constitutiones ordinis fratrum eremi- tarum Sancti Augustlnl ; Mexico, 8vo, 1587. Forma y modo de fundar las cofradias del cordon de N. P. S. Francisco ; Mexico, 8vo, 1589. Fundacion e indulgcncias de la orden de la Merced. ; Mexico, 8vo, 1595. Regla de los frailes menorcs ; Mexico, 4to, 1595. Derecho de las iglesias metropolitanat de las Indias ; Madrid. 410, 1634 (1635 and 1637 ?). The Church history of that distracted country is blended in so great a degree with superstitions, more contemptible even than the idolatry which they were in tended to supersede, that we deem it a sad necessity for the historian to feel compelled to peruse such miserable productions as the following : GoNGORA Y SlGUENZA, Prima vcra Indiana, poema sacro de N. S. de Guada- loupc; , 8vo, 1668 (PINELO-BARCIA, col. 840). Luis CISNEROS, Historia de Na. Sa. de los remedies de Mexico, que llc vo Juan Rodriguez de filla-fuerte a la conquista ; Mexico, , 1621 (TERNAUX, No. 435). Hue! T/amaAuizo/tica, onronexiti inil- huicac Tlatoca xiuapillc Sa. Ma. Totlazon- antzin Guadaloupe ; Mexico, 4to, 1649. (TERNAUX, No. 683.) 80 Ordendcas y copilacion de Leyes; Mex ico, fol., 1548 (organizing the courts of law, regulating the lawyers, attorneys, constables, &c., &c., enacted in April, I 528). See infra. Leyes y ordenancas nueuamete hechas par su Magestadj p"a la gouernacion de las Indias y buen tratamiento y conseruacion de los Indies ; Alcala, fol., 1543. (Laws issued by Charles V, limiting the parti tions of lands among the conquistadores.) Philippus Hispaniarum et Indiarum Bibliotheca Americana. 211 expression is not superlatively pretentious when applied I C22. to the crude digests of laws and ordinances framed from time to time by Spain for her distant colonies) neces sarily find a place in this connection. Nor are Geog raphy and Archaeology to be neglected. We therefore mention the curious works of Francesco Cervantes de Salazar 81 , Diego de Cisneros 82 , F. de Cepeda 83 , F. de Burgoa 84 , Villa-Senor y Sanchez 85 , A. Leon y Gama 86 , Gemelli Careri 87 , G. R. Carli 88 , Bustamente 64 , Alexander von Humboldt 89 , and the sumptuous collections of drawings of monuments and hieroglyphics published by Del Rio or Cabrera 90 , Nebel 91 , Lenoir, Warden and Farcy 92 , Fred, de Waldeck 93 , Wetherell 94 , Charnay 95 , and especially by the unfortunate Lord Kingsborough 48 . Rex. Pro-vis, cedulas, &c.; Mexico, fol., 1563. (There is a copy of this extremely rare and important summary of Spanish colonial law by VASCO DE PUGA, in a pri vate libr., Providence, R. I.) Sumario de recopilacion general de las Icyes y ordenanzas que se han promulgado for las Indias occidentals ; Madrid, fol., 1628. 81 Dialog! de Academia Mexicana : C -vi- tas Mexicus inter. Ci-vitas Mexicus exter. ; Mexico, Juan Pablos, 8vo, 1554. (The only copy known of this curious collec tion of dialogues is in a private library, in the city of Mexico. We suppose the author to be identical with the CER- VA^TES mentioned by Antonio, B. H. Nova, i, 414.) 82 SittOj naturalc^a y propriedades de la ciudad de Mexico ; Mexico, 4to, 1618. 83 Relation universal y -verdadera del sitio en que esta fundada la ciudad de Mexico; Mexico, fol., 1637. 84 Geografica description de la parte Sep tentrional, del polo artico de la America, y nue-va Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales ; Mexico, fol., 1674. See also the anonymous : Reconocimientos de los rios del -valle de Mexico; Mexico, fol., 1748. 85 Theatre Americano, description general de los reynos y pro-vincias de la nuc ua Espana; Madrid, 3 vols., fol., 1746-48- 74- 88 Description Historica y Cronologica de las dos Piedras; Mexico, 410, 1792; id. (with the addition of a second part), 8vo, 1832. 87 Giro del Mondo ; Naples, 6 vols., izmo, 1699-1700. 88 Delle Lettere Americane, Cosmopoli (i.e., Florence), 2 vols., 8vo, 1780. 89 Essai Politiquc sur le royaume de la Nou-velle Espagne ; Paris, z vols., 410, and one folio for the Atlas, 1811. Vues des Cordilleres et monuments des peuples indigenes de fAmirique^ Paris, 2 vols., fol., 1810. 80 Description of the ruins of an ancient city disco vered near Palenque ; London, 410, 1822. 61 Voyage fitter esque et arch eologiqut dans la partie la plus interessante du Mex- ique , Paris, fol., 1836. " a Antiquites Mexicaines; Paris, 3 vols., fol., 1834-36. (Capt. Dupaix three expe ditions to Mitka and Palenque, 1805-7.) 83 Coleccion de las Antiquedades Mexi- canas que ecsisten en el Museo national; Mexico, fol., 1827. Voyage pittoresque et archeologique dans la province d" Yucatan; Paris, fol., 1838. 94 Catalogo de una Coleccion de An- tiguidades Mexic anas ; Seville, 4to, 1842. 84 Vucs Photographiques des ancient monuments du Mexique ; Paris, fol., 1862. 212 Bibliotheca Americana. I $22. As to the poems of Gabriel Lasso de la Vega 96 , A. de _ Saavedra Guzman 97 , Melchior de la Vega 98 , Bernardino de Balbuena", J. Osorio Cortes 100 , Caspar de Villagra 101 , Arias Villalobas 102 , Fernando de Zarate 103 , F. Ruiz de Leon 104 , J. de Escoiquiz 105 , P. Roure 106 , Roux de Ro- chelle 107 , and of several anonymous versifiers 108 , or the plays of Josef Canizares 100 , Firmin del Rey 110 , Piron 111 , Alfonso Cavacio 111 , and even of Lope de Vega" 3 and John Dryden" 4 , we apprehend that they present but little interest to the student of history. Concerning the biography and bibliography of the early Mexican writers, the reader will find abundant mate rials in the rare compilations of J. J. Eguiara y Eguiren" 5 , J. L. Maneiro 116 , and J. M. Beristain y Souza" 7 . 98 Primer a parte de Cortes valeroso y la Mexycana ; Madrid, 410, 1588 (12 can tos) 5 id., izmo, 1594, with the addition of 13 cantos. Elogios en loor de los tres famosos varenes D. Jayme, rey de dragon, D. Fer nando Cortex, marque* del -valle, y D. Alvaro Baxan ; Saragossa, I2mo, 1601. 97 El Peregrino Indiana, Poema de los Hcchos de Hernan Cortes; Madrid, lamo, 1599. (There was to be a second part, which has never been published.) 98 Relacion de las grandexas del Peru, Mexico y los Angeles ; Mexico, I zmo, 1 60 1. 99 Grandexa Mexicana del bachiller B. de Balbucna; Mexico, I2mo, 1604. (Ef fusion of a poet praised by Lope de Vega. See TERNAUX, No. 269.) Reprinted, Mad rid, i8mo, 1829. 100 Cortesiada, Poema heroico de Don Hernando Cortes, dedicado al Rey Don Fe lipe 4 el Grande. (MS. in the Bibliottca Real, apud ALCEDO, Bibliot. Am. MS. and B.ARCrA-PlNELO.) 101 Historia de laNue-va Mexico ; Alcala, I2mo, 1610. It is alleged that Cortes went as far as what is now called in the United States New Mexico. 102 Historia de Mexico desde la fundacion hasta 1623; Mexico, , 1623. 103 Conquista de Mexico. 504 Hernindia, triunphos de la Fe y gloria de las armas espanolas ; proexas de Hernan Cortes, Poema heroyc o ; Madrid, 4to, 1755. 106 Mexico conquistada, Poema hcroica ; Madrid, 3 vols., 8vo, 1798. 06 La Conquete du Mexiquc,potmc en 10 chants, with historical notes ; Paris, 8vo, 1811. 107 Fernand Cortex, Poemc ; Paris, 8vo, 1838. 108 Obediencia que Mexico dio al rey D. Felipe IV con un discurso en verso del estado de la misma ciudad desde el mas antiguo de su fundacion, imperio y conquhta hasta hoy; Mexico, 410, 1623. Le Mexique conquis, Pocme /leroiyue ; Paris, 8vo, 1751. UErohmo di Ferdinando Cortese con- fermato centre le censure nemiche ; Roms, 8vo, 1806. (A poem or a comedy ?) The fall of Mexico, 410, n. d. (Raet- zel Catalogue, No. 1670.) 109 El Pleyto de Hernan Cortex. 110 Hernan Cortex en Tabasco (apud TER NAUX, No. 443). 111 Fernan Cortex, Comedie , Paris, 8vo, 1744 (translated into Spanish, Malrid, 8vo, 1776). 112 Motee^uma, Empcrador de Mexico ; Tragedia, 1709. 12. Italiano (PINELO- BARCIA). 113 Marquex del Valle. 14 The Indian Emperour or the C r >nyucst of Mexico by the Spaniards ; London, 1651 ; 1667, 1668, 1692, 1700, all in 410. 115 Bibliotheca Mexicana, sea his,toria virorum in America boreale natorum; Mex ico, fol., 1775. (Contains only the letters Bibliotheca Americana. It is not in times when Philology has been found to present the most efficient and reliable means of ascer taining the history of the early migrations of primitive races, that we should overlook the praiseworthy efforts of Senores Orozco y Berra 118 , Francisco Pimentel" 9 , and the valuable index of Dr. H. E. Ludwig 120 , which, how- 1522, A, B, C, but many dissertations of interest. Copy in private libr., N. Y.) 16 de "viris aliquot Mixicanorum alio- rum-juc qui si-ve -virtute, si ve litteris, Mexici imprimis Jioruerunt ; Bologna, 3 vols., 8vo, 1791. 17 Bibliotheca Hi spano- Americana Sep tentrional; Mexico, 3 vols.,4to, 1816-1821. 118 Geograf ia de las Lenguas y Carta Ethnografica de Mexico ; Mexico, 8vo, 1864. 119 Cuadro descripti-vo y compar ativo de las Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico ; Mexico, 2 vols., 8vo, 1862-65. 120 The Literature of American Abori ginal Languages. Bibliotheca Glottica ; London, Svo, 1858. (This valuable work is evidently based, in its present form, upon the American portion of VATER, Litt. der Gram. I.exica und Wortcrs. aller Sprachcn der Erde ; Berlin, Svo, 1847.) As to manuscript sources, the reader will be pleased to learn that copies of the following unpublished works are in a pri vate library in New York : ESTRELLA (J. C. C.) de Rebus Indicis. DURAN (DiEGo) Historia Antigua de Nueva Espafia, 3 large vols., with numer ous colored drawings of Mexican hiero glyphics. (See supra, note 10.) ZORITA (ALONZO DE) Breve y Sumaria Relacion de los Senores, maneras, y difer- encias que havia de ellos en la Nueva Espafia. GONGORA, Lista de los Conquistadores de Nueva Espana. Relacion de la provincia de Meztitlan por Gabriel de CHAVES. Cartas de Fr. Juan de ZUMARRAGA primero Obispo de Mexicco, 1529. Pasqual de ANDAGOVA, Descripcion de las Provincias de Tierra-Firme y relacion de lo ocurrido en ellas desde 1514, hasta, 1541- In a private library, Washington city : Historia antigua de la Nueva Espana, con noticias de los ritos y costumbres y explicacion del calendario Mexicano, por el Padre FR. DIEGO DURAN, de la orden de Santo-Domingo, escrita en el ano de 1588. (See supra.} Relacion de las ceremonias y pobla- cion y gubernacion de los Indies de la pro vincia de Mechuachan, hecha al Illmo Senor Dn. Antonio de Mendoza. (ANONY MOUS.) The following manuscripts, collected by PRESCOTT, are now in a private library in Boston, Mass. : Relaciones de los primeros Descubri- dores de Nueva Espana (originals in the Vi enna Imperial Library*) ; Relacion del des- cubrimiento y conquista de Nueva Espana, escrita al Emperador Carlos V y su madre D a Juana por la Justicia y Reximiento de la ciudad de Vera Cruz a diez dias de julio de 1519 ; Segunda Relacion de Her- nan Cortes a el mismo Emperador, a 30 de octubre de 1520; Tercera Relacion em- biada por Hernando Cortes al Emperador, a 15 de mayo de 1522; Quarta Relacion de Hernando Cortes dirigida al Emperador, a 15 de octubre de 1524 ; Una Relacion de Pedro de Alvarado a Hernando Cortes escrita en Vilatan a once de abril (year not mentioned) ; Otra Relacion de Pedro de Alvarado, escrita en S" Tiago a 28 de julio de 1523; Relacion de Pedro de Godoy a Fernando Cortes (no date); Ex- tracto de los Primeros Descubrimientos de F. Pizarro y D. de Almagro hecho por Juan de Samanos para remitir a algun principe, que no se expresa quien sea ; Relacion de Hernan Cortes al Empera dor (no date); Despacho, Instruccion y Cartas dadas por Cortes a Antonio Gival para Alvaro de Saavedra el ano de 1526; Table of Contents of the " Coleccion de Memorias de Nueva Espana," in 32 vol umes, collected and prepared by order of the Spanish government in 1792. Los Primeros Senores de Teotihuacan y sus Bibliotheca Americana. I $22. ever much improved by the additions and corrections of . W. W. Turner, is destined to be surpassed by the new edition which will soon be published by the learned, modest, indefatigable and disinterested Dr. Berendt, now engaged in exploring the comparatively unknown and mysterious island of Peten, in Guatemala. Whatever may be the importance of the facts related in several of the above-mentioned works, the fountain- comarcas ; Poems, &c., by the Emperor Nezahualcoyott, translated into Spanish by his descendant, Fernando de Alva (and into English by Prescott, Appendix to his Hist, of Mexico, Vol. in, p. 429). Documents from the Collection of Don Juan Bautista Munoz : Relacion de la carta que los Alcaldes y Regidores de la Villa de Vera Cruz scriven a V. Mag. e de lo que ha pasado en su viage e pobla- cion, a seis de Julio de 15195 Letter of Diego Velasquez, Gonzalo de Guzman, and Panfilo de Narvaez to M. de Chievres, Oct. 12, 1519; Letter from D. Velasquez to Chievres, Oct. 12, 1519; Instructions of Velasquez to Cortes, Oct. 23, 1518; Letter of Pasamonte to Charles V., Jan. 15, 1520; Deposition of F. de Montejo, April 29, 1520; Deposition of Puertocar- rero, April 30, 1520; Letter from the Audiencia of San Domingo to the Em peror, inclosing a report from the licen tiate Ayllon, Governor of Cuba, Aug. 30, i 520 ; Ordenanzas militares y civiles, Tax- calteque, Dec. 22, 1520, and Mexico, March 20, 1524; Accusations of Narvaez against Cortes, without date; Letter of the licentiate Zuazo, Governor of Cuba, and Fray Luis de Figueroa, Nov. 14, 1521 ; De Rebus gestis Ferdin. Cortesii, incerto auctore; Relacion de la plata que se hubo de la Provincia de Mechoacan, &c.; Com mission to Cortes as Governor, &c., of New Spain, Oct. 15, 1522; Power of at torney from Cortes to his father, May 8, 1522; Cedula declarando que la Nueva Espafia no puede ser enagenada de la co rona, 22 de octubre, 1523; Gastos de la expedicion que llevo Cristoval Dolid, 1523; Minuta de carta de Cortes a Francisco Cortes, 1524; Ynstruccion civil y militar a Francisco Cortes por la expedicion de la costa de Colima, 1524; Memorials with out date, addressed by Cortes to the Em peror, respecting the affairs of New Spain; Letter of the Emperor to Cortes, Nov. 4, 1525; Letter of Cortes to the Audi encia of San Domingo, May 10, 1526; Letters of Cortes to the Emperor, Sept. II, 1526; Letter to the Emperor (with out signature or date) respecting gold sent by Cortes to Spain ; Memorial contra el de Luis Cardenas, 15 de julio, 1528; Letter of the Emperor granting to Cortes the title of Marques del Valle, July 6, 1529; Grant of estates to Cortes, July 23, 1529; Memoria de lo acaecido en esta ciudad de Temixtitan despues quel Gover- nador Hernando Cortes salio della que fue a lo doce dias del mes de octubre de 1525 ; Report addressed to the Emperor by Rod- rigo Albornoz, Dec. 15, 1525; Report of Nufto de Guzman of the affairs of Panuco and New Galicia during his gov ernment, no date ; Privilegio de Dofla Ysabel Motezuma, otogardo por Cortes, June 27, 1526; Reports of Diego de Ocana respecting affairs of Mexico, Aug. 31, Sept. 9, Sept. 17, 1526; Lo que el Marques del Valle escrive al Licenciado Nunez que haga relacion a V. M. sobre las cosas de la Nueva Espafia, &c. (no date); Letter of Cortes to the Council of the Indies, Feb. 8, 1535; Letter of Don A. de Mendoza to the Emperor, Dec. 10, 1537; Letter of Cortes, Sept. 29, 1538; Memorial addressed to the King by the Indian caciques of Santiago de Atitlan, Feb. I, 1571 ; Memorial de lo que se pide por D. Juan de Mote9uma, hijo de Juan Cano y de Dona Ysabel de Motecuma, &c. (no date). Documents from the Collection of Var gas Pon-ze : Memorial de Benito Martinez, capellan de Diego Velazquez contra Her- nan Cortes (no date) ; Ynstruccion de Elblwtheca Americana. 215 head of information concerning the conquest of Mexico 1^22. will always be the numerous epistolary accounts written --.-- by Cortes himself. It is to be regretted that they have not been all published. Senor Icazbalceta gives a list of not less than thirty-three of Fernando Cortes cc escritos rueltos" which, added to the following printed Cartas de Relation, would form a volume of paramount interest. In the absence of the Carta de Relation, dated Villa Rica de la Vera-Cruz, July 10, 1519, which has not Diego Velazquez a Cortes y Grijalva, Oct. 23, 1518; Letter of Velazquez to Chievres, Oct. 12, 1519; Informaciones recibidas por comision de la Audiencia de S to Do mingo para impedir la salida de la Armada que llevo Panfilo de Narbaes ; Carta que Diego Velazquez escribio al Licenciado Figueroa para que hiciese relacion a sus magestades de lo que le habia fecho Fer nando Cortes; Provanza fecha a pedimento de Juan Ochoa de Lexalde en nombre de Hernando Cortes, Capitan General, &c., sobre las diligencias que el dicho capitan hizo para no se perdiese el oro e joyas de sus Mag." que estaban en la ciudad de Temistitan ; Instruccion de la Audiencia de la Veracruz a los procuradores que envio a la Corte ; Petition to the Em peror, signed by 544 soldiers in the army of Cortes, requesting that the latter may be continued in the government of New Spain; Carta del Licenciado Ayllon sobre la armada de Velazquez, 4 de marzo, 1520; Interrogatories relative to disputes between Velasquez and Cortes, Oct. 4, 1520; Lo que paso con Cristobal de Tapia acerca de no admitirle por governador con los Procuradores de Mexico y demas pob- laciones y los de Cortes, Dec. 1521 ; Re- querimientos para que no fuese [Cortes] a Vera-Cruz, donde era llegado Cristobal de Tapia, por Governador de Nueva Espana, y su respuest-a, Dec. 12, 1.521; Requeri- miento sobre el saqueo, Aug. 14, 152.1; Instruccion que se dio al Licenciado Luis Ponce de Leon para la pesquiza de Cortes ; Propuesta de Hernando Cortes para seguir los descubrimientos por el Mar del Sur, July 14, 152,3; Grant of lands and vas sals to Cortes, July 6, 1529; Letters granting Cortes the title of Captain-General, April i, 15295 Relacion de los cargos que resultan de la pesquiza secreta contra Don Hernando Cortes ; Faculdad real para fun- dar moyorazgo, July 27, 1529; Cartas de Hernan Cortes al Emperador, 10 de octubre, 1530, y 25 de enero, 1531; Minuta del procurador de Cortes ; Instruccion que da el Marques del Valle de sus servicios y agravios recibidos en Nueva Espana y mientras su conquista, afio de 1532; Carta de Hernan Cortes al Emperador, 20 de abril, 1532; Provision sobre los descu brimientos del Sur; 1534; Peticion que dio [Cortes] contra Don Antonio de Men- doza, virrey ; Ultima y sentidisima carta de Cortes al Emperador, 3 de feb. 1544; Testamento de Hernan Cortes, 1 1 de Oct. 1547 ; Document relating to burial of Cortes and removal of his remains ; Peti tion addressed to the Emperor by Indian chiefs of Tlacopan, 1552. Documents from the Collection of Mu- noK : Grant of Arms to Cortes, March 7, 1525 ; Cedula de S. M. de 20 de junio de 1526 a Cortes mandandole vaya a las Yslas de Maluco 6 mande ir a saber de las armadas que a ellas avian ydo ; Carta diri- gida al obispo de Osma, Fr. Garcia de Loaysa, por Hernan Cortes a 12 de Enero de i 527 ; Relation of a voyage of discovery by Pedro Nunez Maldonada, laid before the Audience of Mexico, Jan. 23, 1529; Cedula de i de abril de 1529; Merced de titulo de Castilla a Cortes, 20 de Julio de 1529 ; Asiento y capitulacion que hizo con el Emperador Don Hernando Cortes, a 27 de oct. de 1529, para el descubrimi- ento, conquista, y poblacion de las Yslas y tierras del mar del Sur al poniente de la Nueva Espana ; Capitulo de carta del Marques del Valle escrita al Emperador, 20 de abril, 1532; Instruccion que dio el Marques del Valle, afio de 1532 ; 2l6 Bibliotheca Americana. I $22. yet been discovered, either in print or manuscript, but , the existence of which does not admit of doubt, as it is mentioned by Peter Martyr, Gomara, and Cortes him self, we must notice the account which was sent together with that lost document, viz. : Relation del Descubrimiento y Conquista de la Nueva Espana, hecha por la Justicia y Regimiento de la nueva ciudad de la P r era-Cruz, Julio 10, 1519- This was published for the first time in the N. S. S. Co/eccion 1 ", and republished by Vedia 1 ". a Diego Hurtado de Mendoza para el viage que devia hacer al descubrimiento del Mar del Sur; Instruccion que dio el Marques del Valle a Juan de Avellaneda, Jorge Ceron, y Juan Galvarro de la rela- cion que avian de hacer a S. M. del des cubrimiento del Mar del Sur, &c. ; Relacion del armada del Marques del Valle capi- taneada dc Francisco de Ulloa que salio del puerto de Acapulco y descubrio el rio de Culata ; Memorial que presento en el con- sejo real de las Indias Nuno de Guzman en 20 de marzo de 15405 Memorial que dio al Rey el Marques del Valle en Mad rid a 25 de junio de 1540 sobre agravios que le havia hecho el Virrey de Nueva Espana; Memorial de Don Antonio Ve lazquez de Bazan acerca de la merced que pide a S. M. ; Memorial de Cortes al Em- perador de la ciudad de Tezcuco, 10 de octubre, 1530; Apuntamiento original de Cortes; Relacion de Nuno de Guzman, en Omitlan a 8 de Julio, 1530; Relacion que dio Pedro de Carranza de la Jornada de N. de Guzman ; Memorial de Juan de Villanueva en nombre de Cortes sobre lo que empleo y gasto para el descubrimiento de la especeria, &c. ; Carta de Cortes al Emperador, 25 de enero, 1531 ; Memorial de Juan de Villanueva en nombre de Cortes, haciendo saber como N. de Guz man llevo en grilles el Cazonci ; Royal mandate forbidding Cortes to approach within ten leagues of the city of Mexico, March 22, 1530; Letter of N. de Guzman to the Council, accusing Cortes of cruelty to the Indians, &c., June 7, 1535; Carta de Cortes al Emperador, 20 de abril, 1532; Carta de Cortes a la Audiencia de Nueva Espana, 25 de enero, 1533 ; Carta de Cor tes al Emperador, 25 de enero, 1533; Carta de Cortes a la Audiencia de Nuevo Espana, 10 de feb. 1533; Relaciones de Don Fer nando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl (extracted from Vol. iv. of the Memorias de Nueva Espana). From the Collections of Mufloz and Na-varrctc : Fragmentos de historia de Nueva Espana. (Historia de Tlascala por Diego Munoz Camargo.) Capitulos de la Cronica Mexicana de Tezozomoc ; Rela cion de los descubrimientos que se han hecho desde el ano de 1492 hasta el de 1545 por los Espanoles ; Instruccion que dio el capitan Diego Velazquez en la Isla Fernandina, en 23 de octubre de 1518, al capitan Hernando Cortes ; Memorial que presento al Rey Benito Martinez en nom bre del Adelantado Diego Velazquez, 15195 Parecer que dio el Licenciado Ayllon al Adelantado Diego Velazquez sobre el ar mada que habia aprestado para embiar con tra Hernan Cortes ; Dos cartas escritas al Rey por el Licenciado Ayllon, 8 de enero y 4 de marzo de 1520; Titulo de Gober- nador de las Islas y Tierras que descubriese en el Mar del Sur expedido por S. M. al Marques del Valle, 5 de nov. 1529; Rela cion del viage de Fernando de Grijalva, ano de 1536; Relaciones de otras viages; Relacion de los conquistadores y descubri- dores de la Nueva Espana, a donde fueron con Hernando Cortes, Panfilo de Narvaez y otros; Venta de dos navios que hizo Juan Rodriguez de Villafuerte al Marques del Valle, 4 de nov. 1531. Historia de los Indies de Nueva Espana por Toribiode Benavente 6 Motolinia. 131 Colcccion de documentor incditos para la historia de EspaKa ; Madrid, 410, 1842-65. Commenced by Navarrete, and continued Bibliotheca Americana. 217 We then find the Carta A, dated Villa Segura de la 1522. Frontera, October 3Oth, 1520, which contained a chart of the Gulf of Mexico, now lost, but supposed to be the original of the map in the Nuremberg Latin edi tion of 1524. The first edition of A is the present No. 118 ; the second edition, which we call B, was pub lished at Saragossa, in 1523 (infra], A was followed by a Carta dated Cuyocan, May I5th, 1522, which was printed at Seville in 1523 (infra]. This, which we call C, was sent, together with a secret epistle, to the Emperor V. The latter was first pub lished in the N. S. S. Coleccion 1 ^, and republished by Kingsborough 124 . The next is a Carta dated Temixtitan, October 1 5th, 1524, printed at Toledo, in 1525 (infra). We call this D. The second edition of D was printed at Valencia in 1526 (infra), and we letter it E. D was sent, together with a secret letter, which was published for the first time by Senor Icazbalceta 115 . The original editions seem to end with E. The other Carfas are all modern publications, viz. : Carta de relation, dated Temixtitan, Sept. 3d, I526 126 . Carta al Emperador, dated Temixtitan, Sept. nth, I526 127 . Carta al Emperador, dated Tezcucco, October loth, i 53 o 28 Memorial al Emperador, , I539 129 . Carta al Emperador, dated Feb. 3d, by Miguel Salva and P. Sainz y Baranda, ia ap. N. S. S. Coleccion, Vol. IV, pp. Vol. iv, or Vol. i, pp. 417-472 (effaced 8-167 ( ?),and VEDiA,#rirtr/Wor, Vol. I. memorandum, which we have no means 1ST ap. N. S. S. Coleccion, Vol. I, pp. of verifying). 14-13 ; KINGSBOROUGH, Antiquities, Vol. 12 Hiitoriadorei primiti-vos de Indias ; VIII. Madrid, * vols., 8vo, 1853, Vol. i. la8 a p. N. S. S. Coleccion, Vol. r, pp. Vol. i, pp. 11-13. S 1 ^ 1 ; an d KINGSBOROUGH, Antiquities, 184 Antiquities, Vol. VIII, Vol. VIII. 126 Separately, in miniature shape, black 129 ap. N. S. S. Colcccion, Vol. iv, pp. letter, and certainly one of the prettiest 2016. typographical curiosities known. Inserted 1SO ap. N. S. S. Coleccion, Vol. i, pp. also in this gentleman s Coleccion, Vol. I, 41-47 ; and KINGSBOROUGH, Antiquities, pp. 470-483. Vol. Tin, 28 2 1 8 Bibliotheca Americana. I C22. A, C and D were republished by Barcia 131 , Loren- ,zana 5Z , and Vedia 133 . The translations are, in Latin : A, Nuremberg, 1524 (infra), Cologne, 1532 (infra), and theNovus Or bis of 1555 and 1616. C, Nuremberg, 1524 (infra), Cologne, 1532, and the Novus Orbis of I555 34 and 1616. In Italian : A, Venice, 1524, by B. de Viano (infra), Venice, 1524; by A. de Nicolini (infra), and in Ramusio 135 , together with C and D. There is an abstract of A in the following No. 19. In French : A, C and D (erroneously called first, second and third accounts), in Flavigny s Correspondance 1 ^, from Loren- zana s text, abridged. There is an epitome of A and C also in French, but from the Latin, Paris, I532 137 , (infra). In English : A, Philadelphia, 1817-18 ; 138 A, C and D, New York, In German : A and C, Augsburg, 1550 (infra), according to Bru- 131 1 Historiadorcs primitives dc las Indias; tales. Histoirc traduite de languc Espagnole Madrid, fol., 1749, Vol. I (inaccurately par Guillaume k Breton Nivernois , Paris, with divisions into chapters and headings, izmo, 1588 (Privat. libr., Providence) is not in the original). only an abridgement of OVIEDO and the 132 Historia de Nue-va Espana ; Mexico, second part of GOMARA. fol., 1770 (from Barcia s texts, with omis- 138 In the Port-folio, by Mr. Alsop, of sions), and in the reprint, New York, 8vo, Middletown, Connecticut, who recom- 1828 (which contains in addition an intro- mends the work at once to the confiding duction by Mr. Robert Sands). care of the learned. 133 loc cit., Vol. I. 139 Dispatches of Hernando Cortes, 8vo. 134 pp_ ^6-677. The Pleasant Historic of the conquest of the 133 Raccolta, Vol. ill, foil. 225-296, seq. West India, noiv called New Spaine. At- 138 Paris, 8vo, sine anno (1778); id., cAie-v ed by the most worthy Prince Hernan- " En Suisse," 8vo, 1779. do Cortes. Translated by T. [homas] N. 137 Printed by Simon de Colines ; fol., [icholas] ; London, 410, I 596, mentioned 15St se ? The Voyages et conqucsta du Capi- by Graesse under the head of Cortes, is taine Fernando Courtois, es Indes Occiden- only a translation from GOMARA. Bibliotheca Americana. 219 net 40 : " d apres la version latine de Savorgnanus, par I $2 2, Andre Diether, maitre de langue latine a Augsbourg _--. (vers 1534), in-fol." A, C and D, by Stapfer 141 and Koppe 142 . In Dutch : A, C and D, Amsterdam, lySo 143 . I n Flemish : A and C, from Diether s German version, by Cor nelius Ablijn 144 . Our readers doubtless recollect that Hernando Cortes died of an indigestion in a village near Seville (Castil- leja de la Cuesta), December 2d, 1547, not "dans la misere," as we see it frequently stated, but very rich. It is known that his body was first transferred to the family vault of the Duke de Medina-Sidonia, in Seville ; from which it was removed, in 1562, and sent to the monas tery of St. Francis, in Tezcuco, but exhumed in 1629, to be interred in the convent of St. Francis, in the city of Mexico, and again disturbed in 1794 ^, when it was deposited in a tomb prepared in the celebrated Hospital of Jesus of Nazareth. (C Unfortunately for Mexico," Prescott says 146 , cc the tale does not stop here. In 1823 the patriot mob of the capital, in their zeal to commemorate the era of the national independence, and their detestation of the f old Spaniards, prepared to 140 Manuel, Vol. II, col. 312. If the 144 Die Nicutue Wcertlt ; Antwerp, fol., above quotation is intended to convey the 1563. (Privat. libr., Providence), impression that Diether taught Latin at 145 ALAMAN, Discrtacioncs, Vol. II, pp. Augsburg towards 1534, we can find noth- 50-62, and Appendix 2, pp. 5098. ing to the contrary ; but if it refers to an " Hist, of Mexico, Vol. in, p. 350. edition of 1534, we apprehend that there It is curious to notice how frequently the is an error in the date, as we cannot find graves of men who deserved well of their any traces of a version by Diether of about country have been desecrated or disturbed, 1534. especially in modern times. The ashes of 141 Die Eroberung von Mexico, in Bricfcn Boccacio, Petrarch, Voltaire, J. J. Rous- an Carl V ; Heidelberg, 2 vols., 8 vo, 1779; seau, Ben Jonson, even, have not been id.y Bern, 1793 (probably from FLAVIGNY SJ permitted to rest in peace. (See AGOSTINI, see MEUSEL, Vol. in, Pt. I, p. 270). Scritt. Venez., Vol. I, p. 301 ; BALDELLI, 145 Berlin, I vol., 8vo, 1834. del Petrarca, p. 169, cited by LIBRI, His- 43 Brie-ven -von Keizer Karl V, z vols., toire des Sciences mathimatiqucs en Italic, 8vo. Vol. n, p. 258, of the wretched Halle re- 220 Bibliotheca Americana. break open the tomb which held the ashes of Cortes, and to scatter them to the winds ! The authorities declined to interfere on the occasion ; but the friends of the family, as is commonly reported, entered the vault by night, and, secretly removing the relics, prevented the commission of a sacrilege which must have left a stain not easily effaced," &c., &c. Humboldt asserts 147 that he had " vu a Mexico, dans le cabinet du capitaine D * * *, une cote du corps de Fernand Cortez que pendant la translation des ossemens a la nouvelle chapelle dans 1 hospital de Los Naturales on avait enlevee" but what has become of the rest of the body ? Mr. Charton states 148 , with no little emphasis : " Ce que n a point dit 1 eminent historien du Mexique, nous sommes en mesure de 1 affirmer aujourd hui : les restes de Cortez sont en Italic, dans les domaines du due de Terra-Nova-Monteleone, der nier descendant par les femmes du celebre conquerant 148 ." We have taken pains to inquire from several residents of the city of Mexico. Sefior Icazbalceta, whose author ity no one will think of questioning, writes to us as follows : " Le lieu de la sepulture actuelle de Cortes est enveloppe de mys- tere. D. Lucas Alaman a raconte 1 histoire des restes de ce grand homme. Sans le dire positivement, il fait entendre qu ils sont passes en Italic : El Conde D. Fernando Lucchesi, que estaba en Mexico (1823) como apoderado del senor duque de Terranova, dispuso de la caja con los buesos, que provisionalmente se deposito bajo la tarima del altar de Jesus. On croit generalement que le corps de Cortes est a Palerme. Mais plusieurs personnes s obstinent a dire qu il est encore Mexico, cache dans quelque endroit completement ignore. Malgre 1 amitie dont M. Alaman m honorait, je ne pus jamais obtenir de lui une declaration explicite sur ce fait ; il trouvait toujours moyen d en detourner la conversation." print; and the curious correspondence in descended to a female, and by her mar- L* Intermedieire, for April, 1864. riage were united with those of the house 47 Examen Critique, Vol. iv, p. 15, n. of Terranova, descendants of the Great 148 Voyagturs ancient et modernes ; Paris, Captain, Gonsalvo de Cordova. By a 8vo, 1861, Vol. in (an excellent work). subsequent marriage they were carried into 149 " The male line of the marquesses the family of the Duke of Monteleone, a of the Valley became extinct in the Neapolitan noble." PRESCOTT, loc. cit. t fourth generation. The title and estates p. 352. Bibliothcca Americana. Direct references: f MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. in, Part I, page 267. I C 2 2< -j TERNAUX, Bibliotheque Americaine, No. 25. -^ j Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part vi, No. 1307. ^^ " Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 165. Bibliotheca Bro-wniana, page 11, No. 34. Stevens American Bibliographer, page 83. Li-vres Curieux, page 26, No. 125. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 310. EBERT, Dictionary, No. 5323. GRAESSE, Vol. u, page 277 (for the erroneous statement that the work contains only fourteen leaves). I I Q. ANONYMOUS Within an engraved border: Noue de le Ifole & Terra fer||ma Nou- amente trouate || In India per el Capi || taneo de larmata de la Cefarea || Maief- tate. || Colophon : C Cautum eft a principe ne quis preter Caluum intra annum || Imprimat : sub pena ducatorum centum. || Verso of the title-page : Andrea caluo ad Paulo uerrano || & Abramo Taffio/ || Mediolani decimofexto cale. Decembris M.D.XXII.* *.* 410, title one leaf-|- five unnumbered leaves, the verso of the last of which is blank. (British Museum.) Brief abstract of Cortes second account (No. 118). Direct reference : Bibliotheca Gren-vi/liana, page 1 66. Anglice: News of the Islands and Con- no one except Calvo may print this with- tinent recently discovered in India by the in a year, under penalty of one hundred captain of the fleet of His Imperial Ma- ducats. Milan, i6th kalend. December, jesty. It is cautioned by the Prince that 1522. Bibliotheca Americana. 1523. I 2O. CORTES (FERNANDO} Under a woodcut representing the Emperor Charles V seated on the throne, and surrounded by his Court : it * ISmperatror II nueftro Mor por el (Eapttan general || trela nueua IBfpaila: llamatro jfernantro eortes. IBnla pal fate re- 1| lacur trelas tierras g prouinctas fiu eueto pe ija trefcuirierto nueua- 1| mete enel gucata tiel ano tre. xix. a efta parte : g ija fometttro ala eoro || na real tie fit. g. majeftatr. IBn efpeeial fa^e relacion tre bna gratiiffi- 1| ma puincia mug rtca llamatra (Eulua : enla ql ag mug graties etutra- litres g tie marauillofois etiifictois: g tie gratres tratos g rtpeiag. iEntre || las 5^^ ag ^^ ^^s marautllofa g rtea q totras llamatra ^emixtita : || 5 eftapor marautllofa arte etiificatra foto bna grantre laguna: tiela || ql etutiati g proulcia es reg bn gra= trtffimo fenor llamatro Jifluteecu- 1| ma : trotre le aeaefcierc al eaptta g alos iEfpanoles efpatofas eofas tie || ogr. OTuenta largamente trel gratriffimo fenorio trel trteijo Hfluteecu II ma g tre fus rttos g eerimonias : g tre ecmo fe firue. 1 1 Colophon : C Ha prefente earta tre relacion fue impreffa en= la mug notle || r mug leal etutratr tre ^aragofa : por (George Otoci Eleman. || E. b. trias tre IBnero. jlwi tre * Anglke : This Epistolary Relation of Saragossa, by George Coci, a German, was printed in the very noble and loyal city Jan. 5th, 1523. The rest as in No. 118. Bibliotheca Americana. 223 ** Folio, twenty-eight unnumbered leaves, including the title, which contains on the verso another woodcut, representing the setting out of Cortes, followed by the beginning of the text. ( D j (Private Library, Providence.) Second edition of A (No. 118). Direct references: C Bibliotkeca Hebcriana, Part vn, No. 1884. Bibliotheca Greavilliana, page 166. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 12, No. 36. Stevens American Bibliographer, page 84. TERNA-JX, No. 2.7. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 311. 121. CORTES (FERNANDO) Under the same woodcut as in No. 1 1 8. Cut trt tec? fa r*- : * mbtdfta pm* /irna n tro cortex capitan r jufttcia magor trel gucatan (la- matrn la nueua efpana||trel mat oceano: al mug alto g potentiffuno cefar r tutctifftma Mot tro || OTarlois emperatror femper augufto g teg tre efpana nueftto feilot: trelaisllcofas fucetutras r mug trignas tre atnnitacton enla conptfta g tecupe- 1| tacion trela mug gtantre r matauillofa ciutratr tre ^emwtitan : g trelas II otras ptouinciasi a ella futjetag que fe teBelaton. ?Bnla pal ciutratr r ti II djas ptoutncias el tiidjo capitan g efpanoles conftguieton gtantres g fe || nalatras btctotiag trignas tre petpetua me^ motia. Efft mefmo ija^e tela-||cion como ija trefcu- ijietto el mat trel g>wt : r ottas mudjas r gtatres pto- 1| uinciag mug ttcas tre mtnas tre oto : g pets lag : g pietrtas ptectofag : r abn || ttenen nottcta pe ag efpecteta. || 224 Bibliotheca Americana. 1523. Colophon : = C tla jSfente carta 5 telacw tut itnpreffa e la mug notie r mug leal ciuttatr fl feuilla pot || Jacoto tw? terger alema : acatofe a. m:. Irtas ire mat^o : ano 5 mill r quhwtcs r. mij. ||* * sk * Folio (signatures a, b, c, in eights, d in six) ; thirty unnum bered leaves, including the title, on the verso of which the text begins ; forty-eight lines in a full page. (C.) (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) Third account, from October joth, 1520, to May 1522. Direct references: f MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. in, Part I, page 268. -{ PANZER, Annales Tyfogr., Vol. vu, page 122,, No. 19. j Bibliotheca Heberiana. Part vn, No. 1884 Bibliotheca Grcn-villiana, page 166. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 12, No. 35. Ste-veni American Bibliographer, page 84. Livres Curieux, page 27, No. 127. RICH, No. 5. TERNAUX, No. 26. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 311. 122. MAXIMILIAN OF TRANSYLVANIA Within an orna mented border containing nude figures : DE MOLVCCIS IN \\Julis y itemq ; alijs pluribus miradis, qu< \\nouiflima Caftellanorum nauigatio Se- \\renifs. Im- pera forts Caroli . V . aujpicis \\ fufcepta, nuper inuenit : Maximiliani \\ Tranfyluani ad Reuerendijs. Cardina- || lem Saltzburgenfem epiftola lettu per- \\ quam iucunda. \\ * Anglice: Third Epistolary Relation and recovery of the very great and won- sent by Fernando Cortes, Captain and drous city of Temixtitan ; and of the other Chief Justice of Yucatan, called New provinces subjected to it which had re- Spain of the Oceanic Sea, to the most volted. In which city and said provinces high and mighty Cassar and invincible the said captain and Spaniards obtained Lord Don Charles, Emperor ever august, great and signal victories worthy of per- and King of Spain our Lord, concerning petual remembrance. There is also an the things which have happened and are account how he discovered the South Sea, worthy of admiration in the conquest and many other and large provinces, very Bibliotheca Americana. 225 Verso of the last leaf: I 2 3 , Datum Vallifoleti die XXIIII Ottobris M.D.XXIL Colonize in <edibus Eucharii Ceruicorni. Anno uir-\\ ginei par t us . M . D . XXI I I . menfe || lanuario* * Sm. 8vo, title one leaf + fifteen unnumbered leaves; text be gins on the verso of the title-page. In the border, under nude figures, %dpiTes (/. e., the Graces). (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) Our readers are doubtless familiar with the eventful life of Fernando de Magalhaes, Magalhanes, Maga- glianes or Magallanes, usually called Magellan. Born either at Porto 1 , Lisbon 2 , Villa de Sabrosa 3 , or at Villa de Figuiero 4 , of an aristocratic family, date unknown, this great navigator, when yet young, joined the expe dition of Francisco de Almeida to Quiloa in 1505*, and afterwards that of Albuquerque against Malacca. He then fought in Africa, where he received a wound in the knee, which rendered him lame for the rest of his life. His knowledge of the Moluccas was derived from a sojourn of five 6 or seven 7 years in the East Indies. When Magellan returned to Lisbon, he gained access to the archives of the crown, and ascertained that the Moluccas were situated within the hemisphere allotted rich in gold mines, pearls and precious * ARGENSOLA, Conquista de las is/as Ma- stones; and contains also a notice to the lucas ; Madrid, fol.,-i6o9, lib. i, p. 6; effect that there are spices. Anales de Aragon, lib. I, cap. 13, p. 133. The present Epistolary Account was a A. DE SAN ROMAN, Historia gen. de printed in the very noble and loyal city of la India Orient., lib. 2, cap. 25, p. 341. Seville, by Jacob Cromberger, a German. 8 Private documents furnished M. Denis, Finished, March 3Oth, 1523. in CHARTON, Voyagcurs ancient et modernes, * Anglice : An epistle of pleasant read- Vol. ill, p. 424. ing, by Maximilian of Transylvania to the 4 Nobiliario da Ca-za do Cazal, MS., in most reverend Cardinal of Salzburg, con- Nou-v. Biogr. Generate, Vol. 32, p. 672.. cerning the Molucca Islands, and some 5 FARIA Y SOUZA, Asia Portugueza, other wonderful things, which have re- Vol. i, Part I, cap. 8 ; M. DE LA PUENTE, cently been discovered during the latest Compendia di las Historias de los Descubri- voyage of the Spaniards, undertaken under mientos; Madrid, fol., 1 68 1, lib. II T, p. 151. the auspices of the most Serene Emperor 6 PETER MARTYR, Opus efist., epist. Charles V. 767. Cologne, in the establishment of Eu- T GOMARA, Historia de las Indias, cap. charius Cervicornus, January, A. D. 1523. 91, p. 83. 226 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 523. to Spain by the famous Bull of Demarcation 8 . Vain 9 , or perhaps simply conscious of his superiority (a legiti mate feeling, which superficial observers are apt to mis take for vanity), Magellan resented the unjust treat ment which he had received at the hands of the king, in consequence of complaints urged by the inhabitants of Azamor against the officers in command at the time of the campaign in Africa 10 . He therefore determined to remove to Spain, and, in company with the two Faleiros (Ruy JI and Francisco) and Christovam de Haro lz , left Portugal ; and, for a good cause, as it seems 1 , openly renounced allegiance to his native coun try. In October, 1517, or 151 8 4 , he offered his services to Charles V. Informed, perhaps, by de Haro ly , of the existence of the Southern Straits, or having derived his information from a supposed map of Martin Behaim 16 , or, more probably, sharing the opinion, conjecture, or hope, entertained by all navigators 17 at the time, he pro- 8 See supra, p. 10, note 70. There is a quaint French translation, abridged, of this Papal Bull in Lib. n of LA POPELLI- NIERE, Les trots Mondes; Paris, 8vo, 1582, map. It is also inserted in the continua tion of BARONIUS Annales by Bzovius ; Rome, fol., 1652, Vol. xix. * MAFFEI, Historiarum indicarum ; Co logne, fol., 1589, Lib. vin. 10 BARROS, Decadas da Asia, Decad. 11, lib. n, cap. 19; Decad. in, lib. 5, cap. 8 ; OSORIO, The History of the Portuguese dur ing the reign of Emanuel, translated by J. Gibbs; London, 8vo, 1752, Book ix. 11 This unfortunate Ruy Faleiro, who perhaps originated the project and supplied Magellan with four methods to determine the longitude, which were suggested to him by a " Demonio familiar" was refused a command, notwithstanding the conven tion of Valladolid, and soon afterwards became insane. It was his brother Fran cisco who wrote the rarissime Tratado de la Esfera, ascribed to Ruy by Humboldt (Cosmos, Vol. ir, p. 672, note), and sup posed by Leon Pinelo (Epitome, p. 143), and Antonio (Bib. H. Nova, Vol. I, p. 423), to have been printed at Seville, in 1535. (See, concerning Ruy Faleiro or Falero, OVIEDO, Hist. gen. de las Indias, Lib. xx, cap. i ; HERRERA, loc. cit., Dec. n, lib. n, cap. 19, p. 52; ARGENSOLA, Anales de Aragon, lib. r, p. 740 ; NAVAR- RETE, Disertacion, p. 148, and Coleccion, Pruebas, No. XI, p. LXXVII, Vol. IV.) 12 See supra, p. 173, note 3. 13 FARIA Y SOUZA, Comentarios a la Lu- siada de Camocs ; Madrid, fol., 1639, 55th canto, cited by Navarrete, in his excellent introduction to the documents concerning Magellan, in his Coleccion, Vol. iv. 14 HERRERA, loc. cit. 15 See supra, p. 175. 18 " II capitano generale che sapeva de dover fare la sua navigazione per un streto molto ascoso, como vite ne la thesoriaria del re de Portugal in una carta fata per quello excelendssimo huomo Martin de Boemia, mendo due navi, &c." PIGA- FETTA (Amoretti s edit. p. 36) ; see also CHAUVETON, supra, p. 38, note 2; RAMU- sio, Vol. i, fol., 354, and DE MURR, Hist. Diplomat., where all assertions concerning the claims of Behaim are discussed. 17 As early as 1501, Vespuccius pro posed to double the extremity of the Bibliotheca Americana. 227 posed to the Emperor to reach the Moluccas by a new and shorter route 18 , and informed him of his rights to those islands. Notwithstanding the remonstrances of Alvaro da Costa, the Portuguese Embassador, and threats to murder Magellan 19 , Charles V signed, at Valladolid, March 22d zo , 1518, the stipulation whereby Magellan was at last enabled to sail, on the morning of Monday, August loth, 1519, from San Lucar de Barrameda. The fleet was composed of the Trinidad (flag-ship), the San An tonio , the Conception, the Santiago and the famous Victoria. Estavam Gomez 21 also joined the expedition, but returned to Seville, May 6th, 1521, without having witnessed the accomplishment of this great undertaking. The expedition consisted, in all, of two hundred and sixty-five individuals, whose names have been preserved. Among them we notice a native of Bristol, " Maestre Andres Condestable." The fleet sailed by the Canaries and Cape de Verde, reaching, December I3th, 1519, what is now called Rio de Janeiro. After great delays, and several revolts, all much more authentic and bloody than those ascribed to the crews on board Columbus vessel", Magellan doubled, October i8th, 1520, the cape of Las Virgines, issuing out of the Strait, on the Southern Hemisphere; and in November, 1514, orders were given to Pedrarias Davila and Juan Diaz de Solis to fit out an expe dition with the view of finding an opening : " abertura de la tierra." See Documents in NAVARRETE, Vol. in, pp. 134 and 357; LELEWEL, Giogr. du Moyen-Age, Vol. n, p. 164, note 336; HUMBOLDT, Examcn Critique, Vol. I, pp. 320 and 350, Vol. II, p. 19 ; Cosmos, Vol. II, p. 646, note. 8 OVIEDO, he. cit., Lib. xx, cap. i. 19 FARIA Y SOUZA, Europa fortuguesa ; Lisbon, 3 vols., 8vo, 1678-80, Vol. n, Part n, cap. i, p. 543. 20 NAVARRETE, Coleccion, Vol. iv. Doc. in. ** This astute Portuguese navigator was afterwards sent by Charles V. in search of a north-west passage, and in 1524 fol lowed our coasts from Florida to Rhode Island, and perhaps as far north as Cape Cod. A well-known writer on the history of the United States, whose fawning work it is fashionable to purchase, but impossible to read through, is of opinion that there is in existence a printed account by Gomez himself, of his curious voyage. It is scarcely necessary to say that such an account does not exist. (See, concerning Gomez, BAR- BOSA MACHADO, Bibliotheca Lusitana, Vol. II, p. 669 ; NAVARRETE, Coleccion, Vol. iv, Prueba XIV; and especially Diego Ribero s map in Kohl s Altaten Gcneral-Kartcn von Amerika ausgef. in d. J. 1527-1529, auf Befehl K. Karl s V, where, under the designation of ticrras de Estavam Gomez, his route coastwise may be traced. "Many codfish and no gold," says the inscription.) 92 MAXIM. TRANSYLV., Efist. in Novui Orbis of 1537, p. 591. 228 Bibliotheca Americana. If 23. Pacific side, after twenty-two days 23 , or on November 27th, and commenced sailing on that noble sea, which he himself named Oceano Pacified 1 " 1 . We scarcely need remind our readers that the eastern portion of the Pacific had been already navigated, but farther north, as early as 1513, by Alonso Martin de Don Benito. Taking possession of several islands, where he com mitted a series of political blunders, Magellan engaged in a war with the natives of the small island of Matan (one of the Philippines), where he was killed, Saturday, April 27th, 1521. The Victoria^ under the command of Miguel 25 or Juan Sebastian Del Cano, was the only vessel which, of those that had crossed the Straits, returned safely to Spain 26 ; landing at Seville Monday, September 8th, 1522, with a crew of eighteen men all told, but entitled to the honor of having first circum navigated the world. As the fact that the Strait bears the name of its first explorer might lead some critics to infer that Magellan originated this appellation, we must say that he only called it Estrecho Patagonico, and afterwards Estrecho de la Victoria* 1 . The account, journal, or ephemerides which, accord ing to Antonio 28 and Barbosa 29 , was written by Magellan, and which seems to have been in existence as late as 1783, are lost. Barros has preserved 30 the instructions which he gave to his several captains when in the channel of Todos los Santos, November 2ist, 1520 (1521 ?) We possess also his will and several memo rials, all written before his departure. As to the De scription de los reinos, costas, puertas y islas que hay en el 23 " 26 Nouebris" MAXIM. TRANSYLV., garofani molto piu eccelenti delli soliti; e Efist. in No-vus Orbis of 1537, p. 591. le altre sue nave in 5 anni mai nuova ci e 24 PIGAFETTA, loc. cit. trapelata. Stimansi perse." Archive Sto- 25 MAXIM. TRANSYLV., loc. cit. rico Italiano ; Florence, 1842-1857, Ap- 26 See the passage in the curious letter pendix, Vol. ix. of FERNANDO CARLI : " che appena e un 27 PIGAFETTA, loc . cit. anno torno [the letter is dated August 4th, 38 Bibl. H. Nova, Vol. H, p. 379. 1524] Fernando Magaghiana, quale disco- S9 Bibliotheca Lusitana, Vol. n, p. 31. perse grande paese con una nave mello so loc cit., Dec. in, lib. 5, c. 9, published delle cinque a discoprire. Donde adduse in Spanish by NAVARZRTE, loc. cit., 45-49. Eibliotheca Americana. 229 mar de la India orient al, discovered by Navarrete in 17 93, it is not considered authentic. The account written by Peter Martyr in 1522 ; the Del Descubrimiento del Estrecho de Magellan^ of Andres de San Martin 31 , con sulted by Her/era; Oviedo s separate Historia del Estre cho" (Hist. Gen. Lib. xx?), and the narration of Leon Pancaldo de Saona, the pilot of the Victoria^ are also lost. The narrations which we possess are : 1. PIGAFETTA S Primo Viaggio intorno al globo terra- queo, long known only through Fabre s garbled version in French, published at Paris in or about 1525 (infra), and first published in full from an Italian MS. by Amoretti 35 . 2. BAUTISTA S Roteiro da Viagem de Fernam de Magal- haes. This Bautista was a Genoese pilot who accom panied Magellan. His account, the original of which is in the Imperial Library at Paris, was published for the first time in i83i 36 . 3. DUARTE BARBOSA S Sommario di tvtti il regni^ citta e populi del? Indie orientali, as we find it in Ramusio is only a description of the countries visited by Magellan. But in 1812 a manuscript was found in Lisbon, and published the year following by the Portuguese Academy of Sciences 37 , which, under the title of Livro emque da relacao do que viu e ouviu no oriente, gives the original text of Barbosa, and, to a certain extent, an account of Magellan s voyage. Duarte Barbosa was his brother- in-law, and died by his side at Matan. 4. FRANCISCO ALBO S Diario 6 derrotero del viage de Magallanes desde el cabo de San Agustin en el Brasi!, hasta el regreso a Espana de la nao Victoria, in Navarrete 38 . 5. ANTONIO BRITO S letter to the King of Portugal, found in the archives of the Torre de Tombo by Munoz, and also published by Navarrete 39 . 31 Opus, efist., Epist. 797, and RAMU- ls Milan, 410, 1800, maps, sio, Vol. i, p. 347, introd. i6 Noticias para a historia e geografia 82 ANTONIO, B. H. Nova, Vol. i, p. 79. das na$ocs ultramarinas; Lisbon, 410. 13 L. PINELO, p. 92; ANTONIO, i, p. 555. * T Idem opus. 84 Mr. Denis cites for this unknown 88 Coleccion, Vol. iv, pp. 209-247. account: OLDOINO, Athtneo Liguitico. ** loc. cit. } pp. 305-312. 230 Bibliotheca Americana. I 523. 6. The present account by MAXIMILIAN OF TRANSYL- .VANIA, Charl-es V s secretary 40 , written in the form of an epistle addressed to the Abp. of Salzburg, and dated Valladolid, October 24th, 1522. Of this, we describe, de visu, the following editions : The present No. 122, which seems to be the princeps ; the Rome edition of November, 1523 (infra); and and another Roman reprint, dated February, 1524 (in fra}. We vouch for no other 41 . Maximilian s epistle was inserted in the two editions of the Novus Or bis dated respectively I537 42 and I 555 43 - There is an Italian translation in Ramusio 44 . Navarette published in his Coleccion^ a Spanish version, apparently copied from a manuscript in the Library of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid. This, in stead of being dated Oct. 24th, bears the date " a cinco de Octubre;" and contains a short introduction, prob ably by the translator, from which we extract the follow ing curious lines : " la cual [una largo relacion en lengua latina], dirigio al cardinal Salpurgense obispo de Cartagena." It is scarcely necessary to remind the reader that the account of Magellan s voyage, as given by Hu/sius 46 , is only an extract from Ortelius Theatrum Orbis and Chauveton s Disc ours. Direct references: f PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vi, page 388, No. 375. La Valliere Catalogue, Vol. v, page 35. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part I, No. 4451, and Part n, No. 3687. Bibliotheca Grcnvilliana, page 454. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 12, No. 38. Historical Nuggets, No. 1868. TERNAUX, No. 30. BRUNET, Vol. in, col. 1550. GRAESSE, Vol. iv, page 452. 40 " Genero di Cristoforo de Haro," AMORETTI, p. xxxvin. 41 The No. 142 of Li-vres Curieux, " Vallisoleti, 28 Oct. 1522 (et pas Co- loniae, 1523)," must be viewed only in the light of an indication directed to book sellers, and based upon the date in the text of the Cologne edition. As to the Pinelli- Panzer-Libri edition dated 1533, it is identical with the present number, with the exception of an x inadvertently added by the printer to the colophon. 3 PP- 585-600. 3 PP- 5 2 4-3 8 - 4 Raccolta, Vol. I, pp. 347-352. 5 Vol. IV, pp. 249-285. 8 Sammlung <von Seeks und Zwanxig Schiffahrten} P. vi, Nuremberg, 410, 1603. Bibliotheca Americana. 231 123. MAXIMILIAN OF TRANSYLVANIA Within a highly ornamented border : Maximiliani Tranfyluani Caefaris||a fe- cretis Epiftola, de admirabili || & nouiffima Hifpanoru in Orien || tern nauigatione, qua uariae, & nul || li prius acceffae Regiones inu- etae || flint, cum ipfi.s etia Moluccis infu||lis beatiffimis, Optimo Aromatu | genere refer- tis. Inauditi quoq. in||cola$ mores expo- nuntur, ac mul || ta quas Herodotus, Plinius, Soli/ 1| nus atque alii tradiderunt, fabulo || fa effe arguunt. Contra nonnulla || ibide || uera, uix tamen credibilia ex || plicant. quibufcum hiftoriis Infu || laribus ambitus defcribit alterius || HemifpHaerii, qua ad nos tandem || hifpani redierunt incolumes. || ROMA Colophon on the recto of leaf fifteenth : ROMAE || IN AEDIBVS . F . || MINITII CALVI || ANNO . M.D.XXIII || MENSE NOVEMBRI. || *. |e * Sm. 410, title one leaf+ three preliminary leaves -\-ffteen unnumbered leaves ; text in Roman characters. (The signa ture D ii is wrongly marked E 2.) (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) In this edition, the date, " Vallifoleti die XXIIII Octobris M.D.XXII," is omitted altogether. Direct references: f Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part vi, No. 2331, and Part VH, No. 4123. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 12, No. 37. TERNAUX, No 29. BRUNET, Vol. in, col. 1549. GRAESSZ, Vol. iv, pp. 451-2. 232 Bibliotheca Americana. 1C 2A. 124. MAXIMILIAN OF TRANSYLVANIA Within a highly _ ornamented border : Maximiliani Tranfyluani Caefaris || a fe- cretis Epiftola, de admirabili || & nouiffima Hifpanoru in Orien || tem nauigatione, qua uariae, & nul || li prius accefTae Regiones inu- etae||funt, cum ipfis etia Moluccis infufllis beatiflimis, optimo Aromatu || genere refer- tis. Inauditi quoq. in||cola^ mores expo- nuntur, ac mul || ta quae Herodotus, Plinius, Soli/||nus atque alii tradiderunt, fabulo||fa efle arguunt. Contra nonnulla || ibide || uera, uix tamen credibilia ex || plicant. quibufcum hiftoriis Infu || laribus ambitus defcribif alterius || Hemifphaerii, qua ad nos tandem || hifpani redierunt incolumes. || ROMA Colophon : . ROMAE IN ^EDIBVS || F. MINITII CALVI || ANNO M.DXXIIII. II MENSE || FEB. || * J|e * Sm. 410, title one leaf -j- three preliminary leaves -{-fourteen unnumbered leaves ; text in Roman characters. (Private Library, New York.) The present is a literal copy of the above No. 123, as far as signature B ii, whicj?, in this copy, ends with f f inuenerint," instead of " qua." The signature D ii is correctly given. Direct reference : Reina (of Milan) Catalogue, Paris, 1834-40. Bibliotheca Americana. 125. CORTES (FERNANDO) Within a double border: |1rncdara /irMnafc <crtefii tie jfloua marts ceani f^g || fpanta ratio Sacratittimo. ac Jnuicttttt- 1| mo Carolo Romanoru Imperatori femper Augufto, Hyfpa || niaru, & c Regi Anno Domini. M.D.XX. tranfmifla : || In qua Continen- tur Plurima fcitu, & admiratione || digna circa egregias earu puintiaru Vrbes, In- || colaru mores, pueroru Sacrificia, & Reli- giofas || perfonas, Potiffimucp de Celebri Ciuitate || Temixtitan Variifcp illi? mari- bilib 9 , que || legete mirifice deleclabut. || p Doctore || Petru faguorgnanu \sic\ Foro lulienfe || Reuen. D. loan, de Reuelles || Epifco. Vienefis Sacretariu || ex Hyfpano Idi || ornate in lati || nu verfa || ANNO Dni. M.D.XXIIII. KL. Martii : || Cum gratia, & Priuilegio. || Colophon : C Explicit fecunda Ferdinandi Cortefii Narratio per Doc || torem Petrum Sauor- gnanum Foro lulienfem ex Hy- 1| fpano Idiomate in latinum Conuerfa. Im- || preffa in Celebri Ciuitate Norimberga. || Couentui Imperiali prefidente Sere- || nif- fimo Ferdinando Hyfpaniaru Infate, & 3 234 Bibliotheca Americana. 1524. Archiduce Auftriae || Sac : Ro. Imp: Lo- cut. || General! || Anno. Dni M.D.XXIIII : Quar. No. Mar. || Per Fridericum Peypus.||* Recto of the fifty-fifth leaf: De Rebus, et Infulis nouiter Repertis || a Serenifs. Carolo Imperatore || Et Variis earum genti- || um moribus. || *^* Folio, four preliminary leaves, including the title, then text in XLIX leaves, followed by Peypus mark, + twelve numbered leaves for the De Rebus et Insults. Plan of Mexico, on a large folded leaf, which contains an inscription, in five lines, below the scale, not to be found in the fac-simile published in the American Bibliographer. Marginal notes in black letter, text in Roman. (In one of the copies which we have examined, the verso of the fourth preliminary leaf con tains, within a medallion, a large woodcut portrait of Pope Clement VII, with the scriptural citation : " Super Aspi- denv et basiliscum ambulabis.") (Private Librar., New York, Providence and Washington city.) Dirtct references: f MAITTAIRE, Annales Typogr., Vol. n, page 651. PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vn, page 466. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. in, Part I, page 269. TERNAUX, No. 32 (describes the above as being sine anno out loco). BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 312. EBERT, Dictionary, No. 5324. Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. vn, page 105. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part vi, No. 2415, and Part ix, No. 910. Bibliotheca Grenvil/iana, page 1 66. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 1 3, No. 42. Stevens American Bibliographer, page 86. Solar Catalogue, No. 2491, with portrait of Clement. Butsch Catalogue, page 23, No. 344. * Anglice: The famous narration of Per- cerning the remarkable cities of those pro- nando Cortes, concerning New Spain of vinces, customs of the inhabitants, sacrifices the Oceanic Sea, forwarded to the Most of children, and on the subject of religious Sacred and Invincible Charles, Emperor persons, especially on the city of Temix- ever august of the Romans, King of Spain, titan and its various wonders, which will &c., A. D. 1520, containing many things delight the reader in a wonderful manner; worthy of being learned and admired, con- translated from the Spanish language into Bibliotheca Americana. 235 126. CORTES (FERNANDO} Within a frame and below a me- I 5 24. dqllion containing a most unseemly portrait of Charles V. mmm Certtrt /erMttaM Cor- n teftt Sac. Tartar, et OTatij. J^aiefta. || IN NO VA MARIS OCEANI HYSPANIA GENE- 1| ralis praefedi pclara Narratio, In qua Celebris Ciuitatis Temix || titan ex- pugnatio, aliarucj Prouintiaru, que defe- cerant recupe- || ratio continetur, In quaru expugnatione, recuperationeqj Praefe || &us, una cum Hyfpanis Vi&orias oeterna me- moria dignas con || fequutus eft, pr^terea In ea Mare del Sur Cortefium detexifTe re- || cefet, quod nos Auftrale Indicu Pelagus putam 9 , & alias innume || ras Prouintias * Aurifodinis, Vnionibus, Variif^ Gemma- rum || generibus refertas, Et poftremo illis innotuifle in eis quoqj Aro- || matac [sic] ontineri, Per Do6tore Petrum Sauorgnanu Foroiulienfem || Reuen. in Chrifto patris dfii lo. de Reuelles Epifcopi Vienenfis || Secretarium Ex Hyfpano ydiomate In Latinum Verfa. II Latin, by Dr. Peter Saguorgnano {sic) of nando Cortes, translated from the Spanish Forli, Secretary to the Reverend D. John into Latin by Dr. Peter Savorgnano of deRevelles, Bishop of Vienna, A. D. 152.4, Forli. Printed in the famous city of March 1st. With permission and privilege. Nuremberg, while the most Serene Ferdi- Here ends the Second Relation of Fer- nand, Infant of Spain, and Archduke of 236 Bibliotheca Americana. Colophon : Impreffum In Imperial! || Ciuitate imberga, || Per Difcretum, & proui || dum Virum Fcedericu || Arthemefium Ciuem || ibidem, Anno Vir- || ginei partus Mil || le- ilmoquingente || fiuno vigefimo || quarto. ||* Recto of leaf I: ^[ De Rebus et Infulis nouiter Reper- tis || a Serenifs. Carolo Imperatore, Et Variis earum genti- || um moribus. || (Inserted in the place of the lost First Narration.) ** Folio, four preliminary unnumbered leaves, -f- fifty-one num bered leaves + one leaf of errata. Text in Roman, with marginal notes in Gothic. Imperial arms on reverse of the title. (Private Libr., New York, Providence and Washington city.) First edition of Savorgnanus Latin Version of Cortes Second and Third Letters. " Mr. Heber had written the following note in his Catalogue : In the " Novus Orbis" compiled by Grynaeus from the papers of Huttichius, and published for the fourth time at Basil by Her- vagius, in 1555, Fol., these second and third letters of Cortes, as Austria, Lieutenant General of the Holy covered the South Sea, which we consider Roman Empire, was president of the Im- the Southern Indian Ocean, and innumer- perial Council, A. D. March 4th, 1524, able other provinces abounding in gold By Frederick Peypus Arthimesius. mines, pearls and various kinds of pre- * Angllce : The third Naartion of Per- cious stones, and whereby it was made nando Cortes, of His Sacred Imperial and known that they also contain spices. Catholic Majesty in New Spain of the Translated from the Spanish into Latin, Oceanic sea ; containing the conquest of by Dr. Peter Savorgnano of Forli, Secre- the celebrated city of Temixtitan, and the tary to the Reverend Father in Christ, recovery of other provinces which had Lord John de Revelles, Bishop of Vienna, been lost ; in the conquest and recovery of Printed in the Imperial City of Nuremberg, which the Governor and Spaniards gained by the discreet and provident man Fred- victories worthy of being remembered ; crick Arthemisius, citizen of the said city, besides which is related how Cortes dis- the year of the Virgin s parturition 1514. Bibliotheca Americana. translated by Savorgnanus, are faithfully inserted, but are not to be I $2 A.* found in the preceding editions. The dedication, however, to Cle- ment VII. prefixed to the version of the former relation (dated from ~ Nuremberg, Id. Feb. 1524) is omitted, and so is the Carmen ad Lectorem, in fourteen Latin elegiacs. This is the more remarkable, as the corresponding introduction and verses at the commencement of the succeeding relation, are carefully preserved. In this copy on the verso of A iv. after Argumentum Libri, is a fine woodcut portrait of Clement VII. not in the Heber copy." 1 Dirtct refirtncet : ( TERNAUX, No. 33. I BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 312. I * Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, page 167. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page I 3, No. 42. Bibliotheca Barlowiana, page 13. Stevens American Bibliographer, page 87. 127. API ANUS (PETER) Surmounting a globe: COSMOGRA Xitrcr grin %itti Colophon on page 104 : If IBxcufum Hanrtflmtae ftgpte ac formulte Otfjrifti Sal- II uatorte omnium JHillefimo 1 1 quingenteftmo i bicefimo- 1| quarto i JHenfe Ja- II nu turni tromt- 1| ctlium || poffilrente, || 410, Title one leaf -f- five prel-hninary leaves unnumbered (in some copies these are inserted at the end of the work) -j- one hundred and three numbered pages. On the verso of the title, the arms of the Cardinal, Abp. of Saltzburg; on page 2, a globe with the word AMERI on an island ; revolving dia grams on pages 17, 22 and 63, the latter containing the word AMERICA. (Private Librar., New York and Brooklyn.) 238 Bibliotheca Americana. I C 24.* On page 69, the fourth chapter begins with these words : America : quae nunc <&uarta pars: terrae trici || tut i at &mertco SJefpucui etufue inuetore nomen fortita eft. || IBt turn immertto : quoniam mart bntrt- g> claututur Jnfuia ap || peilatur.* Peter Bienevitz or Apianus was born at Leissnig in Saxony, in 1495*. He died at Ingolstadt, where he held a professorship in the University for more than thirty years, in 1551 (Jocher*), or in 1552 (Fossius*). Accord ing to Melchior Adam 4 , not only Apianus dedication of the present work to Charles V was rewarded with the order of Knighthood, but he received in addition three thousand golden crowns. Teissier says of him 5 : " II s adonna a I lmprimerie [Astrologie ?] et n eut! jamais d egal dans 1 invention des instrumens d Astronomic." He was also the designer of the earliest map which con tains the name of "America." (See supra t page 183). M. D Avezac remarks 5 , concerning the woodcuts in serted in the Cosmographia (Caps, vn and vm), that: "La disposition des meridiens et des paralleles, comptes de 10 en 10 degres, est representee en une serie de lignes droites equidistantes pour ceux-ci, et une serie de demi-cercles equidistants pour ceux-la, les uns se multipliant jusqu au nombre de 36 (ce qui fait 360 degres), et les autres s allongeant a proportion, afin de remplir dans toute sa largeur la figure de 1 orbe terrestre entier, developpe en ovale dont le plus grand diametre coincide avec 1 equateur du globe. C etait 1 es- quisse rudimentaire d une projection nouvelle qui, d abord risquee dans ses proportions exigues, devait engendrer a vingt ans d intervalle, la grande et remarquable mappemonde de Sebastien Cabot T , ou comme dans les specimens d Apianus, 1 echelle des longitudes est expresse- * Angllce : America, which is now called the fourth part of the world, took its name from Americus Vespuccio, who discovered it ; and is called an island for the reason that it is surrounded by water. 1 PANTALEON, Prosopographite ; Basle, fol., 1566, Part in, p. 149, cited by CLE MENT, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Vol. I, p. 405, who also quotes : ALBINUS Mtissnitcht Land und Berg-Chronica ; Dresden, fol., 1589, p. 350; REUSNER, Icones Viror. lit. illustr. f Strasburg, 8vo, 1590, p. 175. 3 Allgem. Gtlehrt. Ltxlc., Vol. i, p. 465. 3 De Mathesi, p. 148. 4 Vita German. Philos. ; Frankfurt, 8 vo, 1663, p. 142, cited by Clement. 4 Elogct des Hommet Savons, Vol. I, p. 55. 8 Coup d oeil hhtorique sur la Projection des Cartes de GeograpHit ; Paris, STO, 1863, pp. 53-55. Bibliotheca Americana. 239 ment d un tiers moindre que celle des latitudes, de peur d une exten- I r 24- sion demesuree du cadre dans le sens d est en ouest : mais c etait la une consideration purement accidentelle, qui ne devait entraver au- ~ cunement le retour ulterieur a Punifbrmite d echelle. Facile a tracer ce mode de projection fit fortune, et il se repandit dans toute 1 Europe a la faveur surtout des publications capitales de Sebastien Munster et d Abraham Ortelz." This work has been frequently printed and translated. We give, infra, editions in Latin of 1529, 1533, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1545, !55; i n French of 1544, and in Spanish one of 1548. There are other editions in Italian and Dutch, but of a later date. The " Cosmo- graphie ecrite en Alleman," mentioned by Teissier, we have never seen. It is worthy of remark that Clement selects from all the editions of Apianus Cosmographia that of Antwerp, 4to, 1584, as the "plus ample & la plus considerable de toutes les editions." There are several editions of an abridgment of this work, made, in all probability, by Apianus himself, and which repeats verbatim entire passages from the second part of the original edition. It is frequently mistaken 8 for Waltzmuller s Cosmographia Introductio (supra Nos. 4447). We have before us the editions of Ingolstadt, I2mo, M.D.XXIX (colophon dated M.D.XXXII). thirty-one leaves ; Ingolstadt, i2mo, M.D.XXIX (colo phon dated M.D.XXXII I, Mense lanuario), forty leaves; Venice, 8vo, MDXXXV, thirty-one leaves; Venice, 8vo, MDXXXXI (Mentis lulij, ex colophon), twenty-four leaves. Direct references: f PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vn, page 134, Bibliotheca TAottiana, Vol. vu, page 219. Bibliotheca Barloiviana, page 12. Bibliotheca Bre-voortiana, . Aspinwall Catalogue, No. 5. EBERT, No. 784. BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 342 GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 159. 7 Republished in JOMARD, Monuments 8 See Examen Critique, Vol. IT, p. 114, de la Geographic. See our appendix. and ourselves (supra, p. 62, note 88). 240 Bibliotheca Americana. 1C 24.. 128. BERGOMAS (JAC. PHIL.) Above a large woodcut rep- resenting St. Michael and the dragon : SVPPLEMENTVM||SVPPLEMENTI|| lie le <Ef)rotttcf)e trei Benerantw pafcre jFra-||te Jacoto fillip trei ortrine f^eremttanxi || ^rimo autftore. misari^ato r f^gftoriato. || cum ia giunta pet hmno. 1524.!! Colophon : C FinifTe Supplemento de le Chroniche Vulgarizato & Hyftoriato con la gion || ta per infino del anno 1524. del mefe di Octobrio. Impreffo in Venetia || per loane Francifcho & loanne Antonio Fratelli di Rufconi. || Regnante lo Inclyto Principe Andrea Griti. Nel an- 1| no del Signore. 1524. del mefe di Nouebrio. || *#* Folio, CCCLXVI numbered leaves, many woodcuts. (British Museum.) I 2Q. CORTES (FERNANDO) Within a broad border: Ha preelara Jlarratume tri jfertrinan || do Cortefe della Nuoua Hifpagna del Mare Oceano, al || Sacratiffimo, & Inuicftiffimo Carlo di Romani Imperatore fern || pre Augufto Re Dhifpagna & cio che fiegue, nellano del Si (Ignore. M.D.XX. trafmeffa: Nella quale fi eotegono mol || te cofe degne di fcienza, & ammiratione, circa le cittadi egregie di quelle Prouincie coftumi dhab- Bibliothecd Americana. 241 itatori, fa || crifici di Fanciulli, & Religiofe 1524, perfone, Et maffi- 1| mamente della celebre g citta Temixtitan, & va- 1| rie cofe marauig- liofe di quella, e quali dilet- 1| teranno mira- bilmete il lettore per il Dot- 1| tore Pietro Sauorgnano Foroiulienfe || Del Riuerendo Meffer Giouani de || Reuelles Vefcouo di Vienna Se-||cretario dal iddioma Hifpagni|| uolo in lingua latina Con-||uerfa Nel Anno. M.D.XXIIII. di Primo Mar||zo : Hora nellefteflb || Milleiimo di XVII. Agofto. Voi || Candidiffimi lettori leggerete con diletta- tione & piacere || grandiffimo la prefata Narratione di Fernando Corte fe dalla Facodia latina al fpledore della lingua vol- gare p MeiTer Nicolo Liburnio co fidelta & diligeza tradotta al comodo, & fodisfat- tione de glhonefti & virtuofi ingegni. || Cum gratia r Colophon ; (L Stampata in Venetia per Bernardino de Viano de Lexona Vercellefe. Ad in- ftancia de Bapti- 1| fta de Pederzani Brixiani. Anno domi-||ni. M.D.XXIIII. Adi. XX. Agofto.* * Anglice : The famous Relation of Fer- the Oceanic Sea, transmitted in the year nando Cortes, concerning New Spain of A. D. I 520, to the most Sacred and Invin- 31 242 Bibliotheca Americana. C 24.. *** 4to, seventy-three numbered leaves. On the verso of the last, a printer s mark representing an elephant. This edition con tains a large plan of the city of Mexico, with descriptions in Italian instead of Latin, as in the Peypus Cortes of 1524 (No. 125), which was evidently the prototype for the present. (Private Librar., New York and Providence, and N. Y. Historical Soc. Libr.) This Italian version of the second account differs materially from that which was given by Ramusio 1 . Direct references: f PANZER, Annales Tyfogr., Vol. vui, page 486, No. 1248. Bibliotheca Pine/liana, Vol. iv, page ill. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part vi, No. 1002, and part x, No. 848. Bibliotheca Bro-wniana, page 13, No. 39. EBERT, No. 5325. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 312. Reina, Walckenaer, Potier and Hibbert Catalogues (page 129, No 2264 of the latter). I 30. IDEM OPUS Precisely like the above No. 128, save the colophon, which is as follows : Stampata in Venetia per Zuan 9 Antonio de Nico- 1| lini da Sabio. Ad inftantia de M. Baptifta || de Pederzani Brixiano. An- Dz (British Museum.) Direct references: ( Bibliotheca Grcnvilliana, page 1 66. Li-vrcs Curieux, No. 131. cible Charles, Emperor ever august of the Romans, King of Spain, &c. ; containing many things worthy of being known and admired, concerning the remarkable cities of those provinces, customs of the inhabit ants, sacrifices of children, and religious persons, and especially of the celebrated city of Temixtitan, and various wonderful things in the same, which will delight the reader in a wonderful manner; translated from the Spanish into Latin by Dr. Peter Savorgnano of Forli, Secretary to the Rev. Master John de Revelles, Bishop of Vienna, March, 1524: Now, August zyth, ye most candid readers will peruse with the greatest delight and pleasure the aforesaid narrative of Fernando Cortes, translated faithfully and with diligence from the elo quent Latin to the splendid vulgar tongue, by Master Thomas Liburnio, for the con venience and satisfaction of honest and appreciative minds. With grace and pri vilege. Printed at Venice by Bernardin de Viano de Lexona, of Vercelli ; at the request of Baptist de Pederzani of Brescia, August 2Oth, A. D. 1524. 1 Raccolta, Vol. HI, pp. 225-304. 8 There were several de Sabios who exercised the art of printing at Venice. Bibliotheca Americana. 243 131. FRANCIS Recto of the first leaf: 1^24.. DE ORBIS || SITV AC DESCRIPTIONS, AD RE || uerendijs. D. archiepifcopum Panormitanum, || Francisfcij Monachi ordinis Fracifcani, epiftola Jane qua luculenta. In qua || Ptolem<ei, c<eterorumq ; Jupe || riorft geographorum hal\\ lucinatio refellitur. \\ aliaq ; pr<eteYea || de recens || inuen \\ tis \\ terris, mart, injulis. Deditio papa loannis De fitu || Paradi/ii, & dimenfione miliarum ad pro \\ portione graduum cosli^ prxclara || & memoratu digna recen \\ Jentur || Colophon : EXCVDEBAT MARTINVS CAE- || far, expenfis honefti viri Rolandi Bollaert, com- 1| morantis Antuerpiae iuxta portam Ca- 1| mere fub interfignio rnaio- 1| ris falconis albi. ||* *,* izmo, title one leaf-}- fourteen unnumbered leaves; on the verso of the last a printer s mark, with the motto : SOLA FIDES SVFFICIT. On the verso of the title-page, a mappemund, inscribed : Hoc orbis Hemisphjerium cedit regi Lusitanite. On the recto of the following leaf, another map pemund or hemisphere, bearing this inscription : Hoc orbis Hemispheerium cedit regi Hispanic, and the word AMERICA on the southern part of the continent. (Private Library, New York.) We have been wholly unable to find any biographical details concerning the author of this curious work. Stephanus, in partnership with his brothers, emy and of other geographers are dispelled, printed from 1524 to 1536. Peter de Also, concerning the newly discovered Nicolinis de Sabio, from 15x6 to 1536, lands, seas and islands. Dedicated to Pope Sebastian in 1534, and Nicolo di Nicolini John [?f], touching the site of Para- in 1535; but we find no mention in PAN- dise and the measurement of distances ZER of a John or of an Anthony of that name. These researches were necessary | J U H US de Medicis, under the name of Clement to unravel the meaning of the mysterious VII, was pope from 1515 to 1534, while his two D at thr end of the colophon immediate predecessors were Adrian VI and Leo X. The latter was named John (de Medicis), but to Anglice : A very exqulsite^letter from consider him as the pope mentioned herein, would Francis a monk of the Franciscan order, carry the date of the work to 1513, which is an to the most Reverend Archbishop of Paler- "Possibility, as it mentions Cortes and Magellan. r . . ,, Is it not rather "Presbyter John" who is intended, mo, touching the site and description of wn ile dtdican must be taken in the sense of an the globe. Wherein the delusions of Ptol- assertion ? 244 Bibliotheca Americana. 1524. The only notice we could discover is the following, -^__ a __. which we copy from Valerius Andre, Andreas, Desse- lius or Taxander 1 : " Franciscus Monachus, & familiae nomine & professione, Machli- niensis, ord. Minorum." Fabricius, Saxius and Jocher mention several monks of the name of Franciscus belonging to the Franciscan order, but the references are not sufficiently definite to authorize us to ascribe the present work to any of them. Those of our readers who have access to J. F. of St. Anthony s Supplement to Wadding s Scriptores ordinis Minorum 1 may be more successful. The archbishop mentioned on the title-page was the well-known Jehan de Carondelet 3 , born at Dole in 1469, the friend of Charles V and of Erasmus 4 , and who, after holding the high position of Primate of Sicily, died at Malines in I544 5 . . Laire considers 6 this Carondelet as the author, while he was only the recipient of the epistle in its original form . As to the work mentioned by this painstaking but unreliable 7 bibliographer, it is only a later edition of the work before us, mentioned also by Valerius Andreas. The only reference approaching a description of the according to the proportion of the celestial * " Suivant le P. Laire, on a imprime a degrees, remarkable and worthy of being Anvers en 1565, in-8, un ouvrage de lui examined. [Carondelet] intitule de orbis situ. Le Printed by Martin Lempereur, at the P. Laire assure avoir vu un exemplaire de expense of the Honorable Roland Bollaert, cet ouvrage dans la Bibliotheque du Vati- residing at Antwerp, near the arched can. Nous ne connaissons aucun autre gate [?], at the sign of the large white bibliographe qui en fasse mention." (Bio- falcon. graphic Ifniverselle, Vol. VII, p. 31.) The 1 Bibliotheca Belgica, 4to, 1643, P- 2 34- edition mentioned by Laire is izmo, * Bibliotheca universa francisc. ; Mad- printed by Withagius, and numbers nine- rid, fol., 1732-33. teen leaves. There is a copy of it in a 8 See the heading of the epistle on the private library in Providence. See Bib- recto of the first leaf. liotheca Browniana, p. 40, No. 145. 4 Erasmus edition of St. Hiliarius (Lu- 7 See AUDIFFREDI, Lettere tipografahe ; cubrationes; Basle, fol., 1523) is dedicated Rome, 8vo, 1778. to Carondelet. 8 Bibliotheca Classica s. catalogui offici- * FOPPENS, Bibl. Belgica, Vol. II, p. 605. nalis; Francft., 4to, 1611, p. 760. Bibliotheca Americana. present number, is a short mention in Draudius 8 , that " Catalogue assez mal digere des foires de Francfort," as Baillet 9 calls the Bibliotheca Classica. Direct reference: Bibliotheca Barloioiana, page 10. 132. ARIAS (PETER)" Lettere di Pietro Arias Capitano generale, della conquista del paefe del Mar - Occeano Scripte alia Maefta Cefarea dalla Cipta di Panama delle cofe ultimamente fcoperte nel Mar Meri- diano declo el Mar Sur. MDXXV. fig. e. b. au titre. i6mo. s. 1. 1525. (En vers.) " Entre autres il s agit dans cette lettre du depart de Pizarro pour la decouverte du Perou en 1525." (Asher s Catalogue, 1865.) Pedro Arias de Avila, usually called Pedrarias, was the energetic, yet pusillanimous and malignant governor of Darien, who founded Panama, first extended the Spanish rule over Nicaragua and Costa-Rica, put Balboa to death, and brought Pizarro into notice. The above poem or epistle refers, we imagine, to the filibustering expedition of Diego de Almagro, Hernando de Luque and Francisco Pizarro, which sailed from Panama in the middle of November 1 or on the 14th 1 of November, 1524, or in 1525 . * Jugemens des Savons, Vol. n, p. 14. * XERES, Conquista del Peru, in BARCIA S Valerius Andreas (loc. cit.) ascribes to Historiadores primiti-vos, Vol. in, p. 179. our Franciscus a work which we suppose, CIE<JA DE LEON, Primera partc de la from the title, to have some bearing on chronica del Peru; Seville, fol., 1553; the subject before us : Antwerp, 8vo, 1554. " Rcgioncs quoque Septentrionalcs in tabula GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA, la His- conspiciendas dedit. Ant-ver. apud Sylves- toria general del Peru ; Lisbon, 2 vols., trum a Parisiis." fol., first vol., 1 609 (colophon dated 1 608) ; 1 HERRERA, Decad. in, Libr. vi, cap. second vol., 1616 and 1617; Madrid, 2 xiii, p. 200. vols., fol., 1722-23 (best edit.) 246 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 5 2 5* * 3 3* FRIES (LAURENT) Recto of the first leaf: cart!)cu o&er tfartlja Manual! Tartu man fefen man roa cuter in Her tuclt feii nnu urn ein ietttrf ||anbi Staffer unb 3tat gelege ift. Tne al* in be Imrfltu jeftnbe. II Colophon : (sktntrtt ju Straffing dott H ialjauuco deningen Unb || bollcnbct tiff unfcr Sie- 1| Ben fratoen about Dcr || geBntt. 3t. gar II 1. 5. 2. 5. ||* * # * Folio, title one leaf -f- thirty-three numbered leaves -f- two large maps, one of which gives Cadamosto s first voyage. (Private Librar., New York and Washington city.) See the verso of the last leaf for the chapter : $on America ein tci)l bauuuljic bef rfirilien. We have mislaid our memorandum, and cannot state our authority for ascribing the above to the Lorenz Fries, whom we suppose to be the one described by Jocher 1 in these words : " Gebohren zu Mergentheim in Franken 1491, war wiirtzburgischer Rath und Archivarius, applicirte sich sonderlich auf die wiirtzbur- gischen Geschichte wurde seiner Geschicklichkeit und Wohlreden- heit halber in wichtigen Gesandtchafften an die Kayser Carl V und Ferdinand I gebraucht, war ein grosser Beforderer der Gelehrten." * Angllce : Explanation of the map of Printed at Strasburg by John Grieninger, the World, or Naval Chart, wherein one and finished on the evening of the birth of may see where he is, and where several our Dear Virgin, in the year 1525. countries, seas and cities are situated. All 1 Allgtmcincs Gdchrt. Lexic., Vol. u, of which will be found in this book. p. 765. Bibliotheca Americana. 247 134. PIGAFETTA (F. A.) Recto of the first leaf: J 5 2 5 ft mx fl < <t m. . *";., leg IBfpaignolt eg||Jfleg tre JBollucqueg. teg ifleg quilt II ont trouue autrict bogage i treg Mogg|| Micelles i tre leur gouuernement r tnan-||iere tr uiureiabec plufieurg aultreg||cf)ofeg.|| (I n les bentr a ^aris en la maifon fte||g>imon tre ^olineg i litratre lure ire lu || niuerftte tre ^arijs i Iremourat en la rue||g>aunct Jefjan tre 13eauluais i a lenfet- 1| gne tru Soleil Hot. || Recto of leaf 2 : (T He bogage r nautgation auac teleg tre || Wol= lucque i treftrtt r fatct tre nofcle || ftomtne Entijotne ^tgapijetta bins II cettm OTijeualter tre Irtijotres i pre= fentee a liijilippe tre btlliers lifle atratn || grant tnatftre tre l^ijotres. commece II letrtct bogage Ian mil cinq ceng trix- 1| neuf i et tre retout JHil. ccccc.mi. le II fjustieme iour tre Sqptembre. y End of the text : LIBntremain i Entfjoine pigapfjetta || alia a baltrolt i ou eftoit lepereur II Carles. iBt ne lug $n? fenta onargentinellcijofe precieufe trigne trung ft grantr fei- II gneut i tnaiis ung liure efttipt trelamain 1 1| ou eftaient leg djofes paffeeisitre iour en || iour tre leur bogage, IBt tre la fe partit a || aller en ^or= tugal au rog 3oan i et lug trtft || leg cftofeg que 248 Bibliotheca Americana. 1525. auoient beuitat tres IBfpai II gnolt qtie tres flens. ^uiis par IBfpaigne || bient en jfraneeiet prefenta et feift aucun || tron tres cfjofes tre lautre pijere a la || mete tru res rfjreftien ros tie name || jfranems i matrame la regente. ^uis bint|| en Hitalieit prefenta le liure tre fa fatigue||a|ii)il=: ippes tre billiers i grantr iJBaiftre tre II ii)otres. \\ <E <|) fintt lextratt trutrtct liure 1 1| translate tre Jtalien en II ,jf raneote. II *..,* Small 8vo, sine anno (but not much earlier than 1525, as Piga- fetta was not made a knight of Rhodes until October, 1524) ; seventy-six numbered leaves, + f ur unnumbered leaves con taining, besides the table of contents, short vocabularies of the language of the " isle de Bresil, More de Tadore," and of the giants of Patagonia. Text in black letter, marginal notes and last four leaves in Roman characters. (Private Library, Providence.) Francisco-Antonio, or Jerome 1 Pigafetta, or Paga- pheta, an Italian nobleman, who was born at Vicenza towards the year 149 1 2 . He belonged to the suite of the embassador (Francesco Chiericato), whom Leo X sent in 1510 to Charles V 3 , then at Barcelona. He soon afterwards became the companion and friend of Magel lan, whom he accompanied in his famous voyage around the world on board the Victoria. He was one of the sixteen who survived 4 the hardships of the voyage. (See supra, page 228.) He died at Vicenza towards the year 1534, in a house which was still standing in 1800, " Rue de la Lune 5 ," and which bore the well-known mOttO : IL NEST . ROSE . SANS . ESPINE. 1 P. Jovius, Hhtoria sui tcmporis (ab s See his own dedication to Villiers de anno 1494 ad ann. 1547); Florence, 2 I lsle-Adam, in AMORETTI S edition, vols., fol., 1550-525 lib. xxxiv. * PETER MARTYR, Opus efht., epist. 767 2 MARZARI, Storia dl Vktnxa ; Venice, and 770. 410, 1591 ; air anno, 1480 (cited by 8 AMORETTI S valuable introduction to AMORETTJ, introd., p. xxxi). the French translation, p. xxxv, note. Eibliotheca Americana. 249 The bibliographical history of his account of that IC25- memorable undertaking seems to be as follows : ____.... Whilst at sea, Pigafetta kept a diary, a copy of which he afterwards presented to Charles V, of Spain, at Val- ladolid. On his return to Italy, by means of the original of that journal, and other notes, and at the request of Pope Clement VII 3 , and of the Great- Master Villiers de 1 Isle Adam, Pigafetta wrote a fuller account of the expedition. Of this he made a few copies, which were presented to several high personages, one of whom was Louise de Savoy, mother to Francis I of France. Louise not being able to understand, we imagine, the kind of patois used by Pigafetta, and which resembles a mixture of Italian or Venitian and Spanish, requested one Jacques Antoine Fabre 6 to translate the work into French. Instead of giving a literal version, Fabre only published a kind of abridgment, which is the above No. 134. It should be stated, however, that some critics 7 believe that the work was originally written in French : an opinion which seems to be based upon two manu scripts, which are still in existence (perhaps the same described twice). Both are on vellum, illuminated, and in the French language. The first is mentioned in the La Valliere Catalogue 8 as follows : " Navigation & discourement de la Indie Juperieure, faicte par moi Anthoine Pigaphete Vincentin, Chevalier de Rhodes [contains also the treatise on the Sphere]. Folio, The other manuscript was sold at one of the Libri sales, and is described 9 in these words : " PIGAPHETE (Anthoine). Navigation et descouure- Du VERDIER, Bibliothequtt franco-its, that the original account, " a varios Prin- p. 133, erroneously says : "par translateur cipes," was "en Italiano, Espafiol y incertain." Portuguese." Biblioteca Americana, MS., 7 THOMASSY, in the Paris Bulletin de Vcl. II, p. 669. la Societe de Geographic for September, 8 Part I, Vol. Ill, No. 4537. 1843. ALCEDO, on the other hand, states B Catalogue, for 1862, No. 1139. 250 Bibliotheca Americana. men * de la Inde superieure et ties Malucque (sic] ou nais- sent les cloux de Girqfle y faicte par Anthoine Pigaphete Vincentin chevallier de Rhodes. Commenceant en Fan Mil V" et fjlff (1519). Manuscrit du XVI siecle sur velin, petit in-folio" This description is followed by an interesting note, from which we copy the following : " Le manuscrit que nous decrivons \c\contientcetterelation origi nate qu on supposait perdue. Elle est en fran9ais, car Pigafetta avait du employer cette langue en s adressant au grand-maitre de Rhodes, qui etait fran9ais. On lit en effet, au has du titre cette adresse, An- thoyne Pigaphete Patricie Vincentin et Chevallier de Rhodes, a 1 Illustrissime et tres-excellent Seigneur Philippe de Villers L lleadam, inclite grand-maistre de Rhodes, son seigneur osseruatissime. " Cette adresse, remplie d italianismes, ainsi que tout le reste de 1 ouvrage, offre une preuve de plus de 1 originalite de cette redaction ecrite en francais par un italien. " En comparant ce manuscrit avec la relation publiee par Amoretti, on s apercoit que cette relation n est qu un extrait et une paraphrase, souvent fort defiguree, du texte fran9ais. Les deux relations se suivent de pres, mais dans notre manuscrit il y a plus de choses. Elles sont mieux dites et les noms sont ecrits bien plus exactement que dans la relation publiee par Amoretti. Cela est surtout frappant dans les vocabulaires des langues de 1 Oceanie, etc., que donne Pigafetta et que Fabreviateur italien a souvent bouleverses." Be that as it may, Fabre s abridgment was translated into Italian by some unknown translator, and published probably at Venice in 1534 (infra), and republished in 1536 (infra). Ramusio s version 10 is only a plagiarism from the latter, and not a direct translation from Fabre. As Fabre s garbled version is scarcely intelligible, and was the only account known during the last two cen turies, we easily understand the innuendoes lavished by Ramusio 10 , Tiraboschi 11 and De Pauw 12 , who do not spare their epithets when speaking of Pigafetta s Viaggio. 10 Racco/ta, Vol. i, p. 346, sq. ia Rcchcrchcs tar les Amirhains, Vol. i, 11 Storia d. Lett. Italiana, V. VII, p. a6o. p. 189. Bibliotheca Americana. 251 Judging from certain manuscript notes, preserved in the Ste. Genevieve Library, their opinion is not without foundation." A very early transcript made, as is supposed, from one of Pigafetta s original copies, if not from an Italian translation of the latter, was discovered in the Ambro- sian Library at the beginning of the present century by one of the librarians, the learned Carlo Amoretti, who put the text into good Italian, published it in i8oo 14 , and soon afterwards in French 5 . Pinkerton 16 gave an English, and Sprengel 17 and Kries 18 German versions of Amoretti s original publication. The Novus Orbis of I555 9 , and Eden", give only a version of the present No. 134. Direct reference: f ANTONIO, SiUittketa Hispan. Nova, Vol. n, page 376. MAITTAIRE, Annalcs Tjpogr., Vol. u, page 773, note. PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. Till, page 217. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. in, Pt. n, page 114. DBS BROSSES, Navigations aux terra Australes, Vol. I, page 121. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 14, No. 45. EBERT, No. 16814. TERNAUX, No. 31. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 650. GRAESSE, Vol. V, page 289. 11 "L un des astronomes les plus savants dudix- fT / Milano MDCCC. huitieme sieclc crut devoir soumettre le recit du * * T . /. voyageur italien a uii examen minutieux, et il * al & e 4 CO , PP; 237 , tour maps prouve, dans des observations demeurees manu- (there are twenty-one in the original ; see crites, que Pigafetta confondit au retour, de la Amoretti s Introduction, p. XLIIl). facon la plus etrange, plusieurs positions de terres, IB p,..;. Q.._ i__ TV rf fk= TT^.^^k aujourd hui bien connues. Voy. **.* gi v - Hans, 8 vol an IX [of the French rafhiques sur 1 etat et la position des lieux ou Ton Republic, I. ., I8OI J. pourra observer le passage de Venus avec plus > Collection of Voyages; London. 410, d avantage, p. 301 parmi les MSS. de la Biblioth. o -y , nn R Stc. Genevieve." DENIS, art. Magellan, Keuv. I8 , I 9 V Ol. I, pp 188-38 1. BUgr. ginirali. Vol. xxxn, p. 680, note. Bcytragcn, Vol. IV, pp. 1-155. ( We 14 Primo Viagglo intorno al Globo Ter- are unable to state whether it is in the first racquco ossia ragguaglio della Navigazione series, published in conjunction with J. R. alle Indie Oriental! per la via d Occidcnte FORSTER, his father-in law, Leipzig, 14 fatta dal Cavallere Antonio Pigafetta Pa- vols., 8vo, 1781-90, or in the second trizio yiccntino, Sulla SyuaJra del Capit. series, published by SPRENGEL alone, Halle, Magaglianes negli anni 1519-1522 Ora 13 vols., 8vo, 1790-94.) pubblicato per la prima vo/ta, tratto da un I8 Bcschrcibung der von Magellan untcr- Codice MS. della Bibiiotcca Ambrosiana di nommenen ersten Reise urn die Welt ; Gotha, Milano e corredato di note Da Carlo Amo- 8vo, 1801, 3 maps. retti Dottore del Collegia Ambrosiano. Con 18 Pages 524-538. un Transunto del Trattato di Navigazionc ao History of Travayle , London, 4to, dello itesso Autort. !577> fl- 43- 252 Bibliotheca Americana. I 5 2 5* *35 CORTES (FERNANDO) Within a harder, and under the __ double-headed eagle coat-of-arms : Ha qnarta relation 5 ;jfernairo corteg goner || nairor g capitan general por fn majeftair enlali nnena 3Bfpaita fll mar oceano emMo al mng || alto r mug potentiftimo innicttttimo fenor II iron Carlos emperairor femper angnfto g II reg ire 3Efpana nneftro feftor: enla pal eftan||otras cartag o relactones qne log eapttaneg IHIetrro fce alnaratro r litego goljog emMallron al trtcjjo capttan jFernartro [v] cortex. || Colophon : jFne intpregga la prefente earta tre relactonll enla gmperial eintratr ire Coletro por (Bagpar tre antla.HEcatose a begntetrtag trel meg Mo irel nafcimiento ire nneftro falna-||iror Jefn eijrifto ire mil r qntnten || tog r begnte g einco || Folio, twenty-one unnumbered leaves, including the title, on the verso of which the text begins. Signatures a in six, b and c in eights, including the blank at the end. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) This first edition of the Fourth Narration relates from May i fth, 1522, to October I5th, 1524. The last sixteen pages contain Alvarado s and Godoy s reports to Cortes. Direct references : f PANZER, Annahs Typogr., Vol. x, page a8, No. 6. b. Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part vn, No. 1884. Biblicithcca Grenvilliana, page 1 66. Bibliotheca Broiuniana, page 14, No. 44. Stevens American Bibliographer, page 85. TERNAUX, No. 34. BRUNET, Vol. u, col. 311. * Anglice : The fourth relation which General for His Majesty in New Spain of Fernando Cortes, Governor and Captain- the Oceanic Sea, sent to the very high Bibliotheca Americana. 136. " CLAVDII PTOLEMAEI Geographicac ennara- 1525. tionis Libri o6to Bilibaldo Pirckeymero interprete. = Annotationes Joannis de Regiomonte in errores com- miflbs a Jacobo Angelo in tranflatione fua. In fine : Argentoragi (sic) Johannes Grieningerus, communibus Jo- hannis Koberger impenjis excudebat Anno a Chrifti Nativi- tate. M.DXXV. Tertio Kal y Apriles. fol. 1 " (82 gez. u. 14 ungez. Bll. m. 50 Tabulae geographicae in Holzchn. 1 ) " Containing a map of part of America, dated I522 3 ." VARTHEMA-D I AS Above a large vignette: -5 Jtinerario ire Hutiouico litre 5Eattf)ema $3olognefe nello IBggtto, nella g>u||rta, nella &rairia treferta, r jFeltce, neila $erfta r||neiia Jntrta, r nella iEt|)g=: opia. Ha fetre, el biuere, r coftumi trelle prefate ^prouittcie. (E ISt al prefente || agiontoui aleune Jfole nouamente titrouate. Colophon : C Impreffo in Venetia Nellano della In || carnatione del noftro Signore lefu || Chrifto del. M.D.XXVL Adi. XVI. Aprile. Regnando Lo Inclito || Principe An/drea Griti * !fc * Sm. 8vo; title one leaf (printed in red and black) + one hun dred and one unnumbered leaves, including the index. (Private Librar., New York and Brooklyn.) and mighty King of Spain our Lord ; * PANZER, Annalei Tyfogr., Vol. vi, p. in which are other letters and relations 107, No. 698. which Captains Peter de Alvarado and a HOFFMANN, Lexicon, Vol. in, p. 319. Richard Godoy sent to the said Cap- s Aspinwall Catalogue, No. 6. (Three tain Fernando Cortes. The present Epis- thousand out of three thousand five hun- tolary Relation was printed in the Im- dred volumes, which composed this collec- perial City of Toledo by Caspar de Avila. tion, were destroyed by fire in New York, Finished October aoth, A. D. 1525. Sept. i8th, 1864.) Bibliotheca Americana. ~ J ~T 1^26. i 3 3 . CORTES (FERNANDO) Within a narrow border, and be- aj-.-j fss i ow a large escutcheon of Spain, filling one half of the page : Ha patta telacifi t|ue 4fetnStro cottes go II net? natrot g capita genetal pot fumageftatr||enla nueua iBfpana trelmat oceano etio al||mug alto r mug potenttttimo tnuictittimo || Mot ton Otatlos m? petatrot fempet agufto g teg 5fpana||mo Mot, enla qual eftan ottas cattas g telaciones que-|| los capttanes ^etrto tre aluatatro e 2iiego gotrog emtta || ton al tricljo capitan jpetnattro cottes. || Colophon : jpue tmptenffa la ptefente cattatrete||lactfi trelas Jntrias : enla mettopolttana || ciutratr tre Valencia pot <eot || ge coftilla Ecafto^e a xij. || trtas ^l tre 5u || Uo ano tie || mil. tr.*:tbj. A anos.f * 3|t * Folio, twenty-six unnumbered leaves, including the title, on the verso of which the text begins ; double columns ; b in eights. (Providence Private Library. Only copy known.) Second edition of D (No. 135). Dinct rtferencet : f Bibliotheca Browniana, page 14, No. 47. j Stevens 1 American Bibliographer, page 85. ( BRUNET, Vol. u, col. 312. * We find in GRAESSE (Vol. in, p. 93) on the authority of one of the Butsch cata logues, " Glareanus, Hen-. Loritus De geographia liber j. Basil. 1526. in 4." This edition of 1526 is not mentioned in any other work, nor have we yet succeeded in finding it in any collection. The edition of 1527 (infra) is considered the first; K.LOSS calls (Catalogue No. 1727) that of 1528 (infra] " Ed. ii," while the Athtnat Rauricae (p. 251) says of a Franckfort edi tion of 1533 "ab ipso auctore tertio recog- nitus." f Anglice : The present Epistolary Re lation about the Indies was printed in the metropolitan city of Valencia by George Costilla, and finished July I2th, 1526. The rest as in D. Bibliotheca Americana. 255 . OflEDO (G. F. DE) Under the Imperial coat-of-armi with the double-beaded eagle, and within a border : OlUcbn be la natural l)i) 0taria fa Ia0 ^nMa0. Can pmiUfgta lie la *. C C. JB. /Vrj/ /w<? lines of the verso of the title-page: Samaria trela natural g general || tftoria trelag Jnfctas. que eftrtuio <ficalo jperna^et tre Colophon : (L iBl jtfente tratatro in||titulatro utetro tre la natural ijgftnria || 5 lass intrtas fe tmprtmto a coftag tiel au || tor (Eofalo jpernatre^ ire utetro al s tre || Saltres. ^or tntruftria ire maeftre icU||mfi tre petras: r fe acato en la cibiatr tre || ^Eoletro a. xb. trtas trel mes tre etrero. litre. ^.B.xxbj. anos. x*^ Folio, fifty-two numbered leaves -\- two unnumbered leaves for part of the index ; five woodcuts. (Private Librar., New York, Providence, Washington, and Harvard Coll. Libr.) Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes was born at Madrid, probably in August, 1478 , of an aristocratic family, and at the age of thirteen received the appoint- 1 The words which we here underscore the original MS. of Oviedo s Batallat y " aunque he setenta annos [in 1548], e los S^uinquagenai, preserved in the Libr. of the comfli en el met de agosto," are effaced in Real Acad. de la Historia, in Madrid. 256 Eibliotheca Americana. 1C 26. merit of mozo de camara z (a kind of page), to Prince , John 3 . He soon afterwards witnessed at Granada, as one of the Court, the reception extended to Columbus by Ferdinand and Isabella on his return in 1493 from the newly rediscovered world 4 . After taking a part in the Italian campaigns 3 , he married, in 1502, Margarita de Vergara, " una de las mas hermosas mugeres que ovo en su tiempo en el reino de Toledo 5 ." In 1512 he was deputed to act as secretary to Gon- zalvo de Cordova ; but he soon afterwards determined to repair to the Indies, for the purpose of retrieving his fortune 6 , or for a very different reason, if we are to believe the statement made by the unreliable De Pauw 7 , on the authority of the trustworthy Fallopius. He joined the expedition of Pedrarias Davila, not in the capacity of "Inspecteur general du Commerce 8 ," or of " Directeur des Tnines de Saint-Domingue 9 ," but as a supervisor of gold-smeltings 10 ; and sailed to the new World for the first time, from San Lucar de B., April iith, 1514". He filled abroad several high positions, such as Governor of the Province of Carthagena, and First Alderman (Adelante Regidor) of Darien, in con junction, as it seems, with his office of supervisor (Vee- dor], which he resigned only in 1532", when he was appointed Chief Chronicler of the Indies (Cronista gen eral de Indias). Oviedo resided on this continent up wards of thirty-four years 3 , and crossed the Atlantic not less than twelve times, chiefly on missions to lay the grievances of the colonies, or his own, before the Spanish Court. He returned to Spain for the last 1 DE FRANKENAU, Bill. Hisfan., p. 174. T Rech. sur les Amiricaim, Vol. i, p. 22. * BAENA, Hijos de Madrid; Madrid, 4 e MORERI, Vol. vi, p. 97 of letter O. vols., 410, 1789-91, Vol. u, p. 354. TERNAUX, Bibliotheque Americaine, * OVIEDO, Historia Gen. y Nat. de In- No. 35. dias, lib. n, cap. Til, p. 29 (Madrid reprint). I0 "Veedorde las Fundaciones de Oro." 8 Quinquagenas, in DE LOS Rios intro- OVIEDO, loc. cit., Vol. in, p. 4. duction p. xx, note. " DE LOS Rios, loc. cit., p. XXII. * " ganoso de reponer su malparada ha- ia Letter of Oviedo, afud DC LOS Rios, cienda," DE LOS Rios, loc. cit. loc. cit., p. LTIII, note. Bibliotheca Americana. 257 time in June, 1556, and died in the summer of 1557, 1526. at Valladolid. Navarrete 13 , Prescott 14 and Mr. Ticknor 15 have given an estimate of Oviedo s works and character. The fol lowing, from Las Casas, is not without originality : " Puesto que a la historia de Oviedo llevana en la frente escrito como su autor habia sido conquistador, robador y matador de los Indios, y haber echado en las minas gentes dellos, en las cuales perecieron ; y enemigo cruel dellos como se dira y el mismo la confiera, al me- nos entre los prudentes y cristianos enervos poco credito y auctoridad en historia tuviera 16 ." Oviedo was a prolific writer, but the first of his works which interests us is the present No. 139. It is not a " Summary of the Spanish Conquests in the New World 5 ," or the first edition of the Historia General y Natural de las Indias, published in 1535 (see infra), but a totally different work, which may have served as a model for the useful compilations of Acosta, Nierem- berg and Francisco Hernandez. We have the original edition before us, but beg leave to insert the following analysis, which we copy from the extremely valuable introduction added by Senor D. J. Amador de los Rios to the late reprint of Oviedo s chief work 17 : " Este repertorio, dirigido principalmente a dar a conocer al Em- perador las cosas de America, se halla distribuido en ochenta y seis capitulos, en los cuales, despues de tratar de la navegacion de Espafia a las Antillas y de los naturales de estas islas, asi como de sus cos- tumbres y manjares, pasa Oviedo a describir los indios de la Tierra- Firme, bosquejando tambien sus ritos, costumbres y ceremonias, y exponiendo las peregrinas noticias que habia recogido sobre los ani- " Coleccion, Vol I, introd. p. LXXVI. Indians, whole populations of whom he 14 Hist, of Ferdinand and Isabella, Vol. consigned to the mines, where they per- I, p. 1 1 a. ished," &c. 16 Hist, of Spanish Literature, Vol. II, Gen. Hist, de las Tndias, MS. cap. p. 34. XXIII. 10 "Oviedo should have written at the 1T Historia General y Natural de las head of his history : This book was written Indias. Publicala la Real Acadcmia de by a conqueror, robber and murderer of the la Historia, cotejada con el cddice original ; 33 258 Bibliotheca Americana. I C2O males, aves e insectos, arboles, plantas y yerbas de tan distantes regiones. Terminada esta parte, que tanto interes ofrecia entonces a las ciencias zoologica y botanica, menciona Oviedo las minas de oro de la Tierra-Firme, y mostrandose entendido en el laboreo de ellas, pondera sus riquezas, describiendo, por ultimo, la pesqueria no menos envidiable de las perlas, que tanto abundaban en aquellos mares. El Sumario de la Natural Historia acaba mostrando el camino de la mar del Sur, y descubriendo al Cesar la facilidad de acudir por el estrecho de Magallanes al comercio y contratacion de las Malucas." This work has been republished by Barcia 18 * Ramu- sio gave an Italian version 9 , and there is a kind of Sum mary in Purchas 10 . We have been unable to find the translation into Latin by Chauveton, mentioned by Senor de los Rios. We think it erroneous, and prob ably a misapprehension of the Latin Benzoni. The "editio princeps" discovered in the Leipsic University, and mentioned by Humboldt 21 , is only the edition of 1547 (see infra}. The copy before us, like all those of Oviedo s works printed in his lifetime, which we have seen, bears on the title-page the autograph of the author. Historians are apt to overlook incidents, which, although unnecessary to enable the reader to obtain a full view of the field which they intend to depict, acquire nevertheless a certain importance when we wish to obtain an insight into motives and personal characteris tics. This is the reason why correspondances, private memoirs, diaries, are so eagerly sought by those who are anxious to know men as well as events. There are two precious collections of the kind, composed by Oviedo, but which never were printed. The first is : Batallas y )uinquagenas y escriptas por el capitan Gonqalo Fernandez de Oviedo, criado del prin^ipe don Johan, hijo de los Reyes Catholicos, y coronista mayor de las Indias, del Emperador Carlos V (1550)" Madrid, 4 vols., fol., 1851-55. Page 20 Pi/grimes, Part u, Lib. v, p. 970, sy. xxxviil (i.e., LXXXVIII.) Ex amen Critique, Vol. in, p. 283, 18 Hiitoriadores primiti-vos, Vol. I, 70 pp. note. l * Raccolta, Vol. in, fol. 44-74. " DE LOS Rios, loc. cit., p. xcm. Bibliotheca Americana. 259 It is a work which purports to transmit to posterity 1C 26. the heroic deeds of his contemporaries. The other bears the following title : Las Quinquagenas de los generosos e illustres e no menos famosos reyes, prin^ipes, duques, marqueses y condes e cabal- leros e personas notables de Espana : que escribio el capitan Fernandez de Oviedo y V aides, Alcayde de Sus Magestades de la fortale^a de la cibdad e puerto de Sancto Domingo de la Is/a Espanola, coronista de las Indias, islas e Tierra- Firme del Mar O^eano, ve^ino e regidor desta cibdad, e natural de la muy noble e leal villa de Madrid. Fue esta obra desde las Indias enviada e present ada al Serenissimo Principe D. Felipe, nuestro Senor^ [1555-1556]. This aims at memorar los famosos varones de nues- tra Espana, tanto en armas como en letras y virtudes." We know these two works solely from the excellent analysis given by Clemencin 24 , and which is the fullest, if not the only reliable one. We trust that the Real Academia de la Historia, which has already done so much for Oviedo, will yet publish these interesting dia logues. Direct references: C LEON PINELO, Epitome, page 127. -| MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. x, Part n, page 326. I PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. X, page 29, No. 76. RICH, No. 6. TERNAUX, No. 35. EBERT, No. 15603. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 299. Raetzel Catalogue, No. 916 Butsch Catalogue, page 26, No. 394. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 14, No. 46. 33 TERNAUX, introd. to OVIEDO S His- for the loan of it ; but when last in Bos- toire du Nicaragua, in Recucil, 1840. ton we vainly endeavored to find the MS., 24 Mem. de la Acad. de Historia ; Mad- either in that city or in the Harvard Coll. rid, Vol. vi, Illust. 10. Libr., to which Prescott bequeathed the There must be a copy of the MS. works which he consulted for his History of Quinquagcnas in Boston, as Mr. Ticknor Ferdinand and Isabella. See a curious note acknowledges his obligation to Prescott in DE LOS RIGS introduction, p. xciv. 160 Bibliotheca Americana. 1527. I4O. LA SALLE (ANT. Z>E)-ILa Sb&lltiJt ,$tOU |f tiel= lemet Jmprimee II a $aris Haquelle fait || mention tie tous less pass tru monire i et &u pagg fce II la foelle fifcille. Euec la figure pour aller aumont II tre la Iricte ffoille. 3Bt autti la figure ire la mer r ire || la terreiauec plufieurg teller remonftrances. IBt fe bentrent a 3|arte par OTilippe He Jtoir II l&etteur iure en luniberfite ire^arisitremourantien la grat rue Spinet Sacques; a lefeigne tre la i&oje II tlanc^e couronnee, (" a la fin du 6o e f. : Cy finis t ce present liure nouuellement jmprime en la Rue Sainct iacques, a lenseigne de la Rose blanche couronnee etfut acbeue le xiij tour de mars mil cinq centz xxvij." BRUNET.) * }|c * 410, Goth, a 2 colonnes fig. en bois [ " pet. in-fol. goth. de Ix ff. chifFr. et 2 fF., pour la table des chapitres et la marque de 1 imprimeur, titre rouge et noir. On trouve dans 1 inte- rieur (ff. 15 et 27) ou a la fin, deux cartes gravees en bois, et pliees, 1 une du mont de la Sibylle et 1 autre representant la mappemonde." BRUNEI-*.] (Ste. Genevieve Libr., Paris .) " La Salade est un ouvrage des plus curieux en dehors de la partie geographique, mais le chapitre consacre a la Geographic est bien sur- prenant en lui-meme ; il signale a deux reprises diverses le Greenland. II y a mieux, lorsque il etablit certaines generalites sur ces terres du Nord, il semble qu un bruit vague lui apporte certaines effluves faisant pressentir la demi-civilisation des terres americaines." (M. FERDINAND DENIS.) The chapter alluded to by M. Denis, contains (verso of leaf xxvin), the following passage : $,ortoegije eft une grantre region attife irettouts ire pol Entarctique. &ulcuns aftrologues ont bne 9 There is an edition, with privilege BRUNET, Vol. in, col. 854, and Solar dated 1521 (/. e. 1521 new style). See Catalogue, p. 404, No. 4473. Bibliotheca Americana. 261 partie ire eefte Region mife Jjors ires elimatj aeaufe 1527, ires tres apres et longues froiirures qui g font. ISn teelle Region font iriuerfes mers. Ha eft la met eongellee que on irict J&are eongellatum. Jl g a une tfle nommee iflantiou font les pags nommes Olronnellont et untmarci) [ ? ] on a grant quantite ire ours qui fot toug tlas. Antoine de La Sale, one of the wittiest of French writers, lived between the years 1398 and 1461. The present work, which was composed for his pupil John of Anjou, Duke of Calabria, seems to have been written between 1438 and 1447 , and places its facetious author side by side with Adam of Bremen 4 , Ordericus Vitallis 5 , Torn 6 , Rafn 7 and Karl Wilhelm 8 . Direct reference : f La Valliere Catalogue, No. 4573. -I * BRUNET, Vol. in. col. 853. ( GRAESSE,VO!. iv, page in. 141. FRIES (LAURENT)" Underweifung vnd vflle- gunge der Cartha Marina oder die mercarten darin man fehen mag, wa einer in d welt fey, und wa ein ytlich Land, WafTer und Stet ligen, Straffb. Grieninger (1527. in-fol. Av. fig. en bois)." (GRAESSE 1 .) 3 AUBRY, Bulletin du Bouquiniste ) for yua, seu parth America Scptcntrionalis ; Jan. 1859, p. 5. Copenhagen, 8vo, 1705. 4 Historic ecclesiastics eccles. Hamburg. 7 Antlq-vitatcs Americana siue serif tores et Bremensis, "vicinorumque locor. septcnt., septentrionales rerum ante-Columbianarum ab anno 788, ad 1076, lib. iv ; Copen- in America ; Copenhagen, 410, 1837. hagen, 410, 1579; Leyden, 4to, 1595; 8 Island, Hvitramannaland, Gronland Helmstaedt, 4to, 1 670. und Finland oder der Normanner Leben 6 Historic ecclesiastic* libri tredecim ; auf Island und deren Fahrten nach Amerik, Paris, 5 vols., 8vo, 184045. schon iiber 500 jf. vor Columbus; Heidel- 6 Grcenlandia Antiqua ; Copenhagen, berg, 8vo, i84z. 8vo, 1706; and Historia Vinlandiie anti- 1 Tresor, Vol. n, p. 635. 262 Bibliotheca Americana. IC27. 142. LORITZ OR GLAREANUS Within a wide border: D. HEN||RICI GLAREANI || POETAE LAVREA|| TI DE GEOGRA||PHTA LIBER ||VNVS.|| BASILEAE, ANNO || M.D.XXVII. || Colophon : BASILEAE, ANNO || M.D.XXVII. EXCVDEBAT IOANNES FA || BER EMMEVS IVLIACENSIS. ||* *x* Sm. 410 ; title one leaf + thirty-four numbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) "II n y a rien de plus interessant pour 1 histoire des grandes decouvertes geographiques des 15" et l6 e siecles, que des uivre les recits des cosmographes contemporains qui nous font connaitre la maniere dont la connaissance de ces decouvertes s est repandue parmi les peuples europeens. On sait qu il fallut assez longtemps pour populariser la connaissance du Nouveau Continent, et meme Henri Loritus Glareanus, 1 un des plus celebres cosmographes du moyen age, quoique la premiere edition de sa geographic dont nous venons de donner le titre, ait paru plus de trente ans apres sa decouverte, ne fait qu une mention passagere de 1 Amerique, ce qui prouve le peu de connaissance qu il en a eu. Dans le dernier chapitre [Recto of leaf 35], en parlant des regions non decrites par Ptolemee, il dit entr - autres : Porro ad occidentem terra eft, quam Americam uocant, longitudine octoginta ferme graduum. Duas infulae Spagnolla et Ifabella : qus quide regiones fecundum littora ab Hifpanis luftratae funt, Columbo Genuenfi, et Americo Vefputio eius navigationis duci- bus. Sunt qui putent tempore Casfaris Augufti earn terram fuifle notam, atque ; Marone, lib. 6. [759-7] Aene. de ea hasc protulifle car- mina : " lacet extra fydera tellus, Extra anni folifque uias, ubi coelifer Atlas Axem humero torquet, ftellis ardentibus aptum. " Hoc de Aethiopia Maurorum Seruius intellexit. Landinus aute nul- lam Aethiopiam extra zodiacum iacere contendit. Itaque iple exponit extra, id eft, pene extra. Porro Donatus folem pro die, annum pro nocte pofitum ait. Nos rem incertam indicio lectoris relinquimus 1 . " * Anglict : One book on geography by J " Farther towards the west, lies a Henry Glareanus, poet laureate. Basle, country called America, the length of executed by John Faber, 1527. which is about eighty degrees. There are Bibliotheca Americana. 263 Although Henry Loritz of Glaris when a young man held the chair of Mathematics in the University of Basle, and wrote two works on strictly scientific subjects (the above and his De Ponderibus et Mensuris*, not to speak of the Comment, in Arithmet. et Music. BoethiP), he scarcely deserves the name of " celebre cosmographe." Born in 148 8 y , he was better known as a poet who sang his verses, as a musician who played on several instru ments and wrote a great deal on the subject of music, as one of the greatest literary critics of his day, as a reformer, as the friend of Erasmus, but especially as the precursor of Beaufort and Niebuhr 6 in those investiga tions which have shown the unreliable character of the Latin historians, at least as regards the origin and early history of Rome. He held for several years the pro fessorship of Belles-Lettres in the college of France then, and ever since so famous ; and died at Friburg in 1563. " Vossius dit que c etait un homme univer- sellement savant." 7 Direct references : f PANZER, Annalti Tyfogr., Vol. vi, page 262. Bibliotheca TAottiana, Vol. v, page 219. Bibliotheca Bar/oiviana, page 12. D AVEZAC, Projections G eographiques, page 68. Libri Catalogue for 1861, No. 324, (describes a copy containing Loritz own annotations and autograph). BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 162,4. GRAESSE, Vol. in, page 93. two islands, Spagnolla and Isabella. Those declares that there is no Ethiopia lying countries have been visited along the coasts beyond the Zodiac. Therefore he himself by the Spaniards, Columbo of Genoa and explains beyond, -as meaning almost be- Americo Vesputio being the leaders of the yond. Besides, Donatus says that Sun navigation. There are people who believe stands for day," and year for night. that in the times of Caesar Augustus that We leave this uncertain matter to the country was known, and that Virgil in the judgment of the reader." vith book, verses 795-97 of the ^neid, a Bibliotheque Amirtcalnc y p. 3, No. 3. wrote the following lines concerning the 3 Basle, fol., 1550. same: Their land lies without the signs 4 Basle, 4to, 1570. [of the Zodiac], beyond the Sun s annual 5 Athenae Rauricae ; Basle, 8vo, 1778, course, where Atlas, supporting heaven on p. 247, sq. his shoulders, turns the axle studded with * MICHELET, H ntoire Romaine, Vol. i, flaming stars. Servius understood this p. 2. of the Morish Ethiopia; but Landinus 1 af. BAILLET, yugcments, V. if, p. 303. 264 Bibliotheca Americana. 1C 28. I43 LORITZ OR GLARE ANUS Within a wide border: HENRICI || GLAREANI, POET^ LAV || REATI DE GEOGRA- 1| PHIA LIBER VNVS, AB IPSO AV- THORE || IAM RECOGNITVS. || BASILEAE. || Verso of signature A 2 .- Bafileae ex Collegio no- || ftro. Anno a natali Chrifti, || M.D.XXVIL Colophon : BASILEAE . ANNO || M . D . XXVIII . || EXCVDE- BAT IOANNES FA- 1| BER EMMEVS IVLIACENSIS. || * 5|s * Sm. 410, thirty-two numbered leaves. In the copy before us, folios 31 and 32 are printed on one side only, and these blank pages are those which should contain the passages mentioned in the edition of 1527 (supra No. 142). (Boston Athen. Library.) Direct references: f PANZER, Annales Tyfogr., Vol. vi, page 266. J NAVARRETE, Coleccion, page cxxvi. I Kloss Catalogue, page 125, No. 1727. Historical Nuggets, No. 334. I 44 COPPO DA ISOLA (PETER) Above a woodcut represent ing the Sun, Moon and Earth : PORTOLANO. Colophon : Stampata in Venetia per Augufti/||no di Bindoni. 1528. Adi. 14. de Marzo.|| * Jjc * Extremely small 410 (z\ by 3^ inches), signatures A to F in fours, making twenty-four leaves, the verso of the last of which is blank, whilst the recto contains a printer s monogram, repre senting a cross and an R, with the words : Cum gratia. Pre ceding the title, there is an oval map of the world filling two pages, upon which appear Cuba, lamaiqua, Spagnuolla, modo nouo, &c. On the reverse of the title another map. (British Museum.) Bibliotheca Americana. 265 The passage concerning Columbus, first made known 1^28. by Morelli 1 , is on the verso of F. 3, and as follows : - Chriftopholo colubo zeouefe nel. 1492. || trouo nauegado uerfo ponente molte || ifole & cofe noue. ma prima fe troue le|| ifole gorgone hefperide iunonia la pio || uiofia la caurera la planaria la neuolia ca || naria alincotro dela barbaria da pol ar || go I mar fono ifole uetura colubo bra || zil caurera ouo porto fanto medera & || certe ifole dite deferte & altre dite falua || dege. Lanceloto columbo. dapoi oltra || aflai p ponete el dito chriftopholo tro || uo lifola fpagnola iamaique cuba le ifo || le de icanibali. la terra paria ouer mon || do nouo & molte altre ifole. la fpagno || la e de longeza de m. 800. larga. m. 330. || la cuba difta de la fpagnola. mia. 70. nel || puar che fece el colubo in uedar fe cu- || ba era ifola ouer. terra ferma el uete pu || raffai ifole. Sc pofe nome nauigando ala || riuera de cuba femp. 1300. m. in ql noui || gar a piu de. 700. ifole. hauedone pafTa- || te piu de. 3000. dapoi el colobo li fpa/ 1| gnoli nauigari nauegado 1 Letter a rarissima, p. 63. 34 266 Bibliotheca Americana. 1528. oltra el cano || bona fperaza perueueno == neluidia a co- 1| locut & andorono piu oltra fine nele || extreme parte de lindia. || Direct references: f MORELLI, Opercttc, Vol. i, page 309. < Bibliotheca Grcniii/Iiana, . ( Notes on Columbus, page 5 6. 1 4* 5* BORDONE (BENEDICT) Within a wide, ornamented border : LIBRO DI BENE-||DETTO BORDONE || Nel qual fi ragiona de tutte 1 Ifole del mon- 1| do con li lor nomi antichi & mod- erni, || hiftorie, fauole, & modi del loro ui || uere, & in qual parte del ma||re ftanno, & in qual pa||rallelo & clima||giacciono.||* 4fe || CON IL BREVE DI PAPA || Leone. Et gra tia & priuilegio della||Illuftriffima Signoria com || in quelli appare.|||^| M.D.XXVIII. Colophon : ImprefTe in Venegia per Nicolo d Arif- totile, detto Zoppino, nel mefe di Giu||gno, del. M.D.XXVIII. con priuilegio di Leone papa, 8c del Senato d : ||quefta citta , che niuno per anni diece poffa quefte ifole imprimere, o||imprefie uendere, ne loro luoghi fotto pofti, fotto le pene che in || efli priuilegii fi contengono, fe no coloro, * Anglice: The book of Benedict Bor- modern names, histories, fables and mode done, which treats of all the islands of the of life, in what part of the Ocean they are world, together with their ancient and situated, what parallel and climate. Bibliotheca Americana. 267 a quali dal com || pofitor loro efpreffa || 1528. mete fara ordinato che le flam || pino ouer uendano. *#* Folio, title one leaf (text begins on the verso), + eight unnum bered leaves, containing three double maps -f- seventy-three numbered leaves. The map before the first folio represents a hemisphere, in which on the N. W. portion we read terra del labor atore. Just above the line of the equator are the words ponete modo nouo, and beneath the equatorial line there is a rude tracing of a continent extending into the Atlantic, and as far as the tropic of Capricorn. On the verso of fol. vi there is a small map, where on the N. E. part we have mountains and pictures of houses, and beneath Terra de lauo- ratore. S. E. we have three islands, asmaide, brasil (on the same parallel brasil being most easterly), opposite the third island, beneath these two, is written astores. S. W. occur in the same type the words : stretto\\pte modo nouo\\. On the recto of fol. x is the representation of a large city, under which is printed : "La gran citta di Temistitan," and the text underneath begins : " Terra di sancto Croce ouer mondo nouo, fu la prima di tutte queste isole, che trouata fusse, &c." On the verso of fol. xi is a small map, showing on the N. W. iamaique, on the N. E. (opposite spagnola), on the medium line on the W., cbancbite, on the centre of this line, curtana, on the E., mariatambal. In the extreme S. E. of the map is printed paria. On the verso of fol. xn is an island marked spagnola, and N. E. is the representation of a city, under which is printed Isabella. On the recto of folio xm, is the map of another island, with a lofty mountain in the N., under which is written Jamaiqua. On the verso of the same fol. we have another island, subscribed within the interior of the island, cuba. What ought to have been numbered xiv is numbered xvin. On this map we have laid down on the N. W., !>. Maria antica, and beneath santa -J-. Due N., 5. Maria rotonda. N. E., an island moferato. On the equatorial parallel, on the W., martino ; on the meridian an island, bugbima ; and S. E., the island dommica. Due S. is laid down an island without a name. On the verso of xv;n (/. e. of the fol. which should have been numbered xiv) are two maps, the one at the top of the page shows an island designated guadalupe ; underneath other islands are laid down, among others part of one marked dominica. The bottom map is marked matinina. The account of these various islands finishes on the recto of fol. xv. All these maps are on the same scale, or rather the same size, viz. : $$ by 3 inches. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) 268 Bibliotheca Americana. 1C 28. Benedetto Bordone was born at Padua 1 , but lived at - Venice*, where he cultivated Astrology, Geography, Greek literature and miniature painting as a profession. Fontanini J and Tiraboschi 4 assert that he was the father of the vain-glorious Julius-Caesar Scaliger. Zeno, on the other hand, in a lengthy but interesting note 1 , denies the assertion. As to Scaliger, it is well known that he claimed to be a descendant of the princely house of della Scala. The date of Bordone s death is unknown. Concerning the work before us, which is a description of all the islands then known, with a sketch of the man ners and history of their inhabitants, Lelewell says 5 : " Get ouvrage etait acheve en 1521 : lo uescouo di Racoscia scrive a Leone summo pontifice hauer veduto (fol. LXXIII edit, of 1534). Le pape Leon X, privilegiant le 5 Juin 1521 1 editeur, mourut le i er decembre de meme annee. Bordone en 1526, s addressait au senat de Venice pour preserver son ouvrage de la contrefa^on. Bordone mourut en 1531 [?] On y compte 105 figures insulaires y compris les plans de Venise et de Temistetan enfin, Funiversale, ou la mappemonde de Ptolemee, avec tous les comple ments de 1 anne 1521, complements qu on voit dans la carte portu- gaise de 1501, dans celle de Sylvano 1511 \jupra, No. 68], sur le globe de Schdner, 1520 .... La perturbation d idees geographiques de cette epoque se decele d une maniere singuliere dans 1 isolario de B. Bordone 1521, 1534. On y voit une mappemonde, calquee sur la carte portugaise, seulement Bordone ou son modele y introduisit la longueur ptolemeenne de la mediterranee." Lenglet Du Fresnoy 6 and M. Renouard 7 do not seem to have appreciated Bordone s Isolario. Direct references : f PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. vni, page 509. HAYM, Bibliotcca Italiana, Vol. IT, page 103. CLEMENT, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Vol. v, page 92, n. BRUNET, Vol. i, col. ma. GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 495. Bibliotheca Broioniana, page 15, No. 48. 1 ZENO, in FONTANINI, Bibliotcca dcW * Geogr. du Moyen-Age, Vol. n, pp. 114 eloy. Ital., p. 268, note. and 162. 2 MAZZUCHELLI, Gli scrittori & Italia, . * Methode pour etudler la Geographic, 3 lie cit., p. 267. Vol. I, Part I, p. 419. 4 Storia d. Lett. Ital., Vol. VII, p. 798. T Annalts des Aide, Vol. I, p. 142. Eibliotheca Americana. 269 I4-6. MONTALBODDO-DU REDOUER " Senfuyt le HOU- ueau monde et nauigations, faides par Emeric de Vef- puce, Florentin, des pays et illes nouuellement trouuez auparauant a nous incongneuz : tant en lEthiope que Arrabie Calichut et aultres plufieurs regions eftranges, translate de ytalien en langue francoyfe, par Mathurin du Redouer, licencie es loix. On les vend a Paris en la rue Neufue Noftre Dame, a lenjeigne Sainft Jehan Baptifte, par Denis lanot (fans date], pet. in-4, goth." (NODIER 1 .) * # * Four preliminary leaves -j- Ixxxiij numbered leaves, accord ing to Brunei". Denys Janot printed at Paris between the years 1529 and I545 3 . Direct references: f 1 Catalogue for 1844, page 177, No. 1107, and Description rai- sonnee, page 448, No. 1107. Manuel, Vol. v, col. 1 1 60. Livres Curieux, page 26, No. 12,1. Bulletin du Bibliophile, for 1840, page 342, No. 370. I/L7. LORITZ OR GLARE ANUS Within a wide border: HENRICI||GLAREANI POETAE LAV- || REATI DE GEOGRA- || PHIA LIBER VNVS, || AB IPSO AV- TORE || RECOGNITVS. || APVD FRIBVRGVM BRIS- GAVDIAE. || 8 Marques Typographiqucs, p. 14, No. logue (Part II, Vol n, p. 425), and in 26. (We inserted the above under the PANZER (Annales, Vol. vm, p. 68, No. date of 1529 oh this authority ; but since, 1214) the imprint of Denys Janot on a we have found in the La Valliere Cata- work printed in 1520. 270 Bibliotheca Americana. 1529. Colophon: APVD FRIBVRGVM BISGOICVM || ANNO. M. D. XXX. || EXCVDEBAT IOANNES FA- || BER EMMEVS IVLIACENSIS. || *,* 410, thirty-five numbered leaves -j- one blank leaf with a woodcut on the verso. (Private Library, Paris.) Direct references : ( PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. ix, page 464. \ Historical Nuggets, No. 1 246. 14.8. APIANUS-G. FRISIUS-" Cofmographicus Liber Petri Apiani Mathematici, ftudiofe correctus, ac ab erroribus vindicatus per Gemmam Phryjium. Veneunt Antuerpiae in aedibus Rolandi Eollaert. Et a la fin. Excufum Antuerpiae impenfis Rolandi Bollaert, Typis Joannis Graphei, Anno a Chrifto nato 1529. menfe Febr., in 4to. Feuilles 56." (CLEMENT 1 .) We can find no edition of Apianus of an earlier date with the valuable additions of Gemma Frisius. Tro- mel erroneously considers 2 the edition of 1539 as the first given by the latter. " GEMMA FRISIUS s appelloit REINERUS [Regnier]. II naquit a Docum [in 1508"] d une famille honnete. Ce fut un Medecin pro- fond en la theorie de son art, & heureux en la pratique. Mais il excella surtout dans les Mathematiques. II fut extremement aime & estime par 1 Empereur Charles-Quint, & memes suivant 1 avis de ce Prince, qui etait s^avant en Astronomic & en Geometric il corrigea une faute qu il avait faite en sa Mappemonde, laquelle il dedia ensuite a cet Empereur. II mourut a Louvain [in 1558* or in 1555 ] de la 1 Bibliotheque Curieuse, Vol. I, p. 405, * FOPPENS, Bibliotheca Belgica, Vol. I, ote. p. 331. * Bibliatheijue Americaine, p. 6, No. n. * FREHERUS, TAeatrum, p. 1139. Bibliotheca Americana. 271 peste [or of a stone in the bladder ], suivant Melchior Adam, Suffride I C2Q< Petri, & Hierome Ghilini." J ~ (TEISSIER 7 .) To which we may add with Freherus 4 that his " Sta- tura fuit parva, membris gracilibus & facie pallida." As to his annotations to Apianus Cosmographia, Lele- well 5 says that they consist in having : " introduit les notions geographiques et une table abondante de longitudes et latitudes geographiques de Ptolemee, pour servir a dresser les cartes, dont il fit en 1540 lui-meme 1 experience a Louvain 8 ." Gemma Frisius was the pupil of Apianus, and teacher of the celebrated cosmographer Juan de Rojas. 149. APIANUS (PETER} Recto of the first leaf: * COSMO-||GRAPHIAE INTRODVCTIO I CVM|| quibufdam Geometries ac Aftronomite prin- \\ cipijs ad eum rem necef- farijs. || A large armillary sphere, below which : EXCVSVM INGOLDSTADII. || M.D.XXIX. || Colophon on the verso of the last printed leaf ; Ingoljtadij, Anno M.D.XXXI. *x* izmo, title one leaf-f- thirty-one leaves, numbered in Arabic numerals from 1-16, after which the enumeration ceases. The whole is printed in italics with contractions, and contains several geographical diagrams; with a blank leaf. (British Museum.) 8 LELEWELL, G eogr. du Moytn-Agc, 7 Les E/oges dcs Hommes Sea-vans, Vol. i. Vol. n, p. 176. "Mort le 25 Mai 1555, p. 96. avant la publication de son livre \Dt Astro- 8 " CAarta, sive Mafpa mundi (ut vulgus labio]." D AVEZAC, Projections Geogr. p. vocat) id est Orbis todus Descriptio, Carolo jo, note. V. dicata. Lovanii, 1540." FOPPI;.NS, * DE THOU, Hist, mei tcmporis, lib. XYI. loc. cit., p. 331. 272 Bibliotheca Americana. I C2Q. On the verso of leaf c 6 reference is made to America in these words : a " Non solum aut pr<edict<e tres partes || nuc sunt latius lustrate, ueriim ff alia quarta pars ab || (continued on recto of leaf 23) America Vesputio saga c is ingenii uiro, inueta est. Qua \\ ab ipso America eius inuentore Amerigen quasi Ame- || rid terram Jiue America appellari uolunt" &c. M. D Avezac s copy bears a manuscript marginal note, dated " 1532 V Nonas Octobris" viz.: " En paucis terra describit Apiarfl omne Multis qua Magnus vincere no pa [tuit]." The work before us is evidently an abridgment of the larger Cosmographia of Apianus [No. 127], as entire passages in chapters xxv-xxvm, are literally copied from the latter. (See supra, page 239.) ICO. IDEM OP US The only differences are in the following colophon on the recto of the last leaf: Excufum logolftadij {sic} || An. M.D. XXXIII. | Mease lanuario. And in the pagination, which is as follows : Title one leaf + leaves numbered from 2-16 + nve unnumb. 11. marked c, cij, c 3, ^4, c 5, -|- three 11. unnumbered and without signatures -|- five unnumb. 11. marked d, dz, d 3, ^4, d 5, -f- three unnumb. 11 without sig. -f- five 11. marked e, e z, e 3, e 4, e 5 + there 11. without sig., verso of the last of which is blank. (Private Library, New York.) Direct references: f PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vn, page 128, No. 22. -| Kloss Catalogue, page 20, No. 256. ( Bibliotheca Barloiuiana, page I 3 . IC7O. 5^ FRIES ( L -)~ " Underweifung und vfllegunge der Cartha Marina oder die mercarten, darin man fehen mag, wa einer in d welt fy und wa ein ytlich land, wafler und ftet ligen. (Zu Anfang : Von dem niien land auch amarica genant.) Mit 3 Hzfchn. Fol. Strajburg,, 530. 21 Bll." (Butsch Catalogue 1 .) 1 Page 24, No. 359; BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 1399 Bibliotheca Americana. 273 I^^. CLEMENT VII & CHARLES V First line: I J TO, CAROLVS Qutntus fciutna fauente OTle^ tnentta ^omanoru Jmperator temper Euguftus ac Cermanie . ^ifpantaru btriufq, g>ictlte . iem . Ungarie, Balmatie, OTroacie . Jnfularu laru . J^rtunatarucp . ac noui (Drtte Jntrtaru Ninety-first line : IBatum Uononie fufc Enno a i^atiuitate 5m fEillefimoptngenteftmotrtgeftmo .... %* One vellum sheet, containing ninety-two printed lines and a few words in manuscript. (Private Library, New York.) The present is a document emanating from Charles V, dated Bologna, March 2jd, 1530, and reciting two Papal Bulls from Clement VIP. The first of these is addressed to Charles V, as sovereign of New Spain, and alludes to the new islands discovered under his auspices, in addition to Hispaniola, and such as were subdued and Christianized by Ferdinand. Beinceps quocp omfilrtmus [says he], te quoaU in ijumante iregerte [?] Barbaras nattones atr mfl omntu aptfice et coiutore teu cognofcetrum no fclfl etiictts atrmonttionttufqui . fetr et armts et birttus (ft npug fuertt) bt earum anime celeftis tegni fiant parttcipes copulfuru . omntc^ ftuirio cffectutu.* This document is not interesting merely from the fact that it gives to Charles V authority to furnish ecclesiastical dignitaries, thus conceding the long-contro- 1 We failed to find those two Bulls in nations to come to the knowledge of God, the Luxemb. edition of CHERUBINI S Bui- the maker and founder of all things, not larium Magnum Romanum. only by edicts and admortitions, but also by * dnglicc : Whereupon we trust that force and arms, if needful, in order that as long as you are on earth you will com- their soul may partake of the heavenly pel and with all zeal cause the barbarous kingdom. 35 274 Bibliotheca Americana. verted right about investitures, at least as regarded the New World, but also from the circumstance that it boldly enounces the doctrine which a few years later became the subject-matter of those bitter controversies, now personified in the eyes of the historian by Bartho lomew de Las Casas on the one side, and Juan Gines de Sepulveda on the other. It is worthy of notice that Sepulveda lived at or near Rome during the entire pon tifical life of Clement VII (1523-1534); and we are inclined to believe that the too-famous Democrates secun- dus, seu De Justis belli causis (a MS. copy of which exists in a private library, Providence, R. I.) quotes as an authority this Bull of the ambitious Julius de Medicis. I53* ENCISO (M. DE) Under a large sphere, held by a band: 5 mmi be trata tre totras lag partttras r prouinci || as trel muntro: en Special trelas tntrias. ||r trata larga= mente trel arte trel marearlliuntamente con (a ester a en romance: || conel regtmieto trel foi g *re! norte: ago || tanueuamente ementrafoa tre algtinoslltiefecs tos \ tenia enla tmprettio paffatra.ll Signs of the zodiac on the verso. End of Colophon : . . . jfue impteffa enla nottliffi || mar mug leal cittratr tre g>nulla pot Sua crom- 1| terger: en el ano trela encarnacion tre nue-||ftro fefior Jefu cjrifto tre mil r <puni-||*nto8 . r . xxx. *,,,* Folio, title one leaf-f- fifty-seven numbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) Direct references: f PANZER, Annales Tyfogr., Vol. IX, page 475. J Bibliotheca Hebcriana, Part II, No. 2163. ( Raetzel Catalogue, No. 911. Bibliotheca Americana. 275 .. MARTYR (PETER) Within a border representing tht labors of Hercules : DE OR BE NO no llrtri lllartoris tari0 8 ptiuilegio .imperial! (Eotnpluti aputr eie fl IBsuia Within the border, the words : diOKoka raAd, Suftine, & abjline. Colophon : EXCVSVM COMPLVTI IN AEDIBVS || Michaelis de Eguia. Anno Virginei || partus M.D.XXX. || Menfe Decebri. * J|C * Title one leaf + one leaf for Preface + leaves numbered iij- cxij, + three unnumbered leaves for Vocabula Barbara. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) First complete edition of the eight Decades. It is in 276 Bibliotheca Americana. some respects 1 more correct than HakluytV, which is usually considered the best. The copy before us contains at the end a map in woodcut: l( tipu s orbis unluer sails .... ghedruct fatwerpen by M. peter de Wale i de guide hant" which is not without interest when we read the note added to the Heber copy 3 , and referring to " the curious map of Apianus, cut in wood at Ant werp, 1530." See supra, page 122. Direct references: f PINELO-BARCIA, Vol. n, col. 579. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. Ill, Part I, page 273. TERNAUX, No. 36. BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 293. GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 130. Bibliotheca Browniana, page 15, No. 49. I55* S ^PIDO (SULpicio) " Epitome Hist. &? Cron. Mundi. " Lyons 1 53-" "In un certo libretto [the above] si trova sotto 1 anno 1492: * Insulae quaedam in Oceano, antiquioribus ignotae hoc aevo veluti novum Orbi ab Americo Vesputio primum & deinde a Christoforo Columbo lustrantur. " (BANDINI*.) 156. "GEMMA PHRYSIVS de Principiis Aftron- omiae & Cofmographiae ; de ufu Globi ; de Orbis divi- fione ac Infulis : JOAN . GRAPHEUS typis excudebat. 4to Antverp 1530. " Menfe Octobr. V<eneunt cum Globis Lovanii apud Gregorium Zaflenum, & Antverpise apud Gregorium Scuto Bafilienfi" (MAITTAIRE 8 ) 1 Cf. the passage on verso of leaf Ixxviij. 8 Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part VI, No. See Bulletin Societ e de Geogr., for September 215. and October, 1858, p. 271. 4 Vita di A. Vespucci^ p. LXXIII. a Paris, 8vo, 1587. * Annales Typogr., Vol. u, P. n, p. 737, Bibliotheca Americana. 277 I57* ^OMPONIUS MELA Within an ornamented border: I C^O, * POMPONII || MELAE DE ORBIS SITV = LIBRI || tres, accuratiffime emedati vna cum Commenta||rijs loachimi Vadiani Heluetii caftigatiori- 1| bus, & multis in locis auc- toribus facliis : id quod cadidus Ie6tor obi ter, &||in tranfcurfu facile de- 1| prehendet | ADIECTA funt preeterea loca aliquot ex VADIANI comentarijs _ fum- || matim repetita, & obiter explicata : in quibus egftimandis cen- fendifqz dottijfi- || mo uiro loanni CAMERTI ordinis Minorum Theo- logo, cum loachimo || VADIANO non admodum conuenit. || RVRSVM, Epiftola Vadiani, ab eo pene adulefcente ad Rudolphum Agri\ colam iuniorem fcripta, non indigna leclu, nee inutilis ad ea capienda, qux ali- 1| ubi in Commentary s fuis lib are magis, quam longius exp Heart uoluit. || If LVTETIAE PARISIORVM, ANNO M.D.XXX. Colophon : LVTETIAE PARISIORVM, MENSE IVNIO ANNO, A CHRISTO NATO M.D.XXX. * ;)c * Folio; title one leaf -f- thirteen unnumbered leaves, + one hundred and ninety-six + one unnumbered leaf for a title, -f- twenty-seven unnumbered leaves, + one leaf, recto of which is blank, while the verso contains a printer s mark, viz. : a tree, a bird flying, and the motto : VNICVM . ARBVSTVM NON ALIT DVOS ERITHACOS. No map. (Private Library, New York.) See the epistle to Agricola, signature Y. Dirtct referencei : f MAITTAIRE, Annalcs Tyfogr., Vol. n, Part 11, page 738. Bibliotheca Thottiana, Vol. vu, page 103. PANZER, Annales Tyfogr,, Vol. vin, page 141. Bibliotheca Barlowiana, page 15. 2y 8 Bibliotheca Americana. FRIES (LAURENT) Recto of the first leaf: mtb Wanna odcr bie mfr||cartei2>arin matt feljen mag i ma einer in b tuclt ft) mud urn cin t)t(irf) || Innb umffcr Hub ft ct lia,f sale in be Inl djliit angfjogt nil in b djartc $ufd)cn. || Then woodcut representing men with dogs heads, dividing human flesh. Colophon : toon tmb || tooflftibf tiff 3ant ?)dr,qf || abfttt ?)m. gar . . jm . m . xxx. ii *,,,* Folio ; title one leaf -{- twenty-one unnumbered leaves, no maps. (See notice on first column of last leaf.) (Private Library, New York.) Direct reference : GRAESSE, Vol. II, page 635. " MARINEO (Lucio) Obra Compuefta de las Cofas Memorables e Claros Varones de Efpana, Alcala, 1530. Folio." (Bibliotheca Hcberiana 1 .} 1 Part i, No. 4680. * We find in BARCIA-PINELO (col. 721) what seems to us an eminently apocryphal book, at least under the date of 1 5 30, vix. : " F. ANTONIO DE CEPEDA, Dominico, Arte de las Lenguas de Chiapa, Loques, Cel- dales, i Chinatlecas, imp. Mexico . 1530." While on the subject of American Lin- guistics, can the reader inform us who it that " Vvadingo," whom BARCIA quotes so often with regard to the Central American languages ? See Titulo xvm, Vol. II, p. 719, sy. He is altogether unknown to EGUJARA and BERISTAIN. Eibliotheca Americana. 279 I 60. MARTYR (PETER^ Within the same border as in M. 154: I OPVSEP ttolm tin r nefte ^rotonotarif ^pllci attf a cofi- lijs mu Jntrica rti: nuc jhnu et natu r metrio cri cuta excu fum: qtre terftili benuftate moftroru $$ tepo^ f)tftort^ loco ette potertt. Otopiutt Enno tint. prtutiegto Colophon : Ijac men Epiftolarum Petri Martyris Mediola || nenfis citra contro- uerfia eruditiffimi II in celeberrima & in omni literaru || genere II II O maxime florenti Aca || demia Complutenfi in||Aedibus Michae|| lis de Eguia || Anno a || Chrifto || nato. || M.D.XXX. Folio; title one leaf + eleven preliminary unnumbered leaves -}- one hundred and ninety-nine numbered leaves. (There is some mistake in the pagination after fol. 193 or 198.) Text in Roman characters. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) 280 Bibliotheca Americana. Our readers are aware that Peter Martyr was a courtier. He acknowledges himself that he took ex- o treme pleasure in the society of the great 1 , and was on intimate terms with the most influential men of his day and country. His correspondence with these has been preserved, and covers a period of not less than thirty- seven years. The first letter bears the date of January i, 1488, when he came originally to Spain, while the last is dated May, 1525, the year preceding his death. These 816 or 813 letters form a curious medley of accounts, opinions and descriptions, not altogether free from twaddle, but which initiate us into the secret workings of the Spanish government at the beginning of the sixteenth century, and the inner life of the principal personages of the time. The insanity of Queen Joanna 2 , the cupidity of the Flemish courtiers 5 , Luther s Reformation 4 , the expulsion of the Jews 5 , the atrocious deeds of the Inquisition 6 , the conquest of Granada 7 , the attempt on the life of Ferdinand 8 , the battle of Pavia 9 , &c., are all described with zest and a certain couleur locale which is not without charm. But the letters which interest us most are the following : cxxx, May, 1493, to Jo. BORROMEO ; cxxxin, Septem ber, 1493, to Count TENDILLA ; cxxxiv, same date, to ASCANIO SFORZA; cxxxv, October, 1493, to the Abp. of Gallicia (?) ; cxxxvin, November, 1493, to SFORZA; CXL, February, 1494, to the Abp. of Granada; CXLII, November, 1494, to Jo. BORROMEO; CXLVI and CLII, December and January, 1494, to POMPONIUS L^ETIUS ; CDXIV, August, 1495, to BERNARDIN CARAVAJAL ; CLXVIII, October, 1496, to the same. These are among the epistles to which Humboldt calls the attention 10 of the reader in his interesting 1 " Felicia haec (blandimenta naturae) Epist. cccxxxm, sq. deliciosi predicant, magnorum me viro- 7 Epist. xcu. rum sola commercia beant." Epist. xcv. 8 Epist. cxxv, cf. ORTIZ Tratados, 1 Epist. cccxvi, sq. supra, No. 10, p. 32. * Epist. DCXIII, sq. " Epist. DCCCXIII. 4 Epist. DCLXXXIX, sq. 10 Examen Critique, Vol. n, Appendix, 6 Epist. v, vi, sq. PP- Bibliotheca Americana. 281 account of Peter Martyr s Of us Epistolarum, in these words : "Je terminerai cette note en citant les lettres de 1493 qui ont rap port a Christophe Colomb (Architbalasso, Novi Orbis repertort) : elles se trouvent pag. 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96, 101, 102, 116, de 1 edition d Amsterdam 11 , 1670. Com- parez dans 1 edition d Alcala de Henares, 1530 [present No. 159], pag. 71, 81, 84, 89, 92, 95, 116, etc.") Meusel also mentions : " Quae ad res Americanas fpectant, maxime funt fequentes : [Nos.] 130, 133, 142, 144, 146, 152, 156, 158, 164, 168, 202, 532, 545, 549, 551, 560, 562." We refer in the body of this work to the other epistles which refer to Mexico, Grijalva, Cor tes, &c. These letters were carelessly written, and the testimony of Juan de Vergara 11 , who asserts having seen Peter Martyr dispatch a couple of epistles while his servants were laying the table for dinner, is sufficient to account for the inaccuracies and contradictions which they contain. Hallam says of these epistles : " They are full of interesting facts, and would be still more valuable than they are could we put our trust in their genuineness as strictly contemporary documents. La Monnoye (if I remember right 13 , certainly some one) long since charged the author with imposture, on the ground that the letters, into which he wove the history of his times, are so full of anachronisms as to render it evident that they were fabricated afterwards." 1 11 OPUS||EPISTOLARUM||PErfl/ LEONARD, Typographum Regium, || da MARTTR1S || ANGLERII MEDIO- loc LXX. L4NENSIS, || Protonotarii Apostolici, *#* Folio, 813 letters. Prioris Archiepiscopatus Granatensis, at- 12 See his letter to F. de Ocampo apud que a || Consiliis Rerum Indicarum His- QUINTANILLA Y MENDOZA, Archetype de panicis, tanta cura excusum, ut || praeter Virtudes ; Palermo, 1653, quoted by AN- styli venustatem quoque fungi possit vice TONIO, Bibl. Hispan. Nova, Vol. II, p. 372, Luminis || Historiae superiorum temporum.|| and PRESCOTT, Ferdinand and Isabel/a, Cut acccsserunt \\ E PISTOLS || FERDI- Vol. II, p. 76, note. NANDI da PULGAR \\ Coaetanei Lat- 13 Is it not VAS^EUS in Chronico Hispanta, inae pariter atque Hispanicae cum Trac- cap. IV, as quoted by Vossius, De Histor. tatu Hispanico de || Viris Castellae Illus- Latin., Lib. in, p. 671 ? tribus. 14 Literature of Europe, Vol. I, cap. IV, EDITIO POSTREMA. 8 1. HALLAM cites in support of his fl AMSTELODAMI, Typis ELZEVIRIANIS. || assertion the following anachronisms : Veneunt || PARISIIS, || Apud FREDERICUM " in the year 1489 he writes to a friend In 3 6 282 Eibliotheca Americana. ^ 3 O Mr. Prescott cites in favor of Peter Martyr s veracity, - Galindez de Carvajal 15 , Alvaro Gomez 15 and Juan de Vergara, all of whom were his contemporaries. Mr. Helps adds the name of Las Casas 17 . Antonio 18 , Flechier 19 , Niceron 20 , speak highly of our author, while Munoz", although soliciting the indulgence of the pub lic for "el candor con que [Martyr] lo confiesa todo, por su niugun afan en publicar sus borrones," says that " debe procederse con gran cautela." Antonio states 18 that when F. Barberini was his brother Urbain VIII s nuncio to Spain (1630), the present edition of Peter Martyr s epistles had already became so rare, that he was obliged to pay a very high price for a manuscript copy, in lieu of a printed original. Niceron adds 20 that " cette premiere edition etant extremement rare, M. le premier President de Lamoignon donna I exemplaire qu il avait dans sa Bibliotheque, a Charles Patin, qui en fit faire une nouvelle en Hollande" plus belle & plus correcte." Prescott points out some errors in this reprint. peculiarem te nostrae tempestatis morbum, qui ap- pellatione Hispana Bubarum dicitur, ab Italis mor- bus Gallicus, medicorum Elephantiam alii, alii aliter appellant, incidisse prascipitem, libero ad me scribis pede. Efist. 68. Now if we should even believe that this disease was known some years before the discovery of America and the siege of Naples [it always was known], is it probable that it could have obtained the name of morbus Gallicus before the latter aera? In February, I jn, he com municates the absolution of the Venetians by Julius II, whieh took place in February, lyio. Efist. 45:1. In a letter dated at Brussels, 31 Aug., 1510 (Efist. 689), he mentions the burning of the canon law at Wittenberg by Luther, which is well known to have happened in the ensuing year." We should add, after HUMBOLDT, that in an Epistle dated December 2,9, 1493, Peter Martyr refers to events which took place at Hispaniola, the news of which were first brought to Spain, March 1 6, 1494 In Efist. 1 68, dated October, 1496, we find an account of events which hap pened in 1498. The Epistles 181, 185, dated Sept. and Nov. 1497, mention the arrival of Vasco da Gama at Calichut by the Cape of Good Hope, although the latter was not doubled until November 20, 1497. Mr. PRESCOTT says in reply that " after all the errors, such as they ar , in Peter Mar tyr s Epistles, may probably chiefly be charged on the publisher." Loc. cit., p. 77, note. Mufioz is more e-mphatic : Estoy persuadido a que estos errores son del co- lector de los papeles, sueltos do Martir." Histor. del Nue-vo Mundo, p. XIV. 15 Anales, MS., pro/ago. 18 De Rebus Gestis \_Francisci Ximinii] ; Alcala, fol., 1569. 17 " De los cuales cerca destas primeras cosas a ninguno se debe dar mas fee que a Pedro Martir [referring, however, only to the Dec des], ap. HELPS, The Spanish con quest in America, Vol. I, p. 107. 18 Bibl. Hisp. Nova, Vol. II, p. 373. 19 Histoire du Cardinal Ximencs, Vol. I, p. 7, cited by CHAUFFEPIE, Dictionnairc, Vol. Ill, p. 49, art. Martyr. ao Mcmoircs, Vol. XXXIII, p. ZIO. 81 Histor. del Nue-vo-Mundo, p. XIII. Bibliotheca Americana. 283 Direct references: f MAITTAIRE, Annales Typogr., Vol. n, Part II, page 743. I C* JO* -| PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. VI, page 445. * I MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. in, Pt. I, page 2,71, nj. ARGELATUS & SAXIUS, Biblioth. Script. Medial. , col. 1941. SCHLOZER, Briefivechsel m. hiftor. Inhalts, Pt. II, page 207, tq. Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part vi, No. 2414, and Part VII, No. 3944. Bibliotheca Bro-wniana, page 15, No. 50. BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 294. EBERT, No. 13319. GRAESSE, Vol. I, page 130. 1 6 1. MAFFEI OF VOLTERRA-" Commentariorum ur- banorum Libri XXXVIII. Bafil. 1530. f." l62. RESENDE (A. A. DE) Recto of the first leaf: EPITOME RERVM GESTARVM || 1531 in India a Lufitanis, anno fuperiori, iuxta 5 " 8 exem-| plum epiftolae, quam Nonius Cug- na, dux Indiae|| max. defignatus, ad regem mifit, ex vrbe Ca- || nanorio, IIII. Idus Odlobris. Anno. || M.D.XXX. || Audlore An- gelo Andrea Refendio Lufitano. || Louanii apud Seruatium ZafTenum, An no || M.D.XXXI. Menfe lulio. Ad fi- || gnu Regni coelorum. || *.* 410, title one leaf + fifteen unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, Providence.) 1 Biblioth. Histor., Vol. I, Part I, page Sixti IF, Innocentii fill, Alexander VI 281; and FABRICIUS, Bibl. Lat. Med. Vol. & Pit III; Venet, 1518, fol.), which vi, page 142, who also mentions: "Com- may contain additional details concern- mentarii rerum urbanarum, lib. xxxvill, ing the first voyage of Columbus and cum Oeconomico Xenophontis. Paris, the Embassies of Obedience intrusted to apud Jod. Badium 1526," and a life of Bernardin de Carvajal and Francisco de Alexander VI by the same author (Vita Almeida. 284 Bibliotheca Americana. We found this work in a library devoted exclusively to America, but, as far as we can recollect, failed to dis cover anything relating to the subject before us. The title, as well as Meusel s notice 1 , indicates that the work belongs to the Bibliotheca Asiatica. There were three Portuguese Resendes, who were contemporaries, viz. : Andrew Falcam de Resende, a Portuguese poet, who died in 1598; Garcia de Resende, the historian and poet, who died in 1554, and whose Chronica we notice, infra, after quoting it in reference to the disposition evinced by the noblemen of the court of John II to murder Columbus when he landed at Rastello (supra, page 6) ; and the present Angelo Andrea de Resende, born in 1498, a prolific writer and a great antiquarian, who died, universally respected, in 1573. The reader might consult with advantage the works of I. da Sylva 1 , Barbosa y Machado, and de Figaniere 3 , to ascertain whether among the numerous plaquettes published by A. A. de Resende, some, now extremely rare, do not refer to America or at least to Brazil. Direct references: ( Bibliotheca Grcn-villiana, page 601. ( Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 1 6, No. 51. I 53 2 I ^ ) 3* MARINEO (L.) " Opus de Rebus Hifpaniae memorabilibus, Compluti, Mich, de Eguia, 1532, folio." (Bibliotheca Heberiana*.) 164.. BORDONE (B.)" Ifolario, Vinegia, Zoppino, 1532, folio." (GRAESSE 6 .) 1 Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. v, Pt. i, nalcs, Vol. ix, p. 44.2 ; FREYTAG, Analccta, P- 2,36. p. 57. Under the date of 1539, we de- 2 Diccionario bibliogr. portugutx estudos scribe, in extenso, an original copy of this aff/icavcis a Portugal e do Brasil. work. 3 Bibliografia Historica Portugucza ; 6 Vol. i, p. 495. The Tresor is the Lisbon, 8vo, 1850. only work we could find which mentions 4 Part ii, No. 3618, and PANZER, An- this edition. Bibliotheca Americana. l6c. PTOLEMY Recto of the first leaf: graphics i| Cum Eandaui anno||tationibus eggre || gie illuftratae. || The above title, in the copy before us, is only a fac-simile, but it seems to have been copied from the original. Recto of the next page, printed : ARGENTORATI || apud Petrum Opilionem. M.D.XXXII. * Jlc * Folio ; title one leaf -f ex numbered leaves, followed by eight maps, covering each two leaves, -f- two unnumbered leaves. The last map bears no title ; but, west of Iceland, there is represented a large continent "Inde continuatur littori terrae Baccallaos, 356-60," which contains the following inscriptions : TERRA BACALLAOS, VLTERIORA INCOGNITA GRON- LANDIA, HVETSARGH PROMONT. (Private Library, New York.) See verso of the ninety-second leaf for interesting matter touching Cabot and Cuba. Direct reference: Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part v, No. 5388 (?) 1 6 6. LORITZ OR GLAREANU& " de Geographia liber. Franc. 1532 fol. ab ipfo auctore tertio recognitus." (Athena Rauric* 1 .) Evidently an error, as we give (Nos. 142, 143, 147) editions dated 1527, 1528 and 1530. 1 Si"ve Catalogus Professorum Academ, Basilicnsis, p. 251. 286 Bibtiotheca Americana. 167. P. MARTYR & F. CORTES Recto of the first leaf: t+ EXTRAIT OV RECVEIL DES || Ifies nouuellemet trouuees en la grand mer Oce- 1| ane ou temps du roy Defpaigne Fernad & E/i%a || beth fa femme, fai8t premier ement en latin par || Pierre Martyr de Mi I I an, ^f depuis tranflate en || languaige francoys. || Item trois Narrations : dont la premiere eft de\\ Cuba, & commence ou fueillet i%2.\\La feconde, qui eft de la mer Oceane, commence || ou fueillet 155. \\JLa tierce, qui eft de la prinfe de Tenuflitan, com || mence ou fueillet On les vend a Paris rue fainff lehan de Beau- || uais, chez Simon de Colines au foleil dor. || Colophon : Imprime a Paris par Simon de Colines libraire iure de || luniuerfite de Paris, Lan de grace Mil cinq ces trente-deux, le dou- xiefme iour de Ianuier.\\ *^.* 4to, title one leaf + seven unnumbered leaves + two hundred and seven numbered leaves. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) The present is evidently a translation into French of our No. 126. The first part, which is a version of Peter Martyr s abridgment of the fourth Decade, made for Clement VII (supra, page 187, No. no), is Bibliotheca Americana. 287 dedicated to the Duke d Angouleme. On leaf 132 there is a new dedication to " Marguerite de Flandres tante de Lempereur;" and from leaf 155 to the end we find the Epitome de les Seconde et Tierce Narrationes de la mar Oceane de Ferdinant Cortese^ translatee de latin en francoys. Direct references : ( MAITTAIRE, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. II, Part II, page 772. PANZER, Annalcs Typogr. Vol. VIII, page 153. NICERON, Memoircs, Vol. XXIII, page 212. TERNAUX, No. 37. BRUNET, Vol. I, col. 293. Histor. Typogr. alq. Parisiens., Part II, page 9. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part X, No. 2189. Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 27. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 1 6, No. 52. Hibbert Catalogue, No. 5205, and Raetzel s, No. 1159. 1 68. CORTES (FERNANDO) Within a border, composed of twenty-jive escutcheons of Spanish provinces and towns, #* DE INSVLIS NV||PER INVENTIS FER DINAND: CORTESII || ad Carolum V. Rom. Imperatorem Narrationes, cum alio|| quo- dam Petri Martyris ad Clementem VII. Pon || tificem Maximum coniimilis argu- menti||libello.||5[ His accefferunt Epiftolae duae. de feliciffimo apud Indos||Euangelij incremento, quas fuperioribus hifce diebus qui-||dam fratres Mino. ab India in Hif- paniam tranfmilTerunt. || ^f Item Epitome de inuentis nuper Indiae populis idolatris|| ad fidem Chrifti, atqp adeo ad Ecclefiam Catholicam conuer-||tendis, Autore P. P. F. Nicolao Herborn, regularis obferuantias, 288 Bibliotheca Americana. *53 2 ordinis Minorum General! ComirmTario || = Cifmontano. || f Venduntur, in pingui Gallina. || Anno M.D.XXXII.H Then, portrait of the Emperor. Colophon on recto of the last leaf: ^f Coloniae ex officina Melchioris Noue- fiani, Anno M||DXXXII. Decimo Ka- lendas mentis Septembris. || Verso of the last leaf, after a printer s mark, with the inscription : IN PINGVI GALLINA : ^f Coloniae, Impenfis honefti ciuis Ar-|| noldi BircKman. Anno Domini || M. D. XXXII. Menfe || Septembri.H* * # * Folio, title one leaf + three preliminary unnumbered leaves -|- eight unnumbered leaves for De Insults -\- thirty leaves for the Second Narration + thirty-three for the Third Narration -f- seven unnumbered leaves. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) This translation of the Second and Third Narrations of Cortes contains, besides Peter Martyr s De Insults, * Angltcl : The Narrations of Fernando Christian faith, and to the Catholic Church, Cortes to Charles V, Emperor of Germany, by the Rev. Father Nicholas Herborn, concerning the islands lately discovered, General Cismontane Commissary of the with a certain other tract of Peter Martyr, order of the Minorites of the regular to Pope Clement VII, on a similar subject, observance. To these are added two letters referring to Sold at the Fat Hen, 1532. the most fortunate increase of the Gospel Cologne, from the office of Melchior among the Indians, which certain friars of Novesianus, 1532., tenth Kalend of Sep- the Minorite order transmitted formerly tember. from India to Spain. Also an Epitome Cologne, printed by the honest citizen concerning the conversion of the idolatrous Arnold Birckman, A. D. 1532, month of people of India, lately discovered, to the September. Bibliotheca Americana. 289 a letter from Friar Martin de Valencia 1 , dated June 1532, 1 2th, 1531, at the convent of Thalmanaco in Yucatan, -=== and other letters sent from Mexico by Zumarraga, the first bishop of that city, which will be found in the Novus Orbis of 1555*. Direct references: f PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. VI, page 423. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Histories, Vol. in, Part I, page 269. TERNAUX, No. 39. Bibliotheca Grenvi/liana, page 167. Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part I, No. 2037. Bibliotheca Browniana, page 17, No. 55. Bibliotheca Barloiviana, page 8. Stevens American Bibliographer^ page 87. 169. " Martyrio &c. y tres cartas de Mexico, 4 to." We find this short notice in Rich s Supplement under the date of 1532, but are unable to add anything to it. Niceron states 5 , we do not know on what authority, when speaking of the Decades and especially of Hak- luyt s edition: "II y a eu d autres editions faites pre- cedemment en Espagne, dont j ignore les dates." This may be one of those early Spanish editions, but we very much doubt its existence anywhere and at any time. Were it not for the fact that the above title is in Spanish, we should think that Rich meant to refer to the Cologne edition of Savorgnano s Cortes (infra], which contains the De Insulis of Peter Martyr, and several letters from Mexico. 1 "(VALENCIA, MARTIN) Religiose del orden tiempo se ha ocultado su sepultura, apesar de la de San Francisco : Nacib en la villa de Don Juan, diligencias que han hecho los Religiosos desu orden de Castilla la Vieja, fue uno de los primeros Reli- para encontrarla: escribio : giosos que pasaron a la Nueva Espana el ano de Cartas sobre diferentcs cosas de los Yndios: 1524, con celo apostolico de la conversion de los 1532 fol. Yndios, y de los que mas frutocogieron : era detail El Lutero de las almas de Kuketan [lie] y consumada virtud que murio en opinion de Santidad Nueva Espana : 1532, fol." en el Pueblo de Tlamanalco, donde por tradicion (ALCEDO, Bib!. Am. MS.) dicen que ha obrado Dios muchos milagros por su 9 pp. 536677. intercesion ; y se mantubo su cuerpo entero treinta s n/r--. - TI-, j anos despues de su muerte, con veneracion de Memoires four S er-v,r a fhntoirt des aquellos Naturales, hasta que con el discurso del hommes lllustrcs t Vol. XXIII, p. 2 1 a. 37 290 Bibliotheca Americana. 1532. iyO. ZIEGLER (J.) Recto of the Jirst leaf: QVAE || INTVSCON || TINENTVR.II SYRIA, ad Ptolomaici operis rationem, Praeterea Stra- bo||ne, Plinio, & Antonio audtoribus lo- cupletata. || PALESTINA, iifdem audoribus. Praeterea Hi-||ftoria facra, & lofepho, & diuo Hieronymo locupletata. || ARABIA Pe- traea, flue, Itinera filiorum Ifrael per de-|| fertum, iifdem au&oribus. || AEGYPPVS, iif dem audtoribus. Praeterea Ioanne|| Leone arabe grammatico, fecundum recentiorum locorum fitu,||illuftrata.||scHONDiA, tradita ab au6loribus, qui in eius o-|| peris prologo HOLMIAE, ciuitatis regie, fue- tiae, deplorabilis exci- || dij Chriftiernum Datiae cimbricae regem, hiftoria. || REGION- VM fuperiorum, fingulae tabulae Geogra|| phicae. || ARGENTORATI \\apud Petrum Opilionem.|| M. D. XXXII. "V* Folio, one hundred and ten numbered leaves -J- eighteen un numbered leaves, occupied with maps and INCASTIGTIONEM. (British Museum.) " min. charta ct typis niti dissimis 1 ." James Ziegler or Ciglerus* was a Bavarian theologian, born in 1480, who cultivated mathematics and cosmog- 1 MXUSIL, Bill. Histor., Vol. I, Part n, p. 95. a SCHEFFER, Suecia Lit,, p. 473. Bibliotheca Americana. 291 raphy with success, and died in 1549. We suppose that the above is the book referred to by Mr. Biddle , under the title of " Ziegler s work on the Northern Regions (Argent, ed. of 1532. fol. 92. b.)" in reference to Cabot s voyage. It is the only work of Ziegler which was printed at Strasburg in 1532, and although the words " Liber de regionibus septentrionahbus" do not appear on the title, we know that there is a part of the work devoted to the northern regions (under the quaint name of Schondia, which Ziegler uses for Greenland, Ice land, &c.), and which was published under Biddle s title latinized, but only in 1542 (supra). In the chapter on Schondia, under the head of Groen- landia, on the reverse of leaf xcn, the author says : " Petrus Martyr mediolanenfis in hifpanicis nauigatioibus fcribit, Antoninium quendam Cabotum foluentem a Britannia, nauigaffe continue uerfus feptentrionem, quoad incideret in cruftas glatiales menfe lulio, inde ergo conuerfum remigafTe continue fecundum littus fefe incuruans auftrum uerfus, donee ueniret ab fitum contra Hifpaniam fupra Cubam infulam Cani- balum," &c. Moreri 4 mentions a work of Ziegler which may have some bearing on the subject: De Rebus Indicis libet ; unless it is the chapter de Moluccis insults, added to the edition of 1542. Direct rcfcrcnctt : ( FREYTAG, Analecta Litt., page 1114. j MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. I, Part TT, page 95. (PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vi, page iaz, No. 121. I 7 ! HUTTICH OR GRTN&US Recto of the first leaf: NOVVS ORBIS REGIOn NVM AC INSVLARVM VETERIBVS INCOGNITA- RVM, || una cum tabula cofmographica, & * Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, p. 31. * Dictionnaire (i8th edit.), p 108, 292 Eiblwtheca Americana. 1532. aliquot alijs conflmilis || argument! libellis, ----- quorum omnium catalogus || fequenti pate- bit pagina. || His acceffit copiofus rerum memorabilium index. || Then printer s mark and : Fata uiam inuenient. BASILEAE APVD lo. HERVAGIVM, MENSE MARTIO, ANNO M.D.XXXII.* * J|C * Title one leaf + twenty-three unnumbered leaves + pages numbered 584. Woodcuts on pages 30 and 129. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) " Ed. collectionis prima 1 ," and certainly an invaluable collection, which reflects credit upon John Huttich, who alone compiled it. Simon Grynaeus only wrote the pref ace, yet it bears the latter s name, and having been printed by Hervagius, Meusel 1 calls the present work Collectio Huttichio- Grynteo-Hervagiano. John Huttich was born at Mentz towards 1480, and died in 1544, at Strasburg, where he held one of the canonships in the Cathedral of that city 3 . <c Er war ein grosser Freund der Alterthiimer," says Jocher 4 . As to Simon Grynaeus, he was an inveterate talker 5 , one of the early Reformers, the personal friend of Luther, Calvin and Melancthon, and the fortunate discoverer of the last five books of Livy, hitherto lost, and after- * Anglict : A new globe of regions and Basle, at John Hervagius , March, 1532. islands unknown to the ancients, together * Kloss Catalogue, No. 2887. with a cosmographical table, and some a Bibliothcca Historica, Vol. in, Pt. I, other treatises containing similar things j p. 221. the catalogue of which will appear on the 3 JOHANNES, Serif tores Histor. Mogun- following page. An index of memorable tina:, Vol. in, p. 321. things has been added. * Allgtmtlncs Gelehrt. Lexic., Vol. II, "I am obvious." col. 1792. " Destiny will work its way out." * HUET, de clar. interf., Vol. I, p. 166. Bibliotheca Americana. 293 wards published by Erasmus. Not less than seven of his descendants, all bearing the name of Grynaeus, have acquired great reputation as scholars and theologians. He died in I54i 6 . Baillet says of the printer 7 : " Erasme estimait fort Hervagius, & disait que nous avons obliga tion a Aide de nous avoir donne le premier le Prince des Orateurs \_Posterior Scaligeran. page 54], mais que nous sommes beaucoup plus redevables a Hervagius de 1 avoir mis en un etat beaucoup plus accom pli, & de n avoir epargne aucune depense ni aucun soin pour lui donner la perfection." The chapters which are of importance to the student of American history are : The first three voyages of Columbus, pp. 115-118. Vincente Yanez Pinzon s voyage, pp. 122-130. . The duplicate of Vespuccius third voyage, pp. 130-142. The four voyages of Vespuccius, copied from Griininger s edition (No. 60), pp. 184-187. The extract of the fourth Decade of Peter Martyr, pp. 570584. Mr. Grenville says 8 : " The Title-Page announces a Map, with a description of the Map by Munster , but no map has, as far as I can learn, ever been seen in this edition. Neither do Camus, Meuselius, Maittaire, Panzer, or any of the Bibliographical books appear to have noticed in this and in the subsequent editions the constant deficiency of the map." We have been more fortunate, for not only do we know of a number of catalogues 10 which advertise the Novus Orbis of Basle, 1532, "with a map," but we have seen several copies of the latter edition which contained it. Whether they were the maps really belonging to the work, and described by Munster, we are unable to Athcnat Rauricae p. 71. temporibus ab Alberico Vesputio et Christophoro 7 c-s . TT i T .o. __j D-..7 Columbo multisque alijs insienibus uiris inventus 7 yugementt, Vol. I, p. 382, and Sail. egt qui non abs re \ uarta orbis ^ nuncupari potest , Buchdruck.) p. Iiy- ut jam terra non sit tripartita, sed quadripartita ; 8 Bibliotheca Grcrrvilliana, p 498. quum has Indianasinsulaesuamagnitudine Europam I. tabula* co^raphi* intM ^ ^ ^ M per Scbaittanum Munstcrum. It is in this kind of geographical treatise that occurs l See, among others, Walcknaer s, Tro- the passage so often quoted : mel s Tross , Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part " In Occano occidental! fere nouus Orbis nostris VII, Nos. 2848 and 2849, &c. 2 94 Bibliotheca Americana. say, as no two copies of this edition had the same. We have before us one, which is as follows : On one line: COSMOGRAPHICVS VNIVER- SALIS. ^ Then a highly ornamented border, and two inscriptions within a square, one beginning with the word INDIA, and the other SCVTARVM. The newly rediscovered world is represented on the north of a long strip of land, bearing the inscription Terra de Cuba; the isthmus is cut asunder, as in the Chinese maps. The southern part contains these words only : Farias, Cani- bali, AMERICA || TERRA NOVA, Prifilia. Then, in type of this size, the word : ASIA. This, which we call A, we are inclined to consider as the genuine map. We have seen four or five copies of the Novus Orbls of Basle, 1537 (infra},, each containing a map which is literally copied from the present, but with this only difference : the word ASIA is printed in a kind of type somewhat different and smaller. The latter, which we call B, is also frequently seen in the Novus Orbis of Basle, 1555. Another Novus Orbis of Basle 1532", contains a map bearing the following inscription : Tabula nouarum Infularum, quas diuer- fis refpe&ibus Occidentales & Indianas uocant. In this, which we call C, the word AMERICA is not to be found; we only read on the southern part of this continent : <c Nou orbis," Infula Atlantica quam uocant Brafil & Americam," and $ie 9Jiitt) || 2Mt. || 11 Bibliothcca Browniana, p. 1 6, No. 53. Eibliotheca Americana. 295 It is in appearance entirely different from A and B; 1532, and, if our memory serves us right, we think it belongs ________ to some of the small folio Ptolemies. At all events, we find in the Ptolemy of H. Petrus, Basle, 1540 (infra), one which resembles it in many respects. The chief differences between the latter and C, consist in a different title, the absence of the German inscription, and the addition of a large caravel on the Pacific, close to the Southern continent. The demand for bibliographical rarities of this kind always brings a supply. The imagination of book sellers is fertile, as collectors know; the Ptolemies and Munsters published at Basle in large numbers have not all found their way into the waste basket, and we fancy that these present an easy method of supplying the cartographical deficiency in the Novus Orbis, so fre quently complained of. The edition of Paris, 1532 (No. 172), contains no additions. That of Basle, 1537 (infra) t has Maximilian of Transylvania s Letter concerning Magellan s Voyage. In the edition of Basle, 1555, the following have been added : The Cortez Narrations (Second and Third), the letters on the propagation of the Gospel among the Indians, the epistle of the Bishop of Temixtitan "in Hu- ketan," and the summary of Herborn s Discourse on the conversion of the Indians to the Catholic faith. As to Balthazar Lydius edition 11 , Brunet says : " Ce recueil renferme la partie de la collection de Grynaeus qui se rapporte a 1 Amerique, et de plus la dissertation de Varrerius, vul- gairement nomme Caspar Barreiros, neveu du celebre Jean de Barros." This " partie qui se rapporte a 1 Amerique," con sists of: Navigatio Cristofori Colombi. " Vinzentii Pinzoni. " Americi Vesputii. 13 Novas orbis, id est navigations prlma Varrcrll discursum de Orphyra regions; in Amcrlcam : quibus adjunximut Gasp. Rotterdam, 8 vo, 1 61 6 296 Bibliotheca Americana. 2 P- Martyr, de Insults nuper inventis. Ferdinandi Cortesii narrationes. Nic, Herborn, de Indis convertendis. All taken from the 1555 edition. Cornelius Ablijn s version in Dutch 13 , contains in addition the first three decades of Peter Martyr. Under the date of 1534, we describe Michael HerrV 4 trans lation into German, which gives only the chapters in the original of 1532. Direct references: ( MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. Ill, Part I, page 221. < PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. ix, page 405. I RICH, No. 7. TERNAUX, No. 38. CAMUS, Memoires sur de Bry, page 6. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 132. TROMEL, page 3, No. 4. Catal. Biblioth. Theresiana, Vol. II, page 150. Bibliotheca Barloioiana, page 12. I 7 2. IDEM OPUS Recto of the first leaf: NOVVS ORBIS RE- ii GIONVM AC INSVLARVM VE- || teHbuS inCOg- nitarum, una cum tabula cofmographica, & || aliquot aliis confimilis argument! libel- lis, quorum || omnium catalogus fequenti patebit pagina. || His acceffit copiofus re- rum memorabilium index. II 13 Die Nicuive Weerelt der Landt sc hap- Vander Loe, fol., 1563. + 4 11. 813 pp. fen ende Eylanden die tot hier toe alien B. L. (Private Library, Providence. See ouden Weerelt besckriberen onbckcnt gciuccst Bibliotheca Bro-wniana, No. 138.) sign. Waer nu onlanc vanden Poortu- 14 Not Kerr, as it is printed supra, p. galoiseren en Hispaniercn; Antwerp, Jan 64, in line 7 of note 102. Bibliotheca Americana. 297 Then vignette representing a galley bearing the lilies of France, I ^^2. with the motto : VOGUE LA GALEE. PARISIIS APVD GALE- OTVM A || Prato, in aula maiore Palatii regii ad primam columnam. || Colophon : Impreffum Parifiis apud Antonium Au- gellerum, impenfis Ioannis|| Parui & Gale- oti a Prato. Anno M.D.XXXII. VIII. || Galen. Nouembris. || * 5j{ * Folio, of larger size than No. 171 (which is also a folio), title one leaf (with table of contents on the verso) ; -f- twenty- four preliminary leaves, including nineteen of index, -|- five hundred and fourteen pages (p. 512 marked 502, and p. 514, marked 507), + one leaf containing on its recto the register and colophon ; the verso blank. Map. The woodcut on page 30, in No. 170, is here omitted. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) The map in one of the copies before us, instead of being that which is usually found in the Paris edition (described, supra, in No. 171, as D), is the map which we call A on page 294. The other copy 1 contains Oron- tius Fine s map. Cancellieri 2 says of this edition Cf piu rara di tutte." Direct references: f MAITTAIRE, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. II, Part II, page 773. PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. Tin, page 153, No. 2131. HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. IT, page 122. note. BRUNET, Vol. IT, col. 132. Bibliotheca Eroivniana, page 16, No. 54. Bibliotkeca Barlo wiana, page 13. Dissertation! . 38 29 8 Bibliotheca Americana. C 3 2. I 73* HUTTICH OR GRTN&US Precisely tike the above, with this exception : Instead of Galliot Du Pre s printer s mark, there is Jehan Petit s, but differing somewhat from the two specimens inserted in Brunet, as the name of the printer is repeated several times within the vig nette, and the lions heads are of a much bolder type. Then below : PARISIIS APVD IOANNEM || Pa- ruum fub flore Lilio, uia ad fanctum lacobum. As to the map, it is that which belongs properly to the Paris edition, and is as follows : In a scroll : & NOVA, ET INTEGRA VNI- VERSI ORBIS DESCRIPTIO. ^ Then a double- folded homeoterical mappemund. On the right of the reader there is a separate continent, bearing the following inscriptions: BRASIELIE REGIO, RE- GIO PATALIS. ^ TERRA AVSTRALIS REi|| center inuenta, fed nondu plene cognita. || CIRCVLVS ANTARCTICVS; and below, an elongated penin sula, rising from south to north, and containing many words in small type, among which we read: Mons paf- qualis, R. S.Jebaft. R. brazil, R. real; Monte fregofo, and A || ME || RI || CA. || On the left of the reader, emerg ing from the border, there are several narrow strips, with the names : Terra florida, Cuba, Tucatans, lanaica [sic]. Above, we notice a coat-of-arms exhibiting the lilies of France quartered with three dolphins. In the lower part of the map, within a square frame, the in scription : " Orontius . F. 1 Delph . ad lectorem." Offerimus tibi, candidi lector, vniversam orbis terrarvm descrip- tionem, juxta recentium Geographorum ac Hydrographorum mentem, 1 / . e. ORONTIUS FINE. When we rec- knowledge, especially in matters pertaining ollect the wonderful activity displayed by to Cosmography, and his skill as a cartog- this unfortunate man, the extent of his rapher, we are inclined to believe that Bibliotheca Americana. 299 seruatatum ^quatoris, turn parallelorum ad eas quas ex centris pro- I C^ 2. portione, gemina cordis humani formula in piano co-extensam : qua- _...__._..._. rum lasua borealem, dextra vero Australem Mundi partem complec- titur . Tu igitur munusculum hoc liberaliter excipito : habetoque gratias Christiano Wechelo, cujus fauore et impensis haec tibi com- municarimus . Vale, 1531. Mense Julio." (Private Library, New York.) Direct references : J ALCEDO, Bibliotheca Americana, MS., Vol. II, page 641. \ Asher Catalogue for 1865. 1 74.. FRANCK (SEBASTIAN)" Weltbuch : fpiegel vnd 1533* bildnifz des gantzen erdbodens in 4 Bikhern, neurlich o in Afiam, Aphrica, Europam vnd America von neu- wen vnbekanten welten, Infeln vnd erdtrichen fo newlich erfunden worden feindt geftelt und abgetheilt . . . nitt aus Berofo, Joanne de montevilla, S. Brandons Hif- tori und dergleichen fabeln, funder aus angenummenen glaubwirdigen erfamen weltbefchribern mufelig zu hauff tragen etc. Tub., Ulr. Morhart 1533. in-fol." (GRAESSE 1 .) This edition is the earliest we could find of Sebastian Franck s well-known Mirror of the World. We describe, infra, under the dates of 1534 and 1542, original copies of this curious work, which was translated into Flemish in 1563. the following may contain some curious a notice of an edition of 1534, which matter concerning the New World: " Pro- may only be the edition of 1536, which tomathefis : opus varium, ac fcitu non bears the date of 15 34 on the title-page minus utile quam neceffarium, &c. Parifiis and " tausent funffhundert vier und dreys- afud Simoncm Colinacum MDXXXII. fol. segsten jar," in the Colophon. cumfgg. Main. n. p. 768. Bibl. Thott. * " EDEN (RICHARD) Treatise of ill. Pt. I. p. z . " (PANZER.) the new India, with other Newfound- The third part of the Protomathtsis bears landes and Ilandes. Lond. E. Sutton, the title of De Cosmographia si-ve mundi 1533." (LOWNDES, Bibliogr. Manual, sec- sphara Litri V, and it is in this that the ond edition, Part in, p. 712; BRUNZT, reader who has access to the work must GRAESSE, &c.) look for the passages, if any there be, This is only Eden s translation of relating to America. Munster, and should read 1553 instead 1 Tresor, Vol. II, p. 627, contains also of 1533. 300 Bibliotheca Americana. C 7 2. I 7 C. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER) Recto of the first leaf: BELLVM CHRISTI/ || ANORVM PRIN- CIPVM, PRAECIPVE GALLO || RVM, CONTRA SARA- CENOS, ANNO sALVTis || M.Lxxxvin pro terra fandia geftum : autore || ROBERTO MOMACHO [sic]. || CAROLVS Verardus de expugnatione regni Granatae quae con || tigit ab hinc quad- rageflrno fecundo anno, per Catholicu regem || Ferdinandum Hifpaniarum. || Crif- tophorus Colom de prima infularum, in mari Indico fitarumj luftratione, quae fub rege Ferdinando Hifpaniarum fada eft. || De legatione regis Aethiopiae ad Clemen- tern pontificem vii. ac Rege Portugalliae : item de regno, hominibus, atcp moribus eius/ 1| dem populi, qui Trogloditae hodie effe putantur. || loan. Baptifta Egnatius de origine Turcarum. || Pomponius Laetus de exortu Maomethis. || Lector humaniffime habes hie opus quarundam hiftoriaru, quas || iam primu typis noftris ex antique & fcripto exemplari in com || modum tuum euulgauimus.||BAsiLEAE EXCVDEBAT HENRICVS/ PETRVS MENSE AVGVSTO. || Colophon : BASILEAE EXCVDEBAT HENRICVS PE/ || TRVS MENSE AVGVSTO ANNO || M.D.XXXIII. || Bibliotheca Americana. 301 * J)c * Folio; title one leaf, -\- index in two unnumbered leaves, + I C 7 J one blank, -f- one hundred and forty-nine numbered leaves, + _ _^____ one leaf, blank on the recto, with printer s mark on verso. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) The early authors, when referring to the first letter of Columbus, generally quote this collection. The De Insulis is inserted, pages 116-121, under the following title : Christ ophorus Columb (sic] de prima Insularum in mari Indicio sitarum lustratione. " Et pour ce qui est d Henric Petri [the printer, born in 1508 ] on peut voir ce qui est sorti de sa boutique dans le catalogue que ses heritiers en firent imprimer in-4 a Basle, avec une continuation." (BAILLET 2 .) Direct references: ( PANZER, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. vi, page 296, No. 937. -| GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 228. I Bibliotheca Grcn-villiana, page 610. Bibliotheca Brovvniana, page 17, No. 57. Kloss Catalogue, page 240, No. 3366. 176. MARTYR (PETER) Recto of the first leaf: PETRI MARTYRIS||AB ANGLERIA ME- DIOLANEN. ORATORIS || clariffimi, Fernandi & Helifabeth Hifpaniarum quondam re- gum || a confilijs, de rebus Oceanicis & Orbe nouo decades tres : quibus || quicquid de inuentis nuper terris traditum, nouarum rerum cupi- 1| dum le&orem retinere poffit, copiofe, fideliter, eruditecg docetur|| EIVS- DEM PRAETEREA || LEGATIONIS BABY- LONICAE LI || BRI TRES : VBI PRAETER ORATORII MVNERIS || pulcherrimum exem- 1 Easier Buchdruckcrgcsch., pp. 147- 2 Jugcmcns des Savons sur les princi- 149, fac-simile of the printer s mark, and faux outrages des auteurs, Vol. I, page sketch of Petri, the printer. 382. 302 Bibliotheca Americana. 1533. plum, etiam quicquid in uariarum gentium = mori- 1| bus & inftitutis infigniter preclarum uidit, quecp terra maricg acciderunt, omnia le&u mire iucunda, genere dicendi poli- tiffimo traduntur.|| Then printer s mark (a palm tree and PALMA BEB). BASILEAE, || apud loannem Bebelium || M.D.XXXIII. ||* Colophon : Bafileae, per lo. Bebelium, An. a Chrifto nato M. D. xxxin. pridie calend. Septemb. *.* Elongated folio; title one leaf-f- eleven unnumbered preliminary leaves including the index + ninety-two numbered leaves. (Private Libr., New York, Providence and Washington city.) Contains only the first three decades, and the abridg ment of the fourth. Direct references : f PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. vi, page 297, and Vol. IX, page 407 MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol, in, Part I, page 273. RICH, No. 8. TERNAUX, No. 40. TROMEL, No. 5. Bibliotheca Hcbcriana, Part VI, No. 2415. Bibliotheca Broioniana, page 17, No. 58. Rothelin Catalogue, No. 4359. Kloss Catalogue, page 193, No. 2695, describes Melancthon s copy with marginal notes. * Anglice : The three decades of Peter the same concerning his ambassy to Baby- Martyr d Anghiera, Milanese, the most Ion [Cairo], which, besides the finest celebrated orator, counsellor of the late specimen of oratorical talent, exhibits in sovereigns of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, language most elegant and of the highest which, by setting forth in a copious, faith- interest to the reader, every remarkable ful and learned manner everything con- thing seen by him on the subject of the cerning the countries recently discovered, customs and institutions of the different may captivate ths attention of the reader nations, curious of novelties. Also, three books of Basle, at John Bebelius , 1533- Bibliotheca Americana. 303 . ZUMMARAGA (J.) Recto of the first leaf: * 5 3 3 rofe- tm fjoljett S!Jtoren(anb, ben man||gemetn- fidj nennet ^riefter Sojau, an $afcft || ((emen ben (Si&enben, jn Sonoma || berljort in offnen Gonftftorto am xxix. tag Sannarii ^nno || J&. 3B. mitf. If StefeS SnrfjleinS jnljatt. || drftlid), (fin lur^e fieWreibttng be $toren(anb, || fam^t ber ^anblung im ^onflftorio || Sum anbern, ein Senbfideff bc ^onig bon gJortu- 1| pi an Safift ^(emcnt ben 6ieknben. || 3w btitten, brieff be 9Jlorenlontg | ait Saftft dement. umanttm aon biffem 9Jlorenlonig r fci-||ne ^Bolrfern, anb iren 8itten am dnbc bifc Su^letng. H S le^t, cnbfirieff bc Sifo^op ber groffem || ftabt in ber ^emen erfunbeun II taelt, gen o(ofa in reidj gcftfjnOeu. || *^* 410, // ^ anno aut loco, title one leaf + eighteen unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) " La lettre de 1 eveque de Temistitan (ville de Mexico) [Juan Zummaraga], adressee au chapitre des Franciscains tenu en 1532 a Toulouse, qui se trouve jointe a cet opuscule en traduction alle- mande, traite de 1 etat et du progres des missions dans le Nouveau- Monde. Le texte original se trouve aussi parmi les pieces contenues a la fin de la Chronique d Amandus." (TROMEL 1 .) Tromel seems inclined to consider W[olfang] Stockel of Dresden as the printer of this miscellaneous collection. According to Santarem 2 , Stockel exercised his trade as early as 1495. Falkenstein says 5 "bis 1519;" while the latest date ascribed to Stockel by Panzer 4 is 1524. 1 Bibl. Amer., p. 4, No. 6. This quota- a Dictionaire bibliogr., Vol. I, p. 396. tion disposes of Mr. Asher s assertion as 3 Geschichte dcr Buchdruck., p. 181. made in his catalogue for 1865, No. 28. 4 Annalcs Tyfogr., Vol. xi, p. 304. 304 Bibliotheca Americana. 17^* SCHONER (J.) Recto of the first leaf : IOANNIS SCHO/ NERI CAROLOSTADII OPVSCV- LVM GEOGRAPHICVM EX DIVERSORVM LI bris ac cartis fumma cura & diligentia col- le || bum, accomodatum ad recenter ela-|| boratum ab eodem globum de- 1| fcriptionis terrenae. HIOACHIMI CAMERARII.|| Forte oculis clari fpectas qui fidera coeli In fubiectum etiam lumina flecte folum Non eft res indigna tua ifta cupidine lector, Ilia magis pulcra eft, haec quoqz pulcra tamen. Quid dubitas : fi de aetheria uitam trahis aura, Pabula fed tellus & tibi praebet iter. Hanc uis, quanta patet, breuibus cognofcere cartis. Hoc modicum luftrans perfpice lector opus. Nee quae funt olim nee quae modo fcripta requires Cunta tibi paruo plana futura libro. . " Ex urbe Norica id . Novembris . Anno XXXIII 1 ." *,* 410, sine anno aut loco, title one leaf + nineteen unnumbered leaves, woodcuts of globes. (Private Library, Providence.) It is in this work that the reader will find the first (see supra, page 65) of that long series of calumnies which have fastened on the memory of Vespuccius the odious charge of having artfully inserted the words " Terra ai Amerigo" in charts which he had otherwise altered. "Americus Vesputius maritima loca Indiae superioris ex Hispaniis navigio ad occidentem perlus- 1 Bibliotheca Browniana, p. 17, No. 56. Bibliotheca Americana. 305 trans, earn partem quae superioris Indiae est, credidit 1533.* esse Insulam quam a suo nomine vocari instituit." , Yet it is a noticeable fact that Schoner s own globe, made in 1520, and still preserved in the city library at Nuremberg, gives this name of America v el Brasilia sive papagalli terra to the southern part of the new continent. See caps, xx, xxi, Regiones extra Ptolemteum, and the last page for a notice of Brazil. " Even in 1533, the astronomer Schoner maintained that the whole of the so-called New World was a part of Asia (superioris Indiae), and that the city of Mexico (Temistitan) conquered by Cortes, was no other than the Chinese commercial city of Quinsay, so excessively extolled by Marco Polo." (HuMBOLDT 8 .) Direct references : f DOPPELMAIER, Histor. Nachr. -v. Niirnb. MatAematicis, page 50. HUMBOLDT, Examcn Critique, Vol. v, page 171. SANTAREM, Vapuct. Catal. Biblioth. Bunav., Vol. u, page 30. APIANUS (PETER} Above a vignette of a mounted globe : COSMOGRAPHI- || cvs LIBER PETRI APIANI MA- || thema- tici, iam denuo integritati reftitutus || per Gemmam Phryfium. || Item eiufdem Gemmae Phryfii Libellus de Locorum de- || fcriben- dorum ratione, & de eorum disftantiis in- || ueniendis, nunq ante hac vifus. || Vaeneut Antuerpie fub fcuto Baliliefi p Gregoriu Bontiu. || Colophon : loan. Grapheus typis cudebat Antuerpiae, || Anno M.D. XXXIII. || menfe Febr. || [" Veneunt in pingui Gallina per Arnoldum Birckman.*"] *** 410, sixty-six numbered leaves. (Private Library, Paris.) See recto of leaf 34, and verso of 51. 3 Kosmos, Entvv. e. fhys. Weltbcschr. * " P. Apiani Introductio Geografhica ; Vol. n, p. 613 of English translation. Ingolst., 1533, 410." (Bibliotheca Hebe- 3 MAITTAIRE, Annalcs Typogr., Vo\. II, riana, Part V, No. 5398), we think iden- Part II, p. 786. tical with our No. 149. 39 306 Bibliotheca Americana. I 533* l8o. IDEM OPUS " Frib. Brifg., Paris, 1533, 4to. --- (GRAESSE.) 1 8 I. " Marine! Siculi. Opus de rebus Hifpaniae memorabilibus. Compluti, 1533, folio." (Bibliotheca Heberiana 1 .) 182. IDEM " Obra de las cofas memorables de Efpana. Alcala, Eguia, 1533. fol. Gothic Letter." (EBERT 3 .) 183. LORITZ "Henrici Gla||reani Helvetii, Poetae Lav- || reati, de Geographia Li- || ber vnvs, ab ipfo Av- 1| thore iam tertio || recognitvs. || Apvd Fribvrgvm Brif-\\goiae, An. M.DiXXXIII.||[C<?/^] Apvd Fri- bvrevm Brisgoicvm I! Anno M.D.XXXIII. || Excvde- O D IJ bat loannes Faber || Emmevs Ivliacensis, || 35 foliod leaves ; and one with woodcut on the reverse. 4to." (Historical Nuggets 3 ) 1C 74..* 184. IDEM OPUS " De Geographia, woodcut dia- = grams, with xylographic inscriptions. 8vo. Venetiis, J. A. de Sabio, 1534." (Libri Catalogue 4 .) 1 Part II, No. 3619. * Ternaux mentions (No. 44) under the a Dictionary, No. 13113, and Biblio- date of 1534: " Novus orbis regionum ac theca Heberiana, Part I, No. 4681. insularum veteribus incognitarum, Basilea. 3 No. 12.47, and MAITTAIRE, Annales In-fol. Deuxieme edition," which we Typogr., Vol. n, Part n, p. 786; PAK- think to be only the followin-; German ZER, Annales Typographic! ab art s in-vcnta translation (No. 188), with atit e borrowed originc. Vol. vn, p. 60. for the Bibliotheque Americaine from the 4 For 1861, No. 278. edition of 1532. Bibliotheca Americana. 307 FRANCIS OF BOLOGNA Recto of the first leaf: I LA LETERA || Mandata dal R. Padre = frate Francefco da Bo || logna, da Lindia, ouer noua Spagna: & dalla || Citta di Mex ico al. R. P. frate Clemete da Mo || nelia, Miniftro della Prouincia di Bologna, ||& a tutti li Veneradi padri di effa prouin || cia Tradotta in vulgare da vno frate || dil pre- fato ordine de minori d offer ||uanza. Doue fi narra la moltitu- || dine de le perfone che fono co || uertite & che fi conuertano || alia fede, & il grande pre || fente che li hanno ma/ 1| dato al noftro Papa || Paulo terzo, la qualita dell acre di detto mon/|| do nouo, la gradezza del paefe, 1 oro, 1 argeto, || e pietre preciofe, la bota delle acque, i cofturni || del vino, di monti, bofchi, animali, & gra || de abondantia di for- mento, & altri || grani, La qualita de gli huomi || ni & done, gli effercitii, la || fede, la ruina de loro || Idoli, & modi || che tenea || no prima, & altre infinite cofe piace || uole da intendere. ||* Colophon : C In Venetia per Paulo Danza. || * Anglice : Letter from the Reverend to the Reverend Father Clement of Mone- Father Francis of Bologna, written from lia, Superior of the Province of Bologna, the city of Mexico in India or New Spain, and to all the reverend fathers of that 3 o8 Bibliotheca Americana. *** 4 to> s * ne anno aut ^ OCO) t ^ t ^ e one -|- one blank. (Private Library, New York.) six unnumbered leaves, We place the present work under the date of 1534, on the authority of the following notice, which we bor row from Orlandi 1 : " Francefco Alle Minore Oflervante di S. Francisco. Copia di lettera cavata dall originale, fcritta dal Mefico 1 anno 1534^! fuo fratelli, e madre. Zani, nel Genio Vagante, p. 4, fol. 87." According to Panzer*, Paul Danza printed between the years 1526 and 1534. Ternaux 3 published a translation into French of this interesting Letter. Direct reference: RICH, Supplement, page I. I 8 6. PETER OF GAND Recto of the first leaf: CHRONICA || COMPENDIOSISSIMA AB || exordio mundi vfqz ad annum Domini || Millefimum, quingentefimu trigefimu || quar- tum : per venerandum patrem. F. || Amandum Zierixeenfem, ordinis Fra || trum Minoru, regularis obferuan- || tiae, virum in Diuinis & huma||nis rebus peritiffimum. \ EIVSDEM TRACTATVS DE || feptuaginta hebdomadibus Danielis. || ADIECTAE SVNT EPIS- TO |j lae duae quae Chriftiani regis Aethopiae, Dauidis, ad || Clemen- tern feptimum, Rhomanum pontificem, || anno Domini 1533 deftinatae, cu articulis quibuf||dam de fide & moribus Aethi- opum Chriftiano- || rum. \ Aliae quoqz tres epiftolae, ex noua maris || Oceani Hiipania ad nos tranfmifTae, de fruftu || mirabili illic furgentis nouae Ecclefiae, || ex quibus animus Chriftianus || merito debeat laetari. || T Antuerpiae apud Simonem Cocum. Anno Do- M.CCCCC.XXXIIII. Menfe Maio. II mini. province. Translated into the vernacular language by a brother of the said minor order of Observance. Herein is shown the great number of persons converted to the faith, the great present sent to our Pope, Paul III; the greatness of the country; the gold, silver, precious stones; the good qual ity of the waters ; the customs, wine, mountains, woods, animals ; the great quantity of wheat and other grains; the constitution of the men and women ; the armies, religion, destruction of their idols and former worship, and many other things very well worth knowing. 1 Notizie dcgli scrittori Bologncsi, p. 117. 2 Annalcs Typogr., Vol. XI, p. 231. 3 Recueil des pieces re/ati-ves a la conqutte du Mcxique, 1838, pp. 205121. Bibliotheca Americana. 309 Colophon: ^534 T[ Symon Coquus Antuerpianus, morans || in vico vulgariter, - nuncupate Die Lorn- || baerde vefte, eregione Manus deaura- || tae, excudebat. Anno Domini, M. || CCCCC.XXXIIII. Menfe Maio. ||* * + * Sm. 8vo; eight unnumbered leaves -|- one hundred and twenty- eight numbered leaves. (Private Librar., New York and Owl s Head.) " AMANDUS, surnomme (says Tromel) de Zierikzee, de sa ville natale dans 1 ile de Schouwen 1 , etait un religieux franciscain du com mencement du XVP siecle, qui, comme provincial de son ordre, con- tribua beaucoup a 1 amelioration des monasteres dans les Pays-Bas. Par la suite il devint professeur de theologie a Louvain ou il mourut le 8 juin 1534". Ce qui nous interesse le plus dans sa Chronique, que nous avons sous les yeux, ce sont les lettres ecrites par differents religieux residant au Mexique, qui s y trouvent jointes et qui traitent du progres des missions catholiques dans ce pays. Aucun biblio- graphe n en fait mention et nous ne trouvons nulle part une citation de ces lettres, qui ne sont pas sans interet." Among the letters mentioned, there is one by Peter of Gand, alias De Mura, dated June ayth, 1529, which has been translated into French by Ternaux 3 , from whom we borrow the following note : " Frere Martin de Valence s exprime ainsi au sujet de ce religieux [De Mura] dans une lettre addressee au reverend pere Matthias Weynssen, general de son ordre, en date de 1531 : " Au nombre des freres erudits dans la langue des Indiens, est un laique nomme Pierre de Gand, il s exprime dans cette langue avec beaucoup d eloquence, et instruit avec le plus grand soin plus de six cents enfants. C est lui qui a la direction des chceurs dans les jours de fete. II marie avec les plus grandes solennites aux Indiens qui leur sont destines pour epoux * Anglice : Very compendious chronicle dressed to us from New Spain in the Ocean, beginning with the creation of the world, concerning the wonderful development of down to the year of our Lord, 1534, by the the new church which is springing up Rev. Father F. Amandus Zierikzee, of the there, and must justly rejoice the human order of St. Francis, of the regular observ- mind. ance, a most learned man in divine and Antwerp, by Simon Cocus, A. D. 1533, human matters. The treatises of the same in the month of May. on the seventy weeks of Daniel. There * DE WIND, Nederl. Gesckrid., p. 1 34. has been added two letters of the Christian V. HEUSSEN, Ondh. -v. Zetland, Vol. n, King of Ethiopia, David, addressed to the p. 52. Roman Pope Clement VII, in the year a FOPPENS, Bibliotheca Belgica, Vol. I, 1533, together with some items concern- p. 48. ing the creed and customs of the Christian Recueil des pieces relatives a la Conquete Ethiopians. Also, three other letters ad- du Mexique, 1838, pp. 193-203. 310 Bibliotheca Americana. les jeunes filles chretiennes bien instruites. L imperatrice notre souveraine, a envoye d Espagne six respectables et savantes religieuses pour clever ces jeunes filles." Direct references: ( MEUSEL, Bibliothcca Historica, Vol. i, Part I, page 98. -j SWERTIUS, dthcnte Belvicee. . 1 I TROMEL, No. 8. Bibliothcca Barloiviana, . Nijhoff Catalogue, No. 84, 7. IO7. BORDONE (B.) Within a wide ornamented border: ISOLARIO || DI BENEDETTO BORDONE || Nel qual fi. ragiona di tutte 1 Ifole del mon/ 1| do, con li lor nomi antichi & mo- derni, || hiftorie, fauole, & modi del loro vi||uere, & in qual parte del ma||re ftanno & in qual pa || rallelo & clima || giaciono. || Con la gionta del Monte del Oro || noua- mente ritrouato. || CON IL BREVE DEL PAPA. || Et gratia & priuilegio della Illuftrifli || ma Signoria di Venetia co/ 1| me in quelli ap- pare. || A ||MDXXXIIII. || Colophon : Impreffe in Venegia per Nicolo d Arif- totile, detto Zoppino, nel mefe || di Giugno, del. M.D.XXXIIII. || * J|C * Folio, title one leaf + nine preliminary leaves, containing three double maps -|- seventy-four numbered leaves. (Private Librar., Providence and Washington city.) On page 10 there is a plan of the city of Mexico before the conquest. Direct references: f PANZER, Annalcs Tyfogr., Vol. VIII, page 541. -j CLEMENT, Bibliotheque Curieusc, VoL v, page 91. i HAYM, Biblioteca Italiana, Vol. iv, page 103. Bibliotheca Brow/liana, page 18, No. 61. Bibliotheca Americana. 31 1 I 8 8. HUTTICH-GRYNAEUS-HERR Recto of the first leaf: I C 34. 2>ie9tett)itt)eltl>ef i ten itttnb Ijieljcr nllcu Wtiuclt&cidjrtjbcrn unlichtut || Snngft aljer tun ben ^ortngalefem nnnb .gityanU ern im 9tieber-||genglidjen SUteer Ijerfnnben. ^amfct ben fttten unb gedrcndjen ber intuuucn ben j| bolder. s Hud) tua ntter aber SSaren man fcety inen fnnbenmnb inn|| nnfere Sanbt (iradjt ^aa. XoOcij finbt man and) fjtc ben nrf^rnng nnb || att^erlnmmen ber gnrnemfiften toaltig- ften Bolder ber TO- 1| fcefanten ^cit a(0 bo feinb bie Sartarn i SWofconiten 1 1| fftenffen || ^renffen i nngern i 3i"djittfcn. etc. || naa) anjeijgnng nnb innfjalt biff nmli- 1| gementen dlatg. || Pignette : ($ebrntft ^n 3trajDnrg burd) Weorgen iBlrirfjcr || don VHuDla am bicrijcljcnben tag beg 9Jlar$eng. ^(u. iil.ZD. *.* Folio, title one leaf -\- five unnumbered preliminary leaves -f- two hundred numbered leaves (last through mistake numbered 242) ; printer s mark on verso of the last. Two columns, very small black letter ; no map. (Private Libr., Providence and Washington city.) German translation by Michel Herr of Huttich s Novus Orbis (No. 170). Travels of Columbus, Pages 28-37. " " Vespuccius, " 41-45, 49-57. " First edition" (KLOss 1 .) 1 Catalogue, page 312, No. 4389, de- merous marginal notes, very neatly writ- scribes " Melancthon s copy, with nu- ten." 312 Bibliotheca Americana. Direct : ( Catal. Biblioth. Bunav. t Vol. n, page 44. Catal. Biblioth. TAcrcsiana, Vol. in, page 1 66. Bibliotheca Grcrruilliana, page 498. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 18, No. 62. Historical Nuggets, No. 2018. RICH, No. 9. TERNAUX, No. 45. TROMEL, No. 7. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 132. 189. V ADI AN (JOACH) Recto of the first leaf: EPITOME || TRIVM TERRAE PARTIUM ASIAE, AFRICAE ET EVROPAE coMPENDiARiAM LO- || corum defcriptioncm con- tinens prascipu autem || quorum in A6lis Lucas, paflim autem Euan- || geliftae & Apoftoli meminere. || CVM ADDITO IN FRONTE LIBRI ELENCHO || regionum, urbium, amnium, infularu, quorum No || uo teftamento fit mentio, quo expeditius pius Lector quae uelit, meminere queat. || PER IOACHIMVM VADIANVM MEDICVM. || TIGVRI, APVD CHRISTOPHORVM || FROSCH, MENSE SEPTEMB. ANNO || M.D.XXXIIII. || *.* Folio, title one leaf, -f- eight preliminary pages, + index in thirty pages -j- two hundred and seventy-three numbered pages for text. Mappamund, with the word AMERICA inscribed. (Private Library, New York.) Joachim Vadianus, or von Watte, was born of an aristocratic family at St. Gall in Switzerland, Nov. 29th, 1484*. In our short sketch of this honest and learned man (supra, page 161), we forgot to state that after having been a great duelist in his youth, he turned his attention towards the sciences, and soon acquired great reputation, not only as a theologian, a geographer, a mathematician and a physician, but also as a poet, for he received the laurel wreath which the Emperor was wont to award to the greatest poetical genius in his dominions 3 . We describe, infra, another work of Va dianus, which contains passages bearing on the subject before us. 8 NICERON, Memoira, Vol. xxxvil, p.iy. 3 TEISSIER, Eloges, Vol. i, p. 42. Bibliot heca Americana. 313 Panzer describes what would seem two editions of the above, both published in 1534, one in 8vo, the other . in folio ; yet the title of the 8vo is the only one which corresponds entirely to our folio. We describe (infra) an 8vo edition, but it is dated Antwerp, 1535, instead of Zurich, 1534. Draudius 4 cites another 8vo edition, also printed at Antwerp, and in 1548, with additions. See cap. INSVLAE OCEANI PRECIPVAE, on page 267. Direct references: f MAITTAIRE, Annales Typogr., Vol. II, Part I, page 384 (contains I also valuable details concerning Froschover and his publications.) I Indices Libr. Prohib. (Madrid, fol., 1667), page 557. Catal. Bibliot. Buna-v., Vol. II, page 31. NAPIONE, Del Primo Scopritore, page 78. Bibliot heca Heberiana, Part V, No. 5388. IQO. PETER MARTTR & O^IEDO Recto of the first leaf: LIBRO PRIMO || DELLA HISTO || RIA DE L lN II DIE OC II CIDEN II TALI II 4 II of the same : SVMMARIO DE LA GENERALE ||HISTO- RIA DE L INDIE OCCI-||DENTALI CAVATO DA LI-IIBRI SCRITTI DAL SI-||GNOR DON PIETRO | MARTYRE DEL CONSI || GLIO DELLA MAESTA||DE L IMPERADORE,|| ET DA MOLTE || ALTRE PAR- || TICVLA- || RI ^11 Recto of the first leaf of the second part : LIBRO SECOND DO DELLE IN || DIE OC || CIDEN || TALI || || MDXXXIIII. || Con gratia & priuilegio. ||* 3 Annales Typogr., Vol. vin, p. 313, His Majesty the Emperor, and from many Nos. 62 and 63. other private accounts. 4 Bibliotheca Classica, p. 786. Second book of the West Indies, 1534, * Anglice : First book of the history of with grace and privilege. the West Indies. Summary of the General and Natural Summary of the general history of the History of West India, composed by Gon- West Indies, taken from the work written zalvo, Ferdinand de Oviedo, alias de Val- by Don Peter Martyr, of the Council of des, a native of the country of Madrid, 4 314 Eibliotheca Americana. ^ ^ 4~* Verso of the same : SVMMARIO DE LA||NATVRALE ET GEN- ERAL HISTO||ria de 1 Indie occidental!, compofta da Gonzalo ferdi- 1| nando del Ouiedo, altrimenti di valde, natio de || la terra di Madril : habitatore & rettore de || la citta di fanta Maria antica del Darien, || in terra ferma de 1 indie : il qual fu riue || duto & cor- retto per ordine de la Maefta del Imperadore, pelo fuo || real configlio, de le dette In || die. & tradotto di lingua caftigliana in Italia- || na. Co priuilegio || de la IlluftrifT. || Signoria di Vinegia, || per ani XX. || Recto of the first leaf of the third part : LIBRO VLTIMO DEL SVMM A || RIO DELLE| INDIE OCCIDEN II TALI II A II Colophon : C In Vinegia, Del mefe d Ottobre.|| MDXXXIIII.||t *^* 4to, title one leaf -\- seventy-nine numbered leaves -{- one blank + one title-leaf -4/- sixty-four leaves -{- one leaf for tavola -{- one leaf giving a description of the two maps + one title-leaf -\- fifteen unnumbered leaves. Text in Roman characters. Between the first and second parts, a folded map of " Lola Spagnvola." On verso of fol. 48, recto of 49, and verso of 52 in part second, large woodcuts. Finally a very large map bearing the following inscription : inhabitant and governor of the old city of gli eruditi fanno seguire la storia del P. Santa-Maria del Darien, on the mainland Giuseppe di S. Teresa yui sotto riferita." of the Indies; revised and corrected by *" Au nombre des trouvailles importances sur les order of His Majesty the Emperor, through P remi " amices de la decouverte des terres ame- ,. J . . , . r *> ncaines, il faut placer sans hesitation ceile qui a ete his Royal council or the said Indies, and f a ite il y a peude temps a la Bibliotheque Imperiale translated from the Spanish into Italian, de Paris et que j ai ete le premier a signaler. Jc with the privilege of the Illustrious Seig- *? ux P arle . r d ? a .P recleuse carte du r ?,resil e P Jr-e d une partie de 1 Afnque, construue en [Octobrel mory of Venice for twenty years. i 5J4 , par un Portugais portant le nom de UA.SPARD Last book of the summary of West VIBIGAS. Mr. b Capitaine de fregate Mouchez India IC74. ^ u a ^ [ ^ c ^ ar g^ P ar a gouveniement franc;ais de . ^TT , continuer en les perfectionnant les travaux de Venice, October, 1534. 1 Amiral Roussin, a ete emerveille comme moi de t HAYM, Biblioteca Italiana, Vol. I, p 1 exactitude comparative d un paieil monument 176, No. 10, ascribes the date (probably a g^^K J >" 2 P arl % du _ re " e da s r ma * . ( . cente publication des Voyages du P. Yves d Evreux mistake by the printer) of 1543 to this Maranham en 1615 Lp-445]- Elle nous a eti title, to which he adds : " A ouesto libra montree par le savant Mr. Cortambert." (F. DENIS). Eibliotheca Americana. 315 "M.D.XXXIIII. Del mese di Dicembre. || La carta uniuersale della terra ferma & Isole delle Indie occidetali, cio e del mon || do nuouo fatta per dichiaratione delli li- || bri delle Indie, cauata da due carte da na- || uicare fatte in Sibilia da li piloti della || Maiesta Ce- sarea. || Con gratia & priuilegio della Illustrissi || ma Signoria di Vene- tiap anni XX." 1 || (Private Libr., New York, Providence and Harvard Coll. Libr.) Direct references: f PANZER, Annales Typogr., Vol. VIII, page 542, No. 1773. -j RICH, No. 10. I TERMAUX, No. 43. STEVENS, Historical Nuggets, Vol. ir, No. 1808. Libri Catalogue for 1859, page 13, No. 93. Bibliotheca Browniana, page 1 8, No. 60. IQI. ANONYMOUS Beginning of the frst leaf: LETERA DE LA || nobil cipta : noua- mente ritrouata alle In-||die con li cof- tumi & modi del fuo Re &||foi populi : Li modi del fuo adorare con la || Bella vfanza de le donne loro : & de le dua || perfone ermafrodite donate da quel Re al || Capitano de larmata. || In fine : EL V. S. V. Al Suo. D. L. S. Data in Peru adi. XXV. de Nouembre. Del, MDXXXIIIL ** Octavo for shape, four unnumbered leaves, printed in italics. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) The present is evidently a modern reprint, to which the Historical Nuggets - prefixes the query whether it might not have been printed at Milan in 1830; but of the original of this plaquette, we can find no traces. 1 See Mapoteca Co/umbiana, p. z, No. 6. " Vol. II, p. 4.67, No, 1689. 316 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 534. We describe (infra) under the date of 1535, a plaquette, similar as to the text, but which is only a fac-simile made by the elder Harris from an original in the British Museum. The latter is dated " Zhaual. Adi. xxv. di Settembre. M.D.XXXF." Under the date of 1539, we describe another, but evidently an original, bearing the date (sine loco] of " xxx di Settembre. M.D.XXXIX." As to the substance of this mysterious Italian pla quette, we can only cite Ternaux 3 . " Description d une ville que 1 auteur nomme Zhaval. La relation est si obscure qu on ne peut deviner dans quelle partie de I Amerique 1 auteur la place, d autant plus que le recit parait plein d exagerationV The nearest approach to such a name we could find is Zavalita, a settlement of the province of Antioquia, in the Nuevo Regno de Granada, mentioned in Alcedo s Dictionary. MAXIMILLIAN OF TR. & PIGAFETTA-" \\ Viag- gio fatto dagli Spagnuoli atorno al mondo. Venife, 1534 in 4to. (non 1536 Jans lieu)" (Livres Curieux s .) The only work bearing this title we know of is the translation into Italian of Maximillian of Transylvania s Letter to the Abp. of Saltzburg (Nos. 123 and 124), and of Pigafetta s account (No. 134), both describing Magellan s voyage, and supposed to have been pub lished at Venice in 1536 (infra). The above is the only notice which we could find of an Italian version mentioning the locality. 8 Bibliotheque Americainc, p. 9, No. 42,. several large editions, and we know that 4 The fact that the plaquette was pub- in Italy, in the sixteenth century, the lished several times is not an argument in demand for news from the new world, favor of the authenticity of the circum- whether real or imaginary, remained un- stances related therein. The " Moon abated for a number of years, hoax," in our own country, went through 6 Page 2,9, No. 143. Bibliotheca Americana. 317 ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: ^534* COPIA DELLE LETTERS DEL PREFETTO DEL || la India la nuoua Spagna detta, alia Cefarea Maefta re- fcritte. || *./* Sm. 410, for size, sine anno aut loco, two leaves ; text in Roman characters. (Private Library, New York.) Francisco Pizarro, the most cruel of those rapacious adventurers who have rendered the name of Spain for ever odious throughout the southern part of this con tinent, which they ravaged, decimated and deluged with blood, was born near Truxillo, in Spain, toward the years 1475 (Garcilasso de la Vega^}^ 1478 (Herrera*), or 1471 (Pizarro 1 y Orellana, Prescott 4 ), and was killed at Cuzco in Peru, June 26th, 1541. He was an illegiti mate child, who had been abandoned, and would have perished, had he not been nursed by a sow 5 . While yet a lad he looked after his father s swine, or served with 1 Historia General del Peru, trata de su Madrid, fol., 1639. (The author was a dcscubrimiento y como lo ganaron los Espan- grandson of Francisco Pizarro s daughter.) oles,lasguerrasci-vilesque Au-vo entre Pizar- * History of the Conquest of Peru, Vol. I, rosy Almagros sobre la partija de la tierra, cap. 1 1. castigo y lt-vantamlento de tyranos, y otros " Primera y Secunda parte de la Historia succcsos particulars que en la historia se con- general de las Indias, con todo el descubri- tienen, escrito for el Ynca Garcilaso de la mientoy cosas notables que han acaccido dende Vega; Cordova, fol., 1617; 8 + 300 + 6 11. que se ganaron hasta el ano de 1551, con la This is only the second part. The first is : conquista de Mexico y de la Nue-va Espana ; Primera parte de los Commentaries Rcales, Saragossa, fol., by A. Millan, 1553 (nearly q-ve tratan del origen de los Yncas, Reyes all notices of this edition state "1552- q-ve f-vcron del Per-v, de s-v Idolatria, Leyes 1553"), 122 + 140 11., map (Biblieth. y gouierno en pax y en guerra ; de sus <vidas Bro wniana, second part, No. 97)5 id., y conquistas,y de todo lo que fue aquel Im- Medina del Campo, fol., 1553, 122 4- 139 perio y su Rcpublica, antes que los Espagnoles 11.; id., Saragossa, fol., 1554. (The first passaran a el; Lisbon, fol., 1609 (coloph. part by P. Bernuz, the second, by Millan. dated 1608); II +264 11. (Priv. Libr., Private Libr., N. Y.) As to the 8vo N. Y. and Provid.) editions published at Antwerp by Steelsio, 2 Hist. General, Decad. vi, lib. 10, Nucio and Belloro, in 1554, we confide cap. 6. their description to the patient investiga- 8 Varonct Itlustres del Nuvvo Mundo , tions of our continuators. Bibliotheca Americana. him in the Italian wars. The story is, that having lost one of the herd, he dared not return home, and joined at Seville some expedition to the New World. Pizarro y Orellana states that he served under Columbus. We first hear of him in connection with Ojeda s expedition in 1510. His deeds under Pedro Arias and with Diego de Almagro (supra, page 245) have been related by Xeres 6 and Augustin de Zarate 7 . As to the bloody expedition which commenced in January, 1531, when the piratical flotilla of Francisco Pizarro sallied forth from the Bay of Panama to carry fire and sword on both slopes of the Andes, the chief historians to consult are, besides those already mentioned, Pedro de Cie9a de Leon 8 , 8 Verdadera relacion de la conquista del Peru; Seville, fol., 1534 (infra}} id., Salamanca, fol. 1547. 7 Historia del descubrimiento y conquista del Peru, con las cosas naturales que senalad- mente alii se kalian, y los successes que ha a-vido; Antwerp, I2mo, 1555, 8+273 ^-5 id., Seville, fol., 1577, 4+117 + 3 11. (Priv. Libr., Provid.) 8 Parte Primera \\ Dela chronica del Peru. %uc tracta la demarea- || cion de fus frouin- cias : la description dellas. Las \\fundaciones de las nueuas ciudades. Los ritos y || cofium- bres de los Indios. TT otras cofas eftranas || dignas defer fabidas. Fee ha for Pedro d Cieija || de Leon -vezino de Scuilla. || 1553. || Colophon : ImpreJJ a en Seuilla en cafa de Marti r. |j de Montefdoca. Acabofe a quinze de \ Mar^o de mill y quinientos y [| cinquenta y ires anos. *** Fol., 10+ 13411. La Chronica \\ del Perv, N-ve-va- \ mente escrita, for || Pedro de Ciefa de Leon, || -vczino de Se || uilla. || En An-vers || en cafa de Martin Nucio, \\ M.D.LIIII. || V 8vo, 8 + 204 11. Pane Primera || De la chro || nica del Peru que tra \\ ta de la demarcacion de sus frouincias, la descrifcion || dellas, las fun- daciones de las nueuas ciudades, los || ritos y costumbres de los Indios, y otras co || sas estranas, dignas de ser sabidas || Hecha for Pedro de Cieca || de Leon, vczino || de Se uilla. \\ .... En An-vers || Par Juan Bel- loro a la ensena del || Salmon . 1554. V 8vo, 8 + 285 + 9. Map. Primera Parte de la Chronica del Peru .... En An-vers en casa de Juan Steelsio, 1554. (Title arranged in all respects, and collation the same, as Belloro s edit.) The first three, in a private Libr. Prov idence ; all four in a private Libr. New York. We vouch for no other original Spanish editions. This valuable historian had the inten tion, when he published the first part of his History, to write two additional parts, the contents of several books of which he gives in the original edition. LEON PINELO does not seem to have been aware of the existence of the remaining parts, since he only says : " Si acabara otras tres partes, que prometio, fueran de mucha estima- cion" (Epitome, p. 84). BARCIA adds (Col. 649) "porque la primera tiene, i deber tener tanta, como pondera el P. Melendezi Tesoros Verdadcros de las Indias, lib. 3, caf. 8, donde dice, que aun esta no se halla en el Peru;" while ANTONIO (Bibl. H. Nova, Vol. 11, p. 184) only expresses his regrets. ROBERTSON considered these MS. parts as lost, while PRESCOTT \Hist. of the Conq. of Peru, Vol. II, p. 328) thought they had never been written. RICH (Bibl. America fetus, p. 8, No. 24) was the first to state that "The n. and in. parts in MSS. were seen in Madrid some years ago, but it is not known what became of them." When this most honest and trustworthy Eibllotheca Americana. Levinius Apollonius 9 , Diego Fernandez 10 , Benzoni", Pedro Pizarro 1 *, Miguel Cavello Balboa 13 , Fernando Montesinos 14 , J. de Arriaga 15 , Jose de Acosta 16 , Juan de Velasco 17 , the poem of Ercilla 18 , the two valuable accounts in Ramusio 19 so often quoted, the books XLVI and XLVII in Oviedo 20 , and the third and fourth Decades *534- bibliopole offered for sale the collection of MSS., comprising the copies and originals collected by Antonio de Uguina and Lord Kingsborough, the third part of Cie9a s work was found among them, and pur chased by a bibliophile in this city, who has it still in his possession. This third part bears the following title : Terccro libra de las Gucrras Civile: del Peru el qual se llama la gucrra de Quito. Hccho for Pedro de Cicza de Leon : Coro- nista de las Indias. Folio, 424 leaves. As to the second part, it is yet missing. What is called in the Italian version (Venice, 8vo, 1 564-1 566)1,0 Seconda pane and la Terza parte, is only a translation from GOMARA. * de Peruuite, Regionis, inter Noui orbis prouincias cclcbcrrimte, inuentione : & rebus in eadem gestis, Libri V. Ad lacob-vm Cla- rovtivm Maldeghemmae ac Pittemiac Domi- num. Breuis, exactaque Noui Orbis, & Peruuia regionis chorographia ; Antwerp, 8vo, 1566 (generally considered the first edition, but RICH (No. 44) and TERNAUX (No. 97), mention a izmo edition of 1565). The edition of 156713 only the present with a new title-page. 10 Primeray Segunda parte, de la historia del Peru. Contiene la primera, lo succedido en la Nueva Espana y en el Peru, sobre la cxecucion de las nue-ver leyes ; y el allana- miento, y castigo, que Aizo el Presidente Gasca, de Goncalo Pi^arro y sus sequaces. La Segunda contiene la tyranniay al^amicnta de los contreros y don Sebastian de Castillo, &c.; Seville, fol., 1571. 11 La Historia del Mondo N-vo-vo. La qval tratta delT hole & Mari nuouamente ritrouati, f delle nuoua Citta da lui proprio vedute, per acqua & per terra in quattordeci anni ; Venice, 8vo, 1565; /</., 8vo, 1572. la Relacion del desc ubrimiento y conquista de los Reynos del Peru y del Go-vierno y harden que los Naturales tenian y tessoros que en ellos se hallaron y de las demas cosas que en el an subcedido hasta el dia de sufecha. Heche par Pedro Pifarro conquistador y pot- lador destos die has Reynos y "vccino de la ciudad de Areguipa, Ano 1571. MS. Private Libr., Boston. We think that it has been printed in the Navarrete-Salva- Sainz Coleccion de documentos. 13 Histoire du Perou, in TERNAUX Re- cueil ; Paris, 1840. 14 Memoires sur fancien Perou, in TER NAUX, loc. cit. Our readers are aware that there are two works by this author, viz. : Memorias Antiguas Historiales del Peru, and the Anales. TERNAUX has given only the former. There is a transcript of both, in the original Spanish, in a private library, Boston. 14 Extirpacion de la idolatria de los Indies del Peru y ntedios para la conversion de ellos ; Lima, 4:0. 1621. 18 Historia natural y moral de las Indias ; Seville, 410, 1590. (See supra, p. 240, note 10. 17 Histoire du Royaume de Quito, in TER- NAUX S Recueil. A comparatively modern work, but written on the authority of valu able manuscript sources, such as ALFONSO PALOMINO, FR. MARCO DE NIZZA, ALONZO DE MONTENEGRO, BRAVO DE SARAVIA, &c. 18 La Araucana ; Madrid, 8vo, 1569 (first part); id., 1578 (second part); id., 1590 (third part); Salamanca, 8vo, 1597 (fourth and fifth parts). 19 Di "vn capitano Spagnuolo Relatione del discoprimiento & conquista del Peru, fatta da Francisco Pizzarro @" da Her- nando Pixzarro sufratello. Di "vn Secretaire di Francisco P/ss- xarro, Relatione dela conquista fatta della prouincia del Peru, delta dipdi la Nuoua Castiglia, con la descrittione della gran Citta del CuscAo. In the Raccolta, Vol. in, fol. 37 1, ^. 20 Historia General, only in Vol. IV of the Madrid edition, fol., 1855. 320 Bibliotheca Americana. I 534* ^ Herrera. The manuscript sources", however, still - present a mass of valuable materials, which no student of the history of Peru should overlook. Independently of the above-mentioned printed works, there are several small volumes, which have greatly per plexed bibliographers. The first is a letter from some anonymous official, directed to Charles V, and giving the first account of the battle in which Atahualpa was made prisoner by Pizarro. This was written originally * The following are preserved in a private library, in New York : M. C. BALBOA, Miscellanea Antar- tica, 400 11. MONTESINOS, Anales del Peru, and Memorias, 267 11. M. DE PAZ, Dialogo sobre los sucesos varios acaccidos en este Reyno del Peru. NICHOLAS DE ALBERINO, Verdadera y copiosa relacion de todo lo nuevamente sucedido en los reynos y provincias del Peru dende la ida a ellos del Virrey Blasco Nunez Vela hasta el desbarato y muerte de Go.i- zalo Pizarro. (Seville, 1549), 80 11. " Copied from a MS. in the Imperial Libr., Paris. Appears to have been printed, but no copy is known." RICH S annotation. DE LA GASCA, Cartas y papeles sobre los asuntos del Peru. 114 11. VALVERDE (the bloody Bishop), Re lacion del Peru, 19 11. ; id., Carta al Emp. Carlos V. sobre las revueltas del Peru. April 2, 1539. 43 11. Replica de Diego Fernandez a las objectiones puestas a su Historia por el lie. Santillan, 40 11. About 700 leaves of Papeles farios, extending from 152,4 to 1556. In a private library, Boston : Relacion de los primeros descubrimi- entos de Francisco Pizarro y Diego de Al- magro, sacada de la Bib. Imp. de Viena. La forma que en estos Reynos del Piru de Fray Francisco de Morales al Rey. Carta de Gabriel de Rojas a Don Antonio de Mendoza (Respuestas al instruccion del Rey), 12 de diciembre, 1561. Relacion sumaria de la entrada de los Espanolos en el Peru hasta que llego el Licenciado Baca de Castro : Del P. Neharro. Conquista i Poblacion del Piru. Anon. Official ac count, by Pedro Sanchez, of the division of gold and silver at Caxamalca, June, 1533. Extract from a MS. of Caravantes, relat ing to burial of Pizarro, &c. Another extract, containing an account of Pedro de la Gasca. Carta de F. Pizarro a Juan de Samano, 8 de junio, 1533. Carta de Bena/cazar, como poblo y se concerto con Alvarado. Carta de Pedro de Al-varado al Emperador, 15 de enero, 1535. Breve relacion del viage de Alvarado. Capitula- cion entre Pizarro y Almago en el Cuzco, 12 de junio de 1535. Informacion secreta en los Reyes 20 agosto de 35 por el obispo Berlanga para saber como ha sido tratada la hacienda real. Carta de Francisco Pi zarro a Juan Vazquez de Molina, 29 de junio, 1535. Carta de Francisco Pizarro al Emperador, i de enero, 1535. Carta de Almagro al Emperador, i de enero, 1535. Razon de las partidas de oro, plata i piedras que se fundieron, marcaron i quin- taron en la postrera fundicion del Cuzco desde 20 de mayo de 35 hasta 31 de Julio de id. Carta de Diego de Almagro al Em perador, 15 de octubre, 1534. Twelve doubts or queries (parece papel de Fr. Bar- tolom e de las Casas. Acto de la fundacion del Cuzco hecha por Francisco Pizarro. Carta de la Justicia y Regimiento de la ciudad de Xauja, 20 de Julio de 1534. Relacion de Francisco Pizarro y otros, desde Xauxa, 25 de mayo de 1534. Carta de Diego de Almagro al Emperador, 8 de mayo, 1534. Carta de Francisco Pizarro a D. Pedro de Alvarado, 29 de Julio, 1536. Extractos sacados por Mufioz. Carta de Suarez de Car-vajal al Emperador, 3 de noviembre, 1539. Carta del Licenciado de la Gama al Emperador, 10 de marzo, 1539. Carta de Francisco Pizarro al Em- Eibliotheca Americana. 321 in Spanish, and in all probability printed ; but it has, I 534* thus far, eluded the vigilant eyes of bibliographers. It ----- is known through what seems to us abridged versions in three foreign languages. One in the Italian it is the present No. 193. We place it first, because the German version (infra, No. 195), which is dated Feb ruary, 1534, states that it was made " aus Hispanien und Italien." After the Italian we have the German translation, or rather abridged paraphrase, just men tioned. We then describe (infra, No. 196) a French version, also dated 1534, but which numbers seven leaves. Do these seven leaves imply some extra mat ter, or a different account altogether ? Direct references: j Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part I, No. 1961. ( Bibliotheca Grenvi/Iiana, page 537. perador, 28 de febrero, 1539. Cartas de Felipe Gutierrez al Emperador, 10 de feb., 1539, y 30 de diciembre, 1540. Cartas de Manuel de Espinar al Emperador, 6 de enero, y 30 de mayo, 1539. Carta de Gonzalo Fernandez de 0-vicdo al Empera dor, 25 Je octubre, 1537. Carta de Fran cisco Pizarro al Obispo de la Tierra firme, 28 de agosto, 1537. Relacion de Manuel de Espinar. Declaracion con juramento de San Juan de Uscategui, Valladolid, 3 de agosto de 1543. Carta de la Justicia y Regimiento de la Ciudad los Reyes al Au diencia de Panama, 14 de Julio de 1541. Carta de D. Diego de Almagro a la Real Audiencia de Panama, 14 de Julio, 1541. Carta del Maestre Martin de Arauco, 15 de julio, 1541. Carta de Almagro al Au diencia, 8 de nov. 1541. Carta de Fr. Vicente de Valverdc, obispo del Cuzco, a la Audiencia de Panama, II de nov. 1541. Relacion de Valdi-via a S. M. 15 de oct. 1550. Carta del obispo, Fr. Vicente Val- vcrdc, al Emperador, 20 de marzo, 1539. Relacion (escrita por Pedro Sarmicnto) del viage que hizo el magnifico senor capitan Jorge Robledo i de las dos cibdades quel dicho poblo e fundo en la provincias de Ancerma y Quinvaya, &c. Relacion (escrita por yuan Bautista Sardela] de lo que sus- cedio al mag. S. capitan Jorge Robledo en el descobrimientu que hizo de las provincias de Antiochia e cibdad que en ellas fundo. Descripcion de los pueblos que hay al rede- dor de la cibdad de Santana de Indies. Carta de Pedro de Valdi-via al Emperador, 4 de set. 1545. Dicho del capitan Fran cisco de Car-vajal sobre la pregunta 38 de la informacion hecha en el Cuzco en 1543 a favor de Vaca de Castro. Carta de Fran cisco de Barrionue-uo y otros al Emperador, 2.5 de junio, 1542. Carta de Be/alcazar al Emperador, 20 de set. 1542. Carta de Hernando de Sil-va y otros al Emperador, 24 de set. 1542. Carta de Vintura Beltran al Emperador. 8 de oct. 1542,. Extractos sacados por Munoz. Relacion de las cosas que S. M. deve proveer para los reynos del Peru, embiada desde los Reyes a la corte por el Licenciado Martel Santoyo, 1542. Capitulacion con Orellana. Extractos sa cados por Munoz de un papel de Augustin de Zarate. Relacion de lo que ha sucedido despues de la prision del Virrei Blasco Nunez Vela en aquellos reinos hasta que nos partimos del puerto del Nombre de Dios, que fue a 27 de marzo deste ano de 1545. Carta de Be/alcazar al Emperador, 20 de diciembre, 1 544. Relacion de lo que en sustancia escrivio el Licenciado Gasca cerca de lo sucedido en el Peru en el des- barata de Gonzalo Pizarro i de los que le seguian. Carta de Gonzalo Pizarro a Pedro de Valdivia, 30 de oct. 1 546. Montcsinos, 4 1 3 22 Bibliotheca Americana. 1534.. I 94. HONTER (J.) Recto of the first leaf: DIONYSII || APHRIDE TOTIVS OR/ || bis fitu, Antonio Becharia Veronenfi. inter- || prete, confumatiffimum opus. || IOANNIS PR^TEREA || Honteri Coroneniis de Cof- mographiae || rudimentis libri duo. || Ccelo- rum partes, ftellas cum flatibus amnes, || Regnacg cum populis, parue libelle tenes.|| EXCVDEBAT HENRICVS || PETRVS BASILEAE. || Colophon : BASILEAE EX AEDIBVS || HENRICI PETRI. MEN || SE AVGVSTO, || ANNO || M.D.XXXIIII. || *.* 410, title one leaf -f- three unnumbered leaves + ninety-nine numbered pages, + two blank leaves, with the printer s device on verso of the last. (British Museum.) There is nothing on America in the Dionysius, not even the slight allusion contained in the address in the edition of 1518 (No. 93); but in Honter s work, which commences on page 65 with a separate title, the reader may consult page 91, the chapter: NOMIN INSVLARVM OCEANI ET MARIS. In OCClduO DoTCadeS, H.6S- Anales del Peru, and Memorias antiguas lacion del suceso de la venida del tirano historiales del Peru. Relacion de la suce- Chino sobre este campo y de las demas eion y govierno de los Ingas Senores natu- cosas sucedidas a cerca de ello. Una rela- rales que fueron de las provincias del Peru cion de lo sucedido en Indias con Limahon y otras cosas tocantes a aquel reyno por el Corsario Chino. Compendio historial del illmo. Senor Don Juan Sarmiento, Pre- estado de los Indies del Peru, con mucha sidente del Consejo Real de Indias. In- doctrina y cosas notables de ritos, costum- struccion del Inga D. Diego de Castro Titu- bres e inclinaciones que tienen, nuevamente cussi lupangui para el Licenciado Lope compuesto por Lope de Atlenza. Dos Re- Garcia de Castro. Suma y narracion de laciones dirigidas al Virrey del Peru, Don los Ingas que los Indios llamaron Capac Andres Hurtado de Mendoza, 1561 y cuna, &c., traducido por Juan de Bctanzos. 1571. Relacion del descubrimiento y con- Relacion brebe de la Conquista de la Nueva quista del Peru, escrita por uno de los Con- Espana, por Fr. Francisco de Agullar. Re- quistadores. Bibliotheca Americana. 323 perides, Fortunata, America, P arias, IsabeLa, Spagnolla 6? Gades. John Honter was a Cronstadt 1 theologian, who intro duced Reformation into Poland 2 . He died in 1549. We are unable to state whether the above elementary cosmography differs from the Rudimentorum Cosmograph- icorum, which we notice, infra, under the date of 1548. Direct references: ( Bibliotheca TAottiana, Vol. iv, page 105. ( PANZER, Annalu Tyfogr., Vol. ix, page 406, No. 933. . ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: ifoattiett mtb||3taUett.||9Jtettfe gelmwrio. 111534- II *,* Sm. 410, sine loco ; title one leaf + three unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) This account is essentially the same as the Copia delle Lettere (No. 193), but more succinct. " Gazette d une excessive rarete et qui parait avoir etc imprimee a Nuremberg. Elle contient la premiere nouvelle de la d ecouverte du Perou, et est restee inconnue a tous les bibliographes que nous avons pu consulter. On y annonce que le gouverneur de Panumya (Panama) dans 1 Inde a ecrit a sa majeste (1 empereur Charles V.) qu il est arrive un navire du Perou avec une lettre du Regent Francisco Pis- cario (Pizarro) annon^ant qu il a debarque et qu il s est empare du pays. Qu avec zoo Espagnols (infanterie et cavalerie) il s etait em- barque, et qu il etait arrive chez un grand seigneur appele Cassiko, qu ii avait refuse la paix et 1 avait attaque, que les Espagno jS avaient ete victorieux et qu ils s etaient empares de 5000 castillans (pieces d or) et de 20,000 marcs d argent .... qu ils ont tire deux millions d or du dit Cassiko, etc., etc." (LlBRI.) 1 Vossius, De Natura Artium, live de 410, 1711; and STARAWOLSKI, Serif tor. Mathcsi, Lib. nr, p. 202. polonicorum hecatontas ; Venice, 4to, 1627; * JOCHER, Allgem. Gelhert. Lexic., Vol. which, as we have since ascertained, con- II, p. 1695, on the authority of CZVIT- tains, also, details concerning DSL STOB- TINGER, Specimen Hungar. Lit. ; Leipzig, NICZA (supra, Nos. 69 and 95). j 24 Eibllotheca Americana. I 534* I 9^ ANONYMOUS Within a border: ccrtat tot 1 5 3 4- Then woodcut 1 representing cherubs supporting a shield ; and below : leg bentr a Hgon cijes jfraeogs || Jufte treuat fioftre irame II tre Otonfort, II Recto of the first leaf: Ontfuguent ies n letter to jfrancflgs ^t^arro || ^uerneuttru ridje pagg etproumce nominee le fai-llfant mention tre^ tnerueiileu- II to efjofes tant beue{ par ees II propreg geulx que par letres a II lug enungees par ceulx q an meftne jatttetll aux quelles font contenues plufieurs nou- 1| welles tant tre rtefjeffes en eette prouince trouuees || r tricellug pags emeneeg que tre plufieurs aultreis II marefjantrtfeg et rtcjjettes : r ee trepuis le temps ql I! monta fur mer tufpes a prefent II *,,,* I2mo, seven unnumbered leaves. (British Museum.) Direct references : f Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, page 537. \ Catalogue de Livrcs Curicux, No. 138. 1 Similar to the mark in Marques Typogr., No. aio, and BRUNET, Vol. IT, col. 1041. Bibliotheca Americana. 325 197. FRANCK (SEBASTIAN) Recto of the first leaf: I 534 tnib MlDeniff Dee gani^en || erDtbooens bon Scbaftiano Sranco||S8orbefi in bier bitrijcr nctnlid) in 9lft-|| ami5fyljrica i^nrojiamibnb America gftelt bnb aateilt 1 2lnd) utter bariit be- 1| griff nenSanb en nation i ^roninfec bnb ^nfclu i gef egenljeit i groffe i incite i ge || nwdjft :c)jgenfdjafft bn& ber barinn gefegener bolder tmb eintaoncr i nam || men i a, eft aft i Icben \ toefen i refigion i gfanBen i eeremonien i gfat? i regitnet i 1| ^otticetj i fttten i branij frieg gemerb fru^titljienffcibttng bit berllenbe- rnng i eijgentlidj fnr bie angen gefteft i Wudj etnwg bo item | gefunbenen toeften bnb 3-nfeIninitt an(j ^erofo : ;\oannei! be ntonte bittai8. iBranbone giftoriibn bergfeidjen || fatefnifunb anfj angennmnenigfanBniirbigen || erfarne i loeltfdjreibern mufelig u Ijanff tra || ge bit anfj bifeni wcitfeftffigcn bucfjern in || ein ^anbebud) engefeibt bnb der-|| fajftibormafg bergleij|en || in Seiitdj nie auff- |i gangen. II I9tit eincm ;u enb angeljentften iHegifter atteg imUjalteg.ilAlnm^t Ijer mtb fdiannict bie toerif be 0er- rember fo number bar-illii^ ift fiber bie menfdjen finber. ilbj. teiiij. II* ANNO. M.D.XXXIIII. * Angltcc : World-book : mirror and the eye. Also something about the newly likeness of the whole globe, set forth and found world and islands, not from such arranged by Sebastian Franck of Woerden like fables as those of Berosus, John of [in Holland], in four books, namely in Monte Villa [Mandeville?] and S. Bran- Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Also don s history, but from accredited, trust- of all the lands, nations, provinces and worthy, experienced geographers, brought islands comprised therein 5 situation, size, together with great pains from widely dif- plants, properties, and of the people and fused books, and embodied and published inhabitants thereof, names, shapes, mode of in a single volume, the like of which in life, morals, religion, creeds, ceremonies, German was never before published. laws, government, policy, manners, cus- Come and behold the work of the Lord, toms. war, industry, fruits, animals, cloth- so wonderful among the children of men. ing and fashions, properly represented to Ps. 46, 64. 326 Bibliotheca Americana. C 3 A. ^i?r.r0 of folio ccxxxvij : C ctrujft ju 3iUjtttgett bu?d) Sttrii!) Sftortjart i im tnufcnt funff || Ijmtbrrt trier bub brrtjffiftrn jar. I! On the verso of fol. ccx begins the account of America : If $im America bent bierbten tetyl ber *,,,* Folio, title one leaf-j- four unnumbered preliminary leaves -}- two unnumbered leaves + leaves marked m-ccxxxvii -}- seven unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) Sebastian Franck or Francus seems to have been an author of some consequence, since we find him included among the Prima c/assis, in qua auctorum damnatte me morise Opera edita^ &c. ; but as we have not access to such outlandish authorities as the works of Arnold 2 , Seckendorff , Crenius 4 and Keckermann 5 , we borrow the following from Jocher 6 . " Ein Wiedertaufer und Mysticus aus Deutschland oder von Woer- den in Holland, hielt sich um 1535 zu Ulm auf, von dannen er sich aber wegen seiner Irrthumer wegbegeben mussen. Er lehrte mit den Stoicis, dasz alle Sunden gleich waren, und alle Secten und Religionen mit zur wahren Kirche gehorten, verachtett die heilige Schrifft, und drunge nur auf den Geist ; dannenhero er von Luthero, Melanchthone und andern widerleget worden, auch noch vor Luthero um 1545 gestorben." Bayle says 7 concerning the work before us : "II ne faut pas oublier une Chronique Allemande ou il mela bien des choses prodigieuses. Mr. Moreri a parle de lui sous le nom de Franck mais il ri en dit presque rien, quoique Mr. de Sponde" qu il cite cut pu tournir des particularitez, & entre autres celle-ci, que Francus fut chasse, de Strasbourg, et que sa Chronique y fut condamnee." 1 Index Libror. Prohib. (Madrid, fol., * de Histor. in Optra Omnia ; Geneva, 1667), p. 884. fol., 1614 8 Kirchen und Ketzer Histor. ; Frankft., * Allgem. Gelehrt. Lexic., Vol. u, p. 719. fol., 1699. Dictionnaire, art. Francus. 8 Luther, ; Frankft., 410, 1692. 8 Jlnnal. ad ann. 1529, num. 9, af. * Anlmadvers. ; Lyons, 8vo, 1697. BAYLE. Bibliotheca Americana. 327 XERES (FRANCIS) Within a border and under a vignette : I la omqtttfia tol g prouincia trel <u?co Uamatra la nueua (Saftilla: Otonpiftatra pot el magnifico || g egforcatro caua= Hero jFranctfco picarro fjijo trel capitan (Honjalo pirarro caua || Hero tre la ciutratr tre ftrugillo : como capitan general tre la eefarea g catijoltca || mageftatr 51 emperatior g res n!o feiior : IBmMafca a fu tna= geftatr por J^ranctsco : tre Xere? natural tre la mug notle g mug leal ctutratr tie g>eutlla fecretarto trel || tobretudjo feiior entotras lag putnctas g conptfta tre la nueua Otaftilla g bno II tie los prtmeros qutftatioreg tiella. S^^i^^^^^^i^ C Jfue bifta g examinatra efta otra por tratro tre log feftores tnptfitroreg||tiel arcottfpatio tie g?*wUa: r impreffa en cafa tre Uartljolome peret en el meg tre 3ulio, ^no $el parto birginal mil r quinientog g tregnta g quatro.* i& . *,,,* Folio, title one leaf + eighteen unnumbered leaves, printed in two columns, the verso of the last leaf, which contains a con tinuation of a piece of poetry, is in three columns. (Private Library, New York.) * Anglicl : A true account of the con- Very Loyal city of Sevilla ; secretary of the quest of Peru, and of the province of said captain throughout the conquered Cuzco, called New Castil, subjugated by provinces and countries of New Castil, and Francisco Pizarro, Captain [in the service] one of the first conquerors of that country. of His Majesty the Emperor, our master. A work seen and examined by order of Dedicated to his Majesty the Emperor, by Messrs, the Inquisitors of the Archbishop- F. Xeres, a native of the Most Noble and ric of Sevilla, and printed in the estab- 328 Bibliotheca Americana. "Je n ai pu trouver sur Francisco de Xeres d autres renseignements que ceux qu il nous donne lui meme. On voit par le titre de son livre, qu il etait secretaire de Fran9ois Pizarre et 1 un des premiers conquerants du Perou : ce fut par 1 ordre de ce chef qu il ecrivit sa Relation a Caxamalca meme II fut de retour a Seville le 9 Janvier 1534 [June 3d, see recto of E 8, in this edition]. C est probable- ment 1 Histoire du Perou, sans nom d auteur qui se trouve cite sous le No. 41 [our No. 199, a very different work], de ma bibliotheque americaine ; mais comme je n ai jamais vu 1 original, je n ai pu verifier ce fait. " La conquete du Perou fut traduite en langue italienne, ou plutot en dialecte venitien, par Domenico de Gaztelu, gentilhomme navar- rais, natif de Tudela, et secretaire de don Lope de Soria, ambassadeur de Charles V pres la republique de Venise ou 1 auteur la fit imprimer en 1535, chez Stephano da Sabio [our No. 200, and at Milan, in the same year, by Gotardo da Ponte, our No. 201]. Le texte espagnol fut reimprime en 1547 a Salamanque chez Francisco Fernandez de Cordoue [infra], II parait que cette seconde edition, la seule que j aie pu me procurer, fut revue avec beaucoup de negligence, car on y trouve quelquefois des passages tronques, dont on ne peut comprendre le sens qu a 1 aide de la version de Gaztelu : ce qu on a eu soin de faire observer dans les notes. " Cette relation, fort rare aujourd hui, est restee inconnue a plusieurs historiens espagnols : je citerai entre autres Pizarro y Orellana qui, dans son ouvrage sur les hommes illustres des Indes, ne dit pas un mot de Xeres ni de son livre, quoiqu il ne parle presque que des Pizarre, et qu il remplisse ses marges de citations. " Barcia a fait entrer 1 histoire de la Conquete du Perou dans sa col lection intitulee : Historiadores primitives de las Indias 1 ." (TERNAUX 8 .) This edition of Xeres contains the following passage, which is not in the edition of 1547 : $ porq en efta ciuirair ire Seuilla algunos con emtitria o tnaiicia: j> ottos con ignorancta ire la beriratr en fu atfencia ija tnaltratatro fu fjonra bn ftitralgo troiietro fe tre afrenta ta faifa cotra fjotre q ta ijonratramete g ta lerois Ufu natural ija Muitro i e fu flfenfa los ftguietes metrosi. lishment of Bartholomew Perez, in the l Vol. in. month of July. The year of the Immacu- a Introduction to his own translation of late Conception 1534. Xeres; Paris, 1837. Bibliotheca Americana. 329 This is followed by a long piece of poetry, containing a greater number of stanzas 3 than in the Salamanca edition. Besides the Italian versions already mentioned, there is another in Ramusio 4 , an English translation in Pur- chas 5 , and one in French in TernauxV Recueil. I QQ. ANONYMOUS Within a wide border, and under a large square vignette (which, we think, is only a repetition of the border and woodcut in No. 198). llamatra la nueua (tfaftilla, Ha ql tterra par iuuina bo || luntalr fue marauillofamente conpiftatra en la felietf || ftma benttira trel IBrnperatror g Meg nueftro fenot: g pot la prutrencia g porla pru^ treiuia g effuer^o trel mug magntfico g bale II rota cauallero el Otapitan jfrancifw pi^arro Souernall trot g atrelantatro tre la nueua cafttllaig tre fu ijermallno ffiernanJo pt^arroig tre fus animofois capitaneg II r fteleg g effortatrois companeros q efi el fe ijallaron. II see Within an ornamented border, and below the double-headed eagle escutcheon : (L IBfta ofcra fue impreffa || en la mug notle g 3 "It [the Conquista] ends in Barcia Tom. xxvr, 1853, and Gayangos con- with some poor verses in defense of Xeres, jectures them to have been written by by a friend, which are ampler and more Oviedo." TICKNOR, Hiit. of Span. Lift., important in the original edition, and con- Vol. n, p. 40, note 37. tain notices of his life. They are reprinted 4 Raccolta, Vol. in, fol. 372-92. in the Biblioteca di Autorcs Espagfiola, Pilgrimcs, Pt. II, B. vn, pp. 1491-4. 42 330 Bibliotheca Americana. 1534. mug I! leal ctutmtr ire g>e II utllaien cafa tre = lome II perej, en el II mes tre II Efcril. II >J< II Mo ire mil r Qutnietog g tregnta g patro. II * 5|c * Folio, title one leaf + eight unnumbered leaves, printed in long lines; the verso of the seventh leaf contains a portion of the text, followed by a repetition of the large chap-like vignette on the title-page. Recto of the eighth leaf blank. (Private Library, New York.) This Narration is very different from Xeres (No. 198). It was evidently composed by one of Pizarro s companions, and seems to be the original of the third part of our No. 190, but more succinct than the Italian. The Bibliotheca Grenvilliana 1 states that it is identical with the Relatione (Tun Capitano Spagnuolo della Conquista del Peru, published by Ramusio, but with " many varia tions," an assertion which we have no means of verify ing at present. Direct references: f SCHWINDEL, Thesavrvs bibliothecalis, Vol. I, page 166. PANZER, Annales Tyf>ogr.,~Vol. VII, page 124, No. 38. TERNAUX, No. 41. EBERT, No. 5129. GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 251. BRUNET, Vol. II, col. 230. Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part VII, No. 4600. 2OO. XERES-GAZTELU Recto of the first leaf : LIBRO PRI ii MO DE LA CONQVISTA || DEL PERV & prouin- cia del Cuzco || de le Indie occidental!. || Then, coat-of-arms with the double-headed eagle, holding in its claws a medallion, with the following legend inscribed thereon : EXIVIT SONVS EORVM, then : Con gratia & priuilegio per anni X. || 1 Vol. II, page 536. Bibliotheca Americana. Verso of the title-page : I f *? C , Neffum ardifca di ftampare il prefente volume o || far ftampar ne ftampato da altri dare a vendere in || li loghi del noftro dominio fotto la pena che nel || breue appare 1 . Colophon : Stampato in Vinegia per Maeftro || Stephano da Sabio del MD || XXXV. Nel mefe II di Marzo. II 4to (signatures in eights), title one leaf, -f- fifty-nine unnum bered leaves, -f- one leaf with the above colophon on the recto, and on the verso an escutcheon sporting a large crown with the word SABIO. The narrative begins on the recto of the fifth leaf. (Private Librar., New York, Providence and Harvard Coll. Libr.) 1 Mr. Grenville, in a MS. note added riguez, on board of which it is more than to his copy (now in the British Museum), probable that Xeres was a passenger, as the refers to this passage as indicating that the craft belonged to him : " La -vna de las dot present was the first of the two editions of naos postreras q llcgaron, en la ql -vino par Gaztelu s version. maestre Fracisco rodrigucx et de Francisco de Xcrcx natural desta ciudad a" Seuilla : el In reply to GRAESSE S fling at BRUNIT, qual cscriuio esta relacion" Sec., Sec. (Recto vix. : " Quand il dit que ces deux derniers of the last leaf in edition of 1534.) This volumes [Gotardo de Ponte s and Stephano vessel reached Seville, June 30!, 1534: da Sabio s editions] sont la traduction de " En el sobrcdicho ano (/. e. " Ano f mil y 1 ouvrage de F. Xeres (V. Oviedo et Xeres), quinietos y treynta y qtro" see a few lines je ne comprends pas comment la version above, where he refers to the arrival of a d unlivrepourraitetreimprimeeen I535qui, vessel "a nucuc d cnero"), el tercero dia del selon les propres mots de 1 auteur (a la fin mes </ Junto llegaro otros dos naos en la vna de la Verdadera rclacion 1547, v. Oviedo), vent a for maestre Fracisco rodriguez." avait etc ecrit dans la ville de Caxamalca (Recto of E8.) The Xeres, which is the par ordre de Fran9- Pizarro peu avant le re- original from which the present Italian tour de 1 auteur a Seville, le 3 Juin 1538." translation, as well as the Spanish reprint of (Vol. n, page 2,51,) we beg leave to state 1547 were made, was printed in July, 1534. that there is no authority whatever for this There is no difficulty, therefore, in under- " peu avant le 3 Juin 1538." On the standing how a work commenced at Caxa- contrary, there is evidence that Xeres wrote malca as early as March, 1533, which is his account long before that date. The the date when Francisco Pizarro " ordered Verdadera relacion ends with the arrival in that a relacion should be written to be sent that city of the vessel commanded by Rod- to His Majesty," and which was completed Bibliotheca Americana. *535* Italian translation of Xeres Conquista (No. 198), by - Domenico de Gaztelu or Gazulo 2 , but with the omission of the last sentence and stanzas in the original. Alcedo says 3 of the translation : " Nacio en la villa de Ochandiano del Sefiorio de Vizcaya (Ternaux says in " Tudela") ; era Caballero del Orden de Alcantara, Ministro del Tribunal de la contradixia mayor y del Consejo de Hacienda." Direct references: f HAYM, Biblioteca Italiana, Vol. I, page 177, No. a. PJNELO-BARCIA, col. 649. RICH, No. ii. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 230. Bibliotheca Hebcriana, Part ix, No. 3179. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, page 536. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 19, No. 65. Livres Curieux, No. 139. 2O I . IDEM OPUS Above a woodcut like that described in No. 200. LIBRO PR I II MO DE LA CONQVISTA || DEL PERV & Prouen- cia del Cuzco||de le Indie occidental!. || No imprint. Colophon on the verso of the last leaf : ([ Impreffo in Milano per Domino Go- tardo || da Ponte a compagnia de Domino lo. || Ambrofio da Borfano nel Anno || del Mille cinquecento e || trenta cinque. || in all probability a few days after the vessel arrived at Seville, in June, 1534, should have been printed in July of the same year, and republished in a different language nine months afterwards. We should also add that BRUNET gives the date of 1535 to de Ponte s edition, whilst Graesse prints it "1538." The title of da Sabio s is also given by the latter, in a manner which differs materially from the copy before us. Must we understand that da Sabio printed two separate editions of the Gaztelu version in 1535, and that de Ponte likewise gave two, one in 1535, and the other in 1538 ? 11 ANTONIO, Biblioth. H. Nova, Vol. I, p. 329. 8 Bibliot. Americana, MS., Vol. I, men tions also an imaginary edition of Gaztelu s version of Xeres, "Madrid, 410, 1525." We think there is a life of G.iztelu in BAENA, Hijos de Madrid. Bibliotheca Americana. 333 Then, within a frame, a shield with an eagle, and the words I C^ C, GOTARDVS DE PONTE__ *,* 410 (signature in eights), title one leaf + three preliminary leaves -f- forty unnumbered leaves. (British Museum.) This rarissime edition is altogether inferior to the preceding, in typography, paper or woodcuts, and seems to be only a clumsy imitation, but evidently of 1535. Direct references : f Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, . J Livres curieux, page 29, No. 139. ( BRONET, Vol. n, col. 230. 2O 2. APIANUS (PETER) Recto of the first leaf: -ft COSMO A || GRAPHIC INTRODVCTIO || cum quibufdam Geometries ac Ajtro- || nomits principijs ad earn \\ rem necejjarijs. \\ Then sphere, and below : MD XXXV. Colophon : Venetijs per lo. Antonium de Nicolinis de Sabio, \\ sumptu 3* requifitione D. Melcbioris || Sejfie. Anno Domini. \\ MDXXXV. Men/is lanuarij . \\ %.* Sm. 8vo ; title one leaf + thirty numbered leaves -f- one leaf, verso blank, but on the recto, Nicolini s printer s mark, and the device DISSIMILIVM INFIDA SOCIETAS. (Private Library, New York.) See verso of leaf 22 and recto of 23 ; and, supra, our Nos. 149 and 150. Direct references : f CANCELLIERI, Dissertazioni, page 46. -| CANOVAI, fita t page 300. ( HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vl. iv, page 102. 203. SABELLICUS (M. c.)" Rhapfodiae Hiftoriarum Enneadum. " Paris, 1535, folio." (MEUSEL .) 1 Bibliotheca Histories Vol. I, Part 1, page 96. 334 Bibliotheca Americana. 1535 204. BERGOMA$(jAC. PHIL.} "Supplementum Chron- ===== icorum, Omnes Fere Hiftorias quae ab orbe condito hactenus geftae funt iucunda admodum dicendi breuitate complectens. Opus fane quam vtiliflimum, & cuiufuis conditionis viro pernecefTarium : primum quidem a Venerando patre Jacobo Philippo Eergomate ordinem Ere- mitarum profeflb confcriptum, deinde vero eruditorum quorundam diligentia, multis mendis, ac fuperfuis qui- bufdam rebus diligentiffirne repurgatum, in ftudioforum omnium gratiam atque vtilitatem. Cui infuper addita eft noftrorum temporum breuis quaedam acceffio eorum annorum hiftorias ac res turn priuatas turn externas complectens quae ab anno. 1500. ad annum 153 5. turn hie, turn etiam alibi geftae funt. Parifiis, M.D.XXXV (1535). Apud Simonem Colineum, in vico D. Joannis Bel- louacenfis. Cum priuilegio. Et a la fin. Praeftantif- fimum hoc atque utilifTimum totius orbis Chronicorum opus : ea omnia quae ab ipfa mundi creatione ad annum ufque 1535. peracta funt breui quodam ftylo complectens excufum eft Parifiis, opera ac praelo Jacobi Nyuerdi ad- fcriptitii bibliopolae & chalcographi : fumptib. uero ac diligentiff. cura, Simonis Colinaei, & Galeoti a Prato bib- liopolarum Parifien. Anno a Chrifto nato M.D.XXXV. pridie Calendas Augufti. in Fol., Feuillets 443. Sans les pieces liminaires. " Quoique cette Edition soil furieusement tronquee, on ne la doit pas tout a fait rejetter, a cause du Livre XVII. qui sert de Suplement a 1 Ouvrage, & qui contient certains articles, qui ne sont pas a me- priser : com me ceux tf Aldus Manutius, Cbristopborus Longolius, Jo. Calpburnius, Janus Lascaris, &c., mais il faut absolument 1 accom- pagner d une Edition plus ancienne : entre lesquelles je choisirais celle de 1 an 1506. in Fol." (CLEMENT 1 .) Bibliotheca Americana. 335 The chapter^ iv permaximis insults, &c., is on folio 1535 412. This truncated edition, with the valuable chapter xvn, however, was republished at Venice, 1547*, folio. Direct references: f l Bibliotheque Curieuse, Vol. HI, page 1 80. -| Histor. Tyfogr. ; London, 1717, Part II, page 12. MAITTAIRE, Annalts, Vol. u, Part u, page 824. 8 NICERON, Memoires, Vol. xvil, page 223. FABRICIUS, Biblioth. Lat. mcd., Book ix, page 38. 205. VARTHEMA-DI AS Recto of the first leaf: ftittnano flf 3Eud0tti(0 fle n Uartfjema HSolognefe nello lEgitto, nella g>o-||ria nella Gratia fceferta, & feltee, nella 13er II Ha, nella Jntrta, ^ nella iEtfjppta. He fetre II el btuere & eoftumi trelle prefate ^ra II utncte. (E iBt al pfente agtontout al II eune Jfole nouamete rttrouate. II Then large vignette similar to the one in the edition of 1522, but not so well finished. Colophon : (E Stampato in Vinegia per Francefco di Aleffan/ 1| dro Bindone, & Mapheo Pa- iini compani, a || fanto Moyfe al fegno de Langelo Ra- || phael. M.D.XXXV. || del mefe d Aprile. ||* *,* Sm. 8vo, title one leaf + leaves numbered from 2-1004- three unnumbered leaves, (Private Library, New York.) Direct references : ( HAYM, Bibliotheca Italiana, Vol. I, page 1 8 1, No. 3. \ PANZER, Annales Tyfogr., Vol. vm, page 545. Anglice : Printed at Venice by Francis the sign of the Angel Raphael, April, di Alexandro Bindone and Mapheus Pa- 1535. fini, Companions of St. Moses [ ? ], at The rest as in No. 98. 336 Bibliotheca Americana. 2O6. ANONYMOUS Recto of the first teaf : Ha notril Citta nuouantente ritrouata alie Jntrie con li fuoi coftumi r mofci trel fuo He r lot ppoli Hi mofci trel fuo atrorare con la Mia bfan?a irelle tonne loro. IBt &e le tua perfone ertnafrotrtte tronate tra pel Heal (JTapt- tano trella ^rmata. Then square vignette. In fine : Data in ZhauaL Adi. xxv. di Settembre. M.D.XXXV.* * * * 410, sine anno aut loco, text begins on verso of title, followed by three unnumbered leaves, printed in italics. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) Our transcript is made from two impressions, gen erally considered as authentic originals, but which are, in fact, only fac-similes executed by the elder Harris. The original is in the British Museum. Direct references : f Bibliotheca Gretrvilliana, page 8za, and Part II, page 445. Bibliotheca Bro-wniana, page 1 8, No. 63. BRUNEI, Vol. HI, col. 102,1. GRAESSE, Vol. iv, page 183. * Anglice : Letter from the noble city ners of their women, and concerning two recently discovered in the Indies, with the hermaphrodites given by the King to the customs and manners of its King and captain of the fleet, peoples, their religion and the fine man- Dated Zhaval, September 25th, 1535. Bibttotheca Americana. 337 2O7. OV1EDO ( G. F. DE) Below the arms of Spain, printed in red: Ifl0 Then at the bottom of the page : pmal> Verso of the title-page : ^rimera parte tre la Jjtftoria natural g gene||ral tre las intrtas gflas r tierra firme trel mat oceano : efcripta por el capt || tan gomalo ijernantin tre (bietio r ballres : alcagtie tie la fortaleja tre- II la ciutrao tre tancto liomingo tre la gfla efpanolaig cronifta trela Sacra || cefarea g eatijoltcas magef? tatres trel emperatror tron carlos quinto tre tal noire: reg || tre efpana: r tre la ferenittima r mug potrerofa regna trona Juana in matrre nueftros II Mores. ^or cugo mantratro el auctor efcriuio las cofas marauillofas que ag en trt- 1| uerfas gflas r partes treftas intrtas r tmperto trela corona real tre cafttlla: fegu lo bi II tro r fupo en begnte r tros anos r mas que ta que iriue r refttre en aquellas partes : || 3la qual ijiftoria comienca enel primero trefcutrtmiento treftas intrias : g fe contie II ne en begnte litros efte primero bolumen. II In fine : ... Ha qual fe acafco r imprimto enla mug noWe g mug leal cibtratr tre Sebillaien la emprellta 43 338 Bibliotheca Americana. 1535. ire Juam (ftrotnterger i ei poftrero tria fcel meg - $etienrtre. Eno tie mil r quinientos g tregnta cinco *,* Folio, title one leaf, + four preliminary leaves, + text 1-186 + table 1 86^-191 (Colophon on verso), + Epistola 192-193, with arms of Oviedo on the verso of the last. (Private Libr., New York, Providence and Washington city.) As we have already stated (page 257) the present work is entirely different from the Natural Hystoria de las Indias, published in 1526 (supra, No. 139). This is the genuine " General and Natural History of the Indies" of Oviedo, so often quoted. It was originally divided into three parts, numbering in all fifty books. The first part is the present No. 207, which contains nineteen books, and, we think, a portion of the fiftieth (on shipwrecks). These nineteen and a half books were republished at Salamanca, in 1547 (infra). In 1557, the twentieth book, which is the first of the second part, was printed separately 1 . No other portion of this work appeared in print until 1851. The traditions and stories concerning the subsequent fate of the unpublished parts, still find credence even among usually trustworthy bibliographers. Some of the latter, forgetting that in the edition of 1557, there is a notice printed, announcing the fact that the print ing of the rest of the work was interrupted by the death of the author 1 , believe to this day that a great conflagra tion destroyed the printing establishment of Francisco 1 ^f Libro . XX . De la fegunda parte de *%* Folio, title one leaf + sixty-three la general || hiftoria de las Indias . Efcripta 11. BLACK LETTER. por el Capitan || Gon9alo Fernandez de (Private Libr., Providence). Ouiedo, y Valdes . Al- || cayde de la forta- a The end of Chapter XXXV, on fol. leza y puerto de Sacto Domin || go, d la ifla LXIIII, which is the last, reads as fol- Efpanola . Cronifta d fu Mageftad. || gue lows : trata del eftrecho de Magellans. || jj" En " .... to para fu fuftentacion cftas Valladolid . Por Francifco Fernandez de almendras que tengo dicho. Cordoua. || Impreflbr de fu Mageftad . Ano " f No fe imprimo mas delta obra, por- de M . D . LVJI. II que murio el autor." Bibliotheca Americana. 339 Fernandez de Cordova, His Majesty s printer, with all 1535 its contents, including the printed parts and manuscripts of Oviedo ; while others assert that the unpublished books have never been written at all, and exist only in the imagination of booksellers. Even Brunet himself, as late as the last edition of his valuable Manuel, asserts that "on ne sait ce que sont devenus les livres 21 a 28," although he himself cites the work which contains o _ these very books in full. The facts are simply these : After Oviedo s death, the manuscripts of the remain ing twenty-nine and a half books were scattered, but nearly all collected again, since in 1775 a set was kept in the archives of the Ministerio de Gracia y Justicia de Indias ; and Jose Alvarez Baena stated, when he was about to print his Historical Dictionary, that he had copied and collated the whole, preparatory to publish ing it : C Todo se hallaba copiado, comprobado y en disposicion de imprimirse." At all events, when the Royal Academy of History commenced collecting the manuscripts of Oviedo, for the purpose of publication, it obtained possession of the original codices, bequeathed at the beginning of the seventeenth century by the Pro fessor of Divinity in the Cathedral of Seville (Maestre- escuela), Don Andres Gasco, to the Casa de Contrata- cion, and which once belonged to the Convent of Mon- serrate. They lacked a few pages, which, we believe, are still missing, and the XXVI I Ith Book, which was afterwards found among some stray papers collected from the scattered archives of the Jesuits, in the library of the Count de Torre-Palma. The whole work has been lately published by the Royal Academy of History of Madrid, in a style and with a care which confer the greatest credit on the editor, printers and publishers 3 . s Historia General y Natural de las In- Oviedo y Valdes, Primer Cronista del dias, islas y tierra-firme del mar oceano, Nuevo Mundo. Publicala la Real Aca- por el Capitan Gonzalo Fernandez de demia de la Historia, cotejada con el co- 340 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 .5 3 5* As to tne composition of the work, it seems to date . as far back as 1526*. Mr. Ticknor infers from several passages in Books xxxm and xxxiv, that Oviedo kept each book or each large division open for additions as long as he lived 5 . The work, it is well known, was written from official documents, sent to him expressly 6 , as the authorized Chronicler of the Indies ; an office held probably before by Fray Bernardo Gentil 7 , and afterwards by Herrera and Solis. There is a translation into Italian by Ramusio 8 of this first part, the first ten books of which were trans lated into French by Jean Poleur 9 . Direct references: [ PANZER, Annales Tyfogr., Vol. vn, page 124. TERNAUX, No. 46. BRUNET, Vol. IT, col. 299. Bibliotheca Hebcriana, Part VI, No. 2833 (with autograph). Bibliotheca Brotoniana, page 19, No. 64 (with autograph). Historical Nuggets, Vol. n, No. 2067. dice original, enriquecida con las enmien- das y adiciones del autor, e illustrada con la vida y el juicio de las obras del mismo por D. JOSE AMADOR DE LOS Rios. Madrid, Imprenta de la Real Academia de la Historia, 1851-52-53-55. ** Folio, 4 vols., map. The 1st vol. contains from Book I to Book XX. " zd " " " XX " XXIX. " ?d " " " XXIX "XXXIX. " 4th " " " XXXIX " L. which " libro quinquagessimo es el ultimo libro de la Historia natural y general : le qual tracta de los infortunios e naufragios acaescidos en las mares de las Indias, islas y Tierra-Firme del mar O9eano." * " Yo he escrito en este breve Sumario, 6 Relacion, lo que de aquesta natural His toria he podido reducir a la memoria, i he dexado de hablar en otras cosas muchas, de que enteramente no me acuerdo, ni tan el propio como son se pudieraran escrevir, ni expresarse tan largamente, como estan en la General, i Natural Historia de Indias, que de mi mono tengo escrita" apud BAR- CIA S reprint, Vol. i, p. 56. 6 History of Spanish Litterature, Vol. II, p. 33, note 23. * " Demas desto digo que yo tengo cedu- las reales, para que los gobernadores me envien region de lo que tocare a la his- toria en sus gobernaciones para estas his- torias." Introduction to B. xxxm, Vol. Ill, p. 258, of the Madrid reprint. 7 " Aunque el protonotario Pedro Martir que era de Milan, e fray Bernardo Gentil que era Sicilians, e ambos fueron historio- grafos de S. M., hablaron en cosas de In dias." (OVIEDO, lib. 34, cap. 3.) All we could ascertain concerning this GENTIL is what we found in MuRoz (Pro/ago, p. xiv), viz. : " era del orden de Santo Domingo, residia y ensenaba en Espana a principles del Siglo xvi : era conocido del celebre co- mendador griego [?], y gozaba creditos de ingenioso poeta. De escritos Suyos nada he polido saber mas de que penso ilustrar las hazanas del gran capitan en versos he- roycos ;" and he refers to three letters (libb. 5, 15 y 17) in the Of us Efistol. of Lucio Marineo (infra). 8 Raccolta, Vol. nr, from fol. 74 to fol. 223. 9 UHistoire Naturcllc et Generalle des Indes, Isles, et Terre Firme de la grand mer oceane. Paris, by Vascosan, 1556; fol., 5 + 135 11. (Private Libr., Providence.) We cannot recollect where we have seen that Poleur had been Francis I s valet-de- chambre. Bibliotheca Americana. 34! 2O8. REISCH (GREGORT 1 )" MARGARITA PHILOSO- PHiCA, rationalis, Moralis philofophiae principia duo- decim libris dialogice complectens, olim ab ipfo autore recognita, nuper autem ab Orontio Fineo, Delphinate caf- tigata et aucta, vna cum appendicibus itidem emen- datis, et quamplurimis additionibus et figuris ab eodem infignitis. Quorum omnium copiofus index verfa con- tinetur pagella. Virefcit vulnere virtus. Eafileae Hen- ricus Petrus excudebat impenjis Conradi Refchii Anno M.D. XXXV. 4. " Hirfch . Millen . n . p. 56 . Bologn. Crev. n . p. 54 . EibL Schw. iun." (PANZER*.) " E* certo che in tina Cart a fin dal 1535, impressa in Basilea, si vede Paria a 24 . o 25 gradi di Latitudine Australe. (Margar . Philos . p . I 534)-" (CANOVAI 3 .) This map bears the following title : TYPVS vNiverfalis terrae, IVXTA MODER- norvm DISTINCTIONEM ET EXTENSIONEM PER REGNA ET PROVINCIAS. And this inscription : paria feu prijilia. It seems that there is in the editions of the Margarita published after 1512, a Declaratio Speculi orbis compositi a Gualtero Lud. canonico Deodatensi, which can only be an extract from our No. 49, as we have since ascertained that it does not contain the passage relating to America, which we mention. M. D Avezac cites 4 concerning Walter Ludd s works and supposed editions of other cosmographers, Oberlin 5 , Gravier 5 and Beaupre 7 . 1 Not " Georges," as we wrote it, supra, 8 Notice de la Grammatka figurata dc p. 144. PAi/csius, af>. [MILLIN] Magastn Encyclo- a Annalcs Typograph., Vol. vi, p. 308, pedique, for 1799, Vol. v, pp. 323-7. No. 1033. 8 Hi stair e de la -ville et de Farrmdiut- * Viaggl (T America Vespucci, p. 185, note, meat de Saint-Die ; Epinal, 8vo, 1836, pp. * Projection des Cartes de Geographic, p. 2029. 52, note. BEAUPRE, loc. cit., pp. 59-87. 342 Eibliotheca Americana. C? C. 209. VADIANUS (J.) Within an elegant border: $+ EPITOME || TOPOGRAPHICA || TOTIUS ORBIS ? || conferes ad ea potiflimu lo-||ca, quoru paflim Euan- gelifte || & Apoftoli memnere. || Cum elencho aur.o. || Per lochimum Vadianum || Medicum. || Acceflit peregrinatio Petri et || Pauli Apoftoloru cum ra- j| tione temporum || Per Erafmum Roterod. || cum Priuilegio. || I. G. 1535. || Colophon : Antuerpie apud loan. Grapheum || anno. M.D.XXXV. *,* Sm. 8vo, title one leaf -f- three preliminary unnumbered leaves -\- two hundred and twenty numbered leaves. (Private Library, Paris.) See, on fol. 208, the chapter: Insult Qceani pr<ecip. Direct references: ( MAITTAJRE, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. v, Part n, page 306. ( PANZER, Annalcs Tyfogr., Vol. VI, page 23, No. 207. 2IO. PTOLEMT-SERrETUS Recto of the first leaf: CLAVDII PTOLEiiMAEi ALEXANDRINI || GEOGRAPHICAE ENAR- || RATIONIS || LIBBRI OCTO. || EX BILIBALDI PIRCK- EYMHERI|| tralationo, fed ad Graeca & prifca exemplaria a Mi- 1| chaele Villanouano iam primiim recogniti || Adieda infuper ab eo- dem fcholia, || quibufexoleta urbium no/ 1| mina adnoftri fecu || li more expo || nun- tUF. || QVINQVAGINTA ILLAE QVOQVE CVM || ueterum turn recentium tabula adneftuntur varijo; \\ incolen- tium ritus & mores \\ explicantur. || Bibliotheca Americana. 343 Woodcut, with the words VSVS ME GENVIT ; then : * 53 5 LVGDVNI || EX OFFICINA MELCHIORIS ET || GASPARIS TRECHSEL FRATRVM. || M.D.XXXV. || Verso of the title-page : MICHAEL VILLANOVANVS || LECTORIS. || AMPLIS- SIMO DOMINO || Sebaftiano epifcopo Brixi- nenfi, Bibaldus || Pirckeymherus. || *^* Folio ; title one leaf + one hundred and forty-eight pages -j- one blank leaf + fifty folioed leaves for maps, viz. : ten for Europe, four for Africa, twelve for Asia, one for hemisphere. On the obverse of folio 28, which treats : OCEANI OCCIDEN- TALIS SEU ThRRAE NOVAE TABULA, there is a rude map, where on the western part, between N. L. 50 and 30, are laid down FARIAS, ISABELLA INSVL, IAMAIQUA, SPAG NOHA [j/V]. Under the latitude line of 25 N. there is a label in small black letter: " Spagnolia que et Offun [?] dicit gignit aur mastice, aloen, porcellanam, canellam et zinaber Latitudo insule 4. 40 milliaria longitudo 8 80 milliaria. Et inuenta est per Chris- tophorii Columbu laniien Capitaneum Regis Castilie an domini 1492. Aadle loco panis vesaint serpentibus maximis et radi- cibus dulcibus sapore castanear presetentibus. Under the equator, and to the right of 5 S. L. there is another inscrip tion, likewise in rude black letter : Hec terraann adiacentib9 insulis inuenta est p Cristoferum Columbum ianuensem ex mandate Regio Castelle." Beneath this, to the left, in large Roman capitals TERRA NOVA. Opposite these words, to the right, a rude woodcut of savages, and a wild animal re sembling a she-panther, with a black letter inscription under neath, beginning : Reperitur hie anial, &c. Folio 50 contains the last map, headed in rude woodcut engraving : ORBIS . TYPVS . VNIVERSALIS . IVXTA . HYD < OGRAPHORUM . TRADI I IONEM . EXAC- TISSIME . DEPICTA . 1522 . L . F. On the west opposite 40 N. L. ifabella, a little further to the south fpagnola. Opposite 15 S. L. Batoia (sic), to the right of this Cambales. Below in large black letter iclltt^ttCflU The remainder of this splendid volume is ended by : INDEX PTOLEMAEI COPIO- SISSIMVS, &c. Beneath, the same woodcut as on the grand title- page. Register A-F in sixes, F in seven, with Errata on the recto of last leaf; verso blank. (As far as we can recollect, this map is identical with the mappamund in the Ptolemy of 1522.) (British Museum.) 344 Eibliotheca Americana. 1 535* For details concerning the life, works and martyrdom =555= of Michael Servetus, born at Villanueva in Aragon, in 1509 , or at Tudella, in 1511% or at Tarragona , and burnt alive, at the instigation of John Calvin, at Geneva, October 2yth, 1553, we refer the reader to the works and dissertations of De la Roche 4 , Struvius 5 , Chauffe- pie 3 , D Artigny 2 , Alwoerden 1 , Sandius 6 , Bock 7 , Seelen 8 , Benson 9 , Maty 10 , Boysen", Mosheim 12 , Wigand 13 , Gib bon 14 , Wright 15 , Sigmond 16 , Drammond 17 , Romey 18 , Saisset 19 , de Valayre 20 , Galiffe 2 , Rilliet", Schade 23 , and to Calvin s own defence 24 , which never did, and never can, exculpate him from his complicity in this dreadful crime. Our readers are aware that one of the charges brought against Servetus, and which led to the immolation of that unfortunate man bv a set of fiendish fanatics, whose 1 MICHEL DE LA ROCHE, Bibliotheque Angloise; Amsterd., i8mo, 1717-28, Vol. Ii } p 79 5 ALWOERDEN, Histor. Mich. Ser- veti . . . Dissertatione cxposita ; Helmst., 4to, 1727; NICERON, Memoires, Vol. xi, p. 224. 2 D ARTIGNY, Nouveaux Memoires, Vol. n, p. 56. 3 CHAUFFEPIE, art. Servet, note A. 4 he. cit., Vol. V, pp. 5-22, and Mi- moires of Literature ; Lond., 8vo, 1722. 5 Biblioth. Hhtor. Lift. ; lena, 8vo, 1763, Vol. in, p. 1828. 6 Bibliothcca Anti-Trinitariorum, &c. ; Amsterdam, 8vo, 1684, pp. 6-15. T Historia Antitrinitariorum ; Leipzig, 8vo, 1774-76, Vol. II, p. 322, sq. 8 Selecta Litteraria ; Lubeck, I2mo, 1726, N. n, pp. 52-76. 9 Brief Account of the persecution and burning of Servetus for an heretic $ Lond., 8vo, 1743. 10 Authentic Memoirs of the Life of Richard Mead, M. D. ; London, 8vo, 1755- 11 Historia Mich. Serveti, Disscrtatione enarrata; Vitemb., 410, 1712 13 Anderivcitigcr Versuch einer vollstan- digen und unpartheyischen Kctxcrgcschichte , Helmst., 410, 1748. 13 De Servetistno s. de Antitrinitariis ; Ratisbon, 8vo, 1575. 14 Miscellaneous Works (Lond,, 8vo, 1814), Vol. v, p. 400 sq. 14 An Apology for Servetus ; Wisbech., 8vo, 1806. 16 The Unnoticed Theories of Servetus, a Dissertation addressed to the Medical Society of Stockholm ; Lond., 8vo, 1826. 1T The Life of Michael Scr-vctus, the Spanish Physician, "who, for the alleged crime of Heresy, was entrapped, imprisoned and burned by John Calvin, in the city of Geneva, Oct. 27, 1553; Lond., I2mo, 1830, reprinted 1848, I2mo. 18 Hommes et Chases de Divers Temps ; Paris, I2mo, 1864, pp. 121 to 171. 19 Melanges d Histoire, de Morale et de Critique ; Paris, I2mo, 1859, pp. 119 to 227. 40 Fragment Historique sur Michel Ser- vet (Legcndes et Ckroniqucs Suisses) ; Paris, I2mo, 1842. 21 Notices Genealogiques sur les families gcne-voises; Geneve, 8vo, 1831-1836. Proces Criminel Intents a Geneve, en 1553, centre Michel Servet, redigee d apres les Documents Originaux ; Geneva, I2mo, 1844. 28 Etudes sur le proces de Servet ; Stras- burg, 8vo, 1853. 24 Defensio orthodoxa fidei de sacra Tri- nitate, contra prodig wsas errores Michaelit Serveti Hispani : ubi ostenditur htercticos Bibliotheca Americana. 345 foul memory should be held in abhorrence for ever, was 1535. a passage from the present edition of Ptolemy, stating - that Palestine was not such a fertile country as people generally believed, since modern travellers related that it was entirely barren. We have shown, after Mosheim (supra, page 2O2 25 ), that the incriminated passage was already in the Ptolemy of 1522. Besides, it was omitted in the second edition which Servetus published in 1541 (infra) . "J ai deja observe que Gomara fait allusion aux editions de Servet de 1535 et 1541. Dans la premiere on trouve : Iterum Colonus reversus Continentem et alias quam plurimas insulas adinvenit quibus nunc Hispani felicissime dominantur. Toto itaque quod ajunt aber rant coelo qui hunc continentem Americam nuncupari contendunt, cum Americus multo post Columbum eamdem terrain adierit, nee cum Hispanis Hie, sed cum Portugallensibus ut suas merces commutaret, eo se contulit. Cette note severe et en partie injuste, n a pas empeche 1 editeur d ajouter a son edition la carte de 1522 qui offre en grands caracteres le nom d Amerique." (HUMBOLDT 29 .) Direct references: f RAIDEL, Comment, de Claud. Ptol. Geogr., page 61. -j FABRICIUS, Biblioth. Graca, Vol. v, page 276. | PANZER", Annaks Tyfogr., Vol. vii, page 365, No. 776. HOFFMANN, Lexicon, Vol. in, page 319. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 955. Labanoff Catalogue, page 8, No. 2,3. jure gladii coercendos esse, & nominatim de or Philadelphia, and which we were com- homine hoc tarn impio juste & tnerito sump- pelled to go to Boston to consult. We turn Gene-vie fuisse supplicium, per jfoannem should not mention this circumstance, Cal-vinum ; Oliva 8vo, 1554. which in other communities will cer- 26 See, also, an elaborate article in the tainly seem trivial, but for a desire on Neva Memoirs of Literature; Lond., 8vo, our part to state, that if we have among 17257, Vol. I, p. 26, sq. us book collectors whose selfishness is a J " Examcn Critique, Vol. IV, p. 137, scandal and a disgrace, we can also boast note. of a few bibliophiles who delight in plac- 27 Thanks to the Rev. S. R. JOHNSON, ing within the reach of those who need Professor in the N. Y. General Theolog- them all the resources at their command, ical Seminary, we have at last obtained Dr. Johnson is one of these, and we take the loan of a copy of Panzer s Annales this method to acknowledge the favor re- Typografhici : a work we were unable to ceived at his hands, and to express our purchase, hire or borrow in New York sincere gratitude. 44 346 Bibliotheca Americana. I535* 211. STEINHOWEL (?) Within an ornamented border, with medallions in woodcuts : 6ung tmb genteljne anjena,e. i$onn| latter 2$ettt Ijetfont- nten i Simtanten || 8annbeni@tanbei($tygenfdjaffteni|| Ijif= town ttjefen i manicr i ftttcu i an || bnb a&fjang. 9lnffben a,Ianunir||bia,ften iftariein att la || fe tmb granifeuforti am $letyni || Sei rtftiau In fine : M.D.XXXV. Im Augustmen. * Folio, title one leaf -\- five unnumbered preliminary leaves, text i-cxxxvn numbered leaves. Woodcut by H. S. Benham 1 . (Private Library, New York.) See verso of" cm : $ott America bent bterbten c^e^t ber Se(t 1 1| 5(nno . cccc xcbii . erfnnben.H We are of impression that the present is a later edi tion of Henrich Steinhowel s Chronicle, of which the Kloss Catalogue 2 mentions one dated Frankfort, 1531. Direct reference: GRAESSE, Vol. II, page 140. 212. LORITZ OR GLAREANUS " De Geographia liber unus, ab ipfo autore iam tertio recognitus. Apud Fri- burgium Brifgoiae An. M.D.XXXF1. Dicavit autor Joanni a Lafco Poloniae baroni. In fine : Apud Friburgum Erijgoicum Anno. M.D.XXXFI. Excudebat Joannes Faber Emmeus Juliacenjis. 4. " Hirfch Millen. in. p. 52. Bib I. Dilherr." (PANZER 3 .) J Page 291, No. 4049. Annahs Typogr,, Vol. VII, p. 61, No. Bibliotheca Americana. 347 213. TRITHEMUS (J.) Recto of the first leaf: I C 3 6. IOANNIS TRIiiTHEMii^ ABBATIS SPANHE||menfisEpiftolarum familiarum libri duo ad diver || fos Ger manise Principes, Epifcopos, ac eru || di- tione praeftantes uiros, quorum || Catalogus fubie&us eft. || Woodcut representing two heads, then : CAVTVM EST PVBLICO EDICTO|| Caefarea Maieftatis, ne quis alius impune intra || quatuor annos imprimat. || HAGA- NOAE EX OFFICINAHPetri Brubachij, * + * 4-to, title one leaf-}- seven unnumbered leaves -j- three hun dred and forty-four pages. (Imperial Library, Paris.) Whatever may be the merits of this laborious Bene dictine (born in 1462, died in 1516 or I5I9 1 ), as a pro lific describer of books which existed only in his imagin ation, or else which were destroyed immediately after his elaborate description of them, for no traces have been seen since, he is entitled to a place in this Biblio theca only on account of a letter, dated August I2th, 1507, and addressed to Jo. Valdicus Monapius, wherein the " uncritical" Spanheim abbot complains that he is too poor to purchase a map (probably Ruysch s) which cost at Worms as much as forty florins. The passage is on page 296, and as follows: 1 SPONDE S continuation of Baronius LET, Jugcmcns des Savant, Vol. II, page Annalcs, Anno 1499, n< XI > a P ut ^ BAIL- 24, note 1. C JO 348 Bibliotheca Americana. "Comparavi autem mihi ante paucos dies pro acre modico, sphaeram __ orbis pulchram, in quantitate parva nuper Argentina^ impressam, simul et in magna dispositione globum terrae in piano expansum cum Insulis et Regionibus noviter ab Americo Vesputio Hispano inventis in Mari Occidental}, ac versus Meridien ad Parallelum ferme deci- mum a (quadragesimum)." Kloss annotation 3 cc Ed. unica" can only refer to a separate edition of those valuable Epistles, as they are included in the Opera historica, Franco/., 1601, fol 4 . Direct references: f MAITTAIRE, Annalcs Typogr., Vol. n, Part II, page 853. PANZER Annales Typogr., Vol. vn, page 115. MORERI, Dictionnaire, Vol. Till, page 230. CANCELLIERI, Dissertation!, page 46, BRUNET, Vol. vi, No. 18732. CANOVAI, Piaggi, page 299. LELEWEL, G eogr. du Moycn-Agc, Vol. II, page 145, note. Bodleian Catalogue, Vol. in, page 669. 214.. " PETRI MARTYRIS AB ANGLERIA de rebus Oceanicis et de orbe novo decades. Lut. Paris. 1536. In-fol." (TERNAUX 8 .) We failed to discover other mentions of this edition than those to be found in Graesse 6 , who copies Brunet, and in Brunet 7 , who copies Ternaux. The British Museum, Mazarine and Imperial Libraries at Paris, as well as the private collections in this country, all so rich, have been duly ransacked, but such an edition could not be found. a " Parallelum decimum doit designer 6 Tresor, Vol. I, p. 130. 50 d apres 1 usage, bien connu par la lettre Manuel, Vol. I, col. 293. de Toscanelli, de compter 5 pour chaque * The translation of Oviedo, by POLEUR, intervalle." D AVEZAC. mentioned by Ternaux (Xo. 47), under 3 Catalogue, page 258, No. 3628. the date 051536, is erroneously dated. It 4 Vossius, de Latin Histor., page 644. was printed at Paris by Vascosan in 1556. 6 Bibliotheque Americainc, No. 47 bit. (See, supra, p. 340, note 9.) Eibliotheca Americana. 349 2I5 MAXIMILIAN OF TRANSYLVANIA & PIGAFETTA. I Recto of the first leaf : IL VIAGGIO||FATTO DA GLI SPA || GNIVO- LIA || TORNO A L || MONDO. || Con Gratia per Anni xmi.||MDXXXVI.|| *.,,* 410, sine loco (but supposed to have been printed at Venice), title one leaf, + three preliminary leaves, + forty-seven un numbered leaves. On the recto of the last leaf, a short vocab ulary of the language of Brazil. No water-mark. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) The present contains an Italian translation of the two accounts of Magellan s voyage already described (supra, Nos. 122 and 134). The version of Pigafetta s narra tion is taken from Fabre s French translation, which itself was made from the Italian. If Pigafetta s account was originally written in French, how is it that Fabre had to copy an Italian original ? If it was originally written in Italian, how is it that the present translation was made from the French ? " Je m etais d abord fie a Ramusio, qui s exprime a faire croire que c est lui qui le premier avait songe a traduire en italien / Extrait du voyage de Pigafetta fait par Fabre, et la lettre de Maximilien Tran- silvain ; mais j ai trouve depuis que Ranusio n a fait que copier une traduction imprimee a Venise en 1536 [the above]. " II n a change que fort peu de mots. II a abrege le discours pre- liminaire, a supprime les numeros des cent quatorze chapitres dans lesquels Fabre avait divise 1 ouvrage, et y a ajoute les titres des cha pitres dans lesquels il 1 a divise lui meine. II en a meme copie les fautes les plus grossieres . . . ." (AMORETTI 1 .) Direct references: f Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part IX, No. 3129. | Bibliotheca Grenvil/iana, page 548. I Bibliotheca Broivniatia, page 19, No. 67. Historical Nuggets, No. 2753. Libri Catalogue for 1861, No. z88. BRUNET, Vol. v, col. 1167, contains also a sharp but merited reply to the overrated DIBDIN*. 1 Premier voyage autour du Monde, p. xlv, note. " See Library Companion, p. 409. 350 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 5 3 ^* 2 I 6. FLAMINIUS (JOHN ANTHONY)" Epiftok ad lum III. Pont. Max. initio Pontificatus . Eiufdem belli recentis Aphricani defcriptio ad Ampliff. P. Antonium Puccium Sanctorum Quatuor Cardinalem . Eiufdem de quibufdam memorabilibus novi Orbis nuper ad nos tranfmiffis ad eundem . Eiufdem Conflictus ille Pannoni- cus cum Turcis, in quo Pannoniae rex interiit. In fine: Bononiae ap . Vincent . Bonardum Parmen . et Marc. Anto nium Carpen .Jocios . Anno Jalutis M . D . XXXVI. Men/is Martii . 4. " Bibl. Sen. Lipf." (PANZER*.) This Flaminius must not be mistaken for the John Flaminius whose life and death are related in so touch ing a manner by Valerianus 2 . The reader will find a full account of John Anthony Flaminius (/. e. Zarrabini de Colignola, 1464-1536), in Vossius 5 , Fabricius 4 and Tiraboschi 5 . We suppose that this epistle de quibusdam in Novo Orbe, is also to be found in Capponi s edition 6 of Flaminius Letters. 217. ZIEGLER (JAMES) " Terrae fanffae, quam PalaeJ- tinam nominant, Sytiae, Arabiae^ Aegypti et Schondiae doc- tiffima dejcriptio, una cum fingulis tabulis earundem regionum typographies (lege topographicis) authore IACOBO ZIEG- LERO, Landavo-Bavaro. Holmiae plane regiae urbis cala- mitoffima clades^ ab eodem, defcripta. Terrae Janftae altera defcriptio, iuxta ordinem alphabeti, quae ad Jcripturam proxime direfla <?/?, utilijjima etiam plebeio lecJori^ authore 1 Annalcs Typogr., Vol. ix, p. 415, No. 4 Bibliotheca Med. & Infm. Lot. Lib. 164. VI, p. 501. a de Litterator. Infelicitatc, Lib. i, p. 23. 8 Storia de la Let. Ital., Vol. vn, p. 1408. 8 de Historicis Latinis, p. 68 a. * Efist. Fami Harts; Bologna, 410, 1744. Bibliotheca Americana. 351 VVOLFGANGO vvEissENBVRGio, pridem Academiae Eafili- I 53" en/is Mathematico. Index totius operis locupletijfimus^ qui - in priori editione defiderabatur. Elenchus, quo libro et capite Bibliorum, et quoties finguli Palaeftinae loci continen- tur. Argentorati, apud Vuendelinum Richelium 1536. \in-f Olf\ (MEusEiA) See the chapter relating to " Schondia," and our No. 170. 2 I 8. BROCARD Gf PETER MARTYR Recto of the first leaf: DESCRI- || PTIO TERRAE SANCTAE || exa&iflima, autore Bro- cardo Mona- 1| cho libellus diuinarum fcriptura- 1| rum ftudiofis, multo || vtiliffimus. || De Nouis Infulis nuper repertis, & de || moribus incolarum earundem, |]per Petrum Martyrem || res Ie6lu digna. || 1 ANTVERPIAE || In sdibus loannis Steelfii || Anno a Chriftonato||M.D.XXXVI.|| Colophon : Typis loan Graphei. || M.D.XXXVI. || ** Sm. 8vo for size, signatures in fours, title one leaf -f- twenty- eight unnumbered leaves, then the de insults in nineteen un numbered leaves, on the verso of the last a vignette, with the words : "10. STEEL sivs. Concordia, res parue crescunt." (Private Libr., New York, Brooklyn and Providence.) A copy before us, in all other respects like the pres ent, lacks the colophon. The first part contains only an account of a journey to the Holy Land in 1232, by a Dominican monk, of German origin, called Brocard, Brochard, or Brocardus, often quoted by Danville. The second part, which 1 GESNER, Biblhthcca, p. 388. Catalog. Libror. rarior. (ed. 1753), p. 734; 2 Biblioth Histor., Vol. I, Part u, p. BOECLER, Bibliogr. critica, p. 571; BAUR, 95; FREYTAG, Analccta, y. 1114; VOGT, Biblioth. Lib. Rar. univcrs., Vol. iv, p. 323. 3 <j 2 Bibliotheca Americana. begins at the twenty-ninth leaf, is the extract from Peter Martyr, described, supra, page 187, No. no. Direct references : f Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, page 98. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 19, No. 66. Bibliotheca Barloiuiana, . RICH, Supplement, page 2. BRUNET, Vol. I, col. 1270. 219. 5^co BOSCO (GIOVANNI >/)" Sphera Volgare novamente tradotta con molte notande additioni di Geometria, Cofmographia, Arte Navigatoria, et Stereo- metria, Proportioni et Quantita delli Elementi, Dif- tanze, Grandeze, et Novimenti di tutte li Corpi celefti, cofe certamente rade et maravigliofe. Auctore M. Mauro Fiorentino Phonafco et Philopanareto, curious woodcuts (two containing a globe with AMERICA). 4to, Venetiis, B. Zanetti, 1537. Printed f ad iftanzia di Gio- van Orthega, di Carion Burgenfe Hifpano comorante in Firenze. No doubt this Orthega was the author of the arithmetical Treatife printed at Rome in 1515^8 Mauro calls him a mathematician" (LlBRI 1 .) It is evident that a work originally written in the early part of the thirteenth century cannot contain any thing on America; but the De Sphera of Sacro-Bosco (i. e. John Holy wood, Oxon.) became to the mathema ticians and geographers of the century following the re-discovery by Columbus an inexhaustible source of commentaries, some of which certainly contain refer ences to the oceanic discoveries, attributed, especially by the Italian commentators to Vespuccius. The above contains only a woodcut, but Fr. Giuntini s Commen- taria (chap, in), present features of greater interest ; unfortunately the date of publication 2 excludes the work from our Bibliotheca. 1 Catalogue for 1861, No. 6412. l Lyons, 1578, 8vo. Bibliotheca Americana. 353 2 2O. GIUSTINIANI (AUG.} Recto of the frst leaf: * 537 ANNALI CON LA LORO COPIOSA TAVOLA || della Eccelfa & Illuftriffima Republi. di Genoa, da fideli & approuati Scrit/ || tori, per el Reueredo Monfignore Agoftino Giuftiniano Genoefe Vefcouo di|| Nebio accuratamente racolti. Opera cer- tarnete molto laudeuole, a Stu/||diofi affai comoda, & comrnunemente a tutti vtilif- fima. Facedo per || la varieta delle opere chiaramente conofcere, quanto fi. deb || ba da tutti riprouare el male, & conftante- mente pro/ 1| curare el bene della iiia Re- publica. || fr g 4 || Then large woodcut, two angels supporting the arms of Genoa, with the inscription AVREA LIBERTAS VEXILLVM GENEVE. f GENOA. || fr M.D.XXXVII. <? || Cum gratia t * JOHN STOEFFLER, born in Suabia, in grapher. We, therefore, suppose that there 1452 (BAYLE), or in 1472 (D AvEzAC, may be a map or some passage relating to Projections Geogr., p. 49), died in 1530 America in the following work : (D AvEzAC, loc. cit.), or at Tubingue, in " Cosmographies aliquot dcsctiptioncs Jo. 1522, (Vossius, de MatAesi, lib. in, p. 148), Stoefleri justtngensis mathematici insignis ; or at Blaubers, in 1531 (MELCH. ADAM, de sphtera cosmografAica, de duplici terra Vit. Philos.y p. 74), of the plague or from proiectione in planum, hoc est, qua ratione the effect of a shelf which struck him commodius chartae cosmographies, quas map- on the head, in accordance with his own pas mundl vacant, designari queant, Omnia prediction (CALVISIUS, ap. BAYLE), was recens data per j?o. Dryandrum. Marpurg. not only a mathematician, astronomer and Euch. Cervicornus, 1537." astrologist, but also a remarkable cosmo- 45 354 Bibliotheca Americana. r fj n Colophon : = * Finifcono li annali della Inclita Citta di Genoa co diligen || cia, & opera del nobile Laurentio Lomellino forba, ftapati || in la detta citta Lanno delPincarnacione del noftro Si/ 1| gnore. M.D.XXXVII. Et nono della reforma || ta Liberta. Regnante el quinto Duce. Per || Antonio Bellono Taurinefe con gratia || & priuilegio della eccelfa Re/ 1| publica di Genoa, a di || xviii. de Mazzo. %* Folio, title one leaf + thirteen unnumbered leaves + two hun dred and eighty-two numbered leaves. (Harvard College Library.) These are the well-known annals of the Republic of Genoa by Giustiniani, the editor of the polyglot Psalter (No. 88 bis]. The work contains on fol. ccxlix an interesting account of Columbus, and a mention of the bequest supposed to have been made by the Ad miral "all* ufficio di. S. Georgia la decima parte" of what he owned, for the erection of an hospital, we believe. The passage is sometimes cited to impart an air of authenticity to the codicil, made according to military usage, and written on a blank leaf of a breviary, said to have been presented to Columbus by Alexander VI, and found afterwards in the Corsini library at Rome, or picked up in a book-stall, and purchased for a few cents 1 . As to the Annals, Bayle quotes Francesco Zazzera 1 , to prove that the manuscript was tampered with by the 1 Notes on Columbus, p. 160. a apud MICH. JUSTINIANI, gli Scrittori Ligur., p. 19. Eibllotheca Americana. 355 editor or publisher. Some extracts and translations 1537 into French will be found in one of the histories of = Lewis XII, published by Theodore Godefroy 3 . Direct references : f Jovius, Elogia Doctor, viror., cap. cxxx. -I Vossius, de Histor. Latin., lib. in, page 68 1. I HAYM, Biblioteca Italiana, Vol. i, page 152. FONTANINI, Bibliot. delf Eloquenxa itat., Vol. II, page 232. CANCELLIERI, Dissertazioni, page 139. BRUNET, Vol. u, col. 1618. Bibliotheca Grenvil/iana, Part II, page 211. Crevenna Catalogue, Vol. V, page 201. 221. BORDONE (B.) Within a wide ornamented border: ISOLARIOiiDI BENE DETTO II BORDONE NEL QVALI SI || RAGIONA DI TVTTE LE ISOLE || Del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi &|| moderni, hiftorie, fanole, & modi || del loro viuere, & in qual parte || del mare ftanno, & in qual || parallelo & clima||giaciono.||RICORRETTO ET DI || NVOVO RISTAMPATO || con la gionta del Monte || del Oro nouamente || ritrouato. || Then vignette, and IN VENETIA. Colophon : Stampato in Venetia per Francesco di Leno. || %.* Folio, sinne anno, title one leaf + nine preliminary leaves + seventy-four numbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) We suppose the above to be the edition mentioned by Rich 4 , with the following note : " Our readers are aware that this learned ton s, and Jean de Saint-Gelais Histoiret jurist published at Paris, between 1615 de Louis XII. and 1 622, Claude de Seyssel s, Jean d 1 Au- 4 Bibliotheca Americana Vetus, No. 1 9. 356 Bibliotheca Americana. "This edition was probably published before 1540. At the end is a copy of a letter from the Prefetto of New Spain, giving an ac- count of the conquest of Peru, by Pizarro, in 1533. At p. 10 is a plan of the great city of Temistitan (Mexico)." Direct references: f Mapotec a Colombiana, No. 10. -( Stevens, American Bibliographer, page 41. ( BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 1112. 222. NUNEZ (PEDRO)" Tratado da Sfera, com a Theo- rica do Sol, & da Lua, e o primeiro libro da Geografia de Claudio Ptolomeo Alexandrine \_aumentados con muchas ano- taciones y figuras para Ju mas facil inteligencia l ~\ Hunc Nonnius [/. e. the above Nunez], annotationefque & figuras adjunxit. Simul editus eft : " Urn \_dos*~\ Tratado em defenjam da Cart a de mar ear com o regimiento da altura [en los cuales Je declaran todas las principals dudas de la nauegacion^ con las tablas del movimiento deljol yju declination, y el regimiento de la al tura ; aft al medio dia, como en los otros (tempos] Olifipone apud Germanum Gallardum 1537, in folio." ( ANTONIO".) Black letter, pp. 26. (RICH S .) " El celebre Martin Alfonso de Sousa, propuso a Nunez varias dudas sobre la nauegacion, de resultas de la que habia hecho a la India por los mares del sur ; y la satisfaccion que dio a ellas la abrio campo para examinar los principios cientificos de la nautica y refutar los errores en que se incurria, por la ignorancia de los navegantes. Con este objeto habia escrito y publicado en 1537, dedicandolo al Infante D. Luis." (NAVARRETE 1 .) For a magnificent and true eulogium on Nunez, the greatest of the Portuguese mathematicians (born in 1492, died in 1577), the teacher of Don Sebastian of 1 Dissertation sobre la Historia de la * Biblioth. Hisf. Nova, Vol. u, p. 2 Nautica, pp. 171-174. s Biblioth. Americana Fetus, No. 26. Bibliotheca Americana. 357 Portugal, and the precursor of Newton (as regards the 1537. theory of light and colors, in the De Crepusculis), see _ Navarrete 1 , Barbosa y Machado 4 , Stockier 5 , Montucla 6 , and Teissier 7 . M. Denis says that " le P. Simon de Vas- concellos lui attribue un Roteiro do Brasil, qui n a jamais etc public." 223. HUTTICH-GRrNAEUS Recto of the first leaf: NOVVS ORBIS REGIO n NVM AC INSVLARVM VETERIBVS INCOGNITA- RVM || una cum tabula cofmographica, & aliquot alijs confimilis || argument! libellis, quorum omnium catalogus || fequenti pate- bit pagina. || His acceffit copiofus rerum memorabilium index. iv rpiodft) el/u. Then printer s mark, and Nihil arduum fatis. ADIECTA EST HVIC POSTREMAE EDITIONI || Nauigatio Caroli Caefaris aufpicio in co- mi/ || tijs Auguftanis inftituta.* || BASILEAE APVD IO. HERVAGIVM MENSE || MARTIO ANNO M. D. XXXVII. II * Bibliotcca Lusitania. * Anglice : Like No. 171, with the ad- 6 Ensaio Aistor. tobre e origcm e frogr. dition of the following : dasmathcm. em Portugal; Paris, 8vo, 1819. "To this last edition is added the navi- 6 Histoiredes Mathematiques(cA\t. 1756), gation undertaken under the auspices of Vol. I, p. 468. the Emperor Charles. 7 Eloges des Sea-vans, Vol. i, p. 471. " Basle, November, 1537." 358 Bibliotheca Americana, I C 3 7 . Colophon : === BASILEAE PER IO HERVAGIVM MENSE NOVEM- BRI. || ANNO M. D. XXXVI. (stc) \\ %.* Folio, title one leaf + twenty-four unnumbered leaves -f- six hundred pages + one leaf on verso of which the printer s mark. Mappemund described as B, supra, page 294. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) In addition to the contents of the early editions, this contains the letter of Maximilian of Transylvania, from page 585 to page 600. Direct references : { Bibliotheca Heberiana, Part XII. No. 831. Bibliotheca Broioniana, page 19, No. 69. Bibliotheca Bar/oiviana, page 14. Bibliotheca Brcvoortiana, . Kloss Catal., page 206, No. 2888. TROMEL, No. 10, under the date of 1536. 224.. SdBELLicus " Rhapfodiae Hiftoriarum Ennea- dum. Bafle, Hervagius, 1538, 2 vols., fol." (MEUSEL 1 .) " Cette edition en quatre volumes in folio, chez Hervagius [the complete edition of 1560] avait etc precedee 1 an 1538 par une Edition en deux Volumes in folio, chez le meme Hervagius ; mais celle-ci ne contenait que les Enneades, & les dix Livres d Exemples, avec une Historica Synopsis, qui continuait les Enneades jusques a 1 annee 1538. Cette continuation fut faite par Celius Secundus Curion." (BAYLE 8 .) LORITZ OR GLAREANUS-" De Geographia Liber unus. Venet. Sabio, 1538, 8vo." (Bibliothtca Heberiana 3 .) 1 Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. I, Part I, a Dictionnairc, Vol. iv, p. 108, note E. page 96. 8 Part i, No. 2967. Bibliotheca Americana. 359 226. MARINEO (L.) Within a tasteful border : . INITVM . SAPIENTIE . TIMOR . DOMINI || Then the arms with the double-headed eagle, followed by ( ra omjmea por Hueio Jftarineo g>teulo c- II routfta 13 fus taties || tie las eofas memora II Wes tie tEtfpaita, II Ano de. M.D.xxxix. Colophon : CD &catofe la prdente otra tre lag en- 1| fas 31=: luftres s excellenteis tre iBfpana. Otompuefta pot el troctiffimo II baton Undo iiflattneo Siculn OToro=: nifta ire fu. g. OT. OT. II IE. iSn la notle milla tre Cicala tre Benares. iBn II eafa tie jpuan tie ear i a <atorte tiias tiel II meg tie jhilio. He ftueue * * Folio, title one leaf + n i ne preliminary leaves + ne hundred and ninety-two numbered leaves. (Harvard Coll. Library 1 .) Our readers recollect that the great decay of letters in Spain under John II, Henry IV, and even of Fer dinand and Isabella, was followed by a revival, due chiefly to the example of Italy at that time, and the influence of a few Italian scholars who had made Spain the land of their adoption, among whom the author of the work before us may be said to have exercised a greater in- 1 Prescott s bequest. 360 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 5 3 9* ^ uence tnan an y other. Lucius or Lucas 2 Marineo, called Siculus, owing to his Sicilian origin, was born about the year 1460. From Palermo, where he taught Belles- Letters, he removed to Spain, and held for twelve years the Chair of Latin Literature in the University of Salamanca. He was afterwards appointed to the offices of Royal Chaplain and official historiographer 5 , and is supposed to have died shortly after the year 1533. He wrote a number of historical works 4 , of which Gin- guene says 5 "qu il destinait ses recherches plutot a plaire a ses protecteurs qu a instruire ses lecteurs 6 ." We do not know whom Marineo intended to please in writ ing the present, but it is worthy of notice that in the chapter De otras yslas apart adas del Hemispheric llamadas Indias (fol. clxj), he calls the great Genoese navigator: "Pedro Colon." Meusel says 7 of this work : Primo opus hocce prodiit Compluti 1533. fol. (in Latin, for we mention, supra, No. 159, a Spanish edition of 1530), dein Francofurti 1579 in Roberti Beli collectione, simulque separatim, tandemque in Andreae Schotti Hispania illustrata T. I. (1603)." We were in hopes that Lucio Marineo s correspond ence 8 might prove as interesting as Peter Martyr s, who was his personal friend, but we failed to find in it any thing relating to the subject before us. Direct references: (Bibliotheca Heteriana, Part v, No. 2885. -| BRUNET, Vol. in, col. 1432. ( GRAESSE, Vol. iv, page 400. 3 ANTONIO, Biblioth. Hisp. Nova, Vol. TT, p. 369 (Appendix). 8 TIRABOSCHI, Storia d. Lett. Ital., Vol. VIT, p. 1008, sq. 4 MONGITORE, Bibliotheca Sicu/a; Paler mo, fol., 1720-1, Vol. ii. 6 Hhtoire Lit. <T Italic, Vol. VIII, p. 361. 6 Prescott s opinion is much more favor able. " It is," says he, " a rich repository of details respecting the geography, sta tistics and manners of the Peninsula, with a copious historical notice of events in Ferdinand and Isabella s reign." (Hist, of Ferdinand and Isabella, Vol. n, p. 194, n.) 7 Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. VI, Part I, p. 38. 8 Ep ntolarumfamiliarum libri XVII, ora- tiones et cartnina; Valladolid, fol., 1514. (Private Libr., N. Y.) Bibliotheca Americana. 361 227. ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: -"-539 jioinl <ttta muwamete rttrmtata alle die conli fuoi coftumi t modi del fuo Re t foi popoli. [| Li modi del fuo adorare con la Bella vfanza delle donne loro. || Et delle dua perfone Ermafrodite donate da quel || Re al Capitano della Armata. || 4fe II Then small woodcut, followed by nineteen lines of text. *.(.* Sm. 410, sine anno aut loco ; two unnumbered leaves printed in Roman characters. No water-mark. (Private Library, New York.) The present is dated " xxx di Settembre M . D . XXXIX," and unquestionably an original. See, supra, Nos. 191 and 206. 228. LORITZ OR GLAREANUS " De geographia liber I. Frib. Brisg. p. J. Fabrum 1539 in 4." (GRAESSE*.) " Prima ancor di Werdenkagen e del Munstero vegonsi dal Glareano decorati col comun titolo di Condottieri e il Colombo e il Vespucci quae regiones ab Hispanis lustratae sunt Columbo Gen- uensi et Americo Vesputio nauigationis Ducibus. " Henr. Glar. Geogr. an. 1539 />. 35. Riflettono gli Avversarj cbe al dire del Glareano (^Rag. p. 80) gli Ammiragli, i Capitani di mare, i Condottieri del/ imprese furono Spagnuoli ; Colombo e Vespucci non piu cbe Piloti Acutissima riflessione !" &c., &c. (CANOVAI 8 .) 1 Tr esor, Vol. in, p. 93. " Vita, p. 269, and note. 4 6 362 Eibliotheca Americana. 1539. 229. APIANUS " Petri Apiani I Cofmographia, per 1 Gemmam || Phryfium, apud Louanienfes Medicum ac Mathema- 1 ticum infignem, reftituta. Additis de adem re ipfius I Gemmae Phry. libellis, vt fequens pagina docet. II Un globe. \\ ^[ Vaeneunt Antuerpise in pingui gal- lina Arnoldo Berckmano . ^ ^ a fi n - H Ab- folutum Antuerpie per Aegidium Coppenium, I cura & impenfis Arnold! Berckman, I Anno Chriftiano, 1539. "II* 4 61. fc., i fnc. Fig. Rom. (TROMEL 1 .) Tromel erroneously considers this edition as the first containing Gemma Frisius annotations. (See, supra, page for an edition of 1533.) 23O. APIANUS GEMMA FRISIUS Recto of the first leaf: t+ PETRI APIANI || COSMOGRAPHIA, PER GEMMAM || Phryfium, apud Louanienfes Medicum ac Mathematicarum || infignem, Denuo reftituta. Additis de eadem re ipfius || Gemmae Phry. libellis, quos fequens pagina docet. || Then globe, and below : M . D . XL . || Vaeneunt Antuerpiae in pingin gallina Arnoldo Berkmano. || * Angticl: Cosmography of Peter Apian For sale in Antwerp, at the sign of the restored by Gemma Frisius, physician at Fat Hen, by Arnold Berckman. Louvain, and a distinguished mathemati- Finished at Antwerp by Egidius Coppen, cian, together with the treatises on the by the care and at the expense of Arnold same subject by Gemma Frisius himself, Berckman, A. D. 1539. as will be seen in the following pages. * Bibliotheque Amiricainc, No. n. Bibliotheca Americana. 363 Colophon: I Excufum Antuerpiae opera Aegidij Copenij. || Anno a Chrifto nato . i 5 4 o . || ** 410; title one leaf-}- two unnumbered leaves -f- folios num bered from mi to LXI, followed by one unnumbered leaf, with vignette or printer s mark on verso ; revolving diagrams ; no map in the present copy. (Private Library, New York.) " C est d apres 1 edition de 1540 qu a etc faite la traduction Fran- aise [infra]." (BRUNET*) Direct references: f CLEMENT Bibiiothequc Curieusc,Vol. i, page 405, in a note correct- -| ing HENDREICH (apud Pandectae Brandcrburgicac, page 220). | GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 159 ( ? ). 1 Manuel, Vol. i, col. 342. 231. PTOLEMY MUNSTER Recto of the first leaf: GEOGRAPHIA || VNIVERSALIS, VETVS ET NOVA, || COMPLECTENS || CLAVDII PTO/ || LEMAEI ALEXANDRINI ENARRATIO/ || NIS LIBROS viii. || Quorum primus noua tranflatione Pirckheimeri et || acceffione commentarioli illuftrior quam hacle || nus fuerit, redditus eft. || Reliqui cum graeco & alijs. uetuftis exeplaribus col/ || lati, in infinitis fere locis caftigatiores fad:i funt. || Addita funt in- fuper Scholia, quibus exoleta urbium || montium, fluuiorumcj nomina ad noftri feculi mo/ 1| rem exponuntur. || Succedunt tabulae Ptolemaice, opera Sebaftiani Mun|| fteri nouo paratae modo || His adiecliae funt plurime^ nouae tabulae, moderna or/ || bis 364 Bibliotheca Americana. 1540. faciem literis & pitura explicantes, inter quas || quaedam antehac Ptolemaeo non fuerunt additse. || Vltimo annexum eft com pendium geographice de/ || fcriptionis, in quo uarij gentium & regionum ri/ 1| tus & mores explicantur. || Pr^fixus eft quoqj uni- uerfo operi index memorabiliu || populo- rum, ciuitatum, fluuiorum, montium, ter- 1| rarum, lacuum &c. || BASILEAE, APVD HENRICVM PETRVM|| MENSE MARTIO ANNO || M . D .XL. || *.* Folio, title one leaf + nine preliminary leaves, including six for the index ; + seventeen unnumbered leaves -f- one blank, -\- one hundred arid fifty-four pages of text, and forty-eight maps, filling two leaves each, with descriptions on the reverse ; then an appendix (sometimes placed before the maps), num bering from 157 to 195. The first map is a mappamund, with the word America ; the forty-fifth, viz. : NOVAE INSVLAE, bears the following inscription on the southern portion of our continent : " Insula Atlatica quam uocant Brasilij & Ameri- camV The description is on the reverse. (Private Library, New York.) " Son edition de Ptolemee [/. e., Sebastian Munster s], cinq fois imprimee, 1540, 1541, I54i> ^545* I 55 2 > servit de modele a la nou- velle formation [/. e., modernized representation of Ptolemy s inhabit able world : nova et quam ante fuit, uerior Europe formatio\ pour les autres geographes a 1 etranger." (LELEWELL 3 .) Direct references : f Bibliotheca Hcbcriana, Part v, No. 5398. Bibliotheca Barloiviana, page 15. HOFFMANN, Lexicon, Vol. in, page 319. GRAESSE, Vol. v, page 501. 1 Mapoteca Colombiana, No. 7, states that graphia universalis de Munster . Basiliae "La misma [map] in la edicion de Hen- 1550 fol." ricus Petrus Basiliae 1545 i en la Cosmo- a Geogr. du Moycn-Age, Vol. n, p. 176. BibKotheca Americana. 365 232. ANONYMOUS Recto of the last leaf: I 54-O, (tffjrtftopijortis <abma Burgenfte atr lectorem|| a facrt foapttfmi miniftriL dMcolon Jcafttdjon. || Sbi pane? pnoffe cup? ueneratu facertros : Tfft taptifari (luilifcet Julius ijatet : . . . . etc. Then a long list of errata, and : Jmprimiofe efte Uflanual tre &lwitos en lallgra ciutiatr li J&mco per matratrn S log || Meueretitj n? mo 8 Mores oijtfpos 3 la nueua||lEspaita g a fus e.tpefas : en eafa tre $ua || Otromterger. Eno Ul nacimieto fl nueftro fenor II $efu (Kijrifto 5 mill g quinietos g quareta.H^ aciij trias Ul meg 5 2ie{iei)re.ll ^ This work exists only in fragments. (Private Library, Madrid.) The precise date of the introduction of printing in America is, as in almost every country, a question which still perplexes the historian of the art. We do not pre tend to be able to solve it to the satisfaction of every critic ; but thanks to the data kindly furnished us by Senor Don Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta, of the city of Mexico, whom we consider the highest authority on such matters, we are enabled to set forth an elaborate statement of the facts which, thus far, afford the only plausible arguments in the case. On one point bibliographers agree, viz. : the city of Mexico is entitled to the honor of having printed the first book on the American continent. But who was the first printer ? What was the first book printed ? What is the precise date when it was first issued ? In the absence of original proofs, the reader must deduce an answer to these queries from the following authorities : The earliest and most trustworthy author who men tions the subject is Fray Augustin Davila Padilla, who says 1 that Fray Juan de Estrada : 1 Hist, de lafvndacion de la Pro-vincia de Mexico; Bruxelles, fol., 1625, p. 542. 3 66 Bibliotheca Americana. " Eftando en cafa de Nouicios hizo una cofa, que por la primera que fe hizo en efta tierra baftaua para darle memoria, quando el autor no la tuuiera, como la tiene ganada, por auer fido quien fue. El primer libro que en efle nueuo mundo fe efcriuio, y la primera cola en que fe exercito la emprenta en efta tierra, fue obra fuya. Daua- feles a los nouicios vn libro de S. luan Climaco, y como no los auia en romance mandaronle que lo traduxeffe de Latin. Hizolo affi con prefteza y elegancia, por fer muy buen Latino y Romancifta, y fue fu libro el primero que fe imprimio por Juan Pablos, primer imprefor que a efta tierra vino. Bien fe mueftra la deuocion de fanto Domingo de Mexico, en que vn hijo fuyo haya fido el primeo que en efte mundo nueuo imprimieffe, y cofa tan deuota como la efcalera fpual de S. lua Climaco." From this authority we gather only two facts, viz. : TheEsca/aEspirituatwas the first book printed in Mexico, and Juan Pablos was the first printer who exercised his art in that city. The date must be borrowed from another author. Alonso Fernandez states 1 that : "Efte padre [Juan de Eftrada] imprimio la traducion que hizo de f. luan Climaco, muy prouechofa para gente que trata de devocion y efpiritu. Efte fue el primero libro que fe imprimio en Mexico, y fue ano de mil y quinientos y treinta y cinco [1535]." Fernandez agrees with Davila Padilla, but he omits the name of the printer, while he gives a date. We then find Gil Gonzales Davila, the official chron icler of the Indies, who says 3 that: " En el ano de mil y quinientos y treinta y dos [1532] el virey Do Antonio de Mendoa lleuo la Imprenta a Mexico. El primer Im- preflbr fue luan Pablos ; Y el primer libro que fe imprimio en el Nuevo Mundo fue el que efcrivo SAN JUAN CLIMACO con titulo de EsCALA EsPIRITUAL PARA LLEGAR AL CIELO, TRADOCIDO DE LATIN EN CASTELLANO POR EL VENERABLE PADRE FR. JUAN DE LA MADALENA 4 , REGIOSO DOMINICO." y Historia Eclcsiastica de ni>cstrosticmf>os; rey (Hist., p. 122)." He is supposed Toledo, fol., 1611, p. 122. to have been a native of Mexico, and to 8 Teatro Ec/esiastico de la primiti va have died in 1579, says ANTONIO (Bib- Iglcsia de las Indias Occ identales ; Madrid, liotk. Hisp. Nova, Vol. i, p. 686), on fol., 1649-55, Vol. i, p. 23. the authority of DAVILA PADILLA, he. cit., 4 " Juan de la Magdalena" was the lib. 11, cap. LVII. If so, the latter his- cloister name of Juan de Estrada, called torian, who was born in 1562, and joined by FERNANDEZ " hijo legitimo del Vir- the order of the Dominicans, in Mexico, Bibliotheca Americana. 367 The only discrepancy between this statement and the two preceding, is in the date, which is certainly errone ously given by Gil Gonzales Davila, as the Viceroy Mendoza did not come to Mexico until the middle of October I535 5 - We then find an official document, lately discovered, which seems to counterbalance the claims of Pablos to the credit of having exercised his profession in Mexico as early as 1536, in any other capacity than that of jour neyman printer or agent. It is a privilege dated Octo ber nth, 1554, granting in the name of the Viceroy Luis de Velasco, to Juan Pablos, the exclusive right for eight years to carry on a printing establishment in New Spain 6 . This document mentions another privilege granted by the king to Juan Pablos for six years, and extended by the viceroy to four more, which last four years were then approaching their termination. That is, ten years in all, carrying us back to 1544, as the date when Pablos was first authorized to print. We should also notice that it was not until 1556 that he assumed the title of "primer impresor en esta grande, insigne y muy leal ciudad de Mexico 1 " Until some fortunate bibliophile succeeds in discover ing a printed, dated and imprinted Mexican copy of the Escala espiritual^ we must remain in doubt as to the date and name of the printer. Such a discovery has not yet been made. No bibliographer either in Europe or in America has seen the book, and no author mentions it Nov., 1579, may have known de Estrada the Municipality of the city of Mexico personally; which circumstance would in- (MS.) shows that on the I3th of October, crease the weight of his assertions. measures were adopted to give a public 6 It must be said, however, that the reception to the vice-roy, and that, on the exact date of the arrival of Mendoza is lyth, the circumstance is mentioned as yet a matter of discussion. Notwith- having taken place. standing the authority of Fr. Baltazar de 8 It should be noticed that, notwith- Medina,* who gives the date of August standing this privilege, Antonio Espinosa I5th, 1535, the journal of the sessions of printed in Mexico before the expiration of the eight years. 7 In the colophon to Constituciones del * Cronica de la Provincia de San Diero de L- * J J T\/T *r ri r Mexico de Religions descalxe, de N. P. S. Fran- arxobtsfado de Mexico ; Mexico, fol. 1556. cisco; Mexico, fol., 1682, p. 133. (Private Libr., Mexico.) 3 68 Eibliotheca Americana. I 54-O. de visu. It is even doubtful whether future inquirers will be more successful. As the edition was made exclu sively for the novices of the convent of St. Dominick, few copies must have been printed. These, being dis tributed among students and even children, their de struction could but be rapid ; and this is the reason, we suppose, why no copy has come down to us. The con sequence is that some bibliographers deny that the book was ever printed at all in Mexico ; and they find an additional argument in the dedication 8 affixed to the translation of the work made by Luis de Granada. 9 This translator says, after stating that there were already two translations : " De las cuales traslaciones, la una es tambien antigua, y tan anti- gua, que apenas se entiende, y la otra, es muy nueva, hecha por algun aragones 6 valenciano, la cual no es menos oscura y dificil que la pasada, asi por la dificultad del Hbro, como por muchos vocables que tiene peregrines y estrangeros, como bahorrina, soledumbre, inrobable y otros tales." This cc new" translation made by an Arragonese is wholly unknown to us. The other "very old" is the anonymous version executed by command of the famous Archbishop of Toledo, Ximenes de Cisneros 10 . No mention is made of Juan de Estrada s translation in this dedication ; from which certain critics infer that it never 8 To Dona Catalina, Queen of Portugal, and wife of John III. 9 GRAESSE mentions editions of Sala manca, 1571, Valladolid, 1583, and Mad rid, 1612, all 8vo, and "une reimpression (trad, de Griego en Castellano por un religioso de la or den de S. Domingo), Lisboa, 1562, 8vo." The latter is very probably the original edition of Luis de Granada s translation, who then lived in Portugal, (PELLICER, Ensayo de una Bibliot.. p. 131). Senor Icazbalceta knows of a Salamanca edition of 1563, by Andrea de Portono- tariis, 8vo, which, however, is not the princeps, as the privilege mentions a pre vious edition. 10 Obras de S. Juan CHmaco, tradux. en Castellano for mandado del Card. Fr. Xi menes de Cisneros ; Toledo, fol., 1504. It is " a luxurious folio of a hundred leaves," says Mr. TICKNOR, who possesses a copy of this rare edition (Hist. Span. Lit., Vol. in, p. 1 60, .) This Celestial Ladder, in its original form, is a kind of ascetic treatise, written by Johannes, frequently called Climacus (from the title of this work), Scholasticus (from his rapid progress in the sciences), and Sinaira (from his hermitage at the foot of the Sinai). He was a native of Palestine, born about 525, and who died in 605. The Climax or Ladder of Hea-ven, derives its name from the idea of the author that there are thirty steps or rounds to lead the soul to perfection. It was originally written in Greek, and in the aphoristic form. Eibliotheca Americana. 369 existed, deeming it an impossibility that Luis de Gra- nada should not have known the work, as he was a con- temporary of Juan de Estrada, and belonged to the same monastic order. To which it may be said in reply that the translation was made for immediate use, privately printed, intended exclusively for the inmates of a con vent, and that Luis de Granada may not have heard of a publication of this character, undertaken at a distance of five thousand miles. But to deny the existence of the Esca/a, we must reject the testimony of Davila Padilla, which course is fraught with difficulties. Davila Padilla was a Mexican by birth" who knew the family of Juan de Estrada, if not Estrada himself, and belonged to the same congre gation. To write his History, he had access to the archives and chronicles kept by the Dominicans, and may have gathered direct information from some of the friars who knew de Estrada personally. He was a man of the highest character, who received in 1599, from Philip III, the appointment of archbishop of Santo Do mingo. What interest could such a distinguished pre late have in disguising the truth, or in asserting that a certain book had been printed, if he did not believe that such was actually the case ? We therefore repeat, after Senor Icazbalceta, that " on doit regarder comme par- faitement etabli que VEscala a etc le premier livre im- prime a Mexico, quoiqu il ne soit pas improbable qu avant on y ait imprime des syllabaires ou d autres feuilles detachees, comme on 1 a avance, sans en donner (cela soit dit en passant) des preuves suffisantes a 1 appui." But what is the precise date when the Escala was printed in Mexico ? Davila Padilla states 12 that Juan de Estrada joined the Dominican order in 1535, and that he made his translation while yet a novice. Considering that his 11 Born in the city of Mexico in 1562, Serif tor. ord. Prtedic., Vol. n, p. 351. died in 1604. See concerning Davila y The notice in ANTONIO (Bibl. Hisp. Nova, Padilla, GONZALES DAVILA, Theat. eccles. Vol. i, p. 351) is extremely meager. de las Indias, Vol. i, p. 789, and ECHARD, ia loc cit., p. 668. 47 370 Eibliotheca Americana. 1 54-O. novitiate lasted a year, that the work had been under- . taken, not as a literary effort, but simply to supply an immediate want, and that in consequence the trans lation was probably printed soon after being written, we may affix the date of 1536. This date agrees prefectly with that of the introduc tion of printing in Mexico. Brought over by Men- doza, it must have reached Vera-Cruz at the same time; and if we calculate the time for the journey to the city of Mexico and the organization of the printing office, we find that 1536 is a date which tallies with the time when Estrada had finished his translation. But who was the first printer in Mexico ? Juan Pablos is usually considered as being entitled to the honor ; but we will endeavor to show that he does not stand first on the list. As the Escala is not to be found, no one can say that it bears the imprint of Juan Pablos, Senor Icazbalceta is of opinion, that if a copy is ever discovered it will be seen that it is either anonymous or under the name of Juan Cromberger. We describe, infra, all the books now in existence and known, printed in Mexico before 1600. The earliest is the present No. 232, and this, together with those which follow to 1544, has the im print of Cromberger. The last of these 13 contains in the colophon the following words: tc que Dios haya" which indicate that the printer was already dead ; and the fact is that his name does not appear after this 14 . The publications which follow do not bear any imprint, and it is only in a work printed January iyth, I548 15 , 13 Doctrina xpiana . . . comfuesta por Pe- serie, 1859, p. 153, i.e., pp. 183-188), dro de Cordoua ; Mexico, 4to, 1 544 (infra), we found that the work described by M. 14 We must confess that the mention DESBARREAUX-BERNARD was only the Doc- of a Doctrina breve de las cosas que per- trina of Bishop Zummaraga, which bears, tcncccn a la ft catolica, bearing the imprint indeed, the imprint of Cromberger, but the of Juan Cromberger, and the date of 1547 date of " M.dxliij," on the title-page, and (apud G. BRUNET, Dictionnairc de Bibliologie " M.d.quarenta qtro aftos" [1544] in the Catholique, col. 941, n. 158), staggered us ; colophon. This edition we describe infra. but by referring to the authority quoted by 16 A Doctrina, in Spanish and Mexican M. Brunet (Bulletin du bibliophile, 146 (infra), which exists only in fragments. Bibliotheca Americana. 371 that the name of Juan Pablos is given for the first time. I 540. Others may yet be found with an earlier date ; but in __--__ a disquisition like the present we must limit ourselves to the documents before us. We have shown that it was only in 1556 that Pablos took the title of " First Printer," and that 1544 is the earliest date when he was first entitled to it. Cromberger died before 1544, and we infer that Pablos succeeded him, but are inclined to think that no work printed by the latter under his own name will be found bearing an earlier imprint than 1544. But how can we account for the title of " Primer im- presor en esta ciudad de Mexico" assumed by Pablos ? The word Primer^ may mean first in point of talent or position, and we have abundant proofs that the early printers were not over modest. But if it does mean first in the order of dates, the following explanation, which we borrow from Senor Icazbalceta, will prove satisfactory : "Jean Cromberger etait un imprimeur celebre etabli a Seville long- temps avant que le vice-roi Mendoza vint s y embarquer pour la Nou- velle-Espagne. Soit que le vice-roi ait passe un marche avec 1 impri- meur, soit que celui-ci ait pris 1 affaire pour son propre compte, toujours est-il que I imprimerie vint avec le vice-roi. II n est pas a supposer, cependant, que Cromberger cut quitte un etablissement florissant dans une si riche ville, pour aller s exposer aux dangers d un voyage lointain dans des contrees non encore bien connues ou paci- fiees. Nous savons du reste, qu il ne le fit pas. Sa maison a con tinue d exister sous son nom a Seville jusqu en 1546, au moins ; d ou il resulte qu il possedait en meme temps deux imprimeries, une a Seville et 1 autre a Mexico. Tout porte a croire que Juan Pablos etait un des ouvriers, peut etre le chef d atelier ou prote, de Crom berger et que celui-ci lui a donne le materiel necessaire pour venir fonder un nouvel etablissement a Mexico, en lui accordant un traite- ment fixe ou une part dans les benifices. Notre imprimerie n etait done qu une succursale de celle de Seville. C est un arrangement que de nos jours on fait encore assez souvent. Mais comme I impri merie mexicaine appartenait reellement a Cromberger, Pablos etait bien oblige de mettre le nom du proprietaire et non pas le sien, sur les livres qu il imprimait. Cela n empechait pas les habitants de la ville, qui tous connaissaient et voyaient Pablos, sans etre a meme de savoir ses rapports avec Cromberger, de le regarder comme le pre- 372 Bibliotheca Americana. I C J_O. mier imprimeur, et il 1 etait en effet, quoique ce ne fut pas pour son __^_____ propre compte, mais comme employe de Cromberger. Davila Padilla ne pouvait pas plus faire cette distinction, et il ne 1 aura pas trouvee dans les ecrits dont il s est servi pour composer son Histoire. Au commencement de 1541, Cromberger etait deja mort ; et meme d apres Brunet 16 le nom de Jean Cromberger est accompagne des mots que Dios perdone dans la souscription du Palmerin de Oliva, imprime en i 540. La nouvelle de son deces aura du arriver a Mexico vers la fin de 1541, car les communications n etaient ni faciles ni frequentes. Jean Pablos resolut alors de sa rendre acquereur de 1 etablissement qu il gerait. Pour y parvenir il devait s entendre avec les heritiers de Cromberger; et il n y a pas lieu de s etonner qu il leur ait fallu a peu pres trois ans pour arriver a se mettre d accord. L affaire ne fut reglee qu en 1544; le nom de Cromberger disparut alors pour faire place a celui du nouvel acquereur Jean Pablos qui songea aussitot a se munir du privilege qui lui fut accorde la meme annee." After Juan Pablos, we find several other printers ; but there seems to have been only seven of them from the introduction of printing to the close of the sixteenth century, viz. : Juan Cromberger, Juan Pablos, Antonio Espinosa, Pedro Ocharte, Pedro Balli, Antonio Ricardo and Melchior Ocharte. Among these, Espinosa, or de Spinosa, is the only one who displayed a printer s mark. This contained the motto : Virtus in infirmitate perficitur. Antonio Ricardo removed to Lima where he was the first printer. In a work printed by him in I596 I? he states that he was born in Turin, and as Juan Pablos was a native of Brescia, in Lombardy, two Italians are entitled to the credit of having introduced the art of printing on this continent. The names of these two printers were probably in their mother-tongue, Giovanni Paoli and Antonio Ricciardi. We do not think that the number of works printed in America in the sixteenth century, the existence of which is well authenticated, at the present date, ex ceeds one hundred. We give, infra, a list composed of all those which have come to the notice of Senor Icazbalceta, and to our own. Additions will certainly be 16 Manuel, Vol. iv, col. 330. AGIA, Tratado y farecer sobrc el ser-vicio 17 PEDRO DE OfJA s Primera pane de personal de los Indios del Peru ; Lima Arauco domado (infra), and in MIGUEL DE fol. 1604. Bibliotheca Americana. 373 made in the course of time, although the ransacking of I the Mexican convents, under the enlightened guidance of the present Secretary of State for Mexico, whose library may be said to represent the bibliographical treasures of that country, has not brought to light, as far as known, as many curiosities of this character as were expected. These early works are chiefly of the kind intended for the religious education of the Indians, and written either in Spanish or in the native dialects, together with grammars and vocabularies to learn the same. There is also a sprinkling of theological treatises and rituals for monkish use. They are printed either in Gothic, Italic, or Roman characters, displaying occasionally a few rudely executed woodcuts. We find among them all the forms, from the folio to the octavo ; but, as was then the custom in Spain, of a size smaller than elsewhere. The binding is usually plain vellum wrap pers ; and as to the condition of the books, we doubt whether there is a single copy which is not torn, incom plete, soiled, stained or worm-eaten. Leaving aside all theories and assertions concerning the existence of a printing establishment in Mexico as early as 1536, our list will evince a fact which must remain above all cavils and objections. It is that the earliest book printed in America, as far as known at the present time, is not, " beyond a doubt, the Doc- trina Christiana of I544 18 ," nor the Vocabulario of Mo lina, dated I57i 19 , nor the Ordinationes legumque collec- tiones 10 ) which never existed (at least with a Latin title and under the date of 1549), but the present Manual de Adult OS) which bears the date of December I3th, 1540, and the imprint of Juan Cromberger. 18 RICH. Bibl. Amer. Vctus, p. 5, No. 14. duced there some years before that period." 19 The remark of TERNAUX (Bibl. Hist, of Printing in America, Vol. i, p. 194. Americ., p. 13) that Thomas considers 20 EGUIARA, Biblioth. Mexicana, p. 2,2,1, Molina s Vocabulario as the first book copied the title from PINELO-BARCIA, col. printed in Mexico, is incorrect. Thomas 827, and found himself followers in COT- only says, after mentioning a work pub- TON, Typographical Gazetteer ; Oxford, lished in New Spain in 1604, "there can 8vo, 1831, p. 172, and FALKENSTEIN, be but little doubt that Printing was intro- Geschichte der Buchdruck., p. 329. 374 Bibliotheca Americana. A LIST OF WORKS PRINTED IN AMERICA BETWEEN THE YEARS 1540 AND 1600 ; WHICH HAVE COME TO THE PERSONAL NOTICE OF SENOR ICAZBALCETA OR OF OUR OWN. . Manual de Adultos (present No. 2,32). 1541. Relacion del espantable ttrremoto de Guatemala (infra). 1543. Doctrina cristiana (infra). 1544. Tripartite de Juan Gerson (infra). " De la manera de c omo se han de hacer las procesiones (infra"). " Same work; sine anno (infra). " DE CORDOVA, Doctrina cristiana (infra). 1546. Doctrina cristiana (infra). 1547. Reg/a cristiana (infra). 1548. Ordcnanzas de Antonio de Mendvza (infra). " Doctrina en castellano y mexicana (infra). 1549. F. BRAVO DE ORSUNA, Of era Medicinalia ; Mex., 4to (infra. We doubt the cor rectness of this date, although it is certainly so printed on the title-page). 1550. Doctrina en castellano y mexicana (another edition, infra). 1553. PEDRO DE GANTE, Doctrina cristiana en lengua mexicana ; Mex., 8vo. 1554. Fr. ALPH. A VERACRUCE, Recognitio Summularum ; Mex., fol. " " " Dialectica Resolutio ; Mex., fol. " F. CERVANTES SALAZAR, Dialog: ; Mex., 8vo. 1555. ALONSO DE MOLINA, Vocabularlo mexicano ; Mex., 4to. [Private Libr., N. Y.] 1556. ALPH. A VERACRUCE, Speculum conjugiorum ; Mex., 410. " Constituciones del arzobispado de Mexico ; Mex., fol. " Ordinarium sacri ordinis hteremharum ; Mex., 410. " FREYRE, Sumario de las quentas de plata y oro en los reynos del Piru ; Mex., 8vo. 1557. ALPH. A VERACRUCE, Physica speculatio ; Mex., fol. 1558. MAT. GILBERTI, Arte de lengua de Mic hoacan , Mex., 8vo. 1559. " " Dialogo de doctr. christ. en leng. de Micboacan , Mex., fol. " " " Vocabular. dc doctr. ckrist. en leng. de Michoacan; Mex., 410. " " Grammatica latino ; Mex., 8vo. " A. DE LA VERA CRUZ, Carta, sine anno, 14 11. ; Mex., fol. 1560.* Manual para administrar los sacramentos (Lat. and Spanish); Mex., 410. 1561. Missale Romanum ; Mex., fol. * F. de Cepeda, Artes de las leng. Chiafa, Zoque. Remesal" Leon Pinelo, Epitome, p. log ; Echard, Celdales y Cinacanteca ; Mexico, 410 ; (" segun de Serif tor, ord, dominie ; Ternaux, No. 85). Bibliotheca Americana. 375 1563. PUGA, Pro-viziones, $cdulas, Sec. ; Mex., fol. (infra], [Private Libr., N. Y. and Provid.] i$6$.*~Catalogus Pairum Concilii Tridentini (sine anno]; Mex., 4to. " A. DE MOLINA, Confess. Mayor Mex. y Caste/1. ; Mex. 410, 121+3 N- [Private Libr., Provid.] " Confess, mayor Mex. y Caste//, breve ; Mex., 410, 121+3 H- [Private Libr., Provid.] 1 566. "I" Fr. B. A LEDESMA, De Septem nova? legis sacramentis; Mex., 410. 1 S^? -%-R e glas y comfit, dela Cofradia de los juramentos ; Mex., fol., one leaf only. " Instituta ordinis Beati Francisci ; Mex., 4to. " Fr. BENITO FERNANDEZ, Doctrina en lengua misteca ; Mex., 410. 1568 $-Same work ; Mex., 410. " Manual p. administ. los sacram. (Lat. and Spanish) ; Mex., 410. " Several Papal Bulls ; Mex., 410. 1571. A. DE MOLINA, Arte de la lengua Mex. y Caste//.; Mex., by Ocharte, 12, 3 + 82 + 35 11. [Private Libr., N. Y. and Provid.] " A. DE MOLINA, Vocabulario en lengua Mexicana y Caste//.; Mex., by de Spinosa, fol. 2+161 11. [Private Libr., Provid.] " Same work; Mex., fol., 4+122 11. [Private Libr., Provid.] I573.||-Fr. P. DE AGURTO, Tratado de que se deben administ. los sacr. a los indios; Mex., 8vo. 1574. Fr. J. B. DE LAGUNA, Arte y Diccionario, en lengua de Michoacan; Mex., 8vo. " Ordenanzas sobre alcabalas ; Mex., fol., 6 11. 1575. Fr. MAT. GILBERTI, Tesoro esfirit. dc pobrcs en leng. de Michoacan; Mex., 8vo. " Fr. J. DE LA ANUNCIACION, Doctrina crist. en cast, y Mcxic. ; Mex., 410. [Private Libr., N. Y.] ". Dr. S. J. E. BUENAVENTURA, Mistica Theologia; Mex., 8vo. 1576. Fr. A. DE MOLINA, Arte dc lengua mexicana ; Mex , 8vo. [Private Libr., N. Y.] " F. M. DE VARGAS, Doctrina en Mexicano, Caste//, y Otomi ; Mex., 410. 1577. Fr. J. MEDINA, Doctrinalis. _fidei in Mechuacanen. Indorum lengua; Mex., fol. " Fr. J. DE LA ANUNCIACION, Sermonario en lengua mexicana ; Mex., 4to. " Commentario a la logica de Aristoteles; Mex., 8vo. " Omnia Domini Andrea Alciati Emblemata ; Mex., 8vo. " 0-vidii Nasonis tarn de Tristibus ; Mex., 8vo. 1578. Fr A. DE MOLINA, Confesonario mayor en leng. cast, y mex. ; Mex., 410. " " " " Doctrina en lengua mexicana; Mex., 4to. * Fr. Domingo de la Annunciacion. Doctrina ? Ledesma. De Seftem-nnce leg.; Mex.. 410. Christiana en castellano y Mexicano ; Mex., 410 [ " Probably the first book printed in the Roman (Ternaux, No. 93). letter in Mexico," Rich, Bibliotheca Americana f Fr. Marroquin, Doctrina christiana en lengua Vetus, No. <6.] Utlateca ; Mex., 1556, 410 (Remesal, Hist, di \\ A. de Vetancurt. Arte de la lengua Mexi- Chiafas, lib. in, cap. vn, Ternaux, No. 98). cana ; Mexico 157?. (Ternaux. No. 118. No t Fr. Pedro de Feria. Doctrina cristiana en such work exists under this date. There is an lengua Castellana y Qafolteca; Mex., by Pedro edit on of 1673, mentioned in Bibliotheca Hebe- Ocharte, 410, 8 + 116 11. (Ternaux, No. 104). r/a,.a, Ft. I, No. 7130.) 37 6 Eibliotheca Americana. 1578. Fr. J. DE CORDOVA, Arte en lengua Zapotcca ; Mex., 8vo. 1579. Ceremonial y rubricas gen. con la ordtn de celeb, las misas ; Mex., 8vo. " Instruction y arte p. reg. el of do divino ; Mex., 8vo. 1582.. Fr. J. DE GAONA, Coloquio de la pax del alma en leng. mexic. ; Mex., 8vo. 1583. GARCIA DEL PALACIO, Dia/ogos militarcs ; Mex., 410. " Forma bre-v. administr. ap. Indies S. Bapthmi Sacramentum ; Mex., 8vo. " Fr. B. SAHAGUN, Psalmodia Christiana ; Mex., 410. i585.*-TERCERo || CATHECISMO || Y EXPOSICION de la || Doctrina Christiana, por || Sermones. || PARA OJJE LOS CVRAS Y OTROS || ministros prediquen y ensenen a los Yndios y a las demas personas. || IMPRESSO CON LICENCIA DE LA || Real Audiencia, enla Ciudad delos Reyes, for Antonio Ricardo || primero Impressor encstos Reynos del Piru. \\ ANO DE M . D . LXXXV . || Esta tassado vn Real por cada pliego en papel. || 4to, 8 prel. 11. + 215 numbr. II. 1 [Private Libr., N. Y. and Provid.] " Confessionario para los curas de Indies con la instruction contra sus ritos traducido en las lenguas >uic/iua, y Aymara; Lima, by A. Ricardo, 410, 4+27 11. [Private Libr., Provid.] " Estatutos gen. de Barcelona (for the order of Franciscans) ; Mex., 410. 1587. Constitutiones ordin.fratr. eremit. S. Aug.; Mex., 8vo. 1589. Forma y modo de fundar las cofradias del cordon de S. Fr. ; Mex , 8vo. 1592. Fr. Ac FARFAN, Tratado breve de Medicina ; Mex., 410. ~^ r - "^- DE LOS R EYES > Arte en lengua misteca; Mex., 8vo. Fr. FRANC. DE ALVARADO, Vocabular w en lengua mistec a ; Mex., 410. . J. E. DE BUENAVENTURA, Mistica Tbeologia ; Mex., 8vo. 1595. Regla de losfrailes menores; Mex., 410. " A. DEL RINCON, Arte Mexicano ; Mex., 8vo. " Fundacion e Indulgencias de la ord. de la Merced; Mex., 8vo. 1596."};- P. DE OSJA, Primer a parte de Arauco domado, cotnpuesto por el licenciado Pedro de Ona, natural de los infantes de Engol en Chili. Impresso en la ciudad de los Reyes por Antonio Ricardo de Turin ; 410, u + 335 11., portrait. [Private Libr., N. Y. and Provid.] iena. i-Fr. ]. BAUTISTA, Confesionario en lengua mexicana ; Mex., 8vo. [Private Libr., N. Y.] i6oo.|| " Ad-vcrtcncias a los confesores de Indios ; Mex., 2 vols., 8vo. " Relation Historiada de las Exequias de Felipe II; Mex., by P. Balli, 410. [Private Libr., N. Y.] * Vocabularia en la ling, genera! del Peru y en Arte de la lengua Mexicana, compuesta for el lengua Espanola ; Lima, 1586, sm. 8vo (Ter- fadre Antonio del Rincon ; Mex., izmo. second naux. No. 164 . edition (Ternaux, No. 225). 1 The following, however, is, as far as known, $ Pedro de Ona. Tiemtlor de Lima del ano the earliest Lima book : 599. foema; Lima, 1599 (Ternaux, No. 230). " Doctrina Christiana (en Quichua y Aymara). Platicai antiquas que en la. excellentissima Impresso en la ciudad de los reyes, por Antonio lengua NahuatI enmendo y crecento el P. Juan Ricardo. primera impressor en estos reynos del Piru. Bautista. franciscano , Mex., 8vo (Ternaux, No. Ana de M.D.LXXXWI, in-4- de 8 ff. prelim. 434). et 84 ff. chiffres." (Brunet, Vol. II, col. 780.) || A. de Onate, Parecer de un hombre docto en la Mex., 1593 (Ternaux, No. 424]. bly an American impression,. Bibliothtca Americana. 377 Our readers are doubtless aware that only "in January, 1639, printing was first per formed in that part of North America which extends from the gulph of Mexico to the frozen ocean."* The first press and font of type were imported by Rev. Jesse Glover, who defrayed a part of the expense, the balance being contributed by several gentlemen in New England and Amsterdam. A London printer, called Stephen Daye, came at the same time with the printing apparatus, in 1638, and the office was located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. " The first thing which was printed," says Winthropf , " was The Freemen s Oath ; the next was an almanack made for New Eng land, by Mr. William Peirce, mariner J," both of which, according to Thomas, were issued in 1639. As to thefrst book printed north of Mexico, it was the following: THE WHOLE BOOKE OF PSALMES Faithfully TRANSLATED into ENGLISH Metre Whereunto is prefixed a difcourfe de claring not only the lawfullnes, but alfo the neceffity of the heavenly Ordinance of fiiging scripture Pfalmes in the Churches of God. Coll. in. Let the word of God dwell plenteoujly in you, in all tvifdome, teaching and exhort ing one another in Pfalmes, Himnes, and fpirituall Songs, Ringing to the Lord "with grace in your hearts. lames v. If any be afflicted, let him pray, and if any be merry let him Jing pfalmes. Imprinted 1640 \* 8vo, sine loco (Cambridge, by S. Daye). Title one leaf+seven leaves for p~ef- ace + one hundred and forty-nine unnumbered leaves + one leaf for errata (Thomas says " 300 pages"), in Roman characters. It is stated that there are some slight differences in different copies, indicating alterations introduced in the progress of printing this edition. (Private Librar., New York, Cambridge and Boston.) The work was prepared for the press under the supervision of Richard Mather, Thomas Weld and John Elliot, of Indian Bible notoriety. * Thomas, lac. cit., Vol. I, p. 205. there are any copies in existence of these two pub- f Kistn.y of New England from 1630 to 1649; locations. Mr. S. F. Haven is of opinion that The Boston, 8vo, I8z5, Vol. I, p. 289. freeman s Oath was printed on one side of a sheet % We have been unable to ascertain whether of small paper. 4 8 378 Bibliotheca Americana. I 4. 1 . 233. PTOLEM T-SERVETUS Above a large woodcut : CLAVDII\\ PTOLEM AEI [| ALEXAN- || DRINI || Geographies Enarrationis, || Libri OctO. || EX BILIBALDI PIRCKE. \\ymheri tralatione, Jed ad Gr<eca & prifca a Michaele Villanouano [Serve t us] \\ Jecundb recogniti, & locis innumeris denuo caftigati. Adiefta infuper ab eodem Scho \\ lia, quibus &? difficilis ilk Primus Liber nunc primum explicatur, & exoleta Vrbium || nomina ad noftri Jeculi morem exponuntur. ^uinquaginta ilia quoque cum ueterum turn || recentium tabula adneffuntur, uarijqz incolentium ritus ff mores explicantur. \\ Accedit Index locupletijjimus hattenus non uifus. || Pr oft ant Lugduni apud Hugonem a Port a. M . D . XLI . Colophon : Excudebat II Galpar Trechfelii Viennae \\ M . D . XLI . \\ *,* Folio, title one leaf, with Servetus address to the reader on the verso; followed by one hundred and forty-nine numbered pages -}- one blank -j- fifty maps, each filling two leaves, with descriptions on the reverse + fifty-six unnumbered leaves for index + one for table + one for colophon. The " Tabula terrae nouae" and ORBIS . TYPVS . VNIVERSALIS, are literal re prints of the two maps of that name in the Ptolemy of 1522, the word America appearing in the latter only. The descrip tion of the New World is on signature 28, on reverse of the map, and ends with these significant words : " Tota itaqz, quod aiunt aberrant ccelo qui hanc continentem America nun- cupari contendunt, cum Americus multo post Columbia eande terrain adieret, nee cum Hispanis ille, sed cum Portugallensi- bus, ut suas merces commutaret, eo se contulito." (Private Library, New York.) " De Charlieu, Servet retourna a Lyon. II cut le bonheur d y trouver Pierre Palmier, Archeveque de Vienne, qu il avait connu a Paris ; & ce Prelat qui aimait les S9avans & les encourageoit par fes Bibliotheca Americana. 379 benfaits, le preflk de venir a Vienne, ou il lui donna un appartement aupres de fon Palais. Servet, pour temoigner fa reconnoiffance a fon nouveau Mecene, donna une feconde edition de la Geographic de Ptolemee, & la lui dedia ....... Cette edition de Ptolemee, qui eft in-Jol. comme la premiere, fut faite a Vienne en 1541. par Gaf- pard Trefchfel, fameux Imprimeur, que les liberalites de Pierre Pal mier y avoient attire. Elle eft magnifique, & en meme terns d une rarete extraordinaire." (D ARTIGNY 1 .) Direct references: f HOFFMAN, Lexicon, Vol. in, page 319. Bibliotheca Barlowiana, . Crevenna Catalogue, Vol. v, page 20. Labanoff Catalogue, No. 24. Kloss Catalogue, page 237, No. 3325. EBERT, No. 18233. 234. ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: i&elacton fll efpatatle terremoto q agora nueua= mente fja acnntecitrn en la ciitiatr 5 (iuattmala : eg cofa to gratre atrmiracion g tre gratre exemplo para q totros nog ementremos ^ nueftros pecatios g efte= mos aprefctuitros para quatro Hiiojs fuere feruitro tre nos liamar. In fine : J^ue impreffa en la gra ciutrafc ^ Mtxiw en cafa tre $ua Otromterger ano ^ mill g qutnietoss g quareta g bno. * + * 410, four leaves. (Private Library, Madrid.) An edition of the same plaquette was also published in Spain, four leaves, 4to. 2^C. APIANUS (P.) " Cofmographia per Gemmam Frifium correda. Norimb. 1541. in-4." (GRAESSE 1 .) 1 Nouveaux Mcmoires fhistoire, Sec., Vol. n, p. 65. a Tresor, Vol. i, p. 159. 380 Eibliotheca Americana. 4. 1 . 236. APIANUS (P.) Recto of the first leaf: COSMOGRA-H PHIAE INTRODVCTIO CVM QVIBSDAM GEOME- || TRIAE AC ASTRONO- || MIM PRIN- CIPIIS || AD EAM REM || NECESSA- || RIIS. || Colophon : Venetijs per lo. Antonium de Nicolinis de Sabio, Sumptu 5" || requifitione D. Melchioris SeJ/ce. Anno Domini. \\ MDXXXXL Men/is lulij. || ** Sm. 410 ; title one leaf -f- twenty-three numbered leaves. Woodcut on verso of the last representing a cat holding a mouse between its teeth, with the motto: DISSIMILIVM . INE- IDA . SOCIETAS . (Private Library, New York.) See, supra, page 272, and Nos. 127, 149 and 150. 237. MUNSTER (SEBAST.}Cofmographia Eejchreibung aller Lender. Eajel \_durch Henrichum Petri?~\ M.DXLI. fol. (Labanoff Catalogue 1 .} First edition apparently of Munster s well-known Cosmographia. See, infra, under the date of 1544. 238. FRANCK (SEE AST.) First seven lines of the title-page : (Ubtnig beg gan- <Sefiaftiano || gvanco SSorbenfi inn bier tw- djer 1 1| namfldj in Wjiam i 9tyljricam i Cvu- || ra^iam nnb Wmericamigcftett nnb alitctjit autfj atter barin licgriffncr Ian || ber i nation i iproninOcn nnb Jnfcln ; gclegenlicijt i groffei nteitte i gctuarfjs i digcnfrfjafft. 1 1| Last line of the title-page: M D XLII. 1 Page 19, No. 71. Bibliotheca Americana. 381 *.* Folio, sine loco (perhaps Frankfort 1 ), title one leaf + four un- numbered preliminary leaves -j- leaves numbered iii-ccxxxvn + seven unnumbered leaves. This edition differs from the edition of 1534 (No. 197) only in the arrangement of the lines in the title, and is probably only a new issue of the latter, but with a new title-page. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) Direct references: f SCHELHORN, Ergotxlichkcitcn, Vol. i, pages log-iza 2 . J. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 20, No. 70. (^ GRAESSE, Vol. u, page 627. 2 7Q. CABE$A DE VACA Under a large coat-of-arms with the double-beaded eagle : c 3^a wlacura <{w di0 Jtto nu- n fie{ catena tre baca tre lo acaefcitro eulais Jntrta^ || enla atmafta trontre gua pot gouernatror ^a-||pi)ilo tre ttartjanitreftre ei ano tre begntell g fiete fjafta el ano 5 ttegnta g fegs || pe toluto a g>nulla ecu trespefu compama.:.|| Colophon : c ^iw impw((0 rt pffftttf tta- n tatro eula magnificai noting anttquifHina ciutratr|| tre ^amora: pot* log ijanrratms baronet Eugu-||fttn to W 8 3uan ^iicartra cmnpaneros im || preffore^ tre libros beimoiei trela tridja fiu||tratr. & cofta g efpenfas trel birtuofo ba || ton Juan petrro mufetti mercatrer || tre litos be{ino tre JEetiina trel II campo. acatofe en fegs Mas || tiel me^ tre ctutre. Eno || trel nafpimtento 5 nto fal II uatror Jefu (Krifto tre 1 1 mil g pinienttiis g II parenta g tins 1 British Museum Catalogue. " Contains also an interesting sketch of Franck. 382 Bibliotheca Americana. *** Sm. 4 to (signatures from A to I in eights); title one leaf-f- sixty-six unnumbered leaves, twenty-nine lines to a full page. (Private Librar., New York.) There are two distinct works which bear the name of Cabe$a de Vaca. The present, which is the Relation, relates the hardships and adventures attending the expe dition from the Bay of Tampa to the village of Cora- zones in Sonora, and which lasted eight years, every day almost being marked with unexampled sufferings. The other consists in the Commentaries, which were written under Nunez direction by Pero Hernandez 1 . This was added to the second edition of the Relation, pub lished in 1555. The latter thrilling narrative was com posed by Alvarez Nunez, better known under the name of Cabe9a de Vaca, which he inherited from his mother. The origin of this strange surname is thus related by Ternaux 2 . " Au mois de Juillet 1212, 1 armee chretienne, commandee par les rois de Castille, d Arragon et de Navarre, s avancait centre les Maures, lorsqu arrivee a Castro-Ferral, tous les passages se trouverent occupes par 1 ennemi. Les chretiens allaient done se voir forces de retourner sur leurs pas, quand un berger, nomme Martin Alhaja, se presenta au roi de Navarre, et offrit d indiquer un chemin par lequel 1 armee pourrait passer sans obstacles : le roi envoya avec lui don Diego Lopez de Haro et don Garcia Romeu. Pour qu ils retrouvas- sent la route, Alhaja placa a 1 entree du passage qu il avait decouvert le squelette d une tete de vache (Cabe^a de vaca). " Le 12 du meme mois les chretiens gagnerent la bataille de las Navas de Tolosa, qui assura a jamais leur suprematie sur les Maures. " Le roi recompensa Martin Alhaja en 1 anoblissant ainsi que sa descendance, et celui-ci en memoire de I evenement qui lui avait merite cet honneur, changea son nom en celui de Cabe^a de Vaca." His mother, Dona Teresa, was a lineal descendant of Martin Alaja; but he was himself a native of Xeres 3 , 1 Preface, and ANTONIO, Biblioth. Hisf. dalucia, cap. 37, af>. TERNAUX. FRANCK- No-va, Vol. i, p. 61. ENAU, Bib/. Hitpanica, p. 255, mentions a 2 Recueil ; Paris, 1837, p. 2. work concerning the "noble y antigua 3 ARGOTE DE MOLINA, Nobleza de An- Casa de Cabe9a de Vaca." Bibliotheca Americana. 383 and the grandson of Pedro de Vera, the conqueror of the Canary islands. He was one of the three only survivors of the un fortunate expedition of Pamphilio de Narvaez to Florida above mentioned, who succeeded in returning to Spain. There was a fourth, a negro, called Estavanico, who met a singular fate. He remained in this country, found his way into Mexico, and some years afterward became the guide of Marco de Nizza in the disastrous expedi tion to the unknown town of Cibola. Estevanico fell into the hands of the Indians, who put him to death, alleging that he, a black man, could not be the envoy of a race of whites. Alvarez Nunez died at a ripe old age 4 . We do not recollect where we have seen it stated that it was at Seville in 1564. The chief authorities concerning this daring adven turer, or his expeditions, are Schmidel 5 , Gomara 6 , Ben- zoni 7 , Garcilasso de la Vega 8 , Herrera 9 , Torquemada 10 , Charlevoix" and Funes 12 . This account was translated into Italian by Ramusio 13 , and paraphrased into English by Purchas 14 . Ternaux gave a French version 2 , and Mr. Buckingham Smith a new translation from the original Spanish 15 . The text was printed by Barcia 16 , who availed him self of the opportunity to add a dissertation 17 vindicating 4 N. DEL TECHO, Historia Prov. Para- ix (mentions only Pamphilo de Nar- quarite ; Liege, fol., 1673, lib. i, cap. xiv. vaez). 5 Vcra hhtoria admirandte eujusdam 8 Histor. gen. del Peru, lib. i, cap. in. na-vigat. ; Nuremb., 410, 1599, cap. xxxi. 9 Decad. in. lib u, cap. iv 5 Decad. iv, Schmidel s account was inserted for the lib. iv, cap. 4-8; Decad. vi, lib. i, cap. 3-8. first time in an appendix to the second part 10 Monarquia Indiana, lib. xiv, cap. xxn. of the Wdtbuchs, published at Frankfort, n Histoire da Paraguay, Vol. i. fol., in 1567, the first volume of which 12 Ensayo de la hist, civil del Paraguay , is Sebastian Franck s well-known work Buenos-Ayres, 3 vols., 410, 1816-17. (supra, No. 197). It was republished in ls Vol. in, fol. 31030. German, in 1599; but Hulsius, dissatis- 14 Pi/grimes, Part, n, B. vm, pp. 1499- fied with certain omissions, gave this Latin 1556. translation, which is the most complete. 1S Washington city, 410, 1851, privately 8 Hist. gen. de las Indias, lib. n, cap. printed. XLVI and LXXIX. 18 Historiadores Primiti-vos, Vol. i. 7 Hist, del NUC-VO Mondo, lib. n, cap. 17 By A. ARDOINO. 384 Blbliotheca Americana. I 542. Cabe9a de Vaca from the aspersions of Honorio Phili- , pono 18 , who deemed it strange that our adventurer should have presumed to perform miracles, which, as everybody knows, is a privilege belonging exclusively to the clergy, and not to mere "scelestos milites." All the authors and bibliographers who mention this Relation, quote only the edition of I555 19 , which, to within a few years, was the only one known. 24O. PTOLEMY MUNSTER Recto of the first leaf: GEOGRAPHIA || VNIVERSALIS, VETVS ET NOVA, || COMPLECTENS || CLAVDII PTO/ || LEMAEI ALEXANDRINI ENARATIO/ || NIS LIBROS vin. || Quorum primus noua tranflatione Pirckheimeri et || acuffione commentarioli illuftrior quam hade || nus fuerit, redditus eft. Reliqui cum graeco & alijs uetuftis exeplaribus col/ || lati, in infmitis fere locis caftigatiores facli funt. || Addita funt in- fuper Scholia, quibus exoleta urbium, || montium, fluuiorum cp nomina ad noftri feculi mo/ 1| rem exponuntur. || Succedunt tabulae Ptolemaicae, opera Sebaftiani Mun || fteri nouo paratae modo. || His adieclae funt plurimae nouae tabulae, moderna or/ || bis faciem literis & pi6tura explicantes, inter 18 In his curious Nova Tyfis Transacta acaesido en las dos fornados quc hizo a los Navigatio, s. 1. ibl., 1621. Indias ; Valladolid, by Fernandez de Cor- 19 La Relacion y comentarios del go ver- dova, 1555. 4-to, 142 + 2 11. (Bibliothcca nador Al-var NuKez Catena de Vaca de lo Broivniana, No. 104). Bibliotheca Americana. 385 quas || quaedam antehac Ptolemaeo non 1542. * fuerunt additae. || Vltimo annexum eft com pendium geographies de/ || fcriptionis, in quo uarij gentium & regionum ri/ 1| tus & mores explicantur. || Praefixiis eft quoqj uni- uerfo operi index memorabiliu || populo- rum, ciuitatum, fluuiorum, montium, ter-|| rarum, lacuum &c. || BASILEAE APVD HENRI- || CVM PETRVM. || Third line of the recto of the second leaf: Sebaftianus Munfterus in Baiilienfi aca- demia || Hebraifmi profeflbr, S. || In fine : BASILEAE APVD HENRICVM PETRVM. || MENSE MARTIO, AN. M . D . XLII. || *,* Folio, title one leaf -f- nine preliminary leaves, including six of index + seventeen leaves + one blank + one leaf for another title-page, beautifully illustrated, on the reverse of which is a mappemund, occupying two pages, and bearing the title of TYPVS VNIVERSALIS. It contains " America seu insula Brasilij," above which lie Cuba, Hispaniola, Terra-Florida, Francisia, between which and "Terra nova siue de Bacalhos," runs a passage labeled " Per hoc fretu iter patit ad Molucas." Then twenty-two maps, the seventeenth of which is the " NOVAE INSVLAE xvii NOVA TABVLA," on the reverse of which is the description. These maps are followed by the Second Book of Ptolemy, printed in double columns, and numbering from i to 195. The borders were designed by Holbein*. (Private Libr., Brooklyn and Owl s Head.) 1 The Athena Raurica (p. 24) men- a RUMOHR, Holbein; Leipzig, 1836, p. tions " Tabula Ptolcmaicee, & appendix 114, quoted by GRAESSE. geographic, 1 540," but we are unable to * In RICH S Supplement, page 2, we ascertain whether the present edition is find : " 1 54z ISLA : Fruto de todos los intended. Santos, Folio. Sevilla." This is only the 49 386 Bibliotheca Americana. I 543* The present is Sebastian Munster s edition of Ptolemy. Direct references : f HEGER, Geogr. Biichersaal, . -| HOFFMAN, Lexic. Bibliogr., Vol. in, page 320. (^ GRAESSE, Vol. v, p. 501. 2-4-I. COPERNICK (N.) Recto of the first leaf: NICOLAI CO || PERNICI TORINENSIS || DE REVOLVTIONIBVS oRBi || vm coeleftium, Libri vi. || Habes in hoc opere iam recens nato, & aedito || ftudiofe lector, Motus ftellarum, tarn fixarum || quam erraticarum, cum ex ueteribus, turn etiam||ex recentibus obfer- vationibus reftitutos : & no- || uis infuper ac admirabilibus hypothefibus or- || natos. Habes etiam Tabulas expediffimas, ex || quibus eofdem ad quodiis tempus quam facili || me calculate poteris. Igitur erne, lege, fruere. || Norimbergae apud loh. Petreium, Anno M.D.XLIII. ** Folio ; title one leaf + nine preliminary leaves, including four for the index + one hundred and ninety-six numbered leaves. (British Museum.) See in Book i, cap. in. Quomodo terra ctt aqua unum globft perficiat, especially the passage on fol. 2 : f { Magis work of the Spanish physician Roderick Todos Santos, o Antidoto cfaax contra el Diaz or Ruy Diaz de Isla, mentioned by mal Frances hallado, y dispuesto en el Hos- ANTONIO (Bibliot. Hisfan. No-va, Vol. u, pital de Todos Santos de Lisboa. Ad page 264), in these words : Joannem in. Portugalliae Regum . Hispali " Tratado contra las tubas, si-vc Fruto de apud Dominicum Robert! in folio 1542." Eibliotheca Americana. 387 id erit clarum, si addantur insulae," &c., &c. We 1543 should add, however, that not only Schoner corre- sponded with Copernick, but he was one of the editors (Andreas Ossiander being the other) of this great work. He even paved the way for it, several years in advance, by the publication of a well-known treatise 1 . " First and rarest edition of this celebrated work. The author s real name was Copernick, or Zopernick, the C being pronounced like Tz. He died 24th May, 1543, only a few hours after he had received the first copy of his labors in print." (LlBRl".) Direct references: f GASSENDI, Tych. Brah. V"ita> access. N. Copernici, page 319. J HUMBOLDT, Cosmos, Vol. ii, pages 68 1, 687, note. ( EBERT, Dictionary, No. 5190. DOCAMPO (F.) Below a large woodcut of the arms of Spain: LiSte patro lifcros primeros tie la <ro II nica general tie iEfpana que recopila el mae- II ftro jflortan tio eanpo (sic) eriatio g erontfta trel II lEm^ petatrot i^teg nueftro Mot pot man- II tratro tie fu mageftaii pefarea. II iBnpamora. Ennn . IE . B . xlifj . II Colophon : C jFueto impreffns eftog tie la (Stronica tie 3Efyaixa que recoptla el jFlollrtan tio eanpo, Ottonifta tie la Olefarea, en la magni- 1| fica, noBle, g anttptftima eiutiati tie ^amora por el ijonrra II tio baron Euan pieartio impreffor tie litros, bejino tie lalltiteja eiutratr. E eofta % efpenfag tiel birtuofo baron ||3hian 1 AD CLARISS. v. de Jo. ScAoncrum, de dam mathematics studiosum narratio prima ; libris re-volutionum eruditiss. -viri et mathe- Dantzick, 410, 1540. matici Nicolai Copernici . . . per quern- * Catalogue for 1861, No. 1916. 388 Bibliotheca Americana. I 543- petrro muffetti merealrer tre litais befitto 19 Iftetrina frel eampo. Eeataronfe a quince || &tag trel meg tre Heftemtoe. &no *rel nafci II mieto ire nueftro falu? atror Jefu ejmfto || tre mil g ptntentos g quarenta g || tres anas, l&egnantro en 3Etfpa- 1| na ei IBmperatror tron <ar-||l0s nueftro Mot glllEU natural. :.||S II *,,,* Title one leaf+ leaves numbered on the recto from fol. n to fol. ccxxxv + ten unnumbered leaves for the table, tremely well-printed book. (Private Library, New York.) An ex- Florian do Canpo 1 , Docampo 1 , or de Ocampo 3 , was born of a Portuguese family at Zamorra 4 , about the year I5OO 5 . He studied at Alcala under Antonio de Le- brixa, joined the church, was appointed in 1539 chron icler of Charles V, and died in I555 6 . Mr. Ticknor says 3 that <f the work of Ocampo, in its very structure, is dry and absurd." At all events it contains an inter esting chapter (xxth on fol. civ) devoted to the discovery of the islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, &c. It is worthy of notice that Columbus is not mentioned by name. The work was reprinted with additions, Medina del Campo, fol., 1553 , Alcala, fol. I578 4 , and Madrid, 10 or only 2 vols. 4to, 1791*. Direct references: f FREYTAG, Analecta, page 198. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. vi, Part i, page 121. BAUMGARTEN, Nachrichten von merkwiird., Vol. i, page 115. GRAESSE, Vol. v, page 4. Bibliotheca Grcnvilliana, page 113. 1 Title-page and colophon. 9 FRANCKENAU, Biblioth. Hispan.^. 119. 8 TICKNOR, History of Spanish Litera ture, Vol. n, p. 27. 4 ANTONIO, Bibliotheca Hispana Nova, Vol. i, p. 394. "The Cortes of Valladolid, 1555, in their Peticiones cxxviii. and cxxix., ask a pension for Ocampo, and say that he was then fifty-five years old, and had been chronicler from 1539. (See Capitulos y Leyes, Valladolid, folio, 1558, f. Ixi") TICKNOR, he. cit., p. 28, n. 7. 8 REZABAL, Biblioteca de los Escrit. de los Sets Colegios May ores, p. 237. 7 BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 150. Bibliotheca Americana. 389 24.3. VALENCIA (M. DE} Recto of the first leaf: C C<m prwil<^i0 imperial Then woodcut of an escutcheon. (E Hftro llamatro Sfteforo fce bittu || ires btil & eopiofo. opilatw pot bn religiofo portugues. || tie la ortre fll ferato palrre fat fracteco Birigtoo al mug ttueftra II fenor jftanctfco peffxia : teforero fil mug efclarecitro r inu . . . . II Colophon : : g alahatiga de n tre fu H3entrita JHafcre II la btr^ gen fancta Watia. jFue impreffall la prefente otra, llamatra ^Teforo tre bittu- II ttes, en la billa tre |He= trtna trel ca II pn, por ^etrro tre (ttaftro im- II prefer ire lifam Ecatefe allbegente tiias 5 <&tutre.||Mo. ffi . m . xliij . II * * 410, title one leaf + twenty preliminary unnumbered leaves -|- one blank -}- sixty-four unnumbered leaves + leaves numbered LXV-CXXXV + one leaf for the above colophon. (Private Library, Mexico.) This anonymous compilation by a Portuguese monk of the Franciscan order, interests us only on account of two letters : one from Martin de Valencia forwarded to the bishop of Mexico to the general chapter of the Fran ciscans held at Toledo ; the other, addressed to the said de Valencia by the friars of the Franciscan Convent or Talmanaco, dated June i2th, 1531. These two letters have also been inserted in the Latin Cortez of 1532 (supra. No. 168), and in the Novus Orbus of 1555 . Direct reference : TERNAUX, No. 50. 1 Fol. 665, tq. 39 Bibliotheca Americana. 4 (MARTIN DE) & A. D. gloria t) loot 24-4-* VALENCIA (MARTIN DE) & A. DE OLAVE. 2 trel Menaueturatro patrre frag &n II tires tre efpleto : fragle trelos menores treia ortren II trel ferafico patrre nueftra taut jfranctfco. IBi qual martgrio recitio enla ctutratr tre jFe{ porla bertratr II tre nueftra fagra fe, a nueue tiias trei meg tre || IBnero trel Eno tre Jft . H . :rmj . II *,* 410, eleven unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, Providence.) " This is an introductory paragraph on the recto of the first leaf of a small 410 tract of 1 1 unpaged leaves, Gothic Letter, without title, place of printing, or date. It contains, first, the above-men tioned " Martyrio" written by F. ANTONIO DE OLAVE, dated " en el convento de Setuval," April 10, 1532, translated, as the anonymous author of the tract states (on the verso of the 2d leaf), by him, from an old sheet which had been sent by King JOHN, of PORTUGAL, to the general chapter of Franciscans, held at TOLEDO " en el dia del sancto pentecostes" Then follows a letter of F. MARTIN DE VALEN CIA, sent by the bishop of Mexico to the same chapter, accompanied by another, addressed to MARTIN DE VALENCIA by the friars of the Franciscan convent at Talmanaco, dated June 12, 1531. " The copy before us bears the stamp of Mr. Ternaux s collection. It has the same contents as his No. 50, but a different title." (Bibliotheca Browniana 1 .) The present is not a separate work, but simply a por tion of the preliminary part of the above No. 243. Direct reference : TERNAUX, Bibliotkeque Africaine, No. 280. 1 First Part, p. zo, No. 72. Giovanni di Sacrobusto e da altri, per An- * The following from ANTHONY BRU- tonio Brucioli. In Venezia per Francesco CIOLI, a well-known " Pestifero Eretico," Brucioli, e Frategli 1543, in 4." who occupies such a prominent place among (FoNTANiNrK) the " Damnati primes classis," may contain a map : " Trattato della Sfera, raccolto da f Bibliottca Italiana, Vol. n, p. z6y. Bibliotheca Americana. 391 2 4. j). DIONYSIUS Recto of the first leaf: I C/L7. * DIONYSIVS LYBICVS POETAE || = DE SITV HABITABILIS ORBIS || A SIMONE LEMNIO POETA LAVREATO || NVPER LATINVS FACTVS. || Then large woodcut, representing two globes, one issuing out of an open eye, the other with the word AMERICA ; and below : VENETIIS M . D . XLIII , Cum gratia <y priuilegio. In fine : Venetiis per Bartholomeum cognomento Imp er at or em : &\\ Francijcum eius generum . Anno M . D . XLIII . \\ *^* Sm. 410 ; title one leaf + thirty-nine unnumbered leaves, printed in Italics. (Private Library, New York.) Direct references: ( HOFFMANN, Lexicon, Vol. n, pages 106-7. j BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 731. ( GRAESSE, Vol. n, page 402. PIGHIUS (A.)" De cequinoftiorum folftitiorumque inuentione, et de ratione Pajchalis cekbrationis, Paris, 8vo y 1543." (WATT 1 .) See, supra, page 180, No. 107, for the first edition of this curious work, which was several times reprinted. 1 Bibliotheca Britannica^ol. n,col. 757. de Medina d avoir extrait de la premiere * DE MEDINA (P.) " Libra de las edit, de cet ouvrage tout ce qui forme le Grandcxas y cosas memorable! de Espafta. sien. Or comme cette premiere edition Primum Hispali apud Dominicum de Ro- est de 1544, quoique datee de 1543 a la bertis 1 543 . fol." ( ANTONIO, Bib/. Hisf. fin, il est fort douteux que celle de P. de Nova, Vol. n, p. 215.) Medina, de 1543. citee par Antonio, ex- " Dans une note de la seconde edit, de iste." (BRUNET, Vol. HI, col. 1572.) sa Chronique, Florian do Campo accuse P. See, infra, under the date of 1549. 39 2 Eibliotheca Americana. r/L7 24-7 NUEVAS LEYES Under a beautifully ornamented bor- __^___^ der containing the arms of Spain : lagouernaciontielas g fcuen trata||miento g eonferuaeton tielos : que fe ijan tre guartrar en el || confejo g autriecias reales qt ^w *Ha8 refitren : g pot totros log otrog || gouetnatroreg i juefes g perfonas patticu? late Colophon : ortrenanfais g treclaracion trias, s tuen tratamiento tre log II naturata trellas. jfueron im-|| prefag pot tnantratro te || log Mores: preftoete, g trel eonfejo te las $n- 1| titas : en la btlla || tie Eleala || tre II Benares : en eafa tie Joan II tie i3rocar a ocijo tiias tiel || mes tre Julio tiel ano || tre n!o faluatiorll Jefu *.,,* Folio ; title one leaf + thirteen numbered leaves. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) Rich calls 1 this extremely rare volume <f the first col lection of printed laws relating to the new world," and Ternaux 2 " le premier recueil qui ait ete public." These 1 Biblioth. Americ. fetus, p. 5, No. 13. Q Bibliotheque Americainc, p. II, No. 49. Bibliotheca Americana. 393 two assertions have caused many readers to misappre- hend the real character of the work, which is not a col- lection or a cc Recopilacion" but simply two ordinances of Charles V, known among historians as the famous Nuevas Leyes, and which have been the cause of so much mischief. They were issued especially for the better treatment of the Indians, and, we believe, for limiting the partitions of lands among the conquerors. Leon Pinelo states 3 , on the authority of Juan de Grijalva 4 , that these laws " tan odiosas," were prompted by the publication of the manuscript tract Dies i seis remedios contra la peste que destruye las Indias. They were issued at Barcelona, November 2oth, 1542, completed at Val- ladolid, July 4th, 1543, and ordered to be printed, and enforced immediately throughout the Indies. The present is the first edition of these laws. The second was published at Madrid in 1585*; the third, which we believe was the last, at Valladolid in i6c>3 6 . As to the Ordenanzas of Antonio de Mendoza, we describe them, infra, under the date of 1548. Although as early as 1556 Antonio Maldonado had proposed to frame a Repertorio de las Cedulas, and the work known as Pugas Cedulario 7 , which must be consid ered as the first step in that direction, had already been published, it was not until the rescript of Philip II, dated * Epitome, p. 63, Cf. HERRERA, De- que en ellas \\ residen : y for todos los otros cad. vn, lib. vi, cap. x, p. 120. Goucrna- \\ dores, juezcs y ptrsonas parti- || * Cronica de la orden de S. Augustin en cularcs deltas. || En Valladolid. || En la Im- las Pro-v. de la Nue-va Espana ; Mexico, frenta del Licenciado Varez de Castro. || 4to, 1624. Ano de M . DCIII . \\ 5 "LEYEs,yORDENAN9Asnuevas,hechas *#* Fol. Title i 1. + 13 numb. 11. + I por su Magestad, para la Governacion de las blank. B. L. Indias, i buen tratamiento de los Indios, que 7 Philippus Sccundus Hispania \\ rum, et se ban de guardar en el Consejo, e i por to- Indiarum || Rex. Prouisioes, cedulas, In- dos los otros Governadores, Jueces, i Per- struciones de su Magestad: Orde \\ nan^as de sonas Particulares de ella, en Madrid, 1585. difutos, y audiecia dela nueua Espana : y pa fol. en Casa de Francisco Sanchez." PINE- el hue tratamie || to y <)scr-vacio <f los yndios LO-BARCIA, Vol. n, col. 828. dende el \\ ano 1525. hasta el presente . * Leyes y \ Ordenan^as Nue-va- || mente de . 63 . || En Mexico en casa \\ de Pedro hechaspor su Mages- \ tad, para la gouer- Ocharte . || M . D . LXIII . || nacio de las Indias, y buen tratamiento \\y *%* Fol. Title I 1. + 3 prel. 11. + 207 conservation de los Indies : que se han de numb. 11. B. L. guardar en || el Consejo y Audiencias Reales [Private Libr., N. Y. and Provid.] 50 394 Bibliotheca Americana. I 543. I 57 J that an unknown jurist undertook to compile a , general code. All that we have been able to ascertain concerning this anonymous collection is, that the chap ter treating of the Council of the Indies only was printed in 1593 (sic pro 1573?) Leon Pinelo says 8 that the publication was interrupted by the death of the author. Diego de Encinas was more successful, although he published only four volumes, not in I599 9 , but in 1596 , which, however, were suppressed by the Council of the Indies, as Encinas had prepared them without having been previously authorized. Thus far those codes had only been collections of cedulas and ordon nances arranged in alphabetical order; but as the number of laws increased, and, let it be said, with appalling rapidity, it became necessary to change the method, and adopt a kind of digest, omitting the abrogated laws and abridging those in force. It was only in 1608 that the plan was thus altered, but instead of intrusting the work to individuals who acted on their own responsibility, as had been the case hitherto, a board composed of two members was created. Four teen years, however, elapsed before any appointment was made. Finally in 1622, Rodrigo de Aguiar and Leon Pinelo commenced the first volume, but instead of continuing the work, they published in 1628 a Sumario or abridgment for the private use of the mem bers of the Council 11 . Aguiar died, and the entire 8 loc. cit., p. 120. en ellas. Sacado to Jo ello de los libros del \\ LEON PINELO, loc. cit., p. 121; BARCIA dicho Consejo par su mandado, para que se even says (Epitome, Vol. n, col. 821) that sepa, cnticnda, y se tenga no- || ticia de lo que it contains ordonnances of this date. cerca dello esta" proueydo despucs que se || des- 10 Pro-visiones || ced-vlas, capifvlos de || or- cubrieron las Indias || hasta agora. \\ En Ma- dcnan$as, instructions!, y cartas, libradas y drid. || En la Imprenta Real. || M.D.XCVI. des- || pachadas en diferentes tiempos for sus Folio. Vol. I. 14 prel. 11. + 462 pp. Vol. Magcstadcs de \\ los seftores Reyes Catolicos ji, 14 prel. 11. + 382 pp. Vol. in, 13 don Fernando y dona Tsabel, y Emperador || prel. 11. + 482 pp. Vol. iv, 10 prel. don Carlos de gloriosa memoria,y dona luana 11. + 41 (j pp." su madre, y Catolico Rey don || Felipe, con [Private Libr., Provid.] acuerdo de los senores Presidentes, y de su n Svmarios\\de la^Rccopilacion gencral\\de Consejo Real de las In || dias, que en sus tiem- las Leyes, Ordenan^as, Pro-visiones, Cedvlas, pos ha auido tocantes al buen gouierno de Instrucciones y Cartas \\ Acordadas, que par las Indias, _y || administration de la justicia los Reyes Catolicos de Castillo se han pro- Bibliotheca Americana. 395 work devolved on Leon Pinelo. It was in the course I 54.3. of these preparations that the Father of American Bib- _.-...-__ liography perused " quinientos libros Reales de cedulas, manuscritos; i en ellos mas de ciento y veinte mil hojas, i mas de trecientas mil decisiones 11 ." In 1634, Leon Pinelo had accomplished his task; but the compilation remained in manuscript. We think that he died soon afterwards, for we find Juan de Solor- zano Pereira appointed to continue the work. Nothing more was done until 1660, when a new board or Junta de la Nueva Recopilacion de Indias was appointed. They completed the code to the year 1680, and it was finally promulgated by royal decree May i8th, i68i n . Four years before, however, Juan Francisco de Montemayor y Cordova, who was already known by his Mexican reprint of the Sumario of 1628, had published two Sum maries 14 which have since become extremely rare ; but these could supply the place only temporarily of a gen eral code. In the great Recopilacion just mentioned, the laws relating to the Indies are divided into forty chapters, each law bearing in the margin the name of the king mulgado . . . . par las Indias Occidentals, third, 1774, the fourth, 1794, the fifth Is/as y Tierra Firme del mar \\ Occano .... and last, 1841. BRUNET mentions (Vol. Par el Licenciado Don Rodrigo de Aguiar y iv, col. 1138) an edition of 1754, which Acuna ; Madrid, by Juan Gonzales, 1628, does not exist. fol., 8 prel. 11. + 1/8 pp. + 4 11. 14 Sumarios de las Ccdulas, Ordcncs y [Private Libr., Providence.] Pro-visiones Reales, que se hart despacbado Reprinted in Mex., fol., 1677, 8 + 385 11. for su Magestad para la Nuc-va Espana,y ia Epitome, p. 123. otras paries; espccialementc desde el ano de 18 Recopilacion || de leyes de los reynos || mil seiscientos y -veinto ocho, en que se im- de las Indias. || Mandadas imprimir, y p-vb- primieron los quatro Libros, del primer to- licar || for la Magestad Catolica del Rey || mo de la Recopilacion de las Lcyes de Indias, Don Carlos II. || N vestro Seftor. \\ i>a divi- hasta el ano de mil seiscientos y sesenta y dida en q-vatro tomos, \\ con el Indict general, siete ; Mexico, fol., 1678, 9 + 2,76 11. y al principio de cada Tomo el Indict \\ ape- Recopilacion Sumaria de algunos autos cial de los titulos, que contiene.\\ Tomo pri- acordados de la Real Audiencia y Chancil- mero. \\ En Madrid: Par 1-vlian de Paredes, leria de la Nue-va Esfana, que rende en la Ano de 1 68 1. Fol., Vol. i, 6 11. + 300 ciudad de Mexico para la mejor expedicio pp. Vol. u, 3 11. + 299 pp. Vol. HI, 3 de los negocios de su cargo, desde el ano de 11. + 302 pp. Vol. iv, 2 11. + 145 pp. + mil quinietos y veinte y ocho en que sefundo 220 pp. for index. hasta este presente ano de mil seiscientos y [Private Libr., Providence.] setenta y siete, con las ordenan^as para su The second edition is dated 1756, the Govierno. Fol., sine anno out loco, 60 11. 396 Bibliotheca Americana. who promulgated it, and the date. Senor Icazbalceta . writes to us that : "Ce code qui, sous une forme ou sous 1 autre, a regi 1 Amerique pendant trois siecles, est encore partiellement en vigueur chez nous. II n a jamais etc positivement abroge, mais le temps, et surtout les changements politiques qui ont eu lieu, en ont rendu caduques toutes les dispositions. Les avis sur le merite de ce code sont tres partages. On doit le juger d apres 1 esprit du temps, et non d apres nos idees modernes. C est toujours un monument venerable et qui devra etre etudie par tous ceux qui voudront connaitre 1 histoire de 1 Amerique." As to the Nuevas Leyes, there is a reliable extract in Herrera 15 , and an interesting account in Remesal 16 . Senor Icazbalceta will publish in the forthcoming second volume of his Colecdon the entire text, copied from the notorial act concerning the announcement of those laws by the public herald in Mexico, May 24th, 1544. Direct references: I" Bibliotheca Gren-vil/iana,Part n, p. 250 (copy printed on vellum). ^ Bibliotheca Bro-wniana, page 20, No. 71. I Historical Nuggets, No. 1731. BRUNET, Vol. in, col. 1042. GRAESSE, Vol. iv, page 193. 248. HENRICI || GLAREANI HELVETII, || POETAE LAVREATI DE GEOGRA || phia Liber unus, ab ipfo Authore iam no || uiffime recognitus. || Vignette, a hand cutting a Gordian knot. ^f FRIBVRGI BRISGOIAE || Stephanus Mele- chus Grauius excu- || debat, Anno M . D . XLIII . || *.* 410, title one leaf+ thirty-five numbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) See fol. 35, and supra, page 262. Direct references : f Bibliotheca Barloioiana, . -| Bibliotheca Americana Primordia, page 12. (TROMEL, No. 12. 16 Decade vn, lib. vi, cap. 5, pp. 1 10 1 1 3. " Hist, de Chiapas, Lib. iv, cap. 10. Bibliotheca Americana. 397 249 ZUMARRAGA (J.} Within an escutcheon and border : I jjotinm to* tmtg j>- 11 uecfjofa tre lag cofas q ptene- II cen a ia fe catijolica g a nfa cri||ftian tratr en eftilo llano pa co-limit inteligecia. Otopuefta pot II el laeueretriffimo . g> . tro frag II 3M pumartaga primer otpo II 5 We.ttco. Bel cofejo 5 fu ma II geftatr. $mjpffa e la mifma ciu- II tratr U JEexico por fu matratro II g a fu cofta. Colophon on the recto of the fourth leaf of signature I : IT &1jora g alatan^a tre n!o fenor iPefu Xpo g tie la gllo- II fa birge fancta Warta fu matrre : aq fe acata el prefen- 1| te tratatrc. iBl pal fue bifto g examinatro g corregi||tro por matratro Ul . ia . S> . 3io frag $uan ^umar||raga: primer ttfpo tre ifEexico : g tiel eofejo : 5 fu JEageftatr. pmiofe enfta gra ciu||tratr 3 s:enuci)titla trefta nueua || iBfpafta : en cafa tre Jua croberger por || matratro fll mifmo feftor obpo lio II frag Jua eumarraga g a fu eofta, II Ecabofe tre imprimir a . xiiij . II trias trel mes tre Junto : trel II ano tre M . tr . quare II ta g qtro anos. || e * # * 410, eighty-four unnumbered leaves ; signatures A-LIIII. (Private Library, Mexico.) Direct references: ( Bulletin du Bibliophile for 1859, page 183. < Diccionario Univ. de Hist.y Geograf., Vol. v, page 962. Crijwrttto 398 Bibliotheca Americana. GERSON (J.) Within a border: <i)rifttaniffimo g confolatollrio tioetor 3hian (feerfon tie || tioetrina Cftriftiana: a qual- 1| piera mug guecfjofa. Era- II tiu^itio tie latt en legua (ftaflltellana para el tie fl mucijog||neceg= fario. impreffo en Mt- \\ xico : en cafa tie $uan crom-llterger. $or matiatro g a cof||ta tiel i& . g . otifpo tie la mef||ma ciutiati dfrag $ua pumarll raga . Heutfto g ezaminatio || por fu mantiatio . || Mo tie , ffi . ti . xliiij . || Colophon : If Ecatofe el Cripartito tie $uan|| gerfon: a gloria g loor tie la fanctiffima trtnitiati : g fl || la facratif^ fima birge fancta Plaria regna S log an- 1| geleg. I? tie loss gloriofiffimog fant $uan USaptifta : II ^ fant Eofepf). g fant jfracifco. iBl pal fe im? pri- 1| mio en la gra ciutiati 5 Cenucf)tiltlan JHexico tie II fta nueua SBfpana en cafa tie $ua croterger q tiiog || aga . Ecatofe tie imprimir . Mo tie . IE . ti . xliitj . II %.* 410, twenty-eight unnumbered leaves, thirty-three lines to a full page. Long lines, no catch-words, signatures a, b, c, in eights, d, in fours. The colophon is on the verso of the last leaf. Large woodcut on the verso of the title-page. (Private Library, Mexico.) Direct references : I Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1859, page 183. ( Diccionario Univ. de Hist, y Geogr. A copy of this and of the above No. 249, were dis covered a few years ago in a curiosity shop at Toulouse. Bibliotheca Americana. 399 2 CI. CORDOVA (P. DE) Within an ornamented border : I C A.A. t ffi Potritw rjjnana per " " inftructon r informaeto tielos intii-llos: par manera tie ijgftorta . <om- 1| puefta pot el mug reuerentio patire |frag ^etiro tie &orirmia: tie tuena||me= moria: primero funtiatwr flla or||tien tielos tiicatiores elag gflaslltreimat ceano : g por reltgio || fog troctos 33la tnifma ortre. Ea ql ttina fue btfta g examinatra g a p II uatra pot ei mug . %l . . el licecia 1 1| tro ^Eello tre Satroual Jnqutfttatror en efta nueua iEfpafta II per fu M&z geftatr. Ha qual fue em- II preffa en ffitxiw par mantratro trel || mug . H . b . tio frag $ua pumar^ ta-Hga pmer otifpo trefta eiutiatr : trel co llfejo tie fu J&ageftafc . re . g a fu tofta. II Uno tre . ffi . tr . xlttij. || preuilegio *e fu . . 2, . H ..... Jmpreffa en la grange g mas leal ciutratr tre iWe- 1| xiw : en eafa tie $uan Otromterger : que faneta gloria aga a eofta tiel tiidjo fenor otpo. ..... Ecatofe tie tmprimir . Eno tie M . ti . artiij . || *^* 410, title one leaf + twenty-nine unnumbered leaves. (Private Libr., Providence and Mexico.) " Petrus de Corduba, ein spanischer Dominicaner von Corduba, welches auch sein Geschlechts-Nahme war, gebohren um 1460, stu- dirte zu Salamanca die Rechte, trat aber hernach daselbst irx obge- dachten Orden, gieng 1510 als Missionarius nach Domingo, wurde Provincial seines Ordens, schrieb el vocabulario en lengua zapoteca, und starb den 29 Jun. 1525." (JdCHER 1 .) 1 Allgtmtina Gelehrt. Lcxic. t Vol. in, col. 1462. 400 Bibliotheca Americana. I 544 We om ^ t t^ 6 l n g colophon at the end, which con- - tains the imprint. Direct references : ( Bibliotheca Hcbcriana, Part vn, No. 4780. Bibliotheca Broivniana, page ai, No. 73. RICH, page 5, No. 14. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 464. 252. FRISIUS (G.) Recto of the first leaf : ^GEMMA PHRYSIUS DE PRINCI- pijs aftronomiae & Cofmographie, Deqg vfu Globi ab eodem edi- ti. Item de Orbis diuifione, & Infulis, rebufcg nu- per inuentis. Then woodcut of a mounted globe and: fi@r Antuerpiae excudebat Ioannes|| Rich ard. An .D.i 544 . || Colophon : C Antuerpise typis excudebat || loannes Grauius . Anno . || M . D . XLIIII . || *,* Small 8vo ; title one leaf + eighty-eight unnumbered leaves + three for tables. (Private Library, New York.) See " Caput . xxx . De America. Amer ica ab inuentore Amerio [sic] Vefputio nomen habet/ " &c. Bibliotheca Americana. 253. APIANUS FRISIUS Recto of the first leaf : La Colmographie de Pierre Apian, libure trefutile traiclant de toutes les regions & pays || du monde par artifice Aftronomicque, nouuellemet traduicl: || de Latin en Francois. Et par Gemma Fri- fon Mathema-||ticien & Docteur en Medi cine de Louuain corrige. || Auecq aultres libures du mefme Gemma Fr. appartenantz || audicl: artifice, come la page enfuyuante la declaire. || Then woodcut of a mounted globe, below which M .D.XLIIII. and: ^f On les vend en Anuers fur le pont de chambre chez Gregoire Bonte || a 1 efcu de Bafle, imprimez en Latin, Francois, & Flameng. || i Colophon : ^f Abfolut eft cest oeuure Cofmographicque de Peere Apian, auecq aul || tres liures de la mefme fcience, Aux defpens com- muns de Gemma || Frifon, & Gregoire Bonte. Imprimes en Anuers || par Gillis de Dieft, au moys Daouft. || . 1544 || 22 || * * * Elongated 410 ; title one leaf -f- one unnumbered leaf + leaves numbered III-LXV -\- n e unnumbered leaf with printer s mark on the verso. Many woodcuts ; revolving diagrams on verso of leaves xi, xm, XLIX, and recto of ^XLVIII. Mappemund covering verso of xxv and recto of xxvi, inscriptions in Latin and Dutch ; word AMERICA inscribed. Direct references: f Libri Catalogue for 1861, page 24, No. zio. ^ BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 342. ( GRAESSE, Vol. i, page 159. 5 1 402 Bibliotheca Americana. I 544* 2^4* DE LERfTIS OR RIKEL Recto of the first leaf: <[ lEfte eg bn eopetrio foreue que traeta 18 la II nera ire eomo fe p ire fjajer las pceffto line* : puefto pot Hionifio l&tcfjel eartu II xano : 5 efta e latt e la pmera pte fl fug pctofog II opufculog : ro= manpatro pa comu btilttratr. II Then the text on the same page. Colophon : (E &pra g gloria tre n!o feftor $efu a:jpo g fl la bttge fcta JHa- 1| ria fu ntatrre : atjui fe aeata efte ireue copentrio i pe ttaeta tre la II tnanera que fe f)a tre tenet en el fja^er tre lag ^roceffioneg. iBlll pal fe imprtmio en efta gran ettrtrair 5 :entici)titlan iftlej:tco II fcefta nueua IBfpana por mantratro tiel mug reueretio feftor iron || jFrag $ua pumarraga : pmer tifpo tre la mifma ciutratr. 23 el II eofejo tre fu mageftatr . xt g a fu cofta . IBn eafa tre $uan eromier II ger . ^Ifto tre . ffi . H . xltiij . II * # * 410, signature a in eight, b, in four, twelve unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, Mexico.) We suppose this Richel to be the Denys Leewis men tioned by Foppens 1 and Fabricius 2 , known among the scholastics as the Doctor extaticus. This prolific mystic was born at Rickel in Belgium, in 1394, and died in 1471. He belonged to the order of the Carthusians, and his Speculum was the first work printed in Belgium 3 . Direct references: ( Mondidier Catalogue, page 98, No. 1872. \ Dicionario Uni-v. de Histor. y Gcogr., Vol. v, page 961. 1 Bibliotheca Bclgica, Vol. i. p. 241. LA SERNA SANTANDER, Dictionnaire " Bibl. med. et infm. Lat., Lib. iv, p. 95. Bibliografhique, Vol. i, p. 293. Bibliotheca Americana. 403 2CJ5. DE LEEWIS OR RIKEL Recto of the first leaf: 1 C HEfte eg bn copetrto treue que tracta flla manera tre como fe ija tie ijajer lag pceffioueg : ampuefto per Biomfto Midjel cartuzano : q efta e latt e la jpmera pte 5 fugs pciofos opufculos : tomanpatro pa eomu btilitratr. Colophon : (E Eq fe aeata efte tteue copetrio ire Btongfic cartuxano : co la afctcion tre los II argutnetos co fuss tefpueftas . &c . q trata tre lo q es matratro g betratro e lag p II cetttoes : e efpecial e la 5 (Corpus Xpl : pot cuga caufa fe totnapo. $mjpffa e mext II co por matratro fll. s. dtp to frag $ua pumarraga : e cafa fl $ua croterger . || * + * 410, // /?^ ^^, sixteen leaves instead of twelve like the above, owing to a long exhortation at the end, wherein it is stated that the present is a second edition of the above No. 249. (Private Library, Mexico.) Direct reference: Dicionario Uni-v. de Hist.y Geogr. t Vol. v, page 962. 256. (BIONDO M.A.}" M. A. Blondi De Ventu et navigatione, cum defcriptione a Gadibus ad Novum Orbem. Venetiis^ 1544, in-8." (BRUNET 1 .) See, infra, under the date of 1 546. 2^y. MAFFEI OF roLTERRd" Commentarii rerum urbanarum, lib. xxxvm. cum Oeconomico Xenophon- tis. Baftl . per Frobenium, 1544, fol." (FABRICIUS*.) 1 Manuel, Table, No. 1977*. " B tbL Lot. MeJ., Vol. vi, p. 142. 404 Bibliotheca Americana. 2^8. MUNSTER (SEE AST.) Recto of the first leaf: COSMOGRAPHIA. aUet genber <Setiafttanmn 9&htnftetnm in metier 6ea,tiffen 1 1| fitter toolrfet, ettfrf)afften 1 1| @tetten, tmb namljttfftiget flerfen Ijethnnen : || bitten fldiveitti) t otbnnng \ glaukn ; fcctcn i tiub Ijantie-llrwngibntdj bie gan^e toeltitmb fittnem- 1| lidj Seittfdjet nation. || Sl*ag anrli liefnnbeto in iebent lanbt gefnnbem ||bnnb bavin bcfrfjcnfeij. || Cilice mit ftpven tinb f^anen (anbt fatten evKettmnb fnr angen gcftelt.. || etrntft jn Safe! bnv^ enria^nm || gJetvi. 5(nno *,* Folio ; title one leaf, + six preliminary leaves, + twenty-four woodcut maps of two leaves each + pages numbered to dclix. Mappemund, with the words : America sen insula Brasilij, and map xxiiij, with the following inscription on the verso : netoe || toelbt bet gtoffen ||dnb uiicn jnjVl! fen tion ben S^ja || nietn gefnnben. || (Private Libr., New York.) See the chapter Son ben nettfoen infeln from leaf DCXXXVI to leaf DCXLIJ, SEBASTIAN MUNSTER was born at Ingleheim in 1489, and died of the plague, at Basle, in May, 1552. He was a most prolific author (forty printed works ; see the list * AngHce : Cosmography. Description tion. Also, which particulars have been of all countries, by Sebastian Miinster, found in each country and therein ob- wherein are contained the origin, customs, served. All explained by drawings and habits, laws, creeds, sects and occupations fine maps, and placed before the eye. of all nations, governments, cities and re- Printed at Basil, by Henry Petri, in the markable towns through the whole world, year 1 544. and particularly through the German na- Bibliotheca Americana. 405 in HEGER ), and not only a great mathematician and I 544 cartographer, but one of the best Hebrew scholars of his time : " Germanorum Esdras hie Straboque conditur 1 " says his epitaph. Modest and learned, this good and conscientious man did not escape the centure of a cer tain school of critics. The Athenae Rauricae* mentions editions of this work, " Lat. 1543 . 1545 . 1550 . Germ. 1544 . 1546 . 1550 . 1559 . 1564 . 1578 . 1621 .fol" Extended extracts have been published in English 4 . Brunet mentions 5 an Italian translation, under the date of 1558, printed by Petri, at Basle. The French edi tion, by Belleforest 6 , is well known. Direct references: f STRUVE, Biblioth. Histor. Select., cap. xvi., page 761. Catalog. Biblioth. Buna-v., Vol. n., page 35. NAPIONE, Del Primo Scopitrore, pages 814, 21- 26. Historical Nuggets, No. 1954. 259. GLAREANUS (HENRY LORiT.)" De Geographia liber unus ab ipfo aucthore jam tertio recognitus. Ve- netiis, apud Petrum et Jo. Mariam fratres et Cornelium nepotem de Nicolinis de Sabio, ad inftantiam Mel- chioris SefTae, anno Dm M . D . XLIV, in 8." (LANCETTI 1 .) 1 Geogr. Buchersaal, Vol. i., pp. 79-140. the Cosmographye of Sebastian Munster; 8 "Here lies the Esdras and Strabo of London, i6mo, 1574, 101 11. (Bibl. He- the Germans." beriana.) 8 Page 24. 8 Manuel, Vol. in, col., 1945. * A treaty se of the ncivc India with other * La Cosmographie uni-vcrscllc de tout le neive founde landes and Ilandcs, as well monde .... Auteur en partie Munster, eastivarde as ivestivarJe, as they are knoivcn mais beaucoup plus augmentee ornee et en- and founde in these oure days, after the de- richie par F. de Belleforest, tant de let scripcion of Sebastian Munster in his boke recherches, comme de faide de plusieurs me- of uniuersall cosmographie ; London, by moires par hommes amateurs dePhhtoire et Edward Sutton, izmo, 1553, 102 pp. de leur patrie ; Paris, z vols., fol., 1575. [Private Libr., Providence.] [Private Libr., N. Y.] A briefe Collection and compendious 7 Memorie Intorno at poet! Laureati ; Extract of straunge Thinges, gathered out of Milan, 1839, 8vo, page 348. 406 Eibliotheca Americana. 26o. GIAMBULLARI (P. F.} Recto of the first leaf : PIER FRAN || CESCO GIAMBVL || LARI ACCADEMI- || CO FIOR. || De l Sito, Forma, & Mifure, dello || Inferno dl Dante. || Then oblong vignette representing Noah s ark, with the motto : L ACQVA CH 10 PRENDO GIAMAI NON si CORSE. In Firenze per N eri Dortelata M.D . XLIIII . *i* Sm. 8vo ; title one leaf, -f- pages numbered from 3 to 153,4- a table of thirteen unnumbered leaves, -|- leaf with register, and vignette on the verso. (Private Librar., New York.) This work, from one of the founders of the famous Academy of La Crusca, is certainly curious and inter esting (especially to philologists, on account of the introduction of accents for the purpose of showing the pronunciation of the Florentines), but it requires no little stretch of imagination to place it among the books O L O relating to America, on the strength of a small fanciful map on page 18, which exhibits on the West a kind of promontory with the inscription : TERRA INCOGNITA, and on the South : MONTE DEL PVRGATORIO. Direct references: f Bibliothcca Heberiana, Part v, No. 1816. NEGRI, istor. de Fiorent. Scritt., page 453. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 1582. GRAESSE, Vol. in, page 78. 1545. 26l. FERRER (JAIME.) 11 Scntendas catholicas del Divi -poet a Dant. " Barcelona, I 545" " Cartas del gran Cardenal de Espana y de los Reyes Catbolicos a Mosen Jaime Ferrer ; las contestations de este y su dictamen sobre la partition del mar Oceano con el Rey de Portugal; y otra carta de Ferrer Bibliotheca Americana. 407 a D. Cristobal Colon. (Hallanse impresas en Barcelona el afio mil quinientos cuarenta y cinco en el raro libro que compile el mismo Ferrer y titulo Sentencias catbolicas del Divi poeta Dant.") (NAVARRETE*.) See in Navarrete s Coleccion, Ferrer s letter " Al muy magnifico y spetable Senor el Senor Almirante de las Indias^ en la gran isla de Ciban" dated August 5th, 1495. This James Ferrer de Blanes (who should not he mistaken for another James Ferrer, /. , Jacques Ferer, the discoverer or supposed discoverer of Cape Boja- dor 2 ) seems to have been a native of Catalonia, a cos- mographer by taste and a jeweler by occupation. The only traces we could find of this mysterious personage, who, together with Pighius, gave us more trouble than all the authors cited in the Bibliotheca together, are in dialogue XLV of Oviedo s ^fuincuagenas*, where he is made one of the interlocutors ; and the following ex tract, the discovery of which we cannot but compare to the finding of a needle in a hay-stack : " lacobus (Mosen laume) Ferrer de Blanes. Catalunus sub Regi- bus Catholicis Ferdinando & Elisabetha scripsisse dicitur Lemosino sermone : Sentencies Catoliques del Divi Poeta Dant anno MDXLV. (alicubi) editas : quode D Thomas Ant. Sanchez Syll. Poem. Hisp. ann. MD. T. I. Pro/eg, pag. xxvn. seq" (ANTONIO*.) 262. APIANUS (P.} Recto of the first leaf: +? COSMOGRAPHIA || PETRI APIANI, PER GEMMAM FRisivM || apud Louanienfes Medicum & Mathematicu infignem,||iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac non-||nullis ipfius quoq; locis au&a. Ad- ditis eiufdem argu- || menti libellis ipfius Gemmae Frifii. || i Coleccion, Vol. n, page 97. J apud CLEMENCIN. i NAVARRETE, Discrtacion sobre la His- 4 Bibliotheca Hisfania fetus, Vol. u, tor. de la Nautica, page 120. p. 337, note. 408 Bibliotheca Americana. 54*5* Then a large mounted sphere, and: M . D . XLV . || Vaeneunt Antuerpiae fub fcuto Bafilienfi, Gregorio Bontio. || Colophon : 4 Excufum Antuerpiae, opera Aeg . Diefthemij || Anno a Chrifto humanae falu- tis || Authore nato, || . 1 545 . || *.* 410, title one leaf-|- sixty-six numbered leaves for text; on the verso of the last, printer s mark with the quotation : GRAVIORA . LEGIS MISERICORDIA, FIDES, IVDICIVM. MAT. XXIII . Three revolving diagrams (on folios 28, 49, and verso of ll) ; large mappemund, folded, with a few words in Dutch; the inscriptions in Latin. This continent bears on the Southern part the word AMERICA, and on the Northern, which is only a very elongated prolongation, Baccalearum. (Private Library, New York.) Direct references : ( Catal. Biblioth. Bunav., Tom. n, page 34. J. TROMEL, No. 13. ( GRAESSE, Trescr, Vol. i, page 159. 263. KING 4LPHONSUS Recto of the first leaf: +> DIVI ALPHONSI || ROMANORVM ET HISPANIARVM REGIS, || aftronomicae tabulae in propriam integritatem reftitutae, ad calcem|| adiedis tabulis quae in poftrema editione deerant, cum plurimoru || locoru correc- tione, et acceffione variarii tabellaru ex di- verfis au- 1| toribus huic operi infertaru, cum in vfus ubertate, turn difficultatis||fubfidiu: Quorum nomina fumma pagellis quinta, Bibliotheca Americana. 409 fexta & feptima || defcribuntur. Qua in re 1 545 Pafchafius Hamellius Mathematicus infi- 1| = gnis idemq ; Regius profeffor, fedula ope- ram fuam praeftitit. || Then printer s mark. PARISIIS, Ex officina Chrifliani wecheli fub fcuto Bajtlienji) in vico lacobceo. Anno * * 410 , . * - . (Private Library, Paris.) We insert the .present on the authority of Bishop Kennett*. It is evident that it is not in the Alphonsian tables (which were composed only in 1252, although printed for the first time in 1492, ten years after the death of King Alphonsus) that we must look for some passage relating to America, but in the notes or preface of Pascal Du Hamel. M. D Avezac, however, who had the kindness to examine the work, states that it does not contain anything germane to the subject before us j . 264.. OVIEDO COHORT Recto of the first leaf: L hiftoire de la II TERRE NEVVE DV || Peru en 1 Inde Occidentale, qui || eft la principale mine d or du || monde, na- gueres defcou- || uerte, & conquife, & || 1 GESNER, Bibliotheca Univcrsalis, p. 325 proved to be the case with several books FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca Latina Media et in- mentioned in the Bibliotk. Am. Primordia, Jim. tetat., Lib. i, p. 192. as for instance PONTANUS poem de Meteo- a Biblioth. Amtrlces Primordia, p. 12. rum liter (p. n), and THOMAS Historic 3 We should state that such has likewise of Italic (p. 1 3). 41 o Bibliotheca Americana. 1545. nommee la nou-||uelle Caftille,||Traduitte = d Italien en Francoys. || derofj,. On les vend a Paris au Palais en la Galerie || par ou on va a la Chancellerie en la || boutique de Vincent Sertenas. || 1545. AVEC PRIVILEGE. || Last line of leaf Bij : L auteur eft Gonzalo Ferdinadi del Ouiedo natif de Ma || dril q a faid: 1 hif- toire generale, dot eft extraid; ce fum- maire. || Colophon : Imprime a paris par Pierre Gaul- || tier, pour lehan Barbe & Vincent Sertenas. || 1 545- II ** Small elongated 410, title one leaf + three preliminary un numbered leaves + forty-nine unnumbered leaves. The copy in the Imperial Library, at Paris, contains a map which is not in the copies which we have examined in this country. (Private Library, New York and Providence.) Moreri and Jocher ascribe to Jacques Gohory a His- toire du Perou; Barcia-Pinelo 1 and Brunet state that this Gohory was the translator of the present extract, which the latter considers "la troisieme partie d un re- cueil italien impr. a Venise et a Milan en 1535 \_supra, Nos. 200 and 201 ?]." The opinion that Jacques Gohory is the translator is borrowed (if our memory serves us right, as we have not the book before us and cannot procure it at present) 1 Epitome, Vol. n, col. 645, with the date of" 1553." Bibliotheca Americana. 411 from the Bibliotheque frant^oise of La Croix du Maine, The title shows that it was a translation from the Ital- ian ; and the note in signature Bij states that the au thor of the original work was Oviedo. Now, the f c re- cueil it alien impr. a Venise et a Milan en 1535" is only the translation of Xeres Conquista, by Gaztelu. The only work of Oviedo in Italian which corresponds to the present, is the Libro Jecondo delle Indie occidental^ or second part of the collection printed at Venice in 1534 (supra, page 314). We regret that we are not in a position to compare again these two works. As to Gohory, Gohorri or Jean de Gorris, he was a French astrologist, poet, historian and prolific writer on almost every subject, well known for his eccentrici ties, and who, "disgusted with the world and all within," ended his days in 1576, poor and almost forsaken. We notice that a number of his works were published by Sertenas. Direct references : C TERNAUX, page II, No. 52. < BRUNET, Vol. HI, col. 188. ( Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 23, No. 77. 26C. RESENDE (GARCIA DE) Surmounted by two woodcuts, one representing a sphere, the other, the arms of Portugal : Hguro trag atras tie Garcia tre Kefetre que trata tra bttra e gratiifttmas birtufoes : e toirafces : tnag= nanhno estopo : excellentes otftumes e manijas e mug crams feitos to djrtftianiffimo : muito alto e tnuito potietofo prtncipe tl Heg t6 ^oao o feguntro trefte notne : e tio^ iRess tre Portugal o tteieno tre gloriofa memoria: come^atrc tro feu nafeimentn e totra fua bitia ate a fjora tie fua motte : eo nutras que atiiante fe feguem. (Eom prtuilegto 412 Bibliotheca Americana. 1545 In fine: a lowiflt ire ireas e ira gloriofa birgem noffa fenijora fe acatcn o iiuro ira biira e fegtos irelreg irom Joan n fegunira tie Portugal ____ fog tm= pretto em cafa Ire Etigg roirrigues Itbmrc irel teg notto fenfjor aosi sit irias iw mes ire Junijo ire mil e quinftentosi e patenta eineo annas. * # * Folio, " au titre succede PAlvara accordant le privilege. Le feuillet suivant donne un prologue de 1 auteur, puis viennent ces mots : Fey foes : virtudes : costumes : e manbas tfel Rey dom loam o Segundo qui sancta baya. Ceci conclu, commence la vie du roi (avec un titre special) ; elle debute a la p. I et finit a la p. ccxxiiij. La biographic achevee commence : A tresladafao do Corfo do muy catolico e muy esfor$ado Rei do loao o Segundo deste name, &c. Apres le feuillet cxxxvj vient : Ida da Iff ante dona Beatriz per a Sayboya ; le feuillet cxliiij presente une grande estampe divisee en petits comparti- ments representant la vie du Christ : au centre on remarque ce titre : Comessasse a paixao de nosso senhor Jesu Chris to toda inteira : Segundo os quatro evagelistas : tirada de todos elles em linguagem portugues, ajuntada e concertada par Garcia de re- sende. Get opuscule est mentionne comme inedit par Barbosa dans sa Bibliotheque Lusitanienne. Dans un ecusson le feuil let cliij continue ce titre : come$asse o sermao sobre e vinda dos sactos tres Reys magos. Foi visto e examinado pelos deputados da sacta inquisifao. (Ce dernier opuscule a ete entierement in- connu a Barbosa). La table vient en definitive. L ouvrage est imprime a deux colonnes en caracteres gothiques. On n en connait que trois exemplaires. Ces details sont em- pruntes a la bibliographic de M. Innocencio da Sylva." (FERDINAND DENIS.) Garcia de Resende, one of the greatest poets and chroniclers of Portugal, was born at Evora about the year 1470, and is supposed to have died after 1554. His intimacy with King John II, and the position which he held at the Court, must have enabled him to witness the scenes which he relates with so much zest and originality. It is in the present, which contains a life of the greatest of Portuguese kings, that the reader Bibliotheca Americana. 413 will find a spirited and authentic account of the inter- I 545 view between John II and Columbus at the palace of Almeria, when the great navigator, after being driven by a furious storm, had been compelled to land in the port of Cascaes, March ist, 1492, thus imparting to almost a personal enemy the first tidings of the successful issue of his voyage. The work has been frequently reprinted. Direct reference : Jo. DA SYLVA, Diccionario bibl. fortugas, Vol. u, page 20. 2OO. MEDINA (P.) Under a large escutcheon of Spain : en que fe contienen totras las i&eglas, clones, j5wi:eto0, g Euifris, q a la fcuenanaue^ gacio fon neceffarios, g it treue fa&er, jecja el maeftro ^etrro tre iiletrina. Birigitra al niffimo $ mug efclareftitro Mot, ton ptincipe tre IBfpana, g trelas iros giciltas . re . * (!ton preuilesio imperial <? Colopbon y within a frame : A GLORIA DE II DIGS NVESTRO SENOR, proue II cfjo g bttlitratr tela nauegacum, f enefee el pre^ fente litaHlllamatw ARTE DE NAVIGAR, ijrrfto g or||tenatro pot el maeftro ^etrro tre |Bctiina|| be{ino tre g>*uilla. jfue bifto g aprouatio, en la tnft II pe eafa tre la (Kontraetacion tie lag Jnlitas, pot el ^i-llloto mapr g (Kofmogtapfjot tre fu Jftageftatr. II P affi-||tnefmo fue mantratro ber g examtnar pot el eonfejo real||tre fu Wageftatr, en la noble billa tre TrJallatrolitr, eftan- 1| tro enella el ^rineipe nueftto 414 Eibliotheca Americana. 1 545. Mot, 2 fu teal eotte. Jm || pttntto fe enla triefja billa, en cafa tre Jftaneifco fetnan- litre? tre OTot= troua imptettot, junto a las efcuelas map- II teg : Ecaio fe ptimeto tria trel meg tre <ctui)te. Eno trel || nafcimiento tre nueftto fenot Jefu cfjtifto, tre g ciut-llnientos g gtiatenta g eineo anas. || *.,.* Folio, title one leaf -f- five unnumbered leaves 4- one hundred numbered leaves -\- one leaf for colophon. On the recto of leaf xxn, a map exhibiting the Isthmus, Florida and Peru. (Private Libr., N. Y., Provid., and Harvard Coll. Libr.) Pedro de Medina was born at Seville 1 about the year 1493*. He seems to have led, for a short time, a sea-faring life*. He was examiner of the pilots for the Indies ; and acquired great repute as a cosmographer and historian 4 . The present work was translated into French by N. de Nicolai, in 1554; in Italian by V. Palentino de Corzutu, in 1555; in German by Michael Coignet, in 1576; and in English by J. Frampton, in 1581. Navarrete states 2 , in noticing these numerous reimpressions : " Esto prueba el aplauso universal con que fue recibido el tratado de Medina, como elemental para dirigir la ensenanza de la nautica en las naciones extrangeras, hasta muy entrado el siglo xvn. Fue su autor examinador muy principal de los pilotos y maestres de la car- rera de Indias, y viendo entonces cuan pocos sabian lo que concernia a su profesion, quiso simplificar y facilitates esta ensenanza publicando un compendio de su Arte, que con el titulo de Regimiento de naviga- cion se hnprimio en Sevilla en 1552 y 1563. Con el mismo objeto escribio una Suma de cosmografia en 1561, que sa ha conservado ine- dita y vimos original en la libreria del conde del Aguila en Sevilla." Direct references: f RICH, page 6, No. 15. BRUNET, Vol. HI, col. 1572. GRAESSE, Vol. IT, page 462. Bibliothcca Browniana, page 22, No. 75. 1 ANTONIO, Bit/. Hisp. Nova, Vol. u, 8 See Lib. iv., cap. n, of the present p. 215; FRANCKENAU, Bibl. Hisp., p. 344. work. a NAVARRETE, Disert. s. la Histor. de la * Cf. infra, under the date of 1548, Nautica, p. 161. his Libra de grandexas. Bibliotheca Americana. 267. CARTIER (JACQUES) Recto of the first leaf: <* BRIEF RECIT, & fuccinte narration, de la nauiga- tion faite ef yfles de Canada, Ho- chelage & Saguenay & autres, auec particulieres meurs, langaige, & ce- rimonies des habitans d icelles : fort dele&able a veoir. 415 Avec priuilege On les uend a Paris au Jecond pillier en la grand Jalle de Palais & en la rue neufue Nojlredame a I enfeigne de lejcu de frace^ par Ponce Roffet dift Faucheur^ & Anthoine le Clerc freres. 1545- *.* 8vo, title one leaf (with privilege on the verso) -f- one unnum bered leaf + leaves numbered 3, 3, 5, + text beginning with one unnumbered leaf, followed by leaves numbered 7-48 (leaf 8 marked 7 by mistake). The last two and a half leaves contain a vocabulary of the "lagage des pays & Royaulmes de Hochelaga & Canada." (British Museum.) 4i 6 Bibliotheca Americana. I 545* ^ or a l^ e ^ J acc l ues Cartier, born at Saint Malo, . December jist, 1494, and who died after 1552, we re fer the reader to the documents published by Charles Cunat 1 , M. Michelant 2 , and the excellent introduction added by M. D Avezac to the Tross reprint 3 . If we are to believe Lescarbot, Cartier made four voyages to New-France ; but we have authentic accounts of three only, and it is doubtful whether the Saint Malo navigator wrote any of them. The French original of the account of the first voy age is lost. The earliest version is to be found in Ra musio 4 , whence it was translated into English 5 , and afterwards into French 8 . This French version was added by Lescarbot to his well-known Uistoire 1 ^ and in- 1 Saint Malo illustre far set Marins ; (St Malo, 1864, 8vo?) * Voyage de Jaqves Cartier a-v Canada en 1534, nou-vclle edition, publiee d"apres [""edition de 1598 et d*apres Ramusio, far M. H. Micbelant a-vec deux cartes, docu ments inedits sur Jaques Cartier et le Cana da, communiques par M. Alfred Rome , Paris, 8vo, 1865. 3 Bref recit et succinctc narration de la navigation faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI par le capitaine Jacques Cartier aux ties de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres. Reimpression figur ee de [" edition originale rarissime de MDXLV a-vec les variantes des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Imp erialc, pre- cedec d"une breve et succinctc introduction historiquc par M. D^A-vczac ; Paris, 8vo, 1863. 4 Vol. in, fol. 423-441. 8 A short and || briefe narration of the two || Navigations and Discoueries || to the Northweast partes called || Newe Fravnce : || First translated out of French into Italian, by that famous || learned man Gio : Bapt : Ramutius, and now turned || into English by John Florio : worthy the rea- || ding of all Venturers, Trauellers, || and Discouerers. Imprinted at Lon- || don, by H. Bynne- man, dwelling || in Thames Streate, neere vnto || Baynardes Castell. || Anno Domini. I58o.ll *55* 410, 4 11. + 80 pp. [Private Libr., Providence.] DiscovRs||Dv||VOYAGE||FAITPAR LE CAPI-IITAINE IAQVES CARTIERH aux Terres-neufues de Canadas, No- || rem- bergue, Hochelage, Labrador, et || pays adia- cens, dite nouuelle France, || auec particu- lieres mceurs, langage, et || ceremonies des habitans d icelle || A ROVEN, || DE L IMPRI- MERIE || de Raphael du Petit Val, Libraire et Imprimeurlldu Roy, a 1 Ange Raphael. || M. D. xcvin. a-vcc permission. *x* 8vo, title i + 7 11. + pp. 1771. Having been informed that there was a copy of this extremely rare work in a pri vate library on Long Island N. Y., we wrote to the owner thereof, but our letter having met the fate of a number of similar re quests, we feel constrained to make our collation from Tross reprint. When we see how little disposed certain collectors are to promote the cause of science, we feel tempted to exclaim with MOMMSEN (apud his edit, of Pindar) : " Inclementiores tenacioresque eos tantum bibliothecarios invent, qui -vcl paucos -vel deteriores tantum libros custodiebant, ut de- negando aliquid dignitatis assumere -vide- rentur" 7 Lib. in, cap. n-v, in Histoire de la Nouvelle France, contenant les navigations, decou-vertes et habitations faites par les Fran- fois es Indes Occidentals et Nou-velle France sous rauthorite de nois Rois Tres Chretiens, et les diverses fortunes d"iceux en / execution de ces c/ioses, depuis cent ans jusques a hui Bibliotheca Americana. 417 serted by Ternaux in his Archives*, and by the Societe 1 Litteraire et Historique de Quebec in a volume composed exclusively of such reprints 9 . The account of the second voyage is the present No. 267, of which only one original copy is known to exist. This sold at the Courtanvaux sale for thirty cents. The British Museum possesses the copy from which the Tross reprint 5 was made. Ternaux s version 10 was copied from two manuscripts (Nos. 10025 & 10265 .3 . in the Imperial Library at Paris). We think that the Quebec reprint was borrowed from Ternaux s. The French original of the third voyage is also lost. We have only fragments, collected by Hakluyt 11 , whence they were copied by Purchas 12 . Direct references: ( Santander Catalogue, Vol. iv, No. 5799. -| Bibliotheca Gren-villiana, page 828. ( BRUNET, Vol. i, col. 1605. 268. MAR1NEO (L.) Recto of the frst leaf: j g>umarur tre ia clarittima bitra g Jermcos i)eef)os tre los teges turn ^ernantro g trona Ufatel, facatro tic la ote grantre tre las cofag memoratte tr IBfe pana compuefta pr Hucto Hflartneo g>iculo. &$z letio en cafa tre Jua tre Egala, mil g qninteto g quareta g feges anos. * # * Sm. 410, title one leaf -f- seventy-seven numbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) This epitome gives the chapter and repeats the blun der mentioned supra, page 360. . . . En quoi est comprise rHistoire Morale, B Archives ties Fay ages. Vol. I, p. 1 1 7. Naturelle et Geographique de la dite pro- 9 Voyages de Dicouverte au Canada, entre vince , Paris, I2mo, 1609, 24 11. + 8 88 pp., les ann ecs 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Car- 3 maps ; id., 1612; id., 1618, 55 11. +970 tier, le Sieur de Rober-val, Jean Alfhonse pp., 4 maps (all three in a private library, de Xanctoignc, Sec. ; Qiiebec, 8vo, 1843, New York). These are the only real pp. 1-23. editions. The publications of 1611 and 10 loc. cit., Vol. n, pp. 566. 1617 are merely new issues, differing from n Vol. i, pp. 232-240; contains also the first and second editions solely in the pp. 201-232, the first and second voyages. date on the title-page. 12 Pilgrimes, Book vm, cap. iv. 53 41 8 Bibliotheca Americana. I 54-6. 269. LERCHER (L.) Recto of the first leaf : <d)ifflent einen || groffen ntann jafcen ju toegen firadjt i jeifft (!jrifUatt groffOttbiainiieer fidj toertnaljeftljatintit eiuer s j)itnrt frniucu Me || (^(jviftcnljcit (vuro^n genannt i tuiirbt fein Icib tnit f einen g(i- 1| dernim anfang fdiim^jfflirf) bc|d)ri- (en i after jnlctft (^ fjriftcn- 1| ltd) ttnftnelcgt.5(ndj mte Me gnntffrani bie ^riften^eit II dnrojw }m toerbe finber gebereninnb in cincr || furijcnjeit anff iuad)f(cu but) jm jjelf-Hfen fdegen toiber ben 5itrrfen!|mtb allc unnleit- Bigen. || * * * \\ 2)ifeg gtojfen mans tmb feineg gema- l)c(0 ftebefittnngi||ninrt^riftenUi| ttnftgelegt:bnrdj t aur Vcrdjeru || bait fftieblingen. II In fine : Wctrnjft tinb tjolcniit anff bad tanfent fnnff Ijuu- 1| bert bnb fcdj^ tinb nier^igft jar nuff ben || anberntag be 3ennerg. || *,,,* 410, sine loco, title one leaf -f- six unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) We regret that the want of space prevents us from describing this curious parody. It strictly belongs, however, to a Bibliotheca Africana. Direct references : C F. DENIS, Le Monde encAantc, page 325. j TZRNAUX, Bibliothcquc j4fricairte, . ~] GRAESSE, Vol. iv, page 171. v Bibliotheca Barlowiana, page 12, Bibliotheca Americana. 419 27O. ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: $n ecella bolo quq[ ber||foa fenfu meo loqui: bt || altos inftruat. ilaul? II pme co# siiij. eapite. II na : mm cierta g b trairera pa gete fin erutri||eui g letras: en q fe cotiene el catectfmo n in || formacio pa intriog co totro lo principal g || neceffario q el xptano treue fater g otrar. || Swpreffa en Jftexico pot matratro trel Heuere= Mttimo fe-llnor J3o frag $uan (Eumarraga: primer otifpo Ire Wexico. || Colophon : C E gloria tre $efu e^rifto g tre fu tentrillta matrre: aquife acafca lo anetritro al eatijeci^mo por|| troetrina mas faeil para log infcios menos enten || fciiros g mas rutros i g negros, iSl pal fue II im= preffo en la mug leal g gran ciutratr II tre ffimw por mantratro 51 reue- 1| rentJtffimo fenor tro frag $uan II pumarraga : primer ofctfpo S || fEexieo. Bel cofejo 5 fu II J&ageftafr, &t. ^cato II fe 5 imprimir e fin fll || ano 5 mil r quinie || tos g paren- II ta g fegs II anos. II * * ,,, 410, signatures in eights, except K, which is in four ; sixty unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, Mexico.) 271. HONTER (j.)" Rudimenta cosmographica . Ti- ij apud Froschoverum, 1546, in-8, cartes grav. sur (Walckenaer Catalogue 1 .) 1 Page 176, No. 2182. 420 Eibliotheca Americana. 54-^ 272. ENCISO (M. DE) Under a large sphere held by a hand : (E Suma to geograpfjia q trata tre totras I! las partttras g prouincias trel mttntro : en II efpectal tre las intrias . g trata largamete II trel arte trel marear jutamente co la ef llpera en romace : con el regimi^ ento II trel fol g trel norte : agora nueua || mente en= mentratra tre algu= II nos trefectos que tenia II en la imprettton paffatra. II M . 33 . xlbj. In fine : . . . fue impreffa enla mug nofcle r mug leal ciu= tratr tre S^titlla en || eafa tre Entrreg tre turgos : en el ano tre la encarnacton tre nueftro feftor Je^ II fu Otijrifto tre mil r pimentos r quarenta r fegs anos. || *,,,* Folio; title one leaf+ seventy numbered leaves, the last ten wrongly numbered. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) Direct references : f RICH, No. 1 6. -I TERNAUX, No. 53. (^ Bibliotheca Brotuniana, page 23, No. 78. 273. FOCARD (JACQUES) Recto of the first leaf: PARAPHRASE DE L ASTRO LABE. Les Principes de Geometric, La Sphere, L Aftrolabe, ou, declaration contenant des chofes celeftes, Le Miroir du Monde, ou, expofition des parties de la terre. * The date of 1 546 ascribed by MZUSEL DIAZ DE LA CALLE S Memorial y Noticias (Vol. in, Part I, p. 335), and by PINKER- del Impcrio de las Indias, -viz. : 1546, is TON (J^oy ages, Vol. vn, p. 206) to JOAN erroneous. It should read 1646. Bibliotheca Americana. 421 Then vignette, and : I 4.6, A LYON, PAR JEAN DE TOVRNES || M.D.XLVI.|| *,* 8vo, title one leaf + seven unnumbered leaves + one hundred and eighty-seven pages. Text in talics. (Imperial Library, Paris.) See the passage on page 155. " Telle eft la defer iption des parties du mode felon le tres excellent Ptolomee y les autres ancles Geograpkes: depuis lefquels ne f eft gueres trouve terre dicle continens tant dec, a qu de la fequinotlial exc ept e tine appel ee Amerique, de la quelle ne fommes encore bien afleures ; a* IJles plufieurs lefquelles je tais a caufe de briefvet e. U Amerique (Ja quelle eft appel ee F Am eque ! ?) te decrirai fuccinftement, n ay ant egard a tous ceulx qui ont navig e & pour le jour d buy navigent a intention feulement de traffiquer ou gaigner, et d icelle parlent obfcurement tellement, qu il fault prefque deviner ce que par leurs fonges veulent dire, fffr." Direct reference : BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 1314. 274.. BIONDO (M. A.) Recto of the first leaf: DE 7ENTIS ET NAVIGA-\\ TIONE, LIBELLVS||AVTTORE MICHAELE|| ANGELO BLONDOHINQ^VO N A V I G A- TIONIS VTILIS-HSIMA CONTINETVR DOC- TRINA CVM || Pixide nouO) Sf diligenti exam ine || uentorum, et tempeftatum. || CVM AC- CVRANTISSIMA DESCRIPTIONE\\ diftantiae locorum intern! marls, & Oceani, a Gadibus ad || nouum orbem, vtique valde neceflaria, Nam ||feruantes do6trinam hanc, cum citius || turn fecurius vtruncp mare || transfretabunt. || OPUS RECENTISSMVM. || 422 Bibliotheca Americana. CAO. Then a woodcut and: === Cum Priuilegio Summi Pontificis atq: Illuftriffimi\\Senatus Venetiarum in Decennium. \\ Colophon : Venetijs Apud Cominum de || I ridino Montisferrati \\ M . D . XLVI. || *,* 410, eighteen numbered leaves. Text in italics. On the verso of leaf 5, on recto of leaf 6, and on recto of leaf 7, wood-cut diagrams showing the cardinal points. On the recto of leaf 16 begins : De nauigatione oceani ad nouu orbem. Cap. xxv. (British Museum.) Michael Angelo Biondo or Blondus was born at Venice in 1497, and died about the year 1560. He was a great physician 1 , but as a poet " poco stimate al suo tempo, e meno ancora nel nostro 2 ." BORDONB (B.} Within a border: ISOLARIO || DIBENEDETTO BORDONE || Nel qual fl ragiona di tutte 1 Ifole del mondo, || con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, hif- torie, || fauole, & modi del loro viuere, & in qual || parte del mare ftanno, & in qual pa- 1| rallelo & clima giaciono. Ri- 1| coreto, & di Nuouo || riftampato. || CON IL BREVE DEL PAPA || Et gratia & pri- uilegio della Iluftriffi- 1| ma Signoria di Ve- netia co- || me in quelli appare. || Colophon : In Vinegia ad inftantia, & fpefe del 1 VANDER LINDEN, de Scriftis Medich a APOSTOLO ZENO, afud FONTANINI, (edit. 1651), 8vo, p. 456. Vol. n, p. 413. Bibliotheca Americana. 423 Nobile huomo || M . Federico Torefano. 1547- M . D . XLVII . * + * Folio, title one leaf -f- three unnumbered leaves + seventy- four numbered leaves + six leaves for three double maps, + one hundred and eight small maps in the text. (Private Libr., Providence, and Harvard Coll. Libr.) Direct references: f Bibliotheca Gren-uil/iana, Part n, page 57. I Bibliotheca Brotvniana, page 23, No. 79. j Ste-vens" American Bibliogr., page 41. Crevenna Catalogue, Vol. v, page 2,6. 276. ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: <uicu$ ijac regula fecuti fuerit : pax fup illog r mifericortria tret . ^aul? atr gal . bj eapitu djriftiana treuc : pa ottrenar (a bitra g !po tiel ano q fe qt^e faiuar g tenet fu alma trifpuefta : pa qt ^efuxpo more en ella . Jmpreffa pot matiatro trel teuerentriffimo fenor to ftag $ua pumarraga, met ofcifpo tre il^exico . Bel confejo tre in geftatr &t. Colophon : (L & gloria g loor tre la Mttima trinitratr g tre la facrattttima r tmmaeulata birge faneta Waria fe= neee g aeata efta troctrina tre log profictetes i q[ trata ^ la regla g bitra xpiana : eo la forma tre la oracio metal : g aparejo ^ tien morir, Jfue impretta en la grantre g mug leal eiutratr tre iEexico por man= tratro ^l reueretrifftmo fenor tro frag $ua pumarraga pmer ofcpo ^ lEexico. 3iel eofejo t) fu mageftatr ^e. %L quie por la eogregaeio tre log Mores ofcpog fue cometitra la eopilaeio g e^ame r imprettio Uella. Ecatofe ^ imprimir e fin ^l meg tre enero Ul ano tre mill g quinietog g quarenta g fiete anog. *,* 410, one hundred and sixteen unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, Mexico.) 424 Bibliotheca Americana. ICJ47. 2 77 XERES (F. DE) Within a border: flmi. rclacum tre ia conquifta trel ^eru r prouincia trel (Eujco lia|| matra ia nueua (tfaftilla. (Eonquiftatra pot Jfran- 1| cifeo piparro : capitan tre la. S>. (E. (E. W. trel IBrnpe- II ratror nueftro fenot. ISmtiatro a fu ttta= gcstatr pot II jptancifco tre Xere{ natural tre la mug noble g leal II etutratr tre Seuilla : fecretarto trel fobre trteijo capt- II tan en totras las ptouinctas r conpifta tre la nue- ua (Eaftilla : g bno tre los prk merog eonqtniftatro- II res trella. II (E jTue btfta g examinatra efta obra por man= tratro litre Ixris Mores Enquifitrores. II Colophon : fe aeabo el prefente tractatro llamatro Ha con- II quifta trel ^eru. jFue ^mprefo en Sala= tnaneallpor Juan tre Junta: acafoo fe a eineo trtasll tref mes tre Julio ano trel nafetmien-llto tre nueftro fenor Jefu OTljrifto II tre Mil r dHuintentos r rentar fie- lite ailos.:.!! *,* Folio, title one leaf + twenty-one numbered leaves. (Private Libr., New York and Providence.) Direct references: f TERNAUX, page 12, No. 54. -j BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. 299. ( Bibliotheca Broivniana, page 23, No. 81. Bibliotheca Americana. 425 278, OVIEDO (G. DE} Within an ornamented border: I 54-7 (Corontca Mn0 Then the double-headed eagle escutcheon, and : Nutrias agora nueuamente im ptetta cottegitra g ananiraira. I 547- $ con la amqutfta trel * + * Folio, title one leaf 4- three unnumbered leaves + one hun dred and ninety-seven numbered leaves. Woodcut of a coat- of-arms of Columbus on fol. x. (Private Librar., New York and Providence.) Second edition of our No. 207, which (as the title indicates) is frequently found bound in one volume with the Xeres of 1547. Direct references: f ANTONIO, Bibliotheca Hispan. Nova, Vol. I, page 555. MEUSEL, Bibliotheca Historica, Vol. in, Part i, page 226. RICH, page 6, No. 17. TERNAUX, page 12, No. 54. Bibliotheca Browniana, page 23, No. 80. FRISIUS & SCHONER Recto of the first leaf: GEMMA PHRYSIVS || De Principiis || ASTRONOMIAE ET || COSMOGRAPHIAE, DEQVE vsv || Globi Cofmographici ab eodem editi. || DE Orbis diuifione & Infulis, rebufq3 nuper inuen- tis. || EIVSDEM De Annuli Aftronomici vfu. || IOANNIS SCHONERI || De vfv Globi Aftriferi opufculum. || Then mounted sphere within a frame, below which : ANTVERPI.E:, || In aedibus loan. Steelfii. Anno || M.D.XLVIII. || Second title-page, on the recto of unnumbered leaf 73 : VSVS Annuli Aftro-|| NOMICI GEMMA || FRISIO MATHEMAT- ico || Authore. || 54 426 Bibliotheca Americana. Woodcut, hand holding astronomical rings, then: ANTVERPIJE, In aedibus loannis Steelfii. || M.D.XLVIII. || Third title-page on recto of unnumbered leaf 89 : IOANNIS SCHONERI || DE vsv GLOBI ASTRIFERI || Opuf- culum. || Woodcut, mounted sphere, below which : M.D.XLVIII : Colophon : Typis loan. Graphei Anno a Chrifto hu- || manae falutis Au- thore nato, || M.D.XLVIII. || *.* Sm. 8vo, title-page three leaves + one hundred and sixteen numbered leaves -{ one unnumbered leaf. Woodcuts on recto of 83, 84, 85, and verso of 86. (Private Library, New York.) See, especially, on leaves 69-72, chapter xxx, "De America: America ab inuentore Americo Vesputio no- men habet, alii Bresiliam vocat ..." &c. 2OO. ANONYMOUS Termination of the last leaf. jfue imptta e efta mug leal eiutratr 3 memo e eafa fl jua patios pot matratro fll reuere^ trittimo Mor tro frag jua pumaraga primer ofcpo tre Mtxito . P porq enla cogregacio q los fenores otpos tubiero it nrtreno q fe Iji^ieffen tog fcoctrinas : bna treue g atra larga : % la treue eg la q[ el ano xlbj . fe imprimio . Wantra fu Moria reueretriffima q la otra grange puetre fer efta ; pa Maradon tre la Dtra pequeila . &cafcofe tre tmprimtr a sbij . trias trel mes tre enero . Mo 5 . M . tr . xlbiij . aflos. (E goli Heo fjonor r gloria in ferula feru^ loru . Erne . *.* 410, one hundred and fifty-four numbered leaves in a complete copy (the first nine leaves are wanting in the present) ; printed in two columns. (Private Library, Mexico.) First work with the imprint of Juan Pablos. Bibliotheca Americana. 427 28l. MEDINA (P. DE) Recto of the second leaf: I Libro de grandezas y cofas men morables de Efpana . Agora de nueuo hecho y copilado por el || Maeftro Pedro de Medina vezino de Seuilla . Dirigi||do al fereniffimo y muy efclarecido || Senor don Philipe Principe de || Efpana &c . Nu- eftro || Senor. || Then escutcheon of Spain, and : M . D . xlviii . V Folio. (Private Library, New York.) We find this title dated 1548, in the edition of the same work printed at Alcala de Henares, by Pedro de Robles and Juan de Villanueva, in 1566 . The Biblio theca Grenvilliana 1 - contains an edition of 1549, and, leaving aside that of 1543, mentioned by Antonio*, which is an impossibility (see, supra, note on page 391), we believe that the above reproduces the text of the title of an edition which may bear the date of 1548 on the title-page, and 1549 in the colophon. We must say, however, that this curious reproduction belongs to the edition of 1566, as the privilege of the latter date is on the verso. We also suppose that the edition of 1548 contains the interesting chapter " h .j . de la villa y puerto de palos" which relates the expedition of Colum bus, and exhibits a map borrowed from the A rte de Nav- egar of the same author. (No. 266.) 1 Folio, I + I + I+7 + clxxxvii 11. * Bibliotheca Hispana No-va, Vol. n, a Vol. i, page 452. page 215. 428 Eibliotheca Americana. 282. MENDOZA (A. DE) Recto of the first leaf: Then double-headed eagle escutcheon, and : rtrenacas g eopila || eion tre leges : Jeeftas por el mug illuftre Mor tron &nto-||nio 5 metropa Sltforeg g <ouernatror trefia nueua IEfpa||na: g ^refitrete trela &utriecia i&eal q en ella refitre: g por los || Mores gtrores 5 la tricija autrieeia : pa la tuea gouerna || eio g eftilo 5 los ofteiales trella. &no 5 Jft . tr . xlbiij , || Colophon : & gloria g jonrra tre nue || ftro Mor $efu xpo aqui it aeatan las rtrena||eas ^ eopilacion tre leges nueuamete ortrina || tras g eopilatras por el mug Muftre Morlltro Entonio 3 liletropa Stforeg g (o || uernatror trefta nueua efpafta : g ^refilltrete trela autrieeia Meal que en ella re II fitre : g por los Mores gtro||res: pa la tuena gouernaeio g|| eftilo tre los oficiales tUla . gllfuero por fu matro impref II fas e la mug leal g gra eiu II tratr 5 ffitxito e eafa II 5 3M patios : aca II taronfe 5 impmir || a xx\\ . trias 51 II mes 5 mar II 5 . Jft. II tr . xlbiij . || aftos , II *.* Folio, forty-eight numbered leaves, the forty-sixth errone ously marked xlv ; marginal references in very small black letter ; the coat-of-arms on the title is repeated on the recto of the forty-seventh leaf. (Private Library, Mexico.) Contains : Ordenanzas para Escribanos, Relatores, Ab- ogados, ProcuradoreS) Receptores, Porteros y Receptores de las penas, Alguaziles, Carceleros, Interpretes, and Orde nanzas de la Audiencia dadas por el Emperador en Madril (sic) a 22 de Abril de 1528. Bibliotheca Americana. 429 283. APIANUS (P.) Recto of the first leaf: * Libro dela||COSMOGRAPHIA||De Pedro Apiano, el qual trata la defcripcion del Mun- || do, y fus partes, por muy claro y Undo artificio augmeta- || do por el dotiffimo varon Gemma Frifio, doctor en Me || decina, y Mathematico excellentiffimo : con otros || dos libros del dicho Gemma, de la materia mefma. || Agora nueuamete traduzidos en Romace Caf- tellano. || Then Globe, and below : M.D.XLVIII. || Vendefe en Enveres en caia de Gregorio Bontio enel || efcudo de Bafilea. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio. || *.* Sm. 410, title one leaf -f- one unnumbered leaf -J- sixty-eight folioed leaves -f- table in two leaves, on verso of which is a vignette, with the motto : S^ DILIGERE PA || RENTES, PRIMA NATVR^E LEX. VA. MAX. LIB. v. Signature K is a folding wood cut map ; five revolving diagrams. (Private Library, New York.) The account of America is on the recto of fol. 34. Direct references : ( RICH, No. 20. { Stevens American Bibliogr., page 12. 204* " Augufti (Hieronymi Oliverii, Poetse Lau- reati) de Imperio Romano Liber, de Partitione Orbis Libri IV . et Epigrammata, woodcut portrait of Charles V (full-length). 4tQ . Aug . Vind. 1548. " The Poem de Partitione Orbis is very interefting to the American collector. (Libri Catalogue 1 .) The only notice we could find of this Poet Laureate is the following, which we borrow from Jocher 1 , who himself copied it from Koenig 3 : " Gebohren zu Bergamo 1509, und Starb 1558." 1 For 1861, p. 24, No. 212. * Bibliotheca fetus et Nova} Altdorf, * Allgem. Gelehrt. Lex., Vol. I, col. 646. fol., 1678. 43 o Bibliotheca Americana. I C 4. 8 28^. P TOLEMY-MATTIOL Within a border : t+ PTOLEMEO ** LA GEOGRAFIA || DI CLAVDIO PTOLEMEO || ALESSANDRINO, || Con alcuni comenti & aggi- unte fat || teui da Sebaftiano munftero Ala || ) Con le tauole non folamente [| antiche moderne folite di ftapan || y?, ma altre nuoue aggiuenteui di Me \\Jer lacopo Gaftaldo Piamotefi cofi || mographo^ ridotta in uolgare Italia \\no da M . Pietro Andrea Mat/ \\ tiolo Senefe medico ExcelletiJ/imo \\ CON L AGGI- VINTA D INFINITI || nomi modernt, di Citta, Prouincie, Caf- tella, et || altri luoghi, fatta co grandiffima diligenza || da ejjo Mefer lacopo Gaftaldo, il cbe in || nijjiin altro Ptolemeo fi ritroua . Opera ueramente non meno utile || cbe nicejfaria . || In Venetia, per Gioa . Eaptifta Pedrezano . || Co I priuilegio dell Illitftrifs , Senato Veneto per Anni x \\ M . D . XLVIII || Colophon : In Venetia, ad Inftancia di mefler Giouabattifta Pedrezano || libraro al fegno della Torre a pie del ponte di Rialto . || Stampato per Nicolo Bafcarini nel Anno del || Signore. 1547, del mefe di Ottobre. || ** 8vo, title one leaf-f- unnumbered leaf with woodcut of an astronomer + six unnumbered leaves + leaves numbered i- 214 + one leaf containing register, and colophon on the recto + one blank + sixty double leaves, each containing a map and descriptions + sixty-four unnumbered leaves for table. At fol. 54 begins the account, DELLA TERRA NVOVA. On the verso a map of S. America, CASTILL DEL ORO. Fol. 55, DELLA NOVA HISPANIA ; verso the map. Fol. 56, DELLA TERRA NOVA del Bacalos; verso the map. Fol. 57, DELL ISOLA CVBA nuoua ; verso the map. Fol. 58, DELL ISOLA SPAGNOLA ; verso the map. Fol. 59, DELL VNIVERSALE nuoua. (Private Library, New York.) Eibliotheca Americana. 431 "Mais a partir de 1548 (voyez la carte qu on trouve dans le Ptol- emee de Mattiolo) toutes les cartes que j ai examinees representent 1 Amerique meridionale comme un continent .... Ainsi done, ce ne fut que quarante-huit ans apres la decouverte du Bresil que les cosmographes, abandonnant la theorie systematique des anciens, ont en general figure dans leurs carte 1 Amerique meridionale comme un continent . . . ." (SANTAREM 1 .) Direct references: f FABRICIUS, Biblioth, Grace., lib. iv, page 413. -| RAIDEL, Comment, de Cl. Ptol., page 69. I A. ZENO, afud FONTANINI, Vol. n, page 277. Walckenaer Catalogue, page 184, No. 2.259. Bibliotheca Barlowiana, page 1 8. 286. PORTUGUESE LAWS Under an e scute be on of Portugal : t mr* iia fafentra . M . JB . 3$ . xlbiij . Colophon : i acaba \)o li tra fa^entra trel reg noffo fenijot. dFog impteffo || pet autorttratre r pteuilegio tie fua Elteja II efta fe= gutia be?: em a citrate 5 Utoboallem eafatie (etmao galijartrellaois . *xb . trias tro meg trelljFeueresto tre mil rllquinftentos r||quareta r 0gto||annos.|| ^ || *.* Folio ; title one leaf + seven unnumbered leaves, -j- text from i-cxvj + unnumbered leaf containing the above colophon -(- one leaf for register -f- one blank + thirty-five unnumbered leaves, nearly all printed on the recto only. (Private Library, New York.) The present contains twenty-seven tracts or hand bills relating to the trade of Portugal with Brazil and the colonies. 1 Bulletin de la Societe de Geogr. for May, 1847. 432 Bibliotheca Americana. I 548. 287. HONTER (y.) Recto of the first leaf : RVDIMEN- || TORUM COSMOGRAPHICO- || rum loan, Honteri Coronenjis libri in cum || tabellis Geographicis elegant iffimis . || De uariarum rerum nomenclaturis per || clafles, liber I . || Then woodcut, and : TIGVRI APVD FROSCHO- || uerum . Anno M.D.XLVIII. Then after leaf 3 1 : CIRCVLI SPHAERAE || CVM V. ZONIS. || * !|c * Sm. 8vo, title one leaf -f- twenty-nine unnumbered leaves -j- two blank leaves + one leaf for a title -f- twenty-five leaves for thirteen maps. The first of these bears the inscription VNIVERSALIS cosMOGRAPHiA, and at the bottom : TIGVRI, a monogram composed of the letters H. V, E., and the date M.D.XL.VI. In this map there is, on the west, a continent named AMERICA, and a narrow strip, separated from the latter, with the word Farias. (Private Library, New York.) Humboldt seems to think 1 that the little atlas is a different work, sometimes bound with Honter s Cosmog- raphia ; yet the words "cum tabellis Geographicis" imply that the maps are part of the original work. We have before us another edition (Antwerp, 1552), which con tains, also, but with a new set of signatures, the CIRCVLI SPHAERAE. In this, the first map lacks the date, mono gram and place where it was printed. "John Honter ein evangelifcher Theologus, von Cronftadt aus Siebenbiirgen, ftudirte zu Cracau und Bafel, fiihrte in feinem Vater- lande die Reformation, und ftarb 1549." (JOCHER 3 .) Direct references: f PINELO-BARCIA, col. 1319. : f PINELO-BARCIA, col. 1319. \ MAITTAIRE, Annales Tyfogr., Vol. n, Part i, page 384. I Bibliotheca Hcberiana, Part I, No. 3492.. Bibliotheca Barloiviana, page 17. 1 Exatnen Critique, Vol n, p. 27. 695, on the authority of STARAVOLSKI 8 Allgem. Gelehrt. Lexic., Vol. in, col. and CZWITTINGER. Bibliotheca Americana. 433 288. " ORDINATIONES legumque collectiones pro conventu juridico mexicano. Mexici^per Joannem Paulum Brissensem^ 1 549, in - fol. " C est a tort que ce livre rarissime a passe pour etre le premier qui ait etc imprime a Mexico," &c., &c. (BRUNET* and GRAZSSE".) The question in regard to this title is not so much whether it represents the first book printed in Mexico, as whether it ever was printed at all, anywhere. The title as above given would imply the existence of such a work printed in Latin^ and in the year 1549. We are inclined to believe that such a work has never been seen, and does not exist. The first Latin title of the above alleged ordinances is to be found in Eguiara 3 ; but that prolix bibliogra pher does not state that he ever saw the work ; he only quotes it on the authority of Pinelo. As the Epitome of Leon Pinelo does not contain a single line referring to such a collection of ordinances, it is in Barcia s edi tion that we must search for Eguiara s prototype. Now, in Pinelo-Barcia 4 we only find the following : "Ordenan$as, Recopilacion de Leies, para el Govierno de la Audi- encia de Mexico, imp. Mexico, 1545, fol." Had not Eguiara given Pinelo as his authority, we might be led to believe that he had seen the work ; but, in view of this assertion, we must infer that his title is only a Latin translation of Barcia s, with additions of his own, and a mistake of the printer or copyist. Beristain de Souza says 5 , in speaking of Mendoza : " Deben atribuirsele tambien : Ordenanzas y Coleccion de leyes para el govierno de la Audiencia de Mexico. 1 Manuel, Vol. iv, col. 208. * Epitome, 1738, Vol. n, col. 287. 2 Tresor, Vol. v, p. 37. Biblioteca Hi spano- Americana Septen- 8 Bibliotheca Mcxicana, p. 221. trional, Vol. n, p. 292. 55 434 Bibliotheca Americana. I m P- J 549> fl-" But here again we have a title evi- dently made out of Barcia s and Eguiara s. The N. T. Historical Magazine*, in an article on the First Book printed in Mexico, quotes the same Latin title, but on the authority of Falkenstein s Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst 1 , a compilation sumptuously illustra ted, but inaccurate 8 . As to those apocryphal Ordinationes, even if the ear liest of the two dates (1545, apud Barcia) were the cor rect one, it could not well be called the first book printed in Mexico, since we present our readers with the titles of not less than seven tangible works printed in the "city of the Montezumas," before 1545. Nor can it be asserted that Juan Pablos was imported by the Vice-Roy for the purpose of printing that first book, since we show that there certainly was a print ing press in operation in Mexico, at least as early as 1540, while the first book, as yet found, which bears the imprint of Pablos, is dated 1548 (see our No. 280). A more plausible theory is that the Ordinationes of Barcia, Eguiara, Brunet, Falkenstein and Graesse is only the above No. 287. We can find no traces of any digest or collection of laws, intended for Mexico, writ ten in any other language than the Spanish. Why should there have been an exception in this instance ? If so, we must leave aside Eguiara s title, and con sider Barcia s a mere abridgment of that of the Orde- nanzas of 1548. M. Icazbalceta is of opinion that such is actually the case a conclusion which we were not long in forming the moment we were placed in pos session of the latter title. * Vol. ix, page 44. and no authority is quoted for it. "Lom- 7 Leipzig, 410, 1840, p. 329. bardo" and "of Brescia" are synonymous. 8 For instance, FALKENSTEIN calls the Paoli or Pablos sometimes called himself Jirst Mexican printer " Girolamo Paolo " Lombardo," because he was a native of Lombardo, of Brescia." The name of Brescia, a city of Lombardy, just as he fre- Girolamo is to be found only in his work, quently signs " Bressano" or " Brissensis." Bibliotheca Americana. 435 28o. BRAVO (F.} Within a woodcut of a portico: I 549 Qui non intrat per oftium fed ad || cen- ~ dit aliunde ille fur eft. || Within a scroll : Veritas et vita ego fum via . IOAN . x . Then: (E OPERA ME || dicinalia, in qbus || eg plu- rima extant || fcitu medico ne . || ceffaria in . 4 . ii . [sic] di || gefta, que^ pagina || verfa cotinentur, || Authore Francis || co Brauo Orfurne || fi doclore, ac Me || xicano med ico. || 1 549. || (T Mexici, apud Petrum Ocharte. || Cum priuilegio. ||* *** Very small 410, title one leaf-}- three unnumbered prelimi nary leaves + three hundred and three numbered leaves ; text in black letter, many woodcuts of plants, &c. (Private Library, New York.) We notice a dedication to the Vice-Roy " Martino Zrriquio None hispani< dignissimo Proregi ;" a letter to the same vice-roy from il Frandscus Ceruantes Salazarus (sacr<e theologize doctor}" and a distich from one Melchior Tel- lez (?) These names indicate that the date of 1549 on the title-page is a mistake of the printer. Martin En- riquez was Vice-Roy of New Spain from November 5th, 1568, to December 4th, 1580 . Francisco Cervantes Salazar came to Mexico only in 1550, where shortly afterwards he was made Rector of the University 1 . As * Anglic e : Medicinal works contain- can Physician. 1549. Mexico, at Peter ing very many things which a physician Ocharte s. With privilege, should know. Distributed into four books, * ALAMAN, Discrtacioncs sobre la hhtor. contained in the following pages. By Fran- de la Republ. Mejic., Vol. n, appendix, cis Bravo, of Ossufia, Doctor and Mexi- * Diccionario univers. de Hhtor. y Geogr. 436 Bibliotheca Americana. I 549* to Pedro Ocharte he is believed to have exercised his arf in Mexico only between the years 1563 and 1592. To admit a transposition of figures would give us a date fourteen years later than the administration of Enriquez, who is addressed in the dedication as still filling the position of vice-roy. To complete the last signature there should be a leaf, which is wanting in the present copy. It may be that this contained a colophon with the correct date. But as the date on the title-page is not a forgery, we insert the present work under the year 1549. 290. ALBERINO (N.DE)" Verdadera y copiofa rela- cion de todo lo nuevamente fucedido en los reynos y provincias del Peru dende la ida a ellos del Virrey Blafco Nunez Vela hafta el defbarato y muerte de Gon- zalo Pizarro : fegun q e lo vio y efcrivio Nicolas de Al- berino, Florentin al beneficiado Fernan Suarez vecino de Sevilla, &c." At the end : " Acabofe la prefente obra en la ciudad de Sevilla a 2 dias de Enero de 1549. En cafa de Juan de Leon, &c." ** Small 8vo, eighty leaves. (Private Library, New York.) The present is only a manuscript, the original of which is or was preserved in the Imperial Library at Paris. The arrangement and colophon indicate that this work was actually printed ; but we know of no printed copies. (See our Appendix.) Direct reference : f Catalogue of a Collection of MSS. t principally in Spanish, relating to < America, in the possession of 0. Rich; London, n. d., 8vo, p. 25, ( No. 95. Bibliotheca Americana. 291. THOMAS (W.} Within a border: c Ifo hfetow 0f I V_J a tote excetrgng profitable || to te retrtre: ISeeang it in- 1| treatetf) of tf)e aftate || of mang antr tuners || common toeales || fjoto tijei f)ane||fcen, & notollte goner- 1| neir, || $- 1| ANNO DOMI- 1| NI. M. D. || XLIX. || ^- || Colophon : IMPRINTED AT LONDON || IN FLETESTRETE IN||THE HOVSE OF THO- || mas Berthelet . || Cum priuilegio ad imprimen- || dum folum . || ANNO . M.D . || XLIX. || * + * 410, title one leaf -f- two hundred and sixteen numbered leaves. (King s Library, London.) We insert this work of an author who was hanged and quartered at Tyburn, on the authority of Bishop Kennett 1 , although a friend reports that it does not con tain any passage or passages relating to America. 292. GARIMBERTO (H.) "Problemi Naturali e Mo- rali. Ven. 1549, 8vo." (WATT 9 .) 293. IDEM OPUS Recto of the first leaf: PROBLEMI II NATVRALI, E ,550. MORALI || DI HIERONIMO GARIMBERTO. || = Con gratia, & priuilegio di Papa\\ Paolo III. & del? II- luftrijjima \\ Signoria di Vinegia \\per anni X . \\ Then a woodcut, and : IN VINEGIA || NELLA BOTTEGA D ERASMO || DI VICENZO VALGRISI. || M. D. L. || 1 Biblioth. Amcr. Primord., p. 1 3. a Bibliotheca Britannica, Vol. i, col. 400. 438 Bibliotheca Americana. Colophon ; IN VINEGGIA || NELLA BOTTEGA D fiRASMO DI || VINCENZO VALGRISI . || M . D . L . *^* 8vo, title one leaf + two hundred and thirty-nine pages + seven leaves, all printed in Italics. (British Museum.) "The 7oth Problem (pp. 119-122) is most interesting, as it ex plains the reason why, at the discovery of America, many laws and customs were found similar to those of the Old World." (Libri Catalogue 1 .) All we could learn concerning this Gerolamo Garim- berto is that he was a native of Parma, and Bishop 1 of Gallese*. His Problems were translated into French, by Jean Louveau 4 . Direct references: ( FONTANINI, Biblioteca, Vol. n, page 326. ( BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 1486. 294. MUNSTER (55.) " Cofmographei oder Befchrei- bung aller Lander, Herrfchaften, furnemften Stetten, Gefchichten, Gebrenchen, Hantierungen, etc. Zum dritten mal trefflich fere gemerft u. gebeflert. Baf. H. Petri, 1550, fol., 1233 pages, with woodcuts. " This edition is the best for the admirers of ancient good wood cuts, on account of the views of towns being added to it for the first time. It contains 14 leaves in maps. The ist edition of this Ger man original appeared, Bas. H. Petri, 1544, fol. [supra}. That of 1541, mentioned in Aretin s Lift. Handb. fur die baier. Gescb. I. 142, is, perhaps, only a typographical error, instead of 1544, as the author says, in his dedication of 1544, that he had been for two years before occupied with this work. The editions, Bas. 1569, 74, and 78, fol., have 26 maps, but bad impressions of the woodcuts. 1 For 1861, p. 30, No. 272. * A city of Italy, near the Tiber. See 3 APOST. ZENO, afud FONTANINI, Vol. the title to his file, o-vcrro Fatti, mcmora- n, p. 307, and, we believe, UGHELLI, bill di alcuni Pafi ; Venice, 410, 1567. Italia Sacra, Vol. x, col. 109. * Lyons, 8vo, 1559. Bibliotheca Americana. 439 The editions, Bas. 1592, 98, and 1614, fol., contain 26 newly-drawn maps and several new woodcuts. In Latin, by the author himself, Bas. 1550, fol. [infra] (which, in the goodness of the woodcuts, resembles the German edition of this year). In the edition, Bas. 1572, fol., several passages, displeasing to the Roman Catholics, are omitted (Crenii Animadvv. vin, 94, sq.) In French, by Fr. de Belle- forest, Par., Sonnius, 1575, fol., 2 parts, in 3 vols., with fine (but fewer) woodcuts. In Italian, col. 1575, fol. " Consult Hager s Geogr. Bucbessaal, i, 79-140, Woltersdorf Re- pertor der Land-u. Seekarten i, 63, etc." (EUERT 1 .) 2Q5. ANONYMOUS Recto of the first leaf: C Ueritag tromint manet in sternum. Then escutcheon of the order of St. Dominick, and : d)rifitmut en legua ISfpanola g fftemana : ijerija por||log religion tre la ortren tre fc!o 33ominp . || Egora nueuamete corregitra $ enmetratra . Eno 1550 . || Colophon : (tton preuilegio Jmperial||([ ^ gloria g alatan^a tre mo retremptor Jefu || xpo $ tre fu tentrita matrrei aqui fe acata la treclaracio trela tro || ctrina a:piana en legua (J^fpanola g IBemana: g una coluna cor||refpotre aotra: fentecia por fentecia: S gratre btilitratr g puecijo || pa la falutr U laf ata^ : g en efpecial pa log naturales ^fta tierra || pa q fea fun= tratro g roborattog enlag eofas tre n?a fcta fe catf)o|| lica: g anamatros pa la guartra tre log matramietos g pa || p totros fepan log gr® troneg 1 Dictionary, No. 14500. 44-O Bibliotheca Americana. 1550.* g rtqtiefas q n!o clementittlmo || retremptor qutfo eomuniear mediate fu0 fttos facrametos con el|| emctclo tre lag otrag tre mta : attt corporate como fpuales : totro II lo ql fe cottene en los qrenta fer^ monicos aq cotenitrog. 2Ia faca II tra la legua e tata clarttratr cnmo a$ parece : atti porq merer fe ire II totro a entetret a eftpg natutales i eorno table porq tnejcrllec tome tre coro log q lo qfiere tomar.H Four lines before the last : tre tmpttmtt a II xi\ . trlas trel mesi tre . Mo $ IIJ& . ft . I . anog II Ha ql fja fitro agora nueuamente eorregitra g emetratra . II 410, title printed in black and red, with text beginning on the verso one leaf -|- eight unnumbered leaves + one hundred and forty-seven numbered leaves. Printed on two columns, one in Spanish, the other in the Mexican language. (Private Librar., Washington City and Mexico.) 296. SdBELLicus." Chronica geralde Sabellico des ho comeco do mundo atee nojfo tempo, trajladada do Latim em Lingoagem Portuguez por Z)[ofia] Leonor de Noronha [daughter of the Marques de Villareal]. Coimbra, Ba- reira e Alvarez. 1550-52. 2 vol. in-fol." (GRAESSE 1 .) * The translation into French of ALES- (Walckenaer Catalogue, p. 176, No. 2181), SANDRO PICCOLOMINI S Delia Sfera del may contain some passages relating to the Mondo , Venice, 4to, 1 540, viz. : La subject before us. Sphere du mondc, composee par Alex. Pic- 1 Vol. vi, p. 202; and EBERT,NO. 19676, colomini, traduittc de tuscan enfranfois,par on the authority of the catalogue pub- Jac. Goufy/, Paris, by Cavellat, 1550, 8vo lished by the Academy of Lisbon. im Bibliotheca Americana. 441 297* CORTES (F.} Recto of the first leaf: FERDINANDI || CORTESI. || fcent 9Jctoett ifyatriett, fo 9Jlcer gegem 9tibergang i $m gan^ (nftige dnnb || frnrfjtreidje giftorienian ben groffmadjtigtften dnnftertdinbt-IIIidjiften erren, CAROLVM . v . $tomifdjen|| $aifcr &c. $nnig in ifjwnien &c. || $ie erft im IB. 33. xx jar jngeftfjrifteniin toeflidjer grnnbt-|| lidj dnb glanfttoir- big er$elt tuirbt, ber ^ftenbtfanben, dnnb || fonbcrlirfj ber oa^fternmvten ftatt ^emif titan eraBernng. || 5)ie anbere im 1524. jar. 28ie ^emiytitan, fo aftgefatten i miber finbnng beg 9Jleerg SVR i 80 man fnr bag 3biantfdi 9Jleer ttdjtet.||$arji audj DonuUen anbern Sanbtfa^afften 3nbiaei8o erfnnben dan bem 1536 . Mff ang bag 42 . 3nr . II SSetttdjer dilfaltige frurfjtinu^ dnb (nft^arlaiti in ainer Sunn || anff bag Inrjteft i ainer tyettoerben $\\= torien dalgenbeg || Sittd Oegriffen dnb ange^aigt ntirbt. || ^rftHc^ in if^janif^er 8^rad3 don (ortefio felftft Be- fdjriOen, 9iad)tna(g || don Socbr $eter Sanurgnan anff griantin Sateinifd^e f^rac ^rangferierti||(^nt(i^ after in od^tentfc^e f^jracji .... etc. etrntft inn ber ^aifertid^en Oteid^g 8tatt 9faggjwrg, tinvrf) || ^fjiti^ SBUjart, 3 ^M Alirdjgaff en i Octj S.ilUrirfj II Anno Domini M . D . L . Cum gratia & Priuilegio Ro : Regiae Maieftatis in Decennium. || * * Anglic e : Hernando Cortes. Concern- teresting and useful stories. To the most ing New Spain, which is situated in the powerful and invincible Lord Charles V, Ocean, towards the West. Two very in- Emperor of the Romans, &c., and King 56 442 Bibliotheca Americana. *** Folio, title one leaf + five preliminary unnumbered leaves + text thirty-nine numbered leaves + one blank + two unnum bered leaves + sixty leaves. (Private Librar., New York, Providence and Washington city.) German translation of the Second and Third Rela tions (erroneously called the First and Second), by Six- tus Birck or Betuleius 1 , a noted Swabian poet and philologist, and Andreas Diether, his colleague in the Faculty of the Augsburg Gymnasium. The present volume contains, also, the extract from Peter Martyr s Fourth Decade, another from Oviedo, and quite a num ber of interesting documents, not found in any of the Spanish or Latin editions, referring to voyages to the Canary Islands, Venezuela, battles with the Indians and Amazons, and the expedition of Gonzales Pizarro to discover " Zinnamon." Direct references: f TERNAUX, page 14, No. 57, bis. TROMEL, page 6, No. 14. BRUNET, Vol. n, col. 312. Bibliotheca Bro-wniana, page 24, No. 82. Bibliotheca Barlonoiana, page 13. Libri Catalogue for 1861, No. 258. of Spain, &c., the first of which was writ- Andreas Diether, of Augsburg, both of ten only in the year 1520, and wherein is them Latin teachers of the city, mentioned, in a thorough and most relia- Printed at the Imperial city of Augs- ble manner, of the Western countries, and burg, by Philip Ulhart, in Church Street, especially of the most celebrated city of near St. Ulrich, A. D. 1550. With per- Temixtitan; the second, in 1524, relating mission and privilege of His Imperial and how Temixtitan, which had revolted,~was Royal and Roman Majesty, for ten years, conquered. Then of several splendid vie- *" Epistolasecundade NovaHispania, Ger- tories, together with the discovery of the manice. Durch Doctorem Petrum Savorgna- Southern Sea, which is believed to be the num ausz Spanischer sprach um das Latein Indian Ocean ; besides, of many other gebracht, und netzt inns Teutsch durch countries in the Indies which have been Andream Diether Lateinischen Schulmais- discovered from 1536 to 1542; contain- ter zu Augspurg. S. 1 . et a . Fol . B. L. ing many things ^useful^ and interesting, u T hi s i s an early German Translation from the mentioned and indicated in a concise form, Latin of Savorgnanus, of the Second Epistle of under the title of each history. First, writ- FerJ !?" d Cortes of 1512, and is of such rarity _ . , { that it is unknown to Meusehus, Camus, &c. The ten in the Spanish language, by Cortes him- Dedication of Savorgnanus to Clement vn. dated self, and afterwards translated into Latin by Nurnberg, den Ictsten tag Martii, 1524. " Dr. Peter Savorgnan, of Forli; lastly, into (Biblioth. Grenvill., p. 167; Li-vres cu- High German, in honor of and in the hum- rieux, No. 132.) blest obedience to the most illustrious and This " unknown " work is, in reality, powerful Prince and Lord, Ferdinand, Em- only the last half of the above No. 297. perorof the Romans, King of Hungary and * Born in 1500, died in 1554. See, for Bohemia, &c., Infant of Spain, Archduke biographical and bibliographical details, of Austria, &c., by Sixtus Betuleius and Athena Raurica, p. 310. Bibliotheca Americana. 443 298. APIANUS (P.) Recto of the first leaf: I C COt COSMOGRAPHIA PETRI APIANI, PER GEMMAM FRISIFM apud Louanienjis Medicum s? Mathematicus infignem^ || iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac non- || nullis quoque locis auffa. Additis eiufdem ar- \\gumenti libellis ipjius Gemmo Fri/ij. \\ Then a mounted globe, and : Vaeneunt Antuerpiae fub fcuto Bafilienfi, Gregorio Bontio. M. D . L . Colophon : *|[ Antuerpiae excufum Gregorio Bontio || typis Deifthemij, anno a Chrifto 1550. || *,* Sm. 410, title one leaf 4- one preliminary leaf unnumbered -f- sixty-four numbered leaves -\- two unnumbered ; map on fol. 31. (Private Library, New York.) See fol. 41, for INSULAE AMERICAE. Direct references: f GRAESSZ, Vol. i, page 159. -j Sttvcns s American Bibliographer, page 13. (^ Bibliotheca Barloiviana, page 1 2. 299. IDEM OPUS" Bafil . 1550 . in-4to." (GRAESSE.) We had a thorough search made in the British Mu seum and Imperial Library at Paris for this edition, but it could not be found. We are inclined to think that the bibliographer from whom we borrow this notice mistook the meaning of the words "fub fcuto Bafilienfi O *r %/ *J J j in the imprint of the above No. 298. 444 Bibliotheca Americana. I CCO. 3OO. MUNSTER (SEBAST.} Recto of the first leaf: COSMO || GRAPHIAE || uniuerfalis Lib. vi. in || quibus, iuxta certioris fidei fcriptorum || traditionem defcri- bundur, || Omniu habitabilis orbis partiu p priae q3 dotes. || Regi- onum Topographies effigiis. || Terrae ingenia, quibus fit ut tarn differetis & uarias || Specie res, & animatas & inanimatas, ferat. || Animalium peregrinorum naturae & picturae || Nobiliorum ciuita- tum icones & defcriptiones. || Regnorum initia, incrementa & tranflationes. || Omnium genticu mores, leges, religio, res geftae, mu- 1| tationes : Item regnum & principuum genealogiae. || Autore Sebast. Munstero. In fine : BASILEAE APVD HENRICHVM PETRI, || MENSE MARTIO ANNO SALVTIS || M . D . L . || *,,,* Folio, title one leaf, on reverse of which a fine portrait of Munster, " anno aetatis suae 60 " + nine pages -f- one page for catalogue of authors quoted -|- twelve pages for Index -j- eleven hundred and forty pages for text. According to the Bibho- tbeca Colombian^, this edition should contain a mappemund, which is only a reproduction of the one inserted in the Ptol emy of 1540. (British Museum.) See Book v, pages 10991113 : cc DE NOVIS INSVLIS, quo modo, quando & per quern ilia inuentte sint" Direct references: f FREYTAG, Analecta, page 619. -j BANDINI, fesp., cap. iv, page 58. I CANOVAI, Vita, page 217. CANCELLIERI, Dissertation!, page 47*. BRUNET, Vol. in, col. 1945. Catal. Biblioth. Buna-v. t Vol. n, page 35. 1 Page 2, No. 7. men est sortita .... notandum, ab aliis * CANCELLIERI quotes, in connection Americam vocari Hispanam," " Erasmi with the above, and the well-known pas- Osiv. Shreckenfuchsii Oratio funebris de sage: <{ America ab Americo inventore no- obitu Sebast. Munstcri, Basil., 1553, 8." Bibliotheca Americana. 445 . BENITO (FERNANDEZ) "Doctrina. christiana en lengua mixteca. In-4, 1550." (TERNAUX*, BRUNET*, GRAESSE .) We had prepared an elaborate dissertation concerning this work, which is not to be found in any public or pri vate library, either in America or in Europe; but, as we were going to press, we received from our esteemed friend, Senor Icazbalceta, a disquisition, which we gladly substitute in the place of our own. It may give to the uninitiated an insight into the kind of labor which every conscientious bibliographer is frequently compelled to undergo, to ascertain a date or correct an often-repeated error: " La premiere mention, a ma connaissance, de cet ouvrage," says the learned Mexican bibliographer, " remonte a Davila Padilla. II ra- conte la vie de 1 auteur dans son Historia de la fun da don y discurso de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico, de la or den de Predicadores , et dit : Enviaronle a la Misteca, donde estudio con tanto aprovechamiento de discipulo, que fue depresto maestro, y compuso un tratado de doc- trina cristiana con la mayor propiedad y elegancia de lenguaje que hasta agora se ha hecho. Su libro se imprimio en Mexico el ano de 1550. ^ Le meme passage se retrouve dans 1 edition de Brusselas* . Je n ai pas vu 1 edition de Valladolid, 1634. Un autre dominicain, Fr. Alonzo Fernandez, dans son Historia ecclesiastica de nuestros tiempos*, dit : Uno delos que en aquellas naciones mas fruto hizo, fue el siervo de Dios Fr. Benito Fernandez. Varon verdaderamente apostolico y de excelentes virtudes. Estudio la lengua misteca con tanto aprove chamiento, que compuso un tratado de doctrina cristiana con la mayor propiedad y elegancia de lenguaje que hasta ahora se convie. Impri- miose en Mexico ano de mil quinientos y cincuenta. II me semble evident que cet auteur (qui n a jamais etc en Aine- rique) n a fait que copier Davila Padilla, dont il compte 1 Histoire parmi les ouvrages dont il s est servi pour composer le sien. Nous avons encore un autre dominicain qui raconte en detail la vie de Fr. Benito Fernandez. Fr. Francisco Burgoa 7 dit : Compuso un libro de la doctrina christiana, de los principales misterios de nuestra santa fe, empezando desde la creacion del mundo, 1 Bibliotheque Americainc, p. 12, No. 56. 1625, fol., p. 484. a Manuel, Vol. 11, col. 1225. * Toledo, 1611, fol., p. 120. 3 Tresor, Vol. I, p. 569. 7 GeogrAfica Descrifcion, &c., t. I, fol. 4 Madrid, 1596, fol., p. 600. 156, col. 3. 446 Bibliotheca Americana. C CO. Encarnacion del Divino Verbo con tan levantado estilo, ^^_ S!=s . tanta propiedad en los termino y tal fuerza en los discursos, que des- pues de ciento y veinte anos que ha que se imprimio, no se ha hallado palabra que enmendar, etc. Quoique 1 ouvrage de Burgoa ait ete imprime en 1674, la preface est datee du couvent de Oajaca le 20 Janvier, 1671. Le livre a done ete ecrit, au plus tard, en 1670, ce qui fait tomber la date de 1 edition de la Doctrina du P. Fernandez, juste en 1550. On ne peut pas dire que Burgoa ait copie Davila Padilla. 11 donne sur le P. Fernandez des details tres longs et tres minutieux qui ne se trouvent pas dans Da vila. II etait ne a Oaxaca vers la fin du i6 e siecle, et avait longtemps vecu parmi les indiens misteques, dont il possedait parfaitement la langue. II doit avoir vu le livre du P. Fernandez ; et par cela meme qu il en marque la date d une maniere indirecte, on doit croire qu il n a pas copie un auteur qui la fixe en chiffres. Davila Padilla, ne a Mexico en 1562, mort en 1604, appartenait au meme ordre religieux, et redigea son " Historia" sur les memoires d autres freres ses devanciers, comme il le dit dans sa Preface. II finit son travail en 1592. Le temoignage concordant des P. P. Davila et Bugoa me semble etre d un grand poids en faveur de 1 existence de 1 edition. Voyons ce qu en disent les bibliographes. Antonio de Leon 8 dit seulement : Fr. Benito Fernandez, Domin- ico Doctrina, Epistolas y Evangelios en Lengua Misteca : imp. sans designer aucune date. C est dans -la 2 e edition de F Epitome* que Barcia a introduit les dates: imp. 1550, 4; 1564, 4; 1568, 4 ; sans indication de source, comme a 1 ordinaire. Nic. Antonio 10 n indique que 1 edition de 1568; 4. Voici en entier 1 article consacre a notre auteur dans les Scriptoris Ordinis Prtedicatorum 11 : <F. Benedictus Fernandez, Hispanus, professione Salmanticensis, exactio ibidem studiis, in novum orbem missus, Indorum saluti curandae totum se dedit medio seculo xvi. Plura in vastis illis pro- vinciis gessit ordinis munia in quibus ardentissimam conversionis indigenarum sitim in pectore ferventem propalavit. Lingua Mistecam ita comparaverit ut elegantissime loqueretur & ut missionariis viam in Evangelii praedicatione faceret planiorem, scripsit ac edidit Catechis- mum seu de Doctrina Christiana opus absolutissimum lingua Misteca, Mexico, 1550, in-4. Haec de eo Davila Padilla, Hist. Prov. Mex., lib. 2, cap. 37. Antonius in Bibl. Hisp. referat alteram editionem anno 1568, in-4. Epistolarum & Evangeliarum totius anni in eam- 8 Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental y Oc- Bibl. Hisp. Nova; Matriti, 1783, ci dental ; Madrid, 1629, 4(0, p. 108. fol., t. i, p. 211. 9 Madrid, 1737-38, 3 vols., fol. " Paris, 1719-21, Vol. n, p. 136. Bibliotheca Americana. 447 dem linguam mistecam versio ei tribuitur ab Antonio Leonio in 1C CO Bibl. Ind. quern excipiunt Antonius citatus et Altamura ad 1558. On voit que les P. P. Quetif et Echard ne font que suivre Davila Padilla ; il faut remarquer cependant qu ils donnent le format, ce que Davila Padilla ne fait pas. Eguiara 12 , apres avoir donne le titre (traduit en latin) d une edition de 1568, in-4 typographia Petri de Ocharte, dit : Alteram mexi- ceam itidem editionem de 1550 in-4 memorant Scrip. Ord. Praed. torn. 2, p. 136, quam videre nobis non licuit. D. Antonio de Alcedo 13 indique une edition de 1586, in-4. -^ est permis de croire qu il y a ici une transposition de chiffres dans la copie (envoyee par M. Prescott) que j ai sous les yeux, et que cette edi tion n est que celle de 1568, dont parlent Pinelo (ou plutot Barcia) et Antonio. Beristain 14 dit au sujet de Fr. Benito Fernandez: " Escribio en lengua misteca : Doctrina en que se explican la crea- cion del mundo, la Encarnacion del Verbo Divino, la vida, Pasion y Muerte de Jesucristo, con otros misterios y los sacramentos y ora- ciones. Imp. en Mexico, por P. Ocharte, 1568, y antes en 1550 y 1564, en 4. Ce titre factice est evidemment forme d apres Burgoa, et les dates sont prises dans les bibliographes. II n y a rien de visa. Ternaux cite les editions de 1550 et 1568. Des trois editions (vraies on supposees) du livre (1550, 1564, 1568) je n ai vu que celle de 1568, qui se trouve a la Bibliotheque de la " Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica." C est un exemplaire fort maltraite, auquel il manque le premier f. II commence par le f. n., sign. aij. Comme le texte ne commence pas sur ce f., on doit croire que le commencement se trouvait sur le verso du titre. L exemplaire, tel qu il est aujourd hui, se compose des ff. n a cc. Au verso de ce dernier on trouve cette souscription : (L & gloria g alabanpa ire nueftro He- 1| treptor #efu Xpo. Eqtii it acata la Boctrta Xpta II na en lengua fEifteca : eopuefta por el mug 1&. II patrre frag 13enito |^ernaittre{. jfut impre II fta en IHe^ tco, en cafa tre ^etjro - II eijarte, impreffor tre litrosi. E- 1| cafoofe, a begnte g patro II trias ^l mes fl IBnero3J|| 1568. aftwll 11 Bill Mcxicana, Vol. l, p. 414. I4 Biblioteca Hispano- Americana Septen- 13 Biblioteca Americana, MS. trional, Vol. I, page 497. 448 Bibliotheca Americana. Vient ensuite un f. non numerote (sign. 1313), en langue mis- teque : le reste manque. In-4 goth (excepte les chiffres des f qui sont en remain) a 2 col. (tout en misteque) avec plusieurs fig. sur bois, et des notes de plain-chant, rouge et noir. On peut remarquer que la souscription ne porte pas agora nuevamente impressa ou quelque chose d equivalent, comme il etait alors d usage toutes les fois qu il s agissait d une nouvelle edition. Mais je ne donne pas cette omission comme une preuve suffisante pour nier 1 existence des editions de 1550 et 1564 (quoique cette derniere ne repose que sur la foi de Barcia). Ce qu il y a de plus remarquable encore, c est qu il existe une edition de 1567 dont aucun des auteurs cites ne parle. Le premier qui 1 a fait connaitre, en la citant, a etc M. Pimentel dans son Cuadro descriptive y comparativo de las lenguas indigenas de Mexico". Elle se trouve aussi dans la bibl. de la Soc. de Geog., y Est. ; mais Pex- emplaire en est malheureusement fort endommage. En voici la de scription : Les 5 premier ff. manquent ; 1 exemplaire a ff. VI-CLXXXIX. Sur le recto du 189" se trouve la souscription: C & gloria g ala || tanca tie nueftro Hetiep || tor #efu (Eijrttto, g tie fu II tentiita Watire ganeta || J&aria, $ prouecijo tie- II los proximo^. &cj fe aca || ta la Hoetrina en lenpa II mifteca : eotnptiefta por el || mug Keuerantio ^atire II frag ISentto l^ernan^ tie{ II Wcario prouineial tre la || IHifteea tie la ortien tie II los ^retiicatroreis en efta nueua 3Bfpana. jFue im- II pretta en Mtxiw en eafa II tie ^etiro cfjarte II tmprefor tie litrog II acaijofe a 22. tre II iBtoutemtre. || tie 1 567. II anois. II <E Eaus Beo || *. Les derniers ff. manquent. In~4 goth a 2 col. a 30 lign. par p., tout en misteque, fig. sur bois. L edition de 1567 ayant etc terminee le 22 novembre, et celle de 1568 le 24 Janvier, il en resulte qu elles ont etc simultanement sous presse, puisqu il est probable que ces deux mois d intervale n etaient pas suffisants, a cette epoque, pour 1 impression d un in-4 de plus de 400 pp. en langue inconnue aux ouvriers. Mais cela s explique en apprenant qu il ne s agit pas de deux editions du meme ouvrage, mais bien de deux ouvrages tout-a-fait divers. 18 Mexico, 1862, Vol. i, page 40. Bibliotheca Americana. 449 Deja le Pere Jr. Antonio de los Reyes, dominicain, avait indique 19 que la Doctrina de Fr. Benito Fernandez avait etc imprimee en deux dialectes differents : " Aunque, dit-il, despues de la impresion de la doctrina del padre Fray Benito Hernandez, por haberse hecho en lengua de Flachiaco y Achiutla ; despues en la que se traslado en lengua de Tepuzculula se ponen algunos vocablos que no tenian antiguamente," etc. Mais il ne donne aucune date, et 1 indication est trop vague et le livre du P. Reyes trop rare, pour que les bibliographes y eussent fait attention. M. Pimentel lui-meme ne cite que 1 edition de 1567; aujourd hui qu il a pu voir toutes les deux, il a trouve que celle de 1567 se rapporte au dialecte de Flachiaco et Achiutla, tandis que celle de 1568 appartient au principal dialecte, celui de Tepuzculula, le tout conformement a 1 indication du P. Reyes. II est facile d ailleurs de voir que les textes sont differents. Le P. Fernandez, connaissant a fond la langue de cette contree, aura voulu etre plus utile encore a ses confreres en leur donnant la doctrine dans deux des principaux dialectes. Cette particularite est restee inconnue aux bibliographes, et meme le P. Burguoa, qui nous a transmis la biographic du P. Fer nandez avec un telle surabondance de details, n en dit rien. A la meme bibl. de la Soc. de Geogr. y Est. se trouve un vol. MS. in-4 de 220 ff., qui commence ainsi : Aqui comienzan algunos modos de bien hablar en lengua Chuchona de Cuextlahuaca (un autre dialect du misteque). II y a en tete de la table trois lignes en latin ainsi concues : Index seu tabula oim contentorx in hac salubri doc trina f. Benedict! fernandii bone mem e viri aplici. D apres cela le pere Fernandez serait aussi 1 auteur de ce vol., et il aurait ecrit la Doctrina en trois dialects du misteque. II y a encore dans la meme bibl. un autre vol. MS. in-4 4 u i con ~ tient, selon M. Pimentel, Doctrina y oraciones y moral cristiana, en lengua de Tepuzculula. Sur 1 un des ff. j ai apercu une note de quelques lignes en misteque, ou j ai pu seulement lire le nom de Fray Benito ce qui me fait croire que ce livre est encore un ouvrage de cet infatigable missionnaire. Malgre 1 abondance de details de la biographic donnee par Bur- goa, nous savons tres-peu sur le P. Fernandez. On ne connait pas la date de sa naissance ; on sait seulement qu il fit sa profession au couvent de Salamanca, en Espagne, et qu il vint a Mexico avec le P. Vincent de las Casas, parti d ici pour recruter des missionnaires de bonne volonte dans les couvents d Espagne. Envoye dans la Misteca, aussitot apres son arrivee, il sut se concilier 1 affection des indiens, et il y passa presque toute sa vie, jusqu a sa mort, dont j ignore la date. Je n ai pu non plus parvenir a fixer la date du voyage de Fr. Vincent de las Casas, qui nous donnerait celle de 1 arrivee du P. Fernandez dans 16 Dans la Preface de son Artc en lengua Misteca; Mexico, 1593, 8 C 57 450 Bibliotheca Americana. I C O. ce pays. Je trouve seulement que le P.^Casas accompagna le celebre ________ P. Betanzos dans le dernier voyage qu il fit en Espagne, ou ils arri- verent au mois de Juillet 1549". Si ce fut dans ce meme voyage que le P. Casas lit son pieux recrutement de missionnaires, il semble evident que la Doctrine du P. Fernandez n a pu etre imprimee en 1550; mais je n oserais 1 affirmer." 3O2. ALBERTI (L.\- Recto of the frst leaf: DEscRiTTioNE||DI TVTTA ITALIA||di I. Leandro Albert! Bolognefe, Nella quale fi. contiene il Sito||di effa, 1 Origine, & le Signorie delle Citta, & delle Caftilla, || coi Nomi Antichi & Modern!, i Coftumi de Popolo, le Condicioni de Paefi : || ET PIV-GLI HVOMINI FAMOSI CHE I/HANNO || Illuftrata, 1 Monti, i Laghi, i Fiumi, le Fontane, || i Bagni, le Minere, con tutte 1 opre marau- igliofe in lei || dalla Natura prodotte. | ^ || Con Priuilegio || In Bologna per Anfelmo Giaccarelli || M.D.L. || * + * Folio, title one leaf -f- three unnumbered leaves + four hun dred and sixty-nine leaves for text + twenty-eight unnum bered leaves for index. (British Museum.) This work is quoted by the Nova Acta Eruditorum 1 *, in reference to the alleged claims of Vespuccius to the discovery of the New World. Direct references : ( HAYM, Bibliotheca Italiana, Vol i, page 63. -I FONTANINI, Biblhteca, Vol. n, page 274. (^ CLEMENT, Bibliotheque Curicuse, Vol. i, page 117. 1T DAV. PADILLA, lib. i, cap. 32. 18 Leipzig, 1749, p. 483. Bibliotheca Americana. 451 303. SEPULVEDA (j. G.}"Apologiam pro libro dejuf- tis belli caufis contra Indos fufcepti. Romae 1550. in 8." (ANTONIO 1 .) After Columbus, Vespuccius and the " Conquista- dores," historians consider Las Casas as the most im portant character in the early history of this continent, while a complete set of the tracts published by the good Bishop of Chiapas 2 always occupies a choice place on the shelves of American libraries. To make the collec tion still more valuable, the collector should add the works published in reply, not to the Tratados (the ear liest of which was printed only in 1552), but to the ar guments they contain, and which had been set forth several years before, in two or three public assemblies. The greatest of Las Casas adversaries, in fact the only one whose name is now remembered, was Juan Gines de Sepulveda. This bold champion of absolutism, one of the most eloquent and erudite writers of the sixteenth century, was born near Cordova, and died in 1572, at the age of eighty-one 3 . The noted and decried works of Sepulveda, relating to the right of waging war against the Indians, with the additional privilege of exterminating them a practice then novel and misunderstood, but now accepted, ad mired, rewarded, and a matter of every-day life have engrossed our attention, without enabling us to form a decided opinion upon their existence as printed volumes, anywhere and at any time. We will state all the facts which we have gathered, leaving it to the reader to draw his own conclusions : Sepulveda first wrote a Dialogue, known as Democra- tes, which was actually printed in Latin 4 and in Spanish 5 . 1 Biblioth. Hisp. Nova, Vol. i, p. 703. sum Roma apud Antonium Bladum. Anno * Notes on Columbus, pp. 18-24. Domini, MDXXXVJ 410. Reprinted at Paris, 3 NICERON, Memoires, Vol. xxm, p. 345. by Simon de Colines, 1541, 8vo, "cum 4 lo. Genesii SefulveJa Cordubcnsis, Ar- aliis auctoris operibus ;" and inserted in tium & Theologize Doctoris de Con-vcnicntia Vol. iv, pp. 225-328, of the Madrid reprint Militaris Discipline cum Christiana Reli- of Sepulveda s works. gione qui inscribitur DEMOCRATES. Impres- * Dialogo Ilamado Democrates compuesto 452 Bibliotheca Americana. This work does not contain a single line relating to the . subject before us. He then wrote another Dialogue, called Dejustis belli causis sive DEMOCRATES ALTER, the object of which was to prove i, that it was right and proper to wage war against the Indians; 2, that the Emperor had the right to bind them over to the conquerors as vassals or slaves. Was this work ever printed ? In the first place, we should state that notwithstand ing the most diligent searches in several of the leading libraries, both public and private, in Europe and Amer ica, and after a careful perusal of a large collection of catalogues of sales, from the time of De Thou to O the present, we have not yet succeeded in finding a single copy or mention of the work. As to second-hand assertions, they are plentiful enough, but may all be traced to the following: Nic. Antonio 6 states that the Democrates alter was actually printed at Rome " paucis admodum exemplari- bus," and cites, as his authority, Sepulveda s own epis tles, LXIX, LXX 7 . When we turn to these two letters, we find that one only was written by Sepulveda. This is dated Vallado- lid, August 25, 1549, and is thus analyzed by the ed itors : " Ant. Augustino S. P. Auditor! mittit libellum a se conscriptum, jure ne an injuria Barbari in Christianorum potestatem redigantur, ejusque judicium expetat nunc libellus edendus sit, an secus ?" And it must be said that the body of the letter is not more explicit. The other letter, dated April i, 1550, for el Doctor Juan de Sepul-veda, capellan berger DIFUNTO QUE DIOS AYA. Acabose a y corotiista de su S. C. C. M. del Empcrador. -veynte y ocho dios del mes de Mayo de mil y Agora nueuamente imprcsso. We beg leave quinientosy quarentay un anos. [i 541], 410. to call the attention of the reader to the 9 loc. cit., Vol. i, p. 703. colophon, which is not without interest 7 Republished in Sepulveda s collected to ascertain the date of Cromberger s works : Opera cum edita, turn inedita, ac- death, viss. : curantc regia historic Academia ; Madrid, Fue impresso en la muy noble y muy leal 4 vols., 4to, 1780. Vol. iv, pp. 250-251. ciudad de Sevilla : en casa de Juan Crom- [Harvard Coll. Libr.] Bibliotheca Americana. 453 is the reply from Antonio Augustine. This only con- tains the following lines : "Cum optimo antistite . . . atque . . . aliis . . . communicavi . . . Ita- que libellum ipsum pluribus exemplis describi edique permisimus." Thus far we see nothing positive, and the only pas sage which can be interpreted in the light of an asser tion, is an extract from another letter, dated October ist, 1551, which is as follows: " Martino Olivarro J. U. D., Inquis. Apost : . . . Causam de bello barbarico . . . quam ego causam LIBELLO persecutus eram cui titulus est Democrates secundus sive de justis belli causis : longum esset praesti- gios, arte et machinamenta commemorare quibus me deprimere . . . conatus est artifex ille versutissimus .... cui prsejudicio nos doctorum romanorum consensum .... qui tres in EXCUSO LIBELLO memorantur, ipsius que urbis Romae ubi meus LIBELLUS ab his comprobatur et im- pressione vulgatus erat, multo et graviorem et augustiorem auctoritatem et majestatem opponebamus Gravissime tamen et efficacissime rationes ... in meo libro de justis belli causis jam pridem multis ex emplis vulgato .... continentur." This passage tallies with the assertion of Andrew Schott, in his edition of Sepulveda 8 , that the Democra tes alter was actually printed. But how can we explain the words of Sepulveda himself, when speaking of the same work: "a me nondum impressione edito" 9 ? And in the monitum added by the Madrid editors of the col lected works, which contain annotations by one Fernan dez Franco, who was a contemporary of Sepulveda, we read 10 , concerning the Democrates alter : " Este libro se mando que no se imprimiese, y se quitaron los impresos por mandado del rey, de que recibio gran ofensa este autor." Withal we find a full title in Freytag", with these significant words: "cura Antonii Augustini impressus, Romae, 4to," and in Bartolozzi 12 another title, enriched 8 Cologne, 1602, 410, p. 42.2. This edi- causis : An liceat hello Indos prosequi aufe- tion contains an interesting life of Sepul- rendo ab Us dominia fosscssioncsyuc, & bona veda, by Schott. temfora/ia, & occidendo eos, si resistentiam 9 Letter, dated 1554, in collect, works, appotutrint, -vt sic sfoliati & subiccti,faci- Vol. iv, p. 314. Hus per Praedicatores suadcatur eh Jidet ; 10 Vol. IT, p. 390. Romae , in 4." Analccta, p. 851. 11 "Democrates secundus, seu de iustis belli ia " De Justis Belli causis contra Indos 454 Bibliotheca Americana. 1550. with a curious note. Nay, if our memory serves us . right 13 nearly all the translations of the Disputa entre B. de las Casas y Gines de Sepulveda^ assert that the Demo- crates alter was published at Rome against the explicit orders of Charles V. Llorente only says that 14 : " Sepulveda demanda au supreme conseil des Indes la permission de faire imprimer son travail et ne put 1 obtenir. II supplia 1 empereur de renvoyer sa demande au conseil de Castille, qui, apres 1 avoir examinee, proposa au monarque d approuver 1 impression ; elle fat accordee par une cedule signee a Aranda de Duero en 1543. Ce fat dans ce temps-la que Barthelemi de Las Casas arriva d Amerique en Espagne. II predit les funestes consequences qu aurait 1 ouvrage de Sepulveda, et il 1 attaqua. Ses efforts engagerent le conseil de Cas tille a consulter les universites d Alcala et de Salamanque. Elles opinerent 1 une et 1 autre centre la publication du livre, et le conseil de Castille revoqua la permission de 1 imprimer." But if we cannot find the Democrates alter^ it may be that the substance can be found in the Apologia^ which was written in defense of the second Democrates. Las Casas himself says that they were both one and the same work with a new title. At all events, Sepulveda was also refused permission to print the Apologia in Spain, and was compelled to resort to his friends at Rome : " Itaque Antonio Augustino aliisque viris doctissimis annitentibus excusa est Apologia pro libra de justis belli causis ad amplissimum et doc- thsimum D. Ant. Ramirum Episcopum Segoviensem. Ad cujus calcem legitur in primaeva editione. Hoc opus judicio doctissimorum et gravis- simorum dominorum Philippi Archinsi, Sanctissimi Domini nostri Papa; Vicarii, et vEgidi Foscararii, magistri sacri Palatii ac Antonii Augus- tini auditoris Rotae examinatum et approbatum, et multorum aliorum eruditissimorum virorum consensu in Urbe commendatum impressum fait Romae apud Valerium Doricum et Ludovicum fratres Brixienses . Primer Maji anno a Christo nato M . D . L . 8." 16 tisy si-ve Democrates alter .... Romae ls We can only refer at present to the ... Le premure che il pio Imperatore Narratio Region, indication , Frankfort, Sovrano delle Spagne si diede per soppri- 1598, p. 136. mere questo libro vergognoso, lo hanno 1 * (Eu-vres de don B. de Las Casas; Paris, resotalmente raro, che i Bibliografi non co- 8vo, 1822, Vol. I, p. 334. noscono, che il solo esemplare esistente 16 Opera omnia, Vol. i. p. LXXVI ; Vol. nell una volta Gesuitico, Collegio di Gra- iv, p. 351. nata." (RicAercAe, p. 32, note.) Bibliotheca Americana. 455 But here again we failed to find a printed copy of a I separate edition of the Apologia. We know the work _ only from the reprint in the Cologne and Madrid edi tions, and a manuscript copy 16 . RAMUSIO (J. B.} Recto of the first leaf: PRIMO VOLVME || DELLE NAVIGA- TIONI || ET VIAGGI || NEL QVAL si CON- TIENE || LA DESCRITTIONE DELI/ AFRICA, Et del paefe del Prete lanni con uiaggi, dal mar Roffo a || Calicut, & infin all ifole Molucche, doue nafcono le Spetierie,|| Et la Nauigatione attorno il mondo. || LI NOMI DE GLI AVTTORI, ET LE NAVIGATIONI, ET || I VIAGGI PIV PARTICOLARMENTE SI MOS- TRANO NEL FOGLIO SEGVENTE. || Then vignette, and : Con priuilegio del Sommo Pontefice, & dello || Illuftrifs. Senato Venetiano. || IN VENETIA APPRESSO GLI HEREDI || DI LV- CANTONIO GIVNTI || L ? ANNO MDL. || Colophon : In Venetia nella ftamperia de gli heredi di Luc Antonio Giunti, || 1 anno MDL. nel Mefe di Maggio || *,* Folio, title one leaf + three unnumbered prelim, leaves + leaves numbered i to 405, for text. (Private Library, New York.) 18 Fifteen leaves, preserved in a private lacioncs, also contained a MS. copy of the library, Providence. The Hanrott and Apologia. See Bibliotheca Hebcriana, Part Heber copies of Las Casas Brcvissima re- iv, No. 164. 456 Bibliotheca Americana. I 550. The chapters relating to America are: Lettere di Amerigo Vespucci Fiorentino drizzata al Magni- fico Pietro Soderini Gonfaloniere della eccelsa republica di Firenze di due sue nauigationi ..... 138-140 Discorso sopra la nauigatione fatta dalli Spagnuoli attorno 1 Mondo . . 373-374- Epistola di Massimiliano transiluano della detta nauiga tione .......... 374-380. La detta nauigatione scritta per messer Antonio Pigafetta Vicentino, il qual ni siritrouo in persona . . . 380-398. Giambatista Ramusio, Rannusio or Rhamusio, was born at Trevise, in 1485, or 1486 (Nicer on) ^ and died at Padoua, July loth, 1557 . He held the office of Secretary to the dreaded Venetian council of " The Ten." The present is the first edition of his collection of voyages, which was published anonymously. Ra- musio s name appeared only in the second edition. As to the merit of the Raccolta^ Camus 3 says : " Elle est precieuse, peu vantee par les libraires, peu recherchee des amateurs de beaux livres, parcequ elle n est pas ornee d estampes, mais seulement de gravures en bois qui n ont rien d agreable ; elle est es- timee par les savants, et regardee encore aujourd hui par les geogra phies comme un des recueils les plus importans. Ramusio avait, soit a raison de ses grandes connaissances dans 1 histoire, la geographic, les langues, soit enfin a raison de correspondances multipliers avec les personnes qui pouvaient etre de quelque utilite a son enterprise 2 , toutes les facilites necessaires pour former une excellente collection. II mourut laissant les materiaux d un quatrieme volume ; mais son manuscrit perit dans 1 incendie de 1 imprimerie des Juntes, arrivee au mois de novembre de la meme annee. " Selon Fontanini et selon la Bibliot. italiana de Haym, citee par Crevenna (catalogue de sa bibl. 1776, to. v. p. 35), on doit choisir le premier volume, de 1 edition de 1588 [the above edition of 1550 lacks several narrations which are to be tound in all the subsequent issues]; le second de 1 edition de 1583, le troisieme de 1 edition de 1565. Mais on ajoutera a ce troisieme volume un supplement qu on detachera de 1 edition de 1606 [viz,. : Viaggio di M. Cesar e de Fred- erici netf India orientale\" 1 APOSTOLO ZENO af. FONTANINI, Vol. 8vo, 1565, p. 654 sq. for the correspond- n, p. 275. ence quoted by CAMUS. a Lettere di xin Huomini iiluttri j Venice, s Memoire sur De Bry, p. 8, note. Bibliotheca Americana. 457 " Le premier volume a etc imprime pour la premiere fois en 1550. I C JO Le troisieme le fut par anticipation en 1553, et le second, dont I im- ______ pression avait etc retardee, parcequ il manquait a 1 auteur quelques pieces necessaires, fut reculee encore davantage par sa mort, et ne parut qu en 1559." (NlCERON 4 .) The publication of Ramusio s Raccolta may be said to open an era in the literary history of Voyages and Navigation. Instead of accounts carelessly copied and translated from previous collections, perpetuating errors and anachronisms, we find in this valuable work original narrations judiciously selected 5 , carefully printed, and enriched with notices which betray the hand of a scholar of great critical acumen 6 . Nor should we forget that we are indebted to Ramusio for the preservation of ac counts of voyages of the utmost importance to the student of American history ; and did his work con tain only the Relatione d un gentilhuomo del Sig. Fernando Cortese, and the first voyage of Jacques Cartier to Canada, these two capital relations would entitle the Raccolta to a prominent place in any American library. Direct references : C LENGLET DUFRESNOY, M eth. la G eogr., Vol. I, Pt. 2, p. 430. -" ZURLA, di Marco Polo, Vol. 11, page no. BANDINI, de Florent. junt. Typogr. Vol. I, page 22. TERNAUX, page 13, No. 57. BRUNET, Vol. iv, col. uoo. GRAESSE, Vol. vi, page 23. The year 1550 is the limit which we assigned to our selves in the outset of this work. That limit has now been reached, and our task is therefore accomplished ! 4 Memoircs, Vol. xxxv, page 98. * HUMBOLDT, Examen Critique, Vol. iv, 8 FOSCARINI, d. Letter, Vcnex., p. 435, sj. p. 149. 458 Bibliotheca Americana. As we cast a parting glance over the long array of dis sertations, notes and descriptions which precede this concluding page, and notice the numerous errors it has behooved us to correct in the works of others, the relief we experience in the completion of our undertaking is mingled with feelings of doubt and apprehension. The consciousness, however, of having performed the task honestly is our consolation and reward. Let those who may feel disposed to follow in our wake treat us as we have treated our predecessors ; and if they can in scribe on the title of their work Montaigne s epigraph : Cecy est un livre de bonne /0jy, we will cheerfully abide by the result. Withal, when we recollect the nature of the ob stacles we have been called upon to overcome, and the vexations which it has been our misfortune to endure, we must rejoice that our ordeal is over ; and, like the scribes of old when they had performed some arduous and ungrateful task, which, after years of toil and privations, oftentimes left them blind, exhausted and famished, we repeat with a fervent heart : optima infinite! ADDITIONS. Bibliotheca Americana. 461 iy bis. DATI (GIULIANO). " Ifole trovate novamente per El Re di Spagna, e fotto una Silo- grafia completamente diverfa da quella che orna 1 edizione in carat- tere romano 26 ottobre 1493. II gruppo d Indiani che fuggono alia macchia trovafi a finiftra di chi legge, mentre nell altra e a deftra, la caravella e una fola in luogo di due, ne vi f rimarea a finiftra la figura coronata del Re Ferdinando. " Comincia il tefto al recto del fol. i ; e continua fino al rovefcio del 4 foglietto, che e 1 ultimo fono in tutto ftanze 68, 10 per pagina (a due colonne in 4) meno la prima, e 1 ultima dove il tefto termina afi: " cavaliere mefler Giovanfilippo de lignamine || domeftico famigliare dello illuftriffimo || re di Spagna Chriftianiffimo || adi xxvi doftobre 1495 | Florentie. || "Riproduce quefta edizione il tefto &z\\a.feconda in caratteri romani (26 ottobre 1493), ma con tipi femi-gotici . Meno al titolo ed aila fottafcrizione no fi troverebbe un folo punto ne una fola virgola in tutto il tefto ; non ha ngiftro ni richiami ne fegnature ne numerazione di pagine. La carta niolto foftenuta non porta marea alcuna nella filigrana. (In Bibliotheca Trivulzio.}" This edition of the Dati poem had been noticed by Cancellieri*- 17. The passage in Zachary Lillo s work is on verso of leaf 40, and as follows : " De navigatione oceani maris . - fed res poftulare videtur ut quo tempore navigatus fit oceanus, paucis exponam : ne quifquam novum aut inufitatum credat, quod Rex hifpaniae, ut ferunt, in dies ad ex- ploranda nova littora naves mittat. Nam temporibus Trajani, ut Plinius refert ..." 22 bii. BERGOMAS (J. P.) Recto of the first leaf: omniu tepercu^to- utter a IReuetentrUnmo patre Ja II coto i3ergtimefeiortrtm!S|^e||remitarum etrtte: 1 Lettera in lingua Spagnuola dirctta da Hot heca Ambrosiana ; Milan, 410, xxxu. pp. Cristoforo Colombo a Luis de Santangel (15 +6 11., 1866. Febbrajo 14 marzo 1493) riprodotta afac- (A very well executed fac-simile of the simile ed illustrata per cura di Gerolamo letter mentioned, supra, page 24, No. 7.) d Adda dair unico esemplare a itampata Introd., p. xx. sinora conosciuto che si conscr-va nella Bib- a Dissertation!, page 153. 462 Bibliotheca Americana. 1 503. plementum || fupplementi <r0nicarti nuncupantur. || == Jneipieniro at exorlrfo muntrii bftp inll&nnum talus tig noftre. fEeecccij. II Then vignette representing the arms of Cardinal Antonio Palla- vicini, followed by : Otum gratia r ^riuiiegfo, Colophon : C iExplicit Stippi^tnentum <f)roniearum Bilk genter 3Bt II Accurate Heuifum &tpe (Korrectu. l^enettis Jm II prettuf let aitettinu Be Hiffona Uemlle II fern. IRegna. Hennartro Haretrano netiarum ^tinctpe. & jjiatiui- 1| tate (K^ifti . mcc . || (it . Hie . iiii . Jftaii , || <u? Gratia 3Bt ^riuilegin . 1 1 (Imperial Library, Paris.) 5 og 6i. _Mo^<fiH0lW0 ttWttM See the passage on the recto of ciii : 35ft infuper iam teperta noua quetram infula, fibe parta or-ll^i^ pats, ft fcicere mabig , tnaior ipfa IButopa multum . nan tamen excul || ta propter incognttum eiug partis fttum, qute iuxta europam atcp || Efricam atr iatug occtoentale prtitentiitur per eirculas omnes pre- 1| trictos tranfberfaliter . 33e qua ft quitr iatius fcire trefttrerag , fac ea lellgas . quce prtefenti iitello fitre trigno fcripta funt . trempta ijae parte no || biter inuenta , mneiei binti^ totiujs terras funt imb . S^iiw^ ^ atteftante: I CI I. 67. MAFFEI OF VOLTERRA Above a large vignette: = aTDmmentariorum Urbano || turn ^apftaelis latent || ni : oetn r trigenta litri eum || Irupliei Bibliotheca Americana. 463 tretn intriee feeuntrum || ftotnos eolieeto. || Jtem lie^ 1511 eonomicus Xenopptte II at eatrem latio tonatus. || = l^enuntrantur ^arrljifite in bia Ja || eotea at Joanne paruo r Joeoiro II iSafcio Efeenfio. || ^<?rj0 o/"^ title : <&x cf)alcograpf)ia noftra : in tetia : atr Bus Eugufti . ffi . JB . *,* Fol., title one leaf -f- seventeen unnumbered leaves-)- eight un numbered leaves for Xenophon s (Economics -\- leaves num bered I-CCCCXIIII. The chapter relating to America begins on the verso of leaf cxxv. 69. STOBNICZA " Introductio " Ein Pohle, war Profeflbr Philofophia zu Cracau, begab fich = hernach in den Orden der Minorum de Obfervantia, fchrieb quef- tiones in univerfam pbilofophiam, und edirte feines Praceptoris Mi- chaelis Parifienfis, Profeflbris zu Cracau, fcotiftiche Philofophie." (J6CHER.) QO. MONTALBODDO (F. DE} Above a woodcut of Venice : 1 CI7, liaefi nouamente ritrouati per = = la Nauigatione di Spagna in Calicut Et da Alber || tutio Vefputio Fiorentino in- titulato Mon || do Nouo Nouamente Im- prefla. || Colophon : Stampata in Venetia per Zorzi de Rufconi milla- || nefe : Nel . M . ccccc . xyii . adi . xyiii . Agofto . ** Sm. 8vo for size (sign. A in fours, b to q in eights), title one leaf-}- one hundred and twenty-three unnumbered leaves. (Private Library, New York.) 464 Bibliotheca Americana, 1C 2O. 1 08 bis. ANONYMOUS "A. new interlude and a mery - of the nature of the iiij elements, declarynge many proper poynts of phylofophy naturall, and of dyvers ftraunge landys, and of dyvers ftraunge effects and caufes." " It treats, according to the introduction, among other things, Of certeyn poynts of cofmography, as how and where the fee covereth the yerth, and of dyvers ftraunge regyons and landys, and whiche wey they lye, and of the new found landys, and the maner of the people," Mr. Collier quotes this passage : " But this newe lands founde lately Ben callyd America, by caufe only Americus dyd furft them fynde." "First impression dated 25 Oct., II Henry VIII." MS. note on the Garrick copy. The interlude will be found described in Col lier s Annals of the British Stage, ii, 319 ; Ames s Typographical An tiquities (Dibdin), iii, 105; Beloe s Anecdotes, i, 338-341 . 189 bis. RADIAN (J.) Recto of the first leaf: EPITOME || TRIVM TERRAE PAR || TIVM, ASIAE, AFRICAE ET EV || ropts compendiariam locorum defcriptionem conti- || nens, pracipue autem quorum in Atlis Lucas, \\paffim autem Euangeliftce y || Apoftoli meminere || CVM ADDITO IN FINE ELENCHO || regi- onum, urbium, omnium, infularum, quorum No- 1| uo tejlamento Jit mentio, quo expedites plus Leffor || quoe uelit, inuenire queat, || PER IOACHIM VADIA- || NVM MEDicvM. || TiGVRi apud Chrijtopborum Frofcboue- || rum, An . M . D . xxxim . || *.* Sm. 8vo, title one leaf + five hundred and sixty-two pages + six unnumbered leaves. 1 Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, Oct. 21, 1865, p. 28, sq. Bibliotheca Americana. 465 29O. ALBERINO (N.} Recto of the first leaf: I 549 WMflwto g f0 II piofa relacion : totro lo nueuamen||te fufcetritro en log l&egnog g probinll cia trel pern trentre la gtra a ellos||trel Wreg ISlafco nune{ bela f)afta||el treflbarato g muerte tre (Bon^ palo pt-||parro: fegu qlo bio g efcrtbio ^ticoiao tre || Eltentno [sic] jflorenttn al fcenefidatro Jfernall ruaref be{tno tre g?eutlla : tririgitra al II excellent* Mor tio Hugs d&tiftoual || ponce tre leo trupe tre Etcois JEarqueg tre || ^aijara contre tre la fatef ak eatre magor trellS^uilla feftor tre la billa tr cftena &c, || Colophon : Ecato^e la ptefente otra enla mug nofcle g moratle ciutratr 6 g?niilla a trojs triag trel meg tre IBnero trel afto tre (ttfjrtfto tre . IB . 2B . xlix . 35n cafa tre Juan tre Heon. Si^o prtmeto mantra tra ber g earaminar pot log mug reueretros g mug mag^ nificog Scores inpintrores : g con fu licecia man- tratra imprimir. We mention in our list of works printed on this con- I 57 I tinent in the sixteenth century (page 375) what would -. seem to be two different editions of the Vocabulario of Molina, published in 1571, whereas those two numbers are only the two parts of the same work, viz. : the Spanish & Mexican, and Mexican & Spanish, dic tionaries, both of which have a distinct pagination, and are sometimes bound in two separate volumes. 59 466 Bibliotheca Americana. I57 1 - VOCABVLARIO EN LENGVA CASTELLANA Y MEXICANA, COM- puefto por el muy Reuerendo Padre Fray Alonfo de Molina, dela Orden del bienauenturado nueftro Padre Sant Francifco. DIRIGIDO AL MUY EXCELENTE SENOR Don Martin Enriquez, Viforrey deftanueua Efpana Then the arms of the Viceroy Enriquez, and: EN MEXICO, en Cafa de Antonio de Spinofa. *,* Folio, title one leaf + three leaves + leaves numbered 1-121 + one leaf containing a large woodcut of a man kneeling, with printer s mark on the verso, and the first device used by a Mexican printer, viz. : VIRTUS IN INFIRMITATE PERFICITUR ; + one leaf for another title-page like the above, except the second line, which reads: EN LENGUA MEXICANA Y CASTELLANA, and a woodcut of St. Francis instead of the escutcheon ; then one leaf-}- leaves numbered 1-162 ; colophon in Mexican, on the verso. (Private Library, New York.) APPENDIX. APPENDIX. When describing the Paesi nouamente retrovati of 1521 (supra, page 186), we endeavored to give the reasons which had led us to ascribe the work to Alessandro Zorzi, on the authority of Humboldt. M. D Avezac having called our attention to the fact that the word compilatore, in the note of Baldelli, did not mean that Zorzi was the compiler of the printed work known as the Paesi, but only the collector, so to speak, of the manuscript addi tions to the Magliabechi copy of the Paesi, we requested Mr. James Lenox, of this city, to write to one of his correspondents in Italy, and secure a transcript of these manuscript notes, which had not escaped the researches of M. de Varnhagen 1 . Mr. Lenox s correspondent reported that there had actually been in the Magliabechi library a set composed of two volumes ; one lettered " Conti," the other, "Al- berico" The Conti had been removed to the Lauren- tian library ; but, as according to Baldelli s account 1 it contained only notes relating to the East, its removal, so far as we are concerned, was of no moment. As to the Alberico, it was found to be composed of two parts, one containing printed matter exclusively 3 , the 1 " Nous reservons pour une meilleure * Storia del Milione in // Milione di occasion de traiter de deux volumes [cl. Marco Polo, Vol. I, pp. xxxn-iu, note r. Xin, No. 8 1 (non pas 21) 84] que Baldelli 3 The correspondent did not state what a fait connaitre, dans lesquels se trouvent this printed matter is, but the note of des feuilles de 1 edition vicentine de 1507, M. de Varnhagen shows that it consists avec des additions manuscrites." {Bui- of an original edition or parts of the Itt. de la Soc. de Geogr., Vol. xv, p. 252.) Paesi of 1507. 470 Bibliotheca Americana. other only manuscript additions. This contained, on the first page, the following note in the handwriting (the keeper said) of the Abbate Follini, who was librarian of the Magliabechi in 1820: "81. xin. Alberlco. 8. A pag. 32 si vede che Yautore e un Alessandro [one word erased] Zorzi [one word erased] che e Cancellato [three words erased] V. Foscarini /> 3 1 5 della Letterat. Vene- ziana" The first word erased reads, under the erasure in the manuscript sent to us, "forse"; the second, "perche"; the third, fourth and fifth, " o forse Strozzi." To this description was added a very legible copy of the manuscript notes which, in the original, covered thirty-five small I2mo pages. These having never been printed, and seeming to us of a very interesting character, we republish, literally, herewith, the entire manuscript, such as it was kindly furnished us by Mr. James Lenox. COPIA DE UNA LETTERA SCRIVE SIMONE DEL VERDE FIORENTINO IN CADEZ, LA QUAL SCRIVE A MATEO CINI FIORENTINO , 49 g. MERCATANTE IN VINESIA I DI 2 GIENNARO 1498. C. 113. Non mi pare di reftar di fcrivervi dille cofe di qua et prima Zucari, Cana- circa alia quantita di Zuchari che di Canaria am. 300. Et di ria. Madera non ciene ne funo. Arete intefo de Navilii di Ginea in i Ethiopia Lifbona con il governo in Girolameo Sernigi dio lo dia il bene Infult Indie, a fame. Et piu vi avifo efler venuto e navilii delle Infule de In- I4 dia havendo gia con lo Admirante che gia parti di qui 8 mefi fono et di dil fi partirono di la in 40 di fi condufceno e efendo 5 Schia-vi, 300 anno arecati circa a 300 fchiavi et alcuno oro : et molto ver- oro -vergino. g} no il quale e di tuta perfc&ione dicono efTervi felve grandiffime. o. in medo Alia volta di la difcoperfeno nove terre, tenendofi verfo il megio Poncntc. ^i piu a l ponente verfo megio di dove hanno trovato et dicono Terra ferma. in terra ferma natione di piu conditione che le altre trovate per Alhationt. fino a hora : hanno buone et comoda abitatione et afai vivande Vini. bianchi. cne hanno vini bianchi et vermigli ma non di uve di vite han- Frufii quad- no an i ma li di quatro pie quello che non hanno li altri lochi ftdl. per inanti trovati : furono da loro Re beniffimo ricevuti et pre- Appendix. 47 1 fentati delle loro cofe : Dicono eflervi oro aflai ma che glie baflb o ba/ et oltra di quefto vi fi trovano delle perle et dicono grofle et aflai p er / e . buone non vene pofo dare apieno notitia dove le pefcano et in che modo et la quantita. Hanno belliflimo paefe molto verde p a efe. et fertile di abondantiflime aque dolce fituate : fono giente belli- fertile. cofe ufano rotelle et archi : Navicano con grande legni voti d un // i r /">i u L pecio cavati et nanone alai. CJ loto una copia d una lettera che Zopoii. fcrive lo Admirante al Re dandoli della imprefa grande fperancia. Et e grande maraviglia havere delle moltitudine et fortia delle aque Aque. dolce. dolce che ha trovate : Dice come quelle harene fono molto alte Granfuima Et hanno trovato gran feche nelle focie del fiume in modo che li navilii non potevono refiftere alia abondantie delle aque dolce : Tale che ditte nave da 20. leg. in uno golfo fempre trovando el Mar dol " e - mar dolcie. Che diconvi quello che dice li philofophi che la O r e ^ n J e terra ha forma fpherica. Et che cierto lo admirante ha havuto Mondo. grande animo et ingiegnio havere difcoperto 1 altro mondo oppo- fito al noftro con tante fatiche et fudori et vifto la mutatione che fa la Tramontana per efler ito di la dalla linea del equinoctiale che mai lo harei creduto che ci potefe habitare gli homeni che ftimavo fufli tuta aqua et non terra di giorno andrano fcoprendo et harafi di tuto perfe&a cognitione di che di tuto quello fe in- tendera vi faro con mia lettere avifato. INFORMATIONS DI BARTOLOMEO COLOMBO DELLA NAVIGATIONS DI PONENTE ET GARBIN DI BERAGUA NEL MONDO NOVO. "" Del 1505 eflendo Bartolamio Colombo fratello di Chrifto- 1505. phoro Colombo da poi la fua morte andato a Roma per haver lettere del pontifice al Re di Spagna chel volefe efler contento di darli caravelle in ordine di quel bifognava et fpecialmente di frati do6ti in philofophia et Theologia et in la facra fcriptura et quefto perche fi oferiva ritornare alle terre dil mondo novo dove infieme con ditto fuo fratel havea del 1503 difcoperte per ponente a 1503. Garbin di la dalla Spagnolo da miglia 3000 et trovato le mine del Oro in Beragua et altri lochi dove con facilita fi converteria con facilita tanti popoli alia fede criftiana con honor et utile. Di che ditto Bartolomeo confefato da uno frate Hieronimo de 1 ordine di frati canonici regulari in S. Joanni Laterano li dete di fuo mano uno difegnio de litti di tal terre dove eron difcripte i lochi la conditione et natura et coftumi et abiti di quelli popoli et efendo ditto frate Hieronimo qui in Venetia nel monafterio 472 Bibliotheca Americana. loro della carita eflendo mio amico mi dette el tal difegno et el fimile mi dette in fcripto la conditione et popoli di tal paefi li quali * [Word erased m brieve lo Alex .* . . . li notero et prima cominciando da Gar- and illegible.] ^ veneanc | o verfo lo Tropico di Cancro dove e il golfo di Denol fino dove non poteno cosi bene haver notitia di tal terre per difeto delle lor nave che eflendo abifate facevano tanta aqua in modo che fe afretorono il partirfi et navicaron verfo Spagna che Ma. -jm. v era una gran via da farfi miglia. 7000. quefto tal mare di Denol in molti lochi haveva poco fondo et havea gran corentia PO. Retrete. di aque portito di tal loco venono a uno loco ditto RETRETE nel qual porto et per tuta tal coftiera maritima trovoron gran copia Or . de Oro et afai lavorato optimamente et habitata di giente afai molto apti et ben difpofti i quali baratavano il fuo Oro tentuono per cofe picole et di poco precio et di li fcorendo per tal coftiera Porto Bastimen- da uno porto de BASTIMENTOS et per EL BEL PORTO et a portO tos,Bcpcrro, GROSSO nelle qual lochi bafi fono habitate da giente rufticana et porto Grosso. / i i J l i 11 ^ ^ r r hano alai abondantia del vivere al qual hanno tuta la lor rantaha. Et le loro cafe et abitationi fono in cima a grandi Arbori altiilimi Dormono, fu li dove dormono et quefto fano per dubito che egli hanno de nemici. Arbon. Dipoi feguitando pur verfo lo Tropico dil Cancro in el loco di Beragua. BERAGA el quale e apreflo a uno flume in una gran Valle per le Oro. concavita dille quale fon molte cave de Oro nove in le quale i ditti Spagnoli ne (ricolfono) afunorono. Et quelli Indiani del paefe Ma. 60. riferirono che in fra terra da ckca a miglia 60 verfo la provintia Sur> ditta SVR. efler altre cave de Oro et magior molto : in le qual uno I. aujtralt. T i vr r i j /-v i Oro certo Judeo in uno di aluno uno lacheto de Oro in el quale era marche do di pefo et riferi molte altre cofe admirante Dichon per efler ftato di li nella vernato quando navicorono in nello ebono di gran piogie continue con molte fortune : Partendo di qui fegui- Careba. tando ditta Cofta trovorono uno loco ditto CAREBA dove e uno flume che ha oro in quello fecondo difle tal Indi eron con loro in li navilii : et cosi vedemo ditti popoli che ne portavono al collo per colana. Seguitando piu oltre trovarono il moir et magior Cammbaru. porto che fia in tal Cofta il qual fi chiama CARAMBARV : ma li habitant! fon molti filveftri et vano nudi et fon copiofi di cofe et Oro. cibi da vivere et de Oro et per il gran caligo et bruma vi trovamo in ditto porto per efler il verno per tal paura non volleno dimor- CaHai. arvi. Seguitando piu oltre in fino a una terra chiamata CARIAI in la quale habita gente de bona forte che vivono de induftria et Mala. mercantia come fi fa in la provincia la qual chiamon MAIA. Sono grandi incantatori i quali come ci vidono difmontare a terra molti di loro ci veneno in contre et ci recetorono con uno pie tenendo Scpukro inanzi che e tra lor fegno di pace : In quefto loco vidono uno Sculpito. Sepulcro con fue volte di cube di sopra nelle qual era intagliato Appendix. 473 diverfi animali di varie nature. Et portoronci porci vivi come i Pord. noftri : et altre cofe afai che fia cofa lunga da riferire. In tal loco fi trova gomma in gran copia perfe&a. Et di qui parten- Goma. dofi par navicando verfo il pol artico per il Tropio dil Cancro infino al voltar de uno Cao che va al ponente che fi chiama porto di CONSVCLA dove inanzi il ditto mare le aque hanno gran corfo C n l^la- et fa gran onde per eflervi poco fondo in-fino a Leghe 20 di e 2Q ay " fpatio tuto da bracia 20 di fondo fi trova et non piu. Et cosi p oc o fondo. difcorendo per ogni liga crefce uno brazzo di fondo fi trova di piu : La terra ferma e feconda et da ogni hora et tempo le nave pol gitar le fue ancore. Tal mar dura per 60 Leghe dove navi- 60 Le. cando per 60 di confumorono cosi disfcorrendo : Seguitando verfo ponente per tal liti pervenuti a uno loco ditto TENABAXA f nen * e dal R. di COBRE : Dove le gente che in tal lochi habitano fono p^ceh-" molti bruti ma di bon corpo di color lionato con capelli lunghi fparti. Le lor femine hanno grande orechie di grandecia di Onchie grandi. uno palmo et con forami tanto grandi che ci paferia uno pugno. Vivono di carne humana come fa i Canibali. Et cosi etiam man- Cambalt. r . ,. . ..... .. r -\- Antropo. giano i pefci crudi cosi come h pighano del mare le li mangiano i ct - wp h ag i_ sentia cuocerli : Et cosi li hano veduti mangiar delle fpecie spctiaric mangiamo noi che dicono trovarfi in fra terra gran copia. E per cagion delle piogie grande v era non poteno intendere ne cercare tal cofe come saria stato il loro difiderio. Navicando piu oltre a tal ripe verfo ponente in fin al porto di CASERMAS. Porto dl Cafcr- Dove in tal provincia e frequente habitatione et gente molto /J!^. /. manfueta et vergognofa con fue carte in modo fachi fentia maniche ma optimamente lavorati et cuopreno le loro vergogne Lavori optimi. con fue bragefe et hanno coraze di bambafo si grofe et folte che Bra g*f e > oraxe. una baleftra non le paferia. Le femine fi veftono di li panni can- didi et mangiano di quel medefimo grano come fi fa in 1 infula di Banafa infula. BanafTa in mar qui a rincontro. Et oltra di quefto hanno molte Pane di grano. galine grande come paoni et gran copia di fricelli et altri acellami : Galine,fricelli. La infula di BANASSA qui dirincontro ha giente molto robusta che In f ula Banafa. adorano li Idoli. Et il loro vivere fi e maximamente di certo Itloli - grano biancho di grandecia de uno cefare et nafce cosi come Sor S Hancki. nafcie in le balleare nelle panochie del quale fano pane optimo. Pane - Et cosi fanno Ceruofa perfettiflima : In alcune altre Infule fi e Ceruofa. la terra fimile al Oro li criftiani li quali poteno tore di quella la Oro f il, ferbavono con diligentia da 8 mefi 1 afcondevono exiftimando non bono - chel fufi oro : In quefto loco pigliorono una Nave loro carica Nave carica. di mercantia et merce la quale dicevono veniva da una cierta pro- M*** 1 *"*&* vintia chiamata MAIAM vel luncatam con molte veste di bam- y este j; ^ am . basio de le quale ne erono il forcio di sede di diversi colori. bafio, efeda. 60 474 Bibliotheca Americana. Merce. Latna, Infula Oaquca. Insu/a Manava. Infula Olava. * " La qual e fcripta da poi che araivolta- to carte i 2. che feguita la qual." [FOLLINI?] Da poi ditta Infula di banafla navicando verfo ponente fine a uno Cao de Lama trovorono poco luntano da terra 3 infule cioe la prima chiamata OAQVELOIR. la feconda MANAVA : la terra OA- LAVA. di poi non navicoron piu oltri et voltoron la proa per le- vante verfo la Cuba et la Spagnola per efler le lor nave male in afeto che eron abifate diflbn molte altre cofe le quale non dico perche per la lettera* che fcrive Chriftophoro Colombo fuo fratel al Re di Spagnia come intenderete. 1492. Bartolomeo Co lombo. Li brodi coftumi. Fantafmate. Simulacri. Figure. Zemtn. Jocauna. Guamanocon. Attabeira. Mamonia. Guacarapita. Jiella. Guimazoa. Cauti m. Cazibafagaca fpclonca. Amaiauna. Machocael. Mirabolani. FEDE ET SUPERSTITIONE ET COSTUMI DE L INSULA SPAGNOLA MANDATAMI DA FERRARA PER MESSER ZUANE DE STROZI. Quando Chriftophoro Colombo 1492 tiovo le infule Spagnole tra le altre cofe referivan fi fu che li popoli di ditta infula non adoravono altro che il cielo pianeti e ftelle. Ma da poi che 1 anno habitata et imparato la lingua 1 un con 1 altro fi fono dimefticati hanno cognofuto quelli haver varie cirimonie et varie coftumi come per il frate heremita Romano che Bartolomeo Colombo fratello di ditto Chriftophoro condufe da Roma in fino a ditta Infula per amaeftrar et ridur ditti Infulani alia fede noftra criftiana di che compofe uno libro di lor coftumi. Delli quali in quefta di alquanti fi dira. Et prima dicono in ditta infula la note aparere alcune fantafmate et vifioni che loro infenfati con- ponono alcuni fimulacri i quali vengono adorare et sentando in terra fu coltre di bambafo figurono alcuni boni demoni come da noi fi piatrica. Et queftri fimulacri chiamano zemen i quali adorano per dii eterni che dicono effer dua cioe chiamono i Jocauna e 1 altro magior Guamanocon : e quali dicono aver 5 madre che una a nome Attabeira : Mamonia : Guacarapita : Jiella : Guinazoa : In ditta infula e una Regione che fi chiama caunana dove per grote di dui monti dicono efler ufito la genera- tione di homini cioe dalla magior fpelonca la magior parte : et dalla minor fpelonca ala minor Cauta chiamono ditti monti et la magior fpelonca chiamono Cazibafagaca la minor Amaiauna. Et il pri- mo che da ditta Caverna ufite chiamato Machochael il qual havea guardia di ditta bocha ogni note ufite fuori per poca diftantia et vifto in 1 aurora il fole non potendo foporta di veder tal luce fi transformo in Saxo : Et cosi dimolti altri che di noclie ufivono di tal Caverna per andar a pefcare et non pofendo ritornar inanci che il fole fi levafe di che vifto tal luce per la pena che non li era licito veder di fubito fi tramutorono i li arbori che fano i Mira bolani che in detta infula nafcono da lor pofta in quantita fentia Appendix. 47 5 efler piantati : Dicono ancori un principal chiamato Vaguoniona il qual mandate uno fuo famieio a pefcar fuor di ditta Caverna v agmn iona. per non efler potato tornar ancora lui inanci fi levafi il Sole fi tramuto in uno lufignolo. II quali ulcello ogni anno dipoi in la note et in el tempo fu convertito di ucello canta et fi lumenta di tal fua mala forte di che al fuo patrone chiamato Vaguonione dimanda aiuto : Et per quefto dicono che il lufignuolo canta di note. Dipoi il ditto Vaguonione il qual amava grandemente ditto fuo famiglio fi partite di tal fpelonca et condufe fora fola- mente le femine con fui fancielli li quali lactavano et andoron a una Infula di li poco diftante la quale e chiamata MATHININA. Ifla Matheni- dove lafcio ditte femine et riporto feco e fanculini dipoi lafati na aprefo a uno fiumicello comincior a pianger dicendo : toa toa. I. Toa Toa. mama mama in modo furo convertiti in Ranochi et per quefto dico in la primavera tal ranochi cominciono a cantar : Et in quefto modo dicono li homini efler ufiti da ditte Caverne et fparfi per tuta ditta Infula Spagnola fenci lor femine. Et cosi dico ditto Vaguoniona vagando per diverfi lochi et per gratia fpecial mai efler ftato transformato fe non da una formofa femina la qua vide in mare dove difefe et da lei have cierti quagoleti marmorei i quali chiamano Cibas et ancor certe taolete auree li qual chia- mon Guaniones. Quefte tal gieme legate in fino a quefto giorno aprefo e loro Re fono tenute e reverite come cofe facre. Li homeni che fencia le lor femine rimafeno in la fpelonca di&a di fopra la nofte lavadi tuti in cierti fofle dove era adunato aqua afai piovana fe ne ufirono et in fino a quefto tempo ufano tal bagni : e fubito ufiti dicono concorfeno alii albori Mirabolani dove per fopra caminavono infinite formi che adunate et loro Formk con le mani come tante femine le qua ftringendo fcorevono fuor delle mani come fe fufi ftate anguille : Vanno a dimandar con- figlio da vechi configlieri et vano a cercar fe alcuno tra lo ci e che fia rogniofi e levrofi over che habino le man callofe et afpere acio pofla ritenere quelle con mani facilmente : et quefti tal ho mini li chiamono Caracaracole : Et cosi vano a caciar et benche Caraca ne piglan molte niente dimeno non ne tengon fe non quatro le qual ufano per femine. Et dicon mancar loro la fua natura. Et por quefto dicono ritornan dalli vechi per configlio acio che loro li mandino 1 ucello pico che con fuo beco acuto intri in le cofle Pico uc loro oprendo la natura a dite femine dove da quelle e poi difefo li altri : Et qui e da maravigliare come fi lege di Myrmidone Mirmi da greci difcripto in tanti volumi che dalle formiche efler difefi e myrmidoni : Siche in quefto modo i lor fapienti con gravita et riputation i lor pergoli et lochi eminenti danno a intendere a li ditti Infulani fimplicioti a perfuaderli il credere quefte tal cofe per 476 Eibllotheca Americana. Origint dil vere et fecre. Circa a 1 origine del Mare dicono efler ftato in mare. jaia. ditta Infula uno potentiffimo homo chiamato Jaia il quale (fie) uno unico fiolo il quale ufite di una Zucha in loco di fepulcro edificato dipoi quefto Jaia pafati alquanti mefi inpacienti per la morte del fio torno a ditta Zucha la qual aperfe ufite una gran balena et ferata la ditta Zucha .... convicini ai mari per la qual fama quatro gioveni nati in uno portato cun fperancia di haver tal pefce in la Zucha la prefe con le mazi. Supravenuto Jaia il quale havea incufo li ofli in tal Zucha quelli Juveni infpauriti per tal facrilegio ne non efler acufati per tal furto da Jaia. Et vog- lando fuger la Zuca li caso in terra per il gran pefo et fe rupe et per tal fifure ufite fora il Mare il quale fcorrendo per le valle et per la gran planicie circoncirca impiendo etieto che le cime de monti et lochi eminenti che rimafeno fcoperti et cauforono le infule le qua al prefente fi vegono. Et ancor dicono che quelli fratelli per paura di Jaia andoron fugendo per diverfi lochi in modo che da fame fi mancono per non haver ardimento di fer- marfi et andorono a bater la porta de un fornaro ca zabi uno pane dimandando ditto fornaro nel intrar feceno in cafa loro li fputorono adofo in tal fputo perniciofo per il qual morite ditto fornaro. Configlatofi i ditti fratelli con una prieta agucia lo aperfono per la qual ferita nafete una femina et i ditti fratelli la uforono infieme da la qual nafete et mafchi et femine. Oltra a ja-vanaboina. quefto dicono chi fi trova una fpelonca che fi chiama Javanaboina Machlnnech. dal nome de uno Re di quel paefe il quale fi chiama Machinnech il quale e uno loco piu religiofo tra loro che non e S. Jacopa di PiEiurt. Galitia. El quale e ornato di molte picture varie et ha due porte Porte fculpte. f cu jpt e di quelli fuo demones che chiamon Zemes dille qual una BiMaltalU. chiamon Bintaitalle 1 altra Marochum et dimandato loro perche Marocho. con tanta divotione adoron ditta fpelonca dico che il fole e la luna ufiron fuor di li per inluminar il mondo : et con gran gravita Spclonca. quefti infenfati dicono quefte cofe. El tal Spelonca ha tanto con- corfo di perfone che vano et vengono come fa in nelli noftri tempi! in li gran perdoni. Et un altro modo di fuperftitione dicono che da poi la morte vano vagabondi et che fi pafono de uno fru&o de uno Arboro che nafce tra loro fimile a uno Co- og"- togno a nui igcognito. Et converfare tra i vivi piglando forma de homeni dormire con le fue femine et inganarle et come ven- gono in ful compir del foticio vano in vefibile. Et fe per ventura alcuni fufpetano di giafer con i morti fentendo qualche nova cofa in leto ufando alcun mormorar. Et fi dicon che li Morti pof- fono pigliar ogni membro humano ecieto che lo imbeligo et cosi al obelico fi cognofce fe fon morti ho vivi : Et cosi credono che fpefo di nocte per le vie publice fe incontrano morti afai et fe quel Appendix. 477 che camina non fi metera paura dicono che la fantafma fe rifolve : Et fe 1 ara paura perfevererano in modo che quelli tali rimarano lefi et ftupidi : Dimandati dalli noftri dove inparano tal coftumi vani che e una pefte fra loro dicono haver per heredita dai fuoi magiori. Et che non e licito infegnar tal cofe et canti fe non alii fioli delli Re et dicono mai haver lettere fra loro e tuto con No " hanno let - la memoria prefervano. Et i li di feftivi cantano et fonano i ^ r f ar Sonar pupoli come fi fa a li di facri et hanno uno folo infturmento di inturmento. legno concavo dito Reboans in modo uno timpano : et li fui facerdoti auguri i quali fi chiamon Boviite che li acoftumano Boviite. di tal fuperftitione. Et cosi fono i Medici che infegnono a mile donne vechie infenfate plebee di mile fraude. Item i ditti auguri conftringono i ditti plebei a credere il tuto per efler di grande au6torita aprefo d efi che dicon parlar con Zemes et che tuto fano : Li Boviti li conftringono a degunar et pur- garfe : Pignano una cierta polvere di una herba la qua bevono Pol" ^ et fubito fi convertono in uno furor a modo obriache gemendo et per rifanarfe piglano qualche calculo di prieta o peco di carte in bocha. Et fo circondati atorno da quelli Boviiti da 3. ho 4 volte torcando la fatia le labra con bruti gefti fufiando li amalai el colo le tempie e la fronte piglando aiere e dicono tirar via tuto il mal che hanno in le vene che li tengono in malatia fregando ditti Medicamenti. amalati si le cofe come et le gambe et petignone et con le man coniunte infieme corono verfa la punta aperta lavandofi ( ? ) le mani et a quefto modo perfuadena haver caciato il morbo : quello che dirietro tiene in bocha uno pezo di carne verfo come prefti- giatore crida dicendo cio chel mangera ultra alia fua necefita. Tu ftarai fano perche ho ritrato il mal. Et fe el vede che 1 amalado ftia mal li da ad intender che el fuo Zemen e corociato con lui per non lo haver honorato come el dovea ne fabricatoli qualche loco. Et fe lo amalato moriva li fui parenti eron con- ftreti di confefare efler con fui venefitii morto et fi per non haver re&amente iciunato ne eciam dandoli buone medecine. Et fi i medici Boiiti fufen fta caufa di fua morte facevono vendita di ditto Boiito. De le prietuze over ofli che ditto Boiito portafe in bocha. Se ditti prietuze et ofli fono legate et pofte invoke in panni fervate con fede giovono afai alii fuoi fanculli et ditte femine tengon ditte priete et ofli come zemii : I ditti Infulani vogliono che fia varii zemes i quali adorano alcuni che vengono di note in vifione tra li arbori li fculpifcono di legno : Altri che Sculpture. daran rifpofta tra i faxi li fcolpifcono di marmoro : Alcuni che intra le radice di erbe che mangiono in loco di pane chiamate Dies che ditte zenes hano cura di tal pane per efler lor cibo. ^W. Come apreflb delli antiqui le Driades Amadryades et Satyri et 478 Bibliotheca Americana. Satiri, Panni. pani et Nereide de fonti Selve et mari hovevon cura : Et cosi Nereide. (jjtti Infulani a ciachedun il fuo zemes il quale lo chiamano in ogni lor bifogni : Et cosi nello evenimento dilla guerra et in la careftia et abondantia il fuo (fee) che i fui. Re vogliono con- figlio dimandono a ditto Zemes : et vanno in la caxa dedicata a Herba Chokob- Zemes e forbendo per le nave di quello polvere dell herba dita ba - Chohobba la quale i Boviiti fabito convertife in furor che li par Infant. che tuta la caxa il volta a roverfo da fondamenti e por che li homeni caminino alia roverfa. Tanta forcia ha in fi ditta Cha- hobba che fubito toglie i fenfi a chi la piglia che diventon pazi et dormentano e brazi e ginochi et elevato i fumi alia tefta li fa lor venir una lente fonolentia torcendo li ochi verfo il cielo et par- lando cofe confufe et quelli primarii della cafa che foli con voce grande cridano dimandando gratia (Ma non voiono che niuno de populari entrano a tal facrifitio) di che dicono che el Zemis e venuto loro a parlare et ridicono quello hanno vifto dicendo che quando quel inebriate apriva la bocha che il Zemes li parlava : Spiritati. Et che fe fera fame o pefte o ricever alcuna victoria a abondantia over tuto quello ha intraveni et efTer che il fuo Zemes tuto li dice. Come etiam dicono li antiqui del fpirito Apollineo che par che quella fuperftitione che erano aprefo li antiqui non fia perfa come generalmente di fopra di tal Zemes fe e ditto. Circa alle partic ular delli qual dicano ditti Infulani diremo di alcuni. Uno Re Guaccanariilo. ditto Guamareto dicono havea un Zemes che havea come Coro- Corochotus. chotus il qual tegniva aligato di fopra al colmo della cafa el qua fecurava (Jtc) il quale per cafon di coito over per mangiar rom- peva i ligani et fe andava a fcondere in cierte rupe de moni et cosi cruciato per alcuni di fi fcondeva : et quefto perche ditto Re Guamareto havea mancato dil fuo orar ne facri. Item dicon che in ditta regio in una Villa di Guamareto fi fie uno fanciullo che havea due corone ftimando efler fiol di Corochoto Zemis Di che dico quefto Re Guamareto fu vinto in bataia dal fonimico et fuli ruiana la caxa et guafto ditta fua Villa fi con fogo e ferro Miracoi. dice quefto Corochoto brufando la cafa ufci de fui ligami et poi fu trovato luntano p ; u de uno miglio. Un altro Zemen chia- mato Epileguarita di legno di quatro pie il quale fpefo fugiva alle felve dal loco dove era adorato et con fupliche piatofe fabricatoli uno tempiuzo 1 axportorono. Et di poi gionto i criftiani Spag- noli a ditta infula quefto fe ne fugi et mai piu dipoi e ftato tro- Statua Mar- vato et q ue fto fu auguno de la lor perdita dilla patria loro. Quefto fe aintefo dai vechi. Un altro Zemen Marmoreo i quali quefti adoravono di Saxo femineo al qua dui miniftri mafculi havevono cura de efo : uno di quefti havea 1 offitio di pcone et i altri Zemes in aufilio dilla femina inperante a concitar vento Appendix. 479 nebule et piogie. Un altro dicono per mandate di tal famine facendo difcendere dai alti monti le aque et congregarle in le valle in modo di fiume fcorrendo per li campi et guaftando il tuto fe gia tal popoli non fi coregiefeno et adorafono con debiti modi. Un altra gran cofa diremo degna di memoria e quali dicon ditti GuaHonexio. Infulani cioe che fono ftati duo Re dil qual uno ditto Guarionexio 5 & dlgiuno gia ditto. II quale per cinque di continui non mangio ne beve et quefto per obtignir gratia dal zemes di poter intendere le cofe future di che li fu concefo tal gratia dal fuo zemes per tal deguno Profctia. Che fu quefto che li difle che non pafleria tropi anni chel veria una gente veft ta di panni a ditta infula la qual ruinerei la lor fede et coftumi et cerimonie i quali tuti tuti peririano et farian fati fervi et privi di ogni bene di che la guventu ftimorono fuffi quefto per caufa di canibali fimavono (fie] di che come fentivono che Canibali arivafe a lor Ripe tuti fugivano per dubito di tal aveni- mento di che temevono eflere a le mani con loro. Ma como vidono che li hifpani arivorono a la lor Infula fi congregorono tuti infieme et conclufono quefta efler la gente che havea profe- tizata la zemes ditta (Che in vero non parlo indarno) perche intrato i criftiani tuti fono fati criftiani et morti li oftinati fi che non c e piu mentione di zemefe per efler ftati tuti portati in Spagna acio fi fia cognofuto e fuo demoni et fua fallacia. Molte altre cofe circa a quefte fe haria potuto dir ma quefte per hor bafta. DESCRIPTIO DI COSE TROVATE PER CASTIGLIANI IN UN DIS- CORSO DAL 1500 INFINO AL 1510 DA DIVERSIE CARAVELLE IN QUESTI DIECE ANNI. - C. I Litti della provincia Paria che nel Occeano verfo Garbin da Par \ a fo-vin- Chriftophoro Colombo del 1498 a li Liti del mondo Novo fa "g" fcoperta et cosi da Vuntrienne (sic) et da pincone in fin 1500 1500. come nolli antecedent! libri fi legie di poi per fino al 1510 e ftato 1510. fcoperto in quefti diece anni non folum da Colombo dito ma da molti altri i quali dicono per lungo tra6to andando verfo ponente vogliono fi vadi a coniungere con i liti Indici fono prima diven- uti in due Regioni nove da poi di&a Paria cioe Beragua trovata BERAGUA. per ditto Colombo 1502. et dipoi de una altra da altri chiamata 1502. VRAVA Le quale fono piene di Oro et Incenfo et dove fi ufano VRAVA - Colane d oro le qual furono aprefentate et cofi incenfi ma prima eJ^ ^v* hebeno molte guerre da loro tamen per efler mal armati et quafi nudi ne furono morti afai ma in ogni modo fono homeni feroci Frece " venenate - et ufano le frece avenenate con fue lancete acute. Trovafi molti Lancete - 480 Bibliotheca Americana. animali come ucelli varii da li noftri, e vefpertilioni et Tortore vcncnoft. grande : et in el far della fera ditte notole ufivon fuori le qual hanno morder venenofo che inducevono rabia di che li fu fortia fuger di la come fe le fufin Arpie : Alcuni che in terra fu e liti Munflro marl- una no &Q un o di loro fu da uno monftre marine prefo et portato in mar in confpeto di compagni et lui cridando focorfo non lo poteno aiutare. In ditte terre edificaro Roche e aui (j/V). Regal et non contentono ne confentono ma poco defiderono tor tal pefo tamen fuplicano al Re che li mandino a tor tal provincie. Un altra Eu- Q ue fti f on langi trafti et gran terre et abple come e un altra Eu- ropa fi di terra firma come etiam de Infole e piu tofto la fupera ecieto che quelle che a megio di a fcoperte i portagalefi le quale fon grande. Siche e di noftri ai gran laude a la Hifpania haver Antipodi. trovato quefti lochi incogniti di tante miliona de Antipodi. Li Infulani hano provato che il noftro pane di grano e di piu nutrimento del loro et per quefta caufa molti fe amalano et il Re formento. na f ato cne m fa tt [ } oc hi fi femini per ditte Infule et ditto formento i quale nafe con le fue gambe di paia grofe et piene et le fpiche Herbe. grande frape fentia grano : Et cosi le herbe grande e molle crefon come il formento ingrafa i beftiami ma fa le carne fipide et le ofla fentia medola opur fe le fon piene fon anguofe : et cosi fono i porci ma falubri et fipidi f ingrafano di certi fruti filveftri che mangiono volentieri : Molti fono fugiti per 1 infula et fati felvatici non hano animali quadrupedi fe non vi fon portati. Galine et altre volatilli ucelli vi fonoafai et grandi per le bone herbe che con quelle fientia altro grauo f ingra- CVBA Ifola. fano. La Infula CVBA che e viuna a ditta Spagnola la quale in el principio per la fua lungetia ftimorono fuffi terra con- tingente et hano la poi trovata efier Infula : di che non e da marayiare fe li habitant! quando i noftri la navicorono dicevono efler fentia fine : e quefto perche tal gente e nuda et non fono infatiabili et ftano contenti dil loco dove nafcono, et poco curano di quel fano lor vicini : et non vano cercando fe foto il cielo v e altra habitatione fe non di quella che hanno fi contentono. La ditta Cuba da levante a ponente e piu lunga afai della Spagnola ma da Septentrione a megio di non e fi larga : Et e terra ferace et molto amena ma non habonda Oro. Non tropo diftante ro - da Oriente dalla Spagnoli fi trova un altra Infula grande la meta Ifola S. lo-vani. manco d efla che li Spagnola e chiamata dai noftri S. IOVANI quafi quadrata. In la quale fon richie minere d oro : ma pero atendono a cavar in la Spagnola et per ancori non hano pofto maeftri a cavar : ma tutavia fi comincia aparechiare. In la Spagnola fe atende con ogni folicitudine a cavar Oro et hanno pofto tal ordine : Cioe che tuti quelli (cacichi) Reguli che hanno Appendix. 48 1 homini afai apti a far tal exertitio hano configato che prima quelli popoli a uno cierto tempo di 1 anno vengono ciafcuno a trovare quelli fui Reguli et qui vengono alle minere con fui Inftrumenti da cavar che li vien loro da maeftri confignati : et dal fo cacichio li e ftatuito per fua merce di cavar oltra alle fpefe di bocha una certa portione : Di poi che hanno lavorato fi partano a uno certo tempo quando e il tempo dil feminar che per vivere bifognia vadino a foi lochi con fui ftrumenti et vano nudi et in quefto modo atendono a 1 agricultura et alle minere et mal volentieri foportano tal fatiche : Et quando coftoro vano ai fuoi Cacichi o Regali vano come fa i militi ai fuo Cenrurioni : o come i lavor- anti dal fuo patrone : Et fe fono sforciati fpefo fugono alii monti et felve : Et fono piu content! di vivere di cofe filveftre che durare tal fatiche. Hanno lafato in tuto e lor coftumi et reli- gioni antique : Sono boni criftiani et piamente predicano de efla : c> ijliani optimi . I noftri acuftumano et infeguano a li fioli di quelli Reguli in caxa : Et cosi facilmente li puti imparano la lingua noftra et cof tumi : Et come fon grandi li mandano a cafa loro : Sono fati do&i in la fede criftiana et tra loro fi amano et cosi con aliegre et bone perfuafion li conducano alle minere a lavorar. Le quale in ditta Infula ne fono due delle qual una e diftante dalla cita c Dominica. ditta Dominica meia 13 chiamata Mina di S. Chriftophoro. Ma. 13, Mina L altra la qual e dita CIABAVA e diftante 19 meia del PORTO RE- <* Chrifto- GAL et fono 2 gran Regioni. Dove piu volte fi trova in fuper- t,ava Porto fitie Oro et intro i faxi mafe over lamine alcuna volta minute : Regale, ma. et piu volte in piu luochi di gran pefo : alcuni fe trova di trefento I 9> Oro - pondi mafe alcune magior. Una fu trovata di 3310 pondi di pefo $00 pondi, 3310 10 qual mafa fu caricata in la nave di Boadilla patrone per con- f ondt - dur al Re in Spagna et per efler ditta nave carga di gente et oro fi fumerfe et perdefi 1 oro et perfone la qual mafa d oro fu vifta x pondo * - 1 prima da molte perfone. La quantita dil pefo dil pondo fi e et Cajligiiana pefa 3 ducati d oro et li hifpani chiamono tal pefo uno caftigliano da duca 3- d oro. Tuto 1 oro che i cava dei monti CIBANI et del porto %*** ?**"/ _.., ,, in/". i x 1-1 rorto Regal. Regal lo portano alia ca. della Conceptione dove e parechiate le c. conceptione. oficine e li lo fondono. Et prima dano della parte quinta a -J-. ciafchedun la fua portione per le fo fatiche : Quel oro che fi toglie dal Officina di S. Chriftophano lo portano alia ca. di bona- Mina S. CArif- ventura. Siche ogni anno tragano da ditte 2 officine Trefento- _ to P h - ... ,. ,. / ~ r i c i M T r r oona Ventura. miha pondi di Uro. et ie alcun con rraude 1 ne toglieiono h 30 o. pondi. che e non lo confegnafi al Regal magiftrato lo caftigeriono con le lege : et quando interviene coftione tra loro fe li magiftrati non 11 adatano : Vanno poi tal fententie alle Apellatione al palazo di Senatori la qual la difinife. In quefta eta fono fenatori di excel- 61 482 Bibliotheca Americana. end et nobili di noto fangue i quale fentano per iudicar come Primo confediarii in tal fenato. La prima fedia fi v e eleto Jos. a Silva comes cifontes Regius magnus Vexillifer parente dil Re di Spagna el quale fi e uno altro Catone di grande ingiegno di in- tegerima vita et litterato et amator di Vertu. e il principe del fenato che a Roma fi chiamo lo prefidente. Li altri che per or- dine fentano che primi fecondo 1 ordine d il tempo fono priori fentono. Li Do&ori i quale fono defignati overo ornadi infig- niti perche in lingua Spagnola li defignati chiamon quelli che < dicon licentiati : che de jure vengono eleti dal Confulti dil Regno. i, 2. Et tra i prefidenti Senta Petro di Oropefa Veterano dapoi queftto 3. fenta Lodovico Zapata : Dipo Fernando Tellus : il quarto fenta 4> S- Garfia Moxica. El quinto fenta Lorencio Caravaial: dipoi ftaTo- 6, 7, 8. ribio Santiago dipoi fente Joanni Lopez : dipoi Lodovico Polanco : 9. dipoi Francefco Varga el quale e ancori Thefaurier dil Re. Le ultime ftatione fono ocupate dai facri conftituiti cioe Sofa et Cabreo iuris pontifici periti che per non efler Ifcito in caufa criminali aiutar. Siche tuti atendeno a miniftrar Juftitia fecondo il bif- ogno di chi domanda Rafone : et quefto bafta per hora tornemo alle Varie fortunate Non Saturno non Hercole non alcuno an- tiquo che habia cercato nove terre et rido al Culto Tuti infieme hora darano loco a li Hifpani noftri. O Dio quanto ampliato vederano queli che dapoi noi verano ampliata la Religion crifti- ana : Et a ogniuno per 1 avenir li fia licito andare per il mondo vagando ficuramente. Et non e poflibile dire quanto per Pav- enir habia a efle gran cofe da penfar a ogni fublime ingegno. (Copia delle carte numerate 29-46 * del codice Magliabechiano con- trajegnato Clqffe xm, No. 8 1, efeguita da FILIPPO RICCI, Diftributore Capo della Biblioteca Nazionale, efeguita fecondo Forto- grafia del codice fteffb?) Appendix. 483 THE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING PAGES, ARE, AT THE PRESENT TIME (MAY 4-TH, 1866), IN THE FOLLOWING LIBRARIES, VIZ. I In the library of JAMES LENOX, Esq., No. 53 Fifth Avenue, New Tork : Nos. 2, 3, 4, n, 15, 1 6, 1 8, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,. 2? > 28, 29, 31, 38, 39, 4 o, 45, 46, 47, 4 8, 51, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 70, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 97> 9 8 > 99> I00 > IOI > I02 > I0 9> IIO > JI 3> IJ 4> IJ 5> 121, 122, 123, 124, 125% 126, 129, 133, 135, 137, 139, 142, 145, 150, 152, 153, 154, 158, 1 60, 167, 168, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 187, 188, 190, 191, 193, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 205, 2O6, 2O7, 215, 2l8, 221, 223, 227, 230, 239, 2 4 2, 245, 247, 258, 260, 264, 272, 275, 277, 278, 28l, 283, 286, 289, 290, 297, 2 9 8, 304, Also : The Mexican books on pages 374, 375, 376 and 377, marked "Private Library, New York," the Bay Psalm Book on page 377, the Jesuits Relations cited in the Introduction, and MSS. mentioned in the first col umn of notes on page 213, in note 21, and on page 320, and the manuscript LAS CASAS. In the library of JOHN CARTER BROWN, Esq., Benefit Street, Providence, Rhode Island : Nos. 3 , 4, 5, 6, 15, 19, 26, 31, 38, 39, 42, 45, 46, 57> 5 8 > 6o > 66 > 86 > 88 > 88 ^ A 94> 97 > 99> IO2 > 1 This is apparently the Roce fespuccius a Two copies, one with the portrait, the sold by the British Museum as a duplicate, other with the genuine plan of Mexico, on the late discovery of a complete copy in 3 Two copies, the Grenville collection. The remaining * Two copies, leaves have been added in fac-simile. 6 Two copies, one of which on vellum. 484 Bibliotheca Americana. 105, no, 115, 1 1 8, 1 20, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 129, i34> i35> J 3 8 J 39> !45> T 54, 1 60, 162, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 176, 178, 187, 188, 190, 191, 200, 206, 207, 215, 218, 233, 238, 244, 247, 251, 264, 266, 267 6 , 272, 2 75> 2 77> 2 7 8 > 2 97- Also the Molinas on page 375, and Lima books on page 376. In the library of SAMUEL L. M. BARLOW, Esq., No. i Madison Avenue, New Tork : Nos. i, 4, 13, 14, 4 2 7 , 51, 57, 58, 60, 63, 64, 74, 88, 88 bis, 109, 112, 126, 127, 131, 142, 145, 150, 157, 168, 171, 172, 176, 186, 188, 191, 197, 202, 218, 223, 2 3 > 2 33> M, 252, 253, 269, 279, 285, 287, 297, 298. Also MOLINA S Vocabulario. In the library of Colonel PETER FORCE, Seventh Street, Washington, District of Columbia : Nos. 11, 15, 39, 51, 56, 58, 60, 81, 125, 126, 133, 139, 176, 187, 188, 207. Also the Biblioteca of BERISTAIN, and manuscript LAS CASAS. In the library of J. CARSON BREVOORT, Esq., Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, New Tork : Nos. 56, 57, 58, 60, 80, 88, 127, 137, 218, 223, 240. In the library of the Honorable HENRY C. MURPHY, Owl s Head, Fort Hamilton, New Tork : Nos. 45, 74, 88, 186, 240. * Reprint on vellum. T Two copies. Appendix. 485 In the library of ALMON W. GRISWOLD, Esq., No. 415 Fifth Avenue, New York: Nos. 57, no, 125, 176, 190, 200. In the library of Mr. GEORGE TICKNOR, Boston, Massachusetts : No. 10. In the library of CHARLES DEANE, Esq., Cambridge, Massachusetts : No. 46. In the library of JAMES LAWRENCE, Esq., Boston, Massachusetts : The manuscripts mentioned in the second column of notes on page 213, sequitur ; and in the first column of notes on page 320, seq. In the library of BUCKINGHAM SMITH, Esq., Nos. 165 and 268. NO TA BENE : Our intention was to add to the present work a CARTOGRAPHIA AMERICANA, or list and description of all the maps, whether published or still in manuscript, relating to the New World, and drawn before 1550. We likewise intended to give the passages of works in which occur mentions of charts of this descrip tion which are now lost or mislaid. The notes which we had collected to that effect were so numerous, and the BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA VETUSTISSIMA had already become so bulky, that we were compelled to forego our intention. As this is our first and last attempt in the field of bibliography and cartography, we leave it to those of our friends who take an interest in such matters, to carry out a project, which, under the circumstances, we are unable to perfect. a. a. CITY OF NEW YORK, May qth, 1866. INDEX. 9 INDEX. A Ablijn (Cornelius), 219, 296. Acevedo (R. Antunez y), xii. Acostd (Joaquin), xxxiv. " (Josef de), 204, 257, 319. Adam (Melchior), 238^ 271. Adam (of Bremen), 261. Adda (Marquis d ), 461. Adolphus, 118. Agia (Miguel de), 372 . Agostini (Giov. dugli), 219. Agricola (Georg.), vi. " junior (Rudolphus), 147 /;. " (Rudolph.), 128, 129;;., 147, 160, 161, 192, 277. Aguiar (Rodrigo de), xv, 394. Aguilar (Francisco de), 322 n. Aguirre (J. Sanchez de), 206. Agurto (Fr. P. de), 375. Aittinger (Wolfgang), 101. Alaman (Lucas), 206, 219 . Alantse (Leonhard and Lucas), 138, 140, 161. Alberino (Nicholas de), 320/1., 436, 465. Albert! (L.), 66, 450. Albertinis (Francesco de), 78, 104, 120, 121, 140, 166, 177. Albo (Francisco), 229. Albuquerque, 225. Alcedo (Antonio de), xxiv, 58 ., 61 ., 123, 124, 249 ., 316, 332, 447. Aldus, 49, 159, 293. Alegambe (Philip), xli. Alegre (F. J.), 210. Alexander VI (Pope), I, 16, 18, 19, 20, , 33. 34, 3 6 > 44- Alhaja (Martin), 382. Aliares (Pedro), 98. Allegretti (Allegretto degli), 3. Allegrini (P.), 67 n. Almagro (Diego de), 245, 318, 321 n. Almeida (Ferdinand de), 36. Almeida (Francisco de), 225, 283". Alonso tiie Black, see Nino. Alphonsus (King), 408, 409. ! Alsop (Richard?), 218. Alt (Georgius), 42, 43. Alvarado (Franc, de), 376. Alvarado (Pedro de), 252., 254. Alwoerden (Henr. ab), 344. Amandus (Zierixceiiois), 308, 309 n. Amati (Giacinto), 14. Ambrosio da Borsano (Jo.), 332. Amoretti (Carlo), 229, 250, 251, 349. Ampere (A. M.), vii. Andre (Valerius). vel : Andreas, xxvi, 244. Desselius. Taxander. Angelo (Jacob.), 107, 135, 253. Anghiera, see Martyr. Angiolelo (J. M.), 163. Angleria (John of), 177. Annali de la Rep. dl Genoa, 157. Anonym., 51, 75, 117, 172, 174, 176, 179, 193. Anselmus, 166. vel : Polonia, 166. Antiquarius (Jacobus), 155. Antonio de Lebrixa, 151, 152. Antonio (Nic.), xiii, xli, 33, 35, 36, 45, 123, 125, 126, 153, 168, 169, 177, 282, 446, 452. Antunez, see Acevedo. Anunciacion (Fr. J. de la), 375. Anunciacion (Fr. Dominga de la), 375 n. Apianus (Peter), 91, 237, 270, 271, 305. 333> 3 6z > 379. 4* 47, 4*9> 44-3- vel : Bienevitz. Apollonius (Levinius), 319. Archinsus (Philip), 454. 62 49 Bibliotheca Americana. Arcos (Christoval de), 171. Argelati (Phil.), 283. Arch rv (R/ieiniscAcr), 50. Ardoino (A.), 383 . Argcnsola (B. L.), 205, 225/7. Argenteus, see Silber. Argyrios, see Silber. Arias, see Davila. Aristotile (Nicolo d ), 266. Aristotle, vii. Arnold (Gottf.), 326. Arnold (Richard), 199/7. Arriaga (J. de), 319. Arthemesius (Frederic.), 236. Arthus (Gothard), xxvi. Ascensius, see Radius. Asher (A.), xxvi. Asher, see Catalogue. Asher (G. M.), xxxiv, xxxvi. Aspinwall (Col. Thomas), xxx, 15. Athcnteum, 5 n. Atienza (Lope de), 322 n. Aubert (Thomas), 132. Aucuparius (Thomas), 201. Audiffredi (J. B.), ix, xlix, 9, 26, 27, 28, 34, 3> 3 6 , 43..4S, 48, 158, 244. Augustine (Antonio), 453. Augustus (Hieronymus O.), 429. Avagour (Du Pare d ), xxxiv. Avendano (D. de), 168. Avila (Caspar de), 252. B Bachiler y Moiales (Antonio), xxxiv, xxxviii. Backer (Alois and Augustin de), xli. Bacon (Francis), vii, 4. Bacon (Roger), xlvi. Badius Ascensius (Jodocus), 115, 126, 131, 132. Baduarius (Sebast.), 48, 49. Baena (J. A.), xvi, 256, 322, 339. Baffin (William), x. Baillet (Adr.), xiii, 88, 161, 245, 263, 293. Balboa (Miguel Cavello), 319, 320/7. Balboa, see Nunez. Balbuena (Bernardino de), 212. Baldaya (Alonzo Gonzales), 107. Baldelli Boni (J. B.), 64, 96, 99, 186, 469. Baligault (Felix), 70. Balli (Pedro), 372. Bandini (Ang. Ma.), 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 92, 276, 444. Barbadicus (Augustinus), 52. Barben (Jehan), 410. Barberini (F.), 282. Barbosa (Duarte), 229. Barcia (Andres Gonzales de), xvi, 66, 218, 258, 318;;., 383. Barcia-Pinelo, see Pinelo-Barcia. Barlaeus (Caspar), 67 n. Barlow (S. L. M.), xxx, 484. Baronius (Cses.), 226/1. Barreiros (Caspar), 295. vel s Varrerius. Barrionuevo (Francisco de), 321 n. Barro (Johannes), 12, 26. Barros (Jean de), 3, 6, 61, 226 ., 228, 295. Barthema, see Varthema. Bartlett (John Russell), xxx, xxxix. Bartolomei (Jerome), 66. Bartolozzi (Fr.), 57, 61, 64, 67, 453. Bascarini (Nicolo), 430. Basler Buchdruckcrgcschichte, 45. Bastidas (Rodrigo de), 168. Bauer (J. J.), 128, 351. Baumgarten (Sigm. Jac.), 388. Bautista, 229. Bautista (Fr. J.), 376. Bayle (Pierre), ix, 86, 156, 180, 326. Bayuera (Constantio), 78. Beaufort (L. de), 263. Beaupre (de Nancy), 95, 96, 136, 341. Bebelius (Joannes), 302. Becharia (Antonio), 322. Becher (Capt.), 5. Becket (Thomas a), vi. Behaim (Martin), 38, 39, 43, 60, 141, 158, 226. vel : Bohemus (Martinus), 39. Belalcazar, 321 n. Bellefbrest (F. de), 405, 439. Bellono (Antonio), 354. Belloro (Tommaso), 67, 317 n. Bellouacensis (D. Joan), 334. Beltran (Vintura), 321 n. Bembo (P.), 2, 49, 104. Benaduci, see Boturini. Bendinelli (Cardinal), 137. Benedetti, 49. vel : Benedict (Alexander), 48, 49. Beneventanus, see Marcus. Benevcnte (Torribio), see Motolinia. Benham (H. S.), 346. Benito (Alonso Martin de Don), see Martin. Benito, see Fernandez. Index. 491 Benvenuti, see Marcus. Benson (G.), 344. Benzoni (Girol.), xvi, 4, 38, 258, 319, 383. Berardi (Juanoto), 57. Berckmann (Arnold), 362. Berendt (Dr.), xl, 214. Bergmann de Olpe, 44. <vel : Bernardinus de Olpe, 17. Bergomas (Jac. Phil.), 14, 53, 54, 85, 103, 132, 240, 334, 461. vel : Foresti, 86. Bergomensis, see Bergomas. Beristain y Souza (Jose Mariano), xx, 212, 2 78, 433. 447- Beristain (Jose Rafael E. T.;, xxi. Bernaldez (Andres), 2, 3, 6, 21. Bernard (Desbarreaux), see Desbarreaux. Bernardus (Hieronymus), 48. Bernuz (P.), 317. Berra (Orozco y), see Orozco. Besicken (Johannes), 9, 13, 34, 36, 43, 78, 88. vel : Besichen, 78. Betanzos (Path.), 450. Betanzos (Juan de), 322. Berthelet (Thomas), 437. Betuleius, see Birck. Bianchi, 3. Bibliophile Beige, 73. Biblioteca Pinel/ania, 185. Bibliotheca Anonym., 178. Barloiuiana, 102, 1 1 2, 115, 117, 120, 121, 158, 193, 245. Bibliotheca Brc-uoortiana, no, 112, 142, 158. Bibliotheca Browniana, 17, 1 8, 19, 21, *3. 45. 5. 68, 73, 82, 84, 87, 95, 99, 112, 115, 117, 126, 148, 153, 158, 163, 169, 174, 177, 188. Bibliotheca Buna-v., 87, 1 12, 312. " Columbiana, 444. " Grenvilliana, 15, 17, 18, 19, 35 45- 49- 5. 68 6 9 7, 73. 8z > 8 4, 8 7. 95> 99. I0 5. Iia > JI 5> JI 7> II8 120, 146, 147, 150, 153, 174, 187, ! 199. Bibliotheca Hcberiana, 19, 33, 45, 48, 83, \ 8 5. 95 99. II2 > Ir 5> ll Ti I2 . I2 *>. j 128, 137, 148, 150, 153, 163, 169. 179, 184, 188. Bibliotheca Aist. Stru-vio-Budcr, 87. " Hohendorfiana, 128. " Mcnkeniana, 104. Bibliotheca Sarraxxiana, 178. " Spenceriana, 41. " Sussexiana, 158. " TAeresiana, 312. " TAottiana, 45, 47, 87, 95, 102, 115, 117, 121, 126, 128, 144, 193, 263. Bibliotheca J^ilenbroukiana, 124. Bibliotheque curieuse, see Clement. Biddle (R.), 60, 148, 291. Bielefeld (J. F. V.), 38. Bienevitz (Peter), see Apianus. Billy (Abbe de), 150. Bindonc (Francesco di Alessandro), 335. Bindoni (Augustino di), 264. " (Bernardo), 104. Biographic Uni-vcrscllc, 88. Biondo (Michaele Angelo), 403, 421. Birclc (Sixtus), -v el Betuleiua, 442. Birckman (Arnoldus), 288, 305. Biretta (Giovanni Antonio), 46. Blount (T. P.), 88, 181. Blondus, see Biondo. Bocanegra (Matias de), 210. Boccacio, 219. Botchi (Franc.), 66, 67. Bock (F. S.), 344. Boeder (Jo. Henr.), 351. Bohemus, see Behaim. Bohn, see Catalogue. Bollaert (Roland), 243, 270. Bolduanus (P.), xiii, xv. Bonaccursius (Franciscus), 47. Bonneau (Alexandre), xxxv. Bononia (Bern, a), 166. Bontius (Gregorius), 276, 305, 408, 429, 443- vel : Bonte, 144. Boonc, see Catalogue. Bordone (Benedict), 266, 268, 284, 310, 3S5, 4". Borgia (Alexander), 10, 295 see also Alex ander VI. Borromeo (Fred.), 7. " (Joseph), 177, 280. Boss! (L.), 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 80. Bottrigari, 153. Boturini Benaduci (L.), 208. Bouchard (Alain), 148. Bourbourg (B. de), see Brasseur. Bovero (Zach.), 166. Boysen, 344. Bragadeno (Francesco), 78. Bramereav (Jacques), xxviii. Brasseur de Bourbourg (Abbe), 209. Bravo (Francisco), 435. 49 2 Bibliotheca Americana. Brebeuf (Path.), xxviii. Brevoort (J. Carson), 484. Brito (Antonio), 229. Brocar (Juan de), 359, 392. Brocard, 125, 188, 351. vel : Brochard, Brocardus. Brockhaus (F. A.), xxxiii. Brosses, see Des Brosses. Brown (John Carter), xxx, 483. " (Rawdon), 4. Brubachius (Petrus), 347. Brucioli (Antonio), 390. " (Francesco), 390. Brunei (Jacques-Charles), see Bibliotheca, passim. Brunet (Gustave, of Bordeaux), 43, 370. Bruno (Giordano), vi. " (Jacobus), 83. Buckinck (Arnold), no. Buenaventura (S. J. E.), 375, 376. Bulletin du Bibliophile, 269. Burgmaier (Hans), loz. Burgoa (F. de), 211, 445. " (Andreas de), 420. Burrough (Stephen), 60. Bury (Richard de), i, ix. Bustamente (C. M.), 209, 210, 211. Butsch, see Catalogue. Bynneman (H.), 416. Bzovius (Abraham), 226. Caballero(R. D.), 33, 124. Cabot (Sebastian), 59, 124, 148 238. Cabral (Pedro Alvarez), 6l, 97, 98, 108, 136. Cabrera (Melchor de), 12, 211. " (Christopher), 365. Ca da Mosto, or Cadamostus, 4, 75, 97, 107, 112, 114, 131, 246. Caesar (Martinus), 243. Calancha (A. di), 66. Calle (Diaz de la), 171, 205, 210, 420. " (Juan Diez de la), xv. Calphurnius (Jo.), 334. Calvi (Donato), 86. Calvin (John), 344. Calvo (Andrea), 221. Calvus (Minitius), 231. Cam (Diego), 107. Camanor, 98. Camerino (John de), 147. Gamers, 95. vel : Camertus (Joannes), 182, 191, 277. Camoens, viii, 97. Campi (P. M.), 2. Campomanes (P. R. de), xii. Camus (Armand Gaston), xxiii, 63, 70, 114, 148, 163, 190, 296. Cancellieri (F. Jer.), 2, 19, 28, 31, 35, 36, 44, 75, 76, 161, 181, 297, 333, 444- Canisius (Henr.), 166. Canizares (Josef), 212. Cano (Juan Sebastian Del), 228. Canovai (Stanisl.), 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 67, 181, 333, 341, 444. Capmnani, xlii. Caravaial (Lorenciu), 482. Caravajal (Bernardin de), 10, 33, 280,283. Carvajal (Francisco de), 321. " (Galindez de), 282. Cardan (Jer.), vi. Cardella (Lor.), 35. Cardenas y Cano (pscudon. pro A. G. Bar cia), 66. Careri (Gcmelli), 211. Carione (Hieron.), 104. Carli (G. R.), 211. Carlo da Pavia (Stephano di), 150, 151. Carninis (Berardus or Leonard de), see Cor- baria. Carondelet (Jehan de), 244. Carpin (Du Plan de), xxiii. Carder (Jacques), 415. Casas, see Las Casas. Casoni (Philip), 3, 190. Castanheda (F. Lopez), xviii, 97. Castro (Diego Bermudez de), xx. " (Pedro de), 389. " (Varez de), 393. Catalogue, Asher, 177. " Aspiniuall, 239, 253. " Bohn, 188. " Boom, 1 8. " Butsch, xli, 78, 142, 234. " Costabili, 29. " Courtanvaux, xli. " Cretaine, 103, 131. " Cre"venna, 423. " Croioninshicld, 84. " Floncel, 163. " Franck, xlix, 2, 77. " Gallarini, 140. " Hanrott, 172, 187. " Hibbert, xli, 68, 95, 99, 130, 171, 242, 287. " Kennett, xv, 160. 409 437. Index. 493 Catalogue, Kloss, $zn., 85, 87, no, 112, 115, 13277., 133, 13677., 1397;., 160, 16677., 2547;., 29277., 311. " Labanoff, no, 127, 345. " La fa/Here, no, 148, 158, 163, 249, 261. " Libri, 17, 31, 48, 71, 72, 93. 102, 128, 187, 219, 249, 263, 438, 442. MacCarthy. " Mondidier, xli. " Paelinck, 73. " Potter, 242. " Raetze!, xxxiii, 74, 84, 112, 259, 274. " Reina, 232, 242. " Riva, 130, 172. " RotAc/in, 302. " Solar, 234, 260. " Sykes, 15, 99. " Tross, 19, 137. " Walckcnacr^ 242, 419, 431. Cataneo (J. Maria), 137. Catesby (Mark), 5. Cavacio (Alfonso), 212. Cavellat (Guillaume), 440 n. Cavo (Andres), 205. Caxton (William), 27. Cazal (A. de), 62, 65. Cellarius (Christ.), 38. Cepeda (F. Antonio de), 278 . " (Fernando de), 211. Cerezo (Maria), 57. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel), viii. Cervicornus (Eucharius), 225. C. (Francisco), see Sansovino. Champlain (Samuel), xiii, xviii. Chanca (Dr.), 46. Charles V (of Spain), 12, 73, 152, 168, 179, 187, 202, 273. Charles VIII (of France), 9, 10, 49. Charlevoix (P. F. X. de), xvii, 3, 58, 5977., 65, 132, 383. Charnay (Desire), 211. Charton (Edward), 220. Chaudon et Delandine, 48. Chauffepie (J. G.), 282/7., 344. Chauveton (Urb.), 38, 226 77., 230, 258. Chaves (Gabriel de), 213 77. Cherubini (Lae rz), 273 77. Chevillier (Andre), II . Chiabrera (Gabr.), 2. Chiericato (Francesco), 248. Chimalpain (J. B. de S. Anton Munon), xix. Christian Examiner, 158. Ciacconius (Alph.), 35 n. Cie9a de Leon (Pedro de), 318. Cigala (Baptista), 157". Ciglerus, see Ziegler. Cilio (Junius), 54. Cinellius (Americi), 66. Cini (Mateo), 470. Cisneros (Diego de), 211. " (Luis), 210 n. " (Ximenes de), 368. Cladera (Christof.), 3, 39. Clavigero (F. X.), xviii, I jon., 208. Clemencin (Diego de), 259. Clement (David), 41, 42, 43, 49, 86, 87, 103, 104, 121, 140, 178, 182. Clement VII (Pope), 234, 249, 273, 286. Climaco (Juan), 366. Cluver (Phil.), 66. Cocleus (Joannes), 142.. Cocus (Simon), 308. Codice diplomatico Colombo- Americano, i n., 21 n. Coelho (Gonzales), 61. Coello, see Coelho. Cogolludo (D. Lopez de), xl, 170 n., 205. Coignet (Michel), 414. Coleccion de documentos (1864), 57. Colines (Simon de), 125, 188, 247, 286, 334- Collier (J. Payne), 1 ., 464. Colmenares (Roderick), 153. Colombo (Luigi), 3. Colon (D. Cristobal), 407. Columbus (Christopher), xiii, xlvi, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 2 5, 2 9, 33, ~3 8 , 43, 46, 47, 5, 5 2 > 53, 56, 57,58, 59,75,78, 79, 80, 87,88, 98, 102, 108, 112, 114, Il8, 121, 124, 136, 137, 158, 256, 265, 28l, 284, 300, 352, 388, 413, 427, 471, 474, 479. vel : Colomb, 145. Colombo, i, 2, 1 6, 1 8, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31. Colomo, 2. Colon, 2. Colonus, 2. Columbo, 78, 88. Colyns, 2. Dawber, 2, 112. " Pedro" Colon, 2, 24, 25. Columbus (Bartholomew), 3, 4, 79, 97, 186, 471, 474. Columbus (Diego), 4, 56. " (Fernando), 2, 3, 4 5, 24, 54, 79, 158, 172, 194. Coma (Guglielmo), 46. 494 Bibliotheca Americana. Condestable (Andres), 227. Constantin (fseudon. for L. A. C. Hesse), xlix. Conti (Vincenzo de ), 2. Copernick (N.), 386. Coppenius (/Egidius), 362. Coppo Da Isola (Pietro), 264. Corbaria (R. L. de), 8, 13. vel : de Carninis. Cordova (Francisco Hernandez de), 179. " (Fr. J. de), 376. " (Gonzalvo de), 256. (P. de), 399. Coronado (Vasquez de), x. Correa (Pedro), 4. Corsali (Andrea), 150, 151. Cortambert (Eugene), 314". Cortereal (Caspar), 98. Cortes (J. Osorio), 212. Cortez (Hernando), 124, 170, 179, 193, 203, 207, 215, 219, 222, 223, 240, 252, 254, 286, 287,441. Corumberger, see Cromberger. Corzutu (V. Palentino de), 414. Cosa (Juan de la), xlii, 3, 58, 59 . Cosco (Aliander, or Leander de), I, 2, 7, 8, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 44. Costa (Alvaro da), 227. Costabili, see Catalogue. Costilla (George), 254. Cotta (Joannes), 105, 107. Cotton (Henry), 373 n. Cousin (Capt.), 173. Covilham (Pedro de), 107. Cramoisy (Gabriel), xxviii. " (Sebastien), xxviii. Cratandrum (Andrew), 191. Crenius (Th.), 326. Cretaine, see Catalogue. Critico, 98. Cromberger (J.), 27, 167, 202, 224, 274, S3 8 , 3 6 5. 37, 37 2 > 379> 397> 39 8 399, 402. vel : Corumberger, 27, 122. Crumberger, 27. Kromberger, 27. Crowninshield, see Catalogue. Cullen (Charles), xix. Cumarraga (Juan), see Zumarraga. Cunat (Charles). 416. Curths (Carl), 205. Gushing (Caleb), 66 n. Custodi (Baron Pietro), 13, 25. Czvittinger (David), 323, 432 n. D D Abano (Peter), 190 n. Da Cintra (Pietro), -v el Sinzia, 97, 107. Daelli (G.), 80 n. D Ailly (Pierre), xlv, 15. D Alembert (J. Le Rond), vii. Dalrymple (Alexander), xxxiv, xxxv. D Anville (J. B. Bourguignon), 351. Danza (Paul), 307. Darling (James), xv. D Artigny (A. G.), 344, 379- Da Silva (Gaetano), 60 n. " (J. F.), xxxiv. Dad (Giuliano), 2, 28, 29, 30, 43, 149, 461. Daunou (Pierre Claude Francois), vii. D Avezac (M. A. P.), 60 ., 96, I3O., 176 ., 185, 238, 341, 416, 469. David (King), 156. Davila (Gil Gonzales), 209, 366, 367. " (Pedrarias), 169, 227 ., 245, 256, 318. Dawber, see Columbus. Daye (Stephen), 377. Deane (Charles), 485. Debrett (J.), xxiii. De Bry (Brothers), xii, xv, 38, 63. De Bure (Guill. Fr.), 146, 189. De Castro (Diego), 322 n. " (Lope Garcia), 322 n. De Courcelles (J. B. P. Julien), xxv. De Franckenau (G. E.), xiiin., 2560., 382??. De la Gasca, 320 n. De la Roquette (Chardon), 1 68 n. De Launoi (J.), xlvi. Delaware (Lord), xxxviii. De Lewis (Denys), 402. Delignamine (Giov. Filippo), 28. Delia Rena, see Rena. Del Rio (Capt. Antonio), an. Demersey (L. Alfred), xxxv. De Mura, -vel Peter of Gand, 308, 309. Denis (Ferdinand), xi, 97 n., 225 ".,251 ., 260, 3i4., 412. Denis (Michael), 34., 35"., 87, 161, 162. Denys (Jean), 174. De Pauw (Cornelius), 250, 256. De Payva, 107. De Paz (M.), 320 n. De Ponte (Gotardo), 115. De Rothelin d Orleans, xxiv, see also Cata logue. Index. 495 Desbarreaux-Bernard, 370. Desborowe (John), vel Ian van Doesborch, 198, 199. Des Brosses (Charles), 173, 251. Desponte (Peirre), 71. Despuchi, see Vespuccius. Desselius, see Andre. De Thou (Jac. Aug.), 67 n., l^^ > n., 271 n. De Wind, 309 n. Diane de Poitiers, 114. Dias (Bartholomew), 107. Diaz (Bernal), 170, 205. " (J^n), 170, 194. Dibdin (T. F.), 70, 349. Didot (Amb. Firmin), 189 . Diest (Gillio de), 401. Diether (Andre), 219, 442. Dionysius Lybicus, 391. vel : Periegetes, 162. D lvor, 15. Docampo (Florian), vel do Campo, 388. Donesmundi (Ippolito), 2. Doppelmair, 38, 39 n., 142, 305. D Orbigny (Alcide), xxxv. Doricus (Valerius), 454. Doringk (Matthias), 41. Drake (G.), xli. Draudius (Geo.), xiii, xv, 245, 313. Drummond, 344. Dryden (John), 212. Du Fresnoy (Lenglet), xvi, xxiv, 87, 146, 268, 457. Du Halde (J. B.), xvii. Du Pare d Avagour, see Avagour. Du Pre (Galliot), 146, 147, 148. Du Puys (Remy), 72 n. Duran (Diego), 204 ., 21 30. Diirer (Albert), 38. Durfort (Count de), 67. E Eandaui, 285. Eastman (S. C.), xxxix. Ebeling (C. D.), xxv. Ebert (F. A.), 21, 50, 88, 95, 99, 1 10, 112, 114, 150, 153, 184, 193, 202, 439. Eccard or Eckhard (J. G.), 49. Echard, see Quetif and Echard. Eden (Richard), xvi, 2, 10, 24, 75, 125, 126, 251, 299 n. Egenoissen (Christian), 346. Egnatius (Joan Baptista), vel Egnazio Cipelli, 300. Eguia (Michel d ), 275, 279. Eguiara y Eguren (Juan Jose), xix, 212, a?8, 373. 433- Elliot (John), 397. Elliott (Samuel E.), xxv. Elssius (Phil.), 86. Emmanuel (King), 57, 61, 99, 118, 150, 197, 199. Encinas (Diego de), 394. Enciso (Martin Fernando de), 27, 167, 1 68, 274, 420. Engel (Sam.), 87. Enrique Pedro, n. Enriquez (Beatrix), 5. " (Martin), 435, 466. Ens, vel Ensl (Gaspard), 67. Erasmus (Desider.), 158, 244, 263, 292. Ernesti (J. A.), 184. Escoiquiz (J. de), 212. Escoto, see Schott. Espinar (Manuel de) 321 . Espinosa, vel de Spinoza (Antonio), 367 n., 372- Espinosa (J. F.), 206. Espoleto (Andreas de), 390. Espuche, see Vespuccius. Essler, 1 08 n. Estancelin (L.), 173. Estavanico, 383. Estrada (Juan de), 365, 368, 369. Estrella (J. C. C.), 213. Eusebius (Pamphil.), 130, 131. Eyries (J. B.), 93, 96. Faber (John), 262, 264, 270, 306, 346. Fabian (Robert), 147, 148. Fabre (Jacques Antoine), 249, 349. Fabricius (J. A.), xlii, 41, 48, 49, 87, 88, 104, no, 128, 136, 158, 184, 193, 202, 244, 283, 431. Fabrum (J.), 361. Faleiro (Francisco), 226. " (Ruy), 226. Falkenstein (Dr. Karl), 303, 3731., 434. Fallopius (Gabriele), 256. Farfan (Fr. Ag.), 376. Farcy (Charles), 211. Faria y Souza, 61, 97; 226 n. Faribault (G. B.), xxv, xxxiv, xxxvi. Faucher, vel Ponce Roffet, 415. Faugere (Prosper), iii n. Faunstelter (Georg.), see Tannstetter. 49 6 Bibliotheca Americana. Ferdinand and Isabella, 5, 9, II, 18, 19, 33, 36, 124, 256. Ferdinand (King), vel Fernandas, I, 7, 1 6, 17, 19, 20, 22, 43, 44, 57, 108, 118, 136. Fernandez (Alonzo), 209, 366, 445. (Benito), 375, 445. " (Denys), 107. (Diego), 319. " (Francisco), 328, 338, 414. Feria (Fr. Pedro de), 375". Ferrer (Jaime), 5, 406. Fesch (Cardinal), 19. Festus (Peter Martyr), 123. Figaniere (Jorge Cesar de), 284. Fine (Orontius), 297, 298 n. Flaminius (John Anthony), vel Zarrabini de Colignola, 350. Flavigny (C. F. de), 218. Flechier (Esprit), 282. Florio (John), 41 6 n. Focard (Jacques), 420. Foglietta (Uberto), 190. Follini (Abbate, 470. Fontaine (Charles), 15. Fontanelli read and see Fontanini. Fontanini (G.), 155, 1 8 6, 268, 390. Foppens (J. F.), xli, 244, 270, 309. Force (Peter), xxx, 484. Formaleone (Vincenzio), 65. Forster (J. R.), 251 n. Foscararius (Aegid.), 454. Foscarini (Marco), 60, 63, 75, 92, 99, 115, 187. Fossi (Ferdinand), 19, 27, 48. Fracanzio da Montalboddo xxii, xlv, 96, 130 n., 145, 162, 184, 185, 187, 189, 463. Franck (Sebastian), 299, 325, 380. Franco (Fernandez), 453. Fran9ois I (King), 4., 155, 189. Francis of Bologna, 307. " of Vittoria, 168. " the Monk, 243. Franklin (Benjamin), 39 n. Frampton (I.), 414. Frasch (Christopher), 312. Freherus (Paul), 88, 270 n., 271. Freytag (Frid. Gotth.), xxvi, 41, 43, 126, 128, 183, 284, 351 . Fridericus III, 40 n. Fries (Laurent), 246, 261, 272, 278. Frisius, see GemmrO " (Laurent), see Phrysius. Fuerer, 38. Fulgosus (Octavianus), 155. Fulvius (Andreas), 104, 120. Funes (D. Greg.), 383. Furnius (Jacab), 157. G Gaddius (Jacopo), 66 n. Galiffe, 344. Gallardus (Germanus), 356, 431. Gallo, 2 n., 3. Galvano, vel Galvan, 477. Galvez (J. J. G.), 208. Gama (A. Leon y), 211. " (Vasco da), 64, 79. 97, 108, 124, 282 n. Gambara, 3 n. Gante (Pedro de), 374. Gaona (Fr. J. de), 376. Garces (Julian), 168. Garcia (Gregorio), 66., 208, 209. Garimberto (H.), 437. Gamier, xlix n. Gasco (Andres), 339. Gassendi (Peter), 142 n., 387. Gastaldo (J.), 430. Gaultier (Pierre), 410. Gayangos (Pascual de), 329 . Gaztelu (Dominico de), 328, 330, 332. Gebauer, 40 n. Gemma Frisius, 270, 276, 305, 362, 400, 401, 407, 425, 443. vel : Frisius. Phrisius. Reinier. Genebrier, vel Genebrard (Gilbert), 66 n. Gentil (F. Bernardo), 340. Geraldini (Alexan.), 2., 4. Gerson (Joan.), 398. Gesner (Conrad), vii, 14, 41 n., 87 n., 144. Ghilini (Hierome), 271. Ghillany(F. W.), 39 n., 60 ., 118, 141 n., 142, 184, 193. Giaccarelli (Anselmo), 450. Giambullari (P. F.), 406. Gianorini, 7 n., 8. Gibbs, 5 n, " (J.), 226 n. Gibbon (Edward), 344. Gilbert! (Mat.), 374. Gilianez, 107. Ginguene (P. L.), 53"., 360. Giocundi, 55, 108. Giovio, see Jovius. Girardhengi (Francesco), 46. Index. 49" Giunti (Thomas). 63. Giuntini (Fr.). 59*., 352. Giustiniani (Agostino). xliv. 2 n.. 3. 5. 49. 54- i55< *5 6 - *57, 353- Giusriniani (Andreolo). ifyn. (Michael), 156 n. Glareanui (Hen. Loritus). 1 1 8. 254 .. 262, 263. 264. 269. 285. 306. 346. 358. 361. 396. 405. oel: Loritc. Glover (/?>. Jttse), 377. Godefroy (Theodore), 355. Godoy (Diego). 252. 254. Gees (Damlano de), 6 1 n. Gohory (Jacques), 409, 411. Gomara (F. Lopez dc). xix. 56 .. 170 .. 204, 216. 225 B.. 345. 383. Gomez (Alvaro). 282. " (Estevan). 227. Gongora y Siguenza (F. X. C.), 208. 210. Gonzaga (Fr.). 171. Gonzalez (Ant.), 107. Gorricio (Padre), xlvi. Goujet (Cl. P.), I56. Goupyl (Jac.), 440?!. Gourmont (Gilles de). 65. 72. Graesse (J. G. Th.). 7 a., fattim. Graevius (J. G.), 190*1. Granada (Luis de). 368. Granius (Joannes), 400. L (Stephanus M.), 396. Grapheus (Joan.). 270. 276. 305. 342. 35^416. Gravier (M.), 341. Grer.ville C sdex, 5911.. 60 n.. 62.11.. 150. Grenville (Thomas) xxvii. 62. 82. 293. Grijalva (Juan de), 169. 170, 171, 172, 79> !94, *<>9> 393- Grimaldi (Giov. Ant.). 12. Grimano (Antonio). 194. Grimm (Sigmund), 196. Griswold (Almon W.), 485. Grid (Andrea). 240. 253. Groslier (read Grolier), (J.), no. Griiniger (Joan.). 57 .. 60 ., 6l a.. 62 .. 64.. ico, 1 1 6. 117. 1 1 8, 119. 128"., 144, 201, 246. 253. 261. 278. Grynaeus (Simon). 2 .. 3. 59".. 6o., 61 .. 62 B.. 63 B.. 640.. 99. 236. 291. 298. 311. 357. Guamareto, 478. Guarionexio, 479. Guazzo (Marc.), 104. Guicciardini (Franc.), 34". Guiona (J.). 3768. Gumiel (Jacob). 26. Gurgense (Matth.), 103. Gurierrez (Felipe). 321 . Guttenberg (Joan.), 131. Guzman (Nuno de), x. H Haeberlin, -vel Belani. 206. Hagen (Von der). 56 n. Hain (L.), 17. 18, 19, 28 .. 33. 35, 41 ., 50, 87)1., 1241., 1441. Halduyt (Richard), xii, iri,4n., I25., 147. 148, 206. 276, 417. Hallam (Henry), 281. Hamel (Pascal du), 409. Hanrott. tee Catalogue. Haro (Christopher de). xlix, 173, 176. 226. Haro (Diego de Lopez). 382. Harris, 50, 336. Haven (S. F.), 377*. Haym (Kiccola F.). 1041.. 163. Heger, 405, 439. Helisabet. tee Isabella. Heller (Jai.), 41. Helps (Arthur), 282. Henry II (King). 114. VII (King), 4 n. " VIII (King), 156. Herbert, 199. Herborn (F. Nlcolao), 287, 295. Hernandez (Francisco), 257. (Pero), 382. Herr (Michael), 296. 311. Herrera (Ant. de). xii. xiv, x\i. 21.. 4, 5. 24, 38*., 560.. 58, 59, 6511.. 168, 170 ., 204. 317, 383. 396. Hervagius, xv. xvi, 236. 292. 357. 358. Hibbert, tee Catalogue. Hiltner (Joan.). 143. Hoffmann (S. F. W.), 136. 162. 178, 202, *53- Hojeda. tee Ojeda. Holbein (Hans), 385. Holywood (John), tee Sacro Basco. Hondius (Josse). 66 Honter (Joan.), 322, 419. 432. Horner (Re-v. Mr.), rxiii, 49. Horriger (Xic.), 125 :, 188. Houssayes (Cotton des), v n. Hudson (Hear.), xxxrii. Hueber (Wolfgang), 77. Huet (Bf.), 292 . Hutrich vel Huttichiu; (Johan). 236. 292. 6 4 49 8 Bibliotheca Americana. Hulsius (Levinus), xii, xxvi, 38 n., 230. Humboldt (Alexander von), xi ., xlii, 3n., 5, z6n., 50, s6., 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 67, 73, 75, 82, 85, 91, 92, 95, 108, no, 115, 117, 118, 121, 130, 136, HOW., 168, 172, 173, 174, 175, 180, 182, 186, 193, 202, 211, 220, 227 B., 258, 280, 282, 305, 432, 469. Hupfuff (Matthias), 83. Hutten (Ulrich von), xlvii. Huttich (John), 292, 298, 311, 357. Huxley (Prof), iiin. Huysman (Rolef), vd Agricola (Rudolph), I47. Hylacomylus, 57"., 58"., 59"-, 60, 6l, 62, 65, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 108, 118, 128. vel : Ilacomilus. Waldsee-miiller. Waltzemuller. Waltzmuller. I lanozki, 166 n. Icazbalceta (Joaquin Garcia), xxi, xli, 171, 194, 207, 215, 217, 220, 365, 371, 39 6 434, 445- Ilacomilus, see Hylacomylus. Imperator (Bartholomew), 391. Innocent VIII (Pt pe), 45. Isabella (Queen), 7, 9, 10, II, 14, 24, 79. Isidorus of Seville, 107, 164. Isnardi (Felice), 3 n. Ixtlilxochitl (Fernando d Alva), 208. J Jacobus (Joannes), 130, 163. Janot (Denys), 269. " (Jehan), 146, 147. Jeune (Pert le), xxviii. Joanna (S^ucen). t 280. Job, 163. Jocher (Chr. Gottl.), xxvi, 177, 238, 244, 292, 323 ., 326, 399, 410, 429, 432. Johannes, of Burgos, 26. John II (King), 6, 36, 39, 45 ., 61. " of Anjou, 261. Johnson (Rev. S. R.), 345 . Jomard (E. F.), 6o., 239 . Jonson (Ben), 219 n. Joseph, the Indian -vel Camanor, 98, 115. Jovius (Paul), 53 n., 88, 104, 137, 156, 1 80, 248 . vel : Giovio. Julius II (Pope), 35, 98, 99, 106, 107, 109, 113, 120. Junta (Juan de), 424. Juste (Francoys), 324. K Kamermaister (Sebast.), 37. Keckermann (Bartholom.), 326. Kennett (Bishop White), xv, 1 60, 409, 437- Kerr (Robert), 64 n. Kettel (Samuel), 21 . Kingsborough (Lord), 61 n., 206, 211. Kloguen (K. de), 97 n. Kloss, see Catalogue. Knoll (Conrad), 96. Koberger (Ant.), 37, 43. " (Johannis), 253. K-oenig (G. M.), 429. Kromberger, see Cromberger. Kulb, 97 n. Kunstmann (F.), 129, 144. L Labanoff, tee Catalogue. Labbe (Ph.), xvii. vel t Labbeus. La Croix du Maine, 148. Laetius (Pomponius), 123, 280. Laet (Jean de), xxxvii. Lafitau (Joseph Fran.), 61 n. Lafuente y Alcantara (Miguel), 22. Laguna (J. B. de), 375. Laire (Fr. Xav.), 35, 48, 244. Lalemant (Hier.), xxxviii. Lambert (Jehan), 56. 65, 70. Lamoignon (President de), 282. La Monnoye (B. de), 281. Lancetti (Vincenzo), 405. Landessbergt (Mart.), 85. Index. 499 Lansius (Th.), 66. Lanuza (Blasco de), 204. La Place (Jean de), 59., 60 n. t 61 ., 62 ., 119. La Salle (Ant. de), 260. Lascaris (Janus), 334. Las Casas (Earth, de), 3, 21 ., 25 ., 58 ., 168 n., 204, 257, 274, 282. Las Casas (Vincent de), 449. Lasco (Joan, a), 346. Laud (Abp.), 131. Laudonniere (Rene de), xviii. Lauredanus (Leonardus), vel Lovedano. 86, 133. Lawrence (James), 485. Lebrixia (Antonio de), see Antonio. Ledesma (Fr. B. a), 375. Leew (Gerard de), xlvi. Leewis (Denys), see Rikel and De Lewis. Lelewel (Joachim), 60 n., 920., 108, 109, no, 127, 128, 129, 136, 141 n., 142 n., 178, 202, 227 n., 268, 271. Lelong (I.), 157, 158. Lemandez (Scftor), xlvi. Leno (Francisco di), 355. Lenox (James), xxx, xxxiv. Le Noir (Philippe), 189, 260. Leo X (Pope), 99, 124, 151, 152, 155. I 80, 248. Leon (F. Ruiz de), 212. " (Juan de), 436, 465. " (Juan Rodriguez de), xv. " Pinelo (Antonio de), xiii, xiv. 79/7., 1247;., 125 n., 163 n., 169, 259, 318, 393. 394- 433 44$. vel : Pinelo. Lerchern von Reidlingen (Laux), 418. Lery (J. de), 66. Lescarbot (Marc.), xiii, xviii, xxxviii, 416. Liburnio (Nicolo), 241. Lilio (Zachary), xlvi, 47, 461. Lilius (Greg.), 134. Linschotten (J. H.), xii. Lipsius (Justus), 66 n. Lissona (Albertini de), 87, 462. Livy, 292. Llorente (J. Ant.), 67, 454. Lochner, 38. Lok (M.), 126 . Lomellino (Laurent.), 354. Longhena (Prof.), 25. Longolius (Christ.), 334. Lopez (Joan), 210, 483. Lorcher (Jacob), 102. Lorenzana (F. Ant. de), 170 n., 210, 218. Loritz, let Glareanus. Los Rios (J. D. Amador de), 2560., 257, 258. Louere (Simon de), 78, 80. Louise de Savoy, 249. Louveau (Jean), 438. Lovedano, see Lauredanus. Lubranski (Joan.), 128. Lucchesi (D. Fernando), 220. Lud (Walter), vel Gualt. Ludd, 91 n., 95, 99> 34 1 - Ludewig (Hermann E.), xxxviii. Lulli (read Raymond Lully), vi, xiii. Luppi de Faro (read Diego Lopez), 34. Luther (Martin), 280, 292. Luque (Hernando de), 245. " (Malo de), 205. Lydius (Balthazar), 295. Lyell (Sir Charles), Hi n. M Mabillon (J.), ix, liii. 1 Machado Barbosa, xlvi, 227, 284, 357. Machin (Robert O 1 ), 107. ; Machinnech (King), 476. Madrignano (Archangelo), 56, 112, 114, 115, 185. I Maffei of Volterra. 4, 53, 61, 87, 88, 122, 126, 147, 283, 403. vel : Volateiranus. ; Magellan (Fern, de), 1 08, 109, 124, 174, 176, 225, 316, 349. Magirus (Tobias), 88. Magnus (Albertus), 138, 139, 143. , Maimonides, 156. Maittaire (Mich.), xiii, 12, 48, 54, 87 n., 115 ., 121, 131 ., 147, 158, 1 66, 184, 432. Major (R. H.), 5 ., II ., 15, 31, 46 n., 80. j Maldonada (Antonio), 393. Malinche, 171. Malipiero (Domenico), 80. : Maneiro (J. A.), xx, 212. ! Manzi (Pietro), 205. Marchant (Guyot), 8, 9, 20, 22, 23. vel : Mercator. Marches! (Francesco), 12. Marcolini (Francesco), 192. : Marcus Benevantanus vel Benvenuti, 108. i Mariam (Jo.), 405. " (Petrus), 405. Mariana Joh.), 35 ., 66 n. 500 Bibliotheca Americana. Marineo (Luc.), 2., 204, 278, 284, 306, 359.417- Marquetz (des), 173. Marroquin (Francesco), 375. Martin (Andres de San), 229. de Don Benito (Alonso), 228. " de Valencia, 309 389, 390. " (Felix), xxviii. (Friar), 289. " (G.), xxiii. Martinez (Hen.), 204. Martinus of Amsterdam, 9, 78. Martyr (Peter), vel d Anghiera, xliv, 2, 4, 5, 14, 27*., 35, 47, 53, $6n., 87,123, 124, 125, 126. 151, 153, 179, 203,216, 225 H., 229, 279, 281, 286, 301, 313, 348, 351, 442. Mather (Richard), 377. Mattiolo (Pietro Andrea), xlviii, 430. Maty (P. H.), 344. Maximilian (Emperor), 73, 89, 92, 93, 94> 95 ^S. !3 8 > *4i> 144- Maximilian of Transylvania, 224, 3 1 6, 349. Mazochius (Jacobus), 120, 137, 140. Mazzuchelli (G. M.), 121, 123, 124, 188, 268. Medicis (Julian de), 150, 151, 243 ., 274. " (Lorenzo di Pierfancesco), 55, 57, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 82, 83, 84. 112. Medina (Baltazar de), 209, 367 . " Cell (Duke de), 2. " (Pedro de), 391, 413, 427. Mela, see Pomponius. Melancthon (Peter), 292. Melendez (Juan), 210. Mellini (Domenico), 66. Melzi (Gaet. de Conti), 28 n. Mencke (J. B.), xvi. Mendez (Fr.), I2., 33, 168 . Mendieta (Geron.), 209. Mendoza (Antonio de), 428, 433. " de Tendilla, 124, 152. " (Quintanilla y), 281 . " (Viceroy Antonio), 367, 393. Mercator, see Marchant. Metellus (Jo. Matal.), 38. Meteren (Emanuel van), xxxvii. Methina (Joh.), 34. Meusel (J. G.), xxii, 15, 36,41,45,49, 50, 54, 58, 65 ., 86 n., 88n., 112, 115, 120, iai, 122, 147, 166, 177. 178, 259, 281, 292, 420 n. Mezzofanti (Cardinal), liii. Michael (Petrus), 12. Michelant (H.), 416. Millan (A.), 317 n. Mirteus, 137. Moerl, 38. Molina (Alonso de), xviii, 374, 375, 465, 466. Molina (Argote de), 382. Molini (Francis), 180. Molloy (Charles), 3. Mommsen (Joh. Tycho), 4i6. Monapius (Jo. Valdicus), 347. Mongitore (A.), 360 n. Montaigne (Michel de), 458. Montenegro (Alonzo de), 319 n. Montesinos (Fernando), 319, 320. Montfaucon (Bern, de), 27. Montisferrati (Cominus de Tridino), 422. Montmayor y Cordova (J. F.), 395. Montucla (J. F.), 357. More (Thomas), 156. Morelli (Abbate), 2., 7 ., 8, 27, 75, 76, 79, 80, 126, 265. Moreri (L.), 35., 137, 256, 291, 326, 410. Morhart (Ulr.), 299, 326. Mosheim (L.), 202, 344. Motolinia,i><:/Torribio Benevente, xix, 208. Moxico (Garcia), 482. Mulicho (Joan. Adel.), 116. vel : Adolphus. Mulich. Muller (F.), xxxiii, xxxvi. Mulligan (Rev. John), xxxiv. Multivallis (John), 131. Munoz (J. B.), 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 18, 24, 5 6 > 57, 6 5 i7*> J 94, 282. Munster (Sebast.), 57, 239, 363, 380, 384, 404, 430, 438, 444. Murphy (Hon. Henry C.), xxx, xxxvii. Murr (C. G. von), 39, 43, 158, 226 n. Musetti (Juan Pedro), 381. Mutee9uma, vel Montezuma, 203, 222. Mylius (J. C.), ix, 41. N Nadler (Georgius), 101. Napione (Gianfranc.), 2 ., 3, 5, 67, 76, 115, 121, 128, 150, 202, 313, 405. Narvaez (Pamp. de), 383. Natalis de Comitibus, 66. Navarrete (Mart. Fernandez de), xviii, 2 n., 3, 4. 5, 6, ii, I4., 15, 18, 21, 25, 32, 46, 56 n., 57, 58 ., 64, 66, 74, 79, 85, 90, 116, 163, 168, 170, 172, 194, 227, 257. Index. 501 Nebel (C.), 211. Negri (G.), 28 n., 58, 66., 121, 406. Newton (5/r Isaac), 357. Niceron (Jean Pierre), 54, 86, 87, 104 ., 123, 180, 188, 282, 289, 451 n. Nicholas de Donis, 107. 108. " (Thomas), 21.8 n. Nicolai (N. de), 412. Nicolini (A. de), 218. " de Sabio (Jo. Ant.), 333, 380. Niebuhr (B. G.), 263. Nieremberg (J. Eusebius), 208, 257. Nino (Alonzo), 98, 112. vel : Negro. Nizza (Fr. Marco de), 319 n., 383. Nodier (Charles), 96 n., 105, 185, 269. Nolle (Anthony and Barth. de), 40. Nono," 173. Noresianus (Melchior), 288. Noronha (Leonor de), 440. Notes on Columbus, 6, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, *3> a 7, 1-9, 33. 35. 45. 68 . 6 9, 7, 7*. 73, 74, 80, 82, 84, 85, no. 158, 177. Nouvion (Victor de), xxxiv. Nucio (Martin), 3i7. Nunez (Alvarez), see Vaca. " de Balboa (Vasco), 168, 245. " (Pedro), 356. o Oberlin (Jeretn. Ja.), 341. O Callaghan (E. B.), xxvii. Ocampo (Florian de), 281 n. vel : Docampo. Ocarriz (J. Flores de), xiii n. Ocharte (Melchior), 372. " (Pedro), 372, 435, 447. Oeglin (Erhard), xlix., 101, 175. Ojeda (Alonzo de), 56 n., 58, 59, 168. 318, Olave (A. de), 390. Olmedo (Barthol. de), 170, 171. Olpe, see Bergmann. Ona (Pedro de), 372 ., 376. Onate (A. de), 376/2. Opilionem (Petrus), 285, 290. Ore (Geronimo de), 376 n. Orellana (F. Pizarro y), 205. Orio (Hippolito), 156 n. Orlandi(P. A.), 12, 308. Orosius (Paulus), 164. Orozco y Berra (Sen. Man.), 2->6, 213. Orsuna (F. Bravo de), 374. Ortelius (Abraham), 6o., 230, 239. Orthega (Giovanni), 352. Ortiz (Alonso), 26, 32. " de Zuniga, 5. Osorius (Jerom.), 62 n., 66 n., 226 . Ossiander (Andreas), 387. Otmar (Johannes), 65, 74, 175. Otto (L. G. Count de Mosloy ?), 39 n. Oudin (Franc.), 41. Oviedo (Goncalo Fernandez de), xiv, 2. 5, 27, 170, 204, 255, 257, 313, 319, 337, 49> 4^5, 442- Pablos (Juan), 210 ., 366, 370, 372,426, 428, 434. Pacini de Piscia (Petrus), 47, 48. Padilla (F. Augustin Davila), xiv, 1 68 , 209, 365, 369, 445. Padouano (Giovanni), 103. Paelinck, see Catalogue. Pagan (Matth.), 170. Palacio (Garcio de), 376. Palazzi, -vel Palatius (J.), 35 n. Pallavicini (Antonio), 462. Palmerius (Matt.), 130, 131. Palmier (Pierre), 378. Palomino (Alfonso), 319". Pancaldo de Saona (Leon), 229. Panizzi (Mr. A.), 82. Pannartz (Arnold), 26. Panzer (G. W.), xxxi, passim. Paracelsus, vi. Paradisic (Paolo), 156. Paredes (Julian de), 395 n. Parvus (Johannes), 115, 126. i v el : . Petit (Jean), 148. 298. Pascal (Blaise), iii. Pasini (Mapheo), 335. Pasquaglio (Pietro), 98. Patin (Charles), 282. Paul III (Pope), 1 68 n. Paulus (Jo.), 433. " (Nic. J.), 154. Pauthier (M. G.), 107 ;;. Payva, see De Payva. Paz (Augustin de), 38 i . Peck (J. M.), xxxix. Pederzani (Baptista), 241. 242, 430. ; Pedrarias, see Davila. : Pedro (Enrique). 1 1 n. Bibiiotheca Americana. Pegnizer (Johannes), 32. Peignot (Gabriel), xxiv, I$on. Peirce, (William), 377. Pellicer y Saforcada (J. A.), 368 n. Pentius (Jacobus), 127. Perault (Path.), xxviiin. Pereira (Juan de Solo^ano), xv, 205, 395. Perez (Barthol.), 327. Petrarch (Franciscus), 27 ., 219 n. Petreius (Joh.), 386. Petri (Suffride), 271. Petrus (Henricus), 295, 300, 322, 364, 385, 404, 438, 444. Petzholdt (Dr. Julius), x, xxxv. Peypus (Frederick), 179, 234. Philip I (King), 58. " II (King), 12, 73. Philipono (Honorio), 384. Phrisius (Laurent), 200, 201. Picardo (Juan), 381. Piccolomini (Alessandro), 440 ., 524. Piedra-Hita (L. Fernand. de), 66 n. Pigafetta (Francisco Antonio), 226 n., 229, 247,248,249, 316, 349, 456. Pighius (Albertus), 66., 180, 181, 391, 4 7 . Pilinski, 77. Pimentel (Francisco), 213, 448. Pinelo, see Leon. Pinkerton (John), 251, 420 n. Pintho (G. Lopez de), 58. Pinzon (Vincent-Yanez), 57, 58 ., 60, 75,98, 114, 173, 175, 293. Pirckeymero (Bibibald.), 253, 342, 363, 37 8. Piron (Alexis), 212. Pisani (Domenico), 80. Pizarro (Francisco), 67 n., 245, 317, 323, .3H, 3*9, 33 - Pizarro (Gonzales), 436, 442. " (Hernando), 329. " (Pedro), 319. " y Orellana, 317. Plannck (Stephanus), 8, 9, 13, 34. Plato, 156. Pleydenwurff(Wilhelm), 37, 38. Pliny, 107, 126. Poccianti (M.), 28 ., 64 n. Polanco (Lodovico), 483. Poleur (Jean), 340. Pollero, 3 n. Polo (Marco), xlvi, 107, 126 ., 185, 186, 192, 305. Polonus (Stanislaus), 12, 26. Pomponius Mela, 147, 159, 160, 161, 183, 190, 277. Pontanus (J. Jov.), 409 n. Ponte (Gotardo da), 328, 331 n., 332. " see De Ponte. Popelliniere (L. V. de la), 226. Porrus (Petrus Paulus), 154, 155. Porta (Hugo a), 378. Posa (Petrus), 12. Postel (Guillaume) 12. Praet, see Van Praet. Pre, see Du Pre. Prescott (W. H.), 24 n., 170 172, 194, 206, 219, 220, 257, 259 ., 282, 317. Pronotariis (Andrea de), 368. Ptolemaeus, 78, 92, 105, 116, 119, 126, 127, 128, 133, 135, 163, 164, 184, 192, 253, 285, 363, 378, 384, 430. vel : Ptolemy, 46, 59"., 107, 1 08, 109, 1 20, 342. Puccius (P. A.), 350. Puente (Gonzales de la), 209. Puga (Vasco de), 211 ., 375, 393. Pulgar (Ferdinand), 281 n. Purchas (Samuel), 4., 206, 258, 329, 383. Puys, see Du Puys. Pynson (Richard), 148. e Quadrio (Fran. Saverio), 31. Quaritch (B.), xxiv. Querard (J. M.), xxxii. Quetif and Echard, xvii, xli, 155, 447. Quincy (Jos.), xxv. R Raetzel, see Catalogue. Rafn (Christ.), 261. Raguenau (Path. Paul), xxviii. Raidel (G. M.), no, 128, 136, 202, 345, 43 1 - Raleigh (Sir Walter), 125 . Rame (Alfred), 416 . Ramirez (Geronimo), 204. Ramusio (Giov. Bat.), xv, xlv, 4/1., 56/1., 6o., 63, 171, 174, 206, 218, 22677., *5> *5 8 3!9, 349. 3 8 3> 4*6, 455- Ranke (L.), 56 . Rastall, vel Rastell (William), 148. Index. 53 Rayon (J. L.), 206. Rea (Alonso de la), 209. Redouer (Mathurin du), 56 n., 63 ., 145, 146, 148, 269. Reichardt (C. F.), xxxv. Reid (Mr.), xxiii. Reina of Milan, see Catalogue. Reisch (Gregory), xlviii, 143, 144, 341. Remesal (Antonio de), xl, 204, 375, 396. Rena (Cosimo della), 66. Renault (Jacques), xxviii. Rene (King), 3, 100, io8. Renouard (A. A.), 131 ., 268. Resende (And. Falcam de), 284. " (Angelo Andr.), 283, 284. " (Garcia de), 6, 284, 411, 412. Reschius (Conrad), 341. Reuss (J. D.), xlix. Revelles (John de), 232, 233 n. Rey (Firmin del), 212. Reyes (Fr. A. de los), 376, 449. Rezabal y Ugarte (J. de), 388. Ribas (A. Perez de), 210. Ribero (Diego), 227 n. Ricardo (Antonio), 372. Ricci Filippo, 483. " (Giuliano), 56. Riccioli (Jo.-Bapt.), 38. Rich (Obadirh), xix, passim. " (George), xxx. Richard (Joannes), 400. Richarderie (G. Boucher de la), xxiv. Richelius (V.), 351. Rigaud (Benoist), 15. Rikel (Dion), 402, 403. Rilliet (Albert ?), 344. Rincon (A. del), 376. Ring (F. D.), 206. Ringmannus, vel Philesius (Matthias), 83, 96, 128. Ritheymerus (Georg.), 522. Riva, see Catalogue. Rive (Abbe), v. Rizo (de Novara Berno.), 104. " (Juan Pablo Martir), 125. Robles (Pedro de), 427. Robert, vel Robertas Monachus, 1 1 ., xxii., 14, 300. Robertson (W.), xviii, 3, 65, 168, 206. Robledo (Jorge), 321 n. Rocha Pitta (Sebast. de), 66 . Roce (Denis), 71. Roche (Michael de la). 344. Rodriguez (J.), xvii. Roman (A. de San), 225 n. Romero (Jose Guadalupe), xli. Romeu (Garcia), 382. Romey (C.), 344. Ronchini (Amadio), 47. Roquette, see De la Roquette. Roselly de Lorgues, vel de Valblette ? 5, no. Rosny (Lucien de), 15, 21 n. Rothelin d Orleans, see Catalogue. Roulin (F. D. ?), 85. Roure (P.), 212. Rousseau (J. J.), 219 n. Roux de Rochelle, 212. Rubalcava (J. Gutierrez de), xii. Ruchamer (Jobst), xxii, 2, 56, 63, in, 112. Ruffus (Joannes), 151, 152. Rufus, (Festus), 162. Rumohr (C. F. von), 385. Rusconi (Joanne Antonio), 240. " (Joanne Francischo), 240. " (Zorzi de), 159, 463. Rusconibus (Georgius de), 85, 133. Ruysch (Jean), 108, 109, no. Sabellico (M. Ant.), 14, 52, 53, 87, 115, *3 2 > 159>44- veil (Coccio Sabellicus), 333, 358. Sabio (Cornelius de), 405. " (Nicolinis de), 242, 405. " (Stephano da), 328, 331. Sacro Bosco (Giovanni), 352. vel : Holywood (John). Sagard-Theodat (Gab.), xviii. Sagra (Ramon de la), 60 n. Saint Gelais (Jean de), 355. Saisset (Emile), 344. Sahagun (Bernardino de), xix, 204, 208, 383. Saita (Francis de la), 98. Salazar (F. Cervantes), 211, 374, 435. Salengre (Albert Henry), 86. Salig (Christ. Aug.), 41. Salinero (Jul.), 2, 3. Salvini (Ant. Mar.), 66. Sanchez (Pedro), 320 . " (Raphael, vel Gabriel), i, 6, 7, n, 1 6, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 44. vel : Sanchis. Sanxis. Bibliotheca Americana. Sandius (Christopher), 344. Sands (Robert), 218. Sansovino (Francisco), 104. Santander (Ch. A. de la Serna), 12, 71, 78, 402. Santangel (Luis de), 6, 24, 25. Santarem (Manoel-Franc. de), 66, 67, 108, no, 136, 141, 303, 305, 431. Santdner (F. E.), 205. Santiago (Toribio), 482. Santoyo (Martel), 321 n. Sapido (Sulpicio), 276. Saravia (Bravo de), 319". Sarawolski (Sim.), 323, 432. Sardela (Juan Bautista), 321 n. Sarmiento (Juan), 322 n. Savigny (Christolfe de), vii. Savorganus (Peter), 219, 233, 236, 241, 289, 441. Saxius (Christophorus), 54, 66, 88, 244. Scaliger (Julius Caesar), 268. Schade, 344. Schedel (Hartmann), 37, 42. Scheffer (Johan.), 290/1. Schelhorn (J. G.), 41, 381. Scherzer (Carl), xxxv. Schiffahrt (Ander), xxvii. Schlozer (A. L. von), 283. Schmidel (Ulrich), xxvii, 383. Schmidius, vel Schmid (Thomas), 41. Schoner (John), 65, 140, 142, 143, 182, 304, 305, 387, 425. Schoolcraft (H. R.), xl. Schott (Andrew), 14,453. vtl : Escoto. Schott (Joannes), 135. Schreyer (Sebaldus), 37. Schurer (Matt.), 139. Schwartz (C. G.), 38. Schwindel (G. J.), 330. Scinzenzeler (Joan. Ang.), 105, 163, 171. Scotus (Joannes), 178. Seckendorff (Vit. Lud.), 326. Seelen (Jo. Henr. von), 344. Senarega (Earth.), 2, 3, 12. Senior, see Alt. Sepulveda (J. Gines de), 168, 204, 274, 45 - Serna (La), see Santander. Sertenas (Vincent), 410. Servetus (Michael), 59, 65, 67, 202, 342, 378. vtl : Villanova. Sessa (Melchior), 333, 380, 405. Seyler (Jean), 141. Seyssel (Claude de), 355 n. Sfortia (Ludov. Maria), 45. Sforza (Ascanio), 123, 280. Shakespeare, viii n. Shouten (W. C.), x, xii. Sigmond (G.), 344. Silber (Euch.), 7, 8, 14, 18, 26. 34. vtl : Argenteus. Argyrios. Silva, see Da Silva (Gaetano). " (Jos. A.), 482. Simon (Fr. Pedro), 65. Singrenius (Hierony. & Joan.), 138. Sinzia, set Cintra. Smith (Buckingham), 383, 485. Soderini (Pietro), 56. Solinus (Julius), 91, 107, 159, 181. Solis (Antonio de), 170, 173, 175, 205. " (Juan Diaz de), 227/1. Solorzano Pereira (Johannes de), 65. Soltwedel (Alexander), 205. Soprani (R.), 156. Sora (Gabriel de), xv. Soria (Lope de), 328. Soto Mayor, see Villagutiere. Sousa (Martin Alfonso de), 356. Southey (Robert), 61. Southwell (Nathaniel), xli. Souza (Faria y), 225 ., 227 . " (J. M. Beristain y), see Beristain. Spencer (Herbert), i. Spicigelium -veter. secul xv, i 68 . Spinoza (de), see Espinosa. Sponde (Henr. de), 326. Spotorno (J. B.), 2, 3, 4, 5. Sprengel (Mat. Chr.), 97. Squiers (E. G.), xl. Stamler (John), 101, 102, 103. Steelsius (Joannes), 351, 425. Steinhowell (Henrich?), 3416. Stobnicza (John de), 128, 164, 165, 166, 323 n., 463. Stockier (F. de Borgia-Ga^ao), 357. Stoecklein (Jos.), xli. Stoeffler (John), 353". Stow (John), 148 n. Strabo, 107. Strozzi (Zuane de), 474, Struvius (Burc. Gotth.), 344, 405. Stuchssen (Joan), 141, 143. Stiichszen (George), in. Stuvenius (J. F.), 38, 65. Suarez (Fernan.), 436. Sussex (Duke of), 35. Swertius (Franc.), 310. Sweynheim (Conrad), 26, no. Index. 55 Sykes (Sir Mark), see Catalogue. Syllacio (Nich.), 2 ., 45, 46. vtl : Scillacio. Syllacius. Syllacio (N. Y. reprint), 17, 1 8, 19, 21, *3> 29, 31, 47, 50, 53, 80. Sylva (Innocentio da), 284, 412. Sylvanus (Bernard.), 126, 127. Sylvius (Aeneas), xlv, 40, 41, 164. vel : Pius II (Pope). T Tacitus (Cornelius), 2, 53. Taillandier (A. H.), 23. Tamayro (Thomas), xv. Tapia (Andres de), 204. Tardif (Guillaume), 146. Tassio (Abra.), 221. Taunstetter (Georges), 138, 140. vel : Taunstelter, 139. Taxander, see Andre. Taylor (A. S.), xxxix. Techo (N. del), 383. Teissier (Antoine), 123, 238, 312, 357. Tellez (Melchior), 435. Tellus (Fernando), 482. Temporal (Jean), 61, 63. Tendilla (Count), 280. " see Mendoza de Tendilla. Teresa (Dona), 382. Ternaux (Henri), -vel. Ternaux-Campans, xxxii, 15, 18, 19, 21,45,74,84, 85, 95> 99 I0 5. II2 > 11 S> II 7> i*5> I26 > 148, 150, 153, 163, 169, 172, 173, 174, 187, l88, 206, 210, 212, 316, 3 8 3 4i7- Tezozomoc (Alvarado), 208. Thierry (Augustin), vi. Thomas, 32. " (Isaiah), 373. " (W.), 49 "> 437- Thomassy (Raymond), 88, 109, 249. Thorndike, xxv. Thou, see De Thou. Thurmann (Caspar), v. Ticknor (George), xvi, 32, 257, 259, 329, 340, 368, 388, 485. Tiraboschi (Girolamo), 5, 29, 53, 59, 60, 6 5, 88 > 99 IJ 5i J 5 6 > l86 > 2 5> 268 > 360 n. Toresano (M. Frederico), 423. Torfi, vtl Torfaeus (Thormod.), 261. Torquemada (Juan de), xi, 204, 383. Torre-Palmo (Count de), 339. Torres (F. Caro de), 205. Toscanelli (Paolo), 4. Totzen (E.), 65. vel : Toze and Tosinus, 109, no. Tournes (Jean de), 421. Trechsel (Melchior), 343. " (Caspar), 343, 378. Trepperel (Jehan), 145, 146. " (Widow], 146, 147. Trigautius (Nicolaus), xxviii. Tristan (Nuno), 107. Trithemus (Joannes), 41, 86, 347. Trivigiano (Angelo), 2, 75, 80. Trombelli (J. C.), xlvii. Tromel (Paul), xiii, xxxiii, 95, 262, 270, 303, 310. Tronus (Peter Martyr), 123. Triibner (Nicolas), xl. Trucchi (Francesco), 67 n. Trueba (Telesforo de), 205. Turner (Sharon), 2. " (W. W.), xl, 214. U Ubelin, 108 n., 133, 178. Ughelli (Ferdinando), 8 ., 28 n., 155, 210,438. Ulhart (Philipp), 441. Ulricher (George von Andler), 311. Ungler (Florian), 129. Ungut (Mainard.), 12, 26. Urano (C. M.), 15. Urbain VIII (Pope), 282. V Vaca (Cabe9a de), 381. Vadianus (Joachim), 91, 147 n., 160, 161, 190, 191, 277, 312, 342, 464. vel : Watt. Val (Raphael du Petit), 4160. Valayre (G. de), pseudon. for Charles tie Bonstetten, 344. Valerianus (Jo. Pierius), 53. 66 506 Bibliotheca Americana. Valgrisi (Vicenzo), 437. Valiente (Ambrosio), xxxviii. Valori (Baccio), 62. Valor i- Banditti, 59".) 6o., 61 ., 62 n. Valverde (Vicente de), 320 n. Van der Linden (J. A.), 422. Van Praet (Jos.), no, 128, 158. Vapereau (G.), xxxii. Varga (Francesco), 483. Vargas (F. M. de), 375. Varnhagen (F. A. de), xlix, 60 n., 172, i?3; "74, 469- Varrerius, see Barreiros. Varthema (Ludovico de). 169, 170, 171, 194, 253, 335 vel : Barthema. Ludovicus Patricius Romanus. Varibemo. Varomicer. Varonmiser. Varrommicer. Vartomanus. Vasaeus (Job.), 281. Vasari (Giorgio), 66, Vasco da Gama, set Gama. Vasconcellos (Aug. Manuel), 4., 6, 61 n. " (P. Simon de), 357. Vasquez (Francisco), xl. Vater (J. S.), xl. Vedia (Enrique de), 216, 218. Vega (Gabriel Lasso de la), 212. " (Garcilasso de la), 245, 317, 383. " (Lope de), 212. " (Melchior de la), 212. Vela (Blasco Nunez), 436. Velasco (Juan de), 319. " (Luis de), 367. Velascus (Ferdinandus), 45 n. Velasquez (Diego), 170, 176. Vera (Pedro de), 383. Veracruce (Alph. a), 374, Verardus (Carol.), 9, 14, 17, 43, 300. Vercellensis (Bernardinus), 52. Vercellese (Albertino), 75, 99. Verde (Simone del), 470. Vergara (Juan de), 153, 281, 282. " (Margarita de), 256. Vermilli (Peter Martyr), 123. Verrano (Paulo), 221. Verri (Pietro), 25. Vespuccius (Americus), 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, ?o, 71, 7^, 73> 74> 75> 76, 77, 81, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 101, 102, 104, 112, 115, 116, 119, 121, 124, 138, 142, 149, 150, l62, 201, 226, 238, 269, 304, 352, 426, 45> 4S 6 463- vel : Despuchi, 56. Espuche, 56. Vespotius, 84, 142. Vespucci, 140, 149. Vespuccio, 56. Vespuce, 109, 145, 146. Vespuche, 56. Vespucius (Albericus), 55, 57, 68, 69, 70, 7i> 72, 73- 74> 7 6 , 9 6 > 104, 184. Vespuchy, 56. Vesputius, 77, 130, 159, 165. Vetancurt (A. de), 205, 375. Veterano (S. Petro di Oropesa), 482. Veytia (Marino), 209. Vianello (Hironymo), 56. Viano de Lexona (Bernardino de), 24, 218. Vibius (Aug.), 159. Vicentinus (Gabriel), 47. Victor (Hieron.), 138, 165. : (p.), 159- Viligas (Gaspard), 314". Villa (Jacobus de), 26. Villagra (Caspar de), 212. Villagutierre Soto-mayor (Juan de), xl, 205. Villalobras (Arias), 212. Villanova, see Servetus. Villanueva (Juan de), 427. Villareal (Marques de), 440. Villiers (Philippe de), 250. Vitallis (Ordericus), 261. Vivaldi (Ugolin di), 190. Vizcaino (Sebastian), xi. Vogt (Charles), Hi. Voltaire, 219. Volterranus, see Maffei. Vorstermann (Wm), II, 12, 73. Vossius (G. J.), 41, 54, 67 ., 87 ., 8.S, 129, 137, 140, 142, 156, 161, 166, 238, 263, 281. w Wadler, read and see Weidler. Wagenseil (Joh. Christoph.), 38. Walcknaer, see Catalogue. Waldeck (Fred, de), 211. Waldseemiiller, vel Waltzmiiller, Waltze- miiller, see Hylacomylus. Index. 507 Wale (Peter de), 276. Warden (David B.), xxv, 211. Watt (Robert), 181, 437. Watts (Thomas), xv. Wechel (Christianus), 299, 409 WeidlerQ. F.), 142*., 181. Weigel (T. O.), xxiv. Weissenburg (Wolfgang), 351. Weld (Thomas), 377. Wetherell (Juan), 211. Weyffenburgers (Joannis), 237. Weynssen (Matthias), 309. Widdilove (Rev.), xviii. Wigand (Johan.), 344. Wilhelm (Karl), 261. Will (G. A.). 142. Willes (Richard), 126. " (William), xxxix. Wilson (R. A.), 206. Winterburger (Johannes), 162. Winthrop (Go-v. J.), 377. Wolff (Thomas), 166. Wolgemuth (Michael), 37, 38. Woltersdorf (E. G.), 439. Wright (Thomas), xxxiii, 344. Wuelfer, vel Wiilffer (Joh.), 38. Wytefliet (Corn.), xii. X Xenophon, 156. Xerez (Fr. de), 245, 318, 327, 330, 424. Ximenez (Francisco). 12, 368. Y Yeardly (Go-v.), xi. Yves d Evreux (FatA.), Zaccaria (F. A.), 17 n. Zach (Baron de), xlii, 3 n. Zaffenus (Gregorius), 276. " (Servatius), 283. Zamaria, 96. Zanetti (B.), 352. Zapata (Ludovico), 482. Zapf (G. W.), 74, 102, 174, 175. Zarate (Augustin de), 318, 321 n. " (Fernando de), 212. Zazzera (Francesco), 354. Zeni (N. and Ant.), 192, 308. Zeno (Apostolo), 155, 186, 268. Ziegler (J.), 60 n., 290, 350. vel : Ciglerus. Zierixcensis, see Amandus. Zorzi (Alessandro), 2, 63, 96, 97, 104, H2, 114, 130, 185, 186, 187, 469. Zumarraga (Fr. Juan de), 213 n., 289, 303. 396, 398, 402, 419, 423. Zuniga. see Ortiz. Zurita (A. de), 208, 213;;. Zurla (D. Placido), 75, 76, 97, 99, 128, 192, 457. EMENDANDA E? CORRIGENDA. number of these errors were discovered in time to be corrected in the Quarto edition of this work."] PAGE x, line 4, read Petzholdt. Page xxv, /. I, instead of " we feel," read . We feel. Page xxvii, /. 7, read cover. Page xxx, /. 49, in note 91, read pp. 249, including a very good index, and list of MSS., 1152 numbers, to the year 1700. Page xxxi, /. 43, instead of " full," read tall. Page xxxv, /. 17, strike out ". Page xxxviii, instead of " LUDWIG," read LUDEWIG ; and note 1 14 should be in italics. Page xxxix, note 1 20, /. 1 6, read March. Page xlv, transpose note 139 on the next page in the place of note 140. Page xlvi, transpose note 140 on the preceding page in the place of note 139. Page xlix, note 158, /. 2, after " 1756," add 3 parts in ; and read [FRANCK]. Page I, note *, instead of " April 25th," read April 29th. Page 2, /. 7, add or Palombo (Giglio, in Boemus 1 Gli CostumiJ ; I. 12, after "Cugureo," add (Benzoni) ; note 2, /. 2, instead of " I2mo," read 8vo ; and after " 1614," add Milan, 8vo ; note 3, instead of " 8vo," read 4to. Page 3, /. 2, after " Albisola," add (Ph. Labbeus) ; /. 6, add 1442 (Alcedo) ; I. 8, instead of " orbus," read ortus ; note 33, add 1581 Page 4, /. 10, read the letter of Toscanelli to Fernan Martins ; note 50, instead of " 1603," read 1556, 1565, 1606 ; note 54, add F. COLOMBO, Historic, verso of fol. 31. 510 Bibliotheca Americana. Page 5, note 59, add 2 vols. 8vo, 1856. Page 6, /. 12, instead of " When," read While. Page 7, /. 2, instead of " in," read into ; /. 7, instead of " when," read in which. Page 8, /. 8, instead of " incunabula" read incunabula. Page 10, /. 15, strike out " it." Page II, note 72, /. 17, instead of " duum," read dnum. Page 14, /. 29, after " Amati s," add Ricerche ; note 8 1, instead of " 8vo," read 410 ; note 84, read Trivulzio. Page 15, /. 3, add 1 6 pages of extracts have been inserted in the Milan edition of F. Columbo s Historie ; L 21, add^Nt find a translation into Dutch, in the collection of CONRAD LOEW, Cologne, fol. 1598, pp. 1-16. Page 24, /. 5, read\ ftruffimos ; note I, add Presto diez y siete mil florines. ARGENSOLA, Anales de Aragon, lib. i, cap. 10, p. 100. Page 34, note *, instead of " Didacus Luppi," read Diego Lopez ; instead of " Gonzalvo Ferdinand," read Fernandez. Page 35, note J, last /., read kings. Page 37, note *, /. I, read of this book. Page 38, note 12, read Dutens s. Page 39, /., instead of " fultantes," read fulcantes ; instead of "ifi," read in ; instead of " proiciebat.," read proiciebat ; note 2O, instead of " 1778," read 1779. Page 40, /. 8, instead of " James Canus," read Diogo Cam. Page 42, /. 4, instead of lUtt note f, /. i, read book ; /. 1 1, instead of " free," read Imperial and Royal ; /. 12, instead of " I5th," read 5th. Page 43, /. i, read No. 13 ; note f, after " Spains," read of Bethica and Kingdom of Granada, the siege. Page 44, /. 20, instead of " 8vo," read 4to. Page 45, note *, after " decent insule" add [the Azores and For- migas] ; col. 2, instead of " under the reign of Henry," read under the reign of Alonzo Vth, King of Portugal, through his uncle Prince Henry, Duke of Viseo. Emendanda et Corrigenda. 511 Page 46, /. 4, read maris. Page 47, /. 19, read LILII. Page 48, note 2, read Chaudon. Page 49, /. I, read uulgari. Page 52, /. 17, read FELICITER ; /. 18, readSV || PERSTITI. Page 53, /. 30, instead of " Decad,," read Ennead. Page 56, /. 2, add or Emericus (Vespuccius himself, ap. Bandini, p. xxviij) ; note 16, instead of " Great," read Grand. Page 58, note 41, n?tf^ Biblioteca. Page 59, /. 22, instead of " 1497," r ^^ X 494 (according to the inscription on Cabot s map. Cf. D AvEZAC, Bulletin de la Soci et e de Geographic, for Oct., 1857, note K> ) Page 60, /. 3, after " (Humboldt}" add or Diego de Lepe (Bul letin de la Soci et e de Geographic, Oct., 1858, xi). Page 6 1, / 2, after "probably," add Nuno Manuel but not under Cabral ; note 79, instead of " 4to," read 8vo. Page 62, note, I. 3, read DE CAZAL, and add id., 8vo, 1833; note 88, read Lyons, 1517, and strike out the three lines following. Page 63, /. 26, instead of " Zorzi," read Fracanzio da Montal- boddo. Page 64, note 102, I. 7, instead of " Kerr," read Michael Herr. Page 65, /. 19, read Formaleoni, and de Cazal. Page 66, /. 5, read Metellus ; /. 8, instead of " Genebrier," read Genebrard. Page 70, /. 24, read Jttunto tunuui /. 28, after u natura," add et ; /. 29, instead of " opa," read opa. Page 71, /. I, Vefputius ; /. 4, add sine anno out loco; I. 16, add Direct reference: Bright s Catalogue, No. 5813. Page 75, /. 10, after "Foscarini," add Delia Lett. Fenez., p. 427 ; after " Zurla," add Di Marco Polo, &c., Vol. n, pp. 362-5 ; after u Morelli, add the learned librarian of the St. Mark possessed a copy of the work in 1818 (Lettera rariss., p. 44). The Libretto was originally in the Canonici library. Page 79, note 2, /. 1 1, read fourth voyage. Bibliotheca Americana. Page 84, read Von der Nuewen welt. Page 86, /. 2, read Loredano. Page 89, /. 9, strike out " the Mazarine Library contains a speci men which, so far as it goes, is identical with the Eyries." (The Mazarine copy, M. D Avezac assures us, corresponds not to our No. 44, but rather to our No. 47.) Page 93, /. 14, instead of " 2 W," read o r;\or. Page 96 b , after note 1 1, insert the following note from M. D Ave zac : " Les amalgames indiques comme possibles le sont ea effet a la rigueur, mais il ne sont par probables, faute de motif; tandis que la reclamation de Waltzemuller contre la falsification qui se produisait dans- les editions (Nos. 45 et 46) amena la reintegra- tion des feuillets (du No. 44) et la formation par cette voie de 1 amalgame que nous avons (No. 47). Cette derniere emission, tout en conservant la date du 4 des Calendes d? Sep- tembre 1507, ne dut etre ainsi etablie de fait qu apres la recla mation publiee la veille des calendes d Avril 1508.* Ilacomilus lui-meme refit une nouvelle edition complete en 1509, a Stras bourg [No. 6oj, chez ce meme Griiniger qui avait publie sa reclamation [first in the Margarita of 1508]." Page 96, /. I, instead of " 1552," read 1522; /. 16, instead of " the work is dedicated to Rene II," read As to the prince to whom the letter ascribed to Vespuccius is erroneously ad dressed (as it was in reality written to Soderini) Page 97, /. 23, read da Cintra. Page 103, /. 19, after u dal," add venerando del ordine heremi- tano, primo auctore aggiunte ed emendate insino ; /. 21, add Georgio de Rusconi ; /. 22, read 332 et 333. Page 105, /. 19, read GEographia ; note *, /. 5, after " and," add with the ; note i, /. 6, read et a-u. Page 106, /. 21, read AVDEBVNT. Page 107, /. 2, instead of " de Donis," read the German Nich olas ; note I, read Bologna ; /. 2, after " or," add Vicenza. Page 109, /. 15, read protecteur plus puissant. Page no, /. 27, instead of " Memoires," read Bulletin; note 9, read by Warden, the continuator of. * To form a perfect copy of the original sets has only to substitute in the place of edition of the Cn.rographite Introduct .o leaves I, a, 5 and 6 of No. 45, leaves I, the fortunate owner of the three subsequent 2, 5 and 6 of No. 47. Emendanda et Corrigenda. 513 Page 112, /. I, read Ca da Mosto ; /. 21, instead of " Zorzi," read Fracanzio da Montalboddo ; /. 37, read Brevoortiana. Page 113, /. 7, instead of " Recto of the second leaf" read, Recto of the first leaf in signature B ; /. 14, strike out " First recto of signature B ;" last /., read Clarevallensi (i.e. Clairvaux en 1 ordre de Citeaux). Page 115, /. 27, add BIDDLE, Memoire of Seb. Cabot (pp. 239, 251, corrects many mistakes in Madrignano s translation). Page 120, /. 4, after "edition," assays Brunet (Vol. n, col. Page 125, note 19, read conocido en esta. Page 1 28, note *, instead of " Instrucio" read Introducio ; instead of " manductionum," read manuductionem ; instead of " vosi- gena," read vogesigena. Page 132, /. 6, read Afcenfeum. Page 137, /. 13, read Novara. Page 138, /. 5, read TC/ || fertU. Page 143, /. 20, instead of " GEORGES," read GREGORY. Page 146, /. 22, read ItOUUellemft J /. 24, instead of " xix," read XIX. Page 147, transpose " No. 85" under the year " 1510;" /. 2, read tap || ttfte. Page 152, note *, read to thee, pilot Tiphys ! and instead of "Nebris," read Lebrija. Page 154, call " No. 88," 88 bis. Page 155, note *, instead of " Octavius," read Octavianus ; in stead of " October," read November. Page 156, note 7, read Giovio. Page 157, /. 6, read auctioribus ; note 19, /. 8, read douer ; /. 9, read guadagno. Page 161, /. 15, after " Agricola," add (sine anno in this edition, but dated 1512 in those of 1522 and 1540). Page 162, /. 7, instead of " fljltablif," read fflftbiij. Page 163, /. 13, add New York. Page 164, /. 17, read nofcere ; /. 24, read uifa ; /. 25, read uidebis. Page 165, /. 17, read Christo. Bibliotheca Americana. Page 166, /. 10, read inuentore. Page 167, /. 12, instead of nos, read uos ; note *, strike out " for us." Page 177, /. 3, instead of " ^ttgltftfll," read WUfjltttrtt. Page 181, No. 108, read UOATlS mPA. Page 182, /. 3, read Enarrationibus. Page 1 86, /. 25, instead of" Fontanelli," read Fontanini. Page 187, /. 7, ra7<^ Fracanzio da Monte Alboddo ; /. 23, read IOANNI CATANAEO. Page 191, /. 13, read Cautum ; I. 28, instead of "for," read fort. Page 194, /. 1 6, read one hundred and three + one unnumbered blank leaf. Page 200, /. 9, after "fez," add\\ ; /. 17, read iucudlllime ; /. 26, instead of " X," read &. 208, /. 9, read Gongora. 211, note 95, read Cites et Ruines Am ericaines, Paris, 8vo, and Atlas fol. 1863. Page 212, /. 14, instead of " J. L. Maneiro," read J. A. Maneiro. Page 218, /. 12, instead of " No. 19," read 119 ; note 138, /. 2, instead of " who," read which. Page 220, /. 13, strike out " with no little emphasis." Page 222, /. 8, read fin. Page 225, /. 13, read Figueiro. Page 227, /. II, read Estevan ; /. 23, read Virgenes. Page 228, /. 24, instead of " was," read were ; /. 25, read seem. Page 229, /. 3, after "the," add tract. Page 242, /. 18, instead of" No. 128," read No. 129. Page 243, /. 5 and 6, place a contraction over the " q" ; /. 7, read Deditione ; 1. 8, read Paradiji^ and miliarum ; note *, instead of " Dedicated to Pope John," read Concerning the dominions of Prester John. Page 251, note 13, /. 2, after " siecle," add [abbe Pingret ?] Page 255, /. 14, Emendanda et Corrigenda. 515 Page 260, read ucllcmct ^ a flam |*aj|itdU fait IBt ce benfcent a partis pat TOeltppe It 1. 30, read Nortoegfte eft une gratre region attife trettouft tre pol Ercttque. 261, /. i, read cfjanatf ; /. 6, rw (^rottellent et Unttnarcf) on a grat 262, /. ii, read de suivre. Page 269, transpose " No. 147" after " No. 149." Page 273, /. 5, rw 13alleartu. Page 276, /. 2O, read novus Orbis ; note I, m?*/ Bulletin de la Soci ete de Geogr. Page 282, /. 50, instead of " do Martir," read de Martir. Page 286, add contractions over the last e in " nouuellemet" and over the a in " Fernad" (We are also inclined to think that in lines 4, 9, 12, " ou" should read au.} Page 292, /. IO, add Folio. Page 306, make two separate items out of "No. 180," one Paris, the other Frib. Brisg. Page 307, /. 9, read ofler || uanza. Page 317, /. 18, after " sow," add (Gomara). Page 319, note 1 6, instead of " p. 240," read p. 204. Page 325, /. 2, read tmMtocttig 326, /. 3, rw bre^jfigten 327, /. i, r^<^ Xerez. 516 Bibliotheca Americana. Page 328, /. 37, instead of " leros," read lexos. Page 329, /. 14, strike out one of the two g pt)t 3, rv^ EspaHoles. Page 330, r^rf^ Xerez and Gaztelu. Page 331, <?/* I, /. 38, read otra. Page 332, /. 7, n?fl^ Contradura. 333 7 - 3> read ( M - A -) 340, note 7, /. 3, rawf Siciliano. Page 341, /. 16, read VNIVERSALIS ; /. 17, read MODERNORVM. Page 342, /. 4, raft/ meminere, Elencho ; /. 5, ra?^ loachimum ; /. 12, after "on," ado 1 verso of; /. 19, raz;/ tralatione ; L 20, ra?^ Mi-||chaele ; /. 25, instead of varijo, read vari and ^^ the contraction for que. Page 343, /. 5, read LECTORI . S . || ; /. 7, read Brixienfi, Bili- baldus ; /. 16 read offira ; /. 17, read zinciber ; /. 2O, read Accole loco panis vescunt ; /. 21, read p referentibus ; /. 33, read ijsabella [}ic~\ ; I. 24, read Canibales. Page 344, /. 2, read Villanova ; /. 3, read Tudela. Page 353, strike out note *. (Stoeffler s work does not contain anything relating to America.) Page 355, /. 14, instead of " QVALI.," read QVAL ; /. 20, read Con. Page 357, note *, /. 6, instead of u November," read March. Page 358, /. 7, after " New York," add Brooklyn ; and insert : 22^ OlS* RITHATMERUS (GEORG.) " De Ofbis ter- rarum situ compendium. Norimbergae [apud Pe- trejum ; scripsit Viennaef] 410. i grav. en bois. " P. in., de terris et insults nuper repertis." (Brockhaus Catalogue, 1866.) Page 362, /. 13, after " page," add 305 ; /. 24, read pingui. Page 364, /. 14, read fifty-five ; /. 21, add on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, we read the curious inscription, as yet unex plained : " Per hoc fretum iter patet ad Molucas" Page 366, /. 31, read escrivio ; /. 34, read RELIGIOSO. j- Vossius, de Mathesi, page 149. Emendanda et Corrigenda. 517 Page 370, /. 25, after " No. 232," add (the only copy known of this curious book exists only in fragments. These are pre served in the library of Senor Vera, at Madrid). Page 374, /. 4, strike out " OF." Page 375, make one work of the last two Molinas. Page 378, /. 27, read toto ; /. 30, read adierit. Page 379, /. 33, read GRAESSE*. Page 387, strike out lines 5 and 6. (The treatise is only ad dressed to Schoner, while the authorship is generally ascribed to Rheticus, / . *., Geo. Joachimus.) Page 400, /. 7, instead of " FRISIUS," read GEMMA or REYNIER. Page 403, /. 20, read Ventis. Page 404, /. 22, read Ingelheim. Page 427, No. 281, read |*ibr0 to (jrmtfrejfl* t) nuebo fecjo g copilafto pot el fEaeftro ^etrro II tre ftletrtna bettnn tre geuilia. litrtgttro ai Serenittimo 2 mug efclaredtro DON FILIPE ^rtncipe te ISfpana, . rbiij . (Kindly communicated by M. D AVEZAC.) Page 431, /. 16, strike out one of the two Hi s. Page 440, strike out note *.f 444, o/^ 2, /. 6, r<?^^ Schreckenfuchsii. t We had the work examined in Paris, picked up at a book-stall IOAN. NICOL. and the report is that JAC. GOUPYL S French STUPANO S version of the same work (Ba- version of ALEX. PICCOLOMINI S Sfera del sila t af>. Petrum Pernam, 1568, 410, 1 oil. + Mondo does not contain anything relating 150 pp.), which gives on p. 114 a descrip- to America. Yet, as late as yesterday, we tion of several of the West-India islands. r 1 8 Bibliotheca Americana. Page 446, /. 30, read Scriptores ; I. 33, read exactis ; /. 36, read Linguam; /. 37, read comparavit ; /. 41, read refert ; /. 42, read Evangeliorum. Page 447, /. 24, instead of " on," read ou. Page 452, /. 28, instead of " nunc," read num. Page 453, /. 9, read Olivano ; /. 12, read artes ; /. 13, instead of " cui," read Cui ; /. 15, read comprabatus ; /. 17, read Gravis- simae, efficacissimae. Page 454 , /. 28, instead of " Archinsi," read Archinti ; /. 29, read jEgidii ; in the note, read reso talmente, Richerche. Page 457, /. 2, after 1553, add [1556 ?]. Page 458, last word, instead of tttjtnitce! Page 461, /. I, read 1 6 bis ; /. 24, read Lilio ; note I, /. 5, read stampa. Page 462, colophon of 22 bis should be in Roman characters ; /. 15, instead of " Imperial," read Private ; /. 28, strike out " above a large vignette." [The vignette is between lines 2 and 3 of our p. 463]. Page 463, lines 6 and 7 should be in Roman characters. Page 464, /. i, in No. 108 bis, substitute the following title, just received from the British Museum : Recto of A, i : c S wf w tntevMe and a wwg of itoe n nature of tije . iiij. elementr treclargnge mang pro || per pmntr of pftglofopfjg natural! iantr of trguers || ftraunge lantrgs i antr of trgueris ftraunge ef ectr r || caufte i ........ Page 465, instead of the title in No. 290, substitute the follow ing, copied from the printed original just discovered in the reserve of the Imperial Library at Paris, and kindly communi cated by M. D Avezac : Emendanda et Corrigenda. 519 tv of the firs arms of the relaciotl: 290. ALBENINO (N.)Rectv of the first leaf, within a border, and above a woodcut of the arms of the Duke of Areas : en los e prmutt-||cias fll pmiitrelre la g trail a fit bi l&eg ISlafco || mines belaifjafta ei tress tatato 2 muerte te gon || caio ^icarro. (v) || The title given on page 465, is on the verso of the original. These are the errors and omissions which, up to the present date, have come to our knowledge. Should some of those which have doubtless escaped our notice be discovered in time, a supplement will be issued. Meanwhile, it may prove interesting to the reader to be informed that the proof-sheets of the present work have been read by four careful proof-readers. We also avail ourselves of the present opportunity to express our thanks for the skill displayed by Mr. JOHN N. SUTHERLAND, the compositor engaged in the execution of this work. Iterium vale. U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES