THE^HIGHER YITAPATHT; SPECIAL LESSONS FOR VITAPATI1IC GRADUATES ONLY Who fully practice Vitapathy in NAME and NATURE. THE CLIMAX OP DISCOVERY, INVENTION, AND POWER. THE INMOST SECRETS OF NATURE REVEALED THROUGH RELIGION, SCIENCE, AND PHILOSOPHY, ALL CULMINATING IN A GRAND UNIVERSAL SYSTEM OF HEALTH, LIFE, AND IMMORTALITY, FOR / Curing the Body, Enlightening/the Soul, and Saving both alive together, By PROF. JOHN BUNYAN CAMPBELL, M. D.,V. D., D. D. Author and Founder of the Vitaf at/lie System, AND President of the A merican Health College and Vital Sanitarium, FAIRMOUNT, CINCINNATI, OHIO. No Physician or Minister can afford to be without this KNOWLEDGE AND POWER Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year A. D. 1884, and V. D. 14, by JOHM BUSY AX CAMI-BKLL, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington D. C., C. S. A. PROCLAMATION. To Ministers, Physicians, Teachers, and the People, And ill who wish to rnicatrc In the irrcat work of Cnrintr HiM-asc. Mitiu'at in? earthy WOI-N, I'nilniiu'iir-- Minn in l.ifV. I'rcvrntiiii: Sickness, Pain anil Death, anil making this nrlil a I'aradlxe. IN now offered The Yitapathir Mstfiw, which IH provin.- a riini|ilftr MICTHH. I have spent a long life time in preparing it at enormous expense, ami vet I have been but the instrument of HK.III u POWER to give to the world this great System of HEALTH ami Li i i . that Cures the Body, Exalts the Soul, and Preserves both Alive together; and that our labors have been a success results abundantly show. To fully teach this great Vita Svstem we have written and published it in our ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NATURE AND Fri.i. VITAPATHIC PR \i ru i . including correct Diagnosis. Safe Surgery, and Easy Parturition ; and have added another Hook of Valuable Formulas, Recipes, and Special Modes of Treatment for difficult Malignant DUi-a-i--. Kpi demies, and Pestilence, thus reaching all and curing all. Hundreds of good men and women have learned the System and are now healing all manner of diseases with complete suc- .. id the demand is great for more VIT.M-.VI HU I'm-i riANs; and further, to benefit all, we have published. u \ 11 A PATIIY FOR THE PEOPLE," in a large book, which all can procure. And now, to carry the work higher, and to Ivnefit the soul as well as the body, we have written and published, "Tun II K.HER VITAPATHY," instructing and qualifying our students to be Ministers for the Soul as well as Physicians tor the Body, thus fully benefitting both. For the ampleness of the lessons sec Title Page and Contents of "The Higher Vita- pathv." The American Health College is Chartered i\pn->l\ to ICducatc, Diplomate. and Ordain its fully competent Gradu- ates with full Authority to Preach and Practice Vi i.\-l'.vi in in all the world. All further information cheerfully givvn \\Y it-main, your- in Love, Wisdom, and Power. Address, with stamp, for answer, I'KO,. .1. 11. CA.MIT.KLI, A merican Health College, V \ i K M o t N i . C i \ > INN \ i i . <> HIGHER LESSONS IN VIT APATHY FOR ITS GRADUATES ONLY. In presenting to you, my Brothers and Sisters of the New Dispensation, these Higher Lessons in Vitapathy, I do so with courage and hope that you will receive them in the same sincere and exalted condition of spirit in which they are given, and that you will profit by them and practice y$ them, and make them a blessing to mankind, and hand them down unsullied to future generations, and that their benefits may be felt throughout eternity. Having studied the principles of Vitapathy in its Philosophy, Science, Religion, and Morality and its general practice, as heretofore taught, you are ready now for these higher lessons in wisdom and power which will enable you more fully to understand and practice the higher Vita- pathy. Understanding, then, what spirit is and what <^J> matter is, and that their union produces all life and all degrees of life and being, motion, sensa- tion, instinct, intelligence, and immortality. And ^ you understand now that spirit, which is the vital- izing agent that prevents all sickness, cures all disease, and preserves all life, can be employed through matter, animate and inanimate, to ac- complish all that is needed to be done for life, health, and immortality; and understand, too, that the employment of universal Vital Spirit, to do everything through the power of spirit, is the religious part of the Vitapathic system, and is the IIKillKST RKUMON. The employment of spiritually vitali/ed refined Matter and Nutritive Food Suh-tance-. l.y ;ill methods and appliances, is the scientific part of the Vitapathic system, and is the IIICIIKST srn And that both parts united make the complete Vitapathic system full of life, power, and im- mortality. Hear in mind, also, that no material substance can he nutritious or curative only has vital spirit in it. Matter is duly the conductor of spirit, and the liner the matter and the more spirit it contains the more curative it is. Spirit can act 0m through mineral matter, more through vegetable matter, and still more through animal matter, and most of all through tine and /v //'///// human matter in the living human IK ing. Thus \\e can employ vital spirit through spirit vitali/ed food and nutritive substances vitali/ed by our new processes and make them very curative for diseases. We can employ vital spirit through water and drinks, and through air, in its natural vital con dit ion, by breathing it, as we have taught in the KM vi i.oi'K.m \ i- \\TIKI:; and we employ vital spirit in air by collecting and condensing it in air, by concentrating it into food, drinks, etc.; and by condensing it directly into the patient by our special means and methods of spirit inhala- tion. And this same spirit inhalation, practiced I'.v Itoth, benefits both physician and patient. We can also employ spirit direct from sunshine by condensing it into any substance and into any person that we wish to vitali/e. We can employ vital spirit through heat to vitalize food, drink, and patients. We can employ vital spirit through light and colors both to curative substances and to patients. We can employ vital spirit to cure disease in the most varied and thorough manner, by our newly improved Little Giant Galvanic Electro- Magnetic twelve-current Vitalizer, both in food and drinks, and by other curative methods; and also directly to the patient, by some of its many currents, to suit any special case. We can employ vital spirit in a wonderfully cur- ative manner by our patent improved Electro- Magnetic Vital Warm- Air Bath, which will be fully explained in succeeding lessons. We can employ purer spirit through more spiri- tual and intellectual means thus curing the body, instructing, purifying and exalting the soul, and preparing both for a better condition of human life. We can employ vital spirit through the human body, and through the brain and nervous system, and through eyes and voice, and through handled magnetized substances which can be taken as food or drink, or by external application. And spirit- vitality can be employed still better by the ''Lay- ing on of Hands," by its positive and negative principles of application, as employed by the skilled and devoted Vitapathic physician in what is known as human magnetism. And last, but not least, the union of the highest vital spirit with the finest living-matter in the human being, producing ever-living VITA, is the highest power and the culminated result of all spirit and all matter, and ultimating in the com- plete human being the highest of all beings and to which exalted state of holiness, wisdom, and power all good Vitapaths may attain. 6 Tin: XITIUMKNT ix FOOD. A Comparison <>/' ///. /),-r.;-x of Nourishment in Different Articles of Diility to labor, then knowledge be conies money to the poor. Table- vary, but some of the general results are as follow-: < )m> pound of rice, prepared for the table, gives 88 per cent of nutriment, and, consequently, a relatively pro- portional ability to labor compared with other articles of food. A pound of beef, costing fifteen cents, irives only 25 per cent, of nutriment. Yet countless numbers of the poor strain a point daily to purchase beef at fifteen cents a pound, when they could ^et a pound of rice for one third of the amount, the rice, too, having three times as much nutriment as ln-ef, making a practical difference of SOU per cent., aside from the fact that boiled rice is three times easier of digestion than roast beef, the rice beini: digested in about one hour, roast beef requiiini: three hours and a half. There is meaning, then, in the reputed fact that two-fifths of the human family live on rice. The following statistics are practically and permanently u>eliil. and show the percentage of nutriment each article alVords : Per cent. Per cent. ' Oils, raw, ._. 95 Beef, raw, _'<: I Vus, boiled 03 Poultry, roast, 26 Barley, boiled, !>2 Pork, "roast, 24 Corn-bread, baked. il Veal, fried, 24 Wheat-bread, baked __ !M) Venison, broiled, Rice, boiled, 87 Codfish, boiled, 21 Beans, boiled 88 Eggs, whipped, 13 Rye-bread, baked 79 Apple-, raw, 10 Oat-meal porridge, 74 Milk, raw, 7 Mutton, boiled, 30 Turnips, boiled, 4 Plums, raw, 1?) Melons, raw, 3 Grapes, raw, '27 Cucumbers, raw, 2 THE VITAPATHIC VITAL MATERIA MEDICA AND ITS PROCESSES OF PREPARATION AND VITALIZATION. As the Vitapathic vital remedies commence with food and general nutritious substances, and as we employ them, as well as all our remedies and vital methods of treatment, " positively and negatively, 11 we will now give positive and negative lists of such food curatives as we use, and also give their digestibility. POSITIVE FOOD (digests but slowly). Articles. Time to digest. Sausage . 5^ hours. Pork 4> " Beef 3> " Butter 3) " Lard 4 Mutton 3 " Lamb 2> " Veal 5% " Turkey - 3 Duck 4 Goose 2)^ " Fowls 3% " Eggs 3 Custard 2% Fat Fish 3 " Beans 2} " Potatoes -. ___,_._ 3 Cheese 3 " Wheat Bread ' 3> " ' Corn Bread 3 Oatmeal, boiled, 3 " All nuts are positive, and digest slowly. Mus- tard, pepper, and all spices are positive, and digest slowly. There are many more kinds of food which will be mentioned in special cases. 8 Many roots, barks and leaves are nutritious, and can ho used as food and to cure some diseases. which will be mentioned in the food treatment of disease. Positive vital sugar is made as follows: Pow dered loaf sugar, one pound; cinnamon oil, two drachms; oil of pennyroyal, one drachm. Mixed well with a silver spoon held in the right hand. ne teaspoonful to a cup of tea or coffee, or sanative tea or milk or water, at each meal. NEGATIVE FOODS (digest more quiekly). Articles. Time todi^r-i. Milk .. 2 hours. Mush and Milk :!'.. Oysters, raw li'.j Beef Liver I '._. Sago 1'- Rice 1', Tapioca 1 Tripe I 1 ... Trout.-- I'.j Sweet Applo !'._, " Cabbage, raw 1% Cabbage, wanned in vinegar 1 Venison I 1 ... There are many other negative foods and ne-a 1i\e siiltances which will be mentioned in I lie iie-alive food treatment of disease. Negative sugar is made of one pound of cream of tartar and one ounce of salicylic aoid, well mixed with a silver spoon held in the left hand. A half teaspoonful may be taken at meals in tea, etc.; but in small pox, measles, scarlet fever. and diphtheria, a half teaspoonful may be given every hour. ANALYSIS OF FOOD. All food should contain elements bearing a true ratio to the chemical constituents of the human body, modified by the temperature of the weather and the character of the employment. Phosphorus Nitrogen Carbon for VTnter or MEATS for Urain for Muscle. Heat and Fat. Waste. Oxygen. Beef 2 19 '14 .... 65 Venison 3 20 8 69 Mutton 2 21 14 63 Chicken 3 21 2 74 Pigeon 3 23 2 72 Bacon % 8> 62 29 FISH __, Salmon 7 20 1 72 Smelt 6 17 1 76 Lobster . . 5 14 81 Herring 5 IS 4 73 Halibut 3 IS 1 78 Eel 4 17 .... 4 75 Trout 4 17 1 78 Cod Fish 2 17 1 80 White Fish 3 16 10 71 Mackerel 2 IS 5 75 Oysters '. ' 4 12 87% Clams 2 12 2 74 CEREALS OR GRAINS Wheat 2 15 67 4 12 Rye 2 13 73 2 10 Oats 3 17 51 16 13 ...Barley 4 12 52 18 14 Beans 4 24 40 17 15 Peas 3 26 41 16 14 Northern Corn 1 12 6S 5 14 Southern Corn 4 34 40 10 12 Buckwheat 1} 8 60 20 10% Rice ^ 5^ 78 3 13 VEGETABLES Potatoes I ... . 1 16 8 74 ..Polatoes. sweet 3 2 22 6 67 Onions y* % 5 94 Cabbage % 1 6 % 92 Asparagus > ^ 5 94 Cucumbers % 2 4>i 93 FRI ITS Apples 1 5 10 4 80 Pears 10 4 86 Currents % 1 7 10% 81 Cherries 1 1 21 7 70 3 5 58 16 18 Prunes 3 4 20 9 64 MISCELLANEOUS Human Milk % 3 7 89>i Cow's Milk 1 5 8 86 Cream 3% 4}^ 92 Butter 100 00 Lard 100 00 Cheese 5 30 .... 28 37 Yolk of Eggs 2 17 30 , 51 White of Eggs 3 13 00 84 'Chocolate 2 9 88 1 00 Coffee 3 16 65 3 13 Tea 2 3 9 10 76 10 ANALYSIS OF MAN. Chemists exhibit (he following re-ult in the analy-'.s "I the human body, of 100 parts: 2 per cent, of Phosphorus for Brain and Nerves. 16 " " Nitrogen for Musrli-. 12 " " Carbon for Heat and Fat. 70 " " Oxygen or Water. When any part of the above is lacking it should be added; or, if too much, it should be removed or counteracted. POSITIVE DRINKS. Tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, coca, Paraguay tea, Damiana, corn tassel, and all grain drinks, etc.. etc.. and ginger and all spice drinks, aYe positive, and tone up and give strength, ami may be taken in negative diseases. NEGATIVE DRINKS. Cold water, milk, cider, sanative tea, lemonade, buttermilk, vinegar, etc., etc., are all negative drinks, and may be used in positive dise.i Water is the natural drink, and if taken cold is quit negative, and quarts of it may be drank, (luring the afternoon and evening, in high positive fevers. Hot water is more positive for the heat that is in it, and may be drank in lar^e quantities in colds and low levers, and to induce perspiration in any case. All water, though drank cold, would be better to be boiled first. CTIO.N OF FOOD AND DRINK REMEDIES. Whatever food, or drink, or curatve remedy is used must always be selected on its positive or negative' quality. . Let this be the true guide; always select the positive substance for use in negative per.-ons with negative disease, and always select the negative substance for use in the posi- 11 tive person with positive disease. Positive sub- stances can be made more positive in effect by taking them while they are hot. Negative sub- stances can be made more negative in their action by taking them cold. All meat foods (and especially fish) should be thoroughly cooked ; all vegetables should be well cooked ; all ground grain foods should be mildly cooked ; all whole grains should be well cooked ; all fruit i'oods need but little cooking, and some may be eaten raw. Cabbage, radishes, celery, cucumbers, and melons, should be eaten raw, if at all, and only then as negative remedies in positive diseases. Cabbage is a very negative substance and can be made more negative and more digest- ible by adding vinegar to it. COOK BOOKS. A great many cook books have been written, but they are of but little use in a curative sense, as they do not classify the positive or negative foods, nor describe which is proper in positive dis- ease, or which is proper in negative disease. Food, drinks, etc., may be made to do good or to do harm, accordingly as proper or improper selections of them are made, according to the temperament and disease of the patient. The old saying, and a true one is; "One man's meat is another man's poison." But with a proper selec- tion of positive or negative food or drink (or any curative substance), according to the positive or negative temperament and disease of the patient, nearly all diseases can be quickly cured; remem- bering always to carefully read the temperament, and DEGREE of temperament, of the patient, and thereby ascertain his exact condition, and nature and extent of his disease, and then to administer 12 the POSITIVE remedies for NEGATIVE conditions, and have Ihe positive remedies /itive. or /////r intiiixity of the positive temperament and di- of the patient. Here is the secret of success with food remedies; it is to overcome opposites with opposites, and that according to the /'//////*/'/// or mildness of the temperamental and diseased con- dition of the patient. Right here is the first >t.-|, in the science of cure. Even in health persons should not eat too much, and positives should eat mostly negative food, and in positive disi Positives could abstain from food for several meals with benefit, and especially in all inflammations and acute pains. Vegetable foods, drinks, and curative remedies may be made fresh from the roots, barks, or leaves, as they are given to the patient, or extracts from them may be used a- suits best. Special uses of special foods, drinks, etc., will be specially described and advised in the treat- ment of special diseases, in the lessons on practice. Sanative tea is made mostly of Eucalyptus Globulus leaves, coarsely ground and mixed with 15 per cent, of flower buds of Cinnamon, //////// ground and well mixed. Sanative tea is a good antiseptic and disease-preventing remedy, and should be made wik and drank every day at meals, instead of tea. or ( oii'ee. or other drinks. POSITIVES AND NKUATIVES. And now, while on the subject of positive and negative curative food substances, let me unfold more fully the greatest discovery ever made, and 13 reveal for the first time the best positive and nega- tive food curatives ever yet known to science; and this discovery of positive and negative remedies belongs to Vitapathy, and is not yet known to any living being but myself, and to whom I will reveal it. It is known that many vegetables contain in the same plant both the positive and the negative, or, the male and the female principles; this is a natu- ral condition and a natural fact. And here is the discovery and secret which I now for the first time reveal: It is found that this positive and negative male and female principle is found in our com- mon corn plant, Indian maize. The corn plant is found to be a complete bi-sexual, or double sex plant, and has in itself both the male and female principles in different parts of the plant, with all the principles of life and pro-creation. This being a fact, it is easily to be seen and understood how vastly important the discovery. Now let us exam- ine the corn plant; there is the tassel, with its positive male sexual organs, throwing off its semen or fecundating male element in the pollen ; then there is the negative female sexual organs in the corn silk, protruding out from the end of the husk or ear of corn. The positive male pollen has to reach and copulate with the negative female silk before there can be any offspring or grains of corn. Having learned this fact, we have also ascertained that for the above reasons and conditions here we have the greatest positive and negative life-giving remedies ever known, or perhaps ever will be known, because here are the positive and negative principles of life itself; and we only have to em- ploy them positively and negatively to cure posi- tive and negative diseases of all kinds. And now how to employ them, that is the next secret. We simply have to cook them as food, or as drink, or 14 they may be made into extracts and preserved the year round, and IK- made into food or drink curatives as needed to tie n-ed. The corn tas>el >hoiild be gathered jusf before it sheds its pollen, and dried in the sunshine, and then put away in a / HKINK AM) I! AT TO I.IVK. This is the secret of good living, and the science of life. Nothing but the most wholesome drink and the most nutritious food should ;,, i M | |j, e stomach, and these should be well vitali/ed. 'I'll 'n'll YITAU/IM; r.v LK;IIT. All can see how pale and sickly grass and all vegetation looks that have to grow in the shade or darkness; and all can see how pale and sickly all people look who have to live in darkness. Hut all light, even fire- light, will vitalize everything- that lives ,-uid grows, and make it healthy; and sun-light i< >\\\\ more vilali/ing and curative. Light should l>e applied to all things, to all foods, and to all person-, and especially to all negative patients. Give every- thing and all persons plenty of sunshine, and they will be vitalized into life and health. And this brings us to Fourth VITALIZATION BY SuNSHJNK. And here I will give full directions to vitali/e by this new and superior process. For this purpose I use a large properly ground magnetizing and concen (rating glass lens, about three inches in diameter (even larger ones may be used), I then prepare my nutritive curative substance, either liquid or solid, as may be needed in any ixirt'n-tilitr ease; I then step out in the sunshine, holding the lens in my right hand and the thing to be vitali/ed in my left hand, so that the rays of the sun will focalixe and concentrate on the thing to be vitali/ed, moving it about so that the Im-n'iinj ray will rest on every particular spot and part of the thing to 19 be vitalized for a few seconds. Thus thoroughly vitalizing every part of it and making it very curative. Any part of a patient's body can be vitalized in the same way, and any extraneous or malignant growth, cancer, etc., on any part of the body, can be OVER vitalised and burnt out by this process, and much good can be done by the power of sunshine through this wonderful lens. These lenses may be painted or stained any color desired, or they may be covered with any colored lawn that may be thought most suitable for the time being. SUNSHINE THROUGH COLORS. The sun shining through the glass window may be made more or less positive, according to the color of the glass through which it shines. The glass may be painted or stained any color, or may be covered by hanging' before it any colored shade desired. The shade may be made of lawn or any thin goods the thinner the shade the more positive will be the sunshine that comes through it. Thus red and yellow colored shades may be thin; but blue and black shades, that produce a more negative effect, may be quite thick or double. LAMP- SHADES May be arranged in the same way, and thus pro- duce any grade or shade of lamp light that may be required. Blue shade makes a very soft mag netic light and a sleep-producing effect, and is best to be used in the. evening and at night by persons who cannot sleep well. By letting the blue light shine on them they will go to sleep much quicker than they would without it. DOUBLE SUN-SHADE. The sunshine, as it comes through a glass win- 20 dow, may be double shaded, of shaded with dill'er ent colors at different parts of the window. so a- to affect different parts of the patient's body dif- ferently to suit different parts, as conditions re- quire. The head of the patient had better have the blue color to shine on it, and other parts of the body have any other color shine on it that the <-ase may require. EFFECT OF COLORS. Red color stimulates and excites, and iner< life; yellow color increases action of the stomach and bowels; blue color soothes and quiets, and assists sleep; black color checks action and dead ens. The patient should sit close to the t'njl>t ,-loxcJ H'imfaw in the colored sunshine. The sun shining through these colors into water or any liquid, or into powders or any substance, will produce the effect of that color on them, and they, taken internally by the patient, will product- the effect of those colors on the patient. The water or anything desired to be vitalized by the colored rays of the sun, should be placed close to the window, or on the \\indow-sill, and may re- main therefor several hours, the ves-el holding it may be occasionally turned around and moved so as to get the fullest power of the sun ; then the vital ized liquid may be put in bottles of the same color as the colored rays were, or a common glass bottle may be used, covered and well wrapped in cloth or paper of the same color as was the color of the ray used to vitalize it, and thus the vital power will be kept in till the liquid is used up , a small or a large drink of this vitalized water may be taken any hour of the day or night as needed; other liquids should betaken quantity ac- cording to their nature and strength. Simple pow- 21 ders, such as sugar, or sugar of milk, cream of tar- tar, or slippery elm bark, or any dry powder, can be vitalized by the colored rays in the same way as liquids, only the vessel holding them in the col- ored rays should be an open glass vessel and set in the window, and vitalized same as directed for the liquids; and put into glass bottles, or jars, corked tight and wrapped with colored paper to suit, that is, to correspond with the color of the window- shade and of the sun-ray used. A teaspoonful of this vitalized sugar, or sugar of milk, or cream of tartar, or powdered slippery elm bark, would be a good size dose. Oils, syrups, molasses, honey, but- ter, cream, lard, salves, wax, cheese, bread, meat, and all kinds of food, can be vitalized in this way ; and by using the colored shade needed can be made to suit any special case. And in this way the sick can be cured by eating vitalized food, which can be prepared and vitalized fresh for every meal on sunny days. And thus, by breathing vital air, drinking vitalized water and eating vitalized food, all can get well and keep well. BOTTLE DISCS. Oval disc-shaped glass bottles or jars may be made any required color, and used to hold any sub- stance in the sunshine, and thus their contents be vitalized according to the color of glass or shade used. And these flat oval glass bottle discs may be filled with water or other transparent liquid, and the sun's rays shining through it be made to shine on the part of the patient's body desired to be treated ; any color may be used to suit any special case, and the patient benefited accordingly. Fifth VITALIZATION BY ELECTRICITY. I have said so much in former lessons about this wonderful vitalizing and curative agent that it seems to me 22 that but little more is needed to be said. It is now known that galvanic electricity, from a bat- tery of many cells or cups, say from thirty to forty of the common size cells, will produce a ciirrc-nt strong enough to decompose water, burn and can leri/e- ilesh, dissolve metals, etc.; and much le-< power will do to vitalize any substance and make it curative; and still a much less power or quantity will do to vitalize patients and cure their (m-ga live) diseases, and benefit all more or less; and still a much less battery power, even one cell, is >ul licient for curative purposes if we use a properly constructed coil or helix to concentrate and inten sify the current like the one we use in our Little Giant ; and this concentrated current may In- divided, and regulated, and modified so as to pro- duce diliercnt effects, so that we can have special currents for special diseases, as we have in our improved twelve current "Little Giant," so a- \ do much more with electricity than has been done before. In this improved Little Giant Vitalizer we have special galvanic currents, and special magnetic currents, and special vitalizing currents, and spe- cial dissolving currents, special >catlering and special concentrating and drawing currents, and special electro-vitalizing currents, by which we can electro- vitalize all substances and all patients by passing a certain current into them. Then in this improved Little Giant we have a special to-and-fro TONING IT CIKUKNT for all diseases of weakness debility and exhans (ion. Then we have the various grades i>\' currents combined in one, making a grand DOUIII.i: ( ! KIIKNT for special purposes, and when a very strong cur 2'3 rent is needed or desired. Special directions go with the instrument, for the proper using of all the currents, which all who have read my former lessons on the use of electricity can understand and use Sixth MAGNETIC VITALIZATION. As we have taught you before most substances liquids, solids, and persons can be vitalized with human magnet- ism by a skilled and healthy magnetizer. I have taught before that the positive right hand touch- ing or holding, or stirring or rubbing, the article or thing, or person or part, will vitalize it and make it more positive and curative And I have told you that the left hand applied to anything in the same way will make the article or person or part more negative and depleting; thus we can affect and control things and persons, and parts of persons, as we wish; this gives us A MIGHTY POWER. And we can instruct patients to use their own magnetism on themselves by their own hands; and by their own will-power, directing the mag- netic power to any part of the body needing it, as I have directed before in Statuvolence or self- control and self-cure. Persons who go to religious shrines and statues and pictures, and who go to religious meetings and pray in faith, and desire earnestly, CURE THEMSELVES. The priest or minister, and other faithful people, help the mourner to convert himself; so the Vita- pathic priest-minister-physician, with good and i'avorable surroundings, helps the believing and de- sirous patient to cure himself. The processes which I put them through, with their faith, hope, and en- ergy, will cure in any case, whether it be paralysis or any negative disease ; or whether it be fever or 24 any positive disease; or wctlnT it be both, MS it was in the case of DANIEL CORBIN, on whom I made the wonderful cure at one treatment, who^e case I will now relate as a lesson. Daniel Corbin was doubly injured, either of which was enough to kill him. which if I was cor- rectly informed was about as follows: He was working upon a high building in the hot sun where he became' sun struck, and in this dying condition he fell head foremost down on something below. striking his head and producing concision and much injury to the brain; but he lived on for eight years, better in cold weather, and wor>r in warm weather. His condition was just this, the sun-stroke, and the headlong fall had rushed the blood to his head, and he was so injured that the blood never regained its proper circulation but kept up above the heart, making his head and should- ers burning hot, and but little blood going below the heart left the lower part of his body free/ing cold, and so bad was he that he had to keep his head surrounded by large blocks of ice, and his feet on hot bricks or stones, and so deranged was his circulation that if he stirred he would >woon away. Can anyone think of a rase more deplor able or more difficult to cure? All this time, eight years, the most eminent medical doctors and pray- ing Christians failed to even relieve him, he himself being a church member, and his family too. and all helping all they could; but everytliini: failed, and everything (Iocs fail but Vitapathy. Mr. Corbin was in this helpless : uid hopeless condi- tion when Mr. .Indson II. < Mark, the wealthy, liberal spiritualist, of Scio, New York, took me ten mile- in his carriage to the village of Friendship to see the suffering invalid, where we found him out of doors on the shady side of his home with his head 25 Tiiu-kcd in ice, and his feet kept hot with hot stones (he would smother and swoon away in the house). But now to the cure, so that all V. D's. can make similar cures. 1st. Mr. Clark talked to him, and told him of me and the wonderful cures that I had made. 2nd. I talked to him and tried to convince him that I could cure him, but I had to convert him first to get him ready to be healed ; finally, when he expressed his belief, and a willingness to be treated, I was ready to commence. 3rd. I put my hands on his head and made passes down the whole length of his body to his feet, pressing pretty hard as I went down ; soon the blood began to follow my passes down, as he afterwards described it (to the editor who pub- lished the account of the cure from his own lips), ".that it felt like streaks of lightning or electricity passing down through him as I made the passes down." 4th. I told him what to do for himself; to breathe hard, and rise up and walk ; he did not believe he could walk, but I encouraged and forced him to walk. 5th. Then I told him to continue hard breath ing, and to slap his hands together, and to walk about and stamp his feet hard on the floor in addi- tion to my magnetic treatment and control. I made him DO THREE THINGS AT ONCE, viz. ; breathe, slap his hands, and stamp his feet, by which he helped to make the cure. Soon he spoke of his hands and feet getting warm, and his head getting cool ; then he could walk around the yard and into his house, when his wife and children began to cry, whether from fright or joy I don't know, per- haps both. From that one treatment he was restored to 26 health, and looked after work (he same evening, and the next y mail to great distance-, sensi tive persons can feel a wonderful power 1'roia them while they are wearing them according to direr tions. I have received many interesting accounts 1'rom cases of this kind. l'-itive substances (and pei-mi-i hold elect ri city and magnetism much longer than negative- do, and some negatives, such as water and watery negatives, have to be magneti/ed fre-h for that special time. Some substances hold electricity and magnetism, and all vitality, much longer on account of their shape; the round shape like our globe or earth is the best, as there are no coi'm /* for the magnetism to get nut at ; then all vitali/ed curative food substances are better round, or in the pill shape, and this brings us to our VITA I. PELLETS, which may be made of sugar, or sugar of milk, or any concentrated nutritive food substance that can be made curative by some of our processes of vi talization, and thus make in themselves a FULL .-MATKUIA MKDICA. For convenience the largest si/e sugar of milk pellets can be bought at any homeopathic store; these can be magnet i/ed /^.v/V/'/v/y by holding a few of them at a time in the right hand, then keep them in a tightly corked vial wrapped with paper. or else kept in tight paper boxes. Sugar of milk pellets can be magnetized /^y^///v/// by holding them in the left hand. One of either of these i< sufficient for a dose. They may be sent by mail any distance to patients. But it is best to only give out a few at a time, and should be magnet ized fresh as they are given out to patients. Th- magnetized pellets may l>e di--ol\ed in water or 29 tea, or milk, one at a time, and taken ; or one may be melted in the mouth, or swallowed down whole, as suits best. Children will take them like candy. These are far better than homeopathic medicines as they are specially magnetized at the time, and lor a special case, and by a Vitapathic physician who understands the magnetizing process. These magnetic vitalized food remedies are far better than any drug medicine in any disease for any person. But as some old fogy patients still want medicine, these magnetized pellets can be given them while the cure is being made by air, water, food, and other vital and vitalizing remedies, to suit the case, so all can be suited and made happy. When I come to speak of PRACTICE I will give full and plain directions in all cases. Believing rjow that what I have said here, and in the ENCY- CLOPEDIA and in verbal lessons, that all our pro- cesses of magnetizing all our remedies and pa- tients can be understood, I will proceed further and go higher into, or up to Seventh SPIRITVITALIZATION. Electricity comes from galvanic batteries and from other things and processes. Magnetism comes from the living body and brain, and from other things and processes. So Spirit comes from the sunshine and air, and from the living soul and heart and head, and from other sources of spirit. Electricity is generated by chemical machinery and conducted by metals. Magnetism is generated by blood and brain, and conducted by vegetable and animal substances. Spirit is generated by breathing it from the air into the human organism, and conducted by the will and desire and deter mination of the operator, as his soul uses, directs, and desires; and does not need metal, or vegeta- 30 ble, or animal conductors, but may be sent and passed through the air anywhere, or to any dis tance, to the person who is ,<,/>/ to receive it and l)c healed, body and soul. Other souls, whether in or out of the body, may, can. and tin assist t lie- properly developed Vitapathic l'hy>irian and Spiri tual Minister to heal the sick without any medicine at all. /'//V///M A x<; EL TREATMENT. Harmon ion- di>em liodied souls can be called on to a i-t the human operator, and. when desired and assisted by the embodied soul of the Vitapathic physician, will go any distance to the uictHnni patient, and cure him at once. I have had much assistance in this way in many cases, one of which I will mention as a sample, as this case was fully proved and published in the Sjtir'itmil ()tf'< /}// friend. Brown, l>nt did not tell me in what part of California old man Brown lived. I did not know his town nor post-office. But as soon as the request came that evening I sat down and called up some known spirit-healers from the spirit world and told them the request, but they, like myself, did not know- old man Brown. I told them that Brown was a medium and had a band of spirits around him, and they could hunt until they found some of his band or some one to lead them to John Brown ; so they 31 went, five of them, and found John Brown in his far off home that same night, and appeared to him and told him that Dr. J. B. Campbell, of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, had sent them, at his request, to come and cure him. John Brown received them gladly, and they treated and cured him then and there. The next day John Brown wrote a letter to his friend, Col. D. M. Fox, of Ottumwa, Iowa, before mentioned, that last nicjht, giving the date, five angel spirits came to him (he saw, and heard, and felt them, and counted their number) and told him that Dr. J. B. Campbell had sent them to cure him ; and Mr. Brown further writes to Col. Fox, that they did treat him and did cure him that same hour (he fully recovered and became a healthy man), and says, that new flesh and new life came into him, and that he became more lleshy and healthy than at any previous time in his long life. This cure was made by angel help while the patient was some three thousand miles away from me, and on a man I had never seen. Col. Fox published all in his paper as above stated. Many cures have been made in the same way, but the account of this one is sufficient to explain all the rest. Ninth SOUL TREATMENT. I often go myself, that is MY SOUL goes to harmonious patients at any distance and treats them spiritually, and re- lieves them instantly and linally cures them. They report that they see, and hear, and feel me, and are conscious of my presence and treatment, and feel the power and receive benefit immediately. If conditions could be made better on my part, and more harmonious and receptive on the part of the patient, many wonderful cures could be 32 made in this way by " Spirit Power;" and we have reasons to hope that it will soon be accomplished, for this is a spiritual age, and we use spiritual means to cure with and to benefit body and soul. Tenth VITA TREATMENT. We think that the chapter in the ENCYCLOPEDIA, on the Nature, and Source, and Use of Vita, in the cure of disease and in "Raising the Dead," is all that need be said on that subject now. But here I will impart a greater secret on the use of Vita, which I have not before named, it is this : We can learn how to produce Vita enough in our own system to pre- serve both body and soul alive together, and thus make the human being practically immortal; and it is done in this way : We have, first, to breathe, and drink, and eat right, and do everything right, and obey nature's laws in ourselves. This wiH keep us from sickness and premature death, but still will not make us immortal, neither in soul nor body. A greater effort than all this must be made if we want to gain immortality, and here is the SECRET: When we breathe, as I have di- rected before, to take in spirit with the air tor physical life, we must remember at the same time the soul needs nourishment, and we must take in spirit expressly for the soul' as we take, in food expressly for the body. And we always should think what we are doing and what we are iii(f it for when we eat: should not talk about something else and forget what we are doing and what we are doing it for. This is an important matter in eating food, and it is much more im- portant in breathing spirit. We must tlunk what we are doing and what we are breathing, and be conscious that we are breathing !/> the very SPIRIT OF LIFE on which we live and move and have our 33 being. And still all this is not enough to make us immortal; we must do a good deal more. We MUST, while breathing in spirit in this conscious and powerful manner which I have just described, let ourselves become fully SPIRITUALIZED and pass into the EXTATIC CONDITION of full SPIRITUALIZATION. " We must be born again," and born in the way I have just described, and this time born to immortal life I " We then have passed from death unto life," and life and love crowns all. This is being baptized with holy spirit and made immortal. This can be learned, and practiced, and accom- plished by the persevering and faithful disciple of Vitapathy. But after being baptized with spirit and born to this " Newness of Life," we still have to use the means to support immortal life as we have to use the means to support mortal life. We have to live on VITA and here comes in the necessity and importance of Vita we have to live on it whether we are in the coarse physical body or not; wherever we are the immortal life has to be sustained and perpetuated by Vita, without that ( here would be no endless life. So here again looms up the immense value and importance of Vita. As I have stated before in former lessons, Vita is the product and grand culmination of the union of the finest matter with the purest spirit. We have to eat the finest matter and breathe the purest spirit in the special conscious EXTATIC manner that I have described, and with full faith, a steady aim, earnest desire, and STRONG WILL, deter- mined to succeed. Enough Vita can be produced to preserve soul and body both as long as the pro- duction and use of Vita is kept up, thus practically banishing death. If Vita is not produced in suffi- cient quantity to preserve soul and body both, then the body, the most material of the two, will 34 have to be dissolved back to matter, and the will have to draw fine magnetic matter from oilier living bodies to unite with pure living ,-pirit to produce Vita enough to live on, and with the ma- terial part Vita clothes itself with a new vital liody, and thus be fully immortal. An immortal .-oul must have an immortal body to live in; if the soul cannot or does not purii'y, refine, preserve, and .-:on (or body) is said to be possessed of devils. In early times disembodied souls were more ignorant and vicious than now, and then there were worsedevils than now. Ignorance leads to crime, knowledge leads to virtue. These ignorant and vicious body less souls have to be taught how to make bodies for themselves, then they can be happy and pro- gressive; this is a great and much needed work 35 for advanced souls to do, and they are now en- gaged in teaching poor ignorant souls how to live. Many of these ignorant, almost bodyless, souls come back or stay with some member of their fam- ily and draw Vita from them, and draw so hard that they often draw blood out of their victims and render then weak and sickly, and many die from their blood sucking and Vita drawing. All re- member the stories of vampires, which are not a fiction but a terrible reality; and doctors will find many such poor victims among their patients if they will only investigate, for their " name is legion/' And here Vitapathy comes in with its knowledge, power, and skill, to instruct and ele- vate the ignorant, hodyless souls, and cure their helpless victims. Nothing but Vitapathy can save the vampire and his victim; and this is the chief glory of the Vitapathic system, it reaches to both worlds, and rescues and saves the suffering and ignorant in both. Some systems belong only to this life, and some systems belong only to the next life ; some systems only look after the body, and some systems only look after the soul, which is at best, even if they were genuine, only a kind of half way business, and which really is not much better than none. But Vitapathy looks after and benefits all bodies and all souls in ALL worlds, and in ALL lives; and here begins to swell up the im- mense importance of Vitapathy, it belongs to both worlds and cures and saves in both, and benefits all for all time and eternity. Every person living should learn Vitapathy, both for here and here- after, and the sooner all learn it the better, for it is the rock of physical and spiritual salvation in time and eternity to all who will receive and live it. Now, having explained the full principles and powers of Vitapathy, we will commence its 36 PRACTICE. And I will speak first of its grosser remedies, employed by EXTERNAL TREATMENT, And show what wonders can be accomplished in curing disease by the outward application of simple domestic Vitapathic remedies. /V/-.S-/ Air blown on the whole body will cure inflammatioD and fever in a few hour-; and if blown on a local inflamed sore with a bellows will relieve in a short time. s,,;nnl Water applied to the whole body in a full length bath tub, or if applied by pouring <>n the back of the neck, will cure any fever in a half hour. Third Sweet spirits of nitre, or ben/ine. or oline, bathed on an inflamed place, left uncovered, will cure by cooling evaporation in a few hours. TONIC LIMMKNT. Aqua ammonia three parts, olive oil one part. Good for rheumatism and all aches. Fourth Our Vital Oil, mentioned in the KNVY- CLOPEDIA, applied same as the gasoline, is still bet- ter for all inflammations and pains. A cheap vital oil can be made of one pint of deodorixed gasoline, four ounces of gum camphor, and two ounces of oil of sassafras. Fifth Vinegar, or acetic acid diluted, make< an excellent skin wash. Sixth Salt water or sea water make excellent washes for stings, biles, skin poisons, etc. Seventh Sassafras tea makes an excellent wa-K for some skin diseases. K'ujhth Distilled golden seal makes an excel lent wash for canker in the mouth and throat, and for hives and pimply skin diseases. 37 Ninth Distilled eucalyptus globulus makes an excellent skin wash for leprosy. Tenth Distilled witch hazel, leaves and bark, make an excellent wash for piles, and all blue spots and varicose veins. All the above distilla- tions and all distillations should be distilled by the Vitapathic process without alcohol, and for this purpose our new still is the best. Eleventh New warm milk makes a good wash for open sores. All know the value of mustard- plasters, and also the common porous-plasters, which should be well magnetized before applying. All plasters, papers, and cloths are valuable cura tives when well magnetized, indeed, everything intended to cure or benefit should be well magnet ized first, or vitalized by some of our processes, for it is Vita vitality that cures. VITAPATHIC PRACTICE. WITHOUT DRUG MEDICINES OF ANY KIND. In teaching the methods of cure by this newer and better Vitapathic treatment I will not stop to give symptoms of any disease, these can be learned fully in other books; but I will be particular to give the nature and class of the diseases we treat with any particular class of remedies, which is much better, and most important. ACUTE INFLAMMATIONS, Such as inflammatory rheumatism, and all inflam- matory diseases, are very positive in their nature, especially in sanguine positive persons, and require negative anti-inflammatory remedies, such as water, internal and external, and locally to any place that may need it ; and all such patients need our nega- 38 tive sugar in half teaspoonfnl doses in some water or cold sanative tea every t'e\v hours for a day or two, and may have the direct current electricity from holes 2 and 5 in our Little (Jiant; and I In- pat lent may have one negatively magnetized sugar of milk pellets every hour or so for a few days afl the case may be: our vital warm air hath is excellent in all cases. The acute patient should he seen at least once daily, and the negative sugar and pellets should be reneirl < r, /// ilnif so ;is to lie t'i'ixli; mi I ij o call bage slaw but slightly cooked in water and vinegar, and but little else to eat for a day or two ; they can have as much water as they want to drink ; keep them in a rather dark room, with no noise 01 company ; they will soon get well. MALIGNANT DISEASES. Small pox, measles, scarlet fever, and such poi- sonous and malignant diseases require about the same treatment as inflammatory fevers, excepting the negative suirar may be given in hall' tea-poon- ful doses, or less, every half hour in sanative tea : one or two vapor-baths may be given in the early stages of the disease; and Virginia snake-root tea or other diaphoretics may be continued for several days. The sanative tea sw< t< m- malignant diseases, and yellow lever and all epi- demics. lUPHTHERIA. Iii diphtheria, croup, etc., the treatment should be about the same as for small pox, etc., with these ad- 39 ditions make the sanative tea stronger with a tea- spoonful of fluid extract of eucalyptus globulus to the cup of hot sanative tea and negative sugar. The patient should have a spoonful of this tea as prepared above every fifteen minutes or so for the first day, then slower and less. The hot sanative tea and negative sugar should be well gargled in the throat every fifteen minutes in bad cases of diphtheria, and the silk handkerchief may be worn on the outside. And there is one thing more that the patient needs in this disease, and that is, a little good nutritious food every two or three hours to keep up his strength, such as rice cooked with milk and egg and loaf-sugar, even boiled milk is good. Be careful of cold and fatigue, and your patient will soon be well. Diphtheria, etc., can be prevented by the same means used to prevent small pox, measles, etc., that is, by the use of the sanative tea and negative sugar at meals at least once a day. EKYSIPHELAS, And all hot skin diseases, may have about the same treatment as scarlet fever, etc., and may in addi- tion be frequently washed externally with strong sanative tea and negative sugar, or with distilled eucalyptus or distilled hamamelis. The nega- tively magnetized sugar of milk pellets will be proper to give in all these positive diseases; cool- in(/ magnetic passes from head to feet are also proper in all the positive fevers. STINGS AND BITES. Stings and bites and poison-ivy inflammations are very positive in their nature and effects, and require about the same internal treatment as small pox, sea salt dissolved in water and applied to the place being a good remedy. In common cases if 40 the water is made as salt as common sea water, and the part well and often bathed, or a cloth wet with it kept on, it will be sufficient. But for snake or mad dog bites the sea salt should be first nmi-t ened with water, and applied thick on the place. The wet salt may be put into a little bag or stock- ing, or wrapped in a towel and applied. Then a sheet copper or zinc plate should be put on out- side of that, and then the negative pole or handle from hole four be put on that, while the positive pole of the same current from hole two should be put to the back of the neck under a good Rtrong direct current from our Little Giant. In snake bite it may be run an hour or more, and in mad dog bite it may be run longer, and the salt may be renewed two or three times. Then the patient should have an electro-magnetic vapor bath, and this may be repeated every day for a week or two, running a strong direct current of electricity down through the patient while in the bath. The mad or rabid patient should eat onions and garlic for food. See also our other previously published remedies and treatments for hydrophobia in the ENCYCLOPEDIA and its SUPPLEMENT. I think the sea salt and direct current electricity better than the mad-stone. But in all cases of snake or mad dog bite the patient should be given large quan- tities of negative sugar; that will antidote the poison and work it off by the bowels. SYPHILIS And all blood-poisoning require about the same treatment as bites, etc. This is a terrible di-ea-e. and the cause of many other diseases, and of much suffering and many deaths. Full treatment should be continued for some time. The low diet, nega- tive sugar, the direct current electricity, and the 41 electro-magnetic vapor and warm air bath, all should be followed up until the poison is all out of the system, and all parts well. Perseverence in these full treatments is the only safety, and espe- cially in chronic cases. The negative corn silk is an excellent remedy. GONORRHEA Should be treated in about the same way, but will not need so much active treatment; it will require more of the corn silk remedy and yerba santa, both of which may be taken as tea. MUMPS Will require sanative tea and negative sugar in- ternally, and the healing oil externally, kept there with a flannel rag. HEALING OIL Is made of linseed oil or olive oil with all the camphor gum that will dissolve in it. GOUTY SWELLINGS May be treated in the same way, and the electro- magnetic vapor and warm air bath will be excel lent in all cases. INFLAMMATIONS And swellings in any part of the body should be treated in about the same way. BOILS, FELONS, CARBUNCLES, ETC. Should have the same general negative treatment, and have the healing oil thickened with the nega- tive sugar or with salicylic acid applied as a poul- tice; or strong tea of lobelia may be thickened with the negative sugar and applied. CANCER. There are so many forms and stages of this ter- rible disease that our best treatment has to be 42 employed with skill to suit each <;><. .Cancer seems to be on the increase, and no donlit syphilis and tobacco and tomatoes have inndi to do with producing it. In my former lessons in the ENCYCI.OI-KIM A and its SuiTLKMKNT I have given the best remedies and methods of treatment known, and I now give some fuller lessons on this very inlere-i in- subject. NEW CANCER TKK ATM KNT. The patient should be put on a low diet of rice and other easily digested food, should drink the sanative tea and negative sii-ar, and have eleclro magnetic vapor and warm air baths, with direct current electricity from the hands or neck down to the feet, as constitutional and blood purifying treatment; then the patient should have the direct galvanic electric treatment, with the negative polo from hole 4 (farthest right hand corner of our Lit tie Giant) to the cancer, outside of the wet salt bau. as I have described for snake and mad dog bites; and have the positive quantity direct gal- vanic current from hole 3 (farthest left hand cor- ner) in the hand or neck, or above or opposite the cancer. In the primary stages of cancer it may be scattered with the positive of the direct current i<> it, and the negative of the same current oppo- site or below, or to the feet, with copper foot dish and hot salt water in it ; the negative pole or Hat handle can be put outside- of the copper foot dish with the feet inside; then, with the positive, pole at or on the pimple or gathering, it will scatter and carry the poison out at the feet into the salt water. MAI.KiNANT CAN< KKS In advanced stages should always have the pulling out treatment, with the wet >alt and negative pole 43 to it, as described for mad-dog bite, syphilis, etc., and in addition to this pulling out treatment and the constitutional treatment before described. Open cancers need special local treatment, such as the C. 0. 0. C., or CAMPBELL'S COMPOUND CANCER CURE, Described in the SUPPLEMENT to the ENCYCLOPEDIA, or may have this newer cancer treatment, the healing oil, made of glycerine and camphor, thick- ened with boracic acid or salicylic acid so it can be used as a poultice; in applying this poul- tice to the open running cancer, or malignant sore, a thin gauze muslin should be used between the poultice and the sore, and the poultice may be re- newed twice a day. EATING CANCER. Where cancer is eating in fast either to flesh or bone, salicylic acid may be used in the poultice instead of the boracic acid; always remembering to give thorough treatments with all the remedies above described. The cancer patient should live on a cool, low, scant diet; keep the bowels well open with negative sugar and other laxitive diet, and keep the pores of the skin well open with the vapor bath, and should be very particular not to heat the blood or excite the body or mind in any way; then persevering treatment will cure nearly every case without cutting or burning, or pains, or risk or danger, and affording the only safe and sure treatment for these terrible malignant diseases. Human magnetism will scatter and cure many cases of these blood diseases in their early stages while in the pimple or tumor condition. If there is much pain, the fluid extract of eualyptus and sali- cylic acid can be applied to any open sore; or if the cancer is inside of the body the left hand treat- 44 merit will pull the inflammation and poison to (he surface and cure the cancer. BILIOUS FEVERS. We now enter on another class of positive dis- eases that are not malignant nor poisonous, but are bilious according to the biliousness of the pa tient, from bilious temperament and from external bilious causes, and the patient needs treatment accoi'd'tiKjhj. If he is very positive and bilious he will have high bilious fever and needs large d<> of negative sugar, and much water both internal and external, by drinking, pouring on his neck, or by whole bath, and always remember to give and apply this negative water treatment at about the close of the day when the fever is at the highe-t. and give him for his supper cabbage-slaw wanned in water and vinegar. The patient can be well by the second day. TYPHOID FEVER May be of the same bilious type, but being in a more negative person does not require quite such big doses of the negative sugar or food or water, and requires more toning up treatment and plenty of the vitalizing pennyroyal tea to drink ; thus the treatment can be modified to suit all grades of bilious fevers. YELLOW FEVER Is first a high grade of bilious fever, then cham rapidly to a low grade of septic fever. While the fever is high it produces combustion and fermenta- tion in the tissues and secretions of the patient, producing germ-life which then assists to propa- gate the disease. The treatment should be about the same as for bilious and typhoid levers, only more so. The negative sugar should bo made much stronger with salycilic acid, say two ounces to the 45 pound of cream of tartar ; then teaspoonful doses of this new negative sugar should be given every two or three hours in strong sanative tea, only con- tinue this but a day or two, or until the fever is allayed, then give pennyroyal tea to drink with a teaspoonful of the positive sugar in every teacup- full of the tea, and let him have this much every two or three hours until he is better; and then give him a good easily digested nutritious diet every few hours, such as rice, tapioca, etc., in the pleas- antest mode of preparation. Fever patients that have become much depleted can be reinvigorated with the to-and-fro electricity and ginger and da- miana tea, or the " Vital tea." All persons ex- posed to, or liable -to get, yellow fever, or any epidemic fever, should use the sanative tea and the negative sugar at their meals to prevent the disease. FEVER AND AGUE, Or rather ague and fever, is first negative, then positive, and must be treated accordingly, that is, the negative chilly stage must be treated with positives, such as hot ginger tea and positive sugar, in large quantities, before and at the time of the cold stage, to break it up at once. Our dry hot-air bath is excellent to warm the patient and break the chill; commence the hot-air bath just before the chill commences, and keep the patient in until the time for the chill is over, even if it should take an hour or more. In the fever stage give cool drinks and cooling treatment, and for the sweating stage and NIGHT SWEATS Give strong cold sage tea, and wash off with vine- gar and water. 46 OTHER FEVERS. There are many other fevers nn*ing from colds, sores, injuries, and excitements, and should be treated on the positive and negative principles, by first reducing the fever-heat, pain, soreness, ami inflammation with the negative treatment, then toning up with positives. COLDS Should be relieved immediately with sweats, warm air baths, etc.; hot water, hot ginger or pennyroyal teas, are excellent to sweat out colds. PNEUMONIA Is best cured by giving tho patient a tea made of pennyroyal and ginger, or its tincture, in teaspoon- t'ul doses, or more, in the hot pennyroyal tea well sweetened with positive sugar, to make him sweat 1 lie cold all out in a few hours. Our vital-vapor baths are also excellent. PLEURISY Can be cured in about the same way. All sweats should be thorough and successful by hot teas and hot things around the patient who should be wrap- ped up warm in bed. CHRONIC COLDS. Long continued colds assume the chronic form and become negative, and weaken and debilitate the patient, and therefore, in addition to sweats, etc., require to-and-fro electricity, and other po>i tive and tonic remedies; but the fever and inflam- mation of any disease is positive in character, and must first be subdued with negative treatment before toning up with the positives. COUGHS Generally come from colds, and should be treated 47 as colds. Acute positive coughs require sanative tea and negative sugar. Chronic negative coughs require pennyroyal tea and positive sugar. 2 oun- ces of salt and 2 ounces of good vinegar and 2 ounces of .glycerine in a pint of water, taken in teaspoonful doses, or more, every few hours, is excellent for coughs. This negative cough medi- cine is excellent for fits. WHOOPING COUGH Is positive, and requires sanative tea and negative sugar. A little may be taken every hour, or less frequently, to allay the cough and give sweats, etc., same as in common colds and coughs. HICCOUGH Or hiccup is generally negative, and comes from a sour stomach, and can be relieved at once by eat- ing a little positive sugar or loaf sugar. In all chronic negative conditions, from colds, coughs and all depleting diseases, the to-and-fro current electricity from our improved Little Giant is very beneficial, and so is positive magnetism, applied with the right hand on the weak place. FIRE HEAT Is very curative for all colds, lumbago and sore feelings, applied to the place as most convenient. SCROFULA. The common word scrofula, like charity, is made to cover a multitude of (sins) diseases, and it is a word that everybody hates, especially when applied to any disease of theirs. They think it means that their disease comes from some venereal disease or cause, and it often does, and they, like the man under the bed who thought he was bitten by a rattle snake, may as well own up, and seek the proper remedy. Still these diseases may be 48 inherited, and the patient not to blame. But no matter, the conditions must be met, and the dis- ease cured, and the quicker the better. There are other causes for scrofula, and the most general is eating pork. Scrofula may be deep seated and never show on the surface, and th people think they have no scrofula and become in- dignant if the doctor intimates that they luive. P>ut they must not deceive themselves as the deeper seated the disease the worse it generally is, and may end in consumption and death before they are aware; or in tumor, or in cancer, or inter- nal ulceration. IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. All persons with any taint of scrofula or other blood disease should go through a regular treat ment of fruit and vegetable diet, and sanative tea and negative sugar, and the electro-magnetic vapor vital warm air bath, with the special cleansing di- rect current from hole 2 and 4, running from hand or back of neck to feet. SKIN DISEASES, Such as scald head, erysipelas, tetter, ring-worm, salt-rheum, kings evil, etc., come generally from 'scrofulous causes, and require the same treatment, and also special internal and external remedies (such as are spoken of on page 340 of ENCYCLOPK- DIA) and especially need the negative sugar inter- nally, and washes of distilled eucalyptus with re- fined powdered borax or boracic acid dissolved in it ; and for raw sores glycerine may be added in about equal parts with the eucalyptus. Sweats and the warm air bath are excellent, and the euca- lyptus and glycerine and Borax may be put in the vapor pan under the chair at the time of bath. 49 LEPROSY. That terrible scourge of the southern portion of the globe can be cured by full persevering treat- ment as directed for scrofulous skin diseases, with the internal use of barberis aquafolium in connec- tion with the electro magnetic vapor vital warm-air bath with the special direct current electricity and the external use of eucalyptus and glycerine and boracic acid, to which may be added a little salicylic acid, especially in applying to decaying sores. The negative sugar should be taken very freely in sanative tea. And most all leprosy patients are very bilious, and may need mandrake in some form in addition to the negative sugar, etc. INSANITY Seems to be on the increase, and its chief causes are scrofulous diseases and masturbation. Insan- ity is of two kinds, the positive and the negative, just as the temperament of the patient and the causes may be. Sanguine positive scrofulous per- sons have mostly POSITIVE INSANITY, And require such treatment as we have directed for scrofulous diseases, and cold baths and a cool- ing scanty diet. NEGATIVE INSANITY Occurs most in negative persons who have misused themselves. They are generally nervous, timid, fearful, and gloomy, and require a great deal of toning-up vitalizing cheerful magnetic Vita treat- ment. This, with removing the cause and its effects, and repairing damages as far as possible, will soon cure even the worst cases. The Vita- pathic negative depleting treatment is the great remedy for positive insanity ; and the Vitapathic 50 positive vitalizing treatment, employed mostly through Vita, is the great remedy for negative insanity; and these positive and negative method^ of treatment, properly applied according to the nature and condition of each case, can euro all insane persons, and restore them to their right mind and to usefulness and to home and society. Thi- I have tested in many cases and know of what I speak. I have gone to lunatic asylums annum the most hopeless and pronounced ISCVRA.VLR insane patients and restored them to health and reason at one treatment, and I confidently believe that if this Vitapathic treatment could be carried out, under favorable circumstances, that every case could be cured, and the LUNATIC ASYLUMS EMPTIED. But o'f course the old fogy medical doctors, who have charge of the asylums, will not consent, for fear we might succeed, and then their occupation would be gone. Positive diseases even in positive persons may. from their long continuance. In-come chronic and negative, and require, after the positive patient has had a little negative and cleansing treatment, the general positive treatment to suit the negative form of the disease, but still will not require a- much positive treatment as the chronic negative patient would. There are other positive di-ea-os and conditions that may not have been specially named in these lessons, but will all require negative treatment on general principles. SPECIAL DISEASES. There are some special diseases that may be either positive or negative, according t<- llr- tern- 51 perament of the patient and the cause of the' disease, such as EPILEPSY. Fits of any kind in positive persons will be posi- tive in their nature and require negative treatment such as sea salt or any product of sea water. The sea is wonderfully negative. Bromine, iodine, etc. are all negatives, and are therefore the necessary kind of food remedy in positive diseases and ex- citements. Thus sea salt, bromide of sodium, bro- mide of ammonia, and glycerine, each one ounce to a pint of soft water, taken in teaspoonful doses five or six times a day, would be mild treatment for positive fits in positive persons; in bad cases and ro- bust persons a tablespoonful may be taken at a dose, and even a larger dose may be given to break a fit at the time that it is on or coming on. Patients of this class need to take mild doses for years to keep them well, and all other diseased conditions of the body need to be attended to at the same time; and scull cap, lady slipper, sumbul or some anti-spasmodic may also be required. A direct currrent of electricity from head to feet, and down magnetic passes, is good in all these cases. Salt water and glycerine, two ounces each to a pint of water, make a good fit cure. SPECIAL NOTICE. There is one thing that I would speak epecially of, and that is this: fits, convulsions, spasms, and wild spells and falling sickness, and some forms of insanity, are sometimes produced by the magnetic control of some person or soul in the body or out of the body. The patient has been magnetized by the inharmonious control or fright of some person or disembodied soul, and this unpleasant influence has not been removed. Now, in treating these 52 cases, it is necessary for the doctor to get his patient under his own harmonious control, and then make passes up from feet to head, and well up over the patient's head, to take all magnetism off, no matter who or what put it there ; and the doctor may have to take this bad magnetism off from the patient by the upward passes before he can control the patient. Then, when he lias controlled the patient, even in the least, be sure and take it well off by the upward passes, and by arousing the pa tient up by saying to him " all right." This i< t In- secret of success in all similar cases, and in all magnetic treatments. NEGATIVE FITS In negative persons may have come from the same magnetic or spirit controlling causes, as I have mentioned above, and so far as that is it require- about the same magnetic treatment. But oil en negative persons get fits and nervous spells from masturbation, and that has to be looked alter and remedied ; and some get fits from weakne--, then they will need toning and vitalizing food remedies such as the vital tea and positive sugar, and to- and-fro electricity and vitalizing magnetism and Vita. FITS FROM INjrilir- May sometimes occur, and must be remedied as I'ar as possible; or fits may come from light lacing. loo small shoes, etc., and sometimes from worm-. The cause mils) be sought and removed, and then the patient be treated as the case requires. ST. VITAS* DANCE. In addition to what I have said in the ENCYCLO- PKIUA, I only add that the main thing in the treat meiit of St. Vita-' dance and all -pa-ms /'* 1 equal- 53 ize the circulation of the blood and vital powers of the system, and this is done by quieting, harmon- izing magnetism, and especially by making the patient make himself harmonious by equalizing his own circulation and by making him practice doing three things at once, that is, to breathe extra hard breaths, to slap his hands together, and to stamp his feet hard on the floor, he must do all these three things at the same time, and have him do it for a quarter of an hour every day, and he will soon cure himself. If he gets under any magnetic influ- ence take it off well after the treatment as directed for fits, etc. COLICS, ETC. Are negative, and need strong hot black pepper or ginger tea to cure them at once. TAPE WORM And for all worms feed your patient on half tea- spoonful doses of negative sugar in flax seed tea every hour or so, and give teaspoonful doses of molasses and salt frequently, and nothing else until the worms or tape worm come away, if it should take a week. NEGATIVE DISEASES Are very numerous and of as many varieties and grades and conditions as there are various persons to have them, and require all shades of positive treatment, to suit each case. Still all are treated on the same general principles of cleansing, toning and vitalizing treatment. As I have made these things so plain in former printed and verbal lessons not much more need be added, only to intro- duce some new remedies and vital methods of treatment in certain and special diseases. In add- ing these new lessons I will commence with 54 ACUTE NEGATIVE DISEASES, Such as are very depleting and run their course rapidly, and must be checked soon, such as DIARRHEA. Dysentery and all common loosnesses of the bow- els are negative, and require positive treatment to relieve at once, and here comes in our certain cure, positive food treatment. All drug medicines, and drug stores, and drug doctors may go to the dogs; we will go to the kitchen and dining- room where the proper food remedy is to be found. We will take a bowl of sweet milk and break crackers into it, enough for a small meal, then we will put into it about one teaspoonful of good ground black pepper and stir it up well and have the patient eat all down together. If that is well done one mess is enough, and the patient is well from that moment. I have tried this often and never failed. No drug medicine could cure it as quickly and surely and as safely. (Jo to the kitchen and grocery, and not' to the drug store, if you want to be successful in curing the sick. CHOLERA MORBUS And cholera infantum can be cured in the same way, giving the quantity to suit the age and size of the patient. ASIATIC CHOLERA Needs the same food treatment and a starch injec- tion with a teaspoonful of black pepper in it to check the bowels, and five or ten drops of oil of pennyroyal in a large teaspoonful of sugar and brandy (our Life Drops) taken into the stomach to vitalize tha whole system. Then the disease is checked at once. The vital tea and positive sugar used at meals will prevent cholera. 55 ASTHMA. In bad spells of this, or similar diseases, give strong, hot pennyroyal tea until the patient sweats freely. Magnetism, with right hand on the breast and left hand to patient's light is good; our electric ner\ T e pellets are good, or even our magnetized pellets. Then have the patient drink vital tea and positive sugar at his meals, to keep him well, and give him, and all other patients who think they must have medicine, our magnetized sugar of milk pellets. CONSUMPTION. I have said so much about this all-pervading dis- ease in the ENCYCLOPEDIA, and its SUPPLEMENT that I need not add much more, only to say that vital air and nutritious food are the main remedies in this dis- ease. Pure vital air should be breathed in exces- sive quantities all the time by the consumptive patient. And cream, and cheese, and eggs, and rice, and extract of wheat, and other grains, and corn starch, and such like nutritious food, should be eaten about every three hours by feeble patients, and his drink should be vital tea and positive sugar ; and if he has night sweats give cold sage tea to drink in the evening. Then to- and-fro electricity, and positive magnetism, with right hand to his throat and breast, will help much ; but if he wants medicine give him a positively magnetized sugar of milk pellet every two or three hours, to satisfy him. POSITIVE CONDITIONS. There may be some positive conditions at the early stage of the disease, especially in positive and sanguine persons, such as inflammation of the throat and lungs, and a hacking cough. The pa- - 56 tient should take sanative tea and negative and eat fruit and vegetable food, and should have a thick towel, or paper thickly folded, with healing oil on the side next to the throat and breast, ami worn there continually, a little new healing oil should be put on every day. This is excellent in all inflammation of the lungs, and for inflammation in any part of the body. And for BRONCHITIS, Though this disease commences with inflammation and is therefore positive in character, and needs the negative sugar, and sweats and vapor baths, and the water and salt and vinegar cough rem- edy to remove all this positive condition, it MM.H changes to the negative type, and needs positive toning and vitalizing treatment, see ENCYCLOPEDIA. CONSTIPATION May be either positive or negative, according to the temperament and condition of the patient, and cause of the disease. Costiveness from positive conditions, inflammation, etc., require the u>- of negative sugar, and a cooling fruit and vegetable diet. Costiveness from negative conditions, Mich as weakness and debility, require the vital tea and positive sugar, and tonic remedies, such as cascara sagrada and other bitter foods. Constipation is a terrible affliction to some, and many sufferers have tried all kinds of medicines and pills, and other cathartics, to no benefit. Some have used injections, but still no cure. But those who diet right are always benefited. I have cured many bad cases of constipation with magnetism after all medicines and syringes had worse than failed. Just in this way I treat- ed them, with my right hand over the bowels, by passes up the right side, then across from right 57. to left, and then down the left side, and then up the right side again, and so on around and around, rubbing pretty hard. This is the best treatment for negative constipation, and persons can help themselves this way. The reverse motion treat- ment will check too much action of the bowels. Coarse ground grains of food will do much to re- lieve constipation. DYSPEPSIA. We have said enough about this distressing dis ease in our lessons in the ENCYCLOPEDIA, only to add that it must be treated positively, or nega- tively, as temperament and condition indicate; but here, most of all, are all drug medicines deci- dedly injurious ; here the main dependence must be on diet to suit the special features of the case ; and then electricity and magnetism to suit the re- quirements of each case ; direct-current electricity, positive pole at back of neck, and negative over the stomach for positive inflammatory dyspepsia, and magnetism with the right hand to the back of the neck and the left hand over the stomach ; hold still, and pull the inflammation out, as in all other cases of pulling deep-seated inflammation and poisons out to the surface. All dyspepsia (and other diseases) can be cured with proper food and electricity and magnetism; but they must be ap- plied scientifically, as I have directed, for Vita- pathy is a scientific system of cure for all diseases; there is no haphazard or guess work about it, but all is science and skill, and thorough knowledge, and this is the secret of its wonderful success. In negative dyspepsia the treatment must be just op- posite or reversed from that of positive dyspepsia. DIABETES. In this disease, as in others, the best treatment 58 is proper food, electricity, vapor-baths, and netism ; the -food should be dry and drying, each as pop-corn, and other diet containing no Mi-ar or animal food. With negative pole of to-and-fro // electricity to the back and the positive pole over " the bladder, and magnetism on the same principle, the left hand to the back and right hand to tin- bladder; sweat the patient well with vapor or hoi air baths. Pepper and other spices are good. BRIGHT'S DISEASE Of the kidneys is just opposite in its nature to dia- betes, and requires just opposite treatment; the diet should be moist and cooling, and the negative sugar in sanative tea would be excellent, and raw apples and melons, and thin well skimmed milk should be the principle diet; the vital oil often rubbed on the back will help much, and so would the sweet spirits of nitre, used in the same way , then treat with electricity, or magnetism, as Un- case indicates. Our vital tea or damiana is excel- lent in Bright's disease of the kidneys, and so is asclepias incarnata. BILIOUS HEADACHES Require the daily use of sanative tea and negative sugar, and right hand treatment to the liver and over the bowels, same as for constipation. NERVOUS HEADACHE Requires right hand treatment to the head ; and the stomach, bowels, and other internal organs treated as their conditions require. Nervous headaches are much benefited by rest and quiet. NEURALGIA If it is inflammatory, requires pulling out by putting the negative pole of direct-current to it through a wet cloth, and the positive pole opposite ; 59 or if treated with magnetism, let the principle of treatment be the same, that is, left hand to the pained place and the right hand opposite, hold still, and pull it out if it should take a half hour or more. All pain is positive, and if deep-seated should be pulled out. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM May be positive and require sanative tea and nega- tive sugar, direct-current electricity, and vapor baths, and vital oil rubbed on plentifully and often; but if the chronic rheumatism is negative, then it requires vital tea and positive sugar, and general toning up treatment. DROPSY, Though a negative disease, is sometimes found in positive temperaments, and at any rate requires negative sugar and cider, and hot-air sweating baths. The vital tea, also damiana and ascle- pias incarnata are excellent in dropsy and all dis- eases attended with scanty urination. DEAFNESS Of all kinds I have said enough about in the ENCY- CLOPEDIA. I am not specially an aurist, but ner- vous deafness, as well as nervous blindness, are of- ten cured in a few minutes, with the right hand or finger magnetic treatment to the place ear or eye, as the case may be. CATARACT Needs something to dissolve it, such as fluid ex- tract of eucalyptus globulus, or oil of the same, softened with about as much olive oil, and applied often to the bare eye, the oil will soak in and dis- solve the cataract. But two things more are need- ed, and that is a scanty diet and the bowels kept well open witli the negative sugar, and the pores 00 of the skin very open with hot-air sweating baths, Sinn, as to scatter tumors or gatherings of any kind. Right hand magnetism is also good to rnl, and drive away cataracts and all gatherings. PARALYSIS Is benefited much by making passes up, same as to take the spell off, as directed in mesmerism and fit spells. SHAKING PALSY In this disease the three processes, done at one time, as I directed in St. Vitas' dance, etc. will soon cure palsy agitans. MANY OTHER DISEASES That are mentioned in the ENCYCLOPEDIA and else- where need not be repeated here, as it is plain they can be successfully treated on the general principles laid down in these higher Vitapathir Lessons, and in the use of the new vital food rem- edies spoken of in these lessons. VITAPATIIIC SURGERY. Follow the directions given in the ENCYCLOIM i>i \ with such other new light as time may unfold. SILK HANDKERCHIEF Cl 1 Many things can be magnetized and made cura tive, and among the best is silk, as it holds magnet- ism the best; any piece of silk will do, a silk hand kerchief is about the right size. It should be folded cornerwise (not diagonally), and should be well magnetised by holding one end in the left hand and the other end laying over the right knee and then make passes with the right hand from left to right and off at the right end of the handkerchief at every pass or rub. In a few minutes the hand- kerchief will be well magnet i/ed. The right end will be positive and the, left end negative; now we 61 have a powerful battery. If we want to scatter any surface inflammation or gathering we place the positive end of the now folded handkerchief on it and let the negative end reach around to the oppo- site part of the body ; bind it on tight and wear it there for two or three days, or more if needed. But if we want to draw out a deep seated inflamma- tion, then we would put the negative end of the handkerchief on the surface over the place to pull out. And again if we want to strengthen a weak place we will wear the positive end of the hand- kerchief on it; or if we want to weaken any place or part we will wear the negative end of the hand- kerchief on that part. So it can be seen at once of what great utility and wonderful curative pow- ers the magnetised silk handkerchief is made to be. APPLICATION. When we want to scatter the inflammation of croup, or quinsy, or diphtheria, or the sore throat of scarlet fever, or of any sore throat, we put the positive end of the magnetized silk handkerchief to that part of the throat, and the negative end to the back of the neck. Have the handkerchief or piece of silk long enough to go around a little more than once and a half, and so it will fit tight to the neck. In applying it to larger parts of the body the silk may go around but little more than half, xo that the positive end will be on the inflamed place, and the negative end on the opposite part of the body. This magnetized silk worn for a few days will cure diphtheria and all sore throats and other inflammations in other parts of the body, on the principle that positive repells positive ; remem- bering always that positives push, and drive, and scatter, and negatives pull, and draw, and concen- trate. 62 STOCKING TRKATMI NT. The stocking from the right foot is positive and that from the left fool is negative, and they may lie turned wrong or inside out, and applied (lie same way that the silk handkerchief is applied, and for the same diseases. Perseverance and repeated ap- plication of the remagnetized silk will scatter pri mary cancer before suppurated. After cancers or any malignant sore has suppurated then the treat- ment should be drawing and not scattering. FIRE AND WATI-K. Or heat and cold, are the natural and simple posi- tive and negative forces in nature, which can he- employed with great success in the cure of dis eases ; but their success depends on the proper use of either as to quantity, and time, and place, and condition of disease. Too much fire will burn and kill, and too much water will drown, and too much cold will free/e and kill : extremes will not do in anything, it is equilibrium, balance and harmony ihal is needed in everything. A proper application of fire or heat will cure negative diseases arising from too much cold ; and a proper application of water or cold will cure pos itive diseases arsing from too much heat. The practitioner knowing this, and knowing the cause and nature of the disease, can apply the remedy accordingly, using his judgment in each case. These two natural positive and negative remedies and principles of cure, properly applied, are more curative than all the drug remedies in the world, and are the foundation of the Vitapathic system. NUTRITION. It is nutrition that builds up and sustains phys- ical life. But nutrition is not simply to eat and drink at random. But nutrition is to take such proper substances as eacli part of the body needs. For instance, the bones need lime ; the hair and nails need sulphur; the sinews need albumin, from the white of eggs, etc.; the tissues need glutin, from grain ; the muscles need febrin, from animal food, etc.. To make fat or fatty matter carbon is needed, such as butter, etc.; the secretions need oxygen, from water; and the blood needs all these, and should contain all necessary constituents of the body. In acute diseases, which are mostly positive, there is too much of some of the positives in the system, or are in too great activity, and there- fore a counteracting diet is required, that is, less food of the kind that is in excess in the system, and more of the opposite kind. In chronic diseases, which are mostly negative, there is generally too little of the necessary posi- tive food substances in the system, and must be supplied by the proper diet. In all i nil i in mations and fevers less carbon and more oxygen is needed ; the oxygen can best be supplied by water and vinegar and cabbage food. In consumption, and other negative depleting diseases, carbon is needed, and can best be supplied by cream, and oils, and other carbonaceous foods. In waste of tissue, as in catarrh, expectoration, leuchorrhea, gonorrhea, kidney and seminal waste, etc., a glutinous food and drink is needed, such as uncooked wheat and other grains, and raw white of eggs, and all kinds of glutinous food ; and they need drinks of flax-seed, and corn-silk, and yerba santa, and trailing arbutus, etc., or some of them. Such food and drink would be very benefi- cial in Bright's disease of the kidneys, and all wasting diseases, and more curative than all drugs. In weak and slow digestion rice, and sago, and 64 tapioca, and liver, and such easily ami quickly di- gested food is best. In weakness and debility of the sexual organs corn tassel, damiana, etc., arc l>->t ; and for weak ness of the womb, painful menstruation, etc.. Mack haw, cinnamon, unicorn root, etc., are the best food and drink tonics. DISEASES OF WOMEN. In diseases incident to females I need not say more than I have in the ENCYCLOPEDIA, only to
  • . and during all tliis time taking pills to keep her bowels open, but not taking any other treatment as the rase wa- considered hopeless; one morning I had been called to the house to see a sick daughter of her-. and in coming out 1 passed through the old lady's room, there she was, helpless and hopeless, in her bed; but she spoke to me with a feeble voice, and said, "Doctor have you any of those good pi IN of yours?" The voice sounded so gloomy that I thought I must say something funny, so I answered. "Yes, I have some pills that have- never been />//< n yet." " Pills that never have been taken f" 1 says she, " why, them are the kind of pills I ?/w///." But the thought was so ridiculously funny that the old lady 'laughed right out. and got up out of bed and got well without the pills. These and many other similar cases which like these were all cured at one mental treatment, and without medicine, all go to show that we must say or do something to make a mental change in the patient and break up the spell at once. FRIGHT Will cure in many cases by restoring the equilib- rium of the blood and vital forces. A young man traveling out west in a sickly summer was taken down with the western fever of a malarial clime, in a country house in a bed in the front room of lower floor one afternoon, while burning with 67 fever, and sick unto death, a pet deer of the family where the young man had stopped in his sickness came running home chased by boys, and not find- ing the front door open, jumped through the win- dow by the side of the sick man's bed; deer, window, and all landed on the floor beside the young man with a tremendous crash, and so fright- ened him that it cured his fever that minute, and he got up a well man and pursued his journey. Another quick cure by fright: An old man who had been a helpless cripple for many years, and had to be lifted about, was one day sitting in his chair helpless and alone, presently he saw that his house was on fire and burning up and no person there to carry him out; he was so frightened that he got up and walked out and kept walking, and was cured from that minute. I have known many cases of deafness, blindness, and dumbness, and lameness cured by fright, and sudden shock. The enterprising physician will avail himself of the benefits of all good methods of cure. A TRYING MOMENT, And a cure of insanity. A gentleman visiting an insane asylum went through the building with the doctor superintendent. A gentleman patient who was sane most all the time, but who took spells of a desire to climb and then jump off some high place, so had to be confined for safety. Just then he took one of his climbing spells and followed, unnoticed, the doctor and the visiting gentleman up on the flat roof of the four story building. Just then the doctor was called down for a minute, tell- ing the visitor he would be back soon; but while the doctor was absent, and the visiting gentleman was at the edge of the roof looking over, the in- sane man canje up to where he was standing, with 68 his climbing ;m///y <>tf' spell on him, and taking the visiting gentleman by the arm said, " Let us jump down.* Bui with quick and ama/- ing |)resence of mind the visiting man said to the crazy man, u Let us go down and ///// >//>." Thai look the crazy man at once, and they went down the stairway with care and safety, so as tojuinj> "/>. Hut the idea was so strange that it effected a com plete equilibrium in the lunatic's mind, and cured him from that minute; he did not take any more climbing or jumping spells, but was ever after a well man. Mentally diseased patients have to be controled by an idea or an impulse, and yet made to do some- thing that they think to be grand, and yet >o strange and new, that it will change their whole condition and cure them. SHAME. Sensitive persons who think they are sick can be shamed and talked out of it; tell them it is a shame and a disgrace to have such kind of sick ness as they have, and people are talking about them, and calling them fools and lunatics; and tell them they are losing friends, and caste and posi- tion in society, and getting old and ugly, and los ing their beauty, etc., by having such a disease; talk them out of it, shame them out of it. Why even a dog can be shamed out of bad habits so he wont do them any more. The mentally sick must be cured in some way. either by change of thought, or by persuasion, or fright, or by shame, or through religious motives; some require powerful religious influences to affect and cure them; give it to them in their own way as suits best. All the sick must be cured in some way, and the 69 skillful physician will use the best means to suit the case. A SURE CURE FOR OPIUM AND WHISKY HABITS. A tea made of coca leaves sweetened with posi- tive sugar, and drank at meals daily with good resolutions, will cure any person who wants to get cured of these slavish, body and soul destroying habits. SEPTIC AND ANTI-SEPTIC. In their meaning and effects are but positive and negative in nature, and, as such, belong to our Vitapathic system. Septic is anything that is positive or produces a positive effect; anything that accelerates motion or produces fermentation, combustion, decompo- sition, and increases waste. This accelerated ac- tion may be so intense and rapid as to burn and destroy tissue, produce germ life, suppuration, and blood poisoning. This is all done by too much positive action, just as too much fire will burn and destroy. This too positive septic action has to be checked and prevented by negative anti- septic action by proper anti-septics or the phy- sical body would soon be destroyed. And here comes in the grand positive and negative septic and anti-septic remedies and principles of the great Vitapathic system. Then to find and use the best anti-septics is the desideratum in this part of the Vitapathic practice. There are many anti-septic substances of various degrees of power and adaptability, and it is best to select them as best suits the case and purpose intended. FOR EXTERNAL APPLICATION. The gum-camphor and the oil of sassafras in our vital oil is verv convenient and beneficial in in- 70 flammations, pains, etc. The oil of eucalyptus is excellent to apply to malignant, eating sores, such as open cancers, etc. The oil may be mixed with olive oil to modify and soften it. The fluid extract of the eucalyptus may be applied instead of the oil, and may be dilated in water to suit in any suit able case, either as wash or gargle, or by injection to parts of the body; and may be used externally or internally. Strong sanative tea may be used in a similar manner. Borax, boracic acid, and many other anti-septics, can be conveniently ap- plied externaly to stop decomposition, action, ami pain. INTERNAL APPLICATION For all internal use for general purposes, and for purifying the blood, the continued use of sanative tea and negative sugar by at least a teacupfnl of the sanative tea and a half teaspoonful of the negative sugar in it at every meal, will act as a mild anti-septic, and thoroughly purify the blood of all septic disease. There are many other anti- septics: but to have a thorough anti-septic for all purposes, both for internal and external use, and one that will check all undue action of fermenta- tion, combustion, decomposition, suppuration, wast e and decay in everything, is the desideratum of life. An anti-septic that will prevent decay and pre- serve life in all vegetable and animal substance-. and thus ward off death itself, is what I have been looking for for many long years, and after much experiment and expense it seems to have been found at last. The great REX MAGNUS, Or mighty king and ruler over decay and death has been found, and the next step must be 71 PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY, And this complete anti-septic is what is now well known as SALICYLIC ACID, Which, if properly manufactured so as to get a pure article, and properly employed, will and does do what we expected it to do. As we have it com- bined with cream of tartar in our negative sugar it is a very convenient and beneficial form for internal use in purifying the blood, and for check- ing inflammation, fever, and pain, as well as pre- venting fermentation, decomposition, and decay. But to its GENERAL USE. Two grains of this " Rex Magnus " in a quart of water will keep it sweet and preserve it for a long time; two grains to a pint of any aqueous distilla- tion, or fluid extract of vegetable substances, will preserve it better than with alcohol or sugar, and a little more will preserve canned fruits, etc. ; one grain to the pound will preserve lard; two grains to the pound will preserve butter better than with salt; four grains to the pint of water and enough of this solution made to cover meat for a few days will preserve it fresh and sweet without salt; or it may be wrapped up in a thick cloth wet in the solution, and preserved in that way. For fish and fowl about the same process will preserve them. Eggs in the shell require a stronger solution, and to be kept in longer than meats, or about a wee"k. This principle and method of preservation may be carried out indefinitely ; it is only necessary to get a pure and properly made article of salicylic acid, and employ it in a proper manner, to suit each case. EXTERNAL USE. In all mucus discharges, as in catarrh, leucor- 72 rhea, gonorrhea, etc., it may be applied to the parts in a solution of water or our sanative tea in about ten grains or more of the salicylic acid to a pint of the liquid, some of which may be used two or three times a day, and some of the dry powder may be snuffed up the nose for catarrh. In open cancers and malignant son-- t he sali- cylic acid may be put into flax seed oil or euca- lyptus oil, or in any poultice, and applied to the sore, and renewed once or twice a day, as occasion requires. In a CARROT POULTICE Is an excellent way to apply it to any malignant sore or gangrened place, and is an excellent dressing for cancer. Fluid extract of eucylyptus. thickened with salicylic acid, makes an excellent cleansing anti-septic dressing for cancer and any malignant sore. INTERNAL USE. Salicylic acid may be taken internally in small doses, daily, or in the negative sugar, for purifying the blood and for general anti-septic purposes, and may be taken in much larger doses for a /.' //< days on special occasions, by increasing tin- fre- quency and size of the dose of negative sugar, which may be given as often as every hour, for the first day or two, in high and rapid inflamma- tions and fevers, such as diphtheria, small p<>\. measles, scarlet, spotted and yellow fevers, and acute inllannnatory rheumatism, syphilis, mad-dog /bite, snake bite, and any blood poisoning. POSITlVi: AND NEGATIVE SIDKS. I have taught pretty fullv in the ENCYCLOPKIH \ that the right hand sid( of a person i< positive and the left hand side negative, and that the positive throws out and the negative draws in. This is 73 very important to know so that the proper hand may be applied to the proper place and in a proper manner, so as to produce the result desired, and thus all graduates of Vitapathy can understand and apply the positive and negative treatment successfully^ as conditions require. But I have now something, if possible, still more important to teach. It is now an established fact that positive persons are positive at their fiont side and negative at their back side; and it is further ascertained that negative persons are negative at their front side and -positive at their back side. Men are mostly positive in front and women are mostly negative on their front side. This fact, being known, will enable the Vitapathic physician, no matter what his temperament may be, to success- fully treat, magnetically, any patient, no matter what their temperament or condition may be. Here is a secret to wonderful success in curing the sick, no matter what their disease may be. EXAMPLE. The positive temperament physician knows he is positive at his front side and negative at his back. He then examines his patient and ascer- tains his temperament and negative and positive sides. If the patient is also positive at the front side, same as the doctor, then the doctor must stand or sit facing the patient's back or negative side, and must not touch the patient's positive side. Again, if the doctor is negative in temperament and negative at his front side, and the patient is the same, then as before the doctor must face the patient's back; but if the doctor is positive, as most men are, and the patient negative, as most women are, then they will both be right to face each other, and the closer they stand together the 74 better. If they let the positive side of one ami the negative side of the other touch the whole length of their bodies (through the clothing) the cure will be made all the quicker, and if the //-iiiir down at each pain or motion, and thus make all quirk and easy, and have it all over before the woman In- comes exhausted and the pains cease. THIS IS THE SECRET OF SUCCESS. But if the case has been badly managed or de- layed from any cause until the pains or motions cease, it is not even then best to resort to the use of forceps as so many reckless physicians do. and by which many women and children are killed. No instruments are needed and should not be used. All that is necessary to do is to wait and let the woman rest, and recruit up a little by giv- ing her some nutritious drinks and easily digested food. She may have some red raspberry leaves tea, sweetened with our positive sugar; or may have some tea of corn smut, ustilago maidis, or a teaspoonful of its fluid extract, sweetened with our positive sugar, and given every half hour or less until the pains come on regular, then the doctor must see that all is right and must encour- age the woman to help herself, as we have before explained. INSTRFMENTAL DELIVERY Is always dangerous and should not be practiced. The reckless surgeons of this city have killed >o many women and children by the use <>! these instruments that women are -retting afraid of their MM-, and send for women midwives who do not use instruments, until nearly all oh-tetrical ca-es are 77 attended to by female physicians. The Board of Health statistics show, and it has been so published, that five out of every six children that are born in the city are assisted into the world by women mid- wives ; and nearly all are born with complete safety to both mother and child, and without in- struments. When the delivery is made so much safer in the way nature intended why is unatural instrumental treatment resorted to? Only because the ignorant physician and butchering surgeon choose to use them, regardless of consequences, just as they do in many diseases that could be cured much better without instruments than with them; and these bold, ignorant physicians, and reckless surgeons have the audacity to say there is no other way but to use instruments. A CASE. In the first year of my practice, thirty-eight years ago, I was called to assist two older physi- cians to deliver a small woman who had been in labor for two days; she, having had no instruction or assistance from the doctors, had made no prop- er use of the pains, and finally became exhausted, all pains and motions having ceased; they were using instruments when I got there, and were re- sorting to craniotorny, and had already broken in the child's skull; and finally succeed in removing the destroyed child in pieces, and the woman barely lived. But the old doctors bragged how well they had done. Had succeeded in taking the child away in pieces, instead of helping the mother to deliver it alive and safe two days before, as they should have done. Two years after that I delivered the same small, and, as the old doctors said, deformed, woman of a fine large healthy boy, after but two hours easy 78 labor, without forceps or suffering, or risk or dan- ger to either mother or child. I simply instructed and assisted her to do her <>//// work in an ea>y. safe, and quick manner. She did not have any previous preparation, nor did I give her any teas, or medi- cine of any kind; and there is no need (ogive teas or medicine of any kind if the case has been prop- erly attended to; medicines like instruments are worse than useless, they are dangerous ; and in my extensive practice of a long life time, in all the numerous obstetrical cases that I have attended to, I managed the same way, and with the same sue cess, excepting one case of a very positive woman who was so contrary that she would not press down as I desired her, but continued to pull >tj> for two days, until at last I prevailed on her to follow in- directions, then, when she did so, all was over with safety and success in a few minutes. I have de- livered many women in less than a half hour from the first pains, with ease, with safety, and su and- some in less than ten minutes, and never n-ed medicine or instruments in any case in my life, ami always did better without them than other physicians did with them, for I never lost a mother or child in all my thirty-eight years of practice. N. B. If there is room for the child to lie born with forceps, there always is more room tor the child to be born without them; and the proper use of (lie natural motions and contractions of the womb are always the best means of delivery. For further directions for the proper attention to mother and child see the ENCYCLOPEDIA. P. S. If the mother has taken our negative sugar before and after confinement, and kept from taking cold, it will prevent childbed fever, bealed breast, milk leg, or other sickness. It would be well to wash out the vagina after delivery with a 79 woak anti-septic solution of tepid water with a little salicylic acid in it; and a little salicylic acid may also be used in any wash-water. KINDNESS CURE. Whatever other remedies and methods of treat- ment may be employed in curing any disease of body or mind, kindness and sympathy must always be an essential part of such means. All people, at all times, need and prefer kindness ; kind words and kind actions always exert a beneficial influ- ence on all living beings. Even the most fero- cious animals can be controlled by kindness, and how much more should human beings be con- trolled by the same invincible power, and especi- ally the sick and suffering;, the hopeless and dispairing, on whom all medical aid has failed ; then kindness comes in with its power of healing, and soothes and encourages the hopeless invalid, and brings new hope and new energy and power and WILL, and the patient cheers up and gets well, all through and by the magnetic power of kindness. LOVE CURE. Love is something still higher and holier and more powerful than kindness, and partakes more of spirit than of matter, and exerts its influence more on the soul than on the body. Love is the Balm in Gillead, the all potent panacea for all soul sickness, and when it can be applied on the true positive and negative principles, that is, by the positive to the negative, or by the negative to the positive, as nature has arranged it in the sexes, then there is no derangement of mind or body, no heartache or soul pain that pure holy love will not cure. All love is holy and should be so con- sidered and so received, and when so given and so received will always do good. Holy love is the 80 acme of perfection and power, and i- I he crown of angelhood. RELIGIOUS CUBE. Religion of whatever kind or form, or oelief, always exerts a powerful influence over the devo- tee, and especially over females, and this fact and this power can be employed by the kind, loving, skillful physician with wonderful success in t lie- cure of disease. All sick people need a controlling power greater than the power of the disease, that will break up and destroy the power of disease, and change their condition from disease to health, and nothing will do it better than the strong power of a full religious belief; no matter what kind of religion it may be, or on whom it may be centered, it is all the same to the sick and sullering, so that there is a strong and full and sincere religion- sentiment pervading the nature and system and constitution of the patient. It is the full power ol religious sentiment that is required to make a suc- cess in this method of curing disease. PRAYER CURE. Prayer exerted by a sincere religious person, no matter in what he may believe or to whom he may direct his prayer; whether the person or thing ad- dressed be real or imaginary, it is all the same to the patient, so that he is sincere in his religious sentiments, as he does the work himself, assisted no doubt by the magnetism and desire of friends around him, still it is mainly his own act that make- the cure. Prayer requires action and energy, and the energy put forth arouses up his dormant facul- ties and concentrates his mind, and thus makes an entire change in his system, thus changing disease for health by his own energy and power of will. The patient fixes a time in his own mind at what 81 time the cure will be made, and he gets ready for it, and as the minute arrives he accepts the con- ditions and makes an effort to walk, and thus fully assumes healthy conditions, and they come, and he is cured, all by his own spiritual and physical exertions. FAITH CURE. Faith is necessary to the doing of anything as well as to the curing of disease. Not that faith cures so much as that it gets the patient ready and willing to be cured by the means employed. If persons have not faith in a means of cure they would not employ that means, as faith is needed to prompt them to use the means. The patient must have faith in the doctor, and in the means he uses to cure the sick. So faith is really needed to pave the way to a cure, and to prompt the patient to energy and action in the processes of cure. Faith rouses up the dormant energies of the sick and desponding, and makes him use the means that he believes will cure him. Faith is needed most of all in oneself, and in ones own efforts to help oneself. Faith in ones own energy and powers of recupe- ration is the main lever and power in self treat- ment and self cure; and, if properly employed, " faith will do its perfect work." Religious senti- ment, prayerful effort, and faithful confidence and full reliance may assist to prepare the way and help to make the cure. Still cures have been made quicker without religion or prayer or faith than with them; for instance, a sudden fright has often cured when all religion, prayer, and faith had failed. A sudden fright or shock to the sys- tem has made the necessary change of conditions 82 in the patient, and restored him to health imme- diately. Many instances of tin- kind are recorded, and the success of that kind of a treatment i- an established fad. Sudden joy, as well as sudden grief, have often made the necessary change in the patient, and thus effect a cure before he had even time to bring into use either religion, or prayer, or faith. But whatever the means em- ployed, the change must be made before there can be any cure. Dead persons have been restored to life by a sud- den shock caused by firing a cannon, and some by falls, and some by railroad collisions, and some by merely opening the coffin roughly. THE SECRET OF CURE Is to change existing conditions in the sick, and for this purpose the safest and best methods have to be employed by the skill of the best physicians who understand the necessity of this change, and know how to use the best means for its accomplish ment ; whether the means be medicine or food, or water or air, or heat or light, or electricity or mag netism, or vital spirit or vita, it should be em- ployed through kindness and love on the part of the attending physician. The patient may exert and employ all his religious nature and sentiment, and all his prayer faculties, and all his faith in the means used, yet the one thing needful, and the secret of all success, is change. That change may be made by the persuasion of friends, or by certif- icates of cases of the same kind, made by the same means as is now offered to the patient; persistent, persuasive talk, and other proof will do much to make a change in even the most stubborn. The doctor's visits; his pleasant words and kind treat ment will do much to make the necessary change. The treatment, of whatever kind, and especially electricity, can be made to effect the change needed. Magnetism or mesmerism can be made to effect the change; or sleep produced by natural or artificial means can be made to effect the change in this way: When the patient is in either a natural or mesmeric sleep he can be suddenly aroused, and shocked and frightened by some one firing off ;i pistol or gun close to him ; this may make a sud- den fright and a quick cure. RELIGIOUS EXERCISES May do much to effect this necessary change and help the cure, as will be more fully explained further along under the head of " conversion." MESMERIC CONTROL, Or any degree of control of one person by another, or by himself, we now class all under mesmeric control ; and it is this control and its effects, and how to take it off and remove it entirely, that we wish here to speak of, so that it may be fully un- derstood and managed. Some persons are so easily influenced that common conversation will do it, or even a look, or sitting beside some magnetic per- son will do it. The preacher may influence some of his hearers during his sermon; or during treat- ment the physician may influence the patient, un- known to either doctor or patient; and during the sitting at a spiritual circle, or sitting to be mesmer- ized by an operator, the person may become influ- enced seemingly so lightly that neither themselves nor anyone else is aware of it. CAUTION. All such persons should have a little throwing off' treatment by upward passes by the controlling operator, who should say, "All right," as he 84 touches the sitter with his upward ////v>//v'/ I>IIXNCH. Although this influence may be seem ingly so light that it is not noticed at the time, but it may not wear off of itself for weeks, and may produce fits, spasms, convulsions, mental derail 1:1- merit, and obsession. It is these persons that are so easily influenced that they nor any one else are aware of it that are in danger of mental sickness and obsession; 1 hot- arc the helpless ones, and should have our especial care and kindest protection. These persons are generally known by the shape of their heads, small individuality, small causality and human nature, small self-esteem, and small continuity, with large spirituality, hope, and reliance. EASY CONTROL. These persons can be so easily controlled, uncon- sciously to themselves, by the skilled operator who knows how to select his subjects, that much good or harm can be done as the operator desires. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, And especially so in this case, and only the wise and the good should have this knowledge and power. Still this power should be known and em- ployed for the good of humanity; parents should know how to employ it on their children; teachers on (heir pupils; ministers on their congregation*; generals on their soldiers; employers on their em ployees; and officers of the law on criminals; and thus much good could be done to all classes, and much crime and misery prevented. And especially should physicians understand the use of this M KN'TAL POWKK So as to employ it in controlling their patients and curing their physical, mental, and spiritual 85 for it is not drugs that cure. Every physician should study 'his patients in their phrenology and temperaments. In their temperaments to know how to diagnose their disease or diseases, and to know what treatment to apply in their case; and he should study their phrenology to understand and know how to control them, and to make the necessary "change" so as to quickly cure their diseases. HOW TO CONTROL. Rule first. When persons are of the same tem- perament they should not sit or stand close together, and should not touch, but the farther off the bet- ter, so they are within sight or hearing, or communication in some way. and the means of communication should be opposite in positive or negative conditions to them. For instance, if the operator and the one he wishes to operate upon should both be positive in temperament, the means of communication between them should be nega- tive, such as a drink of water, or some negative thing to eat, such as a green apple, or sour orange, or a cucumber, or watermelon. Rule second. If the operator and the one to be operated on are both negative in temperament they should keep apart as far as possible so as o'nly to be in sight and hearing, etc., and the means of communication between them should be positive in condition, such as butter or cheese, or animal fats and oils, nuts, spices, etc. Rule third. If the operator and the one to be operated upon are of opposite temperament, what- ever that may be, then the closer they are together all the better, and they need no article of commu- nication only their own personal touch. 86 UNCONSCIOUS CONTROL. Indeed, all general control is or may be uncon- cious to the suhjcct and sometimes to (lie <>/> r\ mind or thought passes, as it were, directed to and down over the subject's head and upper part of his body; these mental passes ^/////v///v//v/ will as- sist much to put power on the subject, and mental passes upward will assist to take the power off. Thus we can magnetize and demagnetize some per* sons as we wish, and all unconscious and unknown to them. I have often controlled infants unconsciously to them and made wonderful cures, almost, as it were. raising some from the dead. Infants and children may be touched and thus treated in the most favor able manner, as they do not know what the doctor is doing, and may be quickly cured in this way after all else has failed and they given up to die. 87 AN INSTANCE. Mrs. M.'s six months old baby was dying with inflammation of the stomach and bowels; all medi- cine and good nursing had failed, and the doctor pronounced the child actually dying, and the mother was holding it on her lap as it was breath- ing its last; just then I, who had been previonly sent for, arrived. The mother said to me, " Doctor, it is too late, my child has gone." I immediately put my positive hand to the back of the child's neck over the region of vitativeness to which I imparted my own vital life, and thus revived the dying child; and I put my negative hand, palm down, Hat over the child's bare stomach and upper bowels, and held it there until I had pulled the in- flammation out, and had in the meantime imparted life to the back brain by the positive hand as pre- viously stated; and having breathed my vital breath close to the nostrils of the child, it revived and lived, and in a half hour from the time I com- menced treatment it was sleeping a natural healthy sleep, and was well from that hour and still lives. Older persons in many instances have been treated as well and as successfully, in my practice, and the same is now being done by my pupils and grad- uates of Vitapathy. CONSCIOUS CONTROL Is when the subject is fully aware and has con- sented to be operated upon, and even co-operates and assists to produce the mesmeric sleep or spell on himself, and this way is best for all public ex- hibitions of mesmeric power and control. The methods of producing an effect on willing subjects either by psychology, mesmerism, or mag- netism have been fully explained in the ENCYCOPE- DIA, and need not be repeated here only to describe 88 the kinds and degrees <>l influence. Thus, psychol- ogy is a quick effect on the soul, and is u.-ed mostly to produce a light impression on the mind of the subject without his knowing it. Mesmerism is a deep control of the body and mind, and is generally with the knowledge ami consent of the subject, and is used mostly to con- trol his bodily actions. This mesmeric sleep may be carried far enough to produce unconsciousness to bodily feeling, so that dental and surgical opera- tions can be performed with ease. Deep bodily mesmeric sleep with active soul power constitutes good clairvoyant conditions, which by practice may become a science and a success. Magnetism is a more general term, and may be applied in many ways and to a varied extent, and may come from many things. Thus we have min- eral, vegetable, animal, human, and spiritual mag- netism, so named from the different things thrmmli which it comes. But all magnetism primarily is luit one thing, and comes originally from one source, although it may use many mediums or conductors. Its use is governed by general principles, and the same rules should be observed for taking it off the human subject as I have mentioned in the lessons on mesmeric control. The uses of magnetism, both as applied ////////// to the patient and also through any substances, has been pretty fully expained in former lessons, and all physicians should thoroughly study and understand and know how to use the wonderful power of human magnetism, then they can employ it on every person, more or less, and generally unconsciously to the subject. Wonderful is the power of magnetism. 89 SPIRIT CONTROL. - Is still more wonderful. As I have explained in former lessons what spirit is, and where it comes from, etc., I have only to add some fuller lessons on how to use it. Spirit being all positive finds its mate in matter, which is all negative. Spirit does not therefore have positive and negative ends and extremeties, nor does it need two hands or handles or elec- trodes as does magnetism and electricity. But spirit being all positive goes out by its own posi- tive force and positiueness. Spirit is not generated by chemical action and friction as is electricity, nor by rubbing and passes as is magnetism, but has a law of its own for accumulating its power, and this first by contraction and condensation, as I have previously explained in my lesson on col- lecting spirit from sunshine through a properly constructed condensing lens. But now the lesson goes higher, and draws, condenses and employs spirit from air, and from all sources of spirit, what- ever and wherever that may be. CONCENTRATION OF SPIRIT. The concentration of spirit from the atmosphere and from human beings into oneself can be made at one and the same time by one and the same process, by HUMAN MEANS, First, by making gathering passes through the air with the hands, and with each circular sweep of the hands bring them and the spirit from the air with them direct to the nostrils, there to be breathed in with strong inhalations, the person making one of these ingathering passes at every breath, using and exerting the will and desire at the same time to assist in the process. This pro- cess will spiritualize the person who properly applies it, and will (ill him lull of extacy and power; then if he will direct that power to any part of his body by the concentration of hi- wiil power he \\ill cure any disease or weakness that may be there; thus the sick can cure themselves by spirit power, and more, a person in this spirit ual condition can by force of his will or own soul powdr direct his thoughts and consciousness away from his body, and can therefore render his body unconscious to pain, and can have surgical opera- tions performed on him without pain or unpleasant sensation; the only thing needed and the secret of success is to make the will or soul power to con- trol all thought and bodily sensation. Some persons can produce this condition very easily, but others have to practice long and hard before they succeed; but knowledge and faith and perseverance will win. Impressible mediumistic persons succeed the best, but practice will make perfect in most all cases, and thus self control or statuvolence be a success. CIRCLES. In magnetic or spiritual circles there is a gen- eral concentration of spirit by the circle, which may be intentionally or otherwise thrown onto some sensitive person in the circle, and they 1:0 into the extatic or trance condition and be thereby developed as a medium; sometimes several in the same circle may become spiritualized and devel- oped as mediums. The more harmony and unity of purpose and concentration of spirit their is by the circle the better will be the results. REVIVAL MKKTIMIS. Religious revival meetings are conducted on the 91 t same general principles, and with about the same success as spiritual circles. The sensitive and im- pressive ones are influenced and become converted, " get religion ;" some become highly spiritualized and extatic, and shout for joy from their pleasant feelings and new delight; some go into a trance, and some become clairvoyant, just as mesmeric subjects and spirit mediums do, and all from the same or similar causes. The good, magnetic, warm hearted spiritual min- ister preaches and throws out his spirit magnetism on the audience (as 1 have done many times with the best results). The good brethren and good sisters pray and sing, and desire that good may be done; then, when conditions are about right, there is a general invitation given for seekers to come up front so as to be within the spirit circle and mag getic power of the good men and women forming that spirit circle around the altar. The sensitives come up, and some are hunted from amongst the audience and led up to the circle of power, and when there the preacher and the brothers and sis- ters composing that magnetic spirit circle gather around the sensitives and talk to them, and lay their hands on them, and thus mesmerise or mag- netize or spiritize them, and make them feel as they want them to feel, and cheer them, and tell them that is the spirit power that they feel, and they are being converted and saved by this power, then the convert soon " gets religion," and is happy in his belief; this effect is very beneficial. I have often cured persons of tobacco using, and whisky drinking, and of swearing, and of other im- moral habits, as well as having cured many sick persons of their diseases of body and mind, and have changed their whole nature, physically and spiritually, and thus benefitted them in both body 92 and soul, and made them as it were " new crea- tures." This lias all been done by the prmv- that I have explained or employed in mesmerism, magnetism and spiritism, and done too by the u>e of science, human knowledge and power. Relig- ionists have never done more, or ever claimed to do more. THE POWER OF SPIRIT Is a wonderful power, and is the highest of all power. Much has been done by it even in our hu- man ignorance when none yet understood the power, nor knew how to use it; but now, when the light is dawning on the world through the Yita- pathic system, and mankind is learning to under- stand and use the wonderful power of spirit, what grand results ma} 7 be expected. It will be easy to prevent sickness, cure diseases, instruct the intel- lect, purify the soul, and save body and soul both, and make perfected man immortal ! Religion and science united can save soul and body both; but neither alone can save either, 1IOW TO USE THE POWKR. I have already explained much more than has ever been taught before by any person; and yet we have much more to teach; we have yet to go much higher in our lessons of power. Of all the grand lessons that I have given the grandest is yet to come, and the secret of all secrets is yet to be revealed, and as I write its immensity looms up to the highest pinnacle of the universe. SECRET OF POWER. Every human being has more or less of a religi- ous sentiment, no matter how ignorant they may be, this is caused by the shape of the head, and each head has a religious organ of some si/e, which is known in phrenology as the organ of veneration 93 or reverence, or as I teach it the organ of elevation or aspiration, and is located on the top of the head between the organs of benevolence and firmness. Here is the gateway to the upper mansions of the soul, and the seat of all religious aspirations ; here is the door to all religious conversions and spirit- ual control ; and this secret is the key to all power. THE SECRET REVEALED. Any intelligent person who has learned Vita- pathy and understands the processes of mesmer- ism, magnetism, and spiritism, as I have taught them, can easily apply the power to ard through this religious organ of exaltation, and thus control the subject at will and make conversions and cure disease ad infinitum. GUIDING FACTS. It is now a well-known and established fact that the human brain is divided into certain convolu- tions or organs, each organ having its special office or faculty, and it is known that when any of these organs are excited and energized by the will power and by the controlling operator rubbing with his right hand that part of the head over the organ that he wishes to excite and control, that that organ so excited will act out its faculty with tre- mendous power, and be the all-controlling influ- ence on the subject while SG excited. This fact gives us the key to much power that can be used for many purposes, and to do much good when rightly employed by the conscientious and skillful operator. And especially can this controlling power be exerted through the organs of veneration and exhaltation more than through any other organ in many persons First Because it is located at the top of the brain. 94 Second Because the skull is thinnest there. T/i ii'd r>ecause it is the open door to the soul. Fourth Because it is the principal organ of the soul. Fifth Because it is the religious organ. Sixth Because it connects us with all that is spiritual. CONTROLLING PROCESS. Any person that has any reason or excuse for touching any person with his right hand on tin- top of his head can use this power unknown to the subject. Nurses can use it on children, teacher- on pupils, barbers on customers, phrenologists on those whose heads they are examining, physician. - on their patients whose heads they have occasion to handle or touch, healers and magnetizers on those they are treating, mesmerists on those whom they mesmerize, lovers on those they caress, and preachers of all others can use this power on those they preach to First Because the subject has confidence in the preacher. Second Because the subject has reverence for the preacher. Third Because the subject has religious senti- ments. Fourth Because this organ is the gateway to his soul. Fifth Because the good members are lu-lping the preacher. Sixth Because it is common and popular to l'i< j 'ion. All these advantages the preacher has over all other operators; no wonder then that they -oine times after long and protracted ellorts make some converts; but the wonder is, that under all these 95 favorable circumstances, with the help of the good brothers and sisters with their songs and prayers and talks and magnetic touches to the penitent, and all aided by the liarmonv and power of the spiritual circle and concentration of force around the altar, that more conversions are not made, and that more people do not " get religion." THE REASON WHY Is not because the power is not sufficient and ample to control and convert everybody, but be- cause the operator did not know what the power was, or how to employ it. But that something has been done by those who did not know the power, nor how to use it, what may not be expected when the power is known, and men have learned how to use it. Can there be any limit to its success ? Is there anything it cannot do ? ITS UTILITY. By spiritual power through this religious organ parents can control their children and make them virtuous and good ; teachers can control their pupils and make them obedient and moral ; officers can control their prisoners and convert them to moral- ity and good works, and do away with crimes and prison houses; physicians can control and convert and cure their patients of any disease of body or soul ; lovers can control and hold in the bonds of love their loved ones, and thus all be happiness and peace; husbands and wives can control and harmonize each other, and properly place and regulate each other's affections for each other and for their children, thus making peace and happi- ness for all. Then there will be LOVE AT HOME. There is beauty all arouud When there 's love at home ; There is joy in every sound When there 's love at home. Peace and friendship there abide, Smiles abound on every side, Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there 's love at home. In the household there is joy When there 's love at home ; Hate and envy can't annoy When there 's love at home ; Roses blossom at our feet, And earth seems a garden sweet, Making life a bliss complete, When there 's love at home. But preachers of all others can use this power to (he best advantage and do the most with it in harmonizing and converting all people to good words and works, because they have the best op- portunity to reach the people in their congrega- tions through their religious sentiment and through this religious organ through preaching, praying, singing, and touching. SPECIAL DIRECTIONS. As this process leads to wonderful power, I feel that it is best to give some special directions so that the power can be fully applied and success- fully employed. DIRECTIONS. Let the operator, whoever he or she may be, or on whomsoever they may wish to operate, stand or sit at the subject's left side, and place his right 97 hand on the organ of veneration of the subject, placing his right hand so that his finger ends will rest on the right side of the head of the sub- ject over his organ of spirituality, and the end of the thumb over the corresponding organ of spiri- tuality on the left side of the subject's head ; this will let the palm of the hand rest on the top of the subject's head over his organ of veneration and exaltation, as before located and described. The operator may touch one or both hands of the subject with his left hand, or he may place his left hand on the subject's organ of individuality, just above the upper end of the nose ; or the operator may not use his left hand at all, especially if the subject is negative in temperament to him, or is pretty well influenced already, but he may talk and sing 1 pleasantly and may rub and pat kindly and lovingly the top of the head of the subject with his right hand as he holds it on the subject's organ of veneration, as before described. All this can be well done in less than a minute by the skilled operator, and wonderful results ac- complished thereby. Parents, and teachers, and others may repeat the process daily until they gain good control and success, and so can preach- ers at their protracted meetings. GETTING UP THE POWER. People of all classes .and beliefs are in the habit of meeting together for some purpose, some for preaching, some for prayer meeting, some for spir- itual meetings, and some for spiritual circles, and all would like to do the most good, learn the most, and get up the most power, and feel the most spiritual power and happiness for knowledge and happiness is what all are seeking for. And I will tell them now how to get the most of it and how to get the most spiritual power. 98 PROCESS. When the friends have met let them sit as near as is convenient in circle, all sitting to face the center of the circle. They need not touch each other, but should clasp their hands together letting their feet touch, and each should breathe in full strong breaths of air and spirit at each in halation. And it would be better if each positive and negative, or male and female, should sit alter- nately. Then, having selected some strong, heal thy magnetic person to be leader of the baud or circle, he should take his place in the centre of the circle, and should deliver short spiritual speeches, alternating with the circle, who should sing occa- sionally, and all should keep inhaling spirit as I before directed. And the leader should frequently go around and touch the sitters with his right hand on their organs of spirituality and exaltation. and excite them to action as I have before directed : and the leader may also speak encouraging words to them, telling them that they will soon feel the spiritual power. Let the meeting last alout an hour or so in a well ventilated, rather dark, quiet room, and soon the good work will begin. Some will be influenced in a few minutes, and some at the next meeting, and so on. Spirit is the source of all power, and this is the best method of con- centrating and employing it. CONVERSION. The word conversion carries with it a fullness of meaning and power of the most unlimited sweep and greatest importance, and in effect rannv- all the way from a simple change of opinion to the most thorough and radical change in our whole na- ture, even to what is called the " New Mirth." 99 IMPORTANCE OF CONVERSION. Conversion is necessary in some degree in all stages and conditions of life. The child who is learning is constantly being converted to new opinions, new truths, and to new knowledge; and so with persons of all ages, for all are still learning and being continually converted and changed in feelings and in opinions and actions. All who are sick and are improving in health are being converted, not only in their opinions but also in their actual conditions, both physically and spiritually, and are being converted to more confidence and more faith in the doctor and in his means of cure. A thorough conversion results in a complete cure, either then or soon after; and the best way to cure the body is to convert the soul first, then the soul of the patient helps to make the cure. SPIRITUAL CONVERSION, Or what is generally called religious conversion, is the most important of all because its effect is upon the soul, the most important part of man, and also, because the soul controls the body and makes at better physically, and benefits its whole nature both for health and morality; and the proper way to cure the body of any disease or im- moral condition is to convert the soul, and convert it to the system or belief or doctrine employed to cure them. Full faith in the system practiced and in the means employed to cure and save is an essential part of conversion. Conversion is then a SAVING CHANGE. HOW TO CONVERT Is therefore a very important question, and there is a certain process for this as well as there is for everything else, and that process can be learned 100 and practiced as well as other things can be learned and practiced, and made successful as other things are made successful; so can conver sion be made successful. This has been done in millions of instances, and to a great extent even by persons who did not understand the use of the power, or the law of its operation, how much more successful therefore can they be who have leanietl the power and the method, and who use the law of its operation. And now to understand that power we must know and accept the fact that na- ture furnishes the material, and that human beings have to construct and build and do whatever is done. Nature is composed of spirit ami matter; spirit furnishes spirit to build the soul and all spiritual things, matter furnishes matter to build the body and all material things, but human lieings have to be the builders. We breath spirit from nature to build the soul, ami \ve eat matter from nature to build the body. Life's processes commenced low down in the scale of beinir. and built itwlf up. Ii i- just as human to use spirit to construe! the soul as it is to use spirit to cure the body. <>r as it i- to use matter to build the body, or as it is to use matter to build the church or meeting IIOUM- to convert souls in: all is human. Humans build the church and preach and sing and pray in it to convert the soul ; physicians build hospitals to cure the body in; and ministers build churches to convert the soul in. Physicians cure the body by human means; and the, ministers convert the soul by human means. The minister is as human as the physician; and all means employed are hu- man. Both physician and minister have to learn their business, and the bet ter skilled 1 lie more MIC ce--!'ul they will be. Each profession is a 101 and must be learned and understood. Physicians are now learning to make wonderful cures, and ministers can now learn to make wonderful con- versions; and especially now, when both physician and minister are united in one person in the Vita- pathic Graduate, may he be expected to be doubly successful in BOTH. And especially now, when they know all, they can cure all and convert all. RELIGIOUS CONVERSION. You will now understand that the conversion process is the human use of spirit to act upon the soul of the penitent, and thus spiritualize and con- vert him. Then how to do this is a lesson of the utmost importance, and for this I will now proceed to give ADVICE TO MINISTERS. Hold your meetings in your church or meeting house in the usual Wciy, or at least in the usual way as far as the congregation can see or kmi', dont let them know anything about the process or power. You having received the congregation very pleasantly as they came in and shook hands with each, looking lovingly into the eyes of each as you press their hand with a strong magnetic, spiritual power. Then all being seated around the altar in as near as possible a circular, or rather half circular manner. Then have your pulpit low and near the congregation (don't get away off and up high, and overshoot the mark and waste your amunition). Then commence speaking by usiiiir some low, soft, friendly, sympathizing words, and look at each one lovingly, and throw out your hands affectionately with strong passes of spirit power right on the congregation. Then sing with the congregation some familiar soul inspiring hymn or spiritual song, and thus get up a good feeling 102 and harmony; then make your prayer short and powerful, and full of spirit. All prayer should !>e made standing up and looking: on the congn tion; then give them a short sermon, full of emo- tion and power, free from dogma or sectarianism, or abuse of anyone; then change to exhortation and invitation, all the time throwing on the POWI-.I: n'ith look and voice and hands ; then step down among them and get the good brothers and sister- to sing, while you go personally to the subjects or persons whom you wish to convert. And right here is the SECRET OF POWER. The main thing to do in any conversion is to breathe plenty of spirit power into yourself fiivt ; then place your right hand lovingly and softly, but yet full of spirit power, on the top of his or her head and over the organ of veneration, letting the ends of the fingers and butt of the hand rest on the sides of the head over the organs of spiritual ity, with your thumb over the top of their forehead ; press gently and talk encouragingly to them of the power of spirit and the glory of the religious state. Feel good yourself and- make them feel the same way; tell them that they feel the spirit power NOW; tell them they are getting religion NOW. make them believe it and it will surely come while you are putting on the power. They will soon feel the power and be converted ; then you can go around among the others in the same wax- while the members are singing. If you cannot touch their heads conveniently, throw on the passes anyway, and thus many will be converted and saved; do your work fully and strongly, and full of power, and many will be thoroughly changed and savingly converted, for remember the main thing is to make a change and give them 103 THE NEW BIRTH, Which consists in the soul being so filled with spirit by the revival process, that it is born to a new life and new spiritual power by which the soul is able to control the body and make it do right. This is GETTING RELIGION, All can have it and be benefited by it ; remember the main thing is to put on the power through the ORGAN that was made for that purpose, and you should have the best opportunities and advantages to apply it, then you will succeed much better. And this is the best way: invite your subjects up to the seats around the altar, and have them bare their heads, ladies taking off their bonnets ; have them do this in all reverence and humility. Then they are ready to receive the power and full con- version while you put the power into them through your right hand as before directed, and while the saints are singing, keep up the meeting, pile on the power, and you can convert all who attend your meetings, even the scoffer can be brought in, for the spiritual power properly applied through this process, as I have explained, will CONVERT THE WORLD, And make this earth a paradise fit to live in for all time and eternity. Persons who have the largest organs of venera- tion, and the most superstition, are the most easily influenced and converted and hold out the best; while those with small veneration, though they may become converted, wont stay converted; they backslide easily, and need converting very often especially if they have small organs of continuity, self-esteem and firmness. 104 ANOTHER SECRET IN OCCULT FORCES. I have been teaching you much, and will further add, that to scatter and disperse force //>/*/<* power and renders it of little use; while to collect and concentrate force increases power, and makes it much more powerful. I have taught you that the scattered sun's rays are of but little force, but that the concentrated sun's rays are all powerful. Now for the application in practice on all human and animal life. HOW TO CONTROL HUMANS. Suppose you want to control a strong, positive human being, there would be two things to do : one is to get the person to scatter and waste hi- force, and the other is to concentrate your own force on a very small spot on the person's most sensitive place. EXAMPLE. Have the person sit with his hands and feet apart in a large rather dark, quiet room, with his face to the north and his back close to the smith wall or side of the room. The larger and longer the room the better, so that he will have to look a long distance to the north side of the room. Then direct him to look with both eyes so as to see the sides and end of the room at the */////* time, even if he has to move his head a little sideways to do so. In this way he will soon scat ter and exhaust his vital force and become an easy subject of control. But to make it still more com- plete you may direct him to say to himself, u ea>t. west ; east, west ; east, west," as his eyes look from side to side, and to keep saying it; and tell him, even after he has had to close his eyes and as long as he is awake, to say u east, west," etc. This, then, is all that he can do; but you 105 may do the rest. You should at the beginning of the sitting put a small piece of white paper, the size of a small shirt button, on his organ of individuality (just above his nose); then you sit down in front of him and near the end of the room that he is looking at, where you will look steadily on the little piece of white paper, and thus concentrate all your force on him at that place. Have the sitting last a half hour or more; and when you have subdued him then you can control him as you will, same as any mesmeric subject; then take off the influence or restore him to his normal condition by the upward passes, same as in mesmeric subjects. By his scattering and you concentrating, as I have directed, you can control any person or animal, and subject them to your WILL, and cure any positive disease that a person may have. HOW TO CONTROL ANIMALS. In addition to the above process animals, even the most ferocious wild beasts, can be controlled without any such preparations as described above, but can be controlled anywhere and at any time by making them see and look at two or more persons or things at the same time; or, if a person is alone when a wild beast comes at him, he can hold his hat in one hand and his coat in the other outstretched hand, and move them about so as to confuse and bewilder the animal, and it will not know what to do. The person can also fasten his magnetic eyes on and into the eyes of the beast, then it will soon yield to skill and superior force. Beasts, birds, and even insane persons can be controlled in this way. Indeed, there is no end to the success of the " highest power" when we know how and will use it. The above process is valuable in curing obsession. 106 CASTING OUT DEVILS. Ever since human* have died physically their undeveloped and ignorant and imperfect souU have passed into the spiritual world, not knowing how to collect vita enough to make themsehi - i new body to live in, and finding they have lem bodied human souls, called evil spirits or devils. More of these undeveloped ignorant souls are going into the spirit world every year; thus devils are greatly increased in number until the air is full of them, and consequently more persons become obsessed and possessed of devils, until now then- are many such afflicted persons. Most all insane persons, and those partially insane, and those who have fits, spasms, convulsions, nervous spells and hysteria, are more or less obsessed and influenced by evil spirits. And those persons who have the most religious superstition, the most inharmonious bodies, and the least soul power, are the most easily obsessed, and the hardest to relieve and keep well. The stronger disembodied soul con- trols the weaker embodied soul, thus they are ob- sessed, and if the evil or ignorant spirit gets *' /*;,/< of the person and controls them through their body as their own soul should do, then they are possessed ; and there being so many of this class of people, the minister-physician will have to treat many patients of this kind. No matter what dis ease such patients may have they cannot be cured until the evil spirits have been driven out. 107 HOW TO CAST OUT DEVILS. The evil spirits hold possession of their subject through psychological control, or mesmeric influ- ence, and the way to cast them out is by the supe- rior power of the minister-physician being exerted upon them. The physician himself psychologizes or mesmerizes the subject and gets control over him; then he can drive the devils out; and then by strengthening soul treatment can make the patient's own soul strong enough to keep all other spirits out. The process of statuvolence or self- control is excellent for that. SPECIAL PROCESSES In casting out evil spirits. They may have got control of their subject by his having been pre- viously mesmerized by some inexperienced person who did not take it off good, and thus left the sub- ject an easy victim to the evil spirit's influence. The way to cure these cases is to take the spell off well, as I have previously directed, by making up- ward passes over the subject and thus pass off the spell and drive out the evil spirit at the same time. It is generally necessary also to speak to the ob- sessing spirits and tell them to go out and leave the subject alone; speak to them with force and power as you make the upward passes over the patient, and with a strong firm voice command the spirit to leave. I have driven them out of many persons in this way; sometimes as high as thirty out of one patient. I saw and counted the big, dark, evil, vicious looking devils as they departed. These ignorant disembodied human souls are generally very superstitious, and believe in some form of religion, and in some person as their savior or as the head of their church, so it is well to com- mand them to go out in the name of that person in 108 whom they believe; whether that be Brahma, or Buddha, or Confucius, or Jesus, or Mohammed, or a Pope, or John Calvin, or Martin Luther, or John Wesley, or Emanuel Swedenborg, or Joseph Smith, or A. J. Davis, or George Washington, or General Jackson, or any other man ; bid them depart in that name, using the upward passes and the power as I have directed, then the evil fellows will have to leave. Be it said here to the honor of women, I have never found or had to drive out any female evil spirits; perhaps the reason why they do not obsess anyone is because they are themselves too weak to control any person. There may be some exceptions to this rule, for some very strong minded women may be able to control and obsess some weak souled person; but the old idea was that women were not immortal, and therefore of course there were no female souls to obsess anybody. Per- sons who believe in spirit controls and spirit hand-, and the obsessing evil spirit believing the same way, it is best to drive out the evil spirit in the name of, and by the assistance of such good con trols, and high spirit bands. Sometimes these ignorant evil spirits are benevolent and kind, or would be under favorable circumstances, then it is best to find out who and what they are, and speak kindly to them, and tell them not to be so cruel as to annoy this poor sick person, but to pity them and to help them to get well, and then to go on 1 of them and leave them alone. This method doe- well in all such cases. I have often succeeded in getting the obsessing spirit to go out of the subject by talking to them kindly, and by giving them good advice by which they can improve themselves out of the subject's body better than they can in it, and telling them to go up higher in the scale of progress, and cease the low business of ob vitalize the soul of his patient can cure ami pre- vent obsession, and do much good in his practice. There will be much of this kind of practice to do; and no other physicians but the V. D/s know how to treat-these distressing complaints of humanity, so here the V. D/s will have a large and useful, and profitable field of practice to themselves. Then another way to prevent obsession is to edu- cate and elevate the ignorant souls, who make evil spirits and obsessing devils, so that they will know better, and can do better than to obsess other per- sons. For this purpose there must be SPIRITUAL SCHOOLS Here on earth to educate the souls yet in their bodies so that they will know what to do when they lose their bodies, and know how to take on new vita bodies from the vita of the atmosphere. and from all refined matter on the earth or anywhere in the universe, and so make themselves a better body than they or any other human bein~ ever had before, that -they need not come back and try to live in other persons' bodies and thus annoy them. This is a very important matter, and indispensable to the proper preparation for the spiritual life, and this great work should be done here ; schools and Ill colleges must be conducted expressly to impart this higher and more important spiritual education to the soul while it is yet in the body ; this is the highest religion, and the most important of all occupations. Every Vitapathic phj^sician must be a preacher. Souls must not be led astray by the blind leading the blind, and made believe that they will be safe, and all their wants relieved and their happiness provided for by the efforts of some body else. This is the most horrible doctrine of all, and works the most untold misery of all else besides. Souls must be educated and taught to save them- selves by the skillful use of nature's unlimited spiritual powers, and make unto themselves vital bodies in which they can live after the dissolution of their physical bodies ; this, I repeat, is the most important of all subjects, and this indispensable education and preparation must be had here in spiritual schools expressly for the purpose. I cannot leave this subject without again im- pressing on the minds of Vitapaths the importance of these schools and colleges to teach the soul how to prepare and live in a body of its own forever. This we must do here while in the physical body. MISERY IN HEAVEN. Heaven is the place of departed souls in the air around us. Heaven, not Hades, is the proper name of the place. " The birds fly in the midst of heaven," and souls out of the body fly in the midst of heaven and live in the air around us. They have no other place to go to. They were born here, and belong here, and must remain near the surface of our earth and in our houses and rooms, and can only ascend higher as they become more spiritual, wiser, and better, and thus lighter, as it 112 were, in specific gravity. Only think of it, our houses and rooms, and the AIR IS FULL OF HUMAN SOULS, And these are ignorant and degraded through su- perstition and error, and many of them are so low, and so disappointed in not finding the heaven of luxury and ease that was promised them, and not seeing any of the infinite beings, real or imairin ary, that the poor deluded things were led to be lieve they would see; and looking around them and seeing their folorn conditions they burst out in yells of anguish and become A HOWLINO MOB. Many of them are so disappointed in not finding happiness there they try to come back to earth and to earth-life, and having no bodies of their own, get into the bodies of other human beings yet living on the earth, and thus millions of peixm- 1 Become obsessed and possessed of devils, AWFUL THOUGHT. But it is true, and all through ignorance and false teaching on the earth, and taught \\TOHU too by those who ought to know better, and are well paid for teaching error and leading the people astray. But light must come. This AWFUL NIGHT OF GLOOM Cannot and will not always last. HOPE GLEAMS. Mankind has been progressing both pliyiscally and spiritually ever since sentient life began on the earth, and will progress to ultimate perfection. There is hope for all, for even the weakest and and lowest and most degraded. Help will come ; light will shine ; the darkness recedes ; the day breaks, and 113 THE MORNING DAWNS. High and advanced human souls who have been in the heavenly spheres have learned the way and opened up communication with the inhabitants of earth. The high wisdom and power bands from the grand conventions of exalted souls in the heaven of heavens come and teach mortals im- portant lessons for the higher life ; and they assist us to teach human souls how to prepare vita bodies in which to live forever, and teach them how to elevate their souls in wisdom and power, and thus be happy forever. These higher angels from the courts above are to be the principal teachers in the spiritual schools of earth through their chosen Vitapathic human instruments, to teach humans how to prepare soul and body for HAPPINESS ON EARTH. These spiritual schools and colleges will soon be commenced; and the American Health College, which I have purchased, built, and dedicated to Vitapathy, will henceforth, through angel assist- ance, teach these higher lessons in physical and spiritual life, and prepare humans for happiness here and hereafter. This all belongs to Vitapathy, and the full Vitapathic system teaches what is necessary to know for this world and the one to come to insure to all humans health, happiness, and immortality. The American Health College is the first and only one of the kind yet on earth, but there will be many more established, and pre- sided over by Vitapathic graduates, where the angels will assist them to teach these higher doc- trines and grander truths to the inhabitants of earth, until all shall know how to live and enjoy this 114. KAKTlll.V IIKAVEN. What is ncciled now is students to learn, and Yitapatliic graduates to practice and teach this glorious system of health, happiness, and heaven to all on earth. There is much to do and but few to do it: "The harvest is great but the laborers are few." Every Vitapathic graduate of the American Health College is fully diplomated, autlmri/ed. and licensed to heal all human ills and infirmities of body and soul, according to the principles and powers of the Vitapathic system. And each Vita pat hie graduate of the American Health College is also fully ordained, authorized, and licensed ti> preach this gospel of life, of health, happiness and immortality to the inhabitants of the earth, and to proclaim a full salvation for soul and body for all time and eternity. Through the principles and power of the Vitapathic system, light, knowledge, and power having come, all should enjoy it. Every person should learn to enjoy the benefits of the Vitapathic system in this life, as well as to per pare them for the higher life, for they will need its wisdom, and power, and full salvation in the u higher spheres." No person should think of liv- ing a day without the benefits of the knowledge, and power, and happiness of Vitapathy. And still all will need it much more in the HEAVENLY HOME, For it is the wisdom and power, and complete sal- vat ion by Vitapathy that makes heaven. No per- son can be too old to learn Vitapathy, for all need it, and the old should be in the most hurry to learn it and enjoy its ample preparation for their higher home. While I urge upon all to learn the Vita pathic system, I urge the old to be quick about it, for they have no time to lose, and they must not 115 think of going to the spiritual world without it. Every person should learn all, and make all needed preparation here so that they will be ready for the enjoyments of the next life. All should not only learn how to live here, but they should learn how to live best hereafter;' and all should learn while here, as near as possible, just what the next life is like, then they would be ready to enter into its joys at once, as soon as arriving there ; and all should be taught the truth about the next life, so that they would not be disappointed in their hopes and sink in dispair and gloom and mental suffer- ing, as many already gone there have done. So I say to all, prepare while here for the happi- ness and glory of the "higher life," and remem- ber, too, that each one has to elevate himself by the proper use of nature's vital powers, as taught in the Higher Vitapathic System here on earth, so as to be fully ready for the enjoyments of the " heavenly home " when he gets there, and not have to grope his way in darkness and gloom ignorance, misery, and dispair in the future life like those who have gone there unprepared. But even they will not have to suffer always. Pro- gress is a law of nature, and excelsior is the motto of an ever-living humanity ; and even the ignor- ant and degraded may learn and improve and go up higher, for there are SCHOOLS IN HEAVEN Where all can learn and improve themselves. Thanks to the holy angels and glory to the higher powers, there are spiritual schools and colleges in the spiritual world, conducted by the angels themselves, and have been for many years. In this respect our brothers and sisters, who have gone before, are far in advance of us on earth. 116 There are millions of schools /// //,,//,/,, where ignorant souls are taught, according to their m pa- rities and needs, by angel teachers just adapted to the purpose. The chief employment and en- joyment of the higher angels is to impart knowl- edge and happiness to all who need it. They find their " heaven " in doing good, in ENDLESS PKOdllKSSION. And the crowning glory of the Vitapathic system is that it reaches from earth to heaven, enrom passes the whole universe, and supplies health, happiness, and immortality to all humanity who ever will accept and practice it on earth or in heaven. Thus the good work goes forever on ! and all progress higher and higher, forever and ever! ! DOUBLE POWKK. As much as I have taught you, and as great. therefore, as is the power already conferred, I will now DOUBLE IT! and make it overwhelmingly great ! ! and surpassingly grand ! ! ! I have taught and explained how to put on the power with the right hand on the organ of venera- tion of the subject, and to extend the hand so as to press over and on the organs of spirituality at each side of the organ of veneration, and then put on the power as before directed. But now. to add to all this a double power, we will connect our left hand to our right wrist, thereby concen- trate, hobl /'//. and throw out a double power through our right hand to the head of the subject or penitent. In this way our power runs around in a circle through our body and brain (the con nection being made by the left hand clasping the right wist) until the power become- M great that we can throw it out with double force through our 117 right hand into the subject's head making an irresistible and invincible power which we can make the passive subject feel, and see, and hear the spirit power. They can feel the power so strong that they will know that it is something, and will readily believe that is a spiritual power; they can see it or its light so plain that they will readily believe that it is spirit light; and they can hear its sound like a rushing wind and will readily believe that it is spirit power in motion, audit will really be spirit power, light, and sound, and not a delusion or imagination. There is nothing more REAL than SPIRIT. And this DOUBLE PORTION OF SPIRIT Can be applied doubly in the double manner above described, and may be so applied as to con- vert, and heal, and develop, and exalt both soul and body. The fully controlled subject can also be made to see clairvoyantly, and be able to see and describe spirits, and to hear them speak. All that power can be given to the controlled subject, and may be given for any length of time the operator choses to set, by just telling the subject how long that will be. The operator can set the date and tell the subject, while under control, and fully impress on his controlled mind just how it will be, and it will be just so. This double spirit power, through the right hand, may be directed and applied to any other part of the body to produce double effect when needed or desired. Always concentrate your mind on the same place wherever the right hand is placed. IMPRESSING THE MIND. Whenever a subject has been thoroughly con- trolled by any spirit-magnetizing process (double or single), and while under control, he can be im- 118 pressed by holding your right hand on his organ of veneration, concentrating your mind there al-<>. and telling him strongly and firmly that so and -<> will be the case; for instance, k>ll him he is now controlled by spirit power, and that henceforth he will be always easily controlled ; tell him his pain> and aches are all gone, and that his diseases arc all cured, and that he will KEEP WELL; you can tell him he is beyond any sense of feeling, and that he will not feel any pain in a surgical operation, then the operator can rub and pat the place on him that is desired to be operated upon surgi- cally, and sure enough he will not feel any pain, especially if the operator watches and keeps con trol of him during the surgical or dental operation. CONTROLLING THE PROPENSITIES. The appetites, passions, propensities, habits, and vices can be controlled, and the subject cured of all of them by firmly telling him so while he is under good control. This includes the use of to- bacco, whisky, and all intoxicating drinks, and opium and all narcotics, etc. All these habits can be broken up and cured by the above described process; also fits, spasms, convulsions, St. Vita-' dance, etc., can be cured in the same way, and so can all profane and vulgar habits, etc., and man made to be a pretty decent kind of a fellow, and may become an angel some day ; and some may become retined and exalted enough to become archangels and help to govern and control the universe. Religion furnishes the power, and science fur- nishes the skill, to do everything; religion proph- esies and science fullills; and Vif apathy is both religion and science combined in one grand uni- versal system. All knowledge, all power, all progress, all refinement, all exaltation, all health, all life, and all immortality belong to the Vita- pathic system, which is the highest religion, grand- est science, and sublimest philosophy. RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES. All systems of religious belief have their pro- cesses of conducting their meetings with special ceremonies and modes of worship; they have their methods of singing, praying, preaching and exhor- tation; they have their methods of conversion, baptism, and sacrament; and their methods of initiating members, which are all right according to their belief. But as varied as they are in beliefs and methods of salvation, none of them suit intel- ligent people, nor meet the demands of the age. Mankind needs a higher system of religion, one that is more spiritual and intellectual, and accords with their reason and better judgment; mankind needs a religion of intelligence and power sufficient to convert the soul, cure the body, and save both alive together, thus saving the entire man. Any- thing less than that would not be saving, would not be a full salvation, such as is needed for the whole man, soul and body. Mankind needs a UNIVERSAL SYSTEM OF RELIGION That will cure all and save all, and Vitapathy is that system. It employs universal spirit, the high- est and only positive life giving power in nature; it suits all conditions and classes of people in the universe, all nations, countries, and climes, and yet is not sectarian, nor are its advocates a sect; but its believers may belong to any sect or denomi- nation they please ; this they can do and yet belong to Vitapathy, which is much higher, and its gradu- ates are a diviner brotherhood. Vitapathy being a higher system must have a higher gospel to preach. 120 a higher salvation to proclaim, and a higher system to practice that iv'tll mire Imtli x<>
  • e made healthy, happy. and useful, and be SAVED both soul and body unto EVERLASTING LIFE. VITA. (Amen.) THE HIGHER SACRA Ml N I. .Must all kinds of religionists have some kind of sacrament; the Christians imitate the "Last Sup per," by drinking wine and eating bread, the wine as an emblem of blood, and the bread as an cm blem of the heavier and more solid parts of tin- human body, and according to their belief this sac rament is certainly very significant, and may do some good, and if the wine and bread tmd the real vital holy spirit in them a wonderful power would 121 be imparted to the partakers, and much good be done unto them. But wine is not suitable, because it is an intoxicating beverage, and because'it has no vital spirit in it, and is therefore nothing like vital, living blood, and cannot have any good effect, but may do harm. Bread of itself is not suitable unless it has had vital, holy spirit put into it. And this brings us to THE TRUE SACRAMENT, In which new, fresh, living milk is used instead of wine amd bread : the new milk contains the better elements of both the bread and wine. The new, fresh milk is brought in just at the time it is needed, and put into a large glass vessel, and when the minister is ready to use it he stirs it with a large silver or other metal spoon or small dipper held in the right hand, with a circular motion from right to left (or against the sun), throwing on the spirit power at the same time, and as he stirs it he may pray that this vital, nutritive iluid shall be filled with vital spirit, and thus fill with spirit power and blessing all who partake of it. He then, having a few very small glass tumblers, is ready to administer THE VITAPATHIC SACRAMENT. Then he can announce to the audience that the sacrament is ready to be partaken of by them. He can invite them up in single file to the sacra- mental table, to stand and take the sacrament. He can invite all who wish to come to partake, as Vitapathy is not a sect or sectarian, but is for all people, so all can come to its sacrament. And while he is waiting to get them started the friends can sing some suitable hymn, while he is still fur- ther stirring vital spirit into the sacramental milk. Then, as they come up in a row, he can dip out a large spoonful of the milk into one of the small glasses and hand to the first comer, ami say to him as he takes and drinks it all up: IJiolhcr (or sister), take this and drink it all, and hereby be filled with all the fullness of spirit, and may this be unto you the higher sacrament that will restore you to health, and preserve your soul and body unto everlasting life/' Then he passes on, and the minister fills other glasses (or the same,) and administers the sacrament to others in the same way as they walk up in rotation (and then return to their seats as fast as they have taken the sacra ment), until all have partaken who are willing and ready. In this way much good will be done to all, and harmony, good feeling, and love be promoted, while all will feel happy, and be renewed in their spiritual and bodily strength ; and all who are sick will be much benefited in their health by this higher vital spirit treatment, and thus much good will be done to all both spiritually and physically by this vital, spiritualized milk, higher sacra- mental process. And by it A SACRED POWER Of the most exalted and refining kind is generated, that thrills the soul and purifies the body, and pre- pares the recipient for the joys of the higher life while on earth, and virtually brings heaven down to men. And by this wonderful power excite ' upon the "Sacramental Host" through this higher spiritual sacramental process the minister obtains almost unlimited power on all who become subject to its holy influence, and he may sway and control them as he WILL. All people are controlled through their religious sentiments, and this higher religion, with its higher spiritual processes and higher powers, higher baptism and higher sacra- mental processes, controls them the best, indeed) it- powers are '< nr'un-'tlth- and AM />/////<. 123 VITAPATHIC ORDINATION. After the student of full age, proper education, and good moral character has read and studied the Printed Lessons in all our books of the copy righted Vitapathic system, and all other books needed, and has attended full courses of lectures in our college, passed a satis- factory examination, graduated as a Vitapathic physi- cian and received its highest diploma given evidence of full conversion to Vitapathy, received the higher spiritual Baptism, and taken the Vitapathic sacrament, he then is ready to be ORDAINED A MINISTER OF VITAPATHY, Which is the highest crowning act of the Vitapathic power, and the highest commission of the Vitapathic system. The ordination takes place as follows: The candidate for Vitapathic ordination sits down in an. open space, and the leading brothers and sisters present stand around him with joined hands, forming a ring of love and circle of power around him, with the officiating minister inside of the ring with the candidate ; then some appropriate verse may be sung to help the circle to bring higher assistance ; then the minister puts his right hand on the candidate's organ of veneration and exaltation with the double power process, concentrating all spiritual power thereon, and says, Brother, or sister, as the case may be (see other page). 124 Brother , you being fully prepared, ready, willing, and worthy, We now, by our country's law and by heaven's highest authority, ORDAIN YOU A MINISTER OF VITAPATHT, With full authority and power to Preach the Gospel of Life, embraced in the great Vitapathic System, in all its Love, Wisdom, and Power ? to all people, in all worlds, in all time and eternity ; to Hold Meetings, Officiate at Funerals, Solemnize Marriages, Instruct the Ignorant, and to do all that a Minister and Physi- cian can do. To Comfort the Distressed, Cheer tin- Broken-hearted, Set the Captive Free, HEAL THE SICK, Commune with Angels, Receive highest Inspiration, Develop Soul Power, Cast Out Devils, Raise the Dead, Perpetuate Existence, and make Human Life Immortal. All Power is now yours, go and use it ; and the Spirit of Life, and Love, and Wisdom, and Power in Vitapathy will be with you always, Vita (Amen). COPY OF CERTIFICATE OF ORDINATION. This is to certify that after having been fully Instructed, Qualified, and Diplomated ax a Vitapathic Physician, and having been Converted and Baptized, has NOW received at our hands the HIGHER ORDINATION, making .... AFinister- Physician of Viiapath\ breath- ing, and drinking and eating, and in the obedience to nature's laws and conditions in relation to him- self, and their effect on him. There is (or will be) a science in living, and when life comes to be understood and practiced as a science, then people can certainly maintain perpetual life; and it is this "Science of Life" that the people need to learn, and which I now will try to teach as well as I can with the present light and knowledge. PRACTICAL LESSONS IN PROLONGING LI I I.. /V/'.sV. The first thing to do is to breathe right. The first thing a person does in this world is to breathe, and could have no life without it, there- fore breathing is not only the first but most im- portant act of a living being ; but to breathe nijht is still more important. The common method of breathing, and the usual quantity of air taken in, is not sufficient to convey vital spirit enough to vitalize and purify the blood and throw oil' effete matter and preserve health. We breathe air to take in spirit and to preserve life. To make life better and longer we need more than the usual (juantity of spirit, therefore we must breathe mort\ The maintenance of life is a constant struggle and herculean effort, therefore to maintain life fully we must breathe in a ficrrnlcdn manner. On an average we should take in at least double t la- quantity of air that we do generally; we should make double effort to inhale it, and double effort to 127 exhale it, and see that the old devitalized air, just taken in, is all thrown out so as to make room to take in more new living air at the next breath; this well done will do all that is needed for vital air to do, and will preserve the most vital part of the human being. Second. Man is a drinking animal, and needs much drink of a proper kind to keep up the fluids of the system, and to neutralize, dissolve, and wash out all waste matter. Water is the natural drink and proper solvent and cleanser, as well as supplier of oxygen of which the system (especially the fluids) needs a great deal ; but the water used should be pure soft rain water, and that boiled be- fore using it, and may be taken in large quantities either hot or cold to suit the case. Our sanative tea is an excellent neutralize!-, dissolvent, and anti-septic. Water and all drinks should be supped down slowly, stopping often to take in big breaths of air. Water may be made more solvent by add- ing to it some vegetable acid, such as lemon juice, and it would be proper for the middle aged to take a lemon in a glass of cold boiled water at each evening meal ; and old, bilious, gouty, and rheu- matic persons, and all who have too much carbon- ate of lime and other salts in their system, may take two lemons in water daily, this will dis- solve the carbonates and bile, and prevent ossifi- cation, rheumatism, and old age conditions, and prolong life. The water may be made more neu- tralizing and digestive by adding a teaspoonful of common salt to the tumbler full of water drank at dinner each day, this will enable the person to get the most nutrition out of the least food, and at the least wear and tear of the system. Persons who are dyspeptic, and consumptive, and thin in flesh should drink much of this salted water, it will in- 128 crease their flesh and do them much good, and pro- long their lives. Water may be made more vital by having added to it eight or ten drops of phos- phoric acid to every glass of water drank during the day, or at least in the morning ; this will invig- orate the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, and help to clear them of too much carbon and osseous mut- ter, and will vitalize the whole nervous system, and prevent old age from coming on, and thus help to prolong life indefinitely ; or if people would live on fish and other substances containing much phosphorus they could do without the phosphoric acid. Third. Man is an eating animal and must eat to keep up the solids of the body and to maintain life; but he has yet to learn how to eat and what to eat, both in manner and quantity and quality; and right here there is more ignorance, and more wrong doing, and a greater violation of nature's laws than in anything else that human beings do; and on this point they need more instruction than in all else besides; everything else learned in books, schools, and colleges is of but little import- ance compared with the greater lessons of how to breathe, what to drink, and when and what to eat, for on this depends the maintenance of health and life, u and perpetual vigor." WHAT TO EAT. First then in selecting food reference should be had to the age, temperament, health and condition of the person. As a general rule young persons should eat more sweets and carbon substances, and old persons should eat more acids and oxygen substances, and neither need eat muck nitrogen substances; and especially the old, the less nitro- gen food they eat the better; (and really nitrogen 129 is but a changed condition of carbon, ;is ozone is of oxygen.) Milk, sugar, bread, potatoes, rice, and sweet fruits will do well for the young. Young meats, such as veal, lamb, young fish and chicken, with much acid fruits and but little bread, would be best for old persons. Beans and all foods con- taining lime or any of the carbonates or bone- making material would not be good for old people. NATURE OF LIFE. Life is an equipoise or balance of the vital forces employed in building up what is needed, and in carrying away the waste matter that is not needed, or that has served its purpose in the econ- omy of nature, and has become effete matter, and must be carried off or it would become a burden and a poison to the system, and man would die of his own poison as sure as a snake would die of his own bite. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE Then, first, is to inhale the proper quantity and quality of pure air, and to exhale it again with all its devitalized conditions and poisonous contents as soon as possible. Second Is to drink pure water and other oxy- gen fluids to supply the secretory system with solvents enough to dissolve matter, liquify nutri- tion, and make blood, and then, when it has answered its purpose, to carry off with itself all worn-out and effete matter from the system through the proper outlets, and lubricate and keep clean and pure all parts of the body. Third Is to eat the proper quality and quantity of the kind of food needed to suit the age, tem- perament, and healthy or diseased condition of 130 the person, and to eat just enough of the proper kind of food to build up and supply the waste going on in the body, AND NO MORE. People eat nearly a half too much, and this is the great cau-<- of most of their sickness and premature old age. They eat more than they can digest and use and carry off, hence it is a burden and a poison to them, and renders them sluggish, weak, and infirm when they ought to be active, healthy and strong. No wonder people are sickly and weakly and die early when they are such gluttons as to kill them- selves by excessive eating. Some people had ought to die; they are too hoggish to live, and there is no immortal life for them. Eat but little food and that of the right kind should be the rule of life ; and especially should the middle aged and old eat but little carbonaceous and bone-mak- ing food, and should take acid drinks enough to dissolve and carry away all waste matter, for it is the carbonates of lime and other earthy salts that are left in excess in the system that deadens tin- bones, hardens the tendons, contracts the muscles, stiffens the joints, and brings on conditions of old age, when, if people were born right, and would breathe, and drink and eat right, and cleanse the system of all obstructions and impurities and live right, they might be enjoying health, beauty, and perpetual youth, instead of decrepid old age, disease, and death. For life will certainly conquor death, and man become immortal! 131 A LESSON ON TOBACCO. Tobacco is a poison, filthy weed. Its internal use is very injurious, and is so poisonous that a lew drops of its oil will kill as certain as will prussic acid. Its use, either to smoke or chew, is very injurious to the health of all who use it and of those who associate with them; besides, it is exceedingly unpleasant for persons who do not use it to be obliged to associate with those who do. Just to see their nasty, dirty mouth, and to see them slobbering and spitting their nasty tobacco juice all around, and dirtying floor and carpet and everything with its filth, is enough to sicken any delicate person. To smoke tobacco is still more injurious and more offensive to those who do not use it ; filling the room, or house, or hall, or car, and the air generally, with its nauseous and noxi- ous fumes enough to sicken anybody ; and the ill-bred unmannerly simpletons will insist on smok- ing in the presence of decent persons and in the presence of ladies, and will even sit, or walk, or ride with ladies while throwing out their poisonous sickening tobacco fumes. If men would only stop to think how mean and degrading it looks, and how unpleasant it is to others, I think they would cease such ungentle- manly practices; and besides, it is expensive, and their money should be applied to better use. It is said Tobacco is a filthy weed, It was the de'il that sowed the seed, It dirties your mouth, stains your clothes, And makes a chimney of your nose. And worse still, it poisons the blood and causes cancer, heart disease, paralysis, and many other 132 diseases. It creates a morbid appetite, leads to drunkenness and to vice, to immorality and all manner of crimes, and it is of itself a low, disgust- ing vice and folly. As I have frequently said in my public lectures, when speaking of tobacco, that a cigar is a long roll of tobacco, with a fire at one end and a fool at the other; and so it is, I can give no be.tter definition. But still, disgusting as the common use of to- bacco is, and as poisonous as it may be, it never- theless has its uses by external application to cure poison bites and stings and malignant inflamma tions, to kill small insects, and to destroy animal cule and all unhealthy and poisonous germ-life (on the theory that one poison kills another poi- son). Tobacco is a poison anti-septic, and, as such, is destructive to all animal life, but may be used in such small quantities as to kill only the smaller and lower forms of life, and to allay all inflamma- tions. Tobacco smoke when confined around a bush or tree will kill all insects and parasites on or around the bush, and thus be of benefit in that way. Tobacco juice made strong and used as a wash will kill all lice and other vermin on animals and humans, and thus be made to do much good in that way. And its better use is in curing poi- son bites and stings, and inflammatory, malignant diseases on humans, such as mad-dog bites, snake bites, scorpion and spider stings, and of all smaller insects and vermin; and its still more important uses in curing cancer, malignant ulcers, mortifying sores, high inflammations, diphtheria, sciatica, syphilis, erysipelas, shingles, scaldhead, carbuncles, boils, hives, pustules, and pimples; also for bun- yons, corns and warts; and for cuts, sprains, wounds, bruises, swellings, and all skin disc- also all general inflammations, such as in Ham- 133 mation of the eyes, ears, throat, lungs, kidneys, bladder, hips, thighs, legs and feet, any place but on the stomach, as it would nauseate there, and may nauseate when it is applied to other parts of the body, but not until after it has accomplished its purpose. HOW TO APPLY IT. Procure unmanufactured tobacco leaves, and wet them in warm water, and apply to the place and cover them with three or four thickness of thick cotton cloth, and keep all wet by wetting with warm water, and keep all on from four to twelve hours until all is easy, and all pain and inflamma- tion gone. In applying it to inflamed eyes, the lids should be tightly closed before applying the to- bacco. And in cancers, and malignant sores, and poison bites, the tobacco poultice should be re- newed every day until all is well. Fine-cut tobacco or snuff mixed with glycerine and made into a thick poultice, and worn on or over the place, will cure cancer and other malig- nant gatherings. Tobacco wetted and laid on the abdomen and pubes of the parturient female, will relax the sys- tem,, and make delivery easy and quick. But if used excessively by abdominal application might relax the system too much and produce miscar- riage. Tobacco is a powerful relaxant as well as anti-septic, and can be made useful in reducing all swellings, and relaxing all contracted muscles and tendons, and beneficial in anchylosis and disloca tions. Tobacco is a wonderful remedy for many diseased conditions by external application, but should never be chewed or smoked. Vitapathic physicians will find these lessons on the curative virtuesof tobacco worth thousands of dollars, and yet they are here given to them free. 134 VITAPATHY STILL PROGRESSIVE. NEW SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES oF IMMENSE VALUE. ^ and Sure Method of Treating Cancer 'ni till /Av xt(i* /"/ nil time without mutilation or disfiguration. Decomposition and decay are caused by /> / verted vital action ("vitiated vita") ; and to check that wrong action we must use a devitalizing agent that will stop all action and prevent all de- composition and decay, then the substance of ( In- human body will remain indestructible for all time, and will not dry up as Egyptian mummies do, but will remain full in size, perfect in form, and natural in color and appearance. To do all this we will need to use an anti-septic fluid or gas that will extinguish flame, destroy animal life, kill bacteria, etc., or, in other words, that will check and prevent all wrong or perverted vital action. This anti-septic fluid gas can be made about as follows: Common chalk (carbonate of lime), ten parts; salicylic acid, one part; water, three parts ; and hydrochloric acid, one part, all put to- gether in a large, strong bottle or jug with enough of the water and acid solution to cover the chalk. (The bottle need not be more than a quarter full with all.) But before making the gas we need a strong air- tight metallic coffin with a nozzle in it, ami with a glass lid or window in the lid. Then the corpse is to be washed clean and clothed with light, 137 thin covering and put into the coffin and sealed up air tight all but the nozzle, which must have a tight fitting screw cap (to be put on after the gas is let in), or any way to close it up tight, then we make the anti-septic gas as above de- scribed, and force and condense it into the coffin through a rubber tube ; then close the nozzle and keep the gas in, and keep it in for weeks or months if needed. The corpse can be seen at any time through the glass lid, and the coffin and its contents may be kept in any part of the house or vault, or may be buried if friends prefer ; or the corpse, after being kept in the coffin until it has become carbonated (petrified) from the. action of the gas, and has become hard like chalk or marble, may be taken out and stood up like a statue any- where convenient. Thus generations can preserve their ancestors for all time. This Vitapathic Anti-septic Embalming Process is far superior to even the best Egyptian embalm- ing, and is a perfect success, and is the only method that is successful. All animal and vegetable substances and foods can be preserved by similar processes, and just enough of the gas may be used to destroy bacteria, etc., and prevent decomposition. Then the sub stance may be eaten as palatable and healthy food. Meats and all kinds of food should be sub- ject to a few hours' pressure of this anti-septic gas before eaten, then there would be no trichina, spirallis, or other deadly septics; and all fruits and vegetables could be canned and preserved with this gas. All septic diseases, such as ery- sipelas, small-pox, measles, scarlet fever, and all skin diseases, can be cured with a bath of this gas, so arranged that the patient would not inhale the gas. 138 RAISING THE DEAD. To the unbelievers this seems an impo>sibilitv, but to the believing and educated Vitapaths all things ;nv pos-ible." A few per-ons have been raised from the dead in different ages of the world. enough to demonstrate that i( can be done. KINia raised the dead boy who had died from >nn stroke, and the account shows how he did it. Jesu> rai>ed the widow's dead son and La/ams, and we do not know how many more. Oilier dead persons have been raised to life since that time, even down to the present time. There is sufficient power to raNe the dead if people would only believe, and use the power; but they do not believe and will not try. There is ample means but they will not learn how and use it. Millions of people might have been raised from the dead before now if skilled physicians had believed and used the power, and the people had believed and assisted them with their belief and concurrence; but all is unbelief and opposition, therefore nothing is done unless it is by accident. BUT WHAT IS DEATH? What is it to be dead? I have taught you bo- fore the life was in the blood, and into whatever part of the body the blood went there was the most life or heat ; if the blood has gone from tin- vital organs into other parts of the body, then that person dies for want of vitality, and the whole body may die for want of vitality in the vital or- gans, such as the heart and lungs. Death, there- fore, is a want of vitality in the vital organs, and all such persons, though really dead, could be re stored to life again. Manv persons die from what is called heart disease, which is only vitality hav- ing left the heart, but it is real death nevertheless. 139 But all such can be raised to life again by proper vitalizing treatment applied to the heart. A great many persons die from inflammations and fevers that can be raised to life again by equalizing the life heat and revitalizing the vital organs; a great many people die from fright, and from foul air and gas, chloroform, hanging, drowning, etc., these all can be restored to life by proper vitalizing treatment of the lungs and heart. VITA CAN RAISE THE DEAD. Vita being double, and composed of spirit and matter both (see Chapter 22 page 283 of the EN- CYCLOPEDIA), it can supply life to soul and body both, and can cure and restore, and preserve the life of both, and as soon as the people believe, and the minister-physician learns how and believes, and uses the power, many persons will be "raised from the dead." Persons have been brought to life by accident, some in one way and some in another; the coffin which held the dead body on its way to the grave has been rudely handled, or Jet fall, and the sudden jar has started and equal- ized the circulation and restored vitality to the vital organs, and the person has come to life. For instance, a gentleman who died in the far West was being taken East to be burried at his home, when, on the fourth day after his death, while the corpse was on the cars nearing home, there was a terrible collision, the coffin was knocked open and the dead man came to life and crawled out. The sudden shock brought this man to life and virtu- ally raised the dead to life. The rough opening of a coffin in a vault has raised the dead. There have been many other circumstances and occur rences with the same good results. And there are many other ways by which the dead have been 140 raised; by loud noises, firing of cannon, thunder. etc.; and lightning has been known to vitalize the dead and restore them to life; electricity by ual vanic battery or electrical-machine has restored life; human magnetism, by a loving kiss, has raised the dead in many instances; one of which I will relate, as it happened in this city: A lovely young lady sickened and died from over study at a young women's seminary ; on the third day after death, and after the friends had gathered, the ser- mon preached, and the coffin opened for the friends to take a last look at their dead friend, in came a young lady schoolmate, who had just arrived, to attend the funeral of her much loved friend who was now cold in death; the young lady stooped down and pressed her warm, loving lips to those of her dead friend, and kissed her so warm and long and hard, and thereby put so much of her own life into the dead body that it revived, and came to life and lived. Spirit power raised the dead by a loving kiss; and thousands might he raised in the same way; and in the same way the sick and dying might be cured. Some dead people had so little of the spirit of life in them before they died that it requires spirit to restore them to life, and that can be applied by the spirit ual kiss of a strong spiritual person who has just inhaled an unusually large quantity of spirit from pure vital air, then it must be applied lonir and hard until the dead body is spiritualized and re- vived. Some persons have become so emaciated with disease before they die that they need ////< t, re-iinvrtion; 143 the human being does not die, matter never had any life and cannot die, it only dissolves back to its former inert condition. The soul, the only living part of the human, does not die ! Therefore there is no death ! This dissolved body never forms again (it never has, and of course it never will), therefore there is no complete resurrection. Persons come to life by being raised from the dead in the same body that they had before, as I have directed you, but this is not resurrection, for the body has not decomposed, therefore there is no final resurrection of the body, for it never dis- solves away and then comes together again. All such hopes are but idle dreams never to be ful- filled; but the fully matured soul, being spirit, is immortal, and never dies, consequently can have no resurrection, only its going out of the old body; but the soul can have two births; it is born first into the material world, with its material body ; and then it is born into the spiritual world, with its spiritual or vita body ; this is the SECOND BIRTH, And on such death has no power, but the soul goes on learning, and growing in love, wisdom, and power, and in happiness and glory, forever and ever. There is no such thing as death, and there can be no resurrection ; it is the soul that is born and lives forever; it is the soul that becomes wise and strong and prepares itself to live on, and ever on in -its own fadeless and deathless fmmortality ! So there is no death in the true sense of the word. TRANSITION. The soul may leave the body temporarily or permanently, which in either case is transition. When a matured soul leaves the body, though even for a short time for a short visit, as mine has 144 often done, that is transition. But a higher Iran sition was shown me last night in a vi-ion: At bed time last evening (March IT, 1884, V. D., 14), I had finished writing the preceding lesson on "Raising the Dead" when I went to bed, and at midnight a real tangible vision of transition, and the real spiritual birth took place in me, or I in it ; I was on the world's stage and had living beii. and out of the body for my audience. 1 addr them upon Transition and the Higher Birth, to which they gave strict attention, and seemed much edified, and gave expression to their admiration and delight. TRANSITION SCENE. After the address I sat down in a large arm- chair, and my soul began to ooze out of my body, from heart and brain, and form a smoky. mi>ty cloud above the body, which soon assumed the size and shape of my body, making a complete spiritual counterpart of my body which the audience could see and recognize ; I was full formed, and com- pletely developed in consciousness and intelli- gence, and was fully aware of my changed condi- tion and ti'e who were in their presence first; then in the absent ones by letters by mail; then by a quicker method by telegraph; they soon found that it was per fectly easy to communicate with their friends any distance away, into foreign countries, and a< : the widest ocean; and they have found out that they can as easily, and as quickly, communicate with their friends in other spheres, even across the ocean of death, so called. Their friends who are gone before still live, and are a part of the human family and are still in the universe, and can be com- municated with as naturally and as easily as if they were yet in the material body; all that is neces- sary in any method of communication, or to com municate anywhere, is to learn the method or process by which it can be done best. Commit ni cation by mail is more physical. Communication by electricity is more spiritual. Communication by spirit is all spiritual. In telegraphing we have to use some fine mechanical instruments; in spirit communion we have to use t\\e finest human instni inents. In electric telegraphing across the //v/frr// ocean we have to use very .sv //.v/V/'/v instruments; and so in spiritual telegraphing across the */> /'//'/ mil ocean we have to use very sensitive instni ments. One process is as natural as the oilier, and as easily accomplished, but each process must have its own proper instruments ; then know how to n de- velopment by sitting in good harmonious circles ; many can develop themselves with spirit av-i-i ance by the statuvolent process, and especially calling on some special favorite spirit to control them. SELF (SOUL) CONTROL. The soul is the real person and master of the body, and should control it in every respect, and can and will if it is made strong by additional spirit breathing and development; but the soul itself has to be taught how to use its own wonder fill powers. The soul may be compared to a strong horse led by a weak child with a tow string. He, the horse, don't know that he could easily pull loose, jump away, and be free, and do what he pleases. The human soul has unlimited power if it only knew it; indeed all intellectual power is in the human soul, but he has to learn how to use it. It is ignorance that keeps the soul lack from using his invincible powers. SOUL-LEARNING. The soul must learn all about himself and all about the laws and forces of nature, and how to employ them to do all things, and thus be supreme in his unlimited empire. He must know and use his powers to do whatever he will, with or without physical instruments, with or without material body. The soul must reali/e that he is a personal entity, a real and distinct being, separate Iroiu the physical body, and not depending on the body for any of his spiritual powers, but only uses the body as an instrument to express and act out his will. 149 SOUL COMMUNION. Souls, whether in or out of the body, can be called to do many things. Souls that are in sym- pathy with each other (whether in or out of the body) can be called together into sweet commu- nion by one calling on the other with a spirit mil CALL: by one concentrating his soul-thought lov- ingly and strongly on the other soul, and saying to her " (Jennie), come to me, or meet me some- where, that, we may realize each other's company and presence and hold sweet communion together, and get, and understand, and know each other's feelings and thoughts and sentiments towards each other -just as they really are. May we know just what is and what is to be. Answer truly, now ; " and the answer will come in some way, and be correct, too. SELF-CALL, Or calling self, can be done in nearly the same way. A person can call his own soul by his own name, and say (John), do this, or do that, or what- ever you wish to have done that a soul can do. Practice calling and doing, and the soul will soon learn to use its wonderful power in many ways, and can go to many places and see certain persons by saying: "(John) concentrate all your power and all your thought and all your love force on (Jennie), and go and see her (while your body is lying here at ease, or may be asleep or in a trance), communicate my love to her, and get her true answer in return. Take so much vita with you from the finer elements of my body (and draw more from her and others and from all sources), so that you can clothe the soul with a body and make it visible to her, as in ^pi-itunl manifestations, and if she is in good passive condition she will realize 150 and appreciate my presence, and hear and feel and sec me there, and there will be sweet communion between our souls." I know this can be done under favorable circumstances and conditions, for I have experienced it all. I, my soul, has visited and been visited in this way, and both are conscious of these soul visits and soul communion that is cementing our friendship and love more firmly, and which will last through time and eternity. It is better that the persons communicating should be of opposite temperments, and be ac- quainted, and on friendly and loving terms with each other; and the more sensitive and mediumis- tic they are the better, then practice will make perfect. But all will find there is much to learn. WHAT IS YET TO BE. The above blank is left open to publish in part at least what is yet to be and take place in the hu- man events of my uarthly career, and to record the triumphs of love ! 151 POWER OF GRADUATES. Every graduate of the American Health College is educated, diplomated, ordained, and licensed to preach the gospel of Vitapathy, to convert the soul, and heal the sick of all manner of diseases, and thereby save soul and body both ; and to hold public meetings, and keep private offices for all purposes of their profession. MISSIONARY HYMN. Go, brothers, spread the story, And sisters help to roll Great Vita's fame and glory From Nature's pole to pole. Go, spread the news to all ; Let each sick person know That Vita can cure them all, And keep them here below. Go, heal with Vita's Power All sickness, pain, and death ; Bring in the immortal hour When all shall have new breath. Go, and baptize all who will, With Vita's living breath ; Cure them of every ill, And save them all from death. Go, now ; lawfully endowed With highest spirit power By Men and Angels allowed ; In might, go forth this hour. 152 Public meetings had bet I IT lie held on Sundays, as most people are idle then, and in the afternoon on Sundays, so that it will not be at a time of day wheii the churches are holding meetings. A VITAPATUIC MEETING May be opened by singing any familiar hymn, or reading a poem, such as, HEALTH MISSION. Health is the greatest earthly boon, Where disease and death come so soon . With health of body and of soul, The years may come and seasons roll And still we are happy and free, And life 's a joy to you and me ; With good health we can live and do, As we help each other and you. The means of health have now been found, And all can have it the year round. The New System of Vital Cure Will fullest health to all insure. Heaven-sent Ministers must preach, And earth's skillful Doctors must teach. All people must learn how to live, And life's richest blessings receive. Our mission here now is to you, What will help you most we will do ; We come to help and do you good, And hope to be thus understood. The blessings of health now come to all, Vitapathy cures great and small. All who receive life's saving breath Are freed from sickness, pain, and death. Then the Vitapathic minister may teach the con gregation how to pray in .s/'/n the vast amount of sickness, diseases and death there is in our land, and the suffering, sorrow, and misery produced thereby, and the billions of dol- lars and the millions of lives lost by expensive and useless and injurious systems of practice, which bring poverty and degradation on the people, and make human life a burden; and people cry out in their agony, and ask, Is there not a better way! 1 "Is there no balm in Gilead?" And they look up through the darkness of superstition with tearful eyes and behold the light coming, and the day dawning; they begin to learn cheaper and safer methods of cure, and better means and methods of living; and hope springs afresh in the human breast, making all mankind rejoice with exceed ing great joy, and, like the Israelites when <-om nianded by Moses, they "look and live." Then the minister can unfold to them the exhaustless vital forces of nature, as brought into practical use through and by the Vitapathic system, which all can learn and enjoy, and get cured of disease, and keep well at very small expense, and thereby save many lives and many dollars every year. What happy times the people would have if they could prevent sickness, and save the einnmon- sums of money that they have to pay out to keep up the drug doctors, and their expensive systems of practice. If all the money that is paid out needlessly for drug doctors and drug medicines was divided among the poor all would have plenty. and would also have better health. And now, to make matters worse for the people, the medical doctors are becoming so numerous, and arrogant. that they are endeavoring to have law- parsed to give tin in the entire monopoly of practice, and COMPEL the people to employ them at their high 155 prices, and to take their nasty and dangerous drug medicines, while the doctors live in wealth and splendor on the money wrenched from the people ; but now the light appears and the day dawns, and the people are getting their eyes open, and have concluded that forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, and they will bear it no longer. They turn now to nature's true vital curatives, such as vital air, cleansing water, and nutritious food, with the proper use of heat, light, electricity, magnet- ism, vital spirit, and vita, all of which they can learn to use, and employ in the cure of disease, prevention of sickness, and prolongation of human life, and thus save much suffering, time and ex- pense, and many lives. FOR VITA HAS COME. Vita will spread where'er the sun Does its successive journey run ; And heal the sick from shore to shore, Till moons shall rise and set no more. From north and south old doctors come, And pay their homage at our home, While western nations own its sway, And savage tribes are drawn this way. By Vita can all ills be cured, And to all be long life insured. Its power extends to ev'rything, To all it comes with healing wing. People, in realms of every tongue, Shout its power in sweetest song, And infant voices shall proclaim The coming glories of its fame. Vita shall spread to every land, And cure disease on every hand ; And heal the sick from shore to shore, Till men shall live forevermore. 156 After the minister has presented all this in a proper manner, he may sing or read the poetry on SPIRIT. Spirit is everywhere, And is poured out in many ways, All people can have a full share, For it 's free in these latter days. It 's life to the rock and the rose, Soul to the sparrow and the bee, Its mighty tide forever flows Thro' all forms of life full and free. It blooms in grass, in weeds, and flowers, Thro' every grade of being runs, And from nature's radiant towers Its glory flames in stars and suns. We employ this Vital spirit With full faith, reverence, and skill, Depending upon its merit To cure every human ill. With this, Vitapathy is sure To cure disease, and prevent death, With it human life will endure And increase with every breath. Then he can invite them up to be healed by read- ing the following INVITATION. Come now all ye sick and sore, Come now to life's exhaustless store ; All come now and get good health, All come now and get more than wealth. Come now for what's in the air, Come now for life and health so fair ; All come now a:id health partake, All come now all your pains forsake. 157 Come now to waters of life, Come now and cease jour useless strife ; All come now and leave all pain, All come now and good health attain. Come now and get richest food, Come now and it will do you good ; All come now all blessings meet, All come now and taste pleasures sweet. Come now and get vital power, Come now and be cured this hour ; All come now, all death sever, All come now and live for ever. FURTHER DIRECTIONS. During the whole time of the meeting, whether you are shaking hands or looking, singing, pray- ing, preaching or healing, be sure to throw all the " spirit power " on all persons in your presence. Throw it on by looks and words, and by the throwing out motions of the arms and hands. Get the audience as well under your influence and control as possible, so that when you are ready to invite them up to be converted and healed, they will come up willingly and yield readily to your treatment. SPECIAL RULES. In converting persons talk to them individually on the subject, and apply vital spirit to them through their organs of veneration and spirituality and hope, by applying your right hand there, and (it is better done by the " Double Process r ) all the while talking to them encouragingly and throwing on the power. In curing persons of any disease a general treatment may be given in the same way as for conversion, only the right hand should be placed on the back of the head 158 and nock part of the time, as well a- on the of veneration, etc. When appli<-ani> rome up (or you go to them) they had better sit down until you are ready to treat them, or penitents may kneel, if they prefer, as they come up, and you can apply the power while they are kneeling or sitting, as the case may be. But when you waul them to be happy and shout raise them up on their feet, and you clap your hands and be happy and they will do and be the same. Patients may sit with bare heads until you have applied the power to their organ of vitality at the back of their head and neck, and to their organs of spirit uality and hope on the sides of their head, near the top, with your right hand, and you may touch and rub any weak place on them with your ri.uht hand; don't touch them with your left hand unless they are hot blooded and positive, then you may touch your left hand to their forehead or to I hen- rid it hand. Have them rise up on their feet before you finish the cure, and tell and make them feel well as you do, and make them walk around so as to feel and know that they are well ; and if they are lame or weak in any part of the body rub and pat that part with your right hand, and then make them use that part then and ///, as to bring it into immediate and complete use, and thai they will know it themselves and be happy. If any come in with crutches or other support make them walk out without them. Make as favorable an impression as possible on the con verts and patients and on the audience, and through them to the entire community; and if doctors or interested persons oppose you tell the people that the opposers are afraid that you will cure up all their patients, and they, the dear ( ? ) doctors, will have nothing to do, and that the old fogy poison drug 159 doctors are like the Ephesians, when Paul preached a better doctrine, they cried out " Great is Diana of the Ephesians." Turn everything to your own benefit. " Be as wise as sages and as harmless as doves." And even in the hour of seeming danger collect your forces, and by bravery, wisdom, and power turn seeming defeat into a brilliant victory ! When you are through with that Sunday meet- ing let the people know that, like the Apostle Paul, you preach the Gospel of Life free to all on Sundays, but the expenses of traveling, such as railroad fare, hotel bills, printing circulars, adver- tising in the papers, rent of hall, etc., have all to be paid by somebody, and, as you give your time, and skill, and powers free, the people should cer tainly pay the actual expenses, and it would be right to take up a collection for that purpose,, and get some prominent ladies and gentlemen to do it, or, if they fail, take up the collection yourself rather than miss it. There is nothing like pressing perseverance. Then, when that is done, you can notify the audience that you treat diseases and teach people how to get well and keep well, and that you will remain a few days or weeks at your rooms where you take patients and pupils, single or in classes, to suit, and at prices to suit all. And you may give a lecture to ladies only on, say, Monday afternoon, which could be given out. at the Sunday meeting, and thus you would get acquainted with many ladies and get many as patients and pupils. INTRODUCING VITAPATHY. In your lectures and conversations always pro- claim the superiority and grandeur and power and success of the great Vitapathic system, in all its 160 moans of cure, without the use of dnm- or danger ous treatment; ami advise all suitable person- \ attend lectures at the American Health College, graduate and go into its practice. Then, when you are done in one town, go to another, and preach and practice the great Vitapathic system, and the spirit of all power will be with you always. IMMORTAL LIFE. After the human family have obeyed nature, worshiped law, utilized power, controlled the ele- ments, subdued the passions, developed humanity, perfected the race, triumphed over disease, pre- served health, prevented decay, and conquered death, they will certainly gain the CROWN OF IMMORTALITY! The Vitapathic system fully carried out will iu time accomplish all, for it has in it the probabili- ties, possibilities, potencies, and powers to cure disease, prevent sickness, preserve health, perfect humanity, bridge over the river of death, and make the human being immortal. Vitapathy is more than a science, it is a religion that converts the soul, cures tho body, and saves botli alive together. See my lessons on Vita in preceding pages of (his book, and in the great ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NATURE, and also see my lectures and lessons on Immortal Life, in the after part of this book, and see my poetry on Immortality. THE MILLENNIUM Will surely come when refined human life will last continually, and death will give way to im- mortal life. Just 'as certain as mortal life has come, just so certain will immortal life yet come, one is a sure result and concomitant of the other. and each must, haa, and will come in its proper 161 order and time. The lower order of animal life came first; then the lower human, and now the higher human is coming, and will be so high and refined and VITAL with VITA that he will be in a proper condition to live forever. As human beings increase in intelligence and power, as they will and do, they will be able to employ the higher vi- tal forces of nature to supply all the wants of human and immortal life, and preserve their lives forever. The refining and intellectual processes are going on, and the close observer and intuitive perceptionist can discern it, for the time approaches, the morning of IMMORTALITA DAWNS, and the fully ripe day of perpetual life will come and is near at hand, already the signs appear, and all nature, re- ligion and science are helping it on ; all knowledge, and all power are being concentrated there to ac- complish nature's grandest and final work. The wheels of time are rolling on, and each successive age does its part. As intelligence increases and the millennium approaches mankind will become more spiritual and less animal, until animal repro- duction will cease and no more human beings will be born. This has already commenced, and even now fewer children are being born than formerly ; even in the last fifty years all can observe a marked change in this respect, and a great diminution in the number of children born, and in the families of many intelligent people having children has practically ceased. They are already getting ready for the millennium when there will be no children born; there will be happy matings and love unions in that better time, but no reproduction or increase of the human race. Science will help to produce these happy conditions, and alread}^ science is reg- ulating the number of children born ; already intel- ligent people have learned that man and woman 162 of the same temperament produce no o!]'-].rini:. and even if they are of different temperament >> as to make tlinn compatible and viable, they have learned that the more intellectual and spiritual they are the less productive they will be; and they have learned that by keeping apart until the sec- ond week after the menstrual period that condit ions will be such then as to afford safety, and some have learned too, that by lying with their heads to the north (in our hemisphere) at the time, that there will be no conception; some have learned to use shields, either for the womb, or male organ; others syringe with water immediately after ; some syringe with a thin solution of water and which would be a CERTAIN PRKVKNTIVK, and is always healthful and beneficial in all re- spects, inJccil* the female of any age should use this healthful anti-septic "injection at least once a week, and especially just after the menses. Some females have become a little smarter, and though they have neglected prevention, take ,vo////Y/< /'//// when they find they have missed. The Indian squaws used to drink repeated daily doses of very strong tea made from cohosh root, or rattle root, or squaw root as it is commonly called; it is >ail that the f>!i/c cohosh is the better kind of squaw root. The negro women of the south use cotton root tea; some take ergot of rye, but it is not sale nor successful; some use ergot of corn com smut ustilago maidis, its fluid extract in teaspoon ful doses (or even less) in hot water and repeated in a half hour assists fuH-time labor very much, and is good to bring on labor pains when from ex- haustion or otherwise they have ceased ; but it would have to be taken in smaller -es for several days to be successful at other times. If the solid extract of... 163 and were made into pills and sugar coated would make a pleasant, convenient, and SUCCESSFUL REMEDY; or the Vital Food Globules can be used as an excel- lent parturient, and promoter of the monthlies. Some go as far as to open the mouth of the womb with a catheter like probe, but while that might be effectual, none but a skillful physician should be allowed to use instruments for any purpose, and then only when health reasons demanded it. But in the " good time coming " when intelli- gence and spirituality rule, and vita controls all things, there will be no need for PREVENTIONS OR PARTURIANTS. There will be no more births and no more deaths among the fully refined and im- mortalized. Though even after the beginning of the millennium some may die who are not ready to live, but some will live and not die, for there will be " a survival of* the fittest " in that grand EVOLUTION PERIOD, until finally there will be no more death, and mankind themselves by the uses of the vital forces of nature intelligently applied, as taught in Vitapathy, will bring about this "happy day." All possibilities and powers are in perfected man, and they will surely, by the aid of religion and sci- ence, accomplish ALL. And people may just as well commence to prepare for it now. Immortality like everything else has to be sought after and ob- tained, and if people do not believe and work for it how can they expect if. Does mankind want to keep it back and prevent it ? Or why don't they work for it and let it come, as it surely will whether they believe or not; but the good can hasten it, and for that purpose the people have to be taught the " science of life," and educated and instructed how to live ; this doctrine of im- mortal life must be fully explained to them so that 164 they can understand and practice it so as to enjoy its benefits. The people need teachers on this most important of all subjects, and the Vitapathir minister is the only one who can teach it, because he only has learned it, and it is his /////// to teac-h it; for that purpose he has been educated, < -on- verted, baptised, and ordained, and is fully author- ized and commanded to "Preach this (iuspelof Life." And, O! Vitapathic brothers and si-ters, I CHARGE you by all the forces of nature, phy-ical and spiritual, by all the powers of VITA, and liy all the pleasures of health, joys of life, and hojn - of immortality, " that you be instant, in season and out of season," in preaching health, life, and im- mortality to all people everywhere, and thus hasten the millennium day ! And I will as>ist yon Wonderful Power of Magnetism, 27 Many Ways of Using Magnetism 27 How to Magnetize Everything, 27 Magnetic Plasters, 27 Vital Pellets, 28 Full Vital Materia Medica, 28 Spirit Vitalization 29 Angel Treatment, 30 Case of John Brown, 30 Soul Treatment, 31 Vita Treatment, 32 How to Get and Use Vita, 32 Importance of Vita, 33 Vampires, 35 Victims of Unhappy Disembodied Souls, 35 Vitapathy Can Save the Vampire and His Victim, 35 175 Vitapathy Reaches to All Worlds, 35 Vitapathic Practice 36 VITAPATHIC PRACTICE, WITHOUT DRUGS OF ANY KIND In Acute Inflammations, 37 Malignant Diseases, 38 Diphtheria, 38 Erysipelas, 39 Stings and Bites, 39 Syphilis, 40 Gonorrhea, 41 Mumps, 41 Healing Oil, 41 Gouty Swellings, 41 Boils, Felons, Carbuncles, etc., 41 Cancer 41 New Cancer Treatment, 42 Malignant Cancers, 42 Campbell's (Compound) Cancer Cure, etc., 43 Eating Cancer, 43 Other Positive Diseases, 43 Bilious Fevers, 44 Typhoid Fever, 44 Yellow Fever, 44 Fever and Ague, 44 Night Sweats, 45 Other Fevers, 46 Colds, 46 Pneumonia, 46 Pleurisy, 46 Chronic Colds, 46 Coughs, 46 Whooping Cough, 47 Hiccough, 47 Fire Heat, 47 Scrofula,, 47 Impurities of the Blood, 48 Skin Diseases, 48 Leprosy. 49 Insanity. 49 176 Positive Insanity, jr> Negative Insanity, t ,, Lunatic Asylums Emptied, s;o Special Diseases, ^, Epilepsy, S i Special Notice, 51 Negative Fits, 52 Fits from Injuries, 52 St. Vitas Dance $2 Colics, etc., 53 Tape Worm, 53 Negative Diseases t; j Diarrhea, ^} Cholera Morhus, yj Asiatic Cholera, 54 Life Drops, Asthma, ^ Consumption, ^ Bronchitis 56 Constipation, $(> Dyspepsia, 57 Diahetes, 57 Bright's Disease, 58 Bilious Headache, 58 Nervous Headache, qS Neuralgia, 58 Chronic Rheumatism 59 Dropsy, 59 Deafness, 51) Cataract, 59 Paralysis 5^. 4 Shaking Palsy 60 Many other Diseases 60 VlTAPATHIC SURGKKY 60 Silk Handkerchief Cure, 60 Application, fn Stocking Treatment 62 Fire and Water, 62 Nutrition, 62 Diseases ot Women, 64 Mental Cure, 64 Fright Cure, 66 A Trying Moment, 67 Shame Cure, 68 A Sure Cure for Opium Habit, 69 Septic and Anti-septic, 69 External Application, 69 Internal Use, 70 "Rex Magnus," 70 Physical Immortality, 71 Salicylic Acid, **i '. wwww^i^ff^T?^TTT^^T > 7^ 71 External Use, 71 Internal Use, 72 Positive and Negative Sides of Persons and Things, 72 Example, 73 Extremes, 74 MIDWIFERY Painless Parturition 74 Secret of Success, 76 No Instruments Used, 76 An Illustrative Case, 77 Kindness Cure, 79 Love Cure, 79 Religious Cure, So Prayer Cure, So Faith Cure, 81 The SECRET of Cure, 82 Religious Exercises, 83 Mesmeric Control 83 Caution, 83 Easy Control 84 "Knowledge is Power," 84 Mental Power, 84 How to Control, 85 Unconscious Control, 86 Secret Control, 86 An Instance, 86 Conscious Control, 87 Wonderful Power of Magnetism, ...., 88 178 SPIRIT CONTROL, 89 Concentration of Spirit, 89 Human Means 89 Circles,- tjl , Revival Meetings Spiritual Ministers ,i The Power of Spirit ,_ How to Use the " Power," SKCRET of Power The Secret REVEALED, 1^3 Guiding Facts ,^ Controlling Process, 94 Power of the Preacher, The Reason Why <^ Its Utility, ; Love at Home, ,,f, Special Directions, c/> Getting Up the Power, ,- Process, yS CONVERSION Importance of Conversion, yj Spiritual Conversion, i^ How to Convert, 99 Physicians and Minister- have to Learn their Business 100 Religious Conversion mi Advice to Ministers 101 Secret of the Converting Power 102 The New Birth 103 Getting Religion, 103 Converting the World 103 Another Secret in Occult Forces 104 How to Control Humans, 104 Example, i<>4 How to Control Animals 10^ How to Control Evil Spirits 106 How to Cast Out Devils, 107 Special Process, 107 Signs of Obsession, 109 How to Prevent Obsession, no 179 Spiritual Schools, no Misery in Heaven, in The Air is Full of Human Souls, 112 A. Howling Mob, 112 Awful Thought, 112 Awful Night of Gloom, ., 112 Hope Gleams ! 112 The Morning DAWNS, 113 Happiness on Earth, 113 Earthly Heaven, 114 Heavenly Home. 114 Schools in Heaven, 115 Endless Progression, 116 Double Power, 116 Double Portion of Spirit, 117 Impressing the Mind, 117 Controlling the Propensities, 118 All Knowledge, All Power, 118 Religious Ceremonies, 119 Universal System of Religion, 119 The Better Conversion, 119 A Higher System of Practice, 120 A Higher Gospel, 120 A Higher (spiritual) Baptism, 120 A Higher Sacrament, 120 The True Sacrament, 121 The Vitapathic Sacrament, 121 A Sacred Power, 122 The " Sacramental Host," 122 All the Processes produce a Power that is Invincible and Sublime, 122 And culminates in Vitapathy, 122 VITAPATHIC ORDINATION, 123 Ordained a Minister of Vitapathy, 123 Process of Ordination, 123 Ordination Powers, 124 Certificate of Ordination, (copy of ) 124 Another Lesson in Vitapathy, 125 Secret of Long Life, , 125 180 Key to Immortality, 125 Practical Lesson in Prolonging Life 12$ How to Breathe 126 What to Drink,- u; What to Eat, 128 Nature of Life, 129 Science of Life, uty Funerals, 141 Some only in Trance, 142 How to Apply " Vita." (The dead raised through the Vita- pathic System.) Death and the Resurrection, Second Death, 181 Transition, 143 Transition Scene, 144 Return to the Body, 145 Coming to Life, 145 Spiritual Communion, 14:5 Mediums, 147 Developing Mediums, 147 Self (Soul) Control, 148 Soul Learning, 148 Soul Communion, 149 Self-CALL, 149 Process, 149 What is jet to be, Power of Vitapathic Graduates, 151 " Missionary Hymn," 151 Vitapathic Meetings, 152 Health Mission (poetry), 152 How to Pray ! 152 " The Dawn " (cut and poetry), 153 Direction to the V. D.'s ; what and how to Preach, 154 "Vita Has Come" (poetry), 155 Song about Spirit, 156 Invitation to Come and be Healed (poetry)..-. 156 Further Directions ; Special Rules, 157 Gospel of Life ! i ^9 Introducing Vitapathy, 159 IMMORTALITY, 160 Crown of Immortality, 160 The Millennium -will come, 160 Humanity Getting Ready for It 161 Its Signs Appear, 161 "Immortality Dawns," 161 In the Full Millennium Reproduction will cease, and can be controlled NOW, 161 But no need of Preventions or Parturients in the good time coming, 163 Vitapathy will bring about this Happy Da}', 163 Mankind Need More Vitapathic Preachers and Physicians, 164 The only Power. The Real Providence and True Deity,... 1^9 182 THE HKJIIEI! MINISTRY. Vitapathic Minister- Physicians are Educated, Converted, Bap- tized Ordained, Commissioned, and Authorized to Preach the Gospel of Life everywhere. And to Heal the Sick of all Dis- eases of Body and Soul. And O ! Vitapathic Brother- and Sis- ters, I CHARGE \ou by all the Forces of Nature, and Spiritual, by all the Powers of VITA, and by all the Pleasures of Health, Joys of Life, and Hopes of Immortality, that you be Instant in Season and out of Season in Preaching this Glori- ous Doctrine, and Sure Means of Health and Happiness to All, and thus Hasten the Millennium Day ; and I will assist you always. For whether present or abfiit, visible or /;/:/>///<, I wi.l be with you still, to instruct and guide and direct. For I Live Always, and remain your Brother in the Knowledge, and Power, and Love, and Holiness, and Immortality of Vitapathy, (ViTA) Amen. JOHN BUNYAN CAMPBELL. PUBLISHER'S STATE M KM . 1 have known Dr. J. B. Campbell for twenty-seven year*, have done business with him nearly every week during all that time. Know him to he an eminent teacher and skillful physi- cian, and strictly honest in all his dealings. I printed hi- ^reat ' ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NATURE AND FULL VITAI-.VI nu PK.\I - TICE," his Books of Special Lessons on the Vitapathic System and all his other works. Have read them carefully, and must say that the knowledge they impart on health and life is all im- portant to physicians as well as to the people. His new book, "TiiE HIGHER VITAI-A MIV." is tor advanced students and graduates in the Vitapathic System of Practice, and contains valuable instruction in the application of Vita and the ] of the mind or soul in the cure of disease, both physical and mental, and should be studied by minis'' rs as well a- phvMcians. and by all who desire to do good to their fellow-man. Hi- -ystem of teaching combines the qualifying of students for minister as well as physician, which i- a new and valuable accessary to Health Practice. The doctor is an original thinker, a logical reasoner. and a successful discoverer and inventor, and his teachings can not but be of immense value to all who studv hi- books and attend his college. II. WATKIN, No. 217 }\'nl nut Street. Cincinnati, O. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. WB960 Cl88h I88if Campbell, John Bunyan. Higher vitapathy... MEDICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92664