LIBRARY University of California. Gl FT OF k. '^^^Λ/^.. η Class \φ^ ζ THE NEWBERRY GOSPELS oUBMlTTED GRADUATE DIVIN in candidacy for the degr• doctor o• ' ; osophy (department of new testament languages and literatures) BY EDGAR JOHNSON G00u^rL•L•U niCAGO ΓΗΕ i V OF (■ 1902 XTbe TUntversitif) of Cbtcaflo POUNUBD BY JOim I>. ROCKKrBLLKK THE NEWBERRY GOSPELS A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE DIVINITY SCHOOL IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF V DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (department OF NEW TESTAMENT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES) BY EDGAR JOHNSON GOODSPEED JO '^ ^^:hU*ago the university of chicago press 1902 /^ Of -THE [university OF THE NEWBERRY GOSPELS The Department of Biblical and Patristic Greek of the university of Chicago proposes to issue, from time to time, Historical and Linguistic Studies in Literature Related to the New Testament. These Studies will be grouped in three series : I, Texts ; II, Linguistic and Exegetical Studies ; III, Historical Studies. The volumes in each series will be issued in parts. Eenest D. Bukton. Shaileb Mathews. Clyde W. Votaw. Edgar J. Goodspeed. The Newberry Gospels BY EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, Ph.D. ASSOCIATE IN BIBLICAL AND PATRISTIC GREEK THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO TTbc Tllntvereitis of Cbicago preee 1902 ^'^tS' THE NEWBERRY GOSPELS. When Professor Caspar Reni Gregory was lecturing at the Uni- versity of Chicago in 1895, ^^ directed my attention to a Greek manu- script of the gospels, in the Newberry Library of Chicago, and suggested that it be collated. The results of the work undertaken upon this suggestion are here presented. The manuscript is a parchment codex, of 211 leaves, carefully written in a graceful minuscule. It has generally been assigned, on palaeographical grounds, to the twelfth century.* The parchment is generally soft and fine, the ink brown with age. The leaves are arranged in twenty-six full quires, properly made, with a twenty-seventh of three leaves, and measure 13 by 8.6*"" ; but the fact that some quire numbers and marginal corrections are partly cut off shows that there has been an appreciable loss from the lower and outer margins. The fifth leaf of the eighth quire, containing the chapter list for Mark, is a coarser bit of parchment, which has been glued in place; but the writing on it seems to be in the same hand as the body of the manu- script. The writing is in single columns, unbroken by paragraphs, with twenty-seven lines to the page. The pages are lined in the usual way, the writing depending from the line. Quire numbers are written at the lower right-hand corner of the first recto of each quire. The margins contain the usual Eusebian numbers, the sections in gold, the canons in red. The upper and lower margins contain the chapter titles, in gold, and the lesson titles, in red. There are frequent abbreviations, no capitals save in the margin, the usual accents and breathings, and a copious punctuation. The marginal capitals are in gold. After interrogative sentences the colon frequently takes the place of the interrogation point, especially when the presence of an interrogative pronoun makes the interrogative character of the sen- tence unmistakable. Properispomena followed by dissyllabic enclitics ' The hand of the manuscript bears a closer resemblance to that of a thirteenth- century gospels in the Bibliothfeque Nationale, Paris, than to any other with which I have been able to compare it. This manuscript, Gregory's 293, Bib. Nat. Grec 117, a facsimile of which has been published by Omont, Fac-simiUs des manuscrits grecs datis de la Bibliothlque Nationale du IX^ au XI V^ sQcle, Paris, 1 89 1, pi. LVI, is dated 1262 A. D. 159761 6 HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES are usually treated like paroxytones. In the marginal capitals an occasional error of omission or substitution has been made, as will appear from the readings given below, e. g., Matt. 15 : 14; 19 : i ; Luke 17:34; 24:22. Corrections are frequent, although not a few cases of itacism and homoioteleuton have escaped the correctors. With the possible exception of a very doubtful case in Mark 12:1, iota subscript is never written, nor does iota adscript occur. Old Testament quota- tions are indicated by angular marks ^ in the left-hand margin. A striking feature in the manuscript is the representation of each evan- gelist at the beginning of his gospel, in a painted miniature, most carefully executed on a gold background. The evangelist is shown seated before his desk, each picture, with its decorative TT-shaped border, occupying rather more than half a page. Other decorations are few and simple, being confined for the most part to the subscrip- tions and chapter-title lists. An examination of the contents of the manuscript shows a quantity of accompanying matter. With the first quire begins the gospel of Matthew, the preliminary matter which was doubtless, as is usual, on a prefatory quire, having disappeared. The first gospel is complete in 357 sections, sixty-eight chapters, the number of στίχοι being indicated in round numbers as 2,600. Professor Rendel Harris has pointed out that the mass of gospel manuscripts containing sticho- metrical indications give the στίχοι in round numbers, Matthew 2,600, Mark 1,600, Luke 2,800, John 2,300; and, to anticipate, those are the numbers given in the present manuscript. There follow, in twenty- seven lines, the subscription drawn from Cosmas Indicopleustes, and noted by Scrivener in the tenth or eleventh century gospels, Lambeth 1 1 78 ; a brief summary of the first gospel, in thirteen lines ; and a state- ment as to the origin and history of it, in twelve. The material prefatory to Mark then begins. A preface to Mark in twenty-five lines is followed by the list of chapter titles for Mark, forty-eight in all. The scribe here left a little space, in order to begin the gospel itself on a fresh page ; and this space has been filled by a crude hand, much later, with five verses on Mark. A peculiarity of this addition is the omission of the initial letters of all the lines save the second, the intention evidently being to add these as capitals, and space being actually reserved for this purpose. In the Journal of Biblical Literature (The Andover Press), 1890-91, p. 33, Professor J. Rendel Harris has printed a sub- scription of four lines which he found in a British Museum manu- script, Cod. Add. 892, and with which 11. 1-4 of this subscription are THE NEVVBEBBT GOSPELS identical. The subscription in the Newberry gospels, so carelessly written as to be almost illegible, runs as follows, the omitted initials being supplied : *0]σσα trtpl χρΐστόίο, θ€ηγόρος ίθν€α πίτρος κυρησσων iBiBaaKCv άπο στομάτων ίριτιμων *Ε]ν^άδ« μάρκος aycipt και iv σίλιδίσσϊν Ιθηκ€ TjoiTfCKa και μίρ6τΓ€.σσιν cmyycXos άλλος ^Βζίχθη *Ej/oyo»' άριΐΓρ€π€ς €κ μίγάλου irirpov μνηθ(.ί% The transposition of the first and second vowels of κηρύσσων doe» not appear in the subscription as found by Professor Harris. In response to an inquiry. Professor Harris has very kindly sent me a copy of the subscription as he found it in another manuscript, Cod. Mon. 518 (Ev. 83). Here, too, there are but four lines, and these agree with the first four of our subscription, save that the Munich codex has iBiSa^ev for «διδασκεν. A similar subscription of four hexameters accompanies Matthew's gospel in both these manuscripts. These facts suggest that the fifth line in our codex is an accretion, and this suggestion is con- firmed by the form in which our five lines appear in a fourth manu- script, the Haskell gospels, a large codex of about the year 1500, purchased in 1895 by the University of Chicago. In collating this recently, I observed the four-line subscriptions after Matthew and Mark ; but after the Mark subscription is an elaborate pause, and then the following sentence written twice : tpyov apiTrpcTTCs Ik μεγάλου ττίτρον μνηθείς, μάρκος €TCv$€ toBc ττνενματοζ iv σοφίη Clearly we have in our five lines a combination of these two subscrip- tions ; and our scribe has neglected to add, not only his initial capi- tals, but also the last six words of his copy. Perhaps he stopped in disgust when he found his sixth line was no hexameter. The value of all this is only to show that some time in its history the Newberry gos- pels came in contact with a manuscript having such a double subscrip- tion to Mark as that preserved in the Haskell gospels. The gospel of Mark, with the longer conclusion, of course, appears complete in 239 sections, the 234th beginning at 16:9. After a state- ment in five lines as to the origin of the gospel of Mark, another group of verses is encountered. Unlike the hexameters just given, these are in the same graceful hand with the rest of the manuscript. They are entitled ίιτίγραμμα «s τον άγων μάρκον, and read thus : 8 HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES ττίτρον μνηθεις τοις άπορρήτοις Aoyots την τον θ€ον κίνοίσιν cts βρωτων ψνσιν iv η το διπλούν ων θ€άνθροπο9 φί-ρίΐ ταύτην καθεξής σνντίθησι ττανσόφως 6 δευτερεύων μάρκος iv θεογράφοις (?) τταυλον γαρ ίσχες Τ€χνίκ6ν τταιΒοτρίβην The material dealing with the third gospel is introduced by a preface to that gospel, in twenty-five lines. The list of chapter titles for Luke, eighty-three in all, follows. Then appears the gospel of Luke, com- plete, in 342 sections. Luke is followed by a short introduction of four lines to the gospel of John ; the list of chapter titles for John, eighteen in all, is next given ; and, after a second introduction of thirty-six lines, the fourth gospel appears, complete, in 232 sections. With this the manuscript seems to have closed, for the dated subscription, unfor- tunately undecipherable, scrawled across the foot of this last page, is certainly not by the scribe of the manuscript, and is probably due to a very much later hand. A coarse fly-leaf, added perhaps still later, is covered with characters illegible even under the glass. The whole manuscript is now protected by a handsome red morocco binding, done by F. Bedford, London, not later than 1868. Of the source and history of the manuscript little can be said. It is briefly described in Quaritch's Catalogue of 1868,'' where it is num- bered 9630. It was bought soon after by Mr. Henry Probasco, of Cincinnati, and in the catalogue of his collection ^ substantially the same description of the little codex is presented. The book came into the possession of the Newberry Library, with much more of Mr. Pro- basco's collection, on December i, 1890, and is now in the museum of the library. In working there on the manuscript the writer has been put under many obligations to the librarians for their courtesy and helpfulness. Since its removal to Chicago, the manuscript has been collated by Mr. Edward A. Guy, his collation, which has not been pub- lished, being designed, he informs me, to form a part of a larger work, on which he has long been engaged. A brief notice of the manu- script, from the hand of Mr. C. E. Woodruff, of the University of Chicago, appears in the last edition (1896) of Dr. E. C. Mitchell's Critical Handbook of the Greek New Testament (New York), p. 244 ; ^ A General Catalogue of Books ^ arranged in Classes, offered for sale by Bernard QUARITCH, London, 1868. No. 9630, p. 657. 3 Henry Probasco's Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, and Works of Art, Cincin- nati, 1873. P. 378. THE NEWBEBBT GOSPELS 9 while a somewhat longer account, with a facsimile, may be found in the Biblical World, Vol. X, 1898, p. 277 and frontispiece. The collation that follows is made with the Received Text as repre- sented by the Lloyd and Sanday reprint (Oxford, 1 889) of Mill's edition, as being substantially identical with the edition of Stephanus, pub- lished in 1550. In the collation differences in the matters of accent, breathing, and punctuation are generally not noticed. Thus the writing of the negative οΰ before a rough breathing with an apostrophe, ουχ', as though for οΰχι, and the occurrences of i-n av for ίττάν, 3τ' &ν for δταν, μη δε for μ-τβί, αρα γί for apayt, δια τι for διατι, ουκ Ιτι for ovkcti, ώϊ awa for ωσαννά^ δι' δτι for διότι, and similar substitutions, are not indicated. The abbreviations are the usual ones, the number at the right hand above being employed to show which of several occurrences of a word in a verse is meant. The letters " tr " before a phrase mean " transpose so as to read," the phrase that follows giving the order of the manuscript. Matthew 1 14 — ά^ίζ/αδα/χ | αμίνα^αμ.6 βα\€α pro βασιΚέα j σο\ο~ μωνα pro 'Σολομώντα 14 άχίμ | αγίμ. 2: 1— δε Ι Ιησοΰ -{- χριστού 5 όντως pro ούτω 1 1 uhov pro evpov 16 — καϊ €Ρ ττάσί τοΐζ opioid αυτής. 3 : 1 — δέ 5 ~ ^7 ^ 6 ΙορΒάρη + ττοταμω 8 καρττον άξιον pro καριτους αβίους 12 καθαρί€Ϊ pro Βιακαθαρίεΐ | — αυτού post σίτον | αττοθηκην -\- αυτού 1 5 όντως. 4:4 ^ν pro €7γΪ ΙΟ v7ray€-{- οπίσω μον 15 ζαβαΧών ι8 — ό *Ιησον<{ 20 Βίκτυα + ο,ντών 23 μαΧακβίαρ corr ; print man μαΧακίανΙ 5 • S~'^V^ ^ μαμάριοι pro μακάριοι 1 2 ΐΓοΧΚνς pro ττοΧύς | οιτως 13 έκβΧηθήναι pro βΧηθήναι 1 6 όντως iS — av^ 19 ούτως | τού θεού pro των ουρανών bis 20 ττερισσεύση corr; prim man ττερισεύση | tr υμών η δικαιοσύνη | ττΧείων pro irXelov | 21 ίρρηθη 22— αυτού* 25 τω pro ry | άντίΒικός-{-σου 20 κοΒράτην 2/ ερρηθη 28 εμβΧ4- ιτων pro βΧεττων | αύτην pro αυτής 29 et? + "^h^ 3^ ^^^ ~Ι" ''"^^ 31 ερρηθη | βιβΧίον άττοστασίον pro άττοστάσιον 32 ιτάς 6 άττοΧνων pro δ? αν άττολύστ; 33 ^PPV^V 3^ ερρηθη 42 τω θεΧοντι pro τον ΘεΧοντα 43 ^PPV^V 44 τοΐ9 μισούσιν pro τονς μισούντας | —καϊ ante ιτροσεύγεσθε 46 ττοιούσι corr; prim, man ττοιούσιν 47 Φ^λον? pro άΒεΧφούς | το αύτο pro ούτω 48 ώ9 pro ωσττερ \ εστίν pro εστί. 6 : 5 'yωvίaις corr; prim man ηονίαις y ττροσευχόμενος pro ϋροσ- €νχόμ€νοι Ι βαττοΧο^ησης pro βαττοΧο'γησητε 8 υμών -\- ο ουρά- 10 HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES νιος 15 νμων-\-6 ουράνιος 24 — τον^ | -\-τοΰ ante ένοζ | μαμωνα pro μαμμωνα 26 τούτων pro αυτών 2/ ττροσθήναί 3 1 ττερίβαΧΧώμβθα, y.l κρίνετε^ corr 2 μετριθήσεταί 10 + -^ ante καΐ ιι ούράνιοζ pro iv τοΐζ ούρανοΐς ΐ2 — υμΐν | —οΰτω j οΰτωζ pro οΰτος 14 τί pro ΟΤΙ ly οΰτωζ 1 8 Βύναταί corr 22 tr καΧ .... ίττοιησαμεν^ καΧ .... έξεβάΧομεν 23 β^νω pro β'γνων 2/ ιτροσέρρηζαν pro ττροσέκο- ψαν Ι μ€'γάΧη -\- σφόΒρα. 8 : 2 ΊΓροσβΧθών pro βΧθων | Ίτροσεκύνει corr; prim man irpoae- κννη I 3 + ά7Γ' ίζ;ζ/^ αύτοϋ" 4 άλλ' ^rro αμφότερα 1 8 εΙσεΧθων pro εΧθών ^ | τω Ιησου pro αύτω | Acu/Oie pro ^ Οτι 19 ηκοΧούθει pro ηκοΧούθησεν 32 κωφον corr ; prim, m,an κοφον 33— "Ort 36 όχλοι»? -)-ό Ιησούς | εσκυΧμενοι pro εκΧεΧυμενοι | —/cat ερριμμενοι | ώ? i>ri7 ώσεΐ. I0:i + Λ;<^τά <2;7/^ ττνευμάτων | μαΧακείαν corr pro μαΧακίαν prim man 2 ΒωΒε pro ΒώΒεκα 4+6 λ;ζ/^ ^Ισκαριώτης S — νεκρούς ε'^εί- ρετε ΙΟ τοΟ μισθού pro της τροφής 12 αύτην-\-Χε<γοντες ειρήνη τω οϊκω τούτω ΐ^-μεν .... εάι^ 15 ^ομόρρας pro Τομόρρων 1 8 — δε 19 ΧαΧήσετε corr 23 e/c ττ}? ττόΧεως ταύτης pro εν τ^ ττόΧει ταύττ) | ετεραν pro άΧΧην Ι —yap 24 δίδασ/εαλοζ^ -|" αύτοΟ 25 αττεκάΧεσαν t>ro εκάΧεσαν | οίκειακούς pro οικιακούς 27 7γ/?ο9 /«η? et? 28 φοβεΐσθε tro φοβηθήτε Ι άττοκτενόντων pro άττοκτεινόντων 33 αρνήσηταί corr Ι tr κα^ώ αύτον 36 οικειακοι. 1 1 : 1 συνετεΧεσεν pro ετεΧεσεν 2 Βεσμωτηρίω corr; prim, man Βεσμοτηρίω ι6 ιταιΒίοις j tr καθημενοις εν α^οραΐς 21 βηθσαϊΒά pro ΈηθσαϊΒαν 2'^—τού ] άνυψωθεισα pro ύψωθεισα 2^ S pro ω. 12:2 tSoWe9+ αύτου? 5 αναίτιοι corr 6 μειζόν pro μείζων S —καΙ ΙΟ ήν -\- εκεί 1 1 ττεστ; ^rΛ)μώρος pro ΣοΧομωιηος bis 44 iXOa)v pro iXOou | σχολαζοι/τα -f- >eai 45 αύτοϋ pro iav- ToO» I —/cat* 48 ij pro καϊ. 13*3 στΓ€ίρων corr \ του aTreipat τον σττόρον αυτού pro του σ7Γ€{ρ€ίν 4 σ7Γ€ΐρ€ίν corr \ S pro ά | — ^λ^€ | —kuU | αυτό pro αυτά ζ και άΧλο pro άλΧα 8k 12 άν €χη corr pro €χ€ί^ 14—^' | συνητ€ -f- και ου μη συνήτ€ 1 5 έκκάμυσαν pro εκάμμυσαν | 6φθα\μοΙ<ζ -\- αύτών Ι ίάσομαι pro ίάσωμαι 1 6 άκούουσι pro olkoxju 18 ημ€νζ pro *Ύμ€Ϊς 26— καϊ* 2^—σφ | — τά 33 €κρυψ€ν pro €ν€κρυψ€ν 34 ουδέν /r(t7 ού« 36 ΊταραβοΧην -\- ταύτην 39 ^e/Ji^ral-f" ο* 40 καίεται pro κατακαίεται 42 κΧαυθμος corr; prim man κΧαθμος 44— '^«ί^« 45 άΧιν car Ώ. | —άνθρώττω 5 Ο οΒόντων corr? ^2 τύ\ βασιΧεία pro €W τήν βασιΧείαν 55 τεκτωνοζ pro τεκτονος 57 οικεία pro οικία. 14 ' 7 ^μοΧό'^ησε pro ωμοΧ^ησεν | tr Βοΰναι αύτη 1 4 αύτοΐ? ^η? αύτούζ 19 eKcXevae pro κεΧευσας | άνακΧιθηναι corr; prim, man άνακΧηθήναι | του γόρτου pro τους χόρτους 22— αυτού 25 τετάρτη corr Ι — ό Ίτ/σοΟ? 28 tr iXOeiv ττρός σ€ 35 '^ροσήνε'^κα pro ττροσή- veyKav 36 iW -f- 'cai/ | εσώθησαν pro Βιεσώθησαν. 15:3— «αΙ 4 — σου 5 δς + δ' | ώφεΧηθεΐς pro ώφεΧηθ^ς | τίμηση corr 14 tr τυφΧοΙ eiaiv οΒη^οΙ τυφΧών | υφΧο<ζ car τ [ — 5e | εμττε- σούνται pro ττεσούνται 22 ηΒού pro ιΒού 25 ττροσεκύνησεν pro ττροσε- κύνει 29 μετβας pro μεταβας 31 Η-/«αΙ λλ/^ γωΧους 32 φά'γουσι pro φάηωσι 39 ο,νεβη pro Ινέβη. 1 6 : 2 εύΒεία 3 ττρωιας pro ττρωϊ [ Βύνασθε -\- yviuvai 8 ctTre — αύτοί9 9 ο^'''^ ^^ ούδβ 17 + ΛΛ/έ* Ίτ/σοΟ? ΐ8 οΙκοΒωμησω pro οΙκοΒομησω | κατισγυσοσιν pro κατισγυσουσιν 20—*\ησούς 21— καϊ αρχιερέων 24 ακοΧουθείτω corr 28 δο'^τ; τοί) ττατρος pro βασιΧεία. 17:2 ίμάτιαύτού />ro ιμάτια αυτού 3 μ^ουσης pro Μωσ^ς 4 μωσει pro Μωσ^ | tr ^λύι /iwii/ 5 ^* ~l• ^^ 9 ^'^ /''^ ^'''ο | — ^ *Ιΐ7σοί)9 12 άλλα ^ri» άλλ* 14 — αύτώι» 19 εκβαΧΧεΙν pro εκβαΧεΐν 20 KOKKovcorr; prim mafi κόκον 22 — Βε 24 ΒιΒρα^μα pro ΒίΒραχμα bis 27— βύτοί?. ΐ8:2 αύτω pro αύτο 4 — οστί? .... ουρανών ^ \.τ tv τταιΒίον τοιούτον 6 κρεμμασθη pro κρεμασθτ) y-iaTiv 8 αύτον pro αυτά | βΧηθήναι corr 9 — ^ | βΧηθηυαι corr ΐι σώσαι corr 12 η4νη pro 12 HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES η4νηταί I ^νβνηκοταβννβα pro Ιννενηκονταεννάα 1 3 ίνενηκοντα^ννβα pro Ιννενηκοντα^ννέα I ττΚανωμένουζ corr pro ΐΓεττΧανημβνοΐζ ; prim man ΊτΧανομένον^ \i\%v pro el? 15 άμάρτη pro άμαρτήστι 1 6 σταθήσβται pro σταθ^ 1 8 αν pro iav bis 19 — ort 26 δοΟλο? + e/ceti^o? 28 el' rt pro ο TL 29— τται/τα 30 άλλα corr; prim ma?t αλλ' | άττοΒώ -{- irai' 31 εαυτών pro αυτών. 19:1 τeλeσez/ ίτ^ζ^ e 5 κοΧΚηθήσβται pro ττροσκοΧληθήσβται, 8 ούτω? 9— et 12 ούτω? | —τών^ ι^—καΐ | κωλύετε ^i>rr/ prim man κοΧύ€Τ€ I €λ^€ϊ/ pro €λθ€Ϊν 1 6 τί? />ri? et? 19 μητ4ρα-\-σου 20 tr ταύτα ττάντα 24 elaekOelv pro ΒίβΧθβΐν 2^— αυτού 26 — ίστυ^ 28 τταΧινηενεσία pro τταΧιηηενζ,σία 29 οστί? /r<9 δ? | οΐκίαν pro οίκίαζ Ι €κατονταττ\ασίονα corr ; prim m,an -ωνα. 20:^ — την Ι ευρβν pro elSev 4 ^:at €Κ€Ϊνοζ pro Ka/ceivoL^ 5 Trepl-f- r^i/ I ένάτην pro βννάτην y —"Otl i ο irXelov pro ττλβίονα i$ ό)ζ pro ο 2 1 ευωνύμων -\- σου 22 ^ pro καΐ 26 βσταυ pro έστω 2 J εσται pro 'έστω 28 ωστΓβρ -\- καΧ 29 ηκοΧούθησαν pro ηκοΧούθησεν 30 + a?ite Ίτ/σοί)? tr iraparyeL 6 Ιησούς 3 1 —Ό δε όχλο? .... ΑαβίΒ 3 3 νμών pro ημών. 21 : 1 βηθσφα<^η pro ^ηθφαηη | εΧαιών corr; prim, ΙΧιών'^. 3 άτΓοστελλεί pro αττοστεΧει 8 τα Ιμάτια αυτών pro εαυτών τά ιμάτια | —άΧΧοι Be ... . οΒω 12— του ©eoO 14 tr χωΧοΙ και τυφΧοΙ 1 8 €7Γΐ pro et? | έττείνασβ corr 25— Tro'^ei/ j tr ef ουρανού ην | eV ^ri? Trap* I ovi^ suppl corr 26 airavTe^ pro ττάντες 2y tr ύ/>(,ίζ/ λέγω 28 άνθρωττόζ -\-τι<ί | tr δύο τβΛτζ^α | —μου 3 Ο ετφω pro Ββυτβρω 32 τΓίστεΰ pro ττιστεΰσαι 36 αυτούς pro αύτοΐς 40 oVe /ri> οταζ^ | τΓΟίήσει corr; prim man ττοιήση. 22 : 4 ητοίμασται pro ήτοίμασα J και άκουσας pro * Ακουσας Be Ι βασιΧεύς + εκείνος g ττορευθεντες pro ττορεύεσθε | e'az^ pro αν II μη pro ουκ 13 tr χείρας καΐ ττο'δα? | βάΧετε pro εκβάΧετε 15 €λα/3οζ/ -|- Λατ' αυτοΟ 1 6 μεΧΧει pro μέΧει 21 ToVe + ow | άττο'- δοτε— 0W 23 — ot 24 εξαναστήσει 30 eV^'+TW 32 — @eo?5 37 ^'Φ^ /^^^ elTrei' Ι —TTJ^ 39 ί'^^''"'? /^« »w« χΧορω 44 — ^^«'■^^ 45 «'"■oλI5σ€t /τί? άττολυσι; 51 tr efur- τα^Γο ^ί/ €αυτοΐς 52 tr αυτών ή καρΒία 53 ^^ννησαρέτ pro Τβνη- σαρ€τ 56 eai/ ^ri» άι/ ^w. 7 : 2 άρτον pro άρτους | €μ€μψαντο + atrow 3 ^ΒαΙοι pro Ίον- ^*®* 4 χαΧκβίων pro χαΧκίων 5 erreiTa corr \ —τον 6 tr ή*'"^^**^ •ΐΓρο€φήτ€υσ€ 8 tr ττολλά τταρόμοια τοιαύτα 1 8 ούτως 19 ΛΟίλ^ν ίίτττ/ /rr/w »w;2 κοΧίαν 22 ύττερηφανία corr 24 — τ^»' | ηθ^Χησ^ pro rjOeXe 25 tr ttc/jI αυτού ηυν^ 26 συροφοινίκισσα pro Έυροφοίνισσα Ι €κβάΧη pro €κβάΧΧτ) 28— Ή δέ άττεκρίθη | τταιΒιων corr; prim man ΤΓΐΒίων 32 μογγιΧάΧον pro μο^ιΧάΧον 33 ^ττίΧαβόμ^νος αυτού pro ατΓθΧαβόμ€νος αύτον. 8: Ι— ό Ίί^σοΟς | — aiVoO 2 —ηΒη ^—και | νηστις corr pro νήστ€ΐς ; /nV« /«λ« νηστ€ΐς y τταραθύναι corr; prim, man -θηναι ΙΟ tr € μ βας ευθέως 13 — το^ 14 άρτους -\- οι μαθηταϊ αυτού ΐγ — Kai | *γνοΐ)ς + δε | —υμών 1 8 ούΒε pro και ου 21 Xeyei pro eXeyev 24 λ^β* /r? 23 o/oet ri^rr/ /nV;i W/2« ορε 24 αΐτήσθε pro αΐτεΐσθε 25 στηκητε(^?^ corr 28—την εζουσίαν ταύτην Ι ΒεΒωκεν pro εΒωκεν 29 tr κά>γώ υμάς 32 — άλλ' | —όντως, 12:5 ^ιτΓοκτενοντες pro άττοκτείνοντες 6 — Ότι y άττοκτείνωμεν corr; prim, τηαη αττοκτενομεν 14 μεΧΧει pro μεΧει ig — oTi 20 ^σαζ^ -f-Tra/a' 17/^61^ 21 οΰτος pro αυτός Ι ωσαΰτος pro ωσαυτω/ζ 25 — οι 26 του pro της 2'] οθεος-\-θεος | — Θεο? ^;^/^ ζώντων 28 ΙΒών pro ειΒώς j ττάντων pro ττασών 29 ττάντων εντοΧη pro ττασων των εντοΧων 3 Ο ττρώτη -{-Ίτάντων 32 — Θεο? 33~'^*^ "^^ ayaTrav .... Ισγυος 35 tr δαδεστί 36 — τω' ^/^ | λεγε^ /ri? Είττεζ^ 37 κ^^^^^ Ρ^ο Χ&γει 39 ττρωτοκαθεΒρίαις pro ττρωτοκαθεΒρίας 41 εβαΧον pro εβαΧΧον 43 εβαΧε pro βέβΧηκε 44 ττερισσεύματος αυτών pro 'περισσεύοντος αύτοις. 13^4 tr ταύτα πάντα 5 tr ηρξατο λεγείζ» αύτοΐς 8 ταύτα δε πάντα αργτ] ώΒίνων pro αρ'χαΐ ώΒίνων ταύτα 1 1 μεριμνάτε pro προ- μεριμνάτε | λαλτ^σετε ^η? ΧαΧησητε | μεΧετάτε corr | tr ύ/ΐιεΖ? εστέ 14 εστώς pro εστος 1 6 επιτρεψάτω pro επιστρεψάτω 19 ε'ι^ ταΐ? ήμεραις εκείναις pro ai ημεραι εκεΐναι | ΘΧίψεις, οίαι ου ^^ε^^όνασιν ούΒεποτε τοιαΰται pro ΘΧΐψις, οία ου γεγοζ^ε τοιαύτη 20 ημέρας^ -\-εκείνας 23 άπαντα pro πάντα 26 tr /cat Βόζης ποΧΧης 2^ — κα\^ Ι + τοί) Λ«/^ ουρανού 29 ούτω? 3^ ^'' ταΟτα πάντα 31 παρεΧεύσεται pro παρεΧεύσονται | παΧεΧθωσιν pro παρέΧθωσι 32 — τ»}?^ 34 tr τ^ι/ εζουσίαν αυτού. 14:3""'''^ 5 τοΟτο + τό μϋρον 6 εν εμοί pro εις εμε 8 εσ γεν pro THE NEWBEBBT GOSPELS 17 €2χ€ν 9 ihv pro άν ΐθ-^ό• II apyvpia pro apyvpiop | tr αύτον evxai- ρω<ι 1 3 ύναντήσ€ΐ pro άτΓαντήσίΐ 1 4 άν pro iav 1 5 άνω^€<ύν corr pro ανω^€ον\ prim man άνάκ/εων? iS —καΙ ίσθιόιηων ig 4^ώ*-{•€ΐμι 20 — e/c 22 €ύχαριστήσα<; pro eifXoyqaafi 25 'γ€ρηματο^ pro 'γέννημα τοζ 27 — 61/ €μοΙ 29 σκανΒα\ισθησονταί-\- iv σοΙ 30 δτί-|-συ 3^ ^ δέ + 7Γ6τρος Ι άτταρνήσωμε pro άτταρνησομαι | ωσαύτως corr; prim man ωσαυτο^ 32 ττροσεύξομαι pro Ίτροσευξωμαι 33""'^^''' 3S "^Ρ^^' έλθων pro ττροέλθων 36 άλλ' et η pro αλλά τ^ 37 ί^χΐ'*''*? -{-κάν 38 7Γ€φασμόν corr; prim man ττηρασμόν? 41 ά7Γ^χ€ΐ-|-τό τ^λος 4^ — €Τί Ι TrapayiveraL corr; prim man irapayiveri | —τών^ et^ 44 σνσημον pro σνσσημον | eai/ ^n? άν 45 λ^€4 -|- ^ύτώ 50 αύτον 4" ot μαθηταΐ 51 ήκο\ούθησ€ν pro ηκοΧούθβι §2 Λαταλιττών ri7rr/ ^η/« /«ΛΛ -λίΤΓΟι/ 6θ — το 62 tr €κ Βεξίών καθήμενου 65 ττροφήτενσον -{- ήμΐν χ^ριστ^ τί<ζ εστίν 6 ΊΓαίσα<ζ σε 66 — κάτω 6/ ναζαρηνοΰ corr maji rec 68 ούτε pro ovhk 71 ομνυναι pro ομνύειν 72 το ρτημΛ 6 ^ί? του ρήματος ου. 15 : 12 — τταλίΐ/ 15 ΊταρεΒωκεν j φpayε\ώσa« w^« το 24 εαυτή pro εαυτην 25 οΰτ(ύ<ξ 27 οΓ /cou + ι^(^^ ττατρίάζ 29 ί /^^ €ίη 30 tr αυτί} ό άyyεXoς | — τ^ 3 1 καΧεσεΐζ corr; prim man καΧεση^ 36 yήpει pro yripa 4 1 βρέφος + ά/ άyaXXιάσεL• 42 ανεβόησε pro ανεφώνησε 44 /^^^ εσκίρτησε tr τ^ βρέφος εν ayaXXLάσεt, ^g τη ήμερα τη oyBaq 62 αύτίί /w αυτόν 64—κα\ ή yXωσσa αυτού | εύXoyώv corr; prim man εύXoyov 74 άφο- ^0)9 ri?rr; /Ww man άφοβος. 2 : 12 ήμίν pro ύμίν | — TJ 13 tr iy4vετo εξαίφνης I 5 — δ^ | εω^ -\- εις ig συμβάΧΧουσα corr; prim man συμβαΧουσα 20 ύπε'στρεψαν i>ro έττεστρεψαν 2 1 συνετεΧεσθησαν pro έττΧήσθησαν | + *** ^^^^ ήμεραι I αύτον pro το τταιΒίον | συΧηφθήναι pro συΧΧηφθήναί 20 4- του OTile μη 28 αύτον pro αύτο 36 ττροφητις corr; prim man 18 HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES ττροφήτηζ I tr μετά άνΒροζ €τη ^y—aiTO 41 ο re Ιωσηφ καί ή μαριαμ pro οι ηονύ^ αντοϋ 42 ανββησαν pro αναβάντων αυτών 43 Η~ ^ ^^^^ *\ησοϋ<; 44 ""^^'^ 45 €7ηζητοΰντ€ζ pro ζητοϋρτ€<ζ 48 tr elirev ττροζ αύτον η μήτηρ αυτοΰ. 3 : Ι prim man —τηζ ίουΒαίαζ καϊ τ€τραργρνντο<ί ; suppl man rec 2 hrX ap^^Lepeay; | —του 4 λογωζ/ corr; prim man Xoyov 5 φάραξ pro φάρα'γξ 1 1 TTOieiTQ) corr; prim. m,an ττοιητω 1 3 elTrev 1 4 ehre corr; prim, man elTrev 16 tr υμα^ βατττίζω 20 κατ€κ\€ίσ€ corr; prim, man κατέκΧησβΙ | —Ty 24 ματθάν pro Ματ^άτ 25 vayye corr pro ^ayyal ; prim man vayyai? 27 Ιωννάν pro ^Ιωάννα 29 Ιωρίμ pro ΊωρεΙμ 33 αμιναΖάμ pro *ΑμίναΒαβ [ + του Ιωαράμ ante του Ισρωμ 34 θάρρα pro @άρα | σβρούχ^ pro Έαρούχ^ 37 ^'^'^ϊ' /^^ Έΐ'ώχ | ΐα/^δ ^η? 'lapeB. 4 : Ι tr ΊτΧήρηζ ιτνεύματοζ ay ίου ; ττΧηρηζ suppl corr 4 tr ττ/οό? αύτον 6 ίησοΰζ | ΛταΙ βίττβ pro ΧΘγων | —6 ante ανθρωττοζ 6 etTre | ττ/αο? αύτον pro αύτω y ττάσα pro ττάντα 8 tr ό Ιησοΰζ ehrev αύτω | —yap 9 — 1 2 tr ό ίησοΰζ elirev αύτω | yey ραττται pro^ Οτι εΧρηται 1 3 ατταντα pro ττάντα 1 6 ei^ rr} συvayωyr\ pro et? τ^ι/ συvayωyηv 1 8 eXveKev pro eveKev | €vayy€XiaaaQai pro eύayyeXίζeσθaι 19 + /cal ήμόραν άντατΓοΒόσεωζ 20 ιτάντων -\- των 22 — τ^? γάριτο^ 24 ά/^^ι^ ά/χ^ΐ' 25 — δέ 20 αρ€7Γτα pro Σα/3€7Γτα 28 άκούσαντ€ζ pro άκούοντ€<ζ 2(^—τη<ζ^ 35"'^^'' 36~~^^ 40 €7Γΐτιθ€ΐζ 42 ^ιτεζητουν. 5 : 6 tr ττλ^^ο? Ιγθύων y έΧθόντοζ pro €Χθόντα<ζ | αμφότεροι pro αμφότερα S —τοϋ 14 άλλ' 17 ΒιΒάσκων corr; prim man ΒιΒάσκον? Ι — Γαλίλααι? καϊ 19 ττω? ^η? δίά ττοία^ζ 21 et? ^r*? μόνο'ζ 22,— σοι Ι tr σου at άμαρτίαν 26— και €κστασι<ζ .... τοι» %eov 27 Xcyei pro elirev 29—0 30 + τωϊ' Λ^^^ τεΧωνών 34 ^Ζττβι^ 35~^^^ | +^i^^ '^«/'^ Τϊίτ6 36 — /cat ^ Ι —εττίβΧημα^, 6: 1 ertWoi/ ^ίΡ/τ/ /nV« ;«/2« ctiXov y— αύτον | κaτηyopelv pro κaτηyopίav 9 αττοκτεΐναι pro αττοΧεσαι Ι ο etTrei' αυτώ ^^ί» etTre τ^ άνθρώττω | e^ereive pro εττοίησεν ούτω 12 ο/3θ? + ό ιησοΰ<ζ 1 8 άττο ^ί? ύτΓΟ 20 ΤΓτωχοΙ -|" τώ ιτνεύματι 23 χάρητε pro χαίρετε Ι «αΙ ^η? Λατά 24 ύ/χίζ/ corr; prim m^n ημινί 26— ύ/ι,ίΐ/ 27 αΧΧα pro *Αλλ' 28 ύμα<ζ pro ύμΐν | —καΧ | εΰγεσθε pro ιτροσεύγεσθε 34 ~®* 35 δανείζετε corr; prim man Βανίζετε | —του 38 Βοθήσεται corr; prim man -re or -τι 39 εμττεσούνται pro ττεσούνται 49 εστί. 7 : 2 εμεΧΧε pro ημεΧΧε 4 Xεyovτε<; -f- αύτω 6 tr ftoi; ύττο την THE NEWBEBBT GOSPELS 19 στ&>/ην 7 άλλ' pro άλλα g—axncp | -\- on an/e ovBk lo etpop man tec ; prim man evpo 1 1 καΐ ίκαροζ 6χ\ος ττοΧύς pro ικανοί καΐ 6χ\ος ΤΓολιί? 12 αυτή pro αΰτη | —^ν 13 αύτ^ν pro αύτζ' 15 άν€κάθισ€Ρ man re C ; prim man άρ€κάθησ€ν? 1 6 ττάντα^ pro άτταντα^ ^7'~'^V* 18 Ιωάννην pro ^λωάνντι 20 tr 0/ avBpei νρος αύτον 21— ro 27 olrro^ -\- yap I άτΓοστβλώ man rec pro άττοστβΧΧω prim man ? 28 — ττροφ»}- Ti;9 31— clTre δέ ό κύριος 32— τοΓ? 33 «λτ/λυ^ει/ 34 tr φ^λος τ^λωι/ώι/ 35--ταντο)ΐ/ 36 τον οίκον pro την οΐκίαν 42 άττοΒοννναι pro άττοδοΟ- vat Ι —αύτον 45 €ΐσή\θ€ν φ η\€ίψα*! corr; prim man ηΧηψα*!? | tr τοιτς τΓοδας /Ltou 49 ^^ εστ^ι/ οί/το?. 8 : 1 1 eaTLv pro "Εστί 1 8 eai/ pro &ν^ | — /χή 22 iy^ero 8k pro ΚαΙ eyevero 23 — άφνττι/ωσε• /cal 24 7*^^*'^ "h Α^Ύ^^'/ 25 tr ττρος άλλ?;λου9 λ^γοιτΓ€9 Ι Tot9 υδασ* ^ί? τ^ υδατί | αυτού pro αύτφ 20 avTiirepa pro avTnrepav 27 δαιμόνων pro Βαιμόνια 2g iraprfyyeCKe pro YiapriyyeWe | συνηρττάκζΐ corr ; prim man συνηρττάκη ? 30 τ^9 pro Tt 31 7Γαρ€κά\ουν pro τταρεκάΧα 32 άγγβλτ; ^ri> ayc\q 34 7670- 1^09 />r o^Tot 6 tr ζητών καρττον 8 οδ /η? δτου [ κόίΓρια pro κοττρίαν g έκκόψη^ pro €κκόψεί<; 1 5 ύττοκριταί pro ^Ύττοκρίτα 19 Λοαω ^^ί> κόκκω | -f- ο λ«/^ άνθρωιτο'ζ 20 etTrez' 21 εκρυψεν pro €ν€κρυψεν 2g — a'iro^ | άνακΧηθησονταί pro ανακΧιθησονται 34 ατΓοκτένουσα pro αττοκτείνουσα | νοσίαν pro νοσσιαν ^t^ — άμην | tr λέγω δε. 1 4 : 3 ~ ^^ 4 αττεΧυσεν 5 I'to? /^ί? ο^ό? 8 κατακΧίθήζ corr; prim man -κΧηθήζ? ίο ανώπεσον corr; prim, man ανώττεσε 15 άριστον pro άρτον 1 6 με^αν man rec pro μέηα prim m,an 2 1 αναττηρου^ man rec ; prim man άττηρουζ [ tr τυφΧούζ καΐ χωλού? 24 + ττοΧΧοϊ yap είσί κΧητοί' oXiyoL Be εκΧεκτοί 26 αυτού pro εαυτού^ | tr είναι μάθη- τηζ 27 tr είναι μου 28 + ante θεΧων 30 οίκοΒομην pro οίκοΒομεΐν 32 tr ττόρρω αύτου. 15:2 Βιεγ^ό^υζον pro Βιεηόη^υζον 4 ενενηκονταεννέα pro εννενη- κονταεννεα | έω? -f~ οδ 6 συ^καΧεΙται pro συ^καΧεΙ | tr αυτοί? Χεηων 7 ούτω? Ι ενενηκονταεννέα pro εννενηκονταεννεα ίο ούτω? 13 Βιεσκόρ- ( THE NEWBEBBT GOSPELS 21 TTLae corr; prim man -σ&> 1 7 άρτων corr ; prim man aprov 24 άττο- λωλώ? corr; prim man -λο9 26— ούτοΟ 30 €ύθυσαζ pro ^θυσας 32 άτΓολωλώ^ corr; prim man -λθ9. l6 : I —καΧ^ 5 εαυτοί) man rec; prim man αύτοΰ g iKXCirqre corr; prim man έκΧζίττητζ i^—iariv 22— του 26 evOev pro iirreOdep | 17/Αας pro υμα^ | υμ,ω; pro ήμαri> ίδου Ι μνω; pro μνά 21— εθηκας .... ουκ 2^ — την 27 κατασφάξατε + ώδε 29 βηθσφα^^η pro Βηθφα<γή 37 ^Χαιων corr; prim man εΧίών 38 — ερχόμενος 45 ^αυτώ /η? ούτ^ 48— το j Trotiy- σουσιν pro ττοιήσωσιν [ εξεκρεμματο pro εξεκρεματο, 20 : 1 ί'ερεΐ? /w αρχιερείς ^ — ουν 8 — αύτοΓ? 9 ""'''*' 27— α^οί' 28 μωυσής pro Μωσ^ς 3^ + '^^^ λ;//^ ο^ 33 ^^-^at pro γίνεται τ^ζ^— εκείνου | τωι/ pro της εκ | εκ'γαμίζονται pro εκηαμίσκοντοΛ 38 IcTTti/ /ri? εστί. 21 : 2 tr Ttva καΧ 6 Χίθον pro Χίθψ 8 η'^^ικεν ι^—είς 15 fj pro ουδέ ΐ6 tr καΧ φίΧων καΧ άΒεΧφών | —καΧ συγγενών 22 ττΧησθηναι pro ττΧηρωθηναι 24 ι'τγΟ + τών 30 ττροβαΧΧωσιν pro ττροβάΧωσιν 34 βαρηθώσιν pro βαρυνθώσιν | αίφνιΒίως pro αΙφνίΒιος ^6— ταύτα, 22:3 καΧούμενον pro ετηκαΧούμενον ^ — τοίς^ 5 ο'ννεχαρησαν pro εχάρησαν y — ή S—icaX^ 12 ανώσεων pro άν<ίτγεον | εστρωμμενον pro εστρωμένον ΐ8 ^ενηματος pro ηεννηματος 19 i7M^^ /''^ ύ^ιών 20 ή/χωι/ /ri> ύμάί/ 26 /χει? : car υ 28 εσται /w ε'στε 29 με pro μοι 30 καθίσεσθε pro καθίσησθε 32 εκΧίττη pro εκΧείττρ 34 φ<^νήση 22 HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES pro φωνήσ€ΐ^ζ ούθ ενός pro OuSevo^ 36 βαΧλάντων pro βαΚάντων | —καΧ^ I ΊτωΧήσει pro ητώΧησάτω | αηοράσει pro αηορασάτω 38 εστίν pro έστι 39— ΛταΙ^ 45"^^'''°^ 47 ^^^ois pro αυτών Ι αυτόν -\- τοϋτο yap ση μείον ΒεΒώκβί αύτοΐζ• ον αν φίΧήσω αύτό'ζ εστίν 50~'^*? 52 ττρος pro eir* 53 ^^ €στϊν υμών ζ4~^^'^^^'^ 6θ — ό* 6^ — αύτω 66— re 6^—κα\. 23 : 1 rjyayov pro rjyayev 2 €θνοζ-\-ημών 6 ηρώτησεν pro εττηρώ- τησεν 14 Βιαστρεφοντα pro άττοστρεφοντα iS — tov 19 el άyaXXιaσθήvaί ^S —αύτοϋ 39 "f" ®^ ^^^ So/cetTe 46 μωσεΐ pro Μωσ^ 47 ττίστεύετε ^rδαίοί 54"+"^'' ^^^ "^ 5^ ζησ€ί pro ζήσεται 64 V^ Ρ^ο 'HtSct 66 /xc^' αυτού 70 — 6 'Ιτ^σοΟς 71 <^μ^ΧΧ€ν pro ημ^ΧΧεν. y. ^—iyoi S — iyoi) οΰττω . . . ταύτην ίο— ως' ΐ() αττ^κρίθη -\- ουν 22 ούχ* δτί + 7Γ€/3ΐ του 2y €ρχηται corr 29— δ^ 'i^Ci ^-ηΧΰθ^ι. corr; prim man -θη? ^2 tr ιητηρετα': ot φαρισαΐοι καΐ οι άρχΐ€ρ€Ϊζ 33— ^ύτοΓ? 3^ — ®^°^ Ι ^lirev 39 ^/^^λλον /η? e/ieWov | — ό λ///^ 'Ιι^σοΟ? 41—^^ ^2— του 46— ούτω? 47 ττ€πΧάιη)σθ€ corr 5 1 icpivei, corr; prim mart κ ρίνη ? 8 : 1 ελαίων corr 2 ττάΧιν -f- βαθβοζ 3 ^^ /'''^ ^^ 4 ταύτην ζΰρομεν ετταυτοφορω μοιχβυομώ^ην pro αΰτη .... μοιχευομ^νη 5 ϊ/ο'/Λςι) + ι^Αί-ών Ι —ημίν | Χιθάζειν pro ΧιθοβοΧύσθαί | δε /η? ow | λεγεί? + ττ^ρΐ αύτ^9 6 κατη^ορίαν κατ* pro κατη^ορείν | εχωσί ri^rr 7 άναβΧ€ψα<ζ pro ανάκυψα^; | —τον | tr βαΧβτω iir* αυτήν ^ — καΧ ύτΓΟ της συν€ώήσ€ως ελεγχο'/ζενοί | tr ό Ιησούς μόνος | ούσα pro εστωσα ίο είδεν αυτήν καΧ ehre pro καΧ μηΒ4να .... axrry | γί^ι/αι pro Ή γι^ν^ Ι —έκβίνοι .... σου 1 1 + άττο τοΟ νυν ante μηκετι Ι2 tr αυτοί? ό Ιησούς | τΓβρίττατήση pro ττβρινατήσβί 14 + a?t/e *Ιησοΰζ j άλτ/^ί}? corr | —δε post υμβίς ig — ο λλ/^ 'Ιτ^σοΟ? 20 €ΧηΧύθ€ί corr; prim man -Θ η 1 22 Βύνασθ^ corr ; prim man -σθαι? 26 εστίΐ/ 29 tr τταντοτε ττοίά 36 εΧευθερωσα pro εΧβυθβρώστ) | εσεσ^ε i-i7rr; /η>« /«ΛΛ -σ^α* 42 — ow 44 eV'-f-ToO 46— Tt? .... μοι; 48 Χ€'γωμ€ν pro λεγο/χεν | σαμαρβίτης corr; prim man -τις ? 5 2 tr θανάτου ου μη ^εύσηται 54 ήμ^ν pro ύμων 55"~^7^ ^^ ®^^ αυτόν. 9 : 1 Ίταρά^ων -\- 6 Ιησούς ^ — 6 ante *1ησο0ς 4 Βύναται corr 8 tt/jJ- Tepov corr ; prim man irpay-J 9 aXXot'— δέ -|- ελεγοι; lo ήνζώγθησαν pro άν€φχθησάν 15 — /col* | εττεθηκζ tr μου ^ττΐ του? οφθαΧμούς 1 6— του 20 άτΓβκρίθησαν -\- 8k 21 εαυτού pro αυτού 2^—ουν 2y θ4Χετ€ corr Ι tr μαθηταΧ αυτού 28 — ουν 3^ άμαρτωΧών corr; prim man άμαρτωΧον 36 + «αΙ λλ/^' Tt?. 10:4 €κβάΧΧη pro ^κβάΧτ) 5 ακοΧουθήσωσι 8 — ττρο €μού 13 φεύγε* ίτίτττ | μέΧΧ^ι pro μ€Χα 22 /«λλ />λ7>λ yevero; 4 suppl rubr I — τοί? 23— του | σοΧομώνος pro ΣοΧομώντο^ 25 ε2ποι/-|-ουν 3 ο Ίτατήρ -\- μου 40 άττ^λ^εν. 24 HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES 1 1 : 1 βηθαν€ία<ζ pro ^ηθανία<ζ 3 άΒέλφαΙ -\- αυτού | φιΧβΐζ corr ^ μαθηταΐ<ζ -\- αντοϋ g — 6 ante Ίί/σοΟς | —τούτου | 12 κ€κοψηται corr 15 aWa pro άλλ' i8 βηθανία corr; prim man βυθ-Ι 19 εΧηΧύ- θασαν corr; prim man -θβσαν 20—6 ante Ίτ^σοί)? 2\—r) ante Μάρθα 32 tr αυτού eh του? ττοδα? 34 τεθήκατε pro τεθβίκατε τ^^ — ούν 41 Τ€θνηκω<ζ corr 46 οσα pro α 47 '^οιήσομεν pro ττοωύμεν 48 Οϋτω? 54— e/cet^ei^. 12:2 ανακειμβνων συν pro συνανακειμενων 4 — cac 6 εμεΧΧεν pro βμεΧεν 12 — 6 bis i'^ — 6a?ite βασιΧεύς ι6 ττρωτον corr ; prim man irpoTepov? iS—/cal 26 ακοΧουθείτω corr; prim man ακοΧουθήτω 28 ττάτβρ -\- ajLe 30 — 33 εμεΧΧεν pro ημέΧΧεν 34— 'Ότί^ 41 otl pro οτε 42 αργόντων corr 49 ΒβΒωκβ pro eBwKe 50 tr εγώ λαλώ Ι ούτως, 13:6 νίτΓτης pro νίτΓτεΐζ 1 2 των μαθητών pro αύτων 1 3 tr 6 κύριο'ξ καΐ 6 ΒώάσκαΧοζ 15 ττοίβΐτβ pro ττοιήτε 1 8 iyco -\- jap 25 e/cet- ι/ο? -|- οί^'^^? 29 €ΐχ€ν—6 35 ^νώσονται corr 36 δττον + εγώ | με pro μοι^ 37~"^ 1 ο-^ Ρ^ο σοι -\- νυν. 14*1 ταρασέσθω pro ταρασσέσθω 3 ετοίμάσαι pro καΐ ετοιμάσω 7 man prim — ε<γνώκείτε . . . /aou; suppl marg 10 εστ^ζ^ 13 αΐτήσητε corr; prim man -τενΐ 14 αΐτήσητε corr; prim man -τει ? 23 — Λ5^^^ 'Ιτ/σον? 24 TovXoyovpro του? λογού? 2/ ταρασεσθω pro ταρασσεσθω ^Ο — τούτου 31 ούτω?. 15:5 c^A'''^' ^i^rr 6 + το ante ττύρ y αΐτήσασθε pro αΐτήσεσθε 8 '^ενήσεσθε corr; prim m,an -σθαι 14 — εγώ ΐ 5 tr λέγω ν/ι,ά? | οσα pro α 16 μείνη pro μεντ] | δώτ; pro δω 19 εφίΧη pro εφίΧεί 26 μαρ- τυρήσει corr; prim man -ση. ΐ6:3 ΤΓΟίήσουσιν—ύμΐν 4 μνημονεύετε pro μνημονεύητε [ ^/χτ^ι^ r^wr/ prim τηαη ήμιν? y yap -\- iyo) 15 Χα, μ βάνει pro Χήψεται 1 6 οτι—ε^ω 2^ — ΟΤΙ 2/ ήμα<ζ pro ύμα<ζ 33 ^XV^^ corr. 17:2 Βώσει pro Βώστ) 8 οτί i:i?rr/ /nV;/ ;«λ;ζ δττ; ? 1 1 δ ^η? ου? 1 2 €t/il ^ri7 ει μη | άττολεια? /r^? άττωλεια? ι 5 τηρήσεις pro τηρήστβ 20 ΤΓίστενόντων pro ττιστευσόντων 23 ^ινώσκει pro ^ινώσκτ) 24 δεδω- κας pro εΒωκας. ΐ8:ΐ εΙσήΧθον pro εΙσηΧθεν 2 ήΒει Bk corr 8 — λ«/^ *ΐ7;σου? 1 4 αττοθανειν pro αττοΧεσθαι 1 5 ήκοΧούθει corr ; prim, mun ήκοΧούθη 20 — τ^ Λ«/^ συναηωη^ | ττάντες pro ττάντοτε | ΙουΒαιοι corr; prim man ιΒαΐοι 2 1 ερώτησον pro εττερώτησον 23 Βερείζ corr 25 ήρνήσατο -\-ούν 28 ά<γουσι—ούν 29 ττίλατο? + ef ω 31 Bk pro ούν^ ^2 εμεΧΤ^ν UNlvt:: THE NEWBEBRY GOSPELS 25 pro ί/χβλλα/ 33 tr τταΚχν etV το ττραιτώριορ 34 &7Γ€κρίθη—αύτφ | άττο aeavToO pro Άφ* iavrov | —συ 35 €ίμί corr 36--O ante *Ι»;σοθ9 | tr ^ βασιΧ^ία ff €μη ^v 39 tr άττοΧνσω υμίν bis. ig :6-\-αύτ6ν post στανρωσορ' γ tr viou Oeov kavrov il— 6 ante *\ησου'ζ 12 €κραν'γαζορ pro €κραζον | kavrov pro axnov 13 τούτων των Χό'γων pro τούτον τον Xoyov | των corr; print man τον | ^αβαθά pro Ταββαθα 14 ^v pro δέ* 1 6 "ijyayov pro airrf^ayov -{• ^ιθ^ντ€ζ αύτώ τον σταυρόν αυτού Ι y βαστάζοντα; corr pro βαστάζων ; prim ma?i βαστάζωντ&ζ [ βξήΧθον pro €ξή\θ€ν | τόττον pro τον^ 20 tr ό τ07Γ0<; τηζ ττόλεως 23 οτ€ corr | άραφο<ί pro άρραφος 24 σχίσω μ^ν corr; prim man σχίσομβν? 25 κΧοττα pro ΚΧωττά 28 ίΒων pro ειδώ? | ΊτΧηρωθή pro τβΧειωθ^ 3^~V 34 €νθ€ωζ pro βύθι/ζ 35 ^γ ^στίΐ/ αύτοΟ 36 + ά7Γ' λλ/^ αυτού 38 /!Α€τά — δέ | «αΙ κρυμμένο'ζ pro κεκρυμμ^νο^ 40 + εν ^'^^^ οθονίοις. 20:ΐ— ert 4 ττροεΧαβε pro ττροβΒραμε 8 εΙσήΧθεν pro είσήΧθκ 1 3 /ί'ί/ Α^ου + €« του μνημείου 1 4 — ΚοΙ ^ | — ό λ«/^ *Ιησού<; ι 5 tr e^t;- «α? αύτον 1 6 ραβουνί pro '^αββουνί 1 8 ατταγ^εΧουσα pro airayyeX- Χουσα ig — ούν 21—6 *1ησον! 23 Κ€κράτηντ€ pro κεκράτηνται 26 έρχεται + οϊΛ/ 28 — ΚαΙ^ | — ό^ 2g eiTre Bk pro Aeyei | — Θω/ιά | 30 ενώτηον corr; prim mafi eaymov 31—0 a?ite *1ησούς. 21 : 3 ένεβησαν pro ανββησαν 4 eirl pro eh 5 — ουν 6 XeycL pro Ο 8k elirev 13— ουι/ 15 τούτων corr; prim, τούτον ι γ το' corr 19 elTrev pro elrre 20 elirev pro elire 25 ypάφητ€ pro ypάφητaL. Pre- Syrian. Singular, etc. Totals, 105 65 252 83 33 178 68 40 173 103 20 171 26 HISTOBICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES In the effort to elicit from this collation an estimate of the textual value of the Newberry gospels, a plan suggested by Professor Burton has been followed, and the helpfulness of this suggestion is here grate- fully acknowledged. The Newberry gospels depart in 1,515 readings from the Textus Receptus." Of these Matthew shows 434, Mark 348, Luke 449, and John 284. Of the whole number of readings, 774 may be considered significant ; the rest are matters of practical indifference, being unimportant transpositions, manifest itacisms, insertions, and omissions of ν movable, the s of ουτως^ and the like. The assignment of the readings gives the following figures for the Syrian, pre-Syrian, and singular or subsingular elements in the significant readings of each gospel : Syrian. Matthew 82 Mark 62 Luke 65 John ----- 48 Totals - - - - 257 359 158 774 Without undertaking the minute calculation of the constituents making up the pre-Syrian element and their reduction to percentages, it may be observed that one-half of the 359 pre-Syrian readings are of no family, while one-fourth are Western, and one-sixth non -Western. The Alexandrian element, the most subtle and elusive of all the ele- ments in attestation, is small. In order to determine the significance of these figures, and thus of the critical value of the manuscript in comparison with other witnesses to the text of the gospels, we proceed to seek what may fairly be con- sidered a representative section of the text, as a limited ground within which such a comparative study may readily be made. We have seen that the Newberry gospels show 257 Syrian readings out of 774 sig- nificant divergences from Textus Receptus. Neglecting the 158 singu- lar or subsingular readings as at least of doubtful value, the Syrian element is seen to be ff^ of the supported, significant readings of the manuscript, or 41.72 per cent. The same process shows the Syrian element of Mark alone to be ^^, or 42.758962 per cent. The first five chapters of Mark by the same process give a Syrian element of ^, or 42.857142 per cent, of the supported, significant readings. As this is within about i per cent, of the proportion shown by the manuscript as a * In Gregory's Textkritik des Neuen Testaments the manuscript appears as No. 1289. THE NEWBERBY GOSPELS 27 whole, it may be regarded as a representative section, and a presump- tion is established for the representative character of the same section in other manuscripts. This presumption is, of course, liable to modifi- cation in the case of manuscripts, such as Δ, the text of which is notori- ously heterogeneous ; for all manuscripts of admitted homogeneity, however, it seems safe to accept our presumption and to build upon it. We thus proceed to examine the first five chapters of Mark in other manuscripts of various degrees of excellence. Reference has been made to the Haskell gospels, a large cursive of about 1500 A. D., which seems from its size and various lectionary indications in late hands in the margins to have been designed and used for public reading. Despite its comparative modernness, the writing of this manuscript is very pale, and has been retraced in con- siderable sections by a more recent hand. The original contents of the codex evidently comprised the four gospels, complete, but leaves, and even whole quires, are now missing. Of Mark the manuscript contains i : i — 7 : 24 ; 7 : 36 — 9 : 48 ; 10 : 14 — 1 1 : 33. With 12:1 begins a great gap, including the rest of Mark and more than eight chapters of Luke. For the first five chapters of Mark, the Haskell gospels show 33 significant divergences from Textus Receptus. Of these, 3 may be neglected as singular or nearly so. Of the 30 significant, supported readings, 16 are pre-Syrian and 14 Syrian. The Syrian element is thus ^, or 46.666666 per cent, of the significant, sup- ported readings. It has already been pointed out that the Syrian element for these chapters in the Newberry gospels was 42.857142 per cent., while the total number of significant divergences in them is 51. As another manuscript with which to compare. Codex Montfor- tianus (61) has been taken. This is famous as having been employed by Erasmus for the text of i John 5 : 7 (The Three Heavenly Witnesses) in his third edition, 1522 A. D. The manuscript probably belongs to a date not much earlier, and has naturally been regarded with some suspicion, owing primarily to the circumstances of its first appearance. But this need not affect its value for our purposes. Its significant divergences for Mark, chaps. 1-5, number 78, of which 25 are sin- gular or subsingular readings. Of the remaining 52, 31 are pre-Syrian and 21 Syrian. The Syrian element is thus f|, or 40.384615 per cent, of the significant, supported readings. Turning to uncial witnesses. Codex Alexandrinus (A) shows 85 divergences from Textus Receptus in the first five chapters of Mark. 28 HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES Neglecting 9 of these as practically unsupported, we have left 76 sup- ported, significant readings, of which 51 are pre-Syrian and 25 Syrian. The Syrian element is thus -|-f , or 32.894725 per cent, of the supported, significant readings. A still better uncial, for Mark's gospel at least, is Codex Sangal- lensis (Δ). The excellence of the text of this manuscript in Mark is well known. For Mark, chaps. 1-5, it shows no less than 192 readings that may be called significant. Of these 21 may be dismissed as sin- gular or subsingular. Of the remaining 171, 136 are pre-Syrian and 35 Syrian. The Syrian element thus constitutes only 19.824535 per cent, of the supported, significant readings. Attention was not long ago called by Dr. J. Rendel Harris to a rather remarkable twelfth-century cursive in the British Museum, Cod. Ενν. 892 (Mus. Brit. Add. 33,277), with interesting subscriptions resembling those in the Newberry manuscript. A careful examination of its readings for the section under consideration fully confirms Dr. Harris' high valuation of the manuscript. Two hundred and eight signifi- cant divergences from Textus Receptus have been noted. Dismissing 20 of these as singular or subsingular, we have left 188, of which 158 are pre-Syrian and 30 Syrian. The Syrian element is thus seen to be less even than in Δ; for 892 it is 15.957435 per cent., as against 19.824535 for Δ. If we arrange these six manuscripts in the order suggested by these percentages, we have the following table : Haskell ... - Newberry . - . 61 - - - A Δ 892 The order of percentages, it will be observed, is the order of the significant divergences, inverted. That is, in the group of manu- scripts, the more numerous the divergences from the Textus Receptus, the greater the proportion of pre-Syrian readings among those diver- gences. This is, of course, precisely what is to be expected. Thus in number as well as character of variations from Textus Receptus the Newberry manuscript allies itself with 61 and the Haskell gospels, rather than with Δ or 892. In other words, it is a Syrian manuscript, with perhaps an average admixture of pre-Syrian readings. Significant divergences Syrian element. - 33 46.666666 51 42.857142 - 78 40.384615 85 32.894725 - 192 19.824535 208 15-957435 ΤΗΒ NEWBEBBY GOSPELS 29 The following table of assignments and attestations (the latter based almost wholly upon Tischendorf) for Mark 1-3 is appended to show the method pursued throughout the gospels. Asterisks mark significant readings : 1:5 H Μ al aliq •8(γΗ•η) 8 » Β Η Δ 16, 33. 56, 58, 258 al3P' vg. Or<• «3» Aug«<«• •Ν(βυΐΓΛΐ) 13 [L]M I3[33, i02],346al[c£['g'• 1 vgcop]syrP'°«[aetharrOr»''«««* Eu»••*•] •8 13 A Μ 33 al'5 fere *S 16 A E» Δ I, 69 al" fere ♦S 19 C» Κ Μ Γ n* al plus3» syr»^''• ρ c* aeth al ♦S 21 al» go •8 22 al pauc b q *S 27 A C D Γ Δ Π unc' al»» fere W(eetem) 30 L Μ Δ I, 69 al»s fere ♦S 34 D (Ti) W 34 it[BjC G[L]M [I, 28, 33, 69, 124, 131, 209, 238, 262, 346, 435, etc.] ♦S 36 » Β Μ U 28, 40 y*" aP° fere CE' g» vg cop *N 37 A Γ Θ'Π unc^ 22, 124, 131, 262, 346 al"* fere a £ go Vict*»' S 38 A Β C Γ Δ Π unc7 al'°° fere Ν 38 Δ θ^ 28, 40, 69, 124, 262. 346 al pluss» ♦S 45 » A Β C D Κ L Μ S Δ θ^ Π I, 33. 1 18, 131, 157, 209, 238 al plus* Ν 2:i ΑΟΕΚΜυνΔΘ^Π al»*» fere e syrP go S 3 * 4 ΒΔ al•" fere it (exc. b) mt syi*** arm aeth go *W 7 al» fere syr*^'' persP ♦S 9 «BEFGHKLMUVn al'3o fere *N 10 ίί C D Η L Μ W= Δ θ' al plus's» jt yg cop syr»"* arm go Ν 14 F G Η Γ 13, 262, al plusS" (et evglstaria) ♦S 14 A Κ Γ Δ Π 33, al*° fere vg«* go cop syr"" arm aeth S 16 Β Δ cop. (Neutral witnesses divided : S L 33 b against) ♦S 21 «ΑΒ€Κί5Δ i,i3,33,69al5»ierebefiqvgcop»<^''ef«*S7r«"'armgo «NW 22 H» Μ Δ I. al mu S 23 C L Δ al plus=^ it vg *A(lexandrian)? 26 S Β L Γ unc« al plus?" go *N 3:1 Γ al mu S 2 3 D* Γ al nm W? 5 7 A Β G K» L Μ Ρ S Γ Π al*» fere f g»••• vg cop-* Vict•»» N? 7,8 • 11 »A(B)CDFGKLMPrAnal pluss» cattP«» et« Ν 11 SABCDFGKLPΓΔΠal pluss» Ν 12 A L Ρ Γ Π unc» al plus*» catt»» etP°» item c d f g*••• I S 12 Β W** Η J* 12 C W**^'** a 2 pe** •» 14 Κ Β C*^ Δ 13, 28, 69, 124, 238, 346 cop syrP«« aeth aH» Ν ίο A Β Κ L U Δ Π* 28, 33, 300, 346 al« fere ♦N(on)W(eeteiTi) 27 A D L Γ Π unc9 al plus'* (item it vg syr»» arm go) W 27 A D L Γ Π unc» al plus•*» (item it vg syr"" arm go) W 27 L (Scr) 27 AEFGKUVrnal** fere 8 28 32 33 ««= A Β C Κ L Μ Δ Π ais» fere b c d f ff« -^ g' -^ q vg eyr•* go NW « Β C G L U V Δ I, 2P• al*» fere a b g« I (al^) cop syi*'*' (elP?) ♦NW mr^^K'7'