flillfi sity of California hern Regional rary Facility . Pretext*. Dot* I!, No. I ... THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF California State Library r~- ibrary. i"\ r of nil 8 (if the 'aturc. r fail to re: inn any !:,, ,]; taken fivm the Library, he shall firfiit and pay t.i the Librarian, for the heiiufit of the Library, throe ;!i vuliu- thereof: UIM! liel'.ire tlie Controller shall issue his warrant in fiivnr of my member or officer of the I/.-.rislatnrp, i.r of this State, for his Y>' v di in all .wa.n-e or salary, lie sliall lie satisfied that sui-h mi inhcr or icer lia- returned all 1) .>< >ks taken out of the. Library liy him, and has Hint ; I r injuring such hooks or otherwise. y be taken fri'in the Library )>y the members of the ' itim- and it^^dBrrs ilnri:ijr th:.- session of ihe smnc, and at anytime by ilu'<;,,\ rnora'i.l thurtlhcrs of the Executive Department of this State. ire ivc|niivd t' keep their .''file. > at the s,-at of ^nveriiiiient. : the Jus tices of the Supreme Court: tlf^Atturney-CJeiieral : and the Trustees of the Library. HKV.I. I'. AVFltY, ST\TK 1MMNII II. WOODBURN KOSA VERTNER JEFFREY, AUTHOR OP '"POEMS BY ROSA." NEW YORK: SHELDON & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, 335 BROADWAY, COR. WORTH STREET. 1864. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by SHELDON