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It throws a very clear light on the events leading up to the Treaty of Ghent, and on the actual conclusion of that treaty. James accompanied his father, Albert Gallatin, as private and confidential secretary. He was sixteen years of age when the Diary opens. ^ Albert Gallatin held a unique position. Born at Geneva in 1761, of one of the most aristocratic families, he was left an orphan at an early age, and was brought up by his grandmother, Madame de Gallatin-Vaudenet. She was a woman of very strong character, an intimate friend of the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, and also of Voltaire. Albert Gallatin was much influenced by the latter 's liberal theories; also he had imbibed the ideas of Rousseau and Condorcet. At the age of nineteen his grandmother informed him that she intended placing him in the army of the Landgrave with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. His answer was, "I will not serve a tyrant." A sharp box on the ears from her decided PREFACE his future. Without the knowledge of any of his relations, and at that time the possessor of but a small fortune, he suddenly disappeared. The next heard of him was in America. In this connection the following letter of May 24, 1780, from Benjamin Franklin to Richard Bache, Postmaster- General of the United States, is of interest: Dear Son, Messieurs Gallatin and de Serre, two young gentlemen of Geneva of good families and very good char- acters, having an inclination to see America, if they should arrive in your City I recommend them to your Civilities, Counsel and Countenance. I am ever your affectionate father, B. Franklin. At the age of forty, Albert Gallatin held the position of Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. This post he held until 1814. In 1813, an official offer having been made by the Russian Minister, Count Dashkoff, of the mediation of Russia, with a view to making peace between England and the United States, Mr. Madison, the President, sent for Mr. Gallatin and requested him to proceed at once to St. Petersburg as head of a mission, appointing Mr. Adams (Minister to Russia) and Mr. Bayard as the other two delegates. On April 1, 1813, the Treasury was empty; but, with the assistance of John Jacob Astor,* Gallatin was enabled to make terms with the banking houses of Parish and Girard, and so saved the United States from bankruptcy. It was a bitter pill for the Federalists to swallow that * John Jacob Astor from Waldorf, Germany. At the age of sixteen he joined his elder brother, a dealer in musical instruments, in London. At the age of twenty with a small pack of furs he started on his own account in New York. Later he carried on a fur trade with the Indians, purchased real estate in New York and accumulated an im- mense fortune. vi PREFACE three foreigners (Parish was a Bohemian) should have achieved this; it also rather put American patriotism to shame. As the Diary will show, the mission to Russia was futile. But Gallatin made every effort, and with the aid of his friends, Madame de Stael, Generals Lafayette and Moreau, and Baron Humboldt, he obtained a personal interview with the Emperor Alexander in London. There is no doubt that the latter's influence had great weight. That Albert Gallatin under the greatest diffi- culties (particularly with his own colleagues) made the Treaty of Peace is now universally acknowledged. His being a foreigner was a great advantage to him as a negotiator in Europe — but placed him at a disadvantage in America. Lord Castlereagh and the Duke of Wellington were glad to treat with him, and in 1815 he practically com- pleted the Commercial Treaty, though by his tact he allowed Mr. Adams to imagine that he had done so. He was Minister in France from 181G until 1823, and was the United States Ambassador in England from 1826 to 1827. He was a man of the most simple tastes but of deep learning. Louis XVIII once laughingly said to him, "Your French is more perfect than mine, but my English is far better than yours." John Jacob Astor made him the most generous offer of a share in his business, Alexander Baring* did the same; he refused them both with the same answer, "A man holding the position I have must not die rich." He was offered the Treasury again in 1844. He did not answer the letter, but simply endorsed it, "Folly of which I take no notice." He died in 1849 at the age of eighty-eight. It was always his wish that my father, his eldest grandson, should return to Geneva, and that his children should not be brought up in America. * Alexander Baring. First Lord Ashburton. vii PREFACE I was brought up by my grandfather, James Gallatin, the author of this Diary. My father died at Geneva, in 1859. London, October 1914. INTRODUCTION Just one hundred years ago three envoys from the United States met, at Ghent, three from Great Britain, in order to negotiate for a peace which should close the aimless and indecisive war which those countries had been waging for two years. After many weeks of wrangling, during which they often despaired of success, they succeeded, and on December 24, Christmas Eve, the treaty of the two nations was signed, which has given one hundred years of a peace several times endangered, but never broken, and now far more likely to continue unbroken than it ever was before. This result was mainly due to the tact, patience, self- control, and wisdom of Albert Gallatin, one of the Ameri- can Commissioners, the others being John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Bayard and Russell. Born at Geneva in 1761 of an ancient family, originally from Savoy, he had gone to the United States in 1780, had entered Congress in 1795, and had at once risen to distinction there by his remarkable gifts — clearness of thought, power of logical argument, and steadfastness of purpose. As Secretary of the Treasury in the administrations of Jefferson and Madison from 1800 to 1813, he had resumed the wise financial policy of Alexander Hamilton, another natural- ized American citizen, and brought the finances of the country into a sounder condition than had ever been seen before. His eldest son, James Gallatin, then a boy of seventeen, acted as his father's secretary in the peace negotiations of 1814, and had already begun, when he accompanied his father to Europe in 1813, a private Diary which he continued during the period (1815-23) ix INTRODUCTION when the latter was United States Minister in Paris, and which covers also the period (1826-27) of Albert Gallatin's last special diplomatic mission to England. The latest entry is October 9, 1827. This Diary, given many years ago by James Gallatin to his grandson, is now published by the latter, Count Gallatin. It is a singularly fresh, frank, and vivid record of the incidents which the young man saw in Holland, France, and England during his stay there, and of the sentiments which those incidents evoked when they happened. Young Gallatin had great ad- vantages as an observer, for while his father's position gave him access to the society of the ruling classes in the countries named, he was himself able to move about more freely than his father could, and see life on its unofficial side. Being moreover a detached observer, and in character and tastes more a Genovese than an American, he was able to survey men and things with an impartially critical eye, which in its youthful confidence spared nobody, except his father, and saw the faults of his American citizens at least as clearly as he did those of Frenchmen or Englishmen. The intimacy of his daily jottings gives us a lively picture of the Gallatin family. His mother, daughter of a distinguished naval officer. Commander Nicholson, and granddaughter of Sir Francis Nicholson, once Governor of Maryland, was a typical American Protestant and highly estimable Southerner of that time, altogether well regulated, and so loyal to her Puritan piety that she re- fused to attend on a Sunday any of the State and Court functions which the customs of the Bourbon Restoration allotted to that day. His sister, also well regulated, was not without liveliness and spirit. James, the diarist, is a bright fellow with plenty of humour and by no means well regulated. The ruling figure is, of course, the illustrious father. The picture of his character is all the more interesting because Albert Gallatin was a X INTRODUCTION singularly reserved and to strangers cold and even austere man, the product of generations of Calvinist ancestors, an aristocrat by sentiment, and though by conviction a stern republican, yet under no illusions as to the weak sides of democracy. His perseverance, his high sense of duty, and his clear, strong judgment came out both in the notices of his conduct in difficult moments and in the letters from his pen, some few of which have been very properly inserted in the book. Students of American history will value these familiar glimpses of a man who did not in his own day receive from the general American public the credit which his disinterestedness as well as his abilities deserved. He was not made for popularity, and he certainly never sought it, but those with or under whom he worked recognized his powers, and though there had often been friction between him and John Quincy Adams, that upright and public-spirited man insisted on his accepting the mission to London in 1826, which Gallatin had sought to avoid. There are in this book many interesting sidelights on the remarkable events and personages of the time. Napoleon Bonaparte (during the Hundred Days) and the Duke of Wellington pass across the stage. Louis the Eighteenth appears frequently, and the Duke of Berri, of whose assassination in 1820 there is a vivid account. So does King George the Fourth and the Tsar Alexander I of Russia, and his Minister Pozzo di Borgo, the only Corsican, except the Bonapartes and Paoli, who has figured in European history since the tenth century. We hear a good deal about Lafayette and Madame de Stael, and Joseph Bonaparte and Madame Patterson Bonaparte (the wife of Jerome Bonaparte), while among the other personages more or less fully touched on, there are Alexander von Humboldt, Lord Castlereagh, Chateau- briand, Talleyrand (of whom there is a good anecdote), Count d'Orsay, Madame Recamier, Count Walevski, George Canning, Lord Goderich, and those two well- xi INTRODUCTION known memoir writers, the Countess de Boigne and Charles Greville. The anecdotes are often slight but generally diverting. There is a good deal of scandal, but it is so softened by the lapse of a century that even the descendants of the persons implicated need not greatly care. The anecdotes and the gossip present a lively pic- ture of the society of the time, more dissolute in France, more intemperate in England, more crude in America. On the social as well as the political side, the book is a contribution to history, and Europeans as well as Amer- icafis may be glad that the Diary of this youthful diplo- matist has not shared the common fate of those to which young men consign their personal experiences. James Bryce. xu CONTENTS PART I FROM THE RUSSIAN OFFER OF MEDIATION TO THE '^*°" CONCLUSION OF THE TREATY OF GHENT 1 PART II FROM THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREATY OF GHENT TO THE SIGNATURE OF THE TREATY OF COM- MERCE 46 PART III THE MINISTRY IN FRANCE: FROM THE RESTORATION OF THE BOURBONS TO THE ASSASSINATION OF THE DUC DE BERRI 78 PART IV THE MINISTRY IN FRANCE: FROM THE ASSASSINA- TION OF THE DUC DE BERRI TO THE RETURN OF ALBERT GALLATIN TO AMERICA 165 PART V THE SPECIAL MISSION TO ENGLAND 244 APPENDIX I— CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN ALBERT GALLATIN AND ALEXANDER BARING 279 APPENDIX II— LETTER FROM VOLTAIRE TO THE COMTE D'ARGENTAL 296 APPENDIX III— TRANSLATION OF DECISION OF THE 5th AUGUST, 1810 297 xui LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS James Gallatin Frontispiece By David, 1822. FACING PAGE Letter to Richard Bache 1 From the original. Hotel d'Alcantara, Ghent, where the American Commissioners lodged during the negotiations ending in the signing of the Treaty of Peace, December 24, 1814 36 From the only known etching. Card to the ball given at the marriage of the Dauphin, father of Louis XVI 56 Given to James Gallatin at Coppet, 1815, by the Marquis of Huntly. From the original. "Cupid and Psyche," by David, for which James Gallatin (set. 16) posed as Cupid 64 Caspar Gallatin 92 Friend of Henri IV. Madame Patterson Bonaparte (three views) 144 From a painting by Gilbert Stuart. Voltaire and Madame Denise 160 From the original drawing by Marquise de la Vilette, given to Albert Gallatin at Ferney in 1778. Albert Gallatin 200 Painted at Geneva in 1815, by Madame Meunier nee Romilly, sister of the first Lord Romilly. It is meant to be symbolic of the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, and is in the Library at Geneva. Mrs. James Gallatin (Josephine Marie Henriette Gallatin, nee Pascault) 248 J J I ^^£^ M. iyd^' £-/^ rx^t^r-^ /i^^,..-^ if- ij PAET I FROM THE RUSSIAN OFFER OF MEDIATION TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREATY OF GHENT MARCH 1813— JANUARY 1815 MARCH 12, 1813 The Russian Minister Count Dashkoff offered mediation, on the part of the Emperor Alexander, to the Secretary of State. Father thinks this very important and of great weight. MARCH 14 The President has decided to send a Commission to Russia without delay and has requested father to go. He feels that it is his duty. Father rarely talks to anybody now, his mind seems fully occupied with the grave situa- tion. I think I am the only person he confides in. He has decided to take me with him as his Private Secretary. MARCH 17 Mr. Madison* told father to-day that there was nobody compared to him as a negotiator. It has pleased him greatly. Mr. Bayardf and J. Q. Adams, our Minister at St. Petersburg, form the Commission. APRIL 21 We sail on May 9. * James Madison, President of the United States for two terms from 1809 until 1817. t James Ashton Bayard, American Statesman, bom 1767, died 1815. 1 1813] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN Extract from ALBERT GALLATIN'S letter of May 5 to Ms BROTHER-IN-LAW " I have made up my mind that I could in no other manner be more usefully employed for the present than on the negotiation of a peace. Peace is at all times desirable. England must be desirous at this critical moment to have it in her power to apply her whole force on the continent of Europe, and the mediation of Russia saves her pride." Diary resumed: MAY 9, 1813 We sailed to-day from Newcastle — a ship called the Neptune, 300 tons — Captain Lloyd Jones, J. A. Bayard, G. H. Dallas, George Milligan, John Todd, father, and myself. MAY 10 Head-winds. I am a bad sailor. I share father's cabin. He comes in now and then and looks at me gravely. He says he has no time to think of being sick. MAY 11 A British frigate at anchor; she sent a boat with a lieutenant and the captain's compliments to father saying that he would be pleased to see him on board. Of course he declined, but sent Dallas and Milligan to present his compliments. Captain Jones also took Admiral Warren's passport to have it endorsed. The frigate is the Spartan — her Captain's name is Braynton. JUNE 20: GOTTENBURG We anchored in the quara^ntine grounds this morning. It being Sunday we only got our permission from Gotten- burg to land in the evening. I was only too glad to jump into a boat and go on shore after having been more than forty days at sea. We were only allowed on the DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1813 quarantine island. Wild roses in profusion. The island is only a barren rock. Returned on board at 10.30. JUNE 21 We hired two boats to take us to Gottenburg. We landed five miles from Gottenburg as the current was so strong. We fortunately found carriages to take us to the town. While we waited for them we went into some of the houses; they are very dirty, horrible smells. All the women are ugly and blow their noses on their aprons. Such apologies for carriages — simply open carts, four of them, each drawn by half-starved ponies; wooden springs to the carts. The River Gotha full of shipping. We stopped at the house of a Mr. Dixon a nice Scotsman who had been American Consul. Several Americans came to see father. JUNE 22 Returned to our ship after breakfast — sailed in the evening. . . . Father found a courier going to England and entrusted him with a letter to Alexander Baring which I copied for him.* JUNE 25: COPENHAGEN We landed this morning. Went to Bachalan's Hotel. Father let me go to see all the sights and afterwards questioned me by way of teaching me history. JULY 1 We went on board this morning. South-east wind, which delays us greatly. Father called me on deck; pointed out where Lord Nelson fought his battle in 1801. He says all the fortifications are new. It was bom- barded in September 1807. Most of the houses destroyed and over two thousand killed. There seem to be * For the correspondence between Alexander Baring and Albert Gallatin aee Appendix I, 3 1813] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN batteries everywhere now and the population is armed. The King lives most simply. The Ministers have merely nominal salaries. Father says he cannot understand England and Russia's conduct toward Norway. It has thrown the nation into the hands of the French against their will. Great poverty and distress and much dis- content. The people struck me as most civil; they looked weary and oppressed, but are very sober. JULY 3 Always head-winds. I do hope we will finish this voyage soon, it is so monotonous. Father wishes me to do a certain amount of work every day. I feel it is good for me and it certainly makes the time pass more rapidly. JULY 8 Lovely weather but still head-winds. Just called on deck to see the coast of Courland. All on board are getting very weary and impatient to land. Father always keeps his serene temper. JULY 12 Entered Gulf of Finland. We will soon be at the end of our voyage. JULY 21: ST. PETERSBURG After a tedious journey with little to interest one we arrived at St. Petersburg. It is very beautiful. Weather very warm. JULY 23 Have been sight-seeing all day. St. Petersburg is very fine — great width of the streets and fine palaces. In the evenings father tells me much of Russian history. Mr. Adams* very civil but has a disagreeable manner. He is from New England, a "Yankee." * John Quincy Adams — 1767, died 1848, son of John Adams, second President of the United States. 4 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1813 JULY 25 Father is much disappointed that no steps have been taken by England beyond a note discouraging arbitration altogether. He fears the English Government resent the offer of Russian mediation and that the President was a little hasty in sending the mission. The Emperor is not at St. Petersburg but .with his army fighting Napoleon. He left Count Romanzoff in charge of foreign affairs and has taken Count Nesselrode with him. This father greatly regrets, as Count N. has great influence with the Emperor and thinks it to the interest of Russia to remain in close friendship with England. Count Romanzoff, on the contrary, was the instigator of the offer of mediation on the part of Russia, as he disapproves of the overpowering dominion of England on the sea. . . . JULY 29 Our position is a very embarrassing one. We plainly see we are not wanted. Romanzoff is pressing the Emperor to renew his offer of mediation to England. . . . AUGUST 6 Such weary waiting, and all seems so hopeless. My father's wonderful calm and patience surprise one and all. I, of course, being so young, find plenty of amuse- ment here; all is so new to me. To-day, after all corre- spondence was terminated, father began to talk to me. He warned me as to my future life — that is, if I decided to remain in America — never, above all things, to forget my birth and the duties that birth brings — never to do anything to dishonour a name which for centuries had never borne a stain — always to remember that true nobility was simplicity — always to be civil, particularly to those who were not my equal — to guard against the horde of adventurers who were certain to swarm to America — that the country was so vast that the hidden 5 IS 13] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN wealth in minerals, &c. &c., must be enormous — adven- turers would come with the lust of gold — men without scruples or conscience or education — that there would be terrible corruption — never to mix myself with any man who did not carry on his business or speculations in an honest manner — far better to die poor and honoured than to sully my name — that the country would suffer for years from corruption — immense fortunes would be made and lost and men of evil repute would, on account of the power of their money, keep corruption and dis- honesty afloat. . . . AUGUST 9 I never saw people drink as the Russians do — a long hnffet covered with bottles and glasses and caviare. They drink seven or eight glasses of vodka (fire water) before going into dinner. I have never touched spirits of any kind. After dinner the young men are all drunk and disgusting. . . . AUGUST 11 Yesterday the Emperor's answer was communicated to father and the other envoys. He authorizes Romanzoff to renew offer of mediation to England, but to send it direct to London. . . . AUGUST 24 Count Romanzoff summoned the envoys and read to them the dispatches renewing the offer. Father suggested two or three alterations and they were made. I seem to be writing all day — my head is in a whirl, but I suppose it is a good training for me. SEPTEMBER 2 Father has written a long letter to-day to General Moreau.* We do our best to amuse ourselves here but it is very * Jean Victor Moreau, born at Morlaix, Brittany, 1763, killed in battle under the walls of Dresden. He was one of the most illustrious Generals during the Revolution. Arrested by the Order of Bonaparte, 6 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1813 weary work, the uncertainty is so great. Under all this strain father is always calm and shows no signs of anxiety. . . . SEPTEMBER 12 To-day Count Romanzoff officially recognized father as envoy from America. . . . GENERAL MOREAU to ALBERT GALLATIN * August 21, 1813 MoN CHER Monsieur Gallatin, Me voila de nouveau a I'armee, pret a combattre Bonaparte et le faisant, je vous I'assure, sans la moindre repugnance, bien convaincu que si dans ma petite capacite je puis contribuer a sa chute, je recevrai aussi ma part de remerciements de la France et du monde entier: peu importe la banniere quand on reussit. Si Robespierre avait ete tue par les Royalistes, les Republicains les en auraient remercie 24 heures apres. J'ai appris avec bien du chagrin que votre mission n'aurait pas le resultat que nous etions tons promis, malgre la puissante mediation de S.M. Imperiale. Les Anglais ne veulent pas traiter de leurs droits maritimes sous aucune mediation. Voila ce que me dit un de leurs ministres en Allemagne. Quoique je n'ai pas I'honneur d'etre Americain je m'interesse bien sincerement au sort d'un pays oii j'ai tried for high treason, found guilty and sentenced to exile. He went to the United States of America in 1804 and remained there until 1813. He joined the army of the Emperor Alexander, and fought against Napoleon. * Translation of Letter of General Moreau to Albert Gallatin My dear Mr. Gallatin, Here I am back with the army, ready to fight Napoleon, and that, believe me, without the smallest compunction. For I am convinced that if the little I can do in my position contributes to his downfall, I also shall get my share of thanks from France and the whole world. Succeed and it matters little under what flag one fights. 7 1813] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN reste si longtemps et ou j'ai re^u tant de marques d'amitie. Je ne suis pas aveugle sur la position actuelle de ee pays, mais j'aurai toujours de la partialite pour lui. Je m'interesserai toujours a son bonheur et a son succes. Le refus du gouvernement anglais doit vous mettre dans une situation tres-desagreable. Je vois d'ici les Federalistes exageres rire des maux de leur pays par I'espoir de voir le triomphe de leur parti, et les exageres du parti contraire en profiter eontre vous et le President; car il ne faut pas vous en flatter, quelque mecontentement que le refus des Anglais de traiter en Russie puisse occasionner la guerre ne sera pas nationale; il y'a trop d'egoisme; trop de richesse dans toutes les classes, et pas assez d'argent dans les caisses de I'etat, pour qu'on puisse esperer un mouvement assez vigoureux de la nation qui la mette dans une attitude imposante. Les Anglais veulent, dit-on, traiter de la paix sans mediation. Je le crois, mais il est a craindre que la If it had been the Roy&lists who slew Robespierre, the Republicans would have thanked them twenty-four hours after. I was indeed sorry to hear that in spite of the powerful intervention of his Imperial Majesty your mission would not meet with the success that we anticipated. As one of the English ministers in Germany said to me, "The English will not admit of any mediation when their rights at sea arc under discussion." I have not the honour to be an American, but I am deeply inter- ested in the fate of a country where I have stayed so long and where I have received so many marks of kindness. I am far from being blind to the present position of your country, but I shall always have an interest in her welfare and success. The refusal of the English Government must place you in a very disagreeable position. I can imagine the extreme Federals laughing at disasters to their country in the hope of a party triumph; while 1 can see the Extremists on the other side making capital out of them to discredit you and the President. There is no use in deceiving yourself; America may be irritated by the English refusal to treat under the mediation of Russia, but the war will never be a national war. There is too much selfishness in every class, too much private money at stake, and too little in the public Exchequer to permit of 8 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1813 vanite americaine n'accede pas sur-le-champ a cette fa^on de faire, et que les malheurs de cette guerre con- tinuent encore quelque temps. S'il n'y a pas de com- motion interieure, ce ne sera qu'une perte d'argent, et la duree de la guerre aura pour les Anglais un grand desavantage, celui de vous apprendre de vous passer d'eux. Le pire sera I'avantage que vos enemis particuliers et ceux du President en tireront pour vous nuire, vous accuser de precipitation dans I'envoi de ministres avant de vous etre assures de I'accession de I'Angleterre. II est beau de commettre de pareilles erreurs. L'empresse- ment de faire cesser les maux de la guerre pent eprouver la censure de la politique, mais certes il meritera, a celui qui la montre, I'approbation des amis de I'humanite. Je desirais bien recevoir de vos nouvelles avant votre any hopes of a national movement strong enough to give to the country a commanding attitude. "But England they say wants peace without mediation." I think so too, but it is to be feared that American pride may prevent an immediate acceptance of the English proviso, and that the miseries of this war may continue for some time longer. If the feeling of the country is not aroused it will be but a waste of money, while England will also be a loser, for the length of the war will teach you to do without her. Worst of all will be the advantage that your own and the President's personal enemies will gain of damaging you, of accusing you of hasty action in despatching the mission before you had made certain of the willingness of England to treat. It is fine to make such mistakes. Though politicians may blame an eager determination to put an end to this disastrous war, the determination deserves, as all who support it deserve, the cordial approval of every friend of humanity. I would be glad to have some of your news before your return to America. His Imperial Majesty loads me with proofs of his friendship. He is kindness itself, and the most honest man of my acquaintance. He is keenly interested in America, and I am sure that you may always count on his readiness to use all his influence to bring about peace. If I can be of any assistance either to yourself personally or to your mission, pray make use of me, and in the meantime believe me with kind regards. Your most humble and obedient servant. Moreau. 1813] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN retour en Amerique. S.M. Imperiale, rhompie le plus liumain et le plus honnete que je eonnaisse, me comble d'amitie. II s'interesse aux Americains et sera toujours pret, j'en suis sur, a user de toute son influence pour leur procurer la paix. Si je pouvais vous etre bon a quelque chose ou pour votre mission ou pour vous-meme veuillez disposer de moi et croire aux sentiments de la considera- tion la plus distinguee avec laquelle je suis votre tres- humble et tres-obeissant serviteur. MOREAU, Au Quartier-General Imperial, Hrushova, 21 Aout, 1813. SEPTEMBER 15: WEDNESDAY No answer from England. Father greatly distressed at the death of General Moreau. SEPTEMBER 20 Nothing doing re mediation; we have to wait patiently for answ^er. Father thinks nothing can be done in Russia and is anxious to go to England. SEPTEMBER 25 We amuse ourselves as best we can. It is not the season here. St. Petersburg deserted, hot with wind and dust. I go to the theatre and occasionally dine out. . . . OCTOBER 19 A thunderclap to-day. Letters from Washington; one announcing officially that the Senate had rejected father's nomination as head of the Commission by one vote. . . . THE SECRETARY OF STATE to the AMERICAN COMMISSIONERS Department of State, Augmt 5, 1813 Gentlemen, I am very sorry to be under the necessity of com- municating to you an event of which there was no antic- ipation when you left the United States. 10 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1813 The event to which I allude is the rejection by the Senate of the nomination of Mr. Gallatin on the idea that his mission to Russia was incompatible with the office of Secretary of the Treasury. After the appointment of Mr. Jay, when Chief Justice of the United States, by President Washington, and of Mr. Ellsworth, when holding the same office, by President Adams, by which a member of a separate branch of the Government was brought into an office under the Execu- tive, and after the sanction given in practice as well as by law to the appointment of persons during the absence of a head of a department to perform its duties, it was presumed that there would not be any serious or sub- stantial objection to the employment in a similar service of a member of the Administration itself. Although this nomination was opposed in the Senate as soon as it was acted on, yet it was not believed that it would be rejected until the vote was taken. At an early stage the President was called on by a resolution of the Senate to state whether Mr. Gallatin, retained the office of Secretary of the Treasury, and, in case he did,^ who performed the duties of that department in his absence. The President replied that the office of Secre- tary was not vacated by Mr. Gallatin's appointment to Russia, and that the Secretary of the Navy performed its duties in his, Mr. Gallatin's, absence. After this reply, which was given in conformity with the President's own views of the subject, and with those of Mr. Gallatin when he left the United States, it was impossible for the President, without departing from his ideas of propriety in both respects, to have removed Mr. Gallatin from the Treasury to secure the confirmation of his nomination to Russia. It would have been still more improper to have taken that step after the rejection of the nomina- tion. The President resolved, therefore, to leave the mission on the footing on which it was placed by the vote of the Senate by which the nomination of Mr. Adams 11 1813] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN and Mr. Bayard was confirmed. Whatever has been done jointly under the Commission, given to the three Commissioners by the President when you left the United States, in compliance with your instructions will not be affected by this event. OCTOBER 22 Father had an interview with Count Romanzoff to-day. The latter begs him to remain in St. Petersburg but he thinks he ought, perhaps, to return at once to the Treasury. He feels now that he can act as he chooses as he is free. Plis political enemies are gaining power. He is strongly impressed with the idea that he ought to resume the negotiations. . . . OCTOBER 24 After a stormy interview with Mr. Adams (Adams was the storm) father has decided to take his own course. He is sending Mr. Dallas to London to see Lord Castle- reagh, Count Lieven* and Mr. Baring, with the object of being in direct communication with them. . . . OCTOBER 26 Father thinks of going himself to England or to go direct to the Emperor's headquarters. Count Romanzoff spoke to father a few days since about a Count Joseph Galati, a major-general in the Russian army. He wanted an introduction. He is going to call to-morrow, as he is only passing through St. Petersburg on his way to join the Emperor. . . . OCTOBER 27 Count Galati called this afternoon. He says he is a branch of our family; that his family were from Savi- gliano in the Piedmont; that his father was intimate with Count Paul Michael de Gallatin, Councillor of State of * Count Lieven, afterwards Prince Lieven, Russian Ambassador at the Court of St. James. 12 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 the Republic of Geneva, who acknowledged relationship. He was very charming, and father does not doubt the relationship. Count Paul JVIichael was the head of our family and my father was his ward. Count Galati is a great person in Russia. He was in full uniform, covered with orders and stars. He kindly explained them to me. He has the following orders: the Military Orders of St. George and St. Vladimir of Russia, St. Maurice and St. Lazare of Sardinia, and the Sovereign Order of St. Jean of Jerusalem. He so deeply regrets he is leaving to morrow as he wishes us to go to his country house. . . . OCTOBER 28 Lord Walpole has arrived. Father is greatly annoyed at his openly talking of Count Romanzoff's "intrigues." OCTOBER 30 Count Romanzoff has just sent father a note informing him that he intended retiring from office but that he will remain Chancellor until he has closed the affairs of the mission. DECEMBER 1 It seems all the trouble has been made by the Emperor forgetting to communicate a most important note to Count R., which put him in a false position. So after all Lord Castlereagh was not to blame JANUARY 12, 1814 Father has decided to leave St. Petersburg as there is not a word from the Emperor. . . . JANUARY 26 We leave to-day. Mr. Bayard accompanies us. MARCH 5: AMSTERDAM After a terrible, cold, and weary journey we arrived here last night. . . . 13 1814J DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN MARCH 6 We learnt with great pleasure to-day that Lord Castle- reagh's offer of direct negotiations has been met by the President by the appointment of a new Commission. Father's name was omitted. It seems the President thinks he is on his way baqk to take up the Treasury. . . . MARCH 20 The President has discovered the mistake and appointed Father as one of the Commission. . . . MARCH 22 Father received to-day the necessary permission from Mr. Baring to visit England. We are leaving imme- diately. . . . APRIL 9: LONDON Arrived here to-day. APRIL 11 Father wants to change the place for the negotiations. He thinks London would be far better. He would then be in direct touch with Lord Castlereagh. We are now comfortably settled in apartments in Seymour Street. I find London very dull in comparison to Paris and St. Petersburg. Our position is not a very pleasant one; we have many invitations, and I think all mean to be civil and kind, but there is always a feeling of constraint. . . . The only house where we seem to be really welcome is Mr. Baring's. APRIL 13 Father sees a great deal of his old friend Monsieur Dumont.* He brought Jeremy Benthamf to introduce him to-day. We dine with Monsieur D. to-morrow. . . . * Andre Dumont, politician, born 1764, died 1836. Banished by Louis XVIII in 1816 under the law against regicides. t Jeremy Bentham, born 1748, died 1832, a poUtical and philo- sophical writer. 14 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 APRIL 14 . . . Dined with Lord Bathurst, stiff and formal. . . . APRIL 15 Oh! the horrors of Sunday in London. It is indeed a day of rest. Englishwomen are not pretty;' they are either coarse or very delicate. Complexions fine but too red. Dress so very badly — no taste. ... APRIL 17 I have been nearly every day to the British Museum. Father wanted many works consulted and notes taken. . . . I looked up Barthelemy de Gallatin.* He was Colonel of the Mounted Grenadiers. He died in 1786 and is buried at Brompton near his country house. I found his name, &c. &c., in an old Army list. He left two daughters. . . . APRIL 18 I have seen the Prince Regent walking in the Mall. He is handsome. The Queen I have seen several times. She keeps great state. . . . The follovoing letters of Albert Gallatin to W. H. Crawford and Gen- eral Lafayette are of interest in connection with the negotiations as show- ing the diplomatic difficulties with which the mission had to contend. ALBERT GALLATIN to W. H. CRAWFORDf London, April 21, 1814 My dear Sir, Mr. Bayard and myself left St. Petersburg on January 25, remained four weeks at Amsterdam, and arrived here on the 9th inst. I could not write to you sooner, there having been no communication with Paris * Barthelemy de Gallatin, Lieut.-Colonel Second Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards, 7th April, 1759. (From the mihtary register for the year 1770.) t William H. Crawford, Secretary of War in the United States. 15 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN from Holland, and Mr. Poletica, who is the bearer of this, having oifered the first safe opportunity for a confidential letter. Messrs. Clay and Russell, who are jointly with Messrs. Adams and Bayard appointed to open a direct negotia- tion for peace with Great Britain, arrived at Gottenburg on the 12th inst., after a passage of forty-six days; but as they had not reached the town when the last packet sailed, we have not yet received any letter from them, or any American news brought by the vessel in which they came. There is a newspaper report of Norfolk, under date of February 12, stating that G. W. Campbell was made Secretary of the Treasury, Rush Attorney-General, and that I had been nominated fifth Commissioner to treat of peace with England. My stay in Europe will, of course, depend on the oflScial account which Messrs. Clay and Russell will have brought. You are sufficiently aware of the critical situation in which the restoration of a general European peace has placed our affairs. The numerous English forces in France, Italy, Holland, and Portugal ready for immediate service, and for which there is no further employment in Europe, afford to this Government the means of sending both to Canada and to the United States a very formidable army, which we are not prepared to meet with any regular, well- organized force; and they will also turn against us as much of their superabundant Naval forces as they may think adequate to any object they may have in view. In the prosecution of the war the Ministry would be supported by the general voice of the nation. In the intoxication of an unexpected success, which they ascribe to themselves, the English people eagerly wish that their pride may be fully gratified by what they call the " punish- ment of America." They do not even suspect that we had any just cause of war, and ascribe it solely to a premeditated concert with Bonaparte at a time when 16 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 we thought him triumphant and their cause desperate. That such opinions should be almost universally enter- tained here by the great body of the people is not at all astonishing. To produce such an effect, and thereby render the American war popular, the Ministerial powers have had nothing more to do than to transcribe American Federal speeches and newspapers. If Pickering, Quincy, Strong, Hanson, &c., have not brought a majority of the American people to their side, they have at least fully succeeded here, and had no difficulty in convincing all that part of the English community which derives its information from political journals that we had no cause of complaint, and acted only as allies of Bonaparte. I understand that the members of the Cabinet do not participate in that opinion, but it will certainly require an effort on their part against popular feeling to make peace with America. It must be added that even there (in the Cabinet) a belief is said to be entertained that a continuance of the war would produce a separation of the Union, and perhaps a return of the New England States to the Mother Country. The multitude of persons in the Army or Navy, or connected with the war, attached to the governing party, and whom peace will throw out of employment, will also press on Government; and although it is probable that the immense military and naval establishments of this country will be so far reduced as to enable Government to dispense with the most unpopular war taxes, a prosecution of the war against the United States would afford a convenient pretence for preserving a much more considerable standing force than is necessary and would otherwise be allowed by Parliament. It may, on the whole, be reasonably inferred that the Ministers will be neither disposed to make the least concession — for doing us justice on any point would receive that name — in order to obtain peace, nor at aU displeased in case of failure of the negotiations. The only external check to those dispositions can be 17 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN found in the friendly interposition of the Emperor Alexander, not as a mediator but as a common friend, pressing on this Government the propriety of an accom- modation, and expressing his strong wishes for a general restoration of peace to the civilized world. I do not know whether your situation affords you means of approaching him, and can only state my opinion of the great importance that an early opportunity should be taken by you, or any other person you may think fitted for the object, to call his attention to the situation in which we are left, and to the great weight which his opinion in favour of peace on liberal conditions, strongly expressed to this Government, must necessarily have at this time. Of his friendly disposition for the United States there is no doubt; but we may be forgotten; and it is necessary that he should be apprised of the hostile spirit which prevails here, and which, if not balanced by some other cause, may even carry Ministers beyond their own wishes and views. It should also be stated that our Government, having accepted one year ago the Emperor's mediation, and not having sup- posed that, considering the political connection between him and Great Britain, she could reject that offer, no other provision was made on our part to obtain peace until our Government was apprised in January last of the rejection of the mediation by England. Thus w^as a delay of a year produced, and the opening of our negotia- tions unfortunately prevented till after England is at peace with the rest of the world; a circumstance which, although it does not give us a positive right to claim the Emperor's interference, affords sufficient ground to present the subject to his consideration. I entreat you to lose no time in taking such steps as may be in your power in that respect, and to write to me whatever you may think important for the success of the mission should be known to us. The only modes of safe convey- ance which I would recommend would be private American 18 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 opportunities, or through the channel of the Russian Secretary of State, or of Mr. Poletica, directing to me under cover of " Count Lieven, Ambassador Extraordinary of H.LM. the Emperor of all the Russias, London." I send General la Fayette's patents, which were erro- neously put in my hands instead of yours, and which I have had no previous safe opportunity to transmit. My last letters from my family were dated January 23, when they were all well; but I have none of a late date from Government or from any of its members. I am, my dear sir, with great respect and sincere attachment, truly yours. Albert Gallatin. ALBERT GALLATIN to GENERAL LAFAYETTE London, April 21, 1814 Dear Sir, I regret that your patents should be put in my hands instead of being entrusted to Mr, Crawford, as no safe opportunity has as yet offered itself for their conveyance. I had the pleasure of seeing very often your friend Tracy at St. Petersburg, and left him there in good health on January 25. I believe that I am not mistaken in offering you my congratulations on the late events in France. It would certainly have been desirable that the changes should have been produced by the spontaneous will of the French people rather than to appear to have been forced by a foreign army. But if such was to be the mode, you are most singularly fortunate that the Emperor Alexander should have been the agent. With respect to the result itself, I think that every friend of rational liberty and of humanity must rejoice at the overthrow of the detestable tyranny under which you and a great part of Europe groaned, and in the hope that you have at last laid the foundations of institutions probably as free and liberal as you are susceptible of. My attachment to the form 19 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN of government under which I was born and have ever lived never made me desirous that it should, by way of experiment, be applied to countries which might be better fitted for a limited monarchy. And if this be that which suits you best, I think the ancient dynasty in every respect preferable to a new one. Unfortunately, whilst the greater part of the civilized world rejoices at the restoration of a general peace, the United States alone remain at war, and are placed in a more critical situation than ever they were since the first years of their revolu- tion. Pride, avarice, and ambition will throw here great obstacles to an accommodation for which there has ever been, on our part, the most sincere disposition. I write to you well knowing your unalterable attachment for America, and that, if in your power, you will lend your assistance in promoting that result. Albert Gallatin. Diary resumed : APRIL 23 Father very busy. He has been in close conference with Lords Castlereagh, Liverpool, and Bathurst. There is much to be discussed. . . . APRIL 26 Still waiting to hear when the English Commission think of starting for Ghent. Father would have much preferred carrying out the negotiation in London, but our other Commissioners refused point-blank; they were either afraid or too proud to come to England. Of course they look upon father as a foreigner. This has annoyed him very much. He will, I fear, have a very tough time of it in keeping his colleagues in unison, although, by the accident of his being appointed last on the Commission, he is practically the head of it. This position all the Commissioners acknowledge with the exception of Mr. Adams, who is a firebrand. . . . 20 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 Father is annoyed at the attitude taken by Messrs. Adams and Clay.* They both have written to him in the same strain refusing to consent to the delegates sitting in London. The reason they both give is that thej^ are plain Americans and that in England they would only be snubbed and treated as colonists, adding: "You are a for- eigner, which places you on an entirely different footing." IVIAY 2 We dined with Lord Liverpool on Saturday. Nothing new. MAY 12 I have just written a letter to Mr. Monroe f at father's dictation. He fears that England is determined to isolate the United States and cut her off from the Baltic Powers. This has made him more keen than ever. We remain here until we hear from the Commissioners at Gottenburg, but are ready to leave the moment he hears the English Commissioners are on their way to Ghent. MAY 22 Father is doing his utmost to obtain the mediation of the Emperor Alexander. The latter he hears is coming to England. He is using all the influence in his power to have a personal interview. . . . Letter from Gen. Lafayette to Mr. Crawford, giving an account of an inter- view with the Emperor Alexander and shoiving the latter's inclination to promote peace. May 2G, 1814 My dear Sir, I passed the last evening in company with the Emperor Alexander, who, however prepossessed in his favour I may have been, has surpassed my expectations. * Henry Clay, Orator and Statesman, born in Virginia, U.S.A., 1777, died 1852. Speaker in 1808 in United States Senate. t James Monroe, Secretary of State, November, 1811, to February, 1815. Pieeident of the United States, 1817-1825. 21 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN He really is a great, good, sensible, noble-minded man, and a sincere friend to the cause of liberty. We have long conversed upon American affairs. It began with his telling me that he had read with much pleasure and interest what I had sent him. I found ideas had been suggested that had excited a fear that the people of the United States had not properly improved their internal situation. My answer was an observation upon the necessity of parties in a Commonwealth, and the assertion that these were the happiest and freest people upon earth. The transactions with France and England were explained in the way that, although the United States had to complain of both, the British outrages came nearer home, particularl}' in the affair of impressments. He spoke of the actual preparation and the hostile dis- positions of England. I, of course, insisted on the importance of his mediation, the confidence reposed in him by the United States, who hastened to send Commissioners chosen from both parties, and which he very kindly acknowledged. He said he had twice attempted to bring on a peace. "Do, sir," said I, "make a third attempt; it must succeed; ne vous arretez pas en si beau chemin. All the objects of a war at an end, the re-establishment of their old limits can be less opposed, as the Americans have gained more than they have lost. A protraction of the war would betray intentions quite perverse and hostile to the cause of humanit}'. Your personal influence must carry the point. I am sure your Majesty will exert it." "Will," says he, "I promise you I will. My journey to London affords opportunities, and I will do the best I can." I told him I had received a letter from Mr. Gallatin now in London, and we spoke of him, ]\Ir. Adams, Mr. Bayard, and the tw^o new Commissioners. I had also other occa- sions to speak of America — one afforded me by the Swedish iNIarshal Stadinck, who mentioned my first going over to that country; another by a well-intentioned DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 observation of Madame de Stael that she had received a letter from my friend Mr. Jefi'erson, of whom she spoke with great regard. This led to observations relative to the United States and the spirit of monopoly in England, extending even to liberty itself. The Emperor said, they had been more liberal in Sicily than I supposed them. I did not deny it, but expressed my fears of their pro- tecting Ferdinand against the Cortes. His sentiments on the Spanish affairs were noble and patriotic. The slave- trade became a topic upon which he spoke with philan- thropic warmth. Its abolition will be an article in the general peace. You see, my dear sir, I had fully the opportunity we were wishing for. If it has not been well improved, the fault is mine. But I think some good has been done. And upon the promise so candid and generous I have full dependence. If you think proper to communicate these details to Mr. Gallatin, be pleased to have them copied. He spoke very well of him, and seemed satisfied with the confidence of the United States and the choice of their representatives to him. By his last accounts Mr. Adams was at St. Petersburg. The particulars of this conversation ought not, of course, to be published; but you will probably think it useful to communicate to the Commissioners. . . . JUNE 2 The Emperor is expected in London next week. The European Treaty of Peace has been signed. He comes as the guest of England. This will make it more difficult for father, as the position will be a delicate one. Lord Castlereagh arrives to-day or to-morrow. It seems that the exclusion of all Maritime questions or any interference re America was one of the conditions of the Chatellon Conference. JUNE 4 Father anxious — waiting to hear from General Lafayette. I am just going to Eton to see the festivities. 23 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN JUNE 6 He received a letter from ]\I. Lafayette this morning, from Paris. It gave him a brief resume of his interview with the Emperor Alexander at Madame de Stael's. He begs father if possible to remain in England to have a personal interview with the Emperor, which he says the Emperor promised to grant him — but that it must be of a private nature. He also mentions that Baron Humboldt has also approached his INIajesty — and adds that the latter "puts himself at your disposal." JUNE 10 The Emperor arrived to-day. He is lodged at Leicester House, Leicester Fields. This is the palace that the eldest daughter of James I occupied; she was known as the "One-year Queen of Bohemia." Her daughter was the Electress Sophia, mother of George I. . . . JUNE 14 The Emperor's aide-de-camp called to-day. He said the Emperor had sent him to say that on June 18 he would receive us privately at 11.30. . . . As it is a delicate matter there has not been any cor- respondence on the subject. . . . JUNE 18 As arranged, his Majesty received father this morning. We went accompanied by Mr. Levitt Harris, a secretary to the St. Petersburg Mission. Our minister offered the loan of his coach. This father thought wise to refuse, and hired a common hackney-coach so as to attract as little attention as possible. The streets were crowded. It is the day of the banquet given by the City of London to the allied Sovereigns. Only father and myself were admitted to his Majesty's presence. There were crowds waiting for audiences. We were passed in at once. 24 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 Father was presented and then presented me; then all withdrew except his Majesty. He is a splendid-looking man, was in full uniform and covered with jewelled orders and stars. He was most gracious, and said he had the most friendly feeling toward the United States. He added that he feared his intervention would be of little use — that he had made three attempts since he had been here, but that " England will not admit a third party to interfere in her disputes with you." This he said on account of our former Colonial relations, which are not forgotten. He also expressed an opinion with regard to the conditions of peace, saying: "The difficulty will be with England." He also spoke of Madame de Stael as a woman of "great brain and courage." He congratulated father on being her cousin. Father expressed his deep gratitude to his Majesty for granting him an audience, and the gratitude of the United States for the interest and friendship he had shown. As we withdrew he patted me on the head and said, "You are rather young to be in diplomacy." I wore a suit of Chinese nankeen, white silk stockings, high white choker, with a breast-pin of seed-pearls mother gave me before I left home. They call my hair auburn — I call it red. I am afraid I looked very young. Poor Mr. Levitt Harris was furious at not being present, but the Emperor's order was "Monsieur Gallatin et son fits." JUNE 19: LONDON, SUNDAY Copied note which the Emperor gave father permission to send. The latter does not think it will have any effect. The illuminations last night were very fine — far surpassing anything I have ever seen. Although father is an "Envoy Extraordinary" here, his position is of such a delicate nature that it is impossible for him to accept any public invitations. 25 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN JUNE 20 Lord Castlereagh informed father that the English Mission will start on July 1 for Ghent. . . . JUNE 21 We leave to-morrow for Ghent by way of Paris, where we will remain for a week if possible. . . . JUNE 26: PARIS, SUNDAY We arrived at five o'clock to-day. JUNE 27 Father had a long visit from General de Lafayette, accompanied by Baron Humboldt.* They were both much pleased that he had had an interview with the Emperor Alexander, but both agree with him that they fear now Russian mediation will be of little use. . . . JUNE 29 I saw the King to-day driving in state . . . went to the Fraji^ais in the evening — Racine's Phedre very fine. The King and other members of the Royal Family were present. JUNE 30 I went to Versailles to-day. What memories it awakens, particularly the Petit Trianon ! I do not think there is a palace in the world to equal Versailles. I shut my eyes and conjured up Louis XIV and his Court with all its splendours. I was accompanied by a son of the Due de la Rochefoucauld D'Enville. He is most interesting, and told me many quaint episodes of history. One which impressed and amused me was that when the Electress Sophia, "mother of George I," came on one occasion to visit her sister, the Duchesse d'Orleans, on taking leave of the Queen, etiquette required that she should only raise the skirt of the Queen's robe and kiss it, being only * Baron Humboldt, born 1707, died 1835. Statesman and Author. 2() DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 an electress. The Queen, to avoid her doing this, stepped behind a chair, and the electress kissed the chair, JULY 1 We leave to-morrow for Ghent by easy stages as father is not feeling very well. . . . JULY 7: GHENT, THURSDAY We arrived here to-day and are lodged very comfortably in the Hotel d'Alcantara, corner of the Rue des Champs. Ghent looks clean and cheerful. The inhabitants speak only Flemish. All seem employed in commerce. There is an English garrison here; the uniforms make the streets very bright. They call private residences hotels in this country. The house is large and all the delegates are to lodge here. JULY 9 No news of the English Mission. JULY 15 Nothing to do. Mr. Adams in a very bad temper. Mr. Clay annoys him. Father pours oil on the troubled waters. I am now reading a history of the Low Coun- tries. . . . The women are so ugly here. . . . We had waffles for breakfast — it reminded me of home. It seems they are an old Dutch dish. . . . AUGUST 7 At last ! The British Mission arrived this afternoon. We heard they were coming and I actually saw them ar- rive. They are lodged in a fine Carthusian monastery. . . . AUGUST 8 To-day was the first meeting. The British Commissioners, as a base of discussion re the treaty — demanded that the Indian tribes should have the whole of the North- Western Territory. 27 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN This comprises the States of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois — four-fifths of Indiana and the third of Ohio. That an Indian sovereignty should be constituted under the guarantee of Great Britain: this is to protect Canada. Father mildly suggested that there were more than a hundred thousand American citizens settled in these States and territories. The answer was: "They must look after themselves." Father is not impressed with the British delegates. They are Lord Gambier, Henry Goulburn,* and William Adams— men who have not made any mark and have no influence or weight. He attaches but little importance to them as they are but the puppets of Lords Castlereagh and Liverpool. Father feels he is quite capable of dealing with them. . . . AUGUST 9 The other demands are of little importance. They consist of Sackett's Harbour and Fort Niagara, so as to have control of the lakes. But all this means the dis- memberment of the United States. ... Father drafted the rejection of the British "Sine qua non.'* AUGUST 10 Father finds greater difficulty with his own colleagues. The accident which placed him at the foot of the Com- mission placed Mr. Adams at the head of it. Messrs. Clay, Bayard, and Russell let Mr. Adams plainly know that, though he might be the nominal mouthpiece, Gallatin was their leader. Clay uses strong language to Adams, and Adams returns the compliment. Father looks calmly on with a twinkle in his eye. To-day there was a severe storm, and father said, "Gentlemen, gentlemen, we must remain united or we will fail. . . ," ♦Henry Goulbum (1784-1856). Member for Horsham, 1808. Under Secretary for Home Aflfairs, 1810. Under Secretary for War, 1812. Chancellor of the Exchequer to the Duke of Wellington, 1828. Home Secretary, 1835. He was elected member for Cambridge University in 1831. DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 AUGUSl 11 Mr. Adams insisted upon drafting the first dispatch to-day and submitted to the others for a revision. Mr. Bayard used it simply as a foundation for his own draft; after quarrelling they referred to father. He put it into shape, and after endless discussion all the Commissioners ended by adopting it. After this father drafted all other dispatches. He wishes all dispatches to be without any offence to the feeling of the English delegates. AUGUST 12 He fears negotiations will soon come to an end and has but little hope; he does not think the British Govern- ment wish to make peace or they would have sent more powerful delegates. AUGUST 20 To-day I copied a private note from him to Mr. Monroe: "We will not remain here long, the position is untena- ble; I am preparing for departure. Our negotiations may be considered at an end. Great Britain wants war in order to cripple us; she wants aggrandisement at our expense. I do not expect to be longer than three months in Europe." Still lingering on and nothing arrived at. We are kept in absolute ignorance of the cause of the delay. It is most galling. It seems Mr. Goulburn does everything to obstruct matters. This may be to gain time to receive his orders from Lord Castlereagh. . . . AUGUST 21 We all dine at the Intendant's to-day, the delegates of both sides. They always entertain here on Sunday — how different from London ! It is the gayest day. The working people have a cheerful holiday; in London they show joy by getting drunk. . . . 29 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN AUGUST 22 Mr. Clay sat next to Mr. Goulburn; he told father afterwards that he had decidedly made Goulburn understand that we intended to await further instructions from America. Mr. Bayard also had a long conversation after dinner with Mr. Goulburn, but he said he made no impression. . . . AUGUST 23 Lord Castlereagh arrived here to-day on his way to Vienna. AUGUST 24 He had a long conference with his delegates, after which he saw father, and was most gracious. I was present. He said he had written to Lord Liverpool. . . . AUGUST 26 Father much fears that Mr. Adams will do harm. . . . SEPTEMBER 3 Father is much annoyed with Mr. Goulburn. He saw him to-day. The latter said: "I don't think you have the slightest intention of making peace." Father answered : " Surely you cannot mean this ! Why should I have taken the long journey to Russia in 1813 and given up everything else in the one hope of making peace t SEPTEMBER 4 We have given notice to our landlord and intend leaving on October 1. Father is quite convinced that Mr. Goulburn has made some serious mistakes and that he has been reprimanded. SEPTEMBER 5 A note from Lord Bathurst: the pith of it is that it would be more becoming on the part of the United States 30 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 to agree to surrender the Lakes to England and the North-West Territory to the Indians. . . . SEPTEMBER 9 Mr. Adams drafted a long reply to it, which he submitted to father, who did not approve of it as it would only add fuel to the fire. He wrote his own reply, and for a wonder Mr. Adams approved of it. . . . SEPTEMBER 15 There is a continual passing of notes and we still are no nearer a solution. Father is getting rather despondent, but only shows this to me, keeping a cheerful and hopeful demeanour before the others. The Indian Territory question is a great difficulty. Father says if the Indians were included in the peace — and to be in the same position as they were — our Government would break off negotia- tions. He was of opinion that it would be folly to break up negotiations on that account. England could not now retreat from the position she had taken up with regard to the Indian Territory with dignity. . . . SEPTEMBER 20 Father has drafted a reply to the British note. It is to this end, that they were willing to recognize the Indians as an independent nation; they refused to allow them to be included in the treaty in any manner, although they would be allowed their old rights and privileges. . . . SEPTEMBER 26 The note was signed to-day and sent to Washington. Mr. Goulburn came to see father. He was most gracious and informed him he relied on his tact and good sense that he could treat with him; in fact, that he was not the least like an American. I do not know if father 31 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN was pleased or not. He says the only Americans are the Red Indians. . . . SEPTEMBER 30 It seems that Lord Liverpool wishes the offer of the Indian amnesty proffered to be accepted. Lord Bathurst is of the same mind. At last a slight ray of hope that there may be a happy termination. OCTOBER 3 It is now thought advisable to call for a projet of a treaty. Mr. Clay has insisted upon drafting the American reply himself. . . . OCTOBER 22 The British Commissioners sent a note yesterday; the pith of it is that the basis of uti possidetis be admitted and that they would treat on that basis alone. . . . OCTOBER 24 I copied a short note to-day which was sent to the British Commissioners, drafted by father. It was to the effect that they would not treat on the basis of uti possidetis but only on the basis of status quo ante helium, with regard to territory, also asking for a British projet. . . . OCTOBER 29 We are all hard at work framing our projet. It is a most difficult task, as both Mr. Adams and Mr. Clay object to everything except what they suggest themselves. Father remains calm but firm and does all he can to keep peace. The articles on impressment, blockade, and indemnities are assigned to Mr. Adams; the boundaries and fisheries to father. OCTOBER 30 Father to-day drew up an article re American rights to fish in British waters and British rights to navigate the 32 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 Mississippi, which were confirmed by the treaty of 1783. Mr. Clay objected to them. A long and angry discussion ensued. One question was, what were the fisheries worth? The other the value of the navigation of the Mississippi. Father wishes to save the fisheries; Mr. Clay would not assent to anything. . . . NOVEMBER 3 This drafting still goes on — endless discussions and violent arguments which I can see father thinks futile, but he never loses patience. NOVEMBER 5 A vote to-day on father's proposed articles. Mr. Clay and Mr. Russell opposed it; father, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Bayard approved. So the articles were inserted in the projet. We are getting a little more into shape. . . . NOVEMBER 7 Father is doubtful if the questions of the fisheries and the Mississippi were not made permanent by the treaty of 1783. NOVEMBER 10 The projet signed to-day and sent. The fisheries and Mississippi navigation left out. NOVEMBER 12 We have to wait patiently for an answer, as all has to be submitted to the superiors in London. NOVEMBER 26 The British contre-projet sent to-da,y; no allusions to the fishery question. A clause claiming free navigation of the Mississippi. . . . 33 1814] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN NOVEMBER 28 A dreadful day. Angry disputes on the contre-projet. Father wishes the clause re the Mississippi accepted. Mr. Clay would not hear of it. Mr. Adams in opposition to Mr. Clay. Nothing arrived at. . . . NOVEMBER 28 To-day father received a private dispatch from the Duke of Wellington. I have only just seen it. It is marked "Strictly confidential." It is couched in the most friendly terms, assuring father he has brought all his weight to bear to ensure peace. He goes on to say: "As I gather, Mr. Madison as well as Mr. Monroe gave you full power to act, without even consulting your colleagues on points you considered of importance. I now feel that peace is shortly in view. Mr. Goulburn has made grave errors and Lord Castlereagh has read him a sharp lesson." Father burnt this dispatch and does not even know that I have recorded it. I wanted to copy it, and was doing so when he took it off the table and burned it. . . . NOVEMBER 29 Father's proposition to accept the Mississippi clause after prolonged discussion was carried with a clause containing the taking, drying, and curing of fish, as secured by the former Treaty of Peace. DECEMBER 7 An answer refusing to accept this proposition received to-day. More discussion, everlasting bickering, and matters delayed. Father can no longer support Mr. Adams; he has tried his patience too far. DECEMBER 12 Another private note from the Duke of Wellington assuring father of his support. He says: "Pray do S4 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1814 not take ofYence at what I say. In you I have the greatest confidence. I hear on all sides that your modera- tion and sense of justice, together with your good common sense, places you above all the other delegates, not except- ing ours. The Emperor Alexander has assured me of this. He says we can place absolute reliance in your word. I have always had the greatest admiration for the country of your birth. You are a foreigner with all the traditions of one fighting for the peace and welfare of the country of your adoption." Father, I think, was pleased. He is a foreigner and is proud of it. . . . DECEMBER 22 An answer to-day. The fisheries and Mississippi clauses to be withdrawn and to be referred to further negotia- tions. It would be withdrawn so as not to be mentioned in the treaty. Father now sees clearly the avowed wish of the English Government to make peace. ... DECEMBER 24 The treaty was signed to-day in the refectory of the monastery. Later on there was a solemn service in the cathedral; it was most impressive. We all attended as well as the Intendant, all the oflBcers and the high oflacials of Ghent. CHRISTMAS DAY The British delegates very civilly asked us to dinner. The roast beef and plum pudding was from England, and everybody drank everybody else's health. The band played first "God Save the King," to the toast of the King, and "Yankee Doodle," to the toast of the President. Congratulations on all sides and a general atmosphere of serenity; it was a scene to be remembered. 35 1815J DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN God grant there may be always peace between the two nations. I never saw father so cheerful; he was in high spirits, and his witty conversation was much appreciated. DECEMBER 27 We have now to wait for the ratification of the treaty. Indeed, I find it a great rest for me. I have copied all father's letters as well as all the important ones that he has received. Although I am only seventeen years of age, I feel much older. Mr. Adams has shown great kindness to me. At first I did not like him, but now will be sorry when we part. JANUARY 1, 1815 I have enjoyed the last week very much. Ghent is en fete, dancing nearly every night. . . . JANUARY 8 The ratification of the treaty completed to-day. A great banquet offered by the town of Ghent takes place to-night. Poor father is not looking forward to it. . . . JANUARY 9 The banquet was very fine, lasting over five hours — • speeches, nothing but speeches and toasts. Father said but a few words, but they were carefully chosen and seemed to go to the hearts of all. He spoke in French and ended in a most witty strain. JANUARY 10 We are leaving now as soon as possible for Geneva. . . . The Jollowing letters are of interest as a tribute to the part played by Albert Gallatin in the conclusion of the Treaty of Ghent. f- '-5 00 C 1 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN 11815 MADAME DE STAEL to ALBERT GALLATIN * CoppET, Suisse, Pays de Vaud, Ce 31 Juillet, 1814 Vous m'avez permis de vous demander si vous avez quelque siicces heureux a esperer de votre mission. Mandez-moi a cet egard, m}' dear Sir, tout ce qu'il vous est permis de me dire. Je suis inquiete d'un mot de Lord Castlereagh sur la duree de la guerre et je ne m'explique pas pourquoi il a dit qu'il etait de I'interet de I'Angleterre que le Congres de Vienne s'ouvrit plus tard. C'est vous, Amerique, qui m'interesse avant tout maintenant, a part de mes affaires peeuniaires. Je vous trouve a present les opprimes du parti de la liberte et je vois en vous la cause qui m'attachait a I'Angleterre il y a un an. On souhaite beaucoup de vous voir a Geneve et vous y trouverez la Republique telle que vous I'avez laissee, seulement elle est moins liberale car la mode est ainsi maintenant en Suisse. Aussi les vieux aristocrates se relevent et se remettent a combattre, en oubliant, comme les geants de I'Arioste, qu'ils sont deja morts. * MADAME DE STAEL to ALBERT GALLATIN CoppET, Suisse, Pays de Vaud, July 31, 1814 You gave me permission to ask what hopes you have of the success of your mission. Let me know, my dear sir, all that you are permitted to tell me. I am disturbed by a word that Lord Castlereagh let drop about the duration of the war, and I cannot understand why he said that it was to England's interest that the opening of the Congress of Vienna should be postponed. It is above all in you — America — that I am interested now apart from the question of my finances. I find you at the moment the oppressed champions of liberty, and it is in you that I find the same cause that attached me to England a year ago. Every one is very anxious to see you at Geneva, and you will find the Republic there the same as you left it; only it is less liberal — for that is the fashion at the moment in Switzerland. The old aristocrats 37 92217 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN J'espere que la raison triomphera, et quand on vous connait on trouve cette raison si spirituelle qu'elle semble la plus forte. Soyez pacifique cependant et sacrifiez aux circonstances. Vous devez vous ennuyer a Gand et je voudrais profiter pour causer avec vous de tout le temps que vous y perdez. Avez-vous quelques com- missions a faire a Geneve et voulez-vous me donner le plaisir de vous y etre utile en quelque chose? Mille compliments empresses. N. DE Stael-holstein. Vous savez que M. Sismondi vous a lou6 dans son discours a St. Pierre. MADAME DE STAfiL to ALBERT GALLATIN * Paris, Rue de Crenelle St. Germain, No. 105 30 Septembre, 1814 Je vous ai ecrit de Coppet, my dear Sir, et je n'ai point eu de reponse. Je crains que ma lettre ne vous too are rising, and entering the arena again, forgetting like Ariosto's giants that they are already dead. I hope Reason will triumph, and to one who knows you, she bears a quality so noble and high-minded that her strength appears supreme. Strive for peace, nevertheless, and be guided by circumstances. You must be wearied at Ghent, and I would fain have the opportunity of passing in converse with you all the time that you are losing there. Have you any commissions that you wish executed at Geneva? If so, pray give me the pleasure of doing you some service. A thousand compliments. N. DE StaEl-hglstein. You have doubtless heard that M. Sismondi sang your praises in his speech at St. Pierre. * MADAME DE STAEL to ALBERT GALLATIN Paris, Rue de Grenelle St. Germain, 105, September 30. I WROTE to you from Coppet, my dear Sir, and I have not had any answer from you. I fear my letter has never reached you. Will you DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 soit pas parvenue. Soyez assez bon pour mc dire ce que vous pouvez me dire sur la vente de mcs fonds en Amerique. Je suis si inquiete que I'idee me venait d'envoyer mon fils en Amerique pour tirer ma fortune de la. Songez qu'elle y est presque toute entiere, c'est a dire que j'y ai quinze cents mille francs, soit en terres soit en fonds publiques, soit chez les banquiers. Soyez aussi assez bon pour me dire si vous restez a Gand. Mon fils en allant en Angleterre pourrait passer par chez vous donner mes nouvelles de Paris. Enfin je vous prie de m'accorder quelques lignes sur tout ce qui m'interesse. Vous pouvez compter sur ma discretion et sur ma reconnaissance, et je merite peut- etre quelque bienviellance par mes efi'orts pour vous servir. Lord Wellington pretend que je ne le vois jamais sans le precher sur I'Ameriquc. Vous savez de quelle haute consideration je suis penetree pour votre esprit et votre caractere. Mille compliments. N. DE Stael-holstein. be good enough to tell me all you can about the sale of my property in America. I am so anxious that I thought of sending my son to America to withdraw my fortune from that country. Remember that nearly the whole of it is there, that is to say some fifteen hundred thousand francs, in land and public funds or at my bankers. Be good enough also to tell nu\ if you remain at (Jlicnt. My son could go to see you on his way to lOngland and give yovi my news from Paris. Lastly, I beg of you to send me a few lines on anything iliat interests me; you can count on my discretion and gratitude — and I deserve perhaps some kindness for the efforts I have made to serve you. Lord Wellington pretends that I never see him without j)reaching to him on the subjcsct of America. I need not tell you how much I admire your wit and your character. A thousand compliments. N. DE Stael-holstein. 39 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN ALBERT GALLATIN to IVLVDAME DE STAEL-HOLSTEIN* Gand, 4 Oclohre, 1814 Ce n'est que hier, my dear Madam, que j'ai regu votre lettre du 23 Septembre; celle que vous m'aviez fait le plaisir de m'ecrire de Coppet m'etait bien par- venue; mais malgre la parfaite confiance que vous m'avez inspiree, il etait de mon devoir de ne rien laisser transpirer de nos negociations; et j'esperais tous les jours pouvoir vous annoncer le lendemain quelque chose de positive. Nous sommes toujours dans le meme etat d'incertitude, mais il me parait impossible que cela puisse durer longtemps, et je vous promets que vous serez la premiere instruite du resultat. Malgre les facheux auspices sous lesquels nous avions commence a traiter, je n'avais point perdu I'esperance de pouvoir reussir. II faut cependant convenir que ce qui s'est passe a la prise de Washington pent faire naitre de nouveaux obstacles a la paix. Une incursion momen- tanee et la destruction d'un Arsenal et d'un fregate ne sont qu'une bagatelle; mais faire sauter ou bruler les palais du Congres et du President, et les bureaux des differents departements c'est un acte de Vandalisme dont * LETTER OF ALBERT GALLATIN to MADAME DE STAEL-HOLSTEIN Ghent, October 4, 1814. It was only yesterday, my dear Madam, that I received your letter of September 30. The one that you were kind enough to WTite from Coppet reached me safely. But in spite of the perfect confidence with which you inspire me it was my duty not to let anything transpire of our negotiations, and I had hopes every day that on the morrow I should have some definite news to give to you. We are always in the same state of uncertainty, but it seems to me impossible that this can continue for long, and I promise you that you shall be the first to hear of the result. Despite the unpropitious auspices under which we began to treat, I have never lost hope that we shall succeed in the end. It must however be admitted that what took place at the capture of Washington may bring forth further obstacles in the way 40 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 la guerre de vingt ans en Europe depuis les frontieres de la Russie jusqu'a Paris et de celles du Danemarc jusqu'a Naples, n'offre aucun exemple, et qui doit neces- sairement exasperer les esprits. Est-ce parceque a I'exception de quelques eathedrales, I'Angleterre n'avait aucun edifice public qui put leur etre compare? Ou serait-ce pour consoler la populace de la cite de Londres de ce que Paris n'a ete ni pille ni brule? Tout en vous disant cela, je ne me plains point de la conduite des Anglais, qui, si la guerre continue, loin de nous nuire n'aura servi qu'a unir et animer la nation. Sous ce point de vue, la maniere dont on nous fait la guerre doit pleinement rassurer ceux qui avaient des craintes mal fondees sur la permanence de notre union et de notre Gouvernement Federatif. Et il n'y a qu'une dissolution totale qui puisse renverser nos finances et nous faire manquer a nos engagements. Je comprends cependant fort bien que lorsqu'on n'est pas Americain, Ton desirerait dans ce moment avoir sa fortune ailleurs que dans ce pays la; je puis avoir des prejuges trop favorables et ne voudrais aucunement vous induire en erreur. Mais il me semble que vendre vos fonds a 15 ou 20 of peace. A sudden raid and the destruction of an Arsenal and a frigate are a mere trifle, but to blow up and burn the House of Congress and the President's Palace, and the offices of the various departments, is an act of vandalism to which the Twenty Years' War in Europe, a war that extended from the Russian frontier to Paris, and from Denmark to Naples, cannot offer a parallel, and which must neces- sarily embitter the temper. Was it because, with the possible exception of a few cathedrals, England has not a single building that can compare with them, or was it to console the popula(;e of the city of London for the fact that Paris was neither sacked nor burnt? All the same I am not complaining at all of the conduct of the English, which, far from hurting us, will, if the war continues, only serve to unite and to animate our country. From this point of view their manner of conducting the war must amply reassure all who cherished groundless fears for the permanence of our Union and our Federal Ciovernment. And nothing short of a total rupture can upset our finances and make us fail in our engagements. Notwithstanding 41 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN pour cent de perte en serait iin sacrifice inutile. lis tomberont probablement encore plus si la guerre con- tinue, mais les interets seront toujours fidelement payes et le capital sera au pair six mois apres la paix. Nous nous sommes tires d'une bien plus mauvaise situation. A la fin de la guerre de I'independance nous n'avions ni finances ni Gouvernement; notre population ne s'elevait qu'a environ trois millions et demi, la nation etait extreme- ment pauvre, la dette publique etait presqu'egale a ce qu'elle est actuellement; les fonds perdaient de 80 a 85 pour cent. Nous n'avons cependant pas fait faillite; nous n'avons pas reduit la dette a un tiers par un trait de plume; avec de I'economie et surtout de la probite, nous avons fait face a tout, remis tout au pair, et pendant les dix annees qui avaient precede la guerre actuelle nous avions paye la moitie du capital de notre ancienne dette. Au milieu de toutes nos factions, n'importe quel parti ait gouverne, le meme esprit les a toujours animes a cet egard. Le meme esprit regne encore; nous sommes tres I understand that one who is not an American would prefer to have his fortune at the present moment elsewhere than in that country; I may myself be somewhat prejudiced and under no circumstances would I wish to mislead you. But it is my personal opinion that to sell your investments at a loss of 15 to 20 per cent, would be a useless sacrifice. They will probably fall still further if the war continues, but the interest will always be faithfully paid and the capital will be back at par six months after peace is made. We extricated ourselves from a worse position than the present. At the end of the War of Independence we had neither money nor government; our population did not amount to more than three and a half millions, the country was extremely poor, the national debt was nearly as large as it is at present, and the Funds fell 80 to 85 per cent. Nevertheless we did not go bankrupt, we did not by a stroke of the pen reduce our debt to a third. By economy and, above all, by honesty, we met every obligation, restored all to par value, and in the course of the ten years that preceded the present war paid off half of the capital of our original debt. In the midst of all our party differences, no matter which party was in power, the same spirit as regards finance has always animated our 42 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 riches; nous etions huit millions d'ames au commence- ment de la guerre, et la population augmente de deux cent cinquante mille ames par an. Si je n'ai pas entierement meconnu I'Amerique, ses ressources et la moralite de sa politique, je ne me trompe pas en croyant ses fonds publics plus solides que ceux de toutes les puissances Europeennes. Si cependant vous avez peur, attendez du moins la conclusion de nos negociations; vous n'avez pas le temps de faire vendre avant cette epoque. Je serai au reste encore quinze jours au moins a Gand et donnerai avec grand plaisir a M. votre fils tous les ren- seignements en mon pouvoir s'il passe par ici en allant en Angleterre. Je suis tres sensible a tout ce que vous avez fait pour etre utile a I'Amerique; je sens encore plus combien je vous dois; vous m'avez re^u et acceuilli comme si j'eusse ete une ancienne connaissance. Avant de vous connaitre je respectais en vous Madame de Stael et la fille de Madame Necker, aux ecrits et a I'exemple de qui j'ai plus d'obligation que je ne puis exprimer. Mais je vous avouerai que j'avais grand peur de vous; une femme tres elegante et aimable et le premier genie de son sexe; Ton tremblerait a moins; vous eutes a peine country. The same spirit reigns still. We are very wealthy; at the beginning of the war our population stood at eight million souls and it increases at the rate of 250,000 souls every year. If I have not utterly misunderstood America, her resources and her political morality, then I am right in beUeving that her public funds are as good a security as those of any Power in Europe. If you are still afraid, at least await the conclusion of these negotiations. You have not time to sell before. I shall be staying at Ghent for another fortnight at least, and will be happy to give your son all the information in my power, if he passes by here on his way to England. I am very sensible of all the help that you have given to America; and am yet more sensible of what I owe to you personally. You received and welcom ;d me as if I was an old acquaintance. Before I knew you I respected in you, Madame de Stael, the daughter of Madame Necker, to whose writings and example I am under a deeper obligation than I am able to express. But I will confess that I was very much afraid of you. Before a woman so elegant and so amiable, and the greatest genius of her sex — one could not but tremble. You had hardly opened your lips 43 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN ouvert les levres que je fus rassure, et en moins de cinq minutes je me seiitis aupres de vous comme avec une amie de vingt ans. Je n'aurais fait que vous admirer, mais votre bonte egale vos talents et e'est pour cela que je vous aime. Agreez-en, je vous prie, I'assurance et soyez sure du plaisir que me procurerait I'occasion de pouvoir vous etre bon a quelque chose. Albert Gallatin. ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT to ALBERT GALLATIN Je n'ai pas ete assez heureux pour vous trouver ce matin, mon illustre ami. J'aurais bien desire cependant vous parler de mon attachement constant et tendre, de mon vif interet pour la paix que vous avez eu la gloire de conclure dans des circonstances difRciles. J'aurais voulu vous feliciter sur cette belle et noble defense de la Nouvelle-Orleans qui fera respecter les armees de la Liberte. Comme les flottes qui voguent sous votre pavilion se sont couvertes de gloire depuis longtemps ! Que dans ces temps malheureux mes j^eux se fixent avec attendrissement sur ces contrees qui seront bientot le centre de la civilisation humaine ! Je ferais d'autres tentatives pour vous trouver et recommander de nouveau Mr. Warden, mon ami et celui de Messrs. Berthollet, Thenard, Gay Lussac, et de tout ce qui aime les sciences. Je ne puis croire qu'un homme aussi instruit, aussi doux, aussi honnete, aussi attache aux Etats-Unis, a M. Jeffer- son et aux doctrines vertueuses puisse etre rejette par votre gouvernement. Je supplie Madame Gallatin d'agreer I'hommage de mon respecteux devouement. before my confidence returned, and after five minutes in your company I felt that I had been your friend for twenty years. My admiration was yours in any case. But finding your kindness is only equalled by your talents, I cannot but love you. Accept, I pray you, my assurance of this, and believe me when I say that it will always be a pleasure to me to serve you in any way within my power. Albert Gallatin. 44 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 Quel contraste entre cette epoque et celle ou vous me vites a Londres ennuye des "Magnanimous Souverains et de la croisade des heros!" * Humboldt. QuAi Malaquais, No. 3. Jeudi, *ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT to ALBERT GALLATIN I HAD not the pleasure of finding you this morning, my noble friend. Nevertheless I would fain have spoken with you of my constant and sincere attachment and of my keen interest in the peace which you have had the honour to conclude under the most difficult circumstances. I would have Hked to congratulate you on your fine and courageous defence of New Orleans, which will gain respect for the armies of Liberty. The fleets which sail under your Flag have indeed for long covered themselves with glory. How tenderly in these unhappy times my eyes gaze on the countries so soon to be the centre of the civiliza- tion of the world. I would make other attempts to find you and to recommend again to your notice Mr. Warden, my friend and the friend of Messieurs BerthoUet, Thenard and Gay Lussac, as indeed he is of every friend of learning. I cannot believe that a man so full of learning, so gentle and so honourable, so firm a friend of the United States, of Mr. Jefferson and his virtuous doctrines, can be rejected by your Government. I entreat Madame Gallatin to accept the expression of my respectful homage and devotion. What a contrast this period presents to the time when you saw me in London, weary of the Magnanimous Sovereigns and the Heroes' Crusade. Humboldt. 3 QuAi Malaquais, Thursday. 45 PART II FROM THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREATY OF GHENT TO THE SIGNATURE OF THE TREATY OF COMMERCE JANUARY— JULY 1815 JANUARY 20, 1815: GENEVA We arrived here to-day. Father was very excited, as it was his first visit to his native land after so many years absence. We went direct to the Gallatin House. The entrance is in the Cite, a steep narrow lane paved with small round cobble-stones. The house faces on the Rue de la Corratrie. It is very fine, and belongs to Monsieur Naville, who married the daughter and heiress of Count Paul Michael de Gallatin, who was the head of the family. Our coat- of-arms in stone used to be high up over the door, but during the Revolution some miscreants destroyed it, leaving only the two lions the supporters. JANUARY 21 Crowds of visitors all day to welcome father. Madame de Stael came from Coppet. She is not handsome, but such a great charm of manner. She was oddly dressed, seeming to have one or two skirts on top of the other, a great pelisse of green cloth lined with sable, on her head a high green caleche. She invited both father and myself to pay her a visit at Coppet. She is not tall, rather fat, and has coarse features but splendid eyes. 46 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 JANUARY 22 This morning the Syndics came in a body to greet father and to congratulate him on the successful termina- tion of the Peace with England. Then Monsieur Sismondi* made a discours full of laudation of father, much to the latter's annoyance. After they withdrew Benjamin Constant was announced; he rushed up to father, seized him in his arms, and kissed him on both cheeks. There was some excuse for him as he is a relation of ours. Large dinner of forty at 3 o'clock, nearly all rela- tives — Navilles, Saladins, Sellons, Sarrasins, Humberts, Diodatis, de Budes, Pictets, Lullins, &c. &c. I was much struck with their great simplicity and dignity of manner; it was all a revelation to me. The ladies were very plainly dressed with hardly any jewels. So odd, they never change your knife and fork after the fish is served, but have little silver rests by each plate for them. The dinner lasted two hours and a half. After escorting the ladies to the drawing-room — where all the women kissed their hostess, then kissed each other, and we men kissed their hands. All this was done in a most solemn and dignified manner — then our host, knowing father's habit, conducted him with some of the other guests to the library to smoke. Father smokes regularly eleven strong cigars a day. After about an hour we adjourned to the large gallery. All the ladies were seated stiffly around the room. Only one person talked at a time. It is called a salon. It was interesting at first, but after three hours of it I w' jed myself in Paris. At 9 o'clock supper was announced. . . JANUARY 23 All day paying visits; a quiet evening. JANUARY 24 We go on a tour of visits, starting on the 2Gth. I am in love with Geneva, it is so beautiful although it is winter; * J. C. L. Sismondi, born 1773, died 1842, a Genevan and famous historian. 47 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN they tell me I must see it in summer. A large supper to-night — other members of our family and relations, together with Monsieur de Lavalette and Monsieur Bonstetten. . . . JANUARY 25 A very tiring day, paying visits in the morning. From 5 till 7 o'clock one deputation followed the other to greet father. I think he was bored; I know I was. . . . JANUARY 26 We started at 10 o'clock and arrived at Chateau de Rozay, near Rolle. My grandmother was a Mile Rolaz du Rozay. The chateau is small with turrets, very old and very comfortable. My two du Rozay cousins, who are about my age, are immensely tall and broad in proportion, one being 6 ft. 4 in., the other an inch taller. It seems that they are always hunting chamois in the mountains. I feel like a dwarf next to them. A portrait of my grandmother as a girl, not pretty; but one of her sisters who married a Prussian, Count Doenhoff, is quite lovely; she was Mistress of the Robes to the Queen of Prussia and a famous beauty. . . . JANUARY 28: CHATEAU DE ROZAY We leave here to-morrow and go to the Chateau d'Allaman. JANUARY 29: ALLAMAN Allaman, on the Lake Leman, belongs to Count Sellon (his mother was a Gallatin). A beautiful castle, filled with Gobelin tapestry and furniture; one room all pink tapestry. We dined in the chapel — 60 ft. long and 30 ft. wide, stone floor. . . . JANUARY 30 The family are charming — four daughters, all young. 48 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 The youngest is named Hortense. The Queen Hortense* was her godmother. The latter has stopped for weeks at Allaman. They have an authentic ghost here, not in the house but in the park; I hope to see it before I leave. It is in the form of a monk reading a book. He is to be seen in one of the alleys of the wood approaching; as you get quite close he vanishes. All the family have seen it, as well as hundreds of others. Monsieur de Sellon stations men with bill-hooks at various places to cut down branches, as he thinks it but an optical illusion. . . . JANUARY 31 I saw the ghost at 12.30 to-day. It is certainly extra- ordinary. They fired point-blank at it without any effect. . . . FEBRUARY 1 Too tired to write last night. A beautiful day, bright sunshine. We have been skating all day. Our visit terminates to-morrow. To-night a large supper in honour of Joseph Bonaparte,t the ex-King of Spain, the eldest brother of Napoleon. He lives at Prangins on the lake. Monsieur de Sellon had a letter to-day from the Queen Hortense — he read parts of it aloud to us. Evidently she is in great trouble. FEBRUARY 2 Joseph Bonaparte is handsome — acts as if he were still King of Spain. He arrived with a large suite. We were presented to him by the Count de Sellon before supper. He had a long conversation with father on the state of Europe. He is very rich. He spoke with much feeling * Hortense de Beauharnais, daughter of the Empress Josephine by her first husband, married Louis Bonaparte January 3, 1802, was Queen of Holland and mother of Napoleon III. t Joseph, the eldest brother of Napoleon, bom 1768, died 1844, was King of Naples and King of Spain. 49 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN of Napoleon. He married Julie Clary, the daughter of a Marseilles tallow-chandler; she had some money. Father does not like the Bonapartes or their entourage — says Joseph Bonaparte shows his middle-class bringing up both in speech and movements, that Napoleon is better where he is. Although father is representing a republic and believes in republics, he has a strong affection for the House of Bourbon. We drove with four horses and postillions to the Chateau de Veufflans, above Lausanne. At the bottom of the hill two more horses were added, sent by Monsieur de Senarclan. The names are so funny. Veufflans is superb, built by the Reine Berthe in 1000. It is in bad repair; it w^ould cost over a million francs to restore it. After we arrived a deputation presented an address to father from Lausanne in the name of the Canton de Vaud. . . . FEBRUARY 3: VEUFFLANS I went to-day to the Chateau de Chillon, near Vevey. It is most interesting; such a wonderful position, built out into the lake. It belonged to the Duke of Savoy. Another dinner lasting two hours, some music, which was a relief, then talk, talk, talk, and the usual trays passed round, one closely following the other. I w^as glad to get to bed. . . . FEBRUARY 4 We go to-morrow to Sergy, which belongs to Monsieu^ Pictet, another relation. . . . FEBRUARY 5 A beautiful house. Snowing hard all day. A very large party but of little interest. . . . FEBRUARY 6 We left here this morning in a most comfortable sleigh for Coppet; we had three relays of horses, the last sent 50 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 by Madame de Stael. This chateau is charming — a wonderful view of the lake and mountains, the latter covered with snow. A great many people stopping here. We were very tired after our long cold drive. Madame de Stael most kind and seems so genuinely glad to welcome us. Mile Albertine de Stael, her daughter, is very pretty and graceful; she is betrothed to the Due de Broglie, He looks very untidy and dull but very much in love. Auguste de Stael, her son, looked very serious. Monsieur Benjamin Constant, Monsieur Sismondi, Due and Duchesse de Duras, Due and Duchesse de Clermont- Tonnerre (she is a sister of Monsieur de Sellon), and Monsieur de Bonstetten are among the guests. Not such a long dinner. Some music; then the Due de Broglie and Mile de Stael, the Duchesse de Duras and Monsieur de Montmorency, danced a minuet with great dignity and grace. As I was very tired father asked permission for me to retire, so I went to bed early. FEBRUARY 7: COPPET A delightful day. Up early. Had my caje au lait when I met de Broglie. He kindly proposed to go with me and show me what was to be seen at Coppet. He improves on acquaintance. Dejeuner at 11.30. Madame de Stael's first appearance; she does all her correspondence and writing in bed. She was most animated. Questioned father about the proceedings at Ghent; congratulated him, adding: "I had a letter from Milord Wellington this morning. He praises you, saying you had used great wisdom and tact." She told us some funny stories about Madame Patterson Bonaparte, the American wife of King Jerome, whose wit, beauty, and virtue she extolled. One story was very funny.* She had given * The page in the Diary on which this story is written had been ruined by dampness. In 1869 my grandfather, thinking this was the story, wrote it on a sheet of paper, pasting it over the ruined sheet. His memor>' must have been at fault, as the incident must have oc- curred much later. Editor. 51 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN a dinner at her house in Geneva, to which Madame Bonaparte was invited. Arriving very late, she delayed serving the dinner for over half an hour. On one side of her was a Mr. Dundas, a great gourmand, who was much put out at having to wait. After the soup had been served he turned to Madame Bonaparte and asked her if she had read the book of Captain Basil Hall on America. She replied in the affirmative. " Well, madame, did you notice that Hall said all Americans are vul- garians?" "Quite true," calmly answered Madame Bonaparte, "I am not in the least surprised. If the Americans had been the descendants of the Indians or the Esquimaux there might have been some reason to be astonished, but as they are the direct descendants of the English it is perfectly natural that they should be vulgarians." After this Mr. Dundas did not open his mouth again and left at the first opportunity. This afternoon we went out in Russian sledges, six of them. The Marquis of Huntly arrived, and we dined at 5 o'clock. A most interesting evening — our hostess most brilliant. She told us many episodes of the Revolution and the part she had taken in it: how she had helped so many of her friends to escape, having armed herself with pass- ports of difTerent nations; how Napoleon had persecuted her. She also spoke most feelingly of her father with tears in her eyes; it seems she adored him. FEBRUARY 8: COPPET The Marquis of Huntly* gave father a copy of a letter given to him by Mr. Barry. It is an account of an interview with Napoleon at Elba — most interesting. He first read it aloud. Madame de Stael could hardly contain herself * Marquis of Huntly, born 1743, died 1827, afterward Duke of Gordon. At the command of Louis XV he opened the ball at Versailles with the Dauphiness, 1770, and in 1826, at the age of eighty-four, danced with Madame de France, daughter of the Due de Berri. 52 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 and continually interrupted, exclaiming, " Cet animal; on devrait lui tordre le cou." Lord Huntly says that one of the reasons she hates Bonaparte so heartily is, when she once asked him whom he considered the greatest women in history he replied, "The women who had the most children." Madame de Stael had only two. COLONEL BARRY'S LETTER to THE MARQUIS OF HUNTLY "Mr. Douglas* dined with Colonel Barry yesterday. He had just come from the Island of Elba, where he had an audience of nearly two hours with Bonaparte. His account of him is as nearly as follows: On his arrival in the island he went to General Bertrand (who is a sort of chamberlain) to state that he was a mem- ber of the English Parliament and to request permission to pay his respects to the Emperor. General Bertrand was ill, but he received a very civil answer from General Drouet in the affirmative. He was accordingly intro- duced, and was received with great courtesy. Bonaparte asked several questions about his journey, and then, to the surprise of Mr. D., began to talk in the most unreserved manner of the state of affairs in Europe. He said that he lamented that the present Government had not given up the slave trade — that had he remained in power he would have done so, as it was a system of brigandage by which France was not benefited. He had proposed a plan for the settlement of St. Domingue, to give up the centre of the island to the blacks and to establish factories upon the coast. That he had conceived it would be attended with advantage to allow polygamy amongst the blacks, but upon consulting a certain bishop, 'un hon homme, cet Eveque m'a dit: c'est contraire a la religion Chretiennc' He abused the Emperor Alex- ander with great violence, said he was 'faux et un fat, * Mr. Douglas was an M.P., and a violent anti-Bonapartist. 53 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN J'ous ne poiivez pas avoir une idee de la faussete de cet Iwmme.' We were right, he said, in supposing that there had been secret articles in the treaty of Tilsit. Alexander was bound by them to go to war with England. ' Cela entra dans man systcmel' He said the Bourbons would repent it if they gave up Belgique. That he would have given up anything else, but that he knew the French people would not allow him to remain on the throne except as a conqueror. France would not bear to be confined to her ancient limits. He compared her to air compressed within too small a compass, the explosion of which was like thunder. 'Malheur aux Bourbons si jamais Us font la paix sans conserver aucune conquete: il y'a dans la France une jeunesse bouillante de 100,000 hommes accoutiimes au metier de la guerre.^ He was here evidently carried away by his subject and, suddenly recollecting himself, said: 'Mais ce n'est pas mon affaire — je suis mort.' In the course of conversation Prince Metternich was mentioned, and Mr. D. said, 'C'est un ban politique.' Bonaparte answered: ' Non, c'est un homme tres aimable et qui parle tres bien en compagnie, mais qui ment toujours; on pent mentir une fois, deux fois, trois fois, mais on ne peut pas mentir toujours, ce n'est pas selon ma politique.' England was, he said, at the height of her power and glory, but that we must remember that when nations were arrived at that point it was said they were near a decline. That the Continental Powers were jealous of our maritime rights and in time of peace would be as much so as they had been of his territorial acquisitions. He laughed and joked a great deal about the Pope and the tricks he had played to get him in his power, constantly repeating, 'Moi qui suis le meilleur Catholique du monde; il n'y a pas dans le monde un meilleur Catholique que moi,' and sentiments of this sort. He said he understood the world had expected that he would 54 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 have put a pistol to his head, but no, he had been born a soldier; had found the "Throne de France" vacant, circumstances had placed him on it, that he had remained there fourteen years, and had been obliged to descend from it. Having borne this 'ce serait un Idche qui ne pourrait pas soutenir V existence.' He was sorry, he said, at the close of the last campaign, when he had advanced to Ville Juis, he had not pushed on to Paris. He had 40,000 of his guards with him w^ho would have shed the last drop of blood for him, and he thinks his presence would have raised the people to defend the town — he wanted so much to do so but was dissuaded by his generals. He complained bitterly of Marmont. 'Could you have believed it that a man to whom I have actually given bread would have deserted me in that manner?' he said; that we had not done justice to the Americans; that there had never been any treaty between him and Madison, and they had held as high language to him as they had done to us. Mr. D. had crossed the Alps by the passage of the Simplon, one of the most splendid works of Bonaparte's reign; hearing it, he made many inquiries about the state of the road, and appeared minutely acquainted with it and interested on the subject. This is almost all I can recollect, nearly the whole of what Mr. D. related to us. He says Bona- parte is in excellent health — not too fat, as he had been told; very dirty and vulgar in his manner of speaking and extremely poor. The French Government have not paid him his pension, and in consequence he has been obliged to reduce his household one-half. He had 1200 troops in his pay, mostly veterans who had followed his fortunes from the Imperial Guards. Mr. D. says his apparent want of feeling is beyond anything he could have conceived. He could not learn anything on the subject of the reports that he was to leave Elba. Some time ago a felucca landed in one of the most barren parts of the island and 55 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN a messenger was dispatched to Bonaparte; he came down unattended by any servant and received a lady, whom he conducted to a country house of his. She remained there two days, at the end of which time he reconducted her in the same manner. They embraced often at parting. The Elbans think it was Marie Louise, but it is generally supposed to have been a Polish lady to whom he was attached. Mr. Douglas in the course of conversation two or three times mentioned the Empress, whom he had seen in Switzerland, but Bonaparte took no notice of it and appeared anxious to avoid the subject." NOTE ON ORIGINAL BY ALBERT GALLATIN Mr. Douglas's conversation with Bonaparte given to me at Geneva in February, 1815, hy the Marquis of Huntly, since Duke of Gordon. . . . A. a. Diary continued : FEBRUARY 8 After dinner Albertine de Stael sang some charming chansonettes, accompanying herself on a spinet. All the chairs were put in a circle and Madame de Stael held forth. She read some letters of Louis XVIII when he was in England. She also told us that it was a fact that the Due de Berri had married in London the daughter of an English clergyman and had children. Then Monsieur Bonstetten gave a little discourse on Voltaire and Byron, followed by Monsieur Sigismonde. Then father gave a most amusing account of his early life in America and of his first meeting with General Washing- ton in a log-cabin. I saw Madame de S. taking notes on her tablets. FEBRUARY 9: COPPET This morning Lord Huntly described the splendours of the ball at Versailles for the marriage of the Dauphin Louis XVI; that the King sent for him and commanded him to open the ball with Dauphine " Marie Antoinette." 56 <" S;^*'o )d^x ^ K H H < W DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 He saw how delighted I was and sent for me to come to his room. He gave me two of the invitation cards;* they are beautifully engraved. One is in colour, and in the top left-hand corner there is, "Porte et gradins a gauche"; in the centre of the coloured design is "Bal pare a Versailles your le mariage de Monseigneur Le Dauphin, Le Mercredi, 24. Fevrier, 1745," signed in the right-hand corner "De Bonneval." The other onef is beautifully engraved, is larger, and has the same wording. It was most kind of him. A large dinner at 5 o'clock, to be followed by a comedy written by our hostess. She takes a r61e as well as Monsieur de Montmorency. After breakfast Madame de Stael told father she believed greatly in heredity; undoubtedly he had inherited his talent for finance from their common ancestor Jacques Cceur.J More people arriving, I made my escape, and had a good afternoon's skating. The banquet is at 5 o'clock. We are leaving to-morrow, much to my regret. FEBRUARY 10: COPPET I was too tired last night to write. I can hardly describe last evening's festivities. Our hostess received her guests at the end of the large salon — the Due and Duchesse * The card printed in colour is for the marriage of the father of Louis XVI. Signed de Bonneval, who was "I'intendant des menus plaisirs du Roi." t The second card mentioned above is for the ball for the marriage in 1770 of the Dauphin, afterward Louis XVI, and is not signed. J Jacques Coeur, celebrated financier of the fifteenth century. Born at Bourges, died at Chio November 25, 1456. He lent immense sums of money to the King Charles VII of France. His reward was to be arrested on a charge of poisoning Agnes Sorel, the King's mistress. He was condemned to a long imprisonment — this gave the King an excuse to seize the remainder of his property and fortune. Escaping after several years of imprisonment he went to Rome and was taken under the protection of the Pope Nicholas V. He made another enormous fortune by opening the trade of the East. Both Madame de Stael and Albert Gallatin were descended from him. 57 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN de Clermont-Tonnerre (she was nee de Sellon), Count and Countess Cavour, Comtesse de Boigne, and a host of others. We dined thirty. At 8 o'clock more arrivals: Prince Demidoff in a superb sleigh with eight horses harnessed in Russian fashion; he brought the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Princess Patiomkin, Princess Galitzin, and Madame Bonaparte. The Grand Duke led in Madame Bonaparte. She is quite beautiful still, was wonderfully dressed, and covered in fine jewels. She kissed me on both cheeks, which made me very shy, but she has known me since I was a child. At 9 o'clock the comedy was played in the long gallery. It was most witty. Madame de Stael was in white and gold draperies, with a turban with eight or ten white feathers. She really looked handsome. She always has a small branch of laurel in her hand. At the end of the performance, with a curtsey she threw it to father — just the thing to annoy him. Madame Bonaparte gave me a brooch of turquoise for my choker. Supper was served at 10.30, and the guests did not leave until after 1.30 a.m. We leave at 2 o'clock for Sacconex (the de Budes). I watched father carefully and tried to do exactly as he did. All the ladies curtseyed down to the ground to H.R.H.; some of the older ones I thought would never get up again. Why will fat old ladies wear such low waists? I never kissed so many hands in my life, and my neck is quite stiff with bowing. FEBRUARY 10 We left Coppet after dejeuner. Prince Demidoff kindly offered to take us with him, as he was going back to Geneva and Sacconex is on his way. His sleigh is superb; all the rugs are of the finest Russian sable. All assembled in the hall to bid us farewell. Madame de Stael kissed me on both cheeks and gave me a beautifully bound copy of "Corinne" with the dedication ^'A Cnpidon de la part de Vauteur." I really must look a baby. I will 58 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 never forget my visit to Coppet. We had eight horses harnessed Russian fashion, three relays. Galloped all the way. . . . FEBRUARY 11: SACCONEX This is a lovely house and all are so kind. M. de Bude is a cousin of father's. There are two sons — Jules, the younger, full of life. We have been skating. . . . A large dinner, rather dull. . . . For three mortal hours in the drawing-room footmen passed tray after tray of sirops, wine cakes, &c. &c. People here never seem to stop eating. Byron called Madame de Stael "old Mother Stale," but nevertheless he said of her "she is vain, but who has better right to be." . . . FEBRUARY 13: GENEVA We returned here to-day and are stopping at the Naville's. Father learned to-day that at one time it was the inten- tion of the British Government to send the Duke of Wel- lington to America, during the Ghent negotiations, to terminate the war. It seems he refused to go, giving his reason that he could not be spared, and at the same time expressing his displeasure at the way Lords Castle- reagh, Liverpool, and Bathurst were acting. It seems it was mainly due to him that the English made the concessions they did and brought the matter to a speedy termination. . . . FEBRUARY 14 Father takes me alone with him to-morrow to spend the day at Ferney. He calls it a pilgrimage. He was often taken to see Voltaire by his grandmother when very young. This afternoon a deputation of Americans resid- ing in Geneva and the Canton de Vaud presented father with an address enclosed in a beautiful casket of enamel. We dined quietly en famille. 59 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN FEBRUARY 15 Such an interesting day. Sitting in Voltaire's favourite chair at P'erney, I am writing this. We left Geneva early, arriving here for dejeuner at 11.30. The owners of Ferney are away, but left orders we were to be enter- tained. The house is not large, but well situated and comfortable. During dejeuner father told me how he used to be brought by his grandmother to Ferney; that he often dined at the tables we were sitting at with the friends of Voltaire — the Marquis de Condorcet,* who wrote the letters of Junius to William Pitt (he was arrested in April 1794 and found dead in his cell at Bourg la Reine on April 8, poisoned by opium, which he always carried in a ring, so cheating the guillotine); the Abbe Galiani, the great wit and raconteur, whose indecent stories even Madame Necker forgave (it was he who said the death of Marie Theresa was "like an ink-bottle spilt on the map of Europe"); Diderot the atheist, and Grimm. He said, " I feel them hovering around us now, and can nearly hear their voices." Then he told me of visits when Voltaire read some new play aloud, or rehearsed with the Due de Villar and Madame Gallatin (his grandmother) — plays that were acted both at Ferney and Pregny; in fact, he himself had taken the role of a negro boy in Oriental dress when he was twelve years old. One Sunday Voltaire took him into the garden and, pointing to the heavens, said, "That is the dome made by the great God — not the God created by man." There was a splendid sunset, and as the sun sank behind the Jura Mountains he said: "Can anything be grander than that? — never to be imitated." — " When I was older he impressed upon me always to be charitable in thought and action, to benefit my fellow-creatures as much as was within my power, always to speak the truth, and never to be afraid to give * Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet, bom 1743, died 1794. 60 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 my opinion." The last time father saw him he was ill; it was in 1778, the year before he died. He kissed father on both cheeks and said, " Enfin Dieu vi'appelle — mais quel Dieu. Je n'en sais rien." Madame de la Vilette, his niece, gave father a small bust of her uncle, which I now have. . . . Before leaving Ferney I picked some myrtle-leaves and pensees to send to my mother. . . . After dining at 4 o'clock we returned to Geneva — a day never to be forgotten. I am afraid my description is very poor. Father is giving sittings to Madame Meunier Romilly for a portrait for Geneva. . . . FEBRUARY 16 To-day I visited St. Pierre, the cathedral, also the temple, and saw the tablet to the victories of the Escalade in 1602. There was a Louis Gallatin killed. ... FEBRUARY 17 We went to Pregny, where father was born. This house, together with all my father's property, was sold by his trustees during the Revolution at great sacrifice. They thought they were acting wisely in such troubled times. I went to see father's portrait. She will only have time to paint the head and hands, the remainder from a model. It looks too old to me. FEBRUARY 18 We paid a visit to Madame Recamier, who is passing through Geneva. She is beautiful, but I could not see great intelligence in her face; great charm of manner. We also called on Madame Patterson Bonaparte. She was very witty and made father laugh. She told us how she first met her husband, Jerome Bonaparte. He had gone to America in command of a ship, arriving at Baltimore. He was invited to dine with an old French- 61 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN man, the Marquis de Poleon, who had escaped with his family from St. Domingo during the massacre on that island; two of his children with their nurses w^ere killed. On account of the troubled state of France, he had thought it wiser to go to America. All the beauties of Baltimore were invited to the dinner — the Catons,* &c. &c. She was looking out of the window overlooking the drive with Monsieur de Poleon's eldest daughter. She continued: "We saw two young men approaching the house. Mile Pascault exclaimed, pointing to the taller one, 'That man will be my husband.' I answered, 'Very well, I will marry the other one.' Strangely enough, we both did as we had said. Henrietta Pascault married Reubell, son of one of the three directors, and I married Jerome Bonaparte"; adding, "Had I but waited, with my beauty and wit I would have married an English duke, instead of which I married a Corsican blackguard." We leave to-morrow, much to father's regret. He feels it is his duty to go to England as soon as possible, as there is so much to discuss and settle. This has been his holiday. A large supper of fifty to-night, nearly all relations. I liked them, austere as they were, as they are so fond of father and proud of him. FEBRUARY 19: BELGARDE We left at 8 o'clock this morning. Prince Demidoff sent his sleigh and had arranged for four relays of horses. Even at that early hour most of our relations came to W'ish us "God-speed." Father was touched, I could see it by his eyes. This is our first halting-place. After all, Madame Meunier had only time to paint the head and one hand, which is holding a roll of paper, symbolic of the treaty. * The three beautiful Miss Catons. One married the Duke of Leeds. Another the Marquis of Wellesley, brother of the Duke of Wellington, and the third Lord Stratford. 62 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 FEBRUARY 20: BELGARDE I got up early and went to see the "Bouche du Rhone." The river disappears for over three miles under stone. . . . FEBRUARY 23: MACON We arrived here late last night. A charming old town. It is the great wine country. , . . FEBRUARY 25: DIJON Not very interesting. Still the wine country. . . . FEBRUARY 28: FONTAINEBLEAU What a beautiful place ! We are lodged in an inn opposite the palace gates. I went over the chateau; it is full of interest, of Henry II, Diane de Poitiers, &c. &c. I was shown the apartment that Napoleon gave to the Pope when he made him prisoner. The Pope would not allow a divorce between King Jerome and his wife; that was one of the reasons he brought him to Fontainebleau, as he himself wanted to divorce Josephine. . . . MARCH 1: PARIS We started early and arrived for breakfast at Vaux Praslin, a magnificent palace belonging to the Due de Choiseul. It was built by Fouquet, Marquis de Belle- Isle, Superintendent of Finances to Louis XIV. He entertained the King there in great splendour. . . . The Due received us most kindly. He is a connexion through the Birons and Marmiers. I never saw such wonderful furniture, tapestries, pictures, &c. &c. The library superb; all the books bound in red morocco with coat- of-arms in gold. Only the family and a nice homely dejeuner. Then father returned with the Due to the library to smoke and to get some political information from him. We left at 3 o'clock for Paris and arrived late. . . . Oh, beautiful Paris ! I am so glad to get back. . . . 63 18151 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN MARCH 2: PARIS The Due de Choiseul Praslin called to-day and told father his Majesty wished for an interview unofficial. It is a delicate matter, as father feels, until he has been to London, that his mouth is closed. . . . We are lodged in a quiet little hotel in the Rue de Monsieur. Father will not spend any money unneces- sarily as his expenses are paid by his Government. His strong idea is that the representative of a republic should not make any show or be ostentatious, saying, "It is only the vulgar nouveaux riches that do that." . . . MARCH 3, 1815 We were received privately this morning by the King. Only the Duchesse d'Angouleme was present. She looked very sad. The King moved to the embrasure of a window, motioning to father to follow him; they remained in conversation for a quarter of an hour. Amongst other things his Majesty intimated a wish that father would be sent as Minister to Paris, adding, "You must not forget that your family belonged to France before you belonged to America." The Duchess talked to me most graciously, asked me about my mother, and said, "You are too young to begin political life." I assured her I was seventeen. She exclaimed, "Mais c'est un bebe." . . . Monsieur David, the great artist, has requested father to allow me to pose to him for Cupid. Father has consented, and I sit to-morrow. . . . MARCH 4, 1815 A day of great excitement. News has reached Paris that Napoleon had made his escape from Elba and was at a little village called Cannes; that he had been received with acclamation. The King and Royal Family went to the opera and had a great reception. . . . 64 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 MARCH 5 Great consternation. Courier after courier arriving; all news suppressed. . . . MARCH 6, 1815 No news further than we had yesterday. They say the King is very calm. I saw him driving in state to-day. . . . Sat for my portrait — that is, like a model, I had to pose nude. . . . MARCH 10 The Emperor is marching on Paris, gathering men on his way. Some say he has already one hundred thou- sand. ... MARCH 11 All sorts of wild reports: one does not know what to believe. . . . MARCH 14 The Emperor was at Grenoble on the 7th with over one hundred thousand men. . . . MARCH 16 The Emperor marching steadily on to Paris — acclaimed everywhere. Father says the Royal Family will leave Paris in a few days. He has private information, but has not told me any details. I walk about all day. Bands of young men shouting "Vive I'Empereur." It is very exciting. . . . MARCH 19 The King and Royal Family leave Paris to-night. The Emperor, with a huge army, is expected at Fontainebleau to-morrow. The people in the streets look depressed and uncertain what to do. Father has told me to remain indoors. . . . 65 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN MARCH 20: PARIS. 11.30 The Emperor arrived this evening; most of the Imperial Family were at the Tuilleries to greet him. All day the greatest confusion — officers and their staff, couriers, messengers, &c., galloping wildly about the streets. Great carts of baggage and furniture. It is very amusing: most of the shops closed, the cafes crammed, chairs even put out in the streets. Orators standing on tables making speeches; roars of "Vive I'Empereur," "Vive le petit Caporal." I don't know if it is genuine or not, the French are so excitable. The American Minister sent the Stars and Stripes for father to hang on the balcony, for protection in case of trouble. I saw the Emperor arrive, thousands and thousands cheering him. I got wedged in the crowd and carried along with it. . . . MARCH 21 People seem mad with joy. What turncoats the French are ! Dense crowds surrounding the Tuilleries all day. I saw several of the Imperial Family driving. . . . MARCH 22 There is to be a gala performance at the opera — the night not yet decided upon. The Emperor drove out to-day and was received with enthusiasm everywhere. We are leaving shortly for London. Father fears there may be trouble, which might delay our journey. . . . MARCH 23 The performance at the opera to-night. I am going. . . . MARCH 24 The scene was superb. For fully twenty minutes the audience yelled when the Emperor appeared; I yelled too. He is fat, looks very dull, tired, and bored. I had another sitting to-day for Monsieur David, 66 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 MARCH 25 We see but few people; all our friends seem to vanish like magic. A distracted letter from Madame de Stael to-day. She seems in great trouble about everything, particularly her fortune. Father will answer her under cover to Monsieur Naville, as he fears a letter addressed to her might not reach her. . . . MARCH 26 The people are settling down as far as one can see. Father, through Monsieur David, has bought one or two beautiful pictures at a very low sum — a head of a "Madonna" on wood panel cut out of a large picture by Murillo, a fine Paolo Veronese, the subject Queen Esther before Ahasuerus, a portrait of Mile de Lafayette by Mignard, and a lovely head by Greuze. I don't think father will approve of my picture Monsieur David Is painting; it is L' Amour et Psyche. I have not seen the model but would like to. She must be very pretty, only seventeen. We are not to pose together. . . . MARCH 28 My last sitting, as we leave for England in a few days. MARCH 29 The Emperor sent an aide-de-camp requesting an inter- view with father, purely on some financial matters. It places him in a most awkward position; he regrets he did not leave for England sooner. . . . MARCH 30 The audience at 10.30 this morning. I am not to go. Father was not at all pleased with his interview. He says the Emperor was brusque — that his speech is most vulgar. Joseph Bonaparte was present. I had better quote father's own words: "The Emperor first asked my advice on important financial matters, to which I 67 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN gave my frank opinion. He then began to question me about Canada, also the slave trade. I replied, 'Sire, my position is such that on these subjects my lips are at present sealed.' He abruptly said, 'Then why did you come here?' Bowing, I answered, 'I obeyed your Majesty's command out of respect for the ruler of France, but as an envoy from the United States to England I am not my own master.' The Emperor, turning his back on me, walked to a window; I having backed out of the room, so ended our interview." . . . MARCH 31 We are leaving to-morrow for London. Father thinks it is wiser. . . . APRIL 1: PARIS We could not start after all — some difficulty about our passports. It seems we cannot leave until the 3rd. Father is much put out. He had a letter to-day from Lord Castlereagh. Mr. Adams is Minister to England. I will be very glad to see him again. . . . APRIL 2 I saw the Emperor to-day riding with a great stafT of officers. He certainly has a most powerful face. I went to the Fran^ais last night. We leave early to- morrow. . . . APRIL 3: MANTES Our first stopping-place. Arrived in time to go to bed. Ugly country. ... I wrote a long letter home, as father has an offer to take letters from le Havre. . . . APRIL 4: LES ANDELYS A long weary day. There was some mistake about our relay of horses and we were detained three hours. We go by Rouen, as father wants me to see the cathedral. He need not arrive in London until the 10th. . . . 68 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 APRIL 5: ROUEN Arrived here too late to see anything. . . . APRIL 6: ROUEN I have been all over the cathedral; it is very beautiful. Joan of Arc was burned here. We leave at 11 o'clock. . . . APRIL 7: LE HAVRE We embarked at once. Awfully rough. Such a miserable little packet ! Only one cabin, and horrid odours of onions frying. I have gone under. . . . APRIL 9: DOVER An awful passage. Father has posted up to London, leaving me here to recover. I will leave to-morrow. . . . APRIL 10: LONDON We have been lent such a nice house in St. James's Street and all the servants. I have not seen father yet. . . . APRIL 11 Mr. Adams does not arrive to take up his post until next month. Mr. Bayard is appointed Minister to Russia but he is too ill to accept it. He is in Paris. . . . APRIL 12 I am very busy now as I have all sorts of documents to copy and file. I also have to go with father to take notes. All settling of negotiations is at present entirely carried out by him, so the work is very heavy. Lord Castlereagh is most gracious, even friendly. Our position in London is quite different now; I think I will enjoy myself. Mr. Clay arrives in a few days. The season has not yet commenced but people are returning to town. 69 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN I have been specially enjoined not to record any gossip in my diary — to confine it as much as possible to interest- ing facts. Father dislikes gossip and tittle-tattle, saying it is only fit for idle women. I am having a fine dress made to be presented in May. . . . APRIL 16: LONDON I went to St, Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London to-day; the latter is most interesting. All we can do now is to go thoroughly into the following matters awaiting Mr. Adams' arrival: Colonial policy; regulating traffic with Canada; opening the St. Lawrence River to us; impressment and blockade in times of war; trade with West Indies and Nova Scotia; trade between India, Europe, and the United States. Father wishes to have everything ready, so as to be able to put matters clearly before the other delegates when all have assembled. Of course, he is anxious to go home, as he has been absent over two years. . . . APRIL 20: LONDON We are invited to pay a visit to the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth, also to Lord Saye and Sele at Broughton Castle. I went to see a cock-fight yesterday and did not like it; I will not go again. We dine and sup out a great deal. I cannot stand the hours they sit at the table drinking port and Madeira. At some houses they have round shallow silver trays on wheels holding the bottles, which are pushed round the table. I have never been accustomed to drink anything but claret and water, so I have to sit quiet doing nothing and listening to subjects discussed which are far beyond me. APRLL 26: BROUGHTON CASTLE This is a most interesting old castle surrounded by a moat with a drawbridge. The hall is full of armour which was fished out of the moat. My bedroom has a 70 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 sliding panel which opens on the chapel below; other' rooms have the same. It is to hear early prayers without leaving one's room. ... APRIL 29: CHATSWORTH We arrived here on Friday. A superb palace. His Grace is so handsome, such great dignity of manner and so kind and gracious. He is only twenty-five. Every- thing on a splendid scale. They say he will never marry as there is some doubt about his birth^ — that he is a changeling. We return to London on Tuesday. Father anxious to get back. ... APRIL 30: CHATSWORTH There is a very large party stopping here; I cannot get hold of all the names. One very great lady is the Mar- chioness of Stafford; she is Countess of Sutherland in her own right. Like all well-born people I have met she is most simple, gracious, and charming. She seems to take an interest in everything and is most kind to me. She took me all over the house, pointing out the pictures and telling me their history. She was a great friend of the unfortunate Queen Marie Antoinette. She has the greatest admiration for Madame de Stael and was much interested in my account of our visit to Coppet. She laughed at the dedication to "Cupidon" in my copy of "Corinne" and calls me "Cupid." I am going to dye my hair black. The ladies are very fine at night and wear wonderful jewels. We visited some splendid places to-day. Everything is done in such great state. Poor father is so bored; I like it. MAY 1: CHATSWORTH We leave to-day. His Grace is putting a fine coach at our disposal with relays of horses all the way to London . . . 71 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN MAY 3: LONDON Mr. Adams arrives shortly. We found quantities of invitations. Dined with Mr. Alexander Baring. His wife was Miss Bingham from Philadelphia, her father a Senator. Mr. Frederick Robinson,* Vice-President of the Board of Trade, was one of the guests. He takes Lord Gambler's place. He seems most affable — a contrast to Lord Gambler, who reminded me of a fire cracker which would never go off but was always sputtering (I am forbidden to express my opinions). Lord Landsdowne and Lord Grey, very important personages, were also present. We are to be presented privately to the Regent on Saturday. . . . MAY 5: LONDON, SATURDAY We were received by the Regent at 12 o'clock. Carlton House is very fine but the furniture, &c., is too showy. The Regent and two of his brothers received us. The former is very handsome and dignified but is fat. He was superbly dressed, his brothers as well. Father made such a contrast in his black shorts, white silk stockings, and black coat wath his white choker. The Prince has the most charming manners; he was most affable. I was in my new clothes — yellow breeches, white stockings, and a dark-blue coat embroidered in gold. He patted me on the cheek and said with a laugh, "You will break some hearts." Everything was done with the greatest tact — ^no mention of politics, simply a wish expressed that we should enjoy our sojourn in England. The audience lasted half an hour. I forgot to mention that a Royal carriage was sent to take us to the palace. There were three footmen behind and father's chasseur, in green with cock's feathers in his hat, stood on the step. We had to have a chasseur as father is "Special Ambassador to England." We never * Frederick John Robinson. Created Viscount Goderich, April 28, 1827, and Earl of Ripon, April 13, 1833. 72 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 drive out without him, and when we walk in the Mall he is always behind father. . . . MAY 9: THURSDAY Very busy writing. I have been to two balls and a rout. What a funny thing the latter is. You crawl up the staircase, bow to your hosts at the top, and crawl down again with your clothes torn off your back. They call that pleasure. We dine to-morrow with the Duke of Wellington. . . . MAY 11: SATURDAY A very fine dinner. Gold and silver plate superb. It lasted four hours. Everybody of note was present — all the Ministry. Of course, I was much interested. I sat next to Lord Grey. He did not talk but snapped out sentences; his mouth is like a mouse-trap. All the servants, they say, were bailiffs. There is so much splendour and so much absolutely degrading poverty in London. Neither in Paris nor Washington have I seen anything of the kind. . . . MAY 13: MONDAY Mr. Adams has arrived and we go to serious work. . . . MAY 15: WEDNESDAY A very long interview to-day; all delegates present. Mr. Robinson and father continually poured oil on the troubled waters. Serious matters were discussed, then dropped to be brought up again. They meet again on Friday. . . . MAY 17: FRIDAY Mr. Adams is really a thorn; he is so absolutely "Yankee" and of a common type. Why he is Minister here I cannot understand. He is totally unfitted for the post. He bursts out at times, upsetting everybody and every- thing. Father looks at him with tightly compressed 73 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN lips. I fear some day he will wither him; now he only makes a clever joke which restores peace. I can see the contempt on the faces of the English delegates; they are so courteous and civil. ... MAY 18 Father had a long personal interview with Lord Castle- reagh to-day. They have both agreed that this is the wiser method to pursue. Lord C. told him they did more in an hour than, when all met, in a week. Father has the same confidence in his lordship's wonderful quickness in grasping matters, also his sound good sense of justice that Lord C. seems to reciprocate. MAY 20: LONDON Since the signing of the treaty at Ghent there have been a series of leaders in the Times inspired by the war party, of the most bitter character. Of course, they have annoyed me very much. Father has spoken to me several times on the subject with his calm good sense. He says this is inevitable — to be regretted, but unworthy of notice. Lord Castlereagh has assured him that when he received the news of the signing of the treaty at Vienna he was overjoyed. The Duke of Wellington and Lord Liverpool have expressed the same sentiments. What has pleased me more than anything else is that these three great men have unreservedly acknowledged that to his good sense, moderation, and firmness the signing of the treaty was due. He has no vanity, but feels it is a reward for all the personal sacrifices he has made. 1VL4Y 23 There is a great activity in military circles; evidently the allies are determined to crush Napoleon once and for all. All this delays us. Father says the climax one 74 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 way or the other must soon arrive. He is a little anxious, but says little. . . . IMAY 26 Wild rumours of all sorts of what the Emperor is going to do or try to do. Father fears a great financial crisis. . . . MAY 28 There is but one absorbing topic, "Napoleon" ! "Boney"!!! JUNE 7: LONDON Father received a detailed account of the great ceremony in the Champs de Mars. There was first a solemn Mass, then the Emperor swore fidelity to the New Constitution. He was dressed in the Imperial robes of state. His brothers wore Court dresses of white velvet embroidered in gold, short capes of the same material powdered with golden bees, and caps with masses of white ostrich feathers. The Emperor distributed the eagles to the various regi- ments. At that moment a terrific thunderstorm broke and this, together with the repeated salutes of artillery, made a most impressive, if not theatrical, scene. In a box next to the throne were all the Imperial princesses with their children. I wish I had seen all this. . . . JUNE 12 But little news. Messrs. Bayard and Crawford sail in the Neptune on the 18th. Father is forced to remain to sign the treaty. Always some new obstacle crops up. Mr. Adams impossible. JUNE 15 Great news. Napoleon left Paris last Monday; tbey say he is marching on Brussels. . . . JUNE 17 News arrives only to be contradicted, but the fact remains the Emperor is sweeping all before him. Father only 75 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN seems troubled about the financial crash which is sure to follow if Napoleon is victorious. . . . JUNE 18 Great anxiety. Consols have fallen terribly. I have never seen greater depression; everybody one sees seems frightened. A rumour to-day that a battle had been fought and that the Duke of Wellington was crushed; to-night that is contradicted. One cannot believe any- thing. They say Monsieur Rothschild has mounted couriers from Brussels to Ostend and a fast clipper ready to sail the moment something is decisive one way or the other. . . . JUNE 25, 1815 The last few days have been so intoxicating that I have not had a moment to write in my diary. When the news was confirmed of the great victory of the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo London went mad and I with it. People I had never seen before rushed up to me in the streets and shook me violently by the hand. Father now says we will have a long and lasting peace — that Napoleon will be obliged to abdicate, that his star has fallen. Many people have been ruined and others have made large fortunes. He is a little annoyed at the desertion of Messrs. Bayard and Crawford, who have sailed in the Neptune, leaving us to get home as best we can. . . . JUNE 26 The Emperor has arrived in Paris. It seems he wanted to be killed but his marshals forced him into a carriage, as they feared he might be taken prisoner. . . . JUNE 27 We are nearing the completion of the Treaty of Commerce, and it is to be signed in a day or two. . . . 76 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 JUNE 28 Father had a farewell audience with the Regent. I did not go. Mr. Baring is most kind to us. . . . JUNE 29 Of course, Mr. Adams is retarding matters with his pig- headedness. Mr. Robinson is so entirely different, so suave and conciliatory. Father is perfectly satisfied with the conditions of the treaty. . . . JUNE 30 Father has decided to leave London on July 4, on our way home. My mother is not well. We have secured a good ship. . . . JULY 2 The treaty signed to-day but not without difficulty. Mr. Adams at the last moment wished to make all sorts of alterations. Father agreed to some of them, and Mr. Robinson also; if it had been- Mr. Goulburn or Adams they would not have agreed so easily. Mr. Robinson has been most charming in every way. We dine for the last time with Mr. Baring. . . . JULY 3 We are actually off to-morrow. All the Barings were so kind. The dinner was delightful and we parted with them with deep regret. I will be glad to get home; after all it is my home and I love it. But I want to come back. Homme propose mais Dieu dispose. 77 PART III THE MINISTRY IN FRANCE FROM THE RESTORATION OF THE BOURBONS TO THE ASSASSINATION OF THE DUG DE BERRI NOVEMBER 1815— JULY 1820 NOVEMBER 23, 1815: NEW YORK Much to my regret, father has written to-day declining the mission to France. Lately he seems to have got an idea in his head that he must devote his attention to making money for his children. Mamma is greatly dis- appointed as well as Frances; they had been looking forward to the gaieties of Paris life after all I had told them. Albert does not care; he would prefer to live in the backwoods. ALBERT GALLATIN to THOMAS JEFFERSON New York, November 27, 1815 Dear Sir, On my return from Washington I found your welcome letter of October 16, which my friends here, daily expecting my return, had kept instead of forwarding it. Our opinion of Bonaparte is precisely the same. In that Lafayette's and the opinion of every friend of rational liberty in France did coincide. The return of that man was generally considered by them as a curse. Notwith- standing the blunders and rooted prejudices of the Bourbons, the alienation of the army and the absolute want of physical force had made them, upon the whole, 78 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 harmless, and as soon as the termination of the Congress* would hav^e left France independent of foreign interference, they must in the course of things either have been overset or have governed according to public opinion. After Bonaparte's restoration, it was hoped to pursue a similar course; others, placing confidence in the declarations of the Allies, hoped to get rid both of him and of the Bourbons. All saw the necessity of defending the country against foreign invasion, but the fatal catastrophe was not, to its full extent, anticipated by any. I call it a catastrophe with an eye only to the present; for, exhausted, degraded, and oppressed as France now is, I do not despair of her ultimate success in establishing her independence and a free form of Government. The people are too enhghtened to submit long to any but a military despotism. What has lately passed was a scene in the drama, perhaps necessary to effect a radical cure of that love of conquest which had corrupted the nation and made the French oppressors abroad and slaves at home. As to independence, we have the recent instance of Prussia, which, w^ith far inferior population, resources, or intellect, arose in two years from almost annihilation to the rank of a preponderating Power. But to return to Bonaparte: I lament to see our republican editors so much dazzled by extraordinary actions or carried away by natural aversion to our only dangerous enemy as to take up the cause of that despot and conqueror, and to represent him as the champion of liberty who has been her most mortal enemy, where hatred to republican systems was founded on the most unbounded selfishness and on the most hearty contempt for mankind. I really wish that you would permit me to publish, or rather that you would publish, your opinions on that subject. This might have a tendency to correct those which are daily published, and which do injury to our cause at home, and to our country abroad. * At Vienna and the dissolution of the CoaUtion. 79 1815] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN Under different circumstances, without having any wish for a foreign mission or a residence in France, I might have accepted the appointment of Minister there. But, satisfied that nothing can at this moment be effected in that country, and it being very reluctant to my feeUngs to be on a mission to a degraded monarch and to a nation under the yoke of foreign armies, I thought that I might, without any breach of pubHc duty or of private gratitude, consult my own convenience, and I have accordingly officially informed our Government that I declined altogether the appointment. . p NOVEMBER 27 I had a long conversation with father this morning. For the first time he told me of Mr. John Jacob Astor's most generous offer to take him into partnership, with a fifth share in a business whose profits were $100,000 a year. His reasons for refusing were, although he respected Mr. Astor, he never could place himself on the same level with him. I am not surprised, as Astor was a butcher's son at Waldorf — came as an emigrant to this country with a pack on his back. He peddled furs, was very clever, and is, I believe, one of the kings of the fur trade. He dined here and ate his ice-cream and peas with a knife. DECEMBER 6 He showed me a letter from Mr. Monroe again urging him to accept the French mission. It is in the most flattering terms and begs father not to withdraw from political life — that he is by far the finest diplomatist we have, that anything would be safe in his hands. I did hope he was going to tell me he would accept, but when I ventured to ask him his answer was: "I must think of making proper provision for my family. I am getting old." 80 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1815 DECEMBER 19 Another letter from Mr. Monroe urging father to recon- sider the mission to France. We all want him to, but we know perfectly well it is wise for us not to say anything. I honestly feel I would much prefer to live in either France or England — all is so crude in this country. The two years I spent in Russia, France, and England have unfitted me for America. DECEMBER 26 Father has just brought another letter to copy. ALBERT GALLATIN to JAMES MONROE New York, December 26, 1815 Dear Sir, I have received your friendly letters of the 4th and 16th instant, and have a grateful sense of the motives which dictated them, I can assure you that I feel a great reluctance to part with my personal and political friends, and that every consideration merely personal to myself and detached from my family urges a con- tinuance in public life. My habits are formed and cannot be altered. I feel alive to everything connected with the interest, happiness, and reputation of the United States. Whatever affects unfavourably either of them makes me more unhappy than any private loss or incon- venience. Although I have nothing to do with it, the continual suspension of specie payments, which I con- sider as a continued unnecessary violation of the public faith, occupies my thoughts more than any other subject. I feel as a passenger in a storm — vexed that I cannot assist. This I understand to be very generally the feeling of every statesman out of place. Be this as it may, although I did and do believe that for the present at least I could not be of much public utility in France, I did in my private letter to the President place my declining on the ground of private considerations. In 81 1816] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN that respect my views are limited to the mere means of existence without falling in debt. I do not wish to accumulate any property. I will not do my family the injury of impairing the little I have. My health is frail; they may soon lose me, and I will not leave them depend- ent on the bounty of others. Was I to go to France, and my compensation and private income (this last does not exceed $2500 a year) did not enable me to live as I ought, I must live as I can. I ask your forgiveness for entering in those details, but you have treated me as a friend and I write to you as such. You have from friendship wished that I w^ould reconsider my first decision, and I will avail myself of the permission. It will be understood that in the meanwhile, if the delay is attended with any public inconvenience, a new appoint- ment may immediately take place. My motive for writing when I did was a fear that, specially with respect to other missions, the belief that I would go to France might induce the President to make different arrange- ments from those he would have adopted on a contrary supposition. . . . Albert Gallatin JANUARY 2, 1816 I really believe he is going to change his mind after all. Mamma does not mention the subject but sighs deeply at intervals. Frances declared at breakfast it was useless for her to go on with her French as they were not going to Paris. . . . FEBRUARY 2 Hurrah ! everything couleur de rose. I wrote the letter accepting the French mission for him at his dictation. Mr. Monroe had written him the most pressing letter on the 27th of last month, begging for an immediate reply one way or the other. All I say to them at home is, "Faites vos paquets, mesdames." . . . 82 i DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1816 ALBERT GALLATIN to JAMES MONROE accenting the mission to France New York, February 2, 1816 Dear Sir, I have just received your letter of 27th ult., and have at last concluded to avail myself of the permission given me to accept again the mission to France. I am duly sensible of yours and the President's kindness in having kept the question so long opened, and hope you will find an apology for my hesitation in the importance, at my age, of a decision which must so materially affect the prospects for life of my wife and children. I believe with you that the chance of Congress making any addi- tional allowance to Foreign Ministers is not the better on account either of the present incumbents or of the state of suspense in which some of the important missions are now kept. On what may hereafter be done no reliance can be placed. I calculate only on what now exists, and mean, as I before stated, to regulate my expenses accordingly. If I find it impracticable to live without encroaching on my small property, I will beg permission to return. I believe an additional compen- sation to be much more important to the United States than to the individual. I have still some private arrangements to complete, which will not, however, detain me long, and I will be ready to repair to Washington, for the purpose of reading the former correspondence and receiving your instruc- tions, at any time you may be pleased to appoint. It will best suit my convenience to have a short time allowed me on my return from Washington. I will, in the meanwhile, wait for your answer. I beg you to present Mrs. G.'s and my best respects to Mrs. M. and to Mrs. Hay, and to believe me, with sincere respect and esteem, truly yours. You will have the goodness to return or destroy the 83 1816] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN letter in which I had declined the appointment, as it should not remain on the files of the office. Albert Gallatin JAMES MONROE to ALBERT GALLATIN Washington, February 13, 1816 Dear Sir, We were much gratified to find by your last letter that you accepted the mission to France. I have not wished to take you from your affairs, which I am con- vinced must require your unremitted attention before your departure; but I now think that the sooner you come here the better it will be. It is known that you have accepted the mission, and an early visit here will produce a good effect. The prospect of obtaining an augmentation, in the modes heretofore suggested, of the salary is improved by the acceptance; and, being here, the opportunity you will have of conferring with Mr. Clay and Mr. Crawford on the subject, and interesting them in it, will give to our exertions much aid. This you may afford, in the present state, with perfect delicacy. Every- thing will be done to accommodate your views, in the time of your departure, that circumstances will permit. Your former letter was not filed in the Department. I will return it to you when we meet. Our best regards to Mrs. Gallatin. With great respect and esteem. Sincerely yours. James Monroe APRIL 13 Bother ! I wish people would let him alone. They now offer him the Treasury; again all our plans are at a standstill. DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1816 APRIL 18 He will not accept. He says his arrangements to go to France are too far advanced to be changed at this last moment. He also has some very important business to settle in Geneva. The family bourse has accumu- lated for so long, and now is such a large sum, he thinks something should be done with it. He is the only male Gallatin in the world and the Gallatin women have no claim to it; there are several of them married in Geneva of the different branches. Anyhow, to France we go. MAY 25 I have been on board the Peacock (Captain Rogers), which is fitting out to take us as soon as possible. The captain told me to-day he would be ready June 1, but from the appearance of things I do not believe he will. JUNE 2 Of course, the Peacock is not ready. Here we are all packed up and ready; everything most uncomfortable. JUNE 7 The captain has promised father that he will be able to sail in two days. All our baggage has been put on board. JUNE 10: ON BOARD THE PEACOCK We are actually off. Such a host of friends to bid us "God-speed." Mamma in tears, Frances in tears, all the maids in tears, and all the female relations in tears. At the present moment mamma and Frances are waving to the receding shore. Albert is busy with the chickens, of which we have a large supply. . . . JULY 9: PARIS After a very fast passage here we are in Paris. I can hardly believe it is true, and keep rubbing my eyes, thinking I may be asleep and dreaming. 85 181GJ DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN JULY 10 Father had an interview with the Due de Richelieu* to-day at 12 o'clock; I was present to take notes. He ex- pressed a most friendly feeling that the French Govern- ment had for the United States — in fact, was most civil, even cordial. He seemed anxious to know what our feelings toward England were. Father answered that the two Govern- ments were on excellent terms, but of course there was irritation between the people, which always existed after a war — that he regretted that public journals added fuel to the flame. The Duke regretted that the newspapers misrepresented the present government of France. He could not under- stand how most of the English and American papers defended a man who crushed liberty everywhere. The Duke, on leaving, said His Majesty wished father to present his letters of credence to-morrow as the Royal Family were leaving Paris shortly. JULY 11 I accompanied father to the palace to present his letters. I was amazed at our reception, both by the King and the Prince. Our audience was, of course, private. Father presented me. Both the King and the Prince expressed themselves as most friendly towards the United States. "Monsieur,"f the Due d'Angouleme, and the Due de Berri were present. The King is old and very fat. Monsieur is rather handsome; the Due d'Angouleme very stern but with a very kind face; * Due de Richelieu (Fernand-Emmanuel-Sophie-Septimanio du Plessis), peer of France. Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Council September 26, 1815; died May 17, 1822. t "Monsieur" Charles-Philippe de France, Comte d'Artois, brother of the King. He succeeded Louis XVIII as King of France September 16, 1824. He reigned under the name of Charles X. His two sons were the Dukes of Angouleme and Berri. 86 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1816 the Due de Berri very good-looking and very gay and smiling. Very great etiquette is maintained. They say the King is more strict than even Louis XIV was. We cut a sorry sight in our plain black coats and breeches with all the splendours of the Court uniforms. The King asked about mamma's health, how she had borne the journey — is really most kind and gracious. Court coaches were sent for us and took us back. Mr. Sheldon* followed us in the second coach. JULY 30: 21 RUE DE L'UNIVERSITE I have been all day interviewing servants — tall and short, fat and thin — until I can hardly speak. After sorting out what I considered the best, I had them drawn up for father's approval, which I am glad to say he gave. Major-domo — Gallon by name, a very fine person; two house footmen, Edouard and Alfred; two carriage footmen, Louis and Jean; Chef, Monsieur Ratifar, such a great personage (he brings his own kitchen staff) ; three maids, all pretty— I chose them. I don't know what mamma will say when she sees them. I hate to look at ugly women. The house is really very fine entre cours et jardin. Furniture old but very good. We have to supply our own plate and linen. We have to make some alterations, so mamma and Frances have gone to the Lussacs at Versailles. I have my own valet, Lucien, aged twenty- five — a very important person he thinks himself, valet to a Secretary of Embassy. He will call me "Excel- lence." AUGUST 2 All the morning choosing carriages and horses. Of the latter we got two pairs, very fine for the "Berline," which is all glass in front; this will be for Court and * Mr. Sheldon was one of Albert Gallatin's secretaries. 87 1816] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN state occasions. A very strong "Brichka" for everyday use, a nice stout little pair for it. A cabriolet for me; any of the big horses will go in single. AUGUST 6 We are really in very good order and the servants excel- lent. Madame Patterson Bonaparte has written from Geneva asking if she might be allowed to pay us a visit of a few days. She is on her way to America. She arrives on the 10th. Note : The following letter written at this date gives an interesting ac- count of the financial condition of France after Waterloo. LETTER from ALBERT GALLATIN to JAMES MONROE AT WASHINGTON Paris, August 6, 1816 Sir, You were informed by my dispatch No. 1 of my arrival in this city on the 9th of last month. On the 11th I had audience of the King, to whom I delivered my letters of credence. The reception, both from him and from the princes, was what is called gracious, and accompanied with the usual expressions of most friendly disposition towards the United States. My abode here has been too short to enable me to form any opinion of the prospect we have of succeeding in obtaining the indemnities so justly due to our citizens, and I do not wish to enter into the discussion until I have ascertained as far as practicable the disposition of this Government in that respect. Whatever this may be, the situation of their finances will be a formidable obstacle in our way. That there will be a great deficit this and every succeeding year until the foreign contribu- tions are discharged is notorious. The precise amount of that deficit for this year is not so well known, but, from a source entitled to confidence, has been stated to 88 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1816 me as exceeding 350 millions of francs. It is not believed that any practical increase of taxes can produce more than 100 millions. The residue, or 250 millions a year for five years, must therefore remain unpaid, or be provided for by creating new stock. That situation would, indeed, be deplorable in a country where there is no public credit, and where the Treasury cannot raise money in any other manner than by selling their 5 per cent, stock at the market rate, which does not now exceed 58 per cent. I still hope that the statement is exagger- ated; but the reliance which seems to be placed on the forbearance of the allied Powers confirms the opinion that the internal resources are not sufficient to meet the foreign demands. It has been suggested to me that some classes of claims, particularly that of vessels burnt at sea, would, if pressed by themselves, have a better chance of being admitted; but, unless otherwise instructed, I will not pursue a course which might injure the general mass of our claims. . . . Albert Gallatin AUGUST 7 His Majesty has expressed a wish — in fact, a command — that mamma is to be received in private audience, and has fixed the 9th. Fortunately, she has all her frocks ready. She is to be received in the morning. All the corjjs diplomatique have called, and now it is nothing but returning visits. The de Broglies are still with Madame de Stael at Coppet, but are returning to Paris shortly. The Due de la Rochefoucauld d'Enville (a distant relation) has been most kind, and has told father what he ought to do and what he ought not to do. AUGUST 10 Mamma was most graciously received. Father accom- panied her. She had to wear full Court dress at eleven in the morning. She was first received by the King, 89 1816] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN who spoke English to her, much to her relief. When she retired from the presence she was escorted by Madame de Duras to the apartments of the Duchesse d'Angouleme. It seems it was most trying. She has not yet recovered from the fatigue, as she is not strong. AUGUST 11 Madame Patterson Bonaparte arrived this morning from Geneva. Her baggage nearly filled the antechamber. She is very lovely, but hard in expression and manner. I don't think she has much heart. Her son seems to be her one thought. She had a very long talk with father about his future (her son's) ; she is most ambitious for him. She even has a list of the different princesses who will be available for him to marry: as he is only ten years old, it is looking far ahead. I have but little work to do here. I foresee I will soon be in mischief. Paris is indeed the paradise of young men. AUGUST 12, 1816 Madame Bonaparte's conversation most brilliant. At supper last night she said that when in Paris just after the hundred days, she was at a ball at the British Embassy. She noticed she was much stared at, and that some of the ladies curtsied to her. She asked the Duke of Wel- lington what it meant, and he told her she was taken for Pauline Bonaparte* as she was so strikingly like her, and that people were so amazed at thinking Pauline Bonaparte would have dared come back to France. The Ambassador came up to her at that moment to lead her to supper. This intrigued the company all the more. She is frightfully vain. AUGUST 14 Father had an audience of the King this morning. He suddenly said: "I hear that Madame Jerome Bonaparte • Sister of Napoleon, married Prince Borghese. 90 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1816 is with you. Pray express to her our regret she will not come to our Court, but that we know her reasons for not doing so." When father told her she was much gratified, and said, "That Corsican blackguard would not have been so gracious." AUGUST 15 Madame Bonaparte left to-day for Havre to embark for America. She is such an interesting person, we will miss her. She gave mamma a ruby-velvet frock to cut up for Frances. To father she gave a really beautiful turquoise and diamond brooch. He will never wear it, so I will have it. AUGUST 17 We are very busy with documents to be copied to send to America. The Due de Richelieu had a very long conference with father yesterday. The latter likes him so much — admires all his fine qualities, particularly his great simplicity, frugality, and above all his honesty. AUGUST 23 I drove my new "curricle" for the first time to-day. I do not know which was the most proud, myself, Lucien, or the horse. It is rather difficult to drive a spirited horse and to keep taking off one's hat every moment. I have to be on the qui vive not to fail to return a salute; I will do better when I get to know people's faces better, but now I find it most difficult. I saw many lovely ladies, and I flatter myself some of them saw me. I find they notice much more when I am driving than when I am on foot. Moral — always drive. I have just come back from walking in the gardens of the Palais Royal. How pretty Frenchwomen are I I know I shall get into all sorts of scrapes. I don't remember if I noted our visit to Monsieur de Lafayette. He is stopping with a Mr. Parker some distance from 91 181G] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN Paris. He has permission to come to Paris but does not wish to do so at present. His greeting to father was most cordial. We are soon going to see him again. I now find it most difficult to keep up my diary; lately I have neglected it terribly. In the future I will have simply to write when I can find time and from memory. It is work all the morning, receiving for father all kinds and qualities of people; dining out, suppers, theatres, and all sorts and kinds of varied amusements. Hardly time to sleep. I have made friends with a charming little danseuse of the opera. Rosette by name. A week since I have been able to take up my pen. On Thursday father and mother were commanded to dine with the King — a very great honour it seems, and one reserved for princes and ambassadors. A rather amusing incident happened. After dinner a small reception was held. Amongst the ladies received was a Comtesse de Boigne.* She is the daughter of the Marquis d'Osmond,f ambassador in England. In a loud tone she expressed her astonishment at the presence of Monsieur Gallatin and his wife to the Prince de Conde.| His answer to her was: "His Majesty cannot too highly honour Monsieur Gallatin, as, although representing a -new country, his ancestors had served France for generations and one had been a most honoured and intimate friend of Henri IV."§ It seems this got to the King's ears, who was much annoyed, and when Madame de Boigne made her curtsy he turned his back on her. She called on mamma the next day, and was most gracious and asked too many * Charlotte Louise Elenore Adelaide d'Osmond married at the age of sixteen General de Boigne. Separated from him after ten months of married life. He was immensely rich and allowed her a large income. t Rene Eustache Marquis d'Osmond, Peer of France, Ambassador in England. X R^ne de Conde, bom 1736, Due de Bourbon. §See Appendix II. 92 CASPAR GALLATIN Friend of Henri IV DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 questions. They say she is the mistress of the Due d'Orleans, who is not allowed to come back to France. Madame de Stael has arrived. I went with father to see her to-day; she looks very ill. She had heard of Madame de Boigne's behaviour and was very angry. She said, "That woman is effrontery itself," and "Truth never received her invitation to her christening." Madame Recamier was much amused and told many funny anec- dotes about Madame de B. It seems her husband is an Indian nabob who has property at Chambery. They do not live together but he allows her a large income. Albertine de Broglie was delightful — so glad to see us and is so natural and unaffected. They are looking for a house, but are at present with her mother. . . . DECEMBER Poor neglected diary ! I have broken with Rosette and now dance with the jeunes filles du monde. It is not amusing as I take them back to their mothers when the dance is over. We hardly speak a word. How I hate all this etiquette ! We dined yesterday at the Due de Berri's. They were both most gracious; she is like a spoiled child and has very bad manners. The Duke of Wellington was a guest, and after dinner the Due de Berri spoke most kindly to me. They say he has many friends in the coulisse of the opera. He is so gay and cheerful — ■ such a contrast to his father and uncle. They say the Orleans family will soon return to the Palais Royale and they receive in the most informal manner. A great ball at the Duke of Wellington's. It seems the Royal Family were most rude, but that the duke did not pay any attention and rather put them to shame. Some extraordinary English women were present. JANUARY 1817 I am trying to collect my senses as it has been nothing but a whirl of gaiety. Father insisted upon having a 93 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN supper Christmas Day: Madame de Stael, the de Broglies, Pozzo di Borgo, Baron Humboldt, Constant Rebecque, Monsieur la Place, the Due de Richelieu, Chateaubriand, Due and Duchesse de Clermont-Tonnerre, Rochefoucauld, his son, and a host of others. We sat down thirty-eight. Albert and Frances were allowed to appear on this occa- sion. Mamma had a huge Christmas-tree in one of the drawing-rooms. Small souvenirs for all. As Pozzo was cutting off some of the presents the tree caught fire: de Broglie pulled off his coat, I followed suit, and we smothered the fire before it did much damage. At midnight mamma had had prepared "egg nog" and "apple toddy," and we all drank each other's health in American fashion. Madame de Stael looks very ill. After all our guests had left I slipped off to the Maison Doree — quite a different company. I managed to slip into the house at 6 o'clock without any of the servants seeing me. What gaiety there is in Paris this season of the year ! Everybody seems cheerful and happy, and all is >so bright. Father and I dined on Sunday with the Prince and Princess Galitzin. Katinka Galitzin is pretty and full of fun; we get on capitally. She has much more liberty than French girls, being Russian. The son of the Due de Caumont la Force is courting her. In the evening a reception at Court. Mamma had excused herself on the plea of illness, but the fact is her religious prin- ciples will not allow her to go to any big ball or Court on Sunday. It is a little awkward for father as most of the big Court functions are on Sunday. I forgot to mention the splendid ceremony at Notre Dame on Christmas Eve. The cathedral was in complete darkness save for a few dim lamps. As the bell rang twelve strokes a burst of light and the most beautiful singing I ever heard. The crowd was terrific; several women fainted. I was an hour getting out, so was late for a supper at the Doree. Toutes ces "petites dames ! " 94 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 What a gorgeous New Year ! Visits, visits — nothing but visits. My pockets are empty. Etrennes for all the servants, presents to all the family, not forgetting my coulisse friends, has cleared me out. Another Court function on Sunday, which, again on the plea of illness, mamma begged to be excused. His Majesty noticed her absence and most graciously inquired if she were seriously ill. Father, who is so absolutely frank, answered: "Sire, I regret that my wife's religious principles prevent her going to any entertainment on Sunday." The King, instead of being annoyed, answered, "Pray convey our respects to Madame Gallatin, and tell her we honour her principles and her courage." Father was much relieved. JANUARY 9 To our immense surprise, a Court courier arrived this morning to say that his Majesty would in person call at 1.30. No time for any preparations. Father said, "We will receive his Majesty in absolute simplicity, as behoves our republic." He arrived with Monsieur in a very simple coach. Mamma, father, the children, and myself received him under the perron in the courtyard. He is very infirm — apologized for not getting out of the carriage. He handed mamma a large roll which was a very fine engraving of himself. Written in English is "To Madam Gallatin, with all the respect due to a woman who has principles. Signed, Louis." He greatly admired Frances, who really promises to be very beautiful. Her complexion, like mamma's, is absolutely perfect. After much bowing, &c. &c., he drove off. It seems no such honour has ever been conferred by him before. Every- body tells father the King pays more attention to him than to anybody else. Comte de Gallatin, our cousin, the Minister from Wiirtemberg, says he is very jealous. By the way, his story is an odd one. His father was in the service of the Duke of Brunswick when the duke was 95 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN killed at the Battle of Jena. As he was dying he said to the King of Wiirtemberg, "I leave to you my most trusted friend." The King took him into his service and created him a Count. Unfortunately, this one only has daughters. We are on the most intimate terms with the family. Poor mamma is quite dazed — the whole system of living is so entirely different from that in America; this, coupled with her want of fluency in French, adds to her troubles. Fortunately, we have been able to obtain the services of an excellent house- keeper, Madame Berthal by name — a Russian who speaks every language under the sun. Nothing ever affects father; he is always pleased, and I have never seen him put out at anything. I really believe if he was given his breakfast at midnight, his dinner at 6 a.m., and his supper at midday he would hardly notice the difference. I have just been seeing the footmen, coachmen, &c., in their new liveries. For ordinary occasions, dark blue plush breeches, yellow waistcoats, and dark blue coats with silver buttons, black silk stockings; state liveries, light blue breeches, white silk stockings, yellow waistcoats, and light blue cloth coats with broad silver braid and silver buttons. The latter is exact, as dark blue does not exist in heraldry. Father is a little doubtful, fearing Americans may object to so much show, but he feels the Court of France requires it. Albert's black, Peter, whom we brought from America, showed the cook how to make buckwheat cakes. This came as a complete surprise. Poor mamma burst out crying when she saw them. Frances is taking dancing lessons. I have learnt to cut a "pigeon's wing" and had a great success at the Galitzin's on Sunday evening. . . . Our cousin, Count Gallatin, is most kind; he and his wife have told mamma all that is required of her at Court. We really are in a strange position. Father represents a new republic, and with all his aristocratic relations here 9Q DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 much more is expected of mamma, but her manners are so simple and so utterly unaffected that father begs her not to change them in any way. An accident happened to mamma's berline to-day. Turning from the Faubourg St. Honore into the Rue des Ecuries d'Artois, one of the hind wheels caught on the high kerb and was wrenched off. Fortunately, the horses are very quiet and were not frightened. Frances was a little cut by the glass of the window she was sitting by. The English Ambassadress was passing at the time, and very kindly insisted upon taking mamma to the Embassy, which is close by. After having Frances' face seen to she drove mamma home; it was most gracious of her. • ••••• I have made the acquaintance of a young American who is studying painting, Grayson by name. He is going to introduce me to the '^grisette world"; I am looking forward to it. We go to one of the students' balls on Sunday night. I must keep this very quiet, as I fear father would be much annoyed. He does not mind how much I go out in the grand monde but he dislikes anything like low life. He never had a youth himself; he was penned up in Geneva, and when he went to America he lived a simple life in the wild parts. I would not care to do anything to annoy him. My grisette ball was not a success — the fact is, it was not fit for any gentleman to go to; I am not particular but there are limits. The men were much worse than the women. How can they degrade themselves to such an extent ! They left nothing to the imagination. I was determined to stop to the end, and even went to supper at a restaurant at the Halle. I will never forget the horrible orgie. There were Russian, Spanish, Italian, and Prussian students; they might have been wild beasts from their behaviour. This has been a lesson to me; I am glad of the experience and will profit by it. 97 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN At the Elysee Bourbon last evening there was a little singing vaudeville played by children which was very pretty; then supper, and we danced a contre-danse, which gave me a chance to cut my "pigeon's wings." I cut eight in succession when my turn came as advancing cavalier. Madame de Boigne, in that horrid voice of hers, said, ^'Tres bien, mon jeune Americain." How I dislike that woman ! I cannot help it, she is nothing but pretension. I believe she thinks herself the most important person in France. I dined at the Russian Embassy yesterday and made such a fool of myself. It was a delightful dinner, and I took in Princess Katinka Galitzin. There was a large plat monte of nougat. When it was passed to me the other guests had only taken off some of the ornaments. Princess K. wanted some of the nougat, so I boldly stuck it with a silver fork; I did not think it was so brittle — • bang went the whole thing, scattering the nougat in all directions. If the floor had only opened ! Bits of the nougat stuck in the ladies' hair, on their necks and shoulders. I was filled with confusion. Pozzo di Borgo exclaimed, " Voila V Americain qui attaque la citadelle de Russie." This caused a general laugh and put every- body in a good humour. I have not got over it yet. I think the ladies forgave me as I am so young. Mamma is so tiresome. When we were children, every Saturday night we had to take a powder and in the morning a black draught — always administered by mamma in person. She really forgets I am no longer a child; it is all very well for Frances and Albert. I had a bad headache for several days, and asked mamma's maid to give me a powder. To my horror, at 6 o'clock this morning (without knocking) in walked mamma with a black draught in her hand and a frilled nightcap on her head. No use resisting; but as she left the room I said, " Merci, Madame V Amhassadrice." I don't think she quite liked the tone I said it in. . . . 98 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 TUESDAY I am in horrible disgrace. The Russian Ambassador gave mamma a beautiful cat. It is always in a large basket in her boudoir. Yesterday some people were coming to dejeuner. I was early and alone in the boudoir where we always assemble when en petite committee. Mamma had been sent a quantity of Madonna lilies which were in a vase. I do not know what possessed me, but I took one up and commenced to "annunciate" the cat in solemn tones. I had my back to the door, when I suddenly heard my name pronounced — "James," but in such a tone as only mamma can say it. I was saved for the moment by the Due and Duchesse de Clermont-Tonnerre being announced. I hardly dared speak at table as I knew I was in disgrace. Dear mamma's French is very doubtful, and she never can get a name right. There was a pause in the general conversation. She turned to the duke and said, "How is Madame de Bide," meaning Madame de Bude, the grandmother of the duchess. This was really too much for me. I exploded, and fortunately choked, and had hurriedly to leave the table. When I returned naturally I apolo- gized, but I might have fallen into the middle of Stone- henge from the expression of their faces. Only dear father had a twinkle in his eye. He I know will get me out of this scrape. Mamma sent for me before supper and I had a mauvais quart d'heure. I humbly apologized and was most re- pentant. I then threw my arms around her and gave her a good hug. She gave me six tracts, one for each day of the week; I promised to read them. The funniest fact of it is that Mourussa, the cat, gave birth to six kittens in the night. I only suggested to father that one might be called Annunciata. He did not answer but looked out of the window. I am very sorry for mamma; I can see she is not happy. Father is so occupied that I do not think he 99 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN notices it. It is hard for her: she speaks so little French, has really no friends whom she cares for, and her position is a very difficult one. The Court is so hemmed in by etiquette to which she is not accustomed. She does not understand the ways of Frenchwomen of the grand monde and is continually shocked. Indeed I am not surprised the only women she finds anything in common with are the ladies of the English Embassy and some of the English residents in Paris. There are few Ameri- cans, and those that are here are mostly in commerce and without education. I went with her two days ago to call on a Mrs. P., the wife of a very rich but common American. They have recently bought a very fine hotel in the Rue de Varennes; they sold all the beautiful old furniture and have refurnished it in execrable taste, but she is evidently very proud of it and insisted upon showing us all the reception-rooms. In one room there was a large bronze replica of a statue by "John of Bologna." For something to say, I admired it. She folded her arms and, with a palpable wink, said, " Bologny done it, but I am going to have pantaloons made for it when I receive." Mamma's face was a study. She relaxed into a smile when the poor woman offered her molasses candy and dough-nuts, saying she made them herself to remind her of home. Now that the gaieties are over I am hard at work again; the continual writing, copying of documents, and so forth is very trying. Father cannot pin the Due de Richelieu down to anything definite. FEBRUARY To father's great delight, Lafayette dined here last week, Baron Humboldt, Madame de Stael, Due and Duchesse Plaisance, Monsieur la Place, Pozzo di Borgo, and the de Broglies. A rather amusing incident. We were all assembled in the drawing-room. Monsieur de Lafayette had not arrived. Monsieur la Place was talking to me 100 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 when Lafayette was announced. La Place turned very pale. Just as dinner was announced he went up to father begging leave to retire, as he had been ill and felt very faint. It seems he found it impossible to sit at the same table with Lafayette on account of his relations to the Bourbons. This amused Madame de Stael very much, and I think the dinner was gayer without him. Madame Bonaparte has announced her arrival from America in May. There has not been a lull in the gaieties, which I thought were over. Invitations keep pouring in. Mamma only accepts those which she is obliged to as it fatigues her so much; father the same, so I have to represent the family on all occasions. When we are at home en famille, which both mamma and father prefer, I find it intolerably dull. They both read or write and rarely speak. Frances goes to bed very early, so does Albert. Mamma retires at 10.30; father sits up nearly all night. About 11 o'clock I begin to yawn, and off I go, but not to bed; I generally do not get home until 3 and 4 in the morning. I hate this sort of deception. When I am twenty-one I will openly avow my sins. Skating all day on the Petit Lac in the Bois de Bologne; I enjoy it immensely. It seems so funny, hardly any of the French ladies can even stand on their skates. The men are really too absurd. A few Russians and Poles skate well, but all are very cheerful. Large bonfires are lighted on the bank so that we can warm ourselves. The Galitzins brought some punch and cakes. They allow their daughter to skate, so do the OurousofFs. No French girls, only married women. The G.'s sent two beautiful sledges that a man can push from behind — one in the shape of a springing tiger, and it is lined with tiger-skin and cushions of the same. The other, a large swan, is most graceful; this is lined with blue velvet. They have only just arrived from Russia. We men in turn push the 101 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN different ladies about on the ice. I don't think I cared much about it. The King's coach passed at the very fast pace that it is always driven; much to our surprise, it returned and stopped for his Majesty to watch us. We — of course, the men — uncovered, but he most graciously sent one of his gentlemen to say that we were not to notice him but go on with our sport, which he wished to watch. He stopped quite half an hour. It is such a pity that the beautiful Bois de Boulogne has been destroyed ! Most of the fine trees have been cut down and most of the undergrowth. This was done by the soldiers of the Allies. I have made some excellent friends of my own age or a little older. The Due de Guiche, the son of the Due de Gramont, Rochefoucauld, whom I knew when I was here in 1815, Balliet La Tour, Puysegur, are my intimates. I have tried to make friends with some of the attaches of the English Embassy, but I am sorry to say they do not seem to care for us but seem to shun us as if we were at war. Later others may come with a different spirit, as they are often changing. Nobody could be more gracious than the Duke of Wellington. Father had met him so often at Madame de Stael's; she has that won- derful gift of bringing people together and putting them at once at their ease. I had what might have been a most unpleasant adventure last evening. I had noticed several times a very pretty what I thought was a grisette in the gardens of the Palais Royal. She didn't seem to mind my rather bold way of staring at her — in fact, she smiled. As I am always ready for adventure, I wrote on a bit of paper asking for a rendezvous. I dropped it just as she was approaching me. I saw her pick it up. She did not look at me, but shortly after a man, raising his hat, handed me a note, only a few words, making an appointment at a house in the Rue St. Honore for 10.30 in the evening. Naturally I was there. An old woman met me at the door. Putting her finger to her 102 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 lips and bidding me to follow her, she mounted to the second floor. Letting us in with a key, I found myself in a most beautiful apartment. She threw open the door, and to my amazement there was my grisette with a child of about two years on her lap and one a year or so older standing by her side. All were beautifully dressed, and sitting by a little table was a man. He rose, and with a bow said, "Monsieur, you are most welcome to our humble home. My wife has kept the children out of bed expressly for you to see them." Imagine my deep mortification. She is Mademoiselle R of the Theatre Fran^ais. It was a lesson I will not forget and which I richly deserved. They both begged me to honour them with a visit at any time. She knew perfectly well who I was. I will certainly not forget them. We are getting very near Lent now, when, of course, we will be very quiet. I love the spring in Paris — the Champs Elysees is so beautiful with the trees and brilliant sunshine. I have been fencing a great deal lately, not that I anticipate a duel; in fact, I would not be allowed to fight on account of father's position — not that I want to in the least, but I think fencing gives great ease, grace, and balance. I took the children on Sunday to Versailles. The great fountains played. I took Frances to see them; they are a wonderful sight. Of course, mamma would not go, as it was Sunday. We lost Albert and did not find him for several hours. When he appeared he had his hat covered with insects and butterflies on pins that he had caught. I made him throw them all away. He is really incorrigible; he ought to be sent to a boarding-school or college. MARCH 1817 Now that Lent has come we have much more leisure, no Court entertainments of any kind. Father has received an intimation that he will be required to go to the Netherlands in July to help Mr. Eustace in his negotiations 103 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN re indemnity, &c. &c. He does not care much about going but never shirks his duty. I will go with him. Madame de Stael is very ill. She sent for father to-day and had a long conference with him, principally about her property. He had advised her to place all her monetary affairs in the hands of IVIonsieur Rothschild of London. She did not take his advice at the time and now repents it. It seems she is much troubled about what she should do for ]\Ir. Rocca (her husband). Her great love for her daughter is overwhelming; she wants to leave her the bulk of her property. At one moment — strong woman as she is — she talks of approach- ing death; the next moment of the house she has taken and the entertainments she intends to give. Madame Recamier has a beautiful hotel in the Rue de (illegible). She receives on Thursday evenings, always reclining on a chaise-longue. She is certainly very brilliant and witty. She does not like Madame de Boigne and calls her une pretentieuse. She says, "Madame de B. only ' acknowl- edges two families, that of the Bon Dieu and the Osmonds." I think I have forgotten to mention the attempt on the life of the Duke of Wellington. As he was driving home in the Champs Elysees a shot was fired, but for- tunately missed him — in fact, the bullet has not been found. Some malicious people say he had the shot fired himself. Naturally he has lots of enemies. So great a man as he is can brush such insinuations aside without giving them a thought. He certainly is the most impor- tant personage in France at present, and if anything happened to him it would be a dire calamity. Indeed, it is very odd how persistently rude the Roj^al Family are to him. He never shows the slightest displeasure and is always dignified and courtesy itself. Father has the greatest admiration for him, and believes him to be a born diplomatist as well as a great soldier and leader of men. 104 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 I have just heard that a man called Cantillon has been arrested. They say he is but a man of straw and that his arrest was made to appease the English and that he will never be tried. The extraordinary thing is that, with the exception of the Due de Berri, not one of the Royal Family expressed the slightest sympathy or con- gratulated the Duke on his escape. MARCH 26 The Chamber closed to-day. I am getting a little tired of Lent, mamma will keep it so strictly. I see at times it rather annoys father, but he does not say anything. I can never quite make out what his ideas are on religion. He is a Calvinist and was brought up when a child by Mile Pictet very strictly. I think Voltaire and his ideas greatly influenced him. I do not care what his religion is, nobody could be better than he is. Always so gentle, smoothing over everything and keeping peace, thoughtful for everybody, even for the servants — could there be a better man? I only wish I could approach him in any way. Mamma was a Miss Nicholson; I must have some of the "Old Nick" in me from that side of the family. MARCH 29 Father to-day told me if I could find an agreeable travel- ling companion that he would give me the money to go to Bourg to see Jacques Coeur's house, which is so beau- tiful. I fear my travelling companion must be of the male sex, although father did not stipulate this. It is rather a long journey, quite three days to get there. I was showing Frances to-day how I could tame her canary. I drew a chalk-line on the table, caught the little bird, and laid him on his back on the line. He remained perfectly quiet. Frances was delighted. She put out her hand to take him up. The poor little thing did not move — he was dead. I was so sorry. Poor Frances cried bitterly. I went out at once and bought her another, but she is not comforted. 105 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN APRIL 15 I dined with father at the Duke of Wellington's yester- day. Great magnificence, the plate gold. It is the Royal plate sent from England for his use. Shoals of powdered lackeys in the Wellington liveries, eight gold candelabra on the table. In the centre of the table a huge gold basin filled with flowers. All the service silver with the sweets and dessert, and then all was gold. Prince Talleyrand was present, the Due de Rohan, Duchesse de Courlande (niece of Talleyrand, who seems devoted to him). Due and Duchesse de Duras, the Galit- zins, Caumont la Forces, de Broglies, Comte and Comtesse D'Orsay, Due and Duchesse de Grammont, Comtesse de Boigne and her brother Osmond, the English Ambassador, Chevalier Stuart, Baron Vincent (Austria), the Due and Duchesse de Fernan-Nunez (Spain), Baron Fagel (Pays Bas), Comte and Comtesse Soltz (Prussia), Pozzo di Borgo (Russia), Marquis Alfieri (Sardinia), Prince Castelcicala (Deux Siciles), Comte and Comtesse de Gallatin (Wiirtem- berg), and a host of others. The Duke was in fine spirits and received congratulations on all sides. APRIL At last the Orleans family have been granted permission to return to France. They are installed at the Palais Royal. They were not well received by the King; in fact, the only members of the Royal Family who greeted them cordially were the Due and Duchesse de Berri. I went officially with father to the Palais Royal after he had requested an audience. We were received in the simplest manner possible. They seem like any ordinary bourgeois family. The Duke* is short, marked * Louis Philippe d'Orleans, Due d'Orleans, born September 6, 1773, reigned as Louis Philippe I, died in England (to which country he fled in 1848) August 26, 1850. He was the son of PhiUppe Egalit^, Due d'Orleans, who voted for the death of Louis XVI. 106 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 Bourbon features, decidedly common-looking. The Duchess is not pretty but most gracious and charming, Mademoiselle as well. We stopped quite half an hour, his Highness asking many questions about America, of which he seems to have great knowledge. He spoke of Monsieur de Lafayette and was au courant with father's intimacy with him. Driving home, father, who rarely expresses any opinion about people, said, "That man is an intriguer; I would not trust him." We had seen and been presented to him in England three years ago. A Court reception to-morrow. I had rather an unfortunate adventure some few nights since, but it I hope will never get to father's ears. After going to the opera, a charming little danseuse, whose acquaintance I had only just made, asked me if I would sup with her at her apartment. Much to my surprise I found the greatest luxury — some personage evidently in the background. A round table with couverts for two. We had just commenced to sup when I heard a noise in the antechamber. INIy charmer exclaimed, " Mon Dieu, je suis perdue, cachez-vous." I rushed behind a curtain. The door opened, and to my dismay I recognized the voice of the Due de Berri. He said, "So mademoiselle has an amant." Clare tremblingly answered, " Non, Monseigneur, it was only mamma who I was giving a little supper to as you did not arrive." He asked, "What has become of her?" "She has gone, Monseigneur, as she was not properly dressed to receive your Highness." By bad luck I had left my hat on a chair. The Duke picked it up and said with a laugh, "So, madame, wire mere wears a man's hat, which she has forgotten." I felt it was time for me to discover myself, no matter what the consequences might be. I stepped out from behind the curtain, saying, "Mon- seigneur, it is my hat; I am mademoiselle's mother." He broke into fits of laughter, poor Clare into tears. He laughed so heartily that I could not help joining him; 107 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN he then became serious and in the kindest manner said, "Young man, you have acted in a most honourable manner not to play eavesdropper. Tout est ixirdonne. Let us sup together." Clare rang and ordered another convert to be laid, and we had a most cheerful supper. When he rose to leave he begged me to accompany him, which, of course, I did. Going down the stairs he took me by the arm and said most kindly, "I am really the one to blame; here we have met as Mr, Smith and Mr. Jones," adding, "in fact, you have unknowingly done me a great favour, as I was most anxious to get rid of Mile Clare; you have given me the opportunity. I am your debtor, but do not forget I am Mr. Smith." He always speaks English to me, even at Court. I have not seen Clare again and do not intend doing so. I met the Due yesterday. He burst out laughing and said, with a twinkle in his eye, " Have you seen your friend, Mr. Jones, lately? Mr. Smith, I hear, has gone back to England." The Prince de Conde is very ill. His son, the Due de Bourbon, it seems, leads the most extraordinary life — only cares for people of the lower classes, shows himself in public with the commonest of drabs, hates royalty, and is unfit for decent society. PARIS Much to my delight, Lord Huntly (now Duke of Gordon) called to-day. He is very old but looks wonderfully well. He said, "You look a man now; when I last saw you you were a child." He is a very great favourite at Court. Father went again to-day to see Madame de Stael. He came back very depressed, as he fears she will not last long. She was very excited, talking about Jacques Coeur, from whom she is descended through the Gallatins. Coeur was certainly an extraordinary man. I never heard that any of our family benefited by his fortune. I intend some day going to Bourges to see his palace, 108 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 which they say is the finest Renaissance palace in exist- ence. If Jeanne d'Arc had not had those absurd visions we might be rich. Madame de Stael says that both she and father get their brains from Coeur; they certainly got nothing else. Father does not inherit the latter's love of show. I really believe he would be perfectly happy in one room with any amount of strong segars and a few clever men to discuss abstruse questions with. I am glad to say he has a certain amount of pride, which makes him live in a proper style, which his present position demands. JULY Father was sent for this morning as Madame de Stael is worse. He is much distressed, as he has the most profound admiration for her. JULY 18 Madame de Stael died yesterday. She is to be buried at Coppet; so, at least, is the present intention. We are obliged to leave for Brussels to-morrow, greatly to father's regret, as he would have liked to have paid his last respects to her by going to Coppet for the funeral. He considers her loss a public one, that she was a great power and that she had more influence on public opinion than any other person excepting the actual Ministers in office. Her mind, instead of diminishing with years, improved, and she became more and more brilliant. The Duchesse de Broglie is inconsolable. I saw Auguste de Stael this morning. Arrived yesterday in Brussels. Are not well lodged in the Rue de la Loi. Father wishes to confer with Baron Fagel. After a week of idleness the King has decided that the negotiations must be held at the Hague. After all, we need not have come here until much later. We are stopping here for several weeks before going to 109 1817J DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN the Hague. It is extremely dull; everybody out of town, houses shut up, very hot, and absolutely nothing for me to do. Father has given me permission to go to Ostend for some bathing, which I certainly will take advantage of. JULY 29: OSTEND Arrived here to-day, a lovely place in the Dunes. I am at a very comfortable hostelry, the Hotel d'Allemagne. The bathing splendid. Full of all the bourgeoisie from Brussels, Ghent, Bruges, &c. &c. Very amusing watch- ing the pacquets coming from England. The people of the place rough Flemish — loud, coarse voices but good- natured and healthy. Fishing is the chief industry. AUGUST 3 I went to Bruges yesterday and stopped the night — such an interesting place but falling into decay. Wonderful buildings and a beautiful cathedral with such a sweet chime of bells. I have made friends with a nice English- man, a Mr. Marchmont, who went with me. It is sad to see a place once so opulent and of such importance practically finished. It has played in the past such an important part in history. Ostend interests me on account of the siege. One of our ancestors was killed there. In the "Etrennes de la Noblesse," which is the peerage of France before the Revolution, volume 1778, is the following anecdote historique: "Francois de Gallatin jut blesse viortelment au siege d'Ostende — a Vattaque du chemin convert oil il avoit com- battu avec la plus grande valour, a la tete des trois compagnies de Grenadiers du Regiment de la Cour-au-C hantre, qu'il commandoit, et qui y furent ecrases — on lui coupa la cuisse — quelques instants avant sa mart on lui demanda ses derniers volontes pour son fils, encore enfant: 'Qu'il suive mon exemple,' repondit il." 110 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 Father has written to me to join him at the Hague on August 15, so I will stop here until then. I forgot to mention that when I was at Brussels I visited the plains of Waterloo. I shut my eyes and tried to picture the whole scene of the battle. I cannot but feel pity for the Emperor — to have risen to the great heights that he did and now a prisoner at such a horrible place as St. Helena. He was a very great man and he rose alone without any help. He, I am certain, had great magnetic force. I think his family were a great drag on him. His brothers, with one exception, were full of greed. My friend Marchmont has not turned out quite as nice as I thought he w^as. He asked me yesterday if I would lend him one hundred francs, saying he was expecting money from England. He did not turn up at dejeuner this morning, and when I asked for him mine host with surprise said, "Did not monsieur know that Monsieur Marchmont left by the packet this morning for England?" With this he handed me a letter — it was only a few lines — which showed me what a dupe I had been: "Young man, never lend money to a stranger in a foreign country," signed "Marchmont." I hope some day to meet my fine gentleman. AUGUST 15: THE HAGUE Arrived here last night, but father will not arrive until to-morrow. We are lodged in a very nice house which adjoins one occupied by Mr. Eustace.* We are to eat with him. Lucien is with me. If Brussels was dull, what is this place? It is absolutely dead. Very clean outwardly, but they tell me the people are dirty and that it is all outward show, that the interiors of the houses are very untidy — not a bath in any of the houses and no public baths like in Paris. * American minister at The Hague. Ill 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN AUGUST 20 Very little work to do at present. I had to confess to father how I had been duped at Ostend. He said he hoped it was a lesson to me, but at once handed me five napoleons. AUGUST 28: THE HAGUE A charming surprise. A Baron Constant Rebecque whose mother was born Gallatin, called to see father. They have a beautiful place in the country. He invited us to stop with him. Father cannot leave but accepted for me. I go there to-morrow. SEPTEMBER 2 I came back from the Rebecque's this morning. It is a lovely place. I was sorry it was not the tulip season as they have many of them. We shot some hares and foxes; the latter, it seems, do a lot of damage. What would they say to this in England, where a fox is sacred ? I must say the Dutch nobility are delightful, so simple and cordial. I felt at home at once. Madame de Rebecque was so pleased to see anybody of her name. She said if father could not spare the time to go and see her she would go to the Hague to see him. I find all what we call "hot cakes" in America are of Dutch origin. We have "waffles" and "griddle cakes" every day for breakfast. Dutch girls are not pretty. They say they make good wives. I am not surprised as they cannot have any other temptations. Two, Mile von Briennen and Mile Bentinck, all round and fat. THE HAGUE Hard work now. It seems they laugh at the idea of an indemnity, which annoys father very much. He feels his mission is quite useless. We will soon go back to Paris. I am delighted, as it is not gay here. 112 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 SEPTEMBER We leave on the 22nd. First pay a visit to the Rebecques. Father is the most extraordinary person. After all his trouble coming here, he has only asked for his actual out-of-pocket expenses. Mr. Eustace says it is quite absurd. He cares less for money than anybody I have ever heard of. I only discovered a short time since that he had paid all his grandmother's debts in Geneva. She was a most reckless and extravagant person, and certainly did not consider him in any way. SEPTEMBER 30: PARIS Back again in Paris. Mamma and the children are at Fontainebleau. We join them in a few days. Mr. Sheldon must have a holiday, so our stay in the country will be very short. Rumours of a change of Government. The Duke Decazes* is spoken of. They say Monsieur is intriguing against the King. OCTOBER Fontainebleau is deadly dull — nothing to do but ride in the forest. Of course, it is very beautiful, but I soon tire of it as I ride alone. The Chasse will soon begin, I am glad to say. We have a very comfortable house on the outskirts of the town quite close to the forest. OCTOBER 12 The Marquis de Breteuil sent me an invitation to hunt with him. I have just come back. It was a chasse au sanglier. The w^ild boars abound in the forest and at times are very dangerous. It was all very new to me and struck me as rather theatrical. The boarhounds were very fine, a large pack — the huntsmen, &c., all ♦Monsieur Elie Decazes, born September 28, 1780, died 1860. After the assassination of the Due de Berri in 1820 he was created due and given the English Embassy; was a great favorite of Louis XVIII. 113 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN in the King's livery. Huge cors de chasse, which they put their heads through as one does through a life-pre- server; at every opportunity possible they blow blasts on these latter. When a poor "piggy" was killed his dying moments were cheered by a lively tune played on at least six of the horns; still it is an amusement for me. There were several ladies of Court in the Royal Costume at the Chasse, which really made a beautiful scene. I expected every moment to see the curtain come down as it does at the play. I believe in the time of Louis XIV they followed the hunt in huge gilt and painted coaches. NOVEMBER 6 We stopped until the end of October at Fontainebleau and are now again installed in the Rue de TUniversite. Paris is very gay. I love the boulevards — so gay and everybody seems so cheerful. What a light-hearted people the French are. I am glad to say mamma seems a little happier. I am sure she will end by liking Paris. NOVEMBER 9 We have had a sheaf of dispatches from home, which I have to go through and copy. No wonder my hand- writing is becoming illegible, my fingers are so cramped. The Caumont la Forces have a large supper to-night to which we are bidden. It has been so dull and cold all day, I think we are going to have a downfall of snoW. NOVEMBER 10 We could hardly get home from the la Forces last night. It had rained a little and then came a frost making the streets like glass; in fact, they call it ver glas. The coachman and footman had to get down and lead the horses. I did also, and could hardly keep my own footing. Fortunately, the horses had been roughed. We were quite two hours doing a journey which ordinarily takes less than half an hour. Father has sent to Geneva for a 114 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 fine gold watch for me for my Christmas present. He certainly spoils me. I often wonder if anybody got hold of my diary after I am dead what an ass they would think me. I will leave strict instructions to burn it. Frances and I are both learning a new dance, the " Schottische." It is very pretty and quite the fashionable rage. NOVEMBER 20 I was presented to a Madame Chapelle last night at the opera. She is a daughter of the Regent Orleans and Madame de Genlis. She is not pretty but has great charm of manner — a grande dame. She has asked me to call on her. She receives on Friday evening. They say all Paris goes to her. Mamma allowed me to take Frances for a walk on the boulevard yesterday. She is so young it does not make any matter; were she eighteen it would be impossible. Fancy the customs of different countries. Here we are hemmed in by Etiquette. I have a bad toothache and am going to bed. NOVEMBER 21 I waked this morning and my right cheek felt as if it were going to burst. I got up and looked in the mirror. Horrors, I did not recognize myself ! I cannot see my right eye and my cheek is like an apple-dumpling. I am going to send for some leeches. I sent Lucien for my breakfast. Of course mamma thought I was ill and arrived with her medicine-chest. She said in any case a powder would do me good. I put my foot down firmly and said I would not take one. She left the room saying, "It is all biliousness." As if a swollen face was bile! She does annoy me. She even asked me what I had been eating. NOVEMBER 25 My face quite normal again and I went out to-day. It was very cold, so I thought it best to go quietly and see 115 1817] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN Mile Laflage of the opera. She had a great wood-fire, and I showed her how to make toast as we do in America. I did not go home until she had to go to the opera. She is in the ballet and did not have to leave until 8 o'clock. I got home in time for supper, found the kitchen chimney on fire, a great crowd, and a "file" passing buckets all the way from the Seine up one side and down the other. It was soon put out. Very little damage done but all the supper ruined. We had to make the best of it, and ate cake and bread and milk. DECEMBER 1 Already preparations are being made for Christmas. We are going to have a Christmas party. I proposed bobbing for apples and snap-dragon. For once my family approved of my idea. We are going to have a very young party for Frances. Mamma enjoys arranging this sort of thing. I am trying to think of something new to amuse them. I proposed kiss-in-the-ring and hunt- the-slipper. Mamma vetoed both as improper — so voila. DECEMBER 8 Last night a splendid ball at Court. Mamma was very fine: all Madame de Gallatin-Vaudenet's jewels — which were all poor father inherited from her; in fact, he had voluntarily paid all her immense debts — also some fine lace. Mamma's train was purple velvet with white lace. The diamonds are all mounted in Louis XV settings. One huge aigrette with briolet diamonds in her turban, which was of gold tissue. On her forehead a ferronniere of diamonds — beautiful brooches. Her dress was gold and purple striped tissue. The Landgrave of Hesse Cassel gave Madame Gallatin-Vaudenet most of the jewels. The Duchesse d'Angouleme was regal in white with a train entirely of ermine. She was absolutely covered with jewels — pearls and diamonds. She is the most 116 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1817 royal-looking personage one can possibly imagine. It was dreadfully crowded. All was over at midnight. DECEMBER 12 I have decided on my surprise for our Christmas party. I am having a huge imitation plum-pudding made of cardboard. It is large enough to hold a little girl of ten dressed as a fairy. She will distribute flowers and sweeties. Each package is to have a small flag on it; the flags are to be of all nations. DECEMBER 15 Nothing but balls every night. I am quite worn out. Fortunately there is hardly any work to be done for father, or I would have to go to bed early. DECEMBER 24 All is now ready for our Christmas party. The ball- room looks very nice, and I keep even the stable men frotteing to get the floor in fine condition. Supper is to be before we dance and play our jeux d'innocence. Frances is so excited, we will not let her see anything of our preparation. I tell her unless she keeps quiet she will have a red nose. DECEMBER 26 Everything went off capitally. After supper, which was 8 o'clock, we started our game. Snap-dragon, a novelty, was a great success. We were allowed to play kiss-in-the-ring, suppressing the kiss; it was like "Hamlet" minus the Prince of Denmark. Of course, it was mamma. My plum-pudding was even a surprise to mamma. At 11 o'clock I had a great bell rung. In marched four footmen carrying the pudding on high. I took a great knife as if to cut it, and, pulling a string at the same time, it fell open. The little fairy was so dainty. I had her taught some verses called "Noel," 117 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN which she declaimed as only a child can. After the little packages were distributed, we danced a contre- danse. The young girls were all so pretty I wanted to kiss them all. The poor little child who was in the plum-pudding burst into tears and would not be com- forted. She wanted her mother, who is only a dresser at the opera, and who was to call for her at midnight, not being able to leave her work before then. Mamma took her on her lap and comforted her until she fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. When her mother did arrive, father, with his usual kindness, sent her home in a coach which he had ordered. All the young people loaded her with bon-bons, &c. I gave her a great big doll which I had bought for the purpose. She will be happy when she wakes to-morrow morning. JANUARY 1, 1818: NEW YEAR'S DAY After we had all drunk each other's health in egg nog I went out to commence the New Year — I fear badly. I don't think I'll record in my diary where I went. JANUARY A delightful dinner and sauterie at the Pictet de Rochment's. He is the Bavarian charge d'affaires and a connexion of father's. Mile Pictet, who brought father up in his early days, was his aunt. Pozzo di Borgo, Comte and Comtesse de Grotz (Hanover), Marquis and Marquise Alfieri (a descendant of the great Italian poet — he represents Sardinia here). Count and Countess Goltz (he represents Prussia), and the Chevalier Stuart, as they call him here, the English Ambassador — in fact, quite a diplomatic gathering. For the sauterie, Comte and Comtesse de Gallatin, who brought their two daughters, the Prince and Princesse Castelcicala (Deux Siceles), the Baillet-Latours, Comte and Comtesse Caumont la Force, the Galitzins. and many others. There was a pavane 118 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 dance by six young men and six ladies, a contre-danse and several "minuets," then a "Roger de Coverley" proposed by the English Ambassadress; but few knew the dance, but on once seeing the four first couples they quickly acquired it and acquitted themselves very well amongst much laughter. When there is a gathering of young people of this kind it is much gayer. Even father, Pozzo di Borgo, and the Chevalier Stuart joined in the dance. I had for partner Katinka Galitzin. My newly acquired "pigeon's wings" were much applauded. We supped at midnight. Mamma slept in the coach going home. JANUARY 6 Splendid skating on the petit lac, which was reserved. I got home just in time to dress to go to a twelfth-night party at Comtesse de Gallatin's. After cutting the gateau du roi, Puysegur drew the bean in his bit and Mile Caumont la Force found the other one. They were duly clothed in red velvet mantles trimmed with ermine, gold paper crowns on their heads, and they were the reigning king and queen for the evening. It was put to the vote for the Court places. I was voted to be the Court fool and wore a fool's cap. As I con- sidered it an insult, I determined to fool to my heart's content. After the king and queen had been escorted in state to their throne the revels commenced. Minuets, pavanes, mazurkas, were danced in rapid succession. Supper was announced at 11 o'clock. I slipped out unobserved, got hold of one of the footmen (whose palm I greased), and got him to get me a large foot-tub full of warm water; this I had placed facing the throne. I enlisted the aid of two of my cronies, placed a chair on either side of the tub, covering the whole with a quilt which I got my footman to procure for me. Seating my friends, one on one side and one on the other, I told them that sudden death would overtake them if they 119 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN dared to move. I returned to the supper-room looking perfectly innocent. We then escorted the king and queen back to their respective thrones. I craved their majesty's permission to try a rebel for lese majesie. They at once granted my fool's request. I then told the trumpeter to sound three times, and the herald to call upon Monsieur d'Osmond* to appear before their majesties to be tried and sentenced. Osmond is full of his own importance. He approached, and was told by me to seat himself between the two guards. I had told them the moment he did so to at once rise; this they did, and plump went Osmond into the bath. It really succeeded better than I had anticipated. He did not at first realize he was sitting in the water, but when he did he tried to get out of the tub, making an awful splashing; I never heard so much laughter. Poor Osmond stood dripping, a sorry figure and raging; the more he raged, the more we all laughed. When early in the evening I was voted to be the fool, he had said in his horrid sarcastic way, "That role exactly fits you." I could not refrain from going up to him and saying, "You now have a role that fits you like a bathing-dress." You see, on the Jour des Rois nobody must lose their temper, so he had to grin and bear it. He went in the kitchen to be dried but did not appear again. My cousin, Count Gallatin, tried to look serious and, taking me by the ear, repri- manded me, saying, "That was quite sufiicient to cause war between France and America." I answered, "For the evening I am a fool, and it was a fool's prank." Anyhow, no more was said about it, and I think all enjoyed the joke. JANUARY 9 We had a very large supper-party last night, but extremely dull. It may have been very intellectual, it undoubtedly * Monsieur d'Osmond, son of the Marquis d'Osmond and brother of the Comtesse de Boigne. 120 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 was, but my intellect was not suflBciently cultivated to appreciate it; but I saw how happy father was and that quite resigned me to my fate. Poor mamma did not understand a word of the general conversation, but kept nodding her head and smiling in the most intelligent manner until I feared the feathers would fall out of her turban. Monsieur de Lafayette gave a long harangue on the subject of liberty. I think father was a little uneasy, as it does not do for people to express their opinion too openly at an embassy. Pozzo only laughed at the whole thing. Our silver, which was the service of poor General Moreau, made a very fine show. Mamma has great taste — the flowers and fruit on the table were beautifully arranged. Madame Recamier recited some poems in the most affected and stilted style. I really think she humbugs herself; she loves to hear the sound of her own voice. Count D'Orsay was the only amusing person. He made a violent speech on the political questions of the day, without head or tail, beginning or end; I rather loved him for it. After all the guests had retired I was off to a bal masque at the opera — had lots of adventures, made at least a dozen rendezvous, and by now have forgotten both places and names. Telle est la vie. FEBRUARY 3 A great sensation has been produced by the appearance of a pamphlet printed in London and called "The Manuscript of St. Helena." It is supposed to have been written by the Emperor himself. It is read in all the great salons, and many say they recognize the style of the Emperor. Monsieur Naville (father's cousin) brought it to him yesterday from the author, who is Monsieur Lullin de Chateauvieux, also a cousin and a Genevan. We are all sworn to secrecy. This makes it most amusing for me, as I hear of nothing else in all the salons I frequent and often have a good laugh to myself. A most extraor- 121 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN dinary person who I must here give a place to is the Queen of Sweden, wife of Bernadotte. She was a Mile Eugenie Desiree Clary.* Her sister Julie married Joseph Bonaparte. They were the daughters of a tallow-chandler in Marseilles. She has left Sweden as she says the climate did not agree with her. Her position here is a curious one. A private note was sent to all the ambassadors and ministers of foreign Powers not to receive her as Queen of Sweden but simply as Madame Bernadotte. She is not received officially at Court, but still the King receives her as Madame Bernadotte in private. I have met her in several different salons — a most common- looking person, with a loud voice and coarse manners, and dressed in clothes you expect to see a cook wear. She has a strong Marseilles accent. When I was pre- sented to her she said in horrible French: "Comment, vous etes Americain et vous neies pas noir. Ma sopur Julie a ete en Amerique." She would be better if she were black— she has some sort of eruption on her face which is not nice to look at. Another extraordinary female is the Duchesse de Duras; she is quite as ugly as Madame Bernadotte. Since the death of Madame de Stael she seems to think the latter's mantle has fallen on her shoulders. She apes her as much as she dare do. Instead of a small laurel-branch which Madame de Stael always carried in her hand and gesticulated with (I have mentioned this before), she has long bits of paper which she twirls about and tears to pieces; it's most amusing to watch her. Her daughter, the Princesse de Talmont, a widow, has lately married a Monsieur de Rochejacquelin, much against her mother's wishes. I fear I am drifting into a serious love affair. At several houses I have met a handsome Spanish woman, wife of * Eugenie-D^sir^e Clary, wife of Jean Bernadotte, who was elected Prince Royal of Sweden in 1810, succeeded the King Charles XII in 1818; reigned as Charles XIV. He was never recognized by the King of France. 122 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 a Secretary of Embassy; she is several years older than I am and does not live happily with her husband. She has asked me to meet her at out-of-the-way places; I have been weak enough to do so, but I must break it off. It would be a serious matter for me and for father's position if there were any scandal, particularly in the diplomatic circle. Serious talk of the resignation of Monsieur de Richelieu; father seems worried. Monsieur Decazes is spoken of. The King has shown him great favour lately. This means that father will have to begin all over again. Nothing definite has been settled with Monsieur de Richelieu. Our Government is pressing and seems to think it is father's fault. We are in a very unsettled state on account of the approaching change in the Government. So many different rumours. General Dessolles spoken of as the new leader. Father hardly thinks this possible, but believes Monsieur Decazes will certainly (if not actually in name) be the leader. Prince Talleyrand is now in Paris; he is such an intriguer, so absolutely false, that nobody trusts him. I heard a good story about him yesterday and his astuteness. When he was in power a gentleman, accompanied by a small suite, presented himself at his house as the Margrave of C., a German princeling. His credentials were all in order, but Talley- rand suspected there was something wrong from the man's demeanour. Nevertheless, he invited him to dinner — putting him, as his rank demanded, on his right hand at table. When dinner was at an end and olives were passed with the wine, the Margrave took a fork to eat his with. At once Talleyrand clapped his hands, a prearranged signal, saying in a loud voice, "Arrest this impostor. No gentleman eats olives with a fork." Several officers disguised as footmen rushed forward and seized him. His suite immediately rose and tried to escape from the room, but they were also arrested. 123 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN Talleyrand was quite right; he afterwards learned that the Margrave of C. had been waylaid on his way to Paris, stripped of his clothes, baggage and papers, and left with his suite penniless. The fine gentleman and his band took the Margrave's coach and made use of the relays, so arriving in Paris. The poor Margrave wandered about for some time, as nobody would believe his story and thought he was an impostor. Another story is not out of place here. One day Talleyrand, who is very mal- formed, pointing to a particularly tall and handsome footman, said to the lady next to him, "That is the way we make them, and this is the way they make us." Mamma is in despair, as father hates entertaining. He only cares to see his old friends — Lafayette, La Place, the Humboldts, Pozzo di Borgo, &c. They continually dine and sup with us. I have my own amusements, so it does not affect me. I am beginning to find out that all the Court and official functions are a great bore; they are all the same thing over and over again. The excep- tions are the entertainments at the Elysee and the Palais Royale. The Due and Duchesse de Berri are so gay and cheerful that they instil life into all. At the Palais Royale it is so informal; although very fine entertain- ments, one is not hedged in by that eternal etiquette as at the Tuileries. The Duke and Duchess d'Angouleme are so formal and sad — Monsieur so repellent in his cold, stiff way, though they say he can be charming if he chooses. The poor old King is far more gracious; he really seems to enjoy father's society, and certainly shows him great favour. He laughingly said to him the other day, "I wish you would give us French lessons and we will give you English ones." Poor father's French accent is so strong in English. I sincerely believe it is one of the reasons he is so disliked in America, and it is a great drawback in political life. He is certainly in his right place here, but I think he longs for a more active life. 124 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 JULY He has accepted a special mission to England; it is a very important one. The terms settled at the Treaty of Ghent expire in 1819, so all has to be reconsidered and settled afresh. He is the only person capable of carrying through these negotiations on account of his intimate knowledge of all details. Mr. Rush is our Minister in England. Father discovered him and had him put in his present position. He has most kindly extended his hospitality to us. Father has availed himself of his kind offer to stop at his house when in London. We expect to leave here in July. I fear London will be very dull after Paris, but I will have plenty of work to do. Father insists upon having a copy of every document and prefers me to make them. Albert dislikes Paris so much he is to go back to America this summer. He only cares about birds, animals, and so forth, and likes a wild solitary life. Frances promises to be pretty, and I hope she will grow up so and make a good marriage either here or in England. Her religion will be a great obstacle to her here, and if she changed it mamma would promptly give up the ghost. I am quite certain she will never be content to live in America, and I am sure I won't. JULY 24 To-day we received the faire-part of the Due de Guiche, the eldest son of the Due de Gramont, with Mile D'Orsay, the daughter of the Count and Countess D'Orsay. Made- moiselle is quite lovely and de Guiche is very handsome; they will make a brave couple. I have seen a great deal of de Guiche but not dans le grand monde. I suppose now he will settle down and we will see him no more. The contract of the marriage was on the 10th. Very beautifully done. Masses of flowers everywhere — from the chandelier great wreaths of roses; the wall lights were connected by huge garlands of pink roses. Count 125 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN D'Orsay is famous for his taste. The wedding was in the Sainte-Chapelle by special permission of the King. The Due and Duchesse de Berri were present and signed the register. The corbeille de manage was superb; there were over five hundred presents. I think there is what may be called hot blood in the de Gramont family. There was a Comte de Guiche in the seventeenth century who was a lover of Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. He was exiled, and on his return compro- mised himself with Mile de la Valliere, the King's mistress; was exiled a second time. Not bad. The sister of the present Due de Grammont married Lord Tankerville. She was quite lovely. AUGUST: LONDON After all, we did not leave Paris until August 10 and arrived in London on the 16th. Mr. Rush is most kind; he has placed the whole second floor of his house at our disposal. Of course London is quite empty and dull. I have plenty of work to do. Father has had several interviews with Lord Castlereagh, who is most concilia- tory, but Mr. Frederic Robinson (now President of the Board of Trade) and Mr. Goulburn are the principal Commissioners. The former, as always, is delightful, and father likes dealing with him. The questions to be settled are the Fisheries, the Boundary Question, the West India Trade, and the Captured Slaves. Mr. Robin- son begs father to put in writing exactly what his demands are and his reasons for making them; he thinks this will expedite matters. There are daily conferences, and from what I can understand an agreement satisfactory to all parties will soon be come to. Lord Castlereagh is very advanced in his ideas and has no insular prejudices. Mr. Robinson the same. Mr. Goulburn is not quite as enlightened as they are, but all is very amicable and pleasant. 126 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 SEPTEMBER 10 I had found it so dull, and not feeling very well, father insisted upon sending me to Brighton for two weeks. I arrived yesterday, and at once went to the Pavilion and paid my respects to the Prince Regent. These were father's orders. He is here with some of his dandies and his last reigning favourite. I am very comfortably lodged not far from the sea, in James Street. The Pavilion is a most extraordinary place — Moorish, I think, in architecture; all sorts of domes and minarets. There is a huge riding-school where the Regent takes exercise in bad weather. They say the cost of the building was something enormous. I only went into the first hall and wrote my name. The decorations are Oriental and dazzling, but, although I am informed to the contrary, I should not think the remainder of the decorations are in good taste. SEPTEMBER 12 Such perfect weather, I feel much better already; the heat in London was very great. I had so much writing to do that now I want simply to rest. I was out all the morning lying on the shingle basking in the sun. Returned at 2 o'clock to my dinner. The air here gives me a fine appetite, otherwise I should not be able to eat the food they give me; it's like all English food, heavy and greasy. When will they learn what cooking is? In any small inn in France they give you an appetizing meal, well seasoned and well served. For instance, for dinner to-day I had salt boiled beef with carrots and dumplings; the beef was hard, the carrots were harder, and the dumplings I could have thrown against the door without breaking them; but still I was hungry and managed to make a good dinner. This afternoon, when I went for a walk I met the Prince Regent driving in a most gorgeous chariot; it seemed to me every colour of the rainbow. He was accompanied by a lady, but I do not 127 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN know who she was — in fact, I don't know anybody in England. Several gentlemen accompanied him on horse- back. The Prince looked very red as if he had been drinking; they were all very noisy. Mr. Bnimmell was a great friend of the Prince's; he was called the "mirror of fashion," and although of very humble birth, he managed to work his way to the higher society, and all through his wit and his manner of dressing. He was for a long time the arbiter of fashion. They tell me he often used to destroy a dozen white neckcloths before he tied them to suit him. The Regent used to imitate him though he was most insolent; he was known as "Beau Brummell." SEPTEMBER 15 Poor Lucien has afforded me great amusement ever since he left Paris. I asked him if he was a good sailor. "Mais oui, Excellence." Now he had never even seen the sea, but I said nothing and awaited events. Full of pluck, he marched on board the packet at Boulogne. We were barely under way when I lost sight of him. On arrival at Dover no Lucien could be found. At last, after a search in the forecastle in one of the sailor's bunks, there was a helpless and limp mass. He was carried on deck, and after having brandy poured down his throat began to revive. His first words were: " Est-que je suis mort f " But with the wonderful elasticity of the French nature, before we got to Sevenoaks he was cheer- fully chatting with father's man in the rumble. London astonished him; he could not understand the dirty streets or the grimy houses. He was comically miserable — so homesick that at one time father contemplated sending him home, but he would not consent to this, saying, "What would monsieur do without him?" He certainly is devoted to me. Here at Brighton he is much happier. He is a very good-looking lad. Yesterday I actually saw him walking arm-in-arm with a very pretty 128 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 girl. As he cannot speak two words of English, I cannot understand how he managed it. Oh, but the language of love is not difficult, and I fear he has taken a leaf out of his master's book. SEPTEMBER 17 I had a little adventure yesterday which I hope will turn out well. Nobody knows me here, so I really don't care w^hat I do. I noticed the day after I arrived a very pretty woman. There is a certain look that one gives to a pretty woman and which I have always found a woman understands. The second time I found her walking alone she dropped her eyelids, but not till after she had had a good look at me. After passing her I turned and followed her, dropping my pocket-handkerchief (I always carry a lady's handkerchief with me as I have found it such a help in making acquaintances). I ran after her saying, "Madame, I think this must be yours?" She looked at it and said, "Oh, how stupid of me," and with a pretty curtsy she quietly put it in her reticule; then she said, "I see you are a stranger here." Of course I poured out all my woes, telling her I did not know a soul in the place. She took compassion on me and has promised to meet me to take a little walk to-morrow evening. SEPTEMBER 19 My inamorata is charming, she is married to an old man who is in the city in business — she is down here with a younger sister, to recoup the latter's health. She has promised to meet me to-morrow and to take me home to supper — her sister goes to bed at 7 o'clock. SEPTEMBER 20 The worst possible luck — this morning I received a com- mand from the Prince Regent to attend a concert at the Pavilion to-night — what am I to do ? I do not know my fair lady's name or where she is lodged. She will never 129 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN forgive me — I cannot tell her the real reason of my not being able to keep the rendezvous. She thinks I am simply a young American travelling for my health. SEPTEMBER 21 A most gorgeous entertainment at the Pavilion; as I entered rows of lacqueys in Royal liveries and floured heads lined the hall. A most magnificent and impor- tant person asked my name with a profound bow — he motioned to two lacqueys who threw open the doors and I was ushered into a gorgeous saloon. A gentleman ad- vanced and said his Royal Highness would receive me in a few minutes, which he did. I was escorted to a smaller saloon, at the far end of which the Prince was half reclining on a divan. He was most gracious and inquired kindly about father — he also asked me some questions about the Royal Family in Paris, par- ticularly about the Due de Berri. While he was talking to me the doors were thrown open and several ladies and gentlemen came in; the Regent rose and with the aid of two sticks and followed by the Court, in which I joined, proceeded to the Concert Saloon. He was seated in the centre in a large gilt arm-chair with a lady either side of him — I was in the second row. I do not know who the two gentlemen were who were on either side of me, but one knew my name and both of them seeing I was young and feeling a little bashful and a little embarrassed made themselves most agreeable to me and soon put me at my ease. What astonished me very much was when any one of the performers, either male or female, did not please the Prince he expressed his displeasure in a loud, voice, much to their mortification — and he is called "The First Gentleman in Europe." W^hen the concert was over, bowing to us all he retired, with several ladies and gentlemen. We were then conducted to the dining-hall, which is very fine. A very lavish buffet supper was served, a fine display of gold plate — some of the gentle- 130 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 men were half drunk while they were at the concert and when I left after midnight several of them were helplessly so, a disgusting sight and one that is never seen in France, even in Bohemian society. Some of the decorations of the Pavilion are very fine; the chandeliers are huge dragons painted in colours and gilded. What I liked the best were some beautiful wall-hangings of Chinese paper — I have never seen any before like them — but the whole effect of the furniture is vulgar, at least to my eyes, which are so accustomed to the refined taste of the French. Oddly enough I did not see a picture of any kind or description. SEPTEMBER 22 I have been walking about all day and cannot find a trace of my belle dame. I sincerely regret it as I am leaving now in a few days and fear I will never see her again. I went to write my name at the Pavilion. Just as I was leaving the Prince's curricle drove up; of course I had to wait at the door for him to pass — he passed me without a sign of recognition — he was very red in the face, and, may I only breathe it — I fear he was drunk. They told me he had just come from a cock-fight. SEPTEMBER 23 Not a sign of my fair lady — I so deeply regret it, and of course as I cannot find her, I want to see her all the more. I am leaving the day after to-morrow. Lucien did not come home last night, so my landlady informed me; I must talk to him. SEPTEMBER 24 Still no sign. It is odd as Brighton is not a large place — it does seem odd. I fancied I knew the direction she lived in and have been haunting that quarter all the morning. We are off to-morrow, in one of the fast coaches — I will enjoy the drive. I am certainly feeling much better. 131 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN SEPTEMBER 26: LONDON We had a splendid journey up, racing another coach the whole way. I am glad to say we arrived first, the other coach had an accident. It's wonderful the rapidity with which they change the horses. We came by Cuckfield, a lovely English village and the Weald of Sussex — lovely views. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lucien followed with my baggage — these fast coaches do not take any. I found father as usual, calm and unruffled — he was very pleased to see me looking so well. Mr. Rush had a dinner- party, but excused me from appearing as I was fatigued. SEPTEMBER 28 To-day I was taken to White's Club and Brook's — I had never been into a club before; they say very high gambling takes place at night — as I have never touched a card in my life it does not interest me. Father has a horror of gambling and gamblers. I have been putting some papers in order this evening. London is abso- lutely empty. Everybody is in the country shooting. SEPTEMBER 29 I went to-day to Chelsea Marshes with Mr. Compton; we both took guns but there was nothing to shoot — he told me there was very good snipe-shooting later on. To-morrow I am going to the Tower of London. We will be going back to Paris very shortly — another dinner to-night— all men much older than myself. When the wine was put on the table I begged to be excused and went to bed. OCTOBER 1 Queen Charlotte it is rumoured is very ill — she is suffering from dropsy; it seems she has a violent temper and when she has an outburst it brings on spasms which they fear may cause her death at any moment. The Duchess of Cambridge is devoted to her and hardly ever leaves her. 132 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 It is very sad with her poor mad husband. She goes to see him every day but he never recognizes her — he always thinks he is holding a Court and talks incessantly to imaginary people whom he thinks surround him; what a living death ! One of the first signs of his coming madness was one day a large pasty of blackbirds was on the Royal table, covered with a thick crust. When it was cut he remarked: "How very extraordinary; how on earth did those blackbirds get in that dish?" He would not allow it to be served and had some clever philosopher sent for to go into the matter. OCTOBER 2 We dined with Lord Castlereagh last night, only men again; everything fine — we were over three hours at table, the conversation was far above me, although I take a great interest in politics. Father thinks this all does me good and no doubt he is right. We leave on the 10th. I frankly don't like England or English customs and manners. After many meetings and it seems to me endless dis- cussion the result is as follows: — The articles on impress- ment and maritime rights are thrown out, a ten years' agreement to cover the Fisheries question, the boundary between the Lake and the Rocky Mountains, also the joint use of the Columbia River; indemnity for the slave owners and the renewal of the commercial treaty of 1815. England has been most generous in every way and father has done his best to conciliate all — Lord Castle- reagh has worked in perfect accord with him. The navigation of the Mississippi is settled for ever. With regard to the West India trade, Mr. Robinson made concessions and father met him half-way. On the minor questions in dispute little was settled — Lord Castlereagh wisely said, "Time will do much more than we can"; in this father absolutely agrees. Since the Treaty of Ghent he thinks the American people are a little swelled with 133 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN pride, which he thinks in time will wear away. We return to Paris very shortly. I shall not be sorry, as it has been desperately dull and very hard work. OCTOBER 10: DOVER We left London, I without regret, this morning; we hope to cross to-morrow but it is blowing great guns and the packet did not leave to-day; the French one did as there is a good harbour here. At Boulogne it is some- times impossible to land. I feel sorry for poor Lucien, he is pea-green in anticipation — I cannot boast much myself, but I am getting used to it. OCTOBER 11 Still here on account of stress of weather. It does not affect us as we are not in a hurry, as there is nothing for us to do in Paris at present. I visited the Dover Castle — it is on a very high down above the town. It was very interesting — I could hardly keep my feet the wind was so violent. OCTOBER 12 We embarked this morning, the wind has moderated considerably and the Channel looks quite calm, the sun is shining and we can see Cape Gris Nez distinctly — Lucien is quite cheerful. OCTOBER 14 We sleep at Amiens to-night. OCTOBER 18, 1818: PARIS We returned here on the 16th. Mother is still in the country but returns shortly. OCTOBER 19 Mamma and Frances returned to-day both looking so well. I have for the last few days been visiting all my 134 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1818 old haunts to see if they were still there. We will soon have to return to fashionable life. The Court has returned, and Paris looks very gay. OCTOBER 22 I even love the smell of Paris. I love the smell of the fruit and vegetables which the market-women hawk about the streets in their push-carts. I love the cry "Oh, les belles fraises. Oh ! les raisins, dix sous la livre," and later, " Oh ! la valence, la belle valence.^' Dear Albertine de Broglie came to see mamma to-day; they have bought a beautiful hotel, quite close to us. They have a fine boy; she wants us to dine quite en famille on Sunday — that is mamma, father, Frances and myself. Mamma could not refuse her, but it is the first time she has dined out on Sunday since we came to Paris. OCTOBER 25 We had such a pleasant dinner at the de Broglie's. Their hotel is really beautiful. He had superb pictures and furniture, silver, &c. ; her mother left her all she possibly could, so it all makes a fine show. The precious baby was brought down before dinner. Of course mamma and Frances made a great fuss over it. I am not an expert in babies, they always look so crumpled and red to me and I never know how to pick them up. We saw a fine portrait of de Broglie's father who was guillotined in the Revolution. She showed it to us. It is covered with a black curtain which she drew aside when he was out of the room, as he cannot bear to look at it. This is the reason I suppose he is so serious. OCTOBER 29 I am really beginning to vegetate. I will get prematurely old, if I go on at this rate. I am going to-night with Puysegur to a ball given by a lady of the "other world." The Due de Berri protects her and will be there. I have 135 1818] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN just come in from a turn in the Bois de Boulogne where I met many friends whom I had not seen since I had re- turned from England. The men all wanted to know about the English fashions as everything is a VAnglaise now in France. Certainly Englishmen are better dressed than Frenchmen. I met Count D'Orsay; he is certainly a fine figure of a man and carries himself so well. His hand- some face is rather spoilt by his teeth, which although very white are very much separated, which gives his mouth an animal look when he smiles. NOVEMBER Very cold and in the mornings we have a thick white fog. I am fully lance dans le monde again, dancing every night. The ball at the Due de Berri's friend was very enjoyable, but oddly enough up to a certain point the behaviour was even more dignified than da7is le vrai monde. It was not until after supper and the Due had retired that things became rather mixed. I know about 3 A.M. I was sitting on the lap of a lady, who dis- played ample charms, and she was calling me her " Bebe, petit chou,'" &c. I did not stop there long — I prefer lamb to mutton. NOVEIVIBER 1818 Christmas will soon be here. For the first time we are to dine out at the de Broglie's. She made such a point of it. We are going to have a New Year's Eve party. Of course, I am in another scrape — the same old story. At Madame Recamier's. She is short, has the most beautiful auburn hair, is an Austrian by birth, married to a Frenchman. She swears eternal devotion — I do the same but do not mean it in the least. It is, I hope, only a passing fancy. Her husband neglects her, so she says 136 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 — but will meet him to-morrow as she has bidden me to a large dinner-party. We went last night to the opera. Mamma took Frances for the first time. She was delighted, it was a pleasure to see her so happy. NOVEMBER 16 Some most important dispatches have arrived from America which will keep me busy for a long time. Father frets a little that he has not more important work to do. He is writing on finance, which keeps him very busy. We have a dinner to-night, all Americans. Mamma is so pleased as she then can join in the general conversa- tion. It must be very hard for her when only French is spoken. DECEMBER 1818 There is no doubt that the Due de Richelieu will resign. He has been attacked in the most unseemly manner by the party headed by Monsieur Decazes. The New Cabinet has been formed led by Decazes. Mamma came back for Christmas from Fontainebleau; we were very quiet as one of her sisters has died in America — which had placed us in mourning. I am sorry to say I cannot get rid of Madame S. She will not leave me alone. Something must be done to bring about a rupture. The New Year may bring me some luck. JANUARY 3, 1819 As everybody does, I have made all sorts of good resolutions for 1819. I do not suppose I'll keep one of them. The new Government seems very obstinate, re the Indemnity claims — always some excuses, something crop- ping up to delay the settlement. Poor Monsieur de Riche- lieu, the most simple of men, has inspired Madame Berna- dotte (the Queen of Sweden) with a violent passion; she follows him like a dog, her carriage waits outside his door for hours; and the moment he appears from the porte- 137 1819] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN cochere, her coachman whips up his horses and follows. Madame de Duras also causes much amusement, she cannot conceal her jealousy of Madame Recamier, who has stolen M. de Chateaubriand from her. Really these old ladies and their love affairs are too funny ! JANUARY 10 There is much scandal about the treatment the Duke of Wellington has received at the hands of the Royal Family. I wonder he has stood it so long. Monsieur has at times been most insolent. Father has decided to go to Geneva for three months. He has taken a house called "Bo- cage," at Pregny. There is really nothing to keep us in Paris. Mr. Sheldon and the staff are quite sufficient. We leave on June 1 — Madame S. threatens to follow me there; if so, I will drown myself in the lake. Madame Bonaparte is in Geneva. I think I will ask her advice how I am to get rid of this woman — I must do something. The Chamber voted yesterday the grant of an income of 50,000 francs a year to the Due de Richelieu — this has given great satisfaction in all quarters; he is not a rich man and has proved his devotion to his country. Father went to congratulate him, I accompanied him. He was much pleased, kissing father on both cheeks. They are in great sympathy, as both are men of the same calibre: simple, honest, without fear of expressing their opinion and holding it, if they think they are right. Since I have been so continually with father, seeing how he attracts people to him — those whose friendship is worth having — I believe in magnetic influence, which he strongly has. When he shakes your hand you feel a thrill go through you. When he looks into your eyes, he seems to absorb your soul. The Duke lives in such a simple manner, only two footmen in the ante-chamber. The Cabinet de Travail he received us in was without a carpet, the plainest of chairs and a very long table covered with black cloth. A carafe and a carafon of eau de Jleurs d'oranger. 138 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 He never touches wine of any description. He engaged father to dine with him saiis fagon on February 3, to meet some of his (the Duke's) enemies. He said they were quite tame. FEBRUARY 4 We dined yesterday with the Due de Richelieu — that is father and myself. It was a curious company composed of most of his political opponents; as he had said they certainly were tame, much too tame for me — I was bored and glad to escape. First for a short time to the opera, nothing interesting there. I remembered it was Madame Recamier's reception evening, so hied myself there. Her salon is very beautiful, very classic, but not quite the place for me. If I were twenty years older I might take a mild dose of that sort of entertainment. I flew when I saw the majestic form of Madame de Boigne approaching — hid behind a portiere to escape Madame de Duras and fell into the arms of Madame S. Of course then I knew what was in store for me. Bitter reproaches, why had I neglected her who had given her soul for me: I didn't want her soul. Well, it ended as it always does; she arranged her coach to stop at the corner of the Rue Bonaparte, which it did, I got in and accompanied her home. Bonsoir. FEBRUARY 6 Father had a fainting seizure this morning which alarmed us all very much, as that sort of thing is so unusual with him — he enjoys such wonderful health. Mamma would burn feathers; Berthal wanted to drop a key down his back; this last proposition cured him I think, anyhow he sent everybody out of the room except mamma. I went for the leech and he was bled. FEBRUARY 8 I am glad to say that father has entirely recovered from his indisposition. He thinks it was caused by a very strong 139 1819] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN brand of segars he has smoked lately; he is going to change them. He was in one of his happiest moods at dejeuner to-day. He said that if anything was calculated to bring a person round who had fainted it was Madame Berthal. Poor woman, she is not beautiful; she is very tall and angular, has a distinct moustache, a very long and inquisitive nose, a huge mole on her chin which is full of hair — which I am certain she puts in curl-papers at night — but a wisp of hair on either side of her head; this is sur- mounted by a monumental cap; having nothing to fasten it to she balances it as a mountebank does a ball on his head at a fair. I always have my hands ready to catch it. Still I do not think we could dispense with her services — she is invaluable. Lucien told me in confidence that she cast her eagle eye on him, but as he did not reciprocate she transferred her affection to Albert's black Peter. I think this must be true as I certainly did hear a flutter and a squeak in the corridor one day. Berthal disappeared down one staircase and Peter down the other. Mamma thinks her a citadel of virtue, so I have not undeceived her. How fortunate we all can find some one to love or to love us. What would life be without it? FEBRUARY 10 There is a great scandal about the Orleans family and their relationship with the Court. The King snubs the Duke publicly on every occasion possible. At some Court functions lately he has really refused him his proper rights as a Bourbon prince. The Duchesse de Berri was enceinte but it came to nothing. After the Due de Berri, Orleans is the heir. I can quite understand the Duchesse d'Angouleme's dislike for the son of a man who voted for her parents' death. Twice lately the Due de Berri has invited me to supper. Not at the Elysees — ces dames and most cheery they have been. The truth is the Court is as dull as can be. Since the death of 140 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 his father, the Prince de Conde, the Due de Bourbon* has come to live in Paris. He retains his old name as he says he cannot live up to that of Conde. His whole life is a scandal, worse here than in London. FEBRUARY 12 I have neglected to write for two days. It is really so difficult to find time. I make up my mind to write every night before going to bed, but as lately I have not been home until 3 or 4 a.m., it is the next day. This is a problem that my brain is too addled to probe. There was a grand defile at Court on Sunday; always the same thing — very magnificent no doubt to anybody who has never seen it, but as we have to stand for such a long time it is most fatiguing. I don't see how father bears it. Mamma escapes it as she has been excused from attending any Court function on account of her religious principles. Monday the Carnival commenced; a lot of us made egregious apes of ourselves, but it amused us. We had pierrot costumes and each one a musical instrument. We supped with some of our operatic friends at the Mai- son Doree; we did everything that was foolish. Puysegur had much too much to drink and would pour all the coffee into the piano. We heated francs and sous in the fire and threw them out of the window and watched the poor devils scramble for them, only to burn their fingers. It may have been funny for us, but it was not for them — on calm reflection I think it was very cruel. Tuesday a small ball at the Palais Royal, which was very amusing. A great many English were present, one very handsome woman. Lady Westmoreland. f Her husband is in the Diplomatic Service. She is a very great friend of the Duke of Wellington's, also of Pozzo di Borgo. As there * Louis Jean Joseph de Bourbon-Con(16, son of the Prince de Cond6. t Priscilla Ann Willesley Pole, born 1793, Countess of Westmoreland, an intimate friend of the Duke of WelHngton and Pozzo di Borgo, the Russian Ambassador. 141 1819] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN are young people at the Elysee, Frances was allowed to go. She enjoyed it immensely. She is so fresh and pretty, has a lovely neck and shoulders. I was very proud of her. Mamma has great taste and dresses her to perfec- tion, but with great simplicity. My diary is really very frivolous. I must try to record more interesting matter. FEBRUARY 14 We are now having difficulties with the Spanish-American Colonies which are in revolt. Father thinks it of the greatest importance that no European Power should interfere in the quarrel. He feels he must be continually on the alert and keep himself informed on all matters concerning the subject. He also feels it of great im- portance that the United States should recognize the South American Republics. On this subject he has sent a private note to all the European Powers to prepare them for the action to be taken by his Government so that it will not come as a surprise to them. The Congress of Aix la Chapelle is now sitting. Its policy with regard to the United States is very favourable. Spain finds herself isolated by the Powers and is treating with father, or at least through him for the sale of Florida. I have to give up all gaieties at present as it is a serious matter, and all private notes are drafted by me before being dispatched to the Secretary of State. Spain has refused to ratify the treaty. FEBRUARY 15 There has been a new" revolution in Spain and a complete change in the Government. They have ratified the treaty, much to father's satisfaction. He said to me to-day that he felt more contented in doing something really of importance, as for some time he had been idling his time. Complications have also arisen with regard to the Treaty of Commerce with France which has lain dormant for some time. Father has now taken up the 142 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 matter with great vigour. M. Hyde de Neuville is the French Minister in Washington and father is in close correspondence with him. FEBRUARY 16 As I am now pretty free from work, I have again started my vie de polichinelle, as mamma insists on calHng it. Father always smiles when she says this as her pronunciation of the words is so funny. FEBRUARY 17 The last days of the Carnival — a bal-masque at the opera to-night. FEBRUARY 19 I have really been too tired even to open my diary. I make such good resolutions, but once I get in the swim with my friends, off I go, like a champagne cork. I love amusing myself. I know very shortly I will have to settle down to some steady work. To-night we have ar- ranged a very original car for the Carnival. We, the men of course, are carefully disguised, for it would never do for us to be recognized, particularly in the company we so much prefer. I am to be an apple, P. a pear, R. a peach, D. a carrot, G. a bunch of grapes, L. a fig. The ladies are each a different flower and the car is in the shape of a large gilt basket with a high handle hung with paper lanterns all in the shapes of fruits and flowers. We hope it will be a success. FEBRUARY 21 Indeed we did have a success; we were cheered the whole length of the boulevards, but one unfortunate incident. Celestine of the honourable corps de ballet in her eager- ness fell out of the basket; fortunately she fell on a fat woman or she might have been seriously injured. But I hold my breath when I recall the scene: she was dressed 143 1819] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN as a poppy, but I suppose by sheer forgetfulness she had forgotten to put on anything but the dress; or she may have wished it to be very reaHstic, and as poppies do not wear underclothes, she did not. The fat woman was so incensed that seizing her opportunity as Celestine was completely turned up, began to belabour her with her reticule on that portion of the body on which generally we receive punishment in our early childhood. We dragged poor C. more dead than alive back into the car. The reticule was of sharp steel beads. Celestine stood up for the remainder of the evening. The usual supper, &c. &c. FEBRUARY 23 Ball at the Elysee last night — very brilliant as usual. The beautiful Lady Westmoreland came escorted by Pozzo di Borgo; she was much admired. The Duchesse de Berri was full of animation; she has an unfortunate way of moving, which is totally devoid of elegance or grace. She is more like a child. She will suddenly run up to the Duke and hang on his arm, no matter whom he may be in conversation with. The Orleans family is in full force, but oddly enough no other members of the Royal Family. I think it really made it more informal and far more enjoyable. I begged hard for mamma to allow Frances to go. I even enlisted father, but he said he left such matters to mamma, that they were far too grave for him to decide. I know all the same he would have wished Frances to enjoy herself. She is really too young. MARCH Now that Lent is here there will be more rest for me and I intend doing some serious reading. I have asked father to make a list of books that he thinks will be of benefit to me. He had a long letter from Madame Patterson Bonaparte to-day. She is in Rome, is evidently very well 144 MADAME PATTERSON BONAPARTE (THREE VIEWS) Bv filLBKRT StUAKT By kind permission aj the Countess Moltke-iluitfeldt, nee Bonaparte DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 received, particularly by all the members of the Bona- parte family. In most of her letters is asking his advice about investments for her savings. Her one god seems to be money. Father has the highest opinion of her intelligence — particularly on financial matters — she is so shrewd. He often has said had she met the Emperor Napoleon, and had joined forces with him, the fate of Europe might be quite different from what it is to-day. Mamma does not like her, but like the sensible woman she is, never commits herself; in fact she always refrains from expressing any opinion that may annoy father. They really are a model husband and wife. I do not see such another happy and contented couple anywhere. Among our relatives in Geneva I find them, but their lives are so simple, they are so unworldly, living only for their families. I suppose it is rather a selfish one, but still it has always struck me that it is the right life to lead. Moralizing now. Well it is Lent. What could I do better? MARCH 1819 So little of interest to record. I have been trying to do my duty, and have been taking Frances to see all the fine churches, to the Luxembourg and various places of interest. I think it as well she should have something to talk about when she comes out in the world next year. Mamma has no idea of keeping her always at her side and not allowing her to talk to young men. It is really quite absurd the way French girls are brought up. How can they learn anything about the man they are to marry if they are never allowed even to see them without a duenna is present. Madame de Stael was so sensible on this matter. She allowed Albertine at Coppet to go for long walks with de Broglie, so that they would know each other before marriage. It certainly in this case is a success as I have never seen a happier couple in my life; they are a model to all young married people. 145 1819] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN APRIL Such lovely weather. The trees are all breaking into leaf, all is so fresh. Really I think the spring is the best season. It has the same bloom of freshness like a young child. I must really marry. I am sick of the thraldom of Madame S. I have begim to dislike her. Of course, I blame myself, but still she was older than me. I am quite sick of this liaison. I have tried to break it on several occasions but she makes such scenes, and as I am rather weak where women are concerned I always give in. APRIL 8 There is much entertaining at present, but I am keeping very quiet. I really have not felt at all well for some time. My teeth have been giving me a great deal of trouble. The dentist says it is from the fever I had in Russia and the intense cold there. I will be glad when we get to the quiet of Geneva; I love going on the lake. Father has a horror of my sailing. Two of his cousins on the twenty-first birthday of the eldest went for a sail in a new boat that had been given to the latter for his birth- day. Their house is actually on the lake on the way by the lower road to Pregny. The wind is very treacherous on the lake on account of the surrounding mountains. The boat capsized in full view of both their father and mother and both of the lads were drowned before help could be obtained to rescue them. By their death, father was left the last male of the Gallatin family. APRIL 20 I was told such an interesting story to-day about Robert Fulton.* It seems during the Terror he was in Paris; wishing to go to England on business he obtained a permit * Robert Fulton (inventor), first steamboat on the Seine, Paris, Au- gust 9, 1803. At New York, 1807, started a steamboat, the Clermont, on the Hudson River. 146 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 and passport. By accident it was made out for Mr. and Mrs. Fulton. Arriving at Calais he was detained as there was no packet crossing. In the evening at the auberge where he was lodged, he noticed a young woman who seemed in agony of mind — this was rather a common thing in those days. At last she summoned up courage to speak to him, saying, "I throw myself on your mercy. I see you are a foreigner. I escaped from Paris where I had foolishly gone to try and save some important docu- ments. My husband would have gone but he is very ill in England and I persuaded him to allow me to do so. I am w^ithout a passport, and hardly dare to embark as there is a price on my head, and I am certain to be arrested and sent back to Paris. Can you help me?" Fulton said, "I will do my best. I have my American passport, oddly enough by error it was made out for myself and wife, but she is in America. If you are willing to pass as Mrs. Fulton, my wife, you are w^elcome to the little pro- tection I can give you." As the lady in question was dis- guised and very simply dressed the plan succeeded and with the deepest gratitude she parted with him at Dover, without revealing her name to him. Some years later when Fulton was in Paris trying to raise money to put his inventions into practice, he strolled one night into the Theatre Fran^ais. Looking around the auditorium he spied, much to his astonishment, in one of the boxes the lady of his adventure splendidly dressed and covered with jewels; at the same time she recognized him and waved her fan to him, sending her husband at once to escort him to her box. It was through her all the money was found for him to carry out his great work. One rarely hears of such gratitude. It was the Duchesse de L. APRIL Mamma is in her element. We are most uncomfortable. Everything in the house is turned upside down, nothing but cleaning. There is but one room sacred and that 147 1819] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN is father's, where I take refuge. Every window is open, we might as well live in the street; fortunately we are entre Coiir et Jardin. The concierge at the gate has orders to refuse admittance to all carriages. It is mamma's and Berthal's carnival as we have taken a house near Geneva for several months. We are taking some of the servants, the others we will procure there. The servants leave shortly as they go by diligence. We have hired a roomy travelling carriage and will only take our body servants with us — that is, two maids, father's man and Lucien. They will be stowed away in the rumble. It will take us over a week. I am not looking forward to it. MAY We leave for Geneva to-morrow. I will be glad of the rest. The life of a young man is a very gay one, burning the candle both ends. MAY 12 After all when everything was packed, the travelling carriages engaged, father has some very important dispatches which will keep us here another two months. I was sorry for mamma and the servants who were going to take their holidays. The house was all done up for the summer, now everything has to be uncovered and put straight. The best part of it is, Madame S. had started to Aix en Savoi en route for Geneva. She will be furious. She is quite capable of coming back. Still, I will have a short breathing time of freedom. We had excused ourselves to so many people who had sent us invitations that we will look very stupid. To console Frances, who was looking forward to our visit, I took her to Suresnes; drove her in my curricle, hired a canoe and we went on the river. It was a glorious day, with that delicious smell of spring in the air. We started early and 148 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 I took something to eat, landed on an island and had a picnic. We had chicken and hard-boiled eggs, but we had forgotten the salt — it was stupid of Madame Berthal. She had put in some splendid peaches that we were going to take on the journey, they were good: it quite restored Frances to her usual gaiety. She and I are such good friends but she has got a temper of her own, I have none, I often wish I had. We did not get home until after sunset. I lost an oar, which delayed us. I think it must have been the peach juice which went to my head as we had nothing to drink stronger than barley-water with lemon. We were as happy as two children. I think I was the younger of the two. NOVEMBER 1 We are now settled down at home, glad to get back. Father still doing his best to effect a settlement of the Indemnity claims, but it is an uphill task. Monsieur Decazes is far more difficult to deal with than the Due de Richelieu. Paris very gay — balls every night. The King is far from well; we have no Court functions as yet. The Duchesse d'Orleans gave a splendid ball on the 4th; all the gardens illuminated — a fine sight. It seems the poor old King was really made ill by the dis- covery of a plot to make him abdicate in favour of Mon- sieur; although Monsieur denied all knowledge of it, he nevertheless was the instigator of it. We are having a large Christmas dinner — Americans, French, and English. Christmas is little kept by the French; New Year's Day is the great festival. The Carnival is very early this year, so the gaieties will go on. Both the Due de Berri and the Due d'Orleans have made great innovations. They said the Court was much too dull, so have invited all sorts and conditions, not only to parties but to dinners — savants, wits, deputies of all shades and colour. 149 1819] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN DECEMBER 8 The famous Abbe Gregoire* was turned out of the Chamber of Deputies yesterday. He certainly is an extraordinary mixture. It was he who proposed the abolition of royalty; he also demanded of the Assembly the condemnation to death of Louis XVI. It was he who made the Assembly accord civil rights to the Jews and coloured people. He tried to oppose the great Napoleon in every way, but with little success. We dined yesterday with the Comte and Comtesse D'Orsay. He is a wonderful fop but very witty. Some of his stories would make even a man blush, but he seems to be a privileged person. Sosthene de la Roche- foucauld was one of the guests — a person very full of his own importance. Also that terrible Madame de Boigne and her brother were among the guests; she tackled father after dinner, asking him all sorts of questions about manners and customs in America. I think he was a little wearied by her, as I heard him say to her, " Madame, when we have a social revolution in America we may have better manners, as you have." She exclaimed, "You are not an American, you are one of us." He answered, "Pardon me, I represent a young and great country of which I am justly proud." She is really a firebrand. DECEMBER 8 Mamma is preparing for Christmas: plum-puddings are being made. Madame Berthal looks utterly disgusted when she goes down to the kitchen to stir the puddings; I do the same and so does Frances. Father only laughed when we told him about it, and says, "Why not?" Madame Recamier has invited me to dinner for the 17th. I consider it a great honour as I am so young. Four notes to-day from Madame S. — the first in despair, the second * The Abb6 Gregoire, born December 4, 1750, died April 28, 1831. 150 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 apologizing for being in despair, the third gay and frivo- lous, the fourth apologizing for being gay and frivolous. Why will women write so much? — a dangerous habit. All four went immediately into the fire. Hysterical shrieks from the housekeeper's room. I rushed out to see what was the matter. I met Berthal supporting Frances and trying to balance her head-dress. Frances was peeling some apples and had cut her finger; like the silly little goose that she is, she fainted at the sight of her own blood. I looked at her hand and said, "What nonsense, it's nothing!" As she passed she gave me a good kick. She has inherited something from mamma. Off to a supper. No time to write any more. DECEMBER 18 A most amusing dinner at Madame Recamier's, followed by a very funny little lampoon on the Queen of Sweden; it was called Trouvez-moi, mon Homme. It was really very clever and well acted. Madame de J. represented the unfortunate queen, and I really thought at first it must be the Bernadotte in person. Some music followed. One fat lady with ample and bulging charms — in fact, bulging everywhere — played the harp. Her arms were like legs of mutton; both arms were covered with jingling bracelets. This, perhaps, was fortunate, as it sounded like sleigh-bells with the occasional breaking of a string or the snapping of a whip. When she had finished there was not a string left on the harp. DECEMBER 19 The Due de Coigny has invited me to Fontainebleau for a chasse for two days. He is the governor of the chateau and has a beautiful house. I am certain to enjoy myself. DECEMBER 20 We are a very large party, all men — Mathieu de Mont- morency, the Due de Serent, the Prince de Poix, the 151 1819] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN Marquis de Champonet, and a host of others. I drove down with the Prince de Poix, who kindly offered to take me. We hunt to-morrow morning. The duke has placed two horses at my disposal. To-night he presented me with the badge of the chasse, which was a great honour. DECEMBER 22 We had a perfect day, but I was too tired to write last night. It was very late when I w^as able to retire, as I cannot leave until my elders and superiors go. The fine air made me so sleepy. We killed seven fine sangliers — one fell to me, of which I was very proud; also two fine deer. It is a w'onderful pretty sight the curee in front of a chateau by torchlight at night; all the spoils of the chase are laid out in front of the famous horseshoe staircase, then a sort of fanfare of cors de chasse is blown for each head of game— in fact, a sort of funeral hymn. I go back to Paris to-morrow in Mathieu de Mont- morency's coach; he is Governor of Compiegne. Such funny posts they have at Court. The Comte de Cosse Brissac is Premier panetier du Roi. DECEMBER 24 I have managed to save a little money, and with the legacy which I had from my aunt, which was five hundred francs, I have bought Frances a small string of pearls with a nice diamond clasp. As we were not able to dine w^ith the de Broglies last Christmas we are dining with them to-morrow. Mamma sent the Duchesse a plum-pudding, a huge one. Our cousins Naville and Jules de Bude arrived to-night from Geneva to pay us a visit. Jules is a kindred spirit of mine. Adrien Naville's mother was an heiress. Mile de Gallatin, the only daughter of the Count Paul Michael, the head of the family and father's guardian. Her mother was nee de Bugnac and niece of the Due de Biron; so Adrien has a host of relatives in Paris. Father is very fond of him as he is very clever 152 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1819 and studious. Jules is quite the opposite; his studies are devoted to that of the female form divine. DECEMBER 26 We had such a cheerful Christmas Eve. Some Americans who have no relatives here; father insisted on inviting them and made mamma prepare a present for each. For supper we had one of the famous plum-puddings, which was carried in all ablaze. Frances has been hugging me ever since I gave her the necklace. I tell her to pay- attention to all the pearls that fall from my lips. Oh, woman, woman ! Dear mamma gave me a large pair of worsted mittens which she had knitted herself; she intended them for a great surprise, but every time for the last fortnight I went into her room there was a scuffle. One day they were lying in her chair; she suddenly sat down on them, needles and all. They are orange and brown, absolutely hideous, but I will wear them as I cannot wound her feelings. Father gave me five hundred francs — it was good of him; Frances, a satin shaving-paper holder which she had worked with our coat-of-arms, which was quite crooked. The dinner at the de Broglie's was quite delightful, without any ceremony. Both Adrien and Jules are cousins of Albertine's. We were twenty in all — mostly family. First we had some silly charades and then we ended by dancing. Jules drank much too much. jSIamma said to me, "How could you?" I said, "It's Jules; I'm not drunk." We all had presents: mine was a beautiful whip for my curricle with an ivory handle and gold end engraved with my initials. To Frances they gave a lovely brooch formed of a large aquamarine surrounded by small diamonds. DECEMBER 30 I have been literally burning the candle at both ends. I do not think Jules and I have slept in our own beds 153 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN since Christmas night. He looks a wreck. I am sorry to say that both he and Adrien leave on New Year's Day; they are going on a tour to Germany and Italy. They are great friends, although so absolutely different in character, DECEMBER 31 Jules and I have made all sorts of engagements. I am going to have a nap this afternoon as I am certain we shall be up until the small hours of to-morrow morning. Good-bye 1819; I part with you with regret. What a pity I cannot say "Au revoir" ! JANUARY 1, 1820 "A Happy New Year." New resolutions, only to be broken. Such a night ! Last night I did not get home until 7 o'clock this morning. This is rather Irish ! We have just come from paying our respects to the King — the same New Year's Court; also to the Palais Royale and to the Elysee. It is such weary waiting, standing all the time. I wonder father bears it so well; he never seems tired. JANUARY 24 A magnificent ball at the Elysee last night. In the morning news had come to us of the death of the Duke of Kent, but it was not to be made public until to-day, so the ball would take place. The Due de Berri looked very much out of temper. The Orleans family did not appear, and it at once became whispered about that the Duke of Kent* was dead. Of course it had a very bad effect. Had the Allies still been here there would have been no ball. It seems a great relief to the Royal Family that the Allies have been withdrawn, I am not surprised — but that they do not show much gratitude. * Duke of Kent, son of George III, and father of the late Queen Victoria. 154 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 FEBRUARY 8 We had a fine time yesterday. Some of our ladies of the opera were going to have a fine car for the Carnival. Several of us wanted to join them, but they were not allowed to have men in their car. We got over the difficulty by getting women's costumes. There were six of us all dressed in full ballet dress, fleshing tights, and full ballet-skirts; bare arms and necks, wigs and masks. I was nearly frozen. We had a lot of cham- pagne, which helped to keep us warm. We had supper at the Maison Doree and such a supper ! About 2 o'clock in the morning there was a loud knocking at the door: " Ouvrez, au nom du Roi." You can imagine our feelings — particularly mine, as I was the only one belonging to an embassy — to be found in ballet-skirts by the police ! The door was opened and in walked three of the heads of the police. " Vos noms, messieurs et dames." We had taken off our wigs and masks, so were easily recognized. Suddenly there was a shout from Rochefoucauld, who jumped on the leading man, dragging off his hat and wig, discovering Puysegur. To all three he did the same thing. With roars of laughter they told us they had disguised themselves and had been to every room in the cafe and had taken the names of all the occupants. We were the first to find them out. As they were all friends of ours, we made them join us, and the fun became fast and furious. De la Rochefou- cauld had suddenly remembered that during the Carnival no descents of the police were made, so he risked pulling off Puysegur's wig. It took me a long time to recover from the shock. It would have been a serious matter for me, particularly if it had been made public. I would have been obliged to leave Paris. I do not know what father would have done. Oh, my head to-day ! We are planning some more mischief to come off before the end of the Carnival. Puysegur had a list of several well- known people, whose names he took. We are going to make them dance before we liave finished. 155 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN FEBRUARY 10 We put our heads together and have sent the most official-looking documents to all whose names were taken to appear at the Hotel de Ville to-morrow. We intend going to some vantage-point to see them arrive. FEBRUARY 11 Our joke came off splendidly. Coach after coach drove up, but when the occupants asked for a certain room, which number we put on the document, they were informed there w^as no such room. Then one of the documents was shown to an official, who said, "It is Carnival; you have been duped." I wish you could have seen their faces. Some of the ones of high rank had written to the Due de Berri to intercede for them and did not appear. He had been informed that it was a joke and joined in it. We won't hear anything about it. There is not one dare make any trouble. It seems the Duke was very much amused, and has made many sallies about it to the unfortunate ones, particularly the married ones. FEBRUARY 13 On Saturday there was a magnificent ball given by Monsieur de Greffuhle. He had lately been made a peer. The Due and Duchesse de Berri were present. There had been rumours that there was a plot to assassinate the Duke; all noticed that Monsieur de Greffuhle never left him, and seemed much relieved when the Berris retired. The Princesse de Galitzin bade me come to her box at the opera on Sunday. We had the box adjoin- ing the Royal one. The Due and Duchesse de Berri were very well received. At the conclusion of the opera, before the ballet commenced, the Duchess rose and, bowing to the audience, retired with the Duke. As I was not feeling well, I begged Madame de Galitzin to excuse me and immediately followed. In the corridor 156 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 I heard a commotion, and, opening a door, I found myself by the Royal exit. Monsieur de Brissac rushed up to me saying, "Shut the door and stand by it; do not let any one pass in or out. There has been an attack on the life of the Due de Berri." At that moment the Duke appeared, supported on one side by the Duchess and on the other by Madame de Bethisy.* I could see a dagger sticking in his breast, but he was talking in a low voice to his wife. She was wonderfully calm, but tears were running down her cheeks. She is enceinte. I fear this may kill her. I heard orders being given to send at once for Monsieur and the Due d'Angouleme. Mon- sieur arrived first, accompanied by the Due de Fitz James, and immediately went into the Royal salon, which is behind the King's loge. They were closely followed by the Due d'Angouleme and the Due de Maille; then came Monsieur Decazes and a host of others. It was all the more tragic as I could hear the music of the ballet which w^as still going on. The audience had no knowl- edge of what had happened. I forgot to mention that before anybody arrived I heard a sharp cry from the Royal salon. I was told afterwards that the Duke tried to pull the knife out of his breast but was unable to do so — that Madame de Bethisy, with great presence of mind, pulled it out. Both she and the Duchess were deluged in blood. I heard somebody say, "Does anybody know if the knife was poisoned?" Monsieur Decazes passed me hurriedly with Fitz-James. When they returned (it seems they had been to question the assassin) I heard Monsieur Decazes say in a loud voice, "The knife is not poisoned." By this time several doctors arrived and were doing all they could to staunch the flow of blood. I could see into the salon, as the door was left open as there were so many people. Monsieur Rohan- Chabotf came up to me and begged me to still stop by * Lady in waiting to the Duchess. t Son of the Due de Rohan. 157 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN the door I was guarding. At that moment the Due d'Orleans, with the Duchesse and Mile d'Orleans, passed into the salon; they were all in tears. The next thing I heard w^as an order given to send for the King. The Due de Maille went to fetch him. I felt then there could not be much hope. To my horror, I heard the Duchesse de Berri in loud tones denouncing Monsieur Decazes, saying, " C'est lid, le vrai assassin.'' They tried to stop her. A sudden hush and the poor old King arrived, leaning heavily on the Duchesse d'Angouleme and the Due de Maille.* His Majesty was composed and looking very stern. It was an extraordinary sight. The Duchesse d'Angouleme hurriedly passed me and met poor little Mademoiselle, who had been sent for and came carried in the arms of ]\Ille de Gontaut.f Then two priests passed. I knew then the end was near. Suddenly all knelt. As the sacrament was being given to the dying man I think everybody was in tears; I know I cried. Then in silence we all rose to our feet and waited. It seemed hours to me, as I was ready to drop with fatigue. Then the priest began intoning a prayer. Again all sank on to their knees. The end had come. Then a horrible thing happened. The Duchesse de Berri again commenced to scream, calling Monsieur Decazes "Assassin! Assassiyil" It was really too horrible. After they had quieted her, in absolute silence — with the exception of the Grand Chamberlain announcing " Le Roi, le Roi" — a mournful procession passed me. First, the King supporting the Duchesse de Berri, who had the hand of jMademoiselle, the Duchesse d'Angouleme on the other side of her; they were followed by all the rest of the Royal Family. I could hear the orders given by the officers to the soldiers who by now were keeping the streets. Monsieur de Brissac came to me, shook my hands and * Grand Chamberlain of Louis XVIII. tThe MS. here is illegible and I have had to guess at the meaning. — Ed. 158 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 simply said "Merci." He asked me if I would like to go into the salon. I followed him. He motioned me to kneel and, handing the brush from the holy-water bowl, motioned me to sprinkle the corpse, which I did. I would not believe the Duke was dead. He was still sitting up in a large gilt arm-chair, his head supported by a cushion, and surrounded by the officers of his household. The priest knelt in front of him praying. It was a sight I will never forget. In silence Monsieur de Maille shook my hand, and I retired. On gaining the street, which was packed with people and troops, I had great difficulty in getting through the crowd, had it not happened that I was recognized by one of the officers, Monsieur de Puysegur, who sent an escort of soldiers to make way for me. Although more dead than alive when arriving at home, I at once went up to father's room and awakened him. When I told him the news he exclaimed, " What a catastrophe ! — ^the unfortunate Bourbons — a blow for France indeed!" He made me go at once to bed as I was hardly able to stand. FEBRUARY 16 At 10 o'clock this morning a note was sent that all the Diplomatic Corps were to go to the Tuilleries at 1 o'clock. I accompanied father. The large salle was in total darkness with the exception of about twenty large candles {cierges) in great silver candlesticks. In order of seniority, first the Ambassadors and their suites, then the Ministers, passed before the throne, in front of which was standing the Due d'Angouleme surrounded by the high Court officials in the deepest mourning. Absolute silence with the exception of the announcement by the Grand Chamber- lain as the representative of each country passed — La Russie, I'Espagne, &c. &c. — followed by the dropping on the floor of the halberds with a ringing sound. It was most solemn and impressionable. The Duke bowed to each one. Not a word was spoken. So we passed oiit. 159 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN The assassin's name is Louvel, a saddler. It seems he has been following the poor Duke for a long time waiting his opportunity. He must have had many chances as the Duke went about in the most open manner, often quite alone. Rumours of all sorts. Some say it was a conspiracy. The Duchesse de Berri still accuses Monsieur Decazes.of being the head of it. Others that it was a personal revenge. " Cherchez la femme," others say; the Duke's amours were so well known — he not taking the slightest care to hide them. FEBRUARY 17 This morning father went to the Palais Royal and was received by Mile d'Orleans. She was in great grief; she was devoted to the Due de Berri. She said, when dying he was the most collected and calm of them all, that he thought of everybody — of two children, girls, who were in England; they are the daughters of a "Miss Brown" W'hom he married in London under a false name before the Restoration. He begged his wife to take them and to bring them up as if they were her own daughters. She promised to do so. He tried to comfort one and all. FEBRUARY 18 So great is the outcry against Monsieur Decazes that he will have to leave the Ministry. Father is much incensed about it; I will not for one moment believe that he was in any way implicated. Decazes' life has been threatened and he has to go about guarded. The people insult him as he passes in his carriage; they are incensed against him. It is a strange thing that the populace always have affection for a Royalty who is a little wild. It was exactly the same with Henri IV, whom the late Duke much resembled in the life he led. FEBRUARY 19 A Monsieur Claude de Coursergues, a deputy, denounced Monsieur Decazes in the Chamber yesterday as insti- 160 A- i'' \\ Jf<^ DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 gator of the assassination. I am glad to say he was indignantly howled down. The King sent this morning for the Due de Richelieu, who was on the eve of starting for England to compliment George IV on his accession. The King requested him to take Monsieur Decazes' place, but he absolutely refused to do so. When pressed for his reasons he said "the King was so old" and that "Monsieur" (the heir to the Crown) was absolutely opposed to him. FEBRUARY 21 It seems that Monsieur had given his word that if he became king he would support Monsieur de Richelieu. Still nothing decided, FEBRUARY 22 Monsieur Decazes has begged the King to accept his resignation. After some time, it seems, the King, with great grief, accepted it. He created him "Due" and he goes to London as ambassador. Monsieur de Richelieu at last has consented to accept office. Monsieur has given him every promise of support in every way. Father has no faith in Monsieur's promises. He thinks him false in everything. The lying-in-state and funeral of the Due de Berri was very fine. The actual funeral was not on so grand a scale as that of the Prince de Conde, which I have mentioned before. MARCH 1820 The Duchesse de Berri is more violent than ever against the Due de Decazes and his party; it is all very painful. Of course all gaiety and entertaining is at an end. For myself, I have no heart for it. I can scarcely realize that the poor Duke is dead — always so gay and cheerful, so full of life and spirits. He will be more and more missed as time goes on; there is nobody to fill his place. The Queen of Sweden is getting madder and madder, 161 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN she does not let poor Monsieur de Richelieu alone for a moment; she is the laughing-stock of Paris. He will not even speak to her, but that seems to egg her on all the more. Louvel was questioned in private, but his trial will not take place as yet. Some say he is a lunatic. APRIL I only go to the Fran(;'ais now. IVIlle George is very fine. Poor old Talma one can hardly hear. It is really sad to see the wreck of such a once fine actor; still at times he has fine bursts of passion, revealing some of his old powers. The opera has been closed since the assassina- tion of the Duke. APRIL A bomb exploded yesterday at the Louvre. Rumour says that several bombs have been discovered in the gardens and under the windows of the Duchesse de Berri. The poor old King is much disturbed. He, as well as everybody else, fears that if a bomb did explode near to the apartment occupied by the Duchesse de Berri it might bring on a premature confinement. Since the death of the Duke the Duchess has moved to the Tuilleries. The eyes of the whole of France are fixed on the palace, hoping for an heir. Louvel's trial commenced on the 5th. I applied for permission to attend, which was granted. It seems he is now thought to be a lunatic and there will be a further trial. All this must be most painful to the Royal Family. There are strange rumours afloat about the bombs; even the Duchesse de Berri's name is mentioned — it is too monstrous. MAY 1820 An officer of bad character has been arrested in con- nexion with the bomb explosions. He is to be tried at once. 162 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 Madame Patterson Bonaparte has intimated her inten- tion of paying a visit to Paris; she is now in Geneva. The Duchesse de Courland (Talleyrand's niece) has been troubling father very much lately. She has interest in property in America and seems to think it is his place to attend to it for her. This has given us all a chance, mamma in particular, as the Duchess comes to see him nearly daily; we all say it is a second case of the Queen of Sweden and Monsieur de Richelieu. I really think it is beginning to trouble him, as he has a horror of any scandal being attached to his name. Pozzo di Borgo strongly advised him to get rid of her. He thinks anybody who has any connexion with Monsieur de Talley- rand dangerous. He has, like father, supreme contempt for the latter — calls him a turncoat, a liar, libertine, &c. &c. He certainly is a man without a vestige of principle. JUNE Frances is now seventeen and remarkably pretty. Had the Court not been in mourning she would have made her debut, but will now have to wait until next year. I think mamma is very glad, as she dreads having to sit up so late. We tell her she is very lucky only to have one daughter — that most Englishwomen have eight or ten. JUNE 6 To-day was Louvel's trial. I was present. There were no revelations of any kind. He is a poor lunatic. He had nursed the idea he must kill somebody for years. He is to be executed to-morrow. JUNE 8 I now deeply regret I went to the execution. There was a large body of troops as there had been serious disturbance in the night. It was at 3 o'clock in bright June sunshine, which made it all the more horrible. 163 1820J DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN I never could imagine human beings could turn into beasts; a French mob is horrible. One now realizes what the Terror was. The wretched assassin was half dead before he was dragged up the steps of the guillotine. It was all over in a moment. I had to go and drink some brandy — a thing I have never done in my life before. It took me two hours to get out of the howling crowd, more like wild animals than anything else — the women far worse than the men. JULY We again go to Geneva for two months. I will be very glad of the rest and quiet. Of course father has had nothing to do. The affairs of the Court, with all the plots and counter-plots, have occupied all the time of the Ministry. Madame de Courland has been got rid of. Father has a very pale face and white hands; Pozzo di Borgo hinted to her that he had leprosy. She wrote begging father not even to write to her, that she feared she had troubled him too much, &c. &c. Poor Pozzo passed a bad quarter of an hour with mamma, who will never forgive him. Father was much amused. Monsieur de Chateaubriand is deeply hurt that he is not in the Ministry; neither the King nor Monsieur de Richelieu like him. We leave to-morrow for Geneva. . . . 164 PART IV THE MINISTRY IN FRANCE FROM THE ASSASSINATION OF THE DUG DE BERRI TO THE RETURN OF ALBERT GALLATIN TO AMERIGA SEPTEMBER 18^0— JUNE 1823 SEPTEMBER 1820: GENEVA Father has just had news of a great conspiracy. Unfor- tunately Monsieur de Lafayette is mixed up in it — in fact, one of the leaders; others are the Due de Rovigo, Monsieur Lafitte, General Pajol, and a host of others. There is to be a trial before the Court of Peers. I am glad we are here, as if we had been in Paris it would have caused father great worry. He has a very deep affection for Monsieur de Lafayette. Madame Patterson Bonaparte is here. She is much sought after; her wit and beauty seem to open all doors to her. She is very bitter at the present moment against Mrs. Caton, one of whose daughters married Madame B.'s brother Robert and is now a widow. There is great scandal about her and the Duke of Wellington. He follows her everywhere; in fact, it is an open secret that she is his mistress. Mrs. Caton has married another of her daughters to a Mr. Harvey. The third one is very beautiful, and the mother has great hopes of making a fine marriage for her. Madame Bonaparte talks of nothing else but "Bo" her son, and his marriage. As he is now only a fat boy it is a little premature. SEPTEMBER 28 We arrived in Paris this morning to find the city in a ferment of enthusiasm on account of the birth of a son 165 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN to the Duchesse de Berri yesterday. It was really wonderful to see the change in everybody. When we left in May all was dull and black; now everybody, even the streets, are radiant. Cannon are booming; fireworks at night, feu de joie, and goodness knows what. We had at once to go to the palace pour nous inscrire. They say the King is delighted. SEPTEMBER 29 The child is called the Due de Bordeaux.* He was privately christened at once, but there is to be a great public christening later on. We went to-day to the Palais Royal. It did not strike me that the Orleans family looked or seemed particularly pleased. The two daughters of "Mrs. Brown" were there; they are treated with great kindness and have been given titles. "Mrs. Brown" has been given a chateau in Brittany. She certainly behaved wonderfully well. Her marriage in England was quite en regie. Oddly enough, there is a boy as well, but no notice has been taken of him; he is simply called "Thomas Brown." OCTOBER It has been the most extraordinary trial of the leaders of the conspiracy of August. All the leaders have escaped free and only some most unimportant persons have been punished. The Due de Bassano has been allowed to return to France. He is so old and considered quite harmless now. NOVEMBER We have some work to do, as Monsieur de Richelieu has intimated to father that he is willing to open negotiations re the Indemnity. That anything will really be done * Henri-Charles-Ferdinand-Marie-Dieudonn6 d'Artois, Due de Bor- deaux, born September 28, 1820, afterwards known as the Comte de Chambord. 166 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 I strongly doubt. Mr. Sheldon has gone on a holiday, so all the important work falls on my shoulders. Paris still dull as far as Society goes. I was pointed out the Marquise de Guiccioli yesterday, Lord Byron's mistress; she is very charming to look at, gentle and sweet. Of course the one topic of conversation is the Duchesse de Berri and her son, the Due de Bordeaux — " Esperance de la France," as he is called. The King looks much better, is far more cheerful. There are some unpleasant rumours of the Due d'Orleans having thrown doubts on the legitimacy of the Due de Bordeaux, but I believe it is without question of a doubt that he is the son of the Due de Berri. When the latter was dying he said to the King, "Soigne mafemme; elle est enceinte" I am going to fetes every night as Paris is again plunged into wild gaiety. The people are too glad of an excuse to throw off the mourning and gloom. Frances makes her debut at the first Court. I have been telling her how to behave. She has a dancing mistress to teach her how to curtsy and to back without tumbling over. The christening of the Due de Bordeaux was a splendid sight. He was held up at an open window to be shown to the populace and was received with roars of cheers. The old Duke of Gordon was present; I was so glad to see him. I had a little love affair with Katinka Galitzin. Her father is not very rich, and as I have nothing, it soon came to an end. We remain the best of friends. Really Mr. Astor is dreadful. Father has to be civil to him, as in 1812-13 he rendered great services to the Treasury. He came to dejeuner to-day; we were simply enfamille, he sitting next to Frances. He actually wiped his fingers on the sleeves of her fresh white spencer. Mamma in discreet tones said, "Oh, Mr. Astor, I must apologize; they have forgotten to give you a serviette." I think he felt foolish. A splendid Court ball last night; the dresses and jewels 167 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN of the ladies and the superb uniforms of the men made a fine show. Father looks like a blot of ink amongst all this finery. Of course I dress as I like; we have no official diplomatic uniform in America. Some near-sighted Hungarian officer, not seeing he was in front of the Duchesse d'Angouleme, caught his spur in the lace of her dress and tore yards of splendid lace. He was covered with confusion, but she was so gracious; she is so womanly. I do not think I have ever seen so sad a face, but she is the most royal- looking person I have ever seen; the "descendant of a hundred kings" certainly applies to her. I noticed her expression of intense scorn when Prince de Talleyrand passed; he is horrible. With the change of Ministry after the disgrace, or at least removal, of the Due de Decazes, Monsieur de Richelieu is again in power. Monsieur de Serre, Minister of Justice; Pasquier, Affaires Etrangeres (which father much regrets); Latour Maubourg, Ministre de la Guerre; Portal IMarine and Roy, ISIinistre des Finances; Baron Meunier, Directeur of Police; and Monsieur Simeon, Ministre de ITnterieur. Father thinks it a very weak Government — that it will not last long. . . . NOVEMBER The Marquis de Lauriston, a descendant of Law, the South Sea Bubble adventurer, is appointed Ministre de la Maison du Roi. We had a small sauterie for Frances and her young friend. She's now seventeen. It was very pretty; all the young girls were so fresh and enjoyed everything so much it was a pleasure to watch them. Dear mamma had arranged a surprise in the shape of a gift hunt. We all were given numbers and then we went into the gallery, where all the presents were hidden in all sorts of the most out-of-the-way places. I helped her to arrange it with the invaluable Berthal. Each had a number corresponding with tickets. It was really good 168 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 and quite delightful — such laughter and little suppressed shrieks of delight when the parcel with the corresponding number was discovered. The presents were so pretty — a donkey with a wobbley head for me and a goose full of bon-bons for Frances. We both agreed it was too personal; mamma has more wit than we gave her credit for. Father came in with dear Pozzo di Borgo and looked on at the "hunt," and was much amused. Then a delightful little supper. It was all over by 11 o'clock. Of course there is little entertaining on a large scale on account of the Due de Berri's death; we of the corps diplomatique entertain in a small way. The English Ambassadress has sent out invitations for a party for very young people for Thursday; it is to be costume. Frances is going as "Titania" and I as the ass. I have had a wonderful head made by the costumier of the opera; it is all of silk and is very light — not at all hot. The little hal costume was a great success; some of the dresses were beautiful. Frances was as pretty as any- body; she has that lovely skin and such beautiful eyes. Her dress was all clinging white silver material, and she had a wreath of light blue cornflowers in her hair, which was flowing down her back. Her wand was a huge sunflower. Sosthene de la Rochefoucauld, with his usual cynical manner, came up to me and said: "Tout le monde te reconnait; tu n'as pas pu choisir un costume qui t'ira mieuxJ" I will be even with him yet. I never knew a man who fancied himself so much; he is a male Madame de Boigne. We had a Maypole dance; there was a beautiful "may- pole" decorated with flowers and ribbons. After this was finished we all (the young people) filed before the Ambassador and Ambassadress dancing a polonaise. We arrived home at midnight, but I went out again. Father has enjoined mamma never to ask me any ques- tions — very wise, I think, as if I told her the truth she 169 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN would soon be in her grave, with her strict ideas. Will I ever reform? Paris is waking up. Pozzo di Borgo is giving a sauterie for Frances. He sent to Russia for all sorts of beautiful presents; he has consulted mamma about some original way of distributing them. NOVEMBER 20 It was delightful at the Russian Embassy — all very young people. After supper the doors of the ballroom were thrown open; half-way across the room a great rope of flowers about three feet from the ground, at the far end a row of targets. Silver arrows were presented to the ladies and gold ones to the gentlemen; we had to throw them at the targets. If we hit (I am sorry to say the girls often missed), Pozzo, assisted by several ambassadors, presented us with the most beautiful Russian bibelots, much too fine. I had a beautiful inlaid snuff-box; Frances a complete Russian peasant costume — the head-dress had seed-pearls and turquoises on it. We danced all sorts of pretty dances, ending with a Russian mazurka which twelve of us had learnt. I led off with Katinka Galitzin. It was really extremely pretty and very well done. We had straps covered with gilt bells on our ankles — that is, the men; the girls had the same on their wrists. The orchestra as a finale played all the different national airs. "Yankee Doodle" sounded rather tame and vulgar after the grand Russian Hymn and "God save the King." Oddly enough, "God save the King" is the national Hymn of Geneva; it was played after the "Escalade" in 1602. The name of the composer is not known; both Lulli and Handel claimed it, but that is absurd, as the original manuscript music is in the Arsenal at Geneva. After a Russian punch chaud, which Pozzo insisted upon our drinking, home we went. I was very tired. 170 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 SUNDAY Frances came down to breakfast this morning in her Russian costume. Poor mamma's face was a study in religion. She could not utter at first, so father stepped in the breach, saying, "How lovely you look, and where did all this finery come from?" He knew nothing of it as he has not been at the Embassy. By this time mamma had recovered her speech. I saw the storm coming. "Frances, have you forgotten that it is the Lord's Day? Go to your room and pray for forgiveness." I left the room; so did father. NOVEMBER 1820 Dined at the Spanish Embassy. The Papal nuncio was present. All ladies in high waists. It seems it is not etiquette for ladies to be decollete when he is present, excepting at Court. Madame S. embarrasses me at times; I feel hot all over, as I am quite certain people must see how she looks at me. Mamma was very fine in red velvet. Her skin is so deadly white and fine that she would be noticed anywhere; I was very proud of her. After the nuncio retired some Spanish dances were danced beautifully. Such a strange custom ! When the nuncio arrived he was preceded by two footmen walking back- wards holding silver candelabra with lighted candles; the same thing was repeated when he retired. I noticed he looked astonished when mamma did not kiss his ring. It was afterwards explained to him that she was a Protestant. Driving home, father laughingly teased her about it, saying she should have done so. "No such flummery for me," she said. We found Frances had high fever. A doctor was sent for and fears it is scarlet fever; he says he cannot be certain until to-morrow, as there is no rash as yet. 171 1820] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN DECEMBER 2 Poor Frances has scarlet fever and is isolated in the chalet in the garden. Mamma will not leave her. Father had some news from America which has rather annoyed him. It seems some ignorant Yankee called attention to the way he was living in Paris — that his house was too large, that his servants wore showy liveries, &c. &c. Father is simplicity itself, but he feels he ought to keep up a certain style in a country where such things are so much thought of; he feels it is due to the prestige of the country he represents. They might just as well resent his going to Court — it is quite ridiculous. Monsieur de Lafayette has just called; he consulted him on the matter. The former is certainly republican enough in all his ideas. Father has penned a very dignified answer, which I have just drafted. He requests to be recalled if his way of living is not considered proper, but that he will not change it in any way. He and I are dining with the Barings to-day. Of course mamma had to excuse herself on account of Frances. DECEMBER 4 We had a charming dinner at the Barings'. The old Due de Bassano was present. He is really about the only respectable person that Napoleon created a duke, although he was a lawyer or hommes d'affaires, or some- thing of that sort, but of low origin. Poor Frances is better as it is a mild attack. In any case it will prevent her from going to any of the Christmas festivities. Mamma feared her complexion might be injured, but the doctor assures her it will not be in any way affected. . . . DECEMBER I have refused all invitations for the present as, although Frances is still isolated, I have never had scarlet fever myself. The doctor thinks I had better remain quiet for a few days. . . . 172 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1820 DECEMBER 10 I had a piece of very bad luck to-day. A certain lady of the grand rnonde had smiled upon me. I had a rendez- vous with her at the old Palais Royal in the Marais in the afternoon. It is the most unlikely place in the world to meet anybody. I know of a very quiet little cafe there with cabinet yarticidier ; as we walked toward it I spied a lady approaching with a footman behind her. Horror of horrors ! — mamma ! Now if it had been the moon arm-in-arm with the sun taking a walk I would not have been more flabbergasted, but it was mamma in the flesh. Nothing was to be done but to brazen it out. With a sickly smile and a grand coup de chapeau I approached her, instantly saying, "Allow me to present you to the Comtesse de C." Mamma stared, mamma curtsied; Madame de C. did the same. Mamma curtsied again, Madame de C. ditto; but not a word did mamma utter. I own I was rather proud of her, but the situation was becoming rather strained. I said to Madame de C, "Comtesse, will you allow me to conduct you to your coach?" This really meant a fiacre, as Madame de C. had left her coach in the Rue de Rivoli. Mamma glared, curtsied again; finding her voice, said, "James, return when you have found the comtesse's coach," with an accent grave on the coach. I could not do anything else. When I did return mamma took my arm and walked ten times around the Palais Royal. I suppose it will mean some more tracts when we get home. It seems the poor old dear, on account of fear of infection to others, had come to this isolated place to take a little exercise. My luck is on the wane. DECEMBER 12 Not a word have I heard since of my little peccadillo. I think father must have said something, for I am certain she told him. She really thinks I am still a child, for- getting I am three-and-twenty. 173 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN DECEMBER 17 Madame de C. will never forgive me; she is furious. DECEMBER 20 The boulevards are so brilliant for Noel, I walk there every evening. DECEMBER 26 The usual Christmas festivities, but I have become very rangS, so remained at home. All ray friends seem to be getting married, and I am only semi-attached. JANUARY 1, 1821 Another year gone, and still we stop on here practically doing nothing. Father is getting old, and I doubt if he will ever return to America. Mr. Astor has written to him again making new oflfers, all of which he has refused. He says he must not die rich after holding the posts he has. I have never known of anybody, with the excep- tion of the Due de Richelieu, who is so absolutely honest and disinterested; both on his mission to the Hague and to England he only charged his absolute out-of-pocket expenses. Would that there were more politicians in America of his calibre ! I fear there are few, if any. It is not astonishing he has so many firm friends such as Alexander Baring, Pozzo di Borgo, Lafayette, and the Humboldts — men whose friendship is worth having. I only wish I were more like him. MONDAY I had a bad accident skating at Vincennes on Saturday and broke my arm — fortunately the left one. Had it been my right arm I do not know what I should have done. It caused me great pain; the bone-setter was very rough. To add to my troubles, my hair is beginning to fall out. This was caused by the fever I contracted 174 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1821 that horrible winter at St. Petersburg. One consolation — I can always wear a wig. FEBRUARY 2 I had a horrid accident on Saturday. I was driving a new horse in my cabriolet with Lucien up behind. Coming down the Elysees I spied the King's coach driven at the usual high speed, which makes a rumbling. As etiquette requires, I drew up at the side, and was holding my hat off when my horse shied and over we went. Of course, I fell on my injured arm, which has always given me trouble; it was badly set at first — in fact, it had to be broken again and set, causing me great uneasiness. The Comtesse de Brissac was passing in her coach; she stopped and most kindly insisted on conveying me to her hotel in the Faubourg St.-Honore, which is quite close. She sent for a surgeon, and, much to my chagrin, he announced another slight fracture. After attending to me, Madame de B. most graciously put her coach at my disposal to take me home. She is forty but still very handsome. She held my right hand while the surgeon was binding my arm; I think she squeezed it. Nous verrons. Lucien and the horse were not injured but the cabriolet was damaged. This morning I was sitting in mamma's boudoir reading, as my arm was so painful I could not write. Frances was embroidering and mamma going through her religious devotions, which consists of reading a sermon of Jeremy Taylor's, her daily allowance. A footman hurriedly entered without knocking — a venial offence. lie looked white and scared, and mumbled, "Would Madame I'Ambassadress permit JNIadame Berthal to speak to her?" Enter Madame Berthal, very red and flurried, her very cap quivering with excitement. Approaching mamma, in a low tone she said, "Madame I'Ambassadress, there has been an accident. Louise (one of the kitchen wenches) has tripped over the cat on the lower stairs, and there are 175 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN two." "Two what?" asked mamma. "Twins," replied Madame Berthal. "What nonsense!" said mamma. "Is the girl injured? It does not matter about the kittens; drown them." "Not kittens, Madame r Ambassadress, babies." Never will I forget mamma's face. Down went Jeremy Bentham bang on the floor. Up rose mamma, her cap literally standing on end. She thundered, "Frances, leave the room." I could no longer contain myself and burst into roars of laughter. This was too much for mamma. "James, I am ashamed of you. Leave the room at once." I really expected to receive Jeremy on my head before reaching the door. Only too glad to escape, I sought refuge in father's room. When I succeeded in suppressing my laughter I com- menced telling him what had happened. I had only commenced my story when he was summoned to mamma's room. When he returned he tried to look serious, but I saw the corners of his mouth twitching. Poor Berthal mamma has dismissed for her want of discretion. Father sent to the Convent of the Sacre Coeur, which is quite close to us, and obtained permission to send the poor girl and her twins to the hospital there. He sent for a coach and had her conveyed there. W^hat passed between him and mamma I do not know, but she locked herself in the room for the remainder of the day. Frances asked me this evening if I thought she could have one of the kittens. I told her they were drowned ! ! ! The twins died last night. . . . My arm is so painful I cannot write any more. . . . Mamma has forgiven me. Jean, such a nice-looking groom, is the cause of all the trouble. He is going to marry the girl as soon as she is well. Father insists on retaining them both in his service. Mamma looks injured and draws deep sighs. Poor Berthal has been reinstated; father insisted upon it. 176 I DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1821 FEBRUARY 12 There have been more bomb explosions and the police have not the slightest clue. On January 27 a bomb in the Tuilleries — nobody injured. On the 31st another at the Treasury, several near the palace windows; still not the faintest clue. Scenes every day in the Chamber, one party accusing the other. Then a lull for a time. FEBRUARY 15 I do not feel well enough to join in the Carnival this year. The fact is, I have had enough of it all. I am now nearly four-and-twenty, and it is high time to settle down. Frances is to make her debut this year but not until the spring. FEBRUARY 17 Such a magnificent ball at the Tuilleries last night. The Duchesse d'Angouleme was superbly regal: her train of white velvet thickly embroidered with gold fleurs-de-lis with a broad gold border, lined and faced with ermine; her dress entirely of superb lace, which they told me had belonged to her mother; the highest diadem of emeralds and diamonds that I have ever seen, it was quite four inches. A veil of superb lace hung down below her shoulders; a belt and stomacher of diamonds and one enormous emerald in the centre; from the shoulders hung great strings of diamonds. The Duchess d'Orleans in rose-coloured velvet; Mile d'Orleans in blue; the Duchesse de Berri in white with a train bordered with sable (this was her first appearance since her husband's assassination). They made a truly royal group. The poor King was in a chair with wheels, as he suffers from swollen legs. FEBRUARY 20 At last I have had a bilious attack. Mamma is in her element; she loves to say "I told you so." Now, when 177 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN one is bilious one is not in the best of tempers; I do so long to throw a boot at her. JEBRUARY 22 All right again and taking Frances to some small evening parties. She has not been brought up in the French way; mamma allows her much more liberty. Frances can take care of herself; she has great dignity combined with sweetness, and under it all — what shall I call it ? — a will of her own. She is very lovely to look at. FEBRUARY 24 Now Lent has come — a respite for which I am very grateful. I am going to do some serious reading and improve myself; I fear I have been very frivolous up to the present. Mathieu de Montmorency has invited me to hunt at Compiegne, of which he is governor; I shall certainly avail myself of his kindness. If it were not that the King's horses were at his disposal and he offered to mount me, I would not be able to do so on account of the expense. MARCH 2 I took Frances to the Palais Royal yesterday afternoon to see a little religious play acted by the children of the Due d'Orleans. The Due de Chartres* is now nearly twelve years old, and Mile d'Orleans is nine. Some of the younger children also took part. The other actors were children of the Due d'Escar and the Montmorency children. It was really very pretty. After the little play all the children sat down to a simple dinner; we waited on them. Their aunt. Mile d'Orleans, is so charming, so simple and unaffected. She is very fond of father; I think it is that attracts me to her. * Due de Chartres, son of the Due d'Orleans, born at Palermo September 3, 1810. 178 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1821 MARCH 4 Father has had some disquieting letters from America about Albert. He has not shown them to me, nor has he told me of their contents, but I fear there is some trouble; Albert is so odd. I am very sorry, as I dislike to see father troubled. MARCH 7 Madame Patterson Bonaparte has been much disappointed that she has not been able to arrange a marriage for her "Bo," whom she considers a prince of the House of the now fallen Bonapartes. Mr. Astor, in whom she has great confidence, and who has been in Rome, has informed her that she must not put any reliance in any members of the Bonaparte family. Madame mere is the most sincere and the Princesse Pauline Borghesi is absolutely unre- liable. Her friend. Lady Morgan, is also in Rome, and told her the same thing. She has written volumes to father asking his advice. She is really too bad, as she is certain not to act by it. He has a great dislike for the Bonaparte family; of course the great brains and pluck of the first emperor he cannot but have admiration for. MARCH 9: COMPIEGNE I have been here since yesterday, and finely lodged in the chateau. All are most civil and nice to me. We hunted all day to-day and I am tired out. Just going to bed. MARCH 12 I came back to Paris yesterday after a most enjoyable visit. I am a little sorry I went for so long. I find father has been doing the copying of his own private letters and dispatches, which he will not allow any one to do with the exception of myself. We dine with the Due and Duchesse de Lavalle. I have never seen their hotel, but father tells me it is the finest in Paris. 179 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN MARCH 14 A most painful disclosure has been made. It seems the Duchesse de Berri told her Father-confessor that she was the instigator of all the bomb explosions, which were placed by her own people. He made her tell all this to the King. All the King said was, "Stop all further inquiry and try to forgive her." She is an Italian and a lover of intrigue. All this has made a most painful impression. MARCH 16, 1821 I really do not know how it will end. Yesterday I was dining tete-a-tete with Madame S. — her husband being away, as she thought. Fortunately, she has a most discreet maid. She, hearing Monsieur S.'s carriage in the courtyard, rushed and warned us. I was just able to escape down the escalier de service. I went to the opera, and I suppose after the fright I had had nothing amused me, so I returned home. I am glad I did, as I found the house in an uproar. Poor Berthal had fallen down the whole flight of marble stairs. Frances says she is broken to bits. All I could see of her was her cap, which had at last fallen off and was sitting quietly on a hall chair. There is a surgeon and two doctors with her now. Of course mamma is very much worried; but this did not prevent her forbidding a priest to enter whom one of the servants had sent for. MARCH 19 I forgot to write about the Lavalle dinner. It was abso- lutely superb — on a scale of magnificence quite equal to a Court entertainment. We sat down eighty at table, and the banquet lasted for four mortal hours. I counted thirty footmen. The Duchess was a very great heiress and the Duke was also very rich. 180 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1821 MARCH 21 I drove to St.-Cloud to-day in my curricle. It is begin- ning to rattle a bit. If we stop here much longer I must have a new one. Poor Mrs. P., of "Bologny" fame, died to-day. Mr. Livingstone returns from a very extensive tour and leaves for America at once. MARCH 25 There is every prospect now of father either going home or going to London. The latter mamma would prefer, as she has now become quite reconciled to living abroad; in fact, I do not think she would care to return home at present. Father does not like London. He had a long conference with Pozzo di Borgo to-day. They are such close friends, and he thinks very highly of Pozzo's opinion. Lafayette dined here yesterday; he has aged con- siderably, but is always delightful. Father fears as he gets older he will be even more indiscreet than in his youth, or indeed more impulsive. MARCH 29 Some very disagreeable communications from Mr. Adams to-day. I really think he, being now Secretary of State, is paying father up for imaginary wrongs when at Ghent. When I look back upon that time I am amazed that father bore so well with him and ]\Ir. Clay; they were quarrelling like two spoiled children all the time. Father did all he could to restore peace between them, but it was of daily occurrence and most trying. I sometimes think we may return to live in Geneva and abandon America altogether. I, personally, would be delighted, but I fear we are not rich enough to do this. I must make some money; I cannot always be a drag on father. APRIL 1 There is a smell of spring in the air to-day. Frances tried to fool me to-day, sending me a letter challenging 181 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN me to a duel. I recognized her handwriting at once. I did not say a word about it. She has been worrying mamma for a long time to buy her a spencer at Madame Le Vestris' in the Rue de la Paix; I have heard of nothing else for weeks. So off to Madame L. I went. ]\Iade her do me up a box with large gold letters with her address on it. I bought a murderous-looking fish and wrapped it in many papers. Imitating mamma's handwriting, I put a little note on top of the silk paper that she would see the moment the cover was lifted. I timed the box to arrive while we were at dinner. Great success. Frances opened the box. Only seeing the note, she rushed and hugged mamma, who I must say looked rather astonished. Rushing back to unpack her coveted spencer, as she thought, the smell of fish met her nose. With a squeak (women always squeak) she seized the fish and made a dash for me, but was too late. I was out of the window into the garden, the fish after me. A long list of diplomatic dinners to be got through. We are engaged for every day for two weeks. Father hates all this but is forced to accept. Mamma now, I think, loves these entertainments. She, like all women, loves dress. This gives her an opportunity to show off her finery. APRIL 6 There were serious disturbances last evening at the Ecole de Droit de Paris; some rioting. The troops had to be called out. What a mistake it is to be dragged into a liaison, particularly with a married woman ! If something does not happen I shall not have a hair on my head. APRIL 9 Since the death of the Due de Berri a great change has certainly come over the jeunesse doree of Paris; not half so much entrain. I think he really gave the impetus 182 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1821 to us all. I dined yesterday at the Trois Freres Proven- ceaux*in the Palais Royal with some boon companions. I do not know how it was, the dinner was excellent, the wine as well, but we all seemed dull and depressed. I hardly dare own it, but I fear we are all blase. I com- menced a little too young to enjoy life. I have had a good seven years of it; and what I used to look on then as the height of enjoyment I now find tiresome. I try to take interest in the political questions of the day. I read most carefully all the English as well as American papers that we receive and try to keep myself au courant of everything of importance. I believe one can train one's mind to serious matters. I certainly have wasted a lot of time. APRIL 10 Have been taking Frances to see all the fine churches; I don't think she cares much about it. APRIL 12 Father has presented me with a new curricle; it is painted yellow, which is much the vogue at present. . . . APRIL 15 We are eating through our dinners. Oh, the bore of it all! APRIL 20 A fine entertainment at Versailles with some Russian Grand Dukes. The King was not able to be present and Monsieur did the honours. The fountains were all playing. A splendid banquet. Looking out of one of the windows looking on the Cours d'Honneur, the whole scene seemed to be conjured up before me: the dames de la halle more like wild beasts, then women shouting and screaming, then dragging the coach with the unfor- * A restaurant only recently demolished. 183 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN tunate King and Queen in it. As I was meditating on all this I felt a hand on my shoulder; it was the dear old Duke of Gordon. He said, "A penny for your thoughts." I blurted out exactly what had been passing through my mind. He then, really with much emotion, described the whole scene most vividly to me; pointed out exactly where he stood, the immense scorn and dignity of Marie Antoinette as she entered the coach, the horrible drive back to Paris. He said he did all he could, but he was absolutely powerless in the hands of the frenzied mob. He slipped his arm through mine saying, "It is better to try and bury unpleasant memories." We joined the Court in the Salle des Glaces. APRIL £1 Father took me to-day to see Madame Condorcet, the widow of the Marquis Condorcet, the friend of Voltaire. She is only fifty-three but looks much older — one of the saddest faces I have ever seen. She welcomed us with effusion, taking both father's hands, holding them, and saying, "You knew my husband." She was a Mile de Grouchy. It seems they were an ideal couple. Her perfect character made Condorcet a believer in equal rights for women. Her only child is Madame O'Connor, the wife of General O'Connor. MAY 3 Mr. Adams has been playing more of what I call "Yankee tricks"; he certainly is an impossible person. He is not a man of great force or intelligence, but his own opinion of himself is immense. I really think father, in a covert way, pulls his leg. I know he thinks little of his talents and less of his manners. MAY 21 Frances is greatly excited as the time approaches for her to make her debut at Court. She came to me in rather 184 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN 11821 a mysterious manner to-day and began to make much of me. I suspected there was something at the bottom of it, so said to her, "Out with it; what is it you want?" She is a Httle afraid of mamma. She wants me to persuade the latter to let her have a more elegant frock for Court. I promised to do my best. MAY 22 Mamma is adamant. Frances is to wear what she decrees. Simplicity above all things. For a wonder, I quite agree with mamma. Frances is quite pretty enough and she needs but a very simple setting. I told her this and consoled her with a little judicious flattery about her skin, eyes, hair, &c. &c. She is but a woman. MAY 24 The brothers Humboldt were at dejeuner to-day. For- merly I did not take any interest in their conversation, but it was quite different to-day. I was sorry when they retired. Father delights in their society. They certainly seem to appreciate him; for this I love them. JUNE 2 Frances made her debut at Court last night. She cer- tainly did look very lovely. All I know of her dress — she was in white, a great big wreath of pink roses round her head. She was quite self-possessed and bore herself with much dignity. All the members of the Royal Family smiled on her. Driving home she burst into sobs. Poor child, I suppose it was the pent-up excitement. JUNE 10 I have suffered a great deal lately with my arm; I fear it will be permanently stiff — I can hardly raise it now. I hope father will decide on Aix-en-Savoi, as I will then be able to go in for the cure. I am afraid rheumatism has settled in my arm. 185 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN JUNE 15 So little of interest to record in my journal at present. I seem now to think that the everyday occurrences of "the monde" are not worth recording. Of course, anything of importance that I want to remember I make notes of. If father should ever get hold of this diary I wonder what he will think of it. Mamma asked me to-day if I thought he was worrying about Albert. She does not think he at all approves of the life the latter is leading. He does not seem to care for people of his own class — only farmers and their families. JUNE 30 There have been rumours that the Emperor is ill at St. Helena. Nothing confirmed. JULY 10 The news has just arrived of the death of Napoleon. He died on May 5. I was much astonished at the way the news was received. The hero which the whole French nation had worshipped, whom all Europe had trembled before, it might have been an ordinary actor who had died. Really one could feel great disgust. A mighty man indeed he was with all his faults. The first I heard of it was cried about the streets: "La Mort de Napoleon a St. Helena, deux sous." Oh, the irony of it ! JULY 15 The Bonapartists here show the greatest respect to the Emperor. They have petitioned the King to allow the body to be brought to France and buried, but he will not hear of it. Father says it would be most unwise — that France is beginning to settle down after all the troubles she has gone through; that even the Emperor's body will excite enthusiasm in many and might lead to very serious results. Father received several letters 186 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1821 asking if he thought America would join in petitioning the King. It is really too absurd. What has America to do with it? Madame Patterson Bonaparte, won- derful to relate, has written to father full of praise of the dead Emperor. JULY 18 An extraordinary thing has happened. Father wished for a document, and applied for it to the Due de Bassano; the latter has all the copies of the archives of the Emperor. A document was sent, but not the one applied for; it was a copy of a Trianon Decree of August 5, 1810. This decree was entirely withheld from the American Minister. Had it been known there would not have been any war between England and America. It bears the same date of the Berlin and Milan decrees, which were to be revoked on November 1. Never before have I seen my father so angry; he absolutely lost control of himself and used the strongest language. The underhand meanness, the perfidy, injustice, so low and despicable. It was the Emperor's wish, evidently, to do all in his power to crush a young and rising nation. Father went at once to see the Due de Bassano, but on arriving there he could hardly say anything, he found the poor old Duke utterly crushed by the death of the Emperor. He evidently knew nothing of his mistake, so father did not undeceive him. He sent a copy of the decree to Mr. Adams with very strong remarks on the subject. GALLATIN to J. Q. ADAMS Paris, September 15, 1821 Sir, [First part of letter omitted.] But the Trianon Decree was intended for the St. Sebastian, Amsterdam, and other cases of the same period. It is not a condemnation either in form or in substance, but it certainly announces the intention to 187 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN condemn. It bears date the same day on which it was officially communicated to our Minister that the Berlin and Milan decrees would be revoked on the first day of the ensuing November; and no one can suppose that if it had been communicated or published at the same time the United States would, with respect to the promised revocation of the Berlin and Milan decrees, have taken that ground which ultimately led to the war with Great Britain. It is indeed unnecessary to comment on such a glaring act of combined injustice, bad faith, and mean- ness as the enacting and concealment of that decree exhibits; and I cannot suppose that it will ever be brought forward by this Government for the purpose of repelling our claims to indemnity, especially as the grounds assumed for the measure are evidently mere pretences and altogether untenable. Yet when I first conversed, in 1816, with the Due de Richelieu on the subject of our claims, he alluded to a statement prepared in his bureau for him, in which the Act of Congress of March 1809 was mentioned as having afforded cause for reprisals. The copy of the Trianon Decree was given to a friend of Mr. Parish by the Duke of Bassano, then Secretary of the Council. I enclose a Greek copy and a French translation of an appeal of the Greeks to the citizens of the United States. I have the honour, &c., Albert Gallatin Decision du 5 aout 1810* Vu le rapport ci-dessus fait au conseil de commerce et des manufactures, d'oii il resulte: (1) Que le Gouvernement de Etats-Unis ne s'est pas borne par son acte du ler mars, 1809, a ordonner qu'a dater du 20 mai suivant les bdtiments et marchandises frangaises qui entreraient dans les ports seraient mis * For translation see Appendix III. 188 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1821 sous le sequestre, mais qu'il a ordonne la confiscation des dits bdtiments et marchandises: (2) Qu^il a etabli par le meme acte que lorsque les com- munications avec le France viendraient a se retablir, les confiscations continueraient a avoir leur effet: (3) Que Vacte du ler mars, 1809, a etc mis en execution ioutes les fois que Voccasion s'en est presentee, nonseule- ment contre les marchandises, mais aussi contre les bdti- ments fran^ais: Nous avons ordonne et ordonnons ce qui suit (1) Les fonds provenants des ventes des marchandises americaines qui ont ete effectuees jusqu'a ce jour, et dont le montant avail ete mis en depot a la caisse d'amortisse- ment, seront transportes au tresor public. (2) Les marchandises americaines qui sont mis sous le sequestre seront mises en vente, et les fonds en provenants verses au tresor public. (3) Les bdtiments americains sur le soil desquels il n'avait point ete statue jusqu'a ce jour, seront egalement mis en vente et les fonds en provenants verses au tresor public. (4) Attendu que Vacte des Etats-Unis du ler mars, 1809, ne contient aucune disposition contre les equipages de nos bdtiments, voulant toujours trailer les Etats-Unis aussi favorablement qu'il est possible, et n'usant qu'a regret du droit de represaille a leur egard, nous entendons que les equipages des bdtiments americains entres dans nos ports 7ie soient point consider es comme prisonniers, mais soient envoyes dans leur patrie. (5) Les dispositions ci-dessus seront executees a Vegard de tous les bdtiments americains entres et sequestres dans nos ports depuis le 20 mars 1809, jusqu'au ler mai de la presente annee 1810, date de Vacte par lequel les Etats- Unis ont revoque celui du ler mars, 1809. (6) A Vavenir et jusqu'au ler novembre prochain, Spoque fixee par la lettre de notre ministre des relations 189 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN exterieures au plenipotentiaire des Etats-Unis pour la revocation de nos decrets de Berlin et de Milan {dans le cas oil les conditions etablies dans la dite lettre seraient remplies), les navires americains pourront entrer dans nos ports; mais leur dechargement ne pourra avoir lieu, a moins quHls ne soient munis d'une licence signee de notre main, que sur un rapport fait en conseil de com- merce, constatant qu'ils n'ont pas eie denationalises par leur soumission aux arrets du conseil Britannique, et quails n'ont point contrevenu a nos decrets de Berlin et de Milan. En noire palais de Trianon, le 5 aout, 1810. (Signe) Napoleon JULY Madame Recamier has closed her salon for the present. Most of the adherents of the Bonapartists are in the deepest mourning. Surely it is the least they can do, considering the Emperor picked most of them out of the mud and made them rich and noble. Joseph Bona- parte seems to have saved an immense fortune; he is living in luxury in America. Some of those wretched Murats are also there. JULY As Frances has been presented at Court, mamma now takes her to balls, &c. It is very trying for her. I am glad to say Frances is far prettier than I thought she would be, and I am very proud to have such a pretty sister. I do hope she will make a good marriage and not have to go back to America. We have to go to some waters for mamma's rheumatism. I think Aix-en- Savoi will be the place decided on. The baths are good but primitive. It is near Geneva. Also we have relations in the neighbourhood. AUGUST 1: AIX-EN-SAVOI We are comfortably installed here in a little villa they supply us with. Both mamma and myself are taking a cure 190 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1821 for rheumatism. Father only remained a few days to see us settled and then went to Geneva; it is so close. He is staying with the Navilles. This is a beautiful country but very hot. The Lac du Bourget is about a mile from here. I have hired a boat and take Frances out fishing with me. It is such a rest after Paris. We have some friends from Geneva; the de Sellons from Allaman are also here. The Monastery of Hautecombe is on the other side of the lake. It is the burial-place of the Dukes of Savoy and their families; and they also used to live in a part of the monastery. There is a long terrace on it about ten to twenty feet above the lake. The story is that the ladies of the House of Savoy used to fish from this terrace, that there were men in boats below who placed live fish on their hooks and then gave a little jerk — much to the delight of the ladies, who thought they were fine fisherwomen. My arm is much better; I can raise it quite high already. Very much troubled by flies, which sting. The grapes are ripe, and we pay fifty centimes to go into a vineyard and eat as many as we like. OCTOBER Aix did mamma good, and now we are installed for the winter. Father fears there will be poor results re Indem- nity from France. He says the Ministry play with him and are continually changing their tactics. He really thinks he ought to return to America and enter into more active life. He likes his life here; it all suits him, but he feels he is wasting time. He is continually being urged to enter public life again in America; he will not, I think. The whole system of political life in America has undergone a change, and he feels it will be most distasteful to him. NOVEMBER 10 Poor Albertine de Broglie is in great trouble as she has lost her baby — fortunately, the youngest one. I have 191 1821] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN to relieve mamma, taking Frances to balls, &c. Madame S. returns to-day. NOVEMBER 12 Ball at the Palais Royale. Frances looked lovely and was very much admired; she danced every dance. I love to see her enjoying herself. Of course, Madame de Boigne had to say something disagreeable to mamma. Looking at Frances, who was dancing with La Roche- foucauld, she said, "I see you have brought your daughter up a I'Anglaise." "No, a V Americaine " said mamma, with a strong stare at the opposite wall. Bravo, mamma ! I told father when we arrived home; he laughed, which is rare for him. Frances says she will not marry any man who does not propose to her personally and not to her parents. She says she is not an object of barter. I consider her a most advanced young woman. A serious row with Madame S. May it be the end, but I doubt it. NOVEMBER 26 Father has been much vexed by some letters from Mr. Adams, who is now Secretary of State. It is all on account of the seizure of a French ship called the Apollon in the St. Mary's River on the Spanish side, for evading the navigation laws. Father thinks it is a high-handed action and unjustifiable. He has taken his own line with the French Government in entire opposition to Mr. Adams. What amazed Mr. Adams was that father wrote to him that he considered his argument of the case, as well as his own, not worth a straw. At times he certainly is an extraordinary contradiction. Un- doubtedly father has far superior talent to Mr. Adams, and likes playing the latter as a cat does a mouse. Father, although he never admits it, I am certain feels very deeply the gross injustice and prejudice that shuts the door of the Presidency to him simply because he was not born in America. Although he tries to disguise Ids DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 it, he has a strong belief in the superiority of European intellect. He looks upon the American-born politicians as a lot of rough colts who want breaking in. Not one of them has had the early training that he has — brought up, as he was, among the flower of intellectual men. The Americans have great intellect and brains but they are untrained. What can be expected of them? DECEMBER 25 Christmas again. We are having a large party for Frances. Already three fathers have appeared in orthodox costume to formally demand her hand for their respective sons. She will have none of them. The Duchesse de Broglie has pressed one suit, but Frances is obstinate. I tell her she must not be too particular. DECEMBER 26 Everything went off very well. Now that Frances has grown up we have put aside fooling, but really it is not half as amusing. Our cousins the Gallatins are giving a Twelfth-Night party for Frances. DECEMBER 31 I have been counting up my money for my etrennes to-morrow. I will have exactly 150 left after all the servants are tipped. It is a bad custom. Mamma always has a nest-egg, so I will have to draw on her. Good-bye, Old Year. Off to an old-fashioned reveillon. Dear old diary ! Much as I have confidence in your discretion, I will not record where I am going or who my companions are to be. JANUARY 1, 1822 We are quite worn out with all the duties we have had to perform. The long time we are kept standing at Court is most trying. The King paid marked attention to father yesterday, so did Monsieur. The Duchesse d'An- 193 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN gouleme, who on many occasions has noticed Frances, asked if it was true that she was fiancee. To-night a ball at the Palais Royale. Monsieur de Richelieu looks very ill. He is still pur- sued by the Queen of Sweden, it is really too absurd; she makes him as well as herself the laughing-stock of Paris. We are bidden to a reception at Madame Re- camier's for the 10th. Madame Bonaparte arrives in a few days. JANUARY 11 A delightful evening at Madame Recamier's. The funniest sight was the Queen of Sweden; she was dressed in a most extraordinary manner — I never saw a person so absolutely out of place; she looks more fit to be behind the counter of a tallow-chandler's than in a salon. We have had some very nice Americans here lately. A Mr. Ogle-Taylor and Mr. Livingstone, both men of education and polished manners; the latter was very anxious for me to go to Italy with him, but I could not be spared. JANUARY 12 Madame Bonaparte dined with us yesterday, she is really more brilliant than ever, a little embittered perhaps, particularly against the Catons, they are her hete noire for the moment. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Patterson, nee Caton, came in for her full share. It seems that the Duke of Wellington writes to her every week, and there is much scandal about their relationship. Father has told Madame Bonaparte there will always be a convert for her at our table. We were all rather astonished at this, for he does not often show such marked hospitality, particularly to Americans. He feels very sorry for her, and thinks she has been badly treated; that she is a woman of brilliant intellect, but that her troubles have quite ruined what might have been a most delightful personage, as well as a power. 194 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 JANUARY 13 Fine skating in the Bois de Boulogne to-day. I took Frances; she got on wonderfully well as she had learned to skate in America when she was a child. She looked very lovely, mamma dresses her so well. With the exer- cise of skating she had the most brilliant colour in her cheeks. One horrible old woman went up to her and rubbed her cheeks with her pocket-handkerchief, saying, ''Tiens, ce n'est pas du rouge." I think some of the French ladies were shocked that mamma was not with us. Princesse Galitzin had kindly offered to chaperone Frances. It is really too absurd that now she is grown up she is not allowed to drive alone with me; it is not that either mamma or father object, but it would be considered quite wrong, the argument being that everybody did not know that I was her brother. In fact, I cannot walk with her alone, without one of our footmen following. A very fine ball at the Carillion-Latours. I very much pitied poor mamma, she had to sit waiting for Frances until the early hours of the morning. JANUARY 14 The King has been failing very fast; they say for the moment he is very much better. A ball at Court on the 16th. In fact, I do not think there is a single night that we are not engaged till Lent. Madame Bonaparte takes great interest in Frances, and says with her beauty she ought to make a great marriage. I fear the latter has but little ambition. .JANUARY 15 Mr. Crawford is urging father to return to America, as he wants him to use his influence for the vote of the State of Pennsylvania for the Presidency. Father has not the sHghtest intention of doing so, and does not think Craw- ford has the slightest chance. The President wishes father to remain in Paris, and he willingly agrees to this. 195 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN In fact, I think he wants to hold himself aloof from politics in America, He often talks of building a fine house in New Geneva; he already has a small brick one there. I cannot understand this new idea of his: to wish to bury himself in the wilds of Western Virginia; to take poor mamma there after the life she has led in Paris. She detests the country; of course we never disagree with him or contradict anything he says. I think it may be sentiment. He pictures New Geneva as a new Eldorado. Of course Frances will marry. So will I. He cannot ex- pect me to live in idleness in the backwoods of America. Practically he and mamma are to be quite alone. Albert may stop with them, but I doubt it. I had an odd letter from him yesterday. He evidently is in some entangle- ment with a farmer's daughter; he begs me not to mention it to anybody. It is so strange that he always liked low company. It is a great pity, I think, that father did not send him to Geneva to be educated. The people he mixes with are of the lowest class, totally without educa- tion or manners. I cannot understand where he inherits his low tastes from, certainly not from father's family; nor have I ever heard of a Nicholson who was not a gentle- man. Albert has a brain, in fact in his way is very clever. I fear now it's too late to make any change in him. JANUARY 16 I took Madame de R. into supper last night at the Russian Embassy. She is very witty and does not hesitate to express her opinion in the most clear terms a mauvaise langue. I am rather afraid of her. During our con- versation I asked her if she knew the reason why Madame X. had such success: the very best people fighting for invitations to her entertainments, although she had neither beauty nor wit, was really dull and vulgar. "There you are wrong," she answered. "She has much more than wit or beauty, tact. When I dine or sup with her, she puts my reigning amani on my right and the one 196 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 I hope to succeed him on my left. What does a woman want more? Now do you wonder at her success?" FRIDAY Mrs. Robert Patterson dined with us on Thursday; she is really beautiful and has a wonderful charm of manner. Her one topic of conversation is the Duke of Wellington. They say he allows her 100,000 francs a year; at least so says Madame Bonaparte. Her jewels are very fine. Madame B. says they are mostly imitation, but I think it is a case of sour grapes. JANUARY 18 Father has refused the office of President of the Bank of the United States, which was kindly offered to him. He has the fixed idea in his head to lead an absolutely retired life when he returns to America. I can hardly credit it and think it is but a passing fancy. Monsieur de Lafayette, Pozzo di Borgo, all beg him to remain in Paris. JANUARY 20 I took Frances to a ball at the Gay de Lussacs' last night, mamma was not well. She had written to the Comtesse de Gallatin if she would chaperone Frances. On our arrival I could not find any of the Gallatin family, and really did not know what to do — at 12 o'clock the Countess appeared. It seems that they had a bad accident, one of the horses having fallen, dragging the other one with it and overturning the coach; one of her daughters was badly cut on the neck and face. She made all haste, after her daughter had been attended to, to come to the ball, on account of Frances — it was most kind of her. I would not allow her to stop late as I know she must be anxious to get home, so we retired at 1 o'clock. 197 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN JANUARY 21 Skating all day; it is an exercise I love. Had a bad fall with Katinka Galitzin, and am sorry to saj^ that the blade of my skate tore her coat and cut her arm. After her mother had bound it up, she insisted on returning to the ice and skated until dark. If the frost holds we are going to have a grand jete de nuit on the ice in a couple of days; the Due and Duchesse d'Orleans have promised to be present; a quete will be made for charity. JANUARY 22 Louise, of kitten fame, gave birth to a fine boy yesterday. I am the yarrain and Frances the marraine. Mamma does not approve but father does. Of course we asked him first and mamma never goes against his will. JANUARY 24, 1822 The frost held; in fact it is freezing still. The fete de nuit was a grand success. It was beautifully arranged on the Petit Lac. Wreaths and wreaths of lanterns made it quite light enough to see everything and every- body. Sledges in every shape and form hung with lanterns. Some with most grotesque heads. The Due and Duchesse d'Orleans and the Due de Chartres arrived at 9 o'clock. They were conducted to a raised plat- form on which was a species of divan covered with fine fur rugs. All fashionable Paris was there as it was a novelty. I was on the committee of arrangement. We had hired some Swedish skaters to give a performance in costume, which they did at 10.30. We had a, retraite aux lanternes, over six hundred joined in it; everybody had a stick with a Chinese lantern on it. Some of the men had poles of wood about two feet from each shoulder with lanterns on each end. There were fifty men two by two holding bentwood frames with lanthorns, two fine mili- tary bands played, and, for the retraite, we had the Corps de Chasse from Compiegne and Fontainebleau. The 198 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 royalties retired at 1L30. A most successful fete. The proceeds collected amounted to about 7000 francs. I forgot to mention we had coloured fires burning at intervals: red, green and yellow. All the way from the Petit Lac, at an interval of four feet apart, were stationed soldiers holding blazing torches to light the way, this extended as far as the Champs Elysees. JANUARY 25 I was so tired this morning, and stiff from skating. Father had some writing for me to do. I took it over to a table in a window in his room. I made a brave start but I suppose I was overcome with fatigue and the warmth of the room combined. I was awakened by the sound of the gong for dejeuner. I found a cushion had been placed under my head. Father stood by me smiling, and said, "I hope you had a good sleep, my petit vaurien." I made every excuse, but he only laughingly said, " Come to breakfast, and finish your writing this afternoon." JANUARY 27 Mamma called me into her boudoir this morning; she said she wished to have a serious conversation with me. She began by asking why I had not written to my aunt, Mrs. Montgomery, in America; that I had neglected her terribly, &c. &c. Now as I had never written to this respected lady in my life, I was at a loss for an answer. By degrees it all came out. It seems that Mrs. Montgom- ery is rich, has no heir; mamma thought I might stand a chance. I at once consented to do so. I wrote a letter in a burlesque style. Knowing Mrs. M. to be a violent republican, I abused and ridiculed everything that had to do with a republic; that I hoped Americans would come to their senses and have a king; that 1 hoped that I never would be obliged to return to the land of the free. I showed the letter to mamma. After reading it she stamped her foot, a bad sign, and threw the letter 199 18221 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN I had taken so much pains with into the fire. I don't think she will ever ask me to write another. I hate humbug and don't want anybody's money. JANUARY 29 Madame Patterson Bonaparte dined with us yesterday, as well as her sister, Mrs. Robert Patterson. Mathieu de la Rochefoucauld, the Alfieris and several others. Madame B. was as usual brilliant, and kept the whole table alive with her witticisms. Pozzo di Borgo, who was also one of the guests, said, " Really, Madame Bonaparte, you should have been a man: you would have been a diplomatist." FEBRUARY 1 Very serious trouble I fear is brewing for me with Madame S. If this diary falls into the hands of any young man beginning his career, may I warn him never to have an intrigue with a married woman. Off to Fontainebleau to hunt to-morrow. FEBRUARY 3 We had a poor day, as it had frozen hard in the night. I stuck one pig, quite a youngster, who squealed like a baby. A very large party. The usual "curee." Nothing very much to record. I had to leave early this morning, as I knew there would be business for me to attend to for father. FEBRUARY 5 The King is now entirely in the power of Madame du Cayla;* he does nothing without asking her advice. There has been a great deal of intriguing about the post of Archbishop of Paris. Monsieur du Quellon, I believe, will be appointed, he is very young for such a post. * Zoe Talon, Comtesse du Cayla, born 1784, died 1850, daughter of a secret agent employed before the Restoration. Mistress of Louia XVIII, whom she dominated. 200 ALBERT GALLATIN Painted by Madame Meunier-Romilly, Geneva, Jandaby, 1815 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 FEBRUARY 7 Mr. Astor has been pressing father to accept the Presi- dency of the United States Bank, but he will not hear of it. He had rather a disagreeable experience to-day. Some most extraordinary Americans called. The rule is for them simply to write their names and addresses, but they insisted upon seeing father. He received them with great civility, but the moment they commenced to speak I gauged what sort of people they were. They did not request father to present them at Court, but absolutely demanded it as a right. Now he has made it a rule not to present anybody unless they hold some distinguished position in their own country. These people were abso- lutely impossible. Father quietly but firmly said, "I regret not being able to present you." They demanded the reason why in the most insolent manner. Father rang the bell, and when the footman appeared simply said, "Show these gentlemen to the door." They commenced to use the most disgraceful language. I with the help of Mr. Sheldon insisted upon their leaving. Father with a bow left the room by another door. It is really dreadful he should be subjected to such indignity. He has now given an order that in future nobody is to be ushered into his presence without first being interviewed by Mr. Sheldon or myself. FEBRUARY 12 There seem to be internal troubles all over France. Mon- sieur is suspected of starting the agitation. They say the Due d'Orleans is also stirring up discontent. I do not even intend looking at the Carnival this year, much less taking part in it. I suppose I have sown about one-half or, say, three-quarters of my wild oats. I am glad that father and I are on the best of terms, and I am quite convinced we always will be. Madame Bonaparte dines here continually; she is certainly a most delightful and entertaining person. I rarely hear her say an ill- 201 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN word of anybody, with the exception of the Catons and of her husband; she certainly has reason in that quarter after the treatment she has received at his hands. FEBRUARY 13 Father had a private audience of the King to-day. I accompanied him as I always do. To our amazement when we were ushered into the presence, Madame du Cayla was present and did not retire; she seems to hold absolute sway over him. He actually appealed to her for her opinion on matters political which she certainly had no knowledge of. Driving home father expressed his disgust, and said it was high time he abdicated if he was governed by a woman. It has always been the same thing with the Bourbons; in their old age some intriguing woman has governed them. Very cold: if the frost holds we will have skating to- morrow. FEBRUARY 15 I have been skating the last two days on the Petit Lac. . . . FEBRUARY 17 Katinka Galitzin was married to-day to Caumont la Force. The contract for the marriage was signed last night. A great crush, splendid corbeille de manage. The family jewels, which are those of the Due de la Force, magnificent. There were two ceremonies, a Russian one in the Chapel of the Embassy, and the Catholic one at St. Pierre de Challiot, I was present at both. I will miss her very much as we were really such good friends. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for her. FEBRUARY 20 There are extraordinary accounts, about his Most Gracious Majesty King George the Fourth, from England, 202 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 all the scandal about Queen Caroline, it is certainly very disgraceful. He moves under the absolute sway of Lady Conyngham. I was weak enough last night to allow myself to be dragged off to a supper. I am glad to say I was bored and returned home early. I think father was rather shocked when he was told that Pozzo di Borgo was on the Committee of "Crockfords," but Russians are all born gamblers. It seems that immense fortunes change hands nightly at this establishment, which is in St. James's Street, opposite Mr. White's. The man who started it has already realized a large fortune. Some of the heavy gamblers wear large straw hats, pulled well over their eyes: this is to conceal their features so that no one can see their expression when they are winning or losing. Thank God, I have not the slightest temptation to gamble — about my one and only virtue. Here in Paris play is not so very high, and is not indulged in by the higher classes to any very great extent. Lent is here, which means quiet and plenty of leisure. I am now studying banking systems, both English, American and French. The Alex- ander Barings come to us to-morrow for a week. They are both so charming. It is a great pleasure for mamma to have Mrs. Baring as she is an American and so sympa- thetic. He and father are always engaged in financial questions in which they are both absorbed. MAY 18* The Due de Richelieu has been looking very ill, he died suddenly yesterday. He had come from Versailles to Paris the day before. His sister was with him. Several doctors were called in, but without avail. He died gently in his sleep. Father is much distressed as he had the highest opinioh of him, of his wonderful honesty, and of his devotion to France. *From February 20 until May 18 the diary has been destroyed. — Editor. 203 18221 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN MAY 25 The Queen of Sweden is making herself quite ridiculous. The Due only spoke to her twice in his life. She has even been to the King w^ith her lamentations. MAY 30 The Due d'Angouleme is the only member of the Royal Family who seems to show any regret. It is disgusting, as he gave his life to his country. I have had my own troubles lately — result, a boy which father in his large-minded manner has provided for. Madame S. is to live in Switzerland, her husband has repudiated her. Was there ever such a father as mine? He has never mentioned the matter to me but, after he had arranged everything, last night on retiring to my room, I found a letter on my table. It was couched in the kindest terms. He informed me he had settled everything, and that the subject would never be men- tioned by him, that mamma was in total ignorance of it. God bless him ! The question of the navigation with the United States has been discussed in the Chamber. Father is not quite satisfied. Monsieur de Chateaubriand seems to ignore everything. He has not even answered our notes lately; it is really very exasperating. Nearly six years wasted. JUNE 2 We have organized a new form of amusement; at least the Gay de Lussacs promulgated the idea. We drive out to St. Germain leaving Paris about 5 o'clock. A picnic din- ner at the Pavilion Henri Quatre, then dancing, singing, &c., until 10.30, then a drive home by moonlight. Several of Frances' friends. Mamma took two very nice American girls, Misses Thorne, the Gallatins, and their daughters. The English Ambassadress brought four very nice Eng- lish girls, about ten married couples going and a host of men. It was a great success and we have agreed to 204 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 repeat it every week. Each pays his own share. I feel now as free as the air, since I have got rid of Madame S.: it may be ingratitude, but I always feel so ashamed of myself. I believe most of the French mammas refused at first to join the St. Germain parties, but I believe before long we will have many more joining us. My miniature is very good and I have given it to mamma. JUNE 3 Just after dejeuner to-day we heard a great noise in the servants' quarters. As it continued mamma rang and Monsieur Caron the maitre d'hotel appeared, crimson in face. He begged that I would be allowed to come down and see what had happened: the spectacle that met my eyes when I reached the kitchen is indescribable. Poor Mamie Kitty, the nigger cook, had made some waffles for dejeuner; one of the footmen, out of sheer mischief, had taken the remainder of the paste, and with the aid of two of the kitchen wenches, who had held Mamie, they had smeared her head and face with the white hominy paste and had sprinkled flour over it, turning her into a w^hite woman. She lost her temper and when she was free made a dash for him and literally had torn his clothes off. There he was, clothed as he came into the world, standing behind a large table, while Mamie was trying to belabour him with a rolling-pin. The moment I spoke to her she dropped the pin and went on her knees and began saying, "Oh Jesus forgive a poor nigger." If it had not been so pathetic I would have laughed. It seemed to sober all the servants who were assembled. I told her to get up, and taking her by the hand took her straight upstairs to mamma. The poor old dear was trembling and wailing. Mamma made her tell her story: although she did not at all approve she told Mamie that it was only meant in fun. Frances took her up to 205 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN her maid to be cleansed; the poor old soul sat moaning all the rest of the day. Father will interview all those who took part to-morrow and will see that the delinquents are punished. I felt so sorry for her as she kept repeating, "I am only a poor old nigger and God made me black. I am a miserable old sinner." JUNE 4 Much to our surprise Monsieur and Madame d'Osmond have bidden us to dinner for the 10th. Mamma is quite flurried, as she says she has worn all her frocks out and she has no time to have one arranged. Father gave her five hundred francs and said, " Get yourself and Frances the finest 'war paint' that that can purchase." The young footman was very contrite and begged not to be dismissed. Father told him he must apologize to Mamie Kitty and beg her pardon before all the servants, and that he would be present — the footman, George by name, did so, and the poor old woman threw her arms around his neck and gave him two ringing kisses: I think he was sufficiently punished. JUNE 5 At the opera last night I spied a charming and mysterious- looking lady in a frilled yeignoir. Every time I looked at her she put up her fan, but I saw her peeping between the sticks. I waited at the finish close to the exit of her loge; she made the slightest sign to me, the very slightest, for me to follow her. In the crowd I saw her put her hand behind her back. I edged near to her and saw there was a piece of paper in it; watched my opportunity, and covering her hand took it. As soon as I got the chance I opened the little three-cornered note, only a few lines — "28 rue Boissy d'Anglaff — minuit demain." I am sorely puzzled — I thought I knew toutes ces dames by sight. A splendid footman met her and put her into a fine coach — a demain, but I am intrigued. 206 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 JUNE 5 I had a batch of letters to copy this morning which kept me very busy, Mr. Crawford is still writing to father begging him to come home, on account of the elections: the latter says if he does so he will be again drawn into political life, which is undesirable. I am thinking of to-night and wondering. I met some of my intimes this afternoon, but thought it wiser not to mention my adventure to them. I am dining at the Cafe Anglais with Guy de Montesquieu and the lady he protects. Will look in at the opera to while away the time till mid- night. JUNE 6 I am disgusted with myself. On the tiptoe of expectation I arrived at No. 28. All was darkness. I waited for a few moments, when the small door of the porte-cochere opened and a hand beckoned me in. The moment the door closed there was a brilliant light, two footmen in the hall, and I saw several other cloaks and hats: the mystery was soon solved, tout honnevient — a gambling house. I was ushered into a superb salon, the rattle of dice assailed my ear and my charmer stepped forward to greet me. I might have known, as the police are so down on maisons de jeu at present. Not a soul I had ever seen before: that struck me as quite extraordinary. I must be getting old ! No more aventures galantes seem to come in my way. I did not play and soon retired, evidently much to the disgust of my hostess. JUNE 10 We have been very quiet for the last few days. To-day is the dinner at the Osmonds'. Albertine de Broglie came to dejeuner to-day to eat American food. I do not think she really cared for it, but was too polite to say so. Albert has written that the house is getting on famously. We certainly must be returning soon. 207 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN JUNE 11 I must acknowledge the dinner at the Osmonds' was superb. We were forty and the fine fleur of society. Madame de Boigne in her own house is an excellent hostess. I escorted a very pretty woman to dinner — a Comtesse Chabot: she had passed much of her life in England and longed to go back there to live, which is rare for a Frenchwoman. Lady Westmoreland, a handsome Lady Fane, the English Ambassador, a son of the Countess of Sutherland, whom I met at Coppet, I think it was in 1815. After dinner, which lasted three mortal hours, we retired to the ball-room. There was a raised estrade, and Malibran sang. I went rather late to the Spanish Embassy. Father was too tired to go. A great crowd — the "Nuncio" as usual. JUNE 14 We had one of our jaunts to St. Cloud yesterday, a much larger company and most enjoyable. JUNE 15 Very hot, I sat at Tortoni's until supper-time eating ice- creams, which I really think made me hotter. JUNE 20 A catastrophe this morning: poor mamma sprained her ankle and will not be able to move for at least a month. Her feet are very small, and as she is short she wears very high heels — not being quite as light as she was her ankles easily turn. Countess de Gallatin called to-day. She is getting up some little plays and wants to enlist Frances and myself in her company. Father gave his permission for Frances. I have never acted, but am going to see what I can do. I am cast for a little play called "Un Mai^i en 1815." I am to be a soldier bold, six women in the cast. I am the only man. Like a rooster in a farmyard. 208 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 JUNE 22 Our jfirst rehearsal to-day. I fear we all laughed so much that little progress was made. I have to kiss two of the girls — my daughters. This we did not rehearse. JUNE 24 Second rehearsal to-day. It went much better as now we have some idea of our roles. There is no doubt father intends going home soon. I will be glad in one way, but very sorry to leave my beloved Paris. Puysegur and Montesquieu misbehaved so much to-day at rehearsal that Madame de Gallatin threatened to get substitutes for them — they both are very funny. JUNE 25 A reception at the Palais Royal to-night and a Court ball on the 29th. How sick I am of these entertainments. We have a dinner-party to-morrow. Mamma has a wheeled chair, so can be present. The invitations were launched before her accident. Mormornsen had six more kittens to-day, father un- known. Glorious weather. I drove father for the first time in my curricle to-day. He enjoyed it very much. He and I dine at the English Embassy on Wednesday. Mamma has begged to be excused. JUNE 26 The reception at the Palais Royal was far more amusing than I thought it would be: a great many English friends that the Orleans family had made in England. It ended in a dance. JUNE 28 Our dinner was a great success. It was for the Osmonds. Father insisted that Monsieur de Lafayette should be invited. He made himself most agreeable. The Osmonds have always kept up their relations with him. 209 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN JUNE 30 A very grand ball at the Tuilleries. I enjoyed it although I was very fatigued, having rehearsed for four mortal hours. JULY 2 A very long and stately dinner at the English Em- bassy. Mr. and Mrs. Baring were of the guests. Nea- politan singers in the garden, sang during dinner. Some- times I feel I never want to dine out again. Why do people want to meet together to eat? JULY 4 Father received as usual all the Americans in Paris to-day, all sorts and all kinds — a motley crew. Buffet in the garden. I will go to bed early. JULY 6 Our last rehearsal to-night — some people are coming so as to give us confidence. Very warm — Frances very excited. Mamma is a little nervous about her acting when she cannot be present. Father has promised to take her not only to-night but to-morrow as well. I am afraid he will be bored. JULY 8 All went off capitally. In the first play Frances looked lovely and really acted so well. I saw father laughing. I was indeed a warrior bold. My six young ladies were one more charming than the other, unfortunately I was made up as an old man — that seemed to put them quite at their ease. Puysegur drank too much champagne and forgot every word of his role, but I don't think the audience noticed it. We were all very merry: the great drawback was the heat and the smell of the oil lamps on the rampe. 210 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 JULY 10 Most people are leaving Paris now. Mamma's so much better that she drives out to St. Cloud and St. Germain. Hardly any entertaining. The Court is at St. Cloud. The Duchesse d' Angouleme loves it, but nothingwill induce her to go to Versailles. I am not surprised — the memories would be terrible for her. The King is worse. Madame du Cayla absolutely rules him with a rod of iron. Albert has had measles, but is well again. My aunt Few went and fetched him to her home in Baltimore and nursed him. Mamma is still a little anxious about him. It takes so long to get an answer to a letter. JULY 14 Intolerably hot. I have been to the baths in the Seine all day trying to keep cool. Our garden is nice with some shady trees. JULY 16 Have been trying to read in the garden, but the com- bination of flies and the heat was too much for me, so darkened my room and went to sleep. After supper mamma allowed me to take Frances for a drive — we had to return post-haste as there was every indication of a violent thunderstorm. We only just got in in time. It is an extraordinary thing but the only fear I have ever seen father show is that of lightning. He was waiting anxiously on the perron for our return. He had had some feather beds brought into the centre drawing-room, all windows were closed and the shutters shut. He in- sisted on mamma going in and there we sat for three mortal hours, stifling. It certainly was one of the worst storms I have ever seen. After it was over it was deliciously fresh and I went for a good walk, not getting home until 1.30. 211 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN JULY 19 IMamma and Frances leave to-day for Fontainebleau, then they go to the de Lussacs' (she was an American and an old friend of mamma's), afterwards to pay some visits on the Loire. I stop with father. My arm has been very painful lately. I must have it examined again. JULY 20 Our old nigger, i\Iamie, is quite well again, the chef is going for a holiday and she is going to cook for us — as we will be quite alone she will not have too much work to do. JULY 23 Still this horrible heat; I can do nothing. I feel like a wrung out dish-cloth. . . . JULY 25 A little cooler. Have been putting all father's proofs of his pamphlet in order and correcting them for him. I do not know how he manages it. He is always cool and calm and serene. His is indeed a blessed nature. JULY 26 To our astonishment ^Monsieur de Lafayette appeared last evening, full of mystery. He asked for hospitality, which father was only too pleased to extend to him. His baggage consisted of a large roll of green canvas tied with a thick cord. He is very funny. JULY 30 Great heat again. Monsieur Lafayette still here. He only goes out at night. He is plotting something. Not a soul in Paris, and those who are here do not show them- selves. I sat outside at Tortoni's until midnight: with the exception of Carrillon Latour I did not see a soul I knew. 212 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 AUGUST 1 Some annoying news from America: I sincerely hope father is not going to be dragged into politics again. He is not so strong as he was, but his brain seems to be even more active. AUGUST 6 Nothing to record. Absolute monotony. Everything at a standstill. I am getting so fat. Mamie Kitty feeds us on all sorts of fattening things. AUGUST 8 Monsieur de Lafayette left hurriedly to-day. About 10.30 this evening two mysterious noisy men sent in a note to father. He received them alone: what transpired I do not know, but he seemed greatly annoyed. . . . AUGUST 9 Father sent this morning his confidential servant to Mr. Parker's to try and get Monsieur de Lafayette's address. He evidently wishes to warn him of some impending danger. AUGUST 11 I could have had an aventure galante, but it is too hot. AUGUST 13 I had a bad attack of indigestion, am dieting on peaches — they are so plentiful now after the abnormal hot weather. AUGUST 17 Horrible nettlerash. I cannot get any sleep, sent for the physician; he says it was caused by the peaches. He has put me on milk and barley-water. AUGUST 19 Two inches less around the waist. Must go and see Alfred, he will be overjoyed. 213 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN AUGUST 20 Ordered some new siirtouts for the autumn, four pairs pantaloons and three silk vests — one striped the others with flowers. AUGUST Another shock, Lord Castlereagh that was, now Lord Londonderry, committed suicide on the 12th at North Cray. He seemed perfectly well: dressing for breakfast, he cut an artery in his arm; there was no reason for such an act, political or otherwise. They say there is hereditary madness in the family. Father had the great- est respect for him. He had always been just in all his dealings, so large-minded, and his word was to be depended upon. We remain in Paris all the summer, mamma and Frances are paying visits in the country. . . . SEPTEMBER 15: CHATEAU DU ROSEY ROLE Father insists upon my coming here. He put it on the plea that he wanted me to attend to some business in Geneva for him, but I know he thought I was dull alone with him. I did not like leaving him, but as he has Mon- sieur de Lafayette and several other friends I consented. It is lovely here and I am very glad to be with my cousins. They make me feel more like a dwarf than ever, they are so colossal. They have planned a trip to Chamounix for me. Adrian Naville is to be of the party — we are going in a few days. SEPTEMBER 17 We went yesterday to Allaman and slept at the chateau. My cousins the de Sellons were so glad to see us; they have one whole side of the chateau covered with a vine of American grapes: they are not quite ripe yet. A sister of the Comte de Sellon married a Count Cavour from 214 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 Turin. They were on a visit at the chateau. They have a son* with an enormous head, and one daughter who is very handsome. Another sister of Monsieur de Sellon's is the Duchesse de Clermont-Tonnerre, whom we see so much of in Paris. SEPTEMBER 19: CHAMOUNIX We started early yesterday morning, a glorious day. Mules met us and we reached here by the Tete Noire Pass. A most beautiful road. Only one guide. A very famous one who has made the ascent of Mont Blanc eleven times. His name is Jacques Balmat. To-day we have been to the Mer de Glace, a rather fine but dirty glacier. We remain here till Friday. SEPTEMBER 20 We have made several more ascents of moderate moun- tains. My cousins are far more keen on finding some chamoix to shoot. We saw several; they are very difficult to approach and I only secured two. I am going to have one of the heads stuffed as a trophy. The inn is very modest, good beds, and the food very eatable but simple; in fact, we are always ravenous, the air gives such splendid appetite. Very few tourists. Some English, who seem to be doing the ascents more as a task than a pleasure. A French honeymoon couple who are most amusing. They seem to imagine they are quite alone here. SEPTEMBER 22: GENEVA I left Chamounix with great regret. The Navilles in- sisted on our paying them a visit of a few days. I have been to see my cousins the Diodatis. Lord Byron occu- pied the villa for several years and wrote several of his poems there. They tell many funny stories and some very odd ones about him, not quite fit for my diary. * This boy was the famous Count Cavour who helped to make united Italy. 215 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN SEPTEMBER 24: COPPET We posted here to-day from Geneva and are stopping the night. Such a truly hearty welcome from the de Broglies and Auguste de Stael. The Duchesse de Luynes and Monsieur Rocca* are here. It seems so strange to be in this house and no Madame de Stael. Every time a door opens I expect to see her enter. We leave to- morrow for Du Rosey. SEPTEMBER 26 A large shooting party arranged in the Jura to-morrow. Blackcock is the principal game. We start at daylight, which is about 3 o'clock. SEPTEMBER 28 A delightful day and really quite a large bag. Twenty- eight blackcock, sixteen miscellaneous birds, four foxes, seventeen hares, two rats. A picnic-luncheon and more champagne than was good for us; this was in my honour. SEPTEMBER 29 I leave to-morrow for Saconnex to pay a visit to the Budes; my friend Jules writes to me to be discreet, that he is like a bird in a cage when at home. I will leave here with regret, but I must be making my way back to Paris. I feel it is my duty. SEPTEMBER 30 Monsieur Du Rosey and his sons accompanied me part of the way and Eugene and Jules de Bude met me and drove me here. Jules confided in me that they were going to have a soiree in my honour, adding " Mais les jeunes filles ne sont pas nieme decoUetees." He is incorrigible. After an excellent supper and a most genuinely hearty welcome I retired early. I am now writing between the most deliciously lavender-smelling sheets. * Second husband of Madame de Stael. 216 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 OCTOBER 2: SACONNEX The soiree after all was very amusing. Notwithstanding the jeunes filles wore bright spencers they were so per- fectly natural and so thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They have far more liberty than French girls. I think I must take to myself a Swiss wife ! OCTOBER 7: DIJON After a really charming visit I left Saconnex, slept one night in Geneva. What delicious Burgundy is obtainable here! It is such a delicate wine that transport changes the flavour. I have a very pleasant travelling com- panion who is on his way to the Embassy in Paris; he has been at Berne and has risen a step — his name is Cornwallis. He has not borrowed any money from me as yet, so I believe he is genuine. OCTOBER 14: PARIS After several halts, arrived last night. Father very well. He was pleased to see me back. I found plenty of work to do, and have been hard at it all day. Matters political in America are anything but satisfactory. Unless there is some radical change, I hope we will not return. Albert has written that the new house is in process of building. As there is no architect to superintend it I fear it will be a strange building. Father has sent out marble mantel-pieces, &c. I dare not say so, but rather out of place in Western Virginia. I told how in Geneva all his relations hoped he would return there and settle down. When I told him this there was a wistful look in his eyes. OCTOBER 16 We can do so little now as the Government is entirely taken up with the war with Spain. At first it was thought it would be disastrous to France, but opinion has now changed. England has remained absolutely neutral. 217 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN OCTOBER 17 Absolutely no work to do, always the same life here. I can hardly realize we have been here for six years. I have quite made up my mind not to remain with another Minister. I feel I ought to be "up and doing" and make a career for myself. OCTOBER 19 I have persuaded father to take a good rest, and he has consented. Having remained in Paris all summer he is looking very white and tired. To my great pleasure he proposed that we (he and I) should go to Bourg and see the fine Palace of Jacques Coeur — this has been a pleasure long postponed. OCTOBER 20 We are going in our own coach. I have to-day seen about the relays of horses. Father takes his man Garden, and I take Lucien. It is a good four days' journey. OCTOBER 25 It has indeed repaid us to come here. I never realized what Renaissance architecture was, and what a won- derful man was Coeur — almost a magician. His origin is hardly known — but at one time the richest man in France, until Charles \TI stripped him of his fortune to carry on his wars against the English, then by way of gratitude threw him into a prison on a trumped-up charge of poisoning Agnes Sorel, the former's mistress. He was absolved of this charge. Went to the East and made another fortune. One of his daughters married a Lenthene, their daughter Agnes a Tudert, and Sarah Tudert a Gallatin, our direct ancestor. OCTOBER 26 W^e have been all day roaming about the chateau which is a marvel of carving and decoration. Father has also 218 DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN [1822 been studying the archives of Bourg and has found much of interest. The auherge is very clean — good beds and food. The place is absolutely a city of the dead. I go to bed at 10 o'clock. OCTOBER 27 We have made a few excursions in the environs to-day — it is not a very pretty country. I have not seen a single pretty woman — how do the men exist? OCTOBER 28 We are leaving for Paris to-morrow by an entirely different route which he has mapped out. I have thoroughly enjoyed this quiet time with him, he is always interesting and I know that I can always learn something from him which improves me. For the first time, he has mentioned his first wife to me. She evidently was the real love of his life. They were only married a few months when she died. Now I understand why he wishes to return to Western Virginia: she died and was buried there. I do not think he has ever mentioned her name to mamma. Her memory is a sort of sacred cult to him. It seems there was no doctor within reach; he dared not leave her, and she died in great suffering in his arms. NOVEMBER 4 Back again and settled down to work. Mamma and Frances returned this morning. They have been all the summer on the Loire paying visits. Frances looks so well. Mamma's temper is slightly uncertain — her first remark to me was: "How your hair has fallen out." "Let me look at your teeth; they're going too." I replied with a Chesterfieldian bow, "We all cannot look as young as you do." She snapped, "You should show more respect for your mother." She is now absorbed, looking over all the new autumn fashion- 219 1822] DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN plates which have been sent to her by her couturiere. That will put her in a good humour. It is wonderful what a soothing effect the prospect of a new frock ha§ upon the female mind. They will sell their very soul for a new bonnet. NOVEMBER 6 We were much surprised this morning in receiving an invitation from the Duchesse