LIBRARY OF THE University of California, f ©IFT OF M OjLJU^iu^ n.,...(;^/cA EDINBURGH FACULTY OF ACTUARIES IN SCOTLAND Hall and Library, 24 George Street 1899 w& %0 \0 :f^ Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty LIBRARY REGULATIONS. 1. The Library shall be open daily from 10.30 till 4 o'clock, except during the month of August, when it shall be closed for the annual revision of the Catalogue. 2. Members shall not be allowed to borrow more than three volumes at one time, except with the sanction of the Library Committee. 3. Books shall not be lent for a longer period than one month, but when a book is returned it can be re-borrowed, provided it has not been bespoken in the interim by another Member. 4. Books shall be lent only on the receipt of the borrower in a book to be kept in the Library for the purpose, or on the receipt of a messenger bearing a written order signed by the borrower. 5. Members losing, injuring or defacing any book shall supply another copy, or shall be liable to pay such sum as the Library Committee may determine. 6. Cyclopaedias, Works of Reference, and unbound numbers of Scientific Journals and Periodicals shall not be lent; but they may be consulted in the Hall during the hours above mentioned. 205501 Extract from the Rules and Regulations of the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland : — " It shall be one of the objects of the Faculty to form a Library of professional works for consultation and reference, the arrangements in regard to which shall be entrusted to the Council, subject to the approval and control of the Faculty.^ "Students shall have access to the Library with consent of the Council, and under such regulations as they may from time to time resolve on, and the Council may also confer the like privilege on members of the Actuarial Society." ^ 1 The Council will be happy to receive for the Library donations of Books and Pamphlets on professional subjects. These may be sent to the care of the Acting Secretary, or to the Members of the Library Committee, and will be acknowledged in the Minutes of the Faculty. A list of Donors will be found at the end of the Catalogue. 2 The Actuarial Society was founded in January 1859, among the junior members of the profession, for the purpose of promoting discussions and the reading of papers on actuarial, mathematical, and other cognate subjects. ARRANGEMENT ADOPTED IN THE CATALOGUE. The Catalogue is arranged alphabetically, the title and a full description of each book being given under the Author^s name, a brief description being also given under the subject of the work. The papers read before Actuarial or Insurance Societies or Institutes are detailed under the name of the Society or Institute, but in the case of collective publications, such as the British Almanac and Statistical Journal, a list is given only of such of the articles or treatises therein as are considered most useful to the Actuarial student. The following are the principal Subject-headings :- Accident Insurance. Acts of Parliament. Actuarial Reports. Actuarial Societies. Actuarial Tables. Actuaries. Actuaries (Faculty of). Actuaries (Institute of). Arithmetic and Theory of Numbers Biography. Blue Books. Book-keeping. British Almanac. Courts of Law (Scotland). Dictionaries. Electricity. Encyclopaedias. Entails (Scotland). Finance, including Banking, Bi- metallism, Currency, Decimal System, Exchanges, Invest- ments, Money, etc. Fire Insurance. Friendly and other Societies. History. Insurance, Insurance, etc., Societies. Interest and Annuities-certain. Law. Life Assurance. Life Contingencies, including Ac- tuarial Tables. Marine Insurance. ' Mathematics, including Algebra, Differential and Integral Cal- I cuius, Finite Differences, Geo- 1 metry, Logarithms (Theory and I Tables), Probabilities, and Tri- I gonometry. j Mortality (construction of Tables j and Experience). I Periodicals. I Political Economy, including In- i dustry and Commerce, Taxation and Taxes, and Theory of Popu- ' lation. Population. Problems and Solutions. Registrar- General's Reports. Royal Society. Science. Statistical Society. Statistics. Tables (Mercantile). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF ACTUARIES IN SCOTLAND INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER The following abbreviations are used in the Catalogue : — For B.I. read Birmingham Insurance Institute. B.M.A. ,, Proceedings of the British Medical Association. F.S. ,, Friendly Society. I.I. ,, Insurance Institute of Ireland. J. I. A. ,, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (London). J.S.S. ,, Journal of the Statistical Society (London). M. A. , , Insurance Association of Manchester. M.I. ,, Insurance Institute of Manchester. M.O. ,, Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association. N. S.W.I. ,, New South Wales Insurance Institute. P. ,, Pamphlets. T.A. ,, Transactions of the Actuarial Society (America). T.E. ,, Transactions of the Actuarial Society (Edinburgh). T.G. ,, Transactions of the Insurance and Actuarial Society (Glasgow). V.I. ,, Victoria Insurance Institute. W.F. ,, Widows' Fund. Y.I. ,, Yorkshire Insurance Institute. , Abbe (C). Historical Note on the Method Abbott (T. D.). Workers in Wood. Tanneries. [M.I.] [M.I.] of Least Squares. Washington 1871 1875 1877 ABO—ACC About (Edmund). Insurance (in French). 2nd Edit. Paris 1866 Accident Insurance. Brown {H.). Sickness and Accident Insurance. 1896 Davidson (/.). Liability and Accident Insurance. 1895 Farr {Dr. W.). Premiums for Accident Insurance. 1880 Goode (/?. P.). Accident Insurance— its leading features. 1898 Marsh {E.J.). Mortality from Casualties in the experience of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. 1896 Mucke (/. R.). State Insurance against Accidents. 1881 Ncison (F. G. P.). Rate of Fatal and Non-fatal Accidents in and about Mines and on Railways, with the cost of Insurance against such Accidents. 1880 Report upon a scheme for the re-insurance of the Fatal Accident Risks of Miners' Permanent Funds. 1882 Statistics of Accidents in Mines (contained in various Reports). Paull {R.J.). Accident Insurance. 1893 Smith {H. L.). Accident Insurance. 1888 Swiss Government Report on Mutual Accident Insurance. 1895 Tate {C. M.). Accident Insurance. 1889 Whitworth (F). Accident Business. 1893 See also Blue Books — Employers' Liability — J.S.S. — Registrar- General's Reports— Switzerland — Teece — United States. Accident Insurance (Law of). See Crawley (C.) — Harvey (W.) —Porter (J. B.). Accountants in Edinburgh (Society of). Royal Charter of Incorporation, dated 23rd October 1854. [P]. Regulations, etc., of the Society. [P.] Edin. 1855 Accountants and Actuaries. See M'Candlish (J. M.). Accountants and Actuaries (Institute of, Glasgow). Catalogue of Library. 1889 Accountants and Auditors (Society of). List of Members. 1895-98 Catalogue of Library. 1895 Accountants (Society of Chartered, Scotland). Official Directory. 1896-99 Accountants (Chartered), Students' Society. Transactions of, vols. 7 and 8. 1895 and 1896 Accountants' Magazine, to date. Accounts and Accounting. See Book-keeping. Accounts, etc., of Life Offices returned to the Board of Trade. Sec Ayres (H.)— Bentley (J.)— Blue Books— Christie (R.)— Post Magazine. AC K— ACT Ackland (T. G.). An investigation of methods for deducing rates of mortality and withdrawal in years of duration, with application of such methods to the computation of the rates experienced and the special benefits granted by Clerks' Associations. (From J. I. A., vol. 32.) (2 copies.) Lond. 1897 Ackland (T. G.) and Hardy (G. F.). Graduated exercises and examples for the use of students of the Institute of Actuaries' Text-Book, with solutions. (3 copies.) Lond. 1889 Ackland (T. G.) and Smee (A. H.). On the assurance risks incident to professional military and naval lives, and the rates of extra premiums which should be charged for such risks. (Joint report to the Gresham Life Office.) Lond. 1890. Acts of Parliament. Church of Scotland Ministers' Widows', etc., Fund Act, 1779. [P. vol. 18.] Turnpike Roads Act 1823. [P. vol. 7.] Advocates' Widows' Fund Act 1830. W.S. Society Widows' Fund Act 1831. Schoolmasters' Widows' Fund (Scotland) Act 1846. Sales of Reversions Act 1867 1 t t a 1 , , ^ ,. . /. « . «, f J-IA. vol. 14. Policies of Assurance Act 1867 J Life Assurance Companies' Act 1870 It,* \ e. • n ,TT , T^ A o rJ.I-A. vol. 16. Married Women's Property Act 1870 J Life Assurance Companies' Acts 1871 and 1872. J.l.A. vol. 17. Friendly Societies' Act 1875 1 rp l iql Act to Regulate Joint-Stock Banks 1844 J '" ' ^° " -• Act for the Registration, Incorporation, and Regulation of Joint- Stock Companies 1844. Married Women's Policies of Assurance (Scotland) Act 1880. J.l.A. vol. 23. Married Women's Property Act 1882. J.l.A. vol. 24. Government Annuities Act 1882 (with tables). [P.] Scottish Provident Institution Act 1884. Police Act 1890 (with section as to Superannuation, etc.). Police (Scotland) Act 1890 (for providing Pensions, etc.). Friendly Societies' Act 1875, corrected as authorised by the Acts of 1887 and 1895. Life Assurance Companies' (Payment into Court) Act 1896. Weights and Measures (Metric System) Act 1897. Workmen's Compensation Act 1897. Elementary School Teachers' (Superannuation) Act 1898. Colonial, Canada — Consolidated Insurance Act 1877. [P. vol. 19.] Life Assurance Act 1894. Newfoundland— Consolidated Statutes— Life Assurance Companies. ACT Acts of Parliament— Continued. New South Wales— \a{q Assurance Act 1887. New Zealand— \Ai^ Assurance Companies' Act 1873. Government Annuities and Insurance Act 1874. Government Insurance Association Act 1884. Life Assurance Policies Act 1884. Life Assurance Policies (Amendment) Act 1885. Government Life Insurance Act 1886. Queensland — Life Insurance Act 1879. South Australia — lA^e. Assurance Companies' Act 1882. Tasmania — Life Insurance Companies' Act 1874. F/V/^r/.^— Companies Act 1890, Part iii., relating to Life Assurance Companies. ActuarialJournal, French. 1872-80 Actuarial Reports. See Friendly Societies — Life Contingencies. Actuarial Society of America. History of the formation of the Society. (2 copies). N. Y. 1889. Transactions (2 copies) — 1890. Value of New Blood in Life Insurance. B. J. Miller. Continued Life and Growth dependent on right principles. R. P. Field. The Proper Treatment of a Life Insurance Company in which the Reserve has become impaired. S. Homans. Adverse Selection by Withdrawal. H. W. St. John. Just apportionment of the expenses of Mutual Life Insurance Com- panies. W. E. Starr. Actuarial Elements involved in Fire Insurance. W. S. Nichols. Policy Values — one of their Relations. J. H. Sprague. Analysis and Disposition of Gains over assumed Liabilities. A. S. Wing. Formulae for ascertaining Contributions to Surplus. E. McClintock. Concerning Extra Premiums. D. P. Fackler. Some thoughts regarding margins for Expenses and Contingencies and Surrender Charges. S. Homans. On the Provision for and Assessment of Life Insurance Expenses, etc. W. C. Wright. Observations on Impaired Lives. J. M. Craig. 1891. Insurance Values as Bases for Surrender Charges. S. Homans. Insurance Values and Distribution of Surplus. W. Hendry. Some thoughts on the principles involved in Graduation. W. S. Nichols. ACT 5 Actuarial Society of America — Contifiued. Transactions — Continued, Tate's Arithmometer. M. H. Peiler. Standard for measuring the effects of Selection among Insured Lives. W. D. Whiting. Method of measuring the maximum amount which an Insurance Company may properly assume on a single life. C. C. Hall. Weight and Longevity. T. B. Macaulay. Double Endowments. I. C. Pierson. Comparison of American and Australian Mortality. R. Teece. Distribution of Expenses in Life Insurance. W. D. Whiting. Cash Surrender Values for Life Insurance Policies. B. J. Miller. On a complete Annuity-Due. J. H. Sprague. Insurance Values as Bases of Surrender Charges. J. M. Craig. 1892. Monetary Mortality Experience on Annuities in American Life Insurance Companies. R. W. Weeks. Ratios of Mortality for Number and Amount. A. S. Wing. Percentage Formula for obtaining Return Premium Rates. S. E. Stilwell. On the correct or Equitable Distribution of Incidental Surplus. W. C. Wright. Legislation regarding Impairment (Fackler Prize Essay). A. A. Welch. Application of the Contribution Plan to the Distribution of Surplus. D. H. Wells. Proper Basis for Surrender Charges. J. H. Sprague. Mathematical Principles involved in a Mortality Table based on Lives or Amounts. W. S. Nichols. Report of Special Committee on Suggestions regarding the In- vestigation of the Mortality Experience of Life Insurance Com- panies. 1893. Simple Endowments and Insurances involving a Return of Premiums with Simple or Compound Interest. D. P. Fackler. Comparison of American and Australian Mortality. R. Teece. Retrospective Forms of Valuation in Practice. M. H. Peiler. Farr's Healthy English Male Life Table— 4 per cent. D. J. McG. McKenzie. Error in Age. J. G. Richter. Apportionment of Surplus to the holders of Completed Contracts. O. B. Ireland. Effect of Selection, Essay on. E. McClintock. Apportionment of JExpenses and its Relation to the Distribution of Surplus. W. E. Starr. ACT Actuarial Society of America — Continued. Transactions — Continued. Influence of the Age at Entrance on the Force of Selection. T. B. Macaulay. Mortality Surfaces. M. Leon Marie, translated by H. W. St. John. Value of Medical Examinations in Industrial Insurance. W. S. Nichols. Pohcies or Lives, and Amounts at Risk. A. S. Wing. Mortuary Dividend Policies. M. W. Torrey. Present Financial Crisis and Legislation concerning Impairment. D. P. Fackler. 1894. Life Table based upon Insurance in the American Tropics. C. N. Jones. Different Methods proposed for valuing the Marketable Securities held by Life Insurance Companies. H. J. Messenger. Fluctuation of the Rate of Mortality versus the Rate of Loss. C. Hildebrand. Method of Apportioning Surplus used by Australian Companies. D. Garment. Suggestions in respect to dealing with Companies in which the Reserve is impaired. H. W. Smith. Formula for Valuations by Groups. W. D. Whiting. Methods of Distribution pursued in Great Britain. R. G. Hann. Extended Term Insurance. W. Hendry. Graphic Interpolation by Mechanical Means. G. F. Salter. 1895. Rates of Death Loss among Total Abstainers and others. E. McClintock. Loans on Life Insurance Policies. B. J. Miller. Formulas for the direct application of Interpolated Values of well- known policies to the valuation of Limited Payment, Changed and Lien Policies. A. K. Blackadar. Proper Charges for Annuities and Assurances to provide for a decreasing rate of interest. D. P. Fackler. Errors in Valuation. C. N. Jones. Monetary Analysis of the Vitality Gain of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company for the years 1 889-1893. W. C. Wright. Error in Age (continued). J. G. Richter. Mortality Experience (1847- 1893) of the Canada Life Assurance Company. A. K. Blackadar. Why is the Mortality Experience on Endowment Policies more favourable than on Life Policies ? A. S. Wing. Effect of hard times on the standard of selection of Life Risks. W. T. Standen. ACT Actuarial Society of America — Continued. Trafisactio7is — Conti?med. Premiums paid on Bonds and the Interest Account. G. Wegenast. An Actuarial Proposition and a Suggestion. W. C. Wright. ■'^Decreasing Rates of Interest in connection with Annuities and Insurances. D. P. Fackler. ■'^■Necessity of a Universal Notation. A. Begault, translated by G. F. Salter. * Do. I. C. Pierson. *In valuing Policies, should any allowance be made on account of the expense of obtaining New Business ? Dr. T. B. Sprague, with remarks by S. Homans. *On the Intervention of the Legislator to permit or assume the supervision of the operations of Life Insurance Companies. H. W. St. John. * Do. T. B. Macaulay. * Papers by Members read at the International Congress of Actuaries^ Brussels^ Septetnber 1895. 1896. Mortality Experienced on Annuitants (European and American) in American Life Insurance Companies. R. W. Weeks. Note on Cost of Insurance. E. L. Stabler. Interest Requirements and Mortality Costs. W. D. Whiting. On Reckoning in Games of Chance. Christian Huygens, translated by E. W. Scott. Review of the Published Mortahty Experience of the four French Companies. E. L. Stabler. Finlaison's 1883 Select Female Annuitants, Commutation Columns and Annuity Values, 4 per cent. D. J. McG. McKenzie. Insurance Values as Bases for Surrender Values. S. Homans. Mortality prevailing among Annuitants. T. B. Macaulay. Data and Tables from ' Life Insurance ; an applied Science.' I. C. Pierson. 1897. What constitutes an Insurable Interest in Lives 1 C. C. Hall. Meech's Life Tables. H. W. St. John. Cost of Insurance. J. M. Craig. Level Premium Life Insurance — Historical Note. J. A. de Boer. Note on the legal Ratio of 15^ (in coinage of silver). M. Leon Walras, translated by H. W. St. John. Government Legislation of Holland in reference to the working of Life Insurance Companies. L. Wolterbeek. Tendency to National Supervision. E. P. Marshall. Note on a particular case of Loans repayable by instalments. J. Tatlock. Province of Equity in Life Insurance. W. S. Nichols. ACT Actuarial Society of America — Continued. Transactions — Continued. Note on Premium Loading. W. C. Wright. Problem of the Value of Money. M. Leon Walras, translated by R. W. Weeks. Cost of Insurance. M. W. Torrey. Johan De Witt. E. W. Scott. The Limitations of the system of Net Valuations. W. S. Nichols. Provision for and distribution of Expenses. W. D. Whiting. The Ideal Life Insurance Company. J. M. Holcombe. Select Life Tables as the basis of premium rates. T. Bradshaw. General Principles. E. McClintock. Individualism v. Communism in the conduct of a Life Insurance Company. A. A. Welch. An equitable method of determining Paid-up or Cash Surrender Values. D. P. Fackler. Select Life Tables as the basis of Premium Rates (continued). T. Bradshaw. Modification of McClintock's formula for an approximation of Accumulated Contribution to Surplus. G. L. Plumley. Valuation of Reversionary Annuities by Commutation Columns. M. H. Peiler. Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Laws. [P.] Presidential Addresses (2 copies 1863-64. Raleigh (S.) 1865-66. M'Candlish (J. M.) 1867-68. Maclagan (D.) 1868-69. Sang(E.) 1869-70. Meikle (J.) 1870-71. Turnbull (A. H.) 1872-73. M'Candlish (J. M.) 1873-74. Thomson (W. T.) 1874-75. Sprague(T. B.) 1875-76. Meikle (J. M.) 1877-78. Thomson (S. C.) 1878-79. Deuchar (D.) 1879-80. Turnbull (A H.) 1880-81. Marr (T.) 1881-82. Smith (A. G.) 1882-83. Sprague (T. B.) 1868 and 1894 -incomplete) — 1883-84. Low (G. M.) 1884-85. Meikle (J.) 1885-86. M'Candlish (J. M.) 1886-87. Thomson (S. C.) 1887-88. Deuchar (D.) 1888-89. Smith (A. G.) 1889-90. Turnbull Smith (J.) 1890-91. Turnbull (A. H.) 1891-92. Sprague (T. B.) 1892-93. M'Candlish (J. M.) 1893-94. Low (G. M.) 1894-95. Deuchar (D.) 1895-96. Sorley(J.) 1896-97. Paulin(D.) 1897-98. Thomson (S. C.) 1898-99. Gunn (N. B.) Transactions (3 copies) — Vol. L I. On the 5th and 6th Schedules of the Life Assurance Com- panies' Act 1870, by David Deuchar. 1879 ACT Actuarial Society of Edinburgh — Continued. Transactions (3 copies) — Continued. 2. On Joint Life Annuities, by J. J. M'Lauchlan. 1879 3. The Rationale of Life Assurance Premiums, by James Meikle. 1879 4. On the comparative amount of Reserves obtained by different Valuations, by A. H. Turnbull. 1879 5. Practical notes on the training and duties of an Actuary, by Thomas Marr. 1880 6. Note on war mortality in recent campaigns, by A. G. Mac- kenzie. 1 88 1 7. On money and the future rate of interest, by A. G. Smith. 1882 8. The Theory of Finance, by George King. 1882 9. Remarks on the exercise of independent thought, by T. B. Sprague. 1883 10. The history and work of the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh, by G. M. Low. 1884 11. On the official publications of the Mortality of Assured Lives, by James Meikle. 1885 12. Notes on the Theory of Logarithms, by W. R. Macdonald. 1885 13. On the several mortality tables employed in the valuation of Annuity Contracts, by G. H. Ryan. 1885 Appendix — List of Papers read before the Society from its institution. Vol. II. 1. The duties of an Actuary in his professional relationships, by J. M. M'Candlish. 1886 2. A comparison of the Rates of Mortality among Insured Lives and Government Annuitants, having regard to the effect of selection, by James Chatham. 1886 3. Remarks on the position and prospects of the Actuarial pro- fession, and of the Business of Life Assurance, by S. C. Thomson. 1887 4. On Life Assurance Book-keeping, by J. J. M'Lauchlan. 1887 5. The progress of Life Assurance Business in the United Kingdom during the last fifty years, by David Deuchar. 1888 6. On the rate of mortality among Liquor-sellers, by Thomas Wallace. 1888 7. Some Remarks on the Report by the Commissioners appointed to investigate into the recent changes in the relative values of the Precious Metals, by A. Gillies-Smith. 1888 8. Statistics as to the Mortality Experience among Assured Lives engaged in the Liquor Trade, by Gordon Douglas. 1888 9. The Mortality among Assured Lives viewed in relation to the sums at risk, by G. C. Stenhouse. 1889 10. Outside Business Training, by J. Turnbull Smith. 1889 lo ACT Actuarial Society of Edinburgh — Continued. Transactions (3 copies) — Continued. 11. The Tenure of Land in the United Kingdom and its principal Colonies, by A. H. Turnbull. 1890 12. On some Formulas for use in Life Office Valuations, by J. J. M'Lauchlan. 1890 13. On some Fundamental Principles in the Theory of Probability, by Professor Chrystal. 1891 Vol. IIL 1. On the Interests of Heirs of Entail and the Calculation of the Pecuniary Values, by Henry R. Cockburn and Robert Murrie. 2. Administration — Notes by an Old Hand, by John M. M'Candlish. 1892 3. The Recent Australian Bank Failures, by George M. Low. 1893 4. On Probability and Chance, and their connection with the Business of Insurance, by T. B. Sprague. 1893 5. Misrepresentation and Concealment as affecting Policies of Insurance, by William Harvey. 1894 6. The Present Position of the Silver Question, by Professor J. Shield Nicholson. 1894 7. Life Assurance in Canada, by Frank Sanderson. 1894 8. Notes on Widows' Funds, by David Deuchar. 1894 9. Life Office Investments — Retrospect and Outlook, by David Paulin. 1895 10. Lectures on Insurance Law, by William Harvey. 1895 I. Conditions in Life Policies. II. Policies of Insurance as Securities and in Trust. III. Accident Insurance. IV. Conditions in Fire Policies. 11. A Commentary upon the Married Women's Policies of Assur- ance (Scotland) Act, 1880, by A. H. B. Constable. 1896 12. I. Note on the Rate of Mortality in Sierra Leone. II. An Investigation as to how far Life Insurance is of a Provi- dent Nature as benefiting the Assured and his Family ; and how far it is of a merely Financial Character, as benefiting his Creditors and Assignees, by A. E. Sprague. 1896 13. Note on Select Life Tables, by J. R. Hart. 1896 14. The Evolution of Premium Rates, a chapter in the History of Life Insurance, by James Sorley. 1896 Vol. IV. 1. Old Age Pensions and Pauperism, by David Paulin. 1896 2. On an Investigation into the Mortality of the Married Females of the Peerage, by J. R. Hart. 1897 3. A Description of certain of the principal Stock Exchange Securities, by J. Nicoll 1897 ACT 11 Actuarial Society of Edinburgh — Continued. Transactions (3 copies) — Contimud. 4. Some Medical aspects of Life Assurance, by Dr. Leslie Ogilvie. 1897 5. On Extra Risk, with some particulars of the recent investigation of the mortality of persons engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors, by G. M. Low. 1897 6. Forms of Life Office Books, by W. Smith-Nicol. 1897 7. Some Suggestions in regard to Life Office Accounting, includ- ing, inter alia^ an arrangement of the American card system, suitable for the requirements of British Offices, by A. D. L. Turnbull. 1898 8. The practical calculation of Office Premiums, by Henry Moir. 1898 9. Past and Future, with some thoughts on Heredity, by S. C. Thomson. 1898 10. Some Notes on the Selection of Lives for Assurance, by N. B. Gunn. 1898 11. On the Mortality in certain hazardous or unhealthy occupations, by J. J. M'Lauchlan. 1899 The Theory of Finance, by George King. 2nd edition. (2 copies.) 1891 Do. do. 3rd edition. (2 copies.) 1898 Manuscript or Type-written Copies of Papers read before the Society but not printed in the Transactions — On some special and historical questions in Probability, by J. E. A. Steggall. 1888 On Investigations into the Mortality of Assured Lives, by J. P. Longstaff. 1889 Classification of Lives (Deuchar Prize Essay), by J. Wilkie, Jun. 1889 Foreign Fire Insurance Business (Deuchar Prize Essay), by J. G. Borthwick. 1889 Woollen Mills (Deuchar Prize Essay), by J. P. Eddison. 1889 Inverse Rule in the Theory of Probability, by J. Govan. 1893 Actuarial Tables. See Actuaries, Institute of — American Ex- perience Tables — American Life Offices (30) — Blue Books (Life Annuities)— British Life Offices — Carlisle— Chisholm (J.) Dawson (M. M.)— English Life— Gray (P.)— Henry (J.) — Interest and Annuities-certain — Life Contingencies — Mor- tality and Marriage Experience — Mortality Experience — Orchard (W.) — Scottish Bankers' Experience — Scottish Life Offices— Scottish Mortality— Smith (H. A.)— Tables. 12 ACT Actuaries. Bloxsojn ( W. G.). Some thoughts about the future of the Actuarial profession. 1877 Hewat {A.). Training for the Insurance Profession. 1893 Lewis {/. N.). The Actuarial Profession from a Branch man's point of view. 1896 Nicoll {John). Relation of the Actuarial Profession to the State. 1898 M^Candlish (/. J/.). The duties of an Actuary in his professional relationships. 1886 Accountants and Actuaries : the work of the Actuary. 1887 Maclagan (D.). The education of an Actuary. 1867 Marr {T.). Practical notes on the training and duties of an Actuary. 1880 Raleigh {S.). On the profession of an Actuary. 1863 Sprague{T. BX The usefulness of mathematical studies to the Actuary. 1874 Thomso7i {S. C). On the position and prospects of the profession. 1887 Actuaries, Association of (Belgium). Journal. Actuaries, Faculty of (Scotland). Royal Charter of Incorporation, dated 21st September 1868 [P.] Constitution and Laws. 1862, 1868, and 1886 [P.] Catalogue of Library. 1873, 1878, 1888, and 1899 Photograph Album originated 1890. Actuaries, Institute of (London). List of Members. Lond. 1879 Catalogue of the Library of the Institute. Lond. 1880 Royal Charter of Incorporation. 1884 Draft Bye- Laws. 1885 Bye-Laws and Forms of Application for admission to membership. 1886 Minutes and Correspondence between the Secretaries of the Insti- tute and the Scottish Members of Council. [P.] 1854-55 Journal of the Institute and Assurance Magazine. (4 sets.) 185 1 to date General Index to first 10 vols, (i copy.) General Index to first 20 vols. (4 copies.) General Index to vols xxi.-xxx. (4 copies.) Discussions (from Insurance Record), Session 1865-66. [P. vol. 12.] Discussions, 1866-67. [P- vol. 35.] Mortality experience of twenty British Life Offices, collected by the Institute ; with introductory chapter by Samuel Brown. (2 copies.) Lond. 1869 ACT-'AIR 13 Actuaries, Institute of (London) — Continyed. Life Tables deduced from the Twenty Offices' mortality experience ; with introductory chapters by P. Gray and W. S. B. Woolhouse ; and with appendix containing a complete system of notation. (2 copies.) Lond. 1872 Text-Book, Part I. Interest and Annuities-certain, by William Sutton. (3 copies.) Lond. 1882 Text-Book, Part II. Life Contingencies, by George King. (3 copies.) Lond. 1887 (For Exercises and Examples see Ackland and Hardy.) Text-Book, Part II. Translated into French by A. Begault, with preface by L. Mahillon. Brussels 1894 Joint Life Annuity Tables for lives of both sexes, and also Single Life Annuity Tables and Auxiliary Tables, according to the mortality experience of Government Life Annuitants (1883), by A. J. Finlaison. Lond. 1895 Select Life Tables, by Dr. T. B. Sprague. Lond. 1896 Law of Real Property, by G. Wood Hill, and London Daily Stock and Share List, by G. Clare. (Lectures under the auspices of the Institute.) i vol. Lond. 1898 On the Institute, by D. J. A. Samot. (In Dutch.) 1877 Actuaries, Journal of French Institute of. 1890 to date Actuaries, International Congress of (Brussels). 1895 Proceedings of. (3 copies.) Bulletin No. i of the Permanent Committee. See also T.A. Adan (H. F. G.). On Widows' and Orphans' Funds instituted by the law of July 1844, and the necessity for their reform. (In French.) [P. vol. 12.] Brussels 1874 On the nature of the Life Assurance Contract. (In French.) [P. vol. 12.] Brussels 1876 Adler (M. N.). The Health Laws of the Bible and their influence upon the life conditions of the Jews. [P.] Lond. 1892 Advocates, Faculty of. See Courts of Law. Advocates', Faculty of, Widows' Fund. Annual Report 183 1. [P. vol. 5.] Act of Parliament 1830, and Reports, 1829, 1830, 1835, 1842, 1849, 1856, 1863, 1870, 1877, 1884, 1 89 1, and 1898. See Friendly Societies. See also Courts of Law — Cleghorn (J.) — Milne (J.). — P. vol. 17. Agnew (J. v.). On some important questions in Scots Entail Law. [P. voL 9.] Edin. 1826 Airy (G. B.). See Ency. Metrop. {Art. Trigonometry). 14 ALB— AND Albert Life Office. Report of Reconstruction Committee. [P. vol. 15.] Lond. 1871 First and Second Arbitration Awards. Lond. 1872-73 Alcohol. See Fraser (T. R.). Aldcroft (W. H.). Evolution of a Life Assurance Fund. [M.I.] 1897 Alexander (J.). A Five Farthing Penny. [P. vol. 28.] Edin. 1864 Algebra. See Mathematics. Allen (J.). Where shall I get the most for my money ? [P. vol. 44.] 1875 Another copy. [P.] For reply to above, see Watson (J.). Allen (Dr. J. A.). Medical Examinations for Life Insurance. 6th Edit. New York 1872 Allen (J. J.). Salvage. (N.S.W.L). 1890 Alliance Life Assurance Company. See Van-Sandau (A.). Allison (Dr. E. D.). The expediency of instituting a Friendly Association of the Medical Profession in Scotland. [P. vol. 4.] Edin. 1826 Almanacs. See British Almanac — De Morgan (A.) — Periodicals. Amalgamations. See Life Assurance. American Experience Tables, by N. Willey. New York 1872 American Life Offices (30). Mortality Experience to December 1874, and Tables of Insurance based thereon, by L. W. Meech. Conn. n.d. Tables of nett Premiums and Reserves according to the above MortaHty Experience and 4 per cent, interest, by B. J. Miller. Newark 1884 American Life Offices in Great Britain. See Equitable Assur- ance Society (U.S.A.)— Wallers (G. F.)— Walton (W. G.)— Watson (J.). Amicable Society. Charters and Bye-laws. 1845 Table of Mortality deduced from the experience of the Society, by T. Galloway. Lond. 1834 See also Brand (C). Anderson (E. G.). Deaths in Childbirth. [P.] 1898 Anderson (J.). Influence of some modern innovations upon the practice of Marine Underwriting. [N.S.W.L] 1889 Disbursements under a Marine Policy. [N.S.W.L] 1890 Inaugural Address. [N.S.W.L] 1893 Reform of General Average. [N.S.W.L] 1894 AND—ARI 15 Anderson (Wm.). Practical mercantile correspondence. Lond. 1836 Andras (H. W.). Endowment Assurances. [B.I.J 1895 Annual Reports of Life Assurance Companies. [Y.I.] 1898 Effects on a Life Insurance Company of a fall in the rate of interest realised on its funds. [M.I.] 1898 Annual Insurance Digest. Annuities-certain. See Interest and Annuities-certain. Annuities (Life). See Blue Books — British Almanac — Chambers (R.) — Life Assurance — Life Contingencies — Mortality Ex- perience — Outram (G.). Ansell (Charles). A Treatise on Friendly Societies. (3 copies.) Lond. 1835 Ansell, Jun. (Charles). Statistics of families in the upper and pro- fessional classes. (2 copies.) Lond. 1874 Antonio (J.). Fire Inquests. [I. I.] 1886 Insurable Interest and the Contribution Clause in Fire Policies. [I.I.] 1891 Incendiary Clause in Irish Fire Policies. [I. I.] 1891 French Fire Policy. [I. I.] 1891 Arbitration. See Albert Life Office — Bell (J. M.)— Hopkins (M.) — M'Candlish (J. M.). Archer (J. A.). Tables for the repayment of Loans. 2d Edit. Lond. 1888 Argall (F. G.). Some aspects of the theory of Lines. (Report of the Fire Underwriters' Association of the Pacific.) 1895 Arithmetic and Theory of Numbers. a. Arithmetic. Bonnycastle, J. 1808 Butler, W. (Questions). 1801-6 Byrne, O. (Dual Arith.). 1866 Colenso, J. W. 1 848 De Claire Combe, M. 1707 De Morgan, A, 1835 De Morgan, A. (Notices of Arithmetical books). 1847 Donn, B. 1764 Fisher, G. 1775 Gadesby, R. 1757 Galbraith and Haughton, 1858 Gordon, W. 1804 Hill, J. 1772-99 Hutton, C. i8ji Lacroix, S. F. 1823-26 Lees, G. 1826 Macdermid, J. 1836 Mair, John. 1794 Malcolm, A. 1730 Richson, C. (Mental Arith.). 1835 Sang, E. (with Answers). 1856-57 Sawyer, J. 1878 Shanahan, M. n.d. Thomson, J. 1839 Thomson, R. 18 14 Thouard, F. 1826 Willcolkes and Fryers. 1838 Wright, J. M. F. 1829 See also British Almanac — Christie (S. H.) — Ency. Metrop. i6 ARI—A US Arithmetic and Theory of ^\JUBm.s>— Continued, b. Theory of Numbers. Barlow, P. iSii I Leslie, J. 1817-20 Legendre, A. M. 1808 | Taylor, T. 1823 Pestalozzi 18 17-19 See also Ency. Metrop. Arithmometer. Instructions for its use, by M. Thomas. 1863 See also J.S.S. vol. 41— Peiler (M. H.). Army. See Blue Books— India — J.S.S. — Manchester Statistical Society. Army Mutual Aid Association (U.S.A.). Report of Committee on revision of Rates, with Actuarial Report on Army Officers' Mortality Experience, including war hazards, by L. G. Fouse. [P. vol. 47.] Washington 1896 Arnold (G. C). Insurances on Mortgaged Properties. [V.I.] 1887 Assessment. See Caledonian Jottings and various pamphlets. [P. vol. 47-] See also under Life Assurance. Associated Scottish Life Offices. Resolutions and Proceed- ings selected from the Records. Edin. 1895 Assurance. See Insurance — Life Assurance — Life Contingencies. Assurance Maj^azine. See Actuaries, Institute of. Athletics and Longevity. See Collier. Atkins (Richard). The Average Clause ; hints on the settlement of claims for losses by Fire under Mercantile Policies. Lond. 1866 Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company, The People versus. Defendants' brief and points on appeal to the General Term and Court of Appeal. Albany 1877-8 Audit of Life Assurance Companies' Books, by R. T. Norfor. (Accountants' Magazine.) 1897 Auditing. See Book-keeping. Australia. See Acts of 'Parliament — Blue Books (Colonies)— Low (G. M.)— N.S.W.I.— Turnbull (A. H.)— V.L Australian Mutual Provident Society. Annual Reports. Directors' Report, 1873, with case for opinion, and Opinions thereon, by Robert Tucker, A. H. Bailey, and T. B. Sprague; and Report by the actuary (M. A. Black) on the business regulations of the Society. Sydney 1873 AUS—BAI 17 Australian Mutual Provident Society — Continued. Report of the Mortality Experience, 1849-78, by M. A. Black. [P. vol. 43, and 2 other copies.] Sydney 1882 Report of Mortality Experience, 1849-88, by R. Teece. (3 copies.) Manager's Report, 1893, and case for opinion by Messrs. Heudriks, Bailey, and Hardy, with appendix to opinion. Tropical Mortality. Report by R. Teece. [P. vol. 48.] 1894 Quinquennial Reports, 1879, 1884, 1889, and 1894. AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN INSURANCE BUSINESS IN 1880, by R. SllsS. Vienna 1881 AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN INSURANCE UnION, LaWS OF. Aylmer (G. J.). Key to Bridge's Algebra. 2d Edit. Lond. 1824 Ayres (Henry). The Balance-sheets of Insurance Companies, or the real advantages of publicity examined by reference to the accounts of Companies presented to Parliament in June 1863. [P. vol. 50.] Lond. N.D, B Babbage (Charles). An examination of some questions connected with games of chance. [P.] 1820 A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives. (3 copies.) Lond. 1826 Reflections on the decline of Science in England. Lond. 1830 Tables of Logarithms. Lond. 1827 Catalogue of Mr. Babbage's Library. Lond. 1872 Calculating Engines ; being a collection of papers relating to them, and their history and construction. Lond. 1889 Bacon (R. M.). A letter to Insurers and Co-partners of the Norwich Union Life Office. [P. vol. 50.J Lond. 1838 Bagehot (Walter). Physics and Politics ; or. Thoughts on the application of the principles of 'Natural Selection' and 'Inheritance' to Political Society. 6th Edit. Lond. 1883 Lombard Street ; with notes by E. Johnstone. Lond. 1899 Bagshaw (Edward). Fire extinguishing expenses ; by whom should they be paid? [Y.L] 1889 Bailey (A. H.). Tlie Expenses of Life Assurance Companies ; how they affect the assured. [P. vols. 36, 44, and 50.] Lond. 1875 Sec also Australian Mutual Provident Society — New Zealand Government Insurance — Standard Life Office. i8 BAI—BAR Bailey (G. H.). Ideal Sprinkler. [M.L] 1891 Baily (Francis). Tables for the purchasing and renewing of Leases, isl Edit. Lond. 1802 . Two other copies. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1807 Two other copies. 3rd Edit. Lond. 18 12 The doctrine of Interest and Annuities-certain. Lond. 1808 Another copy (bound up with Smart's Interest Tables). Lond. 1808 New edition, with Appendix on the doctrine of Life Annuities and Assurances, by H. E, Filipowski. Vol. 2. Edin. 1866. The doctrine of Life Annuities and Assurances, i vol. Lond. 1810-13 Four other copies. Each 2 vols. Lond. 18 13 New edition, by H. E. Filipowski. 1 vol. (2 copies.) Liverpool 1864 French edition. Paris 1836 Account of several of the Life Assurance Companies established in London. [P. vol. 50.] Lond. 18 11 Baily (John) and Thomas Lund. A treatise on the Differential Calculus. Camb. 1838 Baily (L. R.). On General Average and the losses and expenses resulting from General Average Acts. Lond. 1851 Bain (F. W.). The Bullion Report and the foundation of the Gold Standard. [P.] Oxford 1896 Balfour (G. W.). The Senile Heart, its symptons, sequelae, and treatment. Lond. 1894 Banker's Clerk (The) : Comprising the principles and practice of Banking (Guide to Service Series). Lond. 1843 Banker's Magazine (The). For 1867, etc. For January and February 1891, containing articles on Life Assur- ance, by A. Hewat. Bankers, Institute of (Scotland). Catalogue of Library. 1890 Bankers' (Scottish) Marriage and Mortality Experience. See Hewat (A.). Banking. See Finance. Bankrupt Directory, by G. Elwick. Lond. 1843 Bankruptcy. See Law. Bannister (S.). Life of William Paterson. Edin. 1858 Barlow (John). Reserve force in Relation to Disease. [T.G.] 1889 BAR— BE A 19 Barlow (Peter). An elementary investigation of the Theory of Numbers. (2 copies.) Lond. 181 1 New Mathematical Tables containing the factors, squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciprocals, and hyperbolic logarithms of all numbers from i to 10,000, and other Tables. Lond. 18 14 Tables of squares, cubes etc. {abridgment ofprecedwg). Lond. 1840 Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary ; an explanation of the terms and principles of pure and mixed Mathematics. Lond. 1 8 14 See also Ency. Metrop. {Arts. Geometry and Theory of Numbers). Barnes (James). Monetary Tables, based on the experience of the Ancient Order of Foresters' Friendly Society, 1871-75. Leeds 1884 Barnes (Hon. William). On a uniform standard of mortality and interest for State Life Insurance Valuations. [P. vol. 20.] New York 1872 New York Insurance Reports (condensed edit.). Vol. I., 1830-53. Vol. II., 1853-63. Do. do. (Annual). Baron (J. T.). Electric Light Installations. [Y.LJ 1892 Bartlett (W. H. C). See Mutual Insurance Company (N.Y.). Bastable (C. F.). Theory of International Trade. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1897 Bate (George). The Life Assurance Agent's Pocket Handbook. Lond. 1880 Another copy. (2nd Edit.). Lond. N.D. Baylis (Edward). The arithmetic of Annuities and Life Assurances ; or Compound Interest simplified. Lond. 1844 Reply of the Professional Life Assurance Company to the attack by its assailants, with remarks on the new system of Life In- surance. [P. vol. 41.] Lond. 1852 Baylis (T. H.). Explanation of a new system of Money Assurance combining Life Assurance with Tontines by means of compound life policies. [P. vol. 35.] Lond. 1867 Facts and Suggestions addressed to the Shareholders of the Positive Government Security Life Assurance Company upon their position and prospects. [P.] Lond. 1872 See also Consols Insurance Association. Beamish (Richard). See Quetelet (M. A.). 20 BEA—BEN Beaumont (George). The Law of Fire and Life Assurance. Lond. 1833 Two other copies. 2d Edit. Lond. 1846 Beaumont (J. A.). See Scottish Widows' Fund. Becher (Rev. J. T.). The constitution of Friendly Societies exemphfied by the rules and tables of the Southwell Friendly Institution ; with observations on the rise and progress of Friendly Societies. [P. vol. 3.] Lond. 1824 B^gault (Am^dde). Translation of Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part IL, into French. : Brussels 1894 Necessity of a Universal Notation (read at International Congress of Actuaries in Brussels, and translated by G. F. Salter). [T.A.] ^ 1895 For other copies, see The Proceedings of the International Con- gress of Actuaries. Begbie (Dr. James). See Scottish Widows' Fund. Begbie (Dr. J. W.). See Scottish Widows' Fund. Beilby (0. T.). The manufacture of Paraffin Oils. [T.G.] Lond. 1883 Bell (Andrew). Mathematical and Physical Tracts. Edin. 1834 Bell (G. J.). Examination of the objections stated against the Bill for regulating the forms of process in Courts of Law in Scotland. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1825 Commentaries on the Law of Scotland (edition by Patrick Shaw). 2 vols. 6th Edit. Edin. 1858 Bell (J. C). Lubricating oils and greases. [M.L] 1891 Bell (J. M.). Treatise on the Law of Arbitration in Scotland, with an Appendix of Forms. Edin. 1861 Bell (Robert). Abstract of the F'orms of Deeds relating to heritable rights, with Observations. Edin. 18 14 Bell (R.). Regulation of the currency by the foreign exchanges and the Bank of England as the sole Bank of Issue. [P. vol. 22.] Lond. 1840 Bell (William). A Dictionary and Digest of the Law of Scotland (edition by George Ross). Edin. 1861 Bengal Military Fund. Reports by G. Davies. [P. vol. 43.] Lond. 1844 F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 43.] Lond. 1847 S. Brown. Lond. 1869 ^EN—BI-M b\ Bengal Military Orphan Society. Report and Valuation 1866, with Mortality and Marriage Statistics, by S. Brown. Lond. 1873 Bennett (E. H.). Fire Insurance Cases, being a collection of all the reported cases on Fire Insurance in England, Ireland, Scot- land, and America, from the earliest period to the present time, chronologically arranged. 6 vols. New York 1872-77 Bensa (E.). Assurance Contracts in the Middle Ages. Geneva 1884 Bentham (Jeremy). Defence of Usury, to which is added a Pro- test against Law Taxes. Lond. 181 8 Bentley (Joseph). Report to the Board of Trade on the Life Assurance Companies and Popular Credit Institutions of the United Kingdom, con- taining Abstract of Life Office Returns for 1845 to 1856. [P. vol. 50.] Lond. 1856 Wealth ; How to get, preserve, and enjoy it. 4th Edit. Good News. [F. vol. 50.] Bentley (T. A.). Mansion House Fires and Rates. [M.I.] Contiguous Risks and Limits. [M.I.] Manchester Warehouse Limits. [M.I.] Tannery Risks. [M.I.] Cotton Mill Business. [M.I.] Competition in Cotton Mill Risks. [M.I.] Xylolith. [M.I.] Benwell (J. B.). An essay on Interest and Annuities, Bernoulli (James). Opera. 2 vols. See Maseres. Bernoulli (John). Opera omnia. 4 vols. Geneva 1742 Bernoulli (John). Grandson of preceding. A Sexcentenary Table, exhibiting at sight the result of any proportion. Lond. 1779 Berry (R.). Law of Life Assurance. [P. vol. 47.] Glasgow 1877 Bertrand (J.). Translation into French of Gauss's Theory of Least Squares. Paris 1855 Bethune (J. E. Drinkwater). See Jones (D.). Bewley (H. T.). Albuminuria in relation to Life Assurance. [I. I.] 1893 Biden (W. D.). Practical Rules for Valuers, etc. Lond. 1866 Bi-Metallism. See Finance. Lond, . 1^56 1859 1875 1883 1883 1885 1887 1889 1895 Lond. 1821 Geneva 1744 62 B^N—BIR Bingham (W. A.). Duties of a Fire Insurance Surveyor. [Y.I.] 1892 Bingle (H. S.). Surrenders and Lapses; their cause, effect, and prevention. [N.S.W.I.] 1887 Biography. Life of Burton (Sir Richard), by Lady Burton. 1893 Cleghorn (James), by T. Murray. 1863 De Morgan (Augustus), by Mrs. De Morgan 1882 De Morgan (Mrs.). 1895 Euler (Leonard), by F. Horner. 1828 Heysham (Dr.), by H. Lonsdale. 1870 Napier (John), by M. Napier. 1834 Paterson (William), by S. Bannister. 1858 Playfair (John), by J. G. Play fair. 1822 Saunderson (Nicolas), by John Saunderson. 1741 Simson (Dr. Robert), by Rev. W. Traill. 1812 Smith (Adam), by J. R. M'Culloch. i86i Memoirs constituting the history of Life Assurance and Annuities in the Netherlands, published by the Netherlands General Assurance Company. (In French). Amsterdam 1898 Bion (M.). The construction and principal uses of Mathematical Instruments (translated from the French by Edmund Stone). Lond. 1723 Biot (J. B.). Essay on Analytical Geometry. 6th Edit. (In French). Paris 1823 Birkbeck (Dr. George). See Dupin. Birmingham, Insurance Institute of. Transactions — Session 1888-89. Fire Risk of Electric Lighting, by F. Brown. Theory of Life Assurance, by W. J. H. Whittall. Development of Fire Extinguishing Apparatus, by A. R. Tozer. Practical Experiences and Reminiscences of an assessor of losses by Fire, by T. Howell. Session 1892-93. Old Age Pensions, by J. J. W. Deuchar. Accident Insurance, by R. J. Paull. Longevity, by A. H. Carter. Development of the Birmingham Fire Brigade, by A. R. Tozer. Adjustment of Machinery Losses, by C. J. Brocklehurst. Session 1893-94. Presidential Address by F. Dalton. Fire Insurance from an assessor's point of view, by T. Howell. BI'R—B'LA b^ Birmingham, Insurance Institute of — Continued. Transactions — Continued. Some results of Competition, by P. W. Purves. Lloyds, by A. Bray. Charges for the attendance of Fire Brigades at Fires, by L. Miller. Session 1894-95. Limits of State Control and the business of Insurance, by T. E.Young. Romance of Insurance, by C. E. Noverre. Endowment Assurances, by H. W. Andras. Electric Lighting considered as a Fire Risk. Abstract of lectures by W. H. Whitehouse. Session 1895-96. Theory of Evolution and Insurance, by T. E. Young. Some Economic aspects of Life Assurance, by S. G. Warner. Extra premiums, by W. P. Pulley. Salvage Corps, by G. K. Dixon. Insurance Work in Ireland, by C. D. Butler. Session 1897-98. Acetylene Gas, by A. H. Holloway. Life Comparison, by W. Schooling. Scope and Work of the Insurance Institutes, by C. Povah. Life Office Valuations, by A. Hewat. Births, Deaths, and Marriages See Registrar-General. Bisgood (C). Handy Guide to the Workmen's Compensation Act 1897. [P. vol. 49.] Lond. 1897 Black (D. Campbell). Urine and Urinary Analysis. Lond. 1895 Black (George). The Estimate Book, or Universal Tables for buy- ing and selling, with Tables of Annuities-certain, etc. Lond. 1828 Black (M. A.). The assurance of diseased and doubtful lives on a new principle ; with observations on the characteristics of assurable and non- assurable lives by Dr. A. P. Stewart. [P. vol. 14.] Lond. i86i Chronological and Statistical Chart of the Life Assurance Associa- tions, 1706 to 1863. Lond. 1864 (Cloth, in case, with Appendix to David Deuchar's paper on the Progress of Life Assurance Business, 1888.) ' What is Tontine Assurance ? ' with comments thereon by officials of the New York Life and the Equitable Assurance Societies, N. Y. [P. vol. 36.] Sydney 1884 See also Australian Mutual Provident Society. Black (William). A comparative view of the mortality of the human species at all ages. " Lend. 1788 44 BLA—BLU Blackadar (A. E.). Formulas for the direct application of interpolated values of well- known policies to the valuation of Limited Payment, Changed, and Lien Policies. [T.A.] 1895 Mortality Experience, 1847- 1893, of the Canada Life Assurance Company. [T.A.] 1895 Blackley (W. L.). National Insurance. (Manchester Statistical Society.) 1879 Blair (A.). Letter on Banking Practice in Scotland. [P. vol. 26.] Edin. 1840 Blair (D. R.). Resume of the Work of the Yorkshire Insurance Institute, with some suggestions thereon. [Y.L] 1894 Blair (H.) and J. Meikle. Report on The Faculty of Advocates Widows' Fund as at Whitsunday 1898. Edin. 1898 Bland (Rev. Miles). Geometrical Problems ; to which is added an appendix on Plane Trigonometry. 3rd Edit. Camb. 1827 Problems in the different branches of Philosophy. — Trigonometri- cal problems. Astronomical problems, etc. Lond. 1830 Algebraical Problems, with solutions. 7th Edit. Camb. 1837 Blayney (Frederick). A practical treatise on Life Annuities [law]. (2 copies.) Lond. 1817 A practical treatise on Life Assurance [law]. Lond. 1826 Another copy. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1837 Life Assurance Societies considered as to their comparative merits, etc. Lond. 1848 Blewert (William). Perpetual and determinable Annuities reduced to a level ; or, A comparative view of long and short An- nuities. Lond. 1792 Bloxsom (W. G.). Some thoughts about the future of the Actuarial Profession. [P. vol. 10.] Edin. 1877 Another copy. [P.] Blue Books. Note. — The references to subjects apply to Blue Books only. Accidents. See Returns. Accounts, etc., of Life Offices. See Life Assurance Companies. Actuarial Commission under the Friendly Societies' Act 1875. Report. Aged Poor, Report of Royal Commission on. 3 vols. 1895 BLU 2$ Blue Books — Continued. Agricultural Statistics. Reports of Sir J. Walsham and Mr. Hawley on Norfolk and Hampshire. 1854 Supplementary Report. 1854 Report of Highland Society on small holdings in Scotland, for 1854. 1855 Statistics of the counties of Roxburgh, Haddington, and Suther- land fori 853. 1854 Return of average rate of weekly earnings of agricultural labourers (Ireland). 1862 Tables showing estimated average produce of the Crops (Ireland) for 1861. 1862 Albert Life Assurance Company's Arbitration. Report of Reconstruction Committee. [P. vol. 15.] 1871 First and Second Awards. 1872-1873 Annuities (Life). See Life Annuities. Annuity Tax in Edinburgh and Canongate. Report with Appen- dices. 1849 Army (British). General Annual Returns, 1879-86. 8 vols. See also India. Army Medical Department. Statistical and Medical Report for 1861. Army Promotion and Retirement. Report of Royal Commis- sion. 1876 Assurance. See Insurance — Life Annuities — Life Assurance — Life Assurance Companies. Banking. Report of Secret Committee on the expediency of the Bank resuming cash payments. 1819 Bi-Metallism. Report on the effect of the depreciation of Silver in Mexico. 1893 Bubonic Plague in India, Papers relating to. 1897 Census, 1841. Abstract of the Answers and Returns. Parts I. and II. (i vol.). 1843 Census, 185 1. Great Britain. 3 vols. Forms and Instructions. Vols. I and 2. Number of inhabitants in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, 1841, and 1851. Index to the names of the parishes, townships and places in the Population Tables. 1852 Numbers, ages, etc., in condensed form, with analytical index. Lend. 1854 Census, 1 86 1. England and Wales. 4 vols. Vol. I. Number and distribution of the people. Vol. 2. Ages, occupations, etc. Vol. 3. General Report. Index to the names of places separately returned in the popula- tion Tables. See also Sargant (W.L.). S6 BLV Blue Books — Continued. Census, i86i. Scotland. 4 vols. Vol. I. Vol. Ireland. 6 vols, rvols. I and 2' 1. I. Population tables and report. V , ,. , , . ^ . ^ Mn duplicate. 1. 2. Ages, occupation, etc. J ^ ^ ^ fvols. I and 2^ . ^^'^ ^' (vols. 3 and 4/ ^'^^' population, etc. Part II. \ ^^j' 2 [ Ages and Education. 1 Part III. vol. I. Status of Disease. j Part IV. vols, i and 2. Religious professions, etc. \ Census, 1871. England and Wales, i vol. ^ Vol. 4. Preliminary Report and Tables. | See also Lewis (James). ^ Scotland. 2 vols. ; Vol. I. Area, houses, population, etc., with report. \ Vol. 2. Ages, occupations, etc., with report. j IrelaJtd. 2 vols. • Part I. vol. I. Province of Leinster. Area, population, etc. , Abstract of the Enumerators' Returns. J Census, 1 88 1. England and Wales. 4 vols. \ Vols. I and 2. Area, houses, and population. " Vol. 3. Ages, occupations, etc. \ Vol. 4. General Report. Scotland. 2 vols. Vol. I. Population tables and report. \ Vol. 2. Ages, occupations, etc., with report. i Census, 1 89 1. England ajid Wales. 7 vols. ,' Vols. I and 2. Area, houses, and population. l Vol. 3. Ages, occupation, etc. : Vol. 4. General Report, summary, and tables. ' Vol. 5. Preliminary report and tables. \ Vol. 6. Index to population tables. \ Vol. 7. Islands in British Seas. ' \ Scotland. \ Vol. I. Report and population tables. ■ Civil Service Commission, ist Report, 1856. i Colonies. | Australian Exploring Expedition. Despatches, 1862. ■ British Columbia. Papers relating to, 1862. ; Colonial Possessions. Reports on present state of, 1872. : Part I. West Indies. Part II. Eastern Colonies. \ Part III. North American Colonies. Neiv South Wales. Comparative view of the mortality of the different Colonies from certain diseases. 1889 ' Blue Books — Continued. Colonies — Cotttinued, New Zealand. Correspondence and Papers relating to its affairs, 1870 and 1872. 2 vols. See also Friendly Societies. Queensland. Papers relating to, 1861. Victoria. Statistical notes of the progress of the colony, 1835-60, by the Registrar-General (W. H. Archer). First series, Parts I. and II. Statistical notes relative to Agriculture and Live Stock for years ending 1861 to 1867 inclusive, by W. H. Archer. 7 vols. Statistics of the Colony for the years 1863, 1864, and 1865, complete; 1866, Parts II. to VIII. ; and 1867, Parts I. to IV. inclusive. 13 vols. Gold Fields. Report on their present condition and prospects, 1862 See also Friendly Societies. Commercial Distress, ist Report of Secret Committee. 1842 Companies' Bill 1862. Dangerous Occupations. Third interim Report of Depart- mental Committee. 1898 See also Returns. Decimal Coinage Commission. Reports 1857 and 1859. i vol. Elementary School Teachers (Superannuation) Act 1898. Rules and Annuity Tables in connection with above. 1899 Emigration and Immigration (U. K.). Statistics for each year, 1879 to 1886 inclusive. Emigration Statistics (Ireland) for each year, 1879-86. Employers' Liability Act (1880) Amendment Bill. Report from Select Committee, with Evidence, etc. 1886 Returns of cases tried under the Act. Employers' Liability in Foreign Countries. Reports from H.M. Representatives abroad on the laws regulating, 1886. Report on the operation of the Insurance Laws in Germany. [P. vol. 47.] 1895 See also Insurance — Returns. Factories. Inspectors' Reports. 1862 Fiji Islands. Correspondence relative to, 1862 Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for years ended 31st March 1862, and 1880-87. 9 vols. Fire Protection. Report of Select Committee, and Index, 1867. Fires in the Metropolis. Report of Select Committee, 1862. Friendly Societies. Consolidation and Amendment Bills, 1850, 1852, and 1855. Reports from Select Committees, 1825, 1827, and 1852. 3 vols. " Report of the Actuarial Commission under 1875 Act. 2$ BLU Blue Books — Continued. Friendly '^OQ,\KiV£j&—Co7itinued. Reports by the Registrar (England) for the years 1856 to 1865, and 1 87 1. II vols. Report of the Registrar (Scotland) for 1871, and for each of the five years ending i860 and 1871. 3 vols. Report of the Registrar (Ireland) for 1871. See also F.S. (N.Z.)— F.S. (Victoria)— F. and B.B.S.— F.S., I. and P.S., and T.U.— I. and P.S. Friendly Societies (New Zealand). Registrar's report of the sickness, etc., experienced during the quinquennium ended 1877. Registrar's reports for 1881, 1882, and 1883. General Statistics for 1882. Friendly Societies (Victoria). Fourth annual report (1881) of the Government Statist. 1883 Seventh do. do. 1886 Report on Valuations and Statistics. 2 vols. 1893-94. Nineteenth Annual Report, with appendices containing par- ticulars of the third quinquennial valuation, contributions, benefits, and statistics. 1898 Friendly and Benefit Building Societies. Reports by Commissioners — First report, 1871 — Second report. Parts I., II. (2 copies), and III., 1872 — Third report, 1873 — Fourth report. Parts I. (2 copies) and II., 1874. 9 vols. Reports by Assistant Commissioners. 4 vols. 1874 England (Midland Counties), with special report on the Prudential Assurance Company. England (Southern and Eastern Counties). Ireland and Wales (with Monmouth and Hereford). Scotland (with Northern Counties of England). See also F.S.— F.S., I. and P.S., and T.U.— I. and P.S. Friendly Societies, Industrial and Provident Societies, and Trades Unions. Chief Registrar's Reports. For 1875, Parts I. and II. „ 1876, „ I.-II.(A)-II.(B)-II.(C). „ 1877, » I.-II.(A)-II.(B)-II.(C). „ 1878, „ I.(A)— I.(B)— I.(C)— II. (2copies). • „ 1879, „ I.(A)— I.(B)(2copies)— I.(C)— II. „ 1880, „ I.(A)(2copies)— II.(A)— II.(B). „ 1881, „ I.(A)-I.(B)-I.(C)-II.(A)-II.(B). „ 1882, „ I.(B), and I.(C). » • 1883, „ (A). „ 1884, „ (A), (B), and (C). „ 1885, „ (A), (B), and (C). „ 1886, „ II.(A). „ 1892, „ (Di)-(D2). „ 1894, „ (A). BLU 29 Blue Books — Co?itinued. Friendly Societies, etc. — Continued. Abstract of the Quinquennial Returns of Sickness and Mortality experienced by Friendly Societies for each of the five years 1855-60 to 1870-75. Special Report on Sickness and Mortality with monetary tables, by W.Sutton. 1896 See also Industrial Societies— Royal Liver — F.S. — F. and B.B.S. Galway. Report of the President of Queen's College. 1874 Government Life Annuitants Mortality Experience. See Life Annuities. India. Army in, Reports on sanitary condition of. 1858 and 1863 Bubonic Plague. 1897 Census of 1881. 3 vols. 1883 Finance and Revenue Accounts, 1860-61. Paper Money in, Report on, 1862. Statistical Abstract, 1862-71— 1886- 1897. Statement exhibiting its progress and condition during 1870-71. Prevalence of Venereal Disease among the British troops in, with Memorandum by the Army Sanitary Commission. 1897 Industrial and Provident Societies. Consolidation and Amendment Bill 1862. Return of General Statements of their Funds and Effects for the year 1867. See also F.S.— F. and B.B.S. -F.S., I. and P.S., and T.U. Inland Revenue. Twenty-eighth Report of Commissioners. 1885 Insurance of Persons employed in Mines, and Legal Liability of Employers. Reports on the Laws in force in France and Germany, 1880. Translation of documents relating to the French Law, 1880. Joint Stock Banks. Report from Secret Committee, 1837. Joint Stock Companies. First Report, 1844. Returns of Companies formed during the period June 1871 to December 1873. Labouring Classes. See Agricultural Statistics — Savings — Sanitary. Land Tenure in Europe. Reports from H.M. Representatives. Parts I., II. (2 copies), and IV., 1870-71. Life Annuities. Report from Select Committee. 1829 Report by John Finlaison on the Mortality Experience of Govern- ment Annuity nominees. (2 copies.) 1829 Instructions for the establishment of Parochial Societies for granting Government Annuities, with Tables, etc., pursuant to William iv. cap. 14. [P.] 1837 30 BLU Blue Books — Coniinued. Life Annuities— C^;^//;///^^. Report by A. G. Finlaison on the Mortality Experience of Government Annuity nominees. i860 See also Henry (Jardine). Tables of the premiums to be charged. [P.] 1865 Report by A. J. Finlaison on the Mortality Experience of Government Annuity nominees. (3 copies.) 1883 Tables of the premiums to be charged. [P.] (3 copies.) 1884 Do. [P. Vol. 47.] 1895 See also Life Assurance -Life Assurance Companies — Returns. Life Assurance. Report of Select Committee on Assurance Associations, (2 copies.) 1853. Report from Select Committee on Post Office Annuities and Assurances, 1882. (2 copies.) Index to latter, 1882. Reports from Select Committee on National Provident Assur- ance, with evidence, etc., 1885, 1886, and 1887. Index to 1885 Report. Foreign Office Report on Life Assurance in Switzerland. 1894 See also Insurance — Life Annuities — Life Assurance Companies — Returns. Life Assurance Companies. Returns of Accounts, 1853, 1856, and 1863. 2 vols. Report by Assistant Secretaries of the Board of Trade upon Statements and Accounts submitted under Life Assurance Companies' Act 1870. (2 copies.) 1874. Statements and Accounts returned under the Life Assurance Companies' Act 1870, to date. For earlier Returns, see Bentley (J.) — Brown (S.) — Christie (R.) — Post Magazine. See also Albert Life Assurance Company — Life Annuities — Life Assurance. Loan Societies. Abstract of Accounts, 1854, 1862, 1872, and 1879 to 1884. Loss of Life at Sea. First Report of the Royal Commission, with evidence, etc., 1885. Final Report of do.. Parts I., II., and III., 1887. See also Returns. Lunacy Commission (Scotland). Fourth Annual Report, 1861. Malay Peninsula, etc. Correspondence relating to the affairs of certain Native States. 1874 Meteorological Conference. Report of the proceedings at Leipzig. 1873 Meteorological Department of Board of Trade. Report, 1862. BLU 31 Blue Books — Continued. Metric Commission (International). Report on the proceedings, etc., at Paris, 1 869-72, by the Warden of the Standards. Lond. 1 873 Mint (Royal). Report on management, etc. 1852 See also Returns. Mint (Sydney Branch). Report from Select Committee. 1862 Movable Property (Scotland) Bill 1862. National Provident Assurance. See Life Assurance. Navy (Health). Statistical Reports for 1871, 187910 1885, and 1894 Old Age Pensions. Report of Committee on. 1898 See also Superannuation— Aged Poor— Life Assurance. Ordnance Survey Report. 1874 Partnership Law Amendment Bill 1862. Patriotic Fund. Twelfth Report of the Royal Commissioners. 1873 Pensions. See Old Age Pensions. Police Act 1890. Police (Scotland) Act 1890. Poor (Scotland), Relief of the. Sixteenth Report of the Board of Supervision, 1861. See Aged Poor. See also Returns. Population. See Census. Post Office. See Life Annuities— Life Assurance — Returns. Prisons (Convict). Report on their Discipline and Management. 1861 Prisons (Scotland). Twenty-third Report. 1862 Promissory Notes in Scotland and Ireland. Report on. 1826 Public Works (Ireland). Fifty-fourth Annual Report of Com- missioners. 1886 Returns (various), relating to Bank of England — Burgh Land Tax— British Ships— Chemical Works — Civil Service Provident Fund — Coal-mine Accidents — Court of Session (Scotland)— Criminal Offenders (Scotland) — Deaths by Drowning — Drink Question in Russia — Educa- tion Grants — Emigration and Immigration — Employers' Lia- bility Act — Exchequer — Exports (France) — Factory Statistics — Fire Insurance — Friendly Societies — Gold Coin and Treasure — Government Annuities, etc. — Income-Tax — Influenza — Laundries — Legacy Duty — Loss of Life at Sea — Lucifer Match Works — Lunatics — Merchant Service (Deaths) — Metropolitan Board of Works — Military Savings Banks— Mines and Quarries — Mortality (Infant) — Navy — Merchant Service — National Debt — Naval Savings Banks — Poor-Rates and Pauperism — Population— Post Office — Property assessable for Poor's Rate Property Tax — Public Income, etc. — Railway Accidents — Revenue — Savings Banks — Sea Casualties — Shipping — Stamp Duties — Supply — War Casualties — Weights and Measures — White Lead Industry — Wreck Statistics. *■ OF THE i%ip-m»iT-\/ 32 BLU Blue Books — Continued. Royal Liver Friendly Society. Report by Hon. E. L. Stanley. 1886 See also Sprague (T. B.). Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population. Inquiry by the Poor Law Commission, 1842, Local Reports (England). Local Reports (Scotland). General Report. Savings Banks. Report from Select Committee. 1850 See also Returns. Savings of the Middle and Working Classes. Report of the Select Committee. 1850 Sewage of Towns. Report from Select Committee. 1862 Statements and Accounts of Life Assurance Companies. See Life Assurance Companies. Statistical Abstracts for the United Kingdom for 1847-61 (2 copies), 1849-63, and 1865-79 to 1872-86. 11 vols. Statistical Abstracts (Foreign Countries) for 1868-78 to 1875- 85, Nos. 7 to 13. 7 vols. Statute Law. Second Report of Mr. B. Kerr to the Lord Chan- cellor. 1854 Superannuation. Police Act 1890 (with section as to Superannuation). Police (Scotland) Act 1890 (do. do. ). School Board for London (Superannuation) Bill. Report from Select Committee on. 1891 Superannuation of Teachers in Public Elementary Schools. Report by Departmental Committee. 1894 Elementary School Teachers (Superannuation) Act 1898. Rules and Annuity Tables in connection with above. 1899 Tenure of Land. See Land Tenure. Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom. Accounts relating to, 1861 and 1862. Vaccination. Reports of Royal Committee on. ist, 1889 ; 2nd and 3rd, 1890 ; 4th, 1893 ; 5th, 1892 ; and 6th, 1896. Valuation of Lands and Assessments (Scotland) Bill. Report from Select Committee. 1870 Weights and Measures. Reports from Select Committee. 1862 Report by Professor Levi on the International Conference in Paris ; also Report on the International Monetary Conference in Paris, by the Master of the Mint and Mr. Rivers Wilson. 1867 Report by Select Committee on. 1895 See also Returns. Wrecks and Casualties. See Loss of Life— Returns, BL Y—BOO 33 Blyth (Robert). The tendency towards equalisation ofthe rate of interest. [T.G.] 1893 Distribution of Risk. [T.G.] 1894 Board of Trade Returns. See Blue Books. Boaz (James) and William Jeffrey. Interest Tables at 4 per cent., and other tables. Glasgow 1823 Bodiker (T.). Workmen's Insurance in European States. (In German.) 1895 Bombaugh (0. 0.) and Lewis (J. B.). Stratagems and Conspiracies to defraud Life Assurance Companies. New York 1877 Bombay Civil Fund. Report by S. Brown. Lond. 1874 Health Officer's Report (4th quarter). [P. vol. 43.] 1873 Military Fund. Report by S. Brown. Lond. 1870 Bond (Geo. P.). On some applications of the method of mechanical quadratures. [P.] Lond. 1849 The use of equivalent numbers in the method of Least Squares. [P.] Cambridge 1856 Bonnycastle (John). Scholar's Guide to Arithmetic. 9th Edit. (Bound up with other works.) Lond. 1808 Introduction to Algebra. 9th Edit. Lond. 1812 Another copy. Lond. 1865 Treatise on Algebra. 2 vols. loth Edit. Lond. 1813 Elements of Geometry. 6th Edit. Lond. 1818 Introduction to Practical Geometry and Mensuration. Lond. 1839 Book-keeping and Auditing. Carter (F. H.) 1861 M'Lauchlan (J. J.) 1887 Chambers' Series. 1852 Mair (J.) 1807 Cory (I. P.) 1840 Morison (C.) 1819 Dillon (A.) 1880 Morrison (G.) N.D. Foster (B. F.) 1843 Nicol (W. S.) 1897 Hancock (W. J.) 1884 Oke (G. C.) 1864 Inglis (W.) 1852 Paton (G.) 1803 Jackson (G.) 1849 Sheriff (D.) 1850 Jones (T.) n.d. Sprague (T. B.) 1874 Lisle (G.) 1894 Thomas (M.) 1814 Maccall (J. C.) 1884 Turnbull (A. D. L) 1898 See also Hall (R.)- -Highland S ociety — Hutton (C). Boole (George). An Investigation ofthe Laws f Thought. Lond. 1854 Probabilities and Combinatio ns of Testimonies or Judgments. [P. vol. 43.] ( ^ Lond. 1857 34 BOO— BRA Boole (George) — Continued. A treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences. 2 copies. Cambridge i860 Another copy, edited by J. F. Moulton. Lond. 1880 A treatise on Differential Equations. 3d Edit. Lond. 1872 Booth (C). Enumeration and Classification of Paupers and State Pensions for the aged. [J.S.S. vol. 54.] 1891 Statistics of Pauperism in old age. [J.S.S. vol. 57.] 1894 Booth (David). Tables of Simple Interest, etc., with separate supplement. Lond. 1826 Booth (James). On the principles of an Income Tax. [P. vol. 50.] Lond. 1861 Borthwick (J. G.) Foreign Fire Insurance Business (Deuchar Prize Essay, ms. copy. Read before the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh). 1889 Bossut (John). History of Mathematics from the earliest times to the middle of the i8th Century (translated from the French). (2 copies.) Lond. 1803 Boult (Swinton). Observations on a Bill to amend the law relating to Life Assurance Companies. [P. vol. 13.] Lond. 1870 Bourne (J. P.). Policy Values. Lond. N.D. Contingent Reversions. Liverpool N.D. Bourne (W.). Bourne's Handy Assurance Directory. Bowring (Sir John). The Decimal System. Lond. 1854 Bowser (W. A.). Valuation and other Tables (H^ 3I per cent.). Lond. 1895 Friendly Societies' Valuation Tables. Lond. 1896 Box (T. H.). Injury to British Trade and Manufactures (Bi- metallism). [P. vol. 49.] Lond. 1895 Brabrook (E. W.). Legislation on Life Assurance : a statement of the principles on which it should proceed. [P. vol. 20.] Lond. 1870 Progress of Friendly Societies and other Institutions connected with the F.S. Registry Office during the ten years 1884-94. [J.S.S. vol. 58.] 1895 Provident Societies and Industrial Welfare. Lond. 1898 Bradshaw (T.). Select Life Tables as the basis of Premium Rates. (Two papers.) [T.A.] 1898 Braidwood (James). On the construction of Fire Engines and Apparatus, etc. Edin. 1830 BRA—BRI 35 Brancker. See Maseres. Brand (C). A Treatise on assurances and annuities on lives, with several objections against Dr. Price's observations on the Amicable Society and others, to which is added a short, easy, and more concise method of calculating the value of annuities and assurances on lives than any heretofore pijj^lished. See also Smart (J.). Lond. 1775 Brande (W. T.). Tables in illustration of the Theory of Definite Proportionals, I.ond. 1828 Brassey (Thomas). Co-operative production. [P. vol. 16.] Lond. 1874 Bray (A.). Lloyd's. [B.L] 1894 Bremiker (C). See Vega. Bremner (T. W.). Mortality as affecting Life Assurance in Australia. [V.L] 1889 Brett (J. T.). Is Cancer hereditary ? [V.L] 1890 Bridge (Rev. B.). The elements of Plane Trigonometry. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1818 Treatise on the elements of Algebra. 9th Edit. Lond. 1838 Treatise on the theory and solution of cubic and biquadratic Equa- tions, and of Equations of the higher orders. Lond. 1821 Bridge (J.). On a calculating apparatus based on Napier's rods. [P.] 1880 Briggs (Henry). Arithmetica Logarithmica. Lond. 1624 Brinton (Wm.). Medical Selection of lives for assurance. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1 86 1 British Almanac and Companion, from 1828 to 1874 inclusive, 43 vols. Contains — Abstracts of important Acts of Parliament ; Abstracts of Parliamentary Papers relating to Finance, Currency, Trade, Law, etc. ; Chronicles of the Sessions of Parliament and of the occurrences in each year ; and Articles on the following (among other) subjects : — Census and Population Tables (Home and Foreign). Decimal Coinage, 1841, 1848, and 1854 Fire Insurance, 1863 and 1864 Foreign Exchanges, 1846 Friendly Societies, 1848, 1851, 1 86 1, etc. Tables by Mr. Fin- laison, 1833 The Funds, 1832, Annual ac- count of the fluctuations of, from 1 846 Gold discoveries, 1853 India, connection with, etc., 1832, 1850, 1858, 1865 Life Assurance, 1828, 1831, and 1846 Life Contingencies (columnar method), by A. De Morgan. Single lives, 1840 Joint lives, etc., 1842 36 BRI British Almanac and Companion — Continued. Mathematics, etc, — Arithmetic, history of, 1851 Arithmetical Computations, 1844 Euclid's Elements, Remarks on, » 1849 Evolution, the Problem of, 1839 Fluxions, the invention of, 1852 ; Wages and Prices Logarithms, use of, 1841 and 1863 Mortality and Disease, statis- tics of, 1829, 1834, and 1840 National Debt, i860 Reckoning, ancient and modern usage in, 1850 Savings Banks. Statistics, Philosophy of, 1872 The Swedish Calculating Machine, 1866 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports from 1854 to 1872. (i860 wanting.) British Columbia. See Blue Books. British Fire Prevention Committee, Publications of. 1898-99 British Guarantee Association. Statement by Edinburgh Board in explanation of their resignation. [P. vol. 15.] 1861 British Imperial Insurance Corporation. Conference of Council of Central Trustees, etc. [P.] Manchester 1869 British Life Offices. See American Offices in Great Britain. British Life Offices (17) Experience Tables. See Jones (J.). British Life Offices (20) Experience Tables. See Actuaries (Institute of)— Bowser (W. A.)— Carment (D.)— Chisholm (J.) —Hardy (R. P.)— King (G.) and Whittall (W. J. H.)— Life . Contingencies — Sprague (T. B.) — Taylor (F. G. C). British Medical Association, 1898. Proceedings of the Section of Medicine in relation to Life Assurance. [P.] Medicine and Life Assurance, by C. Muirhead. Cardiac Disease in its bearings upon Life Assurance, by Sir W. T. Gairdner. Does evidence of a limited Family Vitality call for an advanced rate of premium ? by J. Ritchie. Gout as a factor in Life Assurance, by J. Meikle. Pregnancy in relation to Life Assurance, by J. Playfair and T. Wallace. Medical advisers of Life Assurance Offices ; some of their duties ^and difficulties, by J. M. M'Candlish. Extra Rating as a Statistical Problem, by G. M. Low. Insurance Companies and Medical Examinations ; a plea for uniformity, by T. G. Horder. BRO 37 Brockleliurst (C. J.). Adjustment of Machinery Losses. [B.I.] 1893 Brokenshir (John). Practical Instructions for the estabHshment of a Life Assurance Agency. Lond. 1857 Brookes (A. D.). Advisability of forming an Insurance Clerks' Orphanage. [P. vol. 50.] Bristol 1896 Brough (Wm.). The natural law of Money. New York 1894 Brougham (Henry). Speech in the House of Commons on the present state of the Law. [P. vol. 9.] Lond. 1828 Brown (B. F.). Definitive Analysis of Life Assurance Returns, 1882-88. New York 1889 Brown (F.). Fire Risk of Electric Lighting. [B.I.] 1889 Brown (George). Arithmetica Infinita, or the accurate Accomptant's best companion (Tables for ready reckoning). Lond. 1727 Brown (Henry). Sickness Assurance. [M.A.] 1896 Sickness and Accident Insurance. [Y.I.] 1896 Injuries to Workmen and Compensation. [T.G.] 1898 Brown (James). See Edinburgh Life Assurance Company. Brown (J.). Mathematical Tables, containing articles on Logarithmic Arithmetic and Trigonometry. 2nd Edit. Edin. 1808 Another copy (by John Wallace). 3rd Edit. Edin. 1815 Brown (J. K.). Spontaneous Combustion. [ T.G.] 1886 Brown (Eobert). See Highland Emigration. Brown (Samuel). A few thoughts on Commission, Division of Profits, Selection of Lives, Mortality in India, and other subjects relating to Life Assurance. (2 copies.) Lond. 1849 On the collection of data in various branches of Assurance ; and a summary of the Assurance business of Great Britain and other countries. [P. vol. 34.] Lond. 1852 Progress of Insurance on the Continent. [P. vol. 44.] Lond. 1851 The Position of Friendly Societies in England and Wales (from J. LA, March 1864). [P. vol. 11.] Report on the Bengal Military Fund, 1865. Lond. 1869 Bengal Military Orphan Society, 1866. Lond. 1873 Bombay Civil Fund, 1869. Lond. 1874 Bombay Military Fund, 1865. Lond. 1870 Madras Civil Fund, 1863. Lond. 1866 Madras Civil Fund, 1868. Lond. 1870 See also Actuaries (Institute of) — Brown, Hardy, and Smith — Hodgson (Rev. J.)— Scotdsh Widows' Fund. 38 BRO—BUS Brown (Samuel), Peter Hardy, and Col. J. T. Smith. Report on the Madras Military Fund, 1808-58, containing tables of Mortality, Marriage, etc. Lond. 1863 Brown (Walter). Life Branch Work. [M.I. and P. vol. 36.] 1878 Browne (E. C). New Life Agency System. Lond. 1885 Browne (J. C). Friendly Societies. [P.] Lond. 1837 Bryce, Jun. (James). Elements of Algebra. Edin. 1837 Buchan (A.). See Scottish Meteorological Society Journal. Building Societies. See Blue Books — Friendly Societies — Milne (J.). Bunyon (C. J.). Letter to the members of the Equitable Society respecting the coming Bonus and their prospects for the future. [P.] Lond. 1859 The Law of Life Assurance, ist Edit. Lond. 1854 Another copy, with an introductory chapter on the Amendment of the law relating to Life Assurance Companies. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1868 and separate Supplement. Lond. 1870 Law of Life Assurance. 3rd Edit, (assisted by J. V. Vesey Fitz- gerald). 5 copies. Lond. 1891 The Law of Fire Insurance. Lond. 1867 On the amendment of the Law relating to Life Assurance and the Property of Married Women. [P. vol. 13.] Lond. 1868 On the Liquidation of an insolvent Office. [P. vol. 20.] Lond. 1870 Burdett (Sir H.), Old Age Pensions. [J.S.S. vol. 61.] 1898 Burns (Edward). Coinage of Scotland. 3 vols. (Privately printed.) Edin. 1887 Bums (Gavin). The principles and management of Friendly Societies in Scotland. [P. vol. 3.] Glasgow 1 82 1 Another copy. [P.] Burridge (A. F.). Some account of the Census, 1881 (from J. LA. vol. 25). Burt (Alfred). Historical and Statistical account of the diiferent systems of Life Assurance, etc. Lond. 1849 Burton (J. H.). A manual of the Law of Scotland. Edin. 1839 Political and Social Economy — its practical applications, Edin. 1849 Burton (Lady). Life of Sir Richard Burton. 2 vols. Lond. 1893 Business as it is and as it might be, by J. Lyndall. Lond. 1854 BUT— CAN 39 Butler (C. D.). Insurance Work in Ireland. [B.I.] 1896 Butler (William). Arithmetical Questions. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1801 Another copy. 4th Edit. Lond. i8o6 Byrne (Oliver). The young Dual Arithmetician, or Dual Arith- metic. Lond. 1866 Caird (A. M.). The Poor Law Manual for Scotland, sth Edit. Edin. 1848 Cairnes (J. E.). Principles of Currency involved in the Bank Charter Act of 1844. [P. vol. 31.]] Dublin 1854 Cairnie (J. B.). Guarantee Business. [M.I.] 1879 Lawrence's Automatic Gas Apparatus. [M.I.] 1889 Growth of Insurance Practices during the last thirty years. [M.A.] 1897 Calculating Engines. See Arithmometer — Babbage — Bridge — Brit. Almanac. Calculus, Differential and Integral. See Mathematics. Caledonian Insurance Company. See Scottish Widows' Fund. Caledonian Jottings (containing article on Assessment). 1891-93 Callet (Francois). Tables of Logarithms. (French.) Paris 1857 Cambridge Problems, 1801-20. Lond. 1836 See also Wright (J. M. F.). Cameron (Sir C. A.). Duration of Human Life under various conditions. [I. I.] 1893 Campbell (D. A.). The Fire Underwriters' companion. Lond. 1883 Douse's Fire Check. [M.I.] 1889 Campbell (William). The value of Annuities on single lives, (Northampton 4 per cent.), with the amount of the several rates of Legacy Duty payable. (2 copies.) Lond. 1810 Canada. Abstract of Statements of Insurance Companies for 1876. (2 copies.) Consolidated Insurance Act, 1877. [P. vol. 19.] Reports of the Superintendent of Insurance for the years ending December 1875 ^^ 1890. Valuation Tables prepared for the Superintendent of Insurance for Canada (H"" 4^ per cent.). Ottawa 1882-83 40 CAN— CAS Canada — Continued. Forms of Annual Statements required from Canadian Companies licensed to transact Fire or Marine Insurance. Short Report for year 1884. [P.] Life Assurance Act, 1894. See also Hine (C. C). Canada Life Assurance Company. Mortality Experience, 1847-1893, by Frank Sanderson. (2 copies.) 1895 Mortality Experience, 1 847- 1 893, by A. K. Blackadar. [T.A.] 1895 Cancer. See Life Assurance — Medical Works — Payne (J. F.) — Practitioner. Cape (Rev. Jonathan). Mathematical Tables. Lond. 1847 Capital. See Finance — Political Economy. Carlisle Actuarial Tables. See Chisholm (David) — Filipowski (H. E.)— Gray, Smith, and Orchard— Hare (F. A. C.)— Henry (J.)— Jones (David)— Sang (E.)— Thomson (W. T.)— Todd (B. H.). Carment (David). Tables of Endowment Assurance policy values, etc., according to H°^ mortality. (3 copies.) Lond. 1884 A few remarks on the practice of Colonial Life Offices in regard to the comparison of actual and expected mortality. [N.S.W.L] 1889 Contingent Debts and other schemes for the assurance of impaired Lives. [N.S.W.L] 1891 Inaugural Address. [N.S.W.L] 1892 A method of apportioning Surplus used by Australian Companies. [T. A.] 1894 Carpenter (William). The perils of policyholders and the liabilities of Life Offices. [P. vol. 34.] Lond. i860 Another copy. [P.] Carr (Rev. John). The first three sections of Newton's Principia, with Notes. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1825 Carter (A. H.). Longevity. [B.L] 1892 Carter (F. H.). Book-keeping, adapted to commercial and judicial accounting. Edin. 1861 Carter (J.). Commercial Morality. [P.] Lond. 1893 Caswall (Alfred). Treatise on Copyholds and Copyhold Enfran- chisement. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1841 Caswell (J.). See Wallis (John). CAT—CHA 41 Catalogue of the library of the late Charles Babbage. Lond. 1872 Institute of Accountants and Actuaries (Glasgow). 1889 Society of Accountants and Auditors. 1895 Institute of Actuaries. Lond. 1880 Institute of Bankers (Scotland). 1890 John Napier's Works, by W. R. Macdonald. 1889 the library of the late Cornelius Walford. 1886 'Utrecht' Insurance Company. 1898 Statistical Society (London). 1884 Causes of Death. See Mortality. Caution to Bankers, Merchants, and others, against a series of commercial frauds, etc. Edin. 183 1 Cave (S.). See Law. Cawley (A. P.). Assessment Insurance (Prize Essay). [M.I.] 1896 Census. See Blue Books — Population. Centenarians. See Easton (J.) — Livingston (N.) — Nash (F. H )— Young (T. E.). Cernuschi (H.). Monetary Diplomacy in 1878. [P. vol. 28.] Lond. 1878 Bimetallism in England and abroad. [P. vol. 28.] Lond. 1879 Monetary Conference— Questions addressed to British and Belgian Delegates. [P. vol. 28.] 1881 Bimetallism at 15I a necessity. [P. vol. 28.] 1881 The Great Metallic Powers. [P. vol. 28.] 1885 Anatomy of Money. [P. vol. 28.] 1886 Bimetallic Par. [P. vol. 28.] 1887 Chairman's Handbook, by R. F. D. Palgrave. Lond. 1883 Chambers' Series. Book-keeping, by W. Inglis. Edin. 1852 Chambers' Commercial Tables. Edin. 185 1 Chambers (Robert). Index to heirs-at-law, etc. Lond. 1847 Poetical Remains containing ' Life Assurance ' and ' The Annui- tant's Answer' in reply to G. Outram's ' The Annuity,' and also Dialogue and two articles on Life Assurance. Edin. 1883 Chambers (William). About Railways. Edin. 1865 Champion (W. J.). Cholera Statistics. [P. vol. 44.] Lond. 1854 Champness (W. S.). Insurance Dictionary, Lond. 1879 Another copy. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1879 Chandler (W. H.). Esprit de Corps among Offices and their Representatives. [V.I.] 1888 42 CHA—CHR Chapman (J.), Manchester Warehouses. [M.A.] 1896 Chapman (L.). Tables of Interest. New York 1821 Chartered Accountants. See Accountants. Charteris (M.). CHmate Treatment of Phthisis in the State of Colorado. [P.] Chatham (James). A comparison of the rates of mortality among insured lives and government annuitants, having regard to the . effect of selection. [T.E.] 1886 Cherry (G. R.). Plea for volunteer Fire Brigades. [V.I.] 1887 Cheshire (E.). Census of Great Britain in 185 1. [P. vol. 21.] 1853 Chevalier (M.). Production of the precious Metals and the depreciation of Gold. [P. vol. 31.] Lond. 1853 Chisholm (David). Commutation Tables for Joint Annuities and Survivorship Assurances, based on the Carhsle Table of Mortality at various rates of Interest. 2 vols. (2 copies.) Lond. 1858 Chisholm (James). Tables for finding the Values of Policies of all durations, according to any table of mortality or any rate of interest, with other useful tables. Lond. 1885 Chisholm (James) and Pollock (J. E.). Medical Handbook of Life Assurance. Lond. 1889 Christie (Robert). An exposure of the unsoundness of the Western Annuity Society and certain kindred Societies. [P.] Edin. 1840 Letter to the President of the Board of Trade regarding Life Assurance Institutions, with Abstracts of all Accounts registered by London Life Assurance Companies, September 1844 to February 1852. [P. vol. 41.] Edin. 1852 For reply to above, see Law Property Assurance Society — Strous- berg (B. H.). Abstracts of all the Accounts registered by Life Assurance Com- panies in the United Kingdom, from September 1844 to March 1856. Edin. 1856 Another copy. [P.] Christie (S. H.). An elementary course of Mathematics. Vol. I., Arithmetic and Algebra. (Chapter on Finite Differences.) Lond. 1845 Christison (Prof. Robert). See Standard Life Assurance Company. Chronological, etc., Chart of Life Offices, by M. A. Black. 1864 Chronological Lists of Books. »S^^ De Morgan ( A.)— Pocock(L.). CHR—CLE 43 Chrystal (G.). Algebra ; an elementary Textbook for the higher classes of secondary schools and colleges. Parts I. and II. ^din. 1 886- 1 889 Some fundamental principles in the Theory of Probability. [T.E.] 1891 Church of Scotland Ministers' Widows' Fund, etc. Calculations, with the principles and data on which they are insti- tuted, showing the rise and progress of the Fund. Edin. 1748 Act of Parliament, 1779, and Annual reports by Trustees, 1792- 1834. [P. vol. 18.] Actuarial Reports, 1829, 1849, 1861, and 1875. Churton (T.). Probability of Life estimated by Family and Personal History. [Y.L] 1894 City of Glasgow Life Assurance Company. Statements explanatory of The Bonus System, and contrasting an annual declaration of bonus with other plans of dividing profits, 1853 and 1855, Civil Code for England. See Reddie (John). Clare (G.). Money Market Primer. 2nd Edit. (2 copies.) Lond. 1896 London Daily Stock and Share List. (Lectures delivered under the auspices of the Institute of Actuaries and bound up with Lectures on Law of Real Property, by G. Wood Hill.) Lond. 1898 Clark (A.). Fire Inquest and Fire Extinction. [M.L] 1879 Clark (P. J.). A few remarks on General Average. [N.S.W.I.] 1886 Inaugural Address. [N.S.W.I.] 1888 Clark (Samuel). The Laws of Chance ; a mathematical investiga- tion of the Probabilities arising from any proposed circum- stance of play. (5 copies.) Lond. 1758 Clarke (A. B.). Recent Currency Proposals. (Accountants' Magazine.) 1897 Clarke (M. W. S.). On some aspects of Fire Insurance. [N.S.W.I.] 1885 Will the average clause satisfy the anticipations of the Fire Offices ? [N.S.W.I.] 1889 Cleghorn (James). On the expediency of a general provident institution for the Work- ing Classes, with tables, etc. [P. vol. 3.] Edin. 1824 Report on the Incorporation of Sailors of Prestonpans, as at December 1824. [P. vol. 4.] Edin. 1827 Reports on the Affairs of the Incorporated Trades of Calton. [P. vol. 5.] •" Edin. 1830 44 ■ CLE—COI Cleghorn (James)— Continued. Report on Church of Scotland Ministers' Widows' Fund at 1829. [P. vol. ^39-] Report on W.S. Society Widows' Fund. Edin. 1829 Answers to J. M'Kean's Dissent from resolution of the Committee adopting the above. Edin. 1831 Report on the proposed Advocates' Widows' Scheme, with opinion by Joshua Milne. (2 copies.) Edin. 1829 Further report by Mr. Cleghorn, 1830. (2 copies.) Edin. 1831 Report on Advocates' Widows' Fund. Edin. 1835 Another copy. [P. vol. 17.] A treatise on Widows' Schemes. Edin. 1833 Another copy. Edin. 1834 Article on 'Annuities.' \_Ency. Brit. 7th Edit.] Memoirs of. See Actuals of Colinton^ by T. Murray. 1863 See also M'Kean (J.). Cleland (James). Statistical Tables relative to the City of Glasgow. 3rd Edit. Glas. 1823 Enumeration of the inhabitants of Glasgow and County of Lanark, for the census of 183 1, with Statistical Tables relative to England and Scotland. 2nd Edit. Glas. 1832 Clergy Mutual Assurance Society. Some points in the Medical experience, by Dr. W. H. Stone and Stewart Helder. [P. vol. 14.] Lond. 1872 Mortality Experience, 1829- 1887, by F. B. Wyatt, with Medical Report by Dr. W. H. Stone. [P. vol. 40.] Lond. 1891 Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society. Practice and experience, chiefly with reference to Invalid lives, by G. H. Pinckard. (From J. LA. for 1851.) [P. vols. 14 and 44.] Report of Trial — The Society v. Carter, Surveyor of Taxes— and Appeal. (2 copies.) 1888- 1889 Clifford (W. K.). The common sense of the Exact Sciences. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1886 Cockburn (H. R.) and Murrie (R.). On the Interests of Heirs of Entail and the calculation of the pecuniary values thereof. [T.E. and P. vol. 19.] Cockburn (Patrick). Report on Scheme for S.S.C. Widows' P^und. [P.] Edin. 1817 Report on the Edinburgh School of Arts F. S. [P.] Edin. 1837 See also Scottish Life Assurance Society. Coghlan (T. A.). Deaths in Childbirth in New South Wales. [J.S.S. vol. 61.] 1898 Coinage. See Blue Books — BritislTAlmanac — Finance. COL— CON 45 Colenso (Rev. J. W.). Elements of Algebra. Part II. Lond. 1859 Elements of Arithmetic. Lond. 1848 Geometrical Problems and Key. Lond. 1846 Solutions of examples in Plane Trigonometry. Part II. Lond. 1853 Plane Trigonometry, with the use of Logarithms. Lond. 1863 Coles (John). A few remarks on Railway Debentures. [P. vol. 16.] Lond. 1866 Coley-Bromfield (John). Maximum premium life policies for enabling persons to insure their lives on improved conditions. [P. vol. 36.] Brighton 1879 Collier (J.). Influence of Athletics on Longevity. [M.L] 1898 Colquhoun (C. R.). Average Clause in Fire Policies. [V.I.] 1890 Effects of Financial Depression on Fire Insurance. [V.I.] 1893 Classification of Fire Risks. [V.I.] 1895 Colquhoun (E.). Notes on Life Assurance. [P. vol. 36.] Lond. n.d. Valuation Tables based upon the Institute of Actuaries' Mortality Experience H"* and H'"<5) Tables at 2| per cent. Lond. 1899 Colson (John). See Newton (Sir Isaac). Colvin (Alexander). Letter in defence of the Life Assurance Offices registered under 7 and 8 Vict. cap. 10. [P. vol. 34.] Lond. 1852 Commerce. See Political Economy. Commercial Morality, by J. Carter. ' Lond. 1893 Commercial Tables. See Tables. Commercial Union Insurance Company. Deed of Settlement. 1861 Commissions, Secret. Report of Special Committee of the London Chamber of Commerce. Lond. 1899 Common Sense of Life Assurance, by a Man of the Times. [P. vol. 16.] Lond. n.d. Another copy. [P.] Compound Interest. See Interest and Annuities-certain. Compton (Charles). The Savings Bank Assistant. Lond. 1829 Condorcet (Le Marquis de). On the application of analysis to the Probability of decisions. (In French.) Paris 1785 Congress of Actuaries. See Actuaries. Conic Sections. See Mathematics (Geometry). Connecticut. See Nash (F. H.) — United States. 46 CON— CO U Connecticut Mutual Life Assurance Company. Mortality experience 1846-78, by the Actuary (D. H. Wells). (3 copies.) Hartford 1884 The medical examiner in Life Assurance ; some legal questions as to his office and evidence. Hartford 1887 Consols Insurance Association. Explanation of the system by the managing director, T. H. Baylis. [P.] Lond. n.d. Constable (A. H. B.). Commentary upon 'The Married Women's Policies of Assurance (Scotland) Act, 1880.' [T.E.] 1895 Conveyancing. See Law. Cook (Joseph). Heredity. Lond. 1890 Cook (Rev. Dr.). A lecture on the Advantages of Life Assurance. [P. vol. 34.] N.D. Another copy. [P.] Co-operation, by A. J. Wright. [V.L] 1893 Co-operative Credit Bank, Articles on the, by the manager (R. B. Oakley). [P. vol. 16.] Lond. 1875. Co-operative Production, by T. Brassey. [P. vol. 16.] Lond. 1874 Coote (W.). Flax Mills. [I.I.] 1887 Inaugural Address. [I. I.] ^ 1892 Copyholds. See Caswall (A.). Corbaux (Francis). The doctrine of Compound Interest, with new and compendious tables. Lond. 1825 The Laws of MortaHty, Life Annuities, and Assurance. [P. vol. 12.] Lond. 1828 The Laws of Mortality and Intensity of Life. [P. vol. 12.] Lond. n.d. Cory (I. P.). A practical treatise on Accounts, mercantile, private, and official. Lond. 1840 Cossham (J. N.). Time Tables. Lond. n.d. Cotsworth (M. B.). Direct Calculator (containing multipli- cation, division, etc., tables). York 1896 Coumot (A. A.). On the theory of Chances and Probabilities. (In French.) Paris 1843 Courts of Law in Scotland. Thoughts on Trial by Jury in civil causes. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1806 Earl Grenville's speech on the Scotch Judicature Bill. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1807 Remarks on the Constitution and Procedure of the Scottish Courts of Law, by James Glassford. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1813 COU—CRE 47 Courts of Law in Scotland — Continued. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel on Courts of Law in Scotland. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1823 Report of the Committee of the W.S. Society, appointed to consider a Bill intituled 'An Act for the better regulating of the Forms of Process in the Courts of Law in Scotland.' [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1824 Report of Committee of the S.S.C. Society, appointed for same purpose. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1825 Examination of the objections stated against the same Bill, with Appendix, by G. J. Bell. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1825 Speech on same subject by Lord President Hope. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1825 Report by Committee of the Faculty of Advocates to consider the new Act of Sederunt for regulating the Forms of Process. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1825 Report of Meeting of Faculty of Advocates, approving their Com- mittee's Report. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1825 Cox (Homersham). A rudimentary treatise on the Integral Calculus. Lond. 1852 Craies (W. F.). See Porter (J. B.). Craig (Arch.). Insurance Questions of special interest to the legal profession. [T.G.] 1894 Craig (J. M.). Observations on Impaired Lives. [T.A.] 1890 Insurance Values as Bases of Surrender Charges. [T.A.] 1891 Cost of Insurances. [T.A.] 1897 Crawford (George). The Doctrine of Equivalents ; an explanation of the nature, value, and power of Money, etc. Rotterdam 1803 Crawford (Robert). Draft Bill to amend the law relating to Life Assurance Companies [P. vol. 13.] Lond. 1870 Letter to the policyholders of the European Assurance Society. Lond. 1 87 1 Opinions of the Press and Actuaries in re European Assurance Society; also article on Insurance legislation. [P. vol. 13.] Lond. 1872 Crawley (Charles). The law of Life Insurance, with a chapter on Accident Insurance. Lond. 1882 Crelle (A. L.). Multiplication and Division Tables. Berlin 1895 Crellin (W.). Fire Brigade organisation. [V.I.] 1888 48 CRE—DA V Cresswell (D.). A treatise on the geometrical and algebraical Investigation of Maxima and Minima ; to which is added a selection of proposi- tions deducible from Euclid's Elements. 2nd Edit. Camb. 1817 Supplement to Euclid. 2nd Edit. Camb. 1825 Crisford (G. S.). Life Competition. [M.I.] 1879 Croal (D. 0.). Injury to British trade and manufactures (Bimetallism). [P. vol. 49.] Lond. 1895 Crowgey (Robert). Universal Calculator ; containing a Table of a series of numbers in duplicate arithmetical progression. Lond. 1827 Cunningham (W.). The growth of English Industry and Com- merce. Camb. 1882 Cunninghame (J. A.). Inaugural Address. [Y.I.] 1888 Cunninghame (W.). Mercantile calculation, consisting of tables of Interest, etc. Lond. 1809 Curnick (H. D.). Classification of Fire Risks. [M.L] 1894 Currency. See Finance. Currie (Gilbert). The Insurance Agent's Assistant; a popular essay on Life Assurance. Lond. 1852 Gushing (C.). See National Life Insurance Company. Dalton (F.). Presidential Address. [B.I.] 1893 Danish Insurance Company of 1871. Annual Reports. See also Thiele (T.N.). Dansken (A. B.). Notes on Buildings. [T.G.] 1885 Roller Milling. [T.G.] 1892 Danvers (C). Frozen Meat. [N.S.W.I.] 1897 Darwin (G. H.). Structure and Functions of the Human Body. [M.A.] 1898 Darwin (Leonard). Bimetallism. Lond. 1897 D'Audibert (E. B.). Elementary Theory of Life Assurance. (In French.) Davidson (James). Liability and Accident Assurance. [T.G.] 1895 Davidson (John). A collection of Mathematical Tables. Edin. 1 852 DA V—DEC 49 Davidson (R. W. C). Public Distribution of Electrical Energy. [M.I.J 1893 Davies (Griffith). Treatise on Annuities-certain and Life Annuities (posthumous). Lond. N.D. Tables of Life Contingencies, containing the Values of Annuities and Assurances on the experience of the Equitable Society, and other Tables. Lond. 1825 Manuscript tables for the Valuation of Life Policies, and other useful tables — Northampton Table, 3 per cent. Lond. 1821 Report on the Bengal Military Fund. [P. vol. 43,] Lond. 1844 Davies (Griffith). See Law Life Assurance Society. Davies (T. S.). Solutions of the principal questions in Hutton's Course of Mathematics. Lond. 1840 See also Young (J. R.). Dawson (M. M.). Elements of Life Assurance. Chicago 1893 Principles of Insurance Legislation. N.Y. 1895 Effects of Free Surrender Values and Loan Privileges in Life Insurance. [P. vol. 47.] 1895 Function of Insurance in Modern Society. [P. vol. 47.] Philadelphia 1898 American Life Insurance Methods. [P. vol. 47.] Philadelphia 1898 Practical Lessons in Actuarial Science, containing all Mortahty Tables that have ever been standard anywhere, with correspond- ing commutation columns. New York 1898 Day (W. R.). Some Notes on Australian Life Office Investments. [N.S.W.I.] 1896 The Insurance Institute of New South Wales ; a plea for its existence and some suggestions for its reform. [N.S.W.I.] 1897 See also Day (W. R.) and Hollingworth (A. C). Day (W. R.) and Hollingworth (A. C). Some Notes on British and Colonial Life Companies' Acts. [N.S.W.L] 1895 Dear (E. C). The Negligence Clause in Bills of Lading. [V.L] 1888 Inaugural Addresses, [V.L] 1892 and 1895 De Boer (J. A.). Level Premium Life Insurance (Historical Note). [T.A.] 1897 Debt. See Blue Books — Finance. Decimal Coinage. See Blue Books — Dowson (J. E.) and Molesvvorth (Sir G.) — Finance. D 50 DEC—DE MOR Decimal System. Report of Proceedings at the Meeting of the New Decimal Associa- tion. [P. vol. 49.] Lond. 1894 Report by Directors of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce on a Metric System of Weights and Measures. [P. vol. 49.] Edin. 1894 See also Blue Books— Dowson (J. E.) and Molesworth (Sir G.)— Finance. De Claire-Combe (Monier). A new and universal practice of mercantile Arithmetic (translated from the French). Lond. 1 707 Dee (John). See Rudd (Captain Thomas). de Gyulay (E. W. G.). Losses and Accidents to Ships engaged in the Newcastle Oversea Coal Trade. [N.S.W.I.] 1896 de Kartanguy (M. E.). See General Life Assurance Company. De la Lande (Jerome). Tables of Logarithms. (French.) Paris 1805 De Lagny. See Maseres. Del Mar (A.). History of Monetary Systems. Lond. 1895 De Moivre (A.). Value of Annuities upon Lives ; also of Reversions, ist Edit. Lond. 1725 Another copy, with Appendix containing the Demonstrations of some of the principal propositions. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1743 Two other copies, bound up with other works. 4th Edit. Lond. 1752 The Doctrine of Chances. (2 copies.) 2nd Edit. Lond. 1738 Do. (2 copies.) 3rd Edit. Lond. 1756 See also Maseres. De Montluc (L. A.). Life Assurance in its relation to Civil and Commercial Law, etc. (In French.) Several copies. Paris 1870 De Montmert (Remond). Essay on the analysis of the game of Hazard. (In French.) 2nd Edit. Paris 17 13 De Morgan (Augustus). Arithmetical Books from the invention of printing to the present time. Notices drawn up from actual inspection. (2 copies.) Lond. 1847 Elements of Arithmetic. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1835 An explanation of the Gnononic Projection of the Sphere. Lond. 1836 Arithmetic and Algebra (Library of Useful Knowledge). Parts I. to VII. inclusive. (Bound up with paper on 'Probability' by Lubbock.) Elements of Algebra preliminary to the Differential Calculus. (2 copies.) 2nd Edit. Lend. 1837 DE M OR— Die 51 De Morgan (Augustus)— C^;?////?/?>''\ 1887 Brighton and Sussex Mutual Provident Society, 1881 and 1886, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vols. 44 and 33.] Cabinetmakers, at 1827, by R. Hinshelwood. City of Edinburgh, at 1865, 1880, and 1890, by J. Meikle. Commercial Travellers' Society, at 1896, by A. Hewat. Dissenting Ministers (Scotland), at 1840, 185 1, 1874, 1880, and 1884. See Meikle (J.)— Watson (J.). Edinburgh Compositors, at 1880, by J. Meikle. Statements, 1824-8. [P. vol. 4.] FRI 73 Friendly and other Societies and Savings Banks — Continued. Goldsmiths. See Skirving (J.) and [P. vol. 4.] New Town Female Society Memorial. [P. vol. 3] Operative Masons, at 1880, by J. Meikle. Printers. See Fraser (W.). School of Arts, at 1835, 1850, 1870, 1885, and 1890. See Cockburn (P.) -Meikle (J.)— Wood (W.). Foresters, Ancient Order of. See Leslie (G.) — Neison (F. G. P.). General Family Pension Fund, at 1885, by J. Meikle. Hampshire Friendly Society, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 39.] 1885 Hitchin F.S., by F. G. P. Neison. 1898 Incorporated Trades of Calton, by J. Cleghorn. 1830 Incorporation of Sailors of Prestonpans, at 1824, by J. Cleghorn. Incorporation of Tailors in Edinburgh, by E. Sang. 1841 Inland Revenue Life Assurance and Benevolent Fund, at 1887 and 1892, by G. King. [P. vol. 46.] Lancashire and Cheshire Miners' Permanent Relief Society, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 33.] 1887 . Liberal Annuity Co. of Dublin, at 1867, by W. T. Thomson. Manchester Unity. See Leslie (G.)— Neison (F. G. P.)— Ratcliffe (H.). Midland Counties Miners' Permanent Relief Fund, at 1879, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 33.] Monmouthshire and South Wales Miners' 'Permanent Provident Society at 1885, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 33.] North Wales Miners' Permanent Relief Society, at 1883, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 33.] North Staffordshire Provident Association, at 1885, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 33.] Northumberland, etc.. Miners' Relief Fund, at 1886 and 1891, by T. Y. Strachan. Penicuik F.S. at 1869, by J. Meikle. [P. vol. 11.] Railway Benevolent Institution. 13th Report, 1871. [P. vol. 16.] Railway Guards' Universal Friendly Society, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 33.] 1880 Rational Sickness and Burial Association, at 1891, by E. J. Farn- worth. [P. vol. 46.] Royal Liver F.S. See Sprague (T. B.). Scottish Association of F.S. Minutes of First Meeting ; and Report, 1828. [P. vol. 4.] Sir Ralph Abercromby F.S., at 1865 and 1870, by J. Meikle. St. Bernard's Lodge of Oddfellows, at 1890, by J. Meikle. [P. vol. 33.] U.P. Ministers, at 1875, by J. Meikle. [P. vol. 29.] West Riding of Yorkshire Miners' Permanent Relief Fund, by F. G. P. Neison. [P. vol. 33.] 1887 Western (Glasgow) F.S., at i860, by W. T. Thomson. [P. vol. 11.] 74 FRJ Friendly and other Societies and Savings Banks — Continued. Minutes of Meeting of Officers of F.S. in and about Edinburgh. [P. vol. 4-] Report of Actuarial Commission under F.S. Act. 1875 Report to the Forfarshire Sessions on F.S., 1826. [P. vol. 4.] See also Blue Books — Highland Society — F.S. (Treatises) — F.S. (Prospectuses). (3) Actuarial Reports ( Widows^ Funds). Advocates, at 1829, 1830, 1835, ^842, 1849, 1856, 1863, 1870, 1877, 1884, 1891, and 1898. See Blair and Meikle— Cleghorn (J.) — Ivory (H.)— Lindsay and Macandrew — Macandrew (J. M.) — Macandrew and Meikle — Thomson and Macandrew. Bank of New Zealand, 1891, by H. W. Manly. Bank of Scotland, at 1888 and 1898, by A. Hewat. Booksellers, at 1849, by D. S. Peddie. [P. vol. 11.] British Linen Company's Bank, at 1890 and 1895, by A. Hewat. Chartered Accountants' (Edinburgh) Annuity Fund, 1891, by J. Meikle. [P. vol. 39.] Church of Scotland Ministers, at 1829, 1849, 1861, 1875, and 1891. See Church of Scotland— Cleghorn (J.)— Meikle (J.)— Thomson (W. T.). Church of Ireland Widows' Fund, at 1886, by J. Meikle. [P. vol. 29.] Civil Servants. See Farr (Dr. W.)— King (C). Civil Service of Jamaica, 1884, by T. E. Young. Commercial Bank of Scotland, 1875, by W. Wood. [P. vol. 51.] Dick Bequest, by A. Menzies. 1854 East Coast Disaster Relief Fund, 1889, by D. Deuchar. [P. vol. 51.] Faculty of Physicians, etc. (Glasgow), at 1870, by J. Meikle. [P. vol. 39-] Faculty of Procurators (Glasgow), at 1869 and 1876. See Meikle (J.)— Thomson (W. T.). Free Church Ministers (Scotland), at 1865, 1872, 1879, 1886, and 1893. See Lisle (G.)— Wood (W.). Gotha Civil Service, 1890, by J. Karup. Hamburg Employees' Widows', etc., Fund, by W. Lazarus. 1874 National Bank of Scotland, at 1855, by W. Wood. [P. vol. i.] Presbyterian Church of England at 1881, by T. Y. Strachan. Royal Bank of Scotland, at 1875 ^^^ 1882. [P. vol. 39.] See Deuchar (D.)-Huie (D. R. W.). Royal College of Surgeons (Edin.), at 1856, 1861, 1866, 1868, 1871, 1876, 1 88 1, and 1886. See M'Candlish (J. M.)— Spens (W.)— Thomson (W. T.). School Board of London Superannuation Fund, at 1897, by A. Hewat. FRI—FUN 75 Friendly and other Societies and Savings Banks — Contifiued. Schoolmasters (Scotland), at 1852, 1859, 1866, 1873, 1880, and 1887. See Macarthur (J.)— Thomson (S. C.)— Thomson (W. T.)— Thomson and Thomson. See also Acts of Parliament. Solicitors before the Supreme Court. See Cockburn (P.) — Thom- son (W. T.). U.P. Ministers, at 1875, by Meikle (J.). [P. vol. 29.] Do. do. Proposed Widows' Fund. See Meikle. Writers to the Signet, at 1829, 1872, and 1886. See Cleghorn (J.)— M'Candlish (J. M.)— Scott (J.)— Thomson (W. T.). See also F.S. (Treatises) — F.S. (Actuarial Reports) — Life Assur- ance — Mortality Experience. (4) Prospectuses, Rules, etc., of the following Societies : Affiliated Orders. See Neison (F. G. P.). Caledonian Provident Investment Society. [P.] Edin. 1862 Calton, Incorporated Trades of. [P. vols. 3 and 5.] Edin. 1831 Dalkeith Caledonian Juvenile Society. [P. vol. 4.] Edin. 1827 Edinburgh Compositors' Society. [P. vols. 3 and 5.] Edin. 1831 Goldsmiths' Equitable Society. [P. vol. 3.] Edin. 1825 School of Arts Friendly Society. [P. vols. 4 and 5.] Edin. 1830 Free Church of Scotland Widows' Fund. [P. vol. 11.] Edin. 1846 Another copy. [P. vol. 29.] General Benefit Insurance Company. [P. vol. 3.] 1824 Glasgow Religious Friendly Society. [P. vol 4.] Glasgow 1827 HartcHffe Friendly Society. [P. vol. 5.] Bristol 1831 Heriot's Benefit Society. [P. vol. 4.] Edin. 1827 London Friendly Institution. [P. vol. 3.] Lond. 1824 Medical Provident Institution of Scotland. [P, vol. 4.] Methven Friendly Society. [P. vol. 4.] Beith 1826 Procurators, Faculty of (Glasgow), Widows' Fund. [P.] 1827 Royal Union Association. [P. vol. 3.] Scottish Association of Friendly Societies. [P. vol. 4.] Edin. 1828 Friendly Society of Governesses. [P. vol. 5.] Edin. 1831 Southwell Friendly Institution. [P. vol. 3.] Lond. 1824 Frost (P.). Elementary treatise on Curve-tracing. Lond. 1872 Fryer (T. and T. W.). See Wilcolkes. Funds. See Blue Books — Finance — Friendly Societies — Political Economy. 76 GAD—GAZ G G-adesby (R.). A treatise on Decimal Arithmetic. Lond. 1757 Gairdner (Sir W. T.). Cardiac Disease in its bearings on Life Assurance. [B.M.A.] 1898 Galbraith (Rev. J. A.). Manual of Algebra. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1867 Do. New Edit. Lond. 1869 Do. Part L, New Edit. Lond. 1869 Galbraith (Rev. J. A.) and Rev. S. Haughton. Manual of Arithmetic. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1858 Manual of Mathematical Tables. Lond. 1863 Galbraith (Wm.) and Wm. Rutherford. Key to Bonnycastle's Elements of Algebra. Edin. 1849 Gale (Samuel). An Essay on contingent and eventual Losses, and on Insurances. Lond. 1836 Galloway (Thomas). Treatise on Probability. (3 copies.) Edin. 1839 See also Amicable Society. Galton (F.). Statistics by intercomparison ; with remarks on the law of frequency of error. 1875 Generic Images. 1879 Co-relations and their measurement, chiefly from anthropometric data. 1888 Finger Prints. 1892 Hereditary Genius. 1892 See also Korosi. Gardiner (William). Tables of Logarithms. Lond. 1742 Gardner (P.). Samos and Samian Coins. Lond. 1882 Garrett (Dr.). Albuminuria in its relations with the practice of Life Assurance. [N.S.W.L] 1891 Gates (W. E.). Some Notes on Fire Loss Adjustments. [N.S.W.L] 1898 Gauss (C. F.). Method of least squares. (Edited by Borsch and Simon.) 1887 See also Bertrand (J.)— Wittstein (T.). Gazetteer of the World (Longman's). Edited by G. G. Chisholm. 1895 GED—GIL 77 Geddes (Patrick). The classification of Statistics and its results (from Proceedings of Royal Society of Edinburgh 1881). [P. vol. 21 ] Gee (W. H.). Fire Risks of Electric Lighting. [M.I.] 1892 Gemmell (James). The economical aspects of Fire and Life Insurance at the present day. (Prize Essay). [T.G.] Lond. 1884 Gemmill (James). Notes on the French systems of Fire Insurance. [Y.I.] 1889 General Family Pension Fund. See Meikle (J.). General Life Assurance Co. (France). Mortality Experience 1872, by M, E. de Kartanguy. (In French.) [P. vol. 14.] 1874 Annual reports and statements. 1895 and 1896 Gentleman's Mathematical Companion. Lond. i8c3i See also Lady's and Gentleman's Diary. Geometry. See Mathematics. German Assurance Magazine. (In German ) For 1879, March to October (6 Nos.). „ 1880, February to December (7 Nos.). „ 1881, May to December (5 Nos.). „ 1882, January to December (9 Nos.). „ 1883, January to June (5 Nos.). German-English Dictionary (Hilpert's). Lond. 1854 German Life Assurance Companies. Annual Statements of Position and Progress. German Mortality Tables, from the experience of twenty-three Life Assurance Companies. (2 copies.) Berlin 1883 See also Lazarus (W.). Germany, Operation of the Insurance Laws in. See Blue Books. Gibb (G.). Electric Lighting in relation to Fire Risks [V.I. 1889 Inaugural address. [V.I.] 1896 Gibbs (H. C). Bimetallic Primer. Lond. 1894 GiflFen (Robert). Essays in Finance. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1882 Case against Bimetallism. Lond. 1892 Gilbart (J. W.). The history and principles of Banking. The laws of the Currency, etc. Lond. 1866 Another copy (by A. S. Michie). 2 vols, Lond. 1882 78 GIL— GO M Gill (C). See Mutual Life Insurance Co. (N.Y.). Gillespie (Dr. J. D.). See Scottish Union Insurance Co. Gillette (Dr. W.). See Mutual Life Insurance Co. (N.Y.). Gillison (J. B.). Valuation Reserves of Life Offices. [V.I.] 1885 Assessment of life risks. [V.I.] 1887 Some aids to calculation. [V.I.] 1888 Inaugural address. [V.L] 1890 Investments of Australasian Life Offices. [V.L] 1897 Glaisher (J.). On the Meteorology of Scotland during the five quarters ending 30th September 1857. On the Meteorology of England during the quarters ending 31st December 1856 to 30th June 1857. Glascott (0. E.). Medical Examinations for Life Assurance with remarks on Albuminuria in the apparently healthy. [M.I.] 1886 Glassford (James). Remarks on the constitution and procedure of the Scottish Courts of Law. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1812 Glasgow. Statistical Tables, by J. Cleland. 1823 Enumeration of Inhabitants, etc., by J. Cleland. 1832 Tables of the values of annuities, by J. J. Duncan. 1829 Mortahty Bill 1837, by H. Paul. [P. vol. 43.] 1838 Do. 1841 and 1842. See Watt (A.). Reminiscences of, by P. Mackenzie. (4 vols.) 1865 Summary of the census of 1871, by W. W, Watson. 1871 Vital, social, and economic statistics of, by W. W. Watson, 1869, 1871, and 1873— J. Nicol, 1885-1891. See also Insurance, etc., Society of Glasgow — Population — Statistics. Glasgow Provident Investment Society v. Westminster Fire Office. Report of the trial. 1885 Glen (N.). Actuarial Science: an elementary manual. Glasg. 1893 Glenny (George). A defence against an attack on Observations on the Laws of Friendly Societies. [P. vol. 4.] Lond. 1826 Goad (C. E.). Insurance Plans — a historical sketch. [LL] 1896 Goddard (W.). Fire Insurance, Brokers and Brokerage. [N.S.W.L] 1886 Goldsmith (B.). Craft Risks. [V.I.] 1889 Development of the Export Trade of Victoria. [V.I.] 1896 Gompertz (Benjamin). See Royal Society. GOO—GRA 79 Goode (R. P.). Accident Insurance — its leading features. [I.L] 1898 Gordon (J. W.). Mathematical Tables. (Insurance Spectator.) 1895 Gordon (William). Institutes of Arithmetic (bound up with another work). Edin. 1804 Goschen (G. J.). The theory of Foreign Exchanges. 5th Edit. Lond. 1864 Gotha Life Assurance Company. Annual Reports. Business and mortality statistics 1829-78 (in German), by Dr. A. Emminghaus. (2 copies.) Weimar 1880 Report on the mortality among the clergy insured in the Company, by J. Karup. Gould. See under Maseres. Gouraud(C.), Hi.storyofthe Calculus of Probabilities. (In French.) Paris 1848 Govan (J.). Inverse Rule in the theory of Probability, (ms. Copy of Paper read before the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh.) 1 893 Government Annuitants Experience. Tables of the values of annuities on one and two lives, by Jardine Henry. 1859 Commutation Tables, by Jardine Henry. 1866-85 Commutation Table, by Peter Gray. 1843 Joint-life Tables, by A. J. Finlaison. 1895 See also Blue Books (Life Annuities) — Chatham (J.)— King (G.) and Whittall (W. J. H.)— McKenzie (D. J. McG.). Government Insurances and Annuities. Rules and Tables. [P. voh 15.] Lond. 1865 See also Blue Books — Government Annuitants Experience. Government Situations Handbook, by W. Lyle. 1856 Graham (Jolin). Inaugural Address, as President of the Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. [T.G.] Glasg. i88r Gram (J. P.). On the adjustment of Mortality Tables (in Danish). [P. vol. 45.] Copenhagen 1844. Another copy. [P.] Grant (J.). Chemistry in its relation to Fire Risks. [M.A.] 1898 Grant (Maurice). The People's Guide to Life Insurance. [P. vol. 37.] Lond. n.d. Graunt (Captain John). Natural and Political Observations upon Bills of Mortality. 4th Edit. (2 copies.) Oxford 1665 See also Mortality Bills. 8o GRA—GUI Gray (Peter). Commutation Table for calculating benefits on single lives, accord- ing to J. Finlaison's 20th Observation (males). [P. vol. 12.] Lond. 1843 Another copy. [P.] Construction of Survivorship Assurance Tables. [P. vol. 12.] Lond. 1852 Tables and Formulae for the computation of life contingencies. Lond. 1849 Another copy, with addendum. Lond. 1849-70 Tables for the formation of Logarithms and Anti-logarithms to twelve- places. Lond. 1865 Tables for the formation of Logarithms and Anti-logarithms to twenty-four or any less number of places. Lond. 1876 See also Actuaries (Institute of) — Gray, Smith, and Orchard. Gray (Peter), H. A. Smith, and William Orchard. Assurance and Annuity Tables. Carlisle 3 per cent. Lond. 185 1 Green (C. H.). Employers' Liability. [M.L] 1897 Workmen's Compensation Act 1897 — The Employer and the Insurance Companies. [M.A. and P. vol. 49.] 1898 Green (S. S.). Library Aids. New York 1883 Greenwell (W.). Coinage of Cyzicus. Lond. 1887 Gregory (D. F.). Examples of the processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Camb. 1841 Gregory (D. F.) and W. Walton. A treatise on the application of Analysis to Solid Geometry. 2nd Edit. Camb. 1852 Gregory (J.). See under Maseres. Gregory (W. H.). Newer Forms of Life Assurance. [Y.L] 1895 Grenville (Earl of). Speech on the Scotch Judicature Bill. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1807 Gresham Life Assurance Company. Report on causes of deaths in its experience, by A. H. Smce. 1868 Arguments and judgment in re Gresham v. Styles (Income Tax on Annuities). See also Ackland and Smee. Guarantee Insurance Law. See Porter (J. B.). Guild (J. W.). A plea for Life Assurance. [P. vol. 34.] Glas. 1850 The responsibilities of Insurance Companies. [T.G.] 1883 The three great factors which have contributed most to the material advancement of the nineteenth century : Steam, Chemistry, Electricity. [T.G.] 1884 GUN— HAM 8 1 Gunn (N. B.). The National Savings and their effect on the rate of interest. [T.G.] 1896 Some notes on the selection of lives for Assurance. [T.E.] 1898 H Habit and Instinct, by C. Lloyd Morgan. Lond. 1896 Haddon (James). Elements of Algebra. Lond. 1850 Examples and Solutions in the Differential Calculus. (2 copies.) Lond. 1851 Hales (W.). See under Maseres. Hall (C. C). A Method of measuring the maximum amount which an Insurance Company may properly assume on a single risk. [T.A.] 1891 What constitutes an insurable interest in lives? [T.A.] 1897 Hall (F. de H.). Rupture in relation to Life Assurance. [M.O.] 1897 Medical Examination for Life Assurance. Lond. 1898 Hall (Reuben). The audit of Public Companies. [N.S.W.L] 1886 Recollections of shipping business in Liverpool forty years ago. [N.S.W.L] 1887 Hall (T. G.). A treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, and the Calculus of Variations. 6th Edit. Lond. 1863 See also Ency. Metrop. {Articles Calculus of Variations and Calculus of Finite Differences). Hall and Knight. Higher Algebra. 1892 Halley. See under Maseres. Halliwell (J. 0.). Kara Mathematica : a collection of treatises on the Mathematics, from ancient inedited Manuscripts. Lond. 1839 Hamilton (Rev. H. P.). See Ency. Metrop. {Articles Analytical Geometry and Conic Sections). Hamilton (Robert). An inquiry concerning the rise and progress of the National Debt of Great Britain. Edin. 1813 The Progress of Society. Lond. 1830 Hamilton (Sir W.). See Stewart (Dugald). F 82 HAM—HAR Hamlet (W. M.). Hazardous Merchandise. [N.S.W.I.] 1892 Hammond (Robert). Electric Lighting in our homes. Lond. 1884 Hancock (W. J.). Some account of the laws of New York and Massachusetts regulat- ing Insurance Companies. [P. vol. 13.] 1869 Application of American legislation to British Companies. [P. vol. 13.] 1869 The temporary and permanent business of Friendly Societies. [P. vol. II.] Dubhn 1875 Plan for keeping and auditing accounts of charitable institutions, and public and private trusts. [P. vol. 49.] Dublin 1884 Tables for the repayment of Loans by terminable Annuities. [P.] Hann (James). Examples of the Integral Calculus. (2 copies.) Lond. 1850 Hann (R. G.). Methods of Distribution pursued in Great Britain. [T.A.] 1894 Hannan (William). Thirty practical hints to life assurance agents. [P. vol. 34.] Manch. 1858 Hanson (A.). Acts relating to Estate, Probate, Legacy, and Succession Duties. 4th Edit, (by L. T. Dibdin and F. H. L. Errington). Lond. 1897 Hannyngton (Major-General). Interest Tables for all rates, specially applicable to mutations of interest and varying balances. Lond. 1867 Haversines, natural and logarithmic. Lond. 1876 Harben (Henry). See Prudential Assurance Company. Harding (H. R.). Life Assurance Offices and Investments. Lond. 1894 Hardingham (F. R.). Rise and development of Life Assurance in this country. [Y.I.] 1890 Hardy (G. F.). Friendly Societies. (Messenger Price Essay.) [P. vol. 46 and J.I.A.] 1886 See also Ackland and Hardy. Hardy (Peter). The doctrine of simple and compound Interest, Annuities, and Reversions, with tables. Lond. 1839 New and general Notation for Life Contingencies. [P. vol. i.] Lond. 1840 Methods of Approximation. [P. vol. 44.] 1850 Values of Annuities. [P. vol. 44.] 1850 Combinations, probabilities, and life contingencies, [P. vol. 44.] See also Brown, Hardy, and Smith. [852 HA R— HAT 83 Hardy (R. P.). Valuation Tables, based on the H-" Table. Lond. 1873 Inquiry into the methods of representing and giving effect to the experience of a Friendly Society, with some account of the Hearts of Oak Benefit Society and its experience, 1884-1891. [P. vols. 46 and 47.] Lond. 1894 Possible changes in the Life Assurance of the future. [Y.L] 1897 See also Australian Mutual Provident Society — New Zealand Government Insurance Department. Hare (F. A. C). Life Assurance made easy ; or the calculation of nett rates explained by simple arithmetical demonstration. [P. vol. 35.] Lond. 1870 Popular treatise on the value of Life Interests and Reversions [P. vol. 19.] Lond. 1882 Tables, showing the value of Life Interests and Reversions, (supplement to the above). [P. vol. 19.] Lond. 1883 Life Assurance Manual. Lond. 1886 Harricks (Dr. F. M.). Life' Assurance in Australia from a Medical aspect. [V.I.] 1886 Harris (D.). Depression of Trade. [P. vol. 44.] 1885 Harris (W. A.). Technical Dictionary of Fire Insurance. Liverpool 1886 Hart (J. R.). Note on select Life Tables. [T.E.] 1896 On an Investigation into the Mortality of the married females of the Peerage. [T.E.] 1897 HartnoU (J. H.). Annual Balance Sheets of all Insurance Companies completely registered to 1852, to which is prefixed a letter on the inoperative character of the Joint Stock Companies' Registration Act, etc. [P. vol. 13.] Lond. 1853 Another copy. [P.] 2nd Edit. Lond. 1853 Harvey (W.). Misrepresentation and Concealment as affecting Policies of Insur- ance. [T.E.] 1894 Lectures on Insurance Law. [T.E.] 1895 On Insurance of Limited Interests (from Law Quarterly Review). 1894 Law of Mutual Life Assurance. [T.G.] 1895 Haslam (W. J.). Obscure Causes of Fire. [Y.L] 1891 Hatton (William). A treatise on Friendly Societies, with tables. [P. vol. 36.] Lond. 1874 84 HA U— HEN Haughton (Rev. S.). See Galbraith and Haughton. Haviland (James). The improved Practical Measurer, containing Tables for the measurement of superfices and solids, and other Tables. Lond. 1817 Haycraft (Dr. J. B.). On some physiological results of temperature variations. [P. vol. 48.] Edin. 1879 Hayes (Richard). A new method for valuing of Annuities upon Lives. 2d Edit. (3 copies.) Lond. 1746 Hayter (H. H.). See Victorian Year Book. Hazell's Annual. Heilerman (H.). An elementary method of estimating greatest and least values. (In German.) Leipsic 1871 Heirs at Law and Next of Kin, by R. Chambers. Lond. 1847 Helder (Stewart). See Clergy Mutual Assurance Society. Hemming (G. W.). Elementary treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. Camb. 1848 Henderson (G. G.). The risks attending the use of Mineral Oil and of Acetylene. [T.G.] 1898 Hendriks (A.). See under Australian Mutual Provident Society. Hendry (William). The method of calculating the values of Life Annuities, Assurances, etc. Hull 1820 Another copy. Lond. 1825 Hendry (W.). Insurance Values and Division of Surplus. [T.A.] 1891 Extended Term Insurances. [T.A.] 1894 Henry (Jardine). Letter to A. G. Finlaison on his i860 report. [P. vol. 12.] Lond. 1861 Relation of the Carlisle to other tables of mortality. [P. vol. 12.] Lond. 1863 Another copy. [P.] Government Life Annuity Tables. 2 vols. (2 copies.) Lond. 1859 Do. do. Commutation Tables. Vol. I. Lond. 1866 Do. do. do. Part i Vol. II. Lond. 1873 Do. do. do. Part 2 Vol. II. Lond. 1875 Do. do. do. Part i Vol. III. Lond. 1878 Do. do. do. Part 2 Vol. III. Lond. 1884 Do. do. do. Vol. IV. Lond. 1885 Handbook for Life Assurers. (3 copies.) Lond. 1842 Three other copies. 2nd Edit. Edin. 1887 HER— HEW Heredity. Bagehot (IV.). Natural Selection and Inheritance in Political Society. 1883 Brett {Dr. J. T.). Is Cancer Hereditary ? 1890 Cook {Joseph). Heredity. 1890 Farquhar { W.). Law of Heredity. 1894 Heredity. 1897 Galton {F.). Hereditary Genius. 1892 Hudson {C. E. M.). Heredity in Life Assurance. Marsh {E.J.). Insured Lives as affected by Gout. 1893 Value of Family History and Personal Condition in estimating a liability to Consumption. 1895 Morgan {C. L.). Habit and Instinct. 1896 Ogilvie {Dr. Leslie). Some medical aspects of Life Assurance. 1897 Pearson {Karl). Contributions to the mathematical theory of Evolution. 1894 The Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolution. 1897 Rabagliati {A.). The preponderating importance of personal history as compared with Heredity in Life Assurance. 1895 Ridoi{T.). Heredity. 1875 Stracha?t {S. A. K.). Marriage and Disease. 1892 Thompson {R. E.). Different aspects of Family Phthisis in relation to Heredity and Life Assurance. 1884 Thomson {S, C). Some thoughts on Heredity. 1898 Weber {H). Heredity in relation to Life Assurance. 1898 Weissman {A.). Essays upon Heredity. 1891-92 The Germ-Plasm. 1893 Heron (G. A.). Some extra ratings for healthy lives. [M.O.] 1898 Herschell. See Lacroix (S. R). Hewat (Archibald). Essays on Life Assurance, etc., containing 1. Policy values, popularly explained and illustrated. Glasgow 1875 2. Bonuses : how earned and how distributed (from J. LA. vol 22). Another copy. [P.] 1880 3. Average rate of interest realised by Life Offices, 1866-79. 4. On Mortality Tables, introducing a new Table. Glasgow 188 1 Another copy. [P. vol. 19.] 5. On the principles and practice of Life Assurance. Lond. 1882 Another copy. [P. vol. 50.] 6. On Friendly Societies. Lond. 1886 Other copies. [T.G. and P. vol. 33.] The Investments of Life Assurance Offices (from the Transactions of the C.A. Students Society, Edin., 1888). [P. vol. 47.] 86 HEW^HIL Hewat (Archibald) — Conti7iiied. Actuarial Reports on — Bank of Scotland Widows' Fund at 1888. Edin. 1888 Do. do. 1898. Edin. 1898 British Linen Company's Widows' Fund at 1890. [P. vol. '^^'^P^ Edin. 1890 Do. do, 1895. Edin. 1895 Commercial Travellers' Society of Scotland. 1896 London School Board Superannuation Fund. 1897 Papers on Life Assurance (in Bankers' Magazine). 1891 Life Assurance, 1870- 1890. Respice, aspice, prospice. [P. vol. 37.] 1891 Life Assurance Features. [P.] 1892 On Training for the Insurance Profession. [I.I. and P. vol. 47.] 1893 Reserves. Assessment 7/. Investment. [P. vol. 47.] 1894 Another copy. [P.] Investigation of the Marriage and Mortality Experience of the Widows' Funds of the Scottish Banks^ with Tables. [P. vol. 46.] Lond. 1895 Life Assurance Finance as affected by the rate of interest and the rate of expense. [Y.I. and P. vol. 47.] 1896 Widows' and Pension Funds, with Tables. Lond. 1896 Life Office Valuations. [B.I.] 1898 Stability of British Life Assurance. [M.I.] 1899 Hewlett (Rev. John). See Euler. Heym (Dr. Karl). See ' Mutuality ' Life Insurance Co. Heysham (J.). Life of, by H. Lonsdale. Lond. 1870 Higham (J. A.). On the value of Selection as exercised by the policy-holder against the company (from J. LA. March 1851). 2 copies. [P. vol. 20.] Highland Emigration. Letters on Earl Selkirk's Pamphlet on. [P. vol. 7.] Edin. 1806 Remarks on the same, by Robert Brown. [P. vol. 7.] Edin. 1806 Highland Society of Scotland. Extract from the general list of Premiums offered by the Society in 1825 as regards Premiums for Book-keeping. [P. vol. 4.] Method of Balancing the affairs of any Friendly Society, based on the principles recommended by this Society [P. vol. 5.] Report on Friendly or Benefit Societies, exhibiting the Law of Sickness, with Tables showing the Rates of contribution, etc., drawn up by a Committee of this Society. [P. vol. 6.] Edin. 1824 Hildebrand (C). On the fluctuation of the Rate of Mortality versus the Rate of Loss. [T.A.J 1894 niL—HIS ^7 Hilgard (E. W.). Report on the cotton production of Louisiana. Washington 1881 Hill (Gr. Wood). Law of Real Property in England. (Lectures delivered under the auspices of the Institute of Actuaries, and bound up with Lectures on London Daily Stock and Share List, by G. Clare.) Lond. 1898 Hill (John). Treatise on Arithmetic. 4th Edit. Edin. 1772 Decimal and logarithmic Arithmetic explained. [P.] Edin. 1799 Hillman (W. E.). Illustrations of the theory and practice of Assurance. [P. vol. 16.] Lond. 1847 Hilpert ( ). German-English Dictionary. Lond. 1854 Hind (John). The elements of Plane Trigonometry. Camb. 1827 The principles of the Differential Calculus. 2nd Edit. Camb. 1831 Elements of Algebra. 5th Edit. Camb. 1 841 The principles and practice of Arithmetical Algebra established upon strict methods of mathematical reasoning. 3rd Edit. Camb. 185 1 Hine (C. C). Insurance Blue Book (U.S.A.). The Insurance Statutes of the United States and Canada. N.Y. 187 Hinshelwood (Robert). Report on Cabinet and Chair-makers' Benefit Society in Edinburgh. [P. vol. 4.] 1827 Hirsch (Meyer). Integral Tables ; a collection of Integral Formulae (translated from the German). 2 copies. Lond. 1823 History. Actuarial Society of America, Formation of. Actuarial Society (Edinburgh) Arithmetic. See British Almanac. Assurances (origines et progr^s) Bank of England See also P. vol. 27 — Paterson (William). Banking Banking in Scotland Do. Commerce (Hist. Dictionary) Economics Equitable Society (London) Fire Insurance Friendly Societies Isle of Man (Constitution, etc., of) Law (Science of) :ion of. 1889 Lo%u. 1884 1851 Pirnentel. 1869 Rogers. ot-n> 1887 am;. Gilbart. 1866-82 Park, 1877 Kerr, 1898 M'Culloch. 1859 Macleod. 1896 Walford. 1875 Stewart. 1882 Fraser. 1828 Johnson. 1811 Reddie. 1840 HIS-HOL History — Continued. Life Assurance. Bensa — Burt — De Boer — Deuchar — Hardinghani — Hewat — Northcott — Pimentel — Robertson — Sorley. Life Assurance in the Netherlands. 1898 Life Contingencies (Science of) Deuchar. 1882 Logarithms Mutton. 1822 Mathematics Bossut. 1803 Mathematics Montucla. 1758 Monetary Systems Del Mar. 1895 Monetary System of Great Britain Miller. 1857 National Debt Fairman. 1802-24 Do. Hamilton. 1813 Northampton Table. See Registrar-General's 8th Report. Political Economy (rise and progress ) M'Culloch. 1825 Do. (Hist.'Dict.) Macleod. 1863 Probability (math, theory of) Gouraud. 1848 Do. do. Todhimter. 1865 Scottish Amicable Society, from ' Re view.' 1876 Taxation and Taxes Dowell. 1884 Trigonometrical Tables Hutton. 1822 York Buildings Company Murray. 1883 See also Insurance Cyclopaedia. Hoar (C. E.). Registration of completed lives by means of card series. [M.O.] 1897 Hobbins (C). Life Business. [M.L] 1893 Hoddinott (J.). See Scottish Widows' Fund. Hodgson (Rev. John). Observations on the duration of life amongst the Clergy of England and Wales, and amongst the children of Clergymen, with supple- ment containing Tables, by Samuel Brown. Lond. 1864 Notes upon Life Assurance. [P. vol. 12.] Westminster 1868 Hints to the clergy in respect to Life Assurance. [P. vol. 12.] Westminster 1869 Holcombe (J. M.). Ideal Life Insurance Company. [T.A.] . 1898 HoUingworth (A. C). Protection afforded to Life Policies in cases of Insolvency. [N.S.W.I.] 1895 Lost Policies. [N.S.W.I.] 1898 See also Day (W. R.) and HoUingworth. HoUoway (A. H.). Acetylene Gas. [B.I.] 1898 Holmes (C. M.). General average. [V.I.] 1886 HOM—HUD 89 Homans (Sheppard). The proper treatment of a Life Insurance Company in which the Reserve has become impaired. [T.A.] 1890 Margins for expenses and contingencies and surrender charges. [T.A.] 1890 Insurance Values as bases of surrender charges. [T.A.] 1 89 1 and 1896 See also Mutual Life Insurance Company (N.Y.) — Sprague (Dr. T. B.). Hooker (R. H.). Modes of Census-taking in the British dominions. [J.S.S. vol. 57.] 1894 Hope (Lord President). Speech on moving the Court to pass Acts of Sederunt for the better regulating of the forms of process. [P. vol. 8.] Edin. 1825 Hopkins (C. W.). Life Assurance risks and premiums. [N.S.W.L] 1886 Hopkins (Manley). A manual of Marine Insurance. Lond. 1867 A handbook of Average, to which is added a chapter on Arbitra- tion. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1868 Horder (T. G.). Insurance Companies and Medical Examinations; a plea for uniformity. [B.M.A.] 1898 Horner (Francis). See Euler. Horsley (Samuel). Euclidis datorum liber cum additamento necnon tractatus alii ad geometriam pertinentes. Oxon. 1803 Houldsworth (W.). Patent Fire Detector and Alarm. [M.L] 1890 Howell (C. E.). Law as to presumption of death of disappeared lives. [I.I.] 1891 Assignments of Policies of Life Assurance. [I. I.] 1893 Inaugural Address. [I. I.] ' 1897 Howell (T.). Practical experiences and reminiscences of an Assessor of losses by Fire. [B.I.] 1889 Fire Insurance from an Assessor's point of view. [B.I.] 1894 Hoyle (Edmond). An essay on the Doctrine of Chances. New Edit, corrected (bound up with other works). Lond. 1764 Hudson (0. E. M.). Heredity in Life Assurance. Hudson (J. C). Table for valuing Annuities subject to Legacy Duty. Lond. 1842 Hudson (R.). Land Valuer's best assistant; being Tables for calculating the value of Estates. New Edit. Lond. n.d. ^ HUG—HUT Hughes (William). Practical information for Life Assurance Agents, being a series of tracts in which Actuarial subjects are popularly explained. Lond. 1875 Huie (D. R. W.). Remarks on the Valuation of Widows' Funds, with tables. Edin. 1868 Report on the Royal Bank of Scotland's Officers' Widows' Fund as at Midsummer 1875. [P- vol. 39.] HuUey (Edward). Tables of the values of Annuities and Assurances on lives of equal ages — Northampton 3 per cent. Lond. 1828 Hume (A. S.-). Tables of Interest and Annuities-certain (loga- rithmic). 2 copies. Lond. 1886 Hume (David). Political Discourses. Edin. 1752 Humphreys (N. A.). Statistics of Insanity in England. [J.S.S. vol. 53.] 1890 Results of the recent Census and Estimates of population in the largest English Towns. [J.S.S. vol. 54.] 1891 See also Farr (Dr. W.). Hunt (William). A collection of cases on the Annuity Act, with epitome of the practice relative to the enrolment of Memorials. Lond. 1794. Hunter (Dr. Adam). The fruits of Amalgamations, exhibited in a correspondence with Charles Jellicoe. [P. vol. 16.] Edin. 1865 Another copy. [P.] Hurry (Thomas). Tables of Interest. Lond. 1786. Hurst (G. H.). Fire Hazard of Oils used in Manufacturing Risks. [M.L] 1898 Huskisson (W.). Speech on Free Trade. [P. vol. 27.] Lond. 1826 See also Answer to his speech on the state of the country. [P. vol. 27.] Lond. 1 83 1 Hussey (Rev. R.). Essay on ancient weights and money. 1836 Hutcheson (Gilbert). Treatise on the Offices of Justice of Peace, Constable, and Commissioner of Supply in Scotland, with observations upon other municipal jurisdictions. 4 vols. 2d Edit. Edin. 1809 Hutchins (F.). Fire Surveys. [I.I.] 1887 kt/T-WD Hutton (Charles). Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy (adapted from the French of M. Montucla). 4 vols. (2 copies.) Lond. 1803 Course of Mathematics. 2 vols. 4th Edit. Lond. 1803-4 Another copy (by W. Ramsay). Lond. 1833 Practical Arithmetic and Book-keeping. New Edit, (bound up with other works). Edin. 181 1 Tracts on mathematical and philosophical subjects. 3 vols. Lond. 1812 Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary. 2 vols. Lond. 181 5 Mathematical Tables (Logarithms, etc.) Lond. 1822 See also Davies (T. S.) — Maseres. Huygens (C). De ratiociniis in ludo aleas. (Reprint of original Dutch edition.) Amsterdam 1895 Translation of above, by E. W. Scott. [T.A.] 1896 Hymers (J.). Treatise on the theory of Algebraical Equations. Camb. 1840 Treatise on Trigonometry, Trigonometrical Tables, and Loga- rithms. 2d Edit. Camb. 1841 Treatise on Analytical Geometry of three dimensions. 3rd Edit. Camb. 1848 Treatise on Conic Sections. 3rd Edit. Camb. 1845 Treatise on Integral Calculus. 3rd Edit. Camb. 1844 Treatise on Differential Equations, and on the Calculus of Finite Differences. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1858 I Illegitimacy in Scotland, by W. T. Thomson. 1862 Improvements on the estate of Sutherland belonging to the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford, An Account of. [P. vol. 7.] Lond. 1815 Incendiarism, Report of trial of Rev. R. Bingham for. 26th March 18 11 Income Tax, On the principles of an, by J. Booth. Lond. 1861 Increments. See Mathematics. Independent Order of Foresters. Statement by the Superintendent of Insurance (Canada). [P. vol. 47.] Toronto 1895 Another copy. [P.] Independent and West Middlesex Insurance Company. Letters and article on. 1839 See also Reminiscences of Glasgow, by P. Mackenzie. 9^ JND—INS India. Bubonic Plague in India. 1897 Mortality in Indian Army, by W. S. B. Woolhouse. 1839 Mortality in India, by Samuel Brown, 1849 Reports on Bengal', Bombay, and Madras Funds. The Death Tribute of England to India, by Dr. Mouat. 1875 Value of European life in India, by Dr. J. Ewart. 1873 Census of 1881. (3 vols.) Life Assurance in India, by D. M. Slater. 1893 See also Blue Books — British Almanac — Statistical Journal. Indiana. See United States. Indisputable Life Assurance Company. See Standard Life. Indisputability disputed. A review of the professions and practices of modern Life Offices, by a Templar. [P. vols. 16 and 41.] Lond. 1852 Industry and Commerce. See Political Economy. Influenza. See Blue Books. Ingle (H.). Acetylene Gas. [Y.L] 1898 Inglis (W.). Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry (Chambers's Course). Edin. 1852. Ingram (Alexander). Elements of Plane Geometry, with the Elements of Plane Trigonometry, by J. Trotter. Edin. 1857 Inland Navigation, Report of Conference on. . 1895 Insanity Statistics. See Mitchell (Dr. A.) — Census 1872 (U.S.A.)— J.S.S. Insolvency. See Law — Life x\ssurance. Institute of Actuaries (London). See Actuaries, Institute of. Insurance. Agent's Assistant. Currie. 1852 Assurance Contracts in the Middle Ages. Bensa. 1884 Blue Book, 1879-80 and 1883-84. Cyclopedia (A to HERE). Walford. Dictionary. Champness, 1879 Digest for 1887. 1886 Economics of. M'Candlish. 1888 File, 1892 and 1895. Guide and Handbook. Walford. 1857 Insurance made Easy. Reade. 1890 Law Journal (U.S.A.). 1871-77 Or Assurance. Thomson. 1856 Record. Register. INS 93 Insurance — Coiiiimied. Spectator, 1895 Times (London), from April to September 1870. Times (N.Y.), for 1874 (vol. 7). Year Rook for 1870, 1880-81. Objects of Fire and Life Insurance. Kingsley. 1883 On Insurance. About. 1866 On Insurance and Insurance Law. Kirkwood. 1874 On Life and Fire Insurance. Jajnes. 1851 Practical Introduction to Insurance. Millar. 1841 See also Accident Insurance — Blue Books — British Almanac — Employers' Liability — Fire Insurance — Law — Life Assurance — Life Contingencies — Marine Insurance — M.A. — M.I. — N. S.W.I. —T.G.— United States— V. I.— Y.I. Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. First Series — 1. Constitution and Byelaws ; and Inaugural Address, by John Graham (President). Glasgow 1881 2. Fire Insurance ; a historical sketch, by Charles Stewart. January 1882 3. A sketch of the History of the Science of Life Contingencies, with special reference to the origin and construction of Mortality Tables, by J. J. W. Deuchar. March 1882 4. Fire Risk : What constitutes it, by David Lawrie. June 1882 5. Notes upon Insurance, and the practical working of a Life Assurance Fund, by Thomas Marr. December 1882 6. Corn Mills, by C. K. Rutherglen. January 1883 7. The manufacture of Paraffin Oils, by C. T. Beilby. February 1883 8. A glance at the position and prospects of Fire Insurance, by T. M. Macdonald. March 1883 9. The responsibilities of Insurance Companies, by J. W. Guild. November 1883 10. Electric Lighting and its relation to the Risk of Fire, by J. P. Tawse. March 1884 11. The art and practice of Account-keeping, by J. C. Maccall. February 1884 12. The economical aspects of Fire and Life Insurance at the present day (Prize Essay), by James Gemmell. March 1884 13. The three great factors which have contributed most to the material advancement of the 19th century: Steam, Chemistry, Electricity, by J. W Guild. November 1884 14. Investments : How Money may be made and invested, by A. H. Morgan. January 1885 15. On the Non-Actuarial departments of Life Assurance business, by J. J. W. Deuchar. February 1885 16. Notes on Buildings, by A. B. Dansken. April 1885 94 /^S Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow — Conii7med. Second Series — 1. The Contract of Fire Insurance, by Charles Stewart. 1886 2. Life Annuities, by John Stewart. 1886 3. The Future : (Presidential Address), by Thomas Marr. 1886 4. On Friendly Societies, by Archibald Hewat. 1886 5. The House in relation to Public Health, by Dr. J. B. Russell. 1886 6. Inaugural Address, by T. Wilkinson Watson. 1887 7. Spontaneous Combustion, by James Kinniburgh Brown. 1886 8. The Economics of Insurance, by J. M. M'Candlish. 1888 9. Fire Extinction, by William Paterson. 1888 10. The Law as to Presumption of Life in connection with the disappearance of Assured Lives, by W. C. Spens. 1888 11. Inaugural Address, by T. Wilkinson Watson. 1888 12. Reserve Force in Relation to Disease, by John Barlow. 1889 13. The Average Conditions and Independent Liability, by John Laird. 1889 14. Inaugural Address, by Thomas Marr. 1889 15. Fire Risks due to defective installations of the Electric Light, by Prof Jamieson. 1890 16. Combustion, by R. R. Tatlock. 1890 Third Series — 1. Inaugural Address, by David Stewart. 1890 2. Life Branch Work, by A. H. Morgan. 1890 3. The growing Fire Hazard of central City Districts (Inaugural Address), by David L. Laidlaw. 1891 4. Old Age, by P. A. Simpson. 1892 5. Fire Insurance Surveying, by G. A. Todd. 1892 6. Roller Milling, by A. B. Dansken. 1892 7. The Practice of Fire Insurance in the United States of America, by J. N. Lane. 1893 8. The Tendency towards Equalisation in the Rate of Interest, by Robert Blyth. 1893 9. Some Aspects of Present-day Competition, by G. M. Low. 1893 10. Insurance Questions of special interest to the Legal Profession, by A. Craig. 1894 1 1. Distribution of Risk, by Robert Blyth. 1894 12. Liability and Accident Assurance, by J. Davidson. 1895 13. The new combined Mortality Experience of British Life Assur- ance Companies, by W. Smith Nicol. 1895 14. The Law of Mutual Life Assurance, by W. Harvey. 1895 15. The average conditions of a Fire Insurance Policy, by S. J. Pipkin. 1896 16. Automatic Sprinklers, by D. R. Paterson. 1894 INS— INT 95 Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow — Continued. Fourth Series — 1. The National Savings and their Effect on the Rate of Interest (Inaugural Address), by N. B. Gunn. 1896 2. The Philosophy and Ethics of Business, by J. M. M'Candlish. 1896 3. America as a Fire Insurance Field, by W. A. Tipping. 1897 4. Fire Insurance : practical Notes on Leading Cases, by A. Watt. 1897 5. Inaugural Address, by W. A. Tipping. 1897 6. The Versatility of an Insurance Career, by F. W. P. Rutter. 1897 7. Injuries to Workmen and Compensation : the New and the Old Liability, by H. Brown. 1898 8. New Business and the Cost of its Extension, by D. Y. Mills. 1898 The Risks attending the use of Mineral Oil and of Acetylene (Abstract), by G. G. Henderson. 1898 9. Inaugural Address, by W. S. Nicol. 1898 10. Benefits to be derived by Fire Insurance Companies from the establishment of Salvage Corps, by W. Postdown. 1899 11. Tariff Legislation and Risk Improvement, by F. J. Kingsley. 1899 12. Old Age Pensions, by G. King. 1899 Insurance Institute of Ireland. See Ireland. Insurance Institute of New South Wales. See N.S.W.L Insurance Institute of Victoria. See V.I. L\suRANCE Spectator of London. Conversion tables for single and annual premiums (reprint). 2 copies. Mathematical Tables, by J. W. Gordon. 1895 Interest, Rate of. Duncan {W.J.). Notes on the rate of discount (1866- 1876). 1877-80 Hewat (A.). Average rate of interest realised by Life Offices. 1866-79 M''Candlish [J. M.). The future interest of money. 1866 Sinith {A. G.). Money and the future rate of interest. 1882 Thomson {W. T.). Comparative statement of rates of 1850 Interest Chart, 1789-1855. Regulation of rate of, on landed securities. 1854 Rate of interest on landed securities. 1868 See also Interest and Annuities-certain. 96 INT Interest and Annuities-certain. Batly {F.). The doctrine of Interest and Annuities. 1808-1866 Baylis {E.). Compound Interest simplified. 1844 Benwell {/. B.). An essay on Interest and Annuities. 1821 Blewert {IV.). Perpetual and Determinable Annuities. 1792 Corbaux (F.). The doctrine of Compound Interest. 1825 Hardy {P.). The doctrine of Compound Interest and Annuities. 1839 KingiG.). The Theory of Finance. 1882-1898 Kratcss-Tassius {/.). Treatise, with tables (French). 1884 Locke {/.). Essay on Interest and the value of money. Longstaff{J. P.). Notes on Sinking Funds. 1890 Matthews ( W.). On the valuation of Annuities and Reversions. 1870 Sutton (JV.). Institute of Actuaries' Text Book on. 1882 Tatlock (/.). Loans repayable by instalments. 1897 Wilkie {Rev. D.). The theory of Interest. 1794 See also Lee (W.) — Maseres (Scriptores Log. vol. V.) — Oughtred — Scratchley (Provident Assocns. Part. II.) — Registrar-General's 1 2th Report. Tables — {Compound Interest and Annuities-certain). Archer (J. A.). 1888 Marr (T.). 1874 Baily (F.). 1808-66 Newman (S.). 1804-6 Benwell (T. B.). 1821 Oakes (Lt.-Col. W. H.). 1877 Black (G.). 1828 Pohlman (J. G.). 1823 Corbaux (F.). 1825 Ranee (T. G.). 1852 Dodson(J.). 1747 Smart (J.). 1726-80 Hancock (W. J.). N.D. Smith (T.). 1851 Hardy (P.). 1839 Stubbins (T. K.) monthly. 1881 Hume (A. S.) log. 1886 Sutton (W.). 1882 Inwood (W.). 1850-99 Thatcher (G.). 1825 King (G.). 1882-98 Turnbull (A. H.). 1863 Krauss-Tassius (J.). 1884 Violeine (P. A.). 1854 Laurie (John). 1776 Webb (B.). 1762 Marshall (J.). 1855 Wilkie (Rev. D.). 1794 Willich (C. W [.). 1852 Tables— {Simple Int erest and Discount). Boaz and Jeffrey. 1823 Laurie (James). 1842 Booth (David). 1826 Lisle (George). 1888 Brown (George). 1727 Marshall (James). 1823 Chapman (L.). 1821 Morison (John). 1790 Cunninghame (W.). 1809 Payne (John). 1758 Hannyngton (General) 1867 Pohlman (J. G.). 1823 Hurry (T.). 1786 Reed (W.). 1803-6 King (Joseph). 1796 Smith— N.D. Thomson (John). 1794 TNT— IRE 97 International Congress of Actuaries. See under Actuaries, Inter- national Congress of. Investments. See Finance — Life Assurance. Inwood (William). Tables for the purchasing of Estates, renewing of Leases, etc. Lond. 1850 Do. 25th Edit., by W. Schooling. Lond. 1899 Ireland, Insurance Institute of. Annual Reports. Tra ns act ions — Session 1885-86. Inaugural Address, by H. Engelbach. Reinsurance in Fire Business, by B. H. O'Reilly. Work and its relation to Insurance, by W. A. Tipping. Fire Inquests, by J. Antonio. Sessio7i 1886-87. Life Assurance, by G. Elliott. Fire Surveys, by F. Hutchins. Points requiring particular attention in the settlement of Fire losses in Ireland, by H. H. Montgomery. Flax Mills, by W. Coote. Session 1890-91. Insurable Interest and the contribution clause in Fire Policies, by J. Antonio. Incendiary Clause in Irish Fire Policies, by J. Antonio. American Life Companies, by G. F. Wallers. Electric Lighting, by A. E. Porte. Law as to the presumption of death of disappeared livd%, by C. E. Howell. Koch's treatment of tuberculosis ; its bearings on Life Insurance, by H. C. Tweedy. French Fire Policy, by J. Antonio. Session 1891-92. Inaugural Address, by S. G. Robinson. Fire Rating, by H. Engelbach. Details of Building Construction, by W. Montgomery. Central Electric Lighting Stations, by A. E. Porte. Session 1892-93. Inaugural Address, by W. Coote. Training for the Insurance profession, by A. Hewat. Assignments of Policies of Life Assurance, by C. E. Howell. Fire Risks from Electric Lighting, by A. E. Porte. Duties of a Fire Clerk, by R. Torrance. Automatic Sprinklers and Sprinkler Installations, by T. Witter. Duration of Human Life under various conditions, by Sir C. A. Cameron. Albuminuria in relation to Life Insurance, by H. T. Bewley, 98 IRE— JAM Ireland, Insurance Institute of. Transactions — Continued. Session 1895-96. Inaugural Address, by G. Elliott. Ethics of Insurance, by T. E. Young. Actuarial profession from a branch man's point of view, by J. N. Lewis. Insurance Plans — a historical sketch, by C. E. Goad. Ratios, wise and otherwise, by W. M. Monilaws. Session 1896-97. Investments, by D. Deuchar. Philosophy and Ethics of business, by J. M. M'Candlish. Notes on the Finance Act, by G. W. Reynolds. Some medical aspects of Life Assurance, by L. Ogilvie. Session 1897-98. Inaugural Address, by C. E. Howell. Investment side of a Life and Term policy, by C. R. Dunbar. Glance at the Irish Tariffs, by J. Lever. Accident Insurance, by R. P. Goode. Ireland (0. B.). Apportionment of Surplus to the holders of completed contracts. [T.A.] 1893 Isle of Man, History, etc., of, by J. Johnson Edin. 181 1 Ivory (Holmes). Repofts on Advocates' Widows' Fund, 1842 and 1849. Another copy of each. [P. vol. 17.] Ivory (J.). See under Maseres. Jackson (George). Book-keeping by Double Entry, etc. 7th Edit. Lond. 1849 Jackson (L. D'A.). Modern Metrology, with appendix containing a proposed English system. Lond. 1882 Jackson (R. E. S.). Influence of weather upon Disease and Mortality. [P. vols. 43 and 48.] 1863 Jamaica Civil Service Widows' Fund. See Young (T. E.). James (J. H.). Treatise on life and fire assurance, annuities, and reversionary payments, with tables. , Lond. 1851 JAM-JOH 99 Jameson (Jas.). Some points in connection with the Medical examination of proponents for Life Insurance. [V.L], 1891 Jamieson (G.). Injury to British Trade and Manufactures. (Bimetallism.) [P. vol. 49.] 1895 Another copy. [P.] Jamieson (G. A.). Some of the causes and effects of the fall in the rate of interest. (Accountants' Magazine.) 1897 Jamieson (Prof.). Fire risks due to defective installations of the electric light. [T.G.] 1890 Jarrett (C. E.). Advantages of combination in matters other than rates. [V.L] 1887 Inaugural Address. [V.L] 1891 Jarrett (W. H.). Reform of General Average. [V.L] 1890 Inaugural Address. [V.L] 1893 Doom of General Average. [V.L] 1894 Jarrold (T.). Dissertation on Man; an answer to Malthus * On the Principle of Population.' Lond. 1806 Jeffrey (Wm.). See Boaz and Jeffrey. Jellicoe (Charles). Methods of Valuation. [P. vol. 44.] 1849 The proper allowance to be made for the Surrender of Policies of Assurance (from J. LA. May 185 1). [P. vol. 20.] See also Hunter (Dr. A.) — Scottish Widows' Fund. Jevons (W. S.). A serious fall in the value of Gold ascertained, and its social effects set forth. Lond. 1863 Money and the mechanism of Exchange. Lond. 1883 The principles of Science, a treatise on logic and scientific method. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1883 Jewsbury (S.). Heating Apparatus. [M.L] 1877 Joass (E. C). A brief review of the Silver Question, 1871 to 1879. [P. vol 28.] Edin. 1879 John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company (Boston, U.S.). Mortuary experience 1863-83, by the Actuary (G. B. Wood- ward). (2 copies.) Boston 1884 Johnson (G. J.). Surveying of Fire Risks. [M.L] 1880 Fire extinguishing expenses. [M.L] 1888 loo JOH—JUV Johnson (J.). On the jurisprudence of the Isle of Man; with the History of its ancient Constitution, Legislative Government, and extraordinary privileges ; with the practice of its Courts, etc. [P. vol. 9.] Edin. 181 1 Johnstone (E.). See under Bagehot (W.). Joint Stock Banks in England Act, 1844. [P. vol. 13.] Joint Stock Companies' Registration, etc.. Act, 1844. See also Hartnoll (J. H.)— Thomson (W. T.). Jones (0. N.). A Life Table based upon Insurance in American Tropics. [T.A.] 1894 Errors in Valuation. [T.A.] 1895 Jones (David). On the value of Annuities and Reversionary Pay- ments ; to which is appended a treatise on Probability by Sir W. Lubbock, Bart., and J. E. Drinkwater-Bethune. 2 vols. (2 copies.) Lond. 1844 Jones (G. W.). Life Assurance : 'What it is, what it ought to be, and how to make it so.' [P. vol. 35.] Lond. i860 The Scottish Equitable^Life Assurance Company. Lond. n.d. Jones (Jenkin). A series of tables of Annuities and Assurances, calculated from a new rate of mortality among Assured Lives (yExperience Table) at various rates of Interest. Lond. 1843 Jones (M. Roberts-). Handbook to the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1897, with explanatory notes. Lond. 1897 Jones (T.). Book-keeping. Lond. n.d. Jones (W ). See under Maseres. Jopling (R. T.). Statistics of Violent Death. [P. vol. 44.] 1854. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. See Actuaries, In- stitute of. Journals. See Periodicals. Joyce (Jeremiah). A complete analysis or abridgment of Dr. Adam Smith's ' Inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations.' 2nd Edit. Camb. 1804 Judicial Factories, Reports on the state of; for years ending 31st October 1869 to 1891. Juvigny (J. B.). On Life Assurance. (In French.) 4th Edit. Paris 1825 HAR—KIN loi K Kamp (J.). Report on Austro-Hungarian Sugar-Bakers' Pension Fund. 1881 Report on Investigation of the Widows' Fund of the Gotha Civil Service at 31st December 1890. Dresden 1893 See also Gotha Life Insurance Company. Keith (J.). Heating by artificial means. 1884 Kelland (Eev. Philip). The Elements of Algebra. Edin. 1839 Another copy. i860 Kelland (Rev. Philip) and P. G. Tait. Introduction to Quaternions. Lond. 1873 Kelly (J. B.). Treatise on the Law of Life Annuities; with obser- vations on the present system of Life Assurance, and on a scheme for a new Company. Lond. 1835 Keltie (J. S.). See Statesman's Year Book. Kepler. See under Maseres. Kerr (A. W.). Scottish Banking, 1865-96. Lond. 1898 Kerr(R.). Inaugural Address. [N.S.W.I.] 1894 King (C). Statistics of the production of the Precious Metals in U.S.A. Washington 188 1 King (George). The theory of Finance ; being a short treatise on the doctrine of Interest and Annuities-certain. [T.E.] 1882 Do. do. 2nd Edit. (2 copies.) 1891 Do. do. 3rd Edit. (2 copies.) 1898 On Life Contingencies, including Life Annuities and Assurances (Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part II.). (3 copies.) Lond. 1887 Reports on Valuations of the Inland Revenue Life Assurance and Benevolent Fund, 1887 and 1892. [P. vol. 46.] Life Office Premiums, Reserves, and Bonuses. [P.] 1892 Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies n Life Assurance. [P. vol. 47.] 1893 Old Age Pensions. [T.G.] 1899 See also New Zealand Government Insurance Department. King (George) and Whittall (W. J. H.). Valuation and other Tables (H"' 2\ per cent., H'"*^ 2^, 3, 3J, and 4 per cent), and Government Annuitants Experience, 1883 (2 J and 3 per cent.). Lond. 1894 King (Joseph). Tables of Interest at 5 per cent. Lond. 1796 ioi KIN— LAC Kingsley (F. J.). Politics of Fire Insurance. [M.I.] 1879 The objects and benefits of Fire and Life Insurance. (Prize Essay.) [M.I. and P. vols. 36 and 44.] 1883 Tariff Legislation and Risk Improvement. [T.G.] 1899 Kingsley (J.). Non-Tariff Competition. [M.L] 1878 Kinnear (J. B.). Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy of Scotland, to which is appended an outline of the English Bankruptcy Law. 2nd Edit. Edin. 1862 Kirkby (Rev. John). The doctrine of Ultimators, or a discovery of the true and genuine foundation of what has hitherto mistakenly prevailed under the improper name Fluxions, and the Differential Calculus. Lond. 1748 Kirkwood (Dr. Anderson). Two lectures on Insurance and Insur- ance Law. [P. vol. 19.] Lond. 1874 Kloock (H.). Method of Least Squares. (In German.) Bonn 1893 Knight. See Hall and Knight. Knott (G. W). Solvent Life Offices and others. [P. vol. 44.] 1875 KoENiG 7). Ritchie (Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society). Summing up of Lord Chief-Justice Cockburn and verdict of the Jury. Lond. 1862 Korosi (Joseph). On the construction of Mortality Tables ; (i) from census observa- tions, illustrated by figures relating to the population of Budapest ; (2) from the experience of Life Offices. (In German.) [P. vol. 45.] Berlin 1876 An estimate of the degree of legitimate natality, drawn from observations made at Budapest, with results obtained from above, by F. Galton. [J.S.S. vol. 57.] 1854 Krauss-Tassius (J.). Treatise on Interest and Annuities-certain, with tables. (In French.) Paris 1884 L Lacroix (S. P.). Elementary treatise on Arithmetic. (In French.) 17th Edit. Paris 1826 Translation of the 15th Edit, of the preceding. Lond. 1823 Elements of Algebra. (In French.) 4th Edit. Paris 1825 Translation of the preceding, by W. H. Spiller. Lond. 1835 LAC— LA U to3 Lacroix (S. T.)—Cofitinued. Elementary treatise on Probabilities. (In French.) 2 copies. Paris 1822 Elementary treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. (In French.) Paris 1802 Another copy. 5th Edit. Paris 1837 Translation of the preceding, with Appendix on the Calculus of Differences and Series, by Herschell. Camb. 1816 Lady's and Gentleman's Diary, or Complete Mathematical Almanac for 1852. See also Gentleman's Math. Companion — Leybourn (Thomas). Lagrange (J. L.). Treatise on the resolution of Numerical Equa- tions. (In French.) Paris 1808 Laidlaw (D. L.). Growing Fire Hazard of Central City Districts. [T.G.] 1891 Laird (J.). Average conditions and independent liability. [T-G.] 1889 Lake (H.). Why is not Life Insurance universal? n.d. Lance (W.). Life and Marine Insurance. Lond. 1854 Landen. See under Maseres. Lane (J. N.). Practice of Fire Insurance in the United States. [T.G.] 1893 Laplace (Le Marquis de). Philosophical essay on Probabilities. (In French). 4th Edit. Paris 18 19 Analytical Theory of Probabilities, with 4 supplements. (In French.) ' Paris 1820 Lardner (Rev. Dionysius). A system of Algebraic Geometry. Vol. I. Lond. 1823 An analytical treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and the analysis of Angular Sections. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1828 An elementary treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. Lond. 1825 See also Ency. Metrop. {Arts. Algebra, ^w^r^ Geometrical Analysis). Latham (H.). Geometrical Problems in the properties of the Conic Sections. Camb. 1848 Lauderdale (Earl of). An Inquiry into the nature and origin of Public Wealth, and into the means and causes of its increase. Edin. 1804 Laundy (S. L.). Table of Quarter Squares of all integer numbers up to 100,000. Lond. 1856 Table of Products by the factors i to 9 of all numbers from i to 100,000. Lond. 1865 io4 • LAt/-LAW Laundries. See Blue Books. Laurie (James). Tables of Simple Interest, at rates from 2^ to 5 per cent. Lond. 1842 Supplement to preceding Tables at higher rates of Interest. Lond. 1842 Laurie (John). Tables of Simple and Compound Interest. (3 copies.) Edin. 1776 Another copy. [P. vol. 7.] Edin. 1776 Law and Legislation. Agnew [J. v.). On Scots Entail Law. 1826 Associated Scottish Life Offices. Resolutions, Proceedings, etc. 1895 Beaumont {G.). The Law of Fire and Life Insurance. 1833-46 Bell {G.J.). Commentaries on the Law of Scotland. 1858 Bell {J. M.). Law of Arbitration in Scotland. 1861 Bell{R.). Forms of Deeds. 1814 Bell ( W.). Dictionary and Digest of the Law of Scotland. 1861 Bennett {E. H.). Fire Insurance Cases. 1872-77 Berry (/?.). Law of Life Assurance. 1877 Blayney {F.). Law of Life Annuities. 1817 Law of Life Assurance. 1826 Boult (S.). On a. Bill to amend the law of Life Assurance. 1870 Brabrook {E. W.). On Life Assurance legislation, 1870 Brougham i^H). On the present state of the Law. 1828 Bunyon {C.J.). Law of Fire Insurance. 1867 Law of Life Assurance and Property of married women. 1854-91 On the Liquidation of an insolvent Office. 1870 Burton {J. //.). Manual of Law of Scotland. 1839 Caird {A. M.). Poor Law Manual for Scotland. 1848 Casiuall {A.). A treatise on Copyholds. 1841 Cave {Stephen). His Life Assurance Bill, a trap for the unwary. [P. vol. 20.] 1870 Connecticut Mutual Life Assurance Company. Legal questions as to Medical Examiner. 1887 Constable {A. H. B.). Commentary upon the ' Married Women's Policies of Assurance (Scotland) Act, 1880.' 1896 Craig {A.). Insurance questions of special interest to the Legal Profession. 1894 Crawford (/?.). Draft Bill to amend the Law of Life Assurance. 1870 Article on Insurance legislation. 1872 Crawley (C). The Law of Life Insurance. 1882 Dawson {M. M.). Principles of Insurance legislation. 1895 Death Duties in various countries. [J.S.S. vol. 50.] 1889 LA iV 165 Law and Legislation — Continued. De Montluc {L. A.). Life Assurance in its relation to civil and commercial law. 1870 Ellis {Charles). Law of Fire and Life Assurance. 1832 Einerigon {B. M.). On Assurance Contracts. 1783 Employers' Liability. Decided Cases. 1893 Erskine (/.). Principles of the Law of Scotland. i860 Esson {G. A.). Scotch Bankruptcy Law and Practice. 1866 Fackler {D . P .). Legislation concerning Impairment. 1893 Hall (C C), What constitutes an insurable interest in Lives ? 1897 Hancock ( W. J.). New York and Massachusetts Insurance Laws. 1869 Hanson {A.). Death Duties. 1897 Harvey {W.). Misrepresentation and Concealment as affecting Policies of Insurance. 1894 Lectures on Insurance Law. 1895 On Insurance of Limited Interests. 1894 Law of Mutual Life Insurance. 1895 HilliG. IVood). Law of Real Property in England. 1898 Hine (C. C). Insurance Statutes of the United States and Canada. 1876 Hollitigivorth (A. C). Protection of Life Policies in cases of insolvency under Colonial Statutes, etc. 1895 Hollingworth {A. C) and Day {W. R.). The British Life Assur- ance Companies' Act 1870, the amendments suggested thereto, and the various Colonial Acts prepared on its lines. 1895 Howell {C. E.). Law of Presumption of Death of disappeared lives. 1891 Assignments of Policies of Life Assurance. 1893 Hunt {W.). On the Annuity Act. 1794 Hutckesojt (G.), Office of Justice of Peace, etc. 1809 Insurance Law Journal (U.S.A.). 1871-77 Johnson (J.). Jurisprudence of the Isle of Man. 1811 Kelly (/. B.). Law of Life Annuities. 1835 Kimiear{J.B.). Law of Bankruptcy. 1862 Kirkiuood {A.). Insurance and Insurance Law. 1874 Life Offices' Association. Reprint of legal opinions, etc. 1889-98 Lumley {IV. G.). Law of Annuities, and Rent Charges. 1833 M'Candlish (/. M.). Arbitration. 1892 Post-Obits and Equity. 1895 Macaulay {T. B.). Legislative Supervision of Life Assurance Companies. 1895 ^ Maritime Law Manual. 1842 Memorandum as to Bill to make Life Policies assignable at Law. [P. vol. 42.] 1849 Menzies (A.). Conveyancing. 1863 Millar (/.). Law relating to Insurances. 1787 Morton ( W. K.). Manual of the Law of Scotland. 1896 io6 LAW Law and Legislation — Continued. Mutual Life Assurance, Law of. 1872 See also Harvey (W.). Neison {F. G. P.). Legislation on Friendly Societies. 1871 Nichols ( W. S.). The province of equity in Life Insurance. 1897 Park (J. A.). Law of Marine Insurance, etc. 1790-1817 Paton {T. S.\ Compendium of the Law of Insurance. 1862 Petgrave {E. C). Courts of Equity and buyers of reversions. 1864 \ Pitcairn {D.). The Winding-up of Life Insurance Companies. 1871 \ Porter (J. B.). Laws of Insurance. 1884-98 Purkis {H. W.). Student's Guide to Chitty on Contracts, etc. 1876 Reddie {J as.). Inquiries in the Science of Law. 1840 Reddie (Johfi). On the proposed Civil Code for England. 1828 Reports, in re Albert Life Assurance Company's Arbitration, etc. 1871-73 Clerical, Medical, and General Company v. Carter. 1889 Duckett V. Williams. 1833 Glasgow Provident Investment Society v. Westminster Fire Office. 1885 Gresham Life Assurance Company v. Styles. Koenig v. Scottish Equitable Society. 1862 Life Association v. Foster. 1873 London and Provincial Fire Insurance Company 2/. Ostlere & Co. Mackay v. Economic Assurance Society. 1857 National of Ireland v. Scottish Provident Institution. 1891 North British Insurance Company v. Ralston. 1837 North British and Mercantile Company v. Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. 1877 Severn and Co. v. Imperial Insurance Company. 1820 Standard Life Assurance Co. v. J. & W. Weems and others. 1884 Symms (W.) v. Scottish Widows' Fund. 1868 The People v. Atlantic Mutual (U.S.A.). 1877-78 Trial for Incendiarism of. Rev. R. Bingham. 181 1 Reynolds {G. W.). The Finance Act. 1897 Robertson {//.). Handbook of Bankers' Law. 1862-81 Ro/te (/.). Laws of Bills of Exchange, etc. 1822 St. John {H. IV.). Legislative Supervision of Life Insurance Companies. 1895 St. Leonards {Lord). A Handy Book on Property Law. 1863 Scratchley {A.). Legal decisions, etc. 1874 Sequestration under Bankrupt Statute — a tabular synopsis of the whole procedure, by an S.S.C. [P. vol. 20.] 1827 Stnith {H. W.). Impairment of Reserve. 1894 Smith {J. W.). Law of Banker and Customer. 1894 Spens {W. C). Law of Presumption of Life in connection with the disappearance of Assured Lives. 1888 Sprague {T. B.). Life Insurance legislation. 1871 Law and Legislation — Continued. On the Liquidation of an insolvent Office. 1871 Lost Policies. 1897 Stamp Duties exigible in Scotland, Table of. 1870 Stenhouse {G. C). Married Women and Policies of Assurance. 1889 Teece (7^.). Protection of Life Policies from Creditors. 1889 A State Standard of Solvency. 1890 Presumption of Death in connection with claims under Life Policies. 1894 Liability of Common Carriers in cases of fatal accident. 1896 Thorns {G. H.). Treatise on Judicial Factors. 1859 T]wmso7i {R.). Law of Bills of Exchange. 1825-65 Thomson {S. C.). On the Pecuniary Interests of Heirs of Entail. 1870 Thomso?t {IV. T). On the Pecuniary Interests of Heirs of Entail. 1849 Suggestions with reference to the amendment of the Joint Stock Act as regards Life Offices. 1852 Lenders and Borrowers on landed securities with refer- ence to legislation connected with Drainage Acts, etc. 1855 Turnbull {A. H.). Tenure of land in the United Kingdom and its principal Colonies. 1890 Land Tenure in Australia. 1890 Vivante (C). On the legal nature of Life Policy Reserves. 1885 On the necessity of legislation for Life Insurance Com- panies. 1886 Watson {E. S.). Law making. 1896 Watt {A.). Fire Insurance ; practical notes on leading cases. 1897 Welch {A. A.). Legislation concerning Impairment. 1892 Williatns (/.). Principles of the Law of Personal Property. 1887 Principles of the Law of Real Property. 1892 Wotlaston {Dr.). Shipping Law. 1894 Woltcrbeek {L.). Legislation in Holland with regard to Life Assurance Companies. 1897 See also Acts of Parliament — Courts of Law — Entails in Scotland —U.S.A. Law (Henry). Mathematical Tables. Lond. 1851 Law Life Assurance Society. Mortality experience from 1823 to 1875, by Griffith Davies. (2 copies.) [P. vol. 14.] Lond. 1877 Law Property Assurance Society. Reply by F. G. P. Neison to Mr. Christie's attack on the Society. [P. vol. 41.] Lond. 1852 Another copy. [P.] lo8 LAW-LEV Lawrance (Frederick). A short treatise on Life Assurance. Lond. 1844 Lawrie (David). Fire Risk: what constitutes it? [T.G.] 1882 Lazarus (W.). Pension Fund for Widows and Children of the Employees of the city of Hamburg. (In German.) 1874 Calculation of the Values of Life Interests. (In German.) [P.] Berlin 1883 German MortaHty Tables. (In German.) [P.] 1885 Leases. See Tables. Lee (Weyman). An essay to ascertain the value of Leases and Annuities for Years and Lives, etc. (3 copies.) Lond. 1738 Lees (George). Elements of Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry. Edin. 1826 Lees (J.). Insurance, 1865-95. [M.A.] 1896 Legal and General Life Assurance Society. A review of the question between the Assured and the proprietors, by Vigilans. [P.] N.D. Legendre (A. M.). Essay on the Theory of Numbers. (In French.) 2nd Edit. Paris 1808 Legislation. See Law. Leibnitz. See under Maseres. Leslie (F. F.). The Eleventh Commandment. [V.I.] 1892 Objects of the Insurance Institute of Victoria. [V.I.] 1896 Leslie (G.). Valuation Report of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows (Welling- ton District). [P. vol. 46.] 1892 Valuation Report of the Ancient Order of Foresters (Wellington District). [P. vol. 46.] 1892 Rates of Mortality in New Zealand. [P. vol. 48.] 1895 Leslie (John). Elements of Geometry and Plane Trigonometry. 3rd Edit. Edin. 18 1 7 The Philosophy of Arithmetic, ist Edit. Edin. 1817 Two other copies. 2nd Edit. Edin. 1820 Treatise on Geometrical Analysis, and Geometry of Curve Lines. (2 copies.) Edin. 1821 Guide to Surveying. (2 copies.) Edin. 1806 Leslie (Sir John). See West (Rev. John). Lever (J.). A glance at the Irish Tariffs. [I. I.] 1898 LEV—LIF 109 Levy (A.). See Ency. Metrop. i^Art. Differential and Integral Calculus). Lewis (James). Digest of the English Census of 1871. Lond. 1873 Lewis (J. B.) and Bombaugh (C. C). Stratagems and Conspiracies to defraud Life Assurance Companies. New York 1877 Lewis (J. N.). The Actuarial Profession from a branch man's point of view. [I. I.] 1896 Leyboum (Thomas). The Mathematical Questions proposed in the Ladies' Diary from 1704 to 18 16, with Solutions. 4 vols. Lond. 181 7 Library Aids, by S. S. Green. New York 1883 Life Annuities. See Blue Books — British Almanac — Law — Life Assurance — Life Contingencies. Life Association. Principles and Practice of. [P.] Edin. 1843 Report in re Foster. [P.] Edin. 1873 See also Scottish Widows' Fund — Standard Life. Life Assurance. A familiar dialogue. (Chambers's Tracts.) [P. vol. 35.] N.D. Acts of Parliament. See U7ider Acts. Act 1870 — On the 5th and 6th schedules, by D. Deuchar. 1879 See also Day (W. R.) and Hollingworth (A. C.)— Walton (W. G.). Actuarial subjects popularly explained, by W. Hughes. 1875 Address to working classes on, by D. S. Littlejohn. 1849 Address on, by D. J. A. Samot. 1880 Advantages of, by Rev. Dr. Cook. N.D. Agency Visitation, by J. J. Robertson. N.D. Agents' Handbooks, by Bate — Brokenshir — Browne — Currie — New Zealand Government — Sharman — Wilkie. Agents, Hints and information to, by Hannan (1858) — Hughes (1875). Amalgamations, The fruits of, by Dr. A. Hunter. 1865 American Life Insurance Methods, by M. M. Dawson. 1897 and the diminution of Sickness and Mortality. [P. vol. i.] 1852 and the condition of Life Offices. [P. vol. 35.] 1888 Annals, anecdotes, and legends of, by J. Francis. 1853 Articles on (in Bankers' Magazine), by A. Hewat. 1891 Assessment. See Caledonian Jottings — Cawley (A. P.) — Fouse (L. G.)— P. vol. 47— Walton (W. G.)— Wright (C. A.). Assessment of Life Risks, by J. B. Gillison. 1887 Aspects and claims of, by G. Sexton. 1858 Book-keeping. See Carter — M'Lauchlan — Nicol — Sprague — Turnbull. Branch work, by W. Brown (1878)— A. H. Morgan (1890), Business, by C. Hobbins. 1893 no LIF Life Assurance — Cont'uitied. Business of, by S. C. Thomson, by small payments, by F. J. Scudamore. Characteristics of assurable, etc., lives, by Dr. A. P. Stewart Child Insurance, by J. Moon. Christian Providence and, by P. H. Thorns. Classification of lives, by J. Wilkie. commercially considered, by D. S. Littlejohn. Common Sense of, by a Man of the Times. Comparisons, by W. Schooling. Competition, by G. S. Crisford. Competition and some of its results, by S. G, Martin. Competition, Present-day, by G. M. Low. Conditions, Recent Concessions in, by W. E. Stark. Conditions of health after, by J. E. Neild. Contract of, by H. F. G. Adan. Contributions to the study of, by J. M. M'Candlish. Defects of, by A. Robertson. Diseased and doubtful lives, by M. A. Black. Early History of, by J. B. Northcott. Economical aspects of, by J. Gemmell (1884) — S. G. Warner Economic relation of, to Society and State, by L. G. Fouse. Elements of, by E. Wright— M. M. Dawson. Essays on, by A. Sang (1840)— H. W. Porter (i860)— G. (1887). Evolution of a Life Assurance Fund, by W. H. Aldcroft. Evolution of premium rates, by J. Sorley. Explained, by W. Schooling. Facts, fallacies, and fancies in, by G. King. Features, by A. Hewat. P>male Lives, by R. H. Fox. Finance of. Practical, by S. Raleigh. Finance as affected by rate of interest and A. Hewat. Frauds, by C. Stevenson. Free Trade versus, by Investigator. Function of, in modern society, by M. M. Dawson. Fund, The practical working of a, by T. Marr. The future of, by T. Marr. Handbook for Assurers, by J. Henry. Have you Insured your life ? by H. R. Sharman. Health and. Papers on, by W. Spens. High crime of not Insuring, by Dr. Talmage. Hints to Clergy regarding, by Rev. J. Hodgson. History, theory and practice of, by T. S. Robertson. Ideal Life Assurance Company, by J. M. Holcombe. Ideal Protection, by W. T. Standen. 1887 1861 1861 1895 1847 1889 1849 N.D. 1898 1879 1887 1893 1888 1894 1876 1861 1878 (1896). 1897 Elliott 1897 1895 1897 1893 1892 1898 1863 rate of expense, by 1896 1891 1855 1897 1882 1886 1842-87 1844 1877 1869 1884 1898 1897 Illustrations of the theory and practice of, by W. E. Hillman. 1847 LIF III Life Assurance — Continued. Improvements in practice of, by T. S. Robertson. l886 1870-90, Respice, Aspice, Prospice, by A. Hewat. 1891 in 1872, by T. B. Sprague. 1872 in Australia, by F. M. Harricks. 1886 in Canada, by F. Sanderson. 1894 in France, by H. S. Washburn. 1879 in Germany, by H. S. Washburn. 1879 in India, by D. M. Slater. 1893 in New Zealand, by J. M. Stuart. 1885 in Spain. 1896 in Switzerland (Blue Book). 1894 Indisputability disputed. [P. vols. 16 and 41.] 1852 Indisputability in, by A. Emminghaus. 1887 Insurance or Assurance, by W. T. Thomson. 1856 Invalid lives. See Black (M. A.) — Garment — Glerical, Medical, and General — Craig — Dreschfield (J.) — Fox (R. H.). Legislative, actuarial, and official treatment of assessment system of, by L. G. Fouse. 1898 Letter on, by B. H. Strousberg. 1852 Level Premium Life Insurance, Historical note on, by J. A. de Boer. 1887 Manual, by P. Eagle (1851)— F. A. C. Hare (1886). Medical. Albuminuria in relation to Life Assurance, by Bewley (1893) — Dukes (1 891)— Garrett (1891)— Glascott (1886). Aspects of Life Assurance, by Harricks (1886) — Leslie Ogilvie (1897). Assurable and Non-Assurable Lives, by A. P. Stewart. 1861 Cancer in relation to Life Assurance, by W. Thorburn (1897) — J. F. Payne (1897). Combinations against Insurance Companies. [P. vol. 20.] 1851 Diabetes and chronic Bright's Disease in relation to Life Assur- ance, by Dr. W. R. Fox. 1889 Examinations for Life Assurance, by J. A. Allen — C. E. Glascott — F. de H. Hall — J. Jameson — H. S. Purdon. Experience of Clergy Mutual — Points in. 1872 Family history and personal condition in relation to consumption, by E, J. Marsh. 1895 Family Phthisis and Life Assurance, by R. E. Thompson. 1884 Heredity in, by C. E. M. Hudson. Gout and, by E. J. Marsh (1893)— E. S. Thompson (1894)— J. Meikle(i898) Handbook, by J. E. Pollock and J. Chisholm. 1889 Investigations in. See United States Life Insurance Company. Is Cancer Hereditary? by Dr. J. T. Brett. 1890 Koch's treatment of tuberculosis and its bearing on, by H. C. Tweedy. 1891 112 LIF Life Assurance — Continued, Medical — Continued. Legal questions as to medical examiners. See Connecticut Mutual Life Assurance Society. 1887 Personal history as compared with heredity in Life Assurance, by A. Rabagliati. 1895 Selection of Lives, by W. Brinton. 1861 Selection of Lives, hard times and, by W. T. Standen. 1895 Statistics of Life Assurance, by J. G. Fleming. 1862 Value of medical examination in Industrial Assurance, by W. S. Nichols. 1893 Weight and longevity, by T. B. Macaulay. 1891 See also Proceedings of British Medical Association — Life Assur- ance Medical Officers' Association. Modern developments of, by B. Newbatt. 1893 Modern innovations in, by R. Teece. 1888 Mutual Life Insurance, by J. M. Templeton. 1876 National Debt Commissioners' table of premiums for. 1895 Nature, advantages, and importance of, by L. Pocock. 1842 Nature, value, etc., of policies of, by A. Robertson. i860 New Business and the cost of its extension, by D. Y. Mills. 1898 Notes on, by E. Colquhoun (n.d.) — Rev. J. Hodgson (1868). Notes on. Unbiassed. [P. vol. 35.] 1871 Novelties in. [P. vol. 35.] i860 Novelties and improvements in. See Standard Life. Observations on, by J. B. Kelly (1835)— F. G. Smith (1837). Objects and benefits of, by F. J. Kingsley. 1883 O^ffices. Account of several, established in London, by F. Bailey. 181 1 Accounts — Abstract of. See Bentley — Christie — Hartnoll — Post Magazine. Accounts under 1870 Act to date. Accounts — Treatise on, by T. B. Sprague. 1874 American, in Great Britain. See Equitable (N.Y.) — Wallers (G. F.)— Walton (W. G.)— Watson (J.). American Legislation to British, Application of, by W. J. Han- cock. 1 869 Annual Reports of, by H. W. Andras. 1898 Associated Scottish, resolutions and proceedings, 1895 Association (London), reprint of papers issued by, 1889- 1898. 2 vols. Austro-Hungarian Business in i88o(Suss). 1881 Balance-sheets of, by H. Ayres. Board of Trade Returns, by W. M. Monilaws. 1891 British, Chronological Chart, by M. A. Black. 1864 Fifty years' progress of, by D. Deuchar. 1888 Business of, A summary of the, by S. Brown. 1852 Chart, 1706 to 1863, by M. A. Black. 1864 LIF Life Assurance — Continued. Offices - Continued. Commission, Thoughts on, by S. Brown. 1849 Comparative merits of, by F. Blayney. 1848 See also Scottish Widows' Fund. Comparative view of, by C. Babbage. 1826 Data, Collection of, by S. Brown 1852 Defects of, by W. Fraser. 1831 Defence of, letter by A. Colvin. 1852 Definitive analysis of Returns, 1882-88, by B. F. Brown. 1889 Dutch Life Offices' Transactions, by D. J. A. Samot. 1883 Expense ratios of, by W. Schooling. 1894 Expenses of. See Bailey (A. H.) — Romans (S.) — Reg.-Gen. Reports— Starr (W. E.)— Whiting (W. D.)— Wright (W. C). Financial condition of, discussed, by an Actuary. [P. vol. 35.] 1869 Financial position of. See Scottish Equitable Society. German, Progress of, in 1882. Government supervision of, by D. J. A. Samot. 1879 Insolvency of, Causes of— T. B. Sprague — R. Tucker. Interest, rate realised, by H. W. Andras — A. Hewat. Interest, future rate of, by J. M. M'Candlish. 1866 Investments of, by W. R. Day— D. Deuchar— J. B. Gillison— H. R. Harding— A. Hewat— D. Paulin. Letter to Board of Trade regarding, by R. Christie. 1852 Liquidation of Insolvent, by C. Bunyon. 1870 Mutual, report on, by M. Leon Marie. 1893 New and speculative, [P. vol. 42.] 1846 Non-actuarial departments of, by J. J. W. Deuchar. 1885 Perils of policyholders and liabilities of, by W. Carpenter, i860 Premiums for Home and Foreign Assurances [P. vol. 16.] 1840 Premiums for select lives, by W. Spens. 1844 Present position of, by W. T, Thomson. 1852 Professions and practices of modern. [P. vols. 16 and 41.] 1852 Prospectuses of, collected about 1845, 1848, 1879, 1888, and 1894. Relation between Funds and Policies in force, etc. 1871 Report to the Board of Trade on, by J. Bentley. 1856 Responsibility of, by J. W. Guild. 1883 Scotch Life Assurance and Scotch Life Offices. [P. vol. 34.] 1857 Selection exercised by policyholder against, by J. A. Higham. 1851 Solvency of. Principles affecting, by J. R. Macfadyen. 1870 Solvent Life Offices and others, by G. W. Knott. 1875 Statements and Accounts under 1870 Act. Stratagems and Conspiracies to defraud, by J. B. Lewis and C. C. Bombaugh. 1877 Winding-up of, by D. Pitcairn. 1871 Origin, progress, and history of, by H. Pimentel. (In French.) 1869 H LIF Life Assurance — Continued. People's guide to, by M. Grant. [P. vol. yj^ N.D. Plea for, by J. W. Guild. 1850 Poem on, by R. Chambers. 1883 Popular essay on, by G. Currie. 1852 Popular view of. [P. vol. 16.] 1840 Position and prospects of the business of, by S. C. Thomson. 1887 Possible changes in the future, by R. P. Hardy. 1897 Profits of^ Division of. Brown (S.). Some thoughts on the. 1849 City of Glasgow Life, On the, at 1853 and 1855. Edinburgh Life, Report on the, at 1835 and 1856. Scottish Life. 1821-24 See also Garment — Hann — Hendry — Hewat — Ireland — J. L A. — King — Lyman — McClintock — Meikle — Monilaws — Newman — Plumley — Reg.-Gen. Reports — Starr — Wells — Wood- Wright. Principles of, by G. Farren (1829)— E. McClintock (1898). Principles and practice of,- by A. Hewat (1882) — J. Sturrock (1846). Principles of, practically illustrated, by an Accountant. 1829 Progress of, in Austria-Hungary in 1880. in Germany in 1882. in the United Kingdom, by M. A. Black (1864) — D. Deuchar (1888). Provident or Financial Character of, by A. E. Sprague. 1896 Recent concessions in the conditions of, by W. E. Stark. 1888 Review of, by J. A. McCall. 1898 Rise and development of, in this country, by F. R. Hardingham. 1890 Risks and Premiums, by C. W. Hopkins. 1886 Schemes, difficulties, and abuses of. [P. vols. 34 and 41.] 1852 Select lives. Premiums for, by W. Spens. 1844 Selection of lives for, by S. Brown (1849) — N. B. Gunn (1898). Selection exercised by policyholder, by J. A. Higham. 185 1 Social aspects of, by E. Neild. 1896 Special features, etc., by J. B. Lunger. 1898 Stability of British, by A. Hewat. 1899 Stray thoughts on, by F. N. Erith. 1854 Suicide and, by A. Emminghaus — E. J. Marsh. Sureness of. The, by J. M. M'Candlish. 1870 Systems of Assurance. Double Endowment, by L C. Pierson. 1891 Endowment Assurances, by H. W. Andras. 1895 Extended Term Insurance, by W. Hendry. 1894 Maximum Premium Policies, by J. Coley-Bromfield. 1879 Mortuary Dividend Policies, by M. W. Torrey. 1893 New system, by T. H. Baylis. 1867 Newer Forms of, by W. H, Gregory. 1895 LIF 115 Life Assurance — Continued. Sysletns of Assurance — Contimced. Assessment. See Caledonian Jottings — Cawley (A. P.) — Fouse (L. G.)— P. vol. 47— Walton (W. G.)— Wright (C. A.). Account of different, by A. Burt. 1849 See also E. Baylis — Consols Insurance Association — G. Farren. Thrift in early life by means of, by T, E. Fatkin. 1893 Tontine, What is it .? by M. A. Black. 1884 See also Baylis (T. H.). Tontines and, 1822 Treatises on, by About (1866)— Blayney (1826-37)— D'Audibert — Farren (1823) — Juvigny (1825) — Lance (1854) — Lawrance (1844). The three Yorkshiremen, a tale of, by H. R. Sharman. N.D. Vaccination and. See Vaccination. What it is, what it ought to be, etc., by G. W. Jones. i860 Why it should be universal, by J. May. N.D. Why is it not universal? by H. Lake. N.D. See also Blue Books — British Almanac — Canada — Ency. Brit. — F.S. — Insurance — Law — Life Contingencies — M.A. — M.I. — M.O.—N.S.W. I.— Periodicals— Registrar-General (6th and 12th Reports)— T. A— T.E.—T.G.— United States- V.I. —Y.I. Life Contingencies. American Experience Tables. Willey. iSy2 American Offices' (30) Tables. Meech. n.d. American Offices' (30) 4 per cent. Tables. Miller. 1884 Australian Mutual, Case for opinion of Actuaries, etc. 1873, 1893 Ackland {T. G.) and Hardy {G. F.). Exercises and Examples. 1889 Baily (F.). Treatise on Annuities, etc. 1810-64 Baylis {£.). The Arithmetic of Annuities, etc. 1844 Black {G.). Annuities and Assurances. 1828 Bourne {J. P.). Policy Values. N.D. Contingent Reversions. N.D. Bowser {W. A.). Valuation and other Tables {H''' 3! per cent.). 1895 Friendly Societies' Valuation Tables. 1896 Brand {C). Treatise on Assurances and Annuities, etc. 1775 Brown (6*.). On Life Assurance. 1849 Campbell {W.). The Value of Annuities. 1810 Canada, Superintendent of Insurance for. Valuation Tables (^'« 4^ per cent.). 1 882-83 Cannent {D.). Tables of Endowt. Assce. values, etc., H'" 1884 Chishohn {D.). Commutation Tables, Carlisle Table. 1858 Chisholm {/.). Valuation and other Tables. 1885 Cleghorn {/.). Article 'Annuities,' in ^«^j. -5rz7. 7th Edit. Cockburn {H. R.) and Murrie i^R.). Interests of Heirs of Entails, etc. Colquhoiin {E.). Valuation Tables {H"" and //"^ — Continued. Whezvell (JV.). Mechanical Euclid. Doctrine of Limits. Newton's Principia, Sections I., II., III. Woodhoiise {R.). Analytical Calculation. Wrede (F.). Method of Least Squares. Wright {J. M. F.). Commentary on Newton's Principia. Cambridge Problems and Solutions. Wrigley (A.). Examples and Problems in Mathematics. Young {/. R.). Elementary Mathematics. See also British Almanac — Ency. Metrop. Algebra. Aylmer (G. J.). Key to Bridge's Algebra. 1824 ^ Lagrange (J. L.). Equations. Bland (M.). Problems with Solutions. 1837 Bonnycastle (J.). 1812-65 Bridge (B.). 1838 Equations. 1821 Bryce (Jas.). 1837 Chrystal (G.). 1886-89 Colenso (J. W.). 1859 De Morgan (A.). 1837 Euler(L.). 1774- 1828 Galbraith (J. A.). 1867-69 Galbraith and Rutherford. Key to Bonnycastle. 1849 Haddon (J.). 1850 Hall and Knight. Higher Algebra. 1892 Hind (J.). 1841-51 HymersQ.). Equations. 1840 Kelland (P.). 1839-60 Lacroix (S. F.). Lagrange (J. L.). Lees (G.). Maclaurin (C). Murphy (R.). Peacock (G.) Salmon (G.). Sang (E.) Equations. 1838 1838 1846 1803 1873 1833 1830-36 1847 1861 1825-35 1808 1826 1756 1839 P-45 1859 . Higher Alg. Algebraic Equations. 1864 Saunderson (N.). Simpson (Thos.). Sprague (Dr. T. tions. Stevenson (R.). Todhunter (I.). B. 1741 1767, 1804 Permuta- 1893 Equations. 1835 1862-66 Equations. 1867 Wallis (J.). 1685 Weld (L. G.). Determinants. 1893 Wood (Jas.). 1841-61 Young (J. R.). 1834-51 Equations. 1835 See also Ency. Metrop. — Maseres — and Mathematics by Christie, Hutton, Young. Calculus {Differential and Integral), and Fi?tite Differences. Baily and Lund. Differential Calculus. 1838 Boole (G.). Finite Differences. 1860-80 Differential Equations. 1872 Cox (H.). Integral Calculus. 1852 De Morgan (A.). Differential and Integral Calculus. 1842 Emerson (W.). The method of Increments 1763 Forbes (J.). Differential and Integral Calculus. 1837 Gregory (D. F.). Examples of the Diff. and Integ. Calculus. 1841 Haddon (J.). Examples in the Differential Calculus. 1851 Hall (T. G.). Diff. and Int. Cal. and Cal. of Variations. 1863 Hann (J.). Examples in the Integral Calculus. 1850 Hemming (G. W.). Differential and Integral Calculus. 1848 Mat ^37 Mathematics — Continued. Hind (J.). Differential Calculus. 1831 Hirsch (M.). Integral Formulae. 1823 Hymers (J.). Differential Equations and Finite Differences. 1858 Integral Calculus. 1844 Kirkby (J.). Doctrine of Ultimators. 1748 Lacroix (S. F.). Differential and Integral Calculus. 1802-37 Lardner (D.). Differential and Integral Calculus. 1825 McClintock (E.). Calculus of Enlargement. 1879 Macdonald (W. R.). Finite Differences. 1876 Maclaurin (C). Treatise on Fluxions. 1801 Miller (W. H.). Differential Calculus. 1843 Newton (Sir J.). Fluxions and Infinite Series. 1736 Pearson (Jas.). Finite Differences. 1850 Price (B.). Differential Calculus. 1852 Ritchie (W.). Differential and Integral Calculus. 1847 Sunderland (A. W.). Finite Differences. 1885 Tate (Thos.). Differential and Integral Calculus. 1863 Tiiomson (J.). Differential and Integral Calculus. 1839 Todhunter (I.). Differential Calculus. 1864 Integral Calculus. 1857 Walton (W.). Differential Calculus. 1846 Williamson (B.). Differential Calculus. 1877-89 Integral Calculus. 1877-91 Woolhouse (W. S. B.). Differential Calculus. 1864 Integration by means of selected values of the Function. Young (J. R.). Differential Calculus. Integral Calculus. See also Christie (S. H.) — Ency. Metrop Geometry. Biot (J. B.). Analytical. 1823 Bland (M.). Problems. 1827 Bonnycastle (J.). 1818-39 Colenso (J. W.). Problems and Key. 1846 Cresswell(D.). Supplement to Euclid. 1825 Duncan (T.). 1848 Frost (P.). Elementary Curve Tracing. 1872 Gregory (D. F.) and Walton (W.). Solid. 1852 Horsley (S.). 1803 Hymers (J.). Analytical. 1848 Conic Sect 1836 1833 Lacroix. Ingram (A.). Lardner (D.). Algebraic. Latham (H.). Problems. See also British Almanac 1845 1857 1823 1848 Lees (G.). Leslie (J.). Analytical. Playfair (J.). Potts (R. Conic Sect. Co-ordinate. 1826 1817 1821 1822-31 Appendix to Euclid. 1847 Rudd (T.). Salmon (G.) Scott (W.). Simson (R.) Thomson (J.). Todhunter (I.). Conic Sections. Useful Knowledge Society. Wallace (W.). Conic Sect. Waud (S. W.). Algebraical Williams (J. M.). Young (J. R.). Analytical. 1756-18 1651 1850 1853 1814 i860 1867 1862 1830 1837 1835 1829 1833 -Ency. Metrop.— Whewell (W.). !3^ MAT Mathematics — Continued. Logarithms. Briggs (H.). Arithmetica Logarithmica. 1624 Brown (J.). Mathematical Tables. 1808-15 Callet (F.). Tables Portatives. 1857 Hutton (C). Tables. 1822 Little (Rev. J.). Nature and Properties of Logarithms. 1830 Macdonald (W. R.). On the theory of Logarithms. 1885 Napier (Baron). Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio. 1620 Translations of preceding. 1616-1857-1889 De Arte Logistica. 1839 Shortrede (R.). Logarithmic Tables. 1849 See also British Almanac — Colenso — Hymers — Malcolm — Maseres — Sang — Saunderson — Simson — Snowball. Tables of, and Mathematical Tables (additional). Babbage (C). 1827 Fihpowski (H. E.). 1849 Barlow (P.). 1814-40 Galbraith and Hau ghton. 1863 Bernouilli (J.). 1779 Gardiner (W.). 1742 Brande (W. T.). 1828 Gordon (J. W.). 1895 Cape (Rev. J.). 1847 Gray (P.). 1865-76 Cotsworth (M. B.). 1896 Inwood (W.). 1850-99 Crelle (A. L.). 1895 Laundy (S. L.). 1856-65 Crowgey (R.). 1827 Law (H.). 1851 Davidson (J.). 1852 Oakes (Lt.-Col. W. H.). 1865 De la Lande (J.). 1805 Sang (E.). 1871-72 De Morgan (A.). 1877 Scott (E. E.). 1870-97 Dodson (J.). 1742-47 Thoman (F.). 1867 Farley (R.). 1840 Vega (G. von). 1864 Young (J. R.). 1833 Probabilities. Babbage (C). Examination of some questions connected with Games of Chance. 1820 Boole (Geo.). The Laws of T? lought. 1854 Probabilities and combinations of testimonies or judg- ments. 1857 Clark (S.). Laws of Chance. 1758 Chrystal (G.). Some Fundamental Principles in the Theory of Probability. 1891 Condorcet. The probabilities of Decisions. (In French.) 1785 Cournot (A. A.). The theory of Probabilities. (In French.) 1843 De Moivre (A.). Doctrine of Chances. 1738-56 De Montmert (R.). Analysis of the game of Hazard. (in French.) 17 13 De Morgan (A.). Essay on ProbabiHties. 1838 — Question in the Theory of. 1838 Deparcieux (M.). Probability of the duration of Human life. (In French.) 1746 D'Hauteserve (M. G.). Elementary Treatise on ProbabiHties. 1834 MAT— MA t^ 139 Mathematics — Continued. Galloway (T.). Treatise on Probability. 1839 Gouraud (C). History of the Calculus of Probabilities. 1848 Govan (J.). Inverse rule in the Theory of Probabilities. 1893 Hoyle (Edmond). Doctrine of Chances. 1764 Huygens (C.) De ratiociniis in ludo aleae. (Reprint.) 1895 Translation of above, by E. W. Scott. 1896 Lacroix (S. F,). Treatise on Probabilities. (In French.) 1822 Laplace. Essay on Probabilities. (In French.) 1819 Analytical Theory of Probability. 1820 Lubbock (Sir W.). See Jones on Annuities and P. vol. i. Parisot (Seb. Ant.). Treatise on the Conjectural Calculus. (In French.) 1810 Poincare (H.). Calculus of Probabilities, 1896 Poisson (S. D.). The Probabilities of Judgments. (In French.) 1837 Quetelet (M. A.). Theory of Probabilities as applied to the Moral and Political Sciences. 1849 Popular Instructions in Probabilities. 1839 Simpson (T.). The Nature and Laws of Chance. 1792 Sprague (T. B.). Probability and Chance in connection with Insurance. 1893 Steggall (J. E. A.). Some special and historical questions in Pro- bability. 1888 Terrot ( ). Combination of Probabilities. 1856 Todhunter (I.). History of the Theory of Probabilities. 1865 Venn (J.). Logic of Chances. 1888 Nature and Use of Averages. 1891 Whitworth (W. A.). Choice and Chance. 1886 See also Ency. Metrop. — Pocock — Scratchley. Trigonometry. Bridge (B.). Plane. 1818 Caswell (J.). 1685 Colenso(J. W.). Solutions. 1853 Plane. 1863 De Morgan (A.). 1849 Duncan (T.). 1848 Hind (J.). Plane. 1827 Hymers (J.). 1841 Lardner (D.). 1828 Leslie (J.). 1817 Snowball (J. C). Plane and Spherical. 1863 Todhunter (I.). Plane. 1878 Spherical. 1859 Young (J. R.). Plane and Spherical. 1833 See also Bland— Brown (Math. Tables)— Ency. Metrop. — Playfair — Simson — Thomson (James) — Trotter. Mathews (William). On the valuation of Annuities and Reversions dependent upon terms of certain duration (read before Institute of Surveyors, December 1870). [P. vol. 20.] 1870 Maverick National Bank, Boaton. History of Government Securities. 1882 146 MAY— ME I May (James). Twenty plain practical reasons why Life Assurance should be universal (leaflet). [P. vol. 36.] n.d. Mechanics. See Mathematics. Medical Combinations against Life Insurance Companies. [P. vol. 20.] Lond. 1 85 1 Medical. See Balfour (G. W.)— Black (D. C.)--Blue Books— B.M.A.— Duncan (J. M.)— Felkin (R. W.)— Life Assurance— Longstafif (G. B.)—M.O.— Mortality Experience (Causes of Death) — Practitioner — Vaccination. Medical Association, British. See British Medical Association. Medical Officers' Association. See Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association. Meech (L. W.). System and tables of Life Insurance, according to the mortality experience of thirty American Life Offices. Norwich, Conn. n.d. Meikle (James). The rationale of Life Assurance Premiums. [P. vol. 2.] Edin. 1861 Other copies. [T.E.] 1879 On the calculation of Survivorship Annuities by the columnar method (from J. I. A., vol. 11, p. 40). [P. vol. 19.] 1863 The nature of the Value of a Policy, and the determination and distribution of Profits (from J. I. A., April 1864). [P. vol. 20.] Another copy. [P.] An analysis of the Profits of Life Assurance. [P. vols. 2, 10, and 44.] Edin. 1865 Five other copies. [P.] Edin. 1865 Address to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh, 1869-70. [P. vols. - 2 and 10.] Edin. 1870 Three other copies. [P.] Edin. 1870 The relation of Tables of Mortality to Values of Policies. [P. vols. 2 and 10.] Edin. 1871 Two other copies. [P.] Edin. 1871 Observations on the Rate of Mortality of assured lives, as ex- perienced by ten Assurance Companies in Scotland, from 181 5 to 1863. (2 copies.) Edin. 1872 The Additional Premium required for residence in Foreign Climates. [P. vols. 10 and 44.] Edin. 1876 Another copy. [P.] Edin. 1876 On the Official Publications of the Mortality of Assured Lives. [T.E.] Lond. 1885 Manuscript Tables of Mortality Experience of the ten Scottish Life Offices to 1863. 6 vols. Gout as a factor in Life Assurance. [B.M.A.] 1898 M EI— MEN 141 Meikle (James) — Contin ued. Actuarial Reports o?i City of Edinburgh F.S. at December 1865. [P. vol. 11.] Edin. 1866 Do. at Dec. 1880. [P. vol. 33.] Edin. 1881 Do. at Dec. 1890. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1891 Dissenting Ministers' (Scotland) F.S. at June 1874. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1875 Do. at March 1880. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1880 Do. at January 1884. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1884 Edinburgh Compositors' F.S. at December 1880. [P. vol. 33.] ' Edin. 1881 Edinburgh Operative Masons' Benefit Society at December 1880. [P. vol. 2>3-'\ Edin. 1881 Edinburgh School of Arts F.S. at December 1870. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1871 Do. do. at December 1885. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1886 Do. do. at December 1890. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1891 General Family Pension Fund at March 1885. [P. vol. 29.] Calcutta 1886 Penicuik F.S. at June 1869. [P. voh 11.] Edin. 1869 St. Bernard's Lodge of Oddfellows, 1890. [P. vol. 33.] Edin. 1891 Sir Ralph Abercromby F.S. at December 1865. [P. vol. 11.] Edin. 1866 Do. at Dec. 1870. [P. vol. 33.] Edin. 1872 U.P. Ministers' (Scotland) F.S. at May 1875. [P- vol. 29.] Edin. 1876 Widows' Fund of Ministers of the Church of Scotland as at November 1875. [P. vols. 17, 39, and 44.] Edin. 1877 Do. do. November 1891. Widows' Fund of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow as at May 1870. [P. vol. 39.] Glasgow 1870 Widows' Fund of the Faculty of Procurators, Glasgow, as at February 1876. [P. vol. 39.] Edin. 1876 Heads of proposed scheme for establishing a Fund for the Widows and Orphans of Ministers of the U.P. Church. [P. vol. 39.] Edin. 1877 Report on above proposed scheme. [P. vol. 39.] Glasgow 1885 Report on the Church of Ireland Widows' and Orphans' Fund as at 31st December 1886. [P. vol. 29.] Dublin 1888 Edinburgh C.A. Annuity Fund. [P. vol. 39.] Edin. 1891 See also Blair and Meikle — MacAndrew and Meikle. Menzies (Allan). Report of 21 years' experience of the Dick Bequest. Edin. 1854 Conveyancing according to the Law of Scotland. 3rd Edit. Edin. 1863 142 ME R— MIL Mercantile Correspondence, by W. Anderson. Lond. 1836 Mercantile Tables. See Tables. Mercator. See under Maseres. Merrifield (0. W.). Report to the British Association on the pre- sent state of knowledge of the application of Quadratures and Interpolation to actual data. [P. vol. 19.] Lond. 1880 Merriman (M.). Elements of the methods of Least Squares. Lond. 1877 Messenger (H. J.). On the different methods proposed for valuing the marketable securities held by Life Insurance Companies. [T.A.] 1894 Meteorology. See Blue Books— Glaisher (J.) — Scottish Meteor- ology. Metric System. See under Finance. Metrology. See Finance (Decimal System). Metropolitan Asylum District (London). Report of a Committee of the Managers, with statistics as to the cases of Smallpox treated in their hospitals during the epidemic of 1870, 187 1, and 1872. [P.] Lond. 1872 Metropolitan Life Assurance Society. Mortality Experience, 1835-64, by A. Pearson. [P. vol. 40.] Lond. 1S65 Another copy. [P.] Mortality Experience, 1835-1890, by L. M. Simon. [P. vol. 40.] Lond. 1893 Another copy. [P.] Mexico, Effect of depreciation of Silver in. (Blue Book.) 1893 Michie (A. S.). See Gilbart (J. W.). Mill (J. S.). Principles of Political Economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy. Lond. 1865 Millar (James). A plan for accumulating the capital of the Working Classes, etc. [P. vol. 3.] ' Glasg. 1824 Series of Letters on the formation of Friendly Societies. [P. vol. 3.] N.D. Millar, Junr. (John). Elements of the law relating to Insurances. Edin. 1787 Millar (R. C). Metric System of Weiglits and Measures. (Accountants' Magazine.) 1897 Millar (T. H.). A practical introduction to Life and Fire Assur- ance. (2 copies.) Edin. 1841 MIL- MIT 143 Miller (B.). Cotton Mill Risks. [M.I.] 1875 Miller (B. J.). Value of new blood in Life Insurance. [T.A.] 1890 Cash surrender values for Life Insurance Policies. [T.A.] 1891 Loans on Life Insurance Policies. [T.A.] 1895 See also Mutual Benefit Insurance Company. Miller (L.). Charges for the attendance of Fire Brigades at Fires. [B.L] 1894 Miller (W. H.). Elementary treatise on the Differential Calculus. 3rd Edit. Camb. 1843 Miller (J.). The monetary system of Great Britain ; its history, defects, and proposed remedial measures. [P. vol. 28.] Edin. 1857 Miller (R. D.). A comparison of the rates of Mortality of Males and Females in Victoria for the eleven years, 1881-1891, with a special reference to cancer, phthisis, and violence. [V.L] 1893 Mills (J. H.). Minimising Fire Risks and Fire Losses. [Y.L] 1896 Mills (D. Y.). New Business and the cost of its extension. [T.G.] 1898 Milne (Joshua.). A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships, — on the construction of tables of mortality, — and on the probabilities and expectation of life. 2 vols. (4 copies.) Lond. 181 5 Articles on ' Human Mortality ' and ' Annuities ' in Ency. Brit, [P. vol. 43-] Other copies. See also Cleghorn (James) — Lonsdale (Henry). Milne (J.). Building Societies. (Accountants' Magazine.) 1897 Ministers' Widows' Funds. See Friendly Societies. Mines. See Blue Books — Neison. Mitchell (Arthur). Contribution to the statistics of Insanity. (Article in Journal of Mental Science for January 1877). [P. vol. 21.] See also Scottish Meteorological Society Journal. Mitchell (L. R.). Claim for damage by bad storage. [N.S.W.L] 1890 Mitchell (Dr. James). A treatise on Benefit or Friendly Societies. [P, vol. 4.] Lond. 1826 144 MIT— M OR Mitchell (R. K.). Employers' Liability Business. [M.I.] 1893 Employers' Liability Business, Past, Present, and Future. [M.I.] 1896 Moinet (John). See Scottish Widows' Fund. Moir (H.). The practical calculation of office premiums. [T.E.] 1898 Molesworth (Sir G.). See Dowson and Molesworth. Money. See Finance. Money Market Review, by G. Clare. 2nd Edit. (2 copies.) Lond. li Monilaws (W. M.). Companion to Surplus Funds. 1894 Board of Trade Returns relating to Life Assurance Companies. [Y.L] 1 89 1 Some important factors in Life Insurance calculations. [Y.L] 1891 Bonuses. [Y.L] 1891 Ratios — wise and otherwise. [LL] 1896 Montgomery (H. H.). Points requiring particular attention in the settlement of Fire losses in Ireland. [IT.] 1887 Montgomery (M.). Lost or not Lost. [N.S.W.L] 1893 Collisions in Port Jackson. [N.S.W.L] 1894 Montgomery (W.). Details of Building Construction. [LL] 1892 Montucla (M.). History of Mathematics. (In French.) 2 vols. Paris 1758 See also Hulton (Charles). Moon (J.). Child Insurance. [M.L] 1895 Moors (E. M.). Friendly Societies in Australia. [N.S.W.L] 1898 Morgan (A. H.). Investments : how money may be made and invested. [T.G.] 1885 Life branch work. [T.G.] 1890 Morgan (Arthur). See Equitable Assurance Society (London). Morgan (C. Lloyd). Habit and instinct. Lond. 1896 Morgan (William). Tracts addressed to the serious attention of the people of Great Britain, respecting the expense of the War, and state of the National Debt. 4th Edit. Lond. 1796 The principles and doctrine of Assurances, Annuities on Lives, and Contingent Reversions. (2 copies.) Lond. 1821 See also Equitable Assurance Society — Price (Richard). Morison (C). Introduction to Book-keeping. Glasg. 1819 Morison (John). Tables of Interest, eic. Edin. 1790 MOR 145 Morris (Corbyn). See Mortality Bills. Morris (Gael). Tables for renewing and purchasing of Leases, and other tables. Lond. 1735 Morrison (G.). Mercantile forms of accounts, etc. Glasg. n.d. Mortality. (Construction of Tables, and General Remarks.) Ackland {T. G.). Methods of deducing rates of mortality, etc. 1897 Barnes {Hon. W.). On an uniform standard of mortality and interest for State Life Insurance valuations. 1872 Black ( W.). A comparative view of the mortality of the human species at all ages. 1788 Brown (S.). On mortality in India. 1849 Buchan (A.) and Mitchell (A.). Influence of weather on mortality. 1875 Cameron {Sir C. A.). Duration of Human Life under certain conditions. 1893 Chatham {/.). Comparison of the rates of mortality among insured lives and Government annuitants. 1886 Corbaux (/*.). The laws of mortality, life assurance, etc. 1828 The laws of mortality, and intensity of life. N.D. Dawson {M. M.). Mortality Tables that have ever been Standard anywhere. 1898 Deuchar {J. J. W.). History of the origin and construction of mortality tables. 1882 Downes {J. G.). Account of process of determining mortality experience of the Economic Life Assurance Society. 1862 Easton{J.). Human longevity. 1799 Edmonds {T. R). On the law of human mortality. 1866 Ewart {Dr. J.). Value of European life in India. 1873 Earr {Dr. W.). Vital statistics. 1885 Earren {G.). On the laws of mortality, etc. 1826-29 Gompertz {B.). See Royal Society Transactions. Gram {J. P.). On the adjustment of mortality tables. (In Danish.) 1884 Graunt {Capt. J.). Observations on Bills of Mortality. 1665 Hardy {R. P.). Methods of representing experience of a friendly society, etc. 1894 Haycraft {Dr. J. B.). Physiological results of temperature varia- tions. 1879 Henry {/.). Relation of Carlisle to other mortality tables. 1863 Hewat {A.). On mortality tables, with new table. 1881 Influence of weather on mortality. See Haycraft (Dr. J. B.) — Jackson (R. E. S.) — Scot. Meteorological Society's Journal. King {G). Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part II. 1887 Korosi {/.). On the construction of mortality tables. (In German.) 1876 K 146 MOR Mortality — Continued. Livingston {N.). Primeval Longevity. Edin. 1896 Longstaff{J. P.). On investigations into mortality among assured lives. 1890 Lund {H. F.). Construction of tables of mortality. 1875 Marie {M. Lion). Mortality surfaces. 1893 McClintock {£.). Effect of selection. 1893 M'' Lauchlan {J . J .). Mortality in certain hazardous or unhealthy occupations. 1899 Meikle (/.). Observations on the experience of Scottish offices. 1872 On the official publications of the mortality of assured lives. 1885 Milne (/.). Construction of tables of mortality. 181 5 Human Mortality. {Ency. Brit.) Moser {L.). Laws of the duration of life. 1839 Mouat {Dr. F.J.). The Death tribute of England to India. 1875 Neison {F. G. P.), F.L.S. Contributions to vital statistics. 1857 Neison {F. G. P.), FLA. Mortality of members of friendly societies. Influence of occupation upon health and mortality. 1872 Neivsholme i^A.). Vital Statistics. 1892 Nicol ( W. S.). New combined mortality experience of British Life Insurance companies. 1895 Ogle ( W.). On the trustworthiness of the old Bills of Mortality. 1892 Quetelet {A.). Tables of mortality and their development 1872 Quiquet (A.). Algebraic interpretation of mortality tables. 1893 Ryan {G. H.). On the several mortality tables used in the valuation of Life Annuity contracts. 1885 Short \T.). Observations on Bills of Mortality, etc 1750 Spens {Wm.). Observations on Scottish Amicable experience, 1826-60. 1 86 1 Thackrah {C. T.). The effects of arts, trades, and professions, on health and longevity. 1832 Thiele {T. N.). A mathematical formula for the rate of mortality, etc. (In Danish.) 1871 Verwey {Dr. A. J.). Principles of vital statistics. 1875 Welton {T. A.). On the effect of migrations in disturbing local rates of mortality. 1871 Wittstein {T.). The mathematical law of mortality. (In German.) 1881 Woolhouse ( W. S, B.). Adjustment of Mortality Tables. Young {T.). See Royal Society Transactions. Young {T. E.). On Centenarians and the duration of the Human Race. i8qq MOR 147 Mortality — Continued. See ^/jc* Actuaries, Institute of — Friendly Societies — J. I. A. — J.S.S. — Lonsdale (H.)— Mortality Bills — Mortality Experience — N.S.W.I.— Registrar-General (Reports)— T.A. — T.E. — T.G.— V.I.— Y.I. Mortality Bills (London) from 1657 to 1758 inclusive, A Collection of. Lend. 1759 To which is subjoined reprints of — Observations on the Bills of Mortality, by Capt. J. Graunt. 1676 Essay on Political Arithmetic, concerning the growth of the City of London, by Sir W Petty. 1683 Observations on the past growth and present state of the City of London, by Corbyn Morris. 1751 See also Stonehouse. Mortality Experience. Abstainers. See Drysdale — McClintock. American Offices' (30) Experience to 1874. N.D. " American and Australian Mortality compared. Sec Teece. American Tropical Mortality Experience. See Jones (C. N.). Amicable Society. 1834 Annuitants. See Government Annuitants — Macaulay — Weeks. Army Mutual Aid Association (U.S.A.). 1896 Australian. See Bremner — Dovey — D uckworth — MacLaurin — Miller — Robertson — Teece. Australian Mutual Provident Experience, 1849-78 and 1849-88. Bankers (Scottish). Sec Hewat. Bristol. See Rankin. 1830 British Offices (20). 1869 Budapest. See Korosi. 1876 Canada Life Assurance Company, 1847-93. 1895 Causes of Death. Clergy Mutual Assurance Society. 1872 Gresham Life Assurance Company. 1868 Mutual (New York), 1843-74. 1876-77 Scottish Equitable, 1831-64. 1865 Scottish Union Insurance Co., 1824-70. 1874 Scottish Widows' Fund, 1853-60, 1860-66, and 1867-73. Standard Life Assurance Co. 1853 Union Mutual Insurance Co. (Maine), 1877-84, 1885 United States Life Insurance Co., 1873-78. Washington Life Insurance Co. 1889 See also Fleming (F. G.)— MacLaurin (H. N.)— Miller (R. D.) — Registrar-General. Clergy, Mortality among. See Gotha Life Company — Hodgson. Clergy Mutual Assurance Society, 1829-87. 1891 Clerical, Medical, and General. (Invalid lives.) 185 1 Connecticut Mutual Insurance Co., 1846-78. 1884 148 MOR Mortality Experience — Continued. Danish Life Assurance Co. of 1871. See Thiele. Economic Life Assurance Society, 1823-55. 1857 Endowment Policies. See Wing. English Life Tables, Nos. i, 2, 3, and 4. See Farr (Dr. W.) — Registrar-General's Reports. Equitable Society (London), 1829-32. 1834 Female Mortality. See Anderson (E. G.)— Coghlan (T. A.)— Fox (R. H.) — Hart (J.) — New England Company— Play fair and Wallace. French Insurance Offices, # 1895 See also Stabler. General Life Assurance Co. (France) 10 1872. (In French.) 1874 German Insurance Offices. 1883 Glasgow Mortality Experience, 1829, 1837, 1841, and 1842. Gotha Life Assurance Co., 1829-78. (In German.) 1880 Government Annuitants' Experience, 1829, i860, and 1883. Indian. See Brown — E\\art— Mouat — Slater — Widows' Funds. Indian Army Mortality. See Mouat— Woolhouse. Infant Mortality. See Ansell, Jr. (C.)— Hodgson (J.)— J.S.S.— Registrar-General — Robertson (W.)— Sprague (T. B.) — Wilkin- son (T. R.). Jews. See Adler. John Hancock Mutual Insurance Co., 1863-83. 1884 Law Life Assurance Society, 1823-75. 1877 Liquor Sellers. See Douglas — Low — Stott — Wallace. Madras Military Fund. See Brown, Hardy, and Smith. 1863 Manchester Life Table. See Tatham. 1892 Metropolitan Life Assurance Society, 1835-64 and 1835-90. Military Mortality. See Ackland and Smee — Army Mutual Aid Association — Elliot — Indian MortaHty — Mackenzie — Woolhouse. Mutual Benefit Life Associations of America. First ten years. 1888 Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, 1845 -1873 ^^id 1845- 1879. Mutual Life Insurance Co. (New York). Mortality Experience, 1843-51, 1843-58, and 1843-74. from Gout. 1893 „ Consumption. 1895 „ Suicides. 1896 „ Casualties. 1896 Mutual Life Insurance Company of the Cape of Good Hope, 1845- 1879. * Mutuahty ' Life, etc., Co. of Leipsic — Sickness. (In German.) 1878 Naval. See Ackland and Smee. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company — Female Life, 1 863- 1 892. Vitality gain, 1 889- 1 893. 1895 MOR—MOS 149 Mortality Experience — Continued. New Zealand. See Leslie (G.)— Stuart (J. M.). Pole Star Insurance Company. First 20 years. 1892 Do. do. First 25 years. 1897 Professional Classes. See Ansell. Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia, 1866-85. 1886 Prudential Assurance Co. (Industrial Branch), 1867-70. 1871 Royal Insurance Co., 1845-59 and 1845-64. 1860-65 Royal Liver. See Sprague (T. B.). Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society, Mortality experience, 1826-60. 1861 Publicans', etc., experience, 1826-76. 1876 West Indies experience, 1846-76. 1876 Scottish Bankers. See Hewat. Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society, 1831-64. 1866 Scottish Life Assurance Offices' (10) mortality experience. Report by Committee. (Several copies.) 1869 Tables of Statistics (M. S.). Observations by J. Meikle. 1872 Scottish Mortality Table. See Dr. W. Robertson. 1877 Scottish Provident Institution, 1863-93. Seventeen Offices' Experience Table. See Jones. 1843 Sierra Leone. See Sprague (A. E.). 1896 South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 1845-95. Suicides. See Marsh (E. J.). Switzerland. See Schaertlin. 1888 Sydney, City and Suburbs of See Teece. 1886-97 Tropical Mortality. See Farren (G.)— Felkin (R. W.)— Indian Mortality— Jones (C. N.)- Meikle (J.)— Sprague (A.E.)— Stott (J.) —Teece (R.). Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. (Maine), 1877-84. 1885 Upper Classes. See Ansell. War Mortality. See Military. Washington Life Insurance Company. 1889 Yale College, Divinity School of See Newton. 1873 See also Blue Books — British Almanac — Friendly Societies — J. LA. —J.S.S. — Mortality — Mortality Bills— N.S.W.I. — Registrar- General— Statistical Society (London)— T.A.—T.E.— V.I. MoRiGAGES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, Consular Rcpofts (U.S.A.) on. Washington 1889 Morton (W. K.). Manual of the Law of Scotland. Edin. 1896 Moseley (Rev. H.). See Ency. Metrop. {Art. Definite Integrals.) Moser (L.). The laws of duration of life. Berlin 1839 I50 MOU—MUT Mouat (Dr. F. J.). The death tribute of England to India, being an examination of the deaths and invaliding of British Officers serving in India from 1861 to 1870, considered with special reference to the present state of European life in India. [P. vol. 48.] Lond. 1875 Moulton (J. F.). See Boole (G.). Mucke (J. R.). State Insurance against Accidents. (In German.) [P. vol. 44.] 1881 Muir (Thomas). A treatise on the theory of Determinants. Lond. 1882 Muirhead (C). Medicine and Life Assurance. [B.M.A.] 1898 Mulhall (M. G.). Dictionary of Statistics. Lond. 1892 Murdocli (P.). See Maclaurin (Colin). Murphy (Rev. Robert). Treatise on the theory of Algebraic Equa- tions. Lond. 1839 Murray (A. J. E.). A short treatise on Fire Insurance Surveying. [V.I.] 1890 Murray (D.). The York Building Company ; a chapter in Scotch history. Glasgow 1883 Murray (K. L.). Notes on Electrical applications. [V.I.] 189 1 Murray (T.). Annals of the Parish of Colinton, containing short memoir of J. Cleghorn. Edin. 1863 Murrie (R.). See Cockburn and Murrie. Mushet (R.). A series of Tables exhibiting the gain and loss to the Fund-holder arising from fluctuations in the value of the currency from 1800 to 182 1. Lond. 182 1 Mutual Benefit Life Associations of America. Reports of Pro- ceedings of the nth and 13th Annual Conventions held in 1886 and 1888; containing Tables of Death Rates in first ten policy years. 1886-8 Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. (Newark, N.J.). Mortality Experience, 1845- 1873, by B. J. Miller. [P, vol. 40.] Newark 1874 Do. do. 1845-79. (2 copies.) Newark 1880 Tables of nett Premiums and Reserves according to the mortality experience of thirty American offices, by the Actuary (B. J. Miller). Newark 1884 MUT—NAt 151 Mutual Life Insurance Company (New York). Report on Mortality experience, 1843-51, by the Actuary (C. Gill). [P. vol. 14.] New York 185 1 Experience for 15 years ending Feb. 1858, by Sheppard Romans. (2 copies.) New York 1859 Experience, 1843-74, by W. H. C. Bartlett, with an analysis of the causes of deatli, by Drs. Winston, Gillette, and Marsh. 2nd Edit. (2 vols, in one.) New York 1876-77 Another copy of vol. i. of above. See also Marsh (E. J.)— Wynne (J.). Mutual Life Assurance Company of the Cape of Good Hope. Mortality experience, 1845-1879, by C. B. Elliott. [P. vol. 40.] * Mutuality ' Life Assurance Co. of Leipsic. Twenty years' sick- ness experience of the Company, by Dr. Karl Heym. (In German.) [P. vol. 45.] Leipsic 1878 N Napier (John), Baron of Merchiston. Rhabdologiae, seu numerationis per virgulas libri duo. Edin. 161 7 Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio et Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Constructio. Lond. 1620 Reprint of above. Paris 1895 De Arte Logistica (Bannatyne Club). Edin. 1839 Canon of Logarithms (translated by E. Wright). Lond. 1616 Do. do. (translated by H. E. Filipowski). Edin. 18^7 Do. do. (translated by W. R. Macdonald), with notes Edin. 1889 Catalogue of Works by, by W. R. Macdonald. Edin. 1889 Memoirs of, by M. Napier. Edin. 1834 See also under Maseres. Napier (Mark). Memoirs of John Napier. Edin. 1834 Nash (F. H.). Names and ages of the old folks in the State of Connecticut now living, with sketches of twenty living cen- tenarians. [P.] 1884 Natani (L.). Method of Least Squares. (In German.) Berlin 1875 National Association for the promotion of Social Science. Trans- actions for 1870 and 1871. 2 vols. National Board of Fire Underwriters. Address to, by H. A. Oakley. [P. vol. 44.] 1876 152 NAT—NEI National Debt. See Blue Books — Finance. National Insurance. See Blue Books — Pensions. National Insurance Company of Ireland. See Scottish Provident Institution. National Insurance Convention of U.S. of America. See United States. National Life Assurance Co. (France). Investigation Report (biennial) at 31st December 1885. (In French.) Paris 1886 National Life Insurance Company. Their right to establish agencies in the State of New York, by C. Gushing. [P.] Washington 1868 Navigation. See Maseres, vol. 11., Book 4. Navy Health Report, 1894. See Blue Books. Neild (E.). Social Aspects of Life Assurance. [M.I.] 1896 Neild (J. E.). Conditions of Health after Life Assurance. [V.I.] 1894 Neison (F. G. P.), F.L.S. Statistics of crime in England and Wales. [P. vol. 44.] 1847 Report on Bengal Military Fund. [P. vol. 43.] Lend. 1847 Report on Madras Civil Fund. [P. vol. 43.] 1855 Observations on Odd Fellow and Friendly Societies. 13th Edit. Lond. 1851 Contributions to Vital Statistics, being a development of the rate of Mortality and the Laws of Sickness, from original and extensive data, etc. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1857 See also J.S.S. — Law Property Assurance Society. Neison (F. G. P.), F.LA. Legislation on Friendly Societies ; the principles on which it should be based. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1871 The Manchester Unity of Oddfellows. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1871 Present knowledge of the Mortality and Sickness of members of Friendly Societies. [P. vol. 29.] Lond. 1871 The affiliated orders : their constitution and management. [P. vol. 29.] Lond. 1 87 1 The influence of occupation upon health as shown by the mortality experienced (from J. LA.) [P. vol. 19.] 1872 Some statistics of the affiliated orders of Friendly Societies (from J.S.S. vol. 40). [P. vol. 29.] Lond. 1877 The rate of fatal and non-fatal accidents in and about mines and on railways, with the cost of Insurance against such accidents. (Piehminary Report.) Lond. 1880 NET 153 Neison (F. G. P.), T.l. A..— Continued. Rates of Mortality and Sickness according to the experience, 1871- 75, of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society, with monetary tables based thereon, (Preliminary Report.) Lond. 1881 Do. do., with further monetary tables and tables of secession. Lond. 1882 Observations on the efficient valuation of Friendly Societies. (2 copies.) Lond. 1885 Actuarial and Valuation Reports— On the Sickness experience of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society for 1870. [P. vol. 29.] Newcastle 1872 Midland Counties Miners' Permanent Relief (proposed) Fund, with Statistics, 1859-77. [P. vol. 33.] Chesterfield 1879 Railway Guards' Universal Friendly Society, at December 1879, with Mortality, etc.. Statistics. [P. vol. 33.] Lond. 1880 Scheme for the re-insurance of the fatal accident risks of Miners' Permanent Relief Funds. Lond. 1882 Brighton and Sussex Mutual Provident Society 1881. [P. vol. 44.] Brighton 1882 Do. do, 1886, with abstract of experience 1882-6. [P. vol. 33.] Brighton 1887 North Wales Miners' Permanent Relief Society at December 1883, with Mortality Statistics, 1878-1883. [P. vol, 2>Z'] 1884 Hampshire Friendly Society at December 1884, with Mortality, etc. Statistics, 1874-1883. [P. vol. 39.] Lond. 1885 Monmouthshire and South Wales Miners' Permanent Provident Society at December 1885, with Mortality, etc., Statistics, 1881- 1885. [P. vol. 33.] Aberdare 1886 North Staffordshire Provident Association at December 1885, with Mortality, etc.. Statistics, 1881-85, [P. vol. 33.] Hanley 1886 On the additional statistics deduced from the original records of the sickness experienced by the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society, 1871-75, with special reference to the new tables of contributions and benefits. Lond. 1886 Birmingham General Provident and Benevolent Institution at December 1886, with abstract of experience, 1881-85, [P- vol. 33.] Birmingham 1887 Lancashire and Cheshire Miners' Permanent Relief Society at December 1886, with Mortality, etc. Statistics, 1882-86. [P. vol. 33.] Wigan 1887 West Riding of Yorkshire Miners' Permanent Relief Fund at December 1886, with Mortality, etc.. Statistics, 1877-86. [P. vol. 33.] Barnsley 1887 Hitchin Friendly Society at 1898. Hitchin 1898 154 NET— NEW Netherlands General Assurance Society. Memoirs, being the history of Life Assurance and Annuities in the Netherlands. (In French.) Amsterdam 1898 Newbatt (B.). Some of the modern developments of the Life Assurance system. [Y.L] 1893 Newcastle Insurance Institute. Annual Reports, 1896-7 and 1897-8. Newcome (F. N.). Plan to liquidate the National Debt with less than the cost of interest. [P. vol. 44.] Lond. 1880 • Two Tables illustrative of the above. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company (Boston). Mortality experience (Female Life), 1863-92, by W. C. Wright. 1893 Another copy. [P. vol. 40.] Monetary analysis of the vitality gain for the years 1889-93, by W. C. Wright. [T.A.] 1895 Newfoundland. Consolidated Statutes (Life Assurance Com- panies). Newman (P. L.). The principal methods employed in the distribution of Surplus of Life Assurance Companies. [Y.I.] 1892 Superannuation. [Y.L] 1898 Newman (S.). Mercantile, Interest, and Annuity tables. (2 copies.) Lond. 1804 Another Edit. (2 copies.) Lond. 1806 Newmarch (William). New Supplies of Gold. [P. vol. 31.] 1853 The progress of Economic Science during the last 30 years (from J.S.S. [P. vol. 21.] 1861 See also J.S.S. Newsholme (A.). Vital Statistics of Peabody Buildings and other Artisans' or Labourers' Block DweUings. [J.S.S. vol. 54.] 1891 Vital Statistics. Lond. 1892 New South Wales. See Acts of Parliament — Coghlan (T. A.) — MacLaurin (H. N.) — Mortality Experience. New South Wales Insurance Institute. The Sydney Record, being the Journal of the Institute, contains Papers read during Sessio7i 1884-85. Can the Insurance Contract be improved? by J. C. Remington. Something about Marine Insurance in Australia, by Captain Fox. On some aspects of Fire Insurance, by M. W. S. Clarke. State supervision in Insurance, by R. Teece. NEW 155 New South Wales Insurance Institute — Contitiued. Papers read during Session 1 886. On Benefit Building Societies, by Richard Teece. Fire Insurance, Brokers and Brokerage, by W. Goddard. On the Audit of public companies, by Reuben Hall. A comparison of the Rates of Mortality of the City and Suburbs of Sydney, by Richard Teece. A few remarks on General Average, by P. J. Clark. A few items in the general practice of Fire and Life Companies, by J. W. Rail. Life Assurance risks and premiums, by C. W. Hopkins. Papers read duritig Session 1887. Presidential Address, by J. C. Remington. Something new in Marine Underwriting, by J. H. Storey. Proof of age, and adjustment of errors, by J. W. Rail. Recollections of Shipping Business in Liverpool forty years ago, by Reuben Hall. Some thoughts suggestive of greater uniformity in practice amongst Fire' Insurance Cos., by W. H. Rowsell. Surrenders and Lapses : Their cause, effect, and prevention, by H. S. Bingle. Papers read during Session 1888. Inaugural Address, by P. J. Clark. Effect of the York-Antwerp Rules upon Marine Underwriting, by H. O. Walker. Modern innovations in Life Assurance, by R. Teece. Accident Insurance, by H. L. Smith. Fire Insurance a commercial necessity, by J. E. Woodthorpe. Advantages and hazards of Electric Lighting, by P. Rutledge. Papers read during Session 1 889. Protection of life policies from the claims of creditors, by R. Teece. When should a policy, sustained by surrender value, lapse? by J. \\\ Rail. Should the surrender value of a policy, by its own application, extend the term of the policy's existence ? by J. W. Rail. Should Fire Insurance Companies be taxed for the support of Fire Brigades? by W. H. Rowsell. Definition of a voyage. By J. H. Storey. A few remarks on the practice of Colonial Life Offices in regard to comparisons of actual and expected mortality, by D. Garment. Will the average clause satisfy the anticipations of the Fire Offices? by M. W. S, Clarke. Influence of some modern innovations upon the practice of Marine Underwriting, by Jas. Anderson. 156 NEIV New South Wales Insurance Institute — Continued. Papers read during Session 1 890. Should Life Assurance legislation embrace a state standard of solvency, by R. Teece. A question as to whether, under certain circumstances, a Marine Policy would cover ' Disbursements,' by J. Anderson. Automatic sprinklers, by P. Rutledge. A question as to whether, under a certain policy, a claim for damage caused by bad stowage could be maintained, by L. R. Mitchell. Economics of Fire Insurance, by J. E. Woodthorpe. Salvage, by J. J. Allen. Papers read during Session 1891. Is a mortgagee's interest in the lease of an hotel an insurable one? by J. M. Macadam. Contingent debts and other schemes for the assurance of im- paired lives, by D. Garment. Sydney a port of refuge, by J. E. Woodthorpe. Liability of Offices in cases of damage occurring through removal of property to escape conflagration, by T. D. Richards. Albuminuria in its relations with the practice of Life Assurance, by Dr. Garrett. Automatic Sprinklers, by J. D. Wormald. Papers read during Session 1 892. Inaugural Address, by D. Garment. Practice of Life Offices with regard to loans on policies, by A. Duckworth. Hazardous Merchandise, by W. M. Hamlet. Papers read during Session 1893. Inaugural Address, by J. Anderson. Lost or not lost, by M. Montgomery. Rates of Mortahty in New South Wales, by W. R. Dovey. Rights of salvors to retain cargo in stranded vessels, by J. H. Storey. Electric lighting as a fire hazard, by T. D. Richards. Papers read during Session 1894. Inaugural Address, by R. Kerr. Gollisions in Port Jackson, by M. Montgomery. Presumption of Death in connection with claims under life poli- cies, by R. Teece. Gomparison of Populations and of Rates of Mortality in New South Wales and Victoria, also in Sydney and Melbourne, by A. Duckworth. Reform of General Average, by J. Anderson. Ethics of Fire Insurance, by J. E. Woodthorpe. NEW 157 New South Wales Insurance Institute — Contmued. Papers read during Session 1895. Inaugural Address, by W. R. Dovey. Protection afforded to life policies in cases of insolvency under Colonial Acts of Parliament, with suggestions as to the best method for federal legislation, by A. C. Hollingworth. Fires and their causes, by W. D. Loughlin. Some notes on the British Life Assurance Companies' Act, 1870 ; the amendments which have been suggested in regard to it, and the various Colonial Acts that have been prepared on its lines, by W. R. Day and A. C. Hollingworth. Manufacturing and trade risks, by T. D. Richards. Papers read during Session 1 896. Inaugural Address, by J. St. Vincent Welch. Liability of common carriers in cases of fatal accidents, by R. Teece. Losses and accidents to ships engaged in the Newcastle over-sea coal trade, by E. W. G. de Gyulay. Some notes on Australian Life Office Investments, by W. R. Day. Papers read during Session 1897. Rates of Mortality in the city and suburbs of Sydney, by R. Teece. Sound Practice in Fire Insurance, by H. F. Francis. Old Age Pensions, by W. H. Paradice. Frozen Meat, by C. Danvers. Insurance Institute of New South Wales ; a plea for its existence and some suggestions for its reform, by W. R. Day. Index to Record for Sessions i.-xiii. Papers read during Session 1 898. Inaugural Address, by H. F. Francis. Some notes on Fire Loss adjustments, by W. E. Gates. Lost Policies, by A. C. Hollingworth. Marine W^ar Risks, by H. L. Puckle. Friendly Societies in Australia, by E. M. Moors. Newspapers. See Periodicals. Newton (H. A.). On the law of mortality among former members of the Divinity School of Yale College (from New Englander for April 1873). [P. vol. 40.] 1873 Newton (Sir Isaac). The Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series (translated by John Colson). 2 copies. Lond. 1736 Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy (translated by Dr. Robert Thorp). 2nd Edit. Lond. 1802 158 NEW—NIC Newton (Sir Isaac) — Continued. Treatise on the Quadrature of Curves (translated by John Stewart), Lond. 1745 Tables for renewing and purchasing of Leases. Lond. 1742 See also Carr— Maclaurin (C.)— Maseres — Whewell — Wright (J. M. F.). New York Life Insurance Company. Report on, by the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent of the Insurance Department. [P. vol. 47.] 1892 Reply to the Russian Minister of Finance. 1893 See also American Ofifices in Great Britain — Black (M. A.) — Tontines. New York State Insurance Reports, 1830 to 1896. New Zealand. See Acts of Parliament — Blue Books (Colonies and F.S.)— Life Assurance— Stuart (J. M.). New Zealand Government Insurance Department. Quinquennial Investigation Report (1885), by A. H. Bailey, R. P. Hardy, and G. King, and Annual Report 1886. Wellington 1887 Case for opinion drawn up by F. W. Frankland, Government Actuary, with opinion of the Actuaries consulted, A. H. Bailey, R. P. Hardy, and G. King. Wellington 1888 Quinquennial Investigation Report 1890, and Annual Report 1891. Report of laying the Memorial Stone of the new Head Office. 1892 Instructions to Agents. 1893 Annual Reports of Government Insurance Commission for the years 1894 and 1897. Quinquennial Investigation Report 1895, and Annual Report 1896. Nichol (J. P.). Cyclopsedia of the Physical Sciences. 2nd Edit. Lond. i860 Nichols (W. S.). Actuarial elements involved in Fire Insurance. [T.A.] 1890 Some thoughts on the principles involved in Graduation. [T.A.] 1891 Mathematical principles involved in a Mortality Table based on lives or amounts. [T.A.] 1892 Value of Medical Examinations in Industrial Assurance. [T.A.] 1893 Province of equity in Life Insurance. [T.A.] 1897 Limitations of the system of net valuations. [T.A.] 1898 Nicholson (N. A.). The science of Exchanges. Lond. 1861 Nicholson (J. S.). The present position of the Silver Question. [T.E.] 1894 Nicol (Jas.). Vital, Social, and Economic Statistics of Glasgow, 1885-1891. Glasgow 1891 NIC—NUM 159 Nicol (W. S.). New combined mortality experience of British Life Assurance Companies. [T.G.] 1895 Forms of Life Office Books. [T.E.] 1897 Inaugural Address. [T.G.] 1898 NicoU (John). A description of certain of the principal Stock Exchange Securities. [T.E.] 1897 The relation of the Actuarial Profession to the State. [From J. LA.] (2 copies.) Lond. 1898 Nippon Life Assurance Company (Japan). Report of the 7th Business Year. 1896 Nitti (F. S.). Population and the Social System. Lond. 1894 NOMEN'CLATURE OF DISEASES. 3rd Edit. 1896 Norfor (R. T.). Audit of Life Assurance Companies' Books. (Accountants' Magazine.) 1897 Norman (E. W.). Pressure of Taxation in this and other countries. [P. vol. 3 1. J Lond. 1850 North British Insurance Co. v. The Executors of the late Mrs. Ralston. Law Report. Edin. 1837 North British and Mercantile Insurance Company v. The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. Law Report. 1877 Northampton Table. See Campbell (W.) — Davies (G.) — Hulley (E.)— Jones (D.)—J.LA.— Registrar-General (England), 8th Report. Northcott (J. B.). Early History of Life Assurance. [M.I.] 1878 Norwich Union Society. Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the Funds and Conduct of the Society. [P.] Lond. i8i8 Sec also Bacon (R. M.). Notation. See Actuaries, Institute of— Begault (A.) — Hardy (Peter)— Pierson (I. C.)— T.A. Novelties in Life Assurance. [P. vol. 35.] Lond. i860 See also Standard Life. Noverre (C. E.). Romance of Insurance. [B.I.] 1895 Numbers. See Arithmetic. i6o OAK—OVE Oakes (Lieut.-Col. W. H.). Tables of Compound Interest and Annuities-certain. Lond. 1877 Table of the Reciprocals of numbers from i to 100,000. Lond. 1865 Loans payable by Drawings, and Debenture Interest Tables, Lond. 1870 Perpetual Calendar. Machine Table for determining Primes and the least factors of composite numbers up to 100,000. Oakley (H. A.). Address to National Board of Fire Underwriters. [P. vol. 44.] 1876 Oakley (R. B.). See Co-operative Credit Bank. Oddfellows. See under Friendly Societies. Ogllvie (Dr. Leslie). Some medical aspects of Life Assurance. [T.E. and LL] 1897 Ogle (W.). Summary of several Male Life Tables. [J.S.S. vol. 50.] 1887 Marriage Rates and Marriage Ages. [J.S.S. vol. 53.] 1890 Enquiry into the trustworthiness of the old Bills of Mortality. [J.S.S. vol. 55.] 1892 Ohio, Sketch of State of. [P. vol. 3.] 1824 Oke (G. C). Friendly Societies' Accounts. Lond. 1864 Olcott (H. S.). See United States (National In see. Convention). Old Age Pensions. See Pensions. Orchard (William). Single and annual premiums for every value of annuity, adapted to any mortality table. Lond. 1856 See also Gray, Smith, and Orchard. O'Reilly (B. H.). Reinsurance in Fire Business. [LL] 1886 Ostler (J.). Modern Corn Mills. [M.L] 1885 Oughtred (W.). The key of the mathematicks, new forged and filed, together with remarks on Affected Equations in numbers, Compound Usury, and Sun-Dyalls. Lond. 1647 Outram (G-.). Legal and other Lyrics. Edin. 1887 For reply to the poem on ' The Annuity ' see R. Chambers. Overstone (Lord). Tracts and other publications on metallic and paper Currency. Lond. 1858 PAL—PAM i6] Palgrave (R. F. D.). The Chairman's Handbook. 5th Edit. Lond. 1883 Palgrave (R. H. J.). Local Taxation of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1871 Pamphlets. The pamphlets have bee7i grouped together and bound i?i volumes as follows : Probability, Mortality, Life Assurance, etc. i. Presidents' Addresses and Papers read to tlie Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. ii. Friendly and other Societies. iii. Do. do. iv. Do. do. V. Report on Do. by Highland Society. vi. Highland Emigration, etc. vil. Constitution and Procedure of Scottish Courts of Law. viii. Scotch Entails, etc. ix. Presidents' Addresses and Papers read to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. x. Friendly Societies. xi. Theory and Practice of Life Assurance. xii. Insurance Legislation and Acts of Parliament. xiii. Mortality Experience of various OfBces. xiv. Pamphlets connected with the History of particular Offices, xv. Miscellaneous Pamphlets on Life Assurance and cognate subjects. xvl. Advocates' Widows' Fund. xvii. Ministers' Widows' Fund. xviii. Mortality, Life Assurance, etc. xix. Do. do. xz. Statistics and Census Returns. xxi. Banking, Currency, etc. xxil. Do. do. yxlii. Do. do. xxiv. Do. do, XXV. Do. do, xxvi. Politics and Finance. xxvii. Money, Bimetallism, etc. xxvili. Reports of Friendly Societies and Widows' Funds. xxix. Banking and Currency. xxx. Do. do. xxxl. Do. do. xxxii. Reports of Friendly Societies and Widows' Funds. xxxiii, L l62 PAM—PA T Pamphlets — Co?ttiniied. Life Assurance (General). Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Medical Statistics of Life Assurance. Reports on Friendly Societies and Widows' Funds. Mortality Experience. Life Assurance (1850-60). Do. (1840-50). Mortality, Life Contingencies, etc. Do. do. Foreign Pamphlets on subjects connected with Mortality and Life Assurance. Reports on Friendly Societies and Widows' Funds. Assessment, Life Assurance, etc. Mortality from Climate, etc. Fire Insurance, Finance, etc. Life Assurance. Reports on Friendly Societies and Widows' Funds. xxxiv. XXXV. xxxvi. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. XL xll. xlU. xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. xlix. 1. li. 1897 [N.S.W.I.] Treatise on the Conjectural Calculus. (In Paris 18 10 Paradice (W. H.). Old Age Pensions. Parisot (Seb. Ant.) French.) Park (D. P.). History of Banking in Scotland (from Banking Magazine, 1877). [P. vol. 12.] 1877 Park (J. A.). A System of the law of Marine Insurance, with Chapters on Bottomry; on Insurances upon Lives; and on Insurances against Fire. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1790 Another copy. 5th Edit. Lond. 1802 Another copy. 7th Edit. 2 vols. Lond. 181 7 Partnership ' En commandite,' or Partnership with Limited Liabilities (according to the commercial practices of the Continent of Europe and the United States of America). Lond. 1848 PascaL See under Maseres. Paterson (D. R.). Automatic Sprinklers. [T.G.] 1894 Paterson (W.). Fire Extinction. [T.G.] 1888 Paterson (William), Life of, by S. Bannister. Edin. 1858 Paterson (W. A.). Our Ports and their Dangers. [V.I.] 1888 Paton (Geo.). A system of book-keeping (bound up with Gordon on Arithmetic). Edin. 1803 PAT— P EI 163 Paton (T. S.). Compendium of the Law of Insurance. Edin. 1862 Paul (H.). Glasgow Mortality Bill, 1837. [P. vol. 43.] Glasgow 1838 Paulin (D.). Life Office Investments ; Retrospect and Outlook. [T.E,] 1895 Old Age Pensions and Pauperism ; a present-day problem. [T.E.] 1896 Paull (R. J.). Accident Insurance. [B.I.] 1893 Payne (John). Tables for valuing labour and stores by weight or by numbers. Lond. 181 1 New Tables of Interest. Lond. 1758 Payne (J. F.). Relation of Cancer to Life Assurance. [M.O.] 1897 Peacock (George). A treatise on Algebra. 2 vols. Camb. 1842-45 See also Ency. Metrop. Pearce (Dr. C. T.). Letter to the President of the Local Govern- ment Board, with statistics showing the increase of Smallpox, etc., in connection with the extension of Vaccination, compiled from Registrar-General's Returns. [P. vol. 38.] Lond. 1877 Pearson (Arthur). See Metropolitan Life Assurance Society. Pearson (James). The elements of the calculus of Finite Differ- ences treated on the method of separation of symbols. 2nd Edit. Camb. 1850 Pearson (Karl). Contributions to the mathematical theory of Evolution. Lond. 1894 The Chances of Death, and other studies in Evolution. (2 vols.) 1897 Peddle (Alexander). The Practical Measurer ; containing a variety of tables for the use of artificers. Glasgow 1846 Peddle (D. S.). Report on the Affairs of the Widows' Fund of the Society of Booksellers and Stationers in Edinburgh, Leith, and Suburbs, as at August 1849. [P- vol. 11.] Edin. 1849 Peiler (M. H.). Tate's Arithmometer. [T.A.] 1891 Retrospective forms of valuation in practice. [T.A.] 1893 Valuation of Reversionary Annuities by commutation columns. [T.A.] 1898 1 64 PEL— PER Pelican Life Insurance Company. Deed of Constitution. 1 Pennington (J.). Letter on the importation of foreign corn, and the value of the precious metals in different countries, with ; observations on Money and the Foreign Exchange. [P. vol. 32.] | Lond. 1840 : For reply to above, see Mackenzie (H.). 1 Pensions. See Acts of Parhament — Blackley — Blue Books — Booth : — Burdett — Deuchar — Family Pension Fund — Hewat — ' King — London School Board — Meikle — Newman — Paradice \ — Paulin — PuUar — ^Samot — Sowerbutts — TuUis. \ Periodicals. \ Accountants' Magazine. \ America, Actuarial Society of, Journal of. \ Bankers' Magazine. ; Belgian Actuarial Journal. \ Caledonian Jottings, 1891-93. "\ Dutch Economist — odd numbers. \ Dutch Life Assurance Calendar and Journal. ! Economic Journal. ] Finance Chronicle from 1875 to 1880. 3 vols. j Financial Reform Almanacs, 1874 ^^^d 1879. % French Actuarial Journal, 1872-80. \ Assurance Monitor, 1869, 1870, 1873, 1885, and 1886. Assurance Record — odd numbers. Assurance Review for June 1874. [P. vol. 45.] Institute of Actuaries' Journal. German Assurance Magazine — odd numbers. Glasgow, Insurance and Actuarial Society of, Transactions of. Hazell's Annual. Insurance Blue Book. — — Digest, The Annual. File for 1892 and 1895. Record. - — Register (White's) for 1869 and 1 871 to 1890. Spectator of London. Times (London) from April to September 1870. Times (New York) for 1874 — vol. 7. Year Book for 1870, 1880-81. Japanese Insurance Journal. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. Life Assurance Chronicle for June and July 1846. Manchester Statistical Society Journal, from 1852. New South Wales, Insurance Institute of, Journal of. Policyholder. Post Magazine, PER- PLA 165 Periodicals — Continued. Post Magazine Almanac. Review. Scottish Banking and Insurance Magazine, 1879 (vol. I.). Statistical Society's Journal. Victoria, Insurance Institute of, Journal of. Yorkshire Insurance Institute Journal. Pestalozzi( — ). Intuitive relations of Numbers. Dublin 18 17-19 Petgrave (E. C). Courts of Equity and Buyers of Reversions. [P. vol. 12.] Lond. 1864 Petty (Sir William). Discourse concerning the use of duplicate proportion, etc. Lond. 1674 Essays in Political Arithmetic. Lond. 1699 See also Mortality Bills. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science for January 1866, containing article by T. R. Edmonds on 'The Law of human mortality expressed by a new formula.' Philosophy. See Mathematics — Science. Pickard's Dutch-English Dictionary. 7th Edit. Gouda n.d. Pierson (I. C). Double Endowments. [T.A.] 1891 Necessity of a universal notation. [T.A.] 1895 Data and tables from ' Life Insurance, an applied Science.' [T.A.] 1896 See also International Congress of Actuaries — Washington Life Insurance Company. Pimentel (H.). Tables indicating the origin and progress of Life Assurance, with a short history. (In French.) 1869 Pinckard (G. H.). See Clerical, Medical, and General Society. Pipkin (S. J.). Average conditions of a Fire Insurance Policy. [T.G.] 1896 Pitcairn (David). The winding-up of Life Insurance Companies. [P. vol. 13.] Lond. 1 87 1 Pitt (The Right Hon. Wm.), A vindication of the character of. [P. vol. 7.] Edin. 1810 Place (Francis). Illustrations and proofs of the Principle of Population, including an examination of the proposed remedies of Mr. Malthus. Lond. 1822 Plague of London in Relation to Weather, by A. Buchan and A. Mitchell. [P. vol. 43.] 1875 1 66 PLA—POI Plan of a new Stock or Fund for the benefit and better security of the suitors of the High Court of Chancery, etc., with notes. (Copy of a private ms.). n.d. Playfair (J.) and Wallace (T.). Pregnancy in relation to Life Assurance. [B.M.A.] 1898 Playfair (J. G.), See under Playfair (John). Playfair (John). Elements of Geometry, with the elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 6th Edit. Edin. 1822 Another copy. 8th Edit. Edin. 183 1 Works of, with a Memoir of the Author, by J. G. Playfair. 4 vols. Edin. 1822 Plumley (G. L.). Modification of McCliniock's formula for an approximation of accumulated contribution to surplus. [T.A.] 1898 Plummer (H.). Fire Risk. [M.I.] 1880 Philosophy of Tariffs. [M.I.] 1886 Development of Fire Reserves. [M.I.] 1890 Loss of capital sustained by the younger Fire Companies during the last ten years. [M.I.] 1892 Present position and future possibilities of the Institute. [M.I.] 1893 Pocklington (H.). The technical education of a Fire Insurance Surveyor. [Y.I.] 1889 Duties and qualifications of a Fire Insurance man. [Y.I.] 1897 Pocock (Lewis). A Chronological List of Books and Pamphlets relating to the doctrine of Chances, Annuities, Reversions, Life Assurance, etc. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1842 A familiar explanation of the nature, advantages, and importance of Assurance upon Lives, etc. Lond. 1842 Pohlman (J. G.). Discount and Interest Tables at 5 per cent., also Universal Interest Tables, simple and compound, Life Annuities, Reversions, etc. Lond. 1823 Poincar4 (H.). Lectures on the Calculus of Probabilities, edited by A. Quiquet. (In French.) Paris 1896 Poisson (S. D.). Researches in the probabilities of Judgments. (In French.) Paris 1837 POL 167 Pole Star Insurance Company (Stockholm). The first 15 years' results of the business of the Company, by Otto Samson. (In Swedish.) 2 copies. Stockholm 1887 Do. do. 20 years. (2 copies.) Stockholm 1892 Do. do. 25 years. Stockholm 1897 Police Act 1890 (with section as to Superannuation of Constables, etc.). Police (Scotland) Act 1890 (for providing Pensions, etc.). Policies, Valuation of. See Life Assurance — Life Contingencies. Political Economy. Burton (J. H.). 1849 Fawcett (H.). 1865 Hume (D.). 1752 Joyce (J.). 1804 Lauderdale (Earl of). 1804 Longstaff (G. B.). 1891 M'Culloch (J. R.). 1825-70 Macleod (H. D.). 1858 Dictionary. 1863 History. 1896 Malthus (T. R.). 1827 Marriott (Major-Gen.). 1874 Mill (J. S.). 1865 Newmarch (W.). 1861 Nitti (F. S.). 1894 Petty (Sir W.). 1699 Ricardo (D.). 1821 Say(J. B.). 1816 Senior (N. W.). 1863 Sidgwick (H.). 1883 Smith (Adam). 1861 Spencer (H.). 1884 Stewart (Dugald). 1855 See also British Almanac — Economic Journal — J.S.S. — Wittstein (Dr. T.). (^Industry and Commerce.) Bastable (C. F.). International Trade. 1897 Brassey (T.). Co-operative production. 1874 Cunningham (W.). English industry and commerce. 1882 Hamilton (R.). The progress of society. 1830 Harris (D.). Depression of Trade. 1885 Lowe (J.). Present state of England. 1823 M'Culloch (J. R.). On commerce. 1833 Commercial Dictionary. 1859 Partnership ' En commandite.' 1848 {Population.) Jarrold (T.). 1806 I Nitti (F. S.). 1894 Malthus (T. R.). 1826 | Place (F.). 1822 (Dissertation). 1753- For Population Statistics see Population — J.S.S. {Taxation and Taxes.) Dowell (S.). History of. 1884 Palgrave (R. H. J.). Local Taxation of Great Britain and Ireland. 1871 See also Bentham (J.) — Booth (J.) — Economic Journal — Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce — Hanson (A.) — J.S.S. — Norman (E.W.) — Ricardo (D.). i68 POL—POS Pollock (J. E.). See Chisholm and Pollock. Poore (Dr. V.). The relation of slight degrees of Albuminuria to Life Assurance. [M.O.] 1894 Popular view of Life Assurance, with rates of English and Scotch offices for Home and Foreign Assurances. [P. vol. 16.] Lond. 1840 Population. Census (1831) of Glasgow and Lanarkshire, with statistical tables relative to England and Scotland, by J. Cleland. 1832 Census 185 1. (Cheshire.) 1853 Census 1861 — Inconsistencies of English. (Sargant.) 1865 Census 1871 — Digest of. (Lewis.) 1873 Remarks on. (Welton.) 1871 On some published results of. (Welton.) 1872 Census 1881. (Burridge.) Census 1891 — Occupation of males in England and Wales. (Welton.) 1898 England and Wales, 1801, 1811, and 1821. (Marshall.) 1831 London, 1629-1831. (Marshall.) 1832 Growth of. (Petty.) 1683 Past growth and present state. (Morris.) 175 1 Scotland, Abstracts for 1801, 1811, and 1821. 1823 Glasgow — Statistical Tables, by J. Cleland. 1823 Reports upon the statistics of, for 1869, 1871, and 1873. (Watson.) 1870-74 Summary of 187 1 Census. (Watson.) 1871 Vital, etc., statistics, 1885-91, by J. Nicol. , 1891 See also Blue Books (Census) — British Almanac — Statistical Journal — Registrar-General — U.S.A. Porte (A. R). Electric Lighting. [I. I.] 1890 Central Electric Lighting Stations. [I. I.] 1892 Fire Risks from Electric Lighting. [I. I.] 1893 Porter (H. W.). An essay on Life Assurance. [P. vol. 12.] Lond. i860 Another copy. [P.] Lond. i860 Porter (J. B.). The laws of Insurance — Fire, Life, Accident, and Guarantee. Lond. 1884 Do. do. 3rd edit, (assisted by W. F. Craies and T. S. Little). Lond. 1898 Positive Government Security Life Insurance Company. Facts and Suggestions addressed to the Shareholders upon their position and prospects, by T. H. Baylis. [P.] Lond, 1872 Annual Reports, 1878 and 1879. POS—PRO 169 Postdown (W.). Benefits to be derived by Fire Insurance Com- panies from the Establishment of Salvage Corps. [T.G.] 1899 Post Magazine and Almanac. Reprint of Abstract Returns of all Insurance Companies completely registered, from the passing of the Act 7 and 8 Vic. c. no, to 1849. See also Periodicals. Post Obits. See M'Candlish— Scratchley. Potts (Robert). Appendix to Euclid's Elements of Geometry. Camb. 1847 Povah (C). Scope and work of the Insurance Institutes. [B.I.] 1898 Practitioner. Special Cancer Number. April 1899 Premiums. See Accident Insurance — Fire Insurance — Life Assur- ance — Life Contingencies — Sickness Insurance. Price (Bartholomew). A treatise on the Infinitesimal Calculus. Vol. I., Differential Calculus. Oxford 1852 Price (Richard). Observations on Reversionary Payments, on Schemes for providing annuities for Widows, and on the National Debt ; with four essays on different subjects in the doctrine of Life Annuities and Political Arithmetic, ist Edit. Lond. 1771 Another copy, with Supplement containing Additional Observations. 2nd Edit. (2 copies.) Lond. 1772 Another copy, enlarged by additional Notes and Essays. 4th Edit. 2 vols. Another copy (edited by Wm. Morgan). 5th Edit. Another copy (edited by Wm. Morgan). 6th (2 copies.) Another copy (edited by Wm. Morgan). 7th (3 copies.) See also Brand (C). Prices. See Finance. Principles of Life Annuities and Assurances practically illustrated, by an Accountant. Edin. 1829 Probabilities. See Mathematics. Problems and Solutions. Actuarial Exercises and Examples. Ackland and Hardy. 1889 Algebraical Problems and Solutions. Bland. 1837 Do. do. R. Thomson. 1814 Arithmetical questions. Butler. 1801-06 Lond. 1783 2 vols. Lond. 1792 Edit. 2 vols. Lond. 1803 Edit. 2 vols. Lond. I8I2 Wright. 1830-36 Lisle. 1893 Haddon. 1851 1823 Bland. 1827 Latham. 1848 Colenso. 1846 Aylmer. 1824 Galbraith and Rutherford. 1849 Wrigley. 1847 Leybourn. 1817 ' Bland. 1830 1851 to 1853. of the Institute of Actuaries 1893-94 Dodson. 1748-55 Davies. 1840 Colenso. 1853 al Companion- —Lady's Diary — 170 PRO Problems and Solutions — Continited. Cambridge problems and solutions. C.A. Examination Papers. Differential Calculus. Dublin problems. Geometrical problems. Do. do. Do. do. and Key. Key to Bridge's Algebra. Key to Bonnycastle's Algebra. Mathematical problems. Do. do. Philosophical, etc., problems. Senate House Examination papers, Solutions of questions in Part II. Examination. Solutions of selected questions. Solutions of Hutton's Course. Solutions in Trigonometry. See also Gentleman's Mathematic Maseres — Mathematics. Proceedings of the Life Assurance Officers' Medical Association. See under Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association. Procurators, Faculty of (in Glasgow), Widows' Fund. Amended Regulations of. [P.] 1827 See also Meikle (J.)— Thomson (W. T.). Professional Life Insurance Company. Prospectus, Annual Reports, Tables, etc. [P. vol. 41.] 1850 Reply by E. Baylis to the attack on the Company, with remarks on the new system. [P. vol. 41.] Lond. 1852 Opinions of the Press on above. [P. vol 41.] 1853 Property Investment Companies. [P. vol. 44.] 1855 Prospectuses of Life Assurance Companies transacting business in Great Britain, collected about 1845, 1848, 1879, 1888, and 1894. Provident Institutions. See Blue Books — British Almanac — Friendly Societies. Provident Life Office. Deed of Constitution and Byelaws. 1871 See also Scottish Widows' Fund — Duckett. Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia. Mortality Experience, 1866-1885, by A. S. Wing. (2 copies.) 1886 PRU—QUI 171 Prudential Assurance Company. Mortality Experience in the Industrial Branch for 1867-70, with observations by H. Harben. (2 copies.) Lond. 187 1 See also Blue Books (F. and B. B. Societies). Public Revenue. See Blue Books — Finance — J.S.S. Puckle (H. L.). Marine War Risks. [N.S.W.I.] 1898 PuUar (J.). Old Age Pensions. [V.I.] 1896 Pulley (W. P.). Extra Premiums. [B.I.] 1896 Purdon (Dr. H. S.). Brief remarks upon Medical Examinations for Life Assurance. [P. vol. 38.] Belfast 1872 Purkis (H. W.). The student's guide to Chitty on Contracts, Wilhams on Real Property, and Haynes's Outlines of Equity. Lond. 1876 Purves (P. W.). Some results of competition. [B.L] 1894 Quaternions. See Mathematics. Queen Insurance Company. Address to the Shareholders by the ex-London Directors. [P.] Lond. 1867 Queensland. Life Insurance Act 1879. « See also Blue Books. Quetelet (A.). Tables of Mortality and their development. (In French.) Brussels 1872 Quetelet (M. A.). Popular instructions on the calculation of Probabilities, with Notes by Richard Beamish. (2 copies.) Lond. 1839 On the theory of Probabilities as applied to the Moral and Political Sciences (translated by O. G. Downes). Lond. 1849 Quiquet (A.). Algebraic Interpretation of Mortality Tables. (In French.) Paris 1893 Interpolation Formulae. (In French.) Paris 1893 Compound Assurances. (In French.) [P.] Paris 1897 See also Poincard. 172 RAB—RA Y Rabagliati (A.). The preponderating importance of Personal History as compared with Heredity in Life Assurance. [Y.I.] 1895 Rail (J. W.). A few items in the general practice of Fire and Life Companies. [N.S.W.I.] 1886 Proof of Age and adjustment of Errors. [N.S.W.I.] 1887 When should a Policy sustained by Surrender Value lapse ? Should the Surrender Value of a Policy by its own application extend the term of the Policy's existence ? [N.S.W.I.] 1889 Railway Benevolent Societies, Report of International Con- gress of. (In French.) 1892 Railway Debentures, by J. Coles. [P. vol. 16.] Lond. 1866 Railways. See Blue Books — Chambers (William) — Neison (F. G. P.). Raleigh (Samuel). On some leading points in the practical finance of Life Assurance. [P vol. 35.] Edin. 1863 Address to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh for session 1863-4. [P. vols. 2 and 10.] Two other copies. [P.] See also Equitable Society (London) — Scottish Widows' Fund. Ralston. See North British Insurance Company. Ramsay (W.). See Hutton (Charles). Ranee (T. G.). Tables of Compound Interest. Lond. 1852 Rankin (R.). Familiar Treatise on Life Assurance and Annuities, with original Tables of Mortality for the city of Bristol. (2 copies.) Lond. 1830 Ratcliffe (Henry). Observations on the rate of Mortality and Sickness existing among Friendly Societies, with original Tables, etc. Colchester 1861 Supplementary report on the affairs of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows Friendly Society. 1872 Rattray (A. F.). Fire Re-insurances. [V.I.] 1891 Ray (W. R.). Physical view of the Ocean, and a short sketch of its history. [V.I.] 1893 Some considerations on the Maritime Interest, Freight, etc. [V.I.] 1897 REA—REG 173 Reade (A. A.). Insurance Made Easy. [P. vol. 36.] Manchester 1890 Reciprocals, Tables of. See Mathematics (Logarithms). Reddie (James). Inquiries, — elementary and historical, — in the Science of Law. Lend. 1840 Reddie (John). Letter on the expediency of the proposal to form a Civil Code for England. [P. vol. 9.] Lond. 1828 Reed (William). Improved Interest Tables at 5 per cent, and other Tables. Lond. 1803 Improved Tables of Gain and Discount, etc. Lond. 1806 Registrar-General (England). Weekly Returns of Births and Deaths in London. 5 vols. 1862- 1865 (1862 in duplicate). Annual Reports from 1839 to date, ist Report. (2 other copies.) ^ 2nd Report and Appendix. (2 other copies.) 3rd Report and Appendix. 4th, 5th, and 8th Reports. (Each i other copy.) 5th Report contains Appendix by Dr. Wm. Farr — English Life Table No. I. Construction of Life Tables, etc. 6th Report contains Appendix by Dr. Farr — English Life Table No. I.— Monetary Tables (Single Lives and Joint Lives). Explanation of Columns, etc. Life Insurance, remarks on. Collection of Formulae, etc. 8th Report contains Appendix by Dr. Farr — Northampton Table of Mortality (Price's), remarks on. Northampton — Historical Sketch of, — Census 1746 and Progress of the Population of, — True Northampton Table, etc. 1 2th Report contains Appendix by Dr. Farr — English Life Table No. II., and on other Tables in use. Life Insurance Offices, Expenses, Profits, and Division of Profits of, — Financial Condition of a Life Office, — Accounts and Audits of, etc. Finance of Life Assurance, — Part I. Life Insurance, Short Term Insurance, Single Premium, Successive Insurance, etc. Life Annuities, Deferred, Intercepted, etc. Insurance against Sickness, Age, and Death. Part II. Annuities -certain. Perpetuities, Annuities for- borne. Reversions, etc. National Debt, Building Societies, etc. Tables. Results Deduced from English Life Table No. 2 (Males), at 3, 4, and 5 per cent. Useful Formulae, etc. [74 REG— RE Y Eegistrar-General {^x\^2iW^— Continued. 20th Report contains Appendix by Dr. Farr — English Life Table No. II. (Females) — Summary of results at 3, 4, and 5 per cent. Supplement to the 35th Report. Supplement to 55th Report contains — Part I. New English Life Table. Census and Local Distribution of Deaths. Part II. Mortality in different Occupations, etc. Effects of Alcoholic Excess, Dust-laden Air, or Chronic Lead Poisoning. Annual Summary of Births, Deaths, and Causes of Deaths in London and other large towns, with Appendix containing Dr. Frankland's report on the Metropolitan Water Supply. 1897 Registrar-General (Scotland). Detailed Annual Reports, 1855 to 1871 inclusive. 22 vols, (first 5 in duplicate). Supplement to the Reports of Births, etc., 1861-1870. Edin. 1874 Monthly and Quarterly Returns and Reports, from 1858 to date (complete after i860). Appendix to 21st Report of the Registrar-General for Scotland regarding Infant Mortality, by Dr. W. Robertson. [P. vol. 21.] Registrar-General's Reports. On certain results and defects of the, by W. L. Sargant. 1864 Inconsistencies of the Census of 1861 with, by W. L. Sargant. 1865 Reid (John). Manual of the Scottish Stocks and British Funds. Edin. 1841 Relation between the Funds and Policies in force, and Expendi- ture and Premium Income. [P.] Lond. 1871 Remington (C). Can the Insurance Contract be improved,? [N.S.W.I.] 1885 Presidential Address. [N.S.W.I.] 1887 Rennie (C). Marine Insurance. [V.I.] 1885 The Collision Clause. [V.I.] 1887 Inaugural Address. [V.I.] .1888 Returns to Board of Trade. See Accounts — Blue Books. Revenue. See Accounts — Public Revenue. Reversions. See Acts of Parliament — Interest and Annuities- Certain — Law — Life Contingencies. Review (The). 1872-77, and from 1888 to date. Reynolds (G. W.). Notes on the Finance Act. [I. I.] 1897 RIB— ROB 175 Ribot (Th.). Heredity, a psychological study of its phenomena, laws, causes, and consequences. (From the French.) 2nd Edit. (2 copies.) Lond. 1875 Ricardo (David). Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1821 Richards (John). Annuities on Lives and for Limited Terms of Years considered. (Bound up with other works.) Lond. 1739 Richards (T. D.). What is the liability of an Office in case of damage occurring through removal of property to escape conflagration? [N. S.W.I. ] 1891 Electric Lighting as a Fire Hazard. [N.S.W.I.] 1893 Manufacturing and Trade Risks. [N.S.W.I.] 1895 Richson (Charles). Mental Arithmetic. Lond. 1835 Richter (John). See Say (J. B.). Richter (J. G.). Error in Age. [T.A.] 1893 and 1895 Ridge (M. A.). Insurance prospects in the Colonies. [V.I.] 1886 Inaugural Address. [V.I.] 1894 Riley (T. S.). Inaugural Address. [Y.L] 1892 Rimmer (J. C). Fire Insurance, Past and Present. (Prize Essay.) [M.L] 1887 Ritchie (J.). Does evidence of Limited Family Vitality call for an advanced rate of premium ? [B.M.A.] 1898 Ritchie (Dr. R. P.). On Vaccination, with some considerations regarding postponed vaccination. [P. vol. 38.] .Edin. 187 1 Ritchie (W.). Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus, revised by J. A. Spencer. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1847 Robb (J.). Accumulation in Fire Risk. [M.I.] 1875 Manchester Warehouses. [M.I.] 1877 Roberts (J. B.). Scheduled 7/. Non-Scheduled Insurances. [Y.I.] 1889 Woollen Manufacture in relation to Fire Insurance. [V.I.] 1895 Inaugural Address. [Y.I.] 1896 Robertson (Alexander). Defects of Life Insurance. [P.] Edin. 1849 The nature, value, and disputability of Life Assurance Policies, considered in a letter to Lord Campbell. [P. vol. 35.] Edin. i860 See also Standard Life Assurance Company. 176 ROB—ROU Robertson (Henry). A Handbook of Bankers' Law. Edin. 1862 Do. do. 4th Edit., by W. D. Thorburn. Edin. 1 88 1 Robertson (J.). See under Maseres. Robertson (J. J.). Some notes on Agency Visitation. Lond. n.d. Robertson (J. 0.). Methods of Computation. [B.I.] 1893 Robertson (R. S.). Some Fire Insurance Gleanings. [V.L] 1896 Robertson (T. S.). Life Assurance ; its theory, history, and practice. [V.L] 1884 Some improvements in Life Insurance practice. [V.L] 1886 Gleanings from the Vital Statistics of Victoria. [V.L] 1888 Some Fire Insurance Gleanings. [V.L] 1896 Robertson (Dr. Wm.). Letter to the Registrar-General for Scotland, with tables of mortality for Scotland based on 1871 Census returns. [P. vol. 12.] 1877 Another copy. [P.] 5^(?«/j^ Registrar-General (Scotland) — Scottish Equitable Society. Robinson (F. J.). Speeches on the regulation of intercourse between the West Indies and other parts of the world. [P. vol. 27.] Lond. 1822 Speeches on the Financial Condition of the Country. [P. vol. 27.] 1823-26 Robinson (R. H. ). Lloyd's. [V.L] 1892 Robinson (S. G.). Inaugural Address. [I.I.] 1891 Rogers (T.). First nine years of the Bank of England. (2 copies.) Oxford 1887 RoMe (R, T.). Practicable Decimal System for Great Britain and her colonies. [P.] 1885 RoUe (John). The Traders' Safeguard and Counting-House Guide, containing the Laws relating to Bills of Exchange, Bankruptcy^ etc. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1822 Romney (A.). The Speculative Schemes of the present times, and the projected Banks, [P. vol. 22.] Edin. 1825 Ross (George). See Bell (William). Rossia Insurance Company. Annual Report. 1894 Rothery (H. J.) and Ryan (G. H.). Premium Conversion Tables for finding single and annual premiums. Lond. 1893 Routh (E. J.). Method of expressing any particular arbitrary con- stant in the solution of Linear Differential Equations in terms of the initial condition. [P.J 1883 ROW— RUT 177 Rowsell (W. H.). Some thoughts suggestive of greater uniformity in practice among Fire Insurance Companies. [N.S.W.I.] 1887 Should Fire Insurance Companies be taxed in support of Fire Brigades? [N.S.W.I.] 1889 Royal Insurance Company. Report of quinquennial valuation 1854-59 ; and of Mortality investi- gation 1845-59, by P. M. Dove. [P. vol. 15.] Liverpool i860 Do. 1859-64, do. 1845-64. [P. vol. 15.] Liverpool 1865 Royal Liver Friendly Society. See Blue Books — Sprague (T. B.). Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions, vols. V. (186 1), VL (1864), VIL (1868), VIIL (1869). Royal Society, Extracts from Transactions of. An analysis and notation applicable to the estimation of the value of Life Contingencies {Benjamin Go7nperiz). 1820 On the nature of the function expressive of. the law of human mortality, and on a new mode of determining the value of Life Contingencies {Benjamin Gompertz). 1825 With Supplement to above two papers. 1861 Formula for expressing the decrement of human life, and Investi- gation of the laws by which the general mortality of the human species appears to be governed {T. Young). 1826 Rudd (Captain Thomas). Euclid's Elements of Geometry, with the mathematical! preface of Mr. John Dee. Lond. 1651 Russell (G. A.). On Money and Bimetallism. [V.L] 1894 Russell (Lord John). Letter on the principles of the Reform Act. [P. vol. 27.] Lond. 1839 Russell (Dr. J. B.). The House in relation to Public Health. [T.G.] 1886 Russell (S. G.). Automatic Sprinklers. [V.L] 1891 Russia, Statements of Insurance Business in. 1894 Drink Question in. See Blue Books (Returns). Rutherford (William). See Galbraith and Rutherford. Rutherglen (C. K.). Corn Mills. [T.G.] 1883 Rutledge (P.). The advantages and hazards of Electric Lighting. [N.S.W.I.] 1888 Automatic Sprinklers. [N.S.W.I.] 1890 Rutter (F. W. P.). Versatility of an Insurance Career. [T.G.] 1897 M 178 J^ VASAL Ryan (G. H.). On the several Mortality Tables used in the valuation of Annuity Contracts. [T.E.] 1885 Extra Risks considered in relation to a Hypothetical Table of Mortality. [From J. LA. vol. 24.] Extra Premiums on Two-life Insurances. [From J. I. A. vol. 24.] Expected Deaths and Expected Claims. [From J. LA. vol. 26.] On a method for determining the gain or loss from mortality in an Annuity Company. [From J. LA. vol. 30.] On a means of calculating the expected death strain in a Life Office. [From J. LA. vol. 30.] See also Rothery and Ryan. Ryder (G. V.). High-pressure hot-water heating apparatus. [M.I.] 1879 Ryley (E.). A statement of facts connected with an anonymous circular and the proceedings at certain meetings of Actuaries and others officially connected with Life Assurance Companies. [P.] Lond. 1848 s St. John (H. W.). Adverse Selection by withdrawal. [T.A.] 1890 On the Intervention of the Legislator to permit or assume the supervision of the operations of Life Insurance Companies. [T.A.] 1895 Meech's Life Tables. [T.A.] 1897 See also Marie (M. Leon)— Walras (L.). St. Leonards (Lord). A Handy Book on Property Law. 7th Edit. Lond. 1863 Sachs (E. 0.). What is Fire Protection? [P. vol. 49.] Lond. 1897 Salmon (The Rev. George). Lessons, introductory to the Modern Higher Algebra. Dublin 1859 A treatise on Conic Sections. 2nd Edit. Dublin 1850 Salter (Charles). Some principles of Fire Insurance. [V.I.] 1884 Inaugural Address. [V.L] 1887 Salter (G. F.). Graphic Interpolation by mechanical means. [T.A.] 1894 See also Begault (A.). SAM—SAN lyc) Samot (D. J. A.). On the Institute of Actuaries, London. (In Dutch Economist for April 1877.) [P. vol. 45.] On Sickness Assurance. (Dutch Economist, 1878.) [P. vol. 45.] On Pensions for Government Officials. (Supplement of the Dutch Economist.) [P. vol. 45.] Amsterdam 1878 Paper on the French Insurance Company ' Le Phenix.' (In Dutch) Rotterdam 1878 On Government supervision of Life Assurance Companies. (Dutch Economist, 1879.) [P- vol. 45.] Life Insurance : an address in Dutch. [P. vol. 45.] Rotterdam 1880 The elements of the Theory of Life Insurance. (Dutch, from the Mathematical Journal of April 1880.) [P. vol. 45.] Another paper on Pensions. (Dutch Economist, 1881.) [P. vol. 45.] The problem of Pensions for Workmen, its nature and solution. (Dutch Economist, 1882.) [P. vol. 45.] Summary of the transactions of the Dutch Life Insurance Com- panies in the years 1878-82. (In Dutch.) [P. vol. 45.] 1883 Surrender Values of Policies. [P.] 1884 Life Contingencies. (Dutch Life Assurance Magazine, part I., 1886.) [P. vol. 45-] Government Supervision. [P.] 1889 Samson (Otto). See Pole Star Insurance Company. Sanderson (F.). Life Assurance in Canada. [T.E.] 1894 See also Canada Life Assurance Company. Sang (Edward). Essays on Life Assurance. [P. vol. 50.] Edin. 1840 Report on the Funds of the Incorporation of Tailors in Edinburgh. [P. vol. II.] Edin. 1841 Life Assurance and Annuity Tables, Carlisle Table, 3 per cent. One life. Edin. 1841 Two lives. Lond. 1859 Remarks on the influence of Selection on the values of Life Con- tingencies submitted to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. (MS.). 1842 A new general theory of the Teeth of Wheels. Edin. 1852 Elementary Arithmetic. (2 copies.) Edin. 1856 Answers to Questions in Elementary Arithmetic. Edin. 1856 Higher Arithmetic : a sequel to the above. Edin. 1857 Treatise on the Valuation of Life Contingencies. Edin. 1864 The theory of Commensurables. [P.] Edin. 1864 Address to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh, Session 1868-9. [P. vols. 2 and 10.] Edin. 1868 Several other copies. [P.] Valuation of Life Contingencies by the help of Analytic Functions. [P. vols. 2 and 10.] Edin. 1869 Several other copies. [P.] i8o SAN—SCH Sang (Edward) — Continued. Mechanical Aids to Calculation. [P. vols. 2 and 10.] Edin. 1871 Several other copies, [P.] Table of Seven-place Logarithms. Lond. 1871 Specimen pages of a Table of Logarithms of all numbers up to one million, shortened to nine figures from original calculations to fifteen-place decimals. [P.] Edin. 1872 Remarks on the Logarithmic and Trigonometrical Tables com- puted by M. Prony. [P. vol. 12.] Edin. 1874 Remarks on Census Returns. [P. vol. 44.] Edin. 1875 The Indeterminate Equation a^->rb'^ = c^. (MS.). Edin. 1882 Papers on — Achromatism of afour-lense eyepiece — Air's resistance to an oscillating body — Algebraic equations — Catadioptric alti- tude and azimuth circle — Chain pendulum — Compensation balance — Compound goniometer without parallax — Convertible pendulum — Crystal cavities — Crystal pointer and clock adjust- ment — Cubic equations — Curves reflected from a polished revolv- ing wire — Deflection of the plummet — Elliptic movements — Ex- tension of Bruncker's Method — Fundamental tables in trigono- metry and astronomy — Gyroscope — Instability in open structures — John Leslie's computation of tt — Motion in a circle — Oscillation of flexible pendulums — Recurring functions — Simple flexure — Tabulation of fractions — Time of descent in a circular arc — Toothing of unround discs — Vibration of a uniform straight spring. Sargant (W. L.). On certain results and defects of the Reports of the Registrar- General (from J.S.S., June 1864). [P. vol. 21.] Inconsistencies of the English Census of 1861 with the Registrar- General's Reports (from J.S.S., March 1865). [P.] Saunderson (J.). See under Saunderson (N.). Saunderson (Nicholas). Elements of Algebra in ten books ; with the life and character of the Author, by J. Saunderson. 2 vols. Camb. 1 741 Savings Banks. See Blue Books — British Almanac — Friendly Societies. Sawyer (J.). Automatic Arithmetic. Lond. 1878 Say (J. B.). A Catechism of Political Economy (translated l>y John Richter). Lond. 181 6 Schaertlin (G.). On the Death-rate of the Swiss Population for the years 1876-7 and 1880-1. (In German.) [P.] Berne 1888 On the Schemes for a future provision for the functionaries and employees of the States of Switzerland. (In French.) Berne 1889 sens CO i8i Schonberg (C. L.). The Chain Rule. Lond. n.d. School Board of London. See London. School Teachers (Elementary). See Elementary School Teachers. Schooling (W.). Expense Ratios of Life Offices. Lond. 1894 Life Assurance explained. Lond. 1897 Comparisons (Life). [B.I.] 1898 See also In wood (W.). Schoolmasters' Widows' Fund (Scotland). Act of Parliament raising and constituting the Fund, dated 16th July 1846. [P.] Report relative to the Fund for 1852. See also Friendly Societies. Schultz (0. A.). Surrender Value of a Policy. [V.L] 1892 Science. Babbage (C). On the decline of Science in England. 1830 Bagehot {W.). Physics and politics. 1883 British Association reports, 1854 to 1872. Enfield {W.). Scientific amusements. N.D. Jevons {W. S.). Principles of Science. 1883 Newmarch {W^. Progress of Economic Science. 1861 Nichol {J. P.). Cyclopaedia of the Physical Sciences. i860 Social Science. Trans, of the National Assocn. 1870 and 1871 Spencer (//.). The study of Sociology. 1884 Watt {A.). Scientific industries explained. 1881 See also Edgeworth — Ency. Brit. — Galton — Heredity — Sang — Weldon. Scotch Life Assurance and Scotcli Life Offices. (From the Weekly Chronicle and Register.) [P. vol. 34.] Lond. 1857 Another copy. [P.] Scotland (Thomas). The Standard Measurer; containing tables for finding the contents of all kinds of artificer's work. Leith 18 1 6 Scott (E. E.). Table of Logarithms and Anti-Logarithms, to five places. Lond. 1870 Short Table of Logarithms and Anti-Logarithms, to ten places of decimals. Lond. 1897 Scott (E. W.). Johan de Witt, translated by. [T.A.] 1897 See also Huygens (C). Scott (J.). Report on W.S. Society Widows' Fund. Edin. 1829 Scott (Rev. W.). Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometry. Camb. 1853 1 82 SCO Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society. Deed of Constitution and Bye-Laws, etc. Glasg. 1842 Act of Parliament. 1849 Mortality Experience, 1826-60, by William Spens. (3 copies.) Glasg. 1 86 1 Observations thereon, by William Spens (from J. I. A., vol. 10). (Bound up with copy of above.) Historical sketch of the Society (from the Review of 20th December 1876). [P.] Extracts from addresses at the annual meetings, illustrating the Society's claims to public confidence, 1848-61. [P.] Death-rate experienced in the West Indies, 1846-76, by John Stott. [P. vols. 14 and 44.] Glasg. 1876 Mortality Experience, 1826-76, among Publicans, etc., by John Stott. [P. vol. 14.] Glasg. 1876 Another copy. [P.] Scottish Bankers' Marriage and Mortality Experience. See Hewat. Scottish Banking, i 865-1 896, by A. W. Kerr. Lond. 1898 Scottish Banking and Insurance Magazine. See Periodicals. Scottish Courts of Law. See Courts of Law. Scottish Economic Life Assurance Society. See Eraser (William). Scottish Equitable Society. Report on causes of death amongst members, 1831-64, by W. Robertson, M.D. [P. vol. 14.] Edin. 1865 Supplementary report on the Society's mortality experience, 1831- 64, by Dr. Robertson. [P. vol. 14.] Edin. 1866 Law Report, Koenig v. the Society. 1862 Table showing the financial position of Life Insurance Companies in the United Kingdom, prepared for the use of agents. 1874 Copy Correspondence between John M. M'Candlish, Manager of the Scottish National Insurance Company, and T. B. Sprague, Manager of the Scottish Equitable Society. (MS.). 1875 See also Jones (G. W.). Scottish Insurance Of5.ce Directory, 1856-62 (1858 wanting). Scottish Life Assurance Offices. Memorandum on behalf of, on the Bill to make Life Policies assignable at law, etc. [P. vol. 42.] Edin. 1849 Scotch Life Assurance and Scotch Life Assurance Offices. [P. vol. 34.] Lond. 1857 Report by Committee appointed to collect the statistics of the Mortality Experience of. (6 copies.) Edin. 1869 Observations thereon, by James Meikle. Edin. 1872 MS. Tables of Statistics, by James Meikle. 6 vols. See also Associated Scottish Life Offices. SCO 1S3 Scottish Life Assurance Society. Report of the Committee appointed to consider the Articles respecting the distribution of the Surplus Fund. [P. vol. 1 5.] Edin. 1821 Explanation of the principle of distributing the Surplus Fund, suggested in Committee's Report, by Patrick Cockburn. [P. vol. 15.] Edin. 1822 Additional Remarks, by Mr. Cockburn. [P. vol. 15.] Edin. 1822 Supplement to Do. [P. vol. 15.] Edin. 1824 Extracts from Minutes of the Extraordinary Court of Directors on same subject. [P. vol. 15.] Edin. 1824 Scottish Meteorological Society's Journal, containing papers on 'The Influence of Weather on Mortality from different diseases and at different ages,' and * The Great Plague of London in relation to weather,' by A. Buchan and Dr. A. Mitchell. Another copy of the same papers. [P. vol. 43.] Scottish Meteorology, i 856-1 874, computed at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, i vol. Nos. 25 to 46 (37, 38, 41, and 42 wanting). Scottish Mortality Table, by Dr. W. Robertson. 1877 Scottish National Insurance Company. See Scottish Equitable Society. Scottish Provident Institution. Deed of Constitution, with Laws and Regulations. [P. vol. 42.] 1847 Act 1884. Judgment of the Master of the Rolls in re National Insurance Company of Ireland v. Scottish Provident Institution. 1891 Mortality Experience of lives assured at 1863 during thirty years to 1893. See also Eraser (W.) — Watson (J.). Scottish Union Insurance Company. Report on the Causes of Death among the Assured, 1824-70, by Dr. J. D. Gillespie and Dr. A. B. Duffin. [P. vol. 38.] Edin. 1874 See also Smith (F. G.). Scottish Widows' Fund and Eauitable Assurance Society. Pro- spectus of plan to establish this Society. [P.] Edin. 181 2 Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society. Expositionof the objects and principles. (2 copies.) [P.] Edin. 1814 Do. do. 2nd Edit. Edin. 1816 Deed of Constitution, Articles, Regulations, etc. Edin. 1824 Other Editions. (3 copies.) Edin. 1840-54 SCO Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society — Continued. Extracts from Minutes of Extraordinary Court of Directors. [P. vol. 15.] ' Edin. 1824 Address by the manager, John M'Kean, on the origin, constitution, and progress of the Society. Edin. 1830 Report on the causes of death, 1853-60, by James Begbie, M.D. [P. vol. 14.] Edin. i860 Do., i860 to 1866, by do. [P. vol. 14.] Edin. 1868 Do., 1867 to 1873 inclusive, by J. W. Begbie, M.D. [P. vol. 14.] Edin. 1874 Case for opinion as to valuation and distribution of Bonus, and opinions of consulted Actuaries (Charles Jellicoe, Robert Tucker, and Samuel Brown). [P. vol. 15.] Edin. 1861 • Statement to the members with reference to the valuation of its assets and liabilities, by the Manager and Auditor. [P.] Edin. 1861 Answers of W. T. Thomson, Manager of the Standard Life Assurance Co., to observations by the Scottish Widows' Fund on the comparative merits of Life Assurance Companies and Mutual Assurance Societies. [P.] April 1863 Benefits to policy-holders and comparative results in the Standard and other Cos., by Samuel Raleigh, Manager. [P.] Oct. 1863 Statement by and correspondence with John Moinet, Manager of the Caledonian Insurance Co. [P.] July to Nov. 1863 Statement of John Eraser, Manager of the Life Association. [P.] Nov. 1863 Addition to 'Further Answer,' by the Manager of the Standard. [P.] Nov. 1863 The Scottish Widows' Fund and the Proprietary Co.'s Benefits briefly compared, by Mr. Raleigh. [P.] April 1864 Brief notice of the above, by the Manager of the Caledonian. [P.] May 1864 Explanatory Memorandum regarding the Financial position of the Scottish Widows' Fund, and of its principles in ascertaining the divisible surplus. [P.] Dec. 1864 Letter by John Sturrock, Dundee, on above Memo. [P.] Dec. 1864 Statement by the Manager, Scottish Widows' Fund, in reference to ' observations ' by H. J. Dudgeon, Dublin. [P.] Sept. 1867 Further statement by Mr. Raleigh, regarding continued misrepre- sentations by Mr. Dudgeon. [P.] Dec. 1867 Extract from Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Scottish Widows' Fund, with reference to a letter from J. Hoddinott, Secretary, Provident Life Office, on the Dudgeon controversy. [P.] Jan. 1868 Letter from J. A. Beaumont, Manager, Provident Life Office, with observations of Scottish Widows' Fund, and answers of Provident. [P.] Feb. 1868 Law Report. William Symms v. Scottish W^idows' Fund. 1868 See also Equitable Society, London. SCR—SHA 185 Scratchley (Arthur). On Associations for Provident Investment. Lond. i860 I. Savings Banks. II. Building Societies, Tontines and Colonisation, with appendix on Compound Interest and Annuities. III. Friendly Societies, and Assurance Societies; with appendices on Probabilities, on the valuation of Post Obits, on the Investigation into a Company's Affairs, and on the Law of Sickness in Friendly Societies. Remarks on the valuation of Post-Obits and Contingent Reversions. [P. vols. 12 and 44.] Lond. 1856 Draft Bill relating to assignments of Policies, etc. [P. vol. 13.] Lond. 1867 Guide to Legal Decisions affecting Policies of Insurance, and to the valuation of Life Contingencies and Reversions. Lond. 1874 Supplement to the treatise on Building and Land Societies. Lond. 1880 Scratchley (E. A.). Model Rules and Tables for a Permanent Building Society. Lond. 1898 Scudamore (F. J.). Life Insurance by small payments (leaflet). [P. vol. 35.] Lond. 1861 Selection. See Life Assurance — Life Contingencies — Mortality — Mortality Experience. Selkrig (Charles). Remarks on a Report of a Committee of Entailed Proprietors in Scotland, suggesting a plan for the gradual abolition of Entails. [P. vol. 9.] Edin. 1828 Senate House Examination Papers, i vol. 1851 to 1853 Senior (N. W.). Political Economy. 5th Edit. Lond. 1863 Sequestration under the Bankrupt Statute ; a tabular synopsis of the whole procedure, by an S.S.C. [P. vol. 20.] Edin. 1827 Severn, King and Co. v. Imperial Insurance Co. Report. Lond. 1820 Sexton (George). Life Assurance, its aspects and its claims. [P. vols. 16 and 34.] Lond. 1858 Another copy. [P.] Shanahan (M.). Sum and Difference Rules, or Easy Rules for finding Averages and for effecting arithmetical solutions of Equations, etc. [P.] N.D. Papers on Involution and Evolution — Prismoidal formula — Pro- portion. 1 86 S HA—SIM Sharman (H. R.). The duty on Fire Insurances. [P. vol. 13.] Lond. n.d. A handy book for Life Assurance Agents. [P.] Lond. n.d. Have you insured your life? If not, why not? (Leaflet.) [P. vol. 35-] The three Yorkshiremen : a tale of thoughtfulness and neglect of it. (Leaflet.) [P. vol. 35.] Lond. n.d. Sharp. See under Maseres. Shaw (Patrick). See Bell (G. J.). Sheriff (Daniel). The science of double-e'itry Book-Keeping sim- plified. Lond. 1850 Sherwood (T. B.). Guarantee Business. [M.I.] 1883 Moral Hazard. [M.I.] 1893 Farming Insurances. [M.I.] 1896 Short (Thomas). New Observations on city, town, and country Bills of Mortality, with an appendix on the Weather and Meteors. Lond. 1750 Shortrede (Robert). Logarithmic Tables. Edin. 1849 Sickness. See Blue Books — Bowser (W. A.) — Brown (H.) — Friendly Societies — Highland Society — Influenza — Mutuality Life Company of Leipsic — Neison (F. G. P.) — Ratcliffe (H.) — Registrar-General — Samot (D. J. A.) — Scratchley (A.) — Spens (W.)-Sutton (W.)— Switzerland— Thackrah (C. T.). Sidgwick (Henry). The principles of Political Economy. Lond. 1883 Sierra Leone, Mortality in. See Sprague (A. E.). Simon (H.). Modern Flour Mill Insurances. [M.I.] 1890 Simon (L. M.). See Metropolitan Life Assurance Society. Simpson (J. Y.). The Cat Stane, Edinburghshire. Edin. 1862 Simpson (P. A.). Old Age. [T.G.] 1892 Simpson (Stephen) and Edward Wise. The Readiest Reckoner ever invented, Lond. 1834 Simpson (Thomas). The doctrine and application of Fluxions. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1776 A treatise of Algebra. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1767 Another copy. 8th Edit. Lond. 1804 SIM— S ME 187 Simpson (Thomas) — Continued, The doctrine of Annuities and Reversions, to which is added a method of investigating the Value of Annuities by approximation without the help of tables, ist Edit. (2 copies.) Bound up with other works. Lond. 1 742 Two other copies. With Supplements 1 791. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1775 Supplement to the Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions. Lond. 1 791 Another copy. [P. vol. i.] Lond. 179 1 The nature and laws of Chance. [P. vol. i.] Lond. 1792 See also under Maseres. Simson (Dr. Robert). Elements of Euclid (in Latin). Glasgow 1756 The elements of Euclid, to which is added a treatise on the con- struction of the Trigonometrical Canon, and a concise account of Logarithms. i6th Edit. Lond. 1814 Life of. See Traill. See also under Maseres. Sinclair (John). Classification of Fire Risks. [V.L] 1885 Inaugural Address. [V.L] 1889 Short Term Risks in Fire Insurance. [V.L] 1893 Skirving (James). Report on queries submitted by the Edinburgh Journeymen Goldsmiths' Society. [P. vol. 3.] Edin. 1825 Slater (D. M.). Actuarial Report on the Madras Widows' and Orphans' Fund, 1875. [P. vol. 43.] Bombay 1877 Life Assurance in India. [P. vol. 48.] Bombay 1893 Minutes of Evidence before the Royal Commission on Opium. [P. vol. 50.] Bombay 1894 Sliding Rule. Description, by A. Mackay. Edin. 181 1 Smallpox. See Blue Books — Metropolitan Asylum — Pearce (Dr.) — Ritchie (Dr.) — Sprague — Tebb — Vaccination. Smart (A.). Reports on Cattle Plague. [P. vol. 43.] Edin. 1866 Smart (John). Tables of Interest and Annuities. istEdit. Bound up with Bailey on Interest, etc. Lond. 1726 Do. do. with appendix on the general probability of life. 2nd Edit. By C. Brand. Lond. 1780 Tables of Interest, etc. (Abridged.) Lond. 1736 Smee (A. H.). See Ackland and Smee — Gresham Life Assurance Company. 1 88 SMI— S NO Smith (Adam). Inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations, with a Life of the Author, Notes, etc., by John R. M'Culloch. 5th Edit. Edin. 1861 See also Joyce (J.). Smith (A. G.). On Money and the future rate of interest. [T.E.] 1882 Some remarks on the Report of the Commissioners appointed to investigate into the recent changes in the relative values of the precious metals. [T.E.] 1888 Smith (F. G.) Practical Remarks on Fire Insurance. (2 copies.) Edin. 1832 Observations on Life Assurance, with a brief outline of the Scottish Union Assurance Corporation. [P. vol. 16.] Lond. 1837 Smith (H.). Acetylene Gas. [M.L] 1897 Smith (H. A.). Table indicating the annual premium from the single, and vice versa. (From J. LA. vol. 1 1.) [P. vol. 12.] 1863 Another copy. (Leaflet.) See also Gray, Smith, and Orchard. Smith (H. J.). Fire Surveys. [V.I.] 1885 Smith (H. L.). Accident Insurance. [N.S.W.I.] 1888 Smith (H. W.). Suggestions in respect to dealing with Companies in which the reserve is impaired. [T.A.} 1894 Smith (J. G.). See Erskine (John). Smith (Col. J. T.). See Brown, Hardy, and Smith. Smith (J. TurnbuU). Outside Business Training. [T.E.] 1889 Smith (J. W.). Law of Banker and Customer. Lond. 1894 Smith (P. H. Pye-). Life Assurance. [P.] Lond. 1897 Smith (Samuel). The Bimetallic Question. Lond. 1887 Smith (Sydney). Letters on Repudiation in America. [P. vol. 27.] N.D. Smith (Thomas). Tables for calculating terminable Annuities, and other tables. Lond. 185 1 Smith ( ). Interest tables. n.d. Smyth (0. P.). See Scottish Meteorology. Sneath (A. W.). Fire Policy Conditions. [Y.I.] 1898 Snell. See under Maseres. Snowball (J. C). The elements of Plane and Spherical Trigono- metry, with the construction and use of Tables of Logarithms, loth Edit. Camb. 1863 SOC—SPR 189 Social Science. Transactions of the National Association for the promotion of, for 1870 and 187 1. Sociology. See Spencer (H.). S.S.C. Society, Contract of the Widows' Fund of. [P.] 1817 See also Cockburn (P.) — Courts of Law — Thomson (W, T.)- Sorley (J.). The Evolution of Premium Rates. [T.E.] 1896 South African Mutual Life Assurance Society. 47th Annual Report, with actuarial reports and statements. Cape Town 1893 Mortality Experience, 1845-95. (2 copies.) South Australia. Life Assurance Companies' Act. 1882 Sowerbutts (E.). Old Age Pensions. (Manchester Statistical Society.) 1893 Spain, Life Assurance in, by R. P. Requiejo. Madrid 1896 Speidell. See under Maseres. Spencer (Herbert). The study of Sociology, nth Edit. Lond. 1884 Reasons for dissenting from the philosophy of M. Comte. [P. vol. 50.] Lond. 1884 Spencer (J. A.). See Ritchie (W.). Spens (William). Papers on Life and Health Assurance. Glasg. 1844 On the minimum rate of annual premiums for Insurance of Select Lives. [P. vol. 20.] 1844 Is there a greater risk in the assurance of a select life of from 40 to 50, than a select one of from 20 to 25, for one year? [P. vols. 12 and 44.] Glasg. 1853 Observations on the Tables of the mortality experience of the Scottish Amicable Society, 1826-60. (From J. I. A.) Bound up with copy of the Experience. Lond. 1861 Actuarial Reports on the Widows' Fund of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, as at Lammas, 1856, 1861, and 1866. [P.] Glasg. 1857, 1862, and 1867 See also Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society. Spens (W. C). The law of presumption of life in connection with the disappearance of assured lives. [T.G.] 1888 Spiller. See Lacroix. Sprague (A. E.). Note on the Rate of Mortality in Sierra Leone. [T.E.] 1896 An Investigation as to the provident or financial character of Life Insurance. [T.E.] 1896 [T.A.] 1890 1891 [T.A.] 1892 I90 SPR Sprague (J. H.). Policy Values ; one of their relations. On a complete Annuity due. [T.A.] The proper basis for Surrender Values. Sprague (T. B.). First Report on the Royal Liver Friendly Society. 1868 Legislation as to Life Insurance and Life Insurance Companies. (From J.I.A. for 1871.) [P. vol 13.] 1871 On the liquidation of an insolvent Life Insurance Co. (From J.I.A. vol. 16.) [P. vol. 19.] 1 87 1 On the value of Reversionary Annuities, payable half-yearly, etc. (From J.I.A. vol. 15.) [P.] 1871 Life Insurance in 1872. Part I. [P. vol. 36.] Lond. 1872 Treatise on Life Insurance Accounts. Lond. 1874 The usefulness of mathematical studies to the Actuary. [P. vol. 10.] Edin. 1874 Another copy. [P.] Does Vaccination afford any protection from Smallpox. (From J.I.A. vol. 20.) [P.] The causes of Insolvency in Life Insurance Cos., and the best means of detecting, exposing, and preventing it. [P. vols. 13 and 44.] 1874 Annuities. (From Ency. Brit.^ 9th Edit.) 3 copies. [P. vol. 43.] 1875 Probability that a marriage entered upon by a man of forty will be fruitful. [P.] Edin. 1879 Remarks on the exercise of independent thought. [T.E.] 1883 Probability that a marriage entered into by a man of any age will be fruitful. [P.] Edin. 1887 A new Algebra by means of which permutations can be trans- formed in a variety of ways and their properties investigated. Edin. 1893 Report on the Mortality among the Infants whose lives are insured in the Royal Liver Friendly Society. [P. vol. 51.] Edin. 1875 On Probability and Chance, and their connection with the business of Insurance. [T.E.] 1893 Explanation of a method of Valuation which takes account of the expense of obtaining new Premiums (with remarks by S. Romans). [T.A.] 1895 Select Life Tables, deduced from the Institute of Actuaries' H™ Experience. Lond. 1896 Lost Policies. (From J.I.A.) [P. vols. 47 and 50.] Lond. 1897 See also Australian Mutual Provident Society — Scottish Equitable Assurance Society. STA 191 Stabler (E. L.). Note on the cost of Insurance. [T.A.] 1896 Review of the published Mortality Experience of the four French Companies. [T.A.] 1896 Stamp Duties exigible in Scotland, Table of. 1870 Standard Life Assurance Company. Investigation of the deaths, by Professor Robert Christison. (From theJournalofMedical Science for 1853.) [P. vols. 14 and 38.] 1853 Three other copie^. [P.] Novelties and improvements in Life Assurance : letter by the Manager of the ' Standard ' (W. T. Thomson), and reply by the Manager of the Life Association (John Fraser). [P.] Jan. 1861 Letter from the Manager of the Indisputable Life Assurance Co. (Alex. Robertson) on same subject. [P.] April 1861 Correspondence with Mr. A. H. Bailey. 1874 Report of Trial v. J. and W. Weems and others. (2 copies.) 1884 See also Scottish Widows' Fund. Standen (W. T.). Effect of hard times on the standard of selection of Life Risks. [T.A.] 1895 The Ideal Protection. N. Y. 1897 Stanley (Hon. E. L.). Report on the Royal Liver Friendly Society. (Blue Book) 1886 Stark (W. E.). Life Annuities, Interests, and Leaseholds. [P. vol. 44.] 1872 Recent concessions on conditions of Life Insurance. [M.I.] 1888 Starr (W. E.). The just apportionment of the expenses of Mutual Life Insurance Companies. [T.A.] 1890 Apportionment of expenses and its relation to the distribution of surplus. [T.A.] 1893 Statements and Accounts of Life Offices. See Accounts. Statesman's Year Book (The), for 187 1, 1872, 1874, and 1885. Statistical Society, Journal of the, from 1838. Jubilee Volume. 1885 Catalogue of the Library. 1884 Index to the subject-matter of the works in the Catalogue. 1886 A General Index to the first 15 Vols, is bound up with Vol. 15 ; another of Vols. 16-25 inclusive, with Vol. 26 ; and another of Vols. 26-35 inclusive, with Vol. 35. Co7itains Papers — On the best mode of expressing by statistical returns the duration of life, etc. {Chadwick.) Vol. 7. Science of Statistics ; its nature and objects, etc. [^Guy.) Vol. 28. On collecting and arranging facts. {Guy.) Vol. 3. 192 STA Statistical Society, Journal of the — Continued. Province of the Statistician. {Fox.) Vol. 23. Suggestions for the collection of local and statistical information. {Ham?mck.) Vol. 34. Statistical Enquiry. {Newmarch.) Vol. 23. Principles of Vital Statistics. {Verwey.) Vol.38. The Value of Death-Rates as a Test of Sanitary Condition. {Humphreys.) Vol. 37. The effect of migration upon Death-Rates. {Welton) Vol. 38. Statistics of Affiliated Orders of Friendly Societies. {Neison.) Vol. 40. On recent accumulations of Capital in the U. K. {Giffen.) Vol. 41. On the positions of the European Banks, etc. {Seyd.) Vol.41. Bibliography of works on the Mathematical theory of Political Economy. Vol. 41. On the statistical use of the Arithmometer. {Jevons.) Vol.41. On some phases of the Silver question. {Bourne.) Vol. 42. On Tabular Analysis. {Guy.) Vol. 42. On the changes in the English Rates of Mortality. {Welton.) Vol. 43. Vital statistics of Cavalry Horses. {Balfour.) Vol. 43. On the increase of Population. {Williains.) Vol. 43. Mortahty in remote corners of the world. ( Westergaard.) Vol. 43. On the tenth Census of the U.S. of America. {Mouat.) Vol. 43. The method of Statistical Analysis. {Williams) Vol. 44. Emigration and Immigration, 1879-85. Vols. 43-49. Temperature and its relation to Mortahty. {Guy.) Vol. 44. On Deaths from Accident, etc. ( Walford.) Vol. 44. The utility of common statistics. {Giffen.) Vol.45. The decline in the English Death-Rate and its effect on the dura- tion of life. {Hu7nphreys.) Vol.46. Theory and practice of Statistics. {Mayr.) Vol. 46. The rationale of Exchange. {Edgeworlh) Vol. 47. The Decline in the English Death- Rate considered in connection with the Causes of death. {Longstaff.) Vol. 47. Media of Exchange. {Martin.) Vol.47. On ten years' statistics of F.S. {Brabrook.) Vol. 48. The laws of Migration. {Ravenstein.) Vol. 48. The population of London, 1801-81. {Williams.) Vol. 48. Vital Statistics of Europe, etc. {Rawson.) Vol. 48. On methods of ascertaining variations of the Rate of Birth, etc. {Edgeworth.) Vol. 48. Suicides in relation to age, sex, etc. {Ogle.) Vol. 49. Occupations of the People of the U.K., 1 801 -81. {Booth.) Vol. 49. The measurement of Variations in the value of the Monetary standard. {Nicholson.) Vol. 50. Summary of several Male Life Tables. {Ogle.) Vol. 50. Death Duties in various countries. Vol. 52. STA 193 Statistical Society, Journal of the — Conti?iued. Statistics of Insanity in England. {Humphreys) Vol. 53. Marriage Rates and Marriage Ages. {Ogle.) Vol. 53. Vital Statistics of Peabody Buildings and other artisans' and labourers' Block Dwellings. {Newsholme.) Vol. 54. Results of the recent census and estimates of population in the largest English towns. {Humphreys.) Vol. 54. Nature and uses of averages. ( Venn.) Vol. 54. Enumeration and classification of Paupers and State Pensions for the Aged. {Booth.) Vol. 54. Inquiry into the trustworthiness of the old Bills of Mortality. {Ogle.) Vol.55- Statistics of Pauperism in old age. {Booth.) Vol. 57. Methods of Census-taking in the British Dominions. {Hooker.) Vol. 57. Estimate of the degree of legitimate natality drawn from observa- tions made at Buda Pesth. {Korosi.) Vol. 57. Results obtained from the Natality Tables of Korosi by employing the method of contours or isogens. {Gallon.) Vol. 57. Progress of Friendly Societies and other Institutions connected with the Friendly Societies' Registry Office during the ten years 1884-94. {Brabrook.) Vol. 58. Some Illustrations of Friendly Societies' Finance. {Wilkinson.) Vol. 58. Local Death Rates in England and Wales in the ten years 1881-90. {Welton.) Vol.60. Cost of Compensation for mining accidents in Germany. (Flux.) Vol. 60. Deaths in childbirth in New South Wales. {Coghlan.) Vol. 61. Old Age Pensions. {Burdett.) Vol. 61. Vital Statistics of different Countries and Towns. Austria, vol. 48. Belgium, vol. 48. Bengal, vol. yj. British Guiana, vol. 15. Calcutta, vols. 7, 8, 13. Canada, vol. 49, China, vols. 20 and 48. Denmark, vol. 2. England and Wales, vol. 44. France, vol. 48. Geneva, vol. 14. Glasgow, vol. 3. Hungary, vol. 39. Iceland, vol. 14. India, vols. 39 and 44. Italy, vol. 48. Java, vol. 12. New South Wales, vol. 11. New Zealand, vol. i. Norway, vol. 2. Prussia, vol. 48. Russia, vol. 40. Saxony, vol. 2. Scotland, vols. 5, 6, 14, and 26. Spain, vol. 23. Sweden, vols. 25 and yj. Switzerland, vol. 48. Turkey, vol. 40. United Kingdom, vols. 44 and 49. United States of America, vols. 9, 15, 24, 34, and 44. Victoria (Australia), vol. 38. 94 STA Statistical Society, Journal of the — Continued. Vital Statistics of the Army at Home and Abroad, United Kingdom, vols. 2 and j Eurasians (India), vol. 27 24. Colonies, vol. 10. In different Climates, vols. and 12. Bombay, vol. 15. Madras, vols. 3, 4, 9, and 14. Europeans (India), vols. 26 and 27. Natives and Europeans (India), vol. 10. Retired Officers (India), vol. i. West Indies, vol. i. Vital Statistics of various Classes. Clergy, vol. 14. Gentry, vol. 9. Of Infants, vols. 28 and 29. Persons of Intemperate Ha- bits, vol. 14. Lawyers, vol. 20. Persons engaged in Literary Pursuits, vol. 22. Of Lunatics, vols. 4 and 53. Medical Men, vols. 15, 17, and 49. Military Operations, vol. 19. Naval Operations, vol. 18. Peerage and Baronetage, vols. 8 and 26. Provident Classes, vol. 13. Seamen and Soldiers, vols. 4 and 8. Society of Friends, vol. 22. Sovereigns, vol. 10. The several Professions, vol. 9. Statistics relative to the City of Glasgow, by Cleland (J.)— Nicol (J.) —Watson (W.). of census, deaths, etc., in London, 1629-1831, by J. Marshall. 1832 of crime in England and Wales, by F. G. P. Neison. 1847 of violent death, by R. T. Jopling. 1854 of crime in Ireland, by J. M. Wilson. 1857 of Smallpox. See Metropolitan Asylum— Pearce (Dr.)— Ritchie (Dr.) — Vaccination. of Insanity. 6*^^ J.S.S.— Mitchell (A.)— U.S.A. of Cholera, by W. J. Champion. 1854 their classification, and its results, by P. Geddes. 1861 Military, of U.S.A., by E. B. ElHott. 1863 Fire Insurance in Denmark. 1874-82 of families in the upper classes, by C. Ansell, Jun. 1874 of Civil Servants, by Dr. Farr. 1849 on their proper meaning, by T. A. Welton. 1875 by intercomparison, by F. Galton. 1875 Principles of vital Statistics, by Dr. A. J. Verwey. 1875 of power and machinery employed in manufactures in U.S.A., by G. F. Swain. 1881 of Cotton production in Louisiana, by E. W. Hilgard. 1881 of the production of the Precious Metals in U.S.A., by C. King. 1881 International, Tables by the Swedish Bureau. (In French.) Stockholm 1875-76 STA—STI 195 Statistics — Continued. Studies in, social, political, and moral, by G. B. Longstaff. 1891 Dictionary of, by J. Mulhall. 1892 Accidents in mines, etc., by F. G. P. Neison— A. W. Flux. Vital, by Dr. Wm. Farr (1885)— F. G. P. Neison (1857)— A. News- holme (1892). Pauperism in Old Age, by C. Booth. 1894 See also Blue Books — British Almanac — Friendly Societies — J.S.S. — Manchester Statistical Society — Mortality — Mortality Bills — Mortality Experience — Periodicals — Population — Registrar- General — United States — Witlstein. Steel (James). The exact numerical quadrature of the circle, and the commensurability of the diagonal and side of a square demonstrated. [P.] Lond. 1881 Steggall (J. E. A.). On some special and historical questions in Probability. (MS. copy of Paper read to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh.) 1888 Stenhouse (G. C). The position of married women in regard to Policies of Assurance. (Prize Essay.) [M.I.] 1889 The mortality among assured lives viewed in relation to the sums at risk. [T.E.] 1889 Stephens (T. A.). A bibliography of the Bank of England. Lond. 1897 Stevenson (C). Life Assurance Frauds. [M.I.] 1891 Reversions. [M.I.] 1896 Stevenson (R.). Treatise on the nature and properties of Algebraic Equations. 2nd Edit. Camb. 1835 Stewart (Dr. A. P.). The characteristics of assurable and non- assurable lives. [P. vol. 14.] -S"^^ Black (M. A.). Lond. 1861 Stewart (Charles). Fire Insurance, a historical sketch. [T.G.] 1882 The Contract of Fire Insurance. [T.G.] 1886 Stewart (Dugald). Lectures on Political Economy — Vol. VIII. of Collected Works, edited by Sir W. Hamilton. Edin. 1855 Stewart (D.). Inaugural Address. [T.G.] 1890 Stewart (John). See Newton (Sir Isaac), Stewart (John). Life Annuities. [T.G.] 1886 Stilwell (S. E.). Percentage Formula for obtaining Return Premium Rates. [T.A.] 1892 [96 S TO—SUN Stoddart (Richard). Table for computing the solid contents of Timber. Leith 1818 Stokes (A. P.). Joint Metallism. New York 1894 Stone (Edmund). See Bion (M.). Stone (0.). On the determination of the error and rate of a clock by the method of least squares. [P.] 1881 Stone (Dr. W. H.). See Clergy Mutual Assurance Society. Stonehouse (R.). The valuation of Annuities on lives, deduced from the London Bills of Mortality, etc. (Bound up with other works). Lond. 1754 Storey (J. H.). Something new in Marine Underwriting. [N.S.W.I.] 1887 Definition of a voyage. [N.S.W.I.] 1889 Rights of salvors to retain cargo in a stranded vessel. [N.S.W.I.] 1893 Stott (John). See Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society. Strachan (S. A. K.). Marriage and Disease. Lond. 1892 Strachan (T. Y.). Report on the Northumberland and Durham Miners' Permanent Relief Fund at 31st December 1886. [P. vol. 39.] Newcastle 1887 Do. do. 1891. [P.] 1892 Report on the Presbyterian Church of England Ministers' Widows' and Orphans' Fund at 1881. Newcastle 1883 Streeter (G. T. P.). Metric System of Weights and Measures. [P.] Lond. 1896 Strousberg (B. H.). Letter on Life Assurance in refutation of certain statements by R. Christie, Esq. [P. vol. 41.] Lond. 1852 Stuart (J. M.). Life Assurance in New Zealand. [P. vol. 48.] Edin. 1885 Stubbins (T. K.). Annuity Tables, present values of i per month, etc., at 3 to 8 per cent. Lond. 1881 Sturrock (John). The principles and practice of Life Assurance. [P. vols. 34 and 42.] Dundee 1846 See also Scottish Widows' Fund. Suicides. See Emminghaus (A.)— J.S.S.— Marsh (E. J.)— Registrar- General's Returns. Sun Life Assurance Society. Deed of Settlement with alterations thereon. 1870 Sunderland (A. W.). Notes on Finite Differences. Lond. 1885 SUP— TAB 197 Superannuation. See Pensions. Siiss (E.). The Austro-Hungarian Insurance business in 1880. (In German.) Vienna 1881 SuTHERLANDSHiRE. See Improvements. Sutton (William). On Interest, including annuities-certain (Institute of Actuaries Text-Book, Part I.). 3 copies. Lond. 1882 Special Report on the Sickness and Mortality of Friendly Societies, with monetary tables. (Blue Book.) Lond. 1896 Swain (G, F.). Statistics of power and machinery employed in manufactures (U.S.A.). Washington 1881 Swedish Calculating Machine. See British Almanac. Switzerland. Reports of the Federal Bureau of Assurance on Insurance Com- panies for 1886-91 and 1895. Reports of the Swiss Insurance Society. 1889-93 Life Assurance in Switzerland. (Foreign Office Report.) Lond. 1894 Reports on Sickness Insurance. (In French and German.) Berne 1895 Reports on Accident Insurance. (In French and German.) Berne 1895 See also Schaertlin (G.). Sydney Record. See N. S.W.I. Sym (J. D.). Analysis of the Employers' Liability Act, 1880. Edin. 1880 Syme (F. M.). Some causes of Fire. [V.I.] 1897 Symms (W.). See Scottish Widows' Fund. Tables. Actuarial. See Life Contingencies. Interest and Annuities-certain. Sec Interest. Logarithmic and Mathematical. See Mathematics. Mercantile. See below. Tables of Reckoning. Black (G.). 1828 Simpson and Wise. 1834 Brown (G.). 1727 Commercial Tables (Chambers's Hudson (J. C). 1842 Course). 1851 Newman (S.). 1804-6 Walton (W.). 1836 Payne (J.). 1811 Willich (C. M.). 1852 TAB- TAX Tables — Continued. Haviland (J.). Hudson (R.). Leslie (J.). Peddie (A.). Schonberg (C. L.). Tables of Measures. 1817 Scotland (T.). ^ 1816 Stoddart (R.). 1818 (Guide to Superficial Measure- 1832 1852 N.D. 1806 1846 N.D. Cossham (J. A.). ment. ) Willich (C. M. Time Tables. N.D. I Lothian (J.). Tables for calculating Stocks^ etc. Biden (W. D.). 1866 Smith (T.). Blewert(W.). 1792 Willich (C. M.). Mushet(R.). 1821 Tables for the Purchasing and Renewing of Leases. Baily (F.). Biden (W. D.). Inwood (W.). Lee (W.). [802-12 1866 [850-99 1738 Morris (G.). Newton (Sir L). Willich (C. M.). 1839 1851 1852 1735 1742 1852 Tabulation by Electricity, by T. C. Martin. Tait (P. G.). An elementary treatise on Quaternions. 1891 Oxford 1867 See also Kelland and Tait. Talmage (T. de Witt). Lecture on the 'High crime of not in- suring.' [P.] Lond. 1877, Tarrant (K. J.). Firehazardof Electric Lighting. [M.L] 1894 Electricity. [Y.I.] 1897 Dynamic Electricity and its modern developments. [M.A.] 1897 Tasmania. Life Insurance Companies' Act, 1874. Tate (C. M.). Accident Insurance. [Y.I.] 1889 Tate (Thomas). The principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 5th Edit. Lond. 1863 Tatham (J.). Manchester Life Table. Manchester 1892 Tatlock (J.). Note on a particular case of Loans repayable by instalments. [T.A.] 1897 Tatlock (R. R.). Combustion. [T.G.]. 1890 Tawse (J. P.). Electric Lighting and its relation to the Risk of Fire. [T.G.] 1884 Taxation. See Political Economy. TAY—THE 199 Taylor (A. L.). Fire Risk of Electrical Power Installations. [M.I.] 1898 Taylor (F. J. C). Tables of annuities, premiums, and policy values, ZP* 2>\ P^r cent. Lond. 1884 Taylor (Thomas). The elements of a new Arithmetical Notation, and of a new Arithmetic of Infinities. Lond. 1823 Tchebychef (P.). On interpolation by the method of least squares. (In French.) St. Petersburg 1859 On interpolation in the case of a large number of data. (In French.) St. Petersburg 1859 Teale (F. B.). Woollen and Worsted Mills as Fire Risks. [Y.L] 1893 Tebb (W. S.). A century of vaccination and what it teaches. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1899 Teece (Richard). State Supervision in Insurance. [N.S.W.I.] 1885 On Benefit Building Societies. [N.S.W.I.] 1886 A Comparison of the Rates of Mortality of the city and suburbs of Sydney. [N.S.W.I.] 1886 Modern Innovations in Life Assurance. [N.S.W.I.] 1888 Protection of Life Policies from the claims of creditors. [N.S.W.I.] 1889 Should Life Insurance Legislation embrace a State standard of solvency? [N.S.W.I.] 1890 A Comparison of American and AustraHan Mortality. [T.A.] 1 89 1 and 1893 Presumption of Death in connection with claims under Life Policies. [N.S.W.I.] 1894 Liability of common carriers in cases of fatal accident. [N.S.W.I.] 1896 Rates of Mortality in the city and suburbs of Sydney. [N.S.W.I.] 1897 See also Australian Mutual Provident Society. Templeton (J. M.). Mutual Life Insurance. [P. vol. 44.] Lond. 1876 Tennant (J. B.). Presidential Addresses. [Y.L] 1890 and 1891 Terrot ( ). Combination of Probabilities. [P. vol. 43.] 1856 Thackrah (C. T.). The effects of arts, trades, and professions on health and longevity. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1832 Thatcher (George). A treatise on Annuities for fixed periods, with a table for calculating Long Annuities. Lond. 1825 Theory of Numbers. See under Arithmetic. 200 THI—THO Thiele (T. N.). A mathematical formula for the Rate of MortaUty, tested by the experience of the Danish Life Assurance Co. of 187 1. (In Danish, translated in vol. 16 J. I. A.) [P. vol. 45.] Copenhagen 187 1 Thoman (F.). Tables of Logarithms to twenty-seven places of decimals. (2 copies.) Paris 1867 See also Inwood's Tables. Thomas (M.). Instructions for the use of the Arithmometer. [P.] Paris 1863 Thomas (Matthew). The Merchant's Guide, or a new system of Book-keeping. Lond. 18 14 Thompson (E. S.). Gout and Life Risks. [M.O.] 1894 Thompson (R. E.). Different aspects of Family Phthisis in relation to Heredity and Life Insurance. Lond. 1884 Thoms (G. H.). Treatise on Judicial Factors, Curators Bonis and Managers of Burghs. Edin. 1859 Thoms (P. H.). Christian providence and Life Assurance. [P.] Dundee 1847 Thomson (James). A treatise on Arithmetic. 21st Edit. Belfast 1839 Introduction to the Differential and Integral Calculus. Lond. 1839 Elements of Euclid and Plane Trigonometry. 15th Edit. Part I. Belfast i860 Do. do. Part. II. Lond. 1850 Thomson (John). Tables of Interest and other tables. Edin. 1794 Thomson (R.). The Teacher's Assistant or Arithmetician's Guide, being solutions of various problems. Edin. 1814 Thomson (Robert). A treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, etc. Edin. 1825 Another copy (edition by J. Dove Wilson). Edin. 1865 Thomson (S. C). « Observations on the Pecuniary Interests involved in the Lord Advocate's Bill to Amend the Law of Entail in Scotland. [P. vol. 14.] Edin. 1870 Address to the Actuarial Society. [P. vol. ic] Edin. 1877 Remarks on the position and prospects of the Actuarial Profession, and of the Business of Life Assurance, [T.E,] 1887 Actuarial Report on the Schoolmasters' (Scotland) Widows' Fund at 31st August 1887. [P. vol. 39.] Edin. 1888 Past and Future, with some thoughts on Heredity. [T.E.] 1898 See also Thomson and Thomson. THO 20I Thomson (W.). Lighting bv Oil and Gas with special regard to the Fire Hazard. [M.A.] ' 1896 Fire Risks connected with Aniline Black Dyeing and other manu- factures. [M.I.] 1897 Thomson (W. T.). On the Pecuniary Interests of Heirs of Entail. Edin. 1849 Comparative statement of Rates of Interest. [P. vol. 12.] Edin. 1850 Present position of the Life Assurance interests of Great Britain. [P. vol. 12.] Edin. 1852 Another copy. [P.] Further suggestions with reference to the amendment of the Joint Stock Act, as regards Life Assurance Institutions. [P. vol. 20.] Edin. 1852 Actuarial Tables, Carlisle 3 per cent. Single Lives, with auxiliary tables. Edin. 1853 Suggestions in regard to the regulation of the rate of interest on landed securities. [P. vols. 20 and 34.] Edin. 1854 The rate of interest on landed securities in Scotland. [P. vol. 12.] Edin. 1868 Interest Chart, 1789-1855. Decimal numeration and Decimal coinage. [P. vols. 28 and 34.] Edin. 1854 Lenders and Borrowers on landed securities with reference to legislation connected with Drainage Acts, etc. [P. vol. 20,] Edin. 1855 Insurance or Assurance (as written for the Ency. Brit.). Edin. 1856 Illegitimacy in Scotland. (2 copies.) Edin 1862 Address to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. [P. vol. 10.] Edin. 1873 Another copy. [P.] Sanitary state of Edinburgh. [P. vol. 50.] Edin. 1870-2 Observations for the consideration of promoters of Friendly Society Schemes, etc. (4 copies.) [P.] Edin. N.D. Actuarial Reports on — The Liberal Annuity Co. of Dublin at July 1867. Edin. 1867 Western F.S. of Glasgow at Dec. i860. [P. vol. 11.] Glasg. 1861 Church of Scotland Ministers', etc., W.F. at Nov. 1849. [P- vol. 51.] Edin. 1853 Do. at Nov. 1861. [P. vol. 51]. Edin. 1862 Faculty of Procurators' (Glasgow) W.F. at 1869. Glas. 1872 Royal College of Surgeons' (Edin.) W.F. at 1868. [P. vol. 51.] Edin. 1869 Do. do. at 1871. [P. vol. 51.] Edin. 1872 Do. do. at 1876. [P. vol. 51.] Edin. 1877 Do. do. at 1881. [P. vol. 51.] Edin. 1882 202 THO—TOD Thomson (W. T.)— Continued. Schoolmasters' (Scotland) W.F. at 1852. Edin. 1854 Do. do. at 1859. [P. vol. 39.] Edin. i860 Do. do. at 1873. [P- vol. 39.] Edin. 1874 Answer to Memorial of the Committee of Schoolmasters' W.F. [P. vol. 39.] Edin. 1873 S.S.C. Widows' Fund proposed alterations. Edin. 1870 Writers to the Signet W.F. at 1872. [P. vol. 39.] Edin. 1873 Further report with reference to above. [P. vol. 39.] See also Scottish Widows' Fund — Thomson and Macandrew — Thomson and Thomson. Thomson (W. T.) and J. M. Macandrew. Report on the Advocates' Widows' Fund at 1856. [P. vol. 17.] Edin. 1857 Another copy. Thomson (W. T.) and S. C. Thomson. Report on Schoolmasters' (Scotland) W.F. at 1880. [P. vol. 39.] Edin. 1881 Thorbum (W.). Relation of Cancer to Life Assurance. [M. A.] 1897 Thorburn (W. D.). See Robertson (Henry). Thorp (Dr. Robert). See Newton (Sir Isaac). Thorp (W.). Building Construction as affecting Fire Risks. [Y.L] 1894 Thouard (Francesco). Complete treatise on arithmetic. (In Italian.) Palermo 1826 Thoughts on Debt and Finance. 1785 Tipping (W. A.). Work and its relation to Insurance. [I. I.] 1886 America as a Fire Insurance Field. [T.G.] 1897 Inaugural Address. [T.G.] 1897 Tiselius (H. A. J.). Mortality, Premiums, and Bonuses. (In German.) [P.] Copenhagen 1893 Todd (B. H.). Investigation Tables (Carlisle 3 p. cent.). Edin. 1852 Todd (G. A.). Fire Insurance Surveying. [T.G.] 1892 Todhmiter (Isaac). Elements of Algebra. (3 copies.) 3rd Edit. Camb. 1862 Another copy. 4th Edit. Camb. 1866 Elements of Euclid. Camb. 1867 Trigonometry for beginners. New Edit. Lond. 1878 Spherical Trigonometry. Camb. 1859 Treatise on the Integral Calculus. Camb. 1857 Treatise on the Differential Calculus. 4th Edit. Lond. 1864 TOD—TRA 203 Todhunter (Isaac) — Continued. Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometry and the Conic Sections. 3rd Edit. Camb. 1862 Treatise on the Theory of Equations. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1867 History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace. Camb. 1865 Tontine Assurance. Examination of the Tontine System and of the Estimates of the New York Life Insurance Company and the Equitable Life Assurance Society of U.S.A. 1884. See also Baylis (T. H.)— Black (M. A.)— Life Assurance— Scratchley (A.). Tontines and Life Assurance. (In French.) Paris 1822 Tooke (Thomas). Thoughts and details on the High and Low Prices of thirty years, 1793 to 1822. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1824 Considerations on the state of the Currency. Lond. 1826 Torrance (R.). Duties of a Fire Clerk. [I. I.] 1893 Torrey (M. W.). Mortuary Dividend Policies. [T.A.] 1893 Cost of Insurance. [T.A.] 1897 Tozer (A. R.). Development of Fire-extinguishing appliances. [B.L] 1889 Development of the Birmingham Fire Brigade. [B.L] 1893 Trade. See Political Economy. Tradesman's Guide to Superficial Measurement Lond. 1832 Traill (T. S.). See Ency. Brit. Traill (Rev. William). Account of the life and writings of Robert Simson, M.D. Lond. 181 2 Transactions of the Actuarial Society of America. See Actuarial Society of America. Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. See Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Transactions of the Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. See Insurance and Actuarial Society. Transactions of the Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association. See Life Assurance Medical Officers' Associa- tion. Transactions of the New Souih Wales Insurance Institute. See New South Wales Insurance Institute. Transactions of the Royal Society. See Royal Society. 204 TRA—TWE Transactions of the Victoria Insurance Institute. See Victoria Insurance Institute. Transactions of the Yorkshire Insurance Institute. See Yorkshire Insurance Institute. Trapp (A. C). Constructive Total Loss [V.I.] 1890 Is Insurance Gambling? [V.I.] 1895 Insurance Notes from an Eastern City. [V.I.] 1897 Travis (G.). Modern Fire-proofing in connection with mills. [M.L] 1891 Trial by Jury. See Courts of Law. Trials, Reports of. See Law. Trigonometry. See Mathematics. Trotter (J.). See Ingram (Alexander). Tucker (Robert). Causes of Insolvency of Life Insurance Com- panies. [P. vol. 20.] Lond. 1869 See also Australian Mutual Provident Society — Scottish Widows' Fund. Tullis (J.). Old Age Pensions. (2 copies.) Glasgow 1892 Turnbull (A. D. L.). Some Suggestions in regard to Life Office Accounting, including, inter alia, an arrangement of the American Card System suitable for the requirements of British Offices. [T.E.] 1898 Life Assurance Accounts and the Card System. (2 copies.) Edin. 1898 Turnbull (A. H.). Compound Interest and Annuity Tables, with rules for determin- ing the amount of principal and interest in any payment of annuity, and for the construction of tables showing the same. Edin. 1863 Capital, Money, Interest, and Investments. [P. vols. 2 and 10.] Edin. 1870 Two other copies. On the comparative amount of Reserves obtained by different Valuations. [T.E.] 1879 Tenure of Land in the United Kingdom and its principal Colonies. [T.E.] 1890 Notes regarding Land Tenure in Australia. Edin. 1890 Turnpike Roads (Scotland) Act, 1823. [P. vol. 7.] Tweedy (H. C). Koch's Treatment of Tuberculosis and its bearing on Life Assurance. [I. I.] 189 1 ULT—UNI 205 Ultimators. >See Mathematics. Unbiassed Notes on Life Assurance. [P. vol. 35.] Lond. 1871 Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, Portland, Maine. Report of the Medical Director upon the death losses for tlie 8 years ending 31st December 1884. [P. vol. 38.] 'Portland 1885 Another copy. [P.] United States Life Insurance Company (N.Y.). Medical investiga- tions in Life Insurance, 1873-78. [P. vol. 38.] New York N.D. United States of America. Report on the Vital Statistics of, made to the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, by Dr. Jas. Wynne. New York 1857 On the MiHtary Statistics of, by E. B. Elliott. Berlin 1863 National Board of P^ire Underwriters. Journal of the proceedings of the first annual meeting. [P.] New York 1867 Official' reports of the proceedings of the National Insurance Con- vention held in New York in 1871, by H. S. Olcott. 2 vols. New York 1871-72 Official report of Do. (first session). [P.] New York 187 1 Vol. II. of 9th Census, embracing Births, Deaths, Sex and Age and Statistics of the Insane. Washington 1872 Amendments made by Committee of Revision (Jan. 1872) to the Draft of the General Insurance Laws adopted at the convention of 1 87 1. [P.] New York 1872 Insurance Blue Book, by C. C. Hine. New York 1874 and 1877 Insurance Law Journal. Vols. I. to VI. New York 1871-7 Statistics of Power and Machinery employed in manufactures, by G. F. Swain. Washington 1881 Statistics of the production of the Precious Metals, by C, King. Washington 1881 Compendium and Statistics of the loth Census (1880). Washington 1883 Proceedings of the nth annual convention of Mutual Benefit Associations of America. [P.] Philadelphia 1886 Do. 13th do., with Tables of Death Rates in the first ten policy years. Chicago 1888 Consular Reports on Mortgages in Foreign Countries. Washington 1889 Practice of Fire Insurance in, by J. N. Lane. [T.G.] 1893 Army Mutual Aid Association — Report of the Committee on revision of rates, with Actuarial Report on the Army Officers' Mortahty Experience, including War Hazards, by L. G. Fouse. Washington 1896 2o6 UNI— VAN United States of America — Continued. Connecticut. 20th Report of the Insurance Commissioner. Part II., Life and Accident Companies. Hartford 1885 2 1 St Report, Parts I. and II. 2 vols. Hartford 1886 22nd Report, Parts I. and 11. Hartford 1887 Indiana, ist Report of the Department of Statistics and Geology, 1879. Indianopolis 1880 Louisiana. Report on the Cotton production of, by E. W. Hilgard. Washington 1881 Massachusetts. 31st, 32nd, 41st, and 42nd Reports of the In- surance Commissioner. 4 vols. Boston 1886-7 and 1896-7 New York, ist Report of the Insurance Department of the State of. Albany i860 Insurance Reports (condensed edition), 1830- 1863, by William Barnes. 2 vols. Albany 1873 Annual Insurance Reports, 1864 to 1896. Ohio, Sketch of State of. [P. vol. 3.] 1824 See also Atlantic Mutual — Barnes — Equitable Assurance Society . (N.Y.)— Hancock (W. J.)— Hine (C. C.)— John Hancock Mutual — Maverick National Bank — Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company — Mutual Life Insurance Company — Population — Union Mutual — United States Life. U€eful Knowledge, Society for the diffusion of. Geometry — plane, solid, and spherical. Lond. 1830 Usury. See Finance. Utrecht Insurance Company, Catalogue of the Library of the. Utrecht 1898 Vaccination. See Blue Books — Metropolitan District — Pearce (Dr.) — Ritchie (Dr.)— Sprague (T. B.) — Tebb (W. S.)— Vaccination Tracts. Vaccination Tracts. Part IL, No. 13, contains 'Life Assurance hurt by its present commerce with vaccination.' [P. vol. 38.] Lond. 1878 Valuations. See Interest and Annuities-certain — Life Assurance — Life Contingencies — Tables. Van Sandau (Andrew). An exposition of the author's experience as one of the assured of the Alliance Life Assurance Company. [P.] Lond. 1856 VEG—VIC 207 Vega (G. von). Logarithms and Trigonometrical Tables, edited by C. Bremiker. 48th Edit. Berlin 1864 Venn (John). Logic of Chance. Lond. 1888 Nature and use of averages. [J.S.S. vol. 54.] 1891 Verwey (Dr. A. J.). Principles of Vital Statistics. [J.S.S. and P. vol. 21.] Lond. 1875 Victoria. See Acts of Parliament — Blue Books (Colonies) — Friendly Societies — Victoria Insurance Institute. Victoria Insurance Institute. Papers read during Session 1884. 1. Inaugural Address by the President, E. S. Watson. 2. Life Assurance : its history, theory, and practice, by T. S. Robertson. 3. Some principles of Fire Insurance, by Charles Salter. Papers read during Session 1885. 1. Marine Insurance, by C. Rennie. 2. Classification of Fire risks, by John Sinclair. 3. Valuation Reserves of Life Offices, by J. B. Gillison. 4. Modern extension of the liability of Marine Underwriters, by A. J. Masters. 5. Fire Surveys, by H. J. Smith. 6. Retiring Address, reviewing the work of the Session, by the President, E. S. Watson. Papers read during Session 1886. 1. Inaugural Address by the President, A. H. Young. 2. Life Assurance in Australia from a medical aspect, by Dr. F. M. Harricks. 3. Some improvements in Life Assurance practice, by T. S. Robertson. 4. Insurance prospects in the Colonies, by M. A. Ridge. 5. General Average, by C. M. Holmes. 6. Personal reminiscences of Insurance Business, by W. Macredie. Papers read during Session 1887. 1. Inaugural Address, by C. Salter. 2. Plea for the Volunteer Fire Brigade, by G. R. Cherry. 3. Life competition ; some of its results, by S, G. Martin. 5. Collision Clause, by C. Rennie. 6. Advantages of combination in matters other than rates, by C. E. Jarrett. 7. Insurances on Mortgaged Properties, by G. C. Arnold, 8. Assessment of Life Risks, by J. B. Gillison. 9. Barratry, by A. J. Masters. 2o8 VIC Victoria Insurance Institute — Continued. Papers read during Session 1888. 1. Inaugural Address, by C. Rennie. 2. Negligence clause in Bills of Lading, by E. E, Dear. 3. Gleanings from the vital statistics of Victoria, by T. S. Robertson. 4. Some aids to calculation, by J. B. Gillison. 5. Our ports and their dangers, by W. A. Paterson. 6. Esprit de Corps among offices and their representatives, by \ W. H. Chandler. 7. Fire Brigade organisation, by W. Crellin. \ Papers read during Session \Z^<^. '\ 1. Inaugural Address, by J. Sinclair. 2. Spontaneous Combustion, by W. Farquhar, 3. Mortality as affecting Life Assurance in Australia, by T. W. Bremner. 4. Electric lighting in relation to Fire risks, by G. Gibb. 5. Craft risks (marine), by B. Goldsmith. \ 6. Detection of diabetes and chronic Bright's disease among \ proponents for Life Assurance, by Dr. W. R. Fox. 1 Papers read during Session 1 890. j 1. Inaugural Address, by J. B. Gillison. 2. Average clause in Fire Policies, by C. R. Colquhoun. j 3. Reform of general average, by W. H. Jarrett. \ 4. Is Cancer Hereditary? by Dr. J. Talbot Brett. | 5. Constructive total loss (marine), by A. C. Trapp. 1 6. Short treatise on Fire Insurance Surveying, by A. J. E. Murray. ] Papers read during Session 1891. j 1. Inaugural Address, by C. E. Jarrett. • ^l 2. Automatic Sprinklers, by S. G. Russell. ; 3. Some points in connection with the medical examination of j proponents for Life Assurance, by Dr. J. Jamieson. \ 4. Notes on electrical applications, by K. L. Murray. \ 5. Dangers of the Deep, by E. S. Watson. ■ 6. Fire Reinsurances, by A. Rattray. ) Papers read during Session 1892. ,; 1. Inaugural Address, by E. E. Dear. \ 2. The amount that should be allowed by a Life Office as Surrender \ Value of a Policy, by C. A. Schultz. ^ 3. The Eleventh Commandment, by F. F. Leslie. ' 4. Lloyd's, by R. H. Robinson. \ 5. Run round the coast of New Zealand, by J. Mallard. 6. Australian Reminiscences, by A. J. Wright. \ V/C 209 Victoria Insurance Institute — Coniiiiued. Papers read during Session 1 893. 1. Inaugural Address, by W. H. Jarrett. 2. Short term risks in Fire Insurance, by J. Sinclair. 3. Physical view of the Ocean and a short sketch of its history, by W. R. Ray. 4. Effects of financial depression on Fire Insurance, by C. R. Colquhoun. 5. Comparison of the Rates of Mortality in Victoria, 1881-91, with a special reference to Cancer, Phthisis, and violence, by R. D. Miller. 6. Co-operation, by A. J. Wright. Papers read during Session 1894. 1. Inaugural Address, by M. A. Ridge. 2. Money and Bimetallism, by G. A. Russell. 3. Shipping Law, by Dr. Wollaston. 4. Conditions of Health after Life Insurance, by Dr. J. E. Neild. 5. Doom of General Average, by W. H. Jarrett. 6. Law of Heredity (Prize Essay), by W. Farquhar. Papers read during Session 1895. 1. Inaugural Address, by E. E. Dear. 2. The Health Act ; some of the effects of its proper administration to Life and Property, by Dr. W. Macansh. 3. Classification of Fire Risks, by C. R. Colquhoun. 4. Is Insurance Gambling ? by A. C. Trapp. 5. Free Trade from an Insurance point of view, by J. T. Woods. Papers read during Sessio?t 1 896. 1. Inaugural Address, by G. Gibb. 2. Some Fire Insurance Gleanings, by R. S. Robertson. 3. Law-making, by E. S. Watson. 4. Development of the Export Trade of Victoria, by B. Goldsmith. 5. Old Age Pensions, by J. Pullar. 6. Objects of the Insurance Institute of Victoria, by F. F. Leslie. Papers 7'ead during Session 1897. 1. Investments of Australasian Life Offices, by J. B. Gillison. (Inaugural Address.) 2. Gas and Acetylene as Illuminants, by Prof. D. O. Masson. 3. Some considerations on the Maritime Interest, Freight, etc., by W. R. Ray. 4. Heredity, by W. Farquhar. 5. Some Causes of Fire, by F. M. Syme. 6. Insurance Notes from an Eastern City, by A. C. Trapp. Victorian Year Books for 1877-78, 1878-79, and 1884-85, by H. H. Hayter. Melbourne 1877-78-85 2IO VIO—WAL Violeine (P. A.). Interest and Annuity-certain Tables. (In French.) Paris 1854 Vital Statistics. See Blue Books — Farr — Longstaff — Mortality Experience — Neison — Newsholme — Population — Statistics — United States — Verwey. Vivante (Cesare). On the necessity for legislation for Life Insurance Companies. (In Italian.) [P. vol. 45.] Rome 1886 On the legal nature of Life Policy Reserves. (In Italian.) [P. vol. 45.] Rome 1885 w Wages. See Political Economy. Walford (Cornelius). The Insurance Cyclopaedia. 5 vols, and i part (a to HERE). Insurance Guide and Handbook : a guide to the principles and practice of Life Assurance. Lond. 1857 Insurance Year Book for 1870. Lond. 1870 The History of the Equitable Society. (Reprinted from the Insur- ance Cyclopaedia.) Lond. 1875 Catalogue of the Library belonging to. Lond. 1886 Walker (F. A.). Money. Lond. 1884 Vital Statistics of U.S.A. (Ninth Census, 1870.) Vol. 11. Washington 1872 Walker (H. 0.). Effect of the York- Antwerp rules upon Marine Underwriting. [N.S.W.I.] 1888 Wallace (John). See Brown (J.). Wallace (Thomas). On the rate of mortality among Liquor-sellers. [T.E.] 1888 See also Playfair and Wallace. Wallace (William). A geometrical treatise on the Conic Sections. Edin. 1837 Wallers (G. F.). American Life Companies. [I.I] 1890 Wallis (John). A treatise of Algebra, both historical and practical ; with article on Trigonometry, by J. Caswell. Lond. 1685 See also Maseres (Francis). Walras (L^on). Note upon the legal ratio of 15^ (in coinage of silver). Translated by H. W. St. John. [T.A.] 1897 Problem of the value of money. Translated by R. W. Weeks. [T.A.] 1897 WAL—WAT Walton (W. a). Life Assurance Companies' Act 1870. [M.I.] 1883 Assessment System of Life Assurance. [M.L] 1892 American Offices in Great Britain. ' Actual results.' [P. vol. 36.] Manch. N.D. 'Should I insure in an American Office?' [P. vol. 36.] Manch. N.D. Walton (William). Comprehensive Reckoner. Lond. 1836 Walton (Wm.). Treatise on the Differential Calculus. Camb. 1846 See also Gregory (D. F.) and Walton (W.). Ward (J.). See under Maseres. Ward (R. A.). Treatise on Investments. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1852 Warden (H.). Oil xMills. [M.L] 1878 Theatres as Fire Risks. [M.L] 1880 Wardle (J.). Corn-milling Machinery. [Y.L] 1892 Inaugural Address. [Y.L] 1894 Warner (S. G.). Some Economic Aspects of Life Assurance. [B.L] 1896 Washburn (H. S.). Life Assurance in France. [P. vol. 37.] Boston 1879 Life Assurance in Germany. [P. vol. 37.] Boston 1879 Washington Life Insurance Company, Historical, Actuarial, and Medical Statistics of the, by I. C. Pierson. (2 copies.) N.Y. 1889 Waterloo Assurance Company, Essay on Life Assurance especially illustrative of the. [P. vol. 41.] Lond. 1852 Watson (E. S.). Inaugural Address. [V.L] 1884 Retiring Address. [V.L] 1885 Dangers of the Deep. [V.L] 1891 Law-making. [V.L] 1896 Watson (James). Report on the F.S. of Dissenting Ministers in Scotland as at I St June 1840. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1842 Do. do. 1851. [P. vol. 44.] Edin. 1852 On American Life Offices in Great Britain. [P. vol. 12.] Lond. 1874 Notes on a pamphlet by J. Allen, Halifax, entitled 'Where shall I get the most for my money?' [P. vol. 36.] Edin. 1877 Remarks on the reply of the 'Equitable' (N.Y.) to the 'Scottish Provident' memo, for agents. [P. vol. 47.] Edin. 1884 212 WAT—WEL Watson (R.). Essay on Friendly Societies and Sick Clubs. Lond. 1888 Watson (T. W.). Inaugural Addresses. [T.G.] 1887 and 1888 Watson (W. W.). Reports upon the vital, social, and economical statistics of Glasgow for 1869, 1 87 1, and 1873. 3 vols. Glasg. 1870-74 Summary of the Census of Glasgow in 1 87 1. [P.] Glasg. 187 1 Watt (A.). Glasgow Bills of Mortality, 1841 and 1842. Glasgow 1844 Watt (A.). Scientific Industries explained. Edin. 1881 Watt (A.). Fire Insurance; practical notes on leading cases. [T.G.] 1897 Watt (Peter). Comparative Tables of Rates for Life Assurance demanded in Scotland, with an exposition of the doctrine of Life Assurance and Annuity. Edin. 1824 Progress and present state of the Science of Life Assurance, with Thermometrical Tables, etc. (2 copies.) Edin. 1837 Waud (Rev. S. W.). Treatise on Algebraical Geometry. Lond. 1835 Webb (Benjamin). The Complete Annuitant ; consisting of tables of Interest, simple and compound. Lond. 1762 Webb (W.). Cotton Mills. [Y.I.] 1893 Weber (H.). Heredity in relation to Life Assurance. [M.O.] 1898 Weeks (R. W.). Monetary Mortality Experience on Annuities in American Life Companies. [T.A.] 1892 Mortality Experience on Annuitants (European and American) in American Life Insurance Companies. [T.A.] 1896 See also Walras (L.). Wegenast (G.). Premiums paid on Bonds and the Interest account. [T.A.] 1895 Weissmann (A.). Essays upon Heredity. 2nd Edit. 2 vols. Oxford 1891-92 The Germ-Plasm. Lond. 1893 Welch (A. A.). Legislation concerning Impairment. (Fackler Prize Essay.) [T.A.] 1892 Individualism v. Communism in the conduct of a Life Insurance Company. [T.A.] 1898 WEL—Wm 213 Welch (J. St. v.). Inaugural Address. [N.S.W.L] 1896 Weld (L. Gr.). Theory of Determinants. Lond. 1893 Weldon (W. F. R.). Certain correlated variations in Crangon vulgaris. (From Royal Society Transactions.) Lond. 1892 Wells (D. H.). Application of the Contribution Plan to the distribution of Surplus. [T.A.] ' 1892 See also Connecticut Mutual Life Assurance Company. Walton (T. A.). On the effect of Migrations in disturbing local Rates of Mortality, as exemplified in the statistics of London and district for 1851-60. [P. vol. 35.] Lond. 1871 On the English Census of Occupations, 1871. [P. vol. 21.] Lond. 1 87 1 On some pubhshed results of the Census of 1871. [P. vol. 21.] Manchester 1872 On the proper meaning of certain statistical facts. [P. vol. 12.] Salford 1875 Local Death-rates in England and Wales in the ten years 1881-90. [J.S.S. vol. 60.] 1897 The 1 891 Census of occupations of males in England and Wales so far as relates to the large towns and to the counties, after the exclusion of such towns. (Manchester Statistical Society.) 1898 See a/so J.S.S. — Manchester Statistical Society. Wertheimer (J.). Spontaneous Combustion. [Y.I.] 1890 Electric Lighting. [Y.I.] 1890 West (Rev. Jolin). Mathematical treatises, edited by Sir John Leslie. Edin. 1838 West Indies. See Blue Books (Colonies) — Scottish Amicable. West of Scotland Insurance Company. Tables of Premiums for insurances against loss by Fire. [P.] Glasg. 1832 Westergaard (H.). Risk of Fire Insurance. [P.] 1882 Western Annuity Society. See Christie (Robert). Westminster Fire Office. Report of the trial, Glasgow Provident Investment Society v. the above. 1885 Whewell (William). The Mechanical Euclid ; containing the elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics, with remarks on Mathematical Reasoning and the Logic of Induction. 3rd Edit, corrected. Camb. 1838 The Doctrine of Limits. Camb. 1838 Newton's Principia. Book I. — Sections I., II., and III., in the original Latin, with explanatory notes. Lond. 1846 White (William). The Insurance Register. See Periodicals. 214 WHI—WIL Whitehouse (W. H.). Abstract of Lectures on Electric Lighting considered as a Fire Risk. [B.I.] 1895 White Lead Industry. (Blue Book.) 1894 WMting (W. D.). Distribution of expenses in Life Insurance. [T.A.] 1891 A Standard for measuring the effects of Selection among assured lives. [T.A.] 1 89 1 Formula for valuation by Groups. [T.A.] 1894 Interest requirements and Mortality costs. [T.A.] 1896 Provision for and distribution of Expenses. [T.A.] 1898 Whittall (W. J. H.). Theory of Life Assurance. [B.L] 1889 See also King and Whittall. Whitworth (F.). Accident Insurance. [M.I.] 1893 Whitworth (W. A.). Choice and Chance : an elementary treatise on Permutations, Combinations, and Probabihty. 4th Edit. (2 copies.) Lond. 1886 Wicks (G. D.). The outside man and his work. [M.A.] 1897 Widows' Funds. See Friendly Societies. Widows' and Pension Funds (with Tables), by A. Hewat. Lond. 1896 Wilkie (Rev. David). Theory of Interest, simple and compound, applied to annuities of all descriptions. Edin. 1794 Wilkie (J.). The Classification of Lives. (Deuchar Prize Essay, MS. copy. Read to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh.) 1889 Life Assurance Agents' Vade mecum. Edin. 1894-95 Wilkinson (J. F.). Some Illustrations of Friendly Society Finance. [J.S.S. vol. 58.] 1895 Wilkinson (T. R.). Infant Mortality and the Death-rate in large towns. (Manchester Statistical Society.) 1872 Willcolkes and Fryers. Arithmetic and Mental Calculations. 6th Edit. Derby 1838 Willey (Nathan). Treatise on the principles and practice of Life Insurance, with tables {^American Experience^ New York 1872 Williams (C. T.). Influence of Heart Disease on Life Assurance. (Two papers.) [M.O.] 1897-98 Williams (J.). Principles of the law of Personal Property. Lond. 1887 Principles of the law of Real Property. Lond. 1892 Williams (Rev. J. M.). The elements of Euclid. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1829 WIL—WOL 215 Williamson (B.). Elementary treatise on the Differential Calculus. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1877 Do. do. 7th Edit. Lond. 1889 Do. on the Integral Calculus. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1877 Do. do. 6th Edit. Lond. 1891 Willich (0. M.). Popular tables for ascertaining the value of Life^ hold property, etc. Lond. 1852 Wilson (J. D.). See Thomson (Robert). Wilson (J. M.). Statistics of crime in Ireland. (From J.S.S. of Dublin.) [P. vol. 50.] Dublin 1857 Wilson (The Right Hon. James). Capital, Currency, and Banking : being a collection of a series of Articles published in the Economist. Lond. 1847 Wilson (James). See under Maseres. Wing (A. S.). Analysis and disposition of gains over assumed Liabilities. [T.A.] 1890 Ratios of Mortality for number and amount. [T.A.] 1892 Policies or Lives and amounts at risk. [T.A.] 1893 Why is the Mortality Experience on Endowment Policies more favourable than on Life Policies? [T.A.] 1895 See also Provident Life and Trust Company. Winston (Dr. G. S.). See Mutual Life Ins. Co. (New York). Wise's Companion. (Probably 1755.) Wise (Edward). See Simpson (Stephen). Witter (T.). Automatic Sprinklers. [M.I.] 1888 Automatic Sprinklers and Sprinkler Installations. [I.I.] 1893 Wittstein (Theodor). On Mathematical Statistics, and their application to Political Economy and Insurance. (In German, translation in J. LA. vol. 17.) [P. vol. 43.] Hanover 1881 Address in commemoration of C. F. Gauss. (In German.) [P.] Hanover 1877 WoUaston (Dr.). Shipping Law. [V.I.] 1894 Wolterbeek (L.). Government Legislation of Holland in reference to the working of Life Insurance Companies. [T.A.] 1897 Wolowski (L.). The Bank of England and the Banks of Scotland. (In French.) - Paris 1867 2i6 woo— IVOR Wood (James). Elements of Algebra, nth Edit. Camb. 1841 Do. by Thomas Lund. 12th Edit. (2 copies.) Camb. 1845 Do. do. i6th Edit. Lond. 1861 Wood (William). Remarks on the Profits of Life Assurance Societies and the division thereof. [P. vol. 12.] Edin. 1840 Conversion Tables. Glasg. 1850 Actuarial Reports on — Edinburgh School of Arts F.S. at 1850. [P. vol. 11.] Edin. 1851 National Bank of Scotland W.F. at 1855. l^- vol. i.] , Edin. 1856 Free Church of Scotland Ministers' W.F. at 1865. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1866 Do. do. at 1872. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1872 Do. do. at 1879. [P.] Edin. 1880 Do. do. at 1886. [P. vol. 29.] Edin. 1887 Commercial Bank of Scotland W.F. at 1875. [P- vol. 51.] Edin. 1876 Woodhead (J. P.). Cotton Mill Fires and Friction. [M.L] 1884 Woodhouse (Robert). The principles of Analytical Calculation. Camb. 1803 Woods (J. T.). Free Trade from an Insurance point of view. [V.I.] 1895 Woodthorpe (J. E.). Fire Insurance — a commercial necessity. [N.S.W.L] 1888 Economics of Fire Insurance. [N.S.W.L] 1890 Sydney a Port of Refuge. [N.S.W.L] 1891 Ethics of Fire Insurance. [N.S.W.L] 1894 Woodward (G. B.). See John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Woolhouse (W. S. B.). The elements of the Differential Calculus. 4th Edit. Lond. 1864 Mortality in the Indian Army. [P. vols, i and 40.] Lond. 1839 Another copy. [P.] Lond. 1839 On Integration by means of Selected Values of the Function. (From J.I.A. vol. 27.) [P.] Adjustment of Mortality Tables. (From J.I.A. vol. 21.) [P.] See also Actuaries (Institute of). Workmen's Compensation Act. See Employers' Liability. Wormald (J. D.). Automatic Sprinklers. [N.S.W.L] 1891 IVOR—WYN 217 Wonnald (J.). Automatic Appliances for the extinguishment of Fires. [Y.L] 1892 Wrede (F. J.). On Compound Survivorships. (In Swedish.) Stockholm 1869 Method of Least Squares. (In Swedish.) Stockholm 1873 Wright (A. J.). Australian Reminiscences. [V.I.] 1892 Co-operation. [V.I.] 1893 Wright (C. A.). Assessment Insurance. (Prize Essay.) [M.I.] 1896 Wright (E.). Translation of Napier's Description of the admirable Table of Logarithms. Lond. 1616 Wright (Elizur). Elements of Life Insurance for the use of Family Banks. [P. vol. 36.] Boston 1876 Wright (J. M. F.). Self instructions in Pure Arithmetic. Camb. 1829 A commentary on Newton's Principia. 2 vols. Lond. 1833 A collection of Cambridge mathematical examination papers ; Part I. Pure mathematics. Camb. 1830 Solutions to above. Camb. 1831 Supplement to above. Camb. 1832 A collection of Cambridge mathematical examination papers and Supplement; Part I. Pure mathematics. Camb. 1830-32 Part II. Mixed mathematics. Camb. 1831-33 Solutions of the Cambridge problems from 1800 to 1820. 2 vols. Lond. 1836 Wright (W. C). On the provision for and the assessment of Life Insurance ex- penses, etc. [T.A.] 1890 On the correct or equitable distribution of incidental surplus. [T.A.] 1892 An Actuarial proposition and a suggestion. [T.A.] 1895 Note on premium loading. [T.A.] 1897 See also New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Wrigley (Rev. Alfred). Examples and problems in pure and mixed Mathematics, with Answers, Lond. 1847 Writing, Manual of, under the sanction of the Committee of the Council on Education. Lond. 1844 W.S. Society. See Acts of Parliament — Cleghorn (J.) — Courts of Law — Friendly Societies — M'Kean (J.). Wyatt (F. B.). See Clergy Mutual Assurance Society. Wynne (Jas.). Report on the Vital Statistics of the United States of America, made to the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. ' New York 1857 2i8 YOR Yorkshire Insurance Institute. Transactions, 1888-9. Inaugural Address, by J. A. Cunninghame. The Technical Education of a Fire Insurance Surveyor, by H. Pocklington. Notes on the French systems of Fire Insurance, by James Gemmill. Accident Insurance, by C. M. Tate. 1889-90. Scheduled v. Non-Scheduled Insurances, by J. B. Roberts. Fire Extinguishing Expenses — by whom should they be paid .'' by E. Bagshaw. Rise and Development of Life Assurance in this country, by F. R. Hardingham. Spontaneous Combustion, by J. Wertheimer. Electric Lighting, by J. Wertheimer. 1890-1. Inaugural Address, by J. B. Tennant. Board of Trade Returns relating to Life Assurance Companies, by W. M. Monilaws. Some important factors in Life Insurance Calculations, by W. M. Monilaws. Bonuses, by W. M. Monilaws. Warehouses and Market Day Rooms Tariff, by R. Macmillan. Inaugural Address, by J. B. Tennant. Obscure causes of Fire, by W. J. Haslam. The principal methods employed in the distribution of the Surplus of Life Assurance Companies, by P. L. Newman. Duties of a Fire Insurance Surveyor, by W. A. Bingham. Corn-milling Machinery, by J. Wardle. Electric Light Installations, by J. T. Baron. 1892-3. Inaugural Address, by T. S. Riley. Automatic Appliances for the Extinguishment of Fires, by J. Wormald. The Uncertainty of Life : Thrift in Early Life by Life Assurance and other means, with examples showing how great accumulations will arise from Small Savings, by T. Fatkin. Woollen and Worsted Mills as Fire Insurance Risks, by F. B. Teale. Some of the Modern Developments of the Life Assurance system, by B. Newbatt. YOR-YOU ^19 Yorkshire Insurance Institute — Continued. Transactions — Continued. 1893-4. Cloth Oils, with reference to Insurance Risks, by W. M. Mackey. Cotton Mills, by W. Webb. Building Construction as effecting Fire Risks, by W. Thorp. Probability of Duration of Life, estimated by family and personal history, by T. Churton. Capital, some of its economic and moral aspects, by J. M. M'Candlish. Resume of the work of the Institute, with some suggestions thereon, by D. R. Blair. 1894-5. Inaugural Address, by J. Wardle. A bird's-eye view of the present system of Marine Insurance, by C. Mc Arthur. Woollen Manufacture in relation to Fire Insurance, by J. B. Roberts. The preponderating importance of Personal History as compared with Heredity in Life Assurance, by A. Rabagliati. 1895-6. Newer forms of Life Assurance, by W. H. Gregory. Saw-Mills, by D. M. Linley. Worsted Mills, by J. C. Eddison. Oils used in Woollen and Worsted Mills, by W. Dillon. Sickness and Accident Insurance, by H. Brown. Minimising Fire Risks and Fire Losses, by J. H. Mills. 1896-7. Inaugural Address, by J. B. Roberts. Life Assurance Finance as affected by the Rate of Interest and the Rate of Expense, by A. Hewat. Electricity, by K. J. Tarrant. Possible changes in the Life Assurance of the future, by R. P. Hardy. Duties and Qualifications of a Fire Insurance Man, by H. Pock- lington. 1897-8. Annual Reports of Life Assurance Companies, by H. W. Andras. Acetylene Gas, by H. Ingle. Superannuation, by P. L. Newman. Fire Policy Conditions, by A. W. Sneath. Waste Products of Woollen and Worsted Mills, by J. P. Eddison. Young (A. H.). Inaugural Address. [V.I.] 1886 220 vocr Young (J. R.)' Mathematical Tables. Lond. 1833 Elementary treatise on Algebra. Lond. 1834 Elements of Algebra. 3rd Edit. Lond. 1839 Introduction to Algebra. Lond. 185 1 On the theory and solution of Algebraical Equations. Lond. 1835 Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ; with supplement on Spherical Geometry, by T. S. Davies. (2 copies.) Lond. 1833 Elements of Analytical Geometry. American Edit. Philadelphia 1833 Elements of the Integral Calculus. American Edit. Philadelphia 1833 Elements of the Differential Calculus. 2nd Edit. Lond. 1836 Course of Elementary Mathematics. Lond. 1861 Young (T.). See Royal Society Transactions. Young (T. E.). Actuarial Report on the Valuation of the Civil Service Widows' and Orphans' Fund Association of Jamaica at 30th September 1884. Lond. 1885 Limits of State Control and the business of Insurance. [B.I.] 1894 Theory of Evolution and Insurance. [B.I.] 1895 Ethics of Insurance. [l.L] 1896 On Centenarians, and the duration of the Human Race ; a fresh and authentic enquiry with historical notes, criticisms, and speculations. Lond. 1899 LIST OF DONORS Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Actuarial Society of America. j Associated Scottish Life Assurance Offices. j Board of Health, New South Wales. ; Canada Life Assurance Company. ' Clf.rical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society. j Comitk des Compagnies d' Assurances a Primes Fixes sur la vie. • Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. , Economic Life Assurance Society. Equitable Society (London). ] Imperial Life Insurance Company. Institute of Accountants and Actuaries, Glasgow. ] Institute of Actuaries, London. : Institut des Actuaires Fran^ais, Paris. Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. Insurance Association of Manchester. \ Insurance Institute of Ireland. * i Insurance Institute of Manchester. ; Insurance Institute of New South Wales. I Insurance Institute of Victoria. '■ Insurance Institute of Yorkshire. ' Law Life Assurance Society. • Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association. ] Life Offices' Association, London. i Managers' Association. j Metropolitan Life Assurance Society. : Mutual Life Insurance Company (N.Y.). National Life Assurance Society. \ North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. j Pole Star Assurance Company, Stockholm. 1 Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia. j Prudential Assurance Company. ; Publisher of the Finance Chronicle. Publisher of Hazell's Annual. ] Publisher of the Insurance Blue Book. j Publisher of the Insurance Spectator. • 222 LIST OF DONORS Publisher of the Post Magazine. Publisher of the Review. Publisher of the Scottish Banking and Insurance Magazine. Publisher of White's Insurance Register. Registrar-General (Scotland). Registrar of Friendly Societies, New Zealand. Secretary of the Interior, Washington, U.S.A. Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society. Scottish Union and National Insurance Company. Scottish Widows' Fund Society. Statistical Society, London. Superintendent of Insurance, Canada. . Superintendent of Insurance, New York. Washington Life Assurance Company. T. G. Acklani), London. James Barnes, London. John Beveridge, Edinburgh. Andrew Binny. W. A. Bowser, London. Samuel Brown, London. T. J. W. Buckley, London. Lady Burton, Executors of the late. A. Campbell, Edinburgh. David Garment, Sydney, N.S.W. W. S. Champness, London. David Chisholm, Edinburgh. James Chisholm, London. Thomas Coats, Family of the late. Henry Cockburn, London. Miles M. Dawson, New York. Archibald Day, London. David Deuchar, Edinburgh. M. Dillon, London. Gordon Douglas, Edinburgh. W. J. Duncan, Edinburgh. G. A. EssoN, Edinburgh. E. J. Farnworth, Preston. F. W. Frankland, New Zealand, Patrick Geddes, Edinburgh. R. P. Hardy, London. J. Henderson. Archibald Hewat, Edinburgh. W. B. Hodgson, LL.D., Edinburgh. Shepherd Homans, New York. LIST OF DONORS 223 D. R. W. HuiE, Edinburgh. A. S. Hume, Liverpool. E. C. JOASS, Edinburgh. George King, London. Thomas Kyd, Dundee. Messrs. C. and E. Layton, Publishers, London. George Lisle, Edinburgh. G. M. Low, Edinburgh. J. M. M'Candlish, Edinburgh. W. R. Macdonald, Edinburgh. Peter Mackenzie, Edinburgh, Daughters of the late. P. R. D. Maclagan, Edinburgh. H. W. Manly, London. Thomas Marr, Glasgow. R. A. Maxwell. James Meikle, Edinburgh. F. G. P. Neison, Barrister, London. F. N. Newcome, London. John Nicoll, Edinburgh. Lieut. -Col. Oakes, London. L C. Pearson, New York. Edward Sang, Edinburgh. Arthur Scratchley, M.A., London. Dr. G. Schaertlin. Lieutenant M. Shanahan. C. A. Smith, Currie. H. A. Smith, London. James Sorley, London. T. B. Sprague, M.A., LL.D., Edinburgh. T. Y. Strachan, London. Richard Teece, Sydney. S. C. Thomson, B.A., Edinburgh. W. T. Thomson, Edinburgh. A. H. Turnbull, Edinburgh. Cornelius Walford, London. Thomas Wallace, Edinburgh. J. M. Warden, Edinburgh. William White, London. W. J. H. Whittall, London. H. J. Williams, London. L. Wolterbeek, Amsterdam. William Wood, Edinburgh. F. B. Wyatt, London. T. E. Young, B.A., London, Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland. LIST of PRINCIPAL BOOKS and PAMPHLETS added to the Library since the publication of the Catalogue in 1899. Annual Publications, Periodicals, Transactions of Insurance Institutes, etc., acquired and placed in Library in ordinary course. Additional Copies of several works were also procured , though not included in the following List. Actuaries. Faculty and Institute Joint Mortality Investigation. 1863-93 Volumes of Unadjusted Data relating to — 1. Annuitants (4 Copies). 1900 2. Endowment Assurances and Minor Classes (3 Copies). , 3. Whole Life Assurances, Males (3 Copies). „ 4. Do. do., Females do. „ Actuaries. Proceedings of Second International Congress of. 1898 Altenburger (J.). Theory of Policy Reserves in Life Assurance. 1900 American Experience. Net Premiums and Reserves at 3 per cent, published by Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N.J. „ Barnes (R. Y.). New and Improved Universal System of Book- keeping. 1877 Bell (G.)- Treatise on the Cow Pox. 1807 Catalogue of Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1899 Chrystal (Prof. G.). Introduction to Algebra. 1898 Churcli of Scotland Ministers' Widows' Fund. Original Calcula- tions, with the Principles and Data, etc. 1748 Clauson (A. C). The Companies Acts. 1899 Combe (George). Moral Philosophy. 1893 Discussions on Education. „ Science and Religion. „ Constitution of Man in relation to the Natural Laws ,, American Notes. 1896 Cory (R.). Theory and Practice of Vaccination. 1898 Creighton (Dr. C). Jenner and Vaccination. 1889 Crookshank (E. M.). History and Pathology of Vaccination (2 Volumes). 1889 Dansken (A. B.). Index and Glossary of Building Terms. 1899 Dawson (M. M.). Various derived Tables from American Mortality Experience. 1900 Edwards (Joseph). Differential Calculus for Beginners. 1899 Integral do. • do. 1900 Federation of Insurances Institutes. Transactions, Vols. I. and II. 1899 French Life Insurance Companies. Reports and Accounts (2 Volumes). 1898 Premium Rates, Prospectuses, etc. „ Glaisher (J. W. L). Law of Facility of Errors and Method of Least Squares (from Memoirs of Royal Astronomical Society). 1872 James (J. H.). Duration of Life in Rural Districts. 1858 Lisle (George). Accounting in Theory and Practice. 1899 M'Candlish (J. M.). Volume of Addresses on various Subjects. M'Vail (John C). Vaccination Vindicated. 1887 Manly (H. W.). Assessment Assurance. 1886 Address regarding Equitable Assurance Society. 1900 Martin (Frederick). The History of Lloyds and of Marine Insurance in Great Britain. 1876 Newsholme (A.). Elements of Vital Statistics. • 1899 Nicholson (Prof. J. Shield). Money and Monetary Problems. 1897 Paul (Alex.). Criticism of Vaccination Statistics. 1897 Report by Special Committee to London Chamber of Commerce on Secret Commissions. 1899 Rice (F. L.). Theory and Practice of Interpolation. „ Richardson (Sir B. W.). Biological Experimentation. 1896 Richardson (Ralph). Coutts & Co., Bankers, Edinburgh and London. X900 Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society. Compound Interest and Annuity and other useful Tables. 1900 Shaw (W.). Universal Interest Tables. , „ Sieveking (E. H.). The Medical Adviser in Life Assurance. 1874 Sprague (Dr. T. B.). On the Eight Queens Problem. 1899 Strahan (J. A.). Law of Property. 1897 Tables of Net Premiums and Values, H™ 3| 7o> issued by Canadian Life Managers' Association. 1900 Thoman (F.). Theory of Compound Interest and Annuities. 1859 Todhunter (I.). Method of Least Squares. 1866 Willoughby (W. F.). Working Men's Insurance in Germany, ] Austria, and Other Countries. New York, 1898 ! 1 "V^ Of THE Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland. LIST of PRINCIPAL BOOKS and PAMPHLETS added to the Library since the publication of the Supplement to the Catalogue in 1901. Annual Publications, Periodicals, Transactions of Insurance Institutes, etc., acquired and placed in Library in ordinary course. Actuarial Society of America. Transactions (2 Copies). 1899. Note on Interest Kates. H. W. St. John Special Tables for the Estimation of Mortality among Annuitants Emory M'Clintock The Equities of the Policyholder under Term Extension where Liens exist on the Policy. Jesse J. Barker Notes on the Rate of Interest for Premiums and Reserves of Life Companies. William M'Cabe A Notable Annuity Experience : Mass, Hospital. W. C. Wright The Actuary's Place in Science. W. S. Nichols What is the Proper Loading on Life Insurance Premiums ? J. G.' Van Cise The Value of Actuarial Testimony in the Courts. S. N. Ogden Mortality Experience among Lives accepted at Ages over 60. R. G. Hann Some of the Effects produced by a Change in the Interest Basis of Valuation. T. Bradshaw Actuarial Society of America — {Continued.) Transactions — {Continued. ) New Method of Approximation. J. B. Lunger for A. Hunter Valuation and Surrender Values. Note. E. W. Scott Mortality on Old Business. Note. J. H. Nitchie Concerning Some Kecent Mortality Tables on Annuitants. EuFus W. Weeks Note on the same. A Second Note on Premium Loading. W. C. Wright The Normal Kate of Interest. Charlton T. Lewis Should a Three per Cent. Valuation be made Compulsory ? Walter S. Nichols 1900. Mortality Experience — The North- Western Mutual Life Assur- ance Company. C. A. Loveland Note upon Annuity Contracts. Clayton C. Hall Duties of an Actuary from a Practical Standpoint. J. G. Van Cise Note on Eeversionary Annuities. J. H. Nitchie Present Values of One Dollar for any Number of Years from One to One Hundred at 3, 3J, and 4 per cent. Annual Compound Interest. Emma Warren Cushman Massachusetts Annuities. Edward J. Sartelle Note — Tables of Net Premiums — Sprague's Select Life Tables, 3J per cent. On the Valuation of Industrial Life Policies. W. S. Smith An American Method of Allotting Surplus to Deferred Bonus Policies. EuFUS W. Weeks On the Objects to be attained in future Investigations of Mortality and Death Loss. Emory M'Clintock Should Life Companies discriminate against Women % John K. Gore The Legal Rule of Valuation in case of Preliminary Term com- bined with Whole Life Policies. Walter S. Nichols Note on Accuracy in Numerical Tables. Oscar B. Ireland Actuarial Science in Canada. Thomas B. Macaulay On the Mortality during first Policy Year under Endowment Insurances. Institute — Faculty Experience. Arthur Hunter Child's Endowments. A. C. Washburne Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Transactions (3 Copies.) Vol. IV. 12. Some Questions arising in the Valuation of Special Class Policies. Hugh W. Brown. 1900 13. Some Aspects of Sickness Insurance. Henry Brown. 1900 14. Notes on Life Assurance in the United States of America. Arthur Hunter. 1900 15. Life Assurance in France. Alexander Latta. 1900 16. Life Office Investment, 1850 to 1900. Aw. H. Turnbull. 1900 17. On the Construction of a Table of Mortality. James Meikle. 1901 18. On a Mode of Graduating a Table of Mortality. James Meikle. 1901 19. On the preparation of a Table of Mortality from Observations of various Magnitudes. James Meikle. 1901 Actuaries, Faculty of (Scotland.) Examination Papers, 1890 to 1899 (2 Copies.) Syllabuses and Examination Papers, 1856 to 1900. Actuaries, Institute of (London.) Text Book, Part I. (New Edition. ) Interest (including Annuities- Certain.) By Ralph Todhunter. (6 Copies.) London, 1901 Origin of the Institute of Actuaries, etc. (Manuscript.) Birmingham, Insurance Institute of. Transactions. Session 1898-99. The Technical Equipment of an Out-door Life Officer. By John Holliday. Insurance Work in South Africa. By A. W. G. Pritchard. Explosions, their Cause and Effect, as applied to Fire Insurance. By T. Vaughan Hughes. The Manner in which the Effect of Muscular Exercise upon the Heart and Blood Vessels alters the Expectancy of Life. By T. Sydney Short, M.D., etc. Birmingham, Insurance Institute of — {Continued.) Transactions — ( Continued. ) Personal Accident Insurance : A Ketrospect and a Plea. By Chas. H. Green. Drafting Fire Insurance Contracts. By C. E. NOVERRE. Session 1899-1900. Metal-Working Eisks. By J. Headon Boocock. The Urine in its Bearing on Life Assurance. By 0. J. Kauff- MANN, M.D., etc. Some Elementary Notes on Mortality Tables, their Construction and Use. By Thomas G. Ackland. Boston, Insurance Library Association. Reports of 1888-1900, with an Account of the Early Insurance Offices in Massachusetts, from 1724 to 1801. (3 Copies.) Boston, 1901 Bowley (A. L.). Elements of Statistics. London, 1901 Dean (A. F.). Fire-Rating as a Science. Chicago, 1901 Deuchar (D.). Early Actuarial and Managerial Associations. Edinburgh, 1901 Fire Underwriters' Association of the Pacific. Proceedings of the 24th and 25th Annual Meetings. San Francisco, 1900 and 1901 Hayter (W. G.). The Law of Mortgage (Lectures delivered under the auspices of the Institute of Actuaries). London, 1901 Hoflfman (F. L.). History of the Prudential Insurance Company of America (Industrial Insurance), 1875-1900. 1900 Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. Fourth Series. 14. Observations on the Progress and Prospects of Fire Insurance as a Science. By David L. Laidlaw. 1899 15. Fire Insurance. By John M. M'Candlish. 1900 16. The Education and Duties of an Insurance Expert. By T. E. Young. . 1900 Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow — {Continued.) Fifth Series. 1. Valuations of Life Offices and Distribution of Surplus. By H. J. Pearce. 1900 2. ' The Eace for Eecords ' : Some Eemarks on Competition and its Influence on Life Assurance Practice. By A. K. EODGER. 1900 3. Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering. By Arthur H. Knight. 1900 4. Daily Questions of Legal Title. By Warren Crosbie. 1901 5. The Duties and Privileges of the Fire Loss Assessor. By John Laird. 1901 6. Annuities. By Alfred W. Watson. 1901 Life Assurance at the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century as shown in Documents relating to the Origin, Constitution, and Early History of the Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society. (Eeprinted in Facsimile.) Edinburgh, 1901 Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association (London). Proceedings. 1900. Eace in Eelation to Life Assurance. By Dr. C. Theodore Williams. Locality and Occupation in Eelation to Life Assurance. By Dr. G. V. POORE. Extra Premiums, with Special Eeference to their Eemoval after Ee-Examination. By Dr. Glover Lyon. Manchester, The Insurance Institute of. Transactions. Session 1898-99. Conflagrations during the last Ten Years. By Charles E. Goad. The Stability of British Life Assurance. By Arch. Hew at. Heredity. By Dr. William Thorburn. Cotton Spinning Mills. By Thos. A. Bentley. Manchester, The Insurance Institute of — {Continued.) \ Transactions — {Continued.) ■ Session 1899-1900. ; Cotton Spinning (Second Part). By Thos. A. Bentley. \ The Detection and Importance of Small Quantities of Sugar in the Urine. By Dr. E. T. Williamson. Cotton Weaving. By J. H. Bagshaw. \ Characteristics of the Tables of Mortality. By W. H. Aldcroft. Fires in Corn Mills, 1880-1899. By James Ostler. •< Newcastle Insurance Institute. \ Transactions. ' Session 1898-1899. Inaugural Address. By Riley Lord. ; The Selection of Lives for Assurance. By William Hughes. ] Cycle Works. By F. W. Panton. Acetylene Gas. By John Hunter. - Session 1899-1900. Inaugural Address. By John G. Boss. | Municipal Fire Insurance. By C. Shutt. \ Some Notes on Life Office Expenses. By Frank Marchbank. ; The Value of the Rontgen Rays in Insurance Work. By Dr. George Hoggin. i Rope Works. By Owen D. Jones. \ Spontaneous Combustion. By Professor F. C. Garret. j Parry (L. A., M.D.). Risks and Dangers of Various Occupations. \ London, 1900 \ Tetens (J. N.). Annuities and Reversions. Leipzig, 1785 Do. do. do. 1786 I Victoria Insurance Institute. Papers read during Session 1898 — 1. Inaugural Address. By John Sinclair. 2. Surveying Notes on the Tariff. By Richard MaoDonnell. 3. Some Notes on Architecture from a Fire Insurance Stand- i point. By Lloyd Tayler. j Victoria Insurance Institute — (Continued.) Papers read during Session 1898 — (Continued.) 4. Maritime Warfare : Its Connection with Insurance. By B. Goldsmith. 5. Albuminuria. By Dr. R. Tate Sutherland. 6. Interest on Money. By James Pullar. Papers read during Session 1899 — 1. Inaugural Address. By A. F. Crombie. 2. Insurance Frauds — Fire and Marine. By W. A. Paterson. 3. Wireless Telegraphy. By G. W. Selby. 4. Longevity: The Various Influences aff'ecting it, and its Relation to Life Assurance. By A. M. Laughton. 5. Federation and Some of its Financial Aspects. By Wm. H. Thodey. 6. Fighting Fire. By R. J. White. Papers read during Session 1900 — 1. Inaugural Address. By A. C. Trapp. 2. Probability and the Law of Averages. By John Suther- land. 3. Lucifer Matches. By Professor Orme Masson. 4. Seaworthiness. By B. Goldsmith. , 5. Building Construction and its Relation to Fire Insurance. By W. E. L. Wears. 6. Insurance Institutes : Their Work and Objects. By Charles Salter. Yorkshire Insurance Institute. Transactions. 1898-99. Inaugural Address. By J. H. Mills. The History of Life Assurance in Great Britain. By J. C. Macmillan. Notes upon Surrender Values. By P. L. Newman. Fire Policies : The Contract. By E. A. BiRKS. Fire Office Rules for Electrical Installations. By A. Lester Taylor. Leather Tanning and Currying. By Geo. Chappell. 8 Yorkshire Insurance Institute — {Continued.) Transactions — {Continued.) 1899-1900. Inaugural Address. By J. H. Mills. Fire Losses : A Few Notes on Claims, Adjustments, and Extin- guishing Expenses. By E. A. Birks. A Brief Exemplification of Life Assurance Book-keeping. By J. Spence Leslie. Employers' Liability and the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1897. By C. H. Green. Extra Premiums for Life Assurance. By J. Moody-Stuart. Printed by T. and A. Constable, (late) Printers to Her Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press FACULTY OF ACTUARIES IN SCOTLAND. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. 9 SYLLABUS OF EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO THE FACULTY. 1. Any Gentleman desirous of prosecuting his studies in connection with the Faculty may be enrolled as a Student, on the recommendation of two Fellows of the Faculty, and subject to the approval of the Council. A form of applica- tion may be obtained from the acting Secretary. 2. Any Student of the Faculty who shall have attained the age of twenty-one, and shall have passed, to the satis- faction of the Council, three Examinations, at such in- tervals and on such subjects as the Council may prescribe, shall be admitted an Associate. — Eule 6. 3. Any Student who shall have taken a Degree at one of the Universities of Great Britain or Ireland, mathe- matics having been one of the special subjects of examina- tion for such Degree, being twenty- one years of age, may, in the discretion of the Council, be exempted from the first of the Examinations mentioned above. 4. Any Student who is a Fellow (by examination) of the Institute of Actuaries may, in the discretion of the 2 Council, be exempted from the first and second of the Examinations. 5. Students pay upon enrolment a fee of £1, Is., and thereafter, on the first day of January in each year, a subscription of 2s. 6d, On each occasion after the first of giving in his name for examination, a Student is required to pay a fee of £1, Is. 6. In the event of any Student not having paid his annual subscription by the thirtieth day of June, his name is removed from the roll. 7. The Examinations take place annually in the month of April, and extend over two days, five hours being allowed each day. 8. At least one month's public notice is given of the days on which the Examinations are to take place. 9. Candidates are required to give the acting Secretary not less than fourteen days' notice of their intention to come forward for examination. 10. The Examinations may be conducted in writing, or viva voce, or both, at the discretion of the Examiners. No means of information shall be allowed to candidates, except such as the Examiners may think proper to supply. 11. The Subjects of Examination are as follows : — FIRST EXAMINATION. Arithmetic. Theory and use of Equations. Logarithms. Series. Elements of the Calculus Permutations and Combinations. of Finite Differences. Binomial Theorem, Theory of Probabilities. SECOND EXAMINATION. Interest and Annuities- certain, with Construction of Monetary Tables. Probabilities of Life and of Survivorship. Theory of Life Contingencies, including Annuities and Assurances, with Construction of relative Tables. History and Characteristics of Mortality Tables. Application of the Calculus of Finite Differences to Life Contingencies. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. THIRD EXAMINATION. Mortality, Marriage, and Sickness Investigations, including Construction of Tables from actual or from hypothetical data. Graduation of Tables. Formulas for Summation and Interpolation. Application of the Differential and Integral Calculus to Life Contingencies. Life Assurance Finance and Practice, namely : — Calculation of Premiums. Valuation of Assets and Liabilities. Distribution of Surplus. Surrender and Conversion of Policies and Bonuses. Book-keeping and Accounts. Investments. Miscellaneous Questions. Law of Life Assurance. Keversions, Life- Interests, and other Contingencies. Widows' Funds, Superannuation Funds, and Friendly Societies,— Calculation of Eates, and Valuations. 12. Students are required to take the Examinations in the order in which they are prescribed. Unless for cause shown to the satisfaction of the Council, a Student must appear for examination within three years from the date of his enrolment, and subsequently at intervals of not more than three years ; failing which his name shall be removed from the roll. 13. Students, on becoming Associates, pay an entrance fee of £2, 2s., in addition to the annual subscription (£1, Is.) for the year then current. 14. Any Associate of the Faculty may, on application, be admitted a Fellow, subject to the approval of the Council. His application shall be considered at a meeting of the Council of which seven days' previous notice, specifying his name, shall have been given ; and if a majority of those present approve of his admission he shall be declared duly admitted, and his admission shall be reported to the lirst General Meeting of the Faculty thereafter. — Eule 3. 15. Associates, on becoming Fellows, pay a further entrance fee of £2, 2s., in addition to the excess of the annual subscription of a Fellow (£2, 2s.) over that of an Associate for the year then current. The Library of the Faculty — to which Students have access under such regulations as the Council may from time to time prescribe — contains all books necessary to be studied in connec- tion with the subjects of the Examinations. Students have the privilege of attending the Sessional Meetings of the Faculty. Papers submitted at these meetings are published from time to time in the Transactions. A copy of each number of the Transactions may be obtained by each Student, for his own use, at a reduced price on application being made to the acting Secretary. FACULTY OF ACTUARIES IK SCOTLAMD. SYLLABUS OF EXAMINATIONS. April 1904. '^ rv ' _ ■«■ itaiogaA. :<:u550i 25m-4,'15 Y 1S^148