HUGO Enlarged Edition, including a DICTIONARY OF COMMERCIAL TERMS Ex tibris C. K. OGDEN THE FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT ON HUGO'S SIMPLIFIED SYSTEM ; BEING A SELECTION OF MERCANTILE LETTERS USED IN BUSINESSES OF THE PRESENT DAY, ARRANGED WITH FRENCH AND ENGLISH ON THE SAME PAGE, WITH COPIOUS NOTES, PHRASED IDIOMS, ETC. LONDON : HUGO'S LANGUAGE PUBLISHING COMPANY; 33, Gracechurch Street. E.G. ; and Branches. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. The exceptional success of Hugo's System is mainly due to the fact that it does not attempt impossibilities. Its compilers are bold enough to hold the unorthodox opinion that although learners must aim at ultimately understanding all they hear and read, the average student should always be content to express himself in the simplest language possible. This fundamental principle of Hugo's method of teaching is applied to Commercial Correspondence in the present work, which consists of two entirely distinct sections. The first section, teaching- how to WRITE a French Commercial Letter, contains a series of ordinary English business letters, with the simplest French translation consistent with a good commercial style, the two being arranged in parallel columns, divided into short paragraphs for convenience of reference. Explanatory notes are added where considered necessary ; but the literal translation is only given in exceptional cases, as all who wish to write a French commercial letter should have at least an elementary knowledge of the language. Neither are matters complicated by too many alternative renderings. It is sufficient to know one good correct way of translating each phrase intc French ; but this one way must be thoroughly learnt. The student will then be able to write any ordinary letter, if he is content to employ simple language, and short, clear sentences. 1062289 4 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. The second section, teaching- how to READ Commercial French, consists of letters such as Frenchmen write, with a fairly literal translation, which (whenever the translation is idiomatic) is in its turn provided with explanatory notes. These serve the double purpose of making the construction clear, and enabling students to extend their knowledge by re-translating the letters into French. It is, however, sufficient in most cases to know the meaning of such French phrases when met with. This is a very different thing from being able to use the phrase correctly. We have, therefore, made no attempt at simplifying these letters, which are intended as commercial reading practice only, written in the style commonly employed by French business men. Commercial idioms should be avoided as far as possible, at all events when writing abroad. Idioms are often not only grammatically indefensible, but vague and misleading to anyone unacquainted with the commonly accepted meaning ; and we strongly advise everyone to put the English into its simplest form before attempting to translate. For instance, " Yours to hand" and " Je vous accuse reception de votre estimee" are equally puzzling to the foreigner not acquainted with the idiom. But " / have received your letter " can be translated literally into any language. When writing in a foreign language, simple straightforward phrases should always be selected in preference. This may result in a less elegant epistle, from some people's point of view ; but the meaning will at least be clear, which is not always the case when imperfectly understood idioms are employed. The first aim of Englishmen writing in French should be to make themselves properly understood, not to pass as Frenchmen. And they may rest assured that the receiver of the letter so far from being offended or amused at the short, simply worded sentences will gladly welcome any communication which leaves him in no doubt 58 to its meaning. SECTION I. MODEL LETTERS FOR TRANSLATION. Dear Sirs, One of my correspondents, Mr. Chevalier, of Bordeaux, has favored me with your Oil- Marseille, k 14 Janvier, 1 1899. Messieurs Beaudoin freres, 13 Rue de Rivoli, Paris. (Messieurs,) 2 Un de mes correspondants, M. Chevalier, de Bordeaux, a eu la bonte" de me dormer votre adresse, et corame j'ai un grand e"coule- ment 3 des articles de votre fa- brication, je vous serai oblige' de me faire parvenir 4 votre prix-couraut, m'indiquant en merne temps la plus grande reduction que vous pourriez faire, en vue de quantity's conside- rables. and as I have a large sale for the class of goods you manufacture, I shall be obliged by your letting me have your price list, stating at the same time the greatest reduction you could make for specially large quantities. If the prices and conditions suit me, I shall be pleased to send you a trial order. Yours faithfully, J. DAVID. Au cas ou les prix et condi- tions seraient a ma conveuance, j'aurais le plaisir de vous trans- mettre une coinmande a titre d'essai. 5 Je vous prie d'agreer mes salu- tations empressees. 6 J. DAVID. 1 names of daya and months should not commence with a capital, ac- cording to rule , but in dating a letter this rule is seldom followed ; 2 if the name of the person or firm addressed heads the letter, Monsieur and Messieurt are generally omitted ; 3 ecoulement, outflow, outgoing ; une grande demand?, une grande vente (sale) would be equally correct ; 4 dt m'n-uvoyer would be simpler ; but faire parvenir (to cause to reaoli) is a very usual expression ; expedier, to forward, is generally applied to goods ; 5 a, titre d > fta'n=\>y way of trial ; 6 we shall gradually introduce the mo^t usual of the numerous ways of concluding business letters. HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Paris, lei 7 Janvier, 1899. Monsieur J. David, Rue St. Louis, Marseille. Dear Sir, Replying to your favor of the 14th inst., we hasten to inform you that we shall allow you a re- duction oflO'/o on the prices shown in the en- closed list, provided that your orders are fairly large. Our terms are 5 % discount for cash at a month, or a quarterly account nett. If the above prices and terms suit you, we hope you will shortly favor us with an order, assuring you that everything will be done on our part to deserve your being in future included among our regular cus- tomers. In the meantime, thanking you in advance, we remain, yours truly, BJSAUDOIN BROTHERS. (Monsieur,) Repondant a votre honored du 14 courant, 1 nous nous empressong de vous informer que nous vous allouerons une reduction de 10 % sur les prk &ablis par notre prix-courant ci-inclus, 2 a la condition que vos ordres se- ront d'une certaine importance. Nos conditions sont 5 % d'es- coinpte a 30 jonrs, ou reglement a trois mois, sans escompte aucun. Si les prix et conditions ci- dessus 3 vous conviennent, nous espe"rons que vous voudrez bien 4 nous favoriser bieutot d'une commande, vons assurant que tout sera fait de notre part pour me" rite? de vous compter dore"navant 5 au nombre de uos clients reguliers. En attendant, nous vous prions d'agre"er nos remerciments anti- cipes et nos salutations. BKAUDOIN freres. 1 oourant (current), abbreviated to 'c 1 .' ; cardinal numbers must always be used in dates, the 1st (premier, 1 ') excepted ; 2 here included ; 3 here abore ; 4 vouloir bien, to be good enough to ; the Imperative is vevdle*. (kindly) ; 5 henceforth. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Marseille, le 24 Janvier, 1899. Messieurs B'eatidoin freres, Paris. / have duly received your favor of the 17th inst., containing price list and terms, for which I thank you ; but I regret not to find the said terms as favorable as those of your competitors. Nevertheless, I send you here- with an order, that I may la in a position to judge for myself of the quality of your goods. Although this first order is only a small one, I none the less expect the 10 % reduction, as I undertake afterwards to increase the size of the orders, should I le satisfied with the execution of this one. I shall pay on receipt of the but subject to a discount of 7\ % instead of 5. This being our first transac- J'ai bien reu votre estim6e du 17 courant, contenant prix-courant, aingi que vos conditions, ce dont je vous remercie ; mais je regrette de ne pas trouver les dites conditions aussi favorables que celles de vos concurrents. 1 Neanmoins, j'ai 1'avantage 2 de vous donner ci-joint 3 un ordre, pour tre a mme 4 de me rendre compte de la qualite de vos articles. Bien que ce premier ordre soit peu important, je n'en compte pas moins sur la reduction de 10 %, m'engageant a augmenter d&or- mais Fitnportance des com- mandes, au cas ou je serais satisfait de 1'execution de celle-ci. Je paierai a 5 la reception 5 des marchandises, mais sous escompte de 1\ % au lieu de 5. Ceci e" tant une premiere affaire, 1 concurrent (rival, competitor) is used very much in referring toother firms in the same line of business ; 2 avoir I'avantaye (to have the advan- tage) politely implies that the transaction is to the writer's advantage or profit. The nearest English equivalent is "I have the pleasure," etc. : 8 here annexed ; 4 note the peculiar idiom for to have it in one's power, to be able to ; 5 on the receipt, .., on delivery ; a written receipt for money is rceu. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. (ion, please apply to (he below men (ion ed firms for references. Awaiting the invoice, I remain, yours truly, 3. DAVID. je 6 vous prierai de bien vouloir* vous adresser, pour lea renseigne- ments, aux maisons ci-dessous. J'attends la facture, et vous prie d'agre"er mes saluta- tions empresse'es. J. DAVID. M. David, Rue St. We beg to thank you for the order contained in your letter of the 24th ult. Although we, ought not to alloiv you the reduction of 10 % on so small an order, we ii'Ul nevertheless make an exception in your favor, but, on (he other hand, we can on no account consent to a discount of 7^ % for cash. Herewith we have the pleasure to for (card you invoice amounting to 170 francs, with which amount kindly credit us. We have given every attention to the execution of the order, and are certain that you will be perfectly satisfied with this consignment. Paris, 5 Ftvrier, 1899. Louis, Marseille. Nous vous remercions de la commaride contenue dans votre lettre du 24 ecoule\ Bien que nous ne dussions 1 pas vous faire la reduction de 10 % sur un si petit ordre, nous ferons cependant une ex- ception en votre faveur, mais, d'un autre c6te, nous ne pouvons, en aucune facon, consentir a un escompte de 7^ % pour le comptant. Ci-joint, nous avons le plaisir de vous remettre facture s'elevant a frs. 170, dont veuillez nous creditor. Nous avons apporte" le plus grand soin a l'exe"cution de cette commande, et avons la certitude qne vous serez enderement satisfait de cet envoi. 6 I beg you will kindly. 1 we ought to, nou devrions: the Imperfect Subjunctive ia used because lien qv* governs the Subjunctive. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL OORRKSPONDENT. We therefore rely on an early more extensive order. Trusting that you will receive the consignment in good condition, we remain, yours truly, BEAUDOIN BROTHERS. C'est pourquoi nous comptons sur un ordre prochain et plus considerable. Comptant que vous recevrez Fenvoi en bon 6tat, nous vous pr&entons nos sin- ceres salutations. BEAUDOIX freres. Monsieur F. Loiseau, 44 Mr. Jules Jacquart, of 14 Rue des Eons Enfants, in your town, has given us an extensive order, and as we have never had any business transactions with him, he has authorised us to make enquiries of you about him. Will you kindly let us know, by return of post, if we may give him credit, and wp to what sum, if possible. Please accept our best thanks for this service, and when the occasion arises, we shall he happy to be of service to you. Tours faithfully, CH. LEVRRRIER & Co. Rouen, le 18 Fevrier, 1899. Eue Rambuteau, Paris. M. Jules Jacquart, 14 Rue des Bons Enfants, en votre ville, nous a fait une commando considerable, et comme nous n'avons jamais etc" en relations' d'affaires 1 avec lui, il nous a autorises a nous 2 renseigner 2 aupres de vous sur son compte. Vonlez-vous avoir Fobligeance de nous dire, par retour du courrier, si nous pouvons lui accorder un credit et jusqu'a concurrence de quelle somme, si possible. Nous vous prions d'agre"er nos meilleure remercimente pour ce service, et, a Foccasion, nous serons heureux de vous Stre utiles. Nous avons Fhonneur de vous saluer. CH. LEVERRIER ET CIE. 1 oommercial relations ; 2 inform ourselves, get Information. 10 HUGO S FRBKCH COMMKRCIAIj OORRK81-O.VDKXT. Chalons, le 14 3fui, } 1899. Monsieur M. Carre", 6 Rue du Rh6ne, Lyon. Dear Sir, I duly received the goods invoiced to me in your favor of the 20th ult., amounting to 500 francs. After deducting 20 francs as discount at 4 %, there remains net 480 francs, in settlement of which amount I now have the pleasure to forward you the enclosed draft on your town, payable at sight. Kindly credit me with this sum. I remain, yours truly, CH. LABADIE. . (Monsieur,) J'aibien re9u Ics marchandises dont votre honoree du 20 ecoule m'apportait 2 facture 2 s'elevant a fr. 500. En d&luisant fr. 20 pour escompte a 4 % , il reste net fr. 480, pour 3 vous couvrir desquels 3 j'ai le plaisir de vous remettre ce jour 1'effet ci-inclus sur votre place, 1 le H mai, or ce 14 mai ; the last is rather unusual ; invoice ; 3 to cover you for which. Veuillez me creditor du mon- tant, et recevez, Monsieur, raes salu- tations empressees. CH. LABADIE. 2 brought me Paris, le 14 Decembre, 1899.* Monsieur R. Renaud, Nantes.* Dear Sir, Monsieur,) / beg to inform you J'ai Fhonneur de vous donner avis' that I have duly received the que j'ai bien reyu la remise remittance *Even where a letter would serve as a reply to the preceding one, we frequently vary the headings, dates, signatures, etc., so as to give the student bddifcioaal practice in French names, coinage, etc. ; 1 notice, information. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL OORRE8PONDBXT. 11 apport^e par yotre eutim^e du 10 c*., compost comme suit 2 : Yotre cheque F. 300 3 remises sur votre place, a presentation F. 1,200 En billets de banque F. 250 contained in your favor of the 10th inst., consisting of the following : Your cheque for 300 francs 3 bills on your town, payable on presentation 1,200 Bank notes amounting to 250 Total 1,750 francs with which sum I have duly credited you in full settlement up to the 30th ulL Awaiting the favor of further orders, I remain, dear sir, yours truly, TH. LENOIR. 2 composed as follows ; 3 together ; 4 to credit with, crf-diter DE ; 5 balance of all account; 6 elapsed, run out ; 7 in the expectation ot new favors. Londres, k 18 Avril, 1899. Messieurs Bonvallet et C le , Brest. Ensemble 3 F. 1,750 et dont 4 je vous ai dument credit^, pour solde 5 de tout compte' au 30 6coule\ Dans 1'attente de nouvelles favours, 7 je vous presente, Monsieur, mes civilit6s sinceres. TH. LKNOIR. Dear Sirs, We duly received your favor of the 13th inst., containing an order for which please accept our thanks. We s/tall be happy to give our best attention (Messieurs,) Nous avons bien reu votre estimee du 13 c 1 ., contenant une commande pour laquelle nous 1 vous prions d'agre"er' nos remerciments. Nous serons heureux d'appor- ter- tous nos soins 2 1 we beg you to receive ; 2 bring all our cares ; HTJOO'8 FRRNCH OOMMKRCU.L OORRBSPOXDKNT. to the execution of this order, but we regret to have to tell you that in spile of the references you have kindly given, it is impossible for us to forward the goods, our invariable rule being not to send goods abroad on credit. We therefore send you enclosed invoice amounting to 5, 469 francs 75 centimes, and beg you to remit this sum, by means of a 'banker's draft, or to instruct a shipping agent to pay us the amount in exchange for the bill of lading. No exception ever having been made to the application of our rule, we beg you will not take any offence at it, and remain, yours faithfully, J. MARTIN & Co. a 1'execution de cet ordre, inais nous regrettons d'avoir vous dire que, malgre les references que vous avez eu 3 1'obligeance de nous indiquer, 1 il nous est impossible de faire 4 1'envoi," la 5 regie rigide de notre raaison 5 etant de ne pas vendre 6 a credit & 1'etranger. 6 En consequence, nous vous remettons sous 7 ce pli 7 notre facture s'elevant a F. 5,469.75, 8 et vous prions de nous 9 couvrii de cette somme 9 en 10 un effet de banque, 10 ou de charger un agent maritime de nous compter 11 la somme en echange du connaisse- ment. Aucune exception n'ayant jamais ete faite a 1'application de notre regie, nous vous prions de ne' 2 pas vous en formaliser, 12 et vous presentons 1'assurance de notre consideration. J. MARTIN ET CIE. 3 had the obligingness to indicate to us ; 4 make the sending ; 5 the rigid rule of our firm, 6 sell on credit abroad (at the stranger, r foreigner) ; 7 under this fold ; 8 if 1ranc* is contracted, the figures generally follow, thus : 6,469 francs, Frcs. 6,469, F. 6,46'., or fr. 5,469 ; a full stop marks the division between the francs and the centimes ; 9 cover us for this sum ; 10 in a bill of bank ; 11 count ; 12 not to be offended at it. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDKNT. 13 Cherbourg, 15 Fevrier, 1899. Messieurs Lacroix et C le , banquiers, Paris. Gentlemen, We have purchased some goods at Trieste (Austria) to be shipped for us at that port. But as the vendors make it a condition that nothing is to be put on board wilhout being paid for beforehand, we should be obliged by your sending us your draft at sight for an amount equivalent to 5, 649 Jr. 75 centimes, on a Trieste banJcer, who would undertake to e/ect the payment against receipt of the bill of lading. Hoping to receive this draft as soon as possible, we remain, dear sirs, yours truly, H. DURIEU & Sox. (Messieurs,) Nous avons achete" a Trieste (Autriche) des marchandises & embarquer dans ce port pour 1 notre compte. 1 Mais les conditions des ven- deurs e"tant que 2 rien ne sera mis a bord avant d'etre pre'alablementpaye', 3 nous vous serions obliges de nous remettre votre traite a vue pour nne somme e"quivalentea F. 5,649.75, sur un banquier de Trieste qui se chargerait 4 d'effectuer le paiement contre livraison 5 entre ses mains 5 du connaissement. Esperant recevoir cette traite aussitot que possible, nous vous presentons, Messieurs, nos salutations empressees. H. DURIEU ET F1LS. 1 for our account ; 2 the conditions of the sellers being that ; 3 before being previously paid ; 4 to undertake, to charger de (literally, to burden rith); 6 delivery into (between) his hands. Lyon, le 27 Septembre, 1899. Monsieur L. Raoul, Macon. We beg to forward you enclosed Nous avons 1'avantage de vous remettre ci-joint notre releve de compte dont 1 le solde en notre faveur s'eleve 1 a F. 4,923.15. our statement of account showing a balance in our favor of 4,923 fr. 15 c., 1 of which the balance in our favor raises itself. 14 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. and hope you ivill find it in agreement with your looks. We shall le greatly obliged by your sending us this amount with as little delay as possible, because of the very heavy pay- ments which we have to make during the next fortnight. Hoping for an early and favorable reply, we remain, yours faithfully, E. LAMBERT AND NEPHEW. et esperons que vous le trouverez d'accord avec vos Ventures. 2 de nous remettre cette somme dans le 3 plus bref delai 3 possible, vu les paiements fort lourds que nous avons a effectuer dans la quinzaine. Comptant que votre re'ponse ne 4 se fera pas attendre, 4 nous vous prions de recevoir E. LAMBERT ET NEVEU. 2 writing9=accounts ; 3 the most brief delay ; 4 will not make itself wait. Paris, le 21 Fevrier, 1899. Messieurs Ch. Leverrier et C Ie , 52 Rue Rampon, Rouen. In reply to your favor dated the 18th inst., I have the pleasure to inform you that I have been transacting business with Mr. Jules Jacquart for many years, and that these transactions have always been most satisfactory. I cannot answer for the future, but I can safely say that Mr. Jacquart possesses good credit and a high commercial repu- tation. I remain, Dear Sirs, Yours truly, F. LOISEAU. En r^ponse a votre honoree en date du 18 c*., j'ai 1'avantage de vous informer que depuis de longues annees je suis 1 en rapports d'affaires avec M. Jules Jacquart, et que ces rapports ont ton jours ete des plus satisfaisants. Je nepuisrepondredel'avenir, mais je prends 2 sur moi 2 d'affir- mer que M. Jacquart jouit 3 d'un bon credit et d'une haute reputation com- merciale. Veuillez agreer, Messieurs, 1'assurance de ma consideration. F. LOISEAU. 1 As the transactions are continuing at the time of writing, the present tense must be used ; 2 take (it) upon myself=take the responsibility ; 3 to enjoy, jouir DE. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 15 Marseille, ce 7 Avril, 1899. Monsieur J. Laronciere, & Narbonne. As the sum standing against you in my books is now 2,938 f. 40 c., I have taken the liberty of drawing on you, at a month from date, a bill for the above mentioned amount. Kindly take due note of the present intimation, and honor the bill in due course. Trusting shortly to be favored with further orders, I remain, dear sir, yours faithfully, T. BEAUSIRE. Le 1 ctebit de votre compte chez moi 1 se 2 montant 2 a P. 2,938.40 a ce jour, j'ai pris la liberte* de fournir 1 sur vous, a un mois de date, ma traite de 4 pareille somme.* Veuillez prendre bonne note du present avis et reserver 5 bon accneil a ma signature. 8 Dans 1'espoir 6 de nouveaux ordres, 6 je vous presente, Monsieur, mes meilleures civilites. T. BEAUSIRE. 1 the debit of your account with me ; 2 mounting itself ; Relevant is also much employed ; 3 or tirer, to draw ; fournir means literally to pro- vide, to furnish ; 4 of like sum ; 6 reserve good reception to my signature; riterver tout honneur is also frequently used ; 6 the hope of new orders. Paris, 14 Mai, 1899. Messieurs J. Beaulieu et C le , Boulogne-sur-mer. We regret to have to return to you protested the lill for 345 fr. 25 c. forming part of the settlement of March 25th last. As the costs [of protestation'] amount to 20 f. 50 c., kindly place the sum of 365 f. 75 c. to our credit, although to avoid alterations in our looks, Nous regrettons d'avoir a vous retourner protestee la traite de fr. 345.25, faisant partie du reglement du 25 mars dernier. Les frais 1 s'elevant 1 a fr. 20.50, veuillez passer la somme de fr. 365.75 a notre credit, bien que pour eviter dea ecritures, 2 1 expenses amounting ; 2 writings=accounts, bookings. lo HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. it seems to its simpler, if you have no objection, for you to send your cheque by return of post in reimbursement. Awaiting your reply, we remain, yours faithfully, LECLAIRE & SONS. il nous paraisse plus simple, an 3 cas oil vous n'y feriez pas d'opposition, 3 de 4 recev'oir 4 votre cheque par retour du courrier en rem- boursement. En attendant votre re'ponse, nous vous prions d'agreer nos civilites sinceres. LECLAIRE ET SES FILS. 3 in case you should not make any opposition to it ; 4 to receive. Boulogne-sur-mer, le 17 Mai 1899. Messieurs Leclaire et ses fils, Paris. We beg to acknowledge receipt of your teller of the 14th inst., containing the returned bill for 845 f. 25 c., increased 20 f. 50 c. by the expenses of return, which seem to us rather high. We nevertheless have the pleasure to send you enclosed our cheque, including the said expenses, in settlement of this return, and beg you to acknowledge receipt thereof by the next post. Trusting that this matter has not inconvenienced you, we remain, yours faithfully, BEAULIEU & Co. Nous avons Fhonneur de vous accuser 1 reception de votre lettre du 14 c*., contenant la traite de fr. 345.25 retournde, et augmentee de fr. 20.50 pour frais de retour, lesquels nous semblent un pen Sieves. Cependant sous 2 ce pli 2 nous avons le plaisir de voiss remettre notre cheque, y 3 cornpris 3 les dits frais, pour solde de ce retour, vous priant de 4 nous en donner re9U 4 par le prochain courrier. Esperant que cette afi'aiie ne 5 vous aura -pas cause d'incon- venient, 5 nous vous saluons bien sincere- men t. BKAULIEU KT CIK. 1 accuser reception de..., to :ickn >wledge receipt of...; 2 under this fold ; 3 therein included ; 4 to give us receipt for it; 5 \ ill Dot have caused you any inconvenience. HUGOS FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Lyon, 12 Janvier, 1900. Messieurs Longueville freres, Paris. We leg to inform you that we have this day issued a letter of credit for (the sum of) 20,000 francs, in favor of Mr. Falc, of the firm Plon nous vous presentons nos civilit&. BARBE & CHAJS. 1 or Its vetites ; 2 avoir lieu, to take place ; 3 or de se rendre, to go, repair ; 4 devoir, to have to, be obliged to ; 6 finding hims'-lf ; 6 preven- ted from putting his project into execution ; 7 we beg you to tell us ; 8 la marchandite, not Its marehanditet, because only one material is spoken of HUGO'8 FRKNCH COMMERCIAL CO-RESPONDENT. Marseille, U 16 Fevrier, 1900. Messieurs Barbe & Chaix, , Elbeuf. I have received your favor of J'ai reyu votre honored dn the 14th inst., U c 4 ., asking me to be present at the public wool sale, and I shall be happy to represent your house, as usual. Due note is taken of the contents of your letter, but I regret that I cannot at ]rresent express any opinion as io the correctness of your estimate. As the fluctuations of the market may be frequent and rapid, it would be better for you to bt informed of them by telegraph, and for me to await your orders how to act. I remain, truly, gentlemen, yours T. RICARD. me demandant d'etre present 1 a 2 la vente publique* des laines, et je serai heureux 3 de repre'- senter votie maison, comme d'habitude. Bonne note est prise du contenu de votre lettre, mais je regrette de* ne poti- voir, 4 a present, exprimer aucune opinion sur 1'exactitude de votre estimation. Comme les fluctuations du marche peuvent Stre frequeiites il vaadrait 5 mieux que 6 vous en fussiez instruits" par telcgraphe, et QUO j'attendisse vos ordres pour agir. Recevez, Messieurs, mes salu- tations bien empressees. T. RiCARD. 1 assitter (to be present) is also much employed ; to assist, meaning help, is generally translated aider, although asxister sometimes has that meaning ; to help, meaning prevent, is empecher : students most be careful not to misuse these words ; 2 or aux vfitet pulliquet ; 3 or Men a its ; 4 not to be able ; when two Verbs in a sentence hare the same subject, the second Verb is usually made Infinitive in Freuch; for example : 1 thought I had forgotten it, j croyais I'avoir oublie ; 6 would be worth (from valoir) ; 6 that you were (Subjunctive) instructed of it. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Cette, ce 9 mat, 1809. Monsieur P. Jullien, a Bordeaux. The object of the present letter is to ask you to send for my account, by the next steamer, six casks of wine, similar to that which I had last March, to Messrs. R. Fiyuier & Co., of Marseilles. The wine must consist of the medium and best qualifies in equal proportions, and be forwarded to the above- named firm, marked R. F. & Co. 2.545150. I rely on you to execute this order in the lest way possible, and to insure it, adding the cost to your invoice. Have the kindness to send me this consignment as soon as possible, as I am in urgent need of this wine. Last time, there was a delay, which caused me considerable inconvenience. Awaiting your reply, I remain, dear sir, yours truly, L. GODEAU. L'objet de la preterite est de vous prier d'expedier pour mon compte, par le prochain vapeur, 1 six barriques de vin, semblable a celui que j'ai eu en mars der- nier, a M.M. R. Figuier & C le ., de Marseille. Le vin devra 2 appartenir 3 aux qualites moyenne et premiere par parties egales, 3 et 1'expedition 6tre faite a la maison precitee, 4 marquee R.i\ & C le . 2.545/50. Je compte sur vous pour faire 5 cet envoi 5 dans les meilleures conditions, et en 6 effectuer 1'assurance 6 apres' avoir ajoute 7 les frais 8 a votre facture. Ayez 1'obligeance de me faire cette expedition le plus tdt pos- sible, car j'ai un tres grand besoin de ce vin. La derniere fois, il y a eu un retard qui m'a cause beaucoup d'ennuis. En attendant votre response, je vous prie d'agre"er mes meil- leures civilites. L. GODEAU. ] It vapeur (the steamer) is a contraction of le bateau a vapeur ; la vapeur means the 'steam' ; 2=will have to ; devoir, u-sed as an auxiliary, denotes compulsion or duty ; 3 belong to the first and medium qualities, by equal parts ; 4 before-cited ; 5 make this sending ; 6 of-it effect the, insurance ; 7 after having added ; 8 expenses, HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Bordeaux, 13 Mat, 1899. Monsieur L. Godeau, , Cette. / have the pleasure to send you enclosed the invoice for the six casks of wine forwarded on your account to Messrs. R. Figuier & Co., of Marseilles, by the steamer "Mar- guerite" which will leave 2 to-morrow morning. The casks are in very good condition, and I am sure that your customers will be satisfied with the quality of the wines. According to your wish, I have had the wine insured against all sea risks, and added the expenses, according to invoice. Enclosed you will find copy of the bill of lading. Awaiting your further in- structions, I remain, dear sir, yours truly, F. JULLIEN. J'ai le plaisir de VOUB remettre ci-incluse 1 la facture pour les 6 barriques de vin exp^di^es pour votre compte & M.M. R. Figuier & C le ., a Mar- seille, par le vapeur " Margue- rite," qui partira demain matin. Les futs sont en tres bonne condition, et je suis certain que vos clients seront satisfaits de la qualite" des vins. A votre de^sir, j'ai fait 3 assurer 3 le vin centre tout risque de mer et ajoute" facture. les frais, suivant* Ci- joint vous trouverez copie du connaissement. Toujours 5 a vos ordres, 5 je vous presente, Monsieur, mea meilleures civilites. F. 1 ci-indug is generally invariable before nouns not preceded by the definite article, thus : Vans tyouverez ei-inclug copie or Vout trouverez ci- inclute la copie : when foilowii g the noun it qualifies, ci-inclus agree-, with tl at noun, thus : une copie ci-incluse ; 2 start : 3 caused to insure ; to hnve a thing done, to get a thing done, is rendered in French by faire, followed immediately by the Infinitive of the other verb, the object (unless a pronoun) coming last ; 4 following ; 6 always at your orders. HUGOS FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 25 Lyon, 9 Fevrier, 1899. Monsieur Rodil jeune, Avignon. We are greatly surprised and annoyed at receiving to-day our bill for 750 francs protested, and increased ~by costs of protesta- tion amounting to 35 francs. This is the second time that you have treated us in this way, and as you have not even troubled to give us any explanation, we are forced to conclude that you hare acted thus deliberately and intentionally. This being so, you will hardly be surprised to hear that ive have instructed M. Felix, solicitor, of your town, to take the necessary steps to enforce payment of this sum. If you wish to avoid un- pleasantness, you will immediately pay him the amount with expenses, or at least a considerable sum on account, Nous sommes surpris et en- nuy^s de recevoir aujourd'hui, protestee, notre traite de frs. 750 augmented de frais 1 s'elevant 1 & frs. 35. C'est la seconde fois que vous nous traitez 2 de cette maniere, et comme vous n'avez pas mSme daigne' 3 nous donner une expli- cation, nous sommes forces de conclure que c'est par mauvaise 4 volonte, pure et simple, 4 que vous avez agi ainsi. Cela eiant, vous 5 ne serez pas 6tonn#> d'apprendre 6 que no: is avons donne des instructions a M. Felix, avoue 1 en 7 votre ville, pour qu'il prenne 8 les mesures 8 ne^cessaires pour assurer 9 le re- couvrement s de cette somme. Si vous d^sirez arr^ter 10 oes dsagre"ables agissements, 10 vous lui paierez imme'diatement montant et frais, ou tout au moins un iort 11 acorn pte, 11 1 expenses raising themselves ; 2 treat ; 3 deigned, condescended ; 4 bad will pure and simple ; 5 you will not be astonished ; 6 apprendre, to learn. ' to hear ' is literally entendre, but this word would not be used in referring to information received in writing: 7 en is preferable to d here, as araut de votre ville might couvej the meaning of 'town solicitor'; 8 or/ante leg demarchet (make the step-) ; 9 ensure the recovery ; 10 stop these uupleasa-xt proceedings; 11 string on-accouut (.=instalment). HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. in u'hich case, by arrangement between you and him, you will give him guarantees for the payment of the balance. As we hare given M. Felix full authority to act in the matter, we decline to communicate with you direct. Yours, etc., LEFRANC & Co. auquel cas efc suivant 12 arrange- ment entre lui et vous, vous lui donnerez des garantics pour le paiement du reste. 13 Attendu 14 que 14 nous avons invest!' 5 M. Felix de nos 16 pleina pouvoirs 16 pour agir dans la matiere, noua de"clinons de traiter 17 directement avec vous. Nous vous saluons. LKFRANO & CIE. 12 following ; 13 rest, remainder. 'balance' is literally tolde (MASC.) ; 14 inasmuch as ; 15 invested, entrusted ; 16 our full powers ; 17 treat, deal. Avignon, 10 Fev., 1899. Monsieur Rodil jeune, Avignon. My clients, Messrs. Lefranc & Co., of Lyons, have sent me their draft which you have allowed to be protested, with instructions to take stringent measures in your case, because they are convinced there is lad faith or trickery on your part. I therefore have to inform you that unless the sum of 795 francs, Mes clients, M.M. Lefranc & C le ., de Lyon, m'ont envoye leur traite que vous avez laisse 1 protester, 1 avec ordre de prendre les 2 mesures les plus severes 2 a 3 votre e"gard, 3 parce qu'ils sont convaincus qu'il y a mauvaise foi ou chicahe de votre part. En consequencej'ai 1'honneur de vous informer que, a moina que la somme de 795 francs, 1 or laitit (let) retourner ; a Past Participle followed by an Infinitive does not change in Gender and Number, for example: the books he wanted, let litres qu'il a voulut ; but the books he wanted to see, let livres qu'il a vimlu voir ; 2 the severest measures ; 3 with regard to you. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL OORRKSPONDBTT. including my expenses, is im- mediately paid to me, the matter will be taken into court u'ithout delay. If you pay a fairly large sum on account, and give guarantees for the remainder, you can avoid useless expenses. You ivillfind me in my office to-morrow until noon. I remain, Dear Sir, your obedient servant, FCLIX. y 4 compris meg honoraires, 4 ne 5 soit imme'diateinent pay6e enbre mes mains, 6 Faffaire sera ported, 7 sans retard, devant le tribunal. Si vous versez 8 une bonne somme et que vous donniez 9 des garan- ties pour le reste, vous pourrez 10 e>iter des frais inudles. Yous me trouverez dans mou elude, demain, jusqu'a midi. J'ai bien 1'honneur de vous saluer. FCLIX. i)le to. Avignon, 14 Fev., 1899. Messieurs Lefranc et C te ., Lyon. In reply to your favor re Rodil Junior, I have the pleasure to inform you that your debtor and I have made the following arrange- ment. He has to-day paid over to me the sum of 250 francs on account, and accepted bills for 100 francs, payable each month En reponse a votre honoree, affaire Rodil jeune, j'ai le plaisir de vous informer que nous sommes arrives, 1 votre de"biteur et moi, a 1'arrangement suivant : II m'a verse" aujourd'hui, la somme de 250 francs a compte et fait des billets de 100 frauca payables chaque mois, 1 arrived. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. and backed by his brother-in-law, a merchant in a very good position. Tour deltor seems to be lacking in experience rather than in good in ten/ion, because, being st&Fyoung, he has lost his head through temporary embarrassments, and, instead of asking his creditors for time, he has' simply allowed the bills to be 'dishonored. He has acted in the same way with other firms, which nevertheless have not taken the, extreme measures that your instructions ordered me to take. His brother-in-law, who is a good man of business, will help your debtor to get his affairs straight, and there is no reason to fear any loss. I remain, Dear Sir, yours obediently, FeLix. endosseV par son beau-frere, commerant dans une bonne position. Votre de"bitenr semble tre plus 3 inexpe'rimente' que malin- tentionne", 8 car, 4 e"tant jeune encore, il a perdu la te"te devant s des difli- cultxis momentane'es, 5 et, au lieu 6 de demander du temps a 7 ses creanciers, il a laisse 8 tout simplement protester les effets. II a agi de la mSme maniere avec d'autres maisons lesquelles, cependant, n'ont pas pris les vigoureuses mesures qne vos instructions m'ordon- uaient de prendre. Son beau-frere, qui enteud'' bien les affaires, 9 aidera votre d^biteur a mettre 10 de 1'ordre dans les siemies l(r et il 11 n'y aura aucune perte a craindre. 11 J'ai bien 1'honneur de vous saluer. Fe"i,ix. 2 endorsed ; 3 more inexperienced than badly-intentioned ; 4 ' for '= 'because ' is translated car 5 before momentary difficulties ; 6 place ; 7 to ask of, demander a ; 8 or latest (>t) retourner ; a Past Participle followed by an Inriuitive does not change in Gender and Number ; 9 understands the affairs well ; 10 put some order in his ; 11 there will be no loss to fear, HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 29 Londres, 14 Juillet, 1899. Monsieur Despard aine", Marseille. J'ai 1'avantage de vous con- firmer ma lettre du 10 c*., vous donnant une commande a ex6cuter dans le courant' de la derniere semaine du mois. La 2 prdsente a pour objet 2 de vous prier de preciser soigneu- sement, 3 I leg to confirm my Utter of the 10th inst., giving you an order for exe- cution during the last iveek of the, month. I now write to ask you to indicate exactly, on the customs 1 declaration, the contents of the cases, and to deliver for each one a duly attested certificate of origin. As our custom-house authori- ties are very strict on this point, I hope you will conform exactly to these instructions, otherivise you would involve me in great difficulty and ex- pense. If you want further in- structions, or if these are not sufficiently clear, I am entirely at your dispo- sal. I remain, Dear Sir, Tours faithfully, A. DUVAL. sur la declaration de douane, le contenu des caisses et de delivrer, pour chacune, un certificat d'origine dument legalise. Nos ante-rites douanieres e"tant fort 4 severes sur ce point, j'espere que vous vous confor- merez strictement 8 a ces in- structions, autrement vous me 6 causeriez 6 de grandes difficult^ et des frais. Si vous aviez besoin 7 d'autrcs 7 instructions, ou si celles-ci n'e- taient pas suffisamment claires, je me 8 mettrais 8 entierement a votre disposition. Recevez, Monsieur, mes civi- A. DUVAL. 1 course, running ; 2 the present has for end (prtsente, because lettre ia feminine) ; 8 carefully ; 4 or tr&s ; 5 strictly ; 6 would cause me 7 need of other ; 8 should put myself. 10 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Paris, 1* Sept., 1899. Messieurs Orlofr et C le , Riga. We have purchased in your market a large quantity of oats, which is noiv in the warehouses of Messrs. Dimilri & Co., of your lown. Will you be good enough to charter a steamer of about 2,000 tons, u-hich would undertake to convey the grain either to Cherbourg or Brest, as the captain pleases ? It is essential to ship it at the lowest possible rate, because of ihe somewhat high price we have given for the oats. The date of arrival does not matter much, provided that it is before the annual stoppage of naviga- tion. Make the best terms possible, without further instructions from us, unless the freight mounts up to extraordinary proportions, Nous avons achete 1 sur votre marche" une quantite" conside- rable d'avoine, qui se ! trouve 1 en ce moment dans les entrepots de MM. Dimitri & C le ., de votre ville. Youlez-vous avoir 2 1'obli- geance 2 d'affreter 3 un vapeur d'environ 2,000 tonnes,' qui se cliargerait de porter le grain, soit a Cherbourg, soit a Brest, au choix 4 du capitaine ? Ii 5 serait essentiel d'obtenir le fret 5 au taux le plus bas possible, vu le prix un 6 peu trop eleve 6 que nous avons paye 1'avoine. La date de I'arrive'e importe 7 peu/ pourvu que celle-ci ait lieu 8 avant la cloture annuelle de la navigation. Traitez 9 aux meilleures con- ditions possibles, et sans autres instructions de !0 notre part, 10 a moius que le taux 11 du fret ne s'eleve a des proportions extra- ordinaires, 1 finds itself; 2 have the obligingness; 3 freight; 4 choice; 5 it would be essential to obtain the freight; 6 a little too elevated; 7 matters little; 8 to take place, avoir lieu ; pourvu que governs the Subjunctive; 9 treat, dea.' ; 10 on our part ; 11 rate. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL OORRESPON&KNt. and advise us directly the matter is finally settled. Do not forget to take out an insurance policy on the goods as soon as they are on board. We should be obliged by your sending some one to the tcare- to make sure u'hether the storing has been done carefully, and whether the oats have not suffered. We remain, Dear Sirs, yours truly, LENOJR & LEBHETON. et avisez-nons aussit6t 18 apres la conclusion du traite. 12 N'oubliez pas de 13 faire assurer la marchandise 13 des qu'elle 14 sera 15 a bord. Nous vous serions obliged d'envoyer quelqu'un aux cntre- pots pour s'assurer' 6 si Temmagasi- nage a ete soigne 1 et si 1'avoine n'a pas souffert. Nous vous saluons cordiale- ment. LEXOIR ET LEBRETON. 12 immediately after the conclusion of the transaction (treaty, dealing*) ; 18 or de faire ouvrir une police d'assurance sur cette marchan- dise ; 14 Singular, agreeing with la marchandise 16 the Verb following den que is put in the Future Tense, when iuture time is referred to ; 16 assure himself. Riga, 5 Sept., 1899 et Lebreton, Paris. Suivant 1 les instructions con- tenues dans votre estime'e du I 6r c*, nous avons immediatement envoy6 aux entrep6ts de MM. Dimitri & C le . un homme com- petent charge 2 d'examiner 1'etat de vos avoines. Bien qu'il les ait 3 trouv&s en excellente condition, il 4 s'est era neanmoins oblige 4 de prendre des precautions centre I'humidite, Messieurs Lenoir According to the instructions contained in your favor of the 1st inst., we immediately sent a competent man to Messrs. Dimitri & Co. J s warehouses, with instructions to examine the con- dition of your oats. Although he found them in ex- cellent condition, he nevertheless thought it necessary to take precautions against damp, so 1 following ; 2 instructed, charged ; 3 lien que (although) go\ the Subjunctive; 4 he has believed himself nevertheless obliged. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. you may rest assured that your goods are warehoused as well M possible. Our representative found the quality of the grain above the average. We are looking out for a ship, and expect to have found one before the end of the month, the more so as we are shortly expecting the arrival of a steamer here, already freighted for taking in a cargo at Cherbourg, which would enable us to obtain a low rate. You may rely on the insurance being effected in time. Having nothing else to com- municate to you, we beg to remain, Dear Sirs, yours faithfully, ORLOFF & Co. de sorte que vous pouvez &tre assures qne vos marcbandises sont aussi bien emmagasinees que possible. Notre envoye" 5 a trouve' la qualite" du grain au- dessus de la moyenne. 6 Nous sommes a la recherche 7 d'un navire et nous pensons 8 1'avoir trouve 8 avant la fin du mois, d'autant plus que nous attendons ici, sous 9 peu, 9 Tan-ivce d'un vapeur deja frete" pour prendre une cargaison a Cher- bourg, ce qui nous permettrait' d'obtenir un taux peu 11 eleveV 1 Vous pouvez com[iter 12 que 1'assurance seraeffectue'ea temps. N'ayant rien autre chose a vous communiquer, nous vous prions 3 de nous croire, 14 Messieurs, Vos bien devoue's. ORLOFF ET CIE. 6 person sent ; 6 mean, medium ; 7 search; 8 think to have found it ; 9 under little=b^fore long ; 10 would ygjmit ; 11 little elevated ; 12 depend, count ; 13 pray, beg; ! 4 believe. Riga, 22 7**, 1899. et Lebreton, Paris. Nous avons le plaisir de vous aviser que le vapeur " Dante," attendn 1 depuis 1 quelques jours, s'est 2 amarre 11 a quai ce matin a lO^h. A. midi, nous nous sommes rendus 3 a bord et apres un de"bat assez vif avec le capitaine nous avons pu 4 obtenir Messieurs Lenoir We have the pleasure to inform you that the steamer " Dante" u-hich has been expected for some days, was moored alongside the quay at half past ten this morning. At noon tve went on board, and after a somewhat lively discussion with the captain, 1 expected since ; 2 has moored itself ; 3 u? rendre 4, to repair to, go to ; 4 been able to. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 33 we succeeded in obtaining Hie freight to Cherbourg, at the rate of .... a? ton, a third to be paid as soon as the oats are on board, and the remainder on reaching their destination. The captain stipulated ', if is true, for a commission of 50 cen- times per 5 ton, but considering the low pri e secured for the freight, we do not think there is any reason to complain of the trans- action, considering the lateness of the season. To-morrow morning, we shall have the putting of the oats into sacks begun, and the ivork icill be nearly done by the evening. The oats will be taken down to the qua// the day after to-morrow, and put on board as quickly as possible, for the steamer must weigh anchor early on the 26th inst., and go direct to Cherbourg. While the loading is in course of being done, ire shall get the insurance policy taken out, copy of u-hich we shall send you, as well as of the bill of lading. The originals will be sent to your re/rresentative at Cherbourg, to whom the consignment is le fret jusqu'a Cherbourg au taux de . . . . la tonne, le tiers a payer aussitot la marchandise sous 6 vergues 6 et le reste a destination. Le capitaine a exige, il esl vrai, F. 0.50 de chapeau 7 par tonne mais, considerant le bas prix obtenu pour le fret, nous pensons qu'il n'y a pas lieu s de se 9 plaindre 9 de 1'operation, vu la saison 10 avancee. 10 .Des" demain matin, nous ferons 1 * mettre 1'avoine en sacs, et le travail sera a' 3 peu pres fini vers 13 le soir.^La marchan- dise 4 sera porte'e apres-demain a quai et chargce 15 aussi rapide- ment que possible, car le vapeur doit lever 16 1'ancre de 17 bonne heure 17 le 26 c l , pour se rendre directement a Cherbourg. Pendant 18 le temps que durera le chargement, 18 nous ferons executer la police d'assurance, dont nous vous enverrons copie et nous ferons 19 de mSme 19 pour le connaissemenb. Les originaux seront envoyes a votre representant a Cher- bourg, a qui la marchandise est 5 ' a,' meanini' per, before weights, mea-ures, nnd numbers, is translated le or la; 6 under yards ; 7 this term is only used in shipping transactions, applied to the captain's commission or perquisites ; 8 lieu, literally 'place,' here means reason, occasion ; 9=to pity one's self ; 10 advanced season ; ll=rstarting from ; 1 2 make=cause to be ; 13 about finished towards ; H Singular, because only one kind of goods is referred to; 15 loaded ; 16 raise ; 1 7 of good hour=early ; 18 during the time that the loading will last ; 19 shall do the same. 34 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRKSPONDKtfT. addressed, and as regards the expenses, ice shall send you our account after all the operations which concern us have been carried out. Hoping that the zeal and activity we have shown in defence of your interests icill meet with your approbation, We beg to remain, gentlemen, Yours faithfully, ORLOFF & Co. adressee, efc quant aux frais nous vous enverrons notre bor- dereau, 20 apres que toutes les operations qui nous concerneut seront 21 terminees. 21 Espeiant que notre activite" et le zele deploye 22 pour la defense de vos intere'ts nous auront me" rite 23 votre approbation, nous vous prions d'agreer, Messieurs, Nos bien sinceres salutations. ORLOFF ET CIE. 20 statement, detailed account ; played ; 23 merited, deserved. 21 will be terminated ; 22 dis- Paris, 27 7 bre , 1899. Messieurs Orloff et O., Riga. We have duly received your favor of the 22nd, informing us of the conditions of shipment, and enclosing copies of the insurance policy and bill of lading. Although we should have liked rather more favorable terms, we are none the less persuaded that nothing better could have been done, for ive have every confidence in your ivell-known ability. As regards the trans- action taken as a whole, we have nothing but compliments for you respecting tfa speed icith which the whole affair has been carried out. Nous avons bien re$u votre es- time"e du 22 nous communiquaut 1 les conditions du fret 2 et nous ap- portant 3 copie de la police d 'as- surance et du connaissement. Bien que nous eussions 4 de- sire" des conditions un peu plus favorables, nous n'en sommes pas moins persuades qu'il 5 u'y avait pas moyen 8 de faire mieux, car nous rendons 6 pleine 7 et entiere 7 justice a votre habilete" bien connue. Quant a 1'en- semble 8 des operations, nous n'avons que des compliments a vous adresser pour la rapidite avec laquelle tout a e'te' conduit. 9 1 communicating ; 2 freight ; 3 bringing; 4 Subjunctive, after hien que ; " there was no means=way ; 6 render, give ; 7 full and com- plete ; 8 together ; 9 conducted. HUGOS FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 85 Our representative at Cher- bourg has instructions to inform you of the arrival of the steamer in the docks. We remain, dear sirs, Yours very truly, LEXOIR & LEBRETON. Notre repre"sentant a Cher- bourg a ordre de vous aviser de 1'arriv^e du vapeur dans les docks. Receyez, Messieurs, nos meil- leures civilites. LENOIR ET LEBRETON. Messieurs Bouteiller / have heard from a friend that there will shortly be a vacancy in your firm for a book-keeper and correspondent. I therefore take the liberty of offering my services for the post, as I am thoroughly acquainted with bookkeeping (single and double entry), and can undertake French and German correspondence, as well as English. Allow me to add the following particulars, which I think you ought to know. I am 25 years of age, and went through my commercial apprenticeship in the firm of Rawlings Broihers, by ivhom I was employed for four years. From there I went to Roubeaud Brothers, of Paris, Londres, 5 Mai, 1900. & Eomain, Paris. J'ai appris' d'un ami qu'il y aura bientot, 2 dans votre hono- rable maison, un emploi 3 vacant de teneur 4 de livres et corres- pondant. C'est pourquoi je prends la liberte" de vous offrir mes ser- vices pour le poste, attendu 5 que 5 je suis parfaitement au 6 couranb de 6 la tenue 7 des livres (partie simple ou double) et puis me s charger de 8 la cor- respondance en frangais et en allemand, en 9 outre 9 de 1'anglais. Permcttez-moi d'ajouter ici les quelques details qui, a 10 ce que je pense, lu doivent 11 Stre ported a votre connaissance. 11 J'ai 25 ans, et c'est dans la maison de MM. Rawlings Bros., ou je restai 1 * 4 ans, que j'ai fait mon apprentissage commercial. De la, j'entrai 13 chez 13 MM. Roubeaud freres, a Paris, 1 learnt ; 2 soon ; 3 place, situation ; 4 holder, keeper ; 5 inasmuch as, seeing that ; 6 fn the running of=faiuiliar with ; 7 holding, keeping ; 8 charge myself with ; 9 besides ; 10==nccordini< as I think ; 11 should be brought to your knowledge ; 12 remained : 13 I entered at the bouse of. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL OORRESPONnRVT. where I for t <-o years held the post of bookkeeper and English correspondent. After having made myself proficient in French, I went to the firm of Warburg Jc Co., of Hamburg, as French and English correspondent, holding this position nearly three years, and naturally mastering the German language thoroughly/. . I have been back in London nearly a year, where I conduct the corres- pondence of my father's office in the three languages, but I should greatly prefer to return to beautiful Paris. I am confident of my ability to give you satisfaction in every respect, and beg to give as references the above-mentioned firms. I should like to commence at a salary of 5,000 francs a year, with expectation of an increase if my services give satisfaction. I shall be happy to furnish you with further particulars if desired, et y occupai, pendant 14 2 ans, le poste de teneur de livres el correspondant anglais. Apres avoir perfectionne" * mon franais, j'entrai 13 chez' 3 MM. Warburg & C le ., a Hambourg, comme cor- respondant fran9ais et anglais, occupant Temploi 3 pres de trois ana et, naturellement, me 16 rendant maitre 16 de 1'allemand. Depuis 17 pres d'nn an je suis revenu 18 a Loudres ou, dans les bureaux de mon pere, je fais la correspoudance dans les trois langues, mais je prefererais 19 retourner a votre beau Paris. J'ai la conviction d'etre 20 en etat 20 de vous donner toute satisfaction et vous prie de bien 21 vouloir vous renseigner aupres 21 des maisons sus-mentionnees. Je desirerais commencer aux ap- poititementsde F. 5,000 par 2 ' J an, m'en 23 rapportant 23 a vous pom une augmentation, si vons 6tes contents de mes services. Je serai heureux de vous donner plus amples informations, si vous le desirez, 14 during: 15 perfected ; 16 making myself master : apprenant par- faitement I'allemand (learning German perfectly) would also be a good and simple translation ; 17 since ; 18 returned, come t'ack : 19 should prefer ; 20 to be in condition, or state ; 21 kindly inform your.-elves near ; 22 ''a," meaning prr, is translated par before periods of time, and If for la) before words indicating weight, measure, or number ; '23 trusting, relying. HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. and am prepared to gire a security. Trusting to be favored with a reply, I have the honor to remain. Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, E. LAWSON. et suis prSt- 4 a vous verser ua cantionnement. 24 Esperant 25 recevoir 25 la f aveur d'une reponse*, je 28 vous prie de me croire, 29 Messieurs, Votre tres obeissant serviteur. E. LAWSON. 24 ready to piy over to you a guarantee ; 25 hoping to receive ; beg you to believe me. Paris, 10 Mai, 1900. Monsieur E. Lawson, Londres. 261 In reply to your Utter of the 5th, we have to say it is quite true that v:e are in want of a French^ German, and English correspondent, and that if you icill be good enough to write us some letters on various subjects in each of these three languages, WP shrrll be able to judge of your knowledge of the same. 1 T > need hardly remark that tbrse letters must be quite original. It KO happens that we are acquainted with your former and that on speaking to /hem about you, we received a very good account of you in all respects, but they are not quite certain En reponse a votre lettre du 5, nous vous dirons 1 qu'il est vrai que nous aurons 2 besoin 2 d'un correspondant fra^ais, allemand et anglais, et que, si vous voulez bien nous e"crire des lettres sur differents sujets en chacune de ces trois langues, nous pourrons 3 juger de votre connaissance des 4 dites langues. 4 Nous n'avons pas besoin, 2 sans doute, 5 de remarquer que ces letfcres doivent e"tre entierement originates. II se 6 trouve 6 que nous con- naissons ici vos anciens patrons, et que, leur ayant parle" de vous, nous en 7 avons recu de bons renseignements 8 a tous egards, cependant ils ne sont pas tout i fait certains que vous possediez 9 I siiall tell : 2 avoir betoin, to have need ; 3 noiis seront a meme de, and *me that in spite of my losses, my assets will greatly exceed my liabilities, provided that the stock is sold under ordinary conditions, not by a forced sale. In a week's time I shall send you a clearly made-out balance sheet, and I trust that at the first meeting of creditors, you will kindly support me by your vole, and give your consent to the propositions I shall have to make. Apart from the great obligation I should be under to you, this would present the double advan- tage of saving you from loss, and preserving for me a busi- ness inherited from my father, and carried on honorably and successfully for more than fifty yearns. Again regretting to have to make so unpleasant a communi- cation, I beg you will favor me with an immediate reply, and remain, gentlemen, Tour obedient servant, P. DELORMB. Je crois qu'en ctepit des pertea, mon actif exce'dera grandement mon passif, pourvu que le stock soit 6 vendu dans les conditions de vente ordinaires et non par vente forcee. Dans une setnaine je vous en- verrai un bilan clairement etabli et j'espere que, a la premiere assemblee des creanciers, vous voudrez bien m'accorder 7 un vote favorable et donner votre consentement aux propositions que j'aurai a faire. ^ Outre 8 la grande obligation que je vous aurais, ceci presenterait 9 le double avantage de vous epargner 10 a vous 11 une perte, et de me conserver a moi 11 un commerce que j'ai herite de mon pere, et qui a 6t4 conduit 12 avec succes et honorablement pen- dant 13 plus de 14 cinquante ans. Eenouvelant 15 1'expression de mon regret d'avoir a faire une communication si d&agreable, je vous prie de me faire la faveur d'une reponse immediate, et d'agre"er, Messieurs, mcs civi- P. DELORME. 6 Subjuncti ve, after pourvu que ; 7 grant me ; 8 besides ; 9 presents ; aurait would be correct ; 10 to spare ; 11 the Pronoun is repeated after the Verb, because it is emphasized ; 12 conducted ; 13 during ; 14 THAI* before 9 number is translated de ; 15 renewing. 40 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Paris, 5 O bre , 1899. Monsieur P. Delorme, Amiens. We icere greatly surprised and grieved at receiving your communication of yesterday, and beg to assure you of our deep sympathy, although it ix very inconvenient for us not to receive amounts as they fat I due. We have furnished Mr. Francolin, of your town, tcith full authority to represent us at the creditors' meeting, and have asked him to vole in your favor on all points, provided of course that your proposals are as reasonable and business-like as we are entitled to expect from a firm like yours. Hoping that your diffi- culties are only temporary, tve sincerely trust that everything may be arranged according to your wishes. Yours faithfully, BLANCHARD & CHAPKLLE. Nous avons 6t4 grandement e'tonneV et peines 1 de 2 recevoir 2 votre communication d'hier et nous vous assurons de toute notre sympathie, bien qu'il soit fort conirariant 3 pour nous d'etre 4 privet de nos rentrees a leurs echeances. 4 Nous avons envoye\ a M. Francolin de votre ville, notre procuration 5 pour nous repr&- senter a I'assembl6e des crean- ciers et 1'avons prie de vous donner, en toute 6 chose, 8 un vote favorable, a 7 condition, cependant, 7 que vos propositions soient aussi raisonnables et aussi se>ieuses que nous avons le droit 8 de 1'attendre d'une maison comme la votre. Esp^rant que vos difficultes ne sont que temporaires, nous souhaitons 9 sincerement que tout s'arrange 10 selon vos de"- sirs. Nous avons 1'honneur de vous saluer. BLANCHARD & CHAPELLE. 1 astonished and pained ; 2 or en recevant ; all Prepositions except en are followed in French by the Infinitive ; 3 annoying; 4 to be deprived of our in-comings at their fallings-due ; 6 procuration, power of attor- ney ; nog pleint pouvoirs (our full powers) would also be a good and simple translation ; 6 everything ; 7 on condition, however ; 8 right ; 9 wish ; 10 arranges itself ; Subjunctive, after toufmUer. HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRK8POXDKNT. Paris, 5 i Monsieur Francolin, Amiens. 1899. We have received from Mr. P. Delorme,^of your toivn, the intimation of his suspending payment, in ivhich he informs us that the first meeting of creditors will be held on Thursday week. We leg you iciil represent us there, and show all pos- sible consideration for the debtor, unless the balance sheet shoivs reckless trading. Unless this is the case, the debtor ought to be left in a position to carry on his business, on condition that ire receive at least 50% of the amount due to each; for we really think the rate might be higher. We send you enclosed our power of attorney, requesting you to let us know the result of the deliberations. If between now and then you learn anything further of the causes of suspension, which the, debtor attributes solely to the failure of his bankers, please let us know; otherwise do not trouble to write. We remain, Dear Sir, Yours very truly, BLANCHARD & CHAPELLE. Nous avons re9ti de Monsieur P. Delorme de votre ville la communication de sa suspension de paiements, dans laquelle il nous annonce que la premiere assembled des creanciers aura lieu 1 de 2 jeudi en huit. 2 Nous vous prions de nous y repre"senter et d'avoir tous les e"gards possibles pour le debiteur, & moins que le bilan ne reVele 3 des operations risque'es. Dans 4 le cas contraire, 4 on 8 devrait laisser 5 le debiteur en 6 tat 6 de continuer les affaires, a condition que nous recevions au moins b% du montant qui nous est du i chacnn, car nous pensons reellement que le taux pourrait Stre plus 7 eleve. 7 Nous vous remettons ci-inclus notre procuration, avec priere 8 de nous faire connaitre le resul- tat des deliberations. Si, d'ici la, vons appreniez quelque 9 chose de plus 9 sur les causes de la suspension, que le debiteur attribue uniquement a la faillite de sea banquiers, veuillez nous le faire savoir, autrement ne vous donnez pas la peine d'ecrire. Recevez, etc. BLANCHARD ET CHAPELLE. 1 avoir lieu, to take place ; 2 from Thursday in eight [days] ; this day week=d'a;erions attendre jusqu'a ce moment pour faire I'op^ration. Cette latitude nous permettrait 11 de profiter de toute baisse 12 qni ponrrait se 13 produire 13 dans i'intervalle et de repe"ter ainsi notre manoeuvre d'hier, bien que nous n'esperions reussir que vers les derniers 14 jours du de"lai, 14 alors que 1'activite et la finesse 15 de nos concurrents seront un peu assoupies. 18 Nous avons permission de laisser la marchandise achetee encore' 7 une semaine dans les docks, pendant que nous nous' 8 mettons en mesure' 8 de trouver un vapeur pour Marseille. Nous avons naturellement fait assurer la marchandise pour la dureV 9 de son sejour en en- trepot, 19 et vous pouvez corapter que le necessaire sera fait pour 1'embarquer et la faire assurer centre tous risques de mer, imme'diatement apres les fetes. Veuillez agr&r nos meilleures civilites. GREENE & KERR. 9 ugam anew ; 10 ' until,' when Preposition, is translated jusqu'd ; 11 would permit ; 12 lowering, fall ; 13 produces itself ; 14 last days of the delay ; IB sharpness ; 16 lulled : 17 yet, still ; 18 put ourselves in position riiterally. measure) ; 19 duration of its sojourn in warehouse. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. ft 3 Messieurs Greene We leg to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram and your letter of yesterday's date. We are delighted at the good stroke of business yon hare effected, and hope you will suc- ceed equally well with the rest of what is to be bought. We telegraphed to you to- day as follows : " More cotton. Highest offer 8 7s. 6d. Use your own judgment. Not wanted for two months" We repeat that we leave the matter entirely in your hands, but that at any price ire must have some cot/on in about two months' time. We shall by then have disposed of all our stock, including the 3,000 bales purchased l)y you yesterday. Orders are coming in fast, and w'e calculate our prices on the present average market quotation, that is to say, 8 10s. per bale. The price of the 3,000 bales will be based on the average market price at the time of sale, and we shall then let you know the amount of profit. Tours sincerely, LANDROL & Co. Marseille, SO JP M , 1899. & Kerr, Liverpool. Nous avons le plaisir 1 de voua accuser reception de votre de"- pSche et de votre lettre d'hier. Nous sommes heureux 2 de la bonne operation 3 que vous avez faite 3 et espdrons que vous re'us- sirez aussi 4 bien 4 pour le reste de la marcbandise a 5 achetej^. Nous vous avons telegraphis" aujourd'hui, comme suit : " En- core 6 du coton. OfTre maximum 8. 7. 6. Agissez" suivant 7 votre jugement. Pas besoin 8 avant deux mois." Nous repetons que nous lais- sons cette transaction entiere- ment entre 9 vos mains, mais que, a tout prix, dans environ 2 mois, il nous faut 10 du coton. D'ici 11 ce temps" nous aurons dispose" de tout notre stock, y 12 compris 12 les 3,000 balles achetees par vous hier. Les ordres nous 13 arrivent tou- jours en quantite 13 et nous cal- culons nos prix sur la moyenne actuelle du marche, soit 8. 10. par balle. Le prix des 3,000 balles sera base sur la moyenne du marche au moment ou nous les ven- drons et alors nous vous ferons connaitre le montant du profit. Salutations cordiales. LANDROL ET GIB. 1 pleasure ; 2 happy ; 3 operation that you have done ; 4 as well ; 6 d ib used before un Infinitive which can be made Passive without altering the meaning: 6 still ; 7 act following: 8 need; 9 between ; 10 ia necessary ; 11 from here that time ; 12 therein comprised ; 13 reach us always iu quantity. 54 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. SECOND SECTION. COMMERCIAL READING PRACTICE. To assist students in understanding the cons f ruction of difficult phrases, the translation in this section in made literal rather than elegant. The best English can easily be substituted by anyone conversant with the style uxual in business letters. ITALICS denote that the translation is not literal, the equivalent French being also given in ITALICS when considered necessary. Paris, le 3 Septembre, 1900. Monsieur Linossier jeune, St. Etienne. Si vous voulez bien vous referer 4 notre lettre da 20 mars dernier vous porbant le detail de notre assortiment du printemps, vous pourrez 1 nous 2 faire un envoi 2 exactement serablable taut 3 en prix qu'en qualites. 3 Nous vous prions instaminent de* ne pas npporter le plus petit retard a cette expedition, 4 attendu que nous avons, pour certaines sortes, des demarides que nous ne pouvons remplir. 5 Veuillez b agreer, Monsieur, nos salutations sinceres.' A. LARIVE ET CIE. If you will kindly refer (yourself) to our letter of 20th March last bringing you the detail of our spring assortment, you can send us a lot exactly similar both in price and quality. We beg you earnestly not to delay the forwarding in the least, inasmuch as we have for some of the sorts orders which we cannot execute. Yours truly, 1 will be able to ; 2 make us a sending ; 3 as well in prices as in dualities ; 4 not to bring the smallest delay to this forwarding ; 5 fill ; 6 t'udly receive, sir, our uiucere salutations. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 55 /SY. Etienne, U 5 Septembre, 1900. Messieurs A. Larive et C le , Paris. En r^ponse a votre estimee du 3 countnt, j'ai le plaisir de vous donner avis que nous remettons aujourd'hui au chemin de fer a vofcre adresse, une caisse marquee A.L. No. 1974, confcenant rubans efc passementeries en tout conformes a notre expedition du 7 avril dernier. Ci-joint 1 facture s'elevant 2 a fr. 1575. Je vous remercie de votre commande et espere avoir bientdt la faveur d'une autre. Agreez, 3 Messieurs, je 4 vous prie, 4 mes salutations les plus cordiales. J. LlNOSSIER JBUNE. In reply to your favor of the 3rd inst., I have the pleasure to give you notice that we are sending to-day to the railway, to your address, a case" marked A.L. No. 1974, containing ribbons and trimmings, in all (respects) similar to our consignment of the 7th April last. Invoice enclosed amounting to 1575 francs. I thank you for your order and hope to have soon the favor of another. Yours faithfully. 1 here joined ; 2 raising itself : 3 receive ; 4 I beg you. Paris, le 15 Septembre, 1900. Monsieur Liriossier jeune, St. Etienne. Nous somrnes surpris et bien contraries de ce que votre envoi, annonce comme" quittant St. Etienne le 5 de ce mois, ne 1 nous soit pas encore parvenu. 1 Veuillez faire 8 les demarches n^cessaires, et sans perdre de temps, pour vous assurer des raisons de ce retard, et nous 3 donner avis 3 immodiatement du resultat, vu 1'urgence. Vous obligerez vos devoues. A. LARIVE ET CIE. We are surprised and greatly inconvenienced thai your sending, announced as leaving St. Etienne the 5th of this month, has not yet reached us. Kindly take the necessary steps, and without losing time, to ascertain the reasons of this delay, and let us know immediately of the result, on account of the urgency. You will oblige your devoted. 1 be not yet arrived to us ; 2 make ; 3 give us information. 56 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Marseille, le l n Janvier, 1900. Messieurs Dufour et Morin, Paris. Nous avons 1'honneur de porter a votre connaissance que nous venous 1 de fonder en cette ville une maison de commission em- brassant tous les articles de fabrication nationale et 6trangere. A 1'aide d'amples capitaux personnels, appuyes 2 de puissantes commandites 3 et forts de notre longue experience commercials, nous avons la conviction d'etre en etat 4 de recevoir vos ordres et la certitude de pouvoir les executer a votre pleine satisfaction, quels 5 qu'en soient le chiffre et la nature. 6 Nous prenons, en consequence, la Hbert6 de vous faire nos offres de service et vous assurons d'avance de notre entier devouement a vos inte're'ts. Veuillez prendre note de notre signature respective que vous trouverez ci-dessous, et agreer nos salutations les plus empressees. DUBOIS KT COLIN. Notre sieur Dubois signers Notre sieur Colin signers We have the honor to bring to your knowledge that we have just established in this town a commission agency embracing all (the) articles of home and foreign manufacture. With the aid of ample personal capital, supported by powerful commandites, and strong in our long commercial experience, we are confident of being in a position to receive your orders, and certain of being able to execute them to your full satisfaction, of whatever amount and nature they may be. We therefore take the liberty of making you our offers of service, and assure you in advance of our entire devotion to your interests. Kindly take note of our respective signature(s), which you will find here-below, and receive our most sincere salutations. DUBOIS & COLIN. Our Mr. Dubois will sign Our Mr. Colin will sign 1 ' to have just ' is translated venir de, followed by the Infinitive ; 2 appvyer, to prop ; 3 capital of sleeping partners with limited liability ; 4 stute, condition ; 6 whatever of them be the figure and the nature. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRK8PONDENT. 57 Paris, U 10 Juin, 1900. Monsieur A. Vernier, Rouen. Nous vous accusons 1 reception de votre envoi du 7 courant, inais nous sommes forces de vous avouer que nous ne sommes pas contents de la qualite des Nos. 8 et 12. Le tissu des rubans est beaucoup moins serre" 2 que celui du precedent envoi efc nous ne pourrons vendre ces articles qu'i un prix tres inf6rieur. En consequence nous vous donnons avis que nous les tenons a votre entiere disposition, a moins que vous ne 3 consentiez a un rabais de 20 pour cent sur le prix facture. En attendant votre reponse, nous vous 4 prions d'agre"er 4 nos salutations. COBDIER ET LEBRUN. We beg to acknowledge receipt of your sending of the 7th inst., but we are compelled to acknowledge to you that we are not pleased with the quality of Nos. 8 and 12. The texture of the ribbons is much Jess close than that of the preceding consignment, and we shall not be able to sell these articles except at a very much lower price, lit consequence we give you notice that we hold them at your entire disposal, unless you consent to an abatement of 20 per cent on the price invoiced. In awaiting your reply, we remain. 1 accuser is literally ' to accuse,' but accuser reception is the commercial idiom used in acknowledging the receipt of anything ; Nou avons recu votre envoi would be simpler ; 2 compact, pressed together ; 3 the Verb following a moins que (unless) must always be put in the Subjunctive, with ne before it ; 4 beg you to receive. Rouen, le 14 Juin, 1900. Messieurs Cordier et Lebrun, Paris. J'ai bien re9U votre estimee du 10 juin courant, 1 et constate" avec grand regret que votre reclamation etait fondee. La faute en est au garon 2 de magasin, lequel a, par megarde, mSle a votre commande les articles en question appartenant a un autre envoi. 3 Je vous remplacerai done ces articles ou vous ferai le rabais de I have duly received your favor of the 10th June inst., and ascertained with great regret that your complaint was founded. The fault of it is with the man in the warehouse, who by careless- ness mixed with your order the articles in question belonging to another customer's order. I shall replace you (here/ore these 1 It is very usual, though not necessary, to give the name of the month, as well as couraiit (inst.), ieouU (ult.), or prochain (prox.) ; 2 g argon (boy) is also commonly applied to grown-up assistants ; 3 sending. 58 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 20 % demande", a* votre choix. 4 II est bien entendu que, dans le premier cas, je prendrai 5 les frais d'envoi a ma charge. M'excusant de cette contrariete involontairement causee, je vous prie, Messieurs, de bien vouloir agreer mes salutations empressees. A. VERNIER. articles or make you the reduction of 20 % asked for, as you please. It is quite understood that, in the first case, I shall bear the expenses of carriage. Apologising for this annoyance in- voluntarily caused, I beg you, Gentlemen, to kindly receive my earnest salutations. 4 at your choice ; 5 shall take. Paris, le 7 r Novembre, 1900. Monsieur P. Duval, St. ^tienne. Au recu de votre honoreV du 30 ecoule", 3 je me suis rendu 3 aux bureaux 4 de la gare des marchandises* ou Ton m'a re"pondti que la caisse en question n'avait pu 6tre chargeV que le 26 octobre, par suite 6 d'encombrement. 7 Vous ne tarderez 8 done pas a la recevoir. Je regrette le d&agrement que vous cause ce delai, bien 9 qu'il n'y ait pas de ma faute, 9 et vous prie de bien vouloir agre"er mes salutations sinceres. V. TOURVILLE. On receipt of your favor of the 30th ult, I applied to the goods department of the railway, where they answered me that the case in question had only been able to be sent off on October 26th, because of pressure of business. You will not be long then in receiving it. I regret the unpleasantness that this delay causes you, although it is not my fault, and beg you kindly to receive my sincere salutations. 1 honor ee (honored), or estimte (esteemed) ; both words are made femi- nine, because they mean honored letter, esteemed letter (lettre, FEM.) ; 2 run out, or elapsed ; 3 te rendre, to repair, resort ; 4 offices of the station of the goods ; 5 loaded, i.e., put into the train ; 6 consequence ; 7 en- cumbrance, obstruction=pressure of traffic ; 8 tarder, to delay, to be a long time ; 9 alth9ugh there be not of my fault. Lyon, le 18 Mars, 1900. Messieurs Delavigne f re res, Bordeaux. Ayant besoin de faire 1 des rentrees, 1 nous venons 2 vous donner avis que, pour nous couvrir de notre facture du 15 fevrier, nous Having need to get some money in, we hereby give you notice that to cover us for your invoice of the 15th Feb., we are drawing r\ HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRKSP02JDENT. 59 faisons* traite 3 sur vous au 81 mai prochain pour la somme de fr. 750, dont nous vous creditons. Comptant sur votre bon accueil accoutnine, 4 nous vous prions d'agreer nos sinceres salutations. FOURCARDBT ET PIRON. a bill on you for May 31st next for the sum of 750 francs, for which we credit yon. Depending on your usual good reception, we beg you to receive our sincere salutations. 1 make some returns, or re-entries ; 2 come ; 3 make draft ; 4 accustomed. Notre facture du 12 mai echeant le l er prochain, nous avons 1'avantage de vous aviser que pour nous couvrir de son montant de fr. 560, nous fournissons sur vous ce jour notre traite de pareille somme payable au 10 prochain, et dont vous 6tea erudite pour solde de tout compte. Our invoice of May 12th falling due the 1st prox., we have the advantage to inform you that, to cover us for its amount of 560 francs, we provide on you this day our draft for that sum, payable on the 10th prox., and for which you are credited in full settlement of account. Valenre, 17 Ru du Bourg. le 9 Mai, 1900. Messieurs M. Jussieu et C le , Bordeaux. J'ai bien re$u votre estiraee du 5 courant, me demandant le reglement de vobre compte. Malheureus'-ment, les rentrees 1 eiant de plus en plus difficiles, je me trouve dans la necessite de vous prier de bienivouloir attendre jusqu'au 15 du mois prochain. J'espere, a cette epoque, pouvoir faire 8 face a 2 votre demande. Dans 1'espoir que vous voudrez bien encore 3 cette fois-ci 3 m'accorder ce petit sursis, je vous prie, Messieurs, de me croire votre devoue serviteur. J. DURAND. I have duly received your favor of the 5th inst., asking (of) me the settlement of your account. Unfortunately, the returns being more anil more difficult, I find myself compelled to beg you Tnndli/ to wait until the 15th of next month. I hope by then to be able to meet your demand. In the hope that you will kindly once more grant me this little postponement, I beg you, Sirs, to believe me your devoted servant. 1 incomings payments ; the phrase refers to the difflcul by of obtaining money due ; 2 make face to ; 3 again this time-here. 60 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Bordeaux, le 12 Mai, 1900. Monsieur J. Durand, Valence. Nona avons le regret de vous dire en reponse a votre lettre du 9 courant, que tons ces atermoiements nous contrarient beaucoup, atlemlu que les rentrees 1 n'etant pas plus faciles pour nous que pour vous, nons nous trouvons g^n^s dans notre commerce. Cepen- dant, pour ne pas rompre des relations qui durent* depi/is six ans, nous consentirons a attendre jusqu'a la date fixee, vous pre"venant, toutefois, qu'a defaut de paiement a cette date, nous nous rerrons forces de remettre 1'affaire entre les mains de notre avoue. Esperant que vous eviterez ce desagrement, nous avous 1'honneur de vous saluer. M. JUSSIEU ET CIK. We (have the) regret to tell you in reply to your letter of the 9th inst., that all these puttings off of payment inconvenience us much, inasmuch as the gelling in of amounts due not being more easy for us than for you, we find ourselves hampered in our trading. However, in order not to break relations which have existed for six years, we shall consent to wait until the date fixed, warning yon, nevertheless, that in default of payment at that date, we shall see ourselves compelled to put the affair in the hands of our solicitor. Hoping that you will avoid this unpleasantness, we have the honor to salute you. 1 rentrees, incomings (of cash) ; 2 durer, to last ; the Present Tense is used, because the relations are still lasting at the time of writing. Messieurs Dupont et Lacroix, Toulon. Nous vous reinetfcons ci-joint deux moities de billets de banque de fr. 1,000 chacun, a compte sur votre facture de fr. 2180.90 en date du 20 Janvier dernier et un mandat-poste de fr. 180.90 pour 1'appoint; les deux autres moities vous 'arriveront par le courrier de demain. Ayez 1'obligeance de crediter notre compt,e de pareille soinme, et agreez, Messieurs, nos salutations empressecs. GODKFROI ET ClE. We remit you hereicith two halves of bank notes each for 1,000 fr. on account ol your invoice of 2,180 francs 90 centimes, dated Jan. 20th last, and a money order tor 180 francs 90 centimes for the odd amount ; the. two other halves will arrive (to you) by the post of to-morrow. Have the obligingness to credit our account with the corresponding amount, and receive, gentlemen, our earnest salutations. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 61 Le tl&vre, 17 Rue Tonet. la 16 Juillet, 1900. Messieurs Loiret eb C Ie , Cherbourg. Nous avons lien regu vofcre honore'e du 12 c*, nous portant votre compte d'avances et debours s'elevant 1 a fr. 590.50. Veuillez vous couvrir de cette somme par votre traifce sur nous a 10 jours de vue, tout 2 accueil lui tant reiser ve". 2 Nous vous remercions du soin que vons avez apporte" a cette affaire et esperons que nous serons bientdt 4 meme de mettre votre entremise 3 a contribution. En attendant, recevez nos cordialites empresse'eg. BOULANGER ET ClE. We have duly received your favor of the 12th inst., bringing us your account of advances and disbursements amounting to 590 francs 50 centimes. Kindly cover yourself for this sum by your draft oa us at 10 days from sight, which we shall duly honor. We thank you for the care which you have given to this matter, and hope that we shall soon be in a position to avail ourselves of your assistance. In the meantime, receive our earnest cordialities. 1 raising itself ; 2 all reception (or welcome) being reserved to it ; 3 intervention. Toulon, le 17 Juin, 1900. Monsieur L. Chenier, Paris. Nous venous? par la present?, 1 vous prier de Men vouloir nous 1 couvrir de 8 notre facture du 9 fevrier, s'elevant 3 a fr. 1,560. Nos paiements de fin juin e"tant/0r/ lourds, nous nous voyons forces de presser un peu le reglement de cette affaire, et vous prions de tenir* compte de cette circonstance. Agreez nos civilites sinceres. ROUSTAND freres. We hereby beg you to kindly settle our invoice of Feb. 9th, amounting to 1,560 francs. Our payments of end [of] June being very heavy, we see ourselves forced to hasten a little the settlement of this affair, and beg you to take into account this circumstance. Receive our sincere civilities. I come by the present (letter) ; 2 cover us of ; 3 raising itself ; 4 hold account oi. 62 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CO-RESPONDENT. Paris, 30 Janvier, 1900. Messieurs P. eb T. Lescot, Cherbourg. Re"pondant i votre lettre dn 25 c* au sujet de votre proposition de prendre en consignation une certaine quantite de nos produits, nous ne demanderions pas mieux que d'acceder a votre desir, a tilre d'essai. Mais deux circonstances s'opposent a CB qne, nous fassions 1 1'op^ration tout de suite, savoir* : 1, notre fabrication est epuisee pour le moment ; et 2, nous desirons avoir de plus amples renseignements sur les probabilites de rapports 3 suivis 3 et importants, ru la rapidite avec laquelle nos produits s'enlevent. 4 Si vous voulez bien nous fournir tout ce qw vous savez ou que vous pourrez recueillir 8 a cet egard, nous vous ferons 6 connaitre notre decision. Peut-e'tre voudrez-vous 7 lien joindre a la somme des renseigne- ments, nn releve" du prix moyen sur votre place, dans le cours de I'annoe bcoulee, ce qui nous serait precieux. En attendant le plaisir de vous lire, 8 nous vous saluons, Messieurs, bien sincerement. DELILLE ET COTTIN. Replying to your letter of the 25th inst., on the subject of your proposition to take into stock a certain quantity of our pro- ductions, we should not ask better than to accede to your desire, by iray of trial. But two circumstances oppose themselves to our doing the operation at once, namely : firstly, that our manufacture is exhausted for the time being ; and second iy, that we wish to have more ample information on the probabilities of future large transactions, in view 0/"the rapidity with which our productions go off. If you will kindly furnish us all that you know or that you will be able to ascertain in this respect, we shall let yon know our decision. Perhaps you will kindly join to the total of the required particulars, a statement of the average price on your market in the course of last year, which would be valuable to us. In awaiting the pleasure of hearing from you, we salute you, gentlemen, very sincerely. DELILLE & COTTIN. 1 Subjunctive, after ioppoger it; 2 to know ; 3 connections followed ; 4 carry themselves away ; 5 collect ; 6 shall make ; 7 when the Subject does not begin the sentence, the Verb and Subject are sometimes reversed ; 8 to read. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. (53 Amiens, ce 12 Aodt, 1900. Monsieur L. Jacotot, Narbonne. Je suis en general peu adonne" anx speculations, mais j'avoue que I'affaire proposee me tente fortement, car, contre un minimum de risque, elle paraib promettre dea be'nefices tres remune'rateurs' en cas de succes. J'ai eu, a ce sujet, une asses longue entrevue avec un de mes amis, M. Vernefc, en qui j'ai la plus grande confiance, et non seulement il approuve 1'alTaire, mais il offre d'y participer. A moins done que vous ne fassiez 2 opposition & son dsir, nous ferons I'affaire a /rois, raises 3 e'gales. En ce cas, veuillez faire* assurer*' en inSme temps et aux me'mes conditions la part de chacun, nous tenir au s cowan t 6 des negotiations, et nous aviser de la conclusion du marche. 6 Sinceres amities. R. TALLON. I am in general little addicted to speculations, but I own that tbe affair tempts me strongly, for against a minimum of risk, it appears to promise very great profits in case of success. I bave bad on this subject a rather long interview with one of my friends, Mr. Vernet, in whom I have the greatest confidence, and not only he approves [of] the affair, but he offers to participate in it. Unless therefore you make opposition to his wish, we will do the business among the three of us, equal shares. In that case, kindly get insured at the same time and on the same conditions the share of each, keep us fully informed of the negotiations, and advise us of the conclusion of the bargain. Sincere friendships. 1 remunerative; 2 the Verb following a moins que ^ unless i is Sub- junctive, and preceded by ne ; 3 deposits ; 4 cause to (be) insured ; 6 in the running ; 6 market. Rouen, le 7 Mars, 1900. Messieurs Roubeaud freres, Dunkerque. Je vous remercie du contenu de votre estime'e du 1 M c l , et je euis tout a me charger de 1'affaire. Mais avant d'entre- prendre les negotiations, je desirerais savoir sur quelle part He com- mission je pourrais compter, en cas de succes, apres remboursement de mes debourses et frais de Replacement. Esperant que vous voudrez bien me favoriser d'une reponse par retour du courrier, je vous prie, Messieurs, d'agreer mes salutations respectueuses. J. BONNET. 64 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. I thank you for the contents of your favor of the 1st inst., and I am quite disposed to take charge of the affair. But before undertaking the negotiations, I should wish to know on what amount of commission I should be able to rely, in case of success, after refunding of my out of pocket expenses, and expenses of travelling. Hoping that you will kindly favor me with a reply by return of post, I beg you, Gentlemen, to receive my respectful salutations. Dunkerqtif, le 14 Mars, 1900. Monsieur J. Bonnet, Rouen. Nous avons bien retju votre lettre du 7 courant et avons 1'avantage de vous dire que, vu le peu d'importance du chiffre auquel deira 1 monter la vente de ces articles, nous ne pouvons vous allouer j-w'une commission de 3 pour cent, tous vos frais payes, 1'affaire n'etant pas pour nous tres r6mun6ratrice. En cas de succes, vous pouvez compter sur d'autres affaires qui presenteront, 7 2 faut Vesperer, 2 des avanfcages mutuels plus re"mune>ateurs. Veuillez agre"er, Monsieur, nos civilites empressees. ROUBEAUD freres. We have duly received your letter of the 7th inst., and have the advantage to tell you that, in view of the slight importance of the figure to which the sale of these articles will amount, we can only allow you a commission of 3 per cent, all your expenses paid, the transaction not being for us very remunerative. In case of success, you can rely on other transactions which will present, we must hope, mutual advantages more remunerative. Kindly receive, sir, our earnest civilities. 1 will have to ; 2 it is necessary to hope it. Cherbourg, le 11 Fevrier, 1900. Monsieur Reynaud, Lille. Nous avons le plaisir de vous remettre ci-joint notre ccnnpte detaille des differents prix atteints par les marchandises dont vous nous avez confie la vente, ainsi que celui de nos frais et debours, le montant net a votre credit etant de fr. 575. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 66 Nous tiendrong cette somme k votre disposition, et noua conformerous a vos instructions quant a sa destination. Recevez, Monsieur, nos meilleures salutations. C. RAIMBAUD ET OIE. We have the pleasure to remit you herewith our detailed account of the different prices reached by the goods of which you have entrusted to us the sale, as well as that of our expenses and disbursements, the net amount to your credit being (of) 575 francs. We shall hold this sum at your disposal, and we shall conform to yonr instructions as regards its destination. Receive, sir, our best salutations. Pan's, 31 Mars, 1901. Monsieur A. Leblanc, Marseille. Vous trouverez sous' ce pli 1 F. 2,724.85 en divers comine suit: Traite sur Paris 15 Avril prochain fr. 600.30 T te s/ Lyon 25 300.90 T to s/ Rouen 30 927. Mon billet a ordre 15 Mai 896.65 Ensemble 2 Frs. 2,72485 dont je vous serai oblige 1 de bien vouloir creditor raon compfce & ce jour. 8 J'ai 1'honneur de vous saluer. R. LINDET. You will find enclosed 2,724 francs 85 centimes in various as follows : Draft on Paris April 15th next 600 f. 30 c. Lyons 25th 300 f. 90 c. Rouen tfOth 927 f. My note to order May 15th 896'f'. 65 c. Total 2,724 f. 85 centimes with ivhich I shall be obliged to you to kindly credit my account. 1 have the honor to salute you. 1 under this fold ; 2 together ; 3 to this day. 66 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Pontoise, 7 Sept., 1900. Messieurs Rousseau et ses fils, Paris. Par suite du mauvais eiat des affaires, je me trouve dans la necessite de vous prier de lien vouloir annuler la cornmande que vous portait ma lettre du 30 ecoutt, car je craindrais que ce Burcrott a mon debit ne nous jett dans les embarras et les Je compte sur votre obligeance pour acceder a mon d&ir, et VOUB prie d'agieer mes regrets siuceres et mes respectueuses salutations. J. BARBUT. Ifi consequence of the bad state of business, I am compelled to beg you kindly to cancel the order which my letter of the 30th ult. brought you, for I should fear that this increase to my debit might throw us in embarrassments and unpleasantnesses. I rely on your obligingness to comply icilh my desire, and beg you to receive my sincere regrets and respectful salutations. Le Havre, le 13 Fevriei; 1900. Monsieur Leopold Ranc, Marseille. Je Buis heureux de vous informer que le vapeur " Duquesne," arrive depuis ] deux jours, nous a apport6 1'envoi signale et facture par vous en date du 29 Janvier coule. Le debarquement s'esP opere 3 dans les meilleures conditions, de sorte jw'il n'y a aucuue espece de dommage a conslater. Souhaitant 8 d'avoir le meme bonheur au prochain envoi, je vous preseute, Monsieur, mes meilleures civilites. R. LAOARDE. I am happy to inform you that the steamer " Duquesne," arrived two days ago, has brought us the consignment indicated and invoiced by you in date of Jan. 29th last. The unloading has been carried out under the best conditions, so tltat there is no kind of damage to prove. Hoping to have the same good fortune at the next sending, I present you, sir, my best civilities. 1 since ; 2 is (=iiusj operated itself ; 3 wishing. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 67 DunJcerque, IB 18 Juin, 1900. Monsieur E. Gui chard, Bordeaux. Desirant nous 1 dtfaire 1 d'une parfcie de nos cafe's et cacaos, provenant de notre achat du 1 M c*, nous vous prions de les e"couler de la maniere qui vous paraitra la plus avantageuse a nos interests, et dans le plus 2 bref 2 deMai possible. Ces marchandises ont etc" apportees par le " Cadiz," ainsi que vous le verrez par les docu- ments ci-joints, 3 et notre bordereau 4 vous donnera le detail des quantite's et quality's a vendre. 6 Au besoin, rnais a la derniere extre'mite', nous consentirions a une reduction de 5 pour cent sur le prix d'achat. Esperant que, vu les cours acluels, cette reduction ne sera pag ne"cessaire, nous avons 1'hoimeur de vous presenter nos meilleures salutations. H. INGRES ET CIE. Wishing to dispose of a part of our coffees and cocoas pro- ceeding from our purchase of the 1st inst., we beg you to sell them in the way which will appear to you the most advantageous to our interests, and with the least, delay possible. These goods have been brought by the " Cadiz," as you will see (it) by the documents enclosed, and our memorandum will give you the detail of the quantities and qualities to be sold. In case of need, but at the last extremity, we should consent to a reduction of 5 per cent on the price of purchase. Hoping that, in view of the present rates, this reduction will not be necessary, we have the honor to present you our best salutations. 1 rid ourselves, pet rid ; 2 most brief ; 3 here joined ; 4 detailed list, statement of particulars ; 5 a is used before an Infinitive which can be changed to the Passive Voice without altering the meaning. Nantes, 9 Juillet, 1900. Monsieur Lapierre, Lyon. Avant de recevoir 1 a 1'acceptation 1 votre traite de fr. 1,450, flous venons 2 vous faire remarquer 2 que votre lettre d'avis de memo date que la traite ne fait mention que d'une somme de 950 franca. Evidemment il y a erreur d'un c6te" ou de 1'autre, et c'est oonrquoi nous nous 3 voyons 3 dans la necessite d'ajourner notre acceptation jusqu'au re9u de vos explications. 68 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. En raison de cette difference nous sommes, lien qu'a regret, dans 1'obligation de n'accepter vos traites que quand nous^saurons exaclement a quoi nous en tenir* sur ce point. Vous ne serez, done ni etonne ni blesse", 6 Monsieur, que nous nous soyons* abstenus en attendant vos explications. Nous avons 1'honneur de vous saluer. GARNIER ET MORKAU. Before accepting your bill/or 1,450 francs, we hereby beg to point out that your letter of advice of same date as the bill only makes mention of a sum of 950 francs. Evidently there is error on one side or on the other, and therefore we feel compelled to postpone our acceptance until the receipt of your explanations. By reason of this difference, we are, although with regret, obliged to accept your drafts only when ice are fully informed on this point. You will then be neither astonished nor offended, sir, that ice should have refrained in awaiting your explanations. We have the honor to salute you. 1 receiving for acceptation ; 2 come to make you remark ; 3 see ourselves ; 4 we (shall) know exactly on what to depend ; 5 hurt ; 6 Subjunctive, after & re ktonnk and etre blesse (mental emotions). Bruxelles, 10 Juin, 1900. Monsieur Blanchet, Paris. Ayant pris Tavis de mon associe relativement a votre proposi- tion de depdt de litres 1 de propriety contre un pr&t de frs. 15,000 en votre faveur, j'ai 1'avantage de vous 9 donner avis* que, apres verification par notre avoue, le prSt vous Bera accorde au taux de 5 pour cent 1'an pour une duree de trois mois. Voua aurez b, nous donner une lettre de change pour cette aomme, en y ajoutant Tintere't. J'ai 1'honneur de vous saluer. JULES SANDBAG. Having taken the opinion of my partner relative to yonr proposal of deposit of title deeds against a loan of 15,000 francs in your favor, I have the advantage to advise you that, after verification by our solicitor, the loan will be granted to you at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for the term of three months. You will have to give us a bill of exchange for this sum, in adding to it the interest. I have the honor to salute you. 1 deeds of property ; 2 give you advice (i.e. information, notice). HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 69 Angouleme, 12 Juillet, 1900. Monsieur Roustan, Paris. J'ai lien recu votre lettre d'hier contenant les valeurs 1 suivantes, savoir 3 : Deux Obligations de la Ville de Marseille pour 1,000 francs chacune, avec coupons attaches pour 24 dividendes annuels. Trois Bons de la DetteEgyptienneUnifiee pour fr. 600 chacun. 50 Actions Eio Tinto de frs. 387.50 chacune. Les diffe'rents inte'rets 3 seront recouvres 4 par moi aufur et a mesure des echeances respectives, et places a- votre credit, suivant* instructions. J'ai 1'honneur de vous saluer. P. JULLIEN. I have duly received your letter of yesterday containing the following securities, namely : Two obligations of the town of Marseilles for 1,000 francs each, with coupons attached for 24 yearly dividends. Three bonds of the Unified Egyptian Debt for GOO francs"each. 50 Rio Tinto shares for 387 f. 50 c. each. The various dividends will be cashed by me in proportion to the respective fallings-due and placed to your credit, according to instructions. 1 have the honor to salute you. 1 values ; 2 to know ; 3 interests ; 4 recovered ; 5 following. Paris, 5 Mai, 1900. Monsieur F. Leonard, Autcuil. Je dois vous informer que j'ai fait 1 Ion accueil a 1 votre derniere traite, bien quo vos dispositions depassent encore votre credit chez moi. Mais je vous prie de regarder ce fait com me tout a fait contraire a mes habitudes 2 et ne pouvant en 3 aucune fafon 3 se 4 renouveler. 4 Je compte sur vous pour me couvrir & temps du paiement de cette traite. J'ai 1'honneur de vous saluer. THEOPHILE LEGRAND. I have to inform you that 1 have honored your last draft, although your drawings exceed still your credit with me. But I beg you to regard this act as quite contrary to my usual custom, and not being able under any circumstances to be repeated. I rely on you to cover me in time for the payment of this bill. I have the honor to salute you. 1 done good reception to ; 2 habits ; 3 in any fashion ; 4 renew itself. 70 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Granville, le 7 Mai, 1900. Monsieur Ledru, agent maritime, Cherbourg. De jour en jour nous attentions des nonvelles relativement aux marchandises composant la cargaison du brick" Holland," et ces marcbandises etant deja vendues, nons avons a les livrer sous pen de jonrs. Ne comprenant rien a votre silence, nous venons VOUB de- mander 1'explication de ce retard Strange. Oomptant sur votre reponse par retour du courrier, nous avons 1'honneur de vous saluer. DESPREZ KT CHAMBEAU. From day to day, we are expecting some news relating to the goods composing the cargo of the brig" Holland," and these goods being already Bold, we have to deliver them in a few days. Understanding nothing by your silence, we now beg to ask you the explanation of this strange delay. Relying on your reply by return of post, we have the honor to salute you. Cherbourg, le 9 Mai, 1900. Messieurs Desprez et Chambeau, Granville. Je m'empresse de vous donner 1'explication demandee par votre estimee du 7 c*. La cause du retard dont vous vons'plaignez^it dans 1'eloigne- ment de notre port au large de terre, lequel nous force a nous* servir 2 d'alleges. Outre le double travail que ce genre de de- barquement 3 exige, il faut compter avec les centre-temps de toufces sortes inherents a la mauvaise saison ou nous sommes. I hasten to give you the explanation asked by your favor of the 7th inst. The cause of the delay of which you complain lies in the distance of our port from the anchorage, which forces us to make use of tenders. Besides the double work which this kind of landing requires, it is necessary to reckon with the mischances of all sorts inherent to the bad season in which we are. 1 pity yourself ; 2 serve ourselves ; 3 disembarking. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 71 Aussi a-t-il e"te impossible de rien faire par la terrible qui nous assaille depnis trois jours. Je regrette d'avoir a vous dire qua tonte ma bonne volonte" ne peut rien contre cet obstacle, et je ne puis que vous promettre de redoubler d'activite" aussit6fc que la tourmente aura cesse". Dans 1'espoir que nous en serons bientdb de'livre's, je vous prie, Messieurs, d'agreer mes civilites les plus empressees. V. LEDRU. Thus it has been impossible to do anything during the terrible tempest which has been assailing us for three days. I regret to have to tell you that all my good will can [do] nothing against this obstacle, and I can only promise you to redouble m activity as soon as the storm has ceased. In the hope that we shall be soon delivered .from it, I beg you, gentlemen, to receive my most ardent salutations. Rouen, 14 Septembre, 1900. Messieurs Ludovio Cartier et Larousse, Cherbourg. II nous arrive sur la maison Reybaud freres, de votre ville, des rumenrs qui nous inquieten^beaucoup,^ cause des intents engages.' Conside>ant les desastres financiers qui viennent de se 3 pro- duire 3 de 1'autre e&te de la Manche, ces bruits 4 semblent ne pas manquer de fondement. Dans ces circonstances inquie"tantes se trouve la justification de la demarche que nous tentons aujourd'hui aupres 5 de" vous en vous priant instamment de bien vonloir nous dire ce que vous savez ou pourriez apprendre de la situation exacte dans laquelle nos correspondants sont places. Comptez, Messieurs, sur notre vive gratitude pour le service que nous sollicitons de votre obligeance, et agre"ez nos remerct- ments anticipes. DAUMAS FRCRES & CIE. There reaches us about the firm Reybaud Brothers, of your town, some rumors which cause us great uneasiness, on account of the interests involved. Considering the financial disasters which 1 disquiet ; 2 engaged ; 3 produce themselves ; 4 noiaea ; 5 near. 72 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. have just happened on the other side of the Channel, these reports seem not to lack foundation. In these disquieting circumstances is the justification of the step which we attempt now with you, in begging you earnestly to kindly tell us what you know or might learn of the exact situation in which our correspondents are placed. Rely, gentlemen, on our lively gratitude for the service which we solicit of your kindness, and receive our thanks in advance. Cherbourg, 17 Septembre, 1900, Messieurs Daumas freres et C to ., Rouen.. En reponse a votre honoree du 14 c*., nous demandant des renseignements sur la maison Reybaud freres, nous venons 1 vous dire que, eprouvee 2 par quelques pertes assez serieuses, 2 cette maison a malheureusement cherche, dans la speculation, le moyen de retablir 3 sea affaires. 3 Comme il 4 arrive la plupart du temps, 4 ses calculs ont et6 trompes, de sorte que sa situation n'a 5 fait qu'empirer 5 au point qu'elle s'est attire" la de"consideration du commerce de notre place. 6 Regrettant de n'avoir pas de meilleurs renseignements a voug fournir, agre"ez, Messieurs, Tassurance de notre consideration. LUDOVIC CARTIKR KT LAROUSSE, In reply to your favor of the 14th inst., asking us [for] some information about the firm Reybaud Brothers, we beg to tell you that, having experienced some rather serious losses, this firm has unfortunately sought, in (the) speculation, a means of getting straight again. As generally happens, its calculations have been mistaken, so that its situation has only grown worse, to the point that it h;is drawn to itself the distrust of business circles here. Regretting not to have better information to furnish you, receive, gentlemen, the assurance of our consideration. 1 come ; 2 tried by some losses enough serious ; 3 re-establish ite affairs ; 4 it happens the greater part of the time ; 5 has done nothing but get worse ; 6 place (=town, market). HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL OOBEESFONDBNT. 78 Paris, 7 Janvier, 1900. Messieurs Renouard et fils, Lyon. Une traite de fr. 2,500, mise l par yous & la date da 15 de"cembre dernier, ordre Charles Augier, m'a e"te" presentee aujourd'hui a 1 'acceptation. Mais attendu que je n'ai, jusqu'ici, reyu de vous aucun avis concernant cet effet, je viens 2 vous demander vos instructions, apres avoir obtenu du porteur qu'il s'abstiendrait de toute demarche jusqu'a la reception de votre lettre, que je vous prie de m'envoyer dans 3 le plus bref de"lai 3 possible, vu les circonstances. J'ai 1'honneur de vous saluer. J. DUMASSET. A bill of 2,500 francs, issued by you with the date of Dec. 15th last, order Charles Augier, has been presented to me for acceptance. But, seeing that I have up to now received from you no intimation concerning this draft, I now beg to ask of you your instructions, after having obtained from the bearer [a promise] that he would abstain from all [further] step until the receipt qf your letter, which I beg you to send me as quickly as possible, in view of the circumstances. I have the honor to salute you. 4 1 emitted ; 2 come ; 3 in the most brief delay. Lyon, If 10 Janvier, 1900. Monsieur J. Dumasset, banquier, Paris. Au re?u de votre estime'e du 7 c*., nous nous sommes referes a notre copie de lettres et avons trouve que, a la date du . . ., vous etiez avise" de remission de la traite en question. Veuillez done avoir 1'obligeance de la reve'tir de votre acceptation. Le gargon de bureau affirmant avoir mis cette letire a la poste avec le reste de notre courrier, elle aura 6t6 garee en route ou autrement. Regrettant cet incident desagreable, nous vous prions d'agreer nos civilitea sinceres. RUNOUARD ET FILS. On the receipt of your favor of the 7th inst., we referred to our letter-book, and have found that, on the . . ., you were advised of the issue of the bill in question. Kindly therefore have the obligingness to invest it with your acceptance. The office boy etating that he put this letter in the post with the rest of our letters, it nwt have been mislaid on the way or otherwise. Regretting this disagreeable incident, we beg you to receive our sincere civilities. 74 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Bordeaux, 15 Mai, 1901. Messieurs Ravel et ses fils, Marseille. En response a vofcre lefctre de refus d' acceptation de mon envoi, je prends la liberte de vous dire : 1, que la marchandise otait bien emballee, car nous pouvons compter a tons egards sur les soins de notre caviste ; 2, que vous vous 1 trompez 1 sur la qnalite" et l'ge du vin. Apres trente ans d'expeiience commerciale, il ne m'est guere 1 possible de commettre de pareilles negligences, et la reputation dont* jonit mon nom me met a 4 1'abri de 4 tout reproche. Si vous ne savez pas ce qu'il y a a faire dans un cas pareil a celui que vous mentionnez, prenez des conseils, et conformez-vons aux usages du commerce dans tons les pays du monde. Quant a moi, je maintiens la transaction jusqu'i plus ample informe de votre part, et cela devra tre definitivement fixe et arrSte dans le courant 8 de la quinzaine,*a partir d'aujourd'hui. B. PIAT. In reply to your letter of refusal of acceptance of my sending, I take the liberty to tell you : firstly, that the merchandise was well packed, for we can depend in all respects on the care(s) of our cellarman ; secondly, that yon are mistaken about the quality and the age of the wine. After thirty years of business experience, it is hardly possible for me to commit such negligences, and the reputation which my name enjoys puts me beyond all reproach. If you do not know what there is to be done in a case similar to that which you mention, take (some) advices, and conform yourself to the customs of business in all the countries of the world. As for me, I uphold the transaction until more ample information on your part, and it will have to be definitely fixed and settled in the course of a fortnight (to start) from to-day. 1 deceive yourself ; 2 hardly, ne ... gukre ; 3 OF which ; to enjoy (=be in enjoyment of) anything, jouir DE quelque chose ; 4 in the shelter of ; 5 running. ^^ i ___ ii _ p __ > _____ e __ Marseille, 20 Mai, 1901. Monsieur B. Piat, a Bordeaux. Repondant a votre lettre un pen vive, 1 en date du 15, nons venons' 2 vous dire que vous vous^tes m^pris sur'le sens de la ndtre. Replying to your somewhat sharp letter, dated the 15th, we beg to tell you that you have misconstrued the sense of ours. 1 lively ; 2 come ; 3 are (=have) mistaken yourself on. C.O M M 5 rs C T (~*i ^ iv. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 75 Notre intention n'e"tait nullement de mettre 4 en question votre loyaute, 6 mais simplement de congtater 1 un fait Evident et d'ex- primer ce que nous croyions e"tre une opinion fondle. Nous avons fait, 7 snivanfc votre conseil, les demarches ne"ces- saires pour nous mettre en'regle'dans cette affaire et nous esperons, dans quelqnes jours, vous faire 9 connaitre la decision des experts, tant pour le dommage que pour la qualite" dn vin. Si nous nous 10 sommes trompes 10 sur cette derniere, nous ferons 11 compter 11 le nombre de bouteilles restees intactes efc nous les garderons ou les laisserona a votre disposition. Eecevez, Monsieur, nos salutations empresses. EAVBL ET SES FILS. Our intention was not in the least to call in question your good faith, but simply to establish the truth of an evident fact and to express what we thought to be a founded opinion. We have taken, following your advice, the steps necessary to put us right in this affair, aria we hope in a few days to let you know the decision of the experts, as well for the damages as for the quality of the wine. If we are mistaken on this last, we shall have the number of bottles remaining intact counted, and we shall keep them or leave them at your disposal. 4 put ; 5 loyalty ; 6 verify ; 7 made ; 8 in order ; 9 make ; 10 have deceived ourselves ; 11 shall make count=cause to be counted. Toulon, 8 Octobre, 1901. Monsieur F. R. Jardieu, Cherbourg. Nous venons vous faire nos offres de service pour une forte 1 partie 1 de fourrures que nous avons en " dock " pour le compte de la Maison Durand freres, de Bordeaux. Ces merchandises, dont nous sommes les seuls de"tenteurs sur la place, sont toutes de premier choix 8 et, comme nous avons appris, 3 hier en Bourse du commerce, que vous pourriez vous en We hereby make you our offers of service for a splendid lot of furs which we have in dock for the account of the firm Durand Brothers, of Bordeaux. These goods, of which we are the sole holders in the place, are all of first rate quality, and as we heard yesterday on the exchange (of the commerce) that you might 1 strong part ; 2 choice ; 3 learnt. T6 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. constitner preneur, nous avons pris la liberfcd de vous adresser la presente offre. Le prix, augments' detous frais, assurance, fret, etc., estcalcule a sa plus basse limite, de sorte qu'il ne peut 4 supporter aucune espece de reduction ulterieure ; et le paiement est a trente jours, a partir 5 de la livraison. Nous vous serious obliges de nous faire 8 connaitre vos inten- tions a 1'eoard de notre proposition ou, s'il y a lieu, 7 de bien vouloir nous fixer un rendez-vous. ROUOET FILS ET CIE. constitute yourself taker of them, we have taken the liberty of addressing to you the present offer. The price, increased by all expenses, insurance, freight, etc., is calculated at its lowest limit, so that it does not allow of any kind of further reduction ; and the payment ifl at 30 days after delivery. We should be obliged to you to let us know your intentions with regard to our proposal, or if there is occasion, to kindly fix an appointment with us. 4 can ; 5 start ; 6 make ; 7 place. Bordeaux, 16 Mai, 1901. Monsieur H. Touraine, Nantes. Nous venons 1 vous prier de faire assurer, a a notre compte,' centre tous risqnes de mer, la sorame de frs. 5,000 sur les tonneaux de vin en voie 1 d'embarquement snr le " Breton," en partance pour New- York, et vous recommandons d'en* faire ouvrir* imme'diatement la police. L'assurance, cela va sans dire, devra s'etendre 5 au voyage complet. Nous avons 1'honneur de vous saluer. BARDET ET CIE. We hereby beg yon to get insured for us against all risks of sea, the amount of 5,000 francs on the casks of wine in course of shipment on the " Breton," (in) leaving for New York, and re- commend you to have the policy made out at once. The insurance, it goes without saying, will have to cover the whole voyage. We have the honor to salute you. 1 come ; 2 to our account ; 3 way ; 4 to of-it make open ; 6 extend itself. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND BNT. 77 Paris, 15 Janvier, 1901. Messieurs Laloi, Bret et fils, Lyon. J'ai 1'honneur de vous donner avis que le 10 du courant j'ai dispose sur vous pour la somme de F. 8,835.75, en trois traitea com me suit : F. 2,120 a dix jours de vue, ordre Estellier et fils F. 4,975.25 a vingt jours de date, o/ D. Bernard F. 1,740.50 a trente jours, o/ Laurent et C u Ensemble F. 8,835.75 Veuillez reserver votre bon accueil accoutume" a ma signature et passer celte somme au debit de mon compte. J'ai 1'honneur de vous saluer. JULES HEINE. I have the honor to give you information that on the 10th inst. I haye drawn on you for the sum of 8,835 francs 75 centimes, in three bills as follows : 2,120 francs at ten days from sight, order Estellier & Son. 4,975 fr. 25 c. ab twenty days from date, order D. Bernard. 1,740 fr. 50 c. at thirty days, order Laurent & Co. Total 8,835 fr. 75 c. Kindly reserve your customary good reception to my signature, and place this sum to the debit of my account. I have the honor to salute you. Lorimt, 14 Aouf, 1901. Monsieur Lautard, Xantes. En reponse a votre estim^e du 9 c*., il est entendu que toua les frais encourus, a ce jour, pour 1'execution de noire ordre de- nicurent a notre charge et que, a 1'egard dcs parties deja traitees, nous acceptons le fait accompli, le retrait de notre ordre ne conoernant que les operations pendantes ou non encore entamees. Au cas ou vous ne consentiriez pas a 1'annulation de notre ordre, nous sorames prets a exdcuter toutes les conditions de notre contrat. Nuus avons 1'honneur de vous saluer. P6RK ET FILS. 78 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. In reply to your favor of the 9th inst., it is understood that all the expenses incurred up to now for the execution of our order remain at our charge, and that with regard to the parts already dealt with, we accept the accomplished fact, the withdrawal of our order concerning only the operations pending, or not yet begun upon. In (the) case (where) you should not consent to the cancelling of our order, we are ready to carry out all the conditions of our contract. We have the honor to salute you. Le Havre, 13 Decembre, 1901. Monsieur L. Lescot, armateur, Nantes. Dea nouvelles 2 navrantes 1 nous sont apportees par le courrier de ce matin relativement a votre navire le "Pelican," nouvelles que nous avons le triste devoir de vous communiquer. Un de ces epais brouillards qui rendent la navigation de la Manche si peril- leuse dans la saison ou nous sommes s'esD 3 eleve 3 dans la nuit d'avant-hier. Vobre navire a te pris 4 en flano* par le vapeur americain " Washington," se rendant 5 de Londres a New- York, et a 6t6 tellement peneire qu'il s'est 6 ouvert 6 en deux, pour ainsi dire. La rencontre a eu lieu vers 9 h. , et a 10 h. 25 le " Pelican " perissait 7 corps et biens, 7 a la hauteur 8 des " Needles," pres de 1'ile de Wight. Si vous avez des instructions particulieres a nous donner relativement a 1'assurance, vous pouvez compter sur notre entier devouement a vos iuterSts. DELAINE ET CORENTIN. Very grave tidings are brought to us by the post of this morning, relative tt> your vessel the " Pelican," news which we have the sad duty to communicate to you. One of those thick fogs which render the navigation of the Channel so perilous at the present season rose in the night of the day before yesterday. Your ship was struck in the side by the American steamer " Washington," on its way from London to New York, and was so penetrated that it was cut in two, so to speak. The encounter took place about 9.30, and at 10.25 the " Pelican " sank, with all on board, off the Needles, near the Isle of Wight. If you have any special instructions to give us relative to the insurance, you may depend on our entire devotion to your interests. 1 heartrending ; 2 news ; 3 has raised itself ; 4 taken in flank ; 5 tt rendre, go to ; 6 has opened itself ; 7 perished, crew and cargo ; 8 height. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 79 Verviers, 24 Juin, 1901. Monsieur R. T. Jones, Londres. A son retour d'Angleterre, mon voyageur m'a fait 1 part 1 du desappointement qu'il a eprouve en vous trouvant absent. Supposant que vous e"tes, ou serez bientdt de retour, 8 je prends la Iibert6 de vous envoyer lea echantillons de nos dernieres sortes, lesquelles n'ont pas encore ete sonmises a vos concurrents, et j'y 1 joins* les prix au-dessous desquels il m'est impossible de descendre. Comme j'ai le plus grand desir d'entrer en relations avec votre maison, je m'estimerai heureux et flatte si vous voulez bien me faire la faveur d'une petite commande. Esperaut recevoir bientot uue reponse favorable, je vous prie d'agreer Tassurance de ma consideration. F. VERSTRAC'TB. On his return from England, my traveller has acquainted me with the disappointment he experienced in finding you absent. Supposing that you are, or will be soon, back again, I take the liberty of sending you the samples of our latest sorts, which have not yet been submitted to your competitors, and I therefore add the prices below which it is impossible for me to go. As I have the greatest desire to enter in relations with your firm, I shall esteem myself happy and flattered if you will kindly do me the favor of a small order. Hoping to receive soon a favorable reply, I beg you to receive the assurance of my consideration. 1 made part ; 2 return ; 3 thereto join. Lonires, I 61 Jiiilkt, 1901. Messieurs F. Verstraete et C le ., Verviers. Je vous accuse reception de votre honored du 24 e"coute con- tenant trois echantillons drap. Me 1 rapportanfc 1 a votre parole que les dessins n'ont pas encore e"te presentes sur notre place, 2 et assez satisfait de la qualite et des prix, je vous prierai jde m'expe- dier 3 pieces de chaque numero aux prix indiques et aui conditions de paiement ordinaires sur notre place. La saison s'avanant, je vous serai oblige de ue pas mettre 3 de retard 3 dans I'envoi. J'ai 1'honneur de vous saluer. R. T. JONES. 80 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 24th ult, containing three samples cloth. Relying on your assurance that the designs have not yet been presented here, and satisfied enough with the quality and with the prices, I shall beg you to forward me three pieces of each number at the prices indicated and at the ordinary conditions of payment here. The season advancing (itself), I shall be obliged to you not to delay the sending. I have the honor to salute you. 1 bringing myself back ; 2 the business circles of a town ; 3 put delay. Paris, 6 Mai, 1901. Monsieur B. Faure, Bordeaux. Nous avons 1'avantage de vous donner avis que nous avons remis, ce jour au chemin de fer, les marchandises ci-apres 1 pour vous Stre expe'diees par petite 3 vitesse 2 : 1 Caisse, B. P. No. 162. 2 do. do. 163, 164. 8 Caisses contenant 1'integralite de votre commando du 12 avril e"coule. a Vous trouverez ci-joint le recepisse* de la Comp le concernant ces 3 caisses et vous autorisant , prendre livraison. Les frais de transport e"tant a vobre charge, vous voudrez bien les acquitter. En attendant la faveur de nouveaux ordres, nous vous prions d'agreer nos civilites les plus cordiales. LAURENT PILS ET CIE. We have the advantage to give you notice that we have re- mitted this day to the railway the following goods, to be forwarded to you by goods train. 1 case, B. F. No. 162. 2 cases B. F. 163, 164. 3 cases containing the whole of your order of April 12tb last. You will find adjoined the receipt of the company concerning these 3 cases and authorizing you to take delivery. The expenses of carriage being at -your charge, you will kindly settle them. In awaiting the favor of new orders, we beg you to receive our most cordial civilities. 1 hereinafter ; 2 little quickness ; 3 elapsed ; 4 official receipt, voucher. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL COR RESPONDENT. 81 Bordeaux, 15 Mai, 1901. Messieurs Laurent fils et C le ., Paris. J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que j ai bien re$u par la petite vitesse, chemin de fer de 1'Ouest, lea 3 caisses d'envoi du 6 courant. Ces colis 1 soiit arrives en parfaib 6tat, ce qui m'a permis 2 de faire face immediatement a la demande pressante de plusieurs de mes pratiques. Vous remerciant de votre promptitude et de vos bons soins, je vous prie d'agreer mes cordialites empressees. B. FAURB. I have the pleasure to announce to you that I have duly received per goods train, Western Railway, the 3 cases of sending [of] 6th inst. These packages arrived in perfect state, which has enabled me to meet immediately the pressing demand of several of my customers. Thanking you for your promptitude and for your good cares, I beg you to receive my earnest cordialities. 1 bales, packages ; paquet would be used for a small parcel ; 2 permitted. Bordeaux, le 13 Janvier, 1961. Messieurs Roustand et neveux, a Cette. Nous avons 1'avantage de vous donner avis que nous faisons 1 charger, 1 demain, sur le vapeur " La Gironde," lea 10 tonneaux St. Emilion 1894 coramandes par votre lettre du 31 X bre e"coule. Selon votre recommandation, les fu,ts sont neufs et enfermes sous double emballage. Chaque fut porte la marque R.N., et lea Nos. vont de 1 a 40 inclusivement. Ci-joint le connaissement et le manifesto auxquellea nous ajoutons facture s'elevant a F. . . ., dont nous vous prions de creditor notre coinpte. Avec nos remerciements veuillez agreer, Messieurs, nos civilite"s tres empressees. BOXTKL ET DAUMIER. We have the advantage to give you notice that we are having shipped to-morrow on the steamer "La Gironde," the 10 casks St. Emilion 1894, ordered by your letter of the 31st December last. According to your recommendation, the casks are new and enclosed under double packing. Each cask bears the mark R.N., 82 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. and the numbers go from 1 to 40 inclusively. Adjoined the bill of lading and the manifest, to which we add invoice amounting to ... francs, with which we beg you to credit our account. With our thanks, kindly receive our very earnest civilities. Lyon, IS Mars, 1901. Messieurs Roupinot, et C Ie ., St. fitienne. J'ai bien reu votre estimee du 10 c 1 , me demandant d'accepter votre traite' de mme date. Je comprends bien le tort que, dans les circonstauces mentionnees, vous causerait le retour de cet effet, aussi consentirai-je a 1'accepter, mais sous prote't. Au CUB agsez probable ou ledit effet ne serait pas pay6 a l^cheance, je vous en ferais le retour sans frais. Veuillez agreer mes salutations sinceres. L. MORIOIER. I have duly received your favor of the 10th inst., asking me to accept your bill of same date. I understand well the injury that in the circumstances mentioned the return of this draft would cause you, so I shall consent to accept it, but under protest. In the somewhat probable case of the said draft not being paid at the falling-due, I should make you the return of it without expenses. Kindly receive my sincere salutations. St. Etienne, 11 Mai, 1901. Monsieur L. Moricier, Lyon. Craignant, vu les pertes considerables que me cause la crise financiere, de ne pas pouvoir, malgre' mes efforts, vous fournir la provision integrate relative a ma traite du 15 Fevrier, je viens vous prier de Men vouloir, au cas ou je ne serais pas pre't a temps pour 1'echeance, de fournir 1 sur moi a 30 jours de date en meme temps que ladite traite serait acquittee. 2 Ce delai me pa rait tout a fait suffisant. Fearing, on account of the considerable losses which the finan- cial crisis is causing me, not to be able, in spite of my efforts, to furnish you the whole provision relative to my draft of Feb. 15th, * I hereby beg you to kindly, in case I should not be ready in time for the falling-due, draw on me at 30 days from date at the same time as the said bill would be met. This delay appears to me quite 1 furnish ; 2 acquitted, paid. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 88 Je vous prie d'agr&r 3 mes excuses pour ce retard 4 d'un mois cause" par des circonstances aussi fortuitea 6 que penibles, et vous remercie d'avance, persuade que vous ne refuserez pas de consentir a ma demande. Yotre devout serviteur. A. RICHARD. sufficient. I beg you to accept my excuses for this postponement of a month, caused by circumstances as accidental as painful, and thank you in advance, persuaded that you will not refuse to consent to my request. Your devoted servant. 3=rcceive j 4 delay ; 5 oaaual=unforeseen. Lyon, 15 Avril, 1901. Monsieur Lacroise, banquier, a Avignon. Bien que je vous sois 1 totalement inconnu, je prends la liberte", au nom de la solidarite commerciale, de vous prier de modifier sur la position pecuniaire et 1'integrite de Monsieur M. D. de votre ville, qui m'adresse une commande considerable dont le chiffre abteindrait 2 F. 3,000. Je vous serais on 3 ne peut plus 3 reconnaissant des renseigne- ments que vous voudriez bien me donner et dont ce qui precede vous montre {'importance, ajoutant que vous pourriez absolumeut compter 4 sur ma discretion. Permettez-moi done, Monsieur, d'egpe'rer que vous ferez bou accueil a ma demande et Agre'ez 1' assurance de ma haute consideration. P. BONNARD. Although I am totally unknown to you, I take the liberty, in the name of commercial stability, to beg you to enlighten me on the pecuniary position and the honesty of Mr. M. D. of your town, who sends me a considerable order, of which the figure would amount to 3,000 francs. I should be ever so grateful for the in- formation that you would kindly give me and of which what precedes shows you the importance, adding that yon might absolutely rely on my discretion. Permit me then, sir, to hope that you will do good reception to my request, and receive the assurance of my high consideration. 1 Subjunctive, after bien que ; 2 would attain ; 3 one cannot more; 4 count 84 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Avignon, 18 Avril, 1901. Monsieur F. Bonuard, negotiant, a Lyon. Je m'empresse de r^pondre a votre lettre du 15 c l a 1'egard des renseignements concernant M. . Ce negotiant jouit d'une haute reputation d'integrite' ; il n'est peut-Stre pas tres riche, mais il dispose pour les raisons donnees d'un Ires bon credit. Je ne crains pas d'engager ma responsabilite en vous disant que voua pouvez traiter avec lui en toute confiance. Heureux d'avoir pu vous douner des renseignements aussi rassurants, j'ai 1'honneur, Monsieur, de vous presenter mes salutations distinguees. LACROISE. I hasten to reply to your letter of the 15th inst., with regard to the references concerning Mr. . This merchant enjoys (of) a high reputation of integrity ; he is perhaps not very rich, but he commands for the reasons given a very good credit. I do not fear to engage my responsibility in telling yon that you can deal with him, in all confidence. Happy to have been able to give you such reassuring informations, I have the honor, sir, to present to you my distinguished salutations. Paris, ce 14 7 bre , 1901. Monsieur Leblanc, a Tours. En re"ponse a votre honoree du 10 c 1 ., je m'empresse de vous donner les renseignements que vous me demandez sur 1'etat actuel de la Bourse. La confiance renaissant, 1 le moment est des plus propices pour le placement et la speculation, car tout est encore a bas prix. Les operations des grosses maisons ont deja commence, quoique distributes par petites parties, afin de ne pas causer au detriment des dites maisons, une elevation trop rapide des cours. 2 Les achats ne se portent encore que sur les Rentes, les Obligations Ville de Paris et les chernins de fer, toutes valeurs dont I'ecoule- ment 3 est facile en tout temps, mais le tour des autres valeurs determine par 1'elevatiou du prix des precedentes, ou par Tentrame- general, ne tardera pas a venir. En resume, 6 nous sommes HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 85 en presence d'un mouvemenfc ascensionnel imminent dont, a mon avis, vous feriez bien de profiler. Dans 1'attente de vos ordres, je vous prie d'agre"er, Monsieur, 1'assurance de ma consideration la plus distingue"e. A. LEOL&RB. In reply to your favor of the 10th inst., I hasten to give you the informations which you ask me on the present state of the Exchange. Confidence reviving, the moment is of the most propitious for placing and speculation, for everything is still at low prices. The operations of the big firms have already com- menceil, although distributed by small portions, so as not to cause, to the detriment of the said firms, a too rapid rise of the prices. The purchases only carry themselves [as] yet on stocks, City of Paris and railway bonds, all securities of which the selling is easy at any time, but the turn of the other securities determined by the raising of the price of the preceding, or by the general drift of affairs, will not be long in coming. In a word, we are in presence of an imminent ascending movement, by which, in my opin on, you would do Well to profit. In the expectation of your orders, I beg you to receive, sir, the assurance of my most distinguished consideration. 1 from renattre, to be born again, spring: up again ; 2 rates, present quotations ; 3 running out=disposal ; 4 dragging ; 5 summing-up. Marseille, 14 7 bre , 1901. Monsieur Sautel, Lyon. Relativement a la dynamite dont vons me demandez de faire faire rembarquement pour Cadiz, j'ai le regret de vous inforraei qn'aucune des Compagnies de notre place ne veut consentir a faire porter, par ses vapeurs, un explosif anssi dangereux. Le seul moyen de 1'expadier a destination serait, a mon avis, d'employer un navire a voiles ou un cabotier. Au cas ou voua m'aviseriez de votre consentement a 1'emploi de 1'un ou de 1'autre de ces transports, je ferais le necessaire. i En attendant vos instructions definitives, je vous prie d'agreer, Monsieur, mes civilites les plus empressees. L. CHART EL, Agmt Maritiine. 86 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND KNT. Relative to the dynamite of which you ask me to have the shipment made for Cadiz, I have the regret to inform you that none of the companies here will consent to have so dangerous an explosive carried by its steamers. The only means of forwarding it to destination would be, in my opinion, to employ a sailing vessel or a coaster. In case you should advise me of your consent to the employment of one or the other of these transports, I shall do the necessary. In awaiting your definite instructions, I beg you to receive, sir, my most ardent civilities. Le Havre, 30 Juin, 1901. Messieurs Thibaudeau et C 1 '., Granville. J'ai le plaisir de vous donner avis que les gros 1 temps ayant pris 2 fin vers le 15 du c*, on a pu enfin proceder au dechargement de " 1'Epervier." Pour lie pas augmenter les frais de surestaries 3 occasionne"s par ces intemperies sans precedent dans la belle saison, la mise 4 a terre 4 de la cargaison activce par 1'emploi de grues a vapeur, a e"t effectu^e en six jonrs. Les marchandises en transit placees d'abord sous une tente dressed par mes soins sur le quai ont e"t ensuite dirig^es 6 sur I'entrep&t ; et quant aux autres, laissees aux soins de la Gompagnie des docks, j'attends vos nouvelles instructions. Veuillez agreer, Messieurs, mes respectueuses salutations. F. RONDEAU. I have the pleasure to give you information that the stormy weather having come to an end about the 15th inst., one has been able at last to proceed to the unloading of the K Sparrow-Hawk." Not to increase the expenses of surcharges occasioned by these inclemencies without precedent in the tine season, the landing of the cargo, accelerated by the employment of steam cranes, has been effected in six days. The goods in transit placed first under a tent erected by my cares on the quay have been afterwards sent on to the warehouse ; and as regards the others, left to the cares of the dock company, I am awaiting your new instructions. Kindly receive, gentlemen, my respectful salutations. 1 big, rough ; 2 taken ; 3 a shipping term, meaning ' extra dues,' 4 additional harbour or dock fees ' ; 4 putting to laud ; 5 directed. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL COHRKSPONDENT. 87 Bordeaux, le 6 Avril, 1901. Messieurs Dnval et Lebon, Paris. J'ai le plaisir de vous remettre ci-inclus la facfcure et le connaissement du vin de Bordeaux embarqu6 sur votre estime" ordre, valeur fr. 1,840, pour laquelle somme j'ai 1'a vantage de presenter a votre acceptation ma traite a 12 mois de date. Esperant recevoir de vous la favour de nouveaux ordres, je vous prie d'agre"er raes sinceres salutations. H. LELEU. I have the pleasure to remit you enclosed the invoice and the bill of lading of the claret shipped as per your esteemed order, value 1,840 francs, for which sum I have the advantage to present for your acceptance my draft at 12 months from date. Hoping to receive from you the favor of further orders, I beg you to receive my sincere salutations. Lyon, 18 Mars, 1901. Monsieur L. Domergne, batiquier, a Paris. J'ai 1'a vantage de vous remettre sous ce pli 1 F. 1500, en billets de banque Nos. 1,982, 1,983, 1,984, et vous donne avis que Messieurs Sandeau et Puyo, mes correspondants sur votre place,* ont ordre de vous verser en especes F. 1,750. Vous m'obligerez de passer le total, s'elevant 3 a F. 3,250, an credit de mon compte. En attendant le plaisir de vous faire bientdt une autre remise, je vous prie d'agreer I'assurance de ma consideration. F. LANTIER. I have the advantage to remit you enclosed 1,500 francs, in banknotes Nos. 1,982, 1,983, 1,984, and give you information that Messieurs Sandeau & Puyo, my correspondents in your town, have order to pay out to you in cash F. 1,750. You will oblige me to pass the total, amounting to F. 3,250, to the credit of my account. In awaiting the pleasure of making you soon another remittance, I beg you to receive the assurance of ray consideration. 1 fold ; 2place=tihe merchants, bankers, etc. in a town } 3 raising itself. 88 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Lyon, 16 Juillet, 1901. Messieurs J. Holton et C le ., a Paris. Nona avons 1'honneur de vons informer que M. Chevrenl, notre voyageur, part la semaine prochaine pour Paris, muni d'un grand assortiment d'echantillons sur lesquels il compte 1 prendre bon norabre de commissions. Nous prenons la liberie" de vous le recommander afin que, a la faveur de vos bons conseils et de votre connaissance approfondie de votre place, il soit 2 a meme d'operer en toute securite. Vous trouverez, nous n'en 8 doutons pas, dans le porteur de notre lettre un jeune horn me fort intelligent, tres actif et, en rne'rne temps, charmant 4 causetir. 4 Permettez-nous, Messieurs, de vons remercier bien sincerement de 1'accucil cordial que vous lui rcserverez, nous en sommes surs, et comptez qu'a 1'oceasion nous serons prSts a vous rendre, avec empressemeut, le me" me service. Agreez, Messieurs, 1'assurance de nos sentiments distinguea. TAVAT, FRCRES. We have the honor to inform you that Mr. Chevreul, our traveller, starts next week for Paris, provided with a large assort- ment of samples, on which he expects to take a good number of orders. We take the liberty of recommending him to you, so that favored by your good advice(s) and your profound knowledge of the Paris market, he may be in a position to transact business in all security. You will find, we do not doubt (of it), in the bearer of our letter a young man very intelligent, very active, and at the same time a delightful conversationalist. Permit us, gentlemen, to thank you very sincerely for the cordial reception that you will reserve for him, we are sure (of it\ and rely that when occasion arises we shall be ready to render you wiih eagerness the same service. Receive, sirs, the assurance of our distingnii-hed sentiments. 1 counts ; 2 Subjunctive, after afin que ; 3 of it ; 4 charming talker. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL COR'iESPONDKNT. 89 Paris, SO Juillet, 1901. Messieurs Tavel freres, a Lyon. Nous nous 1 plaisons 1 a croire que M. Chevreul, votre voyageur, a trouve 1 chez nons tout Taccueil auquel lui donnait droit votre lettre de recommandation du 16 c*. Apres 1'avoir e'tudie' un jour ou deux, nous avons pleinement rcconnu qu'il me>itait les eloges que vous faites de son intelligence et de scs aptitudes aux affaires ; aussi 1'avons-nous 8 mis en rapport avec plusieurs maisons importantes de nobre place, et sa lettre vous dira demain avec quel succes il s'est* tire" 1 de ses negotiations a- ec la plupart d'entre elles. Natureljement, nous desirions en attendre le r6sultat avant de voua re"pondre et vous prions d'aitribuer a cette cause notre retard jusqu'a ce jour. Permettez-nous, en terminant, de vous feliciter de la possession d'un tel repre"sentant et de vous assurer du plaisir veritable que nous aurons toujours a vous Stre utiles. J. HOLTON ET Gil. We are pleased to believe that Mr. Chevreul, your traveller, has found with us all the reception to which your letter of recommendation of the 16th inst. gave him right. After having studied him a day or two, we have fully recognized that he deserved the eulogies that you make on his intelligence and business capacity ; so we have put him in relation with several important firms here, and his letter will tell you to-morrow witfc what success he has come out of his negotiations with the majority from among them. Of course, we desired to await the result of it before answering you, and beg you to attribute to this cause our delay up to this day. Permit us in conclusion to congratulate you on the possession of su -h a representative, and to aspire you of the true pleasure that we shall always have in being useful to you. 1 please ourselves ; 2 if aussi begins the sentence, the Verb and Subject ire reversed ; 3 drawn himself, 90 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Paris, 7 S bre , 1901. Monsieur Durand, Nantes. J'ai 1'honneur de vous informer qne, sentant le besoin de me reposer des fatigues et des soucis de ma longue carriere coramer- ciale, j'ai decide de me retirer des affaires 1 en confiant a M. Chan- lieu, mon ge>ant depuis dix ans, les de*tine"es de la maison fondee par moi en 1860. Mais, en me retirant, je ne l fais abandon que 8 de la partie active, car je commanditc* mon successeur pour une ' somme considerable, laquelle, ajoute'e a son support personnel, constitue un capital plus que suffisant pour assurer les meillenres conditions a la clientele 4 et parer 1 a s toutes les e~ventualite"s. Je vous remercie des preuves de confiance que vons avez e"te assez bon pour me donner, et je ne doute pas que vous n'etendiez 6 cette confiance a M. Chaulieu, qui la merite deja a tous e"gards, et s'appliquera 7 constamment a en rester digue. Agr&z, je vous prie, Monsieur, mes civilite"s les plus sinceres. CHARLES AUBRY. I have the honour to inform you that, feeling the need to rest from the fatigues and cares of my long commercial career, I have decided to retire from business in entrusting to Mr. Chaulieu, my manager for ten years, the fortunes of the firm founded by me in 1860. But in retiring (myself), I only resign the active part, for I back up my successor for a considerable sum, which, added to his personal property, constitutes a capital more than sufficient to ensure the best conditions to the customers and provide for all contingencies. I thank you for the proofs of confidence that you have been good enough to give me, and I do not doubt that you will extend this confidence to Mr. Chaulieu, who deserves it already in all respects, and will endeavour constantly to remain worthy of it. Receive, I beg you, sir, my most sincere civilities. ] business, in a general sense, is always made plural in French ; affaire means a single transaction ; 2 only make abandonment ; 3 furnish the capital to; 4 the general body of customers, the business connection; 5 guard against ; 6 Subjunctive, with ne, after douter ; 7 will apply himself. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 91 Paris, 7 8 bn , 1901. Monsieur Durand, Nantes. Me re"ferant a la circulaire d'autre 1 part, 1 j'ai 1'honnenr de voua faire a Bavoir 2 qu'a partir 8 du l w Novembre prochain je prends la suite 4 du commerce de . . ., fonde" par mon pre"decesseur M. Charles Aubry et & la te"te duquel il sera reste depuis sa fon- dation jusqu'a I'e'poque 6 ci-dessus. Pendant les dix annees de ma gerance j'ai pu apprecier de plus pres qu'auparavant la sollicitnde apporte"e 8 par lui aux intei'Sts de ses clients et Stre te"moin de la confiance que ces derniers reposent en son zele et en sa loyaute". 7 Determine a suivre son exemple, j'espere meViter la mSme recompense ; et je n'hesite pas a compter sur votre bonne volonte" i me 1'accorder. ^ p. O HAULIEU . Referring (myself) to the circular elsewhere, I have the honor to inform you that from Nov. 1st next, I take over the business of . . ., founded by my predecessor, Mr. Charles Aubry, and at the head of which, since its foundation, he will have remained up to the time above. During the ten years of my management I have been able to appreciate more nearly than before the solici- tude given by him to the interests of his customers, and to be witness of the confidence that these latter had in his zeal and in his integrity. Determined to follow his example, I hope to merit the same reward ; and I do not hesitate to count on your good will to accord it to me. 1 of other place ; 2 make know ; 3 start ; 4 continuation ; 6 period ; 6 brought ; 7 loyalty, probity. Marseille, 12 b , 1901. Nous sommes en possession de vos honorees des 7 et 8 courant et, en reponse, nous avons 1'avantage de vous donner avis que nous nous sommes mis en communication a ce sujet avec nos amis de Cherbourg. Nous vous ecrirons en detail, demain, le re- sultat des demarches de notre representant. Quant a la parfcie de marchandises non embarquee, nous ne pouvons que confirrner ce que nous vous avons de"ja ecrifc, savoir 1 que nous declinons toute responsabilite", attendu que notre an- nonce declarait expressement que toutes les marchandises devant 1 92 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CO-RESPONDENT. faire 3 partie de la cargaison de ce navire devaient se s trouver 1 sous 4 vergues* des la veille de la date de son depart. Xous notons qu'un de vos amis a 1' intention de se rendre a Malte par notre prochain vapeur. Vous trouverez ci-joint le bulletin du prix des Maces et autres renseignements, et nous nous ferons un plaisir de wus fournir toute indication que vona pour- riez desirer. A . CREMIEUX ET GIB. We are in possofcion of your favors of the 7th and 8th inst., and, in reply, we hdre the advantage to give yon information that we have put oiiriejfes in communication on this subject with our friends at Cher%>nrj. We will write to you in detail to-morrow [as to] the result of the steps of our representative. As regards the portion of good^ not shipped, we can only confirm what we have already written to you, namely that we decline all responsi- bility, inasmuch as ou? advertisement stated expressly that all goods that were to formpart of the cargo of thut ship must be at the ship's side not later titan the day before the date of her de- parture. We note that onfe of your friends has the intention of proceeding to Malta by our next steamer. You will find enclosed the table of the fares and other informations, and we shall do ourselves pleasure to furnish you [with] all information that yon might desire. 1 to know ; 2 being obliged to make ; 3 find themselves ; 4 nnder yards. Liege, 17 Aout, 1901. Messieurs Daumier et fils, Bruxelles. En couveiture 1 de vos debours^s et de votre commission sur la liquidation de notre ordre de vente du 10 c*, nous vous remet- tons ci-inclus fr. 750 en billets de la Banque Nationale de Belgique et vous serons obliges de nous faire 2 passer 2 par mandat-poste le montant net de 1'excedent. DUFOUR ET CIIAULKT. In payment of your expenses and of your commission on the liquidation of onr order of sale of the 10th inst., we remit you enclosed 750 francs in notes of the National Bank of Belgium, and shall be obliged to you to send us by money order the net amount of the excess. 1 covering ; 2 make pass=cause to pass. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 93 Lyon, 11 S bw , 1901. Tout en vons remerciant de la proposition que me porte votre honoree du ]4 c*, je ne puis m'empe'cher 1 de vous faire reraarquer qu'une commission de 3 % est bien 2 peu 3 remunerative, attendu que la vente de vos articles sur notre place e"tant fort restreinte, 1 le chiffre* d'affaires 4 a esperer 5 n'est pas considerable ; et il faut ajouter a cela que, a la lougue, les frais d'exploitation doivent n&essairement compter. 6 Cependant, comme cet essai ne me lie que pour trois mois, je consentirai a le tenter 7 aussitdt que j'aurai reu vos e"chantillons et dernieres 8 instructions. j DUVAL. While thanking you for the proposition which your favor of the 14th inst. brings me, I cannot help remarking to you that a commission of 3 % is not very remunerative, because the sale of your articles in the market here being very limited, the total amount of business to be expected is not much ; and it is necessary to add to that, that in the long run, the expenses of working must necessarily be taken into account. Nevertheless, as this trial only binds me for three months, I will consent to try it as soon as I have received your samples and final instructions. 1 prevent myself ; 2 well little ; 3 restricted ; 4 figure of affairs ; 5 hope ; 6 count ; 7 attempt ; 8 latest. Lyon, le 2 juin, 1901. En embarquant les marchandises detaill^es an bordereau du 16 ecoule, veuillez regler 1 votre evaluation sur les prix de facture en y ajoutant 15 % y plus le montant des frais de toutes sortes. De cette fa9on, 2 le chiffre total representera le montant de la police d'assurance. Quant a la somme de F. 12,000 assuree sur le chargement du "Phoenix," je desirerais, au cas ou la Compagnie d' Assurances n'y ferait pas d'opposition, porter 8 Passn ranee que vous avez ouverte 4 sur ces marchandises a une somme totale de P. 20.000. Enfin je vous prie de faire transborder sur le "Lion "les marchandises chargees sur 1' "Italic," ce dernier navire, par suite 8 d'un accident fortuit, 8 ne se 7 trouvant 7 pas en etat de prendre 8 la mer de quelques mois. En ce dernier cas vous aurez 1'obligeance de faire 9 reporter 9 sur le " Lion " Passuranoe ouverte prealable- oaent sur \ " Italic." J. EOMIEUX. 94 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. In shipping the goods mentioned in the detailed statement of the 16th ult., kindly base your valuation on the prices of invoice in adding thereto 15 96, plus the amount of expenses of all kinds. In this way, the total figure will represent the amount of the policy of assurance. As regards the sum of 12,000 francs insured on the cargo of the " Phoenix," I should wish, in case the in- surance company should not make opposition to it, to increase the insurance which you have taken out on these goods to a total sum of 20,000 francs. Finally, I beg you to get trans-shipped to the " Lion " the goods loaded on the " Italy," the latter ship, in con- sequence of an unforeseen accident, not being in a state to put to sea for some months. In the latter case, you will have the obligingness to get transferred to the "Lion" the insurance taken out previously on the " Italy." 1 regulate ; 2 fashion ; 3 carry ; 4 opened ; 5 result ; 6 chance, casual ; 7 finding itself ; 8 take ; 9 xuse to carry over. Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer en rcponse a votre estimee du 2 c*, que vos instructions .ont etc scrupuleusement exeo-utees. En consequence la police d'assurance au titre du "Midas" de par 1'augmenMtion des 15 % s'eleve 1 a la somine total e de F. . . . Cello au titre du "Phoenix " a ete portee 5 d'assez* bonne grace 8 par les assureurs a F. 20,000. Le virement a ete execute au moment ou nous avons donne 1'ordre de transborder les marchandises, en d'autres termes Passurance sur 1' " Italic " a &6 effectuee au titre du " Lion " et, considerant la saison oil nous sommes, on 4 peut dire 4 que cette assurance s'est opere"e a des conditions tout a fait avantageuses. We have the pleasure to inform you in reply to your favor of the 2nd inst., that your instructions have been scrupulously carried out. In consequence, the policy of insurance on the " Midas," by the fact of the increase of 15 96, amounts to the sum total of . . . francs. That on the " Phoenix " has been increased quite willingly by the insurers to 20,000 francs. The transfer has been executed at the moment when we have given the order to trans-ship the goods ; in other words the insurance on the " Italy " has been effected on the " Lion," and, considering the season in which we are, it can be said that this insurance has been arranged on quite advantageous conditions. 1 raises itself ; 2 carried , 3 with enough good grace ; -t one can say. HUGOS FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRKSPOXDENT. 95 Marseille, 8 Ao&t, 1901. Messieurs Testa et O., Brest. Indus vous trouverez deux connaissements a une caisse verrerie marquee T.C., et 3 colis bimbeloterie N". 7, 8, 9, mis a votre adresse, a bord du vapeur " 1'Aigle," C ie . Lyonnaise, par bant 1 apres-demain. Ces colis doivent tre remis 2 a M.M. Trichard et fils, de votre ville, lesquels, avise's par moi, viendront 3 vous les re'clamer. 1 Veuillez les leur livrer sur simple reyu et agreer mes meilleurea civilitds. B. BOUOHARDSON. Enclosed you will find two bills of lading to a case of glass- ware marked T.C., and three parcels of toys Nos. 7, 8, 9, put to your address on board (of) the steamer " Eagle," Lyons Company, sailing the day after to-morrow. These parcels are to be delivered to Messrs. Trichard & Sons, of your town, who, advised by me,wiil send to you for them. Kindly deliver them to them on simple receipt, and receive my best civilities. 1 starting ; 2 handed over ; 3 will come to claim them of you. Brest, U Aout, 1901. Monsieur B. Bouchardson, Marseille. Nous venons vous donuer avis que nous avons livre" ce matin a M.M. Trichard et files les marchandises apportees par " 1'Aigle," en parfait etat. Ci-joiut notre bordereau de frais dout vous voudrez bieu nous creditor. Salutations sinceres. TESTU ET OIK. We hereby give you notice that we have delivered this morning to Messrs. Trichard and Sons the goods brought by the " Eagle," in perfect condition. Adjoined our statement of expenses, with which kindly credit us. Sincere salutations. 96 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Paris, 5 Janvier, 1901. Monsieur Leon Dru, banquier, a Lyon. (Monsieur,) Le courrier m'apporte a 1'instant votre estime'e du 8 c*., m'avisant que vous avez fourni sur moi a dix jours, ordre Beauvallet, pour la somme de F. 4,500.10. Soyez persuade que votre signature sera bien et dument honoree par moi a presentation et entuellement, amener la hausse, par la raison que les valeurs seront en meil- leures mains. Quel est le prix du report ? Quelques ope"rateurs offrent de 10 a 1296 pour un emprunt a courte eche"ance, afin de ne pas se separer de valeurs dans les- quelles, malgre" la baisse, ils ont encore foi. Ceci contraste etrangement avec le taux a 2 % de la Banque. C'est une preuve qu'on manque de confiance. Les bouleversements des af- faires d' Orient sont la terreur constante du placement. La demande s'est un peu ralentie. On dit que la re'colte du coton est extraordiuairement abon- daiite, et la qualiui au-dessus de la moyenne. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORUKSPONDENT. 117 Although very large orders were placed on the market, prices did not go up, because large consignments were an- nounced. The brokers are very re- luctant to take orders for goods to be delivered in January. These goods are in the hands of a few wealthy firms, who almost form a ring. If, however, the harvest turns out as reported, no human combination can keep up these prices. The crash is bound to come in the end. This will be a good lesson for the monopolists. The look-out is not good. The situation could not be better. The prices closed firm again to-day. Prices are bound to go up, because the stock is very limited, and the demand is increasing rather than diminishing. A general rise has taken place ; we nevertheless do not advise you to buy for specu- lation. The news from the continent is not re-assuring. The ministry has again re- signed in France, but it has Bien que des ordres impor- tants soient venus sur le marche", les prix ne sont pas months, a cause des grands arrivages an- nonces. Les courtiers ne prennent pas volontiers d'ordres pour mar- chandises a livrer en Janvier. Ces marchandises sont entre les mains d'un petit nombre de maisons, qui forment presque un monopole. Cependant si la r^colte est telle qu'on la represente, aucune combinaison humaine ne peut maintenir ces prix-la. II faut que le ' krach ' arrive a la fin. Ce sera une bonne lecon pour les accapareurs. La perspective n'est pas belle. La situation ne saurait e"tre meilleure. Les cours ont c!6tur fermes aujourd'hui encore. Les cours sont forces de s'e- lever, parce que 1'existence est tres limitee, et la demande s'accroit plutdt que de diminuer. Une hausse generate s'est produite ; neanmoins nous ne vous conseillons pas d'acheter en speculation. Les nouvelles du Continent ne sont pas rassurantes. Encore un ministere francais qui a donne sa demission, maia 118 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. hardly influenced the markets so far. If, however, the new Cabinet shows warlike tendencies, we cannot answer for anything which may happen on the ex- changes of Europe. I want to invest some money. Do you want to invest it solely for the sake of in- terest, or as a speculation ? An investment which gives me good interest, and at the same time offers a chance of profiting by a rise in prices. In that case, I should advise you to invest your money in three different securities. We should like to follow your advice ; of course, the interest is certain ? Decidedly so ; and besides, you will probably have a good chance of making a profit on the present price. I hope you will let me know when you think it advisable to sell. Certainly, we will do so if you wish it. What is your opinion of the option business ? I can only advise you to have nothing to do with it. cela n'a presquepas eu, jusqu'ici, d'influence sur le marche". Cependant si le nouveau Cabi- net laisse voir des intentions mena^antes pour la paix actuelle, nous ne repondons pas des evene- ments qui pourraient se produire sur les Bourses de 1'Europe. Je desire placer un peu d'ar- gent. Youlez-vous un placement a interet fixe et seulement en vue de I'intere't, ou un placement speculatif ? Un placement qui me donne un bon interSt, et en me 1 me temps m'offre une occasion de profiter d'une hausse. En ce cas, je vous conseil- lerais de placer votre argent sur trois differentes valeurs. Nous serions heureux de suivre votre avis ; naturelle- ment 1'interet est assure ? Tres certainement et, de plus, vous aurez tres probablement 1'occasion de faire un profit sur le prix actuel. J'espere que vous serez assez bon pour me dire quand il faudra vendre. Certainement, nous le ferons si vous le dcsirez. Quelle est votre opinion sur les operations a prime ? Je ne puis que vous engager a n'avoir rien a faire avec. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRRSPONDENT. 119 Some one is bound to lose, and you may be quite certain that it is not the broker. Are we to have the goods insured that we bought for you ? We have an insurance policy which covers all the goods coming into our ware- houses, whether they belong to us or not. Can you recommend us an insurance office which is known for its liberal dealings ? "We were not satisfied with the Company we used to insure in. They paid us a few trifling claims very readily. But recently, when we had a bigger claim, they treated us in a most outrageous manner. They assumed a tone as if it were proved that we were trying to cheat them. Their representative was so insolent with his questions that we had to show him the door. This had the effect of in- ducing firms who were insured with them for big amounts, to make enquiries about the Company. AVe found, as we half H faut que quelqu'un perde, et soyez bien sur que ce n'est 3as 1'agent de change. Faut-il que nous fassions as- surer les marchandises que nous avons achetees pour vous ? Nous avons une police d'as- surance qui couvre toutes les marchandises qui entrent dans nos entrepots, qu'elles nous ap- partiennent ou non. Pouvez-vous nous recomman- der une compagnie d'assurances connue pour sa maniere de traiter largement les affaires ? Nous n 'avons pas ete contents de la Compagnie qui nous faisait nos assurances. Elle nous a paye tres rapide- ment quelques petites reclama- tions. Mais, recemment, ayant eu 1'occasion d'en f aire une plus im- portante, nous avons ete traite"s de la maniere la plus indigne. Ilsl'ontpris surun tel ton qu'oa aurait pu regarder comme prou ve que nous voulions les voler. Lerepresentant de la C le s'est permis des questions si insolentes que nous avons du lui montrer la porte. Ceci a eu pour resultat d'in- duire les maisons ayant les plus grosses reclamations a faire, a prendre des renseignements sur la Compagnie. Nous avons appris, comme 120 HUGO'S FRKNCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. suspected, that this is the Company's usual style of doing business. They settle small claims most readily, and use them as advertisements. As soon as a large claim arises, they fight it by every means in their power. This way of doing business cannot be advantageous in the long ran. It must eventually become known. Please effect an insurance against all risks on the goods you shipped for us. Let us have the policy as soon as you can. We hope you will do your best to obtain the lowest rate possible, but, of course, in a first-class insurance office. The amount insured is not sufficient. Please increase the policy to 500 francs more. Insurance rates are always higher at this time of year. The Insurance Company must be informed immediately anything happens to the ship. The agent of the Company inspected ship and cargo carefully. nous nous y attendions un pen, que c'est la coutume de la com- pagnie en question. Ils payent les petites in' demnites tres volon tiers et s'en servent comme reclame. Aussit6t qu'un cas important se presente, ils le combattent par tous les moyens. Cette maniere d'operer ne peut pas, a la longue, tre profitable. Elle finit toujours par 6tre connue. Yeuillez effectuer nne as- surance contre tous risques sur les marchandises embarque"es pour notre compte. Faites-nous en parvenir la po- lice aussitot que vous le pourrez. Nous esperons que vons ferez de votre mieux pour obtenir le taux le plus bas possible, mais bien entendu, d'uae assurance de premiere classe. La somme assuree n'est pas suffisaute. Yeuillez la faire porter a 500 francs de plus. Les taux des assurances sont toujours plus eleves a cette epoque de Tanuee. II faut aviser la Comp ie d'as- surances des qu'il arrive quelque chose au navire. L'agent de la Comp ie a in- specte soigneusement uavire et cargaison. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 121 He will send his report to the head office. The ship is registered A 1 at Lloyd's. The ship is copper-bottomed. There is no accommodation for passengers. We cannot find a company in this town willing to undertake the risk. No company is willing to underwrite any amount on the ship, even at 10 %. Not having heard anything about the ship, we must look on it as lost. Will you please let us know what you know about the firm .... of your town ? Do you consider them trust- worthy ? Have they the reputation of being straightforward people ? Do you consider it safe to allow them a credit of 20,000 francs ? You can fully trust them to any reasonable amount. The firm has a very good reputation. He is a very industrious man. They have the reputation of sharp-dealing, if they get a chance. II enverra son proces-verbal au siege de la Societe. Le navire est cot an Lloyd A 1. La quille du navire est doubled de cuivre. II n'y a pas d'am^nagement pour les passagers. Nous ne pouvons trouver en notre ville aucune compagnie qui veuille prendre les risques. Aucune compagnie ne veut consentir a faire 1'assurance du navire, pas me 1 me a 10 %. N'ayant plus eu aucune nouvelle du navire, nous le con- siderons comme perdu. Youlez-vous avoir la bonte" de nous dire ce que vous savez sur la maison . . . . de votre ville ? La considerez-vous comme digne de confiance ? Ces messieurs ont-ils la repu- tation d'etre honne'tes ? Pensez-vous qu'on puisse leur accorder un credit defrs. 20,000? Vous pouvez leur faire credit pour toute somme raisonnable. La maison jouit d'une bonne reputation. C'est un homme tres tra- vailleur. Us ont la reputation de " serrer 1'anguille "* si 1'occasion s'eu presente. * literally : pressing or squeezing the eel. 122 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. He is considered little better than a swindler. They are very good people, but are said to be a long time in paying. Not much is known about him here, as almost all his trade is done abroad. "We should strongly advise you not to let him run up a big account. He is known throughout the trade as an exceptionally (=rank) bad payer. He hardly ever settles an account, no matter how small, except under threat of legal proceedings. This information must be considered as strictly con- fidential. They have dealt with us now for nearly twenty years. The firm bears a very good reputation in the trade. They always settle their accounts promptly. We have little doubt that you will get your money some day or other. We believe he is anxious to pay. Several bankruptcies have recently caused him great loss. We want to find a represen- tative in Australia. On le regarde a peu pres comme un escroc. Us sont tres bons, mais longs a payer, dit-on. On est tres peu au couranb de ses affaires ici, vu que presque tout son commerce se fait a 1'etranger. Nous vous consei lions forte- ment de ne pas lui faire un fort credit. Tout le commerce le con- nait pour un mauvais payeur fieffe. II ne regie presque ja- mais de compte, si petit qu'il soit, excepte sous menace de proces. Ces renseignements doivent e"tre regardes comme stricte- ment confidentiels. Us ont des affaires avec nous depuis pres de vingt ans. La maison jouit d'une tres bonne reputation dans le com- merce. Us paient toujours prompte- ment. Nous ne doutons pas que yous n'ayez votre argent, un jour ou 1'autre. Nous croyons qu'il a bonne envie de payer. Plusieurs faillites lui out cause dernierement de grosses pertes. Nous desirerions trouver un represeiitant en Australie. HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 123 Do you know of an energetic young man in Melbourne, to whom we can entrust our interests for that part of the world ? We wish to meet with a gentleman who can buy raw material for us. At the same time we should like him to find markets over there for our produce. An active man with a business of his own would suit us. Our intention is not to pay a large salary, but to give him a substantial in- terest in all business done. To a beginner we should of course pay a salary during the first year, and should agree to make him advances on account of commission if he desires it. We can recommend you a first-rate traveller, who speaks several languages. He is a very energetic man, who, although he does not understand your line of busi- ness, will soon make himself fully acquainted with it. But, as he is a married man, he cannot accept the situation without a fixed salary. Connaissez-vous,a Melbourne, un jeune homme energique, a qui nous puissions confier nos intere'ts pour cette partie du monde ? Nous souhaitons trouver un monsieur qui puisse acheter pour notre compte des matieres premieres. Nous aimerions, en m^rne temps, qu'il nous trouvat, la- bas, quelques debouche's pour nos produits. Un homme actif ayant un commerce a lui nous convien- drait. Notre intention n'est pas de payer de gros a'ppointements, mais de lui donner un interSt remune'rateur sur les affaires A un debutant nous paierions naturellement des appointe- ments des la l re annee, et con- sentirions a lui faire quelques acomptes sur les commissions, au cas ou il le desirerait. Nous pouvons vous recom- mander un voyageur de premier ordre, parlant plusieurs langues. C'est un homme tres actif qui, bien qu'il ne connaisse pas votre partie, se mettra bientdt entierement au courant. Mais comme il est marie", il ne peut accepter le poste sails appointements fixes. 124 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. He is 32 years of age, an Englishman by birth, and has travelled in all parts of Europe and America. We will engage your protege" at a fixed salary, but on trial only. He will have to come here alone. We shall see about making arrangements with him direct, how to supply his family with the money necessary for living purposes. Oblige us by asking him at once to write to us. Messrs. F. L. & Co., of London, have been good enough to inform me that you are in want of a representative in Australia. They have fully explained to me the duties to be fulfilled, and I should be very happy if you would give me a trial. These gentlemen were good enough to give you full in- formation about my career. I have nothing to add, except that I will do all in my power to deserve your confidence. As regards the salary, I must leave that for you to fix, as I do not know the cost of living in that country. Please fix a day when I may call on you to make final arrangements. II a 32 ans, est anglais d naissance, et a fait les voyages dans toutes les parties de 1' Eu- rope et de I'Ameriqne. Nous prendrons votre pro- te~ge a appointements fixes, mais a 1'essai seulement. II devra se presenter ici tout seul. Nous verrons & fixer avec lui les moyens de fournir a sa famine 1'argent pour sa sub- sistance. Yeuillez nous obliger en lui demandant tout de suite de nous e'crire. | Messieurs F. L. & C le ., de Londres, ont eu labonte" dem'in- former que vous avez besoin d'un representant en Australie. Us m'ont pleinement explique les devoirs a remplir, et je m'estimerai heureux si vous voulez me prendre a 1'essai. Ces messieurs ont eu 1'obli- geance de vous renseigner pleine- ment sur mes antecedents. Je n'ai rien a ajouter a ces renseignements si ce n'est que je ferai tous mes efforts pour meriter votre confiance. Quant aux appointements, je dois m'en rapporter a vous, vu que j 'ignore le prix des choses dans ce pays. Veuillez me fixer le jour ou je pourrai me presenter chez vous pour terminer tout autre arrangement. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 125 Unless I hear from you to the contrary, I shall call on you next Monday. We beg to inform you that your friend, Mr. , called on us last Monday. We were pleased with his personal appearance, and al- together he impressed us favor- ably. We therefore engaged him there and then, fixing an ample salary for his personal require- ments, and providing for the maintenance of his family. He will start for Australia by the next steamer leaving He will probably call on you before his departure to thank you for having recommended him to us. We thought you would like to know the result, and beg to thank you again for the trouble you have taken in the matter. We hope that an occasion will soon arise when we can render you a similar service. We have received your fa- vor of the 17th inst., in which you ask us for immediate settlement of your last quarter's account. We are exceedingly sorry that this has not been settled Ions A moins d'avis contraire de votre part, je me presenterai chez vous lundi prochain. Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer de la visite que votre ami M. nous a faite lundi dernier. Son exterieur nous a plu et, en general, il nous a fait bonne impression. C'est pourquoi nous 1'avons accepte seance tenante, lui avons fixe de bons appointements et pourvu aux besoins courants de sa famille. II partira pour 1' Australie par le premier vapeur en partance de 1'Angleterre. II vous fera probablemeut, avant son depart, une visite pour vous remercier de nous 1'avoir recommande^ Nous avons pense que vous seriez bien aise de connaitre le resultat et vous remercions en- core une f ois de la peine que vous avez prise dans cette affaire. Nous souhaitons qu'il se pre- sente bientdt a nous une occa- sion de vous rendre un service semblable. Nous avons re9u votre esti- mee du 17 c l , par laquelle vous nous demandez le reglement immediat de notre compte du dernier trimestre. Nous sommes excessiyement desoles de ne pas 1'avoir pay6 126 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. ago, but we assure you that through a combination of un- fortunate circumstances, it has been impossible. The accounts due to us are coming in so slowly that, in spite of all our endeavours, we can only pay you next week half the amount due to you. We must ask you kindly to allow the other half to stand over another three months, at the expiration of which period we will pay you the balance, with interest on it at the rate of 5 %. Kindly let us know by re- turn of post if you agree to our proposal, as otherwise we shall be compelled to suspend payments, in the interest of our creditors as well as our own. If we were to press our customers for payment as you press us, we should get in our outstanding accounts, it is true, but lose all chance of further orders. In reply to your letter, we beg to say that we do not want any 5 % interest ; we want pay- ment, because we are in need of the money. If your customers keep you waiting so long, we can only think the fault must lie with you. There are, of course, always a depuis longtemps, mais soyez assure" que par un concours de circonstances malheureuses cela nous a ete impossible. Nos rentrees se font si lente- ment qu'en depit de tous nos efforts nous ne pouvons vous payer, la semaine prochaine, que la moitie de votre cre"ance. Nous sommes forces de solliciter de vous la faveur de laisser courir 1'autre moitie" en- core trois mois, au bout desquels nous vous ferons tenir le solde, y compris I'inteiSt a 5 % 1'an. Ayez la bonte de nous faire savoir par le prochain courrier si vous consentez a notre proposi- tion car, dans le cas contraire, nous serons forces de suspendre nos paiements, dans I'luterSt de nos creanciers comme dans le n6tre. Si nous pressions nos clients comme vous nous pressez, nous ferions rentrer notre argent, c'est vrai, mais nous perdrions surement leur clientele. En reponse a votre lettre, nous avons a dire que nous ne voulons pas de votre interet a 5?6, mais que nous voulons notre argent, parce que nous en avoiis besoin. Si vos clients vous font at- teudre si longtemps, nous ne pouvons que peaser que la faute en est a vous-m6me. II y a toujours, on le sait, HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 127 few bad payers, but they only form a small minority. We would willingly accede to your request, but we cannot afford to do so. You must therefore either pay up, or take the conse- quences. We will allow you a fort- night to settle the balance. We have inserted an adver- tisement in the newspaper, for a book-keeper and correspondent. A young gentleman of the name of Jules Vernon has ap- plied for the post, mentioning you as his present employer and reference. His handwriting, and the experience which the applicant claims to possess, seem to us satisfactory. We therefore take the liberty of asking you kindly to let us know if you can recommend the gentleman in question. Whether he leaves of his own accord, or for what reason. Also whether you think him capable of carrying on the correspondence without any help beyond pointing out the gist of the reply. Any further information you can give us about him will greatly oblige. quelques mauvais payeurs, mais ils ne sont qu'en petit nombre. Nous accdderions volon tiers a votre demande, mais nous ne sommes pas en position de le faire. Consequemment il faut que les consequences du contraire. Nous vous accorderons quinze jours pour liquider le solde. Nous avons mis une annonce dans le journal pour un teneur de livres et correspondant. Un jeune homme du nom de Jules Vernon s'est presente pour le poste et vous a mentionne" comme e"tant son patron et sa caution. Son e"criture, et la pratique qu'il dit posseder, nous semble- raient satisfaisantes. C'est pourquoi nous prenons la liberte de vous prier de nous dire si vous pouvez recommander le jeune homme en question. S'il quitte sa place de son chef ou pour quelie raison parti culiere. Enfin, si vous le jugez capable de diriger la correspondance par lui-meme sans autre aide que la matiere de la reponse a donner. Tout renseignement addi- tionnel que vous pourriez noua douner a son sujet nous oblige- rait. 128 HUGO 8 FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Excuse the trouble we have given you, and believe us, yours truly, In reply to your enquiry respecting young Mr. Vernon, who is at present in our ser- vice, We can fully recommend him as a painstaking and trust- worthy young man. He is competent to carry on the ordinary correspondence without supervision. His knowledge of book- keeping by double and single entry is very good indeed. "We must, however, point out that he will probably only stop a few years with you, unless you tempt him by an exceptionally high salary. His family is very well-to- do, and he only goes out as a clerk to increase his know- ledge of commercial matters. "We are very sorry to learn from your letter that you ex- perience difficulty in meeting your liabilities. In consideration of the long time we have been doing busi- ness together, we will do all we can to help you, by not asking for payment of our ac- count until your aifairs are in order again. Veuillez excuser le de'range- ment que nous vous causons et nous croire vos bien devoues serviteurs. En reponse a votre enquete au sujet du jeune M. Vernon, en ce moment a notre service, Nous pouvons pleinement le recommander comme un jeune homrne laborieux et digne de confiance. II est a me'ine de faire la correspondance sans contr61e. Sa connaissance de la tenue des livres, et en partie double eten partie simple, est vraiment tres complete. Cependant nous devons vous faire observer que, probable- ment, il ne restera chez vous qu'un petit nombre d'annees, 2, moins que vous ne le teutiez par des appointemenls excep- tionnels. Sa famille est tres a son aise, et ii ne se fait commis que pour augrnenter sea connaissauces commerciales. Nous regrettons d'apprendre par votre lettre que vous eprou- vez des difficulties a executer vos paiements. Considerant la longue daree de nos rapports, nous ferons notre possible pour vous aider, et cela, en ne vous demandant pas le reglement de notre compte avant que vos affaires soient retablies. HUGO'-S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 129 Of course we can only do so if your other creditors agree to the same arrange- ment with you, as otherwise we should risk our money for their benefit. Such a result would neither be .satisfactory to us or bene- ficial to you. We therefore strongly advise you to call a meeting of your creditors. You will then have a chance of the majority compelling the dissentients to agree to your proposals. This is your best plan, provided that you need not fear to lay before your creditors your mode of doing business. Excuse our plain-speaking ; it is only done from a sincere wish to help you. You should, of course, try to get a promise of support from your principal creditors. The meeting of creditors took place to-day. I was fortunate enough to impress them favorably with my statement of af- fairs. The meeting agreed unani- mously to accept my bills for the various amounts due in Naturellement, nous ne pou- vons agir ainsi qu'au cas ou vos &/ autres creanciers consentiraient au me" me arrangement a vecvous, car autrement nous courrions le ' risque de perdre notre argent a leur profit. Un tel re"sultat ne serait pas plus agreable pour nous qu'avan- tageux pour vous. O'est pourquoi nous vous conseillons fortement de re"unir vos creanciers. Vous aurez alors la chance que la majorite" force les re- calcitrants a se soumettre a vos propositions. C'est votre meilleur plan, au cas ou vous n'auriez pas a craindre de mettre vos opera- tions a decouvert devant vos creanciers. Yeuillez excuser notre fran- chise ; mads elle part d'un sin- cere de"sir de vous aider. Naturellement vous devriez essayer d'obtenir la bonne volonte" de vos principaux creanciers. La reunion des creanciers a eu lieu aujourd'hui. J'ai et6 assez heureux pour que 1'expose de ma situation commerciale produisit sur eux une impression favorable. L'assembl^e a decide" d l un commun accord d'accepter des billets, pour les diverses creances, LI *4 . 130 HUGO 8 FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. four equal instalments, at three, six, nine, and twelve months from the first of next month. This arrangement will enable me to settle with everybody, and get straight again. I thank you heartily for your support, which you will never regret. "We regret to have to in- form you that we are not in a position to meet your bill in full, which falls due next Monday. Shall we send you on the two-thirds of the money which we have ready towards it ? In that case, can you with- draw the bill ? If you cannot withdraw the draft, will you please send us on your cheque for the balance ? "We are very disappointed with the contents of your letter, but as we cannot with- draw our bill, we send you enclosed a cheque to make up the difference. We now rely on your honoring the bill when it falls due. By when may we rely on the balance being refunded ? In reply to yours, we have instructed Mr. K, , of your town, to pay our bill when en quatre paiements, a 3, 6, 9 et 12 mois, a partir du I" du mois prochain. Get arrangement me permet- tra de satisfaire tout le monde et de me remettre sur mes pieds. Je vous remercie du fond du coaur de 1'appui que vous m'avez donn6 et que vous ne regret- terez jamais. Nous avons le regret de vous informer que nous ne sommes pas en mesure de payer en en- tier votre traite echeant lundi prochain. Voulez-vous que nous vous en envoyions les deux tiers, a votre disposition des a present ? Dans ce cas, pouvez-vous re- tirer 1'eff et ? Si vous ne pouvez retirer la traite, veuillez 6tre assez bons pour nous euvoyer votre cheque pour 1'appoint. Nous sommes tres contraries du contenu de votre lettre, mais conime nous ne pouvons pas retirer la traite, nous vous re- mettons inclus notre cheque pour faire 1'appoint. Nous comptous que, a 1'eche- ance, la traite sera houoree. Pour quelle date pouvons- nous compter sur le rembourse- nient de 1'appoint ? En repouse a votre lettre, nous avons donue ordre a M. E, , de votre ville, de payer uotre HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 131 presented, provided that you give him the two-thirds as promised. Of course, if you can pay the whole, it will save all difficulty. We have sent our cheque to the gentleman before-named, and he will come to your house on the day the bill will be presented. As you promise to pay the balance in a month, we enclose our draft on you at one month after date, which please return accepted as soon as possible. We regret we cannot ex- tend the time of the bill, as it is in circulation. We have twice obliged you in this way, and are beginning to think that you are imposing on our good nature. We decline to accept part payment, and, therefore, to send you our cheque for the difference. Unless you take up the bill, it will be protested, and immediate steps taken for the recovery of the amount. The exportation of this article has increased 10 96, com- pared with that of last year. But the production has traite a 1'echeance, ponrvu que vous lui en remettiez les deux tiers promis. Naturellement, si vous pouvez payer le tout, cela evitera toutes les difficultes. Nous avons envoye notre cheque a la personne deja nominee, et on se rendra chez vous le jour ou la traite sera Comme vous promettez de payer le solde dans un mois, nous vous remettons ci-joint notre traite sur vous a 1 mois de date, que vous voudrez bien nous retourner aussitdt apres 1'ac- ceptation. Nous regrettons de ne pouvoir reculer la date de la traite, vu qu'elle est en circulation. Nous vous avons obliges deux fois de cette maniere, et nous commengons a croire que vous abusez de notre obligeance. Nous ref usons d'accepter tout acompte et, consequemment, de vous envoyer un cheque pour 1'appoint. A moins que vous ne fassiez honneur a notre signature, 1'effet sera proteste et les moyens d'en recouvrer le montant suivront de pres. reexportation de cet article s'est elevee de 1096,compareea celle de 1'annee derniere. Mais la production a augineute 182 HUGO^ FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. increased 2596, and this ac- counts for the large stock on hand at present. It is absolutely necessary to find new markets, or the pro- duction must be reduced. A new line of steamers will be started at the beginning of next year. This line is largely subsidised by the Government. Eates are almost certain to go down, unless trade improves greatly. A great improvement has lately taken place in America, and it will soon extend to Europe. It would be desirable for the question of bi-metallism to be settled soon one way or the other. This uncertainty is more injurious to trade than a certainty of definite loss. Business is very dull at present ; there is no confidence, on account of the political troubles. The books of the firm are checked every six months by chartered accountants. A balance sheet, showing a clear statement of affairs, is issued every year in the first half of January. These accounts are absolutely oorrect. de 25 % et c'est ce qui donne la raison de la grande existence actuelle. II est absolument n&jessaire de trouver de nouveaux debouches, ou la production doit e" tre re" duite. Une nouvelle ligne de vapeurs sera ouverte au commencement de 1'annee prochaine. JOette ligne est largement sub- ventionnee par le Gouvernement. Les prix sont presque certains de baisser, a moins que le com- merce ne reprenne avec vigueur. Une grande amelioration s'est produite dernierement en Ame- rique, et elle s'etendra bientdt a 1'Europe. II serait a desirer que la ques- tion du bi-metallisine fut bientot reglee d'une facon ou de 1'autre. Cette incertitude est plus pr6- judiciable au commerce que la certitude d'une perte consomm^e Les affaires sont tree languis- santes a present ; il n'y a pas de confiauce, a cause des troubles politiques. Les livres de la maison sont verifies tous les semestres par des experts-comptables. Un bilan etablissant claire- ment la situation est produit chaque annee dans la premiere quinzaine de Janvier. Ces releves de coinptes sout absolument exacts. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDKNT. 133 COMMERCIAL CONVERSATION. (In this Section, various words and phrases are introduced which are seldom used in business correspondence, but nevertheless 'occur very commonly in daily office routine. As these sentences are of little use except to advanced students, the best equivalent English is given in preference to a literal translation.) Did you call at the sta- tioner's ? I ordered a ream of paper, large size, ruled ; and half a ream small size, not ruled. I brought with me five quires of note-paper, small size, glazed, and two reams medium size. Are the stools for the two new clerks made ? Not' yet. I have seen the chairmaker, who has promised to have them finished off, and to send % them early to-morrow morning. Get the ledger re-covered with green cloth, and tell them to put brass corners to it. Here is the bookbinder's ad- dress. I am expecting a bundle of packing linen; if it comes while I am away, you are to have it sent to the packers'. Give the carman half a franc for himself. ^tes-vous passe chez le pa- petier ? J'ai command^ une rame de papier grand format, regie ; plus, une demi-rame petit for- mat, non regie. J'ai apporte avec moi cinq mains de papier a lettres, petit format, bien satin6, et deux mains, format moyen. Les escabeaux des deux nou- veaux commis sont-ils faits ? Pas encore. J'ai vu le fabri- cant de chaises, qui a promis d'y faire mettre la derniere main et de les envoyer deinam matin de bonne .heure. Yous ferez recouvrir de drap vert le grand livre, et recom- manderez qu'on y mette des coins de laiton. Voici 1'adresse du relieur. J'attends un ballot de toile d'emballage ; s'il arrivait pen- dant mon absence, vous le f eriez porter aux emballeurs. Yous donnerez cinquante centimes de pourboire au ca- mionneur. 184 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Tell the bookkeeper to make out the statements of account, and have the letters of advice sent off to-day. Have you got in that small account of Mrs. X.'s ? I have called on her three times, but she is never ready to pay. TVe must have this matter settled. Press for payment. The governor has not come yet ; it isn't ten o'clock. It doesn't matter. Open the morning's post. Post up the waste-book of yesterday into the journal. Enter the amount on this invoice to Mr. L.'s credit, and debit D. & Co. with 500 francs for goods supplied. Take the ledger, and open an account for Mr. B . The screw of the copying- press is broken. The press does not work. Copy it by hand, then ; and in your best handwriting. "When you have finished, don't fasten up the letter. Bring it to me to sign. Put it in the envelope, and seal it with the red sealing- wax. You will find a taper on the mantelpiece. Dites au teneur de livres de faire le releve des comptes et de faire partir aujourd'hui les lettres d'avis. Avez-vous fait rentrer ce petit compte de Madame X . Voila trois fois que je passe chez elle, mais elle n'est jamais prete. II faut en finir avec elle. Pressez cette rentre"e. - Le patron n'est pas encore arrive" ; il n'est pas dix heures. N'importe. Depouillez la corresporidance. Relevez la main-courante (or brouillard) d'hier et passez au journal. Passez cette facture au credit de M. L et d6bitez MM. D. et C lc . de frs. 500 par " Mar- chandises Gene"rales." Prenez le grand livre et ouvrez un compte a M. B . La vis de la presse a copier La presse ne fonctionne plus. Alors, copiez a la main, et de votre plus belle 6criture. Quand vous aurez fini, ne fermez pas la lettre. Apportez-la-moi pour que je la signe. Mettez-la dans 1'enveloppe, et cachetez a la cire rouge. Vous trouverez une bougie sur le manteau de la cheminee. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 185 Take the letter to the post in time for the six o'clock col- lection. At liie same time, put the circulars for Marseilles into the box. Stamp them. If you are short of stamps, buy some. There is a mistake in your cash-book ; strike your balance again. This is the third time I have gone over my additions, and I always get the same total. Compare with Mr. A ; you will probably find the discre- pancy. Have you ticked off each item carefully ? It will soon be stock-taking time. It will be necessary to post all books up to date. Balance the accounts. Make every customer's ac- count up to date. Check the banking account. Reckon up the amounts of the bills payable and the bills receivable. Make out a list of these, and write the date of payment against each amount. Take these drafts to the bank, and charge them to his account. These two franc pieces will be Vous porterez la lettre a la poste a temps pour la leve"e de 6 heures. Vous jetterez en m6me temps, dans la boite, les circulaires pour Marseille. Affranchissez. Si vous manquez de timbres- poste, achetez-en. Vous avez une erreur de caisse ; refaites votre balance. C'est la troisieme fois que je repasse mes additions et je retrouve toujours le me'me total. Collationnez avec M. A ; vous trouverez probablement votre difference. Avez-vous soigneusement pointe" ? Voici bientdt 1'inventaire. II faudra tenir toutes les 6critures a jour. Balancez les comptes. Faites le compte a ce jour de chaque client. Verifiez le compte de banque. Faites le montant des traites a payer et des traites a re- cevoir. Dressez-en un elat, et ecrivez la date de 1'echeance en regard de chaque montant. Portez ces effets a la banque et entrez-les au de"bit de son compte. Ces pieces de 2 francs auront 136 HUGOS FRENCH COilMEUOIAL COKKESPOXDKNT. difficult to pass ; the head and the date cannot be seen. After carefully counting them and putting them in piles of twenty coins, put the cash in rolls, each containing one pile, either of gold or silver. Put the rolls in your satchel, fasten the satchel with the pad- lock, and lock it all up in the safe. See that the safe is properly locked again. The bank opens at ten o'clock. Are you ready to pay in ? Start at once, and don't for- get the pass-book. How much have you in cash? Have the numbers of the notes been taken ? When you have paid in, go round cashing bills. What is the cash in hand ? 30,000 francs in notes, and 4,550 in cash. Here is a cheque for the ba- lance. Send to Sauvage and Son in a registered letter five halves of notes for 1,000 francs, and tell them that the other halves will follow next Friday. Put these letters to be an- swered in the pigeon-hole. du mal a passer ; 1'effigie et le millesime ne sont plus visibles. Apres les avoir soigneusement comptees et raises en piles de viugt pieces, mettez vos especes en rouleaux, chacun contenant une pile, soit d'or soit d'argent. Enfermez les rouleaux dans votre sacoche, fermez la sacoche au cadenas et serrez le tout dans le coffre-fort. Veillez a ce que le coffre-fort soit bien referme". Les bureaux de la banque ouvrent a dix heures. Etes-vous prSt pour votre versement ? Partez de suite et n'oubliez pas le carnet de banque. Combien avez-vous en es- peces ? A-t-on pris les numeros des billets ? Votre versement fait, vous irez en recouvrement. Quelle est 1'encaisse ? 30,000 frs. en billets et 4,550 en numeraire. Voici un cheque pour 1 'appoint. Adressez, sous pli charge, a MM. Sauvage pere et fils, cinq moiti^s de billets de mille francs, en les prevenant de 1 'envoi complementaire pour vendredi prochain. Mettez ces lettres a r^pondre dans le easier. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 187 Here are the answered letters of the week. Fold each one in two lengthwise ; write at the top the names and the dates ; make a parcel of them, and tie it up. To-morrow morning,when the postman comes, give him back this letter, which is not for us. Open the morning's post, and answer the most pressing letters. If there are any orders, pro- ceed to execute them at once. Send the errand boy to me as soon as he comes in. Have they brought the printed forms from the printer's ? The stock of telegram forms is almost exhausted ; fetch some from the post-office. We are short of postage stamps for foreign letters ; get ten francs' worth. Messrs. Daniel's order is pressing. It has been in hand for an hour ; it ought to be ready. Invoice it. * As soon as it is tied up, call a commissionaire and have it sent to the ware- houses at ... Street. G-ive orders to the Western and Northern Railway Companies to come and fetch the two bales away, not later than to-morrow evening. Send the letter by the three o'clock collection. Voici les lettres re"pondues de la semaine. Pliez chacune en deux dans sa longueur; inscrivez en t^te les noms et les dates ; f aites-en un paquet et attachez^le Demain matin, quand le fac- teur viendra, rendez-lui cette lettre qui n'est pas pour nous. Vous ouvrirez le courrier et repondrez aux lettres pressees. S'il y a des ordres, vous f erez procMer imm^diatement a leur execution. Envoyez-moi le garon de courses aussit6t qu'il sera rentr6. A-t-on apporte les imprimea de chez rimprimeur ? La provision de formules tele- graphiques est presque e"puise"e ; allez en chercher au bureau des postes '(or a la poste). Nous sommes a court de timbres-poste pour 1'etranger ; prenez-en pour dix francs. La commande de MM. Daniel Elle est en mains depuis une heure ; elle doit Stre pre"te. Facturez-la. Aussitdt le pa- quet fice!6 appelez un commis- siounaire et faites porter aux magasins de la rue .... Vous donnerez 1'ordre aux C ies . de chemin de fer de 1'Ouest et du Nord de venir enlever ces deux ballots, pas plus tard que demain soir. Envoyez la lettre par la levee de 3 heures. 138 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. What firm did the cartage ? The goods are in double packing ; but see all the same whether there is no tear, or other damage. Here are the invoices of the two lots. Look through the goods, and if everything is all right, mark them, adding 20 % to the cost price, of which here is the net price of each sort. Has nothing come from Lyons yet? No, not that I know of. It is very funny. M. Du- rieux is always prompt in answering, and we have been expecting this letter by every post for the last three days. I can't make it out either. But I know what it is ; the postman just now brought a registered letter, and an un- stamped one. There they both are, on your writing-table, nnder the paper- weight. The postman wanted 3d. for double fee. Let us look at the post mark. Lyons, March 15th. This is perhaps what we are expecting. Here is a money order for 14^ francs which came in the other letter. Go and get it cashed in the morning, and have the amount posted up to the credit of Mr. L . Quelle maison a fait le ca- mionnage ? La marchandise est sous double emballage, mais voyez tout de me'me s'il n'y a pas d'accrocs ou autre dommage. Voici les factures de ces deux envois. Reconnaissez la mar- chandise et, si tout va bien, marquez-la, en ajoutant 20% au prix de revient dont voici le net pour chaque sorte. Rien n'est encore venu de Lyon? Non, pas que je sache. C'est bien dr61e. M. Durieux est ton j ours ponctuel a re"pondre, et voila trois jours que nous attendons cette lettre tous les courriers. Je n'y comprends rien non plus. Maisj'ypense: lefacteur vient d'apporter tout a 1'heure une lettre charge'e et une autre non-affranchie. Les voila tontes les deux sur votre bureau, sous le presse- papier. Le factenr a reclame 1 80 cen- times pour double- port. Voyons le timbre de la poste : Lyon, 15 Mars ; c'est peut-Stre ce que nous attendons. Voici un mandat-poste de frs. 14.50 apporte' par 1'autre lettre. Vous irez 1'encaisser dans la matinee et en ferez porter le montant au credit de M. L-. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 189 At what time did this tele- gram come ? . Hardly five minntes ago. Then compare the time with that of its receipt at the post- office, to see if there has not been carelessness somewhere. Go and find the manager, and ask him to decide on the answer to it, and send it off immediately. Tell the correspondent not to hold over the answers for England. As regards those of our customers to whom we must write to-day, I will see to it myself. Take these letters to the lad to be copied, and don't forget to tell him that they must be cleaner than those which went off a little while ago. You have three erasures on this page; take the erasing- knife, and scratch them out. Your ink is muddy; take this, which is clear, instead. Rinse your ink-pot out well, before filling it. The ink-bottle is not un- corked; take the top off, and draw the cork. I only use steel pens. I hate quill pens. This journal is badly kept; it is full of blots. A quelle heure ce te'le'gramme a-t-il e"te" apporte ? II y a a peine cinq minutes. Alors comparez 1'heure avec celle de la reception au bureau postal pour voir s'il n'y a pas negligence. Allez trouver le ge"rant et priez-le d'y faire la re"ponse, que vous irez imme'diatement faire Dites au correspondant de ne pas laisser en souff ranee les re"ponse& pour I'Angleterre. Quant a ceux de nos clients a qui nous devons ecrire aujourd'hui, je m'en occuperai moi-me'me. Portez ces lettres a copier au jeune homme, et n'oubliez paa de lui dire qu'il faut qu'elles soient plus nettes que celles qui sont parties tant6t. Yous avez trois ratures sur cette page; prenez le grattoir et grattez-les. Votre encre est boueuse ; remplacez-la par celle-ci qui est limpide. Rincez bien votre encrier avanfc de le remplir. La bouteille a 1'encre n'est pas debouchee ; decoiff ez-la et tirez le bouchon. Je ne me sers que de plumes m^talliques. Je deteste les plumes d'oie. Ce journal est mal term ; il est plein de taches. 140 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. The paper is absorbent, sir, and the ink runs. "Why don't you use blotting- paper? The papers mention a new issue of bad 20 franc pieces ; ring every doubtful coin. These coins, which are a very good imitation, were put in cir- culation this week, according to the newspapers. Cashier, how much have we to pay to-day ? Are the Dupont bills due ? No, they will only be due at the end of the month. Has the Capoul bill been paid ? It was returned this morn- ing protested. Gentlemen, the governor, hav- ing noticed great unpunctuality with several of you, has given me stringent orders. In future, any one who is not at his desk by a quarter to ten will have it booked against him. They say that the firm of Courbet and Bailly has gone bankrupt. But it seems that the assets exceed the liabilities by more than a third, and the creditors hope to be paid in full. Le papier boit, monsieur, et 1'encre cpule. Pourquoi ne vous servez-vons pas de papier brouillard (or buvard) ? On signale une nouvelle Emis- sion de fausses pieces de 20 francs ; f aites sonner toute piece douteuse. Ces pieces tres bien imitees sont entrees, au dire des jour- naux, en circulation cette se- maine. Caissier, combien avons-nous a payer aujourd'hui ? Les effets Dupont sont-ils e"chus ? Non, 1'echeance n'arrive que fin du mois (or fin courant). La traite Capoul a-t-elle e"te" On 1'a renvoye"e ce matin protested. Messieurs, le patron ayant re marque" de 1'inexactitude chez plusieurs d'entre vous, vient de me donner des ordres severes. Dore"navant, tout employe" qui ne sera pas a son 1 bureau a dix heures moins un quart sera note. On dit que la maison Cour- bet et Bailly a de"pose" son bilan. Mais il paraitrait que 1'actif excede le passif de plus d'un tiers, et les creanciers esperent 6tre converts en entier. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 141 SUPPLEMENT TO HUGO'S "FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT." A collection of PRACTICAL SENTENCES, by a judicious combination of which the student can construct ANY ORDINARY BUSINESS LETTER. Marseilles, April 20th, 1904. Mr. B. Durand, Lyons. Messrs. Courbet & Co., Tours. Sir, Dear Sir, Gentlemen, Dear Sirs. We beg to acknowledge re- ceipt of your favor of the 1st inst. I have received your favor of the 28th of last month. In reply to your letter of yes- terday, we beg to inform you that . . . We take the liberty of in- forming you that . . . Confirming my letter of the day before yesterday, We had the pleasure of writing to you last week. Marseille, le 20 avril, 1 1904. M. B. Durand, Lyon. MM. Courbet et C le , Tours. 8 These phrases are omitted in com- mencing business letters. Nous avons 1'honneur devous accuser reception de votre estimee du I st courant. J'ai reyu votre honoree du 28 ecoule En reponse a votre lettre d'hier, nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que . . . Nous prenons la liberte de vous donner avis que . . Vous confirmant ma lettre d'avant-hier, Nous avons eu 1'avantage de vous ecrire la semaine je. 1. May 1st, le ler Mai ; afterwards le 2 mai, le 3 mai, etc. No letters are used in French to correspond with the English 8T, ND, TH, except with the 1st of the month ; 2 in a French business letter, the name of the person or firm addressed is written as the first line, instead of Sir, Dear Sir, etc. Mvnsieur, Cher Monsieur, etc. are only used in private letters. 142 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. The object of this letter is . . We regret that we have not yet received any answer to our letter. According to our telegram of to-day, we herewith send you particulars of the busi- ness done. Enclosed we beg to hand you According to your wish, I send you herewith We enclose you invoice for the goods ordered in your favor of the 25th inst. I thank you for the order contained in your favor of yesterday. We regret not to be able to execute the order given to us in your favor of the 20th hist., as the price offered by you is too low. I herewith beg to inform you that 1 established myself as agent here on the 1st inst. We take the liberty to offer you our services, in case you are not yet represented in this town. La presente a pour but . . Nous regrettons de n'avoir pas encore recu de reponse a notre lettre. Selon notre depeche d'au- jourd'hui, nous vous re- mettons sous ce pli le detail des affaires traitees. Ci-joint nous avons 1'avan- tage de vous remettre Suivant votre desir, je vous remets ci-inclus Ci-joint nous vous remettons facture aux articles com- mandes dans votre honoree du 25 ct. Je vous remercie de la com- mande contenue dans votre estimee d'hier. Nous regrettons de ne pou- voir executer 1'ordre ap- porte par votre honoree du 20 ct., le prix que vous nous offrez etant trop bas. Par la presente j'ai 1'honneur de vous informer que, a la date du I 61 c*., je me suis etabli comme representant sur cette place. Nous prenons la liberte de vous offrir nos services, au cas ou vous n'auriez pas de representant dans cette ville HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 143 I have the honor to inform you that my traveller, Mr. X., will have the pleasure of calling on you next week. We had to-day the pleasure of sending to you by post samples of . . . . , which we offer you at the lowest price possible. Will you please let me know by return whether I may send you the sample col- lection of my newest articles, which I can offer you at extremely low prices. We thank you for your kind offer to send us your collection of samples ; we cannot, however, make any use of it, as our stock is at the moment quite complete. We have received your samples, but we cannot give you an order, as the prices quoted are too high. , J'aiPhonneurde vous donner avis que mon voyageur, M. X., aura le plaisir de vous voir la semaine prochaine. Nous avons eu, aujourd'hui, le plaisir de vous envoyer par la poste des echantillons de , que nous vous of- frons au prix le plus reduit. Voulez-vous avoir Tobli- geance de me faire savoir, par retour du courrier, si je puis vous envoyer 1'assorti- ment d'echantillons de mes articles les plus nouveaux, que je vous off re a des con- ditions extremement avan- Nous vous remercions de vo- tre obligeance a nous pro- poser 1'envoi de votre as- sortiment d'echantillons, et nous regrettons de ne pou- voir en faire usage, attendu qu'en ce moment, nos ap- provisionnements sont au complet. Nous avons re9u vos echan- tillons, mais nous regrettous de ne pouvoir vous donner unecommande, attendu que les prix sont trop eleves. 144 HUGO'S FRENCH COltMERGIAL CORRESPONDENT. We have to-day received the goods invoiced on the 10th inst. The consignment invoiced in your favor of the 20th ult. has (at last) ar- rived to-day. Unfortunately we find that the goods are not accord- ing to sample. The greater part of the things are damaged, and not fit for use. The quality of the goods is very poor, in proportion to the price quoted. We cannot accept the con- signment (=sending), as it has arrived much too late. I ordered the goods "as had before," and you send me quite different sorts. We are, to our regret, obliged to place the parcel at your Under these circumstances I cannot make use of the things. The goods are quite use- less to us. Nous avons re$u aujourd'hui les marchandises f aisant 1'ob- jet de votre facture du 10 c*. L'envoi dont votre lettre du 20 ecoule me remettait fac- ture est enfin arrive au- jourd'hui. Malheureusement nous trou- vons que la marchandise ne correspond pas aux echantillons. La plupart des articles sont endommages etne peuvent servir. La qualite de la marchandise est fort pauvre pour le prix cote. Nous ne pouvons accepter l'envoi,attendu qu'il est ar- rive trop tard, de beaucoup. J'ai commande les marchan- dises " semblables a celles que j'ai eues deja," et vous m'envoyez des sortes tout a fait differentes. Nous sommes, a notre regret, obliges de laisser le lot a votre disposition. Dans ces circonstances, je ne puis faire usage des ar- ticles. Les marchandises nous sont completement inutiles. HUGO'S FKENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 145 We beg yon to inform us by return of post what we are to do with the goods. Will you please give us your orders by return re- garding the disposal of the consignment. I am awaiting your instruc- tions in this matter. Shall we try to sell the goods here for you ? I will keep the consign- ment, if you will allow 25 per cent off the a- mount. We cannot use -the goods at any price. I herewith beg to send you the monthly statement. We have the honor to en- close the half-yearly state- ment of account. Will you kindly look it through, and inform us of the result ? I have examined your state- ment, and found it per- fectly correct. We have carried forward the amount to the new ac- 10 Nous vous prions de nous dire, par re tour du courrier, ce que nous devons f aire de la marchandise. Veuillez nous donner, par re- tour du courrier, vos ordres quant a la disposition de 1'envoi. J'attends vos instructions a 1'egard de cette affaire. Devons-nous essayer de pla- cer ici les marchandises pour votre compte ? Je garderai 1'envoi, si vous voulez consentir a une re- duction de 25 pour cent sur le montant. A aucun prix, nous ne pou- vons nous charger de la marchandise. J'ai 1'avantage de vous remet- tre ci-joint le releve men- suel. Nousavonsl'honneur de vous envoyer sous ce pli le re- leve semestriel. Voulez-vous 6tre assez bon pour le verifier et nous faire connaitre le resultat ? J'ai examine votre releve et 1'ai trouve exact. De conformi te avec votre releve, nous avons reporte 146 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. count, in conformity with your statement. A little error has crept in ; that is, you omitted to credit us with the interest on our remittance of April 3rd. We herewith send you a cheque for . . . , in settle- ment of our account. We enclose herewith a bill of exchange, payable three months after date, which please place to our credit. Awaiting your acknowledg- ment of receipt, I remain, yours truly. Kindly acknowledge receipt by return. I beg you to credit me with the bill of exchange, and to acknowledge its receipt. Will you be so good as to send us the amount by return ? We should be very glad to receive your cheque by return of post. You have probably over- looked the fact that this item has been due a long time. le montant a nouvean compte. Une petite erreur s'y est glis- see, savoir que vous avez omis de nous creditor de Tinteret de notre remise du 3 Avril. Nous vous remettonsci-inclus un cheque de . . . , pour solde de notre compte. Ci-joint un effet a 3 mois de date, que vous voudrez bien passer a notre credit. Dans 1'attente de votre accuse de reception, je vous prie d'agreer mes salutations empressees. Veuillez accuser reception par retour du courrier. Je vous prie de me creditor du billet a ordre et de m'en accuser reception. Voulez-vous avoir 1'obli- geance de nous remettre le montant par retour du courrier. Nous vous serions fort obliges de 1'envoi de votre cheque par retour du courrier. Le fait que cette somme est due depuis longtemps vous a probablement echappe. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 147 We have to make consider- able payments within the next few weeks. I must earnestly request you to let me have this amount without delay. The case invoiced to us on the 15th inst. has arrived to-day, but we regret to have to tell you that seve- ral things are missing. As the case was quite full, your packers must have forgotten the missing articles. Kindly send us these things at once by passenger train, carriage paid. We received your invoice of the 25th of last month, but the goods have not yet arrived. Will you kindly have en- quiries made at your end at once, and we will do the same here. As we are greatly in need of the articles ordered, we again beg you to hasten the execution of this Nous avons de lourds paie- ments a faire pendant les quelques semaines qui sui- vent. Je dois vous prier instam- ment de me faire tenir cette somme sans delai. La caisse dont f acture en date du 15 ct. est arrivee aujour- d'hui, mais nous regrettons d'avoir a vous dire que plu- sieurs articles manquent. Comme la caisse 6tait remplie jusqu'au haut, vos embal- leurs ont du oublier les articles manquants. Veuillez 'nous expedier de suite ces articles par grande vitesse, port pay6. Nous avons recu votre f acture du 25 ecoule, mais les mar- chandises ne sont pas en- core arrivees. Voulez-vous avoir 1'obli- geance de faire faire imme- diatement les perquisitions de votre cote, pendant que nous f erons de me'me ici. Attendu que nous avons grand besoin des articles com- mandes, nous vous prions de nouveau de presser 148 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. order, and to forward us the goods by passenger train. We requested you last week to send us by return the goods detailed below. We have, however, up to the time of writing, re- ceived neither the invoice nor the things. Please. let us know by the next post what is the cause of this delay. Explain why you have not answered our letter of the 3rd inst. In case you have sent the things off, please inform ns of this by telegram. Please telegraph to us a description of the articles sent, so that we can institute enquiries here. We have received your state- ment of the 1st inst., and as we found it correct, we beg you to draw on us for the amount, under advice. According to your wish, we have taken the liberty of 1'execution de cette corn- man de et de nous faire 1'ex- pedition par grande vitesse. Nous vous priions la semaine derniere de nous envoyer les marchandises detaillees ci-dessous. Cependant, a 1'heure ou nous ecrivons, nous n'avons en- core ni facture ni marchan- dises. Veuillez nous dire, par le prochain courrier, quelle est la raison de ce retard. Expliquez-nous pourquoi vous n'avez pas repondu a notre lettre du 3 courant. Au cas ou vous auriez fait 1'expedition, veuillez nous en aviser par depeche. Veuillez nous telegraphier une description des articles expedies, afin que nous puissions commencer ici les perquisitions. Nousavonsre9u votre compte du l er c*., et com me nous 1'avons trouve conforme, nous vous prions de four- nir sur nous pour le mon- tant, sous avis. Suivant votre desir, nous avons pris la liberte de HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 149 drawing on you for the amount to our credit by a bill of 2,500 francs, order of Mr. C. Schmidt, payable 30 days after date. We beg you to take up the . bill when presented to you, and remain, yours faithfully. I have taken due note of the draft advised to me, and shall, when presented, duly honor it. As I have to make a payment in London, I beg you to let me have a bill on that place for 300, at your lowest charge. I regret to have to return to you enclosed your draft of 3258 francs on Ham- burg, protested on account of non-payment. Will you please credit me with the amount, together with 23.50 francs for ex- penses. We regret very much that our draft on Hamburg was not taken up, and have the honor to enclose you cheque, payable at Mr. B 's, in your town, for the amount, together with expenses. disposer sur vous pour l a somme a notre credit, en une traite de fr. 2,500, ordre C. Schmidt, a 30 jours de date. Nous vous prions de faire, a l'eche,nce, bon accueil a notre signature, et d'agreer nos meilleures salutations. J'ai pris bonne note de la traite dont vous m'avisez et y f erai dument honneur. Ayant a faire un paiement a Londres, vous m'oblige- riez de me donner une traite de 300 sur cette place, aux meilleures con- ditions possibles. Je regrette d'avoir a vous re- tourner sous ce pli votre traite de fr. 3,258 sur Ham- bourg, protestee pour de- faut de paiement. Voulez-vous, je vous prie,me creditor de cette somme, plus fr. 23.50 pour frais. Nous regrettons beaucoup que notre traite sur Ham- bourg n'ait pas ete payee", et avons 1'honneur de vous remettre notre cheque, pay- able chez M. B , de votre ville, pour vous couvrir du principal et des frais. 150 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. We have the undermentioned goods in stock, which we are anxious to sell. Do you think you could help us in this ? In that case we should be pleased to send you samples. If necessary, we will send you the whole, to be sold at the best prices pos- sible. What commission would you charge us in this case ? Would you allow us to draw on you for half the a- mount ? On what terms would you let us have an advance on these goods ? Would you charge us for warehousing, and if so, how much ? Can any additional expenses arise ? As soon as we receive your answer to the above queries, we shall let you know what we are going to do. The questions put to us in your esteemed letter of yesterday we answer as follows : Nous avons, en magasin, les marchandises ci-apres, dont nous serions desireux de nous def aire. Pensez-vous pouvoir nous y aider ? En ce cas, nous serions heu- reux de vous envoyer des echantillons. Si c'est necessaire, nous vous adresserons le tout, que vous tacherez d'ecouler au mieux. Quelle commission nous de- manderiez-vous en ce cas ? Voudriez-vous nous permet- tre de tirer sur vous pour la moitie de la somme ? A quelles conditions nous feriez-vous une avance sur ces marchandises ? Nous feriez-vous payer le magasiuage ? et si oui, combien ? Peut-il y avoir des frais ad- ditionnels ? Des que nous aurons re?u reponse aux questions ci- dessus, nous vous ferons savoir ce que nous aliens faire. Nous repondons comme suit aux questions posees par votre estimee d'hier. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 151 We are quite willing to re- ceive the goods in ques- tion. We will do our best to sell them as favorably for you as possible. There will be no charge for warehousing, if we are empowered to sell the goods as we think best. But if you fix a price, under which we are not allowed to sell, we shall have to charge you for ware- housing. Our commission will be, as usual, 1 per cent on the gross amount. We prefer not to make an advance, but in any case we can only give a defi- nite answer to this after inspection of the goods. We should be glad to know your decision as soon as possible, as we consider the present a favorable time for the sale. Nous sommes tout disposes a recevoir les marchandises en question. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour les vendre aussi avan- tageusement pour vous que possible. II n'y aura pas de frais de magasinage, si nous sommes libres d'effectuer la vente comine nous le jugerons convenable. Mais si vous fixez un prix au- dessous duquel il ne nous soit pas permis de vendre, nous aurons a vous comp- ter le magasinage. Le taux de notre commission sera, comine d'habitude, de 1 pour cent sur le montant brut. Nous pref ererions ne pasf aire d'avance ; en tout cas, nous ne pourrions vous donner de reponse definitive qu'a- pres avoir examine les marchandises. Nous serions heureux de con- naitre votre decision aussi- tot que possible, attendu que le moment est favo- rable pour la vente. 152 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. There are at the present time several ships in this port, whose captains are looking out for an oppor- tunity of purchasing a few cheap lots of goods suit- able for the South Ameri- can markets. We hereby beg you to let us know how much the insurance of the goods specified on the enclosed list would amount to. The total amount will pro- bably be more than 10,000. The consignment will be complete by the middle of next week, and we should like to dispatch it by the first steamer which leaves Liverpool. As you are on the spot, we beg you to make the necessary enquiries, and to let us know the re- sult. In answer to your enquiry, we beg to inform you that we have made enquiries, and that the next steamer II y a en ce moment plu- sieurs navires dans notre port dont les capitaines ne seraient pas eloignes d'a- cheter a bas prix quelques lots de marchandises con- venables aux marches de 1'Amerique du Sud. Par la presente nous vous prions de nous faire con- naitrea combien s'eleverait 1 'assurance sur les marchan- dises dont ci-inclus nous vous envoyons la liste. La valeur totale s'elevera probablement a plus de 10,000. L'envoi sera pr6t vers la mi- lieu de la semaine pro- chaine, et nous voudrions bien 1'expedier par le pre- mier vapeur qui part de Liverpool. Attendu que vous etes sur place, nous vous prions de prendre lesrenseigiiements necessaires et de nous en faire connaitre le resultat. En reponse a la demande que vous nous en avez faite, nous avons 1'avantage de vous informer que, d'apres renseignements pris,le pro- chain vapeur a destination HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 153 to South America will leave here as early as the Thursday of next week. If you want to avail your- selves of this opportunity, you should immediately have the space reserved that is required for your consignment, and we shall be pleased to take the necessary steps immedi- ately on receipt of instruc- tions from you to that effect. Another steamer will leave sixteen days later. "We should, however, advise you to do your best to send off the goods next week. This would be preferable in every respect, as it would also make a considerable difference in the rate of insurance. After next week, the winter rates will come into force. If you will have your con- signment addressed to us, we will have it put on board at the usual com- misaion. de PAmerique du Sud ne partira pas plus tard que jeudi de la semaine pro- chaine. Si vous desirez profiter de cette occasion, vous devriez en- gager immediatement 1'es- pace necessaire pour votre envoi, et nous serons heu- reux de f aire les demarches necessaires aussitot que nous aurons reu de vous des ordres a cet effet. II partira un autre vapeur seize jours plus tard. Nous vous conseillerions toutef ois de f aire votre pos- sible pour expedier les merchandises la semaine prochaine. Cette expedition serait avan- tageuse a tous egards, vu qu'elle procurerait une reduction notable dans le taux de 1'assurance. A partir de la semaine pro- chaine, les tarifs d'hiver entreront en vigueur. Si vous voulez bien nous adresser votre envoi, nous pourvoirons a son charge- ment moyennant la com- mission ordinaire (or d'u- 154 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. We write to you to-day to inform you that we have at the present time a few thousand pounds at our disposal, with which we should like to buy secu- rities. As we have always trans- acted such business through you, we again apply to you, and ask for your kind advice. I have received your favor of yesterday, in which you are good enough to inform me that you are disposed to avail yourselves of my assistance in investing a few thousand pounds. I thank you very much for the confidence reposed in me, and you may rely upon it that I shall do my utmost to satisfy you. But before I can advise you how you ought to in- vest your capital, I must ask you for some infor- mation. Do you wish to invest the capital in question in such Nous avons aujourd'hui 1'a- vantage de vous informer que nous avons presente- ment a notre disposition quelques milliers de livres sterling, que nous serions disposes a employer a 1'a- chat de titres. Comme nous avons to u jours eurecoursa votre assistance dans de pareilles negocia- tions, nous nous adressons encore a vous pour vous de- mander vos bons conseils. J'ai bien re?u votre honoree d'hier, dans laquelle vous voulez bien m'informer que vous etes disposes a utiliser mes services pour le placement de quelques milliers de livres. Je vous remercie beaucoup de la confiance que vous me temoignez et vous pouvez etre assures que je ferai de mon mieux pour vous donner satisfaction. Mais avant de vous conseiller sur la f aeon dont vous de- vriez placer vos capitaux, j'aurai a vous demander quelques renseignements. Desireriez-vous placer le ca- pital en question HUGO 8 FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 155 a way that you can with- draw it again at once, or at a few days' notice ? Would you be disposed to invest the money in such a way that at certain times it cannot be realised at all, except at a great sacrifice ? In the latter case, a much larger profit can of course be reasonably expected. Or do you perhaps want to take a medium course ? If you are willing to sink the amount, or a part of it, for some years, we can point out to you a good opportunity. An ultimate large profit is only a question of time, but how long this will be we cannot say. I beg to inform you that it is my intention to start for Italy early next week. My business will probably detain me there a con- siderable time. a pouvoir le retirer quand vous voudrez, ou quelques jours apres avis ? Seriez-vous disposes a placer ces capitaux de fapon a ce qu'ils ne puissent 6tre sauf en faisant de grands sacrifices ? Dans ce dernier cas, il va de soi qu'on est en droit d'es- perer un profit beaucoup plus fort. Ou bien avez-vous 1'intention de prendre un moyen terme Si vous consentez a placer le tout ou une partie pour quelques annees, nous pou- vons vous indiquer une bonne occasion. Un profit considerable ne peut etre qu'une question de temps, mais ce que ce temps sera, nous ne sau- rions le dire. J'ai 1'honneur de vous in- former que j'ai 1'intention de partir pour 1'Italie dans les premiers jours de la semaine prochaine. Mes affaires m'y retiendront probablement longtemps. 156 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Will yon therefore kindly send me as soon as pos- sible a letter of credit for 10,000 francs on the prin- cipal Italian towns. In reply to your favor, we send you herewith a letter of credit for the desired amount on the principal towns of Italy. Kindly acknowledge receipt, and fill up the space which is reserved for your signa- ture. As we have accredited you with twelve firms, we beg you to give us twelve specimens of your signa- ture, so that we can for- ward it to them. If you would also entrust us with twelve recent photographs of yourself, we would forward them to our friends. As so many forgeries have recently been committed, it is safer in our mutual interest to take these pre- cautions. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of credit for Veuillez done m'envoyer aussitot que possible une lettre de credit pour 10,000 francs sur les principales villes d'ltalie. En reponse a votre estimee, nous vous envoyons ci- inclus une lettre de credit pour le montant desire sur les principales villes d'lta- lie. Veuillez nons en accuser re- ception et remplir 1'endroit reserve a votre signature. Comme nous vous avons ac- credite aupres de douze maisons, nous vous prions de nous donner douze spe- cimens de votre signature, afin que nous puissions les leur communiquer. Si vous vouliez nous confier egalement douze de vos dernieres photographies, nous les enverrions a nos amis. Comme tant de faux ont ete commis recemment, il est plus prudent dans notre interet mutuel de prendre ces precautions. J'ai 1'honneur de vous ac- cuser reception de votre HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 157 10,000 francs, on various bankers in Italy. According to your expressed wish, I send you enclosed twelve specimens of my signature, as well as twelve of my photographs, which were taken quite recently. I hope these precautions will succeed in saving me from the distrust with which the holders of letters of credit are generally re- ceived. We beg to acknowledge re- ceipt of your favor of the 6th inst., informing us of the credit opened with us. We have the pleasure to in- form you that we have this day given to Mr. Peter Blanchard, of this town, a letter of credit for 10,000 francs, on your firm, as well as on several other bankers. We enclose herewith his photograph, together with a specimen of his signa- ture, and beg you to pay lettre de credit pour 10,000 francs sur divers banquiers d'ltalie. Selon le desir que vous m'a- vez exprime, je vous envoie ci-inclus douze specimens de ma signature, ainsi que douze de mes photogra- phies qui ont ete prises tout dernierement. J'espere que ces precautions reussiront a m'epargner la mefiance avec laquelle on accueille d'ordinaire les porteurs de lettres de credit. Nous avons 1'avantage de vous accuser reception de votr'e honoree du 6 ct., nous avisant du credit ou- vert chez nous. Nous avons 1'honnenr de vous informer que nous avons delivre ce jour a Mous. Pierre Blanchard, de cette ville, une lettre de credit de 10,000 francs, sur votre honorable etablisse- ment, ainsi que sur plu sieurs autres banquiers. Nous vous adressons ci-inclue sa photographic ainsi qu'un specimen de sa signature, vous priant de lui remettre, 158 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. to the said gentleman the amounts he may ask you for, against receipt. We should be obliged by your writing on the letter of credit the amount he draws, and debiting our account with it, giving us due advice thereof. We thank you in advance for all the assistance which you may have the oppor- tunity of giving him, and shall regard such as a per- sonal favor to ourselves. We have the pleasure to inform you that we have to-day been favored by Mr. Peter Blanchard with a call. In accordance with your in- structions, we have handed him 1,500 francs on ac- count of his letter of credit, for which he has given us a receipt. We have written the amounts delivered to him up to now in words on the let- ter of credit, which shows 3,500 francs received in all. centre recu, les somrnes qu'il pourrait vous de- mander. Nous vous serions obliges de bien vouloir mention- ner vos paiements sur la lettre de credit, et d'en debiter notre compte sous avis. Nous vous remercions a 1'a- vance de tous les services que vous pourriez avoir 1'occasion de rendre a notre accredite, les considerant comme une faveur particu- liere pour nous-memes. Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que nous avons ete ce jour favorises de la visite de Mons. Pierre Blanchard. Suivant vos instructions, nous lui avons remis Fr. 1,500 centre re9u, a valoir sur sa lettre de credit. Nous avons porte en toutes lettres sur la lettre de cr6- dit, les paiements eff ectues jusqu'a ce jour, et dont la somme s'eleve a Fr. 3,500. HUGO'S FEENCH COMMEBOIAL COEEESPONDENT. 159 We have shown your com- patriot the principal ob- jects of interest in this town, and are pleased to tell you that we found him very pleasant com- pany. We have debited your ac- count with the above mentioned sum of 1,500 francs. Kindly credit us with the said amount. With nothing more to say now, we remain, dear sirs, yours truly. We have the pleasure to for- ward you enclosed the latest market report. The money market has been very quiet all the week, but prices now seem to show a tendency to rise. On the corn market, a great many important transac- tions took place. The supply was very fair, and purchases were made at the following prices. Nous avons fait visitera votre compatriote les principales places d'interet de cette ville, et nous nous plaisons a reconnaitre que nous avons trouve, en votre ac- credite, une tres agreable compagnie. Nous avons debite votre compte de la somme de Fr. 1,500 mentionnee ci- dessus. Veuillez bien a votre tour nous en crediter. Sans rien de plus pour 1'in- stant, nous vous presen- tons, Messieurs, nos meil- leures salutations. Nous avons le plaisir de vous adresserci-inclus le dernier compte-rendu du marched Le marche monetaire a ete depourvu d'animation pen- dant toute la semaine, mais les prix semblent montrer une tendance a la hausse. Nombre d'importantes af- faires ont ete traitees sur le marche des grains. Les off res etaient assez bonnes et les achats etaient faits aux prix suivants. 160 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Wheat is a little firmer than last week ; oats the same price as last week ; barley slightly cheaper, owing to the large consignments from America. There was a large amonnt of business done in hops, and therefore, in spite of the extensive stocks, prices kept steady. The following quantities were sold at average prices. The highest prices obtained were : Business was very dull last week on the cotton mar- ket. There was very little supply, and still less demand. The continental markets were rather more active, with firmness in the prices for superior qualities. The report from Glasgow is : Supply small, demand moderate. There is very little demand for this article on our market. Ble un peu plus f erme que la semaine ecoulee ; avoine au meme prix que la semaine derniere ; orge un peu meilleur marche, vu les im- portants envois d' Amerique Beaucoup d'affaires sur les houblons ; les prix, par suite, en depit de stocks im- portants, restent f ermes. Les quantites qui suivent ont ete vendues au cours moyen. Les prix les plus eleves ob- tenus ont ete : Les transactions etaient tres faibles la semaine derniere sur le marche du coton. L'offre etait minime, et la demande moindre encore. Les marches continentaux ont montre plus d'activite et de f ermete dans les prix pour les qualites supe- rieures. Les informations de Glasgow sont : Offre faible, de- mande moderee. La demande pour cet article est tres faible sur notre marche. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMEECIAL COEEESPONDENT. 161 IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL PHRASES, with examples of their use. (This list is not intended as a comprehensive vocabulary. It is merely a selection of important commercial words and expressions, THE TRANS- LATION OP WHICH IS NOT LITERAL, or varies according to the context. Words always translated in the same way are generally omitted, as they can be found in any ordinary dictionary.) abate (to). 1. Unless you ac- cept our conditions, it will be difficult for us to abate our prices. 2. We cannot admit your claim, unless you abate (=modify) your pretentious. abatement. 1. Is there any hope of their consenting to an abatement or discount ? 2. The prices we quote are the lowest possible ; no abatement is to be conceded. acceptance. 1. Your two acceptances for 100 each were dishonored. 2. When were the bills presented f or acceptance ? adhere (to). 1. Kindly ad- here strictly to the terms of our agreement. 2. Unless you adhere to all the clauses, the agreement will stand (=become) void. advance (to). 1. I cannot advance you the funds. 2. The lack of this article has caused the sellers to ad- vance their prices. rabattre. i. A moins que vous n'acceptiez nos conditions, il nous sera difficile de rabattre de nos prix. 2. Nous ne pou- vons accepter votre reclama- tion, si vous ne rabattez pas de vos pretentions. rabais. 1. Y a-t-il le moindre espoir qu'ils accordent un ra- bais ou un escompte ? 2. Les prix que nous cotons sont les plus bas possibles ; il ne faut accorder aucun rabais. acceptation, traite acceptee. 1. Vos deux acceptations de 100 chacune ont eteprotes- tees. 2. Quand les traites ont- elles ete presentees a 1'accep- tation ? se conformer. 1. Veuillez vous conformer, a la lettre, aux termes de notre convention. 2. A moins que vous ne vous conf ormiez a toutes les clauses, le contrat devienclra nul. avancer, hausser. 1. Je ne peux pas vous avancer le? fonds. 2. Le manque de cet' article a determine les veu- deurs a hausser leurs prix. 162 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. advance. 1. We are deter- mined not to make any further advances. 2. As these goods are at present on the advance, I should advise you not to sell, but to wait. advantage. 1. To take ad- vantage of. 2. To the best advantage. 3. You ought to take advantage of the pre- sent state of affairs. 4. We sold this consignment to the best advantage. agreeable. 1. To be agree- able to. 2. We shall not ac- cept these terms, if you are not agreeable to them. 3. Kindly let me know if you are agreeable to this ar- rangement. agreeably. 1. Agreeably to the instructions of your partner. agreement. 1. As per agree- ment. 2. We send you the goods carriage paid, as per agreement. 3. The second clause of the agreement has not been adhered to. answer (to). 1. Answer for. 2. I can answer for their honesty. 3. You will have to answer for your conduct of this affair. 4. If you . are ready to answer for it, we have nothing to say. \or se porter garant de, supporter les consequences de, gtre responsable de. avance, hausse. i. Nous sommes decides a ne plus f aire d'avances. 2. Comme ces raar- chandises sont a present en hausse, je vons conseillerais de nepas vendre, mais d'attendre. avantage. 1. Profiter de, or mettre a profit. 2. Au l mieux. 1 3. Vous devriez profiler de 1'etat present des affaires. 4. Nous avons vendu cette con- signation au 1 mieux. 1 lorle plus avantageusement possible agre~able. 1. Consentir a, ac- cepter, approuver. 2. Nous n'accepterons pas ces condi- ditions, si vous ne les approu- vez pas. 3. Veuillez me faire savoir si vous consentez a cet arrangement. STlivant. 1. Suivant les ins- tructions de votre associe. entente, convention, contrat. 1. Suivant contrat. 2. Nous vous expedions les marchan- dises port paye, suivant con- vention. 3. La deuxieme clause du contrat a ete violee. repondre. 1. Repondre de. 1 2. Je peux me porter garant de leur honnetete. 3. II vous faudra supporter les conse- quences de la maniere dont vous avez conduit cette af- faire. 4. Si vous consentez a en etre responsable, nous n'avons rien a dire. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 163 approval. 1. On approval. 2. To submit to the appro- val of. 3. Kindly note that we can only accept these goods on approval. 4. The articles you sent us on approval do not meet our requirements. assets. 1. Their assets are greatly in excess of their liabilities. 2. The available assets amount to a very small sum. attorney. 1. Power of at- torney. audit (to). 1. I cannot ac- cept your figures, unless I am sure your books are properly audited. auditor. average. 1. On an average. average. 1. General aver- age, gross average. 2. Petty average. 3. Average contri- bution. 4. Average state- ment. 5. To make good an average. 6. The fol- lowing sum will be re- quired to cover your aver- age contribution. 7. The average adjuster has not yet presented his statement. 8. The average was made good by the underwriters. 9. Average particular. await (to). 1. Awaiting your orders. 2. Awaiting a reply from you. approbation. 1. A condition. 2. Sonmettre a 1'appreciation de. S.Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons accepter ces mar- chandises qu'a condition. 4. Les articles que vous nous avez envoyes a condition ne conviennent actif. 1. Leur actif depasse de beaucoup leur passif. 2. L'ac- tif realisable s'eleve a une bien petite somme. homme de loi, notaire. 1. Procuration. Verifier. l.Jenepeux pas ac- cepter vos chiffres, a moins d'etre sur que vos livres sont bien verifies. comptable expert, moyenne. 1. En moyenne. avarie. 1. Avarie grosse. 2. Avaries simples. 3. Contribu- tion d'avarie grosse. 4. De- claration d'avaries. 5. Indem- niser des pertes subies en cas d'avaries. 6. La somme sui- vante sera requise pour couvrir votre contribution d'avaries. 7. Le dispacheur n'a pas en- core presente sa declaration. 8. Les reclamateurs des mar- chandises out etc indemnifies par les assureurs. 9. A varies simples ou partielles. tre dans 1'attente de. I- Dans 1'attente de vos ordres- 2. A vous lire. 164 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. badly. 1. We were badly hit by their failure. balance (to). 1. We have duly received your cheque for 500, which balances your account with us. balance. 1. Balance forward. 2. Balance sheet. 3. Balance on the credit side. 4. Ba- lance on the debit side. 5. We are now making out our balance sheet. 6. Yearly balance. bankrupt. 1. He has gone bankrupt. bankruptcy, judicial liqui- dation. bear. 1. The bears are mas- ters of the situation. beat (to). 1. To beat down. 2. They are constantly trying to beat down our prices. 3. Unless you succeed in beat- ing down their prices, we cannot deal with them. beg (to). 1. We beg you to kindly let us have all par- ticulars by return of post. 2. We beg to inform you that we have shipped to your address to-day... 2 or prier, avoir 1'avantage, avoir 1'honneur. below. bid (to). 1. I cannot bid higher than that. 2. Kindly note that we refuse to bid for that lot, 3. To bid higher, to outbid. mal, serieusement. 1. Nous avons ete serieusement eprou- ves par leur faillite. Clore, solder. 1. Nous avons bien re?u votre cheque de 500 qui solde votre compte chez nous. SOlde. 1. Solde reporte. 1 2. Bilan. 3. Solde crediteur. 4. Solde debiteur. 5. Nous sommes en train d'etablir no- tre bilan. 6. Bilan de fin d'annee. I or solde a nouveau, a reporter. failli, qui a fait faillite. 1. II a fait faillite. faillite, liquidation judiciaire. baissier. l.Lesbaissierssont maitres de la situation. battre. 1. Marchander, faire rabattre. 2. Us essaient sans cesse de marchander avec nous. 3. A moins que vous ne reussissiez a ies faire rabattre de leurs prix, nous ne pou- vons pas traiter avec eux. demander. 2 i. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous faire parvenir tous les details par retour du courrier. 2. Nous avons 1'avantage de vous informer que nousavons, ce jour, charge a votre adresse ci-dessous. offrir , faire une offre. 1 . Je ne peux pas offrir plus que cela. 2. Veuillez noter que nous re- fusons de faire une offre pour cette partie. 3. Surencherir. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 165 bid. 1. That was a bold bid. 2. Higher bid. bidder. bidding. 1. The bidding ran very high. bill. 1. Bill of exchange. 2. Bill of lading. bind (to). 1. Unless you bind yourself to allow a re- bate, we shall refuse to ac- cept delivery. 2. They do not consider themselves bound by the agreement. board. 1. On board. 2. f.o.b. 3. To put on board. 4. To be delivered on board (on arrival). 5. To be delivered on board (for shipment). 6. You will have to pay the unloading charges, as our agreement contains the clause : " goods to be de- livered on board." 7. Board of trade. 8. Board of direc- tors. bond. 1. In bond. 2. Goods forwarded in bond. 3. The clear ing is not to be effected in your port ; the goods are to be forwarded to Paris in bond. 4. We bought these articles in bond. bonded. 1. To store in bonded warehouses. 2. Pri- vate bonded warehouse. 3. Bonded warehouse. branch. 1. Our Paris branch is situated in the Rue T . Offre, enchere. 1. C'etait une offre bardie. 2. Surenchere. encherisseur. ench^res. l.Lesencheresont atteint un chiffre tres eleve. note. 1. Lettre de change. 2. Connaissement. Her, engager. 1 . A moins que vous ne vous engagiez a ac- corder une reduction, nous re- fuserons de prendre livralson. 2. Us ne se considerent pas comrne lies par le contrat. bord. 1. A bord. 2. f.o.b. 3, Mettre a bord, charger. 4. Livrable a bord, pris a bord. 5. (Livrable) sous vergues [under yards]. 6. Vous au- rez a. payer les frais de de chargement, car notre contrat porte la clause : " marcban- dises prises a bord." 7. Minis- tere du Commerce. 8. Con- seil d' Administration. Obligation, titre. l.Endoua- ne, en entrepot de douane. 2. Marchandises expediees sous suite de douane. 3. II ne faut pas effectuer le dedouane- ment dans votre port ; les marchandises doivent etre ex- pediees a Paris sous suite de douane. 4. Nous avons achet6 ces articles en douane. entrepose. 1. Entreposer, mettre en entrepot. 2. Entre- pot fictif . 3. Entrepot reel. SUCCUrsale. 1. Notre succur- sale de Pans est situee Rue T. 166 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. brand (to). brand. bring" (to). 1. To bring for- ward. 2. Brought forward. bulk. 1. In bulk. 2. The shipowners refuse to take a cargo of corn in bulk, as such goods are liable to shift, bull. 1. The bulls are doing a very brisk business. call (to). 1 . To call the share- holders together. 2. To call at a port. 3. The s.s. ' Bel- lona ' will call at your port on her homeward journey. 4. To feel called on. 5. 1 do not feel called upon to pay such heavy charges. call. 1. Port of call. 2. To make a call (on share- holders for money). 3. The board of directors has an- nounced that a call of 5 will be necessary. 4. Call option. 5. Call money. 6. Call of more. Carriage (freight), expenses of. 1. I shall have to debit you with the carriage. 2. We are sending you the goods by fast train, carriage paid. 3. Carriage to be paid on deli very. 4. Carriage pre- paid. 5. Carriage forward. carrier. marquer au feu. marque de fabrique, a feu. apporter, porter. 1. Reporter. 2. Reporte, report. volume. 1. En vrac. 2. Les armateurs ref usent de prendre un chargement de ble en vrac, car ces marchandises sont su- jettes a se desarrimer. haussier. 1. Les baussiers sont tres actifs. appeler. 1. Convoquer les ae- tionnaires. 2. Toucher a un port, faire escale dans un port. 3. Le steamer ' Bellona ' fera escale dans votre port a son voyage de retour. 4. Se sentir oblige. 5. Je ne me crois pas oblige de payer des frais si eleves. appel. 1. Port d'escale. 2. Faire un appel de fonds. 3. Le Conseil d' Administration a de- clare qu'un appel de fonds de 5 par action sera neceesaire. 4. Droit d'achat, prime. 5. Emprunt remboursable a vue ou sur demande. 6. Droit d'a- chat d'une plus grande quan- tite dans les memes conditions. port, frais de transport. 1. J'anrai a vous debiter des frais de transport. 2. Nous vous en- voyons les marchandises par grande vitesse, port paye. 3. Port payable a destination. 4. Port paye d'avance. 5. Port du. VOiturier, transporter. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMEECIAL COEEESPONDENT. 167 carry (to). 1. To carry over. 2. To carry on one's business. 3. What kind of business does this firm carry on ? 4. He carries on the business of a stockbroker. 5. This sum must be carried over to our credit. Charge (to). 1. To charge forward. Charge. 1. Bill of charges and disbursements. 2. In (or into) your charge. 3. We delivered the goods into your agent's charge. 4. All the freight and insurance charges to be paid by us. charter (to). charter party. claim (to). 1. We only claim our due. claim. 1. If you do not bring your claim forward now, you will not obtain any rebate. Clear (to). 1. To clear a ship. 2. The goods are to be cleared as soon as the ship arrives. clearance (of goods through the custom house). 1. Ship's clearance (inwards). 2. Ship's clearance (outwards). Close (to). 1. To close an ac- count. 2. To close (Stock Exchange, market). Close (Stock Exchange). porter, transporter. 1. Repor- ter. 2. Conduire ses affaires. 1 3. Quelle genre d'affaires cette maison fait-elle ? 4. II fait le metier de courtier en valeurs. 5. II faut reporter cette somme a notre credit. i O r faire un metier, se livrer a des affaires. compter, demander, prendre. 1. Faire suivre en rembourse- ment. frais, depenses. ]. Compte de frais et debours. 2.A vos soins. 3. Nous avons remis les mar- chandises aux soins de votre agent. 4. Tous les frais de transport et d'assurance paya- bles par nous. affreter. charte-partie. re" dame r, demander, revendi- quer. 1. Nous ne demandons que ce qui nous est du. revindication. 2 1. Si vous ne presentez pas votre reclama- tion maintenant, vous n'ob- fr'endrez pas de refaction. dedouaner. 1. Mettre un na- vire en douane. 2. II faut de- douaner les marchandiaes des 1'arrivee du navire. de"douanement. 1. Acquit, mise en douane. 2. Conge en douane, expedition en douane. f ermer . 1 . Arreter un compte. 2. C16turer. cloture. 2 demande, re'clamation, pre'tention 168 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. comprehensive. 1. We beg to remit you enclosed, a comprehensive statement of the facts concerning this affair. Concern. 1. We can hardly call this firm a paying con- cern. 2. For the last two years, this business has been a losing concern. consideration. 1. They will do it for a considera- tion. 2. Our interests ought to be your first considera- tion. 3. I shall take your objections into considera- tion. contra. 1. As per contra. contract for (to). contract. 1. Kindly forward us at once ten bales of wool as per contract, dated 5th inst. 2. You cannot deal with them according to the terms of our con- tract. contrary. 1. Accept those terms, unless we advise you to the contrary. contribution. convenience. 1. At your convenience. 2. 1 am not in any hurry ; you can send the goods at your conve- nience. 3. At your earliest convenience. COmplet, qui contient tous les details. 1. Nous avons 1'avan- tage de vous remettre sous ce pli, un etat complet des faits concernant cette affaire, entreprise, affaire. 1. II nous est difficile de dire que cette maison fait des benefices. 2. Depuis deux ans, cette maison perd de 1'argent. consideration, i. Us le fe- ront moyennant finance. 2. Nos interets devraient etre votre principale preoccupa- tion. 3. Je tiendrai compte de vos objections. COntre. 1. Voir ci-contre, sui- vant explications (or details) ci-contre. faire un marche", passer un contrat. marche", contrat. 1. Veuillez nous expedier immediatement dix balles de laine suivant marche en date du 5 c 1 . 2. Vous ne pouvez pas traiter avec eux d'apres les termes de notre contrat. COntraire, contrairement. 1. Acceptez ces conditions, sauf avis contraire de notre part. contribution (see 'average'). convenance, commodite. i. Quand vous voudrez. 2. Je ne suis pas presse ; vous pouvez envoyer les marchandises quand vous voudrez. 3. Des que vous le pourrez. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 169 convenient. 1. It will not be convenient for us to pay your bill on that date. 2. We can keep back the bales for a few days if more convenient to you. course. 1. We shall settle our accounts with you in the course of a few days. 2. We are awaiting the par- cels which shall be for- warded in due course. 3. In the course of. 4. That firm lost 2,000 in the course of a year. credit (to). 1. To credit with. current. 1. Account current. 2. To be current. 3. We only accept payments in cur- rent coin of the country. damage (to). 1. Three bales are considerably damaged by sea water. 2. We are holding a sale of damaged goods. damage. 1. Unless you grant us an indemnity, we shall issue a claim for damages. 2. If the stevedores had exercised greater care, there would have been no damage. 3. We are behindhand with our orders, as great damage was done to our warehouses by the last fire. dead. 1. Dead weight. 2. Dead loss. 3. Dead freight. commode, facile, possible. 1. II ne nous sera pas possible de payer votre traite a cette date. 2. Nous pouvons garder les balles pendant quelques jours, si cela vous convient mieux. COUrs. 1. Nous reglerons nos comptes avec vous sous peu. 2. Nous attendons les colis qui seront dument expedies. 3. En. 4. Cette maison a perdu 2,000 en un an. creditor. 1. Crediter de. COUrant. l.Comptecourant. 2. Avoir cours. 3. Nous n'accep- tons depaiementsqu'en argent qui a cours dans le pays. avarier; endommager, tacher. 1. Trois balles sont considera- blement tachees d'eau de mer. 2. Nous mettons maintenant en vente des raarchandises en- dommagees. dommage-int6rts, avarie, degat. 1. A moiiis que vous ne nous accordiez une indem- nite, nous reclamerons des dommages-interets. 2. Si les arrimeurs avaient ete plus soigneux, il n'y aurait pas eu d'avaries. 3. Nous sommes en retard dans 1'execution de nos commandes, parce que le dernier incendie a fait beau- coup de degats dans nos ma- mort. 1. Poids mort. 2,Perte 170 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 4. Dead account. 5. Dead- lock. deal (to). 1. He deals in South American hides. 2. If the samples are satisfac- tory, I am quite ready to deal with you. 3. I have not dealt with them for many years past. dealer. dealings. 1. Their dealings are rather peculiar. 2. Our dealings with them were always unsatisfactory. debit (to). 1. To debit with. decline. 1. The statement of the goods exported this year shows a considerable decline. 2. Sell at once, if there is the slightest sign of a decline. 3. Since the in- troduction of the new ta- riffs, their business has been on the decline. decrease. 1. The balance sheet shows a decrease in the profits. deed. 1. Deed of partner- ship. deliver (to). 1. Delivered weight. 2. The freight is payable on the delivered weight. 3. 1 shall not deliver the cases without your sanction. seche. 3. Faux fret. 4. Compte fictif. 5. Arret des affaires. vendre. 1 1. II vend des cuirs Sud-Americains. 2. Si les echantillons sont satisf ais;mts, je suis tout dispose a traiter avec vous. 3. Je ne fais plus d'affaires avec eux depuis plusieurs annees. 1 or traiter, faire des affaires. ne'gociant, marchand. operations, rapports d'af- faires. 1. Leurs operations sont plutot singulieres. 2. Nos rapports d'affaires avec eux nous ont toujours cause des ennuis. debiter. 1. Debiter de. declin, baisse. 1. La statis- tique des marchandises expor- tees cette annee indique une baisse considerable. 2. Vendez de suite, s'il y a le moindre signe d'une baisse. 3. Depuis I'mtroduction des nouveaux tarifs, leurs affaires ont con- stamment baisse. diminution. l.Lebilan in- dique une diminution des be- nefices. acte. 1. Contrat d'association, acte de societe. livrer. l.Poidsdelivre. 2. Le fret est payable au poids de- livre. 3. Je ne livrerai pas les caisses sans votre permission. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMEECIAL CORRESPONDENT. 171 delivery. 1. Delivery order. 2. Carriage payable on de- livery. department. 1. The head of the department attends to your affair. deposit (to). 1. To deposit something on account. 2. To deposit something as a guarantee (to bind the bar- gain). 3. I cannot accept your order, unless you de- posit a quarter of the total amount. deposit. 1. They refuse to pay a deposit. direct (to). 1. We have di- rected Messrs H & Co., of Havre, to deliver you the following packages. discharge (to). 1. Your agent has not discharged his duty towards us. 2. We intend to open a new branch as soon as we have dis- charged all our liabilities. 3. Unless you are more regu- lar in sending your reports, we shall be compelled to discharge you. 4. They have discharged most of their staff. 1 or s'acquitter de, d&harger (see unloading), remercier, congdier. discharge. 1. In discharge of your account. 2. We beg you to be more punctual in the discharge of your du- 2 or acquittement, accoinplisse- ! livraison. 1. Bon a delivrer. 2. Port payable en prenant livraison. service. 1. Le chef de service . s'occupe de votre affaire. faire un d6p6t, deposer, mettre en depot. 1. Verser a valoir. 2. Verser a titre de garantie. 3. Je ne peux ac- cepter votre commande, si vous ne versez pas a valoir un quart du montant total. depot, versement a valoir, a- compte. 1. Ils refusent de verser un a-compte. dormer des instructions a. 1. Nous avons donne a Messieurs H. & C ie ., du Havre, les instructions de vous livrer les colis suivants. acquitter. 1 1. Votre repre- sentant ne s'est pas acquitte de son devoir a notre egarcl. 2. Nous avons 1'intention d'ou- vrir une nouvelle succursale des que nous aurons acquitte toutes nos dettes. 3. Si vous ne nous adressez pas vos rap- ports plus regulierement, nous serons obliges de vous conge- dier. 4. Ils ont remercie la plus grande partie de leur personnel. acquit. 2 1. Pour acquit de votre compte. 2. Nous vous prions d'etre plus exact dans 1'accomplissementde vos tene- ment, concordat. 172 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. ties. 3. You will have to see to the discharge of this debt. dishonor (to). 1. A dis- honored bill. 2. The cheque was dishonored. dispose (to). 1. To dispose of. 2. As soon as we have disposed of this lot, we will give you a further order. 3. We cannot dispose of the bales in such a short time. do (to). 1. Little is being done. 2. We are doing very little with them. down (to go). draft. 1. Draft at sight. 2. A dishonored draft. 3. Our draft falling due on the 10th inst. 4. I duly received the draft of the agreement. draw (to). 1. To draw on. 2. To draw up. 3. I have drawn on you for the full amount. 4. Kindly have the contract drawn up. 1 or j'ai fait traite sur vous drawee, drawer. drop (to). 1. Cane sugar is dropping. 2. Their business is steadily dropping. 3. Drop me a line. 4. I shall be obliged to drop this enterprise. tions. 3. Vous aurez a vous occuper de 1'acquittement de cette dette. dishonorer. 1. Un effet pro- teste. 2. Le cheque n'a pas ete paye. disposer. 1. Se debarrasser de, ecouler, placer. 2. Des que nous aurons ecoule cette par- tie, nous vous passerons une nouvelle commande. 3. Nous en si peu de temps. faire, faire des affaires, traiter. 1. Les affaires sont tres calmes. 2. Nous ne faisons que peu d'affaires avec eux. baisser. tirage, traite, effet, projet, avant-projet. 1. Traite a vue. 2. Un effet proteste. 3. Notre tirage au 10 c 1 . 4. J'ai bien regu le projet da contrat. tirer. 1. Disposer sur, faire traite sur. 2. Rediger, dresser. 3. J'ai tire sur vous pour le total. 1 4. Yeuillez faire dresser le contrat. du montant total. tire, tireur. baisser, etre en baisse. 1 . Le sucre de canne est en baisse. 2. Leurs affaires baissent d'une maniere constante. 3. Adressez-moi un mot. 4. Je serai oblige d'abandonner cette entreprise. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 173 dry. 1. Dry goods. 2. Dry dock. due. 1. Due to arrive. 2. The ship is due here on the 10th inst. 3. The various sums due to us amount to 5000. 4. That's our due. dues. 1. Town dues. 2. Pi- lotage dues. duly, in due course. 1. I duly received. duty. 1. It is part of your duties to see to that. 2. Your agent did not do his duty. 3. The duty must be paid by the buyers. 4. Custom duties. 5. Excise duties. 6. Free of duty. 7. Goods sold, duty paid or duty free. .early. 1. It is too early to decide yet. 2. The early shipments were not very good. 3. The early part of the week, of the month, of the year. 4. Awaiting an early reply. 5. At your earliest convenience. employ. 1. He was in my employ. employer. enclose (to). 1. Enclosed. 2. Enclosed, please find. 3. I beg to enclose. 1 or remettre inclus. SCO. 1. Nouveautes, mercerie, lingerie. 2. Gale seche. dti. 1. Attendu. 2. Le navire est attendu ici le 10 c*. 3. Les differentes sommes qui nous . sont dues s'elevent a 5000. 4. Cela est notre du. droits. 1. Droits d'octroi. 2. Droits de pilotage. en temps voulu. 1. J'ai re?u en temps voulu, or j'ai bien reu. devoir, droit, fonction. 1. II entre dans vos fonctions de vous en occuper. 2. Votre re- presentant n'a pas fait son de- voir. 3. Les droits doivent etre acquittes par les acheteurs. 4. Droits de douane. 5. Droits de regie. . 6. En franchise. 7. Marchandises vendues, droits payes or a 1'acquitte. de bonne heure, tot. i. II est encore trop tot pour prendre une decision. 2. Les premiers chargements n'etaient pas tres bons. 3. Le commencement de la semaine, du mois,de 1'annee. 4. Dans Fatten ted' une reponse des que possible. 5. Des que vous le pourrez. service. 1 . II etait a inon ser- vice. chef, patron. remettre dans une lettre. 1 1. Ci-inclus. 2. Yeuillez trouver ci-inclus. 3. J'ai 1'avantage de vous remettre ci-inclus. 174 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. enclosure. 1. One enclo- sure. end (to). 1. Your agreement with us ends on the 10th prox. end. 1. To put an end to. 2. To this end. endorse (to). 1. To endorse a document. 2. To endorse a project. enter (to). 1. We do not wish to enter into corres- pondence with them. 2. You seem to have entered the same sum twice. 3. Kindly enter this amount to our credit. 4. I cannot under- stand why the parcels have not been entered yet at the custom house. entry. 1. To make an entry. 2. To make an entry at the custom house. 3. Entry form. 4. Outward entry form. 5. Inward entry form. estimate (to). 1. We esti- mate the losses at 350. 2. I cannot estimate the damage. estimate. 1. They cannot give you the order, unless you forward them an esti- mate. 2. I can only give you a rough estimate. 3. Kindly forward us an esti- mate of the damage. lettre inclu-se. 1 i. Une piece incluse. 1 or document inclus, piece incluse. terminer, expirer, finir. 1. Votre entente avec nous expire le 10 du mois prochain. fin. 1. Mettre fin a. 2. A cet effet, dans cette intention. endosser. 1. Endosser un document. 2. Acquiescer a un pro jet. entrer. 2 1. Nous ne desirons pas entrer en correspondance avec eux. 2. Vous paraissez avoir passe deux fois la meme ecriture. 3. Veuillez placer cette somme a notre credit. 4. Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi les paquets n'ont pas encore ete passes en douane. 2 or passer, placer. ecriture, declaration. 1. Pas- ser une ecriture. 2. Passer or lever un permis en douane. 3. Permis (custom h ouse). 4. Per- mis de sortie. 5. Permis d'en- tree. estimer, evaluer. 1. Xous es- timons les pertesa 350. 2. Je ne peux pas evaluer les degats. estimation, devis. i. Us ne peuvent pas vous passer 1'or- dre, si vous ne leur envoyez pas de devis. 2. Je ne puis vous fixer qu'un prix approximatif. 3. Veuillez nous expedier une estimation des degats. HUGO'S FEENCH COMMEECIAL COEBESPONDENT. 175 examination. 1. To remit for examination. 2. We wish to refer the matter to the examination of experts. 3. After examination of the accounts. examine (to). 1. On exa- mining the goods,we found a great difference between them and the samples sub- mitted to us. 2. If you exa- mine our account carefully, you will find it correct. exchange (to). exchange. 1. Stock Ex- change. 2. Exchange (goods). excise. 1. Excise permit (see ' duty '). expect (to). 1. I expect a fresh supply by the next steamer. 2. We did not ex- pect to hear from you so soon. 3. Expecting to hear from you. expectation. 1. We were fully justified in our ex- pectations. 2. If, contrary to your expectation, the goods did not arrive in time... expedient. 1. I do not think that it would be ex- pedient for you to do it. 2. Do it, if you deem it ex- pedient. examen, verification. 1. Re- mettre a 1'examen. 2. Nous desirous soumettre 1' affaire a 1'examen d'experts. 3. Apres verification des comptes. examiner, verifier, i. Err examinant les marchandises, nous avous trouve une graude difference entre elles et les echantillons qui nous ont etc soumis. 2. Si vous verifiez soigneusement notre compte, vous le trouverez correct. ^changer. echange, change (financial). 1. Bourse. 2. Marche, bourse. re"gie. 1. Acquit a caution. attendre. 1. J'attends un nouvel approvisionnement par prochain vapeur. 2. Nous ne nous attendions pas a avoir de vos nouvelles si tot. 3. Dans 1'attente de vos nou- velles. attente, espoir. 1. Notre es- poir a ete pleinement justifie. 2. Si, contrairement a votre attente, les marchandises ii'ar- rivaient pas a temps... desirable. l.Jenepensepas qu'il soit desirable que vous le fassiez. 2. Faites-le, si vous le jugez desirable. 176 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. expend (to). 1. We do not wish to expend all our capital in such a risky undertaking. expenditure. expense. 1. At the expense of. 2. At the expense of those whom it may concern. 3. You must cut down all expenses. 4. Unless you undertake to pay all ex- penses. 5. The expenses are too high. export (to) ; export, exporter. extent. 1. To what extent do you allow us to give them credit ? 2. You are liable to the extent of 5,000. 3. Your agent is to a great extent to blame. 4. To a certain extent. extract. 1. Extract of an account. face (to). 1. I do not think he will be able to face all his creditors. 2. If you do not help me, I shall not be able to face the losses. face. 1. The face of a docu- ment. 2. Face value. fail (to). 1. Notwithstanding all my efforts, I failed to 1 or nmnquer, faire faillite, depenser. 1. Nous ne desi- rons pas mettre tout notre capital dans une entrepnse si hasardeuse. depense, depenses. frais, depenses. l.Auxdepens de. 2. Aux frais de qui il ap- partiendra. 3. II vous faut reduire tous les frais. 4. A moins que vous ne preniez tous les frais a votre charge. 5. Les depenses sont trop elevees. exporter ; exportation. exportateur. etendue, importance. 1. Quelle est 1'importance du de- couvert que vous nous per- mettez de leur accorder ? 2. Vous etes responsables d'une somme de 5,000. 3. Votre agent est grandement a bla- mer. 4. Jusqu'a un certain point. ex trait. 1. Extrait d'un compte. faire face, supporter. 1. Jene pense pas qu'il puisse faire face a tous ses creanciers. 2. Si vous ne m'aidez pas, je ne pourrai pas supporter les pertes. recto. 1. Le recto d'un docu- ment. 2. Valeur nominale, or valeur sur le papier. ne pas re'ussir. 1 i.Malgre tous mes efforts, je n'ai pas manquer de parole. HUGO'S FEENCH COMMEECIAL COEEESPONDENT. 177 rt him to pay anything. Do not fail to write to me. 3. If you fail me, I shall not be able to meet my liabilities. 4. That firm failed last month. 5. In spite of all their pro- mises, they failed us at the last moment. failure. 1. 1 am afraid they will be hard hit by the failure of that firm. 2. The failure of this enterprise disheartened them. 3. All their efforts will end in failure. 4. Begun on those lines, this undertaking can be nothing but a failure. 1 or e"chec, fiasco. fair. 1. I do not think it fair on their part to treat me thus. 2. This is a fair offer. 3. Fair average quali- ty. 4. A fair average. 5. There still remains a fair amount due to us. 6. It is not fair to hold us respon- sible for the loss. 7. He is in a fair way to succeed. 2 or certaine. faithfully. 1. Yours faith- fully. fall (to). 1. Do not buy now ; the prices are sure to fall soon. 2. Kindly let me know when the bills fall due. 3. 1 am afraid the reussi a lid faire payer la moindre somme. 2. Ne man- quez pas de m'ecrire. 3. Si vous me manquez, je ne pour- rai faire face a mon passif. 4. Cette maison a fait faillite le mois dernier. 5. Malgre toutes leurs promesses, ils nous ont manque de parole au dernier moment. faillite. 1 1. Je crains qu'ils ne soient serieusement eprouves par la faillite de cette maison. 2 . L 'echec de cette entreprise les a decourages. 3. Tous leurs efforts echoueront. 4. Com- mencee de cette facon, cette entreprise ne peut 6tre qu'un fiasco. manque de re"ussite. bon, equitable, loyal. 1. Je ne pense pas que ce soit equita- ble de leur part de me traiter ainsi. 2. C'est une offre equi- table. 3. Qualite loyale et marchande. 4. Une bonne moyenne. 5. II reste encore une bonne 2 somme a notre credit. 6. Ce n'est pas juste de nous rendre responsables des pertes. 7. II est en bonne voie de reussite. nd&Lement. 1. Votre tout devoue. tomber, baisser. 1. N'achetez pas maintenant ; les prix bais- seront certaiuement bientot. 2. Veuillez me faire savoir quand les traites viennent a echeance. 3. Je crains q ue les 178 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. losses will fall on us. 4. If we invest all our capital in this enterprise, we shall have nothing to fall back on. fall. 1. The fall in prices, fast. 1. By fast train. fault. 1. The principal fault of these articles... 2. To find fault with. . . 3. They always find fault with our goods. faultless. faulty. favor (to). 1. You have not yet favored us with an order. favor. 1. Your favor of the 1st inst. 2. As a special favor. feature. 1. On examining the principal features of this affair. . . 2. The feature which strikes me most at first sight.... feel (to). 1. We feel that this affair is risky. 2. We do not feel compelled to help them. 3. We feel ob- liged to you. 4. We cannot help feeling confident that ... 5. I am afraid he will feel his losses for a long time. i or se sentir, se croire, fetch a price (to). 1. It is im- possible to say what price these goods would fetch. pertes ne retombent sur nous. 4. Si nous engageons tout notre capital dans cette af- faire, nous n'aurons plus au- cune ressource. . 1. La baisse des prix. rapide. 1. En grande vitesse. faute, defaut. 1. Le defaut principal deces articles... 2. Trouver a redire a... 3. Us trouvent toujours a redire a nos marchandises. sans defaut. deTectueux. favoriser. i. Yous ne nous avez pas encore aceorde la faveur d'un ordre. faveur., 1. Yotre estimee, or honoree du l er c*. 2. A titre de faveur speciale. trait, point. 1. En examinant les traits saillants de cette af- faire... 2. Le point qui me frappe le plus a premiere sentir. 1 1. Nous sentons que cette affaire est dangereuse. 2. Nous ne nous croyons pas obliges de les aider,.. 3. Nous sommes vos obliges. 4. Nous ne pouvons pas nous em- pecher de croire que. . . 5. Je crains qu'il ne se ressente de ses pertes pendant longtemps. etre, se ressentir. atteindre un prix. i. II est impossible de dire le prix que ces marchandises attein- HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 179 2. Sell them for what they will fetch. file (to). 1. To file letters. 2. To file one's petition in bankruptcy. fine. 1. Fine goods. fine. 1. They had to pay a fine, flat. 1. We have done no business, the market being so flat. float (to). 1. To float a com- pany. fluctuate (to). 1. Our mar- ket fluctuates between a rise and a fall. 2. Coffee fluc- tuates from day to day. fluctuations. foot. 1. At foot. 2. You will find all particulars at foot. forfeit (to). 1. Pay the fine at once, or the goods will be forfeited. 2. I take it that you have forfeited your word. forfeit, forfeit money. form (to). 1. To form a company. 2. We find it difficult to form a con- nection. form. 1. In the usual form. 2. In form of. 3. In due form. 4. Blank form. 5. Entry form (custom house). draient. 2. Vendez-les a n'im- porte quel prix. classer. 1. Classer des lettres. 2. Deposer son bilan. fln, beau, belle. 1. Marchan- dises fines, or de valeur. amende. 1. Us ont du payer une amende. plat, calrae. 1. Nous n'avons pas fait d'affaires, le marche etant si calme. fi Otter. 1. Lancer une com- pagnie. varier, osciller. 1. Notre marche oscille entre une hausse et une baisse. 2. Le cafe varie de jour en jour. fluctuations, variations. pied. . 3. Ci-dessous. 2. Vous trouverez tous les details ci-dessous. manquer, abandonner, con- fisquer. 1. Payez 1'amende tout de suite, ou les marchan- dises seront confisquees. 2. J'en conclus que vous avez manque a votre parole. dr reconnaissant, oblig. indemnity. indent. indentures. indifferent. 1. We cannot buy goods of such indiffer- ent quality. indorse (to). indorsement, indorser. infer (to). 1. I infer from the tone of your letter... 2. It would not be right to infer.... inform (to). information. I.I am await- ing fuller information. infringe (to). 1. To infringe upon. initial (to). injunction. injure (to). 1. This would seriously injure our inter- ests. 2. Their credit was greatly injured by that loss. injurious. augmentation. 1 1. Les im- portations augmentent. 2. Je serai heureux de vous accorder une augmentation. 1 or bausse, accroissement. redevable. 2 i. Je suis rede- vable de votre adresse a M. H. 2. Nous vous sommes obliges des renseignements que vous nous avez fournis. indemnite. commande. COntrats, engagements. ordinaire, i. Nous ne pou- voiis acheter de marchandises de qualite si ordinaire. endosser. endos, endosseur. COnclure, deduire. 1. J'en conclus d'apres le ton de votre lettre... 2. II ne serait pas juste d'en deduire... informer. informations, renseigne- ments. 1. J'attends de plus amples renseignements. enfreindre. i. Empieter sur. parapher. arrt de suspension. nuire a, porter prejudice a. 1. Cela porterait un grand pre- judice a nos interets. 2. Leur credit a etc f ortement ebranle par cette perte. prejudiciable, nuisible. 188 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. injury. inquire (to). 1. I shall in- quire fully into this mat- ter. 2. It is no use in- quiring of him ; he is not competent. 1 demander, or prendre des renseignemeuts. inquiry. 1. To make in- quiries about... insolvency, insolvent. instalment. 1. Payable by instalments. inst. institute (to). 1. To instit- ute proceedings against... insurance. 1. Fire insu- rance. 2. Marine insurance. 3. Insurance policy. 4. In- surance premium. 5. In- surance broker. insure. interest. 1. To the best of our common interests. introduce (to). 1. To intro- duce goods into the coun- try. 2. I will introduce you to our agent. introduction. 1. Letter of introduction. invest (to). 1. How much do you propose to invest in this company ? 2. Their money is well invested. invoice (to). 1. Invoice. tort. S'informer. 1 1. Je prendrai des renseignements complets sur cette affaire. 2. II est inu- tile de lui demander des ren- seignements ; il est incom- petent. demanded 1. Prendre des renseignements sur ... 2 or question, renseigneinents. insolvabilite. insolvable. paiement partiel, a-compte. 1. Payable par a-comptes. Ct. (courant). instituer. 1. Intenter un proces a... assurance. 1. Assurance con- tre 1'incendie. 2. Assurance maritime. 3. Police d'assu- rance. i. Prime d'assurance. 5. Courtier d'assnrances. assurer. inter (gt. 1. Au mieux de nos interets communs. presenter, introduire. 1. In- troduire des marchandises dans le pays. 2. Je vous pre- senterai a notre representant^ introduction. 3 1. Lettre de recommandation. 3 or presentation, recorurnandation. placer, mettre. 1. Combien vous proposez-votis de mettre dans cette compagnie ? 2. Leur argent est bien place. facturer. 1. Facture. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 189 issue (to). 1. The last shapes were issued a month ago. 2. We issued a draft. 3. We shall issue a writ against them. issue. I.I cannot yet tell you what the issue of this affair will be. 2. Issue of shares. item. jettison (to). 1. All the deck cargo was jettisoned. jettison. jobbers (Stock Exchange). jobbing. 1. Bill jobbing. joint. 1. Joint interest. 2. I will take a joint interest with you in this enter- prise. 3. Joint stock. 1 or Je serai de compte a demi avec vous dans cette entreprise. jointly. 1. Jointly and sepa- rately. judge (to). 1. Judging from. judge. 1. Our agent is a very good judge of this kind of business. 2. He is a good judge of wine. 3. He is no judge. judgment. 1. I leave it to your judgment. 2. According to my judg- ment. judicial. 1. Judicial pro- ceedings. 2. Judicial liquid- ation. emettre, fournir. 1. Les der- nieres actions ont ete eraises il y a un mois. 2. Nous avons fourni une traite. 3. Nous leur enverrons une assignation. issue. 1. Je ne peux encore vous dire quelle sera Tissue de cette affaire. 2. Emission d'actions. article. Jeter a la mer. i. Toute la pontee a ete jetee a la mer. jet a la mer. agioteurs. agiotage. 1. Tripotage d'ef- fets. COmmun, reuni. 1. Interest egal, compte a demi. 2. J'en- trerai pour moitie avec vous dans cette eiitreprise. 1 3. Ca- pital social. ensemble, conjointement. 1. Solidairement. juger. 1. A en juger par. juge. 1. Notre representant se connait bien a cette sorte d'affaires. 2. II se connait en vins. 3. II n'y connait rien. jugement. 1. Je le laisse a votre appreciation. 2. Suivant moi, or a mon avis. judiciaire. 1. Poursuites ju- diciaires. 2. Liquidation ju- diciaire. 190 HUGO'S FEENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. just 1. That is just what I want. 2. I have just receiv- ed your letter. 3. Their claim is neither just nor well founded. justify (to). 1. The circum- stances do not justify your conduct. 2. To be justified in. 3. You are not justified in treating us thus. keg. 1. A keg of red herrings. kind. 1. It is very kind of you to make this offer. 2. Your offer is very kind. 3. Trusting you will grant our bills your kind reception. kindly. 1. Kindly acknow- ledge receipt of my remit- tance. 2. We beg to thank you for having so kindly accepted our offer. kindness. 1. We are indebt- ed to you for the kindness you have extended to our Mr. B. knock (to). 1. To knock down (auction sale). 2. You will knock something off your bill. know (to). 1. I know noth- ing of the laws of your country. 2. 1 should like to know the trutli about this firm. 3. Let me know your opinion. juste, exactement. 1. C'est exactement ce que je veux. 2. Je viens de recevoir votre let- tre. 3. Leur reclamation n'est ni juste, ni bien fondee. justifier. 1. Les circonstances ne justifient pas votre con- duite. 2. Avoir le droit de. 3. Yous n'-avez pas le droit de nous traiter ainsi. baril. 1. Une caque de ha- rengs saurs. aimable, bienveillant, gra- cieux. 1. C'est tres aimable a vous de faire cette off re. 2. Votre offre est tres gracieuse. 3. Dans 1'espoir que vous re- serverez bon accueil a notre signature. aimablement, gracieuse- ment. 1. Veuillez m'accuser reception de ma remise. 2. Nous avons Favantage de vous remercier d'avoin si gracieuse- ment accepte notre offre. bont6. 1. Nous vous sommes reconnaissants de la bonte dont vous avez fait preuve a 1'egard de notre sieur B. frapper. 1. Adjuger. 2. Yous rabattrez quelque chose de votre note. savoir, connaitre. 1. Je ne connais rien aux lois de votre pays. 2. Je voudrais bien sa- voir la verite sur cette maison. 3. Dounez-moi votre opinion. HUGOS FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 191 knowledge. 1. Our agent I did it without our know- j ledge. 2. None of it has | yet been sold, to my know- ledge. labor (to). 1. You seem to j me to labor under a wrong impression. labor. 1. Labor is cheap. lade (to). land goods (to). landing (of goods). languid (Stock Exchange, market). languish (to), (Stock Ex- change, market). 1. The languishing state of busi- ness. late. 1. The cotton crop is very late this year. 2. To work late. 3. Sooner or later. 4. At the latest. 5. My late partner. 6. Mr. B , late of Paris. lately. 1. We wrote to them lately. law. 1. Bye-law. 2. Law- costs. 3. Lawful. 4. Law- suit. 5. Lawyer. lay-day (navigation). leak (navigation). leak out (to). connaissance. i. Notre agent 1'a fait a notre insu. 2. II n'en a pas encore ete vendu, que je sache. travailler. i. Vous me semblez etre sous le coup d'une fausse impression. travail, main-d'oauvre. 1. La main-d'oeuvre est bon marche. Charger, mettre a bord. de"barquer des marchandises, mettre des marchandises terre. de"barquement de marchan- dises, or raise a terre de mar- chandises. sans activite, calme. 6tre sans activite", &re calme. 1. Le calme des affaires. tard, en retard. 1. La recolte des cotons est tres en retard cette annee. 2. Travailler tard. 3. Tot ou tard. 4. Au plus tard. 5.Feu mon associe. 6. M. B , anciennement etabli a Paris. dernierement. i. Nous leur avons ecrit dernierement. loi. 1. Reglement administra- tif. 2. Depens. 3. Legal. 4. Proces. 5. Avocat, homme de loi, avoue, notaire. jour de planche. voie d'eau. transpirer. 192 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. leakage. lease. leave (to). I. I leave it to you. 2. The steamer ' Ceres ' will leave to-mor- row for your port. leave. 1. We beg leave to forward you enclosed. 2. To take leave. ledger, leisure. 1. At your leisure. length. 1. At length. 2. To explain at full length. lessen (to). 1. To lessen in prices. liabilities. 1. Their liabi- lities are enormous. liable. 1. You are liable for the full amount. 2. The prices are liable to go down. license. 1. We have to pay for a license. licensed. lie (to). 1. To lie idle (money). 2. The decision lies in their hands. 3. It lies with you to accept or refuse. lien. 1. Maritime lien. life. I- Life insurance. 2. Life interest. 3. Life an- nuity. coulage. bail. laisser, quitter, partir. 1 . Je m'en rapporte a vous. 2. Le vapeur 'Ceres ' partira deraain a destination de votre port. permission, conge, i. Nous nous permettons de vous re- mettre ci-inclus. 2. Prendre conge. grand livre. loisir. I. Quand vous aurez le temps, longueur. i.Enfin, toutau long. 2. Donner tous les details, diminuer. 1. Baisser de prix. passif. 1. Leur passif est enorme. responsable. i. Vous etes responsable du montant total. 2. Les prix sont sujets a bais- ser. licence, patente. 1. Nous de- vons payer patente. autorise", patente. 6tre couche or pose. 1. Dormir. 2. C'est a eux de decider. 3. 11 vous appartient d'accepter on de refuser. gage. 1. Droit de retention d'un navire. Vie. 1. Assurance sur la vie, 2. Usufruit. 3. Rente viagere. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 193 light. 1. We look to you to throw some light on this affair. 2. You do not view our proposal in the proper light. 3. Light duties. light. 1. Light weight. limit (to). 1. We do busi- ness with them on a very limited scale. 2. Limit your purchases to what is strictly necessary. limit. 1. Our limit is frs. 150 per hundred kilos. limited. 1. Ltd. Co. liquidate (to). 1. To liqui- date a claim, liquidation, little, 1. Little money. livCc 1. Live stock, lively (market, Stock Ex- change). load (to). 1. The ship is loading in the Alexandra Dock, Liverpool. lodge (to). 1. To lodge a credit. 2. We lodged a com- plaint against them. long. 1. Before long. look. 1. To look for. 2. We look forward to your visit. 3. Look, outlook. lose (to). 1. We stand to lose a large sum. lumiere. l.Nouscomptons snr vous pour eclaircir cette affaire. 2. Yous n'envisagez pas notre proposition sons son vrai jour. 3. Droits de phare. le~ger. 1. Poids leger. limiter. 1. Nousne traitons que peu d'affaires avec eux. 2. Limitez vos achats au strict necessaire. limite. 1. Notre limite est de frs. 150 par cent kilos. limits. 1. En commandite par actions. liquider. 1. Regler une re- clamation. liquidation. petit. 1. Peu d'argent. vivant. 1. Bestiaux sur pied. actif. charger. 1. Le navire est en charge au bassin Alexandra, Liverpool. loger. 1. Ouvrir un credit. 2. Nous avons porte plainte contre eux. long, longtemps. 1. D'ici peu. regarder, sembler. 1. Cher- cher. 2. Nous serons tres heureux de vous voir. 3. Ap- parence. perdre. 1. Nous courons le risque de perdre une sonirne importante. 194 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. loser. 1. To be a loser, to come off a loser. 2. Unless you are very careful, you will come off a loser. 3. We are not the losers by it. lot. 1. I shall not make any offer for that lot. 2. We only have a small lot left. low. 1. Low price. 2. Offers are low. lower (to). 1. It is impos- sible for me to lower my prices, mail. 1. Mail train. 2. Mail boat. 3. By next mail. make (to). 1. To make over. 2. To make sure of . 3. Your account has been made up to the 1st inst, 4. We will make up to you for the loss. manage (to). 1. He manages the business himself. 2. You managed the affair better than I thought you would. management. manager. manifest (shipping). manufactory. manufacture. manufacturer. manufacturing, l. The manufacturing centres. perdant. 1. Perdre. 2. Si vous ne'prenez pas toutes vos precautions, vous y perdrez. 3. Nous n'y perdons rien. , lot, partie. 1 . Je ne ferai pas d 'off re pour cette partie. 2. II ne nous reste qu'un petit lot. bas. 1. Bas prix. 2. Les offres sont basses. baisser. 1. II m'est impossible de baisser mes prix. malle,poste,courrier. 1. Train poste. 2. Paquebot. 3. Par prochain courrier. faire. 1. Ceder. 2. S'assurer de. 3. Votre compte a ete etabli au l er c 1 . 4. Nous vous compenserons de la perte. 1. II gere 1'affaire lui- meme. 2. Vous avez con- duit 1'affaire mieux que je ne pensais. direction, gestion. ge~rant. manifeste. manufacture, fabrique. produit manufacture. fabricant. manufacturer. 1. Les cen- tres manufacturiers. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT 195 margin. 1. As per margin, material, i. Materials. 2. Raw materials. matter. 1. It is a matter which does not concern us. 2. It is not a very impor- tant matter. maturity. 1. The bills will come to maturity en the 5th prox. mean. 1. Our means are not large enough for it. 2. This is beyond our means. measure (to). 1. Have the goods carefully measured before shipment. measure. measurement. 1. Measure- ment goods. 2. You did not send us the measurements of the packages. meet (to). 1. These goods do not meet our require- ments. 2. The supply does not meet the demand. 3. He cannot meet his engage- ments. 4. Your offer does not meet with our approval. meeting. memorandum. 1. Memo- randum of association. mention (to). 1. I should mention the matter to him. 2. You did not mention it when you called on me. marge. 1. Comme en marge, materiel. 1. Materiaux. 2. Matieres premieres. affaire, question. 1. C'est une affaire qui ne nous concerne pas. 2. C'est une question de peu d'importance. maturite, echeance. 1. Les traites viendront a echeance le 5 du mois prochain. moyen. 1. Nos moyens ne sont pas assez grands pour cela. 2. Ceci est au-dessus de nos ressources. mesurer, toiser. 1. Faites soigneusement toiser les mar- chandises avant de les charger. mesure. Cubage, toise. 1 . Marchandises au cubage. 2. Vous ne nous avez pas envoye les toises des colis. rencontrer. l. Ces mar- chandises ne repondent pas a nos besoins. 2. La production ne suffit pas a la demande. 3. II ne peut faire face a ses en- gagements. 4. Nous n'ap- prouvons pas votre off re. reunion. memorandum, l. Borde- reau d'association. mentionner,parler de. i. Je lui parlerais de 1'affaire. 2. Vous ne m'en avez pas fait mention quand vous etes venu me voir. 196 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. merchant. merchantable? 1. Mer- chantable quality. 2. These goods are not merchan- table. merchantman. middle. 1. Middle price. 2. Middleman. middling:. 1. Articles of middling quality. money. 1. Moneychangers. 2. Money order. 3. Money market. motion. 1. We favor the motion, move (to). 1. When do you propose to move in the matter ? 2. He moved a resolution which was adop- ted. name. 1. In the name of. 2. Under the name of. 3. The name of the firm. necessity. 1. Of necessity. need (to). 1. I need your help. need. 1. We are in great need of these goods. needful. 1. To do the need- ful. negotiable. 1. Negotiable paper. 2. The cheque is marked " not negotiable." negotiate (to). 1. This pa- per cannot be negotiated. negociant. marchand, vendable. 1 . Qua- lite marchande. 2. Ces mar- chandises ne sont pas venda- bles, or sont invendables. navire marchand. milieu. 1. Cours moyen. 2. Intermediaire. moyen. 1. Bon ordinaire. argent. 1. Changeurs. 2. Mandat-poste. 3. Bourse, place. i proposition. l.Noussecon- dons la proposition. mouvoir, se mouvoir. 1 .Quand avez-vous 1'intention de vous occuper de 1'affaire ? 2. II a fait tine proposition qui a ete acceptee. nom. 1. Au nom de. 2. Sous la raison sociale de. 3. La raison sociale. . l.Necessairement. avoir besoin de. i. J'ai besoin de votre aide. besoin. 1. Nous avons grand besoin de ces marchandises. ne~cessaire. i. Faire le ne- cessaire. negociable. 1. Papier nego- ciable. 2. Le cheque est marque " innegociable." negocier. 1. Ce papier n'est pas negociable. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 197 negotiation. 1. To enter into negotiations. net or nett. 1. Nett weight. 2. Nett profit. non-acceptance (of draft), notice (to). 1. We did not notice the mistake until too late. notice. 1. To take notice of. 2. 1 cannot understand why you do not take any notice of my instructions. 3. This escaped my notice. 4. To give notice. notify (to). 1. To notify a judgment. 2. To be noti- fied of. number. 1. A large num- ber of cotton bales caught fire. 2. Paragraph (num- ber) three. Obedient. 1. Your obedient servant. Obediently. 1. Yours obe- diently. Object (to). 1. They object to the bills of lading being made out in your name. 2. I find nothing to object to in their proposal. 1 or faire des objections, or Oblige (to). 1. We shall be greatly obliged to you. 2. Oblige me by writing to them at once. 3. 1 am sorry not to be able to oblige you. 4. They were obliged to pay the charges. negociation. i. Entrer en pourparlers. net. 1. Poids net. 2. Bene- fice net. manque d'acceptation. s'apercevoir de. i. Nous ne nous sommes apergus de 1'erreur que trop tard. note. 1. Faire attention a. 2. Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi vous ne faites pas attention a mes instructions. 3. Cela m'a echappe. 4. Don- ner conge. informer, signifier, notifier. 1. Signifier un jugement. 2. Etre informe de. nombre,numero. 1. Un grand norabre de balles de coton ont pris feu. 2. Le paragraphe numero trois. Obe"issant. 1. Votre obeis- sant serviteur. avec obe"issance. 1. Votre tout devoue. S'opposer. 1 1. Us s'opposent a ce que les connaissements soient etablis en votre nom. 2. Je ne trouve rien a redire a leur proposition. trouver a redire. obliger. 1. Nous vous serons bien obliges. 2. Veuillez avoir 1'obligeance de leur ecrire tout de suite. 3. Je suis fache de ne pouvoir vous rendre service. 4. Us ont eu a payer les frais- 198 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Obligation. 1. 1 am under an obligation to adhere strictly to the contract. Observe (to). 1. I observe that the same item appears twice in your account. 2. Allow me to observe... ObviOUS. 1. It is obvious that they do not mean to pay us. occasion. 1. There is no occasion to write to them. 2. Upon all occasions. 3. If, or when occasion offers. Odd. 1. 15 odd. 2. I still have a few odd bales of this article. 3. Odd num- bers. Office. 1. Lawyer's office. 2. What office does Mr. B hold with you ? 3. Private office. 4. Post office. Official. 1. Official receiver. 2. Government official. 3. Railway official. On. 1. I trust you will not leave the goods on my hands. 2. On and after the 10th of October. 3. On and before this date. open (to). 1. To open an account. Open. 1. An open account. 2. An open credit. 3. An open policy (insurance). obligation, i. Je suis oblige de me conformer strictement au contrat. remarquer, observer, i. Je remarque que le meme article figure deux fois sur votre compte. 2. Permettez-moi de vous faire remarquer... evident. 1. II est evident qu'ils n'ont pas retention de nous payer. occasion. 1. II n'y a pas lieu de leur ecrire. 2. Dans toutes les occasions. 3. A I'occasion. quelque. 1. 15 et quelques fractions. 2. II me reste en- core quelques balles de cet ar- ticle. 3. Nombres, or numeros impairs. bureau, etude. 1. Etude d'homme de loi. 2. Quelles sont les fonctions de M. B chez vous ? 3. Cabinet. 4. Bureau de poste. OffiCiel. 1. Syndic de faillites. 2. Fonctionnaire. 3. Employe du chemin de fer. sur, en. 1. J'espere que vous ne me laisserez pas les mar- cbandises pour compte. 2. A dater du 10 Octobre. 3. D'ici a cette date. OUVrir. 1. Ouvrir un compte. ouvert. 1. Un compte ou- vert. 2. Un credit ouvert. 3. Une police ouverte. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 199 opening. 1. This affair ought to be a good opening for you. opportunity. 1. This will give you an opportunity to enter into correspon- dence with them. Option. 1. We have no op- tion. 2. You have no option but to do what they ask. 3. The goods were shipped " option," Havre or Hani- burg. optional. 1. It is optional on their part to accept or to refuse the goods. Order (to). 1. I ordered him to write at once. 2. Our agent will order the goods. 1 or donner 1'ordre, commander. Order. 1. He disobeyed my orders. 2. We have already received many orders. 3. Pay to Mr. X or order. 4. By order of Messrs Brown & Co., we beg to remit you enclosed... 5. The parcels were in good order when shipped. 6. Your books are in order. Original. 1. Original bill of lading. 2. Original in- voice. ours. 1. Ours of yesterday. OUt. 1. To be out of. 2. I am out of this article at 2 or depourvu, sorti. OUverture. 1. Oette affaire devrait etre un bon com- mencement pour vous. occasion. 1. Cela vous four- nira 1 'occasion d'entrer en cor- respondance avec eux. option, choix. 1. Nous n'avons pas le choix. 2. II ne vous reste qu'a faire ce qu'ils de- mandent. 3. Les marchandises ont ete chargees pour le Havre ou Hambourg, a option. au Choix. 1. Us peuvent accepter ou refuser les mar- chandises, a leur choix. ordonner. 1 1. Je lui ai donne 1'ordre d'ecrire tout de suite. 2. Notre agent commandera les marchandises. ordre, commande. 1. II a de- sobei a mes ordres. 2. Nous avons deja regu beaucoup de commandes. 3. Payez a M. X ou a son ordre. 4. D 'ordre de Messieurs Brown & C ie , nous avons 1'avantage de vous remettre ci-inclus... 5. Les colis etaient bien conditionnes a leur mise a bord. 6. Vos livres sont en regie. original, d'origine. 1. Con- naissement d'origine. 2. Fac- ture d'origine. le n6tre. 1. Notre devouee, or lettre d'hier. hors. 2 ] . Etre depourvu de. 3 2. Je suis depourvu de cet ar- 3 or n'avoir plus de. 200 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. present. 3. This is en- tirely out of the ques- tion. 4. Transmit your order at once, as the goods will soon be out of season. 5. We did not make much out of it. 6. We are consi- derably out of pocket over this affair. 7 The order was not executed, as our machinery was out of order. 8. Outlay. 9. Outlet. 10. To outbid. 11. Outward bound. 12. Output. Over. 1. To make over. 2. Promissory notes must be paid over the counter by the bank. 3. To over- charge. 4. To overdraw one's account. 5. Overland. 6. Overdue. 7. To over- value. 8. To overwork. 9. To be overworked. 10. If the parcels cannot be shipped in time, send them by the overland route. 11. As your account is now overdue, we shall be obliged for a remittance. Owe (to). 1. To owe money. OWing". 1. Owing to recent losses. Own (to). 1. He owns a very important business. 2. I must own that I was sur- prised at the contents of your letter. tide a present. 3. Ceci est en- tierement hors question. 4. Passez votre commaiide imrae- diatement, car les marchan- dises seront bientot hors sai- son. 5. Nous n'en avons pas retire de gros benefices. 6. Nous avons perdu beaucoup d'argent dans cette affaire. 1, L'ordre n'a pas ete execute, car nos machines n'etaient pas en bon etat de fonctionne- ment. 8. Mise de fonds. 9. Debouche. 10. Surencherir. 11. A destination de I'etranger. 12. Rendement. au-dessus. 1. Ceder. 2. Les billets a ordre doivent etre payes comptant par la banque. 3. Compter trop cher. 4. De- passer son compte. 5. Par terre. 6. En retard. 7. Exa- gerer la valeur. 8. Travailler trop, or faire travailler trop. 9. Etre accable de travail. 10. Si les colis ne peuvent etre charges a temps, envoyez-les par voie de terre. 11. Comme votre compte est maintenant en retard, nous vous serons obliges de nous faire un verse ment. devoir. 1. Devoir de 1'argent. dil, par suite de. 1. Par suite de pertes recentes. posseder, admettre. 1. II possede une maison de com- merce tres importante. 2. Je dois admettre que le contenu de votre lettre in 'a surpris. HUGOS FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 201 owner. 1. The owner of the goods. 2. Shipowner. pack (to). 1. Have the goods carefully packed. package ; packing. paper. 1. Paper credit. 2. Paper currency. par. 1. At par. parcel. 1. How much does he offer for that parcel of hides ? 2. Parcel post. part (to). 1. I cannot part with the goods at that price. 2. We will not part with any more money. participate (to). 1. They participate in the profit and s loss. particular. partner. 1. Partnership, party. 1. I am one of the interested parties. pass (to). 1. To pass through (custom house). 2. To pass a cheque through. pass. 1. Pass book. patent (to). 1. To have an invention patented. 2. Patented. patent, letters patent. pattern. 1. All these goods are on the same pattern. proprietaire, possesseur. ! Le proprietaire des merchan- dises. 2. Armateur. emballer. 1. Faites emballer soigneusement les marchan- dises. colis ; emballage. papier. 1. Credit sur effets. 2. Papier monnaie. pair. 1. Au pair. paquet, partie, lot. 1. Com- bien offre-t-il pour ce lot de cuirs ? 2. Colis Postal. se separer. i. Je ne peux pas ceder les marchandises a ce prix. 2. Nous ne voulons pas depenser davantage. participer, avoir part, pren- dre part. 1. Us ont part aux profits et aux pertes. particulier. Detail. associ6. 1. Association. partie. 1. Je suis partie interessee. p asser . 1 . Passer en douane. 2. Presenter un cheque. passe. 1. Carnet de banque. patenter, breveter. 1. Pren- dre un brevet d'invention. 2. Brevete. brevet d'invention. dessin, modele. 1. Toutes ces marchandises sont d'un meme modele. 202 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. pay (to). 1. Carriage paid. 2. Paid up capital. 3. Paid up shares. 4. Pay day (Stock Exchange). 5. Paying-in slip. payee (bank) ; payer. pecuniary. penalty. 1. According to the laws of this country, we should incur a heavy penalty. per annum. percentage. 1. A per- centage. perishable. 1. Perishable goods. permit. perusal. 1. Kindly send us the said letter, which we shall return to you after having noted its contents. peruse (to). petition. petty. 1. Petty excuses. 2. Petty cash. piece. 1. This is indeed a welcome piece of news. pig iron. 1. Pig lead. pilot (to). pilot, pilotage. 1. Pilotage dues. pipe (liquids). payer. 1. Port paye. 2. Capi- tal souscrit, or paye. 3. Ac- tions liberees. 4. Jour de paiement. 5. Bordereau de versement. porteur ; payeur, pecuniaire. peine. 1. D'apres les lois de ce pays-ci, nous noug ex- poserions a une forte peine. par an, annuellement. tant pour cent. i. Un tant pour cent. fragile. 1. Merchandises sujettes a deterioration. permis. lecture. l.Veuillez nous en- voy er la lettre en question, que nous vous retournerons apres en avoir pris con- naissance. lire attentivement, pren- dre connaissance de. petition, demande (see file). mesquin, petit. 1. Des ex- cuses mesquines. 2. Petite caisse. piece. 1. Cette nouvelle est vrairaent la bienvenue. gueuses de fer. i . Plomb en saumons, or saumons de plomb^ piloter. pilote, pilotage. 1. Droits de pilotage. pipe. HUGO S FRENCH OOMMKBOTAL CORRESPONDENT. 203 place (to). 1. Kindly place this sum to our credit. 2. Most of the consignment was placed to advantage. place. 1. It is not my place to write to him. 2. In place of. 3. Kindly attend to it in my place. 4. In the first place. plaintiff. plan. 1. That is the best plan. plant. 1. Goodwill and plant. please (to). 1. Pleased. 2. Enclosed please find. pledge (to). 1. To pledge one's word. pledge. 1. As a pledge of our good faith. pocket. 1. To be in pocket. 2. To be out of pocket. point. 1. Come to the point. policy. 1. Insurance policy. 2. Policy holder. 3. Float- ing policy. 4. Open policy. 5. That is bad policy. poor. 1. The profits were very poor. 2. We do not want goods of such poor quality. port. 1. Port-hole. 2. Port (=larboard). placer. 1. Veuillez nous cre- diter de cette somme. 2. La plus grande partie de la con- signation a ete avantageuse- ment places place. 1. II ne m'appartient pas de lui ecrire. 2. Au lieu de. 3. Veuillez vous en occuper en mes lieu et place. 4. D'abord, or en premier lieu. plaignant, demandeur, partie civile. plan, moyen. 1. C'est le meilleur moyen. plante, materiel, installation. 1. Clientele et installation. plaire. 1. Satisfait, content. 2. Veuillez trouver ci-inclus. engager. 1. S'engager, or engager sa parole. gage. 1. Comme gage de notre bonne foi. poche. 1 . Gagner. 2. Perdre. point. 1 . Arrivez au fait, or venez au fait. police. 1. Police d'assurance. 2. Porteur de police. 3. Police flottante. 4. Police ouverte. 5. C'est de mauvaisepolitique. pauvre, inferienr, minime. 1. Les benefices etaient bien minimes. 2. Nous ne voulons pas de marchandisesde qualite si inferieure. port. 1. Hublot. 2. Babord. 204 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. portion (to). post (to). 1. To post an item (book-keeping). 2. The letters must be posted before six o'clock. post-date (to). postpone (to). 1. We can- not postpone the settlement for more than a week. postscript. power. 1. Power of at- torney. 2. Full power. preclude (to). 1. We shall have to give in, so as to preclude further diffi- culties. preference. 1. Preference stock or shares. preferential. 1. Prefer- ential claim. 2. Preferential creditor. prejudice (to). 1. To be prejudiced against. prejudice. 1. Prejudicial. premises. 1. On the pre- mises. premium- prepare (to). 1. To be prepared to. prepay (to). 1. Prepaid. prepayment, present. 1. The object of the present (letter). partager, diviser. mettre alaposte. i. Passer une ecriture. 2. II faut mettre les lettres a la poste avant six heures. post dater. remettre, ajourner. i. Nous ne pouvons pas retarder le reglement de plus d'une semaine. postscriptum (P.S.) pOUVOir, puissance. 1. Pro- curation. 2. Pleins pouvoirs. prevenir, empeclier. 1. Nous serons obliges de ceder, afin de prevenir de nouvelles difficultes. preference, i. Actions de preference, or actions privi- privilegie. 1. Dette privi- legiee (bankruptcy). 2. Creancier privilegie. causer du prejudice, i. Etre prevenu contre. pr e,j U di 06 , prevention. 1 . Prejudiciable. local, locaux. 1. Sur les lieux. prime (see insurance). pr(parer. 1. Etre pret a, or etre dispose a. payer d'avance. i. Paye d'avance. paiement d'avance. present. 1. Le but de la presente. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 205 press (to). 1. I am afraid they are very hard pressed for money. 2. Press them if you want a satisfactory answer. 3. Pressing orders. 4. Pressing need. pressure. 1. The pressure of work. prevail (to). 1. The greatest activity prevails on our market. 2. The opinion which prevails on change. 3. Try to prevail on them to give us a small order. previous. 1. Previous prices. previously. price (to). price. 1. Price current. primage (navigation). prime. 1. Prime cost. private. 1. Private secre- tary. 2. Private deed. proceed (to). J.. To proceed to. proceeding:. 1. To take proceedings. 2. They will take proceedings against us. proceeds. 1. The net pro- ceeds of the liquidation. process. 1. This is a well known process. 2. This is a slow process. presser, insister. 1. Je crams qu'ils ne soient tres a court d'argent. 2. Insistez pres d'eux si vous voulez une reponse satisfaisante. 3. Ordres presses. 4. Besoin pressant. fardeau. 1. L'enorme quan- tite de travail. avoir le dessus, 1'emporter, regner. 1. La plus grande activite regne sur notre marcbe. 2. L'opinion qui 1'emporte a la Bourse. 3. Tachez de les persuader de nous passer une petite com- mande. ante~rieur. 1. Prix ante- rieurs. auparavant. estimer. prix. 1. Prix courant, chapeau. premier, i. Prix d'achat. parti culier, prive. 1. Se- cretaire particulier. 2. Acte sous seing prive. proce'der. 1. Proceder a. proce"de~. 1. Intenter un proces, poursuivre. 2. Us nous intenteront un proces, or ils nous poursuivront. produit. 1. Le produit net de la liquidation. proce'de'. 1. C'est un pro- cede bien connu. 2. Cela va lentement. 206 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. procuration. curation. 1. Per pro- procure (to). 1. We cannot procure the goods here. produce (to). 1. To pro- duce a deed. produce. 1. Raw produce. product. productive. 1. To be pro- ductive. profit (to). 1. To profit by. 2. I do not see in what way we shall profit by it. profit. 1. The risks are too great, and the profit too small. 2. Profit and loss account. profitable. 1. The low rates of our market do not enable us to sell at a pro- fitable price. pro forma account. promissory note. promote (to). 1. The com- pany will be promoted soon. 2. To be promoted (=advanced in position). promoter. 1. Mr. B. is one of the promoters. 2. He is chiefly a company promoter. property. 1. Property account. procuration, i. P. P on . procurer, se procurer. 1.. Nous ne pouvons pas nous procurer les marchandises ici. produire. i. Produire uu acte. produits. 1. Matieres pre- mieres. produits. qui produit. 1. Amener, produire. profiter. 1. Beneficier de, or retirer des benefices de. 2. Je ne vois pas comment nous en profiterons. profit, benefice. 1. Les risques sont trop grands, et les bene- fices trop petits. 2. Comptede profits et pertes. lucratif,avantageux,remune- rateur. 1. Les taux peu eleves de notre marche ne nous per- mettent pas de vendre a un prix avautageux. compte simul^. billet a ordre. lancer. 1. La Compagnie sera bientotlancee. 2.Etrepromu. lanceur, promoteur. 1. Mon- sieur B. est un des promo- teurs. 2. C'est surtout un lanceur d'affaires. propriete. 1. Compte de mar- chandises. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 207 proposal or proposition. propose (to). 1. What alter- native do they propose ? 2. I want to know what they propose to do in this matter. pro rata. prosecute (to). 1. We have no alternative but to prose- cute them. prosecution. prospect. 1. Judging from what you say, the prospects are rather gloomy. 2. What prospect of success is there ? 3. Are there any prospects of your selling before that date ? protest. test. 1. Under pro- provide (to). 1. We are amply provided with this article. 2. Kindly note that you undertake it at your own risk, and that we are not willing to provide any money. 3. He promised to provide us with the necessary funds. proviso. proximo. 1. the 10th prox. proxy. punctuality. punctually. 1. He always pays punctually. purchase (to). proposition. proposer, se proposer. 1. Quelle alternative proposent- ils ? 2. Je desire savoir ce qu'ils se proposent de faire dans cette affaire. pro rata. poursuivre. 1. II ne nous reste plus qu'a les poursuivre. poursuite. apparence. 1. A en juger d'apres ce que vous dites, les apparences ne sont pas encou- rageantes. 2. Quelle chance de succes y a-t-il ? 3. Avez- vous I'espoir de vendre avant cette date ? protestation, protet (bills of exchange). 1 . Sous reserves. pourvoir. 1. Nous sommes amplement pourvus de cet ar- ticle. 2. Veuillez prendre note que vous 1'entreprenez a vos risques et perils et que nous ne voulons pas fournir d'argent. 3. II a promis de nous fournir les fonds necessaires. condition, reserve. prochain. i. Le 10 du mois prochain. fond6 de pouvoir. exactitude. ponctuellement. i.Iipaie toujours a eche"ance. acheter. 208 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. purchase. purchaser. purpose (to). 1. It is im- possible to find out when they purpose to sell. purpose. 1. These goods do not answer our purpose. pursuance. 1. In pursuance of. push (to). 1. Try to push the sale of this article. 2. We cannot push ourselves forward. put (to). 1. To put back. 2. The delay was caused by the ship having had to put back into port. 3. To put by. 4. To put off. 5. We cannot put off the pay- ment. 6. These items will be put down to your account. 7. I will sign the contract as it stands, but I object to any other clause being put in. qualification. 1. I do not think your agent has the necessary qualifications. qualify (to). 1. To be qualified. 2. Qualified ac- ceptance. quarantine. quarter. 1. Quarter days. quarterly. 1. Quarterly accounts. 2. We always pay quarterly. achat. acheteur. S6 proposer, avoir 1'inten- tion. 1. II est impossible de decouvrir quand ils se propo- sent de vendre. intention. 1. Ces merchan- dises ne conviennent pas a notre usage. vertu. 1. En vertu de, or par suite de, or suivant. pOUSSer. 1. Essayez de pous- ser la vente de cet article. 2. Nous ne pouvons pas nous mettre en avant. mettre. l.Remettre. 2. Le delai a etc cause parce que le navire a ete oblige de rentrer au port. 3 . Mettre de cote. 4. Remettre a plus tard. 5. Nous ne pouvons remettre le paie- ment a plus tard. 6. Nousde- biterons votre compte de ces articles. 7. Je signerai le con- trat tel quel, mais je m'op- pose a 1'introduction de toute autre clause. qualite, connaissance. 1. Je ne pense pas que votre repre- sentant ait les connais- sances necessaires. qualifier. 1. Etre capable de. 2. Acceptation specifiee. quarantaine. [terme. quart, trimestre. 1. Jours de trimestriel. 1. Comptes tri- mestriels. 2.Nouspayons tou- jours par trimestre, wtous les trois mois. HUGO'S FEENCH COMMERCIAL COEEESPONDENT. 209 quay. quayage. query. question (to). 1. I ques- tion the truth of that statement. 1 or je doute de la v6rit6 de.... question. questionable. 1. Their dealings are rather ques- tionable at times. 2. It is questionable whether the ship will arrive in time. quick. 1. Such an enter- prise cannot yield quick returns. 2. Our clerk is quick at figures. 3. If you expect quick returns, you will be disappointed. quiet. 1. The market is very quiet. quotation. 1. According to the present quotations. 2. I have not yet received the official quotation. quote (to). 1. According to the price you quote. rail. 1. To forward goods by rail. 2 or par fer. railway. 1. Railway advice. 2. Railway stocks. 3 or lettre d'avis. raise (to). 1. To raise the prices. 2. To raise a ques- tion. 3. We cannot help you ; it will therefore be necessary for you to raise the money yourself. quai. droits de quai. question. questionner, mettre en doute, or douter de. l.Je 1 mets en doute la verit6 de 1 cette declaration. question (see out). douteux. 1. Leurs precedes sont parfois sujets a caution. 2. II est douteux que le navire arrive a temps. rapide, prompt. 1. Une telle entreprisenesaurait rapporter vi te. 2. Notre employe calcule rapidement. 3. Si vouscomptez sur des benefices immediate, vous serez de- sappointe. calme. 1. Le marche est tres calme. cote, cours. 1. Suivant lee cours actuels. 2. Je n'ai paL encore recu la cote officielle. COter. 1. Suivant le prix que vous cotez. rail. 1. Expedier des mar- chandises par 2 chemin de fer. 2 chemin de fer. i. Avis 3 d'arrivee. 3 2. Actions et obli- gations du chemin de fer. Clever. 1. Hausser les prix. 2. Soulever une question. 3. Nous ne pouvons pas vous aider ; il vous sera done necessaire de trouver 1'argent vous-meme. 210 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDED. rate (to). 1. At what price do you rate this article ? rate. 1. Rate of interest. 2. At any rate. 3. A first- rate investment. raw. 1. Raw materials. 2. Raw hides. 3. Raw cotton. reach (to). 1. Your letter did not reach me. 2. The goods will never reach that price. 3. The ship will reach your port soon. readily. 1. That class of goods always sells readily. ready.- 1. Their shipments are never ready in time. 2. I insist upon being paid ready money. 3. It is necessary to have plenty of ready money to do that kind of business. real. 1. Real estate. rebate. recede (to). 1. Prices are receding steadily. receipt. 1. To acknow- ledge receipt. 2. We are in receipt of your favour of the 10th inst. 3. On receipt of. 4. Duplicate receipt. 5. He is in receipt of a good salary. 6. Receipt in full. receipted. estimer, donner un prix. 1. A quel prix estimez-vous cet article ? taux. 1. Taux d'interet. 2. Quoi qu'il en soit. 3. Un placement excellent, or de premier ordre. brut. 1. Matieres premieres. 2. Cuirs verts. 3. Coton brut. atteindre, parvenir. 1. Votre lettre ne m'est pas parvenue. 2. Les marchandises n'at- teindront jamais ce prix. 3. Le navire arrivera bientot dans votre port. aisement, facilement. 1. Cette sorte de marchandises se vend toujours facilement. prt, facile, disponible. 1. Leurs chargements ne sent jamais prets a temps. 2. J'entends etre payecomptant. 3. II faut avoir beaucoup d'argent disponible pour faire cette sorte d'affaires. r (el, vrai. 1 . Biens immeubles. reduction, refaction. reculer, retrograder. 1. Les prix reculent sans cesse. re9U, quittance. 1. Accuser reception. 2. Nous avons bien re9u votre estimee, or votre honoree du 10 c*. 3. Au recu de. 4. Re^u en duplicata. 5. II est bien paye, or il regoit de bons appoiutements. 6. Re^u pour solde de compte. acquitte. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 211 receive (to). 1. I duly received. 2. Received with thanks. 3. Value received. receiver. 1. I do not know the receiver of the goods, as the bills of lading are made out " to order*" 2. Official receiver. receiving notes (naviga- tion). 1. Receiving order. reconsider (to). 1. It is no use insisting ; I will not reconsider my decision. 2. After thinking it over, I have decided to re- consider your offer. reconsideration. 1. On reconsideration. recourse. 1. To have recourse. recover (to). 1. These old book debts are very difficult to recover. 2. Your charges for recover- ing these small amounts are extortionate. 3. Our market is beginning to recover from the panic. recovery (of money). redeem (to). 1. To redeem a mortgage. 2. To redeem a pledge. redraft, redraw (to). recevoir. 1. J'ai bien reyu. 2. Pour acquit. 3. Valeur recue. re~ceptionnaire. i. Je ne connais pas le receptionnaire des marchandises, car les connaissements sont etablis " a ordre." 2. Syndic de faillites. notes de passage, i. Mandat d' action. revenir sur, remettre a I'etude. 1. II est inutile d'insister, je ne reviendrai pas sur ma decision. 2. Apres y avoir reflechi, je me suis decide a remettre votre offre a I'etude. reflexion. 1. Apres reflexion, or toute reflexion faite. recours. 1. Avoir recours, or recourir. recouvrer. 1. Ces vieilles creances sont tres difficiles a recouvrer. 2. Yos frais pour le recouvrement de ces petites sommes sont exorbitants. 3. Notre march e commence a se remettre de la panique. recouvrement. de"gager. I. Purger une hypotheque. 2. Racheter un gage, or retirer un gage. nouveau tirage, or retraite. tirer a nouveau, or iaire retraite. 212 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. redress (to). 1. It is for him to redress the evil. redress. 1. There is no hope of redress, unless you go to law. 2. I am surprised to see that you cannot obtain any redress from the sellers. refer (to). 1. I do not remember receiving the letter to which you refer. 2. Kindly refer to our latest catalogue. 3. We beg to refer you to our agent. 1 or se re"fe"rer, se reporter, faire allusion, mentionner. reference. 1. Unless they consent to act as refer- ences... 2. With reference to the question you ask... refund (to). refusal. 1. Your refusal to accept delivery has put us to great inconvenience. 2. Before accepting any offer, I shall give you the first refusal. refuse (to), refute (to). register (to). 1. To register a letter. 2. Registered letter. 3. Registered (trade mark). 4. Registered bonds. 5. Registered stock. regulation. reparer. 1. II lui appartient de reparer le mal. repai'ation, indemnite, satis- faction. 1. II n'y a pas d'espoir d'obtenir satisfaction a moins que vous ne plaidiez. 2. Je suis surpris de voir que vous ne pouvez pas obtenir d'indemnite des vendeurs. reTerer. 1 1. Je ne me souviens pas d'avoir reU la lettre a laquelle vous faites allusion. 2. Reportez-vous a notre dernier catalogue. 3. Nous avons 1'avantage de vous ref erer a notre agent. repondant. i. A moins qu'ils n'acceptent d'agir com- me repondants. 2. En ce qui concerne la question que vous posez... rembourser. refus. 1. Votre ref us de prendrelivraisonnous a cause bien des ennuis. 2. Avant d'accepter une cffre, je VOUE donnerai la preference. refuser. reTuter. enregistrer, recommander. ' 1. Recommander une lettre. 2. Lettre recommandee. 3. Depose. 4. Obligations nominatives. 5. Actions nominatives. reglement. HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 213 reimburse (to), reimbursement, reinsure (to). reiterate (to). 1. We reiterate our orders. 2. Reiterated, reject (to). 1. I am sorry to say your offer was rejected. relapse (market). release (to). 1. I cannot release you from your promise without consulting my partner. 2. They refuse to release you from your debt. 3. We are sorry not to be able to release you from your difficulties. relieve (to). 1. Your letter relieved us considerably. 2. I have to go out so often, that I must have some- body to relieve me from time to time. relinquish (to). 1. Do not relinquish your rights in this affair. 2. We are reluctantly compelled to relinquish all claim. rely (to). 1. I rely on your good faith. 2. I cannot rely on those high prices being maintained. 3. I cannot rely on their word. 4. Rely on me. rembourser. remboursement. re"assurer. r^iterer, repeter. i. Nous reiterons nos ordres. 2. Reitere. re Jeter, repousser. 1. Je suis fache de dire que votre offre a ete rejetee. baisse. faire remise, tirer de, delivrer. 1. Je ne puis vous degager de votre promesse sans consulter mon associe. 2. Us refusent de vous faire reraise de votre dette. 3. Nous sommes faches de ne pas pouvoir vous tirer d'embarras. SOUlager, relever. 1. Votre lettrenous a considerablement soulages. 2. Je suis oblige de sortir si souvent, qu'il me faut quelqu'un pour me relever de temps en temps. abandonner. 1. N'aban- donnez pas vos droits dans cette affaire. 2. Nous sommes, a notre grand regret, obliges d'abandonner toute pre- tention. COmpter sur, se fier a. 1. Je compte sur votre bonne foi. 2. Je ne peux pas compter sur le maintien de ces prix eleves. 3. Je ne puis me fier a leur parole. 4. Comptez sur moi. 214 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. remain (to). 1. The sum remaining due to us is very small. 2. I remain, Dear Sir, yours faithfully. remainder. 1. The re- mainder of the parcel was sold yesterday. 2. The remainder does not con- cern us. remark (to). 1. We beg leave to remark ... 2. I remark with regret that you did not sell the goods as well as I expected. remark. 1. We are fully justified in our remarks. 2. We must however make the following remarks. remit (to), l. I beg to remit you. 2. We cannot understand why you did not remit the funds before. 3. We must insist upon your remitting at once a third of the amount. remittance. 1. Your last remittance barely covered the amount of the duties. 2. A remittance will be necessary with the order. removal (of goods). remove (to). 1. The cus- tom - house authorities Tester. 1. La somme qui reste a notre credit est tres petite. 2. Je vous prie d'agreer, Mon- sieur, mes sinceres salutations. reste, solde. 1. On a vendu hier le solde de la partie. 2. Le reste ne nous regarde remarquer, faire observer. 1. Nous nous permettrons de vous faire observer... 2. J'observe, or je remarque avec regret que vous n'avez pas vendu les marcliandises aussi bien que je pensais. remarque, observation, l. Nos observations sont pleine- ment justifiees. 2. II nous faut, tputefois, faire les observations suivantes. remettre, verser. l. J'ai 1'avantage de vous remettre. 2. Nous ne pouvons pas comprendre pourquoi \>ous n'avez pas verse les fonds plus tot. 3. Nous insistons pour que vous nous versiez iminediate- ment un tiers du montant. remise, versement. 1. Votre derniere remise a convert, a peine, le montant des droits. 2. II sera necessaire de faire une remise, or un versement, en passant la commande. enlevement. enlever, transferer. 1. La douane insiste pour que les HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 215 insist upon the goods being removed at once. 2. We have removed all obstacles. 3. They have removed their offices into larger premises. render (to). 1. To render services. 2. Account rendered. renew (to), bill. renewal, a bill. 1. To renew a 1. Renewal of renounce (to). 1. We cannot renounce our rights without an indemnity being paid to us. rent, rental. 1. Rent day. repeat (to). 1. They did not repeat their offer. repeatedly, replace (to). reply (to). 1. We did not reply sooner because... reply. 1. I failed to elicit any reply from them. 2. Hoping to receive a favor- able reply. 3. Awaiting your reply. report (to). 1. Kindly report to us fully on the matter. 2. I shall write to you if there is anything further to report. 3. The marchandises soient enlevees immediatement. 2. Nous avons ecarte, or fait dis- paraitre, tous les obstacles. 3. Us ont transfere leurs bureaux dans des locaux plus vastes. rendre. 1. Rendre des ser- vices. 2. Compte remis. renouveler. 1. Renouveler une traite. renouvellement. i. Re- nouvellement d'un effet, or d'une traite. renoncer a. 1. Nous ne pouvons pas renoncer a ce qui est notre du. sans recevoir une indemnite. loyer. 1. Jour de terme. re"pe"ter, renouveler. 1. Ih n'ont pas renouvele leur offre. a plusieurs reprises. remplacer. repondre. 1. Nous n'avons pas repondu plus tot parce que... reponse. 1. Je n'ai pu obtenir aucune reponse d'eux. 2. Dans 1'espoir d'une reponse favorable. 3. Dans 1'attente de votre reponse. faire un rapport, signaler. 1. Veuillez nous fournir un rapport detaille de 1'affaire. 2. Je vous ecrirai s'il y a du nouveau, or quelque chose de 216 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. ship will* soon arrive at your port ; she was re- ported yesterday off the Lizard. report. 1. Market report. 2. Everything tends to prove that the report cir- culated yesterday was false. 3. The report was not confirmed. 4. All these reports are circulated with a certain object in view, represent (to). 1. Kindly let me know whether you are represented in our town. 2. They are repre- sented to be doing well. 3. The quality is not as good as it was represented to be. representative. 1. Can you recommend me some- body to act as my repre- sentative in this matter ? repurchase (to). repurchase. request (to). 1. You are earnestly requested. 2. We have requested Mr. B. of your town to call on you. request. 1. All these articles are in request. 2. We cannot grant you your request. 3. Request note (custom-house). require (to). 1. If required. 2. We do not require any of those articles at present. 1 or s'il le faut. nouveau, a signaler. 3. Le navire arrivera bientot dans votre port ; il a ete signale hier par le travers du Lezard. rapport, revue. 1. Revue du marche. 2. Tout porte a croire que les bruits qui ont circule hier etaient faux. 3. Le bruit n'a pas ete con- firme. 4. Toutes ces rumeurs sont tendancieuses. repre"senter. i. Veuillez me faire savoir si vous etes representes dans notre ville. 2. On dit que leurs affaires sont prosperes. 3. La qualite n'est pas si bonne qu'on le representait. repre"sentant. i. Pouvez- vous me recommander quel- qu'un pour me representer dans cette affaire ? racheter. rachat. prier. 1. Yous etes instam- ment prie. 2. Nous avons prie Mr. B. de votre ville de vous rendre visite. demand 6. 1. Tous ces articles sont demandes. 2. Nous ne pouvons pas vous accorder ce que vous demandez. 3. Per- mis de debarquer avant la raise en douane du navire. avoir besoin de. i. An 1 besoin. 1 2. Nous n'avons besoin d'aucun de ces articles HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 217 3. A request note is re- quired, if you wish to land the goods at once. 4. We shall require a great deal of money. requirements. 1. To meet the requirements of... resell (to). reservation. 1. Let it be understood that I will accept delivery under the reservation that the goods are to be of the same quality as the sample. reserve (to). ]. I reserve to myself the right to refuse the ten bales, if they are not delivered within the stipulated time. 2. Reserving all rights. reserve. 1. Reserve fund. 2, Reserve price. 3. If the goods must go to auction, we will put a reserve price on them. 4. Without reserve. reship (to). reshipment. resolution. 1. To move a resolution. resolve (to). 1. It is for you to resolve on the line of conduct to follow. 2. We resolved to help them. a present. 3. II faut un permis de debarquer avant la mise en douane du navire, si vous voulez debarquer les marchandises tout de suite. 4. Nous aurons besoin de beaucoup d 'argent. besoin. 1. Repondre aux besoins de... revendre. reserve. 1. II est bien com- pris que je prendrai livraison, avec la reserve que les marchandises seront de la meme qualite que 1'echan- tillon. reserver. 1. Je me reserve le droit de refuser les dix balles, si elles ne sont pas livrees dans les delais fixes. 2. Tous droits reserves. reserve. 1. Capital de ga- rantie, or fonds de reserve. 2. Prix minimum. 3. S'il faut vendre les marchandises anx encheres, nous fixerons un prix minimum pour leur vente. 4. Sans reserve. recharger. rembarquement. resolution. 1. Faire une proposition. re"soudre, decider, deter- miner. 1. II vous appartient de decider de la ligne de conduite a suivre. 2. Nous avons resolu de les aider. 218 HUGO 8 FRENCH COiDiERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. resort (to). 1. I do not advise you to resort to such practices. resource. respect. 1. With respect to Mr. B's offer. 2. In every respect. 3. In this respect. 1 or sur ce point. respecting. 1. There is nothing more to be said respecting the sale of the sugar. respective. respectively. responsibility. responsible. 1. We hold you responsible for the execution of the agreement. rest. 1. Rest (banking). restrict. 1. To restrict somebody. restriction, restrictive indorsement. result (to). 1. No good ever resulted from hurrying so much. 2. Unless you are very careful, this will result in a loss. result, retail (to). retail. 1. Retail price. 2 or commerce de detail. retailer, retainer. avoir recours. 1. Je ne vous conseille pas d'avoir recours a de tels moyens. ressource. respect. 1. En ce qui con- cerne 1'offre de Mr. B. 2. En tous points, or sous tous les rapports. 3. A 1 ce sujet. 1 au sujet de. i. II n'y a plus rien a ajouter au sujet de la veute des sucres. respectif. respectivement. responsabilite. responsable. i. Nous vous rendons responsable de 1'execution du contrat. reste. 1. Reserve, restreindre. i. Imposer des restrictions a qudqu'un. restriction. endos restrictif. resulter. 1. Aucuu bien n'est jamais resulte d'une telle hate. 2. Si vous n'etes pas tres prudent, ceci se traduira par une perte. resultat. vendre au detail, faire un commerce de detail, detail, vente 2 au detail. 2 1. Prix de detail, detaillant, debitant (for wuies, spirits and tobacco). honoraires (legal). HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 219 retire (to). 1. To retire from business. return (to). 1. These docu- ments were sent to you for perusal only ; kindly return them to us at once. 1 or renvoyer imme'diatement. return. 1. On my return. 2. By return of post. 3. The returns are very small for such a large outlay of capital. 4. In return. 5. In return for the goods. 6. Return freight. reverse (to). 1. I find it impossible to reverse my decision. reverse. 1. Reverse of fortune. rid Of (to get). 1. We cannot accept further con- signments, as it is almost impossible to get rid of these articles. 2 or se ddfaire de. rider. 3 or an agreement. right (adjective andadverb). 1. To be right, (in the right). 2. 1 do not think that it was right of them to treat you as they did. 3. Do it if you like, but it is not right. right. 1. We shall maintain our rights. 2. You ought not to have given them the right to dictate to you. retirer. 1. Se retirer des affaires. retourner, renvoyer, rendre. 1. Ces documents ne vous ont ete remis qu'en com- munication ; veuillez nous les retourner 1 immediatement. retour, benefice, profits. 1. A mon retour. 2. Par retour du courrier. 3. Les profits sont tres petits pour une telle raise defonds. 4. Pai centre. 5. En echange des marckan- dises. 6. Fret de retour. renverser, revenir sur. i. II m'est impossible de revenir sur ma decision, revers. i. Revers de fortune. se de"barrasser de. 2 i. Nous ne pouvons accepter de nouvelles consignations, car il est presque impossible de se debarrasser, or se def aire de ces articles. annexe (to a contract), 3 allonge (to a bill), codicille (to a will). juste, equitable. 1. Avoir raison, or etre dans le vrai. 2. Je ne pense pas qu'ils aient eu raison de vous traiter comme ils 1'ont fait. 3. Faites- le si vous voulez, mais ce n'est pas equitable. droit. 1. Nous maintiendrons nos droits. 2. Vous n'auriez pas du leur donner le droit de vous imposer leur volonte. 220 HUGO S FEENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. ring (Stock Exchange). 1. It is impossible to sell outside the ring. rise (to). rise. 1. We do not expect a rise for some time to come. rising- market. risk. 1. It is understood that you do it at your own risk. rolling Stock. (Railways). round. 1. In round numbers. rule (to). 1. Unless you allow yourself to be ruled by us. rule. 1. As a rule. 2. We never depart from this rule. 3. According to all accepted rules. run (to). 1. This runs away with a lot of money. 2. There are several ships running between those two ports. 3. We have a run- ning account with them. 4. We have run out of this article. 5. To run into debt. 6. Running days. rush. 1. There is a great rush for this article. sacrifice. 1. To sell at a sacrifice. safe (noun), ligue, bande noire. 1. II est impossible de vendre sans passer par les mains de la ligue, or bande noire. hausser. hausse. 1. Nous ne nous attendons pas a une hausse d'ici a quelque temps. marche en hausse. risque. 1. II est bien com- pris que vous le faites a vos risques et perils. materiel roulant. rond. 1. En chiffres ronds. r. II ne prend rien au serieux. bagatelle. 1 1. Nous n'avons pas de temps a perdre a de pareilles vetilles. 2. C'est uii peu plus que je ne croyais. 3. Hi vous vous arretez a des bagatelles, or riens. 4. Cela n'a que peu d'importance. peu 2 important. 2 i. C'est une question de peu d'im- portance. 2. Cette affaire ne donne que peu de benefices. 3. C'est une erreur sans importance. triplicata. 1. En triple expedition. deranger, troubler. 1. Je suis fache de vous importuner de nouveau. 2. Que cette affaire ne vous tracasse pas. 3. Cela ne me tracasse pas beaucoup. 4. II n'a pas Fair de s'en preoccuper beaucoup. ennui. 2 1. II ne se donne pas assez de peine, or mal. 2. Cette affaire leur cause bien HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 255 over this matter. 3. If it saves you any trouble. 4. I had much trouble in persuading them. 5. Their conduct is sure to lead them into trouble. 6. Do not take the trouble. 7. They do not even take the trouble to answer my letters. 2 or tracas, peine, mal. troublesome. 1. They are troublesome people to deal with. 2. Few of our cus- tomers are so troublesome. 3 or deraugeant. true. 1. Nothing is more true. 2. You will find him true to his word. 3. It is impossible to ascertain the true state of affairs. 4. Their statement was not absolutely true. 5. He is always true to his friends. truly. 1. Yours truly. trust (to). 1. I trust him. 2. I trust you will re- ceive the packages in time. 3. I trust you will take the necessary steps. 4. We do not want to trust them with the money. 5. He is a man to be trusted. 6. Trusting you will see your way to oblige me. trust. 1. A breach of trust. 2. I do not think des ennuis. 3. Si cela vous evite le moindre mal, or la moindre peine. 4. J'ai eu beaucoup de mal a les per- suader. 5. Leur conduiteleur occasionnera bien certaine- ment des ennuis. 6. Ne vous donnez pas la peine. 7. Us ne se donnent meme pas la peiiie de repondre a mes lettres. ennuyeux. 3 1. Les rapports d'affaires avec eux causent toujours des ennuis. 2. Peu de nos clients sont si diffi- cultueux. vrai, exact, reel. 1. Eien n'est plus vrai. 2. Vous verrezqu'il est homme de parole. 3. II est impossible de se rendre compte de I'etat reel des affaires. 4. Leur assertion n'etait pas ab- solument exacte. 5. II ne trahit jamais ses amis. vraiment 1. Recevez mes sinceres salutations. avoir connance en. i.J'ai confiance en lui. 2. J'ose es- perer que vous recevrez les colis a temps. 3. Je suis cer- tain que vous prendrez les mesures necessaires. 4. Nous ne desirons pas leur confier 1'argent. 5. C'est un homme en qui 1'on peut avoir connance. 6. Dans 1'espoir qu'il vous sera possible de me rendre ce service. f Oi, contiance, monopole. 1 . Un abus de coniianee. 2. Je ne HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. it possible for them to have betrayed our trust. 3. Steel trust. 4. Trust deed. 5. Trust fund. trustee. trusteeship. trustworthy. try (to). 1. These delays are very trying. 2. 1 should advise you to try to find out what they think of it. 3. He is a man of well tried probity. 4. Do not try my patience too much. 5. They were tried, and found guilty. tug, tugboat. turn (to). 1. I am so busy that I do not know which way to turn. 2. Their suc- cess seems to have turned their heads. 3. This en- terprise turned out very badly. 4. This turned the scales in our favor. 5. The tables are completely turned. 6. They turned over 40,000. 7. It is im- possible to tell how things will turn out. 8. This speculation turned out bet- ter than I thought. 9. They are ruined, unless something unexpected turns up at the last mo- ment. 10. The lost pack- ages have turned up here. 11. I shall turn my atten- pense pas qu'il soit possible qu'ils aient abuse denotre con- fiance. 3. Monopple de 1'acier. 4. Acte de fideicommis. 5. Fideicommis, or depot. Curateur, administrateur. CUr ate lie, administration. dig-no de f Oi, or de contiance. essay er. 1 i. Ces delais sont tres ennuyeux. 2. Je vous conseillerais de tacker de sa- voir ce qu'ils en pensent. 3. C'est un homme d'une probite a toute epreuve. 4. Ne me poussez pas a bout. 5. Us ont ete juges et reconnus cou. pables. 1 or juger (judicial). remorqueur. tourner. 1. J'ai tant a faire que je ne sais par ou com- mencer, or donner de la tete. 2. Leur succes semble leur avoir tourne la tete. 3. Cette entreprise a tres mal tourne. 4. Ceci fit pencher la balance en notre faveur. 5. La face de 1'affaire est changee. 6. Leur chiff re d'affaires a ete de 40,000. 7. II est impossible de dire ce qui ressortira de tout cela. 8. Cette speculation a mieux tourne que je ne le croyais. 9. Us sont ruines, a moins que quelque chose d'inattendu n'arrive au dernier moment. 10. Les colis qui etaient perdus ont ete re- trouves ici. 11. Je m'occupe- HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 257 tion to this matter. 12. We cannot turn his mind away from business. 13. They turned away several of their clerks. 14. I shall turn it over in my mind, turn. 1. It is now our turn to thank you. 2. It is not possible to tell what turn things will take. 3. The market seems to have taken a turn for the worse. 4. Do not be in too great a hurry to sell ; wait for a turn in the tide. 5. Their turnover has greatly in- creased. 6. This kind of business is very delicate to manage ; it is so easy to take a wrong turn. 7. Turn of the market. type (to). type. 1. Type- writing ma- chine. 2. Typist. 3. Type- written. typographer, typographic. Ultimate. 1. It is im- possible to know what the ultimate result will be. Ultimately. 1. They ulti- mately decided to abandon the enterprise. 2. They ultimately succeeded. Ultimo. 1. Your letter of the 30th ult. rai de cette affaire. 12. Nous ne pouvons pas le distraire de ses affaires. 18. Ils.ont mis a la porte plusieurs de leurs em- ployes. 14. J'y reflecnirai. tour, tournure. 1. C'est main- tenant notre tour de vous re- mercier. 2. II n'est pas pos- sible de dire la tournure que prendront les choses. 3. Le marche semble avoir empire. 4. Ne vous pressez pas trop de vendre ; attendez 1'occasion. 5. Leur chiffre d'affaires a grandement augmente. 6. Ces affaires sont tres delicates a conduire ; il est si facile de se tromper. 7. Difference. e*crire a la machine. caractere d'imprimerie. 1. Machine a ecrire. 2. Dac- tylographe. 3. Ecrit a la typpgraphe. typographique. definitional. 1. II est im- possible de savoir ce que sera le resultat final. flnalement, dans la suite. 1. Us se sont decides finalement a abandonner 1'entreprise. 2. Us ont reussi dans la suite. ecoule", de 1'ecoule. 1. Votre lettre du 30 ecoule. 258 HUGO'S FRENCH C03IMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. unabated. 1. The brisk- ness of the market con- tinues unabated. unable. 1. To be unable to. 2. We are unable to give you any details at present. 3. We regret to be unable to do i f . 1 or dans 1' impossibility. unacceptable. unaccountable. 1. The unaccountable way in which they conducted the business. unaccustomed. unacquainted. 1. We are quite unacquainted with the facts. unaided. 1. They will be unable to do it unaided. 2. I did not think you could do it unaided. 2 or sans aide, seul. Unaltered. 1. The charter party remains therefore unaltered. 2. My opinion remains unaltered. 3 or je n'ai pas change" d'opinion. unanimous, unanimously, unanswerable, unanswered. 1. To leave a letter unanswered. 2. To remain unanswered. unavailing. 1. All our entreaties were unavailing. qui ne se ralentit pas. i. L'activite du marche ne se ralentit pas. incapable. 1 i. Ne pas pou- voir. 2. Nous ne pouvons pas vous donner de details a present. 3. Nous regrettons de ne pouvoir le faire. inacceptable. inexplicable. 1. La maniere inexplicable dont ils out mene I'affaire, or conduit 1'affaire. inaccoutume". ignorant, dans 1'ignorance. 1. Nous ignorons les faits, or nous sommes dans 1'igno- rance des faits. par 2 ses pr opres moyens. 2 1. Ils ne pourront pas le faire par leurs propres moyens. 2. Je ne croyais pas que vous pus- siez le faire seul,o/' sans aide. sans charg-ement, intact, inchange, tel quel. 1. La charte partie reste done telle quelle. 2. Mon 3 opinion n'a pas change. 3 unanime. a 1'unanimite. sans replique. sans reponse. i. Ne pas repondre a une lettre. 2. Rester sans reponse. sans SUCC6S, infructueux. 1. Toutes uos supplications n'ont pas eu de succes. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 259 2. You are wasting your time in unavailing efforts. unavoidable. unaware. 1. I was un- ware of its existence. 2. I was taken unawares. 1 or pris au d^pourvu. unbearable. unbiased. unbounded. unbusinesslike. 1. His conduct is most un- businesslike. uncalled for. 1. That remark was quite uncalled for. Unceasing 1 . 1. They suc- ceeded, thanks to their unceasing efforts. uncertain. 1. We are still uncertain as to the ulti- mate result. uncertainty. 1. We do not wish to undertake it ; the uncertainty of our market is too great. 2. There is no uncertainty as to what the result will be. 3. There is too much un- certainty in a matter of that kind. unchanged. (see ' un- altered ' ). unclaimed. 1. Many pack- ages remained unclaimed. 2. Vous perdez votre temps a des efforts infructueux. inevitable. ignorant, dans Fignorance. 1. J'ignorais qu'il existat. 2. J'ai ete surpris, or pris 1 par surprise. 1 insupportable. impartial. sans limites, illimite. contraire aux regies ad- mises du commerce. l.Sacon- duite est contraire a toutes les regies admises du commerce. non motive. 1. Rien ne motivait cette observation. sans rel&che, continu. 1. Us ont reussi, grace a leurs efforts continus. in certain. 1. Nous ne sommes pas encore certains du resultat final. incertitude. 1. Nous ne voulons pas Fentreprendre ; notre marche est trop in- certain. 2. 11 n'y a pas le moindre doute en ce qui con- cerne le resultat futur. 3. II y a trop d'incertitude dans une affaire de cette sorte. sans changement. qui n'est pas reclame". 1. De nombreux uolis n'ont pas ete reclames, 260 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. uncomfortable. 1. These successive losses make me feel very uncomfortable. 2. I cannot help feeling uncomfortable when. I think of the risks. 3. We have an uncomfortable feeling that disaster threatens this enterprise. uncommon. 1. Such an action is most uncommon. 2. It is done sometimes, but it is rather uncommon. 3. I have never heard of anything so uncommon. unconcerned. 1. His losses seem to leave him unconcerned. 2. I cannot understand your being so unconcerned as to the future. unconscious. 1. They were quite unconscious of having infringed the law. 2. If they are unconscious of having done so... 3. To be the unconscious cause of... uncovered. 1. We must have some security ; we cannot remain uncovered. 2. You are uncovered. undeceive (to). undecided. under. 1. They trade under the name of... 2. We -ire labouring under great difficulties. 3. You inquiet. 1. Ces pertes suc- cessives me donnent beaucoup d'inquietude. 2. Je ne peux pas m'empecher d'etre inquiet quand je songe aux risques. 3. Nous avonscomrae un pressen- timent qu'un desastre menace cette entreprise. qui n'est pas habituel, extraordinaire. 1. Une telle action sort du commun. 2. Cela se fait quelquefois, mais ee n'est pas tres general. 3.Je ! n'ai jamais entendu parler d'une chose si extraordinaire. indifferent, i. Ses pertes ne semblent pas le deranger. 2. ; Je ne peux pas comprendre que 1'avenir vous laisse si in- different. qui ne se dpute pas. 1. Us ne se doutaient pas d'avoircn- f reint la loi. 2. S'ils ne se ren- dent pas compte d'avoir fait cela... 3. Etre la cause inno- cente, or involontaire, de... a decouvert. i. II nous faut des garanties, nous ne pouvons pasrester a decouvert. 2. Vous n'etes pas couvert. detromper ind6cis. SOUS, au-dessous. 1. Us travail- lent sous la raison sociale de. . . j 2. Nous avons de grandes diffi- HUftO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 261 seem to be labouring under a misapprehension. 4. Under the date of . .. 5. The prices are much under the usual rates. 6. 1 am sending you under separate cover... 7. You are not covered under that policy. 8. Have the goods placed under cover. 9. They paid under protest. under-estimate (to). undergo (to). 1. This is nothing compared with, what we have had to under- go. 2. The ship will have to undergo a thorough exami- nation before she can put to sea again. 3. The cotton trade underwent great changes. underline (to). undermentioned. undermine (to). 1. Their underhand dealings have undermined their credit. underrate (to). 1. Do not underrate them ; they are powerful enemies. 2. I must admit that your pro- ducts were greatly under- rated. 3. These articles are so bad that it is im- possible to underrate them. cultes. 3. Vous paraissez avoir mal compris. 4. A la date du... 5. Les prix sont bien au-dessous des taux ha- bituels. 6. Je vous envoie sous pli separe. 7. Vous n'etes pas convert aux termes de cette police. 8. Faites couvrir les marchandises. 9. Us ont paye sous reserves. 6 valuer, or estimer, a un prix trop bag. Subir, supporter. l.Cecin'est rien compare a ce que nous avons du subir. 2. Le na- vire devra etre soumis a un examen minutieux avant de pouvoir reprendre la mer. 3. Le commerce des cotons a subi de grands changements. soulig-ner. ci-apres, ci-dessous. saper, ebranler. 1. Lent* manoeuvres dissimulees ont ebranle leur credit. estimer au-dessous de s^ valeur. 1. Ne les estimez pas au-dessous de leur valeur ; ce sont des eimemis puissants. 2. Je dois admettre que vos produits ont etc estimes bien au-dessous de leur valeur reelle. 3. Ces articles sont si mauvais qu'il est impossible de les estimer au-dessous de leur valeur. 262 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. undersell (to). 1. They are trying to undersell all their competitors. 2. Our prices are already so low that we do not fear any- body will try to under- sell us. 1 or vendre a un prix plus bas. understand (to). 1. 1 do not understand your silence. 2. We want a first- class man who under- stands machinery. 3. That is how I understand it. 4. You will easily under- stand. 5. They gave me to understand. 6. Are we to understand that this is your last word ? 7. That was understood between them. 8. It is well under- stood... understanding. 1. Their proceedings are so strange that it is very difficult to come to an understanding. 2. I have no doubt that there is an understanding between them. 3. Unless we come to a clear under- standing. 4. There is a very good understanding between the two partners. undertake (to). 1. 1 can- not undertake to have it done by to-morrow. 2. Before undertaking it. . . undertaking. 1. This undertaking is fraught with much danger. vendre meilleur marched 1. Us essaient de couler tous leur concurrents en vendant a des prix plus bas qu'eux. 2. Nos prix sont deja si bas, que nous ne craignons pas qu'on essaie de vendre 1 meilleur marche 1 que nous. entendre, comprendre. 1. Je ne comprends pas votre silence. 2. Nous voulons un homme de premier ordre qui se connaisse en machines. 3. C'est ainsi que je 1'entends. 4. Yous comprendrez aise- ment. 5. Us m'ont donne a entendre. 6. Devons-nous en deduire 2 que c'est votre der- nier mot ? 7. C'etait arrange entre eux. 8. II est bien compris, or entendu... 2 or conclure. entente. 3 1. Leurs procedes sont si singuliers qu'il est tres difficile d'arriver a un arrangement, or d'arriver a s'entendre. 2. Je n'ai pas le moindre doute qu'ils s'en- tendent entre eux. 3. A moins que nous n'arrivions a bien nous entendre. 4. Les deux associes s'entendent bien. 3 or arrangement. entreprendre. i. Je ne peux pas promettre que ce sera fait demain. 2. Avant de 1'entreprendre... entreprise. 1. Cette entre- prise est tres dangereuse. HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 263 undervalue (to), underwriter. undiminished. 1. Ar- rivals continue undimin- ished. 2. They are work- ing with undiminished energy. undisturbed. 1. All the documents were left un- disturbed. undivided. 1. If we are satisfied with this order, we shall give you our un- divided custom. 2. I shall give you my undivided time. undo (to). 1. This is a false step, which undoes every- thing we had taken so much trouble to build up. 2. Trust me, I shall not leave the work undone. undoubted. undoubtedly. undue. 1. You wrote to them with undue haste. 2. This is indeed undue severity. uneasiness. uneasy. 1. He is very uneasy in his mind. 2. He always seems uneasy in my presence. 3. Do not be uneasy. unemployed. 1. Un- employed capital. depr^cier. assureur maritime. COntinu, sans relache. 1. Les arrivages continuent sans relache. 2. Us travaillent avec une energie qui ne se ralentit pas. qui n'est pas de"rangre", en place. 1. Aucun document n'a etc derange, or on a feisse tous les documents en place. exclusif. 1. Si nous sommes satisfaits de cette commande, vous serez notre seul fournis- seur. 2. Vous serez maitre de tout mon temps. de"faire. 1. C'est une fausse manoeuvre qui detruit tout ce que nous avions eu tant de mal a edifier. 2. Fiez-vous a moi, je ne laisserai pas le travail inacheve. incontest6. sans doute,indubitablement. inline" rite". 1. Vous vous etes beaucouptrop depeche deleur ecrire. 2. C'est vraiment une severite immeritee. inquietude. inquiet, mal a 1'aise. 1. II est tres tourmente. 2. II a tou- jours 1'air mal a 1'aise devant moi. 3. Ne vous inquietez pas. sans emploi. 1. Capital non place. 264 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. unencumbered. 1. An unencumbered estate. unenlightened. 1. We cannot advise you, as we are unenlightened on this point. unequal. 1. An unequal bargain. unexceptionable. unexhausted. 1. His resources are unexhausted. unexpected. unexpectedly. 1. The order came unexpectedly. 2. The busy season began unexpectedly early. 1 or qu'on ne s'y attendait. unexplained. unfair. 1. I did not expect such unfair treatment. 2. It is unfair that you should reap all the profit. 3. His dealings are always unfair. 4. He is always unfair in his dealings. 5. You are taking an unfair advantage. unfairly. 1. They dealt unfairly by us. 2. He came unfairly into posses- sion of the goods. unfavorable. 1. Un- favorable news. 2. Un- favorable wind. unfinished. franc, libre. i. Une propriety qui n'est grevee d'aucune charge. qui n'est pas eclair^, i. Nous ne pouvons pas vous conseiller, car nous ne con- naissons rien a ce sujet. illegal. 1. Un marche tout a 1'avantage d'une des parties. irreprochable. inepuise. 1. Ses ressources sont inepuisees. inattendu. a 1'improviste. 1. La com- mande est venue a 1'impro- yiste. 2. La saison dcs affaires a commence beaucoup plus tot qu'on 1 ne 1'attendait. 1 inexplique". injuste. 1. Je ne m'attendais pas a un traitement si injuste. 2. Ce n'est pas juste que vous recoltiez tous les benefices. 3. Ses precedes sont ton jours de- loyaux. 4. II est toujours de mauvaise foi. 5. Vous abusez de la situation. injustement, deloyalement. 1. Us nous ont traite avec in- justice. 2. II s'est empare des marchandises par des moyens deloyales. d^favorable. 1. Mauvaises nouvelles. 2. Vent contraire. inacheve. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 265 unfit. 1. The ship is unfit to go to sea. 2. He is un- fit to take such a res- ponsible position. unforeseen. unfortunate. 1. This unfortunate speculation ruined him. unfortunately, unfounded.. unfulfilled. 1. Their promises are still unful- filled. 2. I cannot under- stand why my instructions are still unfulfilled. unfunded debt. unheeded. 1. My remark passed unheeded. 2. Our orders were unheeded. unified stock, uniform. 1. All these goods are of uniform quality. unimpeachable. 1. An unimpeachable witness. unimportant, uninjured. 1 or intact (objects, goods, etc.) unintelligible. unintentionally, uninterrupted. incapable. 1. Le navire n'est pas en etat de prendre la mer. 2. II est incapable de remplir une position si importante. imprevu. malheureux, infortune. 1. Cette speculation malheureuse 1'a ruine. malheureusement. sans fondement. qui n'est pas encore exe"- cute. 1. I Is n'ont pas encore tenu leurs promesses. 2. Je ne peux pas comprendre pour- quoi mes instructions n'ont pas encore etc suivies. dette flottante. inapercu. 1. Mon observa- tion a et6 passee sous silence. 2. Nos ordres n'ont re9U aucune attention. dette unifiee. uniforme. 1. Toutes ces marchandises sont d'une qualite uniforme. incontestable. i. Un temoin auquel on ne peut trouver rien a redire. sans importance, sans blessure (living beings), sans 1 avarie. 1 incomprehensible, inin- telligible. sans le vouloir. ininterrompu, 266 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. unique. 1. That is a unique occasion, unison. 1. In unison with. 2. We shall act in unison with you. unite (to). 1. They suc- ceeded, owing to their united efforts. 2. My part- ner unites with me in... 3. We shall have to unite with them. 4. If we unite our efforts. 5. United Kingdom. 6. United States. universal. unjust. 1. I think you are unjust to them. unlawful. 1. An unlawful gain. 2. An unlawful proceeding. unless. 1. Unless I hear to the contrary. 2. The goods will arrive in time, unless they are delayed in transit. 3. Unless the weather is very bad, the ship will sail to-morrow. 1 or a moins de, sauf. unlike. 1. This is unlike their usual way of doing business. unlikely. 1. Such a result is unlikely. 2. It may be true, but it is very un- likely that they did it. unlimited. 1. Unlimited means. unique. l.C'est une occasion unique. unisson. l.LVaccordavec. 2. Nous joindronsnos efforts aux votres, or nous combinerons nos forces avec les votres. unir, joindre. 1. Us ont reussi, grace a leurs efforts com- bines. 2. Mon associe se joint a moi pour... 3. II faudra que nous nous joignions a eux. 4. Si nous unissons nos efforts. 5. Le Royaume Uni. 6. Les Etats-Unis. universel. injuste. 1. Je.pense que vous etes injuste a leur egard. illegal, illicite. 1. Un gain illicite. 2. Un precede illegal. a moins que. 1 i. Sauf avis contraire. 2. Les marchan- dises arriveront a temps, a moins qu'elles ne soient retardees en cours de route. 3. A moins de tres mauvais temps, le navire partira demain. dissemblable. 1. Cela ne ressemble pas a leur maniere habituelle de faire les affaires. improbable. i. Un tel resultat est improbable. 2. Cela peut etre vrai, mais c'est tres improbable qu'ils 1'aient fait. illimite. 1. Des ressources illimitees. HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 267 unload (to), (navigation). 1. The ship is unloading. 2. The unloading of the ship. unlocked for. unlucky. 1. He was al- ways unlucky. unmerchantable, unmerited. unnecessary. 1. That was an unnecessary step. unnoticed. unobtainable. 1. These prices are unobtainable at present. 2. These goods are unobtainable at any price. unpack (to). 1. These pack- ages must be unpacked as soon as they reach you. unpaid. 1. This account still remains unpaid. 2. This bill is unpaid. 3. File it among the unpaid invoices. unpardonable, unpleasant. 1. A most un- pleasant task. unpleasantly, unpleasantness, unprecedented, unpremeditated. unprepared. I.I was quite unprepared for such a demand. 2. The present crisis found them un- prepared. decharger. 1. Le navire decharge. 2. Le decharge- ment du navire, inattendu. malheureux. i. II n'a jamais eu de chance. invendable. immerite. inutile. 1. C'etait une demarche inutile. inapergu. impossible a obtenir. i. On ne peut obtenir ces prix a present. 2. On ne peut se procurer ces marchandises a n'importe quel prix. de"baller. 1. II faut deballer ces colis aussitot qu'ils vous arriveront. pas encore paye. i. Ce compte n'est pas encore paye. 2. Cette note n'est pas encore payee. 3. Classez-le parmi les factures a payer. impardonnable. desagreable. 1. Une mis- sion tres desagreable. desagreablement. desagrement. sans precedent, sans premeditation. qui n'est pas prepar^, pas pret. 1 . Je ne rn'attendais pas a une telle demande. 2. La crise actuelle les a pris a 1'improviste. 268 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. unprincipled. 1. An un- principled proceeding. 2. They are most unprinci- pled in their dealings. unprofitable. 1. 1 find it most unprofitable. 2. The result is most unprofitable. unprotected. 1. Our in- terests are unprotected. unprovided. 1. This occurrence was unpro- vided for. 2. Payment was unprovided for. unreasonable, unremitting. 1. Owing to their unremitting energy. unsafe. 1. That is taking a most unsafe step. unsaid. 1. Many things were left unsaid at the meeting. 2. It is better to leave these things unsaid. unscrupulous, unseasonable, unseaworthy. unserviceable. 1. These goods are quite unservice- able to us. 2. The damage caused by fire has rendered the warehouse unservice- able. unsettled. 1. The un- settled state of the market. sans sens moral, i. Un precede qui manque de bonne foi. 2. Us sont de tres mauvaise foi en affaires. qui ne rapporte rien. l. Je trouve que cela ne rap- porte rien. 2. Le resultat est bien minime. qui n'est pas protege. 1. Nos interests ne sont pas proteges. qui n'est pas pour vu. l. On n'avait pas prcvu cette occurrence. 2. On n'avait pas pourvu au paiement. d^raisonnable. constant, l. Grace a leur energie constante. dangereux, peu sur. 1. C'est prendre une mesure tres dangereuse. qui n'est pas dit, or men- tionne. l.On a omis de parler de bien des choses a la reunion. 2. II vaut mieux ne pas dire ces choses. sans scrupules. inopportun. innavigable. hors service. 1. Ces mar- chandises ne nous sont d'aucun service. 2. Les degats causes par le feu ont mis le magasin hors service. variable. 1. La situation peu ferine du marche. 2. Les HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 269 2. The prices are un- settled. 3. This loss has greatly unsettled us. unshaken. 1. The credit of the tirm remains un- shaken, in spite of its losses. 2. My confidence in them remains un- shaken. unskilled. 1. Unskilled labour. unsold. unsound. 1. The credit of the said firm is very un- sound. 2. The goods reached us in an unsound state. Unsteady. 1. The prices are very unsteady. 2. He is very unsteady in his habits. 3. We will not buy in such an unsteady market. Unsuccessful. 1. We quite thought that they would be unsuccessful. unsuitable. 1. That class of goods is unsuitable for our kind of business. unsurpassed. 1. This quality is unsurpassed. untouched. 1. We send you back the samples untouched. 2. The cases are in our warehouse, untouched since we first prix sont sujets a des varia- tions. 3. Cette perte nous a beaucoup troubles. ferme. 1. Le credit de la maison reste ferme, malgre ses pertes. 2. Ma confiance en eux est toujours ferme, or inexperiment6. i.Ouvriers sans metier special. invendu. incertain, qui manque de securite, gate. 1. Le credit de la dite maison est tres mal assis. 2. Lea marchandises nous sont parvenues gatees. sans fermete", variable. 1. Les prix manquent de fer- mete. 2. II est tres irregulier dans ses habitudes. 3. Nous ne voulons pas acheter sur un marche si peu ferme. sans succes. i. Nous pen- sions bien qu'ils seraient sans succes, or qu'ils ne re- ussiraient pas. qui ne convient pas. 1. Cette sorte de marchandises ne convient pas a notre genre d'affaires. sans rival. 1. Cette qualite est sans rivale. intact. 1. Nous vous re- expedions les echantillons intacts. 2. Les caisses sont dans notre magasin, dans Petat ou elles ont ete entreposees. 270 HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. had them stored. 3. I should advise you to leave the goods untouched. untried. 1. We left no means untried untrue. 1. This account of the meeting is absolutely untrue. untruth. unusual. 1. It is most j unusual. 2. Their silence \ is most unusual. 3. This is a most unusual course to follow. unusually, unwarrantable. unwarranted. 1. Such a proceeding is^in warranted by the facts. unwelcome. 1. This news is most unwelcome. 2. We had to impart to them this unwelcome news. unwilling 1 . 1. He was an unwilling witness. 2. They were unwilling to doit. unwillingly. 1. They did it unwillingly. 2. Do not do it unwillingly. 1 or a contre-cceur, centre son gre. unwise. 1. This is taking a most unwise step. 3. Je vous conseillerais de ne pas toucher aux marchan- dises. qui n'a pas e"te essay e*. 1. Nous avons fait 1'im- faux, pas vrai. 1. Ce compte- rendu de la reunion est absolument faux. mensonge. extraordinaire, i. C'est tres extraordinaire. 2. Leur silence est contraire a leurs habitudes. 3. Cette ligne de conduite n'est pas habituelle, or est tout a fait insolite. exceptionnellement. inexcusable, sans excuses. qui n'est pas Justine. 1. Les faits n'expliquent pas, or ne justifient pas, un tel precede. qui n'est pas bienvenu. 1. Cette nouvelle arrive bien mal. 2. Nous avons etc obliges de leur faire part de ces mauvaises nouvelles. qui n'est pas desireux. 1. II a temoigne contre son gre. 2. Us ne desiraient pas le faire. de 1 mauvaise grace. 1 1. Us I'ont fait contre leur gre. 2. Ne le faites pas de mauvaise grace. imprudent. 1. C'est prendre une mesure bien imprudente. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 271 unworthy. unyielding". 1. We are always unyielding in a question of principle. up. 1. To go up (prices). 2. Time is up. uphold (to). upon. 1. Upon the arrival of the ship. 2. Upon second thoughts. 3. To enter upon an arrange- ment with.... upper. 1. To have the upper hand. 2. Upper deck. upright. 1. An honest and upright man. upset (to). 1. We were greatly upset by the news. 2. We found the stock upset. 3. One of the carts was upset on its way to the station. 4. Your letter upset all our arrangements. upshot. 1. Such was the upshot of all their manoeuvring. upside down. 1. The cases were marked upside down. 2. The packages were stowed upside down. upward. 1. An upward movement, an upward tendency (Stock Ex- change, market). indigne. intransig-eant, inflexible. 1. Nous ne transigeons jamais quand il s'agit de principes. haut, en haut. 1. Hausser. 2. Le temps est ecoule. maintenir. SUr. 1. Des que le navire sera arrive. 2. Toute reflexion faite. 3. S'entendre avec, or faire un arrangement avec... supe"rieur. 1. Etre le mai- tre. 2. Pont superieur. vertical. 1. Un homme hon- nete et plein de droiture. bouleverser. i. Les nou- velles nous ont bouleverses. 2. Nous avons trouve les mar- chandises en magasin sens dessus dessous. 3. Un des ca- mions a verse sur le cherain de la gare. 4. Yotre lettre a bouleverse tous nos arrange- ments. re~sultat. 1. Tel a ete le re- sultat de toutes leurs manoeu- vres. sens dessus dessous. 1. Les caisses ont ete marquees a 1'envers. 2. Les colis ont ete arrimes sens dessus dessous. en haut. 1. Un mouvement a la hausse, or de hausse, une tendance a la hausse. 272 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. upwards. 1. To look up- wards (Stock Exchange, market). 2. Upwards of... urge (to) 1. You must urge them on. 2. They have nothing to urge against it. 3. Urge on the sale of the goods. urgency. urgent. 1. There is no urgent necessity. Urgently. 1. To request urgently. usage. usance. use (to). 1. Your samples are of no use to us ; we never use that class of goods. 2. I shall use all my influence. 3. Do not order any more un- til the stock is used up. 4. I shall use it when opportunity offers. 5. Not being used to this kind of work. 6. I am used to that. 7. I used to do it long ago. use. 1. To make use of. 2. These goods are of no use to us. 3. It is no use asking him. 4. I trust you will make use of me. 5. They made use of him as a man of straw. en haut 1. Etre oriente a la hausse. 2. Plus de... pousser, insister, presser. 1. IP vous faut les pousser. 1 2. Us n'y trouvent rien a redire. 3. Pressez la vente des mar- chandises. 1 or il faut que vous les poussiez. urgence. urgent. 1. II n'y a pas peril en la demeure. d'urgence. 1. Prier instam- ment. usage, usance. employer. 2 i. Vos echantil- lons n'ont aucune valeur pour . nous ; nous n'employons ja- mais cette sorte de marckan- dises. 2. Je ferai valoir toute mon influence. 3. N'en com- mandez pas davantage avant d'avoir epuise les provisions. 4. Je m'en serviraial'occasion. 5. N'etant pas accoutume a ce genre de travail. 6. J'y 3 suis accoutume. 3 7. J'avais 1'habitude de le faire il y a longtemps. 2 or avoir 1'habitude. 3 or fen ai 1'habitude. usage. 1. Faire usage de, se servir de. 2. Ces marckan- dises ne peuvent nous servir a rien. 3. Cela ne sert a rien de lui demander. 4. J'espere que vous voudrez bien vous servir de moi. 5. Us se sont servis de lui comraehommede paille. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 273 useful. usefully. useless. usual. 1. We shall send the goods to you on the usual terms. 2. This is usual in the trade. 3. The same conditions as usual. 4. As per usual. usually. usufruct. usurer. usury. utensil. utilise (to). utility. Utmost. 1. We shall do our utmost. 2. At the utmost. 3. Do it with the utmost speed. Utter. 1. They did not give us time to utter a word. 2. He never uttered a word. 3. He uttered several words in a foreign language. Utter. 1. That is utter madness. 2. We are in utter ignorance of the subject. Utterly. 1. I am utterly opposed to such pro- ceedings. 2. You cannot profess to be utterly ig- norant of the matter. 3. I am utterly at sea. 4. They are utterly ruined. utile. utilement. inutile. habituel. 1 1. Nous vous ex- pedierons les marchandises aux conditions habituelles. 2. C'est Phabitude clu commerce. 3. Les conditions d'usage. 4. Comme d'habitude. 1 or d'habitude. habituellement, ordinaire- usufruit. *[ment. usurier. usure. outil, ustensile. utiliser. utility. possible. 1. Nous ferons tout notre possible. 2. Au plus. 3. Faites-le aussi vite que pos- sible. SOUffler, prononcer. 1. Us ne nous ont pas donne le temps de souffler mot. 2. II n'a pas souffle mot. 3. 11 a prononce plusieurs paroles dans une langue etrang6re. complet. 1. C'est de la folie toute pure. 2. Nous ne con- naissons rien a Paffaire. completement, entiere- ment. 1 . Je suis tout a fait oppose a de tels precedes. 2. Vous ne pouvez pas vous don- ner comme ne connaissant rien a Paffaire. 3. Je m'y perds completement. 4. Us sont en - 274: HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 5. This is utterly im- possible. 6. They are utterly in our power. vacancy. vacant. 1. There is no situation vacant here. 2. We cannot receive the goods ; there is no vacant space in the warehouse. vacate (to). 1. Kindly Vacate the premises. 2. Why did he vacate his post ? vacation. vacillate. 1. He shows a vacillating mind. 2. Do not vacillate any longer. vague. 1. We are not satis- fied with vague promises. vain. 1. In vain. 2. Vain promises. vainly, valid, validity, ad valorem. valuable. 1. That is not at all valuable. 2. This is indeed valuable informa- tion. 3. We do not wish to encroach on your valua- ble time. 4. Valuables. valuation. 1. We shall only buy at a valuation. 2. On what do you base your valuation ? tierement mines. 5. C'est ab- solument impossible. 6. Nous les tenons bien. emploi vacant, place va- cante. libre, vacant. 1. II n'y a pas de place vacante ici. 2. Nous ne pouvons recevoir les mar- chandises; iln'yapasd'espace libre dans le magasin. quitter. 1. Veuillez vider les lieux. 2.Pourquoia-t-ilaban- donne son poste ? vacances. vaciller, hesiter. 1. II fait preuve d'un esprit indecis. 2. N'hesitez pas da vantage. vague. 1. Des promesses vagues ne nous satisf ont pas. vain. 1. En vain. 2. Des promesses vaines. en vaine, vainement. valide. validite. suivant la valeur. de valeur. 1. Cela est sans valeur. 2. Ce sont vraiment des renseignements utiles. 3. Nous ne voulons pas vous faire perdre un temps pre- cieux. 4. Valeurs. estimation. l.Nousn'ache- terons que sur estimation. 2. Sur quoi basez-vous votre evaluation ? HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 275 value (to). 1. I value his opinion very much. 2. These goods were not properly valued. 3. They value the loss at... 4. To value upon... value. 1. I should not attach too much value to their opinion. 2. Send them as samples without value. 3. Value in account. 4. Value received. 5. To set value on... valuer. variance. 1. To be at variance with... 2. This is at variance with your written terms. 3. It would take very little to set them at variance. variation, variety. various, vary (to). vast. 1. Their warehouse is very vast. 2. This makes a vast difference. vastly. 1. This account differs vastly from what we expected. vat. vein. vendee. vendor. 1. Vendor's shares. e" valuer. 1 1. J'attache beau- coup de valeur a son opinion. 2. Ces marchandises ont etc mal evaluees, or estimees. 3. Us estiment les pertes a ... 4. Tirer sur . . . 1 or estimer, attacher de la valeur. valuer. 1. Je ne me fierais pas trop a leur opinion. 2. Envoyez-les comme echan- tillons sans valeur. 3. Valeur en compte. 4. Valeur re9ue. 5. Attacher de 1'importance a... expert. disaccord. 1. Etre d'une opinion differente de ... 2. Ceci differe de vos termes ecrits. 3. II faudrait peu de chose pour amener la brouille entre eux. variation, fluctuation. varie"te~, choix. divers, different. varier. enorme, vaste. 1. Leur ma- gasin est tres vaste. 2. Ceci fait une difference enorme. grandement. i. Ce compte differe grandement de ce que nous attendions. cuve. veine (coal mines), fllon acheteur. (metal mines). vendeur. 1. Actions pour le vendeur, or reservees au ven- deur. 276 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. ventilate (to). 1. The goods must be stored in a well ventilated room. 2. He has not had a chance to ventilate his grievances. venture (to). 1. He ven- tured to go there, against our advice. 2. I should not venture to do it. venture. 1. All depends upon the success of this venture. veracity. verbal. verbally. verdict. verge (to). 1. This con- duct verges on mad- ness. verge. 1. They are on the verge of ruin. 2. They are on the verge of bank- ruptcy. verification, verify (to). versed (to be). vessel. vex (to). 1. A vexed question. vexation. 1. There is nothing but vexation to be expected when dealing with such people. vexatious. ventiler, aerer. 1. II faut mettre les marchandises dans une piece bien aeree, or venti- lee. 2. II n'a pas eu 1'occasion d'exposer ses griefs. s'aventurer, oser. i. II s'est aventure a y aller, malgre nos conseils. 2. Je ne m'aventure- rais pas a le faire. entreprise, speculation, i. Tout depend du succes de cette entreprise. v6racite~. verbal. verbalement, de vive voix. verdict. approcher, toucher, i. Cette conduite touche a la folie, or frise la folie. bord. 1. La ruine les menace. 2. Us sont a la veille de faire faillite. verification, legalisation (of a signature). Verifier, legaliser (a signature) tre bien au courant, or bien connaitre. navire. ennuyer. 1. Une question epineuse. d^sagr&nent. 1 i. On ne doit s'attendre qu'a des desagrements quand on traite avec de tels gens. 1 or vexation, ennui. de"sagr6able, ennuyeux. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 277 via. victualler, victualling: bill. victualling-yard. View. 1. I should like to be favored with your views. 2. What object have they in view ? 3. You see things from a different point of view. 4. With a view of, oi' with the view of... Vile. 1. We tasted the samples ; they are vile, Vine. 1. Vineyard. vintage. Violate (to). 1. To violate the law. 2. To violate one of the clauses of a contract. violence. violent. violently. Virtue. 3. By virtue of. 2. In virtue whereof. Visit (to). 1. Our traveller visits your town regularly. 2. His partner's sins were visited on him. 3. The ship cannot unload before she has been visited by the custom officials. visit. via, par voie de. approvisionneur. liste des vivres soumis aux droits (Custom House). mag-asin des subsis- tances de la Marine. vue. 1. II me serait agreable d'avoir, or j'aimerais avoir votre opinion. 2. Quelle est leur intention ? 3. Vous vous placez a un point de vue different. 4. Dans le but de... vil, mauvais. 1 . Nous avons goute les echantillons ; ils sont horribles. vigne. 1- Vignoble. .crti. violer, enfreindre. 1. Com- mettre une action illegale, or enfreindre la loi. 2. Violer une des clauses d'un contrat. violence. violent. violemment. vertu. 1. En vertu de. 2. En foi de quoi. -visiter. 1. Notre voyageur visite votre ville reguliere- ment. 2. II a subi les con- sequences des fautes de SOD associe. 3. Le navire ne peul; pas decharger avant d'avoir etc visite par les douaniers. visite. 278 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. viz. vogue. 1. These goods are in great vogue. voice. 1. He raised his voice in protest. 2. They have no voice in the matter. void. 1. One of these bills being accomplished, the others to stand void (B/L). 2. The agreement stands void. volume. voluminous. vote (to). vote. 1. To put to the vote. 2. The motion was carried by thirty votes to ten. vouch, for (to). voucher. VOW (to). 1. We vowed never to touch that kind of business again. 2. They vowed that they would make them pay for it. VOW. 1. To make a vow. voyage. 1. Sea voyage. 2. Voyage out. 3. Voyage home, or return voyage. 4. Voyage policy, wages. waggon. 1. Waggon-load, wait for (to). 1. What are you waiting for ? 2. Our SOit. VOgue. 1. Ces marchandises sont 1 tout a fait en vogue. 1 1 or jouissent d'une grande popularity. VOix. 1. II a eleve la voix pour protester. 2. Us n'ont pas voix au chapitre. vide, nul. 1 . L'un de ces con- naissements etant accompli, les autres de nulle valeur. 2. Ce contrat est nul, or sans valeur. volume. volumineux. voter, aller aux voix. vote. 1. Mettre aux voix. 2. La proposition a ete acceptee (or votee) par trente voix centre dix. se porter garant de. piece justificative. faire vceu, declarer. 1. Nous avons fait voau de ne plus jamais toucher a cette sorte d'affaires. 2. Us ont fait voeu de le leur faire payer. VO3U. 1. Faire voeu, or jurer. voyage. 1. Voyage en mer. 2. Voyage d'aller. 3. Voyage de retour. 4. Police couvrant les risques d'un seul voyage. gages, salaires. camion. 1. Wagon complet. attendre. 1. Qu'attendez- vous ? 2. Notre sieur B. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 279 Mr. B. will wait on you to-morrow. 3. We shall be only too pleased to wait on you. 4. To wait on, or upon. 5. If they expect to be waited upon ser- vilely, they are mistaken. waive a claim (to). wake. 1. We will follow in their wake. want. 1. We want to see the returns of the last three years. 2. You must let him see that his inter- ference is not wanted. 3. Money will not be want- ing. 4. We want your services. 5. That is not what we want. 6. We found them wanting in the cheaper qualities. 7. We still want 100 to complete the purchase. 8. How much do you want ? 9. We do not want this class of goods. 10. Try and find out what they want. 11. They do not know themselves what they want. 1 or avoir besoin de, falloir, manquer de. want. 1. We are not in actual want of this arti- cle. 2. For want of... ware, wares. warehouse. 1. Bonded warehouse. 2. Private bonded warehouse, 3. passera vous voir clemain. 3. Nous ne serons que trop heureux de nous mettre a vos ordres. 4. Servir. 5. S'ils s'attendent a etre sends avec humilite, ils se trompent. abandonner une reclama- tion. Sillage (of a ship). 1. Nous suivrons leur exemple. VOUloir, desirer. 1 1. Nous desirons voir les bene- fices des trois dernieres annees. 2. II faut que vous lui montriez qu'on n'a pas besoin de son intervention. 3. L'argent ne manquera pas. 4. Nous avons besoin de vos services. 5. Ce n'est pas ce qu'il nous faut. 6. Nous avons decouvert qu'ils etaient a court des qualites meilleur marche. 7. II nous manque encore 100 pour completer 1'achat. 8. Combienvousfaut- il ? 9. Nous n'avons que faire de cette sorte de marchan- dises. 10. Tachez de savoir ce qu'ils veulent. 11. Ils ne savent pas eux-m6mes ce qu'ils veulent. besoin, besoins. 1. Nous ne manquons pas absolument de cet article. 2. Faute de... marchandise. mag-asm, entrepdt. 1. En- trepot reel, 2. Entrepot 280 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Warehouse rent. 4. Ware- house keeper. warehouse (to). 1. Ware- housing charges. 2. The tea must be warehoused in our name. 3. The goods were warehoused yester- day. warn (to). 1. Do not forget to warn us in time. 2. We must warn you against such proceedings. 3. Warn them not to touch the goods. warning. 1. To give warn- ing of. 2. Let this be a warning to you. warrant (to). 1. Their conduct is not warranted by the circumstances. 2. We can warrant the qual- ity of the goods. 3. War- ranted absolutely pure. 4. I do not think you are warranted in taking those steps. warrant. 1. You can raise money by taking a warrant on the goods. 2. Is there a warrant on these goods ? 3. Warrant of attorney. 4. Their cashier absconded, and the police hold a war- rant for his arrest. warranty. 1. There is a warranty to that effect in the agreement. fictif. 3. Magasinage. 4. Garde-magasin, magasinier. entreposer, mettre en ' magasin. 1. Frais de mise en magasin. 2. II faut entreposer le the en notre nom. 3. Les marchandises ont ete mises en entrepot hier. avertir,prevenir. l.N'oubliez pas de nous prevenir a temps. 2. Nous devons vous mettre en garde centre de tels pro- cedes. 3. Prevenez-les qu'ils ne doivent pas toucher les marchandises. avertissement. i. Faire savoir, or informer de. 2. Que ceci vous serve de lecon. justifier. 1. Lescirconstances ne justifient pas leur con- duite. 2. Nous pouvons nous porter garants de la qualite des marchandises. 3. Garanti absolument pur. 4. Je ne crois pas que vous ayez le droit de prendre ces mesures. warrant (Custom House). 1. Vous pouvez vous procurer de 1'argent en prenant un warrant sur les marchandises. 2. Ces marchandises sont- elles warrantees? 3. Pouvoirs. 4. Leur caissier est en fuite et la police aentre les mains un mandat d'amener centre lui. garantie, stipulation. 1. La convention porte une stipula- tion a cet effet. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 281 wastage. waste (to). 1. Money thus invested is absolutely wasted. 2. You are wasting your time and your money. 3. These goods are wasting. waste. 1. A waste of time. 2. Waste book. 3. If you use these goods properly, there will be no waste. 4. It is a shame to let these goods go to waste. 5. A piece of waste land. watch (to). 1. You must watch for every opportu- nity. 2. The customs offi- cials are watching the ship. 3. Unless you watch over the packing of the goods, there will be some breakage. 4. You must watch the workmen while they are loading the ship. 5. The goods will be all right if you appoint some- body to watch over them. 6. Our lawyer is watching the case on our behalf. watch. 1. Night watch. 2. Keep a very careful watch on his movements. 3. We shall have to keep watch over the goods. 4. Watch (on board ship). water. 1. These goods are water stained. 2. To travel by water. 3. Send de~chet, coulage. perdre. .1. De 1'argent ainsi place est jete par les fenetres. 2. Vous perdez votre temps et votre argent. 3. Ces mar- chandises se deteriorent, or s'abiment. perte, dechet. 1. Une perte de temps, or du temps perdu. 2. Main-courante. 3. Si vous em- ployez ccs marchandises soi- gneusement, il n'y aura pas de dechet. 4. C'est honteux de laisser ces marchandises se gater. 5. Un terrain vague. surveiller, veiller. l. II vous faut etre a 1'aff ut de toutes les occasions. 2. Les douaniers surveillent le navire. 3. Si vous n'assistez pas a 1'embal- lage des marchandises, il y aura de la casse. 4. II vous faudra surveiller les ouvriers * lorsqu'ils chargerontle navire. 5. Les marchandises seront en surete si vous deleguez quel- qu'un pour veiller sur elles. 6. Notre avoue suit 1'aff aire pour notre compte. surveillance, gardiennage. 1. Surveillance de nuit. 2. Ne le perdez pas de vue un seul instant. 3. II nous faudra veil- ler sur les marchandises. 4. Quart. eau. 1. Ces marchandises sont tachees d'eau. 2. Voyager par eau. 3. Envoyez les mar- 282 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. the goods by water. 4. To take in water (naviga- tion). 5. How much water does she draw ? 6. Water-mark (paper). 7. Goods damaged by sea water. Wave. 1. Some of the deck cargo was carried away by the waves. wax. 1. Sealing wax. way. 1. You must not let them have their own way. 2. In no way. 3. There is no other way out of it. 4. If we could have our own way. 5. There is no way out of it. 6. They gave way to our entreaties. 7. I do not know in what way it can interest them. 8. In no way. 9. By the way. 10. By way of. 11. Not in any way. 12. This under- taking may be good or bad ; it entirely depends on the way you act. 13. Highway. 14. Water-way. 15. Way-bill. 2 or en aucune fason. weak. 1. A weak market. wealth., wealthy. wear. 1. Wear and tear. 2. Fair wear and tear. chandises par eau. 4. Faire sa provision d'eau. 5. Quel 1 est son tirant d'eau 1 ? 6. Marque de fabrique, or filigrane. 7. Merchandises avarices par 1'eau de mer. 1 07-Combien tire-t-il 1 vague, lame. 1. Une partie de la pontee a ete enlevee par les vagues, or les lames. Cire. 1. Cire a cacheter. route, chemin, maniere. 1. II ne faut pas que vous les lais- siez faire ce qu'ils veulent. 2. En aucune facon. 3. II n'y a pas d'autre maniere d'en sortir. 4. Si nous pouvions agir a notre guise. 5. La situation est sans issue. 6. Us ont cede a nos supplications. 7. Je ne sais pas en quoi cela peut les interesser. 8. Nullement. 2 9. En 3 passant. 3 10. Pour, or afin de. 11. Pas le moins du monde. 12. Cette entreprise peut etre bonne ou mauvaise ; cela depend entierement de votre maniere d'agir. 13. Grande route. 14. Cours d'eau. 15. Feuille de route. 3 or a propos. faible. 1 . Un march e f aible, or sans activite. richesse. riche. usure. 1. Amortissement pour 1'usure. 2. Depreciation rai- sonnable pour 1'usage. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 283 week. 1. 5 a week, or per week. 2. This day week. 3. Every week. 4. Once a week. weekly, weft. weigh (to). 1. To weigh anchor (navigation). weighing machine. weight. 1. Gross weight. 2. Nett weight. 3. Weight note. 4. Dead weight. 5. To lose in weight. 6. Short weight, light weight. 7. Heavy weight. 8. Your arguments had not much weight. 9. His opinion always carries a great deal of weight. weighty. 1. A weighty reason. 2. Weighty argu- ments. welcome. 1. Welcome news. 2. These goods will be welcome. 3. Many thanks for the welcome you extended to me. 4. You are quite welcome to it. well. 1. These articles do not sell well. 2. He is always well informed. 3. I do not think that it is money well spent. 4. I cannot very well do it. 5. You might just as well give in. 6. You would do well to come to terms. 7. semaine. 1. Cinq livres par semaine. 2. D'aujourd'hui en huit. 3. Toutes les semaines. 4. Une fois par semaine. hebdomadaire. trame. peser. 1. Lever 1'ancre. balance, bascule. poids. l.Poidsbrut. 2. Poids net. 3. Note de poids. 4. Poids mort. 5. Perdre en poids, or perdre de son poids. 6. Poids leger. 7. Poids lourd. 8. Yos arguments n'avaient pas beaucoup de poids. 9. Son opinion est toujours tres ecoutee. de poids, important. 1. Une raison import-ante. 2. Des ar- guments de poids. bienvenu. 1. Nouvelle agre- able. 2. Ces marchandises arriveront a point. 3. Mille remerciements pour votre aimable accueil. 4. Vous pou- vez en user librement. bien, bon. 1. Ces marchan- dises sont d'un ecoulement difficile. 2. II est toujours bien informe. 3. Je ne crois pas que ce soit de 1'argent bien employe. 4. II m'est difficile de le faire. 5. Vous pourriez tout aussi bien ceder. 6. Vous feriez bien d'effectuer un compromis. 7. 28 1 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. That does not speak well for them. 8. A well known fact. 9. That is a well known fact. 10. That does n'ot look well. 11. We are well aware of the facts. 12. He is very well off. 13. That is all very well, but I do not see what good it will do us. wharf. wharfage. wharfinger. wharfinger's receipt. whereas. While. 1. Meanwhile. 2. It is not worth while. whither. Whole. 1. The whole. 2. On the whole. 3. A whole cargo. 4. The whole amount. 5. The whole world. wholesale. 1. To sell goods wholesale. 2. Wholesale trade. wholly. 1. You are wholly responsible for the loss. Wide. 1. Ten feet wide. 2. We are wide awake to the possibilities such a scheme offers. 3. Far and wide. 4. He has a wide know- ledge of this line of business. Cela ne milite pas en leur faveur. 8. Un fait bien connu. 9. Tout le mondc salt cela. 10. Cela a mauvaise apparence. 11. Nous sommes bien au courant des f aits. 12. II est tres riche. 13. Tout cela est bel et bon, mais je ne vois pas en quoi nous en beneficierons. quai a Hot, appontement. droits de quai. gardien de quai, employe de quai. recu de 1'employe pr6- pose a 1'embarquement. tandis que, attendu que(law). tandisque. 1. En attendant. 2. Cela ne vaut pas la peine. ou. tout. 1. La totalite, le tout. 2. A tout prendre. 3. Un chargement complet. 4. Le total, or la somme totale. 5. Le monde entier. gTOS, en gros. 1. Vendre des marchandises en gros. 2. Commerce de gros. completement, entiere- ment. 1. Vous etes entiere- ment responsable des pertes. large. 1. Large de dix pieds. 2. Xous connaissons parfaite- ment les possibilites qu'un tel projet off re. 3. Partout. 4. II connait tres bien cette sorte d'affaires. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 285 width. Wild. 1. He embarked in all sorts of wild schemes. 2. This is a wild enter- prise. 3. The market is unsteady, and apt to go wild on the slightest pro- vocation. Wilful. 1. The damage caused to the ship was wilful damage, and not the result of an accident. 2. That is a wilful misrepre- sentation of the facts. Will. 1. We acted according to our employer's will. 2. Ill will. 3. To show some one ill will. 4. His will was deposited in the hands of his lawyers. 5. Good- will. Willing (to be). 1. They are not willing to pay those extravagant charges. 2. I am quite willing to do so to oblige you. 3. He is willing to accept. willingly, willing-ness. Wind. 1. They did not get wind of it until too late. Wind up (to). 1. This com- pany is being wound up. winding up. wine. Winter (to), (navigation). largeur. sauvage, insense. 1. II s'est lance dans une foule d'affaires insensees. 2. C'est une entre- prise folle. 3. Le marche manque de fermete et est predispose a perdre la tete ;'i la moindre occasion. VOUlu, premedite. 1. Les avaries causees au navire out ete faites avec intention et ne resultent pas d'un accident. 2. Les faits sont representes faussement avec intention. VOlonte, testament. 1. Nous avons agi d'apres la volonte de notre principal. 2. Mau- vais vouloir. 3. Faire preuve d'animosite a 1'egard de quelqu'un. 4. Son testament a ete depose chez ses hommes de loi. 5. Clientele. "bien VOUlpir, etre dispose a, etre prt a. 1. Us ne sont pas disposes a payer ces frais exorbitants. 2. Je suis tout pret a le faire, or je veux bien le faire, pour vous obliger. 8. 11 veut bien accepter. avec plaisir, volontiers. empressement. vent. 1. II etait trop tard quand ils en ont eu vent. liquider. 1. On liquide cette Compagnie. liquidation. vin. hiverner. 286 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Wire. 1. Copper wire. 2. Iron wire. 3. We sent them a wire. Wisdom. 1. The wisdom of such a step is very ques- tionable. Wise. 1. That is a wise step to take. Wisely. 1. They did not act wisely. 2. You will do wisely to follow his advice. 3. This affair is wisely administered. Wish (to). 1. We shall do as you wish. 2. They wish now they had left this matter alone. 3. It is difficult to know wliat they wish. 4. We wish your correspondent would call on us. 5. We wish you every success. 1 or souhaiter. Wish. 1. According to your wish, or wishes. 2. You must comply with their wish. 3. We beg to offer our best wishes for your success. Wit. 1. They have the repu- tation of living on their wits. withdraw (to). 1. If you withdraw your help. 2. Withdraw our order at once. 3. It is safer to with- draw from this affair. fil de mit! } /"'/it 1 (Latin) N.-D. Notre-Dame N.-E. nord-est NN.SS. Nos Seigneurs N.-O. nord-ouest N.-S. Notre-Seigneur N.S.P. Xotre Saint Pciv Negt, N&t. N* negociant 2 Negte, N te , N te . negociante NO numero n S notre 3 Sieur 3 (de) n,V (de) notre ville O. ouest "T^tewell," take~note ; 2 merchant ; 3 our Mr. ... ; 4 take leave, say -ood-bye ; 5=slow train ; 6 painted (it) ; 7 may he (or she) lest in peace ; 8 E. and O. E. (errors and omissions excepted). P. Pore, page p. p.C. pour prendre 4 conge 4 P.-S. post-scrotum (Latin) P.V. petite 3 vitesse 5 pinx^ pinx-ifi (Latin) r. rue R.F. Republique Franca ise R.I. P. requiescar in /Htrc 1 (Latin) R.P. reverend pere RR.PP. reverends peres R.S.V.P. repondez s'il vmis plait R d , Rev d reverend S. Saint, sud S.A. Son Altesse S.A.I. Son Altesse Imperiale S.A.R. Son Altesse Royale S.A.S. Son Altesse Screnissiuic S.-E. sud-est S.E., S.Em. Son Eminence S.E. OU O. sauf 8 crreur ou omission 8 S.Exc. Son Excellence S.G. Sa Grandeur, Sa Grace S.G.D.G. sans garantie du 2Touvernement HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 295 S.H. Sa Hautesse, .Son Hon- iieur S.M. Sa Majeste S.M.C. Sa Majeste Catnolique S.M.I. Sa Majeste Imperiale S.M.R. Sa Majeste Royale S.M.T.C. -Sa Majeste Tres Cnretienne S.M.T.F. Sa Majeste Tres Fidele S.-O. sud-ouest S.P. (le) Le Saiut-Pere 1 S.S. Sa Sainiete 1 SS. Saints SS.PP. Saints Peres S .T .G .M. Sa Tres Graeieuse Majeste S.V.P. s'il vous plait SO* sculpsifi (Latin) Sr (le) le 3 Sienr 3 S r successeur S* Saint Ste Sainte Ste Soeiete 4 Ste Ay m e Societe 5 Anonyme 5 t. tonne T.C.F. tres cher frere T.F. travanx 6 forces 6 T.P. travaux 7 forces a perpe- tuite 7 t.S.V.p. tournez 8 s'il vous plait 8 V. A-oyez, voir, vide 9 (Latin) V/ vous, votre (de) v/V (de) votre ville V.A. Voti-e Altesse V.E. Yotre Eminence V.EXG. Votre Excellence V.H. Votre Hautesse V.M. Votre Majeste VV.AA. Vos Altesses Ve, Vve Veuve 10 Vte Vicomte Vtesse Vicomtcsse X. (lettre indiquant Panony- mat) o/o pour cent 7bre septembre 11 8t>re octobre Qbre novembre IQbre decembre 11 l=the pope ; 2 sculptural or carved (it) ; 3=Mr. ; 4 company ; 5 limited company ; 6=penal servitude ; 7=penal servitude for life ; 8 turn, if it pleases yoii=P.T.O. ; 9 see ; 10 widow ; 11 from the Latin septem, octo, norem, decem (seven, eight, nine, ten) ; these four months were originally the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth of the year. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. HOW TO BEGIN A LETTER. It is not customary to commence a French business letter with any equivalent to the English ' Sir,' * Dear Sir,' k Dear Sirs,' ' Gentlemen.' After putting the date (preceded by the name of the town written from, if the note-paper used has no printed heading) in the right-hand top corner, the writer should put in full the name of the person or firm he is addressing. This must occupy a line bj itself ; and the line should begin some distance from the margin. On the next line, the subject matter of the letter should commence, with the first line indented slightly from the margin, but less so than the line containing the name of the person or firm addressed. "When writing to a person with whom one is personally acquainted, and fairly intimate, the letter (even if on business matters) may begin Cher Monsieur, Mon Cher Monsieur, Cher Monsieur Duval, Mon Cher Ami, etc. When writing to an official whose name is not known, he must be addressed as : Monsieur le Directeur, Monsieur 1e Chef de Hare, Monsieur le Prefef, Monsieur h Receveur de la Paste, etc. A widow should be addressed as Madame Veuve X . Never use 'Esq.' when writing abroad. Much delay and inconvenience may otherwise be caused by this term being mistaken for the surname. It is hardly necessary to add that Fils (son or sons), Frere (brother), Freres (brothers), Neveu (nephew), Neveux (nephews), Jeune (junior), Aine (senior), and Veuve (widow) are not surnames. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 297 It is very important to guard against all such pitfalls when corresponding with anyone with whose language one is im- perfectly acquainted. We have known, for instance, of an English firm sending to France short letters written on their bill-heads instead of on properly headed note-paper, and seen the replies addressed Messrs. Bought of D. C. Smith & Co., London ! ! HOW TO END A LETTER. The following endings will be found amply sufficient for the foreigner's purpose ; but there are numerous other equally good equivalents to the English ' Yours faithfully,' ' Yours obediently,' ' Yours sincerely,' ' Yours affectionately.' for ordinary business letters : Veuillez agrcer, Monsieur (or Messieurs), mes sinceres salutations. Or, Nous vous prions d'agreer, Monsieur (or Messieurs), nos salutations empressees. when writing to a person with whom one is slightly acquainted; Je vous prie d'agreer 1'assurance de mes meilleurs sentiments. when writing a rather formal letter to a friend : \ 7 euillez croire a mes sentiments affcctneux et devoues. when writing to an intimate friend : Recevez, mon cher Durand, une cordiale poignee de main de Votre ami sincere, Or, Je te prie d'accepter une cordiale poignee de main de Ton ami devoue, Or, Accepte 1'assurance de ma bien vive amitie. 298 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. when writing to a more intimate friend : Croyez aux sentiments de profonde affection de Votre ami devoue, when writing to a very intimate friend : Je termine, mon cker Henri, en te sen-ant cordialement la main. Tout a toi.* Or, Je vous serre cordialement la main. Bien a vous. when writing a letter of thanks : Recevez, avec tous mes remerciements, rassurance de mes sentiments tout devoues. when writing a letter of very heartfelt thanks : Croyez bien a la profonde gratitude de .Votre tout devoue, when writing to a lady with whom one is slightly acquainted : Recevez, Madame, 1'assurance de mes sentiments respectueux (or, de mon respectueux devouement). when writing to parents : Je termine ma lettre, chers Parents, en vous embrassanc de tout cceor. Votre fils devoue (or fille devouee), when writing to a brother or sister : En attendant le plaisir de te voir, je t'embrasse bien fort. Ta soaur (or Ton frere) qui t'aime, * Tu, te, ion, toi, le tien, must not be used by foreigners, except in addressing relations and very intimate friends. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 299 ADDRESSING THE ENVELOPE. The addressee's name and full address should of course be written in French (including the name of the town, if the spelling differs in the two languages) ; but it is better to put the name of the country in English, in the left-hand bottom corner of the envelope, thus : Monsieur Leblanc, 481 rue Nationale, Auvers, Belgium. This practice sometimes saves the post-office employes trouble, as the sorter in England may not know that Belrje is the French for Belgium, and the sorter in Belgium may not know that Antwerp is the English for Anvers. Although the neglect of such trifles is not likely to lead to any di faculty when corresponding with residents in European countries, it might conceivably cause delay when writing to some small country or colony in a distant pare of the world. The number of the house is often placed AFTER the name of the street, thus : rue Royale 37 ; but this is a matter of no importance whatever, . Paris is divided into twenty arrondissements. " Paris 6e" therefore means that the preceding address is in the sixth arroudissemerit (district) ; but omission of this detail in addressing a letter, although it might give the sorters in the Paris post-offic2 additional trouble, would hardly be likely to lead to delay in delivery. Such an omission is precisely equiva- lent to omitting the postal district from a London address. The English 4a, 6b, etc., is in French 4 bis (pronounced : beess), (i ler. Please forward if away " is best rendered as Priere de faire mi/rre. 800 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. THE FRENCH METRIC SYSTEM. Before the introduction of the Metric System, there was great diversity in the various weights and measures used in different parts of France. To remedy this state of affairs, which led to many complications and difficulties, a decree was passed in 1 790 authorizing the French Academy of Sciences to draw up a uniform system of weights and measures. A standard was taken by measuring the ten-millionth part of a quarter of the circum- ference of the earth. This was made the unit of length, and called a metre. The are is a square decametre (100 square metres), the stere a cubic metre, the litre a cubic decimetre, and the gramme the weight of a cubic centimetre of distilled water. As the Metric System has been adopted in nearly every civilized country, with the exception of England, a know- ledge of it is absolutely essential to everyone corresponding or transacting business with firms abroad. Students should master the following table of APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENTS. a centimetre = about two-fifths of an inch. a metre = thirty-nine inches. a kilometre five-eighths of a mile. a kilogramme = ,, two pounds three ounces. a litre = a pint and three-quarters. a hectolitre = .twenty-two gallons. a hectare = two acres and a half. a franc = ninepence halfpenny. a centime = the tenth part of a penny. The above table, which is easily learnt, will be found sufficiently accurate for making rough calculations. The following list of the PRECISE EQUIVALENTS of the metric weights and measures, worked out to several places of decimals, need only be consulted when exact calculation is needed. HUGO S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 301 Mesures lineaires. Metre Decametre (=dix metres) Hectometre (=cent metres) Kilometre (=mille metres) ... Myriametre (dix mille metres) Decimetre (=dixieme de metre) Centimetre (=centieme de metre) Millimetre (=millieme de metre) Mesures de Superficie. Superficial Measures. Are (=cent metres carres) ... 0.098845 rood. Hectare (=dix mille metres carres) 2.471148 acres. Lineal Measures. 3.2808992 feet. 32.808992 328.08992 1093.633 yards. 6.2138 miles. 3.937079 inches. 0.39371 inch. 0.03937 Centiare (=un metre carre) Mesures pour les Solides. Stere (=un metre cube) Decastere (=dix stores) Decistcre (=dixieme de stere) Mesures de capacite. Litre (=un decimetre cube) Decalitre (dix litres) Hectolitre (=cent litres) Kilolitre (=mille litres) Decilitre (=dixiemede litre) Centilitre (=centi6me de litre) Poids. Gramme ... Decagramme (=dix grammes) Hectogramme (=cent grammes) Kilogramme (=mille grammes) Tonne (=--mille kilogr.) Decigramme (=dixieme de gramme) (Centigramme (=centieme de gramme) Milligramme (=millieme de gramme) 1.196033 sq. yd. Solid Measures. 1.31 cubic yard. 13 cub. yds., 2 ft., 21 inches. 3 cub. feet, 918.7 cub. inches. Measures of Capacity. 1.760773 pint. 2.2009668 galls. 22.009668 220.09668 0.17607 pint. 0.017607 Weights. 1 5.432349 grs. troy. 5.6438 drams av. 3.527 oz. avoir. j 2.204621 Ib. av., or [ 2.679227 Ib. troy. 2204.621 Ib. avoir. 1.5432 grain. 0.15432 0.015432 302 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND EXT. It will be noticed that fractions and multiples of metres, Hires, grammes, ares, and steres are indicated by certain prefixes, thus : a decimetre is a tenth of a metre a centimetre is the 100th part of a metre a millimetre is the 1000th part of a metre a decametre is 10 metres a hectometre is 100 metres a kilometre is 1,000 metres a myriametre is 10,000 metres Similarly, a decigramme is the tenth part of an gramme, a hectolitre a hundred litres, a kilogramme a thousand grammes, etc., etc. The multiplying prefixes deca-, hecto-, and kilo- are Greek, and the dividing prefixes deci-, centi- and milli- Latin. The multiples in the foregoing table are not much used, it being far simpler to speak of 117 metres than of one hecto- metre seventeen metres. The terms most in use are printed in thick type. The term decime, again (ten centimes, or the tenth part of a franc), is seldom employed except in legal and official documents. Dix centimes or deux sous is used instead. The usual units of measurement are the metre, the litre, and the kilogramme, the gramme (of which about 30 go to the ounce) being too small for use as a unit of calculation. For large distances and quantities, the kilometre and the Jiectolitre are used as units of measurement. Where an Englishman measures in inches, yards, and miles, a Frenchman measures in centimetres, metres, and kilo- metres. The Frenchman also measures in hectares instead of acres, Hires instead of pints or gallons, and kilogrammes in- stead of pounds. Where an Englishman would order a pound of something, the Frenchman would ask for un de-mi - kilo. Kilo is t, generally accepted contraction for kilogramme. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. THE FRENCH COINAGE. The French coinage is very simple, as the decimal system is in force, and all prices are reckoned in francs and centimes. A franc contains 100 centimes, and is worth between 9|d. and 10d., English currency. The chief copper coins in circulation are the 5 centime piece and the 10 centime piece, equivalent to the English halfpenny and penny. There is also now a white metal 25 centime piece (=a quarter of a franc) in circulation. The respective values of the silver coins in common circulation are 50 centimes, 1 franc, 2 francs, and 5 francs. The gold coins in circulation are the 10 franc piece and the 20 franc piece. Formerly there was a silver 20 centime piece, but this, like the English fourpenny piece, has been withdrawn from circulation. The copper 1 centime and 2 centime pieces are equally rare. There are also gold coins worth respectively 5 francs, 40 francs, 50 francs, and 100 francs, but these are not in ordinary circulation. Like the English 2 and 5 pieces, they are curiosities, used chiefly as tie-pins, brooches, etc., or retained by collectors. Franc and centime are the only authorized terms ; but it is still very usual to speak of the 5 centime piece as a sou. Thus, 20 centimes become quaire sous, 50 centimes div sons, etc. The word sou is a survival of the old system of French coinage in use before the Revolution of 1789. 304 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. The 20 franc piece is sometimes called a louis. When anyone accustomed to the English coinage is roughly estimating the cost of anything in French currency, it is sufficiently accurate to reckon a penny as JO centimes, a shilling as 1 franc 25 centimes, and a pound as 25 francs. To facilitate /commercial transactions, the Bank of France has the privilege of issuing bank-notes, which, like Bank of England notes in the United Kingdom, are legal tender in France, just as much as actual coins. Payments made with these notes are considered as freeing from further liability. There are also French bank-notes (billets de banque) for 50, 100, 500, 1,000, and 5,000 francs, the latter being very rarely met with. The 5 and 20 franc notes issued during the war of 1870 1871 are also very scarce. The French copper coins, WHEN NEW, can be used as exact weights, each weighing as many grammes as it is worth centimes. Thus, a 10 centime piece weighs 10 grammes ; consequently ten francs' worth of new copper coin would weigh^ exactly 1 kilogramme. Foreigners should note that such expressions as 'un demi-franc,' 'un franc et demi,' though of course correct grammatically, are as little heard in France as ' half a shilling,' or ' a shilling and a half,' in England. Half a franc is called cinquante centimes, or dix sous ; a franc and a quarter is called un franc vingt-cinq, a franc and a half un franc cinquante, etc. It is hardly necessary to point out that the contractions F. 500, fr. 350, etc. must be READ ALOUD as ' cinq cents francs,' ' trois cent cinquante francs,' just as 5 is read aloud as ' five pounds,' not ' pounds five.' HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 305 GENERAL HINTS. In writing the Ordinal Numbers in figures, premier is ler, deuxieme 2e or 2 m e, troisieme 3e or 3me, and so on. But it must not be forgotten that CARDINAL Numbers are always used in dates, 'the first ' (le premier, le ler} alone excepted. Thus, the 1st of February, h ler firricr ; the 4th of May, le quatre mai ; the 22nd of October, h vingt-dcux octolro. In writing high numbers in figures, it is customary on the continent to use the comma where Englishmen use the full stop, and vice versa. Thus, 44,572 francs 75 centimes is usually written and printed as fr. 44.572,75. Englishmen, who are unaccustomed to the metric system, must be careful not to misread F. 45,40 as 4,540 francs. It means 45 francs 40 centimes. DIVISION OF WORDS INTO SYLLABLES. When writing, type- writing, or type-setting, the following rules for the division of French words into syllables should be borne in mind : I. A single consonant between two vowels begins the syllable, thus : te-nu, a-mi, pro-mis, fi-ni. II. If there are two consonants, one belongs to each syllable : por-te, car-net, don-na, ar-se-nal. III. R and L are not separated from a preceding consonant, as : li-vre, or-dre, ta-ble, fi-a-cre, of-fre, pos-si-ble. IV. PH, TH, CH, and GN only represent a single sound, and are therefore not separated : a-che-ter, phi-lo-so-phe, Co-lo-gne, A-the-nes. V. LL is separated, whether pronounced liquid or not : il-lus-tre (not liquid), tra-vail-ler. In writing, however, it is better not to divide words in this way, but to let each line end with the end of a word. 39 306 HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF EUROPE. Austria L'Autriche Italy L'ltalie Belgium British Isles La Belgique Les lies Britan- Montenegro Norway Le Montenegro* La Norvege niques Poland La Pologne Bulgaria La Bulgaric Portugal Le Portugal- Denmark Le Danemark* Roumania La Roumanic England L'Angleterre Russia La Russie France La France Scotland L'Ecosse Germany L'Allemagne Servia La Serbie Greece La Grece Spain L'Espagne Holland La Hollande Sweden La Suede Hungary La Hongrie Switzerland La Suisse Iceland L'Islande Turkey La Turquie Ireland L'Irlande Wales Le pays de Gal les * These three are the only names of European Masculine. countries which are PRINCIPAL EUROPEAN NATION ALITIBS. Austrian autrichien Montenegrian montenegriu Belgian beige Norwegian norvegien British bri-tanniquc Polish polonais Bulgarian bulgare Portuguese portugais Danish danois Roumanian roumain Dutch hollandais Russian russe English anglais Scotch ecossais French francais Servian serbe German allemand Spanish espagnol Greek grec Swedish suedois Hungarian hongrois Swiss suisse Irish irlandais Turkish turc Italian italien Welsh gallois The following Feminine Forms should be noted : autrichieni/r, grecque, italienne, norvegienne, turque. All the other Feminiues are formed regularly by adding E to the Masculine. Masculine Forms ending in E do not change in the Feminine. Britannique is only used as an Adjective. All the rest of the above words can be used as Nouns, in which case they begin with a capital letter, thus : an Englishman, un Anglais ; a Frenchwoman, une Francaise; the Norwegian, le Norregien : that Irishwoman, cette Irlandaise. HUGO'S FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 307 NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS SPELT DIFFERENTLY IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH. Adelaide Adelaide London Londres Adrianople Andrinople Luxemburg Luxembourg Aleppo Alep Lyons Lyon Alexandria Alexandrie Magdeburg Magdebourg Algiers Alger Manilla Manille Antwerp Anvers Mantua Mantoue Archangel Arkhangel Marseilles Marseille Athens Athenes Mecca la Mecque Barcelona Barcelona Mechlin Malines Basle Bale Medina Medine Bologna Bologne Mentone Menton Bremen Breme Messina Messine Brussels Bruxelles Mocha Moka Bucharest Bukarest Modena Modene Cadiz Cadix Morocco Maroc Cairo le Caire Moscow Moscou Cape Town le Cap, la ville du New Orleans la Nouvelle-Orle'ans Capua Capoue [Cap Oporto Porto or Oporto Carthagena Carthagene Ostend Ostende Como Come Padua Padoue Copenhagen Copenhague Palermo Paler me ( lordova Cordoue Parma Parme Corinth Corinthe Pekin Pekin Coruna la Corogne Pernambuco Pernambouc Cracow Cracovie Philadelphia Philadelphie Damascus Da in as Pisa Pise Damietta Damiette Pondicherry Pondichery Dover Douvres Pultowa Pultava Dresden Dresde Quebec Quebec Dunkirk Dunkerque Ratisbon Ratisbonne Edinburgh Edimbourg Rosetta Rosette Flushing Flessingue (St.) Petersburg (Saint) Pe'tersbourg Geneva Geneve Salamanca Salamanque Genoa Ggnes Salon ica Salonique Ghent (iranada Gand Grenade Saragossa Schaffhauser Saragosse Schaffhouse The Hague La Haye Seville Seville Hamburg Hambourg Smyrna Smyrne Hanover Hanovre Tangier Tanger Havre le Havre Toledo ToPede Homburg Hombourg Valencia Valence Jena lena Valetta la Valette Lancaster Lancastre Venice Venise Leghorn Livourne Verona Ve"rone Leyden Leyde Vienna Viennf Lisbon Lisbon ne Warsaw Varsovie 308 CONTENTS. This Table of Contents indicates the gift of each letter ; but at there can be no meant of ready reference where alphabetical arrangement it an impossibility, students will find it well worth while to study this work, especially the first section, until they can combine the various phrases as required, without previous reference to an index. Application for price list and special terms... ... ... 6 Reply giving terms and conditions of payment ... ... 6 Commenting on high terms, but giving trial order ... ... 7 Thanking for order, and allowing special discount ... ... 8 Asking for references respecting a new customer ... ... 9 Acknowledging receipt of goods, and remitting payment ... 10 Acknowledging receipt of remittance ... ... ... 10 Acknowledging order, but declining to send goods abroad without pre-payment ... ... ... ... ... 11 Request for payment before shipping goods ... ... 13 Application for early payment of account ... ... ... 13 Giving satisfactory references ... ... ... ... 14 Intimation of having drawn a bill ... ... ... 15 Returning a protested bill ... ... ... ... 15 Acknowledging return of protested bill ... ... ... 16 Intimation of issue of letter of credit, and of holder's intended call 17 Acknowledgment of intimation of issue of letter of credit ... 18 Request to get bills accepted ... ... ... ... 19 Returning accepted bills, and asking for references respecting other firms ... ... ... ... ... 19 Remitting cheque and requesting withdrawal of bill ... ... 20 Request for representation at a sale ... ... ... 21 Consent to represent at a sale ... ... ... ... 22 Order to ship and insure certain goods ... ... ... 23 Intimation of shipping and insuring ... ... ... 24 Complaint of bill being dishonored, threatening legal proceedings 26 Solicitor's letter respecting dishonored bill... ... ... 26 Solicitor's letter to client, explaining arrangements made for payment 27 Confirmation of order, giving instructions respecting marking of oases, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 29 Request to charter a steamer for conveying cargo, and to ship and insure same ... ... ... ... ... 30 Report on examination of goods, and consent to ship and insure ... 31 Giving particulars of shipment, freight, etc. ... ... 32 309 CONTENTS (continued'). PA8B Acknowledgment of letter containing details of shipment ... 34 Application for situation as correspondent, stating qualifications and experience ... ... ... ... ... 35 Reply to application for situation as correspondent ... ... 37 Intimation of suspension of payment ... ... ... 38 Promise of support at meeting of creditors ... ... ... 40 Instructions to attend meeting of creditors... ... ... 41 Information respecting bankruptcy, and arrangements made at meeting of creditors ... ... ... ... 42 Apology for delay in executing order ... ... ... 43 Calling attention to error in execution of order ... ... 44 Proposal to combine in making large purchases, to meet anticipated demand ... ... ... ... ... 45 Consent to combine in speculative purchase ... ... 46 Instructions how and when to buy ... ... ... 46 Intimation of purchase by private treaty ... ... ... 48 Request to ship and insure goods ... ,.. ... 49 Intimation of shipping and insuring goods ... ... ... 50 Asking whether more goods are to be bought ... ... 61 Confirming telegram instructing to buy more ... ... 53 Sending order similar to a previous one ... ... ... 64 Intimation of despatch of goods ordered ... ... ... 66 Complaint of delay in execution of order ... ... ... 55 Circular mentioning establishment of a new business, and soliciting orders ... ... ... ... ... 66 Complaint of inferior quality of goods ... ... ... 67 Apology for sending inferior quality ... ... ... 67 Explanation of delay in forwarding ... ... ... 58 Intimation of having drawn a bill ... ... ... 58, 59 Reply to application for payment, requesting postponement ... 59 Consent to wait for payment ... ... ... ... 60 Remittance of halves of bank-notes ... ... ... 60 Acknowledging statement of account, and giving permission to draw a bill ... ... ... ... ... 61 Request for payment of account... ... ... ... 61 Request for further information before stocking certain goods ... 62 Agreeing to proposed speculation ... ... ... 63 Agreeing to carry out a transaction, and asking what commission allowed ... ... ... ... ... 63 Reply mentioning percentage of commission ... ... 64 Report of amounts received, and expenses incurred, in selling certain goods ... ... ... ... ... 64 Remittance of drafts... ... 65 310 CONTENTS (continuet). PAGB Cancelling order on account of bad state of business ... ... 66 Intimation of arrival and unloading of a vessel ... ... 66 Instructions to sell goods ... ... ... ... 67 Postponing acceptance of bill on account of error in the amount ... 67 Granting loan on security of title deeds ... ... ... 68 Acknowledging receipt of securities ... ... ... 69 Intimation of honoring bill, although amount exceeds credit ... 69 Request for explanation of delay in receipt of cargo ... ... 70 Explanation of delay in unloading cargo ... ... ... 70 Bequest for information respecting rumors of a firm's instability ... 71 Reply confirming truth of rumors of instability ... ... 72 Enquiries respecting bill presented for acceptance ... ... 73 Reply stating that issue of bill was notified ... ... 73 Reply to refusal to accept goods, stating that complaints respecting quality are unfounded ... ... ... ... 74 Reply explaining complaints, and promising further enquiry ... 74 Offer of goods in dock ... ... ... ... 76 Request to get goods insured ... ... ... ... 76 Intimation of having drawn bills ... ... ... 77 Consent to bear expenses connected with cancelled order ... 77 Intimation of loss of ship ... ... ... ... 78 Sending samples, and soliciting orders ... ... ... 79 Acknowledging samples, and giving order ... ... ... 79 Intimation of despatch of goods ... ... ... 80 Acknowledgment of receipt of goods ... ... ... 81 Intimation of shipment, enclosing bill of lading ... ... 81 Acceptance of draft, tinder protest ... ... ... 82 Request to renew a bill ... ... ... ... 82 Enquiry respecting new customer ... ... ... 83 Reply giving satisfactory references ... ... ... 84 Information respecting state of money market ... ... 84 Intimation that companies will not insure dangerous cargo ... 85 Particulars respecting landing of cargo ... ... ... 86 Sending invoice and bill of lading, and enclosing draft for acceptance 87 Sending remittance on account, and informing that agents will pay a further sum ... ... ... ... ... 87 Intimation of traveller's intended call ... ... ... 88 Informing of traveller having called ... ... ... 89 Circular announcing transfer of business to manager ... ... 90 Circular from former manager announcing transfer to him ... 91 Refusal to accept responsibility for non-shipment ... ... 91 Remitting out of pocket expenses and commission ... ... 98 311 OONT BNTS (continued). FAGl Temporary acceptance of commission agency ... - ... 93 Request to increase insurance and transfer cargo ... ... 93 Intimation of increase and transfer of insurance ... ... 94 Forwarding- bills of lading:, -with instructions for delivery of goods 95 Intimation of delivery of goods ... ... ... ... 95 Consent to pay draft on presentation ... ... ... 96 Acknowledgment of order for goods ... ... ... 96 Sending power of attorney ... ... ... ... 97 Intimation of placing damaged vessel in hands of underwriters ... 97 Offer of goods for sale ... ... ... ... 98 Request for documents giving authority to treat with underwriters 99 Sending documents necessary for treating with underwriters ... 99 Sending drafts for negotiation ... ... ... ... 100 Acknowledgment of drafts for negotiation ... ... ... 101 Instructions to withdraw certain goods from cargo, and cancel insurance ... ... ... ... ... 101 Intimation of impossibility of getting an insurance cancelled ... 102 Request for further information respecting damaged ship ... 102 Furnishing particulars respecting damaged ship, and explaining steps taken ... ... ... ... ... 103 Intimation of sale of shares ... ... ... ... 104 Enclosing cheque for difference in price of shares ... ... 104 Instructions to buy and sell shares ... ... ... 105 Acknowledgment of instructions ... ... ... 106 Enclosing draft for cashing ... ... ... ... 106 Acknowledgment of draft for cashing ... ... ... 106 Circular respecting establishment of a business ... ... 107 Sending draft for acceptance ... ... ... ... 108 Intimation of acceptance of drafts ... ... ... 108 Acknowledgment of remittance, pointing out irregularities in date and signature ... ... ... ... ... 109 Intimation of drawing bill for purpose of negotiating securities ... 109 Consent to being drawn on ... ... ... ... 110 Refusal to accept bill exceeding credit ... ... ... 110 Giving information respecting vintage ... ... ... Ill Giving details of injury to ships, and of repairs required ... 112 COMMERCIAL PHRASES. Banking, Bills, etc. ... ... ... ... 113 to 115 Stock Exchange, Money Market, Investing, etc. ... 115 to 118 Insurance... ... ... ... ... 119 to 121 Enquiries, References, and Miscellaneous ... ... 1*21 to 132 COMMERCIAL CONVERSATION. 133 to HO CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT. PRACTICAL SENTENCES, by a combination of which any ordinary business letter can be constructed PAGE 141 to 160 Dictionary of IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL PHRASES, and words presenting 1 special difficulty in translation, with examples of their use 161 to 291 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS used in French, with Explanatory Notes 292 to 295 HOW TO BEGIN A LETTER ... 296 How TO END A LETTER 297 ADDRESSING THE ENVELOPE, etc. 299 THE FRENCH METRIC SYSTEM Explanation of 300, 302 Approximate equivalents in English measure- ments :!() Complete table of exact equivalents 301 THE FRENCH COINAGE :;o:; GENERAL HINTS 305 How TO DIVIDE FRENCH WORDS INTO SYLLABLES :;o."i NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF EUROPE 306 PRINCIPAL EUROPEAN NATIONALITIES 306 NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS SPELT DIFFER- ENTLY IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH ... ,., 30'7 FRENCH, SPANISH, RUSSIAN, GERMAN Hugo's New Self -Tuition Course. 2s. 6d. MONTHLY or 27s., payable in advance. This novel, interesting, and simple Course is the result of nearly 40 years' daily experiment to one end to make languages easy of acquirement, to teach ONLY WHAT IS REALLY ESSENTIAL, and to teach that thoroughly. It gives a practical mastery of the important part of the language in an incredibly short time. No learning by heart required. Fluency is insensibly and quickly acquired from the progressive conver- sation given. A novel and easy method. Success certain. In addition to FIFTY BOOKLETS sent weekly post free, - . Students receive a VALUABLE SET of HUGO'S TEXT-BOOKS, and SIX SPECIAL LESSONS. SPECIMEN BOOKLET AND PROSPECTUS POST FREE. Self-Tuition Dept., Hugo's Language Institute, 33 Gracechurch Street, London, E.G. More people have succeeded during the last thirty years in learning French by HUGO'S FRENCH SIM- PLIFIED than by all other systems together. * 4 INNUMERABLE TESTIMONIALS. 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This can easily be done by anyone possessing only a alight know- ledge of French, by the aid of HUGO'S French Conversation Simplified 272 pages, strongly bound in cloth, 5s. progressively arranged in three distinct sections. I. Simple Sentences, with PBONTTKCIATION. II. Easy ConTeraation, with Explanatory Notes. III. Conversation of Medium Difficulty. COLLOQUIAL, PRACTICAL, AND UP-TO-DATE. Thl work is indeed a ROYAL ROAD TO TALKING FRENCH. No one who haa mastered the first section can ever be at a loss to express his meaning in good simple French. This can be accomplished in a few weeks by anyone with a fair knowledge of French grammar who works an boor or two a day, on the plan laid down in the preface. In the First Section, the PRONUNCIATION OF EVERY SENTENCE IS IMITATED, an arrangement of inestimable advantage to self-taught students. It has been abundantly proved that by Hugo's phonetically imitated pronunciation a very near approach to the exact sounds can be obtained, French Idioms Simplified. 9 6 pages, ls.6d. ; Practical Sentences, introducing all the Important Idioms and peculiarities of French construction, Hugo's Institute for Teaching Foreign Languages, 83 GaACECHuacH STBEBT, LONDON, .0. ; and Branches. HOW TO READ FRENCH IN 1QQ HOURS. FRENCH READING SIMPLIFIED. * complete in one volume, 384 pages, cloth, 5s. CONTENTS : Novelettes, Poetry, Extracts from standard writers and modern periodicals, Amusing Anecdotes and Dia- logues, with Interesting and Instructive Paragraphs from various sources, carefully selected and fully annotated. 20,000 EXPLANATORY I NO DICTIONARY FOOT-NOTES. REQUIRED. FRENCH COMPOSITION MADE EASY. * ^ 212 pages, complete with KEY, cloth, 5s. 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It is not merely a dictionary of words ; it contains all the IMPORTANT IDIOMS AND COLLOQUIALISMS, A LIST OF ABBBKYIA- TIONS commonly employed in French, a list of French and English geo- graphical, Christian, and classical names, and a full explanation of the METEIC SYSTEM, with tables showing the exact French equivalent of the various British coins, weights, and measures. A really dependable dictionary, printed in clear type and on good paper, is now for the first time issued at a price within the reach of all. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, 33 Gracechurch St., E.O. HUGO'S COMPLETE GUIDE TO FRENCH PRONUNCIATION. One Shilling. In addition to the Bales, this valuable little work contains an abso- lutely original and complete List of Exceptions to those Rules : Articles on the Long and Short Vowel Sounds, the Linking of Final Consonants, the Elision of the Unaccented E, the ' Tonic ' Accent, etc. The clearest and most comprehensive treatise on French Pronunciation ever published. 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The first two of the three part* of which the above work con- sists are also sold in packets, in paper covers, under the title of " Dutch in Three Months without a Master/' 3s. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE. 3ft Graodchurch Stk E.G. HUGO'S FRENCH PHRASE-BOOK. GERMAN PHRASE-BOOK. SPANISH PHRASE-BOOK. ITALIAN PHRASE-BOOK. POCKET EDITION. 1/6 each language, CAGE'S! Theabovebooksarenow ? ET ALL YOU WANT IN FRANCE? (or GERMANY, SPAIN, or ITALY) The Pronunciation of Every Word exactly imitated. IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING ON THE CONTINENT, YOU CANNOT DO BETTER THAN TAKE THESE PHRASE-BOOKS WITH YOU. They add enormously to the pleasure and profit of a holiday or business trip. SPANISH STUDENT'S COMPANION. 80 pages - Is. 6d. CONTENTS : 1. Anecdotes, with Vocabulary and Notes, arranged for Translation at Sight 2. Examples of all the Important Idioms, with Exercises. 3. Practical Commercial Phrases. 4. Easy Reading, with Translation and Imitated Pronunciation of every word. 5. Key to the Anecdotes in the first section. UNIFORM WITH THE ABOVE. ITALIAN STUDENT'S COMPANION. 8*0 pages Is. 6d. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, 33 Gracechurch St., E.G. More people have succeeded during the last twenty years In learning Spanish by HUGO'S SPANISH SIM. PLIFIED than by all other systems together. * * INNUMERABLE TESTIMONIALS. ANY BEGINNER who really wants to LEARN SPANISH cannot do better than buy HUGO'S SPANISH SIMPLIFIED, 5s. 240 pages, WELL BOUND IN CLOTH. This book comprises the following ; I. A GRAMMAR, containing all the rules necessarj for speak- ing and writing Spanish correctly.* II. SPANISH READING MADE EASY; A collection of Short Stories with foot-notes to each page.* III. SPANISH CONVERSATION being practical and colloquial sentences introducing all the important idiom*. IT. A KEY to the Exercises in the Grammar.* "The GRAMMAR, KEY, and READER have been sold extensively for years in packets, in paper covers, under the title of "SPANISH IN THREE MONTHS WITHOUT A MASTER," 3s. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, 88 Gracechurch St., E.C. HUGO'S SPANISH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT 25 6 pages - - 5s. A collection of practical up-to-date letters and commercial phrases, with full translation and explanatory notes ; to which is added a description of the Spanish coinage and the Metric System, with table of exact equivalents in English measurements ; a full List of Abbreviations used in Spanish, etc., etc. This book is of a thoroughly up-to-date character, and will be found invaluable to all qualifying for a commercial career. HUGO'S SPANISH 9 6pages - - VERBS SIMPLIFIED. limp cloth, 2s An exhaustive treatise, with ORIGINAL RULES on the FORMATION OF TENSES, showing the easiest and quickest way of learning all Spanish Verbs, REGULAR AND IRREGULAR. This invaluable work also deals with the Defective, Impersonal, and Reflective Verbs, the use of the various tenses, the Auxiliaries, the Polite Form of address, etc., etc. COMPLETE LISTS & TABLES for REFERENCE. This book is more convenient for reference than the Grammar, and may be used simultaneously with it. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE. 33 Gracechurch St., E,0. HUGO'S "Simple RUSSIAN in Three Months without a Master. is the FIRST and ONLY book by which learning to SPEAK, WRITE, and UNDERSTAND - RUSSIAN jsff" MADE EASY EITHER FOR SELF=LEARNERS, OR THOSE STUDYING WITH A TEACHER. Complete in Five Parts, -| If. EACH PART. 43 2 pages in all. *>l NET. This work has been written in England by RUSSIAN UNIVEB- SITY MEN, under HUGO'S PERSONAL DIRECTION, and is set up in specially cast accented type. It is the only system for learning RUSSIAN in which the Russian of every sentence is grammatically and idiomatically correct. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, 33 Gracechurch Street, London, E.G. ; and Branches. More People have succeeded during the last twenty years in learning Italian by HUGOS ITALIAN SIMPLIFIED than by all other systems together. INNUMERABLE TESTIMONIALS. ANY BEGINNER who really wants to LEARN ITALIAN cannot do better than buy HUGO'S ITALIAN SIMPLIFIED, 5s. 272 pages, STRONGLY BOUND IN CLOTH. An easy and rapid self- instructor, consisting of : I. A simple but complete GRAMMAR, containing all the Rules for speaking and writing Italian correctly. II. A collection of interesting and amusing ANECDOTES, DIA- LOGUES, etc., carefully selected and copiously annotated. III. MISCELLANEOUS CONVERSATIONAL SENTENCES, introducing all the important IDIOMS and peculiarities of construction. IV. COMMERCIAL PHRASES, with instructions for writing a Business Letter. V. A KEY to the Exercises in the Grammar.* 'The GRAMMAR, KEY, and READER have been sold extensively for years in packets, in paper covers^ under the title of "ITALIAN IN THREE MONTHS WITHOUT A MASTER," 3s. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE. 33 Graoechurch St., E.C. More people have succeeded during the last twenty years in learning German by HUGO'S GERMAN SIMPLIFIED than by all other systems together. - INN UMERABLE TES TIMONIALS. ANY BEGINNER who really wants to LEARN GERMAN cannot do better than buy HUGO'S GERMAN SIMPLIFIED, 5s. 296 pages, WELL BOUND IN CLOTH. The book comprises the following : I. A SIMPLE BUT COMPLETE GRAMMAR,* containing all the rules necessary for speaking and writing German correctly, the pro- nunciation of every word being exactly imitated. II. PRACTICAL AND COLLOQUIAL CONVERSATION,* introducing all the important conversational idioms. III. TABLES OF THE VERBS, regular and auxiliary, with Model Conjuga- tions of the Passive Voice, Keflective Verbs, Separable Verbs, etc. IV. COMPLETE LIST OF THE IRREGULAR VERBS. V. ANECDOTES, arranged for Translation at Sight, with KEY. VI. A KEY* to the Exercises in the Grammar. The GRAMMAR, KEY, and CONVERSATION have been sold extensively for years in packets, in paper covers, under the title of "GERMAN IN THREE MONTHS WITHOUT A MASTER," 3s. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, 33 Gracechurch St., E.C. 300 HOURS OF TEDIOUS WORK SAVED by Hugo's German Reading Simplified, 224 PAGES, STRONGLY BOUND IN CLOTH, 4s. German is an exceptionally difficult language to read, a know- ledge of about 10,000 words being essential to real fluency. To look up 10,000 words in a dictionary means at least 800 hours' ABSOLUTELY USELESS WORK. Most so-called Reading Books explain the absence of notes by saying that looking up a word impresses it better on the memory. This is merely an excuse on the author's part for avoiding the trouble which carefully prepared foot-notes involve. HUGO'S "GERMAN READING SIMPLIFIED" provides more than 200 pages, in graduated sections. The first section is EXCEPTIONALLY EASY, as it gives the PRONUNCIATION & TRANSLATION OF EVERY WORD. In the remaining sections, 100 to 200 words are translated on each page, making a total of more than 20,000 references. These notes are in most cases absolutely literal, freely trans- lated notes being of little value to the learner. The free translation is only given when the sense of the literal rendering is not apparent. By this unique work, reading German is for the first time MADE EASY TO ALL, and the drudgery of constant reference to a dictionary converted into an interesting recreation. Anyone with a slight knowledge of German grammar can now learn to read that language in about 120 hours, better than in 1,000 hours by any old methods. The matter in " GERMAN READING SIMPLIFIED " is varied and interesting throughout, consisting as it does of Amusing Dialogues, Historical Anecdotes, INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE PARAGRAPHS extracted from German newspapers, books, periodicals, etc. With the daily increasing commercial intercourse between Great Britain and Germany, a knowledge of German is now essential. Hugo's Institute, 83 Gracechurch Street, London, E.O. Hugo's Portuguese Simplified, Complete, 224 pages ... 5s. In this important work, the intricacies of Portuguese are made easy for the first time in the history of the language. Its varied contents comprise the following sections : Rules of Pronunciation. Amusing Anecdotes & Dialogues, A Concise Grammar. with Vocabularies & Foot-notes. Practical Exercises. Progressive Conversation. The Irregular Verbs clas- Complete Conjugations of the Re- sified and simplified. gular and Auxiliary Verbs. WITH THE IMITATED PRONUNCIATION OF EVERY WORD. The first two of the three parts of which the above work con- sists are also sold in packets, in paper covers, under the title of "Portuguese in Three Months Without a Master," 3s. - HUGO'S GERMAN COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. 192 pages 4s. This is a PRACTICAL work, arranged in a PRACTICAL way, with the German and its corresponding English on the same page. The selection of Mercantile Letters and Phrases is really repre- sentative of modern business correspondence. This book is of a thoroughly up-to-date character, and will be found invaluable to all qualifying for a commercial carreer. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, 83 Gracechurch St., E.G. TERMS for CLASS LESSONS Special Classes (DAY OR EVENING) of one hour, averaging three Students, and limited to fire, meet at all hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. COMPLETE COURSE OF 24 WEEKLY LESSONS - - 36s. Half Course of 12 weekly Lessons - - 21s. RUSSIAN & ITALIAN CLASSES (at Oxford Street only) (limited to fiTtitndente) 24 Lewoiu ... BUBSIAN 42s.; ITALIAN 36s. Ordinary Classes of one boor, averaging even Students, meet every evening (except Saturday) at 6.30, 7.0, 7.15, 7.30, etc., up to 9.30. COMPLETE COURSE OF 24 WEEKLY LESSONS - - 24s. Half Course of 12 weekly Lessons - 15s. T *nn in FRENCH. GERMAN. SPANISH. wessons DALIAN. ENGLISH. 12 Lessons of one hour each - - 2. 8s. 24 LESSONS of one hour each - 4. 4s. 48 Lessons of one hour each - - 7. 4s. 100 Lessons of one hour each - - 14. Os. Reduced term* for extended cour***, and for two or more friend* attending tocetherforpriTAUUMon*. Detailed P ro*pectu* on application. RUSSIAN, PORTUGUESE, DUTCH, SWEDISH, NORWEGIAN, DANISH or LATIN. 12 Lessons - 3 | 24 Lessons - 6. 8s. All the above fees include the necea*ary books, and are payable in advance. HUGO'S LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, 33 Gracechurch St., E.G., 64-66, Oxford St., W. ; 205, Earl's Court Road, S.W. ErtaUUhed 1875. A 000020460