f^im^im^0M',':^^^ '•A ' 't' ill I mm! t 1 1 hill! iJ«M«- UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION TIMBER SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP GULF AND ATUNTIC COAST URGELY SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE REVISED JANUARY 1, iSltt 23 REVISED SUPEBSEpBS No. 18 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION TIMBER SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP GULF AND ATUNTIC COAST URGELY SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE « REVISED JANUARY 1, 1918 23 REVISED Supersedes No. 18 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 ^ii^'tUili mt^tr. iw» aoow mkmku <^ # fi '}•'. kmjL. TIMBER SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS FOB STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP, GULF AND ATLANTIC COAST. GENERAL INFORMATION. This schedule has been drafted for the information and guidance of lumber mills, contractors, and ship- builders, and constitutes the official schedule of tim- bers to be used in the construction of wooden vessels on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. It does not, however, definitely define the exact number of timbers nor the exact amount of board feet that will bo required to build a standard wood steamship. Builders may find it necessary to purchase additional items in order to complete the construction of the vessel to requirements of the Classification Society. The purchase and inspection of lumber mider this schedule will be conducted by the Emergency Fleet Corporation or under its direction. Lispections will be made at the mills where lumber is manufactured. Approved January 1, 1918. United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, Charles Piez, Vice Presided and General Manager. 3 369992 RULES GOVERNING TIMBER SCHEDULE. The accompanying lumber schedule is goverued strictly by the following rules: 1. Dimensions of timbers in the form to be used in the ship are net, after surfacing. Material must b© sawed large enough to surface down to these dimen- sions. Dimensions and quantities in the rough, in accordance with the usual milling practice, are given separately for the information of manufacturers 2, The specification of ''Dense merchantable'^ long- leaf yellow pine means the following, as quoted from the January 1, 1917, gi'ading rules issued by the South- ern Pine Association . *^A11 merchantable timbers shall be well manufac- tured and shall be free from defects such as injurious ring and roimd shakes and through shakes that extend to the surface, unsound and loose knots, and knots in groups that will materially impair the strength. Sea- soning checks and sap stain shall not be considered defects. *' Sizes under 9 inches on the largest dimension shall show two-thirds or more heart surface on one of the wide faces; sizes 9 inches and over on the largest dimen- sion shall show two-thirds or more heart on both of the wide faces. When sticks are square the face showing the most heart shall govern the inspection on sizes under 9 inches and the two faces showing the most heart shall govern the inspection when 9 inches and over. Heart showing the full length, even if not two-thirds of the area as above, shall meet the requirements of this quality. *'Wane not exceeding one-eighth of the dimension of the face and one-quarter of the length of the piece on 5 6 STANDAEB WOOD STEAMSHIP. one corner, or the equivalent on two or more corners on not to exceed 10 per cent of the pieces, shall be admitted. " Dense southern yellow pine shall show on either end an average of at least six annual rings per inch and at least one-third summer wood, or else the greater num- ber of the rings shall show at least one-third summer wood, all as measured over the third, fourth, and fifth inches of a radial line from the pith. Wide-ringed ma- terial excluded by this rule will be acceptable, provided that the amount of summer wood as above measured shall be at least one-half. ''The contrast in color between smnmer wood and spring wood shall be sharp and the summer wood shall be dark in color, except in pieces having con- wsiderably above the minimum requirement for summer wood. ''In cases where timbers do not contain the pith, and it is impossible to locate it with any degree of accuracy, the same inspection shall be made over 3 inches on an approximate radial line beginning at the edge nearest the pith in timbers over 3 inches in thick- ness and on the second inch (on the piece) nearest to the pith in timbers 3 inches or less in thickness. "In dimension material containing the pith but not a 5-inch radial line, which is less than 2 by 8 inches in section or less than 8 inches in width, that does not show over 16 square inches on the cross section, the inspection shall apply to the second inch from the pith. In larger material that does not show a 5-inch radial line the inspection shall apply to the 3 inches farthest from the pith. "The radial line chosen shall be representative. In case of disagreement between purchaser and seller, the average summer wood and number of rings shall be the average of the two radial lines chosen.'' 3. Items 29, 97, 99, 102, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 115, 118, 122, 123, 134, and 136 are to be furnished under the density rule, but one wide face of every piece must be all heart, free of wane. All these tim- STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP. T bers except item 29 must show on edges adjoining the heart face 85 per cent heart the full length of stick, which may be reduced to three-fourths of the length for item 29. 4. The specifications governing yellow pine grades No. 1 common, A edge grain flooring, and A finish are given in the Standard Specifications for Grades of Southern Yellow Pine Lumber issued by the Southern Pine Association April 1, 1917. 5. Cypress timbers shall be equivalent in grade to No. 1 common. The specifications governing cypress grades are given in the Standard Grades and Classifi- cations of the Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Associa- tion, edition of January 1, 1917. 6. Oak items, unless otherwise specified, shall be selected stock from the grade of construction oak tim- bers. Tlie specifications governing oak grades are given in Association Standard Grades issued by the Hardwood Manufacturers' Association of the United States October 1, 1915. 7. Kjiees shall be free from rot, heart, or ring shake, large or loose knots, and other defects which would impair their strength for the purpose intended. They must be natural crooks. 8. Treenails shall be of clear all-heart wood, straight grained, and thoroughly air dried. 9. Unsurfaced items 40 feet long and over and 18 by 18 inches and over may be furnished by the mills either hewn or sawed. If furnished hewn, such items shall run a full inch over the specified size and be square edged and of uniform size throughout. Items 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, and 151, oak timbers, may be furnished by the mills either hewn or sawed. If furnished hewn, they shall run a full inch 33331—18 2 8 STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP. over the specified size and be square edged and of uniform size throughout. 10. Any finished timbers in this schedule which ship- builders may desire to have furnished rough, gross size, may be furnished that way by mutual arrangement with the mills designated to saw the timbers. 11. The frame timbers to be either square edged or flitches, provided that the specified width is obtained at the narrowest point inside of the bark, except where templets are used as provided for in rule 16. 12. All timbers that are furnished rough can be put into ships unsurfaced except as regards necessary sur- facing to make a good workmanlike job in the fitting of the timbers and the surfacing that would be brought about by having to shape the timbers. 13. Substitutions. — Any yeUow-pine items can be furnished in real white oak or live oak of the sizes as specified. Any of the larger sized yellow-pine timbers may be furnished in fir if desired, in the same sizes as shown in this schedule, . Items specified to be furnished in white oak can be furnished in live oak or greenheart, but not in fir or yellow pine, except that the keel shoe may be of gum or other material approved by the American Bureau of Shipping. The frames may be furnished in red swamp cypress in the same sizes as given in the schedule. Red swamp cypress may also be substituted for the aprons, dead- woods, hooks, and pointers in the same sizes as given in the schedule. These are items 7, 10, 12, and 125. 14. Firms which do not have facilities for manufac- turing finished treenails, but which wish to supply rough lumber from which treenails may be made by ship- STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP. P building firms, may find the following suggestions helpful: Treenails, finished size 1^ by 26 inches, can be manu- factured from li by IJ by 26 inches rough dimension stock. Amount of lumber in each piece is 0.405 board foot. Treenails, finished size If by 32 inches, can be made from 1 J by 1^ by 32 inches rough dimension stock, each piece containing J board foot. Treenails, finished size If by 36 inches, can be made from H by IJ by 36 inches rough dimension stock, each piece containing 0.562 board foot. 15. In view of portions of certain of the timbers being cut away by shaping, scarfs, etc., the following defects may be allowed, in the discretion of the owner's timber inspector: Item 4. Knightheads: These can have 12 inches of wane the entire length of one corner or any other defect that will work out. ^Item 5. Stem: Wane or any other defect anywhere in the piece that will work out when timber is shaped will be allowed. Items 23, 26, and 27. Hatch strong backs: These can have wane the entire length on two corners or any other defect that will work out when timber is shaped. Item 32. Clamp timbers: 2,400 linear feet of these can have 5 inches of wane the entire length on one corner or any other defect that will work out when timber is shaped. Splits, shakes, or any other defects in the end that will work out in the scarf will be allowed. Items 31 and 56. Bilge ceiling: 2 inches of wane or other .defects that will work out will be allowed on two 10 STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP. corners or sides on 600 linear feet of item No. 31 and 400 linear feet of item No. 56. Items 41 to 52. Upper deck beams: Wane or any other defect will be allowed that will work out when the timber is shaped to 14 inches in width or as shown by plan of typical midship beam. In this connection it may be stated that items 41 to 51, inclusive, have the same camber in proportion to their length begin- ning at the center as item No. 52. Items 77 and 78. Hatch coamings: These can have wane on one corner the entire length or any other defect that will work out. Items 18, 19, 29, 31, 32, 34, 56, 57, 64, 65, 69, 70, and 76 will allow wane, splits, shakes, or any other defects that will work out on half splice or scarfs. 16. It is desirable to use natural crooks as much as possible for curved timbers, and the dimensions of a number of the frame timbers can be considerably re- duced by their use. To assist in this work templets showing the shape of the finished timber can be em- ployed. Templets should be large enough to allow for the bevel of the frames. The detail frame plan will show the shape of the frame timbers, and the difference between the net size and the mill size there specified will show the amount to be added to the width as drawn to obtain the necessar}^ width of the templet. Unless the templets are furnished by the shipbuilder they should be used only as a general guide in the selection of the timbers. All shipbuilders are to fur- nish the mills with paper templets, showing the finished size of flitches, 20 inches and wider. The width for invoicing shall be obtained by measuring the width on both faces at the mid length, adding together and dividing by two. SrANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP. 44 17. If the bilge planking is not edge bolted and the bilge frames are sawed out of wide flitches instead of being cut from natural crooks, filUng floors will have to be fitted at the bilges in accordance with drawing 373 No. 18A. The edge bolting of the planks is pre- ferred. 18. All timbers must be marked with paint on ends with the item number. 19. Short timbers may be furnished in multiples if the pieces are properly marked. Thus, a 14-foot piece for two 35A items should be marked 35A2, a 16-foot piece for one 35E and one 35G item should be marked 35E&G. 20. The dressed side of planking shall be the sap side and the heart side is to be placed against the frames. u STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP. 03 C8 fe r— ( S 00 . oT a o* 6 § P. V o c o o o o PQQQQQ CO I I I 1 O o eo I U> to O e9 go8 o o r^O CsCi tiX) to bX) fcC bo ;d p ;3 :3 f3 =3 000000 00000000000 QPQQQQPQOQp pg! ,-g^ r^ ,-r! ,.c1 , rj , c-j ,r< , r^ <-) (-| tao bJD &!} biD be t3i) tJD fcC be bX) bo 00000000000 O CO t^ CM »0 O oocoooio COt^COr-tCO^lOt^TjHlClO CO 05C s > OS <— i o3 CO .as o o |1 00 00 tH Th O CO 00 0 CO Ci rHrHTt^COrHlOOOrHr-trttt- COCOCOCO'^Tt^ CSI CO Tji XO CO t>. GO Ci Or-l(MC0'^lOCCt^00Cy5O i-^rHr-frHf— ((—<«— lrHrHr- 0) *^ © ^s >* g ^ss d ? a* P m «4-l O tM o^ *+-» » lO OS ^ (M 05 C c3 OOOCO iC^ 00 (M CO CO '^ .3-31 a c3 05 CO C5 OO 05 TT (M r- o h-3 pine, dense mer- chantable (see rule o o o o o o d o d d d d d d d d G d d d Finish. if) t/D tJO bX) 60 bo be bo to bo bo bo bo bo bo bo^o bo bo^ oocooooooooocooooooc Gross footage. 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IC lit) ^ CO CO fH y< K ^ i^ t^ CO r-^ rH i-< <£) in lO »o lO I • -^ 1 a v. 5-3 i c ) . •d ^ 'd a CS P< 1 o n3 d • opside GO c "Z CC c J IB C3 oo a 3 o O o Ph t3 bO^ t 4 ►^ t 3 ® b : p< i d bo bO bO * •rH be -H O T 3 C3 ^-t-s 0?- ^ r1^ *'^ 03 jjaj r^ a>.2 -O ■^ ^-^ d 'C i QQ f ^^ 2: e ^ %£2 T? m a o!^ d i|^ c3 3 3 c c 5 S ^§ ? ^ p:=5 03 c3 aD_^pQ c^ 4- » •!-< ) J ■»-> •iH i-H J— 1 c-* Pu| a J CQ p^ H P- A CCOQ Ph Ph PM P4 p G > 1-1 c > c > OrH o o O s C4 O > 00 G > G > OiOO o lO iO lO T— i oi 1— 4 c: 3 f-i o CO o TT iO OO CO o o oo o O) o 22 STANDARD WOOD STEAMSHIP. fe Qi Q> Zi U ^ P— t r;3 (1) O m """^ OD C3 D O »H O g fe O ;3 (DO 1^ ;^ _, oQ (M c5 'a; CJ G ^ 'n >^ ^-^ ?3 d i >^ O ' o i I CO € og. rH .CO I- be 2. a 00 a en C9.P O (M .Tf CO ^ o .. fe 8 ©■** QO iS B o -♦J o fejb •rH * O CZ2 a> Tt< 'i^ Oi yj O} Oi CO 00 OQ cc o o (M to CO •^ CO >< lO cow X lO o ^ 9 QO X nH< X 6 . c— • 8 ^ o CO CO CO 02 O} rH O'Tt' O } CO !^4 Co O o o o lO X iO o r— I ;o 03 r— I 03 GO 00 r^ CO O -^ ^ > 03 S O s Cfc CO M2 be r-( »-< •l-l o CO O} o CO GQ CO CO CO id O - +^ ^ ' O o o 00 CO O • I— I o 0) 33 (M -< DD c3 ^,J^ to J=l o 3 o^o^ tJOM a» a O O C^O) rH OQ CO c o o OQCO ^ CQ0Q3 Oi tT^ rH lO C^ CI o tJO o 'A rH O CO o o GQ g Ph o OQ o o OJ s o o o o •—I ^-< a? 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S . . . . . . ^ 2^ ooooo 00 i m i ^ ^ 4 \cj ,c5 ^^^^ xj^ tuo bO^tifitJDbO bcbo i .S pJ ;3 ;3?3S3;=i gg oooo 00 fe ^ P5 pc3C£^P5p^ P5P5 1 .0 QD 00 ^ .» ... ^ 1 og «»4 e^ C<1 iHr-t »-1 1 1 • *i 1 .JT rH fH ^ rl rj< tH Cq COCO ^OQ iH iH .H pH ""^ J 5 »> rCi 4^ 5i 07 IK 1 ^ •^s 1 . ^* i iS-g r-^ ^ c (jj <3j p_„ ^ c3 ri^ 'iO c*i as '^ a i . 1 10 «0 t-COOiO iHC— t 1 STANDAED WOOD STEAMSHIP. 27 01 a C3 CO o p— t c3 > 1—1 o l~l r^ o U •k O o ;h ^ *M • pH frt O a> 03 ns ;3 o 1— 1 GD o CSS rC O w a 09 ® i4 L4 o to c a> I o ^ rfi! 8 OS -'ft ■^00 ^5 a o cQ d a> ©- o ^^J t3 P^OQ P4' CD< 00 (—1 d © © CO -.00 U5 5»0 c^ S O S © ^ o © ^ CQ © © a © cS O Mi'^B^ wJ^'^^i' '\'ifciw^!fl«ffiiiM^iB;fem>i'Sa '^jmi^u^wmjm&^^i^Mi UNIVEESITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. Jliljif II In ill r^; .'T'.i ,%^? m li'M Iii; YB 51737 369992 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY 1 ? ! ''> * ". ' .'' ' ■' ? :! ' ' ' *-. C ' !!"! ! ! m