148 Clay st. San Francisco. LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Mrs. SARAH P. WALS WORTH. Received October, 1894. Accessions No .l> % D tf Class No. NOTES, EXPLANATORY AND PRACTICAL, ON THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS BY ALBERT BARNES. NEW YORK : HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 329 & 331 PEARL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1855. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty -three, by ALBERT BARNES, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. INTRODUCTION. 1. Preliminary Remarks. AT need not be said that this epistle has given rise to much discussicn jraoug writers on the New Testament. Indeed there is probably no part of the Bible in regard to which so many conflicting views have been entertained The name of the author ; the time and place where the epistle was written ; the character of the book ; its canonical authority ; the language in which it was composed ; and the persons to whom it was addressed, all have given rise to great difference of opinion. Among the causes of this are the fol- lowing : The name of the author is not mentioned. The church to which it was sent, if sent to any particular church, is not designated. There are no certain marks of time in the epistle, as there often are in the writings of Paul, by which we can determine the time when it was written. [t is not the design of these Notes to go into an extended examination of these questions. Those who are disposed to pursue these inquiries, and to examine the questions which have been started in regard to the epistle, can rind ample means in the larger works that have treated of it ; and especially in Lardner ; in Michaelis' Introduction ; in the Prolegomena of Kuinoel ; in Plug's Introduction ; and PARTICULAR.!,? in Prof. Stuart's invaluable Com- mentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. No other work on this portion of the New Testament is so complete as his, and in the Introduction he has left nothing to be desired in regard to the literature of the Epistle. Controversies early arose in the church in regard to a great variety of ques- tions pertaining to this epistle, which are not yet fully settled. Most of those questions, however, pertain to the literature of the epistle, and however they may be decided, are not such as to affect the respect which a Christian ought to have for it as a part of the word of God. They pertain to the inquiries, to whom it was written ; in what language, and at what time it was composed ; questions which, in whatever way they may be settled, do not affect its ca- nonical authority, and should not shake the confidence of Christians in it as a part of divine revelation. The only inquiry on these points which it is proper to institute in these Notes is, whether the claims of the epistle to a place in the canon of Scripture are of such a kind as to allow Christians to read it as a part of the oracles of God ? May we sit down to it feeling that we are perusing that which has been given by inspiration of the Holy Ghost as a part of revealed truth ? Other questions are interesting in their places, and the solution of them is worth all which it has cost ; but they need not embarrass us here, nor claim our attention as preliminary to the exposition of the epistle. All that will be attempted, therefore, in this Introduction, will be such a condensation of the evidence collected by others, as shall show that this epistle has of right a place in the volume of revealexl truth, and is of tfutho/ity to regulate the faith and practice of mankind* Ui fl INTRODUCTION. 2. To whom was ^he Epistle written ? It purports to have been written to the " Hebrews." This is not found, indeed, in the body of the epistle, though it occurs in the subscription at tha end. It differs from all the other epistles of Paul in this respect, and from most of the others in the New Testament. In all of the other epistles of Paul, the church or person to whom the letter was sent is specified in the commencement. This, however, commences in the form of an essay or ho- mily ; nor is there anywhere in the 'epistle any direct intimation to what church it was sent. The subscription at the end is of no authority, as it can- not be supposed that the author himself would affix it to the epistle, and as it is known that many of those subscriptions are false. See the remarks al the close of the Notes on Romans, and I. Corinthians. Several questiona present themselves here which we may briefly investigate. (I.) What is the evidence that it was written to the Hebrews ? In replj to this we may observe (1.) That the inscription at the commencement, "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews," though not affixed by the author, may be allowed to express the current sense of the church in an cient times in reference to a question on which they had the best means of iudging. These inscriptions at the commencement of the epistles have hitherto in general escaped the suspicion of spuriousness, to which the sub- scriptions at the close are justly exposed. Michaelis. They should not in any case be called in question, unless there is good reason from the epistle itself, or from some other source. This inscription is found in all our present Greek manuscripts, and in nearly all the ancient versions. It is found in the Peshito, the old Syriac version, which was made in the first or in the early part of the second century. It is the title given to the epistle by the Fathers of the second century, and onward. Stuart. (2.) The testimony of the Fathers. Their testimony is unbroken and uniform. With one accord they declare this, and this should be regarded as testimony of great value. Unless there is some good reason to depart from such evidence, it should be regarded aa decisive. In this case there is no good reason for calling it in question, but every reason to suppose it to be correct ; nor so far as I have found is there any one who has doubted it. (3.) The internal evidence is of the highest character that it was written to Hebrew converts. It treats of He- brew institutions. It explains their nature. It makes no allusion to Gen- tile customs or laws. It all along supposes that those to whom it was sent were familiar with the Jewish history ; with the nature of the temple service ; with the functions of the priestly office ; and with the whole struc- ture of their religion. No other person than those who had been Jews are addressed throughout the epistle. There is no attempt to explain the nature or design of any customs except those with which they were familiar. At the same time it is equally clear that they were Jewish converts converts from Judaism to Christianity who are addressed. The writer addresses them as Christians, not as those who were to be converted to Christianity , he explains to them the Jewish customs as one would do to those who had been converted from Judaism ; he endeavours to guard them from apostasy, as if there were danger that they would relapse again into the system from which they were converted. These considerations seem to be decisive ; and in the view of all who have written on the epistle, as well as of the Christian world at large, they settle the question. It has never been held that the epistle was directed to Gentiles,- and in all the opinions and questions wliich have been started on the subject, it has been admitted that, wherever INTIIODUCTION. V uu'v resided, the persons to whom the epistle was addressed were originally Hebrews who had never been converted to the Christian religion. (II.) To what particular church of the Hebrews was it written? Very dilVt-rent opinions have been held on this question. The celebrated Storr held that it was written to the Hebrew part of the churches in Galalia ; and that the epistle to the Galatians was addressed to the Gentile part of those churches. Scmler and Noessett maintained that it was written to the churches in Macedonia, and particularly to the church of Thessalonica. Bolteu main- tains that it was addressed to the Jewish Christians who fled from Palestine in a time of persecution, about the year 60, and who were scattered through Asia Minor. Michael Weber supposed that it was addressed to the church at Corinth. Ludwig conjectured that it was addressed to a church in Spain. Wetstein supposes that it was written to the church at Rome. Most of these opinions are mere conjectures, and all of them depend on circumstances which furnish only slight evidence of probability. Those who are disposed to ex- amine these, and to see them confuted, may consult Stuart's Commentary on the Hebrews, Intro. 5 9. The common, and the almost universally re- ceived opinion is, that the epistle was addressed to the Hebrew Christians in Palestine. The reasons for this opinion, briefly, are the following. (1.) The testimony of the ancient church was uniform on this point that the epistle was not only written to the Hebrew Christians, but to those who were in Palestine. Lardner affirms this to be the testimony of Clement of Alexan- dria, Jerome, Euthalius, Chrysostom, Theodoret, and Theophylact ; and adds that this was the general opinion of the ancients. Works, vol. vi. pp. 80, 81, ed. Lond. 1829. (2.) The inscription at the commencement of the epistle leads to this supposition. That inscription, though not appended by the hand of the author, was early affixed to it. It is found not only in the Greek manuscripts, but in all the early versions, as the Syriac and the Itala ; and was doubtless affixed at a very early period, and by whomsoever affixed, ex- pressed the current sense at the time. It is hardly possible that a mistake would be made on this point ; and unless there is good evidence to the con- trary, this ought to be allowed to determine the question. That inscription is, " The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews." But who are the Hebrews the 'E,3pato6 ? Prof. Stuart has endeavoured to show that this was a term that was employed exclusively to denote the Jews in Palestine, in contradistinction from foreign Jews, who were veiled Hellenists. Comp. my Notes on Acts vi. 1. Bertholdt declares that there is not a single example which can be found in early times of Jewish Christians out of Palestine being called Hebrews. See a Dissertation on the Greek Language in Palestine, and on the meaning of the word Hellenists, by Hug, in >he Bib. Repository, vol. i. 547, 548. Comp. also Robinson's Lex. on the woro. ; I. Cor. xiv. 20 5 Eph. iv. 11 13 ; II. Cor. iii. 18 ; with fleb. i. 1, 2 ; ii. 2 4 ; viii. 9 11 ; x. 1; xi. 39, 40. The gos-pcl holds out superior motives and encouragements to piety. Comp. Gal. iii. 23 ; iv. 2, 3 ; Rom. viii. 15 17 ; Gal. iv. 4 ; v. 13 ; I. Cor. vii. 19 ; Gal. vi. 15 ; with Heb. ix. 9. 14 ; xii. 1824. 28 ; viii. 6 13. The gospel is superior in promoting the real and permanent kappiness of mankind, Comp. Gal. iii 10 ; II. Cor. iii. 7. 9 ; Rom. iii. 20 INTRODUCTION Xi Rom. iv. 24, 25 ; Eph. i. 7 ; Rom. v. 1,2; Gal. ii. 16 ; and the same views in Heb. xii. 1821 ; ix. 9 ; x. 4. 11 ; vi. 1820; vii. 25? iy. 24. The 'on irti* a type and shadow of the Christian. See Coll. ii. 16, 17 5 I. Cor. x. 1 6 ; Koin. v. 14 ; I. Cor. xv. 45 47 ; II. Cor. iii. 13 is ; Gal. iv. 22 31 ; iv. 1 5 5 and for the same or similar views, see Hebrews ix. 9 14 ; x. 1 ; viii. 19 ; ix. 22 24. The Christian religion 7/-i syntheke but the translators of the Septuagint uniformly used the former SiaSfjicrj-^-diatheke and on this word the argument of the apostle is based. This could not have been done by a translator ; it must have been by the original author, for it is incorporated into the argument, (rf) In ch. x. 3 9, the author shows that Christ came to make an atonement for sin, and that in order to this it waa necessary that he should have a human body. This he shows was not only necessary, but was predicted. In doing this, he appeals to Ps. xl. 6 " A body hast thou prepared for me." But the Hebrew here is, " Mine ears hast thou opened." This passage would have been much less pertinent than the other form "a body hast thou prepared me ;" and indeed it is not easy to see how it would bear at all on the object in view. See ver. 10. But in the Septuagint the phrase stands as he quotes it " a body hast thou prepared for me ;" a fact which demonstrates, whatever difficulties there may be about the principle on which he makes the quotation, that the epistle was written in Greek. It may be added, that it has nothing of the appearance of a transla- tion. It is not stiff, forced, or constrained in style, as translations usually are. It is impassioned, free, flowing, full of animation, life and colouring, and has all the appearance of being an original composition. So clear have these considerations appeared, that the great body of critics now concur in the opinion that the epistle was originally written in Greek. 6. The design and general argument of the Epistle. The general purpose of this epistle is, to preserve those to whom it was sent from the danger of apostasy. Their danger on this subject did not arise BO much from persecution, as from the circumstances that were fitted to attract them again to the Jewish religion. The temple, it is supposed, and indeed it is evident, was still standing. The morning and evening sacrifice was still INTRODUCTION. XVti offered. The splendid rites of that imposing religion vreie still observed. The authority of the law was undisputed. Moses was a lawgiver, sent from God, and no one doubted that the Jewish form of religion had been instituted by their fathers in conformity with the direction of God. Their religion had been founded amidst remarkable manifestations of the Deity in flames, and smoke, and thunder ; it had been communicated by the ministra- tion of angels ; it had on its side and in its favour all the venerableness and sanction of a remote antiquity ; and it commended itself by the pomp of its ritual, and by the splendour of its ceremonies. On the other hand, the new form of religion had little or nothing of this to commend it. It was of recent origin. It was founded by the Man of Nazareth, who had been trained up in their own land, and who had been a carpenter, and who had had no ex- traordinary advantages of education. Its rites were few and simple. It had no splendid temple service ; none of the pomp and pageantry, the music and the magnificence of the ancient religion. It had no splendid array of priests in magnificent vestments, and it had not been imparted by the ministry of angels. Fishermen were its ministers ; and by the body of the nation it was regarded as a schism, or heresy, that enlisted in its favour only the most humble and lowly of the people. In these circumstances, how natural was it for the enemies of the gospel in Judea to contrast the two forms of religion, and how keenly would Christians there feel it ! All that was said of the antiquity and the divine origin of the Jewish religion they knew and admitted ; all that was said of its splendour and .magnificence they saw ; and all that was said of the humble origin of their own religion they were constrained to admit also. Their danger was not that arising from persecution. It was that of being affected by considerations like these, and of relapsing again into the religion of their fathers, and of apostatizing from the gospel ; and it was a danger which beset no other part of the Christian world. To meet and counteract this danger was the design of this epistle. Ac- cordingly the writer contrasts the two religions in all the great points on which the minds of Christians in Judea would be likely to be affected, and shows the superiority of the Christian religion over the Jewish in every respect, and especially in the points that had so much attracted their atten- tion, and affected their hearts. He begins by showing that the Author of the Christian religion was superior in rank to any and all who had ever delivered the word^of God to man. He was superior to the prophets, an'd even to the angels. He was over all things, and all things were subject to him. There was, therefore, a special reason why they should listen to him, and obey his commands. Ch. i., ii. He was superior to Moses, the great Jewish law- giver, whom they venerated so much, and on whom they so much prided themselves. Ch. iii. Having shown that the Great Founder of the Chris- tian religion was superior to the prophets, to Moses, and to the angels, the writer proceeds to show that the Christian religion was characterized by having a High Priest superior to that of the Jews, and of whom the Jewish high priest was but a type and emblem. He shows that all the rites of the ancient religion, splendid as they were, were also but types, and weie to vanish away for they had had their fulfilment in the realities of the Christian faith. He shows that the Christian's High Priest derived his origin and his rank from a more venerable antiquity than the Jewish high priest did for he went back to Melchizedek, who lived long before Aaron, and that he had far superior dignity from the fact that he had entered into the Holy of Holies in heaven. The Jewish High Priest entered once a year into the Most Holv 2* INTRODUCTION. place in the temple ; the Great High Priest of the Christian faith had entered into the Most Holy place of which that was but the type and emblem into heaven. In short, whatever there was of dignity and honour in the Jewish faith had more than its counterpart in the Christian religion ; and while the Christian religion was permanent, that was fading. The rites of the Jewish system, magnificent as they were, were designed to be temporary. They were mere types and shadows of things to come. They had their fulfilment in Christianity. That had an Author more exalted in rank by far than the author of the Jewish system ; it had a High Priest more elevated and en- during ; it had rites which brought men nearer to God ; it was the substance of what in the temple service was type and shadow. By considerations such as these the author of this epistle endeavours to preserve them from apostasy. Why should they go back ? Why should they return to a less perfect sys- tem ? Why go back from the substance to the shadow ? Why turn away from the true sacrifice to the type and emblem ? Why linger around the earthly tabernacle, and contemplate the high priest there, while they had a more perfect and glorious High Priest, who had entered into the heavens ? And why should they turn away from the only perfect sacrifice the great offering made for transgression and go back to the bloody rites which were to be renewed every day ? And why forsake the perfect system the system that was to endure for- ever for that which was soon to vanish away ? The author of this epistle is very careful to assure them that if they thus aposta- tized, there could be no hope for them. If they now rejected the sacrifice of the Son of God, there was no other sacrifice for sin. That was the last great sacrifice for the sins of men. It was designed to close all bloody offerings. It was not to be repeated. If that was rejected, there was no other. The Jewish rites were soon to pass away ; and even if they were not, they could not cleanse the conscience from sin. Persecuted then though they might be ; reviled, ridiculed, opposed, yet they should not abandon their Christian hope, for it was their all ; they should not neglect him who spake to them from heaven, for in dignity, rank, and authority, he far surpassed all who in former times had made known the will of God to men. This epistle, therefore, occupies a most important place in the book of reve- lation, and without it that book would be incomplete. It is the most full explanation which we have of the meaning of the Jewish institutions. In the epistle to the Romans we have a system of religious doctrine, and parti- cularly a defence of the great doctrine of justification by faith. Important doctrines are discussed in the other epistles ; but there was something wanted that would show the meaning of the Jewish rites and ceremonies, and their connexion with the Christian scheme ; something which would show us how the one was preparatory to the other ; and I may add, something that would restrain the imagination in endeavouring to show how the one was designed to introduce the other. The one was a system of types and sha- dows.' But on nothing is the human mind more prone to wander than on the subject of emblems and analogies. This has been shown abundantly in the experience of the Christian church, from the time of Origen to the present. Systems of divinity, commentaries, and sermons, have shown everywhere how prone men of ardent imaginations have been to find types in everything pertaining to the ancient economy ; to discover hidden meanings in every ceremony ; and to regard every pin and hook and instrument of the taber- nacle as designed to inculcate some truth, and to shadow forth some fact or doctrine of the Christian revelation. It was desirable to have one book that should tell how that is ; to fetter down the imagination and bind it by severe INTRODUCTION. IIX rules, and to restrain the vagaries of honest but credulous devotion. Such a book we have in the Epistle to the Hebrews. The ancient system is there explained by one who had been brought up in the midst of it, and who un- derstood it thoroughly ; by one who had a clear insight into the relation which it bore to the Christian economy ; by one who was under the influ- ence of divine inspiration, and who could not err. The Bible would have been incomplete without this book : and when I think of the relation between the Jewish and the Christian systems ; when I look on the splendid rites of the ancient economy, and ask their meaning ; when I wish a full guide to heaven, and ask for that which gives completeness to the whole, I turn instinctively to the Epistle to the Hebrews. When I wish also that which shall give me the most elevated view of the Great Author of Christianity and of his work, and the most clear conceptions of the sacrifice which he made for sin ; and when I look for considerations that shall be most effectual in restraining the soul from apostasy, and for considerations to enable it to bear trials with patience and with hope, my mind recurs to this book, and I feel that the book of revelation, and the hopes of man, would be incomplete without it THE EPISTLE OF PAUL THE APOSTLE TO THE HEBEEWS. CHAPTER I. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. The main object of the epistle is to commend the Christian religion to those who were addressed in it in such a way as to prevent defection from it. This is done, principally, by showing its superiority to the Mo- saic system. The great danger of Christians in Palestine was of re- lapsing into the Jewish system. The imposing nature of its rites ; the pub- lic sentiment in its favour ; the fact of its antiquity, and its undisputed divine origin, would all tend to that. To counteract this, the writer of this epistle shows that the gospel had higher claims on their attention, and that if that wall rejected ruin was in- evitable. In doing this, he begins, in this chapter, by showing the supe- riority of the Author of Christianity to prophets, and to the angels ; that is, that he had a rank that entitled him to the profoundest regard. The drift of this chapter, therefore, is to show the dignity and exalted nature of the Author of the Christian system the Son of God. The chapter comprises the following points : I. The announcement of the fac that God, who had formerly spoken by the prophets, had in this last dis pensation spoken by his Son. Vs. 1, 2 II. The statement respecting hi rank and dignity. He was (1) th< heir of all things ; (2) the creator of the worlds ; (3) the brightness of th divine glory and the proper expres sion of his nature ; (4) he upheld al tilings. Vs. 2, 3. III. The work and exaltation o: he Author of the Christian system 1.) He, by his own unassisted agency Hirined us from our sins. (2.) He is eated at the right hand of God. 3.) He has a more exalted and va- uable inheritance than the angels, n proportion as his name is more exalted than theirs. Vs. 3, 4. IV. Proofs that what is here as- scribed to him belongs to him, parti- cularly that he is declared to be su >erior to the angels. Vs. 5 14. (1.) The angels have never been addressed with the title of Son. Ver. 5. (2.) He is declared to be the object of worship by the angels, while they are employed merely as the messen. gers of God. Vs. 6, 7. (3.) He is addressed as God, and his throne is said to be for ever and ever. Vs. 8, 9. (4.) He is addressed as immutable. He is declared to have laid the foun- dations of heaven and earth ; and though they would perish, yet he would remain the same. Vs. 10 12 (5.) None of the angels had been addressed in this manner, but they were employed in the subordinate work of ministering to the heirs of salvation. Vs. 13, 14. From this train of reasoning, the inference is drawn in ch. ii. 1 4, that we ought to give diligent heed to what had been spoken. The Great Author of the Christian scheme had peculiar claims to be heard, and there was peculiar danger in disregarding his message. - The object of this chapter is, to impress those to whom the epis- tle was addressed with the high claims of the Founder of Christianity, and to show that it was superior in this respect to any other system. 21 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. CHAPTER I. OD, who* at sundry times and in divers manner? 1. God who at sundry times. The commencement of this epistle varies from all the others which Paul wrote. In every other instance he at first announces his name, and the name of the church or of the individual to whom he wrote. In regard to the reason why he here varies from that custom, see the Introduction, 3. This commences with the full ac- knowledgment of his belief that God had made important revelations in past times, but that now he had com- municated his will in a manner that more especially claimed their atten- tion. This announcement was of particular importance here. He was writing to those who had been trained up in the full belief of the truths taught by the prophets. As the ob- ject of the apostle was to show the superior claims of the gospel, and to lead them from putting confidence in the rites instituted in accordance with the directions of the Old Testament, it was of essential importance that he should admit that their belief of the inspiration of the prophets was well founded. He was not an infidel. He was not disposed to call in question the divine origin of the books which were regarded as given by inspira- tion. He fully admitted all that had been held by the Hebrews on that head, and yet showed that the new revelation had more important claims to their attention. The word ren- dered " at sundry times" 7roAu//e/>(5j means in many parts. It refers here to the fact that the former revelation had been given in various parts. It had not all been given at once. It had been communicated from time to time as the exigencies of the peo- ple required, and as God chose to communicate it. At one time it was by history, then, by prophecy, by po- etry, by proverbs, by some solemn and special message, &c. The an- cient revelation was a collection of various writings, on different sub- spake in time past unto the fa- thers by the prophets, a Nil. 12. 6. 8. jects, and given at different times but now God had addressed us by his Son the one great Messenger who had come to finish the divine com- munications, and to give a uniform and connected revelation to mankind. The contrast here is between the numerous separate parts of the revela- tion given by the prophets, and the oneness of that given by his Son. The word does not elsewhere occur in the New Testament. V And in divers manners TroAuTyjon-ws-. In many ways. It was not all in one mode. He had employed various methods in communicating his will. At one time it was by direct communication, at another by dreams, at another by visions, &c. In regard to the various methods which God employed to com- municate his will, see Introduction to Isaiah, 7. In contradistinction from these, God had now spoken by his Son. He had addressed us in one uniform manner. It was not by dreams, or visions; it was a direct communication from nim. The word used here, also, occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. 1T In times past. Formerly ; in ancient times The series of revelations began, as recorded by Moses, with Adam (Gen. iii.), and terminated with Malachi a period of more than three thousand five hundred years. From Malachi to the time of the Saviour there were no recorded divine communications, and the whole period of written reve- lation, or when the divine communi- cations were recorded from Moses to Malachi, was about a thousand years. IT Unto the fathers. To our ances- tors ; to the people of ancient times. IT By the prophets. The word prophet in the Scriptures is used in a wide signification. It means not only those who predict future events, but those who communicate the divine will on any subject. See Notes on Rom. xii. 6 ; I. Cor. xiv. 1. It is used here in that large sense as denoting all . D. 64.] CHAPTER 1. '23 2 Hath in these last clays spoken" unto us by his Son. a De. 18. 15. those by whom God had made com- niuaicutions to the Jews in former Vines. 2. Hath in these last days. In this ila- final dispensation; or in this dis- pensation under which the affairs of the world will be wound up. Phrases similar to this occur frequently in the Scriptures. They do not imply that the world was soon coming to an end, but that that was the last dispensa- tion, the last period of the world. There had been the patriarchal pe- riod, the period under the law, the prophets, &C., and this was the period during which God's last method of communication would be enjoyed, and under which the world would close. It might be a very long period, but it would be the last one ; and so far as the meaning of the phrase is concerned, it might be the longest period, or longer than all the others put together, but still it would be the last one. See Notes on Acts ii. 17 ; Isa. ii. 2. IT Spoken unto MS. The word " us" here does not of necessity imply that the writer of the epistle had actually heard him, or that they had heard him to whom uie epistle was written. It means that God had now communicated his will to man by his Son. It may be said with en- tire propriety that God has spoken to us by his Son, though we have not personally heard or seen him. We have what he spoke and caused to be recorded for our direction. IT By his Son. The title commonly given to the Lord Jesus, as denoting his pe- culiar relation to God. It was under- stood by the Jews to denote equality with God (Notes, John v. 18 ; comp. John x. 33. 36), and is used with such a reference here. See Notes on Rom. i. 4, where the meaning of the phrase "Son of God" is fully considered. It is implied here that the fact that the Son of God has spoken to us imposes the highest obligations to attend to what he has said; that he has an authority superior to all those who have spoken in past times ; and that there will be peculiar guilt in refusing to attend to what he has spoken. See ch. ii. 1 4; comp. ch. xii. 25. The reasons for the superior respect which should be shown to the reve- lations of the Son of God may be such as these: (1.) His rank and dignity. He is the equal with God (John i. 1), and is himself called God in this chapter. Ver. 8. He has a right, therefore, to command, and when he speaks men should obey. (2.) The clearness of the truths which he communicated to man on a great variety of subjects that are of the highest moment to the world. Re- velation has been gradual like the breaking of the day in the east. At first there is a little light ; it increases and expands till objects become more and more visible, and then the sun rises in full-orbed glory. At first we discern only the existence of some object obscure and undefined ; then we can trace its outline; then its colour, its size, its proportions, its drapery till it stands before us fully revealed. So it has been with reve- lation. There is a great variety of subjects which we now see clearly, which were very imperfectly under- stood by the teaching of the prophets, and would be now if we had only the Old Testament. Among them are the following : (a) The character of God. Christ came to make him known as a merciful being, and to show how he could be merciful as well as just. The views given of God by the Lord Jesus are far more clear than any given by the ancient pro- phcts ; compared with those enter tained by the ancient philosophers, they are like the sun compared with the darkest midnight, (fe) The way in which man may be reconciled to God. The New Testament which may be considered as that which God " has spoken to us by his Son" has told us how the great work of being reronciled to Goi can be effected whom he hath appointed heir" a Ps. 2. 8. b Jno. 1. 3. HEBREWS. [A. D. G4 of all things, by whom * also he made the worlds ; The Lord Jesus told us that he came to " give his life a ransom for many ;" that he laid down his life for his friends ; that he was about to die for man ; that he would draw all men to him. The prophets indeed parti- cularly Isaiah threw much light on these points. But the mass of the people did not understand their reve- lations. They pertained to fut.nre events always difficult to be under- stood. But Christ has told us the way of salvation, and he has made it so plain that he who runs may read, (c) The moral precepts of the Re- deemer are superior to those of any and all that had gone before him. They are elevated, pure, expansive, benevolent such as became the Son of God to proclaim. Indeed this is admitted on all hands. Infidels are constrained to acknowledge that all the moral precepts of the Saviour are eminently pure and benignant. If they were obeyed, the world would be filled with justice, truth, purity, and benevolence. Error, fraud, hy- pocrisy, ambition, wars, licentious- ness, and intemperance, would cease ; and the opposite virtues would diffuse happiness over the face of the world. Prophets had indeed delivered many moral precepts of great importance, but the purest arid most extensive body of just principles of good morals on earth are to be found in the teach- ings of the Saviour. (d~) He has given to us the clearest view which man has had of the future state ; and he has disclosed in regard to that fu- ture state a class of truths of the deepest interest to mankind, which were before wholly unknown or only partially revealed. 1. He has re- vealed the certainty of a state of fu- ture existence in opposition to the Sadducees of all ages. This was denied before he came by multitudes, and where it was not, the arguments by which it was supported were often of the feeblest kind. The truth was he)d by some like Plato and his fol- lowers but the arguments on which they relied were feeble, and such as were unfitted to give rest to the soul. The truth they had obtained by TRA- DITION ; the arguments were THEIR OWN. 2. He revealed the doctrine of the resurrection of the body. This before was doubted or denied by nearly all the world. It was held to be absurd and impossible. The Sa- viour taught its certainty ; he raised up more than one to show that it was possible ; he was himself raised, to put the whole matter beyond debate. 3. He revealed the certainty of future judgment the judgment of all man- kind. 4. He disclosed great and momentous truths respecting the fu- ture state. Before he came, all was dark. The Greeks spoke of Ely- sian fields, but they were dreams of the imagination ; the Hebrews had some faint notion of a future state where aU was dark and gloomy, with perhaps an occasional glimpse of the truth that there is a holy and blessed heaven ; but to the mass of mind all was obscure. Christ revealed a hea- ven, and told us of a hell. He showed us that the one might be gained and the other avoided. He presented im portant motives for doing it ; and had he done nothing more, his com- munications were worthy the pro- found attention of mankind. I may add, (3.) That the Son of God has claims on our attention from the MANNER in which he spoke. He spoke as one having " authority." Matt, vii. 29. He spoke as a witness of what he saw and knew. John iii. 11. He spoke without doubt or ambiguity of God, and heaven, and hell. His is the language of one who is fami- liar with all that he describes ; who saw all, who knew all. There is no hesitancy or doubt in his mind of the truth of what he speaks; and he speaks as if his whole soul were im- pressed with its unspeakable import- ance. Never were so momentous communications made to men of hell A. U. 04. J CHAPTER 1. 25 us fell from the lips of the Lord Je- sus (see Notes on Matt, xxiii. 33) ; never were announcements made so fitted to awe and appal a sinful world. t Whom he hath appointed heir of all things. See Ps. ii. 8 ; comp. Notes Kom. viii. 17. This is language t:iken from the fact that lie is 'the SON of God.' If a son, then he is an heir for so it is usually among men. This is not to be taken literally, as if he inherits anything as a man loes. An heir is one who inherits anything after the death of its pos- sessor usually his father. But this cannot be applied in this sense to the Lord Jesus. The language is used to denote his rank and dignity as the Son of God. As such all things are his, as the property of a father de- scends to his son at his death. The word rendered heir 3 Who- being the bright- a Jno. 1. 14. HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. ness of his glory, and thie ex- press image of his person, and duration ; and thence it came to be used by them to denote the world made up of ages or generations ; and then the world itself. This is the fair, and, as it seems to me, the only intelligible interpretation of this pas- sage an interpretation amply SUP- tained by texts referred to above as demonstrating that the universe was made by the agency of the Son of God. Comp. Notes on ver. 10, and on John i. 3. 3. Who being the brightness of his glory. This verse is designed to state the dignity and exalted rank of the Son of God, and is exceedingly im- portant with reference to a correct view of the Redeemer. Every word which is employed is of great im- portance, and should be clearly un- derstood in order to a correct appre- hension of the passage. First, in what manner does it refer to the Re- deemer ? To his divine nature ? To the mode of his existence before he was incarnate ? Or to him as he ap- peared on earth ? Most of the ancient commentators supposed that it refer- red to his divine dignity before he became incarnate, and proceed to argue on that supposition on the mode of the divine existence. Tiie true solution seems to me to be, that it refers to him as incarnate, but still has reference to him as the incarnate Son of God. It refers to him as Me- diator, but not simply or mainly as a man. It is rather to him as divine thus, in his incarnation, being the brightness of the divine glory, and the express image of God. That this is the correct view is apparent, I think, from the whole scope of the passage. The drift of the argument is, to show his dignity as he has spoken to us (ver. 1), and not in the period antecedent to his incarnation. It is to show his claims to our reve- rence as sent from God the last and greatest of the messengers which God has sent to man. But then it is a description of him as he actually is the incarnate Son of God ; the equal of the Father in human flesh ; and this leads the writer to dwell on 1m divine character, and to argue from that. Vs. 8. 1012. I have no doubt, therefore, that this description refers to his divine nature, but it is the di rine nature as it appears in huraau flesh. An examination of the words used will ^repare us for a more clear comprehension of the sense. The word glory 86%a means properly a seeming, an appearance ; and then (1) praise, applause, honour ; (2) dig- nity, splendour, glory ; (3) brightness, dazzling light; and (4) excellence, perfection, such as belongs to God, and such as there is in heaven. It is probably used here, as the word "ll'flD Kabhodh is often among the Hebrews, to denote splendour, bright ness, and refers, to the divine perfec- tions as resembling a bright light, or the sun. The word is applied to the sun and stars, I. Cor. xv. 40, 41 ; to the light which Paul saw on the way to r?amascus, Acts xxii. 11 ; to the shining of Moses' face, II. Cor. iii. 7 ; to the celestial light which surrounds the angels, Rev. xviii. 1 ; and glori- fied saints, Luke ix. 31, 32 ; and to the dazzling splendour or majesty in which God is enthroned. II. Thess. i. 9 ; II. Pet. i. 17 ; Rev. xv. 8 ; xxi. 11. 23. Here there is a comparison of God with the sun ; he is encom- passed with splendour and majesty ; he is a being of light and of infinite perfection. It refers to all in God that is bright, splendid, glorious ; and the idea is, that the Son of God is the brightness of it all. The word ren- dered brightness a^avyaa^a. occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. It means properly reflected splendour, or the light which emanates from a luminous body. The rays or beams of the sun are its " brightness," or that by which the sun is seen and known. The sun itself we do not see ; the beams which flow from it we do see. The meaning here b, A. D. 64.] CHAPTER 1. 2? upholding all things by the word of liis power, when he luul by himself purged our sins, that if God be represented under the "f a luminous body, as he is in tue Scriptures (see Ps. Ixxiv. 11 ; Mai. iv. 2), then Christ is the ra- diance of that light, the brightness of that luminary. Stuart. He is that by which we perceive God, or by which God is made known to us in 1 perfections. Comp. John i. 18; xiv. 9. It is by him only that the true character and glory of God is known to men. This is true in regard to the great system of revela- tion ; but it is especially true in re- gard to the views which men have of God. Matt. xi. 27. "No man knoweth the Son but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him." The human soul is dark respecting the divine character until it is enlight- ened by Christ. It sees no beauty, no glory in his nature nothing that excites wonder, or that wins the af- fections, until it is disclosed by the Redeemer. Somehow it happens, ac- count for it as men may, that there are no elevating practical views of God in the world ; no views that en- gage and hold the affections of the soul ; no views that are transforming and purifying, but those which are derived from the Lord Jesus. A man becomes a Christian, and at once he has elevated, practical views of God. He is to him the most glorious of all beings. He finds supreme delight in contemplating his perfections. But ie may be a philosopher or an infidel, and though he may profess to believe in the existence of God, yet the be- lief excites no practical influence on him ; he sees nothing to admire ; nothing which leads him to worship him. Comp. Rom. i. 21. ^ And the express image. The word here used Xapatcrfip likewise occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. It is that from which our word character is derived. It properly means a sat down * on the right hand of the Majesty on high. ac. 7. 27; 9. 12-14. b Ps. 110.1. graving-lool ; and then something engraved, or stamped a character as a letter, mark, sign. The image stamped on coins, seals, wax, ex- presses the idea ; and the sense here is, that if God be represented under the idea of a substance, or being, then Christ is the exact resemblance of that as an image is of the stamp or die. The resemblance between a stamp and the figure which is im- pressed is exact; and so is the re- semblance between the Redeemer and God. See Coll. i. 15. " Who is the image of the invisible God." IT Of his person. The word person with us denotes an individual being, and is applied to human beings, consist, ing of body and soul. We do not apply it to anything dead not using it with reference to the body when the spirit is gone. It is applied to man with individual an4 separate consciousness and will; with body and soul ; with an existence sepa- rate from others. It is evident that it cannot be used in this sense when applied to God, and that this word does not express the true idea of the passage here. Tindal renders it, more accurately, substance. The word in the original virdcrTaois whence our word hypostasis, means, literally, a foundation, or substructure. Then it means a well-founded trust, firm expectation, confidence, firm- ness, boldness ; and then reality, sub- stance, essential nature. In the New Testament, it is rendered confident^ or confidence (II. Cor. ix. 4; xi. 17; Heb. iii. 14) ; substance (Heb. xi. 1), and person in the passage before us. It is not elsewhere used. Here it properly refers to the essential nature of God that which distinguishes him from all other beings, and which, if I may so say, constitutes him God ; and the idea is, that the Redeemer is the exact resemblance of that. This resemblance consists, probably, in the following things though perhaps HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 the enumeration does not include all but in these he certainly resembles God, or is his exact image. (1.) In his original mode of being, or be- fore the incarnation. Of this we know little. But he had a "glory with the Father before the world was." John xvii. 5. He was "in the beginning with God, and was God." John i. 1. He was in inti- mate union with the Father, and was one with Him, in certain respects ; though in certain other respects, there was a distinction. I do not see any evidence in the Scriptures of the doctrine of" eternal generation," and it is certain that that doctrine militates against the proper eternity of the Son of God. The natural arid fair meaning of that doctrine would be, that there was a time when he had not an existence, and when he began to be, or was begotten. But the Scripture doctrine is, that he had a strict and proper eternity. I see no evidence that he was in any sense a derivetfabeing deriving his exist- ence anonis divinity from the Fa- ther. The Fathers of the Christian church, it is believed, held that the Son of God as to his divine, as well as his human nature, was derived from the Father. Hence the Nicene creed speaks of him as " begotten of the Father before all worlds ; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten not made" language implying derivation in his divine na- ture. They held, with one voice, that he was God ; but it was in this manner. See Stuart, Excursus III. on the Epistle to the Hebrews. But this is incredible, and impossible. A derived being cannot in any proper sense be God ; and if there is any attribute which the Scriptures have ascribed to the Saviour with peculiar clearness, it is that of proper eternity. Rev. i. 11. 18; John i. 1. It may have been that it was by him that the perfections of God were made known before the incarnation to the angelic world, but on that point the Scrip- tures are silent. (2.) On earth he was the brightness of the divine glory, and the express image of his person, (a) It was by him, eminently, that God was made known to men as it is by the beams of the sun that that is made known. (&) He bore an exact resemblance to God. He was just such a being as we should suppose God to be were he to become incarnate, and to act as a man. He was the embodied representation of the Deity. He was pure like God. He was benevolent like God. He spake to the winds and storms like God. He healed diseases like God.. He raised the dead like God. He wielded the power which God only can wield, and he manifested a cha- racter in all respects like that which we should suppose God would evince if he appeared in human flesh, and dwelt among men. And this is say- ing much. It is in fact saying that the account in the Gospels is real, and that the Christian religion is true. Uninspired men could never have drawn such a character as that of Jesus Christ unless that character had actually existed. The attempt has often been made to describe God, or to show how he would speak and act if he came down to earth. Thus the Hindoos speak of the incarna- tions of Vishnu ; and thus Homer, and Virgil, and most of the ancient poets, speak of the appearance of the gods, and describe them as they were supposed to appear. But how differ ent from the character of the Lord Jesus ! They are full of passion, and lust, and anger, and contention, and strife ; they come to mingle in bat- tles, and to take part with contending armies, and they evince the same spirit as men, and are merely men of great power, and more gigantic pas- sions ; but Christ is GOD IN HUMAN NATURE. The form is that of man ; the spirit is that of God. He walks, and eats, and sleeps as a man; he thinks, and speaks, and acts like God. He was born as a man but the an- gels adored him as God. As a man he ate ; yet by a word he created food for thousands, as if he were God Like a man he slept on a pillow while A. D. 01.] CHAPTER 1. .is tossed by the \v;ivrs ; . aiul rebuked Un- winds and they were still. As a man he went, with affectionate interest, to the house of Martha and Mary. As a man lie sympathized with them in their affliction, and wept at the j, r ra\"e of their brother; like God he spoke, and the dead came forth to the land of the living 1 . As a man he travelled through the land of Judea. lie was without a home. Yet every- where the siek were laid at his feet, and health came from his touch, and htrenirth from the words of his lips as if he were God. As a man he prayed in the garden of Gethsemane ; lie bore his cross to Calvary ; he was nailed to the tree : yet then the hea- vi.-ns urew dark, and the earth shook, and the dead arose as if he were God. As a man he slept in the cold tomb like God he rose, and brought life and immortality to light. He lived on earth as a man he ascended to heaven like God. And in all the life of the Redeemer, in all the variety of trying situations in which he was placed, there was not a word or ac- tion which was inconsistent with the supposition that he was the incarnate God. There was no failure of any effort to heal the sick or to raise the dead ; no look, no word, no deed that is not perfectly consistent with this supposition ; but on the contrary, his lile is full of events which can be explained on no other supposition than that he was the appropriate shilling forth of the divine glory, and the exact resemblance of the essence of God. There are not two Gods as there are not two suns when the sun shines. It is the one God, in a mysterious and incomprehensible manner shining into the world in the face of Jesus Christ. See Note on II. Cor. iv. 6. As the wax bears the perfect image of the seal perfect not only in the outline, but in the filling up in all the lines, and features, and letters, so is it with the Redeemer. There is not one of the divine per- fections which has not the counter- part in him, and if the glory of the 3* divine character is seen at all by men, it will be seen in and through him. V And upholding all things by the word of his power. That is, by his powerful word, or command. The phrase ' word of his power' is a He- bra ism, and means his efficient com- mand. There could not be a more distinct ascription of divinity to the Son of God than this. He upholds or sustains all things i. e. the uni- verse. It is not merely the earth not only its rocks, mountains, seas animals and men, but it is the uui verse all distant worlds. How can he do this who is not God ? He does it by his word his command. What a conception ! That a simple com- mand should do all this ! So the world was made when God "spake and it was done ; he commanded and it stood fast." Ps. xxxiii. 9. So the Lord Jesus commanded the waves and the winds and they were still (Matt. viii. 26, 27) ; so he spoke to diseases and they departed, and to the dead and they arose. Comp. Gen. i. 3. I know not how men can explain away this ascription of infi- nite power to the Redeemer. There can be no higher idea of omnipotence than to say that he upholds all things by his word ; and assuredly he who can hold up this vast universe so that it does not sink into anarchy or into nothing, must be God. The same power Jesus claimed for himself. See Matt, xxviii. 18. T When he had by himself purged our sins. ' By him- self not by the blood of bulls and lambs, but by his own blood. This is designed to bring in the grand feature of the Christian scheme, that the purification made for sin \vas by his blood, instead of the blood which was shed in the temple-service. The word here rendered " purged" means purified, or expiated. See Notes on John xv. 2. The literal rendering is, 'having made purification for our sins.' The purification or cleansing which he effected was by his blood. See I. John i. 7. " The blood of Je- sus Christ cleanseth from all sin." This the apostle here states to hav HEBREWS. [A. D. 64, 4 Being made so much bet- ter than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. 5 For unto which of the an- gels said he at any time," Thou art my Son, this day have I be- a Ts. 2. 7. been the great object for which he came, and having done this, he sat down on the right hand of God. See ch. vii. 27; ix. 12 14. It was not merely to teach that he came ; it was to purify the hearts of men, to re- move their sins, and to put an end of sacrifice by the sacrifice of him- self. IT Sat down on the right hand of the. Majesty on high. Of God. See Notes on Mark xvi. 19 ; Eph. i. 2023. 4. Being made so much better. Being exalted so much above the angels. The word " better" here does not refer to moral character, but to exaltation of rank. As Mediator ; as the Son of God in our nature, he is exalted far above the angels. IT Than the angels. Than all angels of every rank. See Notes on Eph. i. 21 ; comp. I. Pet. iii. 22. " Angels, and authorities and powers being made subject unto him." He is ex- alted to his mediatorial throne, and ail things are placed beneath his feet. IT As he hath by inheritance. Or in virtue of his name the Son of God ; an exaltation such as is implied in that name. As a son has a rank in a family above servants ; as he has a control over the property above that which servants have, so it is with the Mediator. He is the Son of God ; angels are the servants of God, and the servants of the church. They occupy a place in the universe compared with that which he occu- pies, similar to the place which ser- vants in a family occupy compared with that which a son has. To illus- trate and prove this is the design of the remainder of this chapter. The argument which the apostle insists on is, that the title " THE Son of God" is to be given to him alone. It has oeen conferred on no others. Though the angels, and though saints are called in general ' sons of God,' yet the title THE Son of God 1 has been given to him only. As the apostle was writing to Hebrews, he makes his appeal to the Hebrew Scriptures alone for the confirmation of this opi- nion. IT A more excellent name. To wit, the name Son. It is a more ho- nourable and exalted name than lias ever been bestowed on them. It in- volves more exalted privileges, and entitles him on whom it is bestowed to higher respect and honour than any name ever bestowed on them. 5. For unto which of the angels, &c. The object of this is, to prove that the Son of God, who has spoken to men in these last days, is superior to the angels. As the apostle was writing to those who had been trained in the Jewish religion, and who admitted the authority of the Old Testament, of course he made his appeal to that, and undoubtedly referred for proof to those places which were generally admitted to relate to the Messiah. Abarbanel says, that it was the com- mon opinion of the Jewish doctors that the Messiah would be exalted above Abraham, Moses, and the an gels. Stuart. There is a difficulty, as we shall see, in applying the pas- sages which follow to the Messiah a difficulty which we may find it not easy to explain. Some remarks will be made on the particular passages as we go along. In general it may be observed here, (1.) That it is to be presumed that those passages were in the time of Paul applied to the Messiah. He seems to argue from them as though this was commonly understood, and is at no pains to prove it. (2.) It is to be presumed that those to whom he wrote would at once admit this to be so. If this were not so, we cannot suppose that he would regard this mode of reason- ing as at all efficacious, or adapted to convince those to whom he wrote A. D. <;!. ril.U'TEK I. gotten thrc? And aa;iiii," I . 7. \4. (3.) He did not apprehend that the application which he miule of these texts would be called in question by ::itryinen of those to whom he wrote. It is to ho presumed, there- fore, that the application was made in accordance with the received opi- nions, and the common interpreta- tion. (4.) Paul had been instructed in early life in the doctrines of the Jewish religion, and made fully ac- quainted with all their principles of interpretation. It is to be presumed, therefore, that he made these quota- tions in accordance with the preva- lent belief, and with principles which vll understood and admitted. (5.) Every age and people have their own modes of reasoning. They may differ from others, and others may regard them as unsound, and yet to that age and people they are satis- iactory and conclusive. The ancient philosophers employed modes of rea- soning 1 which would not strike us as the most forcible, and which perhaps we should not regard as tenable. So it is with the Chinese, the Hindus, hammedans now. So it was with the writers of the dark ages who lived under the influence of the scholastic philosophy. They argue from admitted principles in their country and time just as we do in ours. Their reasoning was as satisfac- tory to them as ours is to us. (6.) In a writer of any particular age we are to expect to find the prevailing mode of reasoning, and appeals to the usual arguments on any subject. We are not to look for methods of argument founded on the inductive philosophy in the writings of the schoolmen, or in the writings of the Chinese or the Hindus. It would be unreasonable to expect it. We are to expect that they will be found to reason in ac- cordance with the customs of their time; to appeal to siu-h arguments as were commonly alleged ; and if they are reasoning with an adversary, to make VKC of the point* ?///?>// he. will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? concedes, and to urge them as fitted to convince him. And this is not wrong. It may strike hi m with more force than it does us; it may be that we can see that is not the most solid mode of reasoning, but still it may not be in itself an improper method. That the writers of the New Testa- ment should have used that mode of reasoning sometimes, is no more sur- prising 1 than that we find writers in China reasoning from acknowledged principles, and in the usual manner there, or than that men in our oivn land reason on the principles of the inductive philosophy. These remarks may not explain all the difficulties in regard to the proof-texts adduced by Paul in this chapter, but they may remove some of them, and may so prepare the way that we may be able to dispose of them all as we advance. In the passage which is quoted in this verse, there is not much diffi culty in regard to the propriety of its being thus used. The difficulty lies in the subsequent quotations in the chapter. II Said he at any time. He never used language respecting the angels like that which he em- ploys respecting his Son. He never applied to any one of them the name Son. T Thou art my Son. The name 'sows of God,' is applied in the Scrip- tures to saints, and may have been given to the angels. But the argu- ment here is, that the name 'my Son' has never been given to any one of them particularly and by eminence In a large, general sense, they are; the sons of God, or the children of God, but the name is given to the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, in a pecu- liar sense, implying a peculiar rela- tion to him, and a peculiar dominion over all things. This passage is quoted from Psalm ii. a Psalm that is usually believed to pertain particfJ* larly to the Messiah, and one of the few Psalms that have undisputed re ference to him. See Notes on Acts iv. 25 ; xiii. 33. IT This day. See, Notes HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 on Acts xiii. 33, where this passage is applied to the resurrection of Christ from the dead; proving that the phrase 'this day' does not refer to the doctrine of eternal generation, but to the resurrection of the Re- deemer "the FIRST-BEGOTTEN of the dead." Rev. i. 5. Thus Theodoret says of the phrase ' this day,' " it does not express his eternal generation, but thit which is connected with time." The argument of the apostle here does not turn on the time when this was said, but on the fact that this was said to him and not to any one of the angels, and this argument will have equal force whether the phrase be understood as referring to the fact of his resurrection, or to his previous existence. The structure and scope of the Second Psalm refers to his exaltation after the kings of the earth set themselves against him, and endeavoured to cast off his go- vernment from them. In spite of that, and subsequent to that, he would set his king, which they had rejected, on his holy hill of Zion. See Ps. ii. 2 6. IT Have I begotten thee. See this place explained in the Notes on Acts xiii. 33. It must, from the ne- cessity of the case, be understood figuratively ; and must mean, sub- stantially, ' I have constituted, or 0/J- pointed thee.' If it refers to his re- surrection, it means that that resur- rection was a kind of begetting to life, or a beginning of life. See Rev. i. 5. And yet though Paul (Acts xiii. 33) has applied it to the resurrection of the Redeemer, and though the name ' Son of God' is applied to him on account of his resurrection (see Notes on Rom. i. 4), yet I confess this does not seem to me to come up to all that the writer here in- tended. The phrase, ' THE Son of God,' I suppose, properly denotes that the Lord Jesus sustained a rela- tion to God, designated by that name, corresponding to the relations which he sustained to man, designated by the name * the Son of man.'' The one implied that he had a peculiar rela- tion to God, as the other implied that lie had a peculiar relation to man. This is indisputable. But on what particular account the name was given him, or how he was manifested to be the Son of God, has been the great question. Whether the name refers to the mode of his existence before the incarnation, and to his ' being begotten from eternity,' or to the incarnation arid the resurrection, has long been a point on which men have been divided in opinion. The natural idea conveyed by the title ' THE Son of God' is, that he sustained a relation to God which implied lOftre than was human or angelic ; and this is certainly the drift of the argument of the apostle here. I do not see, however, that he refers to the doc- trine of ' eternal generation,' or that he means to teach that. His point is, that God had declared and treated him as a Son as superior to the an- gels and to men, and that this was shown in what had been said of him in the Old Testament. This would be equally clear, whether there is reference to the doctrine of eternal generation or not. The sense is, * he is more than human. He is more than angelic. He has been addressed and treated as a Son which none of the angels have. They are regarded simply as ministering spirits. They sustain subordinate stations, and are treated accordingly. He, on the con- trary, is the brightness of the divine glory. He is treated and addressed as a Son. In his original existence this was so. In his incarnation this was so. When on earth this was so ; and in his resurrection, ascension, and session at the right hand of God, he was treated in all respects as a Son as superior to all servants, and to all ministering spirits.' The exact reference, then, of the phrase ' this day have I begotten thee.,' in the Psalm, is to the act of constituting him in a public manner the Son of God and refers to God's setting him as king on the " holy hill of Zion" or making him king over the church and the world as Messiah ; and this was done, eminently* as Paul shows A. D. 61.] CHAPTER I. 33 6 'And again, when he bring- i or, ickejt he bringeth again. ii.), by the resurrection. It was based, however, on. what was fit and proper. It was not arbitrary. There was a reason why he should thus be exalted rather than a man or 1 ; and this was, that he was the God incarnate, and had a nature that qualified him for universal em- pire, and lie was thus appropriately called " THE Son of God." V And again, I will be to him a Father. This is evidently quoted from II. S;HU. iv. 11. A sentiment similar to i ibund in Ps. Ixxxix. 20 27. As these words were originally spoken, they referred to Solomon. They occur in a promise to David that he should not fail to have an heir to sit on his throne, or that his throne should be perpetual. The promise was particularly designed to comfort him in view of the fact that God would not suffer him to build the temple because his hands had been deliled with blood. To console him in reference to that, God promises him far greater honour than that would be. He promises that the house should be built by one of his own family, and that his family and kingdom should be established for ever. That in this series of promises the Messiah was included as a de- scendant of David, was the common opinion of the Jews, of the early Christians, and has been of the great body of interpreters. It was cer- tainly from such passages as this, that the Jews derived the notion which prevailed so universally in the time of the Saviour that the Messiah was to be the son or the descendant of David. See Matt. xxii. 42 1.1 ; ix. 27 ; xv. 22 ; xx. 30, 31 ; Mark x. : Luke xviii. 38, 39 ; Matt. xii. 23 ; xxi. 9 ; John vii. 42 ; Rom. i. 3 ; Iii-v. v. 5; xxii. 16. That opinion was universal. No one doubted it; and it must have been common for the Jews to apply such texts as this to the Messiah. Paul would not have done it in this instance unless it had eth in the first-begotten into been usual. Nor was it improper. It' the Messiah was to be a descendant of David, then it was natural to apply these promises in regard to his pos- terity in an eminent and peculiar sense to the Messiah. They were a part of the promises which included him, and which terminated in him. The promise, therefore, which is here made is, that God_ would be to him, in a peculiar sense, a Father, and he should be a Son. It does not, as I suppose, pertain originally exclu- sively to the Messiah, but included him as a descendant of David. To him it would be applicable in an eminent sense ; and if applicable to him at all, it proved all that the pas- sage here is adduced to prove that the name Son is given to the Mes- siah a "name not given to angels. That is just the point on which the argument turns. What is implied in the bestowrnent of that name is another point on which the apostle discourses in the other parts of the argument. I have no doubt, there, fore, that while these words originally might have been applicable to Solo- mon, or to any of the other descend, ants of David who succeeded him on the throne, yet they at last terminated, and were designed to in the Mes siah to whom pre-eminently God would be a Father. Comp. Introduc tion to Isaiah, 7, iii. (3), and Notes on Isa. vii. 16. 6. And again. Marg. When he bringeth in again. The proper con- struction of this sentence probably is, ' But when, moreover, he brings in,' &c. The word ' again 1 refers not to the fact that the Son of God is brought again into the world, implying that he had been introduced before ; but it refers to the course of the apostle's argument, or to the declaration which is made about the Messiah in another place. ' The name Son is not only given to him as above, but also in another place, or on another occasion when he *- %s in tlv first HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. the world, he saith, And a Ps. 97. 7 let all the angels of God worship him. Begotten into the world.' H" When he bringeth in. When he introduces. So far as the language here is con- cerned this might refer to the birth of the Messiah, but it is evident from the whole connexion that the writer means to refer to something that is said in the Old Testament. This is plain because the passage occurs among quotations designed to prove a specific point that the Son of God, the Author of the Christian system, was superior to the angels. A decla- ration of the writer here, however true and solemn, would not have an- swered the purpose. A proof-text was wanting ; a text which would be admitted by those to whom he wrote to bear on the point under consideration. The meaning then is, ' that on another occasion* different from those to which he had referred, God, when speaking of the Messiah, or when introducing him to man- kind, had used language showing that he was superior to the angels.' The meaning of the phrase "when he bringeth in," therefore, I take to be, when he introduces him to men ; when he makes him known to the world to wit, by the declaration which he proceeds immediately to quote. IT The first-begotten. Christ is called the 'first-begotten? with re- ference to his resurrection from the dead, in Rev. i. 5, and Coll. i. 18. It is probable here, however, that the word is used, like the word first-born, or first-begotten among the Hebrews, by way of eminence. As the first- born was the principal heir, and had peculiar privileges, so the Lord Jesus Christ sustains a similar rank in the universe of which God is the Head and Father. See Notes on John i. 14, where the word 'only-begotten' is used to denote the dignity and honour of the Lord Jesus. IT Into the world. When he introduces him to mankind, or declares what he is to be. IT He saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. Much difficulty has been experienced in re gard to this quotation, for it cannot be denied that it is intended to be a quotation. In the Septuagint these very words occur in Deut. xxxii. 43, where they are inserted in the Song of Moses. But they are not in the Hebrew, nor are they in all the copies of the Septuagint. The He. brew is, " Rejoice, O ye nations with his people ; for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries." The Septuagint is, "Rejoice ye heavens with him ; and let all the angels of God worship him. Let the nations rejoice with his people, and let all the sons of God be strong in him, for he has avenged the blood of his sons." But there are objections to our sup posing that the apostle had this place in his view, which seem to me to settle the matter. (1.) One is, that the passage is not in the Hebrew; and it seems hardly credible that in writing to Hebrews, and to those re- siding in the very country where the Hebrew Scriptures were constantly used, he should adduce as a proof- text on an important doctrine what was not in their Scriptures. (2.) A second is, that it is omitted in all the ancient versions except the Septua- gint. (3.) A third is, that it is im- possible to believe that the passage in question in Deuteronomy had anj reference to the Messiah. It does not relate to his 'introduction' to the world. It would not occur to any reader that it had any such reference. The context celebrates the victory over the enemies of Israel which God will achieve. After saying that ' his arrows would be drunk with blood, and that his sword would devour flesh with the blood of the slain and of captives, from the time when he begins to take vengeance on an enemy,' the Septuagint (not the He- brew) immediately asserts, "let the heavens rejoice at the same time with him. and let all the angels of God A. D. Gl.] CHAPTER I. 35 p him." That is, 'Let the Inhabits heavenly world rejoice in the victory of God over the enemies <>i' his people, and let them pay their adoration to him.' But -siah docs not appear to be alluded to anywhere in the context ; much less di scribed as ' introduced into the tcorld. 1 There is, moreover, not the slightest evidence that it was ever supposed by the Jews to have any sueh reference; and though it might be said that the apostle merely quoted language that expressed his meaning as we often do when we aiiliar with any well-known phrase that will exactly suit our pur- poso and convey an idea yet it should be remarked that this is not the way in which this passage is quoted. It is a proof-text, and Paul evidently meant to be understood as saying that that passage had a fair reference to the Messiah. It is evi- dent, moreover, that it would be ad- mitted to have such a reference by those to whom he wrote. It is mo- rally certain, therefore, that this was not the passage which the writer in- tended to quote. The probability is, that the writer here referred to Psalm xcvii. 7, (in the Sept. Ps. xcvi. 7). In that place, the Hebrew is, " wor- ship him all ye gods" DVv?X - 7D all ye Elohim. In the Septuagint it is, " Let all his angels worship him ;" where the translation is literal, except that the word God ' angels of God 1 is used by the apostle instead of his ' all his angels' as it is in the Septuagint. The word ' gods' Elo- him is rendered by the word angels but the word may have that sense. Thus it is rendered by the Lxx. ; in Job xx. 15 ; and in Psalm viii. 6 ; cxxxvii. 1. It is well known that the word Elohim may denote kings and magistrates, because of their rank and dignity; and is there anything improbable in the supposition that, for a similar reason, the word may be given also to angels ? The fair interpretation of the passage then rould be, to refer it to angelic beings and the command in Ps. xcvii. is for them to do homage to the being there referred to. The only question then is, whether the Psalm can be regarded properly as having any re- ference to the Messiah? Did the apostle fairly and properly use this language as referring to him ? On this we may remark, (1.) That the fact that he uses it thus may he re- garded as proof that it would be ad- mitted to be proper by the Jews in his time, and renders it probable that it was in fact so used. (2.) Two Jewish Rabbins of distinction Ras- chi and Kimchi affirm that all the Psalms from xciii. to ci. are to be re- farded as referring to the Messiah, uch was, and is, the opinion of the Jews. (3.) There is nothing in the Psalm which forbids such a reference, or which can be shown to be incon- sistent with it. Indeed the whole Psalm might be taken as beautifully descriptive of the l introduction' of the Son of God into the world, or as a sublime and glorious description of his advent. Thus in ver. 1, the earth is called on to rejoice that the Lord reigns. In vs. 2 5, he is in- troduced or described as coming in the most magnificent manner clouds and darkness attend him ; a fire goes before him ; the lightnings play ; and the hills melt like wax a sublime description of his coming, with ap- propriate symbols, to reign, or to judge the world. In ver. 6, it is said that all people shall see his glory ; in ver. 7, that all who worship graven images shall be confounded, and all the angels are required to do him ho mage ; and in vs. 812, the effect of his advent is described as filling Zion with rejoicing, and the hearts of the people of God with gladness. It cannot be proved, therefore, that this Psalm had no reference to the Messiah ; but the presumption is that it had, and that the apostle has quoted it not only as it was usually regarded in his time, but as it was designed by the Holy Ghost. If so, then it proves, what the writer intended, that the Son of God should be adored by HEBREWS. [A. D. 64, 7 And 1 of the angels he saith," Who maketh his ari- 1 unto. a Ps. 104. 4. the angels ; and of course that he was superior to them. It proves also more. Whom would God require the angels to adore ? A creature ? A man? A fellow-angel? To ask these questions is to answer them. He could require them to worship none but God, and the passage proves that the Son of God is divine. 7. And of the angels he saith, Wlio maketh his angels spirits. He gives to them an inferior name, and assigns to them a more humble office. They are mere ministers, and have not ascribed to them the name of Son. They have a name which implies a more humble rank and office the name " spirit," and the appella- tion of a "flame of fire." They obey his will as the winds and the lightnings do. The object of the apostle in this passage is to show that the angels serve God in a min- isterial capacity as the winds do; while the Son is Lord of all. The one serves Mm passively, as being wholly under his control ; the other acts as a Sovereign, as Lord over all, and is addressed and regarded as the equal with God. This quotation is made from Ps. civ. 4. The passage might be translated, 'Who maketh his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire ;' that is, * who makes his angels like the winds, or as swift as the winds, and his ministers as rapid, as terrible, and as resistless as the lightning.' So Doddridge renders it ; and so did the late Rev. Dr. J. P. Wilson. MS. Notes. The passage in the Psalm is susceptible, I think, of another interpretation, and might be regarded as meaning, 'who makes the winds his messen- gers, and the flaming fire his minis- ters ;' and perhaps this is the sense which would most naturally occur to a reader of the Hebrew. The He- brew, however, will admit of the con- struction here put upon it, and it "tannot be p-~vjd that it was the gels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. original intention of the passage to show that the angels were the mere servants of God, rapid, quick, and prompt to do his will like the winds. The Chaldee Paraphrase renders the passage in the Psalm, ' Who makes his messengers swift as the wind; his ministers strong like a flame of fire.' Prof. Stuart maintains that the passage in the Psalms cannot mean 'who makes the winds his messengers,' but that the intention of the Psalmist is to describe the in- visible as well as the visible majesty of God, and that he refers to the an- gels as a part of the retinue which goes to make up his glory. This does not seem to me to be perfectly certain ; but still it cannot be demon strated that Paul has made an im- proper use of the passage. It is to be presumed that he, who had been trained in the knowledge of the He- brew language, would have had a better opportunity of knowing its fair construction than we can ; and it is morally certain that he would employ the passage in an argument as it was commonly understood by those to whom he wrote that is, to those who were familiar with the Hebrew language and literature. If he has so used the passage; if he has as no one can disprove put the fair con- struction on it, then it is just in point. It proves that the angels are the attendant servants of God; employed to grace his train, to do his will, to accompany him as the clouds and winds and lightnings do, and to oc- cupy a subordinate rank in his crea- tion. V Flame ofjire. This probably refers to lightning which is often the meaning of the phrase. The word ' ministers' here, means the same as angels, and the sense of the whole is, that the attending retinue of God, when he manifests himself with great power and glory, is like the winds and the lightning. Hte angels are like them. They are prompt to do A. D. 64.] CHAPTER 1. 37 8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever a Ps. 45. 6, 7. his will rapid, quick, obedient in his service ; they are in all respects sub- or d mate to him, and occupy, as the winds and the lightnings do, the place of servants. They are not ad- lirrssi-d in language like that which is applied to the Son of God, and they mu>t all be far inferior to him. .\ lint unto the Son he saith. In Fsalm xlv. 6, 7. The fact that the writer of this epistle makes this ap- plication of the Psalm to the Messiah, that it was so applied in his time, or that it would be readily ad- mittcd to be applicable to him. It has been generally admitted, by both Jewish and Christian interpreters, to have such a reference. Even those who have doubted its primary appli- cability to the Messiah, have regarded it, as referring to him in a secondary reuse. Many have supposed that it i to Solomon in the primary sense, and that it has a secondary reference to the Messiah. To me it seems most probable that it had an original and exclusive reference to the Messiah. It is to be remembered that the hope of the Messiah was the peculiar hope of the Jewish people. The coming of the future king, so early promised, was the great event to which they all looked forward with the deepest interest. That hope inspired their prophets and their bards, and cheered the hearts of the nation in the time of despondency. The Messiah, if I may so express it, was the hero of the Old Testament more so than Achilles is of the Iliad, and ^Eneas of the JEniad. The sacred poets were accustomed to employ all their most magnificent imagery in describing him, and to present him in every form that was beautiful in their conception, and that would be gratifying to the pride and hopes of the nation. Every thing that is gorgeous and splendid in de- scription is lavished on him, and they were never under any apprehension of attributing to him too great mag- nificence in his personal reign ; too great beauty of moral character ; or too great an extent of dominion That which would be regarded b} them as a magnificent description ol a monarch, they freely applied t(. him ; and this is evidently the case in this Psalm. That the description may have been in part derived from the view of Solomon in the magnifi- cence of his court, is possible, but no more probable than that it was de- rived from the general view of the splendour of any Oriental monarch, or than that it might have been the description of a monarch which was the pure creation of inspired poetry. Indeed, I see not why this Psalm should ever have been supposed to be applicable to Solomon. His name is not mentioned. It has no peculiar applicability to him. There is no- thing that would apply to him which would not also apply to many an Oriental prince. There are some things in it which are much less ap- plicable to him than to many others. The king here described is a conquer- or. He girds his sword on his thigh, and his arrows are sharp in the hearts of his foes, and the people are sub- dued under him. This was not true of Solomon. His was a reign of peace and tranquillity, nor was ho ever distinguished for war. On the whole, it seems clear to me, that this Psalm is designed to be a beautiful poetic description of the Messiah as king. The images are drawn from the usual characteristics of an Orien- tal prince, and there are many things in the poem as there are in para- bles for the sake of keeping, or veri- similitude, and which are not, in the interpretation, to be cut to the quick. The writer imagined to himself a magnificent and beautiful prince ; a prince riding prosperously in his conquests ; swaying a permanent and wide dominion ; clothed in rich and splendid vestments ; eminently up- right and pure ; and scattering ble 38 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64, and ever: a sceptre of right- 1 Tightness, of straitncss. ings everywhere and that prince was the Messiah. The Psalm, there- fore, I regard as relating originally and exclusively to Christ ; and though in the interpretation, the circumstan- ces should not be unduly pressed, nor an attempt be made to spiritualize them, yet the whole is a glowing and most beautiful description of Christ as a King. The same principles of interpretation should be applied to it which are applied to parables, and the same allowance be made for the introduction of circumstances for the sake of keeping, or for finishing the story. If this be the correct view, then Paul has quoted the Psalm in conformity exactly with its original intention, as he undoubtedly quoted it as it was understood in his time. IT Thy throne. A throne is the seat on which a monarch sits, and is here the symbol of dominion, because kings when acting as rulers sit on thrones. Thus a throne becomes the emblem of authority or empire. Here it means, that his rule or dominion would be perpetual "/or ever and ever" which assuredly could not be applied to Solomon. T O God. This certainly could not be ap- plied to Solomon ; but applied to the Messiah it proves what the apostle is aiming to prove that he is above the angels. The argument is, that a name is given to him which is never given to them. They are not called God in any strict and proper sense. The argument here requires us to understand this word as, used in a sense more exalted than any name which is ever given to angels, and though it may be maintained that the name D'fi^X, Elohim, is given to magistrates or to angels, yet here the argument requires us to understand it as used in a sense superior to what it ever is when applied to an angel or of course to any creature, since it was the express design of the argu- \3nt to prove that the Messiah was eousness ! is the sceptre of thy kingdom : superior to the angels. The word God should be taken in its natural and obvious sense, unless there is some necessary reason for limiting it. If applied to magistrates (Ps. Ixxxii. 6), it must be so limited. If applied to the Messiah, there is no such neces- sity, (John i. 1 ; Isa. ix. 6 ; I. John v. 20 ; Phil. ii. 6), and it should be taken in its natural and proper sense. The form here 6 Qeos is in the vocative case and not the nominative. It is the usual form of the vocative in the Septuagint, and nearly the only form of it. Stuart. This then is a direct address to the Messiah, calling him God ; and I see not why it is not to be used in the usual and proper sense of the word. Unitarians proposed to translate this, " God is thy throne ;" but how can God be a throne of a creature ? What is the meaning of such an expression ? Where is there one parallel? And what must be the nature of that cause which ren- ders such an argument necessary ? This refers, as it seems to me, to the Messiah as king. It does not relate to his mode of existence before the in- carnation, but to him as the magnifi cent monarch of his people. Still, the ground or reason why this name is given to him is that he is divine. It is language which properly ex- presses his nature. He must have a divine nature, or such language would be improper. I regard this passage, therefore, as full proof that the Lord Jesus is divine; nor is it possible to evade this conclusion by any fair interpretation of it. It cannot be wrong to address him as God ; nor addressing him as such, not to regard him as divine. IT Is for ever and ever. This could not in any proper sense apply to Solo- mon. As applied to the Messiah, it means that his essential kingdom will be perpetual. Luke i. 33. As Mediator his kingdom will be given up to the Father, or to God without reference to a Mediatorial work, (I . D. C-i.] CHAPTER I. 9 Thou hast loved righteous- ness, and hated iniquity ; there- l\n: xv. 2-1. 28 sec Notes on these . lut his ni^ii over his people will be perpetual. There never will come a time when they shall not cbey ami serve him, though the pe- culiar form of his kingdom, as con- ncctcd with the work of mediation, will be changed. The form of the organized church, for example, will iiged, for there shall be no nc- e: ssitv lor it in heaven, but the essen- tial dominion and power of the Son of God will not cease. He shall have the same dominion which he had before lie enlered on the work of mediation ; and that will be eternal. It is also true that, compared with earthly monarchs, his kingdom shall be per- petual. They soon die. Dynasties pass away. But his empire extends from age to age, and is properly a perpetual dominion. The fair and obvious interpretation of this pas- sage would satisfy me, were there nothing else, that this Psalm had no reference to Solomon, but was designed originally as a description of the Messiah as the expected King and Prince of his people. IT A sceptre of righteousness. That is, a right or just sceptre. The phrase is a Hebraism. The former expres- sion described the perpetuity of his kingdom ; this describes its equable nature. It would be just and equal. See Notes on Isa. xi. 5. A sceptre is a staff or wand usually made of wood, five or six feet long, and commonly overlaid with gold, or ornamented with golden rings. Sometimes, how- ever, the sceptre was made of ivory, or wholly of gold. It was borne in the hands of kings as an emblem of authority and power. Probably it had its origin in the staffer crook of the shepherd as kings were at first regarded as the shepherds o their oeople. Thus Agamemnon is com- monly called by Homer the shepherd of the people. The sceptre thus be- comes the emblem of kingly office and power as when we speak of swaying a sceptre; and the idea here is, that the Messiah would be a king, and that the authority which he would wield would be equitable and just. He would not be governed as monarchs often are, by mere ca- price, or by the wishes of courtiers and flatterers ; he would not be con trolled by mere will and the love of arbitrary power; but the execution of his laws would be in accordance with the principles of equity and justice. How well this accords with the character of the Lord Jesus we need not pause to show. Comp Notes on Isa. xi. 2 5. 9. Thou hast loved righteousness. Thou hast been obedient to the law of God, or holy and upright. Nothing can be more truly adapted to express the character of any one than this is to describe the Lord Jesus, who was "holy, harmless, undefiled," who ' did no sin, and in whose mouth no guile was found ;' but it is with diffi culty that this can be applied to So^ lomon. Assuredly, for a considerable part of his life, this declaration could not well be appropriate to him ; and it seems to me that it is not to be re- farded as descriptive of him at all. t is language prompted by the warm and pious imagination of the Psalm- ist describing the future Messiah and, as applied to him, is true to the letter. IT Therefore God, even thy God. The word even inserted here by the translators, weakens the force of the expression. This might be translated, 'O God, thy God hath anointed thce.' So it is rendered by Doddridge, Clarke, Stuart, and others. The Greek will bear this construc- tion, as well the Hebrew in Ps. xlv. 7. In the margin in the Psalm it is rendered " O God." This is the most natural construction, as it accords with what is just said before. * Thy throne, O God, is for ever. Thou art just and holy, therefore, O God, thy God hath anointed thee,' &c. It is not material, however, which con- struction is adopted. IT Hath anointed thcc. Anciently kings and 40 HEBREWS. ' A. D. 64 fore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. 10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the founda- a Ps. 102. 25. were consecrated to their office by pouring oil on their heads. See Lev. viii. 12 ; Num. iii. 3 ; I. Sam. x. 1 ; II. Sam. ii. 7 ; Ps. ii. 6 ; Isa. Ixi. 1 ; Acts iv. 27 ; x. 38 ; Note Matt. i. 1. The expression ' to anoint? therefore, comes to mean to consecrate to of- fice, or to set apart to some public work. This is evidently the meaning in the Psalm, where the whole Ian- guage refers to the appointment of the personage there referred to to the kingly office. V Tlie oil of gladness. This probably means the perfumed oil that was poured on the head, at- tended with many expressions of joy and rejoicing. The inauguration of the Messiah. as king would be an oc- casion of rejoicing and triumph. Thousands would exult at it as in the coronation of a king ; and thou- sands would be made glad by such a consecration to the office of Messiah. 1T Above thy fellows. Above thine associates ; that is, above all who sus- tain the kingly office. He would be more exalted than all other king's. Doddridge supposes that it refers to angels, who might have been asso- ciated with the Messiah in -the go- vernment of the world. But the more natural construction is, to suppose that it refers to kings, and to mean that lie was the most exalted of all. 10. And. That is, ' To add another instance ;' or, ' to the Son he saith in another place, or in the following language.' This is connected with ver. 8. ' Unto the Son he saith (ver. 8), thy throne, &c. and (ver. 10) he also saith, Thou Lord,' &c. That this is the meaning is apparent, be- cause (1) the object of the whole quo- tation is to show the exalted charac- ter of the Son of God, and (2) an address here to JEHOVAH would be wholly irrelevant. Why, in an ar- gument designed to prove that the Son of God was superior to the an- gels, should the writer break out in an address to JEHOVAH in view of the fact that he had laid the foundations of the world, and that he himself would continue to live when the hea- vens should be rolled up and pass away ? Such is not the manner of Paul or of any other good writer, and it is clear that the writer here designed to adduce this as applicable to the Messiah. Whatever difficulties there may be about the principles on which it is done, and the reason why this passage was selected for the pur- pose, there can be no doubt about the design of the writer. He meant to be understood as applying it to the Messiah beyond all question, or the quotation is wholly irrelevant, and it is inconceivable why it should have been made. 1T Thou Lord. This is taken from Ps. cii. 2527. The quotation is made from the Septua- gint with only a slight variation, and is an accurate translation of the He- brew. In the Psalm, there can be no doubt that JEHOVAH is intended. This is apparent on the face of the Psalm, and particularly because the name JEHOVAH is introduced in vs. 1. 12, and because he is addressed as the Creator of all things, and as im- mutable. No one, on reading the Psalm, ever would doubt that it re- ferred to God, and if the apostle meant to apply it to the Lord Jesus it proves most conclusively that he is divine. In regard to the difficult inquiry why he applied this to the Messiah, or on what principle such an application can be vindicated, we may perhaps throw some light by the following remarks. It must be ad- mitted that probably few persons, if any, on reading the Psalm, would suppose that it referred to the Mes- siah ; but (1.) the fact that the apostle thus employs it, proves that it was understood in his time to have such a reference, or at least that those tu whom he wrote would admit that : *. had such a reference. On no other principle would he have used it in ap A. D. 64.] CHAPTER I. 41 tion of the earth ; and the hea- argument. This is at least of some consequence in showing what the prevailing interpretation was. (2.) It cannot be demonstrated that it had no such reference for such was the habit of the sacred writers in making the future Messiah the theme of their poetry, that no one can prove that the writer of this Psalm did not design that the Messiah should be the sub- ject of his praise here. (3.) There is nothing in the Psahn which may not be applied to the Messiah ; but there is much in it that is peculiarly applicable to him. Suppose, for ex- ample, that the Psalmist (vs. 1 11), in his complaints, represents the people of God before the Redeemer appeared as lowly, sad, dejected, and afflicted speaking of liimself as one of them, and as a fair representa- tive of that people, the remainder of the Psalm will well agree with the promised redemption. Thus having described the sadness and sorrow of the people of God, he speaks of the fact that God would arise and have mercy upon Zion (vs. 13, 14), that the heathen w r ould fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth would see his glory (ver. 15), and that when the Lord should build up Zion he would appear in his glory. Ver. 16. To whom else could this be so well applied as to the Messiah ? To what time so well as to his time ? Thus too in ver. 20, it is said that the Lord would look down from heaven " to hear the groaning of the prisoner, and to loose them that are appointed to death" language remarkably re- sembling that used by Isa. ch. xli. 1, which the Saviour applies to him- self, in Luke iv. 1721. The pas- sage then quoted by the apostle (vs. 25 27 of the Psahn) is designed to denote the immutability of the Mes- siah, and the fact that in him all the interests of the church were safe. He would not change. He had formed all things, and he would remain the same His kingdom would be per- 4* vens arc the works of thinn hands ; manent amidst all the, changes oc. curring on earth, und his people had no cause of apprehension or alarm. Ver. 28. (4.) Paul applies "this lan- guage to the Messiah in accordance with the doctrine which he had stated (ver. 2), tluit it was by him that God " made the worlds." Having stated that, he seems to have felt that it was not improper to apply to him the passages occurring in the Old Testament that speak of the work of creation. The argument is this. 'He was in fact the creator of all things. But to the Creator there is applied language in the Scriptures which shows that he was far exalted above the angels. He would remain the same, while the heavens and the earth should fade away. His years are enduring and eternal. Such a being MUST be superior to the angels ; such a being must be divine.' The words "Thou Lord" ai> nvpie are not in the Hebrew of the Psalm, though they are in the Septuagint. In the Hebrew, in the Psalm (ver. 24), it is an address to God " I said, O my God %I 7X but there can be no doubt that the Psalmist meant to address JEHOVAH, and that the word God is used in its proper sense, de noting divinity. See vs. 1. 12, of tho Psahn. IT In the beginning. See Gen. i. 1. When the world was made. Comp. Notes on John i. 1, where the same phrase is applied to the Messiah " In the beginning was the word." IT Hast laid the foundation of the earth. Hast made the earth. This language is such as is common in the Scrip- tures, where the earth is represented as laid on a foundation, or as sup- ported. It is figurative language, derived from the act of rearing an edifice. The meaning here is, that the Son of God was the original cre- ator or founder of the universe. He did not merely arrange it out of pre- existing materials, but he was pro- perly its creator or founder. V And HEBREWS. [A. D. 61. 11 They shall perish, but thou vemainest : and they all shall wax old as doth a garment ; 12 And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed : but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. the heavens are the works of thine hands. This must demonstrate the Lord Je- sus to be divine. He that made the vast heavens must be God. No creature could perform a work like that ; nor can we conceive that power to create the vast array of distant worlds could possibly be delegated. If that power could be delegated, there is not an attribute of Deity which may not be, and thus all our notions of what con- stitutes divinity would be utterly con- founded. The word " heavens" here must mean all parts of the universe except the earth. See Gen. i. 1. The word hands is used because it is by the hands that we usually perform any work. 11. They shall perish. That is, the heavens and the earth. They shall pass away ; or they shall be de- stroyed. Probably no more is meant by the phrase here, than that impor- tant changes will take place in them, or than that they will change their form. Still, it is not possible to foresee what changes may yet take place in the heavenly bodies, or to say that the present universe may not at some period be destroyed, and be succeeded by another creation still more magnificent. He that created the universe by a word can destroy it by a word ; and he that formed the present frame of nature can cause it to be succeeded by another not less wonderful and glorious. The Scrip- tures seem to hold out the idea that the present frame of the universe shall be destroyed. See II. Pet. iii. 10 13; Matt. xxiv. 35. IT But thou remainest. Thou shalt not die or be destroyed. What a sublime thought ! The idea is, that though the heavens and earth should suddenly disappear, or though they should gradually wear cut and become extinct, yet there is one infinite being who remains un- affected, and unchanged. Nothing can reach or disturb him. All these changes shall take place under his direction and by his command. See Rev. xx. 11. Let us not be alarmed then at any revolution. Let us not fear though we should see the heavens rolled up as a scroll, and the stars falling from their places. God the Creator and Redeemer presides over all. He is unchanged. He ever lives ; and though the universe should pass away, it will be only at his bid- ding, and under his direction. IT And they all shall wax old. Shall grow or become old. The word wax is an old Saxon word meaning to grow, or in- crease, or become. The heavens heiv, are compared with a garment, mean- ing that as that grows old and de- cays, so it will be with the heavens, and the earth. The language is evidently figurative ; and yet who can tell how much literal truth there may be couched under it ? Is it ab- surd to suppose that that sun which daily sends forth so many countless millions of beams of light over the universe, may in a course of ages become diminished in its splendour, and shine with feeble lustre ? Can there be constant exhaustion, a con- stant burning like that, and yet no tendency to decay at some far dis- tant period ? Not unless the material for its splendour shall be supplied from the boundless resources of the Great Source of Light God; and when he shall choose to withhold it, even that glorious sun must be dimmed of its splendour and shine with enfeebled beams. 12. And as a vesture. A garment; literally something' thrown around TTcpi(36\aiov and denoting properly the outer garment, the cloak or man- tle. See Notes Matt. v. 40. IF Shalt thou fold them up. That is, the hea- vens. They are represented in the Scriptures as an expanse, or some- . D. 01. J CHAPTER 1. 13 But to which of the an- gels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? a PS. 110. 1. b Ps. 103. 21 ; Da. 7. 10. thing spread out (Heb. in Gen. i. 7) ; ;e permanent, but is to be succeeded by others, or to pass away, but that the Creator is to remain the same. IT Thou art the same. Thou wilt not change. IT And thy years shall not fail. Thou wilt exist for ever un- changed. What could more clearly prove that he of whom this is spoken is immutable ? Yet it is indubitably spoken of the Messiah, and must de- monstrate that he is divine. These attributes cannot be conferred on a creature ; and nothing can be clearer than that he who penned the epistle believed that the Son of God was di- vine. 13. But to which of the angels. The apostle adduces one other proof of the exaltation of the Son of God above the angels. He asks where there is an instance in which God had addressed any one of the angels, ind asked him to sit at his right hand until he should subdue his ene- mies under him ? Yet that high honour had been conferred on the Son of God; and he was therefore far cx- dted above them. IT Sit on my right hand. See Notes on ver. 3. This passage is taken from Ps. ex. 1, a Psalm that is repeatedly quoted in this epistle as referring to the Mcs- 14 Are they not all minis- tering 6 spirits, sent forth 6 to minister for them who shall be heirs d of salvation 1 c Ge. 19. 15, 1C ; Ps. 34. 7. d Ho. 8. 17. siah, and the very passage before it applied by the Saviour to himself, in Matt. xxii. 43, 44, and by Peter it is applied to him in Acts ii. 34, 35 There can be no doubt, therefore, of its applicability to the Messiah. Until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Until I reduce them to en- tire subjection. A footstool is what is placed under the feet when we sit on a chair, and the phrase here means that an enemy is entirely sub- dued. Comp. Notes on I. Cor. xv. 25 The phrase to make an enemy a foot~ stool, is borrowed from the custom of ancient warriors who stood on the necks of vanquished kings on the oc- casion of celebrating a triumph over them as a token of their complete prostration and subjection. See Notes on Isa. x. 6. The enemies here re- ferred to are the foes of God and of his religion, and the meaning is, that the Messiah is to be exalted until all those foes are subdued. Then he will give up the kingdom to the Father. See Notes on I. Cor. xv. 24 28. The exaltation of the Re- deemer, to which the apostle refers here, is to the mediatorial throne. In this he is exalted far above the an- gels. His foes are to be subdued to him, but angels are to be employed as mere instruments in that great work. 14. Are they not all. There is not one of them that is elevated to the high rank of the Redeemer. Even the most exalted angel is employed in the comparatively humble office of a ministering spirit appointed to aid the heirs of salvation. IT Ministering spirits. A ministering spirit is one that is employed to execute the will of God. The proper meaning of the word here ^urovpyiKa (whence our word liturgy} is, pertaining to public service, or the service of the peopJe 44 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 (\a6s) ; and is applied particularly to those who were engaged in the pub- lie service of the temple. They were those who iciidered aid to others ; who were helpers, or servants. Such is the meaning as used here. They are employed to render aid or assist- ance to others to wit, to Christians. TT Sent forth. Appointed by God for this. They are sent ; are under his control; are in a subordinate capa- city. Thus Gabriel was sent forth to convey an important message to Daniel. Dan, ix. 2123. IT To minister. For the aid, or succour of such. They come to render them assistance and, if employed in this humble office, how much inferior to the dignity of the Son of God the Creator and Ruler of the worlds ! IT Who shall be heirs of salvation. To the saints ; to Christians. They are called ' heirs of salvation' because they are adopted into the family of God, and are treated as his sons. See Notes on Rom.viii. 14 17. The main point here is, that the angels are employed in a much more hum- ble capacity than the Son of God ; and, therefore, that he sustains a far more elevated rank. But while the apostle has proved that, he has inci- dentally stated an exceedingly in- teresting and important doctrine, that the angels are employed to further the salvation of the people of God, and to aid" them in their journey to heaven. In this doctrine there is nothing absurd. It is no more im- probable that angels should be em- ployed to aid man, than that one man should aid another ; certainly not as improbable as that the Son of God should come down " not to be minis- tered unto but to minister," (Matt. xx. 28), and that he performed on earth the office of a servant. John xiii. 1 15. Indeed it is a great principle of the divine administration that one class of God's creatures are to minister to others ; that one is to aid another to assist him in trouble, to provide for him when poor, and to counsel him in perplexity. We are constantly deriving benefit from others, and are dependent on their counsel and help. Thus God lias appointed parents to aid their chil- dren ; neighbours to aid their neigh hours; the rich to aid the poor; and all over the world the prin. ciple is seen, that one is to de- rive benefit from the aid of others. Why may not the angels be employed in this service ? They are pure } be- nevolent, powerful ; and as man waa ruined in the fall by the temptation offered by one of an angelic, though fallen nature, why should not others of angelic, unfallen holiness come to assist in repairing the evils which their fallen, guilty brethren have in- flicted on the race ? To me there seems to be a beautiful propriety in bringing aid from another race, as ruin came from another race ; and that as those endowed with angelic might, though with fiendish malig- nity, ruined man, those with angelic might, but heavenly benevolence, should aid m his recovery and salva- tion. Farther, it is, from the neces- sity of the case, a great principle, that the weak shall be aided by the strong ; the ignorant by the enlight- ened ; the impure by the pure ; the tempted by those who have not fallen by temptation. All over the world we see this in operation ; and it con- stitutes the beauty of the moral ar- rangements on the earth ; and why shall not this be extended to the in- habitants of other abodes ? Why shall not angels, with their superior intelligence, benevolence, and power, come in to perfect this system, and show how much adapted it is to glo- rify God ? In regard to the ways in which angels become ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation, the Scriptures have not fully informed us, but facts are mentioned which will furnish some light on this in- quiry. What they do now may be learned from the Scripture account of what they have done as it seems to be a fair principle of interpretation that they are engaged in substantially the same employment in which they have ever been. The following m .. I). G4.] CHAPTER 1. 45 angelic interposition in be- half of man arr noted in the Serip- 1.) They ieel a dec]) interest in man. Thus the Saviour says, "there is joy in heaven among 1 the angrls of God over one sinner that repenU'th." Luke xv. 1U. TJius also , when speaking of the " little ones" that compose his church, " in their anuelsdo ahvavs behold the face of my rather who is in hea- ven." Matt, xviii. 1U. ("2.) They li-cl a special interest in all that relates to the redemption of man. Thus Peter says of the things pertaining to redemption, " which things the angels desire to look into." I. Pet. i. 12. In accordance with this they are represented as praising God over the fields of Bethlehem, where the shepherds were to whom it was an- nounced that a Saviour was horn (Luke ii. 13); an angel announced to .Mary that she would be the mother of the Messiah (Luke i. 26) ; an angel declared to the shepherds that he was born (Luke ii. 10) ; the angels came and ministered to him in his temptation (Matt. iv. 11); an angel strengthened him in the garden of Gethsemane (Luke xxii. 43) ; angels were present in the sepulchre where the Lord Jesus had been laid, to an- nounce his resurrection to his disci- ples (John xx. 12) ; and they re-ap- peared to his disciples on Mount Oli- vet to assure them that he would return and receive his people to himself. Acts i. 10. (3.) They a pear for the de- fence and protection of the people of God. Thus it is said (Ps. xxxiv. 7), "Tin: angel of the Lord cncarnpcth round about them that fear him, and delivert from the cities of the Plain, and to rescue him from the impending destruction. Gen. xix. 1. 15. Thus an angel opened the prison doors of the apostles and deli- vered them when they had been con- fined by the Jews. Acts v. 19. Thus the angel of the Lord delivered Peter from prison when lie had been con- fined by Herod. Acts xii. 7, 8. (4.) Angels are sent to 14 i\- us strength to resist temptation. Aid was thua furnished to the Redeemer in the garden of Gethsemane, when there " appeared an angel from heaven strengthening him." Luke xxii. 43. The great trial there seems to have been somehow connected with temp, tation ; some influence of the power of darkness, or of the Prince of evil. Luke xxii. 53 ; comp. John xiv. 30. In this aid which they rendered to the tempted Redeemer, and in the assistance which they render to us when tempted, there is a special fit- ness and propriety. Man was at first tempted by a fallen angel. No small part if not all the temptations in the world are under the direction now of fallen angels. They roam at large 'seeking whom they may devour.' I. Pet. v. 8. The temptations which occur in life, the numerous allure ments which beset our path, all have the marks of being under the control of dark and malignant spirits. What, therefore, can be more appropriate than for the pure angels of God to interpose and aid man against the skiU and wiles of their fallen and malignant fellow-spirits ? Fallen an gelic power and skill power and skill far above the capability and the strength of man are employed to ruin us, and how desirable is it for like power and skill, under the guid- ance of benevolence, to qpme in to aid us ! (5.) They support us in af- fliction. Thus an angel brought a cheering message to Daniel ; the an- gels were present to give comfort to the disciples of the Saviour when he had been taken from them by death, and when he ascended to heaven. Why may it not be so now, that im- portant consolations, in some way, are imparted to us by angelic influ- ence ? And (6.) they attend dying saints, and conduct them to glory. Tims the Saviour says of Lazarus that when he died he was " carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom." Luke xvi. 22. Is there any impro- priety in supposing that the same thing may be done still ? Assuredly if anywhere heavenly aid is needed 46 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 it is when the spirit leaves the body. If anywhere a guide is needed, it is when the ransomed soul goes up the unknown path to God. And if angels are employed on any messages of mercy to mankind, it is proper that it should be when life is closing, and the spirit is about to ascend to heaven. Should it be said that they are invi- sible, and that it is difficult to con- ceive how we can be aided by be- ings whom we never see, I answer, I know that they are unseen. They no longer appear as they once did to be the visible protectors and defenders of the people of God. But no small part of the aid which we receive from others comes from sources unseen by us. We owe more to unseen bene- factors than to those whom we see, and the most grateful of all aid, per- haps, is that which is furnished by a hand which we do not see, and from quarters which we cannot trace. How many an orphan is benefited by some unseen and unknown bene- factor ! So it may be a part of the great arrangements of divine Provi- dence that many of the most needed and acceptable interpositions for our welfare should come to us from invi- sible sources, and be conveyed to us from God by unseen hands. REMARKS. 1. The Christian religion has a Ciaim on the attention of man. God has spoken to us in the Gospel by his Son. Vs. 1, 2. This fact constitutes a claim on us to attend to what is spoken in the New Testament. When God sent prophets to address men, endowing them with more than hu- man wisdom and eloquence, and commanding them to deliver solemn messages to mankind, that was a reason why men should hear. But how much more important is the message which is brought by his own Son ! How much more exalted the Messenger ! How much higher his claim to our attention and regard ! Comp. Matt. xxi. 37. Yet it is la- mentable to reflect how few attended to him when he lived on the earth, and how few comparatively regard him now. The great mass of men feel no interest in the fact that the Son of God has come and spoken to the human race. Few take the pain? to read what he said, though all the records of the discourses of the Sa- viour could be read in a few hours. A newspaper is read ; a poem ; a novel ; a play ; a history of battles and sieges ; but the New Testament is neglected, and there are thousands even in Christian lands who have not even read through the Sermon on the Mount ! Few also listen to the truths which the Redeemer taught when they are proclaimed in the sanctuary. Multitudes never go to the place where the gospel is preached'; multi- tudes when there are engaged in thinking of other things, or are wholly inattentive to the truth* which are proclaimed. Such a reception has the Son of God met with in our world ! The most wonderful of all events is, that he should have come from heaven to be the teacher of mankind ; next to that, the most wonderful event is, that when he has come men feel no interest in the fact, and refuse to listen to what he says of the unseen and eternal world. What a man will say about the possi- bility of making a fortune by some wild speculation will be listened to with the deepest interest; but what the Redeemer says about the certainty of heaven and eternal riches there, excites no emotion: what one from the dead might say about the unseen world would excite the profoundest attention ; what he has said who has always dwelt in the unseen world, and who knows all that has occurred there, and all that is yet to occur, awakens no interest, and excites no inquiry. Such is man. The visit, too, of an illustrious stranger like Lafayette to America will rouse a nation, and spread enthusiasm every, where ; the visit of the Son of God tt> the earth on a great errand of mercy is regarded as an event of no import- ance, and excites no interest in the great mass of human hearts. A. D. G4.] ILYi'TEU 1. 2. Christ is divine. In tin- \ie\v of the writer of this epistle lie was undoubtedly regarded as e([ual with God. Tliis is so elear that it wonderful that it should ever have been called in question. He who made the worlds ; who is to be wor- shipped by the angels; who is ad- dn. '>sed us God ; who is said to have laid the foundation of the earth, and to have made the heavens, and to be unchanged when all these things shall pass away, must be divine. These are the attributes of God, and belong to him alone. These things could not be spoken of a man, an an- gel, an archangel. It is impossible to conceive that attributes like these could belong to a creature. If they could, then all our notions of what constitutes the distinction between God and his creatures are con- founded, and we can have no intelli- gible idea of God. 3. It is not improbable that Christ is the medium of communicating the knowledge of the divine essence and perfections to all worlds. He is the brightness of the divine glory the showing forth the manifestation of God. Vcr. 3. The body of the sun is not seen certainly not by the naked eye. We cannot look upon it. But there is a shining, a brightness, a glory, a manifestation which is seen. It is in the sun-beams, the manifestation of the glory and the existence of the sun. By his shining the sun is known. So the Son of God incarnate or not may be the ma- nifestation of the divine essence. And from this illustration, may we not without irreverence derive an illustration of the doctrine of the glorious Trinity? There is the body of the sun to us invisible yet great and glorious, and the source of all light, and heat, and life. The vast body of the sun is the source of all this radiance, the fountain of all that warms and enlivens. All light and heat and life depend on him, and should he be extinct all would die. Thus may it not. be with God the Father; God the eternal and un- changing essence the fountain oi all light, and life in the universe. lu the sun there is also the manifes- tation the shining the glorious light. The brightness which we sec emanates from that emanates at once, continually, always. While the sun exists, that exists, and can- not be separated from it. By that brightness the sun is seen ; by that the world is enlightened. Without these beams there would be no light, but all would be involved in dark- ness. What a beautiful representa- tion of the Son of God the bright- ness of the divine glory ; the medium by which God is made known ; the source of light to man, and for aught we know, to the universe ! When he shines on men, there is light ; when he does not shine, there is as certain moral darkness as there is night when the sun sinks in the west. And for aught we can see, the manifestation which the Son of God makes may be as necessary in all worlds to a proper contemplation of the divine essence, as the beams of the sun are to understand its na- ture. Then there are the warmth and heat and vivifying influences of the sun an influence which is the source of life and beauty to the ma- terial world. It is not the mere shining it is the attendant warmth and vivifying power. All nature is dependent on it. .Each seed, and bud, and leaf, and flower ; each spire of grass, and each animal on earth, and each bird on the wing, is depen- dent on it. Without that, vegetation would decay at once, and animal life would be extinct, and universal death would reign. What a beautiful illus- tration of the Holy Spirit, and of his influences on the moral world ! " The LORD God is a Sun" (Ps. Ixxxiv. 11); and I do not see that it is improper thus to derive from the sun an illus- tration of the doctrine of the Trinity I am certain we should know no- thing of the sun but for the beams that reveal him, and that enlighten the world; and 1 am certain th;i1 ;iii animal and vegetable lite would die HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 if it were not for his vivifying and quickening rays. I do not see that it may not be equally probable that the nature the essence of God would be unknown were it not manifested by the Son of God ; and I am certain that all moral and spiritual life would die were it not for the quickening and vivifying influences of the Holy Spirit on the human soul. 4. Christ has made an atonement for sin. Ver. 3. He has done it by " himself." It was not by the blood of bulls and of goats ; it was by his own blood. Let us rejoice that we have not now to come before God with a bloody offering ; that we need not come leading up a lamb to be slain, but that we may come con- fiding in that blood which has been shed for the sins of mankind. The great sacrifice has been made. The victim is slain. The blood has been offered which expiates the sin of the world. We may now come at once to the throne of grace, and plead the merits of that blood. How different is our condition from that of the an- cient Jewish worshippers ! They were required to come leading the victim that was to be slain for sin, and to do this every year and every day. We may come with the feeling that the one great sacrifice has been made for us ; that it is never to be repeated, and that in that sacrifice there is merit sufficient to cancel all our sins. How different our condi- tion from that of the heathen ! They too lead up sacrifices to be slain on bloody altars. They offer lambs, and goats, and bullocks, and captives taken in war, and slaves, and even their own children ! But amidst these horrid offerings, while they show their deep conviction that some sacrifice is necessary, they have no promise no evidence whatever, that the sacrifice will be accepted. They go away unpardoned. They repeat the offering with no evidence that their sins are forgiven, and at last they die in despair ! We come as- sured that the ' blood of Jesus Christ eleanscth from all sin,' and the soul rejoices in the evidence that all past sins are forgiven, and is at peace with God. 5. Let us rejoice that the Lord Jesus is thus exalted to the right hand of God. Vs. 3, 4. He has gone into heaven. He is seated on the throne of glory. He has suffered the last pang, and shed the last drop of blood that will ever be necessary to be shed for the sins of the world. No cold tomb is again to hold him ; and no spear of a soldier is again to enter his side. He is now happy and glorious in heaven. The angels there render him homage (ver. 6), and the universe is placed under his control. 6. It is right to worship the Lord Jesus. When he came into the world the angels were required to do it (ver. 6), and it cannot be wrong for us to do it now. If the angels in heaven might properly worship him, we may. If they worshipped him, he is divine. Assuredly God would not require them to worship a fellow-an- gel or a man ! I feel safe in adoring where angels adore ; I do not feel that I have a right to withhold my homage where they have been re- quired to render theirs. 7. It is right to address the Lord Jesus as God. Ver. 8. If he is so addressed in the language of inspira- tion, it is not improper for us so to address him. We do not err when we adhere closely to the language of the Bible ; nor can we have a stronger evidence that we are right than that we express our sentiments and our devotions in the very language of the sacred Scriptures. 8. The kingdom of the Redeemer is a righteous kingdom. It is founded in equity. Vs. 8, 9. Other king- doms have been kingdoms of cruelty, oppression, and blood. Tyrants have swayed an iron sceptre over men. But not thus with the Redeemer in his kingdom. There is not a law there which is not equal and mild ; not a statute which it would not pro- mete the temporal and eternal wel- fare of man to obey. Happy is the A. D. tM.] CHAPTER 1. man that is wholly mulrr his seeptre ; happy the kingdom that yields entire obedience to his laws ! shall perish ; the earth shall decay. Vs. 10, 11. Great changes have already taken place in the eartli as the researches of geolo- gists show ; and we have no reason doubt that similar changes may hive occurred in distant worlds. Still greater changes may be expected to occur in future times, and some of them we may be called to witness. Our souls are to exist for ever ; and far on in future ages far beyond the utmost period which we can now compute we may witness most im- portant changes in these heavens and this earth. God may display his power in a manner which has never been seen yet ; and safe near his throne his people may be permitted to behold the exhibition of power of \\hich the mind has never yet had the remotest conception. 10. Yet amidst these changes, the Saviour will be the same. Ver. 12. He changes not. In all past revolu- tions, he has been the same. In all the changes which have occurred in the physical world, he has been un- changed ; in all the revolutions which have occurred among kingdoms, he lias been unmoved. One change succeeds another ; kingdoms rise and fall and empires waste away ; one generation goes off to be succeeded by another, but he remains the same, matter what tempests howl, or how wars rage, or how the pestilence spreads abroad, or how the earth is shaken by earthquakes, still the Re- deemer is the same. And no matter what are our external changes, he is the same. We pass from childhood to youth, to manhood, to old age, but he changes not. We are in pros- perity or adversity ; we may pass from affluence to poverty, from ho- nour to dishonour, from health to sickness, but he is the same. We may go and lie down in the cold tomb, and our mortal frames may de- cay, but he is the same during our long sleep, and he will remain the till he shall return and summon us to renovated life. I rejoice that in all the circumstances of life I have the same Saviour. I know what he is. I know, if the expression may be allowed, ' where he may be found.' Man may change by caprice, or whim, or by some new suggestion of interest, of passion, or ambition. I go to my friend to-day, and find him kind and true but I have no abso- lute certainty that I shall find him such to-morrow. His feelings, from some unknown cause, may have be- come cold towards me. Some enemy may have breathed suspicion into his ear about me, or he may have formed some stronger attachment, or he may be sick, or dead. But nothing like this can happen in regard to the Re- deemer. He changes not. I am sure that he is always the same. No one can influence him by slander ; no new friendship can weaken the old ; no sickness or death can occur to him to change him; and though the hea- vens be on fire, and the earth be con vulsed, he is THE SAME. In such a Saviour I may confide ; in such a friend why should not all confide ? Of earthly attachments it has been too truly said, " And what is friendship but a name, A charm that lulls to sleep ; A shade that follows wealth or fame, But leaves the wretch to weep?" But this can never be said of the at- tachment formed between the Chris- tian and the Redeemer. That is un- affected by all external changes ; that shall live in all the revolutions of material things, and when all earthly ties shall be severed ; that shall sur vi-ve the dissolution of all things. 11. We see the dignity of man. Vs. 13, 14. Angels are sent to be hia attendants. They come to minister to him here, and to conduct him home 'to glory.' Kings and princes are surrounded by armed men, or by sages called to be their counsellors ; but the most humble saint may be encompassed by a retinue of beings of far greater power and more elevated rank. The angels of ligte and glory feel a deep 50 interest in the salvation of men. They come to attend the redeemed ; they wait on their steps ; they sustain them in trial ; they accompany them when departing to heaven. It is a higher honour to be attended by one of those pure intelligences than by the most elevated monarch that ever swayed a sceptre or wore a crown ; and the obscurest Christian shall soon be himself conducted to a throne in heaven, compared with which the most splendid seat of royalty on earth loses its lustre and fades away. " And is there care in heaven ? and is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures base, That may compassion of their evils move? There is: else much more wretched were the case Of men than beasts; But O ! th' exceed- ing grace Of Highest God that loves his crea- tures so, And all his works of mercy doth embrace, That blessed angels he sends to and fro, To serve to wicked man, to serve his wicked foe! kl How oft do they their silver bowers leave, To come to succour us that succour want! How do they with golden pinions cleave The yielding skies, like flying pursui- vant, Against foul fiends to aid us militant ! They for us fight, they watch and duly ward, And their bright squadrons round about us plant ; And all for love and nothing for re- ward ; O why should Heavenly God to men have such regard I" Spenser's Faery Queen, B. II. Canto viii. 1, 2. 12. What has God done for the salvation of man! He formed an eternal plan. He sent his prophets to communicate his will. He sent his Son to bear a message of mercy, and to die the just for the unjust. He exalted him to heaven, and placed the universe under his control that man may be saved. He sent his Holy Spirit ; his ministers and mes- tiengers for this. And last, to com- plete the work, he sends his angels tc be ministering spirits ; to sustain his people ; to comfort them in dying- ; HEBREWS. [A. D.G4 to attend them to the realms of g]ory. What an interest is felt in the salva- tion of a single Christian ! What a value he has in the universe ! And how important it is that he should be holy ! A man who has been redeemed by the blood of the Son of God should be pure. He who is an heir of life should be holy. He who is attended by celestial beings, and who is soon he knows not how soon to be trans- lated to heaven, should be holy. Are angels my attendants ? Then I should walk worthy of my companionship. Am I soon to go and dwell with an- gels ? Then I should be pure. Are these feet soon to tread the courts of heaven ? Is this tongue soon to unite with heavenly beings in praising God ? Are these eyes soon to look on the throne of eternal glory, and on the ascended Redeemer ? Then these feet, and eyes, and lips should be pure and holy, and I should be dead to the world, and should live only for heaven. CHAPTER II. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. The main object of this chapter is, to show that we should attend dili- gently to the things which were spoken by the Lord Jesus, and not suffer them to glide away from us. The apostle seems to have supposed that some might be inclined to disre- gard what was spoken by one of so humble appearance as the Lord Je- sus ; and that they would urge that the Old Testament had been given by the interposition of angels, and was therefore more worthy of atten- tion. To meet this, he shows tha< important objects were accomplished by his becoming a man; and tha< even as a man, power and dignity had been conferred on him superior to that of the angels. In illustration of these points, the chapter contains the following subjects: (I.) An ex- hortation not to suffer the things which had been spoken to slip from the mind or in other words, to at tend to them diligently and carefully The argument is, that if what was spoken by the angels under the old A. D. til.] CHAPTER II. 51 CHAPTER II. rpHEREFORE we ought to J_ give the more earnest hoed to the things Avhich we have dispensation claimed attention, much more should that be regarded which \vas spoken by the Son of God. Vs. 1 4. (2.) Jesus had been honoured, as incarnate, in such a way as to show that he hid a right to be heard, and that what he said should receive the profound attention of men. Vs. 5 9. The world to come had not been put under the angels as it had been under him (ver. 5) ; the general principle had been stated in the Scriptures that all tilings were put under man (vs. 6, 7), but this was fulfilled only in the Lord Jesus, who had been made a little lower than the angels, and when so made crowned with glory and honour. Ver. 9. His appearance as a man, therefore, was in no way inconsistent with what had been said of his dignity, or his claim to be heard. (3.) The apostle then pro- ceeds to show why he became a man, and why, though he was so exalted, he was subjected to so severe suffer- ings ; and with this the chapter closes. Vs. 10 18. It was because this was proper from the relation which he sustained to man. The argument is, that the Redeemer and his people were identified ; that he did not come to save angels, and that, therefore, there was a propriety in his assuming the nature of man, and being sub- jected to trials like those whom he came to save. In all things it be- hoved him to be made like his brethren, in order to redeem them, and in order to set them an example, and show them how to suffer. The humilia- tion, therefore, of the Redeemer ; the fact that he appeared as a man, and that he was a sufferer, so far from being a reason why he should not be heard, was rather an additional reason why we should attend to what he said. He had a claim to the right of being heard not only from his original dignity, but from the friendship which 4 heard, lest at any time should ! let them slip. 1 run out, as leaking vessels. he has evinced for us in taking upon himself our nature, and suffering in our behalf. 1. Therefore. Gr. 'On account of this' Au TOVTO that is, on account of the exalted dignity and rank of the Messiah as stated in the previous chapter. The sense is, ' Since Christ, the author of the new dispensation, is so far exalted above the prophets, and even the angels, we ought to give the more earnest attention to all that has been spoken.' IT We ought. It is Jit or proper (Gr. <5o) that we should attend to those things. When the Son of God speaks to men, every con- sideration makes it appropriate that we should attend to what is spoken. IT To give the more earnest heed. To give the more strict attention. IT To the things which we have heard Whether directly from the Lord Je- sus, or from his apostles. It is pos- sible that some of those to whom the apostle was writing had heard the Lord Jesus himself preach the gos- pel ; others had heard the same truths declared by the apostles. 1" Lest at any time. We ought to attend to those things at all times. We ought never to forget them ; never to be in- different to them. We are sometimes interested in them, and then we feel indifferent to them ; sometimes at leisure to attend to them, and then the cares of the world, or a heaviness and dullness of mind, or a cold and languid state of the affections, ren ders us indifferent to them, and they are suffered to pass out of the mind without concern. Paul says, that this ought never to be done. At no time should we be indifferent to those things. They are always important to us, and we should never be in a state of mind when they would be uninter- esting. At all times ; in all places ; and in every situation of life, we should feel that the truths of religion are of more HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. importance to us than all othci truths, and nothing should be suffered to ef- face their image from the heart. II We should let them slip. Marg. Run out as leaking vessels. Tindal renders this, ' lest we be spilt.' The expression here has given rise to much discussion as to its meaning ; and has been very differently trans- lated. Doddridge renders it, ' lest we let them flow out of our minds.' Prof. Stuart, 'lest at any time we should slight them.' Whitby, 'that they may not entirely slip out of our me- mories.' The word here used Trapappf'w occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. The Septuagint translators have used the word but once. Prov. iii. 21. ' Son, do not pass by (fifi Trapappurjj) but keep my coun- sel ;' that is, do not pass by my ad- vice by neglect, or suffer it to be dis- regarded. The word means, accord- ing to Passow, to flow by, to flow over ; and then to go by, to fall, to go away. It is used to mean to flow near, to flow by as of a river ; to glide away, to escape as from the mind, i. e. to forget ; and to glide along as a thief does by stealth. See Robinson's Lex. The Syriac and Arabic translators have rendered it, that we may not fall. After all that has been said on the meaning of the word here (comp. Stu- irt in loc.), it seems to me that the true sense of the expression is that of flowing, or gliding by as a river ; and that the meaning here is, that we ehould be very cautious that the im- portant truths spoken by the Redeem- er and his apostles should not be suf- fered to glide by us without attention, or without profit. We should not allow them to be like a stream that glides on by us without benefiting us ; that is, we should endeavour to se- cure and retain them as our own. The truth taught is, that there is great danger, now that the true system of religion has been revealed, that it will Aot profit us, but that we shall lose all the benefit of it. This danger may arise from many sources some of which are the following : (1.) We may not feel that the truths revealed are important and before their im- portance is felt, they may be beyond our reach. So we are often decei/^d in regard to the importance of objects and before we perceive their value they are irrecoverably gone. So it is often with time, and with the oppor- tunities of obtaining an education, or of accomplishing any object which is of value. The opportunity is gone before we perceive its importance. So the young suffer the most import- ant period of life to glide away be- fore they perceive its value, and the opportunity of making much of their talents is lost because they did not embrace the suitable opportunities. (2.) By being engrossed in business. We feel that that is now the most im. portant thing. That claims all oui attention. We have no time to pray, to read the Bible, to think of religion, for the cares of the world engross all the time and the opportunities of salvation glide insensibly away, until it is too late. (3.) By being attract- ed by the pleasures of life. We at- tend to them now, and are drawn along from one to another, until reli- gion is suffered to glide away with all its hopes and consolations, and we perceive, too late, that we have let the opportunity of salvation slip for ever. Allured by those pleasures, the young neglect it ; and new pleasures starting up in future life carry on the delusion, until every favourable oppor- tunity for salvation has passed away. (4.) We suffer favourable opportuni- ties to pass by without improving them. Youth is by far the best time, as it is the most appropriate time, to become a Christian and yet how easy is it to allow that period to slip away without becoming interested in *the Saviour ! One day glides on after another, and one week, one month, one year passes away after another like a gently-flowing stream unti, all the precious time of youth has gone, and we are not Christians. So a revival of religion is a favourable time and yet many suffer this to pass by without becoming interested in it. Others are converted, and the A. D. 6-i.] CHAPTER 11. 53 2. For if the word spoken by - * was steadfast, and * eve- ry transgression and disobedi- Ac. 7. 53 b jVy. 15 31 heavenly influences descend all around us, but \ve are unaffected, and the .-o full of happy and heavenly influences is gone to return no more. (o.) We let the favourable season slip, we design to attend to it at some future period of life. So youth :t to manhood manhood to old age old age to a death-bed and then neglects it until the whole of life has glided away, and the soul is not saved. Paul knew man. He knew how prone he was to let the things of religion slip out of the mind and hence the earnestness of his caution that we should give heed to the subject now lest the opportunity of salvation should soon glide away. When once passed, it can never be recalled. Learn hence (1.) the truths of religion will not benefit us un- 6 give heed to them. It will not save us that the Lord Jesus has come and spoken to men, unless we are disposed to listen. It will not benefit us that the sun shines, unless we open our eyes. Books will not benefit us, unless we read them ; medi- cine, unless we take it ; nor will the fruits of the earth sustain our lives, however rich and abundant they may be, if we disregard arid neglect them. So with the truths of religion. There is truth enough to save the world but the world disregards and despises it. (2.) It needs not great sins to destroy the soul. Simple neglect will do it as certainly as atrocious crimes, {-very man has a sinful heart that will destroy him unless he makes an effort to be saved ; and it is not merely the great sinner, therefore, who is in danger. It is the man who neglects his soul whether a moral or an im- moral man a daughter of amiable- ness, or a daughter of vanity and vice. 2. For if the word spoken by an- gels. The revelation in the Old Tes- 5 ence received a just recompense of reward ; 3. How c shall we escape, if c c. 4. 1, 11. tament. It was indeed given by Jc. hovah, but it was the common opinion of the Hebrews that it was by the ministry of angels. See Notes on Acts vii. 38. 53, and Gal. iii. 19, where this point is fully considered. As Paul was discoursing here of the superiority of the Redeemer to the angels, it was to the point to refer to the fact that the law had been given by the ministry of angels. IT Was steadfast. Was firm Ptpaios set- tled established. It was not vacil- lating and fluctuating. It determin- ed what crime was, and it was firm in its punishment. It did not yield to circumstances ; but if not obeyed in all respects, it denounced punish- ment. The idea here is not that everything was fulfilled, but it is, that the law so given could not be violated with impunity. It was not safe to violate it, but it took notice of the slightest failure to yield perfect obe- dience to its demands. IT And every transgression. Literally, going be- yond, passing by. It means every instance of disregarding the law. T And disobedience. Every instance of not hearing the law xapaKoti and hence every instance of disobeying it. The word here stands opposite to hearing it, or attending to it and the sense of the whole is, that the slightest infraction of the law was sure to be punished. It made no pro- vision for indulgence in sin ; it de- manded prompt, implicit, and entire obedience. IT Received a just recom- pense of reward. Was strictly pun- ished. Subjected to equal retribution. This was the character of the law It threatened punishment for each and every offence, and made no allowance for transgression in any form. Comp Num. xv. 30, 31. 3. How shall we escape. How shall we escape the just recompense due to transgressors? What way is there 54 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. we neglect so great salvation ; which a at the first began to be a Mar. 1. 14. of being saved from punishment, if we suffer the great salvation to be neglected, and do not embrace its of- fers ? The sense is, that there is no other way of salvation, and the neg- lect of this will be followed by cer- tain destruction. Why it will, the apostle proceeds to show, by stating that this plan of salvation was pro- claimed first by the Lord himself, and Sad been confirmed by the most de- cided and amazing miracles. IT If we neglect. It is not merely if we commit great sins. Not, if we are murderers, adulterers, thieves, infidels, atheists, scoffers. It is, if we merely neglect this salvation if we do not embrace it if we suffer it to pass unimproved. Neglect is enough to ruin a man. A man who is in busi- ness need not commit forgery or rob- bery, to ruin himself; he he has only to neglect his business, and his ruin is certain. A man who is lying on a bed of sickness, need not cut his throat to destroy himself; he has only to neglect the means of restoration, and he will be ruined. A man float- ing in a skiff above Niagara, need not move an oar or make an effort to destroy himself; he has only to neg- lect using the oar at the proper time, and he will certainly be carried over the cataract. Most of the calamities of life are caused by simple neglect, By neglect of education children grow up in ignorance ; by neglect a farm grows up to weeds and briars ; by neglect a house goes to decay ; by neglect of sowing, a man will have no harvest ; by neglect of reaping, the harvest would rot in the fields. No worldly interest can prosper where there is neglect ; and why may it not be so in religion ? There is nothing in earthly affairs that is valuable that will not be ruined if it is not attended to and why may it not be so with the concerns of the soul ? Let no one infer, therefore, that be- cause he is not a drunkard, or an spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; adulterer, or a murderer, that, there- fore, he will be saved. Such an in- ference would be as irrational as it would be for a man to infer that be- cause he is not a murderer his farm will produce a harvest, or that be- cause he is not an adulterer there- fore his merchandise will take care of itself. Salvation would be worth nothing if it cost no effort and there will be no salvation where no effort is put forth. ^ So great sal- vation. Salvation from sin and from hell. It is called great because (1.) its author is great. This is perhaps the main idea in this passage. It ' began to be spoken by the Lord ;' it had for its author the Son of God, who is so much superior to the an- gels ; whom the angels were required to worship (ch. i. 6) ; who is expressly called God (ch. i. 8) ; who made all things, and who is eternal. Ch. i. 10 12. A system of salvation promul- gated by him must be of infinite im- portance, and have a claim to the attention of man. (2.) It is great be- cause it saves from great sins. It is adapted to deliver from all sins, no matter how aggravated. No one is saved who feels that his sins are small, or that they are of no conse quonce. Each one sees his sins to be black and aggravated, and each one who enters heaven, will go there feeling and confessing that it is a great salvation which has brought such a sinner there. Besides, this salvation delivers from all sin no matter how gross and aggravated. The adulterer, the murderer, the blasphemer, may come and be saved, and the salvation which redeems such sinners from eternal ruin is great. (3.) It is great because it' saves from great dangers. The dan- ger of an eternal hell besets the path of each one. All do not see it; and all will not believe it when told of it But this danger hovers over the path of every mortal. The danger of an U. C>L] CHAPTER II. 5.5 4 Ci'od also bearing them a Ac. 14.3. witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers mi. eternal hell '. n from cvcr- lastinjf burnings ! Deliverance from mending ruin ! Surely that salvation must be great which shall save from such a doom ! If that salvation is (1, that danger still hangs over each and every man. The gospel did not create that danger it came to deliver from it. Whether the gospel be true or false, each man is by nature exposed to eternal death just as each one is exposed to temporal death whether the doctrine of the immor- tality of the soul and of the resurrec- tion be true or false. The gospel comes to provide a remedy for dan- gers and woes it does not create them ; it comes to deliver men from great dangers not to plunge them into them. Back of the gospel, and be- fore it was preached at all, men were in danger of everlasting punishment, and that system which came to pro- claim deliverance from such a danger, is great. (4.) The salvation itself is great in heaven. It exalts men to infi- nite honours, and places on their heads an eternal crown. Heaven with all its glories is offered to us ; and such a deliverance, and such an elevation to eternal honours, deserves to be called GREAT. If that is neg- lected, there is no other salvation ; and man must be inevitably de- stroyed. (5.) It is great because it was effected by infinite displays of power, and wisdom, and love. It was procured by the incarnation and humiliation of the Son of God. It was accomplished amidst great suf- ferings and self-denials. It was at- tended with great miracles. The tempest was stilled, and the deaf were made to hear, and the blind to see, ar.d the dead were raised, and the sun was darkened, and the rocks were irnt. The whole series of won- ders i-jnneoted with the incarnation inr'. j':ath of the Lord JCSIH, was *i.c'i as the world had not elsewhere se^n, und such as was fitted to hold the race in muto admiration and astonishment. If this be so, then re- ligion is no trifle. It is not a matter of little importance whether we em- brace it or not. It is the most mo- mentous of all the concerns that per- tain to man ; and lias a claim on his attention which nothing else can have. Yet the mass of men live in the neglect of it. It is not that they are professedly Atheists, or Deists, or that they are immoral or profane; it is not that they oppose it, and ridi- cule it, and despise it ; it is that they simply neglect it. They pass it by. They attend to other things. They arc busy with their pleasures, or in their counting-houses, in their work- shops, or on their farms ; they are engaged in politics, or in book- making, and they neglect religion NOW as a thing of small importance proposing to attend to it hereafter, as if they acted on the principle that everything else was to be attended to before religion. H Which at thefrst. Gr. Which received the beginning of being spoken. The meaning is correctly expressed in our transla. tion. Christ began to preach the gospel; the apostles followed him John prepared the way ; but the Sa- viour was properly the first preacher of the gospel. ^ By the Lord. By the .Lord Jesus. S^c Notes on Acts i. 24. 1T And was confirmed unto ws, &c. They -who heard him preach, that is, the apostles, were witnesses of what he said, and certified us of its truth. When the apostle here says " MS," he means the church at large. Christians were assured of the truth of what the Lord Jesus spake by the testimony of the apostles ; or the apostles communicated it to those who had not heard him in such a manner as to leave no room for doubt. 4. God also bearing them icitncfs. By miracles. Giving them the sane- tion of his authority, or showing that they were sent by him. No man can work a miracle by his own 56 HEBREWS. [A. T). 64 racles, and l gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own 1 or, distributions. power. When the dead are raised, the deaf made to hear and the blind to see by a word, it is the power of God alone that does it. He thus be- comes a witness to the divine ap- pointment of him by whose instru- mentality the miracle is wrought; or furnishes an attestation that what he says is true. See Notes on Acts xiv. 3. IT With signs and wonders. These words are usually connected in the New Testament. The word rendered signs ar^liov means any miraculous event that is fitted to show that what had been predicted by a prophet would certainly take place, See Matt. xii. 38. Comp. Note on Isa. vii. 11. A wonder ripas denotes a portent, or prodigy something 1 that is fitted to excite wonder or amazement and hence a miracle. The words together re- fer to the various miracles which were performed by the Lord Jesus and his apostles, designed to con- firm the truth of the Christian reli- gion. IT And with divers miracles. Various miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, &c. The mi- racles were not of one class merely, but were various, so that all pretence of deception should be taken away. IT And gifts of the Holy Ghost. Marg. Distributions. The various influen- ces of the Holy Spirit enabling them to speak different languages, and to perform works beyond the power of man. See Notes on I. Cor. xii. 4 11. T According to his will. As he chose. He acted as a sovereign in this. He gave them where he pleased, and imparted them in such measure as he chose. The sense of this whole passage is, * The gospel has been promulgated to man in a solemn manner. It was first published by the Lord of glory himself. It was confirmed by the most impressive and solemn miracles. It is undoubtedly 5 For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to speak. come, whereof we a revelation from heaven ; was give'a in more solemn circumstances than the law of Moses, and its threatenings are more to be dreaded than those of the law. Beware, therefore, how you trifle with it, or disregard it. It can- not be neglected with safety ; its neglect or rejection must be attended with condemnation.' 5. For unto the angels hath lie not put in subjection. In this verse the apostle returns to the subject which he had been discussing in ch. i. the superiority of the Messiah to the angels. From that subject he had been diverted (ch. ii. 1 4), by show- ing them what must be the conse- quences of defection from Christi- anity, and the danger of neglecting it. Having shown that, he now proceeds with the discussion, and shows that an honour had been conferred on the Lord Jesus which had never been be- stowed on the angels to wit, the su- premacy over- this world. This he does by proving from the Old Tes- tament that such a dominion was given to man (vs. 6 8), and that this dominion was in fact exercised by the Lord Jesus. Ver. 9. At the same time, he meets an objection which a Jew would be likely to make. It is, that Jesus appeared to be far inferior to the angels. He was a man of a humble condition. He was poor, and despised. He had none of the external honour which was shown to Moses the founder of the Jewish economy ; none of the apparent honour which belonged to angelic beings. This implied objec. tion he removes by showing the rea- son why he became so. It was proper, since he came to redeem man, that he should be a man, and not tike on himself the nature of angels ; and for the same reason it was proper that he should be subjected to sufferings, and be made a man of sorrows. Vs. A. D. 64.] CHAPTER II. 57 6 But one in a certain place testified, sayinir, a What is man, . 10 17. The remark of the apostle in the verso before us is, that God had nrvt r put the world in subjection to the angels ns he had to the Lord They had no jurisdiction over it; they were mere ministering spirits; but "the world had been put under the dominion of the Lord Je- sus. IT The world to come. The word here rendered world oiKovpivfi means properly the inhabited, or inhabitable world. See Matt. xxiv. 14. Luke ii. 1 ; iv. 5; xxi. 26. (Gr.) Acts xi. 28 ; xvii. 6. 31 ; xix. 27 ; xxiv. 5. Rom. x. 18. Ilcb. i. 6. Rev. iii. 10; xii. 9 ; xvi. 14 in all which places, but one, it is rendered world. It occurs nowhere else in the New Tes- tament. The proper meaning is the world or earth considered as inha- bitable and here the jurisdiction refers to the control over man, or the dwellers on the earth. The phrase 'the world to come,' occurs not un- frequently in the New Testament. Comp. Eph. ii. 7. I. Cor. x. 11. Heb. vi. 5. The same phrase ' the world to come,' jQH rjSi occurs often in the Jewish writings. According to Buxtorf (Lex. Ch. Talm. Rab.) it means, as some suppose, * the world which is to exist after this world is destroyed, and after the resurrection of the dead, when souls shall be again united to their bodies.' By others it is supposed to mean l the days of the Messiah, when he shall reign on the earth.' To me it seems to be clear that the phrase here means, the icorld under the Messiah the world, age, or dispensation which was to succeed the Jewish, and which was familiarly known to them as ' the world to come ;' and the idea is, that that world, or age, was placed under the jurisdiction of the Christ, and not of the angels. This point the apostle proceeds to make out. Comp. Notes on Isa. ii. 2. ^ Whereof we speak. 'Of w';,. riling;' tbat is, of that thou art mindful of him 1 or the son of man, that thou visitest him? the Christian religion, or the reign of the Messiah. 6. But one in a certain place testi- fied. The apostle was writing to those who were supposed to be fami- liar with the Hebrew Scriptures, and where it would be necessary only to make a reference in general without mentioning the name. The place which is quoted here is Ps. viii. 4 6. The argument of the apostle is this, that there stood in the sacred Scrip- tures a declaration that ' all things were placed under the control and jurisdiction of MAN,' but that that had not yet been accomplished. It was not true (ver. 8) that all things were subject to him, and the complete truth of that declaration would be found only in the jurisdiction conferred on the Messiah THE MAN by way of eminence the incarnate Son of God. It would not occur to any one pro- bably in reading the Psalm that the verse here quoted had any reference to the Messiah. It seems to relate to the dominion which God had given man over his works in this lower world, or to the fact that he was made lord over all things. That do- minion is apparent, to a considerable extent, everywhere, and is a standing proof of the truth of what is recorded in Gen. i. 26, that God originally gave dominion to man over the crea- tures on earth, since it is only by this supposition that it can be ac- counted for that the horse, and the elephant, and the ox, and even the panther and the lion, arc subject to the control of man. The argument of Paul seems to be this. ' Originally this control was given to man. It was absolute and entire. All things were subject to him, and all obeyed. Man was made a little lower than the angels, and was the undisputed lord of this lower world. He was in a state of innocence. But he rebelled, and this dominion has been in some measure lost. It is found complete 58 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64, only in the second man, the lord from heaven (I. Cor. xv. 47), the Lord Jesus to whom this control is absolutely given. He comes up to the complete idea of man man as he was in in- nocence, and man as he was described \>y the Psalmist, as having been made a little lower thui the angels, and having entire dominion over the world.' Much difficulty has been felt by commentators in regard to this passage, and to the principle on which it is quoted. The above seems to me to be that which is most pro- bably true. There are two other methods by which an attempt has been made to explain it. One is, that Paul uses the words here by way of allusion, or accommodation (Dod- dridge), as words that will express his meaning, without designing to say that the Psalm originally had any reference to the Messiah. Most of the later commentators accord with this opinion. The other opinion is, that David originally referred to the Messiah that he was deeply and gratefully affected in view of the ho- nour that God had conferred on him ; and that in looking down by faith on the posterity that God had promised him (see II. Sam. vii. 14), he saw one among his own descendants to whom God would give this wide do- minion, and expresses himself in the elevated language of praise. This opinion is defended by Prof. Stuart. See his Com. on the Hebrews, Ex- cursus IX. IT What is man, &c. What is there in man that entitles him to so much notice ? Why has God conferred on him so signal ho- nours ? Why has he placed him over the works of his hands ? He seems so insignificant ; his life is so much like a vapour ; he so soon disappears, that the question may well be asked why this extraordinary dominion is given him ? He is so sinful also, and so unworthy; so much unlike God, and so passionate and revenge- ful; is so prone to abuse his domi- nion, that it may well be asked why God has given it to him? Who would suppose that God would give such a dominion over his creature* to one who was so prone to abuse it as man has shown himself to be ? He is so feeble, also, compared with other creatures even of those which are made subject to him that the question may well be asked why God has conceded it to him ? Such ques- tions may be asked when we contem- plate man as he is. But similar ques- tions may be asked, if, as was pro- bably the case, the Psalm here be supposed to have had reference tc man as he was created. Why was one so feeble, and so comparatively without strength, placed over this lower world, and the earth made subject to his control? Why is it that when the heavens are so vast and glorious (Ps. viii. 3), God has taken such notice of man ? Of what consequence can he be amidst works* so wonderful ? ' When I look on the heavens and survey their greatness and their glory,' is the sentiment of David, * why is it that man has at- tracted so much notice, and that he has not been wholly overlooked in the vastness of the works of the Al- mighty ? Why is it that instead of this he has been exalted to so much dignity and honour ?' This question, thus considered, strikes us with more force now than it could have struck David, ^et any one sit down and contemplate the heavens as they are disclosed by the discoveries of modern astronomy, and he may well ask the question, ' What is man that he should have attracted the attention of God, and been the object of so much care ?' The same question would not have been inappropriate to David if the Psalm be supposed to have had refer- ence originally to the Messiah, and if he was speaking of himself particu- larly as the ancestor of the Messiah. ' What is man ; what am I ; what can any of my descendants be, who must be of mortal frame, that this dominion should be given him ? Why should any one of a race so feeble, so ignorant, so imperfect, be exalted to such honour?' We may ask the question here, and it may be asked I). 01.] CHAPTER II. 59 ; Thou madest him l a little lower than the angels ; thou 1 a little vhile inferior to. in heaven with pertinency and with power, ' Why was man so honoured as to be united to the Godhead ? uid the Deity appear in the human form ? What was there in man that should entitle him to this .honour of being united to the Divinity, and of being thus exalted above the " The wonder is not yet solved ; and we may well suppose that the angelic ranks look with amazement but without envy on the fact that man, by his union with the Deity in the person of the Lord Jt-sus, has been raised above them in rank and in glory. IT Or the son of man. This phrase means the same as man, and is used merely to give variety to the mode of expression. Such a change or variety in words and phrases, when the same thing is intended, occurs constantly in He- brew poetry. The name 'son of man' is often given to Christ to denote his intimate connexion with our race, and the interest which he felt in us, and is the common term which the Saviour uses when speaking of him- self. Here it means man, and may be applied to human nature every- where and therefore to human na- ture in the person of the Messiah, ff That thou visitest him. That thou shouldst regard him, or treat him with so much honour. Why is he the object of so much interest to the divirfb mind ? 7. Thou madest /a/% little lower than the angels. Marg. A little while inferior to. The Greek may here mean a little inferior in rank, or in- ferior for a little time. But the pro- bable meaning is, that it refers to inferiority of rank. Such is its ob- vious sense in Ps. viii., from which this is quoted. The meaning is, that God had made man but little inferior to the angels in rank. He was infe- rior, but still God had exalted him almost to their rank. Feeble, and crownedst him with glorj and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands : weak, and dying as he was, God had exalted him, and had given him a dominion and a rank almost like that of the angels. The wonder of the Psalmist is, that God had given to human nature so much honour a wonder that is not at all diminished when we think of the honour done to man by his connexion with the divine nature in the person of the Lord Je- sus. If in contemplating the race as it appears ; if when we look at the dominion of man over the lower world, we are amazed that God has bestowed so much honour on our na- ture, how much more should we won- der that he has honoured man by his connexion with the divinity. Paul applies this to the Lord Jesus. His object is to show that he is superioi to the angels. In doing this he shows that he had a nature given him in it- self but little inferior to the angels, and then that that had been exalted to a rank and dominion far above theirs. That such honour should be put on man is what is fitted to excite amazement, and well may one con- tinue to ask why it has been done ? When we survey the heavens, and contemplate their glories, and think of the exalted rank of other beings, we may well inquire why has such honour been conferred on man? tf Thou crownedst him with glory and honour. That is, with exalted honour. Glory and honour here are nearly synonymous. The meaning is, that elevated honour had been conferred on human nature. A most exalted and extended dominion had been given to man, which showed that God had greatly honoured him. This appeared eminently in the person of the Lord Jesus, " the exalted Man," to whom this dominion was given in the widest extent. IT And didst set him over, &c. Man has been placed over the other works of God (1) by the original appointment (Gen. i. 26) ; HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjec- tion under him, he left nothing a I Co. 15. 24. that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who* b Ph. 2. 8, 9. (2) man at large though fallen, sin- ful, feeble, dying ; (3) man, eminently in the person of the Lord Jesus, in whom human nature has received its chief exaltation. This is what is particularly in the eye of the apostle and the language of the Psalm will accurately express this exaltation. 8. Thou hast put all things in sub. jection, &c. Ps. viii. 6. That is, all things are put under the control of man, or thou hast given him domi- nion over all things, tf For in that he put all in subjection. The mean- ing of this is, that 'the fair interpre- tation of the passage in the Psalm is, that the dominion of man, or of hu- man nature over the earth, was to be absolute and total. Nothing was to be excepted. But this is not now the fact in regard to man in general, and can be true only of human nature in the person of the Lord Jesus. There the dominion is absolute and univer- sal.' The point of the argument of the apostle may be this. ' It was the original appointment (Gen. i. 26) that man should have dominion over this lower world, and be its absolute lord and sovereign. Had he continued in innocence, this dominion would have been entire and perpetual. But he fell, and we do not now see him ex- erting this dominion. What is said of the dominion of man can be true only of human nature in the person cf the Lord Jesus, and there it is completely fulfilled.' IF But now we see not yet all things put under him. That is, ' It is not now true that all things are subject to the control of man. There is indeed a general do- minion over the works of God, and over the inferior creation. But the control is not universal. A large part of the animal creation rebels, and is brought into subjection only vith difficulty. The elements are not entirely under his control; the tempest and the ocean rage ; the pestilence conveys death through city and hamlet; the dominion of man is a broken dominion. His government is an imperfect govern- ment. The world is not yet put wholly under his dominion, but enough has been done to constitute a pledge that it will yet be done. It will be fully accomplished only in him who sustains our nature, and to whom dominion is given over the worlds.' 9. But we see Jesus. ' We do not see that man elsewhere has the ex- tended dominion of which the Psalm- ist speaks. But we see the fulfilment of it in Jesus, who was crowned with glory and honour, and who has re- ceived a dominion that is superior to that of the angels.' The point of this is, not that he suffered, and not that he tasted death for every man ; bul that on account of this, or as a re- ward for thus suffering, he was crowned with glory and honour, and that he thus fulfilled all that David (Ps. viii.) had said of the dignity and honour of man. The object of the apostle is, to show that he was ex- alted, and in order to this he shows why it was to wit, because he had suffered death to redeem man. Comp. Phil. ii. 8, 9. IT Who was made a little lower thmn the angels. That is, as a man, or when on earth. Hia assumed rank was inferior to that of the angels. He took upon himself not the nature of angels (ver. 16), bul the nature of man. The apostle is probably here answering some im plied objections to the rank which it was claimed that the Lord Jesus had, or which might be urged to the views which he was defending. Those ob- jections were mainly two. First, that Jesus was a man ; and secondly A. D. 04.] CHAPTER 11. Gl was made a little lower than the angels, ! for the suffering of death, crowned with glory i or, by. a Ac. 2. 33. that he suffered and died. If that was the fact, it was natural to ask note he could be superior to the an- gels ? How could he have had the rank which was claimed for him? This he answers by showing first, that his condition as a man was vo- 1'intarilij assumed 'he was made lower than the angels ;' and secondly, by showing that as a consequence of his sufferings and death, he was im- mediately crowned with glory and honour. This state of humiliation became liim in the great work which lie had undertaken, and he was im- mediately exalted to universal domi- nion, and as Mediator was raised to ii rank far above the angels. H For \he suffering of death. Marg. By. The meaning of the preposition here rendered ' for' (<5ia, here governing the accusative) is, 'on account of;' that is, Jesus on account of the suf- ferings of death, or in virtue of that, was crowned with glory and honour His crowning was the result of his condescension and sufferings. See Notes Phil. ii. 8, 9. It does not here mean, as our translation would seem to imply, that he was made a little lower than the angels in order to suf- fer death, but that as a reward for having suffered death he was raised up to the right hand of God. 1T Crown- ed with glory and honour. That is, at the right hand of God. He was raised up to heaven. Acts ii. 33 Mark xvi. 19. The meaning is, tha he was crowned with the highest ho- nour on account of his sufferings Comp. Phil. ii. 8, 9 ; Hcb. xii. 2 ; v. 79 Ephi.20 23. IT That he. Or rather *tnce he by the grace of God tastec death for every man.' The sense is that after he had thus tasted death and as a consequence of it, he was thus exalted. The word here renderet "that" 3-wj means usually anc properly that, so tnat t in order that, tt and honour ; that he b by the grace of God should taste death or every man. b Jno. 3. 16. he end that, &c. But it may also nc Travrdf for each and all HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. - wnetner Jew or Gentile, bond or free, high or low, elect or non-elect. How could words affirm more clearly that the atonement made by the Lord Jesus was unlimited in its nature and design ? How can we express that idea in more clear or intelligible lan- guage ? That this refers to the atone- ment is evident for it says that he 'tasted death' for them. The friends of the doctrine of general atonement do not desire any other than Scripture language in which to express their belief. It expresses it exactly with- out any need of modification or ex- planation. The advocates of the doc- trine of limited atonement cannot thus use Scripture language to ex- press their belief. They cannot in- corporate it with their creeds that the Lord Jesus * tasted death FOR EVERY MAN.' They are compelled to modi- fy it, to limit it, to explain it, in or- ler to prevent error and misconcep- tion. But that system cannot be true which requires men to shape and nodify the plain language of the Bi- ble in order to keep men from error ! Oomp. Notes on II. Cor. v. 14, where this point is considered at length. Learn hence (vs. 6 9), from the in- carnation of the Son of God, and his jxaltation to heaven, what an honour has been conferred on human nature. When we look on the weakness and sinfulness of our race, we may well isk, what is man that God should rionour him or regard him ? He is ihe creature of a day. He is feeble and dying. He is lost and degraded. Compared with the universe at large, he is a speck, an atom. He has done nothing to deserve the divine favour or notice, and when we look at the race at large we can do it only with sentiments of the deepest humiliation a,nd mortification. But when we look at human nature in the person of the Lord Jesus, we see it honoured there to a degree that is commensurate with all our desires, and that fills us with wonder. We feel that it is an honour to human nature that it has done much to elevate man when we Look on such a man as Howard or Washington. But ho\v much more has that nature been honoured in the person of the Lord Jesus ! (I.) What an honour to us it was that he should take our nature into intimate union with himself passing by the angelic hosts, and becoming a man ! (2.) What an honour it was that human nature there was so pure and holy ; that man everywhere else so degra- ded and vile could be seen to be no- ble, and pure, and godlike ! (3.) What an honour it was that the divinity should speak to men in connexion with human nature, and perform such wonderful works that the pure pre- cepts of religion should come forth from human lips the great doctrines of eternal life be uttered by a man, and that from human hands should go forth power to heal the sick and to raise the dead ! (4.) What an ho- nour to man it was that the atone- ment for sin should be made in his own nature, and that the universe should be attracted to that scene where one in our form, and with flesh and blood like our own, should perform that great work. (5.) What an honour it is to man that his own nature is exalted far above all heavens ! That one in our form sits on the throne of the universe ! That adoring angels fall prostrate before him ! That to him is in- trusted all power in heaven and on earth ! (6.) What an honour to man that one in his nature should be appointed to judge the worlds ! That one in our own form, and with a na- ture like ours, shall sit on the throne of judgment and pronounce the final doom on angels and men ! That as- sembled millions shall be constrained to bow before him, and receive their eternal doom from his hands ! That prince and potentate the illustrious dead of all past times, and the mighty men who are yet to live, shall all ap- pear before him, and ail receive from him there the sentence of their final destiny ! I see, therefore, the most honour done to my nature as a man. not in the deeds of proud conquerors not in the lives of sages and philan A. D. 64.] CHAPTER II, 63 10 For it became him, for 5 a Lu. Si. 26. 46 thropists ; not in those who have car- ricd their investigations farthest into the obscurities of matter and of mind ; not in the splendid orators, poets, and historians of other times, or that now live much as I may admire them, or feel it an honour to belong to a race which has produced such illus- trious men but in the fact that the Son of God lias chosen a body like my own in which to dwell ; in the ssible loveliness evinced in his pure morals, his benevolence, his blameless life ; in the great deeds that he performed on earth ; in the fact that it was this form that was chosen in which to make atonement for sin ; in the honours that now cluster around him in heaven, and the glories that shall attend him when he shall come to judge the world. " Princes to his imperial name Bend their bright sceptres down ; Dominion?, thrones, and powers rejoice, To see him wear the cro\vn. " Arrhancels sound his lofty praise Through every heavenly street ; And lay their highest honours down, Submissive at his feet. ' Those soft, those blessed feet of his, That once rude iron tore Hiirh on a throne of light they stand, And all the saints adore. " His head, the dear, majestic head, That cruel thorns did wound See what immortal glories shine, And circle it around ! "This is the Man, th' exalted Man, Whom we, unseen, adore ; But when our eyes behold his face, Our hearts shall love him more." 10. For it became him. There was a fitness or propriety in it ; it was such an arrangement as became God to make, in redeeming many, that the great agent by whom it was accom- plished, should be made complete in all respects by sufferings. The apos- tle evidently means by this to meet an objection that might be offered by a Jew to the doctrine which he had been stating an objection drawn from the fact t.'iat Tesus was a man whom are all things, and by JRo. 11. 36. of sorrows, and that his life was a life of affliction. This he meets by stat- ing that there was a fitness and pro- priety in that fact. There was a rea- son for it a reason drawn from the plan and character of God. It was fit, in the nature of the case, that he should be qualified to be a complete or perfect Saviour a Saviour just adapted to the purpose undertaken, by sufferings. The reasons of this fitness, the apostle does not state. The amount of it probably was, that it became him as a Being of infinite benevolence ; as one who wished to provide a perfect system of redemp- tion, to subject his Son to such suffer- ings as should completely qualify him to be a Saviour for all men. This subjection to his humble condition, and to his many woes, made him such a Saviour as man needed, and qualified him fully for his work. There was a propriety that he who should redeem the suffering and the lost should partake of their nature ; identify himself with them; and share their woes, and the conse- quences of their sins. V For whom are all things. With respect to whose glory the whole universe was made ; and with respect to whom the whole arrangement for salvation has been formed. The phrase is synonymous with 'the Supreme. Ruler;' and the idea is, that it became the Sovereign of the universe to provide ^.perfect scheme of salvation even though it involved the humiliation and death of his own Son. IT And by whom are all things. By whose agency everything is made. As it was by his agency, therefore, that the plan of salvation was entered into, there was a. fitness that it should be perfect. It was not the work ot fate or chance, and there was a pro- priety that the whole plan should bear the mark of the infinite wisdom of its Autlor. IT In bringing many sons unto glory. To heaven. This was the plan it was to bring many to heaven who should be regarded C-l HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. whom are all things, in bring- ing many sons unto glory, to make the captain " of their sal- and treated as his sons. It was not a plan to save a few but to save many. Learn, hence, (1) that the plan was full of benevolence. (2.) No re- presentation of the gospel should ever be made which will leave the im- pression that a few only, or a small part of the whole race, will be saved. There is no such representation in the Bible, and it should not be made. God intends, taking the whole race together, to save a large part of the human family. Few in ages that are past, it is true, may have been saved ; few now are his friends and are tra- velling to heaven ; but there are to be brighter days on earth. The period is to arrive when the gospel shall spread over all lands, and during that long period of the millennium, innumerable millions will be brought under its saving power, and be ad- mitted to heaven. All exhibitions of the gospel are wrong which represent it as narrow in its design ; narrow in its offer; and narrow in its result. IT To make the captain of their salva- tion. The Lord Jesus, who is repre- sented as the leader or commander of the army of the redeemed "the sacramental host of God's elect." The word ' captain' we apply now to an inferior officer the commander of a ' company' of soldiers. The Greek word apxvybs is a more general term, and denotes, properly, the author or source of anything; then a leader, chief, prince. In Acts iii. 15, it is rendered prince "and killed the pritite of life." So in Acts v. 31. " Him hath God exalted to be a prince and a Saviour." In Heb. xii. 2, it is rendered author. " Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." Comp. Notes on that place. IT Per- fect through sufferings. Complete by means of sufferings; that is, to ren- der him wholly qualified for his work, so that he should be a Saviour just adapted to redeem man. This does vation * perfect through suffer- ings. a Is. 55. 4. b Lu. 13. 3^. not mean that he was sinful before and was made holy by his sufferings; nor that he was not in all respects a perfect man before; but it means, that by his sufferings he was made ic holly Jilted to be a Saviour of men; and that, therefore, the fact of his being a suffering man was no evi- dence, as a Jew might have urged, that he was not the Son of God. There was a completeness, a filling up, of all which was necessary to his character as a Saviour, by the suffer ings which he endured. We are made morally better by afflictions, if we receive them in a right manner for we are sinful, and need to be pu- rified in the furnace of affliction; Christ was not made better, for he was before perfectly holy, but he was completely endowed for the work which he came to do, by his sorrows. Nor does this mean here precisely that he was exalted to heaven as a reward for his sufferings, or that he was raised up to glory as a conse- quence of them which was true in itself but that he was rendered com- plete, or fully qualified to be a Sa- viour by his sorrows. He was ren- dered thus complete, (1) because his suffering in all the forms that flesh is liable to, made him an example to all his people who shall pass through tri- als. They have before them a perfect model to show them how to bear afflic- tions. Had this not occurred, he could not have been regarded as a complete or perfect Saviour that is, such a Sa- viour as we need. (2.) He is able to sympathize with them, and to suc- cour them in their temptations. Ver. 18. (3.) By his sufferings an atone- ment was made for sin. He would have been an imperfect Saviour if the name Saviour could have been given to him at all if he had not died to make an atonement for trans- gression. To render him complete as a Saviour, it was necessary that h A. D. G4.] CHAPTER II. 11 For both he that sanctifi- eth and they who are sanctified are all a of one : for which cause he is no ashamed to call them brethren ; a Jno. 17. 21. should suffer and die ; and when lie hung on the cross in the agonies of de;;th, he could appropriately say, 'it is finished. The work is complete. All has been done that could be re- quired to be done ; and man may now have the assurance that he has a perfect Saviour perfect not only in moral character, but perfect in his work, and in his adaptedness to the condition of men.' Comp. ch. v. 8, 9. Note on Luke xiii. 32. 11. For both he that sanctijieth. This refers, evidently, to the Lord Jesus. The object is to show that there was such a union between him and those for whom he died, as to make it necessary that he should par- take of the same nature, or that he should be a suffering man. Ver. 14. He undertook to redeem and sanctify them. He called them brethren. He identified them with himself. There was, in the great work of re- demption, a oneness between him and them, and hence it was necessary that he should assume their nature and the fact, therefore, that he ap- peared as a suffering man, does not at all militate with the doctrine that he had a more exalted nature, and was even above the angels. Prof. Stuart endeavours to prove that the word sanctify here is used in the sense of, to make expiation or atone, ment, and that the meaning is, "he who maketh expiation, and they for whom expiation is made." Bloom- field gives the same sense to the word, as also does Rosenmuller. That the word may have such a sig- nification it would be presumptuous in any one to doubt, after the view which such men have taken of it ; but it may be doubted whether this idea is necessary here. The word sanctify is a general term, meaning to make holy or pure ; to consecrate, set apart, devote to God ; to regard as holy, or to hallow. Applied to the Saviour here, it may be used in this general sense that he consecrated or devoted himself to God as emi- nently the consecrated or holy one the Messiah (comp. Note on John xvii. 19) : applied to his people, it may mean that they in like manner were the consecrated, the holy, the pure, on earth. There is a richness and fullness in the word when so un- derstood, which there is not when it is limited to the idea of expiation; and it seems tome that it is to be taken in its richest and fullest sense, and that the meaning is, ' the great con- secrated Messiah the Holy One of God and his consecrated and holy followers, are all of one.' IF All of one. Of one family; spirit; Father; nature. Either of these significations will suit the connexion, and some such idea must be understood. The meaning is, that they were united, or partook of something in common, sc as to constitute a oneness, or a bro therhood ; and that since this was? the case, there was a propriety in his taking their nature. It does not mean that they were originally of one nature or family ; but that it was understood in the writings of the pro- phets that the Messiah should partake of the nature of his people, and that, therefore, though he was more exalted than the angels, there was a propriety that he should appear in the human form. Comp. John xvii. 21. IT For which cause. That is, because he is thus united with them, or has" un- dertaken their redemption. IT He is not ashamed. As it might be sup- posed that one so exalted and pure would be. It might have been anti- cipated that the Son of God would refuse to give the name brethren to those who were so humble, and sunken and degraded as those whom he came to redeem. But he is willing to be ranked with them, and to bo regarded as one of their family 66 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64* 12 Saying I will declare thy name unto my brethren ; in the a Ps. 22. 22. IT To call them brethren. To ac- knowledge himself as of the same family, and to speak of them as his brothers. That is, he is so represented as speaking of them in the prophecies respecting the Messiah for this in- terpretation the argument of the apostle demands. It was material for him to show that he was so re- presented in the Old Testament. This he does in the following verses. 12. Saying. This passage is found in Ps. xxii. 22. The whole of that Psalm has been commonly referred to the Messiah; and in regard to such a reference there is less diffi- culty than attends most of the other portions of the Old Testament that are usually supposed to relate to him. The following verses of the Psalm are applied to him, or to transactions connected with him, in the New Testament, vs. 1. 8. 18 ; and the whole Psalm is so strikingly descrip- tive of his condition and sufferings, that there can be no reasonable doubt that it had an. original reference to him. There is much in the Psalm that cannot be well applied to David ; there is nothing which cannot be ap- plied to the Messiah ; and the proof Beems to be clear that Paul quoted this passage in accordance with the original sense of the Psalm. The point of the quotation here is not that he would * declare the name' of God but that he gave the name brethren to those whom he addressed. 1T J will declare thy name. I will make thee known. The word 'name' is used, is it often is, to denote " God himself. The meaning is, that it would be a part of the Messiah's work to make known to his disciples the character ind perfections of God or to make ;hem acquainted with God. He per- formed this. In his parting prayer John xvii. 6), he says, "I have manifested thy name unto the men whom thou gavest me out of the urorld." And again, ver. 26, " And midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it." IT Unto my brethren. The point of the quota- tion is in this. He spoke of them as brethren. Paul is showing that he was not ashamed to call them such. As he was reasoning with those who" had been Jews, and as it was necessary as a part of his argument to show that what he main- tained respecting the Messiah was found in the Old Testament, he makes his appeal to that, and shows that the Redeemer is represented as address- ing his people as brethren. It would have been easy to appeal to /acte, and to have shown that the Re- deemer used that term familiarly in addressing his disciples, (comp. Matt. xii. 48, 49 ; xxv. 40 ; xxviii. 1 ; Luke viii. 21 ; John xx. 17), but thai would not have been pertinent to his object. It is full proof to MS, how- ever, that the prediction in the Psalm was literally fulfilled. V In the midst of the church. That is, in the as- sembly of my brethren. The point of the proof urged by the apostle lies in the first part of the quota- tion. This latter part seems to have been adduced because it might as- sist their memory to have the whole verse quoted ; or because it contained an interesting truth respecting the Redeemer though not precisely a proof of what he was urging ; or because it implied substantially the same truth as the former member. It shows that he was united with his church ; that he was one of them ; and that he mingled with them as among brethren. V Will I sing praise. That the Redeemer united with his disciples in singing praise, we may suppose to have been in the highest degree probable though, I believe, but a single case is mentioned that at the close of the Supper which he instituted to commemorate his death. Matt. xxvi. 30. This, therefore, proves what the apostle in- A. D. G4.] CHAPTER II. 67 1 :i And again, * I will put my trust in him. And again, * Be- a IV. b Is. 8. 18. tended that the Messiah was among them as his brethren that he spoke to them as such and mingled in their devotions as one of their number. 13. And again. That is, it is said in another place, or language is used of tiie Messiah in another place, indi- cating the confidence which he put in God, and showing that he partook of the feelings of the children of God, and regarded himself as one of them. ^ / iciil put my trust in him. I will confide in God ; implying (1) a sense of dependence on God ; and (2) con- fidence in him. It is with reference to the former idea that the apostle seems to use it here as denoting a condition where there was .felt to be need of divine aid. His object is to show that he took part with his people, and regarded them as brethren and the purpose of this quotation seems to be to show that he was in such a situation as to make an ex- pression of dependence proper. He was one wih his people, and shared their dependence and their piety using language which showed that he was identified with them, and could mingle with the tenderest sym- pathy in all their feelings. It is not certain from what place this passage is quoted. In Psalm xviii. 3, and the corresponding passage in II. Sam. xxii. 3, the Hebrew is "13-riDnK ' I will trust in him ;' but this Psalm has never been regarded as having any reference to the Messiah, even by the Jews, and it is difficult to see how it could be considered as having any relation to him. Most critics, there- fore, as Rosenmiiller, Calvin, Koppe, Bloomficld, Stuart, &c., regard the passage as taken from Isa. viii. 17. The reasons for this are (1) that the words are the same in the Septuagint as in the tpistle to the Hebrevs ; (2) t) apostle quotes the next verse im- ediately as applicable to the Mcs- hold I and the children which* God hath given me. c Jno. 17. 612. siah ; (3) no other place occurs where the same expression is found. The Hebrew in Isa. viii. 17, is ' I will wait for him,' or I will trust in him rendered by the Septuagint ireKoiSijjs effo/jiai fV atiroi the same phrase precisely as is used by Paul and there can be no doubt that he meant to quote it here. The sense in Isaiah is, that he had closed his message to the people ; he had been directed to seal up the testimony ; he had exhorted the nation to repent, but he had done it in vain ; and he had now nothing to do but to put his trust in the Lord, and commit the whole cause to him. His only hope was in God ; and he calmly and confidently committed his cause to him. Paul evi. dcntly designs to refer this to the Mes- siah ; and the sense as applied to him is, * The Messiah in using this language expresses himself as a man. It is men who exercise dependence on God ; and by the use of this language he speaks as one who had the nature of man, and who expressed the feelings of the pious, and showed that he was one of them, and that he regarded them as brethren.' There is not much dif- ficulty in the argument of the pas- sage ; for it is seen that in such Ian- guage he must speak as a man, or as one having human nature ; but the main difficulty is on the question how this and the verse following can be applied to the Messiah ? In the pro- phecy, they seem to refer solely to Isaiah, and to be expressive of his feelings alone the feelings of a man who saw little encouragement in his work, and who having done all that he could do, at last put his sole trust in God. In regard to this difficult, and yet unsettled question, the reader may consult my Introduction to Isa iah, 7. The following remarks may serve in part to remove the difficulty (1.) The passage in Isaiah (viii. 17 18), occurs in the midst of u number 68 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 of predictions relating to the Messiah preceded and followed by passages that had an ultimate reference un- I doubtedly to him. See Isa. vii. 14 ; viii. 8; ix. 1 7, and Notes on those passages. (2.) The language, if used of Isaiah, would as accurately and fitly express the feelings and the condition of the Redeemer. There was such a remarkable similarity in the circumstances that the same language would express the condi- tion of both. Both had delivered a so- lemn message to men ; both had come to exhort them to turn to God, and to put their trust in him and both with the same result. The nation had dis- regarded them alike, and now their only hope was to confide in God, and the language here used would express the feelings of both ' I will t nist in God. I will put confidence in him, and look to him.' (3.) There can be little doubt that in the time of Paul this passage was regarded by the Jews as applicable to the Messiah. This is evident, because (a) Paul would not have so quoted it as a proof text unless it would be admitted to have such a reference by those to whom he wrote ; and (6) because in Rom. ix. 32, 33, it is evident that the passage in Isa. viii. 14, is regarded as having reference to the Messiah, and as being so admitted by the Jews. It is true that this may be considered merely as an argument ad hominem or an argument from what was admitted by those with whom he was reasoning, without vouching for the precise accuracy of the manner in which the passage was applied but that method of argument is admitted elsewhere, and why should we not expect to find the sacred writers rea- soning as other men do, and especially as was common in their own times ? The apostle is showing them that ac- cording to their own Scriptures, and m accordance with principles which they themselves admitted, it was ne- cessary that the Messiah should be a man and a sufferer ; that he should be identified with his people, and be able to use language which would ex press that condition. In doing this, it is not remarkable that he should apply to him language which they admitted to belong to him, and which would accurately describe his condi- tion. (4.) It is not neceessary to sup- pose that the passage in Isaiah had an original and primary reference to the Messiah. It is evident from the whole passage that it had not. There was a primary reference to Isaiah himself, and to his children as being emblems of certain truths. But still, there was a strong resemblance, in certain respects, between his feelings and condition and those of the Messiah. There was such a resemblance that the one would not unaptly symbolise the other. There was such a resem- blance that the mind probably of the prophet himself, and of the people would look forward to the more remote but similar event the coming and the circumstances of the Messiah. So strong was this resemblance, and so much did the expressions of the prophet here accord with his declara- tions elsewhere pertaining to the Mes. siah, that in the course of time they came to be regarded as relating to him in a very important sense, and as destined to have their complete ful- filment when he should come. Aa such they seem to have been used in the time of Paul ; and no one can PROVE that the application was impro- per. Who can demonstrate that God did not intend that those transactions referred to by Isaiah should be de- signed as symbols of what would occur in the time of the Redeemer ? They were certainly symbolical ac- tions for they are expressly so said to have been by Isaiah himself (Isa. viii. 18), and none can demonstrate that they might not have had an ulti- mate reference to the Redeemer. V And again. In another verse, or in another declation ; to wit. Isa. vii. 1 8 IT Behold land the children which Goa hath given me. This is only a part of the passage in Isaiah, and seems tc have been partially quoted because the point of the quotation consisted in the fact that he sustained to them some A. U. 61.] CHAPTER II. 69 14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh tvhat of therelat ion oi'a parent towards tiis childri'ii as luiviii^ tut- same na- turt, and Iving identiiird with them in inten st and lt--'liii:_ r . As it is used by Isamh, it means tiiat lie and liis chil- dren were ' lor signs and emblems' to j>le of his time to eommimi- catc and confirm the will of God, and to be ]/lt'de a man. An angel does not die, find therefore he did not take on him the nature of angels; and the Son of God in his divine nature could not die, and therefore lu assumed a form in which he could die that of a man. In that nature the Son of God could taste of death ; and thus he could de- stroy him that had the power of death. IT He might destroy. That he might subdue, or that he might overcome him, and destroy his domi- nion. The word destroy here is not used in the sense of closing life, or of killing, but in the sense of bringing into subjection, or crushing his power. This is the work which the Lord Je- sus came to perform to destroy the kingdom of Satan in the world, and to set up another kingdom in its place. This was understood by Satan to be his object. See Notes on Matt, viii. 29 ; Mark i. 24. IT That had the power of death. I understand this as meaning that the devil was the cause of death in this world. He was the means of its introduction, and of its long and melancholy reign. This does not affirm anything of his power of inflicting death in particular in- stances whatever may be true on that point but that death was a part of his dominion ; that he introduced it; that he seduced man from God, and led on the train of woes which result in death. He also made it ter- rible. Instead of being regarded as falling asleep, or being looked on without alarm, it becomes under him the means of terror and distress. What power Satan may have in in- flicting death in particular instances no one can tell. The Jewish Rab- bins speak much of Sammael, " the angel of death" Hlpn ^X^S who they supposed had the control of life, and was the great messenger em- ployed in closing it. The Scriptures, it is believed, are silent on that point. But that Satan was the means of in- troducing 'death into the world, and all our wo,' no one can doubt ; and over the whole subject, therefore, he may be said to have had power. To 70 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 and blood, he a also himself likewise took part of the same ; that through death b he might a Jno 1. 14. destroy him that had the power of death, that is,, the devil ; 15 And deliver them who b 1 C. 15. 54. destroy that dominion ; to rescue man ; to restore him to life ; to place him in a world where death is un- known ; to introduce a state of things where not another one would ever die, was the great purpose for which the Redeemer came. What a noble ob- ject! What enterprise in the uni- verse has been so grand and noble as this ! Surely an undertaking that contemplates the annihilation of DEATH; that designs to bring this dark dominion to an end, is full of benevolence, and commends itself to every man as worthy of his profound attention and gratitude. What woes are caused by death in this world ! They are seen everywhere. The earth is "arched with graves." In almost every dwelling death has been doing his work of misery. The pa- lace cannot exclude him ; and he comes unbidden into the cottage. He finds his way to the dwelling of ice in which the Esquimaux and the Greenlander Jive ; to the tent of the Bedouin Arab, and the wandering Tartar ; to the wigwam of the Indian, and to the harem of the Turk; to the splendid mansion of the rich, as well as to the abode of the poor. That reign of death has now extended near six thousand years, and will travel on to fiiture times meeting each generation, and consigning the young, the vigorous, the lovely, and tho pure, to dust. Shall that gloomy reign continue for ever ? Is there no way to arrest it? Is there no place where death can be excluded ? Yes : heaven and the object of the Redeemer is to bring us there. 15. And deliver them. Not all of them in fact, though the way is open for all. This deliverance relates (1.) to the dread of death. He came to free them from that. (2.)^ From death itself that is, ultimately to bring them to a world where death shall be unknown. The dread of death may be removed by $he work of Christ, and tVey who had been subject to consta.. . alarms on account of it may be brought to look on it with calm- ness and peace ; and ultimately they will be brought to a world where it will be wholly unknown. The dread of death is taken away, or they are delivered from that, because (a) the cause of that dread to wit, sin, is removed. Notes I. Cor. xv. 54, 55. (6) Because they are enabled to look to the world beyond with triumphant joy. Death conducts them to hea- ven. A Christian has nothing to fear in death ; nothing beyond the grave. In no part of the universe has he any thing to dread, for God is his friend, and he will be his Protector every- where. On the dying bed; in the grave ; on the way up to the judg- ment; at the solemn tribunal; and in the eternal world, he is under the eye and the protection of hi? Saviour and of what should he be afraid ? IT Who through fear of death. From the dread of dying that is, whenever they think of it, and they think of it so often as to make them slaves of that fear. This obviously means the natural dread of dying, and not par- ticularly the fear of punishment be- yond. It is that indeed which often gives its principal terror to the dread of death, but still the apostle refers here evidently to natural death as an object which men fear. All men have, by nature, this dread of dying and perhaps some of the inferior cre- ation have it also. It is certain that it exists in the heart of every man, and that God has implanted it there for some wise purpose. There is the dread (1.) of the dying pang, or pain. (2.) Of the darkness and gloom of mind that attends it. (3.) Of the un known world beyond the " evil that we kndw not of," (4.) Of the chilli . D. G-h] CHAPTER II. 71 through a fear of death were all a Lu. 1. 74. their life-time subject to bond* age. ness, and Ion : darkness of the grave. (5.) Of the solemn trial at the bar of God. (6.) Of the con- demnation which awaits the guilty the apprehension of future wo. There is no other evil that we fear so much as we do PKATH and there is nothing more clear than that God intended that we should have a dread of dying. The REASONS why he designed this are equally clear. (1.) One may have been to lead men to prepare for it which otherwise they would neglect. (2.) Another, to deter them from com. milling self -murder where nothing uld deter them. Facts have shown that it was necessary that there should be some strong principle in the human bosom to prevent this crime and even the dread of death does not always do it. So sick do men become of the life that God gave them ; so weary of the world ; so overwhelmed with calamity ; so op- pressed with disappointment and cares, that they lay violent hands on themselves, and rush unbidden into the awful presence of their Creator. This would occur more frequently by far than it now does, if it were not for the salutary fear of death which God has implanted in every bosom. The feelings of the human heart on this subject were never more accu- rately or graphically drawn than in the celebrated Soliloquy of Hamlet to die ; to sleep No more ; and by a sleep, to say we end The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die to sleep- To sleep! perchance to dream; ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When \vf: have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must givi: us pause : there's the respect That makes calamity of so long a life : For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pa ii. i lov.;, the la- The iiiiuK-nrt: <. himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin ? Who would fardels bt;ar, To grunt and sweat under a weary life; But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered cour, try from wnose bourne Xo traveller returns, puzzles the will ; And makes us rather bear those ills we have, Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of in all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought ; And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. God designed that man should be de terred from rushing uncalled into his awful presence, by this salutary dread of death and his implanting this feeling in the human heart is one of the most striking and conclusive proofs of a moral government ovei the world. This instinctive dread ol death can be overcome only by reli gion and then man does not NEED it to reconcile him to life. He becomes submissive to trials. He is willing to bear all that is laid on him. He resigns himself to the dispensations of Providence, and feels that life, even in affliction, is the gift of God, and is a valuable endowment. He now dreads self-murder as a crime of deep dye, and religion restrains him and keeps him by a more mild and salu- tary restraint than the dread of death. The man who has true religion is willing to live or to die ; he feels that life is the gift of God, and that he will take it a\vay in the best time and manner ; and feeling this, he is wil- ling to leave all in his hands. We may remark (I) how much do we owe to religion ! It is the only thino that will effectually take away the. dread of death, and yet secure this point to make man willing to live in all the circumstances where God may place him. It is possible that philosophy or stoicism may remove to a great extent the dread of death HEBREWS. [A. D. 16 For verily 1 he took not on him the nature of angels ; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. I he taketh not hold of angels, but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold. 17 Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful a and faithful high a Ge. 19. 15, 16. but then it will be likely to make a man willing to take his life if he is placed in trying circumstances. Such an effect it had on Cato in Utica ; and such an effect it had on Hume, who maintained that suicide was lawful, and that to turn a current of blood from its accustomed channel was of no more consequence than to change the course of any other fluid ! (2.) In what a sad condition is the sinner ! Thousands there are who raevcr think of death with composure, and who all their life long are subject to bondage through the fear of it. They never think of it if they can avoid it ; and when it is forced upon them, it fills them with alarm. They attempt to drive the thought away. They travel ; they plunge into busi- ness ; they occupy the mind with tri- fles ; they drown their fears in the intoxicating bowl : but all this tends only to make death more terrific and awful when the reality comes. If man were wise, he would seek an in- terest in that religion which, if it did nothing else, would deliver him from the dread of death ; and the influence of the gospel in this respect, if it ex- erted no other, is worth to a man all the sacrifices and self-denials which it would ever require. IT All their life-time subject to bondage. Slaves of fear; in a depressed and miserable cor dition, like slaves under a master They have no freedom ; no comfort no peace. From this miserable state Christ comes to deliver man. Re- ligion enables him to look calmly on death and the judgment, and to feel that all will be well, 16. For verily. Truly. IT He took not on him the nature of angels Marg. He taketh not hold of angels but of the seed of Abraham he taketh kold. The word here used fjrtA Idvtrau means, to take hold upon; to seize ; to surprise ; to take hold with a view to detain for one's self Robinson. Then it means to take hold of one as by the hand with a view to aid, conduct, or succour. Mark viii. 23 ; Acts xxiii. 19. It is rendered took, Mark viii. 23; Luke ix. 47 ; xiv. 4 ; Acts ix. 27 ; xvii. 19 ; xviii. 17; xxi. 30. 33; xxiii. 39 ; Heb. viii. 9 ; caught, Matt. xiv. 31 ; Acts xvi. 19 ; take hold, Luke xx. 20. 26 ; lay hold, and laid hold, Luke xxiii. 26 ; I. Tim. vi. 12. The general idea is that of seizing upon, or laying hold of any one no matter what the ob- ject is whether to aid, or to drag to punishment, or simply to conduct. Here it means to lay hold with refe- rence to aid, or help ; and the mean- ing is, that he did not seize the na- ture of angels, or take it to himself with reference to rendering them aid, but he assumed the nature of man in order to aid him. He undertook the work of human redemption, and consequently it was necessary for him to be a man. V But he took on him the seed of Abraham. He came to help the descendants of Abraham, and consequently as they were men, he became a man. Writing to Jews, it was not unnatural for the apostle to refer particularly to them as the descendants of Abraham, though this does not exclude the idea that he died for the whole human race. It was true that he came to render aid to the descendants of Abraham, but it was also true that he died for all. The fact that I love one of my children, and that I make provision for his education, and tell him so, does not exclude the idea that I love the others also and that I may make to them a similar appeal when it shall be proper. 17. Wherefore in all things. In re- spect to his body ; his soul ; his rani A.. D. G-l.J I'llAi'TER II. piiest in tilings pertaining to iiid character. There was a pro- priety that he should be like them, and should partake of their ru^urc. The meaning is, that there was a fit- it nothing should be wanting in him iu reference to tlie innocent propensities and sympathies of hu- man nature. *i It behoved him. It him ; or there was a fitness and propriety in it. The reason why it was proper, the apostle proceeds to state. TJ Like unto his brethren. Like unto those who sustained to him the relation of brethren ; particularly as he undertook to redeem the descend- ants of Abraham, and as he was a descendant of Abraham himself, there was a propriety that he should be like them. He calls them brethren ; and it was proper that he should show that he regarded them as such by assuming their nature. V That he might be a merciful and faithful hi ;i, an alien in a land unknown, I learii to pity woes so like my own. Dryden. is thus able to alleviate the suf- llrer. In all our temptations and trials let us remember (1) that he Buflered more infinitely more than we can do, and that in all our sor- rows we shall never reach what he endured. We enter no region of trial where he has not gone beyond us ; \ve tread no dark and gloomy way where he has not gone before us (2.) Let us remember that he is to us a brother, for he " is not ashamed to call us brethren." He had a nature like ours ; he condescended to appeaj as one of our race, with all the inno- cent propensities and passions of a man. What matchless condescen sion ! And what an honour for us to be permitted to address him as ar 1 elder brother,' and to know that he feels a deep sympathy in our woes (3.) Let us then, in all times of afflic tion, look to him. Go not, suffering Christian, to philosophy ; attempt no to deaden your feelings by the art oi the Stoic ; but go at once to the Sa viour the great, sympathizing Higl Priest, who is able to succour you and rest your burdens on him. ' His heart is made of tenderness, Hi- soul is filled with love. ' Tnuch'd with a sympathy withim, He knows our feeble frame ; He knows what sore temptations mean For he has foil the same. Then let our humble faith address His merry and liis power; \Vi_- shall obtain delivering grace, In every trying hour." CHAPTER III. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. The Jews valued their religion on any accounts. One was that it had een given by the instrumentality f distinguished prophets sent from od, and by the medium of angels. "he apostle, in the previous chapters, ad shown that in these respects the Christian religion had the advantage iver theirs, for it had been communi- ated by one who was superior to ,ny of the prophets, and who had a ank above the angels. Next to this, hey valued their religion because it lad been imparted by a law-giver so minent as Moses a man more dis- inguished than any other one on ;arth as a legislator. To him they ooked with pride as the founder of heir economy, and the medium hrough whom God had given them their peculiar laws. Next to hkn, their High Priest was the most im- Dortant functionary in the nation tie was at the head of their religion, and served to distinguish it from all others, for they had no conception of any form of true religion unless the office of high priest was recog- nised. The apostle, therefore, pro- ceeds to show that in these respects the Christian religion had lost no- thing, but had the advantage alto- gether that it was founded by one superior to Moses, and that Christ as high priest was superior by far to the high priest of the Jews. This chapter, and to ver. 13 of ch. iv., relates to the first of these points, and is occupied with showing the superiority of the Redeemer to Moses, and the consequences which result from the admission of tt it fact. It consists, therefore, of two parts. I. The first is employed in showing that if the Author of the Christian religion is compared with Moses, he has the preference. Vs. 1 6. Moses was indeed faithful, but it was as a servant. Christ was faithful as^a son. He had a rank as much above that of Moses ;i;; one who builds a house has over the house itself HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 CHAPTER III. \TTHEREFORE, holy breth- W ren ) partakers of the leavenly calling, consider the apostle and High Priest of our arofession, Christ Jesus ; a c. 4. 14. IL The consequences that resulted from that. Ch. iii. vs. 7 19, and ch. iv. 143. The general doctrine here is, that there would be special danger in apostatising from the Chris- tian religion danger far superior to that which was threatened to the Is- raelites if they were disobedient to Moses. In illustrating this, the apos- tle is naturally led to a statement of the warnings against defection under Moses, and of the consequences of unbelief and rebellion there. He en- treats them, therefore, (1.) not to harden their hearts against God, as the Israelites did, who were excluded from Canaan. Vs. 711. (2.) To be on their guard against unbelief. Ver. 12. (3.) To exhort one another constantly, and to stimulate one another, that they might not fall away. Ver. 13. (4.) To hold tho beginning of their confidence stead- fast unto the end, and not to provoke God as they did who came out of Egypt. Vs. 1419. In the follow- ing chapter (vs. 1 13) he completes the exhortation, by showing them that many who came out of Egypt were excluded from the promised land, and that there was equal danger now ; and then proceeds with the comparison of Christ with the Jewish high priest, and extends that compa- rison through C.e remainder of the doctrinal part of the epistle. 1. Wherefore. That is, since Christ sustains such a character as has been stated in the previous chapter ; since he is so able to succour those who need assistance ; since he assumed our nature that he might be a mer- ciful and faithful high priest, his character ought to be attentively con- sidered, and we ought to endeavour fully to understand it. IT Holy breth- ren. The name brethren is often given to Christians to denote that they are of one family. It is possible, also, that the apostle may have used ihe word here in a double sense de noting that they were his brethren as Christia.ns, and as Jews. The word holy is applied to them to de- note that they were set apart to God, or that they were sanctified. The Jews were often called a "holy peo- ple," as being consecrated to God and Christians are holy, not only as consecrated to God, but as sanctified. Partakers of the heavenly calling. On the meaning of the word calling, see Notes on Eph. iv. 1. The 'hea- venly calling' denotes the calling which was given to them from hea- ven, or which was of a heavenly na- ture. It pertained to heaven, not to earth ; it came from heaven, not from earth ; it was a calling to the reward and happiness of heaven, and not to the pleasures and honours of the world. IT Consider. Attentively pon- der all that is said of the Messiah. Think of his rank ; his dignity ; his holiness ; his sufferings ; his death ; his resurrection, ascension, interces- sion. Think of him that you may see the claims to a holy life ; that you may learn to bear trials ; that you may be kept from apostasy. The character and work of the Son of God are worthy of the profound and prayerful consideration of every man ; and especially every Christian should reflect much on him. Of the friend that we love we think much ; but what friend have we like the Lord Jesus? IT The apostle. The word apostle is nowhere else applied to the Lord Jesus. The word means one who is sent and in this sense it might be applied to the Redeemer as one sent by God, or as by v/ay of eminence THE one sent by him. But the connexion seems to demand that there should be some allusion here to one who sustained a similar rank a.mong the Jews; and it is proba A. D. 64.] CHAPTER III. 77 2 Who was faithful to him that 1 appointed him, as also Mo- ble that the allusion is to Moses, as having been the great apostle of God to the Jewish people, and that Paul here means to say, that the Lord Je- sus, under the new dispensation, filled the place of Moses and of the high priest under the old, and that the of- fice of " apostle" and " high priest," instead of being now separated, as it was between Moses and Aaron under the old dispensation, was now blended in the Messiah. The name apostle is riot indeed given to Moses directly in the Old Testa- ment, but the verb from which the Hebrew word for apostle is derived is frequently given him. Thus in Ex. iii. 10, it is said, "Come now, therefore, and / will send thee unto Pharaoh." And in ver. 13, "The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you." So also in vs. 14, 15, of the same chapter. From the word there used phv to send, the word de- noting apostle irSty is derived; and it is not improbable that Moses would be regarded as being by way of eminence THE one sent by God. Further, the Jews applied the word IT 7$ apostle, to the minister of the synagogue ; to him who presided over its affairs, and who had the general charge of the services there ; and in this sense it might be applied by way of eminence to Moses as being the general director and controller of the religious affairs of the nation, and as sent for that purpose. The object of Paul is to show that the Lord Jesus in the Christian system as the great apostle sent from God sustain d a rank and office similar to this, but superior in dignity and authority. 1 And High Priest. One great object of this epistle is to compare the Lord Jesus with the high priest of the Jews, and to show that he was in all respects superior. This was important, be- cause the office of high pn 7* scs fl was faithful in all his house. a Nu. 12. 7. that which eminently distinguished the Jewish religion, and because the Christian religion proposed to abolish that. It became necessary, therefore to show that all that was dignified and valuable in that office was to be found in the Christian system. Tina was done by showing that in the Lord Jesus was found all the characteris- tics of a high priest, and that all the functions which had been performed in the Jewish ritual were performed by him, and that all which had been prefigured by the Jewish high priest was fulfilled in him. The apostle here merely alludes to him, or names him as the high priest, and then post- pones the consideration of his char- acter in that respect till after he had compared him with Moses. IT Of our profession. Of our religion ; of that religion which we profess. The apostle and high priest whom we con- fessed as ours when we embraced the Christian religion. 2. Who was faithful See Note, ch. ii. 17. He performed with fidelity all the functions entrusted^ to him. IT To him that appointed him. Marg. Made. The word made, however, is used in the sense of constituted, or appointed. The meaning is, that he was faithful to God. Perhaps Paul urges on them the necessity of con sidering his.jidelity in order to keep them from the danger of apostasy A leading object of this epistle was to preserve those whom he addressed from apostatizing from God amidst the temptations and trials to which they were exposed. In doing this, what could be a more powerful argu- ment than to direct their attention to the unwavering constancy and fidel- ity of the Lord Jesus ? The import- ance of such a virtue in the Saviour As manifest. It is seen everywhere ; and all the great interests of the world depend on it. A husband should maintain inviolate fidelity to ward? a Nvife. and a wife towards hu 78 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 3 For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Mo- ses, inasmuch as he who hath builded" the house hath more honour than the house. a Zee. 6. 12, 13. husband ; a child should be faijhful to a parent, a clerk and apprentice to his employer, a lawyer to his client, a physician to his patient, an ambas- sador to the government that com- missions him. No matter what may be the temptations in the way, in all these, and in all other relations, there should be inviolate fidelity. The wel- fare of the world depended on the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus. Had he failed in that, all would have been lost. His fidelity was worthy of the more attentive consideration from the numerous temptations which beset his path, and the attempts which were made to turn him aside from his devotedness to God. Amidst all the temptations of the adversary, and all the trials through which he passed, he never for a moment swerved from fidelity to the great trust which had been committed to his hands. What better example to preserve them from the temptations to apostasy could the apostle propose to the Christians whom he addressed ? What, in these temptations and trials, could be more appropriate than for them to "con- sider" the example of the great apos- tle and high priest of their profes- sion ? What more proper for us now in the trials and temptations of our lives, than to keep that great and glo- rious example continually before our eyes ? ^ As also Moses was faithful. Fidelity to God was remarkable in Moses. In all the provocations and rebellions of the Jews, he was firm and unwavering. This is affirmed of him in Num. xii. 7, to which place the apostle here alludes, "My ser- vant, Moses, is not so, who is faith- ful in all his house." The word house, as applied to Moses, is used probably in the sense of family, as" it often is, and refers to the family over which he presided that is, the Jewish nation. The whole Jewish people wero i household, or the family of God, and Moses was appointed to preside over it, and was faithful in the functions of his office there. 3. For this man. The Lord Jesus. The word 'maw' is understood, but there can be no doubt that he is re- ferred to. IT Was counted more wor- thy. Was more worthy ; or is more worthy. The word here used does not refer to anything that had been said of him, or to any estimate which had been made of him. It means simply that he was worthy of more honour than Moses. How he was so, Paul proceeds to show. IT Of more glory 5o!-r t $. Honour, dignity, regard. He really had a higher rank, and was worthy of more respect. This was saying much for the Messiah, and that it was proper to say this, Paul proceeds to show. He did not attempt in any way to undervalue Moses and his institutions. He gave him all the honour which the Jews were themselves disposed to render him. He admitted that he had been eminently faithful in the station where God had placed him ; and he then proceeds to show that the Lord Jesus was entitled to honour superior to that, and that hence the Christian religion had more to attach its friends to it than the Jewish had. IT Inas- much as he who hath builded the house. The idea here is, either that he who is the maker of a house the archi- tect is worthy of more respect than the house itself; or that he who is the founder of a family is worthy of more honour than the family of which he is the founder. It seems to me that the former is the meaning for the latter ia not always true. The founder of a family may be really deserving of much less respect than some of his descendants. But it is always true that the architect is wor- thy of more respect than the house which he makes. He exhibits intel- lect and skill. The house, however A. I). 64.] CHAPTER III. 79 4 For t>\ cry house is buildrd by some man / but he that built ail thiiiufs is God. splendid, has neither. The plan of the IK- . a\vn by him ; its leauty, its proportions, its ornaments, are what lie made them, and but for him they would not have existed, rthy of more honour than %t St. Peter's" at Koine ; and Sir Christopher Wren worthy of ;'aul's" at London. Galileo is worthy of more praise than the telescope, and Fulton more than i-engine. All the evidence of skill and adaptedness that there is in the invention had its origin in the inventor; all the beauty of the statue or the temple had its origin in the mind of him that designed it. An author is worthy of more honour than a book ; and he that forms a work of art is worthy of more respect than the work itself. This is the idea here. Paul assumes that all tilings owed their origin to the Son of God. Ch. H). He was the author of the universe ; the source of all wise and well-founded systems ; the originator of the Jewish dispensation over which ^resided. Whatever beauty or excellence there might have been, therefore, in that system, was to be traced to him ; and whatever ability -vui Moses displayed was imparted by him. Christ is really the head of the family over which Moses presid- ed, and nas claims, therefore, to high- er honour as such. 4. For every house is builded by some man. The words in this verse are plain, and the sentiment in it clear. The only difficulty is in see- ing the connexion, and in understand- ing how it is intended to bear on what precedes, or on what follows. It is clear that every house must have a builder, and equally clear that God is the Creator of all things. But what is the meaning of this passage in this connexion ? What is its bearing on the argument? If tin- ntircly omitted, and the fifth verso read in connexion with the third, there would be apparently nothing wanting to complete the sense of the writer, or to finish the comparison which he had commenced* Various ways have been adopted to explain the difficulty. Per- haps ihe following observations may remove it, and express the true sense. (1.) Every family must have a founder , every dispensation an author ; every house a builder. There must be sorfie one, therefore, over all dispensations Ihe old and the new the Jewish and the Christian. (2.) Paul assumes that the Lord Jesus was divine. He had demonstrated this in chap. i. ; and he argues as if this were so, without now stopping to prove it, or even to affirm it expressly. (3.) God must be over all things. He is Creator of all, and he must, therefore, be over all. As the Lord Jesus, therefore, is divine, he must be over the Jewish dispensation as well as the Christian or he must, as God, have been at the head of that or over his own family or household. (4.) As such, he must have a glory and honour which could not belong to Moses. He, in his di- vine character, was the Author of both the Jewish and the Christian dispensations, and he must, therefore, have a rank far superior to that of Moses which was the point which the apostle designed to illustrate. The meaning of the whole may be thus expressed. ' The Lord Jesus is worthy of more honour than Moses. He is so, as the maker of a house de- serves more honour than the house. He is divine. In the beginning he laid the foundation of the earth, and was the agent in the creation of all things. Ch. i, 2. 10. He presides, therefore, over everything ; and was over the Jewish and the Christian dispensations for there must have been some one over them, or the author of them, as really as it must be true that every house is built by some person. Being, therefore, over all things, and at the head of all dis- pensations, he >II:ST be more exalted than Moses.' This seems to me to 80 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, b for a testimony of c those things which were to be spoken after ; a Nu. 12. 7. b Jos. 1. 2. c De. 18. 1519. 6 But Christ as a Son d ovei his own house ; whose house are we, iff we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end, d Ps. 2. 7, 12. e 1 Pe. 2. 5. / Mat. 10. 22. c. 10. 38, 39. be the argument an argument which is based on the supposition that he is at the head of all things, and that he was the agent in the creation of all worlds. This view will make all consistent. The Lord Jesus will be seen to have a claim to a far higher honour than Moses, and Moses will be seen to have derived his honour, as a servant of the Mediator, in the economy which he had appointed. 5. Moses was faithful as a servant. Not as the head of the dispensation ; not as having originated it ; but as in the employ and under the direction of its great Founder and Author the Messiah. As such a servant he deserves all the honour for fidelity which has ever been claimed for him, but it cannot be the honour which is due to him who is at the head of the family or house. Paul assumed that Moses was a servant, and argued on that supposition, without attempting to prove it, because it was so often affirmed in the Old Testament, and must have been conceded by all the Jews. In numerous instances he is spoken of as ' THE servant of the Lord.' See Josh. i. 1, 2 ; ix. 24 ; I. Chron. vi. 49 ; II. Chron. xxiv. 9 ; Neh. x. 29 ; Dan. ix. 11 ; Ex. xiv. 31 ; I. Kings viii. 56 ; Ps. cv. 26. As this point was undisputed, it was only necessary to show that the Messiah was superior to a servant, in order to make the argument clear. IT For a testimony. To bear witness to those truths which were to be revealed; that is, he was the instrument of the divine communications to the people, or the medium by which God made his will known. He did not originate the truths himself; but he was the mere medium by which God made known his truth to his people a ser- vant whom He employed to make his will known. The word ' after'' here is not necessary in order to a just translation of this passage, and obscures the sense. It does not mean that he was a witness of those truths which were to be spoken subsequently to his time under another dispensa- tion, nor those truths which the apos- tle proposed to consider in another part of the epistle, as Doddridge sup- poses ; but it means merely that Mo ses stood forth as a public witness of the truths which God designed to re- veal, or which were to be spoken. God did not speak to his people directly, and face to face, but he spoke through Moses as an organ, or me dium. The sense is, Moses was t mere servant of God to communicate his will to man. 6. But Christ as a Son over 7m own house. He is not a servant. To the whole household or family of God he sustains the same relation which a son and heir in a family does to the household. That relation is far differ ent from that of a servant. Moses was the latter ; Christ was the for mer. To God he sustained the rela- tion of a Son, and recognised Him as his Father, and sought in all things to do his will ; but over the whole family of God the entire Churcii of all dispensations lie was like a son over the affairs of a family Com- pared with the condition of a servant, Christ is as much superior to Moses as a son and heir is to the condition of a servant. A servant owns no- thing ; is heir to nothing ; has no authority, and no right to control anything, and is himself wholly at the will of another. A son is the heir of all ; has a prospective right to all and is looked up *o by all with re A. D. 64.] CHAPTER III. 81 7 Wherefore, (as the Holy a Ps. 95. 7. Ghost saith, To-day," if ye will hear his voice, sped. But tlu- idea here is not merely that Christ is a son ; it is that as a son he is plaeed over the whole ar- rangements of the household, and is A horn all is entrusted as if it were his own. *" Whose house we are. Of \vhose family we arc a part, 'or to which we belong. That is, we belong to the family over which Christ is placed, and not to that which was subject to Moses. IT If ice hold fast. A leading object of this epistle is to guard those to whom it was addressed against the danger of apostasy. Hence this is introduced on all suitable occasions, and the apostle here says, that the only evi- dence which they could have that they belonged to the family of Christ, would be that they held fast the con- fidence which they had unto the end. If they did not do that, it would de- monstrate that they never belonged to his family, for evidence of having belonged to his household was to be furnished only by perseverance to the end. If The confidence. The word here used originally means the liberty of speaking boldly and without re- straint ; then it means boldness or confidence in general. V And the rejoicing. The word here used means properly glorying, boasting, and then rejoicing. These words are used here in an adverbial signification, and the meaning is, that the Christian has a confident and a rejoicing hope. It is (1) confident bold firm. It is not like the timid hope of the Pagan, and the dreams and conjectures of the philosopher ; it is not that which gives way at every breath of opposi- tion ; it is bold, firm, and manly. It is (2) rejoicing triumphant, exult- ing. Why should not the hope of heaven fill with joy ? Why should not he exult who has the prospect of everlasting happiness? IT Unto the end. To the end of life. Our reli- gion, our hope, our confidence in God must be persevered in to the end of life :J * we would have evidence that we are his children. If hope is cherished for a while and then aban- doned ; if men profess religion and then fall away, no matter what were their raptures and triumphs, it proves that they never had any real piety. No evidence can be strong enough to prove that a man is a Christian, unless it leads him to persevere to the end of life. 7. Wherefore. In view of the fact that the Author of the Christian dis- pensation has a rank far superior to that of Moses. Because Christ has claims on us far greater than tho^e which Moses had, let us hearken t need all the influence of such appeals, to keep us from apostasy as much as they did. IT To-day. Now; at present. At the very time when the command is addressed to you. It is not to DC put off till to-morrow. All God's commands relate to the present to this day to the passing moment. He gives us no commands about the future. He does not re- quire us to repent and to turn to him to-morrow, or ten years hence. The reasons are obvious. (1.) Duty per HEBREWS. [A. D. 6* 8 Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day tains to the present. It is our duty to turn from sin, and to love him NOW. (2.) We know not that we shall live to another day. A command, there- fore, could not extend to that time unless it were accompanied with a revelation that we should live till then and such a revelation God does not choose to give. Every one, there- fore, should feel that whatever com- mands God addresses to him are ad- dressed to him now. Whatever guilt he incurs by neglecting those com- mands is incurred now. For the pre- sent neglect and disobedience each one is to answer and each one must give account to God for what he does TO-DAY. IT If ye will hear. In case you are willing to hearken to God, listen now, and do not defer it to a future period. There is much in a willingness to hear the voice of God. A willingness to learn is usually the precursor of great attainments in knowledge. A willingness to reform, is usually the precursor of reforma- tion. Get a man willing to break off his habits of profaneness or intempe- rance, and usually all the rest is easy. The great difficulty in the mind of a sinner is in his will. He is unwilling to hear the voice of God ; unwilling that he should reign over him ; un- willing now to attend to religion. While this unwillingness lasts he will make no efforts, and he sees, or cre- ates .a thousand difficulties in the way of his becoming a Christian. But when that unwillingness is overcome, and he is disposed to engage in the work of religion, difficulties vanish, and the work of salvation becomes easy. IT His voice. The voice of God speaking to us (1) in his written word ; (2) in the preached gospel ; (3) in our own consciences; (4) in the events of his Providence ; (5) in the admonitions of our relatives and friends. Whatever conveys to us the truth of God, or is adapted to impress that on us, may be regarded as his voice speaking to us. He thus speaks of temptation in the wilder ness; to us every day in some of these ways ; and every day, therefore, he may entreat us not to harden oui hearts. 8. Harden not your hearts. Do nov render the heart insensible to the di vine voice and admonition. A hard heart is that where the conscience is* seared and insensible; where truth makes no impression ; where no reli- gious effect is produced by afflictions ; where preaching is listened to without interest ; and where the mind is un- affected by the appeals of friends. The idea here is, that a refusal to listen to the voice of God is connected with a hardening of the heart. It is in two ways. (1.) The very refusal to do this tends to harden it. And (2.) in order to resist the appeals of God, men must resort to the means of voluntarily hardening the heart. This they do by setting themselves against the truth; by the excuse; which they offer for not becoming Christians ; by plunging into sin in order to avoid serious impressions; and by direct resistance of the Holy Ghost. No inconsiderable part of the efforts of sinners consists in endea- vouring to produce insensibility in their minds to the truth and the ap- peals of God. IT As in the provoca- tion. Literally, in the embittering ev TW TrapairiKpaffiJiQ. Then it means that which embitters or provokes the mind as disobedience. Here it re- fers to what they did to embitter the mind of God against them ; that is, ' to the course of conduct which was adopted to provoke him to wrath. IT In the day of temptation. In the time of temptation the word day being used here, as it is often, to de- note an indefinite period, or time in general. The word temptation here refers to the various provocations by which they tried the patience of God. They rebelled against him ; they did that which put the divine patience and forbearance to a trial. It does not mean that they t -*ed f-- J ' to another until the heart becomes entirely hardened. Sin puts on plausible appearances and pre- : it assumes the name of vir- tue ; it offers excuses and palliations, until the victim is snared, and then spell-bound lie is hurried on to every If sin was always seen in its true aspect when man is tempted to commit it, it would be so hateful that he would flee from it with the abhorrence. What young man would become a drunkard if he saw when he began exactly the career which he would run ? What young man, now vigorous and healthful, and with fair prospects of usefulness and happiness, would ever touch the in- toxicating bowl, if he saw what he would be when he became a sot ? What man would ever enter the room of the gambler if he saw just where indulgence would soon lead him, and if at the commencement he saw ex- .ictly the wo and despair which would inevitably ensue? Who would be- come a voluptuary and a sensualist, if he saw exactly the close of such a career ? Sin deceives, deludes, blinds. Men do not, or will not, see the fear- ful results of indulgence. They are deluded by the hope of happiness or of gain ; they are drawn along by the fascinations and allurements of plea- sure until the heart becomes hard and the conscience seared and then they give way without remorse. beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end; From such a course, the apostle would have Christians guarded by kind and affectionate exhortation. Each one should feel that he has an interest in keeping his brother from such a doom , and each Christian thus in danger should be willing to listen to the kind exhortation of a Christian brother. 14. For we are made partakers of Christ. We are spiritually united to the Saviour. We become one with him. We partake of his spirit and his allotments. The sacred writers are accustomed to describe the Chris- tian as being closely united to the Sa- viour, and as being one with him. See Notes on John xv. 1 7 ; xvii. 21. 23 ; Eph. v. 30 ; I. Cor. xii. 27. The idea is, that we participate in all that pertains to him. It is a union of feeling and affection ; a union of prin- ciple arid of congeniality ; a union of dependence as well as love ; a union where nothing is to be impart- ed by us, but everything gained ; arid a union, therefore, on the part of the Redeemer of great condescension. It is the union of the branch to the vine, where the branch is supported and nourished by the vine, and not the union of the ivy and the oak, where the ivy has its own roots, and merely clings around the oak and climbs up upon it. What else can be said so honourable of man as that he is 'a partaker of Christ ;' that he shares his feelings here, and that he is to share his honours in a brighter world ? Compared with this, what is it to participate with the rich and the gay in their pleasures ; what would it be to share in the honours of conquer- ors and kings l^Ifwe hold the begin- ning of our confidence steadfast. Sec Note ver. 6. If we continue to maintain the same confidence which we had in the beginning, or which we showed at the commencement of our Christian life. At first, they had been firm in the Christian hope. They evinced true 88 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. and strong attachment to the Re- deemer. They were ardent and de- voted to his cause. If they continued to maintain that to the end, that is, the end of life ; if in the midst of all temptations and trials they adhered inflexibly to the cause of the Saviour, they would show that they were true Christians, and would partake of the blessedness of the heavenly world with the Redeemer. The idea is, that it is only perseverance in the ways of religion that constitutes cer- tain evidence of piety. Where piety is manifested through life, or where there is an untiring 1 devotion to the cause of God, there the evidence is clear and undoubted. But where there is at first great ardour, zeal, and confidence, which soon dies away, then it is clear that they never had any real attachment to him and his cause. It may be remarked here, that the ' beginning of the confidence' of those who are deceived, and who know no- thing about religion at heart, is often as bold as where there is true piety. The hypocrite makes up in ardour what he lacks in sincerity ; and he who is really deceived, is usually de- ceived under the influence of some strong and vivid emotion, which he mistakes for true religion. Often the sincere convert is calm, though de- cided, and sometimes is even timo- rous and doubting ; while the self-de- ceiver is noisy in profession, and cla- morous in his zeal, and much dis- posed to blame the lukewarmness of others. Evidence of piety, therefore, should not be built on that early zeal ; nor should it be concluded that because there is ardour, there is of necessity genuine religion. Ardour is valuable, and true religion is ar- dent ; but there is other ardour than that which the gospel inspires. The evidence of genuine piety is to be found in that which will bear us up under trials, and endure amidst persecution and opposition. The doc- trine here is, that it is necessary to persevere if we would have the evi- dence of true piety. This doctrine is taught everywhere in the Scrip- tures. Persevere in what ? I answer, not (1.) merely in a profession of re- ligion. A man may do that and have no piety. (2.) Not in zeal for party, or sect. The Pharisees had that to the end of their lives. (3.) Not in mere honesty, and correctness of ex- ternal deportment. A man may do that in the church, as well as out of it, and yet have no religion. But we should persevere (1.) in the love of God and of Christ in conscious, ar- dent, steady attachment to Him to whom our lives are professedly de- voted. (2.) In the secret duties of religion. In that watchfulness over the heart ; that communion with God ; that careful study of the Bible ; that guardianship over the temper ; and in that habitual intercourse with God in secret prayer which is ap propriate to a Christian, and which marks the Christian character. (3.) In the performance of the public du- ties of religion ; in leading a Chris- tian life as distinguished from a life of worldliness and vanity ; a life of mere morality, and honesty ; a life such as thousands lead who are out of the church. There is something which distinguishes a Christian from one who is not a Christian; a reli- gious from an irreligious man. There is something in religion; something which serves to characterize a Chris- tian, and unless that something is manifested, there can be no evidence of true piety. The Christian is to be distinguished in temper, feeling, de- portment, aims, plans, from the men of this world and unless those cha- racteristics are shown in the life and deportment, there can be no well- founded evidence of religion. Learn (1.) that it is not mere feeling that furnishes evidence of religion. (2.) That it is not mere excitement that constitutes religion. (3.) That it is not mere ardour. (4.) That it is not mere zeal. All these may be tempo rary. Religion is something that lasts through life. It goes with a man everywhere. It is with him in trial. It forms his plans ; regulates his tem- per ; suggests his words ; prompts tp A. D. 64.] CHAPTER III. 89 ir> While it is said, " To-day if vt> will hear his voice, harden a ver. 7. 6 Nu. 14. 2, &c. not your hearts, as in the pro- vocation. 16 For 6 some, when they his actions. It lives with him in all < mal changes, and goes with him throjgh the dark valley of death, and accompanies him up to the bar of God, and is with him for ever. 15. While it is said, To-day, &c. That is, persevere as long as life lasts, or as long as it can be said ' to-day ;' and by persevering in this manner you will have evidence that you are the friends of the Redeemer. This is a quotation from Ps. xcv. 7. Paul means, undoubtedly, to make use of this language himself as a direct ex- hortation to the Christians to whom he was writing. He entreats them, therefore, as long as it could be said * to-day,' or as long as life lasted, to take care lest they should harden their hearts as had been done in the temptation in the wilderness. 16. For some. Some of the He- brews who came out of Egypt. The truth was that a large proportion of them rebelled against God, and pro- voked him to indignation. It is some- what remarkable that though all the Hebrews seem to have joined in the provocation except a very small number Paul should have used lan- guage which would seem to imply that the number which rebelled was comparatively small. Another ver- sion, therefore, has been given to this passage by some of the most eminent critics, consisting merely in a change in the punctuation, by which a dif- ferent view is given of the whole sen- tence. According to this it would be a question, and would mean, ' But who were they who when they had heard did provoke ? Were they not all indeed who came out of Egypt under Moses ? And with whom was he angry forty years ? Was it not with those who sinned, whos^ car- casses fell in the wilderness ?' This version was adopted by Chrysostom, Theodoret, and others of the Fathers ; and is adopted by Rosenmiiller, Clarke, 8* Stuart, Pyle, and some others. In favour of it, it may be alleged, (1) that the Greek will bear it, all the change required being in the punctu- ation ; (2) that it avoids the difficulty which exists in the other interpreta- tion, of supposing th apostle to imply that but few of them rebelled, when the truth was that it was nearly all ; (3) it thus accords with the remainder of the exhortation, which consists in a series of questions ; and (4) it agrees with the scope and design of the whole. The object was not to state that it was not all who came out of Egypt that rebelled, or that the number was small, but that the great body of them rebelled and fell in the wilderness, and that Christians should be admo- nished by their example. These rea- sons seem to be so strong as to make it probable that this is the true con- struction, and the sense then will be, ' For who were they that having heard did provoke ? Were they not all who came out of Egypt under Moses?' IT When they had heard Had heard God speaking to them, and giving them his commands IT Did provoke. Provoked him to an- ger; or their conduct was such as was fitted to produce indignation. See Note on ver. 8. T Howbeit. AXAa Bui. This particle "in a series of questions, and standing at the head of a question, means but, further. It serves to connect, and give intensity to the interrogation." Stuart. Paul means to ask with emphasis whethei the great mass of those who came out of Egypt did not apostatize ? At the same time he means to intimate that there is no security that they who have witnessed remarkable ma- nifestations of the greatness of God, and who have partaken of extraordi- nary mercies, will not apostatize and perish. As the Hebrews, who heard God speak from Mount Sinai, revolted and perished, so it is possible that 90 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. had heard, did provoke: how- beit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. 17 But with whom was he grieved forty years 1 was it not they who witness the mercies of God in redemption, may be in danger of abusing all those mercies, and of pe- rishing. By tha example, therefore, of the disobedient Israelites, he would admonish professed Christians of their danger. IF Not all, &c. According to the interpretation proposed above, ' Were they not all who came out of Egypt ?' Or ' did not all who came out of Egypt?' The word all here is not to be taken in the strict sense. It is often used to denote the great body ; a large proportion ; or vast multitudes. Thus it is used in Matt, iii. 5. " Then went out to him Jerusa- lem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan." So in John iii. 26. " The same baptizeth, and all men came to him." So Phil. ii. 21. " For all seek their own." II. Cor. iii. 2. " Ye are our epistle, known and read of all men." In fact there were two exceptions and but two of the adults who came out of Egypt Caleb and Joshua. Num. xiv. 30. All the others murmured against the Lord, and were prohibited from entering the promised land. Of the great multitudes who came out of Egypt, and who murmured, the exception was so small that the apos- tle had no scruple in saying in general that they were all rebellious. 17. But with whom was he grieved forty years? With whom was he angry. See Notes on ver. 10. IF Was it not with them that had sinned. That had sinned in various ways by re- bellion, murmuring, unbelief. As God was angry with them for their sins, we have the same reason to ap- prehend that he will be angry with us if we sin ; and we should, there- fore, be on our guard against that un- belief which would lead us to depart from him. Ver. 12. IF Whose car- tases fell, &c. Num. xiv. 29. That with them that had sinned, whose carcases a fell in the wil- derness. 18 And to whom sware 6 he a Nu. 26. 64, 65. Jude 5. * De. 1. 34, 35. is, they all died, and were left on the sands of the desert. The whole gene ration was strewed along in the way to Canaan. All of those who had seen the wonders that God had done " in the land of Ham; 7 ' who had been rescued in so remarkable a manner from oppression, were thus cut down, and died in the deserts through which they were passing. Num. xxvi. 64, 65. Such an example of the effects of revolt against God, and of unbelief, was well fitted to admonish Christians in the time of the apostle, and is fitted to admonish us now, of the danger of the sin of unbelief. We are not to suppose that all of those who thus died were excluded from heaven. Moses and Aaron were among the number of those who were not permitted to enter the promised land, but of their piety there can be no doubt. Beyond all question, also there were many others of that gene< ration who were truly pious. But a* different times they seem all to have partaken of the prevalent feelings of discontent, and were all involved in the sweeping condemnation that they should die in the wilderness. 18. And to whom sware he. Note ver. 11. T But to them that believed not. That did not confide in God. Deut. i. 32. "'Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord your God." In consequence of this want of faith, God solemnly sware unto them that they should not enter into the pro- mised land. Deut. i. 34, 35. " And the Lord heard the voice of your words, and was wroth, and sware, saying, Surely there shall not one of thes^jnen of thrs evil generation, see that good land which I sware to give unto your fathers, save Caleb," &c. The distinct reason, therefore, as- signed by Moses why they did not enter the promised land, was a want \. I). 01.] CHAPTER III. 91 that they should not enter into st, but to them that be- not? of faith, and this accords directly with the design of the apostle here. He is rxhorting those whom he addressed to beware of an evil heart of unbelief. that it was such a heart that excluded the Hebrews from the promised land. The same thing, . must exclude you from hea- ven the promised home of the be- and if that firm confidence in God and his promises which he re- quires is wanting, you will be ex- cluded from the world of eternal rest. 19. So we see, &c. We see from the direct testimony of the Old Tes- tament that unbelief was the reason why they were excluded from the promised land. Let us learn in view of the reasoning and exhortations (1.) The evil of unbelief. It ex- cluded that whole generation, consist- ing of many hundred thousand souls, from the land of promise the land to which they had looked with ardent hopes, and with warm desires. It will exclude countless millions from heaven. A want of confidence in God is the great source of evil in this world, and will be the cause of wretch- edness to all eternity of unnumbered hosts. But surely that was not a small or unimportant thing which strewed the desert with the bones of that whole generation whom God had in so remarkable a manner res- cued from Egyptian servitude. And that cannot be a small matter which will cause multitudes to sink down to infinite wretchedness and despair. (2.) Let us who are professed Christians be cautious against in- dulirinir unbelief in our hearts. Our difficulties all begin there. We lose confidence in God. We doubt his promises, his oaths, his thrcatenings. j In dark and trying times we begin to | have doubts about the wisdom of his dealings, and about his goodness. Unbelief once admitted into the heart 19 So * we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief. a c. 4. 6. is the beginning of many woes. When a man loses confidence in God, he is on a shoreless ocean that is full of whirlpools, and rocks, and quick- sands, and where it is impossible to find a secure anchorage. There is nothing to which he may moor his driven bark ; and he will never find safety or peace till he comes back to God. (3.) Let us live a life of faith. Let us so live that we may say with Paul, " The life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me." So living, we shall have peace. The mind will be at rest. Storms and tempests may blow, but we shall be secure. Others may be troubled in the vicissitudes of life, but our minds will be at peace. (4.) Let us live expecting the future 'res/' that remains for us. Let us keep our eye fixed upon it. To us there is a rest promised, as there was to the Plebrews whom God had de- livered from the land of oppression ; and we may by faith attain to that ' rest' as they might have reached the land of Canaan. (5.) Let us persevere to the end. He that draws back must be lost. He that does not endure to the end of life in the ways of religion can never have been a Christian. There is nothing which will furnish certain evidence of religion unless our piety is such as to lead us to persevere till death. The man who enters on the professed Christian life expecting to fall away, or who can look upon the possibility of falling away without concern has never known anything of the nature of true religion. He can- not be a Christian. He may have had raptures and visions ; he may be a loud professor and a noisy and zeal ous partisan, but he has no evidence that he has ever known anything about religion. That, religion which HEBREWS. [A D. 64 is not connected with a firm and de- termined purpose by the grace of God to persevere to the end of life, is no true religion ; and a man who expects to fall away and go back again to the world, or who can look at such an idea without alarm, should regard it as a settled matter that he has no true knowledge of God. (6.) No man should delay the work of salvation to a future time. To- day is the accepted time ; to-day the only time of which we have any se- curity. God speaks to-day, and to-day his voice should be heard. No man on any subject should defer till to- morrow what ought to be done to-day. He who defers religion till a future time neglects his own best interest; violates most solemn obligations; and endangers his immortal soul. What security can any one have that he will live to see another day ? What evidence has he that he will be any more disposed to attend to his salva- tion then than he is now? What evidence can he have that he will not provoke God by this course, and bring condemnation on his soul? Of all delusions, that is the most wonderful by which dying men are led to defer attention to the concerns of the soul to a future period of life. Nowhere has Satan such advantage as in keep- ing this delusion before the mind ; and if in respect to anything the voice of warning and alarm should be lifted loud and long, it is in refe- rence to this. O why will not men be wise to-day ? Why will they not embrace the offer of salvation now ? Why will they not at once make sure of eternal happiness ? And why, amidst the changes and trials of this life, will they not so secure the everlasting inheritance as to feel that that is safe that there is one thing at least that cannot be shaken and disturbed by commercial embarrassment and dis- tress ; one thing secure though friends and kindred are torn away from them ; one thing safe when their own health fails, and they lie down on the bed where they will bid adieu to all earthly comforts, and from which they will never rise ? CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. This chapter comprises two parts. In the first (vs. 1 13), the apostle pursues and completes the exhortation which he had commenced in the pre- vious chapter, drawn from the compa- rison of the Saviour with Moses (see the analysis of ch. iii.) ; and in the second part (vs. 14 16), he enters on the consideration of the character of Christ as a high priest, which is pur. sued to the end of the doctrinal part of the epistle. In the first part (vs. 1 13), he de- scribes more at length the character of the 'resi' to which he had referred in the previous chapter. He shows (ver. l),that the promise of a 'resi' yet remains, and that there is still danger, as there was formerly, of coming short of it, or of losing it. He affirms that such was the nature of that promise, that it is applicable to us as well as to those to whom it was first made, and that the promise of rest as really pertains to Christians now as it did to the Hebrews of old. Ver. 2. The reason, he adds, (ver. 2.) why they did not enter into that rest was, that they had not faith. This he had established in the previous chapter, ver. 18. In vs. 3 6, he pro- ceeds to demonstrate more at length that there is a 'rest' remaining for those who believe. The great object in this part of the chapter is to prove that a 'rest' remains for believers now ; a rest of a spiritual character, and much more desirable than that of the land of Canaan ; a rest to which Christians may look forward, and which there may be danger of losing Addressing Hebrew Christians, he of course, appeals to the Old Testa ment, and refers to several places where the word ' rest' occurs, and ar- gues that those expressions are of such a character as to show that there re- mains a ' rest' for Christians yet. It would have been easy to have affirmed, this as a part of the Christian reve- lation, but throughout the epistle he is bringing his illustrations from the D. 61.] CHAPTER IV. 93 Old Testament, and six wing to the Hebrew Christians to whom he wrote that there were abundant considera- tions in the Old Testament itstlf to (institute an argument why they should adhere inviolably to the Chris- tian religion. He says, therefore, ver. I, that God himself had spoken of his o:rn rest from his works; that when l.e had finished the work of creation he hsd instituted a rest which iractcrizcd by the peace, and beauty, and order of the first Sabbath after the work of creation, when all w, and lovely, and pure. That might be called the rest of God a beaut ififl emblem of that which dwells around his throne in heaven. The meaning of this verse (ver. 4) is, that the Bible spoke early of a rest which appertained to God himself. In ver. 5, he goes on to say that the prospect ring into his rest was spoken of as a possible thing ; that some were excluded, but that there was a place cl to be called ' the rest of God' " My rest" to which all may come. Of course, that rest must be of a spir- itual nature, and must be different from that of the promised land. That 4 rest' the apostle implies it was pos- sible to attain. He does not argue this point at length, but he assumes that God would not create a place of rest in vain; that it was made to be enjoyed ; and that since those to whom it was at first offered were excluded, it must follow that it remained still ; and as they were excluded by the want of faith, it would follow also that it v d for those who had faith. Of course, therefore, it is of- to Christians now. Ver. 6. This view he proceeds to confirm by another consideration. Vs. 7, 8. It id that David, who lived nearly five hundred years atler the land of pro- mise had been occupied by the Israel- ites, spoke then of the possibility of entering into such a ' rest.' He says (Ps. xcv. 7), that, in his time, the peo- ple were called to hear the voice of God ; that he warned them against the guilt and danger of hardening their hearts ; that h" reminded them that it was bv (hat Unit the Israelites were excluded from the promised land, and that he said that the same thing would occur if those in his own time should harden their hearts. It fol- lowed, therefore, that even in the tim of David there was a hope and pro- mise of ' rest ;' and that there was something more intended for the true people of God than merely entering into the promised land. There must be something in advance of that; something that existed to the time of David and it must be, therefore, a spiritual rest. This, the apostle adds, ver. 8, is conclusive ; for if Joshua had given them all the ' rest' that was contemplated, then David would not have spoken as he did of the danger of being excluded from it in his time. He, therefore, (ver. 9), comes to the conclusion that there must still re main a ' rest' for the people of God, a ' rest ' to which they were invited, and which they were in danger of losing by unbelief. He adds (ver. 10), that he who enters into that 'rest' ceases from toil, as God did from his when he had finished the work of creation. Since, therefore, there is such a * rest,' and since there is dan- ger of coming short of it, the apostle urges them (ver. 11), to make every effort to enter into it. He adds (vs. 12, 13), as a consideration to quicken them to earnest effort and to anxious care lest they should be deceived, and should fail of it, the fact that God cannot be deceived ; that his word penetrates the heart, and that every- thing is naked and open before him. There should, therefore, be the most faithful investigation of the heart, lest they should fail of the grace of God, and lose the hoped-for rest. In the second portion of the chap- ter (vs. 14 !()), he enters on the con- sideration of the character of Christ as High Priest, and says that since we have such an High Priest as he is, we should be encouraged to come boldly to the throne of grace. We have encouragement to persevere from the fact that we have such a High Priest, and in all our conscious weak- ness and helplessnes we may look tc him for aid 94 HEBREWS. [A. D. 61. CHAPTER MV. LET us a therefore fear, lest a promise being left us of 1. Let us therefore fear. Let us be apprehensive that we may possibly fail of that rest. The kind of fear which is recommended here is that which leads to caution and care. A man who is in danger of losing his life or health should be watchful ; a seaman that is in danger of running on a lee-shore should be on his guard. So we who have the offer of heaven, and who yet are in danger of losing it, should take all possible precautions lest we fail of it. IT Lest a promise being left us. Paul assumes here that there is such a promise. In the sub- sequent part of the chapter, he goes more into the subject, and proves from the Old Testament that there is such a promise made to us. It is to be remembered that Paul had not the New Testament then to appeal to, as we have, which is perfectly clear on the subject, but that he was obliged to appeal to the Old Testament. This he did not Only because the New Testament was not then written, but because he was reasoning with those who had been Hebrews, and who re- garded the authority of tile Old Tes- tament as decisive. If his reasoning to us appears somewhat obscure, we should put ourselves in his place, and should remember that the con- verts then had not the full light which we have now in the New Testament. 1T Of entering into his rest. The rest of God the rest of the world where he dwells. It is called his rest, be- cause it is that which he enjoys, and which he alone can confer. There can be no doubt that Paul refers here to heaven, and means to say that there is a promise left to Christians of being admitted to the enjoyment of that blessed world where God dwells. IT Any of you should seem to come short of it. The word " seem" here is used as a form of gentle and mild address, implying the possibility of thus coming short. The word entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. a c. 12. 15. here <5oKfw is often used so as Ic appear to give no essential addition to the sense of a passage, though it is probable that it always gave a shading to the meaning. Thus the phrase esse videatur is often used by Cicero at the end of a period, to de- note merely that a thing was though he expressed it as though it merely seemed to be. Such language is often used in argument or in conversation as a modest expression, as when we say a thing seems to be so and so, instead of saying ' it is.' In some such sense Paul probably used the phrase here perhaps as expressing what we would by this language ' lest it should appear at last that any of you had come short of it.' The phrase ' come short of it' is probably used with reference to the journey to the promised land, where they who came out of Egypt came short of that land, and fell in the wilderness. They did not reach it. This verse teaches the important truth that, though hea- ven is offered to us, and that a ' rest' is promised to us if we seek it, yet that there is reason to think that many may fail of reaching it who had expected to obtain it. Among those will be the following classes : (1.) Those who are professors of reli- gion but who have never known any- thing of true piety. (2.) Those who are expecting to be saved by their own works, and are looking forward to a world of rest on the ground of what their own hands can do. (3.) Those who defer attention to the subject from time to time until it be- comes too late. They expect to reach heaven, but they art not ready to give their hearts to God now, and the sub- ject is deferred from one period to another, until death arrests them un- prepared. (4.) Those who have been awakened to see their guilt and dan- ger, and who have been almost but not qujte ready to give up their hearts A. 1). 64.] CHAPTER IV. 2 For unto us was the LTOS- pel preached, as well as unto them : hut the word preached ' 1 of hearing. to God. Such wire Agrippa, Felix, tlic young: ruler (Murk x. 21), and such art- all those who are almost but not quite prepared to give up the world and to devote themselves to the Redeemer. To all these the promise of ' rest' is made, if they will accept of salvation as it is offered in the gos- pel ; all of them cherish a hope that they will he saved ; and all of them ;ined alike to be disappointed. AVith what earnestness, therefore, t.hould we strive that wo may not fail of the grace of God ! / 'ur unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them. This translation by no means conveys the >f the original. According to this, it would seem that the gospel, as we understand it, or the whole plan of salvation, was communicated to them, as well as to us. But this is by no means the idea. The discussion :i rence only to the promise rest, and the assertion of the apos is, that this good news of a promise of rest is made to us as really as it ;;ide to them. 'Rest' was pro- 10 them in the land of Canaan an emblem of the eternal rest of the people of God. That was un- questioned, and Paul took it for granted. His object now is, to show that a promise of * rest' is as really made to us as it was to them, and that there is the same danger of fail- ing to secure it as there was then important for him to show that there was such a promise made to the prop!" of God in his time, am: as he was discoursing of tlr were Hebrews, he of course made hit, appeal to the Old Testament. The literal translation would be, ' For we are evangelized lops* tvTiyy&iaopivo as v. 'i-d ecun gelizc means to rommiinie news, or glad tiding; and the idea .. that th- good news, tidings of ' n>t' is .-mom.e. d to Hd not profit them, 2 not being nixed with faith in them that leard it. or, because they wcte not united by faith to. is really as it was to them. This he apostle proves in the following If But the icord preached. Alarg. Of hearing. The word preach ,ve also use now in a technical sense as denoting a formal proclamation of the gospel by the ministers of reli- gion. But this is not the idea here tt means, simply, the word which they heard ; and refers particularly to the promise of 'rest' which was made to them. That message was communicated to them by Moses. Did not profit them. They derived no advantage from it. They rejected and despised it, and were, therefore, excluded from the promised land. It exerted no influence over their hearts and lives, and they lived and died as though no such promise had been made. Thus many persons live and die now. The offer of salvation is made to them. They arc invited to come and be saved. They are as- sured that God is willing to save them, and that the Redeemer stands with open arms to welcome them to hea- ven. They are trained .up under the gospel ; are led early in life to the sanctuary ; are in the habit of attend- ing on the preaching of the gospel all their days, but still what they hear exerts no saving influence on their hearts. At the close of life all that could be truly said of them is, that they have not been profited; it has been no real advantage to them in regard to their final destiny that they have enjoyed so many privileges. ^ Not firing mixed with full It in them that liffird it. Marg. 'Or, because they were not united by faith to. 1 ' re some various readings on this text, and one of these has given occasion to the version in the margin Many MSS. instead of the common reading vvyKCKpanivos by which the word mixed would be united to b Xoyof 'the word,'' have another reading avyiceicpapfwn - -according HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 to which the word mixed would refer to ' them? and would mean that they who heard the word and rejected it were not mixed, or united with those who believed it. The former reading makes the best sense, and is the best sustained ; and the idea is, that the message which was preached was not received into the heart by faith. They were destitute of faith, and the message did not profit them. The word mixed is supposed by many of the best critics to refer to the process by which food is made nutritive, by being properly mixed with the saliva and the gastric juice, and thus con- verted into chyme, and chyle, and then changed into blood. If suitably mixed in this manner, it contributes to the life and health of the bodily frame ; if not, it is the means of dis- ease and death. So it is supposed the apostle meant to say of the mes- sage which God sends to man. If properly received ; if mixed or united with faith, it becomes the means of spiritual support and life. If not, it furnishes no aliment to the soul, and will be of no advantage. As food when properly digested incorporates itself with the body, and gives it support, so those critics suppose it to be of the word of God, that it in- corporates itself with the internal and spiritual man, and gives it sup- port and life. It may be doubted, however, whether the apostle had any such allusion as this, and whether it is not rather a refinement of the critics than of Paul. The word used here properly denotes a mixing or mingling together, like water and wine, II. Mac. xv. 39 ; a uniting to- gether in proper proportions and or- der, as of the body, I. Cor. xii. 24 ; and it may refer here merely to a proper union of faith with the word, in order that it might be profitable. The idea is, that merely to hear the message of life with the outward ear will be of no advantage. It must be believed, or it will be of no benefit. The mesage is sent to mankind at large. God declares his readiness to save ail. But this message is of no advantage to multitudes for such reasons as these. (1.) Many do not attend to it at all. They do not even listen respectfully to it. Multitudes go not near the place where the gos- pel is proclaimed ; and many, when there, and when they seem to attend, have their minds and hearts on other things. (2.) Many do not believe it, They have doubts about the whole subject of religion, or about the par- ticular doctrines of the gospel and while they do not believe it, how can they be benefited by it ? How can a man be profited by the records of his- tory if he does not believe them ? How can one be benefited by the truths of science if he does not believe them? And if a man was assured that by going to a certain place he might close a bargain that would be a great advantage to him, of what use would this information be to him if lie did not believe a word of it ? So of the knowledge of salvation ; the facts of the history recorded in the Bible ; the offer of eternal life. (3.) Men do not allow the message of life to influence their conduct, and of course it is of no advantage to them. Of what use can it be if they steadily resist all the influence which it would have, and ought to have, on their lives ? They live as though it were ascertained that there is no truth in the Bible; no reason for being in- fluenced by the offered hope of eter- nal life, or alarmed by the threatened danger of eternal death. Resolved to pursue a course of life that is at va- riance with the commands of God, they cannot be profited by the message of salvation. Having no faith which influences and controls the heart, they are not in the least benefited by the offer of heaven. When they die, their condition is in no wise made better by the fact that they were trained up in a pious family ; that they were instructed in the Sabbath- school ; that they had the Bible in their dwellings, and that they sat re- gularly under a preached gospel. For any advantage to be derived from all this in the future world, they ,. D. 6-1.] CHAPTK, 3 For \\v which have be- jved do enter into rest; as he id," As I have sworn in rny Ps. 95. 11. wrath, if they shall enter into my rest; although the works were finished from the founda tion of the world. might as well have never heard the ' of lilt'. Nay it would have tier for them. The only effect se privileges is to harden them in guilt, and to sink them deeper in hell. Notes, II. Cor. ii. 16. 3. For we which have believed do .enter into rest. That is, it is a cer- tain fact that believers will enter into That promise is made to * be- lievers ;' and as we have evidence that we come under the denomination of believers!, it will follow that we have the olfer of rest as well as they. That this is so, the apostle proceeds to prove ; that is, he proceeds to show from the Old Testament that there was a promise to ' believers' that they would enter into rest. Since there was such a promise, and since there was danger that by unbelief that * rest' might be lost, he proceeds to show : he danger, and to warn them of it. 1 As he said, &c. See ch. iii. 11. The meaning of this passage is this. ' God made a promise of rest to those who believe. They to whom the offer was first made failed, and did not enter in. It must follow, therefore, that the offer extended to others, since God designed that some should enter in, or that it should not be provided in vain. To them it was a solemn declaration that unbelievers should not enter in, and this implied that believers would. As we now,' , 'sustain the character of believers, it follows that to us the pro- mise of rest is now made, and we may partake of it.' IT If they shall enlrr, fcc. That is, they shall not cntrr in. See ch. iii. 11. The "rest" here spoken of as reserved for Chris- tians must be different from that of the promised land. It is something that pertains to Christians now, and it must, therefore, refer to 1: that remains in heaven, ^ Although the works were finished, &c. ThL> is ! 3 a difficult expression. What works are referred to ? it may be asked. How docs this bear on the subject under discussion ? How can it be a proof that there remains a ' rest' to those who believe now ? This was the point to be demonstrated ; and this passage was designed clearly to bear on that point. As it is in our trans- lation, the passage seems to make no sense whatever. Tindal renders it, " And that spake he verily long after that the works were made from the foundation of the world laid ;" which makes much better sense than our translation. Doddridge explains it as meaning, ' And this may lead us further to reflect on what is elsewhere said concerning his works as they were finished from the foundation of the world.' But it is difficult to see why they should reflect on his works just then, and how this would bear on the case in hand. Prof. Stuart supposes that the word " rest" must be understood here before "works," and translates it, "Shall not enter into my rest, to wit, rest from the works which were performed when the world was founded." Prof. Ro- binson (Lex.) explains it as meaning, " The rest here spoken of, * MY rest,' could not have been God's resting from his works (Gen. ii. 2), for this rest, the Sabbath, had already existed from the creation of the world." Dr. J. P. Wilson (MS. Notes) renders i*. " For we who have believed, do enter into rest (or a cessation) indeed (xotVoi) of the works done (among men) from the beginning of the world." Amidst this variety of interpretation it is dif- ficult to determine the true sense. But perhaps the main thought may be collected from the following re- marks. (1.) The Jews as the people of God had a rest promised them in the land of Canaan. Of that they failed by their unbelieU (2.) Th 98 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. 5 And in this place again if they shall enter into my rest Ge. 2. 2. purpose of the apostle was to prove that there was a similar promise made to the people of God long subsequent to that, and to which all his people were invited. (3.) That rest was not that of the promised land, it was such as God had himself when he had finished the work of creation. That was peculiarly his rest the rest of God, without toil, or weariness, and after his whole work was finished. (4.) His people were invited to the same rest the rest of God to par- take of his felicity ; to enter into that bliss which he enjoyed when he had finished the work of creation. The happiness of the saints was to be like that. It was to be in their case also a rest from toil to be enjoyed at the end of all that they had to do. To prove that Christians were to at- tain to such a rest, was the purpose which the apostle had in view show- ing that it was a general doctrine pertaining to believers in every age, that there was a promise of rest for them. I would then regard the mid- dle clause of this verse as a parenthe- sis, and render the whole, 'For we who are believers shall enter into rest [the rest] indeed which occurred when the works were finished at the foundation of the world as he said [ii one place] as I have sworn in my wrath they shall not enter into my rest.' That was the true rest such rust ,Sul>l>utism, in the margin is rendered keeping of a Sab- bath. It is a different word from ertip'.Jarov the Sabbath ; and it oecurs nowhere else in the New Testament, and is not found in the Septuagint. It properly means a keeping Sabbath from ffap.Jur^aj to keep Sabbath. This word, not used in the New Tes- tament, occurs frequently in the Sep- tuagint. Ex. xvi. 30 ; Lev. xxiii. 32 ; xxvi. 35 ; II. Chron. xxxvi. 21 ; and in III. Esdr. i. 58; II. Macca. vi. 6. It differs from the word Sabbath. That denotes the time the day; this, the keeping, or observance of it ; the fes- licre a resting, or an observance of sacred repose and undoubtedly to heaven, as a place of eternal rest with God. It can- not mean the rest in the land of Ca- naan for the drift of the writer is to prove that that is not intended. It cannot mean the Sabbath, properly so called for then the writer would have employed the usual word adfifiarov Sabbath. It cannot mean the Chris- tian Sabbath for the object is not -to prove that there is such a day to be observed, and his reasoning about be- ing excluded from it by unbelief and by hardening the heart would be irrel- evant. It must mean, therefore, hea- ven the world of spiritual and eter- nal rest; and the assertion is, that there is such a resting, or keeping of a Sabbath in heaven for the people of God. Learn hence, (1.) that heaven is a place of cessation from wearisome toil. It is to be like the 'rest' which God had after the work of creation (ver. 4, Note), and of which that was the type and emblem. There will be employment there, but it will be with- out fatigue; there will be the oceu- 9* pation of the mind, and of whatever powers we may possess, but without weariness. Here wo are often worn down and exhausted. The body sinks under continued toil, and falls into (lie grave. There the slave will rest from his toil ; the man here oppressed and broken down by anxious care will cease from his labours. We know but little of heaven; but we know that a large part of what now oppresses and crushes the frame will not exist there. Slavery will be un- known ; the anxious care for sup- port will be unknown, and all the ex- haustion which proceeds from the love of gain, and from ambition, will be unknown. In the wearisome toils of life, then, let us look fonvard to the rest that remains in heaven, and as the labourer looks to the shades of the evening, or to the Sabbath as a period of rest, so let us look to hea- ven as the place of eternal repose. (2.) Heaven will be like a Sabbath. The best description of it is to say it is an eternal Sabbath. Take the Sab- bath on earth when best observed, and extend the idea to eternity, and let there be separated all idea of imper- fection from its observance, and that would be heaven. The Sabbath is holy ; so is heaven. It is a period of worship ; so is heaven. It is for praise and for the contemplation of heavenly truth ; so is heaven. The Sabbath is appointed that we may lay aside worldly cares and anxieties for a lit- tle season here ; heaven that we may lay them aside for ever. (3.) The Sabbath here should be like heaven. It is designed to be its type and em- blem. So far as the circumstances of the case will allow, it should be just like heaven. There should be the same employments; the same joys ; the same communion with God. One of the best rules for employing the Sabbath aright is, to think what heaven will be, and then to endeavour , to spend it in the same way. One day in seven at least should remind us of what heaven is to be ; and that day may be, and should be, the most I happy of the seven. (4.) They who 102 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. do not love the Sabbath on earth, are not prepared for heaven. If it is to them a day of tediousness ; if its hours move heavily ; if they have no delight in its sacred employments, what would an eternity of such days be ? How would they be passed ? Nothing can be clearer than that if we have no such happiness in a season of holy rest, and in holy employments here, we are wholly unprepared for hea- ven. To the Christian it is the sub- ject of the highest joy in anticipa- tion that heaven is to be one long un- broken SABBATH an eternity of suc- cessive Sabbath hours. But what to a sinner could be a more repul- sive and gloomy prospect than such an eternal Sabbath? (5.) If this be so, then what a melancholy view is furnished as to the actual pre- paration of the great mass of men for heaven ! How is the Sabbath now spent ? In idleness ; in business ; in travelling ; in hunting and fishing ; in light reading and conversation ; in sleep ; in visiting ; in riding, walk- ing, lounging, ennui ; in revelry and dissipation ; in any and every way except the right way ; in every way except in holy communion with God. What would the race be if once trans- lated to heaven as they are ! What a prospect would it be to this multi- tude to have to spend an eternity which would be but a prolongation of the Sabbath of holiness! (6.) Let those who love the Sabbath rejoice in the prospect of eternal rest in heaven. In our labour let us look to that world where wearisome toil is unknown ; in our afflictions, let us look to that world where tears never fall; and when our hearts are pained by the violation of the Sabbath all around us, let us look to that blessed world where such violation will cease for ever. It is not far distant. A few steps will bring us there. Of any Christian it may be said that perhaps his next Sabbath will be spent in hea- ven near the throne of God. 10. For he that is entered into rest. That is, the man who is so happy as to reach heaven, will enjoy a rest similar to that which God had when he finished the work of creation. It will be (1) a cessation from toil ; and (2) it will be a rest similar to that of God the same kind of enjoyment, the same freedom from care, anxiety, and labour. How happy then are they who have entered into heaven ! Their toils are over. Their labours are done. Never again will they know fatigue. Never more will they feel anxious care. Let us learn then (1.) not to mourn improperly for those who have left us and gone to heaven. Happy in the rest of God, why should not we rejoice? Why wish them back again in a world of toil ? (2.) Let us in our toils look forward to the world of rest. Our labours will all be over. The weary man will lay down his burden; the exhausted frame will know fatigue no more. Rest is sweet at night after the toils of day ; how much more sweet will it be in heaven after the toils of life ! Let us (3.) labour while it is called to- day. Soon we shall cease from our work. All that we have to do is to be done soon. We shall soon cease from our work as God did from his. What we have to do for the salvation of children, brothers, sisters, friends, and for the world, is to be done soon. From the abodes of bliss we shall not be sent forth to speak to our kindred of the blessedness of that world, or to admonish our friends to escape from the place of despair. The pastor will not come again to warn and invite his people ; th e parent will not come again to tell his children of the Sa- viour and of heaven ; the neighbour will not come to admonish his neigh- bour. Comp. Luke xvi. 2429. We shall ALL have ceased from our work as God did from, his ; and never again shall we speak to a living friend to invite him to heaven. . a 64.] CHAPTER IV. 103 11 Let us labour therefore to (liter into that rest, lest any man lull after the same exam- ple of ' unbelief. i e. 1. 10. 1 or, disobedience. 11. Let us therefore, labour. Let us tarnestly strive. Since there is a :osc attainment is worth all our efforts ; since so many have failed of reaching 1 it by their unbelief, and since there is so much danger that we may fail of it also, let us give all diligence that we may enter into it. Heaven is never obtained but by diligence, and no one enters v. ho does not earnestly desire it, and who does not make a sincere effort to reach it. 1T Of unbelief. Marg. disobedience. The word un- belief best expresses the sense, as the apostle was showing- that this was the principal thing that prevented men from entering into heaven. See Notes ch. iii. 12. 12. Fur the word of God. The de- sign of this and the following verse is obvious. It is to show that we cannot escape the notice of God ; that nil insincerity, unbelief, hypocrisy, will be detected by him ; and that since our hearts are perfectly open before him, we should be sincere and should not attempt to deceive him. use i?, that the truth of God is all-penetrating- and searching-, and that the real thoughts and intents of the heart will be brought to light, and that if there is insincerity and self-deception there can be no hope of escape. There has been a great variety of opinion here about the meaning of the phrase ' the word of God.' Some have supposed that it means the Lord Jesus; others, tin- whole of the divine revelation ; others the gospel ; others the particular here. The * word of God' is that which God speaks whether it be a promise or a I her it be law or gospel ; whether it be a simple decla ration or a statement of a doctrine, f he idea here is, that what God had 12 For the word* of God is quick, and powerful, and sharp- er than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing b Is. 49. 2. e Re. 1. 16. said is fitted to detect hypocrisy and to lay open the true nature of the feelings of the soul, so that there can be no escape for the guilty. His truth is adapted to bring out the real feelings, and to show man exactly what he is. Truth always has this power whether preached, or read, or communicated by conversation, or impressed upon the memory and con- science by the Holy Spirit. There can be no escape from the penetrat- ing 1 , searching application of the word of God. That truth has power to show what man is, and is like a penetrating sword that lays open the whole man. Comp. Isa. xlix. '2. The phrase ' the word of God' here may be applied, therefore, to the truth of God however made known to the mind. In some way it will bring out the real feelings, and show what man is. IT Is quick. Gr. &v living. It is not dead, inert, and powerless. It has a living power, and is energetic and active. It is adapted to produce this effect. IT And powerful. Mighty. Its power is seen in awakening the conscience ; alarming- the fears ; lay- ing- bare the secret feelings of the heart, and causing the sinner to tremble with the apprehension of the coming judgment. u All the great changes in the moral world for the better, have been caused by the power of truth. They are such as the truth hi its own nature is fitted to effect, and if we may judge of its power hy thc greatness of the revolutions pro- duced, no words can over-estimate the might of the truth which God has re- vealed. IT Sharper than any two- edged sword. Literally, two-mouthed sword MffTopov. The word mouth was given to the sword because it seemed to detour all before it. It consumed or destroyed as a wild beast does. The comparison of the word 104 HEBREWS. LA. D. 64. asunder of soul and spiril, and of the joints arid marrow, and is of God to a sword or to an arrow, is designed to show its power of pene- trating the heart. Eccl. xii. 11. " The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies." Comp. Isa. xlix. 2. ** And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword." Rev. i. 16. "And out of his mouth went a sharp two- edged sword," ii. 12. 16; xix. 15. The comparison is common in the classics, and in Arabic poetry. See Gesenius, on Isa. xlix. 2. The idea is that of piercing, or penetrating; and the meaning here is, that the word of God reaches the heart the very centre of action, and lays open the motives and feelings of the man. It was common among the ancients to have a sword with two edges. The Roman sword was commonly made in this manner. The fact that it had two edges made it more easy to pene- trate, as well as to cut with every way. 1" Piercing even to the dividing asun- der. Penetrating so as to divide. IT Soul and spirit. The animal life from the immortal soul. The former word here x v Xt sou ^ * s evidently ased to denote the animal life, as dis- anguished from the mind or soul. The latter word irvlvpa spirit means the soul; the immaterial and immortal part ; that which lives when the animal life is extinct This distinction occui^ in I. Thess. v. 23, "your whole spirit, and soul, and body ;" and it is a distinction which we are constantly in the habit of making. There is the body in man the animal life and the immortal part that leaves the body when life is extinct. Mysteriously united, they constitute one man. When the animal life is separated from the soul, or when the soul leaves the animated body, the body dies, and life is extinct. To separate the one from the other is, therefore, the same as to take life and this is the idea here, that the Vo^d of God is like a sharp sword a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the hea.t. a Ps. J39. 2. Je. 17. 10. Re. 2. 23. that inflicts deadly wounds. The sinner " dies :" that is, he becomes dead to his former hopes, or is " slain" by the law. Rom. vii. 9. "I was alive without the law once ; but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died." This is the power referred to here the power of destroying the hopes of the sinner ; cutting him down under conviction ; and prostrating him as if a sword had pierced his heart. 1T And of the joints and marrow. The figure is still con- tinued of the sword that takes life. Such a sword would seem to penetrate even the joints and marrow of the body. It would separate the joints, and pierce through the very bones to the marrow. A similar effect, Paul says, is produced by truth. It seems to penetrate the very essence of the soul, and lay it all open to the view. IT And is a discerner of the thoughts, It shows what the thoughts and in- tentions are. Prof. Stuart, Bloomfield, and some others, suppose that the re- ference here is to God speaking by his word. But the more natural con struction certainly is, to refer it to the word or truth of God. It is true that God searches the heart, and knows the thoughts, but that is not the truth which is prominent here. It is, that the thoughts and intents of the heart are brought out to view by the word of God. And can any one doubt this ? See Rom. vii. 7. Is it not true that men are made to see their real character under the exhibi- tion of the truth of God ? That in the light of the law they see their past lives to be sinful ? That the cxhibi tion of truth calls to their recollection many long-forgotten sins ? And that their real feelings are brought out when the truth of God is proclaimed ? Men then are made to look upon their motives as they had never done be- fore, and to see in their hearts feel- ings whose existence they would not have suspected if it had not been for A. D. 64.] CHAPTER IV. 105 13 Neither is there any crea- ture that is not iiumiic-4 in his but all things tire naked the exhibition of the truth. Tin- ex- hibition of the truth is like pouring down the beams of the sun at mid- night on ;i dark world ; and the truth 11 the real feelings of the sin- that sun would disclose the I iekedncss that arc now performed under cover of the night. .Many a man has a deep and fixed hostility to God and to his gospel who miglR 'never be sensible of it if the truth was not faithfully proclaimed. The particular idea here is, that the truth of God will detect the feelings of the hypocrite and self-deceiver. They cannot always conceal their emotions, and the time will come when truth, like light poured into the soul, will reveal their unbelief and i.-rct sins. They who are che- rishing a hope of salvation, therefore, should be on their guard lest they mistake the name for the reality. Let us learn from this verse, (1.) the power of truth. It is filled to lav- open the secret feelings of the soul. There is not an effect produced in awakening a sinner ; or in his convic- tion, conversion, and sanctification, which the truth is not adapted to pro- duce. The truth of God is not dead ; nor fitted to make men worse ; nor designed merely to show its own weakness, and to be a mere occasion on which the Holy Spirit acts on the mind ; it is in its own nature FITTED to produce just the effects which arc produced when it awakens, convicts, converts, and sanctifies the soul. (%.] The truth should be preached will the feeling that it is adapted to this end. Men who preach should endea vour to understand the nature of th< mind and of the moral feelings, as really as he who would inflict a deadly wound should endeavour to under stand enough about anatomy to know where the heart is, or he who admi nisters medicine should endeavour to know what is adapted to remove cer and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. oPr. 15. 11. .ain diseases. And he who has no jclief in the efficacy of truth to pro- duce any effect, resembles one who should suppose that all knowledge of ;he human system was needless to lim who wished to perform a surgi. al operation, and who should cut at random piously leaving it with God to direct the knife ; or he who should go into a hospital of patients and ad- minister medicines indiscriminately devoutly saying that all healing must come from God, and that the use of medicine was only to show its own weakness ! Thus many men seem to preach. Yet for aught that appears, truth is just as wisely adapted to save the soul as medi- cine is to heal the sick ; and why then should not a preacher be as care- ful to study the nature of truth and its adaptedness to a particular end, as a student of the healing art is to un- derstand the adaptedness of medicine to cure disease ? The true way of preaching is, to feel that truth is adapted to the end in view ; to select that which is best fitted for that end ; to preach as if the whole result de- pended on getting that truth before the mind and into the heart and then to leave the whole result with God as a physician with right feel- ings will exert all his skill to save his patient, and then commit the whole question of life and health to God. He will be more likely to praise God intelligently who believes that he lia.s wisely adapted a plan to the end in view, than he who believes that God works only at random. 13. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight. There is no being who is not wholly known to God. All his thoughts, feclm;^, plans, are distinctly understood. < )f the truth of this there can be no doubt. The design of the remark here is, to guard those to whom the apostle was writing from self-decoption since 106 they could conceal nothing from God. IF All things are naked. Exposed; uncovered. There is nothing that can be concealed from God. Ps. cxxxix. 11,12. " The veil of night is no disguise, No screen from thy all-searching eyesi Thy hands can seize thy foes as soon Thro' midnight shades as blazing noon." IT And opened rcrpa^Aio-j^va. The word here used Tpa^>?X^w proper- ly means (1.) to lay bare the neck, or to bend it back, so as to expose the throat to being cut. (2.) To expose ; to lay open in any way. Why the word is used here has been a matter of inquiry. Some have supposed that the phrase is derived from offering sacrifice, and from the fact that the priest carefully examined the victim to see whether it was sound, before it was offered. But this is manifestly a forced exposition. Others have supposed that it is derived from the custom of bending back the head of a criminal so as to look full in his face, and recognise him so as not to be mistaken ; but this is equally forced and unnatural. This opinion was first proposed by Erasmus, and has been adopted by Clarke and others. Bloomfield, following, as he says, the interpretation of Chrysos- tom, Grotius (though this is not the sentiment of Grotius), Beza, Atling, Hammond, and others, supposes the allusion to be to the custom of cutting the animal down the back bone through the spinal marrow, and thus of laying it open entirely. This sense would well suit the connexion. Gro- tius supposes that it means to strip off the skin by dividing it at the neck, and then removing it. This view is also adopted substantially by Dod- dridge. These explanations are forced, and imply a departure more or less from the proper meaning of the Greek word. The most simple and obvious meaning is usually the best in ex- plaining the Bible. The word which the apostle employs relates to the neck rpd^Aof and not to the spinal marrow, or the skin. The proper meaning of the verb is to bend the HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 neck lack so as to expose it in from when an animal is slain. Passow. Then it means to make bare ; to re- move everything like covering; to expose a thing entirely as the naked neck is for the knife. The allusion here is undoubtedly to the sword which Paul had referred to in the previous verse, as dividing the soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow ; and the meaning is, that in the hand of God, who held that sword, everything was exposed. We are in relation to that, like an animal whose neck is bent back, and laid bare, and ready for the slaughter. Nothing hinders God from strilyng ; there is nothing that can prevent that sword from penetrating the heart any more than when the neck of the animal is bent back and laid bare, there is anything that can hinder the sacrificing priest from thrusting the knife into the throat of the victim. If this be the true interpretation, then what an affecting view does it give of the power of God, and of the exposedness of man to destruction! All is bare, naked, open. There is no concealment ; no hindrance ; no power of resistance. In a moment God can strike, and his dreadful sen- tence shall fall on the sinner like the knife on the exposed throat of the victim. What emotions should the sinner have who feels that he is ex- posed each moment to the sentence of eternal justice to the sword of God as the animal with bent-back neck is exposed to the knife ! And what solemn feelings should all have who remember that all is naked and open before God ! Were we transparent so that the world could see all we are, who would dare go abroad ? Who would wish the world to read all his thoughts and feelings for a single day ? Who would wish his best friends to look in upon his naked soul as we can look into a room through a window ? O what blushes and confusion ; what a hanging do^/n of the head, and what an effort to escape from the gaze of men would there be, if every one knew that all his secret feelings were seen by every D. 6-1.] CHAPTER IV. 107 14 Seeing then that \vc have it high priest, that i.s : a into the heavens, Jesus person whom lie met ! Social enjoy- ould end; and the now gay and blithe multitudes in the streets would become processions of down- d blushing convicts. And yet i\vn to God. He M-ry thought; MVS i very feel- ks through the whole soul. :ireful should we be to keep our hearts pure ; how anxious that -iiould be nothing in the soul that we are not willing to have known ! tf With whom we have to do. Literally, with tchom is our account. Our ac- count; our reckoning is to be with him before whom all is naked and open. V*e cannot, therefore, impose on him. AVc cannot pass off hypo- crisy for sincerity. He will judge us according to truth, not according to appearances ; and his sentence, there- fore, will be just. A man who is to be tried by one who knows all about him, should be a pure and holy man. - ring then that we have a great high priest. The apostle here resumes ,:>jcct which had been slightly hinted at in ch. ii. 17, iii. 1, and pur- to the end of ch. x. The ob- ject is to show that Christians have a great High Priest as really as the Jews had ; to show wherein he surpassed . itical priesthood ; to show how all that was said of the Aaronic priesthood, and all the types pertain- ing to that priesthood, were fulfilled in the Lord Jesus ; and to state and illustrate the nature of the consola- ilich Christians might derive from the fact that they had such an High Priest. One of the things on which the Jews most valued their re- ligion, was the fact that it had such a minister of religion as their high the most elevated functionary of that dispensation. It came there- fore to be of the utmost importance to show that Christianity was not in- ferior to the Jewish religion in this respect, and that the High Priest of the Christian profession wculd not the Son of God, let us hold * fust our profession. a c 9. 12. 24. b c. 10. 23. suffer in point of dignity, and in the value of the blood with which he would approach God, and in the effi- cacy of his intercession, when com pared with the Jewish high priest. Moreover, it was a doctrine of Chris- tianity that the Jewish ritual was to pass away ; and its temple services cease to be observed. It was, there- fore, of vast importance to show ichy they passed away, and how they were superseded. To do this, the apostle is led into this long discussion re- specting their nature. He shows that they were designed to be typical. He proves that they could not purify the heart, and give peace to the con- science. He proves that they were all intended to point to something future, and to introduce the Messiah to the world ; and that when this ob- ject was accomplished, their great end was secured, and they were thus all fulfilled. In no part of the Bible can there be found so full an account of the design of the Mosaic institu- tions, as in chs. v. x. of this epistle; and were it not for this, the volume of inspiration would be incomplete. We should be left in the dark on some of the most important subjects in revelation ; we should ask ques- tions for which we could find no cer- tain answer. The phrase ' great high priest 1 here is used with reference to a known usage among the Jews. In the time of the apostle the name high priest pertained not only to him who actually held the office, and who had the right to enter into the holy of holies, but to his deputy, and to those who had held the office but who had retired from it, and perhaps also the name was given to the head of each one of the twenty-four courses or classes into which the priests were divided. Comp. Notes Luke i. 5 ; Matt. xxvi. 3. The name 'great high priest' would designate him who actually held the office, and was at the head of all the other priests ; and 108 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 15 For we .h^ve not an high priest which cannot be touched * with the feeling of our infir- a Ho. 11. 8. the idea here is, not merely that the Lord Jesus was a priest, but that he was at the head of all ; in the Chris- tian economy he sustained a rank that corresponded with that of the great high priest in the Jewish. T That is passed into the heavens. Ch. ix. 12. 24. The Jewish high priest went once a year into the most holy place in the temple, to offer the hlood of the atonement. Notes on ch. ix. 7. Paul says that the Chris- tian High Priest has gone into hea- ven. He has gone there also to make intercession, and to sprinkle the blood of the atonement on the mercy-seat. Notes ch. ix. .24, 25. T Jesus the Son of God. Not a descendant of Aaron, but one much greater the Son of God. Notes ch. i. 2. V Let us hold fast our profession. See Notes ch. x. 23 ; iii. 14. Note ch. iii. 1. This is the drift and scope of the epistle to show that Christians should hold fast their profession, and not apostatize. The object of the apostle now is to show why the fact that we have such a High Priest, is a reason why we should hold fast our professed attach- ment to him. These reasons which are drawn out in the succeeding chap- ters are such as the following. (1.) We may look to him for assistance since he can be touched with the feel- ing of our infirmities. Ch. iv. 15, 16. (2.) The impossibility of being re- newed again if we should fall away from him, since there is but one such High Priest, and since the sacrifice for sin can never be repeated. Ch. vi. (3.) The fact that all the ancient types were fulfilled in him, and that everything which there was in the Jewish dispensation to keep men from apostasy, exists much more powerfully in the Christian scheme. (4.) The fact that they who rejected the laws of Moses died without mercy, and much more any one who should re- ject the Son of God must expect more mil es ; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without 6 sin. b IPe. 2. 22. 1 Jno. 3. 5.< certain and fearful severity. Ch. 3. 27 30. By considerations such as these, the apostle aims to show them the danger of apostasy, and to^urge them to a faithful adherence to their Christian profession. 15. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched. Our High Priest is not cold and unfeeling. That is, we have one who is abun- dantly qualified to sympathize with us in our afflictions, and to whom, therefore, we may look for aid and support in trials. Had we a high priest who was cold and heartless ; who simply performed the external duties of his office without entering into the sympathies of those who came to seek for pardon ; who had never experienced any trials, and who felt himself above those who sought his aid, we should necessarily feel disheartened in attempting to over come our sins, and to live to God. His coldness would repel us ; his stateliness would awe us ; his dis- tance and reserve would keep us away, and perhaps render us indiffer- ent to all desire to be saved. But tenderness and sympathy attract those who are feeble, and kindness does more than anything else to encourage those who have to encounter difficul- ties and dangers. See Notes ch. ii. 16 13. Such tenderness and sym- pathy has our Great High Priest. IT But ivas in all points tempted like as we are. Tried as we are. See Notes ch. ii. 18. He was subjected to all the kinds of trial to which we can be, and he is, therefore, able to sympathize with us and to aid us. He was tempted in the literal sense he was persecuted ; he was poor ; he was despised ; he suffered bodily pain ; he endured the sorrows of a lingering and most cruel death. IT Yet without sin. I. Pet. ii. 22. " Who did no sin." Isa. liii. 9. " He had done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his A. D. 64.] CHAPTER IV. 109 16 Let us therefore come boldly a unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mouth." ; 6. " Who is holy, harinU-ss, undefiled, separate from The importance of this that tlie Great High Priest of the Christian profession was 'without sin,' the apostle illustrates at length in chs. vii. is. He here merely alludes to it, and says that one who 1 ' without sin' was able to assist those who were sinners, and who put their trust in him. 16. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace. ' The throne of grace !' What a beautiful expression. A throne is the seat of a sovereign ; a throne of grace is designed to re- present a sovereign seated to dispense mercy and pardon. The illustration or comparison here may have been derived from the temple service. In that service God is represented as seated in the most holy place on the mercy-seat. The high priest ap- proaches that seat or throne of the divine majesty with the blood of the atonement to make intercession for the people, and to plead for pardon See Notes on ch. ix. 7, 8. That scene was emblematic of heaven. God is seated on a throne of mercy. The great High Priest of the Christian calling, having shed his own blood to make expiation, is represented as ap- proaching God and pleading for the pardon of men. To a God willing to show mercy he comes with the merits of a sacrifice sufficient for all, and pleads for their salvation. We may, therefore, come with boldness anc look for pardon. We come not de- pending on our own merits, but we come where a sufficient sacrifice has been offered for human guilt; anc where we are assured that God is mer ciful. We may, therefore, come with- out hesitancy, or trembling, and ask for all the mercy that we need 1 That we may obtain mercy. This is what we want first. We neec pardon as the first thing when we come to God. We are guilty anc 10 mercy, and find grace to help "n time of need. a Ep. 3. 12. c. 10. 1922. self-condemned and our first cry should be for mercy mercy. A man who comes to God not feeling his need of mercy must fail of obtaining the divine favour; and he will be best prepared to obtain that favour who has the deepest sense of his need of forgiveness. IT And find grace. Fa- vour strength, help, counsel, direc- tion, support, for the various duties and trials of life. This is what we next need we all need we always need. Even when pardoned, we need grace to keep us from sin, to aid us in duty, to preserve us in the day of temptation. And feeling our need of this, we may come and ask of God all that we want for this purpose. Such is the assurance given us ; and to this bold approach to the throne of grace all are freely invited. In view of it, let us (1.) rejoice that there is a throne of grace. What a world would this be if God sat on a throne of justice only, and if no mercy were ever to be shown to men ! Who is there who would not be overwhelmed with despair ? But it is not so. He is on A THRONE OF GRACE. By day and by night ; from year to year ; from generation to generation ; he is on such a throne. In every land he may be approached, and in as many different languages as men speak, may they plead for mercy. In all times of our trial and temptation we may be assured that he is seated on that throne, and wherever we are, we may approach him with acceptance. (2.) We need the privilege of coming before such a throne. We are sinful and need mercy: we are feeble, and need grace to help us. There is not a day of our lives in which we do not need pardon ; not an hour in which we do not need grace. (3.) How obvious are the propriety and necessity of prayer ! Every man is a sinner and should pray for pardon ; every man is weak, feeble, dependent, and should pray for grace. Not till a man 110 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. can prove that he has never done any sin, should he maintain that he has no need of pardon ; not till he can show that he is able alone to meet the storms and temptations of life, should he feel that he has no need to ask for grace. Yet who can feel this? And how strange it is that all men do not pray ! (4.) It is easy to be for- given. All that needs to be done is 10 plead the merits of our Great High Priest, and God is ready to pardon. Who would not be glad to be able to pay a debt in a manner so easy ? Yet how few there are who are willing to pay the debt to justice thus ! (5.) It is easy to obtain all the grace that we need. We have only to ask for it and it is done. How easy then to meet temptation if we would ! How strange that any should rely on their jwn strength, when they may lean m the arm of God ! (6.) If men are lot pardoned, and if they fall into sin and ruin, they alone are to blame. There is A THRONE OF GRACE. It is always accessible. There is A GOD. He is always ready to pardon. There is A REDEEMER. He is the Great High Priest of men. He is always interceding. His merits may always be pleaded as the ground of our salva- tion. Why then, O why, should any remain unforgiven and perish ? On them alone the blame must lie. In their own bosoms is the reason why they are not saved. CHAPTER V. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. In this chapter the subject of the priestly office of Christ is continued and further illustrated. It had been introduced ch. ii. 17, 18; ch. iii. 1; ch. iv. 14 17. The Jews regarded the office of high priest as an essen- tial feature in the true religion ; and it became, therefore, of the highest importance to show that in the Chris- tian system there was a High Priest every way equal to that of the Jews. In his rank ; in his character ; and in the sacrifice which he offered, he was more than equal to the Jewish high priest, and they who bad for- saken Judaism and embraced Chris- tianity had lost nothing in this re- spect by the change, and had gained much. It became necessary, there- fore, in making out this point, to in- stitute a comparison between the Jewish high priest and the Great Au- thor of the Christian religion, and this comparison is pursued in this and the following chapters. The comparison in this chapter turns mainly on the qualifications for the office, and the question whether the Lord Jesus had those qualifications. The chapter embraces the following points : I. The qualifications of a Jewish high priest. Vs. 1 4. They are these. ( 1 .) He must have been ordained or appointed by God for the purpose of offering gifts and sacrifices for sins. Ver. 1. (2.) He must be tender and compassionate in his feelings, so that he can sympathize with those for whom he ministers. Ver. 2. (3.) He must have an offering to bring to God, and be able to present a sacrifice alike for himself and for the people. Ver. 3. (4.) He could not take this honour on himself, but must have evidence that he was called of God, as was Aaron. Ver. 4. II. An inquiry whether these qua- lifications were found in the Lord Jesus, the great High Priest of the Christian dispensation. Vs. 5 10. In considering this, the apostle specifies the following qualifications in him, corresponding to those which he had said were required by the Jewish high priest. (1.) He did not take this honour on himself, but was called di- rectly by God, and after an order su- perior to the Aaronic priesthood the order of Melchisedek. Vs. 5, 6. 9, 10. (2.) He was kind, tender, and com. passionate, and showed that he was able to sympathize with those for whom he had undertaken the office. When on the earth he had evinced all the tenderness which could be de- sired in one who had come to pity and save mankind. He had a tender, sensitive, human nature. He felt deeply as a man, under the pressure \. D. 64.] CHAPTER V. CHAPTER V. FOR every high priest taken from among- men is ordain- ed * for men in tilings pertain- sutierings which lie en- dured, and thus showed that lie was abundantly qualified to sympathize with his people. Vs. 7, 8. III. In verse 10 the apostle had introduced, incidentally, a topic of great difficulty; and lie adds (vs. 11 1cared 011 earth as a man. Flesh is ised to denote human nature, and especially human nature as suscepti- of suffering. The Son of God still is united to human nature, but it s human nature glorified, for in his case, as in all others, " flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." [. Cor. xv. 50. He has now a glori Tied body (Phil. iii. 21), such as the redeemed will have in the future world. Comp. Rev. i. 1317. The phrase ' days of his flesh,' means the \irne when he was incarnate, or when ic lived on earth in human form. The particular time here referred to, evidently, was the agony in the gar- den of Gethsemane. ^ Prayers and supplications. These words are often used to denote the same thing. If there is a difference, the former o-aj means petitions which arise from a sense of need from Slofiai to want, to need; the latter refers usually to supplication for protection, and is applicable to one who under a sense of guilt flees to an altar with the symbols of supplication in his hand. Suppliants in such cases often carried an olive-branch as an emblem of the peace which they sought. A fact is mentioned by Livy respecting the Locrians that may illustrate this passage. " Ten delegates from the Locrians, squalid and covered with rags, came into the hall where the consuls were sitting, extending the badges of suppliants olive-branches according to the custom of the Greeks ; and prostrated themselves on the ground before the tribunal, with a lamentable cry." Lib.xxix.c. 16. The particular idea in the word here used iKtTtipia is petition for proteC' tion, help, or shelter (Passow), and this idea accords well with the design of the passage. The Lord Jesug prayed as one who had need, and aa one who desired protection, shelter, or 118 HEBREWS. [A. D. 04. strong crying and tears, unto him that was able a to save him a Matt. 26. 53. help. The words here, therefore, do not mean the same thing, and are not merely intensive, but they refer to distinct purposes which the Redeemer had in his prayers. He was about to die, and as a man he needed the divine help; he was, probably, tempted in that dark hour (Note John xii. 30), and he fled to God for protection. IT With strong crying. This word does not mean weeping, as the word ' crying' does familiarly with us. It rather means an outcry, the voice of wailing and lamentation. It is the cry for help of one who is deeply dis- tressed, or in danger ; and refers here to the earnest petition of the Saviour when in the agony of Gethsemane, or when on the cross. It is the in. tensity of the voice which is referred to when it is raised by an agony of suffering. Comp. Luke xxii. 44. '" He prayed more earnestly." Matt, xxvii. 46. " And about the ninth hour Je- sus cried with a loud voice My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?" See also Matt. xxvi. 38, 39 ; xxvii. 50. IT And tears. Jesus wept at the grave of Lazarus (John xi. 35), and over Jerusalem. Luke xix. 41. It is not expressly stated by the Evangelists that he wept in the garden of Geth- semane, but there is no reason to doubt that he did. In such an in- tense agony as to cause a bloody sweat, there is every probability that it would be accompanied with tears. We may remark then, (1.) that there is nothing dishonourable in tears, and that man should not be ashamed on proper occasions to weep. The fact that the Son of God wept is a full demonstration that it is not disgraceful to weep. God has so made us as to express sympathy for others by tears. Religion does not make the heart insensible and hard as stoical philosophy does ; it makes it tender and susceptible to ! impression, (2) It is 'not improper \ from death, ana was heard l in that he feared : l for his piety. to weep. The Son of God wept- and if he poured forth tears it canr.ot be wrong for us. Besides, it is a great law of our nature that in suffering we should find relief by tears. God would not have so made us if it had been wrong. (3.) The fact that the Son of God thus wept should be allowed deeply to affect our hearts. " He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear." He wept that he might redeem us; we should weep that our sins were so great as to demand such bitter woes for our salvation. That we had sin- ned ; that our sins caused him such anguish ; that he endured for us this bitter conflict, should make us weep. Tear should answer to tear, and sigh respond to sigh, and groan to groan, when we contemplate the sorrows of the Son of God in accomplishing our redemption. That man must have a hard heart who has never had an emotion when he has reflected that the Son of God wept, and bled, and died for him. If Unto him that was able. To God. He alone was able then to save. In such a conflict man could not aid, and the help of angels, ready as they were to assist him, could not sustain him. We may de- rive aid from man in trial ; we may be comforted by sympathy and coun- sel ; but there are sorrows where God only can uphold the sufferer. That God was able to uphold him in his severe conflict, the Redeemer could not doubt; nor need we doubt it in reference to ourselves when deep sor- rows come over our souls. IT To save him from death. It would seem from this, that what constituted the agony of the Redeemer was the dread of death, and that he prayed that he might be saved from that This might be, so far as the language is concern- ed, either the dread of death on the spot by the intensity of his suffering* A. D. 64.] CHAPTER V. and by the power ot' the Tempter, or it might be the dread of the approach- ing death on the cross. As the Re- deeiuer, however, knew that he was to die on the cross, it can hardly ,iosed that he apprehended death in the garden of Gethsemane. What he prayed lor was, that, if it were possible he might be spared from a death so painful as he appre- hended. Malt. xxvi. yj. Feeling that God had power to save him from that mode of dying, the burden of his pe- tition was," that, if human redemption could be accomplished without such sufferings, it might please his Father to remove that cup from him. If And was heard. In John xi. 42, the Sa- viour says, " I know that thou nearest me always." In the garden of Geth- semane, he was heard. His prayer was not disregarded, though it was not literally answered. The cup of death was not taken away ; but his prayer was not disregarded. What t was given ; what assurance or support was imparted to his soul, we are not informed. The case, however, shows us, (1.) That prayer may be heard even when the suffer- .vhich are dreaded, and from which we prayed to be delivered, may come upon us. They may come with such assurances of divine favour, and such supports, as will be full proof that the prayer was not dis- regarded. (2.) That prayer offered in faith may not be always literally answered. .No one can doubt that Jesus offered the prayer of faith ; and it is as little to be doubted, if he re- ferred in the prayer to the death on the cross, that it was not literally an- bwcred. Comp. Matt. xxvi. 31). In like manner, it may occur now, that prayer shall be offered with every right feeling, and with an earnest de- Bire for the object, which may not be literally answered. Christians, even in the highest exercise of faith, arc not inspired to know what is best for them, and as long as this is the case, it is possible that they may ask for things which it would not be best to have rra.a'xd. They who maintain hat the pnvyer of faith is always iterally answered, must hold that the Jhristian is under such a guidance of the Spirit of God that he cannot ask anything amiss. See Notes on II. Cor. xii. 9. If In that he feared. Marg. For his piety. Coverdale, Because he had God in honour." Tindal, " Because he had God in re- verence." Prof. Stuart renders it, And was delivered from that which ic feared." So also Doddridge. Whit- DV, " Was delivered from his fear." Luther renders it, ' And was heard for that he had God in reverence' dass er Gott in Ehren hatte. Beza renders it, " His prayers being heard, he was delivered from fear." From this variety in translating the passage, it will be seen at once that it is at- tended with difficulty. The Greek is literally 'from fear or reverence' d TJJJ iv\aj$tiag. The word occurs in the New Testament only in one other place, (Heb. xii. 28), where it is ren- dered "/ear." 'Let us serve him with reverence and godly fear. 1 The word properly means caution, circum- spection ; then timidity, fear ; then the fear of God, reverence, piety. Where the most distinguished scho- lars have differed as to the meaning of a Greek phrase, it would be pre- sumption in me to attempt to deter- mine its sense. The most natural and obvious interpretation, however, as it seems to me, is, that it means that he was heard on account of his reverence for God ; his profound ve- neration ; his submission. Such was his piety that the prayer was heard, though it was not literally answered, A prayer may be heard and yet not literally answered; it may be accept- able to God. though it may not consist with his: arrangements to bestow the very blessing that is sought. The posture of the mind of the Redeemer perhaps was something like this. He knew that he was about to be put to death in a most cruel manner. His tender and sensitive nature as a man shrank from such a death. As a : man he went under the pressure of i his great sorrows and pleaded that the 120 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered : 9 And b being made perfect, he became the author of eternal a Ph. 2. 8. b c. 2. JO. salvation unto all them that obey him ; 10 Called of God an high priest c after the order of Mel chisedek. c ver. 6. cup might be removed, and that man might be redeemed by a less fearful scene of suffering. That arrangement, however, could not be made. Yet the spirit which he evinced ; the de- sire to do the will of God ; the resig- nation, and the confidence in his Fa- ther which he evinced, were such as were acceptable in his sight. They showed that he had unconquerable virtue ; that no power of temptation, arid no prospect of the intensest woes which human nature could endure, could alienate him from piety. To show this was an object of inesti- mable value, and much as it cost the Saviour was worth it all. So now it is worth much to see what Chris- tian piety can endure ; what strong temptations it can resist; and what strength it has to bear up under ac- cumulated woes ; and even though the prayer of the pious sufferer is not directly answered, yet that prayer is acceptable to God, and the result of such a trial is worth all that it costs. 8. Though he were a Son. Though the son of God. Though he sustain- ed this exalted rank, and was con- scious of it, yet he was willing to learn experimentally what is meant by obedience in the midst of suffer- ings. IT Yet learned he obedience. That is, he learned experimentally and practically. It cannot be sup- posed that he did not know what obe- dience was ; or that he was indisposed to obey God before he suffered ; or that he had, as we have, perversities of nature leading to rebellion which required to be subdued by suffering, but that he was willing to test the power of obedience in sufferings ; to become personally and practically acquainted with the nature of such obedience in the midst of protracted voes, Comn. Note on PhiL ii. 8, The object here is, to show how well fitted the Lord Jesus was to be a Sa- viour for mankind ; and the argument is, that he has set us an example, and has shown that the most perfect obe- dience may be manifested in the deepest sorrows of the body and the soul. Learn hence, that one of the objects of affliction is to lead us to obey God. In prosperity we forget it. We become self-confident and rebel- lious. Then God lays his hand upon us ; breaks up our plans ; crushes our hopes ; takes away our health, and teaches us that we must be submissive to his will. Some of the most valu- able lessons of obedience are learned in the furnace of affliction ; and many of the most submissive children of the Almighty have been made so as the result of protracted woes. 9. And being made perfect. That is, being made a complete Saviour a Saviour fitted in all respects to redeem men. Sufferings were necessary to the completeness or the finish of his character as a Saviour, not to his moral perfection, for he was always without sin. See this explained in the Notes on ch ii. 10. V He became the author. That is, he was the pro- curing cause (amoj) of salvation. It is to be traced wholly to his sufferings and death. See Note ch. ii. 10. IT Unto all them that obey him. It is not to save those who live in sin. Only those who obey him have any evi- dence that they will be saved. See Note John xiv. 15. 10. Called of God. Addressed by him, or greeted by him. The word here used does not mean that he was appointed by God, or ' called ' to the office, in the sense in which we often use the word, but simply that he was addressed as such, to wit, in Psalm ox. tf An high priest. In tire Septua- A. 1). 64.] CHAPTER V. 121 11 Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. gint (Ps. ex. 4), and in ver. 6, above, it is rendered priest Icptvs but the Hebrew word jn3 kohen is often used to denote the high priest, and may mean either. See Sept. in Lev. iv. 3. "Whether the word priest, or high priest, be used here, does not affect the argument of the apostle. IT After the order of Melchisedek. Notes ver. 6. 11. Of whom we have many things to say. There are many tilings which seem strange in regard to him ; many things which are hard to be understood. Paul knew that what he had to say of this man as a type of the Redeemer would excite wonder, and that many might be disposed to call it in ques- tion. He knew that in order to be understood, what he was about to say required a familiar acquaintance with the Scriptures, and a strong and elevated faith. A young convert; one who had just commenced the Christian life, could hardly expect to be able to understand it. The same thing is true now. One of the first questions which a young convert often asks, is, Who wasMelchisedek? And one of the things which most uni- formly perplex those who begin to study the Bible, is, the statement which is made about this remarkable man. 1T Hard to be uttered. Rather, hard to be interpreted, or explained. So the Greek word means. H Seeing ye are dull of hearing. That is, .when they ought to have been acquainted witli the higher truths of religion, they had shown that they received them slowly, and were dull of appre- hension. On what particular fact Paul grounded this charge respecting them is unknown ; nor could we know, unless we were better ac- quainted with the persons to whom ne wrote, and their circumstances, thnn we now arc. But he hod doubt* 11 12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you agair< which be the first principles of less in his eye some fact which showed that they were slow to under- stand the great principles of the goa pel. 12. For when for the time. Consi- dering the time which has elapsed since you were converted. You have been Christians long enough to be expected to understand such doctrines. This verse proves that those to whom he wrote were not recent converts. If Ye ought to be teachers. You ought to be able to instruct others. He does not mean to say, evidently, that they ought all to become public teachers, or preachers of the gospel, but that they ought to be able to explain to others the truths of the Christian re- ligion. As parents they ought to be able to explain them to their children ; as neighbours, to their neighbours ; or as friends, to those who were inquir ing the way to life. IT Ye have. need. That is, probably, the mass of them had need. As a people, or a church, they had shown that they were igno- rant of some of the very elements of the gospel. IT Again. This shows that they had been taught on some former occasion what were the first princi- ples of religion, but they had not followed up the teaching as they ought to have done. If The first principles. The very elements ; the rudiments ; the first lessons such as children learn before they advance to higher studies. See the word here used ex- plained in the Notes on Gal. iv. 3 under the word " elements " Th- Greek word is the same. V Of tKe. oracles of God. Of the Scriptures, or what God has spoken. See Notes on Rom. iii. 2. The phrase here mav refer to the writings of the Old Tes- tament, and particularly to those parts which relate to the Messiah ; or it may include all that God had a< that time revealed in whatever wav ! it woe preserved* In L PeU iv. 11, ft HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 the oracles of God ; and are be- come such as have need of milk, a and not of strong meat. 13 For every one that useth a 1 Co. 3. 1-3. f is used with reference to the Christian religion, and to the doctrines which God had revealed in the gospel. In the passage before us, it may mean the. divine oracles or communications, in Avhatever way they had been made known. They had shown that they were ignorant of the very rudiments of the divine teaching. 1T And are become such. There is more meant in this phrase than that they simply ivere such persons. The word ren- dered 'are become' ytvopai some- times implies a change of state, or a passing from one state to another well expressed by the phrase ' are be- come.' See Matt. v. 45 ; iv. 3 ; xiii. 32 ; vi. 1 6 ; x. 25 ; Mark i. 17 ; Rom. vii. 3, 4. The idea here is, that they had passed from the hopeful condition in which they were when they show- ed that they had an acquaintance with the great principles of the gos- pel, and that they had become such as to need again the most simple form of instruction. This agrees well with the general strain of the epistle, which s to preserve them from the danger of apostasy. They were verging to- wards it, and had come to that state where if they were recovered it must be by being again taught the elements of religion. 1T Have need of milk. Like little chu^ren. You can bear only the most sample nourishment. The meaning is, that they were incapable of receiving the higher doctrines of the gospel as much as little children are incapable of digesting solid food. They were in fact in a state of spirit- ual infancy. IT And not of strong meat. Greek. ' Strong food.' The word meat with us is used now to denote only animal food. Formerly it meant food in general. The Greek word here means nourishment. 1 3. For every one that useth milk. Referring to the food of children. milk * is unskilful in the word of righteousness : for he is a babe. 14 But strong meat belong. 1 hath no experience. The apostle has in view here those Christians who resemble children ir this respect, that they are not capable of receiving the stronger food adapted to those of mature age. IT Is unskil ful. Inexperienced ; who has no* skill to perform anything. The word is properly applied to one who has not experience or skill, or who is ig- norant. Here it does not mean that they were not true Christians but that they had not the experience or skill requisite to enable them to un- derstand the higher mysteries of the Christian religion. IT In the word of righteousness. The doctrine respect- ing the way in which men become righteous, or the way of salvation by the Redeemer. See Notes on Rom. i 17. IT For he is a babe. That is, in religious matters. He understands the great system only as a child may. It is common to speak of * babes in knowledge,' as denoting a state of ig- norance. 14. Strong meat. Solid food per. tains to those of maturer years. So it is with the higher doctrines of Chris- tianity. They can be understood and appreciated only by those who are advanced in Christian experience. IT Of full age. Marg. Perfect. The expression refers to those who are grown up. IT Who by reason of use Marg. Or, an habit, or, perfection, Coverdale and Tindal render it, ' through custom.' The Greek word means habit, practice. The meaning is, that by long use and habit they had arrived to that state in which they could appreciate the more ele- vated doctrines of Christianity. The reference in the use of this word is not to those who eat food meaning that by long- use they arc able to dis- i tinguisb good from bad but it is to experienrse/i Christians, who by long experience r<: qhle to distinguish A. 1). 01. J V. 123 tliat ;trc ' of 1'ull who by : of- usi- liavt- tlii-ir that which is useful in pretended rc- nistruction from that which is injurious. It refers to the delicate : ieh an .-xperienced Christian has in regard to those doctrines which impart most light and consolation. nee will thus enable one to . what is fitted to the soul of .vhat elevates and purifies the :id what tends to draw the heart near to God. ^ Have their senses. The word here used means properly the senses as we use the term; the seat of sensation, the smell, ^ e. Then it means the inter- nal sense, the faculty of perceiving truth ; and this is the idea here. The meaning 1 is, that by long experience Christians come to be able to under- stand the more elevated doctrines of Christianity ; they see their beauty and value, and they are able carefully and accurately to distinguish them from error. Comp. Notes John vii. 17. ^ To discern both pood and evil. That is, in doctrine. They will appreciate and understand that which is true ; :11 reject that which is false. REMARKS. 1. Let us rejoice that we have a High Priest who is duly called to take upon himself the functions of that great office, and who lives for B. 1 6 True, he was not of the tribe of Levi ; he was not a de- scendant of Aaron; but he had a >ble elevation, and a more ex- alted rank. He was the Son of God, and was called to his office by special divine designation. He did not ob- trude himself into the work; he did not unduly exalt himself, but he was directly called to it by the appoint- ment of God. When, moreover, the s could look back on the long line of their ancestors, and trace the succession up to Aaron, it was in the power of the great High Priest of the Christian faith to look | cised to discern both good arid evil. 1 or, perfect. 2 or, an habit ; or, perfection. farther back still, and to be associated in the office with one of higher anti- quity than Aaron, and of higher rank one of the most remarkable men of all ancient times he whom Abra- ham acknowledged as his superior, and from whom Abraham received the benediction. 2. It is not unmanly to weep. Ver. 7. The Son of God poured out prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears. He wept at the grave of Lazarus, and he wept over Jerusalem. If the Redeemer wept, it is not un- manly to weep ; and we should not be ashamed to have tears seen streaming down our cheeks. Tears are appointed by God to be the natural expression of sorrow, and often to furnish a re- lief to a burdened soul. We instinc- tively honour the man whom we see weeping when there is occasion for grief. We sympathize with him in his sorrow, and we love him the more. When we see a father who could face the cannon's mouth without shrink- ing, yet weeping over the open grave of a daughter, we honour him more than we could otherwise do. He shows that he has a heart that can love and feej, as well as courage that can meet danger without alarm Washington wept when he signed the death-warrant of Major Andre; and who ever read the affecting ac- count without feeling that his charac ter w r as the more worthy of our love ? There is enough in the world to make us weep. Sickness, calamity, death, are around us. They come into our dwellings, and our dearest objects of affection are taken away, and God intends that we shall deeply feel. Tears here will make heaven more sweet ; and our sorrows on earth are intended to prepare us for the joy of that day when it shall be announced to us that * all tears shall be wiped away from every face.' 3. We see the propriety of prayer 124 HEBREWS. A. 1). 64. in view of approaching death. Ver. 7. The Redeemer prayed when he felt that he must die. We know, also, that we must die. True, we shall not suffer as he did. He had pangs on the cross which no other dying man ever bore. But death to us is an object of dread. The hour of death is a fearful hour. The scene when a man dies is a gloomy scene. The sunken eye, the pallid cheek, the clammy sweat, the stiffened corse, the coffin, the shroud, the grave, are all sad and gloomy things. We know not, too, what severe pangs we may have when we die. Death may come to us in some peculiarly fearful form ; and in view of his approach in any way, we should pray. Pray, dying man, that you may be prepared for that sad hour; pray, that you may not be left to complain, and rebel, and murmur then ; pray that you may lie down in calmness and peace; pray that you may be enabled to honour God even in death. 4. It is not sinful to dread death. Ver. 7. The Redeemer dreaded it. His human nature, though perfectly holy, shrank back from the fearful agonies of dying. The fear of death, therefore, in itself is not sinful. Chris- tians are often troubled because they have not that calmness in the pros- pect of death which they suppose they ought to. have, and because their na- ture shrinks back from the dying pang. They suppose that such feel- ings are inconsistent with religion, and that they who have them cannot be true Christians. But they forget their Redeemer and his sorrows ; they forget the earnestness with which he pleaded that the cup might be re- moved. Death is in itself fearful, and it is a part of our nature to dread it, and even in the best of minds sometimes the fear of it is not wholly taken away until the hour comes, and God gives them ' dying grace.' There are probably two reasons why God made death so fearful to man. (1.) One is, to impress him with the importance of being prepared for it. Death is to him the entrance on an endless being, and it is an object of God to keep the attention fixed on that as a most momentous and solemn event. The ox, the lamb, the robin, the dove, have no immortal nature; no conscience ; no responsibility, and no need of making preparation for death and hence except in a very slight degree they seem to have no dread of dying. But not so with man. He has an undying soul. His main business here is to prepare for death and for the world beyond, and hence, by all the fear of the dying pang, and by all the horror of the grave, God would fix the attention of man on his own death as a most momentous event, and lead him to seek that hope of immortality which alone can lay the foundation for any proper remo- val of the fear of dying. (2.) The other reason is, to deter man from taking his own life. To keep him from this, he is made so as to start back from death. He fears it ; it is to him an object of deepest dread, and even when pressed down by calamity and sadness, as a general law, he ' had rather bear the ills he has, than fly to others that he knows not of.' Man is the only creature in reference to whom this danger exists. There is no one of the brute creation, unless it be the scorpion, that Will take its own life, and hence they have not such a dread of dying. But we know how it is with man. Weary of life; goaded by a guilty conscience ; dis- appointed and heart-broken, he is under strong temptation to commit the enormous crime of self-murder, and to rush uncalled to the bar of God. As one of the means of de- terring from this, God has so made us that we fear to die ; and thousands are kept from this enormous crime by this fear, when nothing else would save them. It is benevolence, there- fore, to the world, that man is afraid to die and in every pang of the dy. ing struggle, and every thing about death that makes us turn pale and tremble at its approach, there is ifl some way the manifestation of good ness to mankind A. D. (VI.] CHAPTER VI. 125 .">. We may be comforted in the : of (it ath by looking to the example of the Redeemer. Ver. 7. Much as we may fear to die, and much as we may he left to suffer then, of one thing we may be sure. It is, that lu- has gone beyond us in suffering. The sorrows of our dying will never equal his. We shall never go through such scenesi as occurred in the garden of Gethsemane and on It may be some consola- tion that human nature has endured - pangs than we shall, and that there is one who has surpassed us even in our keenest sufferings. It should be to us a source of consola- tion, also of the highest kind, that he did it that he might alleviate our sor- rows, and that he might drive away the horrors of death from us by ' bring- ing life and immortality to light,' and that as the result of his sufferings our dying moments may be calm and peaceful. 6. It often occurs that men are true Christians, and yet are ignorant of some of the elementary principles of religion. Ver. 12. This is owing to such things as the following; a want of early religious instruction ; the faults of preachers who fail to teach their people ; a want of inquiry on the part of Christians, and the in- terest which they feel in other things above that which they feel in religion. It is often surprising what vague and unsettled opinions many professed Christians have on some of the most important points of Christianity, and how little qualified they are to defend their opinions when they are attack- ed. Of multitudes in the Church even now it might be said, that they 'need some one to teach them what are the very first principles of true religion.' To some of the elementary doctrines of Christianity about dead- ness to the world, about self-denial, about prayer, about doing good, and about spirituality, they are utter strangers. So of forgiveness of inju- ries, and charity, and love for a dying world. These are the elements of Christianity rudiments which chil- li* dreii in righteousness should learn and yet they are not learned by mul- tiiiult-s who hear the Christian name. 7. All Christians ought to be teach- ers. Ver. 12. I do not mean that they should all be preachers; but they should all so live as to teach others the true nature offeligion. This they should do by their example, and by their daily conversation. Any Christian is qualified to impart useful instruction to others. The servant of lowest rank may teach his master how a Christian shpuld live. A child may thus teach a parent how he should live, and his daily walk may furnish to the parent lessons of inestimable value. Neigh hours may thus teach neighbours ; and strangers may learn of strangers. Every Christian has a knowledge of the way to be saved which it would be of the highest value to others to know, and is qualified to tell the rich, and proud, and learned sinner, that about himself and of the final destiny of man of which he is now wholly ignorant. Let it be remem- bered, also, that the world derives its views of the nature of religion from the lives and conduct of its professed friends. It is not from the Bible, or from the pulpit, or from books, that men learn what Christianity is ; it is from the daily walk of those who pro- fesstobe its friends ; and every day wt live, a wife, a child, a neighbour, or a stranger, is forming some view of the nature of religion from what they see in us. How important, therefore, it is that we so live as to communicate to them just views of what constitutes religion ! CHAPTER VI. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. In ch. v. 10, 11, the apostle haa said that the Lord Jesus was called to the office of high priest after the order of Melchisedek, and that there were many things to be said of him which were not easy to be understood. They had not, he says, advanced aa far in the knowledge of the true reli- gion as might have been reasonably expected, but had rather gone back HEBREWS. [A. CHAPTER VI. mHEREFORE, a leaving ! the principles ojf the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto per- fection ; not laying again the a Ph. 3. 12-14. 1 or, the word of Ike beginning of Christ. Cli. v. 1214. The design of this chapter seems to be to warn them against the danger of going back en- tirely, and to encourage them to make the highest attainments possible in the knowledge of Christianity, and in the divine life. The apostle would keep them from entire apostasy, and would excite them to make all the advances which they possibly could make, and particularly he designs to prepare them to receive what he had yet to say about the higher doc- trines of the Christian religion. In doing this he presents the following considerations. (1.) An exhortation to leave the elements or rudiments of the Chris- tian religion, and to go on to the con- templation of the higher doctrines. The elements were the doctrines of repentance, faith, laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eter- nal judgment. These entered into the very nature of Christianity. They were its first principles, and were indispensable. The higher doctrines related to other matters, which the apostle called them now to contem- plate. Vs. 13. (2.) He warns them, in the most solemn manner, against apostasy. He assures them that if they should apostatize, it would be impossible to renew them again. They could not fall away from grace and again be renewed ; they could not, after having been Christians and then apostatiz- ing, be recovered. Their fall in that case would be final and irrecoverable, for there was no other way by which they could be saved ; and by rejecting the Christian scheme, they would re- ject the only plan by which they could ever be brought to heaven. By this solemn consideration, therefore, he warns them of the danger of going back from their exalted hopes, or of neglecting the opportunities which of the higher truths of religion. Vs. 46. (3.) This sentiment is illustrated (vs. 7, 8) by a striking and beautiful figure drawn from agriculture. The sentiment was, that they who did not improve their advantage, and grow in the knowledge of the gospel, but who should go back and apostatize, would inevitably be destroyed. They could not be renewed and saved. It will be, says the apostle, as it is with the earth. That which receives the rain that falls, and that bears its pro- per increase for the use of man, par- takes of the divine blessing. That which does not which bears only thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh to cursing, and will be burned with fire. (4.) Yet the apostle says, he hoped better things of them. They had, indeed, receded from what they had been. They had not made the ad- vances which he says they might have done. But still, there was rea- son to hope that they would not wholly apostatize, and be cast off by God. They had shown that they had true religion, and he believed that God would not forget the evidence which they had furnished that they Ipved him. Vs. 9, 10. (5.) He expresses his earnest wish that they all would show the same diligence until they attained the full assurance of hope. Vs. 11, 12. (6.) To encourage them in this, he refers them to the solemn oath which God had taken, and his sacred cove- nant with them confirmed by an oath in order that they might have true consolation, and be sustained in the temptations and trials of life. That hope was theirs. It was sure and steadfast. It entered into that within the veil ; it had been confirmed by him who had entered heaven as the great High Priest after the order of llUy IUU Lilly" L11U UUUU1 I U. Ill LiCiS WHICH I i^UJCLt A Alt' 11 JL 11C/OU CLlLC-l Llili VI U^J VA they had to advance to the knowledge j Melchisedck. Vs. 13 20. By suoh A. 1). 01. J CHAPTER VI. 127 foundation of repentance from a c. 9. 14. b c. 11. dead works, and of faith 6 to- ward God, rations lie \voiild -Miard thorn from tlir il;ni;:vr of apostasy; he would fiicourau-i' them to diligence in the divinr lift- ; and he would seek to pre- pare them to welcome the more- high and difficult doctrine* of the Christian religion. I. Therefore. ' Since, as was stated in tlie previous chapter, you ought to :>;iblc of comprehending the higher doctrines of religion; since those doctrines arc adapted to those who have been for a considerable time >rs of Christianity, and have had opportunities of growing in know- mi grace as much as strong for those of mature years low the elements of Christian doctrine, and go on to understand its .' The idea is, that who had so long been ac- quainted with the way of salvation, iieiils of Christianity were no niapted than milk was for grown persons. IT Leaving. Dismiss- IDLT; intermitting; passing by the ration of with a view to ad- f<> something higher. The apostle refers to his discussion of the subject, and also to their condition. iied to go on to the contem- plation of higher doctrines, and he desiied that they should no longer linger around the mere elements. 4 Let us advance to a higher state of knowledge than the mere elements of the subject.' On the sense of the word 4 leaving,' or quitting with a -oindhinT else, see Matt, i . :_>!. V The prin. . The word of the begin- iini'j (,f (.'drift. Tindal renders it, leave the doctrine pertaining to the beifinniii.(.r of a Christian man.' Coven: leave the doctrine pertaining to the beginning of a Chris- tian li. 1 'principles' Hi. v. 1:J. The Greek there, indeed, is not the same as in this place, hut fie idea is evidently the name. The reference is to what he regarded as the very elements of the Christian doctrine ; and the meaning is, ' let us no longer linger here. We should go on to higher attainments. We should wholly understand the system. We should discuss and re- ceive its great principles. You have been long enough converted to have understood these ; but you linger among the very elementary truths of religion. But you cannot remain here. You must either advance or recede ; and if you do not go forward, you will go back into entire apostasy, when it will be impossible to be re- newed.' The apostle here, therefore, docs not refer to his discussion of the points under consideration as the main thing, but to their state as one of danger ; and in writing to them he was not content to discuss the elements of religion as being alone fitted to their condition, but would have them make higher attainments, and advance to the more elevated principles of the gospel. 1T Of the doctrine. Literally, ' the word 1 \6vov reason, or doctrine of the beginning of Christ.' That is, the word or rea- son that pertains to the elements of his system ; the first principles of Christian doctrine. HO/ Christ. Which pertain to the Messiah. Either that which he taught, or that which is taught of him and his religion. Most probably it is the latter that which pertains to the Messiah, or to the Christian revelation. The idea is, that there is a set of truths whicli may be regarded as lying at the foun- dation of Christian doctrine, and those truths they had embraced, but had not advanced beyond thera. IT Let us go on. Let us advance to a higher state of knowledge and holiness. The reference is alike to his discussion of 1 the subject, and to tb,eir advancement in piety and in knowledge. lie would not linger around these elements in the discussion, nor would he have them linger at the threshold of the Christian doctrines. IT Unto perfection Comp. Notes ch. ii. 10. The word hero 128 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. is used, evidently, to denote an ad- vanced state of Christian knowledge and piety ; or the more elevated Chris- tian doctrines, and the holier living to which it was their duty to attain. It does not refer solely to the inten- tion of the apostle to discuss the more elevated doctrines of Christianity, but to such an advance as would secure them from the danger of apostasy. If it should be said, however, that the word 'perfection'' is to be understood in the most absolute and unqualified sense, as denoting entire freedom from sin, it may be remarked, (1.) that this does not prove that they ever attained to it, nor should this be adduced as a text to show that such an attainment is ever made. To ex- hort a man to do a thing however reasonable is no proof in itself that it is ever done. (2.) It is proper to exhort Christians to aim at entire perfection. Even if none have ever reached that point on earth, that fact does not make it any the less desira- ble or proper to aim at it. (3.) There is much in making an honest attempt to be perfectly holy, even though we should not attain to it in this life. No man accomplishes much who does not aim high. IT Not laying again the foundation. Not laying down as one does a foundation for an edifice. The idea is, that they were not to begin and build all this over again. They were not to make it necessary to lay down again the very corner- stones, and the foundations of the edi- fice, but since these were laid already, they were to go on and build the su- perstructure and complete the edifice. 1f Of repentance from dead works. From works that cause death or con- demnation ; or that have no vitality or life. The reference may be either to those actions which were sinful in their nature, or to those which re- lated to the forms of religion, where there was no spiritual life. This was the character of much of the religion of the Jews ; and conversion to the true religion consisted greatly in re- pentance for having relied on those heartless and hollow forms. It is possible that the apostle referred mainly to these, as he was writing to those who had been Hebrews. When formalists are converted, one of the first and the main exercises of their minds in conversion, consists in deep and genuine sorrow for their depend- ence on those forms. Religion is life ; and irreligion is a state of spiritual death, (Comp. Notes on Eph. ii. 1), whether it be in open transgression, or in false and hollow forms of reli- gion. The apostle has here stated what is the first element of the Chris- tian religion. It consists in genuine sorrow for sin, and a purpose to turn from it. See Note Matt. iii. 2. IT And of faith toward God. See Note on Mark xvi. 16. This is the second element in the Christian system Faith is everywhere required in order to salvation, but it is usually faith in the Lord Jesus that is spoken of. See Acts xx. 21. Here, however, faith in God is particularly referred to. But there is no essential diiYerence. It is faith in God in regard to his ex- istence and perfections, and to his plan of saving men. It includes, therefore, faith in his message and messenger, and thus em braces the plan of salvation by the Redeemer. There is but one God ' the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ;' and he who believes in the true God believes in him as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; the Author of the plan of re- demption, and the Saviour of lost men. No one can believe in the true God who does not believe in the Sa- viour. Comp. John v. 23 ; xvii. 3. He who supposes that he confides in any other God than the Author of the Christian religion, worships a being of the imagination as really as though he bowed down to a block of wood or stone. If Christianity is true, there is no such God as the infidel pro- fesses to believe in, any more than the God of the. Brahmin has an ex. istenc^. To believe in God, therefc ire, is to believe in him as he actually ex- ists as fhe true God the Author of the great plan of salvation by the Re- deemer It is needless to attempt to A. D. 64.] CHAPTEI. 15 2 Of the doctrine of bap- show that faitli in the true God is cs- ial to salvation. How can he he il who has no confidence in the (Jod that made him ? 2. Of the doctrine of baptisms. This is mentioned as the third ele- ment or principle of the Christian re- ligion. The Jews made much of va- rious kinds of washings, which were called baptisms. See Note Mark vii. ! t is supposed also, that they were in the practice of baptizing proselytes to their religion. Note Matt. iii. 6. SHUT they made so much of various kinds of ablution, it was important that the true doctrine on the subject should be stated as one of the ele- ments of the Christian religion, that they might be recalled from supersti- tion, and that they might enjoy the benefits of what was designed to be an important aid to piety the true doctrine of baptisms. It will be ob- served that the plural form is used here baptisms. There are two bap- tisms whose necessity is taught by the Christian religion baptism by water, and by the Holy Ghost ; the first of which is an emblem of the second. These are stated to be among the elements of Christianity, or the things which Christian converts would first learn. The necessity of both is taught. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. Mark xvi. 1 6. " Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John iii. 5. On the baptism of the Holy Ghost, see Notes on Malt. iii. 11 ; Acts i. 5 comp. Acts xix. 1 6. To understand the true doctrine respecting baptism was one of the first principles to be learned then as it is now, as baptism is the rite by which we are initiated Into the Church. This was supposed to be so simple that young converts could understand it as one of the ele- ments of the true religion, and the teaching on that subject now should be made so plain that the humblest disciple may comprehend it. Tf it tisms, and of laying on* ol a A.. J9. 4,5. b Ac. 8. 17. was an element or first principle o( religion ; if it was presumed that any one who entered the Church could understand it, can it be believed that it was then so perplexing and em- barrassing as it is often made now ? Can it be believed that a vast array of learning, and a knowledge of lan- guages, and a careful inquiry into the customs of ancient times, was needful in order that a candidate for baptism should understand it ? The truth is, that it was probably regard- ed as among the most simple and plain matters of religion ; and every convert was supposed to understand that the application of water to the body in this ordinance, in any mode, was designed to be merely emblematic of . the influences of the Holy Ghost. IT And of laying on of hands. This is the fourth element or principle of religion. The Jews practised the lay ing on of hands on a great variety of occasions. It was done when a bless- ing was imparted to any one ; when prayer was made for one ; and when they offered sacrifice they laid their hands on the head of the victim, con- fessing their sins. Lev. xvi. 21 ; xxiv. 14; Num. viii. 12. It was done on occasions of solemn consecration to office, and when friend supplicated the divine favour on friend. In like manner, it was often done by the Sa- viour and the apostles. The Redeemer laid his hands on children to bless them, and on the sick when he healed them. Matt. xix. 13; Mark v. 23; Matt. ix. 18. In like manner the apostles laid hands on others in the following circumstances. (1.) In heal- ing the sick. Acts xxviii, 8. (2.) In ordination to office. I. Tim. v. 22 ; Acts vi. 6. (3.) In imparting the miraculous influences of the Holy Spirit. Acts viii. 1 7. 19 ; xix. G. The true doctrine respecting the design of laying on the hands, is said here to be one of the elements of the Chris- tian religion. That the custom of laying on the hands as symbolical of 130 HEBREWS. [A. D. hands, and of a resurrection of a Ac. 17. 31 ; 26. 8. imparting spiritual gifts, prevailed in the Church in the time of the apostles, no one can doubt. But on the ques- tion whether it is to be regarded as of perpetual obligation in the Church, we are to remember, (1.) that the apostles were endowed with the power of imparting the influences of the Holy Ghost in a miraculous or extraordi- nary manner. It was with reference to such an imparting of the Holy Spirit that the expression is used in each of the cases where it occurs in the New Testament. (2.) The Sa- viour did not appoint the imposition of the hands of a ' bishop' to be one of the rites or ceremonies to be ob- served perpetually in the Church. The injunction to be baptized and to observe his supper is positive, and is universal in its obligation. But there is no such command respecting the imposition of hands. (3.) No one now is intrusted with the power of imparting the Holy Spirit in that manner. There is no class of officers in the Church, that can make good their claim to any such power. What evidence is there that the Holy Spirit is imparted at the rite of ' confirma- tion?' (4.) It is liable to be abused, or to lead persons to substitute the form for the thing ; or to think that because they have been 'confirmed,' that therefore they are stfre of the mercy and favour of God. Still, if it be regarded as a simple form of admis- sion to a church, without claiming that it is enjoined by God, or that it is connected with any authority to impart the Holy Spirit, no objection can be made to it any more than there need be to any other form of recognising Church membership. Every pastor has a right, if he choos- es, to lay his hands on the members of his flock, and to implore a blessing on them ; and such an act on making a profession of religion would have much in it that would be appropriate and solemn. IT And of resurrection vfthe dead. This is mentioned as the the dead, and of eternal judg nent. fifth element or principle of the Christian religion. This doctrine was denied by the Sadducees, (Mark xii. 18 ; Acts xxiii. 8), and was ridiculed by philosophers. Acts xvii. 32. It was, however, clearly taught by the Saviour, (John v. 28, 29), and became one of the cardinal doctrines of his religion. By the resurrection of the dead, however, in the New Testa ment, there is more intended than the resurrection of the body. The question about the resurrection in- cluded the whole inquiry about the future state, or whether man would live at all in the future world. Comp Notes on Matt. xxii. 23 ; Acts xxiii. 6 This is one of the most importan subjects that can come before the hu man mind, and one on which man has felt more perplexity than any other. The belief of the resurrection of the dead is an elementary article in the system of Christianity. It lies at the foundation of all our hopes. Christianity is designed to prepare us for a future state ; and one of the first things, therefore, in the prepara- tion, is to assure us there is a future state, and to tell us what it is. It is. moreover, a peculiar doctrine of Chris tianity. The belief of the resurrec tion is found in no other system of re ligion, nor is there a ray of light sheo upon the future condition of man By any other scheme of philosophy 01 religion. IT And of eternal judgment This is the sixth element or principle of religion. It is, that there will be a judgment whose consequences will be eternal. It does not mean, of course, that the process of the judg ment will be eternal, or that the judgment-day will continue for ever; j but that the results or consequents of ! the decision of that day will continue i for ever. There will be no appeal from the sentence, nor will there be any reversal of the judgment then pronounced. What is decided then will be determined for ever. The ap proval of the righteous will fix their A.. D. Gi] CHAPTER VI. 131 3 And this will we do, if CJod permit. 1 Tor it in impossible b for a Ja. 4. Jo- b Mat. 5. M : 1-'. 31. 3*J ; Jno. .1; 1 Juo.S. 16. rnally in heaven, and in like manner the condemnation of the wicked will fix their doom for ever in hell. This doctrine was one of the earliest that was taught by the Sa- viour and hi.- . and is incul- eated in the New Testament perhaps with more frequency than any other. ;. .x.\v. ; Aets xvii. 31. That the consequences or results of the judgment will be eternal, is abun- dantly ailinncd. See Matt. xxv. 46; John v. x>9 ; II. Thess. i. 9 ; Mark ix. 3. And this will we do. We will make these advances towards a higher state of knowledge and piety. Paul iiad confidence that they would do it . 9, 10), and though they had d long around the elements of an knowledge, he believed that they would yet go on to make higher attainments. IT If God permit. This is not to be interpreted as if God was umrilling that they should make such advances, or as if it were doubtful whether he would allow it if they made an honest effort, and their lives pared ; but it is a phrase used to denote their dependence on him. iivalent to saying, ' if he would spare their lives, their health, and their reason ; if he would continue the means of grace, and would im- part his Holy Spirit ; if he would favour their efforts and crown them ivith su<-( ( . >s, they would make these advances.' In reference to anything < undertake, however pleasing to God in itself, it is proper to recog- nise our entire dependence on God. ines iv. 13 15. Comp. Notes on John xv. ~>. 4. For it is impossible. It is need- less to say that the passage here (vs 4 6), has given occasion to much controversy, and that the opinions of commentators and of the Christian world are yet greatly divided in re- those who weie once enlight- ened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made parl-.ikers of the Holy Ghost. gard to its meaning. On the one hand, it is held that the passage is not intended to describe those who arc true Christians, but only those w T ho have been awakened and enlight- ened, and who then fall back ; and on the other it is maintained that it re- fers to those who are true Christians, and who then apostatise. The con- tending parties have been Calvinists and Arminians ; each party, in gene- ral, interpreting it according to the views which are held on the question about falling from grace. I shall endeavour, as well as I may be able, to state the true meaning of the pas- sage by an examination of the words and phrases in detail, observing here, in general, that it seems to me that it refers to true Christians ; that the object is to keep them from apostasy, and that it teaches that if they should apostatize, it would be impossible to renew them again or to save them. That it refers to true Christians will be apparent from these considera- tions. (1.) Such is the sense which would strike the great mass of read- ers. Unless there were some theory to defend, the great body of readers of the New Testament would consider the expression here used as describing true Christians. (2.) The connexion demands such an interpretation. The apostle was addressing Christians. He was endeavouring to keep them from apostasy. The object was not to keep those who were awakened and enlightened from apostasy, but it was to preserve those who were al- ready in the Church of Christ, from going back to perdition. The kind of exhortation appropriate to those who were awakened and convicted, but who were not truly converted, would be to become converted ; not to warn them of the danger of falling away. Besides, the apostle would not have said of such persons that they HEBREWS. (A. D. 64. could not be converted and saved. But of sincere Christians it might be said with the utmost propriety, that they could not be renewed again and be saved if they should fall away because they rejected the only plan jf salvation after they had tried it, and renounced the only scheme of redemption after they had tasted its benefits. If that plan could not save them, what could ? If they neglected that, by what other means could they be brought to God ? (3.) This inter- pretation accords, as I suppose, with the. exact meaning of the phrases which the apostle uses. An examina- tion of those phrases will show that he refers to those who are sincere be- lievers. The phrase 'it is impossible' obviously and properly denotes abso- lute impossibility. It has been con- tended, by Storr and others, that it denotes only great difficulty. But the meaning which would at first strike all readers would be that the thing could not be done ; that it was not merely very difficult, but absolute- ly impracticable. The word 'advvaTov occurs only in the New Testament in the following places, in all which it denotes that the thing could not be done. Matt. xix. 26 ; Mark x. 27. " With men this is impossible ;" that is, men could not save one who was rich, implying that the thing was wholly beyond human power. Luke xviii. 27. " The things which are im- possible with men are possible with God" referring to the same case. Acts xiv. 8. "A man of Lystra, impotent in his feet ;" that is, who was wholly unable to walk. Rom. viii. 3. " For what the law could not do ;" what was absolutely impossible for the law to accomplish ; that is, to save men. Heb. vi. 18, " In which it was impos- sible for God to lie ; Heb. x. 4, " It is not possible for the blood of bulls and of goats to take away sin;" and Heb. xi. 6, " Without faith it is impossible to please God;" in all of these in- stances denoting absolute impossibi- lity. These passages show that it is not merely a great difficulty to which the apostle refers, but that he meant to say that the thing was wholly im- practicable ; that it could not be done. And if this be the meaning, then it proves that if those referred to should fall away, they could never be re- newed. Their case was hopeless, anc they must perish : that is, if a true Christian should apostatize, or fall from grace, he never could be renewed again, and could not be saved. Paul did not teach that he might fall away and be renewed again as often as UL* pleased. He had other views of the grace of God than this ; and he meant to teach, that if a man should once cast off true religion, his case was hopeless, and he must perish ; and by this solemn consideration the only one that would be effectual in such a case he meant to guard them against the danger of apostasy. IT .For those who were once enlightened. The phrase ' to be enlightened' is one that is often used in the Scriptures, and may be applied either to one whose under- standing has been enlightened to dis- cern his duty, though he is not con- verted (comp. Note John i. 9) ; or more commonly to one who is truly con- verted. See Note on Eph. i. 18. It does not of necessity refer to tiue Christians, though it cannot be denied that it more obviously suggests the idea that the heart is truly changed, and that it is more commonly used in that sense. Comp. Ps. xix. 8. Light, in the Scriptures, is the emblem of knowledge, holiness, and happiness, and there is no impropriety here in understanding it in accordance with the more decisive phrases which fol- low, as referring to true Christians IT And have tasted. To taste of a thing means, according to the usage in the Scriptures, to experience, or to understand it. The expression is de- rived from the fact that the taste is one of the means by which we ascer tain the nature or quality of an object. Comp. Matt. xvi. 28 ; John viii. 51 ; Heb. ii. 9. The proper idea here is, that they had experienced the hea venly gift, or had learned its nature IT The heavenly gift. The gift from heaven, or which pertains to heaven. A. D. 64.] CHAPTER VI. 133 5 And have tasted the good Comp. Note John iv. 10. The ex- i properly means some favour or gift which has descended from hea- ven, and may refer to any of the bene- fits which God has conferred on man in the work of redemption. It might include the plan of salvation; the for- -s of sins; the enlightening, renewing, and sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit, or any one of the graces which that spirit imparts. The use of the article, however ' I he hea- venly gift,' limits it to something special as being conferred directly from heaven, and the connexion would Feem to demand that we understand it of some peculiar favour which could be conferred only on the children of God. It is an expression which may be applied to sincere Christians ; it is at least doubtful whether it can with propriety be applied to any other. T And were made partakers of the Holy Ghost. Partakers of the influ- ences of the Holy Ghost for it is only in this sense that we can par- take of the Holy Spirit. We partake of food when we share it with others ; we partake of pleasure when we enjoy it with others ; we partake of spoils in war when they are divided between us and others. So we partake of the influences of the Holy Spirit when we share these influences conferred on his people. This is not language which can properly be applied to any one but a true Christian ; and though it is true that an unpardoned sinner may be enlightened and awakened by the Holy Spirit, yet the language here used is not such as would be likely to be employed to describe his state. It is too clearly expressive of those influences which renew and sanctify the soul. It is as elevated language as can be used to describe the joy of the Christian, and is un- doubtedly used in that sense here. If it is not, it would be difficult to find any language which would properly express the condition of a renewed 12 word of God, and the powers of the world to come. heart. Grotius, Bloomfield, and some others, understood this of the miracu- lous gifts of the Holy Spirit. But this is not necessary, and does not accord well with the general descrip- tion here, which evidently pertains to the mass of those whom the apostle addressed. 5. And have tasted the good word of God. That is, either the doctrines which he teaches, and which are good, or pleasant to the soul ; or the word of God which is connected with good, that is, which promises good. The former seems to me to be the correct meaning that the word of God, or the truth which he taught, was itself a good. It was that which the soul desired, and in which it found com- fort and peace. Comp. Ps. cxix. 103; cxli. 6. The meaning here is, that they had experienced the excellency of the truth of God ; they had seen and enjoyed its beauty. This is language which cannot be applied to an impenitent sinner. He has no relish for the truth of God ; sees no beauty in it ; derives no comfort from it. It is only the true Christian who has pleasure in its contemplation, and who can be said to ' taste 1 and enjoy it. This language describes a state of mind of which every sincere Chris- tian is conscious. It is that of plea- sure in the word of God. He loves the Bible ; he loves the truth of God that is preached. He sees an exqui site beauty in that truth. It is not merely in its poetry ; in its sublimity ; in its argument ; but he has now a taste or relish for the truth itself, which he had not before his conver- sion. Then he might have admired the Bible for its beauty of language or for its poetry ; he might have been interested in preaching for its elo- quence or power of argument; but now his love is for the truth. Comp. Ps. xix. 10. There is no book that he so much delights in as the Bible ; and no pleasure is so pure as that L34 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 6 If a they shall fall away, to a Is. ].28. renew them again unto repent- which he has in contemplating 1 the truth. Comp. Josh. xxi. 45 ; xxiii. 15. tf And the powers of the world to come. Or of the ' coming age.' ' The age to come' was a phrase in common use among the Hebrews, to denote the future dispensation, the times of the Messiah. The same idea was ex- pressed by the phrases ' the last times,' k the end of the world,' &c., which are of so frequent occurrence in the Scrip- tures. They all denoted an age which was to succeed the old dispensation ; the time of the Messiah ; or the pe- riod in which the affairs of the world would be wound up. See Notes on Jsa. ii. 2. Here it evidently refers to chat period, and the meaning is, that they had participated in the peculiar Blessings to be expected in that dis- pensation to wit, in the clear views of the way of salvation, and the influ- ences of the Holy Spirit on the soul. The word ' powers' here implies that in that time there would be some ex- traordinary manifestation of the power of God. An unusual energy would be put forth to save men, particularly as evinced by the agency of the Holy Spirit on the heart. Of this ' power' the apostle here says they of whom he spake had partaken. They had been brought under the awakening and renewing energy which God put forth under the Messiah, in sav- ing the soul. They had experienced the promised blessings of the new and last d ispensation ; and the language here is such as appropriately describes Christians, and as indeed can be ap- plicable to no other. It may be re- marked respecting the various ex- pressions used here (vs. 4, 5), (1.) that they are such as properly denote a renewed state. They obviously de- scribe the condition of a Christian ; and though it may be not certain that any one of them if taken by itself would prove that the person to whom it was applied was truly converted, yet taken together it is clear that they are designed to describe such a state. If they are not, it would be difficult to find any language which would be properly descriptive of the character of a sincere Christian. I regard the description here, therefore, as that which is clearly designed to denote the state of those who were born again, and were the true child- ren of God ; and it seems plain to me that no other interpretation would have ever been thought of if this view had not seemed to conflict with the doctrine of the * perseverance of the saints.' (2.) There is a regular gra- dation here from the first elements of piety in the soul to its highest deve- lopements ; and, whether the apostle so designed it or not, the language describes the successive steps by which a true Christian advances to the highest stage of Christian expe- rience. The mind is (a) enlightened ; then (b~) tastes the gift of heaven, or has some experience of it ; then (c) it is made to partake of the influences of the Holy Ghost ; then (d} there is experience of the excellence and love- liness of the word of God ; and (e) finally there is a participation of the full ' powers' of the new dispensation ; of the extraordinary energy which God puts forth in the gospel to sanc- tify and save the soul. 6. If they shall fall away. Literally, ' and having fallen away.' " There is no if in the Greek in this place ' having fallen away' " Dr. J. P. Wilson,- It is not an affirmation that any had actually fallen away, or that in fact they would do it; but the statement is, that on the supposition that they had fallen away, it would be impossible to renew them again. It is the same as supposing a case which in fact might never occur : as if we should say, 'had a man fallen down a precipice it would be impossible to save him,' or ' had the child fallen into the stream he would certainly have been drowned.' But though this literally means, 'having fallen away,' yet the sense in the con A. D. 64.] CHAPTER VI. 133 ance; seeing they crucify to the iSou of God luxion in which it stands is not im- proper!, the act by which the Lord Jesus was publicly rejected and condemned to die. The act of crucifying the Son of God was the great crime which outpeers any other deed of human guilt. Yet the apostle says that should they who had been true Chris- tians fall away arid reject him, they would be guilty of a similar crime. It would be a public and solemn act of rejecting him. It would show that if they had been there they would have joined in the cry ' crucify him, crucify him.' The intensity and ag- gravation of such a crime perhaps the apostle meant to indicate by the in- tensive or emphatic avd in the word avao-raupouvrcj. Such an act would render their salvation impossible, be- cause (1) the crime would be aggra- vated beyond that of those who re- jected him and put him to death for they knew not what they did; and (2), because it would be a rejec- tion of the only possible plan of sal- vation after they had had experience of its power and known its efficacy. The phrase 'to themselves,' Tindal renders, ' as concerning themselves.' Others, * as far as in them lies,' or as far as they have ability to do. Others, 1 to their own heart.' Probably Gro- tius has suggested the true sense. * They do it for themselves. They make the act their own. It is as if they did it themselves ; and they are to be regarded as having done the deed.' So we make the act of an- other our own when we authorize it beforehand, or approve of it after it is done. If And put him to an open shame. Make him a public example ; or hold him up as worthy of death on the cross. See the same word ex- plained in the Notes on Matt. i. 19, in the phrase 'make her a public ex- ample.' The word occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. Their apostasy and rejection of the Saviour would be like holding him up publicly as deserving the infamy and ignominy of the cross. A great part of the crime attending the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, consisted in exhibiting him to the passing multitude as de- serving the death of a malefactor. Of that sin they would partake who should reject him, for they would thus show that they regarded his re- ligion as an imposture, and would in a public manner hold him up as wor- thy only of rejection and contempt. Such, it seems to me, is the fair meaning of this much-disputed pas- sage a passage which would never have given so much perplexity if it had not been supposed that the obvi- ous interpretation would interfere with some prevalent articles of the- ology. The passage proves that if true Christians should apostatize, it would be impossible to renew and save them. If then it should be asked whether I believe that any true Chris, tian ^er did, or ever will fall from grace, and wholly lose his religion, T would answer unhesitatingly, no. Comp. Notes on John x. 27, 28 ; Rom. viii. 38, 39 ; Gal. v. 4. If then it be asked what was the use of a warning like this, I answer, (1.) it would show the great sin of apostasy from God if it were to occur. It is proper to state the greatness of an act of sin, though it might never occur, in order to show how it would be regarded by God. (2.) Such a statement might be one of the most effectual means of preserving- from apostasy To D. 64.] CHAPTER VI 137 7 For the earth which drink- herbs meet for them ! by whom eth in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth it is dressed, receiveth blessing* from God : 1 or, for. a Ps. 65. 10. state that a fall from a precipice would cause certain death, would be one of the most certain means of pre- serving one from falling ; to affirm that arsenic would be certainly fatal, is one of the most effectual means of preventing its being taken ; to know that fire certainly destroys, is one of the most sure checks from the danger. Thousands have been preserved from going over the Falls of Niagara by knowing that there would be no pos- sibility of escape ; and so effectual Las been this knowledge that it has preserved all from such a catastrophe, except the very few who have gone over by accident. So in religion. The knowledge that apostasy would be fatal, and there could be no hope of being saved should it once occur, would be a more effectual preventive of the danger than all the other means that could be used. If a man believed that it would be an easy matter to be restored again should he apostatize, he would feel little solicitude in re- gard to it; and it has occurred in fact, that they who suppose that this may occur, have manifested little of the care to walk in the paths of strict religion, which should have been evinced. (3.) It may be added, that the means used by God to preserve his people from apostasy, have been entirely effectual. There is no evi- dence that one has ever fallen away who was a true Christian, (Comp. John x. 27, 28, and I. John ii. 19) ; and to the end of the world it will be true that the means which he uses to keep his people from apostasy v.ill not in a single instance fail. 7. For the earth. The design of the apostle by this comparison is ap- parent. It is to show the consequen- ces of not making a proper use of all the privileges which Christians have, and the effect whicli would follow should those privileges fail to be im- 12 proved. He says, it is like the earth. If that absorbs the rain, and produces an abundant harvest, it receives the divine blessing. If not, it is cursed, or is worthless. The design is to show that if Christians should be- come like the barren earth they would be cast away and lost. 1T Which drinketh in the rain. A comparison of the earth as if it were ' thirsty' a comparison that is common in all languages. IT That cometh oft upon it. The frequent showers that fall. The object is to describe fertile land which is often watered with the rains of heaven. The comparison of 'drink- ing in' the rain is designed to distin- guish a mellow soil which receives the rain, from hard or rocky land where it runs off. ^ And bringeth forth herbs. The word herbs we now limit in common discourse to the small vegetables which die every year, and which are used as articles of food, or to such in general as have not ligneous or hard woody stems. The word here means anything which is cultivated in the earth as an article of food, and includes all kinds of grains. 1T Meet for them. Useful or appropriate to them. IT By whom it is dressed. Marg. '/or whom.' The meaning is, on account of whom it is cultivated. The word ' dressed' here means cultivated. Comp. Gen. ii. 15, IT Receiveth blessing from God. Re- ccives the divine approbation. It is in accordance with his wishes and plans, and he smiles upon it and blesses it. He does not curse it as he does the desolate and barren soil. The lan- guage is figurative, and must be used to denote that which is an object of the divine favour. God delights in the harvests which the earth brings forth ; in the effects of dews and rains and suns in causing beauty and abun. dance ; and on such fields of beauty and plenty he looks down with plea- 138 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 8 But that which beareth thorns and briars is rejected, a Is. 5, 6. sure. This does not mean, as I sup- pose, that he renders it more fertile and abundant, for (1) it cannot be shown that it is true that God thus rewards the earth for its fertility ; and (2), such an interpretation would not accord well with the scope of the passage. The design is to show that a Christian who makes proper use of the means of growing in grace which God bestows upon him, and who does not apostatize, meets with the divine favour and approbation. His course accords with the divine intention and wishes, and he is a man on whom God will smile as he seems to on the fertile earth. 8. But that which beareth thorns and briars is rejected. That is, by the farmer or owner. It is abandoned as worthless. The force of the com- parison here is, that God would thus deal with those who professed to be renewed if they should be like such a worthless field. 1T And is nigh unto cursing. Is given over to execration, or is abandoned as useless. The word cursing means devoting to destruc- tion. The sense is not that the owner would curse it in words, or imprecate a curse on it, as a man does who uses profane language, but the language is taken here from the more common use of the word curse as meaning to devote to destruction. So the land would be regarded by the farmer. It jvould be valueless, and would be given op to be overrun with fire. IT Whose end is to be burned. Referring to the land. The allusion here is to the common practice among the Oriental and Roman agriculturists of burning bad and barren lands. An illustration of this is afforded by Pliny. " There are some who burn the stubble on the field, chiefly upon the authority of Virgil : the principal reason for which is, that they may burn the seeds of weeds." Nat. Hist, xviii. 30. The authority of Virgil, to which Pliny and is nigh unto cursing ; whose end in to be burned. refers, may be found in Georg. i. 84. "Seepe etiara steriles iricendere profuit agros, Atque levem stipulam crepitantibus urere flummis." ' It is often useful to set fire to barren lands, and burn the light stubble in crackling flames.' The object of burn- ing land in this way was to render it available for useful purposes ; or to destroy noxious weeds, and thorns, and underbrush. But the object of the apostle requires him to refer mere- ly to the fact of the burning, and to make use of it as an illustration of an act of punishment. So, Paul says, it would be in the dealings of God with his people. If after all attempts to secure holy living, and to keep them in the paths of salvation, they should evince none of the spirit of piety, all that could be done would be to abandon them to destruction as such a field is overrun with fire. It is not supposed that a true Christian will fall away and be lost, but we may remark (1.) that there are many pro- fessed Christians who seem to be in danger of such ruin. They resist all attempts to produce in them the fruits of good living as really as some pieces of ground do to secure a harvest Corrupt desires, pride, envy, unchari- tableness, covetousness, and vanity are as certainly seen in their lives as thorns and briars are on a bad soil. Such briars and thorns you may cut down again and again ; you may strike the plough deep and seem to tear away all their roots ; you may sow the ground with the choicest grain, but soon the briars and the thorns will again appear, and be "as troublesome as ever. No pains will subdue them, or secure a harvest. So with many a professed Christian. He may be taught, admonished, rebuked, and afflicted, but all will not do. There is essential and unsubdued per D. r.i.j < IIAI'TMR VI. But, beloved, \vo arc per- suaded bi'ttc-i things of you, and tilings that accompany sal- vation, though we thus speak. 10 For God is not unright- a Matt. 25. 40. ss in his soul, and despite all the attempts to make him a holy man, Ihr same l>;id passions are continually breaking out anew. (2.) Such pro- iig ( 'liristians are 'nigh unto curs- i'hey are about to be abandon- ed for ever. Unsanctified and wicked in their hearts, there is nothing else which can be done for them, and they must be lost! What a thought! A :ng Christian ' nigh unto curs- ing ." A man, the efforts for whose salvation are about to cease for ever, and who is to be given over as incor- rigible and hopeless ! For such a man in the church or out of it we should have compassion. We have some compassion for an ox which is so stubborn that he will not work and which is to be put to death ; for a horse which is so fractious that he can- not be broken, and which is to be kil- led ; for cattle which are so unruly that they cannot be restrained, and which are only to be fattened for the slaugh- ter ; and even for a field which is deso- late and barren, and which is given up to be overrun with briars and thorns ; but how much more should we pity a man all the efforts for whose salvation fail, and who is soon to be abandoned to everlasting destruction ! !>. Hut, beloved, we are persuaded better things. We confidently hope tor better things respecting you. We ; i;it you are true Christians; that you will produce the proper fruits of holiness ; that you will b> f Things that accompany salvation. Things that pertain to salvation. The phrase here means, 'near to Balv.ition,' or things that are conjoin- ed with salvation. So Coverdale ren- ders it, ' a.id that salvation is nigher.' The form ot'exprfssicm seems to refer to what was said in ver. S. The land overrun with briars was nigh to curs- eous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. ing; the things which Paul saw in them were nigh to salvation. From this verse it is evident (1) that the apostle regarded them as sincere Christians ; and (2) that he believed they would not fall away. Though he had stated what must be the inevi- table consequence if Christians should apostatize, yet he says that in their case he had a firm conviction that it would not occur. There is no incon- sistency in this. We may be certain that if a man should take arsenic it would kill him ; and yet we may have the fullest conviction that he will not do it. Is not this verse a clear proof that Paul felt that it was certain tha* true Christians would never fall awa and be lost ? If he supposed that they might, how could he be persuaded that it would not happen to them ? Why not to them as well as to others ? Learn hence, that while we assure men that if they should fall away they would certainly perish, we may nevertheless address them with the full persuasion that they will be saved. 10. For God is not unrighteous. God will do no wrong. He will not forget or fail to reward the endeavours of his people to promote his glory, and to do good. The meaning here is, that by their kindness in minister- ing to the wants of the saints, they had given full evidence of true piety. If God should forget that, it would be 'unrighteous,' (I) because there was a propriety that it should be re- membcred; and (2) because it is ex- pi essly promised that it shall not fail of reward. Matt. x. 42. IF Your work. Particularly in ministering to the wants of the saints. 1T Labour of love. Deeds of benevolence when there was no hope of recompense, or when love was the motive in doing it. V Which ye have showed toward his name. To- 140 HEBREWS. I A. D. 64. 11 And we desire that every one of you do show the same a c. 3. G, J4. b Pr. 15. 19 ; 2 Pe. 1. 10. diligence to the a full assurance of hope unto the end : 12 That ye be not slothful* ward him for the word name is often used to denote the person himself. They had showed that they loved God by their kindness to his people. Matt. xxv. 40, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." IT jn that ye have ministered to the saints. You have supplied their wants. This may refer either to the fact that they contributed to supply the wants of the poor members of the church (comp. Note Gal. ii. 10), or it may re- fer to some special acts of kindness which they had shown to suffering and persecuted Christians. It is not possible now to know to what partic- ular acts the apostle refers. We may learn (1.) that to show kindness to Christians, because they are Chris- tians, is an important evidence of piety. (2.) It will in no case be un- rewarded. God is not ' unjust ;' and he will remember an act of kindness shown to his people even though it be nothing but giving a cup of cold water. 11. And we desire that every one of you. We wish that every member of the church should exhibit the same endeavour to do good until they at- tain to the full assurance of hope. It is implied here that the full assurance of hope is to be obtained by a perse- vering effort to lead a holy life. IT The same diligence. The same strenuous endeavour, the same ardour and zeal. IT To the full assurance of hope. In order to obtain the full assurance of hope. The word rendered ' full assu- rance,' means firm persuasion, and refers to a state of mind where there is the fullest conviction, or where there is no doubt. See Coll. ii. 2 ; I. Thess. i. 5 ; Heb. x. 22 ; comp. Luke i. 1 ; Rom. iv. 21 ; xiv. 5 ; II. Tim. iv. 5. 17, where the same word, in different forms, occurs. Hope is a compound emotion (Notes Eph. ii. 12), made up of an earnest desire for an object, and a corresponding expectation of obtain- ing it. The hope of heaven is made up of an earnest wish to reach hea. ven, and a corresponding expectation of it, or reason to believe that it will be ours. The full assurance of that hope exists where there is the highest de- sire of heaven, and such corresponding evidence of personal piety as to leave no doubt that it will be ours. IT To the end. To the end of life. The apos- tle wished that they would persevere in such acts of piety to the end of their course, as to have their hope of heaven fully established, and to leave no doubt on the mind that they were sincere Christians. Learn hence (1.) that full assurance of hope is to be obtained only by holy living. (2.) It is only when that is persevered in that it can be obtained. (3.) It is not by visions and raptures ; by dreams and revelations that it can now be acquired, for God imparts no such di- rect revelation now. (4.) It is usually only as the result of a life of consis- tent piety that such an assurance is to be obtained. No man can have it who does not persevere in holy living, and they who do obtain it usually secure it only near the end of a life of eminent devotedness to God. God could impart it at once when the soul is converted ; but such is the tendency of man to indolence and sloth that even good men would then relax their efforts, and sit down contented, feel- ing that they had now the undoubted prospect of heaven. As it is, it is held out as a prize to be won as that whose acquisition is to cheer us m our old age, when the warfare is over, and when amidst the infirmities^ years, and in the near prospect OT death, we need special consolation. Comp. II. Tim. iv. 6, 7. 12. That ye be not slothful. Indo- lent; inactive. This was what he was especially desirous of guarding them against. By diligent and strenuouH >. ti4.] CHAPTER VI. 141 but followers of them who through faith and patience in- herit the promises. 13 For when God made pro- to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, effort only could they secure them- selves from the danger of apostasy. ^ But followers. Imitators that you may live as they lived. ^ Of them iclut through faith and patience. By faith, or confidence in God, and by patience in suffering referring to .ho in times of trial had re- mained faithful to God, and had been admitted to heaven. In ch. xi. the apostle has given a long list of such persevering and faithful friends of God. See Notes on that chapter. 1 The promise. The promise of heaven. 13. For when God made promise to Abraham. That he would bless him, and multiply his seed as the stars of heaven. Gen. xxii. 16,17. The object of introducing this example here is, to encourage those to whom the apostle was writing to persevere in the Chris- tian life. This he does by showing that God had given the highest pos- sible assurance of his purpose to bless his people, by an oath. Reference is made to Abraham in this argument, probably, for two reasons. (1.) To show the nature of the evidence which Christians have that they will be saved, or the ground of encourage- ment being the same as that made to Abraham, and depending, as in his case, on the promise of God ; and (2.) because the example of Abraham was just in point. He had persevered. He had relied firmly and solely on the promise of God. He did this when appearances were much against the fulfilment of the promise, and he thus Wowed the advantage of perseverance and fidelity in the cause of God. H Because he could swear by no greater. There is no being greater than God. In taking an oath among men it is always implied that the appeal is to one of superior power, who is able to 14 Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiply- ing I will multiply thee. 15 And so, after he had pa- tiently endured, he obtained the promise. a Ge. 22. 16, 17. punish for its infraction. But thia could not occur in the case of God himself. There was no greater being than himself, and the oath, therefore, was by his own existence. ^ He sware by himself. Gen. xxii. 16. "By my- self have I sworn." Comp. Isa. xlv. 23. In an oath of this kind God pledges his veracity ; declares that the event shall be as certain as his exist- ence ; and secures it by all the per- fections of his nature. The usual form of the oath is, " As I live, saith the Lord." See Num. xiv. 21. 28; Ezek. xxxiii. 11. 14. Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee. That is, I will certainly bless thee. The phrase is a Hebrew mode of expression, to denote empha- sis or certainty indicated by the repetition of a word. Comp. Gen. xiv. 10 ; Ex. viii. 10 ; Joel iv. 14 ; Judges v. 30 ; xv. 16. T Multiplying I will multiply thee. I will greatly increase thee I will grant thee an exceed- ingly numerous posterity. 15. And so, after he had patiently endured. After he had waited for a long time. He did not faint or grow weary, but he persevered in a con fident expectation of the fulfilment of what God had so solemnly promised. IT He obtained the promise. Evidently the promise referred to in the oath that he would have a numerous pos- terity. The apostle intimates that he had waited for that a long time ; that his faith did not waver, and that in due season the object of his wishes was granted. To see the force of this, we are to remember (1.) that when he was called by God from Haran, and when the promise of a numerous posterity was made to him, lie wag seventy-five years old. Gen. xii. 1 5, (2.) Twenty.four years elapsed after HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 16 For men verily swear by the greater : and an oath a for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. 17 Wherein God, willing Ex. 22. 11. &Ro. 8. 17. c. 11. 9. more abundant y to show unto the heirs 6 of promise the im- mutability c of his counsel, con- firmed l it by an oath ; cRo. 11.29. l interposed himself. this, during which he was a sojourner in a strange land, before the manner in which this promise would be ful- filled was made known to him. Gen. xvii. 1 16. (3.) It was only when he was an hundred years old, and when he had persevered in the belief of the truth of the promise against all the natural improbabilities of its accomplishment, that he received the pledge of its fulfilment in the birth of his son Isaac. Gen. xxi. 1 5. (4.) The birth of that son was a pledge that ttjje other blessings implied in the promise would be granted, and in that pledge Abraham may be said to have * received the promise.' He did not actually see the numerous posterity of which he was to be the honoured ancestor, nor the Messiah who was to descend from him, nor the happy influences which would result to mankind from the fulfilment of the promise. But he saw the cer- tainty that all this would occur ; he saw by faith the Messiah in the dis- tance (John viii. 56), and the nume- rous blessings which would result from his coming. It was a remark- able instance of faith, and one well fitted to the purpose of the apostle. It would furnish ample encourage- ment to the Christians to whom he wrote, to persevere in their course, and to avoid the dangers of apostasy. If Abraham persevered when appear- ances were so much against the ful- filment of what had been promised, then Christians should persevere un- der the clearer light and with the more distinct promises of the gospel. 16. For men verily swear by the greater. That is, they appeal to God. They never swear by one who is infe- rior to themselves. The object of the apostle in this declaration is to show that as far as this could be done it had been by God. He could not in- deed swear by one greater than him- self, but he could make his promise as certain as an oath taken by men was when they solemnly appealed to Him. He could appeal to his own existence and veracity, which was at any time the most solemn form of an oath, and thus put the mind to rest in regard to the hope of heaven. IT And an oath for confirmation. An oath taken to confirm or establish anything. IT Is to them an end of all strife. That is, when two parties are at variance, or have a cause at issue, an oath binds them to adhere to the terms of agree- ment concluded on, or contracting parties bind themselves by a solemn oath to adhere to the conditions of an agreement, and this puts an end to all strife. They rest satisfied when a solemn oath has been taken, and they feel assured that the agreement will be complied with. Or it may refer to cases where a man was accused of wrong before a court, and where ke took a solemn oath that the thing had not been done, and his oath was ad- mitted to be sufficient to put an end to the controversy. The general mean- ing is clear, that in disputes between man and man, an appeal was made to an oath, and that was allowed to settle it. The connexion here is, that as far as the case would admit of, the same thing was done by God. His oath by himself made his promise firm. 1 7. Wherein God. On account of which; or since an oath had this -ef- fect, God was willing to appeal td'it in order to assure his people of sal. vation. IT Willing more abundantly. In the most abundant manner, or to make the case as sure as possible. It does not mean more abundantly than in the case of Abraham, but that ho A. 1). G-i.] CHAPTER VI. 143 18 That by two immutable thimjs, in which it wax impos- sible for God to a lie, we might a Tit. 1, 2. willing to give the most ample assurance possible. Coverthile ren- ders it correctly, "very abundantly." T The heiis of promisr. Tlie heirs to whom the promise of life pertained ; that is, all who were interested in the promises made to Abraham thus embracing the heirs of salvation now. Tkt immutability of his counsel. His fixed purpose. He meant to show in the most solemn manner that his purpose would not change. The plans of God never change ; and all the hope which we can have of heaven is founded on the fact that his pur- pose is immutable. If he changed his plans ; if he was controlled by caprice ; if he willed one thing to-day and another thing to-morrow, who could confide in him, or who would have any hope of heaven ? No one would know what to expect; and no one could put confidence in him. The farmer ploughs and sows because he believes that the laws of nature are settled and fixed ; the mariner ven- tures into unknown seas because the needle points in one direction ; we plant an apple-tree because w r e be- lieve it will produce apples, a peach because it will produce peaches, a pear because it will produce a pear. But suppose there were no settled laws, that all was governed by ca- price ; who would know what to plant? Who then would plant anything? So in religion. It' there were nothing fixed and srttlrd, who would know what to do ? If God should change his plai.s by caprice, and save one man by liiith to-day ;.nd condemn an. other for the same faith to-morrow ; or if he should pardon a man to-day and withdraw the pardon to-morrow, what security could we havr- of sal- vaii , therefore, fih< ">d has an im init- ial-' 'id that this is confirm- ed, by a solemn oath ! No one couJd lui\ (! ;i strong consolation, who h.-ivc lied for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us : * i Ti. G. J2. honour a God that had not such an immutability of purpose ; and all the hope which man can have of heaven is in the fact that He is unchanging. IT Confirmed it by an oath. -Marg. Interposed himself. Tiiidal and Co- ve rdale, "added an oath." The Greek is, ' interposed with an oath' intaiTtvfftv O(>KU. The word here used UtoiTtvu means to mediate or in- tercede for one ; and then to intervene or interpose. The meaning here is, that he interposed an oath between himself and the other party by way of a confirmation or pledge. 18. That by two immutable, things. What the 'two immutable things' here referred to are, has been made a matter of question among commen- tators. Most expositors, as Doddridge, Whitby, Rosenmiiller, Koppe, and Calvin, suppose that the reference is to the promise and the oath of God, each of which would be a firm ground of the assurance of salvation, and in each of which it would be impossible for God to lie. Prof. Stuart supposes that the reference is to two oaths the oath made to Abraham, and that by which the Messiah was made High Priest according to the order of Mel- chisedek. Ps. ex. 4 ; Hcb. v. 6. 10. He supposes that thus the salvation of believers would be amply secured, by the promise that Abraham should have a Son, the Messiah, in whom aL the families of the earth would be . and in the oath that this Son should be High Priest for ever. But to this interpretation it may be object- ed that the apostle seems to refer to two tilings distinct from each other in their nature, and not to two acts of the same kind. There are two kinds of security referred to, win ; rity furnished according to liits inter- pretation would be the same thai arising from an oath. However mi meroiis the oaths might be, still it 144 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 19 Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure would be security of the same kind, and if one of them were broken no certainty could be derived from the other. On the supposition, however, that he refers to the promise and the oath, there would be two kinds of as- su ranee of different kinds. On the supposition that the promise was dis- regarded if such a supposition may be made still there would be the se- curity of the oath and thus the as- surance of salvation was two-fold. It seems to me, therefore, that the apos- tle refers to the promise and to the oath of God, as constituting the two grounds of security for the salvation of his people. Those things were both unchangeable, and when his word and oath are once passed, what he promises is secure. 1T In which it was impossible for God to lie. That is, it would be contrary to his nature; it is not for a moment to be supposed. Comp. Tit. i. 2. " God that cannot lie." The impossibility is a moral impossibility, and the use of the word here explains the sense in which the words impossible, cannot, &c., are often used in the Scriptures. The meaning here is, that such was the love of God for truth ; such his holi- ness of character, that he could not speak falsely. IT We might have a strong consolation. The strongest of which the mind can conceive. The consolation of a Christian is not in his own strength ; his hope of hea- ven is not in any reliance on his own powers. His comfort is, that God has promised eternal life to his peo- ple, and that He cannot prove false to his word. Titus i. 2. 1T Who have fled for refuge. Referring to the fact that one charged with murder fled to the city of refuge, or laid hold on an altar for security. So we guilty and deserving of death have fled to the hopes of the gospel in the Redeemer. IT To lay hold upon. To seize and bold fast as one does an altar when and stedfast, and which entei- eth into that within the veil ; a Le. 16. 15. he is pursued by the avenger of blood. IT The hope set before us. The hope of eternal life offered in the gospel. This is set before us as our refuge, and to this we flee when we feel that we are in danger of death. On the nature of hope, see Notes on Eph. ii 12. 19. Which hope we have as an an- chor of the soul. Hope accomplishes for the soul the same thing which an anchor does for a ship. It makes it fast and secure. An anchor preserves a ship when the waves beat and the wind blows, and as long as the anchor holds, so long the ship is safe, and the mariner apprehends no danger. So with the soul of the Christian. In the tempests and trials of life, his mind is calm as long as his hope of heaven is firm. If that gives way, he feels that all is lost. Among the heathen writers, hope is often com- pared with an anchor. So Socrates said, " To ground hope on a false sup- position, is like trusting to a weak anchor." Again " A ship ought not to trust to one anchor, nor life to one hope." 1T Both sure and stedfast. Firm and secure. This refers to the an- chor. That is fixed in the sand, and the vessel is secure. T And which enter eth into that within the veil. The allusion to the anchor here is dropped, and the apostle speaks simply of hope. The ' veiV here refers to that which in the temple divided the holy from the most holy place. See Notes on Matt. xxi. 12. The place ' within the veil' the most holy place was re- garded as God's peculiar abode where he dwelt by the visible symbol of his presence. That holy place was emblematic of heaven ; and the idea here is, that the hope of the Christian enters into heaven itself; it takes hold on the throne of God ; it is made firm by being fastened there. It is not the hope of future riches, honours, or pleasures in this life for such a hope A. D. Ul.j CHAPTER VJ. 145 JO WhitliiT 4 tin; forerunner for us iMitored, even Jesus, a c. 4. 14. would not keep the soul steady ; it is the hope of immortal blessedness and purity in the world beyond. xU Whither. To which most holy -heaven. If The forerunner. d occurs nowhere iVstament. A. fore- runner rpdfyo/ioj is one who goes others to prepare the way. The word is applied to light troops sent forward as scouts. Diod. Sic. 17. 17. . isdom of Solomon' (apoc.} xii. 8. " Thou didst send . forerunners of thy host, to de- stroy them by little and little." The nu-uning here is, that Jesus went first into the heavenly sanctuary. He led the way. He has gone there on our account, to prepare a place for us. John xiv. 3. Having such a friend and advocate there, we should be firm in the hope of eternal life, and amidst the storms and tempests around us, we should be calm. H Made an high priest for ever. See Notes ch. v. 6. 1 0. To illustrate this tact, was the object for which this discussion was intro- duced, and which had been^ interrupt- ed by the remarks occurring in this chapter on the danger of apostasy. Having warned them of this danger, and exhorted them to go on to make the highest attainments possible in the divine life, the apostle resumes the discussion respecting Melchise- dek, and makes the remarks which he intended to make respecting this remarkable man. See ch. v. 11. REMARKS. 1 . We should aim at perfection in order that we may have evidence of piety. V. r. 1. No man can be a Christian who does not do this, or who does not desire to be perfect as God is perfect. No one can be a Christian who is satisfied or contented to remain in sin ; or who would nut prefer to be made at once as holy as an angel as the Lord Jesus as God. 2, We should aim at perfection in 13 mudc an high Driest for ever after the order of Melchisedek.* b c. 1. 17. order to make great attainments. Vcr. 1. No man makes any great advance in anything, who does not set his standard high. Men usually accomplish about what they expect to accomplish. If a man expects to be a quack physician, he becomes such; if he is satisfied to be a fourth-rate lawyer, he becomes such; if he is wil- ling to be an indifferent mechanic, he advances no higher ; if he has no in- tention or expectation of being a first- rate farmer, he \rill never become one. If he sincerely aims, however, to excel, he usually accomplishes his object. And it is so in religion. If a man does not intend to be an emi- nent Christian, he may be certain he never will be. Religion is not pro- duced by chance any more than fine fruit is, or than a good harvest is. One of the principal reasons why Pre- sident Edwards became so eminent a Christian, was, that in early life he adopted the following resolution, to which he appears always to have ad- hered, that " on the supposition that there never was to be but one indivi- dual in the world, at any one time, who was properly a complete Chris- tian, in all respects of a right stamp, having Christianity always shining in its true lustre, and appearing ex- cellent and lovely, from whatever part, and under whatever character viewed: Resolved, To act just as I would do, if I strove with all my might to be that one, who should live in my time." Life, by S. E. Dwieht. D. D., p. 72. 3. We should aim to acquire as much knowledge of religious truth as we possibly can. Vs. 1, 2. True piety is principle. It is not fancy, or dreaming, or visions, or enthusiasm. It is based on knowledge, and does not go beyond that. No man has any more religion than he has knowledge. of the way of salvation. He cannot force his religion to overstep *he bounds of his knowledge ; for igno- 146 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 ranee contributes nothing to devotion. There may be knowledge where there is no piety ; but there can be no true religion where there is no knowledge. If, therefore, a Christian wishes to make advances, he must gain a knowledge of the truth. He must understand the great doctrines of his religion. And in like manner, if we wish the next generation to be in- telligent and solid Christians, we must train them up to understand the Bible. 4. The consequences of the judg- ment will be eternal. Ver. 3. No truth is more solemn than this. It is this which makes the prospect of the judgment so awful. If the con- sequences of the sentence were to continue for a few years, or ages, or centuries only, it would be of much less importance. But who can abide the thought of ' eternal judgment ?' Of an eternal sentence ? Here the most fearful and solemn sentence is for a short period. The sentence will soon expire ; or it is mitigated by the hope of a change. Pain here is brief. Disgrace, and sorrow, and heaviness of heart, and all the woes that man can inflict, soon come to an end. There is an outer limit of suffering, and no severity of a sentence, no in- genuity of man, can prolong it far. The man disgraced, and whose life is a burden, will soon die. On the cheeks of the solitary prisoner, doomed to the dungeon for life, a ' mortal paleness' will soon settle down, and the com- forts of an approaching release by death may soothe the anguish of his sad heart. The rack of torture cheats itself of its own purpose, and the ex- hausted sufferer is released. "The excess [of grief,] makes it soon mor- tal." But in the world of future wo the sentence will never expire ; and death will never come to relieve the sufferer. I may ask, then, of my reader, Are you prepared for the * eternal' sentence ? Are you ready ,o hear a doom pronounced which can never be changed ? Would you be willing to have God judge you just as you are, and pronounce such a sentence as ought to be pronounced now, and have the assurance that it would be eternal ? You seek worldly honour. Would you be wil- ling to be doomed always to seek that? You aspire after wealth. Would you be willing to be doomed to aspire after that always ? You seek pleasure in the gay and giddy world. Would you be willing to be doomed always to seek after that ? You have no re- ligion ; perhaps desire to have none. Yet would you be willing to be doomed to be always without reli- gion? You are a stranger to the God that made you. Would you be willing to be sentenced to be always a stranger to God ? You indulge in passion, pride, envy, sensuality. Would you be willing to be sentenced always to the raging of these passions and lusts ? How few are they who would be willing to have an eternal sentence passed on them, or to be doomed to pursue their present em- ployments, or to cherish their present opinions for ever ! How few who would dare to meet a sentence which should be in strict accordance with what was just, and which was never to change ! 5. With the righteous it should be matter oflrejoicing that the judgment is to be eternal. Ver. 3. They can desire no change of the sentence which will assign them to heaven* and it will be no small part of the joy of the heavenly world, that the results of the judgment will be ever- lasting. There will be no further trial ; no reversing of the sentence ; no withdrawing of the crown of glory. The righteous are the only ones who have not reason to dread a * just eter- nal sentence ;' and they will rejoice when the time shall come which will fix their doom for ever. 6. We should dread apostasy from the true religion. Ver. 4. We should habitually feel that if we should deny our Lord, and reject his religion, there would be no hope. The die would be cast ; and we must then perish for ever. By this solemn con- sideration God intends to preserve A. D. 04.] CHAPTER VI. 147 :.!e, and it is ;i consideration which has bo n so i iVcetiial that there h;,s e\t r had any true . and perished. almost C'hristians, ve then (uriK-d back to pcrdi- itt vii. 22, 23 ; Acta \xvi.xJb), -on to suppose that any who have heen true Christians ./.ed and been lost. Ya Christians arc not kept without wntchfulmss; they cannot be kept without the most sincere and constant airs to preserve themselves lling. 7. li'the sin of apostasy is so great, pproach to it is danger- What can the end of such be but to be * burned ?' 10. God will not fail to reward his faithful people. Vcr. 10. What we have done in his service, and with a sincere desire to promote his glory, unworthy of his notice as it may seem to us to be, he will not fail to reward. It may be unobserved or forgotten by the world ; nay, it may pass out of our own recollection, but it will never fail from the mind of God. Whether it be 'two mites' con- tributed to his cause, or a 'cup of cold water given to a disciple,' or a life consecrated to his service, it will be alike remembered. What encourage- ment there is, therefore, to labour in the promotion of his glory, and to do all we can for the advancement of his kingdom ! 11. Let us follow those who have inherited the promises. Ver. 12. They are worthy examples. When from their lofty seats in heaven they look back on the journey of life, though to them attended with many trials, they never regret the * faith and pa tience' by which they were enabled to persevere. We have most illustrious examples to imitate. They are nu- merous as the drops of dew, and bright as the star of the morning. It is an honour to tread in the footsteps of the holy men who have inherited the pro- mises ; an honour to feel that we are walking in the same path, and are reaching out the hand to the same crown. 12. It is the privilege of those who are truly the children of Godto enjoy strong consolation. Vs. 1 3 re. Their based on that which cannot fail. God cannot lie. And when we 148 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. have evidence that he has promised MS eternal life, we may open our hearts to the full influence of Chris- tian consolation. It may be asked, perhaps, how we may have that evi- rlence ? Will God speak to us from heaven and assure us that we are his children ? Will he reveal our names as written in his book ? Will he come to us in the night-watches and ad- dress us by name as his ? I answer, No. None of these things are we to expect. But if we have evidence that we have true repentance, and sincere faith in the Redeemer ; if we love ho- liness and desire to lead a pure life ; if we delight in the Bible and in the people of God, then we may regard him as addressing us in the promises and oaths of his word, and assuring us of salvation. These promises be- long to us, and we may apply them to ourselves. And if we have evidence that God promises us eternal life, why should we doubt ? We may feel that we are unworthy ; our consciences may reproach us for the errors and follies of our past lives ; but on the unchanging word and oath of God we may rely, and there we may feel secure. 13. How invaluable is the Christian hope ! Ver. 19. To us it is like the anchor to a vessel in a storm. We are sailing along the voyage of life. We are exposed to breakers, and tem- pests. Our bark is liable to be tossed about, or to be shipwrecked. In the agitations and troubles of life, how much we need some anchor of the soul ; something that shall make us calm and serene ! Such an anchor is found in the hope of the gospel. While that hope is firm we need fear nothing. All is then safe, and we may look calmly on, assured that we shall ride out the storm, and come at last safely into the ha^en of peace. Happy they who have fled for refuge to the faith of the gospel; whose hope like a steady anchor has entered into hea- ven and binds the* soul to the throne of Godf whose confidence in the Re- deemer is unshaken in all the storms of life, and who have the &&m ranee that when the tempest shall have beaten upon them a little longer they will be admitted to a haven of rest, where storms and tempests are for ever unknown. With such a hope we may well bear the trials of this life for the few days appointed to us on earth for what are the longest trials here compared with that eter- nal rest which remains for all who love God in a brighter world ? CHAPTER VII. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. In ch. v. 10, 11, the apostle had introduced the name of Melchisedek, and said that Christ was made an high priest after the same order as he. He added, that he had much to say of him, but that they were not in a state of mind then to receive or un- derstand it. He then (ch. v. 12 14) rebukes them for the little progress which they had made in Christian knowledge ; exhorts them to go on and make higher attainments (ch. vi. 1 3) ; warns them against the dan- ger of apostasy (ch. vi. 4 8) ; and encourages them to hold fast their faith and hope to the end, in view of the covenant faithfulness of God (ch. vi. 9 20) ; and now returns to the subject under discussion the high priesthood of Christ. His object is to show that he was superior to the Jewish high priest, and for this pur- pose he institutes the comparison be- tween him and Melchisedek. The argument is the following : I. That which is drawn from the exalted rank of Melchisedck, and the fact that the ancestor of the whole Jewish priesthood and community- Abraham acknowledged him as his superior, and rendered tribute to him. But Christ was of the crder of Mel- chisedek, and the a post, e, therefore, infers his superiority to the Jewish priesthood. Vs. 1 10. In the pro secution of this argument, the apostle dwells on the import of the name Melchisedek (vs. 1, 2) ; states the fact that he was without any known an- cestry or descent, and that he stood alone on the pages of the sacred re. A.I). riTAI'TKK VII. 149 CIIAPTI-R MI. OR this Melchisedek, n king of Salem, priest of the most a Ge. 14. 18., &c. high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him ; cord, and was therefore worthy to be compared with the Son of God, who had a similar pre-eminence (ver. 3) ; 'he consideration that even Abraham, the ancestor of the whole Jewish community and priesthood, paid tithes to him, and thus confessed his inferiority (ver. 4) ; shows that he of whom a blessing \\-as received must be superior to th>' one who r< 7); and that even Levi, the ancestor of the whole Levitical priest- hood, might be said to have paid tithes in Abraham, and thus to have acknowledged his inferiority to Mel- k, and consequently to the Son of God, who was of his ' order.' Vs. 9, 10. II. The apostle shows that 'perfec- tion* could not arise out of the Leviti- cal priesthood, and that a priesthood that introduced a perfect state must be superior. Vs. 11 19. In the pro- secution of this argument, he states that perfection could not be arrived at under the Hebrew economy, and that there was need that a priesthood of another order should be formed (ver. 11) ; that a change of the priest- hood involved of necessity a change in the law or administration (ver. 12) ; that the necessity of change of the law also followed from the fact that the great high priest was now of an- other tribe than that of Levi (vs. 13, 14) ; that the Christian High Priest was constituted not after a command- ment pertaining to the flesh and liable to change, but 'after the power of an life 1 adapted to a life that ws never to change or to end (vs. 15 17) ; that consequently there was a disannulling of the commandment going before, because it w;i and unprofitable (ver. 18); and that the old law made nothing perfect, but hat by the new arrangement a sys- jem of entire and eternal perfection *as introduced. Ver. 19. III. The apostle shows the supe- 13* riority of the priesthood of Christ to that of the Jewish system from the fact that the great High Priest of the Christian system was constituted with the solemnity of an oath ; the Jewish priesthood was not. Vs. 20 22. His priesthood, therefore, was as much more important and solemn as an oath is superior to a command ; and his suretyship became as much more certain as an oath is superior to a simple promise. Ver. 22. IV. The superiority of the priest hood of Christ is further shown from the fact that under the former dispen sation there were many priests ; bu* here there was but one. There, they lived but a brief period, and then gave way to their successors ; but here there was no removal by death, there was no succession, there was an un- changeable priesthood. Vs. 23, 24. He infers, therefore (ver. 25), that the Christian High Priest was able to save to the uttermost all that came to the Father by him, since he ever lived to make intercession. V. The last argument is, that un- der the Levitical priesthood it was necessary for the priest to offer sacri- fice for his own sins as well as for fiose of the people. No such neces- sity, however, existed in regard to the High Priest of the Christian system. He was holy, harmless, and undefiled ; he had no need to offer sacrifices for his own sins ; and in this respect there was a vast superiority of the Christian priesthood over the Jewish. Vs. 26-28. The force of these sev- eral arguments we shall be able to estimate as we advance in the expo- sition. 1. For this Melchisedek. Comp. Notes ch. v. 6. The name Melchise- dck, from which the apostle derives a portion of his argument here, is Hebrew, pltf - '2)So, and is correct- ly explained as meaning king of right 150 HEBREWS. [A. D G4. eousness being compounded of two words king and righteousness. WJiy this name was given to this man is unknown. Names, however, were frequently given on account of some quality or characteristic of the man. Notes on Isa. viii. 18. This name may have been given on account of his eminent integrity. The apostle calls attention to it (ver. 2,) as a cir- cumstance worthy of notice, that his name, and the name of the city where he reigned, were so appropriate to one who, as a priest, was the prede- cessor of the Messiah. The account of Melchisedek, which is very brief, occurs in Gen. xiv. 18 20. The name occurs in the Bible only in Gen. .tiv., Ps. ex. 4., and in this epistle. Nothing else is certainly known of him. Grotius supposes that he is the same man who in the history of San- choniathon is called "ZvSvK Sydyc. It has indeed been made a question by some whether such a person ever ac- tually existed, and consequently whe- ther this be a proper name. But the account in Genesis is as simple a his- torical record as any other in the Bi- ble. In that account there is no diffi- culty whatever. It is said simply that when Abraham was returning from a successful military expedition, this man, who it seems was well known and who was respected as a priest of God, came out to express his appro- bation of what he had done, and to refresh him with bread and wine. As a tribute of gratitude to him, and as a thank-offering to God, Abraham gave him a tenth part of the spoils which he had taken. Such an occurrence was by no means improbable, nor woulc it have been attended with any spe cial difficulty if it had not been for the use which the apostle makes of it in this epistle. Yet on no subjec has there been a greater variety of opinion than in regard to this man The bare recital of the opinions which have been entertained of him woul fill a volume. But in a case which seems to be plain from the Scriptur narrative, it is not necessary even to enumerate these opinions. They only serve to show how easy it is for men to mystify a clear statement of his. ory, and how fond they are of find- ng what is mysterious and marvel- ous in the plainest narrative of facts. That he was Shem, as the Jews sup- wse, or that he was the Son of God limself, as many Christian expositors lave maintained, there is not the slightest evidence. That the latter opinion is false is perfectly clear for f he were the Son of God, with what propriety could the apostle say that tie " was made like the Son of God" (ver. 3) ; that is, like himself; or that Christ was constituted a priest " after the order of Melchisedek ;" that is, that he was a type of himself? The most simple and probable opinion is that given by Joseph us, that he was a pious Canaanitish prince ; a per- sonage eminently endowed by God, and who acted as the priest of his people. That he combined in him- self the offices of priest and king, fur- nished to the apostle a beautiful illus- tration of the offices sustained by the Redeemer, and was, in this respect, perhaps the only one whose history is recorded in the Old Testament, who would furnish such an illustration. That his genealogy was not recorded, while that of every other priest men- tioned was so carefully traced and preserved, furnished another striking illustration. In this respect, like the Son of God, he stood alone. He was not in a line of priests ; he was pre- ceded by no one in the Sacerdotal office, nor was he followed by any. That he was superior to Abraham, and consequently to all who descend- ed from Abraham ; that a tribute was rendered to him by the great Ances- tor of all the fraternity of Jewish priests, was just an illustration which suited the purpose of Paul. His name, therefore, the place where he reigned, his solitariness, his lone conspicuity in all the past, his dignity, and per haps the air of mystery thrown over him in the brief history in Genesis, furnished a beautiful and striking illustration of the solitary grandeur, and the inapproachable eminence of CHAPTER VII. ,; of the Son of God .( e that .Helcliise- type of the ; , or that Abraham so under- v-ihini: <>t' this kind is ; ; and how shall we affirm it so sacred oracles are silent? of Salem. Such is the record The word Salem <-c; and from this apostle derives his illustration n vcr. 2. He regards it as a fact "'marking on, that the name of the place over which he ruled ex- rikingly the nature of the M over which the Messiah was !n regard to the place here : by the name Salem, the al- niform opinion has been that i hat afterwards known as Je- i. The reasons for this opin- ion are, (1.) that it is a part of the .Jerusalem itself the name Je- ri/s, altered from Jebus, having been .rd added, because it was the ace of the Jehu sites. (2.) The If given to Jerusa- i's. Ixxvi. 2. "In Salem also :s iiis tabernacle, and his dwelling- ;i Zion." (3.) Jerusalem would be in the direction through which Abraham would naturally pass on his return from the slaughter of the kings. . pursued them unto Dan (Gen \iv. 11), and he was returning to , that is, Hebron. Gen. xiv. 13. On his return, therefore, he would i the vicinity of Jerusalem. Ro- senmiiller, however, supposes that by the name here, Jerusalem is not in- . but the whole region occupied .;d I Jittiles, or the royal scat of tfiis region, situated not far from the cities of the plain the %'ale of Siddim where Sodom and Go- morrah were situated. But I see no for doubting that the common opinion that Jerusalem is intruded, is . ourablv tal of a nation or trihe ; <1 ; and would be likely to i --ted as a royal -esidcnee. ^ 1'rieit of the most high (rod. This is the account which is given of him in Gen. xiv. 18. The ending office of priest was to ofier ^acrilice. This duty was probably first performed by the father of the amily (comp. Notps on Job i. 5 ; see ilso Gen. viii. 20 ; xxii. 2), and when lie was dead it devolved on the eldest i. It would seem also that in the early ages, among all nations whose records have reached us, the office of priest and king were united in the same person. It was long before it was found that the interests of reli- gion would be promoted by having the office of priest pertain to an order of men set apart for this special work. That Mclchisedek, who was a king, should also be a priest, was not, there- fore, remarkable. The only thing remarkable is, that he should have been a priest of the true God. In what way he became acquainted with Him, is wholly unknown. It may have been by tradition preserved from the times of Noah, as it is possible that the arrival of Abraham in that land may have been in some way the means of acquainting him with the existence and character of JEHOVAH. The fact shows at least that the know- ledge of the true God was not extinct in the world. IT Who met Abraham. He came out to meet him, and brought with him bread and wine. Why he did this, is not mentioned. It was probably as an expression of grati- tude to Abraham for having freed the country from oppressive and trouble- some invaders, and in order to furnish refreshments to the party which Abra- ham headed who had become weary and exhausted with the pursuit. There is not the slightest evidence that the bread and wine which he brought forth was designed to typify the Sa crament of the Lord's Supper, as has been sometimes supposed. Comp. Bush on Gen. xiv. 18. What did he know of this ordinance ? And why should we reaort to such a supposi- tion, when the whole case may be met by a simple reference to the an- cient rites of hospitality, and by the fact that the deliverance of the counf- try by Abraham from a grievous inva- 152 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all ; first being by interpretation King )f righteousness, and after that ilso King of Salem, which is, of peace ; sion made some expression of grati- tude on the part of this pious king in the highest degree proper ? IT Return- ing from the slaughter of the kings. Amraphel, king of Shinar, Arioch, king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and " Tidal, king of na- tions," who had invaded the valley where Sodom and Gomorrah were, and had departed with a great amount of booty. Those kings Abraham had pursued beyond Dan, and to the neigh- bourhood of Damascus, and had smit- ten them, and recovered the spoil. IT And blessed him. For the import- ant service which he had rendered in taking vengeance on these invaders in freeing the land from the appre- hension of being invaded again ; and in recovering the valuable booty which they had taken away. From vs. 6 7, it appears that this act of blessing was regarded as that of one who was superior to Abraham. That is, he blessed him as a priest and a king As such he was superior in rank to Abraham, who never claimed the titl of king, and who is not spoken of as a priest. 2. To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all. That is, a tentl part of all the spoils which he hac taken (Gen. xiv. 20), thus acknow ledging that in dignity of office Mel chisedek was greatly his superior Vs. 4. 6. 8. This does not appear tc have been on the part of Abraham sc much designed as a present to Mel chisedek personally, as an act of piou thankfulness to God. He doubtles recognised in Melchisedek one win was a minister of God, and to him a such he devoted the tenth of all whicl he had taken, as a proper acknow ledgment of the goodness of God an of his claims. From this it is evident that the propriety of devoting a tenth part of what was possessed to God, Vtas regarded as a duty before the appointment of the Levitical law. Some expression of this kind is obvi- usly demanded, and piety seems early to have fixed on the tenth part as being no more than a proper pro- portion to consecrate to the service of religion. For the propriety of the use which the apostle makes of this 'act, see Notes on vs. 4. 6. 8. IT First being. The first idea in the inter- pretation of his name and office, &c. First being mentioned as king "of righteousness, and then as king of peace. ^ King of righteousness. The literal translation of the name Mel- chisedek. Notes ver. 1. The argu- ment implied in this by the remarks of the apostle is, that he bore a name which made him a proper emblem of the Messiah. There was a propriety that one in whose ' order' the Messiah was to be found, should have such a name. It would be exactly descrip- tive of him, and it was worthy of ob- servation that he of whose ' order' it was said the Messiah would be, should have had such a name. Paul does not say that this name was given to him with any such reference ; or that it was designed to be symbolical of what the Messiah would be, but that there was a remarkable coinci- dence ; that it was a fact which was worth at least a passing thought. This is a kind of remark that might occur to any one to make, and where the slight use which Paul makes of it would not be improper anywhere; but it cannot be denied that to one accustomed to the Jewish mode of rea- soning accustomed to dwell much on hidden meanings, and to trace out concealed analogies, it would be much more obvious and striking than it is with us. We are to place ourselves in the situation of those to whom Paul wrote trained up with Jewish feelings, and Jewish modes of thought, and to ask how this would strike their minds. And this is no more unrea sonable than it would be in interpret . D. G-l.j CHAPTER VII. 3 Without lather, without mother, withojt 1 descent, linv- itlier beginning of days 1 petit . ;vrk classic, or a work of a . philosopher, that we should endeavour to place ourselves in the situation of the writer and of those tor whom he wrote, and ascertain what ideas would be conveyed to them -sions. It is not mount by these- observations that there illy no intrinsic force in what Paul here said respecting the import of the name. There was lorce; and all the use which he makes of it is proper. His meaning appears to be merely that it was a fact worthy of remark, that the name had a meaning which corresponded so entirely with the character of him who was to be a high priest of the same "order." V And after that. He is mentioned after that with another appellation equally sig- nificant. c Kin" of peace. A literal translation of the appellation 'king of !. The idea of Paul is, that it was worthy of remark that the appel- lation which he bore was appropriate to one whose ministry it was said the priesthood of the Messiah would re- semble. 3. Without father. The phrase ioith- out father d-arwp means literally one who has no father ; one who has lost his father ; one who is an orphan. Then it denotes one who is born after the death of his father ; then one lather is unknown spurious. Passow. The word occurs often in these senses in the classic writers, for nui. :nples of which tin: may consult Wetstcin in loc. :norally certain, however, that the apostle did not use the word here in cither of ' s, for there is that Melcliisedek was fatherless in any of tin - y important in the estimation of the Jews that the line of their priesthood should be carefully kept ; that their genealogies should be ac- curately marked and preserved; and nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God, abideth a priest continually. that their direct descent from Aaron should be susceptible of easy and cer- tain proof. But the apostle says that there was no such genealogical table in regard to Melchisedek. There was no record made of the name either of his father, his mother, or any of his posterity. He stood alone. It is simply said that such a man carne out to meet Abraham and that is the first and the last which we hear of him and of his family. Now, says the apostle, it is distinctly said (Ps. ex. 4), that the Messiah was to be a priest accord- ing to his order and in this respect there is a remarkable resemblance, so far as the point of his being a priest which was the point under discus sion was concerned. The Messiah thus, as a priest, STOOD ALONE. His name does not appear in the line of priests. He pertained to another tribe. Vcr. 14. No one of his ancestors is mentioned as a priest; and as a priest he has no descendants, and no follow- ers. He has a lonely conspicuity similar to that of Melchisedek; a standing unlike that of any other priest. This should not, therefore, be construed as meaning that the gene- alogy of Christ could not be traced out which is not true, for Matthew (ch. i.), and Luke (ch. iii.), have care fully preserved it ; but that he had no genealogical record as a priest. As the reasoning of the apostle pertains to this point only, it would be unfair to construe it as implying that the .Messiah was to stand unconnected with any ancestor, or that his gene- alogy would be unknown. The mean- ing of the word rendered 'without father' here is, therefore, one the name of whose father is not recorded in the Hebrew genealogies, IT Without mo- ther. The name of whose mother is unknown, or is not recorded in the Hebrew genealogical tables. Philo calls Sarah aur/ropa -without mother 154 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. probably because her mother is not mentioned '.n the sacred records. The Syriac has given the correct view of the meaning of the apostle. In that version it is, ' Of whom neither the father nor mother are recorded in the genealogies.' The meaning here is not that Melchisedek was of low and obscure origin as the terms 4 without father and without mother, 1 often signify in the classic writers, and in Arabic, (comp. Wetstein) for there is no reason to doubt that Mel- chisedek had an ancestry as honour- able as other kings and priests of his time. The simple thought is, that the name of his ancestry does not appear in any record of those in the priest- ly office. IT Without descent. Marg. pedigree. The Greek word aytvta- \6y-rjTog means without genealogy ; whose descent is unknown. He is merely mentioned himself, and no- thing is said of hie family or of his posterity. IT Having neither beginning 9/ days, nor end of life. This is a much more difficult expression than any of the others respecting Melchi- sedek. The obvious meaning of the phrase is, that in the records of Moses, neither the beginning nor the close of his life is mentioned. It is not said when he was born, or when he died ; nor is it said that he was born or that he died. The apostle adverts to this particularly, because it was so un- usual in the records of Moses, who is in general so careful to mention the Airth and death of the individuals whose lives he mentions. Under the Mosaic dispensation everything re- specting the duration of the sacerdo- tal office was determined accurately by the law. In the time of Moses, and by his arrangement, ths Levites were required to serve from the age of thirty to fifty. Num. iv. 3. 23. 35. 43. 47 ; viii. 24, 25. After the age of fifty, they were released from the more arduous and severe duties of their office. In later periods of the Jewish history they commenced their duties at the age of twenty. I. Chron. xxiii. 24. 27. The priests, also, and the high priest entered on their office at thirty years of age, though it is not supposed that they retired from it at any particular period of life The idea of the apostle here is, that nothing of this kind occurs in regard to Melchisedek. No period is men- tioned when he entered on his office ; none when he retired from it. From anything that appears in the sacred record it might be perpetual though Paul evidently did not mean to be understood as saying that it was so. It cannot be that he meant to say that Melchisedek had no beginning of days literally, that is, that he was from eternity ; or that he had no end of life literally, that is, that he would exist for ever for this would be to make him equal with God. The expression used must be interpreted according to the matter under discussion, and that was the office of Melchizedek as a priest. Of that no beginning is mentioned, and no end. That this is" the meaning of Paul there can be no doubt ; but there is a much more dif- ficult question about the force and pertinency of this reasoning ; about the use which he means to make of this fact, and the strength of the ar- gument which he here designs to em- ploy. This inquiry cannot be easily settled. It may be admitted undoubt- edly, that it would strike a Jew with much more force than it would any other person, and to see its pertinency we ought to be able to place ourselves in their condition, and to transfer to ourselves as far as possible their state of feeling. It was mentioned in Ps. ex. 4, that the Messiah was to be a ' priest after the order of Melchize- dek.' It was natural then to turn to the only record which existed of him . the very brief narrative in Gen. xiv. There the account is simple and plain that he was a pious Canaanitish king, who officiated as a priest. In what point, then, it would be asked, was the Messiah to resemble him ? In his personal character ; his office ; his rank ; or in what he did ? It would be natural, then, to run out the parallel, and seize upon the points in which Melchizedek differed from the CHAPTER Vll. 155 Jewish priests \vliich would be sug- gested on reading that account, for it jvus nml Mihtcc'.ly in those points that n Christ and .Mclchi- to consist. I Jc re id was to be the only guide, and the points in which ho differed from tlu- Jewish priesthood according to the record, were such as these. (I.) That there is no account of his an- neither father nor mother being mentioned, as was in- the Le- iiood. (2.) There was no : < if any descendants in his of- . to I), lieve that he ,v, and he thus stood alone. (3.) Tiier.- was no account of the commencement or close of his office as a priest, but so far as the record goes, it is just as it would have been if his priesthood had neither begin- ning nor end. It was inevitable, there- fore, that those who read the Psalm, and compared it with the account in .., should come to the conclu- sion that the Messiah was to resemble Melchisedek in some such points as these for these are the points in which he differed from the Levitical priesthood and to run out these points of comparison is all that the has done here. It is just what would be done by any Jew, or indeed other man, and the reasoning rrrcw directly out of the two accounts in the Old Testament. It is not, then, quibble or quirk it is sound reason- ing, based on these two points, (1) that it was said in the Old Testament that the Messiah would be a priest after the order of Melchisedek, and (2) that the only points, according to the record, in which there w peculiar about the priesthood of Melcliiscdek, or in which lie dif- fered from the Levitical priesthood, were such as those which Paul spcci- from the record ; and though * was natural, something of a Jewish cast about it, yet it was the only kind of reasoning that was possible in the case. IT But made like. The word here used means to be made like, to be made to resem- ble ; and then to be. like, to be com. pared with. Our translation seems to imply that there was a divine agency or intention by which Mel- ehizcdck was made to resemble the Son of God, but this does not seem to be the idea of the apostle. In the Psalm it is said that the Messiah would resemble Melchisedek in his priestly office, and this is doubtless the idea here. Paul is seeking to il- lustrate the nature and perpetuity of the office of the Messiah by compar- ing it with that of Melchisedek. Hence he pursues the idea of this re- semblance, and the true sense of the word used here is, ' he was like, or he resembled the Son of God.' Sc Tindal and Coverdale render it, " is likened unto the Son of God." The points of resemblance are those which have been already suggested (1) in the name king of righteousness, and king of peace ; (2) in the fact that he had no ancestors or successors in the priestly office ; (3) that he was, ac- cording to the record, a perpetual priest there being no account of his death ; and perhaps (4) that he united in himself the office of king and priest. It may be added, that the expression here, ' was made like unto the Son of God,' proves that he was not himself the Son of God, as many have supposed. How could he be 4 made like' himself? How could a comparison be formally made between Christ and himself? T Abideth a priest continually. That is, as far as the record in Genesis goes for it was according to this record that Paul was reasoning. This clause is connected with ver. 1 ; and the intermediate statements are of the nature of a pa- renthesis, containing important sug- gestions respecting the character of Melchisedek, which would be useful in preparing the readers for the argu- ment, which the apostle proposed to draw from his rank and character. The meaning is, that there is no ac- count of his death, or of his ceasing to exercise the priestly office, and in. this respect he may be compared with the Lord Jesus. All other priests 156 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 4 Now consider how great this man was unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils. 5 And verily they that are cease to exercise their office by death (ver. 23) ; but of the death of Melchi- sedek there is no mention. It must have been true that the priesthood of Melchisedek terminated at his death ; and it will be also true that that of Christ will cease when his church shall have been redeemed, and when he shall have given up the mediato- rial kingdom to the Father. I. Cor. xv. 2528. The expression, ' abideth a priest continually? therefore, is equi- valent to saying that he had a per- petual priesthood in contradistinction from those whose office terminated at a definite period, or whose office passed over into the hands of others. See Notes on ver. 24. 4. Now consider how great this man was. The object of the apostle was to exalt the rank and dignity of Mel- chisedek. The Jews had a profound veneration for Abraham, and if it could be shown that Melchisedek was superior to Abraham, then it would be easy to demonstrate the superiority of Christ as a priest to all who de- scended from Abraham. Accordingly he argues, that he to whom even the patriarch Abraham showed so much respect, must have had an exalted rank. Abraham, according tp the views of the East, the illustrious an- cestor of the Jewish nation, was re- garded as superior to any of his posterity, and of course was to be considered as of higher rank and dig- nity than the Levitical priests who were descended from him. 1T Even the patriarch Abraham. One so great as he is acknowledged to have been. On the word patriarch, see Notes on Acts ii. 29. It occurs only in Acts ii. 29, vii. 8, 9, and in this place. V Gave the tenth of the spoils. Notes, ver. 2. The argument here is, that Abraham acknowledged the superi- ority of Melchisedek by thus devoting of the sons of Levi, who re- ceive the office of the priest- hood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people accord- aNu. 18.21-26. the usual part of the spoils of war, or of what was possessed, to God by hie hands, as the priest of the Most High. Instead of making a direct consecra- tion by himself, he brought them to him as a minister of religion, and re- cognised in him one who had a higher official standing in the matter of reli- gion than himself. The Greek word here rendered spoils aicpoSivtov - means literally, the top of the heap, from a/cpov, top, and Siv, heap. The Greeks were accustomed, after a bat- tle, to collect the spoils together, and throw them into a pile, and then, be- fore they were distributed, to take off a portion from the top, and devote it to the gods. Xen. Gyro. 7. 5, 35 j He- rod, i. 86. 90 ; viii. 121, 122 ; Dion. Hal. ii. In like manner it was cus- tomary to place the harvest in a heap, and as the first thing to take off a portion from the top to consecrate as a thank-offering to God. The word then came to denote the Jirst-fruits which were offered to God, and then the best of the spoils of battle. It has that sense here, and denotes the spoils or plunder which Abraham had taken of the discomfited kings. 5. And verily they that are of the sons of Levi. The meaning of this verse is, that the Levitical priests had a right to receive tithes of their breth- ren, but still that they were inferior to Melchisedek. The apostle admits that their superiority to the rest of the people was shown by the fact that they had a right to require of them the tenth part of the productions of the land for their maintenance, and for the support of religion. But still he says, that their inferiority to Mel- chisedek, and consequently to Christ as a priest, was shown by the fact that the illustrious ancestor of all the Jewish people, including the priests as well as others, had confessed his A. D. 04.] CHAPTER VII. 157 ing to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham : 6 But lie, whose ! descent is not counted from them, re- ;! a tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had b the pro- mises. I pedigree, a Ge. 14. 20. 7 And without all contradic- tion the less is blessed of the better. 8 And here men that die re- ceive tithes ; but there he re- ceiveth them, of whom c it is witnessed that he liveth. 6 Bo. 9. 4. c c. 5, 6. inferiority to Melchisedek by paying him tithes. T Who receive the office of the priesthood. Not all the descen- dants of Levi were priests. The apos- tle, therefore, specifies particularly those who 'received this office,' as being those whom he specially de- signed, and as those whose inferiority to Christ as a priest it was his object to show. If Have a commandment to take tithes. Have by the law a com- mission, or a right to exact tithes of the people. Deut. xiv. 22. 2729. 6. But he whose descent is not counted from them. Melchisedek. The word descent is in the margin pedi- gree. The meaning is, that he was not in the same genealogy nn ytvea\- oy6vpivo$ he was not of the order of Levitical priests. That Melchisedek is meant there can be no doubt ; at the same time, also, the thought is presented with prominence on which Paul so much insists, that he was of a different order from the Levitical priesthood. If And blessed him. Bless- ed him as a priest of God ; blessed him in such a manner as to imply acknowledged superiority. See ver. 1. * That had the promises. The pro- .,at he should have a numerous v ; tli.it in him all the nations of the earth should be blessed. See ch. vi 1:2 1reible. The ancient philoso- phers had methods of reasoning which in weak to us ; the lawyer of- ten argues in a way which appears to be a mere quirk or quibble, and so the lectunr in science sometimes rea- The cause of all this may not he always that there is real quibble or quirk, in the mode of argumentation, but that lie who reasons in this man- ner has in his view certain points which he regards as undisputed which do not appear so to us; or that he from what is admitted in the :<>n, or in the school where he is taught, which arc not understood by those whom he addresses. To this should be added also the considera- tion, that Paul had a constant refer- ence to the Messiah, and that it is possible that in his mind there was here a transition from the type to the antitype, and that the language which he uses may be stronger than if he had been speaking of the mere record of Melchisedek if he had found it standing by itself. Still his reason- ing turns mainly on the fact that in of Melchisedek there was no one who had preceded him in that office, and that he had no successor, and, in regard to the matter in hand, all one as if he had been a perpetual priest, or had continued still alive. 9. And as I may so say. So to speak wf t-os ilirltv. For numerous examples in the classic writers of this expression, see Wetstein in loc. It is iv as it is with us when we say ' so to speak,' or ' if I may be allowed the expression.' It is em- ployed when what is said is not strictly and literally true, but when it amounts to the same thing, or when about the s^me idea is conveyed. " It is a softening down of an expres- sion which a writer supposes his read- ers may deem too strong, or which may have the appearance of excess or severity. It amounts to an indirect apology for employing an unusual or unexpected assertion or phrase." Prof. Stuart. Here Paul could not mean that Levi had actually paid tithes in Abraham for he had not then an ex- istence ; or that Abraham was his representative for there had been no appointment of Abraham to act in . that capacity by Levi ; or that the act of Abraham was imputed or reck- oned to Abraham, for that was not true, and would not have been perti- nent to the case if it were so. But it means, that in the circumstances of the case, the same thing occurred in regard to the superiority of Melchi- sedek, and the inferiority of the Le- vitical priesthood, as if Levi had been present with Abraham, and had him- self actually paid tithes on that occa- sion. This was so because Abraham was the distinguished ancestor of Levi, and when an ancestor has done an act implying inferiority of rank to another, we feel as if the whole family or all the descendants, by that act re- cognised the inferiority, unless some- thing occurs to change the relative rank of the persons. Here nothing indicating any such change had oc- curred. Melchisedek had no descend ants of which mention is made, and the act of Abraham, as the head of the Hebrew race, stood therefore as if it were the act of all who descended from him. IT Levi. The ancestor of the whole Levitical priesthood, and from whom they received their name. He was the third son of Jacob and Leah, and was born in Mesopotamia. On account of the conduct of Simeon and Levi towards Shcchem, for the manner in which lie had treated their sister Dinah (Gen. xxxiv. 25), and whidh Jacob characterized as ' cruelty' (Gen. xlix. 5, 6), Jacob said that they should be 'scattered in Israel.' 160 HEBREWS. LA. D. 64. 10 Foi he was yet in the loins of his father, when Mel- chisedek met him. 11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priest- a Ga. 2. 21. v. 18, 19. c. 8. 7. iood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another Driest should rise after the or der of Melchisedek, and not be called after the order of Aaron ? Gen. xlix. 7. Afterwards the whole tribe of Levi was chosen by God to execute the various functions of the priesthood, and were ' scattered' over the land, having no inheritance of their own, but deriving their subsist- ence from the offerings of the people. Num. iii. 6. seq. Levi is here spoken of as the ancestor of the tribe, or col- lectively to denote the entire Jewish priesthood. IT Who receiveth tithes. That is, his descendants, the priests and Levites, receive tithes. 1T Payed tithes in Abraham. It is the same as if he had payed tithes in or by Abra- ham. 10. For he was yet in the loins of his father. Abraham is here called the father of Levi, by a common use of the word, referring to a more re- mote ancestor than the literal father. The meaning of the apostle is, that he was even then, in a certain sense, in the loins of Abraham, when Mel- chisedek met him ; or it was all the same as if he were there, and had then an existence. The relation which subsisted between him and Abraham, in the circumstances of the case, im- plied the same thing as if he had then been born, and had acted for himself by paying tithes. Instances of this occur constantly. A father sells a farm, to which his son would be heir, and it is the same as if the son had sold it. He has no more control over it than if he had been present and disposed of it himself. A father ac- knowledges fealty to a government for a certain title or property which is to descend to his heirs, and it is all one as if the heir had himself done it; and it is not improper to say that it is the same as if he had been there arid acted for himself. For some valuable remarks on the nature of the reason- ing here employed, see Stuart on the Hebrews. Excursus xiv. The rea- soning here is, indeed, especially such as would be fitted to impress a Jewish mind, and perhaps more forcibly than it does ours. The Jews valued them- selves on the dignity and honour of the Levitical priesthood, and it was important to show them on their own principles, and according to their own sacred writings, that the great ances tor of all the Levitical community had himself acknowledged his inferiority to one who was declared also in their own writings (Ps. ex.) to be like the Messiah, or who was of the same ' order.' At the same time, the rea soning concedes nothing false ; and conveys no wrong impression. It is not mere fancy or accommodation, nor is it framed on allegory or caba- listic principles. It is founded in truth, and such as might be used anywhere, where regard was shown to pedigree, or respect was claimed on account of the illustrious deeds of an ancestor. It would be regarded as sound reasoning in a country like England, where titles and ranks are recognised, and where various orders of nobility exist. The fact that a re- mote ancestor had done homage or fealty to the ancestor of another class of titled birth, would be regarded as proof of acknowledged inferiority in the family, and might be used with force and propriety in an argument. Paul lias done no more than this. 11. If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood. As the Jews supposed. They were accustomed to regard the system as perfect. It was an appointment of God, arid they were tenacious of the opinion that it was to be permanent, and that it needed no change. But Paul says that this could not be. Even from thfdr own Scriptures it was apparent A. D. 64.] CHAPTER VI. 12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of ne- cessity a change also of the law. that a priest was to arise of another order, and of a more permanent cha- racter, and this he says was full proof that there was defect of some kind in the previous order. "What this defect was, he does not here specify, but the subsequent reasoning shows that it was in such points as these that it was not permanent ; that it could not make the worshippers perfect ; that the blood which^hey offered in sacri- fice could not take away sin, and could not render those who offered it holy. Com p. vs. 19. 23, 24, ch. x. 1 4. IT For under it the people re- ceived the law. This assertion seems necessary in order to establish the point maintained in ver. 12, that if the priesthood is changed there must be also a change of the law. In order to this, it was necessary to admit that the law was received under that economy, and that it was a part of it, so that the change of one involved also the change of the other. It was not strictly true that the whole law was given after the various orders of Levitical priests were established for the law on Sinai, and several other laws were given before that distinct arrangement was made ; but it was true (1) that a considerable part of the laws of Moses were given under that arrangement ; and (2), that the whole, of the ceremonial observances was connected with that. They were parts of one system, and mutually de- pendent on each other. This is all that the argument demands. IT What further need was there, &c. * If that system would lead to perfection ; if it was sufncicnt^to make the conscience pure, and to remove sin, then there of any other. Yet the Scriptures have declared that there would be another of a different order, implying that there was some defect in the former.' This reasoning is founded on the fact that there was an 14* 13 For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at thq altar. express prediction of the coming of a priest of a different 'order' (Ps. ex. 4), and that this fact implied that there was some deficiency in the former arrangement. To this reasoning it is impossible to conceive that there can be any objection. 12. For the priesthood being chang- ed. According to the prediction in Ps. ex., that it would be. When that occurs, the consequence specified will also follow. IT There is made of ne- cessity a change also of the law. The law so far as it grew out of that, or was dependent on it. The connexion requires us to understand it only of the law so far as it was connected with the Levitical priesthood. This could not apply to the ten commandments for they were given before the in- stitution of the priesthood ; nor could it apply to any other part of the moral law, for that w r as not dependent on the appointment of the Levitical priests. But the meaning is, that since a large number of laws con stituting a code of considerable extent and importance was given for the regulation of the priesthood, and in reference to the rites of religion, which they were to observe or super- intend, it followed that when theii office was superseded by one of a wholly different order, the law which had regulated them vanished also, or ceas- ed to be binding. This was a very important point in the introduction of Christianity, and hence it is that it is so often insisted on in the writings of Paul. The argument to show that there had been a change or transfei of the priestly office, he proceeds to establish in the sequel. 13. For he of whom these things art spoken. The Lord Jesus, the Mes- siah, to whom they had reference. The things here spoken of pertain to his office as priest; his being of the order of Melchisedek. The aposue 162 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 14 For 'it is evident a that our Lord sprang out of Judah ; of which tribe Moses spake no- thing- concerning priesthood. 15 And it is yet far more evident : for that after the si- a Is. II. 1, Mat. 1. 3. Re. 5. 5. militude of Melchisedek there ariseth another priest, 16 Who is made, not aftei the law of a carnal command- ment, but after the power of an endless life. here assumes it as a point concerning which there could be no dispute, that these things referred to the Lord Je- sus. Those whom he addressed would not be disposed to call this in question, and his argument had conducted him to this conclusion. IT Pertaineth to another tribe. To the tribe of Judah. Ver. 14. 1T Of which no man gave at- tendance at the altar. The priestly office pertained only to the tribe of Levi. No one of the tribe of Judah had any part in the performance of the duties of that office. This was settled by the Jewish law. 14. For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah. It is well known ; it cannot be a matter of dis- pute. About the fact that the Lord Jesus was of the tribe of Judah, there could be no doubt. Comp. Matt. i. 3. But probably the apostle means here to refer to more than that simple fact. It was a doctrine of the Old Testa- ment, and was admitted by the Jews, that the Messiah was to be of that tribe. See Gen. xlix. 10 ; Isa. xi. 1 ; Micah v. 2; Matt. ii. 6. This was an additional consideration to show that there was to be a change of some kind in the office of the priesthood, since it was declared (Ps. ex.) that the Messiah was to be a, priest. The fact that the Messiah is to be of the tribe of Judah is still admitted by the Jews. As their distinction of tribes now, however, is broken up, and as it is impossible for them to tell who be- longs to the tribe of Judah, it is held by them that when he comes this will be made known by miracle. IT Of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood. That is, in the Mosaic laws respecting the office of priest, this tribe is not mentioned. All the ar- rangements pertain to the tribe of Judah. 1 5. And it is yet far more evident. Not that our Lord would spring out of Judah, but the point which he was endeavouring to establish that there must be a change of the priesthood was rendered still more evident from another consideration. A strong proof of the necessity of such a change of the priesthood was furnished from the fact that the Messiah was to be of the tribe of Judah ; but a much stronger because as a priest he was to be of the order of Melchisedek that is he was of the same rank with one who did not even belong to that tribe. V After the similitude. Resembling; that is, he was to be of the order of Melchisedek. 16. Who is made. That is, the other priest is made, to wit, the Mes- siah. He was made a priest by a pe- culiar law. IT Not after the law of a carnal commandment. Not according to the law of a commandment per- taining to the flesh. The word carnal means fleshly ; and the idea is, that the law under which the priests of the old dispensation were made was ex. ternal, rather than spiritual ; it related more to outward observances than to the keeping of the heart. That this was the nature of the Mosaic ritual in the main, it was impossible to doubt, and the apostle proceeds to ar- gue from this undeniable truth. If But after the power of an endless life. By an authority of endless duration. That is, it was not concerned mainly with outward observances, and did not pass over from one to another by death, but was unchanging in its character, and spiritual in its nature. It was enduring and perpetual as a priest A. D. 61.] 17 For he lestifieth ffl Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Alelchisedek. 18 For there is verily a dis- annulling- of the commandment going before, for the weakness b and unprofitableness thereof. CHAPTER VII. 169 a Ps. 110. 4. b Ac. 13. 39. hood, and was thus far exalted above the service performed by the priests under the former dispensation. 17. For he test(fieth. 'That this is the true account of it is proved by the ny of God himself, that he was to be a priest for ever? See Note on eh. v. 6. 18. For there is verily a disannul- \ setting aside. The law which existed before in regard to the priest- hood becomes now abrogated in con- sequence of the change which has been made in the priesthood. Note ver. 1:2. ^ Of the commandment. Re- lating to the office of priest, or to the ceremonial rites in general. This does not refer to the moral law, as if that was abrogated, for (1), the rea- soning of the apostle does not pertain to that, and (2), that law cannot be abrogated. It grows out of the nature of things, and must be perpetual and universal. H" Going before. Going be- fore the Christian dispensation and introducing it. V For the weakness and unprofitableness thereof. That is, it was not adapted to save man ; it had not power to accomplish what . ry to be done in human salvation. It answered the end for which it was designed that of intro- a more perfect plan, and then vanished as a matter of course. It did not expiate guilt ; it did not give peace to the conscience ; it did not produce perfection (ver. 11), and therefore it gave place to a better ID. For the law made nothing per- fect. The Levitical, ceremonial law. It did not produce a perfect state ; it did not do what was desirable to be done for a sinner. See Note on ver. 19 For the law c made no- thing perfect, but ' the bringing in of a better hope did ; by the which d we draw nigh unto God. JJO And inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest, c Ro. 3. 20. l or, but it was. d Ro. 6. 2. 1 1 . That law, as such, did not recon- cile man to God ; it did not make an atonement ; it did not put away guilt ; in one word, it did not restore things to the condition in which they were be- fore the law was broken and man be- came a sinner. If man were saved under that system as many un- doubtedly were it was not in virtue of any intrinsic efficacy which it pos- sessed, but in virtue of that great sa- crifice which it typified. IT But the bringing in of a better hope did. Marg. ' But it was? The correct rendering is, probably, ' but there is the bring- ing in of a better hope by^which we have access to God.' The law could not effect this. It left the conscience guilty, and sin unexpiated. But there is now the introduction of a better system by which we can approach a reconciled God. The * better hope' here refers to the more sure and cer- tain expectation of heaven introduced by the gospel. There is a better foun- dation for hope; a more certain way of obtaining the divine favour than the law could furnish. IT By the which. By which better hope ; that is, by means of the ground of hope fur- nished by the gospel, to wit, that God is now reconciled, and that we can approach him with the assurance that he is ready to save us. ^ We draw nigh unto God. We have access to him. Notes, Rom. v. 1, 2. 20. And inasmuch as not without an oath. In addition to every other ration showing the superiority of Chrhst as a priest, there was the solemnity of the oath by which he was set apart to the office. The ap- pointment of one to the office of priest by an oath, such as occurred in tbx 164 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 21 (For those priests were made without ! an oath ; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a l or, swearing of an oath. priest for ever after the orde^ of Melchisedek :) 22 By so much was Jesui made a surety of a better * tes- tament. a Ps. 110. 4. b c. 8. b. case of Jesus, was much more solemn and important than where the office was received merely by descent. 21. For those priests were made without an oath. The Levitical priests were set apart and consecrated with- out their office being confirmed to them by an oath on the part of God. They received it by regular descent, and when they arrived at a suitable age they entered on it of course. Je- sus received his office by special ap- pointment, and it was secured to him by an oath. The word rendered ' oath' is in the margin swearing of an oath. This is the proper meaning of the Greek word, but the sense is not ma- terially varied. 1 But this with an oath. This priest, the Lord Jesus, became a priest in virtue of an oath. IT The Lord sware. Note ch. vi. 13. The reference here is to Psalm ex. 4. " The Lord hath sworn." U And will not repent. That is, will not regret, or will not alter his mind through, re- gret for this is the meaning of the Greek word. 22. By so much. Inasmuch as an oath is more solemn than a mere ap- pointment. The meaning is, that there is all the additional security in the suretyship of Jesus which arises from the solemnity of an oath. It is not implied that God would not be true to his mere promise, but the ar- gument here is derived from the cus- tom of speaking among men. An oath is regarded as much more sa- cred and binding than a mere pro- mise, and the fact that God has sworn in a given case furnishes the highest security that what he has promised will be performed. IT Was Jesiis made a surety. The word surety cyyvos occurs nowhere else in the New Tes- tament, nor is it found in the Septua- gint. It properly means, a bonds- man ; one who pledges his name, pro- perty, or influence, that a certain thing shall be done. When a con- tract is made, a debt contracted, or a note given, a friend often becomes the security in the case, and is himself responsible if the terms of the con- tract are not complied with. In the case of the new covenant between God and man, Jesus is the ' security' or the bondsman. But of what, and to whom, is he the surety ? It cannot be that he is a bondsman for God that he will maintain the covenant, and be true to the promise which he makes, as Crellius supposes, for we need no such ' security' of the divine faithfulness and veracity. It cannot be that he becomes responsible for the divine conduct in any way for nc such responsibility is needed or pos- sible. But it must mean that he is the security or bondsman on the part of man. He is the pledge that we shall be saved. He becomes responsi- ble, so to speak, to law and justice, that no injury shall be done by our salva- tion, though we are sinners. He is not a security that we shall be saved at any rate, without holiness, repentance, faith, or true religion for he never could enter into a suretyship of that kind : but his suretyship extends to this point, that the law shall be ho. noured ; that all its demands shall be met; that we may be saved though we have violated it, and that its terri- fic penalty shall not fall upon us. The case is this. A sinner becomes a true penitent and enters heaven. It might be said that he does this over a broken law ; that God treats the good and bad alike, and that nc respect has been paid to the law or the penalty in his salvation. Here the Great Surety comes in, and says that it is not so. He has become re \. D. \ml they truly were many (.riots, because they \vriv not ?u lit red to continue In of death : 1 or, vlrich passtth not from one to another. CHAPTER Vil. 165 24 But this i/tan, because he continueth ever hath an ' un- changeable a priesthood. 25 Wherefore he is able * also a 1 Sa. 2. 35. b Jude 24. sponsiblc for this ; he the surety, the . That all proper honour shall be paid to justice, and that the same good effects shall ensue as if the pe- nalty of the law had been fully borne. He himself has died to honour the law, and to open a way by which its penalty may be fully remitted con- >i>t( ntlv with justice, and he becomes the everlasting pledge or security to law, to justice, to the universe, that no injury shall result from the pardon and salvation of the sinner. Accord- ing to this view, no man can rely on the suretyship of Jesus but he who expects salvation on the terms of the gospel. The suretyship is not at all that he shall be saved in his sins, or that he shall enter heaven no matter what life he leads ; it is only that if he believes, repents, and is saved, no injury shall be done to the universe ; no dishonour to the law. For this the Lord Jesus is responsible. 1T Of a better testament. Rather, 'of a better covenant. 1 The former cove- nant was that which God made with his people under the Mosaic dispen- sation ; the new covenant is that made by means of Christ. This is better because (1) the terms are more simple and easy ; (2) the observances and rites are much less onerous and hard ; (3) it relates to all men, not being confined to the Jewish people ; (4) it is now sun-. The former was admi- 1 through the instrumentality Levitical priesthood, this by the Son of God ; that was transitory and changing, this is permanent and eternal. 23. And they truly. Under the . dispensation. The object of thi< verse and the following is, to state one more reason of the excel- lence of the priesthood of Christ. It is, that owing to the frailty of human ature, and the shortness of life, the office of priest there was continually changing. But here there was no such change. Christ, being exalted to the heavens to live for ever there, has now an unchangeable priesthood, and everything in regard to his office is permanent. 24. But this man. Gr. ' But he' referring to Christ. V Because he continueth ever. Gr. 'Because he re- mains for ever.' The idea is, because lie does not die, but ever lives, he has an unchanging priesthood. There is no necessity that he should yield it to others, as was the case with the Jewish priests because they were mortal. The reason, in their case, why it passed to others, was not that they did not perform the office well, but that they were mortal, and could not continue to hold it. But this rea- son could not operate in the case of the Lord Jesus, and therefore his priesthood would be permanent. ^Hath an unchangeable priesthood. Marg. ' or, which passeth not from one to an- other.' The margin expresses the sense of the passage. The idea is not strictly that it was unchangeable, but that it did not pass over into other hands. The Levitical priesthood pass- ed from one to another as successive generations came on the stage of ac- tion. This reasoning is not designed to prove that the priesthood of Christ will be literally eternal for its ne- cessity may cease when all the re- deemed are in heaven but that it is permanent, and does not pass from hand to hand. 25. Wherefore he is able also. As he ever lives, and ever intercedes, ho has power to save. He does not be- gin the work of salvation, and then relinquish it by reason of death, but he lives on as long as it is necessary that anything should be done for the salvation of his people. We need o 166 HEBREWS. ' [A. D. 64. to save them ' to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession a for them. 1 or, evermore. a Ko. 8. 34 ; 1 Jno. 2. 1. Saviour who has power, and Christ has shown that he has all the power which is needful to rescue man from eternal death. ^ To the uttermost. This does not mean simply for ever but that he has power to save them so that their salvation shall be complete els TO TtavTt\s. He does not abandon the work midway ; he does not begin a work which he is unable to finish. He can aid us as long as we need .anything done for our salvation ; he can save all who will entrust their salvation to his hands, f That come unto God by him. In his name ; or depending on him. To come to God, is to approach him for pardon and salvation. IT Seeing he ever liveth. He does not die as the Jewish priests did. IT To make intercession for them. See Note Rom. viii. 34. He constant- ly presents the merits of his death as a reason why we should be saved. The precise mode, however, in which he makes intercession in heaven for his people is not revealed. The gen- eral meaning is, that he undertakes their cause, and assists them in over- coming their foes and in their endea- vours to live a holy life. Comp. I. John ii. 1. He does in heaven what- ever is necessary to obtain for us grace and strength; secures the aid which we need against our foes ; and is the pledge or security for us that the law shall be honoured, and the justice and truth of God maintained, though we are saved. It is reasona- ble to presume that this is somehow by the presentation of the merits of his great sacrifice, and that that is the ground on which all this grace is obtained. As that is infinite, we need not fear that it will ever be ex- hausted. ' 26. For such an High Priest be- came us. Was fitted to our condition. 26 For such an high priest became us, who is holy, fc harm- less, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher -thac the heavens ; &c.4. 15; ] Pe. 2. 22. That is, there was that in our char- acter and circumstances which de- manded that a high priest for us should be personally holy. It was not requisite merely that he should have great power ; or that he should be of a rank superior to that of the Jewish priesthood ; but there was a special propriety that he should sur- pass all others in moral purity. Other priests were mere mortal men, and it was necessary that their office should pass to other hands : they were sinful men also, and it was necessary that sacrifices should be made for them- selves as well as others. We need, however, a different priest. We need not only one who ever lives, but one who is perfectly holy, and who has no need to bring an offering for him- self, and all the merit of whose sacri- fice, therefore, may be ours. Such an high priest we have in the person of the Lord Jesus ; and there is no truth more interesting, and no proposition more susceptible of proof, than that HE IS EXACTLY FITTED TO MAN. In his moral character, and in the great work which he has accomplished, he is just such a Saviour as is adapted tc the wants of ignorant, fallen, wretch- ed, sinful man. He is benevolent, and pities our woes ; wise, and is able to enlighten our ignorance ; compas- sionate, and ready to forgive our faults. He has made such a sacrifice as was necessary to put away our guilt, and offers sucli intercession as we need to have offered for us in order that we may be preserved from falling. 1T Who is holy. Not merely outwardly right- eous, but pure in heart. IT Harm- less. Not injuring any one. To no one did he do wrong. Neither to their name, person, or property, did he ever do injury; nor will he ever. He is the only one who has lived on earth of A. 1>. 01.] CHAPTER Vll. 167 J7 ^ ii' needc-tli not daily, as those lii^li priests, to oiler up saenliee. lir.-t ' : lor hisoun sins, end then lor the people's : for this he did once, when he oll'er- ed up himself. a Lc. 9. 7. whom it could be said that he never, \n .my way, did wrong to another. IT I'ridrtiltil. By sin ; by any impro- lion. lie was un- stained by erinie; 'unspotted from tJic world.' Sin always defiles the soul ; but from every such pollution the Lord Jesus was free, f Separate from sinners. That is, he did not v with them as such. He did not partake of their feelings, plans, pleasures. Though he mingled with them, yet it was merely to do them good, and in all his life there was an entire separation from the feelings, principles, and views of a sinful world. ^ And made higher than the heavens. Exalted above the visible heavens; that is, at the right hand of God. See Notes on Eph. i. 21 ; Phil. ii. 9. We needed a high priest who is thus ex- alted that he may manage our cause before the throne of God. 21. Who needeth not daily, as those high jiriests. As the Jewish priests. This is an additional circumstance introduced to show the superior ex- cellency of the High Priest of the Christian profession, and to show also how he was fitted to our wants. The i high priest was a sinful man. He had the same fallen and corrupt He needed an ex- piatory sacrifice for his own s they did for theirs. When he approached God to offer sacrifice, leedful to make an atonement for himself, and when all was done it was still a sacrifice offered by a sin- ful man. But it was not so in the case of Jesus. He was so holy that d no sacrifice for him- all that he did was in behalf of others. aVa. He made such an atonement that it was not needful that it should led. Thus he put an end to sacrifice, for when he made the great atonement it was complete, and there was no need that any more blood should be shed for human guilt. 28. For the law. The ceremonial lav/. ^ Wliich have infirmity. Who ;ire weak, frail, sinful, dying. Such i! who were appointed to the office of priest under the Jewish law *i Ilitf the. word of the oath. By which one was appointed after the order ot 168 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. Mclchisedek. Note,ver.21. H Maketh the Son. The Son of God. That ap- pointment has resulted in his being set apart to this work. IT Who is conse- crated for evermore. Marg. Perfect- ed, See Note ch. ii. 10. The idea is, that the appointment is complete and permanent. It does not pass from one to the other. It is perfect in all the arrangements, and will re- main so for ever. REMARKS. The subject of this chapter is the exalted high-priesthood of the Re- deemer. This is a subject which per- tains to all Christians, and to all men. All religions imply the priestly office ; all suppose sacrifice of some kind. In regard to the priestly office of Christ as illustrated in this chapter, we may observe, (1.) He stands alone. In that office he had no predecessor, and has no one to succeed him. In this respect he was without father, mother, or de- scent and he stands in lonely ma- jesty as the only one who sustains the office. Ver. 3. (2.) He is superior to Abraham. Abraham never laid claim to the of- fice of priest, but he recognised his inferiority to one whom the Messiah was to resemble. Vs. 2. 4. (3.) He is superior to all the Jew- ish priesthood sustaining a rank, and performing an office above them all. The great ancestor of all the Levitical priests recognised his infe- riority to one of the rank or ' order' of which the Messiah was to be, and received from him a blessing. In our contemplation of Christ, therefore, as Driest, we have the privilege of regard- ing him as superior to the Jewish high priest exalted as was his office, and important as were the functions of his office; as more grand, more pure, more worthy of confidence and love. (4.) The great High Priest of the Christian profession is the only per- fect priest. Vs. 11.19. The Jewish priests were all imperfect and sinful men, The sacrifices which they of. 7 ered were imperfect, and could not give peace to the conscience. There was need of some better system, and they all looked forward to it. But in the Lord Jesus, and in his work, there is absolute perfection. What he did was complete, and his office needs no change. (5.) The office now is permanent, It does not change from hand to hand. Vs. 23, 24. He who sustains this office does not die, and we may ever apply to him, and cast our cares on him. Men die ; one generation succeeds another ; but our High Priest is the same. We may trust in him in whom our fathers found peace and salvation, and then we may teach our children to confide in the same High Priest and so send the invaluable lesson down to latest generations. (6.) His work is firm and sure. Vs. 20 22. His office is founded on an oath, and he has become the secu- rity for all who will commit their cause to him. Can great interests like those of the soul be entrusted to better hands ? Are they not safer in his keeping than in our own ? (7.) He is able to save to the utter- most. Ver. 25. That power he show- ed when he was on earth ; that power he is constantly evincing. No one has asked aid of him and found him unable to render it ; no one has been suffered to sink down to hell because his arm was weak. What he has done for a few he can do for " all ;" and they who will entrust themselves to him will find him a sure Saviour Why will not men then be persuaded to commit themselves to him ? Can they save themselves ? Where is there one who has shown that he was able to do it ? Do they not need a Saviour ; Let the history of the world answer. Can man conduct his own cause be- fore God ? How weak, ignorant, and blind is he ; how little qualified for such an office ! Has any one suffered wrong by committing himself to the Redeemer ? If there is such an one, where is he? Who has ever made this complaint that has tried it ? Who ever will make it ? In countless rail- CHAPTER VII. 169 the trial has been i.-i-t was 'able to Mi'ii have gone with a trou- bled spirit ; with a guilty conscience ; and with awl'ul apprehensions of the wrath to come, and have asked him them. Not one of those who have done this has found reason to douht his ability; not one has re- that he has committed the if the soul into his h;ui(is. (8.) Christ saves to the uttermost. '. He makes the salvation Complete. So the Bible assures us ; and so we see it in fact as far we can ie soul. When a Christian friend dies, we stand at his bed-side and accompany him as far as we can into the valley of the shadow of death. \ him whether he feels that Christ is able to save? He replies, When he has lost the power of speaking above a whisper, we ask him the same question, and receive the same reply. When he gives us the partin.tr hand, and we, still anxious to know whether aM is well, ask the same question, a sign, a smile, a light- ing up of the dying eye, declares that all is well. As far as we can trace the departing soul when it goes into the dark valley, we receive the same assurance ; and why should we doubt that the same grace is bestowed fur- ther onward, and that he saves ' to the uttermost ?' But what else thus saves ? Friends give the parting hand at the gloomy entrance to that valley, and the gay and the worldly coolly turn away. The delusions of infidelity rsake the soul, and minister no comfort then. Flatterers turn -:ijr who ..ith the pr r accomplishments? Taste, skill, learning, talent, do not help then, for how can they save a dying soul ? None but Jesus saves to the ' utter- :io other friend but he goes with us entirely tkrough the valley of death. Is it not better to have such a friend than to go alone through that dark, gloomy path? Any other gloomy and dangerous way may be 1 " more safely trod without a friend, than the vale of death. (9.) The Christian religion is fitted to our condition. Vs. 26, 27. It has just such a High Priest as we need holy, harmless, undcfiled. Just such an atonement has been made as is necessary ample, rich, full, and not needing to be made again. It reveals just such truth as we want that re- specting the immortality of the soul, and the glorious state of the redeemed beyond the grave. It imparts just such consolation as is fitted to our condition pure, rich, unfailing, ele- vating. It reconciles us to God just as it should be done in such a way that God can be honoured, and the purity and dignity of his law main- tained. It is the religion adapted to dying, ignorant, sinful, wretched man. No other system so much consults the true dignity of our nature, and the honour of God ; no one diffuses such consolations through the life that is, or fills with such hopes in re- gard to the life to come. (10.) Since, then, we have now such a Great High Priest ; since the pro- mises of the gospel are settled on so firm a foundation ; and since the gos- pel in its provisions of mercy is all that we can desire it to be, let us yield our hearts entirely to the. Saviour, and make this salvation wholly ours. We have the privilege, if we will, of draw- ing near to God with boldness. We may come near his throne. Though we are poor, and sinful, and deserve neither notice nor mercy, yet we may come and ask for all that we need. We may go to God, and supplicate his favour, with the assurance that he is ready to hear. We may go feeling Chat the great atonement hats : ade for our sins, and that no other offering is now needed ; that the last bloody offering which God required has been presented, and that all that he now asks is the sacrifice of a contrite and a grateful heart. All that was needful to be done on the part of God to provide a way of sal- vation has been done ; all that re^ mains is for man to forsake his sins 170 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. CHAPTER VIII. NOW of the things which we have spoken this is the sum : We have such an high and to come back to a God who waits to be gracious. CHAPTER VIII. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. This chapter is a continuation of the argument which has been prose- cuted in the previous chapters re- specting the priesthood of Christ. The apostle had demonstrated that he was to be a priest, and that he was to be, not of the Levitical order, but of the order of Melchisedek. As a consequence, he had proved that this involved a change of the law appoint- ing the priesthood, and that in re- spect to permanency, and happy moral influence, the priesthood of Christ far surpassed the Jewish. This thought he pursues in this chapter, and shows particularly that it involved a change in the nature of the covenant between God and his people. In the prosecu- tion of this, lie (1.) states the sum or principal point of the whole matter under discussion that the priesthood of Christ was real and permanent, while that of the Hebrew economy was typical, and was destined in its own nature to be temporary. Vs. 1 3. (2.) There was a fitness and propriety in his being removed to heaven to perform the functions of his office there since if he had remained on earth he could not have officiated as priest, that duty being by the law of Moses entrusted to others pertaining to another tribe. Vs. 4, 5. (3.) Christ had obtained a more exalted ministry than the Jewish priests held, because he was the Mediator in a better cove- nant a covenant that related rather to the heart than to external observ- ances. Vs. 6 13. That new cove- nant excelled the old in the following respects : (a) It was established on better promises. Ver. 6. (b) It was not a covenant requiring mainly ex- ternal observances, but pertained to | priest, who a is set m the right hand of the throne of the Ma- jesty in the heavens ; a Ep. 1, 20. the soul, and the law of that covenant was written there. Vs. 7 10. fc) It was connected with the diffusion of the knowledge of the Lord among all classes from the highest to the lowest. Ver. 11. (d) The evidence of forgive- ness might be made more clear than it was under the old dispensation, and the way in which sins are pardoned be much better understood. Ver. 12. These considerations involved the consequence, also, which is stated in ver. 13, that the old covenant was of necessity about to vanish away. 1. Now^of the things tohich we have spoken. Or, ' of the things of which we are speaking' (Stuart} ; or as we should say, of what is said. The Greek does not necessarily mean things that had been spoken, but may refer to all that he was saying, taking the whole subject into consideration. If This is the sum. Or this is the principal thing ; referring to what he was about to say, not what he had said. Our translators seem to have understood this as referring to a sum- ming up, or recapitulation of what he had said, and there can be no doubt that the Greek would bear this interpretation. But another exposi- tion has been proposed, adopted by Bloomfield, Stuart, Michaelis, and Storr, among the moderns, and found also in Sindas, Theodoret, Theophy. lact, and others, among the ancients. It is that which regards the word rendered sum Kt(pd\tov as meaning the principal thing ; the chief matter ; the most important point. The rea-' son for this interpretation is, that the apostle in fact goes into no recapitu- lation of what he had said, but enters on a new topic relating to the priest- hood of Christ. Instead of going over what he had demonstrated, he enters on a more important point, that the priesthood of Christ is performed in heaven, and that he has entered into A. D. Gl.] CHAPTER Vlli. 171 A minister of ' tlic sanctu- ary, a and of the true tabernacle 1 or, /!< 18.24. the true tabernack tlicro. All whid and shadow ; this \vas that which the former economy had adumbrated. In the previous chapters the apostle had shown tha he who sustained this office was su- perior in rank to the Jewish priests dial they were frail and dying", and that the office in their hands was changing from one to another, bul that that of Christ was permanent and abiding. He now comes to consider the mil nature of the office itself; the sacrifice which was offered ; the sub- Btance of which all in the former dis- pensation was the type. This was the principal thing ja^aAtov the head, the most important matter ; and the consideration of this is pursued through the viiith, ixth, and xth chap- ' We. have such an high priest. That is settled ; proved ; indisputable. The Christian system is not destitute of that which was regarded as so es- tential to the old dispensation the affice of a high priest. IT Who is set on the right hand of a throne, &c. He is exalted to honour and glory before God. The right hand was regarded as the place of principal honour, and when it is said that Christ is at the light hand of God, the meaning is, IJiat he is exalted to the highest ho- nour in the universe. See Note Mark tvi. 1!). Of course the language is figurative as God has no hands lite- rally but the language conveys an important meaning, that he is near to God ; is high in his affection and i to the most ele- vated situation in heaven. See Phil, u. 9; Notes Eph. i. ~>1. 2. A minister of the sanctuary. Marg. ' or holy things.' Gr. T&V JyW. The Greek may either mean the sanctuary denoting th: Holy of Holies; or holy thin-rs. The word sanctuary BHp kodesh was given to the ta- bernacle or temple as a holy place, ind the plural form which is here which the Lord pitched, and not man. used T<} ayia was given to the most holy place by way of eminence the full form of the name being D'BHp Vip kodesh koddshim, or, ayia ayiwv hagia hagion, (Jalm'a Arche. 328), or as it is here used simply as - uyia. The connexion seems to require us to understand it of the most holy place, and not of holy things. The idea is, that the Lord Jesus, the Great High Priest, has en- tered into the Holy of Holies in hea- ven, of which that in the tabernacle was an emblem. For a description of the Most Holy place in the temple, see Notes on Matt. xxi. ]2. IF And of the true tabernacle. The real taber- nacle in heaven, of which that among the Hebrews was but the type. The word tabernacle cK-nvfj means pro- perly a booth, hut, or tent, and was applied to the tent which Moses was directed to build as the place for the worship of God. That tabernacle, as the temple was afterwards, was re- garded as the peculiar abode of God on earth. Here the reference is to heaven, as the dwelling place of God, of which that tabernacle was the emblem or symbol. It is called the true tabernacle,' as it is the real dwelling of God, of which the one made by Moses was but the emblem. It is not moveable and perishable like that made by man, but is unchanging and eternal. IT Which the Lord pitched, and not man. The word pitched is adapted to express the setting up of a tent. When it is said that 'the Lord pitched the true tabernacle,' that is, the permanent dwelling in heaven; the meaning is, that heaven has been fitted up by God himself, and that whatever is necessary to constitute that an appropriate abode for the di- vine majesty has been done by him. To that glorious dwelling the Re- leemer has been received, and there le perrbrms the office of high priest n bf half of man, In what way he 172 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 3 .For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sa- crifices : wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer." a Ep. 3. 2. c. 9. 12. does this, the apostle specifies in the remainder of this chapter, and in chs. ix. x. 3. For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices. This is a general statement about the functions of the high priest. It was the pecu- liarity of the office ; it constituted its essence, that some gift or sacrifice was to be presented. This was indis- putable in regard to the Jewish higli priest, and this is involved in the na- ture of the priestly office everywhere. A priest is one who offers sacrifice, mainly in behalf of others. The principles involved in the office are, (1) that there is need that some offer- ing or atonement should be made for sin ; and (2), that there is a fitness or propriety that some one should be designated to do it. If this idea that a priest must offer sacrifice be correct, then it follows that the name priest should not be given to any one who is not appointed to offer sacrifice. It should not therefore be given to the ministers of the gospel, for it is no part of their work to offer sacrifice the great sacrifice for sin having been once offered by the Lord Jesus, and not being again to be repeated. Ac- cordingly the writers in the New Testament are perfectly uniform and consistent on this point. The name priest is never once given to the min- isters of the gospel there. They are called ministers, ambassadors, pas- tors, bishops, overseers, &c., but never priests. Nor should they be so called in the Christian church. The name priest as applied to Christian minis- ters, has been derived from the pa- pists. They hold that the priest does offer as a sacrifice the real body and blood of Christ in the mass, and hold- ing this, the name priest is given to the minister who does it consistently. 4 For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest, see- ing that l there are priests that offer gifts according to the law : 5 Who serve unto the ex- 1 or, they. It is not indeed right or Scriptural for the whole doctrine on which it is based is absurd and false, but while that doctrine is held the name is con- sistent. But with what show of con- sistency or propriety can the name be given to a Protestant minister of the gospel ? V Wherefore it is of ne- cessity that this man have somewhat also to offer. That the Lord Jesus should make an offering. That is, since he is declared to be a priest, and since it is essential to the office that a priest should make an offering, it is indispensable that he should bring a sacrifice to God. He could not be a priest on the acknowledged principles on which that office is held, unless he did it. What the offering was which the Lord Jesus made, the apostfe specifies more fully in ch. ix. 1114. 25, 26. 4. For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest. He could not perform that office. The design of this is, to show a reason why he was removed to heaven. The reason was, that on earth there were those who were set apart to that office, and that he, not being of the same tribe with them, could not officiate as priest. There was an order of men here on earth consecrated already to that office, and hence it was necessary that the Lord Jesus, in performing the functions of the office, should be removed to ano- ther sphere. 5. Who serve unto the example. Who perform their service by the mere example and shadow of the heavenly things ; or in a tabernacle, and in a mode, that is the mere era- blem of the reality which exists in heaven. The reference is to the ta- bernacle, which was a mere exampl' or copy of heaven. The word here rendered example v-iro^iy^a means A. D 64.] CHAPTER VIII. 173 ample and shadow a of heavenly thini:s, ns Alnsi's \vas admonish- ed of (Jod \\hen he was about to make the tahernacle : Tor, a Co. 2. 17. c 10. 1. a copy, likeness, or imitation. The Iptbernacle was made ailcr a pattern which was shown to Moses ; it was . as to have some faint resem- llancc to tin- n-aliiy in heaven, and in that 'copy,' or 'example,' they were appointed to officiate. Their . therefore, had some resem- blance to that in heaven. T And shadow. That is, in the tabernacle where ihi-y served there was a mere shadow of that which was real and substantial. Compared with what is in heaven, it was what the shadow is compared with the substance. A shadow as of a man, a house, a tree, will indicate the form, the outline, the size of the object ; but it has no substance, or reality. So it was with the rites of the Jewish religion. They were designed merely as a shadow -ubstantial realities of the true religion, or to present the dim out- lines of what is true and real in hea- ( 'orap. Notes on Coll. ii. 17; Heb. x. 1. The word shadow here CKIU is used in distinction from the body or reality ati^a (Com p. Coll. ii. 17), and also from CIKUV a perfect or resemblance. See Hcb. x. 1. 1T Of heavenly things. Of the heavenly sanctuary ; of what is real and sub- stantial in heaven. That is, there exists in heaven a reality of which the service in the Jewish sanctuary was but the outline. The n is, undoubtedly, to the service which the Lord Jesus performs there as the great high priest of his people. T As Moses was admonished of God. As divinely instructed. The word <-d xPW aT ' w means proper- ly to give oracular responses ; to make communications to men in a super- natural way by dreams, by direct ions, &c. See Matt. ii. 12.22; Luke ii. 26; Acts .\. 22; II, b. xi. ?. V For, see, saith he. Ex. xxv. 9, 40 ; 15* See, saith he, b that thou make all things according to the pat- tern showed to thec in the mount. b Ex. 25. 40. 20. 30. xxvi. 30. In Ex. xl. it is also repeatedly said that Moses executed all the work of the tabernacle as he had been com- manded. Great care was taken that an exact copy should be exhibited to him of all which he was to make, and that the work should be exactly like the pattern. The reason doubtless was, that as the Jewish service was to be typical, none but God could judge of the form in which the taber- nacle should be made. It was not to be an edifice of architectural beauty, skill, or taste, but was designed to adumbrate important realities which were known only to God. Hence it was needful that the exact model of them should be given to Moses, and that it should be scrupulously follow ed. IT That thou make all things. Not only the tabernacle itself, but the al- tars, the ark, the candlestick, &c. The form and materials for each were specified, and the exact pattern shown to Moses in the Mount. V According to the pattern. Gr. rvtrov type ; that is, figure, form. The word TV-OS, type, means properly anything produced by the agency or means of blows (from rviTTdi, to strike] ; hence a mark, stamp, print, impression as that made by driving nails in the hands (John xx. 25) ; then a figure or form, as of an image or statue (Acts vii. 43) ; the form of a doctrine or opinion (Rom vi. 17) ; then an example to be imitat- ed or followed (I. Cor. x. 6, 7 ; PhiL iii. 17; I. Thess. i. 7; II. Thess. iii. !)) ; and hence a pattern, or model after which anything is to be made Acts vii. 44. This is the meaning here. The allusion is to a pattern such as an architect or sculptor uses , a drawing, or figure made in wood or clay, after which the work is to bo modelled. The idea is, that some such drawing or model was exhibited to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, sa 174 HEBREWS. [A. D, d4 6 But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the medi- ator of a better 1 covenant, a 2 Co. 3. 6-9 ; c. 7. 22. that he might have an exact idea of the tabernacle which was to be made. A similar drawing or model of the temple was given by David to Solo- mon. I. Chron. xxviii. 11, 12. We are not, indeed, to suppose that there was in the case of the pattern shown to Moses, any miniature model of wood or stone actually created and exhibited, but that the form of the tabernacle was exhibited to Moses in vision (Note Isa. i. 1), or was so vi- vidly impressed on his mind that he would have a distinct view of the edifice which was to be reared. If In the Mount. In Mount Sinai ; for it was while Moses was there in the presence of God, that these commu- nications were made. 6. But now hath he obtained. That is, Christ. IT A more excellent min- istry. A service of a higher order, or of a more exalted nature. It was the real and substantial service of which the other was but the emblem ; it pertained to things in heaven, while that was concerned with the earthly tabernacle; it was enduring, while that was to vanish away. See Notes on II. Cor. iii. 6 9. IT By hoiv much. By as much as the new covenant is more important than the old, by so much does his ministry exceed in dig- nity that under the ancient dispensa- tion. IF He is the mediator. See Notes on Gal. iii. 19, 20, where the word mediator is explained. It means here that Christ officiates between God and man according to the arrangements of the new covenant. IT Of a belter covenant. Marg. ' Or testament." 1 This word properly denotes a disposition, arrangement, or ordering of things ; and in the Scriptures is employed to describe the arrangement which God has made to secure the maintenance of his worship on earth, and the sal- vation of men. It is uniformly used in which was established upon bet ter promises. 7 For if b that first covenant had been faultless, then should l or, testament. b c. 7. 11. the Septuagint and in the New Testa- mentto denote tne covenant which God makes with men. The word which properly denotes a covenant or com- pact awSrjKrj suntheke is never used. The writers of the New Testament evidently derived its use from the Septuagint, but why the authors of that version employed it as denoting a will rather than the proper one denot- ing a compact, is unknown. It has been supposed by some, and the conjecture is not wholly improbable, that it was because they were unwilling to re- present God as making a compact or agreement with men, but choso rather to represent him as making a mere arrangement or ordering of things. Comp. Notes on ver. 8, and ch. ix. 16, 17. This is a better cove, nant than the old, inasmuch 4 as it relates mainly to the heart ; to the pardon of sin ; to a spiritual and holy religion. See ver. 10. The former related more to external rites and ob- servances, and was destined to vanish away. See ver. 13. 1T Which was established upon better promises. The promises in the first covenant pertain- ed mainly to the present life. They were promises of length of days ; of increase of numbers ; of seed time and harvest; of national privileges, and of extraordinary peace, abund- ance, and prosperity. That there was also the promise of eternal life, it would be wrong to doubt; but this was not the main thing. In the new covenant, however, the- promise of spiritual blessings becomes the prin- cipal thing. The mind is directed to heaven ; the heart is cheered with the hopes of immortal life; the favour of God and the anticipation of heaven are secured in the most ample and solemn manner. 7. For if that first covenant had been faultless. See Note on ch. vii . D. G4.] CHAPTER VIII. 175 no place have been sought for :.!. 8 For lintlinj: tan It with them, '.sold, the days a Jo. 31. :H-:M. 11. It is implied here that God had taid that that covenant was not per- fect or faultliss. The meaning- is not that that lir:4 covenant made under .1 faults or incul- cated that which was wrong, but that it did not contain the ample provision pardon of sin and the salva- tion of the soul which was desirable. merely jirrparatory to the gos- Ttn-n should no place have been sought for the second. There could not have been inasmuch as in that case it would have been impossi. ble to have bettered it, and any change would have been only for the worse. 8. Forjindingfau.lt with them. Or rather, ' finding fault, he says to them.' The difference is only in the punctu- ation, and this change is required by . This is commonly interpreted as meaning that the fault was not found with ' them'' that is, with the Jewish people, for they had had nothing to do in giving the cove- nant, but with the covenant itself. 'Stating its defects, he had said to them that he would give them one more perfect, and of which that was only preparatory.' So Grotius, Stuart, Rosenmuller, and Erasmus under- stand it. Doddridge, Koppe, and many others understand it as it is in our translation, as implying that the fault was found with the people, and lo the passage quoted from Jeremiah for proof, where the complaint is of the people. The ma}' bear either construction; but may we not adopt a somewhat :.t interpretation still? May not the meaning? ' For using the re of complaint, or language i plied that there was <: error, he speaks of another covenant.' According to this, the idea would be, not that he found fault specifically either with the covenant or the peo- come, saitfi the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Jutlah. pie, but generally that he uj>ed Ian- guage which implied that there was defect somewhere when he promised another and a better covenant. The word rendered 'finding fault' properly means to censure, or to blame. It is rendered in Mark \ ii. 2, ' they found fault,' to wit, with those who ate with unwashed hands; in Rom. ix. 9, "why doth he yet find fault?" It oc curs nowhere else in the New Testa- ment. It is language used where wrong has been done ; where there is ground of complaint ; where it is de- sirable that there should be a change. In the passage here quoted from Jere- miah, it is not expressly stated that God found fault either with the cove- nant or with the people, but that he promised that he would give another covenant, and that it should be differ- ent from that which he gave them when they came out of Egypt im plying that there was defect in that, or that it was not faultless. The whole meaning is, that there was a deficiency which the giving of a new covenant would remove. IT He saith. In Jeremiah xxxi. 31 34. The apos- tle has not quoted the passage liter- ally as it is in the Hebrew, but he has retained the substance, and the sense is not essentially varied. The quota- tion appears to have been made partly from the Septuagint, and partly from memory. This often occurs in the New testament. IT Behold. This particle is designed to call attention to what was about to be said, as im- portant, or as having some special claim to notice. It is of very fre- quent occurrence in the Scriptures, being much more freely used by the sacred writers than it is in the clas- sic authors. ^ The days come. The time is coming. This refers doubt- less to the times of the Messiah. Phrases such as these, 'in the last 17G HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. days,' 'in after times,' and 'the time is coining,' are often used in the Old Testament to denote the last dispen- sation of the world ' the dispensa- tion when the affairs of the world would be wound up. See the phrase explained in the Notes ch. i. 2, and Isa. ii. 2. There can be no doubt that as it is used by Jerenriah it re- fers to the terms of the gospel. IT When I will make a new covenant. A cove- nant that shall contemplate somewhat different ends ; that shall have differ- ent conditions, and that shall be more effective in restraining from sin. The word covenant here refers to the ar- rangement, plan, or dispensation into which he would enter in his dealings with men. On the meaning of the word, see Notes on Acts vii. 8, and on ch. ix. 16, 17. The word covenant with us commonly denotes a compact or agreement between two parties that are equal, and who are free to enter into the agreement or not. In this sense, of course, it cannot be used in relation to the arrangement which God makes with man. There is (1) no equality between them, and (2) man is not at liberty to reject any proposal which God shall make. The word, therefore, is used in a more general sense, and more in accordance with the original meaning of the Greek word. It has been above re- marked (Notes on ver. 6), that the proper word to denote covenant, or compact aw^Kr] syntheke is never used either in the Septuagint or in the New Testament another word SiaStjKrj diatheke being carefully employed. Whether the reason there suggested for the adoption of this word in the Septuagint be the real one or not, the fact is indisputable. I may be allowed to suggest as possi- ble here an additional reason why this so uniformly occurs in the New Tes- tament. It is, that the writers of the New Testament never meant to repre- sent the transactions between God and man as a compact or covenant properly so called. They have stu- diously avoided it, and their uniform practice, in making this nice distinc- tion between the two words, may show the real sense in which the He- brew word rendered covenant JV13 berith is used in the Old Testal ment. The word which they employ nevflr means a compact or 5i agreement as between equals. It re- motely and secondarily means a will, or testament and hence our word ' New Testament.'' But this is not the sense in which it is used in the Bible for God has never made a will in the sense of a testamentary disposi- tion of what belongs to him. We are referred, therefore, in order to arrive at the true Scripture view of this whole matter, to the original meaning of the word diatheke SiaSqict) as denoting a disposition, arrangement, plan ; then that which is ordered, & law, precept, promise, &c. Unhap- pily we have no single word which expresses the idea, and hence a con- stant error has existed in the church either keeping up the notion of a compact as if God could make one with men ; or the idea of a will equally repugnant to truth. The word Sta^ifjKr] is derived from a verb Siari- Srjui meaning to place apart, to set in order ; and then to appoint, to make over, to make an arrangement with. Hence the word 8ia$>jK7) diatheke means properly the arrangement or disposition which God made with men in regard to salvation ; the system of statutes, directions, laws, and pro- mises by which men are to become subject to him, and to be saved. The meaning here is, that he would make a new arrangement, contemplating as a primary thing that the law should be written in the heart; an arrange- ment which would be peculiarly spi- ritual in its character, and which would be attended with the diffusion of just views of the Lord. V With the house of Israel. The family, or race of Israel, for so the word house is often used in the Scriptures and elsewhere. The word ^ Israel' is used in the Scrip- tures in the following senses. (1.) As a name given to Jacob because he wrestled with the angel of God and A. D. ti-l.] CHAPTER VIII. 177 ( .) Not according to the cove- nant that I made with their fa- in the day when 1 took them by the hand to lead them prevailed as a prince. Gen. xxxii. 28. denoting all who v, I from him called " the child- ren of Israel" or the Jewish nation. (3.) As denoting the kingdom of the ten tribes or the kingdom of Sama- ria, or Ephraim that kingdom hav- ing taken the name Israel in contra- tion from the other kingdom, which was called Judah. (4.) As de- noting the people of God in general his true and sincere friends his church. See Notes on Rom. ii. 28, 29 ; ix. 6. In this place quoted from Je- remiah, it seems to be used to denote the kingdom of Israel in contradis- tinction from that of Judah, and to- gether they denote the whole people of God, or the whole Hebrew nation. This . inent was ratified and con- firmed by the gift of the Messiah, and bv implanting his laws in the heart. It is not necessary to understand this as referring to the whole of the Jews, or to the restoration of the ten tribes ; but the words Israel and Judah are denote the people of God in general, and the idea is, that with the true Israel under the Messiah the laws of God would be written in the heart rather than be mere external observ- ances. IT And with the house of Ju- dah. The kingdom of Judah. This kingdom consisted of two tribes Ju- dah and Benjamin. The tribe of Ben- jamin was, however, small, and the name was lost in that of Judah. 9. Not according to the cocenant,&,c. An arrangement or dispensation re- lating mainly to outward observances, temporal blessings. The mean- , that the new dispensation would be different from that which ide with them when they came out of Egypt. In what respects it would ditVer is sperifi. <1 in vs. 10 12. r Ittruuse they continued not in my covenant. In Jeremiah, in the He- ;iiis is. "while my covenant out of the land of Egypt ; be- cause they continued not in my covenant, and 1 regarded them not, saith the Lord. they brake." That is, they tailed to comply with the conditions on which I promised to bestow blessings upon them. In Jeremiah this is stated as a simple fact ; in the manner in which the apostle quotes it, it is given as a reason why he would give a new ar- rangement. The apostle has quoted it literally from the Scptuagint, and the sense is not materially varied. The word rendered ' because' 6Vt may mean 'since' 'since they did not obey that covenant, and it was ineffectual in keeping them from sin, showing that it was not perfect or complete in regard to what was need- ful to be done for man, a new arrange- ment shall be made that will be with- out defect.' This accords with the reasoning of the apostle ; and the idea is, simply, that an arrangement may be made for man adapted to produce important ends in one state of society or one age of the world, which would not be well adapted to him in another, and which would not accomplish all which it would be desirable to ac- complish for the race. So an arrange- ment may be made for teaching chil- dren which would not answer the pur- pose of instructing those of mature years, and which at that time of life may be superseded by another. A system of measures may be adapted to the infancy of society, or to a com- paratively rude period of the world, which would be ill adapted to a more advanced state of society. Such was the Hebrew system. It was well adapted to the Jewish community in their circumstances, and answered the end then in view. It served to keep them separate from other people; to preserve the knowledge and the worship of the true God, and to intro- duce ..ne gospel dispensation. ^ And I regarded them not. In Jeremiah this is, "Although I was an husband unto them." The Septuagint is as it 178 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord ; I will l put my laws 1 give. 2 or, -upon. is quoted here by Paul. The Hebrew is, D3 VT7J73 '3JJT1 which may be ren- dered, " although I was their Lord ;" or as it is translaied by Gesenius, ' and I rejected them.' The word bya Ba&l means, (1) to be lord or master over anything (Isa. xxvi. 13) ; (2) to become the husband of any one (Deut. xxi. 13; xxiv. 1); (3) with 3 to disdain, to reject. So Jer. iii. 14. It is very probable that this is the meaning here, for it is not only adopt- ed by the Septuagint, but by the Sy- riac. So Abulwalid, Kimchi, and Rabbi Tanchum understood it. The Arabic word means to reject, to loath, to disdain. All that is necessary to observe here is, that it cannot be de- monstrated that the apostle has not given the true sense of the prophet. The probability is, that the Septua- gint translators would give the mean- ing which was commonly understood to be correct, and there is still more probability that the Syriac translator would adopt the true sense, for (1) the Syriac and Hebrew languages strongly resemble each other ; and (2) the old Syriac version the Peshito is incomparably a better translatior than the Septuagint. If this, there- fore, be the correct translation, the meaning is, that since they did no regard and obey the laws which he gave them, God would reject them as his people, and give new laws better adapted to save men. Instead of re garding and treating them as his friends, he would punish them for their offences, and visit them with calamities. 10. For this is the covenant. This is the arrangement, or the dispensa tion which shall succeed the old one IT With the house of Israel. With the true Israel; that is, with all those nto their mind, and write them in their hearts : and a I will be o them a God, and they shall )e to me a people : a Ho. 2. 23 ; Zee. 8. 8. whom he will regard and treat as his friends. If After those days. This nay either mean, ' after those days 1 will put my laws in their hearts,' or, I will make this covenant with them after those days.' This difference is merely in the punctuation, and the sense is not materially affected. Ift seems to me, however, that the mean- ing of the Hebrew in Jeremiah is, 4 in those after days'' (Comp. Notes on Isa. ii. 1), 'I will put my laws into their mind ;' that is, in that subse- quent period, called in Scripture 4 the after times,' ' the last days,' ' the ages to come,' meaning the last dispensa- tion of the world. Thus interpreted, the sense is, that this would be done in the times of the Messiah. IT / will put my laws into their mind. Marg. Give. The word give in Hebrew ia often used in the sense of put. The meaning here is, that they would not be mere external observances, but would affect the conscience and the heart. The laws of the Hebrews per- tained mainly to external rites and ceremonies ; the laws of the new dis- pensation would relate particularly to the inner man, and be designed to control the heart. The grand pecu- liarity of the Christian system is, that it regulates the conscience and the principles of the soul rather than ex- ternal matters. It prescribes few ex. ternal rites, and those are exceedingly simple, and are merely the proper ex- pressions of the pious feelings sup- posed to be in the heart ; and all at- tempts either to increase the number of these rites, or to make them im- posing by their gorgeousness, have done just so much to mar the simpli- city of the gospel, and to corrupt re- ligion. ^ And write them in their hearts. Marg. Upon. Not on tables of stone or brass, but on the soul it- self. That is, the obedience rendered A.. D. G-l.J CHAPTER VIII. 179 11 And they shall not teach 111:111 liis neighbour, and man his brother, saying, will not be external. The law of the nc\v system will have living pow- er, and bind the faculties of the soul to obedience. The commandment there will be written in more lasting characters than if engraved on tables of st<>nr. ' And I will be to them a. (,'ntl. This is quoted literally from the Hebrew. The meaning is, that he would sustain to them the appro- priate relation of a God ; or, if the expression may be allowed, he would !>< to them what a God should be, or what it is desirable that men should find in a God. We speak of a father's acting in a manner appropriate to the character of a father ; and the mean- ing here is, that he would be to his people all that is properly implied in the name of God. He would be their r, their counsellor, their pro- tector, their Redeemer, their guide. He would provide for their wants, de- fend them in danger, pardon their sins, comfort them in trials, and save their souls. He would be a faithful friend, and would never leave them nor forsake them. It is one of the inestimable privileges of his people that JEHOVAH is their God. The liv- ing and ever-blessed Being who made the heavens sustain to them the rela- tion of a Protector and a Friend, and they may look up to heaven feeling that he is all which they could desire in the character of a God. IT And they shall be to me a people. This is not '1 as a fact, but ;. vilege. It i> juble blessing to be regarded as one of the people of God, and to feel that we belong to him that we are associated with those whom he loves, and whom he treats as his friends. 11. And they shall not leach every man his neighbour, &c. That is, no one shall be under a necessity of im- parting instruction to another, or of exhorting him to become acquainted Know the Lord : for all " shall know me, from the least to the greatest. a Is. 54. 13. with the Lord. This is designed to set forth another of the advantages which would attend the new dispen- sation. In the previous verse it had been said that one advantage of that economy would be, that the law would be written on the heart, and that they who were thus blessed would be re- garded as the people of God. An- other advantage over the old arrange, merit or covenant is here stated. It is, that the knowledge of the Lord and of the true religion, would be deeply engraved on the minds of all, and that there would be no necessity for mutual exhortation and counsel. " They shall have a much more cer- tain and effectual teaching than they can derive from another." Doddridge. This passage does not refer to the faet that the true religion will be uni- versally diffused, but that among those who are interested in the blessings of the new covenant there would be an accurate and just knowledge of the Lord. In some way they would be so taught respecting his character that they would not need the aid to he derived from others. All under that dispensation, or sustaining to him the relation of ' a people,' would in fact have a correct knowledge of the Lord. This could not he said of the old dispensation, for (1.) their religion consisted much in outward obser- vances. (2.) It was not to such an extent as the new system a dispensa- tion of the Holy Spirit. (3.) There were not as many means as now for learning the true character of God. (4.) The fullest revelations had not been made to them of that character. That was reserved for the coming of the Saviour, and under him it was intended that there should be communicated the full knowledge of the character of God. Many .M>d happy in this life for he has no God now and man everywhere, wretched, sin ful, suffering, dying, WANTS A GOD. Such a God is revealed in the Bible one whose character we may con- template with ever-increasing admi- ration; one who has all the attributes which we can desire ; one who will, minister to us all the consolation, which we need in this world ; and one who will be to us the same God for ever and ever. Thirdly, The new covenant con. templates the diffusion of knowledge. Ver. 11. This too was what man needed, for everywhere else he has been ignorant of God and of the waj of salvation. The whole heathen world is sunk in ignorance, and in deed all men, except as they are en lightened by the gospel, are in pro- found darkness on the great questions which most nearly pertain to their welfare. But it is not so with the new arrangement which God has made with his people. It is a fact that they know the Lord, and a dis- pensation which would produce that is just what man needed. There are two things hinted at in ver. 11 of this chapter, which are worthy of more than a passing notice, illustrating the excellency of the Christian religion. The Jirst is, that in the new dispen- sation all would know the Lord. The matter of fact is, that the obscurest and most unlettered Christian often has a knowledge of God which sages never had, and which is never obtain- ed except by the teachings of the Spirit of God. However this may be accounted for, the fact cannot be de- nied. There is a clear and elevating view of God ; a knowledge of him which exerts a practical influence on the heart, and which transforms the soul ; and a correctness of apprehen- sion in regard to what truth is, pos sessed by the humble Christian, though a peasant, which philosophy never imparted to its votaries. Many a sage would be instructed in the truths of religion if he would sit. down and converse with the compar ..?hvly un- learned Christian, who ha* no booi \. D. ill.] CHAPTER IX. 183 but his Bible. The oilier thing hinted at here is, that all would know the Lord from the. least to the greatest. Children and youth, as well as age . ;ierience, would have an ac- quaintance with God. This promise is remarkably verified under the new Cation. One of the most strik- ing tilings of the system is, the at- tention which it pays to the young; its most wonderful effects is the knowledge which it is the means of imparting to those in early life. Many a child in the Sabbath-school ..nowledge of God which Gre- fian sages never had; many a youth in the Church has a more consistent acquaintance with God's real plan of governing and saving men, than all the teachings which philosophy could ever furnish. Fourthly, The new dispensation contemplates the pardon of sin, and is. therefore fitted to the condition o. man. Ver. ] It j^ what man needs. The knowlctl( - of some way of par- don is that wh. human nature has been sighing for for ages ; which has been sought in every system of reli- gion, and by every bloody offering ; but which has never elsewhere been tbuud. The philosopher had no as- surance that God would pardon, and indeed one of the chief aims of the philosopher has been to convince him- self that he had no need of pardon. The heathen have had no assurance that their offerings have availed to put away the divine anger, and to obtain forgiveness. The only assur ance any where furnished that sin may be forgiten, is in the Bible. This is the great peculiarity of the system recorded there, and this it is which n nders it so valuable above all the other i ' furnishes the as- surance that sins may be pardoned, and siiows how it may be done. This is what we must have, or perish. And why, since Christianity reveals a way way honourable to .;! not degrading to man why should any man reject it? Why should not the guilty embrace a sys- tem which proclaims pardon to the guilty, and which assures all that, if they will embrace him who is the Mediator of the new covenant,' 'God will be merciful to their unrighteous. ness, and will remember their iniqui- ties no more.' CHAPTER IX. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. The general design of this chapter s the same as the two preceding, to show that Christ as high priest is su- perior to the Jewish high priest. This the apostle had already shown to be true in regard to his rank, and to the dispensation of which he was the mediator.' He proceeds now to show that this was also true in reference to the efficacy of the sacrifice which he made; and in order to this, he gives an account of the ancient Jewish sa- crifices, and compares them with that made by the Redeemer. The essen- tial point is, that the former dispensa- tion was mere shadow, type, or figure, and that the latter was real and effi- cacious. The chapter comprises, in illustration of this general idea, the following points : (1.) A description of the ancient tabernacle, and of the utensils that were in it. Vs. 1 5. (2.) A description of the services in it, particularly of that performed by the high priest once a year. Vs 6, 7. (3.) All this was typical and sym- bolical, and was a standing demon- stration that the way into the most holy place in heaven was not yet fully revealed. Vs. 810. (1.) Christ was now come the substance of which that was the sha- dow ; the real sacrifice of which that was the emblem. Vs. 11 14. He pertained as a priest to a more perfect tabernacle (ver. 11); he offered not the blood of bulls and goats, but his own blood (ver. 12); with that blood he entered into the most holy place in heaven (ver. 12) ; and if the blood of bulls and goats was admitted to be efticacious in putting away external uncleanness, it must be admitted that 184 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 CHAPTER IX. mHEN verily the first cove- nant had also l ordinances of divine service, and a wor.diy sanctuary. l or, ceremonies. a Ex. 25. 9. the blood of Christ had an efficacy in cleansing the conscience. Vs. 13, 14. (5.) His blood is efficacious not only in remitting- present sins, but it extends in its efficacy even to past ages, and removes the sins of those who had worshipped God under the former covenant. Vcr. 15. (6.) The apostle then proceeds to show that it was necessary that the mediator of the new covenant should shed his own blood, and that the blood thus shed should be applied to purify those for whom the sacrifice was made. Vs. 1623. This he shows by the following considerations, viz : (a) He argues it from the nature of a covenant or compact, showing that it was ratified only over dead sacrifices, and that of necessity the victim that was set apart to confirm or ratify it must be slain. See Notes on Vs. 16, 17. (6) The first covenant was con- firmed or ratified by blood, and hence it was necessary that, since the ' pat- terns' of the heavenly things were sprinkled with blood, the heavenly things themselves should be purifiec with better sacrifices. Vs. 18 23. (7.) The offering made by the Re. deemer was to be made but once This arose from the necessity of the case, since it could not be supposec that the mediator would suffer often as the high priest went once every year into the most holy place. He had come and died once in the las dispensation of things on earth, am then had entered into heaven anc could suffer no more. Vs. 24 26. (8.) In the close of the, chapter the apostle adverts to the fact that there was a remarkable resemblance, ir one respect, between the death oi Christ and the death of all men. I was appointed to them to die once and but once, and so Christ died bu once. As a man, it was in accordance with the universal condition of things that he should die once ; and in ac cordance with the same condition of ;hings it was proper that he should die but once. In like manner there was a resemblance or fitness in regard to what would occur after death. Man was to appear at the judgment. He was not to cease to be, but would stand hereafter at the bar of God. In like manner, Christ would again ap- pear. He did not cease to exist when he expired, but would appear again that he might save his people. Vs 27, 28. 1. Then verily. Or, moreover. The object is to describe the tabernacle in which the service of God was cele- brated under the former dispensation, nd to show that it had a reference to what was future, and was only an im- perfect representation of the reality It was important to show this, as the Jews regarded the ordinances of the tabernacle and of the whole Levitical service as of divine appointment, and of perpetual obligation. The object of Paul is to prove that they were to give place to a more perfect system, and hence it was necessary to discuss their real nature. IT The first cove- nant. The word ' covenant' is not in the Greek, but is not improperly sup- plied. The meaning is, that the for- mer arrangement or dispensation had religious rites and services connected with it. IT Had also ordinances. Marg. Ceremonies. The Greek word means laws, precepts, ordinances ; and the idea is, that there were laws regulat- ing the worship of God. The Jew- ish institutions abounded with such laws. IT And a worldly sanctuary. The word sanctuary means a holy place, and is applied to a house of worship, or a temple. Here it may refer either to the temple or to the tabernacle. As the temple was constructed after the same form as the tabernacle, and had the same furniture, the description of the apostle may be regarded as appli A. D. 64. J CHAPTER IX. 18& 'or there was a tabernacle made, the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, b Ex. 29.J. 35. b Ex. 40. 4. and the show-bread ; c which ii ailed ' the Sanctuary. c Ex. 25. 30. 1 or, hofg. cable to either of them, and it is diffi- cult to determine which he had in his eye. Thi' term ' worldly,' applied to 4 sanctuary,' here means that it per- tained to this world ; it was contra- distinguished from the heavenly sanc- tuary not made with hands where Christ was now gone. Comp. vs. 11. 24. It does not mean that it was worldly in the sense in which that word is now used as denoting the op- posite of spiritual, serious, religious, but worldly in the sense that it be- longed to the earth rather than to hea- ven ; it was made by human hands, tfbt directly by the hands of God. 2. For there was a tabernacle made. The word ' tabernacle' properly means a tent, a booth, or a hut, and was then given by way of eminence to the tent for public worship made by Moses in the wilderness. For a description of Ex. xxv. In this place the word means the outer sanctuary or room in the tabernacle ; that is, the first room which was entered called ben ' the first.' The same word vKTivr) is used in ver. 3 to denote the inner sanctuary, or holy of holies. The tabernacle, like the temple after- wards, was divided into two parts by the veil (Ex. xxvi. 31, 32), one of which was called ' the holy place,' and the other * the holy of holies.' The exact size of the two rooms in the tabernacle is not specified in the Scrip- tures, but it is commonly supposed that the tabernacle was divided in the same manner as the temple was after- wards ; that is, two-thirds of the in- terior constituted the holy place, and one-third the holy of holies. Accord- ing to this, the holy place, or ' first tabernacle' was twenty cubits long by ten broad, and the most holy place was ten cubits square. The whole length of the tabernacle was about fifty-five feet, the breadth eighteen, and the height eighteen. In the tem- ple, the two rooms, though of the same relative proportions, were of course much larger. See a descrip- tion of the temple in the Notes on Matt. xxi. 12. In both cases, the holy place was at the east, and the Holy of Holies at the west end of the sacred edifice. The following cut will fur- nish a good illustration of the taber- nacle when set up, with the principal coverings removed. 16 186 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. The following cut represents the interior of the tabernacle with the veil between the holy and the most holy place removed. The following cut represents the tabernacle in the wilderness, in relation to the enclosure, the altar, &c. A. D. 04.] CHAPTER IX. 187 ^ The fir at. The first room on cnter- in<: tin 1 sacred t diiiee, here called the Mbernacle.' The apostle pro- >\v to enumerate the various 9 of furniture which were in the two rooms of the tahenmclc and temple. His olijeet stems to he, not for information, for it could not be supposed that they to whom he was writing were ignorant on this point, but partly to show that it could not that he spoke of that of which he had no information, or that he un- dervalued it; and partly to show the real nature of the institution, and to ;.:it it was ol an imperfect and typical character, and had a designed something that was to It is remarkable that though :i!ains that the whole institu- tion was a ' figure' of what was to come, and though he specifies by name all the furniture of the taber- nacle, he does not attempt to explain their particular typical character, nor does he affirm that they had such a character. He docs not say that the candlestick, and the table of show- bread, and the ark, and the cherubim (I to adumbrate some particular truth or fact of the future dispensation, or had a designed spiri- tual meaning. It would have been happy if all expositors had followed unple of Paul, and had been content, as he was, to state the facts about the tabernacle, and the general truth that the dispensation was in- tended to introduce a more perfect economy, without endeavouring to explain the typical import of every pin and pillar of the ancient place of worship. If tiiose things had such :,< d typiral reference, it is re- markable- that Paul did not go into lanation of that fact in the before us. onuiclc called the holy place. They were not permitted to enter the Holy of Holies, that being- entered only once in a year by the High The holy place was entered every day to make the morning and _r oblation. V Accomplishing the service of God. Performing- the acts of worship which God had ap- {K)inled burning incense, red everyday. f AW irithnut blood. That is, he bare with him blood to sprinkle on the the blood cf the bullock and of the goat borne in <] inherent tin:- -. ' Which he offered fur himself. The blood of the bulloc'. iiily thus i his own mind and the mind of lift- people the fact that the priests even of the highest order were sinners, and needed expiation 8 The Holy Ghost thin sig- nifying, That the way c into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet stand- ing: c 3 no. 14. 6 ; c. 10. 19, 20. like others. Lev. xvi. 12. IT And for the errors of the people. The blood of the goat was offered for them. Lev. xvi. 15. The word rendered errors ayvdrjfia denotes properly ignorance, involuntary error ; and then error or fault in general the same as the He- brew HJty from rijK' to err. The object was to make expiation for all the errors and sins of the people, and this occurred once in the year. The repetition of these sacrifices was a constant remembrancer of sin, and the design was that neither the priests nor the people should lose sight of the fact that they were violators of the law of God. 8. The Holy Ghost. Who appoint. ed all this. The whole arrangement in the service of the tabernacle is. represented as having been under the direction of the Holy Ghost, or this was one of his methods of teaching the great truths of religion, and of keeping them before the minds of men. Sometimes that Spirit- taught by direct revelation; sometimes by the written word ; and sometimes by symbols. The tabernacle, with ita different apartments, utensils, and ser- vices, was a permanent means of keep- ing important truths before the minds of the ancient people of God. T This signifying. That is, showing this truth, or making use of this arrange. mcnt to impress this truth on the minds of men that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made mani- fest. fl That the way into the holiest of all. Into heaven of which the Most Holy place in tiie tabernacle was undoubtedly designed to be an emblem. It was the place where the visible symbol of God the Shekinah dwelt ; where the blood of propitio- *196 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 9 Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sa- a Ps. 40. 6, 7 ; Ga. 3. 21 ; c. 10 1, 11. Jion was sprinkled, and was, there- fore, an appropriate emblem of that holy heaven where God dwells, and whence pardon is obtained by the blood of the atonement. IT Was not yet made manifest. The way to hea- ven was not opened or fully under- stood. It was not known how men could appear before God, or how they could come with the hope of pardon. That way has now been opened by the ascension of the Redeemer to hea- ven, and by the assurance that all who will may come in his name. IF While as the first tabernacle was yet standing. As long as it stood, and the appointed services were held in it. The idea is, that until it was superseded by a more perfect system, it was a proof that the way to heaven was not yet fully and freely opened, and that the Holy Ghost designed that it should be such a proof. The apos- tle does not specify in what the proof consisted, but it may have been in something like the following. (1.) It was a mere symbol, and not the real- ity showing that the true way was not yet fully understood. (2.) It was entered" but once a year showing that there was not access at all times. (3.) It was entered only by the High Priest showing that there was not free and full access to all the people. (4.) It was accessible only by Jews showing that the way in which all men might be saved was not then fully revealed. The sense is, that it was a system of types and shadows, in which there were many burdensome rites and many things to prevent men from coming before the symbol of the divinity, and was, therefore, an im- perfect system. All these obstruc- tions are now removed ; the Saviour the great High Priest of his people has entered heaven and ' opened it to all true believers,' and all of every nation may now have free access to crifices, that could not a make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience ; * b Ps. 151. 16-19. God. See ver. 12. Comp. ch. x. 19 22. 9. Which was a figure for the time then present. That is, as long as the tabernacle stood. The word rendered figure 7rapa/?oA7 is not the same as type TVTTOS (Rom. v. 14; Acts vii. 43, 44 ; John xx. 25 ; I. Cor. x. 6. 11 ; Phil. iii. 1 7, et al.) but is the word commonly rendered parable. Matt, xiii. 3. 10. 13. 18. 24, 31. 3336. 53 ; xv. 15, et scepe, and means properly a placing side by side ; then a compa- rison, or similitude. Here it is used in the sense of image, or symbol something to represent other things. The idea is, that the arrangements and services of the tabernacle were a representation of important realities, and of things which were more fully to be revealed at a future period. There can be no doubt that Paul meant to say that this service in general was symbolical or typical, though this will not authorize us to attempt to spiritualize every minute arrange- ment of it. Some of the things in which it was typical are specified by the apostle himself, and wisdom and safety in explaining the arrangements of the tabernacle and its services con- sist in adhering very closely to the explanations furnished by the inspired writers. An interpreter is on an open sea, to be driven he knows not whi- ther, when he takes leave of these safe pilots. IT Both gifts. Thank-of- ferings. TT And sacrifices. Bloody of- ferings. The idea is, that all kinds of offerings to God were made there. IT That could not make him that did the service perfect. That could not take away sin, and remove the stains of guilt on the soul. Note ch. vii. 1 1 ; comp. ch. viii. 7; vii. 27; x. 1. 11. IT As pertaining to the conscience*. They related mainly t& outward and ceremonial rites, and even when offer- ings were made for sin the conscience 4. D. 64.] CHAPTER IX. 19? 10 Which stood on\\ in D and drinks, and divers wasli- :iml carnal 1 ordinances, 6 a Le 1 : b Nu. 19. 7, &c. not relieved. They could not expiate guilt ; they could not make the soul pure ; they could not of them- selves impart peaec to the soul by re- conciling it to God. They could not fully accomplish what the conscience >.ed to have done in order to give it peace. Nothing will do this but the blood of the Redeemer. 10. Which stood only in meats and drinks. The idea is, that the ordi- nances of the Jews, in connexion with the services of religion, consisted much of laws pertaining to what was lawful to eat and drink, &,c. A con- siderable part of those laws related to the distinction between clean and unclean beasts, and to such arrange- ments as were designed to keep them externally distinct from other nations. It is possible also that there may be a reference here to meat and drink offerings. On the grammatical diffi- culties of this verse, see Stuart on the Hebrews, in loc. ^ And divers wash, ings. The various ablutions which re required in the service of the ta- bernacle and the temple washing of the hands, of the vietim that was to be offered, &c. It was for this pur- pose that the laver was erected in front of the tabernacle (Ex. xxx. 18 ; 1. 1) ; xxxv. 16), and that the bra- zen sea and the lavers were constructed connexion with the temple of Solo- m< MI. iv. 3 5; Livings vii.-JG. The Greek word here is bap. .'. On its meaning, see Notes on t.iii.li; Markvii. 4. IT And carnal ordinances. Marg. ' Or, rites, or cere- monies.' Gr. ' Ordinances of the flesh ;' that is, which pertained to the flesh, or to external ceremonies. The ob- ject was rather to keep them exter- nally pure than to cleanse the con- science and make them holy in heart. 1T Imposed on them. Laid on them hiKti^tva. It does not mean that there ww any oppretsion or injustice in re- imposed on them until the time of reformation. 11 But Christ being come an 1 or, rites or ceremonies. c Ep. 2. 15. gard to these ordinances, but thai they were appointed for a temporary purpose. IT Until the time of reforma tion. The word here rendered refor- mation 8i6p$wais means properly emendation, improvement, reform. It refers to putting a thing in a right condition ; making it better ; or rais- ing up and restoring that which is fallen down. Passow. Here the re- ference is undoubtedly to the gospel as being a better system a putting things where they ovght to be. Comp. Notes on Acts iii. 21. The idea here is, that those ordinances were only temporary in their nature, and were designed to endure till a more perfect system should be introduced. They were of value to introduce that bette system ; they were not adapted to pu rify the conscience and remove the stains of guilt from the soul. 11. But Christ being come. Now that the Messiah has come, a more perfect system is introduced by which the conscience may be made free from guilt. IT An high priest of good things to come. See ch. x. 1. The apostle having described the tabernacle, and shown wherein it was defective in regard to the real wants of sinners, proceeds now to describe the Christian system, and to show how that met the real condition of man, arid espe cially how it was adapted to remove sin from the soul. The phrase ' high priest of good things to come,' seems to refer to those ' good things' which belonged to the dispensation that was to come; that is, the dispensation under the Messiah. The Jews anti- cipated great blessings in that time. They looked forward to better things than they enjoyed under the old dis- pensation. They expected more sig. nal proofs of the divine favour ; a clearer knowledge of the way of par. don ; and more eminent spiritual en- joy men ts. Of these, the apostle sav HEBREW S. [A. D. 64. high a priest of good b things to come, by a greater c and more perfect tabernacle, not made a c. 3. 1. b c. 10. 1. with hands, that is to say, not of this building, 12 Neither by the blood of c c. 8. 2, that Christ, who had come, was now the high priest. It was he by whom they were procured ; and the time had actually arrived when they might enjoy the long-anticipated good things under the Messiah. IT By a greater and more perfect tabernacle. The meaning is, that Christ officiated as high priest in a much more magnifi- cent and perfect temple than either the tabernacle or the temple under the old dispensation. He performed the great functions of his priestly of- fice the sprinkling of the blood of the atonement in heaven itself, of which the most holy place in the ta- bernacle was but the emblem. The Jewish high priest entered the sanc- tuary made with hands to minister before God ; Christ entered into hea- ven itself. The word * 6y' here Sia means probably through, and the idea is. that Christ passed through a more perfect tabernacle on his way to the mercy-seat in heaven than the Jew- ish high priest did when he passed through the outer tabernacle (ver. 2), and through the veil into the most holy place. Probably the idea in the mind of the writer was that of the Saviour passing through the visible heavens above us, to which the veil, dividing the holy from the most holy place in the temple, bore some resem- blance. Many, however, have under- stood the word 'tabernacle' here as denoting the body of Christ (see Gro- tius and Bloomfield in loc.~) ; and ac- cording to this the idea is, that Christ by means of his own body and blood offered as a sacrifice, entered into the most holy place in heaven. But it seems to me that the whole scope of the passage requires us to understand it of the more perfect temple in h ven where Christ performs his minis- try, and of which the tabernacle of the Hebrews was but the emblem. Christ did not belong to the tribe of Levi ; lie was not an high priest of he order of Aaron ; he did not enter ;he holy place on earth, but he entered the heavens, and perfects the work of his ministry there. IT Not made with hands. A phrase that properly describes heaven as being fitted up by Jod himself. See Notes on II. Cor. .1. IF Not of this building. Gr. 'of this creation KTiaews. The meaning; is, that the place where he officiates is not fitted up by human power and art, but is the work of God. The ob- ject is to show that his ministry is altogether more perfect than that which could be rendered by a Jewish priest, and performed in a temple which could not have been reared by human skill and power. 12. Neither by the blood of goats and calves. The Jewish sacrifice consisted of the shedding of tlie blood of animals. On the great day of the atonement the high priest took with him into the most holy place (1) the blood of a young bullock (Lev. xvi. 3. 11), which is here called the blood of a ' calf,' which he offered for his own sin ; and' (2) the blood of a goat, as a sin-offering for others. Lev. xvi. 9. 15'. It was 6y, or by means of Sid blood thus sprinkled on the mercy- seat, that the high priest sought the forgiveness of his own sins and the sins of the people. IT But by his own blood. That is, by his own blood shed for the remission of sins. The mean, ing is, that it was in virtue of his own blood, or by means of that, that he bought the pardon of his people. That blood was not shed for himself for he had no sin and consequently there was a material difference be- tween his offering and that of the Jewish high priest. The difference related to such points as these. (1.) The offering which Christ made was wholly for others ; that of the Jewish priest for himself as well as for them (2.) The blood offered by the Jewish priest was that of animals ; that offer ,Y. D. 64.] ( ll.U'TKR IX. 199 goats a and calves, but by his ownM>looil, he entered in once into the holy place.', c having ob- tained eternal redemption for us. a c. 10.4. b Ac. 20.28: 1 Pe. 1. 18, 19; Re. 1.5. 13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes - of an heifer sprinkling the un- clean, sanctifieth to the purify- ing of the flesh ; c c. 10. 19. d Nu. 19. 217. cd by the Saviour was his own. (3.) That offered by the Jewish priest !v an einblrm or type for it could not take away sin; that offered by ('In 1st had a real rtlicacy, and re- moves transgression from the soul. H He entered into the holy place. Hea- The meaning is, that as the Ji wish high priest bore the blood of the animal into the Holy of Holies, and sprinkled it there as the means of expiation, so the offering which Christ has to make in heaven, or the consideration on which he pleads for the pardon of his people, is the blood which he shed on Calvary. Having made the atonement, he now pleads the merit of it as a reason why sin- ners should be saved. It is not, of course, meant that he literally bore his own blood into heaven as the high priest did the blood of the bul- lock and the goat into the sanctuary ; or that he literally sprinkled it on the mercy-seat there, but that that blood, having been shed for sin, is now the ground of his pleading and interces- sion for the pardon of sin as the sprinkled blood of the Jewish sacrifice was the ground of the pleading of the Jewish high priest for the pardon of himself and the people. V Having obtained eternal redemption for us. That is, by the shedding of his blood. On the meaning of the word redemp- tion, sec Notes on Gal. iii. 13. The redemption which the Lord Jesus effected for his people is eternal. It will continue for ever. It is not a temporary deliverance leaving the re- deemed in danger of falling into sin and ruin, but it makes salvation secure, and in its effects extends through eternity. Who can estimate the extent of that love which pur- rhased for us such a redemption ? Who can he sufficiently grateful that he is thus redeemed ? The doctrine in this verse is, that the blood of Christ is the means of redemption, or atones for sin. In the following verses the apostle shows that it not only makes atonement for in, but that it is the means of sanctifying or purifying the soul. 13. For if the blood of bulls and of goats. Referring still to the great day of atonement, when the offering made was the sacrifice of a bullock and a goat. V And the ashes of an heifer. For an account of this, see Numbers xix. 2 10. In ver. 9, it is said that the ashes of the heifer, after it was burnt, should be kept * for a water of separation; it is a purifica- tion for sin.' That is, the ashes were to be carefully preserved, and being mixed with water were sprinkled on those who were from any cause cere- monially impure. The reason for this appears to have been that the heifer was considered as a sacrifice whose blood has been offered, and the application of the ashes to which she had been burnt was regarded as an evidence of participation in that sa- crifice. It was needful, where the laws were so numerous respecting external pollutions, or where the mem bers of the Jewish community were regarded as so frequently 'unclean* by contact with dead bodies, and in various other ways, that there should be some method in which they could be declared to be cleansed from their ' uncleanness.' The nature of these institutions also required that this should be in connexion with sacrifice, and in order to this, it was arranged that there should be this permanent sacrifice the ashes of the heifer that had been sacrificed of which thev 200 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 14 How much more shall the could avail themselves at any time, without the expense and delay of making a bloody offering specifically for the occasion. It was, therefore, a provision of convenience, and at the same time was designed to keep up the idea, that all purification was somehow connected with the shed- ding of blood. IT Sprinkling the un- clean. Mingled with water, and sprinkled on the unclean. The word unclean here refers to such as had been defiled by contact with dead bodies, or when one had died in the family, &c. See Num. xix. 1122. IT Sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh. Makes holy so far as the" flesh or body is concerned. The unclean- ness here referred to related to the body only, and of course the means of cleansing extended only to that. It was not designed to give peace to the conscience, or to expiate moral offences. The offering thus made re- moved the obstructions to the worship of God so far as to allow him who had been defiled to approach him in a re- gular manner. Thus much the apos- tle allows was accomplished by the Jewish rites. They had an efficacy in removing ceremonial uncleanness, and in rendering it proper that he who had been polluted should be per- ^nitted again to approacli and worship God. The apostle goes on to argue that if they had such an efficacy, it was fair to presume that the' blood of Christ would have far greater effi- cacy, and would reach to the con- science itself, and make that pure. 14. How much more shall the blood of Christ. As being infinitely more precious than the blood of an animal could possibly be. If the blood of an animal had any efficacy at all, even in removing ceremonial pollutions, how much more is it reasonable to suppose may be effected by the blood of the Son of God ! V Who through the eternal Spirit. This expression is very difficult, and has given rise to a great variety of interpretation. Some blood of Christ, who a through a 1 Pe. 3. 18. MSS. instead of eternal here, read holy, making it refer directly to the Holy Spirit. See Wetstcin. These va- rious readings, however, are not re- garded as of sufficient authority to lead to a change in the text, and are of importance only as showing that it was an early opinion that the Holy Spirit is here referred to. The prin- x cipal opinions which have been enter- tained of the meaning of this phrase, are the following. (1.) That which regards it as referring to the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. This was the opinion of Owen, Dod- dridge, and archbishop Tillotson. (2.) That which refers it to the divine na- ture of Christ. Among those who have maintained this opinion, are Beza, Ernesti, Wolf, Vitringa, Storr, arid the late Dr. J. P. Wilson. MSS. Notes. (3.) Others, as Grotius, Ro- senmuller, Koppe, understand it as meaning endless or immortal life, in contradistinction from the Jewish sa- crifices which were of a perishable nature, and whteh needed so often to be repeated. (4.) Others regard it as referring to the glorified person of the Saviour, meaning that in his exalted, or spiritual station in heaven, he pre- sents the efficacy of his blood. (5.) Others suppose that it means divine influence, and that the idea is, that Christ was actuated and filled with a divine influence when he offered up himself as a, sacrifice ; an influence which was not of a temporal and fleeting nature, but which was eter- nal in its efficacy. This is the inter- pretation preferred by Prof. Stuart. For an examination of these various opinions, see his ' Excursus, xviii.' on this epistle. It is difficult, if not im- possible, to decide what is the true meaning of the passage amidst this diversity of opinion ; but there are some reasons which seem to me to make it probable that the Holy Spirit is intended, and that the idea is, that Christ made his great sacrifice under the extraordinary influences of that . D. 64.] CHAPTER IX. 201 the denial Spirit offered him- self without ' spot to God : purue a your conscience from //. The reasons which lead me to this opinion, arc the fol- f, (1.) It is that which would occur to the great mass of the readers of the New Testament. It is pre- sumed that the great body of sober, plain, and intelligent readers of the Bible, on perusing the passage, sup- to the Holy Ghost, UK- third person of the Trinity. There are lew better and safer rules for the interpretation of a volume designed like the Bible for the mass of man- kind, than to abide by the sense in which they understand it. (2.) This interpretation is one which is most naturally conveyed by the language of the original. The phrase the spirit Td^rtvpa has so far a technical and established meaning in the New ,ient as to denote the Tloly Ghost, unless there is something in the connexion which renders such an application improper. In this case there is nothing certainly which ne- cessarily forbids such an application. The high names and classical authori- ty of those who have held this opinion, are a sufficient guarantee of this. (3.) This interpretation accords with the fact that the Lord Jesus is repre- sented as having been eminently en- dowed with the influences of the Hely Spirit. Qomp. Notes on John iii. 34. Though lie was divine, yet he was man, and as such was under influences similar to those of other pious men. The Holy Spirit is the source and sustaincr of all piety in . and it is not improjK-r to sup- .t the man Christ Jesus was in a remarkable manner influenced by the Holy Ghost in his rca<; od and to suffer according to his will. (4.) If there was ever any occasion on which we may suppose - influenced by the Holy Ghost, that of his sufferings and death here il to may be supposed eminent, ly to }'.. :ch on one. It was dead works to serve c the living 1 or, fault. a c. 10. 22. b 1 PC. 4. i-A[>ivssivc of the highest state of piety of the purest love to God and man which lias ever existed in the hu- man bosom ; it was the most trying time of his own life ; it was the pe- riod when there would be the most strong temptation to abandon his work ; and as the redemption of the whole world was dependent on tiiat act, it is reasonable to suppose that the richest heavenly grace would be there imparted to him, and 4 -hat he would then be eminently under the influence of that Spirit which was granted not ' by measure unto him.' Notes John iii. 34. (5.) This repre- sentation is not inconsistent with the belief that the sufferings and death of the Redeemer were voluntary, and had all the merit which belongs to a voluntary transaction. Piety in the heart of a Christian now is not less voluntary because it is produced and cherished by the Holy Ghost, nor is there less excellence in it because the Holy Ghost imparts strong faith in the time of temptation and trial. It seems to me, therefore, that the mean- ing of this expression is, that the Lord Jesus was led by the strong in- fluences of the Spirit of God to de- vote himself as a sacrifice for sin. It was not by any temporary influence ; not by mere excitement ; it was by the influence of the Eternal Spirit of God, and the sacrifice thus offered could, therefore, accomplish effects which would be eternal in their char- acter. It was not like the offering made by the Jewish high priest which was necessarilv renewed every year, but it was under the influence of one who was eternal, and the effects of whose influence might be everlasting. It may be added, that if this is a cor- rect exposition, it follows that the Holy Ghost is eternal, and must, there fore, be divine. 1T Offered himself. That is, as a sacrifice. He did not offer a bullock or a goat, but be offer. 202 HEBREWS. [A. D 64, ed himself. The sacrifice of one's self is the highest offering which he can make ; in this case it was the high- est which the universe had to make. IT Without spot. Marg. 'Or fault.' The animal that was offered in the Jewish sacrifices was to be without blemish. See Lev. i. 10 ; xxii. 19 22. It was not to be lame, or blind, or diseased The word which is here used and rendered ' without spot' w'/iw/^os refers to this fact that there was no defect or blemish. The idea is, that the Lord Jesus, the great sac- rifice, was perfect. See ch. vii. 26. IT Purge your conscience. That is, cleanse, purify, or sanctify your con- science. The idea is, that this offer- ing would take away whatever ren- dered the conscience defiled or sinful. The offerings of the Jews related in the main to external purification, and were not adapted to give peace to a troubled conscience. They could ren- der the worshipper externally pure so that he might draw near to God and not be excluded by any ceremonial pollution or defilement ; but the mind, the heart, the conscience, they could not make pure. They could not re- move that which troubles a man when he recollects that he has violated a holy law and has offended God, and when he looks forward to an awful judgment-bar. The word conscience here is not to be understood as a dis- tinct and independent faculty of the soul, but as the soul or mind itself re- flecting and pronouncing on its own acts. The whole expression refers to a mind alarmed by the recollection of guilt for it is guilt only that dis- turbs a man's conscience. Guilt ori- ginates in the soul remorse and de- spair; guilt makes a man troubled when he thinks of death and the judgment; it is guilt only which alarms a man when he thinks of a holy God ; and it is nothing but guilt that makes the entrance into another world terrible and awful. If a man had no guilt he would never dread his Maker, nor would the presence of his God be ever painful to him (comp. Gem. iii. 6 10); if a man had no guilt he would not fear to die foi what have the innocent to fear any. where? The universe is under the government of a God of goodness and truth, and, under such a government, how can those who have done no wrong have anything to dread ? The lear of death, the apprehension of the judgment to come, and the dread of God, are strong and irrefragable proofs that every man is a sinner. The only thing, therefore, which ever disturbs the conscience, and makes death dreadful, and God an object of aversion, and eternity awful, is GUILT. If that is removed, man is calm and peaceful ; if not, he is the victim of wretchedness and despair. IT From dead works. From works that are deadly in their nature, or that lead to death. Or it may mean from works that have no spirituality and no life. By 'works 1 here the apostle does not refer to their outward religious acts parj^ularly, but to the conduct of the life, To what men do ; and the idea is, that their acts are not spiritual and saving but such as lead to death. See Note ch. vi. i. IT To serve the living God. Not in outward form, but in sincerity and in truth ; to be his true, friends and worshippers. The phrase ' the living God' is commonly used in the Scriptures to describe the true God as distinguished from idols which are represented as dead, or without life. Ps. cxv. 4 7. The idea in this verse is, that it is only the sacrifice made by Christ which can remove the stain of guilt from the soul. It could nol be done by the blood of bulls and of goats for that did not furnish relief to a guilty conscience, but it could be done by the blood of Christ, The sacrifice which he made for sin was so pure and of such value, that God can consistently pardon the offender and restore him to his favour. That blood too can give peace for Christ poured it out in behalf of the guilty. It, is not that he took part with the sinner against God ; it is not that he endeavours to convince him who has a troubled conscience that he is need- lessly alarmed, or that sin is not as A. D Gl.] CHAPTER IX. 20:1 15 And lor this cause IK; is rho Mediator of the Nev lament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the trans- HIS that were under the is n presented to be, or that ihe soul to danger. Christ Hover took the part of the sin- ner arain>t God; ho never taught a small matter, or that it did not expose to danger. He ad- mitted all that is said of its evil. But. he provides for giving peace to the guilty conscience by shedding his blood that it may be forgiven, and by revealing a God of mercy who is will- the offender into favour, and to treat him as though he had never sinned. Thus the troubled con- science may find peace ; and thus, though guilty, man may be delivered from the dread of the wrath to come. 15. And for this cause. With this 'hat is, to make an effectual atonement for sin, and to provide a way by which the troubled conscience may have peace. V He is the Media- tcs on Gal. iii. 19, 20. ic Mediator between God and man in respect to that new covenant which he has made, or that new dis- pensation by which men are to be saved. He stands between God and man the parties at variance and undertakes the work of mediation and reconciliation. V Of the New Testa- V ot testament for a testament, or will, needs no mediator ; but of the new covenant, or the new arrange- ment or disposition of things under which he proposes to pardon and save Votes on vs. 16, 17. r That by means of death. His own s a sacrifice for sin. The old ;:t or arrangement also con- templated death but it was the death of an animal. The purposes of this ' d by the death of the Mediator himself; or this cove- nant was to be ratified in his blood. IT For the redemption of the transgres- sions that were under the Jirst testa- ment. The covenant or arrangement first testament, they which are called might receive the pro- mise of eternal inheritance : 16 For where a testament under Moses. The general idea here is, that these were offences for whieh no expiation could be made by the sacrifices under that dispensation, or from which the blood then shed could not redeem. This general idea may include two particulars. (1.) That they who had committed transgres- sions under that covenant, and who could not be fully pardoned by the imperfect sacrifices then made, would receive a full forgiveness of all their sins in the great day of account through the blood of Christ. Though the blood of bulls and goats could not expiate, yet they offered that blood in faith ; they relied on the promised mercy of God ; they looked forward to a perfect sacrifice and now the blood of the great atonement offered as a full expiation for all their sins, would be the ground of their acquittal in the last day. (2.) That the blood of Christ would now avail for the re- mission of all those sins which could not be expiated by the sacrifices of- fered under the law. It not only contemplated the remission of all the offences committed by the truly pious under that law, but would now avail to put away sin entirely. No sacri- fice which men could offer would avail, but the blood of Christ would remove all that guilt. IT That they which are called. Alike under the old covenant and the new. IT Might receive the promise of eternal inherit- ance. That is, the fulfilment of the promise ; or that they might be made partakers of eternal blessings. That blood is effectual alikeVo save those under the ancient covenant and the new so that they will be saved in the same manner, and unite in the same song of redeeming love. 16. For where a testament is. This is the same word diaSrjKT] which in ch. viii. 6 is rendered covenant. For 204 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. is, there must also of neces- l or, be brought in. the general signification of the word, see Note on that verse. There is so much depending, however, on the meaning of the word, not only in the interpretation of this passage, but also of other parts of the Bible, that it may be proper to explain it here more at length. The word <5m3//x:; occurs in the New Testament thirty-three times. It is translated covenant in the common version, in Luke i. 72 ; Acts iii. 25 ; vii. 8 ; Rom. ix. 4 ; xi. 27; Gal. iii. 15. 17; iv. 24; Eph. ii. 12 ; Heb. viii. 6. 8, 8, twice, 10 ; ix. 4, twice; x. 16; xii. 24; xiii. 20. In the remaining places it is rendered testament. Matt. xxvi. 28 ; Mark xii. 24 ; Luke xxii. 20 ; I. Cor. xi. 25 ; II. Cor. iii. 6. 14 ; Heb. vii. 22 ; xv. 15 17. 20 ; Rev. xi. 19. In four of those instances (Matt. xxvi. 28 ; Mark xiv. 24 ; Luke xxii. 20, and I. Cor. xi. 25), it is used with reference to the insti- tution or celebration of the Lord's Supper. In the Septuagint it occurs not far from three hundred times, in considerably more than two hundred of which, it is the translation of the He- brew word JV"13 Berith. In one in- stance (Zech. xi. 14) it is the trans- lation of the word brotherhood ; once (Deut. ix. 5), of "Ol - word; once (Jer. xxiv. 18), of words of the cove- nant;' once (Lev. xxvi. 11), of ta- bernacle ; once (Exod. xxxi. 7), of testimony ; it occurs once (Ezek. xxvi. 28), where the reading of the Greek and Hebrew text is doubtful ; and it occurs three times (I. Sam. xi. 2 ; xx. 8 ; I. Kings viii. 9), where there is no corresponding word in the Hebrew text. From this use of the word by the authors ,pf the Septuagint, it is evident that they regarded it as the proper translation of the Hebrew fVT3 Berith, and as conveying the same sense which that word does. It cannot be reasonably doubted that the writers of the New Testament were led to the use of the word, in sity l be the death of the tes- tator. part, at least, by the fact that they found it occurring so frequently in the version in common use, but it cannot be doubted also that they re- garded it as fairly conveying the sense of the word IVG Berith. On no principle can it be supposed that in- spired and honest men would use a word in referring to transactions in the Old Testament which did not fairly convey the idea which the writers of the Old Testament meant to express. The use being thus re- garded as settled, there are some facts in reference to it which are of great importance in interpreting the New Testament, and in understanding the nature of the * covenant' which God makes with man. These facts are the following. (1.) The word 6ia$>]Krj diatheke is not that which proper- ly denotes compact, agreement, or co- venant. That word is crvvdrjKT] syn- theke or in other forms cvv^eats and vvvSeorias ; or if the word diatheke is used in that signification it is only remotely, and as a secondary mean- ing. See Passow ; comp. the Septua- gint in Isa. xxviii. 15 ; xxx. 1 ; Dan. xi. 6, and Wisdom i. 16; I. Mac x. 26 ; II. Mac. xiii. 25 ; xiv. 26. It is not the word which a Greek would have employed to denote a compact or covenant. He would have employed it to denote a disposition, ordering, or arrangement of things, whether of religious rites, civil customs, or pro- perty ; or if used with reference to a compact, it would have been with the idea of an arrangement or ordering of matters, not with the primary no- tion of an agreement with another, (2.) The word properly expressive of a covenant or compact awStjKT) is never used in the New Testament. In all the allusions to the transactions between God and man, this word never occurs. From some cause, the writers and speakers in the New Tes- tament seem to have supposed that A. 1). 64.] CHAPTER IX. 205 .-il would leave an impression which they did not wish to leave. Though it Might have been supposed that in :' the various trans- iod and man they would have selected this word, yet with entire uniformity they have avoided it. No one of them though rd ZiaSi'iKr) diathikt has been . no less than six of them has been iVtraved iii a single instance .f the word (nv^ijKtj Syn- r has diil'ered from the other in the language employed. innot be supposed to be the n suit of concert or collusion, but it must have been founded on some rea- .iich operated equally on all their minds. (3.) In like manner, and with like remarkable uniformity, the word trw^t'iKr) synthikt is never used in the Septuagint with reference to any arrangement or ' covenant' be- tween God and man. Once indeed in the Apocrypha, and but once, it is used in that sense. In the three only other instances in which it occurs in the Septuagint, it is with reference to compacts between man and man. Isa x.xviii. !.">; .xxx. 1 ; Dan. xi. 6. This remarkable fact that the authors of that version never use the word to de- note any transaction between God and man, shows that there must have been some reason for it which acted on their minds with entire uniformity. (4.) It is no less remarkable that nei- ther in the Septuagint nor the New Testament is the wo^d <5ta3)?K>7 dia- -cver used in the sense of will or testament, unless it be in the case before us. This is conceded on all . admitted by -mart (Com. on Heb. p. 439), though he defends this use of the word in this passage. A very im- portant inquiry presents itself here rt-hich has never received a solution generally regarded as satisfactory. It is, why the word cia$nK>i diathtkc wasjf elected by the writers of the New Testament to express the nature of the transaction between God and man in the plan of salvation. Il might be said indeed that they found 18 this word uniformly used in the Sep. tua. Comp. Bib. Repository, vol. xx. p. 55. Another reason may, however, be suggested for this remarkable fact which is liable to no objection. It is, that in the apprehension of the au- thors of the Septuagint, and of the writers of the New Testament, the word titaSriKr) diatheki in its origi nal and proper signification fairly conveyed the sense of the Hebrew word JTH3 Berith, and that the word awSrjKT] syntheke or compact, agree- ment, would not express that; and that they never meant to be understood as conveying the idea either that God entered into a COMPACT or COVENANT with man, or that he made a WILL. They meant to represent him as mak- ing an arrangement, a disposition, an ordering of things, by which his ser- vice might be kept up among his people, and by which men might be saved ; but they were equally remote from representing him as making a compact, or a will. In support of this there may be alleged (1) the remark- able uniformity in which the word Sia$>'iK>i diatheke is used, showing that there was some settled principle from which they never departed ; and (2) used mainly the meaning of the word itself. Prof. Stuart has, un- doubtedly, given the accurate original sense of the word. "The real, genuine, and original meaning of dtaSi'iKt) [dia- theke] is, arrangement, disposition, 01 disposal of a thing." p. 440. The word from which it is derived Stari- Srini means to place apart or asun. der ; and then to set, arrange, dispose in a certain order. Passow. From this original signification is derived 206 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. the use which the word has with sin- gular uniformity in the Scriptures. It denotes the arrangement., disposi- tion, or ordering of things which God made in relation to mankind, by which he designed to keep up his worship on earth, and to save the soul. It means neither covenant nor will ; neither compact nor legacy; neither agreement nor testament. It is an arrangement of an entirely different order from either of them, and the sacred writers with an uniformity which could have been secured only by the presiding influence of the One Eternal Spirit, have avoided the sug- gestion that God made with man either a compact or a will. We have no word which precisely expresses this idea, and hence our conceptions are constantly floating between a compact and a will, and the views which we have are as unsettled as they are un scriptural. The simple idea is, that God has made an ar- rangement by which his worship may be celebrated and souls saved. Under the Jewish economy this arrangement assumed one form ; under the Chris- tian another. In neither was it a compact or covenant between two parties in such a sense that one party would be at liberty to reject the terms proposed ; in neither was it a testa- ment or will, as if God had left a le- gacy to man, but in both there were some things in regard to the arrange- ment such as are found in a covenant or compact. One of those things equally appropriate to a compact be- tween man and man and to this ar- rangement, the apostle refers to here --that it implied in all cases the death of the victim. If these remarks are well-founded, they should be allowed materially to shape our views in the interpretation of the Bible. Whole treatises of divinity have been written on a mistaken view of the meaning of this word understood as meaning covenant. Volumes of angry contro- versy have been published on the na- ture of the " covenant" with Adam, and on its influence on his posterity. The only literal "covenant" which can be supposed in the plan of re. demption is that between the Father and the Son though even the exist- ence of such a covenant is rather the result of devout and learned imagin- ing than of any distinct statement in the volume of inspiration. The sim- ple statement there is, that God has made an arrangement for salvation, the execution of which he has entrust- ed to his Son, and has proposed it to man to be accepted as the only arrange- ment by which man can be saved, and which he is not at liberty to disregard. There has been much difference of opinion in reference to the meaning of the passage here, and to the design of the illustration introduced. If the word used SiaS-far] means testa- ment, in the sense of a will, then the sense of that passage is that ' a will is of force only when he who made it dies, for it relates to a disposition of his property after his death.' The force of the remark of the apostle then would be, that the fact that the Lord Jesus made or expressed his will to mankind, implied that he would die to confirm it ; or that since in the ordinary mode of making a will, it was of force only when he who made it was dead, therefore it was necessary that the Redeemer should die, in order to confirm and ratify that which he made. But the objections to this, which appears to have been the view of our translators, seem to me to be insuperable. They are these. (1.) The word Sia^Krj diatheke is not used in this sense in the New Testament elsewhere. See the remarks above. (2.) The Lord Jesus made no such will. He had no property, and the commandments and instructions which he gave to his dis- ciples were not of the nature of a wilt or testament. (3.) Such an illustration would not be pertinent to the design of the apostle, or in keeping with his argument. He is comparing the Jewish and Christian dispensations, and the point of comparison' in this chapter relates to the question about the efficacy of sacrifice in the two ar rangements. He showed that the ar . D. G4.] CHAPTER IX. 207 rangement for blood-shedding by sa- . vl into both ; that the hiirh priest ol' both ollered blood as an expiation; that the holy place was entered with blood, and that conse- (jiH-nilv there was (It-nth in both the tmngeinents, or dispensations. The former arrangement or dispensation was ratified with blood, and it was equally proper that the new arrange- ment should be also. The point of comparison is not that Moses made a will or testament which could be of force only when he died, and that the same thing was required in the new dispensation, but it is that the former covenant was ratified by blood, or by the death of a victim, and that it might be expected that the new dis- '.;issu[u' reKers to a covenant, or com- pact, i'rof. Stuart says are in his view insuperable, and they are certainly entitled to grave consideration. Whe- ther the view above presented is one which can be sustained, we may be better able to determine after an ex- amination of the words and phrases which the apostle uses. Those ob- jections which depend wholly on the philological argument derived from the words used, will be considered of course in such an examination. It is to be remembered at the outset, (1) that the word diaSrjKr) diatheke is never used in the New Testament in the sense of ttstament, or will, unless in this place ; (2) that it is never used in this sense in the Septuagint; and (3) that the Hebrew word m3 Be. rith never has this signification. This is admitted. See Stuart on the Heb. pp. 439, 440. It must require very strong reasons to prove that it has this meaning here, and that Pan! has employed the word in a sense differ- ing from its uniform signification elsewhere in the Bible. Comp., how- ever, the remarks of Prof. Stuart in Bib. Repos. vol. xx. p. 364. V There must also of necessity be. avdyKrj That is, it is necessan in order to confirm the covenant, or it would not be binding in ca.ses where this did not occur. The necessity in the case is simply to make it valid or obligatory. So we say now there must ' necessa- rily' be a seal, or a deed would not be valid. The fair interpretation of this is, that this was the common and es- tablished custom in making a ' cove- nant' with God, or confirming the arrangement with him in regard to salvation. To this it is objected (see the first objection above), that "it is yet to be made out that no covenants were valid except those by the inter- vention of sacrifices." In reply to this, we may observe, (1.) that the point to be made out is not that this was a custom in compacts between man and man, but between man and his Maker. There is no evidence, as 208 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. it seems to me, that the apostle alludes to a compact between man and man. The mistake on this subject has arisen partly from the use of the word * testament* by our translators, in the sense of will supposing that it must refer to some transaction relating to man only; and partly from the in- sertion of the word ' men' in ver. 17, in the translation of the phrase em v/cpo?j ' upon the dead,' or ' over the dead.' But it is not necessary to sup- pose that there is a reference here to any transaction between man and man at all, as the whole force of the illustration introduced by the apostle will be retained if we suppose him speaking only of a covenant between man and God. Then his assertion will be simply that in the arrange- ment between God and man there was a necessity of the death of some- thing, or of the shedding of blood in order to ratify it. This view will save the necessity of proof that the custom of ratifying compacts between man and man by sacrifice prevailed. Whe- ther that can be made out or.not, the assertion of the apostle may be true, that in the arrangement which God makes with man, sacrifice wzis neces- sary in order to confirm or ratify it. (2.) The point to be made out is, not that such a custom is or was univer- sal among all nations, but that it was the known and regular opinion among the Hebrews that a sacrifice was ne- cessary in a ' covenant' with God, in the same way as if we should say that a deed was not valid without a seal, it would not be necessary to show this in regard to all nations, but only that it is the law or the custom in the nation where the writer lived, and at the time when he lived. Other na- tions may have very different modes of confirming or ratifying a deed, and the same nation may have different methods at various times. The fact or custom to which I suppose there is allusion here, is that of sacrificing an animal to ratify the arrangement be- tween man and his Maker, commonly called a ' covenant.' In regard to the existence of such a custom, particu- larly among the Hebrews, we may make the following observations. It was the common mode cf ratifying the ' covenant' between Gcd and man. That was done over a sacrifice, or by the shedding of blood. So the cove- nant with Abraham was ratified by slaying an heifer, a she-goat, a ram. a turtle-dove, and a young pigeon. The animals were divided and a burning lamp passed between them. Gen. xv. 9. 1 8. So the covenant made with the Hebrews in the wilderness was ratified in the same manner. Ex. xxiv. 6. seq. Thus in Jer. xxxiv. 18, God speaks of the * men that had transgressed his covenant which they had made before him when they cut the calf in twain, and passed between the parts thereof.' See also Zech. ix. 11. Indeed all the Jewish sacrifices were regarded as a ratification of the covenant. It was never supposed that it was ratified or confirmed in a pro- per manner without such a sacrifice Instances occur, indeed, in which there was no sacrifice offered when a covenant was made between man and man (see Gen. xxiii. 16; xxiv. 9; Deut. xxv. 7. 9 ; Ruth iv. 7), but these cases do not establish the point that the custom did not prevail of ra- tifying a covenant with God by the blood of sacrifice. Further ; the terms used in the Hebrew in regard to mak- ing a covenant with God, prove that it was understood to be ratified by sacrifice, or that the death of a victim was necessary. ( IV13 n"VT karath Berith) 'to cut a covenant' the word rH3 karath meaning to cut ; to cut off; to cut down, and the allusion being to the victims offered in sacra- fice, and cut in pieces on occasion of entering into a covenant. See Gen xv. 10; Jer. xxxiv. 18, 19. The same idea is expressed in the Greek phrases opKia Tipvuv, rlnvtiv am>vc)d$, and in the Latin icere focdus. Comp. Virgil JEn. viii. 641. Et csesa jungebant ficdera porca. These considerations show that it was the common sentiment, alike among the Hebrews and the heathen, thai A. D. 04.] CHAPTER 209 mi with God was to be rati- lu-cl or sanctioned by sacrifice; and vment ol' Paul here is, that : iticial \ictim was Xjcedlul to confirm or ratify such a covenant with God. It was not se- cure, or confirmed, until blood was thus shed. This was well understood among the Hebrews, that all their covenant transactions with God were to be ratified by a sacrifice ; and Paul one principle must apply to any arrangement between God and men. Hence he goes on to show that it was necessary that a sa- crificial victim should die in the new covenant which God established by man through the Mediator. See ver. J.'i. This I understand to be the sum of the argument here. It is not that every contract made between man and man was to be ratified or confirmed by a sacrifice for the apos- tle is not discussing that point ; but it is that every similar transaction with God must be based on such a sacrifice, and that no covenant with him could be complete without such a sacrifice. This was provided for in the ancient dispensation by the sa- crifices which were constantly offer- ed in their worship ; in the new, by the one great sacrifice offered on the cross. Hence all our approaches to God are based on the supposition of such a sacrifice, and are, as it were, ratified over it. We ratify or confirm such a covenant arrangement, not by offering the sacrifice anew, but by re- calling it in a proper manner when brate the death of Christ, and when in view of his cross we solemnly ?to be the Lord's. THC death of the testator. Accord- ing to our common version, the death of him who makes a will. But if the views above expressed are correct, this should be rendered the covenanter, or 4 the victim set apart to be slain.' The Greek will admit of the transla- tion of the word <5ta-9f/ui/oy, diat/ieme- nos, by the word covenanter, if the word SiaSnicri diaUnki: is rendered covenant. To such a translation here as would make the word refer to a vie. Ifi* im slain in order to ratify a covenant, t is objected that 'the word has no such meaning anywhere else. It must itiier mean a testator, or a contractor, . e. one of two covenanting parties. Hut where is the death of a person covenanting made necessary in order to confirm the covenant ?' Prof. Stu- art, in loc. To this objection I rc- nark respectfully, (1.) that the word s never used in the sense of testator either in the New Testament or the Old, unless it be here. It is admitted of the word StaSjiai diathtke by Prof. Stuart himself, that it never means will, or testament, unless it be here, and it is equally true of the word used here that it never means one who makes a will. If, therefore, it should be that a meaning quite un- common, or wholly unknown in the usage of the Scriptures, is to be as- signed to the use of the word here, why should it be assumed that that unusual meaning should be that of making a will, and not that of con- firming a covenant ? (2.) If the apos- tle used the word SiaSijKr, diatheke in the sense of a covenant in this pas- sage, nothing is more natural than that he should use the corresponding word 6ia$i[jLEvos diathemenos in the sense of that by which a covenant was ratified. He wished to express the idea that the covenant was al- ways ratified by the death of a victim a sacrifice of an animal under the law, and the sacrifice of the Redeemer under the gospel and no word would so naturally convey that idea as the one from which the word covenant was derived. It is to be remembered also that there was no word to express that thought. Neither the Hebrew nor the Greek furnished such a word ; nor have we now any word to express that thought, but are obliged to use circumlocution to convey the idea. The word covenanter would not do it ; nor the words victim, or sacrifice. We can express the idea only by some phrase like this ' the victim' set apart to be slain to ratify the covenant. But it was not an unusual thing for the apostle Paul tc make use af a 210 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64, 17 For a testament is of force after men are dead; otherwise word in a sense quite peculiar to him- self. Comp. II. Cor. iv. 17. (3.) The word oian'5-7/u diatithemi properly means, to place apart, to set in order, to arrange. It is rendered appoint in Luke xxii. 29 ; made, and make, with reference to a covenant, Acts iii. 25 ; Heb. viii. 10; x. 16. It occurs no- where else in the New Testament, except in the passage before us. The idea of placing, laying, disposing, ar- ranging, &c., enters into the word as to place wares or merchandize for sale, to arrange a contract, &c. See Passow. The fair meaning of the word here, may be, whatever goes to arrange, dispose, or settle the cove- nant, or to make the covenant secure and firm. If the reference be to a compact, it' cannot relate to one of the contracting parties, because the death of neither is necessary to con- firm it. But it may refer to that which was well-known as an esta- blished opinion, that a covenant with God was ratified only by a sacrifice. Still, it must be admitted that this use of the word is not elsewhere found, and the only material question is, whether it is to be presumed that the apostle would employ a word in a single instance in a peculiar signifi- cation, where the connexion would not render it difficult to be understood. This must be admitted, that he might, whichever view is taken of the mean- ing of this passage, for on the suppo- sition that he refers here to a will, it is conceded that he uses the word in a sense which does not once occur elsewhere either in the Old Testa- ment or the New. It seems to me, therefore, that the word here may, without impropriety, be regarded as referring to the victim that was slain in order to ratify a covenant with God, and that the meaning is, that such a covenant was not regarded as con- firmed until the victim was slain. It may be added that the authority of Miehaelis, Mac^ftight, Doddridge, Bloomfield , and Dr. J. P. Wilson, is a it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. proof that such an interpretation can- not be a very serious departure from the proper use of a Greek word. 17. For a testament. Such an ar- rangement as God enters into with man. See the remarks on ver. 16. IT Is of force. Is ratified, or confirmed in the same way as a deed or com. pact is confirmed by affixing a seal. IT After men are dead, txl vsKpoTj. ' Over the dead.' That is, in accord- ance with the view given above, after the animal is dead ; or over the body of the animal slain for sacrifice, and to confirm the covenant. " For a co. venant is completed or confirmed over dead sacrifices, seeing it is never of force as long as the victim set apart for its ratification is still living." MS. Notes of Dr. J. P. Wilson. To this interpretation it is objected, that " vtKpois nekrois means only dead men ; but men surely were not sacri- ficed by the Jews, as a mediating sa- crifice in order to confirm a cove- nant." Prof. Stuart in loc. In regard to this objection, and to the proper meaning of the passage, we may re- mark, (1.) that the word i meri > is not in the Greek, nor is it necessarily im- plied, unless it be in the use of the Greek word rendered dead. The proper translation is, ' upon, or over the dead.'' The use of the word ' men' here by our translators would seem to limit it to the making of a will. (2.) It is to be presumed, unless there is positive proof to the contrary, that the Greeks and Hebrews used the word dead as it is used by other peo- ple, and that it might refer to deceased animals, or vegetables, as well as to men. A sacrifice that had been offered was dead ; a tree that had fallen was dead ; an animal that had been torn by other wild animals was dead. It is possible that a people might have one word to refer to dead men, and another to dead animals, and another to dead vegetables ; but what is the evidence that the Hebrews or the Greeks had such %vords ? (3.) What A. D. C.I.] CHAPTER IX. 211 18 AVlK'rrupon neither the 1 or, purified. is tlu- meaning of this very word tticpdi nekros in ch. vi. Ij ix. 14 of this very epistle when it is applied to.tcorks 'dead works' if it never refer to anything but men ? Comp. James ii. 17. x!D. -JlJ ; Kph. ii. 1.5; Rev. iii. 1. In Keel. ix. 4, it is applied to a dead lion. I suppose, therefore, that the Greek phrase here will admit of the interpretation which the 'exi- gency of the place' seems to demand, and that the, idea is, that a covenant with God was ratified over the ani- mals slain in sacrifice, and was not considered as confirmed until the sa- crifice was killed, tf Otherwise. Since That is, unless this takes place it will be of no force. ^ It is of no strength. It is not strong la^yti it is not confirmed or ratified. 1T While the testator liveth. Or while the ani- mal selected to confirm the covenant is alive. It can be confirmed only by its beinir slain. A full examination of the meaning of this passage (Heb. i\. 1 1'.. 1 7) may be found in an article in the Biblical Repository, vol. xx. pp. 51_71, and in Prof. Stuart's reply to that article. Bib. Repos. xx. pp. 356 381. 18. Wliereupon. "e$ev Whence. Or since this is a settled principle, or an indisputable fact, it occurred in accordance with this, that the first covenant was confirmed by the shed- ding of blood. The admitted princi- ple which the apostle had stated, that the death of the victim was necessary to confirm the covenant, was the rea- son why the first covenant was rati- li( d with blood. If there were any doubt about the correctness of the in- terpretation given above, that vs. 16, 17, refer to a covenant, and not a will, this verse would seem to be enough to remove it. For how could the fact that a will is not binding until he who makes it is dead, be a reason why a f should be confirmed by blood? What bearing would %uch i fact have on the quest. on whether it ought or ought not t<> 1 confirmed first testament was ' dedicated without blood. in this manner? Or how could that fact, though it is universal, be given as a reason to account for the fact that the covenant made by the instru- mentality of Moses was ratified with blood ? No possible connexion can be seen in such reasoning. But ad- mit that Paul had stated in vs. 16, 17, a general principle that in all cove- nant transactions with God, the death of a victim was necessary, and every- thing is plain. We then see why he offered the sacrifice and sprinkled the blood. It was not on the basis of such reasoning as this : ' the death of a man who makes a will is indispensa- ble before the will is of binding force, THEREFORE it was that Moses confirm- ed the covenant made with our fa- thers by the blood of a sacrifice ;' but by such reasoning as this : 'It is a great principle that in order to ratify a covenant between God and his peo- ple a victim should be slain, therefore. it was that Moses ratified the old co- venant in this manner, and therefore it was also that the death of a victim was necessary under the new dispen- sation.' Here the reasoning of Paul is clear and explicit; but who could see the force of the former ? Prof. Stuart indeed connects this verse with ver. 15, and says that the course of thought is, ' The new covenant of re- demption from sin was sanctioned by the death of Jesus ; consequently, or wherefore (O'^EV) the old covenant, which is a type of the new, was sanc- tioned by the blood of victims.' But is this the reasoning of Paul ? Does he say that because the blood of a Me- diator was to be shed under the new dispensation, and because the old was a type of this, that THEREFORE the old was confirmed by blood ? Is he not rather accounting for the shedding of blood at all, and showing that it was necessary that the blood of the Mediator should be shed, rather than assuming that, and from that arguing that a typical shedding of blood was needful ? Besides, on this supposition S12 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 19 For a when Moses had spoken every precept to all the a Ex. 24. 6, &c. ; Le. c. 14 & 16. why is the statement in vs. 16, 17, introduced ? What bearing have these verses in the train of thought ? What are they but an inexplicable obstruc- tion ? 1T The first testament. Or ra ther covenant the word testament being supplied by the translators. 1T Was dedicated. Marg. Purified. The word used to ratify, to confirm, to consecrate, to sanction. Literally, to renew. ^ Without, blood. It was ratified by the blood of the animals that were slain in sacrifice. The blood was then sprinkled on the prin- cipal objects that were regarded as holy under that dispensation. 19. For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people. When he had recited all the law, and had given all the commandments entrust- ed him to deliver. Ex. xxiv. 3. IT He took the blood of calves and of goats. This passage has given great perplex- ity to commentators from the fact that Moses in his account of the trans- actions connected with the ratifica- tion of the covenant with the people, (Ex. xxiv.), mentions only a part of the circumstances here referred to. He says nothing of the blood of calves and of goats ; nothing of water, and scarlet- wool, and hyssop ; nothing of sprinkling the book, the tabernacle, or the vessels of the ministry. It has been made a question, therefore, whence Paul obtained a knowledge of these circumstances ? Since the account is net contained in the Old Testament, it must have been either by tradition, or by direct inspiration. The latter supposition is hardly pro- bable, for (1) the information here can hardly be regarded as of suffi- cient importance to have required an original revelation ; for the illustration would have had sufficient force to sustain his conclusion if the literal account in Exodus only had been given, that Moses sprinkled the peo- ple ; but (2) such an original act nf inspiration here would not have people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of been consistent with the object of the apostle. In that argument it was es- sential that he should state only the facts about the ancient dispensation which were admitted by the Hebrews themselves. Any statement of his own about things which they did not concede to be true, or which was not well understood as a custom, might have been called in question, and would have done much to invalidate the entire force of the argument. It is to be presumed, therefore, that the facts here referred to had been pre- served by tradition ; and in regard to this, and the authority due to such a tradition, we may remark, (1) that it is well known that the Jews had a great number of traditions which they carefully preserved ; (2) that there is no improbability in the supposition that many events in their history would be preserved in this manner, since in the small compass of a vo- lume like the Old Testament it can- not be presumed that all the events of their nation had been recorded ; (3) though they had many traditions of a trifling nature, and many which were false (comp. Notes on Matt. xv. 2), yet they doubtless had many that were true ; (4) in referring to those traditions, there is no impropriety in supposing that Paul may have been guided by the Spirit of inspiration in selecting only those which were true ; and (5) nothing is more probable than what is here stated. If Moses sprin- kled 'the people ;' if he read 'the book of the law' then (Ex. xxiv. 7), and if this was regarded as a solemn act of ratifying a covenant with God, no- thing would be more natural than that he should sprinkle the book of the covenant, and even the taberna cle and its various sacred utensils We are to remember also, that it was common among the Hebrews to sprin- kle Wood for the purpose of conse- crating, or as an emblem of purifying Thus Aaron and his scfns and the) A. D. 64.J CHAPTER IX. 213 tjoats, with water, and ! scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled l or, purple. both the book, and all the peo- ple, garments were 1 sprinkled with blood when they were consecrated to the oil'iee of priests, Ex. xxi.v. 19 21 ; the blood of sacrifices was sprinkled on the altar, Lev. i. 5. 11 ; iii. 2. 13; and bl Tinkled before the veil of the sanctuary, Lev. iv. 16, 17 ; coinp. Lev. vi. 27 ; vii. 14. So Jose- "aks of the garments of Aaron and of his sons being 1 sprinkled with " the blood of the slain beasts, and with spring water." " Having con- secrated them and their garments," he says, " for seven days together, he did the same to the tabernacle, and the vessels thereto belonging, both with oil and with the blood of bulls and of rams." Ant. B. iii. ch. viii. 6. These circumstances show the strong probability of the truth of what is here affirmed by Paul, while it is impossible to prove that Moses did not sprinkle the book and the taber- nacle in the manner stated. The mere omission by Moses cannot de- monstrate that it was not done. On the phrase * the blood of calves and of goats,' see Note on ver. 12. V With water. Agreeably to the declaration of Josephus that * spring >^ater was used.' In Lev. xiv. 49 51, it is ex- pressly mentioned that the blood of the bird that was killed to cleanse a house from the plague of leprosy should be shed over running water, and that the blood and the water should be sprinkled on the walls. It has been suggested also (see Bloomfield), that the use of water was necessary in order to prevent the blood from coagulating, or so as to make it pos- sible to sprinkle it. IF And scarlet wool Marg. Purple. The word here used denotes crimson, or deep-scarlet. The colour was obtained from a small insect which was found adhering to the sh<>. in Spain and in Western Asia, of about the size of a pea. It v 'las the most valuable of the colours for dye- ing, and was very expensive. Why the wool used by Moses was of this colour is not known, unless it be be- cause it was the most expensive of colours, and thus accorded with every- thing employed in the construction of the tabernacle and its utensils. Wool appears to have been used in order to absorb and retain the blood. 1T And hyssop. That is, a bunch of hyssop intermingled with the wool, or so connected with it as to constitute a convenient instrument for sprinkling. Comp. Lev. xiv. 51. Hyssop is a low shrub, regarded as one of the smallest of the plants, and hence put in con- trast with the cedar of Lebanon. It sprung out of the rocks or walls, I. Kings iv. 33, and was used for pur- poses of purification. The term seems to have comprised not only the com- mon hyssop, but also lavender and other aromatic plants. Its fragrance, as well as its size, may have suggest- ed the idea of using it in the sacred services of the tabernacle. The ap- pearance of the hyssop is represented by the cuff on the following page. IT And sprinkled both the book. This circumstance is not mentioned by Moses, but it has been shown above not to be improbable. Some exposi- tors, however, in order to avoid the difficulty in the passage, have taken this in connexion with the word Xa/3wv rendered ' he took' meaning, ' tak- ing the blood, and the book itself;' but the more natural and proper con- struction is, that the book was sprin- kled with the blood. IT And all the people. Moses says, ' and sprinkled it on the people.' Ex. xxiv. 8. We are not to suppose that either Moses or Paul designs to say that the blood was actually sprinkled on each one of the three millions of people in the wilderness, but the meaning doubtless is that the blood was sprinkled over the people, though in fact it might have fallen on a few. So a man now standing on an elevated place, ano surrounded by a large assembly, if 214 HEBREWS. [A..D. 20 Saying, This is the blood a Mat. 26. 28. of the testament which hath enjoined unto you. God he should sprinkle water over them from the place where he stood, might be said to sprinkle it on the people, though in fact but few might have been touched by it. The act would be equally significant whether the emblem fell on few or many. 20. Saying, This is the blood of the testament. Of the covenant. See Notes on vs. 16, 17. That is, this is the blood by which the covenant is ratified. It was the means used to confirm it; the sacred and solemn form by which it was made sure. When this was done, the covenant between God and the people was con- firmed as a covenant between man and man is when it is sealed. Which God hath enjoined unto you. In Ex. xxiv. 8, "which God hath made with you." The language used by Paul, ' which God hath enjoined* tvtrd\a.To commanded shows that he did not regard this as strictly of the nature of a covenant, or compact. When a compact is made between parties, one does not enjoin or com- mand the other, but it is a mutual A.D CHAPTER IX. 215 21 .Moreover a he sprinkled likewise with blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry. a Ex. 29. 12, 36. agreement. In the transactions be- tween God and man, though called rri3 Berith, or liaSjKrj, diathfkc, the ide'a of a covenant or compact is so far excluded that God never loses his right to command or enjoin. It is not a transaction between equals, or an Qgreement; it is a solcmnarranffeincnt on the part of God which he proposes to men, and which he enjoins them to embrace ; which they are not in- deed at liberty to disregard, but which when embraced is appropriately rati- fied by some solemn act on their part. Comp. Notes on ch. viii. (>. 21. He sprinkled loth the taber- nacle. This circumstance is not stated by Moses. On the probability that this was done, see Notes on ver. 19. The account of setting up the taber- nacle occurs in Ex. xl. In that ac- count 'it is said that Moses anointed the tabernacle with the holy anoint- ing oil. Vs. 9 11. Josephus (Ant. B. III. ch. viii. 6), says that he con- secrated it and the vessels thereto be- longint: with the blood of bulls and of rams. This was undoubtedly the tra- dition in the time of Paul, and no one can prove that it is not correct. 1T And nil the vessels of the ministry. Employed in the service of God. The altar, the laver, (Ex. xl. 10, 11), the "\vls, &c., which D the tabernacle. \nd almost all things. It is a general custom to purify everything by blood. This rule was not univer- sal, lor some things were purified by fire and water, (Num. xxxi. 22, 23), and sonic by writer only. Num. xxxi. r. xvi. 26. 28. But the excep- tions to the general rule were few. Almost everything in the tabernacle and teinjilt - consecrated or purified by blood. f ^ And without thedding of blood is no remission. Re- And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood * is no remission. b Le. 17. 11. mission or forgiveness of sins. That is, though some things were purified by fire and water, yet when the mat- ter pertained to the forgiveness of sins, it was universally true that no sins were pardoned except by the shedding of blood. Some impurities might be removed by water and fire, but the stain of sin could be removed only by blood. This declaration re- ferred in its primary meaning, to the Jewish rites, and the sense is, that under that dispensation it was uni- versally true that in order to the for- giveness of sin blood must be shed, But it contains a truth of higher order and importance still. It is universally true that sin never has been, and we. ver will be forgiven, except in connex- ion with, and in virtue of the shedding of blood. It is on this principle that the plan of salvation by the atone- ment is based, and on this that God in fact bestows pardon on men. There is not the slightest evidence that any man has ever been pardoned except through the blood shed for the remis- sion of sins. The infidel who rejects the atonement has no evidence that his sins are pardoned ; the man who lives in the neglect of the gospel, though he has abundant evidence that he is a sinner, furnishes none that his sins are forgiven ; and the Mussulman and the heathen can point to no proof that their sins are blotted out. It remains to be demonstrated that one single member of the human family has ever had the slightest evi- dence of pardoned sin, except through the blood of expiation. In the divine arrangement there is no principle better established than this, that all sin which is forgiven is remitted through the blood of the atonement a principle which has never been de- parted from hitherto, and which never will be. It follows, therefore, (1) that 216 HEBREWS. TA, D. 64 23 It was therefore neces- sary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be puri- fied with these ; but the hea- venly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true ; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us : a Ro. 8. 34. no sinner can hope for forgiveness except through the blood of Christ ; (2) that if men are ever saved they must be willing to rely on the merits of that blood ; (3) that all men are on a level in regard to salvation, since all are to be saved in the same way; and (4) that there will be one and the same song in heaven the song of redeeming love. 23. The patterns of things in the hea- vens. The tabernacle and its various utensils. See Notes on ch.viii. 5. IT Be purified with these. With water and blood, and by these ceremonies. IT But the heavenly things themselves. The heavenly tabernacle or sanctuary into which Christ has entered, and where he performs the functions of his min- istry. The use of the word purified here applied to heaven, does not im- ply that heaven was before unholy, but it denotes that it is now made ac- cessible to sinners ; or that they may come and worship there in an accept- able manner. The ancient tabernacle was purified or consecrated by the blood of the victims slain, so that men might approach with acceptance and Worship ; the heavens by purer blood are rendered accessible to the guilty The necessity for * better sacrifices' in regard to the latter was, that it was designed to make the conscience pure, and because the service in heaven is more holy than any rendered on earth. IT With better sacrifices than these. To wit, the sacrifice made by the offering of the Lord Jesus on - the cross. Tiiis infinitely surpassed in value all that had been offered under the Jewish dispensation. 24. For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands. Into the temple or tabernacle. The Jewish high priest, alone entered into the most holy place ; and the other priests into the holy place. Jesus, being of the tribe of Judah, and not of Levi, never entered the temple proper. He had access only to the courts of the temple, in the same way as any other Jew had. See Notes on Matt. xxi. 12. He has entered into the true temple heaven of which the earthly tabernacle was the type. 1T Which are the figures of the true. Literally, the antitypes avTirvira. The word properly means that which is formed after a model pattern, or type ; and then that which corresponds to something or answers to it. The -idea here is, that the type or fashion the true figure or form was shown to Moses in the Mount, and then the tabernacle was made after that model, or corresponded to it. The true original figure is heaven itself; the tabernacle was sun. antitype of that or was so formed as in some sense to correspond to it. That is, it corresponded in regard to the matters under consideration the most holy place denoted heaven ; the mercy-seat and the shekiriah were symbols of the presence of God, and of the fact that he shows mercy in heaven ; the entrance of the high priest was em- blematical of the entrance of the Re- deemer into heaven; the sprinkling of the blood there was a type of what the Redeemer would do in heaven. IT Now to appear in the presence of God for us. As the Jewish high priest appeared before the shekinah, the symbol of the divine presence in the tabernacle, so Christ appears before God himself in our behalf in heaven. He has gone to plead for our salva- tion ; to present the merits of his blood as a permanent reason why we should be saved. Notes Rom. viii. 34; Heb. vii. 25. CHAPTER IX. 317 Nor yet that he should otler himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy tiori of the world : but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared, to put away sin by place every year with blood of the sacrifice of himself. others ; For then must he often .-'i lie red since the founda- a Ge. 3. 19. Yor yet that he should offer himself often. The Jewish high priest entered the most holy place with blood once every year. In this respect the offering made by Christ, and the work which he performed, differed from that of the Jewish high priest. It was not needful that he should en- ter the holy place but once. Having entered there, he permanently remains there. IT With the blood of others. That is, with the blood of calves, and goats. This is a second point in which the work of Christ differs from that of the Jewish high priest. Christ entered there with his own blood. <->n ver. 12. 26. For then must he often have suffered. That is, if his blood had no more efficacy than that which the , high priest offered, and which was so often repeated, it would have been necessary that Christ should have often died. IT But now once. Once for all ; once in the sense that it is not to be repeated again arra. If In the end of the world. In the last -ition or economy ; that under which the affairs of the world will be wound up. See the phrase fully ex- pl.-iined in Notes ch. i. 2, and Acts ii. 17 ; I. Cor. x. 1 1 , and Isa. ii. 2. If Hath he appeared. He has been manifested in human form. ^ To put away sin. (1.) To remove the punishment due to sin, or to provide a way of pardon ; and (2.) to remove the stain of sin from the sot;'. M mi ver. 14. tf By the sncr\ficc of himself. See nil ch. i. 3; ii. M ; vii. i nd as it is appointed unto men once to die. Or, ' since it is appointed unto men to die once only ' The ob- ject of this is to illustrate the fact 19 And as it is appointed 4 unto men once to die, but after this * the judgment ; EC. 12. 14. that Christ died but once for sin, and that is done by showing that, the most important events pertaining to man occur but once. Thus it is with death. That does not, and cannot occur manv times. It is the great law off ir being that men die but once, and ujnce the same thing was to be expected to oc- cur in regard to him who made the atonement. It could not be supposed that this great law pertaining to man would be departed from in the case of him who died to make the atone- ment, and that he would repeatedly undergo the pains of death. The same thing was true in regard to the judgment. Man is to be judged once, and but once. The decision is to be final, and is not to be repeated. In like manner there was a fitness that the great Redeemer should die but once, and that his death should, without being repeated, determine the destiny of man. There was a remark- able oneness in the great events which most affected men ; and neither death, the judgment, nor the atonement could be repeated. In regard to the declaration here that ' it is appointed unto men once to die,' we may ob- serve, (1.) that death is the result of appointment. Gen. iii. 19. It is not the effect of chance, or hap-hazard It is not a 'debt of nature.' It is not the condition to which man was subject by the laws of his creation. It is not to be accounted for by the mere principles of physiology. God could as well have made the heart to play for ever as for filly years. Death is no more the regular result of phy- sical laws than the guillotine and the gallows arc. It is in all cases the result of intelligent appointment^ ami 218 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. for an adequate cause. (2.) That cause, or the reason of that appointment, is sin. Notes Rom. vi. 23. This is the adequate cause ; this explains the whole of it. Holy beings do not die. There is not the slightest proof that an angel in heaven has died, or that any perfectly holy being has ever died except the Lord Jesus. In every death, then, we have a demonstration that the race is guilty ; in each case of mortality we have an affecting me- mento that we are individually trans- gressors. (3.) Death occurs but once in this world. It cannot be repeated if we should desire to have it repeated. Whatever truths or facts then pertain to death ; whatever lessons it is cal- culated to convey, pertain to it as an event which is not to occur again. That which is to occur but once in an eternity of existence acquires, from that very fact, if there were no other circumstances, an immense import- ance. What is to be done but once, we should wish to be done well. We should make all proper preparation for it ; we should regard it with sin- gular interest. If preparation is to be made for it, we should make all which we expect ever to make. A man who is to cross the ocean but once ; to go away from his home never to return, should make the right kind of preparation. He cannot come back to take that which he has forgotten ; to arrange that which he has neg- lected ; to give counsel which he has failed to do; to ask forgiveness for offences for which he has neglected to seek pardon. And so of death. A man who dies, dies but once. He cannot come back again to make pre- paration if he has neglected it ; to re- piJr the evils which he has caused by a. wicked life ; or to implore pardon for sins for which he had failed to ask forgiveness. Whatever is to be done with reference to death, is to be done once for all before he dies. (4.) Death occurs to all. ' It is appointed unto men' to the race. It is not an appointment for one, but for all. No one is appointed by name to die ; and not an individual is designated as one who shall escape. No exception ia made in favour of youth, beauty, or blood ; no rank or station is exempt ; no merit, no virtue, no patriotism, no talent, can purchase freedom from it In every other sentence which goes out against men there may be some hope of reprieve. Here there is none. We cannot meet an individual who is not under sentence of death. It is not only the poor wretch in the dungeon doomed to the gallows who is to die, it is the rich man in his palace ; the gay trifler in the assembly room ; the friend that we embrace and love ; and she whom we meet in the crowded saloon of fashion with all the graces of accomplishment and adorning. Each one of these is just*as much under sentence of death as the poor wretch in the cell, and the execution on any one of them may occur be- fore his. It is too for substantially the same cause, and is as really de- served. It is for sin that all are doom- ed to death, and the fact that we must die should be a constant remem- brancer of our guilt. (5.) As death is to OCCUT to us but once, there is a cheering interest in the reflection that when it is passed it is passed for ever. The dying pang, the chill, the cold sweat, are not to be repeated. Death is not to approach us often he is to be allowed to come to us but once. When we have once passed through the dark valley, we shall have the as- surance that we shall never tread its gloomy way again. Once, then, let us be willing to die since we can die but once ; and let us rejoice in the assurance which the gospel fur- nishes, that they who die in the Lord leave the world to go where death in any form is unknown. IT But after this the judgment. The apostle does not say how long after death this will be, nor is it possible for us to know. Acts i. 7 ; comp. Matt. xxiv. 36. We may suppose, however, that there will be two periods in which there will be an act of judgment passed on those who die. (1.) Immediately after death when they pass into the eternal world, when their destiny wiU A. D. til.J CHAPTER IX. 219 28 So Christ " was once of- ol Pe. 2. 24; 3. 18; 1 Jo. 3. 5. be made known to them. This seems to be necessarily implied in the (sup- position that they will continue to d to he happy or miserable after death. This act of judgment may not be formal and public, but it will be such us to show them what must be the issues of the final day, and as the result of that interview with God they will be made happy or miserable until the final doom shall be pronounced. (2.) The more public and formal act of judgment, when the whole world will be assembled at the barofChria^ Matt. xxv. The de- cision of that day will not change or reverse the former ; but the trial will be of such a nature as to bring out all the deeds done on earth, and the sen- tence which will be pronounced will be in view of the universe, and will fix the everlasting doom. Then the body will have been raised ; the af- fairs of the world will be wound up ; the elect will all be gathered in, and the state of retribution will commence, to continue for ever. The main thought of the apostle here may be, that after death will commence a state of retribution which can never change. Hence there was a propriety that Christ should die but once. In that future world he would not die to make atonement, for there all will be fixed and final. If men, therefore, neglect to avail themselves of the benefits of the atonement here, the opportunity will be lost for ever. In that change- less state which constitutes the eter- nal judgment no sacrifice will be again offered for sin ; there will be no opportunity to embrace that Saviour who was rejected here on earth. 28. So Christ was once offered. As men are to die but once ; and as all beyond the grave is fixed by the judgment so that his deatli there would make no change in the destiny, there was a propriety that he should die but once for sin. The argument is, there is one probation only, and therefore there was need of but one fered to bear the sins of many ; b Is. 53. 12 ; Mat. 26. 28. sacrifice, or of his dying but once. If death were to occur frequently in tence of each individual, and if each intermediate period were a state of probation, then there might be a propriety that an atonement should be made with reference to each state. Or if beyond the grave there were a state of probation still, then also there might be a propriety that an atoning sacrifice should be offered there. But since neither of these things is true, there was a fitness that the great victim should die but once IT To bear the sins of many. To suffer and die on account of their sins. See Notes on Isa. liii. 6. 11 ; Gal. iii. 13. The phrase does not mean (1) that Christ was a sinner for that was in no sense true. See ch. vii. 26. Nor (2) that he literally bore the penalty due to transgression for that is equally untrue. The penalty of the law for sin is all which the law when exe- cuted inflicts on the offender for his transgression, and includes in fact remorse of conscience, overwhelming despair, and eternal punishment. But Christ did not suffer for ever, nor did he experience remorse of conscience, nor did he endure utter despair. Nor (3) does it mean that he was literally punished for our sins. Punishment pertains only to the guilty. An inno- cent being may suffer for what an- other does, but there is no propriety in saying that he is punished for it. A father suffers much from the mis- conduct of a son, but we do not say- that he is punished for it ; a child suffers much from the intemperance of a parent but no one would say that it was a punishment on the child. Men always connect the idea of criminality with punishmcn^ and when we say that a man is punish- ed, we suppose at once that there is guilt. The phrase here means simply, that Christ endured suffer- ings in his own person which, if they had been inflicted on us, would have been the proper punishment of 220 HEBREWS. (A. D. 6i, and unto them that look a for I cond time, without sin, unto him shall he appear b the a Ti. 2. 13 ; 2 Pe. 3. 12. se- sin. He who was innocent interposed, and received on himself what was de- scending to meet us, and consented to be treated as he would have de- served if he had been a sinner. Thus he bore what was due to us ; and this in Scripture phrase is what is meant by bearing our iniquities. See Notes Isa. liii. 4. tf And unto them that look for him. To his people. It is one of the characteristics of Christians that they look for the return of their Lord. Titus ii. 13; II. Pet. iii. 12; comp. Notes I. Thess. i. 10. They fully believe that he will come. They earnestly desire that he will come. II. Tim. iv. 8 ; Rev. xxii. 20. They are waiting for his appearing 1 . I. Thcss. i. 10. He left the world and ascended to heaven, but he will again return to the earth, and his people are looking for that time as the period when they shall be raised up from '.heir graves ; when they shall be pub- 'icly acknowledged to be his, and when they shall be admitted to hea- ven. See Notes on John xiv. 3. 1T Shall he appear the second time. He first appeared as the man of sorrows to make atonement for sin. His second appearance will be as the Lord of his people, and the Judge of the quick and the dead. Matt.xxv. 31 ; see Notes Acts i. 11. The apostle does not say when this would be, nor is any inti- mation given in the Scriptures when it will occur. It is on the contrary everywhere declared that this is con- cealed from men (Acts i. 7 ; Matt. xxiv. 36), and all that is known re- specting the time is, that it will be suddenly and at an unexpected mo- ment. Matt. xxiv. 42. 44. 50. IT With- out sin. That is, when he comes again he will not make himself a sin- offering ; or will not come in order to make atonement for sin. It is not Jmplied that when he came the first time he was in any sense a sinner, hut that he camo then with reference salvation. b Ac. 1. 11 ; Re. 1. 7. c Is. 25. 9. to sin, or that the main object of his incarnation was to ' put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.' When he comes the second time, it will be with reference to another object. IT Unto salvation. That is, to receive his friends and followers to eternal salva- tion. He will come to save them from all their sins and temptations ; to raise them from their graves ; to place them at his right hand in glory, and to confirm them in the everlasting in- heritance which he^fcas promised to all who truly love mm, and who wait for his appearing. In view of this anticipated return of the Redeemer, we may remark (1.) There is a propriety that the Lord Jesus should thus return. He came once to be humbled, despised, and put to death ; and there is a fit- ness that he should come to be ho- noured in his own world. (2.) Every person on earth is inte rested in the fact that he will return, for "every eye shall see him." Rev. i. 7. All who are now in their graves, and all who now live, and all who will hereafter live, will behold the .Re- deemer in his glory. (3.) It will not be merely to gaze upon him, and to admire his magnifi- cence that they will see him. It will be for greater and more momentous purposes with reference to an eter- nal doom. (4.) The great mass of men are not prepared to meet him. They do not believe that he will return ; they do not desire that he should appear ; they are not ready for the solemn in- terview which they will have with him. His appearing now would over- whelm them with surprise and horror. There is nothing in the future which they less expect and desire than the second coming of the Son of God, and in the present state of the world his appearance would produce almost universal consternation and despair A. 1). 64.] CHAPTER X. 221 It would be like the coming- of the flood of waters on the old world ; like is ol'tlaineon the cities of the plain r as death now comes to the great mass of those who die. (5.) Christians are prepared for his coming. They believe in it; they cting 1 it. In this they are distinguished from all . nid they would be ready to hail his coming as that of a friend, and to rejoiee in his appear- - that of their Saviour. (6.) Let us then live in habitual ition for his advent. To each one of us he will come soon ; to all he will come suddenly. Whether he come to remove us by death, or whe- ther in the clouds of heaven to judge the world, the period is not far dis- tant when ice shall see him. Yes, our eyes shall behold the Son of God in his glory ! That which we have long desired a sight of our Saviour who died for us, shall soon, very soon be granted unto us. No Christian begins a week or a day in which there is not a possibility that before its close he may have seen the Son of God in his glory ; none lies down upon his bed at night who may not, when the morning dawns upon this world, be gazing with infinite delight on the glories of the Great Redeemer in the heav CHAPTER X. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. The general subject of this chap- ter is the sacrifice which Christ has made for sin, and the consequences which flow from the fact that he has made a sufficient atonement. In chap t r IX. the apostle had shown that the ned to be tem- porary and typical, and that the offer- ings which were made under that -ation could never remove sin. In this chapter he shows that the true sacrifice had been made by which sin could be pardoned, and that certain very important consequences followed from that fact. The subject of sac- rifice was the most important part of th Jewish economy, and was also 19* he essential thing in the Christian iispcnsation, and hence it is that the apostle dwells upon it at so great cngth The chapter embraces the following topics. I. The apostle repeats what he had said before about the inefficacy bf the sacrifices made under the law. Vs 1 4. The law was a mere shadow of good things to come, and the sacri fices which were made under it could never render those who offered them perfect. This was conclusively proved by the fact that they continued con- stantly to be offered. II. Since this was the fact in re- gard to those sacrifices, a better offer- ing had been provided in the gospel by the Redeemer. Vs. 5 10. A body had been prepared him for thi? work ; and when God had said that he had no pleasure in the offerings under the law, Christ had come and offered his body once for all in order that an effectual atonement might be made for sin. III. This sentiment the apostle fur- ther illustrates by showing how this, one great offering was connected with the forgiveness of sins. Vs. 11 18. Under the Jewish dispensation sacri- fices were repeated every day ; but under the Christian economy when the sacrifice was once made he who had offered it sat down for ever on the right hand of God, for his great work was done. Having done this, he looked forward to the time when his work would have full effect, and when his enemies would be made his footstool. That this was to be the effect of the offering made by the Messiah, the apostle then shows from the Scriptures themselves, where it is said (Jer. xxxi. 33, 34), that under the gospel the laws of God would be written on the heart, and sin would be remembered no more. There must then be, the apostle inferred, some way by which this was to be secured, and this was by the great sacrifice on the cross, which had the effect of per- fecting for ever those who were sane- tified. IV. Since it was a fact that such HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 F CHAPTER X. OR the law, having a sha- dow of good things to come, and not the very image a Co. 2. 17. an atonement had been made ; that one great offering for sin had been presented to God which was never to be repeated, there were certain con- sequences which followed from that, which the apostle proceeds to state. Vs. 1925. They were these (a), the privilege of drawing near to God with full assurance of faith (ver. 22) ; (6) the duty of holding fast the pro- fession of faith without wavering (ver. 23) ; (c) the duty of exhorting one another to fidelity and to good works (ver. 24) ; (d) the duty of assembling for public worship, since they had a High Priest in heaven, and might now draw near to God. Ver. 25. V. As a reason for fidelity in the divine life, and for embracing the of- fer of mercy now made through the one sacrifice on the cross, the apostle urges the consequence which must follow from the rejection of that atone- ment, and especially aftei: having been made acquainted with the truth. Vs. 2631. The result, says he, must be certain destruction. If that was rejected, there could remain nothing but a fearful looking for of judgment, for there was no other way of salva- tion. In support of this, the apostle refers to what was the effect under the law of Moses of disobedience, and says that under the greater light of the gospel much more fearful results must follow. VI. The chapter closes (vs. 3239) with an exhortation to fidelity and perseverance. The apostle reminds those to whom he wrote of what they had already endured ; encourages them by the commendation of what they had already done, and especially by the kindness which they had shown to him ; says that they had need only of patience, and that the time of their deliverance from all trial was not far off for that he who was to come would of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they of- fered year by year continually make the comers thereunto per- fect. come ; says that it was their duty to love by faith, but that if any one drew back, God could have no pleasure in him. Having thus in the close of the chapter alluded to the subject of faith, he proceeds in the following chapter to illustrate its value at length. The object of the whole is to encourage Christians to make strenuous efforts for salvation ; to guard them against the danger of apostasy ; and to exhort them to bear their trials with patience and with submission to the will of God. 1. For the law, having a shadow. That is, the whole of the Mosaic eco- nomy was a shadow ; for so the word law is often used. The word shadow here refers to a rough outline of any- thing, a mere sketch, such as a car- penter draws with a piece of chalk, or such as an artist delineates when he is about to make a picture. He sketches an outline of the object which he designs to draw, which has some resemblance to it, but is not the 'very image;' for it is not yet com- plete. The words rendered ' the very image' refer to a painting or statue which is finished, where every part is an exact copy of the original. The 4 good things to come' here refer to the future blessings which would be conferred on man by the gospel. The idea is, that under the ancient sacri- fices there was an imperfect represent- ation ; a dim outline of the blessings which the gospel would impart to men. They were a typical represent- ation ; they were not such that it could be pretended that they would answer the purpose of the things themselves which they were to repre- sent, and would make those who offer- ed them perfect. Such a rude outline.; such a mere sketch, or imperfect de- lineation, could no more answer the purpose of s ing the soul than thw l). r.i.j CHAPTER X. 323 2 For then ' would they not ,! to l)i- oll'i-ivd 1 be- i or, they would .', :i which an architect \vonld answer the purpose of a house, or than the first outline which a painter draws would answer the purpose of a perfect and finished por- \\\ that could be done by either would be to eonvev sonic distant and obscure idea of what the house or the picture might be, and this was all that was done by the law of Mo- ses. 1f Can never irith those sacrifices irhich they offered year by year con- tinually. The sacrifices here partic- ularly referred to were those which were offered on the great day of atone- ment. These were regarded as the most sacred and efficacious of all, and yet the apostle says that the very fact that they were offered every year si lowed that there must be some defi- ciency about them, or they would have ceased to be offered. V Make the comers thereunto perfect. They nould not free them from the stains of guilt ; they could not give ease Jo a troubled conscience; there was in them no efficacy by which sin could be put away. Comp. Notes on eh. vii. 11 ; ix. 9. 2. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? Marg. 'Or they would have? The sense is the same. The idea is, that the very fact that they were repeated showed that there was some deficiency in them as to the matter of cleansing the soul from sin. If they had answered all the purposes of a sacrifice in putting away CT'.iilt, there would have been no need of repeating them in this manner. ;:i this respect like mcdi- I f that which is given to a pa- ;tls him, there is no need of repeating it; but if it is repeated often it shows that there was some defi- ciency in it, and if taken periodi- cally through a man's life, and the should still remain, it would show that it was not sufficient to effect his cure. So it w. ihe offerings made by the Jews. cause that the worshippers once rged should have had no more conscience of sins. They were offered every year, and indeed every day, and still the disease of sin remained. The conscience was not satisfied ; and the guilty felt that it was necessary that the sacra- fice should be repeated again and again. IT Because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. That is, if their sacrifices had so availed as to remove their past sins, and to procure for- giveness, they would have had no more trouble of conscience on account of them. They would not have felt that it was necessary to make these sacrifices over and over again in order to find peace. When a man u as full evidence that an atonement has been made which will meet all the de- mands of the law, and which secures the remission of sin, he feels that it is enough. It is all that the case de- mands, and his conscience may have peace. But when he does not feel this, or has not evidence that his sins are all forgiven, those sins will rise to remembrance, and he will be alarmed. He may be punished for them after all. Thence it follows that if a man wants peace he should have good evidence that his sins are forgiven through the blood of the atonement. No temporary expedient; no attempt to cover them up; no effort to forget them will answer the purpose. They must be blotted out if he will have peace and that can be only through a perfect sacrifice. By the use of the word rendered 'con- science' here, it is not meant that he who was pardoned would have no consciousness that he was a sinner, or that he would forget, it, but that he would have no trouble of conscience he would have no apprehension of future wrath. The pardon of sin does not cause it to cease to be remembered. He who is forgiven may have a deeper conviction of its evil than he had ever had before. But he will not be trou- bled or distressed by it as if it were 224 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 3 But in those sacrifices there- is a remembrance again made of sins every year. 4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. 6 a Le. 16. 34. b Mat. 12. 31, 32. 5 Wherefore, when he com- eth into the world, he saith,' Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared 1 me. c Ps. 40. 68. 1 or, thou hast fitted. to expose him to the wrath of God. The remembrance of it will humble him ; it will serve to exalt his con- ceptions of the mercy of God and the glory of the atonement, but it will no longer overwhelm the mind with the dread of hell. This effect, the apostle says, was not produced on the minds of those who offered sacrifices every year. The very fact that they did it, showed that the conscience was not at peace. 3. But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. The reference here is to the sacrifices made on the great day of atonement. This occurred once in a year. Of course as often as a sacri- fice was offered, it was an acknow- ledgment of guilt on the part of those for whom it was made. As these sacrifices continued to be offered every year, they who made the offering were reminded of their guilt and their desert of punishment. All the efficacy which could be pretended to belong to those sacrifices, was that they made expiation for the past year. Their efficacy did not extend into the future, nor did it embrace any but t',ose who were engaged in offering th in. These sacrifices, therefore, coiild not make the atonement which man needed. They could not make the conscience easy ; they could not be regarded as a sufficient expiation for the time to come, so that the sinner at any time could plead an offering which was already made as a ground of pardon, and they could not meet the wants of all men in all lands and at all times. These things are to be found only in that great sacrifice made by the Re- deemer on the cross. 4. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. The reference here is to the sacrifices which were made on the great day of the atonement, for on that day the blood of bulls and of goats alone was offered. See Notes on ch. ix. 7. Paul here means to say, doubtless, that it was not possible that the blood of these animals should make a com- plete expiation so as to purify the conscience, and so as to save the sin- ner from deserved wrath. According to the divine arrangement, expiation was made by those sacrifices for offences of various kinds against the ritual law of Moses, and pardon for such offences was thus obtained. But the meaning here is, that there was no efficacy in the blood of a mere ani- mal to wash away a moral offence. It could not repair the law ; it could not do anything to maintain the jus- tice of God ; it had no efficacy to make the heart pure. The mere shedding of the blood of an animal never could make the soul pure. This the apostle states as a truth which must be admitted at once as indispu- table, and yet it is probable that many of the Jews had imbibed the opinion that there was such efficacy in blood shed according to the divine direction, as to remove all stains of guilt from the soul. See Notes ch. ix. 9, 10. 5. Wherefore. This word shows that the apostle means to sustain what he had said by a reference to the Old Testament itself. Nothing could be more opposite to the pre- vailing' Jewish opinions about the efficacy of sacrifice, than what he had just said. It was, therefore, of the highest importance to defend the position which he had laid down by authority which they would not presume to call in question, and he therefore makes his appeal ia A. D. 64.] CHAPTER X. 205 their own Scriptures. 1 When he cometh into the icorlil. "When the me, for tlu- passage cvi- tk-ntlv referred to him. The Greek is, 4 Wherefore coming into the world, he saith.' It has been made a ques- tion irhen this is to hi- understood as spoken whether when he was born, or when he entered on the work of his ministry, (irotius understands it of the latter. But it is not material to a proper understanding of the pas- sage to determine this. The simple . that since it was impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sin, Christ coming into the world made arrangements for a better sacrifice. IT He saith. That is, this is the language denoted by his great undertaking ; this is what his coming to make an atone- ment implies. We are not to suppose that Christ formally used these words on any occasion for we have no re- cord that he did but this language is that which appropriately expresses the nature of his work. Perhaps also the apostle means to say that it was originally employed in the Psalm from which it is quoted in reference to him, or was indited by him with reference to his future advent. IT Sa- crifice and offering thou wouldest not. This is quoted from Ps. xl. 6. 8. There has been much perplexity felt by expositors in reference to this quo- tation, and after all which has been written, it is not entirely removed. The difficulty relates to these points. (1.) To the question whether the Psalm originally had any reference to the Messiah. The Psalm appears to have pertained merely to David, and it would probably occur to no one on reading it to suppose that it referred to th . unless it had been so applied by the apostle in this place. (2.) There arc many parts of the Psalm, it has been said, which cannot, without a very forced inter- pretation, be applied to Christ. See vs. 2. 12. 14 16. (3.) The argument ol the apostle in the expression " a body hast thou prepared me," seems to be based on a false translation of the Septuagint which he has adopted, and it is diilicult to see on what prin. ciplcs he has done it. It is not the design of these Notes to go into an extended examination of questions of this nature. Such examination must be sought in more extended coimnen taries, and in treatises expressly re lating to points of this kind. On the design of Ps. xl., and its applicability to the Messiah, the reader may con- suit Prof. Stuart on the Hebrews, Ex- cursus xx. and Kuinoel in loc. After the most attentive examination which I can give of the Psalm, it seems to me probable that it is one of the Psalms which had an original and exclusive reference to the Messiah, and that the apostle has quoted it just as it was meant to be understood by the Holy Spirit, as applicable to him. The reasons for this opinion are briefly these. (1.) There are such Psalms, as is admitted by all. Tht Messiah was the hope of the Jewish people ; he was made the subject o* their most sublime prophecies, ano nothing was more natural than tha he should be the subject of the song? of their sacred bards. By the spin of inspiration they saw him in th distant future in the various circum stances in which he would be placed and they dwelt with delight upon the vision. Comp. Intro, to Isaiah, 7. iii. (2.) The fact that it is here ap- plied to the Messiah, is a strong cir- cumstance to demonstrate that it had an original applicability to him. This proof is of two kinds. First, that it is so applied by an inspired apostle, which with all who admit his inspira- tion seems decisive of the question. Second, the fact that he so applied it shows that this was an ancient and admitted interpretation. The apostle was writing to those who had been Jews, and whom he was desirous to convince of the truth of what he was alleging in regard to the nature of the Hebrew sacrifices. For this purpose it was necessary to appeal to the Scriptures of the Old Testament, but it cannot be supposed that ha would adduce a passage for proof 226 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 whose relevancy would not be admit- ted. The presumption is, that the passage was in fact commonly ap- plied as here. (3.) The whole of the Psalm may be referred to the Messiah without anything forced or unnatural. The Psalm throughout seems to be made up of expressions used by a suffering person, who had indeed been delivered from some evils, but who was expecting many more. The principal difficulties in the way of such an interpretation, relate to the following points, (a) In ver. 2, the speaker in the Psalm says, "He brought me up out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock," and on the ground of this he gives thanks to God. But there is no real difficulty in supposing that this may refer to the Messiah. His enemies often plotted against his life ; laid snares for him and endea- voured to destroy him, and it may be that he refers to some deliverance from such machinations. If it is objected to this that it is spoken of as having been uttered ' when he came into the world,' it may be replied, that that phrase does not necessarily refer to the time of his birth, but that he ut- tered this sentiment sometime during the period of his incarnation. ' He coming into the world for the purpose of redemption made use of this lan- guage.' In a similar manner we would say of Lafayette, that ' he, coming to the United States to aid in the cause of liberty, suffered a wound in battle.' That is, during the period in which he was engaged in this cause, he suf- fered in this manner. (6.) The next objection or difficulty relates to the application of ver. 12 to the Messiah. ' Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up ; they are more than the hairs of my head ; therefore my heart faileth me.' To meet this, some have suggested that he refers to the sins of men which he took upon himself, and which he here speaks of as his own. But it is not true that the Lord Jesus so took upon himself the sins of others that they could be called his. They were not his, for he was in every sensa holy, harmless, and undented.' The true solution of this difficulty, probably is, that the word rendered iniquity j?l? means calamity, misfortune^ trouble. See Ps. xxxi. 10; I. Sam. xxviii. 10; II. Kings vii. 9; Ps. xxxviii. 6 ; comp. Ps. xlix. 5. The proper idea in the word is that of turning away, curving, making crook- ed; and it is thus applied to any- thing which is perverted or turned from the right way ; as when one is turned from the path of rectitude, or commits sin; when one is turned from the way of prosperity or happi- ness, or is exposed to calamity. Thir seems to be the idea demanded by tht scope of the Psalm, for it is not a pen- itential Psalm, in which the spaake* is recounting his sins,butone in which he is enumerating his sorrows ; prais ing God in the first part of the Psalr> for some deliverance already experi enced, and supplicating his interposi tion in view of calamities that he sav\ to be coming upon him. This interpre tation also seems to be demanded h. ver. 12 of the Psalm by the parallel ism. In the former part of the verse the word to which 'iniquity' corre- sponds, is not sin, but evil, i. e. ca- lamity. " For innumerable evils have compassed me about ; Mine iniquities [calamities] have taken hold upon me." If the word, therefore, be used here as it often is, and as the scope of the Psalm and the connexion seem to de- mand, there is no solid objection against applying this verse to the Messiah, (c.) A third objection to this application of the Psalm to the Messiah is, that it cannot be supposed that he would utter such imprecations on his enemies as are found in vs. 14, 15. ' Let them be ashamed and con founded; let them be driven back- ward ; let them be desolate.' To this it may be replied, that such impreca- tions are as proper in the mouth of the Messiah as of David ; but particu- larly, it may be said also, that they A. D. 64.] CHAPTER X. 227 are improper in the mouth of neither. Hoth David and tin- Messiah did in fact utter denunciations against the enemies of piety and of God. God does the same thing in his word and There is no evi- \- niiiliirnunt. feeling in this; nor is it inconsistent with the benevolence. The lawgiver >s that the murderer shall die, may have a heart full of benevolence ; the juti .truces him to death, may do it with eyes filled with tears. The objections, then, are not of such a nature that it is improper to regard this Psalm as wholly applicable to the ii. (4.) The Psalm cannot be applied with propriety to David, nor do we know of any one to whom it can be but to the Messiah. When was it true of David that he said that be ' had come to do the will of God in view of the fact that God did not re- quire sacrifice and offerings ?' In what ' volume of a book' was it writ- ten of him before his birth that he 'delighted to do the will of God ?' When was it true that he had ' preach- ed righteousness in the great congre- gation ?' These expressions are such as can be applied properly only to the :i, as Paul does here ; and tak- ing all these circumstances together it will probably be regarded as the most proper interpretation to refer the whole Psalm at once to the Redeemer, and to suppose that Paul has used it in strict accordance with its original design. The other difficulties referred to will be considered in the exposition of the passage. The difference be- tween sacrifice and offering is, that the former refers to bloody sacrifices ; the latter to any oblation made to God as a thank-oti'.-rinir : an offering of flour, oil, Scc. See Notes on Isa. i. 1 1 . When it is said 'sacrifice and offer- ing ihou wouldest no/,' the meaning is not that such oblations were in no sense acceptable to God for as his appointment, and v <\ with a . that they were not as acceptable to him as obedience, and especially as the ex- pression is used here that they could not avail to secure the forgiveness of sins. They were not in their own nature such as was demanded to make an e.\j>iation for sin, and hence a body was prepared for the Messiah by which a more perfect sacrifice could be made. The sentiment here ex- pressed occurs more than once in the Old Testament. Thus, I. Sam. xv. 22. " Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." Hos. vi. 6. " For I de- sired mercy and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings." Com p. Ps. li. 16, 17. "For thou desirest not sacrifice, else would I give it ; thou delightest not in burnt-offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit." This was an indisputable principle of the Old Testament, though it was much obscured and forgotten in the com- mon estimation among the Jews. In accordance with this principle the Messiah came to' render obedience of the highest order, even to such an ex- tent that he was willing to lay down his own life. IT But a body hast thou prepared me. This is one of the pas- sages which has caused a difficulty in understanding this quotation from the Psalm. The difficulty is, that it differs from the Hebrew, and that the apostle builds an argument upon it. It is not unusual indeed in the New Testament to make use of the Ian- guage of the Septuagint even where it varies somewhat from the Hebrew ; and where no argument is based on such a passage, there can be no diffi- culty in such a usage, since it is not uncommon to make use of the lan- guage of others to express our own thoughts. But the apostle does not appear to have made such a use of the passage here, but to have applied it in the way of argument. The ar- gument, indeed, does not rest wholly, I perhaps not principally, on the fact ] that a ' body had been prepared' for -siah ; but still this was evi ! dently in the view of the apostle an j important consideration, and this is the passage on which the proof of ithis is based. The Hebrew (Ps. xl. 228 HEBREWS. [A. D. t>4 6) is, ' Mine ears hast thou opened,' or as it is in the margin, digged. The idea there is, that the ear had been, as it were, excavated, or dug out, so as to be made to hear distinctly ; that is, certain truths had been clearly re- vealed to the speaker ; or perhaps it may mean that he had been made ' readily and attentively obedient.' Stuart. Cornp. Isa. 1. 5. " The Lord God hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious." In the Psalm, the proper connexion would seem to be, that the speaker had been made obe- dient, or had been so led that he was disposed to do the will of God. This may be expressed by the fact that the ear had been opened so as to be quick to hear, since an indisposition to obey is often expressed by the fact that the ears are stopped. There is manifestly no allusion here, as has been some- times supposed, to the custom of bor- ing through the ear of a servant with an awl as a sign that he was willing to remain and serve his master. Ex. xxi. 6; Deut. xv. 17. In that case, the outer circle, or rim of the ear was bored through with an awl ; here the idea is that of hollowing out, digging, or excavating a process to make the passage clear, not to pierce the out- ward ear. The Hebrew in the Psalm the Septuagint translates, 'a body hast thou prepared me,' and this ren- dering has been adopted by the apos- tle. Various ways have been resort- ed to of explaining the fact that the translators of the Septuagint render- ed it in this manner, none of which are entirely free from difficulty. Some critics, as Cappell, Ernesti, and others have endeavoured to show that it is probable that the Septuagint reading in Ps. xl. 6, was wnW Kar^pn'o-w pot * my ear thou hast prepared ;' that is, for obedience. But of this there is no proof, and indeed it is evident that the apostle quoted it as if it were that there has been a change in the Hebrew text, and that instead of the present reading D'JTX oznaim, ears, the reading was ^U TX oz guph then a body; and that thi'se words became united by the error of transcribers, and by a slight change then became as the present copies of the Hebrew text stands. This con- jecture is ingenious, and if it were ever allowable to follow a mere con- jecture, I should be disposed to do it here. But there is no authority from A1SS. for any change, nor do any of the old versions justify it, or agree with this except the Arabic. 6. In burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. This is not quoted literally from the Psalrn, but the sense is retained. The eading there is, " burnt-offering and sin-offering hast thou not required." The quotation by the apostle is taken from the Septuagint, with the change of a single word, which does not ma- terially affect the sense the word &VK fu(5/c-A?r eaks all that he thinks s iv. 13) ; and then it means boldness in general, license, authority, pardon. Here the idea is, that before Christ died and entered into heaven, there was no such access to the throne of grace as man needed. Man had no offering which he could bring that would make him accept- able to God. But now the way was open. Access was free for all, and all might come with the utmost free- dom. The word holiest here is taken from the holy of holies in the temple (Notes on ch. ix. 3), and is there ap- plied to heaven, of which that was the emblem. The entrance into the most holy place was forbidden to all but the high priest ; but now access to the real ' holy of holies' was granted to all in the name of the great High Priest of the Christian profession. t By the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is the means by which this access to heaven is procured. The Jewish high priest entered the holy of holies with the blood of bullocks and of rams (Notes ch. ix. 7.) ; but the Saviour offered his own blood, and that became the means by which we have access to God. 20. By a new and living way. By a new method or manner. It was a mode of access that was till then un- known. No doubt many wi : before the Redeemer carne, but the method by which they approached God was imperfect and difficult. The word which is here rendered new vp6ffaTov occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. It properly means 235 us through the veil, that is to say, his flesh ; l or, new-made. slain, or killed thereto; i. e. newly killed, just dead ; and then /res//, re cent. 1'assow. It does not so much convey the idea that it is new in the sense that it had never existed before, as new in the sense that it is recent, or fresh. It was a way which was recently disclosed, arid which had all the freshness of novelty. It is called a * living way,' because it is a method that imparts life, or because it leads to life and happiness. Doddridge ren- ders it * ever-living way,' and sup- poses, in accordance with the opinion of Dr. Owen, that the allusion is to the fact that under the old dispensa- tion the blood was to be offered as soon as it was shed, and that it could not be offered when it was cold and coagulated. The way by Christ was, however, always open. His blood was, as it were, always warm, and as if it had been recently shed. This interpretation seems to derive some support from the word which is ren- dered 'neio.' See above. The word living, also, has eften the sense of perennial, or perpetual, as when ap- plied to a fountain always running, in opposition to a pool that dries up (see Notes on John iv. 10), and the new way to heaven may be called living in all these respects. It is a way that conducts to life. It is ever-living as if the blood which was shed always retained the freshness of that which is flowing from the vein. And it is perpetual and constant like a foun- tain that always flows for it is by a sacrifice whose power is perpetual and unchanging. IT Which he hath consecrated for us. Marg. * or new made.' The word here used means properly to renew, and then to initiate, to consecrate, to sanction. The idea is, that he has dedicated this way for our use ; as if a temple or hou set apart for our service. It is a path consecrated by him for- the service and salvation of man ; a way of access to the eternal sanctuary for the sinner 236 HEBREWS. [A. D, 64 21 And having an high priest over the house of God ; 22 Let us draw near with a true heart, in * full assurance a c. 4. 14-16. b Ep. 3. 12. which has been set apart by the Re- deemer for this service alone. IT Through the veil, that is to say, his flesh. The Jewish high priest entered into the most holy place through the veil that divided the holy from the most holy place. That entrance was made by his drawing the veil aside, and thus the interior sanctuary was laid open. But there has been much difficulty felt in regard to the sense of the ex- pression here used. The plain mean- ing of the expression is, that the way to heaven was opened by means, or through the medium of the flesh of Jesus ; that is, of his body sacrificed for sin, as the most holy place in the temple was entered by means or through the medium of the veil. We are not to suppose, however, that the apostle meant to say that there was in all respects a resemblance between the veil and the flesh of Jesus, nor that the veil was in any manner typi- cal of his body, but there was a resem- blance in the respect under considera- tion to wit, in the fact that the holy place was rendered accessible by with- drawing the veil, and that heaven was rendered accessible through the slain body of Jesus. The idea is, that there is by means both of the veil of the temple, and of the body of Jesus, a medium of access to God. God dwelt in the most holy place in the temple behind the veil by visible symbols, and was to be approached by remov- ing the veil ; and God dwells in hea- ven, in the most holy place there, and is to be approached only through the offering of the body of Christ. Prof. Stuart supposes that the point of the comparison may be, that the veil of the temple operated as a screen to hide the visible symbol of the presence of God from human view, and that in like manner the body of Jesus might bo regarded as a " kind of temporary of faith, having our hearts sprin- kled c from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. c Eze. 36. 25. tabernacle, or veil of the divine nature which dwelt within him," and that "as the veil of the tabernacle con- cealed the glory of Jehovah in the holy of holies, from the view of men, so Christ's flesh or body screened oj concealed the higher nature from our view, which dwelt within this veil, as God did of old within the veil of the temple." See this and other views explained at length in the larger com- mentaries. It does riot seem to me to be necessary to attempt to carry out the point of the comparison in all respects. The simple idea which seems to have been in the mind of the apostle was, that the veil of the temple, and the body of Jesus were alike in this respect, that they were the medium of access to God. It is by the offering of the body of Jesus ; by the fact that he was clothed with flesh, and that in his body he made an atonement for sin, and that with his body raised up from the dead he has ascended to heaven, that we have access now to the throne of mercy. 21. And having an High Priest over the house of God. Over the spir- itual house of God ; that is, the church. Comp. Notes on ch. iii. 1 6. Under the Jewish dispensation there was a great high priest, and the same is true under the Christian dispensation. This the apostle had shown at length in the previous part of the epistle. The idea here is, that as under the former dispensation it was regarded as a privilege that the people of God might have access to the mercy-seat by means of the high priest ; so it is true in a much higher sense that we may now have access to God through our greater and more glori ous High Priest. 22. Let us draw near with a true heart. In prayer and praise ; in every act of confidence and of worship. A A. D. 64.J CHAPTER A. 237 sincere heart was requirco under the ancient dispensation ; it is always demanded oi' nii'ii when they draw near in (UK! to worship him. See Jolui iv. -.'*, ~ i. Kvcry ibrm of reli- gion which God lias revealed requires .shippers to come with pure and holy hearts. ^ Infullassunnice. if faith. See the word here' i plained in the Notes on ch. vi. 11. The 'lull assurance of faith' jncans ; //? f-srHr eaeh other. Men are ROJI ment in religion. But there is no dan- ger that Christians will ever be excited Not forsaking the assem- bling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but to love each other too much, or to per- form too many good works. 2,~>. iVo forsaking the assembling of ourselves together. That is, for pur- poses of public worship. Some expo- sitors have understood the word here rendered assembling l-xiawaywyriv as meaning the society of Christians, or the church ; and they have sup- posed that the object of the apostle here is, to exhort them not to aposta- tize from the church. The arguments for this opinion may be_seen at length in Kuinoel, in loc. But the more obvious interpretation is that which is commonly adopted, that it refers to public worship. The Greek word (the noun) is used nowhere else in the New Testament, except in II. Thess. ii. 1, where it is rendered ga- thering together. The verb is used in Matt, xxiii. 37 ; xxiv. 31 ; Mark i. 33 ; xiii. 27 ; Luke xii. 1 ; xiii. 34, in all which places it is rendered gather- ed together. It properly means an act of assembling, or a gathering to- gether, and is nowhere used in the New Testament in the sense of an assembly, or the church. The com- mand, then, here is, to meet together for the worship of God, and it is en- joined on Christians as an important duty to do it. It is implied, also, that there is blame or fault where this is ' neglected.' IT As the manner of some-is. Why those here referred to neglected public worship, is not spe- cified. It may have been from such canaea as the following. (1.) Some may have been deterred by the fear of persecution, as those who were thus assembled would be more expos- ed to danger than others. (2.) Some may have neglected tfat duty because '!, no interest in it as profess- ing ( 'hristians now sometimes do. (3.) Jt is possible that ?ome may hove had doubts about the necessity and pro- prii'ty of this duty, and on that ac- count may have neglected it. (4.) OT 240 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 exhoftirig one another: and so o Ro. 13. 11. it may perhaps have been, though we can hardly suppose that this reason existed, that some may have neglect- ed it from a cause which now some- times operates from dissatisfaction with a preacher, or with some mem- ber or members of the church, or with some measure in the church. Whatever were the reasons, the apos- tle says that they should not be allow- ed to operate, but that Christians should regard it as a sacred duty to meet together for the worship of God. None of the causes above suggested should deter men from this duty. With all who bear the Christian name ; with all who expect to make advances in piety and religious knowledge, it should be regarded as a sacred duty to assemble together for public wor- ship. Religion is social ; and our graces are to be strengthened and in- vigorated by waiting together on the Lord. There is an obvious propriety that men should assemble together for the worship of the Most High, and no Christian can hope that his graces will grow, or that he can per- form his duty to his Maker, without uniting thus with those who love the service of God. IT But exhorting one another. That is, in your assembling together a direction which proves that it is proper for Christians to ex- hort one another when they are ga- thered together for public worship. Indeed there is reason to believe that the preaching in the early Christian assemblies partook much of the char- acter of mutual exhortation. 1" And so much the more as ye see the day approaching. The term 'day' here refers to some event which was cer- tainly anticipated, and which was so well understood by them that no par- ticular explanation was necessary. It was also some event that was expect- ed soon to occur, and in relation to which there were indications then of its speedily arriving. If it had not been something which was expected tfoon to happen, the apostle would much the more as ye see the day approaching. have gone into a more full explana- tion of it, and would have stated at length what these indications were. There has been some diversity of opinion about what is here referred to, many commentators supposing that the reference is to the anticipated se- cond coming of the Lord Jesus to set up a visible kingdom on the earth; and others to the fact that the period was approaching when Jerusalem was to be destroyed, and when the ser- vices of the temple were to cease. So far as the language is concerned, the reference might be to cither event, for the word a ' day' is applied to both in the New Testament. The word would properly be understood as re, ferring to an expected period when something remarkable was to happen which ought to have an important influence on their character and con- duct. In support of the opinion that it refers to the approaching destruc- tion of Jerusalem, and not to the com- ing of the Lord Jesus to set up a visi- ble kingdom, we may adduce the fol- lowing considerations. (1.) The term used 'day' will as properly refer to that event as to any other. It is a word which would be likely to sug- gest the idea of distress, calamity, or judgment of some kind, for so it is oflen used in the Scriptures. Comp. Ps. xxvii. 13; I. Sam. xxvi. 10; Jer. xxx. 7 ; Ezek. xxi. 5 ; Notes Isa ii. 12. (2.) Such a period was distinctly predicted by the Saviour, and the in- dications which would precede it were clearly pointed out. See Matt. xxiv. That event was then so near that the Saviour said that ' that generation would not pass' until the prediction had been fulfilled. Matt. xxiv. 34 (3.) The destruction of Jerusalem was an event of great importance to the Hebrews, arid to the Hebrew Chris- tians to whom this epistle was di- rected, and it might be reasonable to suppose that the apostle Paul would refer to it. (4.) It is not improbable that at the time of writing this epis- D. 64.] CHAPTER X. 241 26 For if * we sin wilfully after that \vc have received the a Nu. 15.30. c. 6.4. tc tic there were indications that that day \vas approaching. Those indi- cations were of so marked a charac- ter that when the time approached they could not well be mistaken (see Matt. xxiv. li 12. 24. 26), and it is probable that they jiad already begun to appear. (5.) There were no such -indications that the Lord Jesus was about to appear to set up a v-isiblo kingdom. It was not a fact that that was about to occur, as the result has shown ; nor is there any positive proof that the mass of Christians were expecting it, and no reason to believe that the apostle Paul had any such expectation. See II. Thess. ii. 15. (6.) The expectation that the destruction of Jerusalem was refer- red to, and was about to occur, was just that which might be expected to produce the effect on the minds of the Hebrew Christians which the apostle here refers to. It was to be a solemn and fearful event. It would be a re- markable manifestation of God. It would break up the civil and ecclesi- astical polity of the nation, and would scatter them abroad. It would re- quire all the exercise of their patience and faith in passing through these scenes. It might be expected to be a time when many would be tempted to apostatize, and it was proper, there- j fore, to exhort them to meet together, and to strengthen and encourage each oilier as they saw that that event was di awing near. The argument then would be this. The danger against which the apostle desired to guard those to whom he was writing that of apostasy from Christianity to Judaism. To preserve them from this, he urges the fact that the down- *all of Judaism was near, and that every indication which they saw of its approach ought to be allowed to influence them, and to guard t fr-jm that, danger. It is for reasons j such as these that I suppose the refer. ' knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, ence here is not to the ' second ad vent' of the Redeemer, but to the ap- proaching destruction of Jerusalem. At the same time, it is not improper to use this passage as an exhortation to Christians to fidelity when they shall see that the end of the world draws nigh, and. when they shall per ceive indications that the Lord Jesus is about to come. And so of death. We should be the more diligent when we see the indications that the great Messenger is about to come to sum- mon us into the presence of our final Judge. And who does not know that he is approaching him with silent and steady footsteps, and that even now he may be very near ? Who can fail to see in himself indications that the time approaches when he must lie down and die ? Every pang that we suffer should remind us of this ; and when the hair changes its hue, and time makes furrows in the cheek, and the limbs become feeble, we should regard them as premonitions that he is coming, and should be more dili- gent as we see that he is drawing near. 26. For if we sin wilfully after that ice have received the knowledge of the truth. If after we are converted and become true Christians we should apostatize, it would be impossible to be recovered again, for there would be no other sacrifice for sin; no wav by which we could be saved. This passage, however, like ch. vi. 4 6, has given rise to much difference of opinion. But that tiie above is the correct interpretation, seems evi. dent to me from the following con- siderations. (I.) It is the natural and obvious interpretation, such as would occur probably to ninety-nine readers in a hundred, if there were no theory to support, and no fear that it would conflict with some other doc, trine. (2.) It accords with the scope of the epistle, which is, to kaep thoso 242 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. whom the apostle addressed from re- turning again to the Jewish religion, under the trials to which they were subjected. (3.) It is in accordance with the fair meaning of the language the words 'after that we have re- ceived the knowledge of the truth,' referring more naturally to true con- version than to any other state of mind. (4.) The sentiment would not be correct if it referred to any but real Christians. It would not be true that one who had been somewhat en- lightened, and who then sinned ' wil- fully,' must look on fearfully to the judgment without a possibility of being saved. There are multitudes of cases where such persons are saved. They wilfully resist the Holy Spirit ; they strive against him ; they for a long time refuse to yield, but they are brought again to reflection, and are led to give their hearts to God. (5.) It is true, and always will be true, that if a sincere Christian should apos- tatize he could never he converted again. See Notes on ch. vi. 4 6. The reasons are obvious. He would or ' the unpardonable sin.' The word rendered ' wilfully' tKovaius occurs nowhere else in the New Testament, :xcept in I. Pet. v- 2, where it is ren- dered willingly 'taking the over- sight thereof [of the cnarch] not by constraint, but willingly. 1 li properly means, willingly, voluntarily, o* OUT own accord, and applies to cases where no constraint is used. It i" not to be construed here strictly, o. metaphysically, for all sin is voluntary. or is committed willingly, but musl refer to a deliberate act, where a man MEANS to abandon his religion, and tc turn away from God. If it were tc be taken with metaphysical exactness, it would demonstrate that every Chris, tian who ever does anything wrong, no matter how small, would be lost. But this cannot, from the nature of the case, be the meaning. The apos- tle well knew that Christians do com- mit such sins (see Notes onRom.vii), and his object here is not to set forth the danger of such sins, but to guard Christians against apostasy from their religion. In the Jewish law, as is in have tried the only plan of salvation, | deed the case everywhere, a distinc- tion is made between sins of oversight, and it would have failed. He would have embraced the Saviour, and there would not have been efficacy enough inadvertence, or ignorance, (Lev. iv. 2. 13. 22. 27 ; v. 15 ; Num. xv. 24. 27, in his blood to keep him, and there 28, 29. Comp. Acts iii. 17; xvii. 30), would be no more powerful Saviour and sins of presumption; sins that are and no more efficacious blood of atone- ment. He would have renounced the Holy Spirit, and would have shown that his influences were not effectual to keep him, and there would be no other agent of greater power to renew and save him after he had apostatized. deliberately and intentionally commit- ted. See Ex. xxi. 14 ; Num. xv. 30 ; Deut. xvii. 12; Ps. xix. 13. The apostle here has reference, evidently, to such a distinction, and means to speak of a decided and deliberate purpose to break away from the re- For these reasons it seems clear to j straints and obligations of the Chris- me that this passage refers to true j tian religion. IT There remaineth no Christians, and that the doctrine here taught is, that if such an one should apostatize, he must look forward only to the terrors of the judgment, and to final condemnation. Whether this in fact ever occurs, is quite another question. In regard to that inquiry, see Notes on ch. vi. 4 6. If this view be correct, we may add, that the passage should not be regarded as applying to what is commonly known as the * sin against Die Holy Ghost,' more sacrifice for sins. Should a man do this, there is no sacrifice for sins which could save him. He would have rejected deliberately the only atonement made for sin, and there will be no other made. It is as if a man should reject the only medicine that could heal him, or push away the only boat that could save him when shipwrecked. See Notes ch. vi. 6. The sacrifice made for sin by the Redeemer is never to be repeated, A. D. 04.] CHAPTER X. 243 27 But a certain fearful look- inir for of judgment, and firry indignation which shall devour the adversaries. a Zeph. 1.18; 3.8. and if that is deliberately rejected, nl must be lost. 27. But a certain fearful Uokingfor of judgment. The woKTcertotV here does not mcm\fixed, sure, inevitable, as our translation would se*cm to im- i'hc Greek is the same as 'a (ri,,-) fearful expectation,' &c. So it is rendered by Tindall. The idea is, that if there WM voluntary apostasy after having embraced the Christian religion, there could be nothing but an expectation of the judgment to come. There could be no other hope but that through the gospel, and as this would have been renounced, it would follow that the soul must perish. The 1 fearful apprehension' or expectation here does not refer so much to what would be in the mind itself, or what would be experienced, as to what mn ft follow. It might be that the person referred to would have no re- alizing sense of all this, and still his situation be that of one who had no- thing to expect but the terrors of the judgment to come. ^ And Jiery in- (lizn'ition. Fire is often used in the Scriptures as an emblem of fierce punishment. The idea is, that the person referred to could expect no- thing but the wrath of God. 1T Which shall devour the adversaries. All who become the adversaries or enemies of the Lord. Fire is often said to de- vour, or consume, and the meaning here is, that those who should thus become the enemies of the Lord must perish. 28. He that despised Moses 1 law That is, the apostate from the reli- gion of Moses. It does not mean that in all cases the offender againsf the law of Moses died without mercy but only where offences were punish- able With death, and probably the apostle had in his eye particularly the case of apostasy from the Jewish re 28 He b that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses : 29 Of c how much sorer pun- b DC. 17. 2-13. c c. 2. 3. ligion. The subject of apostasy from the Christian religion is particularly under discussion here, and it was na- tural to illustrate this by a reference to a similar case under the law of Moses. The law in regard to apos- tates from the Jewish religion was positive. There was no reprieve. Deut. xiii. 6 10. V Died without mercy. That is, there was no provi- sion for pardon. IT Under two or three witnesses. It was the settled law among the Hebrews that in all cases involving capital punishment, two or three witnesses should be necessary. That is, no one was to be executed unless two persons certainly bore tes- timony, and it was regarded as im- portant, if possible, that three witness- es should concur in the statement. The object was the security of the accused person if innocent. The principle in the law was, that it was to be presumed that two or three per- sons would be much less likely to conspire to render a false testimony than one would be, and that two or three would not be likely to be de- ceived in regard to a fact which they had observed. 29. Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy That is, he who renounces Christian- ity ought to be regarded as deserving a much severer punishment than the man who apostatized from the Jewish religion, and if he ought to be so re- garded he will be for God will treat every man as he ought to be treated. This must refer to future punishment, for the severest punishment was in flicted on the apostate from the Jew. ish religion which can be in this world death ; and yet the apostle here says that a severer punishment than that would be deserved by him who should apostatize from the Christian faith. The reasons why so niwih st*. 944 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. ishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the )lood of the covenant, where- with he was sanctified, an un- loly thing, and hath done de- spite unto the Spirit a of grace I a Mat. 12. 31, 32. verer punishment would be deserved, are such as these : the Author of the Christian system was far more ex- alted than Moses, the founder of the Jewish system; he had revealed more important truths ; he had increased and confirmed the motives to holi- ness ; he had furnished more means for leading a holy life ; he had given himself as a sacrifice to redeem the soul from death, and he had revealed with far greater clearness the truth that there is a heaven of glory and of holiness. He who should apostatize from the Christian faith, the apostle goes on to say, would also be guilty of the most aggravated crime of which man could be guilty the crime of trampling under foot the Son of God, of showing contempt for his holy blood, antf despising the Spirit of grace. IT Who hath trodden under foot the Son of God. This lan- guage is taken either from the custom of ancient conquerors who were ac- customed to tread on the necks of their enemies in token of their being subdued, or from the fact that men tread on that which they despise and contemn. The idea is, tha., he who should apostatize from the Christian faith would act as if he should indig- nantly and contemptuously trample on God's only Son. What crime could be more aggravated than this ? IT And hath counted the blood of the covenant. The blood of Jesus by which the new covenant between God and man was ratified. See Notes on ch. ix. 1620. Comp. Notes on Matt, txvi. 28. IT Wherewith he was sanc- tified. Made holy, or set apart to the service of God. The word sanctify is used in both these senses. Prof. Stuart renders it, 'by which expiation is made;' and many others, in ac- cordance with this view, have sup- posed that it refers to the Lord Jesus But it seems to me that it refers to the person who is here supposed to renounce the Christian religion, or to apostatize from it. The reasons for this are such as these. (1.) It is the natural and proper meaning of the word here rendered sanctified. This word is commonly applied to Chris- tians in the sense that they are made holy. See Acts xx. 32; xxvi. 18; I. Cor. i. 2 ; Jude 1. Comp. John x. 36; xvii. 17. (2.) It is unusual to apply this word to the Saviour. It is true, indeed, that he says (John xvii. 19), 'for their sakes I sanctify myself,' but there is no instance in which he says that he was sanctified by his own blood. And where is there an instance in which the word is used as meaning 'to make expiation?' (3.) The sup- position that it refers to one who is here spoken of as in danger of apos- tasy, and not of the Lord Jesus, agrees with the scope oFthe argument. The apostle is showing the great guilt, and the certain destruction, of one who should apostatize from the Christian religion. In doing this, it was natu- ral to speak of the dishonour which would thus be done to the means which had been used for his sanctifi- cation the blood of the Redeemer. It would be treating it as if it were a common thing, or as if it might be disregarded like anything else which was of no value. IT An unholy thing. Gr. common ; often used in the sense of unholy. The word is so used be- cause that which was holy was sepa- rated from a common to a sacred use. What was not thus consecrated was free to all, or was for common use, and hence also the word is used to denote that which is unholy. 1C And hath done despite unto the spirit of grace. The Holy Spirit, called ' the Spirit of grace,' because he confers favour or grace on men.. The mean* A. D. 64.] CHAPTER X. 245 30 For we know him that hath said, YiMijri'ance " belong. cth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, b a De. 32. 3.",, 36. b I's. ]35. 14. ing of the phrase 'done despite unto' iw&pioas is, 'having reproached, or treated with malignity, or con- tempt.' The idea is, that it' they were thus to apostatize, they would by such an act treat the Spirit of. God with disdain and contempt. It was by him that they had been renewed; by him that they had been brought to embrace the Saviour and to love God ; by him that they had any holy feelings or pure desires ; and if they now apos- tatized from religion, such an act would be in fact treating the Holy Spirit with the highest indignity. It would be saying that all his influences were valueless, and that they needed no help from him. From such con- siderations, the apostle shows that if a true Christian were to apostatize, nothing would reunain for him but the terrific prospect of eternal condem- nation. He would have rejected the only Saviour; he would have in fact treated him with the highest indig- nity ; he would have considered his sa- cred blood, shed to sanctify men, as a common thing, and would have shown the highest disregard for the only agent who can save the soul the Spirit of God. How could such an one afterwards be saved? The apostle does not indeed say that any one ever would thus apostatize from the true religion, nor is there any reason to believe that such a case ever lias occurred, but if it should oc- cur the doom would be inevitable. How dangerous then is every step which would lead to such a precipice ! And how strange and uriscriptural the opinion held by so many that sincere Christians may 'fall away' and be re- newed, again and again ! 30. For we know him that hath said. "We know who lias said this God. They knew this because it w;-s re- corded in their own sacred books. 21* The Lord shall judge his peo- ple. 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. ff Vengeance bclongeth vnto me, &c. This is found in Deut. xxxii. 35. See it explained in the Notes on Romans xii. 19. It is there quoted to show that we should not avenge ourselves ; it is here quoted to show that God will certainly inflict punishment on those who deserve it. If any should apostatize in the manner here referred to by the apostle, they would, says he, be guilty of great and unparalleled wickedness, and would have the cer. tainty that they must meet the wrath of God. IT And again, the Lord shall judge his people. This is quoted from Deut. xxxii. 36. That is, he will judge them when they deserve it, and pun- ish them if they ought to be punished. The mere fact that they are his peo- ple will not save them from punish- ment if they deserve it, any more than the fact that one is a beloved child will save him from correction when he does wrong. This truth was abun- dantly illustrated in the history of the Israelites ; and the same great prin- ciple would be applied should any sincere Christian apostatize from his religion. He would have before him the certainty of the most fearful and severe of all punishments. 31. It is a fearful thing to fall int the hands of the living God. Thero may be an allusion here to the request of David to ' fall into the hands of the Lord and not into the hands of men, 1 when it was submitted to him for the sin of numbering the people, whether he would choose seven years of fa- mine, or flee three months before hn enemies, or have three days of pesti lence. II. Sam. xxiv. He preferred ' to fall into the hands of the Lord, and God smote seventy thousand mei by the pestilence. The idea here ij that to fall inio the hands of the Lor4 after having despised his mercy ant rejected his salvation, would be ter 246 HEBREWS. [A, D. 64. 32 But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions ; rific ; and the fear of this should deter from the commission of the dreadful crime. The phrase ' living God' is used in the Scripture in op- position to idols. God always lives ; his power is capable of being always exerted. He is not like the idols of wood or stone which have no life, and which are not to be dreaded, but he always lives. It is the more fearful to fall into his hands because he will live for ever. A man who inflicts punishment will die, ai d the punish- ment will come to an end ; but God will never cease to exist, and the pun- ishment which he is capable of inflict- ing to-day he will be capable of in- flicting for ever and ever. To fall into his hands, therefore, for the pur- pose of punishment which is the idea here is fearful, (1) because he has all power, and can inflict just what punishment he pleases ; (2) be- cause he is strictly just, and will in- flict the punishment which ought to be inflicted ; (3) because he lives for ever, and can carry on his purpose of punishment to eternal ages, and (4) because the actual inflictions of pun- ishment which have occurred show what is to be dreaded. So it was on the old world; on the cities of the plain ; on Babylon, Idumea, Caper- naum, and Jerusalem ; and so it is in the world of wo the eternal abodes of despair where the worm never dies. All men must, in one sense, fall into his hands. They must appear before him. They must be brought to his bar when they die. How unspeak- ably important it is then now to em- brace his offers of salvation, that we may not fall into his hands as a righteous, avenging judge, and sink beneath his uplifted arm for ever ! 32. But call to remembrance the former days. It would seem from this, that at the time when the apos- 33 Partly, whilst ye were made a gazing-stock, both by reproaches and afflictions ; and partly, whilst ye became a com a 1 Th. 2. 14. tie wrote this epistle they were suffer- ing some severe trials, in which they were in great danger of apostatizing from their religion. It is also mani- fest that thpy had on some former occasion endured a similar trial, and had been enabled to bear it with a Christian spirit, and with resignation. The object of the apostle now is to remind them that they were sustained under those trials, and he would en- courage them now to similar patience by the recollection of the grace then conferred on them. What was the nature of their former trials, or of that which they were then experi- encing, is not certainly known. It would seem probable, however, that the reference in both instances is to some form of persecution by their own countrymen. The meaning is, that when we have been enabled to pass through trials once, we are to make the remembrance of the grace then be- stowed an us a means of supporting and encouraging us in future trials, 1T After ye were illuminated. After you became Christians, or were en- lightened to see the truth. This phrase, referring here undoubtedly to the fact that they were Christians, may serve to explain the disputed phrase in ch. vi. 4. See Notes on that passage. IT A great fight of afflictions. The language here seems to be taken from the Grecian games. The word ' fight' means properly contention, combat, such as occurred in the public games. Here the idea is, that in the trials re- ferred to, they had a great struggle ; that is, a struggle to maintain their faith without wavering, or against those who would have led them to apostatize from their religion. Some of the circumstances attending this conflict are alluded to in the following verses. 33. Partly. That is, your affliction A. D. 64.] CHAPTER X. 247 pan ions of them that were so used. ;U For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joy- 1'ully the spoiling of your goods, consisted partly in this. T is, 'this' specifying one kind of af- fl^ction Unit they were called to en- dure. 1f Whilst ye were made a gaz- V. Ur. curpid/urn the apostle here refers. In the i<; mentions one instance ia which they Ivd done this, in aid iiig Aim when he was a prisoner. knowing ' in yourselves that ye iavc in heaven a a better and an enduring substance. i or, that ye have in yourselves ; or, for tourtelvu. a Lu. 12. 33. 31. For ye had compassion of me in my bonds. You sympathized with me when a prisoner, and sent to my relief. It is not known to what par- ticular instance of imprisonment the apostle here refers. It is probable, however, that it was on some occasion when he was a prisoner in Judea, for the persons to whom this epistle was sent most probably resided there. Paul was at one time a prisoner more than two years at Ccsarea (Acts xxiv. 27), and during this time he was kept in the charge of a centurion, and his friends had free access to him. Acts xxiv. 23. It would seem not impro- bable that this was the occasion to which he here refers. T And took joyfully the spoiling of your goods. The plunder of your property. It was not an uncommon thing for the early- Christians to be plundered. This was doubtless a part of the ' afflictions' to which the apostle refers in this case. The meaning is, that they yielded their property not only without resist- ance, but with joy. They, in common with all the early Christians, counted it a privilege and honour to suffer in the cause of their Master. See Notes on Phil. iii. 10 ; Comp. I. Phil. iv. 13. Men may be brought to such a state of mind as to part with their property with joy. It is not usually the case ; but religion will enable a man to do it. IT Knowing in yourselves. Marg. ' or, that ye have in yourselves ; or, for yourselves.' The true rendering is 4 knowing that ye have for yourselves.' It does not refer to any internal know- ledge which they had of this, but to the fact that they were assured that they had laid up for themselves a bet- ter inheritance in heaven. 1T That ye have in heaven a better and an endur- ing substance. Better than any earth- ly possession, and more permanent. It is (I.) better; it is worth more; it 248 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. 36 For ye have need of pa- a Mat. 5. 12. gives more comfort; it makes a man really richer. The treasure laid up in heaven is worth more to a man than all the wealth of Croesus. It v/ill give him more solid peace and comfort ; will better serve his turn in the various situations in which he may be placed in life, and will do more on the whole to make him. happy. It is not said here that pro- perty is worth nothing to a man which is not true, if he uses it well but that the treasures of heaven are worth more. (2.) It is more enduring. Property here soon vanishes. Riches take to themselves wings and fly away, or at any rate all that we pos- sess must soon be left. But in hea- ven all is permanent and secure. No calamity of war, pestilence, or fa- mine ; no change of times ; no com- mercial embarrassments ; no failure of a crop, or a bank ; no fraud of sharpers and swindlers, and no act of a pick-pocket or highwayman can take it away ; nor does death ever come there to remove the inhabitants of heaven from their 'mansions.' With this hope, therefore, Christians may cheerfully see their earthly wealth vanish, for they can look forward to their enduring and their better inhe- ritance. 35. Cast not away therefore your confidence. Gr. ' your boldness ;' re- ferring to their confident hope in God. They were not to cast this away, and to become timid, disheartened, and discouraged. They were to bear up manfully under all their trials, and to maintain a steadfast adherence to God and to his cause. The command is not to * cast this away.' Nothing could take it from them if they trusted in God, and it could be lost only by their own neglect or imprudence. Rosenmiiller supposes (Alte und Neue Morgenland, in lor,.} that there may tience ; * that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. 37 For c yet a little while, b Lu. 21. 19. c Ha. 2. 3, 4. be an allusion here to the disgrace which was attached to the act of a warrior if he cast away his shield. Among the Greeks this was a crime which was punishable with death. Alexander ab Alexand. Gen. Dier. L. ii. c. 13. Among the ancient Ger- mans, Tacitus says, that to lose the shield in battle was regarded as the deepest dishonour, and that those who were guilty of it were not allowed to be present at the sacrifices or in the assembly of the people. Many, says he, who had suffered this calamity, closed their own lives with the halter under the loss of honour. Tae. Germ. c. 6. A similar disgrace would attend the Christian soldier if he should cast away his shield of faith. Comp. Notes Eph. vi. 16. If Which hath great re- compense of reward. It will furnish a reward by the peace of mind which it gives here, and will be connected with the rewards of heaven. 36. for ye have need of patience. They were then suffering, and in all trials we have need of patience. We have need of it because there is in us so much disposition to murmur and repine ; because our nature is liable to sink under sufferingc ; and because our trials are often protracted. All that Christians can do in such cases is to be patient to lie calmly in the hands of God, and submit to his will day by day, and year by year. See James i. 3^ 4 ; Notes Rom. v. 4. IT That after ye have done the will of God. That is, in bearing trials, for the reference here is particularly to afflictions. IT Ye might receive the promise. The promised inheritance or reward in heaven. It is implied here that this promise will not be re- ceived unless we are patient in our trials, and the prospect of this reward should encourage us to endure them. 37. For yet a little while. Them A. D. 64.] CHAPTER X. 249 and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. 38 Now the just shall live o be an allusion here to what \ iotir himself said, 'A little while, and ye shall not see me; and ainiin, a little while and yc shall sec me.' John xvi. Hi. Or more proba- hly it may be lo Habak. ii. 3. " For a is yet tor an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; be- oause it will surely come, it will not tarry." The idea which the apostle means to convey evidently is, that the time of their deliverance from their trials was not far remote. 1T And he that shall come will come. The reference here is, doubtless, to the Messiah. But what ' coming* of his is referred to, is more uncertain. Most probably the idea is, that the Messiah who was coming to destroy Jerusa- lem, and to overthrow the Jewish power (Matt, xxv.), would soon do this. In this way he would put a pe- riod to their persecutions and trials, as the power of the Jewish people to afflict them would be at an end. A similar idea occurs in Luke xxi. 28. "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, arid lift up your heads ; for your redemption draweth nigh." See Notes on that passage. The Christians in Palestine were oppressed, reviled, and persecut- ed by the Jews. The destruction of the city and the temple would put an end to that power, and would be in fact the time of deliverance for those who had been persecuted. In the passage before us, Paul intimates that that period was not far distant. Per- haps there were already 'signs' of his coming, or indications that lie was about to appear, and he therefore urges them patiently to persevere in their fidelity to him during the little time of trial that remained. The same encouragement and consolation may be employed still. To all the afflicted it may be said that ' he that shall come will come' soon. The by faith v . but if any man draw back, rny soul shall have no pleasure in him. time of affliction is not long. Soon the Redeemer will appear to deliver his afflicted people from all their sor- rows ; to remove them from a world of pain and tears ; and to raise their bodies from the dust, and to receive them to mansions where trials are for ever unknown. Notes John xiv. 3; I. Thcss. iv. 1318. 38. Now the just shall live by faith This is a part of the quotation from Habakkuk (ii. 3, 4), which was pro- bably commenced in the previous verse. Sec the passage fully ex- plained in the Notes on Rom. i. 17. The meaning in the connexion in which it stands here, in accordance with the sense in which it was used by Habakkuk, is, that the righteous should live by continued confidence in God. They should pass their lives, not in doubt, and fear, and trembling apprehension, but in the exercise of a calm trust in God. In this sense it accords with the scope of what the apostle is here saying. He is exhort- ing the Christians whom he address- ed, to perseverance in their religion even in the midst of many persecu- tions. To encourage this he says, that it was a great principle that the just, that is, all the pious, ought to live in the constant exerci-se of faith in God. They should not con ride in their own merits, works, or strength. They should exercise con- stant reliance on their Maker, and he would keep them even unto eternal life. The sense is, that a persevering confidence or belief in the Lord will preserve us amidst all the trials and calamities to which we are exposed. IT But if any man draw back, my soul shall hate no pleasure in him. This also is a quotation from Hab. ii. 4, but from the Septuagint, not from the Hebrew. Why the authors of the Septuagint thus translated the pas. sage, it is impossible" now to say. The Hebrew is rendered in the com 50 HEBREWS. [A. D.64. 39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition, a Ver. 26. mon version, " Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him ;" or more literally, " Behold the scorn- ful ; his mind shall riot be happy" (Stuart} ; or as Gesenius renders it, " See, he whose soul is unbelieving shall, on this account, be unhappy." The sentiment there is, that the scorn- er or unbeliever in that day would be unhappy, or would not prosper mi^ $h> The apostle has retained the general sense of the passage, and the idea which he expresses is, that the unbeliever, or he who renounces his religion, will incur the divine dis- pleasure. He will be a man exposed to the divine wrath ; a man on whom God cannot look but with disapproba- tion. By this solemn consideration, therefore, the apostle urges on them the importance of perseverance, and the guilt and danger of apostasy from the Christian faith. If such a case should occur, no matter what mighl have been the former condition, and no matter what love or zeal might have been evinced, yet such an apos- tasy would expose the individual to the certain wrath of God. His for- mer love could not save him, any more than the former obedience of the angels saved them from the horrors of eternal chains and darkness, or than the holiness in which Adam was cre- ated saved him and his posterity from the calamities which his apostasy in- curred. 39. But we are not of them, &c We who are true Christians do no belong to such a class. In this tht apostle expresses the fullest convic tion that none of those to whom h( wrote would apostatize. The case which he had been describing was only a supposable case, not one which he believed would occur. He had only been stating what must happen if a sincere Christian should aposta- tize. But he did not mean to say nit of them that believe to the Caving of the soul. hat this would occur in regard to hem, or in any case. He made a statement of a general principle un der the divine administration, and he designed that this should be a means of keeping them in the path to life. What could be a more effectual means than the assurance that if a Christian should apostatize he must inevitably perish for ever ? See the sentiment in this verse illustrated at length in the Notes on ch. vi. 4 10. R EM ARKS. (1.) It is a subject of rejoicing that we are brought under a more perfect system than the ancient people of God were. We have not merely a rude outline a dim and shadowy sketch of religion, as they had. We are not now required to go before a bloody altar every day, and lead up a victim to be slain. We may come to the altar of God feeling that the great sacrifice has been made, and that the last drop of blood to make atonement has been shed. A pure, glorious, holy body was prepared for the Great Victim, and in that body he did the will of God and died for our sins. Vs. 110. (2.) Like that Great Redeemer, let us do the will of God. It may lead us through sufferings, and we may be called to meet trials strongly re. sembling his. But the will of God is to be done alike in bearing trials, and in prayer and praise. Obedience is the great thing which he demands ; which he has always sought. When his ancient people led up, in faith, a lamb to the altar, still he preferred obedience to sacrifice ; and when his Son came into the world to teach r a faith \vhicli is no argument of the truth of what is believed. But when a man who has never seen it believes that there is such a place as London, his belief in the numerous testimonies respecting it which he lias heard and read is to his mind a good and ra- tional proof of its existence, and he would act on that belief without hesi- tation. When a son credits the de- claration or the promise of a father who has never deceived him, and acts as though that declaration and pro- re true, his faith is to him a ground of conviction and of action, and he will act as if these things were so. In like manner the Christian be- lieves what God says. He has never seen heaven ; he has never seen an angel ; he has never seen the Re- deemer ; he has never seen a body raised from the grave. But he has evidence which is satisfactory to his mind that God has spoken on these subjects, and his verypature prompts him to confide in the declarations of his Creator. Those declarations are to his mind more convincing proof than anything else would be. They are more conclusive evidence than would be the deductions of his own reason ; far better and more rational than all the reasonings and declara- tions of the infidel to the contrary. He feels and acts, therefore, as if these things were so for his faith in the declarations of God has convinced him that they are so. The object of the aposjje, in this chapter, is not to illustrate the nature of what is called Sfirin* faith, but to show the power of unwavering confidence in God in sustaining the soul, especially in times of trial ; and particularly in leading us to act in view of promises and of things not seen as if they were o, Saving faith' is the same kind of Confidence directed to the Messiah the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of the soul. 3 Through faith we under- stand that the worlds were a Ge. 1. 1 ; Ps. 33. 6. 2. For by it. That is, by that faith which gives reality to things hoped for, and a certain persuasion to the mind of the existence of those things which are not seen. IT The elders. The ancients ; the Hebrew patriarchs and fathers. IT Obtained a good re. port. Literally, ' were witnessed of;' that is, an honourable testimony was borne to them in consequence of their faith. The idea is, that their acting under the influence of faith, in the circumstances in which they were, was the ground of the honourable tes- timony which was borne to them in the Old Testament. See this use of the word in ch. vii. 8, and in ver. 4 of this chapter. Also Luke iv. 22 ; Aets xv. 8. In the cases which the apostle proceeds to enumerate in the subsequent part of the chapter, he mentions those whose piety is parti- cularly commended in the Old Testa- ment, and who showed in trying cir- cumstances that they had unwavering confidence in God. 3. Through faith we iinderstand that the worlds were framed. The first instance of the strength of faith which the apostle refers to is that by which we give credence to the decla- rations in the Scriptures about the work of creation. Gen. i. 1. This is selected first, evidently because it is the first thing that occurs in the Bi- ble, or is the first thing there narra- ted in relation to which there is the exercise of faith. He points to no particular instance in which this faith was exercised for none is especially mentioned but refers to it as an il- lustration of the nature of faith which every one might observe in him- self. The faith here exercised is confidence in the truth of the divine declarations in regard to the creation. The meaning is, that our knowledge on this subject is a mere matter of faith in the divine testimony. It is not that we could reason this" out, and demonstrate that the worlds were thur 256 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were made; it is not that profane history goes back to that period and informs us of it; it is simply that God has told us so in his word. The strength of the faith in this case is measured (1) by the fact that it is mere faith that there is nothing else on which to rely in the case, and (2) by the greatness of the truth believed. After all the acts of faith which have ever been exercised in this world, perhaps there is none which is really more strong, or which requires higher confi- dence in God, than the declaration that this vast universe has been brought into existence by a word ! If We un- derstand. We attain to the apprehen- sion of; we receive and comprehend the idea. Our knowledge of this fact is derived only from faith, and not from our own reasoning. If That the worlds. In Gen. i. 1, it is 'the hea- ven and the earth.' The phrase which the apostle uses denotes a plurality of worlds, and is proof that he supposed there were other worlds besides our earth. How far his knowledge ex- tended on this point, we have no means of ascertaining, but there is no reason to doubt that he regarded the stars as ' worlds' in some respects like our own. On the meaning of the Greek word used here, see Notes on ch. i. 2. The plural form is used there also, and in both cases, it seems to me, not without design. If Were framed. It is observable that the apostle does not here use the word make or create. That which he does use Karaprifa means to put in or- der, to arrange, to complete, and may be applied to that which before had an existence, and which is to be put in order, or re-fitted. Matt. iv. 24 ; Mark i. 19 ; Matt. xxi. 6 ; Heb. x. 5 ; The meaning here is, that they were set in order by the word of God. This implies the act of creation, but the specific idea is .that of arranging them in the beautiful order in which they are now. Doddridge renders it 'adjusted.' Kuinoel, however, sup- not made of things which do appear. poses that the word is used here in the sense of form, or make. It has probably about the meaning which we attach to the phrase ' Jilting up anything, 11 as, for example, a dwelling, and includes all the previous arrange- ments, though the thing which is par- ticularly denoted is not the making; but the arrangement. So in the work here referred to. ' We arrive at the conviction that the universe was Jit- ted up or arranged in the present manner by the word of God.' If By the word of God. This does not mean here, by the Logos, or the second per- son of the Trinity, for Paul does not use that term here or elsewhere. The word which he employs is pv^a rema meaning properly a word spoken, and in this place command. Comp. Gen. i. 3. 6. 9. 11. 14. 20 ; Ps. xxxiii. 6. " By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth." In regard to the agency of the Son of God in the work of the creation, see Notes on dfc. i. 2 ; comp. Notes on John i. 3. IT So that things which are seen. The point of the remark here is, that the visible creation was not moulded out of pre-existing materials, but was made out of nothing. In reference to the grammatical con- struction of the passage, see Stuart, Comm. in loc. The doctrine taughl is, that matter was not eternal ; that the materials of the universe, as well as the arrangement, were formed by God, and that all this was done by a simple command. The argument here, so far as it is adapted to the purpose of the apostle, seems to be, that there was nothing which appeared, or which was to be seen, that could lay the foundation of a belief that God made the worlds; and in like manner our faith now is not to be based on what 'appears,' by which we could infer or reason out what would be, but that we must exercise strong confidence in Him who had power to create the universe out of nothing. If this vast A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XI. 257 4 By faith Abel a offered unto God a" inure excellent sacrifice than Tain, by which he obtain- a Ge. 4. -4, 5. 1 or, is yet spoken of. universe has been called into exist- ence by the mere word of God, there is nothing which we may not believe he has ample power to perform. 4. By faith, Abel offered. See Gen. iv. 1, it'. In the account in Genesis of the offering made by Abel, there is no mention of faith as is true also indeed -of most of the instances re- ferred to by the apostle. The account in Genesis is, simply, that Abel " brought of the firstlings of his flock, and the fat thereof, and that the Lord had respect to Abel and his offering." Men have speculated much as to the reason why the offering of Abel was accepted and that of Cain rejected ; but such speculation rests on no cer- tain basis, and the solution of the apostle should be regarded as decisive and satisfactory, that in the one case there was faith, in the other not. It could not have been because an offer- ing of the fruits of the ground was not pleasing to God, for such an offering was commanded under the Jewish law, and was not in itself improper. Both the brothers selected that which was to them most obvious ; which they had reared with their own hands ; which theyj-egarded as most valua- ble. Cain had cultivated the earth, and he naturally brought what had grown under his care ; Abel kept a flock, and he as naturally brought what he had raised : and had the tem- per of mind in both been the same, there is no reason to doubt that the IT of each would have been ac- . To this conclusion we arc led by the nature of the case, and the apostle advances substantially the same sentiment, for he says that the particular state of mind on which the whole turned was, that the one had faith and the other not. How the apostle himself was informed of the fact that it was faith which made the difference, he has not informed us, 22* ed witness that he was righte- ous, God testifying of his gifts : and by it he, being dead, l yet speaketh. The belief that he was inspired will, however, relieve the subject of this difficulty, for according to such a be- lief, all his statements here, whether recorded in the Old Testament or not, are founded in truth. It is equally impossible to tell with certainty what was the nature of the faith of Abel. It has been commonly asserted that it was faith in Christ looking for- ward to his coming, and depending on his sacrifice when offering that which was to be a type of him. But of this there is no positive evidence, though from Heb. xii. 24, it seems to be not improbable. Sacrifice, as a type of the Redeemer's great offer- ing, was instituted early in the his- tory of the world. There can be no reason assigned for the offering of blood as an atonement for sin, except that it had originally a reference to rthe great atonement which was to be made by blood ; and as the salvation of man depended on this entirely, it is probable that that would be one of the truths which would be first com- municated to man after the fall. The bloody offering of Abel is the first of the kind which is definitely men- tioned in the Scriptures (though it is not improbable that such sacri- fices were offered by Adam, comp. Gen. iii. 21), and consequently Abel may be regarded as the recorded head of the whole typical system, of lohich Christ was the antitype and the fulfil- ment. Comp. Notes ch. xii. 24. IT A more excellent sacrifice. HXdova Svaiav as rendered by Tindal, ' more plen teous sacrifice ;' or as Wickliff ren- ders it more literally, ' a much more sacrifice ;' that is, a more full or com- plete sacrifice ; a bettor sacrifice. The meaning is, that it had in it much more to render it acceptable to God. In the estimate of its value, the views of him who offered it would be more to be regarded than the natu> * f the 258 HEBREWS. [A. D. offering itself. IT By which. By which sacrifice so offered. The way in which he obtained the testimony of divine approbation was by the sacrifice of- fered in this manner. It was not merely by faith, it was by the offering of a sacrifice in connexion with, and under the influence of faith. IT He obtained witness that he was righteous. That is, from God. His offering made in faith was the means of his obtaining the divine testimonial that he was a righteous man. Comp. Notes on ver. 2. This is implied in what is said in Gen. iv. 4. " And the LORD had respect unto Abel and his offering ;" that is, he regarded it as the offering of a righteous man. IT God testifying of his gifts. In what way this was done is not mentioned either here or in Genesis. Commen- tators have usually supposed that it was by fire descending from heaven to consume the sacrifice. But there is no evidence of this, for there is no intimation of it in the Bible. It is true that this frequently occurred when an offering was made to God, (see Gen. xv. 17 ; Lev. ix. 24 ; Judges vi. 21 ; I. Kings xviii. 38), but the sacred writers give us no hint that this happened in the case of the sacri- fice made by Abel, and since it is ex- pressly mentioned in other cases and not here, the presumption rather is that no such miracle occurred on the occasion. So remarkable a fact the first one in all history if it were so could hardly have failed to be noticed by the sacred writer. It seems to me, therefore, that there was some method by which God * testified' his approbation of the offering of Abel which is unknown to us, but in re- gard to what it was conjecture is vain. 1T And by it he, being dead, yet speaJceth. Marg. Is yet spoken of. This difference of translation arises from a difference of reading in the MSS. That from which the transla- tion in the text is derived, is XaXt he spcaketh. That from which the rendering in the margin is derived, is XaAetrai is spoken of; that is, isprais ed or commended. The latter is the common reading in the Greek text and is found in Walton, Wetstein, Matthaei, Tittman, and Mill; the brmer is adopted by Griesbachv Koppe, Knapp, Grotius, Hammond, 3torr, Rosenmiiller, Prof. Stuart, Bloomfield, and Hahn, and is found in the Syriac and Coptic, and is that which is favoured by most of the Fathers. See Wetstein. The au- thority of MSS. is in favour of the reading AaXurat is spoken of. It ia impossible in this variety of opinion to determine which is the true read- ing, and this is one of the casea where the original text must probably be for ever undecided. Happily no important doctrine or duty is depend, ing on it. Either of the modes of reading will give a good sense. The apostle is saying that it is by faith that the * elders have obtained a good report' (ver. 2) ; he had said (ver. 4), that it was by faith that Abel obtain, ed the testimony of God in his favour, and if the reading ' is spoken of be adopted, the apostle means that in consequence of that offering thug made, Abel continued even to his time to receive an honourable men. tion. This act was commended still; and the 'good report' of which it had been the occasion, had been transmit- ted from age to age. A sentiment thus of great beauty and value may be derived from the passage that true piety is the occasion of trans- mitting a good report or an honour able reputation, even down to the latest generation. It is that which will embalm the memory in the grate- ful recollection of mankind ; that on which they will reflect with pleasure, and which they will love to transmit to future ages. But after all, it seems to me to be probable that the true sentiment in this passage is that which is expressed in the common version, ' he yet speaketh.' The rea- sons are briefly these. (1.) The au- thority of MSS., versions, editions, and critics, is so nearly equal, that it is impossible from this source to deter- mine the true reading, and we must, therefore, form our judgment from A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XL the connexion. (2.) The apostle had twice in tlii- -sod substan- tially tin- idea that lie was honourably . of hy his faith, and it is hardlv probable that ho would again repeat it so soon. (3.) There seems to he an allusion here to the lanos*il>lc in the case of every saint. God could do it in other cases, as well as in his, with equal ease. That his friends, therefore, arc suf- fered to remain on the earth; that they linger on in enfeebled health, or arc crushed by calamity, or are stricken down by the pestilence as others are, is not because God could not remove them as Enoch was with- out dving, but because there is some important reason why they should re- main and linger, and suffer, and die. Among those reasons may be such as the following, (a) The regular ope- ration of the laws of nature as now constituted, require it. Vegetables die ; the inhabitants of the deep die ; the fowls that fly in the air, and the beasts that roam over hills and plains die ; and man, by his sins, is brought under the operation of this great uni- versal law. It would be possible in- deed for God to save his people from this law, but it would require the in- terposition of continued miracles, and it is better to have the laws of nature regularly operating, than to have them constantly set aside by divine inter- position. (b~) The power of religion is now better illustrated in the way in which the saints are actually re- moved from the earth, than it would be if they were all translated. Its power is now seen in its enabling us to overcome the dread of death, and in its supporting us in the pains and sorrows of the departing hour. It is a good thing to discipline the soul so that it will not fear to die; it shows how superior religion is to all the forms of philosophy, that it enables the believer to look calmly forward to his c'.vn certain approaching death. i important matter to i. ap from age to age. and to show to iffl-ch generation that religion can that cometh to God must be- a Ps. 106. 21,22. overcome the natural apprehension of the most fearful calamity which befalls a creature death; and can make man calm in the prospect of lying beneath the clods of the valley, cold, dark, alone, to moulder back to his native dust, (c) The death of the Christian docs good. It preaches to the living. ThB calm resignation ; the peace ; the triumph of the dying believer, is a constant admonition to a thoughtless and wicked world. The deathbed of the Christian proclaims the mercy of God from generation to generation, and there is not a dying saint who may not, and who probably does not do great good in the closing hours of his earthly being, (d) It may be added that the present ar- rangement falls in with the general laws of religion that we are to be in- fluenced by faith, not by sight. If all Christians were removed like Enoch, it would be an argument for the truth of religion addressed constantly to the senses. But this is not the way in which the evidence of the truth of re- ligion is proposed to man. It is sub- mitted to his understanding, his con- science, his heart; and in this there is of design a broad distinction be- tween religion and other things. Men act in other matters under the influ- ence of the senses ; it is designed that in religion they shall act under the influence of higher and nobler consi- derations, and that they shall be in. fluenced not solely by a reference to what is passing before their eyes but to the things which are not seer 6. Bui without faith it is impossible to please him. Without confidence in God in his fidelity, his truth, his wisdom, his promises. And this is as true in other things as in religion. It is impossible for a child to please his father unless he has confidence in him. It is impossible for a wife 1o please her husband, or a husband a wife, unless they have confidence: in each other. If there is distrust and jealousy on cither part, there is dis- 264 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. lieve that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that dili- gently seek him. 7 By faith Noah, a being cord and misery. We cannot be pleased with a professed friend unless he has such confidence in us as to believe our declarations and promises. The same thing is true of Godi He cannot be pleased with the man who has no confidence in him ; wbo doubts the truth of his declarations and pro- mises ; who does not believe that his ways are right, or tffat he is qualified for universal empire. The require- ment of faith or confidence in God is not arbitrary ; it is just what we re- quire of our children, and partners in life, and friends, as the indispensable condition of our being pleased with them. IT For he that cometh to God. In any way as a worshipper. This is alike required in public worship, in the family, and in secret devotion. IT Must believe that he is. That God exists. This is the first thing required in worship. Evidently we cannot come to him in an acceptable manner if we doubt his existence. We do not see him, but we must believe that he is; we cannot form in our mind a correct image of God, but this should not prevent a conviction that there is such a Being. But the declaration here implies more than that there should be a general persuasion of the truth that there is a God. It is' ne- cessary that we have this belief in lively exercise in the act of drawing near to him, and that we should real- ize that we are actually in the pre- sence of the all-seeing JEHOVAH. IT And that he is a reicarder of them that dili- gently seek him. This is equally ne- cessary as the belief that he exists. If we could not believe that God would hear and answer our prayers, there could be no encouragement to call upon him. It is not meant here that the desire of the reward is to be the motive for seeking God for the apos- tle makes no affirmation on that *oiat; but that it is impossible to warned of God of things not seen as yet, 1 moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving a Ge. 6. 14-22. l or, being wary. make an acceptable approach to him unless we have this belief 7. By faith Noah. It is less diffi. cult to see that Noah must have been, influenced by faith than that Abel and Enoch were. Everything which Noah did in reference to the threat- ened deluge, was done in virtue of simple faith or belief of what God said. It was not because he could show from the course of events that things were tending to such a catas- trophe ; or because such an event had occurred before, rendering it proba- ble that it would be likely to occur again ; or because this was the com- mon belief of men, and it was easy to fall into this himself. It was sim- ply because God had informed him of it, and he put unwavering reliance on the truth of the divine declaration. IT Being warned of God. Gen. vi. 13. The Greek word here used means divinely admonished. Comp. ch. viii. 5. IT Of things not seen as yet. Of the flood which was yet future. The meaning is, that there were no visi- ble signs of it; there was nothing which could be a basis of calculation that it would occur. This admoni- tion was given an hundred and twenty years before the deluge, and of course long before there could have been any natural indications that it would oc- cur. V Moved with fear. Marg. Be- ing wary. The Greek word EvAa/???- ^j occurs only here and in Acts xxiii. 10. "The chief captain fear, ing lest Paul," &c. The noun occurs in Heb. v. 7. " And was heard in that he feared," (see Note on that place), and in Heb. xii. 28. " With rever- ence and godly fear." The verb pro- perly means, to act with caution, to be circumspect, and then to fear, to be afraid. So far as the word is con- cerned, it might mean here that Noah was influenced by the dread of what was coming, or it may mean that he . D 64.] CHAPTER XL 265 of his house ; by tin- which he ,,(1 the world, and be- intlurneed by proper caution and tor God. The latter mean- s better with the scope of the remarks of Paul, and is probably the true sense. His re\erenee and respeet lor God induced him to act under the belief that what he had said was true, and that the calamity which he had predicted would cer- ainly come upon the world. IT Pre- pared an ark to the saving of his house. In order that his family might be saved. Gen. vi. 1422. The salva- tion here referred to was preservation frcm the flood. T By the which. By which faith. ^ He condemned the world. That is, the wicked world around him. The meaning is, that by his confidence in God, and his pre- paration for the flood, he showed the wisdom of his own course and the folly of theirs. We have the same phrase now in common use where one who sets a good example is said to ' condemn others.' He snows the guilt and folly of their lives by the contrast between his conduct and theirs. The wickedness of the sin- ner is condemned not only by preach- ing, and by the admonitions and threatenings of the law of God, but y the conduct of every good rr.a. The language of such a life is as plain a rebuke of the sinner as the rr-ost fearful denunciations of divine ;th. ^ And became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. The phrase ' heir of righteousness' here :ns properly that he acquired, gain- ed, or became possessed of that right- . It does not refer so much ,'../< by which it was done as if it were by inheritance, as to the ' that he obtained it. The word heir is used in this general sense in Rom. iv. 13, 14; Titus iii. 7 ; IM>. i. 2; vi. 17. Noah was not the heir to that righteousness by inheriting it from his ancestors, but in virtue of it he was regarded as amoiiLf the heirs or sons of God, and as being a pos- sessor of that righteousness which is 93 came heir of the righteousness which is by faith. connected with faith. The phrase 4 righteousness which is by faith' re- fers to the fact that he was regarded and treated as a righteous man. Notes on Rom. i. 17. It is observable here that it is not said that Noah had spe- cific faith in Christ, or that his being made her? of the righteousness of faith depended on that, but it was in connexion with his believing what God said respecting the deluge. It was faith or confidence in God which was the ground of his justification, in accordance with the general doc- trine of the Scriptures that it is only by faith that man can be saved, though the specific mode of faith was not that which is required now under the gospel. In the early ages of the world, when few truths were revealed, a cor- dial belief of any of those truths showed that there was real confidence in God, or that the principle of faith was in the heart; in the fuller reve- lation which we enjoy, we are not only to believe those truths, but spe- cifically to believe in him who has made the great atonement for sin, and by whose merits all have been saved who have entered heaven. The same faith or confidence in God which led Noah to believe what God said about the deluge would have led him to be- lieve what he has said about the Re- deemer ; and the same confidence in God which led him to commit him- self to his safe keeping in an ark on the world of wafers, would have led him to commit his soul to the safe keeping of the Redeemer, the true ark of safety. As the principle of faith, therefore, existed in the heart of Noah, it was proper that he should become, with others, an ' heir of the righteousness by faith.' In regard to the circumstances which show the strength of his faith, we may make the following remarks. (1.) It per- tained to a very distant future event. It looked forward to that which wa& to happen after a lapse of an hundred and twenty years. This was known 266 HEBREWS. [A. IX 64. to Noah (Gen. vi. 3), and at this long period before it occurred, he was to begin to build an ark to save himself and family ; to act as though this would be undoubtedly true. This is a much longer period than man now is required to exercise faith before that is realized which is the object of belief. Rare is it that three-score years intervene between thetime when a man first believes in Godft,nd when he enters into heaven; much more frequently it is but a few months or days ; not an instance now occurs in which the period is lengthened out to an hundred and twenty years. (2.) There was no outward evidence that what Noah believed would occur. There were no appearances in nature which indicated that there would be such a flood of waters after more than a century had passed away. There were no breakings up of the fountains of the deep ; no marks of the far-dis- tant storm gathering on the sky which could be the basis of the calculation. The word of God was the only ground of evidence ; the only thing to which he could refer gainsay ers and revilers. It is so now. There are no visible signs of the coming of the Saviour to judge the world. Yet the true be- liever feels and acts as if it were so < resting on the sure word of God. (3.) The course of things was much against the truth of what Noah be- lieved. No such event had ever oc- curred. There is no evidence that there had ever been a storm of rain half sufficient to drown the world ; or that there had ever been the breaking up of the deep, or that there had "been ever a partial deluge. For sixteen hundred years the course of nature had been uniform, and all the force of this uniformity would be felt and urged when it should be alleged thai this was to be disturbed, and to give place to an entire new order of events Cornp. II. Pet. iii. 4. The same thing is now felt in regard to the objects of the Christian faith. The course of events is uniform. The laws of na- ture are regular and steady. The dead do not leave their graves. Sea- sons succeed each other in regular succession; men are born, live, and die as in former times ; fire does not wrap the earth in flames ; the elements do not melt with fervent icat; seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter follow each other, and 'all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.' How many probabili- ties are there now, therefore, as there were in the time of Noah, against that which is the object of faith ! (4.) It is not improbable that when Noah pro- claimed the approaching destruction of the world by a deluge, the possi- bility of such an event was strongly denied by the philosophers of that age. The fact that such an event could have occurred has been denied by infidel philosophers in our own times, and attempts have been gravely made to show that the earth did not contain water enough to cover its sur- face to the height mentioned in the Scriptures, and that no condensation of the vapour in the atmosphere could produce such an effect. It is not im- probable that some such arguments may have been used in the time of Noah, and it is morally certain that he could not meet those arguments by any philosophy of his own. There is no reason to think that he was endowed with such a knowledge of chemistry as to be able to show that such a thing was possible, or that he had such an acquaintance with the struc- ture of the earth as to demonstrate that it contained within itsjjf the ele, ments of its own destruction. All that he could oppose to such specula- tions was the simple declaration of God ; and the same thing is also true now in regard to the cavils and phi- losophical arguments of infidelity. Objections drawn from philosophy are often made against the doctrine of the resurrection of the body ; the destruc- tion of the earth by the agency of fire; and even the existence of the soul after death. These difficulties may be obviated partly by science ; but the proof that these events will occur, does not depend on science. It is a A. D. CHAPTER XL 267 matter of simple faith ; and all that in fact oppose 1o these ohjcc- ilie declaration of God. The result showed that Noah was not a fool or a fanatic in trusting to the word of God against the philosophy of his a;rc ; and the result will show the same of the Christian in his con- tiding in the truth of the divine de- clarations against the philosophy of . (5.) It is beyond all ques- tion that Noah would be subjected to much ridicule and scorn. He would , i ded as a dreamer ; a fanatic ; an alarmist; a wild projector. The purpose of making preparation for such an event as the flood, to occur after the lapse of an hundred and twenty years, and when there were no indications of it, and all appear- ances were against it, would be regard- ed as in the highest degree wild and visionary. The design of building a vessel which would outride the storm, and which would live in such an open sea, and which would contain all sorts of animals with the food for them for an indefinite period, could not but have been regarded as eminently ridicu- lous. When the ark was preparing, nothing could have been a more hap- py subject for scoffing and jibes. In such an age, therefore, and in such circumstances, we may suppose that all the means possible would have been resorted to, to pour contempt on such an undertaking. They who had wit, would find here an ample subject for its exercise; if ballads were made then, no more fertile theme for a pro- fane song could be desired than this ; and in the haunts of revelry, intem- perance, and pollution, nothing would furnish a finer topic to give point to nan the credulity and folly of the old man who was building the ark. It would require strong faith to contend thus with the wit, the sar- iie contempt, the raillery, and the lov - well as with the i and philosophy of a whole world. Yet it is a fair illustration of what occurs often now, and of the strength of that faith in the Christian heart whii.h meets meekly and calmly the scoffs and j< ration. (6.) All this would be height, encd by delay. The time was distant. What now completes four generations would have passed away before the event predicted would occur. Youth grew up to manhood, and manhood passed on to old age, and still then* were no signs of the coming storm. That was no feeble faith which could hold on in this manner for an hun- dred and twenty years, believing un- waveringly that all which God had said would be accomplished. But it is an illustration of faith in the Chris- tian church now. The church main- tains the same confidence in God from age to age and regardless of all the reproaches of scoffers, and all the ar- guments of philosophy, sthi adheres to the truths which God has revealed. So with individual Christians. They look for the promise. They are ex- pecting heaven. They doubt not that the time will come when they will be received to glory ; when their bodies will be raised up glorified and im- mortal, and when sin and sorrow will be no more. In the conflicts and trials of life the time of their de- liverance may seem to be long de- layed. The world may reproach them, and Satan may tempt them to doubt whether all their hope of hea ven is not delusion. But their faith fails not, and though hope seems de- layed, and the heart is sick, yet they keep the eye on heaven. So it is in regard to the final triumphs of the gospel. The Christian looks forward to the time when the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea. Yet that time may seem to be long delayed. Wick- edness triumphs. A large part of the earth is still filled with the habita- tions of cruelty. The pi ogress of 1 1n gospel is slow. The church comes up reluctantly to the work. Ti mies of the cause exult and rejoice, and ask with scoffing triumph where is the evidence that the nations will be converted to God ? They suggest difficulties ; they refer to the num- bers, and to the opposition of the en* 268 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 9 By faith Abraham a when he was called to go out into a place which he should after re- a Ge. 12. 1, 4, &c. tnies of the true religion; to the \ might of kingdoms, and to the power of fixed opinion, and to the hold which idolatry has on mankind, and they sneeringly inquire at what pe- riod will the world be converted to Christ ? * Yet in the face of all diffi- culties, and arguments, and sneers, faith confides in the promise of the Father to the Son, that the ' heathen shall be-- given to him for an inherit- ance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for a possession.' Ps. ii. 8. The faith of the true Christian is as strong in the fulfilment of this promise, as that of Noah was in the assurance that the guilty world would be de- stroyed by a flood of waters. 8. By faith Abraham. There is no difficulty in determining that Abra- ham was influenced by faith in God. The case is even stronger than that of Noah, for it is expressly declared, Gen. xv. 6, " And he believed in the LORD ; and he counted it to him for righteousness," Comp. Notes Rom. iv. 1 5. In the illustrations of the power of faith in this chapter, the apostle appeals to two instances in which it was exhibited by Abraham, ' the father of the faithful.' Each of these required confidence in God of extraordinary strength, and each of them demanded a special and honour- able mention. The first was that when he left his own country to go to a distant land of strangers (vs. 8 10) ; the other when he showed his readiness to sacrifice his own son in obedience to the will of God. Vs. 17 19. IT When he was called. Gen. xii. 1 . " Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee." If Into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed. To Palestine, or the land of Canaan, though that was not indicated ceive for an inheritance, obey- ed ; and he went out, not know- ing whither he went. 9 By faith he sojourned in at the time. IT And he went out not knowing whither he went. Gen xii. 4. Abraham at that time took with him Sarai, and Lot the son of his brother, and " the souls that they had gotten in Haran." Terah, the father of Abraham, started on the journey with them, but died in Haran. Gen. xi. 31, 32. The original call was made to Abraham, (Gen. xii. 1 ; Acts vii.2,3), but he appears to have induced his father and his nephew to accompany him. At this time he had no children (Gen. xi. 30}, though it seems proba- ble that Lot had. Gen. xii. 5. Some, however, understand the expression in Gen. xii. 5, " and the souls they had gotten in Haran," as referring to the servants or domestics that they had in various ways procured, and to the fact that Abraham and Lot gra- dually drew around them a train of dependants and followers who were disposed to unite with them, and ac- company them wherever they went. The Chaldee Paraphrast understands it of the proselytes which Abraham had made there "All the souls which he had subdued unto the law." When it is said that Abraham 'went out not knowing whither he went,' it must be understood as meaning that he was ignorant to what country he would in fact be led. If it be sup- posed that he had some general inti- mation of the nature of that country, and of the direction in which it was situated, yet it must be remembered that the knowledge of geography was then exceedingly imperfect; that this w r as a distant country ; that it lay beyond a pathless desert, and that probably no traveller had ever come from that land to apprize him what it was. All this serves to show what was the strength of the faith of Abra- ham. 9. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise^ as in a strange country A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XI. 269 the- land of promise, as in a country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Ja- cob, the heirs with him of the same promise. 10 For he looked for a city 4 which hath foundations, whose juilder and maker is God. a Ge. 13. 3. 18 ; 18. 1. 9. 6 c. 12.22; ia 14. c Re. 21. 2, 10. The land of Canaan that had been promised to him and his posterity. iled there as if he were a stran- ger and sojourner. He had no pos- bcssiuns there which he did not pro- cure by honest purchase ; he owned no land in Ice-simple except the small piece which he bought for a burial place. Sec Gen. xxiii. 720. In all I lie lived there as if he had no peculiar right in the soil ; as if he never expected to own it; as if he were in a country wholly owned by others. He exercised no privileges which might not have been exercised by any foreigner, and which was not regarded as a right of common that of tl-eding his cattle in any unoccu- pied part of the land ; and he would have had no power of ejecting any other persons excepting that which any one might have enjoyed by the pre-occupancy of the pasture-ground To all intents and purposes he was a stranger. Yet he seems to have lived in the confident and quiet expectation that that land would at some period come into the possession of his pos- terity. It was a strong instance of faith that he should cherish this be- lief for so long a time, when he was a stranger there ; when he gained no ri^lit in the soil except in the smal" piece that was purchased as a burial- place for his wife, and when he saw old age coming on and still the whole land in the possession of others. 1 Dwelling in tabernacles. In tents the common mode of living in coun tries where the principal occupation is that of keeping flocks and herds His dwelling thus in moveable tents looked little like its being his perma nent possession. * With Isaac ant Jacob, the heirs with him of the sam promise. That is, the same thing oe curred in regard to them, which had to Abraham. They also lived in tents. 23* They acquired no fixed property, and no title to the land except to the small aortion purchased as a burial-place. Yet they were heirs of the same promise as Abraham, that the land would be theirs. Though it was still owned by others, and filled with its native inhabitants, yet they adhered to the belief that it would come into the possession of their families. In their moveable habitations ; in their migrations from place to place, they seem never to have doubted that the fixed habitation of their posterity waa to be there, and that all that had been promised would be certainly fulfilled. 10. For he looked for a city, which hath foundations. It has been doubted to what the apostle here refers. Gro tius and some others suppose, that he refers to Jerusalem, as a permanen< dwelling for his posterity, in contra distinction from the unsettled mode of life which Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob led. But there is no evidence that -Abraham looked forward to the building of such a city, for no promise was made to him of this kind; and this interpretation falls evidently be- low the whole drift of the passage. Com p. vs. 14 16; ch. xii. 22 ; xiii. 14. Phrases like that of 'the city of God,' 'a city with foundations,' 'the new Jerusalem,' and 'the heavenly Jerusalem' in the time of the apostle, appear tohave acquired a kind of tech- nical signification. They referred to heaven of which Jerusalem, the seat of the worship of God, seems to have been regarded as the emblem. Thus in ch. xii. 22, the apostle speaks of the ' heavenly Jerusalem,' and in ch. xiii. 1 4, he says, ' here have we no con- tinuinjr city, but we seek one to come.' In Rev. xxi. 2, John says that he the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God, out of hea- ven,' and proceeds in that chapter and 270 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64, the following to give a most beautiful description of it. Even so early as the time of Abraham, it would seem that the future blessedness of the righteous was foretold under the im- age of a splendid city reared on per- manent foundations. It is remarkable that Moses does not mention this as an object of the faith of Abraham, and it is impossible to ascertain the degree of distinctness which this had in his view. It is probable that the apostle in speaking of his faith in this particular did not rely on any distinct record, or even any tradition, but spoke of his piety in the lan- guage which he would use to charac- terize religion of any age, or in any individual. He was accustomed, in common with others of his time, to contemplate the future blessedness of the righteous under the image of a beautiful city ; a place where the worship of God would be celebrated for ever a city of which Jerusalem was the most striking representation to the mind of a Jew. It was natural for him to speak of strong, piety in this manner wherever it existed, and especially in such a case as that of Abraham, who left his own habita- tion to wander in a distant land. This fact showed that he regarded himself as a stranger and sojourner, and yet he had a strong expectation of a fixed habitation, and a permanent inheritance. He must, therefore, have looked on to the permanent abodes of the righteous ; the heavenly city ; and though he had an undoubted con- fidence that the promised land would be given to his posterity, yet as he did not possess it himself, he must have looked for his own permanent abode to the fixed residence of the just in heaven. This passage seems to me to prove that Abraham had an expectation of future happiness after death. There is not the slightest evi- dence that he supposed there would be a magnificent and glorious capital where the Messiah would personally reign, and where the righteous dead, raised from their graves, would dwell in the secou d advent of the Redeemer. and on All that the passage fairly implies is, that while Abraham expected the possession of the promised land for his posterity, yet his faith looked beyond this for a permanent home in a future world. IT Whose builder and maker is God. Which would not be reared by the agency of man, but of which God was the immediate and direct architect. This shows conclusively, I think, that the reference in this allusion to the " city 1 ' is not to Jerusalem, as Grotius supposes; but the language is just such as will appropriately describe heaven, represented as a city reared without human hands or art, and founded and fashioned by the skill 1 power of the Deity. Comp. Notes II. Cor. v. I. The language here applied to God as the ' architect' or framer of the universe, is often used in the classic writers. See Kuinoel and Wetstein. The apostle here com- mends the faith of Abraham as emi nently strong. The following hints will furnish topics of reflection tc those who are disposed to inquire more fully into its strength. (1.) The jour- ney which he undertook was then a long and dangerous one. The dis- tance from Haran to Palestine by a direct route was not less than four hundred miles, and this journey lay across a vatt desert a part of Ara- bia Deserta. That journey has al- ways been tedious and perilous ; but to see its real difficulty, we must put ourselves into the position in which the world was four thousand years ago. Ther.e was no knowledge of the way ; no frequented path ; no fa- cility for travelling; no turnpike or rail- way; and such a journey then must have appeared incomparably more perilous than almost any which could now be undertaken. (2.) He was going among strangers. Who they were he knew not ; but the im- pression could not but have been made on his mind that they were strangers to religion, and that a residence among them would be anything but desira- ble. (3.) He was leaving country, and home, and friends ; the place of his birth and the graves of his fathers, A D. G4.] CHAPTER XL 271 11 Through faith also Sarah- herself receii fns there. It was on this ground that he proposed to buy a bu- rial-place of the sons of Heth. ^ And jnlgi ims. This is the word rapertii?- pos which is used by Abraham, as rendered by the Lxx. in Gen. xxiii. 4, and which is there translated 'so- journcr' in the common English ver- sion. The word pilgrim means pro- perly a wanderer, a traveller, and par- ticularly one who leaves his own country to visit a holy place. This sense does not quite suit the meaning here, or in Gen. xxiii. 4. The Hebrew word 2Unr\ means properly one who dwells in a place, and particularly one who is a mere resident without the rights of a citizen. The Greek word means a by-resident ; one who lives by another ; or among a people not his own. This is the idea here. It is not that they confessed them- selves to be wanderers, or that they had left their home to visit a holy place, but that they resided as mere sojourners in a country that was not theirs. What might be their ultimate destination, or their purpose, is not implied in the meaning of the word. They were such as reside awhile among another people, but have no permanent home there. 1T On the earth. The phrase here used iirl rrjs yrjs might mean merely on the land of Canaan, but the apostle evidently uses it in a larger sense as denoting the earth in general. There can be no doubt that this accords with the views which the patriarchs had regarding themselves not only as strangers in he land of Canaan, but feeling that .he same thing was true in reference mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned : to their whole residence upon the earth that it was not their permanent home. 1 4. For they that say such things, &c. That speak of themselves as having come into a land of strangers; and that negotiate for a small piece of land, not to cultivate, but to bury their dead. So we should think of any strange people coming among us now who lived in tents ; who frequently changed their residence ; who be- came the purchasers of no land ex cept to bury their dead, and who never spake of becoming permanent resi- dents. We should think that they were in search of some place as their home, and that they had not yet found it. Such people were the Hebrew patriarchs. They lived and acted just as if they had not yet found a perma- nent habitation, but were travelling in search of one. 15. And truly if they had been mind, ful of that country, &c. If they had remembered it with sufficient interest arid affection to have made them de- sirous to return. If They might have had opportunity to have returned. The journey was not so long or perilous that they could not have retraced their steps. It would have been no more difficult or dangerous for them to do that than it was to make the journey at first. This shows that their re- maining as strangers and sojourners in the land of Canaan was voluntary. They preferred it, with all its incon veniences and hardships, to a return to their native land. The same thing is true of all the people of God now. If they choose to return to the world, and to engage 'again in all its vain pursuits, there is nothing to hinder them. There are ' opportunities' enough. There are abundant induce ments held out. There are numerout gay and worldly friends who would regard it as a matter of joy and tri. 674 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 16 Bu>, now they desire a better country, that is, an hea- venly : wherefore God is not a Ex. 3. 6. 15. umph to have them return to vanity and folly again. They would welcome them to their society ; rejoice to have them participate in their pleasures; and be willing that they*should share in the honours and the wealth of the world. And they might do it. There are multitudes of Christians who could grace, as they once did, the ball-room ; who could charm the social party by song and wit; who could rise to the highest posts of of- fice, or compete successfully with others in the race for the acquisition of fame. They have seen and tasted enough of the vain pursuits of the world to satisfy them with their va- nity ; they are convinced of the sin- fulness of making these things the great objects of living ; their affec- tions are now fixed on higher and nobler objects, and they choose not to return to those pursuits again, but to live as strangers and sojourners on the earth for there is nothing more voluntary than religion. 16. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly. That is, at the time referred to when they con- fessed that they were strangers and sojourners, they showed that they sought a better country than the one which they had left. They lived as :df they had no expectation of a per- manent residence on earth, and were looking to another world. The argu- ment of the apostle here appears to be based on what is apparent from the whole history, that they had a confident belief that the land of Ca- naan would be given to their posterity, but as for themselves they had no ex- pectation of permanently dwelling there, but looked to a home in the heavenly country. Hence they formed no plans for conquest ; they laid claim to no title in the soil ; they made no purchases of farms for cultivation ; they lived and died without owning ashamed to be called their God : for he hath prepared for them a city. 6 b ver. 10. any land except enough to bury their dead. All this appears as if they looked for a final home in a ' better country, even a heavenly.' H Where- fore God is not ashamed to be called thf.ir God. Since they had such an elevated aim, he was willing to speak of himself as their God and Friend, They acted as became his friends, and he was not ashamed of the rela- tion which he sustained to them. The language to which the apostle evi- dently refers here is that which is found in Ex. iii. 6, " I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." We are not to sup. pose that God is ever ashamed of any. thing that he does. The meaning here is, that they had acted in such a manner that it was fit that he should show towards them the character of a Benefactor, Protector, and Friend. IT For he hath prepared for them a city. Such as they had expected a hea- venly residence. Ver. 10. There is evidently here a reference to heaven, represented as a city the New Jeru- salem prepared for his people by God himself. Comp. Notes on Matt. xxv. 34. Thus they obtained what they had looked for by faith. The wan- dering and unsettled patriarchs to whom the promise was made, and who showed all their lives that they regarded themselves as strangers and pilgrims, were admitted to the homo of permanent rest; and their posteo rity was ultimately admitted to the possession of the promised land. No. thing could more certainly demon- strate that the patriarchs believed in a future state than this passage. They did riot expect a permanent home on earth. They made no efforts to enter into the possession of the pro mised land themselves. They quietly and calmly waited for the time when God would give it to their posterity, and in the meantime for themselves A. D. ti-i.] CHAPTER XI. 27i 17 By faith Abraham, when a lie was tried, otleivd up Isaac; and he that had received the a Ge. 2i. l.&c.; Ja.5l.iM. tliey looked forward to their pi-rma- nent home in tlie heavens. Kv 11 in this early period of the world, there- fore, th' xjK'cta- tion of the future state. C.mip. Notes on .Malt. xxii. 31, 32. We may re- mark, that the life of the patriarchs was, in all essential respeets, such as we should lead. They looked forward to heaven ; they sought no permanent possessions here ; they regarded them- selves as strangers and pilgrims on the earth. So should we be. In our more fixed and settled habits of life ; in our quiet homes ; in our residence in the land in which we were born, and in the society of old and tried friends, we should yet regard our- selves as ' strangers and sojourners.' We have here no fixed abode. The houses in which we dwell will soon be occupied by others ; the paths in which we go will soon be trod by the feet of others; the fields which we cultivate will soon be ploughed and sown and reaped by others. Others will read the books which we read ; sit down at the tables where we sit ; lie on the beds where we repose; occupy the chambers where we shall die, and from whence we shall be removed to our graves. If we have any permanent home, it is in heaven ; and that we have, the faithful lives of the patriarchs teach us, and the unerring word of God everywhere < us. 17. By faith Abraham. The apos- tle had stated one strong instance of the faith of Abraham, and he now re- fers to one still more remarkable the strongest illustration of faith, un- doubtedly, which has ever been evinced in our world. IT When he was tried. rd here used is rendered tempt- ed, in Matt. iv. 1. 3; xvi. 1 ; xix. 3; xxii. 18. 35, and in twenty-two other places in the New Testament ; prove, in John vi. 6 ; hath gone about, in Acts promises, offered up his only- begotten 507Z, 18 l Of whom it was said, l or, To. b Ge. 21. 12. xxiv. 6 ; examine, II. Cor. xiii. 5 , ana tried, in Rev. ii. 2. 10; iii. 10. It does not mean here, as it often does, to place inducements before one to lead him to do wrong, but to subject his faith to a trial in order to test its genuineness and strength. The mean- ing here is, that Abraham was placed in circumstances which showed what was the real strength of his confi- dence in God. IT Offered vp Isaac. That is, he showed that he was ready and willing to make the sacrifice, and would have done it if he had not been restrained by the voice of the angel. Gen. xxii. 11, 12. So far as the intention of Abraham was con- cerned, the deed was done, for he had made every preparation for the offer- ing, and was actually about to take the life of his son. IT And he that had received the promises offered up his only-begotten son. The promises particularly of a numerous posterity. The fulfilment of those promises de- pended on him whom he was now about to offer as a sacrifice. If Abra- ham had been surrounded with child- ren, or if no special promise of a nu- merous posterity had been made to him, this act would not have been so remarkable. It would in any case have been a strong act of faith ; it was peculiarly strong in his case from the circumstances that he had an only son, and that the fulfilment of the pro- mise depended on his life. 18. Of whom it icas said,-that in Isaac shall thy seed be called. Gen. xxi. 12. A numerous posterity had been promised to him. It was there said expressly that this promise was not to be fulfilled through the son of Abraham by the bond-woman Hagar, but through Isaac. Of course, it was implied that Isaac was to reach man- hood, and yet notwithstanding this, and notwithstanding Abraham fully believed it, he prepared deliberately. HEBREWS. [A. D. 61 20 By faith Isaac a blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. 21 By faith Jacob, when he a Ge. 27. 27-40. was a dying, blessed b both the sons of Joseph ; and worship- ped, leaning c upon the top of his staff. b Ge. 48. 5-20. c Ge. 47. 31. such a thing would be no more re- markable than what had already oc- curred. It was as easy for God to raise him from the dead as it was to give him at first contrary to all the probabilities of the case, and he did not, therefore, doubt that it would be so. Is it less easy for us to believe the doctrine of the resurrection than it was for Abraham ? Is the subject attended with more difficulties now than it was then ? The faith of Abra- ham in this remarkable instance shows us that the doctrine of the resurrec- tion of the dead, notwithstanding the limited revelations then enjoyed, and all the obvious difficulties of the case, was early believed in the world ; and as those difficulties are no greater now, and as new light has been shed upon it by subsequent revelations, and especially as in more than one in- stance the dead have been actually raised, those difficulties should not be allowed to make us doubt it now. 20. By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. See Gen. xxvii. 2640. The mean- ing is, that he pronounced a blessing on them in respect to their future condition. This was by faith in God who had communicated it to him, and in full confidence that he would accomplish all that was here predict- ed. The act of faith here was simply that which believes that all that God says is true. There were no human probabilities at the time when these prophetic announcements were made, which could have been the basis of liis calculation, but all that he said must have rested merely on the be- lief that God h-ad revealed it to him. A blessing was pronounced on each, of a very different nature, but Isaac had no doubt that both would be ful- filled 21. By faith Jacob, when he was a dying. Gen. xlvii. 31 ; xlviii. 1 20. That is, when he was about to die. He saw his death near when he pro- nounced this blessing on Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph. IT And worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff. This is an exact quotation from the Septuagint in Gen. xlvii. 31. The English version of that place is, " and Israel bowed him. self upon the bed's head," which is a proper translation, in the main, of the word HBO mitteh. That word, how- ever, with different points matteh, means a branch, a bough, a rod, a staff, and the translators of the Septuagint have so rendered it. The Masoretic points are of no authority, and either translation, therefore, would be proper. The word rendered ' head' in Gen. xlvii. 31. 'bed's head 1 jy^ rosh, means properly head, but may there mean the top of anything. and there is no impropriety in apply. ing it to the head or top of a staff. The word rendered in Gen. xlvii. 31. bowed "innK^l implies properly the idea of worshipping. It is bowing, or prostration for the purpose of worship or homage. Though the Septuagint and the apostle here have, therefore, given a somewhat different version from that commonly given of the He- brew, and sustained by the Masoretie pointing, yet it cannot be demonstrat- ed that the version is unauthorized, or that it is not a fair translation of the Hebrew. It has also the proba- bilities of the case in its favour. Ja cob was tenderly affected in view of the goodness of God, and of the assu- rance that he would be conveyed from Egypt when he died, and buried in the land of his fathers. Deeply im- pressed with this, nothing was more A. D. C4.] CHAPTER XI. 22 By faith Joseph, when lu- dii-d," made ' mention of the departing of the children of Israrl : and gave commandment concerning his bones. n (ic. ;V. -Jl, -Jo. 1 or, remembered. b E.x. c Ex. 1. 10, XI. natural than that the old man should lean reverently forward and incline jus head upon the top of his stall', and adore the rovenant faithfulness of his God. Sucli an image is much more natural and probable than that he should ' bow upon his bed's head' a phrase which at best is not very in- telligible. If this be the true account, then the apostle does not refer here to what was done when he ' blessed the sons of Joseph,' but to an act ex- press ive of strong faith in God which had occurred just before. The mean- ing' then is, ' By faith when about to die he blessed the sons of Joseph ; and by faith also he reverently bowed before God in the belief that when he died his remains would be conveyed to the promised land, and expressed his gratitude in an act of worship, leaning reverently on the top of his staff.' The order in which these things are mentioned is of no conse- quence, and thus the whole difficulty in the case vanishes. Both the acts here referred to were expressive of strong confidence in God. 22. By faith Joseph when he died. When about to die. See Gen. 1. 24, 25. ^ Made mention of the departing of the children of Israel. Marg. ' re- membered." 1 The meaning is, that he called this to their mind ; he spake of it. "And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die ; and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob." This prediction of Joseph could have rested only on faith in the promise of God. There were no events then oc- curring which would be likely to lead to this, and nothing which could be a basis of calculation that it would be 23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid * three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child ; arid they were not afraid of the king's commandment/ so, except what God had spoken. The faith of Joseph, then, was simple confidence in God ; and its strength was seen in his firm conviction that what had been promised would be fulfilled, even when there were no ap- pearances that to human view justi- fied it. If And gave commandment concerning his bones. Gen. 1. 25. " And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence." He had such a firm belief that they would possess the land of promise, that he exacted an oath of them that they would remove his remains with them, that he might be buried in the land of his fathers. He could not have exacted this oath, nor could they have taken it, unless both he and they had a sure confidence that what God had spoken would be performed. 23. By faith Moses, whenhe was born. That is, by the faith of his parents. The faith of Moses himself is com- mended in the following verses. The statement of the apostle here is, that his parents were led to preserve his life by their confidence in God. They believed that he was destined to some great purpose, and that he would be spared, notwithstanding all the proba bilities against it, and all the difncul ties in the case. If Was hid thre months of his parents. By his parents. In Ex. ii. 2, it is said that it was done by his mother. The truth doubtless was, that the mother was the agent in doing it since the concealment, probably, could be better effected by one than where two were employed but that the father also concurred in it is morally certain. The conceal ment was, at first, probably in theii 980 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 24 By faith Moses, a when he was come to years, refused to a Ex. 2. 10, 11. own house. The command seems to have been (Ex. i. 22), that the child should be cast into the river as soon as born. This child was concealed in the hope that some way might be found out by which his life might be spared. IT Because they saw he was a proper child. A fair, or beautiful child O.OTELOV. The word properly means pertaining to a city (from ciarv, a city ;) then urbane, polished, elegant ; then fair, beautiful. In Acts vii. 20, it is said that he was 'fair to GodJ (Marg.) ; that is, exceedingly fair, or very handsome. His extra- ordinary beauty seems to have been the reason which particularly influenced his parents to attempt to preserve him. It is not impossible that they supposed that his uncommon beauty indicated that he was destined to some important service in life, and that they were on that account the more anxious to save him. 1T And they were not afraid of the king's com- mandment. Requiring that all male children should be given up to be thrown into the Nile. That is, they were not so alarmed, or did not so dread the king, as to be induced to comply with the command. The strength of the faith of the parents of Moses, appears (1.) because the com- mand of Pharaoh to destroy all the male children was positive, but they had so much confidence in God as to disregard it. (2.) Because there was a strong improbability that their child could be saved. They themselves found it impossible to conceal him longer than three months, and when it was discovered, there was every probability that the law would be en- forced and that the child would be put to death. Perhaps there was reason also to apprehend that the pa- rents would be punished for disre- garding the authority of the king. (3.) Because they probably believed that their child was destined to some be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter ; important work. They thus commit- ted him to God instead of complying with the command of an earthly monarch, and against strong proba- bilities in the case, they believed that it was possible that in some way he might be preserved alive. The re- markable result showed that their faith was not unfounded. 24. By faith Moses. He had con- fidence in God when he called him to be the leader of his people. He be- lieved that he was able to deliver them, and he so trusted in him that he was willing at his command to forego the splendid prospecte which opened before him in Egypt. IT When he was come to years. Gr. ' being great ;' that is, when he was grown up to manhood. He was at that time forty years of age. See Notes on Acts vii. 23. He took this step, therefore, in the full maturity of hi? judgment, and when there was no danger of being influenced by the ar- dent passions of youth. IT Refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. When saved from the ark in which he was placed on the Nile, he was brought up for the daughter of Pharaoh. Ex. ii. 9. He seems to have been adopted by her, and trained up as her own son. What prospects this opened before him is not certainly known. There is no probability that he would be the heir to the crown of Egypt, as is often affirmed, for there is no proof that the crown descended in the line of daughters ; nor if it did, is there any probability that it would descend on an adopted son of a daugh- ter. But his situation could not but be regarded as highly honourable, and as attended with great advanta- ges. It gave him the opportunity of receiving the best education which the times and country afforded an opportunity of which he seems tc have availed himself to the utmost. Notes, Acts vii. 22. It would doubt A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XI. 231 25 Choosing a rather to suf- fer ailliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the plea* sures of sin for a season ; less be connected with important offices in the state. It furnished the opportunity of a life of ease and pleasure such as they commonly delight in who reside at courts. And it doubtless opened before him the prospect of wealth for there is no improbability in supposing that he would be the heir of the daughter of a rich monarch. Yet all this, it is said, he * refused: There is indeed no ex- press mention made of his formally and openly refusing it, but his leaving the court, and identifying himself with his oppressed countrymen, was in fact a refusal of these high honours, and of these brilliant prospects. It is not impossible that when he be- came acquainted with his real history, there was some open and decided re- fusal on his part, to be regarded as the son of the daughter of this hea- then monarch. 25. Choosing rather to suffer afflic- tion with the people of God. With those whom God had chosen to be his people the Israelites. They were then oppressed and down-trodden ; but they were the descendants of Abraham, and were those whom God had designed to be his peculiar peo- ple. Moses saw that if he cast in his lot with them, he must expect trials. They were poor, and crushed, and despised a nation of slaves. If he identified himself with them, his condition would be like theirs one of great trial ; if he sought to elevate and deliver them, such an undertak- ing could not but be one of great peril and hardship. Trial and dan- ger, want and care would follow from any course which he could adopt, and he knew that an effort to rescue them from bondage must be attended with the sacrifice of all the comforts anc honour which he enjoyed at court Yet he ' chose* this. He on the whole preferred it. He left the court, not because he was driven away ; not be cause there was nothing there to grat- 24* fy ambition or to be a stimulus to avarice ; and not on account of harsh reatment for there is no intimation hat he was not treated with all the respect and honour due to his station, lis talents, and his learning, but be- cause he deliberately preferred to share the trials and sorrows of the friends of God. So every one who becomes a friend of God and casts n his lot with his people, though he may anticipate that it will be attend- ed with persecution, with poverty, and with scorn, prefers this to all the plea- sures of a life of gaiety and sin, and to the most brilliant prospects of wealth and fame which this world can offer. IT Than to enjoy the plea- sures of sin for a season. s We are not to suppose that Moses, even at the court of Pharaoh, was leading a life of vicious indulgence. The idea is, that sins were practised there such as those in which pleasure is sought, and that if lie had remained there it must have been because he loved the pleasures of a sinful court and a sin- ful life rather than the favour of God. We may learn from this (1 .) that there is a degree of pleasure in sin. It does not deserve to be called happiness, and the apostle does not call it so. It is ' pleasure, 11 excitement, hilarity, mer riment, amusement. Happiness is more solid and enduring than 'plea- sure ;' and solid happiness is not found in the ways of sin. But it can- not be denied that there is a degree of pleasure which may be found in amusement ; in the excitement of the ball-room ; in feasting and revelry ; in sensual enjoyments. 'All which wealth and splendour; music and dancing; sensual gratifications, and the more refined pursuits in the cir- cles of fashion, can furnish, may be found in a life of irreligion ; and if disappointment, and envy, and sick- ness, and mortified pride, and be- reavements do not occur, the chil dren of vanity and sin can fivd no 982 HEBREWS. [A. D. 61 26 Esteeming the reproach * of a Christ greater riches than l or, for. inconsiderable enjoyment in these things. They say they do ; and there is no reason to doubt the truth of their own testimony in the case. They call it a * life of pleasure ;' and it is not proper to withhold from it the appellation which they choose to give it. It is not the most pure or eleva- ted kind of enjoyment, but it would be unjust to deny that there is any enjoyment in such a course. (2.) It is only ' for a season.' It will all soon pass away. Had Moses lived at the court of Pharaoh all his days, it would have been only for a little 'season.' These pleasures soon vanish, for (a) life itself is short at best, and if a career of 'pleasure' is pursued through the whole of the ordinary period al- lotted to man, it is very brief, (&) Those who live for pleasure often abridge their own lives. Indulgence brings disease in its train, and the votaries of sensuality usually die young. The art has never been yet discovered of combining intemperance and sensuality with length of days. If a man wishes a reasonable pros- pect of long life, he must be temper- ate and virtuous. Indulgence in vice wears out the nervous and muscular system, and destroys the powers of life just as a machine without bal- ance-wheel or governor would soon tear itself to pieces, (c) Calamity, disappointment, envy, and rivalship mar such a life of pleasure and he who enters on it, from causes which he cannot control, finds it very short. And, (d) compared with eternity, O how brief is the longest life spent in the ways of sin ! Soon it must be over and then the unpardoned sin- ner enters on an immortal career where pleasure is for ever unknown ! (3.) In view of all the 'pleasures' \vhich sin can furnish, and in view of the most brilliant prospects which this world can hold out, religion ena- the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recom- pense b of the reward. b c. 10. 35. bles man to pursue a different path. They who become the friends of God are willing to give up all those fair and glittering anticipations, and to submit to whatever trials may be in- cident to a life of self-denying piety. Religion, with all its privations and sacrifices, is preferred, nor is there ever occasion to regret the choice. Moses deliberately made that choice : nor in all the trials which succeed- ed it in all the cares incident to his great office in conducting the child, ren of Israel to the promised land in all their ingratitude and rebellion is there the least evidence that he ever once wished himself back again that he might enjoy ' the pleasures of sin' in Egypt. 26. Esteeming the reproach of Christ. Marg. 'For;' 1 that is, on account of Christ. This means either that he was willing to bear the reproaches incident to his belief that the Mes- siah would come, and that he gave up his fair prospects in Egypt with that expectation ; or that he endured such reproaches as Christ suffered; or the apostle uses the expression as a sort of technical phrase, well under- stood in his time, to denote sufferings endured in the cause of religion. Christians at that time would natural- ly describe all sufferings on account of religion as endured in the cause of Christ; and Paul, therefore, may have used this phrase to denote suffer- ing's in the cause of religion mean- ing that Moses suffered what, when the apostle wrote, would be called ' the reproaches of Christ.' It is not. easy, or perhaps possible, to deter mine which of these interpretations is the correct one. The most respect- able names may be adduced in favour of each, and every reader must be left to adopt his own view of that which is correct. The original will admit of either of them. The gene- A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XI. 283 27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the a Ex. 10.28,29; 12.31. nil itfi-a is, that he would be reproach- ed tor the course which he pursued. He could not expect to leave the splen- dours of a court and undertake what he did, without subjecting himself to trials. He would be blamed by the Egyptians for his interference in free- ing their ' slaves,' and in bringing so many calamities upon their country, and he would be exposed to ridicule for his folly in leaving his brilliant is at court to become identi- fied with an oppressed and despised people. It is rare that men are zeal- ous in doing good without exposing themselves both to blame and to ridi- cule. IT Greater riches. Worth more ; of greater value. Reproach itself is not desirable ; but reproach, when a man receives it in an effort to do good to others, is worth more to him than gold. I. Pet. iv. 13, 14. The scars which an old soldier has received in the defence of his country are more valued by him than his pension ; and the reproach which a good man re- ceives in endeavouring to save others is a subject of greater joy to him than would be all the wealth which could be gained in a life of sin 11 Than the treasures in Egypt. It is implied here, that Moses had a prospect of inheriting large treasures in Egypt, and that he voluntarily i'.-m up to be the means of de- livering his nation from bondage. Egypt abounded in wealth ; and the adopted son of the daughter of the king- would naturally be heir to a great estate. IT For he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. The 4 recompense of the reward' here re- ferred to must mcau the blessedness of heaven for he had no earthly re- ward to look to. He had no prospect of pleasure, or wealth, or honour, in his undertaking. If he had sought these, so far as human sagacity coulc foresee, he would have remained at the court of Pharaoh. The declara king : for he endured, as seeing liin b who is invisible. b 1 Ti. 1. 17. ;ion here proves that it is right to :iave respect to the rewards of hea- ven in serving God. It does not prove that this was the only or the main motive which induced Moses to aban- don his prospects at court ; nor does t prove that this should be our main or only motive in leading a life of piety. If it were, our religion would be mere selfishness. But it is right that we should desire the rewards and joys of heaven, and that we should allow the prospect of those re- wards and joys to influence us as a motive to do our duty to God, and to sustain us in our trials. Comp. Phil, iii. 8 11. 13. 14. 27. By faith he forsook Egypt. Some have understood this of the first time in which Moses forsook Egypt, when he fled into Midian, as record- ed in Ex. ii. ; the majority of exposi- tors have supposed that it refers to the time when he left Egypt to con- duct the Israelites to the promised land. That the latter is the time re- ferred to is evident from the fact that it is said that he did 'not fear the wrath of the king.' When Moses first fled to the land of Midian it is expressly said that he went because he did fear the anger of Pharaoh for his having killed an Egyptian. Ex. ii. 14, 15. He was at that time in fear of his life ; but when he left Egypt at the head of the Hebrew people, he had no such apprehensions. God conducted him out with * an high hand,' and throughout all the events connected with that remarkable de- liverance, he manifested no dread of Pharaoh, and had no apprehension from what he could do. He went forth, indeed, at the head of his peo- ple when all the power of the king was excited to destroy them, but he went confiding in God : and this is the faith referred to here. IF For he endured. He persevered, amidst all the trials and difficulties connected 284 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 28 Through faith he kept the passover, * and the sprink- a Ex. 12. 21, &c. with his leading forth the people from bondage. IT As seeing him who is in- visible. As if he saw God. He had no more doubt that God had called him to this work, and that he would sustain him, than if he saw him with his bodily eyes. This is a most ac- curate account of the nature of faith. Comp. Notes on ver. 1. 28. Through faith he kept the pass- over. Greek, ' he made Treiroirjics the passover,' which means more, it seems to me, than that he merely kept or celebrated it. It implies that he insti- tuted this rite, and made the arrange- ments for its observance. There is reference to the special agency, and the special faith which he had in its institution. The faith in the case was confidence that this would be the means of preserving the first-born of the Israelites, when the angel should destroy the first-born of the Egyp- tians, and also that it would be cel- ebrated as a perpetual memorial of this great deliverance. On the Pass- over, see Notes on Matt. xxvi. 2. IT And the sprinkling of blood. The blood of the paschal lamb on the lin- tels and door-posts of the houses. Ex. xii. 22. 11 Lest he that destroyed the first-born should touch them. The first-born of the Egyptians. Ex.5tii.23. The apostle has thus enumerated some of the things which illustrated the faith of Moses. The strength of his faith may be seen by a reference to some of the circumstances which characterized it. (1.) It was such con- fidence in God as to lead him to for- sake the most flattering prospects of worldly enjoyment. I see no evi- dence, indeed, that he was the heir to the throne ; but he was evidently heir to great wealth ; he was encompassed with all the means of worldly plea- sure ;- he had every opportunity for a life of literary and scientific pursuits ; he was eligible to high and important trusts; he had a rank and station ling of blood, lest he that de- stroyed the touch them. first-born should which would be regarded as one of the most honoured and enviable on earth. None of those who are men- tioned before in this chapter were re quired to make just such sacrifices as this. Neither Abel, nor Noah, nor Enoch, was called to forsake so bril- liant worldly prospects ; and though Abraham was called to a higher act of faith when commanded to give up his beloved son, yet there were some circumstances of trial in the case of Moses illustrating the nature of faith which did not exist in the case of Abraham. Moses, in the maturity of life, and with everything around him that is usually regarded by men as objects of ambition, was ready to forego it all. So wherever true faith exists, there is a readiness to abandon the hope of gain, and brilliant pros- pects of distinction, and fascinating pleasures, in obedience to the com- mand of God. (2.) Moses entered on an undertaking wholly beyond the power of man to accomplish, and against every human probability of success. It was no less than that of restoring to freedom two millions oi down-trodden, oppressed, and dispir ited slaves, and conducting aged and feeble men, tender females, help- less children, with numerous flocks and herds, across barren wastes to a distant land. He undertook -this against the power of probably the most mighty monarch of his time; from the midst of a warlike nation ; and when the whole nation would be kindled into rage at the loss of so many slaves, and when he might ex pect that all the power of their wrath would descend on him and his undis ciplined and feeble hosts. He did thi when he had no wealth that he could employ to furnish provisions or tha means of defence ; no armies at his command to encircle his people on their march ; and even no influence among the people himself, arid with A. l>. 6-1.] CHAPTER XI. 285 29 By faith they passed a through the Red Sea as by dry a Ex. 1 1 every probability that they would dis- regard him. Comp. Ex. iii. 11 ; iv. 1. He did this when the whole Hebrew people were to be aroused to willing- ness to enter on the great undertak- ing ; when there was every probabi- lity that they would meet with formi- dable enemies in the way, and when there was nothing human whatever on which the mind could fix as a basis of calculation of success. If there ever was any undertaking commenced opposed to every human probability of success, it was that of delivering the Hebrew people and conducting them to the promised land. To human view it was quite as hopeless and im- practicable as it would be now for a stranger from Africa, claiming to be a native prince there, and to have a commission from God, to liberate the two and a half millions of slaves in this country, and conduct them to the land of their fathers. In all the diffi- culties and discouragements of the undertaking of Moses, therefore, his only hope of success must have arisen from his confidence in God. (3.) It was an undertaking where there were many certain trials before him. The people whom he sought to deliver were poor and oppressed. An attempt to rescue them would bring down the wrath of the mighty monarch under whom they were. They were a peo- ple unaccustomed to self-government, and as the result proved, prone to in- gratitude and rebellion. The journey before him lay through a dreary where there was every pros- pect that there would be a want of food and water, and where he might expect to meet with formidable ene- mies. In all these things his only hope must have been in God. It was he only who could deliver them from the grasp of the tyrant ; who could conduct them through the wilderness ; who could provide for their v. the desert ; and who could defend a ?ast multitude of women and children land: which the Egyptians as- .saying to do, were drowned. from the enemies which they would be likely to encounter. (4.) There was nothing in this to gratify ambi tion, or to promise an earthly re- ward. All these prospects he gave up when lie left the court of Pharaoh. To be the leader of a company of emancipated slaves through a path- less desert to a distant land, had no- thing in itself that could gratify the ambition of one who had been bred at the most magnificent court on earth, and who had enjoyed every ad- signed to be himself the king of the people whom he led forth, and that he had no intention of aggrandizing his own family in the case. 29. By faith they passed through the Red Sea, as by dry land. Ex. xiv. 22. 29. That is, it was only by con- fidence in God that they were able to do this. It was not by power which they had to remove the waters and to make a passage for themselves ; and it was not by the operation of any natural causes. It is not to be sup- posed that all who passed through the Red Sea had saving faith. The assertion of the apostle is, that the passage was made in virtue of strong confidence in God, and that if it had not been for this confidence the pas- sage could not have been made at alL Of this no one can entertain a doubt who reads the history of that remark- able transaction. IT Which the Egyp. tians assaying to do, were drowned. E.Y. xiv. 27, 28. Evidently referred to here as showing the effects of not having faith in God, and of what must inevitably have befallen the Is- raelites if they had had no faith. The destruction of the Egyptians by the return of the waters in accordance with natural laws, showed that the Israelites would have been destroyed in the passage, if a divine energy had not been employed to prevent 284 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 28 Through faith he kept the passover, a and the sprink- a Ex. 12. 21, &c. with his leading forth the people from bondage. V As seeing him who is in- visible. As if he saw God. He had no more doubt that God had called him to this work, and that he would sustain him, than if he saw him with his bodily eyes. This is a most ac- curate account of the nature of faith. Comp. Notes on ver. 1. 28. Through faith he kept the pass- over. Greek, ' he made irmoinKe. the passover,' which means more, it seems to me, than that he merely kept or celebrated it. It implies that he insti- tuted this rite, and made the arrange- ments for its observance. There is reference to the special agency, and the special faith which he had in its institution. The faith in the case was confidence that this would be the means of preserving the first-born of the Israelites, when the angel should destroy the first-born of the Egyp- tians, and also that it would be cel- ebrated as a perpetual memorial of this great deliverance. On the Pass- over, see Notes on Matt. xxvi. 2. IT And the sprinkling of blood. The blood of the paschal lamb on the lin- tels and door-posts of the houses. Ex. xii. 22. IT Lest he that destroyed the first-born should touch them. The first-born of the Egyptians. Ex.5cii.23. The apostle has thus enumerated some of the things which illustrated the faith of Moses. The strength of his faith may be seen by a reference to some of the circumstances which characterized it. (1.) It was such con- fidence in God as to lead him to for- sake the most flattering prospects of worldly enjoyment. I see no evi- dence, indeed, that he was the heir to the throne ; but he was evidently heir to great wealth ; he was encompassed with all the means of worldly plea- sure ',. he had every opportunity for a life of literary and scientific pursuits ; he was eligible to high and important trusts; he had a rank and station ling of blood, lest he that de- stroyed the touch them. first-born should which would be regarded as one of the most honoured and enviable on earth. None of those who are men- tioned before in this chapter were re quired to make just such sacrifices as this. Neither Abel, nor Noah, nor Enoch, was called to forsake so bril- liant worldly prospects ; and though Abraham was called to a higher act of faith when commanded to give up his beloved son, yet there were some circumstances of trial in the case of Moses illustrating the nature of faith which did not exist in the case of Abraham. Moses, in the maturity of life, and with everything around him that is usually regarded by men as objects of ambition, was ready to forego it all. So wherever true faith exists, there is a readiness to abandon the hope of gain, and brilliant pros- pects of distinction, and fascinating pleasures, in obedience to the com- mand of God. (2.) Moses entered on an undertaking wholly beyond the power of man to accomplish, and against every human probability of success. It was no less than that of restoring to freedom two millions of down-trodden, oppressed, and dispir ited slaves, and conducting aged and feeble men, tender females, help- less children, with numerous flocks and herds, across barren wastes to a distant land. He undertook - this against the power of probably the most mighty monarch of his time; from the midst of a warlike nation ; and when the whole nation would be kindled into rage at the loss of so many staves, and when he might ex pect that all the power of their wrath would descend on him and his undis ciplined and feeble hosts. He did thi when he had no wealth that he could employ to furnish provisions or tha means of defence ; no armies at his command to encircle his people on their march ; and even no influence among the people himself, and with A. I). 64.] 29 By faith they passed a through the Rrect that there would be a want of food and water, and where he mi^/it expect to meet with formidable ene- mies. In all these things his only hope must have been in God. It was he only who could deliver them from the grasp of the tyrant : who could conduct them through the wilderness ; who could provide for their v. the desert; and who could defend a rast multitude of women and children CHAPTER XI. 285 land: which the Egyptians as- saying to do, were drowned. from the enemies which they would be likely to encounter. (4.) There was nothing in this to gratify ambi tion, or to promise an earthly re- ward. All these prospects he gave up when he left the court of Pharaoh. To be the leader of a compalfiy of emancipated slaves through a path- less desert to a distant land, had no- thing in itself that could gratify the ambition of one who had been bred at the most magnificent court on earth, and who had enjoyed every ad- vantage which the age afforded to qual- ify him to fill any exalted office. The result showed that Moses never de- signed to be himself the king of the people whom he led forth, and that he had no intention of aggrandizing his own family in the case. 29. By faith they passed through the Red Sea, as by dry land. Ex. xiv. 22. 29. That is, it was only by con- fidence in God that they were able to do this. It was not by power which they had to remove the waters and to make a passage for themselves ; and it was not by the operation of any natural causes. It is not to be sup- posed that all who passed through the Red Sea had saving faith. The assertion of the apostle is, that the passage was made in virtue of strong confidence in God, and that if it had not been for this confidence the pas- sage could not have been made at alL Of this no one can entertain a doubt who reads the history of that remark- able transaction. IT Which the Egyp. tians assaying to do, were drowned. Kx. xiv. 27, 28. Evidently referred to here as showing the effects of not having faith in God, and of what must inevitably have befallen the Is- raelites if they had had no faith. The destruction of the Egyptians by the return of the waters in accordance with natural laws, showed that the Israelites would have been destroyed in the passage, if a divine energy not been employed to prevent HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 30 By faith the walls of Je- rich6 a fell down, after ttey were compassed about seven days. a Jos. 6. 12-20. b Jos. 6. 23 ; Ja. 2. 25. 1 or, were disobedient. c Jos. 2. 4. account of their confidence in God. See Notes on ver. 2. V Received not 25* faith, received not the pro- mise : 40 God having ' provided sonic better thing for us, that they without a us should not be made perfect. a Re. C. 11. the promise. That is, did not receive the fulfilment of the promise ; or dio not receive all that was promised, They all still looked forward to some future blessings. Notes, ver 13. 40. God having provided some bet- ter thing for us. Marg. foreseen. That is, '-God having provided, or deter- mined on giving some better thing than any of them realized, and which we are now permitted to enjoy.' That is, God gave them promises ; but they were not allowed to see their fulfilment. We are permitted now to see what they referred to, and in part, at least, to witness their completion; and though the promise was made to them, the fulfilment more particularly pertains to us. H That they without us should not be made perfect. That is, complete. The whole system of revelation was not complete at once, or in one generation. It required successive ages to make the system complete, so that it might be said that it \V3isJinished, or perfect. Our exist- ence, therefore, and the developments in our times, were as necessary to the perfection of the system as the pro- mise made to the patriarchs. And as the system would not have been complete if the blessings had been simply conferred on us without the previous arrangements, and the long scheme of introductory measures, so it would not have been complete if the promises had been merely given to them without the corresponding fulfilment in our times. They are like the two parts of a tally. The fathers had one part in the pro~ j mises, and we the other in the fulfil- \ ment, and neither would have been complete without the other. The 4 better things' then referred to here as possessed by Christians, are th% 294 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 privilege of seeing- those promises fulfilled in the Messiah ; the. blessings resulting from the atonement; the more expanded views which they have under the gospel ; the brighter hopes of heaven itself, and the clearer apprehension of what heaven will be, which they are permitted to enjoy. This, therefore, accords entirely with the argument which the apostle is pursuing which is, to show that the Christians whom he addressed should not apostatize from their religion. The argument is, that in numerous instances, as specified, the saints of ancient times, even under fiery trials, were sustained by faith in God,- and that too when they had not seen the fulfilment of the promises, and when they had much more obscure views than we are permitted to enjoy. If they, under the influence of the mere promise of future blessings, were en- abled thus to persevere, how much more reason is there for us to perse- vere who have been permitted, by the coming of the Messiah, to witness the perfection of the system ! There is no part of the New Tes- tament of more value than this chap- ter ; none which deserves to be more patiently studied, or which may be more frequently applied to the cir- cumstances of Christians. These in- valuable records are adapted to sus- tain us in times of trial, temptation, and persecution ; to show us what faith has done in days that are past, and what it may do still in similar circumstances. Nothing can better show the value and the power of faith, or of true religion, than the records in this chapter. It has done what nothing else could do. It has enabled men to endure what nothing else would enable them to bear, and it has shown its power in inducing them to give up, at the command of God-, what the human heart holds most dear. And among the lessons which we may derive from the study of this portion of divine truth, let us learn from the example of Abel to continue to offer to God the sacrifice of true piety which ho requires, though we may be taunted or opposed by our nearest kindred ; from that of Enoch to walk with God, though surrounded by a wicked world, and to look to tho blessed translation to heaven which awaits all the righteous ; from that of Noah to comply with all the direc- tions of God, and to make all needfuj preparations for the future events which he has predicted, in which we are to be interested as death, judg- ment, and eternity though the eventa may seem to be remote, and though there may be no visible indications of their coming, and though the world may deride our faith and our fears , from that of Abraham to leave coun- try, and home, and kindred, if God calls us to, and to go just where hi commands, through deserts and wilds and among strange men, and like him also to be ready to give up tht dearest objects of our earthly affec tion, even when attended with all thai can try or torture our feelings of af fection feeling that God who gave has a right to require their removal in his own way, and that howeve* much we may fix our hopes on a dear child, he can fulfil all his purpose.i and promises to us though such a child should be removed by death ; from that of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to regard ourselves as stran- gers and pilgrims on earth, having here no permanent home, and seek- ing a better country ; from that of Moses to be willing to leave all the pomp and splendour of the world, all our brilliant prospects and hopes, and to welcome poverty, reproach, and suffering, that we may identify our- selves with the people of God ; by the remembrance of the host of worthies who met danger, and encountered mighty foes, and vanquished then;, let us learn to go forth in our spiritual conflicts against the enemies of our souls and of the church, assured of victory ; and from the example of those who were driven from the abodes of men, and exposed to the storms of persecution, let us learn to bear every trial, and to be ready at any moment to lay down our lives in A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XII. 295 the cause of truth and of God. Of | those who through faitli and patience all tho.-e holy men who made these ncli of them ever iv: Trt- ted it, when he came calmly to look over his life, and to review it on the borders of the eternal world ? None. Not one of them ever expressed re- gret that he had given up the world ; or that he had obeyed the Lord too early, too faithfully, or too long. Not Abraham who lett his country and kindred ; not Moses who abandoned his brilliant prospects in Egypt; not Noah who subjected himself to ridi- cule and scorn for an hundred and twenty years ; and not one of those who were exposed to lions, to fire, to the edge of the sword, or who were driven away from society as outcasts to wander in pathless deserts or to take up their abodes in caverns, ever regretted the course which they had chosen. And who of them all now regrets it? Who, of these worthies, now looks from heaven and feels that he suffered one privation too much, or that he has not had an ample re- compense for all the ills he experi- enced in the cause of religion ? So we shall feel when from the bed of death we look over the present life, and look out on eternity. Whatever our religion may have cost us, we shall not feel that we began to serve God too early, or served him too faith- fully. Whatever pleasure, gain, or splendid prospects we gave up in or- der to become Christians, we shal 1 led that it was the way of wisdom and shall rejoice that we were able to do it. Whatever sacrifices, trials, persecution, and pain, we may meel with, we shall feel that there has been more than a compensation in the con solations of religion, and in the hope of heaven, and that by every sacrifice we have been the gainers. Wl: reach heaven, we shall see that we have not endured one pain too much, and that through whatever trials we lave inherited the promises, let us go cheerfully on our way. Soon the journey of trials will be ended, and ^ooa what are now objects of faith will become objects of fruition, and n their enjoyment how trifling and brief will seem all the sorrows of our pilgrimage below ! CHAPTER XII. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. The apostle having illustrated the nature and power of faith in the pre- vious chapter, proceeds in this to ex- hort those to whom he wrote to apply the same principles to their own case, and to urge them to manifest the same steady confidence in God and perseverance in their holy walk. For this purpose, he adverts to the follow- ing arguments or considerations : I. He represents the ancient wor- thies who had so faithfully persevered and gloriously of their stri triumphed, as wit- race, and as cheering them on to vic- tory. Ver. 1. II. He appeals to the example of the Saviour. Vs. 2 4. This was a more illustrious instance than any of those which had been adverted to, and is not referred to with theirs, but is adduced as deserving a separate and a special specification. The circum- stances in his case which are an en- couragement to perseverance in the Christian conflict, are these. (1.) He endured the cross, and is now exalted to the right hand of God. (2.) He bore the contradiction of sinners against himself, as those were called to do to whom Paul wrote. (3.) Hs went beyond them in his trials and temptations beyond anything which they could have reason to apprehend for he had 'resisted unto blood, striving against sin.' III. He encourages them by show- ing that their trials would result in may have passed, the result is wortli their own good, and particularly that all which it has cost. Strengthened ! the hand of a Father was in 'them. then in our trials by the remembrance i Vs. 5 13. Particularly he urges (1) of what faitli has done in times that arc past; recalling the example of that God addressed those who suffer. ed as his sons, and called on them not 296 CHAPTER XII. ITrHEREFORE seeing we W also are compassed about HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. with so great a cloud of wit- to receive with improper feeling the chastening of the Lord, ver. 5 ; (2) that it was a general principle that the Lord chastened those whom he loved, and the fact that we received- chastening was to be regarded as evi- dence that we are under his paternal care, and that he has not forsaken us, vs. fci 8 ; (3) that they had been sub- ject to the correction of earthly fa- thers and had learned to be submis- sive, and that there was much higher reason for submitting to God, vs. 9, 10 ; (4) and that however painful chas- tisement might be at present, yet it would ultimately produce important benefits. Ver. 11. By these consid- erations he encourages them to bear their trials with patience, and to as- sume new courage in their efforts to live a Christian life. Vs. 12, 13. IV. He exhorts them to persever- ance and fidelity by the fact that if they should become remiss, and re- nounce their confidence in God, it would be impossible to retrieve what was lost. Vs. 14 17. In illustrat- ing this, he appeals to the case of Esau. For a trifling consideration, when in distress, he parted with an invaluable blessing. When it was gone, it was impossible to recover it. No consideration could induce a change, though he sought it earnestly with tears. So it would be with Chris- tians, if, under the power of tempta- tion, they should renounce their reli- gion, and go back to their former state. V. He urges them to perseverance by the nature of the dispensation un- der which they were, as compared with the one under which they hac formerly been the Jewish. Vs. 13 29. Under the former, everything was fitted to alarm and terrify the soul. Vs. 18 21. The new dispen- eation was of a different character It was adapted to encourage and to win the heart. The real Mount Zion nesses, let us lay aside a 2 Co. 7. 1. the city of the living God the New Jerusalem the company of the an- els the church of the first-born the Judge of all the great Mediator to which they had come under the new dispensation, all these were fitted to encourage the fainting heart, and to win the affections of the soul. Vs. 22 24. Yet, in proportion to the sacredness and tenderness of these considerations, and to the light and privileges which they now enjoyed, would be their guilt if they should renounce their religion for under this dispensation, as under the old, God was a consuming fire. Vs. 25 29. 1. Wherefore. In view of what has been said in the previous chap- ter. ^ Seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of wit- nesses. The apostle represents those to whom he had referred in the pre- vious chapter as looking on to witness the efforts which Christians make, and the manner in which they live. There is allusion here, doubtless, to the ancient games. A great multitude of spectators usually occupied the cir- cular seats in the amphitheatre, from which they could easily behold the combatants. See Notes on I. Cor. ix. 24 27. In like manner, the apostle represents Christians as en- compassed with the multitude of wor- thies to whom he had referred in the previous ohapter. It cannot be fairly inferred from this that he means to say that all those ancient worthies were actually looking at the conduct of Christians, and saw their conflicts It is a figurative representation, such as is common, and means that we ought to act as if they were in sight, and cheered us on. How far the spirits of the just who are departed from this world are permitted to be- hold what is done on earth if at al] is not revealed in the Scriptures The phrase 'a clot id of witnesses A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XII. 297 weight, and the sin which doth ' run with patience the race that so easily beset t/s, and let us is set before us, ,:iany witnesses, or a number ; that they seem to be a cloud. The comparison of a multitude of per- sons to a cloud is common in the classic writers. See Homer, 11. iv. 27-1, xxiii. 133; Statius, i. 340, and other instances adduced in Wetstein, in loq. Com p. Notes on I. Thes. iv. 17. V Let us lay aside every weight. The word rendered weight oyKov means that which is crooked or hook- ed, and thence anything that is at- tached or suspended by a hook that is, by its whole weight, and hence means weight. See Passow. It does not occur elsewhere in the New Tes- tament. The word is often used in "the classic writers in the sense of swelling, tumour, pride. Its usual meaning is that of weight or burden, and there is allusion here, doubtless, to the runners in the games who were careful not to. encumber themselves with anything that was heavy. Hence their clothes were so made as not to impede their running, and hence they were careful in their training not to overburden themselves with food, and in every way to remove what would be an impediment or hindrance. As applied to the racers, it does not mean that they began to run with anything like a burden and then threw it away as persons sometimes aid their jumping by taking a stone in their hands to acquire increased momen- tum but that they were careful not to allow anything that would be a weight or an encumbrance. As ap- plied to Christians, it means that they should remove all which would obstruct their progress in the Chris- tian course. Tims it is fair to apply it to whatever would be an impedi- ment in our efforts to win the crown of life. It is not the same thing in all persons. In one it may be pride ; in another vanity ; in another world- liness ; in another a violent and al- inost ungovernable temper; in an ether a corrupt imagination ; in an- other a heavy, leaden, insensible heart; n another some improper and unholy attachment. Whatever it may be, we are exhorted to lay it aside and this general direction may be applied x> anything which prevents our mak- ng the highest possible attainment in the divine life. Some persons would make much more progress if they would throw away many of their personal ornaments ; some if they would disencumber themselves of the heavy weight of gold which they are endeavouring to carry with them. So some very light objects, in them- selves considered, become material encumbrances. Even a feather or a ring such may be the fondness for these toys may become such a weight that they will never make much progress towards the prize. IT And the sin which doth so easily beset us. The word which is here rendered ' easily beset' fv-cpicraTov euperista- ton does not elsewhere occur in the New Testament. It properly means, 'standing well around? and hence denotes that which is near, or at hand, or readily occurring. So Chrys- ostom explains it. Passow defines it as meaning, ' easy to encircle.' Tin- dal renders it * the sin that hangeth on us.' Theodoret and others explain the word as if derived from stftvmms peristasis a word which some- times means affliction, peril and hence regard it as denoting thai which is full of peril, or the sin which so easily subjects one to calamity. Bloom field supposes, in accordance with the opinion of Grotius, Crellius, Kype, Kuinoel and others, that it means "the sin which especially winds around us and hinders our course," with allusion to the long Oriental garments. According to this, the meaning would be, that as a runner would be careful not to en- cumber himself with a garment which would be apt to wind around his legs in running and hinder him, so it 298 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 2 Looking unto Jesus the or, beginner. a Lu. 24. 1 author and finisher of our faith , who, for the a joy that was set should be with the Christian, who es- pecially ought to lay aside everything which resembles this ; that is, all sin which must impede his course. The former of these interpretations, how- ever, is most commonly adopted, and best agrees with the established sense of the word. It will then mean that we are to lay aside every encum- brance, particularly or especially for so the word Kai ' and* should be rendered here the sins to which we are most exposed. Such sins are ap- propriately called ' easily-besetting sins.' They are those to which we are particularly liable. They are such sins as the following. (1.) Those to which we are particularly exposed by our natural temperament, or dis- position. In some this is pride, in others indolence, or gaiety, or levity, or avarice, or ambition, or sensuality. (2.) Those in which we freely indulged before we became Christians. They will be likely to return with power, and we are far more likely, from the laws of association, to fall into them than into any other. Thus a man who has been intemperate, is in spe- cial danger from that quarter ; a man who has been an infidel, is in special danger of scepticism ; one who has been avaricious, proud, gay, or ambi- tious, is in special danger, even after conversion, of again committing these sins. (3.) Sins to which we are ex- posed by our profession, by our re- lations to others, or *by our situation in life, They whose condition will entitle them to associate with what aro regarded as the more elevated classes of society, are in special dan- ger of indulging in the methods of living and of amusement that are common among them ; they who are prospered in the world are in danger of losing the simplicity and spirit- uality of their religion; they who hold a civil office are in danger of be- coming mere politicians, and of losing he very form and substance of piety. 4.) Sins to which we are exposed from some peculiar weakness in our character. On some points we may be in no danger. We may be consti- tutionally so firm as not to be espe- cially liable to certain forms of sin. But every man has one or more weak points in his character; and it is there that he is particularly exposed. A bow may be in the main very strong. All along its length there may be no danger of its giving way save at one place where it has been made too thin, or where the material was defective and if it ever breaks, it will of course be at that point. That is the point, therefore, which needs to be guarded and strengthened. So in reference to character. There is always some weak point which needs specially to be guarded, and our prin- cipal danger is there. Self-knowledge, so necessary in leading a holy life, consists much in searching out those weak points of character where we are most exposed ; and our progress in the Christian course will be deter- mined much by the fidelity with which we guard and strengthen them. 1T And let us run with patience the race that is set before us. The word rendered 'patience' rather means in this place perseverance. We are to run the race without allowing our- selves to be hindered by any obstruc- tions, and without giving out or faint- ing in the way. Encouraged by the example of the multitudes who have run the same race before us, and who are now looking out upon us from heaven where they dwell, we are to persevere as they did to the end. 2. Looking unto Jesus. As a farther inducement to do this, the apostle ex- horts us to look to the Saviour. We are to look to his holy life ; to his pa- tience and perseverance in trials ; to what he endured in order to obtain the crown, and to his final success and triumph. T The author and fin- isher of our faith. The word ' our' is not in the original here, and ob- scures the sense. The meaning is, A. 1) 64.] CHAPTER XII. 299 before him, endured the cross, -iiiir the fhaiiK 1 , and is s<-t iio 's the first Uiiil tin: lust ;is ;iu example of faith, or of confidence in God occupying in this, us in all other things, the pre-eminence, and being the most complete model that can be placed before us. The apostle had not enumerated him among those who had been distinguished for their faith, but he now refers to him as above them all ; as a case that de- served to stand by itself. It is pro- bable that there is a continuance here of the allusion to the Grecian games which the apostle had commenced in the previous verse. The word author apxnybv (marg. beginner) means properly the source, or cause of any tiling ; or one who makes a begin- ning. It is rendered in Acts iii. 15, v. 31, Prince ; in Heb. ii. 10, Captain ; and in the place before us, Author. It does not elsewhere occur in the New Testament. The phrase ' the begin- ner of faith,' or the leader on of faith, would express the idea. He is at the head of all those who have furnished an example of confidence in God, for he was himself the most illustrious instance of it. The expression, then, does not mean properly that he pro- duces faith in us, or that we believe because he causes us to believe what- ever may be the truth about that but that he stands at the head as the most eminent example that can be referred to on the subject of faith. We are exhorted to look to him, as if at the Grecian games there was one who stood before the racer who had pre- viously carried away every palm of vic- tory; who had always been triumphant, md with whom there was no one who rould be compared. The word Jinish- ir TtXtiurfiv corresponds in mean- ;ng *-ith the word author. It means that he is the completer as well as the beginner ; the last as well as thcjirst. As there has heen no one hitherto who could be compared with him, so there will be no one hereafter. Comp. Rev. i. 8. 11. "I arn Alpha and Ome- ga, the beginning and the ending the down at the right hand of the throne of God. first and the last." The word doea nut mean that he was the ' finisher' of faith in the sense that he make* our faith complete or perfects it - whatever may be true about that but that he occupies this elevated po- sition of being beyond comparison above all others. Alike in the com- mencement and the close, in the be- ginning of faith and in its ending, he stands pre-eminent. To this illustri- ous model we should look as a racer would on one who had been always so successful that he surpassed all competitors and rivals. If this be the meaning, then it is not properly ex plained, as it is commonly (see Bloom- field and Stuart in loc.}, by saying that the word here is synonymous with rewarder, and refers to the ppapmTtjs brabeutes or the distributor of the prize. Comp. Notes on Coll. iii. 15. There is no instance where the word is used in this sense in the New Testa- ment (comp. Passouj), nor would such an interpretation present so beautiful and appropriate a thought as the one suggested above. IT Who for the joy that was set before him. That is, who in view of all the honour which he would have at the right hand of God, and the happiness which he would ex- perience from the consciousness that he had redeemed a world, was willing to bear the sorrows connected with the atonement. IT Endured the cross. Endured patiently the ignominy and pain connected with the suffering of death on the cross. H Despising the shame. Disregarding the ignominy of such a mode of der>th. It is diffi- cult for us now to realize the force of the expression, ' enduring the shame of the cross,' as it was understood in, the time of the Saviour and the apos- tles.' The views of the world have changed, and it is now difficult to di- vest the ' cross' of the associations of honour and glory which the word suggests, so as to appreciate the ideas which encompassed it then. There is a degree of dishonour which w 300 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 8 For consider him that en- dured such contradiction of sin- ners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. attach to the guillotine, but the igno- miny of a death on the cross was greater than that; there is disgrace attached to the block, but the igno- miny of the cross was greater than that ; there is a much deeper infamy attached to the gallows, but the igno- miny of the cross was greater than that. And that word the cross which when now proclaimed in the ears of the refined, the intelligent, and even the gay, excites an idea of ho- nour, in the ears of the people of Athens, of Corinth, and of Rome, ex- cited deeper disgust than the word gallows does with us for it was re- garded as the appropriate punishment of the most infamous of mankind. We can now scarcely appreciate these feelings, and of course the declaration that Jesus ' endured the cross, despis- ing the shame,' does not make the impression on our minds in regard to the nature of his sufferings and the value of his example which it should do. When we now think of the ' cross,' it is not of the multitude of slaves, and robbers, and thieves, and rebels, who have died on it, but of the one great Victim whose death has enno- bled even this instrument of torture, and encircled it with a halo of glory. We have been accustomed to read of it as an imperial standard in war in the days of Constantine, and as the banner under which armies have marched to conquest; it is intermin- gled with the sweetest poetry ; it is a sacred thing in the most magnificent cathedrals; it adorns the altar, and is even an object of adoration ; it is in the most elegant engravings ; it is worn by beauty and piety as an orna- ment near the heart ; it is associated with all that is pure in love, great in self-sacrifice, and holy in religion. To see the true force of the expression here, therefore, it is necessary to di- vest ourselves of these ideas of glory which encircle the 'cross,' and to place ourselves in the times and lands in which, when the most infamous of mankind were stretched upon it, it was regarded for such men as an ap- propriate mode of punishment. That infamy Jesus was willing to bear, and the strength of his confidence in God, his love for man, and the depth of his humiliation, was shown in the readiness and firmness with which he went forward to such a death. IT And is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Exalted to the highest place of dignity and honour in the universe. Notes, Mark xvi. 19 ; Eph. i. 2022. The sentimenffiere is, * Imitate the example of the great Author of our religion. He, in view of the honour and joy before him, en- dured the most severe sufferings to which the human frame can be sub 'jected, and the form of death which is regarded as the most shamefu!. So amidst all the severe trials t-j which you are exposed 'on account of reli- gion, patiently endure all for the glorious rewards, the happiness and the triumph of heaven, are before you.' 3. For consider him. Attentively reflect on his example that you may be able to bear your trials in a proper manner. IF That endured such con- tradiction of sinners. Such opposition. The reference is to the Jews of the time of the Saviour, who opposed his plans, perverted his sayings, and ridi culed his claims. Yet, regardless ot their opposition, he persevered in the course which he had marked out, and went patiently forward in the execu- tion of his plans. The idea is, that we are to pursue the path of duty and follow the dictates of conscience, let the world say what they will about it. In doing this we cannot find a better example than the Saviour. No opposition of sinners ever turned him from the way which he regarded as right ; no ridicule ever caused him to abandon any of his plans ; no argu- ment, or expression of scorn, ever caused him for a moment to deviate from his course. '( L^st ye be wearied A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XII. 301 4 Ye have not vet resisted and faint in your minds. Th lhat there is great danger of heini: disheartened and wearied out opposition which you meet with. But with the bright example of one who was never disheartened, and who never became weary in doing the will of God, you may persevere. The best means of leading a faithful Christian life amidst the opposition which we may encounter, is to keep steadily fixed on the Saviour. 4. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. The gen- eral sense of this passage is, 'you have not yet been called in your Chris- tian struggles to the highest kind of sufferings and sacrifices. Great as your trials may seem to have been, yet your faith has not yet been put to the severest test. And since this is so, you ought not to yield in the conflict with evil, but manfully resist it.' In the language here used there is un- doubtedly a continuance of the allu- sion to the agonistic games the strag- glings and wrestlings for mastery there. In those games, the boxers were accustomed to arm themselves for the fight with the caestus. This at first consisted of strong leathern thongs wound around the hands, and extending only to the wrist, to give greater solidity to the fist. After- wards these were made to extend to the elbow, and then to the shoulder, and finally, they sowed pieces of lead or iron in them that they might strike a heavier and more destructive blow. The consequence was, that those who were engaged in the fight w r ere often covered with blood, and that resist- ance 'unto blood' showed a determin- ed courage, and a purpose not to yield. But though the language here may be taken from this custom, the fact to which the apostle alludes, it seems to me, is the struggling of the Saviour in the garden of Gethsemane, when his conflict was so severe that great drops of blood fell down to the ground. See Notes on Matt. xxvi. 4244. It 526 unto blood, striving againsl sin. indeed, commonly understood to mean that they had not yet been call- ed to shed their blood as martyrs in the cause of religion. See Stuart, Bloomfield, Doddridge, Clarke, Whit- by, Kuinocl, &c. Indeed, I find in none of the commentators what seems to me to be the true sense of this pas- sage, and what gives an exquisite beauty to it, the allusion to the suf- ferings of the Saviour in the garden. The reasons which lead me to believe that there is such an allusion, are briefly these. (1.) The connexion. The apostle is appealing to the exam- ple of the Saviour, and urging Chris- tians to persevere amidst their trials by looking to him. Nothing would be more natural in this connexion, than to refer to that dark night, when in the severest conflict with temptation which he ever encoun- tered, he -so signally showed his own firmness of purpose, and the effects of resistance on his own bleed- ing body, and his signal victory in the garden of Gethsemane. (2.) The expression ' striving against sin' seems to demand the same interpre- tation. On the common interpreta- tion, the allusion would be merely to their resisting persecution ; but here the allusion is to some struggle in their minds against committing sin. The apostle exhorts them to strive manfully and perseveringly against sin in every form, and especially against the sin of apostasy. To en- courage them he refers them to the highest instance on record where there was a * striving against sin' the struggle of the Redeemer in the gar- den with the great enemy who there made his most violent assault, and where the resistance of the Redeemei was so great as to force the blood through his pores. What was the exact form of the temptation there, we are not informed. It may have been to induce him to abandon his work even then and to yield, in view of the severe sufferings of his ao. 302 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64, 5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My a Pr. 3. 11, 12. preaching death on the cross. If there ever was a point where tempta- tion would be powerful, it would be there. When a man is about to be put to death, how strong 1 is the in- ducement to abandon his purpose, his plans, or his principles, if he may save his life ! How many, of feeble virtue, have yielded just there ! If to this consideration we add the thought that the Redeemer was engaged in a work never before undertaken; that he designed to make an atonement never before made ; that he was about to endure sorrows never before endur- ed ; and that on the decision of that moment depended the ascendency of sin or holiness on the earth, the tri- umph or the fall of Satan's kingdom, the success" or the defeat of all the plans of the great adversary of God and man, and that, on such an occa- sion as this, the tempter would use all his power to crush the lonely and unprotected man of sorrows in the garden of Gethsemane, it is easy to imagine what may have been the ter- ror of that fearful conflict, and what virtue it would require in him to re- sist the concentrated energy of Satan's might to induce him even then to abandon his work. The apostle says of those to whom he wrote, that they had not yet reached that point. Comp. Notes on ch. v. 7. (3.) This view furnishes a proper climax to the ar- gument of the apostle for persever- ance. It presents the Redeemer be- fore the mind as the great example ; directs the mind to him in various scenes of his life as looking to the joy before him disregarding the ignominy of his sufferings enduring the opposition oi* sinners and then in the garden as engaged in a con- flict with his great foe, and so resist- ing sin that rather than yield he en- dured that fearful mental struggle which was attended with such re- son, despise not thou the tening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked^>f him: markable consequences. This is the highest consideration which could be presented to the mind of a believer to keep him from yielding in the con- flict with evil ; and if we could keep him in the eye resisting even unto blood rather than yield in the least degree, it would do more than all other things to restrain us from sin. How different his case from ours ! How readily we yield to sin ! We offer a faint and feeble resistance, and then surrender. We think it will be unknown ; or that others do it ; or that we may repent of it ; or that we have no power to resist it ; or that it is of little consequence, and our reso- lution gives way. Not so the Re- deemer. Rather than yield in any form to sin, he measured strength with the jrreat adversary when alone with him in the darkness of the night, and gloriously triumphed ! And so would we always triumph if we had the same settled purpose to resist sin in every form even unto blood. 5. And ye have forgotten the exhor- tation. This exhortation is found in Prov. iii. 11, ]2. The object of the apostle in introducing it here is, to show that afflictions were designed on the part of God to produce some hap- py effects in the lives of his people, and that they ought, therefore, to bear them patiently. In the previous verses, he directs them to the exam- ple of the Saviour. In this verse and the following, for the same object he directs their attention to the design of trials, showing that they are ne- cessary to our welfare, and that they are in fact proof of the paternal care of God. This verse might be render- ed as a question. ' And have ye for- gotten ?' &c. This mode of render. ing it will agree somewhat better with the design of the apostle. V Which speaketh unto you. Which may be regarded as addressed to you; or CHAPTER XII. A. D. 64.] 6 For whom the Lord lov- eth lie chasteneth, and scourg- a U.>. 3. 111. which invokes a principle as applica- ble t.) you as to others. He does not mean that when Solomon used the woids, he h:ul relerencv to them par- ticularly, but that he used them with reference to the children of God, and tiny might therefore be applied to them, lu this way we may regard the language of the Scriptures as ad- dressed to vs. 1T As unto children. As if he were addressing children. The language is such as a father uses. ^ My son. It is possible that in these words Solomon may have intended to address a son literally, giving him paternal counsel; or he may have spo- ken as the Head of the Jewish peo- ple, designing to address all the pious, to whom he sustained, as it were, the relation of a father. Or it is possi- ble also that it may be regarded as the language of God himself address- ing his children. Whichever suppo- sition is adopted, the sense is substan- tially the same. 1T Despise not thou the chastening of the Lord. Literally, ' Do not regard it as a small matter, or as a trivial thing, <5Atyupa. The Greek word here used does not occur elsewhere in the New Testament. The word here rendered chastening Tratfct'a and also in vs. 6, 7, 8, and in ver. 9, ' corrected' xaiSevTas does not refer to affliction in general, but that kind of affliction which is de- signed to correct us for our faults, or which is of the nature of discipline. The verb properly relates to the train- ing up of a child including instruc- tion, counsel, discipline, and correc- tion (see this use of the verb in Acts vii. 2:2 ; II. Tim. ii. 25 ; Titus ii. 12), and then especially discipline, or cor rection for faults to correct, chastise, chasten. I. Cor. xi. 32; II. Cor. vi. 9 ; Rev. iii. 19. This is the meaning here ; and the idea is, not that God will afflict his people in general, but that if they wander awuy he will cor- rect them for their faults. He will bring calamity upon them as a pun- 303 cth every son whom he receiv- eth. isfnne nt for their offences, and in or- der to bring them back to himself. He will not suffer them to wander away unrebuked and unchecked, but will mercifully reclaim them though by great sufferings. Afflictions have many objects, or produce many happy effects. That referred to here is, that they are means of reclaiming the wandering and erring children of God, and are proofs of his paternal care and love. Comp. II. Sam. vii. 14; xii. 13, 14; Ps. Ixxxix. 3134; Prov. iii. 11, 12. Afflictions, which are always sent by God, should not be regarded as small matters, for these reasons. (1.) The fact that they are sent by God. Whatever he does is of importance, and is worthy the pro- found attention of men. (2.) They are sent for some important purpose, and they should be regarded, there- fore, with attentive concern. Men despise them when (1) they treat them with affected or real unconcern ; (2) when they fail to receive them as di- vine admonitions, and regard them as without any intelligent design ; and (3) when they receive them with ex. pressions of contempt, and speak of them and of the government of God with scorn. It should be a matter of deep concern when we are afflicted in any manner, not to treat the mat- ter lightly, but to derive from our tri- als all the lessons which they are adapted to produce on the mind. IT Nor faint, &c. Bear up patiently under them. This is the second duty. We are first to study their character and design ; and secondly, to bear up undeV them, however severe they may be, and however long they may be continued. " Avoid the extremes of proud insensibility and entire dejec. tion." Doddridrre. 6. For whom the Lord loveth he chasleneth. This is also a quotation from Proverbs iii. It means that it is a universal rule that God sends tri- als on those whom he trnly loves. It 304 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons ; for a what son is he whom the father chasteneth not 1 a Pr. 13. 24. 8 But if ye be without chas- isement, whereof all are par- takers, then are ye dastards, and not sons. does not, of course, mean that he sends chastisement which is not de- served ; or that he sends it for the mere purpose of inflicting pain. That cannot be. But it means that by his chastisements he shows that he has a paternal care for us. He does not treat us with neglect and unconcern, as a father often does his illegitimate child. The very fact that he corrects us shows that he has towards us a father's feelings, and exercises to- wards us a paternal care. If he did not, he would let us go on without any attention, and leave us to pursue a course of sin that would involve us in ruin. To restrain and govern a child ; to correct him when he errs, shows that there is a parental solici- tude for him, and that he is not an outcast. And as there is in the life of every child of God something that deserves correction, it happens that it is universally true that ' whom the Lord loveth lie chasteneth.' V And scourgeth every son whom he recciveth Whom he receives or acknowledges as his child. This is not quoted lite- rally from the Hebrew, but from the Septuagint. The Hebrew is, 'even as a father the son in whom he de- lighteth.' The general sense of the passage is retained, as is often the case in the quotations from the Old Testament. The meaning is the same as in the former part of the verse, that every one who becomes a child of God is treated by him with that watchful care which shows that he sustains towards him the paternal relation. 7. If ye endure chastening. Thai is, if you undergo, or are called to experience correction. It does nol mean here, * if you endure it patient- ly ; or if you bear up under it ;' but 4 if you are chastised or corrected by God.' The affirmation does not re- ate to the manner of bearing it, but ;o the fact that we are disciplined IT God dealeth with you as with sons. He does not cast you off and regard you as if you were in no way related to him. IT For what son is he whom the father chasteneth not. That is, he evinces towards his son the care which shows that he sustains the relation of a father. If he deserves correction he corrects him ; and he aims by all proper means to exhibit the appropri- ate care and character of a father. And as we receive such attention from an earthly parent, we ought to expect to receive similar notice from our Fa- ther in heaven. 8. But if ye be without chastisement. If you never meet with anything that is adapted to correct your faults; to subdue your temper ; to chide your wanderings, it would prove that you were in the condition of illegitimate children cast off and disregarded by their father. IT Whereof all are par- takers. All who are the true children of God. IT Then are ye bastards and not sons. The reference here is to the neglect with which such children are treated, and to the general want of care and discipline over them : " Lost in the world's wide range ; enjoin'd no aim, Prescrib'd no -iuty, and assign'd no name." Savage. In the English la v, a bastard is termed nullius Jilius. IVegitimate children are usually abandoned by their father. The care of them i? left to the mother, and the father ende?vours to avoid all responsibility, and uually to be con- cealed and unknown. His own child he does not wish to recognize ; he neither provides for him ; nor instructs him ; nor governs him ; nor disciplines him. A father, who is wortiiy o^the name, will do all these things. So Paul s;iys it is with Christian*. God has not A. D. 64.] CHAPTER Xh 303 9 Furthermore, we have had lathers of" our Hesli, which cor- rected us: and we gave them cast them off. In every way he towards them the character of a father. And if it should be that tlu-y passed along through life without any occurrence that would indicate the paternal care and atten- tion designed to correct their faults, it would show that they never had been his children, but were cast off and wholly disregarded. This is a beautiful argument; and we should receive every affliction as full proof that we are not forgotten by the High and Holy One who condescends to sustain to us the character, and to evince towards us, in our wanderings, the watchful care of a Father. 9. Furthermore. As an additional consideration to induce us to receive chastisement with submission. The argument in this verse is derived from the difference in the spirit and design with which we are corrected by God and by an earthly parent. In God everything is without any intermin- gling of passion or any improper feel- ing. In an earthly parent there is often much that is the result of hasty emotion, of an irascible temper, per- haps 6T the mere love of power. There is much that is inflicted without due reflection, and that produces only pain in the bosom of the parent himself in the recollection. Yet with all this imperfection of parental government, we were patient and unmurmuring. How much more should we submit to one whose paternal discipline is caused by no excited feeling ; by no love of power ; by no want of reflec- tion, and which never furnishes occa- sion for regret! IT Fathers of our flesh. Earthly fathers ; those from whom we have derived our being here. They are contrasted here with God, who is called ' the Father of spirits,' not because the father does not sus- tain the paternal relation to the soul %s well as the body, but to designate 28* reverence: shall we not much rather he in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? a Nu. 10.22; '21. 1C. the nature of the dominion over UP. The dominion of God is that which pertains to a spiritual kingdom, hav- ing more direct reference to the dis- cipline of the soul, and being designed to prepare us for the spiritual world ; that of the earthly father pertains primarily to our condition here, and the discipline is designed to subdue our unruly passions, to teach us to restrain our appetites, to inculcate maxims of health and prosperity, and to prevent those things which would impede our happiness in the present world. See, however, many curious instances of the manner in which these phrases were used by the Jew- ish writers, collected by Wetstein. IT We gave them reverence. We sub- mitted to them f honoured them ; loved them. Painful at the time as correction may have been, yet when we have fully understood the design of it, we have loved them the more. The effect of such discipline, properly administered, is to produce real vene- ration for a parent for he who in a timely and appropriate manner re- strains his child is the only one who will secure ultimate reverence and respect. IT Shall ice not much rathet be. in subjection. Since God's govern- ment is so much more perfect ; since he has so much better right to con- trol us ; and since his administration is free from all the defects which at- tend parental discipline on earth^ there is a much higher reason for bowing with submission and reve- rence to him. T The Father of spirits. Thus in Numbers xvi. 22, God 13 called " the God of the spirits of all flesh." So also Num. xxvii. 16; comp. Job xxxiii. 4. The idea seems to be that, as the soul is the most important part of man, this name is given tc God by way of eminence, or he is eminently and supremely our Father It was his to create the immortal 306 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 10 For they verily for a few own pleasure : but he for our days chastened us l after their profit, that we might be partak- l or, as seemed good, or, meet, to them. eTS of his holiness. part, and to tha.t spirit which is never to die he sustains the relation of Fa- ther. The earthly father is parent to the man as mortal ; God is the Father of man as immortal. God is himself a spirit. Angels and human souls therefore, may be represented as pe- culiarly his offspring. It is the highest designation which could be given to God to say that he is at the head of the universe of mind ; not implying that he is not also at the head of the material universe, but de- signing to bring into view this high characteristic of the Almighty, that all created minds throughout the uni- verse sustain to him the relation of children. To this Great Being we should, therefore, more cheerfully sub- ject ourselves than to an earthly pa- rent. IT And live. Meaning that his fatherly chastisements are adapted to secure our spiritual life. He corrects us that he may promote our final happiness, and his inflictions are the means of saving us from eternal death. 10. For they verily for a few days. That is, with reference to a few days ("pdj) ; or it was a chastisement that had reference mainly to this short life. The apostle seems to bring in this circumstance to contrast the deal- ings of earthly parents with those of God. One of the circumstances is, that the corrections of earthly parents had a much less important object than those of God . They related to th i s life a life so brief that it may be said to continue but a ' few days. 1 Yet, ;.n order to secure the benefit to be derived for so short a period from fa- therly correction, we submitted with- out murmuring. Much more cheer- fully ought we to submit to that dis- cipline from the hand of our heavenly Father which is designed to extend its benefits through eternity. This seems to me to afford a better sense than that adopted by Prof. Stuart and others, that it means 'during our childhood or minority ;' or than that proposed by Doddridge, that it refers both to our earthly parents and to our heavenly Father. IT After their own pleasure. Marg. ' as seemed good, or meet to them.' Meaning that it was sometimes done arbitrarily, or from caprice, or under the influence of pas- sion. This is an additional reason why we should submit to God. We submitted to our earthly parents, though their correction was some- times passionate, and was designed to gratify their own pleasure rather than to promote our good. There is much of this kind of punishment in families ; but there is none of it under the administration of God. ^ But be for our pro/it. Never from passion, from caprice, from the love of power or superiority, but always for our good. The exact benefit which he designs to produce we may not be able always to understand, but we may be assured that no other cause influences him than a desire to pro- mote our real welfare, and as he can never be mistaken in regard to the proper means to secure that, we may be assured that our trials are always adapted to that end. 1T That we might be partakers of his holiness. Become so holy that it may be said that we are partakers of the very holiness of God. Comp. II. Pet. i. 4. This is the elevated object at which God aims by our trials. It is not that he delights to produce pain ; not that he envies us and would rob us of our little com- forts ; not that he needs what we prize to increase his own enjoyment, and therefore rudely takes it away ; and not that he acts from caprice now conferring a blessing and then withdrawing it without any reason : it is, that he may make us more pure and holy, and thus promote our own best interest. To be holy as God i? holy ; to be so holy that it may be said that we * are partakers of his holiness,' is a richer blessing than . i). CHAPTER XII 307 11 Now no chastening for the present seemejh to be joy- ous, but grievous : neverthe- less, afterward it yieldeth the a Is. 32. 17; Ja. 3. 18. health, and property, and friends with- out it ; and when by the exchange of the one we acquire the other, we have secured infinitely more than we have lost. To obtain the greater good we should be willing to part with the less ; to secure the everlasting friend- ship and favour of God we should be willing, if necessary, to surrender the last farthing of our property ; the last friend that is left us ; the last feeble and fluttering pulsation of life in our veins. 11. Now no chastening for the pre- sent secmeth to be joyous, but grievous. It does not impart pleasure, nor is this its design. All chastisement is intended to produce pain, and the Christian is as sensitive to pain as others. His religion does not blunt his sensibilities and make him a stoic, but it rather increases his susceptibi- lity to suffering. The Lord Jesus, probably, felt pain, reproach, and con- tempt more keenly than any other human being ever did ; and the Chris- tian feels the loss of a child, or bodily suffering, as keenly as any one. But while religion does not render him insensible to suffering, it does two things (1) it enables him to bear the pain without murmuring; and (2) it turns the affliction into a blessing on his soul. IT Nevertheless afterward. In future life. The effect is seen in a pure life, and in a more entire de- votedness to God. We are not to look for the proper fruits of affliction while we are suffering, but afterwards. ^ It yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness. It is a tree that bears- good fruit, and we do not expect the fruit to form and ripen at once. It may be long maturing, but it will be rich and mellow when it is ripe. It frequently requires along time before all the results of affliction appear a it requires months to form and ripen peaceable fruit a of righteous- ness unto them which are exer- cised thereby. 12 Wherefore lift 6 up the b Is. 35. 3. fruit. Like fruit it may appear at first sour, crabbed, and unpalatable; but it will be at last like the ruddy peach or the golden orange. When those fruits are ripened they are (1) fruits ' of righteousness. 1 They make us more holy, more dead to sin and the world, and more alive to God. And they are (2) 'peaceable: They produce peace, calmness, submission in the soul. They make the heart more tranquil in its confidence in God, and more disposed to promote the religion of peace. The apostle speaks of this as if it were a universal truth in regard to Christians who are afflicted. And it is so. There is nc Christian who is not ultimately bene- fited by trials, and who is not able al some period subsequently to say, " It was good for me that I was afflicted. Before I was afflicted I went astray ; but now have I kept thy word." When a Christian comes to die, he does not feel that he has had one trial too many, or one which he did not deserve. He can then look back and see the effect of some early trial so severe that he once thought he could hardly endure it, spreading a hallowed influence over his future years, and scattering its golden fruit all along the pathway of life. I have never known a Christian who was not bene- fited by afflictions ; I have seen none who was not able to say that his trials produced some happy effect on his religious character and on his real happiness in life. If this be so, then no matter how severe our trials, we should submit to them without a murmur. The more severe they are, the more we shall yet be blessed on earth or in heaven. 12. Wherefore. In view of the facts which have been now stated that afflictions arc sent from God, and are evidences of his patcmcj 308 HEBREWS. down, and [A. D. 64. hands which hang the feeble knees : 13 And make l straight a paths for your feet, lest that 1 or, even. a Pr. 4. 26, 27. which is lame be turned out of the way ; but b let it rather be healed. 14 Follow peace e with all b Ga. G. 1. c Ps. 34. ?4. watchfulness. IT Lift up the hands which hang down. As if from weari- ness and exhaustion. Renew your courage ; make a new effort to bear them. The hands fall by the side when we are exhausted with toil, or worn down by disease. See Notes on Isa. xxxv. 3, from which place this exhortation is taken. IT And the feeble knees. The knees also become en- feebled by long effort, and tremble as if their strength were gone. Courage and resolution may do much, how- ever, to make them firm, and it is to this that the apostle exhorts those to whom he wrote. They were to make every effort to bear up under their trials. The hope of victory will do much to strengthen one almost ex- hausted in battle ; the desire to reach home invigorates the frame of the weary traveller. So it is with the Christian. In persecution and sick- ness and bereavement, he may be ready to sink under his burdens. The hands fall, and the knees trem- ble, and the heart sinks within us. But confidence in God, and the hope of heaven, and the assurance that all this is for our good, will reinvigorate the enfeebled frame, and enable us to bear what we once supposed would crush us to the dust. A courageous mind braces a feeble body, and hope makes it fresh for new conflicts. 13. And make straight paths for your feet. Marg. even. The word here used means properly straight, in the sense of upright, erect, Acts xiv. 10 ; but it is here used in the sense of straight horizontally, that is, level, plain, smooth. The meaning is, that they were to remove all obstacles out of the way, so that they need not stumble and fall. There is probably an allusion here to Prov. iv. 25 27. " Let thine eyes look right on, arid let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left; remove thy foot from evil." The idea is, that by every proper means, they were to make the way to heaven as plain and easy as possi- ble. They were to allow no obstruc- tions in the path over which the lame and feeble might fall. IT Lest that which is lame be turned out of the way, A lame man needs a smooth path to walk in. The idea is here, that every- thing which would prevent those in the church who were in any danger of falling the feeble, the unestablish- ed, the weak from walking in the path to heaven, or which might be an occasion to them of falling, should be removed. Or it may mean, that in a road that was not level, those who were lame would be in danger of spraining, distorting, or wrenching a lame limb ; and the counsel is, that whatever would have a tendency to this should be removed. Divested of the figure, the passage means, that everything should be removed which would hinder any one from walking in the path to life. If But let it rather be healed. As in the case of lame- ness, pains should be taken to heal it rather than to suffer it to be increased by careless exposure to a new sprain or fracture, so it should be in our re- ligious and moral character. What- ever is defective we should endeavour to restore to soundness, rather than to surfer the defect to be increased. Whatever is feeble in our faith or hope ; whatever evil tendency there is in our hearts, we should endeavour to strengthen and amend, lest it should become worse and we should entirely fall. 14. Follow peace with ail men. Do not give indulgence to those passions which lead to litigations, strifes, wars A. D. 04.J CHAPTER XII. 309 Mt-n. and holiness, without which no man sliall see the Lord : 15 Looking diligently * lest a Mat. 5.6; Ep. 5.5. b 2 Pe. 1. 10. See Notes on Rom. xiv. 19. The con- nexion Jiere requires us to understand this mainly of persecutors. The apostle is referring to the trials which v. horn he addressed were ex- periencing. Those trials seem to have arisen mainly from persecution, and he exhorts them to manifest a spirit of kindness towards all even though they were engaged in perse- cuting them. This is the temper of the gospel. We are to make war with sin, but not with men ; with bad passions and corrupt desires, but not with our fellow-worms. IT And holi- ness. Instead of yielding to contend- ing passions and to a spirit of war ; instead of seeking revenge on your persecutors and foes, make it rather your aim to be holy. Let that be the object of your pursuit ; the great pur- pose of your life. Men might in such cases counsel them to seek revenge ; the spirit of religion would counsel them to strive to be holy. In such times they were in great danger of giving indulgence to evil passions, and hence the special propriety of the exhortation to endeavour to be holy. IT Without which no man shall see the Lord. That is, shall see him in peace ; or shall so see him as to dwell with him. All will see him in the day of judgment, but to 'see' one is often used in the sense of being with one ; dwelling with one ; enjoying one. See Notes on Matt. v. 8. The prin- ciple here stated is one which is never departed from. Rev. xxi. 27 ; Isa. xxxv. 8; Hi. 1 ; Ix. 21 ; Joel iii. 17; Matt. xiii. 41; I.Cor. vi. 9, 10. No one has ever been admitted to heaven in his sins ; nor is it desirable that any one ever should be. Desirable as it is that lost men should be happy, yet it is benevolence which excludes the profane, the impious, and the un- beliuvimj from heaven just as it is any man fail ' of the grace of God ; lest any c root of bitter- ness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled ; 1 or, fall from. c De. 29. 18. benevolence to a family to exclude profligates and seducers, and as it is benevolence to a community to con- fine thieves and robbers in prison. This great principle in the divine ad- ministration will always be adhered to ; and hence they who are expect, ing to be saved without holiness or religion, are destined to certain dis- appointment. Heaveh and earth will pass away, but God will not admit one unrepenting and unpardoned sin. ner to heaven. It was the importance and the certainty of this principle which made the apostle insist on it here with so much earnestness. Amidst all their trials; when ex- posed to persecution ; and when every- thing might tempt them to the indul- gence of feelings which were the opposite of holiness, they were to make it their great object to be like God. For this they were to seek, to strive, to labour, to pray. This with us in all our trials should also be the great aim of life. How deeply affect- ing then is the inquiry whether we have that holiness which is indispen- sable to salvation ! Let us not deceive ourselvc?. We may have many things else many things which are in them- selves desirable, bnt without this one thing we shall never see the Lord in peace. We may have wealth, genius, learning, beauty, accomplishments, houses, lands, books, friends but without religion they will be all in vain. Never can we see God in peace without a holy heart ; never can we be admitted into heaven without that religion which will identify us with the angels around the throne ! 15. Looking diligently. This phrase implies clc.se attention. It is implied that there are reasons why we should take special care. Those reasons are found in the propensities of our hearts to evil; in the temptations r>f the 310 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 16 Lest there be any forni-IEsau, who b for one morsel of cator, a or profane person, as ] meat sold his birth-right. a 1 Co. 6. 13, 18. b Gi>. 25. 33. world ; in the allurements to apostasy presented by the great adversary of our souls. 1T Lest any man fail. As every man is in danger, it is his per- sonal duty to see to it that his salva- tion be secure. IT Fail of the grace of God. Murg. fall from. The Greek is, ' lest any one be wanting or lack- ing' 1 vcTcptiv. There is no intimation in the words used here that they al- ready had grace and might fall away whatever might be true about that but that there was danger that they might be found at last to be deficient in that religion which was necessary to save them. Whether this was to be by losing the religion which they now had, or by the fact that they ne- ver had any however near they may have come to it the apostle does not here intimate, and this passage should not be used in the discussion of the question about falling from grace. It is a proper exhortation to be addressed to any man in the church or out of it, to inquire dili- gently whether there is not reason to apprehend that when he comes to ap- pear before God he will be found to be wholly destitute of religion. IT Lest any root of bitterness springing up. Any bitter root. There is doubt- less an allusion here to Deut. xxix. 18. " Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart turneth away this day from the Lord our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations ; yest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood." The allusion there is to those who were idolators, and who instead of bearing the fruits of righteousness, and promoting the piety and happi- ness of the nation, would bear the fruits of idolatry, and spread abroad irreligion and sin. The allusion, in both cases, is to a bitter plant spring- ing up among those that were culti- vated for ornament or usoj or to a tree bearing bitter and poisonous fruit, among those that produced good fruit. The reference of the apostle is to some person who should produce a similar effect in the church to one who should inculcate false doctrines ; or who should apostatize ; or who should lead an unholy life, and thus be the means of corrupting and destroying others. They were to be at especial pains that no such person should start up from among themselves, or be tolerated by them. IT Trouble you. By his doctrines and example. IT And thereby many be dejiled. Led away from the faith and corrupted. One wicked man, and es- pecially one hypocrite in the church, may be the means of destroying many others. 16. Lest there be any fornicalor. The sin here referred to is one of those which would spread corruption in the church, and against which they ought to be especially on their guard. Allusion is made to Esau as an example, who, himself a corrupt and profane man, for a trifle threw away the highest honour which as a son he could have. Many have re- garded the word here used as refer- ring to idolatry, or defection from the true religion to a false one as the word is often used in the Old Testa- ment but it is more natural to un- derstand it literally. The crime here mentioned was one which abounded everywhere in ancient times, as it does now, and it was important to guard the church against it. See Notes on Acts xv. 20 ; I. Cor. vi. 18. IT Or profane perso'n. The word pro- fane here refers to one who by word or conduct treats religion with con- tempt, or has no reverence for that which is sacred. This may be shown by words ; by the manner ; by a sneer ; by neglect of religion ; or by openly renouncing the privileges which might be connected with oui A. D. 61.] CHAPTER XII. **? . 17 For ye know how that af- terward, when a lie would have inherited the blessin a Ge. 27. 1-38. he was salvation. The allusion here is to one who should openly cast olF all the hopes of religion for indulgence in temporary pleasure, as Esau gave up his birthright for a trifling gratifica- tion. In a similar manner the young, for temporary gratification, neglect or despise all the privileges and hopes resulting from their being born in the bosom of the church ; from being bapti/ed and consecrated to God ; and from being trained up in the lap of fi As Esau. It is clearly im- plied here that Esau sustained the character of a fornicator and a pro- fane person. The former appellation is probably given to him to denote his licentiousness shown by his mar- rying many wives, and particularly foreigners, or the daughters of Ca- naan. See Gen. xxxvi. 2 ; comp. Gen. xxvi. 34, 35. The Jewish wri- ters abundantly declare that that was his character. See Wetstein, in loc. In proof that the latter appellation that of a profane person belonged to him, see Gen. xxv. 29 34. It is true that it is rather by inference, than by direct assertion, that it is known that he sustained this charac- ter. The birth-right, in his circum- stances, was a high honour. The promise respecting the inheritance of the land of Canaan, the coming of the Messiah, and the preservation of the true religion, had been given to Abra- ham and Isaac, and was to be trans- mitted by them. As the eldest son, all the honour connected with this, and which is now associated with the name Jacob, would have properly ap- pertained to Esau. But lie under- value! it. He lived a licentious life. He followed his corrupt propensities, and jrave the reins to indulgence. In of temporary distress, also, he showed how little he really valued all this by bartering it away for a single meal of victual Rather than bear rejected ; for he fcund no placo ' of repentance, though he sought it careful y with tears. 1 or, way to change his mind. the evils of hunger for a short period, and evidently in a manner implying ;i gre;:t undervaluing of the honour which he held as the first-born son in a pious line, he agreed to surren- der all the privileges connected with his birth. It was this which mado the appellation appropriate to him ; and this will make the appellation appropriate in any similar instance. H Who for one morsel of meat. The word meat here is used, as it is com- monly in the Scriptures, in its primi- tivc sense in English to denote food. Gen. xxv. 34. The phrase here, 'mor- sel of meat,' would be better rendered by ' a single meal.' IT Sold his birth- right. The birth-right seems to have implied the first place or rank in the family ; the privilege of offering sa- crifice and conducting worship in the absence or death of the father; a double share of the inheritance, and in this instance the honour of being in the line of the patriarchs, and transmitting the promises made to Abraham and Isaac. What Esau parted with, we can easily understand by reflecting on the honours which have clustered around the name of Jacob. 17. For ye know how that afterward, &c. When he came to his father, and earnestly besought him to reverse the sentence which he had pronounc- ed. See Gen. xxvii. 34 40. The ' blessing' here referred to was not that of the birth-right, which he knew he could not regain, but that pro- nounced by the father Isaac on him whom he regarded as his first-born : son. This Jacob obtained by fraud, when Isaac really meant to bestow it on Esau. Isaac appears to have been ignorant wholly of the bargain which Jacob and Esau had made in regard to the birth-right, and Jacob and his mother contrived in this way to have that confirmed which Jacob had ob- 312 HEBREWS. [A. D. C4. 18 or ye are not come unto the w mount that might be touch- a Ex. 19. J2-19. ed, and that burned with lire nor unto blackness, and dark ness and tempest, tained of Esau by contract. The sanction of the father, it seems, was necessary, before it could be made sure, and Rebecca and Jacob under- stood that the dying blessing of the aged patriarch would establish it all. It was obtained by dishonesty on the part of Jacob ; but so far as Esau was concerned, it was an act of righteous retribution for the little regard he had shown for the honour of his birth. H For he found no place of repent- ance. Marg. ' Way to change his mind.'' That is, no place for repent- ance in the mind of Isaac, or no way to change his mind. It does not mean that Esau earnestly sought to repent and could not, but that when once the blessing had passed the lips of his father, he found it impossible to change it. Isaac firmly declared that he had pronounced the blessing, and though it had been obtained by fraud, yet as it was of the nature of a divine pre- diction it could not now be changed. He had not indeed intended that it should be thus. He had pronounced a blessing on another which had been designed for him. But still the benedic- tion had been given. The prophetic words had been pronounced. By di- vine direction the truth had been spo- ken, and how could it be changed ? It was impossible now to reverse the divine purposes in the case, and hence the ' blessing' must stand as it had been spoken. Isaac did, however, all that could be done. He gave a bene- diction to his son Esau, though of far inferior value to that which he had pronounced on the fraudulent Jacob. Gen. xxvii. 39, 40. IT Though he sought it carefully with tears. Gen. xxvii. 34. He sought to change the purpose of his father, but could not do it. The meaning and bearing of ihis passage, as used by the apostle, may be easily understood. (1.) The Decision of God on the human char- 1 Ctcr and tiert'ny will soon be pro- nounced. That decision will be ac- cording to truth, and cannot be chang- ed. (2.) If we should despise our privileges as Esau did his birth-right, and renounce our religion, it would be impossible to recover what we had lost. There would be no possibility of changing the divine decision in the case, for it would be determined for ever. This passage, therefore, should not be alleged to show that a sinner cannot repent, or that he cannot find 'place for repentance,' or assistance to enable him to repent, or that tears and sorrow for sin would be of no avail, for it teaches none of these things ; but it should be used to keep us from disregarding our privileges, from turning away from the true re- ligion, from slighting the favours of the gospel, and from neglecting reli- gion till death comes ; because when God has once pronounced a sentence excluding us from his favour, no tears, or pleading, or effort of our own can change him. The sentence which he pronounces on the scoffer, the impen- itent, the hypocrite, and the apostate, is one that will abide for ever with- out change. This passage, therefore, is in accordance with the doctrine more than once stated before in this epistle, that if a Christian should re- ally apostatize it would be impossible that he should be saved. See Notes on ch. vi. 1 6. 18. For ye are not come. To en- force the considerations already urged, the apostle introduces this sublime comparison between the old and now dispensations. Vs. 1824. The ob- ject, in accordance with the principal scope of the epistle is, to guard them against apostasy. To do this, he shows that under the new dispensation there was much more to bind them to fidelity, and to make apostasy dan- gerous, than there was under the old. The main point of the comparison ia, that under the Jewish dispr"?afion I). 64.] CHAPTER XII 19 And the sound of a tniin- iid tlic voice of words; which a voice they that heard, entreated that the word should tot be spoken to them any more : Ex. 20. 18. 19. 6 Ex. 10. 13. 16. ivcrything was adapted to a\vc the iind, and to restrain by the exhibi- tion of grandeur and of power ; but that under the Christian dispensation, while there was as much that was sublime, there was much more that was adapted to win and hold the af- fections. There were revelations of higher truths. There were more af- fecting motives to lead to obedience. There was that of which the former was hut the type and emblem. There was the clear revelation of the glo- ries of heaven, and of the blessed so- ciety there, all adapted to prompt to the earnest desire that they might be our own. The considerations present- ed in this passage constitute the cli- max of the argument so beautifully pursued through this epistle, showing that the Christian system was far supe- rior in every respect to the Jewish. In presenting this closing argument, the apostle first refers to some of the cir- cumstances attending the former dis- pensation which were designed to keep the people of God from aposta- sy, and then the considerations of su- perior weight existing under the Chris- tian economy. If The mount that might be touched. Mount Sinai. The meaning here is, that that mountain was palpable, material, touchable in contradistinction from the Mount Zion to which the church had now come, which is above the reach of the external senses. Ver. 22. The apos- tle does not mean that it was permit- ted to the Israelites to touch Mount Sinai for this was strictly forbidden, Ex. xix. 12; but he evidently alludes to that prohibition, and means to say that a command forbidding them to touch' 1 the mountain, implied that it was a material or palpable object. The sense of the passage is, that every circumstance that occurred 27 20 (For they could not en- dure that which was command- ed, And b if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart. there was fittted to fill the soul with terror. Everything accompanying the giving of the law, the setting of bounds around the mountain which they might not pass, and the darkness and tempest on the mountain itself, was adopted to overawe the soul. The phrase 'the touchable mountain' vf such a phrase is proper would ox- press the meaning of the apostle here The ' Mount Zion' to which the churcL now has come, is of a different cha; acter. It is not thus visible and pal pable. It is not enveloped in smoke and flame, and the thunders of the Almighty do not roll and re-echo among its lofty peaks as at Horeb ; yet it presents stronger motives to perseverance in the service of God. 1T And that burned with fire. Ex. xix. 18. Comp. Deut. iv. 11 ; xx, Hi. 2. IT Nor unto blackmss, and darkness, and tempest. See Ex xlx. 16. 19. And the sound of i trumpet, Ex. xix. 19. The sound of the trrm. pet amidst the tempest was fitted vO increase the terror of the scene, ff And the voice of words. Spoken by God. Ex. xix. 19. It is easy to con- ceive what must have been the awe produced by a voice uttered from the midst of the tempest so distinct as tc be heard by the hundreds of thou- sands of Israel, when the speaker was invisible. IT Which voice (hey that heard, &c. Ey xx. 18, 19. It was so fearful and overpowering that the people earnestly prayed that if they must be addressed, it might be by the familiar voice of Moses and not by the awful voice of the Deity. 20. For they could not endure that which was commanded. They could not sustain the awe produced by the fact that God uttered his commands himself. The meaning is not that the commands themselves were intol 314 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 21 And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said. I exceed- ingly fear and quake :) erable, but that the manner in which they were communicated inspired a terror which they could not bear. They feared that they should die. Ex. xx. 19. IT And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned. Ex. xix. 13. The prohibi- tion was, that neither beast nor man should touch it on pain of death. The punishment was to be either by ston- ing, or being " shot through." IT Or thrust through with a dart. Ex. xix. 13. " Or shot through." This phrase, however, though it is found in the common editions of the New Testa- ment, is wanting in all the more valua- ble manuscripts; in all the ancient versions ; and it occurs in none of the Greek ecclesiastical writers, with one exception. It is omitted now by al- most all editors of the New Testa- ment. It is beyond all doubt an ad- dition of later times, taken from the Septuagint of Ex. xix. 13. Its omis- sion does not injure the sense. 21. And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, &c. This is not re- corded in the account of the giving of the law in Exodus, and it has been made a question on what authority the apostle made this declaration re- specting Moses. In Deut. ix. 19, Mo- ses indeed says, of himself, after he had come down from the mountain, and had broken the two tables of stone that were in his hand, that he was greatly afraid of the anger of the Lord on account of the sin of the people. " I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure wherewith ihe Lord was wroth against you tu des troy you ;" and it has been supposed by many that this is the passage to which the apostle here alludes. But it is very evident that was spoken on a different occasion from the one which is referred to in the passage before us. That was after the law was pro- mulgated, and Moses had descended from the mount ; and it was not said 22 But ye are come unto Mount Sion, and unto the city a a Re. 3. 12. in view of the terrors of the scene when the law was given, but of the apprehension of the wrath of God against the people for their sin it making the golden calf. I know not how to explain this, except by the supposition that the apostle here re- fers to some tradition that the scene produced this effect on his mind. In itself it is not improbable that Moses thus trembled with alarm (comp. Ex. xix. 16), nor that the re- membrance of it should have been handed down among the numerous traditions which the Jews transmit- ted from age to age. There must have been many things that occurred in their journey through the wilder- ness which are not recorded in the Books of Moses. Many of them would be preserved naturally in the memory of the people, and transmit- ted to their posterity; and though those truths might become intermin- gled with much that was fabulous, yet it is not irrational to suppose that an inspired writer may have adduced pertinent and true examples from these traditions of what actually oc- curred. It was one method of pre- serving the truth, thus to select such instances of what actually took place from the mass of traditions which were destined to perish, as would be useful in future times. The circum stance here mentioned was greatly fitted to increase the impression of the sublimity and fearfulness of ihe scene. Moses was accustomed to commune with God. He had met him at the ' bush,' and had been ad- dressed by him face to face, and ye* so aw ful were the scenes at Horeb that even he could not bear it with composure. What may we then sup- pose to have been the alarm of the body of the people, when the mind of the great leader himself was thus overpowered ! 22. But ye are come unto Mount A. 1). CHAPTER XII. 315 of the living God, the heavenly a Ps. 68. 17. Jerusalem, and to an innumer- able company of angels, tt Sion. You who arc Christians ; all \vlio are under the new dispensation. The design is to contrast the Chris- tian dispensation with the Jewish, and to show that its excellencies and advantages were far superior to the religion of their fathers It had more to win the affections ; more to elevate the soul ; more to inspire with hope. It had less that was terrific and alarm- ing ; it appealed less to the fears and more to the hopes of mankind ; but still apostasy from this religion could not be less terrible in its consequences than apostasy from the religion of Moses. In the passage before us, the apostle evidently contrasts Sinai with Mount Zion, and means to say that there was more about the latter that was adapted to win the heart and to preserve allegiance than there was about the former. Mount Zion lite- rally denoted the Southern hill in Je- rusalem, on which a part of the city was built. That part of the city was made by David and his successors the residence of the court, and soon the name Zion was given familiarly to the whole city. Jerusalem was the centre of religion in the land ; the place where the temple stood, and where the worship of God was cele- brated, and where God dwelt by a visible symbol, and it became the type and emblem of the holy abode whee He dwells in heaven. It cannot be literally meant here that they had come to the Mount Zion in Jerusalem, lor that was as true of the whole Jew- ish people as of those whom the apos- tle addressed, but it must mean that they had come to the Mount Zion of which the holy city was an emblem; to the glorious mount which i ed as the dwelling-place of God, of angels, of saints. That is, they had ' come' to this by the revelations and hopes of the gospel. They were not . literally in heaven, nor was that glorious city literally on earth, but tlic dispensation to which they had been brought was that which conducted them directly up to the city of the living God, and to the holy mount where he dwelt above. The view was not confined to an earthly mountain enveloped in smoke and flame, but opened at once on the holy place where God abides. By the phrase 'ye are come,' the apostle means that thi(tovas the characteristic of the new dispensation that it con- ducted them there, and that they were already in fact inhabitants "of that glorious city. They were citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem (comp. Note Phil. iii. 20), and were entitled to its privileges. IT And unto the city of the living God. The city where the liv- ing God dwells the heavenly Jeru- salem. Comp. Notes on ch. xi. 10. God dwelt by a visible symbol in the temple at Jerusalem and to that his people came under the old dispensa- tion. In a more literal and glorious sense his abode is in heaven, and to that his people have now come. 1T The heavenly Jerusalem. Heaven is not unfrequently represented as a mag- nificent city where God and angels dwell; and the Christian revelation discloses this to Christians as certain, ly their final home. They should re- gard themselves already as dwellers in that city, and live and act as if they saw its splendour and partook of its joy. In regard to this repre- sentation of heaven as a city where God dwells, the following places may be consulted. Heb. xi. 10. 14 16; xii. 28 ; xiii. 14 ; Gal. iv. 26 ; Rev. iii. 12; xxi. 2. 1027. It is true that Christians have not yet seen that city by the bodily eye, but they look to it with the eye of faith. It is revealed to them ; they are permitted by anti- cipation to conteriplate its glories, and to feel that it is to be their eter- nal home. They are permitted to live and act as if they saw the glori- ous God whose dwelling is there, and were already surrounded by the an- gels and the redeemed. The apostle does not represent them as if they IIG HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 23 To the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are l written b in heaven, i Re. 14. 4. l or, enrolled. b Lu. 10. 20. were expecting that it would be visi- bly set up on the earth, but as being now actually dwellers in that city, and bound to live and act as if they were amidst its splendours. ^ And to an innumerable coyuoany of angels. The Greek here is, *o myriads [or ten thousands] of angels in an assem- bly or joyful convocation.' The phrase 'tens of thousands' is often used to denote a great and indefinite number. The word rendered ' gene- ral assembly,' (ver. 22) iravfyvpis refers properly to 4 an assembly or convocation of the whole people in order to celebrate any public festival or solemnity, as the public games or sacrifices.' Rob. Lex. It occurs no- where else in the New Testament, and refers here to the angels viewed as assembled around the throne of God and celebrating his praises. It should be regarded as connected with ihe word angels, referring to their convocation in heaven, and not to the church of the first-born. This con- struction is demanded by the Greek. Our common translation renders it as if it were to be united with the church 'to the general assembly and church of the first-born ;' but the Greek will not admit of this construction. The interpretation which unites it with the angels is adopted now by almost all critics, and in almost all the edi- tions of the New Testament. On the convocation of angels, see Notes on Job i. 6. The writer intends doubt- less to contrast that joyful assem- blage of the angels in heaven with those who appeared in the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. God is al- ways represented as surrounded by hosts of angels in heaven. See Deut. xxxiii. 2 ; I. Kings xxii. 19 ; Dan. vii. 10; Ps. Ixviii. 17; comp. Notes Heb. xii. 1 ; see also Rev. v. ii ; Matt. xxvi. 53 ; Luke ii, 13. The meaning is, that under the Christian dispensation and to God the Judge 6 of all, and to the spirits of just men d made perfect, c Ge. 18. 25. d 1 Co. 15 19, 54. Christians in their feelings and wor- ship become united to this vast host of holy angelic beings. It is, of course, not meant that they are visi- ble, but they are seen by the eye of faith. The argument here is, that as, in virtue of the Christian revelation, we become associated with those pure and happy spirits, we should not apos- tatize from such a religion, for we should regard it as honourable and glorious to be identified with them. 23. To the general assembly. See Notes on ver. 22. IT And church of the first-born. That is, you are united with the church of the first-born. They who were first-born among the Hebrews enjoyed peculiar privileges, and especially pre-eminence of rank. See Notes on Coll. i. 15. The refer- ence here is, evidently, to those saints who had been distinguished for their piety, and who may be supposed to be exalted to peculiar honours in hea- ven such as the patriarchs, prophets, martyrs. The meaning is, that by becoming Christians, we have become in fact identified with that happy and honoured church, and that this is a powerful motive to induce us to per- severe. It is a consideration which should make us adhere to our religion amidst all temptations and persecu- tions, that we are identified with the most eminently holy men who have lived, and that we are to share their honours and their joys. The Chris- tian is united in feeling, in honour, and in destiny, with the excellent of all the earth and of all times. He should feel it, therefore, an honour te be a Christian ; he should yield to no temptation which would induce him to part from so goodly a fellowship. IT Which are written in heaven. Marg. enrolled. The word here was em- ployed by the Greeks to denote that one was enrolled as a citizen, or enti- tled to the privileges of citizenship. . D 64.] CHAPTER XIL 24 And to Jesus the media- tor of the new covenant, ' and to the blood b of sprinkling, that a c. 8. 6. or, testament. speaketh bette.r things than that of Abel. e ft Ex. 24. 8. c Go. 4. 10. Here it means, tluit the names of the - referred to were registered or enrolled among the inhabitants of the heavenly world. Sec Notes, Luke x. 20. IT And to God the judge of all. God, who will pronounce the final sentence on all mankind. The object of the reference here to God as judge docs not appear to be to contrast the condition of Christians with that of the Jews, as is the case in some of the circumstances alluded to, but to )rin impressively before their minds Jic fact that they sustained a pecu- liarly near relation to him from whom all were to receive their final allot- ment. As the destiny of all depended on him, they should be careful not to provoke his wrath. The design of the apostle seems to be to give a rapid glance of what there was in heaven, as disclosed by the eye of faith to the Christian, which should operate as a motive to induce him to persevere in his Christian course. The thought that seems to have struck his mind in regard to God was, that he would do right to all. They had, therefore, everything to fear if they revolted from him ; they had everything to hope if they bore their trials with pa- tience, and persevered to the end. If And to the spirits of just men made perfect. Not only to the more emi- nent saints the ' church of the first- born' but to all who were made per- fect in heaven. They were not only united with the imperfect Christians on earth, but with those who have become completely delivered from sin, and admitted to the world of glory This is a consideration which ought to influence the minds of all believers They are even now united with aL the redeemed in heaven. They should BO live as not to be separated from them in the final day. Most Chris- tians have among the redeemed al- ready not a few of their most tenderly beloved 1'ricnds. A father may be 27 there ; a mother, a sister, a smiling babe. It should be a powerful motivi with us so to live as to be prepared to be reunited with them in heaven. 24. And to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant. This was the crowning excellence of the new dis- pensation in contradistinction from the old. They had been made ac- quainted with the true Messiah ; they were united to him by faith; they had been sprinkled with his blood, See Notes on ch. vii. 22, and ch. viii. 6. The highest consideration which can be urged to induce any one to perse- vere in a life of piety is the fact that the Son of God has come into the world and died to save sinners. Comp. Notes on vs. 2 4 of this chapter. IT And to the blood of sprinkling. The blood which Jesus shed, and which is sprinkled upon us to ratify the cove- nant. See Notes on ch. ix. 1823. IT That speaketh better things than that of Abel. Gr. ' Than Abel ;' the words ' that o/' being supplied by the trans, lators. In the original there is no re- ference to the blood of Abel shed by Cain, as our translators seem to have supposed, but the allusion is to the faith of Abel, or to the testimony which he bore to a great and vital truth of religion. The meaning here is, that the blood of Jesus speaks bet- ter things than Abel did ; that is, that the blood of Jesus is the reality of which the offering of Abel was a type Abel proclaimed by the sacrifice which he made the great truth that salva- tion could be only by a bloody offer ing but he did this only in a typical and obscure manner ; Jesus proclaim, cd it in a more distinct and better manner by the reality. The object here is to compare the Redeemer with Abel, not in the sense that the blood shed in cither case calls for vengeance, but that salvation by blood is more clearly revealed in the Christian plan than in the ancient history arv 318 25 See that ye him that speaketh. HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. refuse not For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven : 26 Whose voice then shook hence illustrating-, in accordance with the design of this epistle", the superior excellency of the Christian scheme Dver all which had preceded it. There were other points of resemblance be- tween Abel and the Redeemer, but on them the apostle does not insist. Abel 'vas a martyr, and so was Christ; \bel was cruelly murdered, and so /as Christ; there was aggravated guilt in^the murder of Abel by his brother, and so there was in that of Jesus by his brethren his own countrymen; the blood of Abel called for vengeance, and was followed by a fearful penalty on Cain, and so was the death of the Redeemer on his mur- derers for they said, "his blood be on us and on our children," and are yet suffering under the fearful maledic- tion then invoked ; but the point of contrast here is, that the blood of Je- sus makes a more full, distinct, and clear proclamation of the truth that salvation is by blood than the offering made by Abel did. The apostle al- ludes here to what he had said in ch. xi. 4. See Notes on that verse. Such is the contrast between the former and the latter dispensations ; and such the motives to perseverance presented by both. In the former, the Jewish, all was imperfect, terrible and alarm- ing. In the latter, everything was comparatively mild, winning, allur ing, animating. Terror was not the principal element, but heaven was opened to the eye of faith, and the Christian was permitted to survey the Mount Zion ; the New Jerusalem the angels ; the redeemed ; the blessed God ; the glorious Mediator, and to feel that that blessed abode was to be his home. To that happy world he was tending ; and with all these pure and glor ious beings he was identified Having stated and urged this argu- ment, the apostle in the remainder of the chapter warns those whom he addressed in a most solemn manner against a renunciation of their Chris- tian faith. 25. See that ye refuse not. That you do not reject or disregard. IT Him that speaketh. That is, in the gospel. Do not turn away from him who has addressed you in the new dispensa- tion, v and called you to obey and serve him. The meaning is, that God had addressed them in the gospel as really as he had done the Hebrews on Mount Sinai, and that there was as much to be dreaded in disregarding his voice now as there was then. He does not speak, indeed, amidst lightnings, and thunders, and clouds, but he speaks by every message of mercy ; by every invitation ; by every tender appeal. He spake by his Son (ch. i. 1); he speaks by the Holy Spirit, and by all his calls and warnings in the gospel. IT For if they escaped not. If they who heard God under the old dispen- sation, who refused to obey him, were cut off. Notes ch. x. 28. IT Who re. fused him that spake on earth. Thai is, Moses. The contrast here is be- tween Moses and the Son of God the head of the Jewish and the head of the Christian dispensation. Moses was a mere man, and spake as such, though in the name of God. The Son of God was from above, and spake as an inhabitant of heaven. IT Much more, &c. See Notes on ch. ii. 2, 3 ; ix. 29. 26, Whose voice then shook the earth. When he spake at Mount Sinai. The meaning is, that the mountain and the region around quaked. Ex. xix. 18. The 'voice' here referred to ii that of God speaking from the hoi} mount. ^ But now hath he promised saying. The words here quoted art taken from Haggai ii. 6, where the} refer to the changes which would tak place under the Messiah. The mean ing is, that there would be great r*. I). CHAPTER XII. 319 urth : but now he h;iih promised, saying, * Yet once a Hag. 2. 6. volutions in his coming, as if the universe were shaken to its centre. Thr apostle evidently applies this as it is done in Hftggu, to the first advent of the Redeemer. *i I shake not the. earth only. This is not quoted literally 1'roni the Hebrew, but -; is retained. In Haggai it j , u Yet onee, it. is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land ; and 1 will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come." The apostle lays emphasis on the fact that not only the earth was to be shaken but also heaven. The shaking of the earth here evidently refers to the commotions among the nations that would prepare the way for the com- ing of the Messiah. IT But also hea- ven. This may refer either (1) to the extraordinary phenomena in the hea- vens at the birth, the death, and the ascension of Christ ; or (2) to the re- volutions in morals and religion which would be caused by the intro- duction of the gospel, as if everything were to be changed expressed by * a shaking of the heavens and the earth ;' or (3) it may be more literally taken as denoting that there was a re- markable agitation in the heavens in the bosoms of its inhabitants arising from a fact so wonderful as that the Son of God should descend to earth, suffer, and die. I see no reason to doubt that the latter idea may have been included here ; and the meaning of the whole then is, that while the giving of the law at Mount Sinai, tearful and solemn as it was, was an rvcnt that merely shook the earth in the vicinity of the holy Mount, the in- troduction of the gospel agitated the universe. Great changes upon the earth were to' precede it ; one revolution was to succeed another preparatory to it, and the whole universe would be moved at an event so extraordinary. hat tli.- introduction more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. 21 And this word, Yet once of the gospel was a much more solemn and momentous thing than the giving of the law and that, therefore, it was much more fearful and dangerous to apostatize from it. 27. And this word, Yet once more. That is, this reference to a great agi- tation or commotion in some future time. This is designed as an expla- nation of the prophecy in Haggai, and the idea is, that there would be such agitations that everything which was not fixed on a permanent and im- movable basis would be thrown down as in an earthquake. Everything which was temporary in human in- stitutions ; everything which was wrong in customs and morals ; and everything in the ancient system of religion which was merely of a pre- paratory and typical character would be removed. "What was of permanent value would be retained, and a king, dom would be established which no- thing could move. The effect of the gospel would be to overturn every- thing which was of a temporary character in the previous system, and everything in morals which was not founded on a soh"d basis, and to set up in the place of it principles which no revolution and no time could change. The coming of the Saviour, and the influence of his religion on mankind, had this effect in such respects as the following. (1.) All that was of a sound and permanent nature in the Jewish economy was retained; all that was typical and temporary was removed. The whole mass of sacri tices and ceremonies that were de- signed to prefigure the Messiah of course then ceased ; all that was of permanent value in the law of God, and in the principles of religion, was incorporated in the new system and perpetuated. (2.) The same is true in regard to morals. There was much truth on the earth before; the time ..t' the Saviour ; but it -mingled 320 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. more, signitieth the removing of those things that are ! sha- ken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. with much that was false. The effect of his coming has been to distinguish what is true and what is false; to give permanency to the one, and to cause the other to vanish. (3.) The same is true of religion. There are some views of religion which men have by nature which are correct ; there are many which are false. The Christian religion gives permanence and stability to the one, and causes the other to disappear. And in gene- ral, it may be remarked, that the effect of Christianity is to give sta- bility to all that is founded on truth, and to drive error from the world. Christ came that he might destroy all the systems of error that is, all that could be shaken on earth, and to con- firm all that is true. The result of all will be that he will preside over a permanent kingdom, and that his people will inherit " a kingdom which cannot be moved." Ver. 28. IT The removing of those things that are sha- ken. Marg. more correctly " may 6e." / The meaning is, that those principles of religion and morals which were not founded on truth, would be re- moved by his coming. IT As of things that are made. Much perplexity has been felt by expositors in regard to this phrase, but the meaning seems to be plain. The apostle is contrast- ing the things which are fixed and stable with those which are temporary in their nature, or which are settled on no firm foundation. The former he speaks of as if they were uncreated and eternal principles of truth and righteousness. The latter he speaks of as if they were created, and there- fore liable, like all things which are * made,' to decay, to change, to disso- lution. 1T That those things which can- not be shaken may remain. The eter- nal principles of truth, and law, and righteousness. These would enter 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God 1 or, may be. 2 or, holdfast. into the new kingdom which was to be set up, and of course that king- dom would be permanent. These are not changed or modified by time, circumstances, human opinions or laws. They remain the same from age to age, in every land, and in all worlds. They have been permanent in all the fluctuations of opinion ; in all the varied forms of government on earth; in all the revolutions of states and empires. To bring out these is the result of the events of di- vine Providence, and the object of the coming of the Redeemer; and on these principles that great kingdom is to be reared which is to endure for ever and ever. 28. Wherefore we receiving a king dom ichich cannot be moved. We who are Christians. We pertain to a king- dom that is permanent and unchang- ing. The meaning is, that the king- dom of the Redeemer is never to pass away. It is not, like the Jewish dis- pensation, to give place to another, nor is there any power that can de- stroy it. See Notes on Matt. xvi. 18. It has now endured for eighteen hundred years amidst all the revolu- tions on earth, and in spite of all the attempts which have been made to destroy it ; and it is now as vigorous and stable as it ever was. The past has shown that there is no power of earth or hell that can destroy it, and that in the midst of all revolutions this kingdom still survives. Its great principles and laws will endure on earth to the end of time, and will be made permanent in heaven. This is the only kingdom in which we can be certain that there will be no revolution ; the only empire which is destined never to fall. V Let us have grace whereby we may serve God. Marg. l let us hold fast.' The Greek is, literally, let us haw A. D. 64 ] acceptably with re/erence and godly Icar. CHAPTER XII. 321 grace ; the meaning' is, 4 let us hold last the grace or favour which we .1 in being admitted to the privileges of that kingdom.' The object of the apostle is, to keep them in the reverent fear and service of God. The argument which he pre- sents i?, that tliis kingdom is perma- nent. There is no danger of its being overthrown. It is to eontinue on earth to the end of time ; it is to be established in heaven for ever. If it were temporary, changeable, liable to be overthrown at any moment, there would be much less encouragement to perseverance. But in a kingdom like this there is every encourage- ment, for there is the assurance (1) that all our interests there are safe ; (2) that all our exertions will be crowned with ultimate success ; (3) that the efforts which we make to do good will have a permanent influence on mankind, and will bless future ages ; and (4) that the reward is certain. A man subject to a government about whose continuance there would be the utmost uncertainty, would have little encouragement to labour with a view to any permanent interest. In a government where nothing is set- tled ; where all policy is changing, and where there are constantly va- cillating plans, there is no induce- ment to enter on any enterprise de- manding time and risk. But where the policy is settled; where the prin- ciples and the laws are firm ; where there is evidence of permanency, there is the highest encouragement. The highest possible encouragement of this kind is in the permanent and established kingdom of God. All other governments may be revolu- tionized; this never will be: all others may have a changeful policy ; this has none: all others will be overthrown; this never will. * H ;/// reverence and godly fear. With true veneration for God, and with pious devotedneas. 29 For our God is a con- sinning fire. a De. 4. 24. 29. For our God is a consuming fire. This is a further reason why we should serve God with profound reverence and unwavering fidelity, The quotation is made from Deut. iv. 24. " For the LOKD thy God is a con- suming fire, even a jealous God." The object of the apostle here seems to be, to show that there was the same reason for fearing the displeasure of God under the new dispensation which there was under the old. It was the same God who was served. There had been no change in his attributes, or in the principles of his government. He was no more the friend of sin now than he was then ; and the same per- fections of his nature which would then lead him to punish transgression would also lead him to do it now. His anger was really as terrible, and as much to be dreaded as it was at Mount Sinai; and the destruction which he would inflict on his foes would be as terrible now as it was then. The fearfulness with which he would come forth to destroy the wicked might be compared to a Jire that consumed all before it. See Notes, Mark ix. 4446. The image here is a most fearful one, and is in accordance with all the representa tions of God in the Bible, and with all that we see hi the divine dealings with wicked men, that punishment as inflicted by him is awful and over- whelming. So it was on the old world ; on the cities of the plain ; on the hosts of Sennacherib ; and on Je- rusalem and so it has been in the calamities of pestilence, war, flood, and famine with which God has visit- ed guilty men. By all these tender and solemn considerations, therefore, the apostle urges the friends of God to perseverance and fidelity in his ser- vice. His goodness and mercy ; the gift of a Saviour to redeem us ; the revelation of a glorious world ; the assurance that all may soon be united in fellowship with the angels and the 322 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 CHAPTER XIII. T ET brotherly a love continue. j i 2 Be not forgetful to en- tertain Strangers : for thereby a 1 Pe. 1. 22 ; 1 Jno. 4. 7, 20. redeemed; the certainty that the king- dom of the Saviour is established on a permanent basis, and the apprehen- sion of the dreadful wrath of God against the guilty, all should lead us to persevere in the duties of our Chris- tian calling, and to avoid those things which would jeopard the eternal in- terests of our souls. CHAPTER XIII. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER. The closing chapter of this epistle is made up almost entirely of exhor- tations to the performance of various practical duties. The exhortations relate to the following points : bro- therly love, ver. 1 ; hospitality, ver. 2 ; sympathy with those in bonds, ver. 3 ; fidelity in the marriage relation, ver. 4; contentment, vs. 5, 6; sub- mission to those in authority, vs. 7, 8 ; stability in the doctrines of reli- gion, vs. 9 15 ; benevolence, ver. 16 ; obedience to those entrusted with of- fice, ver. 17; and special prayer for him who wrote this epistle, vs. 18, 19. The epistle then closes with a beau- tiful and impressive benediction, vs. 20, 21 ; with an entreaty that they would receive with favour what had been written, ver. 22 ; with the grate- ful announcement that Timothy, in whom they doubtless felt a great in- terest, was set at liberty, ver. 23 ; and with a salutation to all the saints, vs. 24, 25. 1. Let brotherly love continue. Im- plying that it now existed among them. The apostle had no occasion to reprove them for the want of it, as he had in regard to some to whom he wrote, but he aims merely to impress on them the importance of this vir- tue, and to caution them against the danger of allowing it ever to be in- terrupted. See Notes on John xiii. 34. 2. Be not forgetful to entertain some 6 have entertained angela unawares. 3 Remember them that are b Ge. 18. 3. 19. 2. strangers. On the duty of hospital- ity, see a full explanation in the Notes on Rom. xii. 13. IT For thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Without knowing that they were an- gels. As Abraham (Gen. xviii. 2, seq.), and Lot did. Gen. xix. The motive here urged for doing it is, that by entertaining the stranger we may perhaps be honoured with the pres- ence of those whose society will be to us an honour and a blessing. It is not well for us to miss the oppor- tunity of the presence, the conversa- tion, and the prayers of the good. The influence of such guests in a fam- ily is worth more than it costs to en tertain them. If there is danger that we may sometimes receive those of an opposite character, yet it is not wise on account of such possible dan- ger, to lose the opportunity of enter- taining those whose presence would be a blessing. Many a parent owes the conversion of a child to the influ- ence of a pious stranger in his fami ly ; and the hope that this may occur, or that our own souls may be blessed, should make us ready, at all proper times, to welcome the feet of the stranger to our doors. Many a man, if he had been accosted as Abraham was at the door of his tent by stran- gers, would have turned them rudely away ; many a one in the situation of Lot would have sent the unknown guests rudely from his door ; but who can estimate what would have been the results of such a course on the destiny of those good men and their families ? For a great number of in stances in which the heathen were supposed to have entertained the gods, though unknown to them, see Wet- stein in loc. 3. Remember them that are in bonds All who are bound; whether prison ers of war; captives in dungeons, those detained in custody for trial A. J). 01.] CHAPTER XIII. 323 in bonds, a as bound with them ; and them which sutler adversi- o Mat. -23. 3(>. .lio are imprisoned for righte- ousness 1 sake ; or those held in slave- ry. The word used here will include all instances where bonds, shackles, chains were eu r used. Perhaps there is an immediate allusion to their fel- low-Christians who were suffering imprisonment on account of their re- ligion, of whom there were doubtless many at that time, but the principle will apply. to every case of those who are imprisoned or oppressed. The word remember implies more than that we are merely to think of them. Comp. Ex. xx. 8; Eccl. xii. 1. It means that we arc to remember them ucitli appropriate sympathy ; or as we should wish others to remember us if we were in their circumstances. That 13, we are (1) to feel deep compassion for them ; (2) we are to remember them in our prayers ; (3) we are to remember them, as far as practicable, with aid for their relief. Christianity teaches us to sympathize with all the oppressed, the suffering, and the sad ; and there are more of this class than we commonly suppose, and they have stronger claims on our sympathy than we commonly realize. In this land there are not far from ten thousand confined in prison the father sepa- rated from his children ; the husband from his wife ; the brother from his sister; and all cut off from the living world. Their fare is coarse, and their couches hard, and the ties which bound them to the living world are rudely snapped asunder. Many of them are in solitary dungeons ; all of them are sad and melancholy men. True, they v are there for crime ; but they are men they are our brothers. They have still the feelings of our common hu- manity, and many of them feel their separation from wife and children and home as keenly as we would. That (orl who has mercifully made our lot different from theirs has commanded us to sympathize with them and we should sympathize all the more when ty, as being yourselves also in the body. we remember that but for his restrain, ing grace we should have been in the same condition. There are in this land of 'liberty' also nearly three millions who are held in the hard bondage of slavery. There is the father, the mother, 1 he child, the bro- ther, the sister. They are held as property ; liable to be sold ; having no right to the avails of their own labour; exposed to the danger of having the tenderest ties sundered at the will of their ma? ter ; shut out from the privilege of re.iding the word of God; fed on coarse fare; living in wretched hovels; a id often subjected to the painful infl etions of the lash at the caprice of a passionate driver. Wives and daughters are made the victims of degrading sensuality with- out the power of resistance or re- dress; the security of home is un- known; and they are dependent on the will of another man whether they shall or shall not worship their Crea- tor. We should remember them, and sympathize with them as if they were our fathers, mothers, sisters, bro thers, or sons and daughters. Though of different colour, yet the same blood flows in their veins as in ours (Acts xvii. 26) ; they are bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh. By nature they have the same right to ' life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' which we and our children have, and to de- prive them of that right is as unjust as it would be to deprive us and ours of it. They have a claim on our sym- pathy, for they are oui brethren. They need it, for they are poor and helpless. They should have it, for the same God who has kept us from that hard lot has commanded us to remember them. That kind remembrance of them should be shown in every prac- ticable way. By prayer; by plans contemplating their freedom ; by ef- forts to send them the gospel ; by diffusing abroad the principles of lib- erty and of the rights of man ; by using 124 HEBREWS. [A. D. G4, 4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled : but b whoremongers and adulte- rers God will judge. Pr. 5. 15-23. b I Co. 6. 9 ; Re. 22. 15. our influence to arouse the public mind in their behalf, we should en- deavour to relieve those who are in bonds, and to hasten the time when 'the oppressed shall go free.' On this subject see Notes on Isa. ch. Iviii. 6. If As bound with them. There is great force and beauty in this expression. Religion teaches us to identify ourselves with all who are oppressed, and to feel what they suf- fer as if we endured it ourselves. In- fidelity and atheis n are cold and dis- tant. They stand aloof from the op- pressed and the sad. But Christianity unites all hearts in one ; binds us to all the race, and reveals to us in the case of each one oppressed and in- jured, a brother. IT And them which suffer adversity^ The word here used refers properly to* those who are mal- treated, or who are injured by others. It does not properly refer to those who merely experience calamity. IF As being yourselves also in the body. As being yourselves exposed to persecu- tion and suffering, and liable to be injured. That is, do to them as you would wish them to do to you if you were the sufferer. When we see an oppressed and injured man, we should remember that it is possible that we may be in the same circumstances, and that then we shall need and de- sire the sympathy of others. 4. Marriage is honourable in all. The object here is to state that honour is to be shown to the marriage rela- tion. It is not to be undervalued by the pretence of the superior purity of a state of celibacy, as if marriage were improper for any class of men or any condition of life ; and it should not be dishonoured by any violation of the marriage contract. The course of things has shown that there was abun- dant reason for the apostle to assert with emphasis that ' marriage was an 5 Let your conversation be without covetousness ; and be ontent c with such things as ye c Mat. 6. 25, 34. honourable condition of life.' Tfcere has been a constant effort made to show that celibacy was a more holy state ; that there was something in marriage that rendered it dishonour- able for those who were in the min- istry, and for those of either sex who would be eminently pure. This sen- timent has been the cause of more abomination in the world than any other single opinion claiming to have a religious sanction. It is one of the supports on which the Papal system rests, and has been one of the princi- pal upholders of all the corruptions in monasteries and nunneries. The apostle asserts, without any restric- tion or qualification, that marriage is honourable in all ; and this proves that it is lawful for the ministers of religion to marry, and that the whole doctrine of the superior punty of a state of celibacy is false. See this subject examined in the Notes on I. Cor. vii. 1T And the bed undejiled. Fidelity to the marriage vow. IT But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. All licentiousness of life, and all violations of the marriage co- venant, will be severely punished by God. See Notes on I. Cor. vi. 9. The sins here referred to prevailed every- where, and hence there was the more propriety for the frequent and solemn injunctions to avoid them which we find in the Scriptures. 5. Let your conversation. Your conduct for so the word conversation is used in the Scriptures. Notes, Phil, i. 27. IT Be without covetousness. Notes on Eph. v. 3 ; Col. iii. 5. IT And be content with such things as ye have. Sec Notes on Phil. iv. 11, 12 ; Matt, vi. 25 31. The particular reason here given for contentment is, that God has promised never to leave his people. Compare with this the beau- tiful argument of the Saviour in Matt A. D. 64.] CHAPTER XIII. have: for he hath said," 1 will never leave thce, nor forsake thee. 6 So that we may boldly sajy* a Ge. 28. 15 ; Do. 31. G, 8 ; 1 Ch. 28. 20. b Ps. 27. 1. The Lord is my helper, and 1 tfill not fear what man shall do into me. 7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who l or, are the guides. -oq. V For he hath said. That is, God has said. IT I will never learn thee nor forsake thee. See Deut. xxxi. 6 ; Josh. i. 5 ; I. Chron. xxviii. '20. Substantially the same expression is found in each of those places, and all of them contain the principle on which the apostle here relies, that God will not forsake his people. 6. So that we may boldly say. With- out any hesitation or doubt. In all times of perplexity and threatening want ; in all times when we scarcely Know whence the supplies for our ne- cessities are to come, we may put our trust in God, and be assured that he will not leave us to surfer. In the facts which occur under the providen- tial dealings, there is a ground for confidence on this subject which is not always exercised even by good men. It remains yet to be shown that they who exercise simple trust in God for the supply of their wants are ever forsaken. Confp. Ps. xxxvii. 25. 1T The Lord is my helper. Sub stantially this sentiment is found in Ts. xxvii. 1, and Ps. cxviii. 6. The apostle does not adduce it as a quota- tion, but as language which a true Christian may employ. The senti- ment is beautiful, and full of consola- tion. What can we fear if we have the assurance that the Lord is on our side, and that he will help us ? Man can do no more to us than he permits and of course no more than will be for our own good ; and under what- ever trials we may be placed, we necc be under no painful apprehensions for God will be our protector and our friend 7. Remember them which have tfa rule over you. Marg. ' arc the guides. The word here used means properly leaders, guides, directors. It is often applied to military commanders. Here 28 t means teachers appointed to lea or guide them to eternal life. It does not refer to them so much as rulers or governors, as teachers, or guides In ver. 17, however, it is used in the former sense. The duty here enjoined is that of remembering them ; that is, remembering their counsel ; their in- structions ; their example. IT Who have spoken to you the word of God. Preach- ers ; either apostles or others. Re. pect is to be shown to the ministerial office by whomsoever it is borne. U Wfiose faith follow. That is, imi tate. See Notes on ch. vi. 12. IT Con sidering the end of their conversation Of their conduct ; of their manner of life. The word here rendered l the end 1 K^acis occurs only here and in I. Cor. x. 1 3, where it is rendered a way of escape.' It properly means, a going out, an egress, and is hence spoken of as a going out from life, or of an exit from the world death. This is probably the meaning here. It does not mean, as our translation Would seem to imply, that Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever, was the aim or end for which they lived for the Greek will not bear that construction ; but it means that they were attentively to contemplate the end or the issue of the conduct of those holy teachers the close or going out of all that they did ; to wit, in a peaceful death. Their faith sustained them. They were en- abled to persevere in a Christian course, and did not faint or fail. There is allusion, doubtless, to those who had been their religious instructors, and who had died in the faith of the gospel, either by persecution, or by an ordinary death, and the apostle points to them as examples of that to which lie would exhort those whom he addressed of perseverance in the 326 have spoken unto you the word of God : whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation : a c. 6. 12. HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. 9 Be c not carried about with b Re. 1. 4. c I Jno. 4. 1. faith until death. Thus explained, this verse does not, refer to the duty of Christians towards living teachers, but toward those who are dead. Their duty towards living teachers is en- forced in ver. 1 7. The sentiment here is, that the proper remembrance of those now deceased who were once our spiritual instructors and guides, should be allowed to have an import- ant influence in inducing us to lead a holy life. We should remember them with affection and gratitude ; we should recal the truths which they taught, and the exhortations which they addressed to us ; we should che- rish with kind affection the memory of all that they did for our welfare, and we should not forget the effect of the truths which they taught in sustaining their own souls when they died. 8. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, &c. As this stands in our common translation it conveys an idea which is not in the original. It would seem to mean that Jesus JUhrist, the un- changeable Saviour, was the end or aim of the conduct of those referred to, or that they lived to imitate and glorify him. But this is by no means the meaning in the original. There it stands as an absolute proposition, that ' Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever ;' that is, that he is unchangeable. The evident de- sign of this independent proposition here is, to encourage them to perse- vere by showing that their Saviour was always the same ; that he who had sustained his people in former times was the same still, and would be the same for ever. The argument here, therefore, for perseverance is founded on the immutability of the Redeemer. If he were fickle, vacil- lating, changing in his character and plans ; if to-day he aids his people and to-rnorrow will forsake them; if at one time he loves the virtuous and at another equally loves the vicious if he formed a plan yesterday which he has abandoned to-day ; or if he ia ever to be a different being from what he is now, there would be no encou- ragement to effort. Who would know what to depend on ? Who would know what to expect to-morrow ? For who could have any certainty that he could ever please a capricious or a vacillating being ? Who could know how to shape his conduct if the prin- ciples of the divine administration were not always the same ? At the same time, also, that this passage fur- nishes the strongest argument for fidelity and perseverance, it is an irre- fragable proof of the divinity of the Saviour. It asserts immutability sameness in the past, the present, and to all eternity but of whom can this be affirmed but God 2 It would not be possible to conceive of a decla- ration which would more strongly assert immutability than this. 9. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. That is, they should have settled and fixed points of belief and not yield to every new opinion which was started. The apos- tle does not exhort them to adhere to an opinion merely because they had before held it, or because it was an old opinion, nor does he forbid their following the leadings of truth though they might be required to abandon what they had before held; but he cautions them against that vacillating spirit, and that easy credulity, which would lead them to yield to any no- velty, and to embrace an opinion be- cause it was new or strange. Probably the principal reference here is to the Judaizing teachers, and to their va- rious doctrines about their ceremonial observances and traditions. But the exhortation is applicable to Christians D. 64.] CHAPTER XIII. 327 divers for it and strange is a good doctrines : tiling that the heart be established with grace ; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. 10 We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle. at all times. A religious opinion, once embraced on what was regarded a good evidence, or in which we have bt en trained, should not be abandoned for slight causes. Truth indeed should always he followed, but it should be only after careful inquiry. If For it is a good thing that the heart be esta- blished with grace. This is the proper foundation of adherence to the truth. The heart should be established with the love of God, with pure religion, and then we shall love the truth, and love it in the right manner. If it is the head merely which is convinced, the consequence is bigotry, pride, narrow- mindedness. If the belief of the truth has its seat in the heart, it will be ac- companied with charity, kindness, good-will to all men. In such a be- lief of the truth it is a good thing to have the heart established. It will produce (1) firmness and stability of character; (2) charity and kindness to others ; (3) consolation and support in trials and temptations. When a man is thrown into trials and tempta- tions, he ought to have some settled principles on which he can rely ; some fixed points of belief that will sustain his soul. IT Not with meats. The meaning is, that it is better to have the heart established with grace, or with the principles of pure religion, than with the most accurate know- ledge of the rules of distinguishing the clean from the unclean among the various articles of food. Many such rules were found in the law of Moses, and many more had been added by the refinements of Jewish rulers and by tradition. To distinguish and re- member all these, required no small amount of knowledge, and the Jewish teachers, doubtless, prided themselves much on it. Paul says that it would be much better to have the principles of grace in the h all this knowledge ; to have the mind settled on the great truths of religion than to be able to make the most accurate and learned distinctions in this matter. The same remark may be made about a great many other points besides the Jewish distinctions respecting meats. The principle is, that it is better to have the heart established in the grace of God than to have the most accurate knowledge of the distinctions which are made on useless or unimportant subjects of religion. This observation would extend to many of the shibbo- leths of party ; to many of the meta physical distinctions in a hair-split ting theology ; to many of the points of controversy which divide the Chris- tian world. IT Which have not profited, &c. Which have been of no real be- nefit to their souls. See Notes on I. Cor. viii. 8. 10. We have an altar. We who are Christians. The Jews had an altar on which their sacrifices were offered which was regarded as sacred, and of the benefit of which no others might partake. The design of the apostle is to show that the same thing sub- stantially, so far as privilege and sanctifying influence were concerned, was enjoyed by Christians. The ' al- tar' to which he here refers is evi- dently the cross on which the great sacrifice was made. T Whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle. A part of the meat offered in sacrifice among the Jews became the property of the priests and Le\1te?, and they had, by the law, a right to this as a part of their support. See Lev. vi. 25, 26; Num. xviii. 9, 10. Hut the apostle says that there is a higher and more valuable sacrifice of which they have no right to partake while they remain in the service of the 'tabernacle' or temple; that if \vhil" they remain Jews. The p->rt 328 11 For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, ars burned with- out the camp. HEBREWS. l_A. D. 64. 12 Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the peo- ple with his own blood, suffered without * the gate. a Le. 16. 27. b Jno. 19. 17. 18. cipation in the great Christian sacri- fice appertained only to those who were the friends of the Redeemer, and however much they might value them- selves on the privilege of partaking of Hie sacrifices offered under the Jewish law, that of partaking of the great sacrifice made by the Son of God was much greater. IT Which serve the tabernacle. Notes ch. ix. 2, 3. The Jewish priests and Levites. 11. For the bodies of those beasts, &c. The word here rendered '/or' yap would be here more properly rendered ' moreover.' Stuart. The apostle is not urging a reason for what he had said in the previous verse, but is suggesting a new consideration to excite those whom he addressed to fidelity and perseverance. In the pre- vious verse the consideration was, that Christians are permitted to par- take of the benefits of a' higher and more perfect sacrifice than the Jews were, and therefore should not relapse into that religion. In this verse the consideration is, that the bodies of the beasts that were burnt were taken without the carnp, and that in like manner the Lord Jesus suffered with- out the gate of Jerusalem, and that we should be willing to go out with him to that sacrifice, whatever re- proach or shame it might be attended with. IT Whose blood is brought into the sanctuary, &c. See Notes on ch. ix. 7. 12. IT Are burned without the camp. Lev. iv. 12. 21 ; xvi. 27. The * camp' here refers to the time when the Israelites were in the wilderness, and lived in encampments. The same custom was observed after the temple was built by conveying the body of the animal slain for a sin-offering on the great day of atonement beyond the walls of Jerusalem to be consumed there. ' Whatever,' says Grotius, ' was not lawful to be done in the camp, afterwards was not lawful to be done in the city.' 12. Wherefore, Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood. That there might be a con- formity between his death for sin and the sacrifices which typified it. It is implied here that it was voluntary on the part of Jesus that he suffered out of the city ; that is, it was so ordered by Providence that it should be so This was secured by his being put to death as the result of a judicial trial, and not by popular tumult. See Notes on Isa. liii. 8. If he had been killed in a tumult, it is possible that it might have been done as in other cases (comp. the case of Zacharias son of Barachias, Matt, xxiii. 35), even at the altar. As he was subjected, how- ever, to a judicial process, his death was effected with more deliberation, and in the usual form. Hence he was conducted out of the city, because no criminal was executed within the walls of Jerusalem. IT Without the fate. Without the gate of Jerusalem, ohn xix. 17, 18. The place where he was put to death was called Gol- gotha, the place of a scull, and hence the Latin word which we commonly use in speaking of it, Calvary. Luke xxiii. 33 ; comp. Notes on Matt, xxvii. 33. Calvary, as it is now shown, is within the walls of Jerusalem, but there is no reason to believe that this is the place where the Lord Jesus was crucified, for that was out- side of the walls of the city. The precise direction from the city is not designated by the sacred writers, nor are there any historical records, or traditional marks by which it can now be known where the exact place was. All that we know on the subject from the New Testament is, that the name was Golgotha ; that the place of the crucifixion and sepulchre were near CHAFFER XIII. 329 13 Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach : 14 For here b have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. 15 By him e therefore let us offer the saci.'fice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit d of our lips, ! giving thanks to his name. b Mi. 2. 10. c Ep. 5. 20 1 confessing. a Ac. 5. 41. d Ho. 14. 2. each other ; that they were without the gate and nigh to the city, and that tin v \vcre in a frequented spot. John six. 20. " This would favour the con- clusion that the place was probably upon a great road leading from one of the gates ; and such a spot would only be found upon the western or northern sides of the city, on the roads leading towards Joppa or Damascus." See the question about the place of the crucifixion examined at length in Robinson's Bibli. Research., vol. ii. pp. 6980, and Eibliotheca Sacra, No. 1. 13. Let us go forth therefore unto him, without the camp. As if we were going forth with him when he was led away to be crucified. He was put to death as a malefactor. He was the object of contempt and scorn. He was held up to derision, and was taunted and reviled on his way to the place of death, and even on the cross. To be identified with him there ; to follow him ; to sympathize with him ; to be regarded as his friend, would have subjected one to similar shame and reproach. The meaning here is, that we should be willing to regard ourselves as identi- fied with the Lord Jesus, and to bear the same shame and reproaches which he did. When he was led away amidst scoffing and reviling to be put to death, would we, if we had been there, been willing to be regarded as his followers, and to have gone out with him as his avowed disci- ples and friends ? Alas, how many are there who profess to love him when religion subjects them to no re- proach, who would have shrunk from following him to Calvary ! ^ Bearing his reproach. Sympathizing with him ; or bearing such reproach as he did. 28 See I. Pet. iv. 13. Comp. Notes on ch. xii. 2 ; Phil. iii. 10 ; Col. 1. 24. 14. For here we have no continuing city, &c. We do not regard this as our final home, or our fixed abode, and we should be willing to bear re- proaches during the little time that we are to remain here. Comp. Notes, ch. xi. 10. 13, 14. If, therefore, in consequence of our professed attach- ment to the Saviour, we should be driven away frorn our habitations, and compelled to wander, we should be willing to submit to it, for our per- manent home is not here, but in hea- ven. The object of the writer seems to be to comfort the Hebrew Chris- tians on the supposition that they would be driven by persecution from the city of Jerusalem, and doomed to wander as exiles. He tells them that their Lord was led from that city to be put to death, and they should be willing to go forth also ; that their permanent home was not Jerusalem, but heaven, and they should be will- ing in view of that blessed abode to be exiled from the city where they dwelt, and made wanderers in the earth. 15. By him, therefore. The Jews approached God by the blood of the sacrifice and by the ministry of their high priest. The exhortation of the apostle here is founded on the general course of argument in the epistle. 1 In view of all the considerations presented respecting the Christian High Priest his dignity, purity, and love; his sacrifice and his interces sion, let us persevere in offering through him praise to God.' That is, let us persevere in adherence to our religion. T The sacrifice of praise. For all the mercies of redemption. The Jews, ssys Roscnmullcr (Alto v 30 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64 16 But to do good, and to communicate, a forget not : for with such * sacrifices God is well pleased. 17 Obey c them that have the rule over you, and submit Ro. 12. 13. b Ph. 4. 18. c 1 Th. 5. 12, 13. yourselves : for they watch * for your souls, as they that must give account: that they may do it with joy, and not with grief : for that is unprofitable for you. 1 or, guide. d Eze. 3. 17- neue Morgenland, in Zoc.), had a spe- cies of offerings which they called peace-offerings, or friendship-offerings. They were designed not to produce peace or friendship with God, but to preserve it. Burnt-offerings, sin-offer- ings, and trespass-offerings, were all on account of transgression, and were designed to remove transgression. But in their peace-offerings, the offerer was regarded as one who stood in the relation of a friend with God, and the oblation was a sign of thankful acknowledgment for favours received, or they were connected with vows in order that further blessings might be obtained, or they were brought voluntarily as a means to continue themselves in the friendship and favour of God. Lev. vii. 11, 12. Com p. Jenning's Jew. Ant. i. 335. H That is, the fruit of our lips. The phrase ' fruit of the lips,' is a Hebra- ism, meaning what the lips produce ; that is-, words. Comp. Prov. xviii. 20; Hos. xiv. 2. IT Giving thanks to his name. To God ; the name of one being often put for the person him- self. Praise now is one of the great duties of the redeemed. It will be their employment for ever. 16. But to do good, and to commu- nicate, forget not. To communicate or impart to others ; that is, to share with them what we have. The Greek word means having in common with others. The meaning is, that they were to show liberality to those who were in want, and were to take spe- cial pains not to forget this duty We are prone to think constantly of our own interests, and* there is great danger of forgetting the duty which we owe to the poor and the needy. On the duty here enjoined, see Notes on Gal. vi. 10. IT For with such sacrifi- ces God is well pleased. He is pleased with the sacrifices of prayer and of praise ; with the offerings of a broken and a contrite heart ; but he is espe- cially pleased with the religion which leads us to do good to others. This was eminently the religion of his Son, the Lord Jesus ; and to this all true religion prompts. The word ' sacri- fices' here is not taken in a strict sense, as denoting that which is offer- ed as an expiation for sin, or in the sense that we are by doing good to attempt to make atonement for ouj transgressions, but in the general sense of an offering made to God. God is pleased with this, (1) because it shows in us a right state of heart ; (2) because it accords with his own nature. He does good continually, and he is pleased with all who evince the same spirit. 17. Obey them that have the rule over you. Marg. guide. See Notes on ver. 7. The reference here is to their religious teachers, and not to civil rulers. They were to show them proper respect, and to submit to their authority in the church, so far as it was administered in accordance with the precepts of the Saviour. The ob- ligation to obedience does not, of course, extend to anything which ia wrong in itself, or which would be a violation of conscience. The doctrine is, that subordination is necessary to the welfare of the church, and that there ought to be a disposition to yield all proper obedience to those who are set over us in the Lord. Comp. Notes on I. Thess. v. 12, 13. IT And submit yourselves. That is, to all which they enjoin that is lawful and right. There are in relation to a society (1.) those things which God has positively com- manded which are always to be D. 6-1.] CHAPTKH Mil. 331 18 Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, a in all things willing to live ho- ' lv - obeyed. (2.) Many things which have been agreed on by the society lilul lor its welfare and these are to be submitted to unless they violate the rights of conscience ; and (3.) many things which are, in them- selves, a matter of no express divine command, and of no formal enactment by the community. They are matters of convenience ; things that tend to the order and harmony of the com- munity, and of the propriety of these, ' rulers' in the church and elsewhere should be allowed to judge, and we should submit to them patiently, lldiee in the church, we are to sub- mit to all the proper regulations for conducting public worship ; for the promotion of religion ; and for the administration of discipline. IT For they watch for your souls. They have no selfish aim in this. They do not seek ' to lord it over God's heritage.' It is for your own good that they do this, and you should therefore submit to these arrangements. And this shows, also, the true principle on which authority should be exercised in a church. It should be in such a way as to promote the salvation of the people ; and all the arrangements should be with that end. The mea- sures adopted, therefore, and the obe- dience enjoined, should not be arbi- trary, oppressive, or severe, but should be such as will really promote salva- tion. IT As they that must give ac- count. To God. The ministers of religion must give account to God for their fidelity. For all that they teach, and for every measure which they adopt, they must soon be called into judgment. There is, therefore, the best security that under the influence of this solemn truth they will pursue only that course which will be for your good. ? That they may do it with joy, and not with grief. (>r. s not sighing, or groaning; 19 But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner. a Ac. 24. 16. as they would who had been unsuc- cessful. The meaning is, that they should so obey, that when their teach- ers came to give up their account they need not do it with sorrow over their pcrvcrseness and disobedience. If For this is unprofitable for you. That is, their giving up their account in that manner as unsuccessful in their efforts to save you would not be of advantage to you, but would be highly injurious. This is a strong mode of expressing the idea that it must be attended with imminent peril to their souls to have their religious teachers go and give an account against them. As they would wish, there- fore, to avoid that, they should render to them all proper honour and obe- dience. 18. Pray for us. This is a request which the apostle often makes in his own behalf and in behalf of his fellow- labourers in the gospel. See I. Thes. v. 25. Notes, Eph. vi. 18, 19. IT For vie trust we have a good conscience. &c. See 'Notes on Acts xxiv. 16. The apostle here appeals to the up Tightness of his Christian life as a reason why he might claim their sympathy. He was conscious of an aim to do good ; he sought the welfare of the church ; and having this aim he felt that he might appeal to the sym- pathy of all Christians in his behalf. It is only when we aim to do right, and to maintain a good conscience, that we can with propriety ask the prayers of others, or claim their sym- pathy. And if we are 4 willing in all things to live honestly,' we may ex- pect the sympathy, the prayers, and the affections of all good men. 19. That I may be restored to you the sooner. It is here clearly implied that the writer was deterred from visiting them by some adverse cir oumstances over which he had nc control. This might be either by im 332 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 20 Now the God a of peace, that * brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd c of the sheep, d through the blood of the everlasting l covenant. a 1 Th. 5. 23. c Eze. 34. 23. l testament. b I Pe. 1. 21. d Zee. 9. 11. prisonment, or sickness, or the want of a convenient opportunity of reach- ing them. The probability is, judg- ing- particularly from the statement in ver. 23, that he was then a prisoner, and that his detention was on that account. See Intro. 4. (6.) The language here is such as Paul would use on the supposition that he was then a prisoner at Rome, and this is a slight circumstance going to show the probability that the epistle was composed by him. 20. Now the God of peace. God who is the Author, or the source of peace. Notes, I. Thess. v. 23. The word peace in the New Testament is used to denote every kind of blessing or happiness. It is opposed to all that would disturb or trouble the mind, and may refer, therefore, to recon- ciliation with God ; to a quiet con- science ; to the evidence of pardoned sin ; to health and prosperity, and to the hope of heaven. See Notes on John xiv. 27. IT That brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus. Notes, Acts ii. 32 ; I. Cor. xv. 15. It is only by the fact of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus that we have peace, for it is only by him that we have the pros- pect of an admission into heaven. IT That great shepherd of the sheep. Notes, John x. 1. 14. The idea here is, that it is through the tender care of that great Shepherd that true hap- piness is bestowed on the people of God. 1T Through the blood of the. ever- lasting covenant. The blood shed to ratify the everlasting covenant that God makes with his people. Notes, ch. ix. 1423. This phrase, in the original, is not connected, as it is in our t-anslation, with his being raised 21 Make you perfect e in eve- ry good work to do his will, * working f in you that which is well-pleasing in his sigh* through Jesus Christ ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. e 1 Pe. 5. 10. 2 or, doing, f Ph. 2. 13. from the dead, nor should it be so rendered, for what can be the sense of ' raising Christ from the dead by the blood of the covenant ?' In the Greek it is, * The God of peace, who brought again from the dead the shepherd of the sheep, great by the blood of the everlasting covenant, our Lord Jesus,' &c. The meaning is, that he was made or constituted the great Shepherd of the sheep the great Lord and Ruler of his people, by that blood. That which makes him so eminently distinguished ; that by which he was made superior to all others who ever ruled over the people of God, was the fact that he offered the blood by which the eternal cove- nant was ratified. It is called ever- lasting or eternal, because (1) it was formed in the councils of eternity, or has been an eternal plan in the divine mind ; and (2) because it is to con- tinue for ever. Through such a cove- nant God can bestow permanent and solid ' peace' on his people, for it lays the foundation of the assurance of eternal happiness. 21. Make you perfect. The apos- tle here docs not affirm that they were then perfect, or that they would bo in this life. The word here used KaTapTfa means to make fully ready , to put in full order; to make com. plfte. The meaning here is, that Paul prayed that God would fully endow them with whatever grace was neces- sary to do his will and to keep his commandments. See the word ex- plained in the Notes on ch. xi. 3. It is an appropriate prayer to be offered at all times, and by all who love the church, that God would make all his people perfectly qualified to do all hi* A. D. C4.] CHAPTER XIII. 333 22 And I beseech you, bre- thren/ suffer the word of exhor- tation : for I have written a let- ter unto you in few words. will. ^ Working in you. Marg. Do- ing. The idea here is, that the only hope that they would do the will of God was, that he would, by his own airi ncv, cause them to do what was well-pleasing in his sight. Com p. Notes on Phil. ii. 12. It is not from any expectation that man would do it himself. T Through Jesus Christ. The idea is, that God does not direct- ly and by his own immediate agency convert and sanctify the heart, but it is through the gospel of Christ, and all good influences on the soul must be expected through the Saviour. ^ To whom be glory for ever and ever. That is, to Christ ; for so the connex- ion evidently demands. It is not un- common for the apostle Paul to intro- duce doxologies in this way in the midst of a letter. See Notes Rom. ix. 5. It was common among the Jews, as it is now in the writings and conversation of the Mohammedans, when the name of God was mention- ed to accompany it with an expres- sion of praise. 22. Suffer the word of exhortation. Referring to the arguments and coun- sels in this whole epistle, which is in fact a practical exhortation to perse- verance in adhering to the Christian religion amidst all the temptations which existed to apostasy. V For I have written a letter unto you in few words. This does not mean that this epistle is short compared with the others that the author had written, for most of the epistles of Paul are shorter than this. But it means, that it was brief compared with the im- portance and difficulty of the subjects of which he had treated. The topics introduced would have allowed a much more extended discussiqn, but in handling them he had made use of as few words as possible. No one can deny this who considers the sen- tentious manner of this epistle. As 23 Know ye that our brothel Timothy is set at liberty ; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you. an illustration of this, perhaps we may remark, that it is easy to expand the thoughts of this epistle into am- ple volumes of exposition, and that in fact it is difficult to give an expla- nation of it without a commentary that shall greatly surp'ass in extent the text. None can doubt, also, that the author of this epistle could have himself greatly expanded the thoughts and the illustrations if he had chosen It is with reference to such considera- tions, probably, that he says that the epistle was brief. 23. Know ye that our brother Tim- othy is set at liberty. Or, is sent away. So it is rendered by Prof. Stuart, and others. On the meaning of this, and its importance in determining who was the author of the epistle, see the Intro. 2, (5) 4, and Prof. Stuart's Intro. 19. This is a strong circum- stance showing that Paul was the au- thor of the epistle, for from the first acquaintance of Timothy with Paul he is represented as his constant com- panion, and spoken of as a brother. Notes II. Cor. i. 1 ; Phil. i. 1 ; Col. i. 1 ; Phil. i. There is no other one of the apostles who would so natu- rally have used this term respecting Timothy, and this kind mention ia made of him here because he was so dear to the heart of the writer, and because he felt that they to whom he wrote would also feel an interest in his circumstances. As to the mean, ing of the word rendered * set at lib- erty' airoXtXvptvov there has been much difference of opinion, whether it means * set at liberty from confine- ment,' or ' sent away on some mes- sage to some other place.' That the latter is the meaning of the expres- sion appears probable from these con- siderations. (1.) The connexion seems to demand it. The writer speaks of I him as if he were now away, and as I if he hoped that he might soon re* 334 HEBREWS. [A. D. 64. 24 Salute all them that have tne rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you. 25 Grace be with you all. Amen. Written to the Hebrews from Italy by Timothy. turn. ' With whom, if he come short- ly, I will see you.' This is language which would be used rather of one who had been sent on some embassy than of one who was just released from prison. At all events, he was at this time away, and there was some expectation that he might soon return. But on the supposition that the expression relates to release from imprisonment, there would be an en- tire incongruity in the language. It is not, as we should then suppose, * our brother Timothy is now released from prison, and therefore I will come soon with him and see you ;' but, 'our brother Timothy is now sent away, and if he return soon, I will Come with him to you.' (2.) In Phil, ii. 19. 23, Paul, then a prisoner at Rome, speaks of the hope which he entertained that he would be able to send Timothy to them, as soon as he should know how it would go with him. He designed to retain him un- til that point was settled, as his pres- ence with him would be important until then, and then to send him to give consolation to the Philippians, and to look into the condition of the church. Now the passage before us agrees well with the supposition that that event had occurred that Paul had ascertained with sufficient clear- ness that he would be released so that he might be permitted yet to visit the Hebrew Christians ; that he had eent Timothy to Philippi and was waiting for his return ; that as soon as he sfcoutd return he would be pre- pared to visit them ; and that in the mean time, while Timothy was ab- sent, he wrote to them this epistle. (3.) The supposition agrees well with the meaning of the word here used axoXvu. It denotes properly, to let loose from ; to loosen ; to unbind ; to release, to let go free ; to put away Of divorce ; to dismiss simply, or let , or send away. See Matt. xiv. 15 22. 23 ; xv. 32. 39 ; Luke ix. 12, el al. Comp. Rob. Lex. and Stuart's In- tro. 19. The meaning, then, I take to be this, that Timothy was then sent away on some important embas- sage ; that the apostle expected his speedy return ; and that then he trust- ed that he would be able with him to visit those to whom this epistle was written. 24. Salute all them. See Notes on Rom. xvi. 3, seq. It was customary for the apostle Paul to close his epis- tles with an affectionate salutation. TT That have the rule over you. Notes vs. 7. 17. None are mentioned by name, as is usual in the epistles of Paul. The cause of this omission is unknown. T And all the saints. The common name given to Christians in the Scriptures. See Notes on Rom. i. 7. IT They of Italy salute you. The saints or Christians in Italy. Show ing that the writer of the epistle was then in Italy. He was probably in Rome. See the Intro. 2. 25. Grace be with you all. Notes Rom. xvi. 20. 33. The subscription at the close of the epistle, ' written to the Hebrews from Italy by Timothy,' like the other subscriptions, is of no authority. See Notes at the end of I Cor. It is de- monstrably erroneous here, for it is expressly said by the author of the epistle that at the time he wrote it, Timothy was absent. Ch. xiii. 23. In regard to the time and place of writing it, see the Intro. 4. At the close of this exposition, it i not improper to refer the reader to the remarks on its design at the end of j the Introduction, 6. Having pass- I ed through the exposition, we may see more clearly the importance of the views there presented. There is no book of the New Testament more important than this, and of course A. D. 6-1.] CHAPTER XIII. 335 none whose want would be more per- ceptible in the canon of the Scriptures. Every reader of the Old Testament needs such a guide as this epistle, written by some one who had an inti- mate acquaintance from childhood with the Jewish system ; who had all the advantages of the most able and faithful instruction, and who was un- der the influence ,- inspiration, to make us acquainted with the true na- ture of those institutions. Nothing was more important than to settle the principles in regard to the nature of the Jewish economy ; to show what was typical, and how those institu- tions were the means of introducing a far more perfect system the sys- tem of the Christian religion. If we have right feelings, we shall have sin- cere gratitude to God that he caused the Christian religion to be prefigured by a system in itself so magnificent and grand as that of the Jewish, and higher gratitude for that sublime sys- tem of religion of which the Jewish, with all its splendour, w r as only the shadow. There was much that was beautiful, cheering, and sublime in the Jewish system. There was much that was grand and awful in the giv- ing of the law, and much that was imposing in its ceremonies. In its palmy and pure days, it was incom- parably the purest and noblest system of religion then on earth. It taught the knowledge of the one true God ; inculcated a pure system of morals ; preserved the record of the truth on the earth, and held up constantly be- fore man the hope of a better system still in days to come. But it was ex- pensive, burdensome, precise in ita prescriptions, and wearisome in its ceremonies. Acts xv. 10. It was adapted to one people a people who occupied a small territory, and who could conveniently assemble at the central place of their worship three times in a year. It was not a system adapted to the whole world ; nor was it designed for the whole world. When the Saviour came, therefore, to intro- duce whom was the design of the Jew- ish economy, it ceased as a matter of course. The Jewish altars were soon thrown down ; the temple was rased to the ground, and the city of their solemnities was destroyed. The reli- gion of the Hebrews passed away to be revived no more in its splendour and power, and it has never lived since, except as an empty form. This epistle teaches us why it pass- ed away, and why it can never be restored. It is the true key with which to unlock the Old Testament ; and with these views, w r e may remark in conclusion, that he who would un. derstand the Bible thoroughly should make himself familiar with this epis. tie ; that the canon of Scripture would be incomplete without it; and that, to one who wishes to understand the Revelation which God has given, there is no portion of the volume whose loss would be a more irreparable calamity than that of the Epistle to the Hebrew* TUT ENU 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ipNToTGC avc*' !?""} RECTD LD W? 1 5 '6fc' -i pm JAN 2 11958 4Fe'58WJ RECT> f ^ QCT 1 A