2 IM7 A Hundred and Sixty BOOKS By Washington Authors COMPILED BY SUSAN WHITCOMB HASSELL A Hundred and Sixty Books by Washington Authors Some other writers who are contributors to periodical literature Lines worth knowing* by heart In paper thirty-five cents /- In cloth fifty cents Printed for the Compiler Z-1347 Copyright 1916 by SUSAN WHITCOMB HASSBLL Everett, Wash. Printers Lowman & Hanford Co. Seattle Bancroft LiBrary CONTENTS Page A Hundred and Sixty Books History 6-10 Travel and Description 10-13 Scientific and Technical < 14-16 Fiction 16-20 Juvenile 20-21 Poetry 22-23 Unclassified Prose 23-26 Other Writers 27-28 Lines Worth Knowing by Heart 29-36 Index to Writers.... ....37-40 FOBEWOED Our state literature is strongest in local lines. First in early history and narration of personal adventure. Fortu- nately our most important histories are written by men who have long been residents. Meany, Lyman, Durham, Snow- den and Bagley have themselves been a part of the story and have learned much at first-hand. Their pages have a flavor of personal interest which some histories lack. The adventures of today become the history of tomorrow. Even the most commonplace narration of experience in a new country has its value. Those original documents, whether diary, letters, memoir or autobiography are the de- light of one who has the true historian's instinct. The mythology of the tribes that eighty years ago held possession of this territory is native romance, a literary asset which has been well developed. Lyman has collected the myths and legends of the peoples on the Columbia. Williams tells those that cluster about Mount Rainier. Meany, Curtis and other historians have enlivened their text by these romances and Miss Judson has made the field her own. A second treasure supply of the state lies in its natural wonders and beauties. What other state can boast of charms so varied? No other country has scenery surpassing in grandeur our mountains and forests, or more beautiful than our inland sea with its emerald shores and islands. Williams is not alone in exploiting this rich treasure. A score of others have found in it the source of mood for their songs or the frame for a story or romance. In philosophic essay and the higher forms of pure belles- lettres the proportion of writings is not so large as in the old literary centers. Thought and time are still requisitioned for the founding of institutions. Few are the leisure-class people who pursue writing as an art. Yet one who cares to investigate will discover that no other state while so young has shown a richer output of literature, in content, in scope or in character. Perhaps this first published list will add to the number of those who do care to investigate. Perhaps too it will result in a wider acquaintance among those who are following the same undying art. Some day Washington writers will band together for mutual benefit. HISTORY 1. Blazing the Way. (1909.) Emily Inez Denny. Pioneer home-life pictured by the daughter of the early settler who wrote No. 21. 2. Columbia River, Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery? Its Commerce. (1909.) William Dennison Lyman. Fully descriptive and reciting personal adventures. Pro- fessor Lyman, long-time teacher of history in Whit- man College, has lived his whole life in the country he describes. The book contains many Indian legends. Eighty illustrations. 3. The Conquerors. (1907.) Rev. A. Atwood. Dedicated to Jason Lee and the pioneer missionaries who laid the foundations of American institutions in old Oregon. Much about Lee whose missionary labors antedated Marcus Whitman's by two years. To some extent it touches the so-called Whitman controversy, a dis- cussion due in part to the fact that the admirers of Whitman claimed too much for a patriot whose serv- ices needed no exaggeration. It has the endorsement of the Washington State Historical Society. 4. Glimpses in Pioneer Life on Puget Sound. (1903.) Same author. A history of the Methodist Episcopal Church on the Pacific Coast. 5. David S. Maynard and Catherine T. Maynard. (1906.) T. W. Prosch. Biography of two of the immigrants of 1850. Mrs. Maynard is honored in Seattle as the founder of a free reading room which grew into the Young Men's Christian Association of the city. 6. Gettysburg. (1911.) Captain R. K. Beecham. An ac- count of the great battle. Acknowledged to be most complete and accurate as to facts and it is written with the fire of a patriot and a poet. The veteran returns to visit the battle-field where as a youth half a century before he fought for the flag. Through his eyes and memories the reader sees events. <5 7. History of Puget Sound Country. (1903.) Colonel Will- iam Farland Prosser. The late president of the State Historical Society compiled this work in two large volumes, a painstaking and valuable reference work. 8. History of Seattle. (1916.) Clarence B. Bagley. Three large volumes. Very comprehensive. The third vol- ume is wholly biographical. 9. In the Beginning. (1905.) Same author. A sketch of events in Western Washington while it was still a part of old Oregon. Published separately, also in the 1909 edition of Meeker's "Pioneer Reminiscences." 10. History of the State of Washington. (1909.) Edmond S. Meany. The most accurate and complete history of the state. In some measure it covers the whole Pa- cific slope. It is intended for school use but will in- terest any one who likes to study or read history. The story is divided into discovery, exploration, oc- cupation, territorial days and statehood, each treated clearly and fully. The author, professor of history in the University of Washington, is a hero-worshipper and extolls the daring of the adventurer and the patience and courage of the pioneer. 11. Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound. (1907.) Same author. Largely the journal of the discoverer with extensive notes, many portraits and biographies of the men whose names were given to geographic features of the Northwest. A most important piece of historic research. A fitting supplement to this work is 12. A New Vancouver Journal on the Discovery of Puget Sound, by a Member of the Chatham's Crew. (1915.) Edited by Professor Meany. 13. United States History for Schools. (1912.) Shows the development of America as part of world history. This has met with general approval as a text-book. 14. History of Washington, The Rise and Progress of an American State. (1909-1911.) Clinton A. Snowden. Four elegant volumes in half-leather and rich in illustrations. Two later volumes issued as supple- ments are wholly biographical. 15. The Iron Way. (1907.) Sarah Pratt Carr. The story of the building of the Central Pacific, the first trans- continental railway. 16* The Cost of Empire. Same author. The record of the Whitman massacre. It was made the basis of the opera "Narcissa" of which Mrs Carr's daughter, Mary Carr Moore, wrote the music. 17. Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens. (1900.) Hazard Stevens. The two volumes contain much information about the early Indian wars, councils and treaties. They show the simplicity of official form during the life of the first Governor of the Territory. 18. Marcus Whitman, Pathfinder and Patriot (1909.) Rev. Myron Eells. The author is son of Rev. Gushing Eells, founder of Whitman College and personal friend and co-worker with Whitman. 19. Fathers Eells, or the Results of 55 Years of Missionary Labor in Washington and Oregon, by the same author, is a biography of the father. 20. Memoirs of Orange Jacobs. (1908.) Written by himself after a life of eighty years, fifty-six of them spent in Oregon and Washington. It contains a good account of the Seattle fire of 1889. 21. Pioneer Days on Puget Sound. (1888 and 1908.) Arthur A. Denny. An interesting autobiography and valu- able for its story of the founding of Seattle. 22. Pioneer Reminiscences of Puget Sound, The Tragedy of Leschi. (1905.) Ezra Meeker. An account of the coming of the first whites, their encounters with the red race, the first treaties with the Indians, the war that followed, and the cruise of the author on Puget Sound fifty years ago. One edition contains Bagley's In the Beginning. 8 28. The Ox Team; or The Old Oregon Trail. (1906.) The story of a slow and eventful journey by ox team from the Middle West to this territory more than sixty years ago. Mr. Meeker and his oxen have been a conspicuous feature of several western expositions and are a picturesque relic of the fast-fading pioneer life. Today, Ezra Meeker, eighty-four years old, is cross- ing the continent in a "schoonermobile," a motor car built on the lines of the old-time prairie schooner. It contains a bed, a stove and a hunting outfit. He is retracing the journey of the ox cart. 24. Russian Expansion on the Pacific, 1641-1850, An Account of the Expeditions Made by the Russians Along the Pacific. Frank Alfred Golder. In January 1914 the author was sent to St. Petersburg to catalogue the materials in the Russian archives relating to America. The work was done for the Carnegie Institute, depart- ment of historical research. Professor Golder is one of the few American historians who are familiar with the Russian language and his selection was compli- mentary to him and to the State College. 25. The Siwash, Their Life, Legends and Tales. (1895.) J. A. Costello, an old resident of Puget Sound. The material was gathered chiefly from the Indians them- selves. This book contains a good description of Chief Seattle. Out of print. 26. Spokane and The Inland Empire. (1912.) Mr. N. W. Durham. In three large volumes. 27. Syllabus of Continental European History from Fall of Rome to 1870. (1904.) Oliver Huntington Richardson. 28. Tillicnm Tales of Thnrston County. (1914.) Mrs. George Blankenship. Full of historical material of more than local value and interest. 29. Washington and Its Swedish Population. (1905.) Ernst Teofil Skarsteadt. The author has been a resident of the state fourteen years. As newspaper man and contributor to Eastern journals he has well covered the life of his fellow-countrymen in this state. He has written on subjects sociological, historical, agri- cultural and biographical. 30. Our Heroes of the Pen. Mr. Skarsteadt considers this his most valuable work. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION Books on Alaska would fill a long shelf. Three are particularly entertaining and rich in description. 31. Alaska, an Empire in the Making. (1913.) John Jasper Underwood. Written after fourteen years continuous residence in Alaska and the Yukon Territory. The writer, a newspaper man, sees things from the im- personal viewpoint of the journalist with a keen appetite for news. For a time he ran the "farthest north" newspaper, which sold for "ivory, gold-dust and skins." These words are characteristic of his wide-sweeping vision: "Here is a land of 25,000 miles of coastline and with 6,000 miles of navigable water- ways." The United States bureau of education has put this on the list as a standard work on Alaska. 32. Alaska, Its Meaning to the World, Its Resources, Its Opportunities. (1914.) Charles R. Tuttle. A good deal of space is given to the history of the Government railway legislation. It lauds the energy of the Se- attle Chamber of Commerce which conducted a suc- cessful lobby in Washington city during the anxious months while the Alaska railway bill hung fire in Congress. 33. Alaska, the Great Country. (1908.) Ella Higginson. This third book is by a lady whom many love to call "our foremost story-teller and sweetest singer." It is most personal, crowded with real adventures, some 10 of them humorous, which the reader shares vividly. Mrs. Higginson says, "No one writer has ever de- scribed Alaska. No one writer can ever describe it, but each must do his share according to the spell the country casts upon him." Her description is bright and fascinating. She is now revising it and bringing it up to date for a new edition. 34. American Fur Trade of the Far West (1902.) Hiram Martin Chittenden. 35. Yellowstone National Park, Historical and Descriptive. Same author. No. 34 is a history of the pioneer trading posts and early fur companies of the Missouri River and Rocky Mountains and of overland commerce. No. 35 is the author's best known work. A fifth edition was published in 1905. No man has had a bet- teer opportunity to know the Yellowstone than Gen. Chittenden who was in charge of the government work there and no writer more evenly combines the scien- tific mind of the practical engineer with the charm of a poetic and artistic observer. To read this is next best to seeing the park. 36. The City That Made Itself; A Literary and Pictorial Record of the Building of Seattle. (1914.) Welford Beaton. Printed in a choice leatherbound silk-lined finely illustrated edition of three hundred copies which readily found their way to the libraries of the well-to-do. The book tells of the hills that have been laid low, of the valleys that have been filled, the tide flats that have been redeemed, of the street car lines and electric development. One chapter on the "Ladies Library Association" shows how women laid the foun- dation of the public library. Another chapter de- scribes the architecture of the metropolis "from log cabin to sky scraper." 37. Fifteen Thousand Miles by Stage. (1911.) Carrie Adell Strahorn. A woman's unique experience during 11 thirty years of pathfinding and pioneering from the Missouri River to the Pacific and from Alaska to Mexico. An unusually interesting narration of the days when travel was beset with different if not more dangers than today. The book is put out attractively with 350 illustrations. 88. Guardians of the Columbia. (1912.) John H. Williams. 39. The Mountain That Was God. (1910.) Same author. 40. Yosemite and the High Sierras. (1914.) Same author. They are books of rare value, occupying a field by themselves. They are full of fascinating word pic- tures of mountain scenes. The first is of Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens. The city librarian of a Massachusetts city wrote to Mr. Williams "We have a radiopticon in our library. I shall mount the illustrations from your book and use the text for short talks on the mountains." No. 39 pictures Rainier which is called "Rainier-Tacoma." John Muir wrote "The glorious mountain is indebted to you for your magnificent book and so is every mountain- eer." This contains the "flora of the mountain slopes" by J. B. Flett. The third book is dedicated to the Sierra Club with an introductory poem by Robert Service. 41. The North American Indian. (1908-1915.) Edward S. Curtis. It is doubtful if any book which has to do with our state has attracted to it so much notice as these ten volumes of Indian lore illustrated by su- perb photographs taken by the author. He spent years in getting first hand acquaintance with some of the tribes and in securing the pictures which have made him famous. Theodore Roosevelt wrote the preface and J. Pierpont Morgan subscribed $3,000 as an advance guarantee. 42. Rambles in Colonial Byways. (1900.) Rufus Rockwell Wilson. 12 48. Bomance of Feudal Chateaux. (1900.) Elizabeth Williams Champney. This is one of a delightful series written in part before the author was a resident of the state. The others are 44. Eomance of French Abbeys. (1905.) 45. Eomance of Italian Villas. (1906.) 46. Romance of Renaissance Chateaux. (1907.) 47. Romance of Bourbon Chateaux. (1907.) 48. Romance of Roman Tillas. (1908.) 49. Romance of Imperial Rome. (1910.) Mrs. Champney also wrote Great Grandmothers' Girls in New France and Three Vassar Girls. 50. Romance of Old Belgium, from Caesar to Kaiser. (1915.) Elizabeth Williams Champney and Prere Champney. A choice story full of the romance of truth. The il- lustrations are from Rubens' paintings, photographs and original pen and ink drawings. 51. Seven Weeks in Hawaii. (1913.) Minnie Leola Craw- ford. 52. Seven Weeks in the Orient, (1914.) Same author. Va- cation letters, written by a business girl who was en- joying her trip to the full, were sent to the mother at home. They were passed on to be read by friends who saw that there was more than a personal inter- est in them and insisted on their publication. A Chicago publisher readily accepted them. Another vacation trip led to the second volume. The style is sprightly and original and photographs of the author's own taking illustrate both books. 58. Seven Tears on the Pacific Slope. (1914.) Mrs. Hugh Fraser and Hugh C. Fraser. The writers lived in Oka- nogan County in a little village on the Methow River near its junction with the Columbia. They tell of ordinary events but give a clear picture of the devel- opment of that region from 1905 to 1912. 54. Reminiscences of a Diplomatist's Wife. (1912.) Either alone or in collaboration Mrs. Fraser has published ten volumes. 13 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL 55. Birds of Washington. William Leon Dawson and John Hooper Bowles. Two elegant volumes describing 372 species. There are three hundred original half- tone illustrations. An analytical key for identification, by Lynds Jones. 56 Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Wash- ington. Arthur Remington. Two volumes and sup- plement. 57* Remington and Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Stat- utes of Washington. Two volumes and supplement. (1913.) 58. Remington's 1915 Codes and Statutes of Washington. (1916.) Two volumes. 59. Elementary Flora of the Northwest. (1914.) Theodore Christian Frye and George B. Rigg. 60. Encyclopaedia of Practical Horticulture. (1915.) Gran- ville Lowther and William Worthington. Three large volumes. 61. English Literature from Widsith to the Death of Chaucer. A Source Book. (1916.) Allen Rogers Ben- ham. It pictures the literary world in which Eng- lishmen lived from early times to the year 1400 and represents ten years' work by the author. 62. Essentials of Character. (1910.) Edward O. Sisson. A practical study of education in moral character. 63. Flora of the State of Washington. (1906.) Charles V. Piper. Published by the Smithsonian Institution. Based on study of plants of the state during a period of twenty years. The most complete and accurate outline of the flora of the state. 14 64. Flora of the Northwest Coast. (1915.) Charles V. Piper and Rolla Kent Beattie. 65. Forests and Reservoirs in Relation to Stream-flow. Hiram M. Chittenden. 66. Law, Legislative and Municipal Reference Libraries. John B. Kaiser. An elaboration of lectures delivered before library classes in the University of Illinois. Valuable to the student of library work and to library investigators. 67. Memorabilia Mathematica, (1914.) Robert Edouard Moritz. It contains no mathematics at all but a re- markable collection of facts and sayings and inci- dents about mathematics and mathematicians. Of its 2160 selections a surprising number are interest- ing and many are even humorous. 68. Multiple Money Standard. (1896.) J. Allen Smith. 69. Spirit of the American Government. (1907.) Same author. 70. Outlines of General Chemistry. (1915.) Horace G. Byers. 71. Parliamentary Procedure. (1898.) Adele M. Fielde. 72. Political Primer for New York City and State. (1900.) Same author. The first book, which had been used by many classes in parliamentary law, was reprinted in Seattle in 1914. Chinese Fairy Stories has also been reprinted. Miss Fielde has issued more than 200,000 pieces of literature intended for the educa- tion of Washington women. The most of them have been distributed without cost. Her chosen subjects were social hygiene, temperance, and direct legisla- tion. In earlier years she wrote on the life of the ant. 15 73. Practical treatise on Sub- Aqueous Foundations. (1914.) Charles Evan Fowler. 74. Principles of Education. (1911.) Frederick Elmer Bolton. 75. Refutation of the Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Mankind. John C. Stallcup. 76. Regulation. (1913.) W. G. Barnard. A series of essays on political economy. An optimistic view of the diffi- culties of the economic situation, encouraging the student to believe that "there is a remedy for every evil." There are chapters on land, wages, interest, profits and money. FICTION 77. Black Bear. (1910.) William H. Wright. 78. Grizzly Bear. (1909.) Same author. 79. The Bridge of the Gods. Frederick Balch. The writer grew up in Klickitat county. When a boy he resolved to write about the Indians of the Columbia and began collecting material by haunting their camps for days at a time. A lady who has lived in the state sixty- four years says "It is the only story that tells accu- ately of the early life of those Indians." 80. Chaperoning Adrienne; Through the Yellowstone. (1907.) Alice Harriman. This lady has distinguished herself in several ways, first as poetess and contributor to magazines, then as book publisher. Other books she wrote are Stories of Montana, Men of Two Counties, besides poems and one juvenile work. Her house has a number of first class books to its credit. She brought out Lafcadio Hearne's Temptations of 16 St. Anthony. She took special pride in bringing out books on western topics, as the narratives of the two Dennys and the story which become the opera Nar- cissa. 81. Club Stories. (1915.) Members of federated clubs. Written in competition for a prize offered by the State Federation of Women's Clubs. Of twenty-two stories submitted the twelve receiving highest rank were pub- lished. The scene of each is laid in Washington so they are full of local color and have a value apart from their literary merit. First prize was won by Mrs. Robert J. Fisher. 82. Every Child. (1915.) Gertrude Fulton Tooker. The author had previously published a few poems but when she was busier than ever before in her life, caring for two children, she found time to write this pleasing allegory. It deserves a welcome by all people who remember the visions and dreams of child-life. 88. Forest Orchid and Other Stories. (1902.) Ella Higgin- son. 84. From the Land of the Snow Pearls. (1897.) Same author. 86. Mariella of Out- west (1902.) Same author. These are the stories of one who is widely known as our first story writer. Her name became known when she won, over a thousand competitors, a McClure prize for five hundred dollars. That story was "The Takin' in of old Miss Lane," 1894. Since then she has written scores of stories which have appeared in many different magazines. She has handled some types which are ac- cepted in the far east as representative of the west and are not complimentary to the good taste and social polish of this longitude. But no author of the state has been ranked so high by the reviewers and critics. All her literary work has been done in this state. She shows constantly increasing strength. 17 86. Ginsey Krieder. Sarah Endicott Ober, nom de plume, Huldah Herrick. 87. Little Tommy, or Ma'am Duffy's Lesson. (1891.) Same author. 88. Stacy's Boom, or One Year's Building. (1888.) Same author. 89. Happy Valley. Ann Shannon Monroe. Tells of home- steading experiences in the sage-brush country where the author lived the life of a settler. She first at- tracted attention by her story, Making a Business Woman, which appeared in Saturday Evening Post. It is said that she has a hand in the editorial columns of the Ladies Home Journal. 90. Heart of the Bed Firs. (1908.) Ada Woodruff Anderson. 91. Strain of White. (1909.) Same author. 92. Bim of the Desert (1914.) Same author. The last of these three has scenes laid in Alaska, on the Sound, at Scenic and in the Wenatchee valley. The devel- opment of the desert by irrigation into the fertile fields and the productive orchard, the tragedy of homesickness and starvation in Alaska, the fatal avalanche in the Cascades in the winter of 1909- 1910 at Wellington, all are woven into the story. It includes also an attack on the Roosevelt-Pinchot conservation policy which reflects the sentiment some- what widely held on the Pacific Coast. These features have helped to give the story a wide reading near home but it is a good seller the country over. Very speedily it reached a fourth edition and in its first year sales reached fifty thousand. Mrs. Anderson is the daughter of a Washington pioneer. Those who know her tell us that her home-making and family- raising are as successful as her story-writing. Some one said "She is good for several things and good at them all." 93. The Hired Man. Florence Roney Weir. 94. Busher's Girl. Same author. 18 95. In Hampton Roads. (1899.) Charles Eugene Banks. A novel of the Civil War. 96. Child of the Sun. (1900.) Same author. 97. Man with a Scar. Ella Holly and Jessie Hoskins; noms de plume, Warren and Alice Fones. A little story from the Christian Science viewpoint. 98. Mary of Magdala. (1909.) Harriette Gunn Roberson. A fascinating story of Rome and Alexandria and Je- rusalem. Told with real dramatic power. Mrs. Rob- erson has for two years edited a page in one of the publications of the Baptist Church under the title, Heart Talks to Girls on Making the Most of Life. As speaker on the Chautauqua platform she has made many friends through the Northwest. 99. Preliminaries and Other Stories. (1912.) Cornelia At- wood Pratt Comer. 100. The Daughter of a Stoic. (1896.) Same author, before marriage. 101. A Daughter of Martyrs. (1906.) Same author. These are short story collections. Mrs. Comer has of late done a good deal of magazine work of a high order, her contributions usually appearing in the Atlantic. Once when asked for a biography she replied, "I really haven't any. I doubt if any one ever got along so comfortably with so little biography since the world began." Of the town where she used to live she said, "It was a kind of a town which drives one into the inner world in search of excitement." When a pub- lisher asked for a photograph she wrote "I have no photographs of myself except some very old ones in storage and no time to get any new ones." 102. A Rocky Mountain Sketch. Lou Gertrude Diven. It introduces some characters drawn beautifully and clearly as by a master of fiction, yet there is evidence that compels the reader to feel that it is a true narra- tive. Many stories and essays by Mrs. Diven are in print. 19 103. Tillicnm Tales. (1907.) Seattle Writers' Club. A col- lection of short stories contributed by members of the club. 104. Unrest, a Story of the Struggle for Bread. (1915.) W. R. Parr. A tale of industrial order, the subject treated from a socialistic standpoint 106. The Woman Who Went to Alaska. Mrs. Mary L. Kel- logg. She has written several books on Alaska under the nom de plume May Kellogg Sullivan. Her home is near Matanuska in Southwestern Alaska where she has spent seven seasons. JUVENILE 106. Billy Tomorrow. (1909.) Sarah Pratt Carr. 107. Billy Tomorrow in Camp. (1910.) Same author. 108. Billy Tomorrow Stands the Test Same author. The scene of each of the series is laid in Washington. 109. Fingers That See. (1914.) Nancy Buskett. Dedicated to her blind friends all over the world. It is the story of a blind girl. One learns to love the child who asks, "Can people who see, see 'round corners?" and says, "Lovin' isn't just feelin'. Its sometimes doin' things for people." The author was once musical director in a school for the blind. At another time she edited the Cynthia Grey department In four north- western dailies. 110. His Tribute. (1909.) Florence Martin Eastland. Illus- trates the value of good cheer. 111, Matt of the Waterfront (1909.) Same author. A story of patriotism. Both have a Seattle setting. 20 112. Montana the Land of Shining Mountains. (1909.) Kath- arine Berry Judson. The early history of Montana, intended for school children. 113. Early Days in Old Oregon. (1916.) This, Miss Judson's latest book, contains much material from sources never before made accessible. 114. Mrs. Spring Fragrance. (1912.) Edith M. Eaton (Sui Sin Far, nom de plume). Chinese stories told in a charming way. 115. Redcoat and Redskin. Alice Harriman. A boy's story of the early days of the Royal Northwest mounted police of Canada. 116. The Yankee Boodle Book. (1914.) Gertrude D. Best. (Nom de plume Gertrude Optimus.) For very little people. When the author wanted to buy some Christ- mas books for her little friends she did not find what she liked. She was not pleased with the idea of filling children's heads with nonsense rhymes, good only to be forgotten, and the crazy pictures of chil- dren's books were not all of them to her liking. Like the president of a California University, she too made a book for little people. He did it by writ- ing rhymes still more nonsensical and impossible. She did it by putting into jingle form some facts of United States history. The pictures are attractive and true to period. The rhymes are as catchy as Simple Simon and Jack Horner, but when a child has sung these over for a few weeks he knows for keeps some people and some happenings in American history. POETEY 117. Bine Grass Ballads. William Lightfoot Visscher. 118. Harp of the South. Same author. 119. In Childland Straying. (1895.) Carrie Shaw Rice. Her most popular poems are Where the Rhododendrons Grow, and The Rare Old, Fair Old State of Washing- ton, read before the State Press Association. 120. Lyrics of Fir and Foam. Alice Rollit Coe. 121. Qniet Mnsic. (1892.) Charles Eugene Banks. 122. Where Brooks Go Softly. (1896.) Same author. Mr. Banks is more than "the poet." He is a polished writer of essays, and a discriminating critic of the drama and the stage. 128. The Silesian Horseherd. (1903.) A translation by Oscar Augustus Fechter from the German of Max Mueller. 124. Songs from Pnget Sea. (1898.) Herbert Bashford. Written while Mr. Bashford was state librarian. 125. Song- of the City. Anna Louise Strong. 126. Storm Songs. Same author. These volumes contain poems revealing a strong character and a finely trained mind. Miss Strong has written many other verses and many essays, among them On the Eve of Home Rule and Psychology and Prayer. She has been director of Child Welfare exhibits in American cities and in Dublin, Ireland. At present, 1915-1916, she is exhibit expert connected, with the Children's Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor. 127. Songs o> the Sound. Alice Harriman. 128. Songs of the Olympics. Same author. 22 129. Told in the Garden. (1902.) Alice Lockhart Hughes. Lyrics by Mrs. Hughes have been set to music by Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, Sans Souci and de Koven. 180. Voice of April Land. Ella Higginson. 181. When the Birds Go North Again. Same author. This contains the Pour-Leaf Clover, her best known poem, which has been set to music by several composers and sung the country over. UNCLASSIFIED PEOSE 182. Among Student Friends. (1914.) Martha E. Libby. 188. Alaskaland, A Cnrions Contradiction. (1914.) Mrs. Isabel Ambler Gilman. Now a practicing lawyer in Alaska. A collection of prose and poetry some of which had appeared in Northwest Journal of Educa- tion, Westerner, Post-Intelligencer, Alaska- Yukon Magazine and Alaska papers. 184. By Order of the Prophet, A Tale of Utah. (1902.) Alfred Hylas Henry. 185. The Danger in the Movement Toward Direct Legislation. Same author. 186. Clean and Strong. Rev. E. A. King. 137. Friendship. Margaret Goodrich. 188. Life's Common Way. Same author. These are collec- tions of well chosen sentiments. The first was re-pub- lished a few months ago. 189. George Dana Boardman Pepper. (1914.) A biography. Frederick Morgan Padelford. The life of a New Eng- land college president. It is one of many works which have earned for Professor Padelford a high place in the list of authors of pure literature. 23 140. Samuel Osborn, Janitor, A Sketch. (1913.) Same author. 141. Early Sixteenth Century Lyrics. (1907.) Same author. 142. Greek Essays on the Study and Use of Poetry. Same author. 143. Translations from Scaliger's Poetics. (1905.) Same author. 144. Old English Musical Terms. (1900.) Same author. The Atlantic Monthly published the Pedigree of Pegasus; Cornhill Magazine, Browning Out West and Did Browning Whistle or Sing?; Suwanee Review pub- lished The Simple Life as Shakespeare Vewed It; and American Journal of Sociology the Civic Control of Architecture. 145. Hawaiian Idylls of Love and Death. (1908.) Herbert H. Gowen. Eleven myths, beautifully told "In the hope that the sketches may show that touch of nature which makes the whole world kin, which obliterates the distinction between white and black, between East and West, between the man of yesterday and the man of today." Dr. Gowen is a thorough scholaar and a literary artist. During twenty years' residence in the state he has written oriental history, theology, travel, biography, fiction, (Chinese), and poetry. 146. Outline History of China. (1913.) Covers the country from the earliest times to the recognition of the Re- public. 147. The Life of Adele M. Fielde, in preparation by Helen Norton Stevens. As a permanent memorial to Miss Pielde, four thousand copies will be placed in public and college libraries, women's headquarters, and edu- cational centers for girls and young women. The re- maining one thousand copies will be sold by subscrip- tion. 148. The Mark In Europe and America. Dr. Enoch A. Bryan. 149. Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest. Catherine Berry Judson. The author is first authority in this 24 romantic field, at least as a collector. This book treats especially of the legends of Washington and Oregon. 150. Myths and Legends of Alaska. (1911.) Same author. 151. Myths and Legends of California and Old Southwest (1913.) Same author. 152. Myths and Legends of the Great Plains. (1914.) Same author. 153. When Forests Are Ablaze. Same author. Is dedicated to the Mountaineers, whose aim it is "to preserve the beauties of the Pacific Northwest and who are yearly appalled by the havoc of forest fires." 154. The Old Home. (1912.) Susan Whitcomb Hassell. Memories of home and village life in the early years of Iowa and of Grinnell College. 155. Prophets of the Soul: the Pioneers of Life. (1915.) Dr. Lester L. West. Sermons, like editorials and addresses and quantities of other good literature, are not in- cluded in these outlines even when published in book form. Here is an exception. One Christmas some friends of Dr. West brought out a volume of his ser- mons, five of them under this title. They are the work of a poetic mind, choice in literary finish and with a strong spiritual appeal. 156. Story of a Mother-lore. (1913.) Annette Fitch-Brewer. This tells a remarkable experience. When Mr. and Mrs. Brewer were divorced the court gave the custody of their one child to the father. The mother fought, not the divorce, but for a share at least in the care of her boy. While he was spending a few days with her she fled. For five years she evaded the father's efforts to trace them while he spent large sums in detective work posting photographs of the two all over the country as "fugitives from justice." Fi- nally the arm of the law reached her, living in a little village under an assumed name. The law took the 25 boy from his mother and in her loneliness she wrote this book. It is the experience of a bright observer who wandered thousands of miles with all her senses on the alert. 157. That Something. (1914.) William Witherspoon Wood- bridge. A progressive form of mental science put in a new and original style. The writer believes in him- self. What is rarer, he is teaching other people to believe in themselves. The book has met with great results. The publisher reports sales to every state in the union but three and a larger sale than any book ever published west of Chicago. 168. Skooting Skyward. (1912.) An earlier book by the same writer met with moderate success, perhaps be- cause of the atrocious Josh Billings spelling which should have been buried with its originator. 169. War or Peace. (1911.) Hiram Martin Chittenden. A philosophical treatment of the theme. A splendidly optimistic, logical and sane chapter is on "the future hope." 160. Ye Towne Gossip. (1914.) Kenneth C. Beaton. A sparkling book, the first publication in book form by "K. C. B." He made a wide acquaintance by four- teen years of newspaper work in the state. Then in the daily Post-Intelligencer developed this form which gave him fame. Many readers turned first each morn- ing to his column on the third page to see what "K. C. B." had to say. That little morning story was always an appeal to the heart, sometimes as a foun- tain of tears, sometimes as a wellspring of joy. A friend writes of him "He is a temperamental freak in that he is an emotional Britisher and is not the least bit ashamed of his emotions." 26 OTHER WEITERS Throughout the state are men and women whose pens have brought them distinction though their names have not appeared on the back of a book. Some are contributors, occa- sional or regular, to periodical literature. Some are regular staff-writers. The three we name first are on the P.-I. Tom Dillon wrote for Mother's Day an exquisite prayer which was widely copied and was read into the Congressional Record of 1914. Full of fine feeling. Joseph Blethen has published many short stories and wrote the libretto for "The Alaskan," an opera produced in New York City. Jack Bechdolt has had boys' adventure stories in the Youth's Companion, articles in Technical World, Popular Mechanics and Leslie's. From general editor of a Sunday edition and author of feature stories in this state he has re- cently been called to become feature editor of the Kansas City Star. Frederick Ritchie Bechdold has had articles in McClure, American Magazine and Harpers Weekly. Bernice E. Newell, a newspaper woman of many years experience, has written exquisite bits of prose and verse. The Mountain, a poem first published in Review of Reviews was later bound constituting the first book published in Ta- coma. She was regular contributor to the Northwest Maga- zine and has been in Sunset, Woman's Home Companion and The Kindergarten. Bertha Knatvold Mallett has written for Colliers and Century. I. Newton Greene has done feature and special stories for Harpers Weekly, Success, Life, Technical World, Smart Set, and Pacific Motor Boat. Human interest stories. Edi- torials. R. P. Wood has appeared in Life and in the London Daily Mail. Warren Judson Brier, who had done substantial literary work before coming to the West, recently had published in the National Magazine The Incarceration of Ambrose Broadhead, a strong appeal for a needed reform. He has now in prepara- tion an American literature designed for class-room use. 27 Adele M. Ballard, of Town Crier staff, has won an en- viable reputation as art and music critic and is often quoted by Chicago and New York journals. Writes short stories, verses and special articles which have appeared in The Lady, (London), Collier's and Reedy's Mirror. Her poems, Pierrot and The Concert, are of high order. Ruth Dunbar, formerly on Seattle Times, has contri- butions in Woman's Home Companion and Vogue, and is now on the staff of Every Week, New York City. M. Pelton White has contributed to over fifty publications, Collier's and various magazines, women's and children's periodicals, farm journals and religious publications. An order for forty children's stories was recently finished. Last year's sales numbered fifty-three. Goldie Funk Robertson has been most successful in her articles on child problems and home economics. She is now on the staff of the Mothers' Magazine, and has made frequent contributions to Woman's Home Companion, Life, Table Talk, Etude and Modern Priscilla, sometimes using the names Jane Wakefield and Louise St. Clair. Sara Byrne Goodwin, in competition with hundreds of story writers, took a Ladies Home Journal prize. Rosalind Larson won an American Magazine prize. Elizabeth Young Wead has contributed articles to Lippin- cott's, The Independent, and Country Gentleman. She has just ready for publication a lineage book of the Van Patten family. Anna Brabham Osborne won a prize in the Club Stories contest. In ten, years she has sold sixty-four short stories, seven serials, and nine feature articles. They appear in the Youths' Companion, Overland Magazine, New England Maga- zine, American Magazine, Christian Endeavor World and the various church publications for young people. Harry L. Dillaway, lover of birds and bears, has con- tributed to Shield's Magazine, Recreation, and Pacific Sports- man. For a syndicate of papers he edited "Bird-lore," creat- ing an interest which culminated in a great bird-house build- ing contest by children. Pictures of this enterprise were shown in the Ladies Home Journal of July, 1916. Harry J. Miller's humorous verses easily find their way into many newspapers of the state. 28 Bancroft Library Lines worth knowing: THE EVEBGBEEff PDfE The rivers to the ocean flow, The sunsets burn and flee; The stars come to the darkling sky, The violets to the lea; But I stay in one lone sweet place And dream of the blue sea. The harebell blooms and is away, The salmon spawns and dies; The oriole nests and is on the wing, Calling her sweet good-bys. . . . But I, when blossom and fruit are gone, Yearn, steadfast, to the skies. I am a prayer and a praise, A sermon and a song; My leaf-chords thrill at the wind's will To nocturnes deep and strong; Or the sea's far lyric melodies Echo and prolong. When April newly decks my form In silken green attire, I light my candles, tall and pale, With holy scarlet fire And straight their incense mounts to God, Pure as a soul's desire. My branches poise upon the air, Like soft and level wings; My trembling leaves the wind awakes To a harp of emerald strings Or thro' the violet silences A golden vesper sings. I am a symbol and a sign. . . . Thro' blue or rose or gray; Thro' rain and dark; thro' storms of night; Thro' opaline lights of day Slowly and patiently up to God I make my beautiful way. Higginson. 29 ENSHRINED "My son" .... Her tone was soft with wistfulness "Would now be twenty-one . . . If he had lived." A silence fell . . . And thought sped swiftly back Through years of fulness and content Save for one gray thread of loneliness. For she had never parted company With him, Who left her arms bereft Of her man-child. "And so," Again she spoke, "I watch the youths Who grow apace with him in years, And all their winning traits I seize upon, invest my son with them, And love all youth the more Because I too Hold in my heart A vivid memory." Again the silence fell . . . I turned away For I had glimpsed the sanctuary Of a mother's soul, In which a spirit was enshrined For all Eternity. Adele M. Ballard Long hours we toiled up through the solemn wood, Beneath moss-banners stretched from tree to tree; At last upon a barren hill we stood, And, lo, above loomed Majesty. Herbert Bashford 30 NIGHT ON THE MOUNTAIN Thou hear'st the star songs clear, When all is silent here, And I, asleep. Spheres, ringing music rare Through upper realms of air, 'Round thy crowned head, may dare Their vigils keep. Bernice E. Newell "Great Mountain, who once to a pagan race meant God, Make us to realize our shame, That, failing to sing praises to thy wondrous form, We stoop to quarrel o'er a name." Anon. "The mountain-lover does not always gaze at Rainier and Olympus. He has learned that the foot-hills have a charm and an interest of their own. And they too point upward." Club Stories UP, MY HEART The dark, dark night is gone, The lark is on the wing, From black and barren fields he soars, Eternal hope to sing. And shall I be less brave, Than yon sweet lyric thing? From deeps of failure and despair Up, up, my heart, and sing. The dark, dark year is gone; The red blood of the spring Will quicken nature's pulses soon, So up, my heart, and sing. Ella Higginson 31 THAT SOMETHING A man's success depends alone on That Something. That Something of his soul. Abraham Lincoln found it and it warmed the cold floor on which he lay and studied. It added light to the flckering glow of the wood fire, that he might see to read. It spurred him on and on and on. That Something is an awful force. It made of a puny Corsican the Ruler of the World. It made of a thin-chested bookkeeper the money king of his age. It made of Edison the great man of a great country. It made Carnegie. It made Woodrow Wilson. It made Roosevelt. It can make you. And it is now in your soul. Awake it now. "That Some- thing." "No, it can't be done, it can't be done," murmured the professor. "I have drunk deeply of the cup of life, and I am now drinking of the dregs. The cup is filled but once, and when it's gone there's nothing left but old age and poverty." "You fool," cried Randolph, leaning forward and shak- ing the little man roughly. "You almost had That Something within your power, and now you sing it back to sleep with your silly song of pessimism. It's the false philosophy, that such as you sing, which has kept men in the ruts of their own digging for centuries past. Wake man, wake That Something within your soul." W. W. Woodbridge THE GAME 'I win," cried Death with a triumphant grin. "My body, yes, but not the soul within" Harriman 32 MY MOTHER A PRATER For the body you gave me, the bone and the sinew, the heart and the brain that are yours, my mother, I thank you. I thank you for the light in my eyes, the blood in my veins, for my speech, for my life, for my being. All that I am is from you who bore me. For your smile in the morning and your kiss at night, my mother, I thank you. I thank you for the tears you shed over me, the songs that you sung to me, the prayers you said for me, for your vigils and ministerings. All that I am is by you who reared me. For the faith you had in me, the hope you had for me, for your trust and your pride, my mother, I thank you. I thank you for your praise and your chiding, for the justice you bred into me and the honor you madei mine. All that I am you taught me. For the times that I hurt you, the times I had no smile for you, the caresses that I did not give you, my mother for- give me. For your lessons I did not learn, for your wishes I did not heed, for the counsels I did not obey, my mother, forgive me. Forgive me my pride in my youth and my glory in my strength that forgot the holiness of your years and the veneration of your weakness, for my neglect, for my selfish- ness, for all the great debts of your love that I have not paid, mother, sweet mother, forgive me. And may the peace and, the joy that passeth all under- standing be yours, my mother, forever and ever. Amen. Tom Dillon It is not too much to believe that a permanent organiza- tion can be formed which will take over to itself the whole business of the regulation of international affairs. Chittenden "Why should we ridicule, think very droll, Indian legends and carved totem pole, When we, in blindness are equally odd In misconception of life and of God?" Harriman 33 A NEW LEAF He came to my desk with a quivering lip, The lesson was done, "Dear Teacher, I want a new leaf," he said, "I have spoiled this one." I took the old leaf, stained and blotted, And gave him a new one, all unspotted, And into his sad eyes 1 smiled; "Do better now, my child." I went to the throne with a quivering soul, The old year was done, "Dear Father, hast thou a new leaf for me? I have spoiled this one." He took the old leaf, stained and blotted, And gave me a new one all unspotted, And into my sad heart smiled, "Do better, now, my child." Carrie Shaw Rice THE TOILER'S FEAR There is one thing I fear. Not death, nor sharp disease, Nor loss of friends I hold most dear, Nor pain nor want, not these. But the life of which men say, "The world has given him bread, And what gives he to the world as pay For the loaf on which he fed?" Anna Louise Strong The only territory the United States has ever acquired by discovery, exploration and settlement; the only territory that cost us nothing in cash by way of purchase, or by the use of military or naval force. Snowden 34 DON'T WORRY Don't hurry or worry; Be still and keep cool, For hurry and worry But make you Time's fool. Don't b'lieve what they tell you 'Bout Time's flowing stream, 'Tis Eternity now, dear, All else is a dream. Don't seek for a heaven In far distant skies. It lies all around you Just open your eyes. Henry Victor Morgan. Toot, toot, toot, Everything a-quiver Toot, toot, toot, Look up the North River. Toot, toot, toot, Something new afloat. Toot, toot, toot, The first steamboat. Yankee Doodle Book. "If we believe that people are mostly dishonest, ungen- erous, selfish, gossiping, troublesome, we would better be looking at ourselves and trying to find out what is the matter with us." Lou G. Diven "I venture to say that if there is one lesson written more plainly than any other across the pages of human his- tory it is this, that God cannot be forgotten with impunity, but for all that the popular tendency is to leave God out of account. I plead for the bringing of God back into touch with human life." Keator 35 OPTIGRAMS The good we can think of is always possible. To dole out a few turkeys at Christmas is good; but to have a social order where every man can buy his own turkey is vastly better. Real sympathy is motional as well as emotional; ener- getid as well as pathetic, taking no pleasure in "tears, idle tears." Some people seem to enjoy giving publicity to their dis- appointments. Women understand men better than men understand women. The only personalities who hold permanently the devotion and admiration of humanity are the idealists. You can preach the gospel through a handshake, a glance, a laugh, a lifting word. What we don't know, never frightens us; it is what we half-know which is the fertile seed-plot of fear. Golf is an artificial substitute for man's native need for work in the open air. What we really care for in people is not their social standing nor the fashionableness of their haberdashery, but their kindness, reliability and integrity. God has no stepchildren. Naked, brutal force had never settled anything yet. Stoning Stephen to death only gave him a more distinguished immortality. We do not want "peace at any price." We want to pay justice, truth, trust and good will for it. Hugh Elmer Brown A little cloud of blue came out And settled on the sod. Then one cried "Oh, forget-me-nots." One bowed and murmured, "God." Higginson AUTHORS NAMED IN TEXT Place where part or all of literary work was done Page Anderson, Ada Woodruff, Seattle 18 Atwood, Rev. A., Seattle 6 Bagley, Clarence B., Seattle 5, 7, 8 Balch, Frederick H 16 Ballard, Adele M., Seattle 28, 30 Ballinger, Richard A., Seattle 14 Banks, Charles Eugene, Seattle 19, 22 Barnard, W. G., Seattle 16 Bashford, Herbert, Tacoma 22, 30 Beaton, Kenneth C., Seattle 26 Beaton, Welford, Seattle 11 Beattie, Rolla Kent, Pullman 15 Bechdolt, Frederick Ritchie, Seattle 27 Bechdolt, Jack, Seattle 27 Beecham, R. K., Everett 6 Benham, Allen Rogers, Seattle 14 Best, Gertrude D., Everett 21, 35 Blankenship, Mrs. George, Olympia.. _...,... 9 Blethen, Joseph, Olympia ?^fc^y#. J ir_.. 27 Bolton, Frederick Elmer, Olypia. *.. 16 Bowles, John Hooper, Tacoma 14 Brier, Prof. Warren Judson, Everett 27 Brown, Hugh Elmer, Seattle 36 Bryan, Dr. Enoch A., Pullman 24 Buskett, Nancy, Seattle 20 Byers, Horace G., Seattle 15 Carr, Sarah Pratt, Seattle 8, 20 Champney, Elizabeth Williams, Seattle 13 Champney, Frere, Seattle 13 Chittenden, General Hiram Martin, Seattle 11, 15, 26, 33 Club Women of Washington 17 Coe, Alice Rollit, Seattle 22 Comer, Cornelia Atwood Pratt, Seattle 19 Costello, J. A., 9 Crawford, Minnie Leola, Tacoma 13 Curtis, Edward S., Seattle 5, 12 37 Page Dawson, William Leon, Seattle 14 Denny, Arthur A., Seattle 8 Denny, Emily Inez, Seattle 6 Dillaway, Harry, Everett 28 Dillon, Thomas J., Seattle 27, 33 Diven, Lou Gertrude, Olympia 19, 35 Dunbar, Ruth, Olympia 28 Durham, N. W., Spokane 5, 9 Eastland, Florence Martin, Seattle 20 Eaton, Edith M., Seattle 21 Eells, Myron, Twana 8 Fechter, Oscar Augustus, North Yakima 22 Fielde, Adele M., Seattle 15, 24 Fisher, Mrs. Robert J., Seattle 17 Fitch-Brewer, Annette, Lake Stevens 25 Flett, E. B., Longmire's 12 Fones, Warren and Alice (noms de plume) 19 Fowler, Charles Evan, Seattle 16 Fraser, Mrs. Hugh, Winthrop 13 Fraser, Hugh C., Winthrop 13 Frye, Theodore Christian, Seattle 14 Oilman, Isabel Ambler, Olympia 23 Golder, Frank Alfred, Pullman 9 Goodrich, Margaret, Seattle 23 Goodwin, Sara Byrne, Seattle 28 Gowen, Herbert H., Seattle 24 Greene, I. Newton, Everett 27 Harriman, Alice, Seattle 16, 21, 22, 32, 33 Hassell, Susan Whitcomb, Everett 25 Henry, Alfred Hylas, North Yakima 23 Herrick, Huldah (nom de plume) 18 Higginson, Ella, Bellingham 10, 17, 23, 29, 31, 36 Holly, Ella, Spokane 19 Hoskins, Jessie, Spokane 19 Hughes, Alice Lockhart, Seattle 23 Jacobs, Orange, Seattle 8 Judson, Katharine Berry, Seattle 5, 21, 24, 25 Kaiser, John B., Tacoma 15 Keator, Rt. Rev. F. W., Tacoma 35 38 Page Kellogg, Mary L., Seattle 20 King, Rev. E. A., North Yakima 23 Knatvold, Bertha (Mallett), Tacoma 27 Larson, Rose, North Yakima 28 Libby, Martha E., Spokane 23 Lowther, Granville, North Yakima 14 Lyman, William Dennison, Walla Walla 5, 6 Mallett, Bertha Knatvold, Tacoma 27 Meany, Edmond S., Seattle 5, 7 Meeker, Ezra, Puyallup 8, 9 Miller, Harry J., Everett 28 Monroe, Ann Shannon, Tacoma 18 Morgan, Henry Victor, Tacoma 35 Moritz, Robert Edouard, Seattle 15 Newell, Bernice E., Tacoma 27, 31 Ober, Sarah Endicott, Fauntleroy 18 Optimus, Gertrude (nom de plume) 21 Osborne, Anna Brakham, Puyallup 28 Padelford, Frederick Morgan, Seattle 23, 24 Parr, W. R., Granite Falls 20 Piper, Charles V., Pullman 14, 15 Prosch, T. W., Seattle 6 Prosser, Colonel William Farland, Seattle 7 Remington, Arthur, Olympia 14 Rice, Carrie Shaw, Tacoma 22, 34 Richardson, Oliver Huntington, Seattle 9 Rigg, George B., Seattle 14 Roberson, Harriett Gunn, Spokane 19 Robertson, Mrs. Goldie Funk, Olympia 28 Seattle Writers' Club 20 Sisson, Edward O., Seattle 14 Skarsteadt, Ernst Teofil, East Sound 10 Smith, J. Allen, Seattle 15 Snowden, Clinton A., Tacoma 5, 7, 34 Stallcup, John C., Tacoma 16 Stevens, Hazard 8 Stevens, Helen Norton, Seattle 24 Strahorn, Carrie Adell, Spokane 11 Strong, Anna Louise, Seattle 22, 34 39 Page Sui Sin Far (nom de plume) 21 Sullivan, May Kellogg (nom de plume) 20 looker, Gertrude Fulton, Seattle 17 Tuttle, Charles R., Seattle 10 Underwood, John Jasper, Seattle 10 Visscher, William Lightfoot, Tacoma 22 Washington State Federation of Women's Clubs 17 Wead, Elizabeth Young, Orting 28 Weir, Florence Roney, Seattle 18 West, Dr. Lester L., Everett 25 White, M. Pelton, Seattle 28 Williams, John H., Tacoma 5, 12 Wilson, Rufus Rockwell, Seattle 12 Wood, R. P., Everett 27 Woodbridge, William Witherspoon, Tacoma 26, 32 Worthington, William, North Yakima 14 Wright, William H., Spokane 16 Writers' Club of Seattle ....20 40