EtxEier A BHARY I OF **(! totf tKEl RA! .l?ORt SCIENTIFIC MANUAL OF WORDS AND PHRASES IN THE HIGHER BRANCHES OF KNOWLEDGE; OBTAINING UPWARDS OF FIVE THOUSAND WORDS NOT GENERALLY TO BE FOUND LX THE ENGLISH AND URDU DICTTON ARIES. " Indocti discant, et ament meminissc poriti." CAPTAIN H. G. EAA T EETY, SRD REOIMKNT, BOM HAY N.I. HERTFORD: STEPHEN AUSTIN, ORIENTAL PRINTER AND PUBLISHER. NVILLTAMS AM) NOU<;ATK, LONDON, HDlXlll 11<;1J, AND LETPSIC. MDCCCLIX. COW STACK STEPHEN ATJSTIN, . ADVERTISEMENT. THE aim of the Author in the compilation of these pages is to supply a want constantly felt with regard to TECHNICAL TERMS, which, though of every-day use, one is often puzzled to remember at the moment. He therefore conceives that a book of portable size, containing the technical names of materials and tools connected with the Useful Arts, such as Bridge and House Building, Carpentry, Painter's Work, Earthwork, Eoads, Metals, Smiths' Work, etc., and of such other words as have reference to every-day duties in the Public Works Department, and in Civil and Military Engineering to which the events of the last eighteen months have naturally given a stimulus which is likely to continue for a long time to come would be a deside- ratum. To these have been added such other terms in Science, and the higher branches of knowledge, as in these days of railroads and electric telegraphs .seemed imperatively called for. IV ADVERTISEMENT. The Work contains some five thousand words and phrases not generally to be found in Urdu or Hindu- stani Dictionaries, however bulky, but which are never- theless commonly used all over India ; as well as terms to be met with in the vernacular Scientific Treatises chiefly translations from the Arabic, Persian, and Sans- krit, in which the words in those languages have been retained, there being no equivalents for them in Urdu and in practical scientific works, which have been from time to time translated from English, under the patronage, or by the order, of the different Governments of India, and which are now the text-books in all Government Colleges and Public Schools. This volume, therefore, can scarcely fail to be of prac- tical utility to all Officers and Subordinates employed in the Public Works Departments of the three Presidencies ; to the numerous Staff of the different Eailway Companies, their Contractors, Overseers, and other employes, whether Knropean or Native ; and, indeed, in all cases where a bulky and expensive Dictionary is undesirable. The Author believes also that it will be found of im- portant use, to the Eegimental Interpreter, who often liable to bo puzzled (as is nut to be wondered at) for a technical term should always have it at hand amongst A.DVERTISBM KNT. his other books, when in attendance at courts-martial, or en- gaged in the performance of similar duties; 1o the Student. of Hindustani, and to Mfmshls engaged in teaching ; in public Schools ; to persons employed in maritime pur- suits and in river navigation ; and, in fact, to all to whom the knowledge of the Hindustani dialect spoken more or less, as the common parlance, from the Hima- layas to Cape Comorin, and from the Indus to the Irrawadi may be (and in truth is) a necessary acquire- ment. The Work is therefore published of a convenient size for the pocket ; and considering the beauty of the typo- graphy, which cannot be approached in India, or even in Europe at a price extremely low, and which puts it within the reach of all who may require its aid. H. G. H. CONTEXTS. PAGB KEY a'o Tin; PRONUNCIATION vii I. ARTI/ANS, TRADES-PEOPLE, WORKMEN, LABOURERS, ETC 1 II. BLACKSMITH'S, GOLDSMITH'S, AND METAL WORK IN GENERAL III. BRICK AND TILK MAKING, WITH THE IMPLEMENTS AND MATERIALS ... 9 IV. HRICKWORK, MASONRY, BRIDGE BUILDING, WELL SINKING, AND I'.nr.DIXG IN GENERAL, WITH THE TOOLS AM) MATERIALS 13 V. Urii,DiN<;s AND DWELLINGS OF VAUIOCS nr.srRirnoNs _>;> VI.- CARPENTRY, JOINERY, TURNIV;, AViir.r.LvniiuiiT's WORK, MATERIALS AND TOOLS 28 VII. KurrnuoRK, KMI; VNKMKNTS,, FORTIFICATION AND FIKI.P-V, OI;KS. ( ' \\ \ IIOADS, I^ > .MI,\VA^^, MlNINC, ETC 'M VIII. -METALS, I'lin-iors STOM . M>. v.TC -13 IX. ' I IN COMMON I'sr. li; X. I'AIVII.K'S \MI (ii.A/n.R's WORK .10 XI. TlI.VK IIINC, WITH ITS Tools ANli M -Vj Ml. TE< IINKM. Tl :UM> IN THE Al;l -VI XIII. TBBEI \M> TIIIMR TIMHI :.. !'7 XIV. SIIIITINI.. BOATS, \Ni' lv']\i:i; NAVIGATION KKY To TIIK PRONUNCIATION. A key is superfluous to those who have already studied the Hindustan! dialect. ]ut to those wlio have not, it is indispensable, The short vowels a. as in -Marine : /". as in pin ; and u, as in bull. The long vowels a, as \\\ father : 7, in unit-June ; and u, in rule. The other vowels o, as in rose ; orv, as in /Vw; ; 0, as in ^r//. 01- French le ; and /^ and y, as in English. it. hy reverting tlie point of the toujrue to the palate, x. as /// in th'tiKi, or lisped . Belt-man, peon, chaprasl, patd-nald *i\j lx>, chaprdsl <^j^>- Betel-leaf seller, tamoll ^ THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TKU.MS. Blacksmith, smith, dhan-gar ^oj*>7 ', loh-ar j& J Boatman, bargeman, berrl-ndld]\j c$J*J, kishtl-wan ^ ^J5J* Bookbinder, jild-gar j* JLLs>- Bookseller, sahdf cJUs* 5 , kitdb-farosk \J*jj* ^\& Brazier (founder), dealer ) ^ ., , , tamatt-gar .$ e^*u, kasera in brass, etc., > (tinker), tthatthera Bricklayer, kamattl ^yUlf, rdzj\j, rdj -\j Brick-maker, kum-har . l^ ,' M^I^ ^-j^ jj u^Ari. Broker, 5a//a/ Jl' j Builder, kamattl ,J!l\, miamdr\+x* Butcher, kassab c-jL:-, A^ ? sa'7 ^L: Carder of cotton, bchinnd lx^-J Carpenter, joiner, ^o;r jla^, sw^ar j^, barrhal *j^ ( mistrl .cp^u^, darucl-qar pjib Cart-man, -^ ...^ 7 _^ -r ...^ I (/arri-wan ^uj ^Vo, c/arri-ban ^UjJlS Cart or wheel- wright, barrhal ^JJ^JJ Chandler (corn), grocer, bakkdl JUu, baniy'd Go Chajn'risi, belt-man, pata-wala ty Isj, dujn-ri^ .^\^^. Clerk, writer, fto^fl^U, Ardnf ^J^ Clock or watch-maker, a^ jL L^-xcL Cloth merchant, Ixizdz fy Coffin-maker, undertaker, tabtit-gar J* <^>ji\3 Comber of cotton (see Cimler). l>chuinn. L^o Cook, I'd/'-nrrll Cooper, Corn dealer, _ ( k'ts/tt-hlr jlGjL^, ! Cultivator, husbandman, riirri'T (tanner), ) 7 cham&r , Cutler, \IJTIX.\NS. TRADE8-PEOPLB, KT< . A dealer lallixed lo words), faros], U ^J, dftk&ttrd&r j\A Ij^eiieraD. a huckster. retailer. l&ifrdahrfarosh ^r/ ** Dealer in brass and mixed metals. /v/.svm Diver. burriyci b'v hrapcr, a mercer. bazdz Dniii-.Li-isi, aaettar jbs., pansarl Dyer. rang-ara \j&j, rang-rez > Kn^'ineer (civil), mi&mtir Engraver, kcdam-kar j& Jj, kandah-kdrj^ *jc l^xcavator, bel-ddr Kan-ier, salastrl ^.c^JL, salotrl Foreman, pesh-wa lyLo, mukaddam Founder (brazier), tamatt-gar ^fcU^lj, kaserci \j Furhisher, armourer, Baikal-gar jf Gang of workmen, madad ^ardene]'. bagh-ban ^b ib, ?M-/ Gilder, Jtoft-gar j*. e^o^, tila-kar ({lazier, alnah-wala ^ ajjj, Mnch-wala *$ Goldsmith or silversmith, zar-gar ^\ , sunar ( I razier (cowherd), dkangar &&, r/tf/r/ffl.ha Grinder (of swords, etc.), barr-ya bjfb Grocer, bakkdl Jlw, baniya (~j Groom, ghora-wala ^ J; Harness-maker, saddler, or shoemaker, Hiisl-andman, kunbi Innkeeper, or cook at a public serfi'e, Jeweller, Joiner, ////x//-7 ^c^-*. mijar j\=^, sutfi.r ^L*., barrba'l Journeyman, kamdsut L Knife-grinder, .o/. : /v/ /-//"'' v Labourov (day). / . -,//7,- THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERM?. Labourer (porter), Leather-curer, currier, or tanner, Leather-cutter, saddler, Locksmith, Man of business, Manufacturer, Mason, or builder, kdmdttl ,, (stone), sang-tardsh Master (artificer), (tradesman), an artist, hull dabbagh jlJtJ, ckamar j mocfn loh-dr ' ahl-i-kdr karl-gar J^ raz j\j, raj ^}. , micemar ustdd jli-J, karl-gar ^ kdsib e-^-:l^, ustdd Mat-maker, or mat- ) 7 _/-/ M i / ^-'- -/- \t i.. [ bonya-baf u-?u b ,j, chattai-nala I). ,-Vu weaver, ' w " Merchant, baipari L^;^? mahd-jan ^^l^, saudd- Navvy, excavator, bel-ddr Overseer, Painter, (house or carriage), Paper-maker, a stationer. Pedlar, I'ioncer, mukaddam ,*jJU, ttanddel ^b rang-sdz j\ kdghaz-l Putter. Printer, or r n|M'-iii;ik<'r. i, /-^/Z j umhru' j\^ r/,}ir>/-,rti/(l, ^ ^^^>~ rasaw sa^ jL Sailer, l.oatiinin, /-/W//7-//v7// Bawyer, Sculptor, , snilor, (in ^vin i nil). r ; , but-tarfoh J muhr-kan malldh ^)U, jakaz-l ufj^^ hl'dnntt-lr l^jc^ nolmr & LRTIZAN8, TRAD18-PBOPLE, BTC. Shepherd, char tc ah a \ Shoemaker, cobbler, mod" Shoer ofhorses, ndl-band Shopkeeper, dukan-dar J\ jj \j j Silversmith, sonar .L^ Snutl-dealer, tobacconist. tam-kherd t^Ct? Surveyor, paimalsh-wdld jflj (jiuU-j, jarib-kash (J^ ^^^ Sweeper, haldl-khor j^ J^>-, mih-tar j^^ Sword-grinder, bdrr-yd bjb i shamsher-sdz ;L -wi^-1, sayydf Sword-maker, > > r: ^^ > tegh-gwr J* Tailor, Idiaiyat LL^-, <:/(//.; 7 Tanner. chanbdr jUx^, chamdr Teut-])uilder or maker, Jihemah-doz \^ Tent -keeper or pitcher, Jchalds-l Thatcher, ghurdml o -\^ chhappar-band ^ Tiler, bricldayer, kdmdttl Jl*l, rdz \\j, raj Tinker, brazier, tthattherd ]^, Tinman or tinplate worker, tm-?vdld Tinner of pots and pans, kalcel-gar Tobacconist, tarn- /'her a, Tradesman (master), kdrl-gar >J, kdsib e-^~:l^ ustdd jb Turner, Mardt-l ^[^ khardd-l Undertaker. tdbut-gar j* c Varnisher, lakherd \\"atch or clockmaker, sd-teat-sdz jL- Water-carrier, sakkd ILo, biJdsht-l ,, (by bullock), pakhdl-l \Vai i-rman, boatman. Jdsktl-icdn ^U ^^, mdnj/d W.-aver, jold-hl ^i^-,jold-l Well-sinker, ktfiyar ., yhaH-Kar TJiKSAi;jU'r> OF TECHNICAL TKUMS. Wheel or cart-wright, khdtl barr-hal \ mutasaddl ^ju^x^, muharrir'\ , Writer, clerk (native), , / ,T , , ' ' aniri-Rar .IS JJbi, munsQl IL-BLACKSMITH'S, GUNSMITH'S, AND METAL WORK IN GENERAL, Ammoniac (sal), noshada Anvil, sindan jj^jc^, nihal clV^ a ^ iran (small), Bellows (pair oi',jantd 1^3 U-), bhatthl ^$\#> d!' a tool, etc., T.I dve an edge. to sharpen. Knierv, emery powder. Fen ilc'. File (lar~, churjj^, tutan phutt zambur ij~*j zanbur *angettk-l agetti ' piglatt J* dilragh j/>-, dirca \^ tala )lb', kulf\-&a, kufl Jii 7 ,, _ 7 , dd/tanehah Lacker, varnish, Ladle (iron), Lamp, Lock, ,, (staple for), Mould (a rough cast of anything, J afterwards reduced to shape), ,, (bullet), sdncka IcsrL, sdnchah (casting box), ddhalney ka sanchali t^srLj l^ Nail, klla Lf , /;7^ J/ Nippers, pincers, chimtta liU^, chwitta li Notch (also cog of a wheel), tfe^ To become notched, dantlparrnd Irj Nut (a), ddhibll ^^^5, ddhibrl Nut-key, ddhibrl ya ddhibll kash Pincers, nippers, chimtta Poker, Polisher of iron (in particular), Polisher, filer, or furbisher, Punch (a), Kasp, large coarse file, Red-hot, ,, (to make), Rosin, kardyal Jj Sal-ammoniac, Scissors, Screw, Screw-bolt, Screw-driver, Sediment. so-kan chhconl kdnus tao dcna amar (also cloth)^15, noshadar mikmz ^^U, kenchl b* L-uUah marorr-i , kat-i-<-/:<-tlrut lllik'K AM) TILE MAKIMi. BTC. Shovel, fchdk-anddz \ (small), small mat lock, or spndc. bcl-rlmh , Qsxgo) ghun (small size), hattorr-l Solder, jhdl ^\&-,jozran ^Jfr> Tang To solder, jh aland 1^1 lp Stove, grate, dtash-kadah i>^> Style (sharp-pointed graving tool), mil Tap for screw cutting, mansut c Tongs, sandddsl ^^JL-j, sansl Tools, instruments, au-zdr \\*\, hafydr j\~ Trough (water), jallerl N'aniish, lacker, lakh ^fl, lak ' ,, (large bench), pdk sahrrsl ^>j~> ^\*,> m ^ fa bank u-C b ^ (hand), hatkal J&J&, hath kl bank (JJob ^ Washer, pattl ^yj, phull Water-trough, " jalerl Wedge (small), or cold chisel, Meonl Jj-^, Mem Wedge, pachar j= III -BRICK AND TILE MAKING, WITH THE IMPLEMENTS AND MATERIALS, Ashes, Mar j\#>~, Mdkistar J ^ M ^{^., rakli Barrow (hand), manjhl ^^^u, mdnjhl (wheel), hdth-gdm ^j Baskets (sorts), ttokm >$)>, itok ,, ,, chkubrd j^-f^, tio&rd ,, flf[aly(i U5, i ^j 10 THESAURUS OP TECH MCA I. TERMS. Basket (large), used as u measure, Brick (adj.), of brick. -. (a). ,, (large and flat), ,, (half burnt), ,, (kiln burnt), (sun dried), (under burnt), (well burnt), (vitrified), Brick-bat, Brick or potter's kiln, Brick-kiln (inclosed), (native, open or clamp). Brick-mould, (strike or stick of a), Brick machine, <-],arkkl Intth bandnct/ I;} Brick-maker, khiM-paz j c: Bricks (broken), Bricks (instrument for rnitinir), Bucket (leathern), (large), jit-oka (small), ,, (wooden), or pail, ( 'alx, ashes, Tarl (wheeled carriage of any kind). tjiiihli jhdl khishtl lr^, intth *& rln i ii pall Intth far ski Intth ^^, pill mtth ^Lj pakkl Intth & kachchl Intth ^S-j ham pakkl Intth pakkl Intth jkaman ^Ul^-, jltarcan g rorra .f bhattah a^j, bhattl pazana sanchd Intth ka li ^iUj! .. (two bullock). (four bullock). Clay, i i ;irtli, soil. yarn baldi // r/Klt/ m i HI I'.UICK AND TI 1,H M\\\\ Nii. I : 1 1 ('lay (still 1 ), potter's clay. r/,ihm. -mini .. (tempered), mortar, .. pit, Clod of earth, ( 'o\v dung (dried), used lor fuel, Karth, soil, dust, //"// cJU-, mittl or mattl (potter's), clay. ckikm mattl ^JL _ Kartheii vessel (largv), ffha^ra tyf> (small), kandcFt oJuljb Kartheii pan (large), ndnd jj\j ,, ,, (small), kunclda \sj Fagot, fuel, balhl yafarsh-l mtth ^.\\ khapra \j+, Fuel, r/ulhan ^jcjl, soJthtah <&~>-j~i Furnace, brick-kiln, bhattl .Jif , a^'tt 1.7 Hand-barrow, manjhl ^^u, manjhl ^srU Heap, stack of bricks, ckufta \!L>- Heat of the sun, ^to^ ^1^, ^Aw Kiln (brick or potter's), bhattl ^^, pajdwah sj(s, dwa Kiln-dried, or kiln-burnt brick, pakkl mtth ^pj\ Leathern bucket, ddol (small), ddolchl (very large), pur^, prohd Uj^, ^/'s with trunk or spout, molt , rahatt LlU&j LlS chikrii mitti ^J char/fa ^-j^-? ^ yhirnl \Jy&> bhuwan bart or lao $, bart or kachra !s- , kurra j, balu jib, r< Mould (brick), xandt.a Intth ha Mud, tempered clay, used as mortar, yarn \j | plmolah **!U>, phaorra !?.U Pha'orrah, digging tool, mattock, , ,- - i /~; i Persian wheel, charJch Plaster (mud and chaff), Potter, Potter's clay, or earth, wheel, Pulley for a well bucket, (rope for), Rope, ,, (thick) for a well pulley, Rubbish, litter, Sand, Sandy, Spade, shovel, Soil, earth, ,, (stiff), potter's clay, (light or loose), Stack of bricks, Straw, Strike, a stick for smoothing bricks in the mould, Sun's heat, (/ham *\, dhup <- Sweepings, rubbish, etc., In elm \ J * hurra \"; Tank (small), a cistern, ,, pond, tal&'oj$\2, lalab *_;l ! lv, till Jb Tempered clay, mud-mortiir. yd /-a \j Tile, (tiles, ha nl li ,Jjj), nariyci by ,, (round or lock), y/// Jl. ; n^yd-^ulflddr j\^J^s by i hlwdnl ^, belclidh . . v . " fMk-andaz j\&) w^ftZ or rl'ihiu mattl kachchl mattl ^JL ^sr riff ft a facia. /I BRICKWORK, .MASoNUY. BRIDGE BUILDING, KTc. |: Tile (flat and broad \ hhajtrd L^i, klaprcl J^,- Tiler (a), (also a mason), ktdatkar j&A , sel-band Tiled (house). Ifhaprail Jj - Tiled roof, khaprail ki Mat i^~$> Trough for water (in the ground), tdghar J\M Tubulated, wa& ^JU Wiiter-bag (h^athera), ddolehl .JjS, ^/ J.J (leathern) for a man's shoulder, " mashk \Vater-bag3 of leather for bullocks, camels, or mules, pakhal \Vater-oourse. ravine, also a canal, nala ^!lj Well, cha/i &\s>~, kun-rca \+> kua \ Wheel (potter's), charjch j>~, riah (Persian), haratt cf^A, rahatt Wooden Imoket. IV -BRICKWORK, MASONRY, BRIDGE BUILDING, WELL- SINKING, AND BUILDING IN GENERAL, WITH THE TOOLS AND MATERIALS. Abutment, payah-berttnl \jsf, kamanl ~, chauM Bond, wall's breadth, (to preserve the), r/r/y^- l>a<-ldnd Bonding, Boring instrument (for the ground), barmah zaniin kd li tij . ; . Bottom (the), (tool for excavating at bottom of wells), jkdm <*ll^- Brick (a), H)*ht Brickwork, JMsht-karl ^l^iA^, Inttydrl Brick and mortar work, <], tinal ,, (pounded for cement), surHl - on edge floor or pavement, kharanjd ^s^ Bridge (a), pul Jjj, pul (arched), pu4-mijirab-dar J\A ^\^^ ,, (draw), pul-i-t-, safrf <*J <-lhcit-ylr! ^ r/,/W kah-gil J-^J', Causey, pavement. Ceiling of a room, etc. j (also the roof), \ (cloth or canvass), To eeil. filial l pattana or lagana 13 Cement, mortar, masdlih f?\*a* f ahak clX&t, gad ( 'entering of an arch, ddhauld 5jj&3, dddtt cl^3, Chatf. husk (used in making mud-mortar), Chisel (stone-mason's), chheonl J^-^, chhenl ^+$>~, ttanfa ^JL> Clay (tempered mud and chaff), (potter's), Cloth for ceilings, ( 'olnnm, pile, pillar, (strong, solid), (base of), Conduit pipe, drain for water, Coping of a wall, Corbel, Cord, string. Corner, ,, (to cut off a), Cornice, pediment, Counterscarp, curtain, Course, layer. Crab or windlass. Crane or jack, ( Yovni of an arch, ras-i-milirab Cubical, or block ) f n ,. , chaukon m bunyad \~j . L . }*&- foundation, ( ^ ur^r Cubit (85 fathoms), n'dm **.. Ixiin +\*. ham ^ l ' i P garra \J gazl ^>, kkadl ^ , sutun ^j^, istambh rfflm-i-rakm pay ah sutun ka li ^f^ <)jl> par-nala }!ljy , panala SL, nal jj morl u?,%^ ddcrl ^.^jjc^, mundder jjX** mama V^, rt- *-J Current, stream, dhdrd ^Uj, dhdr j\Jb Curtain wall, arrtdld l ! ijj j l, pardak dinar kd \ j\y Dike, embankment, pushtah Hammer (moon's), hatorra Jjfjia, martol Hand-barrow, manjhl ^scu, manjkl ^rs^U, hdth-c/dm cgj Haunches, ^.( /> <_$]] Tthardt Ll^., kkardd pal ay d Wiardd kd chilwdn ^k* tdb-ddn J\ raddd !j^ raddd \Jj kewdrr J\^ bardbar j\^, hamivdr \\*$ , liamwdr karnd \jj* j\^ pansdl karnd \J pansdl ttikantti bliarkdnd \j\&M t bharfa chund 13 kalacel c sut d. tdld V j'j, /v///'^ji)j;, /;//// JJ. 2 18 THESAURUS OP TECHNICAL TERMS. Loop-hole, Mallet (mason's or") stone-cutter's),) Marble, Margin, brink, bank, Mason, (stone), Mason's (stone) chisel, chhe-ni hammer, level, rule, plumb-line, Masonry, sang-sazl ^jj\~ Mat, matting, Mat-maker, buriyd-bdf t_Jb l> itf, diattal-walal\j ^-"7 Material (prepared mortar or cement), masdlih Measuring rod, Measuring tape, Mortar, plaster, cement ,, (wooden), ckuney kl chakkl jhirl J^rpr > na b bahadrl takchah s*lb, tak jH?, -/ kuchha dena U.j i, katt-hara tlr-kash (hatorrd ( mogra sang 4-mar mar j*j* kinarah Sj\ raz j\j, rdj - sang -tar ash ^f>\f &&**, micemar , chheo-nl ij^>., tta/ ka&wrd^fo ttikanttl hanjdr 1 s s^j^> chattal ^12 napney kafltah , ahak '"I , ^ze& J (mill), Moulding, (ornament), Niche, recess in a wall, Offset, (to leave) Palisade, railing, Parapet, Partition wall, a screen, Pavement, causey, Pediment, IVrislvlo. katt'h-ghara fasll Jy^.% morrerr^j ottd farsh y*j*, kharanja BKK'KWOKK. MAftONRT, !',K!U balll ^ ,, driver, or engine, muchdk Pillar, /a#A ^!J1 ! , pll-pdyd \*\^>, situn ^yi-j, istamb/i *~AZ ,, (base or foot of a), pa-yah sutun kd l ^^ ( four ways), chau-konl -, char-challah (terraced), (thatched), (tiled), ,, (to roof with tiles), Roofing with tiles, Round, or lock-tile, Rubbish, sweepings, Rule (mason's), Sack-cloth for ceilings, canvas, Sally-port, wicket, Sand, ,, (coarse), gravel, Scaffold, stage, ,, (for criminals), Scaffolding, ,, (light wooden), Screen, partition-wall, 'chhalnl pakkl chhat L^. chhappar kl chhat khaprel kl chhat c^f. pattdna \j pattao nariyd-kulflddr j\ sJ^s hanjdr jlrs gazl o}?> kliddl ^jS^ khzrrffi ret , bajrl dauvjd nddle, sieve, chhalna Uif=^, (hhannd dk-hd l^T, ijt'irbrd Jb^i, pcznah ^ Shovel, spade, (small , lu'lrhah ils^), bel J-J, kin Shuttoi- (1'old of), or door, Shutter, a board. . lattice, gan*aM ~^, murabbaa gunyd Lj zlnah iijj, serrhl ^^y^- 3 safcfi^oe..,. pdrr : , ! l> 7 7 i " ' y tandd Jul3, macnan ^ sandll ^! serrhl ^>j^, zli'tih < san- panj-manzilah Aj. do-mcmzilah dhara i ,Uj, c?Mr iUj kachra ndpney kafltah &~j l^ c ffwfe ^c***^, dnkrrl samadha Uu>U~: used in smoothing and rubbing the chunam, J A very small bladed trowel used in plas-) 7 _ / -/- M ^ \\ J \ n ela-majhula **$s* LJ tering, for the fine mouldings, etc. * An iron tool with a sharp point used in plastering, kalam chilndn karta thdpi kendri chhat kl tteddha lad-hash Trass, Tube, spout, Turning of an arch, Twisted, distorted, Ventilator, Wainscot, boarding, Wall, ,, (a partition), screen, ,, (breadth of), ,, (efflorescence on), ,, (extending outwards for Bitting under,) (layer of), a day's work, (recess in), a niche, takchah Water-level, ,, (to level by menus of) Water-pipe, drain, conduit. /'' td/ rra btld-i-njah te dinar of hi bint cs, (//Ibnia. bU5 radda 1 fii/f- jlL, did pansdl J^ pansal Iwrml \jj J^ morl UUILD1NG* AND DWELLI.N - \Vi-l I (a), (foundation), kul hi bunyad jl~j , , ( \va 11 r< ) and) , www y/*## Well-bucket (large leathern), ddol J ,, ,, (small) ddoldil Well-sinker's shovel, jha Well-ring (curb under), nim-chak <^X>- ^J,jakhan ^ WeU (shaft of a), koithl Wells (tool for excavating at the bottom of), jham White ants, dlwak White lime for white-wash, kalacBl Whitewadiing, chunal f chftna lagdnd \j\x! U*, chhuhana lj To whitewash, j karna \J Wicket, sally-port, kliirrlu Windlass, crane, charklti Window, darlchak teglj^, barl ^jj^j, khirrkl Wooden mortar, w , , stage, sakf U&~>, parrjb (light), tandd Job', machan J ,, ,, (movable), sandll trowels (see Trowel). V.-BTJILDINGS AND DWELLINGS OF YAKIOUS DESCEIPTIONS, Antichamber, pesh-tak j^*-j, ddercrrla ^J^S Aqueduct, nahr^, ab-yor j$J\, kdrez & Area, court, ikdtah *^^1, dngan ^T Arsenal, kdr Mdnak ajU- jl, .s^/^A kkdnah tJ\* 3^ Back-yard, pichh-rvarra U'^f 24 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TEH MS. ^ Balcony, upper room, bala-Jchanah gallery, porch, dahlez jJjj> Balustrade, katt-gar p&, kattera \^, kattl-ylam Bank (for money), kotthi Barn, granary, ambar-Manak ajU- jLjl, kotthd\ Barrack, Bastion, bulwark, tower, Bedroom, dormitory, JiJidb-gdl s Bench, elevated seat, or platform, bn.rrak l/i^> diha'om burj j , khnab-gah dwbutrah *, ceimarat gomtan \J^ mahan Jcabnstan l jhonprrl I'Orc chkaonl , Idl-ceak af~ >^ j^ li aj ^Jji^ ifMf/t tU:,Jt* ^d*L t"n i, /a i) ^S\ ltriMIN(l,S AM) Ii\VKLLlN , m^A 4! 1) , Dwelling, khdnah (temporary), dderah ^X Kurt, castle, (jurrhl ^t>j*, gurrh *j>, koit Fortification, I kalceah Fortress, fortified place, ) bdld-hisdr j\^>. ]\j, hisdr (iallery, hall, ai-nan portico, Tl-wak J balcony, bold, kkdnak ( Iranary, barn, ambar-Jchariah ajU- jljl, /wft^ Grave-yard, Jcabristan ^l^J;, goristan ^ Guard-house, naubat Jchanah aj l>. d^^y , chaukl , ( i 1 1 1 1 er, kennel, drain, ^a/^ ^ 1} , ???6>n Hall, a covered court, rfato (outer), dar-ddldn dining-room, suhafah or gallery supported on pillars or columns, ai-rcan House in general, /fo#/fo ^/j Jdianak tfp? , jhonprra Inn, place for travellers, sarae Inner court, anganal Jail, prison, zindan jjljuj, kaid-Jchanah (collector's court-house), court, office, etc., kachharl Parlour, reception room, baitthak tlXfLj, nishast-gah i^ Peel, small fort, or tower, garrhl Peristyle, usara \j\~t\, sitafand Pinnacle, kangurah Platform, elevated seat or bench, ckabutrah Police-station, thanah (road-side), chauJn Porch, vestibule, antechamber, ddem-rrhl \ ,, balcony, gallery, bar-amadah Portico, a gallery resting on columns, asara \JL>\, rln-ak j\ Printing office, or press building, h&paA-$&nah - J-5>-, kaid-khmiah ajU ( Public buildings or works, { Quadrangle, *hauk ^f>~* rkhdr-su BUILDINGS AND DWELLINGS. asdrd \j\~t\ Room, chamber, apartment, kotthrl ijj$jZ, kamrak (reception), or parlour, baitthak ilX^; , nishast-gdh x ,, (upper), or story, mharrl ,, under ground, for the hot season, tah-khdnak School-building (a), maktab Seat (elevated), platform, chabutrah */ Sepulchre, tomb, turbat ui Shed, pdkhd Shop, mart, hdtt , dukdn Space enclosed round a house, *) a compound, Story (a house having an upper), Subterranean canal, Summer-house, Temple (Hindu), Temporary dwelling, hut, etc. Tent (also pavilion), Jchaimah Terrace, in front of an upper room, Thatching for barracks, .,__, 7 , , ikdtah ?\>-i, ana an ..Jo mhdrrl t^'lf karezj>j\&, bdrah-darl mandir cfem j^j j, dderd 1^ tambu +tZ, dderd Tomb, sepulchre, vault, Tower, small fort, or peel, bastion, Treasury, (local), Turret, pinnacle, ,, parapet wall, Turreted, Upper room, balcony, Upper story, \n\, cistern, db-glr jJ\, hauz mlndr chhdonl kabr^a, turbat euo^J j\~~*, burj ^ burj -j ffliizdnah tahsll kanaurah kanaurah kangumli-dar jb bold khdnah mhdrri t chah-bachaJi THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. tah kkanah 1/ VI.-CARPENTRY, JOINERY, TURNING, WHEEL- WRIGHT'S WORK, MATERIALS AND TOOLS. Adze, or axe, basuld ,, (kind of), teskah Across, athwart, arr[ftlt~i t JL- Ants (white), il'ucuk CJ^o, Auger, or gimblet with a string,} , _ , a brace and hit, ) ,, (bow and string of), kamanl ktllhncra ijl^l (small), hatchet, //_/ ^ ,'^. ///////.- (pick). . AUl'KXTUY. .inlNKUY, TUENINO, WC, 29 Axli 1 ul' a circular saw, bclan yol an ha Dai- of wood, division of a window, .. (perpendicular), gaz-kharrd \ ,, (cross), ., (of a door), arr-danddd\&^\, aghal ^\, billl Barrel, plpa Lo Beam, (main) shah-tlr^^, latthd l^i! ,, (transverse) or joist, farshat-i Wianah ^1=^ c^-i^j (upper or roof), pdldrl ^J^, pcUarjfo Bench for tools, karigaron hi mez y^ ^J> ^^j^, addd |j| Bit (steel) and borer, barmd ispdt ha l Blind, screen, andhdrl ^Ujj Block, kundak lakrrl ka, Block, pulley, ghinnl ^j, ghirnl ,j ,, (single), ghirnl ekharl (double), ghirnl doharl ,, (treble), ghirnl teharl v^-o iJ Board, plank, (small) taM^ ,5^^ ta^vtah Boarding, planking, (v. karnd U^), taMah-bandl cjjco Bolt or bar of a door (wooden), arrdanddd \ Jo j (iron), ^7^ ^^1^, kulabah \^ Compasses (pair of), /> t <-^y^> sz>\3 il'KNTKY. jnlNKin . TI'KMNC. fffC, .'II Cramp, press, Curb under a well-ring, mm-chak Door (a), (leaf of a), shutter, patt Door rail, or transverse framing of, shikanjah ++j,jdkhan rrj]^, kercdrr j\^ ^, palld'L, palrrd \J\j khurjl (bolt or bar of), Door-frame, Door-catch, Door-latch, Doors (folding), a pair of, Dovetail, tenon, Drawer, till, Dry-rot, Dust (saw), Edge of a tool, ,, (straight), Fan or punkah, Felling-axe (large), ,, (small), File, ,, (coarse), a rasp, for saw setting, Flat, level, Floor, (terraced), Flooring, Fly-wheel (a), Fold of a door or shutter, also a door, Folding doors (a pair of), aghal j\, arr-danddd \&4j\, billi choukhatt cU^^ kunddl yarra jorrl chul golak gjiun burada , bum \j dhdrj\a>j gaz j>, pankali tabar^j, kulhdrra \j /mrram Jj\j>, kulkdrrl retl kdnus fj*>f>^, sohdn , kanasl bardbar^]^, hamrcar tah ti , farsh gach , \J>j farsh ^j, tali pahiya Mardd kd K j]^ kervdrr jorrl Framing of a door, or transverse rail, Frame of a door or window, khurjl chaukhatt THESAURUS OP TECHNICAL TERMS. jarrd barma I Mat hash ,^ barmah Li, barma Frame (a brace), Gauge, Gimlet, with bow and string,) auger, brace and bit,) ,, (bow and string of a native), kamanl Glass, or sand-paper, lal-tao jlf $>, reg-mal JU Glue, sares <*+> .~), saresh />uu ^ w >\j - w >v Gouge, girdao rukhani, tj,\jj ^j*> birka nihani lnliiyt~i l-Jtardd I;<1 san ^ _ gond Ju lakh ^iS, lak tl arabah &\j\, garri top ki ^ < mwftA ^fU,' dastah te. martol JyjU, hattorri mutth ,^U, dastah manjhi _ ^ kanddi ^-juli kurrdrri t_?J^^> kulharri kabzult. jorrd kabzah kd l j Nail (a), (small) kilo, Lf, jor^y c^^J, / Nave of a wheel, ^a/^, yapahiya ka, dumbdlali dLj j l Ly L Nippers, pincers, chimttd l:U^, chwittd li Notch, dent, rfaw Notched, indented (as tools, etc.), dantl parr-gaya LSjj Pair (as of doors, etc.), jorrl (of compasses), pargar j^, parkar Panel (of a door), dilha Paper (sand), reg-mdl JU ,, (glass), Paste, Pile (wooden), gdrrhncy kl karri ^^> J" Pile-driver, mudidk Pincers, nippers, diimttd l:U^-, dnmtta, Pipe, ^a/ JJ Pipe-clay, chalk, katthinl ( j^ ) kharrl ^* Plane (a), randd \^Jj ,, (rebating), kor kd randd \\tij \ j (rebating for mouldings), jAm ^a mwc?a Ij ,, (rebating for round edges), golcjn-randd Plank, (planking, taJchtak-bandl Pole of a jlifun, or well-sinker's instrument, baUljkdm kl ^J p\#>- 34 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. shikanjah A. xij, kaid-khdnah ajU chuftd ghinnl ^*, gldrnl ghirnl chharl ghirnl doharl ghirnl teharl Press, cramp, Prison, a jail, zinddn Prop, support, Pulley or block, (single), (double), (treble), Rebate or rabbet, a rectangular recess or groove cut x longitudinally in a piece of timber to receive the f / patdm edge of a plank, or other work required to fit into i it, as a door frame, etc. Rebating plane for mouldings, jliirl hd randd Ridge-pole, (of a cottage, balenddd Rope ladder, Rubbish, chips, shavings, etc. tutan Rule (carpenter's), (3-foot) tlnfuttd Sand-paper, Saw (hand), (large), ,, (circular), ,, (axle of circular saw), (tooth of), Saw-dust, Screw, or screw nail, ,, (worm of a), marrorrl^ Screw-driver, (in Dekhan, marrorrl ?]*}"\ peek-hash J$ Sealing-wax, gum lac, /"/// ^ N J, Idh Setting a saw (file for), handsl ^ To set a saw, ddntl nihdlnd Sheave (single)., ti block ) or pulley), ) '* \>- kamand ttukrrd-purzah (2-foot) dofuttd lilj reg-mdl JU <*. drl c kardnt c^Jl^, am gol-drl jj fo/aw ^0/ an /(-a l ^' daw# ^ burddd \\j t bum pench -A-J, j00dt ,. gltirnl CARPENTRY, .JolNJ'ltY, TURNINC. BTC, Sheave (double), ,, (treble), Sill of a door or window, Sinew used for filling cracks in wood, Sliding-bolt, ghirnl doharl ghirni tekarl chuttkanl nijaf uJlsr pae \j gunya sikri barma ispdt ka , , ROtthi ya, sanduk patthar san 1m \<> ^ sill patthrl , mistir birinjl Socket chisel, chaursl Splinter (wood), Kirch Square (carpenter's or mason's), Staple of a lock, bolt, etc. Steel bit, Stone or wooden box usedl as a sort of coffer-dam^ / Stone (grind), ,, (whet), (hone), Straight edge (a), gaz j> Tack, small nail, Tenon, dovetail, Timber, chob <^, fakrrl ^^jfl, lakarr ^ ,, (sling carriage 1 7 7 7 7 ,.,^ , , .. , >latthl utthaney kl gam ,cvb . Juj.) . ^ tor), a wain, J - J ^ 7 ^ Tire of a wheel, dhul Tool-bench (carpenter's), karlyaron kl mezj** Tools, instruments, auzair j\\, hatiyar Tooth of a saw, ddnt-l Transom, pattotan Turning-lathe, kharat L^, Mardd ,, (wheel of), pahiyd ftharad ka ' Wainscot, boarding, takhtah-bandl Wax (bees), mom 36 THESAURUS OP TECHNICAL TERMS. drah gaz dhul Wax (sealing), lakh Wedge, Wheel (cart, etc.) ply a LJ, chdk cJU-, pahiya ,, (of a turning-lathe) ^ahiyd^ydpiyd ~khardd lid l J^~u LJ (fly), piyd LJ, ji?a%a L^j (axle of), axletree, dhurl cj^^S dhura V ,, (nave of), chdk, yd pahiya kd dumbdlah ^SLjj l^ L^J b c (spoke of), (tire of), (yoke), Whetstone, Windlass or crab, Window-sash, Window-bar or division, Wood, timber, Wooden or stone box open at the ends,1 used as a sort of coffer-dam, / Wooden bar (perpendicular) of a window), Worm of a screw, Yoke of a wheel, a yoke, charkhljham kl chob lakrrl pnra gaz j lakarr or kotthl jp sanduk , gaz-hliarra \^ marrorrl jud \ VIL-EARTHWORK, EMBANKMENTS, FORTIFICATIO] AND FIELDWORKS, CANALS, RAILROADS, ROADS, MINING, HUSBANDRY, ETC. Axe (pick), (native) kudal ra Approaches, Bag for water (leathern) slung on the shoulders, (leathern) for Imllocks, etc. (a pair). mashk pakltil *, band Aij, pushtah ajJLj ankattd hath-gdrrl ^cjl? manjkl partald chamrrey kd l EARTHWORK. BMBANKMENT8, FORTIFICATION, ETC. , f bdndk Bank, dike, embankment, Harrow (wlicel), (hand), (belt used with), Basket (large), (small), ttokrl ,, (small and shallow), palrrd Jj-lj, palld L Bastion, rampart, sadd &~>, bdr-o-dlwdr Battery, morchah Battery (raised), damdamah Belt worn by barrow-men, partdl chamrrey kd l c^'Us Bill-hook, dd'o j\J Billet of wood, kundah x Jc^, kattd ls Boring instrument (for the ground), barmah zamm kd li jj^j <^/ Breach (a), bugdrd \jUj, bughdr J\M ,, (by a cannon ball), ttorrjfi Bucket (leathern), ^0/ J^5 ,, (large leathern) for a well, purjy , prohd l^j, charas ,, ,, with trunk or spout, mutt y*, muthah ^small leathern), ddolchl (wooden), apail (small, taghdrl^\*3}, taghdrj&j, bdltt ,, (wheel or pulley used with the charas or leathern well bucket), ,, pulley (large) or wheel for a) 7 . . ^ ,, ? ghirm ,jrfi, bhaun ^& well, used with the charas, J Buckets (string of, for Persian wheel), jel J-sj- Bundle of wood, faggot, fascine, kattd \2 Bullock, baldl ^f^, bail J-j Bullock-cart for heavy loads, larrhyd l-Ajl, chhakrrd (two bullock), gdrri or bhunwar _/jJj# pahiyd charas kd li 38 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Bullock-cart (four bullock), gam chou baldl Bulwark, bastion, bar-o-dmar Buttress, dike, embankment, band j^j, bandh J&jjlj, pushtah ij Camp, lashkarjjd, lashkar-gdh (intrenched), morchal Jl>^^, saldbat kunchah Canal, nahr Cavalier, raised battery, damdamah Carriage (gun), top kl gam ^jf^ ^ Cart (light wheeled carriage), ardb'ah &\j\ ,, (bullock) for heavy loads, chhakrrd \j&>~, gdrrl ^jj ,, (different) larrhyd d 5 ;! ,, (two bullock), gam do-baldl f^ *^ ,, (four bullock), gam chou-baldl ^s^> f>- Cartman, carter, (jdm-rcan ^ oj^? gam-ban Cistern, small tank, chah-bachah te <^, hauz Counter-scarp, fasll ^^:, arrtala Crow-bar, hadlmali & Curtain (in fortification) arrtala Delve, mattock, phaorrd \"j\&, bd-ehak &jr?t, bd To delve, khodnd Delving, khod-i ^ Dibble for digging grass, khurpd b Dike, embankment, ankatta lii^jl, pushtah d^io, bund Ditcli, trench, moat, (natural, generally khal \\)t klandak j Earth, soil, intlTi or malU Earthwork, mittl or maijl kl khodal Embankment, dike, p-uxhlah bawll o^ ^i*j, To cxcavntc. ! niivvv Kascinc. t'n^ot, . l;iyrc. s EARTHWORK, EMBANKMENTS, FORTIFICATION, ETC. 39 Fork (pitch-, three-pronged), jandda \J~,jandra ( ,, live-pronged), pa&an#la Fosse, moat, ditch, 1 , ,,_>_ t , X N 77 > 7 7 Hnatural, generally kha i ^\), Khandak j&* Fusee (match), falltah t Gabion, orra \j^\, yadi Gang, or help, of excavators, maddad ,, (overseer of a), ftandtld J^.cL'J Glacis, pushtali fcJ^j Gravel, pebble, or concrete (used 1 , , / / i i / ^ > hanhan ^jS^, hankar * in metalling roads), J Ground, soil, mittl or mattl (sandy or light), bhur Ground-square, yuniya, L Gun-carriage, arabah &\j\, gtirri top Id ^ c >^3 ^ Handle, haft, dastah > salabat kunchah katfkara \ J g$ Pannier, basket, orra \jj\ Parapet, muMer j>&* , fa&ll J-a9 Pass, passage in a mountain, approach to a river, (/haft \ Peblile. gravel, hankarl ^j^, kanhar J>J* Peg or pin of wood, kltunttl \J&)&> mekh *** Persian-wheel, a wheel for drawing water, haratt ci^, rahatt cU&j ,, (string of buckets or pots for), jel J-o*- Pick, pickaxe, (small) hudall ( J\^ ) kudal J!j, gyntl ^/ Pitchfork (three-pronged), jandrd \j**>* , jand&a \3^>- ,, (five-pronged), pachangl LM1 1 '-engine, muckak Pile, balll. Jj, gharrney Id karri ^ ^J j^, karri ^ Plough, kulbah Rod (measuring), six-foot, gaz chhafutta cUs ten-foot. y&z das fuUa J , burnt ghararah > kkak-andaz j\&>\ 42 Rope (thick) used with the charas OT , r leathern well bucket, Sack, bag, (large), Shovel, spade, bel J-j, khodnl Shovel (well-sinker's), Sandy ground or land, To sap, nakab mama UjU c^Ju, naghm khodnd \j^ +*J Slope, nashcb t-^uj, salami ^Lj, d#M/ JU5 Spell, trip, turn, Spade, shovel, JJiak-andaz j\&>\ Square (a ground), Stratum, layer, Tape (tracing, coarse), Tracing (a), ^/ J-j, khodnl guniya nircarj\y, dagh-bel Tool (flat wooden) for beating and smoothing earthwork, thapl i ,, (small), Trench, (natural, generally khal Trip, spell, turn, Unladen (as a cart), To unload or unlade, Water-bag (leathern) for a man's shoulder, Water-bags for a bullock, etc. Water-carrier, sakkd ULa, bihishtl ,, (on bullock's back), pakhdll _ Water (machine for raising, on the lever principle), ddhen/dl L5 &~J* J Water-bucket (large leathern) for a well, char as ^ Water (string of buckets or earthern pots for), jel Wheel for drawing water (called al , J> karati ^r*. rahaU Persian wheel), thapkl kkandak J hhep ubhra \ utarna Uj mashk pakhdl J METAL?, PRECIOUS STONES, CHEMICALS, ETC. 43 Windlass, winch, crab or crane, manjamk LJX~.=srU, mahut c Wooden bucket, pail, tagharl u^Ujf, bdlUl Wooden instrument for beating and smoothing earthwork, (small), thapkl METALS, PRECIOUS STONES, CHEMICALS, ETC, Acid (nitric), aquafortis, tcz-db s->7j-J | ruh-i aazam Jacl ^, ruh -^ (sulphuric), vitriol, \ ~ V J J J gandak ka ceatr J&s. Is cliJc^ Agate, plr-pattan ^l^j ^-j, garj, sang-iyashm JH^^^S^ Alkali, potash, kharj( Alloy of copper and tin, kdnsah ,pltal jlo Brimstone, sulphur, gandak C Calx, scoria of copper, tameswar Carbonate of soda (impure), natron, Camelian, ceakik-i-jigarl Cinnabar, sulplmret of mercury, \ isrinj * verinilliori, xhan Copper, mis L ^*, tdmba LjU Copper and tin alloy, kdnsah 44 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Copper (sulphate of), blue-stone,^ or blue vitriol, / Copperas, sulphate of iron, 1 or green vitriol, J Coral, Diamond, (dust), (glazier's), ,, (cut in facets like), Emerald, Emery, Gold, Gold-leaf, Iron, (adj.), of iron, ,, (pig, or in the mass), (bar), (flat), (sheet), ,, (sulphate of), copperas, (rod), (hoop), (untempered), kach (hard kind of), Iron mine, 1 1-011 wire, Lapis calaniinaris, tutanag, Lead, (black), Leaden, of lead, Martial vitriol (ferri mlna tutiya Ljy, nlla tota Ijy Ilia thotJta lf>^f> kasls y^, zaj bassad J^j, marjan ^ hlra \j+b, al-mas al-mas tar ash kalam hlrey kl -loh'tya warak-i-tilal ahan ^T, loha ahanl ^^T, loliiya loha sarrl ^^ loha choukor j*z. loha chaptta loha chadu.rl kasls IJJ++M&, zaj loli a gol J^ loha kundla kach-lohl jxn/hal J b, loh-sar loha tar j\j shlsh surb-% METALS. PUKriors SToNKS. ( ' !I I'M 1 ( 'A LS, KTC. 4.0 , load- stone, iM""ivnry, quicksilver, Metal, (bell), Mine (a), ., (shaft of a), Mineral (adj.), Mineral (a), ore, Mica, talc, Nitric acid, aquafortis, Oil of vitriol, sulphuric acid, Ore, mineral, Orpiment, yellow arsenic, Pewter, Porphyry, Potash, alkali, Quicksilver, mercur Sal-ammoniac, Sapphire, Sheet iron, Silver, Soda (impure carbonate of), natron, Steel (adj.), made of, Steel, ,, (kind of native), (tough description of), (hard kind of), Sulphur, brimstone, _ 7 ~t, ahan-ruod b, Jbl s r tm-ab c >T *--:, par ah tj\j fitizz JJJ, rfMft rom ^^j, ajzdahat macedan jjJ^^, khankhar macedanl fcalacel Touchstone (a), kasauttl Jjj^, kasana ULuf Tutanag, zinc, dasta bo Tutty, tutiya Uy ,., ., r 11. .1 ( gandak ka ceatr .kc Vitriol, or oil of, sulphuric acid, { ^~ ruli-i-acBzam (blue), sulphate of \ Ilia, tkothd l^j^j LS, copper, ) (green), sulphate of iron, kasls u~*, zaj " !j (white), sulphate of zinc, so/kZ ^ra; j JUA-J (martial), kasis Wire (copper), tdr-i-mis-l ^^ j\j, tar tanba ka (iron), tdr-i-ahan-l" ^b\ j\j, tar loha ka ,, (silver), tar-i-nukral LwjlS, ^ar chandl ka If L V y*^ Ljb' jl>' UJ ,lj Zinc, jast e^u*s-, dasta l^J (sulphate of), white vitriol, zaj-i-sa/ed j^i- -lj IX.-MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN COMMON USE. Awl, sutarl 3}^, darosh u^jj^, naharnl Bag (large), a sack, gon u , thaila L (small), thaill ,, for fly of a tent, shalltah te for tent walls, garara Balance scales (a pair), tarazu jj\j5, takkarl (one scale of), palrra \^j, MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN COMMON USE. 47 Barrel, cask, plpa Ly Bladder, phukna Bucket, tub, or pail (of wood), j ta ^ Sr >' (small) tagkan Burning matter, angdrah *j\ Cane, rattan, &# ^-^> ^^ ^-^^ Canvas, #i!l Cask, barrel, plpa Uo Catgut, Twfa^ yj^, ^aw^ u^olj Cauldron, cleg ^jJ, karrah *\jf, karral \j* Cloth (coarse), sort of canvas, ^ac^ c5^l^ sackcloth or coarse canvas, ttdtt cL>l'j Cocoon, also the silk-worm, pelah ^j* Creeper, climber, i (twig of), used in basket-making, ) ' Crook, drag, etc., ankorra Dish (flat brass), kind of tray, tabak j Drag, grappling iron, etc., ankorra Egg, andda liil Fat, tallow, grease, plh - Jj Jar, gugglet, surdkl , ^^ Leather, chamrra \ ,, (pipe or hose), nal chamrrey ka If Loom, Mallet for driving tent pegs, mekh-cho Matting, bony a b^y, chatta'l ^^> (made from reeds or grass), chattal patter hi made from palm leaves, \ ^f ^ ' _ " . ^ L matta i khajtir or ^o^2 hi Milk, (butter), dogh i.j, ckhadih (curdled), ,, (sour), rennet, Mill-stone, also hand-mill, Mucilaginous seeds, Needle, ,, (packing), Oil, ,, (cocoa-nut), -mirn/al ha id J-J' ,, (linseed), ^/>v /v7 ^-/ J.J ,, (mustard), sorafiM /v7 /<'/ J.J of the plant Til, til ka tcl JuJ If Jj ,, of the wild mustard, In hi l-a tct J-J If ^U of the Turra, a sort of tare, ////vv7. k Weight for pair of scales (a) batt c!L>b Weight, load, (a load, bojh ~p>-ji), rvazan ^jj, tol J^j X-PAINTER'S AND GLAZIER'S WORK, Azure blue, kabm Black, kala (lamp-) kajal J&-\, kajla iLs, Blue, Ilia LJ, mla Lj ,, (light or sky), midah x&jS. t uda \^\ Brush (large), kucjn ^*-j*, kuncjn ,, (small), also a pm. Camphor, Ceruse, safeda Chalk, whiting, kharrl LJ), kharriya-miffi ^JL* bj^", katthinl Colour, Tang Coat of colour Mop L- To colour, rangana Colour (price of), rang a I v Copal (gum), 'iandras (varnish), roghan chandras ka \ I'AINTKUV AMI (JLA/IKUV \\UHK. ,") I Dlifik flowers (used as a colour), tlsu key phul I )i;nnoinl (<>-la/.i< r's). kalam hlrey kd If ^^ Jj> Dragon's blood, damu-l-akhawain ^j&W f Glass, kdnch -^lf, sJnshah (pane of) alnah ,, (window), khirrkl Glazier's diamond, kalam hlrey ka Green, sabz j~, hard \ Gum (arabic), gond Ju Gum benjamin, styrax benzoin, ceud Indigo, nil J Lead (red), ingur ^\, sandier jj (sugar of), litharge, murdah-sang ^~i x^j*, hil ,, (white), sqfeda Linseed oil, alsl kd tel J-J l Litharge, sugar of lead, murdah-sang fJL^' x^s*, h Muller and stone for grinding paint, sil-battah & J-j, sil J~ Ochre (red), glru ^/ (yellow), multdnl mittl ^-U Styrax bfiixoin, THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERI BTjJb 5 eTJJ Sugar of lead, litharge, murdah-sang ^---- jj^, Ml Jjs> Turpentine (common), gandah firozah sj^i (spirits or oil of), tarpan-tel J.J ^ Varnish, roghan ^ Verdigris, zangdr j&j, putra'l ^J/J Vermillion, sulphuret of mercury, zsra??; -ar,* White lead, safedd \ *x-i Whiting, chalk, kharriyd-mittl ^ Yellow, zard Jjj, plld Yellow ochre, multdnl mittl . JU jJlxL*, pill mittl . JL L^ ' ' S^ ,, (kind of), plorrl XL-THATCHING, WITH ITS TOOLS AND MATERIALS. battl Bamboo, bans ,, (piece of split) or two or three reeds tied to- gether, which form the transverse portion of the JuUIJ tthdttk, or bamboo framework. It is also used for fastening down the grass to the under framework, Bamboo frameworks, tthattkrl ijSj$, tthcitt cL'l^J, tthatth'h Bundle or skein (of twine), dttl ^\, dnttl Cord for fastening or pulling rafters in their places ") until the roof is finished, 3 Fibre of san, pul Flax or kind of nax from which ropes arc made, and dis- \ t inguished from sannl, the coarser kind, by being white, | san soft, and short, Flax, i li<- inferior kind, long and coarse, sani ^ Framework of bamboo on which tlr.itch is laid, tllnllth'h. j ^J (munj), ban Sheath of the Surkandda reed used in making sort of ) .. munj grass or fibre from which the above rope is made, ; Shutter (thatched or matted), Haiti J&Jhanp 54 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Skein or hank of twine, etc. String, twine, (ofmunj or other fibre), (of another kind of grass), Thatch, Thatcher, atteran ^jJj\ sutll ^3j~> ban (jb bhabar j*\$} Man ^}^, Mappar j^>- chhappar-band Thatching, pald'o jbj, palanl tj5b, chhappar-bandl (grass), (coarse), (of the Saccharum cylindricum), Thatch (light temporary), Thatched or matted door, ttattarjS, ttattl Thread, string, twine, Truss (roof), or pair of rafters, Twine, string (cotton), (hank or skein of), XIL-ARTS AND SCIENCES, A. Abscissa, Absorbent, Absorption, Abstruse, Absurd, Abutment, and Abutments of a bridge, Abyss, Acceleration, /ratr jazib c-> Jls>- mughalak j ghair4-mumkm ( j*** ^, mulml Jj x\ b ^j. * ~s ' ..^ pay all bcrunl ya Idnarah-i-pul hudud-i-pul Jj , ba-ceadam-i-kallah AS ^AJU be-rang \ Jiarif ^Ai n j>- , murr^*, cealkam sadmah aor muzahmat ya daface mds /^U, al-mds jorrna \J mlzdn ^j\~*,jumlah jorr J^T) jamace mutdbik (j. Iiptta0j&, chep <-^>~, chaspdnl cJL ^Ether, Aerology, Aerometry, Aeroscopy, Affinity, connexion, Agaric, Aggregate, ogh ^\,fardham-dwardag Agrarian, Air, irtibdt muwdsalat ^ c ceilm-i-haivd Jdyds-i-harcd \$ nigdh-i-liarvd , mundsabat v . agharlkun L Air-pump, Alabaster, Alcohol, Alembic, still, mazrcuzi paun ^y, hand !y> alah harod nikdlney ke waste marmar-i-safed phul shardb ( amblk 7 ; ^x takmlm +>.)&, yantrl hajd JiajdnaJi samd U-j, irtifdce irtifdce-i-kutb Altitude, of the pole, ,, (to measure an), irtifdce paimudah karnd b^ Ambidexter, zuu-l-yadain ham-dbl ham tdbl tazwlr-i-hisdb-i-zamdn ^Uj c-? tatdbuk ^lk), mashdbahat (v. tafrlk karnd b^jjyzJ), tafrlk hindsuh-bi-ljabr ^^ b ctilm-i-taxlrll tashrlh'l j, yoshah-ddr j\<, jdmrarah ^j^^r . r]>l>all-ddr ^ t .: it if '/if ah -i-hdddah Amphibious, Anachronism, Analogy, Analysis, Analytical geometry, Anatomy, Anatomical, Angular, angulated, An animal cube, Annular, Ansated, Angle, (acute). zu-t halkah-sd Cintrrnal). zdwiyah-i-andarttnl AMi SC IK NOES. Angle (obtuse), .. (opposite), ., (right), .. (spherical), (solid), (vertical), Angle of depression, elevation, friction, incidence, ,, inclination, reflection, Antarctic pole, Ante meridian, or A.M. Ante mundane, Antipodes, zaroiyah-i-munfarijah zdmiyah-i-mukabil zawiyah-i-kaimah zdrciyah-i-kurrcl zawiyah-i-mujassamah zdwiyah-i-ras zdwiyah-i-tahtdnl < zdmyah-i-irtifdcB zawiyah-i-khudish zdmyah-i-ittifdk jUjl \ , jal-jantu L^-%^>- AqiiodiR-i, db-guzar ( jJj7, db-gur i^oT, mlzab c. choutti au--sama tatimmah tcz-db T _^, dalrr >~ , jalchar j THESAURUS OP TECHNICAL TEEMS. Aqueous, moist, etc.,jal-jantu c^:^ J&- , jal-char ys^T , ab-l Arable, salihatu-ziraceat i*z*+c\jji ! burj-i-hamal J-*,>- " ^ , aeilm-i-aceddd , or ghubwr jLc. l> dahan (units), (tens), (hundreds), (thousands), (tens of thousands), (hundreds of thousands), (millions), (tens of millions), (billions), (to reduce), (carrying figures), Arithmetician, muhdsib Arrears, Assay, (to), daha'l ItoJ, dahak c hazaran ^ dah-hazaran ^J^ Man krorran ,.,?, dah-krorran L kharban ttorrna, U takslr^M^jy takass rdkmcltl ^^j, gcmak tl bakayci bliu ceayar j^z ceayar karna U .Lc ARTS AND SCIENCES. .V.) Assayer, ceaydr-glr j jUr. Astrolabe, usturldb Astrology, jotish (joj=j-, tanjim *^=U, Axis, mihwar Axle-tree, dhuri Azimuth (the), as-samt B. Balance, mlzdn ^j^ (to), tulna UJj, muceddalat karnd \jj t^. Bar, court of justice, ijlds (jwL?-!, phattak d. Bastion, bdstmn ^^k-jb, burj j Battlemented, kangurah-ddr J\A *t, karjch Beam, ray of light, rakhsh ij^z-j, shucelah , par taw yj Bear (Greater), dubb-i-akbar j\ c-^J ,, (Lesser), dubb-i-asghar J^c\ c-:j Belles Lettres, inshd luJl Benzoin (gum), styrax, sildjit c^o>-Lj Bibulous, jdzib L- Bifarious, munasafatah aii^L^, muzdceaj (50 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. < Bifurcated, do-shakhah 4rU-i> ^j, ^a^ j 1 Binocular, ahl-i-do chashm ++>- ^ Binomial theorem, kaaeidah-i-newton sahib e.^o-1 _ Birdlime, shalm Bitumen, naptha, w#/a( Lid), ^^ Blgah (of land, 120 square feet), big ah Blockade, muhdsarah *.* Bodies, ajsdm Botany, ceilm-i-nabdtat c^O'LJ^J-c. Bracket, khat-i-wahddnlyat c^-jlje^j kr^ Brazier, chafing-dish, atash-dan ^\4 ^iuT, angetthi ^p~>\ Breadth, bary^pdtt cL Bridge (see Bridge-building, etc.) put Jjj, jt?w^ Broad, wide, bar-ddr ^ Bubble, hubdb <-->L=^, burrburrd hjjj, burburd Bung, gag, plug, ghattci \%, ghattd Ifl Burning-glass, dtashi-shishah C. Calculus, ceilm-ijuziydt-o-kulliydt c^LK j tub Cancer (the sign), ^r/ti (J/^, saratan Canal, ^aAr Canopus, suhail Capricorn (tropic), burj-i-jadl ^^. Capricornus, makar jL*, burj-i-jadl ^. Carnivorous, mds-ddhdrl ^l&jT Casual, tff[fdk-l Catalogue, silsilah Celestial, holy, kuds-lyah ^jJ , falakl Centering, dddtt cL?!5, A:a/z^ e-JU, kdlbut c: ( '''iitro, or axis of a pulley, mihnar ^ Centre (a). maddr J\ \HTS AMI SCIENCES. , gher j*&, auras chau-ras (j*>jy>~ ( muhlt-i-ddirah x y!j ,, (of a circle), 7Z - .. . 7 _ Wtatt : i-musta
Clock or watch, saceat ^ . Cloud, abrj\ Clouded, party-coloured, pie-bald, abr-l ^\ ablak ^\ Coagulation, dntthl ^j\ , jama 'o jU^>- Cobweb, tanah te3,jdld i!U-, tar-i-&ankabut CLvXxsjIJ Co-efficients, amsdl Jll*!, sir ~* Cog of a wheel, khunttl ^^, ddntl Coil (a), lapett Colossian, giant-like, (Bafrlt-dsd LT ^L. Colossus (a), but-i-cezim Column (see Building), rukn c ^, sutun Columnar, dar wajh-i-sutun ^^ Combination, ijtimdce cUs^-1, ( dtash-dngez uX) 1 /AJ'T, dtash-zadagl Jj; <>uT Combustible, . -^ - ^< ' atash-gir^. n , ,., -, ( dtash-glrah ^-XuJ'T, dtashzai Combustibles, - * ^^ ' ambdnak Combustion, soJchtagl ^Ar^j, afrokktagl ^J^>- (dum-ddr, yd dambdlaK sitdrah j.tuj sSL^ Comet, J \ puchtia tara Common measure, maksum-cealaihi-mushtarak u^JL^ multiple, zacef-i-mushtarak L! Compass, circuit, gahe-rd (mariner's) kutb-numd UJ Compasses (pair of), pargdr j^, parkdr jl^j Complement, tamdml , - -^ - Compound, murukhil' ARTS AND SCIENCES. 63 Concatenated, Concatenation, Concave, Concavity, Concentric, Concrete, adj., jdmid Concussion, harkat Cone, makhrutat LZ (truncated), Congelation, To conglomerate, Conic sections, Conic, Conjunction of the planets, Con-natural, Co-ordinates, Consecutive, musalsal silsilah mujauwa/ uJ^sr*, murihazam jauf uJy>-, hazmat e ham-mar kaz j* -, (the material), kankrlt L^> , racedat C^>A^, musadarat c majdirut-i-mustadirah ^j jc maJ&rut-i-nakis injimdd ^U^ taroshicz karna tarashl-i-makhrut \sjj&" uf^>]/ majthrutat-mansub t iktiran \, Jdran Constellation, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces, avatar pa'e dar pae ^j^ ^> yhal kawkab -~) nakhshatr j^^J , burj akhtar barrah Xj) burj-i-hamal sawr ,y do-paikara, \jLj j J, jaroza bharchang khoshah Contact, >., saratdn ^\ sheTjJ*, asad sumbulah mizan aeakrab karcs jadl abl ^T, dalw ^lj i- , samak c>-4 j ju-i 64 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Context, Continually, Convex, Convexities (arches), Convexity, Corneous, Corner-stone, hajar-i-kinar matin ( ^~*, mattan lagta-lagat ^ puj -=^, kubbah-dar j\<2 , bilaurj^ ka&( muka&b dasi gawah-asa LJ! Jihatt-i-munhanl .^^ munliam ^s^*, mayil Jjl f ni. 1,-Jift-<-)t>lffl, was/ jaldr-narv inhiraf ^ sheb L jl, gaha-lra , hadud inhiraf uJ *-, sailab J, nasf nasab-numa Uj c^wuy kasafat L^j'd _ 7 _. 7 , 7 /w/ yafasilah nasfu-n-nahar se gambfor j+fr', gaih-ral Ijad 6\af\ t mansubah utarj\3\, inhiraf shab-nam 86 Diagonal, Diagram, Dial (sun), THB8AUBUS OF TECHNICAL TEJtMiS. ( ! az goshah td bah goshah ( jantr ^ Diameter, Diamond, pencil, Diaphanous, Die (a), Differential, ,, calculus, Digit, Dimension, Direct, Direction, Director, Directrix, Disc, Discount, Distiller of spirits, (the business of, and tax on), ab-kdn Divisibility, kdbil~tyat-i-inkisdm *LJ Division (simple), taksim *.***?, kismat vj: (compound), ftismat-i-murakkab , natr ' te \j z&-, shahl dhup-gharrl ^j-fi sd-ceatl ^^cLo < kutr al-mds ^UJ^, kalam JJJ ^ shaffaf sikkah &L*i juziydt cjbjs^ hisdb-i-juziydt cL?bj^ c jj, hindisah j\ 9 anddzah t'j sldhd U.x-,-5, mustaklm ^ samt or clalll JJ j khatt r i-bunyddl Divisor, divider, Dodecagon, Dry-rot, Ductile, Duplicate (of bill of exchmiir^. (mukassim *IjU, maksum cealayih ilth ARTS AND 80IKN' l'>7 Dnraltiliiy. istil,'<~un^ ^.^ ^ l ( (mariju-l-markaz-i-bcdzaivl Echo, awaz-i-bazgasht c^wljfjb jljT, radd-i-sada \&* 5 K<-lipse, him/at L^vjlii, grahan ,, (total), sr^ gahan or grahan ^ of the sun, kusftf J ,, of the moon, /,-Jmsuf ^ Ecliptic, ( tanku-sh-shams u ^\ j^ I mintakatu-l-burdj ~*j+>\ iak^< Eddy, bhdiinrci \j Efflux, Egypt. Elastic. t ;/^aw L^, an U Electrical, Electricity, kasjdshiJtJ*& y htb-rubal \j Electric telegi-apli, nents, principles, astajcsdt L HI ovation, ^lcsr.1, angezjj\ t irtifaa Ellipse, baizawl Ellipsoid, baizah *d+) ?]nil)ankinont. / 08 Engine, THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. yaTltTa p-u--* , kdl kal-i-dukhdnl mutassace %** (steam), Engraving, Enneagon, Epilepsy, apa-smdrj\ Epilogue, Jchdtimah & Equal, neutral, musarci cj Equation, musawat *\ ,, (simple), musdrcdt-i-darjah-i-arorcal Jj! <^>-jJ ^ ,, (quadratic), musdwdt-i-darjah-i-duyam ^j <^-jJ ^ ,, (third ( ^wLjiJl !3js> ^J-c /*^j &&-j ^ order, etc.,) ( musdwdt-i-darjak-i-seum, '(Bald hazdu-l-kiyds (intermediate), ( musarcat-i-ghair-i-miinKaW Equator, Idiatt-i-icBtidal Jljocl k>>, Jthatt-i-istimd Equilibrium, muceddalat c^ijU^, sa/em ^ Equilateral, Equinox (the), Equinox (vernal), ,, (autumnal), Equinoxial line, equator, Era, Essay, Essential property of bodies, Ethics, Euclid, Euclid's elements, Euphony, Evaporation, Even niiinlicr, Excavation, muceadalat c^ijl musdnlu-l-azaldce cl^jfl icetiddlu-l-lail o un-nakdr j\^\\ j Jull! icetiddl-i-rabla ^ s mtiddl-i-kharlfl ,Ju t j&- sdkd 1^1 dzm&lsh i sifdt-i-zdti 'ah-i-ajsdm affidus taftrir-i-akfidus ^ t((hsln-i-talajfuz laib' , bukhdr jla*?, w^/c/5- *^, bal'/nr juft L^A?- kkodal ARTS ANJ) BCIBNl (III V Fxr, adhikal , Kxrluingo, ##: lib FA halation, rlh *Q Fx]>iTiineiit, tajribah te^ss?, azma'ish (jkUjT K x t cnsion, khichao j lP (in mechanics), abcead-i-salasalt & jlut Kx trad ion of roots, munhanl matt mihrab ha F. Fabric, Fatliom, warn *\j, kdmat e^- Felloe of a wheel, dalr-i-ceajalat trJus Fibre, re shah Field-book, paimaish kl kitab ^^ ^J> ^U-j, Masrah Figure, ^ (arithmetical), h'mdisah &~> Jc^, sifrj**, acedad j JLC, (geometrical), jadrcal ,, (equilateral), shakl-i-musanlu-l-azalace (equiangular-), ( shakl-i-musawlu-l-zawi^ah Fiery, flaming, atash-bar ju J ,, (striking), atash-zan ^ Jti Filings, buradah a^ Fire-engine (squirt, jack, etc.), damkala, Firmament, Fixed stars, sitarah-i-sanabit Flaming, fiery, atash-bar j\> J Flax (Linum usitatissimum), Flexibility. in,-},-),jamad Foundation, bunyad Foundry, safar khcinah &j\- jla^, kalbud Manak ^, (complex), kar-i~mulattaf Fractions of integral numbers, kusur-i acedad ^ Fractional number, SCIJ ntithun (the), Gemini. Geography, Geology, Geometry. Girder. Glare (as from sun or fire), Glass, .. (burning), (hour), Globe, ,, (celestial), (terrestrial). Globule, Gnomon (style of a dial), Graft (a), Grammar, Gravitation, Gravity, est, common measure, maksum-allh-acezam +&&\ \jx>- Jo: tlm-i-ma6edamyat cuLj h'oidisah ^ujcjb, muhandsl latthali &l, tab t-jlj, ^a'< shlshah atashl-shlshah shlshah-sa-ceat L^ /Lj im-rozl ^jjjj /*!, im-rozmah , ek-gunah ti kindrah-i-dsmdn ^U-^T * ba-khdfik-i-masdwl fj\^ BCIBNCBS. mambace Incomplete Index (an), Indigestible, Indigestion, I iii'i'tia, (zadam-i-suhunat Inflammability, Intlamniable, Inflation, Influx, Ingot, Inlet, jet-d'eau, Insertion, Intercalary. year, leap-year, Integral calculus, Interjection, To intrench, morchal banana Intrenchment, Inundation, Invention, Inverted arches, Involution, To irrigate, Irrigation, Island, Istbmus, andud nakis ^lj namun ^j*J, numd Uj a-pathyah bad-hazm-l + j^, ceadam-i-taharruk c ihtirak ^\j'~s>-\, kunat-i-soz j^> c^:.j soz-pazlr ^ jj j^ phugatt ci^l^j Tvusul dj&j, dar-amad ^\ , j sallakh ^La , khalasl-i-bambfl Lij ^^ hablsa U**~, kablsah sal-i-kabisah t^J* JL hisab-i-kulllyat c^LK karf-i-nida !jj , mataris karna, \j^- morchal J^-jj^, mataris sailab < ;L- mikrdb-i-muce/ms c^ \,j, saceud ^ fchaknal ab-yarl fjazlra -, gardanah zamm ( j^* & J. Jet d'eau, Joint, Joist, a LJ j^- , sjiaht'ir , 74 Jupiter, Key-stone, THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. birhaspat L^.**..^, mushtan K. (of an arch), ddatt-i-mikrdb < c^U-^f J sang dar-mi an-i-kamr-i-ceimarat L. shafl i a-niip L >Jl Labial, Laboratory, kdr-khdnah-i-kimiyd-gar Lac (gum), also sealing-wax, MA ^, /a/e Lamina, safl-hat L^-^uLs, tabak /L Laminated, safl-hat-dar J\A Lamp-black, dudah-i-chiragh c Lapidary, hakkdk Lapis-lazuli, lajward ^>j^i, mmd Land, ^ww >j. zamin , I -7- ' I ,, (waste), /y^//y^/- ,, (where water may be found near the surface),) also adj., wet, damp, etc., ) Latent, pin/tan jjl^-J, makhfl ^^) ghalb L-^O Lateral, jambi ^~&~, janibl L ^j Lath, ^^ bans hi ^ ^Jb ^s battl lahrrl hi Lathe (turning), kharat b\f>~, Khar ad Latitude, wus&at L^*-JJ, pahnal ^ S ^^J> <^rz ^ ,, (degree of ), darjah-i-cearz yd pahnal ^l-^j V. u^ ^ Layer, stratum, ^wa( i?U**J, ^/7/ Leak (a), kigqf t$j* t shakk j: Leap-year, sdl-i-kablsah A. , ; .^ J Length, l<(mba'l Length and lu'eadili. tambai claurrat ^. A UTS AND SCIKV Lens. amah fc~S\, shlshah bark jj, bijll gach ^, chuna \J Matt khatt-i-mustaklm khatt-i-munhanl khatt-i-mutawazl ~kham ham <_', karra Vi sa gudakhtagl taht-lafzl chhapah shikanjah ^^siLi 76 Longitude, (degree of), Longitudinal, Luminary, Luminous, Lunar, THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Lunated, Lunette, Machine, Machinery, Magazine, Magnet, Magnetic, (needle), Magnetism, Major axis, Map, Manufacture, fabric, Mars tul Jjb, klb e. darjah-i~tul J i*L T ceilm-i-mmjanih -,(2ilm-i-adat<^\S\ As. masdhat c^ j, tir^J, ceutarid Meridian. Merman or mermaid Metal, metallic, Mrtalltirgy, ' : tab, Metaphor, Metaphysics, Metempsychosis, Meteor, Mil -a, talc, Microscope, Milky-way, galaxy, Mine, Mineral, Minerals. Mineralogy, Minimum. Minor axis. Mirage, Mirror, .. (eoh ' jjb, zuhrl ^j^> nisfu-n-nhar ;^,^ , _ 7 ka imu-z-zuhnah + bintu-!-bahr muhl J^, matedam amekhtah & sadmah slghah , kamar hilal badr Moon-beam, Moon's disc, Moonlight, moonbeams, Moral philosophy, Mortar, cement, etc. Mortar (hydraulic), Motion, action, shucelali-i-mali kurs-i-lcamar or mah *U b chandm C^w.UU *JLC- Non-resistance, < . -T'- 77 r j L (Badam-i-maKawamat, ya taraddud Normal, aamud J^* North, uttarj>\, uttar^\, shamal JU-i pole, sumeru)j+*~i, kutb-i-shamall JU-1 c-^lw, North-west, ba-eb c Northerly, northern, and north-wind, uttara \ji\ Northing (passing of sun from N. to S.), uttar-ayan ^^ Noun, ism +~>\ Numeration, ganit (^~ 0. Oblique, tirra IjT, Wiam *ri-, ghair-i-ceamud ,, angle, zawiyah-i-haddah f tj*\$\ angled triangle, \ . / ^ i. musaUas-i-riaddatu-z-zawiyah Oblong, muttirjs^y musambace ^~*a* 9 mustatil JJoxu Occidental, maghrabl ^ Ocean, darya l>j J, bahr-i-muhlt k^s Octagon (an), liasht go shall ddr jb ^Li^ u^L&, tasmm ( ^^j Octagon, or octagonal, musammin Oculist, Octangular, musammin Octave, sdmin ^^U, sdminah Octuple, hasht-td b c Ocular, cjiashml *J> basarl -. 80 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Ocular demonstration, mushdhadah Olfactory, ahl-i-kurvat-i-shdmmah bdsirat pamand A}^-J ci^l ~ ,. , . . f (mlm-i-manazir-o-miirai/a U*. Optics (science of), <^ .f ., ""* t ceilm-i-oasar ^ Orb, sphere, circle, dalrah &J\A, chambar j?*^, girdah Orbicular, mudarcmr jj^, mustadlrj)^ Orbit (an), 7naddrJ\^^ dalrah Xj\, Orion, jabbdr J^- Orthography (science of), imld Ll, rasmu-l-Maff ks^l ^ Oscillation, pech-dsd LT *AJ, J2imbish-i-bdd jb ^j^^- Oval, bdddml ^\^\j, baizdwl Overplus, surplus, afzunl P. Palind rm ae, maklub-i-mustam Paper (marble), \karibu-l-baizawl Parabola, Parallel, muhazl i_cjU^*, isthvd \ji~A, mutat " . _^ ; Parallel line, k1mn-i-i*t'imi \f~A Lr^, /,/>< iit-i-mutandz r t t/j^ f shakli-mut < 1 .: lu-l-a : Parallelogram, < Paralytic, a-pattak L! mudder Psirholion. AKTS \.\!> BCIBNOI8, I 'article. Parsley lapiiim invuliicratum), ajmud Pa\vmrni. kharanja \s Pencil (black lead), surmey ka kalam Jj U IN'iidtilum, gharri ka lattkan ^^ I? IV-iiiiisiila or island, jazlrah XjSj Pontsedrous, jo^j goshah dar J\j */ fpam kinar i\i *u, mukhammas u*** Pentagon or pentangular^ < r J c_ v _, jr. Periphery, da Irak Peristyle, sitawand jJjl^-j, sitdfand Perpendicular (geometry), ceamud \ khatt-i-miistaklm *Jbw Perpetual motion, daur-i-mudam Perspective in painting, dur-numa U3 jj J Pharmacopeia, macejun-namah ^ Phenomenon, numalsh-i-nadir jj\j ^jijUj, nadiraU Philologer (a), mujawmd Philosopher (a), f hikmat paiwand Philosophic, or philosophical, < L haklmanah Philosopliy, ceilm-i-hikmat L^^X^- Ac, filsifah (natural), ctilm-i-tabicel Physics, Pleiades, suriya by, parrcm ^^ Plotting, paimdish kd nakshah banana Plug or bung, ghatta , C hinjd Irs^^, sdkul J^Ls, s<9/ J Plummet or plumb-line, u ~ u ^ JiJ Plus (+), Pneumatics, Point, , tip-top, etc., ,, (equinoctial), Pointed, sharp-pointed, Polar, knljri Pole, star, ,, (the north) (the south), Poles (the two) Polygon, Polygonal, Post-meridian (P.M.), Positive, Pot-ash, Power. \ hinjarah ^Wi musbit *-**, jamace ceilm-i-ruh ~jj Ac, adlm-i-hawa !y dhru JJ&A, nuktah sir j^f am nuktah-i-ia'tiddl J \ JCLC 1 anl-ddr ,L N , karlbu-l-ki(tb e. sitarah amCi kutb-i-junftbi kasratu-l-ajndb bacedu-z-:>il SCIENCB&, S! Preamble, kabil't-H-itufaz JlaJl Jjli sion ot'ihr ('((iiinox, hikildb4-nukd (squeezing), holfal y Principle. Printing (art of), rlhdpna lx>lf>-, (Mop <-jlf press, rL Pi-ism (a). ustu/vanah 4j\f~A, manshu Prismatic. maw shun Pronoun, zavriir j+*^ t ghirnl J ,, (fixed) ghirnl yd charkhl-i-sdldn ^L ^>-j=?- V. s/ ( d/r^* , ^-r 2 ^ ^ CJ (movable), ,- r \_ S^ 7 ^ " ry ( ghirnl ya cjiarkhl-i-mutaharnk Pure, unmixed, etc., khdlis ^11^ makhrut4-muzalla(Z Q. Quadrangle, also a ishakl-i-murabbace court or square, ) ( chahdr-goshah tJ* j Quadrangular, chdhar goshah-ddr \ j iJbp j^>* 9 murabbaa 84 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. azcea , rubace dairah aj! J _j , murabbace ?!, arbaceah khdssiyat c^ mikddr Quadrant (astronomical), basltah Quadrilateral, chahdr goshah-ddr Quadruple, chahar-ckand Quality, Quantity, Quarantine, ,, (to perform), Quarry, Quay, wharf, Quicklime, Quicksand, Quintuple, panj-to y -^u, khamsat-i-azcedf uJUj' Quinquangular, mukhammas IJ^AS?* , panj goshah-ddr ,lj - _ nafijah muhassal J^s-^ zor-i-muhassal J- ^LJ?-|J, mutardji(B radd-i-sadd tamdnchali-i-dauTvdr j\^ nwfsid-kush ^ dauwdr shablh-i-muceayyan ^^x-* mu&ayyan (v. Uappd khdnd \j\ L5) ttappa L!> ridd'h s'^j, magar sakht karrd \J* ^^ Hair 86 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Kule of Three (double), S. sittah-i-mutanasibah panj-raskik tlXi dhann ^4, kaus pal Jl), badbdn ^.^ khezan ^y^ , jiliindah *J^- reg *g.> ret L^-O Sagittarius, Sail (of a boat, etc.), Salient, Sand, (fine), Saturn, Scaffold, Scale, gradation, Scalene triangle musallas-i Scantling (a) Science, Sciences (the), Scientific, Scintillation, sitar-afganl Scoria, Scorpio, brischik Screw, Sea, samudr Season, Secant, Second (a), Section, adhyaya (division), Sector, Segment, of a circle, \ kism-i-dalrah ^}J ++s Semicircle (a), mzfu-d-dairah >jL\^(^L3J, nrm,-dlrt kittfah widtSj, bid Ju, (Biln teulum mdya-n'an ^jb^jj , zakTnkh of sham ^, bichhu ^p^l, ccakrab L -^.o or samundar j^^^, bahr aiyam +\f\, mausim , karan daJcikah u , mkshah4-tarak Jv^j, kit (Bah ARTS AND SCIENCES. Sexangular, Sextuple, Shadow, Shallow, not deep, Sidereal time, Sine, cosine, and versed sine of an arc, Sine, tangent, and secant,^' Siphon, Sirius, the Dog Star, Sketch, rough copy, Sky, Slope, Sluice, Solar, system, ., time, Solid, dense, Solid angle, Solidity, density, Solstice (summer), (winter), shash-khanah J\z. shash-go.shah-dar j\ j ajj b ijl-i, sittah-i-azceaf amanah-i-kankall , jeb-i-mustawl f kalbu-l-jabbdr a-kas (j*^, falak Jchorcib ujU Solve (to), Soluble, Soot, Sour* South, Span (a), jeb-i-macekus ck haws Id mamdss o sahm ^^^ u*\*<* c_^->. kussdbat o-oL , shiaera taswld L ; , dsmdn ddhal JU3 darddzah 8j\Jjj shamsl nizam-i-shamsl zamdnah-i-shamsl munjamid Jc4^=sx^, mujdssam zawiyah-i-mujassamah ^u^' 1 bastagl ( Jcwu*j, injimad rdsu-l-saratan ^ rds-u-l-jadl dakkhindyan-suraj karnd j' o I dudah i masdar jju^, ceayn ^J-A, bar-amad j^l janub ij* biland Juib, fo'feA jjlJj, bilixht t^- 88 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Span of an arch, rcatr-i-mihrdb c. Spar (marcasite), marfcasklta Spark, akhgar X>-1, dtash-pdrah Speculum, amah Specific gravity, rvazn-i-mafehsus ^^^ Sphere, kurah *js, go-l ,, (celestial), sipihir (mudarcrdr ( .j^, kurram ^./, mustadlr jjc Spherical, - - j , . - ' kurah asd U-l ( kurram musallas triangle, , I musallas-i-mudarcnir jy Spherically, kurah-wdr-dnah aj^j - Lens or glass spherically convex both sides, anz Spherule, muhrah if^f*, kurah-i-kuchak L!^>-^ . Spiral, pech-ddr J\A ^, lawlabl ^ Spire, mindrah ^l^, mindr ^ Spoke of a wheel, fardsh ^ Sponge, mud-bddal Jjb \^, abr-i-murdah x^j* j\, isfanj ^ Spy-glass, telescope, durbln ^ Square, (v. murabbaa karnd \jjs -{/) murabbace *_^ root, of a number, Stack, heap, etc., ddkerjj*5, ambdr j\+J\, attal c Stair or stair-case, zinah <^J, nardabdn ^b (step of a), darjah ^-^, pa-yak t Star (planet), najmu-s-sdyr j\Ji\ W', haichab c--o/. xifilrah ^ Stars, l;mrri];'ib ^^ ,, (fixed), y Ufa hit c^ : Starlings, db-tardsh Station, place, jac, ^l^-. nntkam /li.. Stave, Steam, M < ?l^, bukhar - MiTS AM' -j^ boat, strainer, jahdz-i-dtash (jioljl^, ay-boat ci^j To si ciuii. bukhdr karna U^ S 1 1 '< '1 . ^jt?a ei>LJ , fulad iple, mlndrj\~*, mindrah Steps, ^!waA taurjjb t tarah -Jb, mazac Styptic, ceufiisat ^^^ Sub-tangent, mumdssu-l-cearz Subterraneous, tahtu-l-arz Subtile, lank tlXjjU, Succedaneum, -^^ Sum, jamacB *-~*zr , jumlah -j ! A * Surd, #;?#?? (in opposition to a), rational, muntjk t i (square root of a), Surface, of the earth, of the globe, of the water, Surplus, overplus, Surveying, Suspension, juzr-t-asamm *^1 ^'5^ tLj, rw'e ^j, w/// rwV zamm bisat-i-kaun o makan ^l^ ^ rw'e a^ ^?^ ci^'O, afzurii ji. J */ T-! paimaisk zamm kl awezish {JHJ*J\ , arcezan ^^ , , bridge, jte% kapuljj^ ^^r , pul-i-anezan J\j t j\ Jj Swamp, Switch (railway), kenchl sarrak aha id lu ^J> ^^\ cJj Syllabus, Jilirint c^l^j,^'/^v'x Syllogism (logic), kaziyah - TIIEBAUBUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Tempest, storm, Template, Temple (Hindu), Tension, Tepid, Term, Terminus, Terraqueous, Terrestrial, globe, Tesselated, Test, tufdn ^U ^ ddsah & demal J^t), mandir j khichao . mm garni * >-J, shir gar m rukn ^j, martabah ci?j^>- mukaddamah - ^ J^ 13 L j (neap), juzr bhdttd \3l# j ,, (spring), kutdrj\'j, jo > drj\^>~, madd Tin, Xv/to ^^^j ?*^ ? y C Tinning, mw^ / kalccl karna Tools, '/ y^\~) hatliiydr jL Tooth, d'ilt or cog of a wheel, dandtiiutlt pnh'ujnl Toothed or cogged \\lieel, danddnah-ddr pahiyah Torrid /one; mintakatu-l-malirukaU Touchstone, kasauttl ^Jj^, kasdnd liL*f, aaydrj^, sang Tower. mlndrj\+st, mindr jL^, Imrj ^^ Trajectory, jihcnkl gal shal kd madar j\s9 If ^J* Train mel, parkdr-i- baizam Transmarine, mdwardu-l-bahr j&\\\ ^t, ccubur-i-darya b Transparency, skaffdfl section, tar ash lambal kc 1 skald ckkdr zalace kl #/i akl-i-zu -arbaceati-l-azaldce c munkarif uJ,^i Trapezoid, musdnlu-l-ceumiid j^ucS ! <^j Trellis, shabdkat c: Trenail, ^ lakrrl kl ^f ^o^j Triangle, also tripartite, sih-goshah tJ* a^, musallas ci (base of a), /'(i/alt (right angled), musallas-i-kalmah A*J[S ^t^ (perpendicular or shortest side of), . . Tropic of Capricorn, Matt-i-jadl ^j^>- ^~ ,, Cancer, Matt-i-saratdn ^ Tropics (the), Tchatt-i-saratdn ojadl ^ Truncated, makhrut ^^*, maktuce cone, makhrut-i-ndkis Tube, phonphl ^.j&> Tunnel, andarunl rastah A^-JJ , Twilight, s^.> yakdnagl f jhamkd IC*^>-, bandtu-n-na&sh ^JucJI Ursa Major, | dubb-i-akbar J\ Minor, dubb-i- ^n ^, tarn I \j, hlnldnr ^ \"al\( i . faishrat C- Vapour, bdph ^>b, taf^JH, bul&a Vapours, exhalations, abkhirah V amble (quantity, makadir-i-miita^ayyar ^jc^ ^^ Variation, tartlb L-^-J/, tabd'di ^^ juj', tagh&yyur j*j of the moon, fte^s 6> kamal-i-kamar j*i JU^ ^ Vein of metal, shakk-i-filizzat c^Jjli Velocity, raftfiTj\sjj, chustl ^M&~, surteat i Venetian blind, Venns (planet), sukrj~>, zukrah N'erbcration, zarb < ^?, taaenah \'crnal, 5a equinox, ij J!JCLC!, no-roz j Vernier, wernier scd sine, jeb-i-mu&kus T , L sambulah <0ux-j, tirmirakatt Visible, ?an^ fv^? zdhir ,, horizon, ufuk-i-zahirl ^$j Vitreous, Vitrification, , taghayyur oa-zujaj VsO^ Volcano, koh-i-atash-fishan ^lAi ^jioT * , jabalu-n-nar jUll Volunn 1 , jasdmat c^Lu^, f^' Vulgar fractions, kusur-i-ff'dm *\*. IK) TIIESAIIMS OF TECHNICAL TEH. MS. w. Waggon, cart, Wall, Wall-plate, dasah Warehouse, kotthl ^<$, goddm Watch or clock, gharri c_#C sd-ceat Water, db i_M, pdnl (running) rivulet, (_,..._ ( 7 - / j ab-i-jan ^,U- c_>l, ab-i-rawan current, stream, ) (repository of), ab-JMnah ,, (a swell of), also soil from which water "I ^_u e rises if but dug into slightly, J (brackish, salt, or sea), khdrdpdnl Jlj \j\ Water-cement (waterproof), dbl-masdli Wave, ' Weather, hdlat-i-hawd \^> \*z*i\>- mattsim Weather-cock, a vane, bdd-numd Wedge (a), Weight, Weights, Well (a), (foundation), hue yd ckdh kl bunydd jL^ ^J ^U- l> W.'.st (the), pachcliham *%s, gharl c-y^, magihnb <- Wharf, landing-place ghah \\lnirnnger, ghattmar j\f, ghatttrnl Wlictstone, dsidnah ^LJT, san kapaUhar^ / baroanddar A^, bandhawa \*x>^, baguld Whirlwind, | JwiflrfjU^ Whirlpool, vortex, eddy, bhahwarj^, bhauhra\jj# t ffirdab<-j Wind, y^/w ^,^, Imn-ri Windlass, try/tad jlcj^, manjaiuL L.^i dharfehl L b TUHKS, (JAKIU-NS, KTC. ( J7 Windmill, paun-chakfft <^ hawa-chak/ti Wool, pashm +./', un ^\ Y. Y.'iir, baras ^^j, sal JL (leap), sal-i-kablsah &*j~ JL Z. Zenith, simtu-n-nazar Jad\ L^V-J, simtu-r-ras Zero, Zodiac, mintakatu-l-buruj ^^\ * ^'-r, mmtakali tj Zone, mintakah 4&lai^, kamr ^ ,, (frigid), mintakatu-l-mabrudah ,, (temperate), mintakatu-l-mucetadilah ,, (torrid), mintakatu-l-mahrukah XIII.-TREES AND THEIR TIMBER, GARDENS, ETC. Acacia tree (Mimosa 1 z .,_ M . ,_, / ^ /, / -/ t > mughailan yfc*<+, kikarr jL, babul J^j Arbour, diraJditistan ^l^u^r Avenue, rawish ( Bay tree (Laurus cassia), taj Box tree, shamshad jU Box, shamshad Brake, Chesnut, shah-ballilt\s^j *Ll Cypress, s# rw Deal (sorts), dwdarj\j^ Dill (Ligusticum ajowan), ajwayan ^\)?r Elm, ^o^4 il 7 98 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS, rrjj I ud(MfrbaTj*A batt cl-o, barr l l plpal chilghozali *jy*L>-, nashtar j^ jangal J^r, ban ^ banl barrl i_; : V> bagh bagh-chah ^js. bostdn ^^^, phidndrrl ^ banl updban j (To fence, barr bdndhnd li^jjb ?b), ^arr ^ 5oyA cb, ^a/r Fig, glomerous (Ficus glomerata), Fig (Indian) (Ficus Indica), ,, (holy) (Ficus religiosa), Fir, Forest or wood, (small), Garden, orchard, etc., ,, (small), (flower), Grove (a), ,, (artificially planted), Hedge, fence, Kitchen garden, Oak (also the chestnut), shdh-ballut Olive (wild), the tree and wood, zaitun ^p. Orchard, fruit garden, bagh c Palisade, railing, katfh-ghara \^2i, hatfhara Pllu (Salvadora Persica), Plan<\ Poplar, Sal (Shorea robusta, Kox.), Shisham (Sesu dalber.), Tamarisk (Tamarix Indica), Teak, Tim (C'cilrcta tuna), Underwood, brake, Wood, timber, Won. I, (<>!( 'St. (small), pllu jL, dwnarj\ saplddr j\ Ju--:, tdgh c s; J 1 shlsham jhdu ^ *(l(/u.n ^ tun ...o clob -r-' jangal SHIPPLNGK BOATS. AND ftlVBB X A VI CATION. XlY,-SIIilTL\(J, BOATS, AND RIVER NAVIGATION, Abaft, pich/m'drrd \j\j$= Aboard (ship), jahdz-par ^ j^^ Afloat, * bahtd \ Aft. pichkwarra Aground, kindrey par attkd hud \^b &5V^ c_j^ to run (act.), kinarey charrhdnd bltoj^- ,, to run (neut.), kinarey cha'rrhna l^J:^ c^ Anchor, Iwgar ., (to), langar marna UjU 4oJ, langar ddalna Ullj x.! Arsenal, dockyard, kdr-Hanali djl>. ,1^ Ashore (on shore), kinarey par ^ c_j^ ,, to run (act.), kinarey charrkdnd l)Uj>- c_j^ ,, to run (neut.), kindrey charr/md LftJ>- c _jlif Bank of a river, kind rah ^' ^ ,, (steep, precipitous), a cliff, a precipice, ddh&ng c^-'U5 .. (sand) or shoal, char ^ Banks of a river, high and steep, arrdrrd \*\j\ Barge, parrod or parr/* Bargeman, mdnjhl .^sr'U Bark, boat, fom IJ^H, nao j\J, Lisln ^j Barnacle, (Bengal) siyala-poka Barrel, cask, Bay, creek, /7^7r7 ojl (large), a gulf, (>alr ;:, shore, l;'/nrirli. Belaying-pin. hkiutftl Block. //^7/v7 !,'c,. f/l'hn r*$, ghiml Jz gkii'nl ekk&n ^?ji //// dolt in ^'.** 100 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Block (treble), Boat, ,, (ferry-boat), ,, (large), a lighter, ,, (master of a), Boat-hook, a pole used as, J wa o fvala * ' U Boatman, j Boatswain, The bottom, Bottom, below, between-decks, Bottom of a boat or ship, Bottom up, Breech of a gun, Breeze (also gust or puff), Broadside, volley, Buoy, a float, or beacon, Cable, Cabin, Canvas, bag, Cargo, Cask, barrel, Caulking, To caulk, Cloud or clouds, Coast, strand, beach, Coil of rope, etc., Company (ship's), iss (mariner's), kufJb- 1 gkirnl teharl t_^- berrl ^gj-o, kishtl ^j^, nao parro'a or parrwa \ bharr ' ttanddil JjJuS balla htl'TDdn .^\^J^, manjhl u f^ . oerrl-rcala jij gaWiaiya L^lf, sar-hang talhatti ^, tali penda tale-upar j\ penda jhoka ^^r, jhok c shallakh or shaikh tirenda \&*>* tirend (chain, zanjlr j+s-p, burj ^j dabusah -1 ^^ , bhdtthl i> takhtah &?, do-manzilah goharl hi an kar-Jchanah aj'l^jl ankorrd \jj ghun bhdtthd l^3l^j, utdr j\$\ bhaMiydnd UU (with the, or with the stream), bhdtthiydl JU|!l#, bhdtthl Ebb and flow, madd-o-jazr - ' bJiamvar ddanddd bdd-i-shurtah tbjj* jb, bdd-i-murdd jl^ Eddy, Ensign staff, Fair-wind, Fathom, Ferry, ford, Ferry-man, Fishing raft, Fisherman, Fish, To fish, Flag-staff, Fleet (a), guzar guzar-wdn tdpd mdhl mdhl-gir j , machhl ^s^, maMl machhll pakdsrrnd Ir-Jo 77^ 7 7 adandad 102 THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Float (a raft), (a buoy), To float, To float off (to launch), To founder, urrap c- tirendd \xjy, fir end Jcjy baknd bahdnd lil^j, bhasdnd li' f ghark-db ho-jdnd \jW L ghark ho-jand l)U- baJitd galahl -j^if, dgal J^ 1 bad-i-muftfadlif i*Jb{s* tufdn J6 shlskah-sdce'at Lz^z\ bahr mandal ddaldrd kdnddl , bandar Floating, afloat, Foam, froth, Forecastle, prow, Foul wind, Gale of wind, a storm, Glass (hour), Gulf, large bay, Gust of wind, puff, breeze, jhapkd Hammock, Handspike, Harbour, Haven, port, Hawser, thick track rope. Helm, rudder, patwdl Jlyy, patwdr j\fj, sukkdn c Helmsman, Hold (the), Hour-glass, Hull (the), Island (an), ,, (small), a shoal, Lake (a), small sea, To launch, Lead (sailor who heaves), Lighter, bar Lighthoi] line, j king at c^Jl^, sukkdnl J shlshah-sa-ceat d pOSt vi. jazlrak *ji n ^- char _>. J V ^, jtdld LJ-, hi' a sat id \j shinas fauns //v//// SlIIITlNii. .l!u\TS, \N1) KlVKl: NAVIGATION. I 1 L <\\ water, low tide. 8kattha\\#, utdr < Maritime 4 , naval, 1 . , _ , 7 _, jakazl L^ jW^> darya I ,u J, 0##r? Marine, nautical, J Mariner, sailor, jahdzl (.Jj^r, malldh ,, (master), nd-Hudd I ,, (supercargo), karn- dhar j\&4 ^j* , charrhanddr ^ Mast (a), fi r jt* ' ^^^ Jj^> /^//aw /*l^?, ^ai Month of a river, or of a watercourse, or canal, dnhanah *j Xautical, 1 , _,_ ., . ,_ daryai ^b ,j, jahazi u^jL^-, IN aval, maritime, J Navigation, seamanship, ndMudal ^Jo-lj, malldh-i Xavy (a), a fleet, ^^? Oakum, Oar, paddle, dddndd Jo 15, c Oarsman, dddnddl Ocean (the), aumman ^U*, darya b jt>, samundar Paddle, dddndd Jo 15, chappu Passage, voyage, uger, also supercargo, musdfir j>^ cjiarrhanddr Pin or belaying-pin, /fh until ^ <2J Pitch, ^/ J^, /$ Point of the compass, <$^ <^/j, ^aa Lsj, ^', Pole for pushing along or steering a boat, ,, (bamboo) Halah Port, haven, harbour, mandal Jjux, bandar jjco Port-hole, kangurah * Port-lire, ras-battl , --^ Prow, forecastle, galahl -vl^, dgal\\S Pull', or gust of wind, jhapkd \L+p*-,jhoka ^^, jkok cl5*^ Pulling' and hauling, JU To pull, to drag. khcru-lmi To pull (oars), dddndd mdrnd LjU Jo 15, chappu mdrnd {j.^ *^ THESAURUS OF TECHNICAL TERMS. duzd-reg jj, chor-balu ^ ^ berra tapa \i\ darya b van ^ darya l rud Jjj, naddl j, rassan ^j, rassa L (small, gun j!) bruj law bury ^ battna Lfl 104 Quicksand, Raft, (fishing), River, (down), with the stream, bhdtthiyal JL^'l^, bhatthl ^flU' (up), against the stream, (large), a sea, (small), Rope, cordage, resmdn (thick track), or painter of a boat, (stout), a ship's cable, (instrument for twisting), To row, dddndd mdrnd UjU Rower (a), Rudder, helm, patwdl Sail. Sailor, Salt-water, sea-water, Sea, ocean, Sea stores, sea stock, Seaman, Seamanship, navigation Shallow, Sheet (the) of a sail, Ship (abroad), Shipwreck, Ship's company, crew, Shore, beach, On shore, ashore, Shoal, or small island in a river, ddancldl , patwdr j\f*, sukkdn ^ pal Jb, bad-ban ^b, jahdzl kjj^rt mallah db-i-shor jy* __ . darya b jj, bahrjs^ ddabas jahdzl u^jVr, mallah - nd-Jchudal ^Jc>-l3, malldh-1 ^ uthald \$\, uthal J^fl, paitald L. daman ^Ub, daman ^ jahaz j jaliaz-pur j ;^ jahdz-shikanl ^^> J^rT " guroh kinarah a V kinarey par ^ char . HtiATS, AND HIVKH N A V I (i ATI ( i N 1 1 );*> Sides (both) of a river. South, South! mi-, Squall , 6 1 a i 1* (i 1 ag or ensign) , To steer (with a pole), Steersman, helmsman. Stern (the), Storm, tempest, gale of wind, Strand, beach, shore, To strand (act), ,, (nent.), Strand of a rope, Stream, current, String, cord, twine, par-n-ira.r J\^ . kinarey ckarrhna ^^ <^J^ larr J il bhattha Ujl^s dham ^l&J resman ( J(***+*j, rassl ^ hi lorn \j<^&, Mlk&Tj&Jb, hilkorah ^^Lfc, wzazj; , hilorna U^^Jb, hilkorna \j Jcafaran ^J&i, Jtll Jui ^^/ lay ana Ij jahazl ^\\^ZT, mallak _ tufCin ^ madd-o-jazr j^- * j^, jazr jj>- j(ixr-o-madd * ^ fa- marna urge, To surge, Tar, To tar, to pay over with tar, Tar (a), a sailor, Tempest, gale of wind, storm, Tide, ,, (ebb and flow), ,, (spring), (flood), Tiniber (the) of a ship or boat. Trip, passage, voyage, Trunnion, Twine, cord, etc., Unfathomable, To unlade. <>r uni janar gunrra y /,'hep c-^ parkan ^ , , ogam , >tbh-rfi.nfi, U Unladen, Vane (a), a pennant, Vessel in general, a ship, Volley, broadside, Vortex, Voyage, passage, trip, Water (the), ,, (deep), (shallow), (salt), Waters (the), the sea or ocean, Waterman, boatman, pharharl ubh-ra , bdd-numd Uj jahdz \ shallakh or ska" bkansvar khep pdnl lujjah pai-tald iL-j, utkal Jfi', uthld ah-i-shor ^i balir .ssr, daryd malldh -L, manjhl , hilkorah ^Cl^ ghdtt ghattrcdr J\^, ghattndl bad J\j, A- y To wreck (act.), kindrey-charrhdnd Ynrd (dock), kiir-llmmih mavj (sail), (f<.r>;ii! parn'dn ; i N AUSTIN, PHINTEU, BXBTFORD ERRATA. PAGB LIITB FOB BEAD 2 26 bakal, *a**a/. 9 6 jhalana, jhal-nu. 10 16 pajawa, etc., pajawah, etc. j> 18 add or .h^,/< mistar. 12 3 Pha'orrah, Pha'orru. 17 28 v. To slake, etc., (v. To slake, bharkanii \J li^J ) 19 24 kan sangl kl Ji^i ^,l A;a sang kl $ ^L^ \ y ^e ^) 25 12 rl-wak, rl-waA:. 31 16 mutir mistar, or mistar -la*u^ 36 21 gyntl, or ^ew^7. 38 23 bund, fcmrf. 54 20 mughalak, mughlak. 57 24 jantr alat d-J^i j*+^~ .. o'T 64 28 mu/nharii, rn^awT. 65 9 eeasharlyat <0 Ltu aaskariah fa iuLt 10 ) 71 26 nisftt-l-da'Jra \jj\\\ u-t?.rp ni*fu-l-da'lrah ^-J^i K_^-- ; 77 26 madaniyat, mtsadantya^. 78 26 hazarha ubjljvJb hazarha ub jlLfc 105 8 5Haw?, *M*7,;^7. Y THE SAME AUTHOK. PREPARING FOR THE PRESS. I. AFGHAN ANTHOLOGY, TOEING a SELECTION of ODES from the best Poets of the JJ Afghans, translated from the Original Pushto. *** Most of these poems are contained in the Text Book. II. THE NEW TESTAMENT LORI) AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, IDIOMATICALLY and faithfully TRANSLATED into the I'us'hto, or Afghan Tongue. *** Further particulars in due to WORKS 1* V TIIK SAME AUTHOR. TO BE PUBLISHED IMMEDIATELY, 'iiii ^- A DICTIONARY i ii i; PUK'HTO OR PUS/HTO, OB LANGUAGE OF THE AFGHANS, CAPTAIN H. B G. RAVERTY, 3BD REGIMENT, BOMBAY >'. I. THIS Work will contain some 40,000 words, and will extend to about 1,000 or 1,200 pages. It will include the whole of the words contained in the rare lexicographical MS. works, the ' Jvf jaib-ul-Lughat,' and the ' lli'az-ul- Mahahat,' and in other original collections placed at the Author's disposal, as well as the result of his own researches during the last ten years; and will thus comprise all the words occurring in the works of the best Afghan authors. The derivation of the words which have heen adopted from, or which can be traced to the Semitic and Sanscrit families of languages, has generally been shown. Another peculiar feature of this work is, that the plural form of each noun is given, with the Class or Declension to which it belongs, as arranged in the Author's 1 Grammar of the Puslito Language,' lately published. The greatest difficulty in the path of the student of PusTito is the conjugation of the Verbs, which are somewhat complex from their irregularity. To obviate this difficulty, under every Infinitive are given the 3rd persons masculine singular of the Present," Past, and Future Tenses, the Imperative Mood, the Active and Past Partici- ples, and the Verbal Noun. An Introductory Chapter will explain the pronunciation of the different Afghan tribes of the East and West, which varies considerably ; and many other topics con- nected with the langun The size of the work Avill be imperial octavo (each page containing a greater number of words than the last edition of Shakcspear's < Hindustani Dictionary'), and it is proposed to charge it to Subscribers about 38 Rupees (3 16s.), but certainly not to exceed 42 Rupees (4 J.v.). II. Uniform with the Dictionary. THE PUS'HTO TEXT-BOOK; AR, SELECTIONS, PROSE and POETICAL, in the AFGHAN \J LANGUAGE. This Volume will contain selected portions, both Poetical and Prose, of the Works of the most celebrated Authors, many of which are rare, carefully collated from MS. copies in the Author's possession. Amongst the former may be mentioned the poems of JEabd-ur-Rahmun ; .ZEabd- TT -1 Tri 11-1 TT1 -__ T7*T i_J._l_. ~T7"U 9 -","U HT-,1,-, ,1 - A1,^.^/I 01,7:1, Zulikhu,' etc. etc. Among the Prose Works will be found selections from the ' Fawa'Id-ush- Shari'aea'h' of A'khund Kusim ; ' Makhzan PusTito' of Akhund Darwezah ; * Kalaila wo Damnah' or '^Eilm-Khanah-i-Dunish' of Afzal Khan, Khattak; Adam Khun and Durkhanu'I ; the 'Gulistun' of Saaedi; the writings of Babu Jiiin; the ' Turikh-i- Murassaae,' of Afzal Khun ; ' History of the Afghan Tribes,' etc. etc. The Work will be printed and bound uniform in style and size with the Dictionary. It will extend to 300 or 350 pages. The price will be about 18 Rupees (1 lC>s. V" and not exceed 21 Runees (2 2s.} III. Uniform with the Dictionary and Text Book. A GRAMMAR OF TIIK PUMTO OR PUSJffTO LANGUAGE; TIN" which the rules are illustrated by several hundred examples from J- the Best Authors, both Poetical and Prose ; together with Translations from the Articles of War, etc., etc., and Introductory Chapter on the Lano-ua-e Literature and Descent, of the Afghan Tribes. Entered in Registry of Copyrights according to Act XX. of 1847. 1$^ (THE RIGHT OF TRANSLATION is RESERVED). The first edition of the Author's 'PnsTito Grammar' being now out of prin_ 7 second edition, revised and improved, uniform in size and style, will be published' at the same time with the Dictionary and Text-Book. The price will be about 10 Rupees (1). OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The Grammar of Lieut. Raverty, which is sufficiently elaborate, and in which the rules arc supported by copious and well-chosen extracts from classical Pu'shto authors, will be gladly hailed by every linguist. A Dictionary and Text-book, promised by the same author, will supply all the helps required to master a language which ought not to be neglected, at least bv those who rule Peshawar, the valley of the Yusufzyes and the Derajat. . . In his preliminary dissertation, Lieut, llaverty canvasses the opinions of others with regard to the family o"f languages to which Pus'hto should be assigned, without, however, recording his own. This we regret ; for being in other respects an accomplished linguist, and possessing probably a better knowledge of Pus'hto than any other European, he was very competent to decide the point " Athenceum, August 30th, 1856. " L'auteur annonce en memo temps la prochaine publication d'un dictionnaire afghan, et d'une chrestomathie afghane. Le premier doit paraitre dans un vol. in-4 de dou/.e cents pages, et sera imprimc aussitot qu'on aura reuni cinq cento souscripteurs ; le second foriuera on vol. in-8. II est tres-desirable quo cos deux ouvrages trouvent un appui suffisant pour pouvoir paraitre, car nos ressources actuelles pour 1 'etude de cette langue curieuse, malgre les t; m6retoires de M. Dorn, sont insufflsantes, et les manuscrits afghans sont fort rares eu Europe." Journal Asiatit/uc. DICTIONAHY OF Tin: 1M s'uTo, OIL \NS. Bv Captain llavcrtv, 31 i; Through the kindness of a friend we have been favored with a prospectus of the al>. which, with two others of a cognate kind, vi/., a (irammar and Textbook of the same language, are about to appear under the auspices of tins distinguished Orientalist, who has, we ! devoted the best years of Ins life to the study of fhe grammar and literature of this difficult tongue. Any attempt to elucidate the manners, the cnMoms, the l;:\\s, and the history of this ar people, who inflicted on England, at the KyUer I'a^, perhaps the m.> defeat she met with since Hannockburn, must command the respect and the sympathy of more than mere scholars and tilli'i'dtnii'N. Captain Kaverty, by his m< ritorious efforts to'inake u> better acquainted with I language and literature, is also cmitiv J |)oints conceniii: history and traditions ; for if in the masculine hohlne.-s of the Latin language and diet can discern the haughty genius of tin i \orhl, if in the winged words oJ . er that exquisite suhtleH iiich, embodied in the immortal works of her poets, her orators, and her sculptor.-, il urn and ;i ."still rules and glorifies man] --ot, when the veil is rent asunder, and when we a inmost fibres and rooN ol' the tongue spoken by the dwellers on the Hindoo Koct-h, he able to state, not c'.iijecturally, hut confidently, \\ ! .lents and what the history of the land of the " Lost 'I i ii. Specimen h;ul