ii'i" l»fc. QA 9 A7 UC-NRLF b ^ E4b abb UNIVERSITY (JF TRANSYLVANIA THE NOTION OF NUMBER AND THE NOTION OF GLASS BY RICHARD A. ARMS A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF TFE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PHILADELPHIA 1917 1 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA THE NOTION OF NUMBER AND THE NOTION OF CLASS BY RICHARD A. ARMS A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PHILADELPHIA 1917 Press of Steinman & Foltz. Lancaster. Pa. CONTENTS Page A. The Notion of Number 5 B. The Psychological Aspect 19 C. The Notion of Class 39 D. Mathematical Usage 55 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class A. The Notion of Number §i. Introductory Discussions about the nature of number may be readily divided into various types. It is one of the striking character- istics of the true mathematician that anything in the way of a vague statement causes him acute discomfort. He desires a change from the suggestive impressionistic expression of the subjectively self-evident to an objective explicit derivation. A striking example of this is Frege's rebellion against psycholog- ical theories of number. "States of mind have no place in mathematics," says the mathematician, and, so far from differing with him, we may well inquire whether, as such, they have any place in philosophy. To the post-Kantian metaphysician no such ideal ever pre- sented itself. For him the boasted Copernican revolution had indeed taken place, and like our pragmatists, he could think of no problem except in connection with some mind. Number depends upon the way we think of it and the logically simple is what we can think of most readily. The method used is introspection. Opposed to these is the empiricist who demands that all be reduced to physical terms. Crudities such as this represent J. S. Mill's rash intrusion into the philosophy of arith- metic. Corresponding to these three classes of thinkers we find widely different conceptions of number and three variants of Aris- totelian logic. The empiricist defines number as a physical property of external objects and emphasizes induction; the Kantian talks about thought-content, introducing all manner of the psychology of reasoning into his so-called logic. It remains for the formalistic mathematician to regard number as definable in terms of class and that bewildering maze of svmbolic ramifications which has gained the title of logistic as the pinnacle of mathematical method. 5 6 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class The present discussion will not be confined to a purely mathe- matical treatment of the notion of number. The objects of arithmetic are not entities met with only on the pages of text- books; number is something which we use in every variety of present day experience, and which even primitive man was forced to recognize. Some introduction of mental states seems unavoidable. However, we may demand that this introduction be made in terms of actual or virtual behavior so that any descrip- tion of man's relation to number can be verified. The result must be fixed and accessible. We shall first be concerned with the notion of number as it appeared to Mill and the Kantians and shall attempt to show that the various historical positions are liable to one or both of the following objections: (a) subjective mental states have been introduced, (b) violence has been done to the facts. Frege's distinction here between a posteriori and a priori methods is important. He holds that a priori is deductive, a posteriori, inductive; synthetic means that which uses conceptions belong- ing to a special science while an analytic proposition is derived from pure logic alone. Frege held that the concepts and laws of arithmetic are analytic a priori, that they are derived from the fundamental definitions and axioms of logic. We shall find Bertrand Russell espousing the same cause although inde- pendently and from slightly different motives. §2. Empirical and Kantian Views John Stuart Mill is the classic exponent of the inductive theory of number and his conception of the basic truths of arithmetic is narrow in the extreme. We find him contending that number is the expression of an act, a physical property of physical objects on the same plane as weight, color, and extension; that the laws of arithmetic are merely inductions of a very high order. Addition is physical combination of objects, and calculation in general does not depend upon rule and definition but upon observation of actual objects. Leibnitz, Locke, and commonsense agree, however, that all entities whatever can be numbered. To render his doctrine consistent the empiricist must hold that all existents are physical beings. Here we may reply that if this is the case, we are confined to the mechanical world order and that where the The Notion of Number 7 empiricist desired to put number in a concrete world, rich with individuality, he either contradicted himself, or placed number in the most abstract of all worlds, — a world from which life, mind, and purpose had been perforce abstracted. Kant's theory of the "Schema" of Quantity is noteworthy because of the manifest belief that number is the science of time, while geometry is the science of space and the emphasis on succession, which is due to an introspective analysis of count- ing. It must always remain a matter of doubt whether Kant believed that arithmetic was the science of time from the merits of the case or because of the symmetry of his system. We may not without grounds suspect him of falling victim to the archi- tectonic passion. Among the closer followers of Kant, in their emphasis on the intimate connection of number and time are Bain, Hamilton, and Helmholtz. The most interesting of these theories is found in Helmholtz' "Zahlen und Messen." It offers the paradox of combining in its attitude the extremes of both the objective and subjective standpoints and is a fine example of nominalism, regarding numbers as mere words or symbols which have no significance except when used. Berkeley was among the first to regard number as a mere tag. This standpoint must be sharply differentiated from that of the formalists in mathe- matics. The mathematician at the close of his manipulations is concerned with the various interpretations of his symbols; the nominalist says in effect that there is no interpretation, that mathematics deals with words alone. This sweeping conclusion cannot be accepted without more reason than has yet appeared. Lange, Baumann, and Brix cling to the Kantian formula of a "Schematismus" but are inclined to hold that number is more closely connected with the intuitions of space than those of time. Lange in his "Logische Studien" blends in a curious way the views of Kant and Mill. He agrees with Mill in deriv- ing number from the contemplation of spatial objects and follows Kant in his reiteration of the magic word "Synthesis." He even goes so far as to say that all logical and mathematical thinking is in terms of spatial syntheses which are thus not only the basis of the number concept, but also of everything else. How- ever, such terms as "Schema" and "Synthesis" tend to obscure 8 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class more than they explain and are more puzzling than the notion of number itself. Let us pause for a moment to estimate the value of the intro- spective method. The theories above cited have been gained by its use. As a result we see one party holding that number depends upon time and in no way involves space; another school, whose members happen to be of the visual type, contending for the opposite theory. Such a divergence casts no doubt upon the validity of the theorems of arithmetic. It is rather upon the method that these inconsistent conclusions reflect. Is it not by this time clear that whatever an investigator dis- covers by delving within the recesses of his "inner experience" cannot be safely offered as a truth unless it is solidly verified by observable fact? Otherwise we have the mad scramble of each man to his taste, and as many philosophies of number as there are philosophers. §3. Number as Derived from Identity and Difference Jevons preferred to assume a higher point of view. He con- tends that every means of differentiation can be a source of plurality, that number is only another name for difference. However, it is clear that a certain likeness as well as difference must be possessed by the counted units. Now if the units of arithmetic are radically different, the fundamental laws of the subject must be stated in terms of any unit whatever, or we will be quite unable to calculate. However, it is manifest that when we say "any unit" it is the quality of being a unit which is essen- tial and their likeness is more important than their difference. Hegel's dialectic treatment of number in the " Logik" leaves much to be desired from a standpoint of clarity but is extremely suggestive. He shows that the contradictions in the nature of One make One and not-One qualitatively identical and thus engender a Plurality. The synthesis of unity and plurality is number. This synthesis denotes the collective unity of a class whose reality lies in its parts. The units composing the number, although distinct, are qualitatively identical. Thus from the discontinuity or isolation of the units we pass to their continuity or connection. In realizing this fact, Hegel has advanced beyond Jevons. Schuppe in his "Grundriss der Erkenntnis theorie und Logik" sets forth the theory that plurality is already presupposed in The Notion of Number 9 the principle of identity, for the concepts of identity and differ- ence presuppose at least two distinct impressions. For number the principal matter is the comprehension ("Zusammenfassung") of the units, by which a pre-existing difference is made explicit. Number also asserts likeness and needs another concept under which the differentiated objects are to be put, for only the similar can be counted. So far, Schuppe's analysis is accurate and subtle. However, he goes on to say that difference in spatial position is essential to number and that when we seem to count non-spatial objects we really localize them in imaginary space, — being apparently convinced that because he, Schuppe, happens to visualize counted objects, every one else does so. Bergson's views, as elaborated in the second chapter of "Time and Free Will," are not unlike those of Schuppe. He insists that psychic states are continuous and non-spatial, whereas number is discrete and spatial. It is not enough to say that number deals with units. We also require that these units be identical with one another, so far as the counting is concerned. Nevertheless, the units must be distinct. We conclude, there- fore, that they are differentiated by space. Everything is not counted in the same way, for there are two different kinds of multiplicity. Material objects are given as separated by space. Psychic states, however, cannot be retained in time; they must be differentiated with respect to some homogeneous medium. Their continuity is not numerical but a succession of qualitative changes which melt into one another. Between the discrete and the continuous there is a wide gulf. A correspondingly sharp line of demarcation between number and the continuum is found in Sigward's "Logik." Number, to him, is only a development of the notions of Identity and Difference. Everything we take to be one is cut out of the continuum by a definite limited act of perception, whether that continuum be time or space. A number is not a bare plurality but a plurality definitely comprehended and bounded, and its possibility lies in the fact that we are conscious of our progress from one unit to another, making use of formal activities alone. Number is a free creation of our self-conscious thought and is independent of what is given by sense. Now the introduction of any desired group of fractions and irrationals between two consecutive integers seems to reduce io The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class number, originally discrete, to a continuum. Notwithstanding the superficial plausibility of this conclusion, argues Sigwart, number can never be anything but discrete; since, however far we push our interpolations, we can never succeed in reaching more than a finite number of intervening members. The con- tinuous process which intuition gives us in space and time can never be expressed in the forms of number. Here is evidently a point of view -closely akin to that of Berg- son. Number and the continuum are placed as far asunder as the poles and "never the twain shall meet." Sigwart's spirit in this discussion is not far from that of Bergson, when the latter accuses physics of transforming continuous movement into mathematical smoke. The continuum is an insurmountable obstacle and barrier to logical progress. But was it not Hegel himself who said "Knowledge of a limit is knowledge beyond"? Bosanquet is rather a failure as a philosopher of the continuum. He makes continuity an invariable concomitant of classification and accordingly must hold that a dozen eggs form just as con- tinuous a group as the points of a line. The problem as it arose is not attacked. As a matter of fact the only consistent answer Bosanquet could have given is one like Sigwart's, for their theory of counting is similar in all essentials. The results of these two self-styled logicians are important for two reasons. They continually emphasize the abstract nature of numbering and make it subordinate to the logical process of classification; and they are aware that order is a funda- mental notion. While their methods are those of subjective psychology, these conclusions are not necessarily so. They lead to the notion that number is derived from formal logic, a position most prominently represented by Frege and Russell. §4. Number as Derived from Formal Logic To gain his -definition of number Frege introduces a new and widely applicable logical method. Just as we say that lines parallel to a given line have the same direction, so we lay it down that concepts having the same number are those which are equivalent ("gleichzahlig") to a given concept A and the particular number is defined as the "Umfang" of the concept "equivalent to A." The relation of equivalence is that of one- one correspondence, and Frege gives the following definition of The Notion of Number n it in purely logical terms: Two concepts F and G bear to each other the relation of one- one correspondence when there is a relation R such that if a,e belong to F and b,d to G, then, (i) IfdRa and d R e then a and e are identical. (2) If d R a and b R a then d and b are identical. The word "one" is dexterously avoided. The number Zero offers some peculiar difficulties. It is defined as the number which pertains to the concept "non- identical with itself." The question naturally arises, — how can two null-concepts be placed in a one-one relation if there is nothing there to correspond? Frege's device is the clever but unconvincing one of cutting up. "Every F has the relation R to some G" into the components "a is an F" and "a is related by R to no G" and postulating that one must be false. In the case where either F or G are null, it is the first component which fails of acceptance. Frege has passed over some logical difficulties here which need elucidation. It is sufficiently obvious that this analysis is an afterthought and was brought in by main strength for the express purpose of dealing with Zero. Moreover, a delicate issue is involved here, — what can we conclude about the truth or false- hood of a proposition whose subject does not exist? Frege's method is to chop up the supposedly complex proposition by analyzing the subject into its logical parts. For example, "The green horse is in the field" becomes equivalent to the falsehood of one of "The horse is green" and "The horse is not in the field." As a consequence, Frege would hold that we may pasture our horse, in as much as he does not exist. Now this is not obvious to common sense and needs more argument than he gives it. Granted the definition of Zero, Frege finds it easy to define One and then proceeds to discuss the law of the natural number series. A number n is said to be the immediate successor of m if "there is a concept F and an object x coming under it such that the number which pertains to F is n and to "objects under F not identical with x," m. It is important to observe that an assumption has been made here without explicit mention. This x which is to be extracted from the members of F must be held fixed. It is not a variable but must be so definite that the expres- sion "under F not identical with x" is unambiguous. In other 12 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class words, the result is independent of what choice we make of x, but once having made a choice, we must abide by it. Now this fact, unless we admit subjective caprice, involves the ability to define x in terms of known properties of F. It does not appear obvious that this is always possible. Upon such a basis Frege claims in the "Grundlage," his early work, to be able to establish upon the basis of logic alone, the following theorems : (i) If a is the immediate successor of Zero, a is One. (2) If F has the number One, then a is an F is not always false. (3) If F has the number One, a is an F, b is an F, then a and b are identical. (4) The relation of immediate succession is one-one. (5) Every number has a successor. From our present standpoint the validity of (5) may well appear doubtful. It insures the existence of just as many con- cepts and distinct objects as there are numbers, — in other words infinitely many. If (5) is derived from the assumptions of pure logic alone, which contain no ontological or existential elements, its truth should be independent of how many distinct beings there are. If we limit our widest universe of discourse to a small finite number of terms it is hard to see how the exis- tence of any infinite class can be deduced without regarding terms and collections of terms on the same level, and this is not a process to be unhesitatingly accepted. Husserl in his "Philosophic der Arithmetik" criticized the "Grundlage" and one of the points he makes deserves special mention. He recalls Frege's definition by abstraction and points out that this method does not define the content of the number concept but its Umfang. Now Umfang, says Husserl, if it is to mean anything, can only mean the collection of objects falling under thq concept. Thus where Frege's definition pur- poses to make number a definite single object, it really makes it a plurality. Husserl has put his finger upon the weakest link in Frege's chain of argument. Even Russell, admirer of the definition as he was, admitted that at first sight it must appear a "wholly indefensible paradox." Clearly the definition of number as an "Umfang" loses all claims to plausibility, if we regard this to The Notion of Number 13 mean a mere plurality of concepts, and like Husserl we may well wonder how any one could have thought of number in such a strange way. However, this does not by any means show that Frege's definition is as faulty as Husserl would have us believe. It is a convincing proof that Frege did not identify the "Um- fang" of a concept with the mere enumeration of the objects falling under it. Kerry also criticized the position of Frege in some detail but only one of his objections has any point to it, for his work is based upon a misunderstanding of the aims and methods of the "Grundlage." In attempting to show that Frege has mis- takenly identified concept with its Umfang, Kerry remarks that there are concepts which do not have any definite Umfang at all, — such as "heap" which is clear as a concept, but whose Umfang is obscure, since we do not know whether we are going to call two objects a heap or not. This amounts to a demand for an analysis of the process of definition. Let us enumerate the difficulties we have found. (1) Given any "Umfang," can we determine upon a definite member of it? (2) When is a concept adequately defined? (3) Can the exist- ence of infinite classes be deduced from pure logic? (4) The notion of Umfang is so indefinite as to be misunderstood by both Husserl and Kerry. It cannot be identified with a mere collec- tion from the extensional point of view or Frege's definition is invalid. What is the logical theory of an Umfang, then, which will support the definition? (5) Is the inclusion of the null class in every class justified? Russell's initial discussion of number occurs in the eleventh chapter of the "Principles." He lays down two fundamental principles, akin to Frege's, — (a) numbers are to be regarded as properties of classes, (b) "Two classes have the same number when, and only when, there is a one-one relation whose domain includes the one class, and which is such that the class of corre- lates of the terms of the one class is identical with the other class." This relation of equivalence is easily shown to be reflexive, symmetrical and transitive. Russell gives his reasons for dissenting from Peano's definition which postulates the existence of a common property whenever we have a field of such an isoid (reflexive, symmetrical, transitive) relation. Peano defines number as this common property, to which the equivalent classes have an identical relation. Russell objects 14 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class to definition by abstraction in general, and to this actual defini- tion in particular. He points out that while the existence of this common property is guaranteed by the principle, its unique- ness is not. Two ways are open, the definition of number as the whole class of entities to which all equivalent classes have a many-one relation, — which is practically useless, and the other, "the" number of a class as the class of classes equivalent to the given class. This last, after some argument, is finally adopted. Moreover, Russell announces his intention of hold- ing to the following: "Whenever Mathematics derives a common property from a reflexive, symmetrical, transitive relation, all mathematical purposes of the supposed common property are completely served when it is replaced by the class of terms having the given relation to a given term." The tone of this passage is noteworthy. The desirability of a definition different from the "class of classes" is not denied; but its successful accomplishment is despaired of. We are not able to define number as a common property because of defects in the logical relations of predicates and classes and are forced to the apparently "indefensible paradox" as the only way out of the difficulty. Now why should Russell see paradox where Frege saw none? Clearly Russell's notion of a class is more extensional than Frege's and he sees the risk of making one side of the definition (the number) singular where the other side (the class) is plural. Substituting the class of objects having the isoid relation for the desired common property is only legiti- mate if we arc given a clear notion of what is meant by class, and then not its identification with a mere plurality of terms. Support from a satisfactory theory of classes is not only desir- able, but absolutely necessary. In his definition of multiplication, in purely logical terms, the haste with which the "multiplicative class"and the very delicate issues involved in the assumption of its existence are passed over, is striking. In the "Principles" no doubt seems to be felt as to the validity of the process. We are uncondi- tionally commanded to choose and to keep on choosing. Now here is not only Frege's assumption of the selecting of a definite x from a class but this same assumption carried to an infinite power. Russell bases his theory of the natural number series on a set of postulates and indefinables due to Peano. The indefin- ables are zero, integer, and successor. The postulates: The Notion of Number 15 (1) Zero is an integer. (2) If a is an integer, the successor of a is an integer. (3) If a is an integer and b is an integer, and the successor of a is identical with the successor of b, then a and b are identical. (4) Zero is not the successor of an integer. (5) If s is a class to which zero and the successor of every integer belonging to s belong, then every integer belongs to s. Russell correctly remarks that another assumption is neces- sary, i. e., (6) Every integer has one and only one successor. It is very important that this should be explicitly stated, for it formed one of the dubious points in Frege's theory. Russell objects to Peano's treatment on the ground that it does not define a unique system. This deficiency is to be rem- edied by reducing the whole to purely logical terms. Zero is the class of classes whose only member is the null class. Num- ber is defined as before. One is the class of classes not null such that if x and y belong to the class, they are identical. " Hav- ing shown that if two classes are equivalent and a class of one term be added to each, the sums are equivalent," the successor of n is defined as the number resulting from the addition of a unit to a class of n terms. As a result Peano's postulates are satisfied and are shown to possess the categoricity and consistency of logic itself. "There is, therefore, from the mathe- matical standpoint, no need whatever of new indefinables or indemonstrables in the whole of Arithmetic or Analysis." This is, of course, a very laudable conclusion, but what has become of our added postulate (6)? It is not self-evident that this is satisfied. The point at issue is the logical status of infinite classes. Here we may refer to a later passage in the text (p. 357) where three arguments are given to show the existence of infinite classes. These so-called proofs require careful scru- tiny. The first necessitates the gratuitous assumption that One and Being are distinct, which pure logic does not seem to be concerned with. The third argument derives its plausi- bility from a strange and perverted use of the term "idea." If an idea is not a psychological or physiological reaction, there is no reason to accept the premise, "of every term there is an idea." Consequently we must reject both of these, and are thrown back upon the second proof, which is essentially depen- 1 6 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class dent upon the proposition that zero, the class of classes equiva- lent to the null-class, is an integer which has a successor but not a predecessor. Hence so far as the "Principles" is con- cerned, Russell's doctrine of number stands or falls with the notion of zero. Here we have our old difficulties with the null-class, and we may well ask, has Russell avoided the troubles of Frege? In his first treatment of the null-class Russell does not depart from the customary attitude of symbolic logic. However, he shows, in his criticism of Peano, that all is not such smooth sailing as we might suspect from the passage referred to above. The definition of the null-class as included in every class is objected to, because "there are no such terms x; and there is a grave logical difficulty in trying to interpret extcnsionally a class which has no extension." On p. 68 we find that, rejecting Peano's identification of class and class concept, "there is no such thing as the null-class, although there are null-class con- cepts." However, a new problem immediately offers itself. Null class concepts possess in their equality an isoid relation, conse- quently the principle of abstraction operates. For these the required common term to which they have the same relation must be taken to be the class of null concepts. "The null-class, in fact, in some ways is analogous to an irrational in Arithmetic; it cannot be interpreted on the same principles as other classes." Now the null class seems to be not a fiction, a class with no terms, but a class of infinitely many terms, namely all null- concepts. Passing on, immediately after a discussion of the paradoxes we meet with another change. Now the class with no terms is admitted, inasmuch "in the present chapter we decided that it is necessary to distinguish a single term from the class, whose only member it is." Hegelian dialectic in its most intricate stages was not more baffling than this. At one moment the null class has no members and is rejected, at another an infinity of members and is accepted. After such bewildering changes we should feel no surprise when our latest report shows that it is again without members and accepted. Worse than this, in Appendix B, we find the following: "This renders the very definition of Zero erroneous; for every type of range will have The Notion of Number 17 its own null-range, which will be a member of Zero considered as a range of ranges, so that we cannot say that Zero is the range, whose only member is the null-range." Finally, in the Preface occurs the following very significant remark: "On questions discussed in these sections I discovered errors after passing the sheets for the press; these errors, of which the chief is the denial of the null class . . . are rectified in the Appendices. The subjects treated are so difficult that I feel little confidence in my present opinions." Where the propounder of the theory feels little confidence, we may not be blamed for feeling less. Russell, however, does not seem to realize than an irreproachable definition of Zero is indispensable for his proof that Arithmetic and Analysis are derived from logic. Let us recall the difficulties we found in the work of Frege. Selections, infinite classes, the null-class, have all been discussed in the " Principles" but our doubts have not been dispelled. On the problem of definition Russell's position may be imagined from his remarks on formulas. Can- tor and Dedekind thought that a class c was well defined if, given x, it was determinate whether x belonged to c or not. Applied to the theory of functions, the functional relation is only specific correspondence and any particular function, to be well-defined, must be given by a set of rules, which if mutually independent, must be finite in number. Russell's view is quite different. "The usual meaning of formula in mathematics involves another element which may also be expressed by the word law. It is difficult to say precisely what this element is, but it seems to consist in a certain degree of intensional simplicity. . . . It is therefore essential to the correlation of infinite classes should be one in which . . . the formula should be one which we can discover. I am unable to give an account of this condition, and I suspect it of being purely psychological. There is, however, a logical connection. . This amounts to saying that the defining relation of a function must not be infinitely complex. . . . This condition, though it is itself logical, has, I think, only psychological necessity." Under such opinions it is difficult to see how we can be guaran- teed the possibility of choosing a definite member out of an arbitrary class, whose members are not identifiable as individuals and therefore cannot be explicitly distinguished. Without this 1 8 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class possibility being granted, the multiplicative class fails to exist for even a finite number of classes. To be told that these diffi- culties are "purely psychological" is poor consolation. The logical foundations of Arithmetic have been discovered to rest upon the notions of Zero, Number, and Succession. To each of this trio, so far as the "Principles" goes to show, dam- aging objections may be raised, and to sum up our consideration of Russell's philosophy of arithmetic, we will review them briefly. (a) Zero is admitted at the close of the work to have received no proper logical interpretation. The doctrine of the null- class, although symbolically convenient, is not as yet justified. (b) Number is applicable to classes, if they are many. If a number is a class, it must be one or the definition is invalid. Hence a class cannot be exclusively many, nor exclusively one, if Russell's definition is to hold. The early proposed identifi- cation of class with numerical conjunction invalidates the definition of number. (c) Succession has not been shown to be always possible unless Zero be granted a correct definition. The notion of Predecessor is not explained without a theory of Selections in some way contraverting the notion of formula given above. What conclusions are we to draw from this hasty review? In the first place, it is clear that Russell has not answered the great majority of our objections to Frege if, indeed, he has answered any of them. For, in order to preserve Mathematics as a derivative of Logic, he has been forced to depart from the conception of Logic as laid down early in the book and, to change this science almost beyond recognition by varying the use of the term "class." To keep Arithmetic, therefore, he has done violence to Logic. In the second place, if we survey the work carefully, we see that in establishing the indefinite extension of the natural num- ber series, our author has resorted to extremely questionable means and we may doubt whether, after all, theoretical arith- metic has been deduced. Even granted the changes in Logic, has Arithmetic been gained? We are forced to conclude that in this case Frege's methods have not been bettered. Moreover, by making numbers classes and by throwing doubts upon the nature of classes not only the deduction of Arithmetic but its very content is imperiled and the foundation of mathematics The Notion of Number 19 is shaken. To deduce Arithmetic and save Logic, violence has been done to Arithmetic. Both sciences are common sufferers. B. The Psychological Aspect §1. Introductory The problem of number is now to be considered from a slightly different point of view. In our survey of the philosophy of arithmetic we have seen that those who looked upon psychology as a science based entirely and fundamentally upon introspec- tion (Frege must be included here, since his contempt for psy- chology is due to his belief in its subjectivity), have disagreed radically and have left us with a difficult and delicate logical problem, — the nature of classes. The question now naturally is suggested, — would the result have been entirely different, if another method had been used? What conclusions might be drawn, if observation is substituted for introspection? Such an investigation has to do with the observable behavior of men toward number, and, it must be confessed, is beset with as yet unsurmountable technical obstructions. Psychology as an exact science is still in its infancy, and many of its conclusions are not only debated by skeptical critics, but are questionable in themselves. It will be our method, therefore, to avoid par- ticular assumptions of a technical character and to confine our- selves to observations of a general nature, not confirmed, perhaps, by concrete instances, but, at any rate, not definitely refuted. In brief, we shall endeavor to state not a solution, but a hypo- thesis. The customary behavior of adults is so complicated, and so entangled with extraneous considerations that an investigation does not promise any great results. What we shall do, therefore, is to confine ourselves to the more elementar.y types of behavior as found in (a) primitive man, (b) children. We must attempt to find whether the notion of number is a particular act, a mode of behavior, or whether it is not reached until we have a still higher level of action. If the consciousness of number is a definite concrete act, we shall say that it is gained by an indi- vidual quantitative discrimination; if it corresponds to a type of such actions, it will be termed a percept, and if it is not attained in any of these ways it will be assumed to be conceptual. Thus 20 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class the possible conclusions are parallel in a way to the theories of Mill. Kant and Frege, as representative of the three great classes of the philosophy of mathematics. §2. The Implications of Anthropology Just how primitive man perceived number is a matter of some doubt. The problem has been considered in a careful way by several anthropologists, among them Conant, McGee, Tylor and Levy-IB ruhl. It is necessary to take into account the scanty available historical material, as well as existing stages of primi- tive culture. The main opportunities in this field are afforded by the savage number-words — since these, being a part of language, indicate easily observed behavior. It might be imagined that a con- sideration of the primitive methods of counting (as by fingers or toes) would be fundamental, but investigators concur in the opinion that these are comparatively late developments. As a matter of fact numerals among the lower types of savages are disappointingly few. McGee gives examples of Brazilian tribes, which have words for one, two, three, and four and another much used term meaning "many," "heap," or "multitude." The behavior indicated by this last term is especially significant since in effect it is equivalent to "non-denumerable" and sug- gests a way of attacking a quantitative problem where the limit of number has already been reached. Conant establishes clearly that even where savages were deficient in number-language, they were not deficient in the conception of number. Serial arrangements give rise to types of act, which have no explicit number words corresponding to them. In fact, almost all of the primitive tribes have a definite limit to their counting, which corresponds in some measure to their facility in their perception of number. Two outstanding factors in their attitude toward number seem to be order and correspondence. In the district of Adelaide, Australia, Moorhous?, the explorer, found that the children as they come into the world receive in the order of birth numerical names, as follows: first child, if boy kertameru, if a girl kertanya second, icarritya warriarto third. kudnutya kudnarto fourth, monaitva monarto The Notion of Number 21 and so on, up to nine. Now these same Australians possess numerals only up to three, so we can imagine the savage parent calling the roll and being convinced that the roster of his children is complete without having the necessary knowledge of abstract number, or, it may be, without any notion whatever of abstract number. He does not count up to nine but calls names up to the ninth. He has a comparatively adequate and successful type of behavior toward a particular group, — his children, but his numerical acts in other directions are complete failures. It appears, therefore, that number is not gained by the perception of order, or by mere perception of any kind. The Murray Islands in Torres Straits offer an interesting example of the further development of number-perception by means of correspondence, and show that this process of tallying off is of fundamental importance psychologically. The natives of these regions have only two numbers, netat (one) and neis (two). Beyond this, they proceed by repetition, such as neis neis for four, or, more generally by correspondence, — a fixed method of reference to the parts of the body. By this last device they can count up to thirty-one. They commence with the little finger of the left hand and go from the fingers to the arms, shoulders, etc., ending with the little finger of the right hand. If these are not sufficient, the islander has recourse to the toes and the lower part of the anatomy. The number of any desired group is indicated by the requisite part of the body, and then starting from the little finger of the left hand, the embryo expon- ent of one-one correspondence ascertains the relative position of the particular part desired. In such behavior as this we have the extension of successful behavior toward a particular group, namely the parts of the human organism over into any other arbitrary field by reference to this given particular group. Even on this higher level, however, we have not yet found the abstract numbers of arithmetic. The transition to the formation of a number system may be made in many ways, a discussion of which would be interesting but hardly important for our purposes. Whatever base be chosen, be it two, five, ten or what not, the fact that there is a base is for us the fundamental issue. It gives us, so to speak, the time for our numerical melody, the rhythm of the scale helping us to remember and to group while counting. The 22 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class distinction between the possessors of a system based on the fingers and such more primitive numberers as the Murray Islanders is well illustrated by the Baikaris. A member of this tribe touches the counted objects with the right hand, holding up corresponding fingers of the left as he does so, then for groups above five he reverses the process. He does not count the fingers themselves but counts with the fingers and may continue enlarging this process. We have seen that the different tribes have varying limits to their counting which correspond to their mental rank. Be- sides the gradual extension of this limit to include larger groups, an extension of numbers in generality is necessary. For instance, a Canadian tribe has the following words for groups of two objects depending on the qualitative character of the objects: Maalck, Masem, Mats'ak, Matlgsa, Matlouth, Matsemala, Maalis, etc. The extraction of the common root is the indis- pensable prerequisite to the gaining of the number concept. The number-perception of the savage may far outrun his words to describe it and he may have an intuitive sense of num- ber which defies clear perception and which demands for its expression the words for "multitude" or "heap." This sig- nifies not only his inability to apply a numeral to the presented group, or his failure to refer it successfully to the parts of the body, but his lack of conviction and assurance. There seems to be a fundamental factor in human nature which demands a vague and doubting attitude toward that which cannot be counted or numbered. We do not mean to apply the intro- spective method here by the use of such terms as "conviction" and "assurance." They are to be defined in terms of the time elapsed between the presenting of a situation and the action which aims at the successful handling of that situation. Any attempt to go back of the actually observed data of the anthropologists is, of course, pure speculation. Speculation, however, although hazardous, is not always unprofitable and the result may justify the means. Can we not conclude, with some measure of plausibility, that before explicit counting, two species of number-behavior existed; — a clear cut, swift and assured reaction to a presented group, and a type of act some- what similar to the first but lacking in precision and decision, doubtless accompanied by doubt and uncertainty? The pro- The Notion of Number 23 gressive development of number and general number words represents from this point of view a gradual and slow, but none the less persistent conquest of the residuum of hesitation and ignorance. Might we not indeed go further and trace the origin of number to this very type of doubtful act? First we might have, let us say, a specific act of discrimination such as the crow performs when it is able to behave differently when one of a group of four is absent, or like the nightingale's selection of three worms. This is repeated until a type of successful dis- crimination is present which by continual practice becomes habitual under a certain situation. Here we have swift, con- fident action. If we concede to man, who is defined as the possessor of free, rational behavior the ability not to do different things at the same time but the ability to do the same thing under different circum- stances, we yield to him the power of extending a type of success- ful behavior into other fields. Granted this, which is the very root and foundation of abstract thought, we can clearly see how elementary particular quantitative discriminations, the mere perception of change or invariance in magnitude, leads by its very vagueness to an attempt to differentiate explicitly and to act in conformity with some established custom or habit. From the mere perception of such change or invariance, which is undoubtedly possessed in some degree by the lower animals, we pass to the recognition of different changes, and from that to a type of constant behavior toward varying groups of the same changes. Under this drying out process of extension and abstraction, qualitative differences gradually evaporate, until, at last, when abstract number is reached, the complexity of the preceding process is elided and forgotten. The number words do not evolve from this struggle for mastery of quantitative change, but seem to traverse parallel lines. In their rudimentary forms, they are bestowed with all manner of religious and imaginative significance and are not applied abstractly to presented groups. McGee says, 1 "These number systems are distinct from Aryan arithmetic. . . . They are devices for binding the real world to the supernal, and it is only in an ancillary way that they are prostituted to practical uses . . . yet by reason of the extraordinary potency imputed 1 American Anthropologist, 1899. 24 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class to them they dominate thought and action in the culture stages to which they belong." The actual employment of numerals seems to be the meeting point of two tendencies, therefore, — (i) A demand from prac- tical sources for a universal term applicable to the similarity observed among groups of qualitatively different objects. (2) An emotional and personal reaction toward an ordered series, in which rhythm plays an important part — any one who has heard children count while skipping rope can appreciate this. From this sense of rhythm we can see the development of the systems of numeration. The binary scale comes first; with more fully developed mentality we have the other bases. The decimal scale is a surprisingly late development, showing clearly that the finger- toe method is not fundamental and that number is not on the perceptual level. The so-called mystic properties of numbers are probably derived from the affective reaction toward the ordered scale, the numbers seven and thirteen being especially interesting in this respect. Such emotional factors are markedly present in the beliefs of the Pythagoreans, where they ascribed mystic virtues to all the simple numbers. It is clear that no mere practical demand leads to the construction of a mathematical cosmology; a certain esthetic craving must be super-added. We seem to be led to the conclusion that primitively number is both logical and esthetic — not only a universal, but a uni- versal with an emotional value of varying degree, that 1 " (1) the origin of number names is at the bottom of the scale of human development; (2) primeval man does not cognize decimal systems; (3) does not use his fingers and toes as mechanical adjuncts to nascent notation." With the passing of time and the banishment of animism the mystic powers of numbers tend to become disregarded and number becomes more and more an abstract means of adjustment. The fingers and toes appear as practical aids; the abacus, marks in the sand, large and small pebbles, etc., are used. Order and rhythm on the one hand, correspondence on the other make these modes of behavior habitual and successful. Finally the concrete aids to tallying become replaced by symbols and reck- oning develops into arithmetic and that into algebra. If this is correct, the numbers of pure mathematics must be not only 1 McGee, op. cit. The Notion of Number 25 universals, but concepts of the very highest generality and order of abstraction, — and anthropology fails to confirm the psy- chological views of Mill and Kant. §3. The Results of Experiment There is a striking parallel between the child and the primitive man in the ability of each to grasp concrete number before acquiring a knowledge of numerals, or even the ability to count. Children can reproduce a group numerically even when giving it the wrong numeral, after learning the names; for the associa- tion of the mechanically learned series of names with the def- initely given group may be made erroneously or not at all. Phillips 1 cites a case where a child who knew the words for num- bers and was able to recite them in order, on counting sticks was as apt to call the third one "six" as "three." There seems to be a strong element of rhythm in the motor activities of counting, which is not always successfully transferred. It is not until the process becomes mechanical by frequent repetition that the names are applied correctly and the connec- tion between name and group is perceived. However, the motor tendencies are still apparent. The child is likely to count in sing-song and will be much more accurate if allowed to observe a definite rhythm. All experience agrees that counting of con- crete groups must become familiar and habitual, before the abstract character of number is understood. It is the accepted procedure in elementary arithmetic to introduce many concrete problems such as "3 apples and 5 apples make how many ap- ples?" This is not without significance. It shows that the gradual transition of number from a perceptional reaction cannot be eliminated. The too hasty progress of our common schools through the mechanical routine of methodological devices fre- quently leads to a surprising knowledge of mathematical machin- ery with an equally surprising ignorance of what it is all about. This can be directly traced to the abrupt transition from names of numbers to a parrot-like memorization of rules for their manipulation without enough concrete illustrations being given to induce any realization of the meaning of these rules. Having once started taking rules for juggling symbols on faith, the student is prepared for the easy descent to that mathematical Avernus, of which the type of pupil who can solve any literal 1 " Number and its Applications," Ped. Sem., Vol. V, p. 262. 26 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class problem in Algebra, while helpless before one couched in con- crete terms, is an all too familiar denizen. No matter how abstract and formal a science Mathematics has become, the way to its comprehension is by the gradual ascent from percept to concept, from act to type of act. The perception of number has been carefully studied by a number of experimenters, notably Messenger, Burnett, Dietze, Arnett, Nanu, Lay, and Howell. It is important from a psychological as well as a philosophical point of view to decide whether the apprehension of number is gained by counting (or some equivalent process), or is due to an immediate perception, and in addition, to determine how far accurate numbering can be carried without actual counting. Cattell found that, where certain lines were exposed, up to four or five the estimation was correct and that in case of failure the number was likely to be underestimated. Dietze experimented with metronome beats, and discovered that correct judgment depended on the rapidity of the beats and their rhythmical grouping. On the most favorable conditions eight groups of five, forty beats in all, were accurately perceived. How far Dietze succeeded in eliminating counting is dubious. Warren used the reaction method and had his subjects open their mouths when they apprehended the group (in this case one to eight circles). Three simultaneous objects and five presented successively were correctly estimated. Nanu repeated the experiment of Dietze's, in a more careful way. The indicated results were that in every case the limit reached as high as eleven beats and in some instances up to forty-nine. All the subjects involuntarily subjected the beats to a kind of rhythm. When sets of points were presented, the greatest number of simultaneously given points was five, of suc- cessive, six. The experiments also showed that linear arrange- ments were not as favorable as symmetric and that circular and polygonal arrangements are undesirable. The number, more- over, of simultaneously given elements successfully numbered is greater than Warren thought, being eight to ten under the best conditions. Counting was eliminated as far as possible. An exceedingly valuable account of these researches has been given by Howell in his "Foundational Study in the Pedagogy of Arithmetic," to whom the following observations are in large The Notion of Number 27 part due. It seems to be the consensus of opinion among investi- gators that the apprehension of number varies with the way the group is presented, a theory which has enough superficial plausi- bility about it to render it acceptable. For instance, Messenger found that larger objects in a given space give the idea of a greater number; that the perception of number is influenced partly by spatial qualities and partly by other considerations. In the majority of cases the perception is due to the association of qualitative differences in the unit with numbers of parts derived from actual count. With the establishment of the association it becomes mechanical and number-perception seems immediate. The apprehension of large groups is due to either rapid mechani- cal counting or the association of number and form. Arnett's experiments with counting showed: "Any lack of rhythm caused the count to be very difficult and inaccurate. . . . . Irregular counting may be made easier and more accurate by practice." Here we have again the intimate con- nection of rhythm and the number scale. The actual corres- pondence between objects and numerals was found to necessitate some motor reaction, as touching the objects, nodding the head, etc. From the mere citing of names as a motor response, to the mechanical tagging of objects with these names, the child passes to a realization of the immense range of application of the method and the subsequent abstraction. Lay opposed the experimenters such as Messenger, who held counting to be implicitly present in numerical judgments. His work aims at showing that an immediate apprehension of number is possible. He made a laborious and careful series of experi- ments with school children in which various types of number- pictures were used as stimuli, and came to the following con- clusions: (1) The faculty of number-perception varies with (a) the power of clear imagery, (b) the homogeneity, distance, size, and color of the objects. (2) It is improved when the sense of touch is used along with the sense of sight. The number image unites objects spatially and temporally. (3) The particular number-perception is independent of any arrangement in a spatio-temporal series. The row form is not necessary for the apprehension of number. 28 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class (4) The images of the elementary numbers are immediately perceived; those of the higher numbers (above ten) are gained by the visualization of the elementary cardinal numbers in connection with collections of tens. (5) Those who hold that perception of number depends upon counting have no valid psychological basis for their argument. Such a position as Lay's is extremely radical. He over- emphasizes perception almost as much as his opponents over- rate counting. His conclusions have been challenged and various attempts made to check them up by parallel series of experiments. Of these the most careful have been those of Howell. He comes to the conclusion that Lay's theories are not corroborated, although experimental results tend to cast increasing doubt on the theory that number is derived purely and simply from the process of counting. He arrives at one illuminating result: "The number pictures themselves consti- tute for the child a tremendous step toward complete abstrac- tion, in that he is taken away from the specific numbered objects of various kinds to a representation that may stand for any of them." The discovery of Lay that images of successions lead to particularity much more than images of groups is substanti- ated. It is also found that number concepts arise rather late in children, and Howell recommends that the introduction of abstract number be postponed until the third or fourth year of school. Counting is found to play the largest part in numbering among those of an auditory type, and for this reason it is unjust to neglect the process, as Lay does. His view that the percep- tion of a group "becomes, through a Kantian reaction, numerical apprehension" is not confirmed, although it is not proved that counting is an indispensable prerequisite. The exact deter- mination of this issue is a matter of great delicacy, and, pending its unlikely settlement, an attitude of compromise is necessary. "The instantaneous grasp of a group of objects visually pre- sented is not intuitive. . . . It is made possible by repeated prior experiences of association of certain qualities differing in the unit expression. . . . Lay's notion that the appre- hension is immediate cannot be sustained. . . . The burden is on him to show that these children did not practise a primitive method of numeration." The Notion of Number 29 Howell is certainly right in rejecting the hasty conclusion that the immediate perception of number is possible. Proof of such a statement involves not only great logical difficulties, but must also surmount formidable technical obstructions. Moreover, on the face of it, it is unlikely that any abstraction of the nature of pure number should be intuitively perceived by a child. Such a faculty would involve a discontinuity in intellectual development which would be hard indeed to explain. Transition from the repeated concrete to the abstract is the only power we have any right to postulate in the child. That a sharp break in the process occurs in the special case of number is an assumption to be made only in the case of dire necessity, and such necessity by no means exists. The exponents of counting are not, however, to be completely agreed with. They claim that the visual apprehension of a group numerically contradicts the psychological principle that the field of consciousness is limited, that only a relatively small number of objects can be grasped simultaneously. This view, however, neglects the power of grouping, by which the visualiza- tion of the number-pictures is widely extended and which is greatly facilitated by practice. Even after a group is counted, the simultaneous grasp of it soon follows, and this can be so quickened by practice that counting becomes unnecessary. The image replaces the serial count. Another charge of the advocates of counting is that children who would be taught to visualize number by grouping instead of counting would be restricted to their images and would never attain pure number in its abstraction. Although it is no doubt true that counting makes this abstraction easier, that does not show by any means that it could not take place without it. More- over, the visualized images aid in calculation as a check on the work. Speaking generally, it is quite easy to gain a false mathe- matical result by plausible symbolical consideration, where concrete illustrations (say by a geometrical figure), if introduced, provide less rapid, but far safer means of progress. The child who has distinct recollection of five as applied to all the fingers of one hand and six as adding one finger of the other hand is far less likely to say one, two, three, four, six, than the child who is merely learning words by rote. 30 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class Thus we see that there is unquestionably ground for the asser- tion that number is not essentially dependent upon order and counting although there is no reason to go to the extremes of Lay. Children manifestly possess the ability to make quanti- tative differentiations independent of order, this ability varying with their ability to visualize and the color, shape, etc., of the objects. This ability may be developed until accurate observa- tions of absolute number are made with confidence. A bank cashier, for example, does not need to count a small number of coins lying before him; he groups them and behaves just as if he had counted. The experimental results show, therefore, a striking parallel between the attitude toward number of the child and the behav- ior of primitive man. There is the same elementary quantitative distinction developing by order and correspondence through prac- tical application to the pure concept; there is also the esthetic factor of rhythm which makes for the homogeneity of the number scale. The numbers of theoretical arithmetic are show in attain- ment and abstractly conceptual in character. §4. The Philosophers Again We may now resume our discussion of the metaphysical the- ories, this time, with a view as to their psychological implica- tions, looked at abstractly. The problem we have now before us is: What is the nature of the experience which leads to the notion of abstract number? Hoiv is it that man is capable of mathematical behavior? We may neglect the crudities of Mill and the em- piricists who would reduce mathematics to the level of quan- titative discrimination. If our genetic investigations have told us anything, they have taught us that the notion of number is far above the level of immediacy. It seems to be an implicit presupposition among philosophers that whatever is to be counted must first be collected; and, with this in mind, we can see plainly that the differences between the various theories are due to disagreement about the psy- chological character of collecting. Individual elements com- pared as such do not give either the notion of plurality or of definite number. To the elements must be added the property of their being a whole and the question which is thus raised is, — The Notion of Number 31 what is this collective principle? What is the psychological basis for our combining elements? A possible answer which might be advanced is that the required common property is simply co-presence in consciousness which is, abstractly considered, equivalent to having a common relation to a single observer. To this we may reply that many things are present in consciousness, which we do not treat as collections. The combining process is essentially teleological ; to unite the many into a single whole our interest must be elicited and our attention thus far focused. If the theory we are considering were tenable, in our experience at a given moment there would be the material for one and only one collection; while on the contrary, it is a familiar fact that we have the material for many concepts constantly before us. There is a latent confusion here which it would be well to bring to light, since in the sequel we shall find ourselves frequently beset by it. The distinction which has been omitted is an essential one. In no distinction of this kind can it be safely over- looked that there is a difference between a subject behaving toward an object, experiencing it; and that same subject reflecting on his experience. The relation in the first case is comparatively simple; from the reflective standpoint we have a set of relations which are mediated and complex. When we hastily write down subject-relatcd-to-objects it seems as a direct consequence of strict logic that a collection of objects-&«0w«-&y-subject must exist, which would of course prove what is required. There is no trouble in the logic; it is with the premise that we must quarrel. We have no right to assume subjcct-knoiving-objects, for by so doing we are putting ourselves in the reflective stand- point and any conclusion we arrive at exists only for its reviewing the process. The subject knows the objects as such and not as known. Consequently the common quality of being known they do not possess for him. The temporal theory is not essentially different from this. We may dismiss rather summarily the notion that to collect elements, they must be simultaneously presented. To grasp them as a collection, we must in some fashion know them at the same time; but this by no means shows that we know them to be temporally coexistent. The necessary similarity is hardly the possession of the same time abscissa. 32 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class The view of Kant is more subtle. Instead of a cross-section of time a longitudinal view is taken. The contention is that succession is the important factor, thus placing the required similarity among the mutual time relations of the objects. In defense of this view it is alleged that we can attend to but one thing at a time. Granted this, which is at best extremely dubious, we cannot concede that the situation of the temporal theory is a whit more promising. If we attend to a succession and know it to be a succession we recall all the past objects and in a given instant have the whole collection present before us. We do, of course, know and attend to the group as one but we just as much attend to it as many; and the whole positive force of the argument we have been considering lies in the tacit elision of half the process and that half wherein, as a matter of fact, the crux of the difficulty lies. It may very well be questioned whether temporal conditions are even a necessary basis for the required common property. To be sure, the events we do unite have a temporal beginning and passing away, but we cannot be sure that what is ever present is never irrelevant. Here again we must emphasize the difference in standpoints; that while for us reviewing the process the time relations stand out clear and distinct, for the actual experient they were slurred over and deduced later, giving a logical and not a psychological condition. The spatial theory is no better. To Schuppe's ingenious theory that the counting of non-spatial objects is only possible, if we locate them in imaginary space, we may reply: (a) any particular spatial relations are quite irrelevant. Two men are two men, whether walking arm in arm on Broadway or separated by the width of the Pacific; (b) if it is asserted that spatial relations in general are necessary — that is, that the objects must possess some spatial relations, — to this we may reply that this fact si seen, if at all, only after reflection, the object of immediate perception being the particular space relation. Thus in either case the theory falls. The opinion of Jevons that number is the form of abstract difference betrays a lack of analysis of the notion of differentia- tion. The psychological process of conscious distinctive is a type of act resulting from repeated comparisons. Difference is a concept which derives its force from denying a certain kind The Notion of Number 33 of similarity. Before this similarity can be denied, the objects must be brought together for comparison, collected, and thus a more fundamental kind of similarity asserted. Thus the plur- ality is perceived before the difference. We may say with Husserl, that differentiation is a process which follows upon analysis. We may know A and we may know B, but it is not until later that we know that A is different from B. Perception of differences is not the same as different perceptions. We have now examined enough of these psychological the- ories to make it fully apparent that a confusion of standpoints pervades the great majority of them. Logic is so entangled with psychology and psychology with logic that the results are untenable in either domain. The question naturally arises, — can we do any better? Before we go on, it might be well to re-iterate what we are trying to do. We want an account of the type of act which by repetition leads to the concrete numbers of practical life and thence to the abstract concept of mathe- matics. §5. Number in Terms of Behavior The clue to our number-behavior must be found in the fact that man is subject, not only to mechanical but also to teleologi- cal classification. That a mere collection of electrons whose behavior can be exactly calculated by a set of equations could draw arithmetical conclusions is a theory which may surely be disregarded. It is with the possession of mind that we rise above the mechanical level. It is one of the chief characteristics of man that, as we have indicated before, he is able to behave selectively, that is, a certain part of the environment is singled out and attended to. This process is essentially teleological and governed by the prevailing interests of the person in question. A striking example of this is found in the varying comments different persons make upon the same presented scene. It is a familiar fact, that no matter how similar physical conditions may be, one person will observe objects which are entirely unnoticed by another. This ability to concentrate attention is essential for self-preservation; and we will call it, the "/Hs" type of behavior. Now in cases of erroneous perception, hallucination and the like, the selected "this" cannot be said to exist, for our very discovery that it is erroneous is due to the attribution of contradictory predicates 34 The Notion of Number and the Number of Class to the object. Consequently existence is not a necessary con- sequence of this-ness. That it is behavior toward something, however, is undeniable; we shall say, accordingly, that each this has being, although not necessarily existence. As another condition for the success of self-preservation, man must possess a kind of preparation for the future which envelops him like a fringe. It is the extension of the past into the future, the result of the fundamental tendency of each act to become typical and habitual. This casing about us of the accustomed response to the well-known environment enables us to make needed adjustments rapidly and easily, conserving our strength for situations demanding concentrated attention. Every manifes- tation of hope, belief, or fear is an illustration of this forward- looking characteristic of human behavior. We are wound up, so to speak, like a spring, and always charged with potential action. Now this tendency to assume the attitude of tension, of expectancy, is a distinct mode of behavior, quite different from what we called the "this" type. This new element we will call the and behavior. This relation is implicitly present in every act and has some properties which need explaining. The connection between the situation A in which the "and" element is present, and the situation B to which it is connected, is, of course, the "and" relation itself. Now if B is extremely novel and striking, if A and B are non-homogeneous, the connection breaks down and a new type of act presents itself. The old accustomed reactions fail to work; an attitude of doubt and hesitation is assumed, until when the pressure becomes great enough, man exerts his inherited power of carrying over one of the old types. This doubtful behavior will be called the "stop" type. The condition that it should arise is that A and B should be non-homogeneous. Let us pause for a moment and recall the qualities with which we have found man to be endowed. We have seen that in ordinary experience, our behavior is of the type "this" and "that" and "the other" and so on, until a "this" is reached which is sharply distinct from the preceding with reference to the modes of action already possessed by the subject. Here we come to the "stop." We may state the typical a priori form of cognitive experience thus: this and this and this . . . stop, this and . . . stop, etc. The Notion of Number 35 Here we have in the most rudimentary form of cognition the basis for numerical behavior. Let us suppose a man gazing at a group of trees and his behavior of the type "this tree A and this tree B and this tree C, stop" and let us also suppose the act repeated until the type of act "A tree and A tree and A tree" replaces the concrete individual act. This type of act when further abstract and carried into other fields becomes "An X and an X and an X," finally emerging as the recognition of the abstract number three. At first we have the concrete con- tents filling the places between the "and"s; next they are replaced by a typical term representative of the similarity or homogeneity of the objects; finally the particular kind of similarity is ab- stracted and we are left with a bare set of homogeneous "this"-es or units. The next stage is the explicit number, obviously abstract and conceptual in character. This is enough to generate a number system such as a Bra- zilian tribe might possess, but does not suffice to give us our own scale. We may now introduce the rhythmical sense, which we found so prominent in the behavior of children and primitive men. Manifestly in experience abstractly considered the stop or break may occur at different places in successive situations; man as the possessor of rhythmical behavior is able to interpolate the discontinuities at uniform places. In this way a collection can be grasped in groups of two's, five's, etc. In our ordinary decimal scale the interpolated stop comes at every tenth element. Not only does this principle of rhythm enable us to put in the breaks but it provides for the extension to the general num- ber system. This result is accomplished by the change from the stop externally imposed as when the man surveying a herd of cows comes quite suddenly upon a bear to the arbitrary stop of the bank teller who stacks his coins. In the first case the homogeneity of the known objects breaks down completely; in the second the self-imposed rhythm gives a motive power which bridges, so to speak, the gap — very much as dancers keep step during a rest in the music. We come then to the possibility of an experience in which all the breaks are inter- polated and any non-homogeneity can be neglected. Put abstractly, this would be "this arid this and this, & this and this and this, & this and this and this. . . . After any given trio, the rhythm of the process carries us on. Here we have only 36 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class two main principles at work, "this" with "and" and the proviso that no real "stop" interfere. "This is not the same as if we should attempt to count a homogeneous set with an inadequate supply of numerals and should be compelled to^ apply the term "heap" or "many" to it. That act was essentially of the stop variety, whereas the assumed proviso in the second case directly forbids such hazy behavior and gives the clear conception of a never-ceasing array of isolated objects, which are necessarily homogeneous. This new conception involved a new principle, the abstraction of the external stop, and is therefore essentially different from the experiences which gave the ordinary numbers. Two other abstractions are possible. The question now arises, what is to be done with the potentiality of abstracting the "and"} If this is granted to be conceivable we have be- tween the initial "this" and the final "stop" a collection of "this"-es not disconnected by "stop"s and not connected by "and"s. Although they are distinct from one another, with the exception of the first and last, they are not distinguishable one from another and are not separated. Of no individual "this" can we say that it has a next following or a next preceding; the isolation has been abstracted. It follows, therefore, that if we consider the two elements which we can distinguish, namely the first and last, some connection must replace the "and"; otherwise they could not belong to the same part of experience. This connection can only be the collection of elements between the first and last. If by the principle of rhythm we interpolate a "stop" in the set and are thereby enabled to distinguish a third "this" between this new element and each end there must be a similar connecting collection. The group of "this"-es is consequently compact, i. e., between any two distinguishable elements there is always a third. It is moreover cohesive; there are no finite gaps which might be filled by "and." It has, how- ever, one further property which is of essential importance. Let us consider the possibilities of interpolation. They are manifestly of the form "this" and "this" and "this" . . with nothing to destroy their homogeneity, consequently can be considered a collection of the kind where the "stop" is abstracted and the "and" left in. What then is the difference between the whole set and its subset? The distinction seems to be this — that no matter how far our interpolations be carried, there is always a remainder which The Notion of Number 37 at any given step is perfectly determinate; that there is a re- mainder totally outside all interpolations, indeterminate and containing no distinguishable element, and around each inter- polated element on either side cluster the elements of the re- mainder. Any subset of the interpolated elements is deter- minate; this is not true for the whole collection, for the remainder is not determinate. We shall call such a set where the "and" is abstracted, a continuous segment. If the "stop" now is ab- stracted we get the notion of a continuous manifold or, in brief, a continuum. This, however, comes later. If we let the "and" in and abstract the "this" we get nothing in particular — vague awareness but no actual behavior. This represents the numerical zero which is far from being absolutely nothing. Bergson devotes himself to some length in his "Crea- tive Evolution" in showing that the image of zero is a psycho- logical impossibility. From our point of view this is quite needless for apprehension of Zero does not represent the absence of experience, but the absence of purposive, selective behavior. Bergson would put the Zero in the object; our view places it in the subject. So far, therefore, we have gained: (1) A group of types of indefinite extent, corresponding to the different possible positions of the "stop." (2) The type with the "stop" abstracted — definite infinity. (3) The type with the "and" abstracted — continuous seg- ment. (4) The type with the "stop"-"and" abstracted — continuum. (5) The type with the "this" abstracted — zero. So far as can be seen, the possibilities of abstraction are ex- hausted. Now (2) (3) (4) and (5) represent a different level of behavior from the different types of (1) and it is possible for a man to possess a great variety of such modes of behavior with- out having gained, let us say, such an abstraction as zero or infinity. Infinity, for example, only comes with the feeling of the inherent rhythm of the number series. So much for the psychological origin of number. Now where does mathematics come into the process? We might say that a group of objects possess a certain number when our behavior towards the group is of such and such a type. This is, however, only Husserl's fitting of forms over again and one-one corre- spondence a little disguised. The goal of separating number and 38 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class correspondence is illusory and offers small advantages if gained. Cantor, for example, defined the number of an aggregate as the concept which is attained by abstraction of the nature of the elements and the order in which they are given. If unity is substituted for each element, this new aggregate is regarded by Cantor as a symbolical representation of the number. This view is substantially one which would make the different num- bers our abstract forms "this" and "this" and "this," etc. We however regarded the actual number as gained on the next higher level of abstraction; having the number being in fact that qualify in the group which renders the application of the form possible. Such a theory might seem natural enough and an easy con- sequence of the psychology involved — yet one question has been completely begged. The very fundamental assumption made in our discussion of the strata of number-perception (from one "stop" to the next) was that the objects should be homogeneous. What, now, is the significance of the term "homogeneous"? If we say a new object is homogeneous with the old when it is similar to them, the problem is merely re- moved, not solved. If we define the homogeneous as that which occurs between two "stop" acts we fall into a vicious circle. The real state of affairs is that to define the psychological nature of number we have been obliged to assume, in some measure at least, a grouping of the objects of experience independent of and prior to an observing mind. Now such an "independent grouping" is nothing more nor less than the familiar fact that the objects of the universe are arranged in classes. The term homogeneous refers, therefore, to membership of the same class. Here again as with the philosophers as Bosanquet and Sig- wart and the logisticians Frege and Russell, from an attempt to explain the notion of number we are brought face to face with the notion of class. Now this notion is not to be accepted blindly as an indefinable, if our short experience of Russell's bewildering treatment of the null-class is to serve as a sample. To sum up our discussion thus far, we can define number neither philosophically, logically, nor psychologically without presup- posing the notion of class. To presuppose that notion blindly is the extreme of rashness, consequently we are forced from the question "What are numbers" to the allied problem, "What are classes?" PART TWO C. The Notion of Class §i. The Viewpoint of the Mathematician The ordinary theory of the unreflective mathematician in regard to classes is that of pure extension. When he mentions a point-set, he means just the several individual points, which seem to group themselves into a set by a sort of pre-established harmony. The class is simply its elements; if it has only one member, it is identical with that member and most mathe- maticians would view a class with no members as fictitious, if not absolutely absurd. This position is rather naive and if adhered to entails all manner of complications. For example, on such a theory, how can any statement be made about infinite classes? The very essence of an infinite group is that it cannot be given in its extension. Moreover, the mathematician is constantly using the determining law of the group, although unconscious, perhaps, of its full importance. Couterat at one time asserted boldly that mathematical logic could exist only if the standpoint of extension were used; but this would allow a class to be defined only by enumeration of its terms and would fail to account for an infinite series constituting a whole, in that the n-th term is given by a definite formula. It is no doubt true that the part of mathematics known as the theory of aggregates (" Mengenlehre") regards an "aggregate," — which is only a logical class under another name, — as constituted by the actual catalog of the elements. Here we have, let us say, a case of objects, or terms connected by "and." As plural, not considered as forming a single whole, we shall call such an enum- eration of term, a collection. As we have indicated, it is impossible to rest with collections if the entire range of mathematics is to be traversed, for infinite classes do occur most frequently. Moreover, we may as well state once and for all that any such view as that of Russell's in the following passage: "Particular classes, except when they happen to be finite, can only be defined intensionally, i. e., as the objects denoted by such and such concepts. I believe this distinction to be purely psychological ; logically, the extensional definition appears to be equally applicable to infinite classes, 39 4-0 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class but practically, if we were to attempt it, death would cut short our laudable endeavor before it had attained its goal," — is not that of the present discussion. The complete enumeration of an infinite collection is to be regarded by us not only as repug- nant to psychology, habit and commonsense but absolutely and finally as a flat logical contradiction, to be rejected by both mathematics and philosophy. Any treatment of infinite classes must necessarily involve an intensional element. What is more than this, infinite classes enter into mathematics in so many ways, that the point of view of extension is clearly inadequate and to insist upon it would be pure affectation. §2. Frege's Theory of Ranges It is one of the chief merits of Frege to have called attention to this breakdown of the theory of extension, and to have advo- cated most earnestly the rival doctrine. He was, however, not so much influenced by the consideration of infinite classes as by desire to define One and Zero. The null-class manifestly does not occur in extension, and it is obvious that if the null- class is absurd, Zero is no better. His most important contribution to the refutation of the extensional theory, however, is in the case of the solitary ele- ment, which, viewed from the extensional point of view is identi- cal with its containing class. This has been put in the following form: " If a is a class of more than one term, and if a is identical with the class whose only member is a, then to belong to a, is to belong to a class whose only member is a and hence is to be identical with a. Hence a is the only member of a, which con- tradicts the hypothesis that a is a class of more than one term." This discussion, if correct, absolutely disposes of the theory of extension, in its general aspect. Frege's positive theory of classes is one of great complexity and difficulty. It depends mainly upon the primitive ideas function and truth-value. A function is, roughly speaking, the invariant part in some expression, where we regard some sign or set of signs as being replaceable by something else. In x 2 -|-x we do not have a function; the function is: ( ) 2 -f( ) and the x is the argument. When we have a logical function (Russell's propositional function), it can only have the values truth or falsehood and is the same as a BegrifT or concept. If The Notion of Class 41 a satisfies the function — if (J) (a) is true — then a falls under the concept. Objects (Gegenstande) are contrasted with functions — anything which is not a function is an object. Examples of objects are numbers and truth-values. The name of an object is a proper name. We are now ready for the introduction of ranges (Wertver- laiife). Two functions are said to have the same range when they always have the same value for the same argument. In the case of truth-or-falsehood4unctions we can replace function by concept and range by our old friend "Umfang" for example, "the concept 'square root of four' has the same Umfang as the concept 'that whose square multiplied by three is twelve' " means the same thing as "'x 2 = 4' has the same range as '3X 2 =I2.'" Suppose we have now the proposition "For all values of x, (J)(x)=4^(x)." The notion of ranges enables us to change the universality of the equation into a range-equality. Thus x((e) has no indication — "und doch ist eine solche fur die Begrtindung der Arithmetik unentbehrlich." Without Y(b) ranges seem to have vanished from the substantial world and have become trifles light as air. With praiseworthy courage Frege seeks to repair the damage. He attempts to generalize the argument, so that instead of going out from Yb and arriving at a contradiction, the falsehood of \~b will be the end attained. This effectually disposes of (Y)b at one fell swoop, and proves moreover from the very generality of the argument that it is impossible to give "range" or "Umfang" such a meaning that that half of postulate V could be accepted. What is then to be done? By using a different method of approach, Frege is able to show that there are two concepts which give the same value when used as arguments for the general second-order function 44 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class M ((}>), and under one of these this value falls and under the other it does not. The exception which makes all the trouble is clearly the Umfang itself. Since all this analysis was made on the basis of unquestioned postulates, the conclusion may be accepted. It suggests clearly that the criterion for equality of ranges must be revised and indicates a method for evading the contradiction. Frege states the revised criterion as follows: "The Umfang of a concept f is equal to that of a concept g if every object with the exception of the Umfang of f, which falls under f, falls under g and also if every object except the Umfang of g which falls under g also falls under f." This leaves V(a) unaltered, but changes the suspected Vb by the addition of two exceptions. It is now easy to show that the contradiction is avoided. We have now plunged through Frege's doctrine of classes and if all has not been transparently clear, we have company in our misery. Bertrand Russell himself confesses quite frankly: "The chief difficulty which arises in the above theory of classes is as to the kind of entity that a range is to be. . . . It would certainly be a very great simplification to admit, as Frege does, a range which is something other than the whole composed of the terms satisfying the propositional function in question ; but for my part inspection reveals to me no such entity. . . Frege's notion of a range may be identified with the collection as one, and all will then go well. But it is very hard to see any entity such as Frege's range, and the argument that there must be such an entity gives us little help. ... It would seem necessary, therefore, to accept ranges by an act of faith, without waiting to see if there are such things." The status of ranges seems to be this — we have here a symbol which may be significantly said to have properties (in Frege's usage, possess an indication). It is further determined by certain postulates. The justification of this indefinable seems to rest upon an interpretation of the word range (as limited by postulates) in some sense consistent with experience, which may be limited to some previous objective doctrine of logic, mathe- matics, or philosophy. Frege himself offers no such interpre- tation, which fact proves one of two conclusions: either (a) he could hit upon no justification of the symbol or (b) the notion had become so familiar to him through long use that he could not imagine failure to grasp it. The Notion of Class 45 Even if ranges were interpreted, which they are not, other difficulties arise in connection with Frege's logical system. The first of these was noticed by Kerry and arises in connection with the theory of Concepts (Begriffe), Objects (Gegenstande), and Proper Names. Frege's distinctions are so delicate in regard to these matters that he is extremely liable to misconstruction. Frege holds that a concept cannot be made a logical subject while an object can be so used; in his own words, "Begriff ist ein mogliches Pradicat eines singularen beurteilbaren Inhalts: Gegenstand ein mogliches Subject eines solchen. " The names of objects are used with the definite, of concepts with the indef- inite article. Kerry thinks that this position is untenable. If we mean by subject grammatical subject such an example as: "The concept of which I was just now speaking, etc.," is suf- ficient to refute it Here we have a concept used as the subject. He goes on to argue that concepts can be shown to be objects in general, for we find no difficulty in speaking of a concept of concepts or of the subordination of one concept to another. Take for instance, "The concept horse is an easily attained concept." Here we have both subject and predicate concepts with no object entering at all. Kerry's objections were answered by Frege in an article "Uber Begriff und Gegenstand." He contends that even if Kerry's criticisms were themselves correct, the possibility of the existence of a Begriff which could not be a subject, and a Gegenstand which could not be an object, must be recognized, the distinction being available as needed. What is of more weight, however, is his claim that Kerry's argument is mistaken. While it is of course true that we may have a concept falling under another concept, this must not be taken to mean that the concept itself is used as the subject. Here we have the proper name of the concept not the function itself. In "the concept horse is an easily gained concept" we are talking about the name of the concept, it is possible to indicate this usage by appropriate quotation marks. To make plain what Frege means by this, we shall have to revert to his theory of proper names, where he and Russell are in flat disagreement. He distinguishes between the meaning (Sinn) and the Bedeutung or Indication of a term; this distinc- tion is interpreted by Russell as being roughly equivalent to 46 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class the difference between a concept as such and its denotation. Thus "the first President of the United States" and "the father of his country" have the same indication but not the same mean- ing. If we wish to speak of the meaning of a term we must signify this by notation, otherwise the indication is considered to be meant. "A proper name expresses its meaning and indi- cates its indication." In Frege's theory, every concept has a proper name which indicates the denotation of the concept but, as name, expresses the meaning of the concept. In the subsumption of one concept under another, it is not the indi- cation of the former but its meaning that we are concerned with, hence it is the proper name itself which has the relation. In a footnote we find the following significant observation ". . . und nicht 'der Begriff $(£).' Die letzten Worte bezeichnen also eigentlich nicht einen Begriff in unserem Sinne, obwohl es nach der sprachlichen Form so aussieht." Every proper name has the two sides, can be used predicatively as well as in the role of subject. Truth and Falsehood which are assumed to be objects do not have proper names as such, so we arbitrarily give them the proper names ( — x) and (x = term not identical with itself). This is in direct conflict with Russell's theory of denotation, as we shall see later. We can see now why Frege does not use a function quad- ratically. If we have cj>[4>(x)], the argument is not the indi- cation of the function but its proper name; consequently the revision of postulate V appears to be justified, as a translation into symbolism of the distinction between meaning and indi- cation. The significance and sweeping importance of this distinction seems to have passed over Russell's head. Russell goes on to give what he thinks a destructive example of Frege's notion of function, as independent of an expressed variable. Consider the identical function of x, namely x, if this were indicated by no variable, when we abstract, there would be nothing left, hence no function. Frege, however, did not admit x as a function of x; its place is filled by ( — x) (x assumed) which is always a function whether x is itself or not. We have now gone far enough to appreciate the profundity and breadth of Frege's analysis. His deficiencies are largely due to failure to see the wide-reaching implications of his own The Notion of Class 47 distinctions. He has re-introduced meaning into logic and sees clearly the double side of concepts, and proper names, although the treatment given is rather formless. Ranges remain mysterious, but necessary and their interpretation a problem for our own undertaking. All in all, Frege seems to have walked unscathed among the pitfalls into which Russell has fallen and to have maintained an unshaken serenity in the face of tre- mendous complications. His solution of the paradox, moreover, at least on the face of it, is consistent with his general logical doctrine. The neglect of his contemporaries may have been due to his cumbrous symbolism and the obscurities of his deli- cate analysis but we may look to the future to avenge him, for it would be scarcely too much to say that no more brilliant, subtle, or original work on the foundations of logic has appeared since the days of Aristotle. §3. Russell's Infinite Variety When we turn from Frege to Bertrand Russell, it is very much as if we should glance away from the regular symmetry of some Greek temple and contemplate the myriad ramifications of a Gothic cathedral. The thought of Frege is not without a certain majestic sweep as it continually rises above its former incompleteness and develops by virtue of its own imperfections. With Russell, on the other hand, a bewildering variety of the- ories follow upon one another in such dazzling profusion that the result is not so much to convince the reader as to hypnotize him. No sooner does a conclusion receive its full and persuasive enunciation than the possible alternatives and objections crop up; to be repudiated or sympathized with, as the case may be. The greater part of the "Principles of Mathematics," therefore, does not resemble a constructive theory so much as a Parlia- mentary debate, and gives the impression that its author is a brilliant, but unsafe guide to mathematical philosophy. We caught some hint of this erratic tendency in Russell while we were considering his theory of the null-class. His general theory of classes suffers the same changes as the null-class. We start out in the "Principles" with the dictum that the exten- sional view of classes is necessary for symbolism and that the failure of this view in regard to infinite classes is "purely psy- chological." However, there is a distinction between the class 48 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class as many and the class as one, and this distinction may be enough to solve the paradox, although it does not distinguish a unit class from its only member. The notion of propositional func- tion is declared to be the genesis of classes. Since it is, as a function, neither true nor false, but indeterminate and may be true for certain values and false for others. Thus a class is determined — a collection of values for which it is true. Equiva- lent propositional functions, i. e., true for the same value, deter- mine the same class. Russell calls this point of view modified extension. The many variations of this theme in the "Prin- ciples" we have already found in the treatment of the null class. Under the pressure of his paradox and Frege's seemingly irrefutable argument that the unit class is not to be identified with its member, Russell is compelled to change his theory, of classes in the same volume, while considering Frege's ranges. He says: "Nevertheless the non-identification of the class with the class as one . . appears unavoidable, and by a process of exclusion the class as many is left as the only object which can play the part of a class. By a modification of the logic hitherto advocated in the present work, we shall, I think, be able at once to satisfy the requirements of the Contradiction and to keep in harmony with common sense." Back in the sixth chapter occurs the following: "A plurality of terms is not the logical subject when a number is asserted of it; such propositions have not one subject, but many subjects." This seems to be directly contradicted by the identification of class with class as many. Russell goes on to recapitulate the possible theories of classes which present themselves. His enumeration is sufficiently important for our purposes to justify repetition. A class, he says, may be identified with: (i) the predicate; (2) the class concept; (3) the concept of the class; (4) Frege's range; (5) the collection of terms; (6) the whole composed of the terms of the class. The first three are inadmissible, since they do not permit a class to be defined by the enumeration of its members Frege's range is declared to be incomprehensible. A collection cannot be a class because it is grammatically plural, and (6) is refuted by the argument that the singular class is not to be identified with its only member. Having thus demolished all previous theories, Russell finds himself in a quandary. After considering and rejecting various The Notion of Class 49 alternatives, he declares himself thus: "The logical doctrine which is thus forced on us is this: the subject of a proposition may be not a single term but essentially many terms . . but the predicates or class concepts or relations which can occur in propositions having plural subjects are different from those having single terms as subjects. Although a class is many and not one . . classes can be counted as though each were a genuine unity; and in this sense we can speak of one class. It will now be necessary to distinguish (1) terms; (2) classes; (3) classes of classes and soon. We shall hold . . that no mem- ber of one set is a member of another and that x s u requires that x should be of a set a degree lower than the set to which u belongs." He asserts that it will be necessary to indicate whether the field of every variable is terms, classes, or classes of classes, etc., arriving finally at a more extensional view than before, finding, "that the class as many is the only object defined by a preposi- tional function . . that the class as one is probably a genuine entity except when the class is defined by a quadratic function." Later, in Appendix B, a slightly different point of view is set forth, which elaborates the theory of logical types previously hinted at. This is substantially a rigid distinction between terms, classes of terms, etc. The different possibilities are rather carefully examined and all goes well until §500 is reached, when the dread bugbear, the Contradiction, crops out again, this time in considering propositions as a type. Thus, although the contradiction of classes is solved by the doctrine of types, a closely analagous difficulty is raised in the doctrine itself. "It seems possible, of course, to hold that propositions themselves are of various types and that logical products must have propo- sitions of only one type as factors." This alternative is de- nounced as "harsh and artificial," consequently the notion of class remains paradoxical at the end of the very last Appendix of the "Principles." The next important sign of Russell's increasing passion for extension and growing distrust of the notion of class is found in his article, "On Some Difficulties in the Theory of Transfinite Numbers and Order-Types." Here he again contemplates the paradoxes and is able to develop a great budget of similar ones by a common recipe. 5<3 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class Three ways are open, he finds, for the logician who wishes to avoid paradox and contradiction. They are, following his designation: (i) the zigzag theory; (2) the theory of limitation of size; (3) the no-classes theory. The zigzag theory presumes that logical functions determine classes when they are simple "and only fail to do so when they are complicated and recondite." Its great disadvantage is that the postulates determining which functions are to determine classes and which shall not, are necessarily complicated, difficult and without much plausibility. Indeed the great guiding principle in the adopting of any definite axiom of this kind is that it avoids a well known paradox. This, our author admits, "is a very insufficient principle, since it leaves us always exposed to the risk that further deductions will elicit contradictions." The theory of limitation of size is based on the idea that it is "size which makes classes go wrong." This theory becomes specialized into the assumption "that a proper class must always be capable of being arranged in a well-ordered series." The great drawback is that we are led to a sort of trial and error process. The No-classes theory remains to be considered, and although it is not definitely adopted at this time, is evidently viewed with greatest favor. Its procedure is brief, stringent, and "drastic." Classes and relations are to be straightaway banished from logic; everything is to be expressed in terms of proposition, function and truth or falsehood. This process is admitted to be complicated and difficult, not to say somewhat startling to common sense. A degree of safety is claimed for it, however; although at the time of writing (before Nov. 24, 1905) it is not espoused. Russell is still disposed to cling doubt- fully to the ordinary logic. A footnote dated February 5th, 1906, reveals the decided break: "From further investigation I now feel hardly any doubt that the no-classes theory affords the complete solution of all the difficulties stated in the first part of the paper." The decision has now been made. Classes are banished, and Russell has from that celebrated "lair" "midway between extension and intension" come out unqualifiedly for extension. The character of these investigations was revealed in articles in the "Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale" and the "Ameri- can Journal of Mathematics." In these the theory of types of The Notion of Class 51 Appendix B is united with the no-class theory and a formal disproof of the contradictions attempted. This treatment appears in very nearly unaltered form in the "Principia," and its abolition of classes needs careful consideration. Russell's point is that classes are incomplete symbols. He neglects absolutely to reply to Frege's objections to this supposition. On p. 69 of the "Principia" we find an incomplete symbol defined as a symbol which is not supposed to have any meaning in isolation but is only defined in certain contexts. Such incom- plete symbols are to be used differently from proper names. Here we may object. Proper names by no means have a con- stant meaning independent of context. We can agree with Russell when he says that "Socrates" is a proper name which constantly denotes an individual, only if we suppose "Socrates" to denote the physical man; if we discuss Greek history and mention the Socrates of the "Memorabilia" and the Socrates of the Platonic dialogs and the youthful Socrates and so on, here "Socrates" has anything but a constant meaning. Russell goes on to exhibit a kind of proposition in which the subject, while purporting to be a proper name, because preceded by the definite article "the" seems to be masquerading under false colors. The cited case is: "The round square does not exist" and we are told that we can not regard this proposition as a denial of the existence of the object "round square." "For if there were such an object it would exist; we cannot first assume that there is a certain object and proceed to deny that there is such an object." Where the asserted proposition — such an object is implies that such an object exists" — comes from, is left to the reader's imagination. The two words are confused throughout the passage in question. To disentangle ourselves from the meshes of this equivocation we shall have to make use of a distinction, which Russell himself was once very scrupulous in making. On p. 449 of the " Principles" we find this illuminating passage. "Being is that which belongs to every conceivable term, — to everything that can possibly occur in any proposition, true or false, and to such propositions themselves. . . . Being belongs to whatever can be counted. To mention something shows that it has being. Existence, on the contrary, is the prerogative of some only among beings. To exist is to have a 52 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class specific relation to existence." We see from this that the class of existents is a sub-class of beings. A round square is denied by the proposition to fall in this sub-class. The proposition "The round square is not" is an incomplete symbol; "The round square does not exist" is not such. If we accept the distinction between being and existence (and surely no good reason has been advanced for discarding it) the situation presents no difficulty and there is no need for analyzing out the grammatical subject as our author proceeds to do. The argument goes on to show that such "the" phrases are always incomplete symbols, but a like confusion infests the proof. Here the illustration is "Scott is the author of Waverley" and the argument is as follows. "Scott" is a genuine proper name, and "the author of Waverley" if a complete symbol denotes "Sir Walter Scott" also, giving the proposition "Scott is Scott" which is denounced as trivial. Hence it is concluded summarily that "the author of Waverley" must be an incom- plete symbol. We may object in two ways, (a) The principle of Identity is not so trivial as is commonly supposed. Boyce Gibson says in his "Problem of Logic" — "To state a proposition we must, to put the matter quite generally, specify our meaning. If we wish to make a definite statement of fact we must first specify that aspect of the total topic which we wish particularly to speak about; this will give us the subject of our statement. We have then to specify this subject by predicating something about it that is other than itself. The Principle of Identity will be a Principle of Identity in relation to difference." Thus what we are doing in a statement of identity is connecting contexts, (b) Moreover in "the author of Waverley" and "Scott" we do not have a proper name and a denoting phrase but two denot- ing phrases and our proposition merely asserts their equivalence, that is, says that they have the same denotation. Why our customary proper names should be given an exalted rank is hard to see; they do not individuate in the true philosophical sense any more than denoting phrases. Most of the difficulty is due to Russell's doctrine of individuals, which is in some respect necessitated by the theory of types. We can only make a distinction between types as n and n+i if there is a first type; this must be the type of individuals. We shall return to this later. The Notion of Class 53 Another supposed puzzle is exhibited in order to justify the peculiar theory of denotation. This is "The present King of France is bald." The present King of France not existing, the statement is paradoxical. However, we may reduce this to the problem, whether we are allowed to introduce non-ex- istents into arbitrary existent classes, and this current logical usage appears to allow. What Russell desires to do is to convert the proposition into "The King of France exists and is bald," claiming to find his justification in ordinary usage. Ordinary usage is not a safe guide in connection with existence, however, for it is prone to identify existence with the physical world order, and the circle, qua perfect circle, would not exist any more than the present King of France. We may, for example, interpret the phrase as meaning "the rightful King of France" and thus have an existent subject. This shows that a phrase may not denote an existent when we consider a certain limited context or interpretation, but often the sphere may be widened enough for the proposition to be definitely interpreted. No statement of existence can legiti- mately be imported into the proposition. What we have is the statement of membership in a class. If we hold that an existent class can only have existents as members, this would settle the question, but that is another problem. Classes, we. are told, are incomplete symbols; they themselves do not mean anything at all. "Thus classes, so far as we intro- duce them, are merely symbolic or linguistic conveniences, not genuine objects, as their members are, if they are individuals." Russell admits that no proof is forthcoming that classes are, as stated, incomplete symbols although "arguments of more or less cogency" are adduced, all of which are equivalent to the assump- tion that the same object cannot be both one and many, which, observes our author, "seems impossible." If it is impossible, a formal proof should be available; if it is mere disbelief and want of faith, such matters of psychology should not be allowed to intrude. Given two propositional functions which have the same truth value for the same argument, i. e., are formally equivalent, it seems obvious that they have something in common, — namely that which we would naturally suppose to be the class, — but we are forbidden to rush to the conclusion that this is the case. 54 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class "We do not assume that there is such a thing as an extension; we merely define the whole phrase 'having the same extension." ' What Russell does is to say that say that any function f of a class is equivalent to the corresponding function of a predicative function formally equivalent to the one which defined the class. In this way classes are regarded as having been avoided. How- ever, this process of defining any function of x without defining x appears to be invalid. Let us recall that in criticism of Frege, Russell used the so-called identical function of x, namely x itself; this function overthrows his evasion of the notion of class. For regarding the class as a function of the class we see it defined as the predicative function, which is, in fact, gained by the axiom of reducibility. Here is really an extremely intensional view of classes, for which there appears little philosophical defense. The existence of Individuals is deemed of fundamental impor- tance. That the axiom which insures it, is convincing, is hardly to be conceded. For if any term is an individual, it cannot be a function or class and in ordinary usage no such "principium individuationis" appears. The facts of the case seem to be that the term individual is essentially relevant to the universe of discourse. As we have seen, Socrates is in one "sense" or universe an individuating term, in another, a universal. As for the absolute individual, which is to be a universal in no universe of discourse — this is a concept which appears to involve insuper- able difficulties. As far as considering the theory of types to be a disguised theory of the universe of discourse, we have seen that this theory necessitates a first type, — individuals — and individuals only exist in reference to a universe of discourse. How can the theory of types explain something which it presupposes? This problem has been dexterously avoided. Russell then has, in effect, while ostentatiously rejecting classes, regarded them as equivalent to certain propositional functions. Frege has regarded them as ranges, vague and unexplained notions. We can be satisfied with neither. Rus- sell's ideas of types and individuals infect his theory of classes, and Frege's notions are lacking in justification. We shall turn, therefore, to current mathematical usage, for clues by which to investigate the notion of class, with which the number con- cept seems to be inseparably connected. The Notion of Class 55 D. Mathematical Usage We must now examine the most formal and rigorous procedure of the mathematicians. They customarily hold a mathematical science to be dependent upon (1) the undefined symbols, (2) the general axioms, (3) the existence postulates. The axioms provide schemes of classification of the undefined symbols, and suggest means for defining unwieldy combinations in terms of these undefined symbols. After investigating the various pos- sible classifications which interest him, these being tabulated under the name of theorems, the mathematician becomes con- cerned with a critical survey of his initial suppositions. It is important to note that so long as he is merely establishing theorems, the mathematician is only connecting arbitrary symbols (the inde- finables) by the means of arbitrary rules — the postulates. From this new and later point of view, however, he wishes to investigate his postulates with a view as to their consistency, categoricity, and mutual independence. Consistency is the consideration of first and foremost importance. If a set of postulates is inconsistent, it must be revised or discarded. What is the test of consistency? Two methods are generally accepted: (1) A set of postulates is said to be inconsistent if contra- dictory statements can be made about the undefined symbols, these statements being correctly deduced from the whole or a subset of the assumptions in question. (2) Such a set is said to be consistent if some interpretation of the undefined symbols can be found which satisfies the postu- lates. It is important to remember that these are the only criteria of consistency which are accepted. If we look at them more closely we can see that both (1) and (2) directly depend upon the ingenuity and perseverance of the mathematician who is working upon the system. For example, a contradiction may lurk hidden among the implications of some obscure theorem, whose possibilities no one has ever thought of investigating. From this point of view the mathematician is always walking upon the brink of a precipice, for, no matter how many theorems he deduces, he cannot tell that some contradiction will not await him in the infinity of consequences. Let us suppose, then, that as far as he has gone, no inconsistency has been come upon, and being dissatisfied with the indefinite conclusion that the postu- 56 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class lates may or may not be consistent, he grasps the other possi- bility, and undertakes to demonstrate their consistency. Now it devolves upon him to find an interpretation for his arbitrary words such that the postulates still hold. The only way of doing this is by recourse to the accepted conclusions of some other set of postulates. The problem is thus shifted from one domain to another, and the only thing the mathematician is justified in saying is that his set is just as consistent as the set in which the interpretations occur. This process can go on until he can establish, it may be, that his set is just as consistent as the axioms for the natural number system. Back of this the non-philosophic mathematician does not care to go, nor is it evident that continuing the search would lead to any profit- able results. Now our survey of this attempt of the mathematician to interpret his "words" makes it plain that he is reducing his system to a system involving defined combinations of the unde- fined symbols of some other branch of the science. He is assum- ing the formal equivalence of his symbols to these particular combinations; that is, he feels himself justified in substituting the "interpretation" for the undefined symbol wherever it occurs and vice versa. Suppose now that no such scheme of equivalences occurs to the mathematician. It is entirely con- ceivable that, for some length of time, the science may contain no inconsistency and yet receive no interpretation, being, so to speak, in a delicate position. Moreover, even when inter- preted to its fullest extent, it is just as consistent, neither more nor less, as the system of positive integers. That the number system contains no contradiction is the fundamental rock of mathematical faith. The question of categoricity is closely allied. We call a set of postulates categorical if there is only one interpretation to be given to the undefined symbols or if any two such systems of interpretations can be made simply isomorphic. Now the task of examining all possible interpretations and rejecting some as not satisfying the postulates, and others as being essen- tially and abstractly the same as the system of interpretations we wish to consider categorical, is not a process which can be completed in any finite length of time. As in the case of con- sistency, no matter how far and how favorably the investigation The Notion of Class 57 progresses, some residuum of doubt must always remain. Such being the situation, the mathematician is regarded as having demonstrated the categoricity of his set of postulates when he has proved that they possess the categoricity of the axioms for the number system. The consideration of independence forces us to a somewhat different point of view. Here we wish to show that each assumption in turn cannot be deduced from all the rest; in other words, that no one of the axioms is redundant. This is, in effect, the opposite of categoricity. The more postu- lates used, the more they will tend to be categorical and not independent. The happy medium is the goal of the mathe- matician — a set which contains no redundancies, and is abso- lutely categorical. An assumption Pi, let us say, is said to be independent of the other assumptions Pa . . P n when an interpretation can be given to the undefined symbols which satisfies P 2 . . P n but not Pi. This particular interpretation constitutes an independence example for Pi. A delicate issue is raised here. How can we be sure that P 2 . . P n are really satisfied by the independence example? It is clearly necessary that this example be contained within the scope of a science determined by postulates which are both consistent and categorical. Here again we are driven from one domain to another, and if we wish to show unqualifiedly the validity of an independence example, we must be led, as before, back to the number system. We must make special mention of the method of so-called vacuous satisfaction, which is often used in setting up inde- pendence examples. Suppose we have an axiom to the effect that "two distinct points determine a straight line" and we are considering the geometry of a single point. Here there is no distinct second point, but we say that this unit space has the property that every two points determine a straight line. The axiom is vacuously satisfied by a non-existent point and a non- existent line. Now the curious part of the reasoning involved is this, — if the contradictory axiom "two points never determine a straight line" were under consideration, this would also be vacuously satisfied by the space of a single point. Now this is somewhat of a departure from the attitude of naive common sense and we must be prepared to admit that accepted mathe- matical method involves to some extent the logical doctrine 58 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class that a false proposition implies any arbitrary proposition, and its analogues for classes. The denoting terms used in mathematics merit especial atten- tion. Let us take a familiar example from elementary analytic geometry. Suppose we wish to deduce the equation of a curve. We must first know how that curve is generated by conditions on a representative point; we say the curve is the locus of points such that this condition is satisfied. The coordinates of this general point which typifies every point on the locus are taken to be (x,y) and it is required to connect x and y by a functional relation determined by a given condition on the general point. First we have the condition, second the general element and then the equation, the collection of particular points on the curve. We derive this equation by a significant procedure. We single out a constant point P which is any definite point on the locus and assume its coordinates to be (xi,yi). From the condition on the general point, we arrive at a functional relation connecting Xi and yi ; and then, since P was any definite point on the curve, we replace xi and yi by x and y, giving the equation. Now it might be said that the point (x,y) is really any point on the locus, and stands for each particular one; so, since (xi,yi) also was any point, it must be identical with (x,y). This contention has only superficial and verbal plausibility. The two expressions, considered as denoting terms, must be carefully differentiated. In the first place, (x,y) is not a con- crete, particular point at all. If the expression is permitted, it is an abstract point which satisfies the common condition, generates the points of the curve but is not one of them. P(xi,yi), on the other hand, is one of the points of the curve, although not a specifically designated one. In the case of P, a set of points exists which are on the curve and which do not include P. Where the typical or generating point is considered, no such set exists; a collection of points independent of its gener- ator would be self-destructive. Whatever can be proved of the general term is certainly true of P; but the converse does not follow. We distinguish therefore between the indefinite any (in the sense of the variable), any definite member, the condition given at the start, which may be regarded as the predi- cate common to the points on the locus and the curve as a single whole regarded as the range of the variable point. We have The Notion of Class 59 also concluded that mathematical reasoning is concerned primar- ily with words considered as mere symbols or marks and their possibilities of interpretation. §1. The Mathematical Universe If we adhere to this semi-verbal character of accepted mathe- matical reasoning, it is possible to take a somewhat broader view of the method and content of mathematics than has been the fashion among the logisticians. Ordinary experience pro- vides us with a vast array of propositions (taken in the verbal sense). With how these propositions are acquired we are not concerned ; suffice it that they are there, — the objective, common property of those with whom logical argument is possible. Where there is no such common store of propositions, no logic, no code of agreement or disagreement is possible. With a native of the South Sea Islands, for example, no logical disputation is possible. This array of propositions as presented by individual experi- ence, common sense, and inductive science is undeniably loose and rambling in its structure. We have the same word serving a variety of uses and we feel that between such propositions as "2+2 = 5" an d "the present King of France is bald" there is absolutely no connection. Now from our point of view, the function of logical method is just this, — to arrange the heterogen- eous concatenation of propositions in a systematic order; to separate the disconnected propositions into different universes of discourse. The postulates of any particular code of logic constitute a specific definition of a systematic universe of discourse; and the failure of any part of an agreed-upon code is taken to be an evidence that the limits of the universe in question have been overpassed. For example, the propositions "A is blue," "A is red," "A exists," where red and blue are taken to be contra- dictory, cannot be contained in the same systematic universe. We conclude that the first and second must be taken in discon- nected universes, psychologically speaking, from different points of view and revise them thus, to put them in the same universe "A is blue at time x," "A is red at time y." The goal of logical method, in general, is an exact and accurate statement and analysis of our rudimentary and vague notion of a systematic universe of discourse. 60 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class Some such theory of the universe of discourse is implicitly presupposed by any logic and may be summed up: "Any prop- osition which violates the logical canons can be split up into a complex of propositions to be taken in different universes." The code must at all costs be preserved. Puns must be handled in this way, for instance. We are not allowed to attribute existence to that which has contradictory predicates (as in the case of blue and red) but are forced to divorce the predicate if we wish the existence to remain. Now existence is not a quality, like extension, magnitude, or color. The size or color of an object may well differ in different universes, but it has or has not existence in a given universe. In the sphere of a lecturer on Modern Drama, Hedda Gabler has just as real and objective an existence as anything you please, while to a chemist she is relegated to the domain of the round-squares and the chimaeras. Any word which violates the law of contradiction when the two contradictory propositions are united in a common universe cannot have existence attributed to it. From the mere absence of contradiction, however, existence is not to be inferred. A nonsense word can be given existence in a universe, but does not possess existence of its own accord unless this is implied by accepted postulates. Hence the pres- ence of the existence postulates in a mathematical system. They give a beginning to the collection of known existents, which is added to by use of the other postulates. Roughly speaking, existence is nothing more nor less than membership in a certain class. Following Russell (in 1903), we will hold that words which do not exist in a given universe have being with regard to that universe. Any definite word has being with reference to any definite universe we choose to add it to, and, it may be, existence in some. The round-square has being in the universe of metrical geometry; it may have existence where "square" is interpreted in the sense of "public square" as the space between intersecting streets. Thus a public square which is round is not a paradox if we find the right universe. Obviously this new universe and geometry are disconnected, at least so far as the term "square" is concerned. We can see now just what mathematicians mean when they say that along with their particular axioms they assume the postulates of logic. They mean that the universe of discourse The Notion of Class 61 with which they are about to deal is a systematic universe, subject to the law of contradiction. Assertion is to propositions what existence is to terms not a quality or attribute but containing an essential reference to the universe of discourse. An asserted proposition occurs as a unit factor in an implication and can always be dropped. Axioms of a science are the fundamental asserted propositions of the universe they define, and their assertion is not absolute, but relative. Assertion is not the same as truth, which in fact is a highly controversial idea and seems to involve notions extraneous to pure logic. When we consider "A is B" as a proposition, it may imply its contradictory in one universe and be implied by it in another. In the first case "A is not B" is asserted, in the other "A is B." Propositions which are implied by their contradictories are unit propositions with respect to the particu- lar universe; those which imply their contradictories are null propositions. One of our most fundamental demands that we make upon a systematic universe is that with regard to it the same prop- osition cannot be both unity and null. When such a state of affairs occurs we have the choice of two alternatives: (i) either we assume that somehow the unit part and the null part of the contradiction occur in different universes and the proposition cannot be asserted without some change which expresses this fact, or (2) the axioms of our logic are insufficient to define a truly systematic universe and must be revised to meet the situation. One or both of these methods must be adopted in dealing with Russell's paradoxes. §2. The Internal Structure of a Universe We have in any universe words which play the part of con- ditions or predicates. Other symbols satisfy these conditions Conditions which are satisfied by one term are concepts; by couples with sense, relations; by trios with betweenness, operations or triadic relations. The collection of symbols which satisfy a condition P, considered as forming a single whole, constitute the range of P. Suppose that within some systematic universe we have a well- defined concept C. Its range will be said to constitute a connected universe of discourse if any definite symbol satisfying C occupies 62 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class only one place with regard to the relation of satisfaction. Thus if A satisfies C, A satisfies B, C satisfies A; the A of the first two propositions is not in the same connected universe as the A of the last. A term therefore cannot satisfy itself, unless we specify by some notation that the first term of the relation is in a different universe from the second. The same restriction holds upon the range of A; it cannot satisfy A without some specification. "Soc- rates, the philosopher, is human" and "Human is a word having five letters" are propositions occuring in different connected universes. Russell's conception of the absolutely unrestricted variable does not appear to be needed. He says that in " 'x is a man' implies 'x is a mortal,'" it is only a vulgar prejudice in favor of true propositions which restrains us from substituting bicycles and teaspoons for x. This may be doubted; and from our (intensional) point of view what we assert in the "formal impli- cation" in question is a relation between the concepts "man" and "mortality" which we may call the relation of inclusion. The so-called "apparent" variable appears to be a confusion in terms. Where we would say "for all values of x, x satisfies C," we say "C is a unit concept"; "for no values of x, x satisfies C" or "for all values of x, x satisfies not-C," — "C is a null concept." If C is a unit concept, not-C is null, and vice versa. " For some values of x, x satisfies C" becomes "C is not null" and "for some values of x, x satisfies C," — "C is not unity." To express relations between concepts we make use of denot- ing terms, which together with concepts form denoting com- plexes. Where C is a condition and x is the variable term which stands for any term of the range of C, for this variable term we use the denoting complex "every-C." If x is a fixed term but not specified by particular properties, we replace it by "any-fixed C." Where "every-B satisfies A" we say that the range of B is included in the range of A; similarly for "any fixed-B satisfies A." In the term "any-fixed" no particular element is understood to be specified; we have something analogous to the constant in indefinite integration which can be said to vary, but is none the less a constant and not a variable. There is an ambiguity The Notion of Class 63 about a parameter which is distinct from the essential ambiguity of the variable and which is essential to mathematical usage. Consider ax+by+c=o. For fixed values of a,b,c we have a definite equation; taking into account the ambiguity of the parameters we see that we have a triply infinite set of equations. In this discussion x and y are regarded to maintain a placid and invariant state of variability if we may be pardoned the paradox; a,b,c are seen to vary in different ways, though always remaining constants. In the case of a concept C with only a finite number of terms Si . . . S n , "every-C" denotes Si and denotes S2 . . . and denotes S n , "any-fixed-C" denotes Si or S2 or . . . S n . The case of "a selected-C" is quite different. Here we have a true constant independently defined. The range of C is to be taken very much as "all-C's" consid- ered collectively. Following Frege we arbitrarily assert that the denoting complex "the-C" is equivalent to the range of C. Thus "the positive integer between one and three" is "two," considered, not as individual, but as sole member of the range. "The square root of four" is, without previous restriction, the collected unity of such roots; "the-lion" expresses the range of the concept lion. "The round-square" (in a geometrical uni- verse) denotes a null-range. Thus every description is given an equivalence. Any symbol which satisfies a null condition can be imported into the range of any condition we please; a null range or any part of it is included in any fixed range, null or not. Thus if we have one point P and one null point P 1 , P and P 1 can be regarded as determining a straight line, or not, at pleasure. In actual practice the activity of the logician contributes something. The existent members of a range are considered to be there, given; these non-existents are only potentially present and are, in effect, put there by the voluntary choice of the logician who chooses to make them satisfy this rather than the contradictory condition. Logic actually contributes something; it is not a mere passive spectator in its own development. The calculus of ranges is precisely that of Peano's calculus of class concepts (which he looks at from the standpoint of extension), if we allow the term inclusion to be used in such a way that the concept C is included in C l , if every C satis- fies O. 64 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class §3. Definition, Selection, and Critical Questions We will say that a condition C is defined with reference to a systematic universe, if every symbol which satisfies C and not-C is a non-existent. If the universe is also connected, C is said to be well-defined. Any well-defined condition not-null is an exis- tent condition. If C is an existent, the range of C, every-C, and any-fixed-C exist. Any existent in a systematic universe is said to possess an indication with respect to that universe; if the universe is con- nected, it possesses a unique indication. Any non-existent possesses a unique indication (since it indicates nothing at all). Limiting assertions to a connected universe is no more nor less than an objective rendering of the traditional dogma that in every argument the terms used must have a constant "mean- ing." The intrusion of subjective elements in "meaning" seems unavoidable, but by making mathematical reasoning purely verbal, the psychological factors are reduced to a minimum. Looked at from the mathematical point of view what we have said amounts to this, — given a set of postulates, general and existential, then for every demonstrated existent in the universe determined by the postulates, there is one and only one inter- pretation for a given interpretation of the undefined symbols. For any demonstrated non-existent we can substitute nothing. "Meaning," therefore, becomes a term relative to the universe. The more systematic the universe, the less intrusion of the subjective. In a hap-hazard universe where only a few funda- mental laws hold, psychology may indeed run riot. The prog- ress of objective science and mathematics is essentially the analysis of such loosely put together universes into several systematic ones. Consider the proposition, "Walt Whitman is a poet." In a conversational universe, individual opinion of necessity intrudes and we assent or dissent according to our individual notions of what "true poetry" may be or not be. "Poet" is a term which does not possess a unique indication since the universe is unsystematic. However, if we go about the matter logically and scientifically, we define poetry in objec- tive terms and give the term a unique indication. We must now take up our postponed discussion of the denot- ing complex "a-selected" which is roughly equivalent to "an independently defined." What we mean by this is — given a The Notion of Class 65 concept (not null) is there any means of defining a symbol which satisfies it? Any concept whose range is included in the range of the concept "positive integer" does provide such a means. Here the selective function is "the first," since every collection of positive integers must have a first term. Consequently if = "positive integer" and C2 satisfies Ci, a-selected-Ca exists. (C = "sub-condition of C.) Any condition C where a-selected-C exists is said to be selec- tive. Any condition C whose associated condition C (of included conditions) is uniformly selective is said to be a Zermelo con- dition. We must now consider two logical axioms which have to do with the notion of selection. (1) Every condition which is well-defined and not-null is selective. This will be called the selective axiom. (2) Every well-defined condition not null is a Zermelo con- dition. This is the so-called Zermelo postulate. First we may ask, can it be proved directly that being selec- tive follows from being well-defined? Let us suppose a concept C contained in an infinite universe, where we can name as many terms as we please. Is there a method by which we can name a definite symbol satisfying C? If we take term after term of the universe, it is determinate in each and every case whether it satisfies C or not-C, but we may have the ill luck to hit upon those which satisfy not-C. Since we are unable to specify all the terms of the universe, no proof seems possible on the basis of the bare supposition that C is well-defined. The truth of the axiom may, in point of fact, be sincerely doubted and Russell actually cites "all products of two integers which never have been and never will be thought of by any human being" as a well-defined condition not null of which no instances can be given, — hence non-selective. Physical objects and other people's minds are other such instances, he contends. Let us consider abstractly what must be done to demonstrate that a given well-defined condition P should be non-selective, i. e., a-selected-P does not exist. Since from the fact that P is well-defined it follows that any fixed symbol we mention determinately satisfies P or not-P, then any such symbol must satisfy not-P if we are to show P to be non-selective. Any demonstrated existent in the universe must be shown to satisfy 66 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class not-P. Therefore, if P is a known existent, we must show that P satisfies not-P and this cannot be done without departing from our connected universe, which cannot be allowed since P was supposed to be well-defined. Such examples as Russell's con- tain a latent vicious circle fallacy. Take for example, the familiar "proof" of idealism that all entities are ideas. Everything that can be mentioned is an idea, and you cannot show an entity to exist without mentioning it, so all entities are ideas. The prop- osition to be proved, however, is certainly an entity and to show that it is mentioned, it is necessary to change from one point of view to another and so to use "mentioned" in a different sense. Such notions as mentioning, thinking of, prove nothing about all entities. — The other examples such as other people's minds and physical objects are more philosophical scandals than anything else, and in the sense in which Russell uses the terms, their existence may be denied without any great display of radicalism. Can we conclude from this that we are justified in assuming the selective axiom? Here is a cross road where two schools part company. It is possible to steer a safe and cautious course not denying the axiom but not assuming it and when necessary actually determining the needed selective function. The great majority of mathematicians, however, implicitly assume that every well-defined condition is selective. A point which appears to justify this assumption is the nature of indirect proof (reductio ad absurdum). We start with a condition P and we seek to show not-P to be null. We take (let us suppose) a-definite not-P and show that it has contradictory properties. From this we conclude that not-P is null since a-selected not-P does not exist. If the selective axiom is false nothing can be concluded and all indirect proof fails. Although the necessary distinctions are very difficult and cannot be made with any great degree of confidence, it appears that a case may be made in rebuttal. In all but a very small percentage of proofs by reductio ad absurdum, the member of not-P being definite has nothing to do with the argument. Consequently for ordinary mathematical purposes instead of a-selected not-P we take any-fixed-not-P and show that it does not exist. This is, of course, a valid proof since we assumed that if P is well-defined and not null, any-fixed-P exists. For The Notion of Class 67 the cases where definiteness is needed we either reject the con- clusion, seek a direct proof or take the conclusion as a postulate The Zermelo postulate has gained much greater notice in mathematical circles. Cantor, Bernstein, Whitehead, Schonfiies, and many other prominent mathematicians have accepted it either explicitly or implicitly and it is thought that a refusal to adopt it is paradoxical and involves a sweeping away of "much interesting mathematics." The more philosophic writers on the foundations of Analysis, such as Russell, Poincare, Hob- son, and Borel, have expressed doubts as to its truth. It is contended that it is the equivalent of an infinite number of acts of choice and involves all the difficulties of the selective axiom (which is a particular case) with additional ones of its own. The postulate, itself, is equivalent to the selective axiom and either of (a) every condition can be well-ordered or (b) of any two cardinal numbers one is greater than, less than, or equal to, the other. It is preferable to prove (a) and (b), how- ever, if the postulate is justified, since they are essentially mathe- matical in character. Before discussing the postulate critically, it is well to say a few words about its suppossed self-evidence. This is brought about by assuming that "any-fixed" can be regarded as a selective function which applied to any definite collection of conditions yields an equivalent collection, definite, of members of the conditions. While superficially plausible there is no reason to suppose that "any-fixed" yields anything definite except in the case of singular conditions (with only one term). This "self-evidence," therefore, is illusory. A certain uniformity of selection is what is guaranteed by the postulate. The conditions from which we are to choose, unless finite in number, must possess a similarity of structure which permits the condition gained by the selection to be well- defined. Consider the interiors of circles. The interiors of mutually exclusive circles obey the Zermelo postulate, since they are not homogeneous but contain an element bearing a unique relation to the concept — the center. The selective axiom assumes this non-homogeneity with reference to each individual condition. We will now discuss some critical points with especial refer- ence to the paradoxes and the interpretation of ranges. The paradoxes are, we hope, successfully avoided by the notion 68 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class of unique indication; to have a unique indication, we recall, a symbol must be contained in a connected universe. Now Russell has shown that the paradoxes result as particular cases of the following: "Given a property § and a function f such that if (J> belongs to all the members of u, f(u) always exists, has the property and is not a member of u ; then the supposition that there is a class w of all terms having the property and that f(w) exists leads to the conclusion that f(w) both has and has not the property ." Here f(u) occurs as function (condition) and as symbol satisfying (J>, which cannot occur in one connected universe, without some notation to express the difference. How- ever, if the notation is introduced, the paradox vanishes. For a particular example, take the predicate "not predicable of itself." In our language this would be the condition "con- dition which does not satisfy itself." Let this be W. Then if A satisfies W, A satisfies not-A and conversely. So if W satisfies W, W satisfies not-W and conversely, which is paradox. To keep the argument in one connected universe, however, we must give our terms when conditions the subscript c and as symbols, s. All we get now by our substitution, in A s sat. W c = A 9 sat. not-A c is, if W s satisfies W c , W s satisfies not-A c which has nothing to do with the case, or if A satisfies W c , A satisfies not-W c which shows that W c is not well-defined. The supposed paradox results from ambiguity. Burali-Forti's interesting ordinal contradiction merely shows that the ordinal number of all ordinal numbers is not an ordinal number in the same sense (or connected universe) as its mem- bers — thus if B is the suspected ordinal, B>B is consistent because in the one case it is condition and in the other symbol. The inequality is not asserted in a connected universe because there the set of ordinal numbers does not have an ordinal number which is comparable with its members. The class of all classes and cardinal number of all cardinal numbers involve similar ambiguities, where ambiguity is understood to mean not any- thing subjective but lack of a unique indication, as we have defined the term. Classes are, as might be supposed, dependent upon ranges and our original query "what is a class?" must wait for the answer to "what is a range?" We must now meet Russell's objection that no such entity as a Frege range is comprehensible The Notion of Class 69 and to do this we must interpret the term "range" in some way consistent with experience. We recall that if every-C satisfies D and every-D satisfies C, the range of C is equivalent to the range of D; if A satisfies C, it belongs to the range of C. The clue to the interpretation of ranges must be found in Frege's all too brief remarks in the opening paragraph of the "Grundgesetze." Here in introducing the notion of a function, he comments by way of explanation that the essence of a func- tion is not in the mere collection of values which satisfy it, but rather in their "Zusammengehorigkeit." Correspondingly we may say that a range possesses a coherency, a continuity and a homogeneity which a loosely put together heterogeneous collec- tion does not. Each member of a range is an example of the typical, representative general term; they are all held together by the fact that they satisfy the same condition. The difference between a range and a collection may be illus- trated by the classical example of the man who could not see the forest for the trees. The trees represent (from his point of view) a collection and unless known to be finite do not constiutte a single whole; the forest represents a synthesis and each par- ticular tree is indicated by "the tree of the forest." The analytic person who was a victim of this strange blindness failed to see in each separate tree the residuum of identity which it has in common with the other different trees. With the perception of this community of quality comes the recognition that the collection is a range — a forest. When we have a range and perform an operation on a general term, that self same operation is performed on the different terms of the range. If x is the variable tree of the forest, then for x to be leafless is to imply a forest denuded of its foliage. The unity of a range is not the unity of an additive whole but more that of an organism and is based upon the common possession of an identical property. A finite collection can be turned into a range by the addition of singular ranges. An infinite collection cannot. Hence we must insist that mathematics deal only with ranges, and tolerate collections only as potential ranges. §4. Classes, Numbers, and the Principle of Abstraction Let us assume that the use of ranges has been justified; we have still not attained the goal of this whole discussion, — the notion of class. It must be concluded that whereas a range is yo The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class something concrete, dependent upon its particular condition, a class is independent of any particular condition and has just as much to do with any fixed one of a set of formally equivalent conditions as any other; it is, therefore, not concrete in the sense that a range is concrete. Whereas we found a range to depend upon the internal homogeneity of the symbols satisfying a con- dition, a class depends upon the external homogeneity of ranges themselves, in short, upon the principle of abstraction. Russell is enabled to dispense with the principle of abstraction as a postulate by using as his underlying identity, belonging to the class of terms which bear to one another the isoid (reflex- ive, symmetrical and transitive) relation. When he comes to the notion of class itself he finds himself at a loss, for here where the use of the principle of abstraction would be most advantage- ous, its employment is impossible. To hold that the definition of class is that a class is the class of formally equivalent conditions which determine it would be a vicious circle obvious at a glance. The principle as used by Russell fails utterly to take care of the very fundamental notion of class. Against his use of it in general, we must contend that although he avoids the introduction of a new axiom, this advantage is superficial and illusory, (i) If the existence of classes is doubtful, the existence of the entities gained by the abstraction is also doubtful, since they are classes. Numbers, since defined by this process become meaningless, and arithmetic falls peril- ously near to nominalism. (2) The principle is not consistently employed, as has been very clearly pointed out by Jourdain. The definitions of cardinal number and ordinal number go well enough, but when we come to real number — instead of defining a real number as a class of coherent classes of rationals, as the principle clearly indicates, Russell arbitrarily defines the real number as one particular class, a segment. This inconsistency moves Jourdain to inquire whether cardinal numbers could not have been defined in a similar way, and he in fact, proposes another method based upon this new principle of abstraction. Me believes that it is possible to define Zero as the null-class, One as the class of classes whose only member is the null class, and so-on, — substituting for the Frege-Russell "class of classes equivalent to the given class" one particular member of this set. Now this definition in no way helps us with the notion of The Notion of Class 71 class and has little advantage of any kind to recommend it. It does, however, tend to cast considerable doubt upon Russell's use of the principle of abstraction. To maintain the validity of the principle along with the unreality of classes seems mere verbiage, and to dispense with its use altogether, an unnecessary hardship. We propose, there- fore, the following logical postulate which, if we are correct, is sufficient foundation for the existence of classes and numbers and in fact is somewhat analogous to Russell's axiom of reduci- bility: Given a non-singular collection of entities, between any fixed pair of which, there subsists an isoid relation R, then there exists a unique well-defined symbol A R to which every term of the collection bears the relation R, but which is distinct from any definite term of the collection. This abstract entity is not one of any collection of entities having the relation; it is exceptional and not on a par with them, since they are concrete. A comparison with Cantor's conception of abstraction will make this postulate clearer and more plausible. Cantor, we recall, abstracted order and quality from a group and gained the cardinal number. Obviously this new abstract entity he got in this way is not identical with any of the concrete groups, although it bears to them a very curious relation, very much as the general term of a condition bears to any particular one. This abstract group does not have the number; it is the number. It bears to any of its concrete groups the relation of one-one correspondence, and is a new entity, gained by a neiv principle. Let us apply our postulate to the problem of the definition of classes and numbers. Ranges may have the relation of formal equivalence (mutual inclusion), which is isoid. By our postulate, therefore, given say the range of Ci formally equivalent to the range of C 2 , etc., then there exists an abstract range or class formally equivalent to O and to C 2 , etc., but not identical with any definite one of these ranges. Hence if A satisfies Ci, it belongs to this Class, which we will speak of as the class of sym- bols satisfying any fixed one of the conditions whose ranges are formally equivalent. The necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a class is the existence of two well-defined con- ditions whose ranges are formally equivalent. One is not enough because the symmetry and transitivity of the relation do not appear; in fact from one range, there does not seem to be any 72 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class motive for abstracting. We require, therefore, that before the abstraction occur, at least two entities must have the required relation to each other. Classes as we have defined them possess the limitations of ranges. They are in the same connected universe as the ranges they are equivalent to and cannot satisfy the conditions of these ranges and at the same time possess members without this difference being symbolically expressed. The paradoxes of classes are analogous to those we have considered for con- ditions. We come now to the definition of abstract cardinal number. Let us suppose numerical equivalence defined as Frege has defined it, an isoid relation. Then given a collection of classes (not ranges) which are numerically equivalent, our postulate gives us a new entity more abstract than the classes in question but equivalent to them — this is the cardinal number. Given a definite class A and the relation of numerical equiva- lence, then providing A has been abstracted from a selective condition, then the cardinal number of A exists. For the selec- tive member of A can be replaced by something else at pleasure and by this method we get a new class A 1 , which is in (1,1) correspondence with A, satisfying the hypothesis of the prin- ciple of abstraction. If Po and Po 1 are null conditions, their ranges are formally equivalent and determine the null-class which has no existent members. A singular condition can be defined in logical terms and One is the cardinal number gained by abstracting from singular conditions. Now if One exists, a singular condition C to which it applies also exists and by considering these as symbols we get an additive range, selective, which yields by abstraction the cardinal Two. A cardinal R is said to be the immediate successor of another cardinal S provided R applies to a condition P which contains a singular condition Pi such that the cardinal number of P-Pi is S. Two is therefore the immediate successor of One. Three exists, by considering Two, One, and C as sym- bols and, in fact, we can proceed as far as we like by this method, changing the connected universe at each step. It does not appear, however, that in any given connected universe every number has a successor, for the universe has been changed at each step. Can this gap be filled by Frege's The Notion of Class 73 method of introducing Zero? We must remember that the null class contains no existent members and that it is unique, — there may be many null ranges and null conditions but there is only one null class. The necessary and sufficient condition that this null class should give rise to a cardinal number Zero in the way that a singular class yields One is that it be selective. Now can we possibly hold that the null-class is selective? It is hard to see how such a contention can be maintained with any show of plausibility, — yet, if we deny it, Zero is not a cardinal number in the sense that One, Two, Three, etc., are cardinal numbers. There are, however, certain psychological reasons for believing that this is the case. We seem to be confronted with a choice of alternatives: (a) we assume the selective character of the null class and by the method of logical activity (including the null class in particular classes) show that every number has a successor, or (b) we start the number series with One and substitute for the use of Zero, an axiom to the effect that every number has a successor. It is possible to hold that in either case an assumption has been made which differentiates Cardinal Arithmetic from Pure Logic. The notion of logical activity enables us to hold that Logic is the class of all propositions gained without placing non-existents in arbitrary classes. However (a) seems to depend upon the null-class in an objectionable way and there seems to be much better reason for adopting the second of the two possibilities and holding that the axiom (every number has a successor) marks the dividing line between Logic and Arith- metic. In this we are to some extent confirmed by the verdict of others. This was one of Kerry's objections to Frege, and it was, in germ, the keynote of Poincare's vigorous assaults upon logistic. He believed that a new type of reasoning was involved in theoretical arithmetic, that mathematical induction repre- sented a distinct type of intuition, a separate faculty of the mind. These results he gained more by introspection than by abstract reasoning, and we cannot accept subjective reasons for such theories. Couterat and Russell were undoubtedly in the right when they emphasized the objective character of logistic. Trans- lated into objective terms, however, Poincare's theory is quite different and is equivalent to: A new indefinable or a new axiom 74 The Notion of Number and the Notion of Class must be introduced into logic before its indefinables and axioms are sufficient to yield cardinal arithmetic. This is substantially our own conclusion. Russell has himself implicitly given up the battle although the admission of defeat is not so clear as might be wished. He says in the "Principia" — "Some of the properties which we expect inductive cardinals to possess . . can only be proved by assuming that no inductive cardinal is null. . . This amounts to the assumption that in any fixed type, a class can be found having any assigned inductive number of terms. . . This assumption . . will be adduced as a hypothesis when- ever it is relevant. It seems plain that there is nothing in logic to necessitate its truth or falsehood and that it can only be legitimately believed or disbelieved on empirical grounds. Since this, in effect, concedes the point at issue, we need not discuss the matter further. Poincar6 must be adjudged the victor, and the sweeping assertion of 1903 — "The fact that all mathematics is symbolic logic is one of the greatest discoveries of our age; and when this fact has been established, the remainder of the principles of mathematics consists in the analysis of sym- bolic logic itself" appears to stand in need of considerable revi- sion. The dividing line between Logic and Mathematics is the axiom that every number has a successor; roughly speaking a new notion is introduced — "aw d so on." 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