THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE THOMPSON COUNTRY. Being Notes on the History of Southern British Columbia, and Particularly of the City of Kamloops, Formerly Fort Thompson. By MARK S. WADE, M. D. KAMLOOPS. Inland Sentinel Print. 1907. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand nine hundred and seven, by Mark Sweeten Wade, at the Department of Agriculture. F 10^ W'l-t PREFACE. Even amongst our own, people, how little is known of the early history of British Columbia! That the Fur Traders were the first white men to take up permanent res- idence in the wilds of the unknown Interior land lying be- tween the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, is common knowledge, but, with that, error creeps in and with the very phrase "The Fur Traders" is associated the idea that by it is meant the Hudson's Bay Company, an idea at once prevalent and erroneous. Established by Royal Charter in 1670, the Hudson's Bay Company grad- ually extended their field of operations westward, but it was the North West Company, formed in 1787, that first pushed their way west of the Rockies. These rival companies swept the North, the South being harvested by a later con- cern known as the Mackina Company. Then came the founding of the American Fur Company by John Jacob Astor, of New York, in 1809, and his aborption of the Mackina Company two years later. With the whole South field in his control, Mr. Astor turned his eyes Westward, beyond the Rockies, to the Oregon or Columbia River, and formed the Pacific Fur Company, with headquarters at Astoria, afterwards Fort George when the Nor'- Westers secured possession, at the mouth of that great waterway. Thence traders branched out Northward even as the Nor'- Westers made their way South. That both these companies should reach what is now Kamloops about the same time, is, therefore, scarcely a matter for wonder, and when the vigorous Northerners devoured the Pacific Fur Co., the I^arther West, rich in the coveted pelts, was theirs alone, and so remained, so far as the Interior was concerned, until the amalgamation of the Hudson's Bay and North- Wost Companies. This little volume is the outcome of an article published in 190-") dealing, in the main", with the early history of Kam- loops. To this has been added new matter and this nar- rative, with its many imperfections and shortcomings, is the result It is not presented as acomplete hi'story of that section of the country embraced in the title, but merely as a contribution throwing some light on the past. It may per- chance serve others engaged in historical research as a beacon; to warn from what should be avoided and to guide whither there lies safety and knowledge. The author acknowledges with thanks the courtesy of Rev. Father Morice for the use of several cuts from his excellent work the "History of the Northern Interior of British Columbia." Kamloops, B. C., 1st March, 1907. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. I. ABORIGINAL TIMES 7 II. THE COMING OF THE WHITE MAN 23 III. SUPERSTITION AND TRAGEDY 41 IV. THE REIGN OF JOHN TOD 55 V. ANEW OUTLET H7 VI. DAWN OF A NEW ERA 81 VII. THE SEARCH FOR GOLD .......... 9!) VIII. THE COMING OF THE RAILWAY Ill IX. FROM FORT TO CITY... . 127 1 o u I o 0) * THE THOMPSON COUNTRY. CHAPTER I. ABORIGINAL TIMES. HE Southern Interior of British Columbia is the home of several tribal subdivisions of Indians of Salish stock, further subdivided into bands, each band residing on some de- finite location or reserve . Of these tribal subdivisions the Shuswaps (Shoowha'pa- mooh), possess the largest territory which includes Shuswap and Adams Lakes, the val- leys of the North and South Thompson ri- vers and the main Thompson nearly to Ash- croft, the Bonaparte river. Hat Creek, Clinton and the valley of the Fraser from Pavilion Creek to Soda Creek, their boundary being the territory of that other great branch, the Tinneh or Dene tribe Along the Fraser river valley below Pavilion live th? Lillooets (Sta'tlumooh), meeting the Thompsons near Foster's bar on the Fraser, the Thompsons (Ntla-ka-pe- mooh) being the western neighbors of the Shuswap * and occupying the Similkameen district (excepting Kere- meos which is Okanagan), the Nicola valley and that of the Fraser from Foster's Bar to Spuzzum. The Okan- agans (Ool'anakane) inhabit the country to the south and east of the territory on the Shuswaps and Thompsons. The western leg of the Columbia valley, including Arrow Lakes and Kootenay river, is claimed by the S-na-a- chik'st, a subdivision of the Salish proper, their head- quarters being, however, in Montana. Their territory divides the Okanagans from the Kootenays (Kootenuha). The Salish oroper were originally known as "Flat-heads." When first discovered by Canadian voyageurs they had amongst them slaves taken from the coast tribes where the head was deformed. Little 'is known of the history of these aboriginal c in- ; habitants pnor to the advent of the fur traders, who were the first whites to penetrate the Interior. The remote past is shrouded in a cloud of tradition, superstition and mythology. It is evident, however, judging from these sources of information, that the different tribes were constantly .it war with one another, the stronger enslav- ing the weaker as opportunity offered. The northern races, the Tinneh, were the more warlike and it was probably a party of that race that, clad in the habiliments of warriors on the warpath, long before the first white man descended the Fraser or even beheld its waters, set out from the Chilcoten country and made a sudden and un- expected appearance in the Bonaparte valley. But the des- cent was made in the height of the salmon fishing season, and, as provisions had been abnormally scarce during the previous winter, all the Shuswaps, young and old, had removed from their villages in the Bonaparte and Thomp- son valleys to their fishing grounds at Pavilion. Finding none left in the villages where they had expected to sur- prise the stay-at-homes and enslave them, the stranger Indian Salmon Cache. 10 warriors pursued their way south and finally reached a point on the Thompson opposite the mouth of the Nicola river. Th^re they were discovered by scout? of the Thompsons who at once carried the tidings of the presence within their territory of a hostile force, to their fellow tribesmen at. Nicomen and Lytton. A strontf force of the Thompsons at once set out to repel the invaders and having duly reconnoitred the en- emy's position and estimated his strength, established themselves in his front and rear. The invaders were not slow to realise the danger that threatened them by a superior force established in commanding positions and, with admirable discretion, quietly and unobserved, crossed the Thompson river under cover of night. They ascended the Nicola, followed by the Thompsons who continually harassed them, finally driving them into the Similka- meen district. There, however, the strangers, young men for the most part with their wives with them, took a firm stand and offered such resolute resistance that their pursuers ceased to interfere with them further. There the newcomers remained and the Thompsons and Okana- gans were subjected to conquest at their hands, not by the warriors but by their women who were good to look upon and found favor in the eyes of the young men among the older established peoples. Treaties were made and inter-marriages resulted, and gradually the strangers lost their individuality. They are credited with being the first inhabitants of the Similkameen of whom there is any record. At what date the Indians of the Southern Interior had their first knowledge of the whites there is no de- finite information but it was probably at some time con- II i I 13 siderably subsequent to the events narrated above. Al- exander Mackenzie, the first white man to descend the waters of the Upper Fraser, was informed by the Carrier Indians, a branch of the Tinnehs, that their immediate neighbors, the Shuswaps, were a malignant race, "who lived in subterranean recesses," and that they possessed iron arms and utensils which they had obtained from friendly tribes v/ho had received them directly from the whiles, probably from the coast Indians. Mackenzie's historical journey took place in 1793, but it was not until afterwards that the Shuswaps had their first glimpse of the white man, the available evidence placing this event ab;out the beginning oC the list century* A Spokane chief, Pilakamulahuh, connected through his mother with both the Okanagans of Penticton, at the southern end of Okanagan lake, and the Shuswaps, had as one of his wives a Similkameen woman of Tinneh stock, in all pro- bability a descendant of that adventurous band that had set out from the Chilcotin country as already related. It was the custom in those days for the Indians living west of the Rocky Mountains and yet near enough to the prai- ries to engage in buffalo hunting, to band together for mutual protection against the common foe, the Black- feet, when on those excursions, the Spokanes, Kootenuha, and sometimes the Nez Perces and Coeur D'Alenes, being among those so doing. On one of these annual. hunts they met a party of Canadian trappers at Hell Gate's Pass, near where Helena, Montana, now stands. The two parties fraternized and when, towards the end of summer, the homeward journey westward across the Rocky Mountains was begun, two of the trappers, Finan Macdonald and Legace, accompanied them as guests of 14 the Colville chief, who took them to his winter quarters at Kettle Forks on the Columbia river, where they ul- timately married two of his daughters. Finan Macdon- ald, afterwards in 1812, had charge of a post among the Flatheads in the service of the Northwest Company. Late in the antumn, Pitakamulahnh went into winter quarters with his Similkameen wife at Penticton. He entertained the other Indians of the village with tales of the whites met with on the buffalo hunt and his fame as a story-teller became so widespread that lie was a welcome guest wherever he visited, his vivid descriptions of the white men and their doings proving particularly attractive. In fact -he found this occupation so agreeable that he did little else and made journeys far from his usual haunts to gratify his own vanity as a narrator and the curiosity of his eager listeners, a course that ulti- mately proved his undoing. The people of Shuswap invited him to visit them and tell them the ' wonderful things he had entertained his own people with. First he went to Spallumcheen and it required a whole month to tell all he knew of the white people. Next the inhabitants of the village of Kualt, Haltkam and Halaut, on Shuswap Lake and the South Thompson river, invited him in succession and at each place he spent a month. Tokane, the chief of the Kam- loops band, also had him pay his village a visit and ac- corded him a grand reception. This round of festivities and story telling occupied so much time that when spring came again Pilakamulahuh was not prepared to join the annual buffalo hunt on the plains. Instead, he accepted Tokane's invitation to spend the summer at the Shuswap's fishing grounds at Pavilion 15 on the Fraser this afforded him another and more ex- cellent opportunity to tell his story of the wonderful whites. There he met the chief of the Fountain band of the Lillooets and by him was invited to visit his camp, a few miles farther down the valley. Nothing loth, the now thoroughly seasoned narrator went and entertained numerous visitors from below Lillooet and from villages on the lakes west of that place, who had heard of the marvels he related and came to hear them in person. One of them, the chief from Seton Lake, listened with increasing incredulity to Pilakamulahuh describe thes* beings with white skins, blue eyes, light, short, curly hair; clad in woven material so fashioned as not to im- pede their movements; armed with a weapon that killed birds on the wing and at a great distance; shod so that they could walk over cactus without being pricked. All these things the Seton Lake chief utterly disbelieved and said so in plain language. He further asserted that there was no animal on which men could ride and outstrip the buffalo; no weapon that discharged, with a noise as of tWunder and a smoke like fire, a missile so fast that the eye could not see it. In brief, he declared the honored story-teller to be a liar and that the tales he related were unworthy the attention of men and warriors. Thus grossly insulted, Pilakamulahuh reached for his bow and arrows, intending to wipe out the affront with blood, but his adversary was too quick for him and wounded him with two arrows. His friends the Shuswaps carried him back to their own camp at Pavilion and there he died. Be- fore the shadow of death fell upon him, however, he had urged his son N'kuala, then a mere boy, to avenge his murder. 16 By the time NViala reached manhood's estate, the whites had established a trading post at Spokane with outposts at other points tributary to it. One of the latter was near the head of Okanagan Lake in charge of a Mr. Montigny, assisted by a man named Pion. After a very successful winter's trading, Montigny departed for head- quarters with the furs, leaving everything at the post in the care of young N'kuala who had already earned a re- putation and was a chief of some standing. Upon his return, Montigny, rinding everything safe and sound, re- warded N'kuala with a gift of ten guns, a supply of ammu- nition, tobacco and pipes. Here was the young chief's op- portunity. During the winter he trained the best men of his tribe in the use of the guns. From the traders who had established themselves at Walla-Walla he had re- ceived the gift of a horse. With firearms and a horse at his disposal, he felt prepared to undertake the task of avenging his father's death. Meeting the Shuswaps, Thompsons and Similkameens in solemn council, he in- vited them to join him in an attack on the Lillooets. They agreed without hesitation and, in the height of the salmon season, fell suddenly upon the unsuspecting Lil- .Jooets, .killing . over thr^e hu.idreJ of^ tlue n and taking many women and children prisoners. .Little resistance was offered the attack, the noise and deadly effect of the guns and the terrifying, to them, appearance of N'kuala on horseback riding from point to point directing the attack, completely demoralising the astonished Lillooets. In this striking manner was the truth of Pilak- amulahuh's narrative proved and his death avenged. To his allies, N'kuala gave a great feast at Nicola, driving a large herd of wapiti, which must then have been plen- 19 tiful, into a corral where they were dispatched with spears, the antlers from the slaughtered animals forming two l^arge heaps that endured until after the whites settled in the district. In many respects the Indians of to-day retain the customs of their ancestors but in others, notably their dwellings, clothing, and mode of buri il, marked change- have taken place, the influence of ihe whites being ap- parent in these particulars. The old village sites were carefully choien, a sandy soil and a southern, sunny ex- posure being preferred. The dwellings among all the tribes inhabiting the drier portions of the Interior, were of the one type, called in the Chinook jargon, Keek- willee houses, which simply means underground houses. They were often of considerable size, were round in form and consisted essentially of a circular hole dug to a depth of about six feet and from twenty-five to thirty feet in diameter. From the circumference a superstructure of timber was erected sloping towards the centre forming a cone shaped framework. In this were interlaced boughs, bark, etc., the roof thus formed being further covered with soil. The entrance was at the peak of the roof, the same opening also serving as a chimney. A ladder, or notched pole facilita- ted ingress or egress. These buildings formed the perm- anent quarters and were always occupied in winter months, a temporary dwelling made of poles covered with sheets of bark or animal skins serving the purpose of the primitive tribes at the hunting and fishing grounds. These temporary residences are occa- sionally seen at this day but of the Keekwillee houses only the circular depression, showing the 20 site of some ancient village, now remain, the name The Shuswaps, Okanagans, Thompsons and in fact Keekwillee holes being given to the pits, all Che Interior tribes had then, as they still have, in com- mon wilh the 'Tinnehs, Crees, and other Indians, sweat houses. ' These consist of a number of willow boughs planted in the ground at either end, half of them being run at right angles to the others, all being fastened at each point of intersection. Blankets, skins or other ma- terial covered the frame work thus made, all apertures wefe carefully closed, and after placing inside a number of heated stones and a vessel of water, the person about to undergo the sweating process, crept within the dome shaped structure, poured the water slowlv on the hot. stones and endured the heated vapor that arose therefrom until the sweating had proceeded long enough. The sweat was generally ended with a plunge into river or lake, the houses being built conveniently near water with this end in view. The Indian burial ground of the present day has no resemblance to that of the old time native. They were located near the permanent villages, sandhills being chosen, no doubt, because the graves were more easily dug in this loose soil. Unlike some o*-the coast tribes, who disposed of their dead by placing them in boxes" on raised platforms or in trees, the Interior Indians interred the dead in graves, many of the bodies being buried in the sitting posture, others again being bent and then placed on the side. Copper ornaments, dice made of beaver teeth, pipes of stone rudely carved, portions of garments made of sage brush bark and other fibrous material in which the bodies were wrapped, red and yellow earths 21 for paint, arrow heach, etc., were usually found in the many old graves that have been opened by archeologists, who have ransacked every available burial ground and removed the prehistoric implements, etc., found deposited with the dead. A, small shelter -or tent-like hdnse was generally erected over a grave which was usually en- closed. Poles, painted -and decorated with streamers, sometimes carved, and carved -and painted figures of men, frequently adorned the old burial grounds and in later days, after the whites had made such things possible, pot and kettles and other articles were hung about the grave. The simple cross now takes the place of the hetrogeneous .collections of those past days. Until the whites introduced, first, flint and steel and, later, the lucifer match, the Interior Indians obtained fire by friction, a w.poden drill -being' turned between the palms of the ; hands for this purpose, the point being pressed against a piece of the dry root of the poplar. The sparks thus produced were caught upon tinder and blown into a flame. Culinary operations were of most primitive style. Possessing neither metal nor earthenware puts, food that required boiling wa- placed in closely woven baskets which were filled with water which was raised to the necessary heat by dropping red hot stones into it. Basket making was quite an art with these people and a few of the older Indians still do a little of it. Before the advent of the fur traders, furs and skins of wild animals formed the clothing worn by the ma- jority of the Indians, deerskin being a useful and favorite material. The fibre of the bark of the sage-brush was used for making a cort of petticoat for the women. Fea- thers, shells, copper bracelets, strings of animals' teeth, etc., were used as ornaments for the person. The goods introduced by the Northwest Company and Hudson's Bay Company found favor in the eyes of the natives and speedily effected a radical dress reform in both sexes. Bows and arrows and spears, were the weapons used in hunting, the arrow heads and spear points being made of stone, the same material being made into knives, chi- sels, and other implements. Needles were made of bone. Pipes were made from, steatite and were generally orna- mented with rude carvings and incised lines, similar de- corations being found on other wooden, bone and soft stone tools and implements, the deiigns having meanings attached. CHAPTER II. THE COMING OF THE WHITE MEN. The First Explorers into the Interior Mackenzie's Jour- ney The Coming of Simon Fraser and David Thompson Founding of Fort Thompson The Fur Traders Rival Companies Exploration of the North Thomp- son The Philosophy of Alexander Ross. 25 CHAPTER II. THE COMING OF THE WHITE MEN. HE early history of British Columbia is large- corveries of a few intrepid, adventurous ly an account of the explorations and dis- spirits who made the unknown wastes and wilds of the western slope of the continent the field of their labors. By the sea the mar- iners of Great Britain, Spain, Russia and the United States had visited the North West coast line of the Pacific, but what lay be- yond that coast line, beyond those mountain ranges that reared their heights in the back- ground was unknown to them. This knowledge was gained by the fur hunters, who were the first explorers in the unknown west. The first of these was Alexander Mackenzie, who made the first partial descent of the Fraser as early as 1793, an expedition made in the interests of the North West Company in whose service he was. The hardships and well nigh insur- mountable obstacles he encountered, and which would have daunted a less bold spirit, are modestly told in his journals. The course followed by Mackenzie in his moment- 26 ous and haxardous journey v, aa up the Peace and Parsnip rivers , a short portage across the height of land sep- arating the Mackenzie and Eraser watersheds; down "Bad river" a shallow, rocky and rapid stream which played havoc with the big canoe carrying the explorer and party, to the Great River, the Eraser. This was descended as far as Alexandria, where Mackenzie was given a far from attractive description of the Shuswaps who were said to be "a very malignant race, who lived in large sub- terranean recesses." (Keekwillee houses). The Shuswaps then possessed, so he was informed, iron utensils and arms procured from other Indians far- ther west, who in turn obtained them from whites at the coast. Reascending the Fraser to the mouth of the Black- water, that stream was ascended, and finally the Pacific Ocean was reached at Bentinck Inlet, 22nd July, 1793 One month later. August 24th, the er.tire party was safely returned to Fort Chippewayan, the starting point. Following in his steps came another servant of the same great fur trading company, the Nor'Westers, Simon Fraser, and his explorations have exercised a material influence upon the history of the province. He did not confine himself to making explorations; he busied himself establishing trading posts and forts and gaining for his company a secure foothold in the fur trade in the virgin land. Thinking he had reached either the Columbia or ene of its main tributaries, Eraser, in 1806, navigated the stream, established several forts and in the spring of 1808. in company with John Stuart and Jules Maurice Quesnel left Fort George, at the junct- ion of the Fraser and Nechaco rivers, he set out to trace Sir Alexander Mackenzie. 29 the river to its mouth. It was not a pleasure trip as they soon discovered. In his journal, Fraser mentions that having reached the village of the Askettihs, and by this name he is presumed to mean the Lillooet Indians, the men, who were dressed in coats of mail, received him with a volley of arrows. The village he describes as "a fortification one hundred feet by twenty- four, surrounded by palisades eighteen feet high, slant- ing inward, and lined with a shorter row, which sup- ports a shade, covered with bark, constituting the dwel- lings." They abandoned their canoe,s before they reached the confluence with the Thompson river, where Lytton is now situated, and the rest of the journey they did on foot as far as the vicinity of what is now Yale, where they secured a canoe and journeyed to the coast in comfort and safety. Between Lytton and Yale he was not long in finding evidences that the natives among whom he was traveling!, had, directly or indirec.tly trafficked with other Europeans since articles of Eu- ropean manufacture were seen at intervals. One of these wa's "a copper kettle and a gun of a large size, which are probably of Russian manufacture." Another article was a huge sword made of sheet iron. After arriving at their goal, the sea coast, it was considered neither wise nor safe, on account of the troublesome natives, to remain there long and after but one day's rest, the return trip wa>s commenced. Fort George had been left on May 26th and they entered its portals on August 6th, having in the meantime made the journey to the coast and return over one of the most arduous routes conceivable. 30 About the time that John Jacob Astor was fitting out his expedition on the Tonquin to establish the Pacific Fur Company at Astoria, at the mouth of the Columbia, David Thompson, a Welshman, like Alex- ander and Fra^er a Nor* Wester, set out for the west, having already made several trips, penetrating "the Rockies as early as 1800. and arrived at the Columbia river, in British Columbia, in January, 1811. Early in the spring he set out for the mouth of that great stream and reached Astoria on July, I5th, only to find that Mr. Astor's expedition had arrived a few weeks before and were then engaged building their fort. He remained a few weeks for rest and then set out on the return journey and by way of Arrow Lakes and the Columbia, reached his starting point. It was during this expedition he descended the Thompson river and established Fort Thompson, afterwards named Fort Kamloops. British Columbia was then not know by that name; it was spoken of as New Caledonia, though by some, that portion of it north of Alexandria only was so called, the southern portion being named the Thompson district. Farther south still was the Oregon country and it was from there that the next visitor came to Kamloops, or as it was then called, Fort Thompson, in 1812. TWs visitor was Alexander Ross, one 1 of the members of the little community established at Astoria, at the mouth of the Columbia by the Pacific Fur Com- pany of which Mr. Astor was the leading spirit. When in 1813 the North West Company acquired the prop- erty of the Astor company some of the men were jriven their choice of entering th; S3rvio3 of the new 31 masters or accepting a free passage to New York or Montreal. Of those who chose to remain in the country and the new service was Alexander Ross. With tlie change of owners Astoria changed also its naire and became known as Fort George, and from llr-it point, in the spring of i8t4, the first great move- ment of the North West Company on the Columbia was begun, the departure for the Interior, en route to Fort William, of the spring brigade, consisting of four- teen boats in which were embarked no fewer than 124 iren, exclusive of the men of the Astor company who had elected to return to Canada by land in preference to making the voyage round the Horn, the whole leaving the Fort with flags flying and the din of a general salute ringing in their ears. Ross and a little party accompanied the brigade as far as Fort Okanagan where they separated, the brigade continuing their journey along the Columbia, Ross taking pack horses overland back to his post at Kamloops. In his first experience at that point he must have encountered some com- petition from the North Westers for in his book, "The Fur Hunters" he alludes to there "being now no rivalry there." Of this second journey he says: "From Oka- nagan I proceeded northward, some 300 miles, to my own post at She-whaps. There being now no rivalry there, or elsewhere to contend with, I put the business in train for the season, and immediately returned again, with the view of being able to carry out a project of discovery, which I and others had contemplated for some time: this was to penetrate across the land from Okanagan, due west, to the Pacific, on foot, a distance supposed not to exceed 200 miles;, and for the perfor- 32 mance of which I had allowed two months." The following season Ross again visited Kamloops and of that visit he says: "I set out for my post at the She-whaps, and reached that place in the month of August. During my absence a man by the name of Charette, whom 1 had left in charge, had been murdered. The murderer was a young Indian lad who had been brought up at the establishment. They had gone on a trip to Eraser's river, six days' journey north, and had quarrelled one evening about making the encamp- ment. During the dispute the Indian had said nothing; but rising shortly afterwards, and laying hold of Char- ette's own gun, he suddenly turned round and sho.t him dead, without saying a word and then deliberately sat down again " That winter, 1815-6, Ross spent fur hunting between She-whaps and Okanagan, returning to Fort George, as was the custom, in the spring for supplies, again going north to his old post in time for the winter trapping. He recounts how on this journey one of his men, named Brusseau, fell sick and was unable to continue. The only course left was to make him comfortable, place him in charge of another man, leave a supply of food and let him remain until either recovery or death. As the case was considered hopeless, the nurse was given a spade with which to dig the grave should the sick man die. Ten days afterwards the nurse arrived at Kamloops with the news of his patient's death and as for the spade, the Indian* had stolen it. All this passed for truth, until some time afterwards who should turn up but poor dead Brusseau, escorted by some friendly Indians. The nurse had become frightened at the approach of Indians and had taken to his heels, leaving the poor sick trapper to his fate, and but for the kindly offices of some natives he would have died. The following year. 1817, Ross made a trip to Canoe River in pursuance of orders from headquarters "to examine the eastern section, lying between She-whaps and the Rocky Mountains: a large tract of wild country never trodden before by the foot of any white man." He took with him two of his trustiest men and two Indians on foot and followed the North Thompson for three days, then striking off through the timber north of the valley. The double journey took but 47 days remarkably good time over a trail-less country, on foot, packing on their backs the camp outfit and food. Of the district he formed a very poor opinion. Ross relates going a bear hunt with some of the local chiefs shortly after his return from the journey to Canoe river. The fruit of the chase would be hailed with delight by nimrods now-a-days They only went ten miles from the fort before they commenced opera- tions and in two days the party killed seven bears, nine wolves and eleven small deer. "On these occa- sions," says Ross, " they feel flattered by their trader accompanying them. The party were all mounted on horseback, to the number of seventy-three, and exhib- ited a fine display of horsemanship." One of the party, "the chief Pacha of the hunting party," who rejoiced in the name of Short Legs, was severely wounded in the head by a female bear and Ross acted the part of surger with some skill and considerable success, remov- ing ? -vcral portions of the skull from the wound, "I extracted a bone measuring two inches long, of an oblong form, and another of an. inch : qnarc, with several smaller pieces." In fifteen days the Indian, who was after all a good for nothing, was up and about, to the delight of himself and his near relations, but to the disgust of the men at the fort against whom 'he wa? constantly plotting. This trader who for so many years did honors al Kamloops gives the details of many adventures and throws much Jight upon what were considered the' duties, troubles and pleasures of the fur trader's life. "And one of the greatest pleasures, bie alluded to, consists in doing homage to the great. A chief arrives; the honor of waiting upon him m a servile capacity falls to your share, if you are; not above your business. You go forth to meet him; you invite him in; see him seated; and if need require it, you untie his shoes, and dry his socks. You next hand him food, water and tobacco; and you must smoke along with him. After which, you must listen with, grave attention to all he has got to say on Indian topics, and show your sense of the value of his information by giving him some trinkets, and sometimes even articles of value, in return. But the grand point of all this ceremony is to know how far you should go in these matters, and when you should stop. By overdoing the thing, you may entail on yourself endless troubles. When not employed in exploring new and unfrequented parts, involved in diffi- culties with the natives, or finding opposition in trade, the general routine of dealing with most Indians ^oes on smoothly. Each trading post has its leader, its in- terpreter, and its own complement of hands; and when things are put in proper train, according to the customs Simon Fraser. 37 of the country, the business of the year proceeds without much trouble, and leaves you sufficient time for recre- ation. You take your gun o-n your back; you can instruct your family, or improve yourself in reading and reflection; you can enjoy the pleasures of religion to better advantage, serve your God to more perfection, and be a far better Christian than were your lot cast in the midst of the temptations of a busy world." The first pioneers received their supplies overland from Montreal via Fort William and across the continent by canoe and portage; a long wearisome journey and they so continued to get their supplies until the desir- ability of a more expeditious mode became sufficiently recognized. The Pacific Fur Company had shown the feasibility of taking supplies from the coast into the Interior of the Thompson district, Sht-whaps as Ross called it. by way of the Columbia to Fort Okanagan and thence by pack animals overland to their fort at Kamloops. In 1821 this route was adopted for carry- ing supplies to the forts in New Caledonia, a distributing station being established at Alexandra on the Fraser. To that point the pack trains went from Kamloops, following the Kamloops Lake to Copper Creek, oppo- site Savona, ascending that stream across the hills to Doadman's Creek, and then by way of Loon Lake and Green Lake on to Alexandria To Alexandria came the boats and canoes from the post at Fort George, Fort James, etc., and received supplies brought by the pack trains, by which, in turn, the pe'ts gathered at the northern forts were taken south and ultimately reached Fort Vancouver, which in 1824 had superseded the post at Astoria. From Fort Vancouver the furs were taken round the Horn by the vessel-, that brought the enor- mous ^upp'ie? required for the system of posts in Ore- gon. Thompson and New C;ilfae brii;:'-le.-> employed in the transportation of furs and goo.l-. These pack- trains . were large affairs, numbering from 200 to 300 animajs. In the winter season they were turned out en the hills near the fort where there was then abun- dant p:i>tiire and in the spring the band was gathered in, fat and sh-ek. Jo! n I od successively olt.cer in cnarge of the Hudson's Bay posts of Fort Alexandria and Kamloo s. Iv-s graphically described the operating of the "brigades." incidently throwing a sidelight upon the Indian char- acter. He says: ''It was found convenient to take the annual produce of the trade of New Caledonia and the districts immed- iately south of it, on pack horses, southerly to the ship- ping place at Fort Vancouver on the Columbia river. This was the cheapest, indeed the only method. The country, for the most part, was easily traversed and fur- nished grass for pasture. The long journeying of this noble cavalcade of 400 or 500 horses, with their numerous attendants, drafted from various stations, took place an- nually at a stated time, 200 horses were kept at Fort Alexandria for the transport and I was always ready to join forces with my large contingent when the cavalcade reached Kamloops. Each officer, however,, retained control of his own horses. A "brigade" as applied in this organization consisted of 16 horses in charge of two men. 39 The horses so banded kept together and each had its name. The load for each horse was two "pieces" of 84 pounds each, and the horse was supposed to convey this about 20 miles a day, but, in fact, the distances between camp- ing places varied. "I remember on one of the above periodical journeys a little incident which shows the importance of conciliating and trusting the Indians. It was customary for a number of these people to meet this regular cavalcade at the forks of Okanagan river, not so much for trade as to exchange civilities. Jogging along towards that place three Indians, dressed in their best, accosted me with an invitation to camp near their party, but added that they thought it right to inform me that several notorious Indian horse thieves had come among them, over whom they had not the same power as over their own people. My reply being that I would camp in their midst, they went off well pleased. On my telling this arrangement to my co-officer of the cavalcade he became angry, drew out his horses from it, and went to seek an encampment that would not be, as he said, "among a lot of horse thieves." About 1,000 Indians were present at the Forks, and the evening scene was picturesque. To my fire a number of chiefs came, and there were many stories and abundant mirth- fulness; finally, before retiring, and after a distribution of tobacco, I made a speech in a manner they like, and wound up by stating that my men had for two nights lost their rest, and we were now going to have a good sleep, leav- ing horses and everything in the Indians' care. They sent the horses to some good pasture, and next morning though I had some misgivings during the night, every horse was brought to the camp. 40 Dispatching the loaded train, and having the usual half hour's chat with the chiefs before starting, I cantered along to my co-officer, who seemed in an excited state the stem of his big pipe in his hand and the bowl swing- ing by the string, as he strode bridle over arm, gesticu- lating and swearing. "Hello!" said I, "what's up?" "Those cursed horse thieves," was the gruff reply, "have taken three of my horses, and they took two of them last night before they were unladen. How many have yon lost?" "Not a one/' said I. CHAPTER III. SUPERSTITION AND TRAGEDY. A Hudson's Bay Grandee Murder of Samuel Black at Fort Kamloops- John Tod's Narrative. CHAPTER III. SUPERSTITION AND TRAGEDY. FTER making his trip to Canoe River from Kamloops in 1817, Ross returned to Astoria and did not again visit his old post at She- whaps. From 1817 there is no available record of his successor, the next trader mentioned in charge of the post being John McLeod, who ruled it from 1822 to 1826, and when Sir George Simpson visited Fort Thompson October 6th, 1828, he found trad- er Ermatinger in charge. As resident gov- ernor of the Hudson's Bay Company Sir George Simpson made frequent journeys to all parts of the vast domain ocupied by that corporation. His visit to Fort Thompson, or Kamloops, was on one of these journeys, the most lengthy he had undertaken, extending from York Factory on Hudson's Bay to Fort Langley on the Fraser river. The entire distance was covered in ninety days, a remarkably short period, taking the transportation facilities obtainable into consideration canoes, sometimes traveling on foot, and occasionally on horseback as, for example, on the trip from Alexandria to Kamloops. At Kamloops water transportation was re- 44 sunied, the journey from that point to the junction of the Thompson and Fraser rivers, where Lytton now is, being made in a canoe with twelve men paddling, an underta- king fraught with danger in many places and requiring great skill in handling the craft in turbulent waters to ac- complish safely. The next recorded ruler of the Kamloops district was Samuel Black. Black was a Scotchman and once en- tertained a distinguished fellow countryman, David Doug- las, the noted botanist, at the fort. It is related that over the nightly cup of toddy, probably replenish- ed several times, the guest bluntly told his host that in his opinion the fur traders had not a soul above a beaver skin, whereupon Black took instant fire and challenged Douglas to mortal combat, but the latter took his departure early in the morning and so avoided the duel. In 1841 T.lio'.njson. district was added to New Caledonia. During the winter of 1841-2, Black was foully mUrdered by a nephew of a deceased friendly chief, named Wanquille, on the excuse that the trader had charmed Wanquille's life awa3 r The circumstances attending the tragic death of Black are given in detail by John Tod as follows: "I was appointed as officer in charge of Fort Alex- andria, on Fraser river, five or six hundred miles (long- er by trail) northwest, in the direction of my old habitat of New Caledonia. The "fort" was a stockade enclos- ure with a block house and the usual buildings. It was close to the bank amid dark forests. The road thither, after about 300 miles, led past the important Hudson's Bay Co.'s station at the junction of the north and south branches &f Thompson river, so named bv Mr. David Sir George Simpson. 47 Thompson, a Hudson's Bay man, who, while in the ser- vice of the Northwest Company, spent most of the time between 1808 and 1812 as a trader and explorer west of the Rocky Mountains, discovering in 1811 the northern head waters of the Columbia, which river he followed to the ocean. The Indians called the place 'Kahm-o-loops,' meaning 'the meeting of the waters,' and we, less poeti- cally, called it the 'Forks' of the Thompson. "The fort was on the right bank of the North Thomp- son at its mouth, opposite the modern village, or town, of Kamloops. "The surrounding country, in its general character, presents south of the river a rolling, open surface, the ralleys clear, save for aspen poplars along the streams, and the uplands sparsely timbered, chiefly with 'red' or 'bull' pines. It is more a pastoral than an agr cultural dis- trict, irrigation being necessary in most parts for culti- vation. The officer in charge of the fort, Mr. Black, a chief trader, gave me a hearty welcome during the day of my stay there. Some calamitous presage, which T never could acount for, affected me on bidd'ng him good- bye next morning, but passed away as we proceeded on our journey. "A few weeks later, being at Alexandria on a dark night in February, a French-Canadian showing the traces of a hard journey, entered the fort and said: 'Air. Black is murdered and all the men at Kamloops fort ha\e fled in different directions.'' "I may anticipate a little by stating here the facts of this tragic occurrence, as these have been wrongly de- scribed in the book of his journey round the world in 1841-2, by the Governor, Sir George Simpson, who was 48 at Fort Vancouver, on the Columbia river, in the middle of 1841, several months after it happened, and also de- scribed wrongly by other writers. "A chief named Tranquille, of an Indian tribe near the fort, had died lately, and the widow, in her grief and concern for the departed, had told her son, a fine youth of 18, well disposed and quiet, that the father's spirit should be accompanied by the spirit of chief of equal rank. This was urged daily until the youth, worn by importunity and a supposed sense of duty to his de- ceased father, seized his gun and sat himself down mood- ily in the hall of the Kamloops fort. Something in his appearance caused a servant to remark to Mr. Black that the Indian looked dangerous, but the latter said that prob- ably the boy was ailing. Soon afterward, on Mr. Black crossing the hall from one room towarS another, the In- dian suddenly rose and fired at his back, and the bullet passed through the victim's heart and body and lodged in the wall. "But to return. On hearing the French-Canadian's report, I directed him and two other men to start with me at dawn on horseback, with relays, from Alexandria for Kamloops. There were two feet of snow on the ground during the first part of our trip of 270 miles, and after a long week of almost incessant travel, or 'march,' as the word was, we reached our destination, to find Fort Kamloops abandoned save for the widow and children still weeping over Mr. Black's frozen body, lying where it fell. An Indian named Lolo, but, as a 'mission' In- dian, who preached about St. Paul, commonly called 'Paul,' who had been occasionally employed at the fort, appeared soon to sympathize with us, and, possibly, to 49 report proceedings to the Indians, whose neighboring camp was silent. "After examining as far as might be the course of the bullet, we buried the body, ascertained the murderer's name from Lolo, and then began to make an inventory of the goods at the fort. These seemed to be intact. "Several days were thus occupied, during which an armed Hudson's Bay Company party arrived from Fort Colville, and later another armed party from Fort Van- couver (to which southern place some of the men fleeing from the fort had gone), the expectation being that the Indians would be found in possession of the Kamloops fort. As my own station at Alexandria demanded my care, I returned thither at once in these circumstances, but the end was not yet. "The party from headquarters at Fort Vancouver be- gan to terrorize the Indians within reach of Kamloops as a means of enforcing delivery of the murderer. Horses were seized, property destroyed, and, practically, short of killing men, war against the people was undertaken. The result of this ill-judged action, of course, was nil, except in causing bitterness, and, after a time, the com- pany's forces were recalled to Fort Vancouver and Col- ville. A council held at the former fort, at which, as I said, the governor-in-chief was present, then decided on the policy to be adopted. "Obviously with hostile Indians intervening, the year's pack of furs from the interior of New Caledonia, which required a cavalcade of 400 laden horses, could not reach the shipping depot at Fort Vancouver, nor could the posts receive thence their goods for next year's trade. Accordingly a temporising policy was approved. "I was transferred from Alexandria to succeed Mr Black at Kamloops, with instructions to try to continue trading and the business of the district as usual, and with the intimation that toward the end of the year a well aimed force would be sent to aid me in 'prosecuting hos- tilities.' "As the above policy of the authorities seemed to me unnecessary and also dangerously provocative, in view of the number and boldness of the Indians, though not all of them had guns or much ammunition, or the where- withal to purchase warlike equipment, I asked for, and was given rather grtidgirgly, more or less a free hand in the circumsta. ce-;, an.l I shall now relate what took place, not for self-praise, but to illustrate how not to make an Indian war. "Despatching Lolo, the Indian a'.ieady mentioned (he was a man of birth and undoubted courage, but I never fully trusted him), to the different camps and tribes, I ascertained what horses had been taken from each and what property had been destroyed by the punitive expedi- tions, and I returned the horses fro.n the bands at the fort and paid for the property in every case that was sub- stantiated. Then I offered a bile of 'goods' to anyone who would show me or my agents where the murderer was; I desired no other help. "On the third night after this notification an Indian called me up to say that his friends had decided to permit him to act as a guide, but he was to take no pay, in goods or otherwise. The murderer was far away in a valley covered with prickly pears, encamped there near a stream and guarded by twelve warriors. His information prov- ed to be correct, for on my sending, with a guide, a small 51 party of three men (advisedly small in pursuance of my own policy of regarding the matter as individual and not tri'bal) the place was reached, but though the guards and the murderer's wife and two child girls were there, he himself, unwitting of the present pursuit, had visited the Fraser river to buy salmon. Indiscreetly, as I consid- ered, the party seized one of the children and brought her back to the Kamloops fort, whither they returned for supplies and further orders. I caused the child to be dressed prettily from goods in the store, supplied with a bag of toys, and immediately conveyed back to her mo- ther by a special messenger on horseback. "The latter remained a day at the camp, to \\mch the murderer had not returned), and before departing homeward was told by the 'guards' that they would pro- tect the man no longer, but would go home. Thus the youth became an outcast among his own people, with his doom fixed and the avenger on his track, but it was not until four or five months after this that he was run down and killed, as I shall now relate. "The pursuers, guided by the informant, came to the crest of a hill and looked down on a small encampment on the opposite side of a river in the valley. The guide said: "There is his place and the ford is in front of the camp." Acordingly, when night fell, creeping to the river side, they crossed, the guide a little ahead, when he stopped to whisper, ''Hush! they are talking in the lodge two men's voices one man, the man we want, is telling of his dream that the white men were hanging him.' "In the rush one inmate of the lodge was seized by the throat; the other inmate dashed through the doorway, escaping the clutch of the foreman of the pursuers on his hair, as it h^d b?en cut short, but the foreman, a swift Scotchman, overtook and knocked him down with the butt of a gun. This fugitive was the murderer. "Quickly he was taken across the ford in the rrver, tied securely on a h ">rse, and the pirty traveled home- ward on their four days' march, and finally reached a ferry on the Thompson river, which would save a round of several miles. A pipe was there smoked, and the foreman pondered over the rhk of putting the prisoner in a canoe finally he sent an armed man to the other side, and placed in the canoe one paddler in the stern, an- other in the bow. and the prisoner in the middle, not ty- ing the hands of the latter. About the middle of the stream the prisoner upset the canoe, and, after diving, swam to the opposite side. The guard there, with lev- elled gun, ordered him to go back. 'Let me land,' plead- ed the murderer 'If they had killed me at the time of the deed it would have been well; now I wish to live,' where- upon the guard fired, wounding him in the hand. He wail- ed and turned into the water, and the current took him down stream within short gun range of the foreman and another man at a point, or spit, of gravel, from which they s>hot and killed him, he crying out before he sank that he did not wish his death avenged." It is stated by a grandson of the murdered trader that Black was buried at the fort, the body being wrapped in a horse hide and enclosed in a box made of hewn boards. When the next brigade set out for the trip south, it was decided to send Black's body with it to the Dalles. Early in the journey it became necessary to convey the furs, and Black's body, across a stream on foot, a tree felled across it serving as a bridge. While making the 53 passage over this narrow footway with the heavy and ciimbersome box containing the body, one of the Indians bearing it slipped and Indians and box fell into the stream. Before it was extracted, the water had penetrated every portion of the interior and had such an effect as to render it impossible to carry out the original determination to convey the remains to headquarters and the unfortunate body was again buried, this time at Ducks, where it has since rested undisturbed. CHAPTER IV. THE REIGN OF JOHN TOD. Building a Second Fort Tod's Resourcefulness Vaccina- tion in a New Role A Hostile Chief. 57 CHAPTER IV. THE REIGN OF JOHN TOD. OLLOWING Samuel Black came John Tod. He is described as being a man possessing neither good looks, nor learned, polished nor refined, and as having lapsed into a stage of semi-savagery. In physique he was tall, wiry, with facial characteristics of the race of which he was a son, the Scottish. But in spite of personal drawbacks and defi- ciencies he was a man from the ground up, with a powerful arm and a strong will to help it out. The original fort was built on the flat at the north side of the Thompson river in the angle formed by that stream and the North river. Tod built a new one on the opposite side of the main stream, differing little from the forts afterwards built at other points by the* Hudeorr's Bay Company. It consisted of seven buildings, used as stores, dwellings and S'hops, enclosed within palisades 15 feet high, with gates on two sides and bastions at two opposite angles. To the older build- ing were added strongly stockaded corrals for the hun- dreds of horses bred and kept at this post. Within the 58 fort dwelt the chief trader with his Indian wife and their three children, half a dozen men and a halfbreed boy. Protected only by this small force, a large stock of trinkets and supplies of all kinds were kept on hand with which to trade with the Indians, to the number of several hundreds, who made Kamloops their trading point. Seven tribes traded here, coming from Kootenay, Okanagan, Similkameen, and other distant illahies for that purpose. Towering 2,000 feet above the valley of the Thompson and overlooking Kamloops city is a large eminence known as Mount St. Paul. It bears its name from certain Shuswap chief, given that same name by the traders and the company's men but christened Jear. Baptiste Lolo by the missionary Catholic priests, foi already they had visited the post, Father Demers, wlu afterwards became bishop, visiting it in 1845, the yeai before John Tod began his reign. Lolo lived near the fort and enjoyed almost absolute authority over hi people. The regular winter supply of salmon for \isr at the fort and by the Indians was procured, not from the waters of the Thompson, but from the Indians at the Fountain, on the Fraser river, a few miles above Lillooet. It was la-rangoU that, Lolo slx.ulu e d H party of men and Indians, for the annual fish supply and in due time a start was made. Greatly to Tod's surprise two days later Lolo returned, alone, and after a good deal of beating about the bush, for the red man is not a lover of direct methods when more circuitous way can be used, it transpired that he had learned of a conspiracy entered into by over 300 Indians, all members of the Shuswap tribe, to capture the fort John Tod. 61 at Kamloops and after murdering the inmates, rob it of its contents. Tod knew nothing of fear, was resource- ful and had a thorough knowledge of the native char- acter and his mind was soon made up. He briefly ex- plained the situation to his wife, wrote a full explanation addressed to his superior officers in case he should fall, and bidding the halfbreed saddle two of his swiftest horses, while Lolo was asleep in his own lodge, with that one lad as his sole attendant, he set out to quell the threatened rising. Lolo had a covetous eye upon a certain sorrel horse belonging to Tod and as he had made a request for this animal when reporting the conspiracy, a request brusquely refused, it was a matter for conjecture whether the alleged uprising was a mere piece of decep- tion to gain the horse as a reward for a fancied service, or whether he had the stern reality before him. By hard riding he overtook the party from Kamloops, at the point Lolo had left them, by noon and found they had no knowledge of the conspiracy, though he discov- ered this without letting them become aware of it. Orders were given to look well to the condition of their arms and next morning they moved forward, and pres- ently, on reaching an open space, he detected signs of opposition; painted armed savages lurking behind trees and bushes; men only, lack of women and children clearly indicating a war party. Calling to him a Cana- dian named George Simpson, he bade him fall back quietly with the horses and should disaster befall, to ride to the fort as quickly as possible. Simpson hesi- tated and wanted to share the danger. "Damn you, go," roared Tod. Then he carried out his scheme, daring. 62 as it was simple. Riding at full speed towards the war P'.rty, who raised their weapons to pour a volley that would have torn him to pieces had it been fired, he drew his sword pnd pistols, raised them aloft and then delib- erately threw them on the ground. Then, unarmed, ili'iie. he made his horse perform all manner of evolu- tions, and while tin- Indians gazed, curious as to what would happen next, ho charged into their midst, lie smiled at them but they knew him and saw his smile was o\f anger, not mirth. He demanded what they wanted. "We want to see Lolo. Where is he?" they demanded in turn, "Then you have not heard the news? Poor Lolo. he is at home sick," he replied and then proceeded to tell them that Lolo had the smallpox! They had heard of the dread scourge and they had learned, too, of the way it had decimated the Indians of Oregon after the Whitmin massacre; a punishment >ent by the g"ds for wrong doing! He told them how much he loved his red brothers, that they must not come near the fort until he gave them notice and that he had brought medicine to keep them from dying from the disease they dreTded so much. There was a complete revulsion of feeling; the man they would have cheerfully killed, they hailed as their savior and flew to obey him when he bade them load his horses with salmon. He kept them employed while this was being done and then vaccinated as many as his supply of virus would suffice, instructing them how to vaccinate others from the vesicles when they became ripe. And so ended the great Shuswap conspiracy and, needless to say, Lolo received the sorrel he had so long and ardently coveted. 63 In the "History of British Columbia" Bancroft re- lates with precise detail an entertaining story of how Tod subdued some unruly Indians by threatening to blow them all to pieces and the country besides by explod- ing three kegs of gunpowder. The facts as related by Tod himself are somewhat at variance with the historian's picturesque tale, but although the actual occurrence was less romantic than Bancroft's version of it, it is interest- ing enough and serves to show the need of constant alertness on the part of these isolated fur traders in order to carry them through with safety and without loss of dignity and influence. The changes, and rumors of changes, in the com- pany's business in the western department consequent upon the Oregan Treaty of 1846, tended to disturb the Indian mind as to the future, though these changes, prac- tically, did not affect a band of Indians trading usually at the fort, but which did not affiliate with the Indians of any ''nation" permitted by Tod to encamp in the neigh- borhood while waiting to proceed to a distant hunting ground on a further opening of the spring season. The news spread widely, even so far as Okanagan Forks over 200 miles distant south. "Nicola," a very great chieftain and a bold man, for he had 17 wives," naively writes the trader, "ruled the Indians there, and claimed lordship over a territory as big as the half of Scotland, stretching far into the present British Colum- bia, an administrative dstrict which still bears his name. The band permitted to encamp was, unfortunately, the hereditary enemy of Nicola's people. The old chief sat for two days pondering, then jumped up and spoke to his warriors of the misdeeds of the encamping tribe which r,4 had ventured into land under his own (claimed) jurisdic- tion, and he urged them, if they had the hearts of men and not of women, to wipe out those people. "Let us march!" exclaimed the young men. "Nay, not yet!" in- terposed Nicola, "for we lack ammunition." What happened is thus related by Tod: "My first hint of impending mischief was the desire of an Indian for a gun and a quantity of ammunition as the price of ten skins, instead of, as usual, taking blankets and cloth as pay of the barter. 'We are going to the Blackfeet country,' said he. Next week another came with the same story, but by that time I had heard of Ni- coin's speech and said I had no am.Tiunition to spare, whereupon, leaving his bundle of furs in the store, the Indian hurried back to Nicola to report progress, or rather failure, which so confounded the old chief that he again sat, for several days, I was t:>ld, in meditation. 'This man of the Kamloops fort,' finally said he, in a great speech, 'shelters our enemies and refuses to trade; we will take the fort and all there is in it and have our re- venge on our enemies.' Spies told me of this decision and of the approach of the Nicola war party, painted and prancing along the bank of the South Thompson river, which caused the half-dozen French Canadians at the fort to flee hurriedly though the wife of one upbraided him as a coward and caused many other white men who were near to depart, as also the encamped band that was the cause of the mischief. "It was now my turn, like the old chief, Nicola, tc> sit down and ponder, but my pondering occupied minutes instead of days. Seizing an Indian who passed the fort gate on foot, I dragged him roughly inside and compelled him to bring from the store a barrel of gunpowder and place it near the door. Then, opening the barrel, I spilled the contents all over the doorway and directed the Indian to bring me a flint and steel, on which request he bolted, but I caught him, saying: 'Not yet; I only wish to see that the flint will act.' We tried several and at last got a good apparatus. Thrusting the man out of the fort, I then laid a train of powder to the mass of it and sat down to wait. In about an hour the local In- dian, Lolo, or Paul, with a Nicola Indian from the war party the latter whitewashed as when not meditating a war parley approached in a canoe. These I addressed from the bank of the river at the fort, driving them off with reproaches: 'Begone, and quick! I want not you; where is that woman chief of yours? Where is he I am alone here, and Nicola fears with his whole tribe to attack a single man,' and so forth. That was the 'bar- rel of powder' incident. "Nicola, to whom the Indian who had seen the pow- der spilling ran, held councils but did not risk an attack. The Indians knew the effect of a flask exploded, but a barrel, they conceived, might devastate the whole district. The end of the matter followed the practice in such cases of the civilized nations. Several of Nicola's principal chiefs who knew me came in peaceful array with assur- ances that he had only been conducting a "reconnaissance in force," and was pleased to know that the enemies of his people had departed; his respect for the great com- pany and its honorable local manager was immense; it was a misapprehension that he ever contemplated an en- try into the fort without invitation; but he, personally, hoped for an opportunity of enjoying that satisfaction 66 according to recognized etiquette before departing for the south. So I swept up the powder and entertained as best I could the baffled chieftain. He was a stately per- sonage, the very pink of courtesy, who sat his horse like a crusader and commanded the entire devotion of his followers in any enterprise that did not involve the experimental personal test of an unknown explosive power." CHAPTER V. A NEW OUTLET. Tod's Diplomacy with the Indians The Oregon Treaty- End of Dual Occupancy of Oregon. CHAPTER V. A NEW OUTLET. HE unrest naturally felt by the Hudson's Bay Co., on account of the doubtful result of the diplomatic discussions respecting the international boundary caused the transfer of a number of horses, and also cattle from dis- tricts south of the 49th parallel to the Kam- loops station, where bunch grass pasture was plentiful. Some of these came from Tod's old farming station on the Cowlitz, and he amused himself with the pretence that they recognized him. Two hundred brood mares were inclu- ded in the great band thus sent to Kamloops, and in the spring, foals began to appear. Unfortunately, also, there soon appeared an addition to the bands of wolves in the locality, as if these beasts of prey had been following the progress of the diplomatic negotiations. Vigilance was useless, but having heard of strychnine, Mr Tod sent to Walla Walla, 300 miles away, for a supply of it. The sequel is best told by the trader himself "It happened that about this time I had three parties out in different places squaring logs to make new build- ings, and to these 1 gave horse flesh and portions of the poison for wolf baits, enjoining them strictly to take the baits up every morning. A man, Lamille, from one of these wood camps, on his way to the fort for a supply of provisions, placed, foolishly, a remnant of salt salmon he had with him on one of these wolf baits as he passed it, which bait had not been removed. Later on a hungry Indian, seeing the morsel, kindled a fire and ate, not only the salmon, but the horse flesh wolf bait (which perhaps I should have marked), and when Camille. on returning that way, noticed the head of the Indian rising and fall- ing in the long grass, he bethought him of the poison, and galloped back to the fort to tell me what he had seen. Seldom had I been in such a difficulty as then. What to do I knew not, but, running to the medicine chest, I took out some blue vitrol and we hastened to the scene. The Indian's teeth were set, but by forcing his jaws open a little I poured the vitrol down his throat. This almost immediately caused violent vomiting and he survived, but was an invalid for a considerable time. The Indians generally, meanwhile, had been talking about the poison and this mishap to one of their number added much to their uneasiness. Several hundreds in a state of excitement and alarm, but not in war dress, ap- peared at the fort to demand explanations. Speech af- ter speech was made bv the chiefs the fear evidently being entertained that I meditated poisoning the people. "What," said I in reply, "what do you suppose I am liv- ing among you for? Is it not to obtain furs and to trade? How could I get the furs if you were poisoned? Had I desired to poison you I could have done it long A. C. Anderson. 73 ago. You know that I sent for the poison to kill the wolves that were killing the foals your foals as well as mine." Then, perceiving the entry into the hall of the man who had taken the poison, I seized him, and, drag- ging him forward, said: "Here is the cause of your trou- ble this thief who steals the white man's provisions such a hungry thief that he will eat what is meant to kill wolves." This diversion and attack saved the situation, for the poor wretch technically had committed two offences condemned by tribal sentiment he had robbed from a white man and he had robbed what was akin to a "trap," and, moreover, he had stirred others against me, who had saved his own life lately by. the exercise of wonderful medical skill, though I had burned his gullet in the pro- cess. I was not pleased with my own argument, but it served the purpose." While Tod, however, had charge of the fort, on May 15th, 18/16, A. C. Anderson, who then had charge of Fort Alexandria, the most southerly post on the Fraser except Fort Langley, set out with five men detailed for the purpose, to survey a new route of travel to the coast. He had realised that the negotiations then pend- ing between the governments of Great Britain and the United States with respect to the international boundary, would result in a new distributing point being selected on British soil to take the place of Fort Vancouver, which had for some time proved unsatisfactory on account of the anomalous position in which the company found themselves by reason of the dual occupancy of the territory in dispute;. Should such a new post be created, a way of reaching it from Alexandria would be a neces- sity. They passed down Kamloops lake, where they made their first camp; crossed Deadman's creek in an old canoe and made their way to the Bonaparte, camping at Hat creek. Next day they traversed the Marble canyon, reaching Pavilion rancherie and follow- ing the Fraser to the Fountain. Arrived at Lillooet they crossed the Fraser, followed Seton lake, Anderson lake, and Lillooet and Harrison lakes to the Fraser again, arriving at Fort Langley on May 24th. ,lle had been unable to bring horses farther than Fountain and had sent them to the Similkameen country, there to await him. On May 28th he again left Fort Langley and attempted to hnd a way over the Hope mountains to the Nicola country. After trying several passes he fell in with a Thompson river Indian who agreed to act as guide, but he was not of much service. Finally the party arrived at Vermilion Bay where they found their horses awaiting them, and easily made their way to Kamloops via Nicola lake, arriving at the fort on gth June. Ander- son was not satisfied, however, and next year he to find a better way. Leaving Kamloops with five men he went to Nicola lake and followed the Nicola river to its junction with the Thompson. Thence he followed the Thompson lo the Indian village that stood where Lytton now is, and made his way down the Fraser as far as the village of the Sachincos (Yale). A trip by canoe to Langley did not delay them long, and then began the return journey. At Kequeloose, a point a short distance above Spuzzum, a short cut was taken across the mountains to Nicola lake and thence back to Kamloops. 75 Early in 1848 Fort Yale was established by Chief Factor James Murray Yale then in charge of Fort Lang- ley, and who had entered the service of the company in 1815. Short in stature he was know as Little Yale to the officers of the company, but in everything save physique he was a giant; brave, fearless, reckless, he was possessed of good administrative ability. It was the conclusion of the Oregon treaty which placed the international boundary line far north of Fort Vancouver, and the unrest that followed the hostilities consequent to the Whitman massacre that caused orders to be issued to all Interior posts to proceed to Fort Langley in 1848 for their supplies instead of to Fort Vancouver. Three brigades set out, one from Alexandria, one from Kairloops ;ind one from Colville; the route they were to follow was that traversed the preceding summer by Anderson. But it proved a disastrous road and it was condemned, the route by Hope being chosen instead, and Fort Hope was built during the winter of 1848-9 The road was made the next season and, under the name of the Hope Trail, was followed until 1860 when the government road was made. To those who see Hope now it will come as a suprise to learn that in that year, 1860, it was the second largest town on the mainland, it was for a time a rendezvous for the gold miners going to and returning from the Upper Fraser mines and Cariboo, one authority asserting "and a number of Chinese have taken up their abode in it. It is making rapid progress, and roads are being pushed forward north and east of it." Chief Trader, Paul Fraser, a son of Simon Fraser, the discoverer and explorer, was placed in charge of 76 Fort Kamloops in the early so's. He was born at Glen- garry, Ontario, and entered the service of the Hudson's Bay Company when nineteen years of age. He was not a popular officer, being too curt and overbearing, not alone towards his subordinates, but to his brother officers as well. The Hudson's Bay people had a method of their own of enforcing discipline and punishing misdemeanors, by the indiscriminate flogging and beating of the Indians and halfbreeds. Paul Fraser had ample faith in the ef- ficiency of this summary administration of "club" law, and was considered a capable officer, for this reason, by his superiors. For some offense, not recorded but prob- ably trivial enough, Fraser administered to Falardeau, one of his men, a French Canadian, so severe a castiga- tion that death resulted. It fell to one Baptiste, an Iroquois, to make the coffin for the murdered man, for no other term adequately covers the mode of Falardeau's death. While so engaged, planing and shaping the boards, Fraser passed by him and observing his occupa- tion, roughly told him that "rough, unpla ned boards are good enough for that rascal." Baptiste stared at Fraser a moment in amazement and then exclaimed with characteristic bluntness, "When you die you may not have even rough boards to be buried in." As though a spirit of prophesy had prompted the frank reply, two months later Fraser was suddenly killed while camped on Manson's Mountain, Similkameen, and buried on the spot without coffin of any description. He was sitting in his tent reading, while his men were preparing their camp. Some of these were engaged in felling a large tree, which by some mischance crashed into the tent, crushing the life out of the man who had begrudged a few planed boards in the coffin of the man for whose death he was responsible. There were three grades of officers in the Hudson's Bay Company's service: clerk, chief trader and chief factor. Clerks received $100 to $150 a year with keep. Promotion rarely came before 14 or 15 years service, the next step being to chief trader, who then became a share- holder instead of a salaried servant. After a further 15 to 20 years service came the coveted promotion to chief factor according to vacancies, these being infrequent. The chief trader had charge of a post, several such posts being under the direction of a chief factor. CHAPTER VI. DAWN OF A NEW ERA. The Discovery of Cold. The Rush to the Fraser and Cariboo Trouble With the Indians Commander Mayne Visits Kamloops. SI CHAPTEIl VI. DAWN OF A NEW ERA. N the sixth decade of the igth century a new era dawned upon the country. Hitherto the fur companies had monopolised it and their one object was to secure furs in as sreat abundance as possible. In the fifties however, the presence of gold in the streams and rivers became known and Chief Trader McLean, then in charge of Fort Kam- loops, in 1852 purchased gold from the In- dians who had obtained it from the Thompson river. It was at Nicomen, between Spence's Bridge and Lytton that gold in paying quantities was first discovered. Then from several quarters came the report of fresh discover- ies. Halfbreeds and Canadians from Fort Colville, for- merly in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company, made their way to the vicinity of Lytton, found rich bars and their success becoming noised abroad soon brought new comers from afar. McDonald and Adams, two partners engaged in mining on the Thompson and Fraser in 1857-8 took some gfold down to the lower country where McDonald killed Adams, took his gold 82 and coolly exhibited it at Olympia. The rush soon began in earnest and in 1858 thousands of men over-ran the Fraser river from its mouth to Lytton and above thai point on both the Fraser and Thompson rivers. While thousands arrived Iroiu \ariou& pon.s f u>ost of them landing at Victoria and thrncr by v^ transport- ation was available to Fraser river points, large number made the journey overland from California. For pro- tection against the Indians they found it advisable to travel in companies, these being composed of from 400 to 500 men. The route taken was in the main, that which Ross had followed forty years before when he was almost the sole white man in the whole southern Interior of the country, by way of Okanagan and Kam- loops. Some of them traveled with pack trains, others with oxen, the latter sold for beef on arriving at the mines. One of these companies from California and Oregon was under the leadership of McLaughlin and lumbered 160 well armed men. At Walla Walla they were informed of the hostile attitude of several power- ail bands of Indians. Before reaching the Columbia one of the party was killed by the natives and after crossing the river, when about to traverse a defile McLaughlin fortunately detected an Indian scout spying from behind a rock. Both sides of the pass were ambuscaded by the Indians and severe fighting took place, three men being killed and several severely wounded. While the engage- ment was in progress a detachment crossed tthe river to outflank the Indians and after setting tire to the grass the latter abandoned their position. A few days later the party suffered attack by mounted natives but ulti- mately a parley ensued and peace was patched up. It Sir James Douglas. 85 was not of much force, for cattle were stolen and thefts and annoyances of daily occurrence until within three days journey of the Thompson river which they reached at a point nearly midway between Lytton and Spence's Bridge. Others carne by way of Okanagan lake and Kamloops The Victoria Gazette, the first newspaper published in British Columbia of August 17. 1858, refers to one of these overland parties as follow 1 -: "Our Yale correspondent states that Mr. Tucker, form- erly of Lehama, California, who had arrived at the Fork-* (By this name the junction of the Thompson with t> e Frascr at Lytton wa then designated) in a company of 160 men, with 400 animal", from the Dalles, had been 30 days on the trip, and had a severe fight with the Indi- ans on the road at Fort Okanagin, an old Hudson's Bay Company post, in which they lost three killed and si~ wounded. .Had beaten the Indians off with the loss of five horses." The fortune hunters who came overland made in the main for two points, the Forks (Lytton) and the Fount- ain, above Lillooet. Those who came by sea and from Washington Territory, mined in the vicinity of Hope and Yale. Twenty thousand men mined on the Fraser and Thompson in 1858, the major porlio:) of them be- tween Hope and the Forks. As Hope \vas the point of departure for the upper reaches by ib.3 Similkameen-Nic- ola irail, besides being the then head of navigation, it became the most important place on the mainland. Townsites were laid out and surveyed at Langley, Hope and Yale and lots were sold by auction, bringing good prices. A writer thus describes Yale as it was when he VH saw it on July zSth, 1858. "We arrived nt Fort Yale in a little less than nine hours from Fort Hope. There are probably 700 or 800 people here, nenrlv nil of whom are miners, living in canvas tents, ard waiting for the river to fall I saw no drunkeness or I wlessness of any kind. Everything 1 was peaceful and quiet. A number of miners were at work on the river bank, with rockers, and most of them making a living by washing the loose dirt and cobble stones." (At that time there were 2000 miners working between Yale and Hope, taking out from $10 to $yo a day on the bars). "T slept at Mr. Johnson's (of Gallon's express") tent that night, and breakfasted next morning with my old San Francisco friend. Henry M. Snyder, whom I found tenting a little way down the river. He gave me a good breakfast consisting of fried -ahmui. bacon, hot bread ami coffee, cooked by himself, and served in tin plate- and cups each man Bitting down tailor fashon on the fnml. 1 had a sharp appetite ..II-! !td the fare full justice." "There is but one public eating house in the town, and the invariable diet is bacon, salmon, bread, tea and coffee, and the charge is $1 a meal. No milk or butter is ever seen. The eating house is kept in a log house partly cov- ered with bark, and with a dirt floor. Everything is done in the same room, which is not more than 12 x 14 and is consequently exceedingly cramped for space and as hot as an oven." It was on that same day that the Uma- tilla, the pioneer steamer to reach Yale, made her first trip to that town, taking five hours to make the trip from >Hope> the return trip was made in 51 minutes, her ad- vent being the occasion for general rejoicing, the miners firing off rifles and revolvers and yelling themselves 87 hoarse to celebrate the event. Yale then became the head of navigation and this speedily brought about a new order of things. The Hope route became a second- ary matter and a reversion to the old Anderson route, pack trains between Yale and Spuzzum being in oper- ation in the following month. At Spuzzum, Frank Way had erected a bridge and a mile above he ran a ferry. The first pack trains over this route reached the Forks (Lytton) on September loth There was, however, a rival road, a land and water route, between Harrison river and Lillooet. (In 1860 a new and better read was opened between Yale and Lytton, which afterwards be- came the famous Cariboo wagon road). The river was worked for 140 miles up-stream from Hope, and also up the Thompson to 15 miles beyond the conflu- ence with the Nicola river. Boston Bar became quite a settlement, and by October, 1858, Lytton had 50 dwel- lings. Miners worked up above that town and by No- vember there were 3,000 working near Fountain. Commander Mayne describes Lyttun, which he visited in 1859, as then consisting "of an irregular row of some dozen wooden huts, a drinking saloon, an express office, a large court-house as yet unfinished and two little buildings near the river, which had once belonged to the Hudson Bay Company, but which were now inhabited by the district magistrate. The gentleman happened to be absent from Lytton, but I found his constable, and at once took up my quarters in the court house. Next day, thinking we should find it preferable, we pitched our tent without, but the clouds of dust which swept over Lytton continuously soon made us glad to seek its shelter again." But this had not all happened without some trouble 88 with the natives. The Indians had taken to mining and there were frequent disturbances between the native* and the whites over mining ground and charges for transportation by canoes. At Hill's Bar the native* threatened to clear the entire country of the white men. Governor Douglas rated both Indians and natives roundly, but many a prospector who went up the Frascr full of hope was never again seen. On August 7th., 1858, two Frenchmen were killed on the trail above the Rig Canyon. As soon as the news reached Yale forty miners, well armed, and headed by Captain Rouse, ieft for the scene of the murder. At Boston Bar they were joined by 150 miners congregated there, and on inc i^th the party encountered the Indians at the head of the canyon, a pitched battle took place and seven braves were sent to the happy hunting grounds, and the Indi- ans were driven out. The party thereupon returne 1 to Yale. Referring to this expedition the Victoria Gazette of i2th Sept., 1858, says: "Our Yale correspondent states that he learned from James Stewart, who has just arrived from up river, that ?fter being perfectly satisfied that it was useless to attempt to mine under the present state of affairs, his party sold some of their provisions and buried the rest, and started down the river for this place, when just at the head of the Big Canyon they had a fight -*ith the Indians, killing nine, and among that number WHS one chief. Quite a number were wounded, and three taken prisoners. The miners routed the Indians, who took refuge in the mountains. Five of their rancheries were burned." Further fighting took place a few days lat:r, but th* 89 _/ , leader of the whites, II. M. Snyder, made trea:ics of peace with all the Indians as far as the Thompson, and soon the trail was alive with miners again. Early in September, of the same year, Douglas again visited Yale and for better preservation of the pea~e he ap- pointed a commissioner, ten troopers and 'en special constables, a similar disposition was made nt Hope, and at Lytton a commissioner (Captain Trevallis), ten troop- ers and a warden of the river were appoint-'d. Langley was expected to be the capital of British Columbia, ?nd great preparations were made for the Royal Engineers who were to be stationed there. In November, 1^58, they arrived, 25 of them, under Colonel Moody and Captain Grant. The following January a report reached Vicloiin of an outbreak at Yale. Col. Moody at once took hi* whole for^e there and was reinforced 'iy T , arty of blue jackets and marines from the Satellite. The diffi- culty, which arose out of a petty squabble, in which a man named McGowan figured prominenttly, between a couple of justices of the peace. Fortunately it ended without any serious consequences, though it premised at one time to be the cause of grave disturbance. It was soon after this that the site of New Westminster was examined by Lieutenant, afterwards Admiral, Mayne and Dr. Campbell on behalf of Col. Moody. After 1858 the Thompson, the first, ground where gold was mined, received bui little attention and the mining population was never great, though the gold was, and is extensively d-stributed all along its course. In 1858, Tranquille creek was prospected for a distance of 40 miles. In 1859 five men were making $300 a day with 90 sluice boxes, and others took out $10 to $t2 a day with the rocker. In 1860 there were 200 Chinese mining at the mouth of the creek, and in the following year 150 averaged 1 $16 a day in the vicinity of the creek. Up to this time, however, there was no mining done on the North river and saye for the little done at Tram- quille, Kamloops was out of the hurly burly that agitated the forts at Hope, Langley and Yale. The more peace- ful and less exciting pursuit of trading with the Indians engaged the whole attention of the Hudson's Bay officers and men, and peace and quiet prevailed. The condition of affairs at Kamloops in the year 1859, is well described by Commander Mayne of Her Maj- esty's ship Plun-me<-. engaged in surveying, who made a mp through the districts bordering on the Fraser, Thompson and Harrison rivers. He says: "It was eight o'clock in the morning when we came in sight of Kam- loups. The view from where we stood was very beau- tiful. A hundred feet below us the Thompson, some 300 yards wide, flowed leisurely past us. Opposite, moving directly towards us, and meeting the larger rirer nearly at right angles, was the North river, at its junc- tion with the Thompson, wider even than that stream, ;ind between them stretched a wide delta of alluvial plain, which was continued some eight or ten miles until the mountains closed in upon the river so nearly, as to only just leave a narrow pathway by the water*! edge At this fork, and on the west side stood Fort Kam- loops, enclosed within pickets; and opposite it was the village of the Shuswap Indians. Both the plain and mountains were covered with grass and early spring wild flowers. 91 We descended to the river side, and our Indian. companions shouted until a canoe was sent across, in which we embarked and paddled across to the fort. Kamloops differed in no respect from other forts of the Hudson Bay Company that 1 had seen, being a mere stockade enclosing six or eight buildings, with a gateway at each end. Introducing ourselves to Mr. McLean, the Company's officer in charge of the fort nnd district, we were most cordially received, and with the hospitality common to these gentlemen, invited to stay in his quarters for the few days we must remain here. At this time the only other officer at this fort was Mr. Mason. With them, however, was staying a Roman Catholic priest, who, having got into some trouble with the Indians of the Okanagan country, had thought it prudent to leave that district and take up his abode for a time at Kamloops. "The life which these gentlemen lead at their inland stations must he necessarily duil and uneventful; but they have their wives and families with them, and grow, I believe, so attached to this mode of existence as rarely to care to exchange it for another. It may be well to describe here, in as few words as possible, the position of the Hudson Bay Company in these districts, of which until lately they formed the sole white population. Those who have seen the "fur traders" only at their seaports, can form but a very inadequate idea of the men of the inland stations. "Inland, you find men, who, hnving gone from Eng- land, or more frequently Scotland, ab buys of 14 and 16, have lived ever since in the wilds, never seeing any of their white fellow creatures but the two or three 92 stationed vvitli them, except when the annual fur brig- ade called at their posts. They are almost all married and have 'large families, their wives being generally halfhreed children of the older servants of the Com- pany. Marriage has always been encouraged amongst them to the utmost, as it effectually attaches a man to, the country, and tends to pr-vent any glaring im- morality among the subordinates, which if not checked, would soon lead to an unsafe familiarity with the neigh- bouring Indians, and render the maintenance of the post very difficult, if not impossible. "The day after our arrival at Kamloops, we went across North River to the Indian village, to pay a visit to the chief of the Shuswap tribe, who was described o us as being somewhat of a notability. Here was the site of the old fort of the North West Company which some twelve years back, after the murder of Mr. Black (the officer in charge of it) by the Indians, had been re- moved by his successor to the opposite side of the river. No dcubt the old site was preferable to the new, which is subject to summer floods. Only the year before our visit indeed, all the floors had been started by the water, and the occupants of the fort buildings had to move about in canoes. "The building into which we were introduced was more like a regular wooden house than an Indian hut. In the centre room, lying at length upon a mattress stret- ched upon the floor, was the chief of the Shuswap Indians. His face was a fine one, although sickness and pain had worn it away terribly. His eyes were black, piercing and restless, his cheekbones high, and the lips, naturally thin and close, had that white, compressed look which tells I 95 so surely of constant suffering. Such was St. Paul, as the Hudson Bay Company called him, or Jean Baptiste Lolo, as he had been named by the Roman Catholic priests who were in this district many years before." This wa^ the same Lolo with whom Mr. Tod had much experience. Crippled as he was, the old chief accompanied Commander Mayne and Dr. Campbell to the mountain already men- tioned as overlooking the fort, which they ascended and which, in honor of their guide, they christened Mount St. Paul. Near it stands another elevation named Roches des Femmes, from the fact that in summer the native women often frequented it to gather edible moss and wild berries. This moss or lichen, (L. jubatus)' was pre- pared by being boiled and pressed into cakes, in which form it was eaten. "The interior of the hut is divided into compartments and, upon entering, you may see a lire burning in each, with six or eight indiriduals huddled about it their dusky forms scarcely distinguishable in the clouds of white'blinding smoke' which had no other outlet than the door' or sometimes a hole in the roof. Their temp- orary hut is constructed of thin poles covered with mats, but these are generally used only in the summer, and upon their fishing expeditions and travels. It is not usual, however, from some superstitious reason, or be- cause of sickness breaking out, to leave their village with everything standing, and never return to them." Commander Mayne also mentions that he went "to see the bands of horses driven in, and those pa>t work selected for food. There were some two hundred or three hundred horses of all sorts and ages at the station. Just outside the fort were two pens, or corrals as they called them, and into these the horses were driven. A few colts were chosen for breaking in, and then the old mares, whose bre-^inf time was past, were selected and for it was upon horse flesh principally that the people of the fort lived driven out to be killed, skin- ned and salted down." Commander Mayne had a spice of the romantic in his composition. He missed seeing the Fur Brigade which was daily expected at the time of his visit to Kam- loops and he says: "It was not without regret that I missed seeing the Fur Brigade. It is one of those insti- tutions of this wild and beautiful country, which must give way /before the approach of civilization. The time will come soon, perhaps when such & light as a train of some 200 horses, laden with fur packages, winding their way through the rough mountain passes of British Columbia, will be as unfamiliar as that of a canoe upon its rivers. No doubt the change will be for the better, but it is sometimes hard to bejieve it. Of course it is much more practical to ascend the Fraser in a river steam- boat than to make the journey in an Indian canoe * * * but it will ibe long before I should prefer the former method of locomotion to the latter when the weather is fine. With all its many inconveniences, there is something marvellously pleasant in canoe travelling, with its tran- quil, gliding motion, the regular, splashless dip, dip of the paddles, the wild chant of the Indian crew, or better still, the songs of the Canadian voyageurs, keeping time to the pleasant chorus of "Ma Belle Rosa," or "Le Beau Soldat." i o a> 9 o o 73 O a> Q. O O o I CHAPTER VII. THE SEARCH FOR GOLD. Excitement in Southern British Columbia The Building of the Cariboo Road The First Passing- of Yale. 101 CHAPTER VII. THE SEARCH FOR GOLD. N 1861 the presence of gold in the bars of the North Thompson and its branches first attracted attention. Jameson Creek, Clear- water river, Barriere river (where a party of Frenchmen made $50 a day), Adams ri- ver, Moberly creek and other streams made things a little livelier around the old fort and in 1862 there was still a further addi- tion by the arrival of an adventurous party who had made the long trip across the prairies and while a por- tion of the original party descended the Fra- ser to Quesael, another portion followed the North Piver. Two of them were drowned and the remainder nearly perished for lack of food. Among them was one woman 'having in her care three children and adding to the number a few miles above Kamloops. Among those who came in this party were the late Samuel Mo.ore, J. A. Mara, C. T. Cooney, G. C. Tunstall, the late James Mclntosh, etc., each of whom has since that long 102 ago day done his share to build up the town and vic- inity. Prior to the Fraser river excitement, gold was mined on the upper Columbia, as early indeed as 1856, Gover- nor Douglas having in that year announced the fact to the Colonial Office. Miners earned from $10 to $40 a day, but with their usual restlessness and fickleness, the news of a new "strike" was sufficient to cause them to rush away to the new field. In 1863-4 an excitement was aroused over the placer ground in the Kootenay valley near the boundary line, but this was not so intense as the Big Bend excitement which occurred shortly after- wards. Wild Horse Creek, a tributary of the Kootenay river, was the scene of the Kootenay flurry. Discovered in 1863, in May 1864, four hundred miners had staked claims on it and, according to Hudson Bay Factor MacKay, by August, 5,000 men were in the district. One tenth of these remained for the winter at Fisherville the principal camp or town on the Creek which was reached by two routes; one from Colville via Pend d'Oreille,, the other from Fort Hope, via the Similkameen, Rock Creek and Pend d'Oreille. In 1866, Fisherville was pulled down to allow the site to be mined. Farms were located on the benches in the Kootenay Valley, and as the Indians there had an abundance of horses, the miners had no difficulty in moving trom creek to creek to try for new grofund, Perry Creek, where $18 to $30 a day to the man was taken out, being the chief. Rock Creek, in 1860, was a busy mining centre, the creek near its mouth yielding from one to two ounces a day. Mission Creek and several others empty. ng into 105 Okanagan lake were all mined about the same date, 1859-61, from two dollars to forty dollars a day being ob- tained. In 1863, the late Jos. W. McKay was in charge of the Hudson's Bay fort at Kamloops and Vvilliam G. Cox held the office of gold Commissioner and police magis- trate at a salary of 400 a year. Y.iK- Ly ( n an< Lil- looet each had its gold commissioner. Tn 1861, Kam- loops was honored with a visit from Governor Doi.ylas who made the trip by way of Kamloops, and Okanagan Lake to Rock Creek, returning by way of the Dcwdney- Moberly trail, then nearly completed. In 1862 Douglas determined to build the wagon road along the Frascr. There wa already in use the water and land route via Harrison river to Douglas and Lillooet, in the con- struction of which 500 men anxious to get to the Car- iboo country where gold had then just been found were employed, Governor Douglas agreeing' to land at, Douglas all provisions and supplies at Victoria prices if the men would turn to and build the road, all of which was done, in 1862 the great rush to Cariboo was at its height and the projected new road along the Fraser was at once pushed. A writer describing the road and Vale, Us starting point, in 1863, says: "Since the Fragcr River excitement of 1858, Yale lias always been a hustling, busy little place, and notwith- standing the competition of the Douglas route, that via Yale has always retained its popularity." (This must have reference to the trails along the Fraser.) "The great government works which have been carried on in the valley of the Fraser above Yale during the past summer, have had a beneficial effect on the prosperity 10-i of the place, and caused a considerable rise in the value of lots in the town. By the middle of next May a road, passable for wagons, will have been completed from Vale to Williams creek (lake is no doubt meant) a distance of 160 miles. The road from Yale to Lytton (6.$ miles) which goes through the precipitous channel of the Fraser, known as the Big Canyon, has been con- structed at a great cost to the colony. From Yale to Pike's Riffle, six miles and six chains, the road was built by the Royal Engineers; from Pike's Riffle to Chapman's bar, a distance of 8 miles, by Mr. (afterwards Sir J. W.) Trutch, for $47,000; from Chapman's Bar to Boston Bar, 11 to 12 miles, by Mcssers Spence and Trutch (the Spence here mentioned constructed the bridge over the Thompson river at the place which still is known as Spence's Bridge, though the bridge has long since been washed away) for $75,000, from Boston Bar to Lytton, 32 1-2 miles, by Mr. Spence for $88,000, Mr. Spence employed 600 men on this work which he completed in four months. The engineering: difficulties fm.ountcrcd in carrying out the above wuik hare been considerable, and a bridge has yet to be thrown across the river (Fraser) before the chain of communication is completed. There is no doubt that this will become one of the main roads into the Interior of the country." Mr. Spence, in connection with Mr. Trutch, built the suspension bridge at Spuzzum across the Fraser and the new road was soon thronged with pack trains and heavily laden freight wagons bound for the Cariboo mines or the Hudson's Bay posts at Kamloops and elsewhere. The road is now a thing of the past; for since the C.P.R. came into being it is no longer passable; ft M (D w' 1U9 bridges have given way, rock slides block up the road- \v:iy, cribbing has tumbled into the turbulent waters of the Fraser, and the "old timer" who sees these things mourns for the good old road and the good old days spent on it. With the working out of bar diggings in the vicinity of Yale and the inauguration of regular stage lines to Cariboo, Yale gradually lost a considerable part of her population and the town lost much of its bustle and stir. The forwarding of merchandise to Cariboo and other intermediate points by pack trains, mule teams, ox teams ("bull teams" they were called) and other meant of con- veyance, engaged the attention of many men who have since risen to prominence in the province and many way side houses were kept for the public convenience, and the proprietor's profit, by others who have attained a like eminence. In 1863 the Hudson's Bay Company again moved their post at Kamloops, this time to the south bank, opposite the second site, there they remained until the march of progress rendered it advisable to make another change and the building in the west end of the town re- cently occupied by the Standard, was erected in 1885. In 1894 they moved to their present commodious quart- ers In 1864 the Columbia river bars attracted attention of the gold miners and with the discovery of gold in the Big Bend a busy time carne for Kamloops, which was on the direct route of travel to the new mines. The government opened a trail from Kamloo.p.s by way of Shuswap Lake, and in 1866, the wagon road was extended f '>rm Cache Creek to Savona at the foot of Kamloops Like. Meanwhile the H. B. Co., the late J. W. McKay 110 being then in charge, the only available local source of supplies, in anticipation of the rush, built the Steamer Marten during the winter of 1865. 1 he following spring the rush began and the Marten made regular trips from Savona to Seymour, at the head of Shuswap Lake, the fare being $10 for passengers, and freight rates $20 a ton. Each trip the litle boat was crowded \vith miners, thousands flocked to the new mines and Seymour, form which point the rest of the journey was made by trail, became quite a thriving town, of which, however, little trace is left at this time. Kamloops gain- ed some benefit from the excitement and the improve- ment was such that Messrs. Mara and Wilson opened up a store in 1867. The Marten was the first steamer to ply on these waters and ascended the North River to a point 120 miles from its mouth. In 1868 Wm. For- tune, who built the first house in Kamloops, built the first flour mill in the interior of B. C., the burrs coming from Buffalo and costing $1,200 for the pair. A short time after the road was completed to Savona it was de- cided to extend it to Kamloops, and the late James Mc- Intosh had the contract for building it. CHAPTER VIIT. THE COMING OF THE RAILWAY. Knd of the Crown Colony Days British Columbia Be- comes a Province Growth of Kamloops. w ft) n" o s. I' CO 115 CHAPTER VTIT. THE COMING OF THE RAILWAY. OWARDS the latter part of that memor- able decade, the sixties, the question of con- federation became a burning issue in the province and in 1868 we find that an im- portant convention was held at Yale to con- sider the question, the gathering being attended by delegates from all parts of the province, those from the interior being from Yale, C. Evans, J. McLardy and H. Havelock; from Lytton, R. Smith;, from Lil- looet, Dr. Featherstone; from Lac la Hache, Dr. Brouse; from Williams Lake, Hon. F. Barnard; from Quesnelle Mouth, .1. C. Armstrong; and from Cariboo, C. W. King and E. H. Kabbit. Resolu- tions were unanimously passed favcring immediate ad- mission to the Dominion of Canada. This was the firoi representative assembly in B. C. at which this moment- ous issue was discussed. It was not, however, until 1871 that confederation was accomplished. One of the conditions of the compact entered into by B. C. and the Dominion was the construction of a trans- continental railway. Of the disappointments and post- ponements and heartburnings before that condition was fulfilled there is no need to enlarge in this necessaiiiy IF(J brief synopsis of events, suffice it to say that it was n<">t until 1880 that the first sod of the C. P. P. w;is turned in the province but once begun, it was pushed vigorously. Andrew Onderdonk, familiarly referred to by everybody on or off the road as "A. O.," was the contractor and the amount involved for that portion of the road from Emory to Savona, including the cantilever bridge at Cisco, was $ir, 200,000, an average of $43,000 per mile. Over 7,000 men were employed, sawmills were built by the contractor, a powder factory was erected and oper- ated between Yale and Emory, machine shops were built at Yale and although for a time the main offices were at Emory, it was soon found that Yale was better adapted for the management's headquarters and Yale once more put on the airs of a city, and the bustle and stir surpassed that of 20 years before. It was a wide open town, money flowed like water, good wages were earned and freely spent and for a lively place, few western towns could compare with little resurrected Yale. Town property jumped to a high figure, business men put up e tores and built residences, the regular steamtvrit con- nection with New Westminister was soon supplemented with trains not very elegant affairs, with most uncom- fortable coaches from down the river.and as the road progressed eastward, l>y trains running in tbtvt direction as well. Supplies for the road were taken partly by wagon, partly by pack train, but this was expensive and slow and finally it was decided to build a steamer to run the canyon of the Eraser and convey the supplies more economically to the farther camps. The steamer Skuxzy was built at the Big Tunnel, east of Spuzzum, and a f **r ff S 119 some diFculty a skipper was found willing to essay the task of caking the vessel through the boiling, eddying, treacherous rapids as they foamed through the dangerous canyon. Finally two brothers named Smith consented to try and with J. W. Burse as engineer, aided by a powerful steam winch and capstan and 150 Chinamen hauling on the ropes the first load of freight was safely carried and distributed along the river. Several trips were made up and down, Lytton being the farthest point reached. Subsequently the Skuzzy was tied up at Keefer's and there remained until 1884, when the machin- ery was removed, taken to Savona and placed in the newly built hull of the Skuzzy number two.. With the passing of the period of activity coincident with railway construction, Vale again fell into desuetude, quiet reigned where bustle had prevailed; the streets, once thronged with men, became deserted, and gradually sink- ing farther and farther from the halycon days of yore, houses, deserted and desolate, sank into decay; stores, offices and warehouses, cheerless and empty, gave silent witness of a greatness that had been but was not Twice Yale rose to a state of prosperity and affluence and twice has it fallen into peaceful rest; who will say it may not again become and permanently remain a hive of indus- try? Yale but experienced the same fate that befell many other towns. Lytton, too, was once a bustling little town, so were Savona, Ashcroft and Spence's Bridge. Eagle Pass Landing a* the head of Shuswap lake shared the same fate that came to them all save Ashcroft, varied only in degree. But such places as endured have flourished, striking examples of the sur- vival of the fittest. 120 In 1868 John Peterson pre-empted a parcel of land east of the then little village, and afterwards purchased an additional 320 acres. On the pre-emption he built a house and stables, which are still standing, a short distance east of the railway station. This location is of interest as this land, the Peterson ranch, constitutes the new town of Kami oops. In 1870 Barnard's express stages, carrying the mails, ran as far as Savona, the system soon extended to Kamloops and finally to Okan- agan mission. The difficulty in procuring lumber led to the establishment of a new industry about 1875, when a combined flour and lumber mill was built on the flat, then east of the town. Messrs. Mara, Wilson, Mclntosh and Usherwere the owners. The last named gentleman was the government agent at Kamloops at that time, and met an untimely death, while engaged in the per- formance of his duty, at the hands of the McLean and Hare gang, four in number, in December, 18/9. The murderers were hanged at New Westminster, January 31, 1881. The year 1878 saw another steamer built on these waters, the Lady Dufferin, the property of Wm. Fortune. The boat d d a general carrying business, running te- tween Savona and Spallumcheen. The Spallumcheen, owned by Mara & Wilson, also plied on the same waters for a number of years. Apart from the settlement that had been quietly and steadily going on in the district for some time, another important factor was at work in this decade in assisting to build up Kamloops, and this was the fact that from its position Kamloops would be a place of some import- ance on the line of the proposed Canadian Pacific Rail- 121 way. It had been the intention to carry the road out to the coast at Bute Inlet, and in 1872 surveyors were sent out to survey the North Thompson and to explore for a route from the Clearwater to the Cariboo wagon road, with the view of getting to Bute Inlet via Chil- cotin, but this idea was abandoned and it was ultim- ately decided to bring the line down the Noith Thomp- son to Kamloops and then carry it to the salt water by the route since adopted, Lord Dufferin visited Kam- loops in 1876. Kamloops was given telegraphic communication in 1878, the line being built by the Liberal Government under Premier Alex. Mackenzie. F. J. Barnard, who afterwards sat in the House of Commons as represent- ative for Yale district, was the contractor for this work. K^mlnops was now fairly on her feet, and boasted of hotels as well as stores. The Dominion Hotel was in the hands of Mclntosh * Me Phadden, anJ -he Cosmo- politan was conducted by John Peterson Xz Dassonville. Mara & Wilson had the only store in the village, the Hudson's BayCompany's store being some little dis- tance west of it, where near the bridge the old buildings are yet standing. In 1880 there were three stores, three hotels, two blacksmith shops and a school. Father Grandidier was the first resident clergyman taking up his abode in Kamloops in 1878. He and other visiting clergymen attended to the spiritual welfare of the people. In that year, A. Watson, of Victoria, built the Peerless steamboat for J. A. Mara to run, according to the Col- onist, "between Cook's Ferry and the head of naviga- tion." The Peerless made a trip to Harper's mill, at the mouth of the Bonaparte (near Ashcroft), in June, 122 i88i, without using a line on the journey, accomplishing the distance, 20 miles up stream, in five hours, and subsequently made one trip to Cook's Ferry (Spence's Bridge), Captain John Irving being in command. Kam- loops reached out for trade in those days, perhaps pro- portionately more than today, although trade was not always of the briskest. The Standard (a Victoria news- paper that long ago ceased to have its being), in the issue of June 12, 1880, says: "Times at Kamloops are dull at present. The Shuswap mill has been under water for the past month. The Tranquille mill is run~ ning night and day. The steamer Lady Dufferin is making regular trips every Tuesday to Spallumcheen. Large quantities of flour are being shipped from Tran- quille mill to Savona's Ferry, Cariboo and other places." In December, 1880, J. F. McCreight was appointed a judge for the inland country, to sit at Kamloops. May, 1881, saw Major Rogers set out from Kamloops by steamer to Eagle river to look for a pass through the Selkirk range for the C. P. R. construction on which was now going forward with vigor. A pass was subsequently found, and the route was again changed. The Yellow Head Pass was abandoned, and an entirely new route was selected, the line reaching Kamloops by the South Thompson instead of by th North branch. At about the same time in the press the claims of Kamloops as the proper capital f the Mainland were put forward and discussed. In the same year increased mail service was given to points east, reached by wagon road from Kamloops. So far a semi-monthly mail had been given, but in the spring of 1881 the mail contract from Cache Creek 123 to Okanagan Mission (now known as Kelowna), via Kamloops and Spallumcheen, giving a weekly service for four years, was awarded to J. B. Leighton The Province was in 1882 in the throes of the fourth general election (Provincial) since Confederation, and Mr. Mara was elected for the third consecutive term, with him being associated Preston Bennett, who had represented the same district in the previous legislature, and C. A. Semlin, who was one of the trio selected from Yale to represent that district in the first legislature of the con joint Province. Mr. Bennett never sat in the fourth parliament, for a few days after the election he had an attack of hemorrhage of the lungs, and died on August 9, 1882, at the residence of Mr. John Tait, local manager of the Hudson's Bay Company's post since 1872. The vacancy caused by Mr. Bennett's death was filled by G. B. Martin, who continued to represent Yale until the general election of 1898, when he was defeated by F. J. Deane, who in turn was defeated in 1900 and 1903 by F. J. Fulton. CHAPTER TX. FROM FORT TO CITY. Social Life in Old Kamloops Setting Out the New Town Incorporation. 127 CHAPTER IX. FROM FORT TO CITY. OCTAL life in the earlier days was not mark- ed by the lines that characterize it to-day. The people were almost like one family, and at times they met for jollity and pleasure; balls and impromptu dances in winter, horse-racing and other sports on such public holidays as were observed. But a change was at hand. The C. P. R. was coming slowly but steadily nearer. The shrill whistle of the locomotive was soon heard at Savona, and in the winter of 1884 the grading of the roadbed between that point and Karaloops was under way. Kamloops was now a busy place, with a constant stream of people going and com- ing, and it was not without its distinguished visitors. October, 1882, had seen the Marquis of Lome in Kam- loops and three years later the Marquis of Lansdowne, his successor to the Governor-Generalship, visited the town. Up to 1884 no newspaper had been published at Kamloops, but in that year the Inland Sentinel made its appearance as a Kamloops publication. This was 128 not, however, the beginning of the paper. Mr. Hagan, its founder, first established the paper at Emory, a few miles below Yale, on May 29, 1880, removing to Yale shortly afterwards. Moving with the times and the railway, Mr. Uag-an brought the Inland Sentinel to Kamloops, where it has remained. In that same year the first firemen's company was established, the meetings at which it was formed being held in Spelman's (Cosmopolitan) hotel, in August. The following month a movement was set on foot to build a hospital in Kamloops. Arrangements were soon made, and the contract for the building was given to W. A. Simmons. The hotels in 1884 were of some im- portance, for half the population lived in them. The Arlington, near where the Queen's hotel now stands, was kept by Sears & Nichols. At a later date the build- ing was removed bodily to the east end of the street and was named the Oriental, now Leland ho^el, Frank Rushton doing the honors as host for a time. Jos. Ratchford, recently the superintendent of the Pro- vincial home, ran the Kamloops house. The late Ed. Cannell had the Dominion, J. T. Edwards the Cosmo- politan and Desormier the Colonial. The medical pro- fession was represented by Dr. S. J. Tunstall, now of Vancouver, and Dr. Offerhaus. now of Spallumcheen. It was a treat to see the latter, clad in his dressing gown, stalk down to the stables through the only street Kamloops then possessed, to feed and groom his little cayuse. W. W. Spinks, now judge of the county court, was then practising as an attorney, and for some time was the only member of the bar in town. The house- keeper of the present day would be staggered were our storekeepers to revert to the prices of 1884. Flour was $6 per 100 Ibs.; ham and bacon 30 cents per lb.; tea So cents to $1.50 per lb.; pork 25 cents; sugar 25 cents and eggs 75 cents a dozen. Hay sold at $25 per ton, and lumber at $20 to $30 per thousand. A visitor in Oct., 1884, was Hon. Wm. Smythe, then Premier, who was also Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, which latter portfolio, after his death in iSS/, fell to F. G. Vernon, one of the three members for Yale district, which then for the first time secured cabinet representation. The next year saw many advances made. The Hud- son's Bay people moved their store into the town. A new steamer, the Kamloops, was built early in the year, r.nd was bunched in April, the machinery being that from the Myra. a stern-wheeler that had formerly run below YD It- Fail ing to come to an arrangement with Mr. Mara !oi the transport of supplie.->, Mr. Ondcrdonk deter- mined to build a steamer to ply on these waters, using the machinery from a discarded steamer, the Skuzzy, which had made several eventful trips through the can- yon of the Fraser. A hull was built at Savona, t!-e machinery installed, and then a compromise arranged. The Skuzzy was put to good use, however, serving as a floating hotel for the tracklayers, and moving along with them, as they came on towards and beyond '."am- loops. The Skuzzy was afterwards bought by Mr. Mara, and is now lying beside the Peerless, sheer hulks. In July, 1885, the railway track reached Kamloop-, and on November 7th of the same year, at 3 o'clock in 130 the afternoon, the first through train from the east to Port Moody arrived. In the same year John Peterson disposed ot his :anch lying to the east of the old town to the townsite syn dicate, of which Messrs. Mara, Ward and Pooley were members. The new townsite was surveyed at once by R. H. Lee. In 1885 the Government decided to build a new court house. Government Agent Tunstall choe the present central site, and in that same year its con- struction was entered upon. The old court house destroyed by fire three years ago, was a log cabin, white washed, with the cells opening direct into the confined space that served as court room, in which, indeed, many matters of grave moment have come before the judges of both the County and Supreme courts. Court day was deemed a sort of festival, and the coming of a Supreme court judge and Mr. Justice Walkem was the favorite was looked forward to with a zest that is not seen in the present and more prosaic age. With the coming of the C. P. R., the town grew steadily, and its being made a divisional point at once added largley to its growing population. In early days, water was carried from line river in buckets, 01 hauled up in barrels, but with the growth of the town these means became altogether inadequate. The late Mr.McIn- tosh, who was never lacking in enterprise, met the want and supplied the town from a reservoir into which the water was pumped from the river. By private en- terprise also the town was supplied with electric light. In 1893 the city was incorporated, and the water and light services were acquired by the municipality by purchase. Two new plants have since been put in. 131 In 1896 the presence of copper-gold ore was discovered on Coal hill, not far from the place wuere a few years previously Major Vaughan and others had mined with more or less success for coal. Development has pro- gressed steadily and the Iron Mask mine is now a regu- lar shipper, and other properties give indications of arriving at the same stage in the near future. But little mention has been made of local representa- tion in the House of Commons. Dominion elections cre- ated very little excitement until the last two or three con- tests. Chas F. Houghton was first chosen, but his term was short, the parliament only lasting 18/1-72. He was succeeded by Edgar Dewdney (afterwards Lieut-gov- ernor of the province), who sat for Yale from 1872 until his appointment as Indian commissioner. F. J. Barnard stepped into his shoes, to be himself replaced by J. A. Mara, who occupied the seat from 1886 until his defeat by Mr. Bostock at the general election, 1896, in the united constituency of Yale-Cariboo. In the general election of 1900, W. A. Galliher of Nelson, was elected M. P., and in 1904, the district being 1 divided into two constituencies, Kootenay and Yale-Cariboo, Duncan Ross was elected for the latter, H. Bostock being created a senator in the same year. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER TWO. Alexander Ross, then in the service of the Pacific Fur Company, first visited the vicinity of where Kamloops now stands on May Kith, 1812. He had been preceded, however, by David Thompson, the Nor'wester, who explored the Thompson river early in 1811, and David Stuart, one of the partners in the Pacific Fur Company. On September 16th, 1811, Stuart, accompanied by three men, two of whom, Montigny and Boullard, were Canadian voyageurs, left Fort Okanagan, near the junction of the Okanagan and Columbia rivers, on a journey to the unexplored north, leaving Alexander lloss, mentioned above, alone in charge of the then newly established post, his sole "civilized com- panion being," as Koss puts it, "a little Spanish pet dog from Monterey, named Weasel.'' Intending only to be absent a month, it was not until March 22nd, 1812, that Stuart and his companions returned to Fort ukanagan. Of his journey he gave the following account: "After leaving this place'' (Fort Okan- a-an) "we bent our course up the Oakinacken, due north, for upwards of 250 miles, till we reached its source; then crossing a height of land fell upon Thompson's River, or rather the south branch of Eraser's River, after travelling for some time amongst a powerful nation called the She Waps (Shuswaps). The snow fell while we were here in the mountains, and precluded our immediate return; and after waiting for fine weather the snow got so deep that we con- sidered it hopeless to attempt to get back, and, therefore, passed our time with the She Waps and other tribes in that quarter. The Indians were numerous and well disposed, and the country throughout abounds in beavers and all other kinds of fur: and I have made arrangements to 134 establish a trading post there the ensuing winter. <>rithe 2'^th of February we began our homeward journey, and spent just twen'y-five days on our way back. The distance may be about 350 miles." Karly in 1812, the first meeting of the partners in the Pacific Fur Company was held at Fort Astoria, and among the resolutions passed was this one: ''That Mr. David Stuart proceed to his post at Oakinacken, explore the coun- try northward, and establish another post between that and New Caledonia." The new post suggested in this resolution was to be at Kamloops and thither Mr Stuart despatched Alexander Ross. Ross thus describes the expedition: "Un the t^th of May I started with Boullard and an Indian, with sixteen horses., on a trading excursion, and following Mr. Stuart's route of last winter, reached the She Waps oil Thompson's River, the tenth day. and there encamped at a place called by the Indians Cumcloups. near the entrance of the North branch. From this station I sent messages to the different tribes around, who soon assem- bled, bringing with them their furs. Here we stayed for ten days. The number of Indians collected on the occasion could not have been less than 2. 000,'' (and the one white man, Ro.-'S, alone amongst them with his trading outfit!). "Not expecting to see so many, I had taken but a small quantity of goods with me; nevertheless, we loaded all our horses so anxious were they to trade, and so fond of leaf tobacco, that one morning before breakfast I obtained one hundred and ten beavers for leaf tobacco, at the rate of five leaves per skin, and at last, when I had but one yard of white cot- ton remaining, one of the chiefs gave me twenty prime beaver skins for it. Having finished our trade, we pre- pared to return home: but before we could get our odds and ends ready, Boullard, my trusty second, got involved in a love affair, which had nearly involved us all in a disagree- able scrape with the Indians. He was as full of latent tricks as a serpent is full of guile. Unknown to me, the old fellow had been teasing the Indians for a wife, and had already an old squaw at his heels, but could not raise the wind to pay the whole purchase money. With an air of effrontery he asked me to unload one of my horses to satisfy the de- mands of the old father-in-law, and because I refused him, he threatened to leave me and to remain with the savages. Provoked by his conduct, I suddenly turned round and horsewhipped the fello.v, and, fortunately, the Indians did not interfere The castigation had a good effect, it brought the amorous gallant to his senses the squaw was left behind. " In the same year, on August 25th, Mr. Stuart, with men and merchandise, set out from Oakinacken for "She Waps," and four months later, December 20th, Mr. Ross, who had been again left in charge of Port Oakinacken, left the fort to pay a visit to his chief at "Cumcloups, " where he arrived on the last day of 18 1 2. He found that Mr. Stuart had just established himself in his winter quarters, and that the Northwest Company following hard on his heels, had built a post alongside of him, "so that," wrote Koss, "there was opposition there as well as at Mr. ('larke's place, with- out the trickery and manoeuvring. M. La Roque, the Northwest clerk in charge, and Mr. Stuart were open and candid and on friendly terms." With Mr. Stuart, Ross re mained for live days, and then returned to Port Uakinacken, following a new route. He wrote: "But I chose a bad season of the year to satisfy my curiosity. We got bewildered in the mountains and deep snows, and our progress was ex- ceedingly slow, tedious and discouraging. We were five days in making as many miles." After suffering hunger and privations, shared by man and beast, Ross reached an Indian camp where a day was spent to recuperate, "pro- cured some furs, and then, following the course of the Sim- ilka-meigh river, got to Oakinacken at the forks," reaching the fort on January 24th, 1813. On May 13th Mr. Stuart with his men and furs, arrived at Fort Okanagan from the "She Waps, " in reference to which post he wrote: "1 have passed a winter nowise unpleasant: the opposition, it is true, gave me a good deal of anxiety when it first arrived, but we agreed very well, and made as much, perhaps more, than if we had been enemies I sent out parties in all directions, north as far as Fraser's Kiver, and for 200 miles up the south branch. The accounts from all quarters were most satisfactory. The country is every- where rich in furs and the natives very peaceable." UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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