GIFT OF MAY SELLMDEP_ SING A SONG OF SEASONS SING A SONG OF SEASONS By WILHELMINA SEEGMILLER Author of "Little Rhymes for Little Readers" and "Other Rhymes for Little Readers" Illustrated by the Author RAND McNALLY & COMPANY CHICAGO NEW YORK Copyright, Jgi4, By Rand, McNally & Company C hi ca go Sing! Sing! OING! Sing! What shall I sing? Of Winter, of Autumn, Of Summer, of Spring. Sing! Sing! if 'I 11 SPRING PAGE Spring Dreams 13 Blow, Winds, Blow 14 GooD-BY TO Winter 15 A Daffodil . 16 Sunshiny Showers 17 The Spring Has Come 18 Spring 20 May Time 21 A Flower Riddle 22 Humming Bee 23 Possessions 24 Reflections 25 Hearts 27 A Happy Word 28 SUMMER One Sweet Lily 31 Wishing 32 Robin 33 Tree Windows 34 7 =^orfcr»0;^ ci PAGE Red, Blue, and Gold 35 O Singing Wind 37 My Lady's Garden 38 Why Not? 39 Lady Wind 40 Butterfly 41 Snail, Snail 42 Ladybird 43 Shadow Pictures 45 Awake! 46 Twink! Twink! 47 Weeds 48 Garden Fairies 49 If 50 AUTUMN Autumn Jewels 53 Cucumber Vines 54 Fall Gardens 55 The Lace of Queen Anne 57 A Little Seed 58 Jolly October 59 Apple Fragrance 60 A Windfall 61 Milkweed Seeds 62 The Rill 63 PAGE Acorns 64 Beechnuts 65 The Windy Man 66 Flying South 67 November 68 WINTER Winter Birds 71 December 72 Snow 73 Chickadee 74 Christmas Trees 75 Green Things Growing 76 Thick Fur and Feather 77 Snow Crystals 78 When Jack Frost Paints the Window Pane . 79 Winter Nests 81 The New Moon 82 The Wish Star 83 The Year 84 Oprin^ '■■//v' \lUly\f Spring Dreams 'T^HOUGH pines and firs are weighted now -^ So they can scarcely sing, Though chill winds blow, and snowflakes whirl, I'm dreaming dreams of spring. According to the calendar The winter days are done; And soon the icicles will drip And snow melt in the sun. The Spring will bid her flowers appear. And song of lark and thrush, Of oriole and vireo, Will break the winter hush. Though pines and firs are weighted now So they can scarcely sing. Though chill winds blow, and snowflakes whirl, I'm dreaming dreams of spring. 13 Blow, Winds, Blow! B LOW, winds, blow! What if the trees are bare, There's the flurry of snow, the pond locked, And the frost still in the air. Sing, trees, sing! 'Way up on the topmost bough; Where the tw^igs make lace on the tree crowns, The buds are swelling now. And soon, oh, soon! Will the winged keys alight, And the tassels swing in the breezes And take to airy flight. For now, oh, now! The sap is running high. And the days of song and blossom Are swiftly drawing nigh. 14 Good^by to Winter GOOD-BY, good-by to Winter, For Winter's almost done, And now the snow is melting In patches in the sun. The Spring has sent her vanguards, The pussy-willows gray. So up the land she's marching Dum, dum, de-dum, de, da! 4 ^ J / rif^^ 15 A Daffodil A GOLDEN cup With a golden frill, And golden wings, Makes a daffodil. 16 Sunshiny Showers ^4 A SUNSHINY shower -^ Won't last half an hour," So the proverbs say; When the sun takes pains To shine when it rains, We lose little time from play. ''The April showers Bring the May-time flowers," So the wise ones say; But the sunshiny showers Bring us springtime flowers Before the first of May. A sunshiny shower, An April flower, A rainbow in the sky. And a bird to sing, ''Spring, Spring, Spring, Spring!" Oh, who is so gay as I? 17 O The Spring has Come /^H, the Winter's gone away, and the ^^ Spring's in green array, And the Httle brook so happy is, it gurgles night and day. Now with a cheery song, Robin Redbreast hops along. Finding worms and bugs, and bugs and worms and bugs the whole day long. There are babies in the nest, in the silver maple's crest; So hungry they, the livelong day, that Robin has no rest. 18 When a wandering breeze comes by, pink- flushed apple petals fly And drift to orchard paths, and there like snowdrifts lie. Every morning shows anew sparkling drops of silver dew That glint, and gleam, and scintillate, until up in the blue The sun smiles down at them, when each glinting, gleaming gem Evaporates from grassy blade, and bud, and flowTr, and stem. Oh, the Winter's gone away, and the happy children play; They hop, and skip, and dance, and sing for merriness in May. 19 T7.V^^3 (4^ Spring ONNY are the hillsides And the flowering dells Bonny are the moorlands And the reaching fells; Bonny are the hedgerows; And merry song-birds sing, 'Mid the bonny blooming, "Spring! Spring! Spring!" ^mkK May Time MAY time, gay time! Away! Away! 'Tis play time! In and out the rushes, Beneath the alder bushes, The laughing water rushes; From throats of larks and thrushes The glad song bursts and gushes; The apple orchard blushes, The thorn to rose-pink flushes. May time, gay time! Away! Away! 'Tis play time! 'Tis May! 'Tis May! Away! Away! Away! 21 ^ K :^..'/ t^^J^ 4 ',-^ y^iv? A Flower Riddle TT7HAT happy little flower, ' ^ Any May-time day or hour, Like a yellow disk of gold may be found, found, found? Oh, it turns to silver gray, And the silver blows away; Then no flower at all is seen on the ground, ground, ground. 22 Humming Bee TTUMMING bee, Hum songs to me. Hum about the trees that look At themselves down in the brook, While the brook runs babblingly. Singing, singing to the sea. Hum about the elves that sup From a last year's acorn cup. While new dishes growing show. Where the oak-tree branches blow. Hum about the sparkling lights That the fireflies light o' nights, Making turn and turn about. Light and dark, till stars go out. Humming bee. Hum songs to me. 23 ossessions 'T^HE pines have long needles, -^ The maples have keys, The ash trees have paddles That drift in the breeze; The poplars have tassels To swing in the parks, And down in the dingles Ferns make question marks ^«**^t9i/^ji#% ,.|^ 24 Reflections LOVE the rain-wet pavements They double all the trees,— The oaks, the poplars, elms. The pines, and hickories. I And when the clouds go sailing, Go sailing swiftly by. You see them sailing lowly. And see them sailing high. And when a dove or sparrow Goes flying to the blue. You watch it flying upward. And flying downward too. And if by happy fortune A friend you chance to meet, Like tree, and cloud, and sparrow He's doubled on the street. 25 11 i.^^ Ai pT^he pinkDicentr I.M ^«»^tli hearts ol ..c.=^ 26 Hearts 'T^HE pink Dicentra is a plant ^ With hearts of many sizes, For hearts quite large and little too, The pink Dicentra prizes. And so she strings from large to small, Each pretty heart suspended, Till with a very tiny heart The chain of hearts is ended. 27 A Happy Word npHIS morn I heard a happy word. 'Twas warbled in a tree, And sung by many birds in turn, Until it made a glee. 'Twas caught up by a tuneful brook That with a meter free Took it singing, singing on. In greeting to the sea. The word ! The word ! And what was it? Ah, that I do not know; I only know it happy was, My heart went singing so. 28 iJt ummer nf§ turned backit|f itili tuA^ One Sweet Lily TT^VERY morn, when one arises, ^^ In the garden are surprises, For strange things can happen nightly In a place where flowers bloom brightly. 'Mid its green leaves, tall and stately, One sweet lily has blown lately. One's turned back its petals curly, And two buds will blossom surely. Springtime brought a daffodilly, Summer has a garden lily; Tell me how, by rime or reason. Each plant knows its blooming season. 31 Wishi mg I WISH I were a daisy, a daisy, a daisy, I wish I were a daisy, with a golden eye bright. Nodding in the grasses; The happy lads and lasses A-Juning in the meadow would spy me with delight. I wish I were a pink rose, a pink rose, a pink rose, A sweet brier pink rose, blooming on a spray; The butterflies would kiss me, The honeybees would miss me, When pink petals loosening would flutter light away. I wish I were a sparrow, a sparrow, a sparrow, A sweet song sparrow singing in a tree; My throat I'd swell with pleasure, And without stint or measure I'd carol forth my rapture in glad song free. But I may love the daisy, the daisy, the daisy, I may love the daisy with its golden eye. And I may love and share in The joy of rose and birdkin. And so I wish for nothing, nothing, noth- ing, I. 32 Robi in ROBIN rises early, At the dawn of day. Robin rises early; And what does Robin say? Robin calls, ''Good morning! Wake, and hasten up! Dewy diamonds glisten In each flower cup! "Grasses all are beaded. Buds of yesterday Now are open roses. Nodding every way." 33 Tree Windows TT70NDR0US things you often see Through the windows of a tree,- Steeples pointing to the sky, Happy birds a-flying by, Housetops, and tall chimneys, too, And white clouds high in the blue. 34 Red, Blue, and Gold TT7HAT is red, red, red? A rose by the garden wall — A dear little rose and a sweet little rose That grows on a rose tree tall. What is blue, blue, blue? The sky on a summer day; And the pretty brook that singing goes. Is blue as it runs on its way. And what is gold, gold, gold? The sun that rides on high, The daisy's eye in the meadow, And the wings of a butterfly. 35 ^3^**^, -*'%,i^^ 1 ,^i fffjhave seen the daisies nod toyou % toyou. O Singing Wind T HAVE seen the daisies nod to you, ^ And bow down in the sod to you, O Singing Wind! Do they whisper, ''Come and play," to you? Please tell me what they say to you, O Singing Wind! I have seen great white clouds sail for you, And little white clouds trail for you, O Singing Wind! The blue sky is a sea for you. Where cloud ships all sail free for you, O Singing Wind! I have seen the tree leaves kiss for you, And dance in joy and bliss for you, O Singing Wind! And when they say **Good-by" to you, I've heard them gently sigh for you, O Singing Wind! ^ 37 ^^ My Lady's Garden T TOW does my lady's garden ^ ^ grow, Garden grow, garden grow. How does my lady's garden grow. All of a summer morning? Pinks and phlox and roses blow, Roses blow, roses blow, Pinks and phlox and roses blow, All of a summer morning. Lily bells the bees beguile. Bees beguile, bees beguile Lily bells the bees beguile. All of a summer morning. Happy pansies smile and smile. Smile and smile, smile and smile, Happy pansies smile and smile, All of a summer morning. 38 Why Not? TT7HY may not I love the pansies, ^ ^ And why may not pansies love me? The pansies are smiling and happy, And I am as gay as can be. Why may not I love rosemary, And why may not rosemary love me? We both love the nook in the garden By the side of the seckel pear tree. And why may not I love the lilies, And why may not lilies love me? They furnish sweet nectar for honey, And I love the hum of the bee. 39 Lady Wind A T night, when my Lady Wind comes by, ^ ^ She says, *'0h, sing for me, trees!" And they sing **Oo-oo! Oo-oo-oo!" When she fans with her lullaby breeze. **Oo-oo-oo! Oo-oo-oo!" Then she rocks the birds in their nests. While the little leaves join in the cradle song From the trunks to the tall tree crests. ** Oo-oo-oo! Oo-oo-oo!" And the stars look down to see The sleeping birds in their rocking nests, Lady Wind, and a singing tree. 40 Butterfly BUTTERFLY, How I try, As you hie, To draw nigh; But you go, Swift, then slow, To and fro; And I know I may run. Just for fun, In the sun, Till day's done. 41 Snail, Snail SNAIL, Snail, you are always at home. Snail, Snail, where 'er you may roam, Snail, Snail, for you carry about. Snail, Snail, your whole house on your route. 42 Ladybird T^EAR Ladybird, in England -*-^ They call you ''Burnie Bee"; The children there say, ** Bless you, When will you wedding be?" But here we always tease you; We bid you hasten home, And tell you of your house afire. Whene'er you chance to roam. 43 .,/ .Hc^ 1^1 bird on a lacey spray — ^— ^_^_<, 1 'ic^ Makes a bird on a spray in shado^?i^ Shadow Pictures /^NE beauty makes another. ^^ A happy, blooming rose Makes a shadow rose beside it, That sways when the sweet air blows. The meadow grass and daisies By the pathway may be found, Whene'er the golden sun shines. Making pictures on the ground. And sometimes, teeter-totter, A bird on a lacy spray Makes a bird on a spray in shadow; I saw one yesterday. 45 Awake! A ROSE flush bathes the morning skies, -^— ^ Awake! The lark sings as it heavenward flies, ''Daybreak!" Soft tremors through the grasses run. And sleepy flowers, one by one, Lift heads in greeting to Lord Sun. Awake! And now the sun resplendent rides. Awake! He calls to hills and valleys wide, ** Daybreak!" The dew-gem's glistening on the rose. The lily does her heart disclose. O'er all the earth glad sunshine flows. Awake! 46 Twink! Twink! ^T^WINK, twink, twink, twink, ^ Twinkity, twinkity, twink! The fireflies light their lanterns. Then put them out in a wink. Twink, twink, twink, twink. They light their lights once more. Then twinkity, twinkity, twink, twink. They put them out as before, Twink, twink, twink, twink, I would draw you a light or two, But I have no golden pencil; With a black it is hard to do. 47 Weeds THE weeds are very Beautiful When gentle breezes Blow them, And golden sunshine Kisses them; I'm getting now to Know them. The ragweed, bindweed, Milkweed, dock, The velvet weed, and Purslane, Stramonium, catnip. Shepherd's purse, Teasel, poke. And vervain. The weeds are happy In their life As plants in garden Closes, And dear to butterfly And bee As mignonette And roses. 48 Garden Fairies THE garden's full of fairies; They have a happy time. Up, up the strings of glories, They climb, and climb, and climb, And then by ones and couples. And three, and four, and five, As if the grass were water, They gayly dip and dive. They climb the stalks of roses, And hide in hollyhocks; They play tag 'round the larkspur, And teeter on the phlox. The garden's full of fairies; They dance and sing and cheer. But when you go to the garden, They all just disappear. 49 If TF I were a gnome in a forest home ^ Where the trees grow thick and tall; If I were a naiad, in the watery shade Of a tumbling waterfall; If I were a fairy, with a dwelling airy In a ferny, flowery dell; Or a shining mermaid, in a salt-sea glade Or a deep-down ocean dell; If ifs could come true, oh, I know, don't you. That we'd laugh and leap for joy? But the gnome and naiad airy, and the mermaid, and the fairy Might like to be a girl or boy. 50 eAt ututnn "^11© siiinaadhi hm it§ iimpis^a^m. i^^ceiisyos© mm to €m^W£n. i&;..:a^.„:^ .^^;.. ^i^,r.>i:Mmk'^:V^:. \Xi Autumn Jewels A LL up the autumn hillsides, -^ ^ And down the valley ways, And by the singing rivers. The jewels of autumn blaze. The sumach has its garnets. Rose hips to corals turn; On mountain ash and alder Blood red the rubies burn. And beads are on the linden, And beads are on the thorn, And beads the brier and woodbine And trailing grape adorn. With lapis, sard, and jasper. With amethyst and jade. The trees and shrubs and vinings Of autumn are arrayed. 53 Cucumber Vines ^ I ^HE vines of the cucumber ■^ Have blossoms golden bright; They bloom in starry splendor. Till frost puts out their light. I like the starry blossoms, I like cucumbers, too; I like cucumber pickles When autumn days are through. 54 Fall Gardens 'T^HE gardens are amazing, -^ The flowers are burning, blazing — Nasturtiums gay are growing, And salvias red are blowing; The marigolds are flaming, The dahlias' notice claiming; Of color spread In the zinnia bed Who'd undertake the naming? The flowers in masses tumble. The bees go rumble, bumble; The morning-glory vining Is twining, twining, twining; 'Way up to second stories Are glories, glories, glories. That gladly blow, Ere comes the snow, Ere comes the fall frost hoary. 55 nd each stem s aest makes a bird s nest When its white blooming ends, uu The Lace of Queen Anne T IGHT and airy ^^ As a fairy, Sprung in leafage of green On the highway And the byway, The queen's lace is seen, To the hillside And the rillside Its beauty it lends, And each stem's crest Makes a bird's nest When its white blooming ends. 57 A Little Seed ^HERE was a little seed; ^ It was very small, indeed, But it made a little plant, and it grew, grew, grew; The plant became a vine. It had blossoms eighty-nine. While the tale is very strange, it is true, true, true. Jolly October THE pears now are mellow, The pumpkins are yellow, Ripe chestnuts are falling, The late birds are calling. To gold, leaves are turning. Great bonfires are burning, The pecker is drumming, The bees still go humming, The sunshine comes streaming- Ah, can folk be dreaming? Why say they you're sober, You jolly October? 59 Apple Fragrance HAD I a hundred noses I'd use them, every one, To smell the golden apples When they're kissed by the autumn sun, 60 A Windfall T TPON the tree s high, rounded crest ^^ The golden apples grow the best, For there the sun first kisses them, And makes each one a blushing gem. As I can't reach high in the tree, The good wind loosens fruit for me; And in the mornings oft I find. The wind's been very, very kind. Most autumn days, when breakfast's done, I run out in the golden sun. And visit some big apple tree To find what the wind has done for me. 61 '. y^^' 'i ^Hi^ ^^i # t t>i^'; ^^0^-"^ ''/Am^- .^M|^\'~- Milkweed Seeds A S white as milk, ^^^ As soft as silk, And hundreds close together; They sail away. On an autumn day, When windy is the weather. 62 The Rill T HE clouds sail swift And the clouds sail high, As they pass o'er the red-gold hill; And the leaves drop red, And the leaves drop gold, And they run with the running rill And the rill sings high And the rill sings low. Of the ships on the distant sea, Where the tide runs in. And the tide runs out, And the gull soars high and free. And I would laugh. And I would run. With the rill to the shining sea; But if I were there, They would miss me here, — The reeds, and the willow tree. 63 A corns A NY acorn in its cup ^ ^ May spread branches out and up: Any acorn on the tree May some day a king oak be. 64 Beechnuts T~^ID you gather beechnuts ^^-^ When you were a girl? Oh, when I gather beechnuts I'm happy as an earl. Beech burrs are rough and pricky, But when there comes a frost They open, and their treasures Upon the breeze are tossed. When nuts are scattered broadcast, And lying brown and thick, I sit right down among them And pick, and pick, and pick. The leaves above are golden, The leaves beneath are brown, And beechnuts from above me Drop, drop, drop down. 65 The Windy Man TTINKITY, winkity, pinkity, pan! ^ ^ How do you like the Windy Man? **Wo-oo-oo!" he sings as he goes, And down from the trees the leaves he blows. The nuts go pittery, pittery, pat, The reeds and the rushes bow down flat, The ripples run, and they race to shore, When the Windy Man strides o'er the water floor. Hinkity, winkity, pinkity, pan! How do you like the Windy Man? ''Wo-oo-oo!" he sings as he goes, And everything slams, and bangs, and blows. Hinkity, winkity, pinkity, pan! How do you like the Windy Man? 66 Flying South THE birds go flying, flying by Above the fir-tree steeple, And soon they'll sing their happy songs, 'Tis said, for southern people. The bees have left the garden ways; There's no buzz of arriving; They've stored their honey for the year And now, I guess, they're hiving. And soon, oh, soon, when leaves are blown And snow lies all a-glitter, We shall not have a song or hum, But just the sparrow's twitter. I'm glad tne sparrow stays behind, With barren eaves contented; If he should southward go, I'm sure He'd sorely be lamented. 67 ^ N ovember ATOVEMBER is earth's resting time; -^ ^ The corn is bound in shocks^ And overhead late-lingering birds To new climes fly in flocks; The calm pools left by autumn rains Are mirrors for the sky, And in their cool, sweet restfulness The bare tree branches lie. 68 m inter ^ :'w^ w IH B all the birds to the som No! No!! o. O O DO Winter Birds Do all the birds To the southlands go? No! No! Oh, no! Chickadee, Sparrow, Bunting, Crow Care not a whit When the wild winds blow. They care not a whit, They're sad not a bit, They think naught of it, When the wild winds blow. 71 ^ 1. > A> I ll f l" mcmw^'-^-:,m.m^ ^i- '/•32L-.^M?Sim-.. ia,-?^~-*s"?*'rjird D ecember T^ECEMBER trees -*-^ Show traceries Clear cut against the sky; Dead leaves are guests In empty nests, Or 'neath snow carpets lie; But still the green Of hemlock's seen, And anthems still are mine, Of pointed fir, And juniper, Of balsam, spruce, and pine. ^'y*^^4i;m-v-^'^^m^i ■^^^iliM-iUiii^ 72 onow SOFT flakes of snow Like feathers blow, Then settle languidly On every twig, And every sprig, Till vine, and shrub, and tree Are decked in white. And in sunlight The spangles sparklingly Smile at the sun, Till every one A diamond seems to be. 73 Chickadee ]VTOW the tall trees shake and shiver; ^ ^ On the pond, and lake, and river Winter's laid an icy finger. Some brave birds have dared to linger. And they sing quite cheerily, ''Chick-a-dee-dee, chick-a-dee, Chick-a-dee-dee-dee ! Dee-dee Dee-dee Chick-a-dee, Chick-a-dee-dee-dee ! " 74 Christmas Trees TT7HAT sings the breeze ^ ^ To the wee fir trees? **0 little trees, grow high, For far away, On a Christmas day. They may need you, by and by." And the golden sun On every one Shines warm, and kind, and bright, And tells each tree It may one day be Aglow with candle light. And the moon above Shines down in love, And the stars sing night by night: "Peace, good will to men! Oh, grow, and then You may be crowned by a Christ star bright." 75 reen Thi mgs orowmg TT7INTER has its green things growing; ^ ^ Pines care not for frost or snowing, Beautiful is arbor vitse. Balsam, fir, and spruce make quite a Posy when white snow is gleaming; When of Christmas time we're dreaming, Winter gives us berries jolly, Mistletoe, and crimson holly. 76 Thick Fur and Feather T HICK fur and feather Help in cold weather The squirrel and chickadee-dee; The foxes and rabbits Just thicken their habits When winds from the northlands blow- free. Such simplicity! How fine it must be, As the new seasons begin, To suit fur or feather To warm or cold weather, By changing to thick or to thin. 77 >now Crystal T TOW I love to see them blow, -^ ^ Airy crystals of the snow! Each one like a blossom fair Dropping from the upper air. And when snowy flakes you pass 'Neath a magnifying glass, You can see the airy lines Of the fairylike designs. 78 When Jack Frost Paints the Windowpane THE ferns grow in the woodland dells, The streams wind through the moors and fells, The forests lift tree-columns high, And leafy crests wave 'gainst the sky On mountain side and spreading plain,— When Jack Frost paints the windowpane. The castles rise with turrets tall, And battlement, and moat, and wall. As fair as castles ever seen As home of prince, or king, or queen Who dwell in palace halls in Spain,— When Jack Frost paints the windowpane. Sometimes you view the rolling sea. When waves roll high and winds blow free, With stately ships with anchor cast. Or sails full spread before the blast; Oh, many things are pictured plain,— When Jack Frost paints the windowpane. 79 p^J'jKen a nest you £n(ido you ]^n..:^^^ what kind I '::] OHittla tird loved kles^t? o ooe c Vi iilV 80 Winter Nests T/^OU oft may see, in a winter tree, -^ A woven basket nest. When a nest you find, do you know what kind Of little bird loved it best? Do you know the song that, the whole day long, Was caroled glad and free, While a brooding breast kept warm in the nest Eggs one and two and three? Oh, eggs take wing to soar and to sing. And little birds leave the nest; When a nest you find, do you know what kind Of little bird loved it best? 81 The New Moon nr^HE new moon is a slight moon, -^ Of sheeny, shiny gold, But the moon will be a round moon When the little moon grows old. A ring we now see faintly; A round moon there will be; Then I'll smile up at the moon man, And he'll smile down at me. 82 The Wish Star 'T^HE twinking, winking wish star, -^ On a winter's night, The first one in the gloaming To light its little light, Hears many, many wishes Of many, many kinds. And sometimes, too, the wishes The twinking wish star finds So very contradictory They can't all granted be. When folks wish things just opposite, The wish star thinks, ''Dear me!" 83 The Year npHE year is a circle. ■^ One, two, three, and four The seasons that make it, And o'er, o'er, and o'er Each follows another. So therefore 'tis plain That when winter's ending, Spring's coming again. 84 OTHER BOOKS BY WILHELMINA SEEGMILLER r^AISY, daisy, tell to me, When I 'm grown what shall I be? Rich man, poor man, beggar man, — thieff Oh, that passes all belief! Daisy, daisy, I '11 be good, Just as every grown-up should. Always do the thing I ought! I will — sometimes — like as not! From Link Rhymes for Little Readers, by Wilhelmina Seegmiller With illustrations by Ruth Mary Hallock Price, $1.00 RAND McNALLY & COMPANY OTHER BOOKS BY WILHELMINA SEEGMILLER REDBREAST IN THE CHERRY TREE OEDBREAST, in the cherry tree, Robin red, it seems to me That you love the cherries so You eat all a tree can grow. You love cherries, so do I. Please leave some for cherry pie! From Other Rhymes for Little Readers, by Wilhelmina Seegmiller With illustrations by Ruth M. Hallock. Price, $1.25 RAND McNALLY & COMPANY i5±.KKJtJLliY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. i 22to'53RL fM 81953 Lfa fJEC'D t-D Jftjf26 1^ RECEIVED V NOV 4 "68 -7 PM |_OAM DEPT. LD 21-100m-7,'52(A2528s 16)476 ivi3oaT;^5 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY