:;,.;; ;icr r REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ^Accessions No. JUN 14.1893 '& 'Class- No. SECTIONS OF CULVERTS AND CANALS Philips' or Netr-ffpoHtaji P>op in, Rocfc or Masonry Canal; isv EartJu Fur Explcurw&iorL See Pages 388 and ."!)(',. CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, WITH EXPLANATOEY TEXT AND EXAMPLES, REVISED EDITION, WITH ADDITIONAL TABLES. BY LOWIS D'A. JACKSON, CIVIL ENGINEER, AUTHOR OF "HYDRAULIC MANUAL," "HYDRAULIC AND METEOROLOGICAL STATISTICS," " AID TO SURVEY PRACTICE," " ACCENTED LOGARITHMS," " METRICAL UNITS AND SYSTEMS," "THE CALCULUS FOR ENGINEERS," "AID TO ENGINEERING SOLUTION," AND OTHER WORKS. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: W. H. ALLEN & CO., 13 WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. S.W. 1884 (All rights reserved.) LONDON : PRINTED BY W. H. ALLEN AND CO., 13 WATERLOO PLACE. g.W. PEEFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THESE Tables have been calculated in accordance with a special modification of the velocity-formula of Herr Kutter, of Berne, now recognized in England, as well as elsewhere, as the most correct in general form. As the greater part of the book applies to Canals, the work has been expressly carried out at the desire of the Government of India ; the portions applicable to Culverts perhaps alone being likely to come into frequent use in England. The Eirst Part, or Computing Tables, has been twice calculated by myself with the seven-figure logarithms of Dupuis' Edition of Callet ; the Second Part, or Final Results, was computed partly by logarithms in the same way ; but the values of V and Q were obtained mecha- nically from calculated values of C and of HXVliS by means of two arithmometers of Thomas de Colmar, the one an excellent machine supplied by Mr. Redfern, the other the property of the India Office. The amount of precision in the Second Part is much superior to that originally contemplated ; but it must be borne in mind that these are not mathematical tables, but tables intended principally for the practical pur- poses of determining velocities and discharges of water, on which gradation of quality of surface and irregularity of course produce so important an effect that errors of one per cent, may almost be disregarded at present. IV PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Until lately errors of even 30 and 50 per cent, in such quantities have been allowed to pass unnoticed : but there are now many evidences of a change of spirit in the profession at home. The kaleidoscopic variations performed on the Rivers Pollution Reports, the distaste for bestowing the purple on the wealthiest, and the strong movement for removing the keys of eminence from praetorian hands, indicate fresh tendencies which may eventually result in substi- tuting thought and ability for the knowledge of con- ventionalities that now passes for skill, in rendering financing and trading-attorney qualities of less esteem, and in developing more scientific engineers capable of grappling with the difficulties of hydraulic science, hitherto so much neglected in this country. L. D'A. J. Royal Institution t July, 1878. PEEFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. As the portion of these tables calculated by mechanism contained many errors, in addition to the inevitable press errors, a revised edition, in which most of these have been removed,' will be more useful to the profes- sional public than the original one. Additional Tables, to the extent of forty pages of new matter, have been added ; in calculating these, the principle of employing a machine and a driver has not been adopted, but Accented four-figure logarithms have been employed, and the results verified by interpolating the former Tables of Final Results. The Tables of Constant Dis- charge for five classes of earthen channels as well as for culverts and aqueducts, will enable designers to deter- mine their preliminary quantities with rapidity. In the last six years there have been two grand opportunities in hydraulics, one a series of velocity- observations, on a large scale, on the Ganges Canal for the Government of India ; the other a series of current observations on the tidal portions of the Thames for the Corporation of London. The former, conducted by a professor of mathematics, has resulted in adding slightly to the general stock of information in hydraulic science, in clearly disproving the accuracy of all the old hydraulic formulae for flow under gravity, and in sub- stantiating the principles adopted in this book. The other, conducted by Mr. Baldwin Latham, a hydraulician VI PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. and civil engineer of long experience and skill, will, it is hoped, add to our knowledge of the principles of tidal flow in estuaries and lower reaches of tidal rivers ; but the results are not yet made public. These two branches of hydraulics are evidently distinct ; but unfortunately this is not generally known ; even the observers of the flow of the Irawaddi and the Parana evidently imagined that their results applied generally to non-tidal as well as to tidal rivers; and shortly after the issue of the First Edition of these Tables, a reviewer objected to them because they did not accord with some observations made on tidal rivers. It therefore becomes compulsory now to assert that these Canal and Culvert Tables are not intended to apply in the first place to Rivers of any sort; and in the second place that they do not apply to Tidal Eivers in any way. The original formula on which they are based was partly deduced from observations on non- tidal rivers and streams of every size, as well as from observations on canals and artificial channels ; but the formula as modified in application and here applied is solely dependent on the latter, many of them my own, and of my own collection. It is, of course, impossible to counteract all miscom- prehensions, blunders, and quietly disseminated oppo- sing notions as fast as they arise (for Westminster is an emporium of mischief as well as engineering) ; but this being a matter of main principle, it is excusable to mention it clearly and unmistakeably. L. D.'A. J. London, January 1884. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. GENERAL NOTATION AND UNITS ADOPTED. EXPLANATORY MATTER. , AGB Introduction. The formula of Kutter. The development of the coefficients of roughness. The modified classifica- tion. The coefficients of velocity . ... 1 Description and use of the tables. Methods of interpola- tion . . . " . ' , . . .31 EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. 1. The Computing Tables. 2. The tables of final results. 3. The Eeduction-multipliers. 4. Partly-filled culvert- sections. 5. The table of Gradients. 6. The use of the additional tables for constant discharges. 7. Bends i-xxviii PAET I. COMPUTING TABLES. I. The formulse, symbols, and values of variables 49 II. Coefficients of mean velocity 63 87 99 117 III. Values of the expression 100-v/ES IV. Sectional data for culverts and canals V. Mean and maximum velocities PAET II. TABLES OP FINAL EESULTS. VI. For glazed or cemented culverts and pipes . . 127 VII. For new culverts or pipes in brickwork, ashlar, cast and wrought iron, and unglazed stoneware . .155 VIII. For canals and aqueducts of rectangular section in new rubble, or old brickwork or ashlar . V . 181 IX. For canals in earth of Class II., when N=0'0225 - 215 X. For canals in earth of Class III., when N=0'0250 . 265 XI. For canals in earth of Class IV., when N= 0*0275 315 XII. Eeduction-multipliers; circular arcs and sectors; table for converting gradients .... 365 PAET III. ADDITIONAL TABLES. XIII. Conditions of equal discharge for Culverts, in two classes . . . . . . . , " 377 XIV. For Aqueducts in Eubble . . . . .387 XV. For Canals in Earth in five classes . . ;' ' . 893 XVI. Effect of Bends in Culverts and Canals . . . 415 GENERAL NOTATION. Q = quantity of water discharged at a transverse section, V mean velocity of discharge at that section, "NT* = corresponding maximum velocity at the same section, A = sectional area of waterway, P =a sectional perimeter, exclusive of the water surface, B =^the mean hydraulic radius = , L =sa horizontal length in the direction of flow ; usually taken half up stream and half down stream from the section under consideration, H ==the fall of the water surface in any such length, TT S =the sine of the hydraulic slope or gradient = , L W=a transverse width at water surface across flow, D ==a vertical depth from the water surface, B =a bottom breadth, or bed-width of a section ; N =the coefficient of roughness (in thick antique type), / 0'00281\ M=N( 41'6-f - J, a combined variable (in common type), C =the coefficient of mean velocity (in figures of old style). UNITS. All dimensions used in this book, when not otherwise expressed, are in English feet, and sectional areas are in square feet; all velocities are in feet per second, and discharges in cubic feet per second. EKKORS. Table I., page 57, at S =0-0004 ; N = 0-016, for M 0'7829 read 07780. j) v 58, ,, N =0-022, , M 1-0707 , T0698. )> 1 )) )5 N = 0-023, , M 1-1193 . 1-1183. J' J 60, ,. N = 0'031, , M 1-4822 \ 1-5074. It > }) N = 0-032, , M 1-5658 , T5560. 61, N= 0-033, , M 1-6059 , T6046. }) N=0-040, , M 1-9468 , T9450. Table IV., 101, Diam. 2' 4", one-third full, for E 0-472 read 0'462. Table VII., 177, Diam. 2' 8", S. 1; for Q 2151 read Q. 21-55. Table VIII.. . 185, S 0-6, D 1-0, for Q 9'16 read Q 8'16. M , 194, fa Depths of water 1- 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' read 2- 3- 4- 5' 6' 7 J5 . 194, at S 0-2, D=2- altered, /or Q 137'5 read Q 87'5. M , 210, S 0-2, D 5-0, for Q 4'392 read Q 4392" Table IX., , 216, S 1-0, D 075. Q 1-341 , Q 2'384. J9 . 224, S 0-1, D 6-0, , Q 1-974 Q 197-4. ,, , 227, S 0-3, D 6-0, . Q 4-685 Q 468-5. Table XI., , 316, ., S 2-0, D 1-25, . Q 7-493 Q 7-083. 317, S 0-5, D 0-75, , Q 0-918 Q 1-918. 319, S 2-0, D 1-0, , Q 108-2 Q 10-82. 5 S 0-2, D 2-0, , V 0-887 V 0-845. J > J> 5J ., Q 12-42 Q 11-82. 320, ;, S 2-0, D 1-0, Q 11-02 Q 13-02. ,. 327, S 0-3, D 4-0, V 2-144 , V 1-968. Q 205-8 , Q 188-9. Table XII., ,. 367, R, 20', S 0-4, for Diff. C. 0-59 read Diff. C. -059. UNIVERSITY EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. l.-THE COMPUTING TABLES. THE general use of the various tables has already been explained in the preceding text. In a few instances however, examples, as well as details of calculation, are also necessary for guidance. The formulae and symbols given in Table I. require no further explanation beyond the notation set forth at the beginning of this book, opposite to page 1 ; and the use of the variables M, ^ and 1*811 jq has been exemplified in calculating coefficients of mean velocity for a case of the Mississippi, under four values of N, on page 19. The converse process of determining the value of N from a given mean velocity V and given values of R and S is not so often used for canals as for rivers. For this purpose the formula reduces itself to the form AT C 1-811 v/R , R fcz\- ) x/R (c -z\ J\ 1 _i_ . I y & _ I I "~ j I ~~r If 4 y I 0*00281 ]M where 3=41'6H g , which is the tabular quantity -^ ; and y c= ==r, which is 100 times the tabular quantity C ; and where may be obtained from Table III. by dividing the values of 100-v/ttS there given by 100. 6 a 11 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. Taking, for example, a case on the Danube. Given V=2'25 feet per second, R= 12 feet, S= 0-00004, or 0'04 per thousand, required N. By Table L, *==*?= 11 i-85. By using Table III., yR=3-464; and c = ^L. = n 2 ' 2 . 5 =102-8; 0'219 hence cz=11498 ; and c -=- 9 ' : therefore, K _ (3-464+ 1-811 / 1 YU + 1-732 X 'I. 11498 \I276/ ) "ISTS- = v/0-000 545 555 + 0-000 001 845 + 0-001 358 = -v/0-000 5744+ 0-001 358 = 0-0234 +0-0013=0'0247. This example, like that of the Mississippi, points to the futility of grouping rivers into three classes. Table II. consists entirely of coefficients of mean velocity, arranged to suit round numbers in K. and S, and all the useful classes of N. They are given for small values of E. for culverts, and for larger values for canals. For any intermediate values of K or of S, a value of can generally be interpolated simply by proportional parts ; though sometimes a more accurate mode is to be preferred, which is described in the paragraph " Method of Interpolation," where an example is given, see page 41. The same method may be applied to intermediate values of S, as follows : For example. Required Cj when N=0'010, cement and glazed materials; when R=0 - 5 and S=0'25 per thousand, taking the nearest quantities and their lateral differences. Lateral S C differences. 0-4 0-3 0-2 0-1 1-3612 1*3486 1-3248 1*2630 0126 0238 0618 EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. Ill Here n=^ and #=B + 71 " 44 =1-3248 +-0119 + *0031 = 1-3398 or, as it is only required in four figures, 1*340. There is, however, generally no need to enter into exactitude as regards the inclination; although it is perfectly true that the chief advantage of the formula in fact, that the discovery of Herr Kutter principally consists in making allowance for varying inclination ; and it hence should not be neglected. Yet there is considerable doubt as regards the necessity of much exactitude on this point. Hence, in dealing with these lateral differences for inclination, a rough per-centage of the difference is sufficient ; in this case 0*25 being intermediate half-way between 0*20 and 0'30, and the corrected portion of the difference being 150 out of 238, or about f of it, the same ratio will be found to hold good approximately for the whole series of values of E at this degree of inclination, and can be applied in that rough way without practical error in most cases of canals, though not in rivers. Again, when the lateral differences are small, the coefficient for one inclination may be considered to hold good up to the next without any necessity for minute sub- division : for instance, when R=18, N=0'010> see page 64. For S per thousand =1, 0=1-6943 and for S per thousand =0*8, = 1-6929 here = 1*694 may be considered to hold good down to the next lower value 1*693 5 an( i so on - The values of the expression 100 v/KS will be found to make a good point of departure, or datum line, for mean velocities having a value for of i ; while the value of I for becomes also a good similar point of departure for coefficients of mean velocity. Table III., giving the former, admits of interpolation IV OANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. much in the same way as Table IL ; and, when mean velocities alone are required, these two tables together will give them for any values of B and S. Thus, fen- example, let N=0'0275 ; K=3'25; 8=0-10 per thousand; we get V=C . 10(VES= 0-657 + 1-803=1-185 feet per second. If , in addition to this, the corresponding maximum velocity is required, it can be also obtained ; but this will be correct merely for small channels of rectangular section. Thus, continuing ihw example, and referring to Table V., the nearest values to this mean velocity are, C 1-5 175 0-65 1-079 1-259 070 1-102 1-285 in which can be interpolated by proportion 0-657 1-082 1-263 ; having a lateral difference '181. And as 1-185-1-082= -103 ; and * 25 * ' 108 =-142, the required *181 maximum velocity =l'5-t- '142= 1*642 feet per second. Another example, illustrating the converse process of obtain- ing mean velocities from maximum velocities by the aid of Table V., has been given at pages 39 and 40. In both of these cases a value of N is assumed or determined by observation beforehand to be suitable to the case. In the third case, however, both the maximum velocity and the mean velocity must be first determined by observation, and then, by using these two, the correct experimental value of C can be obtained from Table V, ; and hence, also, the correct experi- mental value of N in the manner just applied in the example given for the Danube at Szob. The interpolation among the values of C in Table V. can be effected in the same manner as in the converse example just given. Table IV. consisting entirely of sectional data, gives values of E. the hydraulic radius, and A the sectional area, for various EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. V sections of culverts and canals. Among the culverts, these values do not admit of interpolation, for intermediate depths of water between the full depth and the exact f and J of the total depth when full. A table of Arcs and Sectors is hence given in Table XII. to facilitate such calculations, and in the sub- sequent explanation of that table examples will be given. The sectional data for canals comprise, first, those of rect- angular sections ; and, secondly, those of trapezoids with side slopes of one to one, the two types which are adhered to generally throughout these tables, although others can also be used, as will be hereafter explained. The values of A and R, given in Table IV. for these two types of section, correspond to various depths of water and widths of bed. The depths of water are chosen in accordance with the widths of bed and the actual requirements of canals as regards water. They are generally given for every 3 inches at the most useful depths, and for every 6 inches at the extremes ; these will probably seldom require any interpolation, being sufficiently numerous, but still they admit of it. The widths of bed increase by 1 foot from 2 to 6 feet, by 2 feet from 6 to 20 feet, by 5 feet from 20 to 40, by 10 feet from 40 to 100, and by 20 feet from 100 to 300 feet, the extreme adopted ; and, though these widths are numerous, they certainly do not give every bed-width that may occur ; hence the occasional necessity for obtaining inter- mediate values of A and E for other widths of bed. One means of so doing is to make use of inches instead of feet, and use the data for large canals ; the results or values of R and A there given can then be dealt with as inches or square inches respectively, instead of feet and square feet. Another mode is to make use of yards instead of feet, and deal with the data given for small canals in the same manner ; or to use multiples and sub-multiples, which will answer the purpose in the same way. Besides these methods, direct interpolation may be adopted for values of R. For example. Let the bed-width of a canal be 32 feet, and its depth of water 4*75 feet, its section rectangular ; required the hydraulic radius. VI CANAL AND CULVERT TABLE Si At page 105 the nearest tabular values are 6=30 6=35 Difference. B 3-608 3737 0-129 hence K=3'608 + f 0-129 = 3*660 feet. Checking this interpolation by direct calculation, E=3'663, and the error is small. In the same way for A the sectional area, the given values are Difference. A 142-5 166-25 2375 hence A=142'5 + 9'5= 152-0 square feet, which is ex- actly correct. Although the direct calculation in this special case would be very short, and might be so in many others, the interpolation of tabular quantities is always to be preferred for practical purposes on account of the diminished risk of important error. The values of E and A for trapezoidal sections having side slopes of one to one may be interpolated in the same way. If values of E are required for other trapezoidal sections of various forms, reduction multipliers can be applied to the tabular values of E.. For these see pages 366 and 367, in Table XII., as well as page 116, Table IV. For example. Let the bed-width of a canal be 32 feet, its depth of water 4*75 feet, its section a trapezoid with a batter of 1 in 12 ; required the hydraulic radius. This section being more near to a rectangle than to a trapezoid with side slopes of one to one, we use the multipliers on page 366, or page 116, and depart from the corresponding rectangle, for which we already have (see last example) the value of E, 3-660 feet. 6 32 Here -=-. =6*7, and the multiplier corresponding to this a 4'75 form of section, given on page 366, is 1*011. Hence E=3'660x 1-011 = 3-700 feet. And as for any side slope m to 1, the correction for sectional areas is md? when applied to rectangles ; we also get A= 152 + T Vx (4-75) 2 = 153-88 square feet. EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. Vll Taking also a corresponding case, For example. Let the canal be 40 feet in width at bed, and 4'75 feet in depth of water, and the section a trapezoid with side slopes of 1^ to 1. As this section is nearer to a trapezoid with side slopes of one to one than it is to a rectangle, the reduction multipliers on page 367, will be more suitable than those on page 366. Now, the corresponding quantities for a trapezoid of the tabular type are given at page 111, E=3'977, A==212'56; and as - = =8'4, the multiplier corresponding to which, on page 367, is 0-984, hence R=3'977xO-984=3'913 feet. And as for any side slope m to 1, the correction for sectional areas is m 1 . & when applied to areas of trapezoids having side slopes of one to one. Hence A=212'56 + T|^1 . (475) 2 =223'84 square feet. The computing tables, Tables I. to Y. inclusive, thus allow separate parts of the general expressions for velocities and dis- charges to be computed separately, such as C, 100 ^/ES, E and A, combinations of which will give values of V and Q, and facilitate converse processes. 2. THE TABLES OF FINAL EESULTS. The Tables VI. to XI. inclusive, give values of C, V, and Q, at a glance, and hence generally require no exemplification. The Culvert Tables YI. and VII., for glazed and unglazed material, suit all the sizes or diameters of culverts in common use ; and hence the quantities there given do not require inter- polation for other diameters, except in very special instances. Vlll CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. They may, however, sometimes require interpolation for inter- mediate inclinations. For example. -Required the mean velocity and the discharge of a glazed culvert, running just full, having an inclination of 7*25 per thousand, and being a Metropolitan Ovoid of dimensions 2'0"x3'0". The nearest quantities given in Table VI., pages 142 and 143, are S 6-0 7-0 8-0 9'0 V 8-393 9-065 9-692 10-28 Diff. 672 627 -588 Q 38-56 41-64 44-53 47-23 Diff 3-08 2-89 2-70 Hence V=9'065 + -627 + K-f) ' ' 588 ~' 672 =9*065 + -157 + '004 =9-226 feet per second ; and Q=41-64+i2-89 + i (-|) 2>7 - 3 ' 08 =41-64+ -72 + -02 =42-38 cubic feet per second. This example shows the comparative unimportance of the last term, and proves that interpolation by simple proportional parts is often quite sufficiently accurate. If, then, this plan be adopted, we simply take V= 9*065 4- -25 x -627=9-222 feet per second ; Q=41-64-|--25 x 2-89=42-36 cubic feet per second. Cases occasionally occur in which the given diameter does not occur among the tabular round numbers, as thus : For example. Let a plain brick cylindrical culvert have a diameter of 28 inches and an inclination of 1-5 per thousand ; required the mean velocity and the discharge. Referring to Table VII., page 159, we get V=3-014 + JO-237=3-09 feet per second ; Q=ll-99 + J 3-97=13-31 cubic feet per second. EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. ix The converse process is equally simple. For example. Let it be required to determine a convenient diameter for a cylindrical culvert that shall discharge without pressure 30 cubic feet per second, when the conditions preclude a higher inclination than 2'5 per thousand. First, if the culvert is to be in plain brickwork, refer to page 158, Table VII., for the nearest quantities for an inclination of 2*5 per thousand, which are 26'66 for 275 feet diameter, and 35-80 for 3- feet. OfC y Q.O^ Hence the proportional difference is = = 117 ; and the required diameter is 275 + -117=2-867 feet. Secondly, if the culvert is to be coated with very smooth cement, refer to page 132, Table VI., where the nearest quan- tities are 28-01 for 2-5 feet diameter, and 36-16 for 2'75 feet diameter. *25 x 1*99 Hence the proportional difference = -=*061 ; 8"15 and the required diameter is 2'5 + *061 = 2*561 feet. This example illustrates the effect of smoothness of surface in reduction of diameter and size of culverts. For old or damaged brick, taken from the heading N=0'017 in. Table II. C' and the quantities in Table VIL, modified by the fraction - C or ratio of the new coefficient to the tabular one. Table VIII. is constructed to suit aqueducts or portions of canal in rubble of rectangular section ; and the quantities there given admit of interpolation in the following ways : ]st. In accordance with intermediate inclinations, 2nd. With intermediate widths of bed, 3rd. With intermediate depths of water ; and in the converse process, 4th. With intermediate velocities, 5t^. With intermediate discharges. 66 X CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. Examples of all such interpolations hare been already given, either for cases of culverts or for sectional data of canals. If the aqueduct in any required case be in very smooth cement, or in brickwork or ashlar, the suitable coefficient of mean velocity can be obtained from Table II., under the head of !Sr=0'010, or N=0'013, as the case may require, and the C 7 fraction , or ratio which the correct coefficient bears to the C tabular one, can then be applied to the tabular velocities and discharges. For example. Required the velocity and discharge of a small canal in ashlar, of rectangular section, 8 feet wide, with a depth of water of four feet, and having a hydraulic gradient or slope of 0-8 per 1000. If this were in rubble, the quantities would be, see page 187, Table VIII., 0=0-983, V=3'93, and Q-125'8 ; and, by re- f erring to Table IV., the hydraulic radius is 2. Now the corresponding coefficient for ashlar is 1*304. See Table II., page 68. Hence V= x 3'93=5'21 feet per second. 0-983 x 125*8=165-8 cubic feet per second. 0-983 If, again, the section, instead of being rectangular, is of any form of trapezoid, the reduction multipliers in Table XII. can be used to modify the tabular quantities C, V, and Q. The use of these multipliers will be exemplified with examples when treating of Table XII. Tables IX., X., and XI., for canals in earth, in Classes II., III., and IV. respectively, are identical inform. These classes, having for their coefficients of roughness and irregularity N=0'0225, N=0'0250, and 0*0275 respectively, are the three most useful classes out of the five adopted in our classification ; the average class, Class III., being a good fair mean, corre- sponding to the single earthwork category adopted by Bazin. EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS, XI The quantities given in these three Tables, for trapezoidal sections having side slopes of one to one, admit of interpolation in the following ways : 1st. In accordance with intermediate inclinations, 2nd. With intermediate widths of bed, 3rd. With intermediate depths of water ; and the converse process, 4th. In accordance with intermediate velocities, 5th. With intermediate quantities of discharge. Examples of all such processes have been already given, either for cases of culverts, or for sectional data of canals, or co- efficients of mean velocity and similar quantities in the com- puting tables. As a rule, simple interpolation by proportional parts is sufficiently accurate; when otherwise, an additional term dependent on the next higher and next lower differences must be made use of in the way previously explained in the paragraph on " Methods of Interpolation." Next, if similar quantities be required for the two extreme classes of earth- work, Numbers I. and V., whose coefficients of roughness and irregularity are respectively 0*020 and 0'030, the suitable co- efficients of mean velocity may be obtained from Table II. ; and the quantities given in any one of the three Tables, IX., C' X., or XI., can then be modified by the fraction , or the ratio O which the correct coefficient bears to the tabular one. A corre- sponding example has been given for canals of rectangular section on page x. If, again, the form of section adopted has any other side slope than that adopted in the table of one to one, the Reduction multipliers given in Table XII. may be used to modify the tabular quantities in the following manner. Xll CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. 3* THE REDUCTION MULTIPLIEES IN TABLE XII. These are intended for application in cases where some side slope (having any ratio m to 1) is adopted, which does not occur in the Tables of Final Results for Canals. Table VIII. applying only to rectangular sections in rubble N=0'017> and Tables IX., X., and XI. applying only to trapezoidal sections with side slopes of one to one in earthwork of Classes II., III., and IV., where N respectively =0*0225, 0250, and 0'0275- The use of the reduction multipliers is hence limited to these classes, and to the hydraulic gradients or values of S per thousand there given, as well as to the bed-widths (6) and depths of water (d) adopted in those tables. The first effect to be considered, of altering the side slope, from in' to m to 1 when b and d remain unaltered, is to change the original value of R, the hydraulic radius, of the section. Then if the new value R'=#R, d and if we depart from rectangular sections, where i'=0 and =2; then but if we depart from trapezoidal sections, having side slopes of one to one, where w'=l, and 2 v / m' 2 -f-l = 2 I 828, then Urn -,+ 2-828 * EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. Xlil These values being applicable to any values of b and d, we can, by adopting various values of m, obtain corresponding values of x for any side slope ; and these two sets of values or ratios will then be reduction multipliers for obtaining new values of R' from those constituting the series of departure in either case. Hence, if we take a special case given in any of the tables of Final Results for Canals, for which C, V, and Q are given, and corresponding to which the value of R is always given in Table IV., we can obtain new values, R', C', V, Q', corresponding to any other side slopes, in the following manner : Using values of #, the special reduction multipliers for R, we obtain R'=ajR. And making use of this new value R/, we can obtain by inter- polation from Table II. a new value C' corresponding to it, and suited to the same case as regards class and inclination ; and also 0" the values of ; hence we can obtain C C' V'= V . y, where y is a special multiplier, for V. ; C * C' and Q'= . Q . z t where 2 is a special multiplier, for Q. These values, x, y, and z, are hence the three necessary mul- tipliers for obtaining the new values of C', V, and Q', from those of C, Y, and Q given in the tables. But these values are different for the two cases, in one of which we depart from rectangular sections, and in the other we depart from tra- pezoidal sections having side slopes of one to one. The values of x have been already . given ; and C' is best found from Table II. If, however, it be preferred to calculate from C, then will C'=x . C .-rrr- -. M + -v/zJbt This calculation is generally needless ; for if x happens to be nearly unity, as it often is, C' may be taken =xC ; or again, the ffi fraction ~ is often so small that it may be neglected. XIV CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. The value of y, the multiplier for V, is thus obtained, V O c* . . V'=-^.V. /#; and hence y= v /a? for either case. C The value of *, the multiplier for Q, is thus obtained, Q'_A'V'_A'.V.CVa_G' AVa ~TV~ AV.C ~~C ' A -- ; and hence *= If we depart from rectangular sections, where A =bd, bd+md* . , then n^.x^ --7- /* And if we depart from trapezoidal sections with side slopes of one to one, where A= / An alternative mode of obtaining the new value of Q' without the aid of the multipliers z will be suitable when the value of V has been previously found ; it is thus: Since Q'=A r V' ; where V is given. And if we depart from rectangular sections, And if we depart from trapezoidal sections with side slopes ol one to one, The values of A being given for either case in Table IV., corre- sponding to any instance in any of the tables of Final Results'; EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. XV we can thus easily modify them iuto values of A', and applying the latter to the previously obtained values of V, get the values of Q'. Examples of both of these processes will be hereafter given. It should, however, be remembered by those designing canals and distributaries, that the side slope adopted for calculations of discharge and velocity should not be that of the bank above water-level, but that below the water-line, to which it will settle after fair wear, without any excessive velocity not suited to the soil. Under this condition, side slopes of earthwork below water, though originally constructed more shelving, generally settle down to about one to one ; but if, on the contrary, the suitable limiting velocity is exceeded, a frequent but sad form of neglect, the effect will be to wear the side slopes more away at the foot, while alternations of low velocity may also cause deposit near water-level, and thus modify the side slope in course of time down to almost a half to one. For example. Eequired the mean velocity of discharge, the coefficient, and the quantity discharged in a channel 6 feet wide at the bottom, having side slopes of ^th to 1, or a batter of 1 in 8, and a depth of water of 3 feet ; when the hydraulic gradient is 2*00 per thousand, and the material in which it is constructed is rather old ashlar. Obtaining the quantities for a rectangular section having corresponding data from page 186, Table VIII., we get V=5-ll Q=91'98 C=o- 933 . And from page 105, Table IV., A=18; R=1'5. Also from pages 368, 370, and 372, Table XII., we obtain the multiplier corresponding to f, or 2, to be 1-058 for R; 1-029 for V ; and 1*093 for Q. Hence the new value R'=l058 x 1-5=1-587. And from page 72 the new corresponding value C'=O'94 3 , C' and = roii ; Therefore V'=5'll x 1-029 x roi i=5'32 feet per second and Q'=91'98x 1-093 x ron = 101-65 cub. ft. per second. Or by the alternative mode, A'=A + md 2 =18 + |x3 2 =19|, and Q'=5'32 x 19 * = 101*65 cubic feet per second. XVi OANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. For example. Required the mean velocity of discharge, and the quantity discharged in a "canal having a bottom width of 60 feet, side slopes of 1 to one, a depth of water of 3 feet, and an inclination of O15 per thousand, constructed in earth, in a condition above the average. Assuming that this case will fall in Class II. of earthwork, N=0'0225j and obtaining the corresponding data for a similar section having side slopes of one to one, From page 112, Table IV. A=189'0 ; R=276. From page 234, Table IX. 0=0775 ; V= 1-577; Q=298'0. From pages 369, 371, and 373, the multipliers are O990, 0-995, and T019. Hence E'=276 x 0-990=273 ; and as from page 79, '=07744 C' 0-0013=0773, the factorial fraction may be neglected; O Therefore V'=l'577x 0-995=1-569 feet per second; and Q'=298 x 1-019=303-6. Or by the alternative mode A'=A + ra 1 d 2 = 189 + 4f = 193-5; and Q'=l-5x 193-5=303-6 cubic feet per second. 4. THE CALCULATION OF HYDRAULIC EADII AND SECTIONAL AREAS OF PARTLY-FILLED CULVERTS. The determination of values of R, the hydraulic radius, and A, the sectional area for culverts when partly filled, being sometimes rather troublesome, a few examples of such cases may be of use as a guide ; the cases selected being those of various sections, filled to one-third and two-thirds, their depth adopted in Table IV. In such cases fractions of areas and of perimeters of circles are frequently used ; and for such purposes the table of arcs and sectors in Table XII. has been specially constructed. EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. xvii Taking the Pegtop section, the geometrical construction of which is thus : Taking the transverse diameter =2 ; the long diameter, or total vertical depth,=3; the radius of the upper circle is 1-0, the radius of the invert is one-eighth the total depth = 0'375; and the straight sides, which are tangential to both upper and lower circles, are each equal to one-half the total depth=l*5. For the complete section of the culvert, the sector of the upper circle extends beyond the semicircle to nearly 20 on each side ; while the sector of the lower circle extends correspondingly to 20 less than the semicircle on each side ; i.e. these two sectors are 220 and 140 respectively. The full sectional area A!= Sector of 220 to radius ! + Sector of 140 to radius 0'375 + twice half depth X mean radius ; (Using the table of arcs and sectors), =1-91987 x 1 2 + 1-22173 x (0375) 2 +3 x 0-6875=4-15418. And the complete perimeter Pi=Arc of 220 to diameter 2 -Hare of 140 to diameter 075 + twice half depth, = 1-91987 x 2 + 1-22173 x 0-75 + 3-0=7-75604. And R! the hydraulic radius of the full section =0'536. The values of E x for any other diameter are proportional. For the same section of culvert, when filled to two- thirds its depth. A 2 = 4-1 5418 area of semicircle to radius 1 =4-15418-1-57080 x I 2 =2-58338 P 2 = 7- 75604 arc of semicircle to diameter 2 = 7-75604-1-57080x2 =4-61444 And E 2 =0-560 The values of E 2 for any other diameter are proportional. XV111 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. For the same section of culvert, when filled to one-third the depth. A 8 = sector of 140 to radius 0-375 + f depth x 4 =1-22173 x(0-375) 2 +0-75x 1 + *' 125 =0-96868 a P g =arc of 140 to diameter 075 + Jf of the total depth = 1-22173 xO-75 + lfx 3 =2-54130 And E 8 =0-381 The values of Kg for any other diameter are proportional. Checking the above by calculating for the middle portion of the section. Area =2 sectors of 20 to radius 1 + f depth x r = 0*34907 + 075 x =1-61470 2 and above, 2-58338-0-96868=1-61470 Perimeter =2 arcs of 20 to diameter 2-|- Jj total depth. =0-34907 x2 + ijx 3 =2'07314 and above we had 4-61444-2-54130=2-07314 Dealing in the same manner with Hawksley's Ovoid Section, the geometrical construction of which is thus, Taking the transverse diameter =2, and the radius of the top semicircle =1 ; the radius of each curve side of 45 is =2, the radius of the invert of 90 is =0*5858, and the total vertical depth is 2*5858. The sectors cut off by the trisection of the depth are 164 12' and 21. The respective areas are ^=1-5708 x 12+0-7854 x2 2 -2x 1 + 0-7854 x(0-5858) 2 =3-9820 A a =0-138 x 1-99 + 0-7854 x 2 2 - J2 x 1 + 0-7854 x -3432=2-6858 EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. xix The middle area being more convenient to calculate, this is 0-138 x 1-99-1- -36652 x 2 2 -38386 x f +-34 x -88578 =1-6580 and A 3 the area of bottom portion= 2*6858 1*6580 =1*0278 And the corresponding perimeters are P l =l*57080x2 + 0-7854 x 4+0-7854x1-1716 =7-20337 P s =-13788x 2+0*7824x4+07854x1-1716 =4-33753 and the perimeter of the middle third is = -13788 x 2 + -36652 x 4 =1-74184 P 3 =4*33753-l-74184 =2*59569 Hence the three corresponding hydraulic radii are Rj=0-553, 1^=0-620, R,=0-396. Checking the above by the top area and perimeter to two- thirds the depth, area=l-57080x! 2 +-36652x2 2 --38386 + -34x -88578=2-9542 and 3*98201-0278 =2*9542 perimeter=l*57080 x 2 + '36652 x 4 =4'60768 and 7*20337-2-59569 =4-60768 In the same way with Phillips' Metropolitan Ovoid, of which the geometrical construction is thus ; Taking the transverse diameter =2, and the radius of the top semicircle=l, the extreme vertical depth is=3; the radius of the curved side=3; the radius of the invert is (one-sixth the depth, or) 0*5; and the depth from springing to bottom=2; the curved side has an arc of 36 52' 14'', and the invert an arc of 106 16'. A trisection of the depth cuts off 19 28' of the side arc in the middle portion. XX CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. The respective areas, when full, two-thirds full, and one- third full are ^=1-57080 x I 2 + -64352 x 3 2 + -92735 x (0'5) 2 -2 x 1-5 =4-594 A 2 =4-5942-l-5708 =3-023 and the area of the middle portion is 33975 x 3 3 -2 x I x 2 x -70693 + -29307 x -82914=1-887 A 3 =3-0234-l-8868=l-136 =1-136 The respective perimeters are P 1= l-57080 x 2-h -64352 x 6 + -92735 x 1 =7'930 P 2 = -64352x6 + -92735 =4*788 Mid-portion perimeter ='33975 x 6=2-038 P 3 , lower third =275 And the hydraulic radii corresponding are E!=0-579, 1^=0-631, and E 3 =0-413. For similar culverts of other dimensions the areas can be reduced in the ratios of the squares of these diameters and the hydraulic radii in direct proportion to the diameters themselves. The above cases show the utility of the Table of Arcs and Sectors given in Table XII. These three types of culvert-section, as well as the cylinder, are illustrated in the Frontispiece by figures of equal sectional area ; whose relative diameters are thus, Cylindrical Section - 1-1286 Hawksley's Ovoid - - 1-0002 and 1-293 Metropolitan Ovoid - - 0'9331 and 1-3996 Pegtop Section - - 0'9813 and 1-4720 They are divided to thirds of their actual longer diameters, and the dotted line on the Pegtop Section shows the gain in height of flushing that this has in comparison with the Metro- politan pattern of equal full sectional area. Its form is effective in preventing lodgment, and very convenient in calculations for intermediate depths, but it requires greater thickness of material, when subject to external pressure. EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. XXi For the converse process of finding the height to which a certain quantity of liquid, or a fixed sectional area will fill a cylindrical culvert, there are two practical modes : First. Let A be the sectional area of the wet segment, I its perimeter, or arc of the wet segment, r the radius of the circle. Then, if a be the angle of the sector, h the required height or depth, =r 7c=r(l cos fa) ; . ..... (I.) Example. Let A=O229 ; r=\; Z=1'231; Then by Table XII., pages 374, 375, a=141 0' 22", and Secondly, without using cosines, Tc . ^/r 1 & 2 =Zx ~ A ; Applying this to the same example, v/-015625-(l-231 x i-0'229) 2 =0-02793, &=-1671 ; and the required depth h=r ^=0'333. It will be noticed that in either case the length of the arc is assumed ; should this not have been previously determined, the height can only be obtained from values of A and r through the tedious process of solving an equation of a high degree. Then the approximate formula for the area of a segment, is 3. A= -n-(2\/4d 3/&-f \/d) ; where d is the diameter. Putting 35=1 this becomes And putting *=**= Numerical examples can be solved with this formula by Horner's method, or more readily by the aid of the dual- logarithms of Mr. Oliver Byrne ; modes not very well suited to the daily wants of professional men ; nor is there any neces- sity for adopting this method, as the length of the arc must be obtained to calculate the hydraulic radius ; and in that case either of the two more convenient methods above exemplified affords a more rapid solution. XX11 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. 5. THE TABLE OF GRADIENTS. This table, for reducing gradients from one form to another, does not require any explanation. The practical convenience, more especially in designs and sections, of keeping hydraulic gradients in the form of S, a varying fall, per thousand, or S per cent., in preference to the old method of recording gradients in the form of One in L, a varying length, becomes sufficiently obvious from use ; it also has, like many similar useful changes, the advantage of exciting the aversion of the unreasoning, a compliment of the highest order. The equivalents of gradients in the- form of falls per statute mile may also be occasionally useful, as miles should be avoided in all hydraulic computa- tions. THE USE OF THE ADDITIONAL TABLES. 6. THE CONDITIONS OF CONSTANT DISCHAEGE. Tables XIII., XIV., and XV. are of similar character, giving conditions of constant discharge, for full culverts, for aqueducts, and for canals in earth respectively. They are useful in the first place to engineers for preliminary quantities in three figures, in rough determination of preliminary designs ; next, for roughly arriving at the discharge of any constructed channel. The equalisation of discharge throughout the reaches of a canal, having different inclinations, and sections slightly vary- ing in form and in quality of soil, is a matter of tedious theo- retical determination, requiring much care and patience. The neglect of it is sure ruin to the canal, as proved in the cases of EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. many large Indian canals, where the losses due to this neglect are estimable at several millions sterling. Similarly, also, the neglect of maintenance of regulated discharge, and of control over velocities, produces the same result in destruction. Hence all aids to the engineer for arriving at this needful equalisation of discharge and control of velocity are not only useful but highly valuable. In the first instance approximation to a small number of figures is necessary ; this is afforded by Tables XIV. and XV. Afterwards, when practical rough limits have been fixed, greater refinement may be obtained by using four figures, as in Tables VIII. to XI. ; and finally, if necessary, in five figures, according to the precise conditions, worked out in full detail. In this process, interpolation among the tabular values of Q the discharge, and of the other convenient dimensions of Section, will give working limits of inclination. Before com- mencing, it is, however, obligatory to assume certain binding values of N", suited to the various conditions of soil along the whole course of the canal. (To some extent, these remarks apply also to a course or series of culverts, but with these the variety is less, the changes are fewer, and the determination is more simple and easy.) For exemplification in a small case, roughly. Let a channel have first a reach of 1 000 feet in rock (as in an aqueduct of rubble), where N=0'017 ; next, 1 000 feet in firm soil, where we may take N= 0*020; then 1 000 feet in moderately sandy soil, where N=0*025; last, 1000 feet in very sandy soil, where N=0*030- Let it be required to carry 20 cubic feet per second throughout the whole course, and that the velocities be kept within the limits suited to each sort of soil in the respec- tive reaches. Starting with a rectangular section, 4 feet wide with a depth of water 2 feet ; we should have in the reach of rock, a velocity 2'5 feet per second with a fall of 0'84 foot per thou- sand feet of length ; see page 389, Table XIV. In the second reach, using a trapezoidal section with side slopes of one to one ; having a bed-width of 4 feet and a depth of water 2 feet, the velocity will be 1*67 feet per second, with a fall XXIV CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. of 0*40 foot per thousand feet in length ; see page 395, Table XV. In the third reach, using a similar section in continuation, the velocity would remain 1*67 feet per second, but the fall would be 0-66 foot per thousand ; see page 403. In the fourth reach, with the same section and velocity, the fall would be 0*98 foot per thousand ; see page 411. Thus the total fall in the 4000 feet of channel would be 2*88 feet. The velocities are kept within limit ; for referring to limiting velocities on page 126 ; and taking 7 feet per second as the maximum in ordinary rock, and 2 '5 feet per second as that in the most sandy soil ; we observe that the velocities above used are well within these limits. They are also above the minima admissible in canals so as to prevent much sedi- mentary deposit or growth of rank vegetation. Had these conditions not been observed, an alteration of fall and perhaps of section in some of the reaches would be necessary ; this would be effected through interpolation in the tabular quantities. Having arrived at suitable falls and velocities by approxima- tive interpolations, we may now proceed to calculate the same more accurately. For this as well as most similar purposes, accented four-figure logarithms, which give results correct to the fourth figure in numbers, afford the most convenient means of computation. In the first reach ; rectangular section, A= 8; B=T ; N=0'017; and using the approximate value of S, 0'84 per thousand, we obtain from Table II., 0=0-8583, and V=Q-f A=2'50. In the three reaches in earth, we have respectively for trape- zoidal sections with side slopes of one to one, N=0'020; A=12; V=l-666; R=l-243; S=0'40; N=0'025; A=12; V=l-666; E= 1-243; S=0'66; N=0'030; A=12; V=l-666; R=1'243; S=0'98; these approximate values of S per thousand, within certain limits will hold good for obtaining C ; so that by using Table II. we get, 0=07443; 0=0-5838; 0=0-4780; for the three values. (The sectional data A and E, given in Table IV., here taken direct, can be interpolated for less simple cases.) EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. XXV Working out the formula V 100 exactitude, the computations give to obtain S with For the rocky reach. 0-017 For the 0-020 three ot 0-025 aer reach 0-030 es. 2 log V = o'7959S 2 log C = T-86 73 x log R = o- 0-4433. 17435 s 0-0945S 0-4433. '5325. 0-0945N o'4433. i-3589 s 0-0945S ?-86 73 s 0*9286 log 10 = i- i '8379. 0-6054 r 1*6270 0-8163, i- i'4533. 0-9900 i- 1-9286 Falls per thousand 0'8484 1*6054 0-4031 1-8163 0-6551 1-9900 0-9773 The total fall in the whole canal is hence 2-8839 feet. (In a more intricate case, this computation might be absolutely necessary, though in this rough simple case it is not.) Computations in five figures are rarely required in hydrau- lics. When they are necessary, accented five-figure logarithms afford results more rapidly and accurately than any other method. With culverts where the conditions are simple and more uniform, the computations are similar but less intricate, hence they do not need further exemplification. Table XIII. supplies for them the corresponding quantities for interpolation. 7. BENDS. Table XYI. is devoted to Bends ; the first part for cylin- drical pipes and culverts, the second for channels. The subject of bends having been but little investigated, there is an extraordinary dearth of useful observations of loss of head due to them ; and all existing formulae bearing on bends in pipes and in channels are extremely coarse and defec- tive. Any results based on them are perhaps within the half and the double of actual probable results. Culverts conveying sewage have as few bends as possible, 6 d XXVI CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. sharp junctions or direct sockets being preferable ; hence bends of cylindrical pipes generally occur in water-pipes, where the velocities are higher. Pipe Bends. These generally have radii of from twice to twelve times the bore of the pipe, as limits ; and may go round any portion of the circle ; usually in submultiples of a right angle, varying by 10 degrees, from 10 up to 90 ; and beyond that varying in any way up to 180, in accordance with special requirement. The loss of head in all cases being in direct ratio to the angle of bend expressed in degrees, a table giving losses of head for bends of 90, or quarter bends, serves every purpose. The usually-accepted old formulae of Weisbach is perhaps as good as any other ; for cylinders, and for terms in English feet, it is (see page 105 of Fourth Edition of " Hydraulic Manual ") where a is the angle of bend expressed in degrees. h is the loss of head due to the bend ; r is the radius of pipe section or cylinder ; R is the radius of the bend ; g the force of gravity ; V the mean velocity before arriving at the bend. On examining the formula, it is noticeable that h is here independent of the absolute value of r, or of any sectional dimension, and is also independent of the roughness or condi- tion of the internal surface of the pipe. It may be said that these two things are already comprised in the antecedent velo- city V ; they are so, but only as far as the velocity in the straight pipe is affected. The friction and consequent loss of head from a bend, is necessarily also dependent on the extent of surface, and its roughness ; two matters of section that are ignored. Hence any attempt at accuracy in results based on this formula is futile. Theoretically also, as when .R=0as in a sharp junction, h= infinity, the formula is intrinsically incor- rect when pushed to extremes. The form of the formula also appears very clumsy ; it may EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. XXV11 be reduced to the simpler and more convenient expression, for a quarter bend or 90, fc=0001 017 .F 2 ( 1-246(1)*+ 1 } where d is the diameter, or bore of the pipe. Also, as accuracy is futile, it might even be employed with- out serious error, in the clipped form But keeping to the more exact expression ; this may be used conveniently with the help of the bracketed term reduced for various ratios of d to JB; which are thus d I I i 1 I I It 2 3 4 5 6 7 Term 1-1101 1-0266 1*0097 1*0045 1-0024 1-0014 d 1 1 1 1 1 1 R 8 9 10 11 12 14 Term 1-0009 1-0006 1-0004 1-0003 1-0002 1-0001 These terms show the remarkably small variation of effect that bends of flat curvature, with a radius more than 14 times the bore, produce in loss of head ; but it is absurd to imagine that such effects would be exactly the same in large and in small pipes, and in very smooth and in rough pipes. The results of the formula are (for want of sufficient obser- vations to substantiate a better one) given in Table XVI. To use them, let us illustrate it by a case. For example. Let a water-pipe have a bend whose radius is twice the diameter of the pipe (dimensions are needless) ; and whose angle is 60, and let the mean velocity of the water on arriving at the bend be 33 feet per second ; required the loss of head. In the table for bends of 90, under -=-, the .K 2 nearest velocity to 33 is 32'92 ; corresponding to this there is f0 fc=l-20 feet for 90 ; hence for 60 we have &=^- x 1'20= 90 0'80 feet as the required loss of head. The velocity after passing the bend will be that due to a head of pressure, Hh-j where H is the head producing the velocity V before entering the bend. XXV111 CANAL AND CULVEKT TABLES. All such losses of head due to a series of bends are summative. But if several bends happen to be rather near to each other, the loss of head is less than that due to the simple summation. After three or four bends near each other, a deduction of about 50 per cent, on the summed total loss affords a fair approxi- mation ; after six or seven, 75 per cent. The table for special bends at pages 108 and 109 of the 4th Edition of the " Hydraulic Manual," due to discharges is in accordance with the table in this book made due to velocities. The corresponding formula of Weisbach for bends in rectan- gular tubes (perhaps wooden pipes) is If required, it may be reduced in a similar way. Sharp junctions. An investigation of all known formulae for determining the loss of head due to straight junctions, leads to the conclusion that none of them are trustworthy, even within very wide limits. The effective head below any such junctions must be determined independently, through actual discharges and velocities. Sends in Channels. The table given is calculated in accord- ance with the Mississippi formula of Humphreys and Abbot. The conditions under which this formula is approximately correct for losses of head are probably the following : Natural chan- nels, and possibly also artificial channels, of a course or reach tolerably straight, but affected by a single bend of slight cur- vature, not exceeding 20 or 22|. Beyond these limits the formula may be better than any other ; but it cannot be exact. The table is so simple as not to require any explanation. As for the cumulative effect in loss of head of a series of bends in either natural or artificial channels, all attempts and observations yet made with the hope of arriving at trustworthy results, have not arrived at doing anything more than afford- ing useful and interesting but insufficient indications. INTRODUCTION. THE scientific engineer, that wishes to use a correct formula for calculating discharges and velocities in rivers, canals, and culverts of drainage, first inquires what fully recorded experimental observations exist by which its accuracy may be tested. There is, doubtless, a large number of scattered and incomplete observations, wanting in detail, limited in scope, and carried out in such multifarious ways, as not to admit of collocation and similar treatment as bases for formulae. Besides these, there are practically only three sets of observa- tions available for the purpose. The first, the well known series of D'Arcy-Bazin experiments on small channels ; the second, the Humphreys and Abbott series on very large rivers ; the third, a small selection from observations made by various scientific men on rivers and channels that happen to have sufficient similarity in detail to enable them to be used in juxtaposition, among which may be mentioned the Ganguillet-Kutter Swiss series with high declivities. Beyond these there is but little on a sufficiently large range to be of much value ; while anything else that may be gradually obtained 1 2 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. in future must be marshalled with the rest without undue prominence. Under these circumstances the only alternative modes of procedure are very evident. The one is to use separate formulae for small channels, for moderate rivers and for very large rivers, for low inclinations and for high inclinations, for natural channels and for artificial channels ; and again for various mate- rials used as linings, or surfaces in artificial channels, and for various conditions of surface and irre- gularity in natural channels ; all which formulae must be in accordance with their respective sets of experiments. The other alternative is to combine the results into one or two formulas without sacri- ficing correctness. Any other plan would be manifest absurdity ; for if we apply the D'Arcy-Bazin formula to very large rivers, or the Humphreys-Abbott formula to small channels, or the Eytelwein formula to Swiss hill streams with high declivities and rough beds, they are found to fail utterly. Of the two alternatives, therefore, the former is undoubtedly the better plan for scientific men who anticipate future progress, and are working with that view ; while the latter is better for the rougher and readier purposes of the purely practical man, who wishes to make early use of the results of the labor of scientific men at as small a cost and in as short a time as possible. As to combined formulae, the author is at present aware of only one that at all satisfies the conditions of a general formula, and that is the one adopted in INTRODUCTION. 3 ^T ~ - - -~-*~ this book that of Herr Kutter, It can, with suf- ficient care and judicious application of coefficients, be made to adapt inself to channels of every de- scription up to the Mississippi, with any degree of declivity and any condition or quality of surface. If this formula has its defects, and it certainly is not absolutely perfect, those are yet considerably less than that of any other formula that has hitherto been brought forward for such general and com- prehensive purposes ; and, besides, they happen to be of a nature affecting the practical man but slightly. In the first place, as regards rivers, more especially those of large dimensions, it involves a careful choice of a range of coefficients of roughness of surface and irregularity varying between 0*020 and 0*035; that is, it practically causes rivers to be divided into sixteen classes, and forces a choice to be made among them which is certainly at present rather difficult, and will remain so until we have a greater number of fully recorded observations on rivers to refer to for guidance. Theoretically, no doubt, Herr Kutter has divided all rivers and canals in earth into three classes ; but as this classification (as will be shown further on, under the head of coefficients of roughness and irregularity) appears to fail en- tirely with rivers, we are forced back into a more practical set of sixteen classes for them. This constitutes a difficulty rather than a defect, which will gradually be remedied in time by the supply of additional hydraulic statistics. But the purely practical man deals much more 4 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. with the discharges and velocities in canals and in culverts than with those in rivers ; so that this first difficulty does not much affect him. In the second place, as regards canals in earth of various conditions, the classification of Herr Kutter into three numbered classes is certainly rather mis- leading (this will be explained further on, under the head of coefficients of roughness and irregu- larity) ; but since the formula itself may be used independently of this, and remains unimpaired, the obvious remedy is to adopt an improved classi- fication for canals in earth. The modification introduced for this purpose, which is carried throughout this book, is hereafter explained, and will, it is hoped, be considered sufficiently effective in removing this defect. In the third place, the formula being rather long and involved, calculations of velocity and of dis- charge, made direct from the formula are rather tedious; while the converse process of working back from discharges and velocities to dimensions and gradients is exceedingly so. This, again, is not a defect in the formula, but a difficulty arising from the nature of things, in accordance with which the formula has been made. The following tables are proposed as a remedy for these difficulties, and it is hoped that they will be appreciated by those that use the English tongue and the English measures. EXPLANATION. THE FORMULA OF KUTTER, THE formula of Kutter, when applied to English Butter's formula of feet, IS discharge in N the terms of which have been explained in the General Notation. It has been generally accepted in this form, and is so given in his work, " Die neuen Formeln fur die Bestimmung der mittlern Geschwindigkeit des Wassers in Canalen und Fliissen."* At first sight it certainly appears a cumbersome and unwieldy formula, more especially to those who have been accustomed to deal with such formulae as Q=A.100v/EF, or Q-=A.92-4/5S", &c., for such purposes ; but on reflection, and after considering that these latter formulse and all of their type having fixed or nearly fixed coefficients of mean velocity are only suited to very narrow limits, it seems sur- prising that any formula suited to general application, from rivers as large as the Mississippi down to mere trenches of supply, should not be more troublesome in form and application. In point of fact the formula seems to have been Kutter's formula of * Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1870. CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. discharge originally rounded to suit metric measures: and for metric * measures. for such purposes its form Ao. 0'00155^ N ^23 -g J^ is more simple ; and this, when reduced to English measures by means of the proper commercial equi- valent of the metre at 62 Fahr., 3-2818 (and not that at 32, 3*2808, which scientific equivalent is manifestly incorrect for practical purposes), would render the corresponding term 41 '6 in the foregoing, really 41 '66, a slight difference, which may now be ignored on the score of the formula having been already so much used with the term 41 '60, as above given, and the disadvantages resulting from so slight a change outweighing the advantages. The next idea that arises on seeing this formula is, that it appears capable of simplification without altering its values ; in fact, that the large involved factor admits of reduction. intermediate It certainly does so, and Kutter uses it for metric adted e by measures in the " Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Kutter. Ingenieur und Architektenvereins " for 1869, in the /p form - 75, which certainly admits of no further X+ vli reduction that would add to convenience, but already, by merging the two practical variables N and S into new combinations, z and a*, rather adds to the diffi- culties of handling the formula, and gives a half-way step that involves the use of two additional inter- mediate sets of quantities of extensive range. EXPLANATION. It might, perhaps, seem that the following re- duction would be more convenient in practice. But this again, though using the direct value of B, for the bulk of the value of the formula, does not entirely remove */R from the fraction, and causes the inconvenience of making the resulting values of the latter, or new coefficients, decrease for increased values of R, which is manifestly objectionable. If, however, we leave the time-honoured factor S untouched, we can, by introducing a variable, which corresponds to the x of Kutter for metric measures, put the formula into the form Convenient form with one inter- mediate variable. which has the advantage of having only one variable term M in addition to the inevitable practical con- stituents ; and is also adapted to logarithmic computation. With the view of facilitating computations of the original formula, more especially for cases of rivers, in which the value of N should be assigned with some nicety, a tabulated set of values of M is given in Table I., pages 56 to 61 inclusive. They corre- spond to a practical range of values of S and N, 8 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. The coeffi. cients of mean velo- city, used in this book. and from them values of C, the coefficient of mean velocity, can be computed for any case. As regards these values of C, it has certainly been very much the custom hitherto to use them in whole numbers ; but as, if the general formula be put into the form Q=C.A.100v/RS", C' where C=TT^, we obtain the three advantages 1st, of throwing the square of 100 into the last factor, and thus bringing the values of S, which are often very small, more prominently forward in the cal- culation; 2nd, that of taking values of KXWRS, which represent the old D'Aubuisson formula when 0=1, as points of departure for mental guidance in velocities ; and, 3rd, that of making 0=1 a point of departure, or known intermediate position among the values of C, whose range extends from 0-281 to 2-241 for culverts and canals. Considering these three advantages to outweigh the former custom, the tabular values of C adopted in this book are hence values of the expression The author may be pardoned for explaining at full length an almost sufficiently obvious arrange- ment, which is as often adopted as not, and is applied in his former works on hydraulics, as he was once much astonished by receiving a letter EXPLANATION. 9 from a civil engineer residing at a great distance, to the effect that his coefficients of mean velocity were wrong ! That civil engineer had neglected the 100 in his calculations. Returning to the computation of values of C from its compu- the formula, by the aid of the tabulated values of M, it may be noticed that this is further facilitated by the values of -== and ^ given on page 62, Table L, which are necessarily far less numerous than the former; and thus the labor is reduced to a minimum. The computation of values of C will, however, be entirely saved by the succeeding table, in which any case may be interpolated, excepting those for rivers, or when some special value of N is used which is not adopted in them. In either case, the values of the expression 100\/KS, given in values of the Table III., pages 87 to 97, may be used to arrive loo^^f at the required mean velocity of discharge, Y=C.100v/lES Finally, as regards the future of the Kutter improba- formula itself, apart from the degrees of roughness modification of surface and irregularity estimated with it, which n we shall treat in the following paragraph, there seems little chance of its undergoing any very im- portant modification for some years to come. It certainly does not make any allowance for variation of the force of gravity, which might be expected when we consider that this must have some effect on the discharge of rivers of large dimensions under varying latitudes; nor does it draw any distinctions 2 +- 10 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. for the specific gravity of the fluid ' under con- sideration, whether pure water or liquid charged with sediment, or heavy semifluid drainage or sewage ; while, again, the effect of bends and si- nuosities of all sorts is not taken into account separately, but combined with that of other irre- gularities and qualities of surface, in one and the same coefficient. Distinctions or allowances on these accounts have to be deferred at present for want of special experiment; in the meantime the formula answers the general purposes for which it was intended. THE COEFFICIENTS OF ROUGHNESS AND IRREGULARITY. Disbelievers THESE coefficients have constituted a stumbling- in friction. block to a large proportion of English civil engineers, who, owing to some statements made before tlje Institution in 1854 to the effect that " it did not matter whether the inside of a pipe or the bed of a watercourse or river were rough or smooth^ have cherished this idea up till comparatively recently in spite of the experiments of continental engineers, and the investigations and opinion, to the contrary of the above, of their more enlightened professional brethren whose experience was not confined to Westminster, EXPLANATION. 11 It is, perhaps, almost superfluous to remark that had these misguided individuals trusted more to their own judgment and common sense, or to that of others if they had none, and less to a veneration^ for the so-called importance and position, or, more truthfully, the gold and brass, that carry so much weight with them in statements made at that as- sembly, they would not have adhered so long to this very absurd delusion. The coefficients of smoothness or roughness seem Bazin's co- . efficients of first to have taken practical and tangible shape, smootimess. though only to a small degree as regards number, from the experiments of D'Arcy and Bazin, set forth in the "Recherches Hydrauliques," 1865. There four grades only are advocated, namely : 1st. Very smooth surfaces of pure cement and planed timber. 2nd. Smooth surfaces of ashlar, brickwork, and ordinary planking. 3rd. Moderately smooth surfaces of sections con- structed in rubble. 4th. Sections in earth of all kinds. These four degrees of smoothness appeared not sufficiently comprehensive to Kutter, who began by adding to them a fifth, which was based on his own experiments in Switzerland on hill streams, blocked with detritus, or covered with vegetation.* 5th. Sections in earth, blocked with detritus, or overgrown with vegetation. And these five degrees of roughness would have * The influence of vegetation was previously noticed by G-irard. 12 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. Local values of Kutter's coefficients of roughness and irre- gularity. General values of Kutter's co- efficients of roughness and irre- gularity. remained and become classic probably without further addition for many years had not Herr Kutter entered into a thorough investigation of all recorded experiments and hydraulic observations, from those on the Mississippi, with low gradients and mighty volumes, down to the pettiest rills with steep gradients and dimensions of 3 inches, in canton Graubiindten ; which resulted in the formula now well known and appreciated as the first really comprehensive formula of any value. The local values of N, the coefficients of roughness and irregularity of channel resulting from the exa- mination of this extensive series, are given on pages 52 and 53, Table I. of this book, to serve as an answer to cavillers, a nucleus for further additions by coadjutors, and an aid to progressists in hydraulic science. It will further be of use to those who wish to choose values of N independently for them- selves in such practical cases as they may have to deal with. With these and, probably, also, other local values of N before him, Herr Kutter did not hesitate to extend and interpolate the foregoing degrees of roughness, and assign values to them which suited his formula. These general or approximately mean values of N, as suited to various materials and conditions, are twelve in number, as follow : 1. Well planed timber . . . 0*009 2. Plaster in pure cement . . O'OIO 3. Plaster in cement one-third sand O'Oll 4. Unplaned timber . . . 0*012 EXPLANATION. 13 5. Ashlar and brickwork in good order . . . . 0'013 6. Canvas lining on frames . . 0'015 7. Rubble in good order . . 0-017 8. Rubble in a damaged state . O'OSO Canals in very firm gravel . . 0'020 I. Rivers and canals in earth in per- fect order and regimen, perfectly free from stones and weeds . 0'025 II. Rivers and canals in earth in moderate order and regimen, moderately free from stones and weeds v . . . Q'030 III. Rivers and canals in earth in bad order and regimen, overgrown or impeded by detritus . . 0'035 This is, no doubt, considerably in advance of the preceding four categories of Bazin ; and though it would be far from the author's intention or wish to disparage so important a contribution to hydraulic science as this of Herr Kutter, yet it would be in vain to conceal that something more is yet to be desired. It seems unfortunate that Herr Kutter T had not the time or opportunity for further research tionai general at that time which might have resulted in extending other* f r this series to other materials, such as earthenware, matenals - glazed and unglazed, cast and wrought iron, painted or coated, and in various conditions ; as, for want of positive information with regard to these mate- 14 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. rials so commonly used in works of drainage, we have been compelled in this work to assume co- efficients of roughness suitable to them by com- parison with those already given by him, and apply them in the ensuing tables of velocity and discharge. Thus, with reference to glazed materials of all kinds, while one would be inclined to assign to them a coefficient of roughness equal to that for planed timber, 0*009, yet,' as the continuity of pipes on an extensive scale is never perfect, but presents an additional source of roughness, it has been thought better to assume 0*010 as more correct for practical purposes in series of glazed pipes. Arguing in a similar way as regards ordinary plain cast-iron pipes and their want of perfect continuity, and wrought-iron pipes and their projections, they may be considered to be practically not quite so smooth as unplaned timber, but rather less so. Hence the next coefficient, that for ashlar, 0*013, has been assumed as applicable to them. The omission Qn the other hand, as these tables are not in- of some gene- ral values. tended to apply to temporary constructions of timber either planed or otherwise, or of canvas on frames, the special consideration of these materials has been omitted from this work; and again, the allowance for the difference of roughness resulting from an admixture of one-third of sand to cement is also not carried out ; for it is probable that this coarse cement-mortar would seldom be used in the event of its effect in diminution of velocity being known, especially as the use of cement is always limited to EXPLANATION- 15 very moderate lengths of canal, such as aqueducts and short passages. The values of N for artificial materials in good Values of order used in this work are consequently limited for a art P ificial materials in tO this book. CLASS!. Smooth plaster and glazed material 0*010 CLASS 2. Ashlar, brickwork, cast and wrought iron, unglazed pottery . O'OIS CLASS 3, Rubble 0-017 For the same materials in bad order and con- dition, the next lower coefficient of roughness is used. Thus, for materials mentioned in Class- 1, when in bad order, the coefficient 0*013 of Class 2 would be used ; and for materials mentioned in Class- 2, when in bad order, the coefficient 0*017 of Class 3 would be adopted ; and for materials men- tioned in Class 3, when in bad order, a coefficient of 0*020 would be used, which, again, is identical with that adopted for the highest class of earthwork, firm and well secured gravel. This arrangement will be found to be in strict accordance with the local values of N" for damaged materials given by Kutter, collated at page 53 ; although he neglected this deduction. The general values of N thus adopted in this work are given at page 52, Table I. Proceeding to the general values of N for earth- Kutter's T c . -..,. . classification work or various conditions as given by Kutter, it O f rivers and may be noticed , that he combines rivers and canals irrespectively of the natural and artificial forms of 16 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. their beds and banks; that he places them all in three classes, with a fourth unnumbered one for canals in firm secured gravel ; that of these three numbered classes, he places Class I., N=0'025, as suitable to all rivers and canals in perfect order and regimen; Class III., N=0'035, as suitable to all rivers and canals in bad order and regimen, with detritus to a large degree, or overgrown with weeds ; and then simply places Class II., N=0-030, as a moderate or intermediate class for rivers and canals of all sorts. This arrangement has been carried out in flutter's Tables of Velocity and Discharge, and adhered to throughout his works on the subject. It has consequently also been hitherto adopted in the old edition of " The Hydraulic Manual," and in the translation of Kutter's work " The New Formula," with its tables for metric quantities. A later and more careful consideration of this arrangement, in combination with a few Indian data, collated by the author during his experience on Indian works of irrigation, and some investigations in connection with designs for large canals in another country, in addition to a comparison of facts and figures obtained from various sources, have led him to imagine that, while this arrangement is un- doubtedly a very vast improvement on that of Bazin, which gives only one class of coefficients of roughness and irregularity for earthwork in canals and rivers of all sorts, it yet admits of considerable improvement. investigation I n the first place, it appears that, these classes are of the local r . values of N not sufficiently in accordance with the very m- for earth. J EXPLANATION. 17 stances adduced by Kutter, see Local Values, pages 54 and 55, which have been arranged for natural and artificial channels separately in this book ; and an examination of these, if made with the object of classifying canals from a practical point of view, will probably bear out the following comments. The values of N for artificial channels in rammed gravel and earth are shown to vary between 0*0163 and 0*0301, if we except the single case of the Chesapeake-Ohio Canal, which is mentioned as rounded, and possibly is little better than a natural channel at that particular spot. Now, a very much worn canal in such a condition can hardly be classed as a canal at all for the purposes of this investigation the elimination of results for usual practical objects, but may rather be quoted as a curious ex- ceptional case, out of the ordinary run of circum- stances. This case may certainly, then, be discarded, unless more similar ones marking the type can be brought forward in support of it. Taking, then, the range of values of N for artificial channels in gravel and earth to extend from 0*0163 to 0*0301, and comparing this with the range of values of N for natural channels or rivers, which is from 0*0200 to 0-0350, it at once strikes one that, although the range of those for the former is about the same as that of those for the latter, the values of those for the former are nearly 0*005 higher than those for the latter at both extremes. And the fact of only two cases being given for natural channels in which the value of N is near 0*035 does not militate against 3 *- 18 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. this ; for everyone will acknowledge that there must be thousands of cases in nature very similar and corresponding to the Simme at Lenk and the Rhine at Domleschgerthal. Hence, if we take an average of the values of N for artificial channels, it will be somewhere between 0-0225 and 0-0250 ; while that of those for the natural channels will be about 0-0275 ; a most important difference. Again, it appears indefensible that Herr Kutter should assume 0-025 to be a coefficient of roughness and irregularity suited to a canal in perfect order and regimen, when that actually obtained on the Linth Canal is 0*0222, and that on a canal in Eng- land, also in earth (not gravel), is 0-0184! An application of these classes to various canal data by the author also leads to the same conclusion to which the local values point, namely, that the three classes adopted by Herr Kutter are on too low a scale for canals generally,* although they, together with the fourth unnumbered class N= 0-020, seem very well chosen with reference to rivers, if these require any such classes. The non- In order to examine whether they do so, let us take of 'an/ such the Mississippi as an example, and see how closely the value of N should be used in order to obtain a tolerably correct velocity of discharge. In this case ft=72 feet, and S = 0'00002, giving v/R=8'485 and 1 00 ^^8 = 3' 795. And if we try Classes I. and II. of Kutter, and even intermediate values of N as well, we shall obtain errors in the values of V resulting, which, when multiplied by * Replies from several scientific engineers support this opinion. EXPLANATION. 19 the enormous sectional area of the channel, would produce serious errors in the discharge thus cal- culated. Making use of the tabular values in Table I., and applying them in the formula, M+l-811 V= N ' M+ M=4-5525 1-811 N = 72-44 M+ ^E= : = 254-54 0-928 6518 2-405 7560 3-3344078 1-115 1943 2-219 2135 579 2118 798 4253 0=1-657 V=6-2867 v'KS N=0'027 4-9127 182-10 67-07 249-17 13-4977 0-928 6518 2-396 4958 3-325 1476 1-1302630 2-194 8846 579 2118 7740964 i'5 6 7 5-9442 N=0'028 * f==WSgOfi 5-0988 5-4630 182-10 182-10 64-68 60-37 246-78 242-47 13-5838 13-9480 0-928 6518 0-928 6518 3-392 3100 2-3846580 3-320 9618 3-313 3098 1-133 0213 1-1445119 2-187 9405 2-168 7979 579 2118 579 2118 767 1523 748 0097 1-541 i*475 5-8499 5-5978 whereas the true value of Y is 5 '93, and it corre- sponds to a value of N of nearly 0*0275, and of C of about 1-562. In this case, therefore, which is certainly an extreme one, the classes are of no use whatever; and the coefficient of roughness requires adaptation. The same also occurred at the International Basle- Rhine series of observations ; and, probably, in many 20 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. The defects illustration. other cases. The author may, therefore, be con- sidered justified in concluding that the classes of Kutter, and, in fact, any small number of classes corresponding to them, are inapplicable to rivers and natural channels, and that for them it is better to apply a special value of N, either through comparison with the nearest similar case, or by means of pre- liminary experiment. The same objection does not, however, apply to the use of classes for artificial channels in earth ; and, although the classes adopted by Herr Kutter for them are not sufficiently satisfactorily borne out by the instances quoted by him, the following modi- fication of them will be found to be well supported by them, as well as some others. Allowing the class N= 0*0200 to remain and re- present the highest and rather exceptional condition of roughness and irregularity in canals in earth, N=00300 the lowest, and N=:00250 a moderate fair average order of condition,* we obtain three marked representative classes. But these are hardly suf- ficient ; for if, after all this nicety of the formula, which makes allowance for varying values of the hydraulic gradient S, as well as for those of the hydraulic radius R, and indicates very marked dif- ferences in the resulting values of C, we confine ourselves to the use of such coarse values of a very ill- defined quantity N as to sweep away the results of this refinement and precision, we should be committing a serious mistake. That such would be the case will be at once seen * This corresponds with Bazin's single earthwork class. EXPLANATION. 21 by examining the values of C given on pages 22 and 23, under the heads of 0*020, 0*025, and 030. For instance, under the low hydraulic gradient of O0001, which is of common occurrence in canals with hydraulic radii of 6 and 7 feet ; the differences of due to differences in R of only one foot are 0-029, 0-026, and 0-025 ; while the lateral differences at the point of E,= 7, corresponding to and between the three classes, are as much as 0-193 and 0-130, thus indicating a coarseness of classification that would utterly annul most of the advantages that should be derived from the use of the formula. There hence seems no alternative but to add two intermediate classes for canals in earth, thus canals in T . f . -n -i i earth adopted making five in all, which are in this book. FINAL CLASSES. N. CLASS I. Canals in very firm gravel, in per- fect order and regimen ' . '. . 0*020 CLASS II. Canals in earth, above the average in order and regimen . ... . 0*0225 CLASS III. Canals in earth, in good fair working average order and regimen . 0*0250 CLASS IY. Canals in earth, below the average in order and regimen . . . . 0*0275 CLASS Y. Canals in earth, in rather bad order, slightly damaged, and partially overgrown with weeds and obstructed by detritus . . . . 0*0300 22 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. COEFFICIENTS OF MEAN VELOCITY FOB HIGH HYDRAULIC GRADIENTS, CALCULATED FOR 8=0*001. E 010 013 017 Values 020 of N. 0225 0250 0275 0300 (1.) (2.) (3.) (I.) (II.) (III.) (IV.) (v.) 0-5 1-385 I'OII 0*730 0-598 0-518 0*455 0*404 0*363 1* 562 1*165 0*860 0-715 0-625 o*554 0*496 o*449 1-25 614 I-2I2 0*901 0-752 0-660 0*586 0*527 0'478 1-5 655 1-249 '933 0-782 0-688 0*613 0-552 0-502 175 688 1-279 0*961 0-808 0-712 0*635 0-573 0-522 2* 716 1-305 0-984 0-829 0-732 0*655 0*592 0-540 2-25 740 I-327 004 0-848 0-750 0*672 0-608 '555 2-5 761 1-346 "O2I 0-864 0*765 0*687 0-622 0*569 275 779 i*3 6 3 037 0-879 0-779 0*700 0-635 0*581 3* 795 1-378 051 0*892 0-792 0*712 0*647 0*592 3-25 809 1-392 063 0*904 0-804 0-723 0-657 0*603 3-5 823 1-404 075 0*915 0-814 o*733 0-667 0-612 4- 845 1*426 095 '935 0-833 0*751 0*685 0*629 4-5 865 1-444 -113 0*951 0*849 0*767 0*700 0*644 5- 881 1-460 128 0*966 0*863 0*781 0*713 0*657 5-5 896 i'474 141 0*979 0*876 0793 0*725 0*668 6- 909 1-487 '153 0*991 0*887 0*804 0*736 0*679 6-5 921 1-498 "164 1*001 0*897 0*814 0*746 0*688 7- 93i 1-508 174 I'OIO 0*907 0*823 0*754 0*697 7-5 940 1-517 *I8 3 019 0*915 0*831 0*763 0*705 8- '949 1*526 191 027 0*923 0*839 0*770 0*712 8-5 '957 i'534 198 034 0*930 0*846 0*777 0*719 9 964 i'54i -2O5 041 0*937 0*853 0*784 0*726 10 '977 i'554 218 054 0*949 0*865 o*795 0737 15 2-023 ''599 1-263 1-098 0-993 0*908 0-838 0*780 20 2*051 1-627 1-291 1-126 i -02 1 0*936 0-866 0*807 EXPLANATION. 23 COEFFICIENTS OF MEAN VELOCITY FOB A Low HYDRAULIC GRADIENT OF S=0'0001. E 010 013 017 Values 020 of K 0225 0250 0275 0300 (1.) (2.) (3.) (10 (II.) (III.) (IV.) (V.) 0-5 1-263 0-916 0-658 0-539 0-467 0*410 0-365 0-329 1- 1-478 097 0-806 0*669 0-585 0-518 0-465 0-421 1-25 i'545 155 0-855 0-713 0*625 0-556 0-499 0-453 1-5 1-598 "2OI 0-895 0-750 0*659 0-587 0*529 0-480 1-75 1-643 240 0-929 0-780 0-687 0-613 '554 0-504 2- 1-680 -274 Q'959 0-807 0-712 0-637 0-576 0-525 2-25 1-712 'SOS 0-984 0-831 0734 0*658 0*595 0-543 2-5 1-741 329 1-007 0*852 0754 0*676 0*613 0*560 275 1-766 352 028 0-871 0*772 0-693 0*629 0-575 3- 1-788 372 -046 0-888 0*788 0-709 0*643 0-589 3-25 1-809 "39 1 063 0*904 0-803 0-723 0-657 0-602 3-5 1-827 1-408 079 0-918 0*817 0-736 0-670 0-614 4- 1-860 1-438 -106 0-944 0*842 0-760 0*692 0-636 4-5 1-888 1-465 130 0*967 0-864 0-780 0*712 0-655 5- 1-912 1-487 152 0*987 0*883 o-799 0730 0-672 5-5 J '933 1-508 170 1-005 0-900 0-816 0*746 0-688 6 1-952 1-526 187 O"O2I 0-916 0*831 0*760 0-702 6-5 1-970 i'542 203 036 0*930 0*844 0-774 0-715 7 1-985 1 '557 217 050 0-943 0*857 0*786 0*727 7-5 1-999 1-571 230 062 0-955 0-869 0-797 0738 8 2"OI2 1-583 242 073 0*966 0-880 0-808 0*748 8-5 2-024 1- 595 253 084 0-977 0-890 0-818 0757 9 2-035 1*605 263 094 0-986 0*899 0-827 0-767 10 2-055 1-625 282 112 1-004 0-916 0-844 0*783 15 2-I26 1-694 i'349 I-I78 1-069 0-980 0-907 0-845 20 2-I70 i-738 i'393 I'222 I'II2 1-023 0-949 0-886 24 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. These classes, too, are the more necessary in earthen canals, as Kutter's coefficient N is not merely one of simple roughness of material, but also of irregularity, sinuosity, and erosion, for which allowances must be made in some way. They have hence been adopted throughout this work, and co- efficients of mean velocity are given in Table II. under these five classes, as well as under the three classes for artificial materials. The extreme class adopted by Herr Kutter for channels in excessively bad order, overgrown with vegetation and blocked with detritus, where N=0'035, is evidently more suited to natural chan- nels than to canals under civilised supervision, and seems to suffer from being limited to a rigid value of N ; it hence does not require any special pro- vision to be made for it in the form of lengthy tables of velocity and discharge. Coefficients of mean velocity suited to such cases may be calculated, however, with the aid of Table I. The three middle classes, II., III., and IV., for earthwork being those of most frequent application in practice, velocities of discharge and quantities of discharge are given under these three heads in the large Tables of Final Results ; while, as Classes I. and V. are less frequently applied, and as the extent of this work is limited, these are omitted entirely in those tables. Corresponding coefficients of mean velocity, however, may be rapidly obtained by using Table XII., and applied in the Tables of Final Results to the velocities and discharges there given for the other classes, after first dividing them by EXPLANATION. 25 the coefficients given with them ; and thus velocities and discharges for cases in Classes I. and V. can be obtained without much calculation. THE COEFFICIENTS OF VELOCITY. SUCH coefficients of mean velocity of discharge as Coefficients , . , , . -i . of mean are applicable to large rivers are not given in this velocity for work, which practically limits its scope to the largest C a description of canal of irrigation 300 feet wide at the bottom, with a depth of water of 16 feet; although coefficients of mean velocity are given for values of R, the hydraulic radius up to 20 feet, and for hydraulic gradients down to 0*000 05. Co- efficients corresponding to larger dimensions, gene- rally requiring a closer determination of the value of N, may be calculated with the aid of the variables given in Table I. ; while those necessary for prac- tical application in all cases of canals and culverts are given in Table II., under the classification pre- viously explained and mentioned again on pages 54 and 55. These are unavoidably given in accordance with values of R, the hydraulic radius, and S, the sine of the hydraulic slope, in round numbers ; but these values are taken so close, that intermediate coefficients may be interpolated without difficulty. (See paragraph on Methods of Interpolation, pages 39 to 47.) In the tables of Final Results again, the values of C are invariably given with every case ; and though 26 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. these cases do not often have round numbers for values of R, yet they generally have round numbers for some dimension of the channel or culvert, so that these also admit of interpolation. The con. It may be urged that it might have been better struction of Table ii. to have constructed Table II., the collection of co- efficients of mean velocity of discharge both for culverts and canals, in accordance with values of -/R instead of R, as C is shown by the formula to vary more nearly with >/R than with R itself. It certainly would have been better for the calculator of these laborious tables, but riot for those using them ; for, in the first place, most people that re- quire such tables are conversant with values of R, and are habituated to think in them, and not in values of \/R : and, in the second place, the round numbers which would represent the values of\/R within the required limits are not sufficiently close to admit of convenient interpolation. Hence the labor saved by the calculator would be, in that case, thrown on those that use the table, an object which is the reverse of the intention of this work. The limits to The limits to the values of R and S, applied to Bands, 68 the coefficients in Table II. and throughout the book, have been determined on practical consider- ations; while the highest limit R=16 or R=20 is never exceeded in ordinary canals, the lowest limit R=zO*10 is frequently passed in small drains and pipes ; and no values are given for smaller dimensions for the reason that experiment has not yet suffi- ciently proved that the law of coefficients demon- strated in Kutter's formula holds good for smaller EXPLANATION. 27 values of R. We hence assume that the coefficients of mean velocity remain constant for all values of B, less than 0*10, or remain substantially the same as they happen to be at that value of R. As regards the effect of the values of S on those of C, it will be observed that, in the first place, the values of diminish with lower hydraulic inclinations when in combination with small values of R, while they increase with lower hydraulic inclinations when in combination with large values of R; the point of divergence being when R=3'2818 feet or 1 metre, or when \/R 1'Sll, as shown by the formula. Again, with reference to the limiting values of S, it will be noticed, on working out the formula for a number of cases, that the values of C do not vary very much with values of S greater than 0*001, or one per thousand ; and as Kutter assumes that they remain constant for such higher hydraulic gradients, and there seems no object to be gained at present by introducing any further refinement at this point, this limit has been adhered to in this book. The lowest limiting hydraulic gradient here adopted is O'OOO 05, a fall of one in 20 000, or nearly 3 inches per mile ; as, from experience on canals in the Madras Presidency, where the lowest gradient set out by the author was 4 inches per mile, all canals with a less hydraulic slope than the former may be generally treated as still-water canals, or their dis- charges may be calculated from a few observed maximum velocities in connection with the coefficient given for the limiting value of S here adopted. For this, as well as similar purposes, Table V. has 28 CANAL AND CULVEKT TABLES. values of C in Table V. The con- sideration of coefficients of maximum velocity. been constructed ; it gives mean velocities of dis- charge corresponding to coefficients of mean velocity and observed maximum velocities in open channels. The formula used to obtain this relation is that of Bazin, which, when reduced to English measures, is V x Q'25854 ~V~ ~C~ or, in another form, ^-7=25-354. ^/RS while the coefficients are those of Kutter. This 7 perhaps, may not be considered perfectly satisfac- tory, though it is, in the opinion of the author, the nearest thing to the truth for small channels of rectangular section that hydraulic science now affords ; and ? moreover, if this principle be applied in the manner and under the limits intended (N= 0-0225 to 0-0275), it is probable that the adherent errors will not be large. A consideration of the relation between maximum and mean velocities of discharge and their respective coefficients, certainly induces one to believe that too little consideration has hitherto been given by hy- draulicians and experimentalists to the matter of maximum velocity in open channels ; and to reflect that after all there may be some slight difference between a mean velocity as calculated from a number of observed velocities in a section and a mean velocity of discharge, which is strictly a term represented by the actual measured quantity of water discharged divided by the area of the water section. And, if such be the case, a great deal of discrepancy hitherto unsuspected may be accounted for. This seems EXPLANATION. 29 more likely to be the case on remembering that the set of velocities actually observed at any section must necessarily be incomplete to the extent of a whole lamina of a few inches covering the bed and banks where velocities cannot be observed at all. Our ignorance of the laws of sectional distribution of velocity in open channels also points to the same conclusion ; for our information is now limited to the laws of variation of velocity in a vertical plane, and there only to cases where the channel is an extremely flat rectangle ; while the remarks of Bazin that in ordinary rectangles the influence of the lateral walls or banks shows itself in the middle of the current, and that no law of decrement of velocity seems possible, also force one to believe that as these velocities, when very near to bed or banks, can neither be observed nor calculated, our so-called mean velocities utterly fail in exactitude. This possible error of hydraulicians does not, of course, extend to full cylindrical pipes, whose dis- charge can be practically and positively measured, and where the laws of sectional variation of velocity are well known ; but only to open channels, and, more especially, to large ones, in which this influence is greater. Of course it is either a fact that it is so, or that it is not so, whether the rigid mathematical theories on which our formulae are based admit of it, or whether they do not (and the latter seems to be the case ) : for it is a matter for practical demonstration on a large scale, and can only be proved by turning the water from a river or large canal into some 30 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. impervious measured basin or reservoir under very favorable conditions, which is not perfectly im- possible, but yet very rarely possible. Thus, as the actual discharge cannot often admit of direct check by practical methods, and as, under such a theory, the mean velocity of discharge, for the calculation of which hydraulicians have spent so much labor and devised so many formulae, becomes a mere stepping-stone or formulated expression ; it appears that hydraulicians have been perpetually striving for a shadow that they cannot grasp, or, at any rate, can never make absolutely sure. The practical If, on the contrary, they had given the same check on ii i i formulae for amount of labor to devising a theoretical tormula maximum /. . i , T . T velocity. tor maximum velocity, due to certain dimensions, gradients, and conditions of surface and regularity, these formulas would admit of direct check by prac- tical observations of maximum velocity; while the connection of maximum velocity with a formulated mean velocity, or with the discharge itself, might form a separate study. Had this method of pro- cedure been hitherto adopted, as it may be in future, the coefficients of maximum velocity would have taken the place of coefficients of mean velocity in point of importance, and this work would have been filled with the former in place of the latter, an arrangement which now seems premature, and, in consequence, has not been yet adopted, although there can be but little doubt that in the abstract it would be the more rational plan. 31 DESCRIPTION OF THE TABLES. THE object of the Tables being to afford a ready The principal determination of mean velocities* and of discharges* Tables. due to various dimensions of section, conditions of surface and regularity, and hydraulic inclinations, in all ordinary cases of culverts and canals, and the converse of these results, the limits of these Tables are necessarily fixed both in accordance with the practical considerations dependent on the usual forms and conditions of canals and culverts, and also with regard to the limits assigned beforehand to the size and amount of matter contained in the book. "With regard to the latter, it is, perhaps, unfortunate that these limits do not allow the intro- duction of tables of discharge for partly filled, as well as for full, culverts and pipes, which would have made them more useful to the drainage engineer ; and in the second place, that they do not permit the extension of the large Tables of Final Eesults to the extreme classes, Classes I. and V. of canals in earth, nor to aqueducts and canals in new brick-work and in cement. These would have * These are invariably given in feet per second and cubic feet per second respectively. CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. The Tables in aid. Practical limits. greatly added to the expense of the work, while they may be more conveniently dispensed with than any of the matter actually introduced. It may be here noticed that even when Final Results are not given for special classes, cases, and conditions of surface, Part I. will be found very useful in aiding any computation. Granting that N and S may have any value, and that R and A have to be computed perfectly independently of any aid, then Part I. furnishes values of the expression lOOv/RS, among which interpolation is easy. Next, Part I. will give the suitable value of C by interpo- lation, without difficulty ; for it will be seen that when these values exceed unity they are given in five figures ; and, when less, in four figures ; so that their interpolation to four and to three figures respectively is simple. These will then be suffi- ciently correct when any error is less than 0*001. Hence V is easily obtained. Reverting to the general scope of the Tables ; the conditions of canals and culverts impose limits which greatly reduce the apparently very compre- hensive object. In the first place, in canals in earth, a certain limiting maximum velocity is always adopted, beyond which erosion and damage would result; and the Tables are hence constructed to include cases a little beyond this limit. (For limiting velocities see page 126, Table V.) In culverts and drain pipes again, there are limiting minimum velocities, below which deposit of sediment would occur; and these velocities have been also taken into consideration. EXPLANATION. 33 The sizes and dimensions of both culverts and Forma and canals, and their forms of section, are also limited by of culverts, custom or practice. Cylindrical culverts and pipes are now rarely made of large dimensions ; they are universally used up to diameters of eighteen inches, and above that only in cases where they can be kept steadily well-supplied, and never allowed to run very low, a condition that occurs infrequently with diameters exceeding five feet. Ovoidal sewers of various patterns are generally adopted for a series of regular sizes from 1' 0" x 1' 6" up to 6' 0" x 9' 0". The two types of ovoid most com- monly used are Hawksley's and the Metropolitan pattern (originally, it is believed, designed by Phil- lips), both of which, as well as the following type, are circular-headed ; but, as the tendency of en- gineers until now has continually been to adopt forms of culverts that allow of higher flushing with the same amount of discharge, this principle has been carried to its extreme in the Pegtop form of section of the author, where the invert is made small to produce greater scour ; and, the sides being straight, possess the advantage of preventing the lodgment of sediment on them. These three types of ovoid, and the cylinder, include all that is com- monly necessary, and are hence adopted in the Tables; their sectional data are given in Table IY. in all cases where they are either full, two-thirds full, that is, full to two- thirds of the total vertical depth, and one-third full. For any other special depths, which are not frequently wanted, the sectional data must be calculated; to assist in this a table of circular 5 +- 34 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. arcs is given in Table XII. , and examples of cal- culation are given at the end of the tables. Culverts and pipes are also generally considered to come under some one of three classes as regards size the small, the intermediate, and the large ; and though they certainly might be laid to any in- clination, they usually are not, and the limits of inclination ordinarily adopted are adhered to in Their ma- these Tables. As regards material, culverts and drain pipes are made in plain earthenware and glazed stoneware up to dimensions of 2' 0" by 3' 0", rarely above that ; and brickwork or concrete, either plain or lined with cement, is used with larger dimensions. Iron of all sorts, and either plain, painted, or enamelled, may of course be used of any dimension, the adoption of wrought iron beginning where cast iron becomes inapplicable from the size of the casting or from its inconvenience in transport. This diversity of material does not cause much difficulty in the tables, as it has already been assumed that all materials that are glazed, enamelled, coated with smooth cement or with paint, come under one class ; and that plain brick- work, ashlar, unglazed earthenware and stoneware, and plain cast and wrought iron, all fall into another class as regards roughness. Also, that when any of these are deteriorated by wear, without being very seriously damaged, they fall under the corre- sponding next lower class. This has been already explained in the paragraph on Coefficients of Roughness, and in the list of these coefficients on pages 52, 53. EXPLANATION. 35 The mean velocities and discharges of culverts Absence and pipes, given in the Tables of Final Results, VI. pressure. and VII., being intended for the use of the en- gineer in works of drainage and sewerage, are not - intended to apply to circumstances under which any- head of pressure is habitually employed. The con- dition under which the quantities are correct is that the culvert or pipe just runs full-bore without heading-up, as it is termed. For pipes discharging under a steady head of pressure, apart from the head due to the hydraulic inclination of the pipe itself, another formula intro- ducing the amount of that head should be used to calculate velocities and discharges, which will then be in excess of those given in these Tables. With regard to canals in earth, the section in- Sections of variably adopted in practice is a rather flat trapezoid, earth, with side slopes varying with the nature of the soil from about f to 1 to 2^ to 1 ; a sufficiently wide range, in which the most useful side slope has to be chosen and adopted. It appears that 1^ to 1 has been hitherto the favourite, and it certainly is a convenient mean; but the results of practical ob- servation by the author on canals constructed with various side slopes has led him to believe that in most cases between 1J and 2-J to one, the portion below water becomes altered by the action of the water, which erodes the foot of the slope, and by the sediment which is deposited on the upper part of it, until the side slope settles down to one to one, or very near it. And as it is this portion of the side slope, and not that above water level, which has to 36 CANAL AND CULVEKT TABLES. Side slopes adopted. Limiting hydraulic slopes. Aqueducts and canals in rubble. be taken into consideration in constructing tables of discharge, the side slope of one to one has been adopted in preference to others. In support of this choice may be mentioned that when some Indian canal engineers had some tables of discharge for small distributaries calculated for them some years ago, in accordance with the formula of Bazin, which had then arrived within their cognizance, they chose the same side slope as most useful to them. In order, however, to avoid inconvenience to those who prefer calculating with other side slopes, a table of Reduction Multipliers, corresponding to trapezoids of various ordinary forms, is given in Table XII. , in accordance with which reduced values of the velocities and discharges given in the Tables of Final Results may be obtained with little labour. The inclinations of canals in earth are limited by the highest velocities they will bear, and these limits show themselves in the tables of velocity and dis- charge. The selection of widths of bed and depths of water has been made to suit canals of irrigation, from trenches upwards, and navigable canals, with- out including large ship canals, which usually consist of nearly still- water reaches of greater depth without any important velocities. They are also mostly ar- ranged with the view of convenience in interpolation. Aqueducts and short portions of canal constructed in brickwork or rubble, plain or coated with cement, or excavated in rock, have generally either a rect- angular section or a trapezoidal one with a slight batter to the sides. Their inclinations are rather EXPLANATION. 37 more rapid than those of the other portions of the same canal that are in earth ; and this allows a reduction of section and of expense without affecting the amount of discharge, and without increasing the velocity to such an extent as to continue it into other reaches of the canal ; their limiting gradients are hence in excess of those suited to canals in earth. For sections of this type, sectional data are also given in Table IY. ; and velocities and discharges suited to constructions in rubble are given for them in Table VIII. of Final Results.* Aqueducts and canals in brickwork, ashlar, or in cement, being constructions involving some expense, particular consideration is generally given to them, and their velocities and discharges can hence be specially calculated with the aid of the coefficients given in Table II., the values of the expression lOOv/RS given in Table III., and the sectional data given in Table IV. The Tables generally are divided into two parts ; Arrange- Part I. consisting of Computing Tables, by means of Tables. which independent calculations may be shortened, or partial calculations may be made ; and Part II. consisting of Final Results, in which coefficients of mean velocity, mean velocities of discharge, and quantities discharged, are given together for a very large number of cases commonly occurring in canals and culverts. The use of the tables in Part I. has already been described while treating of the formula, and the coefficients of roughness and of mean velocity, with the exception of Table IV. (sectional * The Reduction Multipliers in Table XII. also apply to them. 38 CANAL AND OULVEET TABLES. data), which has just been referred to, and requires no further explanation. With regard to the use of the tables in Part II., they are principally in- tended for reading off results at a glance, and for interpolation when that cannot be done. It will be noticed that they are so arranged for convenience in reading off velocities and discharges for certain given sectional data, conditions of channel or surface, and hydraulic slopes. For the converse process of ob- taining either hydraulic slopes or sectional dimen- sions corresponding to given velocities and discharges under given conditions of channel or section, that is in any fixed class, they are equally applicable. It would hence have been wasteful to have constructed tables specially for the converse process, which admits of a large number of solutions for each case. The title pages and headings of these tables, and the summary at the beginning, and the table of contents at the end of this book, speak for them- selves, and make reference to them sufficiently easy without any description. Their use is best ex- plained by examples, a few of which are given at the end of the book. Interpolation forming an important part in the use of these tables, the fol- lowing paragraph on the subject is attached, and completes the explanatory matter, which, however redundant it may be to those who are thoroughly conversant with the matter therein treated, and could use the tables without it, will probably be of use to others. EXPLANATION. 39 METHODS OF INTERPOLATION. AN examination of the Kutter formula renders it Necessity of correct prin- evident that tables of velocities and discharges for cipiesof in- canals and culverts under various conditions that would give results on inspection for every possible case that could occur are simply impossible; the accompanying tables are, therefore, so con- structed for round numbers that every case may fall within their range, and hence be easily obtained by interpolation. The following remarks on this subject may be of use to a great number of persons who may wish to interpolate correctly. When a series of quantities increase or decrease Ordinary i i TW i i i TI. interpolation by equal differences, or even by nearly equal dif- by propor- ferences, they may be correctly interpolated in the ordinary way by the addition of proportional parts of these differences. Table V. is an instance of this case. The differences, when taken laterally, are practically equal, any inequality being merely apparent, and due to the augmentation of the last figure. For example : Let the observed maximum Example for . Table V. velocity be 4'85 feet per second, and the co-efficient C applicable to the conditions and dimensions of the channel under consideration be 0735 the corre- sponding mean velocity of discharge is required. Eeferring to page 120, Table V., for the nearest tabular quantities, which are Lateral Lateral C 4-75 diff. 5- cliff. 5-25 070 3-448 -183 3-671 -182 3-853 0-75 3-550 -187 3-737 -187 3-924 0-80 3607 -190 3-797 -190 3-987 40 CANAL AND CULVEKT TABLES. Practical limits to the application of simple proportional parts. it is quite plain that the laberal differences can be divided proportionately without error ; and that it is, therefore, better to begin with these. Doing so, the results are thus Vertical c 4-85 differences. 070 075 0-80 3-561 3-625 3-683 064 058 Again, if the vertical differences are sufficiently nearly equal that the results of their inequality may be neglected, the difference "064 can also be divided proportionately; so that the required mean velocity, when 0=0-735, is .'064=3-561 + -045= feet per second. or, for common purposes, 3*61 feet per second. Now, in such hydraulic calculations, we know that it is not possible to make sure of theoretical velocities being absolutely correct, even with the aid of the best formula, to within one per cent, of the truth ; and that this is more especially the case with regard to small quantities and small fractions. Hence we are compelled to look on hundredths of a foot per second, when thus obtained, as mere for- malities which may comparatively be neglected. In this case the neglect of the inequality of the ver- tical differences, and the mode adopted in inter- polation, has not vitiated the result ; for had any other vertical difference, lying between that adopted and the next lower *058, been used in- stead of it, the result would not have varied by EXPLANATION. 41 more than "004, or less than a hundredth of a foot per second. In other cases, however, greater accuracy of in- Accurate method terpolation may be advisable ; and, though any applied to mathematical dissertation is far from the aim of this work, a description of an accurate and rapid method of interpolation becomes necessary, more especially as many faulty modes are often adopted. Taking, for example, from page 64, Table II., the following quantities, which increase by decreasing differences, E. C Differences. 0-10 0-0380 0-20 1-11 '935 ' 0-30 0-40 1-3249 0-50 1-3852 6 3 the value of C is required when R= 0'325. If simple proportional parts are used, OK C=l-2454 + ^g. -0795=l-2454+-0199=i-26 5 3 ; while the true value of C, when calculated by the original formula, is 1-2676, and the error is 0*0023 in diminution. By a more accurate method, = 1-2454+ -0199 + . -0034= 1-2678; and this, showing an error in excess of only 0*0002, is sufficiently correct for almost all purposes, without further improvement. The additional term here introduced is mathe- Proof. matically correct, as the following proof will show. 6 42 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. Assuming the well known formula for the value of the ?i th term of a series A, B, 0, D, &c., when the first terms of the several orders of differences are denoted by a, a' 9 a", a", &c. .nH . n.n~L.n2 1.2. 1.2.3 Series. First differ- ences. Second differ- ences. Third differ- ences. p A a q. B a' (q + n) w b a" r c V c 8 D Let x be the required w+l th term, to be inter- polated between B and C, and n the fraction of the difference between q and r, corresponding to the point of interpolation, so that q + n is the corre- sponding term in the series of equal differences, p, q, r, s, &c. Now, by inspection of the above tabulated dif- ferences, it is evident that ,_V + a'_a" a'=ba ; V=cb ; and ~ = - ; ca a EXPLANATION. 43 The formula can then be thus reduced for the n + J th term, i ~a~ " T 17273 a "+ &c - .7^1 c a n.nI.2nI T72~-~2~ + ~ ~I2~ ~ a + &C ' And as in this process the value of the sum of the first three terms has been augmented, and that of the fourth term has been considerably diminished, this latter may be neglected. Hence c . n 1 . 7 . The author's Formula. a brief and convenient formula, that can be prac- tically applied with the use of a single column of first differences, as shown in the preceding example. There is, unfortunately, a large number of people who cannot appreciate the convenience of formulas, and for whom a written rule is more easy of com- prehension. The rule will then be : Take out the Euie. differences in the series at the point of required interpolation, the next higher and the next lower, and to the next lower term in the unequally in- creasing series add a proportional part of the differ- ence between it and the next higher term, obtained in the usual manner, by multiplying the difference by the fraction of increment in the equally increasing series ; and to the sum add the following term : Take one-fourth of the difference between the next lower and the next higher differences, and multiply it both by the fraction before mentioned and by the difference between that fraction and unity. 44 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. Kough. appli- cation of the factor. This rule will hold good for all series of unequal increment, having decreasing first differences. Keturning to the formula. The application of the factor n.n 1 in the last term is not so unwieldy as it may appear at first sight ; and in cases where this term is required only roughly, the labour of its computation may be much reduced by remembering the following rough values of n.n 1, corresponding to values of n, when the differences in the equally increasing series />, q, r, s, are either one or a fourth ; and using the nearest of these for any intermediate values of n. so TOOT or If n . n\ 1 nearly ^ i nearly -| A A The factor n . n 1 is necessarily negative, as n is always less than 1 ; but as with decreasing first differences c a is also negative, the sign may be neglected, because the complete term remains posi- tive. The method based on this formula is hence well suited to interpolating coefficients of mean EXPLANATION. 45 velocity, and series similar to them. The author may be pardoned for defending his formula (by mathematical demonstration) beforehand, on its being remembered that it is generally too late to do so afterwards, when the gossip of the ignorant and the thoughtless may have already done mischief in the dark, or the infallible criticism of some news- paper its damage in the broad daylight, without possibility of recantation or opportunity for reply. (For one such instance, may be mentioned a review of the Hydraulic Manual, in which the formulae on resistance to towage were declared incorrect, simply because the muddling critic appears to have imagined that resistance and horse-power were identical.) In cases where still greater accuracy of inter- polation is required, it is advisable first to work out a few conveniently spaced intermediate values by means of the original formula, to introduce them in the series, and afterwards to interpolate in the extended series by means of the smaller differences thus resulting in the method described. In the special case of interpolation of the co- Practical efficients of mean velocity given in Table II., it will be noticed that the values of are generally suf- ficiently close to admit of the use of simple pro- fromTableIL portional parts ; for they are given to five figures when exceeding unity, and to four figures when less ; whereas any values required in actual practice, or for practical purposes, would be used to one figure less in each case. This will be apparent on remembering that the values of C are highly depen- dent on those of N, the coefficient of roughness, 46 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. and that the limits of the values of N are vague and ill-defined in dealing with theoretical con- ditions ; hence any attempt at extreme exactitude in calculating theoretical values of C would be very unwise and wasteful of labor. In some parts, however, of Table II. the dif- ferences of the values of C are large, as in the example recently given for 11=0*325 when N O'OIO; and in such a case interpolation by the more correct method might be advisable. For while the actual value of C is 1-268, the mode of simple proportional parts makes it 1-265 ; ano ^ though a slight change in the value of N would alter C to an amount with which this difference of 0-003 would be incon- siderable, yet a line must be drawn somewhere ; and this may be considered approaching the verge if we assume a difference of 0-005 to be a suitable limit of error not to be exceeded in coefficients of mean velocity generally. Even this limit is not too wide, as the vast range of these coefficients, varying in Table II. from 2-289 to 0-281, shows it to be comparatively small ; in fact, the magnitude of the variation of C, in combination with the uncertainty of defining exact values to N, and hence, also, the uncertainty of C, lead one almost to the conclusion that values of C are re- quired only within limits of error of o-oi, in which case they need not be represented by more than three figures when exceeding unity, or by more than two figures when less. If this conclusion be strictly just, the interpolation of the coefficients of mean velocity given in Table II. would hardly even EXPLANATION. 47 require the arithmetical subdivision of their dif- ferences; for they might be mentally interpolated by inspection to so small a number of figures ; and again, a far coarser mode of calculating the whole series of Final Eesults, velocities and discharges, given in Part II., would have sufficed, at least for the present, though the amount of accuracy actually applied in them is, perhaps, not much in excess of probable future requirements. However this may be, and taking the Tables of interpolation J ' in Tables of Final Kesults as they are, the method of inter- Final Results, polation before described may be conveniently ap- plied to them in many ways ; as both the velocities and the discharges may be interpolated in ac- cordance either with intermediate depths of water or intermediate hydraulic inclinations, or even with intermediate widths of bed. They may also be used for obtaining velocities and discharges from them corresponding to sections having other side-slopes than one to one, in accordance with the new values of K, the hydraulic radius, and the coefficient dependent on it, by means of the Eeduction Multi- pliers in Table XII. ; the use of which is explained in the Examples at the end of the book. The labour of fresh calculations from the original formula in almost all cases of Canals and Culverts will thus be entirely saved. 49 TABLE I. TABLE I. FORMULA, SYMBOLS, AND DISTINCTIVE TYPE. GENERAL VALUES OP N, FOR CULVERTS AND CANALS. LOCAL VALUES OF N FOR ARTIFICIAL CHANNELS. KUTTER'S LOCAL VALUES OF N, FOR NATURAL CHANNELS. VALUES OF THE VARIABLES M, -, AND rL- . N N 50 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE I. FORMULA AND SYMBOLS. 81 N Q= 1 + Where Q is the mean discharge in cubic feet per second, A is the sectional area of water-way in square feet, K is the hydraulic radius of the section in feet, S is the sine of the hydraulic slope of the water surface, N is the numerical co-efficient of roughness. This may be modified into the convenient form, Where M is a variable dependent on S and N alone, j TV/T W,M a , 0'00281\ and M=N7 41'6 + - - J Or may be further modified into the form, Q=CA.100v/RS, Where C, the coefficient of mean velocity, = 100.N \ Or, into its most simple form, Q=AY, Where Y is the mean velocity of discharge in feet per second, andV=C.10(VES. NOTE. For other symbols, units, &c., see General Notation pre- ceding the text. PART I. COMPUTINGS TABLES. 51 TABLE I. TYPE USED IN THE TABLES. The values of N, the coefficient of roughness, are invariably given in thick type, thus, 0-0225 So also are maximum velocities, which occur in Table V. only, and hence need not be confused with them. The values of C, the coefficient of mean velocity, are invariably given in type of old style, thus, 1-428 The values of V and of Q are generally given in ordinary type, and in the Tables, Nos. VI. to XI., which give values of V, Q, and C grouped in Triplets, the mean velocity Y is always the first of the three in the group, the quantity discharged Q is always second, and the coefficient C is third, thus, V j 1-028 V 1-707 V (1-530 V fl'956 10-28 or Q 0796 C 10-43 or Q ] 28-69 or Q +1284- 0-548 C (0-614 C [0-774 the shape of bracket distinguishing the Tables, as regards values of N. Ordinary type is used for dimensions and for slopes. NOTE. The values of S, the sine of the hydraulic slope, are for concise- ness generally expressed in the Tables in the form of a Fall per thousand; thus, a fall S per thousand=0'4 instead of S=0'0004; and S per thousand=20, instead of S = 0'02. The values of N, employed by the author, do not include any allowance for bends, or irregularity of course, but merely represent irregularity of surface. Herr Kutter's values of N, although lower in effect, apparently do include allowance for irregularities or deviations of course. 52 CANAL AND CULVEltT TABLES, TABLE I. THE GENERAL VALUES OF COEFFICIENTS (N) OF ROUGH- AS APPLIED BY THE AUTHOR THROUGH- AQUEDUCTS, CANALS, CUL- 0*010 ( P ure cem ent in England and Europe generally ; also Indian ( Glazed materials of every sort ; glazed, coated, or enamelled C Brickwork and ashlar, in aqueducts, canals, and culverts, in 0*013 \ Ordinary cast and wrought iron. TJnglazed stoneware, and (Materials mentioned under 0*010 when in bad -order and ( Rubble in cement, in good order. 0*017 \ Materials mentioned under 0*013 when in bad order and (Also for extremely favourable cases of channels in firm soil. n fton I Coarse rubble, set dry. Rubble in cement, in bad condition. UU4U ( Cutting in rock. CANALS IN 0*020 Class I. Firm soil, or gravel, trimmed and punned in 0*0225 Class II. Earth. Canals and channels. (Based on data 0*0250 Class III. Earth. Canals and channels. (Based on data 0*0275 Class IV. Earth. Canals and channels. (Based on data 0-030 Class V. Earth. Canals in bad order, rather damaged, KUTTER'S VALUES OF N FOR TEMPORARY 0*009 Well planed timber, in perfect order and alignment, and 0*012 Unplaned timber, when perfectly continuous on the inside. 0*01*1 i Wooden frames covered with canvass. u Ui ( Rectangular wooden troughs, with battens on the inside, 0*020 Rectangular wooden troughs, with battens on the inside, RIVERS, BROOKS, The Local values of N, suitable to rivers and natural channels experimentally determined for other rivers, or may be deduced with other data and conditions. They vary between the limits PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 53 TABLE I. NESS, FOE VARIOUS MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS OF SURFACE ; OUT THE FOLLOWING TABLES. VERTS AND PlPES. cement plaster, with worked surface, stoneware and iron, without projections, good order. tiling, in good order. condition. * condition. Brickwork and masonry in a ruinous state. EARTH, GRAVEL, &c. defective places ; in good order. observed and collected by the Author) ; above the average. observed and collected by the Author) ; in good average order. observed and collected by the Author) ; below the average. slightly overgrown with weeds, or obstructed by detritus. CONSTRUCTIONS, FLUMES, &c. perfectly straight ; otherwise perhaps O'OIO would be suitable. Flumes of rough plank. 0*5 inch apart. 2 inches apart. AND NATURAL CHANNELS. generally, may be obtained by comparison with those already from a consideration of the observed maximum velocities in connexion of 0*020 and 0*035? thus involving sixteen classes of rugosity. 54 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE I. LOCAL VALUES OF THE COEFFICIENT N OF ROUGHNESS FOB ARTIFICIAL CHANNELS. % In Cement. O'OIOO Series No. 24 of D'Arcy and Bazin, semicircular. 0104 Series No. 2 of D'Arcy and Bazin, rectangular. O'Olll Series No. 25, D. & B., with one-third sand, semicircular. In Ashlar and Brickwork. 0'0129 Series No. 3, D'Arcy and Bazin, brickwork, rectangular. 0'0129 Series No. 39, D'Arcy and Bazin, ashlar, rectangular. 0'0133 Series Nos. 1 & 2, D'Arcy and Bazin, ashlar, rectangular. In Rubble. 0'0145 Gontenbachschale (Kutter), new, dry, semicircular. 0'0167 Series No. 32, D. & B., rather damaged, rectangular. 0170 Series No. 33, D. & B., rather damaged, rectangular. 0'0175 Grunnbachschale (Kutter), damaged, dry, semicircular. 0'0185 Gerbebachschale (Kutter), damaged, dry, sernicirculai'. 0'0180 Series No. T4, D'Arcy and Bazin, rough. 0182 Series No. 1*3, D'Arcy and Bazin, rough. 0184 Series No. 1-6, D'Arcy and Bazin, rough. 0'0192 Series No. T5, D'Arcy and Bazin, rough. 0204 Series No. 44, D'Arcy and Bazin, with deposits, rectangular. 00210 Series No. 46, D'Arcy and Bazin, with deposits, rectangular. 0'0220 Series No. 35, D'Arcy and Bazin, damaged, trapezoidal. 0'0230 Alpbachschale (Kutter), much damaged, semicircular. In Hammed Gravel. 0'0163 Series No. 27, D'Arcy and Bazin, f-inch thick, rectangular. 0*0170 Series No. 4, D'Arcy and Bazin, f-inch thick, rectangular. 0'0190 Series No. 5, D'Arcy and Bazin, If-inch thick, rectangular. In Earth. 0'0184 A Canal in England. ^ 0222 Linth Canal, trapezoidal Section. 0'0244 Marseilles Canal, rounded. 0254 Pannerden Canal, Holland. k, , 00255 Jard Canal. '^Frorn Herr Kutter's 0-0262 Lauter Canal, Neuberg. 3n - G'0300 Escher Canal (detritus). 0'0301 Marmels Canal. 0'0330 Chesapeake-Ohio Canal, rounded, j PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 55 TABLE I. LOCAL VALUES OP THE COEFFICIENT N OF ROUGHNESS AND IRREGULARITY ACCORDING TO HERR KUTTER. FOR RIVERS AND NATURAL CHANNELS. 0200 Bayou Lafourche. 0*0210 Ohio, Point Pleasant. 00220 Lech.* 0227 Rhine at Germersheim.* 0223 Tiber at Rome. 0232 Weser. 00237 Hiibengraben. 00243 Hockenbach. 0243 Rhine in Holland. 0250 Seine at Paris. 00252 Newka. 00260 Speyerbach. 0260 Seine at Poissy. 0'0260 Haine. 0260 Rhine at Speyer.* 00262 Newa. 00270 Mississippi. 0'0270 Saalach.* 0'0270 Plessur.* 0280 Saone at Raconnay. 00280 Salzach.* 00285 Elbe. 0"0294 Bayou Plaquemine. 0'0300 Rhine at Basle. 00305 Isaar. 0'0310 Meuse at Misox. O'OSIO Rhine at Rhinewald. 0*0345 Simme at Lenk. 0'0350 Rhine at Domleschgerthal. Generally free from ob- struction. Obstructed by de- tritus in the cases marked. Obstructed by [detritus in all cases. NOTE. The location of these observations is very defective, but some of them are historical cases. 56 CANAL AND OULVEET TABLES, TABLE I. VALUES OF M CORRESPONDING TO VALUES OF s N O'OIO O'Oll 0-012 0-013 0-014 0-00001 3-2260 3-5486 3-8712 4-1938 4-5164 02 1-8210 2-0031 2-1852 2-3673 2-5494 03 1-3527 1-4879 1-6232 1-7585 1-8938 04 1-1185 1-2303 1-3422 1-4540 1-5659 05 0-9780 1-0758 1-1736 1-2714 1-3692 06 0-8843 0-9727 1-0612 1-1496 1-2380 07 0-8174 0-8991 0-9809 1-0626 1-1444 08 0-7672 0-8439 0-9206 0-9974 1-0741 0-00009 0-7282 0-8010 0-8738 0-9467 1-0195 0-00010 0-6970 0-7667 0-8364 0-9061 0-9758 15 0-6033 0-6636 0-7240 0-7843 0-8446 20 0-5565 0-6121 0-6678 0-7234 0-7791 25 0-5284 0-5812 0-6341 0-6869 0-7398 30 0-5097 0-5606 0-6116 0-6626 0-7136 35 0-4963 0-5459 0-5956 0-6452 0-6948 40 0-4862 0-5348 0-5835 0-6321 0-6809 45 0-4784 0-5263 0-5741 0-6219 0-6698 0-00050 0-4722 0-5194 0-5666 0-6139 0-6611 0-00055 0-4671 0-5138 0-5605 0-6072 0-6539 60 0-4628 0-5090 0-5554 0-6016 0-6479 65 0-4592 0-5051 0-5510 0-5970 0-6429 70 0-4561 0-5017 0-5473 0-5929 0-6385 75 0-4535 0-4988 0-5442 0-5896 0-6349 80 0-4511 0-4962 0-5413 0-5864 0-6315 85 0-4491 0-4940 0-5389 0-5838 0-6287 90 0-4472 0-4919 0-5366 0-5813 0-6261 0-00095 0-4456 0-4901 0-5347 0-5793 0-6238 o-ooi 0-4441 0-4885 0-5329 0-5773 0-6217 0-0015 0-4347 0-4781 0-5216 0-5651 0-6086 0-002 0-4300 0-4730 0-5160 0-5590 0-6020 0-0025 0-4272 0-4699 0-5126 0-5554 0-5981 0-00281 0-4260 0-4686 0-5112 0-5538 0-5964 0-003 0-4254 0-4679 0-5105 0-5530 0-5956 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. TABLE I. N AND S; WHERE M^ 'G + S N 0-015 0016 0017 0-018 0'019 0-00001 4-8390 5-1616 5-4842 5-8068 6-1294 02 2-7315 2-9136 3-0957 3-2778 3-4599 03 2-0290 2-1643 2-2996 2-4349 2-5702 04 1-6777 1-7896 1-9014 2-0133 2-1252 05 1-4670 1-5648 1-6626 1-7604 1-8582 06 1-3264 1-4148 1-5033 1-5917 1-6801 07 1-2261 1-3078 1-3896 1-4713 1-5530 08 1-1508 1-2275 1-3042 1-3810 1-4577 0-00009 1-0923 1-1651 1-2379 1-3108 1-3836 0-00010 1-0455 1-1152 1-1849 1-2546 1-3243 15 0-9049 0-9652 1-0256 1-0859 1-1462 20 0-8347 0-8904 0-9461 1-0017 1-0574 25 0-7926 0-8454 0-8983 0-9511 1-0039 30 0-7645 0-8155 0-8665 0-9175 0-9685 35 0-7444 0-7940 0-8437 0-8933 0-9429 40 0-7343 0-7829 0-8265 0-8753 0-9239 45 0-7176 0-7654 0-8133 0-8611 0-9089 0-00050 0-7083 0-7555 0-8027 0-8500 0-8972 0-00055 0-7006 0-7473 0-7941 0-8408 0-8875 60 0-6942 0-7405 0-7868 0-8330 0-8793 65 0-6888 0-7347 0-7806 0-8266 0-8725 70 0-6842 0-7298 0-7754 0-8210 0-8666 75 0-6802 0-7256 0-7709 0-8163 0-8617 80 0-6766 0-7217 0-7669 0-8120 0-8571 85 0-6737 0-7186 0-7635 0-8084 0-8533 90 0-6708 0-7155 0-7602 0-8050 0-8497 0-00095 0-6684 0-7130 0-7575 0-8021 0-8467 0-001 0-6661 0-7105 0-7550 0-7994 0-8438 0-0015 0-6520 0-6955 0-7390 0-7825 0-8260 0-002 0-6450 0-6880 0-7310 0-7740 0-8170 0-0025 0-6408 0-6835 0-7262 0-7690 0-8117 0-00281 0-6390 0-6816 0-7242 0-7668 0-8094 0-003 0-6381 0-6806 0-7232 0-7657 0-8082 8 58 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE I. VALUES OF M CORRESPONDING TO VALUES OF s N 0020 0-021 0-022 0'0225 0'023 , o-ooooi 6-4520 6-7746 7-0972 7-2585 7-4198 02 3-6420 3-8241 4-0062 4-0972 4-1883 03 2-7054 2-8407 2-9759 3-0436 3-1112 04 2-2370 2-3489 2-4607 2-5166 2-5726 05 1-9560 2-0538 2-1516 2-2005 2-2494 06 1-7686 1-8570 1-9455 1-9897 2-0339 07 1-6348 1-7165 1-7983 1-8391 1-8800 08 1-5344 1-6112 1-6878 1-7262 1-7645 0-00009 1-4564 1-5293 1-6020 1-6384 1-6748 0-00010 1-3940 1-4637 1-5334 1-5682 1-6031 15 1-2066 1-2669 1-3273 1-3574 1-3876 20 1-1130 1-1687 1-2243 1-2521 1-2800 25 1-0568 1-1096 1-1625 1-1889 1-2153 30 1-0194 1-0704 1-1213 1-1468 1-1723 35 0-9926 1-0422 1-0919 1-1167 1-1415 40 0-9724 1-0213 1-0707 1-0940 1-1193 45 0-9568 1-0046 1-0523 1-0764 1-1001 0-00050 0-9444 0-9917 1-0388 1-0624 1-0860 0-00055 0-9342 0-9809 1-0276 1-0510 1-0743 60 0-9256 0-9718 1-0182 1-0413 1-0645 65 0-9184 0-9644 1-0102 1-0332 1-0561 70 0-9122 0-9579 1-0034 1-0262 1-0490 75 0-9070 0-9524 0-9977 1-0204 1-0431 80 0-9022 0-9473 0-9924 1-0150 1-0375 85 0-8982 0-9431 0-9880 1-0104 1-0329 90 0-8944 0-9392 0-9838 1-0062 1-0285 0-00095 0-8912 0-9358 0-9803 1-0026 1-0250 o-ooi 0-8882 0-9326 0-9770 0-9992 1-0214 0-0015 0-8694 0-9129 0-9563 0-9781 0-9998 0-002 0-8600 0-9030 0-9460 0-9675 0-9890 0-0025 0-8544 0-8972 0-9398 0-9612 0-9825 0-00281 0-8520 0-8946 0-9372 0-9585 0-9798 0-003 0-8508 0-8933 0-9359 0-9571 0-9784 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 59 TABLE I. N AND S, WHERE M = S N 0-024 0025 0-026 0'027 0*0275 7-7424 8-0650 8-3876 8-7102 8-8715 o-ooooi 02 4-3704 4-5525 4-7346 4-9197 5-0078 03 3-2464 3-3817 3-5170 3-6523 3-7199 04 2-6844 2-7962 2-9080 3-0199 3-0758 05 2-3472 2-4450 2-5428 2-6406 2-6895 06 2-1224 2-2107 2-2992 3-3876 2-4318 07 1-9618 2-0435 2-1252 2-2069 2-2478 08 1-8412 1-9180 1-9948 2-0715 2-1098 09 1-7476 1-8205 1-8934 1-9662 2-0025 0-00010 1-6728 1-7425 1-8122 1-8819 1-9168 15 1-4480 1-5082 1-5686 1-6289 1-6590 20 1-3356 1-3912 1-4468 1-5025 1-5303 25 1-2682 1-3210 1-3738 1-4266 1-4531 30 1-2232 1-2742 1-3252 1-3762 1-4016 35 1-1912 1-2407 1-2904 1-3400 1-3648 40 1-1670 1-2155 1-2642 1-3128 1-3371 45 1-1482 1-1960 1-2438 1-2916 1-3156 0-00050 1-1332 1-1805 1-2278 1-2750 1-2986 0-00055 1-1210 1-1678 1-2144 1-.2611 1-2846 60 1-1108 1-1570 1-2032 1-2495 1-2727 65 1-1020 1-1480 1-1940 1-2399 1-2628 70 1-0946 1-1403 1-1860 1-2316 1-2543 75 1-0884 1-1337 1-1792 1-2246 1-2471 80 1-0826 1-1277 1-1728 1-2179 1-2405 85 1-0778 1-1228 1-1677 1-2126 1-2350 90 1-0732 1-1180 1-1626 1-2073 1-2298 0-00095 1-0694 1-1140 1-1586 1-2032 1-2254 0-001 1-0658 1-1102 1-1546 1-1990 1-2212 0-0015 1-0432 1-0867 1-1302 1-1737 1-1954 0-002 1-0320 1-0750 1-1180 1-1610 1-1825 0-0025 1-0252 1-0680 1-1108 1-1535 1-1748 0-00281 1-0224 1-0650 1-1076 1-1502 1-1715 0-003 1-0210 1-0635 1-1060 1-1485 1-1698 60 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE I. VALUES OP M CORRESPONDING TO VALUES OF s N 0028 0-029 0030 0031 0032 9-0328 9-3554 9-6780 10-000 10-323 o-ooooi 02 5-0988 5-2809 5-4630 5-6451 5-8272 03 3-7876 3-9228 4-0581 4-1933 4-3286 04 3-1318 3-2436 3-3555 3-4673 3-5792 05 2-7384 2-8362 2-9340 3-0318 3-1296 06 2-4760 2-5644 2-6529 2-7412 2-8296 07 2-2888 2-3705 2-4522 2-5339 2-6156 08 2-1482 2-2249 2-3016 2-3783 2-4550 0-00009 2-0390 2-1118 2-1846 2-2574 2-3302 0-00010 1-9516 2-0213 2-0910 2-1607 2-2304 15 1-6892 1-7495 1-8099 1-8701 1-9304 20 1-5582 1-6138 1-6695 1-7251 1-7808 25 1-4796 1-5324 1-5852 1-6380 1-6908 30 1-4272 1-4781 1-5291 1-5800 1-6310 35 1-3896 1-4392 1-4889 1-5384 1-5880 40 1-3618 1-4102 1-4586 1-4822 1-5658 45 1-3396 1-3874 1-4352 1-4830 1-5308 0-00050 1-3222 1-3694 1-4166 1-4638 1-5110 0-00055 1-3078 1-3545 1-4013 1-4479 1-4946 60 1-2958 1-3421 1-3884 1-4347 1-4810 65 1-2858 1-3317 1-3776 1-4235 1-4694 70 1-2772 1-3228 1-3683 1-4141 1-4595 75 1-2694 1-3149 1-3605 1-4056 1-4512 80 1-2630 1-3081 1-3533 1-3983 1-4434 85 1-2574 1-3024 1-3473 1-3922 1-4371 90 1-2522 1-2969 1-3416 1-3863 1-4310 0-00095 1-2476 1-2922 1-3368 1-3814 1-4260 0-001 1-2434 1-2878 1-3323 1-3766 1-4210 0-0015 1-2172 1-2606 1-3041 1-3475 1-3910 0-002 1-2040 1-2470 1-2900 1-3380 1-3760 0-0025 ' 1-1962 1-2389 1-2816 1-3243 1-3670 0-00281 1-1928 1-2354 1-2780 1-3206 1-3632 0-003 1-1912 1-2337 1-2762 1-3186 1-3612 PAftT I. COMPUTING TABLES. 61 N AND S, WHERE M=! TABLE I. S N 0033 0-034 0-035 0'0375 0'040 0-00001 10-625 10-968 11-291 12-098 12-904 02 6-0093 6-1914 6-3735 6-8288 7-2840 03 4-4637 4-5992 4-7344 5-0726 5-4108 04 3-6909 3-8028 3-9147 4-1943 4-4740 05 3-2274 3-3252 3-4230 3-6677 3-9120 06 2-9181 3-0066 3-0950 3-3161 3-5372 07 2-6973 2-7792 2-8609 3-0653 3-2696 08 2-5317 2-6084 2-6852 2-8770 3-0688 0-00009 2-4030 2-4758 2-5487 2-7228 2-9128 0-00010 2-3001 2-3698 2-4395 2-6138 2-7880 15 1-9908 2-0512 2-1115 2-2623 2-4132 20 1-8363 1-8922 1-9477 2-0868 2-2260 25 1-7436 1-7966 1-8494 1-9815 2-1136 30 1-6818 1-7330 1-7839 1-9113 2-0388 35 1-6377 1-6874 1-7370 1-8611 1-9852 40 1-6059 1-6532 1-7017 1-8233 1-9468 45 1-5783 1-6266 1-6744 1-7940 1-9136 0-00050 1-5582 1-6054 1-6527 1-7708 1-8888 0-00055 1-5414 1-5882 1-6349 1-7517 1-8684 60 1-5273 1-5736 1-6198 1-7355 1-8512 65 1-5153 1-5612 1-6072 1-7220 1-8368 70 1-5051 1-5507 1-5964 1-7105 1-8244 75 1-4964 1-5418 1-5872 1-7006 1-8140 80 1-4886 1-5338 1-5788 1-6916 1-8044 85 1-4820 1-5269 1-5719 1-6875 1-7964 90 1-4757 1-5204 1-5652 1-6770 1-7888 0-00095 1-4703 1-5150 1-5596 1-6710 1-7824 0-001 1-4655 1-5100 1-5543 1-6653 1-7764 0-0015 1-4343 1-4780 1-5214 1-6301 1-7388 0-002 1-4190 1-4620 1-5050 1-6125 1-7200 0-0025 1-4097 1-4524 1-4952 1-6020 1-7088 0-00281 1-4058 1-4484 1-4910 1-5975 1-7040 0-003 1-4037 1-4464 1-4889 1-5953 1-7016 62 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. TABLE I. 1-811 M VALUES OF -^ AND *? FOB COMPUTING C. N 1-811 N 0010 18110 0-011 164-64 0-012 150-92 0-013 139-31 0-014 129-36 0-015 120-73 0016 113-19 0-017 106-47 0-018 100-61 0-019 95-32 0-020 90-55 0-021 86-23 0-022 82-32 00225 80-49 0-023 78-74 0-024 75-46 00250 72-44 0-026 69-65 0-027 67-07 0-0275 65-85 0-028 64-68 0-029 62-45 0-030 60-37 0-031 58-42 0-032 56-59 0-033 54-88 0-034 53-26 0035 51-74 00375 48-29 0-040 45-27 M S N o-ooooi 322-60 0-00002 182-10 0-00003 135-27 0-00004 111-85 0-00005 97-80 0-00006 88-43 0-00007 81-74 0-00008 76-72 0-00009 72-82 0-0001 69-70 0-00015 60-33 0-0002 55-65 0-00025 52-84 0-0003 50-97 0-00035 49-63 0-0004 48-62 0-00045 47-84 0-0005 47-22 0-00055 46-71 0-0006 46-28 0-00065 45-92 0-0007 45-61 0-00075 45-35 0-0008 45-11 0-00085 44-91 0-0009 44-72 0-00095 44-56 0-001 ) and > 44-41 upwards ) N.B. The coefficients (0) will remain practically constant for steeper hydraulic slopes. 63 TABLE II. TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, AS USED IN THE GENERAL FORMULAE, Q=A.C.100v / RS , v=c.iooy!s". ^ (M+ 1-811) -100 N- '(M+-V/R) ' 64 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY Corresponding to Values of E and S per thousand, N=O-OIO. E S per thousand. and upwards. 0*8 0*6 0'5 0*4 0*9380 0-9323 0-9230 0-9158 0-9053 0-10 0-15 1-0505 1-0450 1-0359 1-0288 1-0185 0-20 ri 3 J 5 1*1262 1-1174 1*1106 i -1006 0-25 1-1943 1-1892 1-1808 1-1742 1-1647 0-3 1-2454 1-2405 1-2325 1-2262 1*2170 0-35 1-2882 1-2835 1-2758 1-2697 1-2609 0-4 1-3249 1-3204 1-313* 1-3073 1*2988 0-45 1-3569 1-3526 !"3455 1-3400 i"33 J 9 0-5 1-3852 1-3811 1-3743 1-3690 1*3612 0-55 1-4105 1-4066 1-4001 1-3950 1*3876 0-6 J '4333 1-4296 1-4234 1-4186 1*4113 0-65 1-4541 r '455 1-4446 1*4399 i'433 07 1-4732 1-4698 1-4641 1-4596 1-4530 075 1-4907 1-4874 1-4819 1-4776 i-47 J 3 0-8 1-5069 1-5037 1-4985 1-4943 1*4882 0-9 1-5360 I-533 1 1-5282 1-5244 1-5188 1-0 1-5616 1-5589 1-5544 1-5509 1-5457 1-1 1-5843 1-5818 1*5777 1*5744 1-5696 1-2 1-6046 1-6023 !'59 8 5 ^5955 1-5911 1-25 1-6140 1-6118 1-6082 1-6053 1*6010 1-3 1-6229 1-6208 1-6173 1-6145 1*6104 1-4 1-6397 1-6378 1-6345 1-6319 1*6282 1-5 1-6550 I-6533 1-6503 1-6479 1*6444 1-6 1-6691 1-6675 1-6647 1-6626 1*6594 17 1-6822 1-6807 1-6782 1-6762 1-6733 1-8 1-6943 1-6929 1-6907 1-6889 1*6862 1-9 1-7056 1-7043 1-7023 1-7006 1*6982 2-0 1-7162 1-7150 1-7132 1-7117 1*7095 2-1 1-7261 1-7251 1-7234 1-7221 1*7201 2-2 17355 1-7346 I-733 1 1-7319 1*7301 2-3 1-7443 1-7435 1-7421 1-7411 J'7395 2-4 1-7527 1-7520 1-7508 1-7498 1*7485 2-5 1-7606 1-7600 1-7590 1-7582 1*7570 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 65 TABLE II. FOB CEMENT AND GLAZED MATERIAL (NEW), suited to Culverts and Pipes. N=0'010. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 0-8886 0-8579 0*8303 0*7828 0*6815 0-10 0-15 roo2O 0-9715 0-9439 0*8958 0*7912 0-20 1-0846 1-0549 1-0279 0*9803 0*8752 0-25 1-1492 1-1204 1-0941 1*0476 0-9435 0-30 I-202I 1-1740 1-1489 1*1036 1*0012 0-35 1-2467 1-2200 ri 953 111514 I*05I2 0-40 1-2851 1-2594 1-2357 1*1932 1*0951 0-45 1-3187 1*2940 1-2711 1*2300 I-I347 0-5 I-3 4 86 1-3248 1-3028 1*2630 I * 1 703 0-55 1*3754 I-3526 i'33i8 1*2929 I*2O28 0-6 1-3997 1-3777 I-3572 1*3202 1*2327 0-65 1-4218 I-4007 1-3810 I "345 I 1*2603 07 1-4422 I-42I9 1-4028 1*3682 1*2859 075 1-4609 i"44!3 1-4230 1*3896 1*3098 0-8 1-4783 1*4595 1-4418 1*4096 I-3323 0-9 1-5096 1-4922 1*4758 1-4458 1-3733 1-0 I-5372 1*5210 1-5058 1-4779 I*4IOO 1-1 1-5617 1-5468 i'5327 1-5067 I'4432 1-2 1-5838 1-5700 ^5569 1-5328 !"4735 1-25 1-5940 1-5807 1-5682 I-5449 1*4877 1-3 1-6037 1-5909 1-5789 ^5565 1-5013 1-4 1-6220 I'6lO2 1-5990 I-5783 1*5269 1-5 1-6388 1*6279 1-6176 1-5984 I-5507 1-6 1-6542 1-6442 1-6347 1-6170 1*5729 17 1-6685 1-6593 1*6506 1-6344. i*59$7 1-8 1-6818 1-6734 1*6654 1-6506 1*6131 1-9 1-6942 1-6866 1-6793 1*6657 1-6315 2-0 1-7059 1-6990 1*6924 i *68oo 1*6488 2-1 1-7169 1-7106 1*7047 1*6935 1*6652 2-2 1-7272 1*7216 1*7163 1*7062 1*6808 2-3 1-7369 1*7319 1*7272 1*7183 1*6956 2-4 1-7462 1*7419 1*7376 1*7298 1*7097 2-5 1-7550 1*7512 1*7475 1*7407 1*7232 CANAL AND OULYEET TABLES, TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY Corresponding to Values of E. and N=0-010. E S per thousand. 1*0 and upwards. 0*8 0*6 0'5 0'4 175 1-6883 1-6869 1-6845 1-6826 1-6798 2- 17162 1-7150 1-7132 i7 IJ 7 1-7095 2-25 17400 I739 1 1*7377 i73 6 5 1-7349 2-5 1-7606 1*7600 I 759 17582 1-7570 275 17788 17783 1-7777 1-7772 1-7764 3- 1-7948 1-7946 1-7943 1*7940 1*7937 3-25 1-8094 1-8094 1-8093 1-8092 1*8092 3-5 1-8225 1-8227 1*8229 1*8230 1*8234 375 1*8344 1-8346 1-8351 1-8354 1-8361 4- r8 453 1-8458 1-8465 1-8471 1*8480 4-25 1-8554 1-8560 1-8570 1-8577 1-8589 4-5 1-8647 1-8654 1-8666 1*8674 . 1-8688 475 1-8734 1-8741 1-8755 1-8765 1-8781 5* 1-8814 1-8823 1-8839 1-8851 1*8869 5-25 1-8890 1-8900 1-8917 1-8930 1*8950 5-5 1-8961 1-8971 1-8990 1-9004 1-9027 575 1-9027 1-9039 1-9060 1-9075 1-9099 6- 1*9090 1-9103 1-9125 1-9142 1-9167 6-5 1-9206 1-9220 1-9245 1-9264 1-9293 7- 1-9309 1-9326 i'9352 1*9374 1*9406 7-5 1-9404 1-9422 1-9451 1*9474 1-9509 8- 1-9491 1-9510 1*954* 1*9566 1-9603 8-5 1-9570 1-9590 1-9623 1*9649 1-9688 9- 1-9643 1-9664 1-9699 1*9727 1*9768 9-5 1-9711 i'9733 1-9777 1*9799 1*9842 10 1-9774 1-9797 1-9836 1*9866 1-9911 11 1-9888 1-9913 1*9954 1-9987 2*0035 12 1-9988 2*0015 2*0058 2*0093 2*0145 13 2-0078 2*0105 2*0151 2*0188 2-0242 14 2*0158 2-0187 2-0235 2*0273 2*0330 15 2-0231 2*0262 2-0311 2*0351 2*0410 16 2-0297 2-0328 2-0380 2*0421 2*0482 20 2-0514 2-0548 2-0606 2*0652 2-0720 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 67 TABLE II. FOR CEMENT AND GLAZED MATERIAL (NEW), S per thousand, suited to Aqueducts. N=0010. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 010 0-05 1-6752 1*6664 1*6581 1*6425 1*6035 175 2* 17059 1-6990 1*6924 1-6800 1*6488 2-25 17321 1*7268 1*7218 I-7I23 1*6883 2-5 17550 1*7512 1-7475 I*7407 1*7232 275 17751 1*7726 1*7703 1*7657 J'7544 3* 17930 1*7918 1*7906 17883 1*7825 3-25 1-8092 1-8091 1*8089 1*8087 1-8081 3-5 1-8238 1*8247 1*8256 1*8273 1*8316 375 1-8371 1*8389 1*8408 1*8442 1*8531 4* 1-8494 1-8521 1*8548 1*8598 1*8731 4-25 1-8606 1-8643 1*8677 I-8743 1*8916 4-5 , 1-8711 1*8754 1*8797 1*8878 1*9089 475 1-8809 1-8858 1*8909 1*9003 1*9252 5- 1-8899 1-8957 1*9013 I-9I20 1-9403 5-25 1-8984 1-9049 1*9111 1-9230 J '9547 5-5 1-9064 1*9136 1*9203 r 9334 1-9682 575 1-9139 1*9217 1*9290 1*9432 1*9810 6- 1-9210 1-9292 1*9372 i-95 2 4 1*9932 6-5 1*9341 r 9433 !'9523 1*9696 2*0158 7- 1-9458 1*9560 1*9660 1-9850 2*0363 7-5 1*9566 1*9677 1*9785 1*9992 2-0551 8- 1-9664 1*9783 1*9899 2*0122 2*0724 8-5 1-9754 1*9880 2*0003 2*0241 2*0884 9* 1-9837 1*9970 2*0101 2*0352 2*1033 9-5 1-9914 2*0054 2*OI9I 2*0455 2-1172 10 1-9986 2*0132 2*0275 2*0550 2*1302 11 2'01l6 2*0273 2*0427 2*0725 202 55 0081 0-9920 0*9633 0*8977 0-65 1-0444 0276 0120 0*9841 0*9201 070 1*0619 0456 0305 0034 0*9411 075 1-0780 0623 0476 0214 0*9607 0-8 1-0931 0779 0637 0383 0*9792 0-9 1*1203 -1061 0929 0690 0132 1-0 1*1445 I3J3 1189 0965 0439 1-1 1*1661 1540 *I422 1213 0718 1-2 1-1857 1742 1634 'H39 0974 1-25 1-1948 1837 1733 ^545 1095 1-3 1*2034 1928 1828 1646 1210 1-4 1-2198 2099 *2006 1837 143 1-5 1-2348 2257 2171 2014 1634 1-6 1-2487 2403 2323 2178 1825 17 1*2617 2539 2465 2332 2005 1-8 1-2737 2667 2599 2476 2174 1-9 1-2851 2786 2724 2611 ' 2 334 2-0 '2957 2898 2842 2739 2486 2-1 1-3058 3005 2954 2860 2630 2-2 r 3 l tt ^QS '359 2975 2767 2-3 1-3242 3200 3!59 3084 2898 2-4 1-3328 3290 3254 3188 3023 2-5 1-3409 3376 '3345 3287 '3H3 70 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES, TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY FOR BRICKWORK Corresponding to Values of E. and N=0013. E S per thousand. and upwards. 0'8 0*6 0*5 0*4 175 1-2790 1-2778 1-2758 1-2742 1-2718 2* 1-3046 i*3037 1*3020 1*3007 1*2988 2-25 1-3266 i'3*59 1-3246 1-3236 1*3222 2-5 1*3458 J *3453 1*3444 i*3436 1-3426 275 1-3628 1-3625 1-3618 1-3612 1-3606 3- i'3779 r 3778 i*3775 1-3772 1-3769 3-25 1-3916 1-3916 1-3916 1-3916 I-39I5 3-5 1*4040 1-4042 1-4044 1-4044 1*4048 375 !*4i53 J *4i55 1-4159 1-4161 1-4168 4- 1-4257 1*4261 1*4268 1-4272 1-4280 4-25 1*4353 J *4359 1-4368 1-4374 1-4384 4-5 1-4442 1-4448 1*4459 1-4467 1-4478 475 *'4S*5 I-453 2 1-4544 i*4553 1-4567 5- 1*4602 1*4611 1-4625 1-4635 1-4651 5-25 1-4675 1*4684 1-4700 1-4711 1-4729 5-5 i*4743 1*4753 1-4771 1*4783 1*4803 575 1-4807 1*4819 1-4838 1-4851 1-4873 6- 1-4868 1-4880 1-4900 i*49i5 I-4938 6-5 1*4980 1-4994 1-5016 i*5033 i*5059 7- 1-5081 1-5096 1*5120 1-5140 1*5169 7-5 i*5i73 1-5190 1-5216 1-5238 1-5269 8- 1-5258 I-5275 1-5304 I-5327 1-5360 8-5 9* 9-5 10 i*5335 1*5407 i'5474 i*5535 1*5354 1-5427 I-5494 !*5557 i'5384 J '5459 1-5528 i'5593 1*5408 1*5484 i*5554 1-5620 1-5444 1-5522 1*5595 1-5662 11 1-5648 1-5671 1-5710 I-5740 i'5785 12 1-5748 1-5772 1-5813 1-5845 1-5893 13 1-5836 1-5862 i*S95 1 '5939 1-5990 14 1-5916 i*5943 1-5988 1*6024 1-6077 15 1-5989 1*6017 1*6064 1-6101 1-6156 16 1-6055 1-6084 1-6133 1-6171 1-6229 20 1-6272 1-6304 1-6359 1*6402 1*6466 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 71 TABLE II. AND ASHLAR, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON (NEW), S per thousand, suited to Aqueducts. N=0013. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 1-2678 1*2604 1*2533 1*2404 1*2090 175 2- 1-2957 1-2898 1-2842 1*2739 1-2486 2-25 1-3198 1*3*53 1-3109 1-3030 1*2833 2-5 1-3409 1*3376 i*3345 1-3287 i*3H3 275 1-3596 1*3575 i'3555 1-3516 i*342i 3- 1-3763 1-3752 i*374i 1-3722 1-3674 3-25 i*39H 1*39*4 1-3912 1-3910 1-3904 3-5 1-4052 1-4060 1*4067 1-4081 1-4117 375 1-4177 1-4193 1*4209 1-4239 i*43i3 4- 1-4293 1-4318 !'434i 1*4384 1*4496 4-25 r 4399 i'443 2 1*4463 i*45i9 1-4666 4-5 1-4499 l*4538 i'4575 1*4646 1-4826 475 1-4592 1-4638 1*4681 1*4763 i'4976 5* 1-4678 1-4730 1*4780 1-4874 1*5116 5-25 1-4760 1-4818 1*4873 1-4978 i*5249 5-5 1-4836 1-4900 1-4961 1-5076 1*5375 575 1-4909 1-4978 1-5044 1-5169 1*5495 6- 1-4977 1-5051 1-5122 1-5257 1*5609 6-5 I'S^l 1-5187 1-5267 1*5421 1-5821 7- 1-5217 l*53io i*5399 1*5569 1*6015 7-5 i*532i 1-5422 1*5520 1*5705 1*6193 8- 1-5417 l*55 2 5 1-5630 1*5830 1*6358 8-5 i*5504 1-5620 i*5732 1*5945 1*6511 9- 1-5586 1-5708 1-5826 1-6053 1-6653 9-5 1-5661 1-5790 i*59i5 1-6153 1-6787 10 i'573 2 1-5866 1-5996 1*6246 1-6912 11 1-5860 1-6005 1*6146 1*6416 1-7140 12 i*5973 1-6128 1-6278 1-6568 i*7345 13 1*6074 1-6238 1-6397 1-6703 1-7529 14 1-6165 1-6337 1*6504 1-6826 1-7697 15 1*6249 1-6428 1*6602 1-6939 1*7851 16 1-6324 1-6510 1*6691 1-7041 1*7992 20 1*6573 1-6782 1-6985 1-7380 1*8462 72 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY FOB NEW RUBBLE, OLD BRICK- Corresponding to Values of E and S per N=0'017. E S per thousand. I'O and upwards. 0'8 0'6 0'5 0'4 0-10 0-4454 0*4426 0'4379 0-4344 0*4292 0-15 0*5116 0-5086 0*5039 0*5002 0-4949 0-20 0-5613 0-5583 o-553 6 0*5499 0-5445 0-25 0*6011 0-5982 0*5935 0*5899 0*5846 0-3 0-6344 0*6316 0*6269 0*6234 0*6182 0-35 0-6629 0-6601 0-6556 0*6521 0*6470 0-4 0-6878 0-6851 0*6807 0*6773 0*6723 0-45 07099 0-7073 0*7030 0*6997 0-6948 0-5 0-7297 0*7272 0*7230 0*7198 0-7151 0-55 0-7477 0-7452 0*7412" 0*7381 0-7335 0-6 0-7641 0-7617 0*7578 0-7548 0-7503 0-65 0-7792 0-7769 0*7731 0-7702 0-7658 0-7' 0-7931 0-7909 0*7872 0-7844 0-7802 0-75 0-806 1 0-8039 0*8004 0-7976 0*7936 0-8 0-8182 0-8161 0*8127 0*8 1 oo 0*806 1 0-9 0-8402 0-8382 0*8350 0*8325 0*8288 1-0 0-8597 0-8579 0*8549 0*8526 0*8491 1-1 0-8773 0-8756 0*8728 0*8707 0*8674 1-2 0-8932 0*8916 0-8890 0*8870 0*8840 1-25 0-9006 0-899T 0-8966 0*8946 0*8917 1-8 0-9077 0-9062 0-9038 0*9019 0*8991 1-4 0-9211 0-9197 0-9174 0-9156 0-9131 1-5 0-9334 0-9321 0-9301 0-9284 0-9260 1-6 0-9448 0-9436 0-9417 0-9401 0-9379 17 o'9555 0*9544 0-9527 0-9512 0-9492 1-8 0-9655 0*9645 0*9629 0*9616 0-9597 1-9 0-9749 0-9739 0*9724 0*9713 0*9696 2-0 0-9837 0*9828 0*9815 0*9804 0*9788 2-1 0*9920 0*9912 0*9900 0*9890 0*9876 2-2 0-9999 0-9992 0*9981 0-9973 0*9960 2-3 1-0073 1*0067 1-0057 1*0050 1*0038 2-4 1-0144 1*0139 1-0130 1*0124 1*0113 2*5 I -02 1 2 1*0207 1*0199 1*0194 1*0185 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 73 TABLE II. WORK OR ASHLAR, AND OLD IRON AND UNGLAZED STONEWARE, thousand, suited to Culverts and Pipes. N=0'017. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 0*4210 0-4061 0*3931 0*3711 0*3264 0-10 015 0-4863 0*4709 0-4572 0*4340 0'3859 0-2 0-5360 0*5204 0*5065 0-4827 0*4330 0-25 0-5761 0-5605 0*5467 0*5228 0*4723 0-3 0-6098 0-5944 0*5807 0*5569 0*5062 0-35 0-6388 0-6237 0*6102 0*5867 0-5361 0-4 0*6643 0*6496 0*6363 0*6131 0*5629 0-45 0-6870 0*6726 0*6596 0*6368 0-5872 0-5 0-7075 0-6934 0*6807 0*6584 0*6095 0-55 0-7261 0-7124 0*7000 0*6782 0*6301 0-6 0-7431 0*7298 0*7177 0*6964 0*6492 0-65 0-7588 07459 0*7341 0*7133 0*6671 07 0-7734 0*7609 0*7494 0*7291 0*6838 075 0-7870 0*7748 0*7637 0*7439 0*6996 0-8 0-7997 0*7879 0*7770 0*7578 0-7145 0-9 0-8228 0*8117 0*8015 0-7833 0-7421 1-0 o'8435 0*8331 0*8235 0*8063 0*7672 1-1 0-8621 0*8523 0-8433 0-8272 0-7901 1-2 0-8791 0*8699 0*8615 0*8463 0*8113 1-25 0-8870 0*8781 0*8700 0-8553 0*8213 1-3 0-8945 0*8860 . 0-8781 0*8639 0*8310 1-4 0*9088 0*9009 0-8935 0*8802 0*8493 1-5 0-9221 0*9147 0-9078 0*8954 0-8665 1-6 0-9344 0*9275 0-9211 0*9096 0*8826 17 0-9458 0-9395 0-9336 0*9230 0*8978 1-8 0*9566 0*9508 0-9454 0-9355 0*9122 1-9 0-9667 0*9614 0*9564 0*9473 0*9259 2-0 0-9763 0*9714 0-9668 0*9586 0*9389 2-1 0-9853 0-9809 0-9767 0*9692 o'95 J 3 2-2 0-9938 0-9898 0*9861 o*9794 0*9631 2-3 1*0019 0-9984 0*9951 0*9890 0*9744 2-4 1-0097 1-0065 1*0036 0*9982 0*9853 2-5 1-0171 1-0143 1*0118 1*0070 0*9957 10 74 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY FOE NEW Corresponding to Values of E and N=0017. E S per thousand. and upwards. 0'8 0'6 0'5 0'4 1-75 0-9606 0*9596 0*9578 0-9565 0*9545 2- 0-9837 0-9828 0*9815 0-9804 0-9788 2-25 0036 1*0030 OOI9 'OOI2 0*9999 2-5 'O2I2 1*0207 0199 0194 0185 275 0368 1-0365 -0359 0356 0350 3- 0508 1*0506 0503 O5O2 0500 3-25 0634 1*0634 0634 0634 -0634 3-5 - -0750 1*0751 0753 '755 0758 375 0856 1*0858 O86l 0864 0869 4- 0953 1*0957 0962 -0967 0974 4-25 1043 1-1048 1056 1062 1071 4-5 1127 1-1133 1142 1149 1160 4-75 1206 1-1213 I22 3 1232 1244 5- 1279 1*1287 1299 1309 1323 5-25 1348 1-1357 1370 1381 1397 5-5 1414 1-1423 1438 1450 1467 5-75 1476 1-1485 -I5OI 1515 1534 6- 1533 1-1544 1561 1576 1596 6-5 1641 1-1653 1673 -1690 1712 7- 1738 1-1751 1773 1792 1817 7-5 1827 1-1842 1866 1886 1914 8- 1909 1-1925 1951 1972 2OO2 8-5 1984 I-2OOI 2029 2051 2083 9- 2054 I-2072 2101 2124 2159 9-5 2119 1-2138 2169 2194 2230 10 2180 1*2199 2232 2258 2295 11 2290 1*2311 2346 -2374 2415 12 2388 I*24IO 2448 2477 2521 13 2475 1*2499 '2539 2569 2617 14 2555 1*2580 -2621 2654 2703 15 2627 1*2653 2696 2730 2782 16 2692 1*2719 2764 2799 I-2853 20 1-2909 1-2939 1*2990 1-3030 1*3090 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 75 TABLE II. BUBBLE, AND OLD BRICKWORK OR ASHLAR, S per thousand, suited to Aqueducts. N=0017. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0*15 0*10 0*05 1-75 0-9513 0-9452 0*9396 0*9293 0*9051 2* 0-9763 0-9714 0*9668 0*9586 0-9389 2-25 0-9979 0*9942 0*9907 0*9842 0-9688 2-5 0171 0143 0118 I-0070 0-9957 2-75 0341 0322 0306 1-0275 I'O2OO 3- 0494 0485 0476 I-O46l I-O422 3-25 0633 0633 0632 I*0630 1*0627 3-5 0760 0767 0774 I*0786 1*0815 3-75 0877 0890 0905 I*0929 1*0991 4- 0985 1005 1026 I*I063 I-H54 4-25 1085 *III2 1139 I*Il87 I*I308 4*5 1178 I2II 1344 I*I303 I*I452 4-75 1265 1305 -1343 I*I4I3 1*1588 5- 1347 1392 -1435 I*I5I5 I*l7l6 5-25 1424 -1474 1522 1*1612 1*1837 5-5 1496 1552 1605 1*1704 i'!953 5-75 '1625 1683 1-1791 1*2063 6- 1630 1695 1757 1-1873 1*2168 6-5 1750 l824 1895 1-2027 1*2364 7- 1860 1942 '2O2O 1-2168 1-2544 7-5 1960 '2049 2135 1-2297 1-2711 8* 2052 2148 2241 1*2416 1-2865 8-5 2137 *224O "2339 1*2526 1-3008 9- -2216 2325 243 1*2629 1-3143 9*5 2289 2404 25*5 1*2725 1-3269 10 2358 2479 "2595 1*2815 I-3388 1 11 2483 2014 2740 1*2980 1*3606 12 >2 594 "2734 2870 1*3127 1-3802 13 -2693 2842 2986 1-3980 14 2783 2940 3091 1*3380 15 2866 3029 3188 I-3490 1-4292 16 2941 3 III 3276 I-359 1 1*4429 20 1-3189 I-338I .-3568 rg 1*4891 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TAELE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY FOR DAMAGED HIGHEST ORDER AND IN THE Corresponding to Values of E and S per N=0-020. E S per thousand. and upwards. 0'8 0'6 0'5 0'4 0-5613 0-559 1 o'5554 0-5526 0-5485 0-4 0-5 0-5982 0*5961 0-5926 0-5899 0-5859 0-6 0-6287 0*6267 0-6234 0*6208 0*6171 07 0-6*546 0-6528 0*6496 0-6472 0*6437 0-8 0-6772 0-6754 0-6724 0-670I 0*6668 0-9 0*6970 0-6953 0-6926 0*6904 0*6873 1-0 0-7148 0-7132 0*7106 0*7085 0*7056 1-25 0-7521 0-7508 0-7486 0*7469 0-7443 1-5 0-7823 0-7812 0-7793 0-7779 0*7758 175 0-8075 0-8065 0*8050 0*8039 0*8021 2- 0*8290 0-8282 0*8270 0*826l 0-8247 2-25 0-8477 0-8471 0*8462 0*8454 0-8443 2-5 0*8642 0-8637 0*8631 0-8625 0-8617 275 0-8789 0-8786 0*8782 0-8779 0-8773 3- 0-8921 0*8920 0*8917 0*8916 0-8913 3-25 0-9041 0*9041 0*9041 0*9041 0*9041 3-5 0-9151 0-9152 0-9154 o*^55 0-9157 4- 0-9346 0-9349 0*9354 0-9358 0-9364 4-5 0-95I3 0-9518 0*9526 o-9533 0-9543 5- 0*9659 0*9666 0-9677 0*9686 0-9699 5-5 0-9789 0-9797 0-9811 0-9822 0-9838 6- 0-9905 0-9914 0*9930 0-9943 0*9962 6-5 0009 0020 0039 1-0053 0075 7- "OIO4 0116 0137 1-0153 0177 7-5 '0190 0204 0227 1*0244 0270 8- 0270 0285 0309 1*0328 0357 8-5 0344 0360 0386 1-0406 0436 9 0413 0430 "0457 . 1-0478 '0510 10 0537 0555 0585 1-0609 0644 11 0645 -0665 0698 1-0724 0762 12 0742 0763 0798 1-0826 0867 13 0829 0851 0888 1-0918 0961 14 0907- 0930 0969 1*1000 -1046 15 0979 1003 1044 1-1077 1124 16 1044 -1069 'III2 1*1146 -1195 20 "1260 1289 1337 1-1375 I43 1 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 77 TABLE H. BUBBLE, OR FOR EARTHWORK, IN CLASS I., OP THE MOST PERFECT CONDITION, thousand, suited to Canals and Channels. N=0-020. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 0-5419 0*5298 0*5189 0*5002 0*4602 0-4 0-5 0-5796 0*5680 0*5575 0-5393 0*500I 0-6 o*6no 0*5999 0*5899 0-5724 0'5343 07 0-6380 JJ ; ^_^V 0*6274 0*6178 0*6011 0*5643 0-8 0*6614 0*6514 0*6423 0*6263 0*5910 0-9 0-6822 0*6727 0*6641 0*6489 0*6152 1-0 0-7008 0*6919 0-6838 0*6694 0*6372 1-25 0-7403 0*7327 0*7257 0*7132 0*6851 1-5 0-7724 0*7660 0*7600 0-7495 0-7253 175 0-7993 0*7940 0*7891 0*7803 0*7599 2* 0*8224 0*8181 0*8142 0*8070 0*7904 2-25 0*8426 0-8393 0*8362 0*8306 0*8175 2-5 0*8605 0*8580 0-8558 0*8517 0*8420 275 0-8764 0*8748 0-8734 0*8706 0*8642 3* 0*8909 0*8900 0*8893 0*8879 0*8846 3-25 0-9040 0*9039 0*9038 0*9037 0-9034 3-5 0*9161 0*9167 0*9172 0*9183 0*9208 4* Q'9374 0-9393 0*9411 0-9443 0*9522 4-5 0*9559 0*9589 0*9618 0*9670 0*9799 5* 0*9720 0*9761 0*9800 0*9871 1*0047 5-5 0*9864 0*9915 0*9962 1*0051 1*0270 6- 0*9993 0052 1*0109 1*0213 1*0472 6-5 ono 0177 1*0241 1*0360 1*0658 7* *O2l6 0291 4*0362 1-0495 1*0829 7-5 0313 0395 1*0474 1*0620 1*0987 8* 0404 0492 0576 1-0735 1*1135 8-5 0487 0581 0671 1*0841 1*1272 9 0563 0664 0760 1*0941 1*1401 10 0702 0814 0921 1*1122 1*1637 11 0825 0947 1063 I*I283 1*1848 12 0934 1065 1190 IT427 1*2038 13 1033 1171 1305 1*1557 1*2211 14 1122 1268 1409 1*1675 1*2369 15 1203 ' J 357 i5 4 ri784 I'25!5 16 1278 1438 1591 1*1883 1*2649 20 1525 1707 1882 1*2217 I*3I04 78 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY FOR Corresponding to Values of E. and S per N=0'0225. E S per thousand. and upwards. 0*8 0*6 0*5 0*4 0-4 0*4841 0*4822 0*4790 0-4766 0*4730 0-5 0-5176 0-5I57 0-5127 0-5103 0*5069 0-6 0-5454 0-543 6 0*5408 0-5385 0*5352 07 0-5692 0-5675 0-5648 0-5627 o'5595 0-8 0-5900 0*5884 0-5858 0-5837 0*5808 0-9 0-6083 0-6068 0-6043 0*6024 0-5996 1-0 0-6247 0-6233 0*6210 0*6192 0*6166 1-25 0*6596 0-6583 0-6564 0-6549 0*6526 1-5 0-6878 0-6868 0-6852 0-6839 0-6820 175 0-7115 0*7107 0-7093 0*7083 0*7067 2* 0-7319 0-7312 0-7301 0-7293 0-7280 2-25 0*7496 0-7491 0-7483 0-7476 0-7466 2-5 0-7654 0*7650 0-7643 0-7638 0*7631 275 0-7794 0-7791 0-7787 0-7784 0-7779 3* 0-7921 0-7919 0-7917 0-7915 0-7913 3-25 0*8036 0*8036 0*8036 0-8035 0*8035 3-5 O*8l42 0*8142 0*8144 0*8145 0-8147 4* 0*8329 0*8332 0-8337 0*8341 0*8346 4-5 0*8491 0*8495 0*8503 0*8510 0-8518 5* 0-8632 0*8639 0*8649 0*8658 0-8669 5-5 0-8758 0-8766 0-8779 0-8790 0-8804 6* 0-887I 0-8880 0-8895 0-8908 0-8925 6-5 0-8973 0*8984 0-9001 0-9015 0-9034 7* 0*9066 0-9077 0-9097 0*9112 0-9134 7-5 0-9151 0-9164 0*9185 0*9202 0*9226 8* 0-9230 0-9243 0*9266 0-9284 0-9310 8-5 0-9302 0-9316 0*9341 0*9361 0-9390 9 0*9369 0-9385 0-9411 0-9431 0-9461 10 0*9491 0*9508 0-9537 0-9559 0-9592 11 0*9598 0*9617 0*9648 0-9673 0-9709 12 0*9694 0-9714 0-9747 0-9774 0*9812 13 0-9780 0-9801 0*9836 0*9865 0-9905 14 0-9857 0-9880 0-9917 0-9947 0*9990 15 0-9929 0-9952 0-9991 1-0022 1*0067 16 0-9994 1-0018 1-0059 I-OO9I 1*0138 20 I'O2O9 1-0237 1-0283 I*0320 1-0373 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 79 TABLE II. EARTHWORK, IN CLASS II., ABOVE THE AVERAGE, thousand, suited to Canals and Channels. N-00225. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 0-4673 0-4569 0*4476 0-4316 0-3980 0-4 0-5 0-5014 0-4914 0*4823 0-4668 0-4336 0-6 0*5300 0-5203 0-5116 0-4966 0-4642 07 '5545 0-5453 0*5370 0-5225 0*4912 0-8 0-5760 0-5673 0-5593 0'5455 0-5I53 0-9 0-5952 0-5868 o*5793 0-5661 0*5371 1-0 0*6124 0-6045 o*5974 0-5848 0*5571 1-25 0-6490 0*6422 0*6360 0-6251 O'6OO7 1-5 0*6789 0*6732 0-6679 0-6586 0*6375 175 0*7042 0*6994 0*6950 0-6872 0*6694 2- 0*7259 0*7221 0*7185 0-7122 0*6975 2-25 0-7450 0-7420 0*7392 o*7343 0-7227 2-5 0*7620 0*7598 o*7577 0-7540 0-7455 275 0-7772 0*7757 o*7744 0-7719 0*7662 3- 0-7909 0*7902 0*7895 0-7882 0-7852 3-25 0*8035 0-8034 0*8033 0*8032 0*8029 3-5 0*8150 0-8156 0*8161 0-8170 0*8193 4- * 8 355. 0-8372 0*8389 0-8418 0*8489 4-5 0-8533 0-8561 0*8587 0-8635 0*8751 5- 0-8689 0-8727 0*8763 0-8828 0*8986 5-5 0-8829 0-8875 0*8919 0-9001 0*9198 6- 0-8954 0-9009 0*9061 0-9157 0*9392 6-5 0-9067 0-9130 0*9189 0-9299 0-9570 7- 0-9171 0-9241 0*9307 0-9430 o*9733 7-5 0-9266 0-9343 0-9415 0-9550 0-9886 8- '9354 0-9437 '95I5 0-9662 0028 8-5 0*9435 0*9524 0-9608 0-9766 0160 9 0*9510 0*9605 0-9695 0-9863 0285 10 0-9647 0*9752 0-9853 1*0040 0513 11 0-9768 0*9883 0-9992 1-0197 -0718 12 0-9876 I *0000 0117 '0339 0903 13 0-9974 1*0105 -0230 -0466 1072 14 1-0062 I'O2OO 0333 0583 -1226 15 1-0143 1-0288 0428 0691 1369 16 1*0217 1-0368 0514 0789 1502 20 1-0463 1*0636 0803 1120 1949 80 CANAL AND CULVEBT TABLES, TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, FOE EARTH- Corresponding to Values of K, and S per N=0'025. E S per thousand. and upwards. 0'8 0*6 0*5 0'4 0-4 0*4241 0*4224 0*4196 0*4175 o'4H3 0-5 0-4547 0*4530 o-45 3 0*4483 0*4452 0-6 0*4802 0*4787 0*4761 0*4741 0-4712 07 0-5022 0*5008 0*4983 0*4964 0-4936 0-8 0-5214 0*5200 0*5176 0*5158 0*5132 0-9 0'53 8 4 o-537i 0-5349 0-5332 0*5307 1-0 0-5537 0*5525 0-5504 0*5488 0*5464 1-25 0-5863 0*5852 0-5834 0*5820 0*5800 1-5 0*6129 0*6120 0*6105 0*6093 0*6076 175 0*6353 0*6346 0-6334 0-6324 0*6310 2* 0-6546 0*6540 0*6530 0-6522 0*6510 2-25 0*6715 0*6710 0-6703 0-6697 0*6687 2-5 0*6865 0-6861 0*6856 0-6851 0*6844 275 0*7000 0-6997 0*6994 0*6991 0*6986 3* 0*7121 0*7119 0*7117 0*7116 0-7114 3-25 0*7232 0*7231 0*7231 0*7231 0*7231 3-5 0-7333 07334 0*7336 0-7337 0-7338 4f 0*7514 0-75I7 0*7521 0-7525 0*7530 4-5 0*7671 0*7675 0*7682 0*7688 0*7696 5* 0*7808 0*7814 0*7824 0-7831 0*7843 5-5 0*7931 0*7938 0*7949 0*7959 0*7973 6* 0*8041 0*8049 0*8063 0*8075 0*8091 6-5 0*8140 0*8150 0*8166 0*8179 0-8198 i 7* 0*8231 0*8242 0*8260 0*8274 0-8295 7-5 0-8314 0*8326 0*8346 0*8361 0*8385 8* 0*8391 0*8404 0*8426 0*8442 0*8467 8-5 0*8462 0*8476 0*8500 0*8517 0-8544 9 0*8529 0-8543 0*8568 0*8587 0*8615 10 0*8649 0*8665 0*8692 0*8713 0*8745 11 0-8755 0*8773 0*8803 0*8826 0-8859 12 0*8849 0*8868 0*8900 0*8925 0-8962 13 0*8934 0-8954 0*8988 0*9015 0-9054 14 0*9011 0-9033 0*9068 0*9096 0*9138 15 0-9082 0*9104 0*9140 0*9170 0*9214 16 0*9146 0*9170 0*9208 0*9239 0*9285 20 0*9361 0*9388 0*9432 0*9467 0-9519 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 81 TABLE II. WORKS, IN CLASS III., IN Q-OOD AVERAGE ORDER, thousand, suited to Canals and Channels. N=0'025. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 0*4094 0*4003 0*3923 0-3785 '3499 0-4 0-5 0-4404 0*4317 0*4238 0*4103 0-3819 0-6 0-4666 0-4581 0-4505 0-4374 0*4096 07 0-4892 0*4810 0*4737 0-4611 0*4340 0-8 0*5090 0*5012 0'4943 0*4821 0*4560 0-9 0-5267 0-5193 0*5127 0*5011 0-4759 1-0 0-5427 0-5357 0*5293 0*5179 0*4942 1-25 0-5768 0*5707 0-5653 0-5556 0-5342 1-5 0*6048 0*5997 0*5950 0*5867 0*5682 175 0-6286 0-6243 0-6204 0*6134 0*5977 2* 0*6492 0-6457 0*6425 0-6368 0-6238 2-25 0*6673 0*6646 0-6620 0*6575 0*6473 2-5 0-6834 0-6814 0-6795 0*6762 0*6686 275 0-6979 0*6966 0-6953 0*6931 0*6880 3* 0*7110 0-7103 0*7097 0*7086 0*7059 3-25 0*7230 0*7230 0*7229 0*7228 0-7225 3-5 07341 0*7346 o-735i 0-7359 0-7380 4* 07538 0-7554 0*7569 0*7596 07660 4-5 0*7710 0*7736 0*7760 0*7804 0-7909 5* 0-7861 0*7896 0*7929 0*7989 0*8132 5-5 0-7996 0-8040 0*8080 0-8155 0-8335 6- 0-8118 0*8169 0*8217 0*8306 0*8520 6-5 0-8229 0*8287 0*8342 0-8443 0-8690 7* 0-8329 0-8395 0*8456 0*8570 0-8848 7-5 0*8422 0*8494 0-8562 0-8687 0*8994 8- 0*8508 0*8586 0-8660 0-8795 0-9131 8-5 0-8588 0-8671 0*8750 0-8897 0-9259 9 0*8662 0*8751 0*8835 0-8991 0-9380 10 0-8797 0*8895 0*8990 0*9164 0*9601 11 0*8916 0-9024 0*9127 0*9318 0*9800 12 0*9022 0*9139 0*9250 0-9457 0*9980 13 0*9118 0-9243 0*9361 0-9583 1-0145 14 0*9206 0*9337 0*9463 0*9698 1*0296 15 0*9286 0*9424 0*9556 0*9804 1-0436 16 0*9360 0*9504 0*9642 0*9901 1*0566 20 0-9605 0*9770 0-9929 1*0229 1-1007 82 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, FOE EARTH- Corresponding to Values of E and S per N=00275. E S per thousand. and upwards. 0*8 0*6 0'5 0*4 0-4 0*3762 0'3747 0-3722 0-3703 0*3676 0-5 0-4043 0*4029 0*4005 0-3987 0-3960 0-6 0-4279 0*4265 0*4242 0-4225 0-4199 07 0-4483 0*4469 0-4448 0-4432 0*4406 0-8 0*4662 0*4649 0-4628 0-4613 0*4588 0-9 0-4821 0-4808 0*4789 0-4774 0-475 1 1-0 0-4964 0-4952 0-4934 0-4919 0*4898 1-25 0-5270 0-5260 0*5244 0-5231 0-5213 1-5 0-5521 0-55I3 '5499 0-5488 o-5473 175 0-5733 0-5726 0*5715 0-5705 0*5693 2- 0-5917 0-5911 0*5902 0-5894 0-5884 2-25 0-6078 0-6073 0*6066 0*6060 0*6052 2-5 0-6221 0*6218 0*6213 0*6208 0*6202 275 0*6350 0*6348 0*6344 0-6341 0*6337 3- 0-6467 0*6465 0*6463 0-6462 0*6460 3-25 0-6573 0-6573 0*6573 0-6573 0-6572 3-5 0*6671 0*6672 0-6673 0-6674 0*6676 4f 0-6846 0-6848 0-6852 0-6856 0*6860 4-5 0-6998 0*7002 0-7008 0-7014 0*7021 5- 0-7131 0-7137 0-7146 0-7I53 0*7163 5-5 0-7251 0-7257 0*7270 0-7277 0*7290 6* 07358 0-7366 0-7379 0-7389 0-7405 6-5 7455 0-7464 0*7479 0-7491 0*7509 7- 07544 7554 0*7571 o-75 8 4 0*7604 7-5 0-7626 0-7637 0*7655 0-7670 0*7692 8- 0-7701 0-7713 0-7733 0-7749 0*7773 8-5 0-7771 0-7784 0-7806 0-7823 0-7848 i 9 0-7836 0-7850 0-7873 0-7891 0-7918 10 07954 0-7970 0-7995 0*8015 0*8045 11 0-8059 0-8076 0-8103 0-8125 0*8158 12 0*8152 0-8170 0*8200 0-8224 0*8259 13 0*8236 0-8256 0-8288 0-8313 0*8350 14 0-8313 0-8333 0-8367 0-8394 0-8433 15 0-8383 0-8404 0*8440 0-8468 0*8509 16 0-8447 0-8469 0-8506 0-8536 0-8579 20 0-8661 0-8687 0-8729 0-8763 0-8812 PAET I. COMPUTING TABLES. 83 TABLE II. WORK, IN CLASS IV., BELOW THE AVERAGE, thousand, suited to Canals and Channels. N=0'0275. E, S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 0-3632 0'3553 0-3483 0-3363 0-3116 0-4 0-5 0-3917 0*3840 0*3771 0-3653 0-3407 0-6 0-4158 0*4083 0*4016 0*3901 0-3659 07 0-4367 0*4295 0*4230 0*4119 0-3883 0-8 Q'455 1 0*4482 0*4420 o-43 J 3 0*4084 0-9 0-4715 0*4650 0*4590 0*4488 0-4267 1-0 0*4864 0*4802 0-4745 0*4647 0-4436 1-25 0-5184 0*5129 0-5080 0*4994 0-4805 1-5 0-5448 0*5401 0-5359 0-5285 0-5121 175 0-5672 0-5633 0-5598 0-5535 0-5395 2* 0-5867 0*5836 0-5807 0-5755 0*5640 2-25 0-6039 0*6014 0-5991 Q'595 1 0-5859 2-5 0-6193 0*6174 0-6157 0*6127 0-6059 275 0-6331 0-6319 0-6308 0*6287 0*6242 3* 0-6457 0*6451 0*6445 0*6434 0-6411 3-25 0*6572 0*6572 0-6571 0*6570 0-6567 3-5 0*6679 0*6683 0-6688 0*6695 0*6714 4* 0-6869 0*6883 0-6897 0*6921 0*6979 4-5 0*7034 0*7058 0-7081 0-7121 0-7216 5* 0*7181 0*7213 0-7244 0-7298 0-7429 5-5 0*7312 0*7352 0-7390 0-7459 0-7623 6* 0*7430 0*7478 0*7523 0*7604 0*7800 6-5 07538 0-7593 0*7644 0-7738 0-7964 7* 0-7636 0*7698 0*7755 0-7860 0-8117 7-5 0-7727 0-7795 0-7857 0-7974 0-8257 8* 0-7811 0-7884 0-7953 0-8080 0-8389 8-5 0-7889 0-7968 0-8042 0-8178 0-8512 9 0-7962 0-8046 0*8125 0-8271 0*8629 10 0*8094 0-8188 0*8276 0-8439 0*8844 11 0-8212 0-8314 0*8411 0-8590 0-9037 12 - 0-8317 0*8427 0*8532 0*8726 0*9212 13 0*8412 0*8530 0*8642 0*8850 0-9373 14 0-8498 0*8623 0*8742 0*8963 0*9521 15 0*8578 0*8709 0*8834 0*9068 0*9658 16 0*8651 0*8788 0*8919 0*9164 0*9785 20 0*8894 0*9052 0*9204 0*9488 1*0219 84 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE II. COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, FOR EARTH- BEDS PARTLY OVERGROWN, OR Corresponding to Values of E. and S per N=0030. E S per thousand. and upwards. 0*8 0*6 0'5 0'4 ______ i 0-4 Q'3373 0-3360 0-3338 0*3321 0-3297 0-5 0-3633 0*3620 0-3599 0*3582 0*3559 0-6 0-3852 0-3840 0*3819 0*3803 0-3780 07 0*4042 0*4030 0*4010 0*3995 0-3973 0-8 0-4209 0-4197 0*4179 0*4164 0-4143 0-9 0-4358 0-4347 0*4329 o-43!5 0-4295 1-0 0-4493 0*4482 0-4465 0-4452 0-4433 1-25 0-4781 0*4772 0*4757 0-4746 0*4729 1-5 0-5019 0*5011 0-4999 0*4989 0*4975 175 0-5220 0*5214 0-5204 0-5196 0*5184 2* 0-5395 0-5390 0-5382 o*5375 0-5365 2-25 o'5549 0*5545 0-5539 o*5534 0*5526 2-5 0-5687 0*5684 0-5679 0*5675 0*5669 275 0-5810 0-5808 0*5805 0*5803 0-5799 3* 0-5922 0-5921 0*5920 0*5918 0-5916 3-25 0*6025 0*6025 0-6025 0*6025 0-6025 3-5 0*6120 0*612 1 0*6122 0*6123 0*6124 4* 0*6289 0*6291 0*6295 0*6298 0-6303 4-5 0-6436 0*6440 0-6446 0-6450 0-6458 5- 0*6566 0-6571 0-6580 0-6586 0-6596 5-5 0*6682 0-6688 0*6699 0-6708 0-6720 & 0*6787 0-6794 0-6807 0-6817 0-6831 6-5 0*6882 0*6890 0*6905 0-6916 0*6933 7* 0-6969 0*6978 0*6994 0*7007 07026 7-5 0-7049 0-7060 0-7077 0-7091 0*7111 8- 0-7123 0*7134 0-7154 0*7169 0*7191 8-5 0-7192 0-7204 0-7225 0-7241 0*7265 9 0-7256 0-7269 0-7291 0*7308 0-7333 10 0-7372 0*7387 0*7411 0*7430 0-7459 11 0-7475 0*7491 0-7518 o*7539 0-7570 12 0*7568 o'75 8 5 0*7614 0*7636 07670 13 0*7651 0*7669 0-7700 0*7724 0-7760 14 0*7727 0*7746 0-7779 0-7804 0*7842 15 07796 0*7817 0-7851 0-7877 0*7917 16 0*7860 07881 0-7917 0-7945 0*7987 20 0*8073 0*8098 0*8138 0*8171 0-8219 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 85 TABLE II. WORK, IN CLASS V., IN RATHER BAD ORDER, HAVING PARTLY BLOCKED BY DEPOSITS, thousand, suited to Canals and Channels. N=0-030. E S per thousand. 0-3 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 0-3258 0-3188 0-3125 0*3021 0-2805 0-4 0-5 0-3521 0-3452 0-3389 0*3287 0*3072 0-6 0-3744 0-3677 0-3617 0*3516 0-3304 07 0-3938 0-3873 0-3814 0*3717 0-3510 0-8 0*4109 0-4047 0-3992 0*3897 0-3695 0-9 0-4263 0-4204 0-4151 0*4059 0-3865 1-0 0-4402 0-4346 0*4296 0-4208 0*4021 1-25 0-4703 0-4653 0*4609 0-4532 0*4364 1-5 0-4951 0*4910 0-4871 0-4804 0*4658 175 0*5164 0-5129 0-5096 0*5040 0*4915 2- 0-535 0-5321 0*5294 0*5248 0*5144 2-25 0-55H 0-5491 0*5470 o'5433 o'535i 2-5 0*5660 0-5643 0*5628 0*5601 o*5539 275 0-5793 0-5782 ' 0-5771 0*5753 0*5712 3- o-59 J 3 0-5908 0-5902 0*5893 0-5871 3-25 0-6024 0*6024 0-6023 0*6022 0-6020 3-5 0-6127 0*6131 0-6135 0*6142 0*6159 4- 0-6310 0-6323 0-6336 0*6359 0*6411 4-5 0-6470 0*6492 0*6512 0*6550 0*6637 5- 0*6612 0-6642 0*6671 0*6721 0*6841 5-5 0-6740 0*6777 0*6813 0*6876 0*7026 6* 0-6855 0-6899 0*6941 0*7017 0*7197 6-5 0-6960 0-7011 0*7059 0*7146 0-7354 7* 0-7056 0-7113 0*7167 0*7265 0*7500 7-5 0-7145 0-7208 0*7267 0*7376 0-7636 8* 0-7227 0*7296 0*7360 0*7478 0-7764 8-5 0-7303 0*7377 0-7446 0*7574 0-7883 9 0-7375 0-7454 0-7528 0*7665 0-7996 10 07505 0*7593 0-7676 0*7830 0-8205 11 0-7621 0-7717 0-7808 0*7978 0-8393 12 0-7724 0*7829 0-7928 0*8111 0-8564 13 0-7818 0-7930 0-8036 0*8233 0-8721 14 0-7904 0-8022 0-8135 0-8344 0-8865 15 0-7983 0*8107 0*8226 0-8447 0*9000 16 0-8055 0-8186 0*8310 0-8542 0-9124 20 0-8297 0-8448 0*8593 0-8863 0-9551 87 TABLE III. TABLE III. VALUES OF THE EXPRESSION 1. SUITABLE TO CULVERTS AND PIPES, 2. SUITABLE TO CANALS AND CHANNELS, FOR USE IN THE GENERAL FORMULAE, Q=C.A.10(VES, V=C.100v/ES. 88 CANAL AND CCJLVEUT TABLES. TABLE III. VALUES OF THE EXPRESSION Corresponding to values E S per thousand. 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 0-05 3-162 3- 2-915 2-828 2-738 2-648 2-549 0-10 4-472 4-243 4-123 4- 3-873 3-742 3-606 0-15 5-477 5-196 5-050 4-898 4-743 4-583 4-416 0-20 6-325 6- 5-831 5-656 5-476 5-292 5-099 0-25 7-071 6-708 6-519 6-325 6-123 5-916 5701 0-30 7-746 7-348 7-141 6-928 6-708 6-481 6-245 0-35 8-367 7-937 ' 7-713 7-484 7-246 7- 6-745 0-40 8-944 8-485 8-246 8- 7-746 7-483 7-211 0-45 9-487 9- 8-746 8-486 8-216 7-937 7-647 0-50 10- 9-487 9-220 8-944 8-660 8-367 8-062 0-6 10-954 10-392 10-100 9-797 9-487 9-165 8-832 07 11-832 11-225 10-909 10-583 10-247 9-899 9-539 0-8 12-649 12- 11-662 11-314 10-954 10-583 10-198 0-9 13-416 12-728 12-369 12- 11-619 11-225 10-817 1-0 14-142 13-416 13-038 12-649 12-247 11-832 11-402 1-1 14-832 14-071 13-675 13-266 12-845 12-410 11-958 1-2 15-492 14-697 14-283 13-856 13-416 12-961 12-490 1-3 16-125 15-297 14-866 14-422 13-964 13-491 13- 1-4 16-733 15-875 15-427 14-967 14-491 14- 13-491 1-5 17-321 16-432 15-969 15-492 15- 14-491 13-964 1-6 17-889 16-971 16-492 16- 15-492 14-967 14-422 17 18-439 17-493 17- 16-492 15-969 15-427 14-866 1-8 18-974 18- 17-493 16-971 16-432 15-875 15-294 1-9 19-494 18-493 17-972 17-436 16-882 16-310 15-716 2-0 20- 18-974 18-439 17-889 17-321 16-733 16-125 2-1 2-2 2-3 2'4 2-5 2-6 27 2-8 2-9 3-0 PAET I. COMPUTING TABLES. 89 TABLE III. 100\/KS, SUITABLE TO CULVERTS AND PlPES, of B> and S per thousand. E S per thousand. 12 11 10 9 8 76 0-05 2-449 2-345 2-236 2-121 2- 1-871 1-732 0-10 3-464 3-317 3-162 3- 2-828 2-648 2-449 0-15 4-243 4-062 3-873 3-674 3-464 3-240 3- 0-20 4-899 4-690 4-472 4-243 4- 3-742 3-464 0-25 5-477 5-244 5- 4-743 4-472 4-183 3-873 0-30 6- 5-745 5-477 5-196 4-898 4-583 4-243 0-35 6-480 6-205 5-916 5-612 5-292 4-950 4-583 0-40 6-928 6-633 6-325 6- 5-656 5-292 4-899 0-45 7-348 7-035 6-708 6-364 6- 5-612 5-196 0-50 7-746 7-416 7-071 6-708 6-325 5-916 5-477 0-6 8-486 8-124 7-746 7-348 6-928 6-481 6- 07 9-165 8-775 8-367 7-937 7-484 7- 6-480 0-8 9-798 9-381 8-944 8-485 8- 7-483 6-928 0-9 10-392 9-950 9-487 9- 8-486 7-937 7-348 1-0 10-954 10-488 10- 9-487 8-944 8-367 7-746 1-1 11-489 11- 10-488 9-950 9-381 8-775 8-124 1-2 12- 11-489 10-954 10-392 9-797 9-165 8-486 1-3 12-490 11-958 11-402 10-817 10-198 9-539 8-832 1-4 12-961 12-410 11-832 11-225 10-583 9-899 9-165 1-5 13-416 12-845 12-247 11-619 10-954 10-247 9-487 1-6 13-856 13-266 12-649 12- 11-314 10-583 9-798 17 14-283 13-675 13-038 12-369 11-662 10-909 10-100 1-8 14-697 14-071 13-416 12-728 12- 11-225 10-392 1-9 15-100 14-457 13-784 13-077 12-329 11-533 10-677 2-0 15-492 14-832 14-142 13-416 12-650 11-832 10-954 2-1 15-875 15-199 14-491 13-748 12-961 12-124 11-225 2-2 16-248 15-556 14-832 14-071 13-266 12-410 11-489 2-3 16-613 15-906 15-166 14-387 13-565 12-689 11-747 2-4 16-971 16-248 15-492 14-697 13-856 12-961 12- 2-5 17-321 16-583 15-811 15- 14-142 13-229 12-247 2-6 17-664 16-912 16-125 15-297 14-422 13-491 12-490 27 18- 17-234 16-432 15-588 14-697 13-748 12-689 2-8 18-330 17-550 16-733 15-875 14-967 14- 12-961 2-9 18-655 17-861 17-029 16-155 15-232 14-248 13-191 3-0 18-974 18-166 17-321 16-432 15-492 14-491 13-416 12 90 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE in. VALUES OF THE EXPRESSION Corresponding to values E S per thousand. 5- 4-5 4- 3-5 3- 2-5 2- 0-05 1-581 1-5 1-414 1-324 1-225 1-118 1- 0-10 2-236 2-121 2- 1-871 1-732 1-581 1-414 0-15 2-739 2-598 2-449 2-291 2-121 1-936 1-732 0-20 3-162 3- 2-828 2-648 2-449 2-236 2- 0-25 3-536 3-354 3-162 2-958 2-739 2-5 2-236 0-30 3-873 3-674 3-464 3-240 3- 2-739 2-449 0-35 4-183 3-963 3-742 3-5 3-240 2-958 2-646 0-40 4-472 4-243 4- 3-742 3-464 3-162 2-828 0-45 4-743 4-5 4-243 3-969 3-674 3-354 3- 0-50 5- 4-743 4-472 4-183 3-873 3-536 3-162 0-6 5-477 5-196 4-898 4-583 4-243 3-873 3-464 07 5-916 5-612 5-292 4-950 4-583 4-183 3-742 0-8 6-325 6- 5-656 5-292 4-899 4-472 4- 0-9 6-708 6-364 6- 5-612 5-196 4-743 4-243 1-0 7-071 6-708 6-325 5-916 5-477 5- 4-472 1-1 7-416 7-036 6-633 6-205 5-744 5-244 4-690 1-2 7-746 7-348 6-928 6-481 6- 5-477 4-898 1-3 8-062 7-649 7-211 6-745 6-245 5-701 5-098 1-4 8-367 7-937 7-484 7- 6-480 5-916 5-292 1-5 8-660 8-216 7-746 7-246 6708 6-123 5-477 1*6 8-944 8-485 8- 7-483 6-928 6-325 5-656 17 9-220 8-746 8-246 7-714 7-141 6-519 5-831 1-8 9-487 9- 8-486 7-937 7-348 6-708 6- 1-9 9-747 9-247 8-718 8-155 7-550 6-892 6-164 2-0 10- 9-487 8-944 8-367 7-746 7-071 6-325 2-1 10-247 9-721 9-165 8-631 7-937 7-246 6-481 2-2 10-488 9-950 9-381 8-775 8-124 7-416 6-633 2-3 10-724 10-174 9-592 8-972 8-307 7-583 6-782 2-4 10-954 10-392 9-797 9-165 8-486 7-746 6-928 2-5 11-180 10-606 10- 9-354 8-660 7-905 7-071 2-6 11-402 10-817 10-198 9-539 8-832 8-062 7-211 27 11-619 11-023 10-392 9-670 9- 8-216 7-348 2-8 11-832 11-225 10-583 9-899 9-165 8-367 7-484 2-9 12-042 11-424 10-770 10-075 9-327 8-515 7-616 3-0 12-247 11-619 10-954 10-247 9-487 8-660 7-746 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 91 TABLE HI. 100\/KS, SUITABLE TO CULVERTS AND PlPES, of E and S per thousand. E S per thousand. 1-5 1- 0-95 0-90 0-85 0-80 075 0-05 0-866 0-707 0-689 0-671 0-652 0-632 0-612 0-10 1-225 1- 0-975 0-949 0-922 0-894 0-866 0-15 1-5 1-225 1-193 1-162 1-129 1-095 1-060 0-20 1-732 1-414 1-378 1-342 1-304 1-265 1-225 0-25 1-936 1-581 1-541 1-5 1-457 1-414 1-369 0-30 2-121 1-732 1-688 1-643 1-592 1-549 1-5 0-35 2-291 1-871 1-823 1-775 1-725 1-673 1-620 0-40 2-449 2- 1-949 1-897 1-844 1-789 1-732 0-45 2-598 2-121 2-067 2-012 1-956 1-897 1-837 0-50 2-739 2-236 2-179 2-121 2-061 2- 1-936 0-6 3- 2-449 2-387 2-324 2-258 2-191 2-121 07 3-240 2-646 2-579 2-510 2-439 2-366 2-291 0-8 3-464 2-828 2-757 2-683 2-608 2-530 2-449 0-9 3-674 3- 2-924 2-846 2-766 2-683 2-598 1-0 3-873 3-162 3-082 3- 2-915 2-828 2-739 1-1 4-062 3-317 3-233 3-146 3-058 2-966 2-872 1-2 4-243 3-464 3-376 3-286 3-194 3-098 3- 1-3 4-416 3-606 3-514 3-421 3-324 3-225 3-122 1-4 4-583 3-742 3-647 3-550 3-450 3-347 3-240 1-5 4-743 3-873 3-775 3-674 3-571 3-464 3-354 1-6 4-899 4- 3-899 3-795 3-688 3-578 3-464 17 5-050 4-123 4-019 3-912 3-801 3-688 3-571 1-8 5-196 4-243 4-135 4-025 3-912 3-795 3-674 1-9 5-339 4-359 4-249 4-135 4-019 3-899 3-775 2-0 5-477 4-472 4-359 4-243 4-123 4- 3-873 2-1 5-612 4-583 4-467 4-347 4-225 4-099 3-969 2-2 5-744 4-690 4-572 4-450 4-324 4-195 4-062 2-3 5-874 4-796 4-674 4-550 4-422 4-313 4-153 2-4 6- 4-898 4-775 4-648 4-517 4-382 4-243 2-5 6-123 5- 4-873 4-743 4-610 4-472 4-330 2-6 6-245 5-098 4-970 4-837 4-701 4-561 4-416 27 6-364 5-196 5-065 4-930 4-791 4-648 4-500 2-8 6-480 5-292 5-158 5-020 4-879 4-733 4-583 2-9 6-595 5-385 5-249 5-109 4-965 4-817 4-664 3-0 6-708 5-477 5-339 5-196 5-050 4-898 4-743 92 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE III. VALUES or THE EXPRESSION Corresponding to values E S per thousand. 070 0-65 0-60 0-55 0-50 0-45 0-40 0-05 0-592 0-570 0-548 0-524 0-5 0-474 0-447 0-10 0-837 0-806 0-775 0-742 0-707 0-671 0-632 0-15 1-025 0-987 0-949 0-908 0-866 0-822 0-775 0-20 1-183 1-140 1-095 1-049 1- 0-949 0-894 0-25 1-323 1-275 1-225 1-172 1-118 1-061 1- 0-30 1-449 1-396 1-342 1-284 1-225 1-162 .1-095 0-35 1-565 1-508 1-449 1-387 1-323 1-255 1-183 0-40 1-673 1-612 1-549 1-483 1-414 1-342 1-265 0-45 1-775 1-710 1-643 1-573 1-5 1-423 1-342 0-50 1-871 1-803 1-732 1-658 1-581 1-5 1-414 0-6 2-049 1-975 1-897 1-816 1-732 1-643 1-549 0-7 2-214 2-133 2-049 1-962 1-871 1-775 1-673 0-8 2-366 2-280 2-191 2-098 2- 1-897 1-789 0-9 2-510 2-419 2-324 2-225 2-121 2-012 1-897 1-0 2-646 2-550 2-449 2-345 2-236 2-121 2- 1-1 2-775 2-674 2-569 2-460 2-345 2-225 2-098 1-2 2-898 2-793 2-683 2-569 2-449 2-324 2-191 1-3 3-017 2-907 2-793 2-674 2-549 2-419 2-280 1-4 3-130 3-017 2-898 2-775 2-646 2-510 2-366 1-5 3-240 3-122 3- 2-872 2-739 2-598 2-449 1-6 3-347 3-225 3-098 2-966 2-828 2-683 2-530 17 3-450 3-324 3-194 3-058 2-915 2-766 2-608 1-8 3-550 3-421 3-286 3-146 3- 2-846 2-683 1-9 3-647 3-514 3-376 3-233 3-082 2-924 2-757 2-0 3-742 3-606 3-464 3-317 3-162 3- 2-828 2-1 3-834 3-695 3-550 3-399 3-240 3-074 2-898 2-2 3-924 3-782 3-633 3-479 3-317 3-146 2-966 2-3 4-012 3-867 3-715 3-557 3-391 3-217 3-033 2-4 4-099 3-950 3-795 3-633 3-464 3-286 3-098 2-5 4-183 4-031 3-873 3-708 3-536 3-354 3-162 2-6 4-266 4-111 3-950 3-782 3-606 3-421 3-225 27 4-347 4-189 4-025 3-854 3-674 3-486 3-286 2-8 4-427 4-266 4-099 3-924 3-742 3-550 3-347 2-9 4-506 4-342 4-171 3-994 3-808 3-612 3-406 3-0 4-583 4-416 4-243 4-062 3-873 3-674 3-464 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 93 TABLE m 100\/ES, SUITABLE TO CULVERTS AND PlPES, of E and S per thousand. E S per thousand. 0-35 0-30 0-25 0-20 0-15 O10 0-05 0-05 0-418 0-387 0-354 0-316 0-274 0-224 0-158 0-10 0-592 0-548 0-500 0-447 0-387 0-316 0-224 0-15 0-725 0-671 0-612 0-548 0-474 0-387 0-274 0-20 0-837 0-775 0-707 0-632 0-548 0-447 0-316 0-25 0-935 0-866 0-790 0-707 0-612 0-500 0-354 0-30 1-025 0-949 0-866 0-775 0-671 0-548 0-387 0-35 1-107 1-025 0-935 0-837 0-725 0-592 0-418 0-40 1-183 1-095 1- 0-894 0-775 0-632 0-447 0-45 1-255 1-162 1-061 0-949 0-822 0-671 0-474 0-50 1-323 1-225 1-118 1- 0-866 0-707 0-500 0-6 1-449 1-342 1-225 1-095 0-949 0775 0-548 07 1-565 1-449 1-323 1-183 1-025 0-837 0-592 0-8 1-673 1-549 1-414 1-265 1-095 0-894 0-632 0-9 1-775 1-643 1-5 1-342 1-162 0-949 0-671 1-0 1-871 1-732 1-581 1-414 1-225 1- 0-707 1-1 1-962 1-817 1-658 1-483 1-285 1-049 0-742 1-2 2-049 1-897 1-732 1-549 1-342 1-095 0-775 1-3 2-133 1-975 1-803 1-612 1-396 1-140 0-806 1-4 2-214 2-049 1-871 1-673 1-449 1-183 0-837 1-5 2-291 2-121 1-936 1-732 1-500 1-225 0-866 1-6 2-366 2-191 2- 1-789 1-549 1-265 0-894 17 2-439 2-258 2-062 1-844 1-597 1-304 0-922 1-8 2-510 2-324 2-121 1-897 1-643 1-342 0-949 1-9 2-579 2-387 2-179 1-949 1-688 1-378 0-975 2-0 2-646 2-449 2-236 2- 1-732 1-414 1- 2-1 2-711 2-510 2-291 2-049 1775 1-449 1-025 2-2 2-775 2-569 2-345 2-098 1-817 1-483 1-049 2-3 2-837 2-627 2-398 2-145 1-857 1-517 1-072 2-4 2-898 2-683 2-449 2-191 1-897 1-549 1-095 2-5 2-958 2-739 2-500 2-236 1-936 1-581 1-118 2-6 3-017 2-793 2-549 2-280 1-975 1-612 1-140 27 3-074 2-847 2-598 2-324 2-012 1-643 1-162 2-8 3-130 2-898 2-646 2-366 2-049 1-673 1-183 2-9 3-186 2-950 2-693 2-408 2-086 1-703 1-204 3-0 3-240 3- 2-739 2-449 2-121 1-732 1-225 94 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE HI VALUES OP THE EXPRESSION Corresponding to values E S per thousand. 5-0 4-5 4-0 3-5 3'0 2-5 2-0 1. 7-071 6-708 6-325 5-916 5-476 5- 4-472 1-25 7-906 7-5 7-071 6-614 6-123 5-590 5- 1-5 8-660 8-216 7-746 7-246 6-708 6-123 5-477 175 9-354 8-874 8-367 7-826 7-246 6-614 5-916 2- 10* 9-487 8-944 8-367 7-746 7-071 6-325 2-25 10-606 10-062 9-487 8-874 8-216 7-5 6-708 2-5 11-180 10-606 10- 9-354 8-660 7-906 7-071 275 11-726 11-124 10-488 9-810 9-083 8-291 7-416 3- 12-247 11-619 10-954 10-247 9-487 8-660 7-746 3-25 12-747 12-093 11-402 10-665 9-874 9-014 8-062 3-5 13-229 12-550 11-832 11-068 10-247 9-354 8-367 375 13-697 12-990 12-248 11-456 10-611 9-682 8-660 4- 14-142 13-416 12-650 11-832 10-954 10- 8-944 4-25 14-577 13-829 13-038 12-196 11-292 10-308 9-220 4-5 15- 14-230 13-416 12-550 11-619 10-606 9-487 475 15-411 14-620 13-784 12-894 11-937 10-897 9-747 5- 15-811 15- 14-142 13-229 12-247 11-180 10- 5-25 16-201 15-375 14-492 13-555 12-550 11-456 10-246 5-5 16-583 15-732 14-832 13-874 12-845 11-726 10-488 575 16-956 16-086 15-166 14-186 13-134 11-989 10-724 6- 17-321 16-432 15-492 14-491 13-416 12-247 10-954 6-5 18-028 17-103 16-124 15-083 13-964 12-747 11-402 7- 18-708 17-748 16-734 15-652 14-491 13-229 11-832 7-5 19-365 18-371 17-320 16-202 15- 13-697 12-247 8- 20- 18-974 17-888 16-733 15-492 14-142 12-649 8-5 20-616 19-558 18-440 17-248 15-969 14-577 13-038 9- 21-213 20-125 19-974 17-748 16-432 15- 13-416 10- 22-361 21-213 20- 18-708 17-321 15-811 14-142 11- 23-452 22-249 20-976 19-621 18-166 16-583 14-832 12- 24-495 23-238 21-908 20-494 18-974 17-321 15-492 13- 25-494 24-187 22-804 21-331 19-748 18-028 16-124 14- 26-458 25-100 23-664 22-136 20-494 18-708 16-734 15- 27-394 25-981 24-495 22-913 21-213 19-365 17-320 16- 28-284 26-833 25-298 23-664 21-909 20- 17-888 20- 31-623 30- 28-284 26-458 24-495 22-361 20- PAET I. COMPUTING TABLES. 95 TABLE HI. 100A/BS, SUITABLE TO CANALS AND CHANNELS, of E and S per thousand. E S per thousand. 1-5 1-0 0-95 0-90 0-85 0-80 075 I- 3-873 3-162 3-082 3- 2-915 2-828 2-738 1-25 4-330 3-536 3-446 3-354 3-259 3-162 3-062 1-5 4-743 3-873 3-775 3-674 3-571 3-464 3-354 1-75 5-123 4-183 4-077 3-969 3-857 3-742 3-623 2- 5-476 4-472 4-359 4-243 4-123 4. 3-873 2-25 5-809 4-743 4-623 4-5 4-373 4-242 4-108 2-5 6-123 5- 4-873 4-743 4-610 4-472 4-330 275 6-423 5-244 5-111 4-975 4-835 4-690 4-542 3- 6-708 5-477 5-339 5-196 5-050 4-898 4-743 3-25 6-982 5-701 5-556 5-408 5-256 5-098 4.937 3-5 7-246 5-916 5-766 5-612 5-454 . 5-292 5-123 375 7-5 6-124 5-969 5-809 5-646 5-477 5-303 4- 7-746 6-325 6-164 6- 5-831 5-657 5-476 4-25 7-984 6-519 6-354 6-185 6-010 5-830 5-646 4-5 8-216 6-708 6-538 6-364 6-185 6- 5-809 475 8-441 6-892 6-718 6-538 6-354 6-164 5-969 5- 8-660 7-071 6-892 6-708 6-519 6-325 6-123 5-25 8-874 7-246 7-062 6-874 6-680 6-482 6-275 5-5 9-083 7-416 7-228 7-036 6-827 6-633 6-423 575 9-287 7-583 7-391 7-194 6-991 6-782 6-567 6- 9-487 7-746 7-550 7-348 7-141 6-928 6-708 6-5 9-874 8-062 7-858 7-649 7-433 7-211 6-982 7- 10-247 8-367 8-155 7-937 7-714 7-484 7-246 7-5 10-611 8-660 8-441 8-216 7-984 7-746 7-5 8- 10-954 8-944 8-718 8-485 8-246 8- 7-746 8-5 11-292 9-220 8-986 8-746 8-500 8-246 7-984 9- 11-619 9-487 9-247 9- 8-746 8-486 8-216 10- 12-247 10- 9-747 9-487 9-220 8-944 8-660 11- 12-845 10-488 10-223 9-950 9-670 9-381 9-083 12- 13-416 10-954 10-677 10-392 10-100 9-797 9-487 13- 13-964 11-402 11-113 10-817 10-512 10-198 9-874 14- 14-491 11-832 11-533 11-225 10-909 10-583 10-247 15- 15- 12-247 11-938 11-619 11-292 10-954 10-611 16- 15-492 12-649 12-329 12- 11-662 11-314 10-954 20- 17-321 14-142 13784 13-416 13-038 12-650 12-247 96 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE III. VALUES OF THE EXPRESSION Corresponding to values R S per thousand. 070 0-65 0-60 0-55 0-50 0-45 0-40 I- 2-646 2-550 2-449 2-345 2-236 2-121 2- 1-25 2-958 2-850 2-739 2-622 2-5 2-372 2-236 1-5 3-240 3-122 3- 2-872 2-739 2-598 2-449 175 3-500 3-372 3-240 3-102 2-958 2-806 2-646 2- 3-742 3-606 3-464 3-317 3-162 3- 2-828 2-25 3-969 3-824 3-674 3-518 3-354 3-182 3- 2-5 4-183 4-031 3-873 3-708 3-536 3-354 3-162 275 4-387 4-228 4-062 3-889 3-708 3-518 3-317 3- 4-583 4-416 4-243 4-062 3-873 3-674 3-464 3-25 4-770 4-596 4-416 4-228 4-031 3-824 3-606 3-5 4-950 4-769 4-583 4-387 4-183 3-969 3-742 375 5-123 4-937 4-743 4-541 4-330 4-108 3-873 4- 5-292 5-099 4-899 4-690 4-472 4-243 4- 4-25 5-454 5-256 5-050 4-835 4-610 4-373 4-124 4-5 5-612 5-408 5-196 4-975 4-743 4-5 4-243 475 5-766 5-557 5-339 5-111 4-873 4-623 4-358 5- 5-916 5-701 5-477 5-244 5- 4-743 4-472 5-25 6-062 5-842 5-612 5-374 5-123 4-861 4-582 5-5 6-205 5-979 5-744 5-500 5-244 4-975 4-690 575 6-344 6-114 5-874 5-624 5-362 5-087 4-796 6- 6-481 6-245 6- 5-745 5-477 5-196 4-898 6-5 6-745 6-5 6-245 5-979 5-701 5-408 5-098 7- 7- 6-745 6-480 6-205 5-916 5-612 5-292 7-5 7-246 6-982 6-708 6-423 6-124 5-809 5-477 8- 7-483 7-211 6-928 6-633 6-325 6- 5-657 8-5 7-714 7-433 7-141 6-837 6-519 6-185 5-830 9- 7-937 7-649 7-348 7-036 6708 6-364 6- 10- 8-367 8-062 7-746 7-416 7-071 6-708 6-325 11- 8-775 8-456 8-124 7-778 7-416 7-036 6-633 12- 9-165 8-832 8-486 8-124 7-746 7-348 6-928 13- 9-539 9-192 8-832 8-456 8-062 7-649 7-211 14- 9-899 9-539 9-165 8-775 8-367 7-937 7-484 15- 10-247 9-874 9-486 9-083 8-660 8-216 7-746 16- 10-583 10-198 9-798 9-381 8-944 8-485 8- 20- 11-832 11-402 10-954 10-488 10- 9-487 8-944 PAET I. COMPUTING TABLES. 97 TABLE III. 100\/ES, SUITABLE TO CANALS AND CHANNELS, of E. and S per thousand. E S per thousand. 0-35 0-30 0-25 O20 0-15 010 0-05 1- 1-871 1-732 1-581 1-414 1-225 1- 0-707 1-25 2-092 1-936 1-767 1-581 1-369 1-118 0-790 1-5 2-291 2-121 1-936 1-732 1-5 1-225 0-866 175 2-475 2-291 2-092 1-871 1-620 1-323 0-935 2- 2-646 2-449 2-236 2- 1-732 1-414 1- 2-25 2-806 2-598 2-371 2-121 1-837 1-5 1-060 2-5 2-958 2-739 2-5 2-236 1-936 1-581 1-118 275 3-102 2-872 2-622 2-345 2-031 1-658 1-172 3- 3-240 3- 2-739 2-449 2-121 1-732 1-225 3-25 3-373 3-122 2-850 2-549 2-208 1-803 1-275 3-5 3-5 3-240 2-958 2-646 2-291 1-871 1-323 375 3-623 3-354 3-062 2-738 2-371 1-937 1-369 4- 3-742 3-464 3-162 2-828 2-449 2- 1-414 4-25 3-857 3-571 3-259 2-915 2-525 2-062 1-458 4-5 3-969 3-674 3-354 3- 2-598 2-121 1-5 475 4-077 3-775 3-446 3-082 2-669 2-179 1-541 5- 4-183 3-873 3-536 3-162 2-739 2-236 1-581 5-25 4-287 3-969 3-623 3-241 2-806 2-291 1-620 5-5 4-387 4-062 3-708 3-317 2-872 2-345 1-658 575 4-486 4-153 3-791 3-391 2-937 2-398 1-696 6- 4-583 4-243 3-873 3-464 3- 2-449 * 1-732 6-5 4-770 4-416 4-031 3-606 3-122 2-549 1-803 7- 4-950 4-583 4-183 3-742 3-240 2-646 1-871 7-5 5-123 4-743 4-330 3-873 3-354 2-738 1-937 8- 5-292 4-899 4-472 4- 3-464 2-828 2- 8-5 5-454 5-050 4-610 4-124 3-571 2-915 2-062 9- 5-612 5-196 4-743 4-243 3-674 3- 2-121 10- 5-916 5-477 5- 4-472 3-873 3-162 2-236 il- 6-205 5-744 5-244 4-690 4-062 3-317 2-345 ia- 6-481 6- 5-477 4-898 4-243 3-464 2-449 13- 6-745 6-245 5-701 5-098 4-416 3-606 2-549 14- 7- 6-480 5-916 5-292 4-583 3-742 2-646 15- 7-246 6-708 6-124 5-477 4-743 3-873 2-738 16- 7-483 6-928 6-325 5-657 4-899 4- 2-828 20- 8-367 7-746 7-071 6-325 5-477 4-472 3-162 13 99 TABLE IV. TABLE IV. SECTIONAL DATA. SECTIONAL AREAS (A) AND HYDRAULIC RADII (R), 1. FOR CYLINDRICAL AND OVOIDAL PIPES AND CULVERTS. 2. FOR RECTANGULAR AND TRAPEZOIDAL CANAL SECTIONS, FOR USE IN THE GENERAL V= This Table may be used with any unit of measurement. 100 CANAL AND CTJLVEET TABLES. TABLE IV. SECTIONAL AREAS (A) AND HYDRAULIC Cylindrical Culverts and Pipes. Diameter. Full. Two-thirds full. One-third full. A E A E A E 3 inches 0-0491 0-0625 0-0347 0-073 0-0143 0-046 4 0-0872 0-0833 0-0618 0-097 0-0254 0-062 6 0-1963 0-125 0-1390 0-145 0-0573 0-093 8 0-3490 0-1666 0-2472 0-194 0-1018 0-124 9 0-4418 0-1875 0-3128 0-218 0-1289 0-140 10 0-5454 0-2083 0-3807 0-243 0-1592 0-155 Feet. 1- 0-7854 0-25 0-5562 0-291 0-2292 0-186 1-25 1-2272 0-3125 0-8565 0-364 0-3581 0-233 1-5 1-7671 0-375 1-2514 0-436 0-5157 0-280 175 2-4053 0-4375 1-6409 0-509 0-7019 0-326 2- 3-1416 0-5 2-2248 0-582 0-9168 0-372 2-25 3-9760 0-5625 2-8157 0-655 1-1609 0-419 2-5 4-9087 0-625 3-4262 0-728 1-4325 0-465 275 5-9395 0-6875 4-2062 0-800 1-7333 0-512 3- 7-0686 0-75 5-0058 0-873 2-0628 0-559 3-25 8-2957 0-8125 5-8747 0-996 2-4209 0-605 3-5 9-6211 0-875 6-5635 1-019 2-8077 0-652 375 11-045 0-9375 7-8215 1-092 3-2230 0-698 4- 12-566 1- 8-8992 1-164 3-6672 0-744 4-5 15-904 1-125 11-263 1-310 4-6437 0-838 5- 19-635 1-25 13-905 1-455 5-7300 0-931 5-5 23-758 1-375 16-825 1-601 6-9333 1-024 6- 28-274 1-5 20-023 1-747 8-2512 1-117 6-5 33-183 1-625 23-499 1-992 9-6837 1-210 7- 38-485 1-75 27-254 2-038 11-231 1-303 7-5 44-179 1-875 31-286 2-183 12-892 1-396 8- 50-265 2- 35-597 2-329 14-669 1-490 8-5 56-745 2-125 40-185 2-475 16-560 1-583 9- 63-617 2-25 45-052 2-620 18-565 1-676 9-5 70-882 2-375 50-197 2-765 20-685 1-769 10- 78-540 2-5 55-620 2-911 22-920 1-862 The values of E for cylindrical culverts half full are the same as those for full cylindrical culverts of the same diameter. PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 101 TABLE IV. RADII (E) IN FEET, FOE CULVERTS AND PIPES. Hawksley's Ovoid Culvert. Trans- verse Dia- Full. Two-thirds full. One-third full. meter. A E A E A E 1' 0" 0-9955 0-2766 0-6714 0-310 0-2569 0-198 1' 2" 1-3550 0-3227 0-9138 0-362 0-3496 0-231 1' 4" 1-7697 0-3688 1-1936 0-413 0-4566 0-264 r 6" 2-2424 0-4149 1-5106 0-465 0-5780 0-297 r 8" 2-7653 0-4610 1-8650 0-517 0-7136 0-330 1' 10" 3-3457 0-5071 2-2506 0-568 0-8627 0-363 2' 0" 3-9820 0-5532 2-6856 0-620 1-0276 0-396 2' 2" 4-6728 0-5993 3-1434 0-672 1-2050 0-439 2' 4" 5-4199 0-6454 3-6554 0-723 1-3985 0-472 2' 6" 6-2219 0-6915 4-1962 0-775 1-6054 0-495 2' 8" 7-0790 0-7376 4-7744 0-826 1-8265 0-528 2' 10" 7-8908 0-7837 5-3754 0-878 2-0606 0-561 3' 0" 8-9695 0-8298 6-0426 O930 2-3121 0-594 3 f 2" 9-9822 0-8759 6-7324 0-981 2-5760 0-627 3' 4" 11-061 0-9220 7-4600 1-033 2-8544 0-660 3' 6" 12-195 0-9681 8-2242 1-085 3-1464 0-693 3' 8" 13-383 1-0142 9-0024 1-136 3-4508 0-726 3' 10" 14-628 1-0603 9-8657 1-188 3-7749 0-759 4 f 0" 15-928 1-1064 10-742 1-240 4-1104 0-792 4' 2" 17-282 1-1525 11-656 1-291 4-4600 0-825 4' 4" 18-691 1986 12-574 1-343 4-8200 0-858 4' 6" 20-182 1-2447 13-595 1-395 5-2020 0-891 4' 8" 21-680 2908 14-622 1-446 5-5942 0-924 4' 10" 23-253 -3369 15-683 1-498 6-0006 0-957 5' 0" 24-887 1-3830 16-785 1-550 6-4225 0-990 5' 2" 26-567 1-4291 17-918 1-601 6-8560 1-023 5' 4" 28-316 1-4752 19-098 1-653 7-3062 1-056 5' 6" 30-111 1-5213 20-255 1-705 7-7643 1-089 5' 8" 31-563 1-5674 51-502 1-756 8-2424 1-122 5' 10" 33-871 1-6135 22-844 1-808 8-7407 1-155 6' 0" 35-838 1-6596 24-170 1-859 9-2484 1-188 The long diameter =1 -2929 x transverse diameter in Hawksley' Ovoid. 102 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IV. SECTIONAL AREAS (A) AND HYDRAULIC Phillips Metropolitan Ovoid. Dimensions. Full. Two-thirds full. One-third full. A E A E A E 1' 0"xl'6" 1-1485 0-290 0-7558 0-316 0-2840 0-207 1' 2"xl'9" 1-5632 0-338 1-0287 0-368 0-3865 0-241 T 4"x2'0" 2-0418 0-386 1-3436 0-421 0-5049 0-276 T 6"x2'3" 2-5841 0-434 1-7005 0-474 0-6390 0-310 1' 8"x2'6" 3-1903 0-483 2-0994 0526 0-7889 0-344 I'10"x2'9" 3-8602 0-531 2-5402 0-579 09545 0-379 2' 0"x3'0" 4-5940 0-579 3-0232 0-631 1-1360 0-413 2' 2"x3'3" 5-3916 0628 3-5480 0-684 1-3332 0-448 2' 4" x 3' 6" 6-2529 0-676 4-1149 0-737 1-5462 0-482 2' 6"x3'9" 71781 0-724 4-7237 0-789 1-7750 0-517 2' 8"x4'0" 8-1671 0-773 5-3746 0-842 2-0195 0-541 2' 10" x 4' 3" 9-2199 0-821 6-0674 0-894 2-2799 0-585 3' 0"x4'6" 10-336 0-869 6-8022 0-947 2-5560 0-620 3' 2"x4'9" 11-517 0-917 7-5790 1- 2-8479 0-654 3' 4"x5'0" 12-761 0-966 8-3978 1-052 3-1556 0-689 3' 6"x5'3" 14-069 1-014 9-2585 1-105 3-4790 0-723 3" 8"x5'6" 15-410 1-062 10-161 1-158 3-8182 0-758 3'10 ; 'x5'9" 16-877 1-111 11-106 1-210 4-1732 0-792 4' 0"x6'0" 18376 1-159 12-093 1-263 4-5440 0-826 4' 2"x6'3" 19-939 1-207 13-122 1-315 4-9306 0-861 4' 4"x6'6" 21-566 1-255 14-192 1-368 5-3329 0-895 4' 6" x 6' 9" 23-257 1-304 15-305 1-421 5-7510 0-930 4' 8"x7'0" 25-012 1-352 16-460 1-473 6-1849 0-964 4' 10" x 7' 3" 26-830 1-400 17*656 1-526 6-6346 0-999 5' 0"x7'6" 28-713 1-449 18-895 1-579 7-1000 1-033 5' 2"x7'9" 30-665 1-467 20-176 1-631 7-5812 1-068 5' 4"x8'0" 32668 1-545 21-498 1-684 8-0782 1-102 5' 6"x8'3" 34-742 1-593 22-863 1-736 8-5910 1-136 5' 8"x8'6" 36-880 1-642 24-270 1-789 9-1196 1-171 5' 10" x 8' 9" 39-081 1-690 25-718 1-842 9-6639 1-205 6' 0"x9'0" 41-346 1-738 27-209 1-894 10-224 1-240 PART I. COMPUTING TABLES. 103 TABLE IV. RADII (E) IN FEET, FOR CULVERTS. Jackson's Pegtop Section. Dimensions. Full. Two-thirds full. One-third full. A E A E A E T 0"xl'6" 1-0385 0-268 0-6458 0-280 0-2422 0-190 1' 2"xl'9" 1-4136 0-312 . 0-8790 0-326 0-3296 0-222 1' 4"x2'0" 1-8463 0-357 1-1482 0-373 0-4305 0-254 1' 6"x2'3" 2-3367 0-402 1-4531 0-420 0-5448 0-286 1' 8"x2'6" 2-8848 0-447 1-7929 0-466 0-6504 0-317 - 1' 10" x 2' 9" 3-4906 0-492 2-1152 0-513 0-8134 0-349 2' 0"x3'0" 4-1542 0-536 2-5834 0-560 0-9686 0-381 2' 2"x3'3" 4-8735 0-580 3-0317 0-606 1-1355 0-412 2' 4" x 3' 6" 5-6542 0-624 3-5162 0-653 1-3186 0-444 2' 6"x3'9" 6-4909 0-669 4-0340 0-699 1-5134 0-476 2' 8"x4'0" 7-3851 0-714 4-5928 0-746 1-7220 0-508 2' 10" x 4' 3" 8-3371 0-759 5-1843 0-793 1-9425 0-539 3' 0"x4'6" 9-3469 0-803 5-8126 0-839 2-1794 0-571 3' 2" x 4' 9" 10-414 0-848 6-4776 0-886 2-4265 0-603 3' 4"x5'0" 11-539 0-893 7-1716 0-933 2-6016 0-634 3' 6"x5'3" 12-722 0-937 7-9115 0-979 2-9668 0-666 3' 8"x5'6" 13-963 0-982 8-4608 1-026 3-2536 0-698 3' 10" x 5' 9" 15-261 1-027 9-4922 1-072 3-5558 0-730 4' 0"x6'0" 16-617 1-071 10-334 1-119 3-8744 0-761 4' 2"x6'3" 18-030 1-115 11-215 1-165 4-2011 0-793 4' 4"x6'6" 19-501 1-160 12-127 1-212 4-5420 0-825 4' 6"x6'9" 21-030 1-205 13-078 1-259 4-9032 0-856 4' 8"x7'0" 22-617 1-249 14-065 1-305 5-2744 0-888 4MO"x7'3" 24-261 1-294 15-091 1-352 5-6529 0-920 5' 0"x7'6" 25-964 1-339 16-136 1-399 6-0538 0-952 5' 2" x 7' 9" 27-723 1-384 17-244 1-445 6-4595 0-983 5' 4"x8'0" 29-540 1-428 18-371 1-492 6-8440 1-015 5' 6"x8'3" 31-416 1-472 19-537 1-539 7-3206 1-047 5' 8"x8'6" 33-348 1-517 20-737 1-585 7-7700 1-078 5' 10" x 8' 9" 35-339 1-562 21-981 1-632 8-2340 1-110 6' 0" x 9' 0" 37-388 1-607 23-250 1-679 8-7175 1-142 104 CANAL AND OULVEET TABLES. TABLE IV. SECTIONAL AREAS (A) AND HYDRAULIC EADII (E), FOR EECT- Corresponding to various bed- fl 6=2 6=3 6=4 6=5 a A E A E A E A E 0-5 1- 0-333 1-5 0-375 2 0-4 2-5 0-416 075 1-5 0-429 2-25 0-5 3 0-545 3-75 0-577 1- 2- 0-5 3- 0-6 4 0-666 5- 0-714 1-25 2-5 0-555 3-75 0-682 5 0-769 6-25 0-833 1-5 3- 0-600 4-5 0-750 6 0-857 7-5 0-937 175 3-5 0-636 5-25 0-808 7 0-933 8-75 1-029 2- 4- 0-666 6- 0-857 8 1- 10- 1-111 2-25 4-5 0-692 6-75 0-9 9 1-058 11-25 1-184 2-5 5- 0-714 7-5 0-937 10 1-111 12-5 1-250 275 5-5 0-733 8-25 0-971 11 1-158 13-75 1-309 3- 6- 0-750 ! 9- 1- 12 1-200 15- 1-364 3-5 7- 0-777 10-5 1-050 14 1-273 17-S 1-439 4- 8- 0-800 12- 1-091 16 1-333 20- 1-538 4-5 9- 0-818 13-5 1-125 18 1-384 22-5 1-607 5- 10- 0-833 15- 1-154 20 1-428 25- 1-666 .7 6=14 6=16 6=18 6=20 d A E A E A E A E 1- 14- 0-875 16 0-888 18 0-900 20 0-909 1-25 17-5 1-061 20 1-080 22-5 1-098 25 1-111 1-5 21- 1-244 24 1-262 27 1-286 30 1-305 175 24-5 1-397 28 1-434 31-5 1-468 35 1-491 2- 28- 1-555 32 1-600 36 1-636 40 1-666 2-25 31-5 1-701 36 1-757 40-5 1-800 45 1-836 2-5 35- 1-841 40 1-904 45 1-953 50 2- 275 38-5 1-971 44 2-050 49-5 2-109 55 2-156 3- 42- 2-100 48 2-182 54 2-250 60 2-307 3-25 45-5 2-230 52 2-311 58-5 2-387 65 2-457 3-5 49- 2-333 56 2-346 63 2-520 70 2-590 375 52-5 2-447 60 2-556 67-5 2-646 75 2-727 4f 56- 2-545 64 2-666 72 2-768 80 2-857 4-25 59-5 2-644 68 2-774 76-5 2-892 85 2-975 4-5 63- 2-741 72 2-880 81 3- 90 3-105 475 66-5 2-833 76 2-979 85-5 3-109 95 3-211 5- 70- 2-917 80 3-080 90 3-214 100 3-333 5-5 77- 3-080 88 3-256 99 3-416 110 3-553 6- 84- 3-230 96 3-429 108 3-600 120 3-750 6'5 91- 3-367 104 3-588 117 3-779 130 3-939 7- 98- 3-500 112 3-733 126 3-938 140 4-116 PAET I. COMPUTING TABLES. 105 TABLE IV. ANGULAR SECTIONS OP CHANNELS, CANALS, AND AQUEDUCTS, i widths (6) and depths of water (d). fj 6=6 6=8 6=10 6=12 \A A E A E A E A E 1-0 6- 0-750 8 0-800 10- 0-833 12 0-857 1-25 7-5 0-882 9 0-857 12-5 1- 15 1-035 1-5 9- 1- 12 1-091 15- 1-154 18 1-200 175 10-5 1-106 14 1-218 17-5 2 5 13-72 14-13 14-64 14-97 3 13-81 14-23 14-74 '35 13-89 14-31 14-82 40 13-97 14-39 14-90 '45 14-04 14-47 14-97 50 14-12 14-54 '55 14-18 14-61 60 14-24 14-68 65 14-30 14-74 70 14-36 14-79 75 14-41 14-85 80 14-46 14-90 85 14-51 14-95 90 14-56 15-00 '95 14-60 2'00 14-65 2'IO 14-72 The limiting velocity for unstratified rock is 2'20 14-80 15 feet per second. See page 126. 126 CANAL AND OULVEET TABLES. TABLE V. LIMITING VELOCITIES FOB CULVERTS AND CANALS. * Minima in Drainage for Cylindrical Pipes and Culverts. Feet per Second. For small drain pipes, under 6 inches in diameter 3'5 For drain pipes from 6 to 18 inches in diameter . 3* Culverts from 1'5 to 4 feet in diameter . . 2*5 Larger cylindrical culverts . . . . .2' For ovoidal culverts, the minima correspond to those for cylindrical culverts having the same values of B,, the hydraulic radius ; for which see Table IV. Maxima in Open Canals. Feet per Second. For the worst, or most sandy soil . .2-5 For sandy soil generally . . . , . 2 '75 For ordinary loam . . . . .3* For firm gravel and hard soil . , .4' For brickwork, ashlar, or rubble in cement 5*5 to 7'5 For hard sound stratified rock , . 10 For very hard homogeneous rock . . 14 or 15 The minimum velocity in an open canal that will preclude silting depends not only on the absolute velocity itself, but also on the degree of turbidity of the water ; this latter depending either on the admission of silt-bearing water into the canal, or on the fact of the applicable maximum limit having been exceeded somewhere ; the erosion in one part of the course of the water inducing subsidence in another. For maxima in open canals with reference to navigation or towage against stream, read the article on Towage in Jackson's "Hydraulic Manual and Statistics," (Allen), 1875, and calculate in accordance with the circumstances and speed required. * These are extreme minima, ordinary working minima being 0'5 higher, or even more in small pipes. PART II. TABLES VI. TO XII. CONSISTING or FINAL RESULTS GIVING FINAL QUANTITIES BY INSPECTION, 129 TABLE VI. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V) IN FEET PER SECOND ; QUANTITIES DISCHARGED (Q) IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ; AND COEFFICIENTS OF MEAN VELOCITY (C) ; FOR CULVERTS AND PIPES, IN GLAZED MATERIAL, OR CEMENT, IN PERFECT ORDER, RUNNING FULL, BUT NOT UNDER PRESSURE J WHEN N, THE COEFFICIENT OF BouGHNESS=0'010. GENERAL FORMULA, Q=A.V=A.C.10(VES'. 130 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts and Pipes, glazed or coated with very Cylindrical Pipes. N=0'010. Diameter. 20 17-5 S per t 15 housanc 12*5 L 10 9 8 3 inches < V Q 3-316 0-163 0*038 3-103 0-152 2-871 0-141 2-622 0-129 2-345 0-115 2-224 0*109 2-097 0-103 0*038 w yo" 4 inchest V Q D 3-830 0-334 0*038 3*582 0*312 3-317 0-289 3-028 0-264 2-707 0*236 2-568 0*224 2-422 0*211 0*038 * ** yj^ 6 inchest ( V Q q 5-025 0*986 I'OOf*; 4-700 0-923 4-352 0-855 3-972 0-780 3-554 0-698 3-371 0-662 3-178 0*624 roc*; ^^3 ( 8 inches^ ( V Q 6-246 2*180 1*082 5-844 2*040 5-410 1-888 4-938 1*723 4-417 1-541 4-191 1-463 3-950 1*379 1*082 1 9 inches- V Q 6-864 3*033 1*121 6*421 2*837 5-947 2*627 5-428 2-398 4-854 2-145 4-605 2-035 4-342 1*918 1*121 10 inches V Q o 7*378 4*024 1*14-3 6-900 3-764 6-390 3-485 5-833 3-181 5-217 2-845 4-929 2*688 4-666 2-545 1*143 12 inches V Q 8*443 6-631 I"IQ4 7-897 6-202 7-311 5*742 6-674 5-242 5-970 4-689 5-663 4-448 5*340 4*19 t I'IQ4 j-y^. 15 inches V Q 9*938 12*20 I'2"s7 9-296 11-41 8-607 10-56 7-856 9-641 7-027 8-623 6-666 8-180 6*285 7*712 i'2=;7 18 inches V Q o 11*33 20-02 1*308 10-60 18-72 9-810 17-34 8-955 15-82 8-010 14-16 7-598 13-43 7*164 12-66 1-308 o^"~ The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S or when K is PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 131 TABLE VI. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, smooth cement, in perfect order, running just full. Cylindrical Pipes. N=0010. Diameter. 7 6 S per thousand. 5 4 3 2 1 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 1-961 0-096 0-938.. 1-816 0-089 1-658 0-082 1-483 0-073 1-284 0-063 1 049 051 0-741 0-036 . 0-938 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 inches < inchest inches) inchest inchest inches) inches) inches-! inches) 2-265 0-198 0-938.. 2-097 0-183 1-914 0-167 1-712 0-149 1-483 0-129 1 211 106 0-856 0-075 .0*938 2-973 0-584 1-005.. 2-753 0-540 2-513 0-493 2-247 0-441 1-946 0*382 1-589 0-312 1-124 0-221 3-695 1-290 1-082 3-421 1-194 3-124 1-090 2-795 0-975 2-419 0-844 1 976 690 1-397 0-488 1*082 4-061 1-794 1*121.. 3-760 1-661 3-433 1-517 3-069 1-356 2-658 1-174 2 171 959 1-535 0-678 . 1*121 4-364 2-380 1*143.. 4-042 2-204 3-690 2-012 3-299 1-799 2-858 1-559 2 1 334 273 1-649 0-900 T-O 4-994 3-923 1-194.. 4-623 3-631 4-222 3-316 3-775 2-965 3-270 2-569 2-670 2-097 1-888 1-483 . 1-194 5-879 7-215 1-257.. 5-443 6-679 4-969 6-098 4-445 5-455 3-849 4-723 2 3 985 663 2-111 2-591 6-701 11-84 1-308.. 6-204 10-96 5-664 10-01 5*066 8-952 4-387 7-753 3 6 581 329 2-534 4-477 . 1*308 above 1 per thousand ; also again for diameters below 5 inches ; less than O'l foot. 17 132 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES, TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts and Pipes, glazed or coated with very Cylindrical Pipes. N=0010. Diam. in feet. 5 4-5 S per thousand. 4 3-5 3 2-5 2 V Q c 5-664 10-01 1-308. 5-373 9-495 5-066 8-952 4-739 8-374 4-387 7-753 4-005 7-078 3-581 6-329 i*tb8 , 1 175 j * i 2-25 j 2-5 j 275 j Pi 3-5 j * { V Q c 6-314 15-19 *'35- 5-990 14-41 5-647 13-58 5-283 12-71 4-891 11-76 4-464 10-74 3-993 9-605 .i*aco jj^ V Q c 6-925 21-76 1-385- 6-569 20-64 6-194 19-46 5-794 18-20 5-340 16-77 4-897 15-39 4-379 13-76 rt* * 3 W 3 V Q c 7-514 29-88 1-417. 7-129 28-34 6-721 26-72 6-287 25-00 5-821 23-14 5-314 21-13 4-753 18-90 ..1-417 V Q c 8-072 39-62 1-444- 7-657 37-58 7-214 35-41 6-753 33-15 6-252 30-69 5-706 28-01 5-104 25-05 I' A A A V Q c 8-613 51-15 1-469. 8-170 48-53 7-703 45-75 7-205 42-80 6-671 39-62 6-089 36-16 5-447 32-35 .1*4.60 V Q c 9-129 64-53 1-491. 8-661 61-22 8-166 57-72 7-639 53-99 7-072 49-99 6-456 45-64 5-775 40-82 I'4-QI V Q c 10-12 97-36 1-530. 9-601 92-37 9-051 87-08 8-467 81-46 7-838 75-41 7-156 68-85 6-401 61-59 i'53 V Q c 11-05 138-8 1-562 10-48 131-7 9-880 124-1 9-241 116-1 8-555 107-5 7-810 98-14 6-985 87-78 ...1*562 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S or when R is PART II. FINAL EESULTS. 133 TABLE VI. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C), OF MEAN VELOCITY. smooth cement, in perfect order, running just full. Cylindrical Pipes. N=0-010. Diam. In feet. 1-5 1 S per 0-9 thousand. 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 V Q c 3-101 5-480 1-308 2-534 4-477 1-308 2-401 4-243 1-307 2-259 3-991 1-304 2-108 3-724 1-301 1-944 3-435 1*296 1*766 3-121 1*290 { 'M F-* 1 2-25 j 2-5 2-75 j , { 3-5 j , i V Q c 3-457 8-316 1-350 2-823 6-790 1-350 2-676 6-438 J "349 2-518 6-057 1-346 2-350 5-653 i'343 2-169 5-218 1-339 1-972 4-742 r 333 V Q c 3-794 11-92 1-385 3-097 9-729 1-385 2-935 9-222 1-384 2-763 8-681 1-381 2-578 8-100 1-378 2-380 7-476 i'374 2-154 6-800 1*369 V Q c 4-115 16-36 1-417 3-360 13-36 1-417 3-186 12-67 1-416 2-997 11-92 1-413 2-797 11-12 1-410 2-583 10-27 1*406 2-351 9-348 1*402 V Q c 4-420 21-70 1-444 3-610 17-72 1-444 3-421 16-79 1*443 3-220 15-80 1-440 3-006 14-76 i"437 2-778 13-63 1*434 2-528 12-41 1*430 V Q c 4-718 28-03 1-469 3-852 22-88 1-469 3-651 21-68 1-468 3-438 20-42 1*466 3-212 19-08 1-464 2-967 17-62 1*461 2-701 16-04 1*457 V Q p< O 5-001 35-35 1-491 4-084 28-87 1-491 3-871 27-36 1-490 3-642 25-74 1-487 3-402 24-05 1-485 3-143 22-22 1*482 2-861 20-23 1-478 T } j 5-543 53-33 r 53 4-526 43-54 1-530 4-290 41-28 1-529 4-040 38-87 1-527 3-774 36-31 !"5 2 5 3-488 33-56 1-522 3-176 30-55 1-518 i 6-050 76-02 1-562 4-939 62-06 1*562 4-683 58-85 1*561 4-409 55-40 1*559 4-120 51-77 i'557 3-806 47-82 i-554 3-468 43-58 i'55i above 1 pr thousand ; also again for diameters below 5 inches ; less than -1 foot. 134 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Cylindrical Culverts. N=0'010. Diam. in feet. I 0-9 S per thousand. 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 0-45 V Q L^ V Q r* \j V Q _^ v Q n Vy V Q p vy V Q r^ v_y ? Q < J V Q > V Q j 4-939 62-06 1-562 4-683 58-85 1*561 4-409 55-40 i'5 4-120 51-77 J'557 3-806 47-82 r 554 3-468 43-58 1-551 3-2*5 41-27 i'5*9 M |;1 M 5-5 j M 6-5 j M *! { 5-333 84-81 1-590 5-056 80-41 1-589 4-761 75-72 1-587 4-448 70-73 1*585 4-113 65-41 1-583 3-746 59-58 1-580 3-/50 5647 i578 5-707 112-1 1*614 5-410 106-2 1-613 5-097 100-1 I"6l2 4-762 93-51 1*610 4-404 86-48 1-608 4-013 78-79 1*605 ^802 7^-66 '603 6-066 144-1 1-636 5-752 136-7 i-635 5-420 128-8 1-634 5-066 120-3 1-633 4-684 111-3 1-631 4-268 101-4 1-628 4-044 '6-08 11*626 6-410 181-2 ''655 6-077 171-8 1*654 5-726 161-9 1-653 5-352 151-3 1-652 4-950 140-0 1-650 4-514 127-6 , 1-648 / 4-276 20-9 1*646 6-744 223-8 1-673 6-394 212-2 1-672 6-024 199-9 1-671 5-631 186-9 1-670 5-208 172-8 1-668 4-748[ 4-502 157-6 4.49-4 1*666 1-665 7-061 271-7 r688 6-700 257-9 1-688 6-313 243-0 1-687 5-901 227-1 1-686 5-460 210-1 1-685 4-97/ 4-720 191-6 181-6 i-68| 1-682 7-374 325-8 1-703 6-996 309-1 1-703 6-592 291-2 1*702 6-163 272-3 1-701 5-702 251-9 1-700 5-1 229-7 1-6 d 4-928 217-7 5 1-697 7-674 385-7 1-716 7-281 366-0 1-716 6-860 344-8 1715 6-414 322-4 1-714 5-934 298-3 1-713 5-4 272-1 1-7 ! J 5-133 258-0 z 1-711 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all i onv .ues hen of S Eis PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 135 TABLE VI. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. cement, in perfect order, running just full. Cylindrical Culverts. N=0010. Diam. in feet. 0-4 0-35 Sper 0-3 thousand. 0-25 0-2 0*15 0-1 V Q r* \j V Q H \j V Q p \j V Q _/ V Q ^ V Q ^ V Q p v^ V Q P v^ V Q c 3-092 38-85 i'546 2-887 36-28 i'543 2-662 33-45 i'537 2*422 30-44 i'53 2 2-151 27-03 1*521 1-845 23-18 1*506 1-478 18-57 1*478 M -{ | ,f 5-5 j 1 * i 6-5 j i v "! 8 ! 3-341 53-14 !*575 3-119 49-60 1-572 2-879 45-78 1-567 2-619 41*66 1*562 2*329 37-05 i'553 1-999 31-80 i*539 1*605 25*52 1*514 3-580 70-29 % r6oi 3-343 65-64 1-598 3-086 60-59 1-594 2-810 55*17 1-590 2-500 49-08 1-581 2-147 42-15 1*568 1-727 33-92 1*545 3-808 90-48 1-624 3-555 84-46 1-621 3-284 78-03 1-617 2*990 71-05 1*613 2-663 63-26 1-606 2*290 54-42 i'595 1-844 43-80 i'573 4-026 113-8 1-644 3-762 106-4 1*642 3-476 98-29 1-639 3-165 89-50 i*635 2-820 79-72 1-628 2*427 68*62 1-618 1-958 55-35 1*598 4-239 140-7 1-663 3-962 131-5 1-661 3-661 121-5 1-658 3-335 110-7 I>6 55 2-971 98-60 1-648 2-558 84-90 1-639 2-065 68-53 1*621 4-445 171-1 r68o 4-153 159-8 1-678 3-837 147-7 1-675 3-498 134-6 1*672 3-117 120-0 1-666 2-686 103-4 1*658 2-174 83-66 1-643 4-641 205-0 1-695 4-336 191-6 1-693 4-009 177-1 1*691 3-657 161-6 1-689 3-262 144*1 1*684 2-811 124-2 1*676 2-275 100-5 1*662 4-836 243-1 1-710 4-519 227-2 1-708 4*178 210-0 1-706 3-810 191-5 1-704 3-398 170-8 1-699 2*931 147-3 1*692 2-376 119-4 1*680 above 1 per thousand ; also again for diameters below 5 inches ; less than O'l foot. 136 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Hawksley's Ovoid. N= O'OIO. Transverse Diameter. 20 17-5 S per thousand. 15 12-5 10 9 8 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 9-162 9-121 1-231 8-570 8-532 7-935 7-899 7*243 7*211 6-479 6-450 6*146 6-119 5-794 5-768 1-231 r o" j 1' 2" j 1' 4" j 1' 6" j If Off O *N 1' 10" < 1 2' 0" 1 2' 2" - 2' 4" ' 10-18 13-80 1*267 9-525 12-91 8-820 11-95 8*051 10-91 7-200 9-757 6-832 9-257 6-440 8-726 1-267 11-22 19-86 10-47 18-53 9-694 17-16 8-849 15-66 7*916 14*01 7-509 13-29 7-079 12-53 12-16 27-27 1*335 11-38 25-51 10-53 23*62 9*615 21*56 8*600 19*29 8-158 18-29 7-692 17-25 13-09 36-19 12-24 33-85 11*33 31*34 10*35 28*61 9-255 25-59 8-779 24-28 8-278 22*89 1*363 13-99 46-79 1-389 13*08 43-77 12*11 40*53 11*06 37*00 9-890 33-09 9-383 31-39 8*846 29*60 - 1-389 14-85 59-13 1*412 13-89 55-31 12*86 51*21 11*74 46*75 10*50 41-81 9-962 39-67 9-391 37-40 1*412 15*68 73-29 1*433 14-67 68-56 13*59 63*47 12*40 57-94 11-09 51-83 10-52 49-16 9*919 46*35 !*433 16-50 89-45 i'453 15*44 83-66 14-29 77-46 13-05 70-71 11*67 63*25 11-07 60*00 10*44 56-57 !"453 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PART II. FINAL EESULTS. TABLE YI. 137 (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Hawksley's Ovoid. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 7 6 S per thousand 5 4 3 2 1 Y Q c Y Q c Y Q c Y Q c V Q c Y Q c Y Q c Y Q c Y Q G 5*420 5-396 1*231 5 4 019 996 4-582 4-561 4-098 4-080 3-549 3-533 2-898 2-885 2 2 048 039 1' 0" j 1' 2" j 1' 4" < 1' 6" j r 8" j 1' 10" j 2' 0" j 2' 2" j 2<4>' | 6 8 i 025 163 267 5 7 577 557 5-092 6-900 4-554 6-170 3-944 5-344 3-221 4-364 2 3 T 277 085 267 6 11 i 622 72 303 6 10 131 85 5-596 9-904 5-006 8-859 4-335 7-672 3-540 6-265 2-503 4-430 I-303 7 16 i 196 14 '335 6-662 14-94 6-081 13-64 5-439 12-20 4-710 10-56 3-846 8-625 2-719 6-098 jjj 7 21 i 743 41 363 7 19 168 82 6-544 18-10 5-853 16-18 5-069 14-02 4-138 11-44 2 8 926 092 8*274 27-68 1-389 7-660 25-63 6-994 23-40 6-255 20-93 5-417 18-12 4-423 14-80 3 10 . i 128 47 389 8 34 i 785 98 412 8 32 133 39 7-424 29-56 6-640 26-44 5-751 22-90 4-696 18-70 3 13 . i 321 22 412 9-279 43-36 !'433 8 40 591 14 7-843 36-65 7-015 32-78 6-075 28-39 4-960 23-18 3-507 16-39 1-433 9-763 52-91 9 48 039 99 8-252 44-72 7-380 40-00 6-392 34-64 5-219 28-29 3 20 691 00 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E, is less than 0*1 foot. 138 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Hawksley's Ovoid. N=0'010. Transverse Diameter. 5 4-5 S per thousand. 4 3-5 3 2-5 2 2' 6" j 2' 8" \ ( 2' 10" \ ( 3' 0" \ ( 3' 2" ] I 3' 4" ' 3' 6" 3' 8" 3' 10" V Q r* v^ V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 8-652 53-83 I'A7I 8-208 51-07 7-759 48-28 7-239 45-04 6-702 41-70 6-118 38-07 5-472 34-05 1-471 9-034 63-95 1-487 8-570 60-67 8-092 57-28 7-557 53-50 6-996 49-52 6-387 45-21 5-713 40-44 1-487 9-404 74-21 1-502.. 8-922 70-40 8-411 66-37 7-867 62-08 7-285 57-49 6-649 52-47 5-948 46-94 1*502 9-766 87-60 1-516... 9-264 83-10 8-735 78-35 8-171 73-29 7-565 67-86 6-905 61-94 6-176 55-40 1-516 10-13 101-1 i'53i 9-613 95-96 9-062 90-46 8-477 84-62 7-848 78-34 7-165 71-52 6-409 63-97 i'53 l 10-47 115-8 1*^4-2.. 9-932 109-8 9-365 103-6 8-760 96-89 8-109 89-69 7-403 81-88 6-621 73-23 1-542 10-82 132-0 i'555-- 10-26 125-2 9-677 118-1 9-052 110-4 8-380 102-2 7-649 93-31 6-842 83-47 i'555 11-14 149-1 I'^6cr 10-57 141-4 9-967 133-4 9-323 124-7 8-631 115-5 7-880 105-4 7-047 94-29 I'S^S j u j 11-47 167-8 1-576.. 10-89 159-3 10-26 150-1 9-599 140-4 8-887 130-0 8-113 118-7 7-256 106-2 1-576 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 139 TABLE VI. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Hawksley's Ovoid. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 1-5 1 S per thousand. 0-9 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 4-740 29-49 1-471 3-870 24-08 1-471 3-669 22-83 1-470 3-452 21-48 1-467 3-224 20-06 1*465 2-980 18-54 1-462 2-710 16-86 1*457 2' 6" j 2' 8" j 2' 10" \ ( 3' 0" \ ( 3' 2" J ( 3' 4" \ ( 3' 6" \ ( 3' 8" \ ( 3' 10" \ I 4-947 35-02 1-487 4-040 28-60 1-487 3-829 27-11 1-486 3-606 25-53 1-484 3-369 23-85 1-482 3-110 22-02 i'478 2-832 20-05 1*474 5-150 40-64 1-502 4-206 33-19 1-502 3-987 31-46 1*501 3-753 29-61 1-499 3-507 27-67 1-497 3-240 25-57 1-494 2-948 23-26 1-489 5-348 47-97 1-516 4-368 39-18 1-516 4-140 37-14 1-515 3-899 34-97 i*5i3 3-642 32-67 1-511 3-361 30-15 1-508 3-064 27-48 i*54 5-550 55-40 i'53i 4-532 45-24 '53 4-296 42-88 1-530 4-045 40-38 1-528 3-778 37-71 1*526 3-491 34-85 1-523 3-179 31-73 l '5*9 5-735 63-43 i'542 4-682 51-78 1*542 4-440 49-11 1-541 4-180 46-23 !*539 3-906 43-20 i*537 3-608 39-90 i*534 3-288 36-37 I-53 1 5-926 72-30 i'555 4-838 59-02 i*555 4-587 55-96 !*554 4-319 52-69 r *55 2 4-035 49-23 i*55 3-731 45-52 I-548 3-399 41-47 !*545 6-104 81-67 1 '5 6 5 4-983 66-67 1*565 4-725 63-22 1*564 4-449 59-53 1-562 4-156 55-61 1-560 3-844 51-43 1-558 3-502 46-86 i*555 6-284 91-93 1-576 5-131 75-07 1-576 4-865 71-17 r *575 4-581 67-02 i*573 4-279 62-60 1-571 3-957 57-89 1-569 3-605 52-74 1-566 above 1 per thousand ; also again when K. is less than O'l foot. 18 140 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Hawksley's Ovoid. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 4' 0" j 4' 4" | 4' 6" j 4' 8" j 5' 0" j 5' 4" j 5' 6" j 5' 8" j 6' 0" j 1- 0*9 S per thousand. 0*8 0-7 0-6 0*5 0-45 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 5-275 84-03 1-586 5-001 79-67 1*585 4-709 75-01 1-583 4-398 70-06 1-581 4-068 64-80 i'579 3*707 59-05 1-576 3*512 55*95 i'574 5-555 103-8 1*604 5-266 98-42 1*603 4-961 92-72 1*602 4-635 86-63 i -600 4-286 80-11 1-598 3-905 72-98 i'595 3*701 69-17 1*593 5-691 114-8 1-613 5-395 108-9 1-612 5-084 102-6 1*611 4-753 95-92 1*610 4-395 88-69 i -608 4-004 80-80 1-605 3-794 76-56 1-603 5-828 126-4 1-622 5-526 119-8 1*621 5-207 112-9 1-620 4*867 105*5 1*619 4-500 97-56 1*617 4-101 88-91 1-614 3-885 84-23 I'6l2 6-088 151-5 1-637 5-772 143-7 1*636 5-438 135-4 1-635 5-083 126-5 1-634 4-702 117-0 1-632 4-287 106-7 1*630 4-062 101-1 1-628 6-345 179-7 1*652 6-016 170-4 1*651 5-668 160-5 1*650 5-298 150-0 1-649 4-900 138-8 1*647 4-465 126-4 1-644 4-232 119-9 1-643 6-466 194-7 1-658 6-131 184*6 1-657 5-778 174-0 1*656 5-400 162-6 1*655 4*994 150-4 i"653 4-553 137-1 1*651 4-314 129-9 1-649 6-592 208-0 1-665 6-248 197-2 1-664 5*889 185*9 1-663 5*505 173*7 1*662 5*090 160*6 i -660 4-641 146-5 1-658 4-399 138-8 1*657 6-832 244-9 1-677 6-482 232-3 1-677 6*107 218-9 1-676 5-710 204-6 1-675 5*280 189-2 1*673 4-814 172-5 1*671 4*564 163-6 1*670 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PART II. .FINAL EESULTS. 141 TABLE VI. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Hawksley's Ovoid. Transverse Diameter. 0-4 0-35 S per thousand. 0-3 0-25 0-2 0-15 0-1 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 3-304 52-63 3-084 49-13 1-568 2-846 45-33 1*563 2-591 41-27 1-558 2-302 36-67 1-976 31-48 1 '534 1-586 25-26 1-508 4' 0" 5 4' 4" \ 4' 6" \ ( 4' 8" \ 5' 0" < ( 5' 4" < 5' 6" ! 1 5' 8" j I 6' 0" , 1 3-484 65-12 3-254 60-82 1-589 3-005 56-16 1-584 2-735 51-12 1-580 2-432 45-45 1-570 2-088 39-02 1-679 31-38 '533 3-571 72-06 i* 600 3-335 67-30 1-598 3-079 62-13 1*593 2-803 56-56 1-589 2-493 50-31 1*580 2-141 43-21 1-567 1-723 34-77 i'544 3-656 79-26 1-609 3-416 74-06 1*607 3-155 68-40 1*603 2-872 62-26 J '599 2-555 55-39 1-590 2-196 47-61 1-579 1-768 38-33 3-824 95-18 1-626 3*573 88-93 1*624 3-300 82-14 1*620 3-006 74-82 1-616 2-674 66-56 i -608 2-300 57-25 1*597 1-853 46*12 1*576 3-986 112-9 1-641 3-724 105-5 1-639 3-440 97-42 1-635 3-132 88-70 1*631 2-790 79-01 1-624 2-399 67-94 1-613 1*937 54*86 i'594 4-062 122-3 1-647 3-795 1143 1-645 3-507 105-6 1-642 3-194 96-17 1-638 2-844 85-63 1*631 2-448 73-71 1-621 1*975 59*47 1-602 4-144 130-8 1-655 3-871 122-2 1-653 3-577 112-9 1-650 3-259 102-9 1-647 2-901 91-56 1-639 2-497 78-81 1*629 2-017 63-66 1-611 4-298 154-0 1-668 4-015 143-9 1-666 3-712 133-0 1-663 3-381 121-2 1-660 3-014 108-0 1-654 2*596 93-04 1-645 2-097 75-16 1-628 above 1 per thousand ; also again when R is less than O'l foot. 142 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES- TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Metropolitan Ovoid. N=O-OIO. Transverse Diameter. I'O" j 1' 4" j 1' 6" j 1 ; 8" j 1' 10" j 2' 0" \ 2' 2" j 2' 4" \ 20 17-5 Sper 15 thousand. 12-5 10 9 8 V Q C V Q c V Q C V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 9-436 10-84 1-239 8-827 10-14 8-171 9-388 7-460 8-572 6-672 7-666 6-330 7-273 5-968 6-857 1-239 10-52 16-44 1-280 9-844 15-39 9-114 14-25 8-320 13-01 7-442 11-63 7-059 11-03 6-656 10-40 1-280 11-56 23-61 1-316 10-82 22-09 10-01 20-44 9-141 18-67 8-176 16-70 7-757 15-84 7-313 14-93 1-316 12-56 32-46 I-348 11-75 30-36 10-88 28-11 9-928 25-65 8-881 22-95 8-425 21-77 7-942 20-52 I-348 13-53 43-16 12-66 40-39 11-72 37-39 10-70 34-13 9-570 30-53 9-079 28-96 8-560 27-31 i'377 14-45 55-78 1-402 13-52 52-19 12-51 48-29 11-42 44-08 10-22 39-45 9-692 37-41 9-138 35-27 1-402 15-32 70-38 1-424 14-33 65-83 13-27 60-96 12-11 55-63 10-84 49-80 10-28 47-23 9-692 44-53 1-424 16-19 87-30 1-446 15-16 81-74 14-03 75-65 12-81 69-07 11-46 61-79 10-87 58-61 10-25 55-27 1-446 17-04 106-6 1-465 15-94 99-67 14-75 92-23 13-47 84-23 12-05 75-35 11-43 71-47 10-77 67-34 1-465 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PABT II. FINAL RESULTS. TABLE VI. 143 (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0'010. Transverse Diameter. 1' 0" I 1' 2" j r 4" j l f 6" j 1' 8" j 1' 10" j 2' 0" J 2' 2" j 2' 4" | 7 6 S per thousand. 5 4 3 2 1 V Q c V Q C V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 5-583 6-415 1-239 5-168 5-938 4-718 5-421 4-220 4-849 3-655 4-200 2-984 3-429 2-110 2-424 1-239 6-226 9-732 1-280 5-764 9-010 5-262 8-226 4-707 7-357 4-076 6-371 3-328 5-202 2-353 3-678 1-280 6-841 13-97 1-316 6-333 12-93 5-781 11-80 5-171 10-56 4-478 9-144 3-656 7-466 2-586 5-281 1-316 7-430 19-20 I-348 6-879 17-78 6-279 16-22 5-617 14-51 4-864 12-57 3-971 10-26 2-808 7*256 8-007 25-54 1*377 7-412 23-64 6-767 21-59 6-052 19-31 5-242 16-72 4-280 13-65 3-027 9-656 1*377 8-548 33-00 1*402 7-913 30-54 7-225 27-89 6-462 24-94 5-595 21-60 4-569 17-64 3-230 12-47 1-402 9-065 41-64 1-424 8-393 38-56 7-663 35-20 6-852 31-48 5-935 27-27 4-846 22-26 3-426 15-74 1-424 9-587 51-69 1-446 8-876 47-86 8-103 43-69 7-247 39-08 6-277 33-85 5-125 27-63 3-624 19-54 1-446 10-08 63-03 1-465 9-331 58-35 8-518 53-26 7-618 47-64 6-597 41-25 5-387 33-68 3-809 23-82 1-465 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E is less than O'l foot. 144 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VT. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0010, Transverse Diameter. 5- 4-5 S per thousand. 4 3-5 3 2-5 2- V Q c Y Q c Y Q c Y Q Y Q c Y Q c Y Q c Y Q c Y Q c 8-917 64-01 1-482 8-459 60-72 7-975 57-24 7-460 53-55 6-906 49-57 6-304 45-25 5-639 40-48 1-482 2' 6" j 2' 8" < 2' 10" j 3' 0" j 3' 2" j 3' 4" j 3' 6" j 3' 8" ] 3' 10" < 9-319 76-11 1-499 8-840 72-20 8-336 68-08 7-796 63-67 7-219 58-96 6-588 53-80 5-894 48-14 1-499 9-694 89-38 9-196 84-79 8-671 79-95 8-110 74-77 7-509 69-23 6-854 63-19 6-131 56-53 10-07 104-1 1-528 9-556 98-77 9-009 93-12 8-427 87-10 7-802 80-64 7-124 73-63 6-370 65-84 1-528 10-43 120-2 9-899 114-0 9-332 107-5 8-745 100-7 8-083 93-12 7-380 85-02 6-600 76-03 10-80 137-8 10-25 130-8 9-660 123-3 9-037 115-3 8-365 106-7 7-636 97-44 6-830 87-15 i*554 11-14 156-7 1-565 10-57 148-7 9-967 140-2 9-323 131-2 8-631 121-4 7-880 108-7 7-047 99-15 11-49 177-1 i*577 10-90 168-0 10-28 158-4 9-615 148-2 8-901 137-2 8-126 125-2 7-268 112-0 1-577 11-33 199-7 1-587 11-22 189-4 10-58 178-6 9-895 167-0 9-162 154-7 8-395 141-7 7-481 126-3 1-587 The coefficients (G) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. TABLE VI. 145 (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (0) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 1-5 I- S per thousand. 0-9 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V V Q c 4-883 35-05 1-482 3-988 28-63 1-482 3-781 27-14 1-481 3-560 25-55 1*479 3-322 23-85 1-476 3-070 22-04 1-473 2-796 20-07 1-469 2' 6" j 2' 8" j 2' 10" j 3' 0" j 3' 2" j 3' 4" j 3' 6" j 3' 8" j 3' 10" \ ( 5-103 41-68 1-499 4-167 34-03 1-499 3-952 32-28 1-498 3-721 30-39 1-496 3-473 28-36 i"493 3-209 26-21 1-490 2-921 23-86 1-486 5-311 48-97 i-5!3 4-335 39-97 i-5i3 4-110 37-89 1-512 3-870 35-68 1-510 3-612 33-30 1-507 3-337 30-77 1-504 3-041 28-04 1-501 5-518 57-03 1-528 4-505 46-56 1-528 4-271 44-15 1-527 4-021 41-56 1-525 3-752 38-78 1-522 3-468 35-85 1-519 3-161 32-67 1-516 5-716 65-85 i'54i 4-666 53-75 i-54i 4-424 50-96 1-540 4-166 47-99 I-538 3-890 44-81 1-535 3-593 41-39 i'532 3-274 37-72 1-529 5-916 75-49 i'554 4-830 61-63 i'554 4-580 58-44 1*553 4-312 55-02 J-55 1 4-027 51-38 !'549 3-724 47-52 i-547 3-394 43-31 1*544 6-104 85-88 1*565 4-983 70-11 1-565 4-725 66-48 1-564 4-449 62-60 1-562 4-156 58-47 1*560 3-844 54-09 1-558 3-502 49-27 !'555 6-294 96-99 i'577 5-139 79-19 1-577 4-870 75-05 !'575 4-585 70-65 1*573 4-284 66-02 i-57i 3-960 61-02 1-569 3-608 55-60 1-566 6-478 109-3 1-587 5-289 89-28 1-587 5-015 84-65 1-586 4-722 79-71 1-584 4-412 74-47 1-582 4-080 68-87 1-580 3-717 62-74 i-577 above 1 per thousand ; also again when R is less than O'l foot. 146 CANAL AND CULVEBT TABLES. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 1* 0-9 Sper 0-8 thousand 0-7 0-6 0-5 0*45 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q G V Q c V Q c V c Q V Q c V Q c 5*436 99-91 5-155 94-75 1-596 4-857 89-27 i-595 4-537 83-39 1-593 4-195 77*10 I '59 I 3-822 70-25 1-588 3-622 66-57 1-586 4' 0" \ 4' 4" j 4' 6" j 4' 8" j 5' 0" j 5' 4" j 5' 6" j 5' 8" j 6' 0" j 5-722 123-4 1*615 5-425 117-0 1-614 5-112 110-3 1*613 4-775 103-0 1-611 4*415 95*23 1-609 4-023 86-78 1*606 3-811 82-20 1*604 5*864 136-4 1-624 5-560 129-3 1-623 5-239 121-9 1-622 4*894 113*8 1*620 4-554 105-9 1-618 4-151 96-55 1-616 3-933 91-48 1*614 6-001 150-1 1-632 5-689 142-3 1-631 5-361 134-1 1-630 5*008 125*3 1-628 4*631 115*8 1*626 4-222 105-6 1-624 4*001 100-1 1*622 6-270 180-0 1-647 5-944 170-7 1*646 5-601 160-8 1*645 5-236 150-3 1-644 4*842 139-0 1*642 4-415 126-8 1-640 4*182 120-1 1-638 6-533 213-4 1-662 6-194 202-4 1-661 5-837 190-7 1-660 5-456 178-2 1-659 5-046 164-9 1-657 4-599 150-2 I<6 55 4-359 142-4 I-653 6-657 231-3 1-668 6-315 219-4 1-668 5-951 206-7 1-667 5-563 193-3 1-666 5-145 178-7 1-664 4-690 162-9 1-662 4-444 154-4 r66o 6-787 250-3 1-675 6-439 237-5 1-675 6-067 223-8 1*674 5-671 209-1 1*673 5-244 193-4 1-671 4-782 176-4 1-669 4-531 167-1 1-667 7-033 290-8 1-687 6-672 275-9 1-687 6-287 260-0 1-686 5-877 243-0 1-685 5-434 224-7 1-683 4-956 204-9 1-681 4-699 194-3 1-680 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for al] values of S PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 147 TABLE VI. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (0) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Metropolitan Ovoid. N=O-OIO. Transverse Diameter. 0*4 0*35 S per thousand. 0-3 0*25 0*2 0*15 0-1 4' 0" j 4' 4" j 4' 6" j 4' 8" j 5' 0" j 5' 4" 5 5' 6" 1 5' 8" < 6' 0" ! 1 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V o Q V 8 V Q c V Q c 3*408 62-64 1-583 3-182 58-49 1-580 2-937 53-98 2-674 49-15 1*571 2-376 43-67 1*561 2-040 37-50 1-548 1-640 30-14 3-590 77-44 1*602 3-354 72-35 i -600 3-094 66-74 2*819 60-81 1-592 2-506 54-05 1-582 2-153 46-44 1-569 1*732 37-36 1*546 3*682 85-64 I'6l2 3-460 80-48 1*610 3-175 73-85 1-605 2-893 67-30 1-602 2-571 59-80 1*592 2-210 51-40 1*580 1*779 41-38 1*558 3-768 94-24 1-620 3-517 87-96 1-617 3-249 81-26 1*613 2*957 73*95 1*609 2*629 65-75 1*601 2*264 56-62 1*590 1-823 45-60 1-568 3-938 113-1 r6 3 6 3-680 105-7 1-634 3-401 97-64 1*631 3*096 88-89 1*627 2-756 79-12 1-619 2-372 68*10 1*609 1-913 54-92 1*589 4*104 134-1 1*651 3-836 125-3 1-649 3-544 115-8 1-646 3*228 105-5 1-643 2-876 93-96 1*636 2*475 80*86 1*626 1-998 65-27 1*607 4*185 145-4 1-658 3-910 135-8 1-656 3-613 125-5 1*653 3-293 114-4 1*650 2*933 101-9 1-643 2*526 87*75 1*634 2-039 70-83 1-616 4-267 157-4 1-665 3-986 147-0 1-663 3-684 135-9 1-660 3*357 123*8 1-657 2-990 110-3 1-650 2*575 94*97 1*641 2-082 76-78 1*625 4-425 183-0 1-678 4-133 170-9 1-676 3-822 158-0 1-674 3*484 144*1 1*671 3-104 128-4 1-665 2-674 110*6 1-656 2*163 89-44 1*641 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E. is less than. 0*1 foot. 19 148 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Pegtop Section. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 20 17-5 S per thousand. 15 12-5 10 9 8 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 8-888 9-235 1-214.. 8-313 8-637 7-697 7-997 7-027 7-301 6-285 6-530 5-962 6-195 5-621 5-840 1*214 1' 0" j 1' 2" j 1' 4" j 1' 6" j r 8" j 1' 10" j 2' 0" j 2' 2" j 2' 4" j 9-850 13-93 1*247 9-214 13-03 8-531 12-06 7-788 11-01 6-966 9-850 6-608 9-344 6-230 8-809 1-247 10-93 20-18 1-294.. 10-23 18-88 9-469 17-48 8-644 15-96 7-732 14-27 7-334 13-54 6-915 12-77 1-294 11-88 27-76 1*325.. 11-11 25-96 10-29 24-05 9-393 21-95 8-401 19-63 7-970 18-63 7-514 17-56 1-325 12-81 36-96 ^SSS-- 11-98 34-56 11-09 31-99 10-13 29-32 9-060 26-14 8-595 24-80 8-103 23-38 i'355 13-71 47-86 1-382 12-82 4475 11-87 41-44 10-84 37-84 9-693 33-84 9-196 32-10 8-671 30-27 1-382 14-54 60-40 1-404.. 13-60 56-49 12-59 52-30 11-49 47-73 10-28 42-70 9-752 40-51 9-193 38-19 1-404 15-35 74-82 1-425.. 14-36 69-99 13-29 64-78 12-13 59-12 10-85 52-88 10-30 50-20 9-707 47-31 1-425 16-13 91-20 I "444 15-09 85-32 13-97 78-99 12-75 72-09 11-41 64-51 10-82 61-18 10-20 57-67 1-444 The coefficients- (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of PAET II. 1'INAL RESULTS. TABLE VI. 149 (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Pegtop Section. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 7 6 S per thousand. 5 4 3 2 1 1' 0" j r 2" j ( 1' 4" j 1' 6" j r 8" j 1' 10" j 2' 0" j 2' 2" - j 2' 4" \ V Q c V Q c V V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 5*258 5*463 1*214 4-868 5-058 4-444 4-617 3-975 4-130 3-442 3-576 2*810 2*920 1-987 2-064 1*214 5-827 8-239 1*247 5-396 7-630 4-926 6-965 4-406 6-230 3-815 5-394 3*115 4*405 2*202 3*114 1*24.7 r/ 6-469 11-94 I"2Q4 5-989 11-06 5-467 10-09 4-890 9-027 4-235 7-818 3*458 6*383 2*444 4-512 1*204. 7-029 16-43 6-507 15-21 5-940 13-88 5-313 12-42 4-602 10-75 3*756 8*778 2*657 6*210 1*225 7-580 21-87 i'355 7-018 20-25 6-406 18-48 5-729 16-53 4-962 14-32 4*051 11*69 2*864 8*263 1-355 8-111 28-32 1-382 . 7-508 26-21 6-855 23-93 6-131 21-40 5-310 18-54 4*335 15*13 3-065 10-70 1-382 * ^w* 8-600 35-72 i '404 7-962 33-07 7-269 30-20 6-501 27-01 5-630 23-39 4*597 19*10 3*250 13*50 1*4.04. 9-080 44-26 1*425 .. 8-406 40-97 7-674 37-40 6-864 33-46 5-944 28-97 4-854 23-66 3*431 16-72 1*425 9-543 53-96 i-444 8-836 49-96 8-066 45-61 7-214 40-79 6-248 35-33 5-102 28-85 3*607 20*39 . 1*444 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E, is less than 0*1 foot. 150 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Pegtop Section. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 5 4-5 S per 4 thousand. 3-5 3 2-5 2 V Q c 8-456 54-89 1*462 . 8-022 52-07 7-563 49-09 7-075 45-92 6-550 42-52 5-978 38-80 5-348 34-71 1-462 2' 2' 2' 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' 6" j 8" j 10" \ 0" j 2" j -I 6" j 8" j 10" j V Q c 8-831 65-22 1-478 . 8-377 61-86 7-898 58-31 7-389 54-57 6-840 50-51 6-245 46-12 5-585 41-25 . 1-478 V Q c 9-203 76-73 1-494 . 8-732 72-80 8-232 68-63 7-702 64-21 7-129 59-43 6-509 54-27 5-821 48-53 1-494 V Q c V Q c 9-555 89-31 1-508 9-066 84-74 8-546 79-88 7-994 74-72 7-401 69-18 6-756 63-15 6-043 56-48 1-508 9-910 103-2 1-522 . 9-401 97-86 8-864 92-27 8-292 86-32 7-677 79-92 7-007 72-94 6-268 65-25 1-522 V Q c 10-26 118-4 1-536 . 9-738 112-4 9-181 105-9 8-586 99-08 7-950 91-74 7-258 83-76 6-491 76-91 i'536 V Q c 10-58 134-6 1-546 10-04 127-7 9-465 120-4 8-854 112-6 8-197 104-3 7-483 95-18 6-693 85-13 1*546 V Q c 10-92 152-4 1-558 . 10-36 144-6 9-764 136-3 9-135 127-5 8-457 118-1 7-720 107-8 6-910 96-47 1-558 v Q C 11-24 171-6 1-568 10-66 162-7 10-05 153-4 9-402 143-5 8-704 132-8 7-945 121-2 7-106 108-4 1-568 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PART II. FINAL RESULTS. TABLE VI. 151 (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Pegtop Section. N=o-oia Transverse Diameter. 1-5 1 S per 0-9 thousand. 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 2' 6" j 2' 8" \ 2' 10" j 3' 0" j 3' 2" 3' 4" 3' 6" j 3' 8" j 3' 10" j V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q C V Q c V Q c 4-630 30-05 1-462 3-782 24-55 1-462 3-583 23-26 1-460 3-372 21-89 1-458 3-149 20-44 2-908 18-88 i-45 2 2-648 17-19 1-448 4-837 35-72 1-478 3-949 29-16 1-478 3-744 27-65 1-477 3-525 26-03 1*475 3-291 24-30 1-472 3-041 22-46 1-469 2-767 20-43 1-465 5-021 41-86 1-494 4-116 34-32 1-494 3-903 32-54 3-674 30-63 1-491 3-430 28-60 1-488 3-169 26-42 1-485 2-885 24-05 1-481 5-234 48-92 1-508 4-274 39-95 1-508 4-051 37-86 1-507 3-815 35-66 1-505 3-561 33-28 1-502 3-290 30-75 1-499 2-996 28-00 5-429 56-52 1-522 4-432 46-14 1-522 4-203 43-75 1-521 3-957 41-19 1-519 3-694 38-45 1-517 3-416 35-56 1-514 3-111 32-39 5-620 64-85 1-536 4-590 52-97 1-536 4-352 50-22 4-098 47-29 1-533 3-828 44-18 3-537 40-82 1-528 3-222 37-18 1 '5 2 5 5-798 73-75 1-546 4-732 60-19 1-546 4-487 57-07 i-545 4-225 53-74 3-947 50-21 1-541 3-647 46-39 I-538 3-322 42-26 1*535 5-980 83-48 1-558 4-883 68-17 1-558 4-629 64-62 4-359 60-85 ''555 4-072 56-85 3-764 52-55 1-551 3-430 47-88 1-548 6-153 93-89 1-568 5-025 76-68 1-568 4-763 72-68 1-567 4-485 68-44 1 '5 6 5 4-190 62-94 1-563 3-874 59-12 1*561 3-530 53-87 1-558 above 1 per thousand ; also again when B is less than 0*1 foot. 152 OANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VI. MEAN VELOCITY (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, glazed or coated with very smooth Pegtop Section. N=0010. Transverse Diameter. 1 0*9 S per thousand. 0*8 0*7 0*6 0*5 0*45 V Q G V 8 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V o Q V Q c 5-168 85-89 4-900 81-43 1-578 4*613 76*67 1*576 4-310 71-63 i'574 3-983 66-19 1-571 3-628 60*30 1*568 3-437 57*13 1*566 4' 0" j 4' 4" j 4' 6" \ 4' 8" j 5' 0" j 5' 4" 5' 6" j 5' 8" j 6' 0" j 5-439 106-1 5*157 100-6 1-596 4-858 94-74 i'595 4-540 88-53 4-197 81-84 3*824 74-57 1*588 3-624 70-67 1*586 5*574 117*2 1*606 5-284 111-1 1-605 4-980 104-7 1*604 4-652 97-84 1*602 4-302 90-48 i "600 3*921 82-45 3*715 78*12 5*704 129-0 1-614 5-408 122-3 1-613 5*096 115*3 I'6l2 4-761 107-7 1*610 4*396 99-44 1-608 4-011 90*73 1*605 3*801 85*98 1*603 5-964 154-8 1*630 5-654 146-8 1-629 5-328 138-3 1*628 4*977 129-2 1-626 4-602 119-5 1-624 4*196 108-9 1-622 3-977 103-2 1-620 6-213 183-5 1*644 5-890 174-0 1-643 5-550 163-9 1*642 5-189 153-3 1-641 4-797 141-7 1-639 4-374 129-2 1*637 4-145 122-4 1*635 6-335 199-0 1-651 6-006 188-7 1-650 5-659 177-8 1*649 5-290 166-2 1*648 4-892 153-7 1-646 4*460 140-1 1-644 4-227 132-8 1*642 6-458 215*4 1*658 6-123 204-2 1*657 5*770 192-2 1-656 5*394 179-9 1*655 4-987 166-3 1-653 4-547 151-6 1*651 4-309 143-7 1-649 V Q G 6*695 250*3 1*670 6*351 237*5 1*670 5-983 223-6 1*669 5*594 209-2 1-668 5*173 193*4 1*666 4*717 176*4 1*664 4-469 167-1 1*662 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 153 TABLE VI. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, cement, in perfect order, running just full. Pegtop Section. N=0'010. Transverse Diamster. 0-4 0-35 S per 0-3 thousand. 0-25 0-2 0*15 0*1 4/0" 4' 4" 4' 6" j 4' 8" 5' 0" j 5' 4" j 5' 6" j 5' 8" j 6' 0" V Q C V Q C V Q C V Q C V Q C V 8 V Q C V Q C 3-235 5377 !'5 6 3 3-020 50-20 1-560 2-788 46-34 J '555 2-537 42-17 i-55i 2*255 37-47 1-540 1-935 32*16 1*526 1-553 25-80 1-500 3-410 66-49 1-583 3-184 62-08 1-580 3-006 58-61 1-575 2-675 52-17 i'57i 2-377 46-36 1*561 2*042 39-81 1-548 1-644 31-99 IB 5 2 3 3-497 73-54 i'593 3-268 68-72 1-591 3-083 64-84 1-585 2-745 57-72 1-581 2-440 51-31 1-572 2-096 44-07 1-558 1-684 35-42 !'534 3-578 80-93 1-601 3-344 75-64 1-599 3-081 69-69 J'594 2-810 63-56 1*590 2-498 56-50 1*581 2*143 48*47 1*568 1-727 39-06 !'545 3-744 97-10 1-618 3-496 90-76 1-615 3-228 83-80 1-611 2*941 76-35 1*607 2-616 67-91 1-599 2-249 58-38 1-587 1-812 47-04 1*565 3-903 115-3 1-633 3-647 107-7 1-631 3-368 99-49 1*627 3-066 90-57 1*623 2-729 80-61 1*615 2-348 69-36 1*604 1-893 55-92 1-584 3-980 125-1 1*640 3-718 116-8 1-638 3-435 107-9 J-635 3*128 98-28 1-631 2-785 87-50 1-623 2*397 75-31 1-613 1-932 60-70 1-593 4-057 135-3 1-647 3-790 126-4 1-645 3-502 116-8 1*642 3-193 106-5 1*639 2-841 94-75 1*631 2-446 81-57 1*621 1-977 65-93 1-602 V Q c 4-208 157-3 1-660 3-933 147-1 1-658 3-634 135-9 1-655 3*311 123-8 1-652 2-949 110-3 1-645 2-541 95-01 1*636 2-052 76-72 1*618 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E. is less than 0*1 foot. 155 TABLE VII. TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES or DISCHARGE (V), IN FEET PER SECOND; QUANTITIES DISCHARGED (Q), IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND; AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. FOR CULVERTS AND PIPES, OF VARIOUS SECTIONS, IN CAST OR WROUGHT IRON, NEW BRICKWORK, OR ASHLAR, OR UNGLAZED STONEWARE, IN PERFECT ORDER, RUNNING FULL BUT NOT UNDER PRESSURE ; WHEN N, THE COEFFICIENT OF ROUGHNESS OF GENERAL FORMULA, Q = A.V= 20 156 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts and Pipes, of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stone- Cylindrical Pipes. N=0'013. Diameter. 3 inches 4 inches 6 inches 8 inches 9 inches 10 inches 12 inches 15 inches 18 inches 20 S 17-5 per thousand. 15 12-5 10 9 8 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 2-298 0-113 0-650 . 2-150 0-106 1-990 0-098 1-817 0-089 1-625 0-080 1-541 0-076 1-453 0-071 0-650 2-654 0-231 0-650 , 2-482 0-216 2-298 0-200 2-098 0-183 1-876 0-164 1-780 0-155 1-678 0-146 0-650 3-510 0-689 0-702 3-283 0-644 3-040 0-597 2-774 0-545 2-482 0-487 2-355 0-462 2-220 0-436 0-702 4-241 1-480 0-761 . 4-110 1-434 3-805 1-328 3-473 1-212 3-106 1-084 2-947 1-029 2-778 0-970 0-761 4-843 2-140 0-791 4-531 2-002 4-196 1-854 3-830 1-692 3-425 1-513* 3-249 1-435 3-064 1-354 0-791 5-235 2-855 0-811 4-896 2-670 4-533 2-472 4-139 2-257 3-701 2-019 3-497 1-907 3-311 1-806 0*811 6-032 4-737 0-853 5-642 4-431 5-223 4-102 4-768 3-745 4-265 3-350 4-046 3-178 3-815 2-996 0-853 7-147 8-771 0-904 6-685 8-204 6-191 7-597 5-650 6-934 5-053 6-201 4-794 5-883 4-520 5-547 0-904 8-192 14-48 0-946 7-664 13-54 7-095 12-54 6-476 11-44 5-793 10-24 5-495 9-710 5-178 9-150 0-946 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S or when E PART II. FINAL EESULTS. 157 TABLE VII. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, ware, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Cylindrical Pipes. N=0'013. Diameter. 7 6 S per thousand 5 4 3 2 1 3 inches 4 inches 6 inches 8 inches 9 inches 10 inches 12 inches 15 inches 18 inches V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 1-359 0-067 0-650 . 1-258 0-062 1-149 0-056 1-028 0-050 0-890 0-044 0-727 0-036 0-514 0-025 0*650 1-570 0-137 0-650 . 1-453 0-127 1-327 0-116 1-186 0-103 1-028 0-090 0-839 0-073 0-593 0-052 .0-650 2-077 0-408 0-702 . 1-921 0-377 1-755 0-345 1-570 0-308 1-359 0-267 1-110 0-218 0-785 0-154 .0-702 2-599 0-907 0-761 . 2-406 0-840 2-197 0-767 1-966 0-686 1-702 0-594 1-390 0-485 0-982 0-343 .0-761 2-866 1-266 0-791 . 2-653 1-172 2-422 1-070 2-177 0-962 1-875 0-828 1-532 0-677 1-083 0-478 O"7QI 3-096 1-689 0-811 . 2-868 1-564 2-618 1-428 2-341 1-277 2-028 1-106 1-656 0-903 1-170 0-638 ..0-811 3-568 2-802 o 8' 3-304 2-595 3-016 2-369 2-698 2-119 2-336 1-835 1-907 1-498 1-349 1-059 0-8^3 W JO 4-228 5-189 0-904 . 3-914 4-803 3-574 4-386 3-197 3-923 2-768 3-397 2-260 2-773 1-598 1-961 ..0-904 4-846 8-563 0-946 . 4-487 7-929 4-096 7-238 3-664 6-475 3-173 5-607 2-590 4-577 1-832 3-237 ..0-946 above 1 per thousand ; also again for all diameters below 5 inche is less than 0*1 foot. 158 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts and Pipes, of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stone- N=0-013. Cylindrical Pipes. Diameter in feet. S per thousand. 4-5 4 3-5 3 2-5 V 4-079 3-886 3-664 3'427 3-173 2-897 2-590 1-5 Q 7-238 6-878 6-474 6-057 5-606 5-118 4-577 C 0-946 0-946 V 4-593 4-357 4-108 3'843 3558 3-247 2-905 1-75 Q ll'O 10-48 9-880 9-241 8'557 7-810 6'986 C 0-982 0-982 V 5-055 4-796 4-521 4-229 3'916 3'575 T'197 Q 15-88 15-06 14-20 13-29 12-30 11-23 10-04 C ron roii V 5-505 5-222 4-923 4-606 4-264 3'976 3-481 2-25 | Q 21-89 20-76 19*57 18'31 16'95 15-48 13'84 C 1-038 1-038 V 5-937 5-632 5-310 4-967 4-598 4-197 3754 2-5 | Q 29-14 27-65 26'07 24-38 22-57 20-60 18-43 C 1-062 1-062 V 6-350 6-024 5-679 5'312 4-918 4-489 4-016 2-75 Q 37-71 35-77 33-73 31-55 29-21 26-66 23-85 C 1-083 1*083 V 6-747 6-401 6-036 5-646 5'227 4-772 4-268 Q 47-70 45-25 42-67 39'91 36'95 33-80 30-17 C ri02 no2 V 7-513 7-128 6-721 6-287 5-820 5-313 4-753 3-5 Q 72-29 68-58 64-66 60-48 55'99 51-12 45-73 C 1-136 1-136 V 8-238 7-815 7*369 6'892 6'381 5-825 5-210 4' Q 103-6 98-23 92'63 86-61 80-18 73*20 65-47 C 1-165 1*165 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S or when E PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 159 TABLE VH. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, ware, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running fulL Cylindrical Pipes. N=0013. Diameter in feet. 1-5 S per thousand. 1- 0-9 0-8 0*7 0*6 0*5 V Q c v Q c V Q c Y Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 2-584 4-565 0*946 1-833 3-238 0-946 1-736 3-068 0*945 1-633 2-886 Q'943 1*525 2*694 0*941 1-405 2-483 o-937 1*276 2-255 0-932 1-5 175 2* 2-25 2-5 275 3* 3-5 4f 2-515 6-048 0-982 2-053 4-938 0-982 1-946 4-681 0*981 1*832 4-405 ' 0*979 1*710 4-112 0*977 1-578 3*795 0*974 1-430 3-447 0-969 2-769 8-698 I 'Oil 2-261 7-102 I 'Oil 2-142 6*729 1*010 2-016 6-332 1*008 1*882 5-912 1*006 1-737 5-457 1*003 1*579 4-961 0*999 3-014 11-99 1-038 2-461 9-785 1-038 2-333 9-277 1-037 2-195 8-728 1*035 2-049 8*149 1-033 1*892 7-523 1*030 1*721 6*841 1-026 3-251 15-96 1*062 2-655 13-03 1*062 2-516 12-35 i -06 1 2-368 11-62 1*059 2*211 10-85 1*057 2-042 10-02 1*054 1-856 9-112 1*050 3-479 20-66 1-083 2-840 16-86 1*083 2-691 15-98 1-082 2-535 15*06 1*081 2*367 14-06 1*079 2-185 12-98 1-076 1*987 11*80 1*072 3-696 26-13 1*102 3*018 21-34 1*102 2*860 20-22 I'lOI 2-694 19*04 1*100 2*516 17*78 1*098 2*323 16*42 1*095 2*116 14*96 1*092 4-116 39-60 1*136 3*360 32*33 1*136 3-185 30-64 i-i35 3*001 28-87 i-i34 2*802 26*96 1*132 2-590 24-92 1*130 2*358 22-68 1*127 4-512 56-70 1-165 3*684 46-29 1*165 3-492 43-88 1*164 3-289 41-33 1*163 3-072 38-60 1*161 2-838 35-67 I ' I 59 2-585 32-48 1*156 above 1 per thousand ; also again for all diameters below 5 inches is less than O'l foot. 160 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES, TABLE VH. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts and Pipes, of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stone- Cylindrical Pipes. N=0-013. Diameter in feet. i* 0-9 S per thousand. 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 0-45 V Q c y Q c V Q c 3-684 46-29 1-165 3-492 43-88 1*164 3-289 41-33 1-163 3-072 38-60 1-161 2-838 35-67 1-159 2-585 32-48 1-156 2-448 30-76 i-i54 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7*5 8* 3-991 63-47 1-190 3-783 60-16 1-189 3-564 56-68 1-188 3-331 52-98 1-187 3-079 48-97 1-185 2-803 44-58 1-182 2-655 42-23 1-180 4-286 84-16 I'2I2 4-062 79-76 I-2II 3-826 75-12 I-2IO 3-576 70-21 1-209 3-306 64-91 1*207 3-010 59-10 1*204 2-854 56-04 1-203 V Q c 4-568 108-5 1-232 4-331 102-9 1-231 4-080 96-93 1*230 3-812 90-57 1-229 3-524 83-72 1-227 3-209 76-24 1*224 3-042 72-27 1-223 V Q c 4-837 136-8 1-249 4-585 129-6 1-248 4-320 122-1 1-247 4-037 114-1 1-246 3-735 105-6 1*245 3-405 96-27 ,1-243 3-227 91-24 1-242 V 5-099 169-2 1-265 4-834 160-4 1-264 4-553 151-1 1-263 4-255 141-2 1*262 3-937 130-6 1-261 3-588 119-1 1-259 3-402 112*9 1*258 y Q c 5-350 205-9 1-279 5-076 195-3 1-279 4-782 184-0 1-278 4-470 172-0 1-277 4-134 159-1 1-276 3-768 145-0 1-274 3*572 137*5 1*273 y Q c 5-599 247-4 1-293 5-312 234-7 1-293 5-004 221-1 1-292 4-677 206-6 1*291 4-327 191-2 1*290 3-944 174-2 1-288 3*737 165*1 1-287 y Q c 5-836 293-3 1-305 5-537 278-3 1-305 5-216 262-2 1-304 4-876 245-1 1-303 4-510 226-7 1-302 4-114 206-8 1*301 3-900 196-0 1-300 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S or when K PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 161 TABLE VII. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, ware, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Cylindrical Pipes. N=0'013. Diameter in feet. 0-4 0-35 S per 0-3 thousand 0-25 0-2 0*15 0*1 V Q c 2-304 28-95 1-152 2-152 27-04 1-150 1-983 24-92 I'HS 1-802 22-64 1-140 1-599 20-09 1-131 1*371 17-23 1-119 1*097 13-78 1-097 , ( t 4*5 5- 5-5 6- 6-5 / 7- 7-5 f 8- V Q c 2-499 39-74 1-178 2-333 37-10 1-176 2-151 34-21 1-171 1-955 31-09 1-166 1-739 27-66 1*159 1-491 23-71 1*148 1-195 19-01 1-127 V Q c 2-685 52-72 I"2OI 2-508 49-24 1-199 2-314 45-44 1-195 2-104 41-31 1*191 1*872 36*76 1*184 1*606 31-53 i'i73 1-291 25-35 t'ltt V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 2-863 68-02 I'22I 2-673 63-51 1-219 2-470 58-68 1*216 2-249 53-43 1*213 2-000 47*52 1*206 1*717 40*79 1*196 1-382 32-83 1-179 3-037 85-87 1*240 2-856 80-75 1-238 2-619 74-05 1*235 2-385 67-43 1*232 2-123 60-03 1*226 1-826 51-63 1*217 1-471 41-59 I"2OI 3-204 106-3 1-257 2-993 99-32 1-255 2-764 91-72 1-252 2*517 83-52 1*249 2-243 74-43 1-244 1-949 64-01 1*236 1-557 51-67 1*222 3-366 129-5 1-272 3-143 121-0 1*270 2-905 111-8 1-268 2*946 101-8 1*265 2-357 90*71 1*260 2*030 78-12 I<2 53 1*641 63-15 1*240 3-521 155-6 1-286 3-288 145-3 1-284 3-040 134-3 1-282 2-771 122*4 1*280 2*472 109*2 1*276 2-128 94-01 1*269 1*722 76-08 1*258 V Q c 3-674 184-7 1-299 3-435 172-7 1-298 3-174 159-5 1*296 2-893 145*4 1*294 2*580 129*7 1*290 2-224 111-8 1*284 1-801 90-53 1*274 above 1 per thousand ; also again for all diameters below 5 inches ; is less than O'l foot. 162 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts, of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stone- N=0'013. Hawksley's Ovoid. Transverse Diameter. 1' 0" 1' 2" 1' 4" r &' l 1' 8" 1' 10" 2' 0" 2' 2" j 2' 4" 20 17-5 Sper 15 thousand 12-5 10 9 8 V Q c 6-528 6-498 0-877 6-106 6-078 5-653 5-628 5-160 5-137 4-616 4-595 4-379 4-359 4-128 4-110 0-877 V Q c 7-330 9-932 0*912 6-856 9-290 6-348 8-602 5-795 7-852 5-183 7-023 4-918 6-663 4-636 6-281 0*912 V Q c 8-093 14-32 0-942 7-570 13-40 7-009 12-40 6-397 10-86 5-723 10-13 5-429 9-609 5-118 9-059 0-942 V Q c 8-828 19-79 0-969 8-258 18-51 7-645 17-14 6-979 15-65 6-242 14-00 5-922 13-28 5-583 12-52 0-969 V Q c V Q c V Q c 9-535 26-36 0*993 8-919 24-26 8-258 22-83 7-538 20-84 6-743 18-64 6-396 17-69 6-031 16-67 0-993 10-21 34-16 1-014 9-551 31-96 8-843 29-59 8-073 27-00 7-220 24-16 6-850 22-92 6-458 21-61 1*014 10-87 43-28 1-034 10-17 40-50 9-418 37-50 8-597 34-23 7-689 30-62 7-295 29-05 6-877 27-39 1-034 V Q c V Q c 11-51 53-81 1-052 10-77 50-33 9-972 46-60 9-103 42-54 8-143 38-05 7-724 36-09. 7-282 34-03 1-052 12-14 65-81 1-069 11-36 61-56 10-52 56-99 9-599 52-02 8-585 46-53 8-145 44-14 7-679 41-62 1*069 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 163 TABLE VII. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (0) OF MEAN VELOCITY, ware, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Hawksley's Ovoid. N=0013. Transverse Diameter. 7 6 Sper 5 thousand 4 3 2 1 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 2' 2' 2' 0" 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" 0" 2" c 4" V Q c V Q c 3-861 3-844 0-877 - 3-576 3-559 3-264 3-250 2-920 2-906 2-528 2-517 2-064 2-055 1-459 1-453 0-877 4-337 5-876 0-912 . 4-015 5-440 3-665 4-967 3-278 4-441 2-839 3-847 2-318 3-141 1-639 2-221 0*912 V Q c 4-787 8-473 0-942 . 4-432 7-845 4-046 7-161 3-619 6-406 3-134 5-547 2-559 4-530 1-810 3-203 0*942 V Q c V Q c 5-223 11-71 0*969 . 4-835 10-84 4-414 9-896 3-948 8-851 3-419 7-665 2-792 6-259 1-974 4-425 0*969 5-641 15-60 0-993 . 5-222 14-44 4-767 13-18 4-264 11-79 3-693 10-21 3-015 8-336 2-132 5-895 0-993 V Q c 6-040 20-21 1*014 5-592 18-71 5-106 17-08 4-566 15-28 3-955 13-23 3-229 10-80 2-284 7-641 1*014. V Q c 6-434 25-62 1-034 . 5-956 23-72 5-437 21-65 4-863 19-36 4-212 16-77 3-433 13-69 2-432 9-684 1-034 V Q c V Q c 6-812 31-83 1*052 . 6-307 29-47 5-758 26-91 5-150 24-06 4-459 20-84 3-641 17-01 2-574 12-03 1-052 7-183 38-93 1-069 6-650 36-04 6-071 32-90 5-429 29-43 4-703 25-49 3-840 20-80 2-715 14-72 1*069 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E is less than O'l foot. 21 164 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stoneware, Hawksley's Ovoid. N=0'013. Transverse Diameter. 2' 6" 2' 8" 2' 10" I 3' 0" 3' 2" 3' 4" 3' 6" 3' 8" 3' 10" 5 4*5 S per thousand. 4 3*5 3 2-5 2 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 6-382 3971 1-085.. 6-054 37-68 5*708 35*51 5*339 33*22 4*943 30*75 4-512 28*07 4*036 25*11 1*085 6-676 47-26 I'OQQ.. 6-333 44*83 5*981 42*34 5*585 39*54 5*171 36*60 4-720 33*41 4*222 29*89 1*099 6-968 54-98 1*1 it 6*611 52*17 6-233 49*18 5*830 46*00 5*398 42*59 4*927 38*88 4*407 34-77 1-113 x *0 7-247 65-00 1-125.. 6*875 61*66 6-482 58-14 6*064 54*39 5*514 49*45 5*124 45*96 4*583 41*10 1-125 7-518 75-04 1*136 7*133 71*20 6*724 67*12 6*290 62*79 5-823 58-12 5*316 53*06 4-755 47*46 1-136 7-788 86-13 1*14.7 7*388 81*71 6*966 77*04 6*516 72*07 6-032 66*71 5*507 60*91 4*925 54*47 1*147 8-056 98-28 I'IfxS 7*643 93*24 7*206 87*91 6*471 82*24 6*240 76*13 5*696 69*49 5*095 62*16 1*158 8-316 111-3 1-168.. 7*890 105*6 7*439 99*56 6*958 93-12 6*441 86*20 5*881 78*70 5*259 70*38 1*168 8-576 125*4 1-178.. 8*136 119*0 7*671 112*2 7*175 104*9 6*643 97*17 6*063 88*69 5*423 79*33 1-178 he coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PART II. FINAL RESULTS. TABLE VII. 165 (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Hawksley's Ovoid. N=0013. Transverse Diameter. 1-5 1-0 S per thousand. 0-9 0-8 0-7 0*6 0-5 V Q V Q G V Q c V Q c V Q G V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 3-496 21-75 1-085 2-855 17-76 1-085 2-706 16-84 1-084 2-546 15-84 1-082 2*377 14-79 1-080 2-197 13*67 1-078 1*998 12*43 1-074 2' 6" 2' 8" 2' 10" 3'0" 1 3' 2" 3' 4" 3' 6" 3' 8" 3' 10" 3-656 25-88 1-099 2-986 21-14 1-099 2-829 20-03 1*098 2-663 18-85 1*096 2-487 17-60 1-094 2*297 16-26 1*092 2-090 14-79 i -088 3-816 30-11 1-113 3-116 24-58 1-113 2-953 23-30 1*112 2-779 21-93 I'lIO 2-596 20-48 1-108 2*399 18*93 1*106 2-182 17-22 I'IO2 3-989 35-60 1-125 3-241 29-07 1-125 3-072 27-55 I'I24 2-891 25-93 1*122 2-699 24-21 ri2O 2*495 22*38 1-118 2-269 20-35 1-114 4-118 41-10 1-136 3-362 33-56 1-136 3-187 31-81 "3S 3*002 29-96 I-I34 2-803 27-98 1-132 2*590 25-85 1-130 2-357 23-53 1-126 4266 47-18 1-147 3-482 38-51 1-147 3-302 36-52 1*146 3-110 34-40 1-145 2-904 32-12 i-i43 2-684 29-68 1-141 2-443 27-02 1-138 4-413 53-84 1-158 3-602 43-94 1-158 3*415 41*66 i'i57 3*217 39*25 1-156 3-004 36-65 i-i54 2-776 33-87 1-152 2-528 30-84 1-149 4-555 60-96 1-168 3-719 49-77 1-168 3*525 47-17 1*167 3*321 44-44 1*166 3-101 41-50 1-164 2*867 38-37 1-162 2-610 34-93 1-159 4-697 6871 1-178 3-835 56-10 1-178 3-636 53-19 1-177 3-424 50*09 1-176 3-198 46-78 1-174 2-956 43-24 1*172 2-691 39-36 1-169 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E is less than O'l foot. 166 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stoneware, N=0'013. Hawksley's Ovoid. Transverse Diameter. i- 0*9 S per thousand. 0*8 0-7 0*6 0*5 0-45 4' 4' 4' 4' 5' 5' 5' 5' 6' 0" , ( 6" 8" 0" ( 6" r 8" c 0" [ V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V c V Q c V Q c V Q c 3*945 62*84 1-186 3*758 59*86 1*185 3*522 56*10 1*184 3-291 52-42 1*183 3*042 48-46 1-181 2-770 44-15 1*178 2*624 41*80 1*176 4*166 77-86 1*203 3*948 73*79 1*202 3*719 69-51 I"2OI 3*476 64*97 1*200 3-213 60-05 1*198 2*925 54-67 2-774 51-85 1*194 4-272 86-20 4-050 81-73 I*2IO 3*815 76*99 1*209 3*566 71*96 1*208 3*296 66-51 1*206 3*001 60-56 1*203 2*845 57*41 1*202 4-376 94-87 1*2 1 8 4-149 89-95 1*217 3*908 84*72 1*216 3*652 79-17 1*215 3-376 73-19 1*213 3*077 66-71 2-916 63-22 I"2IO 4*585 114*1 1-233 4*346 108*2 1*232 4*094 101*9 1*231 3*826 95*23 1*230 3*538 88*06 1*228 3-224 80*24 1*226 3-056 76-06 1*225 4-786 135-5 1-246 4*537 128*5 4*273 121*0 1*244 3*994 113-1 1-243 3*692 104-5 1-241 3*365 95-30 1*239 3-189 90-31 1-238 4-879 146*9 1*251 4*625 139*2 1*250 4*392 132*2 1*249 4-105 123-6 1-248 3-797 114-3 1-247 3-461 104-2 1-245 3-280 98-76 1*244 4-980 157-2 1*258 4*720 149*0 1*257 4*447 140*3 1*256 4-156 131-2 3-845 121-3 1-254 3-504 110-6 1*252 3*321 104-8 1*251 5*170 185*3 1*269 4-905 175-8 1*269 4*602 164-9 1-268 4*319 154-8 1*267 3-995 143-2 1-266 3-641 130-5 1*264 3*452 127-7 1-263 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S TART II. FINAL RESULTS. 167 TABLE VII. 4 (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Hawksley's Ovoid. N=0'013. /- ^v^ * , ^ ^ Transverse Diameter. 0-4 S per thousand. 0-35 0-3 0*25 0-2 0-15 o-i V 2-469 2*303 2-125 1*932 1-717 1-473 1-181 4'0" Q 39-33 36-69 33-85 30-78 27-35 23-46 18-81 c 1-174 1*171 1*167 1*162 1-155 1-144 1-123 V 2-610 2*437 2-250 2-044 1-818 1-559 1-253 4' 4" Q 48-78 45-55 42-05 38-20 33-98 29-14 23-42 i c 1*192 1-190 1-186 1-181 1-174 1-163 1-144 V 2-678 2-500 2*308 2-099 1-867 1-601 1-288 4' 6" Q 54*04 50*45 46-57 42-36 37-68 32-31 25-99 c 1*200 1*198 1-194 1*190 1-183 1*172 1-154 f V 2*744 2*564 2-365 2-149 1*914 1-643 1-321 4' 8" Q 59-49 55-59 51-27 46-59 41-49 35-62 28-64 c 1-208 1-206 1-202 1-198 1-191 1*181 1-163 V 2-876 2*686 2-481 2-260 2-010 1*725 1-395 5'0" Q 71-58 66*85 61-75 56*25 50-03 42*93 34-72 c 1-223 1*221 1-218 1*215 1-208 1*198 ri8t V 3-002 2*804 2-590 2*358 2*099 1-804 1-454 5' 4" Q 85-02 79*41 73-35 66*78 59*44 51-09 41*18 c 1*236 1*234 1-231 1*228 1*222 1-213 1-197 V 3*090 2-886 2-644 2-408 2*143 1-844 1*486 5' 6" Q 93-04 86-90 79-61 72*50 64-52 55-52 44*74 c 1-243 1*241 1-238 1*235 1*229 1-220 1*205 V 3-130 2*923 2-699 2-458 2*188 1-882 1-518 5' 8" Q 98-78 92*25 85-18 77*57 69*05 59-39 47*91 c 1-250 1-248 1-245 1*242 1*236 1-228 1*213 V 3-252 3-037 2-806 2*554 2*276 1*958 1*580 6'0" Q 116-5 108-8 100-6 91-53 81*57 70*17 56-63 1*262 1*260 1-257 1-254 1-249 1*241 1-227 above 1 per thousand ; also again when R is less than 0*1 foot. 168 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stoneware, Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0'013. Transverse Diameter. 20 17-5 Sper 15 thousand. 12-5 10 9 8 . V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V i',Q c 6771 7780 0-889 6-333 7-277 5-863 6736 5-353 6-150 4-787 5-500 4-542 5-218 4-282 4-920 0-889 1' r i' i' i 7 i' 2' 2' 2' c 0" f 2" ,, { c 6" 8" ( 10'' c 0" f 2" 4" i 7-589 11-86 0-923 7-099 11-10 6-572 10-27 5-999 9-377 5-366 8-388 5-090 7-957 4-800 7-503 0-923 8-373 17-10 Q'953 7-833 15-99 7-251 14-81 6-619 13-51 5-921 12-09 5-617 11-47 5-296 10-81 Q'953 9131 23-59 0-980 8-541 22-07 7-907 20-43 7-218 18-65 6-456 16-68 6-125 15-83 5-774 14-92 0-980 9-868 31-48 1-004 9-230 29-44 8-546 27-26 7-801 24-88 6-978 22-26 6-619 21-11 6-241 19-91 1-004 10-56 40-76 1-025 9-881 38-14 9-148 35-31 8-351 32-23 7-469 28-83 7-086 27-35 6-681 25-79 1-025 11-24 51-64 1-045 10-52 48-33 9-738 44-74 8-890 40-84 7-951 36-53 7-544 34-66 7-112 32-67 1-045 11-90 64-16 1-063 11-14 60-07 10-32 55-64 9-418 50-78 8-424 45-42 7-992 43-09 7-534 40-62 1-063 12-55 78-47 1-079 11-74 73-41 10-86 67-91 9-918 62-02 8-871 55-47 8-416 52-62 7-935 49-62 1-079 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S I'AftT II. FINAL RESULTS. 169 TABLE VII. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Metropolitan Ovoid. Transverse Diameter. ro" f c I' 10" c 2'0" 2' 2" 2' 4" 7 6 S per thousand. 5 4 3 2 1 V Q c V Q c V Q c v Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 4-006 4-603 0-889 3-708 4-260 3-385 3-889 3-028 3-479 2-622 3-013 2-141 2-460 1-514 1-739 0-889 4-489 7-017 0-923 4-156 6-496 3-794 5-930 3-394 5-306 2-939 4-594 2-400 3-752 1-696 2-651 0-923 4-954 10-12 o'953 4-586 9-365 4-186 8-548 3-744 7-645 3-243 6-622 2-647 5-405 1-873 3-825 '953 5-402 13-96 0-980 5-001 12-92 4-565 11-79 4-084 10-55 3-536 9-137 2-887 7-460 2-041 5-274 0-980 5-838 18-62 1*004 5-405 17-24 4-934 15-74 4-412 14-07 3-822 12-19 3-120 9-953 2-207 7-040 1-004 6-249 24-12 1*025 5-785 22-33 5-282 20-39 4-724 18-23 4-091 15-79 3-340 12-89 2-362 9-117 1*025 6-652 30-56 1-045 6159 28-29 5-623 25-83 5-028 23-10 4-355 20-01 3-556 16-34 2-514 11-55 1-045 7-048 38-00 1-063 6-525 35-18 5-957 32-12 5-328 28-73 4-614 24-88 3-767 20-31 2-664 14-36 1-063 7-422 46-41 1-079 6-872 42-97 6-273 39-22 5-611 35-08 4-859 30-38 3-967 24-80 2-805 17-54 1-079 above 1 per thousand ; also again when K is less than O'l foot. 170 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stoneware, Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0013. Transverse Diameter. 2' 6" i 2' 8" L 2' 10" c 3'0" 3' 2" 3' 4" 3' 6" 3' 8" 3' 10" 5* 4-5 S per thousand. 4 3-5 3 2-5 2* V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 6-589 47-29 1-095 6-250 44-86 5-892 42-29 5-512 39-56 5-103 36-63 4-658 33-43 4-166 29-90 1-095 6-895 56-31 1-109 6-540 53-41 6-167 50-36 5-768 47-12 5-341 43-62 4-874 39-80 4-360 35-61 1*109 7-189 66-28 I'I22 6-819 56-04 6-430 59-28 6-014 55-45 5-568 51-34 5-082 46-86 4-546 41-91 1*121 7-482 77-36 l ^3S 7-098 73-39 6-692 69-19 6-259 64-72 5-795 59-92 5-291 54-71 4-732 48-93 1*135 7-759 89-36 1*146 7-362 84-79 6-940 79-93 6-503 74-89 6-011 69-23 5-488 63-20 4-908 57-22 1*146 8-058 102-8 1-158 7-635 97-43 7-198 91-85 6-734 85-93 6-233 79-54 5-690 72-61 5-089 64-94 1*158 8-316 117-0 1-168 7-890 111-0 7-439 104-6 6-958 97-89 6-441 90-62 5-881 82-74 5-259 73*99 1-168 8-584 132-3 1-178 8-143 125-5 76-78 118-3 7-182 110-7 6-649 102-5 6-070 93-54 5-429 83-66 1-178 8-847 149-3 1-187 8-392 141-6 7-912 133-5 7-401 124-9 6-852 115-6 6-255 105-6 5-595 94-44 1-187 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 171 TABLE VII. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0'013. Transverse Diameter. 1-5 1 S per thousand. 0-9 0-8 07 0-6 0-5 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q G V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 3-608 25-90 1-095 2-947 21-15 1-095 2-793 20-05 1-094 2-628 18-86 1*092 2-453 17-61 1*090 2-267 16-27 i -088 2-063 14-81 1*084 2' 6" 2' 8" 2' 10" 3'0" r 3' 2" 3' 4" 3' 6" 3' 8" t 3' 10" 3-775 30-83 1-109 3-083 25-18 1-109 2-923 23-87 1-108 2-763 22-48 1-107 2-570 20-99 1*105 2*376 19-40 1*103 2*161 17-64 1-099 3-938 36-31 I'I22 3-214 29-63 I'I22 3-047 28-09 I-I2I 2-870 26-46 I-I20 2-680 24-71 1-118 2-476 22-81 1*116 2-253 20-77 I-II2 4-098 42-37 i'i35 3-346 34-60 i'i35 3-172 32-80 i'i34 2-988 30-89 **133 2-788 28-83 1*131 2*577 26-65 1*129 2-346 24-26 1*125 4-250 48-95 1-146 3-470 39-96 1-146 3-289 37-88 1-145 3-099 35-69 1-144 2-894 33-33 1*142 2-673 30-84 1-140 2*434 28-03 1-137 4-408 56-25 1-158 3-599 45-93 1-158 3-412 43-54 I-I57 3-214 41-01 1*156 3*000 38*28 i'i54 2-773 35-39 1-152 2-525 32-22 1-149 4-555 64--08 1-168 3-719 52-32 1-168 3-525 49-59 1*167 3-321 46-72 1-166 3-109 43-74 1-164 2-867 40-33 1-162 2-610 36*72 1*159 4-701 72-44 1-178 3-839 59-16 1-178 3-639 56-08 1-177 3-428 52-82 1-176 3-201 49-33 1*174 2-958 45-58 1-172 2-693 41-50 1-169 4-845 81-78 1-187 3-956 66-78 1-187 3-750 63-30 1-186 3-532 59-62 1-185 3-302 55-74 1-184 3-052 51-52 1*182 2-779 46-91 1-179 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E. is less than 0*1 foot. 22 172 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stoneware, Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0013. Transverse Diameter. r 4'0" 4' 4" 4' 6" 4' 8" 5'0" 5' 4" 5' 6" r 5' 8" 6'0" 1- 0-9 S per thousand. 0-8 07 0*6 0-5 0*45 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 4-071 74-82 1-196 3-860 70-95 l '*95 3*636 66*81 1-194 3-398 62-45 1-193 3*141 57*73 1*191 2-859 52-55 1-188 2*709 49*79 1-186 4-298 92-71 1*213 4-073 87-85 I'2I2 3-838 82-78 I'2II 3-586 77-35 I'2IO 3-315 71-50 1*208 3*018 65*10 1-205 2-861 61-71 1*204 4-409 102-5 I'22I 4-180 97-23 1-220 3-937 91-57 1*219 3-679 85-57 1-218 3*401 79*12 1*216 3*099 72-08 1-214 2-935 68-27 I'2I2 4-515 112-9 1-228 4-280 107-0 1-227 4*032 100*8 1*226 3-768 94-24 1-225 3-483 87-12 1-223 3-175 79-41 I'22I 3-010 75-28 I'220 4-728 135-7 1-242 4-481 128-6 1*241 4*222 121*2 1-240 3-946 113-3 1-239 3-648 104-7 1-237 3*325 95*46 .1*235 3-150 90-44 1-234 4-933 161-2 1-255 4-676 152-8 i'254 4-405 143*9 1-253 4-118 134-5 1*252 3-809 124-4 1*251 3*471 113*8 1-249 3-291 107-5 1-248 5-033 174-8 1-261 4-770 165-7 1*260 4-498 156-3 1-259 4-200 145*9 1-258 3-887 135-0 1-257 3*542 123*0 1*255 3-357 116*6 1*254 5-138 189-5 1-266 4-886 180-2 1-266 4-584 169*0 1*265 4*285 158*0 1-264 3-963 146*1 1*263 3*613 133*2 1*261 3-425 126*3 - 1*260 5-328 220-3 1-278 5-054 209-0 1*278 4*762 196-9 1-277 4-451 184*0 1*276 4*117 170-2 1*275 3*753 155*2 1*273 3*558 147*1 1*272 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 173 TABLE VII. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Metropolitan Ovoid. N=0013. Transverse Diameter. 0-4 0-35 S per thousand. 0-3 0-25 0*2 0-15 0*1 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 2-549 46-85 1-184 2-380 43-74 1-182 2-197 40-38 1-178 1-998 36-72 1-174 1-776 32-64 1-167 1*522 27-97 1-155 1*223 22*48 1*136 4/0" 4' 4" 4' 6" 4' 8" 5'0" 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" 6'0" 2-694 58-11 I'2O2 2-515 54-25 I* 200 2-320 50-04 1-196 2-111 45-53 1-192 1-877 40-49 1*185 1-612 34-77 1*174 1*295 27*93 1*156 2-764 64-29 I*2IO 2-580 60-01 1-208 2-381 55-38 1-204 2-167 50-40 1-200 1-928 44-84 1-194 1*656 38-52 1-184 1*331 30-96 1*166 2-835 70-90 1*218 2-645 66-15 I'2l6 2-441 61-05 1*212 2-222 55-57 1*209 1-974 49-37 1*202 1-697 42*44 1*192 1-366 34-16 1-175 2-965 85-12 1-232 2-770 79-53 1*230 2-558 73-44 1-227 2-329 66-86 1*224 2*073 59-51 1*218 1-782 51-16 1*209 1-436 41-23 ri 93 3-097 101-2 1-246 2-893 94-51 1-244 2-672 87-29 1-241 2-433 79-49 1-238 2*166 70*76 1*232 1-863 60-86 1*224 1-503 49-10 1*209 3-160 109-8 1-252 2-951 102-5 1-250 2-728 94-77 1-248 2-485 86-33 2-245 2-212 76-84 1*239 1-903 66-11 1*231 1*536 53*36 1*217 3-227 119-0 1-259 3-013 111-1 i'257 2-783 102-6 1-254 2-534 93-45 1*251 2*258 83-27 1*246 1*942 71*62 1*238 1*568 57-83 1-224 3-352 138-6 1-271 3-129 129-4 1-269 2-890 119-5 1-266 2-633 108-9 1-263 2*347 97*05 1*259 2-022 83-61 1-252 1-633 67*52 1-239 above 1 per thousand ; also again when R is less than 0*1 foot. 174 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stoneware, Pegtop Section. N=0'013. Transverse Diameter. 20 17-5 S per thousand. 15 12-5 10 9 8 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 6-362 6-610 0-869.. 5-951 6-183 5-509 5-724 5-030 5-226 4-499 4-674 4-268 4-434 4-023 4-180 0-869 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 2' 2' 2' 0" 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" 0" 2" 4" 7-141 10-10 0-904... 6-680 9-445 6-184 8-744 5-645 7-982 5-050 7-141 4-790 6-773 4*516 6*386 0-904 7-892 14-57 0-934-- 7-382 13-63 6-835 12-62 6-239 11-52 5-581 10*30 5-294 9-773 4-991 9-213 0-934 8-617 20-14 0*961.. 8-060 18.-84 7-462 17-44 6-812 15*92 6-093 14-24 5-780 13*51 5-450 12-74 0*961 9-323 26-90 0-086.. 8-720 25-16 8-073 23-29 7*370 21-26 6-592 19*02 6*254 18*04 5-896 17-01 0-986 10-01 34-94 I'OOQ 9-362 32-68 8-668 30-26 7-912 27-62 7-077 24-70 6*714 23-44 6-330 22*10 1-009 10-63 44-16 1*027.. 9*945 41-31 9-209 38-25 8-406 34-92 7-519 31-23 7-133 29-63 6-725 27-93 1*027 11-25 54-83 1-045.. 10-53 51-32 9-747 47-51 8-898 43-37 7-959 38-79 7-550 36-80 7-118 34-69 i '04 5 11-86 67-06 1*062 . 11-10 62-76 10-27 58-07 9-379 53-03 8-389 47-43 7-959 45-00^ 7-503 42-42 1-062 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 175 TABLE VII. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Pegtop Section. Transverse Diameter. 7 6 S per 5 thousand 4 3 2 1 V Q C V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c 3764 3-912 0-860.. 3-485 3-621 3-181 3-305 2-845 2-956 2-464 2-560 2-012 2-090 1-422 1-477 0-869 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 2' 2' 2' 0" | 2" 4" ( 6" 8" {. 10" 0" { 2" 4" . 4-224 5-973 0-904.. 3-912 5-531 3-571 5-049 3-194 4-516 2-765 3-910 2-258 3-193 1-596 2-257 0-904 4-669 8-619 0-934-. 4-322 7-978 3-946 7-284 3-529 6-514 3-057 5-643 2-496 4-608 1-764 3-256 Q'934 5-098 11-91 O"o6i 4-719 11-03 4-308 10-07 3-854 9-007 3-337 7-798 2-724 6-366 1-927 4-503 0*961 y 5-516 15-91 0-086 5-106 14-73 4-662 13-45 4-169 12-03 3-611 10-42 2-948 8-505 2-084 6-012 0-986 y 5-922 20-67 1*009.. 5-482 19-14 5-005 17-47 4-476 15-62 3-876 13-53 3-165 11-05 2-238 7-813 1-009 6-290 26-13 1-027.. 5-824 24-19 5-317 22-09 4-755 19-75 4-118 17-11 3-362 13-96 2-377 9-874 1-027 6-659 32-45 I'QAc;.. 6-164 30-04 5-627 27-42 5-034 24-53 4-359 21-24 3-559 17-35 2-516 12-26 1-045 7-019 39-68 1-062 . 6-498 36-74 5-932 5-306 33-54 30-00 4-595 25-98 3-752 21-21 2-653 15-00 1*062 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E. is less than 0*1 foot. 176 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VH. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts of Cast or Wrought Iron, or Unglazed Stoneware, Pegtop Section. N=0013. Transverse Diameter. 2' 6" 2' 8" 2' 10" 3'0" 3' 2" 3' 4" 3' 6" 3' 8" 3' 10" 5 4-5 S per thousand 4 3-5 3 2-5 2 y Q c y Q c y Q c y Q c y Q c y Q c y Q c y Q c y Q c 6-229 43-24 1-077.. 5-909 38-35 5-571 36-16 5-212 33-83 4-825 31-32 4-404 28-59 3-940 25-57 1-077 6-525 48-19 I'OQ2 6-189 45-70 5-836 43-10 5-459 40-31 5-054 37-32 4-614 34-07 4-127 30-48 1*092 6-825 56-90 1-108 6-476 53-99 6-105 50-90 5-712 47-62 5-287 44-08 4-827 40-24 4-317 35-99 1-108 7-077 66-15 i'ii7.. 6-715 62-76 6-330 59-17 5-921 55-34 5-482 51-24 5-004 46-77 4-476 41-84 1-117 7-357 76-59 I"I3O 6-980 72-66 6-581 68-51 6-156 64-08 5-700 59-34 5-202 54-15 4-653 48-44 1-130 7-631 88-06 1-142... 7-240 83-55 6-826 78-77 6-384 73-67 5-911 - 68-21 5-396 62-27 4-826 55-69 1142 7-878 100-2 riqi.. 7-474 95-07 7-046 89-62 6-592 83-85 6-103 77-63 5-571 70-86 4-983 63-38 1-151 8-142 113-7 1-162... 7-725 107-8 7-282 101-6 6-813 95-11 6-307 88-04 5-758 80-38 5-150 71-89 1*162 8-377 127-8 1*169... 7-948 121-3 7-492 114-3 7-009 106-9 6-489 99-02 5-923 90-38 5-298 80-85 1*169 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 177 TABLE VH. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C), OF MEAN VELOCITY. or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Pegtop Section. N =0-013. Transverse Diameter. 2' 6" 2' 8" 2' 10" 3'0" 3' 2" 3' 4" 3' 6" 3' 8" r 3' 10" 1 1-5 1* Sper 0-9 thousand. 0*8 0*7 0-6 0*5 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c Y Q c V Q c 3-411 22-14 1-077 2-786 18-08 1-077 2*640 17*14 1*076 2*484 16*12 1*074 2-320 15*06 1*072 2-141 13-90 1*069 1*949 12*65 1*066 3-574 26-39 1-092 2-918 21-51 1-092 2-766 20*43 1*091 2*603 19*22 1*089 2*430 17-94 1-087 2*246 16*59 1*085 2*042 15*08 1*081 3-724 31-05 rio8 3-052 25-44 1-108 2*894 24-13 1*107 2*723 22*70 1*105 2*542 21*19 1*103 2*349 19-58 1*101 2-332 19-44 1-097 3-877 36-14 1-117 3-165 29-58 1-117 3*000 28*04 1*116 2*826 26*41 1-115 2-639 24-67 1*113 2*439 22*80 i*ni 2-218 20-73 1*107 4-031 41-96 1-130 3-290 34-25 1-130 3*119 32-47 1*129 2*938 30*58 1*128' 2*743 28-55 1-126 2*536 26*40 1*124 2*306 24-00 I"I2O 4-178 48-21 1*142 3-412 39-37 1*142 3*235 37-33 1*141 3-047 35-16 1*140 2-845 32-83 1-138 2*630 30*35 1*136 2-392 27-60 1*132 4-316 54-90 1-151 3-523 44-81 1-151 3*340 42-48 1-150 3*146 40-02 1*149 2-937 37-36 1-147 2*715 34*53 i'i45 2-471 31-43 1*142 4-460 62-26 1*162 3-642 50-84 1-162 3-452 48-19 1*161 3-251 45-38 n6o 3-036 42-38 1*158 2*806 39-17 1*156 2*555 35-67 1*153 4-587 70-00 1-169 3-747 57-18 1*169 3-551 54-19 1*167 3-345 51-04 1-168 3*123 47-66 1-165 2-886 44-04 1*163 2-628 40-10 n6o above 1 per thousand ; also again when R is less than 0-1 foot. 178 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE YII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), QUANTITIES DISCHARGED For Culverts of Cast or Wrought Iron, or TJnglazed Stoneware, Pegtop Section. Transverse Diameter. 1 0*9 S per thousand. 0*8 0*7 0*6 0-5 0*45 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c Y Q C V Q C V Q c 3-862 64-19 1-180 3*661 60-85 1-179 3-448 57-31 1*178 3*220 53*52 1*176 2-976 49-50 1*174 2-710 45-08 1-171 2*566 42-65 1*169 4/0" 4' 4" 4' 6" 4' 8-" 5'0" 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" c 6'0" 4-074 79-44 1*196 3-861 75-29 imi 9S 3*637 70-92 1*194 3*400 66-30 i-i93 3-142 61-27 1*191 2-861 55-79 1*188 2-710 52-85 1*186 4-179 87-88 1*204 3-960 83-28 1-203 3*732 78-48 1-202 3-488 73-35 I-20I 3*224 67-80 1*199 2-936 61-74 1*196 2-783 58-53 1*195 4-283 96-88 I-2I2 4*060 91*84 I'2II 3-825 86-52 I'2IO 3-575 80-87 1*209 3*300 74-65 1-207 3*009 68-06 1*204 2*852 64*51 1*203 4-376 113-6 1*226 4-252 110-4 1-225 4-006 104-0 1-224 3-744 97*19 1*223 3-460 89-82 I'22I 3-154 81-88 1-219 2-990 7?*62 1-218 4-682 138-3 1-239 ' 4-438 131-1 1-238 4-181 123-5 1*237 3-908 115-4 1-236 3-612 106-7 1-234 3-292 97-25 1-232 3-121 92-19 1-231 4-781 150-2 1-246 4-532 142-4 1-245 4-269 134-1 1-244 3-990 125-4 1*243 3-688 115-9 1*241 3-361 105-6 1*239 3-187 100-1 1-238 4-873 162-5 1-251 4-619 154-0 1*250 4-352 145-1 1-249 4-067 135-6 1-248 3-762 125-5 1*247 3-429 114-4 1*245 3-251 108-4 1-244 5-059 189-2 1*262 4-799 179-4 1*262 4-521 169-0 1*261 4-226 158-0 1-260 3-909 146-2 1-259 3-564 133-3 1-257 3-377 126-3 1-256 The coefficients (C) are assumed to remain constant for all values of S PAET II. FINAL KESULTS. 179 TABLE VII. (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. or in new Brickwork, or Ashlar, in perfect order, running full. Pegtop Section. Transverse Diameter. 0-4 0-35 S per thousand. 0-3 0-25 0-2 0-15 0-1 V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q c V Q G V Q c V Q c 2-416 40-15 1-167 2-255 37-48 1-165 2-082 34-60 ri6i 1-891 3-143 1*156 1-681 27-94 1*148 1*440 23*93 1*136 1*154 19*18 1*115 4'0" 4' 4" 4' 6" 4' 8" 5'0" 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" 6' 0" 2-550 49-73 1-184 2-382 46-45 1-182 2-197 42-84 1-178 1-999 38-98 1-174 1-777 34-65 1-167 1*523 29-70 1*155 1*223 23-85 1-136 2-619 55-08 1-193 2-446 51-44 1-191 2-256 47-44 1-187 2-052 43-15 1*182 1-824 38-36 1-175 1*566 32-93 1*164 1-257 26-43 i'H5 2-684 60-71 I*2OI 2-507 56-71 1-199 2-298 51-98 1-195 2*104 47*59 1*191 1-871 42-32 1*184 1-603 36-26 1*173 1-291 29-20 1-155 2-814 73-05 1-216 2-628 68-22 1-214 2-425 62-95 I-2IO 2-209 57-35 1*207 1-963 50-96 1*200 1-686 43-77 1*190 1-356 35-20 1*172 2-937 86-76 1-229 2-744 81-06 1-227 2-534 74-85 1-224 2-306 6812 I-22I 2-053 60-65 1*215 1*758 51-93 1*201 1-421 41*98 1*189 3-000 94-26 1*236 2-801 88-01 1-234 2-586 81-25. 1*231 2-355 73-99 1-228 2*097 65-89 I'222 1-803 56-65 1-213 1-452 45-62 1-197 3-062 102-1 1-243 2-859 95-35 1-241 2-641 88-08 1-238 2-406 80-24 1*235 2-141 71-40 1-229 1-841 61-40 1*220 1-487 49*59 1-205 3-179 118-9 1*254 2-970 111-0 1-252 2-745 102-6 1*250 2-499 93-44 1*247 2-225 83-19 1*241 1-915 71-60 i'*33 1-546 57-80 1*219 above 1 per thousand ; also again when E is less than 0*1 foot. 23 181 TABLE Yin. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), IN FEET PER SECOND ; QUANTITIES DISCHARGED (Q,), IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND; AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. FOR CANALS, CHANNELS, AND AQUEDUCTS OF RECTAN- GULAR SECTION, IN NEW RUBBLE, OR IN OLD BRICKWORK, OR ASHLAR ; WHEN N, THE COEFFICIENT OF ROUGHNESS OF IRREGULARITY,ZI Q'017. GENERAL FORMULA, Q = A.V = A.C.KXVRS. 182 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE Yin. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Eectangular For a Bed-width of 2 feet. sr=o-oi7. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 0-5 075 1- 1-25 1-5 175 2- V 2-67 3-25 3-65 3-95 4-18 4-37 4-53 5-0 Q 2-67 4-87 7-30 9-87 12-55 15-30 18-10 C 0-654 0701 0*730 0-749 0-764 0775 0-784 , V 2-07 2-51 2-83 3-06 3-24 3-39 3-51 3-0 Q 2-07 3-77 5-65 7-64 9-72 11-85 14-02 C 0*654 0*701 0-730 0-749 0-764 0775 0*784 V 1-69 2-05 2-31 2-50 2-65 2-76 2-86 2-0 Q 1-69 3-08 4-62 6-24 7-94 9-68 11-45 C 0-654 0701 0-730 0-749 0-764 0-775 0-784 V 1-19 1-45 1-63 1-77 1-87 1-95 2-02 1-0 Q 1-19 2-18 3-26 4-36 5-61 6-84 8-10 C 0-654 0*701 0-730 0-749 0-764 0-775 ' 0*784 ' ^ V 1-06 1-29 1-45 1-57 1-67 1-74 1*81 0*8 Q 1-06 1-94 2-91 3-94 5-01 6-10 7-22 ( C 0-652 0*699 0-727 0-747 0*762 0-773 0-782 V 0-91 Ml 1-25 1-36 1-44 1-50 1-56 0-6 Q 0-91 1-67 2-50 3-39 4-31 5-26 6-22 C 0-647 0-694 0-723 0743 0758 0*769 0*778 Y 0-83 1-02 1-14 1-23 1-31 1-37 1-42 0-5 Q 0-83 1-53 2-28 3-06 3-92 4-78 5-66 C 0-644 0-691 ! 0-720 0-740 0*755 0*766 0-775 Y 0-74 0-90 ! 1-01 1-10 1-16 1-22 1-26 0-4 Q 0-74 1-35 2-02 2-74 3-48 4-25 5-04 C 0-638 0-686 0-715 0735 0*750 0*762 0-771 Y 0-50 0-61 0-69 0-75 0*80 0-84 0-87 0-2 Q 0-50 0-92 1-39 1-88 2-40 2-93 3-47 C 0-615 0-664 0-693 0-714 0-730 0-742 0-751 c Y 0-33 0-41 0-47 0-51 0-54 0-57 0-59 0-1 Q 0-33 .0-62 0-93 1-27 1-62 1-98 2-34 C 0-578 0-627 0-658 0-680 0-696 0-709 0-718 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 183 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, in new Bubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. For a Bed- width of 3 feet. N=0017. S per thousand. 0-5 i 0-75 Depths oj 1- : water i 1-5 n ftet. 2- 2-5 I 3- I V 2-93 3-65 4-18 4-94 5-44 5-80 6-08 5-0 Q 4-39 8-11 12*5 22-21 32-64 43-53 54-73 I C 0-676 0-730 0-764 0-806 0-831 0-848 0-860 j V 2-27 2-83 3-24 3-62 4-21 4-50 5-01 3-0 Q 3-40 6-36 9-72 16-30 25-28 33-72 45-08 > C 0-676 0730 0-764 0-806 0-831 0-848 o 860 V 1-85 2-31 2-75 3-12 3-44 3-69 3-85 2-0 Q 2-78 5-20 8-24 14-05 20-64 27-69 34*61 C 0-676 0730 0-764 0-806 0-831 0*848 0-860 V 1-31 1-63 1-87 2-21 2-43 2-60 2-72 1-0 Q 1-96 3-67 5-61 9-93 14-60 19-47 24-47 C 0-676 0730 0-764 0-806 0-831 0-848 0-860 V 1-17 1-45 1-67 1-97 2-17 2-32 2*43 0-8 Q 1-75 3-27 5-01 8-86 13-03 17-37 21-83 C 0-673 0727 0-762 0*804 0*829 0-846 0-858 V 1-00 1-25 1-44 1-70 1-87 2-00 2-09 0-6 Q 1-51 2-81 4-31 7-64 11-23 14-99 18-85 0-669 0723 0-758 0-800 0-826 0-843 0-855 1 V 0-91 1-14 1-31 1-54 1-70 1-82 1-91 0-5 Q 1-37 2-56 3-92 6-95 10-23 1363 17*17 C 0-665 0-720 0-755 0-798 0-823 0-840 0-853 V 0-81 1-01 1-16 1-38 1-52 1-62 1-70 0-4 Q 1-21 2-27 3-48 6-19 9-10 12-15 15-28 C 0-660 0715 0-750 0-794 0-819 0-837 0-849 V 0-55 0-69 0-80 0-95 1-05 1-12 1-18 0-2 Q 0-83 1-56 2-40 4-27 6-30 8-42 10-60 S i C 0-637 0-693 0-730 0-775 0*802 0-820 0-833 > V 0-37 0-47 0-54 0-64 0-72 0-77 0*81 0-1 Q 0-55 1-05 1-62 2-90 4-29 5-75 7-25 > j C 0-601 0-658 0-696 0744 0-773 0-792 0-806 and cubic feet per second. 184 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- Por Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed-width of 4 feet. N= 0-017. S pei- thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 1-5 2- 2-5 3-0 3-5 4* V 4-53 5-44 6-08 6-55 6-92 7-21 7-45 ,' 5-0 Q 18-10 32-64 48-64 65-51 82-00 100-93 119-14 s f C 0784 0-831 0-860 0-879 0-893 0-904 0-912 : V 3-51 4-21 4-71 5-07 5-36 5-59 5-77 3-0 Q 14-02 25-28 37-68 5U-74 i 64-30 78-22 92-27 C 0-784 0-831 0-860 0-879 0-893 0-904 0*912 V 2-86 3-44 3-85 4-14 4-37 4-56 4-71 2-0 Q 11-45 20-64 30-80 41-44 52-49 63-87 75-33 C 0-784 0-831 0-860 0-879 0-893 0-904 0-912 V 2-02 2-43 2-72 2-93 3-09 3-23 3-33 1-0 Q 8-10 14-60 20*36 29-30 37-12 45-15 53-28 C 0-784 0-831 0-860 0-879 0-893 0-904 0*912 V 181 2-17 2-43 2-61 2-76 2-88 2-98 0-8 Q 7-22 13-03 19-44 26-14 33-18 40-33 47-60 C 0-782 0-829 ; 0-858 0-877 0*892 0-903 0-911 V 1-56 1-87 ' 2-09 2-26 2-39 2-49 2-57 0-6 Q 6-22 11-23 16-72 22-59 28-62 34-83 41-09 C 0778 0*826 0-855 0-875 ! ' 88 9 0-900 0-908 V 1-42 1-70 1-91 2-06 2-17 2-27 2-34 0-5 Q 5-66 10-23 15*28 20-58 26-06 31-71 37-42 C 0775 0-823 0-853 0-873 ' 88 7 0-898 0-906 < V 1-26 1-52 1-70 1-83 1-94 2-02 2-09 0-4 Q 5-04 9-10 13-58 18-32 23-24 26-27 33*36 1 C 0771 0^819 0*849 0-869 0-884 0-895 0-903 ( V 087 1-05 1-18 1-27 1-35 1-41 1-46 0-2 Q 3-47 6-30 | 9-44 12-72 16-18 19-70 23-28 \ C 0-751 0*802 0*833 0-854 0-870 0-882 0*891 V 0-59 072 0-81 0-87 0-93 0-97 1*01 0-1 Q 2-34 4-29 6-45 8-74 11-11 13-58 16-08 j C 0-718 0*773 0*806 0-829 0-846 0-860 0-870 1 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 185 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, in new Rubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. For a Bed- width of 5 feet. N=0017. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 5- V 474 6-55 7-12 7-57 7-85 8-23 8-69 5-0 Q 2372 65-51 89-05 113-5 137-4 164*5 217-5 s C 0794 0-879 0*901 0-917 0-926 0-938 0*952 k V 3-67 5-07 6-57 5-87 6-08 6-37 6*73 3-0 Q 18-37 50-74 82-10 87-99 106-4 127-4 168*3 C 0794 0-879 0-901 0-917 0*926 0*938 0*952 \ V 3-00 4-14 4-51 4-79 4-97 5*20 5*50 2-0 Q 15-00 41-44 56-63 71-85 86-91 104*0 137*4 C 0-794 0-879 0-901 0-917 | 0-926 0-938 0*952 \ V 2-12 2-93 3-19 3-39 3-51 3*68 3-89 1-0 Q 10-61 29-30 39-82 50-79 61-47 73-58 97-15 \ C 0794 0-879 0-901 0-917 0-926 0*938 0-952 | V 1-89 2-61 2-84 3-03 3-14 3-29 3-48 0-8 Q 9-47 26-14 35-53 4S-39 54-94 65-72 86-92 C 0792 0-877 0-899 0*916 0-925 0-937 0*951 V 1-63 2-26 2-46 2-62 2-72 2-82 8-00 0-6 Q 9-16 22-59 30-71 39-22 47-60 56-38 75-02 I C 0788 0-875 0-897 0-914 0-923 Q'935 0-949 \ < V 1-48 2-06 2-24 2-38 2-47 2-59 2-73 0-5 Q 7-42 20-58 27-97 35-73 43-22 51-74 63-32 I C 0785 0-873 0-895 0*912 0-921 '933 0*947 \ V 1-32 1-83 1-99 2-12 2-20 2-31 2-44 0-4 Q 6-60 18-32 24-92 31-85 38-57 46-18 61-07 j C 0-781 0-869 0-892 0*909 0-919 0-931 0-946 | V 0-91 1-28 1-39 1-48 1-54 1-62 1-71 0-2 | Q 4-55 12-75 17-35 22-88 26-91 32-30 42*72 s C 0-762 0-854 0-878 0-896 0-907 0*921 0-936 V 0-63 0-87 0-96 1*02 1-06 1*12 1-19 0-1 Q 3-16 8-74 11-95 15-31 18-58 22-34 29-65 C 0730 0-829 0-855 0-874 0*886 0-901 0-919 and cubic feet per second. 186 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V), OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed-width of 6 feet. N=0'017. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1. 2- 2-5 3-0 3-5 4- 5- V 4-94 6-92 7-57 8-08 8-50 8-86 9-42 5-0 Q 29-64 83-00 113-5 145-4 178-5 212-6 282-6 C 0-806 0-893 0-917 0-933 0-946 o-957 0-973 V 3-62 5-36 5-87 6-26 6-59 6-86 7-30 3-0 Q 21-72 64-31 87-99 112-7 138-3 164-7 218-9 C 0-806 0-893 0-917 0-933 0-946 o'957 o-973 V 3-12 4-37 4-79 5-11 5-38 5-60 5-96 2-0 Q 1872 51-19 71-85 91-98 112-9 134-5 178-7 C 0-806 0-893 0-917 0-933 0-946 0-957 o-973 V 2-21 3-09 3-39 3-61 3-80 3-96 4-21 1-0 Q 13-26 37-12 50-79 65-05 79-84 95-09 126-4 C 0-806 0-893 0-917 '933 0-946 0-957 0-973 V 1-97 2-76 3-03 3-23 3-40 3-54 3-77 0-8 Q 11-82 33-16 45-39 58-12 71-32 84-96 113-0 I C 0-804 0-892 0-916 0-932 0'945 0-956 0-972 V 1-70 2-39 2-62 2-79 2-94 3-06 3-25 0-6 Q 10-20 28-62 39-22 50-22 61-66 73-44 97-59 C 0-800 0-889 0-914 0-930 0-943 0-954 0-970 V 1-54 2-17 2-38 2-54 2-68 2-79 2-97 0-5 Q 9-24 26-06 35-73 45-76 56-22 66-96 89-01 C 0-798 0-887 0-912 0-928 0-942 0*953 0-969 i V 1-38 1-94 2-12 2-27 2-39 2-49 2-65 0-4 Q 8-28 23-24 31-85 40-82 50-19 59-76 79-44 < C 0794 0-884 0-909 0*926 0-940 0-951 0-967 V 0-05 1-35 1-48 1-59 1-67 1-74 1-86 0-2 Q 5-70 16-18 22-88 28-53 35-05 41-81 55-74 C 0-775 0-870 0-896 0-915 0-929 0-941 '959 V 0-64 0-93 1-02 1-10 1-16 1-21 1-29 0-1 Q 3-84 11-12 15-31 19-73 24-34 29-06 38-76 C 0-744 0-846 0-874 0-895 0-912 0-925 0-944 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 187 TABLE Yd. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, in new Bubble, or in old Brickwork or Ashlar. For a Bed- width of 8 feet. N=0'017. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 2-5 -3 3-5 4* 5* V 5-17 7-45 8-23 8-86 9-39 9-84 10-6 \ 5*0 Q 41-39 119-1 164-5 200-6 262-9 314-9 422-0 t C 0*818 0-912 0-938 0-957 0-972 0*984 I'OOI V 4-01 5-77 6-37 6-86 7-27 7*62 8*17 3*0 Q 32-06 92-27 127-5 164-7 203-6 243-9 326-9 C 0-818 0-912 0-938 0*957 0-972 0-984 I'OOI > V 3-27 4-71 5-20 5-70 5*94 6-22 6-67 2-0 Q 26-18 75-34 104-0 136-9 166-3 199-2 266-9 j C 0-818 0*912 0-938 0*957 0-972 0*984 I'OOI V 2-31 3-33 3-68 3-96 4-20 4-40 4*72 1-0 Q 18-50 53-28 73-56 95-09 117-6 140-8 188*7 C 0-818 0*912 0-938 0*957 0*972 0-984 1*001 V 2-06 2-98 3-29 3*54 3-75 3-932 4*22 0-8 Q 16-51 48-50 65-72 84-96 105-1 125-8 168*8 C 0-816 0-911 0-937 0-956 0*971 0-983 1*001 V 1-78 2-77 2-82 3-06 3-24 3-40 3-65 0-6 - Q 14-25 44-29 56-38 73-42 90-78 108-9 146-0 C 0-813 0-908 o'935 '954 0*969 0-982 I -000 V 1-62 2-34 2-59 2-79 2*96 3-10 3-33 0-5 Q 12-96 37-42 51-74 66-96 82-80 99-17 133-2 C 0-810 0-906 0-933 o-953 0-968 0-980 0-999 V 1-44 2-09 2-31 2-49 2-64 2-77 2-98 0-4 Q 11-54 33-36 46-18 59-76 73-89 88-61 119-0 C 0-806 0-903 0-931 0-951 0-966 0-979 0-998 V 1-00 1-46 1-62 1*74 1-85 1-94 2-09 0-2 Q 7-97 23-28 32-30 41-81 51-83 62*14 83-64 C 0-788 0-891 0*921 0-941 0*958 0*971 0-992 V 0-68 1-00 1*12 1-21 1-29 1-36 1-46 0-1 Q 5-41 16-08 22-34 27-06 36-06 43-39 58-52 C 0758 0-870 0-901 0*925 0-943 '959 0*982 and cubic feet per second. 24 188 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE Yin. MEAN VELOCITIES (Y) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed-width of 10 feet. N=0'017. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1-0 2-0 3-0 3-5 4-0 4-5 5- Y 3-372 4-945 5-959 6-345 6-672 6-963 7-219 < 2-0 Q 33-72 98-90 178-8 222-1 266-9 313-3 361-0 < C 0-826 0-925 Q'973 0-989 I -00 1 I"OI2 I -02 I 5 Y 2-921 4-282 5-160 5-495 5-778 6-029 6-252 1-5 Q 29-21 85-64 154-8 192-3 231-1 271-3 312-6 ( C 0-826 0-925 o-973 0-989 I -00 1 I'OI2 I'02I Y 2-384 3-497 4-213 4-487 4-718 4-923 5-105 1-0 Q 23-84 69-94 126-4 152-0 188-7 221-5 255-3 C 0-826 0-925 0*973 0-989 I -00 1 I-OI2 I'O2I Y 2-125 3-121 3-765 4-009 4-219 4-404 4-566 0-8 Q 21-25 62-42 113-0 140-3 168-8 198-2 228-3 < C 0-823 0-923 0-972 0-988 I -00 1 I'OI2 I'O2I ;Y 1-832 2-697 3-253 3-468 3-651 3-809 3-950 0-6 Q 18-32 53-94 97-59 121-4 146-0 171-4 197-5 C 0-820 0-921 0-970 0-987 I -000 roil i -020 , 5 *i Y 1-486 2-193 2-648 2-823 2-975 3-105 3-222 0-4 Q 14-86 43-86 79-44 98-81 119-0 139-7 161-1 C 0-814 0-917 0-967 0*984 0*998 1-009 1-019 < Y 1-276 1-891 2-286 2-438 2-572 2-686 2-786 0-3 Q 12-76 37-82 68-58 85-33 102-9 120-9 139-3 .{ C 0-807 0-913 0-964 0-981 0-996 i -008 1-017 Y 1-028 1-529 1-858 1-980 2-091 2-187 2-267 0-2 Q 10-28 30-58 55-74 69-30 83-64 98-42 113-4 < C 0-796 0-905 0-959 0-976 0-992 1*005 1-014 Y 0-699 1-056 1-295 1-385 1-463 1-532 1-592 0-1 Q 6-99 21-12 38-85 48-48 58'52 68-94 79-60 C 0-766 0-884 0-944 0-965 0-982 0-996 1*007 Y 0-467 0-722 0-894 0-959 1-019 1-068 1-114 0-05 Q 4-67 14-43 26-83 33-57 40-77 48-06 55-68 C 0-724 0-854 0-923 0*946 0-967 0-982 0*996 Y and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 189 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, in new Bubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. For a Bed- width of 12 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1-0 2-0 3-0 3-5 4-0 4*5 5*0 \ V 3-440 5-110 6-224 6-653 7-025 7-356 7-644 2*0 Q 41-28 122-6 224-1 279-4 337-2 397*2 458-6 \ C 0-831 Q'933 0-984 I -00 1 1*014 1*026 *'35 V 2-979 4-425 5-388 5-762 6-084 6-371 6*619 1-5 Q 357-4 106-2 193-9 242-0 292-0 344-0 397*1 C 0-831 0'933 0*984 I'OOI 1-014 1-026 1*035 \ V 2-434 3-614 4-400 4-705 4-967 5-203 5*405 1-0 I Q 29-21 86-74 105-6 197-6 238-4 281-0 324*3 I C 0-831 o*933 0-984 I'OOI 1*014 1-026 1-035 V 2-177 3-228 3-932 4-204 4-443 4-648 4*834 0-8 Q 26-12 77-47 141-6 176-6 213-3 251-0 290*0 C 0-829 0-932 0-983 I'OOO 1-014 1-025 1-035 V 1-873 2-790 3-402 3-637 3-844 4-030 4*187 0-6 Q 22-48 66-96 122-5 152-8 184*5 217-6 251-2 .0 0-826 0-930 0-982 0-999 1-013 1*024 r 035 V 1-517 2-268 2-769 2-963 3-132 3-281 3-415 0-4 Q 18-20 54-43 99-68 124-5 150-3 177-2 204-9 C 0-819 0*926 0-979 0-997 I-OII 1-023 1*034 i V 1-303 1-956 2-390 2-561 2-709 2-838 2*954 0-3 Q 15-64 46-94 86-04 107-6 130-0 153-3 177-2 C 0-813 0*922 0-976 0-995 1*010 1-022 1-033 | V 1-051 1-585 1-942 2-083 2-206 2-311 2*408 0-2 Q 12-61 38-04 69-91 87-49 105-9 124-7 144*5 < <. C 0-802 0-915 0-971 0-991 1-007 1-019 1*031 V 0-716 1-096 1-356 1-456 1-546 1-624 1-695 0-1 Q 8-59 26-30 48-82 61-15 74-21 87-7 101*7 C 0-773 0-895 0-959 0*980 0-998 1*013 1*026 i V 0-478 0-751 0-939 1-013 1-079 1*137 1-189 0-05 Q 4-54 18-01 33-86 42-55 51-79 61-40 71*34 i C 0*730 0-867 0-939 0*964 0-985 1-003 1*018 and cubic feet per second. 190 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed- width of 14 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1 2345 67 V 3-494 5-243 6-429 7-305 7-989 8-535 8-995 i 2-0 | Q 48-92 146-8 270-0 409-1 559-2 716-9 881-6 i C 0-835 0*940 0-992 1*024 1*046 1*062 1-075 . V 3-025 4-540 5-567 6-326 6*918 7*393 7-789 1-5 Q 42-35 127-1 233-8 354-3 484*3 621*0 763-0 \ C 0-835 0-940 0-992 1-024 1*046 1*062 1-075 V 2-470 3-706 4-546 5-166 5*649 6-035 6-360 1-0 Q 34-58 103-8 190-9 289-3 395*4 506-7 623-3 C 0-835 0*940 0-992 1-024 1*046 1-062 1*075 V 2-204 3-313 4-062 4-620 5-053 5-398 5-689 0-8 Q 30-86 92-76 170-6 258-7 353-7 453-4 557-5 C 0-833 0-939 0-991 1*024 1-046 1*062 1-075 V 1-902 2-863 3-515 3-998 4*375 4*675 4-927 0-6 Q 26-63 80-16 147-6 223-9 304-2 392*7 482-9 C 0-830 0-937 0-990 1-023 1*046 1-062 1-075 i V 1-540 2-327 2-863 3-261 3*570 3-817 4-026 0-4 \ Q 21-56 65-16 120-2 182-6 249*9 320-6 394*6 j C 0-823 '933 0-988 I 'O2 2 1*045 1*062 1*076 V 1-324 2-008 2-472 2-818 3-088 3*306 3*486 0-3 Q 18-54 56-22 103-8 157-8 216-2 277*7 341-6 1 C 0-817 0-929 0-985 I'020 1-044 1*062 1*076 1 V 1-066 1-626 2-010 2-297 2-519 2*700 2*850 0-2 Q 14-92 45-53 84-42 128-6 176-3 226*8 279*3 \ C 0-806 0*922 0*981 1-018 1-043 1*062 1-077 \, V 0-727 1-126 1-404 1-613 1-875 1*908 2-019 0-1 Q 10-18 31-53 58-97 90-33 131-3 160-3 197-9 C 0-777 0-903 0*969 roii 1*040 1*062 1-079 i V 0-487 0-772 0-975 1-129 1*249 1*349 1-431 0-05 Q 6-828 22-02 40-95 63-22 87-43 131*3 140-2 1 C 0-735 0-875 0-951 I'OOI 1-035 i -06 1 1*082 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 191 TABLE VHI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, in new Rubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. For a Bed-width of 16 feet. N=0017. S per thousand. 1 I 2 Depths o 3 : water ] 4 in feet. 5 6 7 j V 3-532 5-345 6-600 7-537 8-281 8-877 9-358 2-0 | Q 56-51 171-0 316-8 482-4 662-5 852-2 1048- i C 0-838 0-945 0-999 1-032 1-055 1-072 1-083 t V 3-060 4-630 5-715 6-526 7-171 7-687 8-113 1-5 Q 48-96 148-2 274-3 417-7 572-7 738-0 908-7 G 0-838 0-945 0-999 1-032 1-055 1-072 1-083 j V 2-497 3-780 4-666 5-328 5-855 6-278 6-617 1-0 Q 39-95 121-0 224-0 341-0 468-4 602-4 741-1 C 0-838 0-945 0-999 1-032 1-055 1-072 1-083 < V 2-231 3-378 4-170 4-761 5-237 5-614 5-918 0-8 | Q 35-70 108-1 .200-2 304-7 419-0 529-9 662-8 j G 0-836 0-944 0*998 1-031 1-055 1-072 1-083 V 1-923 2-918 3-607 4-124 4-535 4-863 5-126 0-6 Q 30-77 93-38 173-1 263-9 362-8 466-8 574-1 C 0-833 0-942 0-997 1-031 i'55 1-072 1-083 V 1-556 2-373 2-939 3-361 3-700 3-971 4-189 0-4 Q 24-90 75-94 141-1 215-1 29o-0 381-3 469-2 G 0-826 0-938 0-995 1-029 1-054 1*072 1-084 1 V 1-339 2-046 2-538 2-907 3-204 3-438 3-630 0-3 Q 21-42 65-47 121-8 186-0 256-3 330-0 406-6 j C 0-820 0-934 0-992 1-028 1-054 1-072 1-085 I V 1-078 1-660 2-064 2-369 2-614 2-809 2-970 0-2 Q 17-25 53-12 99-07 151-6 209-1 269-7 332-6 G 0-809 0-928 0-988 1*026 i'53 1-073 1-087 V 0-735 1-151 1-443 1-667 1-846 1-989 2-104 0-1 Q 11-76 36-83 69-32 106-7 147-7 180-9 235-6 < 5 G 0-780 0-910 0-977 i -02 1 1*052 1-074 1-089 V 0-492 0-789 1-003 1-168 1-302 1-408 1-494 0-05 Q 7-87 25-25 48-14 .74-75 104-2 135-2 167-3 I C 0-739 0-883 0-961 I'OI2 1-049 1*076 1-094 and cubic feet per second. 192 CANAL AXD CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES, OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Bectangular For a Bed-width of 18 feet. N=0'017. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1 2 3 :4 5 6 7 _^_ V 3-564 5-428 6-735 7-723 8*514 9*155 9*700 2-0 Q 64-15 195-4 363-7 556-1 766*3 988-7 1222* Ci 0-840 0-949 1-004 1-038 1*062 1-079 1-093 V 3-086 4-701 5-832 6-689 7-373 7-928 8-412 1-5 Q 55-55 169-2 316-9 481-6 663-6 856-2 1060- C 0-840 0-949 1*004 1*038 1*062 1-079 1*093 i V 2-520 3-839 4-762 5*461 6-020 6-474 6*859 1-0 Q 45-36 156-4 257-1 393*2 541-8 699-2 864*2 C 0-840 0-949 1*004 1*038 1-062 1-079 1*093 i V 2-248 3-429 4-254 4*885 5-385 5-791 6-135 0-8 I Q 40-47 123-9 229-7 327-7 484-7 625-4 773-0 I C 0-838 0-948 1-003 1*038 1*062 1-079 1-093 V 1-941 2-964 3-681 4*226 4-663 5-015 5-324 0-6 Q 34-93 106-7 198-8 304*3 419-7 541-6 670-8 C 0-835 0-946 1*002 1*037 1*062 1-079 1-094 V 1-573 2-410 3-000 3-447 3*807 4-099 4-335 0-4 Q 28-13 86-76 162-0 248-2 342-6 442-7 546-2 I C 0-829 O-942 : I'OOO 1*036 1-062 i'o8o 1-095 i V 1-352 2-078 2-593 2*986 3-298 3-552 3-767 0-3 Q 24-34 74-81 140-0 236-6 296-8 383-6 474-6 < C 0-823 0-938 0-998 1*036 1*062 1-081 1*096 { V 1-090 1-686 2-108 2*433 2*692 2*908 3-082 0*2 j Q 19-61 60-70 113-8 175*2 257-6 314-1 388-3 i C 0-812 0-932 0-994 1*034 1*062 1*083 1-098 | V 0-743 1-170 1-476 1*712 1-902 2*059 2-189 0-1 Q 13-38 42-12 7970 123-3 171-2 222-4 275-8 ) C 0-783 0-915 0-984 1-029 ro6i 1*085 1*103 i V 0-498 0-804 1-027 1-203 1*344 1-461 1*560 0-05 Q 8-96 28-94 55-46 86*62 121*0 157-8 196-6 C 0-742 0-888 0*969 I'022 1*060 1*089 1*112 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 193 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Eubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. For a Bed- width of 20 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1 23456 7 V 3-590 5-496 6-846 7-907 8*712 9-405 9-980 2-0 Q 71-80 219-8 418-8 632-6 871-2 1129* 1397* C 0-842 0-952 i -008 1*046 1*067 1*086 1*100 V 3-337 4-760 5-928 6-847 7-544 8*145 8*643 1*5 Q 66-74 190-4 237-1 547-8 754-4 977*4 1210* C 0-842 0-952 i -008 1*046 1*067 1*086 I'lOO V 2-539 3-886 4-841 5*591 6-160 6*651 7*058 1-0 Q 50-78 155-4 193-6 447*3 616-0 798*1 988-1 C 0-842 0-952 i -008 1*046 1*067 i -086 1*100 j V 2-265 3-473 4-325 4-996 5*510 5*948 6-312 0-8 \ Q 45-30 138-9 173-0 399-7 551*0 713*8 883-7 C 0-840 0-951 1*007 1-045 1-067 ro86 1*100 V 1-954 3-001 3-742 4-322 4-772 5-151 5*472 0*6 Q 39-08 120-0 149-7 344-9 477-2 618-1 766*1 C 0-837 0-949 1*006 1-044 1*067 i -086 I'lOI j V 1-585 2-443 3-050 3-522 3*899 4-210 4-471 0-4 Q 31-70 97-72 122-0 280-9 389*9 505-2 625-9 \ C 0-831 0-946 i '004 1-042 i -068 1-087 I-I02 V 1-362 2-106 2-636 3-047 3-377 3-649 3-876 0-3 Q 27-24 84-24 105-4 243-8 337-7 437-9 542-6 C 0-825 0-942 I'002 1-041 i -068 i -088 1*103 V 1-097 1-709 2-146 2-576 2-758 2-984 3*173 0-2 Q 21-94 68-36 128-8 206-1 275-8 358-1 444*2 C 0-814 0-936 0-999 1*040 i -068 1*090 no6 V 0-748 1-186 1-504 1*756 1*949 2-117 2-256 0-1 Q 14-96 47-44 60-16 141-5 194-9 254-0 315-8 0-785 0-919 0-990 i'039 1-068 1*093 ni2 V 0-465 0-815 1-047 1-236 1-380 1*505 1*612 0-05 Q 9-30 32-60 41-88 98-88 138*0 180-6 225-7 C 0-745 0-893 0-975 1*034 1-069 1-099 1*123 and cubic feet per secoad. 194 CANAL AND CULVEKT TABLES. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Bectangular For a Bed- width of 25 feet. N=0'017. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1 234 567 V 3-979 5-005 5-791 6-442 6*981 7*443 7-852 1-0 Q 198-9 375-4 579-1 805*3 1047* 1303* 1570* C 0-958 1-017 1*052 1*078 1*097 1*112 1*124 V 3-555 4-477 5-179 5*762 6*250 6*664 7*029 0-8 Q 177-8 335-8 517-9 720*3 937-5 1166- 1406* C 0-957 1-017 1-052 1*078 1*098 1*113 1-125 V 3-072 3-869 4-486 4*990 5*413 5*776 6-093 0-6 Q 153-6 290-2 448*6 623-7 811*9 1011* 1219* C 0-955 1-015 1-052 1-078 1*098 1-114 1*126 V 2-802 3-529 4*094 4-559 4*946 5-273 5-567 0-5 Q 140-1 264*7 409-4 569-9 741*9 922-7 1113* C 0-954 1*014 1-052 1*079 1*099 1-114 1*127 < V 2-498 3-153 3-752 4*078 4*423 4-720 4-988 0-4 Q 124-9 236-5 375*2 509*7 663-5 826-0 997-6 C 0-952 1*013 1*052 1*079 1*099 1-115 1*129 V 2-157 2*726 3*169 3*532 3-839 4-095 4-327 0-3 Q 107-9 204-5 316*9 441*5 575-9 716-5 865*4 C 0-948 roii 1*051 1*079 I'lOI 1-117 1*131 V 1-750 2-217 2-585 2*887 3-139 3-353 3*546 0-2 Q 137-5 166-3 258-5 360-9 470-9 586-7 709-2 C 0-942 i -008 1*050 1*080 1*103 I-I20 i'i35 V 1-508 1-916 2*236 2*503 2724 2-915 3*083 0-15 Q 75-40 143-7 223-6 312*9 408-6 510-0 616*6 C 0-937 1*005 1-049 1*081 1*105 1*124 1*139 V 1-217 1*557 1-825 2*047 2*232 2*390 2*534 0-10 Q 60-85 116*8 182-5 255-9 334*8 418-2 506*8 C 0*926 I -000 1-048 1*083 1*109 1-129 1*147 * V 0-837 1-007 1-286 1*452 1*592 1-713 1-821 0-05 | Q 41-85 75-52 128-6 181*5 238-8 299-7 364-2 1 C 0*901 0-988 1-045 1*086 1*119 1-144 1-166 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL EESULTS. 195 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Rubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. For a Bed- width of 30 feet. Sper thousand. 2 D 3 epths o: 4 : water i 5 n feet. 6 7 8 V 4-040 5-105 5-949 6-651 7*241 7-745 8*193 i-o i Q 242-4 459-5 713-9 997-6 1303- 1626- 1966- s C 0-962 I-02I 1-059 1-086 rio6 I'I2I i-i34 V 3-610 4-566 5-321 5-948 6-477 6-933 7-334 0-8 | Q 216-6 410-9 638-5 892-2 1166* 1456- 1760- C 0-961 I -02 I 1-059 1-086 1*106 1*122 1*135 V 3-120 3-950 4-604 5-151 5-614 6*010 6-357 0-6 Q 187-2 356-5 552-5 772-6 1011- 1262* 1526- < C 0-959 1-020 1-058 ro86 1*107 1-123 1-136 V 2-845 3-607 4-202 4-702 5-124 5*491 5-809 0*5 j Q 164-7 324-6 504-1 705-3 922-3 1153* 1394- C 0-958 1-020 1-058 i -086 1*107 1-124 1*137 V 2-539 3-222 3-759 4-210 4-588 4-915 5-204 0-4 Q 152-3 280-0 451-1 631-5 825-8 1032- 1249- I C 0-956 1*019 1-058 1-087 1-108 1*125 1-139 V 2-192 2-786 3-255 3-649 3-980 4*265 4-515 0-3 Q 131-5 250-7 390-6 547-3 716-4 895*7 1084- C 0-953 1-017 1-058 1-088 I'lIO 1*127 1-141 V 1-778 2-267 2-659 2-984 3*259 3-495 3-703 0-2 Q 106-4 204-0 319-1 447-6 586-6 734-0 888-7 C 0-947 1-014 1-058 1*090 1-113 1*131 1*146 V 1-531 1-959 2-300 2-587 2-830 3-037 3-220 015 Q 81-86 176-3 276-0 388-0 509-4 637-8 772-8 C 0-941 I-OI2 1-057 1*091 rii6 1*135 1*151 V 1-236 1-592 1-878 2*117 2-320 2-495 2*651 0-10 Q 74-16 143-3 205-4 317-5 417-6 524-0 636-2 C 0-931 1-007 1-057 1*093 1*120 1-142 i* 1 60 V 0-852 1-114 1-326 1-505 1-659 1-792 1-909 0-05 Q 51-12 100-3 159-1 225-8 298-6 376-3 458*2 C 0-907 0*996 1-055 1-099 ^133 1*1 60 1*182 and cubic feet per second. 25 196 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES ms- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed- width of 35 feet. N=0'017. S per thousand. 2 r 3 Depths o 4 c water i 5 in feet. 6 7 8 V 4-085 5*189 5*955 6*864 7*437 7-976 8*455 1-0 Q 286-0 544-8 833*7 1201- 1562* 1954- 2367* C 0-965 1*025 1*059 1*093 1*112 1-128 1*141 V 3-650 4-640 5*326 6*139 6*658 7-141 7*569 0-8 Q 255-5 487-2 745*6 1074* 1398* 1750- 2119* C 0*964 1*025 1*059 1*093 1*113 1-129 1*142 V 3*154 4*014 4-613 5-322 5*772 6-189 6*567 0*6 Q 220*8 421*5 645*8 931-3 1212* 1516* 1839* C 0*962 1*024 1*059 1*094 1*114 1-130 1*144 t V 2*876 3*665 4*211 4-893 5*268 5*655 6*000 0*5 Q 201*3 384*8 589*5 856-2 1106* 1385- 1680* C 0*961 1*024 1*059 1*095 1*114 1*131 1*145 V 2*567 3*275 3-767 4-349 4*716 5*062 5-370 0*4 Q 179*7 343*9 527*4 761-0 990*4 1240* 1504* C 0*959 I*02'3 1*059 1*095 1*115 1*132 1*146 V 2*216 2*831 3*259 3-769 4*092 4*396 4-664 0*3 Q 155*1 297*3 456-3 659-5 859-3 1077* 1306- C 0*956 1*021 1*058 1*096 1-117 ri 35 1*149 V 1*798 2*307 2*661 3*084 3-350 3*602 3*828 0*2 Q 125-9 242*2 372*5 539*7 703-5 882*5 1072* C 0-950 1*019 1*058 1*098 ri2o 1*139 1*155 V 1-550 1-991 2*302 2*676 2-912 3*133 3-329 0*15 Q 108-5 209-1 322*3 468*3 611-5 767*6 932-1 s C 0-945 .1*016 i -05 7 1*100 1*124 1*144 1*160 1 V 1*252 1*620 1*880 2*191 2-388 2-576 2-741 0*10 | Q 87*64 170*1 263*2 383*3 501*5 631-1 767*5 < C 0*935 I*OI2 1*057 1*103 1*129 1-152 1*170 V 0*863 1*134 1*328 1-565 1-711 1-853 1-980 0-05 j Q 60*41 119*1 185*9 273-9 359-3 454-0 554-4 C 0*911 1*002 1*056 1*114 1-144 1*172 1*195 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 197 TABLE VIII. ^ ^-..1 CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Rubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. For a Bed- width of 40 feet. S per thousand. 2 I 3 >epths o 4 f water 5 in feet. 6 7 8 V 4-123 5-252 6-160 6*926 7*581 8*154 8-670 1-0 Q 329-8 630-2 985-6 1385* 1819* 2283* 2774- C 0-967 1-028 1-067 I r 95 1*116 ri 33 1*147 V 3-684 4-697 5-510 ; 6*200 6*786 7*300 7-762 0-8 Q 294-7 563-6 881-6 1240* 1629* 2044* 2484- C 0-966 1-028 1*067 ! 1*096 1*117 I 'i34 1*148 J ^ V 3-184 4-064 4-772 5*369 5*882 6*328 6-727 0-6 Q 253-1 487-5 763-5 1074* 1412* 1772* 2152* ! C 0-964 1-027 1*067 1*096 1*118 riss 1-149 V 2-903 3-710 4*355 4*906 5*375 5*781 6-147 0-5 Q 232-2 445-2 776-8 981*2 1290* 1619* 1967- ) s C 0-963 1*027 1*067 1-097 1*119 1*136 1*150 j V 2-594 3-315 3-899 4*388 4*811 5*180 5*512 0-4 Q 207-5 397-8 623-8 877*6 1155- 1450* 1764* i C 0-962 1-026 i -068 | 1*097 I-I20 1*138 ^SS V 2-239 2-868 3-377 3*807 4*173 4-494 4*786 0-3 Q 179-1 344-2 540-3 761*4 1002- 1258- 1532* G 0-959 1-025 i -068 1*099 1*122 1-140 1*156 V 1-817 2-335 2-758 3*114 3*418 3-686 3*929 0-2 Q 145-4 280-2 441*3 622-8 820*3 1032* 1257* c '953 1-022 i -068 I'lOI 1*125 1*145 1*162 V 1-566 2-019 2-388 2*701 2*970 3-206 3*420 0-15 Q 125-3 242-3 382*1 540-2 712*8 897-7 1094* C 0-948 1-020 1*068 1*103 1*129 1-150 1*168 V 1-264 1-642 1-949 2*212 2*440 2-638 2*815 0-10 Q 101-1 197-0 311-8 442*4 585*6 i 738-6 900*8 C 0-938 1*016 i -068 1*106 1*136 1-159 .1*178 V 0-873 1-150 1*380 1*577 1*750 1-900 2*036 0-05 Q 69-84 138-0 220-8 315*4 420*0 532-0 651*5 i C 0-915 i -006 1*069 1-115 1*152 1-180 1*205 and cubic feet per second. 198 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed- N=0017. Sper thousand. 2- I 2-5 Depths o 3- E water 3-5 in feet. 4- 4-5 5- V 3734 4-285 4-777 5-229 5-635 6-013 6-363 0-8 Q 373-4 535-6 716-5 915-0 1127- 1353- 1591- C 0-970 1-005 1-032 1*054 1*073 i -088 1*102 V 3-227 3-707 4-133 4-515 4*881 5-204 5-510 0-6 Q 322-7 463-4 619-9 790-0 976-2 1171- 1377- C 0-968 1-004 1-031 1-054 1-073 1-088 I-I02 V 2-943 3-382 3-774 4*130 4-455 4-756 5-035 0-5 Q 294-3 422-7 566-1 722-7 891-0 1069- 1259- ] C 0-967 1*003 1-031 1*054 1-073 1*089 1*103 V 2-627 3-021 3-371 3-697 3-985 4*260 4*507 0-4 Q 262-7 377-6 505-6 646-9 797*0 958*5 1127* C 0-965 1-002 1*030 1-054 1-073 1*090 1*104 V 2-270 2-611 2-917 3-191 3-451 3*690 3*907 0-3 ; Q 227-0 326-4 437-5 558-3 690-2 830*2 976*7 C 0-963 I -000 1*029 1-053 1-073 1*091 1*105 V 2-055 2-377 2*660 2-929 3-153 3*370 3-570 0-25 Q 205-5 297-1 399*0 512-5 630-6 758*2 892-5 C 0-955 0-998 1-028 r o53 1-074 1*091 1-106 V 1-842 2-124 2*378 2-612 2-820 3-018 3-199 0-20 i Q 184-2 265-5 356*7 457-1 564-0 679-0 799-7 \ C 0-957 0-996 1-027 1-053 1-074 1*092 1-108 V 1-587 1-834 2*055 2-253 2-443 2-617 2-775 0-15 Q 158-7 229-2 308*2 394-2 488-6 588-8 698-7 C 0-952 0-993 1-025 1-052 1-074 1-094 I'lIO V 1-282 1-488 1*673 1*843 1-996 2-142 2-276 0-10 Q 128-2 186-0 251-0 322-4 399-2 481-9 569-0 I C 0-942 0-987 I -O2 2 1-051 1-075 1*096 1-115 V 0-885 1-036 1-173 1-301 1-415 1*524 1-626 0*05 j Q 88-5 129-5 175-9 227-6 283-1 342*9 406-5 i C 0-919 0-972 1*013 1-048 1-078 1*103 1*126 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL KESULTS. 199 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Bubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. width of 50 feet. N=0'017. Sper thousand. 5-5 D 6- epths of 6-5 water i 7- n feet. 7*5 8* 9* V 6-690 6-994 7-277 7-554 7*805 8*049 8*500 0-8 Q 1840* 2098- 2365- 2644- 2927* 3220* 3825* C 1-114 1-124 I>J 33 1*142 1*149 1*156 1*168 V 5-793 6-064 6-308 6-548 6-764 6*977 7-373 0-6 Q 1593* 1819- 2050- 2292- 2537- 2790* 3317- C 1-114 1-125 i'i34 ri 43 1*150 i-i57 1-170 V 5-294 5-539 5-764 5-983 6*186 6*380 6-737 0-5 Q 1456- 1662- 1873- 2094- 2320* 2552* 3027* G 1-115 1-126 *'*3S 1-144 1*152 l '!59 1*171 V 4-739 4-959 5-164 5-361 5*543 5*716 6-040 0-4 Q 1303* 1488- 1678* 1876- 2079* 2286* 2718* C rn6 1-127 1-137 1*146 1*154 1*161 1*174 V 4-109 4-308 4-480 4-655 4-812 4*963 5-249 0-3 Q 1130* 1292- 1456* 1629* 1805* 1985* 2362- C 1-118 1-130 1-139 1-149 !'i57 1*164 1*178 V 3-756 3-938 4-098 4-258 4*405 4*542 4*804 0-25 Q 1033- 1181- 1332* 1490* 1652* 1817* 2162- C 1-119 1-132 1*141 1-151 1*160 1*167 1-181 V 3-366 3-528 3-675 3-817 3*951 4*077 4-312 0-20 Q 925-6 1058* 1194- 1336- 1482* 1631* 1940- C I-I2I i'i34 1-144 1*154 1*163 1*171 1-185 V 2-925 3-067 3-197 3-323 3*438 3*549 3-759 0-15 Q 804-3 920-1 1039- 1080- 1289* 1420- 1691- C 1-125 1-138 1-149 n6o 1*169 1*177 1-193 V 2-401 2-519 2-630 2*734 2-834 2*927 3*103 o-io Q 660-2 755-7 854-7 888-6 1063* 1171* 1397* C 1-131 1-145 1-158 1*169 1*180 1*189 1*206 V 1-721 1-810 1-893 1*975 2*051 2*122 2*259 0-05 Q 473-2 543-0 615-2 641*9 769*0 896*8 1016* C 1-146 1-163 1-179 1-194 1*207 1*219 1*241 and cubic feet per second. 200 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed- N=0'017. Sper thousand. 2- E 2-5 epths oi 3- : water ] 3-5 n feet. 4- 4-5 5* j V 3765 4-326 4-834 5-292 5-717 6-110 6*446 0-8 i Q 451-8 648-9 870-1 1111- 1372- 1650- 1934* j C 0-972 1-007 1-035 1-057 1*076 1*092 no6 V 3-253 3-744 4-187 4-583 4-951 5-292 5-614 0-6 Q 390-4 561-6 753-7 962-4 1188- 1429- 1684* C 0-970 i -006 1-035 1-057 1*076 1-092 1-107 V 2-968 3-417 3-819 4-079 4-524 4-830 5-124 0-5 Q 356-2 512-5 687-4 856-6 1086- 1304- 1537- C 0-969 i -006 1-034 1-057 1-077 1-092 1*107 V 2-649 3-050 3-412 3-743 4-046 4-324 4-566 0-4 Q 317-9 457-5 614-2 786-0 971-0 1168- 1370- C 0-967 1-004 1-033 1-057 1-077 1-093 1-108 V 2-286 2-639 2-952 3-241 3-505 3-748 3-980 0-3 Q 274-3 395-8 531-4 680-6 841-2 1012- 1194- C 0*964 1-003 1-032 1-057 1-077 1-094 I'lIO V 2-083 2-406 2-695 2-959 3-199 3*424 3-637 0-25 Q 250-0 360-8 485-1 621-4 767-8 924-5 1091- C 0-962 I '00 1 1-032 1-057 1-077 1-095 rixi > V 1-858 2-146 2-408 2-647 2-864 3-069 3-243 0-2 Q 223-0 321-9 433-4 555-9 687-4 828-6 972-9 C 0-959 0-999 1-031 1-057 1-078 1-097 1-113 s V 1-600 1-853 2-084 2-289 2-483 2-663 2-828 0-15 | Q 192-0 277-9 375-1 480-7 595-9 719-0 848-4 C 0-954 0-996 1-030 1-056 1-079 1-099 1-115 V 1-292 1-504 1-695 1-868 2-029 2*180 2-307 0-1 Q 155-0 225-6 305-1 392-3 487*0 588-6 692-1 \ s C 0-944 0-990 1-026 1-055 1-080 1*102 I-I20 V 0-893 1-047 1-189 1-318 1-441 1*553 1*651 0-05 \ Q 107-2 157-1 214-0 276-8 345-8 419*3 495*3 I C 0-922 0-975 1-018 i'053 1-084 1*110 i'i33 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 201 TABLE VIII. CHAEGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Bubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. width of 60 feet. tf-0'017. S per thousand. 5-5 E 6* epths o 6-5 c water i 7* n feet. 7*5 8* 9- V 6-816 7-254 7-440 7*728 7*995 8-178 8*737 0-8 Q 2249- 2611* 2902- 3246- 3598* 3926- 4718* C 1-118 1-129 1-138 1*147 1-154 1*162 1*174 V 5-908 6-189 6-449 6-700 6-936 7*159 7*579 0-6 Q 1950* 2228* 2515- 2814* 3121* 3436* 4093- C 1-119 1-130 i'i39 1-148 1*156 1*163 1-176 V 5-398 5-655 5-893 6-121 6-342 6*547 6-931 0-5 Q 1781- 2036* 2298- 2571- 2854* 3143- 3743- C I'I2O 1-131 1*140 1-149 1*158 1-165 1-178 V 4-833 5-062 5-279 5-485 5-682 5-807 6*214 0-4 Q 1595* 1822- 2059- 2304- 2557* 2787- 3356* I-12I 1-132 1*142 1-151 1*160 1*167 1*181 V 4-193 4-396 4-581 4-758 4-935 5-097 5-400 0-3 Q 1384- 1583- 1787- 1998* 2221* 2429- 2916* C 1-123 i^SS 1-144 1*153 1-163 1-171 1*185 V 3-835 4-020 4-189 4-355 4-516 4-662 4-943 0-25 Q 1266* 1447* 1634- 1829* 2032- 2238- 2669- C 1-125 i-i37 1-146 1-156 1*166 1-173 1*188 V 3-436 3-602 3-759 3*908 4-053 4-142 4-439 0-2 Q 1J34- 1297- 1466- 1641- 1824* 198o- 2397- C 1-127 1-139 1-150 i'i6o 1*170 1-177 1*193 V 2-986 3-133 3*270 3-402 3-528 3-647 3-868 0-15 Q 985-4 1128- 1275* 1429- 1588- 1751- 2089- C 1-131 1-144 1-155 1-166 1*176 1*185 i -200 j V 2-451 2-576 2*693 2-802 2-907 2-978 3-197 Ol Q 808-8 927-4 1050- 1177- 1308* 1429- 1726- i 1-137 1-152 1*165 1-176 1-187 1*197 1-215 V 1-728 1-853 1-942 2-028 2-108 2*167 2-330 0-05 Q 570-2 667-1 757*4 851*7 948-6 1040* 1258* 1-153 1-172 r 1 88 1*203 1*217 1-231 1-252 and cubic feet per second. 202 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Eectangular For a Bed- N=0'017. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4*5 5* V 3-802 4-385 4-909 5-388 5*831 6-241 6*624 0-8 J Q 608-3 877-0 1178- 1509- 1866* 2247* 2650* C 0-974 roii 1-039 1*062 i -08 1 1*097 I'm s V 3-286 3-795 4-253 4-665 5*049 5*410 5*742 0-6 Q 525-8 759-0 1021- 1306* 1616- 1948* 2297- ( < ( C 0-972 I'OIO 1-039 1*062 i -08 1 1-098 I'l 12 . V 2-997 3-461 3-878 4*260 4*614 4*939 5-247 0-5 i Q 479-5 692-2 930-7 1193* 1476- 1778* 2099* C 0-971 1-009 1-038 1-062 1*082 1*098 1*113 I V 2-674 3-092 3-465 3-809 4*126 4-420 4*697 0-4 | Q 427-8 618-4 831-6 1067* 1320- 1591- 1879* > C 0-969 i -008 1*037 1*062 1-082 1-099 1*114 V 2-310 2-672 2-997 3*299 3-574 3-832 4*075 0-3 i Q 369-6 534-4 ! 719-3 923*7 1144- 1380- 1630* s > C 0-966 i -006 1-036 1*062 1-082 I -100 1-116 < V 2-104 2-437 2-737 3*012 3-265 3-501 3-723 . 0-25 \ Q 336-6 487-4 656-9 843-4 1045- 1260* 1489* I C 0-964 1-005 1-036 1-062 1-083 noi 1-117 ( V 1-876 2-175 2-446 2-692 2-924 3*135 3-336 0*2 \ Q 300-2 435-0 587-0 753*8 935*7 1129* 1334* ) C 0-961 1-003 i'P35 i -06 1 1*084 1*102 1*119 V 1-617 1-879 2-117 2*331 2*535 2*723 2-897 0-15 Q 258-7 375-8 508-1 652-7 811*2 980*3 1159- C 0-956 i -ooo 1*034 i -06 1 1-085 1*105 I-I22 > V 1-307 1-525 1-723 1-903 2*071 2*230 2*378 0-1 Q 209-1 305-0 413-5 532-8 662*7 802-8 951-2 \ C 0-947 0-994 1-031 1*061 1-086 1*109 1*128 V 0-903 1-063 1-210 1*345 1-472 1-591 1*703 0-05 Q 144-5 212-6 290-4 376*6 471-0 572*8 681-2 C 0-925 0-980 1*024 i -060 1*091 1-118 1*142 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 203 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Bubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar, width of 80 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- V 6-991 7-333 7-657 7-960 8-259 8-537 9-083 0-8 Q 3076- 3520- 3982- 4458- 4955- 5464- 6538- C 1-124 I-I35 i'i45 i'i53 1-162 1-169 1-185 V 6-060 6-356 6-636 6-906 7-158 7-405 7-873 0-6 Q 2666- 3051- 3451- 3867- 4295- 4739- 5669- C 1-125 1-136 1-146 1-155 1-163 1-171 1-186 / V 5-537 5-808 6-064 6-315 6-547 6-766 7-199 0-5 Q 2436- 2788- 3153- 3536- 3928- 4330- 5183- 1 C 1-126 t'W 1-147 1-157 1-165 1-172 1-188 j V 4-956 5-203 5-550 5-658 5-865 6-067 6-455 0-4 j Q 2181- 2497- 2886- 3168- 3519- 3883- 4548- \ C 1-127 1-139 1-149 1-159 1-167 1-175 1-191 V 4-304 4-514 4-713 4-912 5-097 5-272 5-600 0-3 Q 1894- 2167- 2451- 2751- 3058- 3374- 4032- ! C 1*130 1*141 1-151 1-162 1-171 1-179 I C 0-973 1*040 1*064 < 1*084 1*102 1*116 1*130 V 2-860 3-712 4-083 4*426 4-750 5-047 5*336 0-45 Q 572-0 1114- 1429* j 1770* 2138- 2523- 2935- s C 0*972 1*040 1-064 1-084 I'I02 rii6 1-130 < V 2-693 3-500 3-848 4-177 4*481 4-763 5*035 0-4 Q 538-5 1050- 1347* 1671* 2016- 2381- 2769- C 0-971 1-040 1-064 1*085 1*103 1-117 1*131 i V 2-516 3-270 3*647 3'907 4*193 4-460 4*714 0-35 Q 503-2 981-0 1276- 1563- 1887* 2230- 2593- j C 0-970 1-039 1*064 1*085 1-103 rn8 1-132 V 2-328 3*028 3-384 3-617 3*885 4-131 4*368 0-3 Q 465-5 908-4 1184- 1447- 1748* 2066* 2402- C 0-969 1*039 1*064 1*085 1-104 1*119 1*133 ; V 2-121 2*763 3*043 3-305 3*549 3-779 3-995 0-25 | Q 424-2 828*9 1065- 1322* 1597- 1889- 2197- i C 0-967 1-039 1*064 1*086 1-105 I-I2I i-i35 V 1-891 2*469 2*722 2*959 3*178 3*386 3-582 0-2 Q 378-3 740*7 952-7 1184- 1430* 1693* 1970- C 0-964 1-038 1*064 1-087 1*106 1-123 1-138 V 1-629 2*136 2*393 2*563 2*757 2*940 3*113 0-15 Q 325-9 640-8 837*5 1025- 1241- 1470* 1712- C 0-959 1-037 1*064 1-088 rio8 1-126 1-142 V 1-318 1*742 1-925 2-098 2-262 2*413 2-560 o-i Q 263-5 522-6 673-7 839-2 1018- 1207- 1408- C 0-950 1-035 1-064 1-090 1-113 1-132 1-150 V 0-911 1*224 1-361 1-492 1-614 1-731 1-840 0-05 Q 182-3 367*2 476-3 596*8 726-3 865-6 1012- C 0-929 1-029 1-064 1*096 1*123 1-148 1*169 V and Q are always in feet PAET IT. FINAL KESULTS. 205 TABLE YIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Bubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. width of 100 feet. N=0'017. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6- 6-5 7* 7-5 8- 9- 10- s V 5-906 6-178 6-433 6-676 6-911 7-354 7*765 0-5 Q 3544- 4016- 4503- 5007- 5529- 6619- 7765* ! C 1-141 1-152 1-161 1*169 1*177 1-191 1*203 1 V 5-607 5-861 6-107 6-339 6*563 6-983 7*373 0*45 Q 3364- 3810- 4275- 4754- 5250* 6285* 7373* ! C 1*142 1-152 1-162 1-170 1-178 1*192 1*204 \ t V 5-291 5-531 5-764 5-981 6*199 6*596 6*962 0-4 \ Q 3175- 3595* 4035- 4485- 4959* 5936* 6962* \ C 1-143 1>I S3 1-163 1-171 1-180 1-194 1*206 V 4-954 5-182 5-396 5-605 5*807 6*180 6*524 0-35 Q 2972- 3368* 3777- 4203- 4646* 5562* 6524* 1 C 1-144 1-155 1-164 i'i73 1*182 1*196 1*208 V 4-590 4-806 5-004 5-197 5-386 5*730 6-055 0-3 \ Q 2754- 3124* 3503- 3897- 4309- 5157- 6055- I P 1-145 1-157 1-166 1-175 1*184 1*198 I-2II V 4-197 4-395 4-580 4*758 4*928 5-249 5-545 0-25 I Q 2518- 2857- 3206- 3568* 3942* 4724- 5545- \ C 1-147 1-159 1-169 1*178 1*187 1*202 1*215 \ V 3-767 3-945 4-110 4*269 4*426 4*715 4-984 0-2 Q 2260- 2564- 2877- 3201* 3541* 4244* 4984- 1 C 1-151 1-163 1-173 1*182 1*192 1*207 I'22I } V 3-274 3-430 3-581 3*721 3-856 4-113 4-753 0-15 j Q 1964- 2230- 2507- 2790- 3085- 3702* 4753* ] C 1-155 1-168 1-180 1*190 1-199 1*216 1*231 i > V 2-697 2-828 2-954 3-072 3-189 3*406 3-606 o-i Q 1618- 1838- 2068- 2304- 2551- 3065* 3606- 1 C 1-165 1-179 1*192 1-203 1-214 I<2 33 1*249 t V 1-945 2-047 2-141 2-234 2-323 2-490 2-645 0-05 | Q 1167- 1332- 1499- 1675- 1858- 2241* 2645- . C 1-188 1-207 1*222 1-237 1-251 1*275 1-296 and cubic feet per second. 206 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Bectangular For a Bed- N=0'017. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4* 4-5 5- 5-5 6* I V 3-046 3-961 4-742 5*096 5-427 5*747 6-045 0-5 \ Q 913-8 1782- 2845* 3440* 4069- 4741- 5441* s s C 0-976 1-043 1-088 1-106 I-I2I I ' I SS 1*147 < V 2-887 3-758 4-498 4-834 5-149 5-450 5*735 0-45 Q 866-1 1688- 2699- 3263- 3861- 4498- 5162* j C 0-975 1-043 i -088 rio6 1*121 * m w 1*147 Y 2-718 3-543 4-244 4-562 4-858 5-144 5-412 0-4 Q 815-4 1594- 2546* 3079- 3643* 4244- 4871- C 0-974 1-043 1*089 1-107 1*122 1*136 1-148 V 2-541 3-311 3-970 4-267 4*549 4-815 5-066 0-35 Q 762-3 1490- 2382* 2880- 3411* 3972- 4559- C 0-973 1-042 1-089 1-107 1*123 1-137 1*149 Y 2-349 3-066 3-679 3-954 4-215 4-466 4-698 0-3 Q 704-7 1380* 2207- 2669- 3160- 3684- 4228- C 0*972 1-042 1-090 1-108 1*124 1*139 1-151 Y 2-141 2-795 3-358 3-714 3-854 4*084 4-297 0-25 Q 642-3 1258* 2015- 2507- 2890- 3369* 3867- C 0-970 1*041 1*090 1-109 1*126 1*141 i'i53 Y 1-907 2-498 3*007 3-237 3-454 3*660 3-857 0-2 Q 572-1 1124* 1804* 2185- 2590* 3019- 3471- C 0-966 1-040 1*091 i-iii 1*128 i'H3 1*157 Y 1-644 2-161 2-609 2-812 3*001 3-183 3-355 0-15 Q 493-2 972-4 1565* 1898* 2251* 2626- 3020- C 0-962 1-039 1-093 1*114 1*132 1-148 1*162 Y 1-330 1-762 2-136 2-305 2*466 2-617 2-762 0-1 Q 399-0 792-9 1282* 1556- 1849* 2159- 2486- C 0-953 1-037 1*096 1*119 ^139 1-156 1-172 Y 0-921 1-238 1*519 1*648 1*768 1-884 1-996 0-05 Q 276-3 557-1 911*4 ! 1112* 1326* 1554- 1796- ' C 0-933 1*031 1*102 1-131 1*155 1*177 1-198 Y and Q are always in feet PABT II. FINAL RESULTS. 207 TABLE VHI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Eubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar, -width of 150 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7* 7*5 8* 9* 10- 12* s Y 6-326 6-599 6-865 7-149 7*594 8*037 8*846 0-5 Q 6168- 6929- 7723- 8579- 10252- 12055* 15923* C 1-157 1-167 1-176 1-185 1*198 I-2IO 1*230 Y 6-007 6-266 6-519 6-787 7-210 7-631 8*406 0-45 | Q 5857- 6579- 7334- 8144- 9734- 11446* 15131* j C 1*158 1-168 1-177 1-186 1-199 1*211 1-232 < Y 5-669 5-914 6-157 6-410 6-808 7-206 7-938 0-4 > Q 5527- 6210- 6927- 7692- 9191- 10809* 14288- ! C 1-159 1*169 1-179 1-188 I*2OI 1-213 1-234 ? Y 5-307 5-541 5*769 6-006 6-381 6*752 7*437 0-35 Q 5174- 5818- 6490* 7207- 8614- 10128* 13387* ' C 1-160 1-171 1-181 1*190 1-203 1*215 1*236 i Y 4-922 5-139 5-350 5-570 5-921 6-272- 6-908 0-3 Q 4799- 5396- 6019- 6684* 7993* 9408- 12434- 1 C 1-162 1-173 1-183 1*192 1*206 1-219 1-240 t Y 4-505 4-699 4-896 5-102 5*423 5-744 6-326 0-25 Q 4392- 4934- 5508- 6121- 7321* 8616- 11387- C 1-165 1-175 1-186 1-196 I*2IO 1-223 1-244 Y 4-042 4-217 4-393 4-582 4-871 5-167 5-695 0-2 Q 3941- 4428- 4942- 5497* 6576- 7750- 10251- C 1-169 1-179 1-190 1*201 1*215 1-230 1-252 Y 3-519 3-677 3-828 3*996 4*253 4-511 4-979 0-15 Q 3431- 3861- 4307- 4795* 5742- 6766- 8962- C 1-175 1-187 1-197 1-209 1*225 1*240 1*264 Y 2-903 3-036 3-165 3-302 3*521 3*740 4-140 0-1 Q 2830- 3188- ! 3561- 3962- 4753* 5610* 7452- 1 C 1-187 1*200 I 1*212 1-224 1*242 1-259 1-287 < Y 2-102 2-206 ! 2-304 2-412 2-580 2-751 3-062 0-05 I Q 2050- 2316- 2592- 2894- 3483* 4126* 5612- I C 1-216 1-233 1-248 1*264 1*287 1*310 1-346 and cubic feet per second. 208 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed- N=0*017. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- i V 3-059 3-988 4-780 5-141 5-485 5*804 6-113 0-5 Q 1224* 2392- 3824- 4627- 5485- 6384* 7336* C 0-977 1*045 1*090 1-108 1-124 1*137 1-149 t V 2-900 3-783 4-534 4-877 5-203 5*511 5-804 0-45 I Q 1160* 2270- 3627- 4389- 5203* 6062- 6965- I C 0-976 1-045 1*090 no8 1*124 1-138 1*150 V 2731 3-567 4-279 4-602 4-911 5*201 5-476 0-4 Q 1092- 2140- 3423- 4142- 4911- 5721- 6571* C 0-975 1*045 1-091 1*109 1*125 1*139 1-151 V 2-552 3-333 4-017 4-309 4-596 4*869 5*128 0-35 Q 1021- 2000- 3213- 3878- 4596* 5356- 6154- C 0-974 1-044 1*091 I'lIO 1*126 1*140 1*152 V 2-360 3-086 3-710 3-993 4-259 4*513 4*756 0-3 Q 944-0 1852- 2968- 3594- 4259- 4964- 5707* C 0-973 1-044 1*092 I'm 1*127 1-141 1*154 | V 2-150 2-818 3-386 3*648 3-896 4-126 4-349 0-25 i Q 860-0 1691- 2709- 3283* 3896- 4538- 5219- i C 0-971 1-044 1-092 1*112 1*129 i*i43 1-156 i V 1-915 2-517 3-031 3-266 3*490 3-700 3-903 0-2 Q 766-0 1510- 2425- 2939* 3490- 4070- 4684- I \ C 0*967 1-043 1-093 1*113 1-131 1*146 ri6o V 1-652 2-178 2-628 2-836 3*034 3-218 3-398 0*15 Q 660-8 1307- 2102- 2552- 3034* 3540* 4078* C 0-963 1-042 1-095 1*116 J'iSS 1*151 1-166 V 1-337 1-775 2-153 2-326 2*493 2-648 2-798 1 0-1 | Q 534-8 1065- 1722- 2093- 2493- 2913- 3358- 1 C 0-954 1-040 1*098 I-I2I 1-142 1-160 1-176 t V 0-925 1-248 1-533 1-664 1-788 1-909 2-023 0-05 Q 370-0 748-8 1226- 1498- 1788- 2100- 2428- ^ C 0-934 1-034 1-105 i*i34 1*159 1-182 1-202 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 209 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Rubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar, width of 200 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7* 7*5 8- 9- 10- 12- V 6-408 6-691 6-964 7*224 7*718 8*185 9*033 0-5 Q 8330* 9367- 10446- 11558* 13892* 16370* 21679* \ C ri6o 1-170 1*179 1*187 I*2OI 1*214 1*234 V 6-085 6-354 6-613 6*860 7*327 7*771 8*583 0-45 Q 7911- 8896- 9919* 10976* 13189* 15542* 20600* C 1-161 1-171 1-180 1*188 1*202 1*215 1*236 V 5-743 5-996 ! 6-239 6-477 6*919 7*339 8*105 0-4 Q 7466- 8394* 9359* 10363* 12454* 14678* 19452* C 1-162 1-172 ri8i 1*190 1-204 1*217 1*238 V 5-375 5-618 5-846 6*070 6-483 6*876 7*600 0-35 Q 6988* 7865- 8769- 9712* 11669* 13752* 18240* C 1-163 | 1-174 1*183 1*192 1*206 1*219 1*241 V 4-985 i 5-211 5-421 5*629 6-022 6*387 7*059 0-3 Q 6481- 7295- 8131* 9006* 10840* 12774* 16942* C 1-165 1-176 1-185 1*194 I*2IO 1*223 1*245 , V 4-562 4-770 4-966 5*155 5*516 5*850 6*470 0-25 Q 5931- 6678- 7449- 8248- 9929- 11700* 15528* j s C 1-168 1-179 1*189 1 1*198 1*214 1*227 1-250 V 4-095 4-279 4*460 4*632 4-953 5-262 5*823 0-2 Q 5324* 5991- 6690- I 7411* 8915- 10524* 13975* C 1-172 1-183 1*194 1*203 1*219 I<2 34 1-258 \ ( V 3-565 3-730 3*885 4*037 4*325 4*598 5-091 0-15 Q 4635* 5122* 5827* 6459* 7785* i 9196* 12218* < ^ C 1-178 1-191 I*2OI 1*211 1*229 1*245 1*270 \ V 2-940 3-080 3*213 3*340 3*584 3*814 4-233 0-1 Q 3822* 4312- 4819* 5344* 6451* 7628* 10159* < G i - 1 90 1*204 1*216 1*227 1*247 1*265 1*293 V 2-133 2-240 2*342 2*441 2*629 2*808 3*135 0-05 Q 2773- 3136* 3513* 3906* 4732* 5616- ; 7524* C I-22I 1-238 1 1*254 1*268 1*294 i'3 J 7 J'354 and cubic feet per second. 210 OANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Rectangular For a Bed- Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4-0 4-5 5-0 5*5 6-0 V 4-004 4-420 4-803 5-168 5-516 5-840 6-159 0-5 : Q 3003- 3868- 4803- 5814- 6895- 8030- 9234- C 1-046 1-071 1-091 1*109 1-125 1-138 1-151 V 3-798 4-192 4-556 4-902 5-234 5-546 5-846 0-45 Q 2849- 3668- 4556- 5514- 6542- 7625- 8770- C 1-046 1-071 1-091 1-909 1-125 1-131 1-152 V 3-590 3-953 4-299 4-626 4-938 5-233 5-517 0-4 Q 2693- 3459- 4299- 5205- 6172- 7195- 8276- C 1-046 1-071 1-092 I'lIO 1-126 1-140 I 'i53 V 3-347 3-698 4-023 4-332 4-582 4-999 5-166 0-35 Q 2510- 3236- 4023* 4875- 5727- 6874- 7750- C 1-045 1-071 1-092 i-iii 1-127 1-141 i'i54 V 3-098 3-424 3-727 4-014 4-287 4-543 4-791 0-3 Q 2324- 2996- 3727- 4516* 5359- 6247- 7186- C 1-045 1-071 1-093 1*112 1-129 1*143 1-156 V 2-828 3-125 3-406 3-667 3-921 4-155 4-382 0-25 Q 2121- 2734- 3406- 4126- 4901* 5713- 6573- C 1-045 1-071 1-094 1-113 1-131 1-145 1-158 \ V 2-528 2-798 3-048 3-286 3-513 3-726 3-932 0*2 Q 1896-' 2448* 3048- 3697- 4-392 5124- 5898- } C 1-044 1-072 1-095 1-115 i-i33 1*148 1-162 V 2-186 2-423 2-645 2-851 3-053 3-238 3-422 0-15 Q 1640- 2120- 2645- 3207* 3816- 4453- 5133- C 1*043 1-072 1-097 1*117 I-I37 1*152 1*168 5 V 1-782 1-981 2-166 2-340 2-509 2-667 2-819 0-1 Q 1337- 1733- 2166- 2633- 3136- 3667* 4228- < C 1-041 1-073 i-ioo 1-123 1-144 1*162 1*178 V 1-253 1-402 1-541 1-674 1-801 1-922 2-039 0-05 Q 940- 1227- 1541- 1884- 2251- 2642- 3058* i C 1-035 1-074 1-107 1-136 1*161 1-184 1*205 V and Q are always in feet PART IT. FINAL RESULTS. 211 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Rubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar, width of 250 feet. S per thousand. 6-5 B 7-0 epths of 8- water i 9* n feet. 10* 12- 14* { V 6-460 6-747 7-290 7*793 8*274 9*153 9-941 0*5 \ Q 10497- 11808- 14579- 17534- 20684* 27458* 34795* \ s G 1-162 1-172 1-189 1-203 1-216 1-237 i'253 V 6-128 6-406 6-921 7*406 7-862 8-697 9-446 0-45 Q 9959- 11210* 13842- 16663* 19656* 26090- 33062- C 1-162 1-173 1*190 1*205 1-218 1-239 1-255 j V 5-782 6-045 6*537 6*995 7*425 8-213 8-927 0-4 Q 9396- 10579- 13074* 15738* 18562* 24639- 31244- s C 1-163 1-174 1-192 1*207 1*220 1-241 1*258 j V 5-418 5-659 6-124 6*553 6-957 7-700 8-371 0-35 I Q 8805- 9903* 12248* 14744* 17392* 23101- 32797- \ C 1-165 1-175 1-194 1*209 1*222 1-244 1*261 V 5-025 5-248 5-680 6-082 6*457 7-152 7*775 0-3 Q 8166- 9184* 11360- 13684- 16142* 21457* 27211- 1-167 1-177 1*196 I-2I2 1-225 1-248 1-265 V 4-599 4-804 5-199 5*571 5-918 6*557 7-132 0-25 Q 7474- 8407* 10398* 12534* 14794- 19671* 24961- C 1-170 1-180 1-199 1-216 1-230 1-253 1-271 V 4-128 4-315 4-673 5-008 5-323 5*900 6-423 0-2 Q 6708* 7551- 9346* 11268* 13307- 17701- 22481- C 1-174 1-185 1*205 1*222 1*237 1-261 1-280 V 3-596 3-762 4-077 4*371 4*648 5*158 5-622 0-15 Q 5844* 6583* 8153- 9835* 11619* 15474* 19678* C ri8i 1-193 1-214 1-232 1*247 1-273 1-294 < V 2-966 3-106 3*373 3-622 3-859 4-292 4-687 0-1 Q 4819* 5435- 6745- 8150- 9646* 12875* 16404- C 1-193 1-206 1*230 1*250 1-268 1-297 1-321 V 2-152 2-260 2-466 2-662 2-843 3-182 3-490 0-05 Q 3497* 3955- 4933* 58b9* 7107* 9547- 12215* G 1*224 1-241 1*272 1-299 1*321 1-360 1*391 and cubic feet per second. 27 212 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE VIII. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DFS- For Canals, Channels, and Aqueducts of Eectangular For a Bed- N=0017. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5'5 6* V 4-015 4-433 4*820 5*188 5-539 5*872 6-187 0-5 Q 3614* 4655* 5784- 7004* 8308* 9689- 11138- C 1-047 1-072 1*092 1*110 1-126 1*140 1-152 j V 3-809 4-205 4*572 4*922 5-255 5-570 5-875 0-45 Q 3428* 4416- 5486* 6645* 7882* 9191- 10575- J C 1-047 1-072 1*092 I'lIO 1-126 1*140 i'i53 ( < V 3-587 3-965 4*314 4*645 4-959 5-257 5-544 04 } Q 3228* 4164* 5177* 6271* 7438- 8674- 9979- < C 1-046 1-072 1*093 i*in 1-127 1-141 1-154 V 3-356 3-709 4-036 4*348 4-643 4-921 5-189 0-35 Q 3022- 3895- 4843* 5870* 6964- 8120* 9340* C 1-046 1-072 1*093 1*112 1-128 1*142 i^55 s V 3-107 3-434 3-740 4*030 4-306 ! 4-563 4-813 0-3 Q 2796- 3653* 4488- 5441* 6459- 7529- 8663- s s C 1-046 1*072 1*094 1*113 1-130 ! 1*144 1-157 V 2-835 3-135 3-417 3*683 3*938 4*175 4-403 0-25 Q 2552- 3291- 4099- 4972- 5907* ; 6889- 7925* C 1*045 1*072 1*095 1*114 1*132 1*146 1-159 V 2-534 2-803 3*059 3*299 3*528 3-742 3-951 0-2 Q 2281* 2943* 3671* 4454- 5292- ; 6174- 7112: C 1-045 1*072 1*096 1*116 1-134 1-149 1-163 - V 2-192 2-430 2*654 2-865 3-066 3-255 3-439 0-15 Q 1973* 2552- 3185* 3868- 4599* 5371- 6190- s C 1-044 1*073 1*098 1-119 1-138 1-154 1*169 V 1-787 1-982 2-173 2-350 2-519 2-678 2-834 0-1 Q 1608* 2081- 2608- 3173- 3778* 4419- 5101- I C 1*042 1*074 rioi 1*124 i'H5 1*163 1*180 V 1-257 1-407 1-548 1*682 1-808 1-932 2-051 0-05 \ Q 1131* 1478* 1858- 2271- 2712- 3188- 3692- < i C 1-036 1*076 1*109 1-138 1*163 1-186 1-207 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 213 TABLE VIII. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, in new Rubble, or in old Brickwork, or Ashlar. width of 300 feet. N=0'017. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 V 6785 7-334 7-852 8*340 9-234 10*04 10*78 0-5 1 Q 14148- 17601- 21200- 25018* 33243- 42155* 51746- i ri73 1-190 1*205 1*218 1*239 1-255 1-268 V 6-441 6-963 7-454 7*917 8-775 9*537 10*24 0-45 Q 13525- 16711- 20126- 23752* 31590* 40055* 49171* C 1-174 1-191 1*206 1*219 1*241 i'257 1*270 s V 6-078 6-576 7-040 7-477 8-286 9*013 9*689 0-4 i Q 12764- 15782- 19008- '22433- 29349* 37853* 46506* C 1-175 1-193 1-208 1*221 1*243 1-260 1*274 V 5-689 6-163 6-597 7-005 7*769 8*451 9*083 0-35 Q 11947- 14791- 17821- 21016* 27968* 35493* 43600* G 1-176 1-195 I'2IO 1-223 1*246 1*263 1*277 V 5-281 5-719 6-128 6-507 7-216 7-849 8*443 0-3 Q 11090- 13726- 16546- 19520* 25978- 32966* 40528* C 1-179 1-198 1*214 1*227 1*250 1*267 1-282 V 4-834 5-234 5-613 5-964 6*614 7*200 7*743 0-25 Q 10151- 12562- 15155- 17892* 23810* 30240* 37169* C 1-182 I-20I 1-218 1*232 i' 2 55 1*273 1*288 Y 4-342 4-704 5*044 5*365 5*954 6*484 6-979 0-2 Q 9118- 11290- 13619- 16094* 21434* 27234* 33401- C 1-187 1*207 1*224 1-239 1*263 1*282 1-298 V 3-781 4-104 4*404 4*688 5-205 5-677 6-115 0-15 Q 7940- 9850- 11891* 14063* 18737- 23841- 29350* G 1*194 I'2l6 1*234 1-250 1*275 1*296 I-3I3 i V 3-125 3-395 3*648 3*886 4*333 4*732 5*107 0-1 Q 6563- 8148- 9850- 11657* 15600* 19876* 24516* i C 1-208 1-232 1*252 1*269 1*300 i-3 2 3 1*343 V 2-273 2-483 2*681 2*866 3*213 3*528 3-821 0-05 Q 4773- 5959- 7239* 8599* 9165* 14817* 18341- C 1-243 1-274 1*301 1*324 1-363 1-395 1-421 and cubic feet per second. 215 TABLE IX. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), IN FEET PER SECOND; QUANTITIES DISCHARGED (Q), IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ; AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. * FOR CANALS OF TRAPEZOIDAL SECTION, WITH SIDE SLOPES OF ONE TO ONE, IN EARTH, IN CLASS II., ABOVE THE AVERAGE IN CONDITION AND REGIMEN ; WHEN N, THE COEFFICIENT OF ROUGHNESS AND IRREGULARITY, =0'0225. GENERAL FORMULA, Q = A.V = A.C.KMVRS. 216 OANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of For a Bed- width of 2 feet. N=0-0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 0-5 075 1- 1-25 1-5 175 2- ' V 2-015 2-590 3-070 3-495 3-878 4-228 4-568 5-0 Q 2-519 5-34 9-210 14-19 20-36 27-74 36-54 C 0-471 0-518 o'55i o-577 0-598 0*616 0-632 r Y 1-561 2-006 2-378 2-708 3-004 3-275 3-538 3-0 Q 1-951 4-132 7-134 10-99 1577 21-48 28-30 C 0-471 0-518 '5S l o-577 0-598 0*616 0*632 y 1-274 1-638 1-942 2-210 2-452 2-674 2-889 2-0 Q 1-592 3-374 5-826 8-973 12-87 17-54 23-11 C 0-471 0-518 0-551 o-577 0-598 0*616 0-632 V -9010 1-158 1-373 1-564 1-734 1-890 2-043 1-0 Q 1-126 1-341 4-119 6-350 9-104 12-40 16-34 C 0-471 0-518 0-551 o-577 0-598 0*616 0-632 r V -8024 1-032 1-224 1-398 1-546 1-685 1-824 Q 1-003 2-126 3-672 5-676 8-116 11-05 14-59 C 0-469 0*516 0-549 '575 0-596 0*641 0-631 V -6906 8885 1-054 1-201 1-334 1-455 1-575 0-6 Q -8632 1-830 3-162 4-876 7-004 9-545 12-60 C 0-466 o'5i3 0-546 0-572 0-594 O"6l2 0*629 V -6264 8063 9585 1-092 1-214 1-324 1-433 0-5 Q -8080 1-661 2-875 4-433 6-373 8-685 11-46 C 0-463 0-510 Q'544 0-570 0-592 0*610 0*627 i V -5566 7169 8526 9713 1-080 ! 1-178 1-276 0-4 Q -6957 1-477 2-558 3-943 5-670 7-728 10-21 C 0-460 0-507 0-541 0-567 0-589 0-607 0*624 r V -3801 4910 5860 6702 7470 8156 8849 0-2 Q -4751 1-011 1758 2721 3-922 5-350 7*079 C 0-444 0-491 0-526, o-553 0-576 0-594 0'6l2 V -2535 3302 3956 4551 5081 -5568 6060 0-1 Q -3169 -6802 1-187 1-848 2-667 3-653 4*848 C 0-419 0-467 0-502 0-531 0-554 | 0-574 0-593 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 217 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 3 feet. N=00225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 0-5 075 1- 1-5 2- 2-5 3- V 2-149 2-792 3-321 4-191 4-932 5-568 6*152 r 5-0 Q 3-761 7-845 13-28 28-29 49-32 76-56 110-7 1 I C 0-483 o-533 0-567 0-614 0-649 0-674 0-695 r V 1-665 2-163 2-572 3-247 3-820 4-313 4-765 3-0 Q 2-914 6-078 10-29 21-92 38-20 59-30 85-77 1 C 0-483 '533 0-567 0*614 0-649 0-674 0-695 V 1 359 i 1-766 2-100 2-651 3-119 3-522 3-891 2-0 Q 2-378 4-962 8-400 17-89 31-19 48-43 70-04 C 0-483 0-533 0-567 0*614 0-649 0-674 0-695 V -9612 1-249 1-485 1-874 2-206 2-490 2-752 1-0 Q 1-682 3-510 5-940 12-65 22-06 34*24 49*54 C 0-483 Q'533 0-567 0-614 0-649 0-674 0-695 V -8^62 1-113 1-324 1-671 1-970 2-224 2-457 0-8 Q 1-498 3-127 5-296 11-28 19-70 30-58 44-23 C 0-481 0-53 1 0-565 0'6 1 2 0-648 0*673 0*694 V -7366 9583 1-140 1-443 1-700 1-920 2*122 0-6 Q 1-289 2-693 4-564 9-740 17-00 26-40 38-20 C 0-478 0-528 0*562 o - 6io 0*646 0-671 0-692 V -6697 8716 1-037 1-313 1-547 1-750 1*934 0-5 Q 1-172 2-449 4-148 8-863 15-47 24-06 34-81 C 0-476 0-526 0-560 0-608 0-644 0-670 0*691 V -5942 7736 9229 1-168 1-380 1-561 1-725 0-4 Q 1-040 2-174 3-692 7-884 13-80 21*46 31-05 C 0-472 0-522 0*557 0-605 0-642 0-668 0-689 V -4058 5313 6349 8087 9576 1-087 1-204 0-2 Q -7101 1-493 2-540 5-459 9-576 14-95 21-67 C 0-456 0-507 0-542 0-592 0*630 0-658 0-680 V -2711 3579 4297 5525 6579 7498 8351 0-1 Q -4744 1-006 1-719 3-729 6-579 10-31 15-03 C 0-431 0-483 0-519 0-572 0-612 0*642 0*667 and cubic feet per second. 218 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of For a Bed-width of 4 feet. N=00225. S pei- thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 1-5 2* 2*5 3- 3-5 4- f V 3-485 4-490 5-195 5-877 6-475 7*036 7*555 5-0 Q 17-42 37-04 62-34 95-50 136-0 184*7 241*8 I C 0-576 0-625 0-659 0-686 0-706 0724 0*739 Y 2-699 3-477 4-024 4-552 5-015 5*450 5*851 8-0 Q 13-49 28-68 48-29 73-97 105-3 143*1 187*2 1 i C 0-576 0-625 0-659 0-686 0-706 0*724 0*739 r V 2-204 2-840 3-286 3-717 4-095 4*450 4*778 2-0 Q 11-02 23-43 39-43 ; 60-40 85-99 116-8 152*9 I C 0-576 0-625 0-659 ! 0-686 0-706 0-724 0739 C j V 1-559 2-008 2-324 ! 2-628 2-895 3-146 3-379 1-0 Q 7-793 16-57 27-89 1 42-70 60*79 82-58 108*1 [ C 0-576 0-625 0-659 0-686 0*706 0-724 0739 V 1-389 1-790 2-071 ! 2-347 2-586 2*810 3*018 0-8 Q 6-943 14-77 24-85 38-14 54-31 7376 96*58 i C 0-574 0-623 0-657 0-685 0-705 0*723 0*738 f V 1-197 1-544 1-789 2-027 2-237 2-431 2*610 0*6 Q 5-983 12-74 21-47 32-94 46-98 63*81 83-52 I C 0-571 0-621 0-655 0-683 0*704 0-722 0737 c i V 1-088 1-384 1-630 1-847 2-039 2-216 2*379 0-5 Q 5-440 11-42 19-56 30-01 42-82 58-17 76*13 I C 0*569 0-619 0-654 0-682 0703 0*721 0-736 " Y -9684 1-234 1-454 1-648 1-818 i 1*979 2-125 0-4 Q 4-842 10-18 17-45 26-78 38*18 ; 51*95 68*00 C 0-566 0*617 0-652 o'68o 0*701 j 0-720 0735 c V -6679 8555 1-011 1-149 1*273 1*386 1*493 0-2 Q 3-339 7-058 12-13 18-67 26*73 : 36-38 47*78 I C 0-552 0-605 0-641 0*671 0*694 0*713 0*730 ' Y -4537 5850 6958 7963 -8832 9645 1*042 o-i Q 2-268 4-826 8-350 12-94 ; 18-55 25-32 33*34 - C 0-530 0-585 0-624 0-657 0*681 0*702 0*721 V and Q are always in feet PART IT. FINAL RESULTS. 219 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed-width of 5 feet. N=00225. Sper thousand. 1- Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 5- \ V 3-614 5-407 6-107 6-736 7-314 7-857 8-822 5- Q 21-68 75-70 114-5 161-7 217-6 282-8 441-1 I C 0-584 0-667 0-693 0-714 0-732 0-748 0-772 f Y 2-800 i 4-188 4-730 5-218 5-666 6-086 6-834 3- Q 16-80 ! 58-63 88-69 125-2 168-6 219-1 341-7 C 0-584 0-667 0-693 0-714 0-732 0-748 0-772 y 2-286 3-419 3-862 4-260 4-626 4-970 5-580 2- Q 13-72 47-87 72-41 102-2 137-6 178-9 279-0 C 0-584 0-667 0-693 0-714 0-732 0-748 0*772 y 1-616 2-418 2-731 3-012 3-271 3-514 3-946 1- Q 9-696 33-85 51-21 72-29 97-31 126-5 197-3 C 0-584 0*667 '^93 0-714 0-732 0-748 0-772 i y 1-440 2-159 2-439 2-691 2-922 3-143 3-529 0-8 Q 8-640 30-23 | 45-73 64-58 86-93 113-1 176-4 C 0-582 0*666 0*692 0-713 0-731 0-748 0-772 y i-24i 1-864 2-109 2-327 2-526 2-718 3-052 0-6 Q 7-446 26-10 39-54 55-85 75-15 97-85 152-6 0-579 0*664 | 0*691 0-712 0-730 0-747 0-771 V 1-129 1*699 1*923 2-121 2-304 2-478 2-786 0-5 Q 6-774 23*79 36-06 50-90 68-54 89-21 139-3 C 0-577 0*663 0*690 0*711 0-729 0-746 0-771 y 1-005 1-515 1-714 1*892 2-057 2-213 2-489 0-4 Q 6-030 21-21 32-14 45-41 61-19 79-67 124-4 C 0-574 0-661 0-688 0-709 0-728 0745 0-770 y -6927 1-055 1-196 1-325 1-443 1-555 1-753 0-2 Q 4-156 14-77 22-42 31-80 42-93 55-98 87-65 C 0-560 0-651 0-679 0-702 0-722 0-740 : 0-767 V -4716 7266 -8286 9205 1-006 1-088 1-231 o-i Q 2-830 10-17 15-54 22-09 29-93 39-17 61-55 C 0-539 0-634 0-665 0-690 0-712 0*732 0*762 and cubic feet per second. 28 220 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed-width of 6 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 2-5 3' 3-5 4- 5' c V 3715 5-593 6'321 6-970 7-555 8-103 9-078 5-0 Q 26-00 89-49 134-3 188-2 251-2 324-1 499-3 C 0-590 0-675 0-701 0-722 0739 0*754 0-778 r V 2-877 4-332 4-896 5-399 5-851 6-278 7-042 3'0 Q 20-14 69-31 104-0 145-8 194-5 251-1 387-3 1 i C 0-590 0-675 0-701 0-722 0-739 0754 0-778 c 1 V 2-349 3-537 3-998 4-408 4-778 5-126 5-750 2-0 Q 16-44 56-59 84-96 119-0 158-9 205-0 316-2 1 C 0-590 0-675 0-701 0-722 0-739 0754 0-778 f Y 1-661 2-501 2-826 3-117 3-379 3-624 4-066 1-0 Q 11-63 40-02 60-05 84-16 112-3 145-0 223-6 C 0-590 0-675 0-701 0-722 0-739 0754 0-778 V 1-481 2-234 2-525 2-784 3-018 3-242 3-636 0'8 Q 10-37 35-74 53-66 75-17 i 100-3 129-7 200-0 C 0-588 0-674 0-700 0-721 0-738 0-754 0-778 V 1-276 1-929 2-180 2-408 2-610 2-804 3-149 0-6 Q 8-932 30-86 46-32 65-02 86-78 112-2 173-2 C 0-585 0-672 0-698 0720 0-737 0753 0-778 V 1-161 1-758 1-987 2-195 2-379 2-556 2-871 0-5 Q 8-127 28-13 42-22 59-26 79-10 102-2 157-9 C 0-583 0-671 0-697 0-719 0-736 0-752 0-777 V 1-033 1-568 1-772 1-960 2-125 2-283 2-568 0-4 Q 7-231 25-09 37-65 52-92 70-66 91-32 141-2 v C 1 0-580 0-669 0-695 0-718 0735 0751 0-777 V -7138 1-094 1-239 1-375 1-493 1-606 1-811 0-2 Q 4-997 17-50 26-33 37-12 49-64 64-24 99-60 C 0-567 0-660 0-687 \ 0-712 0-730 0-747 0-775 V -4856 7536 8593 -9541 1-042 1-123 1-274 o-i Q 3-399 12-06 18-26 25-76 34-65 44-92 70-07 C 0-545 0-643 0-674 0*699 0721 0739 0-771 V and Q are always in fet I'AttT II. FINAL RESULTS. 221 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. ^ For a Bed-width of 8 feet. N=0'0225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2* 2-5 3- 3-5 4* 5* V 3-842 5-869 ! 6-636 7-324 7-941 8-530 9*559 5-0 Q 34-58 117-4 174-2 241-7 319-6 409*4 621-3 C 0*596 0*686 j 0-711 0*732 0-749 0-765 0-789 c V 2-976 4-556 5-140 5-673 6-152 6-606 7-405 3- Q 26-78 91-12 134-9 187-2 247-6 317*1 481-3 C 0-596 0-686 0-711 0732 0-749 0*765 0-789 V 2-430 3-712 4-197 4-632 5-023 5*394 6-046 2* Q 21-87 74-24 110-2 152-8 202-2 258-9 393-0 i C 0*596 0-686 0*711 0732 0-749 0-765 0-789 - V 1-718 2-625 2-968 3-275 3-552 3*814 4-275 1* Q 15-46 52-50 77-91 108-1 143-0 183*1 277-9 C 0*596 0-686 0-711 0-732 0-749 0*765 0-789 r V 1-531 2-344 2-651 2-925 3-177 3-407 3-823 Q 13-78 46-88 69-59 96-52 127-9 163*5 248-5 C 0-594 0-685 0-710 0-731 0*749 0*764 0*789 r V 1-322 2-024 2-292 2-530 2-747 2*947 3-311 0-6 Q 11-90 40-48 60-16 83"49 110-6 141-4 215-2 1 I C 0-592 0-683 0-709 0-730 0-748 0-763 0-789 , r V 1-202 1-845 2-089 2-310 2-505 2-690 3-023 0-5 Q 10-82 36-90 54-84 76*23 100-8 129-1 196-5 I 0-590 0-682 0-708 0-730 0-747 0-763 0*789 r V 1-070 1-646 1-864 2*060 2-237 2-402 2*700 0-4 Q 9-630 32-92 48-93 67-98 90-04 115-3 175-5 [ C 0-587 0-680 0-706 0-728 0-746 0-762 6788 , f V -7399 1-148 1-306 1-445 1*574 1-692 1*907 Q 6-659 22-96 34-28 47-68 63*35 81-22 123-9 C 0-574 0-671 0-699 0-722 0-742 0-759 0*787 c V -5034 7938 9048 1-007 1-101 1-187 1*345 0-1 Q 4-530 15-88 23-75 33-23 44-31 56*98 87*42 C 0-552 0-656 ! 0-686 ! 0-712 o*734 0753 0-785 and cubic feet per second. 222 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed-width of 10 feet. N=00225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 3- 3-5 4* 4-5 5- V 2-488 3-826 4-807 5-224 5-604 5-956 6-283 2*0 Q 27-37 91-82 187-5 ; 246-8 313-8 388-6 471*2 C 0-601 0*691 0*740 i 0*758 0-773 0-786 0-797 V 2-156 3-313 4-163 i 4-524 4-854 5-158 5-440 1-5 Q 23-72 79-51 162-3 213-7 271-8 336-5 408-0 i C 0*601 0-691 0-740 0-758 0773 0-786 0-797 V 1-760 2-705 3-399 3-694 3-962 4-211 4-442 1-0 Q 19-36 64-92 132-6 174-5 221-9 274-8 333-1 C 0-601 0*691 0740 0-758 0-773 0-786 0-797 c V 1-869 2-416 3-041 3-304 3-544 3-767 3-973 ! 0-8 Q 17-26 57-98 118-6 156-1 198-5 245-8 298-0 C 0-599 0*690 0*740 0-758 0773 0-786 0-797 c V 1-353 2-090 2-629 2-858 3-066 3-262 3-441 0-6 Q 14-88 50*16 102-5 135-0 171-7 212-8 258-1 C 0-597 0-689 0-739 0*757 j 0-772 0-786 0-797 c V 1-096 1-698 2-141 2-330 2-503 2-659 2-809 Q 12-06 40-75 83-50 110-1 140-2 173-5 210-7 . C 0-592 0-686 0-737 0-756 j 0-772 0-785 0-797 c V -9415 1-465 1-849 2-015 2-165 2-304 2-430 0-3 Q 10-36 35-16 72-11 95-21 121-2 150-3 182-2 C 0-587 0-683 Q'735 '755 0-771 0-785 0-796 V -7585 1-187 1-501 1-643 1-762 1-878 1-984 0-2 Q 8-343 28-49 58-54 77-63 98-67 122-5 148-8 C 0-579 0-678 0-731 0-751 0-769 0-784 0-796 ( V -5167 8208 1-050 1-148 1-238 1-321 1-401 0-1 Q 5-684 19-70 40-95 54-24 69-33 86-19 105-1 C 0-558 0-663 0-723 0-745 0-764 0-780 0-795 r V -3465 5617 7281 8004 8-675 9296 9881 0-05 Q 3-811 13-48 28-39 37-82 48-58 60-66 74-11 C 0-529 0-642 0-709 735 0-757 0-776 0-793 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 223 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 12 feet. N-00225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5. r V 2-534 3-925 4-952 5-384 5-772 6-138 6-484 Q 32-94 109-9 222-8 292-1 369-4 455-7 551-1 C 0-605 0-697 0-747 0-765 0-779 0-792 0-804 ' V 2-194 3-399 4-288 4-663 4-998 5-316 5-615 1-5 Q 28-52 95-17 193-0 252-9 319-9 394-7 477-3 , C 0-605 0*697 0-747 0-765 0-779 0-792 0-804 r V 1-791 2-775 3-501 3-807 4-081 4-340 4-585 1-0 Q 23-28 77-70 157-5 206-5 261-2 322-2 389-7 t G 0-605 0-697 0-747 0-765 ^779 0-792 0*804 V 1-597 2-479 3-131 3-405 3-650 3-882 4-101 0-8 Q 20-76 ' 69-41 140-9 184-7 233-6 288-2 348-6 C 0-603 0-696 0-747 0-765 0-779 0-792 0-804 Y 1-379 2-144 2-709 2-945 3-157 3-362 3-551 0-6 Q 17-93 60-03 121-9 159-8 202-0 249-6 301-8 C 0*601 0-695 0-746 0-764 0-778 0792 0*804 r V 1-116 1-743 2-205 2-402 2-578 2-745 2-900 0-4 Q 14-51 48-80 99-22 130-3 165-0 203-8 246-5 t C 0-596 0-692 0744 0-763 0-778 0792 0*804 Y -9602 1-503- 1-905 2-077 2-230 2-374 2-511 0-3 Q 12-48 42-08 85-72 112-7 142-7 176-3 213-4 [ C 0-592 0-689 0-742 0762 0-777 0-791 0-804 r y -7732 1-216 1-549 1-693 1-816 1-936 2-050 0-2 Q 10-05 34-05 69-70 91-84 116-2 143-7 174-2 I C 0-584 0-683 0739 0-760 0-775 0790 0-804 y -5266 8423 1-083 1-147 1-279 1-366 1-448 0-1 Q 6-846 23-58 48-73 62-22 81-86 101-4 123-1 . C 0-562 0-669 0731 0753 0-772 0-788 0-803 y -3528 5776 7525 8273 8970 9628 1-024 0-05 Q 4-586 16-17 33-86 44-88 57-41 71-49 87-04 I c '533 0-649 0718 0-744 0-766 0-786 0-803 and cubic feet per second. 224 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed-width of 14 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1234567 Y 2-566 3-994 5-058 5-914 6-647 7-289 7-872 2-0 Q 38-49 127-8 257-9 425-8 631-5 874-7 1157-2 C 0-608 0-700 0-751 0-784 0*809 0-828 0-844 i V 2-222 3-459 4-380 5-121 5-757 6-313 6-818 1-5 Q 33-33 110-7 223-4 368-7 546-9 755-6 1002-2 C 0-608 0-700 0751 0-784 0-809 0-828 0-844 r V 1-815 2-824 3-576 1 4-182 4-700 5-154 5-566 1-0 Q 27-22 90-37 182-4 301-1 446-5 618-5 818-2 C 0-608 0-700 0751 0-784 0-809 0-828 0-844 V 1-618 2-522 3-198 3-740 4-204 4-610 5-120 0-8 Q 24-27 80-70 163-1 269-3 399-4 553-2 752-6 C 0-606 0*699 0-751 0-784 0-809 0-828 0-844 V 1-396 2-178 2-767 3-235 3-641 3-997 4-317 0-6 Q 20-94 69-69 141-1 232-9 345-9 479-6 634-6 C 0-604 0-697 0-750 0-783 0-809 0*829 0-845 V 1-131 1-771 2-252 2-638 2-973 3-268 3-634 0-4 Q 16-96 56-67 114-8 189-9 282-4 392-2 534-2 C 0-599 0-694 0-748 0-782 0-809 0-830 0-847 r V -9728 1-527 1-949 2-284 2-574 2-834 3*063 0-3 Q 14-59 48-86 99-40 164-4 244-5 340-0 450*3 [ C 0-595 0-691 0-747 0-782 0-809 0-831 0-848 V 7823 1-237 1-584 1-863 2-102 2-316 2-581 0-2 Q 11-73 39-58 80-78 134-1 199-7 277-9 379-4 C, 0-586 0-686 0744 0-781 0-809 0-832 0-851 V -5334 8600 1-108 1-312 1-489 1-645 1-838 0-1 Q 8-001 27-52 56-51 94-46 141-4 1-974 270-2 C 0-565 0-674 0-736 0-778 0*810 0-836 0-857 c V -3574 5899 7817 9234 1*053 1-171 1-317 0-05 Q 5-361 18-88 39-87 66-48 100-0 140-5 193-6 C 0*535 0-654 0724 0-774 0-811. 0-841 0-868 V and Q are always in feet PART IT. FIN A I. RESULTS. 225 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 16 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1 234567 V 2-588 4-058 5-151 6-039 6-794 7-454 8-052 ( 2-0 Q 43-99 146-1 298-6 483-1 713-4 1058-5 1296-4 i C 0-609 0-704 755 0-789 0-814 0-833 0-849 f Y 2-241 3-515 4-461 5-229 5-884 6-456 6-973 1-5 Q 38-09 126-5 245-3 418-3 617-8 916-7 1122-6 C 0-609 0-704 0-755 0-789 0-814 0-833 0*849 ( V 1-830 2-870 3-643 4-270 4-805 5-271 5-693 1-0 Q 31-11 103-3 207-6 341-6 504-5 748-5 916-6 C 0-609 0-704 755 0-789 0-814 0-833 0-849 ( V 1-632 2-563 3-258 3-819 4-297 4-715 5-092 0-8 Q 27-74 92-27 185-7 305-5 451-2 669-5 819-8 C 0-607 0-703 0755 0-789 0-814 0-833 0-849 f Y 1-408 2-214 2-818 3-303 3-722 4-087 4-415 0-6 Q 23-94 79-70 160-6 264-2 390-8 580-3 710-8 0-605 0-701 0-754 0-788 0-814 0-834 0-850 r V 1-140 1-799 2-295 2-694 3-039 3-342 3-613 0-4 Q 19-38 64-76 130-8 215-5 319-0 474-6 581-7 I C 0*600 0-698 0-752 0-787 0-814 0-835 0-852 r Y -9810 1-552 1-985 2-333 2-635 2-897 3-133 0-3 Q 16-68 55-87 113-1 186-6 276-7 411-4 504-4 C 0-596 0-695 0-751 0-787 0-815 0-836 0-853 f y -7889 1-259 1-614 1-942 2-152 2-369 2-567 0-2 Q 13-41 45-32 92-00 155-4 225-9 336-4 413-3 [ C 0-587 0-691 0-748 0-786 0-815 0-837 0-856 r V -5386 8610 1-131 1-583 1-523 1-685 1-829 0-1 Q 9-156 30-99 64-47 126-6 159-9 239-3 294-5 i C 0-567 0-668 0-741 0-784 0-816 0-842 0-863 y -<<6i5 6010 7512 9438 1-080 1-201 1-312 0-05 Q 6-145 21-64 42-82 75-50 113-4 158-5 211-2 C 0-538 0-659 0-730 0-780 0-818 0-849 0-875 and cubic feet per second. 226 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OP DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed-width of 18 feet. N=0'0225. S per thousand. Depths of water 1234 in feet. 5 6 7 1 V 2-605 4-105 i 5-229 6-137 6-911 7-595 8-208 2-0 Q 49-49 164-2 329-4 540-0 794-8 1093-7 1436-4 C o'6io 0*706 1 0758 0-792 0-817 0-837 0-853 V 2-256 3-555 4-527 5-314 5-986 I 6-577 j 7-109 1-5 Q 42-86 i 142-2 285-2 467-6 688-4 947-1 11244-0 C 0*610 0-706 0-758 0792 0-817 0-837 0-853 ! V 1-842 , 2-903 3-697 4-339 . 4-887 5-370 5-804 1-0 Q 35-00 ! 116-1 232-9 381-8 562-0 773-3 1015-7 C o'6io 0-706 i 0758 0-792 0-817 0-837 0-853 j- : V 1-645 2-593 3-306 3-881 4-371 4-803 5-191 0-8 Q 31-25 103-7 208-3 341-5 502-7 691-6 908-4 I C 0^609 0-705 . 0758 0-792 0-817 | 0-837 0-853 c V 1-417 2-239 2-860 3-361 3-785 4-165 4-541 0-6 Q 26-92 89-56 180-2 295-8 435-3 599-8 794-7 '. C 0-606 0-703 0757 0-792 0-817 0-838 0-854 c V 1-150 1-821 2-329 2-741 3-094 3-409 3-683 0-4 Q 21-85 72-84 1467 241-2 355-8 490-9 644-5 i C 0-602 0*700 755 0-791 0-8 1 8 0-840 0-856 c V -9891 1-570 2-015 2-374 2-680 2-955 3-194 0-3 Q 18-79 62-80 126-9 208-9 308-2 425-5 559-0 [ C 0-598 0-697 0754 0-791 0-8 1 8 0-841 0-857 c V -7965 1-274 1-638 1-936 2-191 2-416 2-617 0-2 Q 15 13 50-96 103-2 1704 251-9 347-9 458-0 I C 0-590 0-693 0751 0790 0-819 0*842 0*860 c V -5424 8853 1-149 1-366 1-553 1-718 1-868 0-1 Q 10-30 35-41 72-39 120-2 178-6 247-4 326-9 [ C 0-568 0-681 o-745 0788 0-821 0-847 0-868 f V -3645 6090 8011 9616 1-102 1-227 1-341 0-05 Q 6-925 24-36 50-46 84-62 126-7 176-7 234-7 i C 0-540 0-662 o-735 0-785 0-824 0-855 0-881 V and Q are always in feet PART H. FINAL RESULTS. 227 TABLK IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 20 feet. N=0'0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1 234 567 V 2-625 4-147 5-296 6-226 7-034 7*717 8*342 ( 2-0 Q 55-12 182-5 365-4 597-7 879-2 1203-8 1576-6 i C 0*612 0*708 0*761 0795 0-822 0*840 0-856 V 2-278 3-590 4-586 5-392 6-091 6*683 7*224 1-5 Q 47-73 158-0 316-4 517-6 761*4 1042*5 1365*3 C 0-612 0-708 0-761 0795 0-822 0*840 0-856 ( V 1-856 2-932 3-745 4-402 4-974 5*457 5*899 Q 38-98 129-0 258-4 422-6 621-7 851-3 1114*9 C 0-612 0-708 0-761 0-795 0-822 0-840 0*856 ( V 1-658 2-619 3-350 3-938 4-449 4*880 5*276 0-8 Q 34-82 115-2 231-1 378-0 556*1 761-3 997*2 0-611 0-707 0-761 0795 0-822 0-840 0-856 ( V 1-428 2-262 2-897 3-410 3-857 4*232 4-574 0-6 Q 29*99 99-53 199-9 327-4 482-1 660*2 864-5 0-608 0-705 0*760 0795 0-823 0-841 0-857 V 1-158 1-838 2*360 2-780 ! 3*153 3-464 3*743 0-4 Q 24-32 ! 80-87 162-8 266-9 ; 394-1 540-4 707*4 C 0*604 0702 0758 0-794 0-824 0-843 0*859 V -9966 1-585 2-040 2-408 l 2-734 3-003 3*246 0-3 Q 20-93 69-74 140-8 231-2 I 341-7 4*685 613*5 C 0*600 0-699 0*757 0-794 | 0-825 0*844 0*860 V -8033 1-287 1-659 1*967 2*235 2*458 2*660 0-2 Q 16-87 56-63 114-5 188-8 279-4 383-4 502*7 C 0-592 0-695 0754 0794 0*826 0*846 0*863 V -5466 8947 1-164 1-388 1*585 1*749 1*900 0-1 Q 11-48 39-37 80-32 133-2 198*1 272-8 359*1 C 0-570 0-683 0-748 0*793 0*828 0-851 0*872 V -3673 6158 8129 9780 1*126 1-250 1*367 0-05 Q 7-713 27-09 56-09 93-89 140-7 195*0 258*4 C 0-541 0*665 0*739 0-790 0*832 0*86 1 0-887 and cubic feet per second. 29 228 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed-width of 25 feet. N=0'0225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2 3456 78 V 2-987 3-837 4-526 5-119 5*632 6102 6*528 1-0 Q 161-3 322-3 525-0 767-8 1047*5 1366-8 1723-3 C 0712 0-766 0*801 0*827 0*846 0-863 0-877 r V 2-669 3-432 4-048 4-578 5-037 5-465 5-846 0-8 Q 144-1 288-3 469-6 6867 236*9 1224-2 1543-3 C 0711 0-766 0-801 0-827 0*846 0-864 0-878 r V 2-308 2-967 3-506 3-969 4-368 4-738 5-068 0-6 Q 124-6 249-2 406-7 595-3 812-4 1061*3 1337-9 I C 0-710 0-765 o'Soi 0*828 0-847 0*865 0*879 r V 2-104 2-706 3-201 3-628 3-991 4-330 4-632 0-5 Q 113-6 227-3 371-3 544-2 742-3 969-9 1222-8 I C 0*709 0-764 0*801 0-829 0-848 0*866 0-880 r V 1-876 2-420 2-863 3-245 3-574 3-878 4-148 0-4 Q 101-3 203-3 332-1 486-7 664-8 868-7 1095-1 j C 0707 0-764 0-801 0-829 0-849 0*867 0-881 V 1-621 2-094 2-479 2-814 3-099 3-366 3-604 0-3 Q 87-53 175-9 287-6 422-1 576-4 754-0 951-4 C 0705 0-763 0-801 0-830 0-850 0-869 0-884 c V 1-314 1-702 2-024 2-300 2-539 2-760 2-959 0*2 Q 70-96 143-0 234-8 345-0 472-2 618-2 781-2 j C 0700 0*760 0-801 0-831 0-853 0*873 0-889 Y 1-132 1-470 1-753 1-994 2-208 2*399 2-574 0-15 Q 61-13 123-5 203-3 299-1 410-7 537-4 679-5 C 0-696 0-758 0-801 0*832 0-856 0*876 0*893 V -9130 1-196 1*430 1-635 1-810 1*974 2-121 0-1 Q 49-30 100-5 165-8 245-2 336-7 442*2 559-9 C 0-688 0-755 0-800 0-835 0-860 0*883 0-901 V -6301 8355 1-010 1-161 1-297 1*421 1-533 0-05 Q 34-02 70-18 117-2 174-1 241-2 318-3 404-7 C 0-671 0-746 0-799 0*839 0-871 0*899 0-921 - V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 229 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 30 feet. N=0'0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2345 678 [ Y 3-029 3-905 4-618 5-239 5-778 6-260 6-703 [ Q 193-8 C 0-715 386-6 0-770 628-0 0*805 916-8 0-832 1248-0 0-852 1621-3 0-868 2037-9 0-882 * Y 2-798 3-493 4-130 4-686 5-168 5-605 6-002 0-8 Q 179-1 345-8 C 0-714 0770 551-7 0-805 820-0 0*832 1116-3 0-852 1452-7 0-869 1824-6 0-883 Y 2-340 3-013 3-577 3-977 4-481 4-860 5-204 0-6 Q 149-8 C 0-713 298-3 0-769 486-5 0-805 696-0 0-833 967-9 0-853 1258-7 0-870 1582-0 0-884 r Y 2-133 2-755 3-265 3-709 4-095 4-441 4-756 0-5 Q 136-5 C 0-712 272-7 444-0 0-768 i 0-805 649-1 0-833 884-5 0-854 1150-2 0-871 1445-8 0-885 r Y 1-967 2-464 2-920 3-321 3-667 3-977 4-264 0-4 Q 125-9 C 0-710 243-0 0-768 397-1 0-805 581-2 0-834 792-1 0-855 1030-0 0-872 1296-2 0-887 Y 1-642 2-131 2-529 2-817 3-183 3-452 3-705 0-3 I Q 105-1 C 0-708 211-0 0-767 343-9 0*805 493-0 0-835 687-5 0-857 894-1 0-874 1126-3 0-890 0-2 Y 1-378 Q 88-19 C 0-703 1-733 171-6 0-764 2-066 281-0 0*805 2-354 2-608 411-9 563-3 0-836 0-860 2-831 733-2 0-878 3-042 924-8 0-895 Y 1-147 1-497 1-789 1-998 i 2-267 | 2-463 2-647 0-15 I Q 73-41 C 0-699 148-2 0-762 243-3 0-805 349-6 489-7 0*837 i 0*863 637-9 0-882 804-7 0-899 c Y -9591 1-217 1-460 1-674 1-862 2-028 2-185 0-1 Q 61-38 120-5 G 0-692 | 0-759 198-6 0-805 292<9 0-841 402-2 0-868 525-2 0-889 664-3 0-909 r Y -6615 -8535 1-034 1-192 1-335 1-463 1-583 0-05 Q 42-34 C 0-675 84-50 0-752 140-6 0-806 208-6 0-847 288-4 0-880 378-9 0-907 481-2 0-931 and cubic feet per secoad. 230 CANAL AND OTJLVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed-width of 35 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 23456 7 8 Y 3-061 3*953 4-695 5-327 5-889 6-395 6-844 1-0 Q 226-5 450-6 732-4 1065-4 1448*7 1880-1 2354-3 I C 0-718 0*772 0-809 0-835 '856 0-873 0-886 Y 2-736 3-536 4-200 4-765 5*267 5-726 6-129 ! 0-8 Q 202-5 403-1 655-2 953-0 1295-7 1683-4 2108-4 C 0-717 0-772 0-809 0*835 0*856 0*874 0*887 1 V 2-366 3*058 3-636 4-131 4-567 4-965 5-320 0-6 Q 175-1 348-6 567-2 826*2 1123-5 1459-7 1830-1 C 0-716 0-771 0-809 0-836 0-857 0*875 0-889 Y 2-157 2-792 3-320 3*776 4*174 4-537 4-862 0-5 Q 159-6 318-3 517-9 755-2 1027-8 1333-9 1672-5 C 0715 0*771 0*809 0*837 0*858 0*876 0-890 Y 1-924 2-497 2*970 3*381 3*737 4-062 4-358 0-4 Q 142-4 284-6 463-3 676-2 919-3 1194-2 1499-1 C 0-713 j 0-771 0*809 0*838 0*859 0-877 0-892 f Y 1-662 2-160 2*571 2-931 3-240 3-526 3-787 0-3 Q 123-0 246-2 401*1 586-2 797-0 1036-6 1302-7 [ C 0*711 0*770 0-809 0-839 ! '86o 0-879 0-895 f Y 1-347 ! 1*756 2*100 2-396 2*655 2-896 3-109 0-2 Q 99-68 | 200-2 327-6 479-2 653*1 851-4 1069-5 i C 0-706 0-767 0-809 0-840 0-863 0-884 0-900 " Y 1-160 ! 1-517 1-819 2*078 2*310 2-519 2-708 0-15 Q 85-84 172-9 283-8 415-6 568*3 740-6 931-5 C 0-702 0-765 0*809 0-841 0-867 0-888 0-905 Y -9375 1-234 1-487 1-705 1-897 2-073 2-235 0-1 Q 69-37 140-7 232-0 341-0 466-7 609-5 768-8 C 0-695 0*762 0-810 0-845 0-872 0-895 0-915 V *6468 -8656 1-053 1*217 1-363 1-497 1-622 0-05 Q 47-86 98-68 164-3 243-4 335-4 440-1 558-0 C 0-678 0-756 0*811 0-853 0-886 0*914 0'939 ; ; V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 231 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed-width of 40 feet. S pel- thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2 345678 V 3-084 3-997 4-750 5-402 5-979 6-497 6-969 f Q 259-0 515-6 836-0 1215-4 1650-2 2137-5 2676-1 C 0719 0775 0-811 0-838 0-859 0-876 0*890 ( V 2-755 3-576 4-249 4-831 5-347 5-818 6-240 0-8 Q 231-4 461-3 747-8 1086-8 1475-8 1914-1 2396-2 I C 0-718 0-775 0811 0-838 0-859 0-877 0*891 ( V 2-382 3-093 3-680 4-189 4-636 5-044 5-416 0-6 Q 200-1 399-0 647-7 942-5 1279-5 1659-4 2079-7 C 0-717 0-774 0-811 0-839 0-860 0-878 0-893 V 2-172 2-823 3-359 3-829 4-237 4-610 4-950 0-5 Q 182-4 364-2 591-2 861-5 1169-4 1516-7 1900-8 C 0-716 0-774 0-811 0-840 0-861 0-879 0*894 V 1-937 2-525 3-004 3-429 3-794 4-128 4*438 0-4 Q 162-7 325-7 528-7 771-3 1047-1 1358-1 1704-2 C 0-714 0774 0-811 0-841 0-862 0-880 0-896 e V 1-672 2-184 2-602 2-973 3-290 3-587 3-847 0-3 Q 140-4 281-7 457-9 668-9 908-0 1180-1 1477-2 C 0-712 0773 0-811 0-842 0-863 0-883 0-898 t V 1-359 1-776 2-127 2-430 2-699 2-945 3-166 0-2 Q 114-1 229-1 374-3 546-8 744-9 968-9 1215-7 C 0-708 0-770 0-812 0-843 0-867 0-888 0*904 V 1-170 1-534 1-842 2-110 2-345 2-562 2-757 0-15 Q 98-28 197-9 324-2 474-8 647-2 842-9 1058-7 I C 0*704 0-768 0-812 0-845 0*870 0*892 0*909 V -9459 1-248 1-506 1-729 1-930 2-111 2-279 0-10 Q 79-45 1610 265-0 389-0 532-7 694-5 875-1 I C 0-697 0-765 0-813 0-848 0-877 0-900 0-920 c V -6528 8759 1-068 1-236 1-389 1-526 1-655 0-05 Q 54-83 113-0 188-0 278-1 383-4 5020 635-5 C 0-680 0759 0815 0-857 0*892 0-920 0-945 and cubic feet per second. 232 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OP DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- N=0-0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- f V 2787 3-230 3-624 3-991 4-326 4-642 4-937 0-8 Q 289-8 423-9 576-2 747-3 934-4 1138-4 1357-7 I C 0721 0753 0-777 0-798 0-815 0-830 0-843 c V 2-410 2-794 3-138 3-456 3-747 4-025 4-280 0-6 Q 250-6 366-7 498-9 647-1 809-3 987-1 1177-0 C 0-720 0-752 0777 0798 0-815 0-831 0-844 V 2-197 2-547 2-861 3-154 3-425 3-675 3-908 0-5 Q 228-5 334-3 454-9 590-6 739-8 901-3 1074-7 C 0719 0-751 0-776 0-798 0-816 0-831 0-844 f V 1-959 2-275 2-559 2-818 3-063 3-290 3-499 0-4 Q 203-7 298-6 406-9 527-7 661-6 906-9 962-2 'I C 0717 0-750 0-776 0-797 0-816 0-832 0-845 f V 1-692 1-968 2-213 2440 2-656 2-853 3-034 0-3 Q 176-0 258-3 351-9 456-9 573-7 699-7 834-3 C 0715 0749 0775 0797 0-817 0-833 0-846 r V 1-543 1-794 2-018 2-228 2-425 2-604 2-773 0-25 Q 160-5 235-5 320-9 417-2 523-8 638-6 762-6 C 0714 0748 0-774 0-797 0-817 o-833 0-847 V 1-374 1-600 1-803 1-992 2-168 2-333 2-483 0-2 Q 142-9 210-0 286-7 373-0 468-3 572-2 682-8 C 0-711 0-746 0-773 0-797 0-817 0-834 0-848 r V 1-183 1-380 1-559 1-724 1-880 2-022 2-156 Q 123-0 181-1 247-9 322-8 406-1 495-9 592-9 C 0-707 0743 0-772 0-796 0-818 0-835 0-850 f V -9555 1-119 1-268 1-407 1-535 1-659 1-771 0-1 Q 99-37 146-9 201-6 263-5 331-6 406-9 487-0 1 I C 0*699 0738 0-769 0-796 0-818 0-839 0-855 c V -6605 7811 8896 9925 1-088 1-181 1-265 0-05 Q 68 69 102-5 141-4 185-8 235-0 289-6 347-9 i C 0-683 0-728 0763 0-794 0-820 0-844 0-864 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 233 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 50 feet. N=0'0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8'0 9-0 r V 5-212 0-8 Q 1590-9 I C 0-854 V 4-519 4-745 4-967 0-6 Q 1379-4 1594-3 1824-1 C 0-855 0-865 0-875 [ V 4-130 4-338 4-540 4-726 4-909 0-5 Q 1260-7 1457-6 1667-3 1885-7 2117-0 I C 0-856 0-866 0-876 0-884 0-892 ; ( 1 Y 3-698 3-884 4-065 4-237 4-399 4-554 4-850 0-4 Q 1128-8 1305-0 1492-9 1690-6 1897-1 2113-0 2575-3 [ C 0-857 0-867 0-877 0-886 0*894 0-901 0-914 ' V 3-207 3-371 3-524 3-677 3-820 3-958 4-218 0-3 Q 978-9 1132-6 1294-2 1467-1 1647-4 1836-5 2239-7 C 0-858 0-869 0-879 0-888 0-896 0-904 0-918 f V 2-931 3-081 3-229 3-364 3-494 3-621 3-863 ' 0-25 Q 894-7 1035-2 1185-8 1342-2 1506-8 1680-1 2051-2 I C 0-859 0-870 0-881 0-890 0-898 0-906 0-921 c V 2-628 2-766 2-898 3-019 3-140 3-253 3-471 0-2 Q 802-2 929-4 1064-3 1204-6 1354-1 1509-4 1843-1 C 0-861 0-873 0-884 0-893 0-902 0*910 0-925 \ V 2-283 2-403 2-521 2-629 2-734 2-833 3-028 0-15 Q 696-9 807-4 925-8 1049-0 11179-0 1314-5 1607-9 I C 0-864 0-876 0-888 0-898 0-907 0-915 0-932 c V 1-877 1-978 2-077 2-169 2-257 2-343 2-504 Q 572-9 664-6 762-8 865-4 973-3 1087-1 1329-6 0-870 0-883 0-896 0-907 0-917 0-927 0-944 V 1-347 1-424 1-500 1-569 1-638 1-704 1-827 0-05 Q 411-2 478-5 550-9 626-0 706-4 790-6 970-1 C 0-883 0-899 0-915 0-928 0-941 0'953 0-974 and cubic feet per second. 234 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DTR- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed-width of 60 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- Y 2-810 3-259 3-665 4-035 4-384 4-706 5-010 0-8 Q 348-4 509-2 692-7 896-8 1122-3 1365-9 1628-2 C 0-723 755 0-780 0-800 0-818 0-833 0-846 V 2-430 2-812 3-174 3-494 3-796 4-077 4-339 0-6 Q 301-3 439-4 599-9 776-5 971-8 1183-3 1410-2 C 0-722 0754 0-780 0-800 o-3i8 0-833 0-846 Y 2-216 2-570 2-894 3-190 3-466 3-721 3-966 0-5 Q 274-8 401-6 547-0 709-0 887-3 1080-0 1288-9 I C 0-721 0*753 0-779 0-800 0-818 0-833 0-847 V 2-003 2-296 2-589 2-854 3-099 3-332 3-551 0-4 Q 248-4 358-7 489-3 634-3 793-3 967-1 1154-1 C 0-719 0-752 0-779 0-800 0-818 0-834 0-848 Y 1-730 1-986 2-238 2-471 2-688 2-889 3-078 0-3 Q 214-5 310-3 423-0 549-2 688-1 838-5 1000-3 C 0-717 0-751 0-778 0-800 0-819 0-835 0-849 | Y 1-577 1-810 2-041 2'256 2-454 2-641 2-814 0-25 Q 195-5 282-8 385-7 501-4 628-2 766-5 914-5 C 0-716 0-750 0-777 0-800 0-819 0-836 0-850 Y 1-405 1-615 1-824 2-018 2-198 2-354 2-523 0-2 Q 174-2 252-3 344-7 448-5 562-7 683-2 820-0 C 0-713 0-748 0-776 0-800 0-820 0-837 0-852 Y 1-193 1-389 1-577 1-747 1-905 2-050 2-190 0-15 Q 147-9 217-0 298-0 388-3 487-7 595-0 711-7 C 0-709 0745 0-775 0-800 0-821 0-838 0-854 Y -9645 1-131 1-285 1-425 1-558 1-680 1-799 o-i Q 119-6 176-7 242-9 316-7 398-8 487-6 584-7 C 0-702 0-741 0-773 0-799 0-822 0-841 0-859 Y -6668 7884 -9012 1-006 1-105 1-198 1-287 0-05 Q 82-68 123-2 170-3 223-6 282-9 347-7 418-3 C 0-686 0-730 0-767 0-798 0-825 0-848 0-869 V" and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 235 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. Fora Bed- width of 60 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8' 9- V 5-299 0-8 Q 1909-0 C 0-858 Y 4-595 4-823 5-050 0-6 Q 1655-3 1909-9 2182-9 C 0-859 0-869 0-878 V 4-199 4-413 4-616 4-814 5-002 0-5 Q 1512-7 1747-5 1995-3 2257-8 2532-3 C 0-860 0-870 0-879 0-888 0-896 V 3-760 3-952 4-138 4-310 4-485 4-639 4-954 0-4 Q 1354-5 1565-0 1788-6 2021-4 2270-5 2528-6 3076-4 C 0-861 0-871 0-881 0-889 0-898 0-905 0-919 Y 3-260 3-430 3-591 3-745 3-896 4*035 4-309 0-3 Q 1174-4 1358-3 1552-2 1756-4 1972-3 2195-0 2675-9 C 0-862 0-873 0-883 0-892 0*901 0*908 0-923 Y 2-980 3-139 3-286 3-427 3-564 3-696 3-947 0-25 Q 1073-5 1243-0 1420-4 1607-3 1804-3 2010-6 2451-1 C 0-863 0-875 0-885 0-894 0-903 0*911 0*926 Y 2-671 2-813 2-949 3-075 3-203 3*320 3-545 0-2 Q 962-2 1113-9 1274-7 1442-2 1621-5 1806-1 2201-4 C 0-865 0-877 0-888 0-897 0-907 0-915 0-930 Y 2-322 2-447 2-565 2-678 2-789 2-895 3-094 0-15 Q 836-5 969-0 1108-7 1256-0 1411-9 1574-9 1921-4 G 0-868 0-881 0*892 0-902 0*912 0*921 Q'937 Y 1-909 2-015 2-116 2-211 2-305 2*389 2-562 0-10 Q 687-7 797-9 914-6 1036-9 1166-9 1299-6 1591-0 C 0-874 0-888 0*901 0-912 0-923 0*931 0-950 Y 1-371 1-452 1-530 1-599 1-674 1-739 1-872 0-05 Q 493-9 575-0 661-3 749-9 847-5 946-0 1162-5 G 0-888 0-905 0-920 o-933 0-948 0-958 0-982 and cubic feet per second. 30 236 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- V 2-825 3-279 3-689 4-070 4-425 4-754 5*063 0-8 Q 406-8 594-3 807-9 1047-0 1309-8 1593-8 1898*6 C 0-724 0-756 0-781 0-802 0*820 0-835 0*848 Y 2-443 2-836 3-195 3-525 3-832 4-117 4*385 0-6 Q 351-8 514-0 699-7 906-8 1134-3 1380-2 1644*4 C 0-723 755 0-781 0-802 0-820 0-835 0*848 V 2-227 2-585 2-917 3-218 3-498 3*763 4*008 0-5 Q 320-7 468-5 638-8 827-8 1035-4 1261*5 1503-0 C 0*722 0754 0-781 0-802 0-820 0*836 0*849 V 1-986 2-309 2-609 2-822 3-129 3*366 3*589 0-4 Q 286-0 418-5 571-4 725-9 926-2 1128*4 1345-8 C 0-720 0*753 0-781 0-802 0-820 0-836 0*850 V 1-715 1-996 2-256 2-493 2-713 2-919 3*112 0-3 Q 247-0 361-8 494-1 641-3 803-0 978-6 1167-0 C 0-718 0-752 0-780 0-802 0-821 0-837 0-851 V 1-564 1-821 2-057 2-275 2-477 2-667 2-845 0-25 Q 225-2 330-0 450-5 585-2 733-2 894-1 1066-9 C 0-717 0-751 0-779 0-802 0-821 0-838 0-852 ( Y 1-393 1-624 1-838 2-035 2-218 2-389 2-550 0-2 Q 200-6 294-3 402-5 523-5 656-5 800-9 956-2 C 0-714 0-749 0778 0-802 0-822 0-839 0*854 f V 1-200 1-403 1-590 1-763 1-923 2-074 2*216 0-15 Q 172-8 254-3 348-2 453-5 569-2 695-3 831*0 C 0-710 0-747 0-777 0*802 0-823 0*841 0*857 Y -9701 1-140 1-295 1-411 1-572 1-699 1-820 0-1 Q 139-7 206-6 283-6 363-0 465-3 569-6 682-5 C 0*703 0743 0775 0*802 0*824 0-844 0-862 Y -6705 8051 9082 1-016 1-117 1-213 1-303 0-05 Q 96-53 145-9 198-9 261-4 330-6 406-6 488-6 1 C 0-687 0-732 0-769 0*801 0-828 0*852 0-873 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL EESULTS. 237 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 70 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. | 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- f V 5-359 0-8 Q 2225-3 C 0-860 IV 4-646 4-885 0-6 Q 1929-2 2227-6 C 0-861 0-871 ' V 4-246 4-455 4-678 4-881 0-5 Q 1763-1 2031-5 2326-1 2630-8 C 0-862 J 0-872 0-882 0-891 IV 3-802 3-997 4-193 4-376 4-549 4-712 0-4 Q 1578-8 1822-6 2085-0 2358-7 2644-1 2940-3 C 0-863 0-873 0-884 0-893 0-901 0-908" IV 3-300 3-470 3-640 3-798 3-953 4-095 4-382 0-3 Q 1370-3 1582-3 1810-0 2047-1 2297-7 2555-3 3115-6 C 0-865 0-875 0-886 0-895 0-904 0*911 0-927 TV 3-017 3-176 3-331 3-474 3-617 3-751 4-013 0-25 Q 1253-8 1448-2 1656-3 1872-5 2102-4 2340-6 2853-2 C 0-866 -1 0-877 0-888 0-897 0*906 0-914 0-930 flV 2-705 2-849 2-988 3-121 3-249 3-369 3-604 0-2 Q 1123-2 1299-1 1485-8 1682-2 1888-5 2102-2 2562-4 1 C 0-868 0-880 0-891 0-901 0-910 0-918 0'934 1 V 2-350 2-480 2-600 2-718 2-829 2-940 3-148 0-15 t Q 975-8 1130-9 1292-8 1465-0 1644-3 2090-3 2238-2 1 C 0-871 0-884 0-895 0-906 0-915 0-925 0-942 ( V 1-932 2-040 2-144 2-244 2-338 2-429 2-606 010 Q 802-3 930-2 1066-1 1209-5 1359-0 1834-6 1852-8 1 C 0-877 0-891 0-904 0-916 0*926 0-936 0-955 V 1-390 1-470 1-551 1-626 1-701 1-769 1-909 0-05 Q 577-2 670-3 771-2 876-4 988-7 1104-8 1357-3 .1 C 0-892 0-908 0-925 0-939 Q'953 0*964 0-989 and cubic feet per second. 238 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4*5 5* V 2-838 3-295 3-714 4-100 4*455 4*794 5*108 0-8 Q 465-4 679-6 924-8 1198-2 1496*9 1822*9 2170-9 C 0-725 0757 0-783 0*804 0*821 0*837 0*850 V 2-454 2-850 3-213 551 3-858 4*152 4-423 0-6 Q 402-4 587-8 800-0 1037*8 1296-3 1578*8 1879-8 C 0724 0756 0-782 0*804 0-821 0*837 0*850 Y 2-238 2-599 2-933 3*242 3-522 3*795 4*043 0-5 Q 367-0 536-0 730-3 947*5 1183-4 1443*0 1718-3 C 0-723 755 0-782 0*804 0-821 0-838 0-851 c V 1-996 2-321 2-624 2-899 3*154 3-394 3-620 0-4 Q 327-3 478-7 653-4 847-2 1059*8 1290-6 1538-5 C 0-721 0-754 0782 0*804 0*822 0-838 0*852 V 1723 2-007 2-269 2-511 2-735 2-942 3*143 0-3 Q 282-6 413-9 565-0 733*8 918-9 1118-7 1335*8 C 0-719 0753 0-781 0*804 0-823 0*839 0*854 V 1-572 1-830 2-071 2*289 2*496 2-690 2-872 0-25 Q 257-8 377-4 515-7 669*0 838*6 1022-9 1220*6 C 0-718 0-752 0-781 0*803 0-823 0-840 0*855 V 1-399 1-633 1-850 2*048 2*235 2*409 2-575 0-2 Q 229-4 336-8 460-6 598*5 751*0 916-0 1094*4 C 0-715 0-750 0-780 0*803 0*824 0*841 0*857 Y 1-205 1-410 1-601 1*774 1*939 2-091 2*235 0-15 Q 197-6 290-8 398-6 518*4 651-5 795-1 949-9 C 0*711 0-748 0-779 0-803 0-825 0-843 0*859 ( Y -9743 1-145 1-302 1-448 1*585 1-713 1*836 0-1 Q 159-8 236-1 324-2 423-2 532*6 651-4 780*3 C 0-704 0-744 0-776 0*803 0*826 0-846 0*864 Y -6735 7993 9144 1*024 1*126 1-223 1*317 0-05 Q 110-4 164-8 227-7 299-3 378*3 465-0 559*7 *1 C 0-688 0734 0-771 0*803 0*830 0-854 0-876 Y and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 239 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 80 feet. N=00225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6* 6-5 7- 7-5 8' 9- ' ' " V 5-408 0-8 Q 2543-1 C 0-862 [ Y 4-689 4-932 0-6 Q 2205-0 2544-9 I C 0-863 0-873 ( Y 4-285 4-508 4-726 4-933 0-5 Q 2015-0 2326-1 2657-2 3004-4 1 C 0-864 0*874 0-884 0-893 V 3-838 4-036 4-236 4-421 4-599 4-772 0-4 Q 1804-8 2082-6 2381-7 2692-4 3018-1 3359-5 C 0-865 0-875 0-886 0-895 0-903 0-911 V 3-331 3-504 3-677 3-842 4-000 4-147 4-429 0-3 Q 1566-4 1808-1 2067-4 2339-8 2625-0 2919-5 3547-6 C 0-867 0-877 0-888 0-898 0-907 0-914 0-928 c V 3-045 3-206 3-364 3-515 3-660 3-797 4-056 0-25 Q 1431-9 1654-3 1891-4 2140-6 2401-9 ;2673-l 3248-8 C 0-868 0-879 0:890 0*900 0*909 0-917 0-931 Y 2-729 2-877 3-019 3-154 3-288 3-411 3-647 0-2 Q 1283-3 1484-5 1697-4 1920-8 2157-7 2401-3 2921-2 C 0-870 0-882 0-893 0-903 0*913 0*921 0-936 Y 2-375 2-503 2-628 2-750 2-866 2-977 3-183 0-15 Q 1116-8 1291-5 1477-6 1674-7 1880-8 2095-8 2549-6 C 0-874 0-886 0-898 0-909 0-919 0*928 0-943 Y 1-953 2-062 2-169 2-270 2-369 2-459 2-637 0-10 Q 918-4 1064-0 1219-5 1382-4 1554-6 1731-1 2112-2 C 0-880 0*894 0-907 0-919 0-930 0-939 o'957 - i Y 1-404 1-487 1-569 1-647 1-723 1-794 1-931 0-05 Q 660-2 767-3 882-2 1003-0 1130-7 1262-9 1546-7 1 C 0-895 0-912 0-928 0-943 0-957 0-969 0-991 and cubic feet per second. 240 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4* 4-5 5- Y 2-843 3-309 3-727 4-116 4-484 4-822 5-141 0-8 Q 523-1 765-2 1039-8 1347-0 1685-9 2050-5 2442*0 C 0-725 0758 0-783 0-804 0-823 0-838 0*851 V 2-459 2-861 3-228 3-564 3-884 4-176 4*452 0-6 Q 452-4 661-6 900-6 1166-3 1460-4 1775-8 2114*7 C 0-724 0757 0-783 0*804 0-823 0-838 0-851 V 2-242 2-609 2-946 3-254 3-545 3-817 4-069 0-5 Q 412-5 603-3 821-9 1064-9 1332-9 1623-2 1932-8 C 0-723 0-756 0-783 0*804 0-823 0-839 0-852 V 1-999 2-331 2-632 2-910 3-173 3-414 3*644 0-4 Q 367-8 539-0 734-3 952-3 1193-0 1451-8 1730*9 C 0-721 0755 0-782 0*804 0-823 0-839 0-853 c V 1-729 2-015 2-277 2-520 2-749 2-964 3-163 0-3 Q 318-1 466-0 635-3 824-7 1033-6 1260-4 1502*4 C 0720 0754 0-781 0-804 0-824 0-841 0-855 V 1-574 1-837 2-078 2-301 2-510 2-709 2-891 0-25 Q 289-6 424-8 579-8 753-0 943-8 1152-0 1373-2 C 0-718 0753 0-781 0-804 0*824 0-842 0-856 Y 1-402 1-639 1-859 2-058 2-248 2-425 2*592 0-2 Q 258-0 379-0 518-7 673*5 845-2 1031-2 1231-2 C 0-715 0-751 0-781 0-804 0-825 0-843 0-858 Y 1-208 1-416 1-608 1*782 1*949 2-106 2-252 0-15 Q 222-3 327-4 448-6 583*1 732*8 895*6 1069-7 C 0-711 0-749 0-780 0*804 0*826 0-845 0-861 f y -9778 1-150 1-308 1-455 1-595 1*726 1*850 o-io Q 179-9 265-9 364-9 476-1 599-7 734*0 878*7 I C 0-705 0-745 0-777 0*804 0-828 0-848 0*866 y -6752 8026 9199 1-029 1-134 1-233 1*326 0-05 Q 124-2 185-6 256-6 336-7 426-4 524-3 629*8 C 0-689 0735 0773 0*804 0-832 0-857 0-878 and Q are always in feet PABT II. FINAL EESULTS. 241 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 90 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7* 7-5 8' 9* V 5-445 0-8 Q 2860-0 C 0-863 f V 4-721 4-979 0-6 Q 2499-7 2867-9 [ C 0-864 0-875 Y 4-315 4-551 4-767 4-977 0-5 Q 2266-4 2621-4 2990-1 3379-4 C 0-865 0-876 0-886 0-895 V 3-863 4-074 4-273 4-462 4-641 4-817 0-4 Q 2029-0 12346-6 2680-2 3029-7 3393-7 3776-5 C 0-866 0-877 0-888 0-897 0-905 0-913 ( Y 3-354 3-537 3-713 3-876 4-032 4-185 4*479 0-3 Q 1761-7 2037-3 2329-0 2631-8 2948-4 3281-0 3990-8 |C 0-868 0-879 0-891 0-900 0-908 0*916 0-931 Y 3-068 3-237 3-397 3-547 3-694 3-833 4-102 0-25 Q 1611-5 |!864-5 2130-8 2408-4 2701-2 3005-1 3654-9 C 0-870 0-881 0-893 0*902 0*911 0-919 0*934 Y 2-751 2-904 3-049 J 3-186 3-318 3-444 3-684 0-2 Q 1445-0 1672-7 1912-5 12163-3 2426-3 2700-1 |3282-4 C 0-872 0-884 0-896 0-906 0-915 0*923 0-938 Y 2-393 2-529 2-654 2-774 2-893 3*005 3-219 0-15 Q 1256-9 1456-7 1664-7 1883-5 2115-5 2355*9 2868-1 C 0-876 0-889 0-901 0-911 0*921 0*930 0*946 Y 1-968 2-084 2-187 2-290 2-387 2-485 2-667 0-10 Q 1033-7 1200-4 1371-8 1554-9 1745-5 1948-2 2376-3 C 0-882 0-897 0-909 0-921 0-931 0-942 0-960 V 1-417 1-505 i 1-584 1-664 1-737 1-814 1*954 0-05 Q 744-3 866-9 993-6 1129-8 1270-2 1422-2 1741*0 C 0-898 0*916 0-931 0*946 0*958 0-972 0*995 anl cubi c feet per second. 242 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- N=0'0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 V 2-246 2-955 3-268 3-558 3*832 4*096 4-339 0-5 Q 458-2 913-1 1183-8 1480*1 1802*0 2150-4 2517-7 C 0-723 0-783 0-805 0-823 0*839 0-854 0-866 V 2-131 2-803 3-100 3-379 3*634 3-886 4-116 0-45 Q 434-7 866-1 1123-0 1405-7 1708*9 2040-1 2388*3 C 0-723 0-783 0*805 0-824 0*839^ 0-854 0-866 Y 2-006 2-639 2-923 3-185 3*431 3-668 3-885 0-4 Q 409-2 815-4 1058-8 ;1325-0 1613*4 1925-7 2254-3 C 0-722 0-782 0-805 0-824 0*840 0-855 0-867 Y 1-875 2-469 2-734 2*984 3*210 3-434 3-639 0-35 Q 382-5 762-9 990-4 1241*3 1509*5 1802-8 2111-5 C 0-721 0-782 0-805 0*825 0*840 0-856 0-868 y 1-733 2-286 2-530 2*762 2*975 3-184 3-372 0-3 Q 353-5 706-4 916-5 1149-0 1399-0 1671-6 1956-6 C 0-720 0-782 0*805 0-825 0*841 0-857 0*869 y 1-577 2-086 2-311 2-524 2*719 2-917 3*086 0-25 Q 321-7 644-6 837-1 1050-0 1278-6 1531-4 1790*6 C 0-718 0-782 0-805 0-826 0-842 0*858 0*871 y 1-407 1-863 2-066 2-258 2*437 2*608 2*766 0-2 Q 287-0 575-7 748-4 939-3 1146*0 1369*2 1605*0 C 0-716 0-781 0-805 0-826 0*844 0*860 0*873 y 1-211 1-612 1-789 1-957 2-116 2*267 2*406 0-15 Q 247-0 498-1 648-1 814-1 995-0 1190*2 1396*0 C 0-712 0-780 0-805 0-827 0-846 0*863 0*877 y -9799 1-313 1-462 1-602 1-734 1-862 1*981 0-10 Q 199-9 405-7 529-6 666*4 815-4 977-5 1149*5 C 0-705 0-778 0-805 0*829 0-849 0-868 0*884 i y -6783 9234 1-035 1*140 1-239 1-335 1*425 0-05 Q 138-4 285-3 374-9 474*2 582*6 700-9 826*8 C 0-690 0-774 0-806 0-834 0*858 0-880 0*899 and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL EESULTS. 243 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 100 feet. N=00225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6- 6-5 7- 7*5 8- 9- 10- Y 4-573" 4-796 0-5 Q 2908-4 3320-0 C 0-877 0-887 f V 4-338 4-555 i 4-761 4-951 0-45 Q 2758-9 3153-2 i3566-0 3991-7 I C 0-877 0-888 0-897 0-905 V 4-094 4-300 4-491 4-673 4-852 0-4 Q 2603-8 2976-7 3363-7 3767-6 4192-1 G 0-878 0-889 0-898 0-906 0-914 V 3-834 4-026 4-205 4-376 4-549 4-866 0-35 Q 2438-4 2787-0 3149-5 3528-1 3930-3 4773-5 C 0-879 0*890 0-899 0-907 0-916 0-930 V 3-558 3-736 3-902 4-060 4-220 4-514 4*788 0-3 Q 2262-0 2586-2 2922-6 3273-4 3646-1 4428-2 5266*8 C 0-881 0*892 0*901 0*909 0-918 0-932 0*944 V 3-255 3-419 3*569 3-719 3-866 4-134 4*389 0-25 Q 2070-2 2366-8 2673*2 2998-4 3340-2 4055-4 4827*9 C 0-883 0-894 0-903 0*912 0-921 o'935 0-948 f V 2-922 3-068 3-207 3-341 3-472 3-718 3-946 0-2 Q 1858-4 2123-8 2402-0 2693-7 2999-8 3647-3 4340-6 C 0-886 0-897 0-907 0*916 0-925 0-940 '953 f V 2-541 2-672 2-792 2-912 3-030 3-246 3-446 0-15 Q 1616-1 1849-7 2091-2 2347-8 2617-9 3184-3 3790-6 C 0-890 0-902 0*912 0-922 0-932 0-948 0*961 V 2-094 2-204 2-308 2-409 2-505 2-690 2*861 0-10 Q 1331-8 1525-7 1728-7 1942-2 2164-3 2638-9 3147-1 C 0-898 0-911 0-923 0-934 0-944 0-962 0-977 V 1-512 1-595 1*676 1-755 1-830 1-974 2-106 0-05 Q 961-6 1104-1 1255*3 1415-0 1581-1 1936-5 2316-6 C 0-917 0*933 0*948 0-962 0-975 0*998 1-017 and cubic feet per second. 31 244 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- N=0'0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 V 2-256 2-970 3-292 3-585 3-868 4-131 4-380 0-5 Q 550-5 1095-9 1423-0 1778-2 2167-0 2581-9 3023-3 C 0724 0-784 0*807 0-825 0-842 0-856 0-868 V 2-140 2-818 3-123 3-401 3-669 3-920 4*154 0-45 Q 522-2 1039-8 1349-9 1686-9 2055-5 2450-0 2867-3 C 0-724 0-784 0*807 0-825 0-842 0-856 0*868 V 2-015 2-657 2-944 3-211 3-464 3-700 3*922 0-4 Q 491-7 980-4 1272-5 1592*6 1940-7 2312-5 2707*2 C 0-723 0-784 0*807 0-826 0-843 0-857 0*869 V 1-882 2-482 2-754 3-003 3-240 3-461 3*672 0-35 Q 459-2 915-8 1190-4 1489-5 1815-2 2163-1 2534*6 C 0-722 0-783 0*807 0-826 0-843 0-857 0-870 V 1-741 2-298 2-550 2-784 3-003 3*208 3*404 0-3 Q 424-8 848-0 1102-2 1380-9 1682-4 2005-0 2349*6 1 C 0-721 0-783 0*807 0-827 0-844 0-858 0-871 1 V 1-576 2-098 2*327 2-544 2*744 2*932 3*115 0-25 Q 384-5 774-2 1005*8 1261-8 1537*3 1832-5 2150*1 C 0719 0-783 0*807 0-828 0*845 0-859 0*873 V 1-413 1-874 2*082 2-275 2*458 2-628 2*792 0-2 Q 344-8 691-5 899*9 1128-4 1377-1 1642-5 1927*2 C 0-717 0-782 0*807 0-828 0-846 0-861 0-875 V 1-217 1-620 1*803 1-975 2-133 2-287 2*429 0-15 Q 296-9 597-8 779-3 979*6 1195*0 1429-4 1676*6 C 0-713 0-781 6-807 0*830 0-848 0-865 0*879 r V -9842 1-322 1-474 1-617 1-751 1-878 2*000 o-io Q 240-1 487-8 637-1 802-0 981-0 1173-7 1380*5 1 C 0706 0*780 0-808 0-832 0-852 0-870 0-886 f Y -6813 9304 1-044 1-149 1-251 1-347 1-439 0-05 Q 166-2 343-3 451-3 569-9 700-9 841-9 993-3 C 0-691 0776 0-809 0-836 0-861 0-883 0-902 V and Q are always in feet 1-ABT II. FINAL RESULTS. 245 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 120 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10* V 4-617 4-851 f 0*5 Q 3490-4 3988-7 i C 0-879 0*890 1 V 4-386 4-607 4*810 ; 0-45 Q 3315-8 3788-1 4276*1 0-880 0-891 0-899 Y 4-140 4-353 4*540 4-731 4-914 0-4 Q 3129-8 3579-2 4036-1 4524-0 5031-9 1 C 0-881 0*891 0-900 0*909 0*917 V 3-876 4-067 4-251 4-430 4*607 4-932 0-35 Q 2929-5 3344-1 3779-1 4236-2 4717-6 5726*0 -. i C 0-882 0-892 0-901 0-910 0-919 '933 V 3-593 3-775 3-944 4*111 I 4*274 4-575 4-861 0-3 Q 2716-3 3104-0 3506-2 3931*1 4376*6 5311-6 6319*3 I C 0-883 0-894 0-903 0*912 0*921 0*935 0*948 ; f V 3-288 3-453 3*612 3-765 3*915 4*190 4-457 0-25 Q 2485-7 2839-2 3211-0 3600*3 4009*0 4864*6 5794*1 I i v C 0-885 0-896 0*906 0-915 0*924 0-938 0-952 f V 2-950 3-102 3*245 3*382 3*516 3-767 4-007 0-2 Q 2230-2 2550-6 2884-8 3234-0 3600-4 4373-5 5209-1 t C 0-888 0-900 0*910 0-919 0-928 0-943 0-957 i V 2-566 2-702 2-825 2*948 3*069 3-290 3*503 0-15 Q 1939-9 2221-7 2511-4 2819*0 3142-6 3819*7 4553-9 I C 0-892 0-905 0-915 0-925 o-935 0-951 0-966 i ( i V 2-162 2-228 2-335 2-439 2-537 2*729 2*908 0-1 Q 1634-4 1832*0 2075-8 2332*3 2597-9 3168*4 3780-4 I C 0*901 0-914 0*926 Q'937 0*947 0*966 0-982 C V 1-528 1-615 1-697 1*777 1-855 2-002 2-142 0-05 Q 1155-2 1327*9 1508-6 1699*2 1899-5 2324-3 2784*6 C 0-920 0'937 0-952 0-966 0-979 i -002 1*023 and cubic feet per second. 246 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- !Sr=00225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 V 2-263 2-984 3-311 3-608 3-890 4-155 4-412 { 0-5 Q 6427 1280-1 11662-9 2078-2 2529*5 3012-4 3530-7 I C 0725 0-785 0-809 0-827 0-843 0-857 0-870 f Y 2-147 2-831 3-141 3-423 3-690 3-942 4-185 0-45 Q 609-7 1214-5 1577-6 1971-6 2399-4 2857-9 3349-0 1 i C 0-725 0-785 0-809 0-827 0-843 0-857 0*870 f V 2-022 2-668 2-962 3-231 3-483 3-721 3-951 0-4 Q 574-2 1144-6 1487-7 1861-0 2264-8 2697*7 3161-8 I C 0-724 0-785 0-809 0-828 0-844 0*858 0-871 V 1-888 2-496 2-771 3-022 3-258 3-481 3-700 0-35 Q 536-2 1070-8 1391-7 1740-7 2118-5 2523-7 2960-9 C 0-723 0-785 0:809 0-828 0-844 0-858 0-872 f Y 1-746 2-308 2-564 2-801 3-020 3-226 3-429 0-3 Q 495-9 990-1 1287-8 1613-4 1963-7 2338-8 2744-0 C 0722 0-784 0-809 0*829 0-845 0-859 ' 8 73 c y 1-590 2-107 2-341 2*557 2-760 2-949 3-138 0-25 Q 451-6 903-9 1175-8 1472-8 1794-7 2138-0 2511-2 C 0-720 0784 0*809 0*829 0-846 0-860 ! 0-875 c y 1-418 1-882 2-094 2-290 2-471 2-644 2-812 0-2 Q 402-7 807-4 1051-7 1319-0 1606-8 1916-9 |2250-3 C 0-718 0-783 0-809 0-830 0-847 0-862 0-877 y 1-221 1-628 1-816 1-988 2-145 2-300 2-447 0-15 Q 346-8 698-4 912-1 1145-1 1394-8 1667-5 1958-2 C 0-714 0*782 0*810 0-832 0-849 0-866 0-881 ( V -9877 1-328 1-482 1-627 1-760 1-889 2-014 0-10 Q 280-5 569-7 744-3 937-1 1144-4 1369-5 1611-7 C 0707 0-781 0-810 0-834 0-853 0-871 0-888 ( y -6837 9339 1-050 1-156 1-258 1-357 1-452 0-05 Q 194-2 400-6 527-4 665-8 818-0 983-8 1161-9 C 0-692 0-777 0-811 0-838 0-862 0-885 0-905 and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 140 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- V 4-653 4-893 i 0-5 Q 4076-0 4659-3 C 0-881 0*891 V 4-420 4-641 4-850 0-45 Q 3871-9 4419-4 4990-6 C 0-882 0*892 0*901 V 4-171 4-379 4-578 4-773 4-959 0-4 Q 3653-8 4169-9 4710-8 5280-1 5871-5 C 0-883 0-893 0-902 0-911 0-919 ( V 3-907 4-102 4-286 4-470 4-649 4-980 0-35 Q 3422-5 3906-1 4410-3 4944-9 5504-4 6678-2 C 0-884 0-894 0-903 0*912 0*921 o'935 ( V 3-620 3-805 3-977 4-148 4-313 4-620 4-912 0-3 Q 3171-1 3623-3 4092-3 4588-7 5106-6 6195-4 7368-0 C 0-885 0-896 0-905 0-914 0-923 0-937 0-950 V 3-313 3-487 3-643 3-798 3-950 4-235 4-503 0-25 Q 2902-2 3320-5 3748-6 4201-5 4676-8 5679-1 6754-5 1 C 0-887 0-898 0-908 0-917 0-926 0-941 0-954 V 2-973 3-125 3*272 3-412 3-549 3-808 4-048 0-2 Q 2604-3 2975-8 3366*9 3774-5 4202-0 5106-5 6072-0 C 0-890 0-901 0*912 0-921 0-930 0-946 0-959 V 2-586 2-721 2-853 2-977 3-097 3-326 3-539 0-15 Q 2265-3 2591-1 2935-7 3293-3 3666-8 4460-2 5308-5 0-894 0-906 0-918 0*928 0-937 0-954 ; 0-968 f V 2-133 2-246 2-355 2-460 2-993 2-756 i 2-940 0-1 Q 1868-5 2138-7 2423-3 2721-4 35437 3695-8 4410-0 j C 0-903 0-916 0-928 0-939 0-950 0-968 0-985 V 1-541 1-630 1-713 1-794 2-117 2-025 2-165 Q 1349-9 1552-1 1762-7 1984-6 2506-5 2715-5 3247-5 C 0-923 0-940 o'955 0-968 0-982 i -006 1-026 and cubic feet per second. 248 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- N=0'0225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- V 2-267 2-994 3-627 3-907 4-176 4-435 4-679 0-5 Q 734-5 1464-1 2379-3 2892-1 3445-2 3695-9 4660-3 C 0-725 0-786 0-829 0-844 0-858 0-871 0-882 Y 2-151 2-841 3-441 3-707 3-961 4-213 4-443 0-45 Q 696-9 1389-2 2257-3 2744-1 3267-8 3834-9 4425-2 C 0-725 0786 0-829 0-844 0-858 0-872 0-883 V 2-025 2-678 3-245 3-498 3-739 3-972 4-194 0-4 Q 656-1 1309-5 2128-7 2589-4 3084-7 3615-5 4177-2 I C 0724 0-786 0*829 0-845 0-859 0-872 0-884 c V 1-891 2-505 3-035 3-273 3-498 3-719 3-928 0-35 Q 612-7 1224-9 1991-0 2422-8 2885-8 3385-2 3912-3 C 0723 0-786 0-829 0-845 0-859 0-873 0-885 [ V 1-749 2-316 2-813 3-034 3-242 3-447 3-640 0-3 Q 566-8 1132-5 1845-3 2245-9 2674-6 3137-6 3625-4 I C 0-722 0-785 0*830 0-846 0-860 0-874 0-886 f Y 1-592 2-114 2-568 2-772 2-963 3-154 3-331 0-25 Q 515-8 1033-7 1684-6 2051-9 2444-5 2870-9 3317-7 i C 0720 0-785 0-830 0-847 0-861 0-876 0-888 c V 1-419 1-889 2-299 2-482 2-656 i 2-828 2-989 0-2 Q 459-7 923-7 1508-1 1837-3 2191-2 2574-2 2977-0 [ C 0718 0-784 0-831 0-848 0-863 0-878 0-891 r V 1-223 1-633 1-994 2-155 2-311 2-459 2-600 0-15 Q 396-2 798-5 1308-1 1595-2 1906-6 2238-3 2589-6 C 0-714 0-783 0-832 0-850 0-867 i 0-882 0-895 ' V -9891 1-332 1-634 1-770 1-898 2-025 2-150 0-10 Q 320-5 651-3 1071-9 1310-2 1565-8 1843-2 2141-4 C 0-707 0-782 0-835 0-855 0-872 j 0-889 0-904 V -6845 -9375 1-161 1-265 1-363 1-459 1-552 0-05 Q 221-8 458-4 761-6 936-4 1124-5 11328-0 1545-8 i C 0-692 0-778 0-839 0-864 0-886 0-906 0-925 V and Q are always in feet PABT II. FINAL RESULTS. 249 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 160 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7*5 8- 9- 10- 12* V 4-912 0-5 Q 5316-0 I C 0-892 * V 4-666 4-877 0-45 Q 5049-8 5701-2 C 0-893 0*902 f V 4-404 4-603 4-801 0-4 Q 4766-2 5380-9 6031-2 C 0-894 0-903 0*912 f V 4-124 4-316 4-495 4-679 5-032 0-35 Q 4463-2 5045-4 5646-8 6288*6 7653-7 C 0-895 0-905 0-913 0*922 0*936 j V 3-827 4-004 4-172 4-342 4-657 4-949 0-3 Q 4141-8 4680-7 5241-1 5835-6 7083-3 8413-3 C 0-897 0-907 0-915 0-924 0*939 0-951 V 3-502 3-663 3-820 3-976 4*270 4-537 5*029 0-25 Q 3790-0 4282-0 4798-9 5343-7 6494*7 7713-2 10380* C 0-899 0*909 0*918 0-927 0-943 0-955 0-975 ! r Y 3-142 3-291 3-432 3-575 3*839 4-084 4*539 0-2 Q 3400-4 3847-2 4311-4 4804*8 5839*1 6942-8 9368-5 C 0-902 0-913 0-922 0*932 0*948 0*961 0-984 V 2-736 2-869 2-994 3-120 3-353 3*570 3-971 0-15 Q 2961-0 3353-9 3761-2 4193-3 5099-9 6069*0 8196-1 C 0-907 0-919 0-929 0*939 0-956 0*970 0-994 V 2-258 2-370 2-477 2-583 2-778 2-966 3-308 0-1 Q 2443-7 2770-5 3111-7 3471-5 4225-3 5042-2 6827-7 C 0-917 0-930 0-941 0-952 0-970 0-987 1*014 V 1-639 1-725 1-803 1-887 2-041 2-187 2-455 0-05 Q 1773-8 ! 2016-5 2265-0 2536-1 |3 104-4 3718-0 5067*1 C 0-941 ! 0-957 I 0*969 0*984 i -008 1*029 1-064 and cubic feet per second. 250 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- Por Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- S per thousand. 2- Depths of water in feet. 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- | | V 2-273 3-003 3-636 3-922 4-198 4-448 4-700 0-5 Q 827-4 1648-6 2676-1 3256-2 3883-1 4538-1 5245-2 I C 0726 0-787 0-829 0-845 0-860 0-871 0-883 r V 2-157 2-849 3-449 3-720 3-982 4-225 4-458 0-45 Q 785-1 1564-1 2538-5 3088-5 3683-3 4310-5 4975-1 I C 0726 0-787 0-829 0-845 o - 86o 0-872 0-883 r V 2-031 2-686 3-252 3-507 3-759 3-988 4-208 0-4 Q 739-3 1474-6 2393-5 2911-7 3477-1 4068-7 4696- 1 i C 0-725 0-787 0*829 0*845 0-861 0-873 0-884 f V 1-897 2-510 3-042 3-285 3-516 3-735 3-941 0-35 Q 690-5 1378-0 2238'9 2727-4 3252-3 3810*6 4398*1 C 0-724 0-786 0-829 0-846 0-861 0-874 0-885 ! t V 1-753 2-323 2-819 3-044 3-259 3-461 3*657 ! 0-3 Q 638-0 1275-3 2074-8 2527-3 3014-6 3531-1 4081-2 I C 0-723 0-786 0-830 0*847 0*862 0-875 0-887 t V 1-596 2-121 2-574 2-783 2-978 3-167 3*342 0-25 Q 580-9 1164-4 1894-5 2310-6 2754-6 323M 3729*7 i. C 0-721 0-786 0-830 0-848 0-863 0*877 ; 0-888 ; t ? i V 1-424 1-894 2-3U5 2-492 2-670 2-839 3-002 0-2 Q 518-3 1039-8 1696-5 2069-0 2469-7 2896-5 3350-2 | I C 0*719 0785 0*831 0*849 0*865 0-879 0-892 V 1-226 1-638 1-998 2-163 1 2-320 2-470 2*612 0-15 Q 446-3 899-3 1470-5 1795-8 2146-0 2520-0 2915-0 C 0-715 0-784 0-832 0-851 0-868 0-883 0-896 ; r V -9912 1-335 1-638 = 1-775 1-908 2*033 2-154 0-10 Q 360-8 732-9 1205-6 1473-7 1764-9 2074-2 2403-9 C 0-708 0782 0-835 0*855 '^74 0-890 0-905 V -6868 9390 1-165 1-270 1-371 1-465 1-558 0-05 Q 250-0 515-5 857-4 1054-4 1268*2 1494-7 1738*7 c C 0-693 0-778 0-840 0-865 0*888 0-907 0*926 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 251 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 180 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12* V 4-942 0-5 Q 5990-9 C 0-894 Y 4-693 4*903 0-45 Q 5689-1 6418*0 C 0-895 0*903 V 4-430 4-627 4*821 5*019 0-4 Q 5370-3 6056-7 6779-5 7548*6 C 0-896 0*904 0*913 0*921 V 4-149 4-339 4*515 4*705 5-049 0-35 Q 5029-6 5679-7 6349*2 7075*6 8588*3 G 0-897 0*906 0*914 0*923 0-938 V 3-849 4-025 4*190 4-365 4-685 4*985 0-3 Q 4665-9 5268-7 5892-2 6565-0 7969-2 9471*5 C 0-899 0*908 0*916 0*925 0-940 '953 f Y 3-521 3-683 3*837 3-997 4-295 4*570 5-080 0-25 Q 4268-3 4821*0 5395-8 6011-5 7305*8 8683-0 11704*3 C 0*901 0*910 0*919 0-928 0*944 0-957 0*979 c V 3-160 3*308 3*447 3*594 3*861 4*109 4*571 Q 3830-7 4330*1 4847*3 5405*4 6567*6 7807*1 10531*6 C 0*904 0-914 0*923 0*933 0*949 0-962 0*985 Y 2-754 2-884 3*008 3*136 3*372 3-592 4*003 0-15 Q 3338-5 3775*1 4230*0 4716*5 5735*8 6824-8 9222-9 C 0*910 0*920 0*930 0*940 0*957 0-971 0*996 Y 2-274 2*383 2*488 2*596 2*796 2-984 3*334 0-10 Q 2756-6 3119*3 3498*7 3904*4 4756*0 5670* 7681* G 0*920 0*931 0*942 o-953 0*972 0-988 1*016 Y 1*652 1*736 1*812 1*899 2*055 2-202 2*475 0-05 Q 2002*6 2272*4 2548*1 2856*1 3495*5 4183-8 5702*4 C 0-945 0*959 0*970 0*986 I'OIO 1*031 1*067 and cubic feet per second. 32 252 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- N=00225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- V 2-275 3-007 3-643 3-930 4-207 4-465 4*718 f 0-5 Q 919-1 1831-3 2972-7 3616-6 4312-2 5046-6 5831-4 I C 0-726 0-787 0-829 0-845 0-860 0-872 0-884 V 2-158 2-853 3-456 3-728 3-991 4-240 4-476 0-45 Q 871-8 1737-5 2820-1 3430-7 4090-8 4792-3 5532*3 C 0726 0-787 0-829 0-845 0-860 0-873 0-884 f V 2-032 2-690 3-259 3-518 3-768 3-997 4-224 0-4 Q 820-9 1638-2 2659-3 3237-4 3862-2 4517-6 5220-9 [ C 0-725 0-787 0-829 0-846 0-861 0-873 0*885 r 1 V 1-898 2-516 3-048 3-292 3-528 3-744 3*956 0-35 Q 766-8 1532-2 2487-2 3029-5 3616-2 4231-6 4889*6 I C 0-724 0-787 0-829 0-846 0-862 0-874 0-886 ,' V 1-755 2-329 2-825 3-052 3-266 3-470 3-671 0-3 Q 709-0 1418-4 2305-2 2808-6 3347-6 3922-0 4537-3 C 0-723 0-787 0-830 0-847 0-862 0-875 0-888 V 1-598 2-124 2-579 2-788 2-985 3-174 3-359 0-25 Q 645-6 1293-5 2104-5 2565-6 3059-6 3587-4 4151-7 C 0-721 0-786 0-830 0-848 0-863 0-877 0-890 V 1-425 1-900 2-309 2-500 2-676 2-849 3-015 0-2 Q 575-7 1157-1 1884-1 2300-6 2742-9 3220-1 3726-5 C 0-719 0-786 0-831 0-850 0-865 0-880 0-893 V 1-226 1-643 2-004 2-167 2-329 2-479 2-622 0-15 Q 495-3 1000-6 1635-3 1994-2 2387-2 2801-9 3240-8 C; 0-7I5 0-785 0-833 0-851 0-869 0-884 0-897 V -9926 1-338 1-642 1-780 1-914 2-040 2-163 0-10 Q 401-0 814-8 1339-9 1638-0 1961-8 2305-7 2673-5 C 0-708 0-783 0-835 0-856 0-875 0-891 0-906 V -6868 9418 1-169 1-274 1-375 1-470 1-565 0-05 Q 277-5 573-5 953-9 1172-4 1409-4 1661-4 1934-3 C 0-693 0-779 0*841 0-866 0-889 0*908 0-927 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 253 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OP MEAN VELOCITY Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 200 feet. S pei- thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7* 7*5 8 9- 10- 12* V 4-961 r 0-5 Q 6658-9 I C 0-895 r V 4712 4-923 0-45 Q 6324-7 7133-4 ! C 0-896 0-904 f V 4-447 4-647 4-849 5-041 0-4 Q 5969-0 6733-5 7546-2 8388*2 .1 C 0-897 0-905 0-914 0*922 :j V 4-165 4-356 4-545 4-726 5-069 0-35 Q 5590-5 6311-8 7073-1 7864*1 9534-8 C 0-898 0-907 0*916 0*924 0-938 f V 3-865 4-042 4-217 4-385 4*708 5*011 0-3 Q 5187-8 5856-8 6562-7 7296*6 8855*7 10523* C 0-900 0*909 0*918 0*926 0*941 Q'954 V 3-536 3-699 3*863 4-016 4*316 4-594 5*114 0-25 Q 4746-2 5359-8 6011-8 6682-6 8118*4 9647-4 13010* C 0-902 0-911 0*921 0*929 0-945 0-958 0*981 V 3-173 3-321 3-470 3-612 3-881 4*030 4*602 0-2 Q 4258-9 4812-1 5400-2 6010-4 7300-2 8673*0 11707-5 C 0-905 0-915 0*925 0'934 0*950 0*963 0*987 t V 2-763 2-896 3-027 3-150 3*388 3*615 4-030 0-15 Q 3708-6 4196-3 4710-8 5241*6 6372*8 7591*5 10252*3 [ C 0-910 ! 0-921 0-932 0*941 0*958 o-973 0-998 ( V 2-281 ! 2-393 2-504 2-608 2*813 3-003 3-356 0-10 Q 3061-7 |3467-4 3896-8 4339-7 5291*2 6306*3 8537-7 I C 0-920 0-932 0*944 0-954 0*974 0-990 1-018 V 1-656 1-742 1-827 1-912 2-067 2*216 2-493 0-05 Q 2222-8 2524-1 2843-3 3181-6 3888-0 4653-6 6342-2 C 0-945 0-960 0-974 0-988 1*012 1-033 1-069 ,and cubic feet per second. 254 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals, in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- N=0'0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- V 2-280 3-015 3-648 3-941 4-215 4-479 4-728 0-5 Q 1012-3 2017-0 3268-6 3981-4 4741-9 5555-1 6411-2 C 0727 0-788 0-826 0-846 0-860 0-873 0-884 r V 2-163 2-860 3-461 3-739 4-063 4-249 4-490 0-45 Q 960-4 1913-3 3101-0 3777-3 4570-9 5269-8 6088-4 I C 0-727 0-788 0-829 0-846 0-860 0-873 0-885 r V 2-037 2-693 3-267 3-529 3-775 4-011 4-234 0*4 Q 904-4 11801-6 2927-2 3565-2 4246-9 4974-6 5741-3 C 0-726 0-787 0-830 0-847 0-861 0-874 0-885 t V 1-902 2-519 3-056 3-301 3-535 3-756 3-965 0-35 Q 844-5 1685-2 2738-2 3334-8 3976-9 4658-4 5376-5 C 0-725 0-787 0*830 0-847 0-862 0-875 0-886 Y 1-756 2-333 2-833 3-059 3-277 3*481 ! 3-679 0-3 Q 779-7 1560-8 2538-4 3090-3 3686-6 4317*3 '4988-7 C 0-723 0-787 0-831 0-848 0-863 0-876 0-888 { Y 1-599 2-130 2-586 2-797 2-995 3-185 3-366 0-25 Q 709-9 1424-9 2317-0 2825*7 3369-4 3950-2 4564-3 I C 0-721 0-787 0-831 0-849 0-864 0-878 0-890 c V 1-426 1-902 2-316 2-507 2-685 2-856 3-021 0*2 Q 633-1 1272-4 2075-1 2532-7 3020-6 3542-1 4096-5 C 0719 0-786 0-832 0-851 0-866 0-880 0-893 f V 1-230 1-645 2-007 2-172 2-333 2-484 2-631 0-15 Q 546-1 1100-5 1798-3 2194-3 2624-6 3080-8 3567-6 i C 0716 0-785 0-833 0-851 0-869 0-884 0-898 ( V -9947 1-341 1-645 1-784 1*918 2-047 2-169 0-10 Q 441-6 897-1 1473-9 1802-3 2157-8 2538-8 2941-2 I C 0-709 0-784 0-836 0-856 0-875 0*892 0*907 V -6884 9438 1-171 1-277 1-378 1-475 1-570 0-05 Q 305-6 631-4 1049-2 1290-1 1550-2 1829-4 2128-9 i C 0-694 0-780 0*841 0*867 0-889 0-909 0-928 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 255 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY.^ Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 220 feet. N=0'0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- V 4-973 0-5 Q 7321-5 I C 0-895 t i V 4-724 4-942 0-45 Q 6954-9 7852-8 I G 0-896 0-905 | V 4-458 4-664 4-867 5-062 0-4 Q 6563-3 7411-1 8304-3 9233-1 I C 0-897 0-906 0-915 0-923 V 4-176 4-368 4-563 4-744 5*090 0-35 Q 6148-1 6940-7 7785-6 8653-0 10490- 1 C 0-898 0-907 0-917 0-925 0-939 V 3-874 4-053 4-234 4-402 4-728 5-035 0-3 Q 5703-5 6440-2 7224-3 8029*2 9744-4 11580-0 C 0-900 0*909 0-919 0-927 0-942 o-955 V 3-544 3-713 3-878 4-032 4-334 4-615 5-141 0-25 Q 5217-6 5900-0 6616-8 7354-4 8932-4 10614-5 14313- I C 0-902 0*912 0-922 0-930 0*946 o-959 0-982 t V 3-184 3-331 3-484 3-626 3-897 4-150 4-626 0-2 Q 4687-6 5292-9 5944-6 6613-8 8031-7 9545-0 12878-8 t C 0-906 0-915 0*926 Q'935 0-951 0-964 0-988 ( V 2-773 2-903 3-039 3-164 3-403 3-631 4-051 0-15 Q 4082-5 4612-9 5185-3 5771-1 7013-6 8351-3 11278-0 I 0-911 0-921 0-933 0-942 0*959 0-974 0-999 c V 2-289 2-401 2-514 2-619 2-825 3-017 3-374 0-10 Q 3367-0 3815-2 4289-5 4777-0 5822-3 6939-1 9393-2 C 0*921 0-933 0-945 0-955 0-975 0-991 1-019 c V 1-660 1*749 1-836 1-918 2-076 2-226 2-505 0-05 Q 2443-9 2779-2 3132-7 3498*4 4278-6 5119-8 6973-9 C 0-945 0-961 0-976 0-989 1*013 1-034 1-071 , .1 and cubic feet per second. 256 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- N= 0-0225. S pei- thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- Y 2-281 3-018 3-653 3-946 4-222 4-491 4-743 [ 0-5 Q 1104-0 2200-1 3565-3 4341-6 5171-9 6064-0 7000-7 1 C 0-727 0-788 , 0-829 0-846 0-860 0-874 0-885 f V 2-164 2-863 : 3-470 3-744 4-010 4-261 4-499 0-45 Q 1047-4 2087-1 3386-7 4119-3 4912-2 5753-4 6640-5 C 0-727 0-788 0-830 0-846 0-86 1 0-874 0-885 f V 2-038 2-700 3-272 3-534 3-785 4-022 4-247 0-4 Q 986-4 1968-3 3193-5 3888-3 4636-6 5430-7 6268-6 I C 0-726 0-788 0-830 0-847 0-862 0-875 0-886 ( V 1-904 2-521 3-059 3-306 3-544 3-767 3-976 0-35 Q 921-5 1837-8 2985-6 3637-4 4341-4 5086-4 J5868-6 C 0-725 0-787 0-830 0-847 0-863 0-876 0-887 f Y 1-758 2-334 2-836 3-065 3-286 3-491 ! 3-690 0-3 Q 850-9 1701-5 2767-9 3372-3 4025-3 4713-7 5446-4 I C 0-723 0-787 0-831 0-848 0-864 0-877 0*889 f V 1-600 2-131 2-589 2-800 3-002 3-194 ! 3-376 0-25 Q 774-4 1553-5 2526-9 3080-7 3677-4 4312-7 4983-0 1 C 0-721 0-787 0-831 0*849 0-865 0-879 i 0-891 f V 1-427 1-904 2-319 2-511 2-692 2-864 i 3-031 0-2 Q 690-7 1388-0 2263-3 2762-7 3297-8 3867-1 ! 4473-7 C 0-719 0-786 0-832 0-851 0-867 0-881 0-894 V 1-231 1-647 2-010 2-179 2-339 2-492 2-638 0-15 Q 595-8 1200-7 1961-8 2397-4 2865-3 3364-8 <3892-2 C 0-716 0-785 0-833 0-853 0*870 0-885 0*899 c V -9954 1-343 1-648 1-788 1-924 2-053 2-176 o-io Q 481-8 979-0 1608-4 1967-3 2356-9 2772-1 3211-8 C 0-709 0-784 0-836 0-857 0-876 0-893 0-908 c | V -6891 9446 1-174 1-281 1-382 1-481 1-575 0-05 Q 333-5 688-6 1145-8 1409-4 1692-9 1999-8 2324-7 [ C 0-694 0-780 0-842 0-868 0*890 0-911 0-929 Y and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 257 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY."; Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 240 feet. N= -0225. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- f V 4-983 0-5 Q 7984-0 I 0-895 t V 4-733 4-953 0*45 . Q 7583-4 8563-7 C 0-896 0-905 V 4-467 4-674 4*878 5*074 0-4 Q 7157-2 8081-3 9054-8 10067* C 0-897 0*906 0-915 0*923 V 4-184 4-377 4-573 4*756 5-110 0-35 Q 6703-8 7567-8 8488-6 9435-9 11451* C 0-898 0-907 0*917 0-925 0-940 c. V 3-882 4-061 4-243 4-412 4*745 5*055 0-3 Q 6219-9 7021-5 7876-1 8753*4 10633*5 12638*3 G 0*900 0-909 0*919 0*927 0-943 0*956 f V 3-551 3-720 3-885 4*041 4*350 4*634 5*165 0-25 Q 5689-6 6431-9 7211-5 8017*3 9748*3 11585*0 15619*0 C 0-902 0*912 0*922 0*930 0*947 0*960 0*983 f V 3-190 3-341 3*491 3*634 3*912 4*166 4*647 0-2 Q 5111-2 5776-6 6480-2 7209*8 8766*8 10415*0 14052*5 1 i C 0-906 0*916 0*926 Q'935 0*952 0*965 0*989 f V 2-778 2*912 3*046 3*171 3*416 3*645 4*069 0-15 Q 4451-0 5034*8 5654-1 6291*3 7655*2 9112*5 12304*6 C 0-911 0*922 Q'933 0*942 0*960 0*975 I -000 Y 2-293 2*410 2-522 2*625 2*835 3-029 3*389 0-10 Q 3673-9 4166-9 4681-5 5208*0 6353-2 7572-5 10248*3 C 0-921 0-934 0*946 0*955 0*976 0*992 1*020 V 1-666 1-755 1*842 1*923 2-084 2*237 2-521 0-05 Q 2669-3 3034-4 3419-2 3815*2 4670*2 5592*5 7623*5 C 0-946 0-962 0-977 0*989 1*014 1*036 1*073 and cubic feet per second. 258 CANAL AND CULVEBT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- Y 3-020 3-352 3*661 3-952 4-233 4*498 4-750 0-5 Q 2410-0 C 0-788 3091-4 0-811 3866*0 0*830 4703-9 0-846 5608-7 0-861 6568*2 0-874 7581-0 0-885 Y 2-866 3-181 3-473 3-754 4-016 4-269 4-511 0-45 Q 2287-1 C 0-788 2933-7 0-811 3667-5 0-830 4468-2 0*847 5321-2 0-861 6233-8 0-874 7199-5 0-886 c Y 2-701 2-998 3-275 3-539 3-790 4-028 4-258 Q 2155-4 C 0-788 2764-9 0-811 3458-4 0-830 4212-3 0-847 5021-7 0-862 5881-9 0-875 6795-8 0-887 r Y 2-528 2-804 3-063 3-314 3-549 3-773 3-988 0-35 Q 2017-3 C 0-788 2586-0 0-811 3234-5 0*830 3944-5 0-848 4702-4 0-863 5509-5 0-876 6364-8 0-888 0-3 Y 2-337 Q 1864-9 C 0-787 2-597 2395-1 0-811 2-839 2998-0 0*831 3-072 3656-4 0*849 3-290 4359-2 0-864 3-496 5105-0 0-877 3-701 5906-8 0-890 f Y 2*133 2-370 2-592 2-807 3-007 3-199 3-385 0-25 Q 1702-1 C 0-787 2185*7 0-811 2737-1 0-831 4531-3 0*850 3984*3 0-865 4671-3 0-879 5402-5 0-892 " Y 1-908 2-183 2-321 2-514 2-695 2-871 3-038 0-2 Q 1522-6 2013-3 2451-0 2992-3 3570*9 4192-4 4848-6 C 0-787 0-812 0-832 0-851 0-867 0-882 0-895 r Y 1-651 1-838 2-015 2-182 2-342 2-495 2-643 0-15 Q 1317-5 C 0-786 1695-1 0-812 2127-8 0-834 2597-1 0-853 3103-1 0*870 3643-3 0-885 4218*2 0*899 r j Y 1-344 1-501 1-649 1-792 1*916 2-056 2-182 0-10 Q 1072-5 1384-3 1741-3 2132-9 2538-7 3002-3 3482*5 I C 0-784 0-812 0-836 0-858 0-876 0-893 0*909 Y -9454 1-095 1-174 1-282 1-385 1-483 1-579 0-05 Q 754-4 C 0-780 1009-9 0*814 1239-7 0-842 1525-9 0-868 1835-1 0*891 2165-5 0-911 2520-1 0-930 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. .FINAL RESULTS. 259 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q,), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 260 feet. N=00225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6*5 7- 8- 9* 10* 12* 14* V 4-998 0-5 Q 8657-8 C 0-896 V 4-747 4-967 0*45 Q 8223-0 9283-3 G 0-897 0-906 V 4-480 4-688 5-084 0*4 Q 7760-5 8761-9 10900-1 1 C 0-898 0-907 0-923 i V 4-196 4-390 4-766 5*121 0-35 Q 7268-5 8204-9 10218-3 12397-9 C 0-899 0-908 0*925 0-940 V 3-893 4-078 4-423 4-756 5*068 0*3 Q 6743-6 7621-8 9482-9 11514-3 13683*6 G 0*901 0*911 0-927 0-943 0*956 r Y 3-561 3*731 4-050 4*360 4-645 5*178 0*25 Q 6168-5 6973*2 8683-2 10555*6 12541-5 16901-0 C 0-903 0-913 0-930 0*947 0-960 0-983 Y 3-200 3*352 3*642 3-920 4-181 4-660 5*100 0*2 Q 5543-2 6264-9 7808*4 9490-3 11288-7 15210-2 19563-6 C 0-907 0*917 0-935 0-952 0-966 0*989 i -008 c Y 2-786 2-921 3-177 3-424 3-654 4*084 4-474 0*15 Q 4826-0 5459-3 6811-5 8289-5 9865-8 13330*2 17162-3 C 0-912 0-923 0-942 0-960 0*975 1*001 1*021 Y 2-300 2-417 2-633 2-842 3-038 3*402 3-735 0-10 Q 3984-2 4517-4 5645-1 6880-5 8202-6 11104*1 14327*5 C 0-922 o'935 0-956 0-976 0-993 1*021 1*044 c i Y 1-670 1-760 1*926 2-090 2-244 2-530 2-796 0-05 Q 2892-8 3289-4 4129*3 5059-9 6058-8 8257-9 10725*4 I C 0-947 0-963 0*989 1*015 1-037 1*074 1*105 and cubic feet per second. 33 260 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5*5 6- | V 3-027 3-356 3-665 3-961 4-238 4-505 i 4-757 0-5 Q 2569-9 3330-0 4163-4 5071-1 6039-1 7073-9 8163-0 0-789 0-811 0-830 0-847 0-861 0-874 0-885 V 2-867 3-183 3-477 3-757 4-020 4-274 4-518 0-45 Q 2434-1 3158-3 3949-9 J4809-9 5728-5 6711-2 7752-9 C 0-788 0-8 1 1 0-830 0-847 o-86i 0-874 0-886 I ' V 2-704 3-001 3-282 3-546 3-794 4-034 4-264 0-4 Q 2295-7 2977-7 3728-3 4539-8 5406-4 6334-4 7317-0 C 0-788 0-811 0-831 0-848 0-862 0-875 0-887 f Y 2-529 2-807 3-070 3-317 3-550 3-777 3-993 0-35 Q 2147-1 2785-2 3487-5 J4246-6 5058-7 5930-8 6852-0 I 0-788 0-811 0-831 0-848 0-862 0-876 0-888 ' Y 2-341 2-606 2-843 3-075 3-290 3-501 3-705 0-3 Q 1987-5 2585-8 3229-6 3936-8 4688-2 5497-4 6357-8 C 0-788 0-811 0-831 0-849 0-863 0-877 0*890 " y 2-135 2-373 2-597 2-811 3-011 3-205 3-390 0-25 Q 1812-6 2354-6 2950-2 3598-8 4290-7 5032-6 5817-2 C 0-787 0-811 0-832 0-850 0-865 0-879 0*892 y 1-909 2-124 2-326 2-516 2-699 2-875 3-042 0-2 Q 1620-7 2107-5 2642-3 3221-1 3846-1 4514-5 5220-1 I C 0-787 0-812 0-833 0-851 0-867 0-882 0-895 c y i-65i 1-840 2-017 2-184 2-345 2-501 2-647 Q 1401-7 1825-7 2291-2 2796-1 3341-6 3927-2 4542-2 C 0-786 0-812 0-834 0-853 0-870 0-886 0-899 f y 1-347 1-504 1-653 1-794 1-930 2-061 2-185 0-10 Q 1143-6 1492-3 1877-8 2296-8 2750-2 3236-3 3749-5 I C 0-785 0-813 0-837 0-858 0-877 0-894 0-909 f y -9473 1-065 1-178 1-294 1-389 1-486 1-583 0-05 Q 804-2 1056-7 1338-2 1656-6 1979-3 2333-4 2716-4 C 0-781 0-814 0-843 0-868 0-892 0*912 o-93i and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 261 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 280 feet. N=0-0225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 * 7- 8- 9- 10- 12- 14- ( V 5-005 0-5 Q 9320-5 [ C 0-896 f V 4-753 4-975 0-45 Q 8851-3 9994-8 C 0-897 0-906 f 1 Y 4-486 4-695 5-099 0-4 Q 8354-0 9432-2 11748-1 ( C 0-898 0-907 0-924 Y 4-022 4-397 ' 4-780 5-137 0-35 Q 7490-0 8833-6 11013-1 13361-3 C 0-899 0-908 0-926 0-941 Y 3-899 4-084 4-435 4-771 5-084 0-3 Q 7260-9 8204-7 10218-2 12409-4 14743-6 C 0*901 0*911 0-928 0-944 0-957 Y 3-567 3-737 4-061 4-374 4-661 5-197 0-25 Q 6642-6 7507-6 9356-5 11376-8 13516-9 18210-3 C 0-903 0-913 0-931 0-948 0*961 0-984 Y 3-204 3-357 3-652 3-933 4-194 4-677 5-120 0-2 Q 5966-6 6744-2 8414-2 10229-7 12162-6 16388-2 21073-9 C 0-907 0-917 0-936 0'953 0-967 0-990 1-009 Y 2-790 2-929 3-186 3-435 3-666 4-099 4-492 0-15 Q 5195-7 5884-4 7340-5 8934-4 10631-4 14362-9 18489-1 C 0*912 0-924 o-943 0-961 0-976 1*002 1-022 Y 2-306 2-421 2-641 2-851 3-048 3-414 3-750 0-1 Q 4294-3 4863-8 6084-9 7415-4 8839-2 11962-6 15435-0 1 C 0-923 o-935 0-956 0-977 0-994 I"O22 1-045 Y 1-675 1-765 1-931 2-097 2-251 2-539 2-807 0-05 Q 3119-3 3545-9 4449-0 5454-3 6527-9 8896-6 11553-6 C 0-948 0-964 0-990 1-016 1-038 1-075 i'io6 and cubic feet per second. 262 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE IX. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (Y), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class II., above the average, of Trapezoidal For a Bed- N=0'0225. Sper thousand Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5* 5-5 6- Y 3-029 3-357 3-672 3-965 4-247 4-510 4-767 0-5 Q 2753-4 3566-0 4465-1 '5433-0 6476-7 7577-9 8752*2 C 0-789 0-811 0-831 0-847 0-862 0-874 0*886 V 2-873 3-185 3-484 ' 3-761 4-029 4-278 4*528 0-45 Q 2611-5 3383-3 4236-5 5153-5 6144-2 7188-1 8313-4 i C 0-789 0-811 0-831 ! 0-847 0-862 0-874 0-887 Y 2-709 3-003 3-289 3-550 3-812 4-038 4-274 0-4 Q 2462-5 3189-9 3999-4 4864-4 5813-3 6784-8 7847-1 C 0-789 0-811 0-832 0-848 0-863 0-875 0-888 r y 2-534 2-809 3-076 3-321 3-561 3-782 4-002 0-35 Q 2303-4 2983-9 3740-4 4550-6 5430-5 6354-7 7347-7 1 C 0-789 0-811 0-832 0-848 0-864 0-876 0-889 i y 2-342 2-601 2-851 3-078 3-301 3-505 3-714 0-3 Q 2129-8 2762-9 3466-8 4217-6 5034-0 5889-3 6818-9 C 0-788 0-8 1 1 0-833 i 0-849 0-865 0-877 0*891 y 2-139 2-377 2-604 2-814 3-017 3-208 3-398 0-25 Q 1944-3 2525-0 3166-5 3855-9 4600-9 5390-2 6238*7 C 0-788 0-812 0-833 0-850 0-866 0-879 0*893 y 1-910 2-126 2-331 2-522 2-705 2-878 3*050 0-2 Q 1736-2 2258-3 2834-5 3455-8 4125-1 4835*7 5599-8 I C 0-787 0-812 0-834 0-852 0-868 0*882 0*896 f y 1-652 1-841 2-021 2-190 2-351 2*504 2*655 0-15 Q 1501-7 1955-6 2457-5 '3000-8 3585-3 4207*3 4874*6 C 0-786 0-812 ! 0-835 0-854 0-871 0-886 0*901 y 1-348 1-506 1 1-659 1-799 1-933 2*063 2*188 0-10 Q 1225-3 1599-7 [2017-3 2465-1 2947-8 3466-3 4017-2 C 0-785 0-813 0-839 0*859 0*877 0-894 0*909 y -9481 1-067 1-180 1-286 1-390 1-488 1-584 0-05 Q 861-8 1133-4 ! 1434-9 1762-1 J2119-7 2500-2 2908-2 C 0-781 0-815 0*844 0-864 ! 0-892 0-912 0-931 and Q are always in feet PAET IT. FINAL RESULTS. 263 TABLE IX. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 300 feet. N=00225. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 f Y 5-252 0-5 Q 11286-5 C 0-906 f V 4-988 0-45 Q 10719-2J I C 0-907 - Y 4-708 5-112 0-4 Q 10117-5 12596-0 ,C 0-908 0-925 [ Y 4-409 4-793 5-158 0-35 Q 9474-9 11809-9 14344-4 I C 0-909 0-927 Q'943 f Y 4-090 4-446 4-784 5*094 0-3 Q 8789-4 10950-9 13304-3 15791*7 I G 0-911 0*929 0-945 0*957 t Y 3-742 4-072 4-382 4*669 5-209 0-25 Q 8041-5 10033-4 12186-3 14473*919502*5 C 0-913 0-932 0-948 0*961 0-984 f Y 3-362 3-662 3-940 4-202 4-692 5-138 5-546 0-2 Q 7224-9 9023-2 10957-1 13026-2 17566-8 22586-6 28040-6 I C 0-917 0-937 Q'953 0*967 0*991 | 1*010 1*025 c Y 2-934 3-194 3-444 3-673 4-113 i 4-503 4*869 0-15 Q 6305-2 .7870-0 9577-8 11386-3 15399-1 19795-2 24617-7 C 0-924 0-944 0-962 0-976 1*003 I'O22 1*039 Y 2-427 2-645 2-859 3-055 3-425 3*762 4*075 0-1 Q 5215-6 6517-3 7950-9 9470-5 12823-2 16537*720603-2 C 0-936 0-957 0-978 0*994 1-023 1-046 1*065 ( Y 1-736 1-938 2-102 2*258 2-548 2-814 3-063 0-05 Q 3730-7 4775-2 5845-7 6999-8 9539-7 12370-3 15486*5 1 ,0 0-947 0-992 1*017 1-039 1-076 1*106 1*132 and cubic feet per second. 265 TABLE X. TABLE I. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), IN FEET PER SECOND; QUANTITIES DISCHARGED (Q,), IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND; AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. FOR CANALS OF TRAPEZOIDAL SECTION, WITH SIDE SLOPES OF ONE TO ONE, IN EARTH, IN CLASS III., IN GOOD AVERAGE ORDER AND REGIMEN ; WHEN N, THE COEFFICIENT or ROUGHNESS AND IRREGULARITY, 0'0250. GENERAL FORMULA, Q = A.V = 266 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- width of 2 feet. N=0-0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 0-5 075 1- 1-25 1-5 175 2* ( V 1-763 2-275 2-708 3-090 3*431 3-747 4*055 5*0 } Q 2-204 4-686 8-124 12-55 18-01 24-58 32*44 ( C 0-412 o-455 0-486 0*510 0-529 0-546 0-561 ( V 1-365 1-762 2-098 2-393 2-657 2-903 3-141 3-0 J Q 1706 3-630 6-294 9-716 13-95 19-04 25-13 ( C 0-412 0*455 0-486 0*510 0-529 0*546 0-561 y V 1-115 1-439 1-713 1-953 2169 2*370 2-565 2-0 j Q 1-394 2-964 5-139 7-929 11-39 15*55 20-52 C 0-412 '455 0-486 0*510 0-529 0*546 0*561 / V 0-788 1-017 1-211 1-382 1-534 1*676 1*814 1*0 j Q 0-985 2-095 3-633 5-611 8-054 10-99 14*51 C*0*4I2 o-455 0-486 0*510 0-529 0-546 0*561 c Y 0-703 0-906 1-079 1-235 1*367 1-493 1*619 0-8 J Q 0-879 1-866 3-237 5-014 7*177 9-794 12*95 ( C 0-410 0-453 0-484 0-568 0*527 0-544 0-560 ( V 0-605 0-779 0-928 1-059 1*179 1-288 1-397 0-6 5 Q 0-756 1-605 2784 4-300 6*190 8-449 11-18 ( C 0-408 0-450 0-481 o*505 0*525 0-542 0-558 ( V 0-549 0-708 0-846 0-966 1*075 1-174 1-273 0-5 \ Q 0-686 1-458 2-538 3-922 5-644 7-701 10-38 ( C 0-406 0*448 0-480 0-504 0-524 0-541 0-557 ( V 0-488 0-629 0-752 0-858 0-956 1-044 1-133 0-4 J Q 0-610 1-297 2-256 3-484 5-019 6-849 9-064 ( C 0-403 0-445 0-477 0*501 0*521 0-538 o'554 ( V 0-333 0-431 0-515 0*593 0-661 0-722 0-785 0-2 J Q 0-416 0-888 1-545 2-408 3-470 4-736 6-280 ( C 0-389 0-432 0-462 0-489 0*510 0*526 o-543 c Y 0-222 0-290 0-349 0-403 0-450 0*494 0-538 o-i \ Q 0-278 0-597 1-047 1-636 2-362 3*241 4-304 ( C 0-367 0-410 0'443 0-470 0-491 0-509 0-526 Y and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 267 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 3 feet. N-0-0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 0-5 075 1- 1-5 2- 2-5 3* V 1-882 2-457 2-928 3*713 4-385 4-957 5*488 ( 5-0 \ Q 3-293 6-904 11-71 25-06 43-85 68-16 98*78 ( C 0-423 0-469 0*500 0*544 0*577 0*600 0*620 ( V 1-458 1-883 2*269 2-877 3-396 3-839 4-251 3*0 \ Q 2-552 5-291 9-076 19-43 33-96 52-79 76-52 I G 0-423 0-469 0*500 0-544 '577 0-600 0-620 / V 1-190 1-554 1-852 2-348 2-773 3-135 3-471 2-0 Q 2-083 4-367 7-408 15-85 27-73 43-11 62-48 ( C 0-423 0-469 0*500 0-544 0*577 0*600 0-620 ( V 0-842 1-099 1-309 1-661 1-961 2-217 2-455 1-0 Q 1-474 3-088 5-236 11-21 19-61 30-48 44-19 ( C 0-423 0-469 0*500 0-544 0-577 0*600 0*620 ( V 0-749 0-979 1-167 1-480 1-751 1-980 2-192 0-8 Q 1-311 2-751 4-668 9-990 17-51 27*23 39-46 ( C 0-421 0-467 0*498 0*542 0*576 '599 0*619 ( V 0-646 0-844 1-004 1*277 1*511 1-709 1*892 0-6 Q 1-130 2-372 4-016 8-620 15*11 23-50 34-06 ( C 0-419 0-465 0-495 0*540 0*574 0-597 0*617 f Y 0-587 0-767 0-915 1-164 1*380 1-557 1*724 0-5 \ Q 1-027 2-155 3-660 7-857 13-80 21-41 31*03 I C 0-417 0-463 0-494 '539 0-572 0-596 0-616 ( V 0-520 0-680 0-814 1-035 1-225 1-391 1-540 0-4 Q 0-910 1-911 | 3-256 6-986 12*25 19-13 27-72 ( C 0*413 0-459 '49i 0-536 0*570 '595 0*615 ( V 0-355 0-467 0-560 0-716 0*850 0-966 1-073 0-2 Q 0-614 1-312 2-240 4-833 8-500 13-28 19-31 ( G 0-399 0-446 0*478 0-524 0'559 0-585 0-606 ( V 0-238 0-315 0-379 0-490 0-585 0-667 0-745 0-1 Q 0-417 0-885 1-516 3-308 5-850 9-171 13-41 ( C 0-378 0-425 0*458 0-507 0-544 0*571 0*595 and cubic feet per second. 34 268 CANAL AND OULVEET TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- width of 4 feet. N=00250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 1-5 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- f V 3-079 3-917 4-612 5-234 5-778 6-288 6-768 5-0 3 Q 15-39 32-32 55-34 85-05 121-3 165-1 216-6 I C 0-509 o-554 0-585 o-6n 0-630 0*647 0*662 ( V 2-385 3-034 3-573 4-055 4-476 4-871 5-242 3-0 4 Q 11-93 25-03 42-88 65-89 94-00 127-9 167-7 ( C 0-509 '554 0-585 0-611 0-630 0*647 0-662 ( V 1-947 2-477 2-917 3-310 3-654 3-977 4-280 2-0 I Q 9-735 20-44 35-00 53-79 76-73 104-4 137-0 I C 0*509 Q'554 0-585 o'6ti 0*630 0-647 0-662 ( V 1-377 1-752 2-063 2-341 2-584 2-812 3-027 1-0 Q 6-885 14-45 24-76 38-04 54-26 73-82 96-86 C C 0-509 '554 0-585 0-611 0-630 0-647 0*662 f Y 1-227 1-564 1-841 2-090 2-307 2-511 2-703 0-8 I Q 6-135 12-90 22-09 33-96 48-45 66-54 86-50 I C 0-507 '553 0-584 0-610 0-629 0-646 0-661 ( V 1-056 1-347 1-589 1-805 1-995 2-172 2-337 0*6 3 Q 5-280 11-11 19-07 29-33 41-90 57-02 74-78 ( C 0-504 o'55o 0-582 0-608 0-628 0-645 0-660 ( Y 0-962 1-228 1-448 1-644 1-818 1*979 2-131 0-5 5 Q 4-810 10-13 17-38 26-72 38-18 51*96 68-19 ( C 0-503 0-549 0-581 0-607 0-627 0*644 0-659 r V 0-855 1-092 1-291 1-468 1-621 1-768 1-902 0-4 3 Q 4-275 9-009 15-49 23-86 34-04 46-41 60-86 ( C 0*500 0-546 o-579 0-606 0*625 0-643 0-658 ( V 0-590 0-758 0-897 1-023 1-135 1-238 1-337 0-2 \ Q 2-950 6-253 10-76 16-62 23-84 32-70 42-78 I C 0-488 0-536 0-569 0-597 0*619 0-637 0-654 ( V 0-401 0-518 0-619 0-708 0-787 0-861 0-934 0*1 Q 2-005 4-273 7-428 11-51 16-53 22-60 29-89 ( C 0-469 0-518 o-555 0-585 0*607 0-627 0-646 Y and Q are always in feet PAKT II. FINAL RESULTS. 269 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 5 feet. N=00250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4* 5* C V 3-194 4-807 5-446 6-009 6-545 7*038 7*920 5*0 3 Q 19-16 67-30 102-1 144-2 194-7 253*4 396-0 ( 0-516 '593 0*618 0-637 0-655 0-670 0*693 ( Y 2-474 3-723 4-218 4-655 5-070 5*572 6-134 3*0 3 Q 14-84 52-12 79-09 111-7 150-8 200*6 306-7 ( C 0-516 0-593 0-618 0-637 0-655 0*670 0-693 ( Y 2-020 3-040 3-444 3-801 4-140 4*451 5-009 2-0 J Q 12-12 42-56 64-58 91-22 123-2 160*2 250-2 ( 0-516 '593 0-618 0-637 0-655 0*670 0-693 ( V 1-428 2-150 2-436 2-688 2-927 3*148 3-542 1-0 Q 8-568 30-10 45-68 64-51 87-08 113*3 177-1 1 C 0-516 0*593 0-618 0-637 0-655 0*670 0-693 ( Y 1-272 1-919 2-174 2-400 2-614 2*815 3-168 0-8 \ Q 7-632 26-87 39-76 57-60 77-77 101*3 158-4 I C 0-514 0-592 0-617 0-636 0-654 0*670 0-693 ( Y 1-096 1-660 1-880 2-075 2-260 2-434 2-740 0*6 \ Q 6-676 23-24 35-25 49-80 67-24 87*62 137-0 I C 0*511 0-591 0-616 0-635 0-653 0*669 0-692 ( Y 0-996 1-512 1-714 1-891 2-060 2*219 2-501 0-5 J Q 5-976 21-17 32-14 45-38 61-29 79-88 125*1 ( C 0-509 0-590 0-615 0-634 0*652 0-668 0-692 ( Y 0-886 1-350 1-530 1-689 1-840 1-982 2-233 0-4 \ Q 5-316 18-90 28-69 40-54 54-74 71-35 111*7 I C 0-506 0-589 0*614 0-633 0*651 0-667 0-691 ( Y 0-612- 0-939 1-066 1-183 1-291 1-393 1-575 0-2 3 Q 3-672 13-15 19-99 28-39 38-41 50-15 78-75 ( C 0-495 0-579 0-605 0*627 0*646 0-663 0-689 ( Y 0-417 0-646 0-739 0-822 0-900 0-975 1*105 o-i Q 2-502 9-044 13-86 19-73 26*78 35-10 55*25 ( C 0-477 0-564 0*593 0-616 0*637 0-656 0*684 and cubic feet per second. 270 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- width of 6 feet. N=00250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 5- I V 3-287 4-980 5-645 6-227 6-768 7-265 8*157 5-0 Q 23-01 79-68 120-0 168-1 225-0 290-6 448-6 I C 0-522 0-601 0-626 0-645 0-662 0-676 0*699 ( V 2-546 3-857 4-372 4-823 5-241 5-628 6-327 3-0 < Q 18-82 61-71 92-91 130-2 174-3 225-1 348-0 ( C 0-522 0-601 0-626 0-645 0-662 0-676 0-699 ( Y 2-079 3-149 3-570 3-938 4-280 4-596 5-166 2-0 ) Q 14-55 50-38 75-86 106-3 142-3 183-8 284-1 ( C 0-522 0-601 0-626 0-645 0-662 0*676 0-699 ( V 1-470 2-227 2-524 2-784 3-027 3-250 3-653 1-0 ) Q 10-29 35-63 53-64 75-17 100-6 130-0 200-9 ( C 0-522 0-601 0-626 0-645 0-662 0*676 0-699 ( Y 1-310 1-988 2-254 2-486 2-703 2-907 3-267 0-8 ] Q 9-170 31-81 47-90 67-12 89-88 116-3 179-7 ( C 0*520 0-600 0-625 0-644 0-661 0*676 0-699 ( V 1-128 1-719 1-946 2-150 2-337 2-514 2-830 0-6 3 Q 7-896 27-50 41-35 58-05 77-71 100-6 155-7 ( C 0-517 *599 0*623 0-643 0-660 0-675 0*699 ( V 1-026 1-567 1-773 1-960 2-131 2-291 2*579 0-5 3 Q 7-182 25-07 37-68 50-96 70-86 91-64 141*8 ( C 0-515 0-598 0-622 0*642 0-659 0-674 0*698 ( Y 0-912 1-397 1-584 1-750 1-902 2-046 2-307 0-4 3 Q 6-384 22-35 33-66 45-50 63-24 81-84 126*9 ( C 0-512 0-596 0-621 0-641 0-658 0*673 0-698 ( y 0-631 0-974 1-105 1-226 1-337 1*441 1-627 0*2 \ Q 4-417 15-58 23-48 33-10 44-46 57-64 89*49 I C 0-501 0-588 0-613 0-635 0-654 0*670 0-696 ( y 0-430 0-673 0-763 0-853 0-934 1-008 1-143 o-i Q 3-010 10-77 16-21 23-03 31-06 40-32 62-87 ( C 0-482 0-574 0-602 0-625 0-646 0*663 0-692 and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 271 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q,), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 8 feet. N=0'0250. S per thousand. ( Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 5- V 3-403 5-228 5-917 6-553 7-114 7-649 8*590 5-0 j Q 30-63 G 0-528 104-6 0-611 155-3 0-634 216-2 0-655 286-3 0*671 367-2 0-686 558*4 0*709 / Y 2-636 4-049 4-583 5-076 5-512 5-924 6*654 3-0 j Q 2372 C 0-528 80-98 0-611 120-3 0-634 167-5 0-655 221-9 0-671 284-4 0-686 432*5 0-709 / Y 2-153 3-306 3-743 4-145 4-500 4-837 5*433 2-0 ) Q 19-38 66-12 98-25 136-8 181-1 232-2 353-1 ( C 0-528 0-611 0-634 0-655 0-671 0-686 0-709 ( Y 1-522 2-338 2-646 2-930 3-182 3-420 3-841 M { Q 1370 C 0-528 46-76 o"6n 69-46 0-634 96-69 0-655 128-1 0*671 164-2 0-686 249-7 0709 ( Y 1-356 2-091 2-364 2-617 2-846 3-055 3-436 0-8 \ Q 12-20 C 0-526 41-82 o"6io 62-06 0-633 86-36 0-654 114-6 0*671 146-6 0*685 223-3 0*709 ( Y 1-170 1-802 2-043 2-263 2-461 2*642 2-976 0-6 j Q 10-53 C 0-524 36-04 0-608 53-63 0*632 74-68 0-653 99-06 0*670 126-8 0-684 193-4 0-709 ( Y 1-064 1-643 1-862 2-063 2-247 2-412 2-716 0-5 j Q 9-576 C 0*522 32-86 0-607 48-88 0-631 68-08 0-652 90-44 0*670 115*8 0*684 176*5 0*709 0-4 \ ( Y 0-946 Q 8-514 C 0*519 1-467 29-34 0-606 1-663 43-65 0-630 1-842 60-79 0-651 2-006 80-74 0-669 2*153 103*3 0*683 2*426 157*7 0*708 ( Y 0-655 1-021 1-166 1-293 1-410 1-519 1*713 0-2 J Q 5-895 20-42 30-61 42-67 56-75 72-91 111*3 ( C 0-508 0-597 0-624 0-646 0*665 0-681 0-707 ( Y 0-446 0-707 0-810 0-901 0-985 1-064 1*209 j Q 4-014 C 0-489 14-14 0-584 21-26 0-614 29-73 0-637 39*65 0*657 51-07 0*675 78-59 0-706 and cubic feet per second. 272 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed-width of 10 feet. N=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1- 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- V 2-198 3-411 4-307 4-687 5-032 5-358 5-652 ( 2-0 3 Q 24-18 81-86 168-0 221-5 281-8 349-6 423-9 < C 0-531 0*616 0-663 0-680 0*694 0-707 0-717 ( V 1-905 2-954 3-730 4-058 4-358 4-639 4-894 1-5 Q 20-96 70-90 145-5 191-7 244-0 302-7 367-0 ( C 0-531 0*616 0-663 0-680 0-694 0-707 0-717 ( Y 1-555 2-412 3-045 3-314 3-557 3-788 3-997 1-0 Q 17-11 57-89 118-8 156-6 199-2 247-2 299-7 ( C 0-531 0*616 0-663 0-680 0-694 0-707 0-717 r V 1-389 2-154 2-724 2-964 3-182 3-389 3-574 0-8 3 Q 15-28 51-70 106-2 140-0 178-2 221-1 268-1 ( C 0-530 0-615 0-663 0-680 0*694 0-707 0-717 ( V 1-197 1-862 2-355 2-563 2-752 2-934 3-096 0-6 3 Q 13-17 44-69 91-84 121-1 154-1 191-4 232-2 ( C 0-528 0*614 0-662 0-679 0-693 0-707 0-717 ( V 0-969 1-515 1-917 2-090 2-247 2-392 2*527 0-4 3 Q 10-66 36-36 74-76 98-75 125-8 156-1 189-5 ( C 0-523 0-612 0-660 0-678 0-693 0*706 0-717 c V 0-831 1-306 1-656 1-807 1-943 2*072 2*186 0-3 3 Q 9-141 31-34 64-58 85-38 104-8 135*2 164*0 ( C 0-518 0-609 0-658 0-677 0*692 0*706 0716 ( V 0-669 1-058 1-345 1-469 1-584 1*689 1*784 0-2 } Q 7-359 25-39 52-46 69-41 88-70 110-2 133*8 ( C| 0-511 0*604 ' 6 55 0-674 0*691 0705 0*716 / V 0-457 0-732 0-941 1-031 1*112 1-187 1*262 o-i 3 Q 5-027 17-57 36-70 48-71 62*27 77-45 94*65 ( C 0-493 0-591 0-648 0*669 0-686 0701 0-716 ( V 0-307 0-501 0-652 0-719 0-779 0-835 0*890 0*05 \ Q 3-377 12-02 25-43 33-97 43-64 54-48 66-75 I C 0-469 0-573 0-635 0-660 0-680 0-697 0-714 Y and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 273 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed-width of 12 feet. S per thousand. 1* D a- epths oJ 3* ! water i 3*5 n feet. 4* 4*5 5* ( V 2-241 3-503 4-441 4*828 5*186 5*518 5-831 2-0 3 Q 29-13 98-08 199*8 261*9 331*9 409*7 495-6 1 C 0-535 0*622 0*670 0*686 0*700 0*712 0*723 c Y 1-940 3-033 3*846 4*181 4*491 4*779 5-049 1-5 Q 25-22 84-92 173*1 226*8 287*4 354*8 429-2 I C o'535 0-622 0*670 0*686 0*700 0*712 0*723 ( Y 1-584 2-477 3*140 3-414 3*667 3*902 4*123 1*0 Q 20-59 69-36 141*3 185*2 234*7 289*7 350*5 ( C '535 0*622 0*670 0*686 0*700 0*712 0*723 { v 1-415 2*212 2*809 3*053 3*280 3*490 3-688 0*8 3 Q 18-40 61-94 126*4 165*6 209*9 259*1 313-5 I C 0-534 0*621 0*670 0*686 0*700 0*712 0-723 ( y 1-220 1-896 2*429 2*641 2*837 3*022 3-193 0-6 \ Q 15-86 53-09 109*3 143*3 181*6 224*4 271-4 ( G 0-532 0*620 0*669 0*685 0*699 0-712 0-723 ( y 0-987 1-557 1*977 2-153 2*316 2-464 2-608 0*4 3 Q 12-83 43-60 88-97 116-8 148*2 183-0 221*7 ( C 0-527 0*618 0-667 0-684 0*699 0*711 0*723 ( y 0-848 1-341 1-707 1-862 2*003 2-134 2*258 0*3 3 Q 11-02 37-55 76-82 101-0 128*2 158-4 191*9 ( C 0-523 0*615 0*665 0-683 0*698 0*711 0*723 ( y 0-683 1-085 1*390 1*515 1*631 1*740 1*844 0-2 3 Q 8-879 30-38 62*55 82-19 104*4 129*2 156*7 ( C 0-516 0*609 0*663 0-681 0-696 0*710 0*723 ( y 0-466 0-752 0*972 1*029 1-149 1*229 1*304 0-1 Q 6-058 21;06 43*74 55*82 73-54 91*25 110-8 ( C 0-497 0-597 0*656 0*675 0*693 0-709 0-723 f y 0-313 0-516 0-675 0-743 0-807 0-865 0-922 0-05 ] Q 4-069 14-45 30-38 40-31 51-65 64*23 78-47 ( C 0-472 0*580 0*644 0-668 0*689 0*736 0-723 and cubic feet per second. 274 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed-width of 14 feet. N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1 2 34567 ( V 2-271 3-560 4-533 5-318 5-982 6-567 7-107 2-0 3 Q 34-06 113-9 231-2 382-9 568-3 788-0 1044-7 ( C 0-538 0*624 0-673 0-705 0-728 0-746 0-762 ( Y 1-966 3-084 3-926 4-605 5-180 5-687 6-155 1-5 Q 2949- 9'8-68 200-2 331-6 492-1 682-4 904-8 ( C 0-538 0-624 0-673 0-705 0-728 0-746 0-762 ( V 1-606 2-518 3-205 3-760 4-230 4-644 5-025 1-0 Q 24-09 80-58 163-4 270-7 401-8 557-3 738-7 ( C 0-538 0*624 0-673 0-705 0-728 0-746 0-762 ( Y 1-432 2-248 2-866 3-363 3-783 4-154 4-622 0-8 \ Q 21-48 71-94 146-2 242-1 359-4 498-5 679-4 I C 0-536 0-623 0-673 0-705 0-728 0-746 0-762 ( V 1-237 1-941 2-479 2-909 3-277 3-602 3-898 0-6 3 Q 18-55 62-11 126-4 209-4 311-3 432-2 573-0 ( C 0-535 0*621 0-672 0704 0-728 0-747 0-763 f Y 1-001 1-580 2-018 2-371 2-675 2-945 3-282 0-4 3 Q 15-01 50-56 102-9 170-7 254-1 353-4 482-4 ( C 0-530 0-619 0*670 0-703 0-728 0-748 0-765 ( Y -8600 1-361 1-745 2-053 2-316 2-554 2-767 0-3 \ Q 12-90 43-55 88-99 147-8 220-0 306-5 406-7 ( C 0-526 0*616 0-669 0-703 0-728 0-749 0*766 f Y -6915 1-104 1-420 1-674 1-891 2-088 2-332 0*2 \ Q 10-37 35-33 72-42 120-5 179-6 250-6 342-8 ( C 0-518 O'6l2 0*667 0*702 0-728 0-750 0769 / Y -4720 7668 9940 1-180 1-340 1-484 1-660 0-1 Q 7-080 24-54 50-69 84-96 127-3 178-1 244-0 ( C 0-500 0-601 0*660 0*700 0-729 Q'754 0-774 ( Y -3166 5259 6912 8315 9482 1-055 1-189 0-05 3 Q 4-749 16-83 35-25 59-87 90-07 126-6 174-8 ( C 0-474 0-583 0*649 0-697 0730 0-758 0784 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 275 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed-width of 16 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1234567 ( Y 2-291 3-615 4-619 5*427 6-118 6-721 7-274 2-0 ] Q 38-95 130-1 263-3 434*2 642-4 887-2 1171-1 ( C 0-539 0-627 0-677 0-709 0733 0-751 0767 ( Y 1-983 3-131 4-000 4-699 5-299 5-820 6-299 1-5 Q 33-71 112-7 228-0 375-9 556-4 768-2 1014-1 ( C 0-539 0-627 0-677 0709 0733 0751 0-767 ( Y 1-620 2-556 3-266 3*837 4-327 4*752 5-143 1-0 Q 27-54 92-02 186-2 307-0 454-3 627*3 828-0 ( C 0-539 0*627 0-677 0*709 0733 0751 0-767 f Y 1-443 2-286 2-922 3*432 3-869 4-251 4-600 0*8 \ Q 24-53 82-30 166-5 274*6 406-2 561-1 740-6 ( C 0-537 0*627 0-677 0709 0733 0-751 0-767 Y Y 1-248 1-974 2-526 2-968 3-352 3-685 3-989 0-6 \ Q 21-22 71-06 144*0 237-4 352-0 486-4 642-2 ( C 0-536 0*625 0*676 0708 0733 0-752 0*768 ( Y 1-009 1-606 2*057 2-420 2736 3-013 3*265 0-4 3 Q 17-15 57-82 117*2 193*6 287-3 397-7 525*7 ( C 0-531 0*623 0-674 0*707 0733 0753 0*770 ( Y -8674 1*384 1-779 2*095 2-373 2-613 2*832 0-3 3 Q 14-74 49*82 101-4 167-6 249-2 344-9 455*9 ( C 0-527 0-620 0-673 0-707 0734 0-754 0*771 c Y -6975 1*113 1-448 1-708 1*938 2-137 2*318 0-2 Q 11-86 40*07 82-54 136*6 203*5 282*1 373*2 ( C 0-519 0*616 0-671 0*706 0734 0755 Q'773 ( Y -4769 7669 1-013 1*207 1*371 1*521 1*651 0-1 Q 8-107 27-61 57-74 96*56 143*9 200*8 265*8 ( C 0*502 '595 0-664 0*705 0735 0760 0-779 1 Y -3205 5362 6730 8506 9728 1*084 1-186 0-05 Q 5-448 19-30 38*36 68*05 102-1 143*1 190*9 ( G 0-477 0-588 0*654 0703 0-737 0766 0791 and cubic feet per second. 35 276 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- width of 18 feet. N=00250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1234567 ( Y 2-306 3-658 4-691 5*517 6-226 6-851 7*419 2*0 3 Q 43-81 146-3 295*5 485*5 716-0 986-5 1298-3 1 C 0-540 0*629 0-680 0*712 0-736 755 0-771 ( V 1-997 3-168 4-062 4*777 | 5*392 5*933 6-425 1-5 Q 37-94 126-7 255*9 420*4 620-1 854*3 1124*4 ( C 0-540 0-629 0*680 0*712 0-736 0-755 0*771 c V 1-631 2-586 3-316 3*901 4-403 4*844 5-246 1-0 Q 30-99 103-4 208-9 343-3 506-3 697-5 918-0 ( C 0-540 0-629 0*680 0-712 0*736 0755 0-771 r V 1-456 2-313 2*966 3-489 3-938 4-333 4-692 0-8 3 Q 27-66 92-52 186-8 307-0 452-9 623-9 821-1 ( C 0-539 0-629 0*680 0*712 0-736 o-755 0-771 ( Y 1-256 1-997 2-565 3*022 3-410 3-757 4*069 0-6 I Q 23-86 79-88 161-6 265-9 392-2 541*0 712-1 I C 0-537 0*627 0*679 0*712 0*736 0*756 0-772 ( Y 1-018 1-623 2*085 2*464 2*788 3-076 3-330 0*4 \ Q 19-34 64-92 131*3 216-8 320*6 442-9 582-7 I C 0-533 0*624 0*676 0*711 0737 0-758 0-774 ( Y -8750 1-398 1*804 2*134 2-414 2-667 2-885 0*3 \ Q 16-62 55*92 113*6 187*8 277-6 384-0 504-9 ( C 0*529 0*621 0*675 0*711 0-737 0759 0-774 ( Y -7033 1*136 1*468 1-739 1-974 2-181 2-364 0-2 \ Q 13-66 45-44 92-48 153-0 227-0 314-1 413-7 { C 0-522 0*618 0-673 0*710 0738 0*760 0-777 ( Y -4708 7891 1-029 1-229 1-400 1*552 1-687 0*1 Q 8-945 31-56 64-82 108-1 161-0 223*5 295-2 j C 0-493 0-607 0*667 0-709 0-740 0*765 0-784 ( Y -3233 5437 7172 8673 9941 1*108 1*213 0-05 Q 6-143 21-75 45*18 76-32 114-3 159-5 212-3 I C 0-479 0*591 0*658 0*708 0743 " 0*772 0-797 Y and Q are always in feet PART IF. FINAL RESULTS. 277 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 20 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 1 234567 V 2-325 3-696 4-754 5-599 6-341 6-964 7-543 ( 2-0 4 Q 48-82 162-6 328-0 537-5 792-6 1086-4 1423-7 ( C 0-542 0-631 0-683 0-715 0-741 0758 0774 ( V 2-013 3-200 4-116 4-849 5-491 6-031 6-532 1-5 Q 42-27 140-8 284-0 465-5 686-4 940-8 1234-5 ( C 0-542 0*631 0-683 0715 0-741 0-758 0-774 ( V 1-644 2-613 3-361 3-959 4-484 4-924 5-334 1-0 Q 34-52 115-0 231-9 380-1 560-5 768-1 1008-1 ( C 0-542 0-631 0-683 0-715 0-741 0758 0774 ( V 1-468 2-337 3-002 3-541 4-010 4-404 4-770 0-8 i Q 30-83 102-8 207-1 339-9 501-2 687-0 901-5 ( C 0-541 0-631 0-682 0-715 0-741 0-758 0774 ( V 1-266 2-018 2-596 3-067 3-478 3-819 4-131 0-6 3 Q 26-59 88-79 179-1 294-4 434-7 595-8 780-7 ( C 0-539 0-629 0-681 0-715 0-742 0-759 0-774 ( V 1-026 1-639 2-114 2-500 2-843 3-127 3-381 0-4 \ Q 21-55 72-12 145-9 240-0 355-4 487-8 639-0 ( C 0-535 0-626 0-679 0-714 0743 0761 0-776 j V -8820 1-413 1-827 2-165 2-466 2-711 2-932 0-3 Q 18-52 62-17 126-1 207-8 308-2 42-2-9 554-1 ( C 0-531 0*623 0-678 0-714 0-744 0762 0-777 1 Y -7111 1-148 1-488 1-768 2-016 2-216 2.404 0-2 ) Q 14-93 50-51 102-7 169-7 252-0 345-7 454-4 ( C 0*524 0*620 0-676 0-714 0745 0763 0*780 ( V -4843 7978 1-042 1-250 1-430 1-578 1717 0-1 J Q 10-17 35-10 71-90 120-0 178-7 246-2 324-5 1 C 0-505 0-609 0*670 0-714 0747 0-768 0-788 ( V -3266 5491 7282 8827 1-016 1-128 1-237 0-05 < Q 6-859 24-16 50-24 84-74 127-0 176-0 233-8 ( C 0-481 o'593 0-662 0-713 0-751 0777 0-803 and cubic feet per second. 278 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OP DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed-width of 25 feet. N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2 345678 ( V 2-664 3-441 4-074 4-611 5-086 5-522 5-918 1-0 Q 143-8 289-0 472-6 691-6 946-0 1236-9 1562-3 ( C 0-635 0-687 0*721 0-745 0-764 0-781 0-795 ( V 2-384 3-073 3-644 4-124 4-549 4-940 5-293 0-8 \ Q 1287 258-1 422-7 618-6 846-1 1106-6 1397-3 I C 0-635 0-686 0721 0-745 0-764 0781 0-795 ( V 2-061 2-661 3-156 3-576 3-945 4-283 4-590 0-6 \ Q 111-3 223-5 366-1 536-4 733-8 959-4 1211-7 I C 0-634 0-686 0-721 0-746 0-765 0-782 0-796 ( V 1-878 2-426 2-881 3-270 3-605 3-915 4-195 0-5 3 Q 101-4 203-8 334-2 490-5 670-5 877-0 1107-5 ( C 0-633 0-685 0-721 0-747 0-766 0-783 0-797 ( Y 1-675 2-170 2-577 2-924 3-229 3-506 3-757 0-4 J Q 90-45 182-3 298-9 438-6 600-6 785-3 991-8 I C 0-631 0-685 0-721 o*747 0-767 0-784 0-798 ( V 1-446 1-877 2-231 2-536 2-800 3-044 3-266 0-3 \ Q 78-08 157-7 258-8 380-4 520-8 681-8 862-2 I C 0-629 0-684 0-721 0-748 0-768 0-786 0-801 ( V 1-173 1-528 1-822 2-073 2-292 2-498 2-683 0-2 3 Q 63-34 128-3 211-3 310-9 426-3 559-5 708-3 ( C 0-625 0-682 0*721 0-749 0770 0-790 0-806 ( Y 1-011 1-319 1-578 1-798 1-993 2-172 2-332 0-15 3 Q 54-59 110-8 183-0 269-7 370-7 486-5 615-6 ( C 0-622 0-680 0-721 0-750 0773 0793 0-809 ( Y -8148 1-072 1-287 1-474 1-633 1-786 1-923 0-1 Q 44-00 90-05 149-3 221-1 303-7 400-1 5077 ( C 0-614 0-677 0*720 0753 0776 0-799 0-817 ( Y -5606 7493 9101 1-048 1-157 1-287 1-390 0-05 3 Q 30-27 62-94 105-6 157-2 215-2 288-1 367-0 I C 0-597 0-669 0720 0-757 0-787 0-814 0-835 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 279 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN YELOC Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed- width of 30 feet. T=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2345 678 ( Y 2703 3-505 4-153 4-723 5-222 5-661 6-072 1-0 Q 173-0 347-0 564-8 826-5 1127-9 1466-2 1845-9 \ C 0-638 0-691 0-724 0-750 0-770 0-785 0-799 ( Y 2-500 3-135 3-715 4-224 4-671 5-070 5-438 0-8 3 Q 160-0 310-4 505-2 739-2 1008-9 1313-1 1653-1 ( C 0-638 0*691 0-724 0-750 0-770 0-786 0-800 f Y 2-091 2-711 3-217 3-585 4-050 4-396 4-715 0-6 ] Q 133-8 268-4 437-5 627-4 874-8 1138-6 1433-4 ( C 0-637 0-690 0-724 0751 0-771 0-787 0-801 ( Y 1-905 2-471 2-936 3-344 3-702 4-018 4-310 0-5 \ Q 121-9 244-6 399-3 585-2 799-6 1040-7 1310-2 ( C 0-636 0-689 0-724 0-751 0-772 0-788 0-802 f Y 1-757 2-210 2-627 2-994 3-315 3-599 3-865 0-4 \ Q 112-4 218-8 357-3 523-9 716-0 932-1 1175-0 ( C 0-634 0-689 0-724 0-752 0-773 0-789 0-804 ( Y 1-466 1-911 2-275 2-542 2-875 3-124 3-355 0-3 3 Q 93-82 189-2 309-4 444-8 621-0 809-1 1019-9 ( C 0-632 0-688 0-724 0753 0-774 0791 0-806 ( Y 1-231 1-556 1-858 2-123 2-357 2-564 2756 0-2 J Q 78-78 154-0 252-7 371-5 509-1 664-1 837-8 ( C 0-628 0-686 0-724 0754 0-777 0-795 0-8 1 1 / Y 1-026 1-344 1-609 1-802 2-049 2-232 2-399 0-15 J Q 65-66 133-0 218-8 315-3 442-6 578-1 729-3 ( C 0-625 0-684 0-724 0755 0-780 0799 0-815 ( Y -8565 1-092 1-313 1-511 1-682 1-836 1-981 o-io \ Q 54-82 108-1 178-6 264-4 363-3 475-5 602-2 \ C 0-618 0-681 0-724 0759 0-784 0-805 0*824 t Y -5802 7661 9302 1-076 1-207 1-326 1-436 0-05 \ Q 37-13 75-84 126-5 188-3 260-7 343-4 436-5 ' ( G 0-592 0-675 0-725 0-764 0796 0-822 0-845 and cubic feet per second. 280 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES (V) OF DISCHARGE, QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- width of 35 feet. N=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 23 45 678 1 Y 2-734 3-549 4-283 4-804 5-325 5*794 6-203 1-0 Q 202-3 404-6 668*1 960-8 1310*0 1703*4 2185-8 1 C 0-641 0-693 0*728 753 0*774 0*791 0-803 ( V 2-446 3-174 3*779 4*297 4-762 5*182 5-556 0-8 < Q 181-0 361-8 589*5 859*4 1171-4 1523*5 1912-5 ( C 0-641 0-693 0*728 Q'753 0-774 0791 0-804 ( Y 2-115 2-744 3*272 3*726 4-130 4*494 4*823 0-6 Q 156-5 312-8 510*4 745*2 1015*9 1321*2 1661*1 ( C 0*640 0*692 0-728 0754 0775 0*792 0*806 ( Y 1-928 2-506 2-988 3-406 3*775 4*107 4*409 0-5 3 Q 142-7 285-7 466-1 681-2 928-6 1207-4 1526-7 ( C 0-639 0*692 0-728 755 0*776 0793 0*807 ( Y 1-719 2*241 2-672 3-050 3*381 3*678 3-953 0-4 J Q 127-2 255*5 416*8 610-0 831-7 1081*3 1363*8 ( C 0-637 0*692 0-728 0-756 0*777 0794 0*809 ( Y 1-484 1*938 2-313 2-645 2*931 3-193 3*431 0-3 ] Q 109-8 220*9 360*8 529-0 721-0 938*7 1181*4 ( C 0-635 0*691 0-728 0757 0-778 0*796 0-811 ( Y 1-204 1*578 1-890 2-162 2-400 2*624 2*819 0-2 3 Q 89-09 179*9 294-8 432-4 590-4 771*4 969-7 ( C 0-631 0-689 0-728 0-758 0780 0-801 0-816 ( Y 1-036 1-362 1-636 1*875 2-089 2*281 2-456 0-15 3 Q 76-66 155-3 255-2 375*0 513-9 670*6 844*9 ( C 0-627 0-687 0-728 0759 0-784 0*804 0-821 ( Y -8377 1-108 1-338 1*540 1-717 1-878 2-028 o-i Q 61-99 126-3 208-7 308*0 422-4 552-1 697*6 ( C 0-621 0-684 0-729 0-763 0-789 0-811 0-830 ( Y -5772 7774 9475 1-099 1*234 1-358 1-472 0-05 1 Q 42-71 88*62 147*8 219-8 303*6 399-2 506-4 I C 0*605 0*679 0-730 0-770 0*802 0*829 0-852 Y and Q are always in feet PAKT LI. FINAL EESULTS. 281 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. For a Bed-width of 40 feet. N=00250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2345 678 V ( Y 2754 3-590 4*217 4*873 5-408 5*889 6*320 1-0 J Q 231-3 463-1 742-2 1096*4 1492-6 1937-5 2426*9 ( C 0-642 0*696 0*720 0*756 0-777 0*794 0*807 ( Y 2-463 3-211 3*772 4*358 4-831 5*267 5*659 0-8 3 Q 206-9 414-2 663-9 980*5 1333-3 1732-8 2173*0 ( C 0-642 0*696 0-720 0*756 0-776 0*794 0*808 ( V 2-130 2-777 3-267 3-778 4-189 4*567 4-913 0-6 3 Q 178-9 358-2 575-0 850-0 1156-2 1502-5 1886*6 ( 0-641 0-695 0*720 0-757 0-777 0795 0*810 ( V 1-941 2-535 2-982 3-454 3-828 4-175 4-490 0*5 \ Q 163-0 327-0 524-8 777-1 1056-5 1373-6 1724-2 I C 0-640 0-695 0*720 0*758 0-778 0-796 0-811 ( V 1-731 2*267 2*667 3*094 3-429 3-739 4-027 0*4 3 Q 145-4 292-4 469*4 696*1 946-4 1230-1 1546-4 ( C 0-638 0-695 0*720 0*759 0-779 0-797 0*813 ( V 1-494 1-960 2*310 2*683 2-973 3-250 3*491 0-3 3 Q 125-5 252-8 406*6 603-7 820-5 1069-2 1340-5 ' ( C 0-636 0-694 0*720 0*760 0*780 0-800 0-814 ( V 1-215 1-596 1*889 2*194 2*440 2*670 2-872 0-2 \ ^Q 102-1 205-9 332*5 493*6 673*4 878*4 1102-8 ( C 0-633 0-692 0*721 0*761 0*784 0*805 0*820 /- Y 1-045 1-379 1*636 1*905 2*122 2*320 2-502 0-15 ) Q 87-78 177-9 287*9 428*6 585*7 763-3 960-8 ( C 0-629 0-690 0*721 0763 0*787 0*808 0*825 ( Y -8454 1-120 1*337 1-562 1*745 1*914 2-068 o-io 9 Q 71-01 144*5 235*3 351-4 481*6 629*7 794-1 ( C 0-623 0*687 0*722 0-766 0*793 0*816 0-835 ( Y -5827 7870 9484 1-116 1*253 1-384 1*502 0-05 3 Q 48-95 101*5 166*9 251-1 345*8 455-3 576*8 ( G 0*607 0*682 0*724 0774 0*805 0*834 0*858 and cubic feet per second. 282 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (Y), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5 ( Y 2-492 2-896 3-255 3-591 3-896 4-183 4-456 0-8 ] Q 259-2 | 380-1 517-5 672-4 841-5 1025-8 11225-4 I C 0-645 '675 0-698 0-718 0734 0*748 0*761 ( Y 2-156 ! 2-504 2-819 3-110 3-375 3-628 3*864 0*6 J Q 224-2 ; 328-6 448-2 582-3 729-0 889-8 1062*6 ( C 0-644 ' 0*674 0-698 0718 0734 0-749 0762 ( Y 1-965 ! 2-282 2-570 2-838 3-085 3-312 3-528 0-5 3 Q 204-4 299-5 408-6 531-4 666-3 812-3 970*2 ( C 0-643 0-673 0-697 0-718 0735 0-749 0*762 ( Y 1-752 2-038 2-299 2-535 2-759 2-966 3-159 0-4 Q 182-2 267-5 365-5 474-7 595-9 727-4 868-7 ( C 0-641 0-672 0-697 0-717 0735 0-750 0763 r Y 1-512 1-763 1-988 2-195 2-393 2-572 2*740 0-3 3 Q 157-2 231-4 316-1 411-0 516-9 630-8 753-5 ( C 0-639 0-671 0*696 0*717 0736 0-751 0-764 ( Y 1-379 1-607 1-812 2*005 2-184 2-348 2-505 0-25 3 Q 143-4 210-9 ! 288-1 375*4 471-7 575-8 688-9 I C 0-638 0-670 0-695 6*717 0736 0751 0-765 / Y 1-229 1-435 1-618 1*792 1-953 2-103 2-243 0*2 ) Q 127-8 188-4 257-3 335-5 421-8 615*8 616-8 ( C 0-636 0-669 0*694 0-717 0-736 0*752 0-766 c Y 1-058 1-237 1-400 1-551 1-694 1*824 1*945 0-15 3 Q 110-0 162-3 222-6 290*4 365*9 447-3 534*9 ( C 0-632 0-666 0-693 0*716 0*737 0753 0*767 ( Y -8544 1-004 1-138 1*266 1-383 1-497 1-597 o-i 3 Q 88-86 131-8 180-9 237-0 298-7 367-1 439*2 ( C 0-625 0-662 0-690 0-717 0737 0757 0*771 ( Y -5899 7007 7999 8950 9806 1-066 1-142 0-05 \ Q 61-35 91-97 127*2 167*6 211-8 261-4 314-0 { C 0*610 0-653 0-686 0716 0739 0762 0*780 Y and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 283 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Section, with Side Slopes of One in One. width of 50 feet. N=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9* V 4711 ( 0-8 ] Q 1438-0 I C 0772 ( V 4-085 4-290 4-496 0*6 \ Q 1246-9 1441-4 1651-1 I C 0-773 0782 0-792 s V 3-734 3-922 4-110 4-282 4-452 0*5 Q 1139-8 1317-8 1509-4 1708-5 1920-0 ( C 0-774 0783 0793 o'Soi 0*809 ( V 3-344 3-512 3-680 3-840 3*991 4*130 4*404 0-4 Q 1020-7 1180-0 11351-5 1532-2 1721*1 1916*3 2338*5 ( C 0-775 0784 0-794 0-803 0-811 0*817 0*830 ( V 2-901 3-049 3-195 3-329 3*461 3*590 3*832 0-3 Q 885-5 1024-5 1173-4 1328-3 1492*5 1665*8 2034*8 ( C 0776 0786 0-796 0-804 0*812 0*820 0*834 ( V 2-651 2-787 2-925 3-047 3*167 3*285 3*507 0-25 3 Q 809-2 936-4 1074-2 1215-7 1365-8 1524*2 1862*2 ( C 0-777 0787 0-798 0*806 0-814 0*822 0*836 ( V 2-374 2-503 2-626 2-735 2*847. 2*953 3*152 0*2 Q 724-7 841-0 964-4 1091-2 1227*8 1370*2 1673-7 ( C 0-778 0-790 0*801 0*809 0*818 0*826 0-840 ( V 2-064 2-175 2-282 2*383 2*480 2-570 2*752 0-15 1 Q 630-0 730-8 838-1 950-8 1069*5 1192*5 1461-3 ( C 0-781 0-793 0*804 0*814 0*823 0*830 0*847 f V 1-696 1-790 1-882 1-965 2*047 2*126 2*276 0-1 Q 517-7 601-4 691-2 784-0 882*8 986*5 1208*5 ( C 0-786 0-799 0-812 0-822 0*832 0*841 0*858 / V 1-219 1-289 1-359 1-422 1*487 1*547 1*660 0.05 ) Q 372-1 ! 433-1 499-1 567-4 641*3 717-8 881*5 ( C 0-799 0-814 0-829 0-841 0*854 0*865 0*885 and cubic feet per second. 36 284 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES, OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- Y 2-511 2-923 3-294 3-632 3-949 4-243 4-524 ( 0-8 3 Q 311-4 456-7 622-6 807-2 1010-9 1231-5 1470-3 ( C 0-646 0-677 0-701 0-720 0737 0-751 0-764 / Y 2-171 2-521 2-852 3-145 3-420 3-675 3-918 0-6 Q 269-2 393-9 539-0 699-0 875-5 1066-7 1273-3 ( C 0-645 0*676 0-701 0-720 0-737 0751 0-764 r Y 1-979 2-304 2-600 2-871 3-123 3-355 3-582 0-5 3 Q 245-4 360-0 491-4 638-1 799-5 973-8 1164-1 ( C 0-644 0-675 0-700 0-720 0737 0-751 0765 c V 1-764 2-058 2-316 2-568 2-782 3-004 3-208 0-4 3 Q 218-7 321-6 437-7 570-7 712-2 871-9 1042-6 ( C 0-642 0-674 : 0-700 0720 0737 0-752 0-766 ( Y 1-523 1-779 2-011 2-224 2-422 2-605 2-781 0-3 3 Q 188-8 278-0 380-1 494-3 620-0 756-1 903-8 ( C 0-640 0-673 0-699 0720 0-738 0753 0767 ( Y 1-388 ! 1-621 1-834 2-030 2-211 2-382 2-543 0-25 3 Q 172-1 253-3 346-6 451-2 566-0 691-4 826-5 ( C 0-639 0-672 0-698 0-720 0738 0754 0-768 ( Y 1/238 1-449 1-638 1-816 1-980 2-133 2-277 0-2 3 Q 153-5 226-4 309-6 403-6 506-9 619-1 740-0 ( C 0-637 0-671 0-697 0720 0739 0755 0-769 | Y 1-065 1-246 1-416 1-572 1-717 1-850 1-978 0-15 < Q 132-1 194-7 267-6 349-4 439-5 537-0 642-8 I C 0-633 0-668 0-696 0720 0740 0-756 0-771 l Y -8614 1-015 1-153 1-283 1-404 1-514 1-623 0-1 3 Q 106-8 158-6 217-9 285-1 359-4 439-4 527-5 i C 0-627 0-665 0-694 0-719 0-741 0758 0-775 i Y -5949 7074 8107 9054 9970 1-081 1-162 0-05 - Q 73-77 110-5 153-2 201-2 255-2 313-8 377-6 1 C 0-612 0-655 0-690 0718 0-744 0765 0-785 Y and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 285 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY, Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 60 feet. N=00250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8' 9- ( V 4786 0-8 ' < Q 1724-1 ( C 0775 ( V 4-151 4-367 4-573 0-6 1 Q 1495-4 1729-3 1976-7 ( G 0776 0-786 0795 ( V 3-794 3-992 4-180 4-364 4-539 0-5 Q 1366-a 1580-8 1806-8 2046-7 2297-9 ( G 0777 0-787 0-796 0-805 0-813 ( V. 3-397 3-575 3-748 3-907 4-070 4-213 4-501 0-4 \ Q 1223-8 1415-7 1620-1 1832-4 2060-4 2291-9 2795-1 ( C 0778 0-788 0798 0-806 0-815 0-821 0-835 ( Y 2-946 3-100 3-254 3-393 3-533 3-662 3-917 0-3 } Q 1061-3 1227-6 1406-5 1591-3 1788-6 1992-1 2432-4 ( G 0-779 0-789 0-800 0-808 0-817. 0-824 0-839 ( Y 2-693 2-841 2-978 3-105 3-232 3-355 3-585 0-25 \ Q 970-1 1125-0 1287-2 1456-2 1636-2 1825-1 2226-3 ( C 0-780 0-792 0-802 0-810 0-819 0-827 0-841 ( Y 2-415 2-547 2-673 2-787 2-906 3-016 3-221 0-2 J Q 870-0 1008-6 1155-4 1307-1 1471-2 1640-7 2000-2 ( G 0782 0-794 0-805 0-813 0-823 0-831 0-845 ( Y 2-100 2-217 2-324 2-429 2-532 2-627 2-813 0-15 ] Q 756-5 877-9 1004-5 1139-2 1281-8 1429-0 1746-9 ( G 0-785 0-798 0-808 0-818 0-828 0-836 0-852 ( Y 1-725 1-824 1-919 2-005 2-092 2-168 2-329 0-10 \ Q 621-4 722-3 829-5 940-3 1059-1 1179-3 1446-3 I C 0-790 0-804 0-817 0-827 0-838 0-845 0-864 ( Y 1-240 1-315 1-385 1-450 1-520 1-579 1-702 0-05 \ Q 446-7 520-7 598-7 680-0 769-5 853-5 1056-9 I G 0-803 0-820 0-834 0-846 0-861 0-870 0-893 and cubic feet per second. 286 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHABGE (Y), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- V 2-524 2-941 3-316 3-664 3-988 4*287 4-574 ( 0-8 \ Q 363-4 533-0 726-2 942-6 1180-4 1437*2 1715-2 C C 0-647 0-678 0-702 0-722 0739 0*753 0-766 ( V 2-183 2-543 2-872 3-173 3-452 3-713 3-961 0-6 \ Q 314-3 460-9 629-0 816*2 1021-8 1244-8 1485-4 I C 0-646 0-677 0-702 0-722 0739 0753 0*766 ( V 1-990 2-318 2-622 2-897 3-152 3-394 3*621 0-5 J Q 286-6 420-1 574-2 745-2 933-0 1137-8 1357-9 ( C 0-645 0-676 0-702 0-722 0-739 0-754 0-767 t V 1-774 2-070 2-345 2-541 2-820 3-036 3-243 0-4 ) Q 255-4 375-2 513-5 653-7 834*7 1017*8 1216-1 ( C 0-643 0-675 0-702 0-722 0-739 0-754 0*768 ( V 1-531 1-789 2-031 2*244 2*446 2*633 2*812 0-3 ) Q 220-5 324-2 444-8 577*3 724-0 882*7 1054*5 ( C 0-641 0-674 0701 0-722 0-740 0755 0*769 ( Y 1-396 1-632 1-849 2-048 2-232 2*406 2*571 0-25 3 Q 201-0 295-8 404-9 526*8 660-7 806*6 964*1 \ C 0*640 0-673 0-700 0-722 0-740 0-756 0*770 ( V 1-245 1-457 1-651 1*832 1-999 2-155 2*302 0-2 Q 179-3 264-1 361-6 471-3 591-7 722-5 863*2 ( C 0-638 0-672 0*699 0*722 0-741 0757 0*771 f V 1-071 1*258 1-428 1-587 1-734 1-872 2*001 0-15 3 Q 154-2 228-0 312-7 408-2 513-3 627-6 750*4 ( C 0-634 0-670 0-698 0-722 0-742 0759 0-774 ( V -8666 1-022 1-163 1-271 1-418 1-534 1-643 0-1 Q 124-8 185-2 254-7 327*0 419-7 514-3 616-1 ( C 0-628 0-666 0*696 0*722 0743 0762 0778 ( V -5983 7118 8172 9149 1-008 1-095 1-178 0-05 \ Q 86-15 129-0 179-0 235*3 298*4 367*1 441-7 ( C 0-613 0-656 0-692 0*721 0*747 0-769 0-789 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 287 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (0) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 70 feet. N=0'0250. S per thousand. 0-8 j Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- V 4-841 Q 2010-2 C 0777 ( V 4-198 4-420 0-6 < Q 1743-2 C 0-778 2015-5 0-788 ( V 3-837 4-040 4-238 4-426 0-5 j Q 1593-3 C 0-779 1842-2 0-789 2107-3 0-799 2385-6 0-808 ( Y 3-437 3-572 3-799 3-964 4-125 4-276 0-4 Q 1427-2 C 0-780 1628-8 0-780 1889-0 0-801 2136-6 0*809 2397-6 0-817 2668-2 0-824 ( V 2-983 3-101 3-299 3-446 3-586 3-717 3-985 0-3 j Q 1238-7 C 0-782 1414-0 1640-4 0*782 0*803 1857-4 0-812 2084-4 0-820 2319-4 0-827 2833-3 0-843 ( V 2-728 2-839 3-019 3-153 3-281 3-406 3-646 0*25 j Q 1132-8 C 0-783 1294-5 0-784 1501-2 0-805 1699-5 0-814 1907-1 0-822 2125-3 0-830 2592-3 0-845 r Y 2-446 2-548 2-710 2-830 2-949 3-061 3-276 0-2 j Q 1015-7 C 0-785 1161-9 1374-5 0-787 0-808 1525-4 1714-1 0*817 i 0*826 1910-1 2329-2 0-834 0-849 ( Y 2-126 2-219 2-356 2-466 2-566 2-669 2-864 0-15 j Q 882-8 C 0-788 1011-9 0-791 1171-5 0-811 1329-2 0*822 1491-5 0-830 1665-4 0-840 2036-3 0-857 ( Y 1-747 1-848 1-945 2-036 2-121 2-206 2-371 0-10 j Q 725-4 C 0-793 842-7 0*807 967-1 0-820 1097-4 0-831 1232-8 0-840 1376-5 0-850 1685-8 0-869 ( Y 1-257 1-332 1-407 1-476 1-544 1-607 1-737 0-05 ] Q 522-0 G 0-807 607-4 0-823 699-6 0-839 795-6 0-852 897-4 0-865 1002-8 0-876 1235-0 0-900 and cubic feet per secoad. 288 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- ( V 2-536 2-956 3-340 3-692 4-015 4-325 4-615 0-8 \ Q 415-9 609-7 831-7 1078-9 1349*0 1644-6 1961-4 I C 0-648 0-679 0-704 0-724 0-740 755 0-768 ( V 2-193 2-556 2-889 3-198 3-477 3-745 3-997 0-6 J Q 359-6 527-2 719-4 934-6 1168-3 1424-0 1698*7 ( C 0-647 0-678 0-703 0-724 0-740 0755 0*768 ( V 1-999 2-330 2-637 2-919 3-175 3-424 3*653 0-5 \ Q 327-8 480-6 656-6 853-1 1066-8 1302-0 1552*5 I C 0-646 0-677 0-703 0-724 0-740 0-756 0-769 ( V 1-782 2-081 2-358 2-611 2*843 3-062 3*272 0-4 \ Q 292-2 429-2 587-1 763-1 955-2 1164-3 1390*6 I C 0-644 0-676 0-703 0724 0*741 0-756 0*770 ( y 1-519 1-799 2-039 2-261 2*466 2-655 2*841 0-3 1 Q 249-1 371-0 507-7 660-8 828-6 1009-6 1207*4 ( C 0-642 0-675 0-702 0*724 0*742 0-757 0*772 f V 1-403 1-640 1-862 2-061 2*250 2-427 2*596 0-25 \ Q 230-1 338-2 463-6 602-3 756*0 922-9 1103*3 I C 0-641 0-674 0-702 0-723 0*742 0-758 0773 ( V 1-250 1-465 1-663 1-844 2-013 2-174 2*326 0-2 J Q 205-0 302-1 414-1 538*9 676*4 826-7 988*5 ( C 0-639 0-673 0*701 0-723 Q'743 759 0*774 ( Y 1-076 1-265 1-438 1-597 1*748 1-888 2-019 0-15 \ Q 176-5 260-9 358-1 466-7 587*3 717-9 858*1 I C 0-635 0-671 0*700 0-723 0-744 0-761 0-776 ( V -8705 1-026 1-169 1-303 1-429 1-547 1-657 0-1 Q 142-8 211-6 291-1 380-8 480-1 588-2 704*2 ( C 0-629 0-667 0-697 0-723 0745 0-764 0*780 ( V -6011 7166 8231 9218 1-016 1-104 1-190 0-05 ] Q 98-58 147-8 204-9 269-4 341-4 419-8 505-7 I C 0-614 0-658 0*694 0-723 0*749 0-771 0-792 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 289 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One in One. width of 80 feet. N=00250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8' 9- ( y 4-887 0-8 3 Q 2298-1 ( C 0-779 C Y 4-238 4-463 0-6 3 Q 1992-9 2302-9 ( C 0-780 0-790 ( Y 3-874 4-080 4-282 4-474 0-5 ] Q 1821-7 ;2105-3 2407-5 2724-7 ( C 0-781 0-791 0-801 0-810 c V 3-470 3-653 3-839 4-006 4-171 4-332 0-4 3 Q 1631-8 1884-9 2158-5 2439-6 2737-2 3049-7 ( G 0-782 0-792 0-803 0-811 0-819 0-827 ( Y 3-012 3-172 3-333 3-482 3-629 3-766 4-028 0-3 1 Q 1416-4 1636-7 1874-0 2120-5 2381-5 2651-3 3226-4 ( C 0-784 0-794 0*805 0-814 0-823 0*830 0-844 f y 2-754 2-903 3-050 3-187 3-321 3-445 3-686 0-25 ] Q 1295-1 1497-9 1714-9 1940-9 2179-4 2425-3 2952-5 I C. 0-785 0-796 0-807 0-816 0-825 0-832 0-846 ( y 2-469 2-606 2-739 2-861 2-985 3-096 3-316 0-2 \ Q 1161-0 1344-7 1540-0 1742-3 1958-9 ;2179-6 2656-1 I C 0-787 0-799 0-810 0*819 0-829 ' 0-836 0-851 ( y 2-149 2-266 2-382 2-496 2-601 2-704 2-896 0-15 \ Q 1010-6 1169-2 1339-3 1520-0 1706-9 11903-6 2319-7 ( G 0-791 0-802 0-814 0-825 0-834 0-843 I 0*858 ( y 1-766 1-869 1-968 2-060 2-149 2-234 2-400 0-1 Q 830-5 964-4 1106-5 1254-5 1410-3 1572-7 1922-4 ( C 0-796 0-810 0-823 0-834 0-844 0-853 0-871 ( y i-27i 1-347 1-424 1-495 1-565 1-630 1-758 0-05 Q 597-7 695-0 800-6 910-4 1027-0 1147-5 1408-1 ( C 0-810 0-826 0-842 0-856 0-869 0-880 0-902 i - ! and cubic feet per second. 290 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (Y), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=00250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 2-5 3- 3-5 4- 4*5 5- ( V 2-541 2-964 3-351 3*706 4-043 4-350 4-645 0-8 I Q 467-5 685-4 934-9 1212*8 1520-2 1849-8 2206-4 ( C 0-648 0-679 0-704 0*724 0742 0-756 0-769 c V 2-198 2-563 ! 2-902 3*209 3-501 3-767 4*023 0-6 3 Q 404-4 592-7 809-6 1050-1 1316*4 1601-9 1910*9 ( C 0-647 0-678 0-704 0-724 0*742 0-756 0*769 c V 2-003 2-336 2-649 2-930 3-196 3-443 3-677 0-5 3 Q 368-5 540-2 739-1 958-8 1201*7 1464-1 1746*6 ( C 0-646 0-677 0-704 0-724 0742 0757 0*770 ( Y 1-786 2-087 2-366 2-621 2-859 3-080 3-294 0-4 3 Q 328-6 ! 482-6 660-1 857-7 1075-0 1309-8 1564-6 ( C 0-644 0-676 0-703 0-724 0-742' 0-757 0-771 r Y 1-544 1-804 2-046 2-270 2*479 2-675 2-859 0-3 3 Q 284-1 417-2 570-8 742-8 932-1 1137-5 1358-0 ( C 0-643 ; 0*675 0-702 0-724 0743 0759 0773 ( Y 1-408 1-644 : 1-868 2-072 2-263 2-445 2-614 0-25 3 Q 259-1 j 380-2 521-2 678-1 850*9 1039-7 1241-6 ( C 0*642 0-674 0-702 0*724 0743 0760 0*774 c Y 1-253 1-469 1-671 1*853 2-027 2-189 2-341 0-2 3 Q 230-5 339-7 466-2 606*4 762-1 930-9 1112-0 ( C 0-639 0-673 0-702 0-724 0-744 0*761 0775 r Y 1-079 1-268 1-445 1-605 1-758 1-901 2*035 0-15 3 Q 198-5 293-2 403-1 525-2 661-0 808-4 966*6 ( C 0-635 0-671 0-701 0-724 0-745 0-763 0*778 c Y -8738 1-029 1-175 1-310 1-439 1-559 1*670 o-i Q 160-8 237-9 327-8 428-7 541-1 663-0 793*2 ( C 0*630 0-667 0*698 0-724 0747 0-766 0782 ( Y -6027 7185 -8282 9267 1-024 1-114 1*199 0*05 3 Q 110-9 166-1 231-1 303-3 385-0 473-7 569*5 ( C 0-615 0-658 0-696 0-724 0-751 0-774 0*794 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 291 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN TELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 90 feet. N=00250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 5-5 6- 6-5 7- 7*5 8' 9- Y 4-921 j c 0-8 j Q 25847 C 0-780 ( Y 4-267 4-506 0-6 j Q 2241-2 C 0-781 2595-4 0-792 ( Y 3-901 4-120 4-320 4-515 0-5 j Q 2049-0 C 0-782 2373-1 0-793 2709-7 0-803 3065-7 0-812 0-4 j V 3-493 Q 1834-7 C 0-783 3-689 2124-9 0-794 3-874 2430-0 0*805 4-049 2749-3 0-814 4-210 3078-6 0-821 4-374 3429*2 0*829 4*764 4244*7 0*844 c V 3-033 3-203 3-367 3-514 3*659 3*801 4*075 0-3 r Q 1593-1 G 0-785 V 2-776 1844-9 0-796 2-932 2111-9 !2386-0 2675-6 0-808 0-816 0-824 3-081 3-216 ; 3-353 2980*0 0*832 3-479 3630-8 0*847 3-729 0-25 ] Q 1458-1 C 0-787 1688-8 0-798 1932-5 2183-6 2451-9 0*810 i 0*818 0*827 2727-5 3322-5 0-834 ' 0-849 0-2 V 2-489 Q 1307-3 C 0-789 Y 2-166 2-631 1515-4 0-801 2-290 2-767 1735-6 0-813 2-407 2-891 1963-0 0-822 2-518 3-013 2203-2 0-831 2-626 3-126 3-350 2450-8 2984-8 0-838 0-853 2-730 2-930 0-15 ] Q 1137-7 1319-0 1509-8 1709-7 1920-3 2140-3 2610-6 ( C 0-793 0-805 0-817 0-827 0-836 0-845 0*861 ( y 1-780 1-888 1-985 2-079 2-166 2-258 2-428 0-10 j Q 934-9 C 0-798 1087-5 0-813 1245-1 0-825 1411-6 0-836 1583-9 0-845 1770-3 ' 0-856 2163*3 0*874 ( y 1-283 1-364 1-438 1-511 1-577 1-648 1-779 0-05 j Q 673-9 785-7 G 0-813 0-830 902-0 0-845 1026-0 0-859 1153-2 0-870 1292-0 0-883 1585-1 0-906 and cubic feet per second. 37 292 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 V 2-007 2-657 2-943 3-208 3-457 3-702 3-923 ( 0-5 \ Q 409-4 821-0 1066-1 1334-5 1625-6 1943-5 2276-3 I 0-646 0-704 0725 0742 0757 0772 0-783 ( Y 1-906 2-520 2-792 3-047 3-279 3-513 3-721 0-45 ] Q 388-8 778-7 1011-4 1267-5 :i541-9 1844-3 2159-1 I C 0-646 0704 0-725 0-743 0-757 0772 0-783 ( V 1-792 2-373 2-632 2-872 3-096 3-316 3-513 0*4 3 Q 365-6 733-2 953-4 1194-7 |1455-9 |1740'9 2038-4 ( C 0-645 0703 0-725 0*743 0-758 0773 0-784 ( Y 1-674 2-219 2-462 2-691 1 2-896 3-105 3-291 0-35 ] Q 341-5 685-7 891-8 1119-4 1361-8 1630-1 1909-6 I C 0-644 0-703 0725 0744 0-758 : 0-774 0-785 c V 1-548 2-055 2-279 2-491 2-684 2-879 3-050 0-3 ] Q 315-8 635-0 825-6 1036-2 1262-1 1511-5 1769-8 ( C 0-643 0-703 0-725 0-744 0*759 0775 0-786 ( Y 1-410 1-876 2-081 2-277 2-454 2-638 2-792 0-25 ] Q 287-6 579-7 753-8 947-2 1154-0 1384-9 1620-0 I C 0-642 0-703 0-725 0-745 0-760 0-776 0-788 ( Y 1-258 1-675 1-861 2-037 2-201 2-357 2-503 0-2 4 Q 256-6 517-6 674-1 847-4 1035-0 1237-4 1452-4 I C 0-640 0*702 0-725 0745 0-762 0777 0-790 ( Y 1-082 1-449 1-612 1-766 1-911 2-049 2-179 0-15 ] Q 220-7 447-8 583-9 734-6 898-6 1075-7 1264-4 I C 0-636 0-701 0-725 0-746 0-764 0-780 0-794 ( Y -8771 1-180 1-317 1-446 1-567 1-682 1-793 0-1 Q 178-9 364-6 477-1 601-5 736-8 883-0 1040-4 ( C 0-631 0*699 0-725 0748 0-767 0-784 0*800 f Y -6055 8315 9322 1-028 1-119 1-207 1-290 0-05 ] Q 123-5 256-9 337-7 427-6 526-2 633-7 748-5 I C 0-616 0-697 0-726 0-752 0775 0-796 0-814 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 293 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (0) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 100 feet. N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9* 10- ( V 4-140 4-347 4*540 0-5 \ Q 2633-0 3009-2 3400*5 I C 0-794 0-804 0-812 ( Y 3-927 4-130 4-315 4-492 0-45 3 Q 2497-6 2859-0 3231-9 3621-7 ( C 0-794 0-805 0-813 0-821 ( V 3-707 3-899 4-071 4-240 4-406 0-4 J Q 2357-6 2699-1 3049-2 3418-5 3806-8 ( C 0-795 0-806 0-814 0-822 0*830 ( Y 3-472 3-651 3-812 3*971 4*132 4-426 4-700 0-35 \ Q 2208-2 2527-4 2855-2 3201*6 3570*0 4341-9 5170-0 I C 0-796 0*807 0-815 0*823 0*832 0-846 0-858 ( Y 3-223 3-385 3-538 3-685 3-834 4-102 4-357 0-3 \ Q 2049-8 2343-3 2650-0 2971-0 3312-6 4024-1 4792-7 I C 0-798 0-808 0-817 0-825 0-834 0-847 0-859 ( Y 2-949 3-097 ! 3-237 3-376 3-509 3-759 3-996 0-25 J Q 1875-6 2143-9 2424-5 2721*9 3031-8 3687-6 4395-6 ( G 0-800 0*810 0-819 0*828 0-836 0-850 0-863 c Y 2-648 2-780 2-910 3*034 3-153 3-381 3-594 0-2 3 Q 1684-1 1924-4 2179*6 2446*2 2724-2 3316-8 3953-4 1 C 0-803 0-813 0*823 0*832 0-840 0-855 0-868 ( Y 2-301 2-423 2*532 2*644 2-753 2-951 3-138 0-15 3 Q 1463-4 1677-3 1896*5 2131*7 2378-6 2894-9 3451-8 ( C 0-806 0-8 1 8 0-827 0*837 0-847 0-862 0-875 ( Y 1-898 1-998 2-093 2*187 2-277 2-449 2-606 0-10 \ Q 1207-1 1383-1 1567-6 1763*3 1967-3 2402*5 2866-6 I G 0-814 0-826 0-837 0-848 0-858 0-876 0-890 ( Y 1-370 1*445 1-520 1-594 1-663 1-796 1-920 0-05 \ Q 871-3 1000*3 1138-5 1285*2 1436-8 1761-9 2112-0 I C 0-831 0*846 0-860 0-874 0-886 0-908 0-927 and cubic feet per secoad. 294 CANAL AND OTJLVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5' 5-5 V 2-016 2-671 2-965 3-228 3-491 3-735 3-961 ( 0-5 \ Q 491-9 985-6 1281-6 1601-0 1955-8 2334-4 2734-1 I C 0-647 0-705 0-727 0743 0-760 0-774 0-785 ( Y 1-912 2-534 2-813 3-063 3-312 3-544 3-757 0-45 \ Q 466-5 935-0 1215-9 1519-0 1855-5 2215-0 2593-3 I C 0-647 0-705 0-727 0743 0-760 0-774 0785 / y i-soo 2-389 2-652 2-892 3-127 3-346 3-547 0-4 ) Q 439-2 881-5 1146-3 1434-4 1751-9 2019-2 2448-3 ( C 0-646 0-705 0-727 0744 0761 0775 0-786 ( V 1-681 2-232 2-481 2-705 2-924 3-130 3-322 0-35 3 Q 410-2 823-6 1072-4 1341-7 1638-2 1956-2 2293-0 ( C 0-645 0704 0-727 0-744 0-761 0775 0-787 s f Y 1-555 2-066 2-297 2-508 2-711 2-901 3-079 0-3 I Q 379-4 762-3 992-9 1243-9 1518-8 1813-1 2125-3 / C 0-644 0-704 0-727 0-745 0-762 0-776 0-788 ( Y 1-409 1-887 2-097 2-292 2-478 2-652 2-819 0-25 \ Q 343-8 696-3 906-4 1136-8 1388-3 1657-5 1945-8 I C 0-643 0-704 0727 0-746 0-763 0-777 0-790 ( Y 1-263 1-685 1-876 2-050 2-258 2-374 2-527 0-2 \ Q 308-2 621-8 810-9 1016-8 1265-0 1483-7 1744-3 ( C 0-641 0-703 0-727 0-746 0-764 0-778 0-792 ( Y 1-087 1-457 1-624 1-780 1-927 ' 2-068 2-200 0-15 \ Q 265-2 ! 537-6 702-0 882-9 1079-6 1292-5 1518-5 I C 0-637 0-702 0-727 | 0-748 0-766 0-782 0-796 ( Y -8796 1-188 1-328 1-458 1-582 1-697 1-810 o-io 3 Q 214-6 438-4 574-0 723-2 886-3 1060-6 1249-3 ( C 0-631 0701 0-728 0-750 0-770 0-786 0-802 ( Y -6084 8381 9404 1-035 1-130 1-219 1-305 0-05 \ Q 148-4 309-2 406-5 513-4 633-1 ! 761-9 900-8 I C 0-617 0*699 0-729 0753 0-778 0-799 0-818 Y and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL KBSULTS. 295 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 120 feet. N=00250. Sper thousand. 6- Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- c Y 4-181 4-399 4-590 0-5 \ Q 3161-8 3617-1 4080-5 I C 0-796 0-807 0-814 ( V 3-972' 4-178 4-360 4-548 0*45 3 Q 3002-8 13435-4 3876-0 4349-5 ( C 0-797 0-808 0-815 0-824 /- V 3-750 3-939 4-116 4--294 4-464 0-4 ) Q 2835-0 3238-8 3659-1 4106-1 4571-1 ( C 0-798 0-808 0-816 0-825 0-833 / Y 3-512 3-689 3-855 4-021 4-168 4-482 4-770 0-35 ) Q 2655-1 3033-3 3427-1 3845-1 4268-0 5203-6 6201-0 ( C 0-799 [ 0-809 0-817 0-826 0-835 0-848 0-861 f y 3-255 3-421 1 3-577 3-733 3-884 4-159 4-425 0-3 \ Q 2460-8 2812-9 3179-9 3569-7 3977-2 4828*6 5752-5 { C 0-800 0-810 0-819 0-828 0-837 0*850 0-863 ( y 2-979 3-129 3-277 3-415 3-555 3-810 4*059 0-25 \ Q 2252-1 2572-8 12913-2 3265-6 3640-3 4423-4 5276-7 ( C 0-802 0-812 0-822 0*830 0-839 0-853 0*867 ( y 2-674 2-813 2-945 3-069 3-194 3-428 3-651 0-2 \ Q 2021-5 2313-0 2618-1 12934-7 3270-6 3979-9 4746-3 I C 0-805 0-816 0-826 0-834 0-843 0-858 0-872 ( V 2-325 2-451 2-563 2-677 2-790 2-993 3*191 0-15 I Q 1757-7 2015-3 2278-5 2559*9 2856-9 3474-9 4148*3 ( C 0-808 0-821 0-830 0-840 0-850 0*865 0-880 ( V 1-961 2-021 2-118 ! 2-215 2-307 | 2-486 2*650 0*10 \ Q 1482-5 1661-8 1882-9 2118-1 2362-4 12886-2 3445-0 I C 0-817 0*829 0^840 0-851 0-861 0*880 0-895 ( y 1-385 1-465 1-540 1-614 1-686 1*822 1-952 0-05 \ 1 Q 1047-1 1204-6 1369-0 1543-4 1726-5 2115*3 2537-6 I C 0-834 0*850 0-864 0-877 0*890 0*912 0*932 and cubic feet per second 296 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=00250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5' 5-5 c V 2-023 2-680 2-984 3-250 3-511 3-758 3-991 0-5 3 Q 574-5 1149-7 1498-7 1872-0 2283-0 2724-5 3187-8 I C 0-648 0-705 0-729 0745 0-761 0775 0-787 ( V 1-919 2-542 2-831 3-083 3-331 3-565 3-786 0-45 3 Q 545-0 1090-5 1421-9 1775-8 2166-0 2584-6 3029-7 ( C 0-648 0-705 0-729 0*745 0-761 0775 0787 ( V 1-807 2-396 2-669 2-911 3-145 3-365 3-574 0-4 3 Q 513-2 1019-3 1340-5 1676-7 2045-0 2439-6 2860-1 I C 0*647 0-705 0-729 0-746 0*762 0-776 0-788 ( V 1-687 2-242 2-497 2-723 2-941 3-148 3-348 0-35 3 Q 479-1 961-8 1254-1 1568-4 1912-4 2282-3 2679-2 ( C 0-646 0-705 0-729 0-746 0-762 0776 0-789 ( V 1-560 2-072 2-311 2-524 2-727 2-918 3-103 0-3 3 Q 443-0 888-9 1160-7 1453-8 1773-2 2115-5 2483-2 ( C 0-645 0-704 0-729 0-747 0-763 0-777 0-790 t V 1-412 1-892 2-110 2-304 2-490 2-668 2-840 0-25 Q 401-0 811-7 1059-7 1327-1 1619-1 1934-3 2272-7 ( C 0-644 0-704 0-729 0-747 0-763 0-778 0792 ( V 1-268 1-690 1-887 2-064 2-229 2-389 2-546 0-2 3 Q 360-1 725-0 947-7 1188-9 1449-4 1732-0 2037-4 c C 0-642 0-703 0-729 0-748 0-764 0779 0-794 ( V 1-108 1-461 1-637 1-792 1-936 2-080 2-217 0-15 3 Q 314-7 626-8 822-2 1032-2 1258-9 1508-0 1774-1 ( C 0-638 0-702 0-730 0-750 0-766 0-783 0-798 ( V -8969 1-193 1-336 1-467 2-049 1-707 1-823 0-1 Q 254-7 511-8 671-0 845-0 1332-4 1237-6 1458-8 ( C 0-632 0-702 0-730 0752 0-769 0-787 0-804 / V -6106 8414 9466 1-041 1-135 1-227 1-315 0-05 3 Q 173-4 361-0 475-4 599-6 738-0 889-6 1052-3 ( C 0-6 18 0*700 0-731 0755 0-778 0-800 0-820 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 297 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 140 feet. N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- ( V 4-215 4-437 4-630 0-5 \ Q 3692-3 4225-1 4764-3 I C 0-798 0-808 0-816 ( V 4-004 4-209 4-398 4-590 0-45 ] Q 3507-5 4008-0 4525-5 5077-7 ( C 0-799 0*809 0-817 0-826 ( Y 3-779 3-972 4-151 4-333 4-506 0-4 } Q 3310-4 3782-3 4271-4 4793-4 5335-1 ( C 0-800 0-810 0-818 0-827 0-835 ( V 3-540 3-717 3-888 4-058 4-225 4-527 4-820 0-35 1 Q 3101-0 3539-5 4000-7 4489-2 5002-4 6070-7 7230-0 ( C 0-801 0-810 0-819 0-828 0-837 0-850 0-863 ( V 3-281 3-448 3-608 3-766 3-921 4-201 4-473 0-3 \ Q 2874-1 4235-6 3712-6 4166-1 4642-5 5633-5 6709-5 I G 0-802 0-812 0-821 0-830 0-839 0-852 0-865 ( V 3-003 3-153 3-306 3-446 3-588 3-853 4-102 0-25 \ Q 2630-6 3002-4 3401-9 3812-1 4248-2 5166-9 6153-0 I C 0-804 0-812 0-824 0-832 0-841 0-856 0-869 ( V 2-696 2-833 2-971 3-097 3-224 3-466 3-689 0-2 \ Q 2361-7 2697-7 3057-2 3426-0 3817-2 4647-9 5533-5 ( C 0-807 0-817 0-828 0-836 0-845 0-861 0-874 ( V 2-343 2-468 2-589 2-704 2-816 3-027 3-225 0-15 \ Q 2052-5 2350-1 2664-1 2991-3 3334-1 4059-2 4837-5 { C 0-810 0-822 0-833 0-843 0-852 0-868 0-882 ( V 1-934 2-038 2-137 2-235 2-331 2-511 2-680 0-1 Q 1694-2 1940-7 2199-0 2472-5 2759-9 3367-2 4020-0 ( C 0-819 0-831 0-842 0-853 0-864 0-882 0-898 ( V 1-398 1-479 1-555 1-629 1-704 1-844 1-973 0-05 \ Q 1224-6 1408-4 1600-1 1802-1 2017-5 2472-8 2959-5 ( C 0-837 0-853 0-867 0-879 0-893 0-916 Q'935 and cubic feet per second. 298 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (Y), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- Y 2-026 2-689 3-268 3-527 3-777 4-012 4-239 ( 0-5 3 Q 656-4 1314-9 2143-8 2610-9 3116-0 3651-9 4222-0 ; ( C 0-648 0*706 0-747 0-762 0-776 0-788 0-799 ( Y 1-923 2-551 3-101 3-347 3-583 3-812 4-026 0-45 \ Q 623-0 1247-4 2034-2 2477-6 2956-0 3469-9 4009-9 { C 0-648 0*706 0-747 0-762 0-776 0-789 0-800 ( V 1-810 2-405 2-924 3-159 3-382 3-594 3-800 0-4 \ Q 586-4 1176-0 1918-1 2338-4 2790-1 3271-4 3784-8 I C 0-647 0-706 0-747 0-763 0-777 0-789 0-801 ( V 1-690 2-250 2-735 2-955 3-164 3-365 3-559 0-35 \ Q 547-6 1100-2 1794-2 2187-4 2610-3 3063-0 3544-8 I C 0-646 0-706 0-747 0-763 0-777 0-790 0*802 ( Y 1-562 2-080 2-535 2-740 2-933 3-120 3-299 0-3 3 Q 506-1 1017-0 1663-0 2028-3 2419-7 2840-0 3285-8 ( C 0-645 0-705 0-748 0-764 0-778 0-791 0-803 ( Y 1-424 1-898 2-314 2-501 2-680 2-855 3-019 0-25 ] Q 461-4 928-1 1517-9 1851-4 2211-0 2598-8 3006-9 ( C 0-644 0-705 0-748 0-764 0-779 0-793 0-805 ( Y 1-269 1-696 2-072 2-239 2-401 2'561 2-711 0-2 3 Q 411-1 829-3 1359-2 1657-4 1980-8 2331-1 2700-1 ( C 0*642 0-704 0-749 0-765 0-780 0-795 0-808 ( Y 1-093 1-466 1-798 1-944 2-090 2-228 2-356 0-15 3 Q 354-1 716-9 1179-5 1439-0 1724-2 2028-0 2346-6 ( C 0-638 0-703 0-750 0-767 0-784 0-799 0-811 ( Y -8842 1-198 1-474 1-596 1-715 1-834 1-945 0-1 Q 286-5 585-8 966-9 1181-4 1414-9 1669-4 1937-2 ( C 0-632 0-703 0753 0-771 0-788 0-805 0-820 ( Y -6112 8447 1-046 1-142 1-234 1-323 1-408 0-05 3 Q 198-0 413-1 686-2 845-4 1018-0 1204-3 1402-4 ( C 0-618 0701 0-756 0*780 0-802 0-821 0-839 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 299 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 160 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7* 7*5 8- 9- 10- 12* V 4-455 f 0-5 3 Q 4821- C 0-809 / V 4-232 4-423 0-45 j Q 4580- C 0-810 5171- 0-818 ( V 3-995 4-175 4-358 ' 4-541 0-4 3 Q 4324- C 0-811 4881- 0-819 5475* 0-828 6103- 0-837 0-35 3 V 3-742 Q 4050- C 0-812 3-915 4577- 0-821 4-081 5127- 0-829 4-253 5716- 0-838 4-560 6936- 0-851 /- V 3-468 3-636 3-788 3-947 4236 4-507 0-3 Q 3753- C 0-813 4251- 0-823 4759* 0-831 5305- 0-840 6443- 0-854 7662- 0-866 / V 3-174 3-325 3*466 3-616 3-885 4-133 4-591 0-25 j Q 3435- C 0-815 3887- 0-825 4354* 0-833 4860- 0-843 5909- 0-858 7026- 0*870 9476- 0-890 / V 2-849 2-988 3-115 3-249 3-495 3-723 4-142 0-2 ) Q 3083- C 0-818 3493- 0-829 3913- 0-837 4367- 0-847 5316- 0-863 6329- 0-876 8549- 0-898 0-15 3 V 2-483 Q 2687- C 0-823 2-604 3044- 0-834 2-720 3417- 0-844 2-838 3814- 0-854 3-051 4641- 0*870 3-253 5530- 0-884 3-623 7478- 0-907 o-io 3 V 2-049 Q 2218- 2-151 2515- 2-250 2827- 2-349 3157- 2*532 3851- 2-704 4597- 3-021 6235- ( C 0-832 0-844 0-855 0-866 0-884 0-900 0-926 0-05 V 1-488 Q 1610- C 0-854 1-567 1832- 0-869 1*638 2058- 0-880 1-717 2308- 0-895 1*859 2828* 0*918 1-993 3388- 0-938 2-242 4628- 0-972 and cubic feet per second. 38 300 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- ( V 2-032 2-698 3-276 3-541 3-792 4-024 4-258 0-5 \ Q 739-6 1481- 2411- 2940- 3508- 4106- 4752- I C 0-649 0-707 0-747 0-763 0-777 0-788 0-800 ( Y 1-928 2-559 3-108 3-359 3-597 3-823 4-039 0-45 \ Q 701-8 1405- 2288- 2789- 3327- 3900- 4508- I C 0-649 0-707 0-747 0-763 0-777 0-789 0-800 ( V 1-815 2-413 2-930 3-167 3-397 3-609 3-813 0-4 Q 660-7 1325- 2157- 2629- 3142- 3682- 4255- ( C 0-648 0-707 0-747 0-763 0-778 0-790 0-801 ( V 1-695 2-254 2-741 2-967 3-177 3-380 3-571 0-35 \ Q 617-0 1237- 2017- 2463- 2939- 3448- 3985- I C 0-647 0-706 0-747 0-764 0-778 0-791 0-802 ( Y 1-566 2-087 2-541 2-749 2-945 3-133 3-315 0-3 J Q 570-0 1146- 1870- 2282- 2724- 3196- 3700- I C 0-646 0-706 0-748 0-765 0-779 0-792 0-804 ( Y 1-428 1-905 2-319 2-511 2-692 2-867 3-030 0-25 5 Q 519-8 1046- 1707- 2085- 2490- 2925- 3382- ( C 0-645 0-706 0-748 0-765 0-780 0-794 0*805 ( Y 1-274 1-701 2-078 2-248 2-414 2-571 2-723 0-2 J Q 463-7 933-8 1529- 1866- 2233- 2623- 3039- ( C 0-643 0-705 0-749 0-766 0-782 0-796 0*809 ( Y 1-096 1-471 1-801 1-952 2-098 2-238 2-367 0-15 5 Q 398-9 807-6 1326- 1621- 1941- 2283- 2642- ( C 0-639 0-704 0-750 0-768 0-785 0-800 0-812 ( Y -8862 1-200 1-477 1-601 1-725 1-841 1-954 0-1 Q 322-6 658-8 1087- 1329- 1596- 1878- 2181- ( C 0-633 0-703 0*753 0-771 0-790 0-806 0-821 ( Y -6134 8461 1-050 1-146 1-240 1-327 1-414 0-05 \ Q 223-3 464-5 772-8 951-5 1147- 1354- 1578- { C 0-619 0-701 0757 0-781 0-803 0-822 0-840 1 Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL BKSULTS. 301 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (0) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 180 feet. ^=0-0250, S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- V 4-483 0-5 ' Q 5435- i 0-811 /- V 4-258 4-447 0-45 - Q 5162- 5821- I 0-812 0*819 1 V 4-019 4-198 4-378 4-561 0-4 Q 4872- 5495- 6157- 6860- | C 0-813 0-820 0-829 0-837 ( V 3-765 3-936 4-100 4-276 4-592 0-35 ] Q 4564- 5152- 5766- , 6431- 7811- ( C 0-814 0-822 0-830 0-839 0-853 ( V 3-489 3-653 3-806 3-969 4-261 4-540 0-3 Q 4230- 4782- 5352- 5969- 7248- 8626- I C 0-815 0-824 0-832 0-841 0-855 0-868 ( V 3-193 3-343 3-482 3-635 3-908 4-164 4-634 0-25 ] Q 3871- 4376- 4897- 5467- 6648- 7912- 10677- ( C 0-817 0-826 0-834 0-844 0-859 0-872 0-893 t V 2-867 3-004 3-130 3-266 3-516 3-746 4-172 0-2 ] Q 3476- 3932- 4402- 4912- 5981- 7117- 9612- ( C 0-820 0-830 0-838 0-848 0-864 0-877 0*899 ( Y 2-500 2-618 2-733 2-852 3-069 3-274 3-653 0-15 \ Q 3031- 3427- 3843- , 4289- 5220- 6221- 8417- I C 0-826 0-835 0-845 0-855 0-871 0-885 0-909 ( V 2-064 2-163 2-261 2-362 2-546 2-721 3-046 o-io 3 Q 2502- 2831- 3180- 3552- 4331- 5170- 7018- ( C 0-835 0-845 0-856 : 0-867 0-885 0*901 0*928 ( V 1-500 1-576 1-646 1-728 1-872 2-008 2-262 0-05 3 Q 1818- 2063- 2315- 2599- 3184- 3815- 5212- ( C 0-858 0-871 0-881 0-897 0-920 0-940 0-975 and cubic feet per second. 302 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0-0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- ( V 2-034 2-701 3-282 3-549 3-801 4-040 4-275 0-5 3 Q 8217 1645- 2678- 3267- 3896- 4566- 5284- ( C 0*649 0-707 0-747 0-763 0777 0-789 o'Soi ( V 1-929 2-563 3-114 3-366 3-606 3-837 4-055 0-45 \ Q 779-3 1561- 2541- 3098- 3696- 4337- 5012- I C 0-649 0-707 0-747 0-763 0-777 0-790 0-801 f V 1-816 2-416 2-936 3-177 3-404 3-617 3-828 0-4 \ Q 733-7 1471- 2396- 2924- 3489- 4088- 4731- ( C 0-648 0707 0747 0-764 0-778 0-790 0-802 f Y 1-696 2-260 2-747 2-973 3-188 3-389 3-585 0-35 ) Q 685-2 1376- 2242- 2736- 3268- 3830- 4431- ( C 0-647 0-707 0-747 0-764 0-779 0-791 0-803 ( V 1-568 2-093 2-546 2-756 2-952 3-141 3-328 0-3 \ Q 633-5 1275- 2078- 2536- 3026- 3550- 4113- I C 0-646 0-707 0-748 0-765 0-779 0-792 0-805 ( V 3-429 1-908 2-324 2-519 2-698 2-873 3-046 0-25 3 Q 577-3 1162- 1896- 2318- 2765- 3247- 3765- ( C 0-645 0-706 0-748 0-766 0-780 0-794 0*807 ( V 1-274 1-706 2-081 2-256 2-419 2-581 2-734 0-2 3 Q 514-7 1039- 1698- 2076- 2480- 2917- 3379- ( C 0-643 0-706 0749 0-767 0-782 0-797 0-810 ( V 1-096 1-475 1-807 ] 1-956 2-106 2-246 2-376 9-15 3 Q 442-8 898-3 ! 1475- ! 1800- 2159- 2539- 2937- ( C 0-639 0-705 0-751 0-768 0-786 0-801 0-813 ( V -8875 1-230 1-480 1-606 1-731 1-848 1-962 o-io 3 Q 358-5 732-6 1208- 1478- 1774- 2089- 2425- ( C 0-633 0-704 0753 0-772 0-791 0-807 0-822 c Y -6134 8487 1-054 1-150 1-244 1-332 1-420 0-05 3 Q 247-8 516-9 860-1 1058- 1275- 1506- 1755- ( C 0*619 0-702 0-758 0-782 0-804 0-823 0-841 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 303 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 200 feet. N=0'0250. Sper thousand. 6-5 Depths of water in feet. 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- ( y 4-501 0-5 J Q 6042- ( C 0-812 / y 4-276 4-466 0-45 \ Q 5740- 6471- ( C 0-813 0-820 ( y 4-036 4-216 4-403 4-582 0-4 1 Q 5417- 6109- 6852- 7624- ( C 0-814 0*821 0-830 0-838 ( y 3-780 3-953 4-128 4-297 4-610 0-35 \ Q 5074- 5728- 6424- 7150- 8671- I C 0-815 0-823 0-832 0-840 0-853 ( y 3-504 3-669 3-831 3-987 4-283 4-565 0-3 I Q 4703- 5316- 5962- 6634- 8056- 9587- ( C 0-816 0-825 0-834 0-842 0-856 0-869 / y 3-206 3-358 3-506 3-653 3-928 4-187 4-671 0-25 ] Q 4303- 4866- 5456- 6079- 7389- 8793- 11883- ( C 0-818 0-827 0-836 0-845 0-860 0-873 0-896 f y 2-878 3-016 3-151 3-283 3-533 3-766 4-201 0-2 Q 3863- 4370- 4904- | 5463- 6646- 7909- 10687- ( C 0-821 0-831 0-840 0-849 0-865 0-878 0*901 f y 2-508 2-628 2-751 2-866 3-084 3-295 3-679 0-15 Q 3366- 3708- 4281- 4769- 5801- 6920- 9359- ( C 0-826 0-836 0-847 0-856 0-872 0-887 0-911 t y 2-070 2-172 2-276 2-373 2-562 2-739 3-066 o-io Q 2778- 3147- 3542- 3949- 4819- 5752- 7800- ( C 0-835 0-846 0-858 0-868 0-887 0-903 0-930 f y 1-504 1-583 1-660 1-739 1-884 2-021 2-278 0-05 ] Q 2019- 2294- 2583- 2894- 3544- 4244- 5795- ( C 0-858 0-872 0-885 0-899 0-922 0-942 0-977 and cubic feet per second. 304 CANAL AND CULVEET TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- ( V 2-039 2-709 3-287 3-559 3-808 4-053 4-284 0-5 \ Q 905-3 1812- 2942- : 3596- 4284- 5027- 5809- { C 0-650 0*708 0-747 0-764 0-777 0-790 0*801 ( V 1-934 2-570 3-119 3-377 3-671 3-845 4-069 0-45 \ Q 858-7 1719* 2792- 3412- 4130- 4769- 5518- ( C 0-650 0-708 0-747 0-764 0-777 0*790 0-802 ( V 1-821 2-419 2-944 3-188 3-411 3*630 3-837 0-4 Q 808-5 1618- 2635- 3221- 3837- 4502* 5203- ( C 0-649 0-707 0-748 0-765 0-778 0*791 0-802 / V 1-700 2-263 2-754 2-981 3-195 3*400 3-593 0-35 ) Q 754-8 1514* 2465- 3012- 3594- 4217* 4872- ( C 0-648 0-707 0*748 0*765 0-779 0*792 0*803 / V 1-569 2-095 2-553 2-764 2-962 3*151 i 3*335 0-3 \ Q 696-6 1402- 2285- ; 2792- 4457- 3908* 4522- ( C 0-646 0-707 0-749 0-766 0-780 0793 0-805 ( V 1-431 1-913 2-331 2-526 2-707 2-884 3-052 0-25 \ Q 635-4 1280- 2086- 2552- 4170- 3577- 4139- I C 0-645 0-707 0-749 0-767 0-781 0*795 0-807 ( V 1-276 1-708 2-088 2-262 2-427 2*586 2-740 0-2 \ Q 566-5 1143- 1869- 2285- 2731- 3207* 3715- I C 0-643 0-706 0-750 0-768 0-783 0*797 0*810 f V 1-099 1-478 1-810 1-960 2-110 2*248 2-385 0*15 ) Q 487-9 988-8 1620- 1980- 2374- 2788* 3234- ( C 0-640 0-705 Q'75 1 0-768 0-786 0-800 0-814 ( V -8895 1-206 1-484 i 1-609 ! 1-735 1-854 1-969 0-10 ] Q 394-9 806-8 1328- 1626- ; 1952- 2299- 2670- ( C 0-634 0-705 0-754 0-772 0-791 0-808 0-823 ( V -6150 8506 1-055 1-153 1-246 1-336 1-425 0-05 ] Q 273-1 569-0 844-2 1165- 1402- 1657* 1932- ( C 0-620 0-703 0-758 0-783 0*804 0-823 0*842 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 305 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 220 feet. N=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12* ( V 4-512 0-5 1 Q 6643- i ( 0-812 / V 4-286 4-483 0-45 ) Q 6310* 7124- ( C 0-813 0-821 ( V 4-045 4-232 4-420 4-601 0-4 3 Q 5955- 6725* 7542- 8392- ( C 0-814 0-822 0-831 0-839 ( Y 3-790 3-963 4-145 4-313 4-630 0-35 J Q 5580- 6297- 7072- 7867- 9542- ( C 0-815 0-823 0-833 0-841 0-854 ( V 3-513 3-679 3-847 4-003 4-301 4-587 0*3 3 Q 5172- 5846- 6564- 7302- 8864- 10550- I C 0-816 | 0-825 0-835 0-843 0-857 0-870 f V 3-214 3-371 3-520 3-668 3-944 4-206 4-696 0-25 \ Q 4732- 5357- 6006- 6690- 8129- 9674- 13074- ( G 0-818 0-828 0-837 0-846 0-861 0-874 0*897 ( V 2-888 3-025 3-164 3-296 3-549 3-784 4*223 0-2 } Q 4252- 4807- 5399- 6012- 7325- 8703- 11757* ( G 0-822 0-831 0-841 0-850 0-866 0-879 0*902 < V 2-517 2-635 2-762 2-879 3-098 3-310 3-698 0-15 I Q 370-6 4187- 4713- 5251- 6385- 7613- 10295- I C 0-827 0*836 0-848 0-857 0-873 0-888 0-912 ( V 2-077 2-180 2-285 2-383 2-573 2-752 3-082 0*10 J Q 3058- 3464- 3899- 4347- 5304- 6330- 8580- I G 0-836 0-847 0-859 0-869 0-888 0-904 0*931 ( V 1-507 1-589 1-668 1-745 1-891 2-030 2-292 o-os \ Q 2219- 2525- 2846- 3183- 3897- 4669- 6381* ( C 0-858 0-873 0-887 0-900 0-923 0*943 ; 0*979 1 and cubic feet per second. 306 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Glass III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- c V 2-040 2-712 3-292 3*564 3*814 4-065 4-298 0-5 J Q 987-4 1977- 3213- 3921- 4672* 5489- 6344* ( C 0-650 0-708 0-747 0-764 0-777 0-791 0*802 ( V 1-935 2-572 3-123 3-381 3-623 3-856 4*077 0-45 ] Q 936-5 1875- 3048- 3720- 4438- 5207- 6018* I C 0-650 0-708 0*748 0-764 0-778 0-791 0*802 ( Y 1-822 2-426 2-949 3-192 3-420 3-641 3*849 0-4 Q 831-8 ! 1769* 2878- 3512- 4190- 4916- 5681* ( C 0*649 0*708 0-748 0-765 0-779 '79 2 0*803 i r V 1-702 2-265 2-757 2*986 3-203 1 3-410 3*604 0-35 \ Q 823-8 ! 1651- 2691- 3285* 3924- | 4604- 5320* : ( C 0-648 0707 0-748 0-765 0-780 0-793 0*804 i ( Y 1-570 2-097 2-556 2*768 2*970 3-161 3*346 0-3 3 Q 760-0 ! 1529- 2495- 3046* 3638- 4268- 4939* ( C 0-646 0-707 0-749 0*766 0*781 0*794 0-806 ( V 1-431 1-914 2-334 2*529 2-714 2-893 3*061 0-25 J Q 692-6 1395* 2278- 2783- 3325* 3906* 4518* ( C 0*645 0*707 0*749 0-767 0-782 0-796 0*808 ( Y 1-275 1*710 2-090 2-266 2-434 2-594 2*749 0-2 J Q 617-1 1247* 2040- 2493- 2982- 3503- 4058* ( C 0-643 0*706 0*750 0-768 0*784 0-798 0*8 1 1 r Y 1-100 1*479 1*812 1-967 2*116 2*256 2*392 0-15 I Q 532-4 1078- 1769* 2164- 2592* 3046* 3531- I C 0*640 0*705 0*751 0*770 0*787 0*801 0-815 ( Y -8901 1*208 1*486 1*613 1-739 1*860 1-975 o-io J Q 430*8 880*6 1450* 1775- 2130- 2512* 2915- ( C 0-634 0-705 o'754 0-773 0-792 0*809 0-824 | ( Y -6157 8513 1*058 1-157 1-250 1*341 1-429 j 0-05 I Q 298*0 620*6 1033* 1273* 1531- 1811* 2109* : ( C 0*620 0-703 0*759 0*784 0-805 0-825 0-843 i Y and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 307 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), A.ND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 240 feet. N=00250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- V 4-521 1 0-5 ' Q 7244- ( C 0-812 V 4-294 4*493 0-45 ' Q 6880- 7768- I C 0-813 0-821 I V 4-054 4-241 4-430 0-4 Q 6460- 7333- 8223- 1 C 0-814 0-822 0-831 ( Y 3-797 3-972 4-054 4-324 4-648 0-35 Q 6084- 6868- 7525- 8579- 10416- ( C 0-815 0-823 0-833 0-841 0-855 c V 3-519 3-686 3-855 4-013 4-317 4-606 j 0-3 ] Q 5638- 6373- 7156- 7962- 9674- 11515- ( C 0-816 0-825 0-835 0-843 0-858 0-871 * V 3-220 3-377 3-527 3-676 3-960 4-224 4-718 0-25 ] Q 5159- 5839- 6547- 7293- 8874- 10560- 14267- ( C 0-818 0-828 0-837 0-846 0-862 0-875 0-898 / V 2-894 3-035 3-171 3-304 3-562 3-800 4-243 0-2 ) Q 4637- 5248- 5886- 6555- 7982- 9500- 12831- ( C 0-822 0-832 0*841 0-850 0-867 0-880 0-903 ( V 2-522 2-644 2-769 2-885 3-110 3-324 3-715 0-15 ] Q 4041- 4572- 5140- 5724- 6970- 8310- 11234- I C 0-827 0-837 0-848 0-857 0-874 0-889 0-913 t V 2-082 2-188 2-293 2-389 2-582 2-763 3-097 0-10 Q 3336- 3783- 4256- 4740- 5786- 6908- 9365- ( C 0-836 0-848 0-860 0-869 0-889 0-905 0-932 ( V 1-513 1-594 1-674 1-750 1-900 2-040 2-305 0-05 \ Q 2424- 2756- 3107- 3472- 4258- 5100- 6970- ( C 0-859 0-874 0-888 0-900 0-924 '945 0-981 and cubic feet per second. 39 308 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TA.BLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=00250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5*5 6- ( V 2714 3-017 3-299 3-569 3-825 4-071 4-224 0-5 3 Q 2141- 2782- 3484- 4248- 5068- 5945- 6742- ( C 0708 0-730 0-748 0-764 0-778 0-791 0-802 f V 2-575 2-863 3-130 3-394 3-628 3-863 4-089 0-45 Q 2032* 2640- 3305- 4040- 4807- 5641- 6526- ( C 0-708 0730 0-748 0-765 0-778 0-791 0-803 ( V 2-427 2-699 2-952 3-196 3-425 3-646 3-940 0-4 3 Q 1915- 2489- 3117- 3804- 4538- 5324- 6288- ( C 0-708 0-730 0-748 0-765 0-779 0792 0-804 ( V 2-271 2-524 2-761 2-993 3-208 3-415 3-615 0-35 \ Q 1792- 2328- 2916- 3562- 4251- 4987- 5770- I C 0-708 0-730 0-748 0-766 0-780 0793 0*805 ( V 2-099 2-337 2-559 2-775 2-974 3-165 3-351 0-3 \ Q 1656- 2155- 2702- 3303- 3941- 4622- 5348- I C 0-707 0-730 0-749 0-767 0-781 0-794 0*806 ( y 1-917 2-134 2-336 2-533 2-718 2-897 3*066 0-25 3 Q 1513- 1968- 2467- 3015- 3601- 4230- 4893* ( C 0-707 0-730 0-749 0-767 0-782 0-796 0*808 ( Y 1-714 1-966 2-192 2-269 2-437 2-601 2*753 0-2 \ Q 1352- 1813- 2315- 2701- 3229- 3798- 4394* I C 0*707 0731 0-750 0-768 0-784 0-799 0-8 1 1 ( Y 1-483 1-655 1-817 1-970 2-119 2-258 2-396 0-15 \ Q 1170- 1526- 1919- 2345- 2808- 3297- 3824- I C 0-706 0-731 0-752 0-770 0-787 0-801 0-815 ( Y 1-208 1-352 1-488 1-617 1-742 1-862 1-978 0-10 \ Q 953-1 1247- 1571- 1925- 2308- 2719- 3157- I C 0-705 0731 0-754 0774 0-792 0-809 0-824 ( Y -8520 9859 1-059 1-158 1-253 1-343 1-431 0-05 1 Q 672-2 909-2 1118- 1378- 1660- 1961- 2284- ( C 0703 0733 0-759 0-784 0-806 0-825 0-843 Y and Q are always in feet PABT II. FINAL RESULTS. 309 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (G) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 260 feet. N=0-0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 8. 9- 10- 12- -14 ( V 4-535 1 0-5 \ Q 7856- ( C 0-813 ( V 4-308 4-507 0-45 \ Q 7463- 8424- I C 0-814 0-822 ( Y 4-066 4-254 4-621 0-4 3 Q 7043- 7951- 9907- ( C 0-815 0-823 0-839 ( Y 3-808 3-984 4-334 4*658 0-35 ] Q 6596- 7446- 9292- 11277- I G 0-816 0*824 0*841 0*855 ( Y 3-530 3-702 4-022 4*328 4-617 0-3 \ Q 6115- 6919- 8623- 11686* 12466- | I C 0-817 0-827 0-843 0*858 0-871 ( Y 3-229 3-388 3-684 3*969 4-234 4-731 0-25 3 Q 5593- 6332- 7899- 10716* 11432- 15442- ( C 0-819 0-829 0-846 0*862 0*875 0-898 ( Y 2-903 3-041 3-311 3*570 3*813 4-255 4-665 0-2 \ Q 5029- ! 5684- 7099* 9639- 10295- 13888- 17895- I C 0-823 0-832 0*850 0*867 0-881 0-903 0*922 ( Y 2-529 2-652 2-891 3*117 3-332 3-729 4*093 0*15 \ Q 4381- 4957- 6198- 8416- 8996- 12172- 15701- I C 0-828 0-838 0-857 0-874 0-889 0-914 0-934 ( Y 2-088 2-195 2-396 2-589 2-772 3-109 3-420 0*10 \ Q 3617- ! 4102- 5137- 6990- 7484- 10148- 13119- I C 0-837 0-849 0-870 0-889 0-906 Q'933 0-956 ( Y 1-517 1-599 1-753 1-905 2-047 2*314 2-560 0*05 \ Q 2628- 2989- 3758- 5144* 5527- 7553- 9820- I C 0-860 0-875 0*900 0*925 0-946 0*982 I'OI2 and cubic feet per second. 310 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., above the average, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. Sper thousand. 3- D 3-5 epths oi 4- water i 4-5 n feet. 5- 5*5 6* /- y 2-720 3-021 3-303 3-578 3-829 ! 4*078 4-311 0-5 ) Q 2309- 2998- 3752- 4581- 5456- 6404* 7398- ( C 0-709 0*730 0*748 0-765 0*778 , 0*791 0-802 ( y 2-576 2-865 3-133 3-393 3-632 3-868 4-094 0-45 ] Q 2187* 2843- 3559- 4344- 5176- 6074- 7025- I C 0*708 0-730 0-748 0*765 0-778 0*791 0-803 ( y 2-429 2-701 2-958 3-203 3-429 3-651 3-865 0-4 \ Q 2062- 2680- 3360- 4101- 4886- 5733- 6632- I C 0-708 0-730 0-749 0-766 0*779 0*792 0-804 ( y 2-272 2-526 2-767 2-997 3-208 3-419 3-620 0-35 \ Q 1929- 2506- 3143- 3837- 4571- 5369- 6212- I C 0-708 0-730 0-749 0*766 0-779 0793 0-805 ( y 2-103 2-339 2-562 2-778 2-973 3-170 3-355 0-3 \ Q 1785- 2321- 2910- 3557- 4237- 4978- 5757- I C 0-708 0-730 0-749 0-767 0-780 0-794 0-806 / y 1-918 2-136 2*341 2-536 2-722 2-902 3-071 0-25 J Q 1628- 2119- 2659* 3247- 3879- 4557- 5270- ( C 0-707 0-730 0-750 0-767 0-782 0-796 0-808 f y 1-715 1-912 2-097 2-274 2-441 2-605 2-756 0-2 ) Q 1456- 1897- 2382- 2911- 3478- 4091- 4729- ( C 0-707 0-731 0-751 0-768 0-784 0-799 0-811 f y 1-483 1-656 1-819 1-972 2-122 2-264 2-399 0-15 ) Q 1259- 1643- 2066- 2525- 3024- 3555- 4117- ( C 0-706 0*731 0-752 0-770 0*787 0-802 0-815 f y 1-211 1-354 1-491 1-618 1-745 1-867 1-981 o-io ] Q 1028- 1344- 1694- 2071- 2487- 2932- 3399- ( C 0-706 0*732 0755 0-774 0-793 0-810 0-824 t y -8539 9588 1-062 1-159 1-256 1-346 1-435 0-05 ) Q 725-0 951-4 1206- 1484- 1790- 2114- 2463- ( C 0-704 0733 0-760 0-784 0-807 0*826 0-844 and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 311 TABLE X. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 280 feet. N=00250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5789 10 12 14 Y 4-541 c 0-5 3 Q 8457- - ( C 0-813 r Y 4-313 4-514 0-45 } Q 8032* 9069* ( C 0*814 ; 0*822 ( Y 4-072 ! 4*261 4-635 0-4 3 Q 7583- i 8560- 10679- ( C 0*815 0-823 0-840 ( Y 3-814 3-991 4-346 4-673 0-35 3 Q 7103- 8018* 10013- 12154- ( C 0-8 1 6 0-824 0-842 0-856 ( Y 3-535 3-707 4-033 4-341 4-632 0-3 3 Q 6583- 7447- 9292- 11291- 13433- ( C 0-817 0-827 0-844 0-859 0-872 \ ( Y 3-235 3-393 3-695 3-982 4-249 ! 4*749 l 0-25 3 Q 6024- 6817- 8513- 10357- 12322- 16640- ' ( C 0-819 0*829 0-847 0*863 0-876 1 0-899 C Y 2-908 3-050 3-321 3-582 3-825 4-270 '' 4'684 0-2 Q 5415- 6127- 7652- 9317- 11093- 14962- ( 19279- ( C 0-823 0-833 0-851 0-868 0-882 I 0-904 0-923 f Y 2-533 2-660 2-899 3-127 3-343 3-743 4*109 0-15 ] Q 4717- 5344- 6679- 8133- 9695- 13116- 16918- ( C 0-828 0-839 0-858 0-875 0-890 0-915 0-935 ( Y 2-093 2-198 2-404 2-597 2-782 3-120 3*435 o-i I Q 3898- 4416- 5539- 6756- 8068- 10933- 14139* (J C 0-838 0-849 0-870 0*890 0-907 0-934 0*957 / Y 1-521 1-604 1-758 1-911 2-054 2-322 2-571 0-05 3 Q 2833- 3222- 4050- 4971- 5957- 8136- ;10582- ( C 0-861 0-876 0-901 0-926 0*947 0*983 1*013 and cubic feet per second. 312 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE X. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (Y), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class III., in good average order, of For a Bed- N=0'0250. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5'5 6' ( V 2722 3-022 3-310 3*581 3-838 4-082 4-321 0-5 ] Q 2474* 3210- 4025- 4907* 5853- 6859- 7933- I C 0709 0*730 0-749 0*765 0*779 0-791 0-803 ( V 2-582 2*867 3-141 3*397 3*641 3-872 4-104 0-45 ] Q 2347* 3046- 3839- 4655* 5552* 6506- 7535* I C 0709 0-730 0-749 0*765 0-779 0-791 0-804 ( V 2-435 2-703 2-965 3-207 3-445 3-655 3-874 0-4 3 Q 2213* 2871- 3605- 4394* 5253- 6141* 7113- ( C 0709 0*730 0-750 0766 0-780 0*792 0*805 c V 2-277 2*529 2-773 3*000 3-219 3-423 3-629 0-35 ] Q 2070- 2686* i 3372- 4111* 4909* 5752- 6663- I C 0709 0-730 0-750 0*766 0-781 0793 0-806 ( V 2-105 2-341 2*571 2-781 2*984 3-174 3-364 0-3 } Q 1913* 2486- 3126- 3811* 4551- 5333- 6176* I C 0708 0-730 Q75 1 0*767 0-782 0-794 0*807 ( V 1-922 2-140 2*348 2*543 2*728 2-905 3-078 0*25 \ Q 1747- 2273- 2887- 3484* 4160* 4881- 5651- I C 0-708 0-731 0-751 0*768 0-783 0-796 0*809 ( y 1-716 1-914 2-102 2-276 2-446 2-607 2-764 0*2 ] Q 1560* 2033- 2556- 3119* 3730- 4380- 5075- I C 0707 0731 0-752 0-769 0785 0-799 0-812 ( y 1-491 1-657 1-823 1-977 2-127 2-266 2-408 0-15 \ Q 1355* 1760- 2217- 2709- 3243- 3807- 4421- ( C 0*706 0-731 0*753 0-771 0-788 0-802 0*817 c y 1-212 1-356 1-497 1-623 j 1*748 1-869 1*983 o-i Q 1102- 1440- 1820- 2224* 2666- 3140- 3641- 1 C 0*706 0-732 0757 0775 0-793 0*810 0-824 r y -8547 9608 1-064 1-162 1-257 1*348 1-436 0*05 ] Q 776-9 1020- 1294* 1592- 1917- 2265* 2617- ( C 0-704 0734 0*761 0-785 0-807 0-826 0-844 and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 313 TABLE X CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One width of 300 feet. N=0'0250. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 ( V 4-765 0-5 3 Q 10240- ( C 0-822 ( V 4-526 0-45 3 Q 9726- 1 G 0-823 ( V 4-272 4-648 0-4 3 Q 9181- 11453- ( C 0-824 0-841 f V 4-00 L 4-358 4-692 0-35 3 Q 8598- 10738- 13050- ( C 0-825 0-843 0-858 ( V 3-713 4-044 4-354 4-642 0-3 3 Q 7979- 9964- 12108- 14390- ( C 0-827 0-845 0-860 0-872 ( V 3-398 3-709 3-989 4-256 4-759 0-25 3 Q 7302- 9139- 11093- 13194- 17818- I C 0-829 0-848 0-863 0-876 0-899 ( V 3-054 3-330 3-588 3-833 4-285 4-700 5-081 0-2 3 Q 6563- 8205- 9978- 11882- 16043- 20661- 25690- C C 0-833 0-852 0-868 0-882 0-905 0-924 0-939 ( V 2-664 2-907 3-135 3-349 3-757 4-120 4-461 0-15 3 Q 2725- 7163- 8721- 10382- 11055- 18112- 22555- ( C 0-839 0-859 0-876 0*890 0-916 '935 0-952 ( V 2-204 2-407 2-604 2-787 3-130 3-446 3-734 o-io 3 Q 4736- 5931- 7242- 8640- 11719- 15149- 18879- ( G 0-850 0-871 0-891 0-907 Q'935 0-958 0-976 c V 1-575 1-764 1-916 2-060 2-354 2-577 2-812 0-05 3 Q 3385- 4346- 5328- 6386- 8813- 11328- 14217- ( C 0-859 0-903 0-927 0-948 0-984 1-013 1-039 and cubic feet per second. 315 TABLE XJ. TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), IN FEET PER SECOND ; QUANTITIES DISCHARGED (Q), IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ; AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. FOR CANALS OF TRAPEZOIDAL SECTION, WITH SIDE SLOPES OF ONE TO ONE, IN EARTH, IN CLASS IV., BELOW THE AVERAGE IN CONDITION AND REGIMEN ; WHEN N, THE COEFFICIENT OF KOUGHNESS AND IRREGULARITY, =0'0275. GENERAL FORMULA, Q=A.V=A.C.10 Q 2059- 2355- 2669- 2995- 3340- 4061- 4845- I C 0-733 0743 0753 0-761 0-770 0-783 0-796 Y 2-438 2-575 2-699 2-812 2-929 3-148 3-354 0-2 j. Q 1843- 2116- 2399- 2689- 2999- 3655- 4360- jj C 0734 0-747 0-757 0-764 0-773 0-788 o*8oi Y 2-126 2-245 2-347 2-454 2-560 2-747 2-933 0-15 -- Q 1607- 1846- 2086- 2347- 2621- 3189- 3813- G 0-739 0-752 0-760 0-770 0-780 0-794 0*809 Y 1-793 1-848 1-939 2-030 2-116 2-283 2-437 0-10 ! Q 1356- 1520- 1724- 1941- 2167- 2651- 3168- I C 0-747 0-758 0-769 0-780 0-790 0-808 0-823 f Y 1-267 1-342 1-410 1-479 1-548 1-674 1-795 0-05 I Q 957-9 1103- 1253- 1414- 1585- 1944- 2334- C 0-763 0-778 0-791 0-804 0-817 0-838 0-857 and cubic feet per second. 346 CANAL AND CULVEBT TABLES. TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class IV., below the average, of For a Bed- N=0'0275. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 V 1-826 2-433 2-714 2-958 3-198 3-428 3-646 0-5 Q 518-6 1044- 1363- 1704- 2079- 2485- 2918- C 0-585 0-640 0-663 0-678 0-693 0-707 0-719 V 1-733 2-308 2-574 2-806 3-033 3-252 3-459 0-45 1 Q 492-2 990-1 1293- 1616- 1972- 2358- 2768- I C 0-585 0-640 0*663 0-678 0-693 0-707 0-719 V 1-631 2-175 2-427 2-649 2-864 3-071 3-266 0-4 - Q 463-2 933-1 1219- 1526- 1862- 2226- 2614- C 0-584 0*640 0-663 0-679 0*694 0-708 0*720 V 1-523 2-035 2-271 2-478 2-679 2-872 3-059 0-35 - Q 432-5 873-0 1141- 1427- 1742- 2082- 2448- C 0-583 0-640 0-663 0-679 0-694 0-708 0*721 V 1-408 1-881 2-102 2-298 2-484 2-663 2-836 0-3 Q 399-9 806-9 1056- 1324- 1615- 1931- 2270* C 0-582 0-639 0-663 0-680 0-695 0-709 0*722 V 1-283 1-717 1-919 2-098 2-268 2-435 2-596 0-25 - Q 364-4 736-6 963-8 1208- 1475- 1765- 2077- C 0-581 0-639 0-663 0-680 0*695 0-710 0-724 V 1-146 1-534 1-717 1-879 2*031 2-181 2-328 0-2 Q 325-5 658-1 862-4 1083- 1321* 1581- 1863- C 0-580 0-638 0-663 0-681 0*696 0-711 0-726 V -9850 1-326 1*489 1-632 1*764 1-899 2-026 0-15 - Q 279-7 568-9 747-9 940-0 1147- 1377- 1621- C 0-576 0-637 0*664 0-683 0-698 0-715 0*729 V -7977 1-083 1*215 1-334 1-447 1-560 1-667 0-10 ,- Q 226-5 464-6 610-2 768-4 940-9 1131- 1334- C 0-571 0-637 0-664 0-684 0-701 0-719 0735 V -5513 7633 8612 9474 1-034 1-121 1-203 0-05 Q 156-6 327-5 432-5 545-7 672-4 812-7 962-7 C 0-558 0-635 0-665 0-687 0-709 0-731 0-750 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 347 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 140 feet. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6- 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- V 3-856 4-059 f 0-5 J Q 3378- 3865- 1 C 0730 0739 j V 3-663 3-846 4-026 0-45 I Q 3209- 3662- 4143- 1 C 0731 0739 0748 V 3-458 3-634 3-801 3-971 4-133 0-4 H Q 3029- 3460- 3911- 4457- 4893- C 0-732 0-741 0-749 0758 0-766 1 Y 3-240 3-400 3-568 3-720 3-872 4-154 0-35 J Q 2838- 3238- 3671- 4115- 4584- 5571- 1 C 0-733 0741 0-750 0-759 0-767 0-780 V 3-003 3-156 3-305 3-453 3-594 3-856 4-111 0-3 H Q 2631- 3005- 3401- 3820- 4255- 5171- 6167- C 0734 0*743 0-752 0-761 0-769 0-782 0-795 V 2-749 2-885 3-029 3-160 3-289 3-538 3-767 0-25 - 'Q 2408- 2747- 3117- 3496- 3894- 4744- 5651- C 0736 0743 0-755 763 0771 0-786 0-798 f V 2-466 2-594 2-723 2-838 2-957 3-185 3-389 0'2 I Q 2160- 2470- 2802- : 3140- 3501- 4271- 5083- J C 0-738 0-748 0-759 ! 0-766 0775 0-791 0*803 Y 2-144 2-261 2-362 2-480 2-581 2-779 2-965 0-15 - Q 1878- 2153- 2430- ! 2744- 3056- 3727- 4448- C 0-741 0753 0-760 0773 0-781 0-797 0-811 V 1-769 1-864 1-957 2-049 2-140 2-306 2-466 0-10 - Q 1550- 1775- 2014- 2267- 2534- 3092- 3699- L C 0-749 0-760 0*771 0*782 0-793 0-810 0-826 V 1-279 1-354 1-424 1-494 1-563 1-695 1-815 0-05 - Q 1120- 1289- 1465- 1653- 1851- 2273- 2723- .1 C 0-766 0-781 0-794 0-806 0-819 0-842 0-860 and cubic feet per second. 348 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class IV., below the average, of For a Bed- width N=0-0275. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- _ -U..MJ--.-. V 1-829 2-442 2-975 3-217 3-451 3*666 3-878 0-5 H Q 592-6 1194- 1952- 2381- 2847- 3337- 3862* 0-585 0-641 0-680 0-695 0-709 0-720 0731 V 1-736 2-317 2-823 3-052 3-273 3-483 3-683 0-45 - Q 562-5 1133- 1852- 2259- 2700- 3170- 3668- C 0-585 0*641 0-680 0-695 0-709 0721 0-732 f V 1-633 2-184 2-662 2-877 3-086 3-284 3-477 0-4 | Q 529-1 1068- 1746- 2130- 2546- 2989- 3463- 1 C 0-584 0-641 0-680 0-695 0-709 0*721 0733 V 1-525 2-043 2-489 2-692 2-814 3-076 3-257 0-35 Q 494-1 999-0 1633- 1993- 2322- 2800- 3244- C 0-583 0-641 0-680 0-695 0-709 0-722 0734 V 1-410 1-889 2-308 2-496 2-677 2-852 3*020 0-8 J Q 456-8 923-7 1514- 1848- 2209- 2596- 3008- C 0-582 0-640 0-681 0-696 0-710 0-723 0735 V 1-285 1-724 2-107 2-278 2-447 2-610 2-764 0-25 - Q 416-3 843-0 1382- 1686- 2019- 2376- 2753- C 0-581 0*640 0-681 0*696 0*711 0-725 0737 V 1-147 1-539 1-887 2*040 2*192 2-342 2-412 0-2 Q 371-6 752-6 1238- 1510* 1808* 2132- 2402- C 0-580 0*639 0*682 0*697 0*712 0-727 0-739 V -9867 1-331 1*637 1*772 1*909 2-035 2-156 0-15 Q 319-7 650-9 1074- 1312* 1575* 1852- 2147- C 0-576 0-638 0*683 0*699 0*716 0-730 0-742 V -8828 1-087 1*341 1*443 1*567 1-677 1-779 0-10 Q 286-0 531-5 880*4 1068* 1293* 1526- 1772- C 0-571 0-638 0*685 0-703 0*720 0-736 0-750 V -5519 7664 9522 1-041 1-128 1-210 1-289 0-05 - Q 178-8 374-8 624-6 770-6 930*6 1101- 1284- C 0-558 0-636 0-688 0-711 0733 0751 0*768 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 349 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 160 feet. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12-' V 4-075 0-5 J Q 4410- C 0740 V 3-872 4-050 0-45 - Q 4082- 4734- C 0-741 0-749 I V 3-655 3-824 3-995 0-4 1 Q 3956- 4470- 5019- 1 C 0*742 0-750 0-759 V 3-424 3-586 3-756 3-898 0-35 - Q 3706- 4192- 4718- 5239- C 0-743 0-752 0-760 0-768 V 3-174 3-329 3-474 3-618 3-869 4-142 0*3 i Q 3435- 3892- 4364- 4863- 5885- 7041- C 0-744 0*754 0-762 0-770 0-780 0-796 ' 1 V 2-906 3-047 3-179 3-315 3-568 3-796 4-230 0-25 4 Q 3145- 3562- 3994- 4455- 5427- 6453- 8731- C 0-746 0-756 0-764 0-773 0-788 0-799 0-820 Y 2-609 2-740 2-855 2-981 3-212 3-421 3-815 0-2 H Q 2824- 3203- 3587- 4006- 4885- 5816- 7874- C 0-749 0-760 0-767 0-777 0793 0-805 0-827 V 2-275 2-385 2-495 2-602 2-802 2-992 3-336 0-15 - Q 2462- 2788- 3134- 3497- 4262- 5086- 6886- C 0-754 0-764 0-774 0-783 0-799 0-813 0-835 V 1-874 1-970 2-063 2-157 2-326 2-488 2-782 010 - Q 2028- 2303- 2592- 2899- 3538- 4230- 5742- C 0-761 0-773 0-784 0795 0-812 0-828 0-853 Y 1-362 1-435 1-502 1-575 1-709 1-834 2-157 0-05 - Q 1474- 1678- 1887- 2117- 2599- 3118- 4452- C 0-782 0-796 0-807 0-821 0-844 0-863 0-896 and cubic feet per second. 350 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class IV., below the average, of For a ed- N=0 S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6* ~ " ------ V 1-835 2-450 2-982 3-225 3*461 3-677 3*896 0-5 H- Q 667-9 1345- 2195- 2678- 3201* 3751- 4348- C 0-586 0-642 0*680 0-695 0-709 0*720 0-732 " V 1-741 2-324 2*829 3-060 3*283 3*493 3-696 0-45 -I Q 633-7 1276- 2082* 2541- 3037* 3564* 4125- C 0-586 0-642 0*680 0*695 0*709 0-721 0-732 f V 1-639 2-191 2*668 2*885 3*100 3-298 3-489 0-4 I Q 596-6 1203- 1964* 2395* 2868* 3365- 3894- I C 0-585 0-642 0*680 0*695 0-710 0-722 0733 ( V 1-530 2-047 2*495 2*703 2*900 3-089 3-269 0-35 I Q 556-9 1124- 1836- 2244* 2683* 3152- 3648- I C 0-584 0*641 0-680 0*696 0-710 0-723 0734 * V 1-414 1-895 2-313 2*505 2*688 2-864 3-035 0-3 Q 514-7 1040- 1702- 2080* 2486- 2922- 3387* C 0-583 0*641 0-681 0*697 0-711 0-724 0*736 V 1-289 1-729 2*112 2*288 2*457 2-622 2*778 0-25 - Q 469-2 949-2 1554* 1900* 2273* 2675- 3100* C 0-582 0*641 0*681 0*697 0*712 0*726 0*738 ' V 1-151 1-544 1*892 2-049 2*204 2-351 2-491 0-2 Q 419-0 847-7 1393* 1701* 2039* 2399- 2780- C 0-581 0*640 0*682 0*698 0*714 0-728 0-740 f V -9896 1-336 1-641 1*779 1*914 2-045 2-166 0-15 1 Q 360-2 733-5 1208* 1477* 1770* 2086* 2526- I C 0-577 0-639 0-683 0*700 0-716 0*731 0743 f V -8008 1-089 1-344 1*459 1-574 1*683 1-787 o-io I Q 291-5 597-9 989*2 1211* 1465- 1717* 1994- I C 0-572 0-638 0*685 0*703 0*721 0*737 0751 f V -5540 7677 9556 1*045 1-132 1*214 1*294 0-05 | Q 201-7 421*5 703*3 867*6' 1047- 1239* 1444* 1 C 0-559 0*636 0*689 0-712 0733 0*752 0-769 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 351 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 180 feet. N=00275. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- V 4-102 0-5 H Q 4973- C 0742 V 3-896 4-073 0-45 - Q 4723- 5332- C 0-743 0-750 V 3-678 3-885 4-014 0-4 Q 4459- 5085- 5645- C 0-744 0-751 0-760 V 3-446 3-606 3-759 3-920 0-35 - Q 4177- 4720- 5286- 5896- C 0-745 0753 0-761 0-769 Y 3-194 3-347 3-490 3-638 3-912 4-174 0-3 N Q 3872- 4381- 4908- 5472- 6654- 7931- C 0-746 0755 0-763 0-771 0-785 0-798 V 2-923 3-064 3-194 3-334 3-590 3-825 4-260 0-25 - Q 3543- 4011- 4492- 5014- 6107- 7268- 9815- C 0-748 0757 0-765 0-774 0-789 0-801 0-821 r V 2-625 2-754 2-895 2-997 3-231 3-442 3-843 0-2 Q 3182- i 3605- 4085- 4507- 5496- 6540- 8854- I G 0-751 ! 0-761 0-768 0-778 0-794 0-806 0-828 - V 2-291 ! 2-398 2-506 2-622 2-819 3-011 3-364 0-15 - Q 2777- | 3139- 3524- 3943- 4795- 5721- 7751- C 0-757 0-765 0775 0-784 0-800 0-814 0-837 V 1-889 1-981 2-073 2-168 2-339 2-504 2-806 0-10 - Q 2290- 2593- 2915- 3261- 3979- 4758- 6465- C 0-764 0-774 0-785 0-796 0-813 0*829 0-855 f V 1-374 1-444 1-509 1-585 1-720 1-848 2-086 0-05 4 Q 1666- 1890- 2122- 2384- 2926- 3511- 4806- I C 0-786 0-798 0-808 0-823 0-845 0-865 0-899 and cubic feet per second. 352 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OP DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class IV., below the average, of For a Bed- N=0'0275. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- ~^~~~ V 1-837 2-453 2-988 3*237 3-468 3*692 3*912 0-5 Q 742-1 1494- 2438- 2979* 3555- 4173* 4835- C 0-586 0*642 0-680 0*696 0-709 0*721 0733 V 1-742 2-327 2-835 3*106 3-290 3*507 3-711 0-45 - Q 703-8 1417- 2313- 2858- 3372- 3964- 4593- C 0-586 0*642 0-680 0*696 0-709 0*722 0733 V 1-640 2-194 2-673 2-895 3-107 3*306 3-503 0-4 \ Q 662-6 1336- 2181- 2664* 3185- 3737- 4336- C 0-585 0*642 0-680 0*696 0-710 0*722 0734 V 1-531 2-052 2-500 2*708 2-910 3*097 3-282 0*35 - Q 618-5 1250- 2040- 2492* 2983- 3500- 4057- C 0-584 0*642 0-680 0*696 0711 0-723 0735 V 1-415 1-900 2-318 2-511 2-694 2-871 3-047 0-3 Q 571-7 1157- 1891- 2311* 2761- 3245- 3766- C 0-583 0*642 0*681 0*697 0711 0-724 0-737 V 1-290 1-732 2-116 2*295 2-463 2-627 2-789 0-25 - Q 521-2 1055- 1727* 2112- 2525- 2969- 3447- C 0-582 0*641 0*681 0-698 0712. 0-726 0739 V 1-152 1*549 1*895 2*056 2-209 2-361 2*502 0-2 H Q 465-4 943*3 1546* 1892* 2264* 2669- 3092* C 0-581 0*641 0*682 0*699 0*714 0-729 0*741 c V -9896 1*340 1*646 1*783 1*922 2-053 2*175 0-15 | Q 399-8 816*1 1343* 1641- 1970* 2320* 2688* I C 0-577 0*640 0-684 0*700 0*717 0*732 0*744 " V -8019 1*092 1-347 1*464 1*580 1*690 1*795 0-10 - Q 324-0 665*0 1099- 1347- 1620* 1*797 2219* C 0-572 0*639 0*685 0*704 0*722 0*738 0*752 V -5540 7701 9591 1-049 1-135 1*219 1*300 0-05 - Q 223-8 469-0 782*6 965-3 1163* 1378* 1607* . C 0-559 0*637 0*690 0-713 o*734 0*753 0-770 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL EESULTS. 353 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 200 feet. ST=0-0275. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- c V 4-118 ' 5 .'f Q 5527- C 0743 { V 3-913 4-090 0-45 | Q 5252- 5926- I C 0-744 0-751 V 3-694 3-862 4-037 0-4 .- Q 4958- 5596- 6283- C 0-745 0-752 0-761 Y 3-460 3-621 3-786 3-939 0-35 - Q 4644- 5247- 5892- 6554- C 0-746 Q'754 0-763 0-770 f V 3-208 3-362 3-514 3-655 3-932 4-197 0-3 i Q 4306- 4872- 5469- 6082- 7396- 8814- I C 0-747 0-756 0-765 0-772 0-786 0-799 1 V 2-936 3-077 3-217 3-350 3-608 3-846 4-290 0-25 - Q 3941- 4459- 5006- 5574- 6787- 8077- 10914- G 0-749 0-758 0-767 0775 0-790 0-802 0-823 V 2-637 2-766 2-888 3-012 3-248 3-461 3-870 0-2 Q 3540- 4008- 4494- 5012- 6109- 7268- 9845- C 0-752 0-762 0770 0-779 0-795 0-807 0-830 " Y 2-298 2-408 2-524 2-628 2-833 3-031 3-472 0-15 -- Q 3084- 3489- 3928- 4373- 5329- 6365- 8833- C 0-757 0*766 0777 0-785 0-801 0-816 0-839 f V 1-894 1-990 2-088 2-179 2-354 2-520 2-826 0-10 4 Q 2542- 2884- 3249- 3626- 4428- 5292- 7189- I C 0-764 0-775 0-787 0-797 0-815 0-831 0-857 [ V 1-378 1-450 1-523 1-596 1-730 1-860 2-101 0-05 f Q I860- 2101- 2370- 2656- 3254- 3906- 5345- 1 C 0-786 0-799 0-812 0-825 0-847 0-867 0*901 and cubic feet per second. 354 CANAL AND CULVEBT TABLES. TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class TV., below the average, of For a Bed- N=0'0275. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- f V 1-841 2-460 2-993 3*247 3-475 3-705 3-921 0-5 f Q 817-4 1646- 2682- 3280- 3909- 4595- 5317- I 0-587 0-643 0-680 0-697 0709 0722 0733 V 1-747 2-334 2-839 3-081 3-350 3-514 3-724 0-45 Q 775-7 1561- 2544- 3112- 3769- 4358- 5050- C 0-587 0-643 0-680 0-697 0-709 0-722 0734 f V 1-644 2-197 2-680 2-904 3-113 3-318 3-511 0-4 ~-l Q 729-9 1470- 2401- 2934- 3502- 4115- 4761- I C 0-586 0-642 0-681 0-697 0-710 0-723 0734 f V 1-535 2-055 2-507 2-716 2-923 3-108 3-289 0*35 4 Q 681-5 1375- 2246- 2743- 3288- 3855* 4460- I C 0-585 0*642 0-681 0-697 0-711 0*724 0735 ' V 1-416 1-903 2-325 2-518 2-703 2*881 3-053 0-3 Q 628-7 1273- 2083- 2543- 3041- 3573* 4140- C 0-583 0*642 0-682 0-698 0-712 0*725 0-737 V 1-349 1-737 2-122 2-303 2-471 2-634 2-795 0-25 - Q 599-0 1162- 1901- 2326- 2780- 3267- 3790- C 0-582 0-642 0-682 0*699 0-713 0-726 0739 V 1-153 1-551 1-901 2-062 2-217 2-362 2-507 0-2 H- Q 511-9 1038- 1703- 2083- 2494- 2929- 3397- C 0-581 0*641 0-683 0-700 0-715 0-728 0741 [ V -9930 1*341 1*629 1-786 1-925 2-054 2-183 0-15 I Q 440-9 897-1 1460- 1804* 2166- 2547- 2960- I C 0-578 0*640 0-684 0-700 0-717 0-731 0745 f V -8039 1-095 1-350 1*467 1-583 1-694 1-801 0-10 I Q 356-9 732-6 1210- 1482- 1781- 2101- 2442- ( C 0-573 0-640 0-686 0-704 0-722 0-738 0753 ' V -5555 7720 9605 1-052 1-138 1-220 1-305 0-05 -- Q 246-6 516-5 860-6 1063- 1280- 1513- 1770- - C 0-560 0-638 0*690 0-714 Q'734 0-752 0-771 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL EESULTS. 355 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 220 feet. N=0'0275. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- V 4-129 [ 0-5 4 Q 6079- 1 0743 V 3-922 4-107 0-45 - Q 5774- 6526- 0-744 0-752 V 3-703 3-876 4-053 0-4 Q 5452- 6159- 6915- C 0-745 0753 0-762 V 3-469 3-631 3-802 3-954 0-35 Q 5107- 5770- 6487- 7212- C 0-746 0754 0-764 0-771 "f V 3-216 3-371 3-529 3-671 3-950 9 0-3 4 Q 4735- 5357- 6021- 6696- 8141- I C 0-747 0-756 0-766 0773 0-787 Y 2-943 3-090 3-230 3-365 3-624 3-869 4-314 0-25 - Q 4333- 4910- 5511- 6138- 7469- 8899- 12010- C 0-749 0-759 0-768 0776 0-791 0-804 0-824 V 2-646 2-774 ! 2-901 3-025 3-262 3-478 3-891 0-2 i Q 3896- 4408- 4950- 5518- 6723- 7999- 10833- C 0-753 0-762 ; 0-771 0-780 0-796 0-808 0-831 f V 2-307 2-414 2-533 2-640 2-846 3-046 3-406 0-15 I Q 3396- 3836- i 4322- 4815- 5866- 7006- 9483- I C 0-758 0-766 0-778 0786 0-802 0-817 0-840 V 1-901 1-997 i 2-096 2-188 2-365 2-533 2-831 0-10 Q 2799- 3173- 1 3576- 3991- 4874- 5826- 7882- 0-765 0-776 0-788 0-798 0-816 0-832 0-858 \ V 1-381 1-456 I 1-531 1-602 1-738 1-869 2-114 0-05 Q 2033- 2314- 2612- 2922- 3582- 4299- 5885- I C 0-786 0*800 0-814 0-826 0-848 0-868 0-903 and cubic feet per second. 45- 356 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class IV., below the average, of For a Be i- ^=0-0275. S pei- thousand. Depths of water in feet. 2- 3- 4- 4-5 5- 5-5 6- Y 1-842 2-463 2*997 3*252 3-480 3-715 3*934 [ 0-5 4- Q 891-5 1796- 2925- 3577* 4263- 5016- 5807- 1 C 0-587 0-643 0-680 0-697 0-709 0-723 0734 V 1-747 2-336 2-847 3*085 3-306 3-525 3-732 0-45 - Q 845-5 1703- 2779- 3394- 4050- 4759- 5556- C 0-587 0-643 0-681 0-697 0-710 0723 0734 V 1-645 2-203 2-685 2-909 3-122 3-328 3-524 0-4 Q 796-2 1606- 2621- 3200- 3824- 4493- 5201- C 0-586 0-643 0-681 0-697 0*711 0-724 0735 V 1-536 2-057 2-510 2-720 2-924 3-118 3-299 0-35 Q 743-4 1500- 2450- 2992- 3582- 4209- 4869- C 0-585 0-642 0-681 0-697 0-712 0725 0-736 f V 1-417 1-904 2-328 2-523 2-712 2-890 3*063 0*3 - Q 685-8 1388- 2272- 2775- 3322- 3902- 4521- C 0-583 0-642 0-682 0-698 0*713 0*726 0738 V 1-291 1-739 2-125 2-305 2-478 2-642 2-804 0-25 - Q 624-8 1268- 2074- 2536- 3036- 3567- 4139- C 0-582 0*642 0-682 0-699 0-714 0-727 0*740 f V 1-153 1-553 1-904 2-066 2-223 2*370 2-515 0-2 4 Q 558-1 1132- 1858- 2273- 2723- 3200- 3712- I C 0-581 0*641 0-683 0-700 0-716 0-729 0-742 f V -9936 1-343 1-650 1*794 1-931 2-061 2190 015 | Q 480-9 979-0 1610- 1973- 2365- 2782- 3232- I C 0-578 0*640 0*684 0-702 0-718 0732 0-746 V -8045 1*096 1*352 1-471 1-588 1-699 1-807 0-10 Q 389-4 799*0 1320- 1618- 1945- 2294- 2667- C 0-573 0*640 0*686 0-705 0-723 0-739 0-754 V -5561 7726 9633 1-055 1-141 1-226 1-309 0-05 - Q 269-2 563*2 940*2 1161- 1398- 1655- 1932- C 0-560 0*638 0-691 0-715 0735 0754 0772 V and Q are always in feet PART 11. FINAL RESULTS. :357 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 240 feet. N=00275. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 7-5 8- 9- 10- 12- V 4-137 0-5 -1 Q 6627- 1 C 0743 1 Y 3-870 4-116 0-45 J Q 6200- 7117- I C 0744 0752 V 3-710 3-885 4-062 0-4 Q 5943- 6717- 7540- C 0-745 0753 0-762 Y 3-476 3-639 3-810 3-964 0-35 - Q 5569- 6292- ! 7072- 7865- C 0-746 0754 0-764 0-771 Y 3-222 3-378 3-537 3-679 3-965 0-3 Q 5162- 5841- 6566- 7299- 8886- C 0-747 0-756 0-766 0-773 0-788 Y 2-949 3-096 3-236 3-372 3-638 3-881 0-25 - Q 4724- 5353- 6007- 6690- 8153- 9725- C 0749 0759 0-768 0-776 0-792 0-804 Y 2-651 2-783 2-907 3-032 3-275 3-492 3-910 0-2 Q 4247- 4812- 5396- 6015- 7339- 8730- 11824- C 0-753 0-763 0-771 0-780 0-797 0-809 0-832 r Y 2-312 2-423 2-537 2-646 2-836 3-059 3-422 0-15 I Q 3704- 4189- 4709- 5250- 6355- 7648- 10348- I C 0-758 0-767 0-777 0-786 0-803 0-818 0-841 r V 1-905 2-005 2-103 2-194 2-382 2-543 2-854 0-10 I Q 3052- 3467- 3904- 4353- 5338- 6353- 8630- I C 0-765 0-777 0-789 0-798 0-817 0*833 0-859 [ Y 1-386 1-461 1-536 1-606 1-745 1-878 2-127 0-05 4 Q 2220- 2526- 2851- 3186- 3911- 4695- 6432- I C 0-787 0-801 0-815 0-826 0-849 0-870 0-905 and cubic feet per second. 358 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class IV., below the average; of For a Bed- N=0-0275. Sper thousand. 3- E 3-5 epths oJ 4- : water i 4-5 n feet. 5- 5-5 6- V 2-465 2-744 3-004 3-256 3*490 3-721 3*934 0-5 Q 1945- 2531- 3172- 3875- 4624- 5434* 6279- C 0-643 0*664 0*681 0*697 0-710 0*723 733 V 2-339 2-604 2-850 3-089 3-311 3*531 3-738 0-45 Q 1845- 2402- 3010- 3677- 4387- 5156- 5966- C 0-643 0-664 0-681 0-697 0*710 0723 0734 V 2-204 2-455 2-687 2-912 3*126 3-333 3-529 0-4 Q 1739- 2264- 2837- 3466- 4142- 4867- 5632- C 0-643 0-664 0-681 0-697 0-711 0724 0735 V 2-063 2-296 2-514 2-728 2-928 3-123 3-305 0-35 - Q 1628- 2117- 2655- 3247- 3880- 4560* 5275- C 0-643 0-664 0-681 0-698 0712 0-725 0-736 V 1-906 2-126 2-327 2*529 2-786 2-895 3-064 0-3 Q 1436- 1961- 2457- 3010- 3692- 4227- 4890- C 0-642 0*664 0-682 0-699 0713 0-726 0737 f V 1-740 1-941 2-127 2*309 2-482 2-650 2-805 0-25 I Q 1373- 1790* 2246- 2748* 3289' 3870- 4477- [ C 0-642 0-664 0*682 0*699 0-714 0-728 0739 f V 1-556 1-788 1*906 2*068 2*226 2*376 2*519 0-2 4 Q 1228* 1649- 2013* 2461* 2950* 3470- 4020- ( C 0*642 0*665 0*683 0*700 0*716 0*730 0742 r V 1-346 1-506 1*655 1-796 1-933 2*064 2-193 0-15 i Q 1062- 1389- 1748- 2137* 2561- 3014- 3500- I C 0-641 0*665 0-685 0*702 0-718 0-732 0-746 r V 1-097 1-230 1-353 1-475 1-590 1-701 1-808 0-10 J- Q 865-5 1134- 1429- 1756- 2107- 2484- 2886* I C 0-640 0*665 0-686 0-706 0-723 0739 0753 f V -7733 8958 9639 1-056 1-144 1-228 1*309 0-05 1 Q 610-1 826-2 1018- 1257- 1516- 1793- 2089* I C 0-638 0-666 0-691 0-715 0-736 0-754 0*771 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 359 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 260 feet. N=00275. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 8- 9- 10- 12- 14- Y 4-150 0-5 Q 7189- C 0-744 Y 3-943 4-129 0-45 - Q 6830- C 0-745 7717- 0753 Y 3-722 3-897 0-4 Q 6447- C 0-746 7284- 0754 Y 3-486 3-650 3-973 0-35 - Q 6039- C 0-747 6822- 0755 8518- 0-771 Y 3-232 3-394 3-688 3-975 0-3 Q 5599- C 0-748 6343- 0-758 7907- 0-773 9623- 0-788 Y 2-957 3-106 3-379 3-646 3-895 0-25 - Q 5122- C 0-750 5805- 0-760 7245- 0-776 8827- 0-792 10516- 0-805 Y 2-660 2-789 3-038 3-282 3-506 3-920 0-2 Q 4608- C 0-754 5213- 0-763 6513- 0-780 7946- 0-797 9466- 0-810 12796- 0-832 Y 2-319 2-431 2-651 2-864 3-066 3-436 3-777 0-15 Q 4017- C 0-759 4544- 5684- 0-768 i 0-786 6934- 8278- |11215- 0-803 0-818 i 0-842 14489- 0-862 Y 1-911 2-011 2-200 2-379 2-552 i 2-866 3-159 0-10 Q 3310- C 0-766 3759- 0-778 4939- 0-799 5760- 6890- 9355- 0-817 0*834 0-860 12118- 0-883 I Y 1-390 1-466 1-609 1-750 1-885 2-135 2-366 0-05 1 Q 2408- C 0-788 2740- 0*802 3453- 0-826 4237- 0*850 5089- 0-871 6969- 0-906 9076- 0-935 and cubic feet per second. 360 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class IV., below the average, of For a Bed- N=0'0275. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4* 4-5 5- 5-5 6- - i '' j - u -~ V 2-471 2-748 3-009 3-264 3-495 3-727 3-940 0-5 Q 2098* 2727- 3418- 4179- 4980- 5852- 6761- C 0-644 0*664 0-681 0-698 0-710 0-723 0733 V 2-340 2-606 2-853 3-096 3-315 3-535 3-743 0-45 - Q 1991- 2586- 3241- 3964- 4724- 5551- 6423- C 0-643 0-664 0-681 0-698 0-710 0-723 0734 f V 2-206 2-457 2-694 2-919 3*030 3-338 3-533 0-4 4 Q 1873- 2438- 3060- 3737- 4318* 5242- 6063- 1 C 0-643 0-664 0-682 0-698 0-711 0-724 0735 f V 2-063 2-298 2-520 2-731 2-928 3-126 3-310 0-35 I Q 1752- 2280- 2863- 3496- 4172- 4909- 5680- ( C 0-643 0-664 0-682 0-698 0-711 0*725 0*736 ' ( V 1-910 2-127 2-333 2-532 2-714 2-898 3*068 0-3 - Q 1622- 2111- 2650- 3242- 3867- 4551- 5265* C 0-643 0-664 0-682 0-699 0-712 0-726 0*737 f V 1-742 1-943 2-132 2-312 2-485 2-654 2*809 0-25 4 Q 1479- 1928- 2422- 2960- 3541- 4167- 4820* I C 0*642 0-664 0-683 0-699 0-714 0-728 0-739 r V 1-557 1-740 1-910 2-070 2-229 2-380 2-522 0-2 Q 1322- 1726* 2170- 2650- 3176* 3737- 4328- C 0-642 0-665 0*684 0-700 0-716 0-730 0*742 V 1-347 1-507 1-657 1-798 1-936 2-069 2-196 0-15 Q 1144- 1495- 1882- 2302- 2759- 3249- 3768- C 0-641 0*665 0-685 0702 0-718 0733 0-746 V 1-100 1-232 1-357 1-476 1-594 1-706 1-810 0-10 - Q 933-9 j 1222- 1542- 1890- 2271- 2679* 3106- C 0-641 0-666 0-687 0*706 0-724 0-740 0753 V -7751 8711 9321 1-058 1*148 1-231 1-312 0-05 - Q 658-1 864-4 1059- 1355- 1636- 1933- 2251* C 0-639 0-666 0*692 0715 0-737 755 0*772 V and Q are always in feet PAET II. FINAL RESULTS. 361 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Trapezoidal Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 280 feet. N=0'0275. S per thousand. Depths of water in feet. 6-5 7- 8- 9- 10- 12- 14- 1 i Y 4-156 I 0-5 H Q 7740- ! - C 0744 Y 3-948 4-135 0-45 J Q 7352- 8307- C 0-745 0753 I Y 3-727 3-903 0-4 'j Q 6941- 7841- C 0-746 0754 Y 3-491 3-656 3-985 0-35 - Q 6501- 7345- 9181- C 0-747 755 0-772 Y 3-237 3-398 3-699 3-988 0-3 Q 6028- 6826- 8523- 10373- C 0-748 0-758 0-774 0-789 Y 2-963 3-111 3-389 3-659 3-904 0-25 - Q 5518- 6250- 7808- 9517- 11322- C 0-750 0-760 0-777 0793 0-805 f Y 2-664 2-797 3-047 3-293 3-517 3-935 0-2 4 Q 4961- 5619- 7020- 8565- 10199- 13788- 1 C 0-754 0-764 0-781 0-798 0-8 1 1 0-833 Y 2-322 2-438 2-659 2-873 3-076 ^449 3-793 0-15 - Q 4324- 4898- 6126- 7473- 8921- 12085- 15612- C 0-759 0-769 0-787 0*804 0-819 0-843 0-863 Y 1-916 2-014 2-208 2-387 2-561 2-877 3-173 0-10 - Q 3568- 4046- 5087- 6209- 7427- 10081- 13060- C 0-767 0-778 0-799 0-8 1 8 0-835 0-861 0-884 Y 1-394 1-468 1-613 1-756 1-891 2-142 2-376 0-05 4 Q 2596- 2949- 3716- 4567- 5484- 7505- 9780- 1 C 0-789 0-803 0-827 0-851 0-872 0-907 0-936 and cubic feet per second. 362 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XI. MEAN VELOCITIES OF DISCHARGE (V), QUANTITIES DIS- For Canals in Earth, Class IV., below the average, of For a Bed- N=00275. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 3- 3-5 4- 4-5 5- 5'5 6* V 2-472 2-749 3-014 3-267 3*503 3-731 4-251 0-5 Q 2247* 2920* 3665- 4477* 5342* 6269- 7805- C 0-644 0-664 0-682 0*698 0*711 0-723 0*734 V 2-345 2-608 2-860 3*100 3*323 3-539 3-752 0-45 - Q 2132* 2770- 3478- 4248- 5068* 5946* 6889* C 0*644 0*664 0*682 0*698 0*711 0*723 0735 V 2-211 2-459 2*700 2*923 3*138 3*341 3*542 0-40 - Q 2010- 2612- 3283* 4005* 4785* 5614* 6503* C 0-644 0-664 0*683 0*698 0*712 0*724 0*736 ( I V 2-069 2-300 2*525 2*733 2-939 3*130 3*318 0-35 j Q 1881- 2443* 3070- 3745- 4482* 5259* 6092* I C 0*644 0-664 0-683 0-698 0-713 0*725 0*737 V 1-912 2-129 2-341 2-535 2-725 2*902 3*076 0-3 Q 1738- 2262- 2847* 3474- 4156- 4876* 5648* C 0-643 0-664 0*684 0*699 0*714 0*726 0*738 V 1-746 1-946 2*138 2-318 2*491 2*657 2*816 0-25 - Q 1587* 2067* 2600* 3176- 3799- 4464* 5170- C 0-643 0-665 0*684 0-700 0-715 0-728 0-740 \ V 1-558 1-741 1*915 2-087 2-234 2-382 2-529 0*2 4 Q 1416* 1849* 2329* 2860- 3407- 4002- 4643- i C 0-642 0-665 0-685 0*701 0-717 0-730 0743 ' V 1-347 1-508 1-661 1-802 1-941 2-071 2-204 0-15 Q 1224- 1602- 2020- 2469* 2960- 3480- 4047* ,.0 0-641 0*665 0-686 0*703 0-719 0733 0748 f V 1-101 1-233 1-362 1*480 1*596 1*708 1-812 o-io 4 Q 1001- 1310- 1656- 2028* 2434* 2870* 3327* I C 0-641 0-666 0-689 0-707 0*724 0-740 0753 \ V 0-776 0-873 0-969 1-060 1*148 1*232 1*314 0-05 1 Q 705-4 927-3 1178- 1452- 1751* 2070* 2413* I C 0-639 0-667 0-693 0*716 0*737 0-755 0*772 V and Q are always in feet PART II. FINAL RESULTS. 363 TABLE XI. CHARGED (Q), AND COEFFICIENTS (C) OF MEAN VELOCITY. Section, with Side Slopes of One to One. width of 300 feet. N=0'0275. Sper thousand. Depths of water in feet. 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 Y 4-146 | 0-45 J Q 8910 C 0-754 Y 3-915 0-4 - Q 8413 C 0-755 Y 3-667 3-996 0-35 - Q 7880 C 0-756 9847 0-773 Y 3-403 3-709 4-000 0-3 H Q 7314 C 0-758 9139 0775 11124 0-790 .Y 3-115 3-399 3-665 3-916 0-25 - Q 6695 C 0-760 8375 0-778 10193 12141 0*793 : 0*806 0-2 1 Y 2-801 Q 6019 3-056 7530 3-299 9174 3-525 10926 3-949 14785 ( C 0-764 0-782 0-798 0-811 0-834 Y 2-442 2-667 2-882 3-082 3-461 3-802 4-124 0-15 -- Q 5247 C 0-769 6570 0-788 8015 0-805 9554 0-819 12959 0-844 16715 0-863 20849 0-880 ' Y 2-020 2-211 2-394 2-566 2-886 3-180 3-455 0-10 - Q 4341 C 0-779 5448 0*800 6658 0-819 7954 0-835 10805 0-862 13978 0-884 17468 0-903 Y 1-441 1-620 1-761 1-897 2-150 2-381 2-600 0-05 H Q 3096 C 0-786 3991 0-829 4898 0-852 5881 0-873 8050 0-908 10468 0-936 13148 0-961 and cubic feet per second. 46 365 TABLE XII. TABLE III. REDUCTION MULTIPLIERS. CIRCULAR ARCS AND SECTORS. REDUCTION OF GRADIENTS. 366 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XII. ADDITIVE DIFFERENCES. FOR OBTAINING VALUES OF C' IN CLASS I., N = 0'020, FROM THOSE OF C IN CLASS II. OF EARTHWORK. E S per thousand. 1-0 0-6 0-4 0-2 0-15 0-10 0'05 0-4 077 076 076 073 071 069 062 0-5 080 080 079 077 075 072 066 0-6 083 082 082 080 078 076 070 07 085 085 084 082 08 1 079 073 0-8 087 087 086 084 083 08 1 076 0-9 089 088 088 086 085 083 078 1- 090 "090 089 087 086 084 080 1-25 092 092 092 091 090 088 084 1-5 094 094 094 093 092 089 087 1-75 096 096 '95 '95 094 093 091 2- 097 097 097 096 *95 095 093 2-25 098 098 098 097 097 097 095 2-5 099 099 099 098 098 098 096 275 100 099 099 099 099 099 098 3- 100 ioo ioo ioo 099 *IOO 099 3-25 ioo ioo 101 ioi ioi ioi ioo 3-5 101 101 ioi ioi ioi ioi 102 4- 102 101 102 102 102 102 103 4-5 102 102 103 I0 3 I0 3 I0 3 105 5- 103 I0 3 103 103 104 104 106 5-5 103 I0 3 103 104 IO4 I0 5 107 6 104 I0 3 104 104 105 I0 5 108 7 I0 3 104 104 I0 5 I0 5 107 no 8 '104 104 105 105 106 107 in 9 '104 105 105 106 106 108 in 10 105 105 105 106 107 108 "112 12 I0 5 105 105 107 107 109 114 14 105 105 105 107 108 no 114 16 I0 5 105 105 107 108 no 115 20 I0 5 105 106 107 108 no 115 C' Apply values of the fraction p- to the values of Y and Q, given in Table IX. for corresponding cases. REDUCTION TABLES. 367 TABLE XII. SlTBTBACTIVE DlFFEBENCES. FOB OBTAINING VALUES OF C' IN CLASS V., N = 0'030> FEOM THOSE - OF C IN CLASS IY. OF EABTHWOBK. E S per thousand. 1-0 0-6 0-4 0-2 0-15 0-10 0-05 0-4 039 038 038 037 036 034 031 0-5 041 '041 040 '039 038 036 034 0-6 043 042 042 -041 040 038 036 07 '044 044 '043 042 042 040 037 0-8 045 045 045 043 '043 041 039 0-9 046 046 045 045 044 043 040 ir 047 047 047 046 045 044 042 1-25 049 048 048 048 047 046 044 1-5 "050 "050 '050 049 049 049 046 175 051 051 051 050 "050 "050 048 2- 052 052 052 052 051 051 050 2-25 053 053 052 052 052 052 051 2-5 53 53 053 053 053 053 052 275 054 054 054 054 054 054 053 3- 55 054 054 054 054 054 054 3-25 54 055 054 055 055 055 055 3-5 055 055 055 055 055 056 056 4- 056 "056 056 056 "056 056 057 4-5 "056 "056 056 057 057 057 058 5- '056 057 056 057 058 058 059 5-5 057 057 057 058 058 058 060 6 057 057 057 058 058 058 060 7 057 058 058 -059 059 059 062 8 058 058 058 59 059 060 "063 9 058 058 059 059 060 060 063 10 058 058 59 060 060 06 1 064 12 058 059 '59 060 060 062 065 14 058 059 059 060 06 1 062 066 16 059 059 *59 060 06 1 062 066 20 059 059 0'59 060 06 1 063 067 Apply values of the fraction ^- to the values of Y and Q, given in Table XI. for corresponding cases. 368 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XII. REDUCTION MULTIPLIERS FOB B AND C. For obtaining Values of B', the Hydraulic Eadius, for any Trape- zoidal Section, from those of K given for Rectangular Sections in Table IV. b j is the ratio of the bed- width to the depth of water. b d Ratios of Side Slopes. Rect.-jVto 1 -** 01 - i*ol. ftol. Itol IJtol. IJtol. 2tol. 0-5 1-0 1-179 1-242 1-828 2-083 2-254 2-332 2-435 2-514 075 1-105 1-160 1-536 1-692 1-793 1-855 1-894 1-931 1? 1-081 1-119 1-391 1-500 1-567 1-606 1-628 1-645 1-25 1-064 1-095 1-305 1-386 1-434 1-460 1-473 1-477 1-5 1-054 1-078 1-249 1-313 1-348 1-364 1-371 1-368 2- 1-040 1-058 1-180 1-222 1-243 1-249 1-249 1-236 2-5 1-032 1-046 1-140 1-170 1-183 1-184 1-179 1-162 3- 1-026 1-038 1-114 1-136 1-144 1-142 1-135 1-115 3-5 1-023 1-033 1-096 1-113 1-117 1-114 1-106 1-084 4- 1-020 1-029 1-082 1-096 1-099 1-093 1-085 1-062 4-5 1-016 1-025 1-072 1-085 1-084 1-078 1-069 1-046 5- 1-016 1-023 1-064 1-073 1-073 1-067 1-057 1-038 6 1-013 1-018 1-052 1-059 1-057 1-051 1-041 1-019 7 1-011 1-016 1-044 1-049 1-047 1-039 1-031 1-009 8 1-010 1-014 1-038 1-042 1-039 1-032 1-023 1-002 9 1-009 1-012 1-033 1-036 1-033 1-027 1-018 0-998 10 1-008 1-011 1-030 1-032 1-029 1-023 1-014 0-995 12 1-006 1-009 1-024 1-026 1-023 1-017 1-009 0-992 14 1-005 1-008 1-021 1-022 1-019 1-013 1-006 0-990 16 1-004 1-007 1-018 1-018 1-016 1-011 1-004 0-989 18 1-004 1-006 1-016 1-016 1-014 1-009 1-003 0-989 20 1-004 1-005 1-014 1-014 1-012 1-007 1-002 0-989 30 1-003 1-003 1-009 1-009 1-007 1-004 1-000 0-990 40 1-002 1-003 1-007 1-007 1-005 1-002 1-000 0-992 50 * 1-001 1-002 1-005 1-005 1-004 1-002 0-999 0-992 60 1-001 1-002 1-005 1-005 1-004 1-001 0-999 0-994 70 1-001 1-001 1-004 1-004 1-003 1-001 0-999 0-995 80 1-001 1-001 1-003 1-003 1-002 1-001 0-999 0-995 90 1-001 1-001 1-003 1-003 1-002 1-001 0-999 0-995 100 1-0 1-001 1-001 1-003 1-003 1-002 1-001 0-999 0-996 The value of C' corresponding to E' can be obtained from Table II. If the multiplier is not far from unity, it may be used to obtain C' direct from the corresponding value of C given in Table VIII. REDUCTION TABLES. 369 TABLE XII. REDUCTION MULTIPLIERS FOR R AND C. For obtaining Values of R', the Hydraulic Radius, for any Trape- zoidal Section, from those of R given for Trapezoidal Sections having Side Slopes of One to One in Table IY. is the ratio of the bed-width to the depth of water. 6 d Otol. -Jg-tol. Jtol. Ratios of Side Slopes. Jtol. ftol. Itol. IJtol. IJtol. 2tol. 0-5 4437 0-523 0-551 0-811 0-924 1-0 1-035 1-080 1-116 075 5577 0-616 0-647 0-857 0-944 1-035 1-056 1-077 1- 6382 0-690 0-714 0-888 0-957 1-025 1-039 1-050 1-25 6974 0-742 0-764 0-910 0-967 1-018 1-027 1-030 1-5 7418 0-782 0-800 0-927 0-974 1-012 1-017 1-015 2- 8045 0-837 0-851 0-949 0-983 1-005 1-005 0-994 2-5 8453 0-872 '0-884 0-964 0-989 1-001 0-997 0-982 3- 8741 0-897 0-907 0-974 0-993 0-998 0-992 0-975 3-5 8953 0-916 0-919 0-979 0-996 0-997 0-989 0-971 4- 9099 0-928 0-933 0-983 0-997 0-994 0-986 0-966 4-5 9225 0-937 0-944 0-988 1-000 0-994 0-985 0-965 1* 9320 0-947 0-953 0-991 1-000 0-994 0-984 0-964 6 9461 0-958 0-963 0-995 1-002 0-994 0-984 0-963 7 9551 0-966 0-970 0-997 1-002 0-992 0-984 0-963 8 9625 0-972 0-976 0-999 1-003 0-993 0-984 0-964 9 9681 0-977 0-980 1-000 1-003 0-994 0-985 0-966 10 9718 0-980 0-983 1-001 1-003 0-994 0-985 0-967 12 9775 0-983 0-986 1-001 1-003 0-994 0-986 0-970 14 9814 0-986 0-989 1-002 1-003 0-994 0-987 0-972 16 9843 0-988 0-991 1-002 1-002 0-995 0-988 0-974 18 9862 0-990 0-992 1-002 1-002 0-995 0-989 0-976 20 9881 0-992 0-993 1-002 1-002 0-995 0-990 0-978 30 9930 0-996 0-996 1-002 1-002 0-997 0-993 0-983 40 9950 0-997 0-998 1-002 1-002 0-997 0-995 0-987 50 9960 0-997 0-998 1-001 1-001 0-998 0-995 0-988 60 9960 0-997 0-998 1-001 1-001 0-997 0-995 0-990 70 9970 0-998 0-998 1-001 1-001 0-998 0-996 0-992 80 9980 0-999 0-999 1-001 1-001 0-999 0-997 0-993 90 9980 0-999 0-999 ll-OOl 1-001 0-999 0-997 0-993 100 9980 0-999 0-999 1-001 1-001 1-0 0-999 0-997 0-994 The value of C' corresponding to R' can be obtained from Table II. If the multiplier is not far from unity, it may be used to obtain C' direct from the corresponding value of C given in Table IX., X., or XI. 370 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XII. REDUCTION MULTIPLIERS FOR V. For obtaining Values of V, the Mean Velocity of Discharge, corre- sponding to any Trapezoidal Section from those of V given in Table VIII., for Rectangular Sections after reduction for the change of coefficient. -="18 the ratio of the bed-width to the depth of water. b d Ratios of Side Slopes. Rect..Jg.tol..|tol. ftol. ftol. Itol IJtol. IJtol. 2tol. 0-5 1-0 1-086 1-114 1-352 1-443 1-501 1-527 1-560 1-586 075 1-051 1-077 1-239 1-301 1-339 1-362 1-376 1-390 1- 1-040 1-058 1-179 1-225 1-252 1-267 1-276 1-283 1-25 1-032 1-046 1-142 1-177 1-197 1-208 1-214 1-215 1-5 1-027 1-038 1-118 1-146 1-161 1-168 1-171 1-170 2- 1-020 1-029 1-086 1-105 1-115 1-118 1-118 1-112 2-5 1-016 1-023 1-068 1-082 1-088 1-088 1-086 1-078 3- 1-013 1-019 1-055 1-066 1-070 1-069 1-065 1-056 3-5 1-011 1-016 1-047 1-055 1-057 1-055 1-052 1-041 4- 1-010 1-014 1-040 1-047 1-048 1-045 1-042 1-031 4-5 1-008 1-012 1-035 1-042 1-041 1-038 1-034 1-023 5- 1-008 1-011 1-031 1-036 1-036 1-033 1-028 1-019 6 1-006 1-009 1-026 1-029 1-028 1-025 1-020 1-009 7 1-005 1-008 1-022 1-024 1-023 1-019 1-015 1-004 8 1-005 jl-007 1-019 1-021 1-019 1-016 1-011 1-001 9 1-004 1-006 1-016 1-018 1-016 1-013 1-009 0-999 10 1-004 1-005 1-015 1-016 1-014 1-011 1-007 0:997 12 1-003 1-004 1-012 1-013 1-011 1-008 1-004 0-996 14 1-002 1-004 1-010 1-011 1-009 1-006 1-003 0-995 16 1-002 1-003 1-009 1-009 1-008 1-005 1-002 0-994 18 1-002 1-003 1-008 1-008 1-007 1-004 1-001 0-994 20 1-002 1-002 1-007 1-007 1-006 1-003 1-001 0-994 30 1-001 1-001 1-004 1-004 1-003 1-002 1-000 0-995 40 1-001 1-001 1-003 1-003 1-002 1-001 1- 0-996 50 1-000 1-001 1-002 1-002 1-002 1-001 1- 0-996 60 1- 1-001 1-002 1-002 1-002 1-000 I- 0-997 70 1- 1-000 1-002 1-002 1-001 1- 1- 0-997 80 1- 1- 1-001 1-001 1-001 1- 1- 0-997 ! 90 1- 1- 1-001 1-001 1-001 1- 1- 0-997 100 1-0 1- 1- 1-001 1-001 1-001 1- 1- 0-998 C' Here, V'= p- . V. x multiplier above given ; while C, V, and Q, are given in Table VLLL For 5' see page 368. EEDUOTION TABLES. 371 TABLE XII. REDUCTION MULTIPLIERS FOB V. For obtaining Values of V, the Mean Velocity of Discharge, corre- sponding to any Trapezoidal Section, from those of V given in Tables IX., X., and XI. for Trapezoidal Sections, having Side Slopes of One to One, after reduction for the change of coefficient. 6 -j is the ratio of the bed- width to the depth of water. & d Ratios of Side Slopes. Otol. T^tol. Jtol. Jtol. f tol. ItoLlJtol. IJtol. 2tol. 0-5 0-666 0-723 0-742 0-901 0-961 1-0 1-017 1-039 1-056 075 0-747 0-785 0-804 0-926 0-972 11-017 1-028 1-038 1- 0-799 0-831 0-845 0-942 0-978 1-012 1-019 1-025 1-25 0-835 0-861 0-874 0-954 0-983 1-009 1-013 1-015 1-5 0-861 0-884 0-894 0-963 0-987 1-006 1-008 1-007 2- 0-897 0-915 0-922 0-974 0-991 1-002 1-002 0-997 2-5 0-919 0-934 0-940 0-982 0-994 1-000 0-998 0-991 3- 0-935 0-947 0-952 0-987 0-996 0-999 ; 0-996 0-987 3-5 0-946 0-957 0-959 0-989 0-998 0-998 0-994 0-985 4e 0-954 0-963 0-966 0-991 0-998 0-997 0-993 0-983 4-5 0-961 0-968 0-972 0-994 1-000 0-997 0-992 0-982 5- 0-965 0-973 0-976 0-995 1-000 0-997 0-992 0-982 6 0-973 0-979 0-981 0-997 1-001 0-997 0-992 0-981 7 0-978 0-983 0-985 0-998 1-001 0-996 0-992 0-981 8 0-981 0-986 0-988 0-999 1-001 0-996 j 0-992 0-982 9 0-984 0-988 0-990 1-000 1-001 0-997 0-992 0-983 10 0-986 0-990 0-991 1-000 1-001 0-997 0-992 0-983 12 0-989 0-991 0-993 1-000 1-001 0-997 0-993 0-985 14 0-991 0-993 0-994 1-001 1-001 0-997 0-993 0-986 16 0-992 0-994 0-995 1-001 1-001 0-997 0-994 0-987 18 0-993 0-995 0-996 1-001 1-001 0-997 0-994 0-988 20 0-994 0-996 0-996 1-001 1-001 0-997 0-995 0-989 30 0-996 0-998 0-998 1-001 1-001 0-998 0-996 0-991 40 0-997 0-998 0-999 1-001 1-001 :0-998 0-997 0-993 50 0-998 0-998 0-999 1-000 1-000 0-999 0-997 0-994 60 0-998 0-998 0-999 1- 1- jO-999 0-997 0-995 70 0-998 0-999 0-999 1- 1- 0-999 0-998 0-996 80 0-999 0-999 0-999 1- 1- 0-999 0-998 0-996 90 0-999 0-999 0-999 1- 1- 0-999 0-998 0-996 100 0-999 0-999 0-999 1- 1- 1-0 0-999 0-998 0-997 C' Here, V'= Q . Vx multiplier above given ; while C, V, and Q, are given in Tables IX., X., XI. For ^ see page 369. 372 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XII. REDUCTION MULTIPLIERS FOE Q. For obtaining Values of Q', the quantity discharged correspond- ing to any Trapezoidal Section, from those of Q given in Table VIII., for Rectangular Sections, after reduction for change of coefficient. & -5 is the ratio of the bed- width to the depth of water. b d Ratios of Side Slopes. Rect. T^tol. Jtol. Jtol. ftol. Itol. IJtol. IJtol. 2tol. 0-5 1-0 1-267 1-392 2-704 3-607 4-503 5-341 6-240 7-930 075 1-168 1-256 2-065 2-602 3-124 3-630 4-128 5-097 1- 1-127 1-190 1-768 2-143 2-504 2-852 3-190 3-849 1-25 1-101 1-151 1-598 1-893 2-155 2-416 2-671 3-159 1-5 1-084 1-125 1-491 1-718 1-935 2-142 2-342 2-730 2- 1-062 1-093 1-357 1-518 1-672 1-816 1-956 2-224 2-5 1-050 1-074 1-282 1-406 1-523 1-631 1-738 1-940 3- 1-041 1-063 1-231 1-333 1-427 1-514 1-597 1-760 3-5 1-035 1-052 1-196 1-282 1-359 1-432 1-503 1-636 4- 1-031 1-046 1-170 1-242 1-310 1-372 1-433 1-546 4-5 1-027 1-040 1-150 1-213 1-272 1-325 1-368 i 1-478 5- 1-025 1-036 1-134 1-191 1-243 1-301 1-336 1-427 6 1-020 1-030 1-112 1-157 1-199 1-239 1-275 1-345 7 1-017 1-026 1-095 1-134 1-169 1-201 1-232 1-291 8 1-015 1-023 1-082 1-115 1-146 1-174 1-200 1-251 9 1-013 1-020 1-072 1-102 1-129 1-154 1-177 1-221 10 1-012 1-018 1-066 1-090 1-115 1-137 1-158 1-196 12 1-010 1-014 1-054 1-075 1-095 1-113 1-129 1-162 14 1-008 1-013 1-046 1-064 1-081 1-096 1-110 1-137 16 1-007 1-011 1-041 1-056 1-071 1-084 1-096 1-118 18 1-007 1-010 1-036 1-050 1-063 1-074 1-084 1-104 20 1-006 1-009 1-032 1-046 1-056 1-066 1-076 1-093 30 1-004 1-005 1-021 1-029 1-036 1-041 1-050 1-061 40 1-003 1-004 1-016 1-022 1-027 1-030 1-038 1-046 50 1-002 1-003 1-012 1-017 1-022 1-025 1-030 1-036 60 1-001 1-003 1-010 1-015 1-019 1-021 1-025 1-030 70 1-001 1-002 1-008 1-011 1-016 1-017 1-021 1-024 80 1-001 1-002 1-007 1-011 1-014 1-015 1-019 1-021 90 1-001 1-001 1-006 1-009 1-012 1-013 1-017 1-019 100 1-0 1-001 1-001 1-006 1-009 1-011 1-011 1-015 1-018 Here, Q'= ^ . Q. x multiplier above given ; while C, V, and Q, are given in Table VIII. For ?' see page 368. REDUCTION TABLES. 373 TABLE XII. REDUCTION MULTIPLIERS FOR Q. For obtaining Values of Q', the quantity discharged correspond- ing to any Trapezoidal Section, from those of Q given in Tables IX., X., XI., for Trapezoidal Sections, having Side Slopes of One to One, after reduction for change of coefficient. -5 is the ratio of the bed-width to the depth of water. b d Eatios of Side Slopes. Otol.^tol. ftol. ftol. ftol. Itol. IJtol. IJtol. 2tol. 0-5 2221 0-281 0-309 0-601 0-801 1-0 1-186 1-386 1-761 0-75 3201 0-374 0-402 0-661 0-833 1-162 1-321 ! 1-632 1- 3994 0-450 0-475 0-706 0-856 1-139 1-274 1-537 1-25 4640 0-511 0-534 0-743 0-874 1-121 1-239 1-466 1-5 5168 0-560 0-581 0-771 0-888 1-107 1-210 1-411 2- 5981 0-635 0-654 0-812 0-908 1-086 1-170 1-330 2-5 6566 0-689 0-705 0-842 0-923 1-071 1-141 1-274 3- 7008 0-730 0-745 0-863 0-934 1-061 1-119 1-233 3-5 7358 0-762 0-774 0-880 0-943 1-054 1-106 1-204 4- 7634 0-787 0-799 0-893 0-948 1-047 1-094 1-180 4-5 7862 0-807 0-818 0-904 C-954 1-042 1-076 1-162 5- 8045 0-825 0-833 0-912 0-958 1-039 1-075 1-148 6 8340 0-851 0-859 0-927 0-965 1-033 1-063 1-122 7 8554 0-870 0-878 0-937 0-970 1-027 1-054 1-104 8 8726 0-886 0-893 0-944 0-973 1-024 1-047 1-092 9 8857 0-897 0-903 0-949 0-976 1-022 1-042 1-081 10 8969 0-908 0-913 0-956 0-978 1-020 1-039 1-073 12 9132 0-922 0-926 0-963 0-982 1-016 1-031 1-061 14 9251 0-933 0-938 0-968 0-984 1-014 1-027 1-052 16 9337 0-941 0-945 0-973 0-986 1-012 1-023 1-044 18 9407 0-948 0-951 0-976 0-988 1-010 1-020 1-030 20 9470 0-953 0-956 0-977 0-989 1-009 1-019 1-035 30 9653 0-969 0-970 0-986 0-993 1-005 1-014 1-024 40 9737 0-977 0-978 0-990 0-995 1-003 1-011 1-019 50 9785 0-981 0-982 0-991 0-995 1-003 1-008 1-014 60 9814 0-982 0-984 0-991 0-996 1-002 1-006 1-011 70 9842 0-985 0-986 0-993 0-996 1-002 1-006 1-009 80 9862 0-987 0-988 0-993 0-997 1-001 1-005 1-007 90 9881 0-989 0-989 0-995 0-998 1-001 1-005 1-007 100 9891 0-990 0-990 0-995 0-998 1-0 1-000 1'004 1-007 Here, Q'=Q Q. x multiplier above given; while C, Y, and Q, are given in Tables IX., X., XI. For ~ see page 369. 374 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES, TABLE XII. ABCS OF CIRCLES, HAVING A DIAMETER =1 ; OR AREAS OF SECTORS OF CIRCLES, HAVING A RADIUS = 1. Dec- Arc r *** Sector. T^ Arc or De S- Sector. ~ Arc or De S- Sector. TV ^ Arc or De S' Sector. ** Stto ;. 1 -00873 31 -27053 61 -53233 91 -79412 121 1-05592 2 -01745 32 -27925 62 -54105 92 -80286 122 1-06465 3 -02618 33 -28798 63 -54978 93 -81158 123 1-07338 4 -03491 34 -29671 64 -55851 94 -82030 124 1-08210 5 -04363 35 -30543 65 -56723 95 -82903 125 1-09083 6 -05236 36 -31416 66 -57596 96 -83776 126 1-09956 7 -06109 37 -32289 67 -58469 97 -84648 127 1-10828 8 -06981 38 -33161 68 -59341 98 -85521 128 1-11701 9 -07854 39 -34034 69 -60214 99 -86394 129 1-12574 10 -08727 40 -34907 70 -61087 100 -87266 130 1-13446 11 -09599 41 -35779 71 -61959 101 -88139 131 1-14319 12 -10472 42 -36652 72 -62832 102 -89012 132 1-15192 13 -11345 43 -37525 73 -63705 103 -89884 133 1-16064 14 -12217 44 -38397 74 -64577 104 -90757 134 1-16937 15 -13090 45 -39270 75 -65450 105 -91630 135 1-17810 16 -13963 46 -40143 76 -66323 106 -92502 136 1-18682 17 -14835 47 -41015 77 -67195 107 -93375 137 1-19555 18 -15708 48 -41888 78 -68068 108 -94248 138 1-20428 19 -16581 49 -42761 79 -68941 109 -95120 139 1-21300 20 -17453 50 -43633 80 -69813 110 -95993 140 1-22173 21 -18326 51 -44506 81 -70686 111 -96866 141 1-23046 22 -19199 52 -45379 82 -71559 112 -97738 142 1-23918 23 -20071 53 -46251 83 -72431 113 -98611 143 1-24791 24 -20944 54 -47124 84 73304 114 -99484 144 1-25664 25 -21817 55 -47997 85 -74176 115 1-00356 145 1-26536 26 -22689 56 -48869 86 -75049 116 1-01229 146 1-27409 27 -23562 57 -49742 87 75922 117 1-02102 147 1-28282 28 -24435 58 -50615 88 -76794 118 1-02974 148 1-29154 29 -25307 59 -51487 89 -77667 119 1-03847 149 1-30027 30 -26180 60 -52360 90 -78540 120 1-04720 150 1-30900 EEDUCTION TABLES. 375 TABLE XII. ARCS or CIRCLES, HAVING A DIAMETER =1 ; OK AREAS OF SECTORS OF CIRCLES HAVING A EADIUS =1. T. Arc or De S- Sector. ** s A e r r: -fr" sir. ~ n Arc or ' ec - Sector. Sec ArC r Sector. 151 1-31772 1 -00015 31 -00451 1 -000 002 31 -000075 152 1-32645 2 -00029 32 -00465 2 -000 005 32 -000 078 153 1-33518 3 -00044 33 -00480 3 -000 007 33 -000 080 154 1-34390 4 -00058 34 -00494 4 -000 010 34 -000082 ' 155 1-35263 5 -00078 35 -00509 5 -000 012 35 -000085 ; 156 1-36136 6 -00087 36 -00524 6 -000 015 36 -000087 ! 157 1-37008 7 -00102 37 -00538 7 -000 017 37 -000 090 158 1-37881 8 -00116 38 -00553 8 -000 019 38 -000 092 159 1-38754 9 -00131 39 -00567 9 -000 022 39 -000 095 160 1-39626 10 -00145 40 -00582 10 -000 024 40 -000 097 161 1-40499 11 -00160 41 -00596 11 -000 026 41 -000 099 162 1-41372 12 -00175 42 -00611 12 -000 029 42 -000 102 163 1-42244 13 -00189 43 -00625 13 -000 031 43 -000 104 164 1-43117 14 -00204 44 -00640 14 -000 034 44 -000 107 165 1-43990 15 -00218 45 -00655 15 -000 036 45 -000 109 166 1-44862 16 -00233 46 -00669 16 -000 039 46 -000 112 167 1-45735 17 -00247 47 -00684 17 -000041 47 -000 114 168 1-46608 18 -00262 48 -00698 18 -000 044 48 -000 116 169 1-47380 19 -00276 49 -00713 19 -000 046 49 -000 119 170 1-48353 20 -00291 50 -00727 20 -000 049 50 -000 121 171 1-49226 21 -00305 51 -00742 21 -000 051 51 -000 124 172 1-50098 22 -00320 52 -00756 22 -000 053 52 .000 126 173 1-50971 23 -00335 53 -00771 23 -000 056 53 -000 129 174 1-51844 24 -00349 54 -00785 24 -000 058 54 -000 131 175 1-52716 25 -00364 55 -00800 25 -000 061 55 -000 133 176 1-53589 26 -00378 56 -00814 26 -000 063 56 -000 136 177 1-54962 27 -00393 57 -00829 27 -000065 57 -000 138 178 1-55334 28 -00407 58 -00844 28 -000 068 58 -000 141 179 1-56207 29 -00422 59 -00858 29 -000 070 79 -000 143 180 1-57080 30 -00436 60 -00873 30 -000073 60 -000 145 CANAL AND OULVEET TABLES. TABLE XII. EEDUCTION or GRADIENTS. S per thousand. One in Feet per Mile. One in 8 per thousand. i Feet per Mile. 0-01 100 000 0-0528 100 000 0-0100 0-0528 0-02 50000 0-1056 90 000 0-0111 0-0587 0-03 33333 0-1584 80000 0-0125 0-0660 0-04 25 000 0-2112 70000 0-0143 0-0754 0-05 20 000 0-2640 60000 0-0167 0-0880 0-06 16 666 0-3168 50000 0-0200 0-1056 0-07 14 286 0-3696 40000 0-0250 0-1320 0-08 12 500 0-4224 30000 0-0333 0-1760 0-09 11 111 0-4752 20000 0-0500 0-2640 0-1 10 000 0-528 10000 0-1000 0-5280 0-15 6666 0-792 9500 0-1053 0-5557 0-2 5000 1-056 9000 0-1111 0-5866 0-25 4000 1-320 8500 0-1177 0-6211 0-3 3333 1-584 8000 0-1250 0-6600 0-35 2857 1-848 7500 0-1333 0-7040 0-4 2500 2-112 7000 0-1428 0-7543 0-45 2222 2-376 6500 0-1539 0-8123 0-5 2000 2-640 6000 0-1666 0-8800 0-55 1818 2-904 5500 0-1818 0-9600 0-6 1666 3-168 5000 0-2 1-0560 0-65 1538 3-332 4500 0-2222 1-1733 07 1429 3-696 4000 0-25 1-3200 075 1333 3-960 3500 0-2856 1-5086 0-8 1250 4-224 3000 0-3333 1-7600 0-85 1176 4-488 2500 0-4 2-1120 0-9 1111 4-752 2000 0-5 2-6400 0-95 1053 5-016 1500 0-6666 3-5200 1- 1000 5-28. 1000 1-0 5-2800 1-5 666 7-92 900 1-111 5-8666 2- 500 10-56 800 1-250 6-6000 3- 333 15-84 700 1-428 7-543 4- 250 21-12 600 1-666 8-800 5- 200 26-40 500 2- 10-56 10- 100 52-8 100 10- 52-8 20- 50 105-6 50 | 20- 105-6 377 TABLE XIII. CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHARGING CULVERTS OF VARIOUS SECTIONS RUNNING JUST FULL. 1. FOR GLAZED OR CEMENTED SURFACES IN PERFECT ORDER WHEN JST=0010. 2. FOR UNGLAZED SURFACES OF BRICK OR TILE IN PERFECT ORDER WHEN N=0'013. 48 378 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XIII. CONDITIONS of equal- discharging Culverts running Q is the quantity discharged ; V the mean velocity in feet per CYLINDRICAL CULVERTS. 2-75 3'00 3-50 4'00 3-05 1-92 0-84 0-42 1-47 1-49 1-53 1-55 6'74 5;66 4-16 3-18 2-75 3-00 3'50 4'00 4'77 3'01 1-32 0-65 1-47 1-49 1-53 1-56 8'42 7-07 5-20 3'98 3-00 3*50 4-00 4-50 4'33 1'90 0'94 0-51 1-49 1-53 1-56 1-58 8'49 6-24 4-78 3-77 3-50 4-00 4-50 5-00 3-38 1-67 0-89 0-51 i'53 1*56 i'59 1*61 8'32 6'37 5-03 4-08 4-00 4-50 5-00 5-50 2-60 1-39 0-80 0-49 1-56 1-59 1*61 1-63 7-96 6-29 5-09 4-21 5-00 5-50 6-00 6-50 1-14 0-70 0-44 0-29 1*62 1*63 1*65 1*66 6-11 5-05 4-24 3-62 5-50 6-00 6-50 7-00 0-94 0-60 0-40 0-27 1*64 1*65 i*66 1*67 5-89 4-95 4-22 3'64 6-00 6'50 7-00 7-50 078 0-51 0-35 0-24 1*65 1*67 i'68 i'6<) 5-66 4-82 4-16 3'62 6-00 6-50 7-00 7-50 0-99 0-65 0*44 0-31 1-65 1-67 i'68 1-69 6-37 5-43 4-68 4-07 6-50 7-00 7-50 8'00 0-80 0-54 0-38 0-27 1-67 1-68 1-69 170 6-03 5-20 4-53 3-98 For materials see general values of N in Table I. ; for VJJ* : 0-50 0'66 075 0'83 20-4 4-23 2-18 1'24 i'oi 1*08 ri2 1*14 fjlau.; ^F 5'09 2-87 2-26 1'83 \y f d . 0'66 075 0'83 I'OO d . o (Fall . 16-9 872 4'97 1-83 , n (Fall . ( ' ro8 ri2 1*14 i'i9 50 jo . 573 4-53 3*67 2'55 F d . 0-83 1-00 1-25 1'50 ..d t j -F ^*- 19'9 7-33 2-14 0-81 60 J Fal1 ' 1 C ' 1*14 1*19 rz6 1*30 * 1C . ^V 7'33 5-09 3'26 2-26 ^V f d . 1-0 1-25 1-50 175 d . ft ) Fa11 16-5 4-82 179 078 nn ] -t all . 6 jo 1-19 1-26 1-31 1-35 80 { i ' 7-64 4-89 3'40 2'49 ^V ,d . 1-25 1-50 175 2-00 f d . \Fall 8-57 3-18 1-39 0*68 >Fall 8 c : 1-26 1-31 1-35 1-38 100 jo '. ^F 6'52 4-53 3-33 2'55 \y d 1-50 175 2-00 2-25 d 10 ^ a11 ' 4-98 2-17 1-05 0-57 120 k ai1 : 1-31 r 35 1-39 1-41 ^0 ^F - 5-b'6 4-16 3-18 2-52 ^F ( d ' 2*0 2-25 2-5 275 d 2-36 1-26 072 0'44 j J f\ T *- ^J-l 15 < ^, 140 < ^ J ^ 1-39 1-42 1-44 1-45 ^F 477 377 3-06 2-53 ^F d . 2'25 2*50 275 3'00 d 20 o al1 : 2-23 1-28 077 0'49 1-42 1*44 1-46 1*48 160 Fal1 ^F 5-03 4-07 3-37 2-83 ^F .d . 2-25 2-50 275 3*00 A OR ) Fa11 ' 3-49 2-00 1-19 075 . Qn (Fall 25 { 1-42 1-44 1-47 1-49 If ^F 6-29 5-09 4-21 3'54 ,d . 2-5 2-75 3-0 3-5 A \Fall 2-88 172 1-08 0-49 \Fall 30 o . I'2I 1*25 1-29 I'33 u JO ^F 578 4-25 3-25 2-57 ^F ,d . s) i. 6-57 3-16 1-65 0-93 A 80 ^ a11 / 1-25 1-29 1-33 1-36 } C F 5-66 4-33 3-42 277 ^F .cZ . T4" 1'6" 1'8" riO d 10 [ Fal1 - 4-94 2-57 1-45 0*88 qO i Fa11 ' 1U 1C . 1-29 1-33 1-36 1-38 IY ' F 5-42 4-28 3-47 2-87 ,cZ . 1'6" 1'8"1'10"2'0" d 15 l Fa11 5 \c . 579 3-27 1-97 1-24 r 33 l '3& l '3% I '4 inn i Fa11 ' 100 jo . F ' 6-42 5-20 4-30 3'61 F ,"< 60 Fall. 1-33 0*65 0-43 0-29 G . 0-89 0*92 0-95 0' 98 C . 1*17 1-19 I'20 I'2I V . 3-48 2-56 1-96 1- 55 V . 4'26 3-27 278 2'40 d . I'O" 1'2" 1'4" 1' 6" d , 4'0" 4' 4'' 4' 8" 5'0" Fall. 11-92 5-12 2-49 1- 33 70 Fall. 0-86 0-58 0-39 0-27 G . 0-89 0-92 0-95 O' 98 G . 1*19 I'2I 1*22 1-23 y . 5-22 3'84 2-94 2 32 V 3-81 3-25 2-80 2-36 d . 1'2" 1'4" 1'6" I' 8" f d 4' 4" 4' 8" 5'0" 5' 4" Fall. 9-10 4'39 2-32 1- 33 80 Fall. 075 0-51 0-36 0-26 C . 0-92 '95 0-98 r oo ' O U G . I'2I 1*22 1*23 1-24 y . 5-12 3-92 3-10 2- 51 V . 371 3-20 2-69 245 'd . 1'4" 1'6" 1'8" 1' 10" 'd . 4' 8" 5'0" 5' 4" 5' 8" Fall. 6-85 3-61 2-02 I- 23 90 Fall . 0-64 0-45 0-32 0-23 G . '95 0-98 I -00 r 03 G . 1*22 1*23 1-24 1-25 y . 4-90 3-87 3-13 2- 59 V . 3-60 3-03 275 2-44 d . 1'8" 1' 10" 2'0" 2' 2" d . 5'0" 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" Fall. 4-56 271 173 1- 11 mn Fall . 0-55 0-39 0-33 0-28 G . I '00 1-03 1-05 i- 06 1 UU G . 1-24 1-25 1-25 1-25 y . 470 3-89 3-27 278 V . 3-37 3-06 271 d . no" 2'0" 2' 4" 2' 8" d . 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" 6'0" Fall . 4-82 3-CO 1-34 0-64 190 Fall . 0-56 0-48 0-41 0-30 G . 1-03 1*05 i -08 i 10 1 U G . 1-25 1-25 1-26 1-27 y . 5-18 4-35 3-20 2 45 V . 3-67 3-45 3-25 2-90 [ d 2'0" 2' 4" 2' 8" 3' 0" d . 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" 6'0" Fall '. 470 2-03 0-99 o- 53 Fall. 076 0-68 0-55 0-41 G . 1-05 i -08 i'i i i r 3 140 G . 1-25 1-26 1-26 1-27 y . 5-44 3-99 3-06 2 42 V . 4-29 4-03 3-80 3-39 d . 2' 4" 2' 8" 3'0" 3' 4" d 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" 6'0" Fall. 2-90 1-43 076 43 IRQ Fall. 0-99 0-84 072 0-53 G . i -08 i*ii 1-13 i 15 1 UU G . 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-27 V . 4-80 3-67 290 2 35 V 4-90 4-60 4-34 3-87 'd . 2' 8" 3'0" 3' 4" 3' 8" 'd . 5' 6" 5' 8" 6'0" Fall . 2-53 1-35 076 o- 46 4 on Fall. 1-06 0-90 0-68 C . no 1-14 n6 i 17 loU G . 1-26 1-27 1-28 V . 4-90 3-87 3-13 2 60 V . 5-18 4-88 4-35 d . 3'0" 3' 4" 3' 8" 4' 0" 'd . 5' 8" 6'0" Fall. 2-09 1-40 072 45 onn Fall. 1-11 0-83 G . 1-14 n6 1-17 i 1 9 ZUU G . 1-27 1-28 V . 4-84 3-92 3-24 2 72 y . 5-42 4-84 For materials see general values of N in Table I. ; for CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHARGING CULVERTS. 385 TABLE XIII. just full, with a co-efficient of rugosity .N"=0'013- second ; S per 1 000 is the fall ; d is the transverse diameter in feet. CULVERT OF PEGKTOP SECTION. 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 Fall G V d Fall V Id Fall G V d Fall G V d Fall G V d Fall G V d Fall Fall C V d Fall C V d Fall C V TO" 1'2" 1'4" 1'6" 7-33 3-15 1-55 073 0*87 0*90 0*93 0-96 3-85 2-83 2-17 171 16-50 7-06 3-41 1-81 0-87 0-90 0-93 0-96 5-78 4-24 3-25 2-57 12-56 6-04 3-04 1-80 0-90 0*93 0-96 o" 5-66 4-33 3-42 2- T4" re" rs" no 9-43 4-93 2-78 1-68 0-93 0-96 0*99 I'oi 5-42 4-28 3-47 2-86 l'8"riO"2'0" 2' 2" 6-23 3-70 2-33 1'54 0-99 i'oi 1*03 1-05 5-20 4-30 3-61 3'08 riO"2'0" 2' 4" 2' 8" 6-56 4-11 1-81 0-87 i'oi 1*03 1*06 1-09 573 4-81 3-54 271 2'0" 2' 4" 2' 8" 3'0" 6-42 2-79 1-36 072 i '03 ro6 1*09 i'ii 6'02 4-42 3-36 2'67 2' 4" 2' 8" 3'0" 3' 4" 4-00 1-94 1-03 0-59 ro6 1-09 ri2 1*13 5'31 4-06 3-21 2-60 2' 8" 3'0" 3' 4" 3' 8" 3-45 1'84 1-04 0-63 1-09 i- 1 2 1-14 1-16 5-42 4-28 3-47 2'86 3'0" 3' 4" 3' 8" 4'0" 2-86 1'62 0-97 0'61 1-12 1-14 1-16 1-17 5-35 4-33 3-58 3'01 1*1 as f d . 3' 6" 4/0" 4' 4" 4'8 f a?**" 1 w i fin Fall . 1-78 0-88 0-58 0-39 uu C . 1-15 1-18 1*19 I'20 V . 4-72 3-61 3-08 2-65 f d . 4/0" 4' 4" 4' 8" 5'0" 70 Fall. 1-17 0-78 0-53 0-37 G . 1-18 1-19 I'2I I'2I V . 4-21 3-59 309 270 'd . 4' 4" 4' 8" 5'0" 5' 4" 80 Fall. 1-13 0-69 0-46 0-34 G I'20 I'2I I'22 1-23 V . 4-10 3-54 3-08 271 'd . 4' 8" 5'0" 5' 4" 5' 8" 90 Fall. y-- 0-87 0-60 0-43 0-31 U . I'2I I'22 1-23 1-24 (v 3-98 3-47 3-05 270 'd . 5'0" 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" 4 nn Fall. 0-74 0-53 0-45 0-39 100 G I'22 1-23 1-24 1-24 y 3-85 3-39 3-18 3-00 'd . 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" 6'0" j on Fall. 0-76 0-64 0-55 0-41 120 G 1-24 1-24 1-25 1-25 y . 4-06 3-82 3-60 3-21 d . 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 8" 6'0" 1/in Fall. 1-02 0-87 075 0-55 1 4U C . V . 1-24 4-74 1-24 4-46 1-25 4-20 1-26 375 d . 5' 6" 5' 8" 6'0" i en Fall. 1-13 0-97 072 IbU G . 1-25 1-25 1-26 V . 5-09 4-80 4-28 d 5' 8" 6'0" Fall. 1-20 0-91 180 G . 1-25 1-26 y - 5-40 4-82 d . 6'0" Fall . 1-11 200 C . 1-26 V . 5-35 long diameter and sectional data, see Table IV., Part I. 49 387 TABLE IIV. CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHARGING AQUEDUCTS OR CANALS OF RECTANGULAR SECTION. IN NEW RUBBLE IN GOOD ORDER . < OR | WHEN N = 0'017. IN OLD BRICKWORK OR OLD ASHLAR, f NOTE. This Table corresponds to Table VIII. 388 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XIV. CONDITIONS of equal-discharging Aqueducts and Canals, of Bect- with a co-efficient of Q is the quantity discharged ; F, the mean velocity in feet per d is the depth of 10 lb . . . 1- 1- 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2-5 2-5 3- 3- d ... 0-5 1- 0-5 r 0-5 1- 0-5 1- : 0-5 075 S per 1 000 44*3 7*06 1-47 0-24 071 0-11 0-65 0-06 0-28 0-09 F . . . 2-00 1-00 1-33 0-67 1-00 0-50 0-80 0-40 0-67 0-44 b ... i- r 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2-5 2-5 3- 3- d ... 0-5 1- 075 1-5 0-5 175 0-5 1- 0-5 1- S per 1000 177 2-83 1-85 0-31 2-81 0-10 1-62 0-23 1-04 0-15 F . . . 4-00 2-00 178 0-89 2-00 0-57 1-60 0-80 1-33 0-67 b ... 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2-5 2-5 3- 3- 4- 5- d ... 075 1-5 075 2- 075 1-5 075 1-5 I- I- 8 per 1 000 4-16 0'68 1-90 0-15 1-05 0-17 0-68 0-11 0-16 0-08 F . . . 2-67 1-33 2-00 075 1-60 0-80 1-33 0-67 075 0-60 b ... 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2-5 2-5 3- 3- 4- 5- d ... 1- 1-5 1- 2- 1- 2- 0-5 2- 1- 1- 8 per 1 000 3'37 1-19 1-50 0-26 0-81 0-14 4-15 0-09 0-26 0-16 F . . . 2-67 178 2-00 1-00 1-60 0-80 2-67 0-67 1-00 0-80 b ... 2- 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5' 5- 6- 8- d . . . T 2- 0-5 2- 1- 2- 1- 2- 1- 1- fif per 1 000 2-35 0'39 6-49 0-13 0-39 0-06 0-24 0-03 0-16 0-09 F . . . 2-50 1-25 3-33 0-83 1-25 0-63 1-00 0-50 0-83 0-63 \b ... 2- 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 8- 4 ... 1- 2- 075 2- 1- 2- 1- 2- 1- 1- per 1 000 3'38 0'56 2-67 0-18 0-55 0-09 0-33 0-05 0-22 0-12 IF... 3-00 1-50 2-67 1-00 1-50 075 1-20 0-60 1-00 075 b ... 2- 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 8- d ... 1- 2- 075 2-5 1- 2- 1- 2- 1- 1- 8 per 1 000 4'60 075 3-63 0-14 075 0-12 0-45 0-07 0-29 0-16 F . . . 3-50 175 3-11 0-93 175 0-88 1-40 070 1-17 0-88 6 ... 2- 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 8- d . . . 1-25 2- 075 2-5 1- 2- 1- 2. 1- i- 8 per 1 000 3'29 0-98 474 0-18 0-98 0-15 0-58 0-08 0-38 0-20 F . . . 3-20 2-00 3-56 1-07 2-00 1-00 1-60 0-80 1-33 1-00 6 ... 2- 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 8- . . . 1-25 2- 1- 3- 1- 2-5 1- 2- 1- ] S per 1 000 4-16 1-24 2-57 0-16 1-24 0-11 073 0-11 0-47 0-25 F . . . 3-60 2-25 3-00 1-00 2-25 0-90 1-80 0-90 1-50 1-13 6 ... 2- 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 8- d . . . 1-25 2- !' 3- 1- 2-5 1- 2-5 1- 1- #per 1 000 5-13 1'53 3-17 0-19 i 1-53 0-13 0-89 0-07 0-58; 0-31 F . . . 4-00 2-50 3-33 1-11 2-50 1-00 2-00 0-80 1-67 1-25 CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHARGING AQUEDUCTS. 389 TABLE XIV. angular Section, in new Bubble or in old Brickwork, or old Ashlar, roughness, JV=0'017 second ; 8 per 1 000 is the fall in 1 000 ; b is the bed- width ; water in feet. < b ... 3- 3- ! 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 10- d ... 1-5 3- 1- 3- 1- 2-5 1- 2- I- I- 8 per 1 000 1-46 0'27 2-20 0-12 1-28 0-10 0-82 0-12 0-43 0-27 F . . . 2-67 1-33 3-00 1-00 2-40 0-96 2-00 1-00 1-50 1-20 b ... 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 10- d ... 1-5 3- 1-5 3-5 1- 2-5 1- 2- 1- 1- per 1000 1-99 0'36 0-92 0-10 1-74 0-13 1-12 0-15 0-58 0-36 V . . . 3-11 1-56 2-33 1-00 2-80 1-12 2-33 1-17 1-75 1-40 b ... 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- d ... 1-5 4- 2- 3- 1- 2-5 1- 2- 1- 2- flf per 1 000 1-20 O'lO 0-31 0-11 1-46 0-11 0-75 0-10 0-46 0-06 1 V ... 2-67 1-00 1-60 1-07 2-67 1-07 2-00 1-00 1-60 0-80 b ... 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- d ... 1-5 4- 2- 3- 1- 2-5 1- 2- I- 2- tf per 1 000 1-52 0-12 0-39 0-14 1-85 0-14 0-95 0-12 0-58 0-07 F . . . 3-00 1-13 1-80 1-20 3-00 1-20 2-25 1-13 1-80 0-90 b ... 4- 4- 5- 5- | 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- d ... 2- 4- 2- 3-5 2- 3- 1- 2- 1- 2- S per 1 000 0-84 015 0-47 0-11 0-30 0-10 1-17 0-15 0-71 0-09 F . . . 2-50 1-25 2-00 1-14 1-67 1-11 | 2-50 1-25 2'00 1-00 6 ... 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- ID- d ... 2- 4- 2- 4- 2- 3-5 1- 3- 1- S' S per 1 000 1-32 0-23 0-73 0-12 0-46 0-11 1-82 0-08 1-10 0-04 F . . . 3-13 1-56 2-5 1-25 2-08 1-19 3-13 1-04 2-50 0-83 b ... 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- d ... 2- 5- 2- 4- 2- 3- 1- 3- 1- 2- # per 1 000 1-05 0-10 0-66 0-11 0-33 0-11 1-58 0-06 1-06 0-13 F . . . 3-00 1-20 2-50 1-25 1-88 1-25 3-00 1-00 2-50 1-25 b ... 5- 5- 6- 6- | 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- d ... 3- 5- 2- 4- 2- 3-5 2- 3-5 1- 3- 8 per 1 000 0'48 0-14 0-87 0-14 0-44 0-09 0-26 0-05 1-44 0-05 F . . . 2-33 1-40 2-92 1-46 2-19 1-25 1-75 1-00 2-92 0-97 b ... 6- 6- : 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14- 14- d ... 2-5 5- 2- 4- 2- 4- 2- 3- 1- 3- S per 1 000 0-62 0-11 057 0-09 0-33 0-05 0-22 0-07 1-34 0-05 F . . . 2-67 1-33 2-50 1-25 2-00 1-00 1-67 1-11 2-86 0-95 b ... 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14- 14- 16- la- d ... 2- 4- 2- 4- 2- 4* 2- 3- 2- s' fif per 1 000 0-89 0-13 0-52 0-07 0-33 0-05 0-24 0-07 0-18 0-05 F . . . 3-13 1-56 2-50 1-25 2-08 1-04 1-79 1-19 1-56 1-04 390 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XIV. CONDITIONS of equal-discharging Aqueducts and Canals of Kect- with a co-efficient of Q is the quantity discharged ; F, the mean velocity in feet per d is the depth of 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 300 400 500 b . . 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14- 14- 16- 16- d . . . 2-5 5- 2- 4- 2- 4- 2- 3- 2- 3- Sperl 000 0-67 0-10 0-74 0-10 0-48 0-07 0-34 0-10 0-25 0-08 F . . . 3-00 1-50 3-00 1-50 2-50 1-25 2-14 1-43 1-88 1-25 (b . . .10- ID- 12- 12- 14- 14- ! 16- 16- 18- 18- d . . . 3- S' 3- 5- 2- 4- 2- 3- 2- 3- flfper 1 000 0-31 0-08 0-20 0-05 0-46 0-06 0-34 0-10 0-26 0-08 F . . . 2-33 1-40 1-94 1-17 2-50 1-25 2-19 1-46 1-94 1-30 l b ' . . 10- ID- 12- 12- 14- 14- 16- 16- 18- 18- d . . . 3- S' 3- 5- 2- 4- 2- 4- 2- 3- 8 per 1 000 0-41 0-10 0-26 0-07 0-60 0-08 0-44 0-06 0-34 0-10 F . . . 2-67 1-60 2-22 1-33 2-86 1-43 2-50 1-25 2-22 1-48 J6 . . 10- ID- 12- 12- 14- 14- 16- 16- 18- 18- \d . . . 3- S' 3- 5- 3- 5- V- 4- 2- 4- #per 1 COO 0-51 0-13 0-33 0-08 0-23 0-05 0-56 0-07 0-43 0-05 F . . . 3-00 1-80 2-50 1-50 2-14 1-29 2-81 1-41 2-50 1-25 {6 . . . 12- 12- 14- 14- 16- 16- 18- 18- i 20- 20- \d . . . 3- 5- 2- 5- 2- 5- 2- 4- 2- 4- I S per 1 000 0-40 0-10 0-93 0-07 0-69 0-05 0-53 0-07 0-42 0-05 | F . . . 2-78 1-67 3-57 1-43 3'13 1-25 278 1-39 2-50 1-25 \1> - . . 16- 16- 18- 18- 20- 20- 25- 2o- 30- 30- \d . . . 3- 6- 3- 5- 4- 5- 2- 3- 2- 3- \ 8 per 1 000 0-46 0-06 : 0-34 0-08 0-11 0-06 0-57 0-16 0-39 0-11 \y - . . 3-13 1-56 2-78 1-67 1-88 1-50 3-00 2-00 2-50 1-67 \l . . . 18- 18- 20- 20- ! 25- 25- 30- 30- 35- 35- Id . . . 4- 7- 4- 6- 3- 5- 3- 4- 2- 4- per 1 000 0-26 0-05 0-20 0-06 0-29 0-06 0-19 0-08 0-49 0-06 \v . . . 2-78 1-59 2-50 1-67 2-67 1-60 2-22 1-67 2-86 1-43 \b . . . 20- 20- V5- 25- 30- 30- 35- 35- 40- 40- d . . . 5- 7- 4- 7- 4- 6- 3- 5- 3- 5* 8 per 1 000 0-24 0-09 0-27 0-05 0-18 0-05 0-31 0-06 0-23 0-05 F . . . 3-00 214 3-00 171 2-50 1*67 2-86 171 2-50 1-50 b . . 25- 25- 30- 30- 35- 35- 40- 40- 50- 50- d . . . 6- 8- 5- 7- 4- 6- 4- 6- 3- 5- 8 per I 000 15 0-06 0-16 0-05 0-23 0-06 0-17 0-05 0-25 0-05 V . . . 2-67 2-00 2-67 1-90 2-86 1-90 2-50 1'67 2-67 1-60 b . . 35- 35- 40- 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 80- 80- d . . . 5- 7- 4- 6- 4- 6- 3- 5- 3- 4- 8 per 1 000 0-17 0-06 0-26 0-07 0-16 0-04 0-27 0-05 0-15 0-06 F . . . 2-86 2-04 3-13 2-08 2*50 1'67 278 1-67 2-08 1-56 CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHAKGJNG AQUEDUCTS. 391 TABLE XIV. angular Section, in new Bubble, or in old Brickwork or old Ashlar, roughness, ^=0*017 second ; 8 per 1 000 is the fall in 1 000 ; 6 is the bed- width ; water in feet. 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 4000 5000 6000 \b ... 35- 35- 40- 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 80- 80- I d ... 6' 8- 5- 7- 4- 6- 4- 6- 3- 4-5 \ 8 per 1 000 0-14 0-06 019 0-06 0-23 0-06 015 0-04 0-21 0-05 |F... 2-86 2-14 3-00 214 3-00 2-00 2-50 1-67 2-50 1-67 b ... 40- 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 80- 80- 100- 100- d ... 6' 8- 5- 7- .4- 6- 3- 5- 3* 4' 8 per 1 000 014 0-07 015 0-05 0-21 0-06 0-28 0-05 018 0-07 F . . . 2-92 219 2-80 2-00 2-92 1-94 2-92 175 2-33 175 Ib ... 50- 50- 60- 60' 80- 80- 100- loo- 150- 150- d . .... 5- 7-5 5- 7- 3-5 5-5 s' 4-5 2- 3- 5 per 1 000 0-20 0-07 013 0-04 0-22 0-05 0-23 0-06 0-38 010 F . . . 3-20 2-13 2-67 1'90 2-86 1-82 2-67 178 2-67 178 6 ... 50- 50- 60- 60- 80- 80- 100- IOC- 150- 150- d . . . 6- 8- 5- 7- 4- 6- S' 5* 2- 4- 5 per 1 000 0-14 0'06 016 0-06 019 0-05 0-29 0-05 0-49 0-05 F . . . 3-00 2-25 3-00 214 2-81 1-88 3-00 1-80 3-00 1-50 6 ... 50- 50- 60- 60- 80- 80- 100- 100- 150- 150- d ... 75 9- 6- 8- 5- 7- 4- 6- 3- 4- per 1 000 0-09 0-05 012 0-05 Oil 0-04 014 0-04 016 0-06 | F . . . 2-67 2-22 278 2-08 2-50 179 2-50 1-67 2-22 1-67 b ... 80- 80- 100- 100- 150- 150- 200- 200- 250- 250- d . . . 8- 9- 6- 8- 4- 6- 4- 5- 3- 4- 8 per 1 000 010 0-07 016 0-06 0-25 0-06 014 0-06 0-22 0-09 F . . . 313 278 3-33 2-50 3-33 2-22 2-50 2-00 2-67 2-00 < 6 ... 100- 100- 150- 150- 200- 200- 250- 250- 300- 300- 5 d ... 9- 10* 7- 8- 5- 6- 4- 6- 3-5 5-5 S flf per 1 000 010 0'07 0-09 0-05 015 0-08 019 0-05 0-21 0-04 s F . . . 3-33 3-00 2-86 2-50 3-00 2-50 3-00 2-00 2-86 1-82 j b ... 150- 150- 200- 200- 250- 250- 300- 300- > d ... 8- 9- 6- 8- 5- 7- 4- 6- > S per 1 000 010 0-07 017 0-05 017 0-05 0-24 0-06 \ V ... 3-33 2-96 3-33 2-50 3-20 2-29 3-33 2-22 6 ... 200- 200- : 250- 250- 300- 300- d . . . 8- 10- 8- 9- 7- 8- 8 per 1 000 0-09 0'04 0-05 0-03 0-06 0-03 F . . . 313 2-50 2-50 2-22 2-38 2 08 v c b . . . 250- 300- 300- II id ... 8- 8 per 1 000 0-08 .^5 7000 9-1 0-05 F . . . 3-00 2-50 2-59 '! TABLE XV. CONDITIONS OP EQUAL DISCHARGE FOB CANALS IN EARTH OP TRAPEZOIDAL SECTION, WITH SIDE SLOPES OP ONE TO ONE. UNDER CLASS I., WHEN N=0*0200; II. 0*0225, AS IN TABLE IX. ; IIL 00250, X. ; IV. 0-0275, XI. ; V. 00300 NOTE. The approximative results given in this Table were obtained through computations in three figures. For classes of Earthwork, see page 52, Table I. 50 394 CANAL AND CULVEKT TABLES. TABLE XV. CONDITIONS of equal-discharging Channels, of Trapezoidal Sec- in Class I., with a co- Q is the quantity discharged ; F, the mean velocity in feet per d is the depth of 111 ss b ... 1-0 1-0 1-5 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- r d ... 1-0 1-5 0-5 1-0 1-5 0-5 075 1- 0-5 075 1 8 per 1 000 0*15 0-03 1-00 0-08 o-oi 0-57 0-15 0-05 0-27 0-08 F . . . 0-50 0-27 1-00 0-40 0-22 0-80 0-49 0-33 0-57 0-36 b ... 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- d ... 1-0 1-5 0-5 075 1- 1-25 0-5 075 1- i- 8 per 1 000 0*30 0-06 2-33 0-53 0-19 0-09 1-05 0-27 0-10 0-06 F . . . 0-80 0-44 1-60 0-97 0-67 049 1-14 071 0-50 040 b ... 1-5 2- 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 5- d ... 2-0 075 1- 1-25 1-5 0-5 075 1- 1- 1- 3 8 per 1 000 0*04 1-19 0-41 0-18 0-09 2-38 0-56 0-21 0-12 0-08 F . . . 0-43 ]-46 1-00 074 0-57 172 1-07 075 0-60 0-50 6 . . . 2- 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 5- 6- d . . . 0-75 1- 1-25 175 075 1- 1-5 1- 1- 1- 4 8 per 1 000 2-10 075 0-32 0-09 0-97 0-35 0-09 0-21 0-14 0-10 F . . . 1-94 1-33 0-99 0-61 1-42 1-00 0-59 0-80 0-67 0-57 b ... 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4f 5- 6- d . . . 1; L-5 2- 075 1- 1-5 1- 1-5 1- 1- 5 8 per 1 000 111 0'26 0'08 1-53 0-54 0-13 0-33 0-08 0-21 0-15 F . . . 1-67 0-95 0-63 178 1-25 074 1-00 0-61 0-83 071 b ... 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5' 6- d ..;..! 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 1- 1- S per 1000 1-60 0-34 0-11 077 0-18 0-07 046 0-1L 0-30 0-21 F . . . 2-00 1-14 075 1-50 0-89 0-60 1-20 073 1-00 0-86 b ... 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- i 5- 6- d . . . 1-25 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 1- 1- 7 # per 1 000 0-92 046 0-15 1-05 0-25 0-09 0-63 0-16 0-41 0-29 F . . . 1-72 1-33 0-88 175 1-04 070 1-40 0-85 1-17 1-00 b ... 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 4- 5- 6- cZ . . . 1-25 2- 1- 1-5 2- I- 1-5 2- 1- 1- 8 per 1 000 1-21 0-19 1-37 0-31 0-11 0-80 0-19 0-07 0-52 0-37 F . . . 1-97 1-00 2-00 1-18 0-80 1-60 0-97 0-67 1-33 1-14 b . . . 2- 2- 3- 3- 4f 4- 4- 5- 6- 8- d . . . 1-5 2- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1- 1- 9 per 1 000 075 0-24 0-39 0-14 0-99 0-24 0-09 0-66 046 0-27 F . . . 172 1-13 1-33 0-90 1-80 1-09 075 1-50 1-29 1-00 6 . . . 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 8- 10- . .. . 100- 120- 120- 140- 140- 160- 160- 180- 180- 200- onnn d . . . 9- 7-5 8- 7-5 8- 7- 7-5 6- 7- 6- fc UUU per 1 000 0-05 0-07 0-06 0-05 0-04 0-05 0-04 0-07 0-04 0-05 V . . . 2-04 2-09 1-95 1-81 1-69 171 1-59 1-79 1-53 1-62 V <- . . 140- 160- 160- 180- 180- 200- 200- 220- 220- 240- d . . . 10- 8- 9- 7- 8- 7- 8- 6'5 7-5 6-5 3000 8 per 1 000 0-04 0-07 0-05 0-09 0-06 0-07 0-04 0-08 0-05 0-06 y . . . 2-00 2-23 1-97 2-29 1-99 2-07 1-80 2-04 1-76 1-87 6 ... 180- 200- 220- 220- 240- 240- 260- 260* 280- 300- Annn d ... 10- 9- 8- 9- 7-5 8- 7- 8- 7- 7- 'fUUU 8 per 1 000 0*05 0-05 0-07 0-04 0-07 0-06 0-08 0-05 0-07 0-06 V . . . 2-11 2-13 2-19 1-94 2-15 2-02 2-14 1-87 1-99 j 1*86 6 ... 240- 260- 280- 300- 11 f 280- 300- d ... 10- 9- 8- 8- 10- 9- 5000 per 1 000 0-04 0-05 0-06 0-05 il bUUU l 3-04 0-05 V . . . 2-00 2-07 2-17 2-03 II L 2-07 2-16 6 ... 300- 7000 d ... 10- 8 per 1 000 0-05 V . . . 2-26 51 402 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XV. CONDITIONS of equal-discharging Channels, of Trapezoidal See- in Class III., with a co- Q is the quantity discharged ; F, the mean velocity in feet per d is the depth of 10 ,b . . . 1-0 1-0 1-5 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- (d . . . 1-0 1-5 0-5 I'O 1-5 0-5 075 1- 0-5 075 18 per 1000 0'26 0'05 1-90 013 0-04 1-04 0-26 0-09 0-48 013 ^F . . . 0-50 0-27 1-00 0'40 0'22 0-80 0-49 0-33 0-57 0-36 f b ... 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4* \d . . . I'O 1-5 0-5 075 1- 1-25 0-5 075 1- i- ]S per 1000 0'47 Oil 374 0-92 0-33 015 1-90 0-44 017 010 1 F . . . 0-80 0-44 1-60 0-97 0-67 0-49 114 071 0-50 0-40 b ... 1-5 2- 2* 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 5- )d . . . 2-0 075 1- 1-25 1-5 0-5 075 1 . 1- 1- 1^ per 1000 0-09 2-06 0-69 0-31 016 4-21 0-95 0-35 0-20 014 ^F . . . 0-43 1-46 1-00 074 0-57 172 1-07 075 0-60 0-50 ,& ... 2- 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 5- 6- (d . . . 075 1- 1-25 175 075 L- 1-5 1- 1- 1- 18 per 1000 373 1-24 0-52 015 171 0-60 015 0-36 0-24 017 1 F . . . 1-94 1-33 0-99 0-61 1-42 1-00 0-59 0-80 0-67 0-57 ft ... 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 6- \4 . . . i- 1-5 2- 075 1- 1-5 1- 1-5 1- I- )S per 1000 1-91 0'40 014 270 0-92 0-35 0-54 014 0-36 0-26 ^F . . . 1-67 0-95 0-63 178 1-25 074 1-00 0-61 0-83 071 ,b ... 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 6- y . . . i- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 1- 1- JS per 1000 272 0-58 018 1-35 0-30 010 077 019 0-50 0-36 ^F . . . 2-00 114 075 1-50 0-89 0-60 1-20 073 1-00 0-86 ,b ... 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3. 4- 4- 5- 6- U . . . 1-25 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 1- v )S per 1000 1-51 076 0-25 1-80 0-41 014 1-04 0-25 0-68 0-48 1 F . . . 172 1-33 0-88 175 1-04 070 1-40 0-85 117 1-00 ,b . . . 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 4- 5- 6- )d . . . 1'25 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1- )S per 1000 2-04 0-32 2-35 0-52 018 1-39 0-33 012 0-88 0-62 ^F . . . 1-97 1-00 2-00 118 0-80 1-60 0-97 0-67 1-33 114 b . . . 2- 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 4- 5- 6- 8- (d . . . 1-5 2- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- i- 1- 1- JS perl 000 1-28 0-39 0-65 0-23 174 0-40 015 112 077 0-45 ^F . . . 172 113 1-33 0-90 1-80 1-09 075 1-50 1-29 1-00 f> . . . 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 8- 1 10- Jd . . . 175 2- 2-5 1-5 2- 1- 2- 1- 1- 1- )S per 1 000 0'83 0-28 012 0-49 018 1-40 012 0-95 0-54 0-36 1 F . . . 1-52 1-00 073 1-21 0-83 1-67 071 1-43 111 0-91 CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHARGING CHANNELS. 403 TABLE XV. tion having side slopes of One to one, the channel being in earth, efficient of rugosity, -$=0-0250 second ; 8 per 1 000 is the fall in 1 000 ; b is the bed-width ; water in feet. PI .21 8. b . . . 3' 3- 4- 4- ! 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 10- ^" \d ... 2- 2-5 1-5 2- 1- 2- 1- 2- 1- 1- n 1^ per 1000 0-39 0-17 070 0-25 1-97 0-17 1-40 0-13 078 0-51 1 F . . . 1-20 0-87 1-45 1-00 2-00 0-86 ! 171 075 1-33 1-09 A ... 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 10- ,.\d ... 2- 3- 2- 2-5 2- 2-5 1- 2- 1- 1- * IS per 1000 0-52 O'll 0-34 0-15 0-23 0-10 1-87 0-17 1-05 0-68 W . . . 1-40 078 1-17 0-86 1-00 075 2-00 0-88 1-56 1-27 b ... 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 10- \d ... 2* 3' 2- 2-5 2- 2-5 2- 2-5 1- 1- 3 )S per 1000 0'67 0'14 0-43 0-19 0-30 0-13 0-21 O'lO 1-41 0-88 ^F . . . 1-60 0-89 1-33 0-98 1-14 0-85 1-00 075 178 1-45 ]b ... 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 10- 1R \d ... 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 2-5 2- 2-5 1- 1- 3 )S per 1000 0-85 0-18 0-54 0-12 0-37 0-17 0-27 0-12 176 M2 NT . . . 1-80 1-00 1-50 0-86 1-29 0-96 1-13 0-85 2-00 1-64 f l . . . 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10' 9n Id . . . 3- 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 2-5 1- 2- 1- J IS per 1000 0'22 C F . . . Ml 0-66 0-15 1-67 0-95 0-45 0-10 1-43 0-83 0-33 0-15 1-25 0-94 2-14 0-19 2-22 1-00 1-88 1-82 .6 . . . 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 25 \ d -. 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 2-5 2- 3 )S per 1000 0-34 1-02 0-22 070 0-16 0-50 0-12 0-30 0-14 0-19 ^F . . . 1-39 2-08 1-19 1-82 1-04 1-56 0-93 1-25 0-95 1-04 fc ... 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- on W -3* 3- 4- 2-5 3-5 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- J )S per 1000 0-47 0-32 0-10 0-44 0-13 072 0-17 0-42 0-10 0-28 ^F . . . 1-67 1-43 0-94 1-60 1-01 1-88 Ml 1-50 0-91 1-25 ,b ... 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 35 \ d ' ' ' 3> * 2-5 4- 2-5 3-5 2- 3- 2- 3- d )S per 1000 0-42 0-14 0-59 010 0-42 0-13 0-57 0-14 0-37 0-09 ^F . . . 1-67 1-09 1-87 0-97 1-65 1-05 175 1 06 1-46 0-90 f l ... 4- 4- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- An ) d - - - 3 * 4 * 3- 4- 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 3- J )S per 1000 0'55 0-18 0-31 0-10 074 0-18 0-49 0-12 0-34 0-09 1 F . . . 1-90 1-25 1-48 1-00 2-00 1-21 1-67 1-03 1-43 0-89 J> . . .4- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14* cn (d . . . 4- 3- 4- 3- 4- 3- 4- 3- 4- 2- J JS per 1000 0-28 0-48 0-16 0-28 0-09 0-19 0-07 0-17 0-05 0-39 1 F . . . 1-56 1-85 125 1-52 1-04 1-28 0-89 Ml 078 1-56 404 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XV. CONDITIONS of equal-discharging Channels, of Trapezoidal See- in Class III., with a co- Q is the quantity discharged ; F, the mean velocity in feet per d is the depth of m 5|| f 6 . . .4- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- ID- 12- 12- 14- ^^ I CL 4* 3-5 5- 3- 4- S' 4-5 3- 4- 2- ] )# per 1000 0-39 0-37 0-09 0-39 014 D'29 0-06 019 0-07 0-56 1 F . . . 1-88 1-80 1-09 1-82 1-25 1-54 0-92 1-33 0-94 1-88 ,6 ... 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- ID- 12- 12- 14- 14- 7n \d ... 3-5 5- 3. 4- S' 5- 3- 4-5 3- 4- )# per 1000 0-49 0-15 0-53 019 0-35 0-06 0-25 0-06 0-19 0-07 Mr . . . 2-11 1-27 212 1-46 1-80 0-93 1-56 D'94 1-37 0-97 J> . . . 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14- 14- an ) d ..- 4- 5- 3'5 5- 3-5 5- 3- 4-5 3- 4- J 1,9 per 1000 0-39 019 0-39 010 0-27 0-07 D'33 0-08 0-25 0-09 ^F . . . 2-00 1-45 1-99 1-23 1-69 1-07 178 1-08 1-57 111 fb ... 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14- 14- qn U ... 4- 5- 4- 5- 3-5 5- 3- 5- 3- 5- J 1# per 1000 0-48 0-20 0-31 013 0-33 0-09 0-41 0-07 0-31 0-05 1 F . . . 2-25 1-64 1-88 1-38 1-90 1-20 2-00 1-06 1-76 0-95 ,6 .... 6- 8- 8- 10- ID- 12- 12- 14- 14- 16- inn }d . . . 5- 4- 5- 4- S' 3-5 5- 3- 5- 3- 1UU 18 per 1000 0'26 0-38 017 0-27 Oil 0-29 0-08 0-38 0-06 0-29 1 F . . . 1-82 2-08 1-54 179 1-33 1-84 118 1-96 1-05 1-75 ( b . . . 8- ID- 12- 12- 14- 14- 16- 16- 18- 18- 15(1 )^ ... 5* S' 4-5 5- 4- 6- 4- 6- 4- 5- 18 per 1000 0-37 0-25 0-27 019 0-31 0-07 0-24 0-06 019 0-09 ^F . . . 2-31 2-00 2-02 176 2-08 1-25 1-88 114 1-70 1-30 f ... 12- 14- 14- 16- 16- is- la- 20- 20- 25- onn jd ... 5* 5- 7- 5- 7- s' 6' 4- 6- 4- )# per 1000 0-33 0-25 0-07 019 0-06 016 0-08 0-28 0-07 0-18 ^F . . . 2-35 211 1-36 1-90 1-24 174 1-39 2-08 1-28 1-72 J> ... 14- 16- 18- 20- 20- 25- 25- 30- 30- 35- 300 \ d ' ' ' 7 ' 7- 7- 6- 7- 5- 7- 5- 6- 4- 1# per 1000 016 013 010 015 0-09 019 0-06 014 0-07 0-21 1 F . . . 2-04 1-86 171 1-92 1-59 2-00 1-34 171 1-39 1-92 ,6 ... 20- 25- 25- 30- 30- 35- 35- 40- 40- 50- 400 J d . . 7- 6- 8' 6- 7- 5- 7- 4- 6- 4- U 1^ per 1000 016 018 0-06 012 0-07 017 0-05 0-29 0-07 0-18 ^F . . . 212 215 1-52 1-85 1-54 2-00 1-36 2-27 1-45 1-82 Jb ... 25- 30- 30- 35- 35- 40- 40- so- so- 60- 500 \ d ' ' 8 ' 7- 8- 7- 8- 5- 7- 4-5 6-5 4- buu Iflf per 1000 010 Oil 0-07 0-08 0-05 0-20 0-06 019 0-05 0-20 MF. ...... 1-89 1-93 1-64 170 1-45 2-22 1-52 2-04 1-36 1-95 CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHARGING CHANNELS. 405 TABLE XV. tion having side slopes of One to one, the channel being in earth, efficient of rugosity, JV= 0*0250 second ; 8 per 1 000 is the fall in 1 000 ; b is the bed-width ; water in feet. Ill .sfsLfc . . . 30- 35- 35- 40- 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 70' ^ * ( /7 RfinJ * * * 7- 8- 7- 8- 5- 7- 4-5 6-5 4-5 ) per 1000 0-10 0-12 0*08 0-09 06 0-19 0-06 0-19 0-05 0-14 1 F . . . 1-97 2-04 1-70 1-82 1 56 2-1& 1-50 2-07 1-39 179 Jb ... 35- 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 70- 70- 80- 80- 7nn )d ... 8* 8- 6- 7-5 5-5 7- 5- 6-5 4-5 6* /UU IS per 1000 0-10 0-08 0-14 0-06 0-13 0-05 0-13 0-05 0-15 0-05 ^F . . . 2-04 1-82 2-08 1-62 1-94 1-49 1-87 1-41 1-84 1-36 Jb ... 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 70- 70- 80- 80- 90- Rnn J o* 6-5 8- 6-5 7-5 5-5 7- 5- 6-5 5- BUU 18 per 1000 0-10 0-14 0-07 0-09 0-06 0-12 0-06 0-13 0-05 0-10 ^F . . . 2-08 2-18 1-72 1-85 1 58 1-93 1-48 1-88 1-42 1-68 .b ... 50- 50- 60- 60- 70- 70- 80- 80- 90- 90- qnn ) d ... 8' 9- 7- 8- 6- 7-5 5-5 7- 5- 6-5 ) per 1000 0-08 0-05 0-09 06 0-11 0-05 0-12 0-05 0-13 0-05 ^F . . . 1-94 1-69 1-92 1 65 1-97 1-55 1-91 1-48 1-89 1-43 ,6 ... 50- 60- 60- 70- 70- 80- 80- 90- 90- 100- 1000 fa 9- 7-5 8- 6-5 7-5 6- 7- 5-5 6-5 5-5 UU 1# per 1000 0-07 0-09 0-07 0-11 0-06 0-11 0-06 012 0-06 0-09 1 F . . . 1-88 1-98 1-84 2-01 1- 72 1-94 1-64 1-90 1-59 172 & ... 100- 120- 120- 140- 140- 160- 160- 180- 180- 200- 9nnn 5 *'* 7-5 8- 7-5 8- 7- 7-5 6- 7- 6- zuuu ) per 1000 0-09 0-09 0-07 0-06 o- 05 0-07 0-05 0-08 0-05 0-07 ^F . . . 2-04 2-09 1-95 1-81 1-69 1-71 1-59 1-79 1-53 1-62 ,& ... 140- 160- 160- 180- 180- 200- 200- 220- 220- 240- nnn fa . . . 10- 8- 9- 7- 8- 7- 8- 6-5 7-5 6-5 UUU 1# per 1000 0-05 0'09 0-05 0-11 0-07 0-09 0-05 0-10 0-06 0-08 ^F . . . 2-00 , 2-23 1-97 2-29 1- 99 2-07 L-80 2-04 1-76 1-87 ,6 ... 180- 200- 220- 220- 240- 240- 260- 260- 280- ' 300- - nnn U . . . 10- 9- 8- 9- 7 5 8- 7 . 8 . 7. 7. )flf per 1000 0-06 0-07 0-09 0-05 09 0-07 0-10 0-06 0-08 0-07 ^F . . . 2-11 2-13 2-19 1-94 2 15 2-02 2-14 1-87 1-99 1-86 ,& ... 240- 260- 280- 300- ,280- 300- , nnn \d . . . 10- 9- 8- 8- I] Q. 9- U )>Sf per 1000 0-05 0-05 0-08 0-07 6000 0-05 0-07 ^F . . . 2-00 2-07 2-17 2-03 ^2 07 2-16 ( b ... 300- 7000 18 per 1000 0-06 ^F . . . 2-26 51 406 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XV. CONDITIONS of equal-discharging Channels, of Trapezoidal Sec- in Class IV., with a co- Q is the quantity discharged ; F, the mean velocity in feet per d is the depth of I8 r & . . . 1-0 1-0 1-5 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- ^ i d . . . 1-0 1-5 0-5 1-0 1-5 0-5 075 1- 0-5 075 fa per 1 000 0-31 0-06 2-18 0-18 0-05 1-31 0-31 0-11 0-59 0-16 L F . . . 0-50 0-27 1-00 0-40 0-22 0-80 0-49 0-33 0-57 0-36 fb ... 1-5 1-5 2- 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 9 Id ... 1-0 1-5 0-5 075 1- 1-25 0-5 075 1- I- fa per 1 000 0-63 0-13 5-25 1-15 0-40 0-17 2-33 0-54 0-20 0-12 L F . . . 0-80 0-44 1-60 0-97 0-67 0-49 1-14 071 0-50 0-40 rb . . . 1-5 2- 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 5- , Id ... 2-0 075 1- 1-25 1-5 0-5 075 1- i 1- v fa per 1 000 0-10 2-60 0-86 0-37 0-19 5-31 1-19 0-43 0-25 0-17 L F . . . 0-43 1-46 1-00 074 0-57 172 1-07 075 0-60 0-50 fb . . . 2- 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 5- 6- . Id ... 075 1- 1-25 175 075 1- 1-5 1- 1- 1- fa per 1 000 4-59 1-52 0-67 0-18 2-09 074 0-17 0-44 0-29 0-20 1 F . . . 1-94 1-33 0-99 0-61 1-42 1-00 0-59 0-80 0-67 0-57 f b . . . 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 6- , Id . . . 1- 1-5 2- 075 IT 1-5 I- 1-5 1- 1- fa per 1 000 2-37 0-49 0-16 3-30 1-15 0-26 0-67 0-16 0-44 0-31 L F . . . 1-67 0-95 0-63 178 1-25 074 1-00 0-61 0-83 071 fb ... 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 6- 6 | d I' 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 I- 1- fa per 1 000 3-42 070 0'23 1-65 0-37 0-13 0-95 0-23 0-63 0-44 L F ... 2-00 1-14 075 1-50 0-89 0-60 1-20 073 1-00 0-86 fb ... 2- 2- 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 6- Id ... 1-25 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 1- 1- fa per 1 000 1-94 0*94 0'30 L F . . . 172 1-33 0-88 2-24 0-50 0-17 175 1-04 070 1-29 1-40 0-31 0-85 0-85 1-17 0-59 1-00 fb ....... * 2- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 4- 5- 6- ft 1 d ... 1-25 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1- fa per 1 000 2-54 0-39 2-93 0-64 0-22 1-69 0-39 0-14 1-09 076 LF . . . 1-97 1-00 2-00 1-18 0-80 1-60 0-97 0-67 1-33 1-14 fb . . . 2- 2- 3- 3- 14- 4- 4- 5- 6- 8- q Id ... 1-5 2- 1-5 2- 1 1- 1-5 2- 1- 1- 1- fa per 1 000 1-57 0-49 0-81 0-28 ! 2-09 0-49 0-17 1-38 0-96 0-55 L F . . . 172 1-13 1-33 0-90 j 1-80 1-09 075 1-50 1-29 1-00 f b . . . 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 8- 10- , ft Id ... 175 2- 2-5 1-5 2- 1- 2- 1- 1- 1- fa per 1 000 1-02 0-34 0-14 0-60 0-21 171 0-14 1-18 0-67 0-44 ( V . . . 1-52 1-00 073 1-21 0-83 1-67 071 1-43 1-11 0-91 CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHARGING CHANNELS. 407 TABLE XV. tion having side slopes of One to one, the channel being in earth, efficient of rugosity, N= 0*0275 second ; 8 per 1 000 is the fall in 1 000 ; b is the bed-width ; water in feet. Ifcj c 1 .sls r & . . . 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 10 *T Id . . .2- 2-5 1-5 2- 1- 2- 1- 2- 1- 1- " t# per 1000 0-47 0'20 0-86 0-30 2-46 0-21 1-69 015 0-96 0-62 L F . . . 1-20 0-87 1-45 1-00 2-00 0-86 171 075 1-33 1-09 f b ... 3- 3- 14- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 10- ,, Id ... 2- 3- ! 2- 2-5 2- 2-5 1- 2- 1- 1- ffif per 1 000 0-64 013 0-41 018 0-28 013 2-31 0-20 1-31 0-84 1 F ... 1-40 078 117 0-86 1-00 075 2-00 0-88 1-56 1-27 f b ... 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6' 6- 8- 10- 16 I* ' ' ' 2 ' 3 * 2- 2-5 2- 2-5 2- 2-5 1- 1- \8 per 1 000 0-83 017 0-52 0-23 0-35 016 0-26 012 170 1-09 L F . . . 1-60 0-89 1-33 0-98 114 0-85 1-00 075 178 1-45 rb ... 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6* 6* 8- 10- 1ft III' ... 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 2-5 2- 2-5 1- 1- ]S per 1 000 1-05 0-21 0'66 014 0-45 0-20 0-32 015 215 1-39 L F . . . 1-80 1-00 | 1-50 0-86 1-29 0-96 113 0-85 2-00 1-64 rb . . . 3' 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- on L d . . 3- 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 2-5 1- 2- 1- \S per 1 000 0-26 0-81 017 0-55 012 0-39 018 2-65 0-23 171 L F . . . Ill 1-67 0-95 1-43 0-83 1-25 0-94 2-22 1-00 1-82 r fc . . . 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- , d . . . 3- 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 2-5 2- ^ + S per 1 000 0'40 1-25 0-27 0-89 019 0-61 015 0-36 016 0-26 ^F . . . 1-39 2-08 119 1-82 1-04 1-56 0-93 1-25 0-95 1-04 f b . . . 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- Id . . .3* 3- 4- 2-5 3-5 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- JU tflf per 1 000 0-57 0-38 012 0-54 015 0-88 0-20 0-52 012 0-34 LF . . . i-67 1-43 0-94 1-60 1-01 1-88 111 1-50 0-91 | 1-25 rb ... 4- 4- 5- 5- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- ,, Id ... 3- 4- 2-5 4- 2-5 3-5 2- 3- 2- 3- t8 per 1 000 0-52 016 073 012 0-54 015 070 017 0-46 Oil L F . . . 1-67 1-09 1-87 0-97 1-65 1-05 175 1 06 1-46 0-90 rb ... 4- 4- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- An Id ... 3- 4- 3- 4- 2- 3- 2- 3- 2- 3- LSf per 1 000 0'67 0'21 0-35 012 0-90 0-21 0-59 014 0-41 010 L F . . . 1-90 1-25 | 1-48 1-00 2-00 1-21 1-67 1-03 1-43 0-89 f b . . . 4- 6- 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14- ^ ... 4* 3- 4- 3- 4- 3- 4- 3- 4- 2- bu "fif per 1 000 0-33 0-55 018 0-34 012 0-22 0-08 016 0-06 0-50 1 F . . . 1-56 1-85 T25 1-52 1-04 1-28 0-89 111 078 1-56 408 CANAL AND CULVERT TABLES. TABLE XV. CONDITIONS of equal-discharging Channels, of Trapezoidal See- in Class IV., with a co- Q is the quantity discharged ; F, the mean velocity in feet per d is the depth of b . . . 4- d ... 4* 8 per 1 000 0-48 F . . . 1-88 6- 6' 3-5 5- 0-44 Oil 1-80 1-09 8- 8- 3- 4- 0-48 017 1-82 1-25 10- ID- S' 4-5 0-32 0-07 1-54 0-92 12- 12- 3- 4- 0-22 0-08 1-33 0-94 14- 2- 0-69 1-88 ... 6- 6- 70 i a ... 3-5 5- ' U *flf per 1 000 0-60 015 F . . . 211 1-27 ( b . . . 6- 6- Rn \d ... 4- 5- \8 per 1 000 0-47 019 1 F . . . 2-00 1-45 r fc ... 6- 6- 90 l d ' ' ' 4 ' 6 ' bu fa per 1 000 0-59 0-25 L F . 2-25 1-64 100 8- 8- ; 10- ID- 12- 12- 14- 14- S' 4- 3- 5- 3- 4-5 3- 4- 0-64 0-23 0-43 0-07 0-31 0-07 0-23 0-08 212 1-46 1-80 0-93 1-56 0-94 1-37 0-97 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14- 14- 3-5 5- 3-5 5- 3- 4-5 3- 4- 0-48 013 0-32 0-09 0-40 0-09 0-30 0-11 1-99 1-23 1-69 1-07 1-78 1-08 1-57 111 8- 8- 4- 5- 0-37 016 1-88 1-38 10- 10- I 12- 12- j 14- 14- 3-5 5- 3- 5- 3- 5- 0-40 Oil 0-50 0-08 0-37 0-06 1-90 1-20 2-00 1-06 | 176 0-95 200 400 r b . . . 6- 8- 8- 10- 10- 12- 12- 14- 14- IB- d . . . 5- 4- 5- 4- 5- 3-5 5- 3- S' 3- ~8 per 1 ODD O'SO 0-45 0-20 0-31 0-13 0-36 010 0-46 0-07 j 0-35 L F . . . 1-82 2-08 1-54 1-79 1-33 1-84 1-18 1-96 1-05 1-75 (I ... 8- ID- 12- 12- 14- 14- 16- 16- 18- 18- d ... 5" S' 4-5 5- 4- 6- 4- 6- 4- 5- ~8 per 1 ODD 0-44 0-30 0-33 0-22 0-37 0-09 0-29 0-07 0-23 0-10 L F . . . 2-31 2-00 2-02 176 2-08 1-25 1-88 1-14 170 1-30 ( b ... 12- 14- 14- 16- 16- IB- 18- 20- 20- 25- d . . . 5- 5* 7- 5- 7- S' 6- 4- 6- 4- '8 per 1 000 0'39 0-30 0-08 0-23 0-07 0-19 0-09 0-34 0-08 0-22 L F . . . 2-35 211 1-36 1-90 1-24 1-74 1-39 2-08 1-28 1-72 rb . . . 14- 16- 18- 20- 20- 25- 25- 30- 30- 35- d . . . 7- 7- 7- 6- 7- 5- 7- 5- 6- 4- '8 per 1 ODD 019 015 012 0-18 0-10 0-22 0-07 0-16 0-07 0-25 1 F . . . 2-04 1-86 1-71 1-92 1-59 2-00 1-34 171 1-39 1-92 ( b ... 20- 25- 25- 30- 30- 35- 35- 40- 40- 50- d . . . 7- 6- 8- 6- 7- 5- 7- 4- 6- 4- ~8 per 1 000 019 0-21 0-07 0-15 0-08 0-21 0-06 0-35 0-08 0-21 L F . . . 212 215 1-52 1-85 1-54 2-00 1-36 2-27 1-45 1-82 rb . . . 25- so- SD- 35- 35- 40- 40- 50- 50- 60- Id ... 8- 7- S- 7- 8- 5- 7- 4-5 6-5 4- \S per 1 000 012 013 D-OS 0-10 0-06 0-25 0-07 0-23 0-06 0-23 L F . . . 1-89 1-93 1-64 1-70 1-45 2-22 1-52 2-04 1-36 1-95 CONDITIONS OF EQUAL-DISCHABGING CHANNELS. 409 TABLE XV. tion having side slopes of One to one, the channel being in earth, efficient of rugosity, N= 0*0275 second ; 8 per 1 000 is the fall in 1 000 ; b is the bed- width ; water in feet. fu 43 fl o> w r 6 . . 30- 35- 35- 40' 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 70- Rnn [d . . . 8- 7- 8- 7- 8- 5- 7- 4-5 6-5 4-5 ODD - fS per 1 000 0'12 0-14 0-08 0-11 0-07 0-23 0-07 0-23 0-06 0-17 1 F . . . 1-97 2-04 170 1-82 1 56 218 1-50 2-07 1-39 179 ( b ... 35- 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 70- 70- 80- 80- d . . . 8- 8- 6- 7-5 5-5 7- 5- 6-5 4-5 6- 700 - ~S per 1 000 0-12 0-09 0-17 0-07 0-15 0-06 0-16 0-06 0-17 0-06 L F . . . 2-04 1-82 2-08 1-62 1-94 1-49 1-87 1-41 1-84 1-36 f b ... 40- 50- 50- 60- 60- 70- 70- 80- 80- 90- onn 1