LC 2057 A22 1671a MAIN 1 UC-NRLF f B 2 flEl 2MM Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation iiiiiiliii COLLE_ni2 WHEREIN ^ GENTLEWOMEN Mayat^ very modera te Expence_ha """Sulyjnftm^edjjg^^^ .'^^ Reli^myandm all Vertuous Quaif- tics that may adorn that Sex .* aJfo be |:«:i, carefully prefervcd, andfecured, till the day of their Marriage, under the Tuition o( a Lady Governeis, and grave Society of Widdows and Vir- gins, who have refolved to lead the reft of their lives in a fingle retir'd Rcli- f;# gibus way, according to the Pattern of f^i^^iome Proteftant Colledges in (jer^ N. 'A ■■ . t,. many 5i*^iO^^I)0^^ Printed by 3; W. MDCLXXJ^^ fOm STACK \ I Reproduced by DUOPAGE PROCESS in the U.S. of America Micro Photo Division Bell & Howell Company Cleveland 12, Ohio 703 VI A ^j"?\/rr::'i,-r'I JIO '■7 ^'^ 1^1 . ^y^' -^ "M ^ 5 v i^ T ".T " ^^ r, \/ i A * v.- • ... I 1 » f ■VV/. •r r %. r ; m » .# 7 " 'j: c:i w 1 i ^ » \ t A*«- A A v-i «.v ..* A . . . , • - . ^ ., . .^ ^ ^ . , .•^S'Mm CO <5 1^7 "^An JCAT>EMr or CO LLEVgE; ^Wherein Young Ladyes, and Gen- S . tic-women may at a, very moderate -^ expence He duely inttrucJtcd in the ^ . *•* HfttSc^ andlSmlly, for Sobriety, Rctircdnefs^ Taciturnity, Humility, Patience, and all other Graces, and Vertues, wherewith the holy wo- men of old were endowed : Since which, by a general licentioufneCs, during our late unnatural War, not only all kind of Sefts, and with them Irreligion, Atheifm,andDebauchery were intro- duced an^ongft the men of this Nation} but alfo moft of thofe forementioned excellent qualifi- cations are now at length (to the great ^rief o^ alJ fober pcrfons} become more rare amongft Women, then perhaps in any of ourNeighbour- jfng-Countrys : which,having been (erionfly and : fadly confidcred, it is by many Godly prudent men judged very expedient, that moft earneft. TOdeavors Ihould fpcedily be ufed by fome ex^^ traordinary way of Education to reduce (if pof- fi.blc)the Female fex of E;7jgAi;/^ to their priftine ycrtucs \ th^t foby their Godly Converfation, andgood Examples^their Husbands, Children, and Servants may in time be woUjand at length, a general Keformation wrought in this King- dome. Some have thought beft tofet their Daugh- ters to be educated in the Maiden Schools in, and about London ^ where either through the Unfjiilfulne (s, or Negligcncej through the Un-' [ .. . —1-^ faithfulnefs. '^Vf.W »^^ -!>► kS.r^^ ^^ithfulncfs, orCoveroufnefs df tfie Miftre/Tcs/ ^oo niuch minding their private profit,the Sue-* ^efs oftimeshath notanfwered the Expeftati- ^ of their Parents, and Friends j whfereof there i ar^ divers lamentable Examples, and grievous complainings. Others therefore ^thoughofthe Prat.efiant j^^ligion) have chofen rather to be at the great charges, and hazard offending their Daughters to be bred up (till the time of their Marriage) in fomc Popifti Monafteries of our next Neigh- bouring Countries : whence they have returned « otherwife very vertuous, but generally tainted i "with, and enclined to Komifb Superftitions, and ' Errours. Some have aflayed to educate their EXaugh- ; ters alwayes at home ; but thereby have fbund- -them apt to be corruptedj or betrayed by Ser- vants, (of whofe unfaithfulnefs and vitioufnefs there is now a more general complaint then ever;) orelfein continual danger to be ftdlri away by fome debauched indigent Neighboursj or if they arc rich Orphans, to be fold by the Truftees , whereof thereare alfo divers Exam- ples i or to be wholy ignorant and unac-r quainted with the world ; or at leaft to want . that handfome becoming deportment ^ wbich' J '■■ '-. ^^ • tifiiadly CO tufually fctt offj and recommends yong Ladies^ to good Husbands, and b tabc acquired onely ' abroad in a vertuous converfe with others. . Laftly, divert Gentlemen of this Kingdomc- have, of late for the Education of their Daugh-. tcrs, had recourfe to the familyes of fome Uon^i conforMtJlSy where perhaps a ftrifter Education may fomctimes be found, but then if any ad* vantage be there had, it is ufually attended with this great mifchief , that] thereby fchifmatir cal and rebellious principles are infenfibly in^ fiilled into them, which may one day occafioa (if not timely prevented) the final overthrow, of the prefent eftabliflied Church and State. Now thp Premifles confidered; and plfo^thac for the Education of Sons in all vertue and piety, no way hath been found to fiicceed bet- ter generally, then to let. them pafs their youth in a Collegiate life, under the eye, and care of a difcreet learned pious Tutor, and under the regular Government of the Head, and Fellows of a Colledge : It is not to be doubted but that, fomefuch Collegiate life (if rightly inftituted) may prove as fuccefsfull, and perhaps much' more, for the Education of Daughters i and that thereby may be founded not onely excel- lent Seminaries, and Narferies out of which perfons • " '■ " ' ■■'■ ' ■ " ' ■ ■ ■ ' CO Perfonsof Honour and Worth may at* all times make choice of Vcrtuoas Wives j but alfo Pro*- vifion (whereof there is great want in E«rg/tf//^) may be made for fober, pious, elder Virgins and Widdows^^, who dcfire to* feparate them- felves from the vanities of the World ^ and yet employ their Talents^ to the benefit of the Publick, Thefe are therefore to give notice , to all whom it may any way concern , that near Lon- don J in ^ pleafant healthy Soil and Air, there is^ for both the purpofes above-nientioned, propo- fed a large Boufe , with a Chappel, fair Hall, many commodious Lodgings , and Rooms for all forts of neceffary Offices •, together with plea- fant Giardens, Orchards, and Courts^ all encom^ paffed and' well fecured with ftrong high Walls : Alfo there is a Reverend, Learned, and Pious Divine in the fame Pari{h, ready to officiate dai- ly Morning and Evening as Chaplain i a grave difcreet Lady to be Governefs, with divers other Matrons, who having taken up a refolution to live a retired, ffngle,and religious life , are to a(V fill in the Government of the Colledge, without expe&ing any gain , profit , or emolument for thcmfelves i /but to beflow ^rii/15 all their care and pains 10 governing the Colledge and 'll^'j • the; young the Ladies in their Education* Moreoreri there will come at due times the beft and ableft Teachers in Lo/^rf(7« forSingingjDmcing, Mu- fical Inftruments , Writings French Tongue, Fafhionable Dreffes, all forts of Needle- Works ; for Confeftionary, Cookery, Paftery., for Di-^ ftiUing of Waters , making Perfumes , making pf fome fort of Phyfical and Chyrurgical Medcr cins and Salves for the Poor jC^er. There are alfb prepared a Body of Statutes and Rules , whereunto all upon their Admifll- on are to fubmit themfelves ; until the whole So* ciety, with the confent of the Vifitor , who is a Fcrfon of great Eminency and Worth , (hall think fit to alter, or repeal any of them , for the better promoting this Pious Defign. If therefore any Honourable and Worthy P^rfons defire that their Daughter^ , or any* J Tniftees , that their Orphans, fliould be admit- ted Commoners or Penfioners of this Colledge y or any Devout Widdows or Elder Virgins, who intend not to marry , defire to be admitted Fel- lows and Affiftants in this Government , and to lead the reft of their dayes without cares and troubles of the World , to live with honour and reputation, to devote themfelves to thefervice ' of V w ■' i f <8) have tcxprcflcd not oncl y their approbation, but . ^Ifo their readinefsto contribute thereunto ; and it is to be hop?d that many others who are Lo* versand Encouragers of Verme and Piety, will upon right informuion afford their alUflance to a work To much tending ro a General Retorma* tion ol Manners^ Therefore for the better fecu- ring a'l Peribns that their Moneys AiaII beim^ p oitd to thole ends and ufes for which cbey liy it down, thete following Propofals areofFered; which by;Codsa{liftance wiltbe'faithtu/Iy and carctully pertornud. FirH: , Whatfbever Money (hill be fubfcribedj (hall be p «i J in to the Mercers Compiny in hon^ don , which is of uhfpotted reputation and clear Credit, and wiil be accountable for the Moneys received, and give Receiptsor Acquittances to c>^?ry one that fball pay in any Money. ^i . . Secondly,,^ That the fame Money miy be emploied nootherwife than for theufe i;»tehd* cd;, it i$ propoftfd that ir may. not be iliufd out | But by Warrant fromfuch Perfons as fhiH be no* mlnated Truftees , whereof there are divers Per- fons of Worth ready to take upon th^m: that li Tliirdly> ^flfl0llfii»mmmm¥m^mfmmmmmtv»\m\\\ »*-^»iw^i— w"' ' ' '■■'■■'^■■''^"w '" i' iiiii.*mwwr'ncemracnt of^thlb 11^^ dertaking. Hichly, That in cafe of want of neceffary provifion and contribution^ this laudable DeOgn ihould nor go on (which God forbid) then the feveral Ibms of Money to be repay *d to each Gonrriburor refpefiively wi h Inrereft at 5Jp«i*' Cent, ii it be d^a^ded^^thi^ tw^ years. '■> :.■*..■. ^^v.■. .■■-..■■ ■ ■ •■ ''•lF»*«-,^^%..''.'"v'-'^^'' "•-■.'. -.'--;. fe fe/ £7(r f^ j^yi^f/wah w ^^ /«r foUmth, ■. .. : ,':^^;' --•> F/ , IE wliofe Names arc rubfcribe^ ^.d^ , Jbcreby (olemnly prop^ifc to pay the fcveral Sums by us under- written, into the hands , of the Company of Mercers, otinthcCham^ 'ber of I>;7^n\ to Be made afCoIledge ^ according to the Prbpofal * . y abovc-mehtioned y and to give Order from time iotimetdthcTniftees^fo thence fuch Sum ^i^x:^>.:^6r" Siiirvt^ a«t di€^ expedient: for thc^^-: ^ /f^^purpoleaforelaid. I^ Si -.'*» -i^fc' - . • • . . r-M^'-''\C-'' .vii^yr^ii*:- fl^/i- ,■*; :^'^ ccj n u..iv\^0 U'^' 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. FFRlSigSf; ^^^^ RECO LD LD 21A-60m-10,'65 (F77638l0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley d