%a3AiNii-3Wv >&Aavaaniw- >&Aavaanivc*- 3^ \i>^ij u *_' :j'- rt r r I I I r '^r-i ;? ^yr' \\i i»!i\ Tnr/. !nc M'rr: fr \ \z v\'\\ rnc/. ■> c_i> . ^ ^ '^ .^^ s ii ii ^WEIlkT, TDf . .irn;.n.'rfi [ r i i^^^^ O ui. - — - - _v ^ \ ;? ■Si <-^ ■' J , J _' n T J a I '.ij / \ 1 1 ' I > J t "^^/sajMNniwv 9 i i>- 5 :RARY(9^ jU!Ti t_3 .^ILIBRARYQ^ tx? _ V ^OFCAIIFO/?^ cc > vr -^^^Aavaaii-^ • r linn* nv <. i'-'j 1 1 1 J j\ -- c r 1 r I r /~\ r. . 1 c i'iit\ rnr ,_ ^lOSANCElfJ> I? 'R, ^ g "^ ' I » 'J U I I J ' "J IJJ.UMUl 'j'jj^\init jn ■-'AUYuaii >*■ 'sasAiNn-jftv^ ^lOSANCElfj-;> ^^^l :^^^ USCflfj-;^ ^-4,0F CAllfO/?^ ^^;0FCA1IF0/?^ ,.s(j|H^- v/iajAiNHirtv ^OAavaaiii^'' '^Aavaaiii^ ^^\^fUNlVER% %UDNVS: <;^ttlBRARYO/r MFO% \INn-3WV \^ ^.'i\fD',/» i\C r A I irnn . i\( r M irnn ' '-"JJ/Mllll JP*- -iir trilK;rf>. inc (mm r .^ soi^ ""^/iaMiNomv ^(?AavHaiHv>^ ^(JAavaaiiiv^'' -r- y / O li. l« .^ , \\M!RRARY/7a '^.JOJIIVJJO^ mv ,';:i3nv FOff^ ^OFCAllFOff^ ^\^[•UNIVER% .-^^'"rr;-,. ,01>f? ^/Sa3AIN(13l\V = nFCAliFO% ^Is ,v,in<;; /ERVa .vlOSANCElfJV> 5: :5 -^ 1 •soi^ %a3AiNn]ftV' ^ .A;OFCAIIFO% ■^OAUvaaii-iV''^ ''ymiim-i^-^" % > ^. ^'^'31HH¥-S0\^'-' ''^aJAlNnm'v ' ^ '■^Jliia-DNV-SOV^^ — 5 ^fiY<> #IIBRARY0< %JI1VJJ0'^ >- ^yE•l)NlVER% c^ .xC.ilRDADV/l. :.^ i i^ IFOff^ <^;OF•CAllF0/?^ aii# >&Aavaans^ .^WEUNIVERJ/A ^1 1^^: ^OF'CAIIFO^ ^^. '-JUJMtMII Jl « ,r.uii# ^(^Aavaaii-^- ..LCJ-^ /ERJ/A ^lOSANCElfj-^ /ERi'/A '*^/ia3AINI13\\V^ ^lOSANCElfj^ o " ^ ^UIBRARY;?/^ QFCAllFOff^ to ^vM-IIBRARYQa^ ^OFCAlIFOff^ ■^/^aaAiNn-BWV^ '^■^6'Aavaaiii'^'^ ''■^ '-^.i/OJITO-JO-"^ '%1]DNVS0V'<^ %a3AINIl-3WV^ ^5.WE-I)NIVER% ^lOSANCElfj-^ >- o ^ M^ '^•TiiaDWSov^^ %a3Ai,sn]WV .V^^l■llBRARYO^ >* % ^OFC' I m I i v^^ ^fYO/. \^tllBRARYOc .^\\E■UNIVERy/A ^lOSANCElfx. i iG^ ,^llIBRARYQc. ^lilBRARYQ/: ^ / — ^' ;.\Mt t nc uTt[ r ,- 4 ^ ' JUJ. \'.'l Jl* IFHD.. . aCTAticnn- »ic iiiuvyrnr*. . inr iiirci r« %r r- * 1 1 rr\r* -« I r lum THr. . inc turci r^ SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF THE l^ J^UBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY, FOR THE YEARS 1896-1900. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. SYDNEY. WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1902. '7S515 a stack 129202 ^"y PREFACE. A PRINTED Author Catalot>-ue for the whole of the hooks received up to the end of 1900 is now availal)le for the public, in four volumes : — (1) The main Author Catalogue (1869-1887), containing 51,129 volumes. (2) First Supplement (1888-1892), containing 19,099 volumes. (3) Second Supplement (1893-1895), containing 9,843 volumes. (4) Third Supplement (189q-1900), containing 20,755 volumes. As it is not considered desirable to issue printed supplements more frequently than once in five years, a Card Catalogue will, in future, be issued as a complement to the printed Catalogues, by means of which the books received from day to day will be made available to the public as promptly as possible. This Supplement now being issued— the third— contains a fairly minute Subject-Index of the volumes in it, and the current Card Catalogue will also provide a Subject-Index to its authors. A complete Subject-Index to the main Catalogue, 1869-1897, and the first two Supplements, 18S8-1895, comprising altogether 80,077 volumes, has been made, and is now lying in MS., waiting for the necessary funds to enable the Trustees to have it printed. Whenever that can be done, the whole of the treasures of the Library will have been made as readily accessible for students as the skill of the Cataloguer, within reasonable limits, can make them. With the Author Catalogue and Subject-Index as now supplied, the Library Assistant, or the student himself, should be able to find — Eirst, any and every book by any known author possessed by the Library; second, any and every book or important part of a book, every worthy magazine article or scientific article of Australian interest found in the Proceedings and Transactions contained in the Library, referring to any definite branch of human knowledge; and every example of the different forms of literature as represented in the collection, — all being indicated under about 6,000 subject-headings in the Index. Provided the student knows the correct author name of any book in the Library required by him, he will readily find it in the Author Catalogue, which, it must be noted, deals with all personal names, the books abotd a man being referred to him as the author as well as those which have been written bi/ liim. It should also be noted that the country or city, or society or institution, responsible for the publication of a book is technically considered its author. If, again, the student knows the actual subject of the book he requires, he will find it, and probably others of similar interest, by means of the Subject-Index, 11 Students and readers not intimately acquainted with general library metlicds, and our own in particular, are strongly advised to consult one of the Senior Assistants in charge of the reading-rooms. While endeavouring to analyse the different Australasian periodicals, literary and scientifie, for the Subject-Index, we have not done anything in this direction for European and American periodical literature (except in so far as noting any article of striking Australian interest), since this work has been done, and is happily still being done most admirably, by Poole and Fletcher's Index to Periodical Literature, the Eeview of Reviews' Index, and the Cumulative Index, to which students are referred. Though the whole of the sets of periodicals and transactions, as far as they are possessed up to date by this Library, are indicated in this Supplement, only the volumes belonging to the period 1896-1900 are subject-indexed herein. Volumes belonging to an earlier period will be found to be dealt with in the general Subject- Index, 1869-1895, now ready for printing. It has unfortunately been found impossible, with our limited Staff, to attempt to index any of the newspapers, but we hope, now that this large task has been accomplished, to undertake a newspaper- index in the form of a card catalogue. The Dewey or Piclative Decimal Classification having been quite recently adopted by the Trustees for the Reference Library and the Mitchell Library, a commencement has been made in the big task of re-classifying our collection by dealing with periodical literature first. Hence all current serials and publications of scientific societies will be found to have their respective decimal class-numbers, but all other books have necessarily those of the old fixed-notation system. This Catalogue has been compiled mainly by Messrs. C. J. Brennan, M.A., and James Pierce, and the final proof reading has been carefully done by Miss P. M. Rutherford, B.A. The composing is entirely the work of Messrs. R. J. Pride and P. Tanner, members of the Library Staff, and the machining has been done in the Government Printing Office. The Trustees, and more especially the President, the lion. Dr. Norton, M.L.C., have ever generously supported me in my endeavour to get a printed Catalogue for the Reference Library as complete as our limited resources will allow. I hope and confidently believe that the students who frequent this Lil)rary will find our system of cataloguing, as exemplified in this volume, adapted to their wants, and will lie able to endorse the experience of the Staff in regard to this form of Catalogue as a most valuable aid in unlocking the treasures of our fine collection. HENRY C. L. ANDERSON, May 15/fi, 1901. Principal Librarian. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES- SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE-1896-1900. A A., E. [See Aruott, Ellinor.] A B PRODUCTIVE .SOCIETY, LUl. Ituks. Il'hu,. Manchester, 1891. F 13 V 23 "A.L.O.E." [See Tuck.-i-, Charlotte Mariu.] A439 : being the Autoljiography of a Piano ; hy twenty-five Musical Scribes. Svo. Lond., 1900. " J 22 "P 37 AP.BE, Prof. Cleveland. Mechanics of the Earth's At- mosphere: a Collection of Translations. Svo. Wash., 189.3. A 31 Q 12 Report on the Solar Eclipse of July, 1878. [See United States. — Signal Service.] A 10 X 2 t ABBOT, Everett V. Treatise on the Federal Income Tax [U.S.A.] 1891. [See Foster, Roger.] F 10 U 19 ABBOTSFORD SERIES OF SCOTTISH POETS. Early Scotti.sh Poetry. [See Todd, G. E-.] H 1.3 P 5 Medieval Scottisli I'oetry. [See Todd, G. E-.] H 13 P 4, Scotti.sh Ballad Poetry. [See Todd, G. E-.] H 13 P 3 Scottisli Poetry of lOlh Century. [See Todd, G. E-.] H13P6 Scottish Poetry of 17tli Century. [See Todd, G. E-.] H 13P7 SoottlshPoetryoflSthCeiitmy. [See Todd, G. E-.]H13P 1,2 ABBOTT, Dr. Alexander Crever. The Pi-iiu-iplcs of Bac- teriology. 8vG. Lond., 1S9G. A 27 S IS ABBOTT, Arthur Vaughan. The Electrical Transmission of Energy. 8vo. New York, 189-5. A 21 Y 22 ABBOTT, Benjaunii Vaughan. Judge and Jury : a Popu- lar Explanation of Leading Topics in the Law of the Land. Svo. New York, 1880. F 13 V 2 ABBOTT, Rev. Edwin Abbott. Hints on Home Teaching. 12mo. Lond., 1883. G 24 P 12 ■St. Thomas of Canterbury : his Death and Miracles. 2 \-ols. Svo. Load., 1898. G 1 T 2G, 27 The Spirit on the Waters: the E\olution of the Divine from the Huuian. 8\-o. Lond., 1897. etters of Benjamin Jowett. [See Jowett, Prof. B.] C 26 S 18 Life and Letters of Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford. [&c Jowett, Prof. B.] C 21 Q 16, 17 ABBOTT, John Stevens Cabot. The French Revolution of 1789 as viewed in the light of Republican Institu- tions. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo". New Y^jrk, 1 887. B 39 T 1 5 History of Frederick II, called Frederick the Great. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. New Y'ork, 1871. B 39 T 14 History of Najioleon Bonaparte. New ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. New York, 1894. B 39 T 12, 13 Napoleon at St. Helena. [See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 24 S 10 ABBOTT, Rev. Lyman. Chilstianity and Social Problems. 12mo. Lond., 1S96. C4 19 U 23 Jesus of Nazareth : His Life and Teachings, founded on the four Gospels, and illustrated by reference to tlie Manners, Customs, Religious. Belief. s, and Political In- stitutions of His Times. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1869. G 24 T 4 Life and Letters of Paul the Apostle. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 47 The Theolotry of an Evolutionist. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 23 P 5 , and CONANT, Rev. Thomas JeBerson. ' Dic- tionary of Religious Knowledge for popular and pro- fessional use. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. New York, 1S85. G 23 U 46 ABBOTT, Rev. Thomas Kingsmill. Critical and E.xegeti- cal C(>nnnentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians. Svo. Edinb., 1897. (Internat. Critical Coinmentarv.) <. 23 R 38 Puhl'ic Library of New South Wales. ABBOTT, Rev. Thomas Kingsmill— cowiilempiil;r Post Almanac for 1896 98. 3 vols. 12mo. Albury, 1896-98. ME 4 Q 6 Fubllc Library of Neto South Wales. AFFLECK, AV, Bishop.] Cliristian Ethics. [See Martensen, H. G 3 U 11-13 AFLALO, Frederick George. Australian Sport. (English Illustrated Mag., April, 1899.) E The Cost of Sport. 8vo. Lond., 1S09. A iO Q 16 Sea-fish : an Account of the Methods of Angling as prac- tised on the English Coa.st ; with Notes on the capture of tlie more sporting Fishes in Continental, Soutli African, and Australian Waters. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 28 P 35 Sketch of the Natural History of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' 3IA 1 V 7 Sketch of the Natural History (Vertehrates) of the British Islands, with a concise Bibliography of Popular Works relating to the British Fauna, and a List of Field Clubs and Natural History Societies in tlie United Kingdom. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. A 28 P 38 The Encyclopaedia of Sport. {See SuiFolk and Berkshire, 18th Earl of.] A 17 II 18, 19 t AGAR, Maj. Edward. Hand-book of the Gorman Army. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] F 15 P 13 AGASSIZ, Alexander. Islands and Coral Reefs of the Fiji Group. (Aimals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1898.) E Islands and Coral Reefs of Fiji. (Harvard University. — Bulletin of Museum of Comparative Zoology, 33.) E Visit to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia ih the .steamer Cro)/don during April and May, 1896. (Har- vard University. — Bulletin of ?iluseum of Comparative Zoiilogy, 28.) E -, and MAYER, Alfred Goklsborougli. Acalephs fi-oni the Fiji Islands. (Harvard University. — Bulletin of Museum of Comparative Zoology, 32.) E Medusa; from Australia. (Harvard University. — P>ull(tin of Museum of Comparative Zoology, 32.) E AGASSIZ, Louis. Life, Letters, and Works of ; by Jules Marcou. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896. C 22 S 11, 15 Biograpliical Notice. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rejit., 187H.] E [Study of.] [/S«« Brooks, Prof. W. K. — Foundations of Zoi;logy.] A 10 U 9 AGE, The, from Jan., 1889-Sept., 1900. CO vols. fol. Melb., 1HH9-1900. ME Aanicvi/ruRAL nvitRAU of south Aus- tralia. Journal. Vols. 1, 7, 9, Jan- June, 1889, Aug., 1891-.Julv, 1895, Aug., 189C-Julv, 1897. 3 vols. 'Ito. Adelaide, 1H89-97. " ME [See also Garden and Fiitld.] AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Artesian Waters and Irrigation. 22 Pamphlets, 8vo. Various Places, 1891-97. A 38 R 5 1. Irrigation in Arizona. 2. W'atfr anil Water Analysis. 3. Experimental Work at Willcox. 4. Pumping Water for Irrigation. o. The Artesian \\'ells of Colorado and their relation to Irrigation. The ileasurement anil Division of ^^'ater. Seepage or Return Waters from Irrigation. The Artesian Waters of South Dakota. Shallow Artesian Wells of South Dakota. 10. Irrigation in South Dakota. 11. Irrigation. 12. Irrigation of Garden Crops. 1.3. ^'alue of Rio ( Irande \^'ater for purpose of Irrigation. 14. Irrigation. Sub-Irrigation r. Surface Irrigation, and Water for Irrigation. Irrigation. Irrigation : Amount of Water to use, and relative Feed- ing Values of Timothy, Lucerne, and Wild Ha}'. Preliminary Report on Seepage Water and tlie Under- flow of Rivers. 19. Farm Irrigation and Orchard Irrigation. 20. Earthen Dams. 21. The Artesian Wells of South Wyoming. 22. Water Analysis. 6. 7. 8. 9. 15. 16. 17. 18. Cattle Feeding. 1886-96. 39 Pamphlets. 8vo. V^arious Places, A 38 R 36 1. Cattle Feeding. 2. Stcfck Feeding. 3. On the effect of feeding Fat to Cows. 4. Stock Feeding. 5. Field Experiments in Forage Plants, with Analyses o£ the Products. 6. Stock Feeding in Illinois. 7. Steer Feeding Experiments. 8. Corn Fodder as Food foi' Stock. 9. Distillery Slop. 10. Comparative Value of Cold and \A'arni Water for Stock, in Food consumed, and in the production of Milk, Butter, and Beef ; Fungi wliich kill Insects, especially as affecting Chinch Bugs and Locusts ; and Tubercu- losis or Consumption of Domestic Animals. 11. Digestion Experiments. 12. Fattening Steers and Lambs in Winter. in. Feeding, and Milk Testing Apparatus. 14. Feeding for Beef. 1."). Feeding Stuffs. 1(). (Iluten l''eeds. 17. Digestion Experiments. 18. Feeding E.\periments. 19. Digestion Experiments. 20. Feeding for Beef. 21. Experiments in Cattle Feeding. 22. Experiments in tlie Feeding of iSteors. 23. The Digestibility of Soiling Rye. 24. Rational Feeding. 25. Steer Feeding, and Composition and Valuation of Indiana Feeding Stuffs. 21). Stock Feeding. 27. Soiling and Soiling Crops, and Feeding Ex))erimcnt3 with Soiling Crojis. 28. Corn Fodder. 29. Steer Feeding. 30. Effects of Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed Meal on liutler, Beef, Tallow, Lard, and Sheep Suet. 31. Soiling Steers, or (ireen v. Dry Food. .32. The Digestibilit}- of (Jrcen and Dry 'J'imothy. 33. Feeding Root Crops ii. l>i'y I'^iod. 34. Feeding Ensilage r. Dry Fciod. 3">. Steer Feeding. 30. Dairy Herd Record for 1S91 9o, Winter Feeding Ex- periments with Dairy Cows, and some Snggostious ini the Building and Equipment of Factories, Supplementary Catalorj lie — 1890-1900. AGRICITLTUEAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— coufe?. Cattle Feeding — contd. 3". The Feeding of Farm Animals. 38. Steor Feeding and Meteorologieal Record. 39. Steer and Pig Feeding. Chee.scmakint;. 17 Pamphlets. 8vo. 1891-96. Variims Places, A 38 Q 9 1. C'lieese and Buttor Dairying. 2. Clicese and its Manufaotui'e. 3. Investigation of C'lieese. 4-6. Experiments in the Manufaeture of C'lieese. 7. Summary of Results of Kxperimcnts made in t!ie Manu- facture of Cheese during 1802. 8, 0. Kxperimcnts in the Manufacture of Cheese. 10-14. Investigation relating to the Manufacture of Cheese. 15. Some reasons why there should be a legal standard for Cheese in New York State. 16. Results of Investigations relating to the Manufacture of Cheese during 1 894. 17. Experiments in Cheesemaking. Corn. 30 Pamphlets. Various Places, 1889-97. A 38 Q 13 1. Corn, Cotton, Rye, Chufas. 2. Corn, Wheat, and Oats. .S, 4. Experiments with Corn. 5. Fertilizer Experiments with Corn. 6. Field Tests upon Indian Corn. 7. Fertilizer Experiments on Corn, Culture Experiments on Corn, and Variety Tests of Corn. 8. Field Experiments with Corn, 1892. 9-11. Corn Experiments, 1894-96. 12. Experiments with Corn, and Experiments with Kaffir Corn. 13-16. Experiments with Corn. 17. f-irain and Forage Crops. 18. Corn. 19. Detasseling Corn. 20. Experiments w-ith Corn, Experiments with Oats, and Actinomycosis or " Big Jaw " of Cattle. 21. Experiments with Corn. 22. Silos and Silage. 23. Indian Corn or Maize as a Fodder Plant, and Report on the Chemical Composition of certain varieties of Indian Corn. 24. Indian Corn as a Grain and Forage Crop. 2.5. Experiments with Corn. 26. Field Experiments with Corn and Oats. 27. Kaffir Corn. 28. Co-operative Corn Tests. 29. 30. Tests of Fertilizers on Corn. Cotton and Flax. 1893-97. 23 Pamphlets. 8\ Vol. 1. Various Places, A 38 Ci 11, 12 1. Experiments with Foreign Cottcm. 2. Experiments with Cotton. 3. Co-operative Fertilizer Experiments with Cotton in 1896. 4. Flax. 5. Varieties of Cotton. 6. Flax. 7. Fertilizer Experiments with Cotton. S. The Cotton Crop of 1895. Vol. 2. 1. Corn and Cotton. 2. Cost of Cotton Production, and Profits per acre. 3. Cotton. 4. Cotton Experiments. 5. Experiments in crossing for tlie purpose of improving tlie Cotton Fiber. 6. 7. Expei-iments with Cotton. 8. Experiments with Jlanures and Rotation for improvir.g worn Cotton Soils. 9. Fertilizer Experiments on Cotton, Culture Experiments on Cotton, Variety Tests of Cotton. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS-coniif/. Cotton and Flax — con'd. 10. h'crtilizer Experiments, Culture Experiments, and Variety Tests in Cotton, Sweet Potatoes, FieUi Peas, (iarden Vegetables, &e. 11. Fertilizers for Cotton. 12. Fertilizers retpiired by Cotton as determined liy the analyses of the plant. 13. Hybrids fr(nn American and Foreign Cottons. U. (Jotlcjii Boll-rot. 15. Variety, Fertilizer and Culture Experiments on Cotton, Cotton Crosses and Hybrids. DairyiuL'. 37 Pamphlets. 8\o. Various Place.s, 1888- 9G. A 38 Q 18 1. Effects on Butter by feeding Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed Meal. 2. A new Milk or Water Sterilizer. 3. The Bal!<;ock Method of determining Fat in Milk and Milk Products. 4. The Balicock Test as a basis for payment in Cream- gathering Creameries. 5. Test of Cream Separators. 6. Whey Butter. 7. Test "of Cream Separators. 8. Creamery Studies of Methods and Machinery. 9. Hand-power Cream Separators. 10. Some new points in the manipulation of the Balicock Milk Test. 1 1. An Acid Test of Cream. 12. Dehorning Experiment, Cream raising by cold deep setting. Experiments in Cheesemaking, Incorporating Cream into Cheese, &e., and the Babcock Test and Churn. 13. Organizing Co-operative Creameries. 14. Method for the determination of Fat in Milk and Cream. 15. Coniparati\e Profits derived from selling Milk, Butter, Cream, and Cheese. 16. Dairying. 17. 18. 'i'ests of Daily Apparatus. 19. Tests of Cream Separators. 20. Directions for using the Babcock Alilk Test. 21. Dairy Experiments. 22. Does it pay to shelter Jlilch Cows in Winter ? and upon Skim Milk as a Food for Calves. 23. MiUc Tests and Comparison Tables. 24. Building Creameries and Organizations of Comparative Creamery Companies. 25. Creameries in Texas. 26. Milk Fermentations and their relations to Dairying. 27. Creaming Exijeriments. 28. Testing Milk at Creameries. 29. A new Milk Test, and Testing Milk at Creameries and Cheese Factories. 30. Test of Dairy Cows. 31. Test of Dairy Apparatus. 32. The Babcock Milk Test. 33. New Method for determining Fat in Milk. 34. The Constitution of Milk, and some of the conditions which affect the separation of Cream. 35. New Method for the estimation of Fat in Milk, especi- ally adapted to Creameries and Cheese Factories. 36. Notes on use of the Babcock Test and the Lactometer. 37. Directions for using the Babcock ililk Test and the Lactometer. Feeding Experiments \vith Horses, Pigs, and Sheep. 29 Pamphlets. 8vo. Various Places, 1889-96. A 38 Q 8 1. Mixed Foods in cases of faulty appetite in Horses and r.eat Stock, and Sore Shoulders in Horses. 2. Narrow v. Wide Nutritive Ration.s for Horses. 3. Relative Value of Corn and Oats for Horses. 4. Pork Production on Crops gathered hy Hogs, and a suc- cession of Crops for Hogs. 5. Feeding Pigs. 6. Pig Feeding Experiments with Corn, Kaffir Corn, and Cotton Seed. TnUlG Llhriiry of New South Wales. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— fo»fd Feeding Experiments, etc. — coiitd. 7- Kaffir Corn, Corn and Soy Bean-meal for Pigs, ami Kaffir Corn and Corn-meal for Cattle. Experiments in Pig Feeding. Comparison of Corn and Barley, Corn and fSliort?, Barley and Shorts, &c. Swine Feeding for Prolit, S«ine Breeiling, Sugar Beets. Hog Raising. Pig Feeding pjxperinients without Milk. Continuation of Experin.ients in Pig Feeding. E.xperiments in the Fattening of Swine. Ert'ect of Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed ileal in Feeding Hogs. Grass v. non-Grass-fcd Pigs, E.xcrcise v. non-Exercise of Pigs, and Value of Natural Waters for Crop Growth. The Value of (irass in the Production of Poi'k, and Exercise v. nou-Exercise of Pigs. Relative Value of Wheat, Peas, Corn, and Barley in the Production of Pork. The Economic Production of Pork. Pig Feeding. Feeding Wheat to Hogs. Preliminary Report of a Feeding Test v, ith Swine. The Feeding Value of Whey. Feeding Bone-meal and Hardwood Ashes to Hogs li\ ing on Corn. Sheep Feeding in Colorado. Early Lamb Raising. Lambs, &e. Feeding Grain to Lambs. Graiji Feeding Lambs for JIarket. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. IS. 1!). 20. 21. 22. 24. 20. 27. 28. 29. Forestry. 9-3. Pamphlets. 8vo. Variou.s Places, 1SS9- A .38 R 30 1. The Eorest Tree Plantation. 2. Russian Willows and Poplars. 3. Ornamental and Tinilier U'roes, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants in Minnesota. 4. Second Report upon the Native Trees and Shrubs of Nebraska. "i. Arbor Day. 0. Forest Fires, and Experiences with Evergreens in Penn- sylvania. 7. Forestry. Fruit-growing. 45 Painj)hlet.«. Svo. "\';ui(ius Places, 1888-97. A 38 R 35 \. Investigation of California Oranges and Lemons. 2. Sulphuring in Fruit-drying, Fig Trees at tlio Experi- ment Stations, and Notes on the Persian Palm. 3. Bleaching of Nuts by l^ipping. 4. Causes of " Frogging" and " Bloating " of Prunes. ."). Garden Vegetables, Fruits, and Bull> Culture. (). Hints on the Planting of Orchards. 7. The Native Uwarf {,'herrics. 5. The Cultivation of Orchards. 9. Impressions of Peach Industry in Western New York. 10. The Quince in Western New- York. 1 1. Recent Apple Failures in VYestern New York. 12. Winter Musk-melons. 13. General Observations respecting the caro of Fruit Trees, with some Reflections upon Weeds. 14. Soil Depletion in respect to the care of Pruit Trees. l.">. Rcviseil Opinions of the Jajiauesc Plums. lO. Fruit Culiurc. 17. Varieties of Apples. 15. Experiments v/itli new Orchard Fruits, Trees and Shrubs. 10. Small Pruith by Irrigation. 20. Fruit-growing in Kentucky, and Notes upon Vegetables. 21. Horticulture and ICntomolugy. 22. Ap])lc-growiiig in New Jersev. 23. l''ruit I'rees, Forest and felii Tiecs, Vegetables. 21. Methods adopted for the systematic Testing of New Fruits, iVc. 2."i. I'laiiting and earing for young trees in an Apjile Orchard. iliado Trees, Nut-bearing AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS -^rox^f?. Fruit-growing — contd. 26. Comparative Tests of Small Fruits and Vegetables, &c. 27. Fruits and Vegetables. 28. Chei'rios. 29. Culture of the Chesnut for Fruit, and Analysis of several varieties of Chesnuts. 30. Notes on new and old varieties of Orchard Fruits and Small Fruits. 31. Horticultural Informatiim. 32. Some special Orchard Treatment of the Apple, Pear, and Quince. 33. Catalogue t f Fruits, &e. 34. Apple Culture. 3,). llie Loganl)erry. .36. Work in Horticulture. 37. Notes on Forest and Fnut Trees. 38. Fruits, anil Forest, Shade, and Ornamental Trees. 39. Fruits and Fruit Trees, Ornamental, Forest, and Shade Trees. 40. Experiments with Vegetables and Fniits. 41. The Pollination of Plums. 42. Experiment Orchard and Small Fruits. 43. The Utilization of Cnmerchantaljle Apples. 44. Peaches and Plums. 4-5. Apples, Peai's, Peaches, and Plums. Grasses, Feeding Stuffs, and Forage Plants. 27 Pamph- lets. Svo. Various Places, 1888-97. A 38 (^ 10 1 . Grasses and Clovers. 2. (irain and Forage Crops. 3. Forage Plants. 4. Analyses of Cattle Foods. 5. Analyses of Food Stufl's, Meteorology, Destructive Leaf- hopper. C. Analyses of Feeding Stuffs. 7. Composition and Digestibility of Corn Ensilage, Cow Pea Ensilage, Snja Bean Ensilage, and Corn Fodder. 8. Grasses and Forage plants. 0. Chemical Composition of some Feeding Stuffs. 10. Cereals, Forage Plants, Grasses, Clovers, Textile Plants, and Sorghums, (irasses : their Uses and Composition. Forage Plants and Pig Feeding, (irasses and Legumes. Studies on American Grasses. Grasses and Forage Plants of the Dakotas. Report upon the Grasses and Forage Plants of the Rocky Mountain Region. Notes on (irasses and Forage Plants of the South-ea.stern States. 18. New North American Grasses. 10. (!ras.ses. 20. Canadian Field Peas, Grass Gardens, and (irasses of Salt Marshes. 21. Hungarian Brome (irass. 22. Grasses as Sand and Soil Binders. 23. The Flat Pea. 24. Grazing Values of Varieties of (irass, ami Drilling v. Broadcasting CJi-ass Seed. 2.5. Saltbuslies. 26. (Jiant Knotweed, or Sachaline. 27. (iluten Feeds and Meals. Injurious Insects, Fungi in Agricullui-o and Fruitgrow- ing, Spraying, ifec. 198 Pamphlets. 7 vols. Svo. Various Places, 1888-07. A 38 Q 1-7 Vol. 1. 1. Injurious and Beneficial Insects. 2. Paris (Jreen. 3. The San Josf Scale, ami some other Pests. 4. Insects and Inseuticidcs. i"i. insects. fi. Remedies for Insects and l'"ungi. 7. Sonu! Enemies of Truck and liardcn Crops. 5. Our t'omuion Insects. 11. 12. 1.3. 14. 1."). 10. 17. Stqiplemeu tary Catalog ue — ISOO- 1 900. 9 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS- ww^t^. Iv J HIT uua Insects, &c. — contil. 9. The Chesiuit and its Weevil, and Nnt Culture for Xmtli Carolina.. 10. A few Common Insect Pests. 11. On ecrtain (irain-eating Insects. 12. The Cabbage Root Maggot, with Notes on tlie (Jnion Maggot and allied Inseets. 13. Blaekdinot of Vlums and Cherries, and Metliods of Treatment. 14. I'hnn ISeale in We.stern Xew VoiU. l."i. The Cigar-case liorer in Western New York. 1(). Studies in Artitieial Cultures of Untomogeiunis Fungi. 17. Notions about the Spraying of Trees, with Remarks ou the Canker Worm. l.S. Climbing Cut Worms, li). Fungous Diseases, Insect Pests, and Fungicides and Insecticides. 20. Potato Scab and Injurious Insects. 21. Insects injurious to Stored (Jrain. 22. Kntomology, additional Ash .'i.nalysis of Native \Voods and Manures for Cow Pea as a Fertilizing Crop. 2.3. Entomology. 24. The Codlin" Moth. 23. The Onion Fly. 26. Surface Caterpillars. Viil. 2. 1, Tiie C lineh Bug in Illinois, Alkaline 'Tablets for testing the Acidity of Cream, and Certified Tests of Dairy Cows. 2. Experiments with the Mnscardine Disease of the t^hinch Bug, &o. ?. Insect Injuries to the Seed and Root of Indian Corn. 4. Broom-corn Smut. 5. The San Jose Scale in Illinois, (i. Corn Smut. 7. Some Common Pests of the Farm and (iarden. 8. The Pests of Shade and Oi-nameiital Trees, and an E.x- periment on Plum Rot. 9. Destructive Locusts in Kentucky, and the Bud Worm of Tobacco. 10. Injurious Insects of Maryland. 11. Horticulture and Entomology. 12. The Rock}' Moxmtain Locust in Ottertail Country. 13. Migratory Locusts in Minnesota. 14. The Classification of Insects and tlicir relation to Agri- culture. 15. Cotton Leaf Worm. 16. Insects injurious to Stored Grain. 17. Insecticides and tlicir application. 18. The n(jrn Fly. 19. Kerosene Attachment for Knapsack Pumps. 20. Insects injurious to Corn. 1. The Woolly Aphis of the Apple. 2. An important Elm Insect. 3. The San Jose Scale. 4. The Pear Midge. 5. Some Insects injurious to Shade Trees. 6. 'The Hessian Fly. 7. " Ranpenleim '' and " Dendrolene. " 8. The Pernicious, or San Jose Scale. 9. I'he Harlequin Cabbage Bug and the Melon Plant Louse. 10. Preliminary Account of some Insects injurious to Plants. 1 1. Nc^tices of importance concerning Fruit Insects. 12. Scale Insects in New Mexico. 13. Insecticides and their ajipliances. 14. The Army Worm, the San .Jose Scale, the Cochineal In- sect, the Cottony Scale of the Osage Orange, and mis- cellaneous Insects. 15. Spraj'ing Pear and Apple Orchards. 16. Treatment' of Connuon Diseases aiul Insects injurious to Fruits and Vegetables. 17- Tlie San Jose, or Pernicious Scale. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS -cou/'i. Injurious Insects, ikc. — contd. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2(). o- 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1.3. 14. 13. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23! 24. 26. 27. Forcing Lettuce in pots, and Musiirooms as a (Green- house crop. Pliim-Icaf Spot, and Cherry-leaf Spot and Fruit Rot. The Spinach-leaf Maggot or Miner. Cond)ating Carnation Rust. Potato Diseases on Long Island. Notes on the Invasion of the Army Worm. The Cucumber Flea, and Beetles ai the cause of " pimply " Potatoes. Twenty-two Common In.sects of Nebraska. Insects injurious to young trees on Tree Claims. Chinch Bugs. Vol. k Spraying to prevent Insect iiijnry. Bark Lice of the Ajjple anil Pear, the Butl'alo Treehojjper, Insects affecting Corn, the Ox Warble Fly or Bot Fly, Fung- ous Diseases of Plants and Remedies, Directions for Collecting, Preserving, and Studj-ing Plants. Plum Curculio Experiments, Remedies for striped Cu- cumber Beetle, the Rhubarb Curcidio, the Clover Stem-borer, anil Potato Blight Experiments. .Miscellaneotts Experiments in the control of injui ions Insects, some common Cabbage Insects, and three im- portant Clover Insects. The Wheat Midge. The Hessian Fly. In.vccts v.'hich burrow in the stem of AVhcal. Preparatory stages of tlic 20.spotted Ladyliird, Studies in Pond Life, and a partial l)ibliograpli\- of Insects afTecting Clover. Entoiuological and Botanical Papers. Insects aftbctiug the Blackberry and Raspberry. Undergi-ound Insect Destroyers of the Wheat plant. Miscellaneous Entomological Papers. The San Josi? Scale. The (irapo Root Worm. The Smut of Oats and its prevention. Vol. 5. Experiments with Codling Moth and with a combined Fungicide and Insecticide, and the Hop Louse. Entomology. Codling Moth anil Hop Louse, (iophers, and Moles. Entomological Notes. Recomtneudatious for the prevention of damage liy some common Insects of the Farm, the Orchard, and the Carden. The Horn Fly. Information on Spraying Fruits. 15ntoniological Experiments. The Disease affecting the Orange Orcliards of Wide Bay and the Insect pests prevalent therein. The Bordeaux Mixture. Some Injurious Insects of the Apple. The larger Corn-stalk borer. Spraying. Co-operation in the study of Insects. Insecticides, Seed Tests," and Miscellaneous Analyses. Questions concerning Injurious Insects. Household Pests. Potato Blights and Fungicides. Injurious Insects and Diseases, with remedial measures for the same. Defects in \\'ooil caused by Insects. Black holes iu \Vood. Why, when, what, and how to Spray. Practical Entomology. Wire Worms. Two Injurious Insects (the Pea Weevil and the Cottony Maple Scale). Insect Pests of the (4arden, Farm, and Orcliard. Insects and Diseases injurious to Cranberries. 10 Tnhlic Lihrary of New South Wales. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS- Injurious Insects, ic. — contd. Vol. 6. -contd. 1. Smut ill Outs, Insecticides. 2. Instructions iu Spraying. 3. Ripe Rot, or Bitter Rot of Applej. 4. Some (irape Troubles of Western Xeiv York. 5. Peacli Yellows. 6. Smuts of Wheat, Oats, ami Barley. 7. Wheat Rust. 8. Treatment of Apple Scab, (irape anil Cooseborry Mildew. 9. Spotting of Peaches and Cucumbers. 10. Common Fimgous Diseases, and Methods of Prevention. 11. Spraying for the Prevention of Fungous Diseases, In- jurious Insects, Potato Blights, and Black Knot of the Plum and Cherry. 12. More about the San Jose Scale, Sweet Potato Pe.?t, Regarding Carbon Bisulfid, Insecticides, and Pumps in general. 1.". Leaf Curl and Plum Pockets. 14. Spraj'ing of Orchards. 15. Observations on the application of Fungicides and In- secticides. 16. Some Bean Diseases. 17. Experiments in Preventing Pear .Scab in 1S9.3. 18. Preventing Leaf Blight of Plum and Cherry Nursery Stock. 19. Downy Mildew of the Cucumber, and its Treatment. 20. Spraj'ing Mixtures and their application. 21. Preventive Treatment of Raspberry Anthracnose. 22. Results with Oat Smut in 1897. 23. Experiments and Observations on some Diseases of Plants. 24. Some of the most common Fungi and Insects, with Preventives. ^1. Jvew Studies upon the Smut of Wheat, Oats, and Barley. 26. Club-root of Cabbage and its allies. 27. Some Fungous Diseases of Beets. 28. The San Jose Scale, and how it ma}' be controlled 29. Asparagus Rust. 30. Cotton-root Rot. 31. Bordeaux Mixture for Apple Pests. 32. Broom-rape of Hemp and Tobacco. 33. Alfalfa-root Rot. 34. Prevention of Apple Scab, 3"'. Preventive Treatment foi' Apple Scab, Downy Mildew and Brown Rot of the (irape. Potato Blight, ariIi-iii('iiloi'!i C(ihilnfine—180G-1900. 11 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— cow/(?. Manures, &c. — contd. 22-24. Meteorological Summary. 25. Fertilizers, Improvement of Timothy, Rape in Miimc- sota, I'eas ami Oats, and FicM I'caa. 20. Cliemical Development and \'alue of Rod Clover ; the Russian Thistle. 27. Crimson or Scarlet Clover. 28. Analyses of Fertilizing Materials and Home Mixtures. 29. Analyses and Valuation of complete Fertilizers, Ground Bone, &c. 30. Analyses of Fertilizer Supplies and Homo Mixtures. 31. Suggestions in reference to Systeraatio Method of Manuring. 32. Analyses of Fertilizer Supplies and Himie Mixtures, &e. Vol. ;!. 15. Xcw York State Fertilizer Control and Fertilizer Analj'ses. (). Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. 7. (Jenural Principles relating to the composition and use of Fertilizers. 8-12. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. 13. Composition and use of Fertilizers. 14. Report of Analyses of Conunereial Fertilizers. 15. Provisions of the new Fertilizer la« of New York. 10. Report of Analj-sos of Commercial Fertilizers. 17- The real value of "Natural Plant Fooil." Vol. 4. 1. Composition and use of Fertilizers. 2. Field Experiments with Phosphates. 3. Commercial Fertilizers. 4. Soils and Fertilizers. 5. Fertilizers, &c. 0. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. 7. Fertilizer Analyses. S. New Fertilizer Law for Rhode Island, &e. 9-11. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. 12. Sea-weeds. 13, 14. Fertilizers. 15. Fertilizers, Oats, and Potato Scab. 10. Fertilizers. 1 7- Anal^'scs of Commercial Fertilizers. l.S. Analyses of Fertilizers, and Home mixed Fei )9. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. 20. Fertilizers and Potato Scab. 21. Fertilizers. 22. Roots of Plants as Manures. 23. Barnyaid Manure. 24. Commercial Fertilizers. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— co?ililpls. 8 v.. Various PlacM, 1890- A 3S R 32 1. Analyses of dilfiTcnt Grades of Manufacturing Tobacco. 2. Pcrccntage.i of Nicotine in Tobacco. 3. Analy.sos of parl.s of Tobacco Plant at different stages of growth. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— co/iYt/. Tobacco — conld. 4. Culture of Tobacco. 5. Field Experiments with Fertilizers, Corn, Potatoes, Tobacco. 6-9. Tobacco. 10. Tobacco-curing by the Leaf, Cure on Wire, and the Stalk Processes. 11, 12. Tobacco Experiments. 13. Tobacco Plant. Vegetables. 1889-97. 30 Pamplilet,«;. 8vo. A' irious Places, A 38 Q U 1. Watermelons and Cantaloupes. 2. Vegetables. 3. 4. Vegetable Gardening. 5. Horticultural Tests and Results with Garden Vege- tables, Fruits and Bulb Culture. 6. Growing Celery in the South, Cultivation of Onions, and Notes on Horticultural ^^'ol'k. 7. Notes on Varieties of Beans. 8. Experiments with Tomatoes. 9. Farm Notes, and Notes on Tomatoes. 10. Some recent Chinese Vegetables. 1 1 . The Dwarf Lima Beans. 12. Transplanting Onions. 13. Horticulture and Forestry. 14. Squashes. lo. The Tomato and some of its Diseases. 16. Vegetables grown for Exhiliition. 17. Asparagus, and Transplanting Onions. 18. Notes on Vegetables, Fruits, Pruning, &c. 19. Experiments with Vegetables. 20. Tests of Varieties of Vegetables. 21. Spinach. 22. Celery. 23. Drainage Experiments, Irish Potatoes, t!abbage, and Strawberries. 24. Field Experiments with Tomatoes and Onions. 2.5. Experiments with Vegetables. 2(i. Tomatoes. 27-29. Vegetables. 30. (iarden Peas. Weeds. 96. 20 Pamphlets. 8vo. Various Places, 1893- A 38 R 4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 11. 12. 13, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Colorado Weeds. Loco and Larkspur. The Russian Thistle. The Russian Thistle in Illinois. The Russian Thistle and some plants tliat arc mistaken for it. Wild or Prickly Lettuce. The Russian Thistle. 10. Kansas U'eods. The Russian Thistle or Russian Tumble Weed. Tlie Russian Thistle in Nebraska. 14. Nevada Weeds. Tlio Russian Thistle in Ohio, and Weeds in general. Canada Tliistlo, liuU Thistle, Sow Thistle, Chinese Thistle, and Russian Tliislle. Some I'lants injurious to Stock, Tiio Russian Thistle. Noximis Weeds. Squirrel-tail Grass. Wheat. 43 Pamjihlets. 8vo. Various Places, 1887-96. A 38 Q 15 1. Wheat. 2. Varieties of Wheat anil Grasses. 3. (Concerning Wheat ami its Mill Products. 4. Scmie Ex)>crimcuts in Wlieat Culture. 6. Rational Selection of Wheat for Seed, and Typlmid Fever. 0, 7. Exporiuieuls with Wheat and Oats. 8. Experiments with Wheat. Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1900. 13 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— co« of Clarence and Avondalc. Visit of the Detached Sijuadron, with their Royal Highnesses Prince Edward and Prince George of Wales, to Brisbane, 1881. [See Visit of the Detached Squadron.] MD 7 U 29 ALBERTI, Leon Battista. Delia Arcliilettura libri X, della Pittura libri III, e della Statua libro I, tradotti in lingua Italiana da Cosimo Bartoli. Scconda edizionc divisa in due tomi, da Giacomo Lconi. [With English Translation.] 2 vols, (in 1) fol. Land., 1 739. A 22 S 2 t ALBINI, F. de. Marie Antoinette and the Diamond Necklace from another point of view. Illustrated. tvo. Lond., 1900. B 2G 1{ 24 ATBRECHT, T. Bcnclit iiber den Stand der Erfor- scinirig der Breitenvariation, 1897-99. 4to. P.erliii, J 898-1 900. A17S2t8 ALBUM OF AUSTRALIAN WRITERS. Sm. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MA 45 P X ALBURY BAXXER and Wodonga Express, 1897-June, 1900. 7 vols. fol. Albury, 1897-1900. ME ALBURY DAILY A'£'ir,S'and Wodonga Chronicle, 1899. Fol. Albury, 1899. ME ALBURY HERALD, The, 1899. 2 vols. fol. Alburv, 1899. M'E ALCIATI, Andrea. De ISIagistratibus. (Scriptores His- toric Romanre.) " B 40 U 21 + ALCOTT, Louisa May. [Short Study of.] [See Higgin son, T. W. — Short Studies of American Authors.] J 1 R 30 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P. — Sketches from Concord.] D 16Q 3 ALCUIN {in full Flaccus Albinus Alcuinus). Alcuin and Rise of Christian Schools. [See West, A. F. ] G 1 8 Q 50 ALDEN, C. A. Street-raihvav Roadbed. [See Pratt, M. D.] ' A 38 V 23 ALDEN, Percy. American Settlements. (Reason, W. — University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 Settlements in relation to Local Administration. (Rea- son, W. — University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P33 ALDEN, Henry Mills. God in His World: an Interpre- tation. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 24 P 17 ALDERSON, Lieut.-Col. Edwin Alfred Hervey. Pink and Scarlet ; or. Hunting as a School for Soldiering. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 10 With the Mounted Infantry and the IMaslioiialand Field Force, 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 Q 18 ALDRICH, Thomas Bailey. Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Life and Exploits: being €a series of Translations of the Ethiopic Hi-stories of Alexander I)y the pseudo-Callisthenes and other Writers ; by Dr. E. A. Wallis Budge. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ■ B 27 V 20 Alexander the Great : the Merging of East and West in Universal History. [See Wheeler, B. I.] B27Q14 The Invasion of India. [See M'Crindle, J. W.] B 28 T 6 ALEXAN]:)ER, King of Macedon. Philip and Alexander of Macedon; by D. G. Hogartli. illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " C 2 4 tj 1 1 [Life of.] [See Zama, Dr. C] C 24 R 17 Supplementary Cata loffiie — 1806-1900. ]5 ALEXANDER T, Emperor of Kussia. [Portrait of.] {See Hillis, W. J.--M(.'triciil History of Napoleon Bona- parte.] n 1 T 15 [Portrait of.] [See Pa-;ct, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Paper...] ' C 21 U 4 ALEXANDER II, Emperor of RuK.sia. King Stork and King Log. \_See Kravcliinsky, S. M.] B 31 R 0, 7 ALEXANDER III, Emperor of Rus.sia. King Stork and King Log. \_See Kravchinsky, 8. M.] 1> 31 R G, 7 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Per.son.^.] C 19 Q 'li ALEXANDER, \. Pliy.sical Training at Home; with an Introduction l)y Rear-Adm. Lord Charles Eere.sford. Illustrated. 12uio. Lond., 1898. G 18 Q 48 ALEXANDER, Mrs. Annie. [See Hector, Mr.s. Annie Alexander.] ALEXANDER, Cecil Francis. Poems. 8vo. Lend., 189G. HllQl ALEXANDER, Major-Oen. G. G. Lao-Tsze the Great Thinker. [See Lao-Tsze.] G 1 U 32 ALEXANDER, George. [Art of Acting.] [See Hain- merton, J. A — The Actor's Art.l H 1 S 31 ALEXANDER, Prof. Gn.'ss. History of the Meth.dist Episcopal Church, Soutli. 8vo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 18 ALEXANDER, Rev. Sidney Arthur. Christianity of St. Paul. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 P 27 ALEXANDER, Lieut.-Col. W. Gordon-. Rccollcctious of a Highland Subaltern during the Campaigns of the 93rd Highlanders in India in 1857-59. Illustrated. " " 13 39 S 15 8vo. Lond., 1898. I ALEXANDER JOSEPH OF BULGARIA, Prince. [Sketch of.] [-See Eminent Pers.ms.] C 19 Q 22 ALEXANDER IRELAND COLLECTION. Catalogue of the Alexander Ireland Collection in the Free Reference Library. [See Manchester Public Free Libraries.] Cat. Room ALEXANDRA, Princess of Wales. [Portrait of.] [See L;itimer, Elizabeth Worraeley. — England in the 19th Centui-y.] " B 16 S 13 ALEXANDRA FEODOROVNA, Empress. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — So\-ereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 ALFIERI, Vittorio. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hor- i-idge, F. — Live.s of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 ALFORD, Lieut. Stamford Lewis, and SWORD, Lieut. W'illi.uu Dennistoun. I^gyjitian Soudan: its Loss and Recovery, including a rapid Sketch of tin; History of the Soudan, Nairalive of the I)ongola E.xpedition, 189G, and a full Account of the Nile Expeditions, 1897-98. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S98. B .39 P IG ALFRED THE GREAT, King of England. Alfred the Great : containing Chapters on his Life and Times by F. Harrison and otliers. Edited, with Preface, bv A. Bowker. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 20 S 19 Life of King Alfred the Great ; bv A. G. Knight. Svo. Lond., 1S80. ' " C 22 P 22 Alfred in the Clu'oniclers. [See Conybeare, E.] B 41 Q 4 Consolations of Bocthius. [See Boethius, A. M. S.] J 9 U 15 King Alfred's Old English Version of Boethius De Colso- latione Philosophise. [See Boethiu.s, A. M. S.] J 23 S 20 ALI, Sved, Ameer. Short History of the Saracens : Ijeing a concise Account of the Rise and Decline of the Saracenic Power, and of the Economic, Social, and In- tellectual Development of the Arab Nation fi'om the earliest times to the Destruction of Bagdad and tlie Expulsion of the Moors from Spain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " B25P13 ALICE, Pi-incess. [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizalx'th W^ormeley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16S 13 "ALIEN.'' The Untold Half. 8vo. Lnd., 1883-90. B 26 P 12, 13 The A'eu' Nnvij List. \_See Xciv Xuvy List, T]te.~\ E ALLEN, Rev. Jose23h Henry. History of the Unitarians in the United States. Svo. Nev/ York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 17 ALLEN, Thomas Taylor. Autobiography of ]\Ime. Guyon. [See Guyon, Mme. Jeanne.] C 24 T 3, 4 ALLEN, Willi;«n .John. Apiiliances necessary in Fruit- packing Houses : Orange-grading, Raisin-dipping. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Buckscraper. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Des.sert and Raisin Grapes. (Agricult. Ga^., N.S.W., 1899.) '" ME 9 R Experiments in Spraying and Fumigating Trees for Scale. (Agricult. Gaz.^ N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Fruit-drying. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.M'., 1999.) 5IE 9 R Fruit-growing under Irrigation. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Fruit-gr.'iwing, Drying, and Pruning. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) " ME 9 R Marketing Citrus Fruits. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ' ME 9 R The Orange. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Oreh.ard-planting. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R The Pas«ion-fruit. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R c ALLEN, Williatu John— coji^^. Pruning, Budding, and Grafting. (.\gricult. ('az., N.S.W., 1897.)' ■ ME 9 R Red Scale. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 11 The Strawberry. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897-98.) ME 9 R The Sultana Grape. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R -, BLUNNO, Michele, FROGGATT, Walter Wil- son, and GUTHRIE, Frederick Bickeii. Insect and Fungus Diseases of Fruit-trees and their Remedies. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898-99.) ME 9 K ALLEN, W. O. B., and McCLURE, Edmund. 200 Ycar.s : History of the Society for Promoting Christian Know ledge, 1G98-1898. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 25 T 5 ALLEN S TWOPEXXY TRASH. Vol. 1, Nos. 2, 3, Nov., 18.58. Svo. Adelaide, 1858. MJ 3 T 1 1 ALLEYN, Edward. The Alleyn Papers : a Collection ..f o'.-iginal Documents illustratixe of the Life and Times of Edward Alleyn, [See Shakesi^earc Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 23 Memoirs of. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] li 3 U 7 ALLIES, Thomas V\'. The Monastic Life ; from the Fathers of tlie Desert to Charlemagne. 8\'o. Lond., 189G. G 15 S 32 ALLINGHAM, Dr. Herbert William. The Differential Diagnosis of Diseases of theAnusandRectum. ( Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sy.<;tem of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 ALLISON, AV. Breeding Racehorses by the Figure System. [See Lowe, C. B.] A 31 Q 17 ALLYN, Jack. Jonathan and his Continent. [See Blouct, P.] J 25 Q 38 ALMA-TADEMA, Linvrcnce. [See Tadema, L. A-.] ALMAXACII DE GOT HA .- Annuaire Gencalogique, Diplomatique et Statistique, 1871-1900. 30 vols. ISmo. Gotha, 1871-1900. E ALMANACH DE LA COOPEliATIOX FEAXCAISE, 1899. 12mo. Paris, 1899. E ALSTINE, Jeanette Van (Mr.s. R. K) Chai-lotte Cor- day. [See Corday d'Armans, Marie Anne Charlotte Av'.] C 23 P 14 ALTIIAUS, Dr. Julius. Infantile Paralysis and some allied Diseases of the Spinal Cord : their Diagnosis and Treatment. Svo. Lond., 1878. A 26 Q 43 ALV ARADO, Alonzo de. Explanation of the Voyage of ; by J. R, McClymont. (Roy. Soc, Tasmania, Papers and Proc, 1898.) ME 1 Q ALVIELLA, C(..mtc Eugfcne Goblet d'. LTdce de Dieu d'aprcs I'Anthropologie ct I'Histoire. Svo. Bruxelles, 1S92. G4T1G 18 I'uhlic Library of New South Wales, AL VOR D, Henrv Eli jah. Utilisation of bv-products of the Dairy. (AgVicult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Dairy Herd. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult.] ■ A -n U 2 AMAGAT, E. H. Laws of Gases. [_See Boylo, H.] A 25 T 1 2 AMALGAMATED SOCIETY of ENGINEERS. Rules. Re^ed at Nottingham, May 25th, 1885. 18mo. Loud., 1890. F 12 S 17 AMALIE, Queen of Portugal. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S2i AMATEUR MECIIAXICS: an Illustrated Montlily Magazine, conducted l)y P. N. Hasluck. Vols. 1, 2, 1883-84. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1883-81. A 34 V 1, 2 AM ATI, M. The Song of Young Australia. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P G t AMBROSE, St. St. Ambrose and the Music of the Eai-ly Church. '[See Butterwortli, H. — The Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 St. Ambrose. \_See Broglie, Due de.] G 25 P 14 St. Ambrose : his Life, Times, and Teaching. ^Sec Thornton, Rev. R.] G 26 P 22 AMEER ALI, Syed. [&« AH, Syed, Ameer.] AMERICA AND EUROPE : a Study of International Relations. 8vo. Nev»- York, 189G. (Questions of the Day.) F 2 V 30 I. The United States and Great Britain; by David A. WlIIs. ■J. The Monioe Doctrine ; by Edward J. Plielps. ',i. Arbitration in International Disputes ; by Carl Scliurz. "AMERICAN, An." History of South America, from its iJiscovery to the Present Time, compiled from the Works of the best Authors, and from authentic docu- ments, many hitherto unpublished, in various Archives and public and private Liljraries in America and Spain. Translated by A. 1 >. Jones. With Jlaps. 8vo. Loud., 1899. ' B 20 S 15 AJIEIMCAN ACADliMY GF POLITICAL AND SO- CIAL SCIENCE. Annals. Vols. 1-10, July, 1890- Dec, 1897. 10 vols. 8vo. Pliilad., 1890-97. E Publications. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1899. F 16 R 33 Oiitlnies of 8oeiolof;v; l)v Prof. L. Gumplowicz. Trans- lated by Prof. F." W.'JIoorc. AMERKJAX AGRICULTURIST, Th<: Vols. 35-65, lM7r,-Jun.>, 1900. 31 vols. 4to. New York, 1876- 1900. ]•: AMERICAN ANTllROI'OIOaiST, Th-.. \See Anthro- pological Society of Washington.] AMEfiKJAX AXT/(JUARIAX and Oriental Journal. Vols. 1-21, Aj.ril, 1S78-99. 21 \„U. roy. Bv.,. Chicago, 1878-99. ]■: AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Account of. 8vo. Worcester, 1876. MJ 3 R 28 AMERIC AX ARCHITECT AND BUILD I XG XEWS, The. Vols. 1-62, 1876-98. 62 vols. sm. fol. Boston, 1876-98. E AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. Proceedings, 1848-98. 47 vols. 8vo. Salem, 1849-98. E AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF THE RED CROSS. History of the Red Cross : the Treaty of Geneva and its adoption by the United States. Imp. 8\'o. Wash. 1883. ' F11V32 AMERICAX CATALOGUE, 1884-99. 6 vols. 4co. and ' roy. 8vo. New York, 1891-1900. Cat. Room AMERICAX CHEMICAL JOURXAL, The. Vols. 17-23, 1895-1900. 7 vols. 8vo. Easton, Pa., 1895-1900. E AMERICAN CHURCH HISTORY SERIES. Baptist Churches in the United States. [See Newman, Rev. A. H.] G 12 V 9 Bibliography of American Cliurch Historv. [See Jack.son, Rev. S. M.] ' (i 12 V 19 Congregational Churches in the United States. [See Walker, Prof. W.] G 12 V 12 Cumberland Presbyterian Chuich in tlie United States. [See Foster, Prof. R. V.] G 12 V 18 Disciples of Clirist. [.S'ee Tyler, Rev. B. B.] (4 12 V 19 Evangelical Association. [See Sprcng, Rev. S. P.]G 12 V 19 K.vangelieal Lutheran Church in the United States. [See Jacobs, Prof. H. K.J G II V U Methodist Church, .Soutli, in the United States. [See Alexander, Prof. G.] (! 12 V 18 Methodists in the United Slates. [.S'ee Bucklev, J. M.] ' (i 12 V 12 Moi-avian Chunli in the United States. [See Hamilton, Prof. J. T.] G 12 V 10 Presbvterian Church, South, in tlie United States. [See Johnson, Prof. T. C] G 12 V 18 Presbyterian Churches in the United States. [See Tliomji- son. Rev. R. E.] G 12 V IS Protestant Episcopal Church in tlic United States. [See. Tiffany, Rev. C. C.J G 12 V 14 Reformed Church, Ditch, in llie United States. [See Corwin, Rev. P. T.J G 12 V 15 Reformed Church, German, in the United States. [See Dubbs, Rev. J. H.J G 12 V 1.5 Religious Forces of the United States. [.S'ee Carroll, H. K.J G 12 V S Roman Catholic Churcli in llu! United States. [Sec O'Gor- man, Piof. T.J G 12 \' H; Society of Friends. [.S'ee Thomas, Prof. A. C.J (! 12 \' I!) Unitarians in the United States. [.S'ec Allen, Rev. J. H.J G 12 V 17 United Brethren in Christ. [See Borger, Rev. D.JG 12 V 19 United Presbyterian Church in the United States. [See Seouller,"Rcv. J. B.J (! 12 V 18 Univcrsalists in the United States. [Sec Eddv, Rev. R.J G 12 V 17 Supplementary Catalofjue — 1896-1000. 19 AJIEUTCAN CITIZEN SERIES. Outline of Praotical Sociology. {See. ^\'^iglll, C. !>.] !'■ 17 Q 1 AMERICAN' COLONIAL TRACTS MOXTIILY. Vol. 1, May, 1897-April, 1898. 8vo. Kochester, 1897- 98. E AMERICAN DICTIONARY OE PRINTING AND UOOKMAKING: a History of these Arts iu Europe and America, with Detiuitions of Technical Terms and Biographical Sketches. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1894. A 12 T 20 f AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION. Publica- tions. Vols. 1-11. 11 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1886-9C. F4V 11-21 AMERICAN EPHEMERIS AND NAUTICAL AL- MANAC. [_See United States. — Bureau of Equiji- nient.] AMERICAN FORESTRY CONGRESS. Proceeding.s, 1888. 8vo. Wash., 1889. A 37 R 18 AMERICAN FREE TRADE LEAGUE. National Conference of Free Traders and Revenue Reformers, Chicago, 1885. 8vo. New York, 188.5. F 17 P 3 AMERICAN HISTORIC TOWNS. Historic Towns of the Middle Ages. {See Powell, L. P.] B 20 T 16 Historie Towns of New England. {See Powell, L. P.] B 2o R U AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL EN- GINEERS. Transactions. Vols. 12-lG, 189-5-1900. 5 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896-1900. E AMERICAN INSTITUTE of MINING ENGINEERS. Transactions. Vols. 1-28, 1871-98, and Index to vols. 1-15. 29 vols. 8vo. Philad. and New York, 1873-98. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. [See Archaeological Institute of America.] AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INSANITY, The. Vols. 50-56, July, 1893-Apri], 1900. 7 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1893-1900. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY, Th: Vols. 1-20, 1880-99. 20 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1880-99. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Th'. Vols. 1-9, Nov., 1887-July, 1898. 9 vols. 8vo. Balti- more, 1887-98. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, The. Vol. 1- 4th ser., vols. 8, 9, 1818-1900. 160 vols. 8vo. New Haven, Conn., 1818-1900. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY. Vols. 1-.5, July, 1895-May, 1900. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1895-1900. E AMERICAN LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. Religion of Israel to the Exile. {See Budde, Rev. K.] O 24 S 14 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Hand-book, Jan., 1897. 32mo. (n.p.) 1897. Cat. Room fjist of Subject-headings for use in Dictionary Catalogs. 2iul cd., revised with an Appendix containing Hints on Subject-cataloging and Schemes for Sub-heads under Countries and other Subjects. 8vo. Boston, 1898. Cat. Room AMERICAN MEN OF ENERGY. Benjamin Franklin : by K. Robins. {Set Franklin, B.] (J 22 G P AMERICAN MEN OF LETTERS. Bayard Taylor ; by A. H. Smith. {See Taylor, B. ] C 1 1 \' I !) Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters ; by J. B. McMas- ter. {See Franklin, B.] C 27 P 3 Edgar Allan Poe ; by G. E. Woodberry. {See Poe, E. A.] C27P5 (iaorge Ripley ; by 0. B. FrothingUam. {See Ripley, O.] C 27 P G Henry David Thoreau ; by F. B. Sanborn. {See Thoreau, H. D.] C 27 P 8 James Fenimore Cooper ; by T. R. Loun.sbnrv. {See Cooper, J. F.] "C 27 P 1 Margaret Fuller Ossoli ; by T. W. Higginson. {See Ossoll, Sarah Margaret Fuller, Marchesa d'.] C 19 T 2.3 Nathaniel Parker Willis; by H. A. Beers. {See Willis, N. P.] C 27 P 9 Noah Webster ; by H. E. Scudder. {See Webster, N.] C 27 P 10 Ralpli Waldo Emerson ; ly A. W. Holmes. {See Emerson, R. W.] C27P2 Washington Irving ; bv C. D. Warner. {See Irving, W.] C 27 P 4 William CuUen Bryant ; liy J. Bigelow. {See Bryant, W. C] C27Pn William Gilniore Simras : by W. P. Trent. {See Simnis, W. C] C27P7 A2IERICAN NATURALIST, The : an Illu.strated Maga- zine of Natural History. Vols. 1-3.3, March, 1867- 99. 33 vols. 8vo. Various Places, 1867-99. E AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceed- ings. Vols. 1-10, 1838-68. 10 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1838-09. [Vols. 4, 9 incomplete.] A 36 V 3-12 AMERICAN SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Journal of Social Science, Nos. 1-34, 1869-96. 34 vols. 8vo. New York, 1809-90. E AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. The general adoption of the 24 o'clock notation on the railways of America. 8vo. New Y^ork, 1892. A 23 T 39 Proceedings. Vols. 20-25, July, 1894-99. 6 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894-98. ' E Transactions. Vols. 29, 30, 32-34, July-Dec, 1893, Jidv, 1894-Dec., 1895. 5 vols. 8vo. New York, ^ 89'3-95. E 20 Ptib/lc Jj/b/'di'i/ of New Soidli Tf'ales. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGI- NEERS. Transactions. Vols. 1-18, 1880-97. 18 vols. 8vo. New York, 1880-97. E AMERICAN-SPANISH WAR, Th.e : a History bv the War Leaders. Illustrated. 8vo. Norwich, 1890. P. 1 V 21 AMERICAN STATESMEN. Charle? Fr.incis Adams. [See Adams, C. I'.] C 19 P 29 AMES, Fisher. ^Yorks of; with a Selection from his Speeches and Correspondence edited l.)y his son, C. Ames. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 18-5-!:. F3 T 1, 2 A^IES, Prof. J. 8. Prismatic and Dlffi-action Spectra. ISee Fraunhofer, J. von.] A it Q 20 AMHERST, The Hon. Alicia. History of Gardening in England. [With Bibliography]. R<">y. 8vo. Loud., 1895. " A 31 Q 15 AMICIS, Edmondo do. [5m De Amicis, E.] AMIEL, Henri FrcdJric. Sketch of. [See Renan, Ernest. —Poetry of the Celtic Races.] J 16 R 41 AM.MEN, Rear-Adiii. Daniel. The Atlantic Coast. [Sre Navy in tlie Civ il War.] B 23 Q 23 AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Rerum Gostarnm Lil>ri XVIII. (Scriptores Historiie Roniana'.) B 10 U 23 ; AMONG JIY BOOKS : Papers on Literary Subjects re- printed from Literature ; ^\■ith a Prcf'ax'e by H. D. TraiU. 8vo. Lend, (n.d.) J11Q35 AMOURS, F. J. Scottisli Alliterative Poems. Pt. 2. [See Scottish Text Soc. Pub.s., 38.] E AMYOT, Thoma-s. The Old Taming of the Shrew, upon which Shakesp(!aro founded liis Comedy, reprinted from the edition of 1594 and collated with the subse- quent editions of 159G and 1G07. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 30 ANACHARSIS. Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins illu.s- trative of the Travels of Anacharsis the younger in (ireece during the middle of the 1th Century l)efore the Cliristian era. 8vo. Dublin, 1795. I) 20 i; 13 ANCKY, C. I'''. On some new or hitherto little-known Ijind SlieJl.s fiom New Guinea or adjacent Islands. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ' ME 2 P Papuan Ivuid and Fresli water Shell.H, with Description.s of new species from New Guinea and Western Aus- tralia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.AV., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P ANCIENT AND MODERN FAMILIAR QUOTA- TIONS, from the Gi-eek, Latin, and Modern Langu- ages. Translated into English, and occasionally accompanied with Illustrations, Historical, Poeticnl, and Anesdot.il. 8vo. Pliilad., 1892. K 19 Q 20 ANCIENT HISTORY FROM THE MONUMENTS. Assyria. [See Smith, G.] B 27 P 9 Persia. [See Vaux, W. S. W.] B 27 P 10 Sinai. [Sc. Palmer, H. S.] B 27 P U '■'ANDAROS.'' British Dogs. [See Dalziel, H.] A 1 4 T 41* ANDECHS, 31. von. Konrad und Hanna. [See Gylleui- bourg, T. I J 1 V 4G ANDERS, Dr. James M. Typhoid Fever and Malarial Diseases. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) " A 31 P 17 ANDERSEN, C. H. Bilderbuch ohno Bilder ; with Ex- planatory Notes, itc, and a complete Vocabulary ar- ranged for the use of Schools, by Prof. A. Beck. 5th ed. 12mo. Loud, (n.d.) " J 12 P 33 ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. A Biography ; by R. Nisbct Bain. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 13 Eventyr og Historier. Illustrated. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Kjobenliavn, 18G2-G3. J 11 R 28, 29 ANDERSON, A. M. Administration. (Rose, W. K.— Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q IG Lii[uor Legislation. (Rose, W. K. — Historic Facts and Current>roble!ns.) F 8 Q IG ANDERSON, Andrew. The Game of Draughts simplified and illustrated witli practical diagrams. Gth cd., revised and extended by R. M'Ciilloch. 8vo. (xlasgow, 1894. A 40 Q 14 ANDERSON, E., and SPRY, F. P. "New Butterfly, Li/c(tina Ci/rUiK. (Vict. Nat., May, 1897.) iME G P ANDERSON, ]\rrs. Fr.ancis [Mrs. M. S. Wolsteidiolme.] "A Citizen who has no Vote." Woman Suffrage: a Refutation and an Ajipeal. 8vo. Sydney, 189G. MF5 Q 11 ANDERSON, Dr. Garictt. Pioneer Women Doctors. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Jieign.] C 23 Q 19 ANDF.RSON, George. Report on Puldic and other Elec- tric-lighting in Australia, Europe, and America. 8vo. Adelaide, 1894. MA 4 S U ANDERSON, Lieut. George L. Electricity and its Appli- ration in Ai'tiljory Practice. [See United States. — Adjutant-General's Ollice.] A 20 T 18 f Siq)}) lenient ary Ca ta log ue — 1806- 1 UOO. 21 ANDERSON, Henry Cliai-les Lennox. Agricultural Edu- cation ill New .South Wylcs. Mvo. Ailclaitlc, ISi);!. MA 3 S 50 Cat:il..guing. (Aust. Lib. Couf., Pi-oc.) MJ 2 P '^■l f LibtMiy Work in New South Wales. (Internat. Lib. Couf., Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. llooui Our C'rop.";, and how to increase them. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney (nd.) MA 3 V 1.5 Pota.sh IManures for Australia. Illustrated. 8\o. Sydney, 189.0. MA 3 V 1.5 State Subsidies and Private Benefactions to Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australa.sia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 Sulph.ite of Ammonia as a Manure : a few Facts from the Experience of Agriculturists, Practical and Scien- tific, in Great Britain, Eun)]ie, and New South ^yales. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 V 15 ANDERSON, J. Corbet. Old Testament and Monumental Coincidences, with an Historical Essay on Cluistianity and its Early Introduction into Britain. 12mo. Lond., 1895. U 19 P 10 ANDERSON, J. W. The Prospector's Hand-liook : a Guide for the Prospector ajid Traveller in search of Metal-bearin» or other valuable Minerals. 7th ed. Illustrated. "U^mo. Lond., 1897. A 24 P 19 ANDERSON, John. The ''Leakage" System. 12mo. Manchester, 18S8. " E 13 Y 23 ANDERSON, Mary. [See Navarro, ilme. de.] ANDERSON, Melville C. William Shakespeare. [See Hugo, V. M.] J 14 Q 42 ANDERSON, Neil. Manual of Swedish Gymnastics, Free-standing Movcme;its. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. MG 2 T 27 ANDERSON, Roljert. The Buddha of Christendom. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 25 Q 1 ANDERSON. W. Oarrick. Chemistry of Coke. [See Simmersljach, O.] A 24 P 28 ANDERSON, William. Purification of Water by Iron on a large scale. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 ANDERSON, William. Japane.se Wood Engravings. \_See Portfolio — Monographs, 17.] E ANDERSON, Dr. William. Tuberculous Disea.ses. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 ANDERSON, William J. Arcliitecture of the Renais- sance in Italy. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 25 U 34 ANDERSSON, Charles John. Notes of Travel in South Africa. Edited by L. Llovd. With Porti-ait. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D 13 Q 1 ANDERTON, Isabella M. Traditional Poetry of the Finns. [&*; Comparetti, D.] H 3 U 49 ANDES, Louis Edgar. Animal Fats and Oils ; their Practical Production, iPui-ification, and Uses for a great variety of purposes ; their Pi'operties, Falsifica- tion, and Examination. Translated by C. Salter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 45 U 9 Iron Corrosion : anti-fouling and anti-corrosi\c Paints. Translated bv C. Salter.' Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " A 45 U 18 Vegetable Fats and Oils : their Practical Preparation, Purification, and Employment for various purposes ; their Properties, AduHeration, and Examination. Tran.slated by C. Salter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 45 U 10 ANDRA, Di'. Carl Justus. Vorweltliche Pflanzen aus dein Steinkohlengel>irge der Preussischen Rhcinlande und Westp.ludens. 4to. Bonn, 18G5-G9. A 13 X 5 t ANDRE E, Salomon Auguste. Andiee and his Balloon [See Lachambre, H.]' D 13 P 4 Over Land and Sea ; or, Andree's Aerial Voyage to the North Pole; by A. 0. Macdonald. {See Roy. Geo- graph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.] ME 20 P ANDRES, Dr. Angelo. Le Attinie. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 9 t ANDREW, 11. M. B.-aiu VCaves. (Melb. Rev., 1.) ME 18 Q ANDREWES, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester. [Life of] ; by Robert L. Ottley. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 20 T 16 Lancelot Andrewes and his Devotions. \See Whyte, A.] Gl U 35 ANDREWS, C. F. The Relation of Christianity to tlie Confiict between Capital and Labour. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 10 V 27 ANDREWS, Charles. [Life of] Jenny Diver. [S^e Diver, Jenny.] ' C 24 Q 20 [Life of] Mary Frith, otherv.-ise known as Moll Cutpui-se. [See Frith, Mary.] C 24 Q 20 ANDREWS, Prof. Charles JIcLean. Historical Develop- ment of Slodern Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the Present Time. A'ols. 1,2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 189G-98. B IG V 26, 27 1. 1815-50. 2. lS.iO-97. The Old English Manor : a Study in English Economic Historv. [See Johns Hopkins University. — Studie.s in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 12 ANDREWS, Crampton. Where Cresses Grow. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 S 12 22 I*uMic Library of New South Wales. ANDREWS, E. A. Report upon the Annelida Polyclireta of Beaufort, North CaroHua. \_Sec United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 50 ANDREWS, Rev. Elislia Benjamin. History of the last Quarter-century in the United States, 1870-95. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 1 S 9, 10 An Honest Dollar. (AinericanEconomic Assoc.) F 4 V 1-1 Wealtii and -Moral Law. 8vo. Hartford,, 1894. F 8 Y 10 ANDREWS, Ernest Clavton. Report on the Hill£;rove Gold-fields. [.SVe N.SAV.— Geolog. Surv.] I\IA 3 V 4S ANDREWS, Ethan Allen. Latin Dictionary. {See Lewis, Dr. Charlton T.] J 9 Y L'9 ANDREWS, J. A. Hand-book of Anarchy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ' MF3P71 Poems of Freedom. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 Y 31 ANDREWS, M. P. Laws of the United States relating to Customs, togetlier v>-it]i portions of certain Connner- cial Treaties. [See United States. — Dept. of the Treasury.] F 18 R 5 ANDREWS, T. The Propagation of the Salmonida\ (Internat. Fisheries Exhih.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 11 ANDREWS, William. Bygone Church Life in Scotland. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G L'3 T 44 Bygone Hertford.shire. 8vo. Loud., 1898. B 25 R 17 Bygone Norfolk. 8yo. Lond., 1898. B 25 R 18 Bvgone Punishments. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 8 Q 9 Ecclesiastical Curiosities. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 T 46 ANDREWS, William. Legal Lore : Curiosities of Law and Lawyers. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 25 .-Vryan Series. Pt. 8. E ANECDOTA OXONIENSIA. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1897. 8. Tlio Mantrapatha ; or, the l'r.a3'er-boi)k of the Apastamljins. Pt. 1. Kditcd and translated liy M. \\ internitz. Medi.-cval and ^Modern series. Pt. 7. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 189.5. E 7. The C'rawfoi-d Collection of Karly Chartei'S and Doeumcnt.'i now in tlie Bodleian Lihrary. Edited by A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson. Semitic series. Yol. 1, pts. G, 9. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Oxford, 189.5-96. E ), i)t. 0. Mcdi.fval .Jewish Chronicles and Chronological Notes. Ks. jVIi-iiioii-cs. Toino l-9e soric tome 17, IBIG- 1900, ct Tuljle Alplia- hctiquo, 1-8 scrie. 1G7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817-1900. E Journal des Mines, puljlie par I'Agence des Mines de la llepubliciue. Tomes 1-38, et Tal)le Analytique, 1795- 1815. 39 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1795-1815. E Partic Administrative, on Recueil de Lois, Dcerets, Arretes et autres Actes conceriiant les Mines, les Carrieres, les Soui'ces d'Eaux Minorales, les Appareils a Vapeur et I'Exploitation des Chemins de fer. Tome 1, 5e serie-tome 8, 9e serie, 1852-99. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852-99. [Previous to 1852 the Partie Ad- ministrative will be found in vols, of the Annales.] E AXJALES; DES SCIEXCES XATURELLES. Tomes 1-5, 7-30. AVith Atlases. 31 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Paris, 1824-33. A 35 11 1-29, and W 1, 2 Revue Bihiiograpliiquc pour servir de Complement aux AnnaJes des ticiences NatnreUe% 1829-31. 8vo. Paris, 1829-31. A 35 R 30 ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HIS- TORY, The; including Zooloa;y, Botany, and Geology. Vol. l-7th ser. vol. 5, 18.38-99. 125 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838-1900. E ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or. Magazine of Chemis- try, Mineralogy, JNIeelianies, Natural History, Agri- culture, and tlie Arts. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 12, Jan., 1813- Dec, 182G. 28 vols. Svo. Lond., 1813-2G. A 35 U 1-28 ANNE, Empress of Russia. [Portrait of.] {_See Bain, R. N.— The Pupils of Peter the Great.] B 39 Q 3 ANNE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jev.'els.] C 23 S 7 ANNE BOLEYN, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] \_Sce Crov.'n Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANNE OF AUSTRIA, Queen of France. Regency of; by Martha \^'alker Freer. [_See Freer, Martlia W.] B IG S 38, 39 ANNE OF BOHEMIA, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANNE OF r.llITTANY, Queen of France. Pictures of the Old Freueli Court. [See Bearne, Catherine.] B 2G S 23 ANNE OF CLEVES, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANNE OF DENMARK, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANNE OF WARWICK, Queen of England. [Skettli of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANNEE SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE, L'. 185G-93, 1895-99, et Tables, 1857-77. 43 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856-1900. E ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR, Natal Book, and Uni- versal Mirror. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. Lond., 1832. B 37 S 8 ANNUAIHE ILLJ'STRE DES nE AUX- ARTS et Cata logue illustre de I'Exposition Natioiiale, 18M3. 8vo Lond., 1883. A 3t R IS ANNUAL AMERICAN CATALOGUE. [See American C((t((hiijne.'\ ANNUAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, THE. [See Academy Architecture.^^ ANNUAL BURNS CHRONICLE and CLUB DIREC TORY^ Edited by D. M'Naught. No. 2, Jan. 1893. 8vo. Kilmarnock, 1893. J 19 W 1 ANNUAL LITERARY INDEX : [formerly] the Coopera tivc Index to Periodicals, 1885-99. 15 vols. 8vo New York, 1886-1900. Cat. Room AXXUAL OF SCIEXTIFIC DISCOVERY: or, Year Ixiok of Facts in Science and Art, 1850-71. 21 vols Svo. Boston, 1850-71. A 46 P 2-22 AXXUAL RECORD OF SCIENCE I- INDUSTRY Edited by S. F. Baird. Vols. 1-8, 1871-78. 8 vols 8vo. New York, 1872-79. [All puUkhrd.] X-?,o q\^% ANNUAL REGISTER, The : a Review of Public Event.s at Home and Abroad, from vol. 1, 1758-1899, and In dex, 1758-1819. 143 vols. Svo. Lond., 1758-1900. E ANNUARIO GENERALE PER LA VITICOLTURA E LA ENOLOGIA, 1892-93. 2 vols. Svo. Roma, 1892-93. A 30 T 21, 22 "ANNUNZIO, Gabriele d'." Ps>nid. The Child of Pleasure. Translated by Georgina Harding : with introduction and verse translation by A. Svmons. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 23 T 9 The Dead Citv. Translated by A. Symons. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ■ - ■ H 13 U 2 The Triumj)!! of Death. Translated by Georgina Harding. Svo. Lond., 1898. ' J 23"T S [Study of.] [See Gi-ixwiovd, Virginia M. — Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 36 " ANODOS." [Verses by.] [See Garland of New Poetrv.] H 12 Q"15 ANSELL, Alfred W. Trawling. (Tnternat. Fi.shenes Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 ANSELJil OF CANTERBURY, St. A Chapter in the History of Religion. [See Rigg, J. M.] G 15 R 33 St. Anselm. [See Church, R. W., Dean.] G 23 P 25 ANSON BROS. Settlement of Port Arthur (Penal Settlement) Past and Present. Ph.otographed by Anson Bros. Fob Hobart (n.d.) I\lb 2 P 23* '\ 24 IPiihlic Library of Neio South TFalcs. ANSON, Commiincler C. V., and WILLETT, E. H. Oj'stcr Culture. (Iiiteruat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 ANSON, Commodore George, Lord. [Portrait ai-d >Sketeh of]; bv Yice-Adm. A. H. Markham. (Laughtoii, Prof. j". K.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 Vt>yage rountl the World. [See Historical Account of all "the Voyages round the ^^'orld.] Ml) 8 R 49 ANSON, Brevet-Major O. H. S. G. With H.M. 9th Lancers during the Indian Mutinv. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " B 29 Q 22 ANSON, Sir William Reynell. Autobiography and Politi- cal Corre.spondence of Augustus Henry, iird Duke of Grafton. [See Grafton, ;3rd Duke of.] C 25 R 5 ANSORGE, Dr. William John. Under the xVfiioan Sun : a Description of Native Races in Uganda, Sporting Adventures, and other Experiences. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. 1) 19 V 21 ANSTED, A. Dictionary of Sea-tern.is foi- the use of Yachtsmen, Amateur Boatmen, and Beginnci's. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 2 ANTHONY, Prof. William A. Roentgen Rays. [See Thompson, E. P.] A 25 U 33 , and BRACKETT, Prof. Cyrus F. Elementary Te.vt-book of Phvsics. 7tii ed. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 41 P 1 AA'TIIOSrS FllOTOaRAPUlC BULLETIX. Inter- national Annual of. Vols. 8^11, 189G-99. 4 vols. Svo. New York, 1898-99. E ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Journal. Vol. 1- n.s. v(j1. 2. 29 vols. 8vo. Land., 1871-99. E ANTUROPtJLOGICAL SOCIETY OF W.VSHING- TON. The American Anthropologist. \'o!. 1 1, 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1898. E Transaction.s. Vol. 1, Feb., 1879^Jan., 1882. [See Smithsonian Inst. — Miscellaneous Collections, 25.] E ANTIMACHUS OF COLOPHON. Antimachus of Coloplion and the Position of Women in (ircek Poetry. [Sec Beneckc, E. F. x\I.] F 10 \' 17 AXTKjCAIilAX MAGAZLVh- AM) li I IlLKX; IIAI'II f- <.'AL A'AT/A' [r [formerly Antiipmrinii Minjazinr. eror .,f \\„m,: Tiie Reign of Antoninus Pius. [See Bryant, E. E.J i: ;!0 S 1« ANTONY, Rev. Fatlier. [See McCabe, J.] ANTROBUS, Frederick Ignatius. History ot the Popes. [See Pastor, Dr. L.] G 17 T 23, 24, 27 ANTWERP KONINK LUKE ACADEMIE DER SCHOONE KUNSTEN. J.-iarlijksch A'er.slag, 1892- 93, 1897-99. 3 vols. 8vo. Antwcrpen, 1893-99. E AN VERS, Nancy I)'. [See Bell, Nancy,] APEL, H. German Pnjse. 1 2mo. Lond., 1866. J 24 U 29 Gerinan Prose Stori'js for Beginners. 2nd ed. 12nio. Lond., 1884. J 24 U 28 Practical German Gramurir for Beginners. 3rd ed. 12mo. Loud., 1885. "^ J 24 U 30 Selection of the best specimens of German Poetry. 12mo. Leipzig, 1856. H 13 U f2 Egmont, [&e Goethe, J. W. von.] H 13 P 17 APPIANUS. Roman History. Translated by H. White. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. " Lond., 1899. " B 28, P 23 APPLEGARTH, R. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 APPLETON, Prof. C. Histoire de la Compensation en Droit Roniain. 8vo. Paris, 1895. F 1 S 16 APPLETON, Lewis. Britain and the Boers: who is responsible for the War in South Africa ? 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 17 P 16 AFPLETOX'S POPULAR SCIEXCE 2I0XTHLY. [See Popular Science Monl/i/y.] APPULEIUS, Lucius. Opera omnia qua' exstant : (Jever- hartus Elmenhorstius i-ecensuit librunique emenda- tionum ct indices adjccit. 12iir>. Francofurti, 1621. J 14 r 32 [Sketch of.] [See Whiblcv, C. — Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 APULEIUS, L. [See Appuleiu.s, L.] AQUIL.V. Fi-agments of the Books of Kings. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Greek.] G 13 X 14 t ARALUEN PROPi{IETARY GOLD DUElKilNCt CO. Photograph of Dredge. Ito. (n.ii.n.d.) MF 5 U 18 Prospectus. 4 to. Sydney, ls;)9. MF 5 U 1^8 A R ALU EN VALLEY CONSOLIDATED GOLD- DREDGING CO. Prospectus. 4to. Sydney, 1899. ■MF"5 U 18 ARATORO, Wasare rainu, Iviwai Overa. 12mo. Syd- ney, 1898. MG 2 T 51 ARATUS. [Oper.-i.] [5^^ Poetir Grao.-i.] II 17 I' 13 f A R.\ I Mo, Orestes. Geografia Nacional de la Rcpaliliia Oriental del Uruguay. 2nd ed. 8vo. Monte\id('o, 1S<)5. D 15 1! 17 SupplemenUiry Catalogue — ISOU-IOOO. 25 ARBER, Eclw;u-(1. Tho Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1600 -23 A.D. ; aft told by thomsehes, their friends, and their enemies. 8vo. Loud., 1897. B 17 Q 29 History of Reynard the Fox. [Sec Reynard tlie Fox.] J 22 P 15 Pablieations of the English Seholar'.s Library. [See English Scholar's Lil3.,'Pubs.] J 3"T 20-25 Roister Doister. [See Udall, N.] H 13 T 2 ARBLAY, i\rnie. Fiunces d'. (Frances Burney). E\elina; or, the History of a Young Ladv's Entrance in.to tho World. 2 vols. ITmo. Lond., 189L J 23 P 18, 19 The Wanderer ; or, Female Dilliculties. 5 \'ols. 12nio. Lond., 1814. J 23 T lG-20 [Essav on.] [See Saiutsburv, G. — Essays in English Litu-ature.] " " J UT 1 ARBUTHNOT, Sir Alexander John. Loi-d Clive. [See Clive, Robert, Lord.] C 26 P 14 ARBUTHNOT, F. F. Mysteries of Chro)iology, \vith pro- posal for a new English Era to be called the Victorian. 8vo. Loud., 1900.' B 34 S G ARBUTHNOT, John. The Art of Political Lvinc. (Pol- lard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) ' F 13 V 4 ARC, Jeanne d'. Jeanne d'Arc : her Life and Death. [See Oliphant, Margaret 0. M.] B 16 R 46 Joan of xirc. [See Lowell, F. C] B 16 T 22 Joan of Arc in England. [See Darmesteter, J. — English Studies.] J 14> 6 Sketch of. [See Leslie, M.— A Monk of Fife.] B 16 R 21 ABC ANA OF SCIENCE AND ART : or, an Annua] Register of Useful Inventions and Improvements, abridged from the Transactions of Public Societies, and from the Scientific Journals, British and Foreign, of the past year. 8vo. Lend., 1831. A 25 R 21 ARCH, Joseph. Story fif his Life, told by himself an'' edited with a Preface by the Countess of Warwick. With Portrait. 8vo. Loud., 1898. C 25 Q 14 ARC ILEOLOGIA. [See Society of Antiquaries of Lon- don, The.] ARCILEOLO(rIA CAMBRENSIS. [See Cambrian Ar- eha'ological Association . ] ARCILEOLOi;iA CANT/ANA. [See Kent Arclueo- logical Society.] ARCILEOLOOTA SCOTICA. [See Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland.] ARCH^0L0{4ICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. American Journal of Archieology. Vol. l-2nd ser., vol. 3, 1885-99. 14 vols. 8vo. Various Places, 1885- 99. E ARC HJiO LOGICAL REVIEW, Th: [&e Folk-lore Soc] D ARCII^50L0CnCAL SURVEY OF INDIA. The ]\Iogul Architecture of l<\ithpur-Siki-i, described and illustrated by E. W. Smith. Pts. 1,2. 2 vols. 4to. Allahabad, 1894-96. A 18 T 23, 24 t ARCHER, ThoDuis. Highway of Letters and its Echoes of Famous Footsteps. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 14 War in Egypt and the Soudan: an Episode in the History of the British Empire. 5 vols. i-oy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 2 1 V 26-30 ARCHER, William. Studv and Stage: a Year book of Criticism. 8vo. Loud.', 1899. J 12 U 21 Fridtjof Nan.sen, 1 86 U 93. [See Brogger, W. C. | i ) 1 6 V 1 7 When we dead awaken. [See Ibsen, H.] H 13 V 11 ARCHER, William Heniy. Sir John O'Shanassy : a Sketch. [See Melbourne Review, 8.] ME 18 Q Statistical Register of Victoria. [See Victoria. — Statis- tics.] MF 5 S 7 ARCHER-HIND, Richard Dacrc. [See Hind, ]{. D. Archer-.J ARCHIMEDES. Works of. Edited in modern n(jtatioii, with Introductory Chajiters by T. L. Heath. 8vo. Camb., 1897. " A 35 T 16 ARCHITECT, The, and Contract Reporter. Vols. 1-63, lS69-June,1900. 63 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1869-1900. E ARCHITECTS' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Report tf the Council, with List of Donors and Annual Sub- scribens, 1894. 12mo. Lond., 1894. E ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, Tlu: Annual. [See Academy Architecture.] ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Illusti'ated. 2 vols. 4to. New York, 1886-90. A 17 T 30, 31 t ARC HIV DES DEUTSCHEN LANDWIRTH- SCIIAFTSRATIIS. Band 19, 1895. Roy. 8vo. Charlottenburg, 1895. E ARCIIIV FUR MIKROSKOFISCHE ANATOMIE UND ENT WICKL UNGSGESCHR 'IITE. Biindo 16-55. 42 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1879-1900. E ARDAILLON, E. Les Mines du Laurion dans lAn- tiquile. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1897. A 40 V 11 ARDEN, Alice. [Life of] ; by Abel H. Coppinger. (Vin- cent, Arthur.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 ARBEN'S SYBNEY MAGAZINE, Sept., Oct., 1843. 8vo. Sydney, 1843. MJ 4 Q 8 ARENA, The. Vols. 1-21, Dec, lS89-Juue, 1899. 21 vols. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1890-99. E ARENAS, Slateo Pozo. Formaciou del Sistcma Solar. Svo. Santiago, 1892. A 40 S 23 26 I'uhliG Library of New South iFales. "ARGUS." \_See Richardson, R. 8.] ARGUS, The. [Foi-mcily The Melboui-ne Argtts.'] Jvily, 1855-Sept., 1900. [Also, Sept. 29th, 1846; odd Nos., 18-17-48; Dec. Lst and 31st, 1849; odd No.s., 1850-51 ; and Mav 19th, 185-"), in one vol.] 152 vols. fol. ilelb., 1816-1900. ME ARGYLL, George Douglas Campbell, 8lli Duke of. Or- ganic Evolution cross-examined : or, some Suggcstion.s on the Great Secret of Bioloscv. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Til Our Responsibilities iw Turkey. 8vo. Lond., 1890. E 10 V 13 Tiie Philosophy of Belief ; (.r. Law in Christian Theology. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 14 P 25 ARISTOTELES. Aiistotle on Youth and Old Age, Life and Death, aiid Respiration. Tran.slated, with Intro- duction and Notes, by Dr. William Ogle. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " A 32 R 32 Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art ; with a Criti- cal Text and Tran.slation of the Poetics by S. H. Butcher. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1898. G'18 R 70 Ethics of Aristotle. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Prof. J. Burnet. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 24 Y 27 Lectures in the Lyceum : or, Aristotle's Ethics for EnglLsh Readers. Edited hy St. George Stock. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 U 15 On the C(mstitution of Athens. Edited Ijy F. G. Ken- yon. 3rd cd. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 3 R 2 Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics. [See Zeller, Di-. E.] G 19 U 32, 33 Chapters from Aristotle's Ethics. [_&ee IMuirliead, Prof. J. H.] G 24 S 18 [Criticism of.] [_See Worsfold, W. B.— Principles of Criticiism.] J 19 W 2 ARKANSAS: — Suae Departments — Itejwrts and Puhlica- tionn. Secretary of State. Biennial Report, 1895-9G. 8vo. Little Rock, 1896. E ARKWRIGHT, John P. Cabinet-making for Amateurs : a Practical Hand-book on the Making of various Articles of Furniture. Illustrated. 8v(>. Lond. (n.d.) A 25 S 37 ARLll)f;E, Dr. John Thomas. Pneumoconiosis. (All- Ijutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 AR}fIDALli: ClinoXIfLH, The, Sept., 1894 99. G vols. fol. Annidale, 1891-99. ME AllMIDAf.E EXPRESS and New J'Jngiand General Ad- vertiser, 1899. Fol. Armiflale, 1899. ME AR.MI.N, liobeit. .\ Xc,l ,,f Nil,,,;,.. rA', Shakespeare Wot-., Pub'.. II 3 U 15 ARMIT, Lieut. Robert H. The Y\'ind in his Circuits, witl» the Explanation of the Origin and Cause of Circular Storms and Equinoctial Gales. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 19 Q 13 ARMITAGE-SMITH, G. [See Smith, 0. Armitigc-.] ARMOUR, Margaret. The Fall of the Nibelung.s, done into English. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 33 ARMSBY, Dr. P. H. Agricultural Experiu-.ent Stations. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R ARMSTEAD, Dr. Hugh V,'. Artistic Anatomy of the Horse. Illustrated Obi. roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 2D P 25 t ARMSTRONG, Amv. B. and B. Polka. Sm. fol. Syd- ney (n.d.) ' MA13P5t ARMSTRONG, E. S. History of the Melauesian Mis.sion. Roy. Svo. Lend., 1900. " MG 2 S 29 ARMSTRONG, Edmund La Touclie.' The Librarian and his Work. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t The Public Library and the Public. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 189S.) MJ 2 V 1 ARMSTRONG, Edward. Lorenzo do Medici and Florence in the 15th Century. Svo. New York, 189G. B 16 S 7 Spain : its Gi'eatness and Dccav. [See Hume, M. A. S.] " B 34 Q 17 ARMSTRONG, Lieut. C!. E. Torpedoes and Torpedo Vessels. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 22 Q 49 ARMSTRONG, Prof. Henry Edward, F.R.S. Aims and Practice of Teaching Chemistry. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on Aims and Practice of Teaching. )G 18 Q 36 Teaching of Natural Science as a part of the ordinary School Course, and on the method of teaching Chemis- try in tlie Introductory Course in Science Classes, Schools, and Colleges. (Tnternat. Health Exliib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 ARMSTRONG, Isabel J. Two Roving Englishwimien in Greece. New ed. Illustrated. 12ino. Lond. (n.d.) D IS P 31 ARJMSTRONG, Dr. S. T. Dictionary of Medicine. [See Quoin, Dr. Richard.] A 31 P 3, 4 ARMSTRONG, Walter. Art of \V. tj. Orch.irdson. [See Portfolio. — Monographs, 14.] E Art of Velasquez. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 29.] E Life of Yela-squez. [See Portfolio. — Monographs, 28.] E ]{apliael. [See Raphael Sanxio.] C 22 Q 10 ARMSTRONG, William George, I.oi-d, 1M!.S. l<:i(.ctric Movement in Air and Water, with (heoretiial in- ferc^nccs; with Supplement, being a continuation of his experiments, together with an extension of them made in consort with Prof. H. Stroud. 2 \-ols. fol. Lond., 1^97. A 10 r 1 I, 14* J Supplementary CaUdocjne — 180G-1000. 27 ARMY HOLIDAY SERIES. Contes Militaires. [See, Daudet, A.] .Til !' .V) Le Coup tie Pistolct. [See MCriiinSe, P.] J 2:! 1' 'Ar^ Vaillante : ce que foinme vent. [See Vincent, J.] .Til 1' 4i) ARi[Y LIST. [See Gt. Brit. ;uul Irel— War Office] ARMYTAGE, Slf George John. Obituary prior to 1800 (as far as relates to England, Scotland, and Ireland). [See llarleian Soc, Pubs., 4 1.] I] The Register Book of Marriages Ijeloiiging to th(! Parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the Gouiifcv "f Middlesex. \See Harleiiin Soc. Regs., 22, 2t.] " E ARNDT, Otto. Verzeicluiis der piidagogisclien Zeit- scln'iften, Jaln-hiiclier und Lehrerkalender Deutscli- lands. Roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. K11Q19 ARNOLD, B. VV. Tobacco Industry in Virginia since 1860. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in His- torical and Political Science.) B 18 S 15 ARNOLD, Sir Edwin. East and West : being Papers re- printed from the Daihj Teh-iirapli and other sources. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1890. D 18 U U The Light of the World : or, the Great Consunnnaticm. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1896. H 11 R 10 Potiphar's Wife, and otlier Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1892. H 12 R 2.3 With S.a'di in tlie Garden ; or, the Book of Love; being the"Ishk"or 3rd Chapter of the "Bostan" of the Persian Poet Sa'di, embodied in a Dialogue lield in the Garden of the Taj Mahal, at Agra. Svo. Load., 1888. H 12 R 22 The Chaurapanchasika : an Indian Love Lament. \See Chaurapanchasika.] H 10 T 37 ARNOLD, Edwin Lester. On the Indian Hills; or. Coffee-planting in Southern India. 2 aoIs. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 17 P 32, 33 ARNOLD, Ethel M. Tourgueneff and his Frencli Circle. [See Tourgueneff, I. S.] C 23 S 1.5 ARNOLD, Prof. J. O. Steel Works Analysis. Illustrated. 12mo. Load., 189.5. (Specialists' Ser.) A 24 Q 12 ARNOLD, James. Mrs. Wright's Visit to a Cooperative Home. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) ME 3 Q 47 ARNOLD, Mary Augusta. [See Ward, Mary Augusta.] ARNOLD, Matthew. Address by, as President of the Wordswortli Society, 1883. (Kniglit, W.— Word.s- worthiana.) J 14 R 15 Discourses in America. 8vo. Lond., 1890. J 12 T 43 Letters of Matthew Arnold, 1848-88, collected and ar- ranged by G. W. E. Russell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 P 22, 23 Matthew Arnold ; by Prof. G. Saintsburv. 8vo. Edinl)., 1899. (Modern English Writers.) " C 23 R 21 Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1895. H 9 U 43 ARNOLD, Matthew— coM<(^. Thomas and Matthew AnnjUl and their influence on Ivuglish Education; liy Sir J. Fitch. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 22 [Criticism of.] [See Wor.sfold, W. B. — Princij)les of Criticism.] J 19 W 2 [Critici.sm of the AVorks of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Pro.se.] J Q 38* [Criticism of the W,)rks of.] [See W.-dkor, Pi'of. H.-- Greater Victorian Poets.] J 10 U 36 [Essay on.] [&e Traill, H. D.~The New Fiction, and other Essays on literai-y suljjects.] J 14 R 28 [Essay on] the Poems of ; l)y Mi-s. Martha Webster. [See Melbourne Review, 10.] ME 18 Q [Essays on] Arnold's Essays in Criticism. [See Tovey, Rev. D. C. — Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 Matthov>r Arnold and th.e Sjiiritof the Age. [-Sfg White, Rev. (}.] J 21 Q 27 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Res Judicata-.] J 7 P 52 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Sketches from Con- cord.] D 10 Q 3 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 [Study of.] [See Gates, Prof. L. E.— Three Studies in Literature.[ J 24 T 1 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F. — Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 20 R 29 Two Essays upon Matthew Arnold. [See Galtoii, Arthur.] J 14 Y 13 What to do according to Arnold. [See Scudder, Vida D.— Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 10 ARNOLD, R. Cooperation in the Building Trade. 8vo. Mell)., 1889. MF 3 Q 47 ARNOLD, Prof. T. W. The Preaching of Islam: a HistO)'y of the Propagation (_)f the Muslim Faith. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' G 15 R 34 ARNOIiD, Thomas. Passages in a Wandering Life. With Portrait. 8yo. Lond.', 1900. C 27 T 15 ARNOLD, Dr. Thomas. Arnold of Rugby: his Scliool Life and Contributions to Education. Edited by J. J. Findlay. 8vo. Camb., 1897. C 23 Q 20 Thomas and JMatthew Arnold and their influence on English Education ; by Sir J. Fitch. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 22 Life and Correspondence. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essay.s, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 Memorials of St. Edmund's Abljey. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Chrons. and Itlems.] E ARNOLD, William R. Ancient Babylonian Temple Records in the Columbia Uni\ersity Lil)rary. 8vo. New York, 1890. " B 41 T 1 28 FMic Library of Neio South Wales. ARX0LD-F0R8TEE, Hugh Oakelev. [&e Forster, H. O. Arnold-.] ARX(n'T, Elliiior, "E.A." Armorial Bearings, kc, in the INIitchell Hall, Marischal College, Aberdeen. [_See Aberdeen Univer.sity.] K 19 Q 41 ARON, Joseph. Canada Transvaal ; dedie aux Diplomates Francais qui ont du bon sens. Avec line Adresse en franeais a I'Empereur d'AUemagne. 8vo. Paris, 1896. B 10 P 21 ARONSON, Zara Baar [Mrs]. 20th Century Cooking and Home Decoration. 8vo. .Sydney, 1900. MA -t'.S 30 ARRHENIUS, Svante. Modern Theory of Solution. [See Jones, H. C] A U Q 21 ARRIANUS. Invasion of India by Alexander the Great. ISee M'Crindle, J. W.] B 28 T G ART AND LIFE and the Building and Decoration of Cities : a series of Lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, delivered at the fifth Exhibition of the Society in 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " A 23 S 39 ART GAIXERY, The. Vols. 1-3. Lond. (n.d.) 3 vols, (in 6) 4to. A 6 T 2-7 X ART JOURNAL, The [formerly the .1,/ Union] 1839-99. 59 vols. 4to. Lond., 1839-99. E Decorative Art of Sir E. Burne-Joncs : by A. Vallance. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1900. {EaKtfr Art Annual, 1900.; A20R30t Fifty Years of Art, 1819-99. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1900. A 20 T 2 t 0. F. Watts : his Life and Work ; by Julia Cartwright {Mrs. Ady). Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1 890. {Ea>iter AH Annua!, 1896.) A 13 W 8 f Life and Work of I.,ady Butler [Miss Elizabeth Thomp- son] ; by W. Meynell. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. (Art Annual, \m^.) A20R13t Life and Work of Luke Tildes; by D. C. Thomson. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1895. {Art Annmd, 1895.) A 13 W 7 t Life and Work of Alarcus Stone ; by A. L. Baldry. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1896. {Art Annva/, 1890.) A 13 W 10 t Life and Work of Peter Graham ; by W. M. Gilbert. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. {Art Annual, I S9d.) A 20 R 24 -t Sir Edwarfl J. Poynter, President of the Royal Academy : his Life and Work ; by C. Monkhousc. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. {Eas/er Art Aimnal, \f!'d7.) A 13 W 9 t William Morris and liis Art; Vjy L. F. I)ay. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1K99. {Easter Art An7iHal,\S[)0.} A20R'l2j Work of Walter Crane. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. {Easter Art Annual, 1898.) A 13 W 11 t ART OF 1897. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E ART OF MIND READING, The: being a full and clear Explanation of tliis marxellous Science, and a practical (iuide whereby anyone may learn how to perform the most wonderful feats. Illustrated. 12mo. New York (n.d.) G 23 P 19 ART POUR TOUS, L'. Encyclopedie de I'Art Industriel et Decoratif. Tomes 1-33, 35-37, 1861-99. Illus- trated. 37 vols, (in 24) fob Paris, 1861-99. E ART UXIOJ, The. [See Art Journal] ARTAGNAN, Capt.-Lieut d'. [Sec Courtilz de Sandras, G. de.] ARTHUR, Col. George, Lieut. -Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 f ARTHUR, Dr. Richard. Needed change in the age of consent : an appeal for the better protection of our girls. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MF 1 P 20 "ARTHUR, T. C." [See Crawford, A. T.] ASCHEHOUG, F. H. De Norske Communers Retsfor- fatning for 1837. [See Norway. — Kgl. Norske Frederiks Univer.sitet.] F 19 S 20 f ASHBEE, C. R. Treatises of Benvenuto Cellini on Gold- smithing and Sculpture. [See Cellini, B.] A 1 1 Y 20 t ASHBOURNE, Edward Gil)S(m, Baron. Pitt : some Chap- ters of his Life and Times. [See Pitt, W.] C 25 R 14 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.^Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 ASHBY, Edwin. Seven new species of South Australian Polj'placophora. [See Rov. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.] " ME 1 S ASHBY, George. Poems. [See Early English Text Soc, Pubs., extra scr. 70.] E ASH BY, George J. M. Coloring and Decoration of Ceramic AVare. [See Brongniart, A.] A 45 U 3 ASHBY, Prof. Holdo)i M. How to Analyze Clay : Prac- tical jMethods for Practical Men. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1898. A 45 U 4 ASHCROFT, Edgar A. Treatment of Broken Hill Sul- pliido Ores by Wet Extraction Processes, and the I^lectrolvtic Deposition of Zinc. (Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1897-98.). E LUilizatioii of Waste Heat c(mtained in Slags from Smelt- ing Furnaces. [See Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1893.] Ml*: 18 P ASHHURST, Dr. John. Surgery before the Days of Antcsthcsia. (Semi-Centennial of Anasthesia.) A 1 7 R 2 t ASHLEY, W. J. Early History of the English Woollen Industi-y. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 Y 12 Siipp lementary Ca ialog ue — 189G~1 900. 29 ASH MEAT), William H. MononTaiili of the North Aiiierieau Proctotrypiche. \_See United States. — National Museum, Bulletin \').\ E ASHTON, James. The Great Land Question. 8vo. Narandera, 1894. MF 4 Q 52 ASHTON, John. The Devil in Britain and America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 15 R 36 History of Gambling in England. 8vo. Lond , 1898. r 8 tj G Hyde Park from Donlesday-book to d;ito. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 24 R 8 Varia. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 22 S 8 "When William IV was King. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 189G. " B 16 U 5 ASHTON, Dr. Thomas G. Diseases of the Stomach. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 Al^IATIC QUARTERLY REVIEW. {See Imperial and Asiatic Qtiaiierli/ Rei'ie/r.] ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Annual Address, 1894, delivered by the Hon. Sir C. A. Elliott. 8vo. Calcutta, 1894. E Journal. Vols. 1-67, 1832-98, and Index to vols. 1-23- 77 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832-98. E ASKEW, John Bertram. Pros and Cons : a Newspaper Reader's and Debater's Guide to the leading Contro- versies of the Day. 12mo. Lond., 189G. F 4 U 23 ASKWITH, Rev. Edward Harrison. The Epistle to the Galatians ; an Essay on its Destination and Date, with an Appendix on the Visit to Jerusalem recorded in chap. 2 ; being an enlargement of the Norrisian Prize Essay for 1898 on " The Locality of the Churches of Galatia." 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 12 ASKWITH, G. R. Owen, E. R.l Memoir of Roddy Owen. [See C 25 Q 9 ASPLEN, Rev. Leonard Oberlin. 1,000 years of English Church History, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 4 V 34 xVSSOCIATED GOLD-DREDGING CO., MACQUARTE RIVER. Prospectus. 4to. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 U 18 ASSOCIATION GEODESIQUE INTERNATIONALE, Ij'. Comptes-rendus des Seances de la Conmiission Permanente, Lausanne, 1896. 4to. Berlin, 1897. E Comptes-rendus des Seances des onzieme et douzicme Con- ferences Generales, Berlin, 1895, Stuttgart, 1898. 4 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1896-99. E ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of En- tomology.] ASTLEY, William, "Pi-ice Warung." Half-crown Bob, and Tales of the Riverine. 8vo. Melb., 1898. ilJ 3 U 5 ASTON, ^\'illiam Geoi'ge. History of Japanese Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 23 R 22 Nihongi : Chronicles of Japan, from the Earliest Times to A.u. 697. [See Japan Soc, Lond., Suj). 1.] E ASTOR, William Waldorf. W. W. Astor and the Ameri- can Colony. [See Escott, T. H. S. — Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 ASTOR LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Astor Librarv. 9 vols. 8vo. New York, 1857-88. Cat. Rooin ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, Th<^. Vols. 17-19, Oct., 189G-Feb., 1899. 3 vols. 4to. Boston, 1897-99. E ASTKOXOMISCIIE XAOIIRICIITEN. Bande 137-152, lS95-June, 1900. 16 vols. 4to. Kiel, 1895-1900. E ASTRONOMY AND ASTRO-PHYSICS. [See A>st,-o- jihijKical Journal.^ ASTROPIIYSIGAL JOURNAL, The: an International Review of Spectroscopy and Astronomical Physics [formerly the Sidereal Messenger, and Astronomy and Astrophysies] from No. 1, March, 1882-1900. 24 vols, roy. 8vo. Northfield and Chicago, 1882-1900. E ASTRUP, Eivind. With Peary near the Pole. Tran.slated by H. J. Bull. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898.D 16 T 21 ATH ANASIUS, St. St. Atlianasius : his Life and Times. [See Bush, Rev. R. W.] G 26 P 5 ATHENAEUM, The: Journal of Literature, Science, tlie Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama, 1828-1900. 114 vols. 4to. Lond., 1828-1900. E ATHERLEY, Edmond Gibson. Touchstone of Common A.ssurances. [See Shepperd, W.] F 1 L^ 21 ATHERTON, Gertrude Franklin [Mrs. G. H. B.] (Ger- trude Franklin Horn). American Wives and English Husbands. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 P 3G The Californians. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 R 15 Patience Sparliawk and her Times. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 R 35 ATKINS, John Black. The Relief of Ladysmith. Illu.s- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 Q 16 The War in Cuba: Experiences of an Englishman with the United States Army. With Maps. Svo. Lond., 1899. B 36 Q 12 ATKINSON, C. T. Michel de I'Hospital. [See L'Ho.s- pital, M. de.] C 27 R 17 ATKINSON, Prof. Edmund. Elementary Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. [See Foster, Prof. G. C] A 25 S U 30 I'tiblic L'lhrai'u of Ncio South TFules. ATKlNSON, Edward. Cost of a National Crime and the Hell of War and its Penalties. 8vo. Boston, 1898. F 16 Q 17 Criminal Aggressio.-i Boston, 1899. by whom connnitted 1 8vo. F 16 Q 17 ATKIXyON, George E. Game Birds of Manitoba. {See Historical and .Scientitic Soe. of Manitoba.] A 27 S 27 -VTKINSON, J. B. Report on the circumstances attend- ing the accident whicli occurred at Furnacebank, No. 1 Pit, Devon CoUierv. [See Great Britain and Ireland. —Devon Colliery Disaster.] A 40 W 43 + ATKINSON. Jolni A. Locality Li.-^t of ail tlio Minerals recorded from Victoria. (Boy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) " ME 1 P ATKINSON, Dr. Philip. Electricity for Everybody : its Nature and Uses explained. 8vo. Loncl., 1897. A 20 P 26 .•VTKIXSON. Prof. Robert. Yellow Book of Lecan. [.SV^ Yellow Book of Lecan.] J 22 S 1 t ATKINSON, Thomas Dinham. Cambridge descrilied and illustrated; v>-ith .an Introduction by J. W. Clark. 8vo. Lend., 1897. B 37 V 16 ATLANTIC MOXTIILY, The: a Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics. Vols. 1-85, Nov., lS57-June, 1900, and Index to vols. 1- 62. 86 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1857- 1900. E ATLAY, James Bere.sford. Famous Trials of the Century. Witli Portraits. 8vo. Bond., 1899. F 17 T 1 Trial of Lord Cochrane Ijcfore Lord Ellenborough. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F13T29 ATTERBURY, Rev. An.son Plielps. Islam in Africa : its liH'ects, Religious, Ethical, and Social, upon the People of the Country ; with Introduction by Rev. F. F. Ellinwood. 8vo. New York, 1899. O 24 P 29 Socialism and the Social Movement in the 18th Century. [See Sonibart, Prof. W.] F 15 S 3 ATTERIDGE, A. Hilliard. Toward.s Khaitoum : the Stoi-y of the Soudan War of 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. I^ond., 1897. B 17 R 43 Tlio War.^ of tlie Nineties : a History of the Warfare of tlic last ten years of tlic 19th Century. Illustrated. 4to. l^)nd., 1899. B 39 U 17 ATTKIEIJ), John, F.R.S. Water and Water Supplies, and uiiferinented Beverages. (Intenmt. Health Exhil). Health Exliil). Literature.) A 41 U 20 ATTFCL'S, T. Pomponius. [Life of.] [See Boissier, Ga»)t(.n. — Cicero and his friends.] B 17 P 52 ATTWELL, Henry. Iphigenia in Tauris. [Sfg Goethe, J. AV. von.] " H 13 P 16 ATTWOOD, E. L. Text-book of Theoretical Naval Archi- tecture. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 41 T IS ATWATER, Williur Olin, and WOODS, Charles D. Chemical Composition of American Food Matei'ials. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Expcr. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at Purd.ue University, Lafayette. [See United States. — Dejit. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] " A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the University of IMissouri in 1895. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of E.\per. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 1895. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of E.xper. Stns.] " A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies in New York City, 1895-96. [See LTnited States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 Dietary Studies with reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in 1895-96 [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 , and BENEDICT, F. G. Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organism. [See United States. —Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 , and BRYANT, A. P. Chemical Composition of American Food Materials. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 Dietary Studies in Chicago, 1895-96. [See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 and LANGW^ORTHY, C. F. Digest of Meta- bolism Experiments. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 and ROSA, Prof. E. B. Description of a new Respiration Calorimeter. [See LTnited States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 ATWOOD, Daniel T. Atwood's Modern American Home- steads. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1876. A 33 V 19 AUBIGNE, Francois d'. [See Maiutenon, Mme. dc] AUBIGNE, Theodore Agrippa d'. [Sketch of.] [See MacDowall, H. C. — Henry of Guise, and other Por- traits.] B 36 R 1 1 AUBREY, John, F.R.S. Miscellanies. 8vo. Lond., 1696. G 16 R 21 AUBREY, Dr. William Hickman Smith, liise and Crowtli of the English Nation ; with speci.al reference to Epochs and Crises. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. B 16 R, 43-45 1. 1006-1399. 2. 1399-1058. 3. 1UJ8-180,-). Supplemeiitavy Calaloyue — 1806-1900. 31 AUDELAY, Juliii. Pcem.s. [See Tcrcy Soc,] 11 11 S 10 AUDUBON, John .liinu's. Aiululxin and his Jouruids ; by Mafia 11. Audulif.n. W'iXh. ZJ. 8v(). Lcmd., 1898. G 25 P 2, 3 Sketch of. [See Godwin, P. — C'oiiinicuioniti\ c Addresses.] .J U V :j AUERBACH, Berthold. Deutsche Illustrirto Volkf,- biieher. .:i vols. 12nio. Bonn (n.d.) J 2:5 P 35-37 AUFRECHT, T. Abhidhfinaratnanuila. [See Ha!.a- yudha.] J 17 U 10 AU(;tIEB, Eniile. [Criticis-.n of the Woiks of.] [_See Matthews, J. B. — Frouch Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 AUGSBURG CONFESSION, The. The Aui,'sl)urg Con fession and Fcjnnula for the Government and DLscijiline of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the General Synod in tlie United States. 12mo. Philad.. 1890. G 9 V 39 AUGUSTA, German Empress and Queen of Prussia. [Life of]; by Clara Tschurli. Authorised Translation from tlic Norwegian by E. M. Cope. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 26 T 9 AUGUSTE VICTORIA, German Empress and Queen of Prussia. [Sketch of.] \_See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 21 AUGUSTINE, St., Archbi.shop of Canterbury. Augustine and the Evangelization of England. \See Boyce, Rev. F. B.] " MG 1 P 90 History of the Landing of. [See Stanley, Arthur P. — Historical Memorials of Canterbury.] B 28 T 2 The Mission of St. Augustine to England. [See Mason, Rev. A. J.J G 11 U 19 AUGUvSTINE, St., Bishop of Hippo. Confessions of. Edited, with an Introduction, by A. Symons. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) C 19 P 18 Sermones de Sanctis. Sm. fol. Basileae, 1495. {Apiid Joanneni de Amerhach.) G 11 X 17 t Sermones de Tempore. Sm. fol. Basilea^, 1 19."i. (Apud Joanneni de Amerbach.) G 11 X 17 t St. Augustine. [See Hatzfeld, A.] G ! V 37 St. Augustine and Evolution. [See Zahin, Rew A . A. — Bible, Science, and Frdth.] G 19 T 15 AUGUSTUS, Emperor of Rome. [Life of.] [&« Boissier, Gaston — Cicero and his friends.] B 17 P 52 AULDJO, L. C. Mechanical Refrigeration, with Details of an Ammonia Comjiression Machines, and Description of various methods of Refrigeration. (Engineering Assoc, of N.S.W., Minutes of Proc, 1894-95.)'mE 18 P AURELIUS ANTONINUS, Marcus. Commontirii. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. Diibner. Imp. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842. J 18 V 23 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus to himself : an English tran.s- lation, with Introductory Study on Stoicism and the last of the Stoics ; by G. H. Rendall. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (J 23 Q 22 [Sketch of.] [See Renan, Ernest. — Poetry of the Celtic Race.] ■ J 10 11 41 AURELIUS CASSIODORUS, Magnus. [&<; Cassio- dorus, M. Aurelius.] AURELIUS VICTOR, Se.xtus. [See Victor, S. Aurelius.] AUREVILLY, Jules Barbey d'. Barl.ey d'AurOvilly on the Mystery of Women. [See Jrlansson, Laura Marliohn. — We \\'omen and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 AURIFEROUS OTAGO. Our Dredges, where they are and what they are doing : a Reporter's Account (jf a Trip through the Otago Dredging-fields, in June, 1899. Svo. Dunedin, 1899. MA 4 Q 12 AURIOL, Georges. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 AURORA AU.iTRALIS. No. 1. 8vo. Sydney. MJ 3 T 10 ALTSTEN, Jane. Enmia ; with Intioduction by A. Dol)Kon. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " J 25 P 1 Life of; by G. Smith. With Bibliography. Svo. Lond., 1890. C 23 U 10 Manstield Park ; wdth Introduction by A. Dobson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1898. ' J 25 P 2 Memoir of Jane Austen ; by her nephew, J. E. Austen Leigh ; to which is added. Lady Susan and fragments of two other unpuldished Tales by Miss Austen. 6th ed. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1886. J 25 P 3 Novthanger Abbey and Persuasion ; with Introduction by A. Dobson. Illustrated. Svo. L^nd., 1897. J 25 P 4 Pride and Pi'ejudice ; with Introducton by A. Dob.son. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. ' J 25 P 5 Sense and Sensibility ; with Introduction by A. Dol son. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 189S. ' J 25 P 6 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Jack, A. A.] J 14 R 31 [Criticism of the AVorks of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Jane Austen : her Contemporaries and her.self. [See Pollock, W. l-L] J 9 R 32 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 AUSTEN, Sir William Chandler Robert?:-. Introduction to the Study of Metallurgy. 4th cd. Illustrated. Svo. Lond.," 1898. ' A 41 U 10 Metallurgy of Gold. [^See Rose, T. K.] A 24 S 27 Metalhu-y of Lead and Silver. [See Collins, H. F.] A 24 S 29 k' 32 I'HbUo Library of New SouUi, Wales. AUSTIN", Alfred. The Conversioii of Wiuckelmann, and other Poems. 8vo. Lond'., 1897. H 10 S 28 England's Darling. 2ad el ^vo. 'iL ,ml., 1896. H 10 S 20 English Lvries. Edited by W. Watson, ith ed. 8vo. Loud., 1896. H 12 Q 3 Fortunatus the Pessimist. 8vo. Lond., 1 892. H10.S21 The Golden Age. 8vo. L>nd., 1871. H 10 S 16 The Human Tragedy. 8vo. L ml., 1891. K 10 S 25 Lamia's Winter Quarters. Illustrated. 8\-o. Loud., 1898. J 11 T 25 Lyrical Poems. 8vo. Lond., KsOl. H 10 S 23 Narrative Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 S 26 Prince Lucifer. Svo. J.ond., 1891. HIO S 22 Savonarola: a Traged}'. Svo. Lond., 1891. H 10 S 27 Spring and Autumn in Ireland. Svo. Edinb., 1900. D 22 Q 17 The Tower of Eabsl. 8vo. Lond., 1890. H 10 S 2-t Alfred Austin and some other Singers. [S^e Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 AUSTIX, C. E. The Rent Veil : being a short Psycho- logical Treatise. Svo. Sydney, 1896. Ma2Q51 AUSTIN, Jane [Mrs. L. H.] Standi.sh of Standish. 12mo. Boston, 1898. J 23 T 11 AUSTIN, Louis Frederic. At Random : Essays and Stories. Svo. Lond., 1896. J U U 27 The Dreyfus Case : four Letters to France. [&« Zola, E.] F 15 r 16 AUSTRAL-ASIATIC REVIEW, The. Vol. 1. Nos. 1-4, Feb.-Aug., 1828. Svo. llobart, 1828. MJ 3 V 11 AUSTRAL LIGHT, The. Vols. 5-8, 1896-99. 4 vols. Svo. Mslh., 189G-99. ME 20 R AUSTRAL OnSERVEIl, The. Nos. 1-5, Sept.-Oct., 1H82. 8vo. :\Idl)., 1882. MJ 3 T 16 AUSTRAL REVIEW. No.s. 5, 7, 9, Feln-uary, May, and Noveml>er, 1878. Svo. Melb., 1878. MJ 3 R 27 AUSTRAL WHEEL, The: a Jlontldy Cycling Journal. Vols. 1-4, 1896-1900. 4 vols. .sm. 4to. Melb., 1896- 1900. [All pnUwhed.] MJ 4 T 2-4 Alts/ nil Wheel Ouido to the Victorian Alps. Tilu.strated. Sni. 4to. Melb., 1898. MDIQIG]; AUSTRALASIA y, The, Oct., 1864-Dec., 1869, 1878-92, 1896-Juno, 1K99. 47 vols. fol. Melb., 1864-99. ME Aiisfralamtn Turf Reijwier, 18G0, 1876-81, 1900. 8 voLs. 12mo. Melb., 1869-1900. ME 5 P AUSTRALASIAX, The: a Quarterly Reprint of Articles sslected from the Periodicals of the United Kingdom, with original contributions chiefly on subjects of Colonial interest. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, Oct., 1850- July, 1851. Svo. Melb., 1850-51. MJ 4 P 25 AUSTRALASIA'S AXXUAL DIGEST. [See Power, G. W.] ME 21 S AUSTRALASIAX AXTIIROPOLOGICAL .JOURXAL. \_See Science of JIan.'\ AUSTRALASIAX AR.Ur, XAVV, AXD DEFEXCE 7?/i;r//'; ir and Loval Australian. Vol. 1, No. 1-vol. 2, No. 4, Oct., 1893-June, 1895. [No. 4, Jan., 1894, missing.] Fol. Sydney, 1893-95. [All published.] MJ 10 Q 19 t AUSTRALASIAX ART REVIEW. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-12, March, 1899-Feb., 1900. 4to. Sydney, 1899-1900. [.4// piihlUied.] ^ MA 5 V 1 4 AUSTRALASIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE AD- . VANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Reports of Meet- ings. Vols. 1-7, 1888-98. 7 vols. Svo. Various Piace.s, 1888-98. ME 18 S AUSTRALASIAX BREWIXG WORLD, ^Erated Water and Cordial-makers' News. Vol. 1, July, 1899-June, 1900. 4to. Sydney, 1899-1900. " ME 17 Q AUSTRALASIAX BUILDER AXD COXTRACTORS' XEWS. [^See Buildiny, Engineeriny, and Jfiuiii;/ Journal.] AUSTRALASIAX CATHOLIC DIRECTORY: contain- ing the Ordo Divini Officii, the fullest Ecclesiastical information, and an Alphabetical List of the Clergy of Australasia, 1899. Svo. Sydney, 1899. ME 4 Q AUSTRALASHX CATHOLIC RECORD: a Quarterly Pu1)lication under Ecclesiastical Sanction Vols. 1, 3-5, 1895, 1897-99. 4 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1895-99. ME 6 T AUSTRALASIAN CHAMBER oi- COMMERCE. Re- port of Proceedings, 1897. Svo. Sydney, 1897. ME 6 R AUSTRALASIAX COACIIBUILDER AXD SADDLER, The: a Technical Journal for Coachbuilders and Wheelwrights. Vols. 6, 8-10, April, 1895-March, 1896, April, 1897-March, 1900. 4 vols. .sm. 4to. Sydney, 1895-1900. ME 8 T AUSTRA LASIAX COXGREGA TIOXAL YEAR-BOOK and Calendar, 1868. 12mo. Mell)., 1868. MG 2 U 24 AUSTRALASIAX COURSIXG CALEXDAU, The. Compiled by Thomas Havdon. Vols. 1-4, 1873-77. 4 vols. 12mo. Melb., 1875-78. MA 5 Q 3-6 AU STR A LASIA N I) A i I ! Y M AN AND F.\ U M E li S' FRIEND. 12in.i. Sydney, 1897. MA 3 U 43 Sitpp lemen tary Catalof/u e — ISO 6-1900. 83 AUSTRALASIAN FEDERAL CONVENTION, 1897. Official Record of the iJcbatea of the Australasian Federal Convention, 2ud Session, Sept. :.'nd-2 ttli, 1897. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF T) 11 7 Official Rccoi'd of the Debates of the Australasian Federal Convention, 3rd Session, Melbourne, Jan. -'Oth-March 17th, 1898. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Melb., 1898. MF 5 R 2-5, 2G Official Report of the National Australasian Convention Debates, Adelaide, March 22nd-May Qth, 1S97. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1897. MF 3 S 31, 31* Proceedings of the Australasian Federal Contention, held at Parliament House, Sydney, Sej)t. 2nd-21th, 1897. Sni. fol. Sydney, 1897. " MF 13 Q 4 t AUSTRALASIAN FEDERATION LEAGUE. Rules and Proposals, 1891. Sydney, 1891. MF 5 P 1 AUSTEALASIAX FIXAXCIAL ADVISER, Tkr. Vols. 1, 2, April, 1898-March, 1900. 2 vols. Ito. Sydney, 1898-1900. MEIG'T AUSTRALASIAN FRUITGROWERS CONFER- ENCE. [_See Queensland. — Agriculture.] AUSTRALASIAN GROCERS' JOURNAL. [See Aus- tralian Storekeeper's Journal.^ AUSTRALASIAN HE BREW, The. Vols. 1, 2, Nov., 1895-Nov., 189G. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 189.'')-9r). ME 8 T AUSTRALASIAN HOME READING UNION. Aus- tralasian Home Reader. Vols. 1-4, G. [Nos. miss- ing. Vol. 1, No. 8; Vol. 4, Nos. 8, 10, 12; Vol. G, No. 1.] 5 vols, (in 1) 8vo. and sm. Ito. Sydney, 1892- 97. MJ 2 V 27 AUSTRALASIAN INDEPENDENT, The, 189-5-98. 3 vols. sm. 4to. and sm. fol. Sydney, 1895-98. ME 8 T AUSTRALASIAN INDEPENDENT YEAR-BOOK and Calendar, 1893. 8^-o. Sydney, 1893. MG 2 U 13 AUSTRALASIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING EN- GINEERS. Proceedings of first Ordinary Meeting, 1900. 8vo. Melb., 1900. ME 18 P Transactions. Vols. 1-6, 1893-1900. Illustrated. G vols. 8vo. Various Places, 1894-1900. ME 18 P AUSTRALASIAN INSURANCE AND BANKING RECORD and Statistical Register, 1877-99. Ito. Melb., 1877-99. ME AUSTRALASIAN INTERCOLLEGIAN, The. Vols. 1, 2, March, 1898-Feb., 1900. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1898-1900. aiE 3 R AUSTRALASIAN IRONMONGER, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-9, April-Dec, 1886. Imp. 8vo. Mellj., 1886. MA 4 V 23 AUSTRALASIAN JOINT STOCK CO.'S YEAR-BOOK. [_See Nash, R. L.] ME 1 S ALTSTRALASIAN' LIBRARY CONFERENCE. Ac- count of tl^e Proceedings of the first Australasian Library Coiiference, held at MelI)ourne, April, 1896; together v.'itli tlin Papers read, Lists of Delegates, ic, and the Constitution and Ollici-bearers of the Libraiy Association of Australasia. Sm. 4to. Moll).. 1S9G. MJ 2 P 32 t Catalogue of the Loan Exhiliition of old, rare, and curious Books, 3ISS., Autograpl'.s, E.xamples of Binding, ic, held in the McArtliur Galli^ry. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 f \_See also Library Association of Australasia.] AUSTRALASIAN JIEDICAL DlllECTORY AX I) HAND-BOOK. 4th and .")tii eds. Eldited and com- piled by L. Bruck. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1896-1900. ME 10 S AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL GAZETTE, The: Jour- nal of the Australasian Branches of the British Medi- cal Association. Vols. 1, 4, 8-18, Oct., 1881-Sept., 1882, Oct.. 1884-Sept., 188.'5, Oct., 1888-Dec., 1899. 13 vols. sm. 4to. Sydney, 1881-99. ME 7 T AUSTRA L ASIAN METEOROLOGICAL ALMANAC. [See Giddons, J. H.] ME 6 II AUSTRALASIAN METHODIST MISSIONARY RE- VIEW, The. Vols. 1-8, Mav. 1S91- April, 1899. S vols, (in 3) roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1891-99. ME 16 S AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY NEWS. Vol. 1, Nos. 10, ll,Nov., Dec.,1888. 8vo. Sydney, 1888. MG 2 V 14 AUSTRALASIAN MONTH, The: a INIagazine for the younger members of the Church in Australasia. \o\. 1. 8vo. Sydney, 1884. MG 2 V 18 AUSTRALASIAN NEWS: published on board the s.s. Aiafrahisian on the .Journty from Plymouth to Sydney, July IGth-Aug. 22nd, 1884. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 18.S 4. M.J 2 V 8 AUSTRALASIAN PASTORALISTS' REVIEW, The: a Monthly J ournal and Record of all ^Matters affecting the Pastoral and Landed Interests throughout Australasia. Vols. 1-9, March, 1891-Feb., 1900. 9 vols. sm. 4to Sydney and Melb., 1891-1900. ME 19 T AUSTRALASIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC REVIEW, The [formerly Ph(/fi)(/rajjhic Review of Revieics, Austral- asian ed.] Vols. 1-G, 1891-99. 6 vols. rov. 8vo. Sydney, 1894-99. ME 19 Q AUSTRALASIAN RECORD and Inilian (Jbserver, July 24th-Dec. 24th, 1811. Fol. Lond., 1841. ME AUSTRALASIAN SCIENTIFIC MAGAZINE, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, Aug.-Nov., 188-"). Svo. Melb., 1885. MA 4 Q 16 AUSTRALASIAN SKETCHER. Vols. 3-9, April, 1875- Dec, 1881. 7 vols, (in 2^ fol. Melb., 187.5-81. - MJ 7 P 4, 5 TuUic Lihrary of New South Wales. AL'STRALASIAX STATISTICS, 1893. Sm. fol. Ade- laide, 1895. MF -i U 39 AUSTRALASIAN WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH. Minutes of the New South AVales a!id Queensland Annual Conferences, 1876-77, 1879, 1881, and New South Wales Annual Conferences, 1897-99. G vols. Svo. Sydney, 1876-99. ■ ME 15 Q AUSTRALASIAN WESLEYAN METHODIST MIS- SIONARY SOCIETY. List of Contributions to the New South Wales District, 1859. 8vo. Sydney, 1860. ME 15 Q AUSTRALIA. Glimpses of Australia. [.See Glimpses of Au.stralia.] 3IA \1 P 31, 32 f AUSTRALIA FELIX MONTHLY MAGAZIXE. Nos. 1-3, Juue-Oct., 18i9. 8yo. Geeloni?, 1849. {All published.] ^ MJ 3 T 11 AUSTRALIA, VAN DIEMEN'S LAND, AND NEW ZEALAND : their Histoiy and Present State, ^vith their Prospects in regard to Emigration impartially e.\amiiied. 12mo. Lond., 1839-10. 31D 1 P 1 "AUSTRALIAN, An." The Australian Crisis ; or. Ought New Guinea and the Western Pacitic Islands to be annexed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MJ 3 R 16 AUSTRALIAN, The. Vols. 1-5, Oct., lS78-Jan., 1881. Illustrated. 5 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1878-81. MJ4P11-15 AUSTRALIAN ADVOCATE AND WEEKLY ADVER- TISER, The. Vols. 1-3, Feb., 1871-Jan., 1873. 3 vols, (in 2) sm. fol. Sydney, 1871-73. MJ 2 U 10, 11 AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURIST, The: a Jourualfor Australian Country Homes. 'V'As. 3-7, 1895 99. 5 vols. fol. Sydney, 1895-99. JIE 20 S A USTRA L I A N A L MA N. K ', \\"augli, J. W.] I-Vce Moore, J. J., and AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Tlu;. \o\. 1, 1812. Svo. Lond, 1812. MP 5 S 9 AUSTRALIAN ANTIIRUI'OLOGIST, 'Ihe: a Magazine devoted to the Etlinology and Philology of Australian Aborigines. Vol. 1, No. 1. 8yo. Rrisb. (n.d ) ME ;j S AUSTRALIAN ART, Jan., Feb., 1888. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1888. MA 4 V 24 AUSTRALIAN AUCTION CO. Report of Proceedings, 1841. Svo. Sydney, 1811, MF 5 S 22 AUSTRALIAN ISAKER, CONFECTIONER, AXD RASTRV-COOK, '/'A/', Jan.- Aug., 1896. 4to. Mel!.., 1896. Mii7P AUSTRAL/AN HAND OF //ORE RFVIEW and • (.'hildron's Friend. Vol. I, No. 17, Aug., 1856. Svo. Sydney, 1^50. ,\I.| :; T Kj AUSTRALIAN BEE BULLETIN, The. Vols. 3-8, 1894^ March, 1900. 6vols.8vo. Maitland, 1894-1900. ME 9 P AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN WORLD, 2'/;.-, July, 1S95- 99. 5 vols. fol. Sydney, 1895-99. ME 8 T AUSTRALIAN COOPERATIVE SOCIETY. Prcs- pectus. Sm. 4to. Melb. (n.d.) MF 3 Q 47 Rules. 32mo. Slelb., 1896. MF 3 Q 47 AUSTRALIAN CRICKET. Vol. 1, Sept., 1896-Jan., 1897. [Nov. 19th missing.] 4to. Svduev, 1836- 97. [AH publuhsd.] ' MA 2 R 21 AUSTRALIAN CRISIS, The. \_See '■■ Australian, An."] MJ 3 R 16 AUSTRALIAN CYCLING ANNUAL, 1897: a com- plete Record of Australian Cycling and other interest: ing information. Edited by F. G. Chippendale Han.s- lo-.v. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MA 5 P 15 AUSTRALIAN CYCLIST, TOURIST. AND TRA- VELLER, The. Vols. G, 7, Sept., 1898-June, 1900. Illustrated. 3 vo!.s. 4to. Melb., 1898-1900. ME 7 P AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIST, The: Journal of the Aus- tralian Economic Association. Vols. 1-6, JNIarch, 1888-Dec., 1889, March, 1890-Dec., 1898. 6 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1888-98. ME 7 P AUSTRALIAN ERA, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, 4-9, Aug., Sept., Dec, 1850-July, 1841. Imp. Svo. Sydney, 1850-51. MJ 3 W 16 AUSTRALIAN EVANGELIST, The. Edited by Rev. J. Taylor. Vols. 1-5, Aug., 1860-Dec., 1864. 5 vols, (in 4) sm. fol. Melb., 1860-G4. MG 1 V 11-14 AUSTRALIAN FANCIERS' CHRONICLE, The: a Journal devoted to Poultry, Pigeons, Canaries, Dogs, Ac., and their Breeders. Vol. G, Nos. 1-16, Nov., 1895- June, 1896. 4 to. Sydney, 1895-96. MA 2 P37 t AUSTRALIAN FARM AND I/OML; The. Vols. 4-8, 1895 99. 5 vols. 4to. Melb., 1895 99. ME 7 P AUSTRALIAN FEDERALIST, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-21, April-Sept., 1898. Sm. fol. Sydnc\-, 1898. [All publis/ied.] ' MF 5 V 7 AUSTRALIAN FIELD, The. Vols. 2-5, 7, 8, 1895-Junc, 1898, 1899. 6 vols. fol. Sydney, 1895-99. ME 18 T AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL GAZI:TTE and Insurance Chronicle. Vols. 10-1 3, 1893-99. 4 vols, (in 2) .sm. fol. Melb., 189G-99. ME 21 T AUSTRALIAN FREE RELIGIOUS PRESS. Edited by J. Pilkuu Vol.s. 1, 2, Fel)., 1870-Jan., 1872. 2 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1870-72. MC! 2 V ].-., 16 AUSTLWLIAX FRIHCMASON'S MAGAZ/NE, '/'he,.\:m., ls70-.June, 1S71. Svo. Svdnev, 1870 71. MG 2 V 17 Siq)p I emeu tary Calaloyii c — IHOO-1 900. AUSTIIALIAN GAS-LICHT CO. Historical Sketch issued on completion of its DiamoiulJubilce, 1837- 97. Illusti'iitod. Sm. It.i. Kyduey, ISO 7. ME ;? W AITSTRALIAN GOLD RECOVEllY SYNDICATE. Memoranda on the Treatment of llefractory Gold Ores l)y the Mac Arthur-Forrest Process. Svo. Adelaide, 1891. MA 4 S If) AUSTRALIAN GOVERNORSHIP, An; by "An ex- Private Secretary.'' \_See National Review, Jnlv, 1895.] ' E AUSTRALIAN GRAPIflC, Tito. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-8, May- Aus., 1889. Illustrated. Fol. Sy(hiev, 1889. {All 2nihlwh!'d.] ' MJ 7 R 1 I AUSTRALIAN HAXB-BOOK, Th', 1870, 1872, 187.5^ 70, 1878, .1882-89, 1891-1900. 23 vols. roy. Svo. Sydney and Lend., 1870-1900. ME 13 AUSTRALIAN HOME COMPANION a,n<\ Band of Hope Jonrnal. Vol. 3, Nos. IG, 21, vols. 4, 5, 1 8.-18-00. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1 8.58-00. M.J 3 T 10, and 4 Q 1 S, 1 9 AUSTRALIAN HOME JOURNAL, The: a Domestic Magazine of Useful Information and Amusement. Vols. 1-10, June, 1894-May, 1900. 10 vols, (in 9) 4to. Sydney, 1894-1900. ME 19 R AUSTRALIAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE and Garden Guide. Vols. 1, 2, 1877-78. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1877-78. MA 4 R 34, 3.5 AUSTRALIAN IIOTELKEEPER AND LICENSED TRADE REVIEW, Th". Vol. 1, Nos. 1-19, May, 1898-]\Iav, 1899. Sm. fol. Svdnev, 1898-99. [AU piihlhh,"!.] " " MF .5 V 1 AUSTRALIAN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE, The. Vol. 1, No. 1, Julv, 1891. Rw. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. " 31/ 2 V IS AUSTRALIAN ISRAELITE, The Vols. 1-3, June, 1871-June, 1874. 3 vols. f,.l. Me!b., 1871-74. MG 10 Q 31-33 t AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, The. Vols. 1-3, 1868-70. 3 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1868-70. MG 2 U 14-16 AUSTRALIAN LAW TIMES, The. Vols. 19^21, Julv, 1897-June, 1900. 3 vols. 4to. Mell)., 1897-1900. ' ME 20 R AUSTRALIAN LITERARY .JOURNAL and Weekly Miscellany of Amusement and Instruction. Vol. 1, Nos. 2-5, Jan. 12tli-Felj. 2ud, 1819. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1849. MJ 3 W 10 AUSTRALIAN MAGAZINE, The. Nos. 1, 2, Julv, Axxs,., 1886. Svo. Melb., 1886. Mj'4Pi6 AUSTRALIAN MAGAZINE, The; or, Compendium of Religious, Literary, and Miscellaneous Intelligence. Vols. I, 2, No.s. 1-^10, 13, rJay, 1821-Feb., 1822, May, 1822. [No. 7, Nov., 1821, mutilated.] Svo. Sydney, 1S21-22. M.J 1 P 10 AUSTRALIAN MEAT TRADES' JOURNAL and Chill- ing Depots' Recoi-d. Vols. 1, 3, 4, Feb., 1896-Jan., 1897, Feb., 1898-Fcb., 1 900. 3 \ols. sm. fob Sydney, 1890-1900. ME 21 T AUSTRALIAN MESSENGER, The. Vols. 4-13, 1860- 99. lOvols. 12mo. Sydney, 1890-99. ME 15 P AUSTRALIAN MESSENGER and Presbyterian Recoi-d, Nov., 1860. Svo. Melb., 1860. MG 2 V 26 AUSTRALIA.N MILLER AND BAKER, Jan. -June, Aug. -Dec, 1896, Jan. -April, June, Aug., Oct., 1897- Dec, 1898. 3 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1896-98. ME 7 P AUSTRALIAN MINING STANDARD, The, Mav, 1889- June, 1899. 15 vols. fol. Sydney, 1889-99." ME Tasmania and its Mineral Wealth. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Fol. Melb., 1898. [Supplement to AvMraliun Min- iiKj Standard.'] ME AUSTRALIAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The. {See Colonial Movtlthj, The.] AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, SYDNEY. Catalogue of tlio Australian Birds in the Australian Museum. 2nd ed. Pts. 1, 2. Svo. Sydney, 1898. MA 3 V 4 1. Aceipitres ; by E. V. R;imsav. ^YitIl additions \>\ A. J. North. 2. Striges ; by E. P. Ramsay. Willi adlyi)]iia and Amaurcsis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 AYLWARD, Alfred. The Transvaal of To-day. 8vo. Edinb., 1878. B"41 P 13 AYRES, Capt. James C. Modern Guns and Mortars adojjted in the United States Land Service. [See United States— Adjutant-General's Office.] A 20 T 19 f AYRTON, William Edward, F.R.S. Practical Electricity. Vol. 1. Illustrated. .8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 P 25 AYTOUN, William Edraondstoune. Pollok and Aytoun ; by Rosaline Masson. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 14 AZURARA, Gomes Eannes de. Chronicle of the Dis- covery and Conquest of Guinea. [See Hakluvt Soc, Pubs'] " E B B., A. A., and HELUMAC. Australian Wonderland : a Faii'y Chain. Illustrated. R(.>v. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MJ 2 V 24 B., a. H. [See Barrow, A. H.] B., L. A. E. Cave-dwellers of Soulhoiii Tunisia. [See Bruun, D.] D 22 P 2 B., N. [See Breton, N.] B., W. A. The Dead March of the Waters and other Verses; written in Australasia. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MH 1 V 16 BABBAGE, Charles, F.R.S. Babbage's Calculating En- gines : a Collection of Papers relating to them, their History and Construction. With Portrait. 4to. Lond.,"l889. A 19 S 11 f BABAR. Babar. [See Poole, Prof. S. L-.] B 32 Q 13 BABINGTON, Charles Cardale. Memorials, Journal, and Botanical Correspondence of. With Portrait. 8vo. Camb., 1897. C 25 Q 3 33 I'lihUc Library of Kew South Wales. BACCHYLIDES. BacchvliJes : .1 Prose Translation ; by E. Poste. 8vo. LoncL, 1.S98. H 12 R 28 Poems of : Fac-simile of Papyrus DCCXXXIII in tlie British Museum. 4to. Lond., 1897. H 47 P 24 1 Poems o*, from the Papyrus in ih_e British Museum. Edited by F. G. Kenyon." 8vo. Lond., 1897. H :? Q .33 BACH, Albert B. The Art Ballad, Loewc and Si;hubert. With Musical Illustrations. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 1 S 31 The Principles of iSinging : a Practical Guide for Vocal- ists and Teachers ; with Vocal Exercise.^;. 2nd ed., with Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T -13 BACH, Johann Sebastian. Bach ; by C. F. A. Williams. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " (Master Musicians.) C 27 Q 4 Life of, in relation to liis work as a Church J.Iusician and Composer; by S. Taylor. 8vo. Canib., 1S97. C 23 Q 21 BACH, Sebastian. Teufelswek : an Epic. Svo. Melb., 189G. MH 1 V 12 BACHA, Eugene. Catalogue des Actes de Jean de Ba- viere, 1390-1417. Roy^^vo. Bruxelles, 1899. B 41 W G Le Chancellier de Flandre. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. r 1 r 20 BACHELER, Origen. Discu.ssion on the Existence of God between O. Bacheler and R. I>. Owen. 12rao. Lond., 1842. G l-T IT 24 BACHELIN, Antoine, "Le Bibliophile Julien." Album de Reliures Artistiqucs et Historiques accompagne de Notes Explicativ-es. 4to. Paris, 1869. A 13 X 9 f BACK, Frederick. Mt. Dundas Narrow-gauge Railway. (Ri>y. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q BACON, Delia. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shak.sperc unfolded. 8yo. Lond., ish7. ,J G T 33 BACON, E. D. The Stamp C.llector. [See Hardy, W. J.] A 30" V 22 BACON, Edwin IMunroc. Historic Pilgrimages in New England among Landmarks of Pilgrim and Puritan Days, and of the Proyincial and Reyolutionary Periods. Illu.strated. 8yo. New York, 1898. B 24 U 27 BACON, Franci.s, Viscount St. Albans. The Hidden Liyes of Shakespeare and Bacon, and their business connec- tions ; with some Reyelations of Shakespeare's early sli-uggle.s, 1.587-92; by W. G. Thorpe. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 20 S 7 Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians. [See Wigs- ton, W. F. C] J G T '34 Bacon-Shakespeare's Venus und Adonis. [See Shake- speare, W.] II 4 V 22 [Criticism r)f the Works of.] [See Castle, Edward James.] J ].[ S 1.5 Scienlilic Character of Bacf>n. [See Caird, Rey. J. — University Addrc.s.se.s.] O 15 P 4G BACON, Nathaniel T. Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth. 'i'See Cournot. A.] F 4 U 19 BACON, Reginald Hu^h Spencer. Benin, the City of Blood, illustrated." 8yo. Lond., 1897. B 39 Q 9 BADDELEY, St. Clair. R,.bert the AVise and his Heirs, 1278-13.52. 8yo. Lond., 1897. B 19 U 1 BADE AU, Adam. Arist')c-racy in England. 12mo. New York, 1880. ' F 12 S 29 BADEN-POWELL, Baden Henry. [See Powell, B. H. Baden-.] BADEN-POWELL, Sir George. [See Powell, Sir G. Baden-.] BADEN-POWELL, Maj.-Gen. Robert Stephenson Smyth. [See Powell, Maj.-Gen. R. S. S. Baden-.] BADENOCH, G. R. Australasia in 1898. (Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, April, 1896.) E BADENOCH, L. N. True Tales of the Insects. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lend., 1899. A 30 T 2G BADILEY, Vice-Adm. Richard. Life of : by T. A. Spalding. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 3 BADMINTON LIBRARY'". Dancing. [See Frazer, Lilly.] A 29 R 33 Mountaineering, [fiee Dent, C. T.] A 29 S 41 Poetry of Sport. [,?ee Peek, H.] H 10 W 12 Riding and Polo. [See Weir, Capt. R.l A 17 U 49 Rowing and Punting. [See Rnwe, R. P. P.] A 17 U 4' IlADir/XTOX MAGAZIXE OF SPORTS AXD PAS- TIMES, The. Vols. 1-10, Aug., 189.5.-Juno. 1900. lOy.ils. 8vo. Lond., 189.5-1900. E BAGEHOT, Walter. Tiie I'.n-lish Constitution. Sy,-, Lond., 1896. F 8 \^ 4;5 Essays on Parliamentary Ref(jrni. 8yo. Lond., 189G. F 8 V 4 I Lombard-street: a Desciiption of the Money Market. 8yo. Lond., 1896. " F 8 V 43 Physics and Politics ; or. Thoughts on the ;ip]ilication of the Prim-iples of Natural Selection and Inliei'itance to Political Society. 8yo. Lond., 189G. F 8 V 4G BA(!NALL, L. J. Kauri Gum in thoKahikatea Forestat Turua. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 189G.) ME 2 S ILV(j.Sll.\\\', .iohn S. An Outline of the Psalms. 2nd ed. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 T 28 Supplementaru Catalogue — 1896-1000. 39 BAHREN8, Emil. Poetw Latiui Miiiores. G vdls. (in 4) 12in^.. Lipsi,.', 1S7'J-8G H 11 U 1-1: BAILEY, Frederick Manson. Botanic Notes. (Ro)'. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1894.) ME 1 T Economic Botany. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., .Sept., Oct., 1898, July, 1899.) ME 9 U Flora of the Island.s of Torres Straits and the Mainland about SomcrHet. (jYustralasi-m Assoc, for Ad\ance- rnent of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 1« S Flora of New Guinea. (Quern.slaiul Agricult. Journ., Aug., Sept., 1898, April, 1900.) ME 9 U Flora of Queensland. (Quceuslaiul Agricult. Journ., Oct., Nov., 1898, July, Oct., Nov., 1899, Jan., 1900.) ME 9 U The Nepenthe.s of Australia. (Kov. Ilorticult. Soc, Journ., Oct., 1898.) " E Plants reputed poisonous to Stock. (Queensland Agr. Journ., Nov., Dec, 1898, July, Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U Poisonous Plants. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Queensland Flora. With Plates. Pts. 1, l'. 2 aoIs. roy. 8vo. Brisb., 1899-1900. MA 4 U 14, 1.5 Queensland Indigenous Species of Vitis as a Stock for the Grape Vine. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1899.) ME 9 U Vegetation of Nev/ Guinea. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1898.) ME 1 T Companion for the Queensland Student of Plant-life and Botany abridged. \_See Queensland. — Agr.] MA 4 S 8 Peculiarities of the Queensland Flora. [&e Queensland. —Agricult.] MA 3 S G8 Queensland Flora. {See Queensland.— Agr.] MA 3 S G8 BAILEY, Henry R. Bala!ice-sheets, and how to prove them. 12mo. Manchester, 1898. A 25 P 48 BAI LEY, James Blake. Diai-y of a Resurrectionist, 1811- 12 : to which are added an Account of the Resurrec- tion Men in London, and a short History of the passing of the Anatomy Act. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. xV 26 S 32 BAILEY, Ji)hn Frederick. The Coca Plant. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Li<]uorice. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 L" The Pawpaw. (Queensland Agr. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Plants of tlie liabbit-infested Country, BuUoo River, South-west Queensland. (.iVustralasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Report on the Timber Trees of the Ilerberton District, North Queensland. (Queensland Agiicult. Joiyn., Oct., 1899.) ME 9 IT BAILEY, Prof. Liberty Hyde. The Forcing-book. Illus- trated. 12mo. New York, 1900. A 18 P 35 Garden-making : Suggostion.s for the utilizing of Homo Grounds. Illustrated. 12nio. New York, 1898. ((Jarden Craft Ser.) A 33 Q 32 The Horticulturist's Rule-book : a Compendium of U.so- ful Information for I'ruit-growers, Truck-gaideners, Florists, and others. [With American nildiograjiliv.] 12mo. New York, 189.5. A 18 P 28 Lessons with Plants : Sugge.stioiis for seeing and inter- preting some of the common forms of vegetation. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 33 P 32 The Nur.sery-book : a complete Guide t(j the Multipli- cation of Plants. 3rd eel. 12mo. New York, 189G. (Garden Craft Ser.) A 18 P '-Vl Plant-breeding : being five Lectures on the Amelioration of Domestic Plants. 12mo. New York, 1895. (Garden Craft Ser.) A 18 P 30 Piinciples of Agriculture : a Te>;t-book for Schools aiul Rural Societies. 8vo. New York, 1898. (Rural Science Ser.) A 27 P 17 Principles of Fruit-growing. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Rural Science Ser.) A 33 Q 18 The Pruning-book : a Monograph of the Pruning and Training of Plants as applied to American conditions. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. ((Jarden Cnift Ser.) A 18 P 22 Sketch of the Evolution of our Native Fruits. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 20 R 13 The Survival of the Uidike : a Collection of Evolution Essays suggested by the Study of Domesticated Plants. 8vo. New York, 1890. " A 27 R IG -, and MILLER, Wilhebn. Cyclopedia of Ameri- can Horticulture. Illustrated. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols, imp. 8xo. Lond., 1900. A 44 W 8, 9 BAILEY, Samuel. Rationale of Political Representation. 8vo. Lond., 1835. F 10 R 28 Theory of Ilea.sf>ning. [(See Martineau, Rev. J. — E.s.says, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 BAILEY, Vernon. The Prairie Ground Squirrels, or Spermophiles, of the Mississippi Valley. [_Scc United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 8 BxVILEY-DENTON, Eardley. {See Dent..m, E. Bailey-.] BATLLIE, aiaj. Frederick D. Mafeking: a Diarv during the Siege. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 P 19 BAILLIE-GROHMAN, W. A. ^See Grohman, W. A. Baillie-.] BAILLIERE, F. F. Baillie.-es Queensland Gazetteer and Road Guide, containing the most recent and accurate information as to every place in the C(jloiiy. \S£& Whitworth Robert P."' MD 3 S 3 40 JPiibllo Library of Neto South Wales. BAILY, Dr. Francis. Star Catalogue. [See British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science.] A 12 T 2 1 f BAIN, Dr. Alexander. A Higher Englisli Grammiir. 12mo. Lond.: 1S96. J 10 P 45 Character Sketch of. \_See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 Psychology of. iSee Martineau, Rev. Janaes. — Essay.s, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 BAIX, Robert Nisbet. Charles XII and the Collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. Svo. New York, 1895. B 16 R 20 The Daughter of Peter the Great : a History of Russian Diplomacy and of the Russian Court under the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1741-62. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 34 R 3 The Pupils of Peter the Great : a History of the Russian Court and Empire from 1697-1740. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 39 Q 3 Hans C. Andersen : a Biography. [See Andersen, Hans C-l " C 22 R 13 Turkish Fairy Tales. \_See Kunos, Dr. Ignaez.] J 14 S 2 BAINBRIDGE, William. Law of Mines and Minerals ; with an Appendix of Mining Precedents, fully anno- tated with references to the Text, and a Glossary of English Mining Terms. 5th ed. ; by A. Brown. Rov. Svo. Lond., 1900. F 7 T6 BAINES, Fredei-ick Ebenezer. Forty Years at the Post Office. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895. F 2 V 24, 25 BAIRD, Sir Da\id. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Capt. Ciiunt (Jlcichen. (Wilkinson, S. — From Cnmiwell to ■\VeUington.) C 26 R 18 BAIUD, Prof. Henry :\Iartyn. The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895. B 34 T 10, 1 1 Tlieodore Beza. [See Beza, T.] C 26 Q 16 BAIRD, Spencer F. Axtinul Rrranl of Science (nid Iti- dnslrij. [See Animal Record of Science and Im/antn/.] A 35 Q 1-8 BAIRD LECTURE. The Scolti.'»h Rut'ormation. [Sec Mitihcll, Rev. A. F.] li •2() ,S G BAKER, Ernest A. Descriptive Hand-book to the more notewortliy Works of Proso Fiction in the Library of the Midland Railway Institute, Derby. Svo. Deiby, 1899. Cat. Ror.'m BAKER, Dr. Henry A. Obturators and Artificial ^'(■la. (Lilch, Dr. 'NVilbur F. — American System of Den- tistry.) A 31 S 2 BAKER, Dr. Henry 15. General Sanitation. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 lJ.\Ki;i!, Ilrnry IJarton. Stories of the Streets of J^judon. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S99. B 17 Q 35 BAKER, Richard Thomas. An Apocynaceous Plant yielding large Edible Tubers. (Liuuean Soc, N.S.W., ■Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Botanical Notes from the Technological JIuscum. (Lin- nean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Botany of the Rylstone aiid Goulburn River Districts. (Liiinean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1890.) ME 2 P Cinnamomums of New South Wales, with a Special Re- search on the Oil of C. Oliveri, Bail. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Flora of Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897, 1899.) ME 2 P Note on a new variety of Acacia decurrens, Willd. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Plants of New South Wales illustrated. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895, 1897.) ME 2 P Supposed new genus of the N. O. Mvrtacese. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) " ME 2 P Three new species of Eucalyptus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) " ME 2 P Two new species of Acacia from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Two new species of Casuarina. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Two new species of Eucalyptus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ■ ME 2 P Two new species of Prostanthora from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Two new .species of Pultena^a. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W.' Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Two well-known but hitherto undescribed species of Eucalyptus. (Linn. Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) 3IE 2 P Description of a new species of Acacia from New S(nith Wales. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W^, Proc, 1895.] ME 2 P Descriptions of some new species of Plants from New South Wales. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.] ME 2 P New species of Eheocarpus from Northern New South Wales. [5'««LinneanSoc,N.S.W.,Proc,d895.] ME 2 P and SMITH, Henr^' (ieorge. The Darwiniasof Port Jackson and their Essential Oils. (Rov. Soc. N.S.W., Journ., 1S99.) ME 1 R Essential Oil and the presence of a solid Camphor or Stearoptene in the Sydney Peppermint, FncnJi/pfns jnpcrita. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R Grey (!um, Eucnli/jilna punctata, Dc, particularly in regard to its Essential Oil. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1S97.) " ME 1 R Presence of a true Manna on a "Blue Grass," Aiidropoijon annidatitK, Forsk. (Roy. Soc, N S.W., Journ., 1S96.) M E 1 R SU'iiigyliark Trees of New Soulli 'Wales, especially in regard to their Essential Oils. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1S9S.) ME 1 R B.iivEIi, Sir Samuel. [Sketch of.] [Sec Eminent Per- sons.] C 19 Q 22 Sitpplcmentarij Catalogue — ISOG-IOUO. 41 BAKER, Sir Sherstoii. First Htcji.s in International Law. 8vo. Lond., 1899. V IG Q IG LAKEli, llcv. Sliirley W. English anil Tungan V(;cabu- lary ; also a Tongan and English Vocabulary, with a List of Idiomatic Phrases and Tongan Grammar. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. MJ 3 E 17 BAKHUYZEN, Gerardina Jacoha van de Sande. [&e iSande Bakhuyzen, G. J. van do.] BALARI Y JOVANY, Dr. D. Jose. Historia de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artcy. 8vo. Barcelona, 1895. G 17 R 41 BALCH, Emily Greene. Public Assistance of the Poor in France. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 Y 18 BALCH, Thomas. International Courts Cif Arbitration. 8vo. Philad., 1896. F 5 P 32 BALCK, Capt. — . Modern Eurojiean Tactics. Translated by L. R. M. Maxwell. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 30 W 1 1. Introduction and Principles of Employment of Infant ly. BALDANCOLI, Prof. Pietro. Motivi di Decorazione in Stile Raffaellesco. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 37 t BALDOCK, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Stanford. Cromwell as a Soldier. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Wolseley Ser.) B 33 S 8 BALDRY, Alfred Lys. Life and Work of IMarcus Stone. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) (Christmas Numlier of the Art Journcd.) A 13 W 10 t life and Works of Albei't Moore. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. A 10 X 5 t Sir John Everett Millais: his Art and Influence. Illus- t,rated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 44 R 4 BALDWIN, Elizabeth L. Play of Animals. [_See Groos, K.] G 13 T 51 BALDWIN, Helen Green. Alterations of Personality. ISee Binet, Alfred.] G 12 V 31 BALDWIN, Prof. James Mark. Social and Ethical Inter- pretations in Mental Development : a Study in Social Psychology 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 24 R 3 Story of the Mind. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1899. (Li)3. of Useful Stories.) G 9 U 27 Play of Animals. [See Groos, K.] G 13 T 51 BALDWIN, John Dcnison. Ancient America : Notes on American Arclueology. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1871. B 18 Q 12 BALDWIN, William J. Ilot-v/ater Heating and Fitting ; or. Warming Buildings by Hot Water : a Description of Modern Hot-water Heating Apparatus, the Methods of their Construction, and the Principles involved. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1SS9. A 37 R 2 BALESTTER, Charles ^^■olcott. The Naulahka. [,SV« Kipling, R.] ■ J 22 U 27 BALFOUR, Alice Blanche. 1,200 miles in a Waggon. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 14 1" 23 BALFOUR, Rt. Hon. Arthur James. Character Sketch of. [/See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Documents.] J 14 L' 15 [Essay on the Works of.] [See Seth, Dr. A.- Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays.] G 14 R 2G Mr. Balfour seen from a distance. \_See Hapgood, N. — ■ Literary Statesmen.] C 23 Q 26 Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [&'« Knight. Dr. W.] G''17T18 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S. -Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 Works of George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne. [See Berkeley, G., Bishop.] ' G 18 P 55^57 BALFOUH, Lady Betty. History of Lord Lytton's Indian Administration, 1S76-S0, compiled from Letters and OtKcial Papers. With Portrait. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 9 R 43 BxVLFOL'R, Dr. George ^\'iliiam. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Heart and Aorta. 3rd ed. Illustrated 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 P 5 BALFOUR, Graham. Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. G 18 Q 40 BALFOUR, Dr. Isaac Bavlev, F.R.S. Organography of Plants. [See Goebel, Prof. K.] A 45 V 22 BALFOUR, James Melville. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 31.) E BALFOUR, Mai'ie Clothilde. Side-lights on the Reign of Terror. [See Eeherollcs, Mile, des.] B 41 1} 12 BxVLFOUR, Reginald. [Verses bv.] [See Garland of New Poetry.'] ' H12Q15 BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH, Alexander Hugh Biuce, Lord. Principles and Conditions of the Scottish Esfablislmient. (Gore, Rew C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) " G 23 S 28 BALL, Rev. Charles James. Light from the East ; or, the AV'itness of the Monuments : an Introduction to the Study of Biblical Archieologv. Illustrated. 4to. LoncL, 1899. " G 23 V 22 -, and others. The Queen's Printers' Aids to the Student of the Holv Bible, selected and described by Rev. C. J. Ball. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 5 Q 32 BALL, Eustace A. Reynolds-. City of the Caliphs : a Popul.ir Study of Cairo and its Environs and the Nile and its Antiiiuities. Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1898. D 20 S 23 42 JPablio Lihrm'y of New South Wales, BALL, Sir Robert Stawell, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1895. Theory of Screws. Lnp. 8vo. Camb., 1900. A 44 AV 14 Great Astronomers. A 20 U 8 BALL, S. ]\[oral Aspects of Socialism. [&« Fabian Soc. —Fabian Tracts, 72.] F 19 K 15 BALL, V\'. W. Rjusc. Primer of the History of Mathe- matics. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 25 P 40 BALLAARAT GENERAL CEMETERY. Chairman's Report and Statistics, 1895. 8vo. Balhvarat, 1896. ME 15 Q BALLAGH, James Curtis. White Servitude in the Colony of Yiri,'inia. (Johns Hopkins L'^niversity. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 1.3 BALLANCE, Charles Alfred. Certain Affections of the Ear. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 40 General Pathology of New Growths. \_See Shattock, S. G.] A 26 T 34 BALLAVOINE, Jules Frederic. [Reproduction of liis Picture] Wood Nymph. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 + BALLIN, Ada S. Children's Dre-ss. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 BALLINGER, John. Books for A'illage Libraries. [See Burgoyue, F. J.] J 9 V' 36 -, and JONES, James Ifano. Catalogue of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department. \_See Cardiff Free Libraries.] Cat. Room BALLS-HEADLEY, Dr. W. [See Headley, Dr. AV. Balls-.] BALMFORTH, Ramsilon. Some Social and Political Pioneers of the 19th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 23 R 24 BALY, Joseph Sugar. Descriptions of new genera and of some recently discovered species of Australian Phyto- j>haga. (Entom. Soc., Lond., Trans., 1871.) E Catidogue of Hispidie in the Collection of the British Museum. {See Brit. Museum. — Nat. Hist.] A 43 P 4 BALZAC, Honorc de. At the Sign of the Cat and Racket (La Mai.son du Chat qui Pel(jte) [and the Sccaux Ball; thcPur.se; the Vendetta; and Mme. Firmiani]. Trans- lated by Clara Bell ; with a I'reface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 23 R 27 The Atheist's IMass, and other Stories [including Honor- ine; Colonel Chabert; Commission in Lunacy; Pierre (JrasHon], Translated by Clara Bell; with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 23 R 28 Beatrix, Translated by J. AVaring ; witli a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 23 B 29 BALZAC, Honorfe de — contd. Droll Stories. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) Libr. Eugenie Grandet. Translated by Ellen Marriage ; with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 24 U 2 A Father's Curse, and other Stories [including Maitre Cornelius; Gambara; and Massimilla Doni]. Trans- lated by J. AA'aring ; with a Preface by G. Saints- bury. 8vo. Lond!^ 1898. ' J 23 R 26 A Gondreville Mystery, and an Episode of the Terror. Translated by Ellen Marriage ; with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8yo. Lond., 1898. J 23 R 30 La Grande Breteche, and other Stories [including Peace in the House; Imaginary Mistre-ss; Albert Savarus]. Translated by Clara Belf; witli a Preface by G. Saints- bury. 8vo. " Lond., 1896. 'J23R31 The Member for Arcis (le Depute d'Arcis). Translated by Clara Bell ; with Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' J 9 R 34 Modeste JNlignon. Translated by Claia Bell ; with a Pre- face by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 23 R 32 Old Goriot (Le Pere Goriot). Translated by Ellen Mar- riage ; with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8\'o. Lond., 1896. ■ J 24 U 1 Ursule Mirouet. Tiau.slated by Clara Bell ; with a Pre- face by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 24 U 3 The AVild Ass's Skin. Translated by Ellen Marriage ; with an Introduction by G. Saintsbury. AVith Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 P 7 A AA^'oman of Thirty (La Ferame de Trente Ans.) Trans- lated by Ellen Marriage ; with a Preface by G. Saints- bury. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 24 U 4 BAMPTON LECTURES. Aspects of the OUl Testament. {Sec Ottlo;,-, R. L.](;i24U I.j BANCROFT, George. [Sketch of.] [See Emincmt Pcr- . son.s.] C19Q2L BANCROFT, George J. Kalgoorlie, AVestern Australia, and its surroundings. (American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) E BANCROFT, Hubert Howe. Literary Industries. AVith Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 19 P 19 The New Pacific. 8vo. New York, 1900. D 22 Q 14 Resources and Development of Mexico. 8\^o. San FrancLsco, 1893. B 16 Q 42 BANCROFI', Thomas Lane. Metamorphosis of the young fonn of Filar'm JiiincroJ'ti, Cobb, in the body of Ciilrx. cUiaris, Linn., the House Mosquito of Austi'alia. (Roy. Soc, N.S.AV., Journ., 1899.) i\IE 1 R Mutilations ])ractised by Australian Aborigines. (Hoy. Soc, N.S.AV., Journ., 1897.) ■ " ME 1 R JiAXD OF IIOJ'E JOURXAL. Comjjanioii.] [See Anstra/'um Homo Stipplementm^y Catalogue — 1806-1000. 13 nAXD OF MERCY and Humane Journal of New South Willi's. Vols. 11-13, 1897-99. 3 vols, (in 1) 4to. Sydney, 1897-99. ME 17 Q BANGS, John Kendriok. The JJieyeler.^, and thiee other Farces. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1898. 11 10 T38 '^ANHAM, George A. Table of Veterinary Posology and Therapeutics ; with Weights, Measures, (tc, for the use of Students and Practitioners. 18mo. Lond. (n.d.) A liG P 29 BANISTER, Henry Charles. Interludes : seven Lectures, delivered Ijetween 1891 and 1897, collected and edited by S. MacPherson. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A -11 T 2 BANKERS', INSURANCE JIANAGERS', AND AGENTS' MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-69, April, 1841-June, 1900. 70 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18U-1900. E BANKERS MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 50, 52-GO, Dec, 1894-June, 1895, Jan., 1896-June, 1900. 10 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894-1900. E BANKES, Rev. Thomas. Modern, authentic, and com- plete system of Universal Geograj)!!)'. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1790. D 22 R 4 t BANKS, Rev. J. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and Theognis. [_Sec Hesiodus.] H 11 R 11 BANKS, Sir Joseph. Biogra2:)hieal Memoirs of. (Philo- sophical Mag. and Journ., July, 1820.) E Journal of, during Captain Cook's fii'st Voyage in H.M.S. Endeavour in 1768-71 to Terra del Fuego, Otahite, New Zealand, Australia, the Dutch East Indies, Ac. Edited by Sir J. D. Hooker. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MD 3 U 15 Review of some leading points in the Official Character of the late President of the Royal Society [Sir Joseph Banks]. (Philosophical Mag. and Journ., Sept., Oct., 1820.) E Sir Joseph Banks ; by Prof. E. E. Morris. (Lib. Assoc. of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 BANKS, Martha Burr. Heroes of the South Seas. 8vo. New York, 1896. MG 2 U 1 BANKS, Samuel Hawker. The Picnic Party and the Stranger's Story : a Tale of an Australian Christmas. 12mo. Melb., 1867. MH 1 V 29 The Vision of Truth : an Ethical, Serio-comical, and Satirical Essay in Verse. 1 2nio. Sydney, 1874. MH 1 V 29 BANNERMAN, W. Bruce. Visitation of the County of Surrey. \_See Harleian Soc, Pubs., 43.] E BANNISTER, Dr. H. M. Medical Treatment of Insanity. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 BANNISTER, Saxe. The Writings of William Paterson. [See Paterson, William.] F 13 U 9-11 BANNOW, Waldemai'. The Colony of Victoria, socially and materially. With Map. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MD 8 Q 51 BANVILLE, Theodore Faullain de. Comedies. 12mo. Paris, 1893. H 11 U 13 Dans la Fonmaise. 12mo. Paris, 1892. 11 11 U 12 GrinL'oire : Comedie en un Acte en Prose. New od. 12mo. Paris, 1899. H 11 U 14 Nous Tous, Docembre, 1883-Mars, 1884. 12mo. Paris, 1884. H 11 U 10 Petit Traitc de Poesie Francai.se. 12mo. Paris, 1899. H 11 U 15 Poesies completes. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1891-96. H 11 U 7 9 1. Odes Funanil)ulesque.s ; Occideiitales ; Idylle.s Prus- siennes. 2. Les Exili'S ; Odelettes ; Araethystes ; Rimes Dorces ; Rondels ; les Princesses ; Trente-six Ballades Joy- euses. .*!. Les C'ariatides ; les Stalactites ; le 8ang de la Coupe ; Roses de Noel. Riquet a la Houppe : Come'die Feerique. 12mo. Paris, 1884. H11U14 Sonnailles et Clochettes. 12mo. Paris, 1890. H 1 1 U 1 1 [Translations from.] \_See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 L^ 2 BARACCHI, Pietro. Address by. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Cloud Observations in Victoria. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S BARBACENA, Marquez de. Vida d.) ; por A. A. de Aguiei-. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1896. C 24 R 18 BARBE, Louis A. [Life of] Kirkcaldy of Grange. {See Kirkcaldy, Sir W.] " C 20 U 27 BARBER, Charles Burton. Works of. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 17 T 3 t BARBER, William. Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. {See Dart, J. Henry.] F 1 U 12, 13 BARBOUR, John. The Bruce. {See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 31-33.] E The Brus. {See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 S 4 BARCLAY, Alexander. Eftects of the late Colonial Policy of Great Britain. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 13 R 35 The Cytezeu auy promotion to Heligoland, the gem of the North Sea. Illustrated. 8vo. Ix)nd. (n.d.) D 20 S 21 B.VllLLL, C. H. Tlie Sydney Once-a-tvcek Magazine. [See Sydney Once-a-week Mayazine.] MJ 4 Q 9 BARLGW, Alfred E. On the origin aiul lehition.s (jf tlie Grenvilji; and Jla-slings series in the Canadian Ijau- rentian. [iS'«c McGiil University. — Papers from Dejit. of Geology.] A 10 S 9 B.VRLOW, George. History of the Dreyfus Case, from the Arrest of Capt. Dreyfus in Oct., 1894, up to the Flight of Esterhazy in Sept., 1898. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 12 R 36 BARLOW, Jane. Irish Idylls. 8th ed. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1898. " D 16 S 6 BARLOW, Dr. Thomas. Erythromelalgia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Raynaud's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Tulierculous Meningitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26" T 40 Simple Meninn'itis in Children, [See Lees, Dr. D. B.] A 2G T 40 BARLOW and ARMITAGE'S Wine, Spirit, and JUaceo 7'rades Circular. [See AnsfraHan Wine, Spirit, and Tobacco Netiv.] I\IE 19 R BARNARD, P. G. A. Winter Notes from North Queens- land. (Vict. Nat., Dec, 1898.) ME 6 P BARNARD, George. Drawing from Nature: a series of Progressive Instructions in Sketching, to which are appended Lectures on Art, delivered at Rugby School. Newed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 31 S 31 BARNARD, James. Economic value of Typha lalifulla. (,Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) .ME 1 Q BARNATO, Bernard I. ]Memoir of ; by Harry Raynioiul. With Portraits. 8yo. Lond., 1897. " C 25 Q 6 [Sketch of.] [Set ( 'umbcrlaiul, S.-.What I think of South Africa.] D 14 R 18 BARNES, Arthur StajiyUon. St. Peter in Rome and his Tomb on tin- Vatican Hill. lUusti'ated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1 900. G 23 V 28 BARNES, Howard T. Some Measurements of the Tem- perature of the Lachine Rapids. [S(;e McGill Univer- sity. — Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 BARNES, James. Naval Actions of the War of 1812. Illustrated. Roy. 8yo. Lond., 1897. J3 16 V 30 BARNES, Lucy E. [See Baxter, Lucy E.] BARNES, William. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Patmore, C. K. D.— -Piinciple in Art, etc.] J 1 R 51 [Essay on.] [See Strachey, J. St. Loe. — From Grave to Gay.] J 14 U 38 BARNET, James. Architectural Work in Sydney, New South Wales. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. M.\ 4 V 2 BARNET BOOK OF PIIOTUCRAPUY. 2ndcd. Illu.s- traled. 8yo. Loml. 1898. A 25 T 10 Supplementary CaUdorjue — 189G-1900. 45 BARNETT, llem-iotta O. [Mrs. Saimiel A.] Tlu^ Making of llie Hoine. 12mu. Loud, (ii.il.) . A. 3. 3 Q .'58 BARNETT, P. A. Teuc-liing and Oi-uauisati,)!!, with spocial refercncu to Scociiularv Schcjol^^. 8vi). Lond., 1897. " G 18 P 17 BARNETT, Rev. Kamuel Augustu,'!. ITniversity Hlettlo- meuts. (Reason, W. — University and Social Settle- ment.s.) P 1,5 P ,33 BARNFIELD, Richard. The Aftectionate Shppherd. [See Percy Soc] ]{ 11 ^ i'l Poems l-')94-98. [_See English Scholar's Lih., Pubs.] J 3 T 23 BARR, Robert. The "Unchanging East. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 9 BARR, William M. Boilers and Furnaces considered in their relations to Steam Engineering. lUustiuted. 8vo. Philad., 1899. (Steam Engineer. Ser.) A 38 T 20 Practical Treatise on the Combustion of Coal. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1879. A 24 S 18 BARRABA AND MAXILLA XEWS, from No. 37, 1898. Fol. Barraba, 1898. ME BARRACLOUGH, Samuel Henry. The Pre.sent Po.sition of the Theory of the Steam Engine. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Effect of Temperature on the Tensile and Compressive Properties of Copi)er. {_See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.] " ME 1 R Some Physical Properties of Nickel Steel. \_See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 189,s.] ME 1 R , and STRICKLAND, Tom Percival. E.Kj.eri- mental Investigations of Flow of Water in Uniform Channels. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R BARRAL, Dr. Etienne. Recherches sur Quekjues Derives Surchlorcs du Phenol et du Benzi-ne. 8vo. Paris, 1895. A 31 S 29 BARRAS, Piiul. ]\Iemoirs of Barras, Member of the Directorate. Edited by George Duruy, and trans- lated by Charles E. Roche. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 T 17, 18 BARRENJOEY LIGHTHOUSE. Account of the Lay- ing of the Foundation-stone of a new Lighthouse at Barrenjoey, April 15th, 1880. 8vo. [Extract from Sydney Morniu'j Ihrald, April 17th, 1880.] MJ 3 R 28 BARRETT, Dr. Asldey William. Dental Surgery for Medical Practitioners and Students of Medicine. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Loud., 1897. A 26 R 35 BARRETT, Elizabetli Barrett. [See Browning, Elizabetii Barrett,] BARRETT, C. R. H. Battles and Battlefield.s in England. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. 15 21V 18 BARRETT, Rev. G. S. The Intermediate State and the Last Thing.s. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 U 3 B.\RRETT, Lawrence. [Portrait and Sketcli of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-dav. j C 23 Q 6 BARRETT, William Alexander. Cla.ss-teaching in Schools. (Internat. Health E.xhib. — Health Exhib. Literatures) A 41 V 9 Dictionary of Musical Terms. {See Stainer, Sir J.] A 44 V 10 "BARRI COUTA." Salmoniana : done in Verse, and illustrated by " A Trumpeter." Sm. 4to. Hobait, 1866. [Bound with Tasuriaian Punch.] MJ 3 W 20 BARRIAS, Felix Joseph. [Reproduction of his Picture] Venus Triumpliant. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Ai't.] " A 12 P 27 J BARRIE, James Matthew. Novels, Tales, and Sketches of. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896. J 21 T 12-19 1. Auld Lielit Idylls ; Belter Dead. 2. When a man's single. 3. A Window in Thrums ; an Edinburgh Eleven. 4. o. The Little Minster. 6, 7. Sentimental Tommy. 8. My Lady Nicotine ; Margaret Ogilvj'. Barric and his Books. [Sfe Hammerton, J. A.] J 22 S 20 Essay on. [See Murray, D. C. — My Contemporaries in Fiction.] " " J 14 R 30 [Life of] Marg.aret Ogilvy. [Sec Barrie, Margaret.] C 23 P 4 BARRIE, Jrargaret [Mrs. — ] (^Margaret Ogilvy.) Life of; by J. M. Barrie. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 P 4 ]\Iargaret Ogilvy. [See Barrie, J. M.— Novels, Tales, and Sketches,' vol. 8.] J 21 T 19 BARRIER MIXER, 1898^June, 1900 [Fel>. 2.5th, 1898, Jan. 28th, 1899, missing]. 5 vols. fol. Broken Hill, 1898-1900. ME BARRIER MIXER BUSTXESS DIRECTORY, 1892. 8vo. Broken Hill, 1892. ME 10 S BARRIER SILVER AND TIN - FIELDS. [See Stevens, C. J.] MA 4 T 10 BARRINGER, D. M. Description of Minerals of Com- mercial Value. Ob, 32mo. New York, 1897. A 22 P 53 IG Fuhlic Library of New South TFales. BARRIXGTON, George. Account of a Toviige to New South "SVales, to wliicli is prefixed a Detail of his Life, Trials, and Speeches, itc. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1810. MD 8 Q 52 An Heroic Epistle from George Barrington to Major Semple. (Barrington, G. — Memoirs.) MC 1 S 20 History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney, and all its de- pendencies, from the original discovery of tlie Island ; with the Customs and Planners of the Natives, and an Account of the English Colony from its foundation to the present time. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., IS 10. MD 8 Q 5.3 Memoirs of, from his birthdav, 1755, to his last convic- tion at the Old Bailey, 1 7'JO. 8vo. Lond., 1790. MC 1 S 20 [Portrait and Account of.] (Lond. Mag., IMav, 1777.) MC 1 T .34 [Sketch of.] [See "Whiblev, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 BARRINGTON-KENNETT, Sir Vincent Hunter Bar- rington. \_See Kennett, Sir V. H. B. Barrington-.] BARROW, Arthur Haynes, " A.H.B." The two Capitals ; or, Labor led and leading. 8vo. Sydney, 1 899. MF5 Q 28 BARROW, George. Geology of Country around Nortli- allerton and Tliirsk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 11 Geology of Eskdale, Rosedale, itc. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 5 Geology of Nortli Cleveland. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 21 BARROAV, Rev. Isaac. Matliematical AV(,rks. Edited Ijy W. Whewell. 8vo. Canib., I8C0. A 25 U 15 Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy ; to wliich is added, "A Discourse concerning the Unity of the Chuich." Newed. With Portrait. 8vo. Lou".]., 1882. G 25 T 8 BARROW, John. Map of Portland, Victoria. 12mo. Portland, 1854. MD 1 P 72 BARROWS, Isabel C. Proceedings of the National Con- ference of Cliarities and Correction, 1896. [See Charities and Correction National Conference.] i'] BARROWS, John Henry. Henry Ward Beecher, tlio Sliake.speare of tiic Pulpit. [See Beecher, Rev. Henry- Ward.] C 20 U 9 BARRCAVS, Walter B. Common Crow of tlie United Htutes. [See United States. — Dcpt. of Agricult. — Div. of Bifdogical Survey.] A 40 S 12 Tiie Englisli Sparrow in North America, e.specially in its relations to Agriculture. [See irnited States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 38 R 2C BARRY, Rev. Alfred. The Ecclesiastical Expansion of England in tlie Growth of the Anglican Communion. 8vo. Lond., 189.5. " G 14 S 31 BARRY, Rev. D. F. [Life of] the late Pope (Pius IX). [See Melbourne Review, 3.] ME 18 Q BARRY, John Arthur. The I^uck of the Nati\e-born 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 R : BARRY, Sir Redmond. [Life of]; by Alexander Suther- land. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ' ME 18 Q BARR YMORE, Maurice. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKav, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-dav.] C 23 ti 6 BARTH, Justus. Norronaskaller'Crania antiqua in parte orientali Norvegite meridii-. Henry Charlton. Aphasia and other Speech Defects. ( Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 40 Treatise on Aphasia and other Speech Defects. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 S 7 BASTWICK, John. The Letanv. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphletts.) " G 23 Q 32 BASTOW, Richard A. Kev to Tribes and Genera of tlie Floridea-. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Key to Tribes and Genera of the Melanospermea^ (Olive- green Seaweeds). (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 K BATCHELOR, Rev. John. The Ainu of Japan: the Religioji, Sujierstitions, and General History of the Hairy Aborigines of Japan. Illustrated. 8vo. New York (n.d.) A 19 Q 8 BATE, Charles Spence, F.R.S. Catalogue of the Speci- mens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. \_See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 U 12 BATE, Percy H. English Pre-Raphaelite Painters : their Associates and Successors. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 20 S 1 t BATEIMAN, Charles Somer\-ille Latrobe. The First Ascent of the Kasai* being some Records of Service under the Lone Star. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. DUT25 BATEMAN, Rev. Gregory C. The Vivarium : being a Practical Guide to the Construction, Arrangement, and JSIanagement of Vivaria, containing full informa- tion as to all Reptiles suitable as jiets, how and where to obtain them, and how to keep them in health. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 9 BATEMAN, Mary. [Life of] ; by Arthur Vincent. (Vin- cent, A.— Lives of Twelve Bad AA'omen.) C 24 Q 20' BATEMAN, AVilliain. Australian Produce : the best means of realising thereon. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 1 T 45 The Colonist : a Work on the Past and Present Position of the Colony of New Zealand. 8vo. Christchurch, 1881. MB 1 R 21 BATES, Frank Greene. Rhode Island and the Formation of the LTnion. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 18 R 6 48 J?ul)liG Library of New South fVales. BATES, Frederick. Descriptions of new genera and species of Tenebrionidw from Australia, New Cale- donia,- and Norfolk Island. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1873.) E BATES, Rev. J. Democracy. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S Training of Teachers for Primary Schools. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ' ME 2 S BATES, Katherine Lee. American Literature. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1898. J -1 Q 42 BATES, LoYs. Kindergarten (luide. lllustratel. 12mo. Lend., 1897. G 18 Q 35 BATESON, :Mary. George Ashby's Poems. [See Early English Text Soc, Pubs., extra ser., 76.] E BATH AND WELLS, Bishopof. \_See Ken, T.] BATH AND WEST AND SOUTHERN COUNTIES SOCIETY. Journal. Vols. 1-10, 4tli ser., 1890- 1900. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-1900. E BATHED^VT, Tliercsc. Bismarck at Home. [See Bis- marck, Prince.] C 21 T 23 BATHER, F. A., GREGORY, .John Walter, and GOOD- RICH, E. S. The Echinodcrma. [Scv Lankester, E. R.] A 44 S 25 BATHGATE, Alexander. Acclimatisation in New Zea- land. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BATIIURST DAILY TIMES, The, Aug., 1896-99. 4 vols. fol. Bathurst, 1896-99. ME HAT HURST FREE PRESS, 1899. Fol. Bathurst, 1899. ME BATHURST PEOPLE'S FEDERAL CONVENTION. [^See People's Federal Convention, Bathurst.] BATIirRSTIAy, The: a Quarterly Magazine of All Saints' College, Bathui-st, New South Wales. Vols. 1-7, 1882-98. 45 Nos. 8vo. Bathurst, 1882 98. \^IncomplKte.'\ MI'] 15 Q BATIFFOL, Dr. Pierre. Hisiorv of the R.,man Breviary. Translated by A. M. Y. Baylay. 12mo. Lond., 1H98. G 23 il 25 BATTEN, Charles. Pea or Earllmut. (Qucen.sland Agri- cull. Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 U BATTEN, Dr. Frederick Eustace. Hiematomyelia. (All- butt, Dr. T. C. System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Myositis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 39 BATTI'iN'lJEiKJ, Pi'incc Louis of. .Mcnof-wai- Names: their jneuniiig and origin. 12mo. liond., 1><97. K 19 P 29 BATTERMANN, Dr. H. Resultate aus den Polhiihen- bestimmungen in Berlin ausgefuhrt in deji Jahren 1891 und 1892 am Universal-Transit der Konigl. Stern warte. 4to. Berlin, 1899. A 17 S 28 t BATTERSBY, Dr. C. Harford, and others. Health ^Vbroad : a Jledical Handbook of Travel. Edited by Dr. E. Hobhouse. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 R 3 BATTERSBY, G. Ilarfoid-. The Hexateuch according to the Revised Version. \_Sce Carpenter, J. E.] G 25 V 11, 12 BATTYE, Aubvii Ti-cvor-. N.uthern Highway of the Tsar. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 18 Q 34 The First Cixissing at Spitsbergen. [See Conway, Sir William M.] D 16 V 18 BAUDELAIRE, Charles Pierre. CEuvres completes. With Portrait. 7 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1885-98. J 24 S 16-22 1 . Les Fleurs du Mai, prccuc'.ees d'une Notice par T. Gautier, 2. C'uriosites Esthetique?. .S. L'Art Romantiquc. 4. Pctits Poeincs en Prose ; Les Paradis Artificiels. 5. Histoircs cxtraordinaires par Edgar Poe. 0. Nouvclles Histoircs extraordinaircs par Edgar Poe. 7. Aventures d'Arthur Clordou Pyin ; Emrka, }>ar Edgar Poe. [Translations from.] [5-e Pastels in Pro^^e.] J 26 U 2 I5AUDRY, Paul Jacques .\ime. Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 J BAUER, Dr. A. 11. Preparation of Malt. [&e Thausing, Julius E.] A 25 U 16 BAUER, Francis. Genera Filicum. [See Hooker, W. J.] A 44 W 2 BAUGHAN, Rosa. Character indicated by Handwriting. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lon.l. (ii.d.) ' G 25 P 9 BAUSCH, Edward. ^lanipulation of the Microscope. 3rded. Illustrated. 1 2mo. Rochester, 1897. A 41 t^ 29 BAVONIUS, Florentius Wigorniensis. Chronicon ex Chronicis. [See English Hist. Soe., Pubs.] B 39 R 23, 24 BAWERK, Eugen \cin Rohm. [See Bohm-lSawerk, Eugen von.] BAX, Ernest Belfort. Outspoken Essays on Social Sub- jects. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 9 W :\u Peasants' War in Germany, 1525 2(). >\iili M.ip, 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Social Side of the German lie- formation.) B 17 Q 30 Socialism. [See Mor.'is, William.] F 10 V 26 MA.XTEU, Emilv [Mrs. .] Leswms in Artistic Confec- tionerv. lliustrat^'d. Ft. I. 4to. Svdnev. 1899. MA 1 U II) Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 49 BAXTER, Lucy E. (Mrs. — .) [Lucy E. Barnes], "Leader Scott." The Catliedr.il Uuiklers : the (Story of a Great Ma.sonic Guild. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1899. A 4r) P r, BAXTER, Richard. One Sliect for the Ministry. (D(^ar- mer. Rev. P. — Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q ."52 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B. — Sermons.] (! 23 Q 49 BAY, J. Christian. Danish Fairy and Folk Tales : a Col- lection of Popular Stories and Fairy Tales ; from the Danish of S. (irundtvig, E. T. Ki-istensen, I. Bondesen, and L Budde. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. J 14 Q 43 BAY STATE AIONTJILY, The. [See New Emjland Magazine, The.] BAYE, H. G. Broken Hill Vughs : (.Occurrence ands(jnie probable causes. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1895.) JFE' 18 P BAYLAY, Rev. Atwell Mervyn Yates. History of the Roman Breviary. [See Batiffi^l, Dr. P.] G 23 Q 25 BAYLES, George J. The ( )lhce of Mayor in the United States : a Study in Administi'ative Law. 8\'o. New York, 1895. F 18 Q 2 BAYLEY, A. M. 0. Clive-. Vignettes from Finland ; or. Twelve Months in Strawberry Land. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 18 R 30 BAYLEY, Sir Steuart. The 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Sikkim Expedition of 1888. [See Iggulden, Capt. H. A.] B 31 R 12 BAYLISS, W. D. Prisoners their own Warders. [See McNair, Maj. J. F. A.] F 6 II 8 BAYLY, Ada Ellen, "Edna Lyall." Mrs. Gaskell. (Oli- phant, Margaret G. — Women Novelists of Queen Vic- toria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 BAYNE, Peter. Lessons from my Masters: Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. 8vo. Lond., 1879. J 5 T 28 BAYNE, William. [Life of] James Thomson. [See Thomson, J.] C 20 V 7 BAYNES, Arthur Hamilton, Bishop of Natal. My Diocese during the War. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 Q 19 BAYNES, Herliert. The Idea of God and the Moral Sense in the light of Language : being a Philological Enquiry into the Rise and Growth of Spiritual and Moral Concepts. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 24 V 17 BAYNES, Robert E. Kinetic Theory of Gases. [See Meyer, Prof. 0. E.] ' A 38 S 19 BAYNES, Prof. Thomas Spencer. Port-Royal Logic. [See Port-Royal Logic] G 25 S 22 BAZIN, H. E.xpei-iments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein issuing from an Orifice, and upon the Distribution of the Velocities within it. Translated by John C. Trautwine. ' 8vo. New York, 189G. A 32 R 33 BEACH, Alfred E. Science Record. [See Science Record.] A 35 P 1-5 BEACH, I»r Fletcher. ]''acts concerning Idiocy and Im- becility. (Internat. Health E.xliib. — Health Exhib. , Literature.) A 41 V 7 Idiocy and Ind^ecility. [See Shuttleworth, Dr. G. E.] A 26 T 41 BEACH, Prof. Walter G. The Australian Constitution. (Political Science Quarterly, Dec, 1899.) E " BEACON." [See Osborne, J.] BEACONSFIELD, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of. The Earl of Beaconsfield ; by H. E. Gorst. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Victorian Era Ser.) C 27 R 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henrv. — English Prose.] ■ J G Q 38* [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — Eng- land in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [Sea Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Russell, G. W. E. — Collections and Recollections.] C 25 P 13 Sketch of the AVorks of. [See Harrison, F. — Early Victorian Literature.] J 8 T 37 BEAL, Edward. Cardinal Rules of Legal Interpretation. 8vo. Loud., 1896. '^ F 9 V 9 BEAL, F. E. L. Some common Biixls in their relation to Agriculture. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 -, and LUCAS, F. A. Repiu-t on the Food of Woodpeckers and the T(_)ngues of Woodpeckers. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 30 R 30 BEAL, Rev. S. Buddhism in China. 12mo. Lond., 1884. G 4 V 24 BEAL, W. H. Barnyard Manure. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 BEAL, Dr. W. .1. Grasses of North America. Vol. 2. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 19 T 18* '2. The Grasses classified, described, and each Genus illus- trated with chapters on their geographical distribution and a bililiograpliy. BEALE, Dr. Alonzo. Ai-tificial Dentures on the Rubber Ease. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F,— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 50 Fiiblic Library of New South Wales. BEALE, Dorothea. Organization of Higher Education for Girls. (Internat. Health E.vhilj.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 13 Application of Psvcholoffj- to the Science of Education. ISee Herbart, J. F.] "' G 23 Q 23 SOULSBY, Lucy H. M., and DOVE, Jane Frances. Work and Play in Girls' Schools. 8vo. Lend., 1898. G 23 P 32 BEAMAN, Ardern G. Hulme-. Twenty Years in the XearEast. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 22 P 3 BEAN, Dr. Tarleton H. Oceanic Ichthyology. [See United States.— National Museum.] A 17 f 20, 21 t BEANEY, Dr. James George. Syphilis : its Nature and Diliusion popularly considered. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MA 2 Q 70 MA 2 Q 71 Lithotomy. [^See Lithotomy.] BEAR, Sara E. Zarita Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t BEARD, Rev. John Reilly. Autobiography of Satan. 8vo. Lond., 1872. G 2.T P 8 BEARDMORE, Nathaniel. Hydraulic Tables, to aid the calculation of Water and Mill Power, Water Supply, and Drainage of Towns and Improvement of Navigable Rivers. 8vo. Lond., 1852. A 25 S 13 BEARDSLEY, Aubrey Vincent. Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley ; with a Pi-efatory Note by H. C. Marillier. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. ' A 19 T 20 t Second Book of Fifty Drawings. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 19 T 22 t Aubrey Beardsley. [See Sj-nions, A.] A 39 V 29 The Savoy. [See Savoy, The.] J 22 V 19-21 BEARDSLEY, Le-.-i. Reminiscences, Per.sonal and other Incidents, Early Settlement of Otsego County, Notices and Anecdotes of Public Men, Judicial, Legal, and Legislative Matters, Field Sports, Dissertations and Di.scus.sions. Witli Poi-trait. 8vo. New York, 1852. C 26 S 20 BEARE, Tliomas Hudson. Grajihical Statics. [See Cre- mona, L.] A 39 P 25 BEARNE, Catlierine. Lives and Time of the Early Valois Queens : Jeanne de Bourgogne, Blanche dc Navarro, Jeanne d'Auvergne et de Boulogne, lllustiated. 8vo. I>ond., 1899. B 26 S 18 Pictures of the Old French Court: Jeanne de Bourbon, Isabeau <\i: V,ii\u-n: Auw <]<• Brotagno. 8vo. Lond , 1900. ii 26 S 23 BEASLEY, Henry. The Druggist's General Receipt- book, comprising a copious Veterinary Formulary, numerous Recipes in Patent and Proprietary Medi- cines, Druggists' Nostrums, &c., Perfumery and Cos- metics, Beverages, Dietetic Articles and Condiments. Photographic Chemicals and Formula?, Materials and Formulre used in Microscopic Work, Trade Chemicals, Scientitic Processes, Methods of Urinary Analysis, and an Appendix of L^seful Tallies. 10th ed. )2mo. Lond., 1895. A 26 P 28 BEATON, L. Our Sister Cities : Brisbane. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q BEATTIE, Prof. Francis R. Radical Criticism : an Ex- position and Examination of the Radical Critical Theory concerning the Literature and Religious Sys- tem of the Old Testament Scriptures. 8vo. Chicago, 189i. G 9 W 26 BEATTIE, J. W. Governors of Tasmania, from 1804-96. [Photographs.] 4to. Hobart, 1896. MA 11 P 33 t BEATTIE, Dr. William. Castles and Abbeys of England, from the National Records, Early Chronicles, and other standard authors. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 24 V 17 BEATTY, A. E. Mason-. Music for the " Versa," the new fashionable dance. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 j BEATTY, Ai'thur. Browning's Verse-form : its Organic Character. 8vo. New York, 1897. H 12 V 3 BEATY-POWNALL, S. [See Pownall, S. Beaty-.] BEAUCHAMP, Henry K. Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. [See Dubois, J. A.] G 23 S 12, 13 BEAUCHAMP, William Lygon, 7th Earl of. Private Collection of Paintings and Objets d'Art. Svo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 Q 13 BEAUCHAMP, William M. Earthenware of the New York Aborigines. [See New York Museum, Bulletin 22.] ' ~ E BEAUJON, A. History of Dutch Sea Fisheries: their Progress, Decline, and Revival. (Internat. Fisher- ies Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 9 BEAULIEU, Anatole Leroy-. [See Leroy-Beaulieu, A.] BEAULTEU, Pierre Paul Leroy-. [See Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P.] BEAUMONT, Francis. Masque of tlie Inner Temple and Gray's Inn. (English Masques.) H 11 U 17 Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.- -The Old Dramatists.] H 1 1 R 13 -, and FLETCHER, J..hn. Philastcr; or. Love lies a-bleeding. Edited, with Preface, Notes, and Glosisiiry, by F. S. Boas. 18mo. Lond., 1898. (Temple Dramatists.) H 13 Q 1 Supj)lementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 51 BEAUMONT, Piof. Roboi'ts. Woollnn and Worsted Cloth Miimifacture. 2nd ed. ll'iiio. Loud., 1890. A 2;? F 22 BEAUMONT, "William Worby. Motor Vehicles and Motors. Uhisti-atpd. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 W 17 BEAUREGARD, Gen. Peter Gustavus Toutant. Sketch of. [_See D wight, T. F. — Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Comniandeis.] C 21 U 5 BEAUTIFUL ILLAWARRA. [&f South Coast Tourist Union.] r,ID 8 P 42 BEAUTIFUL SYDNEY, 189.5-96, includuig Newcastle Coalopolis, and fertile Maitland. Oh. 1 2nio. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 U .33 BEAUVERIE, Joseph. Etudes sur le Polymorphi.siue des Champignons ; Influence du Milieu. 8vo. Paris, 1900. A 45 V 20 BEA VAN, Arthur H. Marlborough House and its Occu- pants, Present and Past. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B16T15 Popular Royalty. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 S 4 James and Horace Smith. [See Smith, J. and H.] C 26 P 18 BEAZELEY, Alexander. Reclamati.m of Land from Tidal Waters. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 39 V 32 BEAZLEY, Charles Raymond. The Dawn of Modern Geo- graphy : a History of Exploration and Geographical Science from the conversion of the Roman Empire to A.D. 900 ; with an Account of the Achievements and Wr-itings of the early Christian, Arab, and Chinese Travellers and Students. AVith Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 U 19 John and Seba.stian Cabot: the Di.scovery of North America. 8vo. Lond., 1898. • "D16R13 The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. [See Hakluyt Soc] E BECK, Prof. Alphons. C. H. Ander.sen's Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. [See Andersen, C. H.] J 12 P 33 BECH, Fedor. Verzeichniss der alten Handschriften und Drucke 'u\ der Domherren-Bibliothek zu Zeitz. Imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1881. K l.'i U 15 BECKE, Louis {in full George Louis.) Ebbing of the Tide : South Sea Stories. 8vo. Loud., 1895. MJ 3 S 21 His Native Wife. 12nio. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 P 56 Last Cruise of John Maudesley. (Fisher, L. — By Creek and Gully.) MJ"3R33 Lupton's Guest. (New Review, 1895.) Pacific Talcs. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MJ 3 S 20 Rodman the Boat-steerer, and other Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MJ 3 R 32 Wild Life in the Southern Seas. 8vo. Lrs of Greater Britain.) MB 3 Q A First Fleet Family. 8vo. Lcmd., 1896. MJ 3 S 6 The Mutineer : a Romance of Pitcairn Island. Svo. Sydney, 1898. MJ 3 S 29 The Mystery of the Laughlin Islands. 12nio. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 P 57 Naval Pioneers of Australia. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MB 3 S 11 An Old Australian Privateering Adventure. (Pall Mall Mag., Jan., 1899.) E The Sea Story of Australia. (Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1899.) * " E Sketch of Sir George Grey. [See Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1898.] ■ E BECKER, Leon. Les Arachnides de Belgique. [Set Belgium. — Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle.] A 40T 21, 22 X BECKET, Thomas a'. Archbishop of Canterbury. History of the Murder of. [See Stanlev, Arthur P. — Histori- cal Memorials of Canterbury.] " B 28 T 2 History of the Shrine of. [See Stanley, Arthur P. — Historical Memorials of Canterbury.] B 28 T 2 St. Thomas of Canterbury : his Death and Miracles. [See Abbott, E. A.] " GIT 26, 27 BECKETT, Sir Ednnind. Astronomy without Mathe- matics. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 19 P 13 BECKETT, T, W. Naylor. New Zealand Mosses. (N.Z. In,st., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Some recent additions to the Moss Flora of New Zea- land. (N. Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S BECKFORD, William. Vathek, reimprime sur I'Original fran^jais, avec la Preface de Stephane ilallarme. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J 21 P 25 BECKWITH, J. History of Chislehurst. [,SVe Webl;:, E. A.] " B 40 W 2 BEDDARD, Francis Evers, F.R.S. Anatomy of an Aus- tralian Cuckoo, Scythrops iiovo'-lwllandue. (Zoological Soc, Lond., Proc, 1898.) E A Book of Whales. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Progressive Science Ser.) A 44 Q 16 Earthworms and Leeches. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 Monograph of the order of Oligochieta. Illu.strated. 4to. Oxford, 1895. A 18 P 5 t Structui-e and Classification of Birds. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 30 Q 33 British Biixls. [See Hudson, W. H.] A 27 R 7 52 Public Library of New South Wales. BEDDOE, Dr. John. Anthropology and Mediciiae. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 34 BEDDOES, Thomas Lovell. Poetical "Works of ; with a ilemoir by Edmund Gosse. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890. H 12 T 3, 4 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, Edmund. — Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 BEDDOME, Charles Edward. Description of some new :Marine Shells of Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 Q Description of a new species of Pupina f ii im Queensland- (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189G.) ME 2 P New .species of Land Shell. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ' ME 2 P Note on Cypnea anyustata, Gray, var. siihcarnea, Ancey- (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc," 1896.) ME 2 P Species of Cyprjea inhabiting the Shores of Tasmania. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Voulta Fusiformis. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q BEDDOME, Maj. Richard Henry. Ferns of British India : being Figures and Descriptions of Ferns from all parts of British India. 2 vols. 4to. Madras, 1865- 66. A 20 P 12, 13 t Ferns of Southern India : being Descriptions and Plates of the Ferns of the Madras Presidency. 2nd ed. 8vo. Madras, 1873. A 20 P 14 t BEDE, The Venerable. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis An- glorum. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 1 Old English Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People. \_See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] ■ ^ E Opera Historica minora. \_See i'^nglish Historical Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 2 The Venerable Ik-dc. [See Browne. G. F.. Bishop.] G 2G P I .s BEDKLL, Dr. Frederick. Principles of the Transformer. Svo. New York, 1890. A 21 IT 24 BEDl'iJlilJ, Vice-Adm. Sir Frederick (jeorgo Dc^nham. [Portrait and Sketch of Sir Francis Drake.] [See Drake, Sir F.] C 25 T 7 BEF)I''ORD, George AVilliam Francis Sackville Russell, lOth Duke of. A (Jreat Agricultural Estate: being the Story of the Originand AdminisI ration of AVol)urn and ThoriK-y. Hvo. Lond., 1897. A 19 S 3 I5EIJF0RD, Henry. Life of St. A'incont de Paul. [See Vincent do Paul, St.] C 19 V 21 BEDFORD, Rutli Marjory. Rhymes by " Ruth." 18mo Sydney 1890. MH 1 P 77 BEDFORD, Rev. William Kirkpatrick Riland. The Blazon of Episcopacy : being the Arms borne by or attiibuted to the Archbishojis and Bishops of England and Wales, with an Ordinary of the Coats described and of other Episcopal Arms. Roy. 8vo. Oxford, 1897. " K 17 T 16 BEDINGFELD, Lady Charlotte. The Jerningham Letters, 1 780-1843. [See Jerningham, Lady Mary.] C 23Q 3, 4 BEDNALL, W. H. On some Tasmanian C7((Vo;i.s. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q BEECH AM, John. Colonization : being Remarks on Colonization in general, with an Examination of the Proposals of the Association which has been formed for colonizing New Zealand. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1838. MF 4 Q 56 BEECHAM, K. J. History of Cirencester and the Roman City of Corinium. Illu.strated. Svo. * Cirencester, 1886. B 25 R 13 BEECHER, Harriet Elizabeth. [See Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth.] BEECHER, Rev. Henry Wanl. Henry Ward Beecher, the Shakespeare of the Pulpit ; by John Henry Bari'ows. Svo New York, 1893. C 20 U 9 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 BEECHING, Rev. Henry Charles. Pages from a Private Diary. [Anon.] Svo. Lond., 1898. C 26 P 3 Teaching of English Literature. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 George Herbert's Counti'y Parson. [See Herbert, G.] G 9 U 26 [Criticism of the Works of] Dean Clmrch. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Henry Newman. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] " J 6 Q 38* Poems of Henry Vauglian. [See Vaughan, H.] H 1 1 Q 7, 8 BEEDELL, Edwin. The British Tariir for 1853. 12mo. L,Mid., 1853. F 10 V 40 The Mercantile and Mai'inc Guide. fSc*! Wilhnore, G.] F 13 T 27 BEEMAN, G. B. Australian Mining Manual : a Handy Guide to tlie West Austi-ali.'in Market. Svo. Lond., 1896. MA 3 U 38 Westrali.an Mining Manual : a iiandv (iuidc! to the West •VustraJian Market. IJni... L,,n'(l., 1897. MK 1 P 45 BICER, Dr. Rudolf. !)e Coiupusitionc llominis. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] (! 23 T 18 Do Ente Pra-dicamentali : u;rstiones XIII Logiciu et Philosophicic. [See AN'yclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 29 Supp lemen tary Ca talogne — 1896-1 900. 63 BEERS, Prof. Honrj- Augustin. History <>f Eiigli.sh Rn- numticism in the 18tli Century. 8vii. Lonil., 1899. .1 14 Q ;!6 Initial Stiulira in American Letters. Mvo. Lond., 1896. J U V 9 Nathaniel Parker Willis. [See Willis, N. P.] C 27 P 9 BEESLY, A. H. Life of Danton. [See Danton, G. J.] C 26 R 20 BEETHOVEN, LudxNi- van. Jieetho\en : by F. J. Crow- est. Illustrated. Sn,,, L,,nd., 1899. (xMa.ster Musicians.) C 27 Q 3 Beethoven and his nine iSymjihonies. [See Grove, G.] A 23 S 15 Beethoven and the Symphony. [See Butterworth, H. — Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 BEETSON, D. Landale. Central Australian Exploring Rhymes and Camel-back Jingles. 12mo. Adelaide, 1893. MH 1 V 27 BEEVOR, Di-. Charles Edward. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 40 Bulbar Palsies. (AlUnitt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 40 Idiopathic Muscular Atrophy and Hypertrophy. (All- butt, Dr. T. C.~System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Poliomyelitis Anterior Chronica. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 DEGA GAZETTE, 1899. F(,l. Bega, 1899. ME BEG A STANDARD, 1899. Fol. Bega, 1899. INIE BEGAS, AdelV)ert Franz Eugen. [Reproduction of his Picture] Summer Life. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] ' A 12 P 27 f BEGBIE, Harold. Story of Baden-Powell. [Sec Powell, Maj.-Gen. R. S. S. Baden-.] C 23 R 26 BEGEER, B. W. Metallurgy of Gold on the Rand : a Practical Treatise on the Metallurgical Processes in use in the Transvaal, being a Description of Assaying, Milling, Cyaniding, Refining, and Coining. Illus- trated. 8vo. Freiberg, 189is. ' A 38 T 6 BEGG, Alexander. History of British Columbia from the Earliest Discovery to the Present Time. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 16 Q 41 BEGG, F. C. Rowing. [See Rowe, R. P. P.] A 17 U 48 BEGG, William, " Walter Bentley." A Critical Estimate of Walter Bentley. ^^■itll Poi-traits. Ob. 8vo. Bal- larat, 1892. MC 1 Q 60 BEHA EDDIN or BOHA EDDIN (Yusuf ibn Rati ibn Tamln.) [See Salad Ed-Din. ] BEHR, Hans C. Mine Drainage, Pumps, etc. [See Cali- fornia.— State Mining Bureau.] A 24 T 30 BEHRENS, Dr. Julius Wilhelm. The Microscope in Botany : a Guide for the Micnjscopical Inve.stigalion of Vogetabh; Substances. 'J'i'anslated by the Rev. A. B. Hervey, assisted by R. 11. Ward. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1885. A 20 T 24 BEILBY, Walter. The Dog in Australasia. Illustrated. 8vo. Mclb., 1897. MA 4 Q 1 BELFIELD, Dr. William T. Therapeutics of the Male Genito-Urinary Tract. (Hare, Dr. H A. — System of Practical Theiupeutics.) A 31 P 17 BELGIUM. Administration des Tclcgraphes : Reglcment Special. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898. F 16 R 27 Administration des Telegraphes : Annexes au Ilegle- ment Special. Svo. Bruxelles, 1898. F 16 R 27 Annuaire de la Legislation du Travail, 1897-98. 2 vol.s- 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897-99. E Annuaire Officiel de I'Armee Beige, 1898-1900. 3 vols- Svo. Bruxelles, 1898-1900. ' E Bibliographie de Belgique : Journal Officiel de la Li- brai"i-ie, 1875-78, 1880-97. 36 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1876-97. Cat. Room Bulletin de I'Agriculture, 1895-99. 5 vols. 8vo- Bruxelles, 1896-99. E Bulletin des Commissions Rovales d'Art et d'Archeologie) 1888-93, 1896-98. 9 vols."8vo. Bruxelles, 1888-98. E Bulletin du Conseil Superieur de I'Agriculture, 1893- 96. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894-95. A 32 R 27, 28 Carte des Chemins de Fei-, Routes, and Voies Navigables de la Belgique. 2 Maps. Fol. Bruxelles, 1900. D 23 Q 4 Commission d'Enquete Scolaire : Examens subis le 16 Octobre, 1882: 2e Regiment de Guides et 5e Regiment d'Artillerie de Siege. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 13 t Commission d Enquete Scolaire : Examens subis le 16 Octobre, 1882 : Regiment des Carabiniers. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 14 t Commission d'Enquete Scolaire: Examens subis le 16 Octobre, 1882 : Regiment du Genie et Compagnies Speciales. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 15 f Commission d'Enquete Scolaire : Statistique des Ecoles Primaires, Officielles et Prives, au 31 Dec, 1881. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 12 t Compte rendu des Opc'rations de la Commission Geod- esique. 4to. Bruxelles, 1855. A 20 P 26 f Conference Nationale des Societes d'Habitationsouvrieres, Juillet, 1898 : Documents, Rapports, et Proces-Ver- baux. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. F 19 U 1 Ecole des Arts Decoratifs : Documents transmis a il. le Ministre de I'lnterieur par la Commission instituee par I'arrete roval du niai. 1879. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1882. " G 18 S 34 Ecole des Arts Decoratifs : Elements de I'Enseignement- Organisation. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1879. G 18 S 34 Enquete Agricole. 2 vols. sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1890. A 13 U 17, 18 t 54! JPiiblic Library of New South Wales. BELGIUM— co7t?(/. Enquete Scolaire. 5 vols. sm. fol Bruxelles, 1881-83 G 13 U 2-6 t Enquete sur I'EiBcacite du Serum Antidiptherique. 8vo- Bruxelles, 1897. A 39 R 10 Exposition des Anciennes Industries d'Art Beiges en 1880. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1879. A 38 Q 27 Fondations de Bourses d'Etude etablies en Belgique. Tomes 7-9. 3 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1896-97. G 12 W 7-9 t Instruction concernant leehanate de Telegrammes par Telephone. 8vo. Bruxelles,"! 896. F 16 R 27 Rapport sur la Situation de la Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique, 1892-97. 3 vols. 8 vo. Bruxelles, 1894-98. E Rapport sur les Examens subis le 19 Octobre, 1882, par la classe de Miliee de 1882 a son entree au Service, fait au nom de la Commission d'Enquete Scolaire. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 16 t Rapport Triennal sur letat de I'Enseignement moyen en Belgique presente aux Chambres Legislatives, 1896. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1896. " E Statistique Medicale de I'Armee Beige, 1896. Bruxelles, 1897. Roy. 8vo. E Triangulation du Royaume de Belgique. Tomes 2-6, fasc. 1-3. Illustrated. 8 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1867- 92. E [See also Societe Royale Malacologique de Belgique, and Souvenirs Numismatiques.] BELGIUM-MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATUR- ELLE. Aunales. Tomes 10, 12. With Plates. 2 vols. fol. Bruxelles, 1882-96. A'40 T 21, 22 + 10, \i. Les Arachnifle-s ile Belgique ; par L. Becker. BEUAME, Alexandre. Jules Cesar. \_See Shakespeare, W.] H 12 T 12 Maclxjth. \_See Shakespeare, W.] H 12 T 13 BELL, Alexander i\I. C. Julii Ciesaris de Bello (Jallico. \_See C-esar, 0. J.] B 23 P 21 BELL, Clara. At the Sign of the Cat and Racket. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 27 The Atheist's Ma.s.s, and f)thcr Stories. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 28 Footsteps of Fate. {See Couperus, L.] J 23 U 2 Froth. \_See Yaldcs, A. P.] J 22 R 47 La Grande Breteche, and other Stories. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 31 Homo Sum. [See Ebers, G.] J 26 P 45 The Member for Arcis. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 9 R 34 Modcste Mignon. [See Balzac, II. de.] J 23 R 32 Pierre ami Jean. [See Maupa.ssant, H. R. A. G. de.] J 23 U 44 The Sisters. [See El»ei-s, G.] J 26 P 47 Uarda. [See Ebers, G.] J 26 P 46 Ursuie Mirouet. [-Sr«e Balzac, If. de] J 24 U 3 BELL, F. Dillon, and YOUNG, Frederick. Reasons for promoting the Cultivation of the New Zealand Flax. 8vo. Lond., 1842. MA 4 S 30 BELL, Francis Jeffrey. Catalogue of the British Echino- derms in the British Museum. [See British Museum. —Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 9 Evenings at the Microscope. [See Gosse, P. H.] A 40 Q 10 BELL, Col. George \V. Federal Movement in Australia. (U.S. Consular Repts., June, 1897.) E American Trade with Australia. [See Philadelphia Com- mercial Mu.seum.] F 16 R 21 BELL, Graham. The Telephone. [See Jerrold, W. — • Electricians and their Wonders.] A 21 P 50 BELL, James, F.R.S. Food Adulteration and Analysis. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhili. Literature.) A 41 V 1 BELL, Sir James, and PATON, James. Glasgow : its IMunicipal Organization and Administration. Sm. 4to. Glasgow, 1896. F 9 V 2 BELL, James, and WILSON, S. Practical Telephony, adapted to the requirements of the City and Guilds of London Institute. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1899. A 33 Q 39 BELL, John. In the Shadow of the Bush. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MJ 3 S 35 BELL, Dr. John Henry. Anthrax. (Allbntt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 BELL, Dr. Louis. Electric Power Transmission : a Prac- tical Treatise for Practical Men. Illustrated. Svo- New York, 1897. A 33 V 22 BELL, Mackenzie. Charles Whiteliead, a forgotten Genius ; with Extracts from his Works and a Preface. [See Whitehead, C] C 21 P 7 Christina Rossetti : a Biographical and Critical Study. [See Rossetti, C] C 25 Q 16 BELL, Malcolm. Sir Edward Burne-Jones : a Record and Review. Illus. Sm. 4to. Loud., 1895. A 10 X 7 t BELL, Nancy [Mrs. Arthur] (Nancy D'Anvers.) Repre- sentative Painters of the 19th Centurj'. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 20 S 7 t China and the Chinese. [See Plauchul, E.J D 19 P 12 French Enterprise in Africa. [See Hourst, Lieut. E. A. L.] D 13 U 22 Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. [See Tissot, J. J.] G 6 U 13, 14 t Memoirs of Baron Lcjcunc. [See Leji-une, Louis Fran- cois, Baron.] B 17 R 46, 47 lleciird of the Life and Wor'ks of Thomas Gainsborough. [See (Jainsborough, T.] C 18 P 21 t Rome. [.SVr- Schooner, Dr. and Mrs.) I) II \' 21 f Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 55 BELL, C. Napier. Taiijiwoera : Life and Adventures among Gentle Savages. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 14 BELL, J. Munro. Chippendale, Sheraton, and Hepple- white Furniture Designs, -tto. Loud., 1900. A 21 P t t BELL, Robert Fitzroy. Memorials of John Murray [Se» Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 27.] E BELL, T. F. Jacquard Weaving and Designing. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 189.5. A 40 Q 12 BELLA, Rev. Ardelio Delia. Dizionario Italiano-Latino- Illirico. 4to. Ragusa, 178.5. J 12 V 29 BELLAMY, Blanche Wilder. Governor's Island. (Good- win, M. W.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 BELLAMY, Edward. Equality. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 15 Q 18 Mit geschlosseneu Augen ; aus dem Englischen von Ott- iftar Dittrich ISnio. Leipzig (n.d.) J 1 V 47 BELLANGER, Marguerite. Sketcli of. [See Bingham, Capt. D.— Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 BELLINGHAM, Henry. Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism. ^See HauUeville, P. C. A., Baron de.] G 9 V 6 BELLINGS, Richard. History of the Irish Confederation and the War in Ireland. Vol. 6, 1G46-48. Edited by John T. Gilbert. Sm. 4to. Dublin, 1890. B 29 V 17 BELLOC, Mme. Bessie Rayner. The Flowing Tide. 12n)o. Lond., 1900. G 2G K 9 Historic Nuns. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 P 30 BELLOC, Hilaire. The Liberal Tradition. (Essays in Liberalism.) F 5 "S 50 Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 26 S 22 Danton. [See Danton, G. J.] C 24 P IG BELL'S CATHEDRAL SERIES. Cathei BENSON, Margaret, and GOURLAY, Janet. The Temple of Mut in Asher : an Account of the Excava- tion of the Temple and of the Religious Representa- tions and Objects found therein, as illustrating the History of Egypt and the main Religious Ideas of the Egyptians. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 28 U 1 1 BENSON, Richard Meu.x. Life of Father Goreh. [See Goreh, Rev. N. S.] C 27 R 26 BENSUSAN, Darrell A. Epacris Waltz. 2nd ed. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 f BENT, Hamley. From Tonkin to India. [See Orleans, Prince H. d'.] D 13 V 2 BENT, Theodore, and Mrs. Theodore. Southern Arabia. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 R 23 BENTHAM, Jeremy. [Essay on.] [See Mill, John Stuart. — Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 [Essay on] Bowring's Life of Bentham. [See Mill, John Stuart. — Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy ; by E. L. Bulwer Lytton and J. S. Mill. [See Mill, John Stuart. — Early Essays.] J It U 37 BENTLEY, H. L. Cattle Ranges of the South-west. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Report upon the Grasses and Forage Plants of Central Texas. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 BENTLEY, Rev. W. Holman. Pioneering on the Congo. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 P 21, 22 " BENTLEY, Walter." [See Begg, W.] BENTLEY'S MISCELLANY. Vols. 1-64, 1837-68. 64 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837-68. J 27 R 1-U 2 BENTON, Frank. Bee-keeping. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 The Honey Bee. [See United States.^Dept. of Agricult. —Div. of Entomology.] A 3.'* Q 20 BENTON, John W. Atlas and Geography. ISnio. Sydney, 1898. MD 1 P 71 "BENTZON, Th." [Se« Blanc, Marie Therese.] BEOWULF. Beowulf, herausgegeben von A. Holder. Pts. 1, 2. 3 vols. !2mo. Freiburg in Breisgau, 1895-99. H 13 V 5-7 Tale of Beowulf. Translated by W. Morris and A. J. Wyatt. 12mo. Lond., 1898. H 12 R 16 BERANGER, Pierre Jean de. A (Jlance at the Life of Beranger; by Arthur Patchett Martin. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Beranger ct la Legende Napoleonienne. [See Garsou J.] H 1 U 2 BERDMORE, Septinuis. Principles of Cooking. (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 BERDOE, Edward. Browning and the Christian Faith. 18mo. Lond., 1896. ' G 9 W 10 BERENGARIA OF NAVARRE, Queen tf England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 BERENS, Lewis H. Some unrecognized Laws of Nature. [See Singer, Ignatius.] A 24 T 35 BERENSON, Bernhard. The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance, with an Index to their Works. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 23 P 47 BERESFORD, Rear-Adm. Lord Charles. The Break-up of China ; with an Account of its Present Commerce, Currency, Waterways, Armies, Railways, Politics, and Future Prospects. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 P 17 Physical Training at Home. [&« Alexander, A.] G 18 Q 48 [Sketch of.] r&« Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.]^ C 23 T 3 Some Remarks on Newfoundland and the Navy. [See WiUson, B.— The Tenth Island.] D 16 Q 7 , and WILSON, H. W. Nelson and his Times. [&c Nelson, Adm. H.] C 13 R 17 t BERG, Ernst J. Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena. [See Steinmetz, C. P.] A 37 R 5 BERG, J. F'rederic. Influence of the Septuagint upon the Pessita Psalter. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 25 V 2 BERGE, J. Stewart. List of Minerals, Walsh and Tinaroo Mining District, North Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1899.) ME 1 T 58 Public Library of Neto South TTalcs. BERG EN-MUSEUM. Aarbosr for 1898. Illustrated. 8vo. Bergen, 1899. " E BERGER, Rev. D. History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. 8vo. New York, 1894. (Ameri- can Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 19 BERGLTN, Carl Enid. Berglin's Condensed Lo<;arithmic Tables. 32mo. Sydney, 1898. MA 3 P 53 BERINGER, C, and J. J. Text-book of Assaying for the use of those connected with Mines. 4th ed. lUustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 R 31 BERJEAU, J. P. The Book-worm. [5e« Book-worm, The.] J 16 V 1, 2 BERKELEY, George. [Study of.] [See Brooks, Prof. W. K.—Foundations of Zoology.] A 40 U 9 BERKELEY, George, Bishop of Cloyne. Works of. Edited by G. Sampson ; with a Biographical Introduc- tion by the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897-98. G 18 P 5.5-57 BERLIN-KONIGLICHE BIBLIOTHEK. Die Hand- schriften-Verzeichnisse der Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. 21 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1853-97. K 11 U t Sauskrit-Hand.'seliriften von A. Weber. Bande 1, 2. Hehraeische Handschriften von M. Steinschneider. Abessinische Handschriften vou A. Dillman. Arabische Handschriften von W. Ahlwardt. Ban,omEe, 1869-81. G G U 7-12 + Fragments of the Books of Kings, according to the translation of Aquila. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press by F. Crawford Burkitt, with~a Preface by C. Taylor. 4to. Camb., 1897. G 13 X U t The New Testament in the original Greek ; with Intro- duction and Appendix Vjy B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1882-90. G 2 U 22, 23 Hawaii. Ke Kauoha Hou a ko Kakou Haku e Ola'i a lesu Kristo, i Unuhia niai ka Oleic Helene ; a ua Hooponopono hou ia. 18mo. Nu Yoka, 1871. MG 2 T 29 Hebrew. Biblia Hebraica ad optimas editiones imprimis Evcrardi Yan der Hooght accurate recensa et expressa ; curavit Argumentique notationem et Indices nee non clavem ^lasoretliicam addidit K. G. W. Theile. 8vo. Lipsiic, 1895. G 24 V 30 ]Malaki my Angel : the last Book of the Hebrew Canon. Translated by R. Sadler. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 17 S 10 Hexaglot. The Hexaglot Bible : comfjrising the Holy Sci-iptures of the Old and New Testaments in the original tongues, together with the Septuagint, the Syriac (of the New Tesfciment) the Yulgate, the authorised English and German, and the most approved French version.s, arranged in parallel coluunis. Edited by Rev. E. R. \hi Levante. 6 vols. Ito. Lond., 1874- 76. G 18 U 24-29 t Italian. I.,a Sacra Bibbia, che contiene il Vecchio c il Nuovo Te.stamento ; tradotta in Lingua Italiana da Giovanni Diodati. 18uio. Londra, 18.50. G 9 U 29 Kusaie. Mwo Sasu lun .Ji.su.s Kraist leum las, nia Mattu el sim. 12nio. New York, 1871. MG 2 T 35 Latin. Biblia Sacra, sive Testainentvm Vetvs al> Tm. Tremeliio et Fr. Ivnio ex Hei)neo Ijatine rcdditum, et Te.stjimentvm Novvm a Theod. Beza e (iricco in Latiiiuni versum. 12nio. Londini, 1680. G 9 U 30 Maori. Ko Te Kawenata Hou a To Tatou ariki a tc Kai Whnkftora a Ihu Karaiti lie niea Whakamaori mai no te Keo Kariki. Hvo. Lond., 1887. MG 3 V 3 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS— co7ifc/. Nengone. Ekone jeu Kabesi ni DokuJ lesu Kei-iso, hna ureie wene ri Pene Eleni jeu' o re Pene Nengone. 8vo. Lonedon, 1870. MG 2 V 1 New Britain. A Buk Tabu Kalamana ure to lesu Karisitn. 12mo. Parramatta, 1892. MG 2 T 40 New Guinea. Buka Ovariave, Fara, Toaripi Uri Beri- taui Mavotoai. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MG 2 T 50 lesu Keriso ena Evanelia Mareko ie Urivatai suau Ari- nadi se Heaheasoniei. 12mo. Sydney, 1885. MG 2 T 38 Revareva Helaga. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MG 2 R 57 Tai-avatu Matamata lesu Keriso Ena, ita eda Lohiabada Bunai ita Ihamaurida. 12ino. Lond., 1891. MG 2 T 44 New Hebrides. Genesis go Namagovai vea ni Exodos pae Nguna, New Hebrides. 12mo. Duuedin, 1892. MG 2 T 45 The Gospels according to Mark and Luke, together with the Acts of the Apostles and the first Epistle of John, translated out of the Greek into the language of Nguna, New Hebrides. 12mo. Dunedin, 1892, MG 2 T 43 The Gospels according to Matthew and John, translated out of the Greek into the language of Nguna, New Hebrides. 12mo. Lend., 1882. MG 2 T 39 Intas-Etipud mat lesu Kristu, Natimarid lija, im Natimi Imyiatamaig Caija. 8vo. Luntun, 1863. MG 2 V 4 Nine. Ko e Kenese ko e Tohi Fakamua a mose, Katoa mo e Tohi ne ua Aki Ko e Esoto. 12mo. Lond., 1873. MG 2 T 32 Ko e Tau Tohi Tapu Ko e Maga he Maveheaga Tuai mo e JMaveheaga fou Katoa kua Liliu ke he Vagahau Niug. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MG 2 V 2 Panaieti. lesu Keriso Wasana Waiwaisana Jlareko ^Yana Wawasili Pana Panaieti : the Gospel according to St. Mai'k, translated into the language of Panaieti, British New Guinea. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. MG 2 T 42 Rarotonga. lesu Keriso Yasana : Evanelia Mareko ie Urivatai. Suau Arinadi se Heaheasoniei. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MG 2T 47 Shorthand. The Book of Psalms; written in full style by W. Stevens. Pt. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 23 S 35 The New Testament : Authorised Yersion ; written in Orlhic Shorthand l)y ^Y. Stevens. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 23 S 34 Tahiti. Te Bibilia Mo a Ra, oia tc I'aufaa Tahito e te l'"aufaa api ra, iritihia ei Parau Tahiti. 12mo. Oke- fora, 1884. MG 2 T 30 Wedau. Ata J?atla lesu Keriso ana Evanelia Luka i Teretereia Riwa mai Wedau : the Gospel according to St. Luke translated into the language of Wedau, British New Guinea. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MG 2 R 60 JilBLIUGRArJlEli, The. [See Book-lore.] nini.lOaitAl'IllCA. YoI.s. I-3. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895^97. J 13 S 2-4 f Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 63 BTBLTOPHTLE AMERICATN : Catalogue de Livres, Cartes, et Documents relatifs a I'Europe, Asie, Afri(|uc, Ainerkiue, Oceanie. Nos. 2-20, Mai, 1889- F^ivrier, 1897. 8vo. Paris, 1889-97. Cat. llooiu " BIBLIOPHILE JULIEN, Le." [_See Bachelin, A.] BICKERSTETH, Edward, Bishop of Tokyo. Life and Letters of ; by Rev. S. Bickersteth. With Porti'ait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 2G S U . BICKFORD-SMITH, R. A. H. [See Smith, R. A. H. Bickford-.] BICKLEY, A. C. Bibliographical Notes. [See Gentle- man's Magazine Library.] J 12 V 33 BICKNELL, A. C. Travel and Adventure in Northern Queensland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1895. MD 7 R 53 BICKNELL, Anna L. Life in the Tuileries under the second Empire. 8vo. Lend., 1895. B 34 T 9 The Story of Marie Antoinette. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 19 BIDDLE, Anthony J. Drexel. The Madeira Islands. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 33 Q 13, 1-1 BIDDULPH, Col. John. The 19th and theii' Times: being an Account of the four Cavalry Regiments in the British Army that have borne the number 19, and of the Campaigns in which they served. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 41 P 6 BIDWELL, Shelford, F.R.S. Curiosities of Liglit and Sight. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 41 Q 27 BIEDERMANN, Prof. W. Electro-Physiology; [with Bibliography.] Vols. 1, 2. Translated by Frances A. AVelhy. 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 30 Q 24, 25 BIERCE, Ambrose. York, 1899. Fantastic Fables. 1 2nio. New J 23 P 41 BIERSTADT, Oscar A., and PUTNAM, Ruth. History of the People of the Netherlands. [See Blok, Prof. P. J.] . B 28 T 10 BIGELOW, Prof. Frank Hagar. Abstract of a' Report on Solar and Terrestrial Magnetism in their relations to Meteorology. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. —Weather" Bureau.] A 41 U 3 Notes on a New Method for the Discussion of Magnetic Observations. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. —Weather Bureau.] A 37 S 35 Storms, Storm Tracks, and AVeather Forecasting. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Weather Bureau.] A 36 V 20 BIGELOW, John. The Mystery of Sleep. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 45 R 13 Life of Samuel J. Tilden. [See Tilden, S. J.] C 22 Q 15, 16 William Cullen Bryant. [See Bryant, W. C] C 27 P 1 1 Writings and Speeches of Samuel L. Tilden. [See Tilden, S.J.'] F 10 S 32, 33 BIGELOW, Poultney. History of the German Struggle for Liberty. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 T 12, 13 White Man's Africa. Illustrated. 8vi>. Lond., 1898. B 37 V n BIGG, Rev. Charles. Neoplatonism. 12mo. Lond., 1895. (Chief Ancient Philosophies.) G 26 P 7 BIGGIN, Frederick Child. Modern Stone-cutting and Masonry. [See Siebert, J. S.] A 23 U 37 BIGGS, Leonard Vivian. South Africa. [See Purvis, William Frederick.] D 14 E 19 BIGHAM, Clive. A Ride through Western Asia. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 16 T 17 With the Turkish Army in Thessaly. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 34 R 13 BILLING, Dr. Archibald, F.R.S. Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins, and Medals, Ancient and Modern. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1867. A 35 T G BILLINGS, E. R. Tobacco : its History, Varieties, Cul- ture, Manufacture, and Commerce. Illustrated. 8\'o. Hartford, 1875. A 40 U 14 BILLINGS, Dr. John S. Medical Statistics. (Allbutj, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 BINDLEY, T. Herbert. Oecumenical Documents of the Faith : the Creed of Nicasa, three Epistles of Cyril, the Tomb of Leo, the Chalcedonian Definition. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 32 BINDL08S, Harold. In the Niger Country. With Map.s. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. D22P11 BINET, Alfred. Alterations of Personality. Translated by Helen Green Baldwin. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 12 V 31 The Psychic Life of Micro-Organisms : a Study in Ex- perimental Psychology. Translated by T. INIcCormack. 8vo. Lond., 1889. " A 41 Q 8 Psycholog}' of Reasoning, based on Experimental Re- searches in Hypnotism. Translated from the 2ud French ed. by A. G. Whytc. 8vo. Chicago, 1899. G 24 P 30 BIXGKRA TELEGRAPH, Aug., 1897-Dec. 189S. Fol Bingera, 1897-98. ME 64 Tubiic Library of New South Wales. BINGHAM, Capt. the Hon. D. Recollections of Paris. 2 vols. 8vo. Loncl., 1896. B 34 R 5, 6 BIXGLEr, Alfred Horsford. Notes on the Warlike Races of India and the Frontiers. [_See Brenuier, F. —Types of the Indian Army.] A 21 P 1 f BINNEY, Rev. Thomas. The Dissenters and the Papal Bull. 8vo. Sydney, 18.50. MG 2 T 21 BINNS, Charles F. Ceramic Technology : being some As- pects of Technical Science as applied to Pottery ISIanu- facture. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 4.5 IT 2 Manual of Practical Potting. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 45 U 7 The Story of the Potter : laeing a popular Account of the Rise and Progress of the principal ^Manufactures (if Pottery and Porcelain in all parts of the World, with some descri})ti()n of modern practical working. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1898. A 3.3 R 2^6 BINNS, Re\-. Frederick. Congregational Endea\-our three Centuries ago. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MG 1 P 88 BINSTED, W. H. Sang : Yachting. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 "pet BINYON, Laurence. Porphyrion, and other Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " H 11 R 23 Catalogue of Drawings by British Artists and Artists of Foreign Origin working in Great Britain, preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British 3Iuseum. [5e« British Museum.] A 19 R 1 f Dutch Etchers of the 17tli Century. [_See Portfolio. 3Ionographs, 21.] E John Cromc ami John Sell Cotman. [See Portfolio. — Monographs, 32.] E [Verses by.] \_See Garland of New Poetry.] H 12 Q 1.5 BIOLETTI, F. T. Causes of Bloating and Frogging in Prunes. (Agricult. (iaz., N.S.AV., "l898.) ME 9 R BIOLOGICAL LECTURES, delivered at the Maiine Biological Laboratoiy f)f AVoods Holl in the Summer Session of 1893. 8vo. Bost(jn, 1894. A 27 T 13 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Pio- ceedings. Vol. 1, Nov., 1880-May, 1882. [See Smithsonian Inst. — Miscellaneous Collection, 25.] E BIO LOG ISC II ES CENTRALULATT. Biinde 1-19. 19 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881-99. E BION. [Opera.] [-See Poet:e Grseci.] H17U12t BTOT, Jean Baptiste. Traite Elemcntaire d'Astronomic Physif|iic. -ind cd. 3 vols. Svo, Paris, ]810~1 1. A HI S 9-11 BIRCH, Ernest E. H. Rouse^s Practical Man. {See Rou.se, R.] F 15 P 47 BIRCH, George Henry. London Churches of the 1 7th and 18th Centuries : a Selection of the most remarkable Ecclesiastical Buildings, including St. Paul's Cathedral, erected within and around the ancient city walls be- tween the vears 1630 and 1730. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 21 P20 t BIRCH, Samuel. Egyptian Te.xts of the Earliest Period from the Coffin of Anianin in the British Museum. \See. British Museum.] A 46 P 9 t Salaminia (Cyprus). [/Sc« Cesnola, A. P. di.] B 15 S 16 Views (m the Nile. \_See Jones, O.] D 31 R 21 + BIRCH, Walter de Gray. Catalogue of Seals in the De- partment of MSS. in tlie Britisli iluseum. {See British Museum.] K 11 Q 20-24 BIRD, George W. Wanderings in nurma. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bournemouth, 1897. D 20 U 23 BIRD, Robert. Joseph the Dreamer. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 30 BIRD, Robert. Cockieleerie Law. (Andrews, W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 BIRD, S. R. Scargill-. Guide to the Principal Classes of Documents preserved in Public Record Office. {See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office.] K 11 R 25 BIRD, Rev. T. F. The Basis of National Prosperity. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q BIRE, Edmond. Diary of a Citizen of Paris during the Terror. Translated by .John de Villicrs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 V 20, 21 BIRKENHEAD FREE PUP.LTC LI15RARY. Cata- logue of the Central Lending Library, including some of the more important works eontained in the Refer- ence Library. 8vo. Birkenhead, 1898. K 12 V 22 BIRKMIRE, William H. Architectural Iron and Steel, and its application in the Construction of Buildings ; with Speciiication of Ironwork, and selected papers in relation to Ironwork, from a revision of the present law before the L(>gislature affecting public interests in the city of New York, in .so far as the same regulates the Construction of Buildings in the said city. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 19 U 11 Skeleton Construction in Buildings ; with numerous Practical llhistrations of High Buildings. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 25 U 27 BIRMINGHAM FREE LIHHARIES. Catalogue of the Central Lending Department, Radcliffo Place. New ed. Sm. 4to. Birm., 1894. Cat. Room Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 65 BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM /.ND ART GALLERY. The Tangyc Collection of Old Wedgwood, with ii Sketch of Wedgwood's Life and Labours and a Cliaji- tcr on the Marks used at Etruria ; by F. Rathbonf. 8vo. Ldiid., iSSf). K 1!) II :.'0 BIRRELL, Augustine. The Duties and Ijialjilities of Trustees. Svo. Lond., 189G. F \ U 27 Four Lectures on the Law of Employers' Lialjility at home and abroad. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 21 Obiter Dicta. 1st and 2nd ser. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1896-98. J 11 U .30, 31 Res Judicata: Papers and Essays. ■ 12mi). Lond., 189G. J 7 P 52 Sir Frank Lockwood ; a liiographical Sketch. \_See Lookwood, Sir F.] C 23 T (S BJSCHOF, Prof. Gusta\-. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. [See Cavendisli Soc, Works.] A 36 T 1-3 BISHOP, George. Lucerne-growing and Ilay-niaking. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) " ' ME 9 R BISHOP, Rev. Henry Halsall. Pictorial Architecture of the British Isles. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 21 P 10 t Pictorial Architecture of France. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 P 9 t Pictorial Architecture of Greece and Italy. 2nd ed. Ob. roy. Svo. Lond., 1890. A 21 P 8 f BISHOP, Isabella L. [Mrs. J. F.J (Isabella L. Bir.l.) Korea and her Neighljours : a Narrative of Travel, with an Account of the recent vicissitudes and jjresent position of the country. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' D 17 S 26, 27 The Yangtze Valley and beyond : an Account of Journeys in China, chiefly in the Province of Sze Chuan and among the Man-tze of the Some Territory. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. D 22 S 2 BISHOP, William Henry. Mexico, California, and Ari- zona : being a new and revised ed. of " Old Mexico and her Lost Provinces." Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1888. D 21 S 3 BISLAND, Elizabeth. Old Greenwich. (Goodwin, M.W.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 BISMARCK, Otto Edward Leopold, Prince von. Bismarck : some Secret Pages of his History : being a Diary kept by Dr. M. Busch during tweny-five years' official antl private intercourse with the Great Chancellor. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P 15-17 Bismarck ; the Man and the Statesman : being the Reflections and Reminiscences of Otto, Prince von Bismarck, written and dictated by himself after liis retirement from office. Translated under the super- vision of A. J. Butler. With Portraits. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898, C 25 R 11, 12 BISMARCK, Otto Edward, Leopold, Prince von. — contd. Bismarck at Home ; by Jules Hoche. Translated bv Therese Batljedat. Illustrated. Svo. fioiid., 1899.' C 24 T 23 Bismarck's Table Talk. Edited l,y ('. Lowe. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 20 T 4 Prince Bismarck : an Historicjd Biography: by C. Lowe. With Portiaits. Svo. Lond., 1898. ^ ' C 19 T 19 Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire. \_See Headlam, J. W.] B 30 Q 25 Bismarck and German Unitv. [_See Smith, Prof. M.] B 26 S 14 Conversations with. [>SV?« Poschingor, H. von.] C 27 R 22 [Sketch of.] [See Pearson, \)\\ C. H. — Reviews and Critical Essays,] J 14 U 20 BISSCHOP, Christopher. Life and Work of. [See Roo.ses, M. — Dutch Painters of the 1 9th Century.] A 11 V 19 t BITTING, Prof. A. W. Exercises in E^iuine Surgery. \_Sec Cadiot, Prof. P. J.J A 40 U IS BITTNER, Dr. Maximilian. Die topographischen Capite.l des Indischen See.spiegels Mohit. \_See Seidi 'Ali ben Hosein Katib i Rumi.J D 12 X 17 t BJORLING, Philip R. Pumps and Pump Mote vols. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 13 W 1.5, 16 t Whittakcr's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-book. 12mo. Limd., 189S. A 33 R 25 BJORNSON, Bjornstjerne. Arne and the Fisher Lassie. Translated by W. Low. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 24 U 31 In God's Way. Translated by Elizabeth Carmichael ; with Introduction by E. Go.s,se. Svo. Lond., 1894. J 23 U4 The Heritage of the Kurts. Translated by C. Fairfax ; with Introduction liy E. Gosse. Svo. Lond., 1892. J 23 U 3 Henrik Iljsen ; Bjornstjerne Bjornson : Critical Studies. [See Brandes, G.] ' J 4 V 13 [Sketch of.] [See Hans.son, Laui-a Jlarholm. — We 'Vomen and our Authors.] J 21 R 3S BLACHFORD, Frederic, Baron. Letters of Frederic, Lord Elachfoi-d, Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1860-71. Edited bv George Eden Marindin. Svo. Lond., 1896. " ' C 23 V 25 BLACK, Aiiam and Charles. Black's Guide to Glasgow and its Environs, including Paisley, Dumbarton and Greenock, Bothwell, Hamilton and Falls of Cl^'de, Ayr and Land of Burns, Firth of Clyde, Helensburgh, Gareloch, Loclis Long and Goil, Arran, Dunoon, Rothesay and Kvles of Bute. 17th ed. Illustrated Svo. Lond., 1896. D 11 Q 11 66 Tublic Library of Neic South Wales. BLACK, Dr. G. V. Abrasion and Erosion of the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. "W. F. — American System of Dentistry-) A 31 S 1 Dental Caries. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Descriptiye Anatomy of the Human Teeth. 3rd ed. 8vo. Philad., 1894. A 32 S 27 Diseases of the Peridental Membrane. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 General Pathology. (Litch, Dr. AY. F. — Amei'ican System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Pathology of the Dental Pulp. (Litch, Dr. AV. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Compendium of Dentistrj' for the use of Students and Practitioners. {See Parreidt, J.] A 32 S 21 BLACK, George Ashton. History of Municipal C>\ynership of Land on Manliattan Island to the beginning of Sales by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund in 1844. 8yo. Xe%y York, 1889. F 18 R 9 BLACK, Hugh. Friendship. 8yo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 36 BLACK, Isobel Sarah. [&e Gill, Isobel Sarah.] BLACK, James Go\v. Lectures on Agricultural Chemis- try. [&e New Zealand.— Agricult.] MA 3 R 78 BLACK, John. Authentic Narrative of the Mutiny on Ixiard the ship Lady Shore, with particulars of a Journey through part of Brazil. 12mo. Ipswich, 1798. " B 32 R 9 BLACK, John Sutherland. Encyclopiedia Biblica. [iS«« Eucyclopa;dia Biblica.] G 23 V 23 Sketches from Eastern History. [See Noldeke, Prof. T.] B 12 U 36 BLACK, Joseph. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. W. — Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 BLACK, IMargaret Moyes. [Life of] Robert Louis Steven- son. [See Stevenson, R. L] C 20 V 12 BLACK, Capt. W. M. The United States Public Works ; containing a Summary of the Methods of Construction and Character of Materials and Plant used in the Public Works under the charge of the War and Treasury Departments, and of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia; also, Laws, Regulations, and Fomi.s prescribed for the conduct of such Works. Ob. roy. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 8 R 33 t BLACK, William. Briseis. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 P 22 A Daughter of Heth. New ed. With Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1892. J 25 P 23 The Iland-sonie Humes. New ed. ISrao. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 24 Highland Cousins. Newcd. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 25 Kibneny. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 V 32 MacLeod of Dare. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 20 BLACK, William — contd. * A Princess of Thule. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 27 Shandon Bells. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 25 P 29 Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1892. J 25 P 28 White Heather. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 U 5 Wild Eelin. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 25 P 30 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. — Reminiscences.] C 25 T BLACK, Dr. William. Narrative of Cruises in the Medi- terranean in H.M.S. £iiryaliis and Chanticleer during the Greek War of Independence (1822-2G) ; with an Appendix of the Climate, and Meteorological and Notological Tables. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Edinb., 1900. ' D 22 P 23 BLACK AND WHITE. Vols. 1-19, lS91-June, 1900. 19 vols. foL Lond., 1891-1900. E Pictures for '98 from the Royal Academy and New Gallery. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E BLACKADER, Dr. A. D. Diseases of the Mouth and Salivary Glands, including Mumps. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 BLACKBURN, Helen. Hand-book for Women engaged in Social and Political Work. Bristol, 1895. New ed. Svo. F 15 P 22 BLACKBURN, Henry. Academy Xolen. [See Academy Notes.] E BLACKBURN, R'^v. T. Australian Coleoptera. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1900.) ME 1 S Coleoptera of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. B. — Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Further Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with Descrip- tions of new Genera and Species. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S New Genera and Species of Australian Coleoptera. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1896-99.) ME 1 S New Genera and Species of Australian Coleoptera. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1899.) j\[E 1 P Revision of the genus Paropsis. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896-99.) ME 2 P BLACKBURN, Vernon. From Capetown to Lady.sniith. [See Stcevcns, G. \V.] B 37 P 16 BLACKBURNE, Joseph Henry. Mr. Blackburne's Games at Chess ; selected, annotated, and arranged by him- self. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch and n brief History of Blindfohl Chess, by P. A. Graham. With Portr.ait. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 40 V 13 BLACKETT, John. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 113.) E Supplementary Co,talogue — 1896-1000. 67 BLACKETT, John George. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 83.) E BLACKIE, Prof. John Stuart. Selected Poems of. Edited, with an Appreciation, by Archibald Stodart Walker. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 3 Homer and the Iliad. [Sec Homerus.] H 12 T 19-22 BLACKMAN, Prof. William Fremont. Making of Hawaii : a Study in Social Evolution. 8vo. Now York, 1899. F1GT12 BLACK MAR, Prof. Frank Wilson. Spanish Institutions of the South-west. [See Johns Hopkins University. Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 10 BLACKMORE, Edwin Gordon. Australian Rowing. (Lehmann, R. C— Rowing.) A 40 Q 4 BLACKMORE, J C. Report on Fruit-growing. [See New Zealand.— Agricult.] MA 3 R 81 BLACKMORE, Richard Doddridge. Cradock Nowell. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 31 Cripps, the Carrier. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 32 Lorna Doone. 44th ed. With Porti-ait. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 p ?;? Perlycross. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 25 P 34 Springhaven. New ed. Illustrated. 12ino. Lond., 1894. J 25 P 35 BLACKSTONE, Svlvia. CarViine Schottische. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) " MA 13 P 5 t BLACKWELL, Dr. Elizabeth. Pioneer Women Doctors. [See Pratt, Edwin A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 BLACKWOOD, Sir Frederick Temple, Marquess of Duf- ferin and Ava. [See DutFerin and Ava, Marquess of.] BLACKWOOD, John. Annals of a Publishing House: John Blackwood ; by his daughter, Mrs. G. Porter: being the 3rd vol. of " William Blackwood and his Sons : their Magazine and Friends." Witli Portrait. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. C 25 T 3 BLACKWOOD, Sir Stevenson Arthur. Some Records of the Life of. - 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 23 V 1 BLACKWOOD, William. William Blackwood and his Sons: their Magazine and Friends; bv i\Irs. Oliphant. With Portrait. 3vols.8vo. Edinb., 189'7-9S.C 25 T 1-3 BLACKWOOD'S EDIKBURGH MAGAZINE. Vols. 1- 167, April, 1817-June, 1900, and Index to vols. 1-50. 168 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1817-1900. E Tales from Blackwood. Vol. 1, 1st ser.-vol. 6, 3rd ser. 30 vols. 12mo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 26 P 8-37 BLADEN, Frank Murcott. The Government Printing Office, N(>w South Wales, 1894. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1894. MB3Q3 Historical Records of New South Wales. [See New South Wales.— Historical Records.] MB 2 T 20-26 BLAGDEN, Charles Otto. Malay Magic. [See Skeat, W. W.] G 24 V 25 BLAIKIE, Walter Biggai-. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, from his landing in Scotland, July, 1745, to his departure in September, 1746. Compiled from the Lyon in Mourning. [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 23.] E BLAIKIE, Rev. William Garden. Preachers of Scotland fnmi the 6th to 19th Century. 8vo. Edinb., 1888. (Cunningham Lectures.) G 25 T 10 [Life of] Thomas Chalmers. [See Chalmers, T.] C 20 T 15 Memoir of David Brown. [See Brown, Prof. D.] C 23 U 9 BLAINE, James. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 BLAIR, David. The Last of the Popes. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q The Romance of an Indian Empress. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q [Sketch of] Hon. D. Gillies. [See Once a Month, May, 1886.] MJ 1 V 22 [Sketch of] Rev. J. D. Lang. [See Once a Month, Jan., 1886.] MJ 1 V 22 BLAIR, M. C. The Nurse's Hand-book of Cookery. [See Worsnop, E. M.] A 23 P 39 BLAIR, W. N. Cold Lakes of New Zealand. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Nov., 1897.) E BLAIR, William Newsham. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst. of Civil Engineers, Proc, 107.) E BLAKE, Rev. A. H. Photography : being Simple Chap- ters for Beginners on the Art and Practice of Pho- tography. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Oral Ser.) " A 41 Q 3 BLAKE, Augusto Victorino Alves Sacramento. Diccion- ario Bibliographico Brazileiro. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. C 24 S 7 BLAKE, Edward. The Liberal Party and the Tariff. 8vo. Toronto, 1886. F 17 P 3 BLAKE, Edwin Mortimer. Method of Indeterminate Co- efficients and Exponents applied to Differential Equa- tions. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 44 S 14 BLAKE, H. P. Improved Facilities for the Capture, Economic Transmission, and Distribution of Sea Fishes. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Litera- ture.) A 34 R 10 68 Fnblic Library of Ncic South Wales. BLAKE, J. H. Geoldj,'}' of the Country ■iioimd East Dereliani. [>^ec Gt. ijrit. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 23 Geology of the Country between and south of Bury St. Edmunds and Newmarket. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 14 Geology of the Country near Yarmouth and Lowestoft. iSee Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geoloi;. Surv. — England and Wales.] '^ A 47 R 30 BLAKE, J. P. First Lesson.s in Modern Geology. [See Green, Prof. A. H.] A 24 P 24 BLAKE, K. Jex-. The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the Histoiy of Art. [See Plinius.] ' A 2.5 U 29 BLAKE, Adm. Robert. Admiral and General at Sea; by H. Di.wn. 8vo. Lond., 18.52. C 26 U 1 [Portrait and Sketch of]; by Capt. M. Burrows. (Laugh- ton, Pi'of. J. K. — From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 BLAKE, Dr. Sophia Jex-. Pioneer Women Doctors. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 BLAKE, Rev. Thomas William Jp.v-. School Museums. (Internat. Healtli Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 BLAKE, William. Seventeen Designs to Thornton's ^'il•gil, reproduced from the original Woodcuts, 1821. R.oy. 8vo. Portland, 1899. ' A 45 V 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Patmore, C. K. D. — Principle in Art, kc] J 1 R 51 Essay on. [See Benson, A. C. — E.ssays.] J 10 R 43 [Life of.] [See Portfolio. — Monographs, 22.] E Ti-ial of, for Sedition. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 BLAKEMORE, G. H. Metallurgical .Mctiiods in use at Broken Hill. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Refining of base Lead Bullion containing Silver and high in Gold. (Au.stralasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P BLAKENEY, R.,lK'rt. A l!oy in the Peninsular War : the Services, Adventures, and Experiences of Robert ]jlakeney. Edited by J. Sturgis. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 31 II H) BLAKEY, Prof. Robert. History of the Philosophy of Mind. I vols. .Svo. Lond., 1850. G 3 R 22-25 BLAKHAL, Gilbert. Breifle Narration of the Services flone to three Noble Ladyes. [Ser Spalfling Club Piibs.] ■ • J{ 10 |{ I I I'.LAKSTON, W. .\., SWAYSL.V.NI), W., and WTFNKIi, August I''. Illustrated IJook of Canai'ie.s, Cage-birds, British and Foreign. 4to. Lond., 1H80. A 10 X 11 t BLANC, Charles. Grammaire des Arts Decoratifs : Decoration Interieure de la Mai.son. 3rd ed. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1886. A 17 S 19 t BLANC, Marie Theresa [Mme.], "Th. Bentzon.' The Condition of Woman in the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 4 U 24 Mme. Blanc Bentzon as a Romance Writer. [See Bur}-, Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 BLANC, Max le. [See Le Blanc, M.] BliANCHARD, Mrs. E. L. Emigration. [See Pratt, E. A. — Picmeer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 BLANCHE DE NAVARRE. Life and Times of. [See Bearne, Catherine. — Lives and Times of the Early Valois Queens.] B 26 S 18 BLAND, Hubert. Transition to Social Democracy. [See Shaw, G. B. — Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 BLAND, Col. Theodorick. The Bland Papers : being a Selection from the MSS. of Col. T. Bland, to which are prefixed an Introduction and a Memoir of Col. Bland. Edited by C. Campbell. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. Petersburg, 1840." C 27 S 13 BLANFORD, William Thomas. Observations on the Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia, made during the progress of the British Expedition to that country in 1867-68. Hlustrated. Svo. Lond., 1870. A 39 R 12 BLASS, Prof. Friedrich. (4rannnar of New Testament Greek. Translated by H. St. J. Thackeray. 8\-o. Lond., 1898. JUS 24 Philology of the Gospels. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 35 BLATCHFORD, Robert, "Nunquam." The Living Wage and the Law of Supply and Demand. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1S95. F 16 T 24 The New Party in the North. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 92 BLATCHFORD, Torrington. Geoh)gy of the Coolgardie Gold-field. [See AN'cstern .\ustralia. — Geological Survey.] ]\IA 4 R 4 I5LAUBAUM, Rev. E. Judaism. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Lessing's "Nathan dcr Weise.'" (.Mclbounic Review, 4.) MElStJ I'di.W.VTSK Y, .Mme. Helena Petrovna. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan. Svo. Lond., 1892. D 22 Q 3 Key to Theosophy; with a Glo.ssary of General Thco- so]ihical Terms. 2nd ed. Svo. New York, 1896. G 25 S 20 'i'h(^ Tiue Story of the Theosuphical Society. [See Olcott, H. S.— Old "Diary Leaves.] " G 14 S 21 Supplementary Calalogue — 1896-1000. 69 BLAYNEY, Benjiimin. A Dissertation by way of inquiry int(j the true import and aj)pli('ation of the vision usually called Daniel's Propheov of seventy weeks. Hni. 4to. Oxford, 1775. " G 17 R U t BLAYXEY AiVn (JARCOAR ADVOCATK and Herald, 1898. Fol. Blayney, 1898. ME BLEASDALE, Rev. J. T. Technological Education. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Pap(>rs.) MA 4 S 12 BLEICHER, Marie Gustave. Resultats Scientitique de la Campagne du C'audan. dans le Golfe de Gascogne. [See Koehler, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 BLES, David. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t BLESSINGTON, Margaret, Countess. The Most Gorgeous Lady Blessington ; by J. Fitzgerald Molloy. With Portrait. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 18 The Landor-Blessington Papers. [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 .S 3 BLEW, William C. A. The Quorn Hunt and its Masters. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 34 S 48 BLIGH, Capt. William, Governor of New South Wales. [Portrait and Sketch (if.] [See Becke, L.— Naval Pioneers of Australia.] MB 3 S 1 1 BLIND, Karl. Briton and Boer. [Sec Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] ■ B 37 P 18 BLIND, Mathilde. [See Cohen, Mathilde.] BLINN, Leroy J. Practical Workshop Companion f(.ir Tin, Sheet-iron, and Co])per-plate Workers. Illus- trated. 8vo. Philad., 1893. A 25 R 34 BLISS, Rev. Edwin M. Turkey and tlie Armenian Atrocities. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B IG IT 7 BLISS, Frederick Jones. Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894- 97. Illustrated by A. C. Dickie. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 28 T 9 BLISS, Lieut. Tasker H. Interior Ballistics. [See United States.— Adjutant-General's Otlice.] A 10 W 8 t BLISS, William Dwight Porter. Encyclopedia of Social Reform. Roy. Svo. New York, 1897. F 9 Y 15 BLOCH, I. S. Is War now impossible ■? being an abridg- ment of " The War of the Future in its Technical, Economic, and Political Relations ;" with a prefatory conversation with the Author by W. T. Stead. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Russian Lib.) F 16 S 16 BLOCK, The, Aug. -Sept., 1896. Fol. Sydnev, 1896. ME 8 T BLOK, Prof. Petrus Johannes. History of the People of the Netherlands. Translated by O. A. BiersUxdt and Ruth Putnam. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1898-99. B 28 T 10, 11 J5L0MFIELD, Harold Arthur. Junee Water-supply Works, New South AVales. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 129.) E BLOMFIELD, Reginald. History of Renais.sance Archi- tecture in England, 1500 1800. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 18 P 11, 12 t Public Spaces, Pai-ks, and Gardens. (Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities.) A 23 S 39 BLOOMFIELD, J. C. Fisheries of Ireland. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 BLOUET, Paul, "Max O'Rell." The Dear Neighbours. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) . J 25 Q 36 Drat the Boys ! or. Recollections of an ox-Frenchmaster in England. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 Q 37 Friend MacDonald. 12mo. Bristol, 1887. J 26 P 1 Jacques Bonhommi? : John Bull on the Continent ; from my Letter-box. 12mo. Bristol, 1889. J 26 P 2 , and ALLYN, Jack. Jonathan and his Con- tinent. Translated by Mme. Paul Blouet. 12ino. Bristol, 1889. ' J 25 Q 38 BLOUNT, Bertram, and BLOXAM, A. G. Chemistry for Engineers and ]Manufactui-ers. Vols. 1, 2. Illus- trated." 2 vols. 8 V.I. Lond., 1896. A 21 T 38, 39 BLOUNT, Godfrey. Arbor Vita^ : a Book on the Nature and Development of Imaginative Design for the use of Teachers, Handicraftsmen, and others. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 19 T 18 t BLOW, Susan E. Letters to a Mother on the Philosophy ofFroebel. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (In^prnat. Education Ser.) G 15 U 40 BLOXAM, A. G. Chemistiy for Engineers and IManufac- turers. [See Blount, B.] A 21 T 38, 39 BLUCHER, Field-Marshal Gebhard Lebrecht von. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 BLUMENBACH, Prof. Johann Friedrich. Institutions of Physiology. Translated by Dr. J. Elliotson. 2nd ed. Svo. "Lond., 1817. A 26 S 39 BLUMH AR DT, Prof. James Fuller. Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books in the Library of the British Mu.seum. [See Bi'itish Museum.] K IS R 18 t Catalogue of Hindi MSS. in tlie British Museum. [See British IVIuseum.] J 13 T 22 t Catalogue of the Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, and Pushtu printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] ' K 13 T 9 t Catalogue of Hindustani Printed Books in Library of Bi-itish Museum. [See British Museum.] K 18 R 20 t Catalogue of JNIarathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the Library of British Museum. '[/Se«Brit. Mus.]K 18R 19t 70 Public Library of New South Wales. BLUNXO, Michele. Colouring Matter of Wines. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Manuring A^neyards. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) SIE 9 R Outbreak of Phylloxera in the Goulburn Valley. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Phylloxera, and System of Inspecting Vineyards. (Agri- cult. Gaz., KS.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Pruning the Vine. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) IME 9 R Report on the 1898 Vintage. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Report on the Murray and Hunter River Wine Districts. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R A Sulphuring Bung. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Summer Pruning of the V^ine. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Wine-making. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897-98.) ME 9 R Winter Dressing against Black Spot. (Agricult. Gaz., KS.W., 1897.) ME 9 R • Insect and Fungus Diseases of Fruit-trees and their Remedies. [See Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898-99.] ME 9 R -, and FROGGATT, Walter Wilson. Phylloxera of the Grape Vine. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R BLYTH, Dr. Alexander Wynter. Diet in relation to Health and Work. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A -11 U 20 Disposal of the Dead. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V -1 Old and ^Modern Poi.sou Lore. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 BOAG, J. W. The Dairy Industry. (Agricult. Gaz.. N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R BOAKE, Rev. Barcroft. Australia. May, 1874.) (Internat. Review, E BOAKE, Barcroft Henry Thomas. Where the Dead Men lie, and other Poems. Edited, with Notes and Memoir, by A. G. Stephens. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MH 1 V 21 BOAS, Frederick S. Shaksperc and his Predecessors. 8vo. Lend., 189G. H 3 R 31 Philastcr ; or, Love lies a-bleeding. [See Beaumont, F.] H 13 Q 1 BOAS, Dr. J. E. V. Text-book of Zoology. Translated by J. W. Kirk.-ildy and E. C. Pollaid. Roy. 8vo. I»nd., lH9fi. A 31 Q 8 BOASE, George Clement. Collectanea CornubicnHia : a Collection of Biographical and Topographical Notes relating to the County of Cornwall. 4to. Truro, 1H90. K20Q18t BOASE, George Clement, and COURTNEY, William Prideaux. Bibliotheca Cornubiensis : a Catalogue of the Writings, both MS. and printed, of Cornishnien and of Works relating to the County of Cornwall ; with Biographical Memoranda and copious literary references. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1874-82. K 20 Q 15-17 t BODDY, Rev. Alexander A. Christ in His Holy Land : a Life of our Lord written during and after a Journey through the Holy Land. Illu.stratcd. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 2G R 4 BODECKER, Dr. C. F. W. The Herbst (German) Method of Filling Teeth. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BODENHAM, John. Politeuphuia : Wits' Commonwealth newly corrected and amended. ISmo. Lond., 1641. J 1 V 41 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Cataloguing Rules. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Lib. Assoc. Ser.) J 9 V 36 BODLEY, John Edward Courtenay. France. 2 vols. 8v.>. Lond., 1898. F 1 T 32, 33 1. Tlie Revolution and Jlodern France, the Constitution anil the Chief of the State. "2. The Parliamentary System and Political Parties. BGELTE, Maria Kraus-. [See K raus-Boelte, Maria.] BOER, N. D. de. Reis n.iet de IlenriiHte Marin door Torres-straat. (Tijdschrift voor het Zecwezen, 1858.) E Togt door Torres-straat. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeevrezenj 1862.) E BOERS AND THE BRITISH, The: a History of the Events leading to the Hostilities in South Africa. With Map. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MB 3 Q 7 BOKTHIUS, Anicius Manlius Scverinu.s. The Consola- tion of Philosophy of Boethius. Translated into English Prose and Verse by H. R. James. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 26 King Alfred's Old English Version of Boethius De Con- solatione Philosophia!. Edited from the MSS., with Introduction, Critical Notes, and Glossary, by W. J. Sedgcfield. 8vo. Oxford, 1899. J 23 S 20 King Alfred's Version of the Consolations of Boethius ; done into modern English, with an Introduction, by Walter John Sedgefield. 12mo. Oxford, 1900. J 9 U 15 De Consolatione Phi]osophia\ Translated by Queen Elizabeth. [See Early Eng. Text Soc, Pubs., orig. .ser., 113.] E BOGUS BANKING CO. : a Satire. 1 2nio. Adelaide, 1888. MH 1 V28 BOHEMIANS, The. Report, 1877-78. 12mo. Melb., 1878. MA 4 P 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 71 BOHM-BAWERK, Prof. Eugeii voii. Karl Marx an. I the Close of his System. Translated by Alice M. Macdoiiald ; with a Preface by J. Bonar. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 Q 25 The Ultimate Standard of Value. 8vo. Philad. (ii.d.) F U U 31 BOHUN, Edmund. Geographical Dictionary : represent- ing the Present and Ancient Names of all the Coun- tries, Provinces, Remarkable Cities, Universities, Ports, Towns, Mountains, Seas, Streights, Fountains, and Rivers of the whole World : their Distances, Longitudes, . and Latitudes ; with a short Historical Account of the same and their present state ; to which is added, aii Index of the Ancient and Latin names. 2nd ed. With Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1G91. D 19 P 1 1 BOIELLE, James. French Composition through Lord Macaulay's English. \_See Macaulay, Baron.] B 26 P 9-1 1 Les Miserables, Principaux Episodes de. \See Hugo, V. M., Comte.] J 12 P 44, 45 Notre-Damo de Paris. [See Hugo, V. M., Comte.] J 12 P 42, 43 BOIS, D. Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse. [See Step, Edward.] Aol S 6-8 BOISRAGON, Capt. Alan. The Benin Massacre. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 5 BOISSEVAIN, G. M. The Monetary Situation in 1897. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. • FISH BOISSIER, Gaston. Cicero and his Friends : a Study of Roman Society ia the time of Cie.sar. Translated by Adnah David Jones. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 P 52 The Country of Horace and Virgil. Translated by D. Havclock Fisher. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 S 15 Roman Africa : Archaeological Walks in Algeria and Tunis. With Maps. 8vo. New York, 1899. B 35 Q 14 Rome and Pompeii : Archjeological Rambles. Trans- lated by D. Havelock Fisher. AVith Maps and Plans. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 S 14 BOLAS, TlKjuias. Glass-blowing and Working for Ama- teurs, Experimentalists, and Technicians. Illustrated. - 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 25 P 47 " BOLDREWOOD, Rolf." \_See Browne, Thos. Alexander.] BOLINGBROKE, Henry St. John, Viscount. Lord Bolijigbroke : being Extracts from the Political Writ- ings of. Edited, with an Introduction, selected, and arranged by the Hon. Stuart Erskine. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 13 Q 35 State of Parties at the Accession of George I. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 BOLLMAN, Charles Harvey. The Myriapoda of North America. [See United States. — National Museum, Bulletin 46.] E BOLTON, Col. Sir Francis. London Water Supply. (In- ternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V G Water Disti-ibution and Dual Supply. (Intcrnat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 BOLTON, Frederica. Greco-Turkish War of 1897. [See " German Staff Officer."] B 34 Q 18 BOLTON, Prof. Frederick E. Secondary School System of Germany. 12mo. Lond., 1900. (Internat. Edu- cation Ser.) G 15 U 48 BOLTON, Henrietta Irving. The Madonna of St. Luke : the Story of a Portrait. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1895. A 23 Q 53 BOLTON, Henry Carrington. Select Bibliography of Cliemistry, 1492-1892. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 21 U 25 BOLTWOOD, Bertram B. Quantitative Chemical Analy- sis by Electrolysis. [See Classen, Dr. A.] A 38 U 12 BOLTZMANN, Dr. Ludwig. Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. [See Curry, Dr. C. E.] A 20 P 36 BOMBALA RAILWAY AND FEDERAL CAPITAL LEAGUE. Southern Monaro as a Site for the Capital of Federated Australia. Ob. 18mo. Ballarat, 1900. MD 8 P 47 BOMBAY : — Oovernment Departineiils — Reports and Pub- lications. Administration. Report on the Administration of the Bombav Presidency, 1882-99. 15 vols. sm. fol. Bom- bay, 1884-99. ' E Annual Reports. General Reports on the Administra- tion of the Bombay Presidency, 1872-98. 22 vols. 8vo. and fol. Bombay, 1874-98. E Department of Land Records and Agriculture. Annual Report of the Government Experimental Farm, Pouna, 1894-98. 4 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 1894-98. E Annual Reports, 1894-99. 5 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 1895-1900. E Crop Experiments, 1894-98. 4 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 1895-98. E Forestry. Administration Reports of the Forest De- partment in the Bombay Presidency, including Sind, 1890-91. Fol. Bombay, 1892. E Gazetteer. Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. Vols. 2-4, 7, 8, 11, 13-26. 26 vols. roy. 8vo. Bombay, 1879-94. ■ E 2. Oujaiat, Surat, Broach. IS. Pooiia. 3. Kaira and Paiich Mahals. 19. Satara. 4. Ahmedabad. 20. Sholapur. 7. Baroda. 21. Belgaum. 5. Kathiawar. 22. Dharwar. 11. Kolaba and Jaiijira. 23. Bijapur. \n, 14. Thaua. 24. Kolhapur. 15. Kauaia. 25. Botany. 16. Nasik. 26. Account of the Town 17. Ahniadnagar. and Island of Bombay. Military Department. Engineers' Report, 1846-47. 8vo. Bombay, 1848. A 34 R 20 72 ThMIg Library of New South Wales. BOMBAY CALEXDAR AXD ALMAXAC, 1853-54, 1857. 3 vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1853-57. E BOMBAY CALEXDAR AXD GEXERAL DIREC- TOR Y, 1 84 il, 1 S5 1 . -1 \ols. 8vo. Roiiibiiy, 1 849-5 1 . E BOMBAY RIOTS of 1,^74. IN.y. Sv... Bombay, 1874. B39P12 BOX, Gustave le. {See Le Bon, G.] BONAPARTE, XAPOLEON. \See Napoleon.] BONAPARTE, Maria Letitia Ramolino-. Napole.oii'.s Mother: by Clara TschucH. Translated by E. M. Cope. With Portrait. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 T 20 BONAPARTE, Prince Napoleon Jo.seph Charles Paul. [Sketch of.] \_See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 BONAR, James. Karl Marx and the Close of his System. {See Bohm-Bawerk, Prof. E. von.] F 15 Q 25 BOND, Acton. [Art of Acting.] {See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 BOND, Catherine. Gold-iields and Chrysanthemums : Notes of Travel in Australia and Japan. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lend., 1898. D 16 V 23 BOND, Edward Augustus. Fac-similes of MSS. and In- scriptions. {See Pal;eogra])iiical Soc] J 48 P 4-7 \ BOND, Francis. English Cathedrals illusti'aied. 8vo. I.ond., 1899. " A 4! T 15 BONDKSEN, Ingvor. Danish Fairy and Folk Tales. {See Bay, J. C] " J 14 Q 43 BONDURANT, \. J. Cultivation and Treatment of To- bacco. {See Victoria. — Agricult.] M.\ 3 V 13 BONDY, William. Separation of Governmental Powers. 8vo. New York, 1893. F IS Q 3 BONHAM-CARTER, Alfred. [.SVc Carter, A. lionlia.n-.] BOND la'H, Rosa. IPortr.iit and Sketch ..f.J {See Hub- bard, E. — Little Journeys to (lie Homes of l^'amous Women.] ' C 19 P 12 BONIN, Charles Eudes. [Translations from.] {See Pa.stels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 BONNEY, G. E. EU'ictro-platers' Hand-book : a Practical Manual for Amati;urH and Young Sludents in Electro- Metalhn-gv. Tllustratr^d. 1 2nio. Lond., 1 S91 . A24 P 26 BONNEY, Prof. Thomas George. F.R.S. Geology of Mt. Blanc. (Mathews, C. E.— Annalsof Mt. Blanc.)"D 22 P 9 Ice-work Present and Past. 8vo. Lond., 1 896. A 20 Q 18 Volcanoes: their Structure and Significance. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Progressive Science Ser.) A 19 S 29 Papers and Notes on the Genesis and Matrix of the Diamond. {See Lewis. H. C] A 33 V 23 Summary of the Scientific Work of W. Pengelly. {See Pengelly, W.] C 24 T 2 BONNIER, Jules. Resultats Scientifiques de la Cam- pagne du Caitdan dans le Golfe de Gascogne. {See Krehler, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 BONOMI, Jo.seph. Nineveh and its Palaces. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 187s. B 28 Q ? BON WICK, James. Who are the English 2 12mo Lond., 1881. (Our Nationalities.) A 27 P 11 Who are the Irish 'I 12nio. Lond., 1^80. (Our Nationalities.) A 27 P 8 Who are the Scotch? 12mo. Lond., 1880. (Our Nationalities.) A 27 P 9 Who are the Welsh? 12mo. Lond., 1881. (Our Nationalities.) A 27 P 10 Tiie Writing of Coh)nial History. [Abstract.] (Roy. Col. Inst.,"Proc., 1894-95.) ' E Australia's First Preacher : Rev. Richard Johnson, First Chaplain of New South Wales. {See Johnson, Rev. R.] MC 1 S 21 BONWILL, Dr. W. G. A. The Geometrical and Mechani- cal Laws of the Articulation of the Human Teeth — the Anatomical Articulator. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F. — Amei-ican System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 System of an all-Porcelain Crown Suljstitution. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BOOK-LORE [formerly tli<' liiliHiiijmphrr]: a Journal dexoted to Old-time Literature. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 6, Dec., 1881-Nov., 1887. 12 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1881-87. ■ J 16 V 3-14 BOOK OF THE DEAD. Text, Translation, ami Vo- cabulary ; by E. A. ^\'. liudge. .'i "Mils. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' B 37 V 13-15 {See also British Museum. | BOOK OF SCOTTISH PASQUILS, 1568-1715. 8vo. i:dinb., 1868. II 13 V 16 HOOK -WORM, 7'hr: iiu Illustrated Treasury of Old-time Literature. Vols. 1-7, lSSS-04, 7 vols.'Svo. Loud., 1 888-9 L .1 16 V 15-21 BOOK WORM, The: a Literary and Bibliogra).liic,iI ]{.■- view. Edited and illustrated by J. P. Berjeau. Vols. 1-.5, Jan., 1866-Dec., 1870. 5 vols, (in 2) roy. 8vo. Lond,, 1S66-70. .1 16"\^ I, 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 73 BOOK FELLOW, The: a Monthly Magazine for Book- huyers and Book-readers. Nos. 1-5, Jan. -May, ISOlt. Illustrated. 18mo. and ll'ino. Kvdncv, 1S99. [All puUished.] ' ' MJ 3 V 8 BOOKS ON EGYPT AND CllALDyEA. Babylonian Religion and Mythology. [Sre King, L. \V. ] (i 25 P 22 Egyptian Ideas of theKiitiu-e Life. [iS'fc lindge, E. A. W.] (;25P 19 Egyptian Magic. [See Bndge, K. A. W.] (! 2.5 P 20 BOOKW ALTER, John W. Siberia ami Central Asia. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 S G BOOLE, George. Mathematical Psychology of Gratry and Boole. [See Boole, Mary Evei-est.] " G 11 N 12 BOOLE, Mary Everest. The Mathematical Psychology of (Jratry and Boole. Translated fi'om the Language of the Higher Calculus into that of Elementary (ieometry. 8vo. Lond., 1897. "G 11 V 12 BOOMERANG, The : a serio-comic Political, Satirical, Quizzical Memo, hui'led at passing events. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-U, April-Julv, 1877. "illustrated. 4to. Sydney, 1877. ' MJ 2 U 24 BOOSE, James R. Imperial Federation : Titles of Puhli- cations relating to the British Colonies, their Gover- nors, etc., in ct)nneotion with Imperial Policy. 8vo. Lend., 1889. F 1 S 26 BOOTH, Agnes. [Portrait and Sketch of.] {See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Authors of To-day.] C 2.3 Q 6 BOOTH, Charles. Life and Lal)oui- of tlie People in London. Vols. 7-9. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97 F 10 U U^15 The Case for Universal Old Age Pensions. {See Met- calfe, J.] " F 1.") Q 39 BOOTH, David. The Silver-on-Glass Reflecting Telescope, and how to use it. Illustrated. 8vo. Leeds, 1895. A 23 T 36 BOOTH, Edwin. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous xVmerican Actors (if To-day.] C 23 Q 6 Sketch of. {See Godwin, P. — Commemorative Ad- dresses.] J U V 3 BOOTH, Rev. John. Epigrams, Ancient and Modern. 12mo. Lond., 1863. H 10 V 28 BOOTHBY, Capt. Charles. A Pri.soner of France: Memoirs, Diary, and Correspondence of Charles Booth- by. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 9 BOOTHBY, Guy Newell. A Bid for Fortune; or. Dr. Nikola's Vendetta. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895 MJ 3 Q 44 BOOTHBY, Josiah. Adelaide Almaiuie and Directory. {See Adelaide Almanac and Directory.^ ME 12 T BORCHERS, Dr. W. Electric Smelting and Refining: the Extraction and Ti'eatmcnt of Metals by means of the Electric Curi'eiit. Translated, with iuiditions, l)y Walter (;. McMillan. Illustrated. 8vo. T^^nd., 1897. A38T1 BORDER POST ALMAXAU, The. [&« Affleck, T.] ME 4 Q BORLASE, William Copeland. Tlie Dolmens of Ireland : their Distribution, Structural Characteristics, and Affinities in other Countries, together with the Folk- lore attaching to them, supplemented by considerations on the Anthropology, Ethnology, and Traditions of the Irish people. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 41 W 2-4 Nienia Cornubiie : a Descripti\e Essay illustrative of the Sepulchres and Funereal Customs of the Early In- habitants of the County of Cornwall. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1872. " B 40 P 2 BORMANN, Edwin. The Shakespeai-e Sec;-et. Trans- lated from tlie German by H. Brett. Roy. 8vo. Lmd., 189.5. J 8 V 27 Bacon-Shakespeare's Venus und Adonis. {See Shakes- peare, W.] ^ H 4 V 22 BORRON, Sires Robiers de. Seynt Graal ; or, the Sank Ryal : the History of the Holy Graal, partly in English Verse by Heni-y Lonelich, Skynner {temp. Henry YI, a.d. 1422-61) and wholly in French Prose by Sires Robiers de Barron, from the original Latin written by Jesus Christ with his own hand, being the only writing made by God since his uprising. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1861- 63. (Ro.xburghe Lib.) H 17 Q 9, 10 f 1, with prefatory Essay on the Saga of the Holy Graal ; bj' San Marte, tliat is Albert Schulz, and an Appendi.x - a Reprint of the Early French Verse Roman de Testore dou ({raal. 2, witli note on tlie Early Byronsand Robert de Buniii ; by Charles H. Pearson ; and a Prefatory Essay on Arthur by the late Herbert Coleridge, and an Appendi.>; — The Bii'the and the Engendrure of Mordret. BORROW, George. Lavengro. New ed., containing the unaltered text of the original issue ; some suppressed episodes now printed for the first time; JIS. Variorum, Vocabulary, and Notes. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. ■ J 17 U 16 Life, Wiitings, anil Correspondence of, derived from official and other authentic sources by W. I. Knapp. With Bibliographv. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " ' C 26 R 16, 17 The Romany Rye : a Sequel to " Lavengro." New ed., containing the unaltered text of the original issue ; with Notes, &c. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 17 U 19 Sketch of. {See Birrell, Augustine. — Res Judicatic] J 7 P52 7i Tuhlic Library of Neio South Wales. BORTHWICK, Algernon, Lord Gleiiesk. {See Glenesk, Baron.] BOS, G. P. M. van den. [Reproduction of hi.s Picture] Spring's Awakening. \_See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] " A 12 P 27 ^ BOSANQUET, Bernard. Philosophical Theory of the State. 8vo. Lend., 1899. F 9 P U Communicatiou of Moral Ideas as a Function of an Ethi- cal Society. [See Seeley, Sir J. R. — Ethics and Re- ligion.] ■' G 25 S 14 Education of the Young in the Republic of Plato. [See Plato.] " ^ G 26 Q 7 BOSANQUET, Helen [Mrs. Bernard]. Rich and Poor. [With BibliograjAy. I 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 29 The Standard of Life, and other Studies. 8\'o. Lend., 1898. F 15 R 23 Administration of Charitable Relief. \_See National Union of Women Workers.] F 1 U 30 BOSANQUET, Commander George S. Schwartz-Kopff Torpedo Manual for the use of New South Wales Naval Artillery Volunteers. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. jMA 4 Q 11 BOSBOOM, Johannes. Life and Works of. [See Rooses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t BOSCAWEN, Edward. [Portrait and Sketch of]; l)y Adm. Sir E. R. Freniantle. (Laughton, Prof. J. K. — From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 BOSISTO, Joseph. The Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886, witli some of its les.sons to ourselves. 8vo. Melb., 1887. MF 1 Q 58 BOSQUI, Francis L. Practical Notes on the Cvanide Process. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 38 V 28 BOSSCHA, Dr. J. Secondary Education in the Nether- lands. (Internat. Health E.xliib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 BOSSCHERE, Charles de. Teaching of Natural Science in the Primary Normal School, Jielgium. (Internat. Health Exliib.— Health Exiiib. Literature.) A 1 1 \' 10 BOSSUET, Jac, William. The Government of the Emi)ire : II consideration of means for the re])r(wentation of the Biitish Colimies in an Imperial I'ailiament. 8vi). Lond., 1877. F 1 8 20 BOUTxMY, Emile. Paris Free School of I'nliti.al Science. (Intcmat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) All \ II BOUVOIR, Roger de. [See De Bouvoii-, Roger.] BOVEY, Henry Taylor. Presidential Address. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Applied Science.] A 40 S 20 -, and FARMER, J. T. Hydraulic Laboratory, McGill University. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Engineering.] A 40 S 24 BOVILL, Re^•. John H. Natives under the Transvaal Flag. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 17 T 6 BOVILL, Mai [Mrs.], and ASK WITH, G. R. Memoir of Roddy Owen. [See Owen, Major E. R.] C 25 Q 9 BOW^DOIN COLLEGE. Addresses and Poems on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Incorpora- tion of Bowdoin College, June 27th and 28th, 1894. 8vo. Brunswick, Maine, 1894. G 18 S 35 Bibliographical Contributions, Nos. 3-7, August, 1893- March, 1898. 8v(). Brunswick, Maine, 1893-98. E General Catalogue of the Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, 1794-1894, including a Historical Sketch of the Institution during the first Century, prepared by G. T. Little. Roy. 8vo. Brunswick, Maine, 1894. G 18 S 36 Library Bulletin, including the Obituary Record and the Reports of the Librarian. Nos. 1-4, June, 1891- June, 1895. 8vo. Brunswick, Maine, 1891-95. E BO WEN, Charles Synge Christopher, Baron. A Biographi- cal Sketch : by Sir H. S. Cunningham. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 6 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 BOWEN, Edward Ernest. On Teaching by means of Grammar. (Farrar, F. W., Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) G17T10 .BOWEN, Sir George Ferguson. Arrival and Reception of, at Brisbane. (Pugh's Queensland Almanac, 1860.) ME 4 P Substance of a Letter to a Member of Parliament on the i|uestion of the ])ri)po.sed Federation of the J'ritish Emjjire. 8vo. Hongkong, 1885. F 1 S 25 BOWEN, H(>rbert Courthope. Froebel and Education by Self-activity. [With Bibliography.] 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Great Educators.) ' G 18 Q 51 nOWI>N, Herbert Wolcott. I nternational ]jaw : a simple Statement of its Princijiles. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 10 V36 BOWEN, l!e\. th.' lion. W. K. The Crisis in the English Church. Svo. \mw\.. IHOO. G 26 Q 12 BOWl'iR, Capt. Herbert M. The Elevation and Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio. [See Folk-lore Soc. Pul)s.] E Ini|uii-ies concerning the Tactics of the Future. {See Hoenig, F.] A 36 RIO Supplementary Cataloyue — 1896-1900. 77 IJOWEllS, EclwiUHl A. Present Condition of Forests on Public Liinds. (American Economic Assoc.) F t V 16 BOWKER, Alfred. Alfred the Great, containing chapters on his Life and Times. [See Alfred the (ireat.] C 20 S 19 BOWKER, Richard Rogers. Work and Wealth. 8vo. New York, 188.3. (Questions of the Day.) F 15 S 23 , and ILE8, George. Reader's (Juide in Economic, Social, and Political Science. 8vo. New York, 1891. Cat. Room BOW^LBY, Dr. Anthony Alfred. Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteo-Arthropathy. (Allhutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Osteitis deformans. (Allhutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Osteomalacia, or Mollities ossium. (Allhutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 BOWLES, S. Notes on the advantages i if Germinating Seed Tubes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ilE 9 R BOWLES, Thomas Gibson. The Declaration of Paris of 1856: being an Account of the Maritime Rights of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F r9 U 2 BOWLES, Rev. W. L. Two Passages from the first of two Letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord Byron. (Rhys, E. — Literary Pamphlets.) H 11 T 5 BOWLEY, Arthur L. Wage.s in the United Kingdom in the 19th Century: Notes for the use of Students of Social and Economic Questions. 8vo. Camb., 1900. F 16 T 23 BOWMAKER, Dr. Edward. The Housing of the Work- ing-clas.ses. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 4 U 25 BOWMAN, Hildebrand. Travels of, into C'arnovirria, Taupiniera, Olfactaria, and Auditante, in New Zea- land ; in the Island of Bonhommica, and in the power- ful Kingdom of Luxo-Volupto, on the great Southern Continent. 8vo. Lond., 1778. MJ 3 R 30 BOWRING, Sir John. Essay on Bowring's Life of Ben- tham. \_See Mill, J. Stuart.— Early Essays.] J U LT 37 BOWSER, George. Haivaiian Kingdom Statistical and Commercial Directory and . Tonrintx' (fnide. [^See Ilau-aiinn Kingdom.'^ D 22 R 18 BOWYEAR, Henry. Industrial and Social Cooperation : its Aims, Metliods, and Organisation. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) " F 13 V 23 BOWYER, George. Commentaries on the Modern Civil Law. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1848. F 1 S 28 Commentaries on Universal Public Law. Roy. 8vo. Lend., 1854. F 1 S 32 BOX, Thomas. Practical Treatise on the Strength of Materials, including their Elasticity and Resistance to Impact. 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 24 Q 36 BOXALL, (ieorge B. Evolution of the Australian. (Mac millan's Mag., June, 1899.) E BOYCE, E. Narrative of the Campaign in Russia. \_See Labaume, Eugene. B 31 S 5 BOYCE, Rev. Francis Bertie. Augustine and the Evange- lization of England. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MG 1 P 90 The Drink Bills of New South Wales. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MF'5S4 BOYCE, Rev. W. Brief Grammar of Modern Geography. 18mo. Sydney, 1849. MD 1 P 74 BOYCE, W. L. Ensilage. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Pricklv-pear as Fodder. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R BOYD, A. H. Billiards. [See Broadfoot, Major W.] A 29 S 23 BOYI), A. J. Forest Conservancy. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897-99.) ME 9 U Maize-growing on Scrub Lands. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) -ME 9 U Ramie. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 L'' Scrub Lands and how to use them. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Sugar at Bundaberg. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Snake Bites. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898.) ■ ME9U BOYD, Alexander Stuart. Lowden Sabbath Morn. [See SteveiLson, R. L.] H 3 Q 37 BOYD, Rev. Andrew Kemiedy Hutchison. The Last Years of St. Andrews, 1890-95. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G14Q 37 Twenty-tive years of St. Andrews, 1865-90. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 1 Q 26, 27 BOYD, Benjamin. Memoir of. (Arden's Sydney Mag., Oct., 1843.) ME 3 R BOYD, Lieut.-Col. John Alexander. Supply Hand-book for the Army Service Corps. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 36 Q 7 B(JYD, Mary Stuart [Mrs. A. S.] Our Stolen Summer : the Record of a Roundabout Tour. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Ediid)., 1900. D 22 S 8 BOYD, W. Carr. Journey from Western Australia to Warina, South Australia. (Geograph. Journ., Jan., 1897.) E 7S J*nbUc Library of Neic South Wales. BOYD, "William, Earl of Kilmarnock. [See Kilmarnock, Earl of.] BO"YESEN, Hjalmar H. History of Norway from the Earliest Times ; with a Chapter on the llecent History of Norway by C. F. Keary. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " ■ B 33 P 10 BOYLE, Sir Courtenay. Hints on the Conduct of Busi- ness, Public and Private. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 15 U 49 BOYLE, George David, Dean of Salisbury. Salisbury Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 Wordsworth's position as an Ethical Teacher. (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana. ) J 1-1 R 15 In answer to Prayer. [See Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] G23P17 BOYLE, Robert. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. William. — Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 , and AM AG AT, E. H. Laws of Gases. Trans- lated and edited by Prof. C. Barus. .Svo. New York, 1899. (Harper's Scientific Mems.) A 2-5 T 12 BOYLE LECTURES. Christianity and Morality. [Ste Wace, Rev. H.] G 25 S 12 BOYS, Charles Yernon, F.R.S. Soap-bubbles and the forces which mould them. Illustrated. 12nio. Lond., 1896. (Romance of Science.) A 21 P 31 BOYS, Robert Douglass. Travelling Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 Y 1 BOYS' BRIGADE, The. Report for 1894-95. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. . ME 6 S BRABROOK, E. W. Provident Societies and Industrial Welfare. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 R 26 BRACE, C. Loring. Gesta Christi; or, a History of Human Progress under Christianity. Svo. Lond., 1882. G 25 R 9 BRACKENBURY, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Henry. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. — Our Living (iencrals.] C 22 S 2(i P.I'.ACKETT, Prof. Cyrus F. Elementary Text-book of Physics. [See Anthony, Prof. W. A.] A 41 P 1 BRADBUIIY, Pnif. Jolin Buckley. Disorders of Sleep. (Allbutt, Dr. T. (.'.—System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 BRADDON, lit. Hon. Sir Edward Nicholas Coventry. The Case for the Braddon Clause in the Federal Bill. (Review of Review.s, Sept., 1898.) ME U BRADDON, Sir Thomas. The Federation Movement in Australa.sia. (Nineteentii Century, July, 1896.) E BRADFORD, Rev. Amory Howe. Heredity and Christian Problems. Svo. New York, 1895. G 14 S 33 Christ and the Church. [See Christ and the Church.] G 9 W 27 BRADFORD, Gamaliel. The Lesson of Popular Govern- ment. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1899. F 10 P 28, 29 BRADFORD, Dr. John Rose. General Pathology of Secretion. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 General Pathology of the Renal Functions. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 BRADFORD, William. The Indicator Feature in some Gold occurrences. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1895.) ME'IS P Indicators. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P BRADFORD, William. History of the Plimoth Planta- tion, containing an Account of the Voyage of tt>e Mayfloicer. Reproduced from the original MS. ; with an Introduction by John A. Doyle. 4to. Lond., 1896. ' B13X4t BRADLAUGH, Charles. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 BRADLEE, Rev. Caleb Davis. In Memoriam: Rev. C. D. Bradlee, 1831-97; by A. Manchester. Illu.strated. Svo. Boston, 1897. C 20 S 9 BRADLEY, Prof. Andrew Cecil. Philasophical Lectures and Remains of R. L. Nettleship. [See Nettleship, R. L] G 23 R 2, 3 BRADLEY, Arthur G. Highways and Byways in North Wales. Illustrated. Svo. T^md., 1898. D 13 R 8 BRADLEY, Emily T. Annals of Westminster Abbey. 4to. Loml., 1895. B 13 T 1 t Westminster Abbey. [See Bradley, M. C] B 39 U 15 BRADLEY, Francis Herbert. Appearance and Reality. [See Seth, Dr. Andrew. — Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays.] G 14 R 26 BRADLEY, James. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 BRADLEY, M. C. and Emily T. Westminster Abbey. . Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. B 39 U 15 BRADSHAW, George. The Pt>pular Orpington. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Profitable Poultry-bi-eeding for the Local and I^ondon Markets. (Agricult, (3a/.., N.S.W., 1897.) Ml'^ 9 R Poultry Notes and News. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) " ME 9 R The Wyandotte as a Farmer's Fowl. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 79 BUADSIIAW, llemy. Essay on. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 BRADSHAW, John. Norway, its Fjords, Fjeld.s, ami Tosses. 8vo. Loud., 1896. 1)18^19 BRADY, Dr. George Stewardson. New or imperfectly- known species of Ostracoda chiefly from New Zealand. (Zoological Soc, Lond., Trans., 14, and Proc, 1898.) E BRADY, Rev. J. H<^})rint of a Descriptive Vocabulary of the Native Language of Western Australia. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P BRADY, Rev. Joseph. History of St. Vincent de Paul. [See Bougaud, E., Bishop,] G 24 U 1, 2 BR^KSTAD, H. L. Niohe. [See Lie, J.] J 23 U 12 With Nansen in the North. [See Johansen, Lieut. H.] D 16 R 18 , and HUGHES, Gertrude. The Commodore's Daughters. [See Lie, J.] J 23 U 13 BRAGATO, R. Hints on Grafting Vines. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 Repoi-t on the Prospects of Viticulture in New Zealand, together with Instructions for Planting and Pruning. [See New Zealand.— Agricult.] MA 3 R 75 Spraying for Fungus Diseases. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 BRAHE, Tycho. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 BRAHMS, Johannes. Recollections of ; by A. Dietrich and J. V. Widmann. Translated by Dora E. Hecht. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 27 S 10 BRAID, Dr. James. Neurypnology ; or, the Rationale of Nervous Sleep considered in relation with Animal Magnetism. 12mo. Lond., 1843. G 15 U 10 BRAIDWOOD AXD ARALUEN EXPRESS, 1899. Fol. Braidwood, 1899. ME BRAID WOOD DISPATCH ixnd Mining Journal, 1898^99 [Jan. 21st, 1899, mi.ssing.] 2 vols. fol. Braidwood, 1898-99. ME BRAIN, Belle Marvel. Transformation of Hawaii : how Fifty Years of Mission Work gave a Christian Nation to the World. Told for young people. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 24 Q 19 BRAITHWATTE, Dr. Jame.s, and TREVELYAN, Dr. Edmond Fauriel. Retrospect of Medicine. Vols. 20, 21, 24-28, 32, 33, 36-^)1, 53-58, 60, 61, 65. 66, 68, 72,73,76,78, 79, 112-121, July, 1849-.Iune. 1850, July, 1851-Dec., 1853, July, 1855-June, 1856, July, 1857-June, 1865, 1866-68," July, 1869-June, 1870, 1872, July-Dec, 1873, July, 1875-June, 1876, July- Dec, 1877, July, 1878-June, 1879, July, 1895-June, 1900. 51 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849-1900. E BRA MSTON, Rev. James. The Man of Taste : occasion'd hy an Epistle of Mr. Pope on that suljject. Sni. fol. Lond., 1733. H 39 Q 13 J BRAxMAVELL; Dr. Byrom. Ab.scess of the Brain. (All- butt, Dr. T. (1— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Intracranial Tumours. (Allbutt, Dv. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 P.RAMWELL, Frederick Charles. The Eastern Question in the 18th Century. [_See Sorel, A.] F 13 R 12 BRAMWELL, George William Wilshere, Baron. Some Account of George William Wilshen;, Banjn Bramwell, of Hever, and his Opinions ; by C. Fairfield. With Portrait 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 S 2 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 BRAMWELL, Dr. John Milne. General Treatment of the Insanities. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 BRAND, Henry Robert, 2nd Viscount Hampden. [See Hampden, 2nd Viscount.] BRANDES, George. Henrik Ibsen ; Bjornstjerne Bjorn- •son : Critical Studies. Svo. Lend., 1899. J 4 V 13 William Shakespeare : a Critical Study. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 5 T 35, 36 Memoirs of a Revolutionist. [See Kropotkin, Prince P.] C 23 T 18, 19 BRANDON, Raphael and J. Arthur. Analysis of Gothick Architecture. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lend., 1874. A 18 P 19, 20 t Open Timber Roofs of the JNIiddle Ages. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1849. . A 19 U 3 t BRANDT, Dr. Alois. History of English Literature. [See Ten Brink, Bernhard.] B 3 P 24 BRANDT, Dr. Francis Burke. F'riedrich Eduard Beneke : the Man and his Philosophy. Svo. New York, 1895. G 1 P 34 BRANDT, (i. Duphiyan Shorthand adapted to English. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J 14 V 10 BRANDT, Dr. Karl. Die Koloniebildenden Radiolarien des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fau7ia iiud Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 13 t BRANNER, John C. Report on Road-making in Arkan- sas. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Road Inquiry.] A 41 U 4 BRANNT, William T. India-rubber, Gutta-percha, and Balata. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 45 R 14 The Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion. 27th ed. Svo. Philad., 1894. A 23 R 51 The Assayer's Manual. [See Kerl, Prof. B.] A 30 V 21 Caoutchouc and Gutta-percha. [See Hofler, R.] A 23 S 1 4 Preparation of Malt. [See Thausing, J. E.] A 25 U 16 80 Public Librmnj of Neic South Wales. BRASSEY, Thomas, Baron. Australian Addresses. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1898. M.T 2 V'S Australian Federation. (Nineteenth Century, April, 1899.) . . ' E British Indu.stry and Foreign Competition. Rov. 8yo. Melb., 1896. '^ MF3 R 74 The Diamond Jubilee in Victoria, (Nineteenth Cen- tury, Sept., 1897.) E Position of the British Na\y in 1897. (Reyiew of Re\-ie-n-s, Sept., 1897.) " E Recent Social and Political Progress in Victoria. (Rov. Col. Inst., Proc, 1897-98.) E Strength of the British Navy, 1899. 8vo. Melb., 1899. " F 16 R 26 BRASSEY, Hon. Thomas Allnutt. The Naval Annual, 1887-1900. 13 vols. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1886-1900. E Studies in Au.stralia in 1898. (Roy. Col. In.st., Proc, 1896-97.) E BR ATH, Stanlej' de. The Foundations of Success : a Plea for Rational" Education. 8vo. Lend., 1 896. G 1 8 Q 34 BRATHWAITE, Richard. Natures Embassie— Divine and Moral Satyres : Sheplieards Tales, both parts ; Omphala ; Odes, or Philomel's Tears, kc. 8vo. Boston, Lincolnshire, 1877. H 10 W 25 BRAUN, Emil. Specimens of Ornamental Art. [&« Gruner, L.] A 46 P 23, 24 J BRAUW, C. P. de. Reis naar Banda, de Ceram-Laut- eilanden, Nieuw-Guinea, de Aroe en Z. Wester- eilanden, met Z. M. Schoonerbrik Eymond. (Tijd- schrift voor het Zeewezen, 1854.) E BRAY, William Bayley. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc., 84.) E BRAYDA, Riccardo. Porte Piemontesi dal XV al XIX Secolo. F(j1. Torino (n.d.) A 17 P 35 + Stuechi ed Alireschi del Real Castcllo del Valentino. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 50 + BRAZ, A.ie. [See Le Braz, A.] BRAZIER, John. Four new species of Mollusca finm Victoria. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P New genus and three new species of Mollusca from New South Wales, New Hebrides, and Western Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Now Marine Siiells from tiie Solomon Islands and Aus- tralia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P New species of Cone from the Solomon Islands. (Limioan Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P BRAZIL. Annaes da Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio do Janeiro, 1886-88, 1896-97. 5 vols, (in 6) imp. 8yo. Rio de Janeiro, 1890-97. E Bibliotheca da Escola Normal, Catalogo da. 8\-o. Rio de Janeiro, 1896. K 8 R 34 Bibliotheca Nacional : Relatorio, 1896. Imp. 8yo. Rio de Janeiro, 1897. E Bibliotheca Nacional : Resumo Historico. Imp. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1897. B 19 S 12 t Correspondence exchanged with the Legation of Portugal and the Legation of Brazil, at Lisbon, in regard to the surrender of the Insurgent Refugees on board the Portuguese Corvettes Mindello and Affonso de Albuquerque. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1894. F 1 R 24 Hortus Fluminensis ou Breve Noticia sobre as Plantas Cultivadas no Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro, 1893. Imp. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1895. A 44 W 15 Plantas No\as Cultivadas no Jardim Botanica do Rio de Janeiro. Descriptas, classificadas e desenhadas por J. B. Rodrigues. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1894-96. A 18 Q 27 t, and J 22 Q 9 t Relatoi'io apresentado ao Presidente da Republiea dos estados Unidos do Brasil, 1892-93, 1896. 7 vols. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1892-96. E BREAKSPEAR, Nicholas. ISee Adrian IV, Pcjpe.] BREARLEY, Joseph Henry Drapier. Researclies on the Electric Prt)perties of pure substances. No. 1. The Electrical Propei-ties of pure Sulphur. \_See Roy. Soc, Lond., Philos. Trans, ser. A, 1896.] E BRECKENRIDGE, Dr. Roelift' Morton. The Canadian Banking System, 1817-90. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 20 BREESE, B. B. Tnhibition. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 25 V 3 BllEJlM, Alfred Edmund. I'^om North Pole to Eijuatoi- : Studies of Wild Life and Scenes in many Lands. Translated from the (Jerman by Margaret R. Thomson, and edited by J. Arthur Thomson. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 V 22 BR^EITMANN, Hans. [See Leland, C. (!.] liREME, H. Die Haideboden Westfaleiis. {See Hasel h,.ir, Dr. K.] E ]5REMNI'llv, C. S. l">ducation of (Jirls and Women in Great Britain ; with a Preface by Miss E. P. Hughes. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 Q 37 BREMNKR, In-cd, Tyi.es of the Indiaji .\riMy, illustrat- ing the races enlisted in the Bengal, Punjab, Madras, and Bombay Armies ; with Notes on tlie Warlike Races of India and its Frontiers by Capt. A. H. liingley. 2 vols, (in 1) ob. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 21 P 1 t Sv/pplementary Catalogue — ItSUli- 1 000. 81 BREND, William A. Story of Ice in thu Present and Past. Tllustrat(!(i. 18mu. Lond., 1899. (Lib. of Useful Stories.) * A S.'i Tl :!1 BIIENNAN, Chi'lslophci- .loim. V-.n-i and Idea.. (.Vu.s- tralasian Assoc, for Ad\ancenien( of Srienee, Ivi'port, 1898.) .ME 18 S XXI Poeni-s, 1S93-97: Towards the Source. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. . MH 1 T 22 BRENNAN, Sarah Octavia. Reproductive System of Digaster{Didijiiu>gaster) Sy/.vaticiin, Fletch. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P BRENTANO, Lujo. History and Development of (iuild.s, and the Origin of Trade Unions. 8vo. Lond., 1870. F 16 Q 13 BRENT, Nathaniel. Historie of the Councel of Trent. [See Sarpi, P.] G 17 U 8 t BRERETON, John Le CJay. Landlopers : the Tale of a drifting Travel and the Quest of Pardon and Peace. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 3 U 17 Perdita : a Sonnet Record. [Aiiiin.'\ 12ni(). Sydney, 1896. ' MH 1 R 66 • The Song of Brotherhood, and other Verses. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MH 1 V 13 Perkin Warheck. [See Ford, JoJui.] H 10 U 21 BRERETON, Rev. Joseph Lloyd. Comparative Advan- tages of Boarding and Day Schools, (tnternat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 BRETON, Frederic. The Forgotten Isles. [See VuiUier, Gaston.] D 18 V 24 BRETON, Nicholas. The Court and Country; or, a Briefe Discourse between the Courtier and the Countryman of the Manner, Nature, and Condition of their Lives. [See Inedited Tracts.] J 2 T 30 BRETT, Edwin. History and Developmciit of Banking in Au.strala.sia. (Inst, of Bankers, 1882-83.) E BRETT, H. Tlu> Shakespeare Secret. [See Bormann, Edwin.] J 8 V 27 BRETT, Henry. Brett's N'ew Zealand and South Pacific Pilot, with Nautical Almanac for 1887-88. Bvo. Auckland, 1886. MD 5 R 19 Brett's Colonists' Guitle and Cyclopaedia of Useful Knowledge. Edited by T. W Leys. Illustrated. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. MK 2 R 12 BRETT, Reginald Baliol. The Yoke of Empire : Sketches of the Queen's Prime INlinisters. Bvo. Lond., 1896. C 23 Q 9 BHEWAIililNA TIMES and Barwon River (iazette, 189S 99. Fol. ]5rewarrina, 1898-99. ME I5HI<]WER, Rev. i;i)enezer Cobham. DictiScripture : the Principles, Methods, Histor\-, and Results of its several Depart- ments and of the Whole. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. G 23 U 45 The Messiah of the Apostles. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 12 V 6 The Messiah of the Gospels. 8vo. New York, 1894-. G 12 V 5 BRIGGS, Sir John Henry. Naval Administrations, 1827- 92 : the experience of sixty-five years. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 1 S 13 BRIGGS, Lyman J. Electrical Instruments for determin- ing the -Moisture, Temperature, and Soluble Salt Con- tent of Soils. [See United States. — Dept, of Agricult. — Div. of Soils.] A 38 R U Aji Electrical Method of determining the Moistui-e Con- tent of Arable Soils. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 An Electrical ilethod of determining the Temperature of Soils. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 Mechanics of Soil IMoisture. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 BRIGGS, Thomas. PoAerty, Taxation, and the Remedy : Free Trade, Free Labour ; or. Direct Taxation the true principle of Politic d Economy. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) F 17 P 1 BRIGHT, Charles. Submarine Telegraphs : their History, Construction, and Working. Illustrated. Roy. 8\"(i. Lond., 1898. A 40 S 19 BRIGHT, Rev. Charles. Life and Work of the Church : an Address fi-om the Chair of the South Australian I5aptist Union, Adelaide, 1896. 8vo. Adelaide, 1896. MG 1 R 10 BRIGHT, Rev. James Franck. Joseph II. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Foreign Statesmen.) B 17 P 48 Maria Theresa. 8vo. Lond.,- 1897. (Foreign States- men.) B17P47 BRIGHT, Jolm. [Lifeof]; by C. A. Vince. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 P 26 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 BRIGHT, Tom. Agricultural Surveyor and Estate Agent's Hand-b(jok of Practical Rules, "Formula-, Table.", and Data. Illustrated. 12mo. Loud., 1899. A 25 P 19 BRIGHT, Ptev. William. Tlie Canon.s of the tir.st four Geiiei-al Councils of Nicaja, Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon. With Notes. 2nd ccj. 8vo. Ox- ford, 1892. G 25 S 10 Chapters of Early English Church History. 3rd ed. Witli Map. 8vo. Oxford, 1897. G 11 S 30 The Roman See in the Early Cliurch, and other Studies in Church History. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 12 V 26 BRIGHT and SON. ABC Descriptive Priced Catalogue of the World's Postage Stamps. Envelopes, Post Cards, &c. Illustrated. •Umo. Lond., 1897. J 9 Q 49 BRIGHTLY, Frederick Chailes. Analytical Digest of the Laws of the United States, from the adoption of the Constitution to the end of the thirty-foui-th Congress, 1789-1857. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1858. F 12 Y 17 BRIGHTMAN, F. E. Liturgies, Eastern and Western. [See Liturgies.] " G 3 U 26 RRINK, Dr. Jan Ten. [See Ten Brink, Dr. J.] BRINKLEY, John, Bishop of Cloyne. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 BRINSMEAD, Edgar. History of the Pianoforte, with an Account of the Theory of Sound and also of the Music and Musical Instruments of the ancients. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 23 P 40 BRINTON, Anne Garrison. The Literary Movement in France. [See Pellissier, G.] " J 14 S 32 BRINTON, Dr. Daniel Garrison. Primer of Mayan Hiero- glyphics. 8vo. Boston (n.d.) J 14 S I Religions of Primitive People. 8vo. New York, 1897. (American Lectures on the History of Religions, 2nd ser.) G 11 U 36 BRINTON, Selwyn. Correggio. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1900. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) A 44 R 12 BRISBANE, Jlaj.-Gen. Sir Thomas. Experiments made with an Invariable Pendulum at New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, Lond., Philosophical Trans., 1823.) E Observations made at Parramatta, N.S.W., 1824; to which are annexed Observations made liy Mr. C. Riimker on the Comet which appeared in July, 1824. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mcms. 2.) ' E Observations made in 1823-24 at Parramatta, N.S.W. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 2.) E Observations on the mean Temperature of the Eai-th at Sydney, made in 1824-25. (Edinburgh Journ. of Science, April, 1827.) A 30 Q 15 Observations of the Solstice, June, 1823, made at Parra- matta, N.S.W. (Roy Astron. Soc, Mems. 2.) E Observations before and after the Superior Conjunction of Venus and the vSun with the Mural Circle at Parra- matta, 1826. (Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 10.) E Results of Computatioiis on Astronomical Observations made at Pairamatta, N.S.W., under the direction of Sii- Thomas lirisbanc^, and the application thereof to investigate the exactness of Observations made in the Northern Heinisj)hcre. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 2) E Regulation.s as to the issuing and accounting for Pro- visions and other Articles furnished by the Commis- sariat to the Civil Departments of New South Wales and its Dependencies. [See New South Wales. — Com- mi.ssariat.] MF 1 S 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 83 BRTSP.ANE, Maj.-Gen. Sir Thomas, and RUMKER, Uliiules. Astronomical Observations made at Parra- matta and Sydney. (Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 10.) E BRISBANE COURIER, The, 1896- June, 1900. 1.5 vols. fol. Brisb., 1896-1900. ME BRISCOE, Ralph. Sketch of. \See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 BRISTOW, Henry William, F.R.S. (ioology of the Isle of Wight. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 S 1 BRISTOWE, Dr. John Syer. Industrial Diseases. (In- ternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 BRITANXIA AND TRADES' ADVOCATE, The. [_See Tasmaniaii Co/onist.] BRITISH AFRICA. With Maps. Bvo. Lond., 1899. (British Empire Ser.) D 22 Q 5 BRITISH AMERICA. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (British Empire Ser.) D 22 Q 6 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Re- port, with Appendices and a List of Subscribers and Benefactors, for years ending March, 1897-1900. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897-1900. E BRITISH AND FOREIGN REVIEW; or, European Quarterly Journal. Vols. 1-16, July, 1835-44. 16 vols. 8vo. Lond., LS3.5-44. F 19 Q G-21 BRITISH ARMY, The. [See " Lieut.-Col. in the British Army."] • B 41 W 1 BRITISH ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Catalogue of Stars; with a Preface by Dr. Francis Baily. 4to. Lond., 184-5. A 12 T 24 1 Reports of Meetings, 1831-99, with Indexes, 1831-90. 70 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832-1900. E BRITISH COLUMBIA ■.—Govermnent Departments.— Reports and Publications. Board of Trade. Annual Reports, 1897-9S. 2 vols. 8vo. Victoria, 1897-98. E Department of Agriculture. Annual Report, 189-5- 96. Roy. Svo. Victoria, 1897. E Department of Lands and Works. Report of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works of the Pro- vince of British Columbia, 1897. Roy. Svo. Victoria, 1898. E Department of Mines. Annual Report of the Minister ofJIines, 1897-98: being an Account of Mining Opera- tions for Gold, Coal, &c., in the Province of British Columbia. Illustrated. 2 vols. roj. 8vo. Victoria, 1898-99. E BRITISH COLUMBIA DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIA- TION. Report of the D.iiry men's Association of British Columbia, 1896-97. Roy. Bvo. Victoria, 1897. E BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT-GROWERS' AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report, May, 1895-Aug., 1897. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, 1897. E BRITISH COLUMBIA OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, 1897-98, containing General' Information and Direc- tories of the various Cities, Towns, and Settlements in the Pro\'ince ; with a classified Business Directory compiled Ijy R. T. Williams. Svo. Victoria, 1897. E BRITISH ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION. The Economic Journal. Vols. 1-8, 1891-98. 8 vols. roy. Svo. Lend., 1891-98. E BRITISH EMPIRE SERIES. British Africa, [.^ee British Africa.] D 22 Q 5 British America. [,?ee British America.] D 22 Q 6 India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, British North Borneo, Hongkong. [See India, Ceylon, &c.] D 22 Q 4 BRITISH HOMCEOPATHIC SOCIETY. British Ho- mceopathic Pharmacopteia. 3rd ed., 1882. Svo. Lond., 1882. A 40 Q 19 BRITISH INDIA AND QUEENSLAND AGENGY CO., Ltd. Hand-book of Information for the Colonies and India, 1898-1900. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Brisb., 1898-99. ME 7 T BRITISH MUSEUM. Additions to the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, 1876-88, pts. 1, 2; by S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1889-90. A 36 T 24, 25 Book of the Dead : Fac-similes of the Papyri of Hunefer, Anhai, Kerasher, and Netchemet, with Supplementary Text from the Papyrus of Nu; bv E. A. W. Budge. Fol. Lond., 1899. " " B 49 P 1 J [See also main Author Entry — Book of the Dead.] Catalogue of Additions to the MSS. in the British Museum in the years 1876-93, and Index, 1854-75. 4 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1880-94. K 17 T 17-20 Catalogue of Ancient MSS. in the British Museum. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1881-84. J 47 P 4, 5 + 1. Greek. 2. Latin. Catalogue of the Arabic Books in the British Museum ; by A. G. Ellis. Vol. 1. 4to. Lond., 1894. K 8 S 7 t Catalogue of Arabic Glass Weights in the British Museum ; by S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1891. A 40 R 8 Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books in the Librai-y of the British Museum ; by .1. F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond., 1886. K 18 R 18 t Catalogue of Books placed in the Galleries in the Read- ing-room of the British Museum. Svo. Lend., 1886. K9 V2 84 Public Library of New South Wales. BRITISH MUSEUJI— conCc/. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British Museum printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of the Books printed in English printed abroad to the year 1640. 3 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1884. K 7 U 35-37 Catalogue of Chinese Coins from the 7th Century B.C. to A.D. 621, including the series in the British ^luseum ; l)y Terrien de Lacouperie. Edited by R. S. Poole. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 18 R 17 t Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, MSS., and Draw- ings in the Library of the British Museum ; by R. K. Douglas. 4to. Lond., 1877. K 13 R 13 t Catalogue of the Collection of Fans and Fan-leaves pre- sented to the Trustees of the British Museum by the Lady Charlotte Schreiber. Compiled h\ L. Cust. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 17 R 22 f Catalogue of Cuneiform Tablets in Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum ; by C. Bezold. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond.,' 1889-99. K 8 S 11-15 t Catalogue of Drawings by British Artists and Artists of Foreign Origin working in Great Britain, preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum; bv L. Binyou. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898- 1900. ■ A19R1, 2t Catalogue of English Coins in the British ^luseum. Anglo-Saxon series, vols. 1, 2 : l)y C. F. Keary and H. A. Grueber. Edited by R. S. Poole. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1887-93. A 40 R 15, 16 Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the British Museum (Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities). 12mo. Ixmd., 188y. A 23 P 41 Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. Illustrated. 19 vols. Svo. Lond., 1873-97. A 37 Q 1-19 Italy ; by E. S. Poole. Sicily; by B. V. Head am! P. Cardner. Edited by R. S. Poole. The Tauric Cliersoncse, Sarniiitia, Daeia, Mocsia, Thrace, &e. :. by 13. V. Head ami P. (iardner. Kdited l)v R. S. Poole. The Seleueid Kings of Syria ; bv P. (lardner. Kdited liv R. S. Poole. Macedonia, &c. ; by H. V. Head. Kdited liy R. S. Poole. 'I'lie Ptolemies, Kings of Kgypt : l)y R. S. Poole. 'J'hessaly to Aetolia ; by 1'. (Jardiier. Edited by R. S. Poole. Central Greece ; by B. V. Head. Kdit. d by R. S. Poole. Crete and the Aegean Islands ; bv W. Wioth. Kdited bv R. 8. Poole. Peloponnesus, excluding Corinth ; bv P. (ianlner. I'idited by R. S. Poole. Attica, Mcgaris, and Aegina ; l)V B. V. Head. Edited l)^- R. S. Poole. Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, and the Kingdom of tlie Bosporus ; by W. Wrotli. Edited by R. S. P(jole. Corinth, Colonics of Corinth, &c. ; In- |{. V. Head. Kdited l>y R. S. Poole. Alexandria and the Nomcs ; by R. S. Poole. Mysia ; by W. Wrotli. Edited by R. S. Poole. Ionia ; by B. V. Head. Edited by R. S. Poole. Troas, Aeoli.M, ami I.,csbo.') ; by W. Wroth. Lycia, Panipliylia, and Pisidia ; by G. F. Hill. Carin, Cos, Rhodes, &c. ; by B. V. Head, BRITISH MUSEUM— cort^rf. Catalogue of Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1851-70. K 11 R 18, 19 Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum ; by H. B. Walters and C. H. Smith. New ed. Illustrated. Vols. 2-4. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1893-96. K 11 R 21-23 2. Black-figured Vases. 3. Vases of the Finest Period. 4. Vases of the Latest Period. Catalogue of the Harleian ]\ISS. in the British Museum. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1S12. B 24 P 12, 13 | Catalogue of Hebrew Books in British Museum, 1759-92. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1867-94. K 11 Q 5 and 13 T 10 t Catalogue of the Hindi, Panjabi, and Hindustani MSS. in the Library of the British Museum ; by Prof. J. F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond., 1899. J 13 T 22 t Catalogue of the Hindustani Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum ; by J. F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond., 1889. K 18 B 20 t Catalogue of Japanese Printed Books and MSS. in the Library of the British Museum : bv R. K. Douglas. 4to. Lond., 1898. " J 13 R 18 t Catalogue of Marathi and Gujaiati Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum ; by J. F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond., 1892. " K 18 R 19 t Catalogue of the MSS. in the Spanish Language in the British Museum ; by Pascual de Gayangos. 4 vols, roy. Svo. Lond., 1875-93. K 17 T 29-32 Catalogue of Printed Books. 50 vols. 4to. Lond., 1882-98. Cat. Room Catalogue of the Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols, (in 5) roy. Svo. Lond., 1870-83. A 17 R 30-34 t 1-4. Politicalaiid Personal Satires, 1320-1770. Catalogue of Romances in the Department of MSS. in the British Museum : by H. D. L. Ward. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1883-93. K 17 T 26, 27 Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali, and Prakrit Books in the British Museum accjuired up to 1892 ; by Dr. E. Haas and C. Bendall. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1876-93. K IS R 14, 15 t Catalogue of Sculptui'(^ in the Dej)artment of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Mu.seum ; by A. H. Smith. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S92. A 40 R 11 Catalogue of the Seals in the Dep.-irtment of MSS. in the British Museum ; by W. de G. liirch. Vols. 1-6. 6 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1887-1900. K 1 1 Q 20 25 Catalogue of a Selection from the Stowe MSS. exhibited in tlie King's Library in the British Museum. Sni. Ito. Loiui., 1883. ■ K 7 V IS Catalogue of the Stowe MSS. in British Museum. Vols. 1, 2.' 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1S95- 96. K 17 T 23, 24 Catalogue and Supplement to the Catalogue of the Per- .sian MSS. in the British Museum : l)y C. Rieu. 4 vols. 4to. L,,ih1., 1879-95. K 13 R 8-11 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 85 BRITISH MUSEUM— con/cZ. Catalogue of Syriac MS>S. in the Uritish Miisuiiiii aci(uii'(Ml since the year 1838; by W. AVright. Pts. 1-3. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1870-72. ' K 13 R 14-16 t Catalogue of the Turkish MSS. in the British Museum ; by C. Rieu. 4to. Lond., 1888. K 13 R 12 t Catalogues of tlie Hindi, Panjaiji, Sindhi, and Pushtu printed IJooks in the Library of tlic British Museum ; by J. F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond., 1893. K13T21t Cataloguing Rules. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Lib. As.soc. Ser.) J 9 V 3G Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Orientaliuui qui in Mu.seo Britaniiioo Asservantur. Pts. 1-3. 5 vols. fol. Lond., 1838-47. K 44 Q 14-18 + Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum, in- cluding the newly discovered Poems of Hcrodas. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. Illustrated. Sm. 4 to. Lend., 1891. J 1 V 13 Coins of the Shahs of Persia, Safavis, Afghans, Efsharis, Zands, and Kajars : by R. 8. Poole. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 40 R 9 Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Mu.seum. Pts. 1-4, sect. 1. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1874-93. B 47 P 28-31 | 1. Attlka. 2. Pelopounese, Nurtlieru Greece, Macedonia, Tliraee, the Kimmerian Bosporus, and Greek Archipelago. 3. Priene, lasos, and Ephesos. 4. Section 1. Knidcs, Halikarnassos, and Branehidie. Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia. Vols. 3, 4. 2 vols. fol. Lend., 1870. B 47 P 12, 13 | 3, 4. Selections from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria ; by Maj. -Gen. Sir H. C. Rawlinson, assisted by G. Smith. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896. J 8 S 25, 26 t Description of the Collection of Ancient Marbles in the British Museum. Illustrated. Pts. 1-11. 11 vols. 4to. Lond., 1812-61. A 13 X 1-3-25 f Description of the Collectitm of Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum. With Engravhigs. 4to. Lond., 1810. A T 1 j Descriptive Catalogue of Early Prints in the British Museum; by Dr. W. H. Will.shire. Vols. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 17 R 24, 25 f 1, 2. (Jerman and Flemish Schools. Descriptive Catalogue of Playing and other Cards in the British Museum, accompanied by a concise General History of the subject and Remarks on Caids of Divination and of a Politico-Historical Character; by Dr. W. H. Willshirc. llkistrated. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 187G. f A 34 V 33 Descrifjtive List of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. in the British Museum. Edited by G. Margoliouth. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. K 11 Q 4 Designs from Greek Vases in the British Museum. Edited by A. S. Murray. Fol. Lond., 1894. A23Q23| BRITISH MUSEUM— cOTi^cZ. Egyjitian Texts of the Earliest Period, from the Coffin of Amamu, in tiie British Museum. With a Transla- tion by S. Birch. Fol. Lond., 188G. A 46 P 9 J Fac-similes of Ancient Charters in the British Museum. Pts. 1-4. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1 873-78. B 46 P 33-36 J Fac-similes from Early Printpd Books in the British Museum ; Selected Pages from Representative Speci- mens of the Early Printed Books of Germany, Italy, France, Holland, and England, exhiljited in the King's Library. Fol. Lond., 1897. J 47 P 32 • Fac-similes of Royal, Historical, Literary, and other Au- . tographs in the Department of MSS., British Museum. Edited by G. F. Warner. lst-5th ser. 5 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-99. J 12 X 9-13 t Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimp- sest. Edited by W. Cureton. 4to. Lond., 1851. J 18Q 17 t Greek Papyri in the British Museum : Catalogue, with Texts. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. Vol. 2. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1898. " B 20 R 27 t Guide to an Exhibition of Drawings and Engravings by the Old Masters, principally from the Malcolm Collec- tion, in the Print and Drawing Gallery ; by S. Colvin. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 39 V 18 Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the British Museum. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. A 39 V 17 Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals ; by H. A. Grueber. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. K 9 V 1 Guide to the Exhibition of Italian Medals ; by C. F. Keary. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 40 R 14 Guide to the 1st and 2nd Egyptian Rooms : Mummies, Mummy-cases, and other objects connected with the Funeral Rites of the ancient Egyptians. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 40 P 4 Guide to the MSS., Autographs, Charters, Seals, Illu- minations and Bindings exhibited in the Department of MSS. and in the Grenville Library. 12mo. Lond., 1895. K 19 P 30 Guide to the MSS. and Printed Books illustrating the Progress of Musical Notation exhibited in the Depart- ment of MSS. and the King's Library. 12mo. Lond., 1885. "^ K 19 P 33 Guide to the Printed Books exhibited in the King's Library. 12mo. Lond., 1891. K 19 P 31 Hand-book of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum; bv H. A. Grueber. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' A 42 W 19 [History and Description of the] Reading-room and New Library. With Plan. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 33 Q 28 Index of Artists represented in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum ; by L. Cust. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. A 17 R 27, 28 t 1. Dutch and Flemish Schools and German Schools. 2. French Schools. 86 Fublic Library of New South TFales. BRITISH MUSEUM— conirf. Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian ^Monuments discovered 1)V A. H. Layard. Fol. Lond., 1851. " B47P9 + Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic Character, from the Collections of the British Museum. Fol. Lond., 1868. B 47 P 8 J Inscriptions in the Himyaritic Chai'acter, discovered chiefly in Southern Arabia and now in the British Museum. Fol. Lond., 1863. B 47 P 27 | Inscriptions in the Phoenician Character, now deposited in the British Museum, discovered on the site of Car- thage during researches made by N. Davis. Fol. Lond., 1863. B 47 P 26 ■ Luther Exhibition, 1883, in the Grenville Library, ar- ranged by G. Bullen. 8vo. Lond., 1883. K 19"R 23 MedaUic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the Death of George II. Compiled by E. Hawkins, aud edited by A. W. Franks and H. A. Grueber. Ulustiated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. ■ A 40 R 17, 18 Miniatures and Borders from the Book of Hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of JMilan, in the British Museum. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894. A 31 P 2 Reproductions of Di'awings by Old iMasters in tlie British Museum. Pt. 4. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 1 1 P 31 + Reproductions of Prints in the British Museum. Pts. 5- 7, n.s, 3 vols. fol. Lond., 189.5-98. A 46 P 14-16 J 5. Specimens of Earlj' Mezzotint Engraving. 6. Specimens of Line-engraving by Masters of Gernianv and the Low Countries, 1530-1620. 7. Specimens of Line-engraving by Masters of the Netlier- lands Sehools under the influence of Rubens anil Van- djck (about 1620-60). Roman Medallions in the British Museum ; by H. A. Grueber. Edited by R. S. Poole. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 34 V 24 Rules for compiling the Catalogues in the Department of Printed Books in the British Museum. Ivoy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 22 V 24 Supplement to the Catalogue of the Arabic MSS. in the British Mus(!uni ; by Dr. Charles Rieu. 4to. Lond., 1894. K13\Vfit The Tell el-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum, with autotype facsimiles. 4to. Lond., 1892. J 18 R 16 t Terracotta Sarcophagi, Greek and Etruscan, in the British Museum; by A. S. Murray. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1898. A 12 X 16 t White Athenian Vases in the British Museum ; by A. S. Munay and A. H. Smith. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 44 Q 13 \ Wydiffe Exhibition in the King's Library, arranged by E. M. Thompson. 8vo. Lond., 1884. K 19 R 24 Aristoteles on tlie Constitution of Athens. \_See Aris- totcles.] ir 3 ]{, 2 feritisH Museum Karaite MS. [See Hoerning, R.] G 20 R 23 t Poems of Bacchylides. [See Bacohylidcs.J tl 47 P 24 J BRITISH MUSEUM.— Natural History. Catalogue of African Plants collected by Dr. F. Welwitsch in 1853-61 ; by W. P. Hiern. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-99. A 43 X 1-4 Catalogue of Auriculidre, Proserpinidifi, and Truncatell- idre in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Dr. L. Pfeiffer. 12mo. Lond., 1857. A 43 U 3 Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the British Mu.seum ; by Dr. A. Giinther. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1858. A 42 U 13 Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum. Vols. 1, 4, 6-27. Illustrated. 24 vols, 8vo. Lond., 1874-96. A 39 T 1, 4, 6-U 9 1. Accipitres, or Diurnal Birds of Prey ; by R. B. Sharpe. 4, 6-15. Passeriformes, or Perching Birds ; by R. B. Sharpe, H. Gadow, aud P. L. Sclater. 16-19. Picariaj ; bv O. Salvin, E. Hartert, R. B. Sharpe, W. R. 0. Grant, E. Hargitt, P. L. Sclater, and G. E. Shelley. 20. Psittici, or Parrots ; by T. Salvadori. 21. C'olumb;e, or Pigeons ; by T. Salvadori. 22. Game Birds ; by W. R. 0. Grant. 23. Fulieariaj and Alectorides ; by R. B. Sharpe. 24. Limicols ; by R. B. Sharpe. 25. Gaviaj and Tubinares ; by H. Saunders and 0. Salvin. 26. PlatalcTj, Herodiones, Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alc£e, and Impennes ; by R. B. Sluirpe and W. R. Ogilvie- Grant. 27. Chenomorphaj, Crypturi, and Ratitie ; by T. Salvadori. Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum, with an Account of the Mor- phology and Systematic Position of the Group, and a Revision of the Genera and Species ; by R. Etheridge, jun., and P. H. Carpenter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A 12 U 3 t Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1862. A 42 V 3 Catalogue of British Birds in the Collecticm of the Britivh Mu.seum; by G. R. Gray. 8vo. Lond., 1863. A 42 U 10 Catalogue of the Bi-itish Echinodernis in the British Museum ; l)y F. J. ]^>cll. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 42 U 9 Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms and the range in time of each Genus and Order ; by H. Woodward. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 42 V 5 Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the British Museum. Pt. 1. Tllu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 43 T 1 1. Catalogue of British Bees in the Collection of the British Museum ; by F. Smith. Catalogue of British non-Parasilical Worms in the Col- lection of the British Museum ; by G. Johnston. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1865. A 42 U 8 Catalogue of Carnivoi-ous, Pjichydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum ; by J. E. Gray. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1869. A 42 V 2 Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the Briti.sh Museum; by G. A. Boulenger. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 42 V 11 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 87 BRITISH MUSEUM— Natural History— con, Anniell- ida?, Helodermatida", Varanidse, Xantusiidaj, TeiidaB, Amphisbajnida;. 3. Laoertida\ Gerrhasauridse, SclncidiB, Anelytropid;e, Dibamida;, Chamaileontidffi. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the Briti.sh Museum ; by J. J. Kaup. 12mo. Lond., 1856. A 43 U 2 Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Mu.seum. Illustrated. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1893-97. A 18 U 1-3 t 1. Madrepora ; by 6. Brook. 2. Turbinaria and Astrajopora ; by H. M. Bernard. 3. Montipo.-a and Anacropora ; by H. M. Bernard. Catalogue of the Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum. 2 pts. (in 1.) 12mo. Lond., 1852- 84. A 24 S 22 Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum ; by O. Thomas. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 42 V 1 Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum. The Wealden Flora. Pts. 1,2; by A. C. Seward. Plates 1-11. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-95. A 20 S 19, 20 1. Thallijphyta-Pteridophyta. 2. Gymnospermse. Catalogue of the MoUusca in the Collection of the British Museum. Pt. 4. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond.. 1853. A 43 W 34 Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemui's, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Dr. J. E. Gray. Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1870. A 42 V 4 Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum ; by J. O. AVestwood. Pt. 1, with Plates. 4to. Lend., 1859. A 18 P 15 t 88 Public Libratn/ of New South finales. BRITISH MUSEUM.— Natural History— co«fc/. Catalogue of the Pal;i;ozoic Plants i;i tlie Departmeut of Geology and PalsBontology, British Museum ; by R. ICidstou. 8vo. Loud., 1886. A -12 V 9 Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the British Mu- seum ; by G. A. Boulenger. 2nd cd. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 39 S 1 Catalogue of Pulmonata or Air-breathing Molhisca in the Collection of the British Museum. 12mo. Lond., 1855. A 43 W 1 Catalogue of Ruminant Manuiialia in the British Museum ; by J. E. Gray. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1872. " A -12 U 22 Catalogue of Sea-Pens, or Pennatulariidre, in the Collec- tion of the British ^luseum ; b\- J. E. Gray. 8vo. Lond., 1870. " A 42 U 20 Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum ; by G. A. Boulenger. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893- 96. A 42 U 4-6 1 TyphlopicUe, (41aueoniida>, Boid:e, Ilysiiil;i3, Uropeltidii:, XenopelticI;e, and Colubridiu Agl\-pha;. 2. ColuhridiE AglyphiE. 3. CohibridiB (Opistliogh'jjha' and Proteroglj-plia?), Anilily- cephalidffi, and Viperidre. Catalogue of the Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms, contained in the Collection of the British Museum. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1853. A 43 U 1 Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum ; by C. S. Bate. Illu-strateU. 8vo. Lond., 1862. A 42 U 12 Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Dr. H. Hagen. Pt. 1. 12mo. Lond., 1858. A 43 W 21 1 . Turmitina. Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, British JIu.seum ; by G. F. Harris. Pt. 1 . Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 43 S j 1. Australasian Tertiary- Mollusca. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma, based upon the Collection made by Eugene W. Oates ; liy T. Thorell. 8vo. Lond., 1895. '^ A 38 P 12 General Guide to the Briti.sh Museum (Natural History) : with Plans and Views of the Building. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 22 R IG Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited in the Depart- ment of Botany, British Museum ; by A. Lister. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 39 V 16 Guide to the Fossil Invertebrates and Plants in the De- partment of Geology and PaUeontology in the British Mu.seum. Illu.stratod. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 V 8 Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Depart- ment of Geology and Paheoiitology in the British Museum. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lend., 1896. A 39 V 6 Guide to the Fo.sNil Reptiles and Fishes in the Depart - ment of Geology and Palieontology in the British Mu.seum. Illu.stratod. 8vf.. Lond., 1896. A 39 V 1 BRITISH MUSEUM— Natural History— co)iY'/. Guide to the Galleries of Mammalia (Mammalian, Osteo- logical, Cetacean) in the Department cf Zoology of the British Museum. 5th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 29 V 7 Cruide to the Galleries of Reptiles and Fishes in the De- partment of Zoology of the British Museum. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. 'Lond., 1896. A 39 V 5 (Uiide to Mineral Gallery." 8vo. Loud., 1896. A 39 V 14 Guide to the Shell and Star-tish Galleries (Mollusca, Echinodennata, Vermes) in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 39 V 10 Guide to Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the De- partment of Botany, British Museum. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 39 V 15 Guide to the Systematic Distril)utioii of ilollusca in the British Museum; by J. E. Grav. Pt. 1. Svo. Lond., 1857. [All published.] ' A 43 Q 1 Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Hetero- cera in the Collection of the British Museum. Pts. 6-9. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1886-93. A 18 U 9-12 t 6. Indian Moths ; by A. G. Butler. 7. Macro-Lepidoptera Heterocera ; by A. 0. Butler. 8. Lepidoptera Heterocera of the Nilgiri District ; by G. F. Hampson. 0. Macro-Lepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon ; by C!. F. Hampson. lutniduction to the Study of MeLeoriUss ; with a List of the Meteorites represented in tlu; Collection ; by L. Fletcher. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 20 U 9 [Another Copy.] 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 39 V 9 Introduction to the Study of jMinerals, with a Guide to the Mineral Gallerv ; bv L. Fletcher. Svo. Lond., 1897. " ' A 39 V 13 Inli'oduction to the Studv of Rocks ; bv L. Fletcher. Svo. Lond., 1896. " A 39 V 11 List of British Diatomaceie in the Collection of the British Museum ; by the Rev. W Smith. 12mo. Lond., 1859. A 13 U 4 List oi the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum ; by G. R. (irav. Pts. 3, 5. 2 vols. 12mo. Lend., 1867-68. " A 43 W 11, 16 3. Capitonidx and Picidjv. 5. Gallina-. List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Collec- tion of the British Mu.seum. Pts. 5, 13-15. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1853-56. A 43 U 9, 17-19 J). Lepidoptera. 13. Noinenclaturo of Hynicnoptera. M. Nomenclature of Neuroptoi'a. 1!). Nomenclature of I)i))tera. List of the Specimens of Cetacea in the Zoological De- partment of the British Museum ; l)y W. II. Flower. Svo. Loud., 188.5. A 12 U 19 Bupplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 89 mens by y Loud., 1898. Monograph of the Mycetozua : Ijeiiif,' a Descriptive Cata- logue of the Specie.s in tlie Herliariiun of the British Museum ; by A. Lister. Uhistrated. 8vo. Lend., 1894. A 42 U 14 lleport DJi tlie Zoological Collections made in the Indo- Pacitic Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. Alert, 1881-82. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1884. A 42 U 15 Student's Index to the Collection of Minerals. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 V 12 Sy.stematic List of the Frederick E. Edwards Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene JMoUuBca in the British Museum, with i-eferences to the type-specimens from similar horizons contained in other Collections be- longing to the Geological Department of the Museum ; by R. B. Newton. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 42 V G \&et aho under (xt. Brit, and Ireland. — Briti-sh Museum.] "BRITISH OFFICER, A." [See Cairnes, Capt. W. E.] BRITISH PHARMACOPCEIA, 1898. 8vo. Lend., 1898. A 40 P 12 Companion to the latest edition of the British Pharma- copoeia. [See Squire, P.] A 40 P 20 BRITISH RECORD SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 11,12,14-18,20-22. 10vols.8vo. Lond., 1895-1 900. E 11, 18. Index of Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 138.S-1.583. Vols. 2, 3. Compiled by J. Challenor C. 8mith and S. A. Smith. 12, 21. Abstracts of filoucesterahire Inquisitiones Post Mortem returned into the Court of Chancerv in the reign of Charles I. Pts. 2, 3. Edited by W. P. W. Phillimore, G. S. Fry, and E. A. Fry. l-l. Calendar of Chancery Proceedings : Bills and Answers filed in the reign of Charles I. Vol. 4. Edited In' E. A. Fry. 15. Abstract of Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to the City of London returned into the Court of Chancerv. Pt. 1, 1485-1561. Edited by G. S. Fry. 16. The Commissariot Record of Edinburgli : Register of Testaments. Pt. 1, vols. 1-35, 1514-lGOO. Edited bv F. J. Grant. 17. Calendar of Wills proved in tlie Consistory Court of t!ie Bishop of Bristol, 1572-1792, and also a Calendar of Wills in the Great Orphan Books preserved in the Council House, Bristol. Edited by E. A. Fry. 20. Commissariot Record of Inverness Register of Testa- ments, 1630-1800. Edited by F. J. Grant. 22. Calendar of Wills and Administrations relating to tlie County of Dorset, proved in the Consistory Court of the late Diocese of Bristol, 1681-1792, and in the Ai'ch- deaconry Court of Dorset, 1568-1792, and in the several peculiars, 1660-1799, all now preserved at the Probate Registiy, Blandford. Placita coram Domino Rege apud Westmonasterium de termino Sancte Trinitatis anno Regni Regis Edwardi tilii Regis Henrici vicesimo quinto. The Pleas of tlie Court of King'.s Bench, Trinitj' Term, 25 Edward I, 1297. Edited by W. P. W. Phillimore; with Index of Names and Places by E. A. Fry. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E U BRITTEN, Emma HardiiiKe. Ohost L.ind. [S«« Britten, William.] C 1 P 36 BRITTEN, F. .). Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers : being an Historical and Descriptive Account of the difierent styles of Clocks and Watche.s of tlii' past in England and abroad : to -which is added ;i. List of 8,000 Maker.s. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 35 T 3 Springing and Adjusting of Watches. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' A 25 P 49 BRITTEN, William. Art Magic; or. Mundane, Sub- mundane, and Super-mundane Spiritism : a Treatise in throe ]iarts and twenty-three sections, descriptive of Art Magic, Spiritism, the different Orders of Spirits in the Universe known to he related to, or in conununi- cation with man ; together with descriptions for in- voking, controlling, and discharging Sjiirits, and the uses and abuses, dangers and possibilities of Magical Art. 8vo. New York, 1876. G 3 U 22 Ghost Land ; or, Researches into the Mysteries of Occult- ism, illustrated in a series of Autobiographical Sketches in two parts. Translated and edited by Emma Hai'- dinge Britten. 8vo. Boston, 187G. G 1 P 36 BRITTLEBANK, C. C, S'\VEET, George, and DAVID, Prof. Tanuett A\'illiam Edgeworth. Further E\idenee as to the Glacial Action in the Bacchus Marsh Dis- trict, Victoria. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S BROAD ARRO H', Thi : Naval and :Militarv Gazette, Vols. 54-G4, 1895-June, 1900. 1 1 vols. fol. L(,nd., 1895-1900. E BROADBENT, Dr. William Heniv. The Pulse. 12mo. Lond., 1890. ■ A 26 P 20 BROADFOOT, Major William. Billiards : with Contii- butions by A. H. Boyd, Sydenham Dixon, ^\ . J. Ford, Dudley D. Pontifex, Russell D. Walker, and Reginald H. R. R. Wilson. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 29 S 23 BROADWATER PROPRIETARY TIN-DREDGING CO. Pro.spectus. 4to. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 U 18 BROADWOOD, Bertha M. The Ockley System. [See. Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 2-5 Q 19 BROCA, Paul. Instructiims Craniologiques et Cranio- metriques de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. Ulu-strated. 8vo. Paris, 1875. A 34 V 14 BROCHURE SERIES. Library Architecture. [Sec 8turgis, Dr. R.] A 37 R 8 Planning a Library from the Librarian's point of view. [,?ee Foster, W. E.] A 37 R 8 Points of agreement among Librarians as to Library Archi- tecture. Jie.e. Soule, C. C] A 37 R 8 BROCKLEHURST, F. I was in Prison. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 R 25 90 Tuhlic Libraiy of Nero South Wales. BRODIE, Alexander. Diary of. [See Spaldinc; Club, Pubs.] B to S 9 BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins. Life of ; by T. Holmes. With Portrait. 8vo. Lend., 18t)S. (Masters of Medicine.) C 23 R U BRODIE, Dr. C. Gordon. 'Dissections Illustrated: a Graphic Hand-book for Students of Human Anatomy. Imp. Svu. Lond., 1895. A 15 S 19 t BRODIE, Dr. Thomas Origor. The Essentials of Experi- mental Physiology for the use of students. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 10 U 10 BRODIE, William. Sketch of Deacon Brodie. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 BRODIIIBB, John Henry. [See Irving, Sir H.] BRODRICK, Hon. George Charles. Memorie.s and Im- pressions, 1831-1900.' 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 T 16 , and FREMANTLE, Rev. W. H. A Collection of the Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases relating to Doctrine and Discipline. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 1 1 U 36 BRODRICK, Dr. Mary. Hand-book for Travellers in Lower and Upper Egvpt. 9th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. (Murray's Hand-books.) D 12 S 10 BROGGER, W. C, and ROLFSEN, Nordahl. Fridtjof Nansen, 1861-93. Translated by WiUiam Archer. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1K96. D10V17 BROGLIE, Albert, Due de. An Aniliassador of the Van- quished : Viscount Elie dc Gontaut-Birou's Mission to Berlin, 1871-77 ; from his Diai'ies and Memoranda. Translated bv .\. D. Vambini. 8vo. Lond., 1896. 1! 31 U 20 St. Ambrose. Translated by M. Maitland ; with a Preface by G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (The Saints.) G 25 P U BROGLIE, Ennuanuel de. St. Vincent dc Paul. Trans- lated by M. Partridge ; with Preface by G. Tyrrell. Svo. Lond., 1898. (The Saints.) G 23 P 37 BROKEN Jlll.L PROPRIETARY CO. Reports and Statements of Accounts, 1889-98. 10 vols. 4to. Melb., 18H9-98. ME 7 R BROMBY, Rev. J. E. Religion in State Schools. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q BROXGNJART, Adolphe, and (JRIS, Arthur. Descrip- tirm de ([uelques Plantes reinanjuables de la Nouvelle- Calfedonie. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MA 12 P 29 t BRONGNIART, Alexander. Coloring and Decoration of Ceramic Ware ; with Notes and Additions by A. Sal- vetat. Translated by G. J. M. Ashby. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1898." A 45 U 3 BRONCHORST, Everard. Diariuni Everardi Bron- chorstii sive Adversaria omnium qufe gesta sunt in Academia Leydensi 1591-1627, uitgegeven door J. C. Van Slee. 8vo. 'sGravenhage, 1898. G 17 U 24 BRONTE, Anne. Works of. [See Bronte, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne — Life and Works.] J 26 V 1-7 BRONTE, Charlotte. Charlotte Bronte and her Circle ; by Clement K. Shorter. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20S 3 Charlotte Bronte at Home ; by Marion Harland. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Literary Hearth- stones.) C 28 P 1 Adventures of Ernest Alembert. [.See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 1 9th Century.] J 14 S 4 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 The Sisters Bronte ; by Mrs. Oliphant. [See Oliphant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoi-ia's Reign.] C 24 S 3 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F. — Early Vic- torian Literature.] J 8 T 37 , Emily, and Anne. Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and her sisters ; with Introductions to the Works by Mrs. Humphry Ward, and Introduction and Notes to the Life by Clement K. Shorter. With Portraits and Illustrations. 7 vols. Svo. Lond., 1899-1900. J 26 V 1-7 1. .Jane Kyrc ; In' Cliarlolte Bronte. 2. Shirley ; by Charlotte Bronte'. 3. ViUette ; by Charlotte Uronte. 4. The Professor : by Charlotte Hronte. Poems ; by Cliar- lottc, Emily, Anne, anrl Rev. P. Bronte. ,">. Wuthcring Heights; by Kniily Bioiile. Agnes Grey; by Anne Bronte. G. The Tenant of WiUlfell Hall ; by Anne Bronte. 7. Life of Charlf)tte Bronto : by Mrs. tiaskell. BRONTE, Emily. Works of. [See Bronte, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne— Life and Works.] J 26 V 1-7 BRONTE, Rev. Patrick-. Poems by. [See Bronte, Char- lotte, Emily, and Anne.— Life and Works.] J 26 V 4 BROOK, George. Catalogue of the Ma.dreporarian Corals in the British Museum. [See British Mu.seum. — Nat. Hist.] A 18 U 1 t BROOKE, Christopher. The Ghost of Richard III: a Poem printed in 1614, and founded upon Shakespear's Historical Play, reprinted from the only known copy in the Bodleian Library ; with an Introductioi\ and Notes by J. Payne (Jollier. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] 11 3 U 27 Svpp lementary Cat a logne — 1890-1 900. 91 BROOKE, Emma. Tabulation of the Factory Laws of European Countries in so far as they rehite to the Hours of Lalxiui', and to speciaHegishition for Women, Young Persons, and Chikh'en. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E U S 24 BROOKE, Dr. H. G. Lichen. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 P.soria.sis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 BROOKE, Sir James. Rajah Brooke : the Englishman as Ruler of an Eastern State ; by Sir 8. St. John. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Builders of Greater Britain.) ■ C 27 R 9 BROOKE, Rev. Stopfonl Augustus. English Literature from the Beginning to the Norman Conquest. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 Q 34 Gospel of Joy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 38 Old Testament and Modern Life. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 12 V 29 Wordsworth's "Guide to the Lakes." (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R l.^ Life and Letters of Fredei-ick W. Robertson. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Paper.s.] J 14U 36 BROOKLYN ETHICAL ASSOCIATION. Life and Conditions of Survival : Physical Basis of Ethics, Soci- ology, and Religion. 8vo. Chicago, 189.'). G 12 V 23 BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. Annual Reports, 1861-73. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1873. E BROOKS, E. W. Tlie Syriac Chronicle, known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene. [See Zachariah of Mitylene.] G 24 V 37 BROOKS, John Graham. The Papal Encyclical on the Labor Question. (American Econ. A.s.soc.) F 4 V 19 BROOKS, Noah. Short Studies in Party Politics. 8vo. New York, 189.5. " F 10 V 1 BROOKS, Phillips, Bi.shop of Massachusetts. The more abundant Life : Lenten Readings, selected chiefly from unpublished MSS. of Bishop Phillips Brooks, by W. M. L. Jay. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 25 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See V.'ard, Elizabeth Stuart. —Chapters from a Life.] - C 19 T 20 BROOKS, Sydney. Briton and Boer. [See Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] B 37 P 18 BROOKS, William, and CO. Brooks's New Australian School Series. [See Irvine, R. ¥., and Smith, S. H.] MG 2 T 66 BROOKS, Prof. William Keith. Foundations of Zoology. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Columbia University Bio- logical Ser.) A 40 U 9 The Oyster : a Popular Summary of a Scientific Study. Illu.strated. 12mo. Baltimore, 1891. A 26 R 40 BROOM, Dr. Robert. Allinities and Habits (jf Thylacoleo. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc!, 1898.) ME 2 P Comparative Anatomy of the organ of Jacobs(jn in Mar- supials. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Development of the C(jmn)on Phalanger. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Homology of the Palatiuv- Process of the Mammalian Premaxillary. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Lizards of the Chillagoe District, North Queensland. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Note on the period of Gestation in Echidna. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Observations on the relations of the organ of J acobson in the Horse. (LinneanSoc,N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P The organ of Jacobson in an Australian Bat. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Report on a Bone Breccia Deposit near the Wombeyan Caves, N.S.W. ; with Descriptions of some new species of Marsupials. (Luinean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Small Fossil Marsupial allied to Petaurus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189.5.) ME 2 P Some developments of the Mammalian Prenasal Car- tilage. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Two new species of Ablepharus from North Queensland. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Oct., 1896.) E BROPHY, A. F Teaching of Drawing and Colouring as a Preparation for Designing and Decorative Work. (In- ternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 10 BROSSES, Charles de. Selections from the Letters of. Translated by Lord Ronald Sutherland Gov,rer. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 7 BROTHERUS, V. F. New species of Australian Mosses. 8vo. HeLsingforsia;, 1890-98. MA 3 W 29 BROUGH, Charles Hilhnan. Irrigation in Utah. [See Johns Hopkins L'niversily. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 19 BROUGH, Lionel. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 BROUGH, William. Open Mints and Free Banking. 8vo. New York, 1898. P 15 Q 22 92 Public Library of New South Wales. BROUGHAM AXD A'AUX, Henry Peter, Baron. [Criticism of the Worlvs of.] [5e« Craik, H. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* -, and others. Old England's Worthies : a Gallery of Portraits, from authentic copies, of the most eminent .Statesmen, Lawyers, War'riors, Men of Letters and Science, and Artists of our Country, accompanied by full and original Biographies. Fol. Lond. (n.d.) C -22 B 1 t BKOUGHTOX, Rhoda. Cometh up as a Flower. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 189.5. J 25 P 36 BROUGHTON, 'William Grant, 1st Bishop of Australia. Life and Labours of; by J. W. Fawcett. Bvo. Brisb., 1897. " MC 1 P 43 BBOWX, Alexander. Genesis of the United States: a Narrative of the Movement in England, 1605-16, which resulted in the Plantation of Nortli America by Englishmen, disclosing the contest between England and Spain for the possession of the soil now occupied bv the L^nited States of America; set forth througli a .series of Historical JMSS. now first printed. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond., 1890. B 41 T 6, 7 BROWN, Alexander Hargreaves. Is it desirable to legis- late further respecting the duties of Medical Officers of Health? (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 BROWN, AHce. [Life of J Mercy Warren. [See Warren, Mercy.] C 20 U 25 J5110WN, Archibald. Law of :Mines and Minerals. [5f-' Bainbridge, ^^■.] F 7 T 6 Principles of Equity. [See Snell, E. H. T.] F 8 P 35 BROWN, Austin Graham. The Leader Land Selector's Guide. With Land Map of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1900. MF 5 R 27 BROWN, Cecil. The Horse in' Art and Nature. Illus- trated. Ob. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 17 R 17 t BROWN, Charles Armitage. Shakespeare's Autobio- graphical Poems. [See Shakespeare, W.] C 23 Q 7 I5110WN, 1). Kinnear. Almanac and (iuide, 1885-86. 2 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1885-80. MI) 8 P 43, 44 History of the Year : a Record of Chief Events and Topics of Interest, 1884-85. 2 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1885-86. MB 3 P9, 10 UHGWN, I'rof. David. Memoir of; ))y W. G. Blaikie. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 9 UHOWN, Edwin. On the Australian Species of Tetracha. (Entom. Soc, ly.nd.. Trans., 1869.) E BROWN, Ethel .M. The Coolgardie Walt/.. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t BROWN, Ford Madox. Diary, &c., 1844-56. (Rossetti, AV. M. — Prieraphaelite Diaries and Letters.) C 27 R 5 A Record of his Life and Work ; Ijy Ford M. Huefler. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' C 21 U 10 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 BROWN, Prof. Frederick Douglas. The Insulation of Cold Stores. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BROWN, Rev. George. Journey to New Guinea and New Britain. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Life-Iiistory of a Savage. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S BROWN, George A., "Bruni." Sheep Husbandry. (West Aust. Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 BROWN, Goold. Gramuuir of English Grammars ; en- larged by the addition of a copious Index of Matters Ijy Samuel U. Berrian. 10th ed. Roy. 8vo. New' York (n.d.) JOY 27 BROWN, H. Y. L. Record of the Mines of South Australia : the German Reef ; the Mannahill Gold- field ; the Wadnaminga Gold-field. [See South Australia.— ]\lines.] " MA 4 U 2 Report on the Northern Territory [South Australia] Explorations. [See South Australia — Northern Terri- tory.] ■ MD 9 Q 38 Reports on Arltunga Gold-field and Hart's Range Mica- field. [See South Australia.— Geology.] MA 9 P 46 t BROWN, Henr\'. Kain's Solicitors' Book-keeping by Double Entry. [See Kain, G. J.] A 25 P 18 BROWN, J. Original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark, 1706-1818. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 20 S 12, 13 BROWN, J. K. Victorian People's Blue Book ; or, the Proletarian Philosophy of Government. 8vo. Melb., 1875. " MF 4 P 52 BROWN, J. Moray. P..lo. [See Weir, Capt. R.] A 1 7 U 49 BROWN, Jacob B. On Blue AN'ater. [See l)e Amicis, E.] D 22 Q 1 BROWN, James D. Guide to the l'V)rmation of a Music Librai'v. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (J>ib. A.s.soc. Ser.) J 9 V 36 1 land-book of Library Ai)i)liaTices : The Technical Equip- ment of iiibraries. Fittings, Furniture, Charging Sys- tems, Foi'ms, Recipes, Ac. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Lib. Assoc. Ser.) J 9 V 36 Manual of Library Classification ami Shelf Arrangement. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 11 T 44 Notes upon the Organization and Management of Village Libraries. [See Burgoyne, F. J. — Books for Village Libraries.] J 9 V 36 Siqjplemeii iai'ij Catalogue — 1806-1900. 93 lUlOWN, .Tolin. John Brown Jiiul his INTon ; Ijv llicharil J. llintori. 8vo. New York, 1894. (J 20 U 1 1 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, ]{. W.— Misc.] J 22 Q 25 BROWN, Dr. John. [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* BROWN, Rev. John. Apostolicd iSucce.ssiou in ihc liijht of history iind fiict. Svo. Loncl, 189S. G2:)SI4 The Pilgrim Fathers of New Engliiiul and their Puritan Successors ; with an Tntrodactir)u hy the llev. A. E Dunning. ?>v(\ ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. ' G 1 R 42 Puritan Preaching in England : a Study of Past and Present. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 S .") BROWN, John Ednie. Forest Flora of South Australia. [Plates.] Fol. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 3 Q 10 J Report on the Forests of Western Australia. {_See Western Australia. — Woods and Forests.] MA 5 R 1 2 | BROWN, Mai-v Willcox. Tiie Devehipment of Thrift. 8vo. New' York, 1899. F 15 P 36 BROWN, Montagu. Artistic and Scientific Taxidermy and Modelling. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 U 39 BROWN, Oliver Madox. A Biographical Sketch, 1855- 74 ; by J. H. Ingram. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 24 Q 10 Criticism fif the Works of. \_See Darmesteter, James. — English Studies.] J 14 V 6 BROWN, Peter Hume, History of Scotland. Vol 1. With Maps. 8vo. Camb., 1899. (Camb. Hist. Ser.) B32Q12 BROWN, Robert. New Zealand Musei. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896, 1898.) ME 2 S BROWN, Dr. Roliert. Adventures of Joini Jewitt. [See Jewitt, John.] D 16 4 Q History and Description of Africa. [See Hakluyt Soc] E BROWN, Maj. Rcjbert Hanbury. The Land of Goslien and the Exodus. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 34 S 7 BROWN, Robert Hewitt. Stellar Theology and iMasonic Astronomy ; or, the Origin and Meaning of Ancient and Modern Mysteries explained. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. New York, 1882. G 23 V 4 BROWN, William. The Land Laws. (Rose, W. K.— Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 BROWN, William Finlay. Treatise on the Evolution of Historical Organism. Svo. Parkes, 1898. MG 2 U 9 BROWN, William Harvey. On the South African Fron- tier : Adv('ntures and 01)servations of an American in Mashonaland and Matabeleland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 Q 2 BROWN, Prof. William Jethro. Advantages of a Federal Union. (Australasian Assoc. f(jr Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898.) ME 18 S Application of the Hare System in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q MF 5 S 8 MF 5 T 1 The New Democracy. Svo. Lond., 1899. Why Federate? 12mo. Sydney, 1898. BROWN, William Norman. Art of Enamelling on Metal. 12mo. Lond., 1900. A 45 R 17 House Decorating and Paintini 12mo. Lond., 1900. A 45 R 18 BROWNE, A. J. Jukes-. Geology of the Borders of the Wash, including Boston and Hunstanton. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 40 Geology of the Country around Lincoln. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 24 Geology of parts of Cambridgeshire and of Suffolk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 32 Geology of part of Lincolnshire, including the Country near the Towns of Louth, Alford, and Spilsby. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 15 Geology of the S.W. part of Lincolnshire, with parts of Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. [See Gt. Brif. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 7 Geology of South-western Noi-folk and of Northern Cam- bridgeshire. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. —England and Wales.] A 47 R 33 BROWNE, Arthur H. Account of some early Ancestors of Raratonga. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R BROWNE, Edward Granville. A Year amongst the Per- sians : Impressions as to the Life, Character, and Thought of the People of Persia, received during twelve months' residence in that country in the years 1887-88. Svo. Lond., 1895. D 19 U 6 BROWNE, George Forrest, Bishop of Bristol. Local Examinations. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 Theodore and Wilfrith : Lectures delivered in St. Paul's, Dec, 1896. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 23 P 4 The Venerable Bede. 12mo. Lond., 1897. (The Fathers for English Readers.) G 26 P 18 Oi Tublic Library of New South Wales. BROWNE, H. Morcau-. The Forces of the Crown. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 India. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Production and Industry. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Public Finance. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Railways and Post Office. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Sporting and Athletic Records. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 10 R 6 Trade and Shipping (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 The Widening of our Borders. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 BROWNE, Hablot Knight, " Phiz." Illustrations to David Coppertield, Bleak House, and Dombey and Son. \_See Dickens, C] J 22 S 4-6 BROWNE, James. History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans ; with an extensive Selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart Papers. New ed. Illus- trated. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1860. B 13 S 23-26 BROWNE, John Harris. Anthropological Notes relating to the Aborigines of the Lower Noi-th of South Aus- tralia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Use of the Wedge by Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98. ME 1 S BROWNE, Margery. Lady Dolly. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MH 1 W 9 Weeds in Verse. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 V 26 BROWNE, Matthew. Chaucer's England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1869. B 17 Q 27, 28 BROWNE, Sir T. Gore, Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t BROWNE, Sir Thomas. [Essay on.] [_See Pater, W.— Appreciations.] J 22 U 17 BROWNE, Thomas Alexander, "Rolf Boldrewood." Aus- tralian Rough Riders. (Macmillan's Magazine, April, 1894.) ' E A Colonial Reformer. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 U 7 The Miner's Right. 8vo. Lend., 1898. MJ 3 U 8 A Modern Jiuccaneer. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 U 9 -My liun Home. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MJ 3 IT 10 Nevermore. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 U 11 Old Melbourne Memories. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 P 50 Plain Living. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 S 28 Romance of Canvas Town, and other Stories. 8vo. I^.nd., 1898. MJ 3 U 4 The Sealskin Cloak. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 S 13 The Sphinx of Eaglchawk. 1 2mo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 P 58 The Sr. J. M. Dictionary of Medicine. [See Quain, Dr. Richard.] A 31 P 3, 4 BRUCE, Miner W. Alaska : its History and Resources, (Jold-fiekls, Routes, and Scenery. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1895. D 22 R 16 [Another copy.] 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. • D 22 R 17 BRUCE, Philip Alexander. Economic History of Virginia in the 17th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 2 V 28, 29 BRUCE, Richard Isaac. The Forward Policy and its Results; or, 35 Years' Work amongst the Tribes of our North-western Frontier of India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 41 R 13 BRUCE, Robert. The new Kreuz Polka: AVinifred. [Words only.] Sm. fol. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P X BRUCE, T. Boston. Pure Economics. [See Pantaleoni, Prof. M.] F 3 R 25 BRUCE, Wallace. Old H(jmestead Poems. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1888. H 12 U 15 BRUCH, Philipp, SCHIMPER, Dr. Wilhelm Philipp, and GUMBEL, Tlieodor. Bry(jlogia Europasa seu Genera Muscorum EuropjBoruni. Illustrated. 6 vols. 4to. Stuttgartiw, 1836-55. A 11 X 1-6 t BRUCK, Ludwig. Sweating of the Medical Profession by the Friendly Societies of Australasia, with a Prac- tical Scheme for its Abolition. 18mo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 P 39 Uses and Abuses of the Public Hospitals in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand ; with thirty-two practical suggestions for reform. 12mo. Sydney,1899. MA 4 P 30 Australasian Medical Directory and Hand-hook. [See Aiistralasian Medical Directory and Hand-booh.^ BRUCK, Nicolas Remv. Electricite et IVIagnetisme Ter- restres. [See Doneux, Lieut.-Col. A.] A 20 P 30-32 BRUGMANN, Prof. Karl. Elements of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-Germanic Languages. Vols. 1- 4, and Index. 5 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1888-95. J 12 V 24-28 Nature and Origin of the Noun Genders in the Indo- European Languages. Translated by E. Y. Robbins. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Princeton Lectures.) A 24 P 32 96 public Library of New South Whales. BRUHL, Lucieii Lew-. ISee Levy-Bruhl, L.] BRUHL, P., and KING, Dr. G. Century of New and Rare Indian Plants. \_See Calcutta Royal Botanic Garden.] A 17 U 22 t BRUNCK, Richard Franz Philijip. Antholoi;ia Grreca. [See JacoKs, F.] J^'l T 1-11 BRUNEAU, Al)l)e. The Man in the Grey Suit. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] ' C 23 Q 2 BRUNETIERE, Ferdinand. Discours de Combat. 8vo. Paris, 1900. J 24 U 31 Essays in French Literature: a Selection. Translated by D. Nichol Smitli. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 21 P 27 Manual of the History of French Literature. Translated by R. Derechef. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 4 T £7 [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de. — French Literature i;if To-day.] J 2;; R 20 "BRUNI. • [See Brown, G. A.] BRIJNI d'AREZZO, Lionardo. De Studiis et Literis : an English Version. [See Woodward, W. H.] G 2 U 45 BRtJNNICH, J. C. Boracic Acid. (Queensland Agri- cult. Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 U Composition of Foods. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Jadoo Fibre. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1899.) ME 9 U The New Chemical Laboratory of the Queansland Agri- cultural College, Gatton. ((Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 U Practical Determination of the Starch-content of Pota- toes. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U BRUNTON, Dr. Thomas Lauder. Diarrluea. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 30 Dyspepsia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 20 T 30 Lectures on the Actions of Medicine : being a Course of Jjcctures on Pharmacology and Thei'apcutics. 8vo. Txmd., 1897. A 37 T 1 Nervous Diseases of the I[eii,rt. (Hare, Dr. H. A. System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 1.") Pliysiology of F:ecal Evacuatinference Bibliographique Internationale : Documents. Svo. Bruxelles, 1890. J 14 S 29 L'Organisation Internationale de la Bibliographie Scien- titique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 189.-,. J 14 S 28 BRUTUS. Marcus. [Life ., 1895. ' B 30 S 18 BRYANT, Frederick S. Book-binding for Public Libraries. (Lib. As.soc. of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) JNIJ 2 V 1 BRYANT, Mrs. Sophie. Curriculum of a School for Girls of the First Grade. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 The Teaching of Morality in tlu! I*^unily and the School. Svo. Lon'd., 1897. " G 18 P 47 BRYANT, William. Cullcn. [Life of]; l>y J. Bigelow. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1897. (American Men of Letters.) C27P11 [Portraits and Sketch .if.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] ,1 'J2 R 37 Skotcii of. [S(e Godwin, P. — Commemorative Addresses.] J 14 V 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1900. 97 ]511YCE, George. Remarkable History of the Hudson's Bay Co., including that of the Fi'cncli Ti'adci's of North-western Canada, and of tlie North-west and Astor Fur Cos. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., I'JOO. ^^ 10 p 5 Sketch of Life and Discoveries of Robert Campbell. \See Historical and Scientific Soc. of Manito))a.] C 21 P 12 BRYCE, Rt. Hon. James. Impressions of South Africa. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897.* D l."} U 1 [Another copy.] 3rd ed., revised throughout; with a new Prefatoi-y Chapter, and with the Transvaal Conven- tions of" 1881 and 1884. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 21 Q 5 Transcauca.sia and Ai'arat : being the Notes of a Vacation Tour in the Autumn of 1876. Illustrated. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 S 19 Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T.] A 29 S 41 , and others. Briton and Boer : both sides of the South African Question. 8vo. New Yoi-k, 1 900. B .37 P 18 BRYDEN, Hein-y Anderson. Kloof and Karroo : Sport, Legend, and Natural History in Cape Colony, with a notice of the Came Birds, and of the present clisti-i- bution of the Antelopes and larger game. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 27 S 10 BRYNMOR-JONES, David. [See Jones, D. Brynmor-.] BUCHAN, John. Scholar Gipsies. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14T 13 BUCHANAN, David. Coffee - growing at Mackay. (Queensland Agricult. Jouru., 1897. ME 9 IT Will Coffee-growing pay? (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 IT BUCHANAN, James. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah. —Short Studies in Party Politics.] E 10 V 1 BUCHANAN, Neil. History of Dogma. [See Harnack, Dr. Adolph.j G 23 S 36, 37 BUCHANAN, Robert. The New Rome: Poems and Ballads of the Empire. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) H 12 R 32 [Verses by.] (Swinburne, A. C. — Under theMicroscojje.) J 23 Q 21 BUCHANAN, William. Tides, Currents, and the Moon. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BtJCHELER, Prof. Franz. Lexicon Italicum. (Bonn University Programme, 22nd March, 1881.) 4to. Bonn, 1881. K 18 S 12 Vmbrica. 8vo. Bonn», 1883. J 12 V 36 BUCHHEIM, Dr. Charles Adolphus. Luther's Primary Works. [See Luther, Martin.] G 19 T 20 BUCK, Dr. Albert Herbert. Supplement to the Refei-ence Hand-book of the Medical Sciences, by various authors. Vol. 9. Illustrated. 4to. Edinb., 1890. A 11 T9 t BUCKE, Dr. Richard Maurice. Calamus. [See Whit- man, W.] C 23 P 19 The W^ound Dresser. [See Whitman, W.] C 23 P 28 BUCKELL, G. T. Teasdale-. Experts on Guns and Shoot- ing. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 V 11 BUCKINGHAM, Lieut. B. H., FOULK, Ensign George C, and McLEAN, Ensign Walter. Observations upon the Korean Coast, Japanese-Korean Ports, and Siberia, made during a Journey from the Asiatic Station to the United States through Siberia and Europe, 1882. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. D 20 U 10 BUCKINGHAM, J. S. I'arlimncnUwy Review and Familij Mayazine. [See Parliamentary Re\iiewi\ F 1-5 U 10-12 BUCKLAND, A. W. Anthropological Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 27 R 34 BUCKLAND, Frank. Notes and Jottings from Animal Life. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 27 S 5 BUCKLE, Henry Thomas. Henry Thomas Buckle and his Critics : a Study in Sociology. [See Roliertson, J. M.] F 14 U 28 BUCKLE, Mar\-. Art in Needlework. [See Day, L. F.] A 46 P 23 BUCKLER, William. The Larva; of the British Buttei-- flies and Moths. [See Ray Soc. Pubs., 1894.] E BUCKLEY, Arabella Burton. [See Fisher, Arabella Burton.] BUCKLEY, J. Book-keeping for Farmers. (West Au,s- tralian Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 BUCKLEY, James Monroe. History of iMethodists in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1896. (Ameri- can Churcli Hist. Seri.-s.) G 12 V 12 BUCKLEY, John. A Village Politician: the Life-stoiy of John Buckley. Edited by J. C. Buckmaster. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 10 BUCKMASTER, J. C. A VUlage Politician : the Life- story of John Buckley. [&« Buckley, J.] C 23 P 10 BUDDE, Rev. Karl. Religion of Israel to the Exile. 8vo. Nev/ York, 1899. (American Lectures on His- tory of Religions.) G 24 S 14 BUDDE, L. Danish Fairy and Folk Tales. [See Bay, J. C] - J 14 Q 43 9c Public Lihrai'y of New South TFales. BUDGE, Ernest Alfred Wallis. Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Books on Egypt and Chaldaja.) G 25 P 19 Egyptian Magic. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S99. (Books on Egj-pt and Chaldasa.) G 25 P 20 Book of the Dead. {See Book of the Dead.] B 1 7 V 1 3-1 5 Book of the Dead. \_See British Museum.] B 49 P 1 ; Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great. {See Alexander tiie Great] B 27 V 20 BUDGET, The, and Singleton Advertiser, 1898^99. Fol. Singleton, 1898-99. ME BUE, Henri. Phedre. {See Racine, J.] H 10 V 17 "BUFFALO BILL." {See Cody, Col. W. F] BUFFALO SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. Bulletins. Vols. 2-5, and 6, pt. 1, April, 1874-98. 5 vols. 8vo. Buffalo, 1874-98. E BUGGE, Prof. Sophus. Etruskisch und Armenisch. 8vo. Christiania, 1890. J 12 V 39 The Home of the Eddie Poems, with especial reference to the Helgi-lays. Revised ed., with a new Intro- duction concerning old Norse Mythology. Translated by W. H. Schotield. 8vo. Lond., "1899. (Grimm Lib.) B36P15 BUILDER, The .- an Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Architect, Engineer, Archieologist, Constructor, Sani- tary Refonner, and Art Lover. Vols. 1-78, Dec, 1842- June, 1900. 78 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1843-1900. E BUILDERS OF GREATER BRITAIN. Admiral Phillip. [See Becke, L.] MB 3 Q 6 Edward Gibbon Wakefield. [See Garnett, R.] MB 3 Q 5 Rajali Brooke ; by 8ii- S. St. John. [.See Brooke, Sir J.] C -27 R 9 Sir Stamford Raffles ; Sir 8.] by H. E. Eyerton. [See Raffles, C 27 R 23 BUILDING, EXGINEERING, AND MINING JOUR- NAL, and the Australasian liuildcr and Contractors' News [formerly the BuUdinpreciations and Addrcsse.s.] J 9 R 6 BURKE, Robert O'Hara, and WILLS, William John. Account of the Expedition of. \_See Pyke, W T. — Australian Heroes and Adventurers.] MC G P 2 f BURKE, William Maxwell. History and Functions of Central Labor L^nions. Svo. New York, 1899. F 18 R21 BURKITT, F. Crawford. Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature. \See Anecdota Oxoniensia, Sem. ser. 1.] E Fragments of the Books of Kings, according to the translation of Acjuila. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Greek.] G 13 X 14 t BURLEIGH, Bennet. Khartoum Campaign ; or, the re- Conquest of tlie Soudan. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. . B 39 P 19 The Natal Campaign. Illu.strated. Svo. Lond., 1900. B 27 R 15 Sirdar and Khalifa ; or, the Re-con(juest of the Soudan, 1898. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 34 R 15 Two Campaigns : Madagascar and Ashantee. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 33 R IS BURN, Rev. Andrew Ewbanlv. Introduction to the Creeds and to the Te Deum. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 23 T 43 BURN, Robert Scott. Mechanics and Mechanism. Svo. Lond., 1854. A 25 S 28 Year-book of Agricultural Facts. [See Year-hook of Af/ri- cidtural Facts.] A 36 Q 5 BURNE-JONES, Sir Edward. [See Jones, Sir E. Burne-.] BURNELL, Arthur Coke. Elements of South Indian Palreogi'aphy from the 4th to the 17th Centurj^ : being an Introduction to the Study of South Indian Inscrip- tions and MSS. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1878. J 20 Silt BURNET, John. Early Greek Philosophy. Svo. Lond., 1892. ' ' G11Q32 Ethics of Aristotle. [See Aristoteles.] G 24 V 27 BURNETT, Dr. Charles H. Chronic Catarrh of the Middle Ear and Diseases of the Internal Ear. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— Sy.stem of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P16 BURNETT, Frances Eliza [Mrs. S. M.] (Frances Eliza Hodgson'). A Fair iJarbarian. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 37 "Haworth's." Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 23 T 32 Little Lord Fauntlci'oy. Illustrated. S\o. Lond., 1898. ' J 25 V 1 Louisiana. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 38 That Lass o' Lowrie'.s. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 38 Through one Administration. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1881. J 25 P 39 [Sketch of.] [See Vcddrr, 1 1. C.— , American AVriters of To- Q 17 BURY, Dr. Judson Sykes. Multiple Syiumetrical Peri- pheral Neuritis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 BURY, Yetta Blaze de. French Literature of To-day : a Study of the Principal Romancers and Essayists. Svo. Dmd., 1898. J 23 R 20 BUSCH, Dr. Moritz. Bismarck : Rome Secret Pages of his Hi.story. [See Bismarck, Prince.] C 2.5 P 1.5-17 BUSH, Geoi'gc Gary. History of Education in New Hampsliire. [See United States. — Bui'eau of Educa- tion.] G 18 S 38 BUSH, Rev. R. Whelcr. St. Alhanasius : his Life anrl Times. 12mo. Lond., 1888. (Tlie Fathers for Engli.sli Readers.) G 26 P 5 BUSK, (Jcorgc, F.R.S. Catalogue of the Cyclostomatous Polyzoa in tlie Collection of the British iVIuseum. [See J'.ritiHh Museum.- Nat. Hist.] A 24 S 23 BUSK, Hans. Hand-book for Hj'the, comprising a familiar Explanation of the Laws of Projectiles, and an Introduction to the System of Musketry now adopted by all ililitary Powers. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1860. A 35 P 6 BUSK, Mai'ian. Natural History of Plants. [See Kerner von Marilaun, Prof. Anton.] A 22 V 3 BUSS, Frances Mary. The Higher Education of 'Women. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 BUSS, Rev. James F. Notes of a Visit to New Zealand. (New Church Mag., Feb.-July, Oct., 1899.) E BUSSELL, F. W. The School of Plato: its Origin, Development, and Re\ ival under the Roman Empire. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 3 U 15 BUSSONE, Francesco, " Carmagnola." [Sketch of.] [See Horridge, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 BUSTEED, Henry Elmsley. Echoes from Old Calcutta : being chiefly Reminiscences of the Days of Warren Hastings, Francis, and Impey. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Svo. Calcutta, 1897. B 29 S 13 BUTCHER, E. L. The Story of the Church of Egypt : being an Outline of the History of the Egyptians under their successive masters from the Roman Conquest until now. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 8, 9 BUTCHER, Prof. Samuel Henry. Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. [See Aristoteles.] G 18 R 70 The Odys.sey of Homer. [See Honierus.] J 14 U 31 BUTE, John Patrick Crichton Stuart, Marquess of. Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 -, MacPHAIL, J. R. M., and LONSDALE, H. W. Arms of the Royal and Parliamentary Burghs of Scotland. Roy. Svo. Edinb., 1897. K 17 S 25 t BUTLER, Arthur (Jaidiner. Contributions towards a knowledge of the Rhopalocera of Australia. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 187.5.) E On a small Collection of L(?pidoptcr.i fioni the Hawaiian Islands. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1882.) E Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Mu- seum.— Nat. Hist.] A IS U 9, 10 t , and others. Briti.sh Bii-ds, with their Nests and Eggs. Illustrated by F. W. Frohawk. 6 vols. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 20 P 1-6 t BUTLER, AHhur Jolni. Bismarck: the Man and Ihe Statesman. [See Bismarck, Prince.] C 25 1! 1 I, 12 History of Mankind. [See Ratzol, Prof. F.] A 3 1 S 9-1 1 Memoirs of I'.anm Thiebii-ilt. [See Thiebault, Baron.] C 23 V 11, 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 103 BUTLER, Rev. D. John Wesley and George Whitefield in Scotland ; or, Influence of the Oxfofd Met.liodists on Scottisli Religion. Vlnw. Edinh., 1898. G 23 P 23 BUTLER, D. B. Portland Cement: its Manufacture, Test- ing, and Use. Illastrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 41 U 15 BUTLER, Lady Elizabeth Southerden (ElizalK-tli Souther- den Thompson). Life and Works of; by W. Meynell. [_See Art Journal.] A 20 R 13 t BUTLER, Rev. Henry Montagu. University and other Sermons, Historical and Biographical. Svo. Camb., 1899. G 24 P 8 BUTLER, Joseph, Bishop of Durham. Works of [to which is prefixed] an Account of the Moral and Religious Systems of Bishop Butler, by Bishop Halifax ; edited by Rt. Hon. W E. Gladstone : and Studies subsidiary to the Works of Bishop Butler, by Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Oxford, 1896. G 2 T 33-35 Dialogues founded upon Butler's Analogy of Religion. [&6 Huckin, Rev. H. R.] " G 26 P 23 [Essay on.] [See Caird, Rev. J. — University Addresses.] G 15 P 46 BUTLER, Prof. Nicholas Murray. The Meaning of Edu- cation, and other Essays and Addresses. Svo. New York, 1898. G 23 P 20 BUTLER, Samuel. The Authoress of the Odyssey, where and when she wrote, who she was, the use she matle of the Iliad, and how the Poem grew under her hands. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 19 W 4 Iliad of Homer. \_See Homerus.] li 11 R 32 BUTLER, William. Sketch of. \_See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 BUTLER, Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Francis. Life of Sir George Pomei-oy-CoUey. [_See Co^e^■, Sir G. Pomeroy-.] C 25 R 21 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [_See Temple, A. — Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 BUTLER, William John, Dean of Lincoln. Life and Letters. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 13 BUTTERFIELD, W. J. Atkin.son. Chemistry of Gas Manufacture : a Practical Hand-book on the Pro- duction, Purification, and Testing of IlluminatLng Ga.s, and the Assay of the Bye-Products of Gas Manufac- ture. [Witli Bibliographv.] Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. ' ■ A 21 R 37 BUTTERWECK, Otto Carl. Culture of Tobacco. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah. The Great Composers. 12mo. Boston, 1884. C 19 V 23 BUTTNER, Dr. H. Natural Hygiene. [See Lahmann, Dr. II.] A40T9 BUXTON, Edward Nortii. Short Stalks, comprising Trips in Somaliland, Sinai, the Eastern Desert of Egypt, Crete, the Carpathian Mountains, and Daghestan. 2ndser. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 10 S 3S BUYSE, Omer. Les Ecoles Professionnelles et les Ecoles d'Art Industriel en Allcniagne et en Autriche. Illus- trated. Svo. Bruxelles, 1896. G 18 Q 43 BUZACOTT, Rev. Aaron. Te Akataka reo Rarotonga, or Raratongan and English Grammar. 12mo. Raro- tonga, 1854. '' MJ 3 P 54 BY ROAD AND SEA. Vols. 1, 2, July, 1898-June, 1900. 2 vols, (in 1) fol. Sydney, 1898-1900. ME 17 T BYCRAFT, E. S. Labour, Capital, anfl Consumption. 12mo. Manchester, 1890. F 16 S 14 BYERIiEY, Katherine. [See Thomson, Katherine.] , BYINGTON, Ezra Hoyt. The Puritan as a Colonist and Reformer. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 5 P 29 BYL, Hon. P. L. van der. A Colonist's Tour in Austral- asia, the United States, and England. 12nio. Cape Town, 1S87. MD 4 P 13 BYLES, William Pollard. Ideals : Imperial and Social. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 BYNNER, Edwin Lassetter. Agnes Sui-riage. 22nd ed. 12mo. Boston (n.d.) J 23 T 28 Zachary Phips. 12mo. Boston, 1892. J 23 T 29 BYRN, G. A. The Laboratory in its relation to the Cy- anide Process. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P BYRNE, Desmond. Australian Writers. Svo. Lond., 1896. MJ 1 R 6 BYRNE, P. M. Notes on the Customs connected with the use of the so-called Kurdaitcha Shoes of Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Victoria, Proc, 1896) ME 1 P BYRNE, Julia Clara. [Mrs. William Pitt.] Flemish Interiors. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 15 U 23 BYRNES, Thomas Joseph. Character Sketch of ; by J. J. Kingsbury. (Review of Reviews, Oct., 1898.) ME 6 U BYROM, John. Poems of. [See Chetham Soc. Pubs., 34, 35.] E [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C23T 1 104 Public Library of Neto Sotdh Wales. BYROX, George Gordon, Baron. Works of. New ed. Illustrated. 7 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898-1900. [SliV in course of pitblicafion.^ Letters and Journals. Vol.s. 1-4. Edited liv R. E. Pro- thero. ■ HUT 6-9 Poetry. Vols. 1-3. EtUted by E. H. Coleridge. H 11 T 12-14 Letter on the Rev. W. L. Bowles's Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope. (Rhys, E. — Literary Pains.) " 11 11 T 5 Goethe on Byrou. [See Goethe, J. W. von.] J 14 P -12 BYRON, Vice-Adm. Hon. John. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 50 -, and MORRIS, Isaac. The Wreck of the Wagei; and subsequent Adxentures of her Crew. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 19 P U c C * * * Countess, de St. Dominique. Animal Magnetism and Artificial Somnambulism. 8vo. Lond., lS7i. G 19 T 11 "C. 3. 3." [See Wilde, Oscar F. OT. W.] CABAXEL, Alexandre. Illustrated Biography. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of Jlodern Artists.] C 1 P 17 I CABLE, George Washington. John March, Southerner. Svo. New York, 1898. J 2.3 S 24 Old Creole Days: a Story of Creole Life. 8vo. New York, 1898. " J 23 S 25 Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of TolJ, J. H. Some Port Jackson Plants. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.] ME 2 P CA^IP, Walter. Football. [See Shearman, :M.] A 29 S 39 CA.Ml'AN, Mine. Memoirs of tlie Court of Marie An- toinette. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 33 R 8, 9 CAMPBELf., Dr. Allan. Aspects of Public Health Legislation in Victoria. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Light Railway.H. (Austra1a.sian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P CAMPBELL, Archibald J. Australian Cuckoos. (Vict. NTat., Nov., 1898.) ME 6 P Bronze Cuckoo. (Vict. Nat., February, 1898.) ME 6 P Discovery of the Ne.st and Eggs of the Australian Snipe. (Vict. Nat., April, 1898.) ' ME 6 P Egg of Short-tailed Albati-oss. (Vict. Nat., February, ■^1898.) ME6P Fan-tailed Cuckoo. (Vict. Nat., Nov., 1897.) ME 6 P The Fiery Parrakeet. (Vict. Nat., Dec, 1898.) ME 6 P Narrow-billed Bronze Cuckoo. (Vict. Nat., March, 1898.) ME6 P Nests and Eggs of the Honey-eaters or Meliphagous Birds of Australia. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Ornithological Notes. (Vict. Nat., Oct., 1897.) ME 6 P Pallid Cuckoo. (Vict. Nat., August, 1897.) ME 6 P Provisional Description of a new Emu-wren. (Vict. Nat., Jan., 1899.) ME 6 P Square-tailed Cuckoo. (Viet. Nat., June, 1898.) ME 6 P Three rare Nests and Egg.s. (Vict. Nat., ^Nlay, 1897.) ME 6 P The Trachea of the Freckled Duck of Australia. (Ibis, Jidy, 1899.) E CAjNIPBELL, Lord Archibald. Highland Dress, Arms, and Ornament. Tllust. 8vo. L(md., 1899. A 40 IT 11 CAINIPBELL, Charles. The Bland Papers. [See Bland, Col. T.] C 27 S 13 CAMPBELL, Sir Colin. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wonneley. — England in the 19th Century.] B16S13 CAMPBELL, Douglas. The Puritans in Holland, Eng- land, and America : an Introduction to American Historv. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1892. B 28 U 16, 17 CAMPBELL, Pi'of. Douglas Houghton. Lectures on the Evolution of Plants. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 20 R 15 Structure and De\elopment of the Mosses and Ferns. 8vo Lond., 1895. A 20 T 18 CAMPBELL, Frank. An Index-Catalogue of Biblio- graphical Works, chiefly in the English Language, relating to India: a Study in liibliography. 8vo. Lond., 1897.- " ' J 9 V 35 Theory of National and International Bibliogiupliy, with special refei-ence to the introduction of system in the return of modern literature. 8vo. Lond., 189G. J 14 S 21 CAMPBELL, Lord George Granxilio. Log-letters of the ChnUmyn: 8vo. Lond., 1870. D 22 R 26 CAMPBELL, George Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll. [See Argyll, 811, Duke of.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 109 CAMPBELL, Lieut, -Col. Gerald Ross. How the Sirdar reached Khartoum. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MB 2 Q T. CAMPBELL, Helen Orr. [See Jaeks.ui, Helen Orr.J CAMPBELL, J. Duncan. Fisheries of China. (Liternat. Fisheries Exliih. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 CAMPBELL, James. Are we Victorians drifting towards Communism? (Melb. Rev., 4.) ME 18 Q CAMPBELL, John. The Early Settlement of Queensland and other articles, with which is also printed " The Raid of the Aborigines," by W. Wilks. IL'nio. Ipswicli, 1875. MJ^ .'i P 2 CAMPBELL, John, Baron. [Life of] ; by J. E. Denniston. (Melb. Rev., 6.) ME 18 Q Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements considered. 8vo. Lond., 1859. ''' J 22 S 21 CAMPBELL, Rev. John. Syllabic Characters found on the Headgear of a Figure painted on the wall of a Cave found by Sir George Grey on the Glenelg River, N.W. Australia. (Australasian Assoc. fy Samuel H. Scuilder. 4, pt. 1. Revision of the genera and species of (j'anadiaii Palaeozoic Corals ; by L. M. Lambe. Palteozoic Fossils. Vol. 3, pts. 2, 3. 8vo. lllust rated. Ottawa, 1895-97, A 25 V 16, 17 ;i, pi. 2. Revision of tlic Fauna of the (iuel])h Formation of Ontario, with IJo.scription.s of a few new species, and Systeniatie List, witli References, of the Fossils of the Hudson River or Ciiiciimati formation at Stony Moun- tain, Manitoba ; by J. F. Whiteaves. 3, i>t. .3. Tlic Fossils of the Galena-Trenton and Black River Formations of Lake Winnipeg and its vicinity ; by J. F. Whiteaves. Report of Progress from its commencement to 1872 and 1877-78. 6 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1863-79. E Summary Report of the Geological Survey Department, 1892. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. E House of Commons. [See Parliament, under this head- Insurance. Prelinjinary Statements of tlic business of Life In.surance Companies in Canada, 1895. 8vo. Ottawa, IH9r.. E CANADA : — Government Departments — contd. Parliament. Canadian Parliamentary Companion, 1875- 76. Edited by H. J. Morgan. 2 vols. 18mo. Ottawa, 1875-76. F 15 P 12, 13 Journal of the House of Ccmmions, 1879-83, 1885-96, 1898-99. 27 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1879-99. E Journals of the Senate, 1879-83, 1885, 1887-94, 1896. 17 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1879-96. E Sessional Papers, 1864, 1878-99. 268 vols. 8vo. and roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1864-99. E Patent Office. Patent Office Record and Register of Copyrights and Trade Marks. Vols. 18-27, 1890-99. 10 vols. 4to. Ottawa, 1890-1900. E Senate. \_See Parliament, under this heading.] Statutes. Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, 1894, 1898-99. 6 vols, (in 3) 8vo. Ottawa, 1894-99. E Acts respecting Railways. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. F 13T6 Confederation Law of Canada ; Privy Council Cases on the British North America Act, 1867 ; and the Prac- tice on special leave to appeal ; there being added Appendices containing the Imperial Statutes affecting Canada and the Colonies in general ; the Judicial Com- mittee Acts, with Notes ; the Canadian Liquor Prohi- bition Case, 1895-96, Ac. ; by G. J. Wheeler. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' F 9 V 19 Dominion Lands Act. 8vo. Ottawa (n.d.) F 13 T 14 [See (iho (jreat Britain and Ireland. — Canada.] CANADIAN INSTITUTE. Proposed change in reckon- ing the Astronomical Da)'. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. A 23 T 39 Transactions 6. Rov. 8v( Toronto, 1899. E CAXADIAN MAGAZIiSE of Politics, Science, Art, and Literature. Vols. 10-13, 1897-Oet., 1899. 4 vols, roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1897-99. E CAXADIAN MONTHLY AND NATION AL REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-13, 1872-June, 1878, contiiuiod as Ro.se- liclford's Vanailian Month! >/ and National Rcvicn\ vols. 1-8, July, 1878-June, 1882. 21 vols. roy. 8vo. Toi-onto, 1872-82. {All published.) J 27 P 121 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Repent of Pro- gress on the Explorations and Surveys. With xVtlas. 8vo. Ottawa, 1874. " A 31 S 33 CANADIAN VX K L I A i\[ K N 'I' A R Y COMPANION. [See Canada.— Parliament.] F 15 P 12, 13 CANAWAY, A. P. Drafting a Federal Constitution : a Criticism. (Review of Reviews, Dec, 1897.) E CAN DEW AND EDEN UNION and Southern Auck- land Advocate, 1898-99. Fol. Candelo, 1898-99. ME Siipplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. Ill CANDLER, S. C, "Mucor." On the Prevention of Zy- motic Disease. (Melh. Rev., 3.) ME 18 Q CANDOLLE, Alphonsu ;u\d Oasiniir dc MonographiiO Plianei-og.-unaruui. Vol. 9. Roy. 8vo. Parisii.s, 1896. A 32 T 24 9. rii'oinelin.cca" ; auctore C. Mez. CANE, Ai-tliuv. Tables, Alphabetical and Chronological, of all Report.s of Cases decided in the Superioi' Courts of England, Scotland, ami Ireland, prior to the com- mencement of the Reports issued by the Council of Law Reporting, commonly called the Law Reports ; with a list of the modes of citation. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 7 V 56 CANNAN, Edwin. History of Local Rates in England. 8vo. Loud., 1896. F 8 V 31 Lectures on Justice, Police, &c. [See Smith, Adam.] F 12T 12 CANNEY, Dr. Leigh. Healtli Abroad. [See Battersby, Dr. C. H.l '^ A 45 R 3 CANNING, A. R. The Luck (N.S.W.) Cold-field. (Tnst. of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1898-99.) E CANNING, Hon. Albert Stratford George. British Rule and Modern Politics. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 24 Q 21 History in Fact and Fiction: a Literary Sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 T 24 CANNING, Charles John, Viscount. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 CANNING, Elizabeth. [Life of]; by W. G. Waters. (Vincent, Arthur. — Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 CANNING, lit. Hon. George. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hoft. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 CANON, The : an Exposition of the Pagan Mystei-y per- petuated in the Cabala as the rule of all the Arts ; with a Preface by R. B. C. Graham. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 S 9 CANSDELL, Capt. Charles Stuart-. History of the New South Wales Corps of Engineers, from the Records. Vol. 1, pts. 1-3. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MB 2 Q 12 Railways in Warfare : their General Military Use, De- fensive and Offensive. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 4 S 10 CANTERBURY, Archbishops of. [See Benson, E. W., Laud, W., and Temple, F.] CANTERBURY COLLEGE, NEW ZEALAND. Can- terbury College; Calendar, 1888, 1892-99. 9 vols. 12mo.' Christchurch, 1887-99. ME 5 U Public Library. Catalogue of Books in the Circulating 1 >(partinent, 1895. 8vo. Christchurch, 1895. Cat. Room Catalogue of Books in the Reference Department. Roy. 8vo. Christchurch, 1897. Cat. Room Supplementary Catalogue, Circulating Department, Jan. 1st, 1894-Api'il 30th, 1898. 8vo. Christchurch, 1898. Cat. Room School of Agriculture. Reports of the School of Agriculture, Canterbury College, University of New Zealand, 1887, 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. Christchurch, 1887-91. ME 5 U CAXTERBURY TIMES, The, Jan.-April, July-Dec, 1896-June, 1900. 9 vols. fol. Christchurch, 1896- 1900. ME CANTLIE, Dr. James. Accidental Injuries : their Relief and immediate Treatment. (Internat. Health Exhil). —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 Leprosy in Hongkong. 8vo. Hongkong, 1 890. A 39 V 3 CANU, Eugene. Copepodes. [See Kcehler, Prof. R. — Resultats Scicntili<[ues de la Campagne du Caudan dans le. Golfc de Gascogne.] A 31 S 30 CAPE ARGUS. Aryus Annual and South African Direc- <«r(/, 1889-93, 1895. 6 vols. 8vo. CapeTown, 1889- 95." E CAPE OF GOOD ILOVE -.—Government Bepartmenls— Reports and Piihlications. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Almanac and Annual Register, 1841, 1844, 1854-55. Compiled by B. J. Van de Sandt de Villiers. 4 vols. 8vo. Cape Town; 1840-54. E Botanical Garden, Cape Town. Report of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the state of the Botanical Garden, Cape Town. Svo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 The Camp Ground. Report from the Select Committee appointed to take into consideration the alienation of a piece of land called "The Camp Ground." Svo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Charges against James Mortimer Maynavd. Evi- dence taken before a Select Committee of the House of Assembly appointed to inquire into the truth, or otherwise, of certain statements contained in the Law Reports, published in certain newspapers, involving charges against James Moi'timer Maynard, a Member of the House of A.s.sembly. Svo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Civil Service. List, 1SS7-89, 1891-93. 6 vols. Svo. Cape Town, 1887-93. E Crown Lands. Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the system of selling Crown Lands. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 112 Fablic Library of Neto South Wales. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE— c(.«?(?. Customs Papers. Report from the Select Committee on Custniiis Papers. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Education. Report of a Commission, appointed in accordance with a resolution of the House of Assem- bly, to enquire into aiid report upon the working of the Education Acts, 1879. 8vo. Cape Town, 1880. G 17 T 20 Fol. E Report of the Suj^erintendent of Education, 1889 Cape Town, 1890. Frontier Defence. Report from the Select Committee iiu Frontier Defence. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Legislative Council. {See Parliament, under this heading.] Leprosy. Copy of Letter and furrlior Correspondence on the subject of the interim Report of and Evidence taken by the Leprosy Commission. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1894. A 17 T 29 t -Report, Minutes of E\idence, kc, of the Leprosy Com- mission, 189-1-95. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1894-95. A 17 T 29 t Report of the Select Committee on the Leprosy Commis- sion Evidence. 8vo. Cape Town, 1895. A 17 T 29 f Report of the Select Committee on the spread of Leprosy. 8vo. Cape Town, 188.3. A 17 T 29 t Reports on the Emj;inyana Leper Asylum. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1895. " A 17 T 29 t Return showing how many of the leprous patients at Robben Island out of the seventy-tive self-cured cases reported by Dr. Impcy to the Leprosy Commission, and afterwards examined by the Commission, are alive, the cause of death, if any, the present condition of those still living, and whether any of these self- cured patients have been allowed to return to their homes. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1896. A 17 T 29 f Summary of a Report by Dr. S. P. Impey on his tour througli Europe and Egypt for Ihe purpose of ontpiir- ing into certain matters connected with Lepro.sy. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1896. A 17 T 29 t Liquor Laws. Report of the Litjuor Laws Commission, 1889-90; with Minutes of Proceeding!?, Minutes of E\'idence, and Appendices. Fol. Cape Town, 1890. F 20 R 9 t Lunatics, Lepers, and Chronic Sick. Report from the Select C(jnnnitteo appointed to consider and rc- jjort on the arrangements for pro\'idiiig for Lunatics, Lepers, and Chronic Sick throughout the Colony. «vo. Capc^Tr.wn, 1855. ' ' F 1 S 12 ipi Medical and Pharmacy Register. 8vo. Cape Town, 1893. \'ol. 1.S92-9.3. E Parliament. Votes and Pi-ocecdings of Parliament, with Appendices, 1882-99. 104 vols. 8vo. and sm. fol. Capo Town, 1882-99. E Minutes of the Legislative Council, 189.5, April-.June, 1897-99. .3 vols. sni. fol. Cape Town, 1895 99. E Votes and Proceedings of thi; House of Assembly, .July- Oct., 1899. Fol. Cape Town, 1899. " E CAPE OF GOOD HOPE— cy»/rf. Petition of George HoUoway. Report from the Select Committee appointed to iuipiire into the allega- tion contained in the Petition of George Holloway. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Petition of Lieut. -Col. O'Reilly. Report from the Select Cominittee appointed to inquire into the merits of the Petition of Lieut. -Col. O'Reilly. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Public Health. Reports on Puljlic Health, 1892-93 2 vols. sm. fol. Cape Town, 1893-94. E Railway Communication. Report of Committee ap- pointeil to inquire into the practicability of introducing Railway Communication into this Colony. 8yo. Cape Town. 185.-,. "f 1 S 12 Responsible Government. Report from tlie Select Committee on Responsible Government. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Statistics. Statistical Register of the Cape of Good Hope, 1889-95. 7 vols. fol. Cape Town, 1890-96. E Statutes. Act to amend the Leprosy Repression Act, 1884. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1894.' A 17 T 29 t Act to check the spread of the Disease known as Lep- rosy. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1884. A 17 T 29 t Acts of the Parliament of the Colony, 1876, 1884, 1888, 1891, 1893. 5 vols. fol. Cape Town, 1876-93. E Steam Communication. Report from the Select Com- mittee ai)pointed to devi.se the means to ol)tain Steam Communication between this Colony and the Mother Ct,untry. 8v(,. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 CAFE OF GOOD HOFE DIRECTORY. General Directory and (xuide-book to the Cape and its De- pendencies, as well as the Free State, Transvaal, and Natal [previt>usly published as the Cape Town Direc- tory] 186G-G7, 1869, 1885-86. 5 vols. 12mo. Cape Town, 1866- 86. E CAPE OF GOOD HOPE ROYAL OBSERVATORY. Annals of the Cape Observatory, ^^ol. 1 ; vol. 2, pts. 1-3, 6, 7 ; vol. 4. 8 vols. 4to. ' Lond. 1896-99. E Appendi.\ to the Cape Meridian 01)servation.s, 1890-91. Star Correction Tables; liy \V. H. Finlay. 4to. Cape Town, 1895. E Cai^e Catalogue of Stars, 1834-40, 1849-52, 1856-61, 1879-95. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. and 4to. Capetown and Lond., 1873-98. ' .\ 12 \V 11 18 f Catalogue of 2,798 Zodiacal Stars for the Epocii of 1900, aiTanged for Dill'orential Observations of the Planets. 8vo. ' Lond., 1899 .\ 34 T 1 Heliometer Olxservations for Determination of Stellar Parallax. lioy. 8yo. Lond., 1S9.3. E Independent Day Numbers, as used at the Royal Ob.ser- vatory. Cape of Good Hope, 1897. Svo. Lond., 1897. E Sup}) lemen tary Catalog ue — 1890- 1 900. 113 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE ROYAL OBSERVATORY- contd. Repcirt of H(u- Majesty's Astronoiuer at the Cajic of (toikI Hope ti) the Secretary of the Admiralty, 1895- !)G. 2 vols. Ito. Loud, 1S9G-97. E Results of Astroiioiiiioal Observations, 1850 60, 1871 - 76. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Cap3t')wn, 1871-79. pj Results of Meridian Observations, 1861-6"), 1879-95. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. and 4to. Lond., 1894-97. E Results of Meridian Observations of Stars, 1888-91. '2 vols. Ito. Lond., 1895. E CAPE TOW.X DIRECTOR V. [See Cape of Good Hope I)irecto7-t/.] E CAPHRN, Tltomas. Mesmeric Facts. 8vo. Lond., 1870 G 19 T 4 The Mighty Curative Powers of Mesmerism, proved in upwards of 150 cases of various diseases. 12mo. Lond., 1851. G 15 U 3 CAPES, F. M. Devotion to tlie Blessed Virgin; [See Bossuet, J. B., Bishop.] G 24 Q 3 CAPES, Rev. William Wolfe. Stoicism. 12mo. Lond., 1880. (Chief Ancient Philosophies.) G 26 P 20 CAPTTOLINUS, Julius. Historia Augusta. (Scriptores Historiie Romaiue.) B 40 U 23 + CAPPELLO, Bianca. Study of. [See Wilson, H. S.— History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 CAPPER, Richard. ]-)ramatic Illustrations of ancient History. 12mo. Mell)., 1868. MH 1 R 6 CARD, Prof. Fred W. Bush-fruits: a Horticultural Monograph of Raspberries, Blackberries, Dewberries, Currants, Gooseberries, and other Shrub-like Fruit. With Bibliography. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 18 P 20 CARD, George William. Copper at the Dottswood Mine, Queensland. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ' ME 15 T Country Rock of the Kalgoorlie Gold-field. [See N.S.W. —Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Mineralogical and Petrological Notes. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ME 15 T Ottrelite-Phyllite from near Wattle Flat. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ME 15 T Some New South Wales Meteorites. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ME 15 T -, and DLTN, William Sutherland. Diatomaceous Earth Deposits of New South Wales. [See N.S.W. Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ME 15 T CARDAN, Jerome. Jerome Cardan : a Biographical Study; by W. G. Waters. 8vo. Lond., 1898 C 25 S I CAHDEN, R. \V. Ornamental Details of the Italian Re- naissance. |,sv,; Miiidlcioii, G. A. T.] A 49 P 16 * CARDIFF FREE LI BllAF.lES. Catalogue of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department ; by J. Dallinger and J. T. Jones. Roy. 8vo. Cardiff, 1898. Cat. Room CARDWELL, Ht. Hon. Edward, and DARLINCi, Sir Charles H. The Crisis. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MJ 3 R 16 "CAREFUL COOK, A." [See Praga, Mrs. — .] CAREW, Tliomas. Poems of. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1870. (Roxburghe Lib.) H 3 U6 CAREY, Henry Charles. How Protection, Increase of Public and Private Revenues, and National Inde- pendence, march hand-in hand together : Review of the Report of the Hon. D. A. AVells, Special Com- missioner of the Revenue. 8vo. Philad., 1869. F 17 P 2 Review of the Farmer's (Question, as exhiljited in the recent Report of the Hon. D. A. Wells, Special Com- missioner of the Revenue. 8vo. Philad., 1870. F 1 7 P 2 CAREY, Mrs. M. Narrative of Captain Coignet. [See Coignet, Capt. Jean Koch.] C 23 P 3 CAREY, Tasman George. Manual of Phrenology, Physi- ognomy, and Physiology. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 Q 6 Physiognomy and Phrenok)gy up to date. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. " MA4Q6 CAREY, William. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 CARGILL, Alexander. Izaak Walton. [See Walton, L] A 40 Q 8 CARL THEODOR, Elector of Bavaria. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 CARLETON, Henry R. Lighthouses in New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R CARLETON, Mark Alfred. Cereal Rusts of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 CARLETON, William. City Ballads. New ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1899. H 12 Q 22 City Legends. New ed. Illustrated. 8\'0. New York, 1899.' H12Q23 CARLETON, William. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Edited b\- D. J. O'Donoghue. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' J 14 U 10-13 Life of : being his Autobiography and Letters, and an Account of his Life and Writings, fr(im the point at which the Autobiography breaks off ; Ijy David J. O'Donoghue. With an Introduction by Mrs. Cashel Hoey, and a Bibliography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 S 1, 2 114 Public Library of New South Wales. CARLILE, William AVarrand. The Indian Mints. 8vo. Glasgow, 189S. F 15 U 19 The Land Question in New Zealand and in Australia. (Melb. Rev., -t.) ME 18 Q The Ultimate Problem of Pliilosophy. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 8 CARLISLE, Bishop of. [_See Goodwin, H.] CARLYLE, Rev. Alexander. Autobiography of, contain- ing Memorials of the Men and Events of his time. With Portrait. 8vo. Edinb., 1861. C 26 R 21 CARLYLE. R. M., and Rev. Alexander James. Hugh Latimei-. [&e Latimer, H.] C 27 R \0 CARLYLE, Thomas. Historical Sketches of Notable Persons and Events in the Reigns of James I and Charles I. Edited by Alexander Carlyle. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 1 U 33 The Homes and Haunts of . 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 20 T 3 Letters of Thomas Carlyle to his youngest sister. Edited, with an Introductory Essay, by C. T. Copeland. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' C 23 U 16 [Life of] ; by Hector C Macpherson. Svo. Edinb. (n.d.) (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 T 10 [Life of] ; by A. P. Martin. (Melb. Rev., 6.) ME 18 Q Jlr. Froude and Carlyle ; by David Wilson. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 25 R 13 ISlontaigne and other Essays, chiefly Biographical : with Foreword by S. R. Crockett. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 R 5 Outline of the Doctrines of : being selected and arranged Pa.ssages from his Works. Svo. Lend., 1896. J U f U Sartor Resaitus ; the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufels- drockh. Illustrated Vjy E. J. Sullivan. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 23 T 4 Thomas Carlyle ; by M. D. Conway. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1881. C 27 R 1 [Address on.] \_See McKie, Rev. J. G. — Sermons and Addresses.] MG 1 Q 66 Carlyle : a Disentangled Essay : by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. \See Nicoll, W. R. Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] " J US 4 Carlyle and Christianity. [See Clifford, Rev. J. — Typical Christian Lciulers.] C 23 T 16 Carlyle and Taine on the l-'rcuili ltc\ i)luti(jn. \See Wilson, H. S. — History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 Cailyle on Burns. [>*?« Muir, J.] J 5 T 34 [Criticism of tlie Works of."| [See Craik, Heni-y. — Englisli Prose.] J 6 (,,) .'S8* [E.ssay on] Carlyle's French Revolution. [See Mill, J. Stuart.— Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 Goethe. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Goethe and Carlyle. [See Wilson, il. S. — History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 CARLYLE, Thomas— co?i. La Vie de J oseph Fraii(;ois Perrault. [See PerrauU, J. F.] C 26 Q 19 CASHEL, AnlibisJiop of. [See Laurence, R.] Supplementary Catalog ue — 1896-1000. 117 348PARI, Prof. C. P. Briefe, Abh;iii(lluii,ii'. J. Drum- mond. 3 vols. Hand-book of Chemistry ; by L. Gmeliu. Translated by H. Watts. With Index." 19 vols. Life of Hon. Henry Cavendish, including Abstracts of his more important Scientific Papers, and a Critical Inquiry into the claims of all the alleged Discoveries of tlie Composition of Water ; by Dr. G. Wilson. Memoirs of the Life and Scientific Researches of John Dalton ; by Dr. W. C. Henry. Phvsiological Chemistry ; by Prof. C. G. Lehniann. Trans- " lated by Dr. G. E.^Day." With Plates. 4 vol.s. CAVOTJR, Camillo Benso di, Count. Cavour ; by the Countess Evelyn Mai-tinengo Cesaresco. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Foreign Statesmen.) C 26 P 12 [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See Horridge, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 "CAXTON, Pisistratu.s." \_See Lytton, Baron.] CAXTON, William. History of Reynard the Fox. \See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] " J 3 T 20 Historj' of Reynard the Fox. Translated and printed by W. Caxton. [See Reynard the Fox.] J 22 P 15 CAYLEY, Dr. Arthur, F.R.S. Collected Mathematical Papers. Vols. 1-13, and supplementary vol. 14 vols. 4to. Camb., 1889-98. A 13 V 1-14 t CAYLEY, Dr. C. H. The Plague: its Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosi.s, and Treatment. 8vo. Adelaide, 1900. MA 4 Q 18 CAYLEY, J. .1., and BRIDCJMAN, It. H. A Central Wholesale Fish Market for London. (Internat. Fish- eries Exliib. -Fisheries Litciature.) A 34 R 10 CAYLEY-WEBSTER, H. {See Webster, H. Cayley-.] CAYVAN, Georgia. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous Ameiican Actors of To-day. 1 C 23 y G "CAZIRE." [See Shelley, Elizabeth.] CEBES. Tabula. ((Jr. ot Lat.) Ed. F. Diibner. Tin],. X\i<. Pai-isiis, 1H42. .7 18 ^■ 28 CECIL, r>ird Robert. Commercial Law. [See Hurst, Jo.seph.] F 10 U 5 CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, Marquess of Salisbury. [See Salisljury, Marquess of.] CECIL, William, Lord Burghley. [See BurglUey, Baron.] CELLI, Prof. Angelo. Malaria according to the New Researches. Translated from the 2nd Italian ed. by •J. J. Eyre; with an Introduction bv Dr. P. ^lanson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " A 45 U 29 CELLINI, Benvenuto. Cliisel, Pen, and Poignard ; or, Benvenuto Cellini ; his Times and his Contemporaries : by the Author of " The Life of a Prig." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 20 S 20 Life of. Translated into English by J. A. Symonds. 4th ed. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T 4 Treatises on tioklsmithing and Sculpture. Translated, with an Introduction, by C. R. Ashbee. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. ' A 11 AMO t CENNINI, Cennino. The Book of Art : a Contemporary Practical Treatise on Quattrocento Painting. Trans- lated from the Italian, with Notes on Mediaeval Art Methods, bv Christiana J. Herringham. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " '" A 44 R 9 CENTELLI, Attilio. Gli Affreschi di Tiepolo. [See Tiepolo, G. B.] A 48 P 16 * CENTRAL BOARD, The: its Use, Work, and Cost. 12mo. Manchester, 1885. F 13 V 23 CENTRAL MISSION GAZETTE, The. Vols. 7, 8, n.s., Jan., 1895-Nov., 1896. Fol. Sydney, 1895-96. MJ 10 Q 19 t CENTURY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE, The [formerly Scribner's Monthly.] Vols. 1-60, 1870-Oct , I'JOO, and Inde.K to vols. 1-30. 61 vols. 8vo. New York, 1870- 1900. E CENTURY SCIENCE SERIES. Michael Faraday : his Life and Work ; bv Prof. S. P. Thompson. [.S'ee Faraday, M.] " C 12 P 20 CERULLI, V. Marte nel 1896-97. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Collurania, 1898. A 35 W 18 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de. History of Don Qui.xote. Edited by J. ^\'. Clark, and a iiiographical Notice of Cervantes by T. T. Siioro. lllastrated by G. Dore. 4to. Lond' (n.d.) .) 20 T 3 t El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote do la Mancha. Illustrated. 1 2mo.' Paris, 1893. J 14 P 43 CERVERA, Adm. Pascual. Views regarding the Spanish Navy in the late War. [See United States. — Office of Naval Intelligence.] B 39 T 1 1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 119 CESARESCO, Evelyn Martincngo, Countess. Cavour. [See Cavour, C. B. di, Couul:.] C 26 P I'J CESNOLA, Alexander Paluia di. Salaminia (Cyprus) : the History, Treasures, and Antiquities of Salaniis, in the Ishmd of Cyprus ; with an Introduction by S. Liirrh. 2nded. Illust. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1884. B15S16 CESNOLA, Louis Palnia di. Descriptive Atlas of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 2 vols, (in 4) 4to. Boston, 1885-94. B 49 P 4-7 | CEYLON : — Government Dejiartmetits — Reports und I'lihll,- cations. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Administration. Administration Reports, 1888-94, 1896, 1898. 9 vols. sm. fol. Colombo, 1890-99. E Annual Reports. Administration Reports for 1888-94, 1896-97. 9 vols. fol. Colombo, 1890-98. E Civil Service. Ceylon Civil List, 1889, 1894-95. 3 vols. 8vo. Colombo, 1889-95. E Colombo Museum.. Report for the year 1897. Sm. fol. Colombo, 1897. E Legislative Council. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Parliament. Papers laid before the Legislative Council of Ceylon, 1891, 1893. 2 vols. fol. Colombo, 1892- 94. ' E [See also Administration, under this heading.] Statutes. Regulations and Ordinances of the Govern- ment of Ceylon, passed in the years 1833-37. 8vo. Colombo (n.d.) F 5 P 33 CEYLON ALMANAC, 1837, 1839-40, 1842, 1849-50, 1856-61. 12 vols. 8vo. Colombo, 1837-61. E CHADSEY, Charles Ernest. Struggle between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 18 R 17 CHADWICK, Rev. John White. Old and New Unitarian Belief. 8vo. Boston, 1894. G 12 V 1 CHADWICK, Osbert. Treatise on Surveying. [See Middleton, R. E.] A 45 V 3 CHAIN AYE, Hector. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 CHALLICE, Rachel. The Grandee. [See Valdes, A. P.] J 23 U 4 Spanish Protestants in the 16tli Century. [See Wilker.s, Dr. C. A.] ' G HIT 13 CHALMERS, Robert. The Jataka. [See Jataka.] G 5 T 20 CHALMERS, Rev. Thomas. Thomas Chalmers, Preacher, Philosopher, and Statesman ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lord., 1896. C 20 T 20 [Life of] ; by W. Garden Blaikie. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 T 15 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 CHAMBERLAIN, Alexander Francis. The Child: a Study in the Evolutiim of Man. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (C. (Internat. Fisheries Exiiil). — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 CHAMBERS, William and Robert Chambens's Encyclo- paedia : a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. New ed. 10 vols. imp. 8 vo. Lond., 1895. K 18 H 13-22 CHAM HERS" .76* ?7i?.V.lZ of Popular Literature, Science, and Arts, from vol. 1, Feb., 1832-99. SI vols. 4to. and roy. Svo. Edinb., 1832-99. E CHAMEROVZOW, Louis Alexis. Chronicles of the Bastile. oth ed. Svo. Lond., 1S47. .1 24 t^ 10 CHAMIER, George. Utilisation of Water in Soutli Au.s- tralia. Svo. Adelaide, 1886. M.\4S13 CHAMISSCJ DE BONCOURT, Loui.s Charles Adelaide de (Adelbert von Chamisso). Peter Schlemihl's Wun- (lersame Geschichte ; with copious Explanatory Notes and a Vocabulary by .M. Foerster. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) ■ ' .) 12 P 40 iSamtlidie Werke : mit einer l)iographischen Einleitung von R. Bijttchcr. With Portrait. 2 vols, (in 1 ) 12iiio. I'.erlin, 1S90. .1 111 ]! K) CHAMPION, George C. Heteromerous Coleoptera col- lected in Au.stralia and Tasmania ; with Descriptions of new genera and species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Tran.s., 1895.) K Tenebrionidse collected iji Austialia and Tasmania bv James J. Walker during the Voyage of the Peiiyinii ; with JJe.scriptions of new genera and species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1894.) E CHAMPION, H. H. Cooperation v. Socialism. 12mo. Manchester, 1887. F 13 V 23 CHAMPION, Henry Vine. Section No. 1, North Yarra Main Sewer. (Inst, of Civil Engineens, Proc., 133.) E CHAMPION DE CRESPIGN Y, Sir Claude. Memoirs of ; by George A. B. Dewar. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 15 CHAMPLIN, John DenLson, and PERKINS, Charles C. Cyclopa?dia of Painters and Painting. Illustrated. 4 vols. roy. Svo. New York, 1897. A 32 U 28-31 CHANCE, W. Children under the Poor Law: their Education, Training, and After-care, together with a Criticism of the Repoi't of the Departmental Commit- tee on Metropolitan Poor Law Schools. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 20 CHANDLER, Julian A. C. Representation in Virginia. (Johns Hopkins Universitv. — Studies in Historical aud Political Science.) ' B 18 S 14 CHANGARNIER, N. A. T. Sketch of. [See Bingham, Capt. D.— Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 CHANLER, William Astor. Through Jungle and Desert. Tra\els in Eastern Africa. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 20 U 18 CHANNER, C. C, and ROBERTS, M. E. Lace-making in the INIidlands, Past and Present. 12mo. Lond., 1900. A 46 P 24 CHANNING, Prof. Edwaid. Student's History of the United States. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. B 19 R 5 The United States of America, 1765-1865. [With Bibliography.] Svo. Camb., 1896. (Cam. Hist. Studies). ' B 16 R 42 CHANNING, Francis Allston. The Truth aliout Agri- cultural Depression : an Economic Study of the Evi- dence of the Royal Connnission. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 1 3 V 30 CHANNIN(!, Dr. AVilliam Ellery. ]\Iemoir and Papei\s. {_See Martineau, R(!v. Jame.s. — Es.says, R\' 7 CHAPMAN, Abel. Wild Norway; with Chapters on S])itzbei'gen, Deiunark, itc. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. ' D 18 T 25 Supplementary Catalogue — lHOG-1900. 121 CHAPMAN, Alfred Goodwin. {See Aliinson, A. G.] CHAPMAN, Eliziibeth Rachel. Marriage Ciuestions in Modern P''iction, and other E.ssays on kindred subjects. 8vo. Lend., 1897. F 4'T 19 CHAPMAN, Ernest Theophron. Water-Analysis. {See Wanldyn, J. A.] A 22 Q 44 CHAPMAN, F. K. Koruru, the Maori Game of Kmukle- bone. (Pol}-nesian Soc., Journ., 1H98.) ME (3 R CHAPMAN, Frank M. Hand-book of Rirds of Eastern North America, with Keys to the Species and Descrip- tions of their Plumages, Nests, and Egg.s, their Distri- bution and Migrations, and a brief Account of theii- Haunts and Habits ; with Introductory Chapters on the Study of Ornithology, how to identify Bii-ds, and how to Collect and Preserve Birds, their Nests and Eggs. 8vo. New York, 189G. A 27 S 15 CHAPMAN, Frederick. Isabel and Rinaldo : a Tragedy in five acts. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 V 29 CHAPMAN, George. Best Plays. Edited by W. L. Phelps. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Mermaid Ser.) H7R42 All Fools ; Biissy D'Ambois ; Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois ; Conspiracy of Charles ; Tragedy of CJharles. Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K. —The Old Di-amatists.] H 11 R 13 Hymns, Epigrams, and other Poems of Homer. [^See Homerus.] H 7 Q 17 CHAPMAN, Rev. J. Wilbur. Life and Works of I). L. Moody. [Se" Moody, D. L.] C 26 T 5 CHAPMAN, James Wilkinson. State Tax Commi.ssions in the United States. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Hist, and Pol. Science.) B 18 S 15 CHAPMAN, John Jay. Government and Democracy, and other E.ssays. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 S 6 CHAPMAN, R. W., and INGLIS, Capt. A. Tides of South Australia. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S CHAPMAN, Sydney John. History of Trade between the United Kingdom and the United States, with special reference to the eflect of Tariffs. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 S 20 Local Government and State Aiil: an Essay on the Effect on Local Administration and Finance of the payment to local authorities of the proceeds of certain Imperial Taxes. 12mo. Lond., 1899. F 15 R 34 CHAPMAN, Major William Percy. Report on the Olive Tree and Olive Oil of Tuscany. [See Queensland. — Agricult.] " MA 3 S 68 CHARCOT, Jean Martin. [Study of. de. — French Literature of To-day. [_See Bury, Y. B. J 23 R 20 CHARING CROSS HOSPITAL P>AZAAR. Souvenir of. Compilcil and edited by H. B. Tree. Illustrated. Fol. Lond, 1899. J 12 X 21 f CHARITIES AND CORRECTION NATIONAL CON- I^ERENCE. Proceedings, 189G. Edited by Isabel C. Barrows. 8vo. Boston, 1896. E CHARLEMAGNE, King of France. Charles the Great; by T. Hodgkin. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 5 Charlemagne, the Hero of two Nations. \_Sce I)avis, H. W. C] B 27 Q 13 CHARLES I, King of England. [Life of] ; by Sii- J. Skelton. Illu.strated. 4to. Lond., 1898. C 18 T 14 t [Tri;d of.] [See Stephen, H. L.-^State Trials.] F 12 S 31 CHARLES II, King of England. Royalty restored ; or, London under Charles II. \_See Molloy, J. F.] B 24 Q 12 [Sketch of.] [&e Pepy.s, Sanniel.— Diary of.] C 14 V 8 CHARLES XII, King of Sweden. Charles XII and the Collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. [See Bain, R. N.] B 16 R 20 Charles XII, Kins of Sweden. {_See Browning, O.] B 20 R 16 CHARLES EDWARD STUART, Prince. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, ivom his landing in Scotland, July, 1745, to his departure in September, 1746. Compiled from the Lyon in Mourning ; supple- mented and corrected f i-om other contemporary sources by AValter Biggar Blaikie. \_See Scottish History Soc. Pubs., 23.] '^ • E [Life of.] [See Lang, A.] B 21 Q 1 t Pickle the Spy ; or, the Inroi/niln of Prince Charles. [See Lang, A.] ' B 16 V 34 CHARLES THE GREAT. [See Charlemagne.] CHARLES, Elizabeth [Mrs. A. P.] (Elizabeth Rundle). Ecce Homo, Ecce Rex : Pages from the Story of the Moral Conquests of Christianitv. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 26 R 3 CHARLES, Rev. R. H. Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, in Judaism, and in Chris- tianity or Hebrew, Jewish and Christian Eschatolog}-, from pre-prophetic times till the close of the New Testament Canon. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Jowett Lectures.) G 24 U 28 CHARLOTTE, Princess. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — England in the 19th Century.] B16S"l3 CHARLOTTE, Queen of England. The Good Queen Charlotte: l)y P. Fitzgerald. With Portrait. 8vo. L.md., 1899. C 24 T 24 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Tytler, Sarah.— Six Royal Ladies of tlie House of Hanover.] C 24 T 21 [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 122 PhMig Library of New South Wales. CHARLOTTE, Queen of Wurtemberg. [Sketch of.] [_See Botlimer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 CHARLIES, Marie Julien Josepli Francois (Francis). Briton and Boer. ISee Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] B 37 P 18 CHARVET, Alberto. Decorazioni Interne : SotHtti del XVI, XVII, XVIII, e XIX Secolo dei migliori Cas- telli e Palazzi del Piemonte. Illustrated. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 17 J I migliori Monumenti Funerari in Italia. Illustrated. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 18 1 CHATEAUBRIAND, Francois Rene, Vicomte de. Voyage en Amerique ; with Introduction and Notes by L. Delbos. ISnio. Lond. (n.d.) (French Classics for Engli-sh Students.) D 16 P 10 [Essay on.] {See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 U 13 CHATER, F. J. Talfourd. The relations of the State with Fishemien and Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Eyhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 9 CHATRIAN, Alexandre. Citizen Bonaparte, 1794-1815. [See Erckmann, E.] J 25 P 3 The Great Invasion of 1813-14, \_See Erckmami, E.] J 25 Q 3 Madame Therese. \_See Erckmann, E.] J 25 Q 4 Story of the Plebiscite. {See Erckmann, E.] J 25 Q 5 Waterloo. {See Erckmann, E.] J 25 R 21 CHATWOOD, Arthur Brunei. The New Pliotography. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 23 Q 52 CHAUCER, Geoffi-ey. Canterbury Tales ; annotated and accented with Illustrations of English Life in Chaucer's Time by .7. Saunders. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., "1889. H 13 U 3 Chaucerian and other Pieces. Edited by Rev. W W. Skeat. 8vo. Oxford, 1897. H 9 S 33 Canterbury Tales. {See Percy Soc] H 11 S 26-28 The Chaucer Canon. {See Skeat, Re\-. W . "W. ] J 17 V 20 Chaucer's England. [.S"** Browne, M.] B 17 Q 27, 28 Studies ill Chaucer : his Life and Writings. {See Louns- bury, Prof. T. R.] J 24 Q 11-13 Wordsworth's Modernisation of Chaucer. {See Dowden, Edward.] J 14 R 15 CHAUMONT, Dr. Francis Stephen Bennet Fran(<-oi.s de, F.R.S. Practicfd Dietetics, especially in I'elation to Preserved and Conden.sed Foods. (Internat. Health Exhih.— Health Exiiib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 Prevention of Cholera. (Internat. Health Exiiib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 School Di(;tjirie». (Internat. Health Kxhili. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 CHAURAPANCHASIKA, The: an Indian Love Lament. Translated and illustrated by Sir E. Arnold. Ob. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 10 T 37 CHAUTAUQUAN, The: a Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1- 31, Oct., 1880-Aug., 1900. 31 vols. 8vo. Meadville, 1880-1900. E CHAUVENET, Prof. William. Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 9th ed. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 25 U 14 CHEADLE, Dr. Walter Butler. Infantile Scurvy. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Rickets. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Acute Rheumatism. {See Church, Dr. W. S.] A 26 T 36 Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids. {See Wood, Catherine Jane.] A 41 U 20 CHEDWORTH, John, Lord. Extracts from the MSS. of. {See Seymour, E. H. — Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory upon the Plays of Shak.speare.] H 4 V 14, 15 CHEESEMAN, T. F. Australian Snipe in New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Flora of the North Cape District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S New .species of Corysanthes. (N.Z. In.st., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Note on the correct habitat of Fatdla kermadeceiisis, Pilsbry. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Notice of the establishment of Vallisnevia spiralis in Lake Takapuna, together with some remarks on its life-history. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Ottelia in New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2S Some Plants new to the New Zealand Flora. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S CHEETHAM, Rev. Sanmel. The Mysteries, Pagan and Christian : being the Hul.sean Lectures for 1896-97. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 13 CHEEVER, Dr. David ^\^ What h;is Antesthesia done for Surgery? (Semi-Ceutennial of Amesthesia.) A 17 R2 t OHECnVIDDEN, T. C. "HollisTrue." Victoria Britannia; or. Celebrate the Reign. 12mo. New York, 1879. F 12 S 22 "CHEIRO." {See Hammond, L. de.] CHEMICAL XKWS, Th,;, and .lournal ..f Physical Science. Vols. 1-67, Dec, 1859-June, 1893." 67 vols. .sni. Itn. r I.. 1860-93. E CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Journ.-dof; [containing] Trans- actions and Abstracts of Papers, 1843-99. Vols. 1- 7(5, pt. 1. 77 vols. Svo. Lond., 1841-99. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 123 CHERRY, Dr. Thomas. Nature of tlio antagonism be- tween Toxins and Antitoxins. [See Roy. See, Lond., Proo., 1898.] E CHESHIRE, F. Foul Brood. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 1 CHESHIRE, Horace F. The Hastings Chess Tourna- ment, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 29 S 24 CHESNUT, Victor King. Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Botany.] A 41 U 11 Thirty Poisonous Plants of the United States. \_See United States.— Dept. of Agr.] A 41 U 2 CHESSON, W. H. Alpine Memoiies. [See Javelle, E.] I) 20 S 20 Bibliography of the Works illustrated by Charles Keene, and a Catalogue of his Etchings. \_See Pennell, J. — The Work of Charles Keene.] A 13 X 13 t CHESTER, Dr. Albert Huntington. Dictionary of the Names of Minerals, including their History and Ety- mology. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 24 T 28 CHESTERFIELD, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of. Essay on the Letters of. [See Tovey, Rev. D. C. — Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 [Letters of.] [See Johnson, R. B. — 18th Century Letters.] C 26 P 8 CHETHAM SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 34-36, 38-42, n.s. 8 vols. sm. 4to. Manchester, 1895-99. E 34, 35. Poems of Johii Byrom. Edited by Dr. Adolplms William Ward. Pts. 1 and 2. 36, 41. Minutes of the Bury l'resl)yterian Classis, 1647-57. Edited by William A. Shaw. Pts. 1, '2. 38-40 The Chartulary of Cockersand Abbey of the Pre- monstratensiah order. TraiL-scribed and edited by W. Farrer. 42. History of the Ancient Chapel of Stretford, in Man- chester Parish, including Sketches of the Township of Stretford, together with Notices of Local Families and Persons ; by H. T. Crofton. Vol. 1. CHETTLE, Henry. Kind-heart's Dream. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S'6 Patient Grissil. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 11 CHEUVIN, Jeanne. Etude Historique sur les Professions accessibles aux Femmes : Influence du Semitisme sur I'Evulution de la Position Economique de la Femme dans la Societe. 8vo. Paris, 1892. F 10 U 29 CHEVERS, Dr. Norman. Healtli in India. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 4! V 7 CHEVRILLON, Andre. Romantic India. Translated by William Marchant. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 T 29 CHEWINCS, Dr. Charles. Geological Notes on the Cool- gardie Gold-fields. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 1895-96.) E Sources of the Finke River. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. MD Q 4 CHEYNE, Rev. Thomas Kelly. Introduction to the Book of Isaiah ; with an Appendix containing the undoubted portions of the two chief prophetic writers in a Trans- lation. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 24 U 10 Jewish Religious Life after the Exile. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (American Lectures on History of ReligioiLS.) G 23 R 25 The Prophecies of Isaiah : a new Translation, with Com- mentary and Appendices. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G 24 U 32, 33 Book of the Prophet Isaiah. [See Bibles and Testa- ments.— English.] G 23 U 10 , and BLACK, John Sutherland. Encyclopjedia Biblica. [See Encyclop;edia Biblica.] G 23 V 23 CHEYNE, Dr. William Watson. Erysipelas. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 SepticiJemia and Pytemia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Micro-organisms ; with special reference to the Etiology of the Infective Diseases. [See Fliigge, Dr. C] A 26 S 37 , CORFIELD, Dr. William Henry, and CAS- SAL, Charles E. Public Health Laboratory Work. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 6 CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Annual Re- port, 1896. 8vo. Chicago, 1897. E Bulletin No. 1 of the Geological and Natural History Survey. 8vo. Chicago, 1896. A 39 R 21 1. The Lichen Flora of Chicago and vicinity; by W. W. Calkins. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago, 1893, 1895, 1897- 98. 4 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1894-99. E CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Mayor's Annual Message and the Annual Report of the Department of Public Works of the City Council of the City of Chicago, 1894. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. E CHICAGO EXHIBITION, 1893. Catalogue de I'Ex- position Historique des Souvenirs Franco- Americains de la Guerre de ITnildpendance. Sm. 4to. Paris, 1893. K11R24 Catalogue of the Exhibits in the New South Wales Courts. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MK 1 S 34 Katalog der Universitiits-Ausstellung. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. G 18 R 55 Missions at Home and Abroad : Papers and Addresses presented at the World's Congress of Missions, October, 1893, compiled by Rev. E. M. Wherry. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 19 U 4 124 Fabric Library of New South Wales. CHICAGO EXHIBITION— co»1.) ■ MJ 1 Q 54 [Lifeof]:by H.G.Turner. (Mell). Review, 7.) ME18Q List of the Works of IMarcus Clarke. (Claike, M. A. H. —Marcus Clarke Mem. Vol.) MJ 1 t,) 54 Criticism of tlu^ Works of. [See Byrne, D.- Australian M'riters.] " ]\IJ 1 R 6 Life of Abel Jan.sen Tasman. [See MelbouriH' Review, 1.] ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P I [Portrait and Life of.] [See Turner, H. G.— The De- vclopnuMit of Australian Literature.] MJ 3 S 24 CLARKE, Mary Anne. [Life ofj; l.y W. (i. Waters. (Vinoont,A. — Livesof Twelve BaG CLARKE, Sidney W. Barbarous Runislmients. (An- drews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 CLARKE, W. J., " G. F. Monkshood." Rudyard Kipling: an Attempt at Appreciation. With Portrait, l-ivo. Lond., 1899-. J 22 Q 13 CLARKE, William. Religious Thought. (Sixty Years (,f Empire.) B 22 R 18 CLARKE, William. The Clarke Papers. [See Camden Soc, Pubs.] E CLARKE, William, M.A. Tlie Basis «.f Socialism. [See Shaw, G. B. — Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 CLARKE, William Henrv. The City Agriculturist. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W.', 1900.) ME 9 R In(histries of the North Coast. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899-1900.) " ME 9 R The Wollongbar Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide. \_See New South Wales.— A.gricult.] MA -t U 1 CLARKSON, Dr. Arthur. Text-book of Histology. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Bristol, 1896. A 41 R 7 CLARKSON, S. Flint. Drainage under Dwellings. (Iii- ternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A -tl IT 18 CLASON, A. W. Seven Conventions. 8vo. New York, 1888 F 13 R 2G CLASSEN, Dr. Alexander, and LOB, Dr. Walter. Quan- titative Chemical Analysis ))y Electrolysis. Translated by W. H. Herrick and" B. B. Boltwood. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 U 12 CLAUDE LORRAIN. \_See Gellee, Claude.] CLAUDIUS, Matthias. [Tran.slations from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.] H 1 1 T 3 CLAUSIUS, Rudolf Julius Emanuel. Second Law of Thermodynamics. [See Magie, Prof. W. F.] A 14 Q 18 CLAY, Henry. Life of Henry Clay, the great American Statesman ; by C. Col ton. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1855. " C 24 Q 12, 13 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah. — Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to Homes of American Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 CLAY, J(jliii. llomci-grown Meat Supply and the in- creased i)roduction of Home-grown Meat. (Internat. Health Kxiiili. Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 1 CLAY, John W. Registers of St. Paul's Cathedral. [See Harleian Soc. Pubs., Regi.sters, 26.] E The Visitation of Canibrif Recitations in Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics. Comj)iled for the Practitionei- and Student. 8vo. Chicago, 1892. A 32 S 33 CLIFFORD, Hugh. In a Corner of Asia: teing Tales and Impressions of Men and Things in the ISTalay Peninsula. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Overseas Lib.) J 9 Q 33 Studies in Brown Humanity : being Scrawls and Smudges in .sepia, white, and yellow. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 V 28 CLIFFORD, Rev. Joliti. Typical Ciiristian Leaders. 8vo. Limd., 1898. C 23 T 16 In answer to Prayer. \_See Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] G23P17 Socialism and the Teaching of Christ. [.See Fabian Soc. —Fabian Tracts, 77.] F 19 R 15 CLIFFORD, Mary. Out Relief. [See National Union of Women Workers.] F 1 U 30 CLIFFORD, Prof. William Kingdon. The Common-sense of the Exact Sciences. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 R 22 CLINTON, George. Portrait of. [5« Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 CLINTON, Henry Lauren. Celebrated Trials. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 8 R 20 Extraordinary Cases. With Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 8 R 21 CLINTON, L. A. The Modern Farmer. [See Adams, E F.] A 41 R 16 CLIPPERTON, Capt. John. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] ' MD 8 R 49 CLIVE, Caroline [INIrs. Archer.] Mrs. A. Clive; by Adeline Sergeant. [See Oliphant, INIargaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 CLIVE, Robert, Lord. Lord Clive, the Foundation of British Rule in India ; by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 P 14 Lord Clive. [See Macaulay, Lord.] B 26 P 11 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Col. F. Adam. (Wilkinson, S.— From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G. — Men who have made the Empire]. B 39 Q 4 CLIVE-BAYLEY, A. M. C. [See Bayley, A. M. C. Clive-.] CLODD, Edward. Myths and Dreams. 8vo. Lond., 1885. G 19 U 40 Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley, with an intermediate Chapter on the Causes of Arrest of the Movement. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 27 R 13 Primer of Evolution. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1895. A 26 P 37 Tom Tit Tot : an Essay on Savage Philosopliy in Folk- tale. 8vo. Lond., '1898. B 20 Q 16 Victorian Science. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Antiquity of Man in Western Europe ; the Later Stone Age in Europe. [See Proctor, R. A. — Leisure Read- ings.] A 19 Q 16 Life of Edward Fitz(icrald. [See FitzGerald, E.] C 27 R 18 Memoir of Grant Allen. [See Allen, G.] C 23 R 27 CLOETE, Hon. Henry. History of the Great Boer Trek and the Oiigin of the South African Republics. Edited by \V. B. Cloete. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 37 P 13 CLOSE, Rev. William John Leech. Christian Citizenship. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MG 2 P 60 Siqjj^lementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 131 CLOUGH, Anne Jemima. Memoir of ; by Blanche A. Clough. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 2i T 18 CLOITGH, Arthur Hugh. [Criticism of the Work.s of.] [See Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, Ac] J 1 R 51 CLOUGH, C. T. Geology of the Cheviot Hills. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. 8urv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 20 Geology of Cowal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— Scotland.] A 47 U 1 Geology of part of Northumberland, including the Country between Wooler and Coldstream. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 32 S 10 Geology of Plashetts and Kielder. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 2G Geology of the Country ai'ound Mallenstang, with parts of Wensleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 31 CLOUSTON, K. Warren. The Chippendale Period in English Furniture. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 17 S 9 t CLOUSTON, Dr. Thomas Smith. The Epochal Insanities. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 CLOW, Rev. W. M. In the Day of the Cross : a Course of Sermons on the Men and Women and some of the notable things of the Day of the Crucifixion of Jesus. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 27 CLOWES, Dr. Frank. Detection and Measurement of In- flammable Gas and Vapour in the Air, with a Chapter on the Detection and Measurement of Petroleum Vapour; by Boverton Redwood. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 Q 21 CLOWES, William Laird. The Naval Pocket-book. Illus- trated. 18mo. Lond., 1897. A 22 P 6 The Royal Navy : a History from the Earliest Times to the Present, by William Laird Clowes, assisted by Sir Clements IVIarkham, Captain A. T. Mahan, H. W. Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and E. Fraser. Illus- trated. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897- 1900. B17R4-8t GLUTTON, Dr. Henry Hugh. Phlebiti.s. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 COAN, Titus. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 1 4 S 30 COATS, Dr. Joseph. Manual of Pathology. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 40 V 15 COBAR HERALD, 1899. Fol. Cobar, 1899. ME COBB, Gerard Francis. Athletics. [See Lyttelton, Hon. E.] A 41 V 6 COBB, Di'. Nathan Augustus. Abandoned Orchards of Cumberland County. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Agricultural Experiment Work. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R AUora Spring Wheat. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Australian Free-living Marine Nematodes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Brush of WheatGrain. (Agr.Gaz.,N.S.W., 1897.) ME9R Cause of an unportant Apple Disease. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R The Common Crow. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Diseases of the Bean-plant. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Diseases of Tomatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Grading of Wheats. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Grain Elevators. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R The Hardness of the Grain in the Principal Varieties of Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Hot Air Treatment of Bunt or Stinking Smut. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Letters on the Diseases of Plants, «tc. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Maize for the talile. (Farmers and Fi-uit-growers' Guide.) JVIA 4 U 1 Method of using the Microscope. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.)' ME 9 R Notes on Pests and Crops. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Notes on the Colour of the Grain in different Varieties of Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Notes on the Thrashing of Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Rattling Jack Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Relative Hardness of Australian and American Fife Wheats. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Report on the Parasites of Stock. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Sheep Fluke. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Some Tools useful in Experiment Work. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Useful Observations on Germinating Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Weight per bushel of Australian Wheats. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Wormy Fowls. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896. ) ME 9 R COBB, Sandford H. Story of the Palatines : an Episode in Colonial History. 8vo. New York, 1897. B 19 R 7 COBBETT, Dr. Louis. Shock and Collapse. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicme.) A 26 T 36 132 Public Llhrary of New South Wales. COBBETT, Wiliiara. Ach-ice to Young Men and (inci- dentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Hanks of Life ; with Notes, and a Life of the Author. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 10 Q 9 Trench Grammar ; or, Plain Instructions for the Learn- ing of French in a series of Letters. 6th ed. 12mo. Lond., 183.5. K 20 P 1 Essay on. [See Saintsbury, G. — Essays in English Litera- ture.] J 14 T 1 COBBOLD, Dr Charles Spencer Waller. Parasites of Meat and Prepared Flesh Food. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 COBBOLD, George A. Religion in Japan : Shintoism, BiidcDiism, and Christianity. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. ' G 2G P 14 COBBOLD, Ralph P. Innermost Asia : Travel and Sport in the Pamirs. Illustrated. 8v<>. Loud., 1900. D 22 R 24 COBBOLD, Dr. Thomas .Spencer, F.R.S. The Destruc- tion of Fish and other Aquatic Animals by Internal Parasites. (Internat. Fisheries E.xhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R G COBDEX, Richard. Richard Cobden and the Jubilee of Free-trade. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 13 R 22 [Ci-iticism on] Morley'.s Life of Cobden ; by Edward Langton. {^See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. — Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 COBDEN CLUB. Annual Jfeeting of the Cobden Club, held at the National Liberal Club, London, June, 188.5 : Special Rejiort for tlie Club. 8vo. Lond., 188.5. F 17 P 2 The Cobden Club and the Deatli of Mr. T. B. Potter ; Official Report of the Aiinual Meeting of Members, 1898; Speecli of the Rt. Hon. Lord Farrer on the Cobdenic Questions of the year ; with Addresses by J. W. Probyn, SirAV'ilfrid La wson, and other members. 12mo. Lond., 1898. C 19 P 23 Cobden Club Dinner, held at the Ship Hotel, Greenwich, June, 1884-85: Special Reports for the Club. 2 vols. 8vo. Lfmd., 1884-8.5. F 17 P 2, 3 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Repeal of the Corn Laws; full Report of tlie Cobden Club namiuct, 1896. 8v<). L.Mid., 189G. F 4 U 33 COBDEN-SANDERSON, T. J. [See Sanderson, T. J. Cobden-.] C0CH1!.\N, Dr. Jerome. Yellow Fever. (Hare, Dr. H A.^ — System of Practical Tlicrai)C'utics.) A 31 P 15 COCHRANE, Thomas, Earl of I lund..iiald, [See Dun- donald, Eail of.] COCK, Mrs. Alfred. Life of .Mmc dc Longueville. [See Longueville, Mine, de.] C 27 S 12 COCKAYNE, Leonard. Burning and Reproduction of Subalpine Scrub and its associated Plants, with special reference to Arthur's Pass District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Freezing of New Zealand Alpine Plants. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Inquiry into the Seedling Forms of New Zealand Phan- erogams and their development. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S New Species of Astelia, Veronica, and Cehuisia. (N.Z. In.st., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S COCKBURN, Henry Thomas, Lord. Examination of the Trials for Sedition which have hitherto occurred in Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1S98. F 9 P 32, 33 COCKE, Dr. James Richard. Hypnotism : how it is done ; its uses and dangers. Svo. Boston, 1894. G 9 W 28 COCKERELL, S. C. Description of the Kelmscott Press. [See Morris, ^\ .] J 17 U 6 COCKERELL, T. D. A. The San Jose Scale. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Ento- mology.] A 41 I' 6 COCKS, Rev. N. J. Psychology of Attention. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S COCKSHOTT, Harold M., and LAMB, S. Ernest. Th.e Common Law Procedure Ajct, 1899, with the Con- solidating Commissioner's Memorandum, the Table showing how the sections of the Acts consolidated have been dealt with, and a Table and Side-notes showing the corresponding paragraphs in " Pileher's Practice," together with an Index. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 R 13 A Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of New S(juth Wales in its Common Law, Equity, Bankruptcy, Probate, and Divorce Jurisdictions, aTid in the A' ice- Admiralty Court, fnim 1S92 90 inclusive. 8vo. Syilney, 1897. MF 5 R 1 Liquor Act, 1898, No. 18; together with the Acts relat- ing to Adulteration, Billiai'd and Bagatelle Licenses, Innkeepers' Liability, and other Acts dealing with kindred subjects, and the Railway Refreshm(>nt-room l-.cgidations ; with Notes, and a comprehensive Inde.x, by 11. M. Cockshott and S. K. Lamb. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 R 10 COCOA : all about it. [Sec Cadbury, C.] A 26 S 26 COCKTON, Jlciny. Life and .Adventures of A'aleiitiiiO Vox, the V^entrilo(|uist. Illustrated. 8vt>. Lond. (n.d.) J 21 S 33 CODDIN(iTON, Henry. System of Optics. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829-30. " A 41 P 4, 5 1. TrcatiHC on tlie lU'tle.Nion niiil Uufractioii of Light. '1. Treatise on the ICye anil on Optical Instruments. Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 133 CODMAN, JdIiii. Free Ships ; to which is luklod, a Re- view of the Plans of Senator Blaiiu; aiul Secretary Sherman for the Restoration of the American Carrying Trade. 8vo. New York, 1886. F 17 P 5 CODMAN, Ogden. Decoration of Houses. [See Wharton, Edith.] A 1.'2 V 'M CODRINGTON, Adm. Sir Edward. Memoir of the Life of ; with Selections from his Public and Private Coi'- respondence. Edited by his diiughter. Lady Bourchier. lUusti-ated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond;, 187.3. C 25 R ,S, 4 CODRINGTON, Rev. R. H., and PALMER, Re\-. J. Dictionary of the Language of Mota, Sugarloaf Island, Banks' Islands ; with a shoit Grammar and Index. 12mo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 V 2 CODY, Rev. E. G. Leslie's History of Scotland. [See Scottish Text See, Pubs., U.] E CODY, Col. William Frederick, "Buffalo Bill." The Great Salt Lake Trail. [See Inman, Col. H.] D 22 P 16 COFFIN, Charles Carleton. Daughters of the Revolution and their Times, 1769-76. IllustratSouth Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 13 Ru.ssia against India: the Struggle for Asia. With Maps. Svo. Lond., 1900. " F19S3 COLTON, Dr. Calvin. Life of Henry Clay. [See Clay, H.] C 2-4 Q 12, 13 COLTON, Hon. John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Once a Month, Feb., 1885.) MJ 1 V^ 20 COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. [See United States. — Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.] COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY BIOLOGICAL SERIES. Foiindatioiis of Zoology. [See Brooks, Prof. \V. K. ] A 40 V 9 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN HISTORY. English Local (Jovcrnment of To-day. [_See Maltbie, M. R.] F S Q '27 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN LITERA- TURE. History of Litcrarv C'rilicism in the Rciiai.«sanco. \S'ce. 8pingaru, J. F,'.] -J 12 P ^(i COLUMBLTS, Christopher. Life and Voyages of; by Washington Irving. Svo. New York, 1896.C23P'l COLUTHUS. [Opera.] [See Poet« Gneci.] H 17 U 12 t COLVILLE, Dr. James. By-ways of History : Studies in the Social Life and Rural Historv of the Olden Time. Svo. Edinb., 1897. ' B 17 P 49 COLVILLE, W. J. r)l,l and New Psychology. Svo. i'.oston, 1897. " G 23 P 2G Spiritual Science of Health and Healing. 5th ed. Svo. Chicago, 1891. G 23 P 27 COLVIN, Sidney. Guidi; to an Exhibition of Drawings and Engravings. [See British Museum.] A 39 V 18 Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. [See Stevenson, R. L.] C 26 S 16, 17 Vailima Lcttei-s. [See Stevenson, R. L.J MC 1 T 26 COLYER, Dr. J. F. Diseases and Injuries of the Teeth, including Pathology and Treatment. [See Smalc, Dr. Morton.] A 32 S 30 COMBA, Re\. i:milio. Histoiy of the Waldenscs of Italy, from tlieir Origin to the Reformation. Translated by Teotilo E. Comba. Svo. Lond., 1889. (J 11 Q 35 COMBE, Abram. Life and dying Testimony of, in favour of Robert Owen's new views of Man and Society. Svo. Lond., 1841. C 18 P 25 COMENIUS, John Amos, Bishop of the Moravians. The Great Didactic of, now for the first time Englished ; by M. W. Keatinge. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 14 R 25 Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational Reform. [.Sre Monroe, Pi-of. W. S.] G 15 U 51 Life and Educational W'nvk. [See Laurie, Prof. S. S.] G 9 U 36 COMEY, Dr. Arthur Messinger. Dictionary of Chemical Solubilities Inorganic. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 21 L' 17 '•COMMENT, Cuthbert." [See Tucker, A.] COMMERELL, Adm. Sir John Eduunid. The Royal Navy. rS« "Lieutenant, A."] A 29 S 35 COMM/S.SAJiY REVIEW, The: published on board the clipper ship Comniissari/ during a Voyage from London to vSydney, 1870. Nos. 1-8, Jlav-Julv, 1870. Svo. Sydney, 1870. " " :MJ 3 T 14 COMMISSION IMPERIALE ARCHEoLOGlgUE, La. Compte-rendu de, 1859-81. 20 vols. 4to. St. Peters- bourg, 1860-83. B 6 T 8-28 J COMMON, Thoma.s. Works of Friedrich Nietzsche. [See Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm.] G 16 V IS COM.UOXWEALTH, The: Official Organ of the Aus- tralasian Federation League. Vol. 1, Oct., lS94-Sept., 1895. -Ito. Sydney, 1894-95. \An puUisJie'l.] MF 5 U 10 COMMONWEALTH SERIES. History of Australian Buslirangiug. [See White, C] MF 5 P 11 138 Fablic Library of New South Whales. COMPARETTT, Domcnico. Traditional Pdetry of the Finns. Translated I)}' Isabella M. Anderton ; with Inti-oduction by Andrew Lang. 8vo. Lond., 1898. II 3 U 49 CUiJPAYRE, (Tal)i-iel. Psychcjluiiy applied t(i Education. Translated bv W. H. Payne. "121110. Lond., 1895. G I V 28 COMPTOX, A. J. Australasian Book of Poultry. Illus- trat;;d. 4to. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 Q 25 f COMPTOX, Alfred G., and DE GEOODT, James H. Advanced ]Metal-work : Lessons on the Speed Lathe, Engine Lathe and Planing Maehinc. Pt. 1. Illus- trated. 12mo. New York, 1898. A 41 T 21 1. The Speed Lathe. C0:MPT0N, Kev. Berdmore. Edward Meyrick Goulbuni, Dean of Norwich : a Memoir. [_See Goulburn, E. AI., Dean.] C 26 P 15 COMPTON, Edward. On Comedy. [_See Hanmierton, J. x\.— The Actor's Art.j H 1 S 31 COMTE, Auguste. Life and Philosophy of. [SegMartineau, Rev. J. — E.ssays, Reviews, and Addre.sses.] J 14 T 27 COMYNS, T. ^\'aghorn. [Sketch of] Lieut. T. F. Wag- horn. ISee Once a Month, Sept., 1885.] MJ 1 V 21 COXANT, Charles A. History of jModern Banks of Issue ; with an Account of the Economic Crises of the Pre.seiit Century. 8vo. New Y'ork, 189G. F 12 T 16 CONANT, Dr. Levi Leonard. The Number Concept : its Origin and Development. 8vo. New Y^'ork, 1896. J 14 V 1 CONAXT, Tlionias. Upper Canada Sketches. Illustrated. 8vo. Toronto, 1898. B 19 U 16 CONAXT, Rev. Thomas Jefferson. Dictionary of Religious Knowledge for p(»pular and jirofessional use. [See Abbott, Rev. L.] G 23 U 36 CONDELL, Prof. Claude F. Th.; Chanson de Roland. {See Chan.son de I'.oland, Tlie.] II 13 P 10 CONDELL, Henry. John llominge and Henry Conilell, fricnfls and fellow-actors of Shakespeare, and what the world owes them. [_See ^^'alke^■, C. C] C 24 P 6 CONDER, Lieut.-Col. Claude Reignier. The Bible and Uie East. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. G 9 W 7 The Hebrew Tragedy. 12nio. Edinb., 1900. B 28 P 4 The Hittites and their Language. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. B 33 P 4 The Latin Kingdom of Jci-usalem, 1099-1291 .\.u. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 15 28 U 10 COXDER, Francis Roubillac, "An English Ci\ilian." The Trinity 'if Italy ; or, the Pope, the Bourbon, and the Victor: being Historical Revelations of the Past, Present, and Future of Italy. 8vo. Lond., 1867. B 11 S 26 CONDOBOLIX ARGUS and Lachlan Ad\ertiser, July, 1896-Dec., 1899. 3vols.fol. Condobolin, 1896-99. ME CONDORCET, J. A. H. C. de. Biograiihy of. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1878.] E CONDUITT, John. Observations upon the Present State of our Gold and Silver Coins, 1730. 8vo. Lond., 1774. [7fe/-m(^ 1896.] F8V4 CONE, Rev. Orello. The Gospel and its Earliest Interpreta- tions : a Study of the Teaching of Jesus and its Doc- trinal Transformations in the New Testament. 2nd ed. 8vo. Xew Y'ork, 1894. G 24 S 3 Paul : the Man, the Missionary, and the Teacher. 8vo^ Lond., 1898. ' G 23 R 29 CONGER, N. B. Report on the Forecasting of Thunder during the Summer of 1893. [See United States. — Dept.'of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 38 CONGREGATIONAL UNION OP NEW SOUTH A\'ALES. Annual Report, 1895. 8vo. Sydnev, 1895. , ME6P The Social Problem and the Churches. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MG2S22 CONGREGATIONAL YEAR-BOOK, The, 1885. 8vo. Lond., 1885. E CONGREGATIOXALIST, The. Vols. 1-15, 1872-86. 15 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-86. G 27 R 1-15 CONN, Dr. Herbert William. The Story of Germ Life Bacteria. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 33 R 22 The Fermentations of Milk. [See United States. — Dept. of Ag. — Office of Experiment Stations.] A 37 S 20 CONNAL, Sir Jliehael. Diary .,f, 1835-93. Edited by J. C. Gibson. 8vo. Glasgow, 1895. (J 21 S 20 CONNECTICUT:— S'^(^,' Depfirtments— Reports and Pub- licatioiiK. Agricultural Experiment Station, Annual Reports, 1879 99. 21 vols. 8 vo. New Haven, 1880-1900. E Board of Agriculture. Annual Reports, 1879-95, 1898. 18 vols. 8vo. Hartford, Conn., 1880-99. E Descriptive Catalogue of Farms in Connecticut foi- sale by T. S. Gold, Aug., 1899. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Hart- ford, 1899. ' A 35 T 13 Board of Education. Annual Reports, 1869-70. 8vo. New Haven, 1869-70. E Bureau of Labor Statistics. Annual Report, 1890. 8v.>. Dartfcrd, 1S91. E Supplemeiilarij Calalo(jiie—l60G-l!>(lO. 130 fONNECTTCUT— co)!«(/. General Assembly. Publii' Docnmpnt.s of tlio Stato of Connecticut Vol. 1, 18'JO, vols. 1-.3, 1898, vols. 1-4, 1898. 8 vols. 8 vo. Hartford, 1890-99. E Public Records. Public RecordH of Connecticut, Oct., 177G- April, 1780, with the Journal of the. Council of Safety from Oct., 177G-April, 1780, and an Aj)j)en(lix. L' vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1894-95. P. 17 1121, "22 Register. Roa,-ister and Manual of the St-ite of Connec- ticut, 1899." 8vo. Hartford, 1899. E Statutes. General Statutes of Connecticut, rcvisioD of 1887, in force Jan., 1888, with the Declaration of In- dependence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut. Pvoy. 8vo. Hartford, 1887. E The Practice Act of the State of Connecticut, with the Order.s, Rules, and Forms under the .same, prepared by the Judges of the Superior Court, and the General Rules of Practice of the Supreme Courts of Errors and the Superior Court, as revised in .June, 1879. 8vo. Hartford, 1879. E Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, 1888-95, 1897. 9 vols. rov. 8vo. Middle- town, Conn., 1889-98. " E Supreme Court. Rules of Court and Forms prepared by the Judges of the Superior Court and the Supreme Court of Errors respectively, as revised August, 1899. 8vo. Hartford, 1899. " F 7 U 36 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report, 1899-1900. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1900. E Collections. Vols. 2, 4-6. 4 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1870-97. E CONNET, C. J. Briefwisseling tusschcn do Gebroeders Van der Goes. [_See Van der Goes, W.] C 27 T 5 CONNOISSEUR SERIES. The Alt of the House. [,%c Watson, R. R] A -22 S .S CONNOR, John. Drunkenness, Desertion, and Disease in our Merchant Service. (Melb. Rev., G.) ]ME IS Q CONSTABLE, John. Life and Letters of ; bv C. R. Leslie. 4to. Lond., 1896. ' C 10 T 10 t [Portrait of.] [_See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 CONSTANT, Wairy Memoirs of Constant, Emperor Napoleon's Head Valet, containing details of the Private Life of Napoleon, his Family, and his Court. Translated by Percy Pinkerton. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q .5-8 CONSTANT DE REBECQUE, Henri Benjamin (Benjamin Constant.) Lettres de Benjamin Constant a .sa Famille, 1775-1830, precedees tlune Introduction d'apres des Lettres et des Documents iucdits par J. H. Menos. 12mo. Paris, 1888. C 18 P 30 CONTE, Prof. Joseph Ic. [See Le Conto, Prof. J.] CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE SERIE.S. 'I'hc Cliilil. [,SVc Cliamberlain, A. F.] A 4.-| R -20 History of the European Fauna. [.Sfec ScharfF, R. F.] A 27 P 20 Natural Historv of Digestion. [See Gillespie, Dr. A. L.] A 40 T 15 P.sychology of Religion. [See Starbuck, E. D.] G 24 P 33 The Races of Man. [See Dcnikor, T.] A 27 8 32 C0NTE2lP0RAltY REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-77,1806- June, 1900. 77 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1806 1900. E CONVERSION OF THE WEST. Tlie Continental Teutons. [See Merivale, C, Dean.] G 26 P 6 Tlie ICnglish. [See Maolear, Rev. G. F.] G 2C P 10 The Northmen. [See Maclear, Rev. G. F.] (! 26 P 8 Tlie 81a v.s. [See Maclear, Rev. G. F.] (J 26 P 9 CONWAY, .James. English Grammar, Composition and Precis Writing, for the use of Teachers and Candidates f(n- the University and Public Service Examinations. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MJ 3 V 1 [Another copy.] 2nd cd. 8vo. ' Sydney, 1899. MJ 3 V 7 CONWAY, Rev. James. Socialism exposed and refuted. [_See Cathrein, I'.ev. W.] F 15 Q 30 CONWAY, Moncure Daniel. Centenary History of the South Place Society. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 25 P 4 Solomon and Solomonic Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 S 10 [Life of] Longfellow. [See Melb. Review, 9.] i\IE 18 Q Thomas Carlyle, [See Carlyle, T.] C 27 R 1 CONWAY^ Prof. Robert Seymour. The Italic Dialects. Edited with a Grannnar and Glossary. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1897. J 15 V IG, 17 CONWAY, Sir William Martin. The First Crossing of Spitsbergen ; with Contributions by J. AV. Gregoi-y, A. Trevor-Battye, and E. .J. Garwood. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 16 V 18 1,000 miles through the Alps. (Out-of-door Ijb.) D 20 S 22 With Ski and Sledge over Arctic Glaciers. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 20 R 8 Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T.] A 29 S 41 CONYBEARE, Edward. Alfred in the Chroniclers. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 41 Q 4 CONYBEARE, Frederick Cornwallis. Apology and Acts of ApoUonius and other Monuments of Early Chris- tianity ; with Preface, Introductions, Notes, F15Q35 110 Tiihlic Library of Ntnc Soitlh IFales. COODE, .Sir .Tulin. [Obituary Notice of] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proe., 113.) E Report on the Entrance to the IMacleay River. \_See New South Wales. — Macleay Ri\er.] MA 9 P 41 t COOK, Albert Stanborough. A First Book in Old Eng- lish : Grammar, Reader, Notes, and Vocabulary. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J li' Q 21 COOK, Clarence. Russian Bronzes. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S IG Co.stumes of the Time of the French Revolution. \_See Guillaumot, — .] A 40 U 27 J COOK, E. T. University Extension Jloveraent. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 COOK, Edward T. Popular Hand-liook to the Tate Gallery. 8vo. Lond., 1S98. A 41 T 7 COOK, Dr. Frederick A. Through the first Antarctic Night, 1898-99: a Narrative of the Voyage of the Behjica. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1900." D 22 T 5 COOK, Capt. James. An Aljridgement of Captain Cook's last Voyage, performed in tlie years 1776-80, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere ; by Captain King. 12 mo. Load., 1784. MD :] P 12 Biographical Memoirs of. (Naval Chronicle, 9.) B 38 P 9 History of Botany Bay, in New Holland. 12mo. Bristol (n.d.) ' JID 1 P 15 Journal of Capt. Cook's last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean on Discovery, performed in the years 177(5-80. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1781. ' MD 4 U 28 Journal of a Voyage round the World in His Majesty's Ship Endeavour, in the years 1768-71, undertaken in pursuit of Natural Knowledge at the desifc of the Royal Society, containing all the vaiious occurrences (jf the Voyage, with Descriptions of several new dis- covered Countries in the Southern Hemispheie, and Accounts of tiieir Soil and Production, and of many singularities in the Structure, Apparel, .Customs, Manners, Policy, Manufactures, itc, of their Inhabit- ants ; to which is added a concise Vocabulary of the Language of Otahitee. Sni. 4to. Lond., 1771. MD 7 U 30 Journal of the Jl/'stjln/ ion's Voyage in 1772 75 on Dis- coveiy to the Southern Hemi.sphere, by which the non- existence of an undiscovered Continent between the E((uator and the 50th Degree of Southern Latitude is demonstratively proved ; also a Journal of the Adven- ture's Voyage in the years 1772-74, with an Account of the separation of the two ships and the most re- markable incidents that befel each ; interspersed with Historical and Geographical Descriptions of the Islands and Counti-ies discovered in the course of theii' respec- tive Voyages. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1775. .Ml) 4 U 27 COOK, Capt. Jame.s — contd. MS. Copies of Documents relating to Capt. James Cook : the originals in the Grey Collection at the Public Librar,;, Auckland, N.Z. MB 5 R 7 J 1. Three Letters from the Victualling anil N'a\-y Offices to Lieut. Cook respecting tlie victualling of the schooner GrenviUe for despatch to Newfoundland. [Cook was in command of the GreiiviUc] 2. Description of Otaheite. 3. Description of the Society Islands. 4. An Account of Pappo, an Otahcitan Native connected with the Bounty mutineers. 5. .Tmmial of H.M.S. Endeavour : New Zealand, New Hoi' land, East Coast, Batavia, Cape of Good Hope, and thence to England. 6. Henry Norris to Sir James Wright, respecting the original MS. of Tasman's Voyage. 7. Letter from English Secretary to Russian Eml)asa3-, for- warding private intelligence of Capt. Cook having touched at Kamtchatka. 8. French Government grant protection from pri^'ateers to Capt. Cook. 9. Letter — Sir James Harris to Sir Joseph Banks — referring to the death of Capt. Cook. 10. Letter— Dr. Douglas to Sir Jcseph Banks— re letterpress of plates to Cook's Voyages. 11. Letter- George Nicol to Sir Joseph Banks — equality of paper in Cook's Vo\'agos. 12. Memo. — Division of profits from sale of Cook's Voj-ages 13. Letters - Rev. G. Ciaskin to Sir .Joseph Banks — Mission- aries for Otaheite. 14. Letter —G. Nicol to Mi-s. Cook — Divisions of profits from sale of Cook's Voyages. 15. Letter— Sir Joseph Banks to Dr. Kijipis— Cook and the Americans. Id. Letter — Sir Joseph Banks to Lord Grenville— on the restoration of M. Billerdiere's Collection. 17. Letter— B. Rudd to Sir Joseph Banks -Relief for Cook's relatives. IS. Letter— Sir Joseph Banks to B. Rudd— Government will not aid to support Cook's sistei'. 19. Lctter-G. Nicol to re profits from Books of Voyages. 20. Letter — B. Rudd to Sir Joseph Banks —Banks's gener- osity to Cook's relatives. 21. Letter— R. Budd to Sir Joseph Banks— soliciting aid for Cook's nejjhew. Capt. Cook : his Life and Voyages, Services to New Hol- land and Man ; by A. MacFarland. [.S'«e N.S.W. — ■ Lands — Dedication of Capt. Cook's Landing-place.] MF 5 P 19 Capt. Cook's First Log in the Royal Navy ; l)y Prof. E. E. Morris. [_See CornhiU Mag., Oct., 1899.] E Notes on the Di.scovery of the Eastern Coast of New Holland (Australia); by A. C. Macdonakl. [&« Roy. Geograph. Soc, Australasia, Vict. Br., Trans., 14.] ME 20 P [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See Becke, L. — Naval Pio- neers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 [Sketch of.] [_See (»rifli(h, ir. -^leu who ha\e made the Empire] B 39 Q 4 A'oyage round the World. [Sec Historical Accimnt of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 50 [Voyage round the World.] \_See Historical Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe.] MD 3 P 13 Voyages of. \^Sce Adams, Rev. J. — Mddi'ni Voyages.] .M I ) 3 P 1 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. Idl COOK, Rev. Josopli. Boston IMoiidav Lrcturi's. 2 vols. Svo. LoiuL, 1881. ' .1 2ii S 18, 1!) 1. Biology. Orthodoxy. Consuionco. Transcenilcntalism. Marriage. Heredity. 2. LalHiur. Socialism. Miracles. Spiritualism. COOK, Williain. How to liiiike Pcforniation. 4to. J^ond., 1S!)7. (.{ 17 U 4 t COPLEY, Hon. W. Report on tiie Village Homestead Special Settlement System in New Zealand. [See South Au.stralia. — Village Settlements.] MF 5 V 9 COPPEE, rran90is. ffiuvres. Uvols. ll'mo. Paris(n.(i.) 1. Contes rapides : Henriettc. J l."i W 40 2. Loiigues et Breves. J 15 W 42 3-7. Poesies, 1864-90. J 15 W -2^-2' 8-11. Theatre, 1869-85. J 15 W 31-34 Vl. Toute une Jeunesse. J 13W41 13. Une Idj-lle pendant le Sii^'ge : Contes en Prose. J 15 W 38 14. Vingt Contes Noiiveau-X. J 15 W 39 COPPINGER, Abel H. [Life of] Alice Arden. [See Ardea, Alice.] C U Q 20 COQUE, John Vincent de. [See De Coiiuc, J. V.] COQUILLETT, D. W. Ai/romi/za ^ihasi-uli, a new species of Leaf-mining Fly. (Linnean Soc, N.S. W., Proc, 1899.) ' ME 2 P Revision of the Taclunidw of America, North of Me.xico. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of En- tomology.] A 38 Q 29 CORBET, Miles. The Chief Ju.stice. [See Franzos, M.] J 23 U 18 CORBETT Julian Stafford. Drake and the Tudor Na\y ; with a History of the Rise of England as a Maritime Power. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo'. Lond., 1898. B 39 Q IG, 17 The Successors of Drake. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ' B 41 11 14 [Another copy.] New ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1899. B 36 Q 13, 14 Papers relating to the Navy during the Spanish War, 1585-87. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 11.] E CORBIERE, Joachim-Edouard, "Tristan Corbiere."[Vei-ses by.] [S^eVerlaine. P.— Les PoetesMaudits.] H 11 U 33 CORBIN, H. B. Notes on the Graphitic Slates and asso- ciated Rocks in the Kalgoorlie District. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S CORBOULD, E. M. Side-lights on Shakspere. [See Rossi, L.] J 14 U 29 CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART. Catalogue. lUus- tratelution of the Railroad Problem. New York, 189G. F 10 Y 35 COWLES, William Hamilton. E'juitable Taxation. [See Weyl, W. E.] F 15 S 27 COWLEY, Abraham. [E.-.:say on.] [See Gosse, Edmund. —17th Century Studies.] H 10 W 23 COWLEY, Eben. Growing and Separation of Fibre, North Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 LT COWLEY, Edmund. The Divi Divi Tree. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U India-rubber. (Queensland Agr. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Rice in Northern Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U "West African Oil Palm. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U COWLEY, Capt. William Ambrosia. Voyage i-ound the Globe. [&e Hacke, Capt. W.] ~ D 20 S 20 Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the ^^'orkl.] MD 8 R 48 COWPER, Sir Charles. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Aust. Portrait Galleiy,] MC 4 P 4 f COWPER, Spencer, and others. [Tri-il of.] [See Stephen, H. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 32 COWPER, William. Diverting History of John Gilpin. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 4 T IG The Unpublished and Uncollected Poems of William Cowper. Edited Ijy Thoma.s Wriglit. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Cameo Ser.) H 13 P 21 William Cowper; by Marion Harlaml. lllust. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Literary Hearthstones.) C 28 P 2 Sketch of. [See Birrell, Augustine. — Res Judicat;e.] J 7 P 52 CO WIIA (lUA RDI A J iim\ Lachlan Agricultural Recorder witli which is incorporated the Cowra Iiidcpendcnt, 1899. Fol. Cowra, 1899. ME Supplementary Cataloyue — 1806-1000. 147 cox, Frederick A. liiigliNh IVriidrigals in tlio lime of Sliakesjieare. With rcrlrait of Orlando (lihbons. ISnio. Lond., 1899. JI 13 11 1 COX, Dr. James C. Description of a new .sp('ci(\s of Liparus f rom West Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Pruc, 1899.) ME 2 P Valuta Bedjialli, Braz., and Thersitcs furhysUjlo., Pfr., var. .subfu.sco - zonata, var. nov., from (Queensland. (Linnean Soc, N..S.W., Proe., 1898.) ME 2 P COX, John, and CALLENDAR, Prof. Hugh Langlioui-ne. .Some ExiDeriments on the X-Kays. \8et McGill Univ.— Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S G COX, 8. Herbert. Pro.specting for Minerals : a Practical Hand-book for Prospector.s, Explorers, Settlers, and all interested in the opening up and development of New Land.s. Illustrated. 8\-o. Lond., 1898. (New Land Ser.) A 24 R 22 COX, Samuel SulliNan. Three Decades of Federal Legis- lation, 185.5-85 : Personal and Historical Memories of Events preceding, during, and since the American Civil War, involving Slavery and Secession, Emancijsation a)id Reconstruction, with Sketches of prominent actors during these periods. Illustrated. Ro}'. 8vo. Pro- vidence, R.I., 1888. F 13 T 4 COX, William. Narrative of Proceedings of William Co.v, lately holding a commi,ssion in the New South Wales Corps or 102nd Regiment, in constructing a Road from Capt. W^oodriffe's Farm, on the Nepean River, opposite Emu Plains, over the Blue Mountains, and from thence to Bathurst Plains, on the banks of the Macquarie River, in the years 1814-15. Svo. Sydney, 1888. MA 4 Q'8 COXE, Henry Octavius. Rogeri de Wcndover Chronica, sive Fiorcs Historiarum. \Sce English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 14-17 COXEN, Mrs. Charles. T.djle showing Rainfall at Bulimba, near Brisbane, during 1895, 1897. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895, 1897.) ME 1 T COZZ.V, Abbate Giuseppe. Bibliorum Sacrorum Gra-cus Codex Vaticanus. \See Bibles and Testaments — • Greek.] GG U 7-12 | COZZENS, Frederick S. Our Navy: its Growth .and Achievements. Sni. 4to. Hartford, 1897. B 5 S 19 f CRAB, P. van der. Reis naar do Zuidwestkust van Nieuw-Guinea, de Goram- en Ceram-Laut Eiianden en Oostelijk Ceram. Svo. Batavia, 18G4. MDGR12 CRABBE, G. Wallace. Essavs on Federation. ISmo. Inverell, 1900. ' MF 5 P 28 CRABBE, Rev. George. The Village: .i Poem. Sni. 4to. Lond., 1783. H 17 R 11 t Crabbo and Shelley. {See Patmore, C. K. D. — Principle in Art, Ac] J 1 R 51 Two Poetical Epistles. \Hee Nicoll, W. R.— Literary Anecdotes of the !9th Century.] J 1 t S 4 CRABTREE, Lotta. [Portrait and Sketch of.] {See McKay, li'. E. — Famous American Actors of To-dav.] C 23 Q G CRACKNELL, Edward Chailes. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Ci\il Engineers, Pnx'., 113.) E "CRADDOCK, Charles Egbert.^' {See Murfree, I\Iarv Noailles.] CRAFTS, Rev. Wilbur Fisk. Practical Christian Sociology. Svo. New York, 1895. G 9 W 19 CRAIG, E. T. Irish L:ind and Labour Questic^n iilu.s- trated in the Histoi-y of Ralahino and Cooperative Farming. 12mo. Lond., 1893. F 16 S 13 CRAIG, George Catlicart. The Federal Defence of Aus- tralasia. With Port. Svo Lond., 1897. MF5P3 CRAIG, John A. Sheep Feeding. {See L'nited States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 CRAIG, Jlary A. The House bv the :\Iedlar Tree. {See Verga, G.] " J 26 U 1 CRAIG, Osi:ar. Agencies for the Prevention of Pauper- ism. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 L' 25 CRAIGIE, Maj. P. G. Sources of our Moat Supply. (In- termit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A"'41 V 1 CRAIGIE, Pearl Mary Teresa [Mrs. R. W.], "John Oliver Hoblies." The Aml)a.ssador : a Comedy. Svo. Lond., 1898. H 12 R 13 The Herb-Moon ; a Fanta.sia. Svo. Loml., 1S9G. J 22 Q 2 Osbern and Ur.syne. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) H 4 T 20 The Sinner's Comedy. Gth ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 23 P 6 Some Emotions, and a Moral. Gth ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 23 P 7 CRAIGIE, W. A. Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. {Set Burns, R.] H 9 T 28 CRAIK, Dinah Maria [Mrs. G. L.] (Dinah Maria Mulock). John Halifax, Gentleman. With Portrait. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 R 6 Dinah Mulock ; by Mrs. Parr. {See Oliphant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queeii ^'ictoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 143 JPublic Lihrarii of Xcic Sou/// JF((Ies. CRAIK, Heniy. English Pi-ose : Selections, with Critical Inti'odueti(jn.s by various writei's and General Intro- ductions to each period. Vol. 5. 8vo. Lond., 189G. J G Q 38* CRALLAX, Franklyn A. Details of Gothic Wood- carving : being a series of Drawings from Original "Work, chiefly of the 14th and 15th Centuries; with E.\:planatory Notes. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 40 U 9 :[ CRAXE, Dr. John. C/ii(Ueiii/cr E.xpedition Reports : Portraits of Contributors. [See Crane, AV.] A 6 R 4 t CRANE, Walter. The Basis of Design. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 V 15 C/inllenyrr Expedition Repnrts ; Portraits of the Con- tributors, reproduced from the Photographs pi-esented by them to John Murray, with fac-similes of the designs for the cover and dedication of the album con- taining them. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 6 R 4 f Dect)ration of Public Buildings. (Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities.) A 23 S 39 Line and Form. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 Q 8 The New Era. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 Of the Decorative Illustratit)n of Books, old and new. Sm. 4to. Lond., 189G. A 23 P 28 Embroidery. [See Townsend, W. G. P.] A 4G P 1 Work of. [See Art Journal.] A 13 W 1 1 f CRANE, William H. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See ^IcKav, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q G CJiAXE'S BrV/'Jh'S al'IDE of the I'nited Kiiigdoni, Europe, and Australasia, 1897-98. Ruv. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' E CRANMER, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Cran- nicr and the Reformation in England ; bv A. D. lunes. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (Tlw Wdild's Epoch-makers.) C 28 Q 1 [Life of] ; by Rev. A. J. Ma.son. With Portrait. 12mo. Jymd., 1898. (Leaders of Religion.) C 23 S 19 CRANSTOUN, James. Poems of Alexander Scott. [See Scottish Te.\t Soc, Pubs., 36.] E CRASH SHAW, Richard. [Essay on.] [See (!. — 17th Century Studies.] osse, Edmund. H 10 W 23 CIIAVEN, Florence [Mrs. Dacii-j. District Nursing. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C23Q19 CRAVENT, L-idy Helen Emily. Notes of a Music-lover. 8vo. Lond"., 1S97. C 23 P 29 CRAWFOPvD, Alexander. Dairvinu'. (West Australian Settler's Guide ) ' ' .MI) 8 Q 54 CRAWFORD, Arthur, "T. C. Arthur." Reminiscences of an Indian Police OiKcial. 2nd cd. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 31 CRAWFORD, Donald. Journals of Sir John Lauder, Lord Fountainhall. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs., 3G.] E CRAWFORD, Francis Marion. Adam Johnstone's Son. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 22 P 22 Ave Roma Immortalis : Studies from the Chronicles of Rome. 2 vols. 8vo. L.indder, II. C. — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 CRAWFORD, J. H. Wild Flowers of Scotland. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 20 R 14 CP.AWFORD, Robert. S,,uth American Sketches. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 13 P 6 CRAWFORD, T. llamiUnn. Edinburgh. [&e Stevenson, Robert Louis.] B 16 R 47 CRAWFORD, Virginia M. [Mrs.] Studies in Foreign Literature. 8\,). Lond., 1899. J 14 V 36 CRAWFORD LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Ob.servatory, Edinbui-gh. [See ICdinbui-gh Royal Observatory.] K li W 11 f CRAWLEY, Rawdon. Popular Gynmastics : Athletics, Pedestrianism, Dumb-bells, P.;ii--bells, Indian Club.s, ('alisthenics. Boxing and Wrestling, Training. Tllus- tiated. 12mo. Sydn<-y (n.d.) ' JIA 4 P 21 Cl'v.WON, Christopher. [See Ritchie, J. E.] Ci;i';A(ill, S. M. Trongfi i Kerisiano (ja la I'ene Ivowe la Hnengadrai. [See Hunyan, John.] MG 2 T 23 Siq-)])lement(mj Colaloguc — 189G-1900. 149 CREDLANI), Williani ]l. The Maiiclicstor Publiu Free ]jil)i'arif>s : a History and r)escrii)ti()ii, and (Juido to their Contents and Use. llhisti'ated. 8vo. Man- chester, 1899. Cat. Room The Free Libraiy Movement in Manchester [See Man- cliester Public Free Libraries.] J l.j V .jl CREED, Dr. Jolni Mildred. Lecture on Cremation. (New Soutli Wales Cremation, Funeral, and Sanitary Ref( r.n Review.) MA 4 R CO CREED, Marie Loui.se [Mrs. J. P.] (Louise Mack). Giils together. IlliLst. 8vo. Sydney, 1S98. MJ 3 U li Teens : a Story of Australian Schoolgirls. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. " MJ 3 S 18 The World is round. 8v-o. Lond., 189G'. MJ 3 S 9 CREEGAN, Rev. C. C, and GOODNOW, J. A. B. Great Missionaries. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 14 S 30 CREIGHTON, J. G. A. The Land of the Winanishe. {See Yale, Dr. L. M.] A 40 Q 8 CREIGHTON, Mandell, Bishop successively of Peter- borough and London. Queen Elizabeth. 4t(). Lond., 1896. B 13 U I'l 1 Story of some English Shires. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. B18P13t CREMONA, Luigi. Graphical Statics : Two Treatises on the Graphical Calculus and Reciprocal Figures in Graphical Statics. Translated by T. H. Beare. 8vo. Oxford, 1890. A 39 P 2.5 CRESSEY, Dr. George Croswell. The Essential Man : a Monograph on Personal Immortality in the Light of Reason. 12mo. Boston, 1895. G 15'U ii CRESSON, Hilborne T. Report upon Pile-structures in Naaman's Creek, near Clavmont, Delaware. \_See Pea- body Mu.seum.] " A 41 P 14 CRICHTON, D. A. Fruit-culture. 12mo. Adelaide, 1892. MA 4 P 10 CRICK, George Chai-les. Fossil Cephalopoda from Somali- land, collected by Dr. Donalilson Smith. (Smith, Dr. A. Donaldson. — Tiirougli Unknown African Coun- tries.) D 20 U 21 Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum. {See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 P 3 List of the Types and Figured Specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum. [_See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 V 8 CRICKMORE, H. Hovell. old Chester, etclied and described. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. B IG T 17 CRIIMINOLOGY SERIES. Political Crime. [,utt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 150 Fiiblic Lihrarij of New South TFcdes. CROCKETT, Samuel Hulherf.n-d. Cleg Kelly, Arab of the City. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 2-t V 32 The Grey Man. Svo. Lond., 1896. J'2.5Y2 The Lilac Sunbonnet. 7th ed. 8v6. Lond., 1897. J 2.J V 7 Lochinvar. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 6 The Men of the Moss-hags. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 2.5 V 5 The Raiders. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 2-5 Y -1 The Red Axe. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lend., 1899. J 2.5 Y 8 The Stickit Minister and some Common Men ; \vith a Prefatoi-y Poem by R. L. Stevenson. 11th ed. Illus- trated. "Svo. Lond., 1895. J 25 Y 3 [E.ssay on.] [See Murray, D. C — ]Mv Contemporaries in Fiction.] " ' J U R 30 Montaigne, and otlier Essays. [See Carlyle, T.] C 21 R 5 CROCQ, Dr. J. B., jun. L'Hypnoti.sme Scientifique. Illus- trated. Roy. Svo. Bruxelle.s, 1896. G 23 V 3 Les Nevroses Traumatiques. Rov. Svo. Bruxelles, 1896. ■ A ii S 9 CROFTON, H. T. History of the Ancient Chapel of Strctford, in ^Manchester Parish. [See Chetham Soc, Pubs., -12.] E CROFTON, Helen [Mrs. Caldwell] (Helen IMilman). Out- side the Garden. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. J 12 U 32 CROLE, David. Tea : a Text-book of Tea-planting and Manufacture, comprising Chapters on the History and Development of the Industry, the Cultivation of the Plant, the Preparation of the Leaf for tlie Market, the Botany and Chemistry of Tea, &c. ; with some Ac- count of the Laws affecting Labour in Tea Gardens in Assam and elsewliere. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 29 V 6 CROLL, Dr. James, F.R.S. Autobiographical Sketch of, witli ^Memoir of liis Life and Work ; by James Camj)- belllrons. Svo. Lond., 1896. " C 21 U 6 CROilE, John. [Life of.] [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 32.] E CROMER, Evelyn Baring, Baron. [Life of] ; liy H. D. Traill. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. C21Q19 CROMINIELIN, May. Over the Andes from the Argentine to Chili and Peru. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1890. D IG T U CROMPTON, Owen. Cultivation of tlic Olive. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, July, 1899.) ME 9 Q CROMPTON, R. E. B. Artificial Lighting in relation to Health. (Tntornat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 7 CROMWELL, Rev. John Gabriel. Some differences that exist between the Training, Duties, and Position of Elementary Teachers in Great Britain and on the Continent. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A -tl Y 12 The House of Cromwell. [See Waylen, J.] C 24 Q 26 CROMWELL, Oliver. [Life of]; by Rev. George H. Clark. Svo. New York, 1895. C 20 U 13 [Lire of]; by T. Roosevelt. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 27 U 5 Oliver Cromwell : a Study in Personal Religion, by Robert F. Horton. 12mo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 8 Oliver Cromwell ; by S. R. Gardiner. With Portraits. 4to. Lond., 1899. C 20 R 2 t Short Critical Review of the Political Life of Oliver Cromwell. With Portrait. 12mo. Glasgow, 1755. C 19 P27 Cromwell as a Soldier. [See Baldock, Lieut. -Col. T. S.] B 33 S 8 Cromv.-ell's Place in Historv. [See Gardiner, Dr. S. R.] B 17 P 54 Cromwell's Scotch Campaign. [See Douglas, W. S.] B 39 P 13 [Essay on.] [See Strachey, J. St. L. — From Grave to Gay.] J 14 U 38 Letters and Speeches ; by Thomas Carlylo. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 [Life of.] [See AYavlen, J. — The House of Cromwell.] C 24 Q 24 Notes illustrative of the Cromwellian Collection in the possession of Sir R. Tangye. [See Tangve, Sir R.] B24Q14 Oliver Cromwell. [See Firth, C] B 27 Q 15 Oliver Cromwell and his Times. [&cPike, G. H.]B 16 P 20 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Lieut. -Col C. King. (Wil- kinson, S. — From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See (Triffitli, G. — Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 The two Protectors. [&« Tangye, Sir R.] B33S11 CllO:\nVELL, Richard. [Life of.] [,S« Waylen J.— The House of Cromwell.] C 24 Q 24 The two Protectors. [See Tangye, Sir R,] B 33 S 11 CRONENBERG, Wilhelm. Half-tone on the American basis. Translated by AV. (iamble. Illustrated. Svo. Bradford, 1896. " A 41 Q 4 CRONWRIGHT-SCHREINER, Olive [Mrs. S. C] (Olive Schreiner) "Ralj)!! Iron." The Angora Goat, and a Paper on the Ostrich. Illustrated. Svo. Loud., 1898. A 40 V 5 An English-South African's Yicw of the Situation. Svo. Lond., 1899. F 4 U 41 Story of an African Farm, New ed. 8\o. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 S 36 Trooper Peter Halkct, of Mashonaland. Svo, Lond,, 1897. J 25 V 19 [Portrait of,] [See Sixty Yeara of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1000. 151 CllOOKE, W. Tlio North-wp^itoni PrDvinoos of India: their History, Etluiologv, and Administration. Tiliis- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ^^ 29 T 7 Popular Religion and Folk-lore of Northern India. New ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1896. G 19 T 29, 30 CROOKES, M. E. B. The Rook of Public Arms. [See Davics, A. C. Fox.] K 17 T 2:5 t CROOKES, Sir William, F.R.S. The Wheat Problem, based on remarks made in tlxe Presidential Address to the British Association at Brist(_(l in 1898 ; with two Chapters on the future Wheat Supply of the United Stites, by C. W. Davis and the Hon. J. Hyde. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 35 Q 15 CROOKS, W. Education in connection with Cooperation. 12mo. Manchester, 1885. F 13 V 41 CROOKSHANK, Dr. Edga,r March. Te.^:t-book of Bactci'i- ology, including the Etiology and Preventi'ju of In- fective Diseases, and a short Account of Yeasts and Moulds, Ha;matozoa. and Psorosperms. 4th ed. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 31 Q 7 CBOOKWELL GAZETTE and Settlers' Advocate, 1899. Fol. Crookwell, 1899. ■ ME CROSLEGH, Re\-. Charles. The Bible in the Light of To-day. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 T 19 CROSS, Ada [Mrs. G. F.] (Ada Cambridge.) Criticism of the Work of. \_See Byrne, D.— Aust'ralian Writers.] MJ 1 R 6 CROSS, Charles F. Soap. (Internat Health E.xhib.^ Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 CROSS, Charles F., and others. Report on Indian Fibres and Fibrous Sul)stances exhibited at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886 ; with Notes of Methods of Treatment and Uses prevalent in India, by Dr. G. Watt. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 25 T 8 CROSS, Rev. G. F. The Modern Pulpit. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q CROSS, M. I., and COLE, Martin J. Modern Micros- copy : a Hand-book for beginners, comprising (1.) The Microscope aiid instructions for its use ; by ]M. I. Cross; (2.) Microscopic objects: how prepared and mounted ; by M. J. Cole. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8v(j. Lond., 1895. A 23 T 41 CROSS, Mary Ann [Mrs. J. W.] (Mary Ann Evan.s) "George Eliot." Works of. 4vols. 8to. Edinb.(n.d.) J 17 V 10-13 Silas Marner ; The Lifted Veil ; Brotlicr Jacob. Mill ou the Floss. 2 vols. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. [Essay on] the Life and AVorks of ; by Miss C. IT. Spence. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q [Criticism of the Works of.] {Sec Craik, H.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* CROSS ISIary Ann — contd. Essay on. [See Harrison, F. — Early Victorian Litera- ture.] ■ J 8 T 37 ( I'jssay on.] [See Myers, F. W. H. — Essays Modern.] J 14 V 15 A First Meeting with " (.leoi'ge Eliot/' [See Linton, Eliza.— My Litei-ary Life.] C 20 S 22 " George Eliot" and the Social Conscience. [See Scudder, Vida D.— Social Ideals in English Letters.].! 23 R 16 "George Eliott;" by Mrs. Lynn Linton. [See Oliphant, Margaret 0. --Women Novelists of Queen Victoria'.s Reign. J C 24 S 3 "George Eliot" on George Mereditli. [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 Life and Letters of " George Eliot." [See Darmesteter, James. — English Studies.] J 14 V 6 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. — Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 CROSS, Wilbur L. Dcxchipmeut of the English Novel. 8vo. New York, 1899. J 8 U 9 CROSSLE, Leonard. The Ancient Hebrew Tradition. [See Hommel, Prof. F.] G 26 S 1 CROTHERS, Dr. T. D. Morbid Habits. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 CROUCirS EPITOME OF NEWS and Miscellaneous Gleaner. Vol. 1, 1859. 8vo. 'iiyAixc-y, 1859. MJ 4 Q 20 CROWE, Catherine [Mrs.] (Catherine Stevens). Mrs. Crowe; by Adeline Sergeant. [See 01ij)hant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of t^ueen A'ictoria's Reign.] C 24 S3 CROWE, Evre. Thackerav's Haun.ts and Home.s. [See Thackeray, W. M.] ' C 23 Q 22 CROWEST, Frederick J. The Story of British Mu.sic, from the Earliest Times to the Tudor Period. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 U 36 Beethoven. [See Beethoven, L. van.] C 27 Q 3 [Life of] G. Verdi. [See Verdi, G.] C 24 T 6 CROWN JEWELS: a brief Record of the Wives of English Sovereigns, from 1066-1897 A. D. 8vo. Lond., 189>. C 23 S 7 CROWTHER, Samuel Adjai, Bishop of the Niger. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G14S30 CPvOZIER, John Bcattie. Civilization and Progress. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 14 U 32 History of Intellectual Development on the lines of Modern Evolution. Vol.1. 8vo. Loud.,1897. G 17 T 11 1. Greek and Hindoo Thought ; Orseco-Roman Paganism ; Judaism ; and Christianity do^^'n to the closing of the schools of Athens by Justinian. lAy Inner Life : being a Chapter in Personal Evolution and Autobiograpliy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 11 R 43 152 l?nhric Libre I'll of JVeic Soiilh jndco. CRUIKSHANK, George. George Cruikshcaiik's Table- book. Edited by G. A. A'Beckett. New ed. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1869. J 22 Y 5 Hand-book for Posterity ; or, Recollections of " Twiddle Twaddle." Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1896. A 23 V 23 Life of, in two epochs ; by Blancliard Jerrold. New cd. Illustrated. 12mo. " Lond., 1898. C 23 S 21 Illustrations to Oliver Twist. [&e Dickens, C] J 22 8 7 Portraits of himself. [See Layard, G. S.] A 23 V 24 Tarn O'Shanter. Illustrated. [See Burns, R.] H L3 S 8 t CRUIKSHANK, Isaac, Robert, and George. Cruik- shankian Momus : Pictorial Broadsides and Humourous Song-headings. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1892. H 10 T 11 t The three Cruikshanks : a Bibliographical Catak)gue. [See Marchmont, F.] A 40 R 4 CRUISE, R. J. Geology of Armagh, Fermanagh, and Monaghan. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 Y 19 Geologj' of Inishowen, Co. Donegal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surw — Ireland.] A 47 V 1 Geology of N.AY. and Central Donegal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 2 Geology of the District around Swanlinbar, Florence- court, and Dowra. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 18 Geology of Tyrone, Monaghan, Fermanagh, and Armagh. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland,] A 47 Y 16 CRUM, Walter Erskine. Rowing at Eton College. (Leh- mann, R. C— Rowing.) A 40 Q 4 CRUTTWELL, [Maud. Luca Signorclli. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) A 44ll 10 CRYER, Dr. M. H. Regional Anatomy. (Litch, Dr. W. F. • — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 >S 1 CUCUEL, Edouanl. ndicmian Paris of To-dav. [See Morrow, W. C] 1) 13 S 7 CUDMGRE, P. Cleveland's Maladministration : Free Trade, Protection, and Recij)rocilv. With Autobiog- raphy. Svo. New Y(,rk, 1896. ' F 1.5 R 11 CUELLAR, Capt. Francisco de. A Letter, written on October 4, 1589, by Capt. Cuellar, of the Spanish Annada, to His Majesty King Pliiliji Tl, recounting his !Misad ventures in Ireland and elsewhere after the Wreck of his Shij). From the Spanish by Henry Dwight Sedgwick, jun. 12mo. l-nnd., lsi)G. B 16 P 1.5 CULTN, Stewart. Catalogue of Ethnographical Objects from Somaliland and the Galla Country, collected by Dr. A. Donald.son Smith ; in Museum of Science and Art, University of Pennsylvania. (Smith, Dr. A. D. — Througli Unknown African Countries.) I) 20 U 21 Korean Games ; with Notes on the corresponding Games of China and Japan, lloy. Svo. Philad., 1895. A 31 Q16 CULLEN, Dr. ^Y. P. The Balance of Power between National and State Governments. (People's Federal Convention, Proo.) MF 4 Q 54 CULTIYATION OF THE SOIL. Remarks on the Cul- ti\'ation of the Soil, and the Establishment of an Industrial Farm as a self-supporting School of Agri- culture and a means to promote Colonial Industry. Svo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 3 S 69 CULYER, Rev. Theodore L. la answer to Prayer. [See Carpenter, AY. B., Bishop.] 6 23 P 17 CUMBERLAND, Stuart. What I think of South Africa : its People and its Polities. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 14 R IS VUMBERLAXD ARGUS and Fruitgrowers' Advocate, 1896-99. 4 vols. fol. Parramatta, 1896-99. ME CUMING, Edward William Dirom. With the Jungle Folk : a Sketch of Burmese Village Life. Illustrated by a Burmese Artist. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 17 T 23 GUMMING, Annie and Bella. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B32Q11 GUMMING, C. F. Gordon. In the Kauri Forests of New Zealand. (Lippincott's jMonthly Mag., April, 1884.) E CUMULA TIVE INDEX to a selected List of Periodicals. Y..1. 2, No. 4, Jan.-April, 1897, vol. 3, 1898. 2 vols. 4to. Cleveland, 1897-99. Cat. Room CUNDALL, Joseph. E.xamples of Ornament, selected chiefly from Works of Art in the British Museum, the Museum of Economic Geology, the iMuseum of Orna- mental Ai't in Alarlborough House and the new Crystal Palace. Fol. Lond., 1855. A 22 Q 2 t CUNI Y MARTORELL, Don Miguel. Fauna Entomo- logica de la Yilla de Calella (Cataluua Provincia de Barcelona). Svo. Madrid, 1898. A 38 P 25 CUNNINGHAM, Arnold Debry. ISlemory System. 12mo. Parramatta, 1896. MG 2 P 56 CUNNINGHAM, David. Tables for facilitating the Calculation of Earthwork in the Construction of Rail- ways, Roads, Canals, Dams, itc. 2nd ed. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1865. A 10 Sy 10 t CUNNINCll.V.M, Sir Hemy Stewart. l>ord Bowen : a Biographical Sketch, with a Selection from his Verses. [See Bowen, C. S. C, Baron.] C 24 Q 6 CUNNINtniAM, J. T. Natural History of the Market- able Marine Fishes of the British Islands. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. A .'JO Q 28 Si'.Kual Dinioi'jiliism in the Animal lving(l(}l and I'rtidurK ]il(u-hy W. 1). Di-ury. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A U T 41* DAMES, AV. Die Chelonier der Xonldeutschen Tertiar- foruiation. [See Pala?ontologi.sche Abliandlungen.] E DAMPIER, Capt. William. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [_See Becke, L. — Naval Pioneers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 Voyages of. [See Historical Account of all Voyages round the AVorld.] JMD 8 R 48 DANA, Charles Anderson. The Art of Newspaper making. iL'mo. New York, 1895. J IG R 39 DAN^V, Prof. Edward Salisbury. System of JNIineralogy. [See Dana, J. D.] " " A 35 W il DANA, James Dwight. System of aiineralogy, 1837-68 : Descriptive Mineralogy. Gth cd. ; by Prof. E. S. Dana. With Appendi.x 1, completing the work to 1S99. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1S99. A 35 W 21 D.VN.\, Jolin Cotton. A Tjibrarv Priincr. Svo. Chicago, !.^99. ■ J 17 v'o.s DANA, Piichai'd 11. Practical Working of the Australian System of Voting in Mass.achusctts. (American Academy, Annals, May, 1892.) E DAXDLllvHH, Dr. Karl. Short History of Switzerland. Translated by E. Salishui'V. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " " B 25 R 15 DANIEL. On the Rook of the Piophct Daniel. 8\,). Lond., 1888. C; 1 U 4 1 DANIEL, Rev. Evan. Advantages and Disad\antages of ])rf)vifling for Intermediate and Higher Education by means of a rate. (Internnt. Healtli ICvhil). ilealtii Kxliil). Liicralure.) A II \ 12 DANIEL, Peter Augustin. H('nry V, King Lear, Min-ry Wives of Wind.sor, Much Adoc about Nothing, Rich- ard II, Richard I JI [&« Shakespeare, W.] Jl II \' DANIEL, Samuel. A Defence of Ryme. (Rhys, E.— Literary Pamphlets.) ' H 11 T 4 Complete Works in Verse and Prose. [See Huth Lib.] J 5 V 8, 9 Vision of the Twelve Goddesses. (English Masques.) H 11 R 17 DANIELL, Mrs. Pioneer Workers for Soldiers and Sailors. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Vic- toria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 I>ANTELL, Alfred Ernest. London Riverside Churclies. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 3 D'ANNUNZIO, Gabriele. [See Annun/io, G. d'.] DANSEY, John. Cardamons. Journ., Oct., 1899.) Coftee in Queensland and other parts. Agrieult. Journ., Aug., Nov., 1898.) (Queensland Agrieult. JNIE 9 U (Queensland ME 9 U DANTAN, Joseph Edouard. [Reproduction of his Pic- ture] The Restoration. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J DANTE ALIGHIERT. Dante at Ravenna; by Catherine Mary Phillimore. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C23Q27 Dante's Pilgrim's Progress ; or, the Passage of the blessed Soul from the slavery of the present corruption to the liberty of eternal glory. With Notes on the way by E. R. Gurney. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 23 P 1 Divine Comedy. Translated into English Verse by I. C. Wright. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1S91. H 13 U 11 New Life of Dante Alighieri. Translated by C. E. Norton. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1867. H 3 V 5 Vita Nuova di Dante Alighieri. Edited by L. Pizzo. 4to. Venezia, 1865. " H 1 U 6 ' Vita Nuova e il Canzoniere di Dante Allighieri ; com- mentati da G.-B. Giuliani. 32mo. Firenze, 1863. H 13 Q 6 \'ita Nuova of Dante. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by T. Martin. 2nd ed. 12mo. Edin))., 1871. ' H13S2 Dante iiilcrpivted. [See Wilson, E.] J 9 R 2 Dante's ten Heavens. [See Gardner, E. C,] J 19 W 13 Dictionary of Proper Ts'anies ;ind Notable Matters in the Works'of Dante. [See Toynbee, P.] K 13 T 6 [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 Essays on Dante. [Sm Witte, Dr. K.] J 21 R 35 Life and Works of Dante Allighieri. [See Hogan, Rev. J. F.] H 4 V 21 The Love that Li\eth. [See Vandam, Albert D. — Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 The Alind of Dante. [See Lindsay, J.— Essays.] J 12 T 44 I I'oi-t rait and Sketch of.] [See Iforridge, F. — Lives of Creat Italian.s.] C 20 S 1 1 [Sketcli of tlu^ Works of.] [See i'"arrar, F. W., Dean.— Croat IJooks.] J 22 Q 14 Studies in Dante. [See Moore, Rev. E.] .) 1 V 15, 16 Supplementary (JaiaUxjne — 189G-1900. 157 DANTON, Georges Jacques. Danton : a .Slucly ; \,y li. Belloe. 8vo. Lond., 1899. Ci'tlMG Life of Danton; by A. ]I. IVesly. Willi Pditiait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " C 2G 11 -JO DANZIG, A. Chaie Adam and Mi.slnuas Adam. 8vo. Warsaw, 1879. G 24 TJ 38 Chochmas Adam and Binas Adam. 8\-o. Stettin (n.d.) G 24 T 10 DARBLSHIRE, Dr. S. D. Recreation. (Interr, t. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 D'ARBLAY, Mme. Frances. [See Arblay, Mme. Francesd'.] DARBY, J. N. Weiiihtv Words. Witli Portrait. Vol. 1. iL'mo. Lond.", 1898. G 26 P 1 D'APvC, Jeanne. [See Are, J(^anne d'.'] D'ARCY, C. P. Short Study of Ethics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 3G D'ARCY-IRVINE, Rev. Gerard. [See Irvine, Rev. G. D'Arcy-.] DARIEN, Georges. Can we disarm? [See McCabe, J.] F 15 Q 37 DARLING, Sir Charles H. The Crisis. [See Cardwell, Rt. Hon. E.] MJ 3 R IG DARLING, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Ralph, and Maj.-Gen. Henry Charles. Reply in refutation of the Pamphlets of, addressed to J. Hume and V^iscoimt Goderich. [See Hall, E. S.] MF 4 Q 57 DARLOW, T. H. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 1 7 DARMESTETER, Agnes Mary Frances [INIrae. James] (A. Mary F. Robinson.) Essay on. Froissart. [See Froissart, Sir J.] J G T 32 Life of Ernest Renan. ['See Renan, E.] C 23 S 16 Poetry of Mary Robinson. [See Darmestetcr, James. —English Studies.] J 14 V 6 DARMESTETER, James. English Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 V G DARMONT, A., and HUMBLOT, A. Argu.nent of the Play of Pauline Blanchard, as presented by Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1887. H 3 Q 38 DARRAH, Henry Zoiu-li. Sport in the iiiglilands of Kashmir : being a Narrative of an eight months' Trip in Baltistan and Ladak, and a Lady's Experiences in the latter country, together with Hints for the Guid- ance of Sportsmen. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 19 U 15 D'ARRAS, Jean. .Melusine. [See E.irly English Text Soci('ty.J E D^VRT, J. Henry. Treatise on the Law and Practice re- lating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. Gth ed. : bv William I'.arber, R. B. Haldane, and ^\. R. Sheldon. 2 vols. rf.y. 8vo. Lond., 1888. F 1 U 12, 13 DARTMOUTH, Earl of. MSS. of. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Historical MS. Commi.ssion.] E DARVALL, W. H. C. Poetry and Public Libiarie.s. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1S98.) MJ 2 V 1 DARWIN, Charles, F.R.S. The Descent of Man, ami Selection in relation to Sex. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 27 R 21, 22 The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preser\-ation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Gth ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 27 R 32 Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection. [See Poulton, E. B.] A 27 Q 18 Darwin and the Origin of Species. [See Brook.s, Prof. W. K.— Foundati.jns of Zoology.] A 40 U 9 Eulogium on Charles Darwin. [See Flower, Sir W. H. — Essays on Museums.] A 41 R 1 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.— Typical Christian Leaders.] " C 23 T 16 DARW^IN, Dr. Francis, F.R.S. The Elements of Botany. Illu.strated. 8vo. Camb., 1895. A 20 Q 19 DARWIN, Prof. George Howard. The Tides and kindred Phenomena in the Solar System. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 Q 31 DARWIN, Major Leonard. Bimetallism: a Summary and Examination of the Arguments for and against Bi- metallic Svstem of Currency. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 39 Questions to be considered by the Indian Currency Com- mittee. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 U 18 DARZENS, Rodolphe. [Translations from.] [5'<'e Pastels in Prose. I J 26 U 2 DASENT, Sir George Webb. Popular Tales from the Norse; with an Essay on the Origin and Diffusion of Popular Tales. 8vo. Edinb., 1888. J 12 U 34 DASENT, John Roche. Acts of the Privy Council of England. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Privy Council] B 38 T l-r 'l DASTUGUE, Maxime. [Reproduction of his Picture] At the Bath. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 ; 158 ^Public Lihrarxj of New South Wales. DAUDET, Alphonse. CEuviesde. 1 8 vols. 1 2mo. Paris, ISS."). J 15 W 1-18 1. Le Petit Chose. '2. Contes tlu Lundi. 3. Tlu:itrc. 4. L'Kvangeliste. 0. Tartarin sur Ics Alpes. C, 7. Lc Nabab. 8. Les Rois en Exil. 9. Les f enimes d'Artistcs — Rol.'ert Hclmont —Etudes ct Paysages. 13. Fromont Jeune et Rislcr AinC-. 11. Les Amoureuses — Poemes et Fautaisie.s, 1807-61. 12. Lcttres de Mon Moulin. 13. Trente ans de Paris. 14. 15. Jack. 16. Sapho. 17. Numa Roume.stan. 18. Tartarin de Tarascon— La Defense de Tarascon. Contes Militaires. Edited by J. T. W. Perowne. ISmo. Lond., 1892. (Army Holiday Ser.) J 11 P 50 The Hope of the Familv. Adapted bv L. Caniac. 1 2mo. Loud., 1898. ■ ' J 22 P 31 Tartarin of Tarascon. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 21 U 9 Tartarin of the Alps. Translated by H. Fritli. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 24 U 10 Alphonse Daudet ; by his son Leon Daudet. Translated by Charles De Kay. With Portrait. 12nio. Lond., 1898. C 18 P 29 [Study of.] \_See Crawford, Yiiginia M. — Studies in Foreign Literature.] " J U V 3G [Translations from.] [,b'ee Pastels in Prose.] J 2G U 2 DAUNCEY, W. G. Iron Deposits of Tasnuinia. (Rov. Soc, Tas., Paper.s and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q DAUNT, W. J. O'Neill. A Life spent for Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 23 V 10 DAVEXAXT, John, Bishop of Salisbury. Life, Letters, and Writings of ; by Morris Fuller. With Portrait. 8vo. Lend., 1897. C 24Q 21 DAVENANT, Sir William. Sahnacida Sjjolia. (Ent,dish Mawjues.) H 11 U 17 Selections from the Works of. \_See West, K. — Laureates of England.] H 11 111 DA\'«;NP0RT, Dr. Charles Benedict. Experimental Morphology. Pts. ], 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 189'7-99. A 30 T 8, 9 1. HfTect of Chemical and Pliysical Agents uijou Pro- toplasm. 2. JCffcct of Chemical and Pliysieal Agents upon Growtli. DAVENPORT, Cvril. The English Regalia, Ito. Lond., 1897. K17T22t Royal English Bookbindings. [^See Portfolio, The.- Monognijihs, 30.] V, DAVENPORT, Fanny. [Portrait and Sketch of.] ^See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q G DAVENPORT, Herbert Joseph. Outlines of Economic Theory. 8vo. New York, 189G. F 13 R 2 DAVENPORT, Hester. St. Jerome. [See Lar^ent, Re^•. — .] G 2G Q 4 DAVENPORT, Samuel. Cultivation of the Olive and Manufacture of its Fruit. 8vo. Adelaide, 1870. MA 4 T 12 Cultivation of the Olive and ^Manufacture of its Fruit. (S.Aust. Chamber of Manufs., Papers.) IMA 4 S 12 Fermentation of Grape Juice. (Adelaide Philos. Soc, Trans., 1871.) ME 1 S Sericulture. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) ' MA 4 S 12 DAVEY', Richard. Cuba, Past and Present. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 33 S 3 Victoria, Queen and Empress. With Portrait. 8vo Lond. (n.d.) B 19 R 1 [Life of] Mary Tudor. [See IMary I, Queen of England.] C 23 R 9 DAVEY'', Col. Thomas, Lieut. -Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t DAVEY, William. Illustrated Pivictical Mesmerist, Curative and Scientitic. 2ml ed. 12mo. Edinb., 1856. G 15 U 9 DAVID, King of Israel. Tales of the Warrior King. [See MacduiT, 1-lev. J. R.] B 36 R 9 DAVID, F. A. Les Antiquites d'Herculanum avec kur Explications en Francais. 12 vols. 4to. Paris, 1780- 1803. ' B 19 R 11-23 f DAVID, Gerard. [Life of.] [&« Portfolio.— Monographs, 24.] E DAVID, Mrs. Tannett William Edgeworlh. luinafuti; or, Three Months on a Coral Island : an Unscientific Account of a Scientific Expedition. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MD 3 T 36 DAVID, Prof. Tannett William Edgeworth. Address by, as President of the Linnean Society of New South Whales. (Linno-an Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Discovery of Glaciated Boulders at base of Perrao-car- boniferous System, Lockinvar, N.S.W. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Evidences of Glacial Action in Australia in permo-car- boniferou.stinie. (Geolog. Soc, Lond., Journ., 1896.) E Occurrence of Diatomaceous Earth attlie Warrumbunglo Mountains, N.S.W. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME2P Siipplemenlary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 150 DAVID, Pi-of. Taniictt William Edgoworth— cowic?. Occmrencc of lladidlaria in Palaeozoic Rocks in NewSoutlr Wales. (Linnean S.)c., N.H.W., Pi-oc, 1890.) MM 2 P Rill Sti'uctui'e and Fos.sils in eruptive i-ocks in Now South Widcs. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 189G.) ME 1 P. Edible Earth from Fiji. [See Roy. Socj N.S.W., Journ., 1899.] ME 1 U Further Evidence a.s to the Glacial Action in the Bacchus Mar.sh District, Victoria. [See Australasian Assoc', for Adv. of Science, Report, 1898.] ME 18 S Occurrence of a submerged Forest, ■with remains of the Dugoiiff, at Shea's Creek, near Sydney. [See Roy. Sue, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.] ' ME 1 11 Records of Rock Temperature at Sydney Harbour Col- liery, Birthday Shaft, Balmain, Sydney, N.S.AV. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.] ME 1 R and DUN, Wiiliani Sutherland. Descriptions of the Palaeozoic Fossils of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 5 V 20 -, and HOWCHIN, Walter. (Uacial Features of the Inman Valley, Yankalilla, and Cape Jervis Dis- trict. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Ocoui'rence of Casts of Radiolaria in Pro-Cambrian (?) Rooks, South Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Pi-oc, 189G.) ME 2 P , and PITTMANN, Edward Fisher. Pakeozoic Radiolarian Rocks of New South Wales, ((jeolog. Soc, Lond., Quarterly Journ., 1899.) E Fossil Fishes of the Talbragar Beds (Jurassic ?) [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 5 V 23 Glacial Action, Ashford Coal-lield. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 1.5 T DAVIDS, C. A. Foley Rhvs. Elements of Psychology. [See Robertson, G. C] ' G 19 T IG DAVIDS, Caroline Augusta [Mrs. T. W. Rhv.s]. Kant on Education. [See Kant, I.] "G 21 P 11 DAVIDS, Prof. T. W. Rhys. Buddhism. 12mo. Lond., 1894. ' G 4 V 19 Buddhism : its History and Literature. Bvo. New York, 1896. ' G 12 V 22 DAVIDSON, Dr. Andrew. Dysentery. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) " A 26 T 35 Suppurative Hepatitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A "26 T 37 Yellow Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Svstem of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 DAVIDSON, Rev. J. Thain. Forewarned— forearmed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 4 V 32 Talks with young men. 8vo. , Lond., 189G. G 4 V 33 DAVIDSON, John. Fleet-street Eclogues. 2nd ser. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 13 T 13 Ciodfrida : a Play in four acts. 12mo. Lond., 1898. H 12 Q 10 The Last Ballad, and other Poems. 12nio. Lond., 1899. Jl 12 Q 13 New Ballad.s. 12mo. Lond., 1897. nilQ29 DAVIDSON, Thomas. History of Education. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 R 13 Rousseau and Education according to Nature. 8v(). Lond., 1898. G 18 Q 47 DAVIES, Arthur Charles Fo.v-. Armorial Families : a complete Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, and a Directory of some Gentlemen of Coat-Annour, and being the first attempt to show which arms in use at the moment are borne liy legal authority. 4to. Ediub., 1895. ' K 13 U 1 f , and CROOKES, 31. E. B. The Bor.k of Public Arms : a Cyclopredia of the Armorial Bearings, Heraldic Devices, and Seals as authorised and as used of the Counties, Cities, Towns, and Universities of the United Kingdom. 4to. Edink, 1894. K 17 T 23 t DAVIES, Ailhur Llewelyn. Law relating to Factories aiKl Workshops. [See Abraham, May E.] F 13 U 5 DAVIES, C. W. T, Estimating Acidity of Milk. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.') ME 9 U DAVIES, Dr. Charles. Description and Cultivation of Beet. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufs., Papers.) MA 4 S 12 DAVIES, Edward. Capital : the Friend and Ally of Vv'age-earners and the Mainspring of Commerce. 8vo. Meib., 1896. MF 4 Q 58 DAVIES, Sir John. Complete Poems. Edited, with Memorial Introduction and Notes, by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876." H 12 R 20, 21 DAVIES, Llewelyn. Relations between Cooperation and Socialistic Aspirations. 12mo. Manchester, 1890. F 13 V 41 DAVIES, N. dc G. The Chapel of Ptahhetep and the Hieroglyphics. [See Egypt Exploration Fund, 8th Mem.] ■ B 18 Q 32 1 DAVIES, Dr. Nathaniel Edward Yorke-. Health and C'ondition in the Acti\-e and the Sedentary. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 26 R 30 DAVIES, Philli) .John. Standard Practical Plumbing: being a ct)mplete Encyclopaedia f<.)r Practical Plumbers, and Guide for Architects, Builders, Gas-titters, Hot water-titters. Ironmongers, Lead-burners, Sanitary En gineers. Zinc-workers. 4th ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 34 V 8, 9 160 Fnhlic Library of New South Wales. DAVIES, Rowland Lytteltoii Archer. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, GS.) E DAVIES, Theo. H. Letters upon the Puliticiil Crisis in Hawaii. 8vo. Honolulu, 1894. ZtlF 5 Q 8 DAVIES, Prof. Thomas Witton. Magic, Di\iaatioii, and Denionology among the Helirews and their neighbours, including an Examination of Biblical references and Biblical terms. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (i 11 I' 4.". DAVILA, Enrico Caterino. Hi-story of the Ci\-il Wars of France. Translated by E. Earneworth. 2 \dls. 4to. Lond., 1758. ]? 19 R 2:3, 24 .t DAVIN, Nicholas Flood. Eos : an Epic of the Dawn, and other Poems. "With Portrait. 12mo. Regina, 1889. ■ H 1 Q 47 DAVIS, Lieut. C. H. Telegraph Determination of Longi- tudes. [&e Green, Lieut. E. M.] A 13 W 25^1 DAVIS, C. Wood. Future AVheat Supply of the United States. [&« Crookes, Sir A\'. — The "Wheat Problem.] [A 35 Q 15 DAVIS, Cecil T. 3Ionumental Brasses of Gloucestershire. [See Gloucestershire Notes and Queries.] B 40 P 6 DAVIS, Chai-les Thomas. The Manufactui'e of Leather Illustrated. Svo. Philad., 1897. A 13 U 10 DAVIS, G. B. Training of Teachers for Public Element- ary Schools. (Internat. Hcaltii Exhib. — Health E.xhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 DAVIS, Lieut. -Col. George B. The Elements of Law : an Introduction to the Study of the Constitutional and ^Military Law of the Ignited States. Svo. New York, 1897. E 13 T IG DA\'IS, George Lutham. Steering. (Lelimanji, li. C. — llowing.) " A 40 <^) I DAVIS, Brig.-Gen. George W. Pueilo Rico: Reports. [See United States.— Dei.t. of ^\•ar.] ]) 22 U 12 DAVIS, H. L. DescriptiRusse: ilistoire Tech- niipie Statistique. Ito. Leijizig, 1895. A 29 (.,) 11 + DAW, Albert W., and Zacharias W. The Blasting of Rock in Mines, Quai-rie.s, Tunnels, itc. : a Scientific and Practicable Treatise for the use of Engineers and otiiers engaged in Mining, Quarrying, Tunnelling, itc, and for Mining and Engini'ering Students. Pt. 1. lliustr.-ited. Svo. Lond.i 1898. ' A 10 U 9 1. 'I'lio I'iincipli's of RoL-k Blasting ami their gonci'id iijiplicatioM. Sapplemeuliwy Catalogue — 180G-1000. 161 DAWES, Cliarles O. The Baiikinj:; System of tlie United States, Jiiid its Relation to t!ie Money and I5usiness of the Country. Svo. Chicago, 1S9-I. F 10 V 5 DAWN OF EUROPEAN LITERATURE. Anglo-Saxon Literature. [f\ce Karle, Prof. J.J J 2-i S 42 Krcncli Literature. [.Jce Masson, f!. ] J 24 8 43 Slavonic Literature. [,9ce Mortill, \V. I!.J .J 24 ,S 41 DA WX, The : a Journal for Australian AV'onien, IMiiy, 1895-Apnl, 1809, June, 1899-April, 1900. 5 vuk roy. Svo. Sydney, 1895-1900. ME 18 Q DAAN'StJN, George Mercer. E.vtracts from the Report on an Exploration made in 1887 in the Yukon Territory and adjacent Northern portion of lirilish Cohnnlna. Illustrated. (Yuk.ni Territory.) D IG V 22 Descriptive Sketch of the Physical Geoi^raphy and Geology of the Doniini(^n of Canada. [_See Selwyn, Dr. A. R. C.J A .",9 R 11 DAWSON, Sir John William, F.R.S. Eden Lo.st and Vv'on : Studies of the Early Histoiy and Final Destiny of Man as taught in Natui'c and Revelation. Svo. Lond., 189.5. G 9 W 9 Origin of the AVorld accordin^ Svo. New York, 1877. Relics of Primeval Life. Illui-tratei 1897. to Rcvclatiou and Science. G 24 P 31 Svo. Lond., A 24 R 28 Story of the Earth and JIan. Ne->\ ed. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. A 40 T 22 Additional Notes on Fossil Sponges and other oi-ganic remains from the Quebec Group at Little Metis?, on the Lower St. Lawrence. \_See McGill ITniversity. — Papers from Dept. of Geology.] A 40 S 9 Note on Carboniferou.s Entomo.straca from Nova Scotia. [See McGill L^niversitw — Papers from Dept. of Geology.] " A 40 S 9 Note on Cryptozoon antl other ancient Fossils. \_See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Geology.] A 40 S 9 Review of the Evidence for the Animal Nature of Eozoon Canaden.se. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Geology.] A 40 S 9 DAWSON, Joseph. The Wedgwood Memorial Institute, Burslein. Illustrated. 12nio. Burslem, 1894. B 23 P 18 DAWSON, Lily. The Hampden Waltz. Sm. fol. Syd- ney (n.d.) ' MA 13 P 5 t DAWSON, Miles Men;indcr. Auiericaii Life Insurance Methods. Svo. Philad. (n.d.) F 16 R 24 DAWSON, Sanmel Edward. North America. Vol. 1. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. (Stanford's Com- l)endium of Geography and Tra^'el.) D LS R 19 J . C'aiiada and Newfoundlanil. DAWSON, William Harl)utt. Social Switzerland : Studies of Present-day Sirjiid Movements and Legislation in the Swi-ss Republic. «vo. Lojid., 1897. F 15 R 7 13AWS0N, Re\-. Willi.un Jamt-s. London Idylls. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 8 T 38 Song of the Peoples. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) V 15 P 29 DAY, Francis. Counncrcial Sea I'i.shc.s of Great Britiiin. (Intcrnat. Fish. Exhib. -Fisheries Lit.). A 34 R 8 Fish Culture. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 The Food of Fislics. (Intei-nat. Fisheries E.xhib. — Fish- eries Literature.) A 34 R 6 Indian Fisli and Fi.shing. (Internat. Fifihcries Exhib. - Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 DAY, Dr. George E., F.R.S. Physiological Ciicmistrv. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 S 22-25 DAY, J. Medway. Cooperation : what it is, and what it has done. Svo. Sydney, 1896. MF 3 Q 47 Idlers in the Market Place. Svo. Sydney. 1896. MF3 Q 47 I»AY, John. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 DAY, Lewis F. Alphabets Old aiul New. lUustrated Svo. Lond., 1898. A 41 Q 24 Nature in Ornament. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1889. (Text-books oi Ornamental Design.) A 44 U I Windows : a Book aljout Stained Painted Glass. IlluS' trated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 40 R G William Morris and his Art. [^''v Art Journal.] A 20 R 12 T , and BUCKLE, Mary. Art in Needlework : a Book about Embroidery. Illust. Svo. Loud., 1900. (Text-books of Ornamental Design.) A 46 P 23 DEAD MARCH OF THE WATERS, Tlie, and other Ver.ses ; written in Australasia. [See B., AV.A.] MH 1 V 16 DEAKIN, Alfred. The Present Federal Crisis. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) YlV 4 Q 54 DEA KIN, Dr. Richartl Florigraphia Britannica : or, Engravings and Descriptions of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Britain. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1851-58. A 20 R 9-12 DE ALBINI, F. [See .Albini, F. dc.] DE AMICIS, Edmondo. ilorocco : its PeojJo and Places. Translated by M. H. Lansdale. Illustrated. 2 yols. Svo. PhikuK, 1897. D IS S 2-5, 2G On Blue Water. Translatecr Ijv J. B. Brown. Illus- trated. -Svo. New York, 1897. D 22 Q 1 162 TuLIic Libra)'!/ of Neio South JFales. DEAN, George Alfred. The Culture, Management, and Improvement of Landed Estates. Illustrated. Tlov. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 34 V 13 Political Rights of the English People ; liovv- acquired, retained, or forfeited ; to which is added, a Sketc'i of such Ri<,'hts under Ancient and JModorn Republics. 8vo. Loud., 1875. F 5 R 21 DEANE, Henry. Address as President of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189.5-96.) . ME 2 P Anniversary Address, delivered to the Royal Society of New South V,'ales, Mav 4th, 1898. " (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) " ME i R Principles ad!)pted in coiistructing unballasted lines of railways in Now South Wales. (Australasian Assoc. for AVI vane, of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Suggestions for depicting diagrammatically the character of Seasons as regards Rainfall, and especially that of Droughts. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R -, and MAIDEN, .Joseph Heiny. The Eucalypts "f New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897, 1899.) ME 2 P The Grey Gum of the North Coast Districts. (Limiean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) I\IE 2 P New species of Eucalvi)tus from the Sydney District. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ' " ilE 2 P Observations on the Eucalypts of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96, 1898.) ME 2 P The White Ash of Southern New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P DEANE, William J. The Book of Wisdom. [_See Bibles and Testaments. — Ajjocrypha.] G 25 R 3 DEANS, J. Coijpei'ation versus Pri\-ato Trading. 12mo. Manchester, 1889. F 13 V 23 DEARBORN, Dr. Geo)'go Van Ness. The Emotion (,f Joy. Svo. New York (n.d.) G 25 V 5 DEARMER, Rev. Percy. Religiou.s Pamphlets [^C2»-mh'.'j] with Introduction and Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Pamphlet Lil).) G 23 Q 32 Social Work of the Undivided Church. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 DEAS-TIIOMPSON, Sir Edward. [See Thompson, Sir E. Dea-s-.] DE liANVlLLl^, Theodore Faullain. [See Banville, T. F. dc] DEIiATEIi, Tko. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-5, July Aug., 1882. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1882. [Afl. piihfi.-. Lond., 1898. F 15 S 2 DEMOOR, Jean, MASSART, Jean, and VANDER- VELDE, Emile. Evolution by Atrophy in Biology and Sociology. Trans, by Mrs. Chalmers Mitchell. S\o. Lond., 1899. (luternat. Scieu. Ser.) A 41 T 25 lOi JPublic Library of New South Wales. DE MORGAN, Augustus. Study and Difficiilties of Mathematics. New ed. \Vith Portrait. 8vo. Chicago, 1898. A 25 P 50 Treatise on Proljlems of ^laxima and iliiiima. \See Ramchundra.] A 25 T G DEMOSTHENES. [Life of.] [See Zama, Dr. C] C U R 16 DE NARFON, Julicii. [See Naifon, J. de.] DENBrRGH, John Van. [See Van Donburgli, J.] DENDY, Prof. Arthur. Anatomy of an Au.stralian Land Planariau. (Roy. See, Vict., Trans., 1.) ME 21 T Catalogue of Non-calcareous Sponges, collected in the neighbourhood of Port Phillip Heads. (Rov. Soc, Vict., Proc, 189.5-9G.) ME 1 P Description oiPerlpatus ovijyavus. (LinncanSoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Life-history of the Tuatani. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895-97.) ME 2 S Observations on the Holothurians of New Zealand, with Descriptions of four new species. (Linnean Soc, Journ., Zoology, 2G.) E On VirgnJaria ijracillima in Lvttcltou Harl)our. (N.Z. Inst., Trans.,' 1896.) ' ME 2 S Points in the Aiaatomy of Cuiidhia corliicea. (Linnean Soc, Journ., Zoology, 2G.) E Remarkable Collection of Mai-ine AniniiiLs lately found on the New Brighton Beach, near Christchurch, New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S The Sponges described in Dieffenbach's " New Zealand." (N.Z. inst.. Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Summaiy of the principal results obtained in a Study of the Development of tlie Tuatara. (Roy. Soc, Lond., Proc, June, 1898.) ' E DENIKER, J. Races of Man: an Outline of Anthro- pology and Ethnography. Illustrated. 8vo. Ijond., 1900. (Contemporary Science Ser.) A 27 S 32 DENILIQUIX CIIROXICLE:xw\ Riverine Gazette, 189S. Fol. Dcniliquin, 1898. MK DENIO, Elizabeth H. Nicolas Poussin : his Life and Work. [See Poussin, N.] C 25 S 13 DENISON, Lieut.-Col. George 'i'. Snlrlirvlug in Canada. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " B40P11 DENISON, Herbert. Treatise on Photogi-avurc in Intaglio by the Talbot-Klic Process. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 46 V 13 DENISON, John Evelyn, VlKfoiint Os-;iiigton. [See O.s- sington, Viscount.] DENISON, Maj.-Gen. Sir William Thomas, F.R.S. Rela- tive value of specimens of Nati\'e Gold from the dif- ferent Countries whence it is brought to market in these Colonies. (Royal Engineers. — Papers on sub- jects connected VN'ith t!ie duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers.) A 41 S 17 [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 33) E Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t DENMARK : — Cfowrnmi'iit Departments — Ri'ports and Puhlicatioms. Agriculture. Aarsberotning oai det kongelige danske Laiidhusholdnin[;sselskal)s Virksonihed, 1896-98. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1897-98. E Hiinsegaarden : Vejleduing i Hunsea->'1 og .5liuiket Deposits, witli spncial reference to those met with I5r)OK of tlie Meat and Provision Trades arid iheir alli(^d industries for the Unit(Ml Slates and Canada. 8vo. New York (n.d.) A 33 P 22 DISRAELI, Benjamin, Eail of Beaconsfield. [See Bea- con.sfield. Earl of.] DISTANT, William Lucas. Rho])alocera Malayana : a Description of the liultei-flies of tli(! Alalay Peninsula. Illu.stratcd. l(o. i.oiid., 18S2-8G. A 18 Q 18 t Rhynchota from the Australian and Pacific Region. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1881.) E DITCHFIELD, Rev. Peter Hampson. (^Id English Cus- toms extant at the Present Time. 8vo. Lond., 189G. G 12 V 33 The Story of our English Tow-ns ; with au Introduction l)y A. Jessopp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 23 S 21 DITTMAR, Franz, and SCIIERZER, Georg. Ballhorns Niirnberger Wanderbuch : ein Fuhrer bei Wander- ungen in der Umgegend Niirnbergs in den Gebieten der Pegnitz, Regnitz, Altmiihl ; neljst einem Anhang : Die Geologischen Verbal tni.s.se der Umgegend Niirn- bergs von Dr. M. Hagen. 12nio. Niirnijcrg, 1889. i)12PGl DITTIMCH, Ottinar. AliL Geschlosscncn Augen. [S(e Bellamy, Edward.] J 1 V 47 DI VER, Jennv, [Life of] ; bv Charles Andrews. (Vincent, Arthur.—' Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 DIVIDEND: what it i,s, and how it is made. 12mo. Manchester, 1885. F 13 V 23 DIVINITY HALL RECORD, Th-. No. 1. Dec, 1879. 8vo. Bri.sb., 1879. AIA 5 R 25 DIXON, Andrew J. Manual of Icemaking and Refriger- ating Machines : a Treatise on the Theory and Practice oi Cold-production bv mechanical means. 18mo. St. LouLs, Mo., 1894. ■ A 25 P 14 DIXON, C. Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights. Illus- trated. Sm. 4 to. Lond., 1893. J 24 Q 14 DIXON, Charles. British Sea Birds. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 27 T 39 Curiosities of Bird Life : an Account of the Sexual Adornments, Wonderful Display.s, Strange Sounds, Sweet Songs, Curious Nests, Protective and Recog- nitory Colours and extraordinaiy Habits of Birds. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 6 Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands. Illus- trated. 4to. Sheffield, 1900. A 44 W 4 The Migration of Birds : an attempt to reduce Avine Season-Flight to Law. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 S 25 Our Favourite Song Birds : their Habits, Music, and Characteristics. Illustrated. 8vo. L(md., 1897. A 27 U 35 DIXON, D. B. The Jlechanical Arts simplified. Illus- trated. 8vo. Chicago, 1897. A 39 P 1 170 Public Library of New South Wales. DTXOX, E. M. Workshop Instruction in T(!chnic;il Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A il V 10 DIXON, Dr. Frank H. State Railroad Control. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 10 V 7 DIXON, Harold E. Domestic Use of Oas. (Internat. Health E.vhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 DIXON, Hepworth. Robert Blake. [-See Blake, Robert.] C 2G U 1 DIXON, Sydenham. Billiards. {See Broadfoot, IMajor W.] " A 29 S 23 DIXON, William John. Law and Practice in Divorce and other iLitriiaunial Causers. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. F9Ril DIXON, Dr. AVilliam MacNcilo. English Poetry from Blake to Browning. 2iid ed. 8\o. Lend., 189G. H 10 U 20 Primer of Tenny.son, with a Critical Essay. 8vo. Lend., 1896. J U U 9 [Criticism of the "W'orks of] George Grote. {_See Crailc, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Henry Hallam. \_See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] ' J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Walter Savage Landor. {See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Ci-itieism of the Works of] Henry Hart Milman. [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* DIXSON, Zella Allen. Comprehensive Subject-Index to Univer.sal Prose Fiction. 8\o. New York, 1897. J II V 30 DJEifALEDDTN, Bey. Sultan Murad \, and the Turkish Dynastic Mystery, 1876-95. 8vo. Lund,, I'^g"). " ■ ' B 31 Q U DOBSON, Austin. Collected Poems. With Portrait, 8vo.' Lond., 1897. If II R 18 Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 3rd ser. 8\ii. Lond., 1896. ' ,J 14 T 17 Four Frenchwomen. 1 2mo, New York (n.d.) C 27 P 19 Miscellanies. With Portrait. 12mii. New Yoik, 1H98. J 14 P 51 A Paladin of Philanthroj)y, and other Paper.s. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1.H99, J 22 Q 12 Song : Dolly Day. [Words.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) ATA 13 PC t Story of Itosina, and other Verses. Illustrated. 8vo. Ixmd., 1H9.5. H11R27 Emma. [Sm Au.sten, Jane.] J 25 P 1 Man,sHeld Park. [See Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 2 Northanger Abbey and Persua.sion. [See Austen, Jane,] J 25 P 4 Pride find Prejudice. [See Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 5 Sense and Sensibility. [See Austen, •(,uii'.] ■! 25 ]' (i DOCK, Dr. George. Malarial Disease^i and Dengue. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P15 DOD'S Peerage, Baronetage, and Kniiihtage of (4reat Britain and Ireland, 1841-42, 1844,''l846, 1848-1900. 59 vols, 12mo, Loud., 1841-1900. E DODD, Catherine I, Introduction to the Herbartian Principles of Teaching. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 17 S 15 DODD, Rev. Henry Philip. The Epigrammati.sts : a Selection from the Epigrammatic Literature of Ancient, Medireval, and Modern Times. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1889. J 16 R 40 DODD, Rev. William. Thoughts in Prison. 18mo. Lond. (u.d.) H 10 T 36 Beauties of Sluikspearc. [See Shakespeare, AV.] Libr. DODDS, James Miller. [Criticism of the Works of] James Anthony Froude. [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* DODGE, Charles Richards. Descriptive Catalogue of the Useful Fiber Plants of the AVorld, [See United States. — Dept. of Agiicult. — Office of Fiber Investi- gations.] A 39 R 18 Recent Facts regarding the Ramie Industry in America, with brief statements relating to Manufacture in Europe, etc. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 37 S 15 Report on the Cultivation of Ramie in the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult, — Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 30 R 31 Report on the Culture of Hemp and Jute in the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — ■ Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 37 S 57 Report on the Culture of Hemp in Europe. [See United State.?. — Dept. of Agricult. — OtRce of Fiber Investiga- tiims.] ' A 37 S 57 Report on Fla.v Cidture for Fiber in the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 43 Report on Flax Culture for Seed and Fiber in Europe and America. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult.— Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 37 S 57 Ropoi't on Flax, Hemp, Ramie, and Jute. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 16 Report on the Leaf Fibers of the United States, [See United States, — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 11 Report on Sisal Hemp Culture iii the Uinted States. [See United States, — Dept, of Agricult, — Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 17 Rej)ort on the uneidtivated Bast I'ibers of the Ignited States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult,-- Div, of Statistics,] A 37 S 10 DODCiE, Pi'of, Charles ^\■rigllt. Introduction t(j l':iemeiit- ary Practical Biology. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 27 S I Stijip lementary Cata locj ne — 1896-1900. 171 DODGE, Lieut.-Col. T. A. Gustavus Adoliilui.s : a His- toi'V of the Art of War from il.s r('\ival after tlio Middle Age.s to the end of the Hi>aiiisli Succession War; witli a detailed Account of the Campaigns of the (ireat Swede, and of the most famous Campaigns of Turenne, Conde, Kugene, and Marlhorough. With Charts, Maps, Plans of Battles and Tactical Man- oeuvres, Cuts of Uniforms, Arms, and Weapons. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Great Captains.) 15 20 S 14 DODGE, Walter Phelps. Piers Gaveston : a Chapter of Early Constitutional History. illustrated. 8\(i. Lond., 1899. " F 12 T 21 DODGE, William Earl. William E. Dodgr^, the Christian Merchant ; by Carlos Martyn. 8vo. New York, 1894. " C 20 IT :J DODGSON, Campbell. Dlirer. [S^n Knackfuss, H.] A 45 W 5 A 45 W 2 A 45 W 1 A45 W 3 A 45 W 4 Holbein. \_See Knackfuss, H.] Raphael. [See Knackfuss, H.] Rembrandt. [See Knackfuss, H.] Van Dyek. [See Knackfus.s, H.] DODGSON, Rev. Charles Lutwidge, "Lewis Carroll." Alice's xldventures Underground : being a fac-simile of the original M8. Book afterwards developed into "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1886. J 25 R 4 The " Lewis Carroll " Picture Book : a Selection from the unpublished Writings anrl Drawings of " Lewis Car- roll,' together with repi'ints from scarce and unac- knowledged work. Edited by S. D. Collingwood. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 17 U 13 Life and Letters of ; by S. D. Collingwood. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 20 S 18 Reminiscences of ; by L. A. Tollemache. (Among my Books.) J 14 Q 35 Symbolic Logic. Pt. 1. 12mo. Load., 189G. G 9 V 41 1. KlcniL'iitaiy. Through the Looking-glass, and what Alice found there. Illustrated. 8vo. "Lond., 1898. J 25 R 5 DODGSON, F. H. Some abandoned Gold-fields of the Old World. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T DODS, John Bovee. Philosophy of Electrical Physiology. 8vo. New York, 1850. G 19 U 12 DODS, Rev. Marcus. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 17 DOHERTY, W. M. Estimation of Wheatmoal in Oat- meal by a Gravimetric Process. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S . Manganese Nodules found at Onybygambah. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science. Report, . 18e8.) ME18S DOIIRN, Dr. Anton. Die Pantopoden des Golfes von Ncapel. (Zoologisdie Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora tics (ioli'es \on Ncapel.) A 19 P 3 t DOLBEAR, Prof. Amos Emerson. The Art of Projecting : a Manual of Experimentation in Physics, Chemistry, and Natural History with the Poi-te Lumiere and Magic Lantern. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1892. A 23 S IG Tlie Machinery of the Universe : Mechanical Conseptions of Physical Phenomena. 12mo. Lond., 1897. (Ro- mance of Science.) A 24 P 47 Mattel-, Ether, and Motion : the Factors and Relations of Physical Science. Edited bv Pi'of. A. Lodge. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' A 33 P 42 DOLE, Cliarles Fletcher. The Coming People. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 15 U 32 DOLE, Helen B. Rustic Life in France. [See Theurict, Andre.] D 18 S 17 DOLE, Nathan Haskell. Anna Karcnina. [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count.] J 22 U 16 Rubaiyat i>f Omar Khav^'i'im. [See Omar Khayyam.] H 4 R 40, 41 War and Peace. [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count.] J 23 S 3-6 DOLE, Sanford B., and WILLIS, Albert S. The Hawaiian Ci-isis. 8vo. Honolulu, 1893. MF 3 R 72 DOIjLFUS. G. Geologie du Spitzberg. [See Ramond, G.] A 25 V 36 DOLLINGER, Prof. Johann Joseph Tgnaz von. Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 DOLMETSCH, H. Historic Styles of Ornament, with Historical and Descriptive Text. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 18 T 15 f DOMETT, Alfred. [Portrait of.] [See Album of Aus- tralian Writers.] MA 45 P % DOMINGUEZ, Dr. Manuel. Typhus Fever. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 DOMIXICAX STAR, The .- n. New Zealand Year-book. Papers Literary, Artistic, Scientific, Entertaining. Vol. 1. Illustrated. Svo. Dunedin, 1899. ME 3 S DONALD. A. K. Melusine. [See Early English Text Soc] E DONALD, James Thomas. Peculiar behaviour of Charcoa in the Blast Furnace at Radnor Forges, Que. [See jMeGill University. — Papers from De;jt. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 172 Fuhlic Library of Neio South Wales. DONALDSON, Rev. Augustus Blair. Five Great Oxford Leaders: Keble, Newiuaii, Piisc^-, Liddou, and Churcli. 8x0. Lond., 1900. ' G 2G S 4 DONALDSON, James. Drawing and Rough Sketching for ilariiie Engineers, with Proportions, Instructions, Explanations, and Examples. Gth ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189.^). A 38 S 16 DONALDSON, Thomas. Walt Whitman. [See Whit- man, W.] C 23 Q 23 DONATELLO (Donato di Niecolo di Betti Bardi.) Dona- tello. iSee Rea, H.] A 4-1 R 19 DONEUX, Lieut.-Col. A. Electricite et Maguctisme ter- restres : theorie de N. R Briick appliquee a la Phy- sique du Globe, a la Mc'teorologie, aux Incendies et au Grisou. 3 vols. 12mo. Pari.s, 1894. A 20 P 30-32 DONISTHORPE, Word.sworth. Down the Stream of Civilization. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D13P10 DONN, Rub. ISee Mackay, R.] DONNE. John, Dean of St. Paul's. Poems. Edited liy E. K. Chamljers ; witli an Introduction by G. Saintsbury. 2 vols. 12nio. Lond., 189(5. H 10 U 31, 32 Life and Letters, now for the first time revised and collected by E. Gosse. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 4, 5 Life of, 1621-31 ; by A. Jessopp. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Leaders of Religion.) C 23 S 9 Essay on. [_See Lightfoot, J. B., Bishop — Histoi-ieal Essays.] J 12 U 27 Life of. \_See Walton, T.] C 27 P 22 DONNELL, E. J. The True Issue : lii(kistiial Depression and Politicid Corruption caused liy Tarift' ZMonoiJolies. Svo. New York, 1881. F 17 1' i; DONNELLY, Ignatius. Atlantis: the Antedihnian World, lltiied. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.. 1 Si).'). J 1 1 1! 22 Tlie Cipher in the Plavs and on the Tomljstone. 8vo. I^)nd., 1900. ■ J 21 S .'iO Ragnarok: the Age of Fire and Gravel. Svo. New York, 1894. A 44 U 12 No Cipher in Shakespeare : a Refutation of the Great Cryptogram. [&e Nicholson, Rev. A.] J 10 U 3.") DONNELLY, Ned. Self-defence; or, tlie .\rt of Boxing. Edited by J. M. Waite. Ctli wl. Illustrated. 8vo. Ijoivl, IMSI. A 29 S 38 DON(JJIOI-;, .M. II. The New Soulli Wales Lancers. (Review of Rcviow.s, March, 1899.) .ME 9 U DONOVAN, Edward. An Ei^itome of the Natural His- tory of the Insects of India and the Islands in the Indian Seas. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1800. A 18 R 9 t Natural History of the Insects of China, containing up- wards of 220 Figures and Descriptions. New ed., brought down to the present state of the science ; with Systematic Characters of each Species, Synonyms, In- dexes, and other additional matter, by J. O. Westwood. 4to. Lond., 1842. A 20 R 10 j DONOVAN, T. :M. Queensland Politics and Federation. (Westminster Review, Aug.. 1899.) E DONOVAN, Thomas. English Historical Plays,; by Shakespeare, Marlowe, Peele, Heywood, Fletcher, and Ford, arranged for acting as well as for reading. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 19, 20 DORCHESTER, Rev. Daniel. The Problem of Religious Progress. 8vo. New York, 189-5. G 12 V 4 DORE, Gustave {in fall Paul Gustave.) History of Don Quixote. \_See Cervantes Saavedra, JI. de.] J 20 T 3 t DORION, "Alba." [See D.irrington A.] DORIS, Charles. Secret ]\IenK)irs of Napoleon. \_See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 21 U 7 DORM AN, Dr. Marcus Robert Phipps. Ignorance; a Study of the Causes and Effects of Popular Thought, with some Educational Suggestions. 8vo. Lond., 1898. '' G 18 R 71 DORM AN, LONG, and CO. Steel Sections. Ob. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 22 P 47 DORPFELD, Dr. Wilhelm. The Mvcena'an Age. [See Tsountas, Dr. C] ' B 16 V 39 DORIMNGTON, Albert, "Alba Dorion." Castro's Last Sacrament, and other Stoiies. 8\o. Svdnev, 1900. MJ 3 T 20 DORSEY, Sarah Anne, " Filia. ' Lucia I>are. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1867. J 24 V 4 DOUCtAL, F. H., and CO. Index to Advertisements for Next-of-kin, lleii-s-at-law. Legatees, itc, who have been advertised for to claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all parts of the World. 10th ed. 8vo. Lond, (ii.d.) K 10 T 29 DOUGALL. S. S. Soils and Manures. (West Australian Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q .51 D0U{;ilERTY, T. Heywood. IMusieians and Jlusical Taste in Australasia. (Review of Review.s, April, 1897.) E Supplementary Culalogiie — 189G-1000. ]7.J DOUGLAS, Hon. Adye. [Portrait and Skotoh of] ; byG. N. Stewart. (Once a Month, 1S85.) MJ 1 V 20 DOUGLAS, Dr. Charles. Tlie Ethics of JuUu Stuart Mill. [See Mill, J. B.] (1 1 I U I I DOUGLAS, Sir Geurjie. Tlu^ '• Blaekwudd " Group. Svo. Edin))., 1897. (Famous Scots Ser.) G 20 U 2-t History of the Border Counties: Ro.xlnirgh, Selkiik, Peebles. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (County Histories .,f Scotland.) B .3G S t James Hogg. [See Hogg, J.] C 20 V 19 Ringan Gilhaize. [See Gait, J.] J 12 (,) 21 DOUGLAS, James. The Australian Colonics. (Canadian Monthly, Sept., 1876.) J 27 P 10 DOUGLAS, John. An Australian Nation. (Melbourne Review, .">.) ME 18 Q DOUGLAS, Loudon M. Bacon-curing from the British point of view. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R DOUGLAS, Robert B. A French V(,lunteer of the War of Independence. [See Pontigibaud, Chev. de.] C23P21 DOUGLAS, Prof. Robert Kennawav. China. TUust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Story of the Nations). B :)•". P 8 Confucianism andTaouisni. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G i V 18 Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, MSS., and Draw- ings in the Library of the British Museum. [See Briti.sh Museum.] K 13 R 13 f Catalogue of Japanese Printed Books and MSS. in the Jjibrary of the British JNIuseum. [See British Museum.] J 13 R 18 t DOUGLAS, W. S. Cronnvell's Scotch Campaigns, 16.50^ 51. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 13 DOUGLASS, Frederick. Life and Times of, written by himself ; his Early Life as a Slave, his Escape from Bondage, and his complete History to the present time. 8v(). Boston, 1895. " C 22 S 21 DOURY, — . Histoire Archcologiipie, Descriptive et Graphiqiie de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais. [See Decloux, — .] G12X22t DOUXAMI, Dr. H. Etudes sur les Terrains Tertiaires du Dauphinc de la Savoie et de la Suisse Occidentale. Svo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 25 DOVE, Jane Frances. Work and Play in Girls' Schools. [See Beale, Dorothea.] G 23 P 32 DOVER, Capt. Robert. [Essay f.n] Captain Dover'.s Cotswold Games. [See Gosse, Edmund. — 17tli Cen- tury Studies ] H 10 W 23 DOWDEN, Prof. Edward. The French Revolution and ICiiglish Literature : Lectures delivered in connection with the .ses([uicentennial celebration of J'rinceton University. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J U R 12 History of French Literature. Svo. Lond., 1897. (Short Histories of tlie Literatures of the W(jrl(l.) J U R 29 Transcripts and Studies. 2nd ed. 8vo. L(jnd., 1896. J U V 27 Woi'dsworth's Modernisation of Chaucer. (Knight, W. — - W{. Heetorial Adih-css, delivered at St. Andrews. [See Kni',dit, Dr. W.] G 17 T 1,^ ])UFFIELD, Alexander James. Peru in (he (iuano Ago : being a short Account of a recent visit to tlie Guano Deposits, with some reflections on the money they have produced and the uses to wliich it has been applied. 8\'o. Lond., 1S77. D Ifi li 7 DUFFY, (Sir Charles Gavaii. An Australian in Europe 30 years ago. (Contemporary l\e\iew, (Jet(.)l)er, lt<97.) E Ballad Poetry of Ireland. lard ed. 18nio. Dublin (n.d.) H 10 V 27 My Life in two Hemispheres. With Portrait. \i vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MC I T ;3l', yi Our First Legislature. (Melb. Rev., .?.) ME 18 Q Port Phillip : a preliminary Chapter in the Political History of Victoria ( Melb. Rev. , 1 . ) IVT E 1 8 Q DUGDALE, Mrs. Marie van.] A AV'inter in Berlin. [See J5unsen, " J U (.^ to DUGGAR, J. F. Potato Culture. [See United .States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Sweet Potatoes. [See United States. — Dejit. of Agricult.] A^^-ll U 2 DU GUESCLIN, Bertram). Life and Times of; by E. V. Stoddard. Illust. 8vo. New Yr)rk, 1897. C 2.-i Q 2-1 DUKES, Dr. Clement. Hygiene of Youth. (AllbuU, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 School Dormitories. (Tnternat. IL'alth Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 11 V 7 DULAURIER, E. Uue Conference sur I'llistoire d'Ar- menie ou La Veritc vvnio declaree a propos de la Bro- chure anonyme intituk'e La Vcrite sur le Prince Leon d'Armcnie-Lu.signan. 8vo. Paris, 1879. B 11 T 8 DULCKEN, Henry AV. Waterloo. [See Erekmann, E.] J 2.5 R 21 DUMAS, Alexandre. Celeljrated Crimes. Translated by I. G. Burnham. Illustrated. 8 vols. 8vo. Philad., 189.5. F 7 P 20-33 The Regent's Daughter. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 21 U 3.3 The Snow on Shah-Dagh and ^Vnnnalat ])e\- : Posthumous Romances. Translated b)- H. Gordon. 8\o. Lond. (n.d.) J U Q 41 The Three ilusketeers. Translated bv H. L. Williams. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) " J 25 R 22 Twenty Years after. Translatetl by H. L. Williams. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) " J 25 R 23 The Vicomte de Bragelonne. Translated Ijy H. L. Williams. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 R 24 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See IMatthews, J. B.— French Dramatists of thcVjth Century.] H 12 R 1 z DUMAS, Alexandre, jun. [Criticism of the Woi-ks of.] [S^g Matthews, .J. li. 4'rencii I dramatists of the 19tli Centuiy.] 11 12 1! 1 DUJNIAS, F. (i, Tllusli-ated Biographies of .Modei-n Arti.sts. Fol. Lond,, 1882. ' C 1 P 17 J DU .MAURIEI!, George. English Society. Illustrated. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1897. ' A 15 S 22 t The Martian. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 S 23 Peter Ibbets<,n. Illust. 8vo. L(.nd., 1898. J 25 R 25 Social Pictorial Satii'c. Illustrated. 8\o. Lond., 1898. J 14 Y 29 Trilby. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. J 25 ]{ 20 In Bohemia with I)u ilaui-ier. [See Moscheles, F.l C 24'T 20 DUMONT, Albert. Notes on Higher Education in France. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Healtli Exliib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 DUMONT, James A. Steandjoat Inspectors' Manual. [See United States. — Steandjoat Inspection Service.] F 12 S 25 DU MORTIER, Barthelemy Chailes. Hepatica- Euro- pa^ : Jungermannideie Europa; post .senjiseculum re- censita? adjunetis Hepiatici.s. Illustrated. 8vo. Bruxellis, 1,S74. A 39 Q 14 DUN, William Sutherland. Australian Tieniopteriden?. (Australasian Assoc, for Atlvancement of Science, Re- port, 1898.) ME IS S Contributii^^>/"i"i'i'^i" i'l the C.-irboniferous of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Descriptions of the PalKozoic FtJssils of New South Wales. [See N. S. W.— Geolog. Sur\-.] MA 5 V 20 Devonian Plant-ljearing Beds on tlie Genoa River. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Diatomaceous Earth Deposits of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Fauna of Devonian Boulders occurring at AVhite Cliffs Opal-fields. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Sur\-., Records, 5.] ME 15 T 178 Tnhlio Lihmrii of New South Wales, DUN, William Sutliorland — conld. Lower Silurian Graptolites in New South Wales. [See N.S.W.—Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Poimo-Carboniferous Flora of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Efceptaciilites auatralis. \_See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Stratigraphical and Palseontological Notes. [See N.S.AV. — Geolog. Surv., Records; 5.] ME 15 T DUNBAR, Ed.ward Dunbar. Social Life in former days, chieth' in the Proxince of Morav. Illustrated bv Letters and Family Papers. 8vo. Edinb., 1805. B 40 P 1 DUNBAR, William. [Life of]; l)y Oliphant Sraeatoii. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous S^cots Ser.) C 20 V 10 DUNCAN, Adm. Adam. [Life of] : by the Earl of Cam- perdown. With Pen-traits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 17 DUNCAN, George. The various Theories of the Relation of Mind and Brain reviewed. 12mo. Loud., 18G9. G 17 Q 5.3 DUNCAN, Dr. James Matthews. Fecundity, Fertility, Sterilitv, and allied topics. 8x"o. Edinb., 18Gfi. A 19 U 12 DUNCAN, R. C. Electricity and Magnetism. [See Gerard, E.] A 39 Q 1 DUNCAN, Sara Jeannette. [See Cotes, Sara Jeannette.] BIWCA.VS ]]'£EKLy RFJUSTER OF I'OUTK'S. Facts, and General Literature. Vols. 1-5, Julv, 18 t.S- Dec, 1845. 5 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1843-45. [.1// jmbliahed.] " ' MJ 3 W 1-5 "DUNCANS." How MoiK-v makes Money. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " F 13 V 33 DUNDONALD, Thomas Cochrane, Earl of. The Trial of Lord Cochrane befi ire Lord Ellenbnrough. [&«Atlay, J. B.] ' F 13 T 29 DUXGOG rilROMCLE, Durliam and (iloucester Adv.'r- tiser, 1899. Fol. Dungog, 1899. ME DUNHAM, C. W. Briti.sh Millens' Requirements in Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R DUNKIN, Edwin, F.R.S. Tlio Midnight Sky : Familiar Notes on the Stars and Planets. Illustrated. Imp. 8yo. Lf>nd., 1891. A 12 T 23 t DUN LOP, Mrs. Francis Anna. Robi-rt iUuiis and Mrs. Duriiop : Correspondence now published in full for the first time ; with Elucidations by AV. A\'allace. With Portrait. 8vo. L.ind., 1898. C 23 U 5 DL^NLOP, James. Approximate places of Double Stars in the Southern Hemisphere, observed at Parramatta, N.S.W. (Roy. Astron. Soc., Mems. 3.) E Catalogue of Nebulas and Clusters of Stars in the South- ern Hemisjjhere, observed at Parramatta, New South Wales. (Roy. Soc., Lond., Philosoph. Trans,, 1828.) E Observations of Mars and Stars in his parallel, made at Parramatta, N.S.W., 1832. (Roy. Astnm. Soc, Mems. 8.) E Observations on the Comet of 1825, and on the changes which take place in the figure of the tail, tending to establish the existence of a rotation round its axis. (Edinb. Journ. of Science, Jan., 1827.) A 30 Q 15 Observations of two Comets, 1833-34, made at Parra- matta, N.S.W. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 8.) E Oljservations of Vesta and Stars in her parallel, made at Parramatta, N.S.W., 1833. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 8.) E James Dunlop, F.R.S. , Astronomer Royal, N.S.W. 1831-47. [See Service, Dr. John. — Thir Notandums.] MJ 3 Q 4G Observations on two Comets discovered at Pariamatta in 1824. [See Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 10.] E DUNLOP, James M. Anatomical Diagrams for the use of Alt Students ; with Introductory Preface by Dr. J. Cleland. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 35 W 5 DL'NLOP, R. Restoration of the Jews. 12mo. Sydney, 1863. MG 2 T 20 DUNLOP, W. Australian Folk-lore Stories. (Anthr. Inst, of Gt. B. and Ireland, Journ., 1899.) E DUNN, E. J. Northward Extension of the Derrinal Con- glomerate. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Note on Perforated Rocks from AVestern Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P DLTNN, Sara H. Sunny Memories of an Indian Winter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 19 U IG DUNNE, Lvell. P.syche, and other Poems. 12mo. Ade- laide (n"d.) Mil 1 V 22 DUNNI(iLIFi<; Alfred Atten. Cultivation of Broom Millet for manufacturing purposes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) " ME9 R Onions. (Farmers and Ft. -grow(n\s' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Potatoes. (Farmers and Ft.-growors'Guide.) MA 4 11^ I The Tomato. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 DUNNING, Rev. Albert Elijah. The Pilgrim Fathers of New England and their Puritan Successors. [See Broun, Rev. J.] G 1 R 42 DUNNINt!, Prof. William Archib.ald. Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction anil related topics. 8vo. Now York, 1S98 F 4 U 37 Siipplemcnlavy Catalocjue — 1S9G-1900. 179 ItUNllAVEN AND MOUNT-EARL, Windham Tlmmas Wyndhiuii-Quin, 4l,h Karl of. Kclf-iiisti'uctioii in tin' I'i'at'ti(.'o and Tlieory nf Navi^'ation. 2 vols. 8v(). Lend., 1900. A 1.5 T 17, 18 DUNSTAN, B. Coological IVatiircs of the Cuuntiy be- tween Warren and Mt. I^ion. [Si'i', Queensland. — Geolog. Sui-v., Bulletin 11.] ]\1A 2 V (58 DUNSTAN, Mm-. E. Ti-eniayne. E\-.ilut,i<.n of the Pulpit. Vlmo. Sydney, IS'JIj. MG 1 P 88 DUNTON, Tlieodorc Watts- (Tliood.u-e Watts). Ayhvin. 1.5th «1. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J i:? R 25 The Coming of Love : Rhona Boswell's Story ; and other Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " H -1 T 21 DUNWOODY, Lieut. H. H. C. Weather Proverbs. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 31 Q G DUPONT, R. Purchase of Cane l)y Density. ((Jueen.sland Agricult. Journ., Aug., 1898.) " ME 9 U DURAND, Col. Algernon. Tlie Making of a Frontier : Five Years' E.xperiences and Adventures in Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar, Chitral, and the Eastern Hindu-Kush. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 3G S 9 DURAND, Edward Dana. The City Chest of New Am- sterdam. (Goodwin, M. W. — Hi.storic New Y^jrls:.) B 19 R G DURAND, Sir Henry Marion. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 DURANDUS, William, Bishop of INIende. The Sacred Vestments : an English rendering of the third Book of the " Rationale Divinornni Otticiorum ;" with Notes by Rev. T. H. Passmore. 12mo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 16 DURER, Albrecht. Die geheimo Offenbarung Johannis niit einem A^orwort und begleitender Auslegung von Dr. J. N. Sepp. Illustrated. Fol. Miinchen (n.d.) A 12 X 18 t Diirer. [See Knnckfuss, H.] A 45 W 5 Paintings and Drawings of. [Set Portfolio. — Mono- graphs, 31.) E DURHAM, Bishops of. [See Butler, J., and Liohtfoot, J. B.] » DURNFORD, Richard, Bishop of Chichester. Memoir of, with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by W. R. W. Stephens. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 2.3 S 14 DURUY, George. Memoirs of Barras. [See Barras, Paul] C21T 1.5-18 DURYEA, Rev. J. T. Ethics of Marriage. [See Pome- roy, Dr. H. S.j " F 15 Q 28 DU TOTT, S. J. Rliodo.'*ia, Pa.st and Present. Tllus- iiviic.l. Svo. Lond., 1897. li :!9 P 1 DUTT, iioiiiesh 0. Knglaiid :iii(l India: a Record of l^rogress during 100 yeai's, 1785-1885. Svo. Lond., 1897. " ■ F15R3 JI 13 R G Mahabliiirata. [See Maliabharata.] DUTT, Torn. [Criticism of the W^irks of.] [See (iosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 DUTTON, Francis Stacker. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 19.) E DUTTON, Samuel T. Social Phases of Education in the School and the Home. Svo. New York, 1899. G 24 P 26 DUTTON, W. H. Boots an vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S95-99. E 10.".. The Pryiiier of F.iiv Iv.lUs' Pra\crI)o(>k. Kditeil l)v H. Liltlehales. Pt.'l. l(1(i. Tlie l'"ire of Love, and the Mending of Life ; or, the Rule of Living. Tlie first Kiiglisht in 14;ir), from the De Incendio Amoris, the sucoml in 14.'J4 from the De /'.men- ddcionc Tifte of Itii'liard UoUe ; by Uicliurd Misyn. Kdited liy Rev. R. Harvey. 108. Child Marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications, kc, in the Diocese of t'liester, .\.n. !.">01-(i(i ; Deposition.s in Trials in the Uishop's Court, Clioster, concerning Chihl Mar- riages, Divoivcs, and Ratifications, 'J'rotliplights, Adulteries, Affiliations, Libels, Wills, Miscellaneous Matter.';, .and Cl.andestine Marriages, also Entries from th<' Mayor's Books, Chester, A.i). 1558 ItitlO. Edited by 1''. .1. Eurnivall. 110. 'tld English Veision of Belle's ICcclesiastical History of the English People. Edited by T. Miler. Pt. 2. " lb!. Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, De Consola- tionc Philosophia', b")!!;! : Plutarch, De Ciniositate, l.VIS; Horace, De Arte Poetica, l.".i)H. I'Mitcil from the uni(|uc MS., partly in the tj)uecirs hand, by Caro- line Pcmlierlim. Siipplomontarij Caldlocjue — 1890-1900. 181 EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY— conic/. Extra series, 1895-99. 68, 71, 72, 7.5, 76, 78. 6 vols. 8vo. LoikL, K V. nil (!. L. 'iitui'v 68. Melusiiie. Compiled l,'JS2-04 Ijy .Joan 1VAi-l:is, Kiif,'li.slit about 1500. Editcil by A. K. Donald. I't. 1. 'I'ext, Notes, and (ilossary. 71. The Towneley Pla^s, by Oeorge England ; with side- notes and introdiietion by A. W. Pollard. 7'2. Hocoleve's Work.s. Vol. 3. The Regiment of Prinrfs, 1411-12, from the Harleian MS., and fourteen of lb ■■- cleve's Minor Poems from tho Egerton M.S. Kdite lioyal (>1>- .servatory, Edinb. 4to. Ediul)., 1890. K 1 f W 1 1 1 EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY. Calciidar.s, 1884-1901. 15 vols. 8 vo. Edinb., 1884-1900. E EDINHURQU AND LEITll POST OFFICE DIREC- TORY, 1893-1901. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1893-1900. E EDIS, Rol>ei-t William. Healthy Furniture. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 19 Healthy Furniture and Decoration. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 17 EDISON, R. Classification of Poultry. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) " ME 9 U EDISON, Thomas Alva. Sketch of. [&« Jerrold, W.— Electrician.s and their Marvels.] A 21 P 50 " EDITOR, An." How to write for the Press : a Practical Hand-book for Beginners in Journalism. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 12 P 25 EDKINS, J. S. Medianisni of Secretion of Gastric, Pan- creatic, and Intestinal Juices. (Schafer, Dr. E. A. — Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 EDMOND, John Philip. Annals of Scottish Printing. iSee Dickson, Dr. R.] A 20 P 11 f EDMONDS, Charles. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin : com- prising the celebrated Political and Satirical Poems of (.T. Canning, J. H. Frere, W. Pitt, the Marquis of Wellesley, G. Ellis, W. Gifford, the Earl of Carlile, and others. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. H 12 R 7 EDMONDS, John Worth, and DEXTER, Dr. George T. Spiritualism. Australian ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1898. G 23 S 1.5, 16 EDMONDS, Rev. Walter J ohn. Exeter Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 EDNIE-BROWN, John. [_See Brown, J. Ednie-.] EDRIDGE-GREEN, F. W. [See Green, F. W. Ed ridge-.] EDUCATION: a Monthly Magazine devoted to the Science, Art, Philosophy, and Literature of Education. Vols. 1-17, Sept., 1880-June, 1897. 17 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1881-97. E EDUCATION LIBRARY. lutroiluction to tlio History of Eduoatiouil Tlicories. ;",%« Browning, 0.] G 17 .S -27 EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE, LITERARY COM- PANION, AND (J EN E HAL REVIEW, Th:. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 17, Sept., 18(;i-Aug., 1862. 8vo. Jlelb., 1862. MG 2 W 3 EDUCATIONAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-8, 11-19, b'-Ol- 94, 189G-Mav, 1900. 17 vols. 8vo. New York, 1891- 1900. ' E EDWARD, THE BLACK PRINCE. HLstory of. {See Stanley, Arthur. — Historical Memorials of Canter- bury.] B 28 T 2 EDWARD I, King of England. [Sketch of.] {See Grif- fith, G. — Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 EDWARD III, King of England. Yeai-))ooks of the Reign of. {See G reat Britain and Ireland. — Chronicles and Memorials.] E EDWARDES, Charles. In Jutland with a Cycle. 8vo. Lond., 1897. b 16 R 11 EDWARDES, Sir Herbert B. [Sketch of.] f&e Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian St.-itesmen.] " C 20 S 10 EDWARDS, Amelia Blandford. Amelia Edwards; by Mrs. Macquoid. {See Oliphant, Margaret O. — A\'omen Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 EDWARDS, Clement. Railway Nationalization. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 V 35 EDWxVRDS, E. J. Stcny of an African Crisis. {See Garrett, Edmund.] B 17 P 44 EDWARDS, Eliezer. Words, Facts, and Phrases : a Dic- tionary of Curious, Quaint, and Out-of-the-v.-ay Mat- ters. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. K 19 P 23 ED"\^'^VR^)S, Eraor\-. English and American ^Mechanic. {See Van Cleve^ B. F.]' A 24 P 43 EDWARDS, Frederick E. Systematic List of the Frederick E. Edwards Collecti(in of British Oligocene and Eocene ]Mollusca in the British Museum. {See British Mu- seum. — Natural History.] A 42 V 6 EDWARDS, George Wharton. A Book of Old English Ballads. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. H10W15 EDWARDS, H. Sutherland. Life of Rossini. {See Rossini, G. A.] C 24 P 22 EDWARDS, J. C. W. The Demoniacal Possessions of the New Testament considered in the light of the Hebrew Demonok>gy. (Mi-Jb. Review, 7.) ME 18 Q 1£4 Public Library of New Sotilh Wales. EDWARDS, Jonathan. [Sketch of.] [5e« Jones, A. L. — Early American Philosophers.] G 2C T 11 EDWARDS, IVlatikla Betham-. Reminiscences. 8vo. Lend., 1898. C 2-5 P 4 Autobiography of Arthur Young. \_Sce Youna;, A.] C 20 S U EDWARDS, Rev. Thonia.s Charles. The Clerical Life. ISee Clerical Life, The.] G i:] (j 17 , and OWEN, Rev. Julm. The Wrlsh Calvinistic Church. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 EDYE, Major Louren^o. Historical Records of the Royal ^Marines, including the Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot, subsequently styled Prince George of Denmark's Regiment of Foot, the 1st and 2nd Regiment of Marines, afterwards known a.s Col. Tliomas Brudenall's Regiment of Marines, Col. William Seymour's Regiment of ^larines, Col. Henry ilordaunt's Regiment of JSIarines, and Col. Henry Dutton Colt's Regiment of Marines. Vol. 1, 166i- 1701. 8v,,. Lond., 1893. B 16 V 40 EGAN, F. AV. Geology of Antrim and Derry. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 3 Geology of Coleraine and Garvagh in Londonderry and Ballymoney ; Dervock, Sti'anocum, Aniov, Duidoy, and Clogh Mills, in Antrim. [_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 5 Geology of Donegal, Lnnilnnderry, and Tyi-mie. [&c Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V G, 7 (Jeology of N.W. and Central Donegal. [.?ir (U. l!rit. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 17 V 2 Geology of the Country ai-ound Linia\iu]y. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 4 Geology of Tyrone and Donegal. [See Gt. IJrit. and Irel. — Geoiog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 17 V 10 EGERTON, Mrs. Fred. Bi()grai)liy of .Vduiiral Sir Geoir- rcy Phipps Horid)y. \_See Hornbv, Admiral Sir Geoffrey Phipps.] " C2;}V17 EGERTON, Hugh Edward. Short History of British Colonial Poll. 'V. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " F1:3T2G Sir Stamford Raffles. [See Raffles, Sir S.] C 27 R 23 EGESON, Charles. Egeson's Weather Almanac, 1891. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA .'5 R 18 EGGELJNG, Julius. Tiie Satapatha Drahmana according to the Te.\t of ih.' .Madhvandina. [Sec Mullcr, Prof. F. M.] ■ (; L'O S 10 EGGLESTON, Edward. The Beginners of a Nation : a History of the Source and Rise of the earliest English Settlement in America, with special reference to the Life and Character of the People. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 Q 26 Sketch of. [See Yedder, H. C. — American AVriters of To-day.] C 22 S 19 EGGLESTON, F. The Translation of Elijah and its Lessons. [See Thompso;i, Rev. AV. H.] G 9 V 38 EGLESTON, N. H. Arbor Day. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] " A 37 S 54 EGNAZIO, Giovanni Baptista. Do Romanis Principibus. (Scriptores Historiaj Romante.) B 40 U 24 X EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. Memoirs 6, 7, pt. 4, 8, pt. 1. l."i, 17, 18. G vols. 4to. Lond., 1898-1900. B 18 Q 19, 28-32 t 0. Arcditt'ological Survey of Eg.vpt. Collection of Hiero- glvphs: a Contribution to the History of Egj-ptiau Writing; by F. L. Griffith. Illustrated. 7. pi. 4. Beni Hasen. ■1. Zoological and other Details; by H. Cartel- and others. S, pi. !. The Mastaba of Ptahlietep and Akliethelep at Sacjijareh. 1. The Cliapel of Ptahhetep and the Hierogly- phics ; by N. de G. Davies. 1.5. Uoshashoh, 1897; by Prof. W. M. F. Petrie; willi a Chapter by F. L. Clriffith. Illustrated. 17. Dendereh, 1898; by Prof. W. M. F. Petrie; with Chap- ters bv F. L. (Griffith, Dr. Gladstone, and O. Thomas. Illustrated. 18. The Roval Tombs of the Fir.st Dvnastv, 1900, pt. 1 ; bv Prof. ^V. M. F. Petrie; with a Chapter i>y F. L. Grithtli. Illustrated. Sayings of our Lord ; from an early (Ji'cck Papyrus di.s- co\ered and edited by B. P. ({reufell and A. S. Hunt, llluslrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (;ilQ3t Temi.le of Dcir cl Bahari ; by E. NaviUe. Pts. 1-3. Illustrated. 3 \ols. fol. Lond., 189-5-98. B 47 P 22-23* + 1. North-western end of the Ui)per Platform. "2. Ebony Shrine, Northern lialf of the Middle Platform. :(. End of Norlhoi-n half and Southern half of Middle Plat- toi-m. "ElIA." [Sec Aitken, K. H.] I'iiCH BKllC, Di'. Joseph. Diseases of the LiviM'. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — Systemof Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 lilLO.MiT, Arnold. .Arranyonu'nt of Atoms in Space. [See Hoff, J. H. van 't.] ' A XS t,) 2G EI SEN, (Justav. Fig Culture. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Pomology.] A 37 S 56 EISIG, Dy. Hugo. Monograjihie der Capitelliden des Golfes von Neapel. (ZoologiNclie Station zu Nea))el. — I'auna iind Flor.i desColfes von Nejip.'l.) .\ I 9 I' IG t Supplemen lary Calalu(jue — 189G-ldOO. 185 EISSLER, Manuel. Hand-book on Modern Explosives : a Praotical Treatise on the IVranufacture and Use of Dynamite, (Jun-cottim, Nitro-glycerine, and other Ex- plosive Compounds, includiiii; Collodion Compounds ; vv'ith Chapters on Explosives in Practical A))plication. 2nd cd. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. A 20 Q 22 Metallurgy of Gold : a Practical Treati.se on the Metallurgical Treatment of Gold-bearing (^res, includ- ing the Processes of Concentration, Chlorination, a]id Extraction by Cyanide, and the Assaying, Melting, and Refining of (!old. 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896." A 21 S 19 [Another copv.] ;"itii vk\. I liusUati'il. S\o. T.ond., 1900. ' A IG \' 2 Metallurgy of >Sil\er; a Practical Ti'catise on tlu^ Aviial- gamation, Iloasliiig, and Lixiviation of Silvci' Ores, including the As.saying, Melting, and Reiining of Silver Rullioji. Itli cd. Illustratcil. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 21 P 21 EITEL, Dr. E. J. Europe in China; the History of Hong- kong from the begiiniing to the year 1882. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " " B 3-3 R 5 ELAM, Dr. Charles. Winds of Doctrine : being an Ex- amination of the Modern Theories of Automatism and Evolution. 8vo. LoikL, 1876. A 27 R is ELDRIDGE, Charles Wesley. United States Internal Revenue Tax System ; with an Introductory Historical Sketch of Internal Revenue Taxation in the United States, and an Appendix containing Laws relating to Internal Revenue Practice, with Eorms. 8vu. Roston, 1895. E 1 R 11 ELDRIDGE, Mauri,-e (). Good Roads for Farmers. \See Ignited States.— Dcpt. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 ELEANOR OF At^UTTAINE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELEANOR OF CASTILE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [&e Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELEANOR OF PROVENCE, Qucmi of Englun,!. [Sketch of.] {See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 "ELECTOR, An.'' [fe Sturt, A.] ELECTRIC LIGHT. [Sa- Eh^rtrical Ei,,iinen\ Tlw.] ELECTRICAL EMUXEEJl, Th,- : a Wi'ckly Journal of Electrical Engineering, with which is incorporated Ehdrh- Liiihf. V(ils." 20 2.""), n..s., July, 1897- June, 1900. G vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897-1900. E ELECTRICAL REVIEW, The [formerly the i'r%;vyy/,;,' Journal and Electrical Rerieic]. Vols. 1-46, Nov., 1872-June, 1900. 46 vols, roy.' 8vo. and fol. Lond., 1 873- 1900. E ELECTRICAL WORLD and Electrical Engineer. Vols. 23-34, 1894-Dec., 1899. 12 vols. 4to. New York, 1894-99. E ELECTRICIAN SERIES. Klcctroniagnoti(; Tlieory. [.s'ee Heaviside, 0.] A 21 X 18 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SERIES. Industrial Electricity. [See (Jraffigny, H. do.] A .'i:', (,) .31 ELEUSIS CUT.. Rules. 12m.x P.rompton (n.d.) F 16 S 21 I'U/iOOD, Edgar John. Compendium of tlu^ Law relating ti) E.xecutors and Administrators. {See Walker, W. Gregory.] F 7 P 34 ELIOT, Charles William. .\merican Contributions to Civilisation, and other Essays and Addresses. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 33 Educational Refoiin: E.ssavs and Addresses. 8vo. New York, 1898. ' G 17 T 31 '•ELlOT, (icorge." [See Cross, Mary Ann.] ELIOTT, George .Xii Justus, Baron Heathfield. [See Heathfiehl, Baron.] ELIOTT LOCKHART, Lieut. Percy Clare. [See Lock- hart, Lieut. P. C. Eliott-.] ELIZABETH, Enipiess of Austiia. Elizabeth, Empress of Au.stria : a IMeuioir by E. B. De Burgh. Illus- ti-ated. 8vo. Loud., 1899. 'C 24 P 14 [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 ELIZABETH, Empress of Russia. [Portrait of.] [See F.aiii, R. N. -Tlie Daughter of Peter the Great.] B 34 R 3 [Portrait of.] [See Bain, R. N.— The Pupils of Peter the Great.] B 39 Q 3 ELIZABETH, Prinee.ss. Letters of Princess Elizabeth of England, written for the most part to Miss Louisa Swinburne. Edited, with Notes and an Introductory C!hapter, by Philip C. York.'. With Portraits. 8vo. Loud., 1898. C 24 T 22 ELIZABETH, Queen of England. The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth. [See Huine. M. A. S.] B 16 T 19 A Fragment of Elizabeth. [See Church, R. W., Dean, — • Occasional Paper's.] J 14 L^ 35 [Portrait of.] [See Story, A. T.— The Buihling of the " Empire.] " B 16 U 12 t,)ueen Elizaljeth. [See Creighton, M., Bi.sh..p.] B 13 U 21 1 [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 Translations of Boethius, De Consolatione Philo.sophi;e ; Plutarch, De Curiositate ; Horace, De Arte Poetica. [See Early Eng. Text Soc, Pulis., orig. ser., 113.] E 186 Tiiblio Lihmnj of New South Wales. ELIZABETH, Queen of Roumania, " ainneii Sylva." Thoughts of a Queen. Translatetl by H. S. Edwarcis. 12mo. Loud, (ii.d.) J 10 P 44 [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 , and STRETTELL, Alma. Legends from River and ^Mountain. lUustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 8T40 ELIZABETH OF YORK, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELIZABETH WOODVILLE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 2-3 S 7 ELKIN, John. The Old G.P.O. (Fi-sher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 ELKINGTON. J. S. The Arvan Household (Tilelbourne Review, 3.) ' ME IS Q An Historical Glance at the Land Question. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Whom do our' representati\es represent ? (INlelbourne Pt^view, .5.) ME 18 Q ELLA, Rev. Samuel. O le Tala ai Taenia ma na-fauna. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME G R Polynesian Native Clothing. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1899.) ME 6 R Settlements of Tahitian.s and Samoan.s on Mangareva ((Jambier Islands). (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME G R ELLAlll), \V., "Timothy Fogarty." The Irish Chimney Corner Stories, Racy Tales, and Sketches of Ti-ish Life and Character. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 3 T 3 ELLEN BOROUGH, Edwai-d Law, Lord. Trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord Ellonborough. [See Alley, J. B.] F 13 T 29 ELLERY, Robert Lewis John, F.R.S. Observations of the Transit of Venus, Dec. 8th and 9th, 1874, Colony of Victoiia. (Roy. Astron. Soc, ^lenis. 47.) E The Transit of V^enus. (Melb. Rev. 7.) ME 18 Q A Twelve Month.s' Leave. (Melb. Rev. 1.) ME 18 Q ELLICOTT, Lieut. J..hn SI. Effect of the Gun Fire of tlic Unilt'd States V^essels in the Battle of Manila Bay. [See V. S.— Dept. of tlie Navy.] A 3G W 15 ELLI.VWOOD, Rev. Frank Fields. Demon Po.ssession and allied Themes. [See Neviu.s, Rev. J. L.] G 19 T25 Islam in Africa. [See Atterl)ury, i;(^\ . A. P.] G 24 P 29 ELLIOT, Daniel Giraud. The (iallinaceous Game Birds of North America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 Q 4 New and heretofore unfigured specie.s of the Birds of North America. Illustrated. 2 vols. fol. New York, 1869. A 46 P 21, 22 I Wild Fowl of the United States and British Possessions ; or, the Swan, Geese, Ducks, and Mergansers of North America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 27 S 6 ELLIOT, G. F. Scott. A Naturalist in Mid-Africa : being an Account of a Journey to the Mountains of the Moon and Tanganyika. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 28 U 22 ELLIOT, Dr. Sydney Barrington. ^dceology : a Treatise on Generative Life, including pre-natal Influence, Limitation of Offspring, and Hygiene of the Generative System. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. A 26 S 29 ELLIOT, W. G. Amateur Clubs and Actors. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 4 V 20 ELLIOTSON, Dr. John. Institutions of Physiology. [See Blumenbach, J. F.] A 26 S 39 ELLIOTT, A. G. Industrial Electricity. [See Graffignv, H. de.] ' A 33 Q 31 ELLIOTT, C. G. Farm Drainage. [See United States. — ■ Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 ELLIOTT, Sir Charles Alfred. Annual Address delivered to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. [See Asiatic Society of Bengal] E ELLIOTT, Gilbert. [Criticism on] David Syme's book on Representative Government. (Melb. Rev., 7.) ME 18 Q Esoteric Buddhism. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q ELLIOTT, W. Cole's Australian Gardening and Domestic Floriculture 12mo. Melb., 1896. MA 3 U 42 ELLIS, A. a. Catalogue of Arabic Books in the British iMuscum. [See Jii-itisli Museum.] K 8 S 7 f ELLIS, Celia. Infant Teaching: the Apparatus neeiled for Plav and for Instruction. (Internat. Health Exhib.^Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 ELLIS, Dr. Ilcnrv Havolock. Allirnuitions. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " J 10 W 14 The 19th Century: a Dialogue in Utopia. 12mo. Lond., 1900. " ' J 26 U 3 Studies in the P.sychology of Sex. 2 \ols. 8vo. Lond. and Leipzig, 1897-1900. lAUv. ELLIS, Richard. Rough Work in the Crimea. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 ELLIS, Sarah [Mr-.. A\'.] (Sarah Sticknev). Poetry of Life. 2 vols. 12mo. Philad, 1835. ' H ] 2 Q 20, 21 SiippleitieiUurij Calaloyue — 18'JG-l'JOO. 187 E[JJS, T. P. T'.udiliny. (A-ricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 K ELLIS, William Asliton. Letters to Eiiiil Heekel. \See Wagner, R.] C "27 P I'O Letters to Wesendoiick ct Al. [See Wagner, 11.] C 27 P 2 1 Richard Wagner's Prose Works. \_See Wagner, R.] J 4 S 11-21 ELLISON, M. A. Manual for Students of Massage. Illustrated. Svo. Loud., 1898. A 39 V 24 ELLISTON, Thomas. Organs and Tuning. Svo. Lond., 1895. " A 2.5 R 20 ELLS, R. W^. On the origin and relations of the Grenvillc and Hastings series in the Canadian Laurentian. \_See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Geology.] A 40 S 9 ELLWOOD, Rev. Thomas. Lakeland and Iceland. [See English Dialect Soc. Pulis., 77.] E ELMENHORST, Geverhart. L. Apuleii opera omnia qua; exstant. [jS'm Aiipuleius, Lucius.] J 14 U 32 ELMSLIE, Dr. W. A. Among the Wild Ngoni : being some Chapters in the History of the Livingstonia Mission in British Central Africa ; with Introduction l)y the Rt. Hon. Lord Overtoun. Illustrated. Svo. Edinb., 1899. D 21 Q 4 ELOUIS, Charles. Tables for standarding Gold according to Assay Reports decimally expressed. 4to. Sydney, 1872. MA 9 Q 4't ELSING, William T. Life in New York Tenement- Houses as seen l)v .'i City Missionary. (The Poor in Great Cities.) " F 13 \J 25 ELSMIE, George R. Lumsden of the Guides. [*S'«e Lums- den, Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. B.] C25S12 ELSON, Henry W. Side-lights on American History : National Period before the Civil War. 12mo. New York, 1899. B 16 P 4 ELTON, Charles Abraham. The Remains of Hesiod trans, into English Verse. [S«e Hesiodus. ] H 11 R 11 ELTON, Mrs. L. M. Througli the Storm. [See Nazarljok, A.] D 13 S 4 ELTON, Oliver. The Augustan Age.s. Svo. Edinb., 1899. (Periods of European Literature.) J 27 Q S ELWORTHY, Frederick Thomas. The Evil Eye: an Account of the ancient iuid widespread .superstition. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 15 S 29 Horns of Honour and other Studies in the By-v>'ay.s of Archfpologv. Illustrated, Svo. Lond., 1900. B 3G R 1 7 ELY, George Herbert. The Women of the Renaissance. [S,'e Maulde la Clavicre, R. de.] F 19 T 8 ELY, Prof. Richard T. Monopolies and Trusts. Svo. Nesv York, 1900. (Citizeifs Lib.) F 17 T 8 ELYARD, Samuel. Letters to a Jewess. Svo. Nowra, 1S97. MG 1 To EMERICK, Charles Franklin. Analysis of Agricultural Disc(mtent in the United States. Svo. New York, 1897. F 18 Q 7 EMERSON, Mary Moody. [Sketch (.f.l [See Emerson, R. AS'.— Lectures and Biog. Sketches.] J 22 Q 24 EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Complete Works. 12 vols. Svo. Boston, 1S95-9G. (Riverside ed.) J 22 Q 15-26 1. Nature, Addresses, and Lectures. 2, .S. Essays. 4. Representative Men. Ti. English Traits, (i. Conduct of Life. 7. Society and Solitude. 8. Letters and Social Aims. 9. Poems. 10. Lectiu'cs and Biogvapliical Sketches. 11. Miscellanies. 12. Natural History of Intellect, and otlicr Papers ; with a (iencral Index to Emerson's Collected Works. [Life of]; by O. W. Holmes. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1898. (American Men of Letters.) C 27 P 2 [Address on.] [See MacKie, Rev. J. G. — Sermons and Addresses.] MG 1 Q 66 Correspomlence with, and Life of Sterling. [See Sterling, J.] C 19 P 13 Emerson as a Thinker. [See Lindsay, James. — E.ssays.] J 12 T 44 [Essay on.] [See Arnold, Matthew. — Discourses in America.] J 12 T 43 [Essay on.] [See Curtis, G. W. — Literary and Social • Essays.] " J 21 R 33 [Essay on.] [See Patmorc, C. K. D. — Principle in Art, etc.] J 1 R 51 Glimpses of. [See Fields, Annie. — Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 11 U 31 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — T)itroduction to the Study of^ American Literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Pearson, Dr. C. H. — Reviews and Critical Essays.] J 14 U 20 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.-— Sketches from Con- cord.] D 16 Q 3 [Sturlv of.] [See Lawton. W. C— New England Poets.] J 23 T 3 188 Tnhllc Libiui'ij of New South Wales. EilERTON, Prof. E. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. [_See Erasmus, D.] C 21 Q 4 EMERY, Dr. Carlo. Le Specie del Genere Fierasfer iiel Golfo di Kapoli e Regioni Limitrofe. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes \on Neapel) A 19 P 2 t EilERY, (ieorge Frederick. Handy Guide to Patent Law and Practice. 12mo. Lond., 1S96. F 8 V 16 EMERY, Henry Crosby. Speculation on tlie Stock and Produce Exchanges of the United States. 8vo. Nevv Y^ork, 1S96. F18R16 E^FERY. Rev. "WiUiani. On number.s in a Cla.ss : times of ^Vcirk and Rest. (Internat. Health Exhil). — Heahli Exhil). Literature.) A 41 V ll' " 1:MI( !R ANT, An.'' Short Aee(junt of the Settlement of Swan River, Western Australia, from tlie year 1834 to tlie year 1841. Written for the peru.sal of Capital- ists, but more particularly addressed to young men in Great Britain who possess small means, and to Me- chanics and Laliourers. I'Jmo. Lond., 1842. ;md 4 P 4 E}[rORAXrS ALMAXACK and (Jnide to the Gold-fields, IS.-,!. 8vo. Lond., IS.".!. MD 8 S .5 EMIX PASHA. [_See Schnitzer, Dr. E. C. 0. T.] EMINENT PERSONS. Biographies reprinted from The Tim''^. Vols. '), G. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. C 19 Q 21, 22 EMMET, Dr. Thomas Addis. Ethics of ^larriago. [See Pomeroy, Dr. H. S.] F U Q 28 ENCKE. .1. F. .Mrniwirof. r^ccSniitlisonianTnst. I!cpt., 1868. 1 E ENCYCLOPyEDl.V BTP.LTCA : a Critical Dictihv, and Natural History f)f the Bible. Edited by Picv. T. K. Cheyne and J. S. lUack. Vol. 1. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 V 23 ENCYCLOP.^DIA MEDICA; under the general editoi- ship of Dr. C. AVatson. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1899-1900. A 4o"p 6-9 1. Al)(lonien-B(,iK-. ■2. JJrachial I'lcxuB-DigcBtion. :{. Diphllicriit-Foorl. 4. Knot Hcrriiji. ENCYCL(»PEI)1A (JF SOCIAL RLFOR.M : edited by W. I). P. Bliss, with the Cooperation of many Specialists. V 9 V L") ENCYCLOPEDIE DARCHITECTURE. Illustrated. 22 vols. 4to. Paris, 18-31-81. A 18 S 1-22 f ENCYKLOP^DIA DER NATURWISSENSCHAFT- EN. Handbuch dor Botanik. Biinde 1-4. 4 vols, (in r>) roy. 8vo. Breslan, 1879-90. A 42 R 1-5 Handbuch der Mathematik. Biinde 1, 2. 2 vols. rov. 8vo. Breslau, 1879-81. A 42 P .3,"G Handbuch der Phvsik. BUiidc 1-3. 3 vols, (in 5) rov. 8vo. Breslan, 1891-9-3. A 42 S I-.3 Handwiirterbuch der Astronomic. Biinde 1-3. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Bre.slau, 1897-90. A 42 Q 12-14 Handworterbiicli der Chemie. Biinde 1-13. 13 vols, roy. 8vo. Bre.slau, 1882-9-5. A 42 P 7-19 Handworterbuch der Mineralogie, (TCologie, und Paheon- tologie. 3 ^■ols. rov. 8vo. Breslau, 1882-87. A 42 P 2-4 Handwiirterbuch der Pharmakogiiosie des Pflanzen- reiehs. Itoy. 8vo. Breslau, 1882. A 42 P 1 Handwiirteibueh der Zoologie, Authropologie, und Eth- nologie. P.ande 1 7. 7 vols. 8vo. Breslau, 1879- 97. '" A 42 Q 1-7 ENGELENBURG, Dr. F. V. Briton and Boer. [See Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] B 37 P 18 ENGELHxVRDT, Alexander Platonovich. A Russian Province of the Noi-th. Tran.slated by Henry Cooke. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D"13V26 EXG INFER, Th'\ Vols. 1-89, 18.3G-.June, 1900. 89 vols. fol. Lond., 1856-1900. E ENGINEERS YEAR-BOOK. [See Kempe, II. R.] EXGIXEEPJXa : an Illustrated W'.'eklv .Tourn.al. Vols. 1-69, 1866-June, 190O. 69 vols. fol. Loud., 1866- 1 900. y. EXdINEFJMNG ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOI"!!! WALES. Minutes of Proceeding.s ; al.so. Act of In- corporation, Rules and l\v laws, and List of Meml)ers. Vols 1-10, 188.'3-9-5. 'illustrated. 10 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1886 9.5. ME 18 P EXGIXEERIXG AND MIXING JOURXAL, The. Vols. 48-68, July, 1889-Dec., 1899. 30 vols. 4to. New York, 1889-99. E The IMineral Industry. [See Rothwell, R. P.] E ENGINEERING MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 7-19, 1894- Sept., 1900. 13 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894-1900. E ENGINEERING RKCORJ), The [formerly the I'lumher (itid Sanikci-ij EiK/iiieir]. Vols. 1-39, Dec, 187/- .Mav. 1899. '39 v(')ls. Ito. New York. 1877-99. E Siippleii/enlari/ Calalufjae — ISUO-lOuO. 189 ENGLAND, George. Tlic Towiicley Plays. [_8ce liarly English Text >Suc. Pub.s.] E ENGLAND, John. [Obiuiaiy Notice of.] (List, of Civil Engineers, Proc, -53.) E ENGLK. Wllhi^r D night. .Vet ion of Potassium 'rhi(K-\anat(' on till' Ghloi-hyih-ins. Svo. Boston, LS'jS. A W S i' I ENGLISH, Lieut. Vincent Jolm. Na\igation for Yachts- men : ii concise Treati.se on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, illustrating the most Modern Methods, and specially designed for the use of Yachtsmen. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., L896. A 2.5 T 7 ENGLISH CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, 18.S.5 99: with Indexes, 18:)7-<'^9. 19 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., LSGl-- 1900. ' Cat. Bo. .111 "ENGLISH CIVILIAN, An." [_See Coiuler, F. R.] ENGLJSH CLASSICS. Complete Works of Shakespeare. [See Sliakespoarc, W.] H 13 W 1-40 ENGLISH DIALECT SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 74-80. 7 vols. Svo. Lond., 189-4-9G. E 74. List of Words and Plirases in every-day use by the Natives of Hetton-le-Hole, in the County of Durham ; by Rev. F. M. T. Palgrave. 7.). (41ossary of Words used in East Anglia ; \>y W. Rye. "fi. Nine Specimens of English Dialect.s ; by Rev. \VaIter W. Skeat. 77. Lakeland and Icelanil : being a Olossary of Words in tlie Dialect of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and North Lancashire which seem allied to or identical witli the Icelandic or Norse, together with cognate Place-names and Sur-names, and a Supplement of Words used in Shepherding, Folk-lore, and jVntiqnities ; bv the Rev. T. Klhvood. 75. Two Collections of Derbicisms containing Words and Phrases in a great measure peculiar to the Natives ami Inhabitants of the County of Derby ; by Samuel Pegge. Edited, with two Introductions, liy tlie Rev. Prof. Skeat ami Thomas Hallam. 70. A Warwicksliire Word-book, comprising Oljsolesccnt and Dialect Words, Colloquialisms, &c. , gathered from oral relation and collated with accordant works ; liy (i. F. Xorthall. 80. A Bibliograidiical List of \\'orks illustrativx' of tlic Dialect of Xorthumberland. Compiled by R. tHi\'cr Heslop. ENGLISH DRAMA AND STAGE, The, under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. Sm. 4t(). Lond., 1S69. (Roxburghe Lib.) H 3 U 3 ENGLISH ESSAYS [CollecU-tl] ; with an Introduclion bv J. H. Lobbaii. Svo. Lond., 189G. (Warwick Lib.) J 14 U 24 l»yC7./,s7/ IIISTORWAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-14, 188(5 -liO. 1 1 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1886^99. E ENGLISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. 29 vols. Svo. Loud., 1838-56. B 39. R 1-29 Venerabilis Reda^ Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum. Ad fidem codicuni manusCriptorum rccensuit J. Steven- son. Venerabilis Redie Opera Hi.storica minora. Ad fidem codieiim n)annscrii)tonim recensuit J. Stevenson. flildas de E.veidio Rritannite. Ad fidem codicuni mann- seri])toruni recensuit J. Stevenson. Nennii Historia Biitonum. Ad fidem codicuni inanuscript- orum recensuit .7. Stevenson. Chronicon Ricardi Divi.sicn.sis de Reims (icstis Ricardi I'rinii Regis Angliic. Nunc primum typis mandatum, curantc .1. Stevenson. Willelmi JNIalmcsbiriensis Monachi Gesta Regum jVngloruni, atque Historia Novella. Ad fidem codicuni nianu- scriptorum recensuit T. D. Hardy. 2 vols. Code.x Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, opera J. M. Kcmlilc. « vols. Rogcri de Wendover Chronica, sive Flores Hi.storiarum, nunc primum edidit H. 0. Coxe (Appendix, in qua Lectionum Varietas Additioiiesque. quibus Chronicon istud ampliavit et instruxit Mattha-us Parisiensis). 5 vols. F. Nieliolai Triveti, de Ordine Frat. Prsedieatonim, An- nates sex Regum Angliie, qui a Comitibus Andegaven- sibus Origincin traxerunt (a.d. 11.36-1307). Ad tideni codicuni manuscriptorum recensuit T. Hog. Adami Murimuthensis Chronica sui temporis, nunc pri- ' mum per decern annos ancta (1303-46) cum eorundem Continuatioiie (ad 13S0) a quodam Anonymo, ad fi New Hebrides, and other Pncifi.- TslaixiK.- (Linnean 8oc., N.S.W., Proe., 1899.) ME 2 P The Taniia Spear-becket. ^Lin;ieau Soc.. N..S.W., Proe., 1899.) ' ME 2 P Two ornate Booineran<;s from North Queensland. (Lin- nean Soc., N.S.W., Proe., 1897.) ME 2 P The "Widow's Can" of the Au.stralian Aboris^ines. ME 2 P [See P.oth, Noi'th-west- MA 4 T G (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proe., 1899.) [[>ibliograpli_y of Queensland Aborigines.] "NV. E. — Ethiiological Studies among the Central Queensland Aborigines.] Catalogue of tlie Blastoidea in the Geoldgical Depart- ment of the British Musenm. [&eBritisli Museum. — Natural Hist.iry.] A12U3t Contributions to a Catalogue of Work.s, Reports, and Papers on the Anthropology, Ethnology, and Geologi- cal History of the Australian and Tasmanian Abo- rigines. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 5 V 22 Contributions to the Palfeontology of South Australia. [See Soutli Australia.— Geology.] MA 9 P 4G t Corals of the Tamworth District. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv., Records, C] ME V) T Enilophi/Ihiiu Schliilcri. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, G.] ME L") T (Jeneric relations of Splri/'cra exsuperanif, De Koninck. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 7).] ME 15 T The Genus Chelodes, Davidson and King, in the Upper Silurian of New South A\',iles. [See N.S.W. - Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 1.3 T Invertebrate Fauna of the Hawkesbury-Wianamatta Series of New South Wales. [See New South Wales. —Geolog. Surv.] MA 5 V l.T Monograph of the Carboniferous and Permo-Carbonifer- ous Im-ertebrata of New South Wales. [See N.S.W. —Geolog. Surv.] MA 5 V 19 New form of Syringopor.i, allied to Si/rlnt/opora hiliulttla, Van Cleve. [See N.S.W. — Geolog Surv., Records, 5.] ME l.j T Pala^onlolijgia Xovio Caiuliriic IMeridionalis : Occasional Descrijjtions of New South Wales Fossils. [See N.S.W. - Geolog. Surv., Records, .5.] ^NIIO l."j 'I' , ^)A^'11). Prof. Tannelt Wilhaui Edgeworth, and GKIMSHAW, James \\'alter. Occurrence of a sub- merged Forest, with remains of the Dugojig, at Shea's Cr-eek, near Sydnev. (Rov. Sic, N.S.W., Journ., isi)G.) ' ■ Mi; I I! -, and r)l^N, Wiili.iui Sutliciland. jVustralian Geological Record. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv., Records.] ME 15 T RiivitUiciddrx (tii^lfidlx. [See N.S,\\'. rir'dog. Sui'v., Records, (^t?^^ .\i i; \:, T -,and MITCHELL, .lohn. ■J'licSiiin ian ■iVilobites of New Soutli Wales, with reference to tliose of other l)arts of Austiidia, (I^innean Soc, N.S.W., Proe, If^O.") OG.) MK J T ETHERIDGE, Robert, junr.,and OLLIFF, Arthur Sidney. Mesozoic and Tertiary Insects of New South Wales. [Sie N.S.W.— Geolog. Suivey.] MA G V 21 ETHERINGTON, Harrv. Sent to .save CJordon. (Small, E. M.--Told from tlie Ranks.) B 21 S 1 ETIENNE, Henri. [See Estienne, H.] I^I^IQUETTE OF MODERN SOCIETY ; a Guide to (xood Manner's in every jiossible situation. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) " MG 2 1? 62 ETTINGSHAUSEN, Banm C. F. von. Tertiary Flora of Australia. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv. — Palison- tology, 2.] MA .5 V 16 " ETTRICK SHEPHERD, The." [See Hogg, J.] "EUCLID." Analj'sis of the Chess Ending King and Queen against Kijig and Rook. Edited by E. Free- borough. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 29 T 31 EUGENE, Prince, Duke of Louchtenberg. The Romance of: by A. Pulitzei-. Translated l>y Mrs. B. M. Sherman. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 10, 11 EUGENE-FASNACHT, G. French Method: or, Elc- mentai'v French Lessons : being a Course of Easy l{ules cind Exercises introductory to the ^Vuthor's '•Student's Comparative French Grannnnr." IGth ed. 12nio. Lond., 1897. J 12 P ;i8 Student's Comparative Grammar of the French Langu- age, with an Historical Sketch of tlie Formation of French, for the use of Public Schools. 20th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 12 P 37 EUCJENTE, Eiupress of the French. Eugenie, Empress of the French: a Popular Sketch: by Clara Tschudi. Authorized Translation from the Norwegian, by E. M. Cope. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 T 9 Life in tiie Tuileries under the Second Empire. [See Bickncll. .\una L.] B 31 T 9 EURIPIDES. Inn's Jb.rning Song: ti-anslat.'d bv .). Clezy. (.Mell.durne Review, 8,)' ML 18 Q Euiljiides au()lism in | EVANS, Dr. W. P. Bromine Metliod of estimating Suliiliui' iii (iascous Compounds. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., |S!)G.) ME2S Contact Mftamorijhism at the Now P.roc-kloy Coal-mine. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 8 Convenient form of Oil-l)atIi for studylnf,' the influence of definite temperatures on solids. (N.Z. last., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Distillation Products of the Blackball Coal. (N.Z. Inst., Traus., 1897.) ME 2 S The Error introduced hy nsin,-,' a coal-'^'as flame wliih; detei-minin.i; the percentage of Sulphur in Coals, with especial reference to the methods '■ Eschka ' and '• Nakamura." (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Ecclesiastical Architecture. Witli a Bil)liogra]>hy and Illustrations. _8vo. Lond., 1890. C 12'V ."IJ Evolutional Ethics and .A iiinial Psychology. 8vo. Load., 1898. " G 2.3 Q 20 Semon's Scientific l{e.s(-a[-clies in .Australia. (Pnpniar Science Monthly, Nov., 1897.) il EVANS, George. Practical Ti-eati.se on .Artificial Cruwii and Bridge-work. .")th cd. Illustrated. S\(i, Fhilad., 1890.. ' A .■18 S i EVANS, George. Song: O, my i!al.y Sm. f'cil. Sydney (n.d.) ( >, niv ! limcy. 3iAi;j Pu't EVANS, tJeorge E.s.se.x. The Garden of Queensland (Darling Downs). Illustrated. Gh. 12nio. Too- wooinba, 1899. MD 8 P 40 EVANS, Henry Ridgelv. Magic. [_See Hopkins, A. A.] A 40 S 1 1 EUL h ]\las(|U('s. [See Hill! 17 EVANS, Herbert Arlhui Engli.sh ]Masi|ues.] Henry IV, Othello, Itomeo and Juliet. \_See Shakespeare, AV.] H II V EVANS, John. Sketch of the DenoniiiKil ions of (he Christian VV'orld, to which is prefi.xed an Outline of Atheism, Deism, Theophilanthropism, Judaism, and Mahometani.sm. With Portraits. 12mo. L3 P 1 EA'ANS, Thomas Jay. Notes on Carj)eiitry and .Joinery, adapted to meet the requirements of the City and Guikls (jf London Institute, the AVor.shipful Company of Carpenters, and the Technical Education Board of the Loudon County Council Examinations. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. "Lond., 1897. A 39 P 14 I. First Sta<;e or Eleiuentary Course. , and PULLEN, Prof. AV. AV. F. Treatise on Practical Plane and Solid (ieometrj', containing Solu- tions to the Honours Questions set at the Examinations of the Science and Art Department, 1887-96, inclu.sive. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 25 S 20 9 11 An improved adjustable Drip-proof Buiisen Burner. (N.Z. lu.st., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Refraction and Reflexion of X-Rays. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S EVANS, Dr. AV. W. Celluloid and Zylonite. (Litch. Dr. AV. I'. - .Am. System of Dentistry'.) A 31 S 2 EVANS, AValter H. Copper Sulphate and Gernunation. [See U)iited States.— Dei)t. of Agricult.— Div. of A^egetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 E VATT, Surg.-Maj. (ieorge Joseph Hamilton. Ambulance Orgaidzation, Eipiipment, and Tran.sport. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 Andjulance Or<;anizatioa in AA'ar and Peace. (Internat. Health Exliib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 5 EVE, G. AV. Decorative Heraldiy : a Practical Hand- book of its Artistic Ti-eatment. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. K 19 Q 42 EA'E, Heniy AVeston. The Cui-riculum of a ^Modern School. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 EVEXIXG NEWS, The, Nov. CtL, 18e9-Sept., 1899 [1869 vol. incomplete]. 83 vols. fol. Sydney, 1870-99. :ME EVEX/i\(r STAJi, Otago, Jubilee Record. Illustrated. Fol. Dunedin, 1898. MB 3 P 1 J EVERILL, Capt. H. C. Official Report on the Explora- tion of New Guinea. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MD 8 S EA^ERMANN, Dr. Barton AA'arren. *The Fishes of North and INIiddle America. [See United States. — National Museum, Bulletin 47.] E EVERY MAN HIS OAVN CARPENTER': a Descrip- tion of the Timljer, Tools, and Simple Processes used in Building and AA^ood- working. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 4 P 20 194. JPttblic Lihmnj of New South JVules. EVETTS, Basil Thoiuas Alfred. New Light on the Bible and the Holy Land : being an Account of some Recent Discoveries in the East. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G li P 2G EVIDENCE respecting the tioil, Climate, and Productions of the South Coast of Australia. 8vo. Loud., 1832. Ml) G 11 4 EVIL AND EVOLUTION: an attempt to turn the Light fif Modern Science on to the Ancient Mystery of Evil. 8vo. Loud., 1897. G 11 U 28 EVOLUTION OF CHRISTIANITY. {See Gill, C] G 25 Q .5 EWALD, Alexander Charles. Studies re-studied : His- torical Sketches frtim original sources. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 22 S 12 EWAN-SMITH, A. [See Smith, A. Ev.-an-.] EWART, Alfred J. Pliysiology of Plants. {See Pfeffer, Prof. W.] '' A 45 V 13 EWART, Dr. James Cossar. Critical period in the Development of the Horse. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 38 P 13 EWART, K. Dorotliea. Cosimo de' Medici. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Foreign Statesmen.) B 26 R 20 EWART, Mary F. Natural History of Plants. {See Kerncr von Marilaun, Prof. Anton.] A 22 V 3 EWART, Dr. William. Bronchiectasis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 38 Bronchiti.s. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.-iSvsteni of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Gout and Goutiness, and their Treatment. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 R 21 EWELL, Ervin E. Fertilizing Value of Street Sweepings. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult;. — Division of Chemistry.] A 11 U 10 EWTNG, Prof. James Alfred. Strength of Materials. 8vo. Camb., 1^99. A 38 S 21 EWING, Juliana T[oratia [Mrs. A.J Mrs. Ewing; by Mrs. Marshall. {See Oliphant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 2t S 3 "EX-PRIVATE SECRETAltY, Au. ' An Au.sLralian Govei-nor.ship. (National Review, July, D*95.) E EXCERPT A MEDIC A, 1893-95. 1893-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Basel, E "EXPERT OIL REFINER, An." Practical Compound- ing of Oils, Tallow, and Grease for Lubrication, ite. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 45 U 1 EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE, Tlie. Edited by the Rev. W. Robertson Nicoll. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. Tlie Book of Ezekiel ; by Rev. John Skinner. O 1 9 S I'i, The Song of Solomon aucl the Lamentations of Jeremiah ; by Prof. Walter F. Adeuey. (1 19 S 23 Ths Book of the 12 Prophets, commonly calleil the Minor ; by Rev. George Adam Smith. G 19 .S 24, 23 The Book of Daniel ; by F. A\'. Farrav, Dean of Canter- bury. " G 19 S 26 The Book of Jevemiali ; by Prof. W. H. Bennett. G 19 8 27 EYKYN, Rev. J., "A Peripatetic Parson." Parts of the Pacitic. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1896. MD 8 R 42 EYRE, Dr. John Joseph. Malaria according to the New Researches. [See Celli, Prof. A.] A 45 U 29 EYRE, Samuel Charles. The Truth about the Klondyke : how to get there ; how to live there ; how to get the dust ; also the Mining Regulations of the Dominion Government. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MD 2 S 9 EYRE and SPOTTISWOODE. Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible. {See Bibles and Testaments.] G 5 Q 32 EYRE-TODD, George. {See Todd, G. Eyre-.] F F., A. M. Foreign Courts and Foreign Homes. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ^ " D 21 Q 2 F., J. Signal Lamps for the Railway of Life. 8vo. New- castle, N.S.W., 1895. [Reprint.] F 7 V 48 FABIAN, Bentham. Australia: being a, brief Com- pendium of the Geogniphical Position, Topography, Characteristic Features, Description of the Princijial Rivers, I[ea(llands, Productions, Climate, Sailing Directions, kc. ; the whole forming a complete Hand- book or Guide to the Ciold Regions, intended for the use of Merchants, Shipmasters, intendent Emigrants, and others, to which is appended a valuable collection of Tables compiled from authentic sources, showing the rate of Harbor Dues, Custom.s Tai-iff, Pilot and Tonnage Dues, Public Ollicers' Foes, Liccn.ses, Tolls, Regulations for the Gold Regions, itc. 8vo. New York, 1852. MD 4 U 29 FABIAN ESSAYS iu Socialism. {See Shaw, G. Bernard.] F 13 R 8 Siipplementavy Catalogue — 1806-1000. 195 FABIA>r SOCIETY. Fabian Tracts. Nos. 1, 5, 7, 9, 12 15, 19-38, 40-42, 44, 4.5, 47-51, 54-64, 67-86, 88-93, 98-101. Bvo. Lond., 1884 1900. V 19 K 15 1. Why are the many poor? 5. Facts for Socialists. 7. Capital and Land. 9. An Eight Hours Bill. 12. Practicable Land Nationalization"' 1.3. What Socialism is. 14. The New Reform Bill. 15. Englisli Progress towards Social Democrac}'. 19. What the Farm Laborer wants. 20. Questions for Poor Law Guardians. 21. Questions for London Vestrymen, 22. Truth about Leasehold Enfranchisement. 23. Case for an Eight Hours Bill. 24. Questions lor Parliamentary Candidates. 25. Questions for Schools Board Candidates. 2G. Questions for London County Cinmcillors. 27. Questions for Town Councillors. 28. Questions for Candidates for County Councils. 29. What to read : a List of Books for Social Refornicrs. .■?0. The Unearned Increment. 31. London's Heritage in the City Guilds. 32. Municipalization of the (!as Supply. 33. Municipal Tramways. 34. London's Water Tribute. 3.J. Municipalization of the London Docks. 36. Scandal of London's Markets. 37. Labor Policy for Public Autliorities. 38. Paliam mac y Uuaws yn Dlawd (Welsh trans, of No. 1). 40. Fabian Election Manifesto, 1892. ■11. The Fabian Society: its Early History; by G. B. Shaw. 42. Christian Socialism ; by Rev. S. 1). Headlam, 44. Plea for Poor Liaw Reform. 45. Impossibilities of Anarchism; by G. B. Shaw. 47. The Unemployed ; b}- .J. Burns. 48. Eight Hours by Law. 49. Plan of Campaign for Labor. 5i). Sweating : its Cause and Remedy. ill. Socialism, True and False ; bj- S. WeV)l). 54. Humanizing of the Poor Law; by .T. F. Oakeshott. 55. Workers' School Board Program. 5fl. Questions for Parish Council Candidates. 57. Questions for Candidates for Rural Di.strict Councils. 58. Allotments, and how to get them. 59. Questions for Candidates for Urban District Councils. CO. London S'estries : what they are and what they do. Gl. London County Council: what it is and what it does. G2. Parish and District Councils ; what the}- are and what they do. CS. Parish Council Cottages, and how to get them. G4. How to lose and how to win an Election. G7. Women and the Factory Acts. G8. Tenant's Sanitary Catechism. G9. Difficulties of Individualism ; by S. Webb. 70. Report on Fabian Policj-. 71. The London Tenant's Sanitarjf Catechism. FABIAN SOCIETY'— co-/i< J. 72. Moral Aspects of Socialism ; by S. Mall. 7.i. Case for State Pensions in Old Age. 74. The State and its Functions in New Zealand. 75. Labor in the Longest Reign. 7G. Houses for the People. 77. Municipalization of Tramways. 78. Socialism and the Teaching of Christ ; 1)3- Rev. J. ClilToril. 79. Word of Remembrance and Caution to the Ricli ; by .7. \V'o(4niaii. 80. Shop Life and its Reform. 81. Municipal Water. 82. Workman's Compensation Act. 83. State Arbitration and the Living W.age. 84. Economics of Direct Emi)loj'ment. 85. Lifjuor Licensing at Home and Abroad ; by E. R. Pease. 86. Municipal Drink Traffic. 88. Growth of Monopoly in English Industry. 89. Old Age Pensions at work. 90. Municipalization of the ililk Supply. 91. Municipal Pawnshops. 02. Municipal Slaughterhouses. 93. Women as Councillors. 98. State Railwaj's for Ireland. 99. Local Government in Ireland. 100. Metropolitan Borough Councils: their Powers and Duties. 101. The House Famine, and how to relieve it. FABIANI, Rev. Enrico. Bibliorurn Sacroruni Graecus Codex Vaticiuius. \_See Bibles and Testaments — Greek.] G 6 U 7-12 J FABUL^. ATELLAN^E. [See :\Iuuk, Dr. E.J 3 15 S 23 FAGUET, Prof. Emile. Short Pro.se Tales of Voltaire. [_See Voltaire, F. M. A. do.] J 9 R 36 FAHIE, J. J. History of Wireless Telegraphy, 1838-99, including some bare-wire proposals for subaqueous Telegraphs. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. A 24 P 44 FAIJA, Henry. Manufacture and Testing of Portland Cement. Sm. fol. Lond., 189.3. AllX14t FAIR ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Illus- trated. Ob. 12nio. Adelaide (n.d.) 31D 4 Q 28 FAIRBAIRN, Rev. Andrew Martin. Catholicism: Roman and. Anglican. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 R 32 The Place of Christ in Modern Theolosv. 8th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ■ G 20 R 8 FAIRBANKS, Arthur. First Philosophers of Greece : an edition and traiislation of the remaining fragments of llie Pre-Sokratic Philosophers, together with a trans- lation of the more important accounts of their opinions contained in the earlv epitomes of their works. Svo. Lond., 1898. " G 23 S 25 19G Pitblie Lihmry of New South Wales. FAIRBROTHER, AViUiani Henry. Tlie Philosophy of Tliomas Hill Green, t^vo. Lond., 1896. G 9 W 8 FAIR BURN, F. The Argentine Repuljlio. (Rov. (ieo^'. 8oc. of Aiistrahisiii, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P F.VTRCHILD, David G. Sy.stematie Plant Introduction. [See United States. — Dept. of Aurieult. — Div. of Forestry.] " A 41 U 13 FAIRCHILD, Dr. George T. Rural Wealth and Welfare : Economic Principles illustrated and applied in Farm- life. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Rural Science Ser.) F 17 T II FAIRCLOUGH, P. H. Old Age Pensions in New Zea- land. (Xew Century Review, March, 1900.) E FAIRFAX, Cecil. The Heritage of the Kurts. [See Bjornson, B.] J 23 U .3 FAIRFIELD, Charles. Some Account of George William Wilshere, Baron Bramwell, of Hever, and his Ojiinions. [See Bramwell, Baron.] C 25 S 2 FAIRFIELD, Charles. Getting and Holding. (Mel- bourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Those Catholic Claims. (Melb. ReWew, 10.) iME 18 Q FAIR HOLME, Capt. William E. Hand-book of the .Vrniies of Bulgai-ia, Greece, Montenegro, Roumania, and Servia. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — War Office.] FI2S21 I'WIRLAND, William M. Abu.se of Fiction in Lending Libraries. (Lib. As.soc. of Au.stralasia, Proc, 1898.) ISIJ 2 Y 8 FAIRLEY, Dr. W. The Practice and Science of Mining Engineering. 8\o. Chester-le-Street, 1896. A 22 R 18 FAIRLIE, John Archibald. Centralization of Adminis- tration in New York State. 8vo. New York, 1898. F IS R 20 FAIRMAN, Edward St. John. Tiie truth ..n Albania and the Albanians, Historical and Critical. [See Wassa Effendi.] B 36 P 2 FALCONER, William. Mushrooms: how to grow them ; a Practical Treatise on Mushroom Cultuie for profit and pl('a,sure. Illustrated. 8vo. New Yoik, 1897. A 19 R 9 How to Grow Mushrooms. [See Ignited States. Dept. ..f Agricult.] A 11 U 1 FALERO, A. [Reproduction of his J'icture] The Vision f)f Faust. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] ' A 12 P 27.1. FALES, Mrs. Iniogcnc C. 'J"li(,- Industrial Conditions of the U. S. 1 2mo. Manchester, 1887. I'" I 3 V 23 FALKLAND, Henry and Lucius, 1st and 2nd Viscounts. Falklands : by " The Author of the Life of a Pris;." With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 25 P 1 1 FALIvNER, Roland P. P.,litical Economy and Public Law. [See Pennsylvania University.] F 7 T 8 FAMOUS SCOTS SERIES. Adam Smith ; liv H. C. Matplierson. [.S'ec Smith, A.] U20V1O Allan Ramsay : by 0. Smeatcn. [See Ramsay, A.] C 20 T 1 1 Andrew Melville; iiv W. Morisoii. [.STec Melville, A.] C 20 V 16 The Balladists. {See Geddic, J.] H 11 R 2 The Blackwood Group. [See Douglas, Sir G.] C 20 U 24 David Hume ; by H. Calderwood. [See Hume, D. ] C 20 V 9 The Erskines : bv A. R. MaeEwen. [See Erskine, Revs. E. andR.] " C 20 V 21 Fletcher of Saltoun ; bv (!. W. T. Oniond. [See Fletclier, A.] ■ C20U22 Hugh Miller ; by W. K. Leask. [.-^ee Miller, H.] C 20 T 13 James Boswell ; by W. K. Leask. [.^e Boswell, J.] C 20 U 21 James Frederick Ferrier : bvE. 8. Haldane. [See Ferrier, J. F.] " . C 20 V 17 JamcsHogg; by Sir (4. Douglas. [.S'ee Hogg, J.] C20 V 19 James Thomson ; by \\ . Bayne. [See Thomson, J.] C 20 Y 7 John Knox ; by A. T. Innes. [See Knox, J.] C 20 T 12 King Robert the Bruce ; by Prof. A. F. Murison. \See Robert I, King of Scotland.] C 20 V 18 Kiikcaldv of (irange ; by L. A. Earbe. [.S'ee Kirkaldy SirW.] C20U27 Mungo Park : by T. B. jNIacLachlan. [.S'ee Park, M.] C 20 V S Norman MacXiBod ; by J. Wellwood. [.?ee MacLeod, N.] C 20 U 23 Richard Cameron ; by J. Herkless. [.S'ee Cameron, R.l C 20 U 18 Robert Burns; by T. N. Hepburn (G. Setoun). [.?ee Burns, R.] C20T14 Robert Fergus.son ; by tlie Rev, A. B. Grosart. [.S'ee Fcr- guisson, R.] C20U28 Robert Louis Stevenson ; by M, M. Black. [See Steven- son, 11, L,] C 20 V 12 Sir David Wilkic and the Scots School of Painters ; by E. Piiinington, [.See Wilkie, Sir D. 1 C 20 V 20 Sir James V. .Simpson; by Eve B. Simpson. [.S'ee .Simp- son, .Sir J. Y.] C20UI9 Sir Walter Scott ; bv G. Saintsburv. [.See Scott, Sir \V.] C 20 T 21 Sir Willi.uii \VaUace ; by A. V. .\hnison. [.See Wallace, SirW.] ' C 20 V 11 Thomas Carlylc : by H. V. MacPherson. [.See Carlvle, T.] C 20 T 10 Thomas Chalmers: bv Prof. W. G. lilaikie, [.Sec Chal- mers, Rev, 1', | " C20T1.-) Thomas Guthrie; Iiv O, Snieaton. [.See Guthrie, Rev. T.] C 20 V 22 Tobias SmollcU ; \>v (). Snieaton. [.See Smollett, T.] C 20 U 20 William Dunbar; liy O. Snieaton. [.Sec Dunbar, W.] C 23 \- 10 FANCHER, Mary J. Mollie lAmcher, the Brooklyn Enigma : an authentic Account of Facts in the Life of Mary J. I'^anchei', the Psychologic.d Marvel of the 19th Century; by Abram'jI. Dailey. Svo. Brook- lyn, N.Y,, 1894, ' C 22 S 20 iS//i)ij/emeji(ii/'i/ Calalo(jue — l^i'JG-VJOO. 107 FANSTTAAVE, E. L. Cmnlv Councillor's (iiiiilc. [See Jlnl.liouso, H.] V IG U G FARADAY, Micli.-iel. Michael Faivulay : his Life and Work ; hv Fnif. S. P. Thompson. 8vo. Lond., 1S98. (Century Science Ser.) C 11) P 20 Fundamental Laws of Electrolytic Conduction. [/SV« Goodwin, H. M.] " A44Qli) [Portrait of.] [^cc Sixty Years of Emin're.] P, "_>•_' P, IS FARCY, Louis de. La Broderle du Xlcnio siccle jusijua nos jour.s d'apres dcs Spccimen.s authentiques et Ics anciens Inventaires. l''ol. Angers, ISitO. A 17 P 1 ;: FARLOW, Prof. William Cilson. Some EdiMe and Poisonous Funf;i. [_See Iniitefl States. — Dept. of -V^'ri- cult. — Div. of Vegetable Phvsiolon-v and Pathology.] A 3s'r L'O FARM AXD BAIllV, Thr. : an Australian Picducts Journal. Vols. 1, 2, 1S98 99. L> vols. It.i. Sv(hiev, 1898-99. A1K7P FAR.]f AXD GAEDEX. Vol. 1, July, .I8.j8 .June, 18.-,9. 4t.). Adelaide, 1859. [All i„iJ,Il^h,-'l.] MA I \- 1 1 FARMAN", D. Auto-Cars. Translated fi-om the French hy Lucien Sei'raillii'r. Illustrated. 8vo. Ijond., 189G. A 25 R 39 FARjMER, Jolui. Gaudeainus : a Selection of Songs ftir Colleges and Schools. 3rd ed. Imp. 8vo. Jjond., 1893.' H10X12t Scarlet and Blue ; or. Songs for Soldiers and Sailors. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " 11 10 X 10 t FARMER, John S. Musa Pedestris : three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes, 1536-1896. 8vo. (n.p.) 1896. "^ ' ■ H 10 W 2(1 Public School Word-book : a Contribution to a Historical Glossary of Word.s, Phrases, and Turns of Expression, obsolete and in present use, peculiar to our great Public Schools, together ^vith some that haye been or are modi.sh at the Universities. Sm. Ito. Lond., . 1900. J 22 S 17 and HENLEY, W. E. Slang and its Analogue;- Past and Present : a Dictionary, Historical and Com- ]iai-ative, of the Heterodt)x Speech of all cla.sses of Society for more than 300 years ; with .synonyms in English, Freneli, German, Italian, A-c. Vol. 4. 8yo. Loiul., 1896. Libr. FARMER, J. T. Hydraulic Laboratory, JIcGill Uni\er- sit)-. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Engineering.] A 40 S 24 FARMERS AND PRUIT-CVROWERS' CO()PERA- TTVE SOCIETY, Ltd. Pwde.. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1897. MF 13P3't FARMERS AND FRUIT-GROWERS' GUIDE. \See. New South Wales— Agricult.] MA 4 U 1 FAinrERS' AND SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION OF Nl';\\' SOUTH WAEES. Reports of Annual Con- ference held in Sydney, .(ulv, 1900. 8yo. Sydney, ] 900. " ' ■ jNIE 8 Q Rules and Bye-laws. ISmo. Sydney, 1S9S. "MF5P8 FARNELL, lion. James Squire. [Porlrall and Sketch of.] [,S'(V Shine, T.- Australian Pmhait Callerv.] .MC IP 4 t ]'\\l!NE\\'01!Tli, l';ilis. History of the Civil Wars of iM-.ince. [See Davila, E. C,] " I! 19 R 23, 24 f I'WRQUHAR, II. Aecounl of .s(,ine New Ze.-daml Ac tinaria. (Linneau Soc, Journ., Zoology, 26.) I' Contributions to the History of New Zealand Echino derms. (Linnean Soc, Journ., Zoology, 20.) E Description of a new Ophiuran. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) :\1E 2 P Echinoderm Fauna of New Zealand. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Notes on New Ze:dand Stai' li.slies. (N.Z. List., Tl'an.s., 1897.) JME 2 S FARCjUHARSON, Charles Donald. The Federation of the Powers._ 1 2mo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 27 FARR, C. Coleridge, ^lagnt'tic Force parallel to the Axis in the interior of Solenoids. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Objection to Ls Sage's Theory of Gravitation. (N.Z. inst.. Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FARRAR, Frederick William, F.R.S., Dean of Canter- bury. The Bible: its Meaning and Supremacy. 8yo. Loild., 1897. ' G 1 R 5 Essays on a Lilieral Education. 8yo. Lond., 1867. G 17 T 10 Gathering Clouds : a Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom. 387-4 io .\.i>. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond"., 1895. G 3 U 2, 3 Great Books : Banyan, Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, the Imitation, ttc. '8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 Q U Progress in the Reign of Quf^en Victoria. 12mo. Lond., 1897. ' B 16 P 17 The Life of Lives : further Studies in tlu" Life of Christ. Roy. 8yo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V 34 Texts explained ; or. Helps to understand tlie New Te.s- tament. 8vo.' Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 29 True Religion. AVith Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 30 AVestminster Abbey. (Our English Minster.s.) A 39 P 9 The Bible. [See Bartlett, E. T.] G 23 R 14 The Book of Daniel. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S 26 Life and AA'ritings of A. li. A'inet. [See Tinet, A. R.] C 27S 17 198 Tiihlic Library of New South Wales. FAEEELL, John. Australia to Eni;land. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. ■" MH 1 V 23 FAEEELLY, Josephine. The Sydney Waltz. Sm. f<.l. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t FAEEELLY, M. J. The Settlement after the War in South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 T 7 FAEEEE, Thomas Henry, Baron. Neo-Protection Scheme of the Et. Hon. Joseph Chamhei-hiin. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 2 V 32 Studies in Currency, 1898 ; or. Inquiries into certain Modern Problems connected with the St^mdard of Value and the Media of Exchange. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' F13E14 Yrhat is a Bounty? 12mo. Lond., 1899. F 17 T 4 Speech bv, on Cobdenic Questions. \_See Cobden Club.] C 19 P 23 FAREEB, W. Hov/ Experiment Farms can be made to help on in the best manner the Agriculture of the country. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Making and Improvement of Wheats for Australian con- ditions. (Agricult. Ga:;., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 E The Too Common Crow. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 E Wheats commonlv grown in Xew South ^^'alos. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.SYV., 1899.) ME 9 E Wheats which are in general cultivation in New South AVales. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) .AlE 9 E FAEEEE, William. The Chartulai'y of Cockersand Ab1)py of the Premonstratensian Order. [See Chotham Soc. Pubs., 38, 39.] E FASNACHT, G. Eugene-. \_See Eug.>ne-Fasnacht, G.] FATHERS FOE ENGLISH EEABERS. Dcfcr.ders of the Faith. {See Wivtaon, Rev. F.] V, 20 P 10 Leo the Great. [,S'cc (lore. Rev. C.J (1 20 P 1") Kt. Ambross. [See Thornton, Rev. R. | (1 20 P 22 St. AthanasiiLS. [.S^ee Bush, Rev. H. W.] (J 20 P r> St. Patrick. [See Newell, E. .T.J (J 20 P 21 The Venerable Bede. [See Browne, (i. F. , Bishop. J ( ! 20 P 18 FAUCETT, Peter, Judge. [Portrait and Sketch of.] {See Shine, T.— Aust. Portrait tJallcry.] MC 4 P 4 t FAUCIT, Helen. [See Martin, Helen.] FAUIJJlNG'S MEDICAL JOURXAL. Vol. 1, July, 1899-June, 1900. Roy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1899-1900. ME 20 R FAUVEL, Albert. Les Staphylijiides de I'Australie et de la Polyncsic. Roy. 8vo. Geneva, 1877. ]\IA 4 T 24 FAVENC, Ernest. The Mocissins of Silence. 8vo. Sydney, 189G. MJ 3 P 40 My only Murder, and other Tales. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MJ 3 V G FAWCETT, J. W. Narrative of the terrible Cyclone and Flood in Townsvillo, North Queensland, January 25th-28th. 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. Townsville, 1896. MA 4 S 23 Panicurn in the Buiulaberg District. (Queen.sland Agri- cult. Journ., Aug., 1898.) ME 9"U Some Timber Trees of Queen.sland. (Queensland Agri- cult. Journ.. July, 1898, Oet.-Dec, 1899, Jan., Feb., April, 1900.) ' ME 9 U Songs and Recitations of the Australian Bush. 18mo. Tv. D. ]\[.] A 39 R 16, 17 FENTON, John F. Theory of the Social Compact and its influence upo7i the American Revolution. 8vo. New York, 1891. F 18 R 25 FENWICK, Dr. William Soltau. Dyspepsia in Childhood. ( Alll )ut t. Dr. T. C— System of Medicine. ) A 26 T 36 General Pathology of Digestion. [See Ralfe, Dr. C. H.] A 26 T 36 FERE, Dr. Ch. Pathology of Emotions ; Physiological and Clinical Studies. Translated by Dr. R. Park. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 25 V 1 FEREDAY, Richard W. Synonymic List of Lepidoptera of New Zealand. (N.Z.-Inst', Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FERGUS, Di-. Walter. Development of Boy.s. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health E.xhil). Literature.) A 41 V 7 FElKiUSON, J. All about the Coconut P.alm, including Practical Instructions for Planting and Cultivation, with estimates specially prepared for expenditure and iecei[)ts and other suitable iiiforniation from a variety of .-sources referring to the in(ki.stry in Ceylon, South India, the Straits Settlements, Queensland, and the AVest Indies. 2nd ed. 8vo. Colombo, 1898. A 40 U 5 FERGUSON, James. Papers illustrating the History of the Scots Brigade in the Service of tlie United Nether- landers. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs., 32.] E FERGUSON, Rev. S. Hector. Spiritual Law through the Natural V\-or!d. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MG 2 R 64 FERGUSON, Sir Samuel. Sir Samuel Ferguson in the Ii-e!and of his Day ; by Lady Ferguson. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. C 22 S 16, 17 FERGUSON, W. H. Age of Auriferous Quartz Veins and Alluvial Deposits in Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P FERGUSSON, Robert. [Life of] ; by Rev. A. B. Grosart. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 U 28 Scots Poems. With Portrait. 18mo. Edinb., 1898. H 9 P 20 FERNALD, Dr. Charles H. The Gypsy Moth. [See Massachusetts. — Board of Agricult.] A 38 P 11 FERNOW, Bernhard Eduard. Practicability of an Ameri- can Forest Administration. (American Boon. Assoc.) F 4 V 16 Forestry for Farmers. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Report of the Chief of the Division of Forestry. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry.] E The White Pine. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult.— Div. of Forestry.] A 22 P 1 t FERNOW, Berthold. New Amsterdam Family Names and their Origin. (Goodwin, Maud AVilder.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* FERRAR, Nicholas. Story Books of Little Gidding; with an Introduction by'E. C. Sharland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 S 8 FERRARIS, Prof. G. Sul Congresso Internazionale di Elettricita in Chicago, 1893. 8vo. Roma, 1894. A 21 U 7 FERRARS, Max and Bertha. Burma. Illustrated. 4to. Lond, 1900. D 23 Q 2 FERRERO, Gen. A. Rapport sur les Triangulations. [See Association Ggodesique internationale — Comptes- rendus de la douzicme Conference generale.] E 200 Tnhlic Libvary of New South If'ales. FERRES, Arthur. [&e Kevin, John.] EERRI, Pi'of. E. Criminal Socioli)gv. 8vo. Lnnd., 1895. "' F :i V 22 FERRIER, Dr. David. Re.ni.mal Diagno.sis i,f Cerebral Disease. (AlUnitt. Dr. T. C.~ System of Medicine.) A .26 T -iO FERRIER, James Frederick. [Life ( if] ; 1 )V E. S. Haldaiie. 8vo. Edinl.., 189U. (Famous Scots Wer.) C 20 V 17 FERRIER, Susan Edmonstone. Destiny; or, the Cliiefs Daughter. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., lSi)'L>. .) -h; (,) I'.s, -zi) The Inheritance. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., lNil2. .1 2G Q :50, .Tl jMarriai/e. lis. 8vo. L(ind.. 1S1I2. J 2(i Q r.2, 33 E.s.say on. [_See Saintsi)ury, G. — Essay.s in English Literature.] " ' J 14 T 1 [Life of.] [^See Douglas, Sir G. — The Blackwdod tiroup.] C 20 U 24 FERRIS, Paul. Palmistry. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) " MG 2 U 3 FERRIS, Thomas. Fei-ris' New Pocket Po.ad Map of New South Wales, and Cvclists' Tnurini; (iuido. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. ' :\n:) 8 P 34 FERRUliGlA, (icmnia. AVnmaiis l-'olly. Translated hy Helen Zinnnern ; witli Fntroduciinn liv E. Gos.se. 8vo. Lond.. 1890. ■ J 23 IT 1(3 FERRY, Jules Fran(j-ois Camille. nent Pei'sons.] [Sketch , Henry M. Our Western Archipelago. 8vo. New York, 1895. D 16 S 4 I'll;].]). Li'cipiild. Candles, (luternat. Health Exhib.-- llc'dlh I'.xhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 I'l ELD, Lilian F. Introduction to the Study of the Re- naissance. 8vo. Lond.. 1898. ' 1! 26 U 18 I'lHLD, Mary Katlarine Kcnible. [Life of]; bv Lilian Whiting. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 Q 1 4 in i*JIji), Rogers. ■ M'atei- Sujjply and Dispo.sal of Sewage of Country Houses. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health E.x'ldb. Li(eratnrc) A 41 U 17 FIELD, Th,: Vols. 48 86, July, 1876-95. 39 vols. f„|. Lond., 1876 95. ' K FlELDl'iN, John C. SpCi-ch on {''oreign Competition in the Cotton Trade, A-c 8vo. Ulackljurn, 1879. I''17 1'2 Siqiplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 201 FIELDING, IT. The S,,nl of ;i People. 8vo. Lnnd., 1«98. 23S29 FIELDING, Homy. Works of. Edited, with a Bio- graphical E.ssay, Ijy Leslie Stephen. Illustrated. 10 vols. roy. Svo. Lend., 1882. J 22 V 9-18 1, 2. Tom Jones. 3. Amelia. 4. Jo.seph Andrew.s autt-. A Frontier Campaign : a Narrative of the Operations of the Malakand and Buner Field Forces. 1897-98. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 29 R U FINCH, John B. The People v. the Liquor Traffic ; with an Introduction by J. N. Stearns. Edited by C. A. McCully. 24th ed. 12mo. New York, 1896. F 15 P 27 FINCK, Henry T. Primitive Love and Love Stories. Svo. New York, 1899. G 24 T 9 FINDLEY, J. J. Arnold of Rugby : his School Life and Contributions to Education. [See Arnold, Dr. T.] C 23 Q 20 FINDON, B. W. Life-story, Letters, and Reminiscences of Sir Arthur Sullivan. [See Sullivan, Sir A.] C 27 S 9 FINK, Theodore. Imprisonment for Debt. (Melbourne Re^^ew, 5.) ME 18 Q Mercantile Law Reform. (Melb. Review, 6.) ME 18 Q FINLAY, Dr. David White. Pneumothorax. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 FINLAY, W. H. Star Correction Tables. [See Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory.] E FINN, Edmund, " Garryowen." Cyclorama of Early Mel- bourne. Svo. Melb. (n.d.) jNID S S 4 202 Public Library of Neto South Wales. FINNISS, B. T. Religion and Science. (Melbourne Review, 5.) " ME 18 Q FINSCH, Dr. O. Exploring Crui.ses of the Samoa. Eth- nological Atlas. Types from the Stone Age of New Guinea. Imp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888. [In German, English, and French.] MA 2 P 33 t FINUCANE, W. Probable Meat Trade with Egypt. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U FIORENTINO, Ser Giovanni. [See Giovanni Fiorentino, Ser.] FIORINI, Prof. M. Le Sfere Cosmograflche e special- mente le Sfere Terrestri. 8vo. Roma, 1894. D 12 T 20 FIRTH, Charles Harding. Oliver Cromwell and the rule of the Puritans in England. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Heroes of the Nations.) B 27 Q 15 The Clarke Papers. \_See Camden Soc. Pubs.] E Journal of Joachim Hane. [See Hane, J.] B 16 P 8 Robert Browning's Prose Life of Strafford. [See Strafford, Earl] C 18 P 3 Scotland and the Protectorate. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs., 31.] E FIRTH, Elmer \V. Micro-Organisms in the Air of Public Buildings and Conveyances, due to improper methods of Cleaning. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 44 S 20 FIRTH, J. C. On Fires in Coal-ships : their Causes and Prevention. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S FIRTH, Oliver. Postage Stamps and tlieir Collection : a Practical Guide to Philately for all Collectors. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 30 FIRTH, Surgeon-Major Robei-t Hammill. Frambu'sia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 3o Oriental Sore. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2C T 35 Verruga. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 The Theory and Practici; of Hygiene. [See Notter, Dr. J. L.] A 31 Q 22 FIRTH, William T. The relative commercial values of Pumice and Charcoal for purposes of in.sulation. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FISCIIEI!, Pi-of. Alfred. Structure and Functions of Bacteria. Translated by A. C. Joaes. Roy. 8vo. Oxford, 1900. A 34 S 1 FISH, George T. American Manxial of Parliamentary Law ; or, the Common Law of Deliberative Assemblies. 18mo. New York, 1897. F 12 S 30 FISH, Simon. Supplicacyon for the Beggars. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 [Another copy.] [See English Scholar's Lib.] J 3 T 20 FISHER, Dr. Albert Kenrick. Report on Birds. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 7 FISHER, Arabella Burton [Urs. T.] (Arabella Burton Buckley. ) Winners in Life's Race ; or, the Great Backboned Family. Pts. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 27 P 3 1. Fishes and Birds. 2. Mammalia. FISHER, Charles. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 FISHER, D. Havelock. The Country of Horace and Virgil. [See Boissier, Gaston.] " D 18 S 15 Rome and Pompeii. [See Boissier, Gaston.] B 16 S 14 FISHER, Rfev. George Park. History of Christian Doc- trine. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. G 11 P 48 FISHER, George William. Annals of Shrewsbury School. Revised by J. S. Hill. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G17T33 FISHER, Herbert. The Medieval Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 8 Q 11, 12 FISHER, Irving. Bibliography of Mathematical Econ- omics. [See Cournot, A. — Researches into the Mathe- matical Pr-inciples of the Theory of Wealth.] F 4 U 19 FISHER, James. The Manitoba School Question. 8vo. (n.p.md.) G 17 T 21 FISHER, Joseph R. Finland and the Tsars, 1809-99. 8vo. Lon.l., 1899. B 41 R 1 FISHER, Lala. By Creek and Gully: Stories and Sketches mostly of Bush Life, told in Prose and Rhyme by Australian Writers. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ]\I.) 3 R 33 FISHER, Sydney George. The True liciiiaiiiin l<\vuiklin. [See Franklin, B.] C 20 Q 4 The True William Penn. [See Penn, W.] C 26 U 4 FlSilKK, W. Clark. The Potentiometer and its adjuncts. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 38 T 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 203 FISllEK, W. E. Garrett. The Transvaal and the Boers : a short History of the South African UepuhHc, with a With Map. 8vo. B 36 S 10 Chapter on the Orange Free State Lend., 1900. The Transvaal and the Boers: a brief History. 8vo. Lond., 189G. B 10 R 40 FISHER, Prof. W. R. Forest Utilization. iSee Schlich, Prof. William.— Manual of Forestry.] A 32 R 17 FISK, Clinton B., and WHITLESEY, E. Report of, on the Peace ratified in the Creek Nation. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 47 FISKE, Amos Kidder. The Myths of Israel : the ancient Book of Genesis ; with analysis and explanation of its composition. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 1 1 U 20 The West Indies : a History of the Islands of the West Indian Archipelago, together with an Account of their Physical Characteristics, Natural Resources, and Pre- sent Condition. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. B32R11 FISKE, Prof. John. American Political Ideas viewed from the standpoint of Universal History. 8vo. New York, 1898. F8 V 47 The American Revolution. Illustrated with Portraits, Maps, Fac-similes, Contemporary Views, Prints, and other historic materials. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896. B 16 V 35, 36 Beginnuigs of New England ; or, the Puritan Theocracy in its relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. Illus- trated. 8vo. Boston, 1898. B 25 T 18 A Century of Science, and other Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 S 2 The Critical Period of American History, 1783-89. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1898. B 17 R 17 Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 19 V 6, 7 The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. 8\'o. Boston, 1900. B 40 T 1 Old Virginia and her Neighbours. With Map. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 19 R 3, 4 Through Nature to God. 12mo. Lond., 1899. G 24 P 25 Marciiing with Gomez. [See Flint, G.] B 36 Q 10 FISKE, Miimie Maddern. [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 FITCH, Sir Joshua Girling. Address by, on the Inspection and Examination of Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 Educational Aims and Methods : Lectures and Addresses. 8vo. Camb., 1900. G 26 R 6 Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on English Education. [See Arnold, T.] C 23 P 22 FITCH, Ralph. Ralph Fitch, England's Pioneer to India and Burma ^See Ryley, J. H.] B 36 R 7 FITCHETT, A. R. Free Trade in Education. (Mel- bourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q FITCHETT, Rev. William Henry, " Vedette." Austral- asian Geography in Eui-opean Terms. (Review of Reviews, Aug., 1897.) E The Australian View of the South African Crisis. (National Review, Aug., 1899.) 'E Deeds tliat won the Empire : Historic Battle Scenes. rilu.st. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 24 Q 13 Failure of the Australian Federation Bill. (Canadian Mag., Sept., 1898.) E Fights for the Flag. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. B 29 Q 24 How England saved Europe : Story of tlie Great War, 1793-1815. Illu.strated. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899- 1900. B 37 Q 8-11 1. From the Low Countries to Egypt. "2. The Struggle for the Sea. 3. War in tlie I'eniu.sula. 4. Waterloo and St. Helena. The Modern Pulpit. (Melb. Rev., 4.) ME 18 Q The Sunday Question. (Melb. Rev., 8.) ME 18 Q FITTON, Dr. William Henry. Geological Specimens col- lected by Capt. P. P. King in his Survey of the Coasts of Australia, and by R. Brown on the Shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria during the V^oyage of Capt. Flinders. (Philosoph. Mag., Dec, 1825, Aug., 1826.) E FITZ, Dr. Reginald H. Diseases of the Pancresis. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Practice of Medicine. [See Wood, Dr. H. C] A 30 V ] 9 FITZ-ADAM, Adam. The World. 32mo. Lond., 1808. J 1 V43 FITZGERALD, Rear-Adm. Charles Cooper Penrose. Life of Vice-Adm. Sir George Tryon. [See Tryon, Vice- Adm. Sir G.] C 24 Q 8 [Portrait and Sketch of Sir George Rooke.] [See Rooke, Sir G.] C 25 T 7 FITZGERALD, D. Sliort Description of the Boston Waterworks. 8vo. Boston, 1895. A 23 U 35 Fitzgerald, Edward. Life of: by J. Glyde ; with an Introduction by E. Clodd. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ' C 27 R 18 Concordance to FitzGerald's Translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. [See Tutin, J. R.] K 17 Q 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, Edmund. — Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 Rubaiyat of Omar Khavyam. [See Omar Khayyam.] H 4 R 40, 41 FITZGERALD, Edward, Lord. Memoirs of ; by Thomas Moore. With Preface and many supplementary par- ticulars bv Martin McDerrejtt. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 R 4 204 FuMic Library of New South Wales. FITZGERALD, Edward Artlmr. Climbs in the New Zea- land Alps : being an Account of Travel and Discovery. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1896. MD 3 V 19 The Highest Andes : a Record of the first Ascent of Aconcagua and Tupungato in Argentina, and the Ex- ploration of the surrounding Valleys. Illustrated. . RoJ^ 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 T 2 In the New Zealand Alps. (Contemporary Review, Aug., 1895.) E FITZGERALD, Frank. Fitzgerald's Home Physician; or, the Poor Man's Doctor : a INIanual on Physiology, Anatomy, and Diseases of the Nervous and Sexual Systems' 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 U 48 FITZGERALD, J. Mental Suggestion. [&eOchorowicz, Dr. J.] G 18 R 61 FITZGERALD, J. D. Municipal Statesmanship in Eurojie : what Municipal Reform has done. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 4 V 53 FITZGERALD, Mrs. P. F. The Rational, or Scientific Ideal of Morality, containing a Theory of Cognition, a Metaphysic of Religion, ami an "Apologia pro Amore." Bvo. Lond., 1897. G 1 T 23 FITZGERALD, Percy Hetherington. Critical Examina- tion of Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill's " Johnsonian " Editions. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 15 V 13 Pickwickian Manners and Customs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 U 30 The Good Queen Charlotte. \_See Charlotte, Queen of England.] C 24 T 24 FITZ-GERALD, S. J. Adair. Stories of Famous Songs. Bvo. Lond., 1898. H 3 R 38 The Zankiwank and the Bletherwitch. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 22 P 17 FITZGERALD, AViiliam Waiter Augustine. Travels in the Coastlands of British East Africa and tlie Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba : their Agiicultural Resources and (ieneral Characteristics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 6 FITZ-GIBBON, Abraham Coates. [Obituary Notice of.[ (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 29.) E FITZ(iIJ'.BON, Edmond Gerald. Party (Jovernment and Suggestion.s for better. (Melboui'ne Review, 3.) ME 1 8 Q FTTZHKltl'.HI'.T, Mrs. Portrait of. [See Latimer, i:nzHbetli VV.— England in 19t!i Century.] B IG « 13 FITZMAIjU ICE KELLY, James. {_Set Kelly, J. Fitz- maurice-.] FITZPATRICK, J. P. The Transvaal from within: a Record of Public Affairs. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 36 S 8 FITZPATRICK, John Charles Lucas. "The Good Old Days": being a Record of Facts and Reminiscences conceriung the Hawkesbury District. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. ■ MB 3 P 11 Various Verses. Sm. 4to. Parramatta, 1895. MH 1 P 76 FITZPATRICK, William John. Memoirs of Richard Whately. \See Wliately, R., Archb.] C 26 Q 12, 13 FITZRALPH, Richard, Archbishop of Armagh. De Pauperie Salvatoris. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 23 T 28 [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W. — Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 FITZROY, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton. [See Grafton, 3rd Duke of.] FITZ SIMON, Rev. James A., and VINCENT, A. The Gods of old and the story that they tell. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 41 P 12 FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Greek Vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. [See Gardner, E. A.] K 18 S 24 FLAGG, Ernest. The New York Tenement House Evil and its Cure. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 FLAGG, Dr. J. Foster. Dental Pathology and Thera- peutics. [See Inglis, Dr. O. E.] A 38 S 5 FLAMENG, Frant;ois. [Reproduction of his Picture] Court Ladies Bathing. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 i FLAMMARION, Camille. The Unknown. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 U 40 FLAMSTEED, John. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 FLAUBI']RT, Gustave. Correspondance. 4th ser., 1869-80. 8vo. Paris, 1893. C 14 P 25* Gustave Flaubert i;dect and English Translation. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1895. ■ " J 8 V 29 FORTIER, Sanuiel. The Water Supply of Cache Valley. [See Utah.— Agricult. College Exjx'r. Stn.] A 2.3 T .37 FORTXiailTlA' REVIEW, The. Vol. l-n.,s. vol. 67, lS65-June, 1900. 73 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1865- 1 900. E FORTNUM, Charles Drury Edward. Maiolica : a His- torical Treatise on the Glazed and Enamelled Earth- wares of Italy, with Marks and Monograms; also some notice of the Persian, Damascus, |{liodian, and Hi.s- Iiano-Moresque Wares. Illustrated. Imji. Svo. 0.\- ford, 1S96. A 15 S 11 t Bupiilementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 2C9 FORUM, The. Vols. 1-29, Marcli, 18SG-Au<,'., 1900. 29 vols, ^^vo. New York, 18.SG- 1900. E FOSTEli, Alfred. London's Pauper Chaos. (Rcid, A.— The New Party.) F 1.") P 29 FOSTER, Birket. Brittany : a series of 25 Sketches. Fol. Witley, 1878. A 22 R 2 t FOSTER, Prof. Clement Le Neve, F.R.S. Text-book of Ore and Stone Mining. 3i'd cd. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1900. A 4-t Q 1 1 Geology of the Carboniferous Limestone, Yoredale Rocks, and Millstone Grit of North Derbyshire. [Se« Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog.Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 11 17 Third Annual General Report upon the Mineral Industry of the United Kingdom. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Home Office — Mines and Quarries.] E FOSTER, Prof. George Gary, F.R.S., and ATKINSON, Prof. Edmund. Elementary Treatise on Electricity and Magnidisni, founnglan(l). [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. -Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 FRl<:i)EUrCK II, surnamed the Great, King of Prussia. Frederic the Great. [See Macaulay, Lord.] B 26 P 9 History of Frederick II, called Frederick the Great. [See Abbott, J. S. C] B 39 T 14 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 213 FREDERICK WILLIAM III, Kiii^ of Prussia. Por- trait of. [See Latimer, Elizalieth Wonneley. — Euglaiul in the l«th Century.] B 16 S 13 Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A. — Paget Papers.] C 21 U \ FREE KINDERGARTEN MAGAZINE, Tho,. Woman's special edition, Dec, 1895. 8\'o. AVinnipeg, 1895. G 18 S 19 FREE REVIEW, The. [See University Magazine and Free Review. ~\ "FREE SELECTOR." [See Heron, J. S.] FREE TRADE AND LIBERAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Constitution and Rules. Svo. Sydney, 1889. F 17 P 3 Report on certain Tariff Inequalities. Svo. Sydnej', 1885. F 17 P 3 FREE TRADE FACTS AND FAIR TRADE FAL- LACIES. 8vo. Liverpool, 1881. F 17 P 2 FREE TRADE LEAGUE OF VICTORIA. Compara- tive Statement of Tariffs — Victoria, New South Wales, United Kingdom — showing the incidence of Free Trade and Protection from Customs Returns. Svo. Melk, 1877. F 17 P 7 Free Trade Papers, addressed to the People of Victoria. Nos. 1-13. 12mo. Melb., 1877. F 17 P 1 FREE TRADE PAMPHLETS. 7 vols. Svo. Various places and dates. F 17 P 1-7 FREEBOROUGH, E. Chess Endings ; a Companion to Chess Openings Ancient and Modern. Svo. Lond., 1898. A G Q 7 Analysis of the Chess Ending King and Queen against King and Rook. \_See " Euclid."] A 29 T 31 -, and RANKEN, Rev. Charles Edward. Chess Openings, Ancient and Modern. Svo. Lond., 1890. A 29 T 35 FREEMAN, C. E. Songs of Exile. 12mo. Calcutta, 1S97. H 11 P 1 FREEMAN, Prof . Edward Augustus. Comparative Politics, with The Unity of History. Svo. Lond., 189G. - F 12 T 9 Sketches of Travel in Normandy and Maine; with Preface by William Holden Hutton. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S97. D IS Q 28 The Unity of History. Svo. Lond., 1872. B 35 Q 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J G Q 38* [.Sketch of.] [Se« Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Studjr of.] \_See Harrison, F. — Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 FREEMAN, Richard Austin. Travels and Life in Ashanti and Jaman. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 20 U 2-1 FREEMAN-MITFORD, A. B. [See Mitford, A. B. F-.] FREEMANS JOURNAL, Th: Vols. 3, 1, 12, 13, and from vol. 23, July, 1852-July, 1853, Feb., 1861-Nov., 18G2, 1872-99 [vols. 12, 13, incomplete]. 36 vols, fol. Sydney, 1852-99. ME FREEMASONS' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION for the permanent relief of aged, distressed, or infirm Free- masons and their wives or widows in New Soutli Wales. Annual Report, 189G-97. Svo. Sydney, 1897. ME 6 P FREEMASONS' CHRONICLE OF AUSTRALASIA, with which is incorporated the Queensland Masonic Journal The Keijslone, 1896-98. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1896-98. ME 18 T FREER, Frederick Ash. The Problem of Immortality. [See Petavel, Rev. E.] G 25 R 1 FREER, Martha Walker. The Regency of Anne of Austria, Queen Regent of France, Mother of Louis XIV ; from numerous unpublished sources. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., ISGG. B 16 S 38, 39 Life of Marguerite d'AngcjuIeme. [See ^Marguerite d'Angouleme.] C 21 U 1, 2 FREIDMANN, O., "Ottilie." Ein Diplomat. 12mo. Leipzig, 1853. J 16 T 7 FREMANTLE, Adm. Sir Edmund Robert. [Portrait and Sketch of] Lord Hawke. [See Hawke, E., Baron.] C 25 T 7 [Portrait and Sketch of] Edward Boscaweu. [See Bos- cawen, E.] C 25 T 7 FREMANTLE, William Henry, Dean of Ripou. Canter- bury Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 Collection of the Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases relating to Doctrine and Discipline. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Sermons, Biographical and Miscellaneous. [See Jowett, B.] G 23 Q 49 FRENCH, Alice, " Octave Thanet." The Heart of Toil. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. J 9 R 3 FRENCH, C. Notes on a Trip to Brisbane. (Vict. Nat., Dec, 1897.) ME 6 P Fi-uit Flies. [See Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 San Jose Scale. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 FRENCH, Charles Wallace. Abraham Lincoln, the Liberator. [See Lincoln, Abraham.] C 20 U 4 214 Fttblic Library of New South Wales. FRENCH, Frank. Home Fairies and Heart Flowers : 20 Studies of Children's Heads, with Floral Embellish- ments, Head and Tail Pieces, and Initial Letters, accompanied by Poems by Margaret E. Sanijster. 4to. New York, 1887. A 20 R 1 t " FRENCH ARMY .SURGEON, A." Untrodden Fields of Anthropology ; Observations on the Esoteric ]\Ian- ners and Customs of semi-civilised Peoples : being a Record of 30 years' Experience in Asia, Africa, and America. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Libr. FRENCH CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH STUDENTS. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. [See Moliere.] H 13 P 13 Chateaubriand's Voyage en Ameri<£ue. [See Cliateau- ' ' "' " " D 16P 10 H 13U7 H13U6 H 13P 1^ H 13 U 10 H 13U5 H 13 U 4 H 13 U 8 briaiid, F. R. , Vicomte de. ] Le Cid. [See Corneille, P.] Cinna. [See Conieille, P.J Fables Clioisies. [See La Fontaine, J. de.] Les Fourberies de Scapin. [See Moliere.] Horace. [See Corneille, P.] Les Plaideurs. [See Racine, J. ] Les Prgcieuses Ridicules. [See Moliere.] Les Prisonniers du Caucase and Le LC'preux de la Cite d'Aoste. [,5ee Maistre, X. do.] J 24 R 46 Moliere's Misanthrope. [,9ee Moliere.] H 13 P 11 FRERE, John Hookham. The Fragments of Theognis. [See Theognis.] H 11 R 11 FRERE, L. Report on Colonial Timbers to be used as Wine Casks. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 18'99.) ME 9 R FRESHFIELD, Douglas William. Exploration of the Caucasus. Illustrated by Vittorio Sella. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 15 S 17, 18 t Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T.] A 29 S 41 FREUND, Dr. William. Latin Dictionary. [See Lewis, Dr. Ciiarlton T.] J 9 V 29 FREWEN, Moreton. The Free Coinage of Silver in the United States. 12mo. Lond., 1896. MF 3 R 12 Vi.sit to Broken Hill. (Contemporary Review, Sept., 1895.) E FREYTAG, Gustav. Gesammelte Werko. With Portrait. 22 vols. Bvo. Leipzig, 1896-98. J 23 U 25-46 1. Eriniierungen : (Jedichte. 2, 3. Dramatische Werkc. 4, 5. Soil und Haben. 6, 7. Verlorene Handsolirift. 8-13. Die Ahneii. 14. Die Technik des Dramas. 15. Politische Aufsiitze. 16. Aufsiitze zur Geschichto, Litcratur und Kunst. 17-21. Deutsche Vergangenheit. 22. Karl Matliy. Technique of the Drama : an Exposition of Dramatic Compo.sition and Art. Translated by Elias J. Mac- Ewan. 2ud ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1896. II 10 W 4 FREZIER, Amedee Fran9ois. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil, fait pendant les annees 1712-14. Tome 1. Illustrated. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1717. D16P4 FRIANT, F., and HOUDET, V. Report of Experiments with Radiator. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R FRICKER, Dr. Karl. The Antarctic Regions. Illus- trated. Bvo. Lond., 1900. D 22 S 10 FRIEDBERGER, Dr. F , and FROHNER, Dr. E. Path- ology and Therapeutics of the Domesticated Animals. Translated by Dr. W. L. Zuill. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 30 R 27, 28 Veterinary Pathology. Vol. 1. Bvo. Lond., 1898. A 40 P 14 1. Infective Diseases of Animals. Translated and edited by M. H. Hayes ; with Notes on Bacteriology by Dr. G. Newman. FRIEDLAENDER, Benedict: The Palolo. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME 6 R Volcanoes of the Taupo District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S FRIES, Prof. Elias. Liehenographia Europa>a reformata. Bvo. Lundie, 1831. A 20 R 20 FRINK, Dr. Henry Allyn. Rhetoric. [See Phelps, Rev. Austin.] J 14 T 8 FRITH, Henry. Pr'actical Palmistry : a Treatise on Chirosophy, based upon actual experiences. Illus- trated. Bvo. Sydney, 1895. MG 2 R 63 FRITH, Henry. Tartarin on the Alps. [See Daudet, A.] J 24 U 10 FRITH, Henry, and RAAVSON, W. Stepney. Coil and Current ; or, the Triumphs of Electricity. Illustrated. Bvo. Lond., 1896. A 20 Q 32 FRITH, Mary, " Moll Cutpurse." [Life of] ; by Charles Andrews. (Vincent, Arthur. — Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 Sketch of. [See Whibley, C. — Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 FRITSCH, Dr. Ilcinrich. Die Krankheiten der Frauen. Illustrated. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1881. A 41 R 19 FROEBEL, Friedrich. Education by Development : the second part of tlie Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. Translated by Josephine Jarvis. Bvo. Lond., 1899. (Internat. Eclucati(jn Series.) G 15 U 41 Education of Man. Translated l)y W. N. Hailmann. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Internat. Education Series.) G IB P 59 Kindcrgartenwesen ; herausgegoben von F. Scidel. Bvo. Wioii, 1883. (4 17 S 29 Miith(M-'s Songs, (iaincs, and Stories. Translated by {•'ranees and Emily Lord. Illustrated. Bvo. Lond., 1897. G 18 R 62 Suj)plementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 215 FROEBEL, Fried rich— cojife^. Pedagogics of the Kindergiirteii ; or, his Ideas coiiecniiiig the Play and Playthings of the Child. Translated hy Josephine Jarvis. 8vo. New York, 189G. G18Q;!;5 Froebel and Education by Self-activity. \_See Bowen, H. C] G 18 Q .51 Froebel's Gifts. [&e Wiggin, Kate D.] G 18 P 3C Froebel's Occupations. \_See Wiggin, Kate D. ] G 1 8 P 4 1 The Kindergarten System : its Origin and Development, as seen in the Life of Friedrich Froebel ; by Alexander Bruno Hanschmann. Translated by Fanny Franks ; with an Appendix on "The Education of Man." [See Hanschmann, A. B.] G18Q37 Letters to a Mother on the Philosophy of Froebel. \_See Blow, Susan E.] G 1.5 U 40 Papers on Froebel's Kindergarten. \_See Kindergarten and Child Culture Papers.] G 17 U 30 FROGGATT, Walter Wilson. Australian Case or Bag Moths. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Australian Coccidre. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Australian Termitidie. (Linnoan Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-97.) ME 2 P Bag-shelters of Lepidoptei-(3us Larvse of the genus Teara. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P The Caterpillar Plague. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Caterpillars. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Coccids in Sydney Gai'dens. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R The Common White Butterfly. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Economic Entomology. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Entomological Notes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Entomology of Grass-trees. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, i'896.) ME 2 P Forest Moths that have become Orchard and Garden Pests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896-97.) ME 9 R Fruit-maggot Fly. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897, 1899.) ME 9 R Fruit-tiee and Vine Pests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Growth of Gall-making Lisects. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Hessian Fly and allied Grain Pests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R The Honey Ants of Central Australia. (Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Insect Pests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Insect Pests found in the Northern District. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Insects and Birds. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Insects attacking Dried Fruits t Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 1 T 9-12 FURNESS, Horace Howard. Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments. [See Bibles and Testaments.] G 23 U 6, 7, 10, 12, 14 FURNISS, Harry. Australian Sketches made on Tour. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MJ 2 V 7 Character Sketches in Sydney. (Windsor Mag., Oct., 1898.) E The Domain, Sydney. (Windsor Mag., Aug., 1898.) E Manly, the Brighton of Australia. (Windsor Mag. Sept., 1898.) E Peep at Albany, West Austi-alia. (Windsor Mag., July, 1898.) E Visit to Adelaide. (Wind.sor Mag., June, 1898.) E FURNIVALL, Frederick James. Child Marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications, k Folk-.speech, and the sur- vival of Paganism, by J. S. Stuart-Glennie. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 S 37, 38 1. Vci'fie. 2. I'rosc. GARNETT, Richard. The Age of Dryden. 12mo. Lond., 1895. (Hand-books of English Literature.) J 12 S 43 Edward Gibbon Wakefield : the Colonization of South Australia and New Zealand. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Builders of Greater Britain.) MB 3 Q 5 History of Italian Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 17 U 5 Calidore and Miscellanea. [See Peacock, T. L.] J 25 Q 42 Life of John Milton. [See Milton, J.] C 20 S 15 Memoir of Mathilde Blind. [See Cohen, Mathilde.] H 13 U 13 Original Poetry. [See Shelley, P. B., and Elizabeth.] H 12 S 1 Poems by Robert Browning. [See Browning, R.] HIS 33 Poetry of Saiiiuel Taylor Coleridge. [See Coleridge, S. T.] H 10 tj 30 Richmond on the Thames. [See Portfc )lio. — Monographs, 27.] E Ruba'yat of Omar Khayam. [See Omar Khayyam.] H 13 V 1 Thomas Moore Anecdotes. [See Moore, T.] C 19 T 25 William Blake, Painter and Poet. [See Portfolio.— — Monographs, 22.] E GARNETT, Prof. W. Technical Education. (Tnternat. Health Exhib.—Health Exhib. Lit.) A 4 1 V 1 GARNIER, Jules. Acrobats and Mountebanks. [See Le Roux, H.] A 27 V 2G GARNSEY, E. R. [Sketch of] Rev. S. Marsden. [See Once a Month, June, 188G.] MJ 1 V 22 GARRAN, Robert Rauddlph. The Coming Common- wealth : an Australian H.aiid-book of Federal Govern- ment. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 2 R 40 Index of Cases judicially noticed in the Courts of Nev/ South Wales. [See Loibius, G. Hugo.] MF 1 R 14 GARRATT, H. A. The Modern Safety Bicycle. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 33 Q 30 GARRETSON, Dr. James E. A System of Oral Surgei y : being a Treatise on the Diseases and Surgeiy of the Mouth, Jaws, Face, Teeth, and associate parts. Gth ed. Illustrated. Svo. Philad., 1895. A 32 S 20 GARRETT, Edmund, and EDWARDS, E. J. The Story of an African Crisis : being the truth about the Jameson Raid and Johannesburg Revolt, 1896, told with the assistance of the leading actors in the di-ama. 12mo. Loud., 1897. B 17 P 44 GARRTCK, David. [Life of.] [See Hammcrton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 GARRIOTT, Prof. E. B. Notes on Frost. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 GARRISON, Dr. Charles G. Dental Jurisprudence. (Litcli, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S3 GARRISON, William Ll.jyd. William Ll.iyd Garrison, the Abolitionist ; by Archibald H. Grimke. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 20 U 6 GARROD, Dr. Archibald. Chronic Rheumatism. (Allhutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Gonorrhteal Rheumatism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Muscular Rheumatism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Rheumatoid Arthritis. [See Spender, Dr. K.] A 26 T 36 " GARRYOWEN." [See Finn, E.] GARSOU, Jules. Beranger ct la Legende Napoleonicnne. Svo. Bruxelles, 1897. H 1 U 2 Les Createurs de la Legende Napoluonienne. 8\-o. Bruxelles, 1899. H 4 S 37 GA.RTENLAUBE, Din, 1884-85. 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1884-8.5. J ]« T 16, 17 t 222 Public Library of New South Wales. GARWOOD, E. J. The First Crossing of Spitzbergeii. \_See Conway, Sir W. M.] D 16 V 18 GASCOIGNE, George. Complete Poems of. Edited by William Carew H.izlitt. 2 vols. sm. -Ito. Lond., 1869-70. (Rnxburghe Lib.) H 3 U 4, 5 GASCOIGNE, Gwendolen Trench. Among Pagodas and Fair Ladies : an Account of a Tour through Burma. Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1896. "01983 GASKELL, Elizabeth Cleghorn [Mrs. William] (Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson.) Wives and Daughters. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 22 P 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Life of Charlotte Bronte. \_See Bronte, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne.] J 26 V 7 Mrs. Ga.skell; by "Edna Lyall." [Se« Oliphant, Mar- garet O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 GASQUET, Rev . Francis Aidan. Eve of the Reformation : Studies in the Religious Life and Thought of the English people in the period preceding the rejection of the Roman jurisdiction by Henry VIII. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V 20 The Old English Bible, and other Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 T 34 GASS, M. Labour Laws of Moses. With Portrait. 12mo. Glasgow (n.d.) F 16 S 32 GASTALDI, Giacomo. Universale. [&« Remarkable Maps of the 1.5th-17th Centuries.] I) 8 P 37 t GASTER, M., Rabbi. Chronicles of Jerahmeel; or, the Hebrew Bible Historiale. Translated for the first time from an unique MS. in the Bodleian Library ; together with an Introduction, Critical Notes, full Index, and five fac-simile.s. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Ori- ental Translation Fund.) G in R 2 GASTRELL, William S. 11. Our Trade in the World, 1885-95. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 9 V 10 GATES, Prof. Lewis Edwards. Three Studies in Literature. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 24 T 1 GATHMANN, Henry. American Soaps : a complete Treati.se on the Manufacture of Soap, witli s])ecial reference to American conditicms and practice. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. A 25 V 30 GATLIFF, J. H. Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Vic- toria. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P New species of Victorian Molhisc, Coralliophila WUsoiti. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Some new species of Victorian Mollusca. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.] ME 1 P GATSCHET, Albert Samuel. Tlie Karankawa Indians. [See Peabody Museum.] A 41 P 14 GAULLE, J. de. Vie de St. Louis. [See Tillemont, Rev. L. S. Le Nain de.] G 2a U 1-6 GAULLIEUR, Henry. Paternal State in France and Germany. 8vo. "Loud., 1898. F 15 R 31 GAUME, Rev. Monsignor J. The Catechism of Perse- verance ; or, an Historical, Dogmatical, Moral, Litur- gical, Apologetical, Philosophical, and Social Exposi- tion of Religion, from the beginning of the World down to our own days. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1891- 93. G 9 W 1-4 GAUTIER, Judith (]\Ime. Catulle Mendes). [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 GAUTIER, Theophile. [Notice sur la vie de Charles Baudelaire.] [See Baudelaire, C. — QSuvres completes, 1.] J 24 S 16 GAY, Albert, and YEAMAN, C. H. Introduction to the Study of Central Station Electricity Supply. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 44 T 1 GAY, John. [Essay on.] [See Tovey, Rev. D. C— Re- views and Essays in Eugli.sh Literature.] J 14 V 18 [Sketch of the Life and Work of.] [See Dobson, A. — A Paladin of Philanthropy.] J 22 Q 12 GAY, William. Christ on Olympus, and other Poems. Sm. 4to. Bendigo, 1896. MH 1 S 26 GAYANGOS Y ARCE, Pascual de. Catalogue of the MSS. in the Spanish Language in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 17 T 29-32 GAYE, Selina. The Great World's Farm : some Account of Nature's Crops, and how they are grown. With a Preface by G. S. Boulger. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 27 R 37 GAZETTE DES BEAUX ARTS, La Tome l-3e Periode t(mies 12, 14-23, 1859-Dcccmbre 1894, Juillet, 1895- Juin, 1900. 80 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1859-1900. E La Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosite, Supplement a la Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1895, 1898-99. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1895-99. E GEAKE, Charles. Appreciations and Addresses. [See Rosebery, Earl. ] J 9 R- 6 GEDDES, Tomas E. La Resurreccion de Jesu-Cristo, Nuestro Seflor. 1 2mo. Valparaiso, 1896. G11U27 GEDDIE, John. The JJalladists. 8vo. Edinl... 1S96. (Famous Scots Ser.) II II R 2 GEDEN, Rev. Alfred S. Concordance to the (Ireek Tes- tament. [See Monltnn, Rev. W. F.] G 23 U 41 Stipplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 223 GEE, Henry. Elizabethan Clergy and the Settlement of Religion, 1558-64. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. G 23 T 10 -, and HARDY, William John. Documents illustrative of Englisli Churoli History. 8vo. Lond., 189C. G It S 36 GEE, Dr. Samuel Jones. Diphtheria. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T ?,\ ■ , and HERRINGHAM, Dr. Wilmot Parker. Pleurisy. (AlUnitt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 GEE, William Winson Haldane. Mathematical and Phy- sical Tables. ISee Wrapson, J. P.] A 25 S 38 GEELOiNTG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. First An- nual Report, 1854. 8vo. Geelong, 1854. MF 5 S 19 GEELONG ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. Nos. 1-3, Oct- Dec, 1853. 8vo. Geelong, 1853. [All jnMwhed.} MG 2 U 12 GEELONG AND MELBOURNE RAILWAY CO. Half-yearly Reports, 1855-56, 1858. 8vo. Geelong, 1855-58. MF 5 S 15 GEELONG AND WESTERN DISTRICT AGRICUL- TURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Annual Reports, 1856-58. 8vo. Geelong, -1856-58. MA 5 R 27 Rules and Regulations. 8vo. Geelong, 1855. MA 5 R 27 GEIKIE, Sir Archibald, F.R.S. The Founders of Geology. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 S 26 Types of Scenery and their influence on Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Romanes Lecture, 1898.) J 7 T 37 GEIKIE, Rev. Cunningham. Holy Land and the Bible: a Book of Scripture Illustrations gathered in Palestine. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 15 S 10 t Hours with the Bible : the Scriptures in the light of Modem Discovery and Knowledge. St. Peter to Revelation. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 T 23 St. Paul : his Life and Epistles. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 14 S 28, 29 GELLATLY, F. M., "Yarrowee." Back from the Jaws of Death : an Australian Story. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ" 3 P 42 GELLEE, Claude, "Claude Lorraiu." Life of; by G. Grahame. [See Portfolio. — Monographs, 15.] E GENERAL STUD-BOOK. [See Stud-liook.] GENESTET, Peter Anton de. [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.] H 11 T 3 GENLIS, Stephanie Fglicite, Comtesse de [Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de Saint-Aubin.] [Sketch of.] [See Dobson, A. — Four Frenchwomen.] C 27 P 19 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-288, 1731- June, 1900, and Index to vols. 1-56. 290 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1731-1900. E GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY, The: a Classified Collection of the chief contents of the Gf.nlle- mnn's Mar/nzine, 1731-1868. Edited by G. L. Gomme. 25 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1883-99. Archeology. Vols. 1,2. B 32 U .5, 6 Architectural Antiquities. Vols. 1,2. A 19 U 8, 9 ]5il)Hographioal Notes ; by A. C. Bickley. J 12 V 33 Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-lore. .1 12 V 35 Ecclesiology ; by F. A. Ui\ne. A 19 U 10 English Topogiaphy. Vols. 1-12. D 20 V 1-12 Englisli Traditional Lore. B 32 U 9 Literary Curiosities and Notes. J 12 V 3i Manners and Customs. G 1 1 T 36 Popular Superstitions. G 11 T 35 Romano -British Remains. Vols. 1, 2. B .12 U 7, 8 GENTZ, Frederick. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, The. graphical Society.] [See Royal Geo- GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE, The [formerly Ocean Ilighitmys : tlie Geographical Review]. Edited by C. R. Markham. Vol. 1, n.s., and vols. 1-5, April, 1873- 78. Illustrated. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1873-78. D 23 P 1-6 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Arctic Ice Notes. 8vo. San Francisco, 1883. A 38 R 24 Examination into the genuineness of the Jeannette relics. 8vo. San Francisco, 1896. D 20 U 19 GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, The; or, Monthly Journal of Geology, with which is incorporated The Geolor/iil, from vol. 1, 1864-99. 36 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-99. E GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Bulletin. Vols. 6-9. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Rochester, 1895-98. E GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Classified Index to the Transactions, Proceedings, and Quarterly Journal. 2nd ed., including all the Memoirs and Notices to the end of 1889, by G. W. Ormerod. 8vo. Lond., 1870-90. E Quarterly Journal. Vols. 1-55, 1845-99. 55 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1845-99. E Transactions. Vol. l-2nd ser., vol. 7. 12 vols. 4to. Lond., 1811-45. [All published.] A 20 Q 3-14 t GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Presi- dential Address ; by A. Hague. With Abstracts of ^linutes for 1897-98 and Lists of Officers and Mem- bers, 1898. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. E GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ENGLAND AND WALES [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. of England and Wales.] 224 Fiiblic Library of New South Wales. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF IRELAND. [_See Gt. Brit, .iiid Irel. — Geolog. Surv. of Ireland.] GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. of Scotland.] GEOLOGIST, The. [See Geologiral Maijazine, The.] GEORGE IV, King of England. Tho Court of England under. \_See Caroline, Queen of England.] B 24 R 19, 20 [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Woruieley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 GEORGE FREDERICK ERNEST ALBERT, Duke of York. [Portrait of.] [&« Latiuiei', Elizabeth Worme- ley.— England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 Visit of the Detached Squadron, with their Royal High- ne.sses Prince Edwai'd and Prince George of Wales, to Brisbane, 1881. [_See Visit of the Detached Squadron.] MD 7 U 29 GEORGE, Henry. Mcses. 12mo. Gla.sgow, 1884. G 15 U 29 Science of Political Economy. With Portrait. 8vo. Lend., 1898. F 3 R 26 Mr. Henry George, the "Orthodox."' [See Moffiit, R. S.] F 12 T 32 GEORGE, Hereford Brooke. Napoleon's Invasion of Russia. With Maps. 8vo. Loud., 1899 B 34 R 20 GEORGE, John Rees. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 99.) E GEORGESON, Prof. C. C. Katir Corn. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 GEORGETOWN COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Sun- spot Drawings made at the Georgetown College Ob scrvatory in LS.'jO by Father Benedict Sestini. 4to. Wash., 1898. A 20T 11 t GERARD, Rev. — . Scope and Limitations of In.spection. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 9 GERARD, Eric. Electricity and Magnetism. Translated by R. C. Duncan. 8vo. New York, 1 897. A 39 Q 1 GER.VRD, Frances. Picturesque Duljliii, old and new. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 V 7 Romance of Ludwig II of Bavaria. [See Ludwig IT of Bavaria.] C 2.') T 12 GERARD, Prof. R. La Botanique I'l Lyon avant la Revolution et I'Hi.stoire du Jardin Botanique Muni- cipal de cette A'ille. Ilhi.strated. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 26 GERHARD, William Paul. Sanitary Engineering of Buildings. Vol. I. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 30 V 29 Theatre Fires and Panics. Bvo. New York, 1896. A 23 S 34 GERLER, Carl F. Disease in Pineapple Plants. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898.) ME 9 U GERM, Thfi : Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Litera- ture, and Art, 1850. 8vo'. Portland, 1898. [Reprint?^ J 21 P5 t GERMAIN, V. J. Teaching of Domestic Economy and Needlework. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 "GERMAN STAFF OFFICER." Greco-Turkish War of 1897, from official sources. Translated by F. Bolton. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 34 Q 18 GERMANN, George B. National Legislation concerning Education : its influence and efifect in the Public Land States East of the Mississippi River admitted prior to 1820. 8vo. New Y''ork, 1899. G 26 T 8 GERMANTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Re- port for 189.5. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. ME 6 Q GERMANY :— Statistisches Jahrbueh fiir das Deutsche Reich, 1899. 8vo. Beriin, 1899. E StatistikderSeeschiffahrt, 1897-98. 3 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1899-1900. E [See aho Prussia.] GHOSE, Manmohan. [Verses bv.] [See (Jarland of New Poetry.] " H 12 Q 15 "GIANT-KILLER." How to increase Wealth, and diminish the poverty of the many : a brief History of the Rise and Progress of the Labour Exchange Asso- ciations of America. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MF 3 Q 47 GIBBINGS, Alfred H. Gmnnercial and Business Aspects of Municipal Electricity Supply. Illustrated. 4to. Bradford, 1899. A 35 W 7 GIBBINS, Henry de Beltgens. Tlic Industrial History of England. 3rd cd. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F8V17 Industry in England. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 12 T 13 GIBBON, Edward. Autobiographies, printed vei-batlm from hitherto unpublished MSS. Edited by John Murray. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 24 Q 5 Private Letters, 1753-94. Edited by Roland E. Pro- thero. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 24 Q 3, 4 Gibbon's Autobiograpliy. [See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 Sketch of. [See Birrell, A.— Res Judicata-.] J 7 P 52 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F. — Teiniyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 20 11 29 GIBBONS, Alfred St. Hill. Exi)l(jration and Hunting in Central Africa, 1895-96. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 225 GIBBONS, Jiunes, Cardinal. Tlie Faith of our Fatliers : beinj; a, plain Exposition and Vindii-alion of the Church founded by our Lord Jesus Christ. ITth ed. 8vo. Baltimore, 1895. G 11 U 16 Our Christian Heritage. 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. G 1 U 44 St. Peter and the first years of Chi-istianity. [See Fouard, Abbe C] G 1 U 42 GIBBS, Archibald Roliertson. British Honduras : an Historical and Descripti^■e Account of the Colony from its Settlement, 1670. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 19 Q 15 GIBBS, J. Arthur. A Cotswold Village; or, Country Life and Pursuits in Gloucestershire. Illustratecl. 8vo. Lond.,. 1898. D 13 S 6 GIBBS, J. W. M. Early Essays by John Stuart Mill. [See Mill, John Stuart.] ' J 14 U 37 GIBBS, Mary and Ellen. The Biljle References of John Rtiskin. 8vo. Lond., 1898. K 19 P 32 GIBBS, William E. Lighting by Acetylene : Generators, Burners, and Electric Furnaces. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 25 P 45 GIBERNE, Agnes. A Lady of England. [See Tucker, Charlotte Maria.] C 22 T 1 GIBERT, Dr. J. History and Results of a Dispensary for Sick Children threatened with Chronic Disease. (Internat. Health Ex.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 5 GIBSON, Rev. Edgar Charles Sumner. The thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. ' G 14 Q 35, 36 GIBSON, Edward, Lord Ashbourne. [See Ashbourne, Baron.] GIBSON, Dr. George Alexander, and FLEMING, Dr. Robert Alexander. Diseases of the Spinal Nerves. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 GIBSON, H. B., CALVERT, S., and MAY, D. W. Diet- ary Studies at the University of Missouri in 1895. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 GIBSON, J. C. Diary of Sir Michael Connal, 1835-93. [See Connal, Sir M.] C 21 S 20 GIBSON, Margaret Dunlop. Apocrypha Sinaitica. [See Bibles and Testaments. — j^pocryplia.] G 25 V 10 A Palestinian Syriac Lectionary. [See Lewis, A. S.] G 18 U 6 2r GIBSON, Hon. W. The Abbe de Lamennais and the Liberal Catholic Movement in France. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 15 Q 36 GIBSON, William Hamilton. Eye Spy : afield with Nature among Flowers and Animate Things. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. A 41 R 13 Happy Hunting-grounds : a Tribute to the Woods and Fieid.s. Illust. 4to. New York, 1887. A 20 Q 2 t Highways and Byways ; or, Saunterings in Nev/ England. Illust. Roy. Svo. New York, 18S2. A 45 P 1 My Studio Neighbours. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. A 39 Q 8 Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, and how to dis- tinguish them. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1895. A 39 Q 9 Pastoral Days; or, Memories of a New England Year. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1886. A 20 Q 1 t Sharp Eyes : a Rambler's Calendar of fifty-two weeks among Insects, Birds, and Flowers. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. A 41 R 12 Strolls by Starlight and Sunshine. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. New York, 1891. A 45 P 3 GIDDINGS, Prof. Franklin Henry. Democracy and Em- pire, with Studies of their Psychological, Economic, and Moral Foundation.s. Svo. New York, 1900. F 17 P20 Principles of Sociology : an Analysis of the Phenomena of Association and of Social Organization. Svo. Kew York, 1896. F 12 T 6 Sociology and Political Economy. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 13 GIDDONS, J. Harcourt. Ausfralasia i Meteorological Almanac, 1899. Svo. Adelaide, 1898. ME 6 R GIESBRECHT, Dr. Wilhchn. Die Asterocheriden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 27 t Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 19, 20 t GIFFEN, George. England v. Australia: Cricket ReminLs- cences of past conflicts. (Windsor Mag., Mar., 1898.) E With Bat and Ball : Twenty-five years' Reminiscences of Australian and Anglo-Australian Cricket ; with Hints to young Cricketers on Batting, Bowling, and Fielding. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1898. MA 4 P 7 GIFFEN, Robert. Progress of the Working-classes in the last half-century. Svo. Lond., 1884. F 17 P 2 GIFFORD, George. Dialogue of Witches and Witchcraft. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 10 226 Public Library of New South Wales. GIFFORD LECTURES. Elements of the Science of Religion. [,or.] E GUULD, Edward Sherman. Commercial Cuba. [See Clark, W. J.] F IG T 1 28^ Public Library of New South Wales. GOULD, Ezra P. A Critical and Exegetical Cuiumeiitary of the Gospel accuicHng to St. Mark. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (luternat. Critical Commentary.) G 19 T 27 GOULD, John M., and TUCKER, George F. The Federal Income Tax explained with the Regulations of the Treasury Department. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F10V2-t GOULD, Nat, " Verax." The Miner's Cup: a Coolgardie Romance. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 Q 45 Who did it? 8vo. Lond., 1896. IVIJ 1 Q 35 GOULD, Rev. Sabine Baring-. Book of Dartmoor. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 10 Book of the West : being an Introduction to Devon and Cornwall. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 21 R 7, 8 The Broom-squire. 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 24 U 6 Curiosities of Olden Times. Revised and enlarged ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. J 1^6 R 10 Dartmoor Idylls. 8vo. Loud., 1896. J 25 R 34 Grettir, the Outlaw. Illustrated. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 R 35 Hi.storic Oddities, etc. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 37 Q 3 John Herring. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 25 Q 17 Lost and Hostile Gospels: an Es.say on the Toledoth Jeschu Hnd the Petrine and Pauline Go.spels of the first three Centuries, of which fragments remain. Svo. Lond., 1874. G 25 P 6 Mehalah. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 25 Q IS Old English Fairy Tales. Svo. Lond., 1S95. J 14 T 2 An Old English Home and its Dependencies. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 24 Q 22 A Study of St. Paul : his Character and Opinions. Svo. Lond., 1S97. G 1 R 41 Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. [^See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 13 W 33 t GOUNOD, Charles Fran^'ois. Autobiographical Reminis- cences, with Family Letters and Notes on Music ; from tlie French by llciii. W. Hely-Hutchinson. Svo. Lond., lS9li. C 22 T 11 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 GOURLAY, Janet. The Temple of Mut in Asher. [See Benson, Margaret.] B 28 U 11 (lOUPvY, Jules. Vi<-ws on tlie Nile. [See Jones, O.J D 31 R 21 I GOW, J. Professional Examinations. (Cookson, C. - Essays on Secondai-y Education.) G 23 P IS GOW, William. British Imperial Customs Union. 8\o. PMinb., 1896. F 1 S 26 GOW, WILSON, and STANTON. Tea-producing Com- pani(!S of India and Ceylon, showing the History and Results of those capitalised in Sterling. Svo. Lond., 1897. F I 1 U 41 GOWER, Hon. F. Leveson-. Migration from the Country to the Towns. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 2 V 32 GOWER, Lord Ronald Charles Sutherland-Leveson-. Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. [See Vic- toria, Queen of England.] 19 U 1, 2 t Selections from the Letters of De Brosses. [See De Bro.sses, C] C 24 Q 7 GOWERS, Sir William Richard. Epilepsy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Paralysis agitans. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — Sj'stem of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 GOWING, Richard, "Economist." The New Protection Cry. 12mo. Lond., 1880. F 17 P 1 GOYDER, George, jun. Note on Alkaloids of Stri/chnos psilospenna. [See Rennie, Prof. E. H.] MA 3 W IS GOYDER, George A. Action of Cyanide of Potassium on Gold and some other Metals and Minerals. (Austral- asian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.)ME 18 P Notes on the Working of the McArthur- Forrest Process for Extracting Gold. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1S95.) ME 18 P Sulvanite. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1900.) ME 1 S The Prospector's Pocket-book. [See South Australia. — Mines.] MA 4 P 6 GRACE, Morgan S. Sketch of the New Zealand War. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. MD 5 Q 44 GRACE, Dr. William (Gilbert. Cricketing Reminiscences and Personal Recollections. Ulusti-ated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 40 Q 18 GRADLE, Dr. Henry. Diseases of the Orbit, Lachrymal Apparatus, and Eye-lids. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 3l" P 16 GRADY, Standish Grove. The Hedaya. [See Hedaya, The.] G 25 U 9 GRAEF, Gustav. [Reproduction of his Picture] Felicie. [See Lan.sing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 t GRAESEL, Dr. Arnim. Manuel de Bibliotheconomie. Traduction de J. Laude. Svo. Paris, 1897. J 17 U 11 GRAFFENRIED, Miss Clare de. Chihl Labor. (Ameri- can Economic Assoc.) F 4 V'^ 15 ({RAFFIGNY, Henry de. Industrial Electricity. Trans- lated and edited by A. G. Jiilliott. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Electro-Mechanical Ser.) A 33 Q 31 CJRAFSTROM, Dr. Axel V. Medical Gymnastics, in- cluding the Schott (Nauheim) Movements : being a Text-book of Ma.ssago and Mechanical Therajioutics generally. lUust. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 40 Q 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 235 GRAFTON, Augustus Henry Fiteroy, 3rd Duke of. Au- tol)i()graphy and Political Correspondence of, from hitherto unpublished documents in the possession of his family. Edited ))y Sir W. R. Anson. With Por- traits. 8vo. Loud., 1898. C 25 R 5 GRAHAM, Austin Douglas. Australasian Annual Digest. [See Power, G. W.] ME 21 S The Queensland Digest. [See Scott, G.] MF 3 S 35 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Queensland, with Tables of Cases and Index. [See Scott, G.] ME 18 S GRAHAM, Prof. Charles. Chemistry of Bread-making. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 2 GRAHAM, Dougal. Collected Writings. Edited with Notes, together with a Biographical and Bibliographi- cal Introduction and a Sketch of the Chap Literature of Scotland, by George MacGregor. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1883. J 14 S 19, 20 GRAHAM, Dr. Edwin E. Croupous and Catarrhal Pneumonia. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 GRAHAM, Henry Grey. Social Life of Scotland in the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 41 Q 1, 2 GRAHAM, Rev. J. A. Missionary Expansion of the Re- formed Churches. Illustrated. 12mo. Edinb., 1898. (Guild Lib.) G 23 P 16 GRAHAM, J. Whiddeu. Equitable Taxation. [See Weyl, W. E.] F 15 S 27 GRAHAM, James. Modern Business Methods. [See Hooper, F.] F 16 U 1 GRAHAM, James, " The Man in the Iron Mask." The Press and its Functions in the Social Mill. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 Q 48 GRAHAM, John. Elementary Treatise on the Calculus for Engineering Students, with numerous Examples and Problems worked out. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 S IS GRAHAM, Rev. John. Memoir of ; by Charles Graham. Svo. Lond., 1880. MG 2 P 62 Poems, Sacred, Didactic, and Descriptive ; with a Tri- bute of Friendship. 18mo. Loud., 1861. H 12 Q 12 GRAHAM, P. Anderson. Revival of English Agriculture. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) A 20 R 24 Mr. Blackburne's Games at Chess. [See Blackburne, J. H.] A 40 V 13 GRAHAM, Peter. Life and Work of ; by W. M. Gilbert. [See Art Journal.] A 20 R 24 f GRAHAM, Richard D. Masters of Victorian Literature, 1837-97. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 22 Q 9 GRAHAM, Robert Bontinc; Cunninghamo. The Ipane. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Overseas Lib.) J 9 Q 32 Mogreb-el-Acksa : a Journey in Moroccpi)inti_'d to enquire into the cause of Accidents, fatal and non-fatal, to Servants of Railway Companies and of Truck-owners. Pts. 1, 2. Sm. fol. Lond., 1900. F 20 U 17 t 1. Report. '2. Minutes of Evidence and Appendices. Acts. [See Statutes and Bills, under this heading.] Admiralty. Dock Book, 1897, and Additions and Cor- )-cctiiins to July, 1898. 3rd ed. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. E The Admiralty List of Ligiits, 1898. Pts. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 12 T 23-30 1. The British Island.s. 2. Eastern Shores of the North 8ea, and in the White Sea. ;i. Baltic Sea. 4. Western Coasts of Europe and Africa, from Dunkcrque to the Cape of Good Hope, including Azores, Madeira, Canary, Cape Verde Islands, &c. 5. The Mediterranean, Black, Azov, and Red Seas. 6. South Africa, East Indies, China, Japan, Australia, Tasmania, ami New Zealand. 7. South America, Western Coast of North America; Pacific Islands, &c. 8. Eastern Coasts of North and Central America from Labrador to the River Amazons, including Bermuda and the Islands of the West Indies. Annual Accounts of Shipbuilding and Dockyard Trans- actions, &c., including Manufactures, 1896-97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General tliereon. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Annual Accounts of the Cost of ^Manufacturing Pro- visions, Victualling Stores, and Seamen's Clothing, 1896-97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Book of Forms referred to in General Instructions to Officers and otiiers in Her Majesty's Victualling Yai-ds at home and abroad. 8vo. Lond., 18.55. F 13 IT 18 Fleets of Great Britain and Foreign Countries. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 36 V 18 J General Instructions to be strictly complied with by all officers and others in Her Majesty's Victualling Yards. 8vo. Lond., 1855. F 9 Q 34 Instructions for Surgeons-Superintendent on board Con- vict Ships proceeding to New South Wales or Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1835. MA 2 R 53 List of Her oMajesty's Ships, Vessels, and Torpedo-boats engaged in the Naval Manoeuvres, July, 1896. 2nd issue. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E 238 Public Library of New South Wales, GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— conirf. Admiralty — contd. Manual of iSeamanship for Boys' Training Ships of the Royal Navy, 1S93. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 25 R 31 Naval Manceuvres, 1897. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 36 V 19 X The Navy List, 1834-July, 1900. 173 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1834-1900. E Queen's Regulations : Addenda, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 1 S 23 Regulations for the Training of Bovs for the Navy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. " F 13 T 15 Regulations, kc, of H.M.S. Britannia. 8vo. Lond., 1881. G 23 S 24 Report on the Results of Dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, China Sea, 1888-93 ; by Dr. P. W. Bassett-Smith. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 40 V 44 + Series of Questions and Answers relating to Compasses, their Errors and Corrections, comprising the Course of Instruction for acting sub-lieutenants. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 36 V 34 Statistical Report on the Health of the Navy, 1894, 1896-97. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-97. E Sun's True Bearing ; or, Azimuth Tables computed for intervals of four minutes between the parallels of latitude 30° and 60° inclu.sive ; by Commander John Burwood. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 19 U 18 Text-book of Naval Architecture for the use of Otticers of tlie Roval Navy ; by J. J. Welch. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 U 38 Navy Appropriation Accounts. [^See Finance, under this heading.] E Navy Estimate.s. [_See Finance, under tliis heading.] E [See also Greenwich Royal Observatory ; Nautical Al- manac, as main Author Entries ; and Hydrographic Office, under this heading.] Africa. Papers relating to the E.xccution of Mr. Stokes in the Congo State. Sm. fol. Lond., 1 .^96. F 20 U 5 t Aged Poor. Beport of Commission appointed to consider \\ h(lh('r any alterations in the .system of Poor Law Relief are desirable in the case of persons who,se des- titution is occasioned Ijy incapacity for work resulting from old age, or whether assistance could otherwise be afl'orilcd in those cases. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1895. F 39 U 38-40 X <• Agriculture. Agricultural Statistics, Ireland : Tables showing the extent in .statute acres and the ])roduce of the crop.s, 1895-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1^95-98. E Particulars of Expenditures and Outgoings on certain EstJites in Great Biitain, and Farm Accounts ; re- printed from the Reports of the A.ssistant Commi.s- sionens. Sin. fir. Sni. fol. Lond., 1895. A 39 W 28 I Report on the Counties of Perth, Fife, I'arfar, and Aber- deen ; by J. Hope. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. A 39 W 27 | Report on the Counties of Roxbm'gh, Berwick, Selkirk, Peebles, Linlithgow, Edinburgh, Haddington, B.-mff, Nairn, and I'ilgin ; by J. Hope. Sni. fol. Lond., 1894. ' A 39 W 29 X [See also Board of Agriculture, under this heading.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 239 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— co«llice, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 40 Competition for Aj)pointment as Inspector of Mines under the Home Office, 1894. 8yo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 1 1 Competition for Assistant Clerk,shii)S in the Royal Navy, 1897-98. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897-9S." G 20 U 16, 2G t Stopp lemcntary Ca ta logue — lSOO-1 900. 241 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— con/d Civil Service — contd. Competition for Carletsliips in tlie Royal Irish Constabu- lary, 1896. 8vo. Lonci, 1896. G 20 T 48 Competition for Cadet.ships in the Royal Navy, 189.3-96, 1897-98. 5 vols, (in 3) 8vo. and sm. fol. Lond., 1893-98. G 20 T 27, and 20 U 16, 26 t Competition for Clcrkiship in the House of [Commons, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 36 Competition for Situation of Clerk on the Supplementary Estal)li.shment of the Secretary's Office, General Post Office, 1894, 1896, 1897. 2 voLs. Svo. and .sm. fol. Lond., 1894-97. G 20 T 4, and 20 U IG t Competition for Situation of Inspector of Factories under the Home Office, 1S98. Sm. fol. Loud., 1898. G 20 U 26 t Competition for Situation.? of Inspector of Schools and Inspector's Assistant, National Edusation Office, Ireland, 1893, 1897. 2 vols. Svo. and sm. fc^l. Lond., 1894-97. . G 20 T 20, and 20 U 26 t Competition for Situations as Assistant in the British Museum, and in the Natural History Museum at South Kensington. Regulations and Specimens of Papers set at various Examinations, 1882-95. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 20 T 10 Competitions for Assistant Clerkships in the Royal Navy, 1893-96. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. G 20 T 25 Competitions for Situation of Second-class Clerk at the Outports in the Customs Department, 1894. Svo. Lond., 1894. G 20 T 17 Examination for County Surveyorships in Ireland, 1S9S. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. • G 20 U 26 t Examination for tlie Situation of Female Inspector of Factories under the Home Office. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 20 T 40 Examination for the Situation of Sub Inspector (second- class) in the Education Department, England. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 20 T 53 Examination of Constables for promotion, Royal Irish Constabulary, 1S95. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 41 E.xamination of Officers of the Army in Modern Forei£;n Languages, 1896. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 20 T 50 Examinations for Appointments in the India Forest Service, and Appointments in the Indian Police Force, 1894-96, June, 1898. 2 vols. Svo. and sm. fol. Lond., 1894-98. G 20 T 31, and 20 U 26 t Examinations for Promotion in the Dublin Metropolitan Police Force. 8vo. Dublin, 1895. G 20 T 44 E.^aminations for Promotion in the London Metropolitan Police Force. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 20 T 45 Final Examination of Candidates selected in 1897 for the Civil Service of India, 1898. Sm. fol. L(md., 1898. G 20 U 26 t Limited Competition for the Situation of Cli-rk in the London Postal Service, (tc, 1S9 4. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 12 2h GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— con^tZ. Civil Service— fiowiirf. Limited (^'oinpctition for the Situation of Second Clerk in the JMetropolitan Police Courts, London, 1895. Svo. Lend., 1895. G 20 T 14 Literary Examinations of Subalterns of Militia who are icconnneiuled for Commissions in the Army, April, 1894. Svo. Lond., 1894. G 20 T 34 Military Entrance Examinations, 1893-95. Svo. Lond., 1894-95. G 20 T 32 Naval Officers Examination in Modern Foreign Langu- ages. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 20 T 27 1. Examination of Officers proceeding to the Continent to study. 2. Examination for the grade of Interpreter. Open Competition for Admission to the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and for Commissions in the Royal Marine Artillery, 1S93-96. Svo. Lond., 1894-96. G 20 T 37 Open Competition for Admission to the Royal ^Militaiy College, Sandhurst, and for Commissions in the Royal Marine Light Infantry. 1894-96. Svo. Lond., 1894- 96. G 20 T 35 Open Competition for Appointments as Eastern Cadet, 1895. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 18 Open Competition for Assistant Clerkships of the Ab- stractor Class, 1897. Sm. fol. Lond., 1S97. G 20 U 16 f Open Competition for Civil Service of India, 1894- 96. Svo. Lond., 1894-96. G 20 T 29 Open Competition for Junior Clerkships in the Office of Woods, A'c, 1897. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. G20U16t Open Competition for Junior Clerkships in the Office of Works, &c., 1895. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 6 Open Competition for Position of Bov Clerk in the Civil Service, 1894-95. Svo. Lond., 1894-95. G 20 T 30 Open Competition for Registration as Boy Copyist (new- class) in the Civil Service, 1896-98. 7 vols, (in 3) Svo. and .sm. fol. Lond., 1896-98. G 20 T 50, and 20 U 16, 26 t Open Competition for Situation as Assistant Ca,shier in H.M. Naval Yards, 1893, 1895. Svo. Lond., 1893- 95. G 20 T 26 Open Competition for Situation as Assistant Surveyor of Taxes in the Inland Revenue Department, 1894, 1898. 3 vols. Svo. and sm. fol. Lond., 1894-98. G 20T 13, and 20 U 16, 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Assistant Ci>Tl Engineer, 2nd grade, in H.^1. Naval Establishments at home and abroad, 1896, 1898. 2 vols. Svo. and .sm. fol. Lond., 1896-98. G 20 T 46, and 20 U 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Assistant Examiner in H.M. Office of Works, 1897-98. 2 vols. Svo. and sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. G 20 T 51, and 20 U 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Assistant Examiner in the Patent Office, 1S97-98. 2 vols. Svo. and sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. G 20 T 51, and 20 U 26 f 242 Public Library of New South Wales, GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— coHid Civil Service — contd. Open Competition for Situation of Assistant Librarian and Clerk at the. Museum of Practical Geology, Science and Art Department, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 39 Open Competition for Situation of Assistant of Excise in the Inland Revenue Department, 1894-96, 1897-98. 4: vols, (in 3) 8vo. and sm. fol. Lund., 1894-98. G 20 T 19, and 20 U 16, 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Assistant Surveyor of BuUdmgs in the Public Works Office, Ireland, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 42 Open Competition for Situation of Assistant Surveyor in the Department of the Director of Engineering and Architectural Works, Admiralty, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' G 20 T 52 Open Competition for Situation of Assistant Surveyor, Roval Engineer Ci^dl Staff, War Office, 1898. Sm. fol." Lond., 1898. G 20 U 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Assistant to the Head of the Intelligence Department, Board of Agri- culture, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 33 Open Competition for Situation of Building Assistant under Board of Agriculture, 1898. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. G 20 U 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Clerk in H.M. Stationery Office, 1895, 1898. 2 vols. 8vo. and sm. fol. Lond., 1895-98. G 20 T 8, and 20 U 26 t Open Competitwn for Situation of Clerk in Operative Department of the Royal Mint, 1897-98. 2 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. G 20 U 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Clerk of the First Division in the Legacy Duty Office, Inland Revenue, 1895. 8.VO. Lond., 1895. " G 20 T 16 Open Competition for Situation of Clerk of Works in H.M. Office of Works, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1885. G 20 T 2 Open Comju'tition for Situation of Dispenser in H.M. Naval Hospitals at Home and Abroad, 1897. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. G 20 U 16t Open Competition for Situation of Draughtsman in the Hydrograjihical I)ei)artment of the Aclmiralty, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 20 T 52 Open Competition for Situation of Drauglitsman in the Patent Office, 1898. Sm. fol. Loiid.,'lS9S. G 20 U 26 t Open Competition for Situation of extra Assi.stant Examiner of Binding in H.M. Stationery Oflice, 1898. Sm. fol. J^jnd., 1898. G 20 IJ 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Female Sorter in tiie Department of the General Po.st Office, 1894-98. 2 vols. Svo. and sm. fol. Lond., 1894-98. G 20 T 7, and 20 U 26 t Open Competilion for Situation of Junior Assistant in the Science Branch of the South Kensington Mu.seum, 1898. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. G 20 U 26 t GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— conid Civil Service — contd. Open Competition for Situation of Junior Clerk in the Bankruptcy Court, Ireland, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 20 T 49 Open Competition for Situation of Junior Clerk in the Ecclesiastical Commission, 1895, 1897, 1898. 2 vols. 8vo. and sm. fol. Loud., 1895-98. G 20 T 38, and 20 U 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Learner in the Department of the G.P.O., 1897-98. 3 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. G 20 U 26 t Open Competition for Situation of Male Sorter in the Post Office, 1894-95, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1894-97. G 20T9 Open Competition for Situation Outdoor Officer in the Customs Deixartment, 1893-94. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 20 T 15 Open Competition for Situation of second Assistant to the Lecturer on Electricity at the Artillery College, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897." G 20 T 51 Open Competition for Situation of second-class Assistant Surveyor in H.M. Office of Works, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 20 T 51 Open Competition for Situation of Second-class Clerk at the Outports in the Customs Department, 1898. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. G 20 U 26 t Open Competitit)n for Situation of Student Interpreter in China, Japan, and Siam, 1894-95. 8vo. Loud., 1894-95. G 20 T 1 Open Competition^ for Situation of Student Interpreter in Turkey, Persia, Morocco, and the Levant, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1894 G 20 T 3 Open Competition for Situation of Third-class Clerk in the Irish Land Commission, 1896. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 20 T 47 Open Competition for Situations as Female Clerk in the Post Office, 1894-96. 8vo. Lond., 1894-96. G 20 T 5 Open Competition for Situations as Junior Assistant in the Art and Science Branches of the South Kensing- ton Museum, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 20 T 10 Open Competition for Situations as Telegraph Learners in the Department of the General Post Office, 1894-96. Svo. Lond., 1894-96. G 20 T 11 Open Competition for the Situations of Assistant Naval Storekeeper, Assistant Victualling Storekeeper, As- sistant Cashier, and Assistant Expense Accounts Offi- cer in H.M. Naval Yards, 1897. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897. G 20 U 16, 26 t Open (Competition for the Situations of Woman Clerk in the General Post Oilice and Girl Clerk in the Savings Bank Department of the General Post Office, 1897- 98. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98 G 20 U 16, 26 t Open Competitions, Engineer Students and Apjirentices in H.M. Dcckv.irds, 1894-98. 3 vols. Svo. and sm. fol. Lond., 1894-98. G 20 T 23, and 20 U 16, 26 t Sv/pplemcntary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 243 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— conoit1s and the House of Com- mons on Electrical Energy (Generating Stations and Supply) ; together witli Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 36 V 11 t Emigrants' Information Office. Emigrants' Informa- tion Office Hand-books, 1899. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 Q 19 Estimates. [See Finance, under this heading.] Exchequer Rolls. [See Public Record Office, under this heading.] Explosion at Nitro-Glyceriue Factory, Waltham Abbey. Kc.'poi-t of Cninmittee appointed tci in(|uirc into, 1894. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 39 V 10 | Explosions from Dust in Mines. Minutes of Evidence taken before tlie Knval Commission on Explosions from Coal Dust in Mines. Vol. 2. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 39 V 41 + Second Report of Royal Commission on Explosions from Coal Du.st in Mines. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 39 V 43 ■ Explosives. Annual Report of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Explosives, 1895. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. E Report on Trials with Explosives. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 V 36 J Factories and Workshops. Reports of the Chief In- spector of F.ictories and Workshop.s, 1893-97. 6 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894-98. E Fiji. Further Correspondence respecting the affairs of Fiji and the Native population. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. MF 9 P 44 t 246 Public Lihrary of Neio South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— co»^d Finance. Armv Appropriation Accounts, 1887-90, lSy3-97. 7 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1889-98. E Army Estimates of Effective and non-EfFective Services, 1896-99. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896-98. E Civil Services and Revenue Departments, Appropriation Accounts, 1887-90, 1893-97. 6 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1889-98. E Estimates for Civil Services for years ending 31st March, 1896-99. 4 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 189.3-98. E Estimates for Revenue Departments for year ending 31st March, 1898. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898."' E Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1894-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189.5-97. E Navy Appropriation Accounts, 1887—90, 1893-97. 6 vols. .sm. fol. Lond., 1889-98. E Na\nr Estimates, 1896-98. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896-97. E [5'«e also Customs ; Taxation; under this heading.] Fisheries. Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland, 1894-95, 1897. Pts. 1-3. 9 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1895-98. E 1. General Report. 2. Report on .Salmon Fisheries. 3. Scientific Investigations. Annual Reports of the Inspectors of Fisheries, England and Wales, on Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries, 1894- 95, 1897. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E Annual Reports of the Inspectors on Sea Fisheries, Eng- land and Wales, 1894-95, 1897. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E Report of the C(jmmissioners appointed to inquii-e into the Sea Fislioi-ies of the United Kingdom. Vol. 1. Sm. fol. Lond., 1866. F 18 Q 16 t 1. Report and Appendi.v. Report of the Commissioners on the Fisheries of the So! way Firth. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. sm. fol. Loud., 1896. A 40 V 42, 43 + 1. Report, Map, and Appendix. 2. List of Witnesses, Minutes of Kvidonee, and Index. Report of the Commi.ssioners on the Tweed Fisheries. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 V 40, 11 + 1. Report, Map, and Appendix. 2. List of Witnesses, Minutes of Kvideme, and Index. Report of the Inspectors of Irish Fisheries on the Sea an.l Inland Fisheries of Ireland, 1894-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1895-96. E Report of Inve.stigations on the Life-history of Salmon. Illustrated. 8vo. Gla.sgow, 1898. A 34 T .39 Fishing Apprenticeship System. Report on an Investi- gation of the Fishing Apprenticeship Sy.stem ; by A. D. Berrington and J. S. Davy. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. F 17 T 2G t GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— co7jStrangways. Geology of Country around Northallerton and Thirsk ; by C. Fox-Strangways, A. G. Cameron, and (J. Barrow. Geology of Country around Dritheld; by J. R. Dakyns and C. Fox-Strangways. GREAT BRITATX AND TRELAND~wny J. K. Dakyns, B. H. Tiddeman, W. Gunn, and A. Strahan. Geology of parts of North Lincolnshire and South York- shire ; by W. A. E. Ussher. Geologv of the Country near Yarmoutli and Lowestoft ; by J.'H. Blake. Geology of the Country around Mallerstang, with parts of Wensleyilale, Swaledale, and Arkendale ; by J. R. Dakyns", R. H. Tiddeman, R. Russell, C. T. Clough, and A. Strahan. Geology of parts of Cambridgeshire and of .Suffolk ; by W. \\'lntaker, H. B. Woodward, F. J. Bennett, S. B. J. Skertchly, and A. J. Jukes-Browne. Geology of S. W. Norfolk and N. Cambridgeshire ; by W. Whitaker, S. B. J. Skertchly, and A. J. Jukes-Browne. Geology of the Country around Bournemouth ; by C. Reid. Geology of part of Northumberland, including the Country between Wooler and Coldstrciim ; liy W. Gunn and C. T. Clough. With Petrological Notes bj W. W. Watts. Geology of Country N.E. of York and S. of Melton ; by C. Fox-Strangways. Soils and sub-Soils from a sanitary point of \'iew, with especial reference to London and its neighbourhood; by H. B. Woodward. Geology of the Isle of Wight ; by H. W. Bristow, F.R.S. Geology of London and part of the Thames Valley ; by W. Whitaker, F.R.S. Geology of Belford, Holy Island, and the Fame Islands, Northumberland ; by W. Gunn. Geology of the Country between Norham and Tweedmouth Northumberland ; by W. Guim. Geology of the Country around Carlisle ; by T. V. Holmes 248 J?ublic Library of New South Wales, GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— conHl. E.xplanatory Memoir of Inishowen, County Donegal ; by Edward Hull, Joseph Nolan, R. J. Cruise, and Alex- ander M'Henry. Explanatory Memoir of N. W. and Central Donegal; by Edward Hull, G. H. Kinahan, Joseph Nolan, R. J. Cruise, F. W. Egan, J. R. Kilroe, W. ¥. Mitchell, and A. M'Henry, Explanatory Memoir of Antrim and Derry ; by Richard G. Symes, F. W. Egan, and Alexander M'Henry ; with Pala^ontological Notes by W. H. Baily. Explanatory Jlemoir to accompany sheet 12 and part of sheet 6 of tlie Maps, including tlie Country around Limavady : by Joseph Nolan and F. W. Egan. Explanatory Memoir to acccftnpany sheet 13 of tlie Maps, including Coleraine and Garvagli, in Londf>nderry, Ballymoney, Bervock, Stranocum, Armoy, Dunloy, and Clogh Mills, in Antrim ; by F. W. Egan. Explana,tory Memoir to accompany sheet 17 of the Maps, including portions of the Counties of Donegal, London- derry, and Tyrone; by (i. H. Kinahan, S. B. Wilkin- son, J. Nolan, and F. W. Egan. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 18 of the Maps, including portions of the Counties of Londonderry and Tyrone ; by J. Nolan and F. W. Egan. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 20 of the Maps, including the Country around Ballymena, fJlenarm, Connor, and the Mountainous District West of Larne ; by B. Glascott Symes. Explanatory Memoir to accompany the Maps of S.W. Donegal, sheets 22, 2."!, oO, and part of 31, including portion of the County of Donegal; by E. Hull, J. R. Kilroe, and W. F. Mitchell. Explanatory Memoir to accompany .sheet 25 of the Maps, including imrtions of Counties of Tyrone and Donegal; by S. B. Wilkin.son, F. W. Egan, and J. K. Kilroe. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 2G of the Maps, including portions of the Counties of Tyrone and Lon- donderry ; by J. Nolan. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheets 31 and 32 of tlie Maps including parts of Donegal, Fermanagh, Tyrone, Lcitrim, and Sligo ; by Richard G. Symes. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 33 of the Maps including the Di.strict round Omagh, Fintona, and Irvinestown; by S. B. Wilkinson and J. R. Kilroe. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheets 42 and 43 of the Maps comprising portions of Sligo and Leitrim ; by Arthur ¥,. Wynne. Explanatory Memoir to accompany .sheet 44 of the Maps including portions of C^ounties Fermanagh, Leitrim, and Cavan ; by R. (i. Symes and S. B. Wilkinson. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 46 of the Maps including narts of Tyrone, Monaghan, Fermanagh, and Armagh ; by R. J. Cruise. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— con^d Geological Survey — contd. Ireland — contd. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 55 of the Maps comprising portions of the Counties of Sligo and Leitrim ; by James R. Kilroe. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 56 of the Maps including tlie District round Swanlinbar, Florence- court, and Dowra ; by S. B. Wilkinson and Richard J. Cruise. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 58 of the Maps illustrating parts of the Comities of Armagh, Fer- managh, and Monaghan ; l>y Richard J. Cruise. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 129 of the Maps illustrating the District of Baltinglass and Dunlaven, in the County of Wicklow ; Ijy W. F. Mitchell. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheets 138 and 139 of the Maps comprising parts of the Counties of Wicklow, Carlow, and Wexford ; by Edward Hull ; with an Account of the Mines by Richard J. Cruise. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheets 148 and 149 of the I\Iaps including portions of the Counties of (^arlow, Wexford, and Wicklow ; by Edward T. Hardmau. Scotland. Explanation of sheet 75, West Aberdeenshire, Banffshire, parts of Elgin and Inverness; by L. W. Hinxman. With Petrological Notes by J. J. H. Teall. Geology of Cowal, including the part of Argyllshire be- tween the Clyde and Loch Fine; by W. Gunn, C. T. Clough, and J. B. Hill. Glasgow Telephone Inquiry, 1897. Proceedings at Inquiry into the Telephone System in Glasgow. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 39 V 35 + Glyceriuated Calf Vaccine Lymph. Report on the Preparation and Storage of Glycerinated Calf Vaccine Lymph. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 31 Q 31 Government Contracts. Report from the Select Com- mittee on Government Contracts (Fair Wages Resolu- tion) togetlier with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of E\iilence, Appendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 189G. F 39 V 08 } Greenwich Royal Observatory. [See under main Author Entry.] Habitual Offenders. Rejiort and Jlinutes of Evidence fi-om the Departmental Committee on Haliit-ual Of- fender.s, Vagrants, Beggars, Inebriates, and .Juvenile Delin(iucnts, Scotland. Sm. fol. Lond., 189.5. F 36 W 1 t Herbert Hospital. Report descriptive of the Herbert Ilospitiil at Woolwich ; Ijy D. Galton. Sm. fol. Lond., 180.-). F 18 Q 16 t Historical MSS. Commission. Calendar of the MSS. of (lie Marcpiis (if Salisbury, preserved at JIalfield House, Hertfordshire. Pts. G, 7. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895-99. E MSS. of his Grace the Duke of Buccleueh and Queens- liury, preserved at Drumlanrig Castle. Roy. 8vo, Lond., 1897. E ]\ISS. y. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E MSS. of J. M. Heathcote, Conington Ca.stle. 8vo. Nor- wich, 1899. ' E MSS. of Shrewsbury and Covpntr)' Corporation.s, the Earl of Radnor, Sir Walter Corbet, and others. 8vo. Lond., 1899. E MSS. of the Duke of Plating to the Foreign Sea-borne Trade of British India with Bi-itish Po.ssessions and Foreign Countries for the five years 1892-93 to 1896-97. Sm. fol. Lond., 189.>^. " E Indian Currency. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee appointed to inquire into the Indian Currency, together with an Analvsis of the Evidence. Sm. fol." Lond., 1898. " F 20 U 14 f 232 Fublie Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— cowJc?. Indian Expenditure Commission; Final Report. Vol. 4. 8in. fol. Loml., 1900. F 23 P 4 t Indian Famine Commission. Report of the Indian Famine Cumiiiissidii, 1S98 ; with Appendix. 8 vols, (in 3) sm. fol. Loud., 1898-99. F 40 W 17-19 + Indian Plague Commission. Minutes of Evidence taken by the Indian Pla.nue Commission ; with Ap- pendices. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1900. A 23 P 11-13 t Industrial Schools. [See Reformatory and Industrial Schools, under this heading.] Infant Life Protection. Report from the .Select Com- mittee of the House of L(>rds on the Infant Life Pro- tection Bill and Safety of Nurse Children Bill, to- gether with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V GO X Intermediate Education Commission, Ireland. Ap- pendix to the first Report of the Commissioners, con- taining Circulars, Schedule of Queries, Answers to Queries, and other Documents. Final Report, and Appendix to Final Report of Commissioners. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vol.s.sm.fol. Duhliu, 1898-99. G 40 W 7, 111 Intoxicating Liquors. Final Report of Her Majesty s Commissioners app;)inted to inquire into the operation and administration of the Laws relating to the sale of Intoxicating Liquors. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. F 39 W 36 \ Papers regarding the present working of tlie Li([uor Laws in Canada, the Australasian Colonies, and New Zealand. Sm. fol. Lond., 1891-96. MF 3 P 26 t Irish Land Commission. General Rules and I'orms of the Irish Land Conmii.ssion as to applications to fix a fair rent for a holding for the second statutory term. 8v(). Dublin, 18'96. F 1 U 17 Order issued by the Irish Land Cniniiiission. 8vo. Dub- lin, 189.^). ' F 1 U 17 Report of the Iri.sh Land Conuni.ssioners, April, 1896- March, 1897. Sm. fol. f)ublin, 1897. K Return, according U> Pi-ovinces and Counties, of Judicial Rents, June, July, Oct., and Nov., 1897. 4 vols. sm. fol. Dublin, 1897-98. E Rule and Form of the Irish Land Conniu'ssion. 8vo. Dublin, 1896. F 1 U 17 Joint Stock Companies. Return : Joint Slock Com- panies. Sin. fol. Tjond. (n.d.) F 30 V 13 + Judicial Statistics. Judicial Statistics, England and VVahs. Pts. 1,2. 4to. Lond., 1898. F 40 V 55 | 1. Criminal Slalistica. 2. (-'ivil Jiulicial .Statistics. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— cow^Z. Kew Royal Gardens. Plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew. \_See Curtis's Botanical Magazine.] E \_See also under main Author Entry.] E Labour. The Agricultural Labourer. Vol. 5, pts. 1, 2. Reports by W. C. Little. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1894.' F 39 V 27, 28 % Fifth and Final Report of the Royal Commission on Labour. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1894. F 39 V 33, 34 % Foreign Reports. Vols. 2, 9, 11. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1893-95. F 39 V 4.5, 52, 54 \ Labour Department. Report by Miss Collet on changes in the employment of women and girls in industrial centres. Pt. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 1 U 25 1. Flax and Jute Centres. Report by Mr. D. F. Schloss on Profit Sharing. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1894. F 7 U 30 Rejjort on Contracts given out by public authorities to Associations of Workmen. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F1R27 Report on " Gain-sharing " and certain other systems of bonus on production. 8v'o. Loud., 1895. F 1 S 14 Report on the Statistics of Employment of Women and Girls. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 1 S 18 Report on Wages and Hours of Labour, 1893-94. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-96. E Reports by the Chief Labour Correspondent on the Strikes and Lock-outs of 1892-96. 5 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-97. E Reports by the (j'hief Labour Correspondent on Trade Unions, 1892-96 ; with Statistical Tables. 6 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-97. E Reports of the Labour Department of the Board of , Trade, 1893-97 ; with Supplement containing Abstract of Labour Statistics. 6 vols. roy.8vo. Lond., 1894-97. E Land Acts and Land Purchase Act Inquiiy Com- mission. Report of Her Majesty's Connuissioners of Incjuiry into tlie Procedure and Practice and the Methods of Valuation followed by the Land Com- mission, the Land Judges, and the Civil Bill Courts in Ireland under the Land Acts and the Land Purchase Acts ; with Minutes of Evidence and Appendices. 3 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Dublin, 1898. F 39 W 30 + Land Registration in Scotland. Report of the Ctun- niittcc a]ipointi'd to i'n(|uire into the present .system of Land Registration in Scotland. Sm. fol. Edinl)., 1898. " F 40 V 41 j Law Reports. [See unilrr main .Vutluu' Entry, Law Reports of (ircat Britain and Ireland.] Life Assurance Companies. Statements of Account and of Life Assni'ancc and Annuity lUisincss, and Al)- stracts of Actuarial Reports, 1895, 1897. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1K96-98. E Linen Factories. [See Flax Mills.] Siq)2)lementari/ Catalogue — 1896-1900. 253 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— com^c^. Liquor Licensing Laws. Report of tlu; Royul Com- mission on Liquor Liconsinfj Laws. Vols. 1-10. 10 vols, (in o)sni. fol. Lond., ISOT-'.IS. F 39 W 32-3G { 1 .'{. Fir.st and Second Reports, &c., Miinitus uf Kvideiice ; with Appendices and index. 4. Return of Clul)S in (Jrcat Britain and Ireland. 5. iStatistic3 relating to the number of licensed premises, &e., in Oreat Britain and Trelanil, together with a com- parative statement of the Licensing Laws in the three Kingdoms. 6. Scotland. 7. Ireland. 8 10. Third, Fifth, and Final llejiorts. Loan Fund Board of Ireland. Annual RcporL of the Loan Fund Board of Ireland, 189G. Sni. frds. Vols. 1-8, 1660-1742. 8vols.8vo. Lond., 1742-43. F17R1-8 Journal of the House of Commons, 31st Jan., 1893-5th March, 1894, Feb.-Oet., 1899. Fol. Lond., 1893- 99. E Journals of the House of Lords. Vols. 127-130, 1895- 98. 4 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1895-98. E Minutes of Proceedings of the House of Lords, 1894, 1898. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-98. E Parliamentary Debates. Vol. l-3rd ser., 26, 31, 33-41, 43-46, 48-52, 56-4th ser., 87, 1803-1900, and Index, 1803-30,1871-88. 520 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1812- 1900. E Reports from Committees of the House of Commons. Vol. 13. Fol. Lond., 1803. F 23 Q 22 | 13. Finance Reports, 23-36, 1798. Sessional Papers printed l\v order of the House of Lords, or presented by Royal Connnand in the Session 1897 (60 and 61 Vict.) "Sm. fol. (n.p.) 1897. E Patriotic Fund. Report from the Select Committee on the Royal Patriotic Fund, together with the Proceed- ings of the Committee, ^Minutes of Evidence, Appen- dix, ami Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V 59 J Report of the Roval Commissioners of the Patriotic Fun<], 1895. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. E Pawnbroking. Report from Her Majesty's Representa- tives aliroail on the system of pawnbroking in various ciamtrie.s. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 19 S 1 Petroleum. Report from the Select Committee on I'elroleum, together with the Proceedings of the Com- mittee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Inde.\. 2 vols, (in 1 ) sm. fol. Lond., 1896-97. A 40 V 37 % Police. Re])ort of Conmiissioner of Police of the Metrop- olis, 1896. Sm. fol. Lond., 1S97. E Poor Law Sc^iools. Report of the Departmental Com- mittee appointed by the liocal (iovernment Board to inquiri^ into the existing systems for the maintenance and education of children under the charge of Managers of District Schools and Boards of Guardians in the Metropolis, and to advise as to any changes that may l>e desirable. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 10 V' 7 9 \ Post OHice. l!e)iorts of the Postmaster ( lencrai on the Post Orticc, 1894-97. 3vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E Prison Commission. Ol)ser\ations of the Pri.son Com- missioners on the I'eeonnnendations of the Dep.art- mental Committee on Pris(jns. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 1 U 7 Siij)pletiientar!j Catalogue — 1806-1000. 255 GREAT r.RTTATN AND IRELAND— coii<(/. Prison LabOUl'. Reports from Her Majesty's Roproscn- tatives in cei'tain Foreijiii Countries mi Prison Lalmur. Sni. fol. Lond., 1894.' E 17 T 27 t Pl'isons. Annual Report of Prison Cmnniissioners for iScotland : being the Annual Report on Prisons in Scotland, 1896. Sm. fol. Edinb., 1897. E Copy of Rules for Prisons in Scotland. 8vo. Edinl)., 1896. E 1 U U Draft of Rules proposed to be made under the Prison Act, 1898. Sni. fol. Lond., 1898. E 40 V 5:5 J Extracts from the second Report of the Inspectors of Pri.son.s for the Home District. 8vo. Lond., 1837. E 13 R 18 Privy Council. Acts of the Privy Council of England. Edited ))y J. R. Dasent. Vols. 1-21, n.s., 1542-91. 21 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890-1900. 13 38 T 1-U 4 Public Accounts. Rejiorts from the Committee on Public Accounts, 1881-83, 1889-91, 1895-96. 9 vols, sm. fol. Load., 1881-96. E Public Record OHioe. Accounts of the Lord Hi.gh Treasurer of Scotland. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1877-1900. B 45 1. 1473-98. •2. 1000-4. Calendar of the Close Rolls, 1318-37. 5 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. R 44 Calendar of Ducuments preserved in France illu.slrative of the History of Great Rritain and Ireland. Vol. 1. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1899. R 45 1. 918-1206. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. B 45 Papal Letter.s. Vols. 1-3, 1198-1302. Petitions to the Pope. Vol. 1, 1342-1419. Calendar of Home Office Papers of reign of George III, 1773-75, preserved in the Public Record Office. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 45 Calendar of Inquisitions post-mortem and other analo- gous documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. 1. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 45 1. Henry VII. Calendar of Letters and State Papers relating to English affairs, preserved princijially in the Archives of Siman- cas. Vols. 2-4. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1894-99. B 45 2-4. Elizabeth, I.JGS-IUOS. Calendar of Letters and Papers relating to the affairs of the Borders of England and Scotland, preserved in H.M. Public Record Office, London, 1560-1603. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Edinb., 1894-96. B 45 Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers relat- ing to the Negotiations between England antl Spain, preserved in the Archives at Simancas, Vienna, Brus- sels, anil elsewhere. Vol. 6, i)t. 2, and 7. pt. 1. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895-99. B 45 GRE.\T 15RTTATN AND IRELAND— com^'/. Public Record Office— coh^/. Calendar of Patent Rolls preserved in the Public liecord Office: Edward I, 1292-Edward il, 1317; Edward 111, 1330-43; Richard II, 1377-85; Edward IV, 1401-67; Henry VI, 1467 77. 12 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-1900. B 44 Calendar of State Papers and ]\1SS. relatiiig to Enghsh atl'air.s, existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice and in other Libraries of Northern Italy. Vols. 8, 9. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1894-97. B 44 8, 9. 1581-1G03. Ca.lenilar of State P.ipers, Colonial .sei'ies, America and West Indies, 1675-88, also Addenda, 1574-1674. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-99. B 44 Calendar of State Papers, Domestic .series, 1625-72, l(;s9-91. 9 vols. imp. 8 vo. Lond., 1897-98. B 44 Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, 1598-1600, 1625-32. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895-1900. B 44 Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots (1547-1603) ])reserved in the Public Record Othce, the Ijritisli Mu.seum, and elsewhere in England. Vols. 1, 2. 2 \o\h. imp. 8vo. Eilinb., 189S-1900. B 45 1, 2. 1547-69. Calendar of Treasury Books and Paper.s, 1729-34. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1897-98. B 45 Descriptive Catalogue of ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1894. 15 45 The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Vols. 1-20, 1264-1579. 20 vols. roy. Svo. Edinl)., 1878-99. B 33 T 1-U 8 Guide to the principal classes of documents preserved in the Public Record Office ; by S. R. Scargill-Bird. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1896. K II R 25 Inquisitions and Assessments relating to Feudal Aids, with other analogous documents preserved in the Public Record Office, 1284-1431. Vol.1. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1899. B 45 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of reign of Hein-y VIII, preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, and elsewhere in England. Vols. 14-16. 4 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1894-98. B 45 Lists and Indexes, 3-6, 8-10. 7 vols. fol. Lond., IS94- 99. E 3. Li.st of Vols, of State Papers relating to (Ireat Britain and Ireland and tlie Channel Islands. Pt. 1. 4. List of Plea Rolls of the various Courts. 5. List of the original Ministers' Accounts. Pt. 1. G. List and Index of Court Rolls. Pt. 1. 8. List of original Ministers' Documents. 9. List of Slieriffs for England and Wales. 10. List of Proceedings of Commissioners for Charitable uses. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, 1546-1651. 6 vols. imp. Svo. Edinb., 1897. B 34 U 4-9 Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Vol. 1 l-2nd ser. vol. 1. 5 vols. imp. Svo. Edinb., 1894-99. B 45 ll-2nd sor. vol. 1. 1(510-27, and Addenda, I,"i4r)-1G25. 25G Tublic Lihmnj of New South Wales. GREAT BEITATX AND IRELAND— co«?(7. Pupil Teacher System. Repuit of the Depai-tinental Committee on the Pupil Teacher 8vstem. 2 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Lond., 1898. " G 39 V 37 * 1. Report. 2. Minutes of Erirlence and General Index. Queen's College, Belfast. Reports of the President of Queen's College, Belfast, 1894:-99. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 189.5-99. E Queen's College, Cork. Reports, 1894-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1S9.J-97. E Queen's College, Galway. Report of the President of Queen's Colle.ije, Gal way, 189G-99. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1897-99. ' E Railways. Report of Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into the system of Ventilation of Tunnels on the Metropolitan Railway, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evi- dence, Appendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. A 20 U if) t Return by Railway Compalnies in the United Kingdom relative to (1) The Interlocking and Concentrating of Signal and Point Levers, etc., and to (2) The System or Systems upon which the Lines of Railway under their control were woi-ked on Decemljcr 31st, 189:i Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. E Returns of Accidents and Casualties as reported to the Board of Trade by the several Railway Companies in the United Kingdom, 1896, together with Reports of the Inspecting Officers of the Railway Department to the Board of Trade ujjon certain accidents which were encjuired into. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Records Commission. Annals of Ulster, otlicrwise AnnalsofSen.it: a Chronicle, of Iri.sh Affairs from 431-1.540. Vols. 1-3. R(,y. 8vo. Duljlin, 1887-95. B 30 V 16-18 1. 4.'!l-ll).'iG ; edited by William M. Ilennes.^iy. 2. 1057-1131, 1155-1378; edited by Rev. B. MacCaitliy- 3. 1379-1541 ; edited by Rev. B. MacCartliy. Reports from the Commissioners respecting the Public Records of Ireland, 1821-25. Fol. Lond., 1824-25. B 29 Q 1 I Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Reformatory .'uid Industrial Schools Acts, with Memorandum, Ap- ])endices, and Index ; by F. V. Homby. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 16 U 10 Report of the Departmental Cimnnillce on Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Vol. 2. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 20 U 8 t 2. Evidence and Index. Reports, 1894-9G. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S95-97. E Reports of the Inspector app(jinted to visit the Reforma- tory and Industrial Schools of Trel.uxl. 1894-90. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1895-97. E GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND- contd. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland. \_See Public Record Office, under this heading.] Registrar-General. Annual Report of the Registrar- General on the Births, Deaths, and Marriages regis- tered in Scotland during 1895, 1897, and Annual Re- poi-t on Vaccination, 1895-96. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1896-98. E Annual Reports of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, 1839-53, 1896. 4 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1839-97. E Annual Summary of Births, Deaths, and Causes of Death in London and other large towns ; with Appendix containing Dr. Frankland's Report on the Metropolitan Water Suppl)', 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E Supplement of the 55th Annual Report of the Registrar- General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England. Pt. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E River Pollution. Report to Her Majesty's Secretary for Scotland, July, 1895-March, 1897. 8vo. Glasgow, 1898. A 34 T 38 Royal College heading.] of Art. [See Education, under this Royal College of Science, London. [Se« Education, under this heading.] Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Syllabus of the Course of Instruction, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 17 U 23 Royal National Life-boat Institution. Report from the Select Committee on the Royal National Life-boat Institution, together with the Proceedings of the Com- mittee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. . F 20 U 13 t Royal Parks and Gardens. An Act for the Regulation of the Royal Parks and Gardens, with Rules for all the Parks. 12mo. Lond., 1896. F15P4t Safety of Nurse Children. Report from the Select Connnittec of the House of Lords on the Infant Life Protection Bill and Safety of Nurse Children Bill, to- gether with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of E\ idenee, and A]>peiidix. Sm. fol. Limd., 1896. V 39 V 60 I Science. [_See Education, under ll lis iieadiiiu Science and Art Grants. Appendix to the Report o the Committee to incjuirc into the distribution of Science and Art Grants, containing the statements made bv the rejiresentatives of certain public bodies anda,ssociati(ms. Sm. fol. Lles. Report on the Inspection of Higher Class Schools, and tlie Examination for Leavintf Certificates ; with Ap- peiulix, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E 2k GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— con^/. South African Republic. Correspondence on tlie sub- ject of the recent disturbances in the Soutii African Republic. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V 56 * Correspondence relating to the outbreak of Rinderpest in South Africa in .VIar<'h, 189G. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 V 35 | Further Correspondence relating to affairs in the S(juth African Republic. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. B 40 W 28 { Letter from Sir J. A. De Wet, Her Britannic Majesty's agent at Pretoria, rekitive to his retirement, together with other Correspondence. Sm. fol. Lf)nd., 1896. F 40 V 30 + Papers relating to the Commandeering of British sub- jects in the South African Republic in 1894, and the visit of the High Connnissioner to Pretoria. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. " F 39 V 57 X Report of the Select Committee of the Cape of Good Hope House of Assembly on the Jameson Raid into the Territory of the South African Republic. Sm. fol. Lond., "1897. B 40 W 27 \ South Kensington Museum. [_See under main Author Ilntry.] State Papers. British and Foreign State Papers. Vols. 1-81, 84, 1812-89, 1891-92, with Index, 1373-1888. 82 vols, (in 83) 8vo. Lond., 1841-98. E State Trials. Reports of State Trials, n.s. Vols. 1-S, 1820-58. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1888-98. F 17 U 1-8 Statistics. Banking, Railway, and Shipping Statistics, Ireland, June, 1895. 8vo. Dublin, 1895. F 13 T 8 Statistical Abstract for the principal and other Foi'cign Countries, in each j'car from 1860-72, 1874-89, 1884- 94, 1882-96. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874-97. E Statistical Abstract for the .several Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom in each year, from 1880-94. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 13 T 9 [_See also Home Office, under this heading.] Statutes and Bills, The Building Society Regulations, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 1 S 17 Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes to 1895. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 17 R 1 t Pennissive Prohibitory Liquor Bill. Sm. fol. Lond.. 1878. FlSQlOt Public Cxcneral Statutes, 1866-98. 32 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-98. (Law Reports.) E The Statutes, revised edition. Vols. 1-15, 17, 18, 1235- 1868, 1873-78, and Chronological Index. 20 vols, roy. 8vo, Lond., 1870-85. E The Statutes, 2nd revised edition, 1235-1875. Vols. 1- 13. 13 vols, roy, 8vo, Lond., 1870-97. E Statutory Rules and Orders : Master and Servant, Work- men's Compensation Act, 1897, 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 16 T 26 258 Public Lihranj of Neio South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— cowrests of the .subjects of the high contracting par- ties ; by Lewis and Edward Hertslet, Augustus H. Cakes, and F. H. T. Streattield. Vols 1-20. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840-98. F 16 P 1-Q 3 CouA-ention and Protocol between (Jreat Britain and Nicaragua for the settlement of certain claims arising out of the disturbances in the Mosijuito Reserve in 1S94. 8vo. Loud.. 1896. F 13 T 2 Convention between Great Britain and Austria-Hungary for the establi.shnient of International Copyright ; with a list of British Colonies and Possessions which ha^'c acceded thereto under Article 9. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 13 T 10 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands defining the Biamdaries between the British and Netherland Possessions in the Island of New Guinea. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MF 5 Q 4 Further Correspondence respecting Commercial Treaties and Tariffs. Fol. Lond., 1893. F 36 W 17 t Treaties and Tariffs regulating the Trade between (jireat Britain and Foreign Nation.s, and Fxtractsof Treaties between Foreign Powei's containing n\ost-fa\dured- nation clauses applicable to (Jreat Britain : Austria, 1875; by E. Hertslet. 8vo. Loml., 1875. F 1 U 19 Tristan da Cuuha. Kurther Papers relating to the Island of Tristan da Cunha. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. F 20 U 3 t Tuberculosis. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to in(|uire into the administrative procedures for con- tiolHng danger to man through the use a.s food of the meat and mill; ol" tulicrculons .-inimals. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 20 U 2! t Iteport of the Roy.-d Commission .•ii)pointed to in(|iiire into the effect of Food derived from Tuberculous Aiamals on Human Health. Fol. Lond., 1895. A 39 LI .37 I Siqyplemen tary Catalog u e — 1 896-1 900. 259 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— cojt/t^. Turkey. Correspomlenco riilatiiif,' to tlic Asiatic Pro- vinces of Turkey, 1894-^95, 1898. 4 vols. sm. fol. Load., 1896. F iO V 17-20 \ Correspondence relative to the Ai-iiicnian (,)ucstioii, and Reports fi-om Her Majesty's Consular OIHcers in Asiatic Turkey. Sm. fol. Load., 189G. F 10 V 13 + Correspondence respecting the introduction of reforms in the Armenian Province of Asiatic Turkey. Sm. fol. Lond., 189G. F 40 V 12 J Correspondence respecting the Negotiations for the Conclusi(m of Peace between Turkey and Greece. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. F 40 V 14 \ Uganda. Reports relating to Uganda; 1)V Sir Gerald Portal. Fol. Lond., 1894. ■" 'B39V17:i: United States. Correspondence Ijctween the Govern- ments of Great Britain and the United States with respect to Proposals for Arbitration. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 40 V 22 + Vaccination, Annual Report of the Registrar-General on the Births, Deaths, and Marriages registered in Scotland during 1893, and Annual Report on Vaccina- tion, 189.5. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. E Sixth and Final Reports and Appendices to Final Report, 3-9, of the Royal Commission appointed to inquii'c into the subject of Vaccination. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896-97. A 40 V 36, 38, 39 X Venezuela. Documents and Correspondence relating to the question of Boundary between British (Juiana and Venezuela ; with Maps. Fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V .5.") X Veterinary Department, Ireland. Return in pursu- ance of the pro\isions of the 50th section of the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894, for 1897. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1898. E Volunteers. [-See War Office, under this heading.] War Office. Annual Accounts of the Ordnance Fac- tories, 1896-97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Annual Accounts of the Royal Army Cli;)thing Factory, 1896-97, with the Report of the Comptroll(M' and Auditor-General thereon. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Annn.al Return of the Volunteer Corps of Great Britain, 189.5. 8vo. Lond., 189G. E The Army List, 1831 -June 1899. 289 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1831-99. [Xot pnhli^hed in Vet:., 1897, and Jan., 1898.] E Army Orders, 1896. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) E Conventional Signs and Terms used in Military To- pogr.aphy. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 S 8 The Duties of the General Staff; by Gen. Bron.sart von Schellendorff. Translated by W. A. H. Hare. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 36 R 15 Epitome of the Chino-.Japauese War, 1894-95; byCapt. N. W. H. Du Boulav. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 33 P 5 GBl'lAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— conSketcli of the United States Department of Agriculture. \_See United State.s. — Dept. of Agrioult. — Division of Pul)- lications.] A 38 R 17 The Vegetable Garden. [See United States.— Dept. of Agrioult.] A 41 U 2 GRECO-TURKISH WAR of ls97 Officer."] \_See " German Staff B 34 Q 18 GREELEY, Horace. Horace Greelev, the Editor ; by F. N. Zabriskie. 8vo. New York, 1890. C 20 U 2 Sketch of. \_See Godkin, E. L. — Reflections and Com- ments.] J 12 S 45 GREELY, Gen. Adolphus W. Hand-lsook of Arctic Discoveries. 12mo. Lond., 189C. D IG P 1 GREEN, A. Romney. [Verses by.] [See Garland of New Poetry.] " " H 12 Q 15 GREEN, Prof. Alexander Henry, F.R.S. First Lessons in Modern Geology. Edited by J. F. Blake. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. " " A 24 P 24 , and others. Geology of the Carbonifei'ous Lime- stone, Yoreilale Rocks, and Millstone Grit of North Derbyshire. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Sui-v. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 17 GREEN, Elsa Goodwin. . Raiders and Rebels in South Africa. Illust. 12mo. Lond., 1898. B 37 P 10 GREEN, F. W. Edridge-. Memory and its Cultivation. 8vo. Lond., 1897. Gil U 32 GREEN, Lieut. Francis Matthews. A List of G(!ographi- cal Positions for the use of Navigators and otheis. 4to. Wash., 1883. A 13 W 24 t , DAVIS, Li(iut. Charles Henry, and NORRTS, Lieut. J. A. Telegraphic DetiM-inination of Longitudes in Japan, China, and tiie East Indies, embracing (lie Meridians of Yokohama, Nagasaki, Wladiwoslok, Slianghai, Amoy, Hong-kong, Manilla, Capo St. James, Singapore,, Batavia, and Madras, with the Latitude of the several Stations in 1881 82. 4t(). Wash., 188.3. A 13 W 25 t GREEN, II. J. Tiie Herring Fishery. (Internat. Fisheries Exhih.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 GREEN, J. L. Allotments and Sm.Ui Iloldingis. 8vo. Lond., 18!)r,. |(^S V 20 GREEN, J. W., and WEl'.l'., A. L. H. How Ix) manage a Boot anil Shoo Department. 12!uo. Manchester (n. Britannicm ; or. Descriptions of tins Marine and other inartieulated Plants of the British Islands belonging to the order Algse. Illust. Svo. Edinl)., 1830. A 20 U 29 GREVILLEA : a Record of Cryptoganiic Botany and its Literature'. Vol.s. 1-22, July, 1872-June, 1894. Illus- trated. 22 vols. Svo. Lond., 1872-94. [All piih- lixhr-d.] A 20 S 23-41 (;REVY, Jules. [Sketcli of.] [S^e Eminent Porson.s.] (; 19 Q 21 GREY, Albert. University E.xtension Movennnl. (In ternat. Health Exhib. Jli-ajth I'lxhib, Lit.) .\ II \' 1 l' GREY, Albert Henry George, Earl. Relation of the Church to Co iperation. Svo. (n.p.) 1898. F 15 U 21 What Cooperation will do for the people. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) F 16 S 33 ilemoir of H. J. A. Hervey. [See Hervey, H. J. A.] C 26 S 14 GREY, Rt. Hon. Sir George. Romance of a Pro-Consul : being the Personal Life and Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Sir George Grey; by J. Milne. AVith Portrait. S\o. Lond., 1899. MC 1 S 23 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketcli of] ; by L. Becke and W. Jeflfery. (Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1898.) " ' E GREY, Henry. The Classics for the Million : being an Epitome in English of the works of the princijial Greek and Latin authors. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 11 P 1 GREY, Henry M. In Moorish Captivity : an Account of the Tourmaline Expedition into Sus, 1897-98. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 15 GREZ, Vicente. Les Beaux-Arts au Chili. Roy. Svo. Paris, 1889. A 10 X 18 f Viaje de Destierro. 12mo. Santiago, 1893. D 16 P 3 GBIBBLE, Francis. The Early Mountaineers. Ulu.s- trated. 8\-.>. Lond., 1899. ' D 22 R 11 GRIBBLE, James Dunning Baker. History of the Deccan. Vol. 1. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 32 S 1 GRIBBLE, Theodore Graham. Preliminary Survey and Estimates. 2nd ed. Svo. Loud., 1897. A 33 P 20 GRIEPENKERL, Alaj.,r. Letters on Apjilied Tactics: twenty-four Tactical Exercises, dealing with the opera- tions of small detached forces of the three arms, with numerous examples of actual orders. Translated by "A Retired Officer." With Maps. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 36 R 18 " GRTER, Sydney C." [See Greig, Miss Hilda.] GRIERSON, Capt. James MoncrielF. Military Forces of Ru.ssia. [See (Jt. Britain and Ireland. — War Office;.] G 12 S 3 GllIEVM, Lucia Catlieiine Graeme. Death and Burial in Attic Tragedy. Pt. 1. Svo. New York, 1898. G 26 T 5 1. Death and the Dead. ( ! K 1 1' Fl N, Ajijileton P. C. Catalogue of the Washington (jolleetion in the P.oston Athena'um. [See Boston AtheiKvum.] K 7 U 34 (!l! I FI"MN(!, Harold. Sensations from Pressure and Tm- ]>Met, with speerial reference to the Intensity Area and Time of Stimulation. Svo. New York, 1895. G 2G T 9 Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 265 GRTFFTS, Williiun Elliot. The Mikado's Empire. 6tli (^■(1. Tllust. 8vo. New York, I s;iO. B ,3.3 Q 11 The Pilfjriins in tlieii"' three homes: Kni^laiul, Holland, America. Jllust. Svo. Roston, 1S9S. I', 'ir, V 12 GRIFFITH, F. L. Authority and ArchaHjlo.i^y, Sacred and Profane. [5ee Driver, Rev. S. R.] G 24 U 7 Collection of Hierofjlyphs. [^See Egypt Exploration Fund.] ' B IS Q '28 t Dendereh, 1898. [See Egypt Exploi-ation Fund.] 15 18 y :io t Deshasheh, 1897. [See Egypt Exjiloratioii Fund.] P. 18 Q 19 t Royal Tombs of the 1st Dynasty, 1900, pt. 1. [.SV Egypt Exploration Fund.] B 18 Q 29 t GRIFFITH, Frederick. Notable W(>l.sh Musicians of to- day. With Portraits, Biographies, and a Preface on the Condition of Music in Wales at the Present Time. 2nd ed. 8vo. I.ond., 1890, C 23 V 9 GRIFFITH, G. F. X. St. Peter and the first years of Christianity. [See Fouard, Abbe C] G 1 U 42 GRIFFITH, George. Men who have made the Empire. Illustratsd. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 39 Q 4 GRIFFITH, Dr. J. P. Crozer. The Care of the Baby : a Manual for Mothers and Nurses, containing Practical Dii-ections for the Management of Infancy and Child- hood in Healtli and Disease. 8vo. Philad., 189G. A 20 S 27 GRIFFITH, John Richard. The Married Women's Pro- perty Act, 1870; and the Married W^omen's Property Act, 1870, Amendment Act, 1874: its relations to the doctrine of separate use ; with Appendix of Cases, Statutes, and Forms. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 187.^). F 3 R 28 GRIFFITH, Sir Samuel Walker. Criminal Responsibility. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S The Draft Federal Constitution framed by the Adelaide Convention of 1897. (Review of Reviews, July, 1897.) E [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by W. K. Rose. (Once a Month, Aug., 1885.) MJ 1 V 21 GRIFFITH, Samuel Young. New Historical Description of Cheltenham and its vicinity. Illustrated. 4to. Cheltenham, 1820. B 13 W 30 t GRIFFITHS, Maj. Arthur George Frederick. Chronicles of Newgate. 8vo. Lond., 1890. F 8 V 5 Famous Briti.sh Regiments. 8vo. Lond., 190U. 1! 37 P 20 Mysteries of Police and Crime : a General Survey of Wrongdoing and its Pursuit. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 8 Q 14, 15 Wellington and Waterloo ; with an Introduction by Field-Marshal Viscount Wolseley. Illustrated. 4to. Limd., 1898. B 17 S .30 t Wellington : his Comrades and Contemporaries. [See Wellington, Duke of.] C 24 T 19 2l (JRTFFTTHS, George S. A Glacial Epoch in the Southern Hiiriispheie. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Victoria's Vicissitudes : a Climatic Retrospect. (Mel- bourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q South Polar Problems. (Hov. Geograph. Soc. of Au.s- tralasia, Vict. ]5ranch, Trans., 1885-8G.) UE 20 P GRIFFITHS, Dr. Joseph. Psoro.spermosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 35 (iRKJG, Joseph. The Charge of the Six Hundred. (Small, E. M.-^-Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 GRKiGS, W. India : Phologi-aphs and Drawings of His- torical r.uildings. Fol. Lond., 1890. A 40 U 15 + GRIMKE, Archibald 11. Life of Charl'es Sumner. [See Sumner, C] C 20 U 7 William Lloyd Garrison, the Abolitionist. [See (Jarri.son, W. L.] C 20 U 6 GRIMM, Eduard. Das Problem Friedrich Nietzsches. 8vo. lierlin, 1899. G 24 S 13 GRIMJI, Herman. Life of Michaid Angclo. Translated by Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett. [See Michael Angelo Buonarotti.] C 20 S 5, GRIMM, .Jacob Ludwig and Wilhelm Karl. Deutst-hes Worterbuch. Band 9, bearbeitet von Dr. M. Hevne. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1899. K 11 1{ 20 Kinder-und Hausmiirchen : being a selection of the choicest Fairy Tales by the Ijrothers Grimm ; with Explanatory Notes by W. J. Hickie. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 P 39 GRIMM LIBRARY. Cucliullin Saga in Iri.sli Literature. [.S'te Hull, Eleanor.] 15 36 P 1-2 The Home of the Eddie Poems. ^See Bugge, Prof. S.] B 315 P 15 Tlie Legend of Sir ( iawain. [Ste Weston, Jessie L. ] B 36 P 1 1 Pre- and Proto-liistorie Finns. [See Abercroniby, J.] B 36 P 13, 14 GRIMSHAW, James Walter. Fulgurites in the Sand-hills at Kensington and Bondi, New South AVales. [See Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Re- port, 1898.] ME 18 S Occurrence of a submerged Foiest, with remains of the Dugong, at Shea's Creek, near Sydney. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.] ME 1 R GRIjNISHAW, Robert. Shop Kinks and Machine shop Chat. 8vo. New York, 1890. A 22 R 9 GRIMSTON, Madge [Mrs. AV. IL] "Mrs. Kendal.' [Art of Acting.] [Sfc Hammerton, J. A. — The Actor's Art.] ' H 1 S 31 266 Public Library of New South Wales, GRIMSTON, William Hunter, "William Hunter Kendal," and Madtte [Mrs. W. H.] "Mrs. Kendal." The Ken- dais With Portraits. !-vo. Lund., 1900. C26S21 GRINDROD, Mrs. Siam : a Geographical Summar}-. [With Map of Siam and Malay Archipela!ji>.] 8vo. Lond., 1895. I) 17 T 21 GRINLING, Charles Herbert. History of the Great Northern Railway, Itiio-Oo. Illustrated. Svu. Lond., 1898. F 13 T 34 • GRINNELL, George Bird. The Story of the Indian. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 27 S 19 GRINNELL, William M.nton. The Regeneration of the United States : a Forecast of its Industiial Evolution. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Questions of the Day.) F 1 7 T 5 GRINNELL-MTLNE. (4. [See Milne, G. UrimKll-.] GA'IP, Thr. 1S99. F"l. (4rafton, 1899. ME (iRIS, Arthur. Description do quelques Plantes i-eniar- quables de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. [_See Brongniart, A.] MA 12 P 29 t GROHMAN, AVilliam A. Baillie-. Fifteen Years' Sport* and Life in the Hunting-grounds of Western xVnierica and British Columbia ; with a Chapter by Mrs. Baillie- Grohman. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Loiid., 1900. D 22 U 6 Sport in the Alps in the Past and Present. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 U 16 GROODT, James H. de. [_See De Groodt, J. H.] GROOM, Littleton Ernest. Australasian Annual Digest. [See Power, (4. W.] ME 21 S The Queensland Digest. [See Scott, G.] MF 3 S 35 Reports of Ca.ses argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Queensland, with Tables of Cases and Index. [See Scott, G.] ME 18 S GROOM !•; Francis llindes. Gyp.sy Folk Tales. 8vo. Tx.nd., 1898. .1 21 Q 28 GROOS, Karl. Play of Animals : a Study of Animal Life and Instinct. Translated by Elizabeth L. Baldwin ; with Preface and Appendix l)y J. M. Baldwin. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 13 T 51 (iROSART, Rev. Alexander Balloch. Complete Poems of Sir John Davies. [See Da vies, Sir J.] H 12 R 20, 21 [Life of] Robert Fergu.s.son. [See Fergusson, R.] C 20 U 28 Tragical Reign of Sclimus. [See Greene, R.] H 1.3 Q 2 GROSS, piiarlcs. Bibliogra|i]iy of Ihitish .Mimiilii.il His- tory, including (!ilds and Parliamentary Rejireseiita- tion. 8vti. New Yoi'k, 1H97. (Harvard Hisloi-ical Studies.) V 3 T 23 GROSSET, Joanny. Bharatiya-Natya-Ca.stram : Traite dc Bharata sur le Thiatre; Texte Sanskrit: edition cri- tique precedee d'une preface de M. Paul Regnaud. Veil. 8vo. Paris, 1898. H 3 V 2 GROSSETETE, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln. [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W. — Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 GROSSMITH, Weedon. [Art of Acting.] [Sfe Hammer- ton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 GROSYENOR, E. A. Constantinople. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 21 Y 24, 25 GROTE, George. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* GROULT, E. Short Account of the Establishment of Cantonal Museums' in Frfince. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 GROUT, Abel Joel. Revision of the North American Isotheciacea' and Brachvthecia. 8vo. New Y''ork (n.d.) ■ A 37 T 8 GROYE, Eleanor. An Egyptian Princess. [«« Ebers, G.] ■ " J 26 P 44 GROYE, Sir George. Beethoven and his nine Svniphonies. 8vo. Lond., 'l896. A 23 S 15 GROYE, Lilly. [See Frazer, Mrs. J. G.] GROVER, Frederick. Practical Treatise (in Modern (!as and Oil Engines 8vo. Manchester, 1897. A 25 S 17 GROYES, Charles Edward, F.R.S., and THORP, William. Chemical Technology ; or, Chemistry in its apj)lications to Arts and Manufactures. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1889-1900. " A 21 Y G-8 1. Fuel and its applications. 2. Lighting. 3. f'.as Lightiiij;. GROWOLL, A. Profession of Bookselling : a Hand-book of Practical Hints for the Ajiprentice and Bookseller. 2 vols. r.)y. 8vo. Lon.I., 1893-95. J 5 Y 18, 19 GRUEBER, Herbert Aj.pold. Catalogue of Engli.sh C!oins in the liritish Mu.seum. [See Brit. Mus.] A 40 R 16 Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Mu- seum. [Six British Museum.] A 42 W 19 Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals. [See British Museum.] '^ K 9 V 1 Medallic Illustrations of tire History of (Jreat Bi'itain and Ireland to the death of George II. [See British Museum.] A 40 R 17, 18 Roman Medallions in (he British Museum. [Sec Briiish M,is,.uiri.] A 34 Y 21 Sapplemenlury Calalotjaa — 1896-1000. 267 GRUNDTVIG, Svend. Danish Fair-y aii.l Folic Tales. [See J»ay, J. C] J 14 i-i t;3 GRUNDY, Rev. William. Aiistotolianism. [See Smith, Rev. I. G.] G 20 1M6 GRUNKU, Lewis. Sjiooimens of Ornamontal Art, selected from tiie hest Models of the Cla.ssie.-il Kl)ochs. Illus- trated, with Descriptive Text, Ijy Emil Biauii. 2 vols, fol. and 4to. Lond., 1850. A 16 P 23, 21 } GUARINO, Battista. Dc Oidine Doeeiidi et Studeiidi : English Version [Se^e Woodward, W. II.] G 2 U 15 GUBB, B. M. Reiuirt on Fruit-growing. [See Ni'W Zea- land.— Agricult.] MA 3 R 81 "GUBBINS, Nathaniel." [See Mott, E. S.] GUDGEON, W. E. The Maori Tribes of the East Coast of New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1S94-96.) ME G R GUERARD, Dr. A. R. Bacteriology in Medicine and Surgery. [See Park, Dr. W. H.]' A 45 S 4 GUERIN, Maurice de. [Translations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 GUERINOT, A. Recherches sur I'Origine de I'Idee de Dieud'apres Rig- Veda. Svo. Paris, 1900. G 2G T 1 GUERNSEY, Alfred Hudson. Australia and its Gold. (Harper's New M(jnthly Mag., Dec, 1852.) E The World's Opportunities, and how to use them. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1887. F9Y17 GUETTIER. Andre Victor. Practical Guide for the Manufacture of Metallic Alloys, com])rising their Chemical and Physical Properties with their Prepara- tion, Comj)osition, and Uses. Translated by A. A. Fe.squet. 8vo. Philad., 1872. A 24 R 2.3 GUICCIARDINI, Francesco. Opere inedite. [&e Church, R. W., Dean.- Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 GUIDA PUATICA DEL TAPPEZZIERE. l.st .ser. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 48 P 19 ■ GUIFFREY, Jules. Sir Anthony Van Dyck : his Life and Work. Translated by William Ali.son. [See Dyck, Sir .V. Van.] ' C 44 Q 12 • GUILD LIBRARY. Mission.iry Kxpan.\: Wilbur F. —American System of Dentistiy.) A 31 S 3 Hy])ercementoKis. (Litch, Hr. Wilbui' P. -American System of Dentistry.) A .31 S 3 Nitrous Oxide: its Properties, Method of Administra- tion, and EfTeets. 12mo. Ptiilad., 1887. A 26 P 27 Orthodontia. (Litch, Dr. V\ilbur F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Orthodontia; or. Malposition of the Human Teeth: its Preyenlion and Remedy. 2nd ed. 8yo. Philad., 1893. A 32 S 34 GUILFOYLE, W. R. A new Victorian Clematis. (Vict. Nat., Dec, 1898.) ME 6 P GUILLAITME, Alliert. Me.s Campagnes ; Album Mili- taireinedit. Illust. 4to. Paris (n.d.) l!13X3t GUILLAUME, Baron. Le Mariage en droit international prive et la Conference de la Haye. Roy. 8yo. Brux- elles, 1894. " F 1 U 22 GUILLAUMOT, — . Costumes (,f the Time of tlie French Revolution, 1790-93, together with English Costumes during 1795-1806, dra\yn from the Collection of V. Sardou ; with an Introduction ^^ by Clarence Cook. 4to. New York, 1889. " A 40 U 27 j GUILLEMARD, Dr. Beinard Jame.s. Health Abroad. [See Battersby, Dr. C. H.] A 45 R 3 (lUILLEMARD, Dr. F. H. H. Bilharzia Iwematobia. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 GUILLE.MARD, Mary F. Cyrano de Bergerac. [See Ro.stand, E.] " H 10 U 33 GUILLftMARD, Robert. Adventures of a French Ser- geant during his Campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, c^-c,' 1805-2.3. 8vo. Lond.,' 1898. B 26 S 13 GUILLIAUME, Jules. Le Vers Fran<,-ais et les Prosotlies Modernes. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898. H 3 V 4 GUINNESS, H. Andrea del Sarto. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Great Ma.st<'rs in Painting and Sculp- ture.) • -A. 44 R 3 GUINNESS, Rev. H. (Jrattan. Creation centred in Chri-st. 8yo. Lond., 1896. (; 14 P 24 GULRAUD, Prof. .Jean. L'Etat Poniilical apres le Grand Schisme : Etude dc Geogiaphie Politique. 8vo. Paris, 1896. ' B 32 S 8 GUISE, R. E. Triljcs inhabiting the Mouth of the Wani gela River. New Guinea. (Anthropological Inst, of Great Britain and Ireland, Journ., 1899.) E 368 JPitblic Librdi'y of New South Wales. GUIZOT, Fran(;ois Pierre Guillaume. St. Louis and Cal- vin. 8vo. Lond., 1879. (Great Cliiistians of France.) G 24 Q 28 [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J U U 13 GULDBER(!, G. A. Norronaskaller: Crania antiqua in parte orientali Norvegiie uieridionalis inventa. \_See Barth, J.] A 34 V 22 GULGOXG ADVERTISER, Mining, Agricultural, and Pastoral Journal, 1898-99. 2 vols. fol. Gulgong, 1899. ME GULICK, Luther Halsey. Luther Halsey Gulick, ^lis- sionary in Hawaii, Micronesia, Jajjan, and China. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 23 Q 7 GULL AND, W. G. Chinese Porcelain ; with Notes hy T. J. Larkin. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 R 9 GULLIVER, Prof. Julia. The Facts of the Moral Life. [&e Wundt, Prof. W.] G 11 R 4o GiJMBEL, Theodor. Bryologia Europ:ea. ^See Bi'uck, P.] A 1 1 X 1 -6 t GUMMOW, F. ]\L Manufacture of Monicr Pipes. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Jeurn., 1899.) ME 1 R GUMPEL, C. Godfrey. Connnon Salt : its u.se and neces- sity for the Maintenance of Health and the Prevention of Disease. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 33 P 40 GUMPLOWICZ, Prof. Ludwig. Outlines of Sociology. [Sfie American Academy of Political ami Social Science, Pub.s.] F 16 R 33 GUNDAGAI IXDEPEXDEXT, and Pastoral, Agricul- tural, and Mining Advocate, 1899. Fol. Gundagai, 1^99. ^ ME GUNDAGAI TIMKS, and ■rmmil, Adelong, and Mnrruni- l.idgee District Advertiser, 1S98 0!)'. i' vols. fol. Gundngai, 1898 99. ME GUNN, Andrew. ({..Ispie. [See Nichol.son, E. \\'. I'..] 1! 32 {) II GUNN, Dr. David. PgiiUfl The Story of Lafsu Beg, tlic Camel-driver, as Y^ told it to Dr. Ilavid Gunn, showing how he went to Australia, and what hefel him there. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 44 GUNN, John. The Kermjwlec Islands. (Scotti.sh (!eo- graph. Mag., Nov., 1888.) E GUNN, W. Geology of liclfnr.l. Holy Island, and the Fame Islands, NortlnnnlM'rland. \S(e V.t. Urit. and Ircl.— Geolog. Surv. Kngl. and Wales.] A 47 U 35 Geology of tlie Coast South of Borwick-on-Tweed. [Sec Gt. Brit, and Irel. fleolo:,'. Surv.- England and Wales.] ..\ 4 7 U 39 GUNN, \Y.—contd. Geology of part of Northumherland, including the Coun- try between Wooler and Coldstream. [See Gt. Brit. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Engl, and Wales.] A 47 S 5 Geology of the Country around Ingleboi'ough, witli parts of Wensleydale and \Miarfedale. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Engl, and Wales.] A 47 R 28 Geology of the Country between Norhain and Tweed- mouth in Northumberland. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — • Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 3G , CLOUGH, C. T., and HILL, J. B. Geology of Cowal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Scotland.] A 47 U 1 GUNSAULUS, Re\-. Frank Wakeley. William Ewart Gladstone. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 24 S 12 GUNTHER, Dr. Albert, F.R.S. Descriptions of a new species of Delma from \^'estern Australia. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Feb., 1897.) E Report on a Collection of Fishes made by Dr. A. Donald' .son Smith during liis E.xpedition to Ijiike Rudolf- (Smith, Dr. A. Donaldson. — Through Unknown Afri" cai Countries.) ' D 20 U 21 Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 13 GUPPY, Dr. Henry Brougham. Observations on the recent Calcareous Fornuitions of the Solomon Group, made during 1882-84. (Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 32.) ' ■ E GURIGURI DUBU AI BAE ROAULAIA DOKO KOAULAIA DOKO [Prayer-book in the Papuan Language]. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1896. MG 2 P 57 GURLER, H. B. American Dairying: a Practical Treatise on Dairy-farming and the Management of Creameries. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1894. A 26 R 41 (JURNEY, I'lllint Henry. Explanation of some Scientific Terms met with in Agricultural Lilcrature. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Analyses of Connnercial Fertilizers olrtainable in New South Wales. [See Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.] ME 9 R Analyses of Fertilizers, 1899. [See Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.] ME 9 R Judging the Milling Qualities of Prize Wheats at Shows. [See Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.] ME 9 R Manure List for 1898. [See Agricult. (5az., N.S.W., 1898.] ME 9 R Milling Notes on the L.'imbrigg Harvest of 1897-98. [See Agricult. (iaz., N.S.W., 1899.] ME 9 R Milling Qualities of diilerent varieties of Wheat. [Se« Agricult. (;az., N.S.W., 1S96-97.] ME 9 R Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 269 GUHNEY, Knu'lia Russell [Mrs. U.] I)ant(;'s Pilgrim's Progress ; or, the Piissagi' of tlie hicsscd soul from tin; slavery of the present corruption to the liltorty of eternal gloiy. With Notes on the way. '2nd ed. Kvo Lond.", 1897. (J 2.S P 1 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS, King of Sweden, (iustavus Adolphus. [S«e Dodge, Lieut.-Col. T. A.] ]? 20 S U GUTHRTE, Charles John. History of the Reformation of Religion within the Realm of Scotland. [See Knox, J.] (i 215 T 8 GUTHRIE, Frederick Bickell. The Alworption of Water liy the Gluten of different Wheats. (x\gricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 189C.) ME 9 R The Absorption of Water by the Gluten of diti'erent Wheats. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 189G.) ME 1 R Agricultural Education. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Analyses of Prickly Pear. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Analyses of Fertilizers. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Analysis of Hay of Paspdlii/in lUlatatnni. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., "1890.) JNIE 9 R Chemical Nature of the Wines of New South Wales. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 189G.) ME 9 R Chemical Notes. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896-99.) ME 9 R Chemical Points in the Preparation of Insecticides and Fungicide.s. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Constitution of Wheat Gluten. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S. W., 1898.) " ME 9 R Edible Earth from Fiji. [_See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.] ME 1 R Fodder Value of Salt-bush. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Fodder Value of .some common Scrub Plants. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Formuhe for preparing Fertilizers. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ■ ME 9 R Imported Flour and Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 189G.) ME 9 K Inoculation of the Soil for Leguminous Crops. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME R 9 Intei'pretation of Analyses of Fodders and Feeding Stuffs. (Agricult. Gaz., N.s'w., 1899.) ME 9 R Manures and Manuring. (Farmer.s and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Milling Qualities of Wheats commonly grown in New South AVales. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R C)bject and Method of Soil-analysis. (Agricult. Gaz., iSf.S.W., 1897.) " ME 9 R The Soil. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' tJuide. ) M A 4 U 1 GUTHRIE, Frederick Bickell— cf/«gue of the Diatoniacea>, with references to the various jiulilishcd descriptions and figures. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1877. A 35 W 6 IIACKE, Capt. William. Collection of oi-iginal Voyages. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1699. 1)20S20 1. Capt. Cowley's Voy.age romiil the (ilnliu. 2. Capt. Sharp's .Iduiiicv over the Isthinti-s of Darien, and l*'x])eililiiiii into the South Seas ; wrilteii by himself. 3. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the Streights of Magellan. 4. Mr. IJobcrts's Adventures among the Cor.saiiH of the Levant ; his Aeeomil of llieir way of living, Dcsirip- tixi of tlie Aiohipehigo IshiniU, Taking of Scio, &.<; HACKEL, Prof. Eduard. The True Grasses. Translated from "Die Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien " l)y F. Lam- son Scribner and EtKe A. Southworth. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 T 19 HACKETT, Frank Warren. Sketch of the Life and Public Services of W. A. Richardson. [See Richardst)n, W. A.] C 27 S 2 HACKETT, J. W. Our Land Policy. (Melb. Rev., 2.) ME 18 Q Should Al)sentees he taxed? (Melb. Rev., 2.) ME 18 Q HADCOCK, A. G. Gunnery Tables. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Office.] A 36 W 7 HADDEN, J. Cuthbert. Life and Correspondence of George Tht)mson. [See Thomson, G.] C 25 Q 15 HADDOCK, Dr. Joseph W. Somnolism and Psyeheism ; f)r, the Science of the Soul and the Phenomena of Nervation, as revealed Ijy \''ital Magnetism or Mes- merism, considered physiologically and philosophically. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1851. G 19 T 6 HADDON, Prof. Alfred Cort. Evolution in Art, as illus- trated by the Life-histories of Designs. 12mo. Lend., 1895. A 23 R 46 Study of Man. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Progressive Science Ser.) A 27 Q 46 HADDON HALL LIBRARY. Our Gardens. [See Hole, S. R. , Ueaii. ] A 20 R 17 HADLEY, Prof. Arthur Twining, Economics : an Ac- count of the Relations between Private Propei-ty and Puljlic Welfare. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 12 T 7 Population and Cajiital. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 19 HADRIANUS, P. Aelius, Roman Emperor. The Em- peror Hadrian. [See G regoroviu.s, F.] B 34 R 17 HAECKEL, Ernst. The Last Link : Our Present Know- letlge of the Descent of Man ; with Notes and Bio- graphical Sketches by H. Gadow. 12ino. Lond., 1898. A 27 R 36 The Rid of the Speci- mens of Neuro])terous Insects in (he Collection of the Biitish Mu.seum. [See I5i-itish Museum. - Nat. Hist.] A 43 W 21 HAGEN, Dr. M. Die Geologischen Verhiiltnisse der Uni- gegeiid Nuruljergs. [Se^ Dittmai', F.] D 12 P 04 I Supplementary Ca talogue — 1896-1900. 271 HACUiARD, Frederick T. Half-rtii-li. Lond., 1897. ■ J 2.5 R .•59 King Solonuin'.s Mines. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 R r,8 8he. Newed. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 R .'JO Downfall of Lobengula. [See Wills, W. A.] B 36 R 13 HAGCJART, David, "The Switoher." Sketch of. [See Whibk-y, C.^-Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 HAGUE, Arnold. Presidential Address, Geological So- ciety of M'ashington. [&e Geological Soc. of Washing- ton.] E HAIG, Dr. xVlexander. Diet and Food considered in rela- tion to Strength and Power of Endurance, Training, and Athletics. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 33 Q 35 HAKJH, Arthur Elani. The Tragic Drama of the Greeks. Illustrated. 8vo. Oxford, 1896. H 9 T 16 HAILMANN, W. N. Education of Man. [See Froebel, F.] G 18 P 59 HAINES, Charles Regin.-dd. Islam as a Missionary lu;- ligion. 12mo. Loud., 1889. (i 4 V 2o HAINES, Flora E. A Keramic Study : a Chapter in the Histoiy of half a-dozen Dinner-plates. 12mo. Bamjor, Maine, 1895. A 23 y 55 HAINES, Henry S. American Railway Management : Addresses delivered before the American Railway Association, and Miscellaneons Addresses and Papers. Svo. New York, 1897. F 4 U 39 HAIR, John. Regent Square : Eighty Years of a London Congregation. Illust. 8\o. Lond., 1899. G 24 S 20 HAKE, Alfred Egmout, and WESSLAU, O. E. The Coming Indi\idualisni. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 1 R 22 HAKE, Dr. Thomas Gordon. Madeline, with other Poems and Parables. 8vo. Land., 1871. H 12 R 17 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 HAKLUYT, Richard, Principal Navigations, Voiages, Trallii|\cs, and ])iscoueries of the Englisli Nation, made by Sea or Ouer-land, to the remoti! and farthest distant (|uaileis of tlii^ Earth, at any time witliin the compasse of these 1,500 yeeret* ; cleuided into three .seuerall Nolumes, according to the positions of the regions whoreunto they are dii-ected. 3 vols. 4t(j. (FruiteAhy (rc.orfjc, lii^hnj), linlph Xi'irlit'ri'\ niid Riihirt Barker.) Lond.', 1598-1000. D 11 T 14-16 t HAKLUYT SOCIETY, The. Publications. Vol.s. 92-100. 9 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896-99. V. 9i^!)4. History and Description of Africa and of tlic notable thing.s tlierein eontained, writtt'U liy Al-Hassan ilm- Moliamiiicil al-^\'eza/. al-Fasi, a Moor, bajJtised a.'j Giovanni Leone, Imt liotlcr known as Leo Africanus. Done into Knglisli in tlic year HiOO )iy Jolni I'ory, and now edited by Dr. Roliert Brown. 1)5, ItK). Chronicle of the r)isco^ry and Conquest of (iuinea, written by Oonies Eannes de Azurara ; now first done into Knglisli by Charle.s Raynioml Heazley and Kdgar Piestage. Vol.s. 1,2, ehaps. I-!)?, witfi an Introduction on the Life and Writings of the Chronicler and the early History of African Exploration, Cartography, &c. 91), 97. Danish Arctic Expeditions, 10O.'5-2O, in two Bookc. Book 1. The Danish Expeditions to Oreenland in 160.J-7, to wliicli is added Capt. James Hall's Voyage to Oreenland in 1612. Book 2. The Expedition of Capt. Jens Munk to Hudson's Bay in search of a North-west Passage in 1019-20. Edited, with Notes and Introductions, by C. C. A. Gosch. 9o). The Clnistian Topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian Monk. Translated and edited l)y J. W. McCrindle. 99. Journal of the lirst Voyage of Vasco da Gania, 1497-99. Translated,, and edited with Notes, an Introduction, and Appeniliccs, by E. (f. Ravenstein. Publications. 2nd scr., Nos. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899-1900. E 1, 2. Embassy of Sir Tlionuus Roe to the Court of the (ireat Mogul, 161o~19, as narrated in his Journal and Corres- pondence. Edited bj- W. Foster. 3. Voyage of Robert Dudley, afterwards styled Earl of Warwick and Leicester and Duke of Northumberland, to the West Indies, ].'>94-9.'>, narrateil hy Capt. AA'yatt, liy himself, and l>y Abram Kendall. Pjlited l)y (ieorge F. Warner. 4. Journey of William of Rubruck to the Eastern parts of ^ the World, 12o3-5n, a,s narrated l)y himself ; -wWAx two Accounts of th(! Earlier .Journey of .John of Pian de Carpine. Translated, and edited with an Introductory Notice, by W. W. Rockhill. HAL, Edgar, and SIMPSON, E. S. The Russell Process of Silver Lixi\iation in Australia. (Aii.stralasiau Assoc, for Adv. of Science, Rept., 1898.) ME 18 S HALAYUDHA. Abhidhanaratnamala : a Sanskrit Vo- cabulary. Edited, with a Sanskrit-English (Jlossarv, by T. Aufrecht. 8vo. Lond., 1801. J 17 U 10 HALCOMBE, Charles J. H. The Mystic Flowery Land. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 17 T 26 HALDANE, Elizabeth S. Histoi-v of Philosojihy. [Set Hegel, (i. W. F.] " G 12 R 30, 31 James Frederick Ferrier. [See Ferrier, J. F.] C 20 V 17 272 Public Library of New South Wales. HALDANE, J. A\'. C. Railway Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 22 R .30 HALDANE, Richard Burden. Treati.se on the Law and Practice relating to Vendor.s and Purchasers of Real Estate. ISee Dart, J. H.] Fl U 12, 1.3 HALE, Rev. Edward Everett. Contemporary .Spain as shown by her Novelists. \_See Plummer, Mary Wright.]. B 16 P 19 History nf the Kansas Crusade. [See Thayer, E.] F 6 S 34 James Russell Lowell and his Friends. [See Lowell, J. R.] C 2.5 T 1 1 Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C. — American Writers of Tocky.] C22S19 HALE, Dr. Edwin Moses. Ilex casslne, the Altoriginal North American Tea. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Botany.] A 37 S 36 HALE, John P. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 HALE, Matthew. Matthew Hale's System l at Sea. (Pollard, A. F. - I'olitica) Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 Some Cautions for choice of Members of Parliament. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) 1'" 13 V 4 Life and Letters of, with a New Edition of his Works now for the first time coljectecl and revised ; by H. C. Foxcroft. AVith Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lrmd., 1898. C 2.5 R 7, 8 HALL, Prof. Asaph. Observations of Double Star.s made at the United States Naval Observatory, 1880-91. (U.S. Naval Observatory Observations, 1888.) E HALL, Bolton. E^iuitable Taxation. [See Weyl, W. E.] F 15S 27 HALL, Rev. E. Potter, and HAMILTON, John S. The Voice from the Rural Wilderness. (Reid, A. — The New Party.) F 15 P 29 HALL, E. Smith. Reply in refutation of the Pamphlets of Lieut. -Gen. R. Darling, late Governor of New South Wales, and Maj.-Gen. H. C. Darling, his brother, ad- dressed by them to J. Hume and Viscount Goderich. Contains specimen of the instrument of torture in- flicted on the persons of Josf»ph Sudds and Patrick Thompson, soldiers in the 57th Regiment, by order of Governor Darling, at Sydney, New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1833. MF 4 Q 57 HALL, Dr. Francis de Ha\illand, and others. Diseases of the Nose. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medieine.) A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Larynx. [See Semon, Sir F.] A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Pharynx. [See Semon, SirF.] A 26 T 37 HALL, Frederick S. Sympathetic Strikes and Sympathetic Lockouts. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 18 R 22 HALL, George Walter Lorenzo Marshall-. A Book of Canticles. 8vo. Melb., 1897. ]\1II 1 V 18 Hymn to Sydney. Sm. 4to. Melb., 1897. MH 1 T 23 To Irene. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 T 13 HALL, Hubert. The Anticjuities and Curiosities of the Excliec|uer : with a Preface by the Rt. Hon. Sir John Lubbock. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 S 32 The Red ]!ook of the Exche(iuer. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Chrons. and Memorials.] E HALL, J. Clarke. Mercantile Navy List. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Board of Trade.] E HALL, Capt. James. Voyage to Greenland in 1612. [See Hakluyt Soe. Pubs., 96.] E HALL, Rev. Newman. Newman Hall: an Autobiograjihy. With Portrait. 8vo. Lonil, 1898. C 22 T 18 HALL, Owen. After Kangaroos. (English Illustrated Magazine, Aug., 1897.) E HALL, Robert. Birds mwv to Sovitli western Australia. (Vict. Nat., Mar., 1899.) ME 6 P r.inls of the Box Hill District. (Vict. Nat., Oct., Nov., 1898, Feb., April, 1899.) ME 6 P Collection of Bird Skins fi-om Kalgoorlie. (Hoy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans., 1900.) " ME 1 S Key to tli(> P.irds of ,\uslralia and Tasmania, with their (ieographical Distiibution in Australia. 8vo. Melb., |S99. MA 4 tj 17 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 273 HALL, Robert — conld. ' Life-history of tlie Blue-])aiKled Grans Piirrakeet. (Vict. Nat., Oct., 1898.) ME G P Notes on the Bird Fauna of the Box Hill District. (Vict. Nat., Aug. and Sept., 1897, Jan. and March, 1898.) ME G P Occurrence in Victoria of a pliase of the sub-species Pardalotus assiinUis, llamsay. (Linnean 8oc., N.S. W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Plumage Changes of Pelroeca 2>h(enicca, Gould, PacJiy- cphahi (jHfluralis, Latliam, and Microeca fascinans, Latham. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1900.) ME 1 P HALL, Spencer Timothy. Life and Death in Ireland, as witnessed in 18i9. 12mo. Manchester, 1850. F 4 U 30 Mesmeric Experiences. 8vo. Load., 18-15. G 19 T 13 HALL, Thomas Sergeant. Catalogue of the Scientific and Technical Periodical Literature in tlie Libraries in Melbourne. 8vo. Melb., 1899. Cat. Room Examination of the Tasmanian Graptoiite Record. (Aus- tralasian A.ssoc. for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Graptolites of Coimaidai. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Ne\v Genu.s and new Species of Fisli from the Mesozoic Rocks of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P Occurrence of Graptolites in North-eastern Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P Occurrence of the Anchoring Tubes of Adeuna in tlie older Tertiaries of Victoria, witli an Account of their Structure. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P Stylasteridae from the Victorian Tertiaries. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Two new Victorian Paheozoic Sponges. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.) ME 1 P Victorian Graptolites. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897-98.) ME 1 P New Genus of Terrestrial Isopoda. [&« Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.] ME 1 P , and PRITCHARD, G. B. Contriliution to our knowledge of the Tertiaries in the neighljourhood of Melbourne. (Roy. Soc, A'ict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P Geology of the Lower !Moorabool. (Roy- Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Note on a tooth of Palorcliestes from Beaumaris. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Remarks on the proposed sub-division of the Eocene Rocks of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME I P HALL, Wilham Henry Bullock. Romans on the Ri\iera and the Rhone : a Sketch of the Conquest of Liguria and the Roman Province. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 30 U 22 2m HALL, Dr. William R. Moulding and Carving Porcelain Toetli. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 HALL'S MERCANTILE AGENCY. Business, Profes- sional, and Pastoral Directory of New South Wales. [See New South Wales Business, Professional, and Pastoral Directory.] ME 10 T Country Directory of New South Wales. [^See New South Wales Country Dii'ectory.] ME 10 T HALL'S MERCANTILE GAZETTE. Vols. 21-27, 1897-.June, 1900, and Index to vol. 26. 7 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1897-1900. ME 19 Q HALLACK, E. IL, "A Native." Our Townships, Farms, and Homesteads, Soutliei'n District of South Au.s- tralia. Svo. Adelaide, 1892. MD G Q 5 HALLAM, Arthur Henry. An Advocate of Alfred and Charles Tennyson. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 11 S 3 HALLAM, Henry. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.^English Prose.] J G Q 38* HALLAM, Thomas. Two Collections of Derbicisms con- taining Words and Phrases in a great measure peculiai' to the Natives and Inhalutants of the County of Derby. [See English Dialect Soc, Pubs., 78.] E HALLARD, James Henry. Gold and Silver : an Ele- mentary Treatise on Bi-metallism, Svo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 20 HALLE, Sir Charles. Life and Letters: being an Auto- biography (1819-60) with Correspondence and Diaries. Eilited by C. E. and Marie Halle. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 21 U 14 HALLE, John. An Historical Expostulation against tlie beastlye abusers, both of Chyrurgerie and Physyke, in oure tyme. \_See Percy Soc] H 11 S 13 HALLECK, Fitz-Greene. [Portraits and Sketch of.] {See Howe, M. A. De W. — American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 HALLECK, Reuben Post. The Education of the Central Nervous System : a Study of Foundations, especially of Sensory and Motor Training. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 26 S 41 HALLEY, Edmund. Description and Uses of a new ane Notices of Popular English Histories. [&« Percy Soc] ' ' ' H 11 S 2b First Sketches of 2n(l and 3rd pts. of King Henrv VI. {See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] ' H 3 U 20 First Sketch of Shakespeare's Merrv Wives of Windsor. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] " H 3 IT 11 Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of a ]Midsummer Night's Dream. [See Shakespeare Soo., Pubs.] H 3 U 31 Ludus CoventriiB. [See Shakespeare Soc., Pubs.] H 3 U 9 Marriage of Wit and Wisdom. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 35 The Moral Play of Wit and Sciences by John Retford, and early Poetical Miscellanies from an unpublished MS. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 40 Remarks of Karl Simrock on the Plots of Shakespeare's Plays. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 45 Shakespeare's Play of King Henry IV ; printed from a contemporarv MS. \See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 32 Tarlton's Jests and News out of Purgatory, with Notes and some Account of the Life of Tarltou. [&c Shake- speare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 25 JL\.l,LOi;AN, Henry. In ^Icniurla i closing the New South Wales International Exliiliitidii of 1879. 12nio. Sydney, 1880. MH 1 V 29 Prize Poems on the International Exhibition of New South Wales, 1S79. 12mo. Sydney, 1879. MH 1 V 29 HALPERINE KAMTNSKY, E. T.mrguJneff and his {•"leiicii Circle. [See Tourgueneff, I. S ] C 23 S 15 1 1 .\ LI'IN, Rev. N. J. Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer Niglit's Dream. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] II 3 U 21 llAl.l'IN'K, Charles (Jraham, '• .Miles ORciily." Poetical Works; witli a Biographical Sketc^h and I'^xjilanatory Notes, edited by R. B. Ro.wvch. With Portrait. «vo. Now York, 1809. i I 1 -J T 9 HAM, Charles Henry. ^Manual Training : the Solution of Social and Industrial Problems. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1886. G 24 P 19 HAM, Thomas. Key to Ham's Scpuitting Map. [See Sqnattcrs' Director i/.] MD 4 P 32* H AMBURG— N ATU R H I S T O R I S CHES xMUSEUM. Mitteilungen, 1894. Roy. 8vo. Hamburg, 1895. E HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert. An Autobiography, 1831- 58, and a Memoir by his wife, 1858-64. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 V 22 The Mount : Nyrrative of a Visit to the site of a Gaulish City on Mt. Beuvray, with a Description of the neigh- bouring City of Autun. Witli Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1897. " J 23 S 17 A Painter's Camp in the Highlands, and Thoughts about Art. 2 vols. 8vo. Camlx, 1862. D'21 R 4, 5 1. The Camp. 2. Tliought.s aliout Art. The Quest of Happiness. 12mo. Boston, 1897. G 23 P 6 HAMILTON, A. List of Recent and Fossil Bryozoa collected in various parts of N('w Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Notes from Murihiku. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Notes on a specimen f)f Euryapteryx from St)uthland (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) . ME 2 S Proposal for a Bureau of Ethnology in Australasia. (Australasian Assoc for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Rock Photographs in South Canterbury. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ' ME 2 S HAMILTON, Alexander. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to H(unes of American Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 HAMILTON, Alexander (!. Fertilisation of some Aus- tralian and other Plants. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Fertilisation of Eitpomatia laurina, It. I'.r. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Flora of Mt. Wil.son. (Liniuvui Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Methods of Fertilization of .some Australian Plants. (Australasian As.soc. for AdvanceuH-nt of Science, Re- port, 1899.) Mi: IS S Notes on the methods of Fei-tilisation of the tiuodeiiiacea\ (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P On Doniatia in certain Australian and other Plants. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1.S96.) .ME 2 P H .\ M I I ,T( )N, Annie Ili.story of the City of Rome in tbe M iddle Ages. [See Gregorovius, F.] B 28 S 4 U Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 275 HAMILTON, Augustus. The Art "Workinanship of the ;\r:iori Ram in Now /eiiland : a sprics of [Uustrations from specially taken Pliotograplis, with Descriptive Notes and Essays on the Canoes, Habitations, Weapons, Ornan.ieiits, and Dress of the Maoris, to- getlier with Lists of the Words in the Maori Language used in relation to the subjects. Pts. 1, 2. 4to. Dune- din, 189G-97. MA 1 P 40 t HAMILTON, C. D. P. Modern Scientific Whist: the Principles of the Modern Game analyzed and extended. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 29 R 38 HAMILTON, Charles. The Hedaya. [See Hedaya, The.] G 25 U 9 HAMILTON, Edward R., and EAGLESON, J. G. Law and Practice of Banking in Australia and New Zea- land. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MF 3 T 62 HAMILTON, E.lward Blayney. Dr. Hoarn on Juris- prudence and Codification. (Mellj. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q Promoters of Companies. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q HAMILTON, Sir Edward Walter. iSIr. Gladstone. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 26 P 9 HAINIILTON, Emma, Lady. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson : an Historical Biography, based on Letters and other Documents in the Morrison Collection. New ed. 8vo. Loud., 1897. C 23 R 2 HAMILTON, F. J. The Syriac Chronicle, known as that of Zachariah of Mitylenc. [See Zachariah of Mitylene.] G 24 V 37 HAMILTON, Hans Claude. Chronicon domini Waltcri de Hemingburgh. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 25, 26 Historia Rerum Anglicarum Willelmi Parvi. [See Eng- lish Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 28, 29 HAMILTON, J. Angus. The Siege of Mafeking. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 Q 21 HAMILTON, Prof. J. Taylor. History of the ]\Ioravian Church in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1895. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 15 HAMILTON, Dr. John B. Scurvy. (Hare, Dr. H. A.~- System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 HAMILTON, John S. The Voice from the Rural Wilder- ness. [See Hall, Rev. E. P.] F 15 P 29 HAiMILTON, Adm. Sir Richard Vesey. Naval Adminis- tration : the Construction, Character, and Fun -tions of the Board of AdmiraVoy, and of the Civil Depai-tments it directs. lUust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 23 Life and Letters of Admirtil of the Fieet, Sir T. Byam Martin. [See Navy Records Soc, Pubs., 12.] E [Portrait and Sketch of] Lord Rodnev. [See Rodney, G. B., Lord.] " C 25 T 7 [Portrait and Sketch of] Viscount Hood. [See Hood, Viscount.] C 25 T 7 HAMILTON, Rev. Robert. Australian Traditions. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., July, 1885.) E HAMILTON, Sir Robert (Jeorge Crookshank, Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of, [See Bcattie, J. W.] MA 1 1 P 33 r II.VMTLTON, Roland. M^.ney and A'alue : an Enquiry into the Means and Ends of Ecimoniic Production ; with an Appendix on the Depreciation of Silver and Indian Currency. 8vo. Lniicl., 1878. !•' 7 Ci 1 HAMILTON, Thomas. [Life of.] [See Douglas. Sir G.— The Blackwood Group.] C 20 U 24 HAxMILTON, Rev. W. Practical Discourses, intended for circulation in the interior of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1843, MG 2 S 27 HAMILTON, Walter. Dated Book-plates, with a Treatise on their Origin and Development. 4to. Lond., 1895- 96. J 8 V 25 The Esthetic Movement in England. 8vo. Lond., 1882. G 17 R 40 HAMILTON, Sir William. [Criticism of th.- Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— Engli.sh Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Philosophy of. [See Mansel, Prof. H. L. — Philosophy of the Conditioned.] G 14 S 23 Philosophy of. [See ilartineau, Rev. James. — Essays, Re\iews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 Woi ks of Dugald Stewart. [See Stewart, D.] G 1 6 V 1-7 HAMILTON, William Jerome. New Method fy Hermione Ramsden. 8vo. Lond,, 1899. J 21 R 38 HAPGOOD, Isabel F. Evolution of France under the third Republic. [See Couljertin, Baron Pieri'C! de.] B 2G U 13 Lcs Miserables. [See Hugo, V. M.] J 22 S 15 HAPGOOD, Norman. Literary Statesmen and others. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 Q 26 HARBOTTLE, Thomas Benfi(^ld. Dictionary of Quota- tions (Classical). 8vo. Lond., 1897. " K 19 Q 45 HARBUTT, William. Harbutt's Plastic Method and the use of Plasticine in the Arts of Writing, Drawing, and Modelling in Educatiiinal Work. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 R 1 HARCOURT, Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon-. Lawlessness in the National Church. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 5 P 30 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. II. S.^Personal Force.? cf the Period.] C 23 T 3 HARD UF: Journal of the ITnem ployed. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-6, Feb. -April, 1896. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1896. [AH published.] MF5V7 HARDAWAY, Dr. W. A. Inflannnations of the Skin. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 HARDEN, Arthur. Dalton's Atomic Theory. [Set Roscoe, H. E.] A 21 T 37 HARDENBERG, Friedrich von, "Novalis." [Tran.sla- tionsfrom.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.] H 11 T 3 HARDIE, James Keir. The Independent Labour Partj'. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 39 HyVRDIN, L. S. The Dairy Calf : Breeding and Raising. Illustrated. 8\-o. Louisville, 1.897. " A 18 R 47 HARDIN, Willett L. Physico-Chemical Methods. [See Traube, Dr. J.] " A 38 T 17 HARDING, C. W. Molluscs, Mussels, Whelks, kc, used for Food or Bait. (Intornat. Fisheries Exliib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 6 HARDING, Emily J. Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants. [See Chodsko, A.] " J 8 T 39 HARDING, Georgina. The Child of Pleasure. [See Annunzio, G. d'.] J 23 T 9 The Triumph of Death. [See Annunzio, G. d'.] J 23 T 8 HARDING, J,.hn W. Memoirs of V. M. Hugo. [See Hugo, V. M.] C 27 S 5 27S Public Lih'ciry of Neio South Wales. HARDING, R. R. Cause of Decay in Plants, and the reiuedy to give to them new life. (Queensland Aa;ricult. Journ., Nov., 1899.) ME 9 U Licjuid Manure. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Julv, 1898.) ME 9 \] Tree-guards for streets or private places. (Queensland Agiicult. Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 U Yuccas and Agave*. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ■" ME 9 U HARDING, Robert CoupUind. Kerns and Serifs. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 189G.) ME 2 S :\rarsh Lights. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1S97.) ME 2 S HARDING, Prof. Samuel Bannister. Contest over the Ratitication of the Federal Constitution in the State of Massachusetts. 8vo. New York, 1896. (Harvard Historical Studies.) F 3 T 20 HARDINGE, E. Mesmerism ; written liy an Engli.sh .Medium while under Spiritual Influence. 8vo. Lond., 1853. G 19 T 3 HARDMAN, Edward T. Geology of portions of the Counties of Carlow, Wexford, and Wicklow. [&« Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 22 HARDWICH, Rev. Thomas Frederick. Manual of Plioto- graphic Chemistry. 12mo. Lond., 1883. A 23 P 23 HARDY, Caleb. The Decimal Classification of Dewey. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) J] J 2 P 32 > The Dewev Cla.ssification. (Lib. Assoc, of -Vustralasia, Proc, 1898.) IMJ 2 V 1 HARDY, Rev. E. J. j\Ir. Thomas Atkins. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 P 15 HARDY, Norman H. The Boomerang and its Flights. iSee Wide World Mag., Feb., 1899.'] E HARDY, Thomas. Far from the Madding Crowd. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " J 25 V 9 Jude the Obscure. 8vo. Lend., 1896. J 25 V 10 A Laodicean. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 11 Life's Little Ironies : a Set f>f Tales, with some Colloquial Sketches entitled a few Crusted Ciiaracters. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 12 The Return of the Native. 8vo. Lmd., IS'.Jo. J 25 V 13 Tess of the D'Urbervilles. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 V 1-1 Under tlie Greenwood Tree. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 15 Wessox Poem.s, and other Verses. Illustrated. 8\-o. Lond., 1898. H 12 T 5 Wessex Tales : An liuaginati\e Woman ; The Three Strangers ; The Withered Arjn ; ]i"cliow-town.sn)cn ; Interlopers at the Knap; and Tlie Distracted Preacher. Svo. L. Jlai- forcl-.] HAUC.ilTT, Edward. CaUiluguo of the Picaiia' iu the CoUectiDU of the British Museum. {_See British ISIu- seuin.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 18 IIARGRAVE, Lawrence. Aeronautics. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Juurn., 1898.) ME 1 R The Cellular Kite. (Roy. ,S(.c., N.S.AV., Journ., 189G.) ME 1 R The Possibility of So:iriiig in llori/.(j]ital Wind. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897,) ME 1 R Sailini; Birds dependent on Wave-jiower. (Roy. Soe., N.8.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Soaring Maeliines. (Rov. Soe., N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R HARGREAVE8, John. Nelson's Friend-sliips. [See Ncl- .son, Viscount.] C 27 S 21, 22 ILVRKER, G. Coiiipositiou of New South Wales Labra- dorite and Topazes, witli a couiparison vi methods for the estimation of Fluorine. (R'O'- Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R HARKN1<;SS, Brof. James, and aiORLEY, Prof. F. Tn- truductiou to the Theory of Analytic Functions. 8\ o. Bond., 1898. A 25 T 20 HARLAN, Dr. A. W. Calcareous Deposits on the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 HARLAN i>, Mrs Henry. Farewell, Love. [See Scar- foglio, Signora.] J 23 U 17 "HARLAND, l\Iai-ion." [Sec T.^rhune, Mary Viiginia.] HARLEIAN SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 40-14, 46. C, \(,ls. roy. 8vo. Lond., 189.5-99. E 40. FamiliiL' Mhionuu (Icntiiuii. Pihgcutia .J(i.sc|ilii Hunter. Vol. 4. 41. The Visitaliini uf Cambridge, niaile iu 1575, continued and enlarged with the Visitation of tlie same county made by Hciuy St. (Jeorge in 1619, with many other descents added thereto. Kdited by J. W. Clay. 4-2. Vtsitation of Kent, 1610-21. 43. Visitations of the County of Surrev made and taken in the years 1530, 157-2, and 16'23." Edited by \\-. 1!. Banr.erman. 4^1, 46. 0'i)ituar\- prior to 1800 (as far as relates to England, Scotland, and Ii-eland) ; compiled by Sir W. Musgrave, and entitled by him "A (Jeneral Nomenclator and Obituary, with reference to the books where the per- .sons arc mentioned, and where some account of their character is to be found." Edited by Sir (I. .T. Army- lagc. Vols. 1, 3. HARLEIAN SOCIETY— con^/. Registers. Vols. 21-26. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895- 99. E •21. The Registers of Christ Church, Newgate, 1538-1754. Edited by W. A. Littlcdale. 22, 24. Register Uook of Marriages belonging to the Parish of 8t. (Jeorge, Hanover Siiu.arc, in the County of Middlesex. Vols. 3, 4, 1810 37. Edited by Sir C. J. Armyt.age. 23. The Baptismal, Marriage, and Burial Registers of the Cathedral Clinrch of ('liri.EY, Lewis R. Francis Lieber : his Life and Politi cal Philosophy. [See Lieber, F.] C 27 T 4 HARLTN, Thomas. |Critici.sm on] Prof. Pearson's Re- port ou the State of Public Education in Victoria. (Jlelbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q II ARM Eli, Sidney Frederic. Polyzua. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 UARMSWOimi MOXTIILY riCTOUIAL MAGA- ZINE, The. Vols. 1-4, duly, 1898-Julv, 1900. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898-1900. " E HARNACK, Rev. Adolf. History of Dogma. Trans- lated from the German by Neil Buchanan, James Millar, E. B. Speirs, and AV. M'(iilchrist. Vols. 1-7. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-99. G 23 S 36-42 Monasticism : its Ideals and its History. Translated bv Rev. C. R. tiillett. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 19 U 7 Sources of the Apostolic Canons, with a Treatise on the origin of the Readership and other lower orders. Translated by L. A. Wheatlcy ; with an Introductory Essay on the Organization of the Early Church and the Evolution of the Reader by Rev. John Owen. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " G 25 U 7 Thoughts on the Present Position of Protestantism. Translated by T. B. Saunders. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 9 HARPER, Andrew. The Sunday Question. (Melbourne Review, 8.) " ME 18 Q HARPER, Arthur P. Pioneer Work in the Alps of New Zealaml : a Record of the first Exploration of the chief (ilaciers and Ranges of the Southern Alps. 1 lliistr.it ed. Svo. Lond., 1896. :\[D 8 R 44 280 JPublic Lihrm^y of New South Wales. HARPER, Charles G. Tlie Bath Road : History, Fashion, and Frivolity on an Old Highway. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' B 3.3 S 12 Tlie Exeter Road : Story of the "West of England High- way. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. ' B 33 S"u Practical Hand-book of Drawing for Modern Mcthcds of Reproduction. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 2.5 T 9 HARPER, J. Wikou. Jloney and Social Prohlems. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. ■ F 13 U 7 HARPER, Robert. Elementary Agricultural Education. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) '" ME 9 R HARPER, Walter R. Description of certain objects of unknown significance formerly used by some New South Wales Tribes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Maori and Moriori Crania. (Roj'. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q Measurements of the Tasmanian Crania contained in the Tasmania!! Museum. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q Results of an Exploration of Aboriginal Rock-shelters at Port Hacking. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P lIAlil'EUS ]iAZAR. Vols. 28-32, 1895-99. lllustra':ed. 5 vols. fol. New Yolk, 189.")-99. E HARPER'S BOOK OF FACTS. \_Sce WiUsey, J. H.] k 17 S 22 HARPER'S CHICAGO AND THE WORLD'S FAIR. [&e Ralph, J.] I)13S5 HARPER'S DICTIONARY of CLASSICAL LITERA- TURE AND ANTIQUITIES. [See Peck, Prof. H. T.] K 15 U 23 IIARPEKS NEW MOXTULY .MACAZIXE [formerly Ifarpnr's Monthly Ma(jazinr\ Vols. 1-100, June, 18r)0-May, 1900," and Index to vols. 1-85, June, 1850- Nov., 1892 101 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1850-99. E HARPER'S POPULAR CYCLOPEDIA OF UNITED STATES HISTOBY. [S«Lossing, P,..I.]B 1 7 U 1 1, 12 IIARJ'ER'S ROUXD TABLE [fornipilv Ihirprr's Yomu/ rnople]. Vols. 15, IG, Nov., 1893 Oct., 1895. lilui- trated. 2 vols. 4to. New York, 1893-95. E HARPER'S SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS. Funilamentiil Law."* of Kltjctrnlvtic Cnncliiclion. [St/ ( iood- wiii, JI. M.l " A 14 (J lit LawH of Gases. [See. liiiylc, K.] A 2r> T 12 Modern Theory of Solution. [See Jones, If. ('.] A 44 Q 21 I'risinatic ami l)il!'raclion Spi^ctia. [Sec Ames, Prof. J. 8.1 A 44 Q '20 Rfintgen Flays. [See Barker, I'rof. (!. 1''. ] A II Q 22 Second Ijxv/ of Thcrmodynainica. [See Magic, I'luf. \V. F.] A 4 1 (,l IS HARPERS WEEKLY. Vols. 1-24, 27, 29-42, 1857- 80, 1883, 1885-98. Illustrated. 39 vols. fol. New York, 1857-98. E HARPER'S YOUXG PEOPLE. \_See Harpers Round Table.] HARR ADEN, Beatrice. My Literary Life. [See Linton, Eliza.] C 20 S 22 HARRIGAN, Edward. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [-See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23Q6 HARRINGTON, Bernard James. New Alkali Hornblende and a Titaniferous Andradite from the Nepheline- Syenite of Dungannon. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Chemistry and Mineralogy.] A "40 S 22 HARRINGTON, :\rark W. Meteorological Work for Agricultural Institutions. [See United States. — Dept. of "Agricult.— Office of Experiment Stns.] A 19 V 30 Notes on the Climate and Meteorology of Death Valley, California. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 29 HARRINGTON SERIES. Chemistry of Pliotograiihy. [.S'ee Steel, T.] MA 4 P 12 Making Ready and Printing of Process ]51oeks. [Sec Moerch, J. (;.] MA 4 P 12 HARRIS, Dr. Chapin A., and GORGAS, Dr. Ferdinand J. S. Dictionai-y of Dental Science, and such Words and Phrases of the collateral Sciences as pertain to the Art and Practice of Dentistry. 5th cd. 8vo. Philad., 1891. A 32 S 25 HARRIS, Edward. De Benedicta Incarnacione. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 21 HARRIS, Prof. George Mond E\olution. 8vo. Boston, 1896. ' G 14 S 27 HARBIS, (Jporge F. Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, British Museum. [See I'.ritish Museum. -Nat. Hist.] A 43 S 1 HARRIS, Prof. James ReniU'I. Homeric Ccntones and the Acts of Pilate Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 V 7 Armenia and Euro))o. [See Lopsius, ]^r. J.] B 28 R 8 The Teaching of tlie Apostles. [See Bibles and Testa- iiK^nts.— Codices.] G 23 V 29 , and Helen B. Ijclters from Scenes of recent Mas.sacres in Arnieuia. 8\-o. Lond., 1897. D 17 R 24 HARRIS, Joseph. Talks on Manures: aseriesof li'amiliai ;ui(l I'raclical Tall;s between the Author and the Deacon, the J )r., and other neighbours on the whole subject of Manures and Fertilizers. New ed. 8vo. New Yoi-k, 18<»i;. A 19 R 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 281 HARllIS, Walter B. From Tiaimn to Biighdud. Tllus- tnited. 8vo. Edinh., 1IS96. 1) 17 S 16 Land of an African Sultan : Travels in iMoroi-eo, 1887- 89. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.,1 88'J. 1) It PIT) Talilet : tiic Narrative of a Journey of Exjiloration in tlio Atlas Mountains and the Oasos of the N.W. Sahara. 8vo. Ediiib., 1895. DMSu'.'i HARRIS, Caj)t. William C'ornwallis. Portrails of the (Jamc and WiM Aiiiiiiuls of Souilirni Africa. Eol. Lund., 1810. A 10 P 28 ; HARRIS, William Torrey. Psychologic Foundations of Education : an attempt to show the gonesLs of the higher faculties of the mind. 8vo. New York, 1898. (Internat. Education Ser.) (1 18 Q 12 The Science of Ethics. [5« Ficlitc, J. G.] GllS HARRISON, Benjamin. The Constitution and Adminis- tration of the United States of America. 8\-o. Lond., 1897. F 15 R 10 HARRISON, Clill'ord. Reading and Readers. 12mo. Lond.. 1898. ' J 23 P 3 HARRISON, Frederic. Byzantine History in the Earlv Middle Ages. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Rode Lectures.") ]'. 28 T 19 Studies in Early Victorian Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 8 T 37 Tennyson, Raskin, Mill, and other Lilerarv Estimates. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " J 20 R 29 Alfred thet4reat as King. [-SWAUVed the Great.] C 20 S 19 William the Silent. [_See William I, King of the Nether- lands.] C 23 8 8 HARRISON, Jane Ellen. Mythology and Moiniments of Ancient Atliens. [See Pausanias.] B 27 Q 1 7 HARRISON, Malcolm. Tasmanian Birds. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q HARRISON, Thomas. Scientific (iossip. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q HARRISON, Rev. W. A. Richard IT. [See Shake- speare, W.] II 11 V 21, 26 HARRISON, William Henry. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics,] F 10 V 1 HARRISON, Wilmof. Tliomas Moore Anecdotes. [See Moore, T.] C 19 T 25 HARRISSE, Henry. The Diplomatic History of America : its first Chapter, 1152-91. W itli Map. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 37 John Cal)(jt, the Discoverer of Nortli .\iiierica, and Sebastian his son : a Ciiapter of the Mai-itime History of England under the Tudors, 1490-1557. 8vo. Lend., 1890. D 15 T 15 HARROD, H. D. Creation (.f a Uuilding Fund. (Internat. Health E.xhib.— Health E.xhib. Lit.) A II U 18 HARROWBY, Dudley, Earl of. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 1 HARRY, Thomas. Some Failures of Democracy. Sm. 4to. Adelaide, 1893. MF I P IS HART, Prof. Allieit Bushnell. American History, told by Contemporaries. Vols. 1,2. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1897-98. B 19 V 3, i 1. Era of Colonization, 1402-1080. ■2. Building of tliu Repulilie, KWO i7S;!. The Underground Railroad from Sla\'erv to Freedom. [See Siebert, Prof. W. II.] ' F 10 Q 14 The Veto Power : its ( 'rigin, Development, and Function in the Goverinnent of the United States. [See Mason, E. C] F 15 V 1 HART, Alice Marion [Mrs. Ernest]. l'ictures<|ue Buiina, Past arul Present. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' D 20 U 22 HART, Dr. Ernest. Hypnotism, Mesmerism, and the New Witchcraft. Illust." 8vo. Lend., 1896. G 14 S 35 Smoke Abatement. (Internat. Health Exliib. — Health E.xhil). Literature.) A 41 U 19 Vaccinia. [See Acland, Dr. T. D.] A 20 T 35 , and SMITH, Dr. Solomon Charles. Cholera Asiatica. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Meilicine.) A 20 T 34 HART, Francis. Western Australia in 1891. Illu.strated. 8vo. Perth, 1892. MD 8 S 7 HART, Lieut.-Gen. Henry (Jeorge. Annual Army List, 1859-1900. 42 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1859-1900. E HART, Rev. Henry Marty n. The World of the Sea- [See Tandon, Moiiuin.] " A 24 S 21 HART, John W. External Plumbing Work : a Treatise on Lead Work for Roofs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 45 U 12 Hints to Plumbers on Joint 'Wiping, Pipe Bending, and Lead Burning. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 45 U II 282 I'lihlic Library of New South Jf'alcs. HART, Brig.-Gen. Sir llegiiiald Clare. The 2iicl Battalion Derbyshire Rei'imont in Tirali. [See Slessor, Capt. A. K.] B 31 R 13 HARTE. Bret [in full Francis Bret]. Complete Works. Vols. 1-9. OvokSvo. Lond., 1880-9G. J 9 U 24-32 Choice Works in Prose and Ver.sc. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S9S. J 9 R 1 The Luck of Roaring Caniji, and olhei- Sketches. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1S9S. J 25 Q 19 A Sapphi) of Green Springs, and olher Tales. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 2.5 R 41 Some later Verses. 8v<.. Lond., 189S. II 11 R 24 Stories iu Light and Shadow. 8vo. Lontl, 1898. -J 25 V 18 Three Partners : or, the Big Strike on Heavy Tree Hill. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " J 25 II 40 Bret Harte in relation to Modern Fiction. [See Mel- bourne Rcxiew, 2.] ME 18 Q Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C. — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 HARTERT, Ernst. Birds collected by Dr. Ansorge d iring his recent stay in Africa. (Ansorge, Dr. W. J. — Under the African Sun.) ' D 19 V 21 Catalogue of Picarise in CoUectidii of Biitisli jMuseinn. [SM^British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 16 HARTING, James Edmund, Our Summer Aligriuits : an Account of the ^ligralory Birds which pass the Sum- mer in the British Islands. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 27 S 11 HARTLAND, Edwin Sidney. Thi- Legend of Per.seus : a Study of Tradition in Storv, Custom, and Belief. Vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1890. ' B 36 P 8 3. Aiulroiiieda. Medusa. ilAKTLE^', I>a\id. Coll jecturii' (|ua Sensu, ISIotu, ot ble.iruin (ieneratione. [Sec Metaphvsica! Tracts.] G 24 U 29 HARTGG, Prof. :\larcus. Rotifer.s. 8vo. Lond., 189G. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 IIAK'ISHLL, Dr. .MiiUm I'.. Xeurnses and Parasites of the Skin. (Haiv, Ih. II. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 HARTSHORN, T. C. Animal MagnetLsm. [See Dejeuze, J. P. v.] (! 19 T 7 IL\I!T\V|;LI., Dr. Edward Mus.sey. (ieneral E.xercise. (Hare, T)i-. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 1 I lii.se of (.''>lli'.;e (iyninasiums in (hi^ L'liited State.-, (in ternat. JbMlili E.xhib - llr;dih Ex. Lit.) A 41 A' 9 HARTWRIGHT, Henry. Story of the Hou.sc of Lan- caster. 8vo. Lmd", 1897. I! 17 R 50 HARVARD HISTORICAL MONOCJRAPHS. The Veto Tower. [See. Mason, K. C] V lo V 1 HAltV.Mil) HISTORICAL STUDIES. bibliography of British Miiiiieipal Hi.-itorv. [.S'ee (irosi?, C. J " F 3 T 23 Contest over the Ratification of the Federal (!onstitutioii in the State of Mas.sachusetts. [See Harding, Prof. 8. B.] F 3 r -M The Countv Palatine of Durham. [See Lapslov, (!. T.J F 3 T -M Critical Stu. 13. pt. 1. Mienmielrie Measurements, 18l>() 81. 2. ZiMie Oliservatiuns made with tlie Transit Wedge Pliotoiiieter, 1882 8(). J.'i, pt. I. C.italogne of 1,213 Stai's, 1870 !'■>. ■2. Catalogue of S,()27 Stars, INTO 84. Supp Icmeniuri) Catalog ue — 1 890-1 900. 283 HARVARD UNIVERSIIY ASTRONOMICAL OB- S 1-: R V ATOR Y— con<(?. Annals — could. l(i. 01)sei-valions of FiiiiiliiiienlHi SUus, 1870 S(!. 17. Till' Almui'anlar. IS, jjt. 1. Magnitudes of Stars enijiloyed in varimis Nautirr.l Almanacs. 2. Discussion of the Uranr.nietria O.'Coiiicn.si.i. 3. Photometric Observations of Asteroids. 4. Total Eclipse of the Moon, Jan. "iStli, 1S8S. 5. Total Eclipse of the Sun, Aug. 29th, 1880. 6. Detection of new NebuUo by photogi-aphy. 7. Photographic Determination of the brightness of the Stars. 8. Index to Observations cf Variable Stars. 9. Meridian-Circle Oliservations of Close Polar Stars. 10. Meridian-Circle Observations of Stars near the South Pole. 19, pi. 1. Meteorological Observations, 1840-88. "i. Researches on the Zodiacal Light, and on a Photo- graphic Determination of the Atmospheric Ali- sorption. 20. Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Ob- servatory, Massachusetts, 1887-88. 21, pt. I. Observations of the Nov.' England Meteorological Society, 188S. 2. Investigations of the New ICngland Meteorological Society, 1889. 22. Meteorological Observatitins made on the Summit nf Pike's Peak, Colorado, 1874-88. 2."). Comparison of Positions of Stars, 1870-84. 20, pt. 2. Miscellaneous Investigations of the Henry Draper Memorial. 2S, pt. 1. Spectra of Bright Stars pliotograplied with the 11 -inch Draper Telescope. 29. Miscellaneous Researches, 1883-93. 30. Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteoi'ological Ob- scrvator}-, Massachusetts, 1889-90. 31. Investigations of the New England Meteorological So- ciety, 1890-91. 32. pt. 2. Visual Observations of the Moon and Planets; Iiv Prof. W. H. Pickering. 33. Miscellaneous Researches, 1894-99. 34. Catalogue of 7,922 Southern Stars observed with the Meridian Pliotometer, 1889-91. 3o, 30. Journal of the Zone Observations of Stars, 1870-83. 40. Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Ob- servatory, Massachusetts, 1891-95. 41. Observations of the New England Weather Service, 1892-95. 42. pt. 1. Observations made at the Blue Hill .Meteorological Observatory. Massachusetts, 1896. 44, pt. 1. Photometric Revision of the Harvard Photcmictrv, 1891-94; by E. C. Pickering. ^\niiu.al Rpport of the Director of the Astrononiioiil Ob- .servixtorv of Harvard College, 1891, 1898 99. 3 vols. 8v(). Ckmb., 189^-99. E History of the Harvard College Observatory, 1840-93. (Harvard Univ. Ast. Ob.— Misc. Papers.)" A 37 T G Miscellaneous Papers, 1888-95. Illu.strated. 8vo. Camb., 1896. A 37 T 6 Miscellaneous Quarto Publications, 1877-90, with a List of the published references to the work of the Blue Hill Observatory, 1885-9."). 4to. Camb., 189G. A 18 Q -23 t H APiVEY, John Mu.sgrave. Service of Equitable Process : being the Service of Equitable Process Act of 1897, and the Rules of Court made thei-eunder ; with Ex- planatory Notes and Index. S\(). Svdney, 1898. 'M I'^ n q 1 .-. HARVEY, Rev. M. Newfoundland in 1897. Illustrated. 8vo. Lmd., 1897. D IG R 8 HARVEY, Rev. li. The iMre of Love, and the Mending of Life ; or, the Itule of Living. [See Early English 'IVxt Society.] E HARVEY, William. Scottish Life and Character in Anecdote and Story. With Portrait. 8vo. Stirling, 1899. ■ J 23 S -28 Robert Burns in Stirlingshire. [See Burns, R.] C 27 S 6 HARVEY, Dr. William. [Life of]; by D'Arcy Power. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Masters of Medicine.) C23R11 HARVEY, William Frederick. Practical Spanish Manual : containin.g Grannnar, Exercises, Reading-lessons, &c. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 12 P 41 HARVEY, Dr. William Henry. Nereis Boreali-Ameri- cana; or. Contributions to a History of the Marine Algai of North America. Pts. 1-3. With Plates. 3 vols. 4to. Wa,sh., 18.51-57. A 17 T 9-10* t HARVEY, William Hope. Coin's Financial School. 8vo. Chicago (n.d.) F 10 A' 25 A Tale of Two Nati. ,ns. 8 vo. Chicago, 1894. J 1 4 T 1 1 H AR W( )0D, Henry. The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1897, and its application to Coijperators and CoiJpera- tivc Societies. 12nK). Manchester, 1898. F 16 S 14 HASELHOFF, Dr. E., and BREME, H. Die Haideboden Westfalens. Heft 1. 8vo. Berlin, 1899. [Bound with Prus.^ia — Protokoll der 41 Sitzung der Central- Mo(!r-Ce>mnuss:on, 1S9S.] E HASLUCK, Paul N. Anr.iteur Mechanic-^. [See Amateur Mechanics.] A 34 V 1, 2 H ASS ALL, Arthur. The Balance of Power, 1715-89. Svo. Lond., 189G. (Periods of European History.) B 16 R 36 Hand-book of European History, 476-1871, chronologi- cally arranged. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 8 HASSALL, Arthur Hill. History of the British Fresh- water Algje, including Descriptions of the Desmidea; and Diatoniacea\ Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857. A 20 T 25, 26 HASSE, Adelaide R. Reports of Explorations printed in the documents of the United States Government. [See United States.— Go\t. Printing Office.] D 22 U 7 284 Public Library of New Soitth Wales. HASTTXCiS. L:ulv Flmu. Pooiiis. ^vo. Edinli., IS-ll. II 3 S 41 IlASTriNGS, George Woodyatt. Is it desirable that Ndtitication of Infectious Disease should be obligatory? (Internat. Health Ex.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 18 H ASTINQS, Rev. James, and SELBIE, John A. Diction- ary of the Bible, dealing with its Language, Literature, and contents, including the Bil)lical Theology. Vols. 1-3. 3 yols.imp.Sy,). Edinb., 1898-1900. O 8 8 19-21 1 HASTINXJS, Warren. [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men ^vho liaye made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 Warren Hastings. [See Macaulay, Lord.] B "26 P 10 JIASW'ELL, Prof. William A., F.R.S. Doyelopment of I/flfrodonfug (Cfsti-(U'ion) PhilHpi. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Jottings from the Biological Laboratory of Sydney Uni- versity. (Linn. Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Manual of Zoology. [See Parker, Prof. T. J.] JIA 5 Q 20 Text-book of Zoology. [See Parker, Prof. T. J.] MA 4 T 7, 8 HATTON, H. F. The Collapse in Australia. (National Review, June, 189:1) E H ATZFELD, A. St. Augustine. Translated by E. Holt ; with Pieface and Notes bv (J. Tyrrell. 8\(). Loiul., 1897. (The Saints.) " " (; 4 V .37 HAUG, 11. Yergleichende Erdkunde und Alttestament- lich Geogi-aphi.sche Weltge.schichte. Illustrated. 4to. Goth.a, 1894. ' G 11 X 19 t J [Arc 1 1, 11. B. Clematis Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (w.d.) MA 13 "Put HAUGHTON, Sir Graves Champney. Dictionary, Bengali and Sanskrit, explained in English and adapted for students of either language; to wliicli is add(Hl an Inile.x .serving as a reversed l)ictionary. Sin. 4ti). Loud., 1833. J lux t HAUGHTON, William. Patienl Grissil. [See Shakes- peare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 IJ 11 HAULLKNILLE, Prosper Charles Alexandre, I'.aron de. Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism in their civil l)earing on Nations. Translated l>y H. Bellinger. 8vo. Lond., 1878. G 9 W 6 HAUPT, Prof. Lewis M. Canals and their Economic Relation to Tran.sportalion. (.Vmerican I^conomic Assoc.) |.' 4 \' 1.-, HAUPT, I'njf. Paul. Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments. [See Bibles and Testaments.] G 23 U G, 7, 10, 12, 14 l[x\URISIUS, Benno Caspar. Scriptores llistoiife Romaiue. [&? Scriptores Histuriie Romana'.] B 40 U 22-2 1 \ HAUSSMANN, AViUiam A., and GRAY, John, (gene- alogy of Morals : Poems. [5«« Nietzsche, F.] G 16 V 17 H AUTEFORT, Marie de, Duchesse de Schomberg. [Essay on.] [S!C Patmore, C. K. D. — Principle in Art, itc] J 1 R 51 ll.WELOCK, Gen. Sir Henry. Portrait of. [See Lati- mer, Elizabeth Wormelev. — England in the 19th Century.] " " B 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [Sec Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 IIAYERCROFT, Charles. How can a man become his own Landlord ? 12mo. Manchester, 1876. F 13 V 41 HAVERFIELD, F. Authority and Archeology, Sacred and Profane. [See Driver, "Rcv. S. R.] "g 24 U 7 HAVERTY, Martin. History of Ireland, Ajicient and Modern. 8yo. Dublin, I860. B 34 T 8 IIAVILAND, Alfred. Medical Geography of Great Britain. (Alllaitt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 IIAWAIIAX Al.MAXAC AXD AXXl'AL, 1875-1900. 19 v,,ls. 8v„. Honolulu, 1875-1900. ]ME 3 U HAW All AX KIXGBOM STATISTICAL AXD COM- MERCIAL DIRECTORY ami Tourists' Guide, 1880- 81. Illust. 8vo. Honolulu, 1880. D 22 R 18 HA W All AX SPECTATOR, Thp. Y.,ls. 1, 2, April, 1838- Oct., 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. Honolulu, 1838-39. J 16 U 24, 25 HAWDON, Joseph. Journal of a Journey from N.S.W. to Adelaide, 1 838. (Rov. Geograpli. Soc. of Austral- asia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ., 1891-92.) ME 20 P H.\Wl':iS, liev. Hu^h Reginald. The Dead Pulpit. 8vo. Li. ml, 1896. (4 19 T 21 f)ld N'inlins. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1898. (Collector Ser.) A 40 U 6 Travel and Talk, 1885 95 : my 100,000 miles of Travel through Ameiica, Australia, Tasmania, Canada, New Z(>a!and, Ceylon, and the Paradises of the Pacific. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1896. 1) 16 R 5, G The Pilgrim's Progres.s. [See Bunyan, J.] G 20 P 15 f II.\\\'K.S, Benjamin. Speech on Colonial ^Vdministration. 12mo. Lond., 1849. F 13 Y 29 H.WVES, Stephen. Pastime of Pleasure. [See Percy Soc] 1111 S 20 SupiilvDJOiihiry Cdlalogno—lHOG-lOOO. 2S5 HAWKE of Towton, Edward, li.uon. |PoitiMil uiid Sl;(>tc'h of]; by Adni. Sir l<]. K. Freniaiitlc. {.Ijauii:li- toil, Prof. J. Iv. - From Howard to Nelson.] C '25 T 7 HAW KEN, Hon. Nicliolas. Tlie Power of (loverninent in relation to the entrance of the Labour Party into the Parliament of New South Wales in 1891.' 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MF .5 S :! HAWKESBURY, Charles, Lord. [Sec Liverpool, l<:arl of.] //.I WKKSiBURy Aanicj'i/rrnAL colle<;i-: MAGAZINE, Tho. Vol. 1, Di-e.. 1S08 Dee., 1899. 8vo. Richmond, 1898 99. ME:!]! ILA.WKESW()llT]f, Alfred. Australian Sheep and Wool : a Practical and Tlieoreticid Treatise. Illus- trated. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MA 4 S 3.5 " TTAWKEYE." [See Fry, E. H.] H.VWKINS, Anthony Hope, "Anthony Hope.'' The God in the Car. Gth ed. 8vo. Lend., ISg.^. J 24 U 1 1 The King'.s Mirror. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 14 V 2G The Prisoner of Zenda. 8vo. Bristol (n.d.) J 25 S 3 Rupert of Hentzau. Illustrated. 8vo. I'.ristol (n.d.) J 25 T 1 HAWKINS, Edward. Medallio Illustrations of the His- tory of Great Britain and Ireland to the death of George II. [See British Museum,] A 40 R 17, IS HAWKINS, Rev. Edward. Retirement of the Provost of Oriel. {See Church, |{,. W., Dean.— Occasional I'ajiers.] J 14 U 36 HAWKINS, Dr. Herbert Pennell. Cirrhosis of the Liver. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 HAWKINS, Rev. Sir John Ca'sar. Ilorie Synoptics' : Contriljutions to the Study of the Synoptic Problem. 8vo. O.xford, 1899. G 23 S 49 HAWKS, Emma B. Bibliography of Poultry. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Library.] A 37 S 58 HAWLEY, Lieut. John M. Coa.sts and Islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Pt. 4. The Gulf of Gioja to Cape Santa Maria di Leuca, South Coast of Italy, the Adri- atic Sea, Ionian I.slands, the Coasts of Albania and Greece to Cape Malea, with Cerigo Island, including the Gulfs of Patras and Corinth. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. D20U17 HAWLEY, Richard. Essav on Free Trade. 8vo. New York, 1878. ' F 17 P 5 HAWTHORNE, E. F. Descriptions of two new .species of Lepidoptera. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Conlplr^to Work.s ; wiUi In- troductory Notes by G. P. Lathrop. Illustrated. I ."> \ols. Bvo. Boston, 1897. J 23 R 1 13 1 Twice-told Tales. 2. Miisse.s from an otl Manse. 3. Till" House of tl'.c Seven Gables ; the .Snow-image, ami other Twice-told Tales. 4. W'uiider-liook for (lirl.s and Boys; Tanglewood Tales; the Whole History of (Jraiidfathor's Chair. 5. The 8earlet Letter ; the Blithedale Romance. (i. The Marble Faun ; or. The Romance of Monte 15eiii. 7. Our Ohl Homo, : IVisaijc.' from the Knylish Xotp-l>onUs, vol. 1. iS. Passages from the English Note-books, vol. ii. 0. Passages from the American Note-ljooks. 10. Passages from the Frcii(4i and Italian Note-l)Ook;-. 11. The DoUiver Romance ; Fan.shawe ; Septimus Feltoii, or the Eli.xir of Life ; with an A])jjcndi.\ containing the Ancestral Footstep. 12. Talcs ami Sket<4ics ; Biographical .Stories ; Biographical Sketches; Alice Doane's Apjieal ; Chiefly about War Matters; Life of Franklin Pierce ; Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ijy (4. P. Lathrop. 13. Dr. (irimshawe's Secret ; Appendix. [Essays on the Life and Work.s r>f.] {Sm Curtis, (J. W. — Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 Hawthorne in the .shadow of Jolin.son. \See Nicoll, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 1 1 [Short Studies of.] [See Higginson, T. W. — Short Studies of American Authors.] J 1 R 30 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Intr(jduction to tlie Study of American Literature.] J 22 II 37 Sketch of. [See Stearns, F. P.— Sketches from Con- cord and Appled.>re.] D 16 Q 3 Study of. [See Lawton, W. C— New England Poets.] J 23 T 3 HAY, Alexander. Footprints: a IMenmir of the late Alexander Hay, one of the Fathers and Early Colonists of South Australia ; by his Widow. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1899. " MC 1 S 22 HAY, Sir John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.—Australian Portrait (Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t HAY, Sir John Drumm.jud. Memoir of, based on his Journals and Corrospondonoe. Illustrated. 8vo. • Lond., 1896. C2iril HAY, Richard Dalrymple. Timber Trade of New South Wales. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R HAY STANDARD, \><'y:i. Fob Hay, 1899. ME HAYCROFT, James Isaac. Engineering Construction in connection with Rainfall. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Le Pont Yierendeel. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) :\iE 1 R 236 2?ublic Libra}'!/ of New South Wales. HAYDN, Francis Joseph. Sketch of. [See Biitter- worth, H. — Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 ITAYDN, Josejih. Tlip Book of Dignities, continued to the Present Time, with numerous additional Lists and an Index to the entire work ; by IL Ockerby. 8\ o. Lond., 1890. " K 9 V :', Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information relating to all Ages and all Dates; by B. Vincent. 21st ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. K IIP 2:5 [Another copy.] 22nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1898. Kli P24 IIAYDON, Thomas. Sporting Reminiscences. ^Vith Portrait. Svo. LoncL, 1898. MA 4 P l."i Australasian Courshty CaJnndar. [iScf Auslrahiiiian Coursiny Calendar.] MA o Q 3-G HAY'EM, Dr. G. Physical and Natural Therapeutics. Edited by Dr. H. A. Hare. lk)y. 8yo. Edinb., 1895. " ■ A 31 q 19 HAYES, J. W. The Draper and Haberdasher : a Guide to the (!ener.il Drapery Trade. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1878. (Houlston's Tndust. Lib.) A 33 R 30 HAYE.S, Capt. M. Horace. Among Horses in Russia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. '' A 45 U 21 Illustrated Horse-breaking. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 29 R 35 Points of the Horse : a Familiar Treatise on Equine Conformation. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 10 W 9 t Stable Management and Exerci.se. Illustrated. 8\o. I^nd., 1900. A 41 R 17 Modern Polo. [See ]Mi'iler, E. D.] A 29 R 36 Veterinary Pathology. [See Fi-iedljerger, Dr. F. ] A 4 P 1 4 II.V^■i•"Ol; 1), .John F. Te.xt-biiok of Geodetic Astronomy. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 T 10 IIAYNE, Aithur P. Rosi.stant Vines. [See California. ■ — Agricultural Experiment Station.] A 36 R 17 HAYNE, M. H. E., and TAYLOR, H. West. Pioneers of tlio Ivlondyke : being an Account of two years police .service on the Yukon. Illustrated. I2mii. Lond., 1897. D 16 Q 8 HAYNES, Dr. Frederick E. The Reciprocity Treaty with Canada of 1854. (American Economic Assoc.) V 4 V 1 7 HAYNES, Jessie. Lou. [See Roberts, A. von. Baron.] J 23 IJ40 Memoirs of the Baronos.s Cecile d(> Courtot. [See Cour- tot. Baroness Cecile de.] C 27 S 20 HAYNES, T. H. An Imperial Customs Union; or, Com- rnertial Federation of the P.iiti.sh Empire. 4to. Lond., 1895. F 17 S 11 t HAYWARD, Abraham. Art of Dining ; with Annota- tions and Additions by C. Sayle. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " ' A 40 T 24 HAZELL'S /LV.Vr.4/., 1886-1900. 15vols. 12mo. Lond., 1886-1900. E IIAZEN, Prof. Charles Downer. Contemporary American Opinion of the French Revolution. [See Johns Hop- kins University. — Studies i:i Historical and Political Science.] " 15 18 T 16 HAZEN, Maj.-Gen. William Babcock. The School and tlie Army in Germany and France : with a Diary of Siege Life at Versailles. Svo. New York, 1872. G 17 S 30 IIAZLITT, William. The D.aibtful Plays of William Shakspe.-ire ; with Glossarial and other Notes. Svo. Lond., 1887. H 7 R 43 [Criticism of the A\'oi-ks of.] [See Craik, Henry. — Eng" lish Prose.] j" 6 Q 38* On Poetry in general. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Sketch of. [See Birrell, A.— Res Judicata.] J 7 P 52 Sketch of. [See Hazlitt, W. Carew. — Four Generations of a Literary Family.] C 24 Q 1, 2 Works of Montaigne. [See Montaigne, M. de.] J 8 V 26 IIAZLITT, ^^•lllianl Carew. Lond., 1896. Th. Coin Collector. Svo. A 27 Q 3 Fairy Tales, Legend.s, and Romances illustrating Shakespeare and other early English wi-iters, to which are prefixed two preliminary Dissertations —(1.) On Pigmies. (2.) On Faiiies ; by J. Ritson. 12mo. Lond., 1875. J 14 P 49 Four (4ener;itions of a Literary Family ; the Hazlitts in England, Ii'eland, and Amei-ica : their Friends and their Fortune.s, 1725-1896. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 1, 2 The Lambs : their Lives, their Fri(>nd.s, and their Cor- respondence; new particul.irs and new materials. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 24 The Venetian Republic: its Ri.se, its Growth, and its Fall, 421 1797. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. B41 R 10, 11 Complete Poems of George Gascoigne. [See Gascoigne, George.] ' " H 3 U 4, 5 English Drama and Stage. [See English Drama and Stage. I ' ' H3U3 Lamb and lla/.litt. [See Lamb, C] C 27 R 7 P.-iris and Vieima. [See Paris and \'ienna | J 2 T 29 Pof^ns of Thomas Carew. [See Carew, T.] II 3 U 6 Works of William Browne. [See Browne, W.] H 3 U 1, 2 HAZON, Prof. Henry A. Th(^ Climate of Chicago. [See United States.- Dept. of Agricult.-- Weather Bureau.] A 19 \' .".9 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 287 HEAD, l^jiirclay Vincent. Catalnfjiui of Greek Coins in the British Museum. [See ISritisli Muscmin.] A ;!7 Q 2, .-i, 5, S, 1 1 , 1 :!, 1 (>, 1 !) HEAD, Sir Efhiiuri.l. !I;ni(ll)u,,k of Fiiiatiri';. [See Kuglcr, F. T.J A it 1{ 5, fi HEAD, Dr. Henry. Herpes Zoster, or Zonii. (.MllniK, Dr. T. C. -System of Medieiue.) A 2(5 T H TriijemiiKil Neuralu^i. (AUhutt, J)r. T. C —System of Medicine.) " A'2G T 39 HEADLAM, Rev. Arthur Cayley. The Teaching of the llussi.in Ohureli : licini; Motifs on points on which it dili'ers from tlie English Church. ll'mo. Lonfl., hSS)7. ' (1 23 Q 18 Authority and Archicoloyjy, Sacred and Profane. [See Driver", Re\. S. R.] '" G 21 U 7 HEADLANf, Cecil Selections fi. Letters from the Black Sea during the Crimean War, 1854-55. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lonil., 1897. B 23 S 19 HEATH, Dr. T. L. The Works of .Vrchimedes. [See Archimedes.] A 35 T 16 HEATHCOTi; Fieilcrick Granville. [See Siucbir, F. G.] HEATHCOTE, J. M. MSS. of. [See tit. Brit, ami Irel. —Hist. MSS. Com.] K HEATHFIELD, (Jt^orge Augustus Eiioll, Baron. ( Por- trait and Sketch of] ; by Lieut.-Col. Adye. (Wilkin- son, S. — From Cromwell to Wellington ) C 26 R 18 HEATLEY, George S. Tlic Stock -owr.qrs' Guide : a handy Medical Treatise for every iiiau wiio own.s an ox or cow. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 18 S 41 HEATON, Dr. Charles. Medical Hints for Hot Climates, and for tliose out of I'each of professional aid. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. A 40 T 8 HEATON, John. Tables of Simple Interest at I, 1 J„ 2, 2?), 3, 'H, 4, 4^, and 5 per cent, per annum from one day to 100 days on £\ to £100. Svo. Loud., 1897. A 25 S 29 HEATON, John Henniker. Ten Years' Postal Progress: an Imperial Plan. (Contemp. Rev., July, 1895.) E HEAVISIDE, Oliver. Electromagnetic Theory. Vol. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Electrician Scr.) A 21 T IS HEAWOOD, Edward. Was Australia discovered in the 16th Century? (Roy- Geograph. Soc, Geograph. Journ., Oct., 1899.) E HEBBLETHWAITE, Rev. James. A Rose of Regret. Svo. Sydney, 1900. (Bulletin Booklets.) MH 1 T 24 HEBDEX BKIDGE FUSTIAN MANUFACTURING CO OPERATIVE SOCIETY. Fifty-ninth Half- yearly Report and lialance-sheet. Svo. Hebden Bridge, 1899. F 16 S 33 Brief Sketch of twenty-six year.s' Work in Cooperative Production. [See Greenwood, J.] F 16 S 33 HEBREW STANDARD OF AUSTRALASIA, The. Vol 1, Nos. 1, 2, vol. 2, Nov., Dec., 1895, Julv, 1897-.Iuh-, 1898. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895-98. ME 16 T HECHT, Dora E. Resollectious of Johannes Brahm.s. [See Brahms, J.] C 27 S 10 HECKETHORN, Charles William. London Scmvenirs. Svo. Loud., 1899. B37Q7 Tlie Printers of Basle in the 15th and 16th Centuries: their Biographies, Pi-inted Books, and I)e\ices. Illustrated. Imp. Svo. Loud., 1897. C 11 X 18 t The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries. New ed, 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 33 S 1, 2 288 JPublic Library of New South JFales. HECQ, Gaetan, and PARIS, Louis. La Poetique Fran- caise au JMoyeii Age et a la Renaissance. 8vo. Paris, i896. ' H-1U3 HECTOR, Annie [Mrs. A.] "Mrs. Alexander." Mrs. Norton. (Olipliant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C Si S 3 HECTOR, Sir James. Address by. (Australasian Assoc, for Adv. of Science, Report, l's9t<.) ME 18 S HEDAYA, The: a C'onnnentary on the Mussulman LaY>-s. Translated by C. Hamilton. I'nd ed., with Preface and Index by S. G. Grady. 8\o. Loud., 1870. G 25 U 9 HEDEMAN, J. P.obespiene and the Red Terror. \_See Ten Brink, Dr. J.] P. 16 U U HEDGER-WALLACE, R. ISee Wallace, R. Hedger-.] HEDIN, Svcn Anders. Through Asia. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898, D 19 U 19, 20 HEDLEY, Cliarles. Australasian Shipwornis. (Liimean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Broadening of Atoll-islets. (Natural Science, ^larch, 1898.) ■ E Considerations on the surviving Refugees in Austral Lands of Ancient Antarctic Life. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Feb., 189G.) E Description of a new Bivalve, Lima tihnitn, from Santa Cruz. (Aust. Mus., Record.s, 3.) ME 8 li Description of a new genus Austrosarepta, and Notes on other Mollusc.a from New Soutli AVales. (Linnean Hoc, N.S.W, Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Description of a new Papuan Land Shell. (Aust. Mus., Recoixls, 3.) ME 8 R Description of new Land Sliells. (Aust. ilus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Ethnology of Funafuti. (Aust. ^^fus., .Mem.) MA 3 W 22 General Accountof the .Vtnll nt' l'\uiafuti. (Aust. INIus., Mems.) MA 3 W 33 New Mollusca, chiefly from New Caledonia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Papuan Entomology. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc 1895, 1897.) ME 2 P A Zoogeographic Scheme foi- th(^ .Mid-Pacitic. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P , and AVILLEY, Arthur. Description of a new species of Astralium from N(!W Britain. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1890.) ]\IE 2 P HEDTJOY, Dr. WiJHam Snowdon. Tlierapeutic Electricity !i?id Pnwtical IMusclc-lesting. Ilkistrated. 8v("). I.on.l., 1899. A 41 S ITEERES, Prof. J. E. The part borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia, 1606-1705. \\n English and Dutch.] Fol. Lond., 1899. MDloSlt Huych Allardt's Map of India. [_See Remarkable Maps of 15th-17th Centuries.] D 8 P 36 + Life and Labours of Abel Janszoon Tasman. {^See Tar- man, A. J.— Journal of his Discoverv in Van Diemen's Land.] " MD 2 P 33 J HEERWART, Fraulein Eleonore. The Kindergarten in relation to the various Industrial Products of a coun- try. (Internat. Health Exhil).^Health Exhib. Lit.) A 11 V 9 HEFELE, Carl Joseph, Bisb.op of Rottcnlnirg. History of the Councils of the Churches, from the original docu- ments. Translated from the German by Dr. William IL Clark. Vols. 1-5. .5 vols. 8yo. Edinb., 1871-- 90. GUP 27-31 1. To tlie close of the Council of Xic;va, 3'23. ■2. .\.D. 32G-A.D. 429. 3. .\.D. 431-.\.p. 451. 4. A.T). 4.^}l-.\.n. G80. .5. A. II. G20 to clo.sc of the Second Council of Nic;v;i, 7ti7. HEGEL, Georg Wilhclm Friedrich. Lectures on the History of Philosojihy. Translated from the German by Elizabeth S. Ilaldane and Friinces IT. SiuLson. Vols. 2 and 3. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-96. G 12 R 30, 31 The Logic of Hegel. Translated from the Encyelopa'dia of the Philosophical Sciences by William Wallace. 2nded. 8vo. Oxford, 1892. G 19 U 28 Philosophy of Right. Translated by Prof. S. W. Dydc. 8vo. Lond., 1890. " G 12 V 21 Hegel as Educator. {See Lu.iueer, F. L.] G 20 T 12 Hegel's Doctrine of the Will. [5ee MacVannel, J. A.] G 26 T It Prolegomena to the Study of llegel's Piiilosoj)hy, and especially of his Tiogic [S« Wallace, W.] G 25 S 8 HEHNEIv, Otto. Adulteration of Hoiuv. (Internat. Health Exhib.- Health Exliili. Lit.) " A 11 V 1 Hl'JDER, Dr. K. lMnbrvolo;,'V of Invertebrates. {See Koischelt, Dr. J].] " " A 38 P 18-20 IIETGHWAY, Rev. William Aitken. Ai Vola ni Fika me Yaga Vei Ira na (Jone ni Viti (Book of Figures to 1)8 of service to the children of I'^ji). I 2mo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 U 40 lll':iLl'i;iN, Prof. Angelo. Alaska and the Klondike: a Jounu'y to the New Eldorado ; with Hints to the Traveller. Illust. 8vo. L.md., 1899. D 1.3 R 10 The Eartli and its Story : a I'irst l!ook of Geology. 8vo. i'.oston, 1890. A 24 Q 30 SapplcDicit larij Cutdlojiic—lHOG-lOOO. 289 HEINE, Heinrich. Half-aii linur witli prcinrich Hciiip. (Melbourne Review, 3.) i\I K l.s Q Heim-ich Heine's Lust Days ; by C. Seldnn. Tninslatcd by Mary Thiddall. 8\(). Lond., 1898. C 20 P 1 [Sketch of.] [ffe Grcnicr, li — Literary K('ini]iisi,cnce.s.] (J 2G Q 15 [Ti-anslalions fnini.] [-S'cc MacDimald, G.- -Ranipolii. ] ] 1 II T :; HELTOPORUS. [Sketehof.] [&,■ "Whiblev, C- Studios in Frankness.] ' C 23 S 2 HELLER, Thomas Edmund. Ori^ani/.-ition of Elemenfary J'jtlucation. (Internat. Health E.xliib. — Healtli E.xhib. Literature.) A 11 V 9 HELLINGMAN, Oral). I)e Nooidcuijko Passage door do Torres-straat. (Tijdschr. voor het Zecwezon, 1856.) E HELLMAN, Frances. Israel among the Nations. [&<; Leroy-Beaulieu, A.] B 28 R 5 HELLYER, S. Stevens. The Plumber and Sanitary Houses : a Practical Treatise on the Princi|)les of In- ternal Plumbing Work ; or, the Best Means for effect- ually excluding No.xious Gases from our Houses. Otli ed, Illust. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A K) T 1 Principles and Practice of Plumbing Illustrated, ll'nio. Lond., 1893. ' A 2.") (,l 11 HELilHOLTZ, Dr. Hcrinann Ludwig Ferdinand \u\\. [Life of]; by Dr. J. G. IM'Kendrick. "With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Masters of Med.) C 23 R 15 Principles of Mechanics presented in a new form. "{See ' Hertz, H.] A 15 T G HELMS, Richard. Anthropological Notes. (Linncan Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Anthropology. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1890.) ME 1 S The Australian Alp.s, or Snowy Mountains. (Roy. Gecjg. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) JNIE 20 P Note on Emex AubtraJis. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S No.vious Weeds. (W. A. Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 51 Soil Bacteria. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R HELOISE, Abbess. The Story of Heloise and Abailard retold. \_See Vandam, AUicrt D. — Amours of (ireat Men.] C 23 Q 1 2 " HELUMAC." Australian Wonderland. \_See B., A. A.] MJ 2 V 24 HEMINGE, John. Jolm Heminge and Heniy Condell, friends and fellow-actors of Shakespeare, and what the world owes them. [_Sec AN'alker, C. C] C 2 1 P 6 HEMMING, George Wirgman. Relation lietween Uni- versity and College. (Internat. Health E.xhib.--- Jlealth Exhib. Literature.) A 4 1 \' 11 2 o HEMMING, Harry Biird. Liw of Tradc-niark.s. \S^.e. Sebastian, L. B.] F 9 V 18 HEMPHILL, J. ('. (,'limate, Soil, ar.d Agi-icullui'al Capabilities of South Carolina and Georgia. [&« U^nitcd States. —Dept. of Agricult.] A 19 U 13 HE.MPTON, John. Siege and History of Londonderrv. 8vo. L..nd..iiderry, 1801. ^ B 25 P 15 HEJISLEY, W. Dotting. Vegetation, and some of the Vegetable Production.s of Au.slralasia. (Knowledge, 1897.) E HENAULT, Maurice. JL^moir.-i of Sergeant Bourgogne. [_S€e Bourgogne, Sergeant A. J. B. F.J C 24 P 20 HENDERSON, Dr. Ebenezer. Tiie Annals of Dunferm- line and viciiuty. from the earliest authentic period to the present time, .\.D. 1069-1878. Interpreted with Explanatory Note.s, Memorabilia, and numerous Illus- trative Engravings. Roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1879. B 17 U 19 HENDERSON, Ernest F. History of Germany in the Middle Ages, 800-1300. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 27 R 9 Side-lights on English Historv. Illustrated. Im|). 8vo. Lond., 1900. " B 10 W 3 HENDERSON, Lieut.-Col. George Francis R(jl)crt. Stone- wall Jackson and the American Civil War. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 14, 15 HENDERSON, Henry F. Erskine of Linlathen. [See Erskine, T.] " C26Q11 HENDERSON, J. A. Poultry and Eggs for Market and Export. [See New Zealand.— Agr.] :\IA 3 R 79 HENDERSON, T. F. Scottish Vernacular Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 S 10 The Poetry of Burns. [See Burns, R.J H 9 T 9-,12 HENDERSON, Lieut. W. The New South Wales Con- tingents to South Africa, from Oct., 1899. to ]March, 1900, with a Roll Call of Honour: being the Names of our Officers and Men at the Front. Illustrated. 01). 18mo. Sydney, 1900. :MB 13 T 1 f HENDERSON, Rev. William. If, and What.' Twelve Lectures on the Foundations of Christian Thei.sm. With Portrait. 8vo. Ballarat, 1882. MG 2 P 63 Optimi.sm antl Pessimism. (Melb. Rev., 2.) ME 18 Q HENDERSON, William James. The Elements of Navi- gation, designed for the instruction of beginners 18nio. New York,' 1895. A 19 P 22 How Music developed : a Critical and Explanatory Ac- count of the Growth of Modern ilusic. 8vo. Lend., 1899. A 45 R 2 What is good Music 1 Suggestions to persons desiring to cultivate a taste in Mu.sical Art. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T I 290 Tiihlic Library of New South IFales. HENDREN, Sanuiel Rivers. Government and Relij,'ion of the Yirginiii Indians. (Johns Hopkin.s University. — Studie.s In Hist, and Polit. Science.) B 18 S 13 HENDRICKS, Hon. Tiionias A. Life .,f: bv Cnl. Her- man Dieck. 8v(i. Philad., 1S84. " C2;>(.i)17 HENERIE, James E. 8. Rhapsodies on Rhymers. Svo. Sydney, 1S9I>. ' MJ 3 S 7 HENEY, Thomas. Tlu- (!irl at Rirrells: a Pastoral of the Paroo ; an Australian Storv. 8vo. Loud., IS'JG. ]\[J 3 P 18 HENLEY, William Ernest. En,t;hsli Lviies ; Chaucer t(i Poe, 1340-1819. 8vo. Lon'd., 1898. H 1 S 38 ■ Poems. 8vo. 2nd erl. Lund., 1898. H 1 8 41 Quatorzains la London Tvpe.s l)v William Nicholson. 4to. Ltind., 1898. " " J 20 R 11 t Memoir of G. AY. Steo\'ens. [.SVc Steevens, G. W. — Things seen.] C 28 R 1 Imperialism. [See De Thierry, C] F l.'> P 21 The Poetry of Burns. [See Burns, R.] H 9 T 9-12 Slang and its Analogues, Past and Present. \_See Far- mer, J. S.] Libr. , and STEYENSON, Robert Louis. Th.^ Plays of. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 S 19 HENNEQUIN, Emile. [Tr;nislation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 2(5 U 2 HENNESSEY, John Davis. An Australian liush Track. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 S 33 A Lost Identity. 8vo. Sychiey (n.d.) MJ 3 S 34 The New Clium Farmer; with hundreds of Practical Hints on Agriculture and |)airyiiig. With Portrait. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. ' MA 4 P 4 AYyununi. 8vo. Lond., 189G. MJ 3 S 32 HENNESSY, Sir J .jhn l'op(% [Sketch of.] [See iMeCarthy, J. —Reminiscences.] C 25 T 6 HENNESSY, William :\I. Annals of Ulster. [See Gt. Brit, and I reland.— Records Connii.] B 30 V 16 HENRIETTA MARIA. Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 HENRY I OK LORRAINE, Duke of (Juise. [Sketch of.] [See MaeDowall, II. C. Henrv of Guise, and otlier Portraits.] " B ;5G \\ \ \ HENRY II i.)V LORRAINE, DukeofGui.se. Memoires of, relating to liis Passage to Naj)les and heading tiiere the second Revfilt of that peii)ile, Translated into Engii.sh. l2nio. Lond., 1609. I! 26 P G IfENRY IV, Kingf.f Eri-;lan,l. II i.torv .4' Kae^l.nid und. r Henry IV. [.SV*- Wylie. .1. II. | li l(( F9 II HENRY IV, King of France. History of Henry IV, King of France and Navarre. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 Y 25 HlflNR Y, Dr. Frederick P. Di.sea.ses of the Heart. (Hare, ■ Dr.H.A.— Sys.ofPraeticalTherapeutics.) A 31 P 17 Typhiiid Fever. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical ' Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 HENRY, John. Address to the Electors of Tasmania on the Federal Constitution Bill. 8vo. Devonport, 1897. MF5Q21 HENRY, J -JT Q 14 Bisniavck and the Foundation of tlie German Empire. \Ste Herdlam, J. W.] B 30 Q 25 Charlemagne. [See Davis, H. W. C] B 27 Q l.S The C'id Campeador and the Wanini^ of the Crescent in the West. [See Clarke, H. B.] ' B .34 Q 15 Hannibal. [See Morris, W. 0"C.] B 30 Q 23 John Wyclif. [>?ee Wiclif, J.] G 24 Q 25 Oliver Cromwell. '^See Firth, C] B 27 Q 15 nicheliou. [See Perkiii.s, .T. B.] B 27 Q 20 T!o!)eit E. Loc and tlie Sontliern Confederarv ; by Rev. H. A. Wliitc. [See Loe, R. E.] " C 2:1 P 24 Sala:iin anl tlie Fall of the Kint'dnm of .li rusaleni. [See I'oole, S. Lane-.] " B 30 Q 24 HEROES OF THE REFORMATION. D-'sidsrius Erasmus of Rotterdam ; by Prof. E. Emerlon. [.s'ee Erasmus, 1).] " C 21 Q 4 Philip Melanelithon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany. [.S'ee Richard, Rev. J. W.] G 23 P 48 Theodore Beza ; by Prof. H. M. Baird. [See Beza, T.] C 20 g 10 HERON, Rev. Jaimw. The Celtic Church in Ireland : the Story of Ireland and Irish Christianity from Ijefore the time of St. Patrick to the Reformation. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 15 HERON, John S., " Free Selector." Note.s on Federatio:i and kindred subjects of almost equal importance. 12mo. Parramatta, 1898. MF 4 P 50 HERON-ALLEN, EdNvard. [See Allen, E. Heron-.] HERONDAS. [Essay on.] [See Wliiblev, C— Studies in Frankness.] " ' C 23 S 2 Jlimiauibi. [See British Museum. — Cla.ssical Texts from Papyri in the ISritish Museum.] J 5 V 13 1 1 Ell RICK, Christine Terhu ne [M rs. ] Lettens of the Duke of Wellington to Mi.ss J., 1834 51. [See Wellington, Duke of.] C 20 U 20 National Cook-book. [See Terhune, Mary \'.] A 22 S l HERRICK, Rev. D. S. First Catechism of Tamil (irammar. [See Pope, Rev. 0. U.] J IG R 44 HKIMilCK, Frederick id. Tiie Attic Law of Status, F.aniily Relations and Succession, in tlio Itli Century H.C, systematically and comparatively considered. 8vo. New York, 1S90. " F IS R 2ij IIKRi'ICK, l)i'. .fames I!. Pneumonia, Cioupous and (Catarrhal, and Pic'urisy. Olan'. 111-. II. .\. System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 HERRICK, Rev. Robert. [Essay on.] [See Go.s.se, E. — ITlli ('entury Studies.] ' H 10 \V 23 HEIiRICK, William Hale, and BOLTWOOl), Bertram • B. Quantitative! Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis. [S«f CI:i.M.sen, Dr. A.] ' A3GU12 HERRINGHAM, Ciivlsfciani J. The Book of Art. [See Cennini, C] A 41 R 9 HERRTN(.4HAM, Dr. Wilmjt Parker. Diplitheria. (All- biitt, Dr. T. C— Systsm of MeJicine.) A 26 T 34 Pleurisy. [See Gee, Dr. S. J.] A 2G T 38 HERRMANN, Prof. Gustav. The Mechanics of Pumping Machinery'. [See Weisliach, Dr. Julius.] A 22 S 5 HERRMANN, Prof. Willibild. Commuuiira of the Chriititn with God : :'. Discussion in Agreeinent with the view of laither. Translated by .1. S. Stanyon. 2nd e-l. 8yo. L md., 1895. (Theolog. Translation Lil).) ' G25Q1G HERSCHEL, Clcme:is. (_)ne hundred ;iud liftcen Experi- ments on the Carrying Capacity of large riveted Metal Conduits, up to six feet per second of velocity of flow. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 22 HERSCHEL, Sir John. Correspondence with Richard A. Proctor. [See Proctor, Richard A. — Other Suns than ours.] A 19 Q 15 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Y^ears of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S. — (ireat Astronomers.] A20IJ 8 HERSCHEL, Sir AVilliam. Sketcli of. [See Ball, Sir R. S. — Great Astronomers.] A 20 V 8 HERSHLER, N. The Soldier's Hand-book for the use of the enlisti'd men of the army. [See LTnited States. — Dept. ofWar.] ' F 10 V 43 HERTSLET, Sir Klw.ird. Map of Africa bv Ti'eatv. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— Foreign Office.] D 13 V 3-5 Treaties and Tariffs regulating the Trade between Great Britain and Foi'eign Nations. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. -Treaties'] F 1 U 19 , and Lewis. Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conv(Mitionsan(l Recipi-ocal Reguiati<.)ns at jire.sent subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Treaties.] F IG P 1-Q 2 HERTWTG, Dr. Oscar. l!iologieal Pr-oblem of to-day. Translated bv P. Chalmers Mitchell. 12mo. Loud., 189G. ' A 27 P 21 III'MITZ, Prof. Heinrich. Mi.5oellrtneous Papers. Trans- lated by D. E. Jones and G. A. Schott. 8yo. Lond., 189G. A 21 U 23 Pi-inciples of ]Sleehanics [ire-iented in a new form : with an Introduction by H. von Hidmholtz. 'I''ranslated by I). E. Jones and J. T. Wallcy. 8\o. L I., 1899. A 45 T G IllOUTZ, Jo-ieph 11. ]']thical System of James Martincau. 8vo, New York, 1894. " G 26 T 10 Slip]) lem en la nj Catalog tic — ISDO- 1 000. Z93 IIERVEY, Rev. A. B. Tlio Mienist^np,- in J3(jtaiiy. \See Behrens, Dr. Julius Willicliii.] A 20 T 24 HEUVEY, Hubert John Autnjiv. Memoir of ; hy Karl Grey. With Portrait. 8vo. 'Loud., l.s'J'J. C 2(5 S I 4 HERVEY, Loid Joliii. Aij Ejiistle iVom a N.ihl.'iiiiui to a Doctor of Divinity in an.swer to a Latin Letter in Verse. Sm. fol. Loud., 1723. H :V.) Q l.S | irERZr.ER(4 ERANKEr>, Dr. [See Frimkei. Dr. Hciz- liers;-.] IIERZFELD, Dr. J. Trehnieal Testinu' of Yams and Tex- tile Fabrics, with reforciico to otiieial sppciticatioiis. Translated by C. Salter. Illustrated. Hvo. Lond., 1898. ■ A 4.5 U Ifi "HESDIN, Raoul." P.-=rii(/. The Joariial of a Spy in Paris during thi^ Roign of Tt-ri-or, 1791. 8vo. Lond., \S2'>. " ' B26R17 TTESTODUS. Tlie \Vorks of Hesiodus, Callimachus, and Tlieognis: literally translated into English Prose, with copious Notes, hy Rev. J. Banks; with the Remains of Hesiod, translated into English Vei-se by 0. A. Elton. 12mo. Lond., 1892. " HllRll [Opera.] [See Poetse Grwci.] II 17 U 12 t HESLOP, R. Oliver. Bibliographical List of Works illus- trative of the Dialect of Northumberland. [See English Dialect Soc, Pubs., 80.] E HETHERTNGTON, Rev. William Maxwell. Hisio.y of the Church of Scotland fi'om tlie Introduction of Christianity to the period of tlie Disruption, IMay 18th, 1843 ; with an Introductory Essay on the Prin- ciples and Constitution of the Church of Scotland, to which are added Appendices containing the first and second Books of Discipline and various historical documents. 7th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1848. G 24 V G, 7 HEUVEL, Jules Yan Den. [See Van Den Houvel, J.] HEWETT, Sir William. Mission to King John of Abys- sinia. fSee Wvlde, A. B. — '83 to '87 in the Soudan.] B IG T 8, 9 HEWISON, Rev. J. K. The Isle of Bute in the Olden Time ; with Illustrations, Maps, and Plans. Vol. 2. Sm. 4to. Edinb., 189-5. B 13 S 22 HEWITSON, W. C. Remarks on Mr. A. R. Wallace's " PieridiB of the Indian and Australian Regions." (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 18G8.) E HEWITT, Edward Ringwood and Mary Ashley. The Bowery. (Goodwin, M. W. — Historic New York.) B 1 9 R G HEYNE, E. B. Rotation of Crops. fS. Aust. Chamber of Manufacture.s, Papin-s.) MA 4 S 12 HEYNE, Dr. Moriz. Deutschcs Wurterbuch. [Sw Grimm, J. L.] K 1 I U 2G HEYSE, Paul. Gasannndte Werke. With Portrait. 2.5 vols. 12mo. B-rlin, 1895 -90. J 24 T 26-50 1. (Jcflichte. 2, 3. Novcllun ill Ver.s-ii. 4-S, 1.5-19, 22, 2,?. Novellen. n, 10, 20, -21. Dianipn. 11, 12. Kinder (ler Welt. t^i, ]k Im I'.aradicso. 24. Der Roman dcr SiifUilanip. 2.). Merli n. Neue Maclien. :!rd ed. Svo. lleilin, 1890. JUT 45 Paul Heys(! and the Incommensurable. [See Ilansson, Laura Marholm. — We Women and our Authois.] J 21 R 38 HEYWOOD, John. Dialogue on Wit and Polly. lSei> Percy Soc] " H'11S22 HEl^WOOD, Thomas. An Apology for Actors. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] " H 3 U 8 Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, C. —The Old Dram.'itists.] H 11 R 13 The Fair JIaid of the Exchange. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 34 First and second parts of King Edward IV. [&g Shake- speare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 LM8 First and second parts of the Fair Maid of the West, or a Girl worth (xold ; with an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collioi-. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pu))s.] " H 3 U 44 The Golden and Silver Ages. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 48 King Edward IV. [See Donovan, Thomas. — English Historical Plays.] H 10 W 20 A Marriage Triumph. [See Percy Soc] H 1 1 S 3 Porta Pietatis ; or, the Port or Harbour of Piety. [See Percy Soc] H"11 S 12 The Royal King and L lyal Subject, and a Woman killed with kindness. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 L" 46 Two Historical Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth ; with an Introduction and Notes liy J. Payne Collier. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 47 -, and ROWLEY, William. Fortune by Land and Sea. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 L^ 34 IIIATT, C. Picture Posters : a short History of the Illus- trated Placard. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1895. A 23 U 34 Ellen Terry and her Impersonations. [See Wardell, Ellen Alicia.] C 26 P 13 Hemy Irving : a Rocoid and Review. [See Irving, Sir PL] ' C20S21 291. JPnblic Libra)'!/ of New Soiifh TTales. HIBBERT LECTURES. Lectures on the Origin and ftrowth of Religion ais ilhis- trateil bv llie Religion of Ancient KgJlit. [See Re- nouf, P. Le Page.] " G 23 T .3 Lectures on tlic Origin and (Jrowtli of Religion as illus- trated bv the Religions of India. \f!ee Midler, Pi of. F. M.] " (i 123 ti 'ill Via, Veritas, Vita. [.?ce Dnimmond, J.] G '2."> Q 4 HICK IE, W. J. Easy German Readirg-lcu k U i- Ecgin- nors ; with brief Outlines of Geiniau Graiiiiiiar prefixed, and copious Notes. 8\o. Lond., "iJi^OO. J 9 R 37 Grimm's Kinder und Hausmauhen. \_See Grinnn, J. L.] J \i P 39 HICKS, Frances. Factory Girls. (Reid, A.— The New P;u-tv.) ■ F 1.5 P 29 IIICKS, Rc.liert Drew. Cambridge Ciunjiositidiis, Greek and Latin. [5<-« Hind, R. D.' Archer-.] J 23 U 2-t HIERX, William Philip. Catalogue of the Afiican Phuits collected bv Dr. F. Welwit^sch in 1853-61. [^See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 X 1-4 HIGGIN, Alfred J. Melonite fi-om W(n-tupa. (Roy. Soc., S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ME 1 S IIIGGIN.S, A. Foster. .Striped Bass-iishing. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 8 HT(;(iIXS, Edumnd Thomas, and PETTERD, William I'rederick. Descriptions of hitherto undeseribed An- techini and Murida- inhabiting Tasmania. (Ri>y. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc. 1882.) MI-: 1 (,» HIGGINS, Henry Bourne.s. Tlic Au.stralian Fcdeiation Act. (Contemporary Review, April, 1900.) E The Federal Convention at work. (Review of Reviews, April, 1897.) E HIGGINSON, Rev. Francis. Life of; bv T. W. Higginson. 12mo. New Y(M-k, 1891. C 19 P If) 11I(M_;INS0N, Thomas Wentw^rlh. The Afternoon Jjand.scape : Poems and Translations. 8vo. New York, 1889. H 12 R G Army Life in a Black Regiment. 8vo. Now York, 1896. C19T22 Atlantic Es.soys. 8vo. Lond., 1872. J 14 U 2 Book and Heart : Essays on Literature and Jjife. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 22 P 44 Cheerful Yesterdays. 8vo. Lond., 1S98. C 22 S 24 Concerning .all of us. With Portrait. 18mo. New York, 189.1. J 1 R :',9 lliiitH fin Willing and Speech-making. l8mo. New York, 1S91. J 1 R 32 >ralbone : an 01d|)ort Romance. 8vo. New York, 1891. J 21 P 37 The Monarch of Dream.s. 18nio. Bo.ston, 1887. J I I! '.7 HIGGINSON, Thomas AVentworth— coni-tZ. The New World and the New Book, with kindred Essays. 8vo. Boston, 1892. J 22 R 32 Oldport Days. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 21 P 3.5 Out-door Papers. 8vo. New York-, 1894. J 22 R 31 The Procession of the Flowers, and kindred Papers ; with an Index of Plants and Animals mentioned. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 34 Short Studies of American Authois. 18mo. New York, 1897. J 1 R 30 Travellers and Outlaws : Episodes in American History. 8vo. Bostim, 1889. B 37 P'9 Yv'onien and ]>Ien. 12mo. New York, 1888. J 1 R 31 Young Folks' Book of American Explorers. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 189G. C 19 T 21 Young Folks' History of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. B 18 Q 11 Life of Francis Higginson. \_See Higgin.son, Rev. F.] C 19 P 15 Margaret Fuller Ossoli. \_See Ossoli, Marchesa d'.] C 19 T 23 HIGGS, Henry. The Physiocrats : six Lectures on the French Econoiiruti-s of the 18th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 4T 16 HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND in 1750, from MS. 104 iir the King's Library, British Museum ; with an In- troduction liv Andrew Lang. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. B 32 R 8 HKIHT, G. Ainslic. Richard Wagner. [See Wagner, It.] ' C17T28t HIGINBOTHAM, A. J., and ROBINSON, H. E. C. Maps of Municipalities surrounding the City of Sydney. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MD 10 Q 12 f IlKJINBOTHAM, Thomas. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 63.) E 111L(;KNI)()RF, F. W. llydroids in the neighbourhood of Dunrdin. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Occurrence of Pedicellina in New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Rotifera of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S HILL ViY. Alexander. Aims and Practice of Teaching Physiology. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Pr.'vctice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 A l!un round the I'^mpire: being the Log of two young people who circumnavigated the globe. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1897. D 18 Q 32 HILL, Dr. Alfred. Notification of Infectious Diseases : its importance and its ditliculties. (Internat. Health Ivxhib, Health I'.xliib, Litciature.) .V II \' 1 Supplementary Calalocjue — 189G-1900. 295 HILL, Cliailcs Sliattack. Tlic Chicago Main Drainage Channel : a Dascriptiun of tlio IMacliinpiy used and Metliods of W'oi'k adojitcul in lixcavatini; thr i>< \\nW Di-aijiiige t'.iiial from Chicago to Locki.nit. Tllus- tratcd. Sill. I to. New York, 1890. A 17 S 1 t IIILL, Constance. Story of the Pi-incess mparative Zoology, 34.) E Notes on Forest Conditions of Porto Rico. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of For.] A 41 U 13 HIIjL, Sylvia Margaret. Ramoau's Nephew. [See Diderot, D.l J 14 Q 33 HILL, W. H. F. Notes on the Terrestrial Isopod, I'hre- atoicopsis terricola. (Vict. Nat , April, 1898.) ME 8 P Some Victorian Case Moths. (Vict. Nat., May, 1898.) " ME 6 P HILL, William. First Stages of the Tarilf Policy of the United States. (Amei-icau Econom. Assoc.) F4V18 IIILL William. Si.ac Itailuav;. in Australia. (.Journal ot Pohtir.il Economy, Dec' 1894.) E 296 Public Library of Nexo South Wales. HILLER, H. Croft. Against Dogma an 1 Frpe-will, and for Weisniaimism. 2ik1 ed. 8vo. Loud., 1893. (i 24 T G Heresies ; or, Agnostic Tlieisui, Ethics, Sociology, an 1 Metaphysics. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud.," 1899- 1900. ' G 24 P 21, 22 Klivthniic Heredity: flatter a Property of Energy. 12mo. Load., 189-t. ' A 33 P'-i-t lllLLGROVE GUAKDIAX and ^V■^v England Mining Gazette. Vol. 1, Xo. 1, Juno, 1889, and from vol. 13, No. 5, July, 1897-Dcc., 1898, 1899. 2 vols. sm. fol. HiUgrove, 1889-99. ME HILLIER, Dr. Alfred P. Raid ■••aid Rcfovni, by a Pretoiia prisoner ; with two Essays on the antiquity of man in South Africa. Svo. Loud., 1898. "P 17 R 20 HILLI8, AVilliam J. A Metrical History of the Life and Times of Napoleon Bonaparte. Illustrated. 8\'o. New York, 1895. H 1 T 15 HILLSTOX SPECTATOK and Lachlan River Advertiser, 1898-99. Fol. Hillston, 1898-99. ME HIME, Lieut.-Col. Henry William Lovett. Lucian, the Syrian Satirist. [&« Lucianus.] U 27 T 3 HIND, James. Sketch of. [Sec Whihley, C.— Book of Scoundrels.] ' C 23 Q 2 HIND, Richard Dacre Archer-, and HICKS, Rol.ert Drew. Cambridge Connmsitions, (ireek and Latin. 8vo. Canib., 1899. J 23 U 21 HINDE, George Jennings, E.l'.S. Radiolaria in the Devonian Rocks of New South Wales. (Geolog. Soc, Lend., Quarterly Journ., 1899.) E HINDE, Sidney Langford. The Fall of the Congo Arabs. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 11 HINDLEY, Charles. Tavern Anecdotes and Sayings, in- cluding the Origin of Signs, and Reminiscences con- nected with Taverns, CoU'ee-houses, Clubs, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1875. J 14 R 19 HINES, George. Coiipcration and the j>erils of ('redit. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 -, JONES, B., and PL'.\IPl[i;i;V, II Easy Book-keeping for small Coopei-ative Societies. 8vo. Edinb., 1S87. F IG T 24 IIINKSOX, Katheriiie [.Mi's. II. A.] ( Kathci'inc Tynan). Miracle Plays: (Air Lord's Coinini,' and Childliond. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 7 IJ 42 The Wind in the Trees : a Book of Country Ver.se. 12m'.. Lond., 1898. H 10 V 29 ]IINM.\N, Russell. Eclectic Physical Geograi.hy. lllus- ti-.iied. .Svo. Lond., 1888. I) 20 Q 25 HINSDALE, T'rof. Burke Aaron. Mow to SUiily and Teach History, with particular reference to the History of the United States. Hvo. New York, 1894. (Tn"- ternat. Education Ser.) G 15 I' I"! HINTON, A. Horsley. Use of the Hand Camera. [See Holland, C] A 23 P 44 HINTON, Joseph. In the Maori Rising. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 HINTON, Richard J. John BiT.wn and his Men. [See Brown, John.] C 20 U 1 1 niNX:MANN, Lionel W. Explanation of Sheet 75, West Aberdeenshire, Banft'shire, Parts of Elgin and Inver- ness. [See Great Brit:u;i and Ireland. — Geolosi'. Surv. —Scotland.] A"47 U 2 HIORNS, Arthur H. Practical Metallurgy and Assaying : a Text-book for the use of Teachers, Students, and Assayers. 8vo. Loud., 1898. A 24 P 25 HIPPISLEY, Alfred E. National Educatiim in China. (Internat. Health Exhib.- Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 15 HIRD, Frank. Cry of the Children : an Exposure of cer- tain British Industries in which children are iniquit- ously employed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 Q 24 HIRSCH, Max. The Di.sastious Elibcls of Protection: Facts and Figures about Victoria. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) '" MF 3 Q 47 Protection in Victoria : an Inquiry into the influence of Protection on the Social .and I'^cononiic Condition of the People. 8vo. Mellx, 1891. (Financial Reform Tracts) F 17 P 7 HIRSCH, Dr. William. Genius and Degeneration. 8\-o. Lond., 1897. ' G 5 R 3G HIRSCHFELD, Dr. Eugen. Inspection of Meat. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T HIRST, Dr. Bart(m Cooke. Disea.ses tf Pregnancy, Par- turition, and of the Puerperiuni, Extra-Uterine Preg- )iancy, and Abortion. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 PIG HIRST, Fiancis W. Liberalism and Wealtli. (Essays in Liberalism.) F 5 S 50 IIIRTIITS, Aulus. Connnentarii. (Seriptores Historiie Riimame.) B 40 U 24 J HISCOX, Gardner 1 >. (ias, Gasoline, and ( )il Vapour En- gines : a New Book descriptive of their Theory and Power, illustrating their Design, Construction, and Operation for Stationary, Marine, and N'chide Motix r Power. lUust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 37 R 20 1 lorseless Vehicles, Automobiles, Motor Cycles, operated by Steam, Hydro-Carbon, Electric, and Pneumatic i\Iotors; including a sjiecial Chaptei' on how to build an Electric Cab, with detail I'rawinLjs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 20 Meihaiiical .Movements, Powers, Devices, and Appliances used in Constructive and Oper.ativo Machinery and till' Mechanical Arts. Ilhi^tr;ited. 8vo. Lond., 1 S99. A 38 S 1 7 SupplemeiUary Calaloyue — 1896-1000. 297 ]I1SSI']Y, James John. On Sdutlicni I'lnglisli Eoads. Illustrated. 8v<). Lond., lSi)(l. I) 22 P l.o Over Fen and Wold. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 21 IIISTORTCAL ACCOUNT of all the Voyages round the AVoi-ld performed by I'jiiglish Navigatois, ineluding those lately undertaken oy ordei' of Hi.s Pre.?cnt Majesty. The whole faithfully extracted from the Journals of the Voyagers Drake, 1577-80, Cavendish, 1586-88, Cowley, 1683-85, Uampier, 1689- 90, Cooke, 1708-11, Kogeis, 1708-11, Clipperton and Shelvocke, 1719-22, An.son, 1740-11, P,yron, 1764-06, Vv'allis, 1760-08, Carteret, 1766-69, and Cook, 1708-71, to- gether with that of Sydney Parkinson, Draftsman to Joseph Banks, Esij., who circumnavigated the Gloljo with Captain Cook in HisMajesty's ship the Endeavour, and the Vnyagc of Mons. Bougainvilk! round the World, performed by order of the Prench Is^ing, to which is added an Appendix containing the .li)uriial of a Voyage to the North Pole by the Hon. Com- modore Phipps and Captain Lutwidge. Illustratefl. 4 vols..8vo. Lond., 1773-74. MD 8 R 48-51 IlLSTt)KICAL ACCOUNT of Uie Circumnavigation of the Globe and of the Progress of Disco\-ery in tlie Pacific Ocean, from the Voyage of Magellan to the Death of Cook. 2nded. 12mo. EdiiUx, 1837. MD3P 13 HLSTOIIICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Annual Report, 1^97. 8v,,. Winni- peg, 1898. E Transactions. Nds. 51, 52. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1898. 51. Game Biriis of Maiiitoha ; by erial Restoration. 5. \'l. The Lombard Invasion, (i. \ll. The Lombard Kingdom. 7. VIII. The, Prankish Invasions. 8. IX. Tlic Frankish Empire. The Society of Friends. (Our Churches.) G 1 1 U 37 Charles the Great. [See Charlemagne.] C 23 S 5 [Life of] George Fox. [See Fox, George.] C 20 T 18 HODGKINSON, Eaton. Memnif of. [See Smillisonian lust. Rept., 1868.] E HOlKiSON, I'.riau Houghtcm. Life of; by Sir William Wilson Hunter. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' C 21 U 8 llGDtJSON, Frances Eliza. [See Burnett, Frances Eliza.] HODGSON, Dr. Ralph. Cycling for Ladies: contains Elementary Anatomy and Physiology for Cyclists ; Medical Effects of Cycling on the Body; on Muscle; in Heart Disease .and Consumption ; Advice for Lady Cyclists; Bicycles, and tJyclist's Clotlu^s, A-c. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. M .\ 3 P 68 Look under your Nose. 8vo. Sydiirv, 1900. ^M:;V15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 299 lIODCiSON, Sliadworth Holhvay. . Metaphysic of Ex- jiciiciuc. 1 vols. 8vo. Lund., 1(^98. G 17 R 33-36 1. (ieneral Analysis of KxjK'iicnce. 'i. Positive Scienoo. ;!. Aiiiilysis of Conscious Actimi. 4. Fouudations of Kthic and tlju ii:al Universe. Philo.sojjhy and Experience. 8vo. Lond., 1885. (! MR 29 Philosoiiliy of Relleetion. 2 vols. Svo. Loud., 1878. G 11 Q 30, 31 The Re-oi-gaiiizatiiiii of Pliilcisupliv. 8vo. Lond., 188G. G14R27 The Rcilatioii of Pliiloso]iliy lo Science. 8vo. Lond., 1881. (i U R 28 The Theory of Practice: an Ethical Eni]uiry. 8vo. Lond., 1870. (Ml Q 28, 29 HOEK, Dr. P. P. G. Oyster Cultui'e. (Tuternat. Fi.sheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 HOENTG, Fritz. Inquiries concerning the Tactics of the Future (4th ed., 1894, of the ""Two Brigades.") Tran.slated by Capt. H. M. Bower. With Maps. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 3G R 10 HOERNING, Reindart. Briti.sh iMuseum Karaite MS. : Descriptions and Collation of .six Karaite M8.S. of portions of tlie Hel^rew Bible in Arabic characters, with a complete reproduction by the autotype jjroces.s of Exodus I 1-VIII .5, in 42 fac-siniiles. 4to. fLond., 1889. G 20 R 23 t HOEY, Frances Sarah [Mrs. John Cashel]. The Century of Louis XIV. iSee Louis XIV.] C 11 W 12 t Dr. Rameau. [See Ohnet, G.] J 2.5 Q 33 Josei>hine, Eniju-css and Queen. [See Josephine, Empress of the Frencli.] C 20 R 7 t Life of William Carleton. [See Carleton, W.] C 20 S 1, 2 HOFF, Dr. Jacobus Heiidricus van't. The Arrangement of Atoms in Space, and an Appendix : Stereochemistry among Inorganic Substances ; by A. Werner. Trans- lated by A. Eiloart. 2nded. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 33 Q 2G Lectures on Theoretical and Physical Cliemistry. Trans- lated by Dr. R. A. Lehfeldt. 3 vols. yvo. Lond., 1899-1900. A 39 Q 19-21 1. Chemical Dynamics. 2. Cliemical Statics. 3. Relations between Properties and Compositions. Modern Theory of Solution. [&e Jone.s, H. C] A 44 Q 21 HOFFDING, Prof. Harald. Hi.story of Modern Philoso- phy : a Sketch of the History of Philosophy from the close of the Renaissance to our own day. Trans, by B. E. Meyer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V"31, 32 HOFFER, Rainnnid. Practical Treatise on Caoutchouc and Gutta-percha. Translated from the German by William T. Brannt. Iliu.strated. Svo. Philad., 1883. A 23 S 14 HOFFMAN, Dr. David. Chronicles selected from the Originals of Cartaphilus, the Wandering Jew, em- bracing a p(niod of nearly nineteen Centuries. 3 vols, (in 2) Svo. Lond., 185.3. G 3 T 21, 22 Huffman, Fi-ank Sargent. The Sphere of Science : a Study of the Nature and Method of Scientific Investi- gation. Svo. New York, 1898. A 40 T 13 HOFFJl AN, Fredeiick L. Race Traits and Tendencies of tlie American Negro. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 21 "HOFFMAN, Prof." [See Lewis, Angelo Jolni.] HOFFMANN, G. Chri,stian. Catalogue of Section 1 of the Museum of the Geological Sur\ey. [See Canada. . — Geological Sui'vey.] A 34 V 12 HOFFMANN, Prof. Louis. Puzzles, Old and New. Il- lustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. A 29 S 27 HOFMAN, Prof. H. O. Metallurgy of Lead and tlie De- silverization of Base Bullion. 5th (>d. Illusti-ated. Svo. New York, 1899. A 38 V 26 HOG, Thomas. Adami Murimuthensis Chronica sui Tem- poris. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 20 F. Nicholai Triveti Annales. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 19 HOGAN, Rev. J. F. Life and Works of Dante Allighieri : being an Introduction to the Study of the Divina Commedia. With Port. Svo. Lond., 1899. H 4 V 21 HOGAN, James Francis. Australia Revisited. (Contem- pi.irary Review, April, 1895.) E The Clean-shirt Ministry, ((gentleman's Mag., June, 1898.) E The Gladstone Colony : an unwritten Chapter of Aus- tralian History. Svo. Lond., 1898. MB 3 S 1 A New Imperial Highway. (Westminster Rev., 1894.) E The Prison Poet of .\ustralia. (Gentleman's Magazine, Oct., 1897.) E The Sister Dominions; through Canada to Australia by the new Highway. Svo. Sydney, 1896. MD 8 P 30 What may happen to a British Captain : the Costa Rica Packet Case. (Westminster Re\-iew, 1S94.) E [Life of] Cardinal Newman. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q HOGAN, jr. J. Lobelia Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t HOGARTH, David George. A ^^'anderiug Scholar in the Levant. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 18 R 32 Authority and Archfeology, Sacred and Profane. [See Driver, Rev. S. R.] ' G 24 U 5 Philip and Alexander of ]Macedon. [See Philippus.] C24Q 11 300 J^uhlic Library of New South Wales. HOGARTH, Janet E. Modern French Drama. {See Filon, A.] H 10 V o-l HOGARTH, R. The Herring Fishery. (luteruat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 HOGARTH, William. Hnoarth Moralized. [&« TriLsler, Rev. J.] G 24 T 1 HOGBEN', George. Comparison of some Elements of Earthqu.ake Motion as observed in New Zealand with tlieir theoretic values. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Grapiiic Account of Calculating Cubic- Content of Exca- vation as for Water-races on Uneven Ground. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Ta.smanian Earthquake of 27th Januarv, 1892. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ' ME 2 S Tlie Waiiganui Eartliquake on 8th December, 1897. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1898.) ME 2 S HOGG, Charles E. The two Spirits, and other Poems. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MH 1 Q 84 HOGG, Evelyn G. Glacial Reds of T(,olleon, Coleraine, antl Wanda Dale. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad\ance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Petrology of Kerguelen Island. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.) " ]ME 1 P Rock Specimens from Kerguelen Island. (Vict. Nat., Dec, 1898.) ME 6 P The Geology of Coimaidai. Pts. 1, 2. [See Roy. Soc., Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P HOGG, H. R. AraneidK of Central Au.stralia. (Horn Scientific E.Kpodition.) MA 3 R 01 Some Spiders from the Upper Endeavour River, Queens land, with Descriptions of two new .species. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc. 1898.) ME 1 P Spiders of Vict.iria. (Rov. Soc, Vict., Pi'oc, 1900.) ME 1 P HOGG, Hope W., and SPKliiS. E. I;. History of the Hebrews. [See Kittel, Prof. R.] 1! 28 T ."> HOGG, J. DeQuincey andiiis I'riends. [Sef De Quincey, Thomas.] C 22 T 2 HOGG, James, "The Ettrick Shepherd." Songs, now (irst collected. ]2mo. Edinb., 1831. ' H 10 T 35 [Life of]; by Sir G. Douglas. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 19 HOGG, Janie.s Edward. Hints on tlio Law and Practice relating to Conveyancing in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. " MF 5 S 21 HOGG, Johii \V. Conqiilation of Laws reliiting to tiu! Navy, Marine Corj).s, Ac, from the revised .Statutes and .sub.sef|uent Acts to Marcii, 1883. Roy. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1883. F 1 S } HOGG, Stuart. Caiyiing and Pulping Fruit. (Agi-icult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R HOHENLOHE-INGELFINGEN, Prince Kraft zu. Let- ters on Strategy. With Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Wolseiey Ser.) A 36 T U, 15 HOLBEIN der Jiingeie, Hans. Holbein. [See Knack- fuss, H.] A 45 W 2 HC>LDEN, Prof. Edu-ard S. Monograjih of the Central Parts of the Nebula of Orion. ■ (U.S. Naval Obser- A-atory Observations, 1878.) E HOLDEN, George Kenyoa. Enquiry into the new rela- tions between Labour and Capital induced liy Cooper- ative Societies, Labour Partnerships, and other forms of productive industry in which labour is employed on a f(joting more independent than common hire, with some reference to special features of Colonial In- dustry. 8vo. Sydney, 18G7. MF 3 P 09 HOLDER. Alfred. Beowulf. [See Beowulf.] H 13 V 3-7 HOLDER, Charles Frederick. Haunts of the Black Sea bass. (Out-of-door Li)).) A 40 Q S HOLDER, H(m. Frederick William. The Sydney Conven- tion of 1897. (Review of Reviews, Oct., 1897.) E Why South Australia should accept the [Federal] Bill. (Review of Reviews, March, 1898.) E HOLDSWORTH, Edmun.l W. H. Apparatus for Fishing. ( Interna t. Fisheries Exhib.— Fish. Lit.) A 34 R 1 HOLDSWORTH, Philip Joseph. A Federal Sonnet. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P I HOLE, James. National Railways : an Argument for State Purchase. 8vo. Lond.,"l893. ' F 15 Q 30 Suburl)an Dwellings and cheap Railway Fares. (Internat. Health Exldb. -Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 18 HOLE, Samuel Reynolds, Dean of Rochester. A Little Tour in America. 8vo. L(md., 1895. D 15 T 2G Our Gardens. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Had- don Hall Lib.) A 20 R 17 lioLF, William. Illustrations to "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bu.sh." [See Watson, Rev. J.] J 22 V 7 HOLGATB, Prof. Thomas F. Lectures on the Geometry of Positi.jn. [See Reye, Prof. T.] A 39 P 21 lid l.T n.\ Y, Henry. Stained G lass as an Art. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 23 V 5 llOLINSIIED, Rapluu'l. Shakspere's Jlolinshed. [See Slonc, W. (!. Boswell-.] .1 8 V 30 Svppleynentarii Catalogue — 189G-1000. 301 HOLLAND. .Staatkundig en Sta(.nd., IS.-):;. J 22 S 11 IKiMi; Lll;l!.\RV. Mazjuiii. [See Ma.s«on, (l.J 1? 28 Q 4 Military Rcligitnis Onlers of llw NFiiMlc; Ages. [See Woodluaiso, V. v.. | (! 26 R r. H0:ME rule FOR HOME READING: the best points of the best Speeches. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 1 S 27 HOME VISITING AND RELIEF SOCIETY. Twenty- sixth Annual Report, 1887-88. 12mo. Sydney, 18SS, MG 2 U 25 H0;\1ERSHAM, Amelia. Papers on Phylloxera in Euriipe and America, and Vine-culture and Wine- making in the United States. [See Planehon, Prof. J. E.]' MA 4 S 9 llOiAlERSHAM, S. C. \^•ater for Domestic Use. (Internat. Health Exhib, — Health Exhil). Lit.) A 41 V 4 HOMERUS. Homer and the Iliad; by Prof. J. S. Rlaekie. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1866. " H 12 T 19-22 Iliad of Homer rendered into English Prose for the use of those who cannot read the original ; by S. Butler. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " BUR 32 The Ody.ssey ; done intt) English Pro.se by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 14 U 31 Odys.sey, translated Ijy Alexander Pope; to which are added the Battle ci.] IT 1 7 U 12 t [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.-- Essays.] J 14 S 12 Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimp- sest. [See British Museum.] J 18 Q 17 t The Successors (jf Homer. [See Lawton, Prof. W. C.J J 23 S 21 The Women of Homer. [See Perry, AV. C] J 17 U 2 HOMMEL, Prof. Fritz. The .\ncient Hebrew Tradition as illustrated by the Monuments: a Protest again.st the Modern School of Old Testament Criticism. Trans- lated Ijy E. McClurc and L. Crossle. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 26 S 1 HONDT, Pieter d'. Venise; L'Art de la Verrerie; son Histoire, .ses Anecdotes, et.sa Fabrication. 8v(). Liege, 1891. A 36 V 13 HONGI, Hare. Tama-Ahua. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ME 6 R Whare-Km-a : its Philosophies and Teachings. (Poly- nesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) " ME 6 R HONGKON(! •.—Governmint Dcprirlmcnls — Jicpnrta mid l'i(hllfiitlinis. Blue Book. l'.(Kik, ISOS. Sni. fol. Victoria. 1899. E Supplementary Cataloyue — 1S96-1900. 303 IIONORE, Ghiirles. I.oi ilu Jiiiyonnciiiciil- 'l'licniui|nr Soliiii'o, SOS pi-iiicijialcs duise'iiu'iKcs I't TaliU's dii Snlcil. Tiiiii. Svo. Moiituvidco, IS!)G. A IS It 1;! f HO(.)l), Edwin J'axlon. Drcaiiilan.l and (lliostland ; Visits and Wanderings ihcrc In I he lUth C(Mit.uiv. 12mo. Lond.. I.sr)2. " (1 15 U 12 JlOOI), Kaiuui'l, N'iscnint. | L'ortrail- and Sketch of | ; by Adin. Sir 11. V. llaniiKon. (Laiiijhton, Prof. .1. K. ' Fnnn Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 Letters of. [See Navy Kecords Soc Pubs., '^.] Vj HOOT), Thomas. Tlie Haunted Hous(-. Illustrated liy II. Railton. 12mio. Lond., 1896. H 10 S 17 The llule.s of Rhvinc : a Guide to English Versitication. 12nio. Lond."(n.d.) H II P 4;i Essay on. [See Saintshury, (J. — Es.says in English Literature.] " J U T 1 HOOGHT, Eveiard \'au der. Riblia Hebwiica. I See Bibles iiud Testanients.^Hebrew.] 2t V 30 HOOK, James Clarke. Illusti'ated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of Mod(^rn Artists.] O 1 P 17 + HOOK, Theodore Edward. Choice Humorous Works of. New ed., with Lif<^ of the Author. Wilh Portraits. 8vo. Loud., iss;). J 2.^3 S 2 HOOKER, >Sir Joseph Dalton. Century of I ndian ( Jrehids. [See Calcutta Royal Botanic Garden.] A 17 U 22 i Journal of Sir Josejih Banks. [See Banks, Sir J ] MI) 3 U 15 HOOKER, Rev. Richard. Introduction to the 5th Book of Hooker's Treatise of the Laws of Ecelesiastical Polity. [See Paget, F., Dean.] (J 1 P 22 Life of. [See Walton, I.] C 27 P 22 HOOKER, Sir William Jai-kson. British J ungci'niannia". being a History and Description, with Coloured Figures of each species of the genus, and ^licrosc'opical Analyses of the parts. 4to. Lond., 1816. A 20 S"3 t Genera Filicuni ; or. Illustrations of the Genera of Ferns from the original Coloured Drawings of F. Bauer. Roy. 8\o. Lond., 1S3S. A 41 W 2 , and TAYLOR, Dr. Thomas. Bryologia Britan- nica: containing the Mosses of Great Britain and Ire- land systematically arranged and describetl ; being a new edition, with many additions and alterations, of the Musoologia Britanniea of Messrs. Hooker and Taylor, by W. Wilson. Illusti-ated. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 35 T 17 H()OPER, Capt. C. L. Report on the Sea-otter Banks of Alaska. [See L''nited States.— Dept. of the Treasury.] A 38 R 29 HOOPER, Fn'derick, and (i RAM AM, James. .M..d(rn liusincss ?ir,-lhods. 8vo. Lond., 1H99. FlOUl H(")OPl<; I'., George. The tianipaign of Sedan : the Down- fall of the Second lOnipii'e, Aug.-Sept., 1870. Witli Mai)s. 12mo.- Lond., 1897. B1GP29 HOOVER, Herbert C. Superficial Alteration of Western -Australia Ore De])osits. (American Inst, of Mining Engineer.s, Ti'aiis., IS9S.^ E HOOYER, G. B. Guide t,. iiii. Dutch Kast Indies. [See Benanelen, Dr. J. I'', van.] I) 1 1 P 38 HOPE, Ansell. Little Donah Polka. Sni. fnl. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13'P 5 f " HOPE, Anthony." [See Hawkins, A. H.] "HOPE, Ascutt Robert." [See Moncricff, A. R. IL] HOPE, Re\-. F. AV. Revision of the Australian Bupre- stid;e. [See Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1868.] E HOPE, George. Agriculture and the Corn Law. S%r>. Manchester, 1842. F 17 P 1 HOPE, James. Scotland : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Agricult.] A 39 W 27, 29 + HOPETOUN, John Adrian Louis Hope, 7th Earl of. Sport in Victoria. (Badminton Magazine, Dec, 1895.) E HOPKINS, Albert A. Magic : Stage Illusions and Scien- tific Diversions, including Trick Photography. With an Introduction by H. R. Evans. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. A 40 S 11 Ht)PK[NS, Alphon.so Alvah. W.^dtli and Waste: the Principles of Political Economy in their apj)lication to the present Problem of Labor, Law, and the Liquor Tri-.ffic. 8vo. New York, 1.S95. F 15 R 22 HOPKINS, Erastus. The y J. Holland and E. H. Irving. 12mo. Mell.., 189G." H 10 V 26 The Country of Horace and Yiri^'i!. \_See Boissier, G.] D IS S 15 De Arte Poetica. Translated by Queen Elizabeth. \_See Early Eng. Text Soc., Pub.s., orig. ser., 113.] E HORE, Edward C. Narrati\-e of the leading incidents of Vovage No. 2 of the s.s. John Williams. 8vo. Syd- ney, 1895 MG 2 S 23 HORN, Gertrude Franklin. [See Ailii'rton, (Jertrude Franklin.] HOliN, William Auslia. Scientitic Expk)ration of Centi-al Australia. (Roy. Colonial Inst, Proc, 1895-96.) E HORN SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION. [See Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin, and Winneeke, V,.] HORN AD AY, William Temple. Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting ; with Chapters on Collecting and Preserving Insects by Dr. W. J. Holland. Illustrated. 8vo'. L, j)t. 4. ^^'iIcl Flowers, Ferns, and Shrubs. HORNSBY, J. T. jiarryat The Results of the (ieneral Election in New Zealand : a Reply to Sir Robert Stout (Review of Reviews, March, "1897.) ME 2 P HURNUNG, E. W. The Larrikin of Diamond Cieek. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 HORUIDtiE, Frank. Lives of Great Italians. Illus- trated. 8vo. Load., 1897. C 20 S 11 HORSFALL, T. C. Use of Pictures and other Works of Art in Elementary Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhil). Literature.) A 41 V 9 HGRSLEY, Rev. .1. F. The Chinese in Victoria. (Mel- I'ourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q HORSLEY, Rev. Jolm William. Priso)is and Prisoners. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 Q 33 HORSLEY, Rev. Samuel, F.R.S. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of St. Albans at a Visitation, 1783. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1783. G 17 R 13 t H01!SLI■;^', hi', \'ict to tlie Pre- ser\atiori nf the Honours ofScotland in Dunnottar Castle, 1651-52. [See Scottish Hist. Soc Pul)s., 26.] E HOWDEN, R. ]\Iap of South Africa, sliowing relation of 'I'ransvaal to surroundini; territory. Folded fol. Sydney, 1899. D 22 C,) is Sup]}lementa)'ij (JalaUxjne — 1800-1000. 307 HOWE, Edward Gai-diiior. Advanced Elenioiitaiy Sciciico. 8vo. Now York, 1900. (ruteniiit. Educ:iticui Scr.) (I l.'i r 17 110 WE, Dr. Frederic C. Ta.xaliim and Taxes in the United iState.s under the Internal llevenne Sy.stem, 1791-1895: a'l Historical Hketch of the organization, develop- ment, and later nioditication of direct ande.\cisc Taxa- tion under the Coiistitution. 8vo. New York, 189G. F l,') V 32 IIUWE, Dr. Herbo't Alonzo. Elements of Descrijitive Astronomy. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A 19 U IG Study of till- Skv. Illustrated. 8vo. Lor.d., 1897. A 19 S 18 HOWE, John. [Lifeof]; by Rev. l\. V. lloit...i. 8v.-. Lond., 189.5. " 22 P 21 HOWE, Rev. John. Life and Cliaracter of Rev. John Howe; by H. Rogers. 8vo. Lond., 18fi2. C 27 U 1 HOWE, John Radlam. Monetary and Industrial Fallacies : a Dialogue. \Aii;)k~\ 8vo. ~ Boston, 1878. F 16 Q 12 HOWE, Dr. Lucien. Diseases of the Ocular Muscles, Paialylic and Concomitant Squint, Asthenopia, Spasms of the Ocular Muscles, and Nystagmus. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A :;i P IG HOWE, Prof. Malverd A. Retaining-walls for Earth; in- cluding the theory of Earth-pre.ssure as developed from the ellipse of stress ; with a short Treatise on Founda- tions. Illustrated with cxamijles from practice. 3rd ed. 8vo. New Y'"ork, 189G. A 29 S 32 Treatise on Arches designed for the use of Engineers and Students in Technical Schools. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 19 HOWE, Mark Antony De Wolfe. American Dookmen : Sketches, chielly Jjiographical, of certain Writers of the 19th Century. " ^\■ith Portraits. 8\(,. Ne\v York, 1898. C 23 U 11 HOWE, Richard, Earl. [Portr.iit and Sketch of] ; by Rear-Adm. T. S. Jackson. (Laughton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.) " C 2.5 T 7 HOWE, Dr. Samuel Cridley. Dr. Howe, the Philanthropist ; by F. B. Sanborn. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 20 U 5 HOWELL, A. M. Cotton - growing. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ' '' ME 9 R Culture of Tobacco. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R M(;tliods of Common-sense Farming. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Preserving in Tins ; or, the Art of Cunning. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R HOWELL, A. M.—contd Pruning of Plants. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) I\IE 9 R Tobacco-growing in New South Wales. _ (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 189X.) ME 9 R Tobacco in a new light. (Agricult. (iaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Wheat Straw for Potatoes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R ]I(JW]:Li., Ed'.viii ('. .Minor Tactics of Chess. [See Youjig, Franklin C] A 29 S 21 HOWELL, (i(!orge. Handy-book of the Labour Laws. 3rd ed. 8y,,'. Lond., 189,5. F 4 U 38 HOWELL, .1. 11. i!i-metallism : or, Currency Reform. 8vo. Bristol, 1893. MV 3 R 12 HOWELL, John, and ASHCRCjFT, E. A. Utilization of Waste Heat contained in Slags from Sni(-lting Fur- naces. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P II< )WELL, Price. Comparative Statistics of Australasian Railways. (Roy. Statistical Soc, Journ., Mar., 1899.) E HOWELL, Rev. William, " W.H.' Some interesting par ticulars of the second Voyage made by the Missionary Ship 7'Ac Bi'ft', which was captured by the lliii>n((]inrlf. Privateer, 1800. 12mo. Ivnaresbrough, 1809. Mn3QlG HOWELLS, William Dean. The Albany Depot. 18mo. New York, 1892. " H 12 P 24 Annie Kilburn. 8vo. New York, 1888. J 22 R 17 April Hopes. 8vo. New York, 1888. J 22 R 13 A Boy's Town described for " Hai-per's Young Folk." Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1890. J 22 R 43 A Chance Acquaintance. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1897. J 22 R 14 Christmas Every Day, and other Stoi'ies told for Child- ren. lUust. 8vo.'' New York, 1893. J 22 R 29 The Coast of Bohemia. lUustratt'd. 8\-o. New York, 1893. J 22 R 12 A Counterfeit Presentment. Gth ed. 18mo. Boston, 1877. H12P3 Criticism and Fiction. 18mo. New York. 1892. J 1 R 43 Day of their Wedding. 8vo. New York, 189-5. J 22 R 3 A Day's Pleasure, and other Sketches. Illustrated. 18mo. Boston, 1881. J 1 R 44 Dr. Breeu's Practice. ISthed. 8vo. Boston, 1891. J 22R2.5 The Elevator. ISmo. Boston, 1896. H 12 P 33 Evening Dress. 18mo. New York, 1892. H 12 P 22 A Fearful liesponsibility, and other Stories. Svo. Boston, 189.5. J 22 R 16 Five O'clock Tea. Illustrated. 18mf). New York, 1894. H12P20 308 JBublic Library of New Soiith Wales. HOWELLS, William BeMi—confd. A Foregone Conclusion. 8vo. Boston, 1896. J 2'2 R 6 The Giirrottere. 18mo. New York, 1894. H 12 P £1 A Hazard of new Fortunes. 2 vols. 8vo. Ni'w York, 1889. J 22 R 8, 9 An Imperative Duty. 8vo. New York, 1892. J 22 R 18 Impressions and Expei-iences. 8vo. New York, 1896. C18P28 Indian Summer. 17th ed. 8vo. Boston, 188.5. J 22 R 7 The Lady of the Arostook. 8v<). Bost(m, 1879. J 22 R 24 The Landlord at Lion's Head. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 22 R 15 A Letter of lutroiluLiiuu. 12mo. New York, 1892. H 12 P23 A Likely .Story. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1894. ' ■ H 12 P 2-3 Little Swiss Sojourn, lllusti-ated. 18uio. New York, 1892. I) 20 P 9 Tlie Minister's Charge ; or, the Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker. 8vo. Boston, 1887. J 22 R 20 A Modern Instance. 28th ed. 8vo. Boston, l!S81. J22R10 The Mouse-trap, and other Farces. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1889. H 12 R 4 My Literary Passions. 8vo. New York, 1,S95. J 16 R 38 My Year in a Log Cabin. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1893. D .20 P 8 au Llyl of Saratoga. 8vo. J 22 R 27 Out of the Question. 12uio. Boston, 1877. H 12 P 2 Out of the Question, and at the Sign of the Savage. 18mo. Edinb., 1897. J 16 T 45 The Parlor-car. 18mo. Boston, 1892. H 12 P 31 A Parting and a Meeting. Illustrated. 18nio. New York, 189G. ■" J 1 R 38 Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1895. H 12 R 5 A Previous Engagement. lliust rated. IShmi. New York, 1897. 1112 1' 5 The Quality of Mercy. 8vo. New York, 1891. ,) 22 R 21 The Register. 18nio. Boston, 1896. II 12 P 34 The Rise of Silas Lai>ham. 30th ed. 8\<>. Boston, ^^'^i- A 22 R 19 A Sea-change ; or. Love's Stowaway. iSnio. Bo.ston, 1888. II 12 P 4 Shadow of a I )ream. Xvo. New York, 1 ,S90. J 22 R 28 The Sleeping-car. 17thed. 18mo. Boston, 1897. H 12 P32 Stops of various Quills. Illustrated. 8vo New York 1895. „ 4 ,s 3] Suburban Sketches. 13tli ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1H93. .1 ■)•) ]{ I 1 Their Wedding Journey, witli an additional chapter on Niagara Revisited. 8vo. Boston, 1898. J 22 R 4 Three Villages. ISmo. Boston, 1884. D 20 P 7 A Traveller from Altruiia. 8vo. New York, 189K. J 22 R 30 An Open-eyed Conspiracy : New York, 1897. HOWELLS, William Dean— co/tCf/. Tuscan Cities. 8vo. Boston, 1894. 1) 21 R 1 The Undiscovered Country. 8vo. Boston, 1896.J 22 R 2 The L^nexpected Guests. Illustrated. 18ino. New York, 1893. H 12 P 26 Venetian Life. 8vo. Bostim, 1898. D 21 R 2 A Woman's Reason. 17th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1882. J 22 R 23 The World of Chance. • 8vo. New York, 1893. J 22 R 26 The House by the Medlar Tree. [See Verga, G.] J 26 U 1 Pastels in Prose, [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 [Short Studies of.] [See Higginson, T. W. — Short Studies of Amoi-ican Authors.] J 1 R 30 Sketch of [See Vcdder, H. C. — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 , and PERRY, Thomas Sergeant. Library of Universal Adventure by Sea and Land : including original Narratives and authentic Stories of Personal Prowess and Peril in all the Waters and Regions of the Globe, from 79 a.d. to 1888 a.d. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1893. D 13 V 25 HOWES, (ieorge Bond. Zoology and Food Fi.shes. (Inter- nat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 2 HOWIE. Rev. John, " Clergyman of the Church of Scot- land." The Scots Worthies : containing their Last "Words and Dying Testimonies ; with a Preface by W. M'Gavin. 30th ed. 8vo. Glasgow, 1835. G 24 S 1 HOWiSON, Dr. George H. Conception uf (iod. [See Royce, Prof. J.] G 23 Q 1 Dictionary of Eiiglisli Synunvmes. [See Soule, R.] J 10 S 2S HOWITT, A. W. Kiirdh/plii^ />uhvntli')i/(t in Victoria. (.Vustralasian Assoc, for Advan('oment of Science, Report, 1.S98.) ME 18 S Notes on samples of Kocks collected by A. E. Kitson and W. Thorn. (Australasian Assoc, for AdvancemcTit of Science, Report, 1S98.) ME 18 S Oligoclase Felspar from ]Mt. Anakies, Victoria. (Aus- tralasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Repoit, 1898.) ME18S The Organisation of Australian Tribes. (Hoy. Soc, Vict., Trans. I.) ME 21 T Origin of the Aborigines of Tasmania and Australia. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Jh)\\ rrr, A\ ilbam. Letters on Transportation as the only means of eli'in-tual Convict Reform, also Letters on the revolting cruelties practisi>d under the (Janie Laws, showing thesi- laws to be one of the most pro- lific sources of Convictism. 12mo. Lond., 1863. MF4 P 17 Supplementary Culaloyue — 1806-1900. 309 IIOWTTZ, D. Forest Protection ;uul Tree Culture on Water Frontages. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisli- eries Literal-nrc.) A lU 11 7 IIOWLANl), (), A. The New Fiiipiro: Uefl(!otions wynn its Griffin aiul Constitution, and its I'elation to the Great Republic. 8vo. Loud., 1891. F 10 U 28 IIOWLETT, Knjj;lan.l. Anri.,'ii1/J'eiiurcs. (Andrews, \V. —Legal Lore.) F 1:! R L'f) The Manor and Manor Law. (Andi'cws, AV. Ijegal Lore.) F 1.'. I! '25 HOWSON, Edmund Whyldirad. Tcacliin,:;- of Mn-iish Literature. (Conkson, C. — Essays oji Secondary lOilu- cation.) ■ C;2;iF18 -, and WARNER, George Town.send. Hairi School. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (J 18 ,S 31 HOYT, John Wesley. An Agricultural Sui'vey of Wy3, :.' t HUGHE.S, Thomas. Address by, on the occasion of the presentation of a testimonial in recognition of his services to the cause of Cooperation. 12mo. Man- chester, 1885. F v:, V i\ Lecture on the History ami Objects of C'oiiperatiop. 12mo. Manchester, 1878. F 12 S 20 Tom Brown's School-da vs. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 21 P 21 Vacation Kambles [Kunipe and .Vincrioii]. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D IS R ni , and NEALK, Edward Vansittart. Manual for Coiiperators, prepared at the recjuest of the Coopcrati\e Congress held at (rloueester in April, ISJO, and revised 1888. 8vo. Manchester, 1888. F 3 R G HUGHES, Rev. Thomas. Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. [With Bibliograpliy.] 8vo. Lond., 1892. ((Jreat Educaturs.) " G 18 tj 52 HU(;HES, Thomas McKenny. Genliigy c.f thr Country around Kendal, Sedbcrgh, iJowness, and Teliay. [See (U. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and "Wales. J xV 17 R 22 HUG(.), Victor Marie, Comte. The Alps and the Pyrenees. Translated by J. Manson. 12iuo. Loud., 1898. D 18 Q 33 Los Annees Funeste.s, 1852-70. 12iiio. Paris (n.d.) H 12 Q 31 Cho.ses Vue.s. 7th ed. .Svo. Paris, 1SS7. C 2.") S 5 Dieu. 3rd ed. 8vo. Paris, 1891. H 12 U 2 En A''oyage : Alpcs et Pyrenees ; France et Belgique. 3rd ed." 2 vols. 8vo. Pari.s, 1890-Q2. I) 22 P 13, 11 La Fin de Satan. 3rd ed. 8vo. Paris, 188G. H12 1'3 Hcrnani. Trau.slaterl intoEngli.sh Verse, with an Tntro- uuctioii, l)v R. Fanjuharson Sharp. Sni. 4to. Lond., 1898. ' HIS 3G The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. 8vii. Lond. (n.d.) J 25T5 Letters of. Tran.slated liv F. Clarke. \'.,1. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' C 2.") P 8 [Lifeof]; by Mi-s. Cuopei-. (.Mcll.. Itexii^w, 10.) ME 18 Q ^lenioirs of ; with a Pieface l)y P. Meuricc. Translated 1)V J. W. Harding. AVith Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C27S5 Lcs Miserablcs. ■ Translated inlo Iviglish. 7lhi-(l. Svd. Lond. (n.d.) J •_';! S 2 Les Miserables. Tran.slalCHl by T.salK'l I'. 1 bqigocil. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) ,) l'2 S I Les Miserablcs, Principau.x Episodes. Edited 1)V J. Boielle. Vol. 1, .Oth ed., vol. 2, 1th ed. 2 vols. l'2ni(i. Lond., 1895-97. .) 1 1' I' | t, i.^, ■ Notre-Dam(! (!(• Paris. Adapted for use iii Seliools and Colleges by J. Boielle, 2 vols, 1 2nio. Lond., 1887- W ,1 12 P 42, 13 HUGO, Victor Marie, Comte — contd. Ocean: Glioses Vues. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 21 R 43 Tlie'itre en Liberie. 8vo. Paris, 1896. H 12 U 4 Toilers of the Sea. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 189G. J 23 S 1 Toixpiemada. 7th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1882. H 12 U 8 T 30 Supplementarii CcUulogiic — 1890-1900. 311 HULME, Frcdoiick Edward. The Flags of tlio World: llirir ilistorv, lilazcjiiry, and As.s(jciatio]i.s. illustrated. Svo. Lond." (nd.) " K 19 Q 13 HLstoiy, Pn'iipiplcs, and Practice of Ilei'aldry. Illus- trated. Sv,,. LoiiiL, 1S97. K 19 K 19 and otliers. Art-Studies from Natuie as applied to Desijiii; l)v F. E. HuIiikn J. Glaisher, S. J. Maekic, and R. Hunt. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 45 T 21 IIX'LME-BEAiMAN, Aidern 0. [See Beaman, A.' G. Jluliiie-.] IIULSEAN LECTURES. Place of Miracles in Religion. [Sec Lyttelton, A. T. , liisliop.] (! '2-t (,) i:? J/UJfAN/TA/ilAiV, The : a Monthly Review of Sociolo-i- eal Science. Vols. 12-15, 1898-Dee., 1899. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., .1898-99. E irUMBER, AVilliani. Handy Book for the Calculation of Strains in Girders and similar structures, and their .strength, oth ed. 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 25 R 18 HUMBLOT, A. Argument of the Play of Pauline Blan- chard. \_See Darmont, A.] H 3 (i 38 HUMBOLDT, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron von- [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 U 13 HUME, David. Letters of, to William Strahan ; now first edited, with Notes, Inde.x, A-c., by G. B. Hill. 8vo. Oxford, 1888. C 2G S 9 [Life of] ; by Henry Calderwood. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 9 [Address on.] [See Caird, Rev. J. — University Ad- dres.ses.] G 15 P 46 HUME, Hamilton. Brief Statement of Facts in connec- tion with an Overland Expedition from Lake George to Port Phillip in 1824. 3rd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MD 4 U 35 HUME, Martin Andrew Sharp. Court.ships of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 T 19 The Great Lord Burghley: a Study in Elizabethan State- craft. WiChPort. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 34 R 18 Modern Spain, 1788-1898. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Story of the Nations.) B 26 S 19 Sjiain: its Greatness and Decay, 1479-1788; with In- troduction by E. Arm.strong. 8vo. Canib., 1898. (Camb. Hist."^Ser.) B 34 Q 17 The Year after the Armada. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. B 16 V 19 [Life of] Sir Walter Raleigh. [See Rileigh, Sir W.] C 23 y 25 HUMPHREY, James Ellis. Botanieal Microtec!ini(iue. [See Zinniiermann, Dr. A.] A 20 T 25 HUMPHREYS, Maj.-Gen. Andrew Atkinson. Sketch of. [See Dwightj T. I''.-— Critical Sketches of some of the I'Vderal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U HUMPHREYS, Henry Noel, and WESTWOOD, John Obadiah. British Butterilies and their Transforma- tions. Illu.st. 4to. Lond., 1849. A 18 R 4 t British Moths and their Ti-ansfonnations. New ed. Illust. 2vol.s. 4to. Lcmd., 1854. A 18 R 2, 3 t HUMPHRY, Sir George Murray. Tetanus. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 HUMPHRY, Dr. I^aurence. Congenital i\Ialformation of the Heart. (.Vllbult, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T .38 HUMPIDGE, T. S. Short Textbook of Inorganic Chem- istry. [See Kolb,., Dr. H.j A 20 P 39 HUNT, Archibald E. Ethnographical Notes on the Mur- ray Islands, Torres Straits. (Anthrop()logi(;al Inst. f)f (ireat Britain and Ireland, Journ., 1899.) E HUNT, Arthur Surridge. The Farmer. [See Menander.] H 12T I Sayings of our Lord. [See Egypt Exploration Fund.] ^ ^ G11Q.34 HUNT, Dr. Ezra M. Principles of Hygiene for the School and the Home, together with so much of Anatf>niy and Physiology as is nece.ssary to the correct teaching of the subject." Illustrated. 8vo. New Y^ork, 1887. A 41 T 29 HUNT, Frederick W. Sanitary Arrangement of House.s in London during the last 120 years. (Internat. Health Exhib.- Health Exhih. Lit.") A 41 U 18 HUNT, Dr. James Sidney. Inoculation for Tick Fever. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Natural History and Prevention of Texas Fever. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1898.) ME 9 U Tick Fevrks in Verse and Prose of SainuclDaniel, 4, .">. HUTTON, Arthur Wollaston. Essays on subjects con- nected with tlie Refin-niation in England. \_See Mait- land, Rev. S. R.] ' G 24 (} 23 Liv(-s of the English Saints. \_See Newman, Cardinal.] G 26 S 10 2e HUTTON, Prof. Frederick Remsen. Heat and Heat- engines : a Study of the Principles which undei-lie the Meclianical Engineering of a Power Plant. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 38 S 23 IMeehanieal Engineci iog of Power Plants. 8vo. New York, 1897. ' A 20 T 30 HUTTON, Capt. Fredeiick Wollaston, F.R.S. Ancient Maori Dog. (N./, Inst., Trans., 1897.) :ME 2 S Behaviour of two Artesian Wells at tl}e Cantei-bury Museum. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1895.) • ME 2 S Collection of In.sects from the Chatham Islands, with descriptions of three new species. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Corrections in the Names of some New Zealand Rocks. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Darwinism and Lamarckism, old and new. A\'ith Por- trait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MA 4 P 28 Early Life on the Earth. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME IBS Footprint of a Kiwi-like Bii'd from Manaroa. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Grasshoppers and Locusts of New Zealand and the Ker- nuidec Islands. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Maori Stone Implements. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S The Moas of the North Island of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Neuroptera of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S New Zealand Acridida>. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S New Zealand Phasmidie. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Note on the Mantis found in New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans,, 1896.) ME 2 S Notes on some New Zealand Fishes, with description of a new species. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1895.) ME 2 S Phasmida-of New Zealand. (N.Z Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S The Stenopehnatiihe of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896, 1898.) ME 2 S Supposed Rib of the Kumi, or Ngarara. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Synopsis of the Hemiptera of New Zealar.d which have been described previous to 1896. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Theoretical Explanations of the Distribution of Southern Faunas. (Linn. Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Two Moa Skulls in the Canterburv Museum. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1896.) " ME 2 S HUTTON, Henrv. Follies Anatomic. [_See Percy Soc] H" 1 1 S 8 HUTTON, James. St. Louis, King of France. [See Join- ville, Sire de.] B 27 P 8 314 Tnblic Lihrary of New South Wales. HUTTON, Laurence. Curiosities of the American Stage. Illustrated 8vo. New York, 1891. H 12 T 10 Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh. Illustrated. 12mo. New" York, 1898. D 20 Q 26 Literary Landmarks of Florence. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1897. D 20 Q 2 Literary Landmarks of Jerusalem. Illustrated. 12mo. New' York, 1895. D 20 Q 28 Literaiy Landmarks of London. 8th ed. "With Ptir- traits. 12mo. New York, 1897. D 20 Q 29 Literary Landmarks of Rome. Illustrated. 12n)o. New York, 1897. D 20 Q 30 Literary Landmarks of Venice. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 189G. D 20 Q 31 HUTTON, Margaret [Jlrs. — ], "A Lady." Hand-book of Painting. ISee Kugler, F. T.] " A 44 R .5, 6 HUTTON, Richard Holt. Aspects of Religious and Scien- tific Thought, selected from the iSpectafur and edited l)y his niece Elizabeth M. Roscoe. With Pt)rtrait. 12mo. Lond., 1899. G 24 P 10 The Earlier and Later Styles of AVoi-dsworth. (Knight, W. — Wordsworthiana.) .114 R 15 Richard Holt Hutton of the Spec/alor : a Monograph. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. C 22 S 27 HUTTON, "Walter S. The Practical Engineer's Hand- l)Of)k, comprising a Treatise on ^Modern Engines and Boilers, Marine, Locomotive, and Stationaiy. 5th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 T 4 Practical Mechanic's Workshop Companion. [See Temple- t'n, W.] A 33 R 32 HUTTON, Rev. William Holdcn. Thr C'lmrcii of the 6th Century : six Chapters in Ecclesiastical History. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 U 30 Hampden Court. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897 J5 10 V 32 Sliort History of the Church in Oieat Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 9 W 38 The llouscliold of Sir Tii(;mas More. [See Manning, Anne] J 14 Q 39 [Life of] Archbisiiop Laud. [See Laud, W., Archbishop.] C 20 T 1 7 [Life of] Philip Augustus. [See Philip Augustus, King of France.] C 22 S 25 Sketches of Travel in Norniaii(K- ami Maine. [See Free- man, E. A.] I) 18 Q 28 HUXLEY, Hcnri(-tta. Th(^ (!old Diggings of Balhurst in 1851. (Nineteenth Century, June, 1899.) E HUXLEY, Prof. Thomas Henry, F.R.S. Scientific Memoirs. Edited by Drs. M. Foster and E. R. Lanke.ster. Vols. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. *vo. Lond., 1898-99. A 40 S 15, 16 Fish Diseases. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 6 Huxlev and the Problem of the Naturalist. [See Bi-ooks, Prof. W. K.— Foundations of Zoology.] A 40 U 9 Nature and Man. [See Seth, Dr. A. — Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays.] G 14 R 26 Prof. Hu.Kley's Lectures. [See Godkin, E. L. — Reflec- tions and Comments.] J 12 S 45 Reminiscences of Prof. Huxley. [See Flower, Sir W. H. — Essays on Museums.] A 41 R 1 [Sketch of.] [See Clodd, Edwai'd. — Pioneers of Evolu- tion.] A 27 R 13 HUYSERS, D. De Investigator-Straat, Golf van St- Vincent, Port Adelaide, Backstairs-passage, Guichen- baai en zuidzijde van Kangaroeeiland. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1854.) E HUYSMANS, Joris Karl. Huysmans as a Symbolist. [See Svmons, A. — Symbolist ;^Iovement in Literature.] J 17 V 30 [Study of.] [See Crawford, Virginia M. — Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 36 [Study of.] [See Ellis, H.— Affirmations.] J 19 W 14 [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 HYATT, Aljiheus. Fossil Cephalopoda in the Museum of Conijiarative Zoijlogv [Har\'ard]. Roy. 8vo. Candj., Mass., 1883. ' A 27 V 23 HYDE, Douglas. Literary History of Ireland from the Earliest Times to tlie Present Dav. 8\o. Lond., 1899. (Lil). of Lit. Hist.) ' J 4 T 28 HYDE, Edward. "With the 49Ui in the Crimea. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Rank.s.) B 21 S 4 HYDE, Dr. James Nevins. Hyjjertrojiliics, and Atropines of the Skin. (Hare, Dr. 11. A.— System of Practical Tlierajieutics.) A 31 P 16 HYDE, Hcjii. John. Future Wheat Supply of the United States. [Sec Crookes, Sir W.— The Wheat Prol)lcni.] A 35 Q 15 I'ul^lieations of the l>i\ision of Statistics of the United States Department of Agriculture. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Statistics.] A 38 R 27 HYDE, William Dcwitt. Practical Idealism. 8vo. New York, 1.S97. G 23 Q 2 IIYMANS, Henri. Lucas A'orsterni;in : Catalogue raisonno de son OOuvre precede d'une Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages du Maitre. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Hrux- cllcs, 1893. A 34 V 3 Supplementary Calalogue — 1896-1900. .315 HYNDES, HaiTv. Miii(laril)ha "W.iltz. Sm. fi.l. Sydney (ii.d.) " MA Ki'P n t HYNDMAN, Honry Mayers. The Econoiiiios of S.jcial- ism : bsing a series of seven Lectures on Political Economy. 8vo. Loud., 189G. F 8 V 24 HYNDMAN, Hu<;h Henry Francis. Radiation : an Ele- mentary Treatise on Elcctromaguetic Radiation and on Ronteen and Cathode Rays ; with a Preface by Prof. S. P. Thompson. 8vo. Lend., 1898. A 20 Q 25 HYNE, Charles Jolm Cutcliffe Wright. Through Arctic Lapland. Tllust. 8vo. Lond.,1898. I)]:m2 HYPERTDES. In Philippidem. [See British Museum. — Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum.] J 5 V 13 HY.SLOP, Dr. Theophilus Bulkeley. Alcoholic Insanity. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sys. of Medicine.) A 2G T il "IAN MACLAREN." [See Watson, Rev. J.J IJIIS, The : a Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. Vol. 1- 7th ser. vol. 5, 1859-99. 42 vols. '8vo. Lond., 1859-99. E IBN-AL-FARID. [See Umar.] IBSEN, Dr. Henrik. Love's Comedy. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, l)v C. H. Herford. 8\-o. Lond., 1900. " H 12 T 17 When we dead awaken. Translated by W. Archer. 8vo. Lend., 1900. ' " H 1.3 V 11 [Essay on.] [See James, Henry. — Essa\'s in London and elsewhere.] " J 14 T 23 Henrik Ibsen ; Bjornstjerne Bjornson : Critical Studies. [See Brandes, C] ' J 4 V 13 The Quintessence of Ib.semsm. [See Shaw, C B.] J 23 S IG [Study of.] [See Hansson, Laura Marholm. — We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 IDAHO : — State Departments — Reports and Publications. Adjutant-General. Annual Report, 1898. Svo. Cald- well, 1899. E Attorney-General. Biennial Report, 1897-98. 8vo. Lewiston, 1S98. E Board of Horticultural Inspection. First Biennial Report, lS97-itS. 8vo. Boise, 1899. E Board of Land Commissioners. Biennial Report, 1897-98. 8vo. Lewiston, 1899. E Constitution. Constitution of the State of Idaho, adopted l)y a Constitutional Convention held at Boise City, Idaho, Aug., 1898. 8yo. LewLston, 1898. F 16 T" 5 IDAHO— OT/(^^. Insane Asylum. Biennial Report of the Board of Directors, and Annual lirjiort oi tlu; Superintendent, June, 1895-90. 8vo. Blackfoot, 189G. E Legislature, Biennial Me.s.sivge of the Governor of the State of Idaho to tlio fifth State Legislature, 1899. 8vo. Boise, 1899. • E Lewiston State Normal School. Report of the Trus tees, cml)raclng the period from its oi'ganization to .Jan., 1897. 12mo. Lewiston, 1897. E Normal School, Albion. Annual Catalogue, 1897-98. S\(i. All)ion, 1898. E Secretary of State, Biennial Report, 1897-98. 8vo. l?oise, 1898. E Official Manual of the State of Idaho, 1895-9G. 8vo. B.jise, 1897. E Soldiers' Home. Aimual Report of the Superintendent, 1898. 8vo. Weiser, 1898. E University. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho, 1898. 8vo. Mo.scow, 1898. E IDE, Hon. Henry C. Our Interests in Samoa. (North American Review, Aug., 1897.) E IDEAL HUSBAND, An. [&e Wilde, O.] H 12 Til IFOULD, W. H. Library Classification. (Lil). A.s.soc. of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 IGGLTLDEN, Capt. Herbert Augustus. The 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Sikkim Expedition of 1888 ; with an Introduction by Sir S. Bayley. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Derbyshire Campaign Ser.) B 31 R 12 IGNATIUS, Father. [See Spencer, Hon. and Rev. G.] IGNATIUS LOYOLA, St. Testament: being ^'Sundry Acts of our Father Ignatius, under God, the first founder of the Society of Jesus, taken down from the St.'s own lips by Luis Gonzales." Translated by E. M. Rix ; with Preface by G. Tyrrell. [Notes "by H. Thur-ston.] 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 Q 9 Ignatius Loyola and the early Jesuits ; by S. Rose. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occa-s. Paper.s.] J 14 U 35 Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. [See Hughes, Rev. T.] " G 18 Q 52 St. Ignatius of Loyola. [See Joly, H.] G 24 P 13 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B. — Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 IHERING, Rudolph von. E\olution of the Aryan. Trans- lated by A. Drucker. 8vo. Lend., 1897. A 19 U 14 IHLSENG, Prof. Magnus C. :\ranual of Mining, based (m the Course of Lectures on Mining delivered at the School of Mines of the State of Colorado. Illustrated. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1892. A 38 U 32 316 Txhl'te Library of Nov South Wales. ILE8, Geoige. List of Books for Girls and Women. \_See Leypoldt, A. H.] K 11 1117 Reader's Guide in Economic. Social, and Political Science. \_See Bowker, R. R.] Cat. Room ILLAWARRA MERCURY, UQi^-QQ. Fol. Woll.msons;, 1898-99. • ' ME ILLIDGE, Rowland. Life-historv of Timber Moth^. (Roy. 8oc., Queensland, Proc, 1898.) ME 1 T List of Butterflies of the Brisbane District. (Rov. Soc- Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T ^liscellanea Entomologica: or. Odd Notes on the Historv and Transformations of various Insects. (Rov. Soc, Queensland. Proc, 1S99.) ME 1 T ILLINGWORTH, John Richardson. Divine Immanence: an Essay on the Spiritual .Siijniticance of Matter. 8vo. Lond., 189S. G 5 Q 31 ILLIN. Lond, (n.d.) I'' 1 2 S .33 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 317 IMPERIALIST." Cecil Rhodes : a Bi,,j;rai)hy and Appt'eciiition. \_See Rhodes. C. | C 2.'! 1' 7 IMPEY, Dr. 8. r. I [aiid-hook on Leprosy. 8vo. Ldiid., 1890. A U R :? IMPORTANT DECLARATIONS IN FAVOUR OF BI-METALLTSM. Sv<>. Melb., ISO.-). MF:!R12 IN THE LAND OF THE BORA ; or. Cain|i Lif,' and S))(prt in Dahnatia and tlie Herze^oN'ina, ISl) 1- ',)(>. [See "Snafflc.'l I) I') I' ■) INCORPORATED LAW INSTITUTE OP NEW SOUTH WALES. Legal Digest of New South AVales, 1899. Roy. 8\o. Sydney, 1899. ME G U INCORPORATED SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RE^ SEARCH. [_See Society for Psychical Research.] IXDEI'EXDEXT, Th-, from vol. 1, No. 1, 18:)| :5o. 3 vols. fol. Launceston, 1831-35. ME INDERWICK, Fre.ierick Andrew. The King's Peace: a Historical Sketch of the English Law Courts. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 189.'i.' F 7 V ."lO INDEX LIBRARY, The. [See British Record Society.] IXDEX MEDICI'S: a Monthly Classified Record of the Current Medical Literature of the World. Vols. l-L'l, 1879 -April, 1899. lil vols. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1879 - 99. * E INDIA: — Government Depart men In — Reportu uml I'nlili- cations. Acts. [See- Statute.s, under this heading.] Census. Con.sus of India, 1891. Vols. 11, I-'). 2 vols. f,,l. Madras, 1893. E Department of Finance and Commei-ce. Review of the Trade of India, 1893-94. Sm. fol. Simla, 1894. E Department of Revenue and Agriculture. Accounts of tlip Trade carrie vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1896-1900. E Returns of Agricultural Statistics of British India and the Native State of Mysore, 1892-94. 2 vols. sui. fol. Calcutta, 1894-9.5. E Review of Mineral Production in India, 1893, 189G 97. 3 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1894-98. E Forest Administration. Review of the Forest Admin- istration of British India, 1892-98. 6 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1894-99. E mD\K~-eontd, Geological Survey. Records of the Geological Survey of India. Vols. 1-17, 19-30. 29 vols, (in 24) roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1870-97. E Home Department. Th(! Plague in India, 1896-97. Compiled hv B. Nathan. 4 \<>ls. 8vo. Simla, 1898. A 44 V 1.5-18 Statistical Bureau. Accounts relating to the Trade and Navigation of British India for the month of October, 1895, and foi' the sevi'ii month.s, April-Oct., 1895, compared with the corresponding period of the years 1893 and 1894. 8vo. Calcutta, 1895. E Weights and Values of Articles carried liy Rail and River in British India during 1893-96. 2 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1893-96. E Statistics. Financial and Commercial Statistics for Briti.sh India. Sm, fol. Calcutta, 1895. F 17 T 7 t Statistical Atlas of India. 2nd ed. Fol. Calcutta, 1895. F 1 Q 14 + [See iit-i'i Census, under this heading.] Statutes. Acts of the Legislative Councils of India and Bengal : Rules, Byelaws, Regulations, and Notifica- tions relating to the Port of Calcutta ; with schedule of Port, Pilotage, Jetty, and Wharf Charges. 8vo Calcutta, 1882. F 13 R 27 [See (iJrio Selections from Public- Correspondence, N.W. Provinces.] INDIA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO, HONGKONG. With ;\[aps. 8\(.. Lond., 1899. (British Flmpire Ser.) D 22 CM IXDIA OFFICE LIST. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— India OfHce.] IXDIAX DAILY XEWS, .Tulv, 1899-.June, 1900. Fol. Calcutta, 1899 -1900. " K IXDIAX DIRECTORY. Thackers Indian Directory [previously issued as the Bemjul Directory] 1864-68, 1881, 1883-84, 1889, 1895, 1898. 10 vols. roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1864-98. E INDIAN MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Coins of the Indian Museum ; by C. J. Rodgers. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1894-96. A 40 R 21-24 INDIAN POLO ASSOCIATION. Polo Calendar. Vol. 5, 1896-97. 12mo. Calcutta, 1897. E INDIAN PROBLEMS. Backwartts or Forwards? [.■7ee Hanna, Cul. H. B.] F 10 ^■ -JT India's Scientific Frontier. [.?ee Hanna, Col. H. B.] F I6S IS INDIAN TALE OR TWO : with an Introduction bv R. B. Swinton. 12mo. I'.lackheath, 1898. J 9 t^ 39 318 Public Library of New South Wales, INDIANA : — Stdii' Dtpnrtnienti — RfportsandPuhlicatioiis. Annual Reports. Annual Reports of Officers of State, 1«6S, 1.S9.':'. -2 vols. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1889-99. E Board of Agriculture. Annual Reports. Vols. 16, 24, 26, 1874, 1882, 1884. 3 vols. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1875-85. E Legislature. Biennial Message of Governor James A' Mount, 1899. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1899. E Journal of the House of Representatives, 1899. 8vo. Indianopolis, 1899. E INDUSTRIAL COMMONWEALTH AT HEBDEN BRIDGE. [See Drew, H.] F 16 S 33 IXDUSTEIES AXD IRON. Vols. 15-28, July, 1893- March, 1900. 14 vols. 4to. Lond., 1893-1900. [Ceased publicaiiv>i.^ E INEDITED TRACTS, illustrating the Manners, Opinions, and Occupations of Englishmen dui-ing the 16th and 17tb Centuries, now first republished from the original copies with a Preface and Notes. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1868. (Roxburghe Lib.) J 2 T 30 C'yuile and Vucyuilo Life. Reprint of 1579 cd. Health to the Gentlemanly Profession of Serving-men; liy (iervase or Jervis Markham. Reprint of 1.598 ed. Court and Country; by N. Breton. Reprint of 1618 ed. INGALS, Dr. E. Fletcher. Diseases of the Nasal Chambers and associated Affections. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 INGALLS, Capt. James M. Ballistics. [See United States.— Adjutant-General's Office.] A 22 P 2 t INGE, William Ralph. Cliristian Mysticism. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " G 24 V 21 INGELEND, Thomas. Interlude of the Disobedient Child. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 24 INGELFINGEN, Prince Kraft zu H.-lienlohe-. [See Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Prince Kraft zu.] INGELOW, Jean. John Jerome: liisTiioughtsand Ways. 12mo. Lond., 1888. J 25 Q "26 Poetical Works. With Portiait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 1 S 37 INGLE, Edward. Soutliern Sidelights: a Picture of Social and Economic Life in tin; Soutli a Generation Ijefore the War. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 10 V 8 INGLIS, Capt. A. New Tide-predicting .Machine. (Aus- tralasian Assoc. f(jr Advancement of Science, Rejjort, 1898.) ME 18 S Tides of Soutli Australia. [See Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Rejiort, 1898.] ME 18 S INGLIS, Dr. Otto E. Dental Pathology and Therapeutics in the fle Stellar System. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 10 R 24 INNES, Thomas. Civil and Ecclesiastical Historj' of Scotland. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 S 2 IXQUIRER, Th": a Western Australian Journal of Politics and Literature, 1842-46. Fol. Perth, 1842- 46. ME Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 319 INSTTTITT TNTERNATTONAL I)K P.TIiLTO- ORAl'JIIE. JJulletin, imh. 8v... JJiux.^llcs, LSUD. E INSTTTUTE OF HANKERS. J.ninial. Vols. 1-19, Jimo, 1879-Uec., 1898. 19 vols. Bvo. Loud., 1880- 98. E INSTITUTE OF BANKERS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Journal. Vols. 1-7, 1892-98. 7 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-98. ME 15 T INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. Annual Report of the Institute of Jamaica for year ending Mareli, 1897. Sni. fol. Kingston, 1897. E Journal. Vol. 2, Sept., 1891-MarcIi, 1899. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Kingston, 1894-99. E INSTITUTION OF CIVIL EN(5 INFERS. Charter, Supplemental Charter, By-laws, and List of Members, 189G, 1898. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. E Minutes of Proceedings, with other Papers. Vols. 1-141, 1837-1900, with liulex to vok 1 418. 145 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844-1900. E INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. Journal. Vols. 26, 28, 1897, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897-99. E INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILD- ERS, SCOTLAND. Transactions. Vols. 30-42, 1886-99. 13 vols. 8vo. Gla,sgow, 1887-99. E INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Proceedings, 1847-98, and Index to 1847-73. 53 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848-98. E INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY, LONDON. Transactions. Vol. 1, pts. 1, 2; vol. 3, pt. 3; vols. 4-7, 1892-99. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893- 99. E INSTITUTION OF SURVEYORS, NEW SOUTH ^\'ALES. List of Surveyors licensed to practise in New South Wales. 12m.i. Sydney, 1899. ME 6 P Surveyor, Tlu. [See Surveyor, 'fhe.'\ IXSURAXCE BLUE BOOK and Guide for 1895-96. 8vo. Load., 1895. E INTERMEDIAIRE DES (UIERCHEURS ET CURIEUX, L\ Tomes 35-41, 1897-,Juin, 1900. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1897-1900. E INTERNATIONAL xVRBITRATION. 32nu). Svdnev, 1896. MF i P 20 INTERNATIONAL CLINICS: a Quarterly of Clinical Lectuii's liy Professors and Lecturers in the leading Medical Colleges of tlie United States, Great Britain, and Canada. V<^ls. 3, 4, 4th series. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. A 31 R 15, 10 INTERNATIONAL CON(iRESS OF HYGIENE AND DEMOGRAPHY. Transactions, 1891. 13 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1892-93. E 1. Preventive Medicine. 2. Bacteriology. 3. Relations of tlio Diseases of Animals to those of Man. 4. Infancy, Childhood, and School-life. .5. Chemistry and Physics in relation to Hygiene. (i. An4iiteeture in relation to Hygiene. 7. iCjigineering in relation to Hygiene. 8. Naval and iVIilitary Hygiene. 9. State Hygiene. 10. Demography. 11. Indian Hygiene and Demogr.a])hy. \i. Muniul>- Ushed.] E INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. Buds and Stiiniles. {See Lubbock, Rt. Hon. Sir J.] A 20 R 18 E\olution by Atrophy in Biology and Sociology. [See Demoor. J.] ' A" 41X25 Seismology. [^Tee Milne, J.] A 19 R 21 What is Electricity? [See Trowbridge, Dr. J.] A 20 P 28 INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY. Apologetics. [See Bruce, Rev. A. B.] G 24 R 30 Christian Ethics. [See Smyth, Rev. N.] G 24 R 9 Christian Institutions. [.S'ce Allen, Rev. A. \. G.]G24R 10 Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament. [See Driver, Rev. S. R.] G 24 R 11 Theology of the New Testament. [See Stevens, Rev. (i. B.] G 23 R 35 IN WOOD, William. Iiiwoods Tables of Interest and JVIortality for the Purchasing of Estates and Valuation of Properties. 2.5th ed., revised and enlarged by W. Schooling ; \vith Logarithms of Natural Numbers and Thoman's Logarithmic Interest and Annuity Tables. 8vo. Lond.,"l899. F 8 Q 8 lONA CLUB. Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis : consist- ing of original Papers and Documents relating to the History of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland ; with tlie Transactions of the Club. Vol. 1. Svo. Edinb., 1839. [AU pnhlished.] B 39 Q 2 " IOTA." [See Caifvn, Katherine.] IGWA : — Stall' Di'piirtiiii'nts — Ki'porf,-: miil I'lililicutmns. Agricultural College Experiment Station. Bulletin :i3. S\,,. Ames, JS!i('i. A 33 S 28 Board of Railroad Commissioners. .Vnnual Reports, 188G, 1888. 2 vols. Svo. Des Moine.s, 1886-88. E Geological Survey, .\nnual lleport, 1898, with aeeom- j)an\ing Papers. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Des Moines, 189!). ' E State Agricultural Society. Annual liejiort, 1891 Svo. Des .Moines, 1892. E l(»W.\ SIWIK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Iowa Hi.s- toricnl Reconl. V'ol.s. 10-12, 1894-96. 3 vols, (hi 1) 8v(). Iowa, City, 1891-96. ' E 11!EL.\ND. [/S'« Sights and Scenes in Tl-eland, and for Oliicial Rej>orts .sw under Great Britain and Ireland.] IRELAND, AUevne. Trojiicid Colonization. Roy. 8vo. New York. 1899. F 17 P 24 II;|';T. Hastings. War Medals and Decorations issued to the British jNIilitary and Naval Forces from 1.588-1898. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. L iVERACH, Re\-. James. Theism in the light of present Science and Philosophy. 8vo. Limd., 1900. G 25 S 17 IVES, Frederic. Kromskop Color Photography, with Chapters on the Nature of Light and Theory of C'olor. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 41 Q 10 IVY, Dr. Robert S. Dental and Facial Types. (Litch, Dr.W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 IZQUIERDO, Domingo A. Un mal sin Remedio. 8vo. Santiago, 1883. H 1 S 27 J., A. "W. [See Johnstone, A. ^^■.J J., B. Cooperative Wholesale Societies and tludr relations to the Retail Cooperative Societies. 8vo. Man- chester, 189G. F IG T 2i JACCACT, August F. Ascent of Mount Aiinn. (Out-of- door Lib.) D 20 S 22 On the Trail of I)(^n Qui.\otc : being a Record of Rambles in the ancient Province of La Mancha. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 T 24 JACK, Adolphiis Alfred. Essays on the Novel, as illus- trated by Scott and Mi.ss Austin. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 31 Thackeray: a Study. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 11 V 1 JACK, Dr. Louis. The Stopping Process with Gold, and the related Procedures. (Litch Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) x\ 31 S 2 JACK, Robert Logaii. Aboriginal Cave-di-awings on tha Palmer Gold-held. (Rov. Soc, Ciueensland, Proc, 189.5.) " ME 1 T Address by, as President of the Royal Society of Queens- land. (Roy. Soc., Queensl., Proc, 1894.) ME 1 T Note on the Discovery of Organic Remains in the Cairns Range. (Roy. Soc., Queensl., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Note on the " Meridional Anthills " of the Cape York Peninsula (Boy. Soc, Queensl., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Stratigraphical Notes on the Georgina Basin, with reference to the question of Artesian Water. (Rov. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME IT Submarine Leakage of Artesian Water. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Artesian Water in the Western Interinr of Queensland. [See Queensland. — Geological Survey.] MA 2 V 53 Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Queensland Mining Ciiurt, Queensland Internationa] Exhibition, 1897. [See Queensland. — Geological Survey.] MA 2 V 53 Notes on the Palmer as a Reeling District. [See Queensland. — Geological Survey.] MA 2 V 53 Notes on the present condition of the Hodgkinson Gold- held. [See Queen,sl.— Geolog. Survey.] MA 2 V 53 Report on the Chillagoe Alining District and projected Railway. [See Queensl.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 2 V 53 Six Reports of the Geological Features of part of the District to be traversed by the proposed Transconti- nental Railway. [See Queen.sland. — Geological Sur- vey.] MA 2 V 53 JACKSON, Prof. Abraham Valentine Williams. Zoroas- ter, the Prophet of Ancient Iran. AVith Map. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 23 T 41 JACKSON, Abraham Willard. .lanics Martineau. [See Martinc-u, J.] C 27 U 7 JACKSON, Andrew. Andrew Jackson and the Bani of the United States. [See Royall, W. L.] F 17 P 8 Portrait of. [See Brook.s, Noah. — Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 JACKSON, Benjamin Daydon. Glossary of Botanic Terms, with their deriMition and accent. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 S 8 JACKSON, Prof. Dugald C. Te.\t-book on Electro-Mag- netism and tlie Constructioia of Dynamos. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 20 Q 36 and JACKSON, Prof. John Price Alternating Currents and Alternating Current IStachinery, lieing vol. 2 of the Te.\t-b()ok on Eloctro-Magnelism and the Construction of Dynamos. Svo. New York, 1890. A 20 Q 37 Stipplcmentary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 323 JACKSON, Dr. Edwiird. Optical Thoi-iipoutics : Normal and Ahiioriual Refraction, Pre,Hbyo])ia, Piiiiciplcs in- volved ill Fittinj,' Glasses. (Hare, i)r. ]I. A. — .System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P KJ JACKSON, Frederick (Jcorge. 1,000 Days in the Arctic ; with Preface by Adni. Sir V. L. McCliutock. lllust. 2 vok roy. 8vo. Loud., 1899. D 1 ;5 V 22, L':) JACKSON, Helen. [Short Studies of.] [See Hi<,«nnsoii, T. W.— Short Studies of Anier. Authors.] J 1 1! :'.0 , and KINNEY, Abbot. Report on the Condition and Needs of the Mission Indians of California. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R -lo JACKSON, Helen Orr [Mr.s. A. S.] (Helen Orr Campbell). The Marriage Contract : an Australian Political Pan- tomime. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MH 1 S 74 JACKSON, Henry Vaughan. Arrowroot. (Agricult. Oaz., N.S.W., "1898.) ' ME 9 R Draining. (Agricult. Caz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R An Experiment with Potatoes. (Agricult. (Jaz., N.S.W., 1898.) " ME 9 R E.xperiinents with Cereals at Wollongbar. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ' ME 9 R Forest Nursery Work. (Agr. Gaz., N.S. W., 1 897.) ME 9 R Forestry Operations. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Notes for Northern Rivers Di.strict. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Pineapple-growing. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Pruning Ornamental Trees. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ' ME 9 R Ramie, Rhea, or China-grass. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Ramie Filire Plant. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Soil Analysis. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Trees for Shelter and Break-'s^inds. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Wollongbar Sugar-cane Experiments. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Wollongbar Tub-silo. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R New Varieties of Sugar-cane at the Richmond River Farm. [S«« Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 1898.] ME 9 R JACKSON, Prof. John Price. Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinerv. \_See Jackson, Prof. Dugald C] ■ A 20 Q 37 JACKSON, John William. Lectures on Mesmerism. 1 2mo. Lend., 1856. G 15 U 16 Mesmerism in connection with Popular Superstitions. 12mo. Loiul., 1858. G 15 U 18 JACKSON, Gen. Thomas Jonathan. Stonewall Jackson and the American Ci\ il War. [See Henderson, Lieut.- Col. G. F. R.] B 39 P U, 15 JACKSON, Rev. Samuel Maeaulay. Bililiograpliy of American Church History. 8vo. New York, 1891. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 19 JACKSON, Sidney William. Discovery of the Nest and Eggs of the Rufous Scrub-bird. (Vict. Nat., Jan., 1899.) ME 6 P JACKSON, Rear-Adin. T. Sturges. Logs of the Great Sea Fight.s, 1794-1805. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs.. 16.] E [Portrait and Sketch of] Earl Howe. [See Howe, R., Earl.] C 25 T 7 JACOB, Col. Samuel Swinton. - Jeypore Portfolio of Archi- tectural Details. Pts. 8-10.' 3 vols. fol. LG JA^FRS, John. Treatise of the Five Orders of CdIuiiiiis in Ai-cliitec-ture. {_See Perrault, C] A tU U 20 + JAMES, Lionel. The Indian I'^rontici- Wav: hi'iiii; an Account of the Mohinuud and Tii'ah I'^xpeditions, 1S97. Tllust. 8v(i. Lond., IS'JS. J! 2i) U Hi JAMES, Thomas P. Manual of the Mosses of Ni.>rt!i Aniei'ioa. [f Steam and Steam Engines. 11th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1S9G. ' A 22 Q 48 JAMIESON, Dr. James. Colonial Peer. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q How t(.) Feed Infants : a ilanual of Diet and Digestion, with Remarks on Infant Mortality. 18mo. ]\Ielb., 1871. " MA 3 P 70 Our Unseen Enemies. (Melliourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Science (i leanings. (Mell)ourne Review, 2, 3.) ]ME IS Q JAMIESON, Mathew Buehau. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 123.) " E JAMIN, Paul Jo.seph. [Reproduction of his Picture] His Share of the Spoils. [_See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 + JANALTSCHEK, Francesca Romaua ^lagdalena. [Por- trait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 JANE, Fred T. All the World's Fighting Ships. (In English, French, (Jerman, and Italian.) Illustiated. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 17 R 21 t The Imperial Russian Navy : its Past, Present, and Future, lllust. Roy. 8 vo' Lend., 1899. J! 41 \V 7 Tiie Torpedo in Peace and AVar. Illustrated. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 189S. A 19 S 25> JANE, Paid. Lr Cliant LvrLpie. 8vo. Lond., 1874. HIS 3C JANE SEYMOUR, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 JANIN, Jules. Notice sur Marivaux. [See Marivaux, C. de C. de.] J 2 1 R 1 J ANNARIS, Dr. Anthony N. Historical Greek Grammar, chiefly of the Attic Dialect as written and spoken from classical anti(|uity down to the Jiresent time, founded U])on the Ancient Texts, Inscrij)tions, Papyri, and present jiopulai- Gr-eek. 8vo. Lond., 1897. JUS .35 JANOTHA, Natalie. Ch.iiiln's Greater Works. [See Kleezyuski, Jean.] A 23 S 23 JANSf»N, Edward ^\'. liritish Beetles. [See Curtis, J.] A 34 V 20 .lANSSEN, .Johannes. History of the German People at the close of the Middle Ages. Tran.slated by M. A. Mitchell and \. M. Christie. 4 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1896 1900. B 43 P 7 10 .lAPAN. General View of Connnerce and Industry in the Empire of Ja2:)an. Illustrated. 12mo. Tokio, 1897. F 15 Q 13 Statistical Report of the Agricultural and C ceedings. Vol. 1, 1892; vol. 3, pts. I, 2, 4, 189.3-94; vol. 4, 1894-98. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-99. E Transactions and Proceedings. Supplement 1. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Nihongi ; Chronicles of .T.apan from tlie Earliest Times to .\.i). 697. Tianslated l>y W. (i. Aston. JAQUET, John Blockley. Geological Notes upon a Trip to Mt. Kosciusko, New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T The Intru.sive and Metamorphic Rocks of Berthong, New South Wales, with esjiecial reference to the occurrence of Serpentine after Amphiliolite. [See N.S. W. — Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] :\IE 15 T Notes on Gold Dredging, with reference to the introduc- tion of the industry into New .South Wales. [See N.S. W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 47 Platinum in New South Wales. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T JAR RETT, F. C. JNlercantile and Professional Director and Desk Companion, 1865. 8vo. Melb., 1865. MF 5 S 27 32G JPublie Library of New South Wales. JAR VIS, Josephine. Education by Development. [See Fioebel, F.] G 1.5 if il Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. {_See Froebel, F.] G 18 Q 33 JASKI, F. P. J. lets over de Haven van Newcastle. Nieuw-Holland. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1861.) E JATAKA, The. The Jataka ; or, Storie.s of Buddah's former Births. Translated from the Tfdi bj' various hands under the editorship of Prof. E. B. Cowell. Vol. 1 trans, by R Chalmers, vol. 2 by VV. H. D. Rou.se, vol. 3 by H. T. Francis and R. A. Neil. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond , 1895-97. GST 20-22 JATTA, Guiseppe. I Cefalopodi viveuti nel Golfo di Napoli. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 2-5 t JAUSSEN, Tepano. Grammaire et Dictionnaire de la Langue Maorie : Dialecte Tahitien. 8vo. Paris, 1898. MJ 3 V 12 JAVELLE, Eniile. Alpine Memories; with a Biographi- cal and Literary Notice by Eugene Rambert. Trans, by W. 11. Chesson. 8vo. Lonci:, 1899. D 20 S 26 JAY, John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of American States- men.] C 19 P 22 Porti-ait of. [See Brooks, Noah. — Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 "JAY, W. M. L." [See Woodruff, Mrs. J. L. M.] JAYNE, Dr. Horace. MamniaHan Anatomy ; a Pra])aia- tinn for Kuman and Compai-ative Anatomy. Pt. 1. Jliustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A -10 S U 1. Skeleton of the Cat : its Muscular Attachments, (irowth, ami Variations compared with the Skeleton of Man. JEAFFRESON, J. Russell-. The Faroe Islands. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 20 R 7 JEAFFRESON, John Cordy. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson : an Historical Biograpliy, based on Letters and other Documents in the Morrison Collection. [See Hamilt(jn, Lady.] C 23 R 2 JEANNE D'AUVERGNE ET DE BOULOGNE, Queen of France. [Life and Times of.] [See Bearne, Catherine. — Lives and Times of tlie Early Valois Queen.s.] B26S18 JEANNE DE BOURBON, Queen of France. Reign of Charles V and Jeanne de Bourbon. USee Bearne, Catherine. — Pictures of the old French Court.] B 26 S 23 JEANNE DE BOVn^riOONE, Queen of France. [Life and Time.s of. I [See ReariK^, Catherine. — Lives and Times of the Early Valoi.s Queens.] B 26 S 18 JEBB, Gladvvyn [Mrs.] Some Uncimventional People. Illustrated-. 12mo. Edinl)., 189G. J 22 P 16 JEBB, Sir Richard Claverhouse. Humanism in Educa- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Romanes Lecture, 1899.) G 5 Q 35 Sophocles : the Plays and Fragments. [See Sophocles.] H 9 T 23 JEE, Sir Bhagvat Sinh. Short History of Aryan Medical Science. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " A 33 S 17 JEFFERIES, Richard. Early Fiction of. Edited by Grace Toplis. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 21 P 29 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J II S 31 JEFFERS,J. Frith. History of Canada. 12mo. Toronto, 1891. B 18 Q 9 JEFFERSON, Joseph. Life and Art of, together with some Account of his Ancestry and of the Jefferson Family of Actors ; by W. Winter. 8vo. New York, 1894. ■ C20T9 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 JEFFERSON, Robert L. Roughing it in Siberia, with some Account of the trans-Siberian Railway and the Gold-mining Indu.stiy of Asiatic Russia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 Q 31 JEFFERSON, Thomas. The Writings of ; collected and edited bv Paul Leicester Ford. Vols. 6-8, 1792-1806. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 189.-)-97. J 4 U 21-23 Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson, compiled from Family Letters and Reminiscences l)y Sar:.h N. Randolph. 8yo. New York, 1871. ' C 26 Q 7 Manual of Parliamentary Practice. (Constitution of the United States.) F 13 R 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [Sec Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to Homes of Anier. Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 JEFFERY, Walter. Admiral Phillip. [See Becko, L.] MB 3 Q 6 A First Fleet Family. [See Becke, L.] MJ 3 S 6 The Mutineer. [See Becke, L.] MJ 3 S 29 Tlie Mystery of the Laughlin Islands. [See Becke, L.] MJ 3 P 57 Naval Pioneers of Australia. [See Becke, L.] MB 3 S 11 An Old Australian Privateering Adventure. [See Pall Mall Mag., .Jan., 1899.] E The Sea Story of Australia. [See Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1899."] ' E Sketch of Sir George Grey. [See Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1898.1 E Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 327 JEFFREY, Fniiicis, Lord. [Criticism of Mic AVorks of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Pniso. | .J (j .38* [Study of.] [&« Giitcs, ]'i'of. L. E. Tiuxr Studies in Literature.] J I'l T 1 JEFFREY, Ge.)rgp. Principles and Practice of Austral- asian Wool-classing, with Chapters on other Braixches of the Industry. 8\'o. Adelaide, 189'J. MA 4 S 3-t JEFFREYS OF WE]\r, George, 1st Baron, Lord Chancellor of England. Life of; by H. R. L\ing. With Portraits. 8vo. Loiid., 1898. C 25 (.^ 18 JEKELFALUSSY, Dr. Jo.seph de. Tlu^ jMilhmniuni of Hungary and its people. 8vo. Budapest, 1897. D 19 U 8 JEKYLL, Gertrude. Home and Garden. Illustrated, 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 40 V 16 Wood and Garden : Notes and Thoughts, Practical and Critical, of a Working Amateur. Illustrated. 8v(i. Lond., 1899. ' A 40 U 10 JELF, Ernest Arthur. Eileen's Jouiney ; Hi.story in Fairyland. Illust. 8v-o. Loud., 189G. J 16 U 31 Where to find your Law : being a discursive Bibliographi- cal Essay uj)on the various divisions and sub-divisions of the Law of England and the Statutes, Reports of Cases, and Te.xt-books containing such Law; with • Appendices for facilitating reference to all Statutes and Reports of Cases, and with a full Inde.x. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 4 Q 17 JELLIFFE, Smith Ely. Flora of Long Island. 8vo. New Y^ork, 1899. A 45 V 19 JELLY, E. C. Synonymic Catalogue of the recent Marine Bryozoa, including Fossil Synonyms. 8\'0. Lond., 1889. A 24 S 20 JENAISCHE ZEITSCintlFT FUR XATURWISSEN- SCHAFT. Herausgegeben von dcr Medizinisch- Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. Bande 10-28, 30-33, und Namen- und Sachregister zu den Banden 1-30. 24 vols. 8vo. Jena, 1876-1900. E JENKIN, Prof. Fleeming. Science Teaching in Laliora- tories. (Interuat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 JENKINS, E. H. Compilation of American Feeding Stuffs. {See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Otlice of Experiment Stns.] A 37 S 40 JENKINS, H. M. School-farms and Farm-school.s. (In- temat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 10 JENKINSON, Charles, Earl of Liverpool. \See Liverpool, Earl of.] JENKS, Edward. Law and Politics in the Middle Ages, with a synoptic Table of Sources. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 T 30 JENKS, Dr. Jeremiah Whij)ple. Road Legislation for the American State. (Amer. Econ. Assoc.) F 4 V 14 J ENNINGS, John. Notes on two Papuan Throwing-sticks. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P , and 1I.\I!I)N', .Norman H. The Boomerang and its Flights. (\\'ido World Mag., Feb., 1899.) E JENNIN(iS, Sir Patiick Alfred. The Berlin Congress from an Australian standpoint ; also an Essay on Knighthood : lieing an Historical Sketch of the Eques- trian Orders. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MJ 3 R 28 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t JENSEN, Gerard J. G. House Diainage and Sanitary Fitments. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 U 5 Modern Drainage Inspection and Sanitary Surveys. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1899. ' A 41 T 24 JENSEN, Hrnnan. Cla.ssified Collection (,f Tamil Pro- verbs, with Ti-anslation.s, Explanations, and Indices. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 10 S 31 JEPHSON, Henry. The Heal French Revolutionist. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' B 26 R 21 JEPHSON, Richard .Mou)iteney-. Sword and Song. 8vo. Lond., 189.5. H i2 R 27 JEQUIER, Gustave. Recherches sur les Origines de I'Egypte. [See Morgan, J. de.] A 17 S 18 t JERILDERIE HERALD and Urana Advertiser, 1898- 99. Fol. Jerilderie, 1898-99. ME JEROME, Jerome Klapka. The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 T 25 JEROME, St. St. Jerome. [See Largent, Rev. — .] G 26 Q 4 JERNINGHAM, Lady Mary, and BEDINGFELD, Lady Charlotte. The Jerningham Letters, 1780-1843. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1396. C 23 Q 3, 4 JERROLD, Blanchard. Life of George Cruikshank. [See Cruikshank, G.] C 23 S 21 JERROLD, Douglas Vs'illiam. Shilling Magazine. Vol. 1, No. 1. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 21 P 45 JERROLD, Walter Copeland. Bon-mots of the 19th Century. Illust. 18mo. Lond., 1897. J 7 P 54 Electricians and their Marvels. 8vo. New Y'ork (n.d.) A 21 P 50 Sir Redvers H. Bullcr. [See BuUer, Gen. Sir R. H.] C 23 R 23 328 Tublic Library of Neio South Wales. JERSEY, Victor Albert George Child Villiers, 7th Earl oi. Report on the Colonial Conference at Ottawa, 1894. [_See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Colonial Conference.] F 39 V 22 X JER VIS, John, list Earl of St. Vincent. \_See St. Vincent, 1st Earl of.] JERVIS, Thomas Best, F.R.S. Tliomas Best Jervis as Christian Soldier, Geograph.er, and Friend of India, 179G-1857 : bv his .son, \V. P. Jervis. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 26 Q 17 JERVOIS, Sir \V. F, Drunuuond. Address delivered at the laving of the Foundation Stone of the South Aus- tralian Institute. [See South Aust. Inst.] MB 3 Q 2 JESSETT. jNIontague George. The Kev to South Africa ■■ Delagoa Bay. Illust. "Svo. Lond.", 1899. B 37 P 1 1 JESSOP, George H. A Tale of twenty-live hours. {_Se■^ Matthews.'j. B.] ' J 1 R 29 JESSOPP, Rev. Augustus. [Life of] John Donne, some- time Dean of St. Paul'.s, 1621-31. [See Donne, J., Dean.] C 23 S 9 Story of our English Towns. [See Ditchtield, P. H.] B 23 S 21 JESUS CHRIST. [See under this Heading in the Index.] JEVONS, Frank Byron. Evolution. Svo. Lond., 1900. (Churchman's Lib.) G 2.5 S 13 Introduction to the Histoiy of Religion. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 15 R 39 JEVONS, Prof. William Staidey. Mechanical Perform- ance • <;Ar.\T XKWS, Tl,.' : Publislird on board the JoIdi u' (jdiviit during the Voyage from Li\fr|iool to Melbourne. 8vo. Geeloiig, 1872. J 21 S 21 JDIIN UVLANDS LIBKAItY, MANCHESTLR. Catalogue of the Printed Books and MSS. in the John Rylands Libraix', ^laiichestii-. 3 vols. 4to. Man- chester, 1899. Cat. Room Jt)HN THE SCOT. Studies in. [5« Gardner, Alice.] G 26 R 7 I Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 323 JOHNS, F. The R'-gixtrr (5uirle to the Parliament of South Australia. \\'itii i'ditraits. Sm. 4ti>. Adt^laide, 1887. MC 1 (J 20 JOHNS JlOPKINS TNIVEIISITY. Studic-s in His- torical and Political Science. Kith 1 ."ith, 1 7th ser. t vols. roy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1895-99. ]$ 18 S 13-1"), 17 13. 8outh Cariiliiia, Mavyhiiul, and Virginia. 14. IJaltiniore, Slavery, ami ('oustit-utioual History. 15. Ainericaii Ecoiioiiiiu Mistmy. 17. Economic History : Maryland and tljc Souili. Extra vols. 7, 8, 10-21. 1 1 vols. 8vo. Haltinion', ISDl 99. B 18 T 7, 8, 10 21 7. Siipicnie Conrt of tlic I'liitcd States: its History and InMuonci' in onr Constitutional system ; 1)V W. W. Willongldiy. S. Intercourse between the United States and .lajian ; liv I. Nitobe. 10. Spanish Institutions of the South-west ; by I'rof. 1". W . IJlackniar. 11. Introduction to tlie Study of the Constitution; by .M. M. Colni. \'2. The Old Kuglish Manor: a Study in Kngli-sh Kconomic History ; by C. McL. Andrews. 13. America: its Geographical History, 1492-1892: witli a Supplement entitled, "Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo of the Spanish Geographers the Mississippi?" liy W. U. Scaife. 14. Florentine Life during tlie Renaissance; by \V. 1!. Scaife. lo. Southern Quakers and Slavery : a Study in Institutinniil History ; liy S. B. Weeks. 10. Contemporary American Opinion of the French Revolu- tion ; by C. I). Hazen. 17. Industrial Experiments in the Britisli Colonies of Nortli America ; Ijy Eleanor Louisa Lord. 15. State Aid to Higher Education; a series of Addresses delivered at the Johns Hopkiiis University. 19. Irrigation iu Utah ; by C. H. Brongh. 20. Financial History of Baltimore ; by .^. H. Hollander. 21. Cuba and International Relations; a Historical Study in American Diplomacy; liy d. -M. Callahan. JOHNSON, Alfird K. The Analyst's Laboratory Com- paiii(ui : a Collection of Tables and Data for the use of Public and (Jeneral Analysts, Agriculttiral, Brewejs' and Works' Chemists, and Students. 2nd ed. 12n)o. Lond., 1897. A 20 Q 39 JOHNSON, Allen. The Tiiteiulant as a. Political Agent under Louis XIV. Svo. Lowell, bS!)9. F 18 Q 5 JOHNSON, Arnold Burge.s. The Modern lauhthouse Service. \_See United States.- Liu:ln house Board.] A 38 B 25 JOHNSC)N, Arlhur Jleurv. Euro|je in the Kitii Century. 1494-1598. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 1? 16 B 34 JOHNSON, Rev. Arthur N. British Foreign Missions. {See Thompson, Bev. B. W .] G 25 P 17 •JOHNSON, Ben. {See Jonson. P,.] 2 T JOHNSON, F. D. Certain Perforated Rocks in the Cool- gardie District. (Australasian Inst, of Miniiifj Engi- neers, Trans., 1S97.) ME 18 P Pliysiography and (ieology of I lie ^\';ldnaminga (iold- fields. South Australia. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Study of some Ore Deposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engiiu-ers, Trans., 1893.) :\IE IS P JOHNSON, Bev. l''riud JONES, Henrv Arthui-. Carn:ic Saliili. 12mo. New York, 1S99. H12Q30 Michael and his lost .\n!,'.-l. l2nH. Loud., 1S96. H II (J .". The En'di.sh Stage : being an Account of the N'ictorian Draiim. [See Vi\*86. F 13 Y 41 JONES, J. Alfred Kinghorn-. How we may dispose of our Surplus Products, and how we may employ our Surplus Labor. 18mo. San Francisco, 1898. F 12 S 27 JONES, James Ifano. Catalogue of Printed Literature iit the Welsh Department. [See Cardiff Free Libraries.] Cat. Room JONES, John. The Natural and Supernatural ; or, Man Physical, Apparitional, and S}uritual. 8vo. Lond., 1861. G 19 T 14 JONES, Joseph. Sumptuary Laws as an illustration of the powers of Government. (Mclb. Rev., 7.) ME18Q JONES, Leonard Augustus. An Index to Legal Periodical Literature. Roy. Sv.). B.>st(m, 1888. F 1 Y 21 jr)NES, Lloyd and William Cairns. Life, Times, and Labours of Robert Owen. [&« Owen, R.] C 19 P 17 JONES, I,ynds E. Tabular Views of Universal History. [See Putnam, G. P.] B 2.-) R 16 JONES, Owen, and GOURY, Jules. Views on the Nile, from Cairi) to the second Cataract ; with Historical Notices of the Monuments by S. Bli-fh. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1843. " I) 31 R 21 \ JONES, R. J. Cornewall-. The British Merchant Ser\ ice ; being a History of the British Mercantile JNIarine from th(! Earliest Times to the Present Dav. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " A 40 U 7 JONES, Dr. Robert. Insanity and Epilejisy. (AlUnitt, Dr. T. C— Sy.stem of Medicine.) " A 26 T 41 JONES, Robert H. Asbestos and Asbestic: their Pro- perties, Occurrence, and Cse. llUistrated. 8\(i. Lond., 1897. A 24 S 23 JONES, Prof. Thomas Rupert, F. ix.S. Reliiiuise Aipiit- anica-. [See Lartet, E.] A 20 R 22 t JONIvS, William Hiler. F<>drral Taxes and State Ex- penses: or, the Pul)lic (!ood as distinct from th(! (icneral Welfare of the United States. 2nd ed. 8\o. New York, 1S90. ((Questions of the Day.) F 1.") S 25 JONES-P.MiKY Sydn.y II. ■my. Jones-.] [See Parry S H. Siipjilemenfari/ Catalogue — 1896-1900. 333 JONSON. Ben (in fall Denjiimin). Masque at Lord Ilad- (liiiitton's Marrian'i^ ; Masinic ui Queens; Oljcnm ; (Juldpn Ano iTsloi'cd : Ijuvers made Men ; News from the New World discovered in the Moon ; Masque of Augurs ; Pan's Anniversary, or th(; Shepiierd's Holyday ; Neptune's Triumpli for the Keturn of Albion; Fortunate Tsles and tlicir uninn. ( iOntjlish Masques.) II 11 i{ 17 [Criticism of Works ,,f.J {See Castle, E. J,] J 14 S IT. Notes of Ben Jouson's Conversations with William Drummond. \_See kShakespearc .Soe., Pubs.] H ;> U 13 Selections from the Works of. [.See West, K. — Laurtiates of En-lnnil.] II 11 U 1 JORDAN, Prof. D.-ivid Starr. The Factors in Organic Evo- lution : a Syllabus of a Course of Elementary Lectures delivered in Leland Stanfoi-d Junior University. 8vo. Boston, 1895. A 27 R 20 The Fishes of Sinaloa. Svo. Palo Alio, Cal., ISOo. (Contributions to I!iiili)gy from the Hopkins Labora- tory of Biology.) " A .".U T 20 The Fur Seals and Fur-.seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean. \_See United States. — Dept. of the Treasury.] A 19 R 25-28 t -, and EVERMANN, Di. Barton Warren. Tlie Fishes of North and Middle America, [See United States. -National Mu.seum, Bulletin 47.] I'j JORDAN, Ur. E. (). Principles of Bacteri..logv. [See Ilueppe, Dr. F.] A 40 T 19 JORDAN, Thomas. London's Resurrection to Jov and Triumph. [See Percy Soc] H I'l S 12 Triumphs of London. [See Pei'cy Soc] H 11 S 12 JORDAN, Whitman H. Dietary Studies at the Maine State College in 1895. [See United States.— Dept. of AgT. — Office of Experiment Stations.] A oG V 22 JORDAN, William Leighton. The Ocean : a Treatise on Ocean Currents and Tides, and othei- causes demon- strating the System of the World. 2!id ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. "Lond., 1SS5. A 38 T 9 JORDANES. [See Jornnndes.] JORDELL, D. Catalogue Ocneral de la Librairie Fran- praise. [See Loreuz, O.] Cat. Room JORGENSEN, Alfred. Micro-organisms and Fermenta- tion. Ti-anslated by A. K. Miller and A. E. Lenn- holm. .11(1 ed. Illustrated. Rov. Svo. Lond., 1900. ■ A 40 U IG JORCHENSEN, Jorghen. A Shred of Autobio-raphv. (Ross's liobart Town Almanac, 183.-).) M \\ 1 P JORIAUX, L. Nobiliaire Universe! de France. [See Magny, Jlarquis L. dp.] K 13 Q 21-23 f JORNANDES. De Regnorum et Teinporum Succe.ssione. (Seriptores Historia- Romana'.) 15 40 U 23 J JORRAN, Dr. Karl. Coleoptcra. (Smith, Dr. A. D.— Through Unknown Afi-ican Countries.) D 20 U 21 JOSE, Artlinr A\'. I )llli( iilties of Country Schools of Art.s. (Lib. A.ssoc. of Australasia, Proc, 1^98.) MJ 2 V 1 The Growth of the Empire : a Hand-book to the History of Greater Britain. AVith Maps. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MB 3 P 1 [Another cop\ 1900. V. Jnd ci With Maps. 8vo. Sydney, MB 3 P 8 Short History of Australasia. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. " MB 3 P 7 JOSELAND, Heniy Linenln. Te.iching of IMathematics. (Cook.son, C. — Essays on Secondary Ivlucation.) G 23 P 18 JOSEPH II, Emperor of Gci-many. Jo.seph II. [See Bright, Rev. J. F.] ' B 17 P 48 JOSEPHINE, Empress of the French. Josejihine, Empre.s.S and Queen ; by F. Masson. l^i-p.nslateil Ijv Mrs. Cashel Hopy. Illust. 4to. Paris, 1899. C 20 R 7 t Memoirs of, with Anecdotes of the Courts of Navarre and Malmaisiui ; bv Mme. Ducrest. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. ■ C 23 V 2, 3 Portrait of. [See Hillis. M'. J. -Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] HIT 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Joui-npys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 JOTTRAND, (i. Annual Examinations undergone by Con.scripts in Belgium. (Internat. Health Exliib. — HealthExhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 JOUBERT, J. Elementary Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. [See Foster, Prof. G. C] A 25 S 1 1 JOUBERT, Joseph. Joubert : a Selection from his Thoughts. Tran.slated by Katharine Lyttelton ; with a Preface by Mrs. Humj)hrv Wai'd. 8vo. Lond., 1898. . ' ' G 23 T 12 JOUBIN, Prof. L. Resultats Scientifiques de la Campagne du Ciiniltin dans le Golfe de (Jascogne. [See K. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, 6-10, and n.s. vol. 1, No. 1, Aug., Sept., 1871, Jan.-May, Sept., 1872. 8vo. Sydney, 1871-72. MG 2 V 20 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [formerly Quarterly Journal „fSrienr>-\ Vols. 1-6, 8-22, 1864-69, 1871-85. 21 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861-85. A 44 P 1-6, 8-Q 4 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIESCE. [See American Social Science Assoc] E JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY, The. Vols. 1-22, 1867-88. 22 vols. 8vo. St. Loui.s, Mo., 1867-88. E JOURNEY FROM SYDNEY over the Blue Mountains to Bathurst forty vears ago. 1 2m(i. liiithurst, 1882. MD 2 P 10 JOVANY, Dr. D. Jose Balari v. [See Balari y Jovanv, Dr. T). J.] JOWETT, Prof. I'.enjamin. Letters of; arranged and edits'd by E. Abbott and Way. L. Cami)boll. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 2G S 18 Life and Letters of ; by E. Abbott and Rev. L. Camp- bell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 16, 17 ScrMK)ns, Biographical and Miscellaneous. Edited by W. If. Fremaiitle, Dean of Ripon. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 49 [Sketcli of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L. — Studiesof a Biogra])lier.] C 23 T 2 JOWETT, Edmund. The Ruinous Fall in the Prices of Wheat, Wool, etc 8vo. :Melb., 1894. MF 3 R 12 JOWETT LECTURES. Critical History of llie Doetfinc of a Future Life in Israel, in .Judaism, and in Christianity. '\_Sct Charles, Rev. R. H.] (i -24 U 28 J OY, Edmund Steele. Right of the Territories to become States of the Union. 8vo. Newark, 1892. F 18 Q 6 JOY, George. An Apology made to satisfy, if it may be, W. Tindale, 1535. [See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 23 JOYCE, James Wayland. Ecclesia Vindieata : a Treatise on Appeals in ]Matters Spiritual. [See Church, R. W^, Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 JOYNSON, E. Report on Indian Fibres and Fibrou.s Substances. [See Cross, C. F.] A 25 T 8 JUBB, Prof. George. Linguse Heliraice Studium Juven- tuti Academica? commendatuin, Oratio. Sm. 4to. Oxonii, 1781. J 17 R 13 t JUBILEE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, ADE- LAIDE. [See Adelaide Exhibition.] JUDD, Dr. Charles Hubbard. Outlines of Psycholo£;y. [See Wundt, Wilhelm.] G 19 T 24 JUDD, J. R. AWays Strong and Happy : a complete System of Treatment for the General Care of tlie Body, witli full Directions for the Development of the Mus- cular System. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 18 R 56 JUDD, Dr. John W^eslev, F.R.S. The Student's Lyell. [See Lyell, Sir Charles.] A 24 R 18 JUDE, R. H. Physics Experimental and Theoretical, partly from the French of H. Gossin. Illustrated. Vol.'l, Svo, Lond., 1899. A 35 T 8 1. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Heat, and Acoustics. JUDGE, August, 1898-Feb., 1899. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1898-99. E JUDSON, Adonii-am. [Sketch of.] [See Creegan, Rev. C. C.-^Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 JUDSON, Dr. Harry Piatt. The Growth of the .\merican Nation. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 17 Q 25 JUDSON, Isabella Field. Cyrus W. Field : his Life and Work. [See Field, C. W^] C 26 Q 6 JUKES-BROWNE, Alfred Joseph. [See Browne, A J. Jukes .] JUNCKER, August W. Song: All in all. [Music j Sm. fol. Sy.lney, 1891. MA 13 P 5 f (Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 33i JUNEE SOUTHERN CROSS and Coolamon Advertiser, 1S99 [June 7tli, 1899, missing]. Ful. Juueo, 1899. ME JUNIUS. Pseud. Letters of . I uiiius. N... 1. {l*(,lhir(l, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 Letter of Junius to the Duke of JJedford. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pampldets.) F 1:5 V 1 I,eltcr of Junius to King George III. (rollard, A. F. — Political Panipld.'ts.) F 13 V 4 JUNIUS, Francis. Uililia Sacra. \_Sce IJiblcs and Testa- ments.-. English.] (i 9 U .".O JUNOR, Charles. Dead Mens Tales. Svo. Sydney, 1898. MJ .-i V"5 JURE DIVINO. [_See Defoe, D.] H 22 Q 1 t JUSSERAND, J. J. English E.ssays from a F^ioneh Pen. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " 15 .32 (^ 10 Romance of a King's Life. Translated hv " M.R.'' Illustrated. 12nio. Lond., 1898. "P. 24 Q 18 Shakespeare in France under the Ancient Regime. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1S[)9. J 24 P 29 JUS'flCE: the Australian Organ of Social L)emocracy. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-10, Jan.-March, 1894. i\,\. Sydney, 1894. [A'l pnhlishrd.] MF"5 V"7 JUSTINUS. Histuriic Philippic-e. (Scriptores Historian Romanas.) B 40 U 23 J Invasion of InNIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. Jahrbuch 185G-58, 1874-94, 1896-99. 28 vols. roy. 8vo. Wien, 1856-1900. E KATSERLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsbericiite der Matlienaatisch- Naturwi.s.senscliaftliclien Cliusse. Bimde 1-103. 201 vols. Svo. Wien, 1 S4H-94. E KAUJOOHLIE WESTERX ARGCS. Vols. 2-4, Marcli, 189G-Dec., 1898. 3 vols. fol. Kalgoorlie, 1896-98. ME KALIDASA MEGHADUTA : a San.skrit Poem with a, Sinhalese Paraphrase. l']dited Iiy Hon. T. B. Panji- bokke. 8vo. Colombo, 1893. H 1 S 32 KALISCH, Alfred. [Life: (,f] Barbara Villicr.s, Duche.ss of Cleveland. [/Sag Cleveland, Duchess of .] C 24 Q 20 KAMINSKY, E. Halperine-. [See Halperine-Kaminsky, E.] KAXGAROO VALLEY TIMES, 1898-99. Fol. Kan- garoo Valley, 1898-99. ME KANT, Innnanuel. Dreams of a Spirit-seer illustrated by Dreams of Metaphysics. Translated by E. F. Goer- witz, and edited, with an Introduction and Note.s, by F. Sewall. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25 S 16 Kant on Education (LTeber Padagogik). Translated by Annette Churton; with an Introduction by Mrs. Rliys Davids. 12mo. Lond., 1899. G24P11 Kant's Inaugural Dissertation of 1770. Translated into English, with an Introduction and Discu-ssion, by W. J. Eckoff. Svo. New York, 1891. G 26 T 4 Kant's Kritik of Judgment. Translated, with Introduc- tion and Notes, Ijy Rev. J. H. Bernard. Svo. Lcmd., 1892. G 3 U 28 Kritik der reinen Vernunft. ISmo. Leipzig (n.d.) G 26 P 25 Formal and iNEaterial Elements of Kant's Ethics. [See Washington, W. M.] G 26 T 16 KANTHACK, Dr. Alfred Autunes. Diphtheria. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 General Pathology of Infection. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 . , and STEPHENS, Dr. John William Wat.son. Cholera Asiatica. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 KAPP, Gisbert. Transformers for single and multiphase Currents : a Treatise cm their Theory, Construction, and Use. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 45 R 12 KAPPEL, A. W., and KIR BY, W. Egmont. British and European Butterflies and ^Nloths. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 13 T 12 t IvARAGEORGEVITCH, Prince Bojidar. Enchanted India. AVith Portr. Svo. Lond., 1899. D13P14 336 JBubllc Library of New South Wales, KARAMIANZ. Dr. N. Verzeichniss dcr Armenischeii Haiidschriften. \_See Berlin — Konigliche Bibliothek.] K 11 U t KARA^MSIN, Nicoliis-jMikliailowitch. [Essav on Karam- sin's Russia.] [&y J. Taylor. S\n. Loud., 1898. ( ; 11 Q 39 KAVANAGH, Julia. Julia Kavanagh: by Mrs. Ma.-,,uoid. [See Oliphant, Mai-garet O. Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 21 S 3 KAVANAGH, Mv.-. .\1. I'luit Preserving. [See Victoria. —Agriculture.] .M .\ .3 T i» KAY, Charles De. [See De K;iy, C] KAY8EU, Christian Oottlob. Vollstandiges I'.iichei-- Lexicon enthaltend alio von K'tO in Deutschland und in den angrenz(?nden Liindern gedruckten Biichor. Bitnde. 1-28, uni Club, Pubs.] i? 40 R 8 "KEITH, Kyra." [See Kirkham. Mrs. T.] KELLAND, Piof. Philii,, l\B.S., :uu\ TAIT, Prof. Peter Guthrie. Intioduction to Quaternions; with inimerous examples. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1882. A 24 P 23 KELLER, Gottfried. Gottfried Keller and Women. [See Hansson, Laura Jlarholm. — We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 KELLEY, Lieut. James D. Jerrold. Our Navy : its (irowth and Achievements. Ob. 4to. Hartford, 1897. B .5 8 19 t KELLNER, Leon. Historical Outlines of English Syntax. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 9 Q 10 KELLY and CO. Po.st Office Londnn Directory. [See Limdon Post Office Directoi'v.] E KELLY, Dr. A. C. Wine-growing in South Australia. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 KELLY, Eflmond. Government or Human Evolution. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 17 T 14 1. Justice. KELLY, Edward. Iron Ned Kellv and his Gang. Svo. Sydney, 1899. ' MJ 3 U 13 KELLY, F. S. Song : In May. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t KELLY, Dr. Howard A. Di.sea.ses of the Broad Liga- ments, Tubes, and Ovaries. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 KELLY, James Fitzmaurice-. History of Spanish Litera- ture. Svo. Lond., 1898. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 17 I" 7 KELLY, Walter K. Curiosities of Indo-European Tradi- tion and Folk-lore. Svo. Lond., 1863. B 2-5 P 20 KELSEY, Dr. Charles B. Diseases of the Rectum and Anus. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Thera- peutics.) ■ A 31 P 1.5 KELSEY, Francis W. Pompeii: its Life and Art. [See Mau, A.] B 41 S 3 KELTIE, John Scott. Ajiplied Geography. With Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1890. " D 20 Q 24 338 Public Library of New South TFales. KELVIN, William Thomson, Baron. Elasticity and Heat. 4to. Edinb., 1880. 'A 34 V 25 Tide Gauge, Tidal Harmonic Analyser, and Tide Pre- dicter, with an abstract of the discussion on the Paper. Edited by J. Forrest. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ' A 19 S 8 Second Law of Thermodynamics. \_See Magie, Prof. W. F.] A 44 Q 18 KEMBLE, Frances Anne. [Essay on.] \_See James, Henry. — Essays in London.] J 14 T 2.3 KEMBLE, John Mitchell. Codex Diplomaticus Aevi .Saxonici. [&c Eng. Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 8-13 KEMISH, S. B. The Japanese Empire : its Physical, Political, and .Social Condition and Histoiy, with De- tails of the late American and British Expeditions. 8vo. Lond., 1860. D IG R 20 KEMP, Beilby Porteus Peel. The Miracle of Repair : a true Life-historv. 12mo. West Maitland, 1897. MG 2 U 4 KE^IP, Rev. Dennis. Nine years at the Gold Coast. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 2-5 T 17 KEMP, DLxon. Exposition of Yacht Racing Rules : Customs and Practices observed in Match-sailing, in- cluding Decisions on particular Cases of Protest. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 6 Manual of Yacht and Boat-sailing. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 15 S 14 t Down Channel. [_See TiIcMullen, R. T.] D 19 P 10 KEMP, Prof. James Furman. Oie Deposits of the United States and Canada. 3r(l cd. Ilhi-itrated. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 38 S 25 Geology of the Lake Placid Region. \_See New York. — Museum, Bulletin 21.] E KEMP, Mauley C. Football. ISee Shearman, M.] A 29 S 39 KEMPE, Hany Roljert. The Engineers Year-book of Formulie, Rules, Tables, Data and Memoranda in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Marine, and Mine Engineering, 1S9.5-9G, 1899. 3 vols. 8vo. L)nd., 1895-99. E KE.MPIS, Thomas a. (Jf the Imitation of Christ, lllu.s- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' G 23 T 45 [Sketch of.] [_See Cowan, Rev. W.— Pre-Reformation Wortliies.] • C! 23 Q 10 KEN, Thomas, Bi.sliop of Bath and Wells. [Life of] ; by F.A.Clarke. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C20T19 "KENJjAL, Mr. and Mrs. \_See Grimston, W. il., and Madge.] KENDALL, Abram. Voyage of Robert Dudley to the West Indies, 1594-95. [See Hakluyt Soc, Pubs., 2nd ser., 3.] E KENDALL, Henry Clarence. [Life of]; by Alexander Sutherland. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q [Portrait and Life of.] [_See Turner, H. G.— The De- velopment of Australian Literature.] MJ 3 S 24 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by A. Sutherland. (Once a Month, July, 1885.) MJ 1 V 21 [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P \ KENMURE, AVilliam Gordon, Viscount. [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherinc. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 3 KENNARD, Mrs. Hegan. Tiniar's two Worlds. [See Jokai, M.] J 25 T 2'* KENNEDY, Prof. Archibald R. S. Assyrian Grammar' [See Delitzsch, F.] J 12 P 34 KENNEDY, Rev. H. A. A. Sources of New Testament (Jreek ; or, the Influence of the Septuagint on the Vocabulary of the Ne\v Testament. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. J 17 U 9 KENNEDY, Neil. Surveying with the Tacheometer, in- cluding two series of Tables specially computed for the reduction of readings in Sexagesimal and in Centesimal Degrees. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 U 26 KENNEDY, P. Beveridge. Structure of the Caryopsis of Gras.ses with reference to their Morjihology and Classi- fication. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 KENNEDY, W. Examination of Scholars bv the Stiite. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit!) A 41 V 9 KENNEDY, Vice.-Adm. Sir William. Hurrah for the Life of a Sailor! Fifty Years in the Royal Navy. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. C 27 T 19 KENNEDY, William Sloanc John C. AVhittier, the Poet of Fi-eedom. [See Whittiei-, John (}.] C 20 U 8 KENNETT, Sir Vincent Hunter Barrington Barrington-. Ambulance Organization of the Metropolis (hn'ing Epidemics. (Inlernat. Ifealth Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 River Pollution by Refuse from Manufactories and Mines ; together with some Remedies proposed. (Inter- nat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 4 KENNY, Minnie E. [See Paull, Minnie 1-1] KEXRICK, John. \n Mcnioriani. [Sec Martincau, Rev. J. — Es.say.s, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 339 KENT, Pnif. Charles Vusim: History of the Jewish People (luriiif^ the liabvlouiaii, Persian, and Greek Periods. With Maps. iSVo. Lond., 1899. B 28 R U History of the Hebrew People from the Settlonient in Canaan to the Division of the Kingdom. With IMafis. 2 vols. 8vo. Load., 1896-97. P. 28 11 10, 11 History of the Hebrew People from the Division of the Kingdom to the Fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 P 50 KENT, C. B. Roylance. The En-lish Radicals : an His- torieal .Sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 1.5 8 32 KENT, Victoria Mary Louisa, Duchess of. Portrait of. [&« Latimer, Elizabeth W\)rnieley. — England in the 19th Century.] B16S1.3 KENT, Edward Augustus, Duke of. Portrait of. {See Latimer, Elizabeth Wt)rmeley. — England in the 19tli Century.] B 16 S 1.3. KENT, John. Records and Reminiscences of Goodwood and the Dukes of Richmond. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 V 33 KENT, William Saville-. The Artificial Culture of Lobsters. (Internat. Fisheries Exhil). — Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 6 Austi-alian Natural History Gleanings. (Rf>y. Colonial Inst., Proc, 1897-98.) E Marine and Freshwater Fishes of the British Isles. (In- ternat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 1 Market- Fishes and Marine Commercial Products of Aus- tralia. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., June, 1897.) E The Naturalist in Australia. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. M.l 1 Q 10 I KENT ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY. Archa.,>logia Cantiana : being Transactions of the Kent Archa?o- logical Society. Vols. 1-23. 23 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1858-98. E KENTUCKY:— ,SVrtd. 4to. Frank- fort (n.d.) ' A 15 R 22 t State College. Catalogue of the Officers, Studies, and Students, 1897. 8vo. Louisville, 1897. E KENWOOD, Dr. Henry Richard. Public Health Laliora- toryWork. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 26 R 31 KENYON A. S. Hydraulic Dredging ; or, the Working of deep Alluvial Deposits by elevation with 'Centri- fugal Pumps. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P KENYON, Agnes F. Notes on the effects of the At- mosphere on the Shells of Mollusca. (Rfjy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Prt.c, 1896.) ME 1 Q Occurrence of Callosities in Cypra;a other than Cij. Jiicallosa and Cy. Bhinocerus, and on the occurrence of a Sulcus in Trivia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Some Chronological Notes on Tasmanian iNIollusca. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Two new .species of Cyprsea from Western Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W^, Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P KENYON, Frederic George. Our Bible and the Ancient MSS. : Ijeing a History of the Text and its Translations. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 R 36 Palieography of Greek Papyri. 8vo. Oxford, 1899. J 21 Q 29 Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens. [See Aris- toteles.] F 3 R 2 Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] J 5 V 13 Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. [See Browning, Elizabeth B.] C 23 S 3, 4 The Poems of Bacchylides. [See Bacchylides.] H 3 Q 33 KEPLER, John. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers,] A 20 U 8 KEPPEL, Adm. Sir Henry. A Saihjr's Life under four Sovereigns. Illustrated. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 26 Q 1-3 KER, Rev. .John. Scottish Nationality, and other Papers. 8vo. Edinb., 1887. G 25 S 24 KER, Prof. William Paton. Epic and Romance. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 10 [Criticism of the Works of] Samuel Tavlor Coleridge. [See Craik, Henry.-^English Prose.] " J 6 Q 38 * [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas Babington Macau lay. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* KERCKHOFFS, Prof. Auguste. Yelabuk Pedipedelas. 8vo. Paris, 1889. J 9 R 38 KEREHOMA TU-WHAWIIAKIA. The Stoi-y of Whaki-Tapui and Tu-TaiaRoa. Trau.slated by S. P. Smith. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ME 6 R KERFERD, George Briscoe. [Portrait and SkeU-h of.] (Once a Month, Feb., 1886.) MJ 1 V 22 KERL, Prof. Bruno. The Assayer"s 3[anual : an abridged Treatise on the Docimastic Examination of Ores, and Furnace and other Artificial Products. Translated by William T. Brannt, and edited by Dr. AVilliam H. AVahl. Illust. 8vo. Philad., 1883. A 30 V 21 KERNAHAN, Coulson. The Child, the ^^'ise Man. and the Devil. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 T 17 God and the Ant. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 Q 27 310 I'lihlic Libra)')/ of New South TTales. KERNE, H. G. A Servant of '-John Company," being the Recollections of an Indian Official. Illustrated. t\o. Melb., 1895. ' -MA :! S 70 KESTNER, A. Sdieurer-. {See Scheurer-Kestner, A.] KETTERING COOPERATIVE COHSKT MANUFAC- 'JTHKliS, Ltd. Rules. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F IG S :^:? K l"i'W |( 'li, I ). van. ,\anl<>ckening over Nieuw Calc dmiii-. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1865.) I'. I KEVIN, John, "Arthur Ferres." His Cousin the Wal- labv, and three other Australian Stories. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MJ 1 Q 20 ISIy Centennial Gift ; or, Australian Stories for Children. • Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MJ 2 P 25 KEVIN, John W. State School Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 A" 1 KEW ROYAL GARDENS. Bulletin of ]\Iiscellaneous Information, 1887-9H, 1895-98. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887-98. E Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information ; Additional ser., 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E 1. Rupert on the Economic Resources of the West Indies ; liv ]>. ilovris. 2. Selectcil Papers from the Kow Bulletin : Vegetable Fitires. Hand-list of tender Monocotyledons, excluding Orcliida^, cultivated in the Roval Gardens, Kew, 1897. 12mo. Lond., 1897. ' A 20 Q 41 KEY, Adm. Sir Astlev Cooper. Memoirs of; by Vice- Adm. P. H. Col(nnl). Witli Portrait. 8vo. "Lond., 1898. C 25 P 21 KEYSTONE, The. {See Frccmawns' Chronu-h> of Ans- trahiiiid.^ KHUNRATH, Dr. Hehn-ich. Aniphithcitre de lEter- nelle Sapience With Plates. Sm. fol. Pari.s, 1898^ 1 900. G 23 V 32 KHURSHID, Mdhamad Nizam-ud-din, Mirza. Persian Manual. 12mo. Lahore, 1897. J 21 P 33 KIAMA INDEPENDENT and Shoalhaven Advertiser, 1896-98. 3 vols. fol. Kiama, 1S96-98. ME AV.I.l/.l A'/;/V)/^7'L7i', 1899. Fol. Kiama, 1899. ME KIDD, licnjamin. Control of the I'ropics. 12mo. New Yoi'k, i8!)S. F 15 R 24 K I I »I), Itev. .lames. IMoralit v and licligion. 8vo. Edinb.. 1S95. (Kerr Lectures.)" G2tV10 KIDD, Dr. Percy. Phthisis pulmonali.s. (.\lll)utt, Dr. T. C. Systeni of Medicine.) A 2G T 38 KIDDIOR, Dr. F. E. Building Construction .and Supei'in- tendence. Pts. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1896 ^><. A 25 V 18, 19 1. Masons' Work. 'J. Carpenters' W'oik. Churches and Chapels: Designs and Suggestions for Churcli-Iiuilding {'ommitt(>es, Architects, and Builders. llliisl. Ob. 12mo. New York, 1895. A19P9 KlhOLE, Hugh Charles. Remarkable increase of Tem- jjerature after dark at Se\-en Oaks, Macleav Hiver. (lic.y. Soc, N.S.W,, .b.iiriL, l.'<99.) iMK 1 K Siqiplementarij Catalogue — 189G-1900. 341 XTDSTON", Udhpi-t. Catalogue of the Palioozoic Plants in tlif Dcparliiiciit of Geology and Palaeontology, J>ritish Museum. [&« P.rit. Mu's.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 V D KIEMOW, E. Lough. Life of Alan oil the IFigh Aljis. iSee Mosso, A.J A 41 « •.'() KIESOW, F. Fear. [See Mosso, A.] A 2G 8 -W KILBOURN", J. K. Fish Pie.seivatioii and l?efrigeratioii. (Liternat. Fishei-ies Exhib.— Fislieries Lit.) A .'U H 7 KILLEBREW, J. B. Grasses and Forage Plants. [See Tennessee — Agrieult. I'lxiiev. Stn.J A .'i? R i'<) KILLEBREW, Dr. J. B., and MYRICK, Herbert. To- bacco Leaf : its Cultuie and Cure, Marketing and Manufacture : a Practical Hand-book on the most approved methods in (irowing, Harvesting, Curing, Packing, and Selling Tobacco, also of Tobacco Manufac- ture, i'llust. Svo. New York, 1897. A 33 P If) KTLLEN, Rev. \V. I). History of the Presbyterian Church in L-eland [_See Reid, Rev. J. S.] G -23 P 45-47 KTLLICK, Rev. A. H. Student's Hand-book, synoptical and exjilanatory, of Mr. J. S. Mill's System of Logic. 12th ed. 12nio. Loud., lSi)4. G 9 Y 1 KILMARNOCK, William Boyd, Earl of. [IMemoirs of.; [Si'e Thomson, Katheriiie. — Memoirs of the Jacobites. C 27 U 4 KTLMOREY, Earl of. Propased Harbour and (Jraviiig Dock at Largs Bay, South Australia. (Review of Reviews, Oct.'; 189S.) ME C U KILROE, Jame; R. Geology of Donegal. '[See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 9 Geology of N.\Y. and Central Donegal. [&f (it. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 Y 2 Geology of Sligo and Leitrira. [_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 Y 17 Geology of the District around Omagh, Fintona, and Irvinestown. [,S«Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 13 Geology of Tyrone and Donegal. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel." -Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 Y 10 KIMBALL. Sunnier L Organization and methods of the United States Life-saving Ser\ice. \_See United States. — Life-sa\-ing Sei'vice.] A 40 P 13 KINAHAN, Gerard Henry, and others. Geology of Donegal, Londoiulerry, and Tyrone. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.-Ireland.] A 47 Y G (ieology of N.W. and Central Donegal. [Sen Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.-Ireland.] A 47 V 2 KINCAID, Alexander, [Funeral (,f.] [See Funerals.] B IG S 13 i KrNDRRGAPvTEN Avn CHILD CULTURE PAPERS. Papers on Froebel's Kindergarten; with Suggestions on I'liiuijilcs and Methods of (jhild Culture in dili'er- ent Countries. Republished from the American Jim riKtl of Education. Svo. Hartford, 1S90. G 17 U36 KIXUKHCARTEX MM! A/AXE, Tl,r. Yol. 11, Se],t., ISilS-.lunc, 1S99. 8vo. Chicago, 1898 99. E KIXDERGAL'TEX IIEVIEW, Th.'. Yols. 9, 10, Sept., 1898 -June, 19(11). -J. vols, Svo. Springfield, 1898- 1900. E l\TN(i, C. .M, licporl on Indian I'^ilires and Fibrous Sub- stances, [See Ci-oss, C. F.] A 2') T 8 KTN(J, (Jharles. JNlciiioir of the Construction, Cost, and Capacity of the Croton Atpieduct, coni]>iled from oiKeial documents ; together with an Account of the Civic Celebration of the 14tli October, 1843, on occa- sion of the completion of the great work : preceded by a preliminary Essay on Ancient and Moflern Aque- ducts. 4to. New York, 1843. A 10 T 21 t KIN(;, Li(^ut.-Col. Charles Cooper. The British Army and Auxiliary Forces. \\"n\\ Plates from original Photograpks. '2 vols. fol. Loiul,, 1893, B 13 W 1, 2t The Story of \.]v British Ariiiv, Illustrated. 8vo. Loud,, 1897, B 39 Q 5 Cromwell. [See Cromwell, O,] C 26 R 18 ivING, Rev. Charles William. Antlcpie Gems and Ring.s. Illustrated, 2 vols, roy, 8v(v, Lond,, 1872. A 45 Y 7, 8 KIN(i, E. Augusta. Italian Higliwavs. Svo. Lond., 189r,. " " " D 18 y 23 KING, Prof. Frairklin H. Irrigation and Drainage : Principles and Practice of their Cultural Phrases. Ilhrstrated. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1899. (Rural Science Ser.) A 33 Q 40 Irrigation in HuMiivn/ri,'' Petrie, and (r. Jlavidfi, Colenso, in reply to Mr. Petrie. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ' . ME 2 S Students' Flora of New Zealand and the outlying Islands. Sni. 4t(.. Wellington, 1S99. MA -I U 6 KIRKALDY, J. \V. Te.xt-book of Zoi.logy. [See Boas, Dr. J. E. v.] ' A 31 Q 8 KIRKCALDY, Sir AVilliam. Kirkcaldy of Grange ; by Louis A. Barbe. 12mo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 U 27 KIRKE, Henry. Twenty-five years in British (iiiiana. Illustraled.'^ 8vo. Lond., 1898. r)l."JT2S KFRKES' HAND-BOOK (»F PHYSIOLOGY. [See Ha]lil)urton, Dr. W. D.] KlRKll.A.M, [Mrs. T.], "Kyra Keith.' Pains and Penalties. 8vo. Melb., 1899." .M.) 3 U 16 KIRKLAXD, .1. J!. Alkyl-Sulphin.-, Selenine, and Phos- phoniiini Salts. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 1.] ME 21 T KIRK LAND, Joseph. Among the Poor of Chicago. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 IT 25 KIRKPATRICK, Dr. Robert Charles. Notes iijion a case of Maduia Foot. [See Mc(!ill University. — Papers fi-cni ilir I'c)., of Patliojogv.] A ■)0S23 KIRKPATRICK, T. S. G. The Hydraulic Gold-miner's Manual. 2iided. Illustrated. ' 1 2ino. Limd., 1897. A 5 S 28 KIRKFP, Thomas. History of Socialism. 12ino. Loud., 1892. F 13 V 19 KIRWAN, J. W. The West Australian Mining Trouble : the Case for the Miners. (Review of Reviews, April, 1898.) E KITCHEN BOILER CONNECTIONS: a Selection of Practical Letters and Articles relating to Water Backs and Range Boilers. .3th ed. Rov. 8vo. New York, 1899. " ■ A 38 S 26 KITCHENER, Maj.-(jen. Horatio Herliert, Baron. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Lowe, C. — Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. — Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 20 KITCHIN, George William, Dean of 1 )urham. Mission of the Churches. (Reid, A. The New Party.) F 15 P 29 KITSON, A. E. Geological Notes on the (Jehi and Indi Rivers and Monaro (Jap, Mount Kosciusko, N.S.W. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P KITSON, Arthur. Scientific Solution of the Money Ques- tion. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F I'O V 20 KITTEL, Prof. R. History of the Hebrews. Tran.slated by J. Tavlor, H. W. Hogg, and E. B. Speirs. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. B 28 T 4, 5 KITTON, Frederic G. The Minor Writings of Charles Dickens: a Bibliography and a Sketch. 12mo. Lond., 1900. ' ' J 26 U 4 The Novels of Charles Dickens : a Bibliography and Sketch. With Portr. 12mo. Loiul, 1S97. ' J 1 4 P 30 KJERITLF, Dr. T. BeskriM-lse af en R;ekke Norskc Bergarter. Illustrated. Ito. Kristiania, 1892. A 13 S 1 t KLAPROTJl, J. Chrestomathie Maudchou, ou recueil do Textes Mandchou, destine aux Personnes qui veulent s'occui)er dc I'etudc de cctte Langue. Svo. Paris, 1828. J 12 V 22 KLAUSER, Ka 1\ now Ics.] l''anious Cnuipii.sers. [&« Paine, .John C 13 S 13-16 t KLKCZYXSIvl, .lean. Cliujiin's (ireatei- Works: how they should \>v understood. Translated, with Addi- tions, l>v Natalie .laiiotha. focific Micro-Oiganisms. 8vo. Loud., 1896. A liG K 32 , and SMITH, Dr. Eldivd N,,l)l,.. Atlas of "JILs- tology, 4to. Lond., ISSO. A II W l.'?? KLEIN, Prof. Fi'lix. MatlKwnatical Theory of the; Top. Illustrated. I'inio. New York, 1S97. (Prineetoii Lectures.) A lM P 34 KLEIN, Dr. Heriiianu .(. Star Atlas, with Kx]ilanatory Text. Translated and brought uj) to date by E. McClure. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A2IP'l3t KLEI8T, Heinrich von. Der zerbroehene Krug. Illus- trated bv Adolf Menzel. Tni]). 8vo. Stuttgart (n.d. ) ■ H 1 i: 7 KLEMM, L. 1!. KiiiMjicaii SdiiMils; U1-. AVhat I saw in the Schools of (ierinany, France, Austria, and Switzer- land. 8vo. New York, 1889. (Internat. Education «er.) (J 18 P GO Higher Educatiim of ^^'onlen in Europe. [^See Lange, H.] G 15 U 41 KLETTENBERG-^WILDECK, Karl Heinrich von. «crip tores Historia' I\onian;c. [See Scriptorcs Histoi'iie Pvomana-.] P> 40 U l!i-21 % KLIXISCIIES .lAllRI'.CCJI. I'.and 1'. 8\o. I!erlin, 1890. A 28 U 24 KLONDIKE AND ALL ABOUT IT. \_See -Practical Mining Engineer. '] I) 16 P G KLONDYKE MINING LAWS. The Canadian Gold- tields : ln)W to get there, and where to purchase sup- plies. ]8nio. "Victoria, B.C. (n.d.) ri2S24 KLUSSMANN, Ernst. iSee Nievius, Cn.] KNACKFUSS, H. Durer. Translated bv C. Dodgson. Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1900." (Monographs m\ Ai-tists.) ■ A 45 W 5 Holbein. Translated by C. Dodgson. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1899. (Monographs on Artists.) A 45 AV 2 Raphael. Translated by C. Dotlgsou. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1.^99. (.Monographs on Artists.) A 45 W 1 Renil)randt. Translateil liy C. Dodgson. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1899. (Monographs on Artists.) A 45 W 3 Van Dyck. Translated by C. I'odgsdn. Illustrated. Rov. Vvo. Bielefeld. 1899. (.Alonographs on Artists.) A 45 W 4 KNAGGS, R. C. and CO. The Newcastle Nautical Al- manac, Directory, and Guide to the Port of Newcastle, and Sailing Directoiy of Torres Straits, 1870-98. 29 vols. 8vo. Newcastle, 1870-98. !MK 2 U 2 X KNAGGS, Dr. Samuel T. Federal Quarantine. ^People's Federal Con\ ciil ion, Proc.) .M I'' I «,» 51 The. Ai(Jitrii/ iim I'l-driltioiu-i: [See Aiif-tniliii n Frac- tUionfi:] MA 5 R 15 KNAl'P, Arthur .\la\. l'"eudal and .Mcjdcni Japan. Illust. 2 vols. 12ni... Lnnd., 1898. B 33 P 6, 7 KNAPP, S. A. Pi-esent Status ,,f Kice Culture in the United States. [See United States. I )ei)t. [of Agri- cult. Div. of Botany.] A 41 U 11 KNAPP, >\'illiani i. Life, Writings, and Corre.spondence of George Barrow. \_See Barrow, G.] C 26 11 16, 17 KNECHT, Dr. Edmund. Chemistry of tlieCoalTarColours. [See Benedikt, Dr. R.] ' A 23 P 20 KNEIPP, Monsignore Sebastian. The Cart' of Children in Sickness and in Health. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 26 S 33 The Codicil to my Will for the Healthy and the Sick : containing Chapters oi\ the Anatomy and Care of the Human Bod}-, Gynniastic E.xeTcises, First Helj) in Accidents, Cooking Recipes, Medicinal Plants, and the Cure of Disease.s. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 V 2 ,Mv Will : a Legacy Ut the Health\- and the Sick. Illus- "trated. 8vo. L.md., 189G. ' A 39 V 23 KNIBBS, (tcojge Handley. Address by, as President of the Royal S^)cietv of New South Wales. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W:, Journ., "1899.) ME 1 R Observations on the determination of Drought-intensitv. (Roy. Soe., N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Recent detenninations of the Viscosity of Water by the efflux method. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1895, 1896.) ' ME 1 R The rigorous theory of the determination of the Meridian Line liy altazimuth Solar Ob.servations. (Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Some Applications and Developments of the Prismoidal Formula. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 Pv The Steady Flow of Water in uniform Pipes and Chan- nels. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R Theory of the Reflecting Exten.someter of Prnf. Martens. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W., Journ.. 1897.) -ME 1 R , GRIMSHAW, James Walter, and CURRAN. Rev. John ^Michael Milne. Fulgurites in the Sand- hills at Kensington and Bondi, New South Wales ; with Bibliography. (Australasian Assoc for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S KNKiHT, Arthur (Jeurge. The Life of King Alfred the (Jreat. \_See Alfredthe Great.] ■" C 22 P 22 KNIGHT, Charl.-s. Life of William Shakspere. r~-" Shakespeare. W.] C 24 S 5 346 Public Library of Neio South Wales. KNIGHT, Edward Fi-edeiick. The Falcon on the Baltic : a CocUstiiig Voyage from Hammersmith to Copeiiliageu in a 3-toii Yacht. Illustrated. .Svo. Ijond., 1.S9C. D 18 Q 20 Letters from the Sudan, reprinted from 7'Ae Times of April to October, 1S96. Tllusti-ated. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 14 T 24 JNIadagascar in War Time : 77ie I'imi's Special Corres- pondent's E.^perience among the Ho^•as during the French Invasion of 1895. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 16 Q 48 Rhodesia of To-day : a De.scription of the Present Con- dition and the Prospects of Matabeleland and Jliishona- land. Svo. Lond., 1895. ]! 16 B IS KXKiHT, J. J. Australian Pioneers and Reminiscences. [See Bartley, Nehemiah.] MB 1 Q 50 KNIGHT, Jo.seph. Broom Corn. [See Victoria. — Agri- ciilt.] MA 3 V 13 Canaigre. [See Victoria.— Agricult.] JMA 3 V 13 Canary Seed : its Cultivation, &c. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 A' 13 Castor Oil Plant. [See Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 3 T 9 Crystallized or Glact'-d Fruits. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 T 9 Cultivation of Fla.x, and its after Treatment. [See Vic- toria.— Agricult.] MA 3 T 9 The Peanut. [&<• Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 KNIGHT, W. H. AVestern Australia : its History, Pni- gress. Condition, and Pi-ospects, and its Advant4iges as a Field for Emigration. Svo. Perth, 1S70. MD 8 P 32 KNIGHT, Dr. William. The Portraits ,,f AVordsworth. (Knight, AVilliam. — AVordsworthiana.) .1 14 11 15 Rectorial Addres.ses, delivered at the Tniversity of St. Andrews, 1S63-9.3. Svo. Lond., 1894. g'17 T 18 AA^inlsworlliiana : a Selection from Papers read to the AVor 17 KOHLRAUSCII, Fricdrich. Fundamental Laws of Elec- trolytic Conduction. {_See Goorlwin, H. M.] A 44 Q 1 !» KollfjIOIl, Jleiiu'ich. Polj'chi'diiH^ Mci.sterwcrko dcr -Monunientalen Kunst in Italien voni V bis XVI Jahrhundcrt. Illustrated. Fol. Leipzig, 1880. [In German, Ens^lish, French, and Ttalian.] A 46 P 25 \ KOLBE, Dr. Hermann. Short Text-book of Inorf;anic Cliemistry. Translated and edited bv T. >S. Huni- pidge. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1SS4. " A 20 T .-.t) KONIGLICHE BIBLIOTHEK ZIT BERLIN. [See Berlin.] KONKiLICHE FKIEDRICH^WILHELMS-UNIVER- HITAT ZU BERLIN. [&« Berlin.] KONIGLICHE OBSERVATORIEN BEI POTSDAM. [See Potsdam.] KONINCK, Prof. Laurient Guillaume de. J)escriptions of the Pala?ozoic Fossils of New South Wales. [See New South Wales. — Geolog. Survey.] MA 5 V 20 KORAN, The. Der Koran. 18mo. Belesfcld, 188L G 26 P 24 The Koran in Arabic. 8\o. Egypt, LSS2. G 2-5 P 2 KOREN, John. Economic Aspects of the Liquor Problem. 8vo. Boston, 1899. F 17 T 2 KORSCHELT, Dr. E., and HEIDER, Dr. K. Text-book of the Emljryology of Invertebrates. Ti'anslated fnjm the German by Dr. E. L. Mark, Dr. W. McM. Wood- worth, and Matilila Bernard, and edited by ]\I. F. Woodwai-d. Vols. 1-3. Illustrated. 3 vols. Svo. Lend., 189.3-99. A 38 P 18-20 1 . Porifera, Cnidai'ia, Ctenophora, Venno.s, Enteropneusta, F^chinodermata. ■J. riifiroiiidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda, Eiito- procta, Crustacea, Palaeostraca. ;!. Arachuida, Pentastomida;, Pantopoda, Tardigrada, Oii\'- clicipliora, Myriopoda, Insecta. KOSMOrOLAN. Nos. 1-37, Feb., 1891-Nov., 1897. Illustrated. 4to. Sydney, 1891-97. [In Volapiik and English.] [AH pnhrisharl] M.T 10 Q 13 f KOSSUTH, Louis. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 Sketch of. [See Godwin, P. — Conmiemorative Addresses.] J 14 V 3 KOSTLIN, .Julius. Life of Luther. [See Luther, jI.] C 23 F 27 KOTTMANN, Dr. Gu,stav. Concise Review of Principal Data on Ri;)thanistcd Experiments as carried out by Sir J. B. Lawes and Prof. J. H. Gilbert, based mainly on Prof. William Fream's book. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1897. MA 2 U 67 KOWALSKI, Henri. Song: Twilight of Love. [Music] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P G t KiiAKAir, A. Monographic de la Cathedrale d'Orvicto. [&« Benoi.s, N.] ' A12X23t KRAMP, F. O. Nicolaes Witzen's Map of Northern Asia. [jSiJg Remarkable Alaps of the lotli, 16th, and 17th Centuries.] D 8 P 37 J KRA,S:^EWSlvI, .loseph Ignatius. The Jew ; with Intro- duction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 23 U 11 KlwVUS, Fiiedrich. [Rejiroduction of liis Picture] Bac- cliantc Awakening. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 1 2 P KRALTS, John. The Kindergarten Guide. [See Kraus- Bielte, Maria.] G 17 T 34, 3.5 KRAUS-BCELTE, Maria, and KRAUS, John. The Kindergarten Guide : an Illustrated Hand-book, de- signed for the Self-instruction of Kindergartnei-s, jNbrthers, and Nurses. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1.S77. G 1 7 T 34, 3.5 1. The (iifts. •J. The Occupations. / KRAUSE, Ferdinand iloritz. Introduction to tlie Study of Mineralogy for Australian Readers. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MA 3 U 39 KRAUSSE, Alexis. China in Decay: a Hand-book to the Far Eastern Question. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D22P8 Russia in Asia: 'a Recoi-d and a Study, 1558-1899. With .Mai^s. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " ]? 36 S 5 KRAVCHINSKY, Serge Michael<,vitcli, '^ Stepniak.^' Career of a Nihilist. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1890. J 23 T 1 iving Stork and King Log [Alexander II and Alex- ander III of Russia] : a Study of ^Modern Russia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 31 R 6, 7 KREHBIEL, Henry Edward, ilusic and Planners from Pergolese to Beedioven. 8vo. Lond., 1S9S A 41 T 13 KRICHAUFF, F. E. H. W. Forest Con.servancy and Timlier Supplv. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) " MA 4 S 12 Future of our Wine Industr}', and the Results of ilanuring Vinevards in Europe and Australia. Illus- trated. Sm. 4t'o. Adelaide, 1899. ilA 3 ^^' 28 KRISTELLER, Paul. Early Florentine Woodcuts ; with an annotated List of Florentine Illustrated Books. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 T 19 f KRISTENSEN, E. T. Danish Fairy and Folk Tales. [See Bay, J. C] ■ J 14 Q 43 348 Public Library of New South iFalea. KROEGER, Adolph Ernst. The Science of Ethics. {See Fichte, J. G.] G 11 S 40 KROHNKE, G. H. A. Handbook for laying out Curves on R.aihvays and Traniway.s, calculated for every possible Ana;]p and li.idius. 1 ■2nio. Lond., 1890. A i'2 P 41 KROPOTKIN, Prince Peter. Fields, Factories, and Workshops. Svo. Loud., l.-<99. F16T3 Memoirs of a Itevolutionist : with a Preface by G. Hrandes. With Portraits, l' vols. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 2:1 T 18. 19 KROUT, Mary H. Hawaii and a Revolution : the Per- sonal Experiences of a Newspaper Correspondent in the Sandwich Islands durin.i; the Crises of 1893 and sulwequently. lUu.st. 8vo. Lond., 1898. DKIRI KRUDENER, Barhe-Julie, Mme de. Life and Letters of; by C.Ford. 8vo. Lond., 189:1. ('24T1 KRU(tER, Piof. Gustav. History of Early Christian I^iterature in the first three Centuries. Translated by- Rev. C. R. (Tillett ; with corrections and additions ))v the Author. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 24 Q 18 KRUGER, Paul (/(' full Stephanus Johannes Paulus). Paul Kiugerand his Times : ])y F. R. Statham. With Portrait and Map. 8vo. Lonp., I,s98. C 25 R 2 [Sketch of.] \_See Cuinberland, S. - What T think of South Africa.] 1 ( R 18 KUENEN, Prof. A. Iteli-ion of Israel to the Fall of th,- Jewish State. Translated by A. H. May. Vols. 1 :1. :3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1882^8-i. " G 24 U 17-19 KUGLER, Franz ThiM,(lor. Hand-book of Paintin-; the Gei-man, rieiiiisli, Dutch, .Spanish, and French Schools. Paitlv translated from the (iernian of Kuglei- by "A Ladv"^' [.Mrs. M. Hutton]. Edited, with Notes, by Sir !•:. Head. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18.54. A 44 R T), 6 K FHXE, Louis. New Science of Healing; or, the Doe- trine of the Unity of Disease, forming the basis of a uniform method of Cure without Drugs and without OjiiM-alions. 12th ed., ti'anslated ))v K. Romanes. 8vo. Leipsic, 1901. ' A :iO T :iO KI'LPE, Prof. Oswald. I ntiodud ion lo i'liil,,s,,phy : :i I [and-book for Students of Psychology, l.,ogic, I'ithics, vEsthetics, and (lenei-,ii Philosophy. Translated by W. li. Pillsburv and I".. I'.. Tilcliener. 8\i,. Lond., 1897. (; 18 P II Outlines of Psychology. Translated bv Piof. K. JJ. Titchener. 8v.i. T>ind., 1895. ' G :J \] 5 KUNOS, Dr. Tgmicz. Turkish K.iiry Tales and Folk Tales. Translated from the Ilungaiian N'ersion bv R. Ni.sbet j'.ain. Illustral.-d. S\,,. Lond., 189r>, " J I t S 2 KITNTZ, Gusta\-. [Reproduction of his Picture] Artist and Model. [_See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 I KURTH, Prof. (Sodefi'oid. Les Origines de la Civilisati, 24 IvUYPER, Rew Abraham. Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology : with an Introtluction bv Re\-. ]>. B. War- fiekl. 8vo. Lcmd., 1899. " G 2.1 S 48 KYD, Thomas. The Spanish Tragedy. Edited, with a Preface. Notes, and Glossary, bv Piof. J. Schick. 18mo. T^ond., 1898. (Temple Dramatists.) H l.S Q :1 KYLE, Dr. 1). Braden. Disea.ses of the Uvula, the Phar- ynx and Larynx. (Haie, Dr. H. A. — System of Prac- tical Therapeutics.) " A:11P17 KYNGDON, F. B. ^Vine Culture in New South Wales. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S L., E. [Verses by.] [See (iarlaml of New Poetry.] H 12 Q lo L., E. J. Cupid's Pupils from Courtshij) to Honejinoon : lieing the Recollections of a Parish Clerk who assisted at 10,400 inari-iages and ga\e awav 1,1 :>0 brides. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' ' J 12 R 21 I;., M. .\.n Old Sanctuary. [&p H., L, G 11 Q :?7 L., T. "The Prig." Clii.sel, Pen, and Poignard. \_See Cellini, B.] C 20 S 20 Falklands. [,S'w Falkl.uxl, Visc,,unt.] C 2ft P 1 1 LABAUME, Eugene. Nariative of (he Campaign in Russia ; with Plans of the Battles of Moskwa and Malo-Jaroslavitz. Translated by E. Boyee. ftth ed. 8vo. Lond., 181. -1. ■■ ' B :U s .■> I.AIUCHE, Eugene. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See .Matthews, J. 1!. FrcTich Dramatists of the 19th Genturv.] H 12 I! 1 l,.\l'.ILI,ll'.lii:, l-'i'ancis Peter (If liise and Progress. 12m'\(i. Jjond., l,S9ii. I' -22 H 20 LACY, Thomas Haile.s. Female Costumes, Historical, National, and Dramatie. -Itn. Lond., ISG."). A lOT 12t L.\DL), Prof. Geor<--e Trumlmll. Dcielriiie of Sacred Serip- tui-e : a Critical, Historical, and Doniu;itie Ini(uiry into the Origin and Nature of the Old and New Testa- ments. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinl)., 18So. (J 21 V 11, 12 Introduction to Philosophy : an Liquii y after a rational system of scientific principles in theii- relation to ulti- mate reality. Svo. Lond., 1S91. O 1 T 24 Outlines of Descripli\e Psychology : a Text-book of Mental Science for Colleges ;ind Nurmal Schools. Svo. Loud., 1S98. 2.ST7 Philosophy of Knowledge: an Eniiuiry intu the Nature, Limits, and \^aliditv of Human Cognitive Faculty. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1"S07. O 11 S .i? Philosophy of Mind: an Essay in the Metaphysics of Psychology. Svo. New Y'ork, 189."). Vr?, R 29 Primer of Psychology. Svo. L(md., 189(). (Ml 112:^ P.sychology, Descriptive and Explanatoiy. Rov. Svo. New Y^u-k, 1894. ' C li") S 18 Theory of Reality : an Essay in Metaphysical System upon the liasis of Human Cogniti\e Expei'ience. Svo. Lond., 1 899. G 24 V 8 LADIES HOME JOURXAL, Jan., 189G-Nov., 1899. 4 vols, (in 2) fol. Philad., 1896-^99. E LADIES' PICTORIAL. Vols. 28-31, V?< .SO, July, 1894- June, 1890, 1S97 98. 8 vols. f,,l. Lond., 1S94 -98. E "LADY, A." [See Ilutton. :\largaret.l L^TUS, Pomp.Miiuv. [See Poiuponius L:etus.] LA FAROE, Jolni. \n Arti.sl's Lelt.^rs from .1 .apan. Illustrated. Svo. L.md., 1897. I> 19 C 11 [Life of.] [See Portfolio. M.mographs, 2i;.J E LAFAYETTE, (!en. Marie Jean P.iul liorli Yves Gilbert, Marquis de. The Household of the L.afayettes ; by Edith Sichel. \Vith Portrait^^. Svo. Loud., 1S97. C 24T7 LA FLESCHE, Francis. Study of Omaha Indian Music. [Se« Peabody Museum.] A II P 11 LAFLEUR, Dr. Henri A. Amtebic Abscess of the Liver. (Alll)utt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medicine.) A 26 T .37 AuKcbic Dy.senterv. (All)>ull, Dr. T. C— System of .Medi<-iiie'.) ' A 20 T :}.") LA FONTAINE, Jean ilr. I'aLlesChoisies; by L. Delbo.s. ;?rd ed. 12mo. Lond.. IS9S. (French Classics for English Students.) H 1"' P I 1 L,\FORGUE, Jules. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Svmons, A. — Sviiibolist Movement in Literature.] .1 17V :!0 LAGRANGE, Charles. The (Jreat Pyramid, liv Modern Science an indejiendent witness to the literal chron- ology of the Hebrew P>ihle and British-Israel identity, in accordance with '• Briick's Law of the Life of Nation.s." Svo. New York. 1894. 12V2 LAGRANGE, Joseph Lmis, Comte de. Lectures on Elementary Mathematics. Translated by T. J. ^IcCormack. With Portrait. 8vo. Chicago, 1898. A 2.5 P 20 LAHMANK, Dr. H. Natural Hygiene; or, Healthy Blood the es.sential condition of Good Health, and how to obtain it : a Treatise for Physicians and their Patients on the Piedisposition to and Prevention of Disease. Translated 1)V Dr. H. Biittner. Svo. Lond., 1898. ' A 40 T 9 LAIGHTON, Celia. [See Thaxter, Celia.] LAING, David. Notes on Ben Jon.son's Conversation.s with William Drvnnmond. [See Shakespeare See, Pubs.] H 3 U 13 LAING, Robert M. Notes on several species of Delesseria, one being new. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S LAKE, Gerard. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Maj. E. S. May. ( Wilkin.son, S. — From Cromwell to AVellington.) C 20 R 18 LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY. Catalogue, 1898-99. Svo. Lake Forest, 1 899. E LAKEMAN, James B. Health in the Workshop. (luter- nat. Health Exliib. -Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 17, 19 L.A.:MARCK, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de .Mouet. [Study of.] [See Brooks. Prof. W. K". Foun-Ts/.e the Great Thinker [6U4 li.c] ; with a Translation of his Thoughts on the Nature and ^Manifestations of God by Maj.-Gen. G. G. Alexander. 8vo. Lond., 189.5. " G 1 U 32 LAPLACE, Pierre Simon, Marquis de. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S. -Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 LAP8LEY, (jaill.inl Thomas. I'he County Palatine of Durham : a Study in Constitutional History. Svo. New Y^ork, 1900. ' (Harvard Hist. Studies.) F 3 T 2P LARCHEY, Loredaii. Narratixe of Caj)t. Coignet. [See Coignet, Capt. J. R.] C 23 P 3 LARC(.)M, Lucy. [P.-rtrait and Sketrli of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart. Chapters from a Life.] " C 19 T 20 LARDELLI, (uinliehuo. Sydney (n.d.) Katheriiie AValtz. Siu. fol. MA 13 P 5 t LARGENT, Rev. -. St. Jeionie. Tran.slated by Hester Davenport : with a Preface Ijy G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond.. 1900. (The Saints.) ' " G 26 Q 4 LARKIN, J. Report by, on the 4'realmeul of A. H. S. Landor by the Tibetian.s. ( Landor, A. 11. S.— In the Forl>idden Land.) D 13 U 18 LARKIN, T. J. Chinese Porcelain. [See (iulland, W. (;.] A 41 R 9 L.\RMF1!,. lames. .\ati\c Vocaliularv. I »b. I 2mo. (n.p. n.d.) ■ M.) 3 S 14 Nati\c Vocabulary of miscellaneous New South Wales o1)ieets. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W,, .bmr-ii., 1S9S.) ME 1 R LARM OR, Joseph. yEther aiid Matter: a Development of the dynamical relations of the ^']ther to material systems on the basis of the Atomic Constitution of flatter: including a Discussion of the Influence of tlie ICarth's Motion on Ojitical Phenomena. Roy. 8\'o. bond,. 19(1(1. .\ 10 U 1-5 L.VRNKl), Joshua Nelson. History fin ready reference froTn the best Historians, Biographers, and Specialists: with Maps and Drawings by A. C. Reilev. Vols. 1-5 .5 v.ils. imp. Svo. S])ringlie'ld, IS9I 9.5." I! 40 W 4-8 L.VRNI'ID, \\'alt(n- Cranston. Churclies anl()f,'y of Pi''i-if;oi-(l luid t-li(! iidjdiiiiiifi Pnj- vinces of Southern Fiiuice. Edited hv Prof. T. 1^ Jones. Jllust. 4to. I.oud., ISiri. " A 20 ]l 22 t L.VSKEH, Eniaiuiel. (ioiiniioii-st'iisc in Chess. l2nio. Lond., 1S9(I. A 29 S 20 LASSAR-COHN, i)i-. \_See Colin, J)r. Lassai-.J LASTAltlvIA, Josii Victoi'ino. Lastarria i sii 'rimijHi, su Vida, Obra.s, e Tnfluencia en el De.saiidllo Politico e Intelectual do Chile. Roy. 8vo. Santiaf,'o, 18y;j. C' 10 X II t LATANE, John 11. Early Relations between Mai-yland and Virginia. (Johns lIo])kins Univer.sity. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) P, IS S 13 LATJIAM, Baldwin. Softening- of Water. (Iiitcniat. Health E.xhib. ^Health Exhib. Lit.) A 11 V I LATHAM, l'"i-ani<. Sanitation of Domestic Ihiildini^s. Illustrated. 1 2nio. Lond., ISiJ.S. A 1 1 f -•) LATHAM, Dr. Robert (Joi'don., P.R.S. Ethnology of the l>riti.sh Islands. 12nio. Lond., 1S51. A 24 P IS LATHROP, George Par.sons. S|i,unsh Vistas, fllusiiatcd. Svo. New York, ISS:!. D 22 S 1 Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. \_See Haw- thorne, N.] J 2.'! R 1-1.'! LATHROP, Rose Hawthorne [Mrs. G. P.] Memories of Hawthorne. Svo. Lond., 1S97. C 2:5 Q U LATIF, Syad Muhammad. .\gra, Historical and Dcscri|i- tive ; with an Account of Akbar a,nd his Court .i.nd of tlu; Modern Citv of Agra. Illustrated. Svo. Cal- cutta, IS'Jf). " ' B ;!',) T 2 History of the Punjiilj, from the remotest antiquity to the present time. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1889. B .'i2 S G LATIMER, Elizabeth Wornieley. England in the lUth Century. Svo. Chicago, ISiJ.'). B IG S 1:! Spain in the I'JtIi Centurv. -'Srd ed. Sxd. Chicago, ISiJS. ' B34Q16 LATIMER, lieorgina. Acro.ss the Channel. [y. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Occurrence of Saponin in Australian Acacias and Al- i)izzias. (Roy. Soc, Queeusl, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T The Resirl of Araucnria BidwUli. (Roy. Soc, Queens- land, Proc, 1894.) ' ME 1 T Rickets and Macrozamia. (Rov. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1898.) ■ -ME I T Sassafrass Trees of Qiieeiisland, and tlie Chemistry of CinnnmciiMi.m Olivri. (Rov. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 189.1.) ■ INIE 1 T LAUTS, (!. Naam iler straat tusschen Nieuw-HoUand en Nieuw-Guinea. (Tijd.schr. voor het Zcewezen, 1861.) ]<] Over A. J. Tasman, en Naschrift. [^See Tijdschrift \(iv. George Pratt. 3nl ed. 8vo. Sydney, 18'Jfi. ' ' M-T 3 K 13 LAWLEli, James J. American Sanitaiy I'luiubing : a Practical Work on the best nietliod.s of ]\Iodern Plumbing, illustrating, with Original Sketches, the Fundamental Principles of everything the Plumber should know. Tllustrated. 8vo. ' New York, 1896. A 25 T 19 Modern Plumbing, Steam, and Hot Water Heating. Illust. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 4G t'2 LAWLER, John. Book Auctions in England in the 17th Century, 1G76-1700 ; with a Chronological List of the Book Auctions of the Period, 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Book-lover's LiV).) J 24 T :? LAWLOR, Rev. Hugh Jackson. Some ^^'orthies of the Irish Church. [See Stokes, Rev. G. T.] G 2.") T 7 LAAX'RENCE, Arthur. Life-story, Letters, and Reminis- cences of Sir Arthur Sullivan. [See Sullivan, Sir A.] C 27 S 9 LAWRENCE, C. Mabel, and WICKSTEED, Philip H. Assays on Danfp. [S(e Wi^te, Dr. K.] J 21 R 35 LAWRENCE, Rev. Edward A. Modern Missions in the East: their Methods, Succes.ses, and Limitations. 8vo. New York, 189.5. G 19 U 18 LAWRENCE, George Newbold. The Published Writings c^f. [See XJuited States. — Natiimal Museum, Bulletin 40,] E J-,AWRENCE, Sir Henry. Sir Henry Lawrence, the Pacificator; ))y Lieut. -Gen. J. J. McLeod Innes. With Portrait. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. C 19 T 24 [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G. -Twehe Indian States- men.] C 20 S 10 LAWRENCE, John, Baron. [P,,rtr.tit of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G. —Twelve Indian States- men.] C 20 S 10 LAWRENCE, Dr. Robert Means. The iNIagic of the Horse-shoe, with other Folk-lore Notes. 8vo Lond., 1898. G 17 R 39 LAWRENX'E, Rev. Thomas Joseph. The Principles of Tnteniational Law. 8vo. Loud., 189.j. F 2 V 26 LAWRIE, Pev. James H. The New Helirideans. (Scot- tish (^eograph. Mag., June, 1892.) E LAWSON, Bert. The Rosalind Waltz. Sm. fol. Hydiiey (n.d.) MA 13 pot LAWSON, Henry. In the Days wliei^ the World wa.s Wide, and other Verses. 3rd ed. 8vo. Hy joctixch' (considered. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 2-5 V 7 LAYARD, Arthur. Marvellous Adventures of Sir John Alaunde^•ile. [See Maundex ile, Sir J.] D 19 S 2 IjAYARD, Sir Austen Henry. Inscriptions in the Cunei- form Character from Assyrian 3tonuments. [See British Mu.seum.] B 47 P 9 J [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 LAYARD, Gcoige Somes. George Cruikshank's Portraits of himself. Illustrated. Hoy. 8vo. Lofld.j 1897. A 23 V 24 LAYCOCK, F. U. Economics and Socialism : a Demon- stration of the Cause and Cure of Trade Depressions and National Poverty. 8vo. Lond., 189-5. F 12 R 34 LAYliTZ, Lieut. -Col. Otfried. Mechanicid Traction in A\'ar for Road Transport, with Notes on Automobiles generall}'. Translated bv R. B. Mai-ston. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900." A 34 S 2 LAYS OF THE MINNESINGERS, or German Trouba- dours. [See Taylor, E.] H 12 T 8 LEA, Dr. A. Sheridan, F.R.S. The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body. [Se^ ro.ster, Dr. ]Sr.] A 28 U 19 356 JPnblic Lihrm'y of New South TFales. LEA, Arthur M. Australian Curculionidre. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ME 1 8 Australian Curculionidre belonging to the sub-family Crvptorhynchides. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897-99.) ME 2 P Xew species of Australian Coleoptera. (Linnean Soc, X.S.W., Proc, 1895-98.) ^lE 2 P LEA, Dr. Henry Charles. A History of Auiitular C'on- fe.ssion and Indulgences in the Latin Ciiurch. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (JUT. 32-34 LEACH, Arthur Francis. English Schools at the Reforma- tion. l.')-tG-48. 8vo. Lond., 189G. (4 18 P, 6.5 Hi.storv of Winche.ster College. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Eng. Pub. Schools.) (i 17 S 28 LEADAN, I. S. The Poniesdav (.f Inelosures. [See Roy. Hist. Soc. Pubs.] ' E LEADER, Roljert Eadon. Life and Letters of John Arthur Roebuck, with Chajitcrs on Autol)iograpliy. [See Roebuck, J. A.] C 2.5 P,"4 LEADERS OF RELIGION. Hiigli Latimer : by R. M. and .A. .T. Carlvle. \See Latimer, H.] ' ' C 27 R 10 .Icilm iJonnc, Dean of St. I'niir.s ; liv A. .lossopp. [S^ee Donne, J., Dean.] ' C 2:i 8 9 Thomas Cranmcr ; )iv Rex-. .\. .T. Ma.-ion. [,S'ec Cranmer, T.] C2.SSH) LEADAM, J. S. What Pnjtection does for the Farmer and Labourer: a Ciiapter of AgricuUural Hi.story. ;'.rd ed. 1 2mo. Lond. (n.d.) F 17 T 10 LEAF, H. M. Internal Wiring of Buildings. Ilhistrated. 12nio. L.nd., 1899. A H T 20 LEAF, Waher. Versions from Hatiz. [Set Hatiz. | H 1 S 10 LEAKE, Fredeiic Historic nubbles, 8\(). Lond., 189(i. I! 17 P 15 LEAKE, Mi-s. Percy. The Ethics of I'.rou nin-s Poems, 12nio. Lond., "1898. .1 14 P :!il LEAMING, Dr. Iv .\tlas of the Fertilization and Karyi)- kinesisof the Ovum. [See Wilson. Dr. E. P..] .\ 5 |{ 2 5 f LEANI)i:i; MrCOU.MICK Ol'.SEU V AT< (IIY, Vlli- (IiNi-\. Publications. 5 vols. I'ov. 8vo. Chai'lottes ville, 1S83-93. ' K I, i)t. \. Transit of Venu«, 1882. I, pt. :!. Nelmla of Oiion, IHS.l 1, pt. 1. Donl.le .Stars, ISS.". S(i. 1, pt. ."). I)nrelinui«tcrunj,'. I, pt. (i. Srnithcrn Nebula'. LEANE, Caroline Agnes. .S, .Micriic Caroline Agnes. I LEANING, J. Conduct of Building Work, and the Duties of a Clerk of Works. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 22 P 51 Quantity Surveying for the use of Surveyors, Architeds, Engineers, and Builders, .'b-d ed. Lond., 1897. A 37 T 5 LEAPER, Clement J. First Principles of Photograph v. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 23 S 30 LEASK, \\'. Keith. [Life of] James Bosweli. [See Boswell, J.] C 20 U 21 [Life of] Hugh Miller. [&c Miller, Hugh.] C 20 T I 3 LEATHES, Rev. Stanley. Claim.s of the Old Testament. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Princetim Lect.) G24P15 LEAVES from a Diarv in Lower liengal. [See S., C] D 19 V 28 LEBLANC, L. Histoire des Naufrages comprenant ceu.x de la Perouse, de la Meduse et autres Naufrages celebres suivie d'une Notice stir la Navigation danger- euse de M. Dumont d'Urville dans les mers Australes. 8vo. Pari.s, 1847. B 24 R 21 LE BLANC, Max. Elements of Electrochemistry. Trans. by W. R. Whitney. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 20 P 24 LEBON, Andre. Modern France, 1789-189.5. Illu.st. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Story of the Nations.) B 26 S 12 LE BON, Gustave. The Crowd : a Study of the Populai Mind. 8yo. Lond., 1 890. " FlOVll P.sychology of Peoples. 8vo. Lmd., 1899. G 17 S 16 P.sychology of Socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 17 P 14 LE BR AZ, A. Dealings with tlie Dead : Narrative.? from " La Legende de la J\[ort en Basse Bretagne.' Author- ized translation by Mrs. A. E. \^'hitehead : Prefat'e by A. Lillie. 8vo. "Lond., 1898. (J 24 P 18 IjE ( ADET, Georges. Etude du Champ Electrique de r Atmosphere Illustrated. 8vo. Pari.s 1898. A 38 T 19 LFiCKY, Willi.uii Ivlwaiil ll.irtpole. Democracv and Liberty. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 121 4, 5 The Map of Life : ( 'ondnct Mini Character. Svo. Lond., 1899. (; 21 V 33 History of l']uropean Morals, from -Augustus tu Charle- magne. [See Church, R. W., I><'au. Occasional Papers.] .1 i I V 3:5 LECLERCO, Paul. |TrarislMti..n from. | [See Pastels in Prose.] .1 26 U 2 LECO.MTE DU NOiJY, A. Aicha-ological Research in Pahwtiue, 1873-7 I. [See Palestine E.xploration Fund.] B 13 V 16, 17 f Supplementary Catalog ae — 1806-1900. 367 LECONTE, Dr. John L. Now Spocios of North American Coleoptera. I'Is. 1,1'. S\,,. Wash., I S(i:{ -73. A :iO U 7 LK CONTE, Prof. Joseph. Outhiics of ihc (.'.iiiipiiiativc I'hvsiolojiy iiiul Mor]iholo,ifv of .\ iiiin,ils. ] Ihistratcd. Svo. Now Yorl<, I !)(((). ' A !•"> W 1 I 'I'hr O.iircpticiN of (!o,l. {See lioycc I'lnf, .).] C i':! (,) I LECONTE DK LISLK, Charles \{vni' Maiic Hcrnins Po6me.s. ISiiio. Pari.s, 1899. II I l' P II P(Ji'iiit's .\nti(|iii's. Willi Portrait. ISiiio. Paris (ii.d. ) n 12 p as Poonies l!arl)arcs. iKnio. Paris (ii.d.) 11 12 P. 39 Pot-mes Ti'a,:,d(|ii.'s. ISmo. Paris (n.d.) H12P40 LEE, Arthur IJoHck. The .Mirrotoniist's Vade-nu>cuni : a Hand-hook of t lie methods of M iero.seopie Anatoinv. Svo. Lon.l, IS9(i. A 3(i T 12 LEE, Dr. llenjaiiiiii. Swedish ilox eiiieuls and Ma.s.sage. (Hare, |)r. II. .\.- System of Praetie.d 'I'lierajiPlltics. ) A 31 P \\ LEE, Dr. Edwin. Animal !Mannetism and ^lagnetie Lucid .Somnambulism : « itii < )h,servati()ns and Illustrative Instances of Analofious Phenomena occurring .spon- taneously; and an Appendi.v of corroborative and correlative ( )liservations . and Facts. Svo. Lond., 1866. C 19 U 13 LEE, Elizal)eth. Kuheiis : liis Life, his Work, .and his Time. [See Michel, E.] .\ 20 T +, o f LEE, Prof. Frederic S. (;,ene,-al Phvsioloi^v. [See Ver- worm, Dr. ]\I. ] ' A 111! II LEE, Guy Carleton. Principles of Puhlie Speaking. Svo. New" York, 1S99. J 12 U 33 LEE, Henry. Sea Fables e.xplained. (Inteiiiat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literatuie.) A 34 R 3 Sea Monsters unmasked. (Inlernat. l'"'isheries E.xliib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 31 W 3 LEE, Ida. The P.ush I'^ire, and other Verses. Svo. Lond., 1S97. MH 1 y 25 LEE, Jo.seph. .Vnti-Chineso Legislation in Australasia. (Quarterlv .lournal of Economics, Jan., 1889.) E LEE, P. \\'. Thi" Social (Jomjiaet : a (iuide to some writers on tlie Science and Art of Politics; tlesigned for the use of candidates for tlie Civil Service and the Final Schools in the Tniv ersities. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. F 1.5 Q 27 LEE, Rawdon B. History and Description of the^Iodern Dogs of CJreat Ihitain and Ireland. New ed. Illus- trated. 2 \()ls. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 38 P 8, 9 LEE, Richard. Thfi Tnnmariwn Alhfvfviim. \See Tan iiKiiilan AlheiKriim, 'J'/i''.] MJ 3 W 14 LLIv (ien. Kobert Edward. Robert E. Lee anil the Southern Confedei'acy, 1807-70; by Rev. H. A. White. Illustrated. Svo. New Yoik! 1 897. (Heroes of tli(. Natiim.s.) (' 2.". P 21 M']E, Samuel. The Works ot \'irL,'il. [See X'irgilius Maro, P] "^ .112 S 44 LEI'j, Sidney Lazarus. I )iel ionary of National Biogiaphy. [See Stephen, L. j ' C 1 1 Ji Life of AVilliam Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, W.] C 24 L' 1 ■ LEE, V. [See Paget, Violet. LFECH, Dr. D.iriiel .lolni. Principles of Drug Thera- lieutics. (Allbull, I >i'. T. ('. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 LEENEY, Harold. The Horse in the Stable and the Field. [See Walsh. Dr. J. H.] A 39 Q T) LEEPER, Alexandei'. .\ (Jreat Irish Library [Dublin rniversitv Library]. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) ' M.I 2 V I LEES, Dr. Da\id ISridge, and P.APLONN'. Dr. Thomas. Simple .Meningitis in Children. (.Mlbutl. Dr. T. C — Sy.stem of :\ledieine.) .\ 26 T 40 LEES, Frederic. After liii; Came in Centi'al Africa. [See Foh, E.] D 22 R 10 LEES, Rev. J. Cameron. History of the County of Inver- ness. Svo. Edinl)., 1897. (County Histories of Scotland.) " P> 32 T 19 LE FANU, Joseph Sheridan. Poems. Edited by Alfred Perceval Graves. 12m,.. Lond., 1896. H11Q3 LEFEBVRE, Jules Joseph. [Reproduction of his Picture] Diana surprised bv Aeticon. [See Lansing, Clarence. —The Nude in Art.] -A. 1 2 P 27 • LEFEVRE, Rt. Hon. George Shaw-. Principles of Fishing Legislation. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 4 Freedom of Land. [S^« Practical Politics.] F 12 T 31 LEFFJIANN, Dr. Henry. Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 Connnercial Organic Analysis. [See Allen, A. H.J A 32 S 2 LEFROY, Rev. Edw,ii-d Cracroft. Echoes from Theo- critus. (Ribelot, 1898.) E 358 Jhiblic Library of New South JFales. LEFROY, Lieut.-Geu. Sir John Henrv. Poriiiiit of. \_See Beattie, J. W.J " MA 11 J? 33 t LEFROY, "William, Dean of Nurvvit-h. Immoriality of Memory, and other Sermons. With Portrait. 8vo. Loud., 189S. G 23 R 28 Norwich Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 Pensions for the Clergv. (Gore, Re^'. C — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 26 LEGAL YEAR-BOOK OF AUSTRALIA, The, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8v-o. Sydney, 1892-93. MF 5 S 11, 12 LE GALLIENNE, Richard. George Meredith : some Characteristics ; with a Bibliography by J. Lp.ne. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 17 V 39 My Maiden Vote. (Reid, A.— The Nev.' Party.) F 15 P 29 Prose Fancies. 2nd .ser. 8vo. Lond., 189G. J G Q 40* The Quest of the Golden Gii-l : a Romance. 8y(i. Lond., 1896. J 14 T 21 Jletrospective Reviews. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 16, 17 Robert Louis Stevenson : an Elegv, and other Poems cliiefly Personal. 8vu. Boston," 189-5. H 10 W 5 P(udyard Kipling: a Criticism; with a Bibliography by John Lane. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 9 R 40 LEGG, I>. J. These sixty years. [&« Holmes, E. M.] B23S 22 LEGG, Dr. John Wickham. Hiemojjhilia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 LEGGATT, Rev. T. Watt. Biograijhieal Sketch of Agnes 0. P. Watt. [See Watt, Agnes G. P.] MO 1 T 28 LEGGE, C. II. O. Imperial Federation. 18mo. Demo- rara, 1887. F 1 S 26 LBOGE, James Gordon. Selection of Sujirome Court Cases, 1825-62. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 2 S 54, 55 LEUGE, Rev. Joini. (Jhinese Literature. (Melbourne Re\-iew, 1.) ]ME 18 Q LEGGE, Dr. Thomas. The Latin Play of Uichardus Tcrtius. {See Shake.ipeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 26 LEGGE, Dr. Thomas Morison. Public Health in European Capitals. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 26 Q 40 LEGUE, Col. W. V. Notes on the fan-tailed Cuckoo in Tusinaui.i. (Rov. yoc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894 96.) .M i<: 1 il LEGOUIS, Di-. Emile, Lv Jeune.sse dc AVilliam AVords- worth, 1770-93: Etuclo .sur le " Pn'-lude." '{See Wordsworth, W.] J 9 V 34 LEGRAND, Ph. E. Elude sur Theocrite. Svo. Paris, 1898. H 4 V 19 LEHFELDT, Dr. R. A. Lectures on Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. {See Hoff, Dr. J. H. van 't.] A 39 Q 19, 20 LEHJIANN, Prof. C. G. Physiological Chemistry. {See Cavendish Soc, Works.] " A 36 S 22-25 LEHMANN, F. C. The Genus Masdevallia. [See Wool- ward, Florence H.] A 6 U 6 J LEHMANN, Rudolf. Men antl AA'omen of tlie Century ; being a Collection of Portraits. Edited by H. C. Mardlier. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 10 T 17 f LEHMANN, Rudoli>h Chambers. Rowing. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Isthmian Lib.) " A 40 Q 4 LEIBirS, G. Hugo, and GARRAN, Robert Randolph. Index of Cases Judicially noticed in tlie Courts of Now South Wales, 1825-95. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF1R14 LEIBNITZ, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron. The Monadologj- and other Philosophical Writings. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by R. Latta. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. ' G11U41 New Essays concerning Human Understanding. Trans- lated by Alfred Gideon Langley. 8vo. New York, 1896. ■ G 5 Q 29 LEICHHARDT, Dr. Lud« ig. Beitrage zur Geologic von Australien, herausgegeben von Prof. H. Giraixl. 4to. Halle, 1855. " '~ MA 3 P 11 f Eiuc biographische Skizze, nebst einoui Berichte iiber dessen zweite Rcise im Inncrn des Austral-Continents nach dem Tagobuche seines Begleiteis. des Botanikers D. Bunce, von E. A. Zurhold. With Portrait. Svo. Leipzig, 1856. MC 1 T 31 Journal of Dr. Leichhardl's third Expedition. (Waugh's Australian Almanac, 1860.) ME 4 R Lectures oa the (leology. Botany, Natural History, and Capabilities of the Country between AForeton Bay and Port Essington. (Tasmanian Journ.) MA 5 R 6 Lithographed Fac-simile of a Letter written by L- Leic|i- liai'dt in\uiediately 'oefore setting out on his'last Ex- pcMlilioii. (Philo.sojih. Inst, of Vict., Trans., 1859.) ME I P Notes on the Geology of parts of New South Wales and (Queensland, made in 1842-43. (.Vustralian .-Vlmanac, 1S67-68.) ME 4 R Report of the Expedition from Moreton Bay to Port lisijiugtoii. (fasmanian Joiirn.) lAA, 5 II 6 Report on White Men's (ii'aves. (Roy. Soc., Vict., Trans., 1884.) " MKIP Svpi^lemenkinj Catalogue — 1806-1900. 359 LBtttrt, fr. D. History rif Hnnir in tlio Dpaiii of Cresah [Se^ How, W. AV.] ' I! 10 R :59 LEIGH, J. E. AusU'u. Mcinoii- ui Jfuu^ A\isteii. [&« Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 3 LEIGHTON, FrediM'ick, Jjjiron. Addresses delivered to Students of tlic Royal Acadcniv. 8vO. Lond., 1896. A 2.5 U 32 Illustrated Biography of. [See llunias, F. G. — Illus- trated Biographies of Moderii Artists.] 1 P 17 J Fredcriek, Lord Lcightou : an Illustrated Record of his Life and AVWk. '['S"!-* Hhys, E.] A 18 R 23 f \_See Blonkhouse, C. — Britisli A I i A\' 1 [Bketeli of the Works of, Contenifiorary Artists. LEISURE MOMENTS. Vols. 1, 2, Dee., 1897-No\-., 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, LS97-99. ME LEISURE READINGS. New cd. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 19 Q HI 'J'lio --Ksthctic ^c'liool. Antiquity of Man in Western Euroiic ; by 10. Cloild. Bfctting and Matliematios ; by R. A. Proctor. Bi'iti.sh and Amei'ican Knglish ; by R. A. Proctor. The Coinet seen during the Eclipse ; by A. C. Ranyard Dr. J. W. Draper ; by R. A. Proctor. English or British 1 bj' Thomas Foster, t'allacies ; 1)y R. A. Proctor. Has Uic Moon an Atmosphere ; by A. C. Ranyard. Illusions ; by Tliomas Foster. The Later Stone Age in Ein-ope ; Ijy E. Clodil. The Menacing Comet ; by R. A. Proctor. "The Jlystery of Edwin Drond:" by Thomas Foster. N.aturo Mytlis in Nmaery Rhymes ; by Thomas Foster. Nbrnian and Saxon Blooil Royal ; by Thomas Foster. The Star-lit Heavens ; by R. A. Proctor. Winning Wagers ; by R. A. Proetor. LEITH, Mrs. Disney. Three Visits to Iceland : hi-iiig Notes taken at Sea and on Land, comprising a Pil- grimage to Skalholt, and Visits to Geysir and the Njiila District, Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. D 16 R 9 LEITH, J. M. Salmon Legislation in Scotland. (Internat. Fisheries Exhih.-Fisheries Literature.) A 31 R S LEITH, Dr. Robert Eraser Calder. (iastritis, etc. [See r.runton, Dr.T. L.] A 26 T 36 LEJEUNE, Louis Frani^'ois, Baron. Memoirs of. Trans- lated and edited from the origin;d French by Mrs. Arthur Bell (Nancy D'Anvers) ; with an Introduction by I\Iaj.-Oen. F. Maurice. 2 vols. 8vo. Loiul., l.'^97. B 17 R 46, 17 LELAND, ChaHes tJbdfi^ey, ''katiRBrcltmahri." thgeiids of Florence, collected fi-oin tlie people. 1st and 2nd ser. 2 vols. 8vo. i.oiul., 1K90. J 1 I 1{ I 1 12 Manual of Mcndirii; and Rcj)airing. .Svo. Lond., 1896. A -23? 15 AVood-carving. Revised bv •!. -T. Holtzapfiel. Sitl ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1H94. A 35 Q 16 Unpublkhed Lfegehds of Virgil. Svo. Lond., 1899. J 2i S 32 LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. Registei-.s, 1892-99. 5 vols. Svo. I^alo Alto, Cal., 1893-99. E Development of Lytoeeras and PhvHoceras. \_See Smith, J. P] ~ A 4(5 Q 2 Phycological I\Iemoirs. [See Saunders, Dr. A.] A 46 Q 2 LEMAISTRE, J. French for Beginners : Le.ssoii8 Sys- terhatic. Practical, and Etvmological. 2iid ed. l2mo. Lond., 1890. ' J 12 P 46 LEMAITRE, Jules. [Studv of.] [_See Burv, Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-da v. 1 " J 23 R 20 LEMANE, John. Photo-engraving of half-tone Blocks (Jlezzo-tints) made easy : a Practical !Manliai for Photographers, Newspaper-men, Printers, and ^Vnia- teurs. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. (Harrington Ser.) " MA 4 P 12 LEMON, Mai'k. The Small House over the Water, and other Stories. TllustrateSIU8, Dr. J. Annrnia and Eu]-ip])e : an Indictuu-iit. Edited bv James ]{rnd('l Harris. 8\ii. Lond., 1897. B 28 R 8 Li;PSr rS, Jlr. Richard. Letters from I'^gyjit, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai ; with E.vtracts from his Chronology of the Kgyptians with reference t(j th(; l-lxodiis of Israelite.s. Translated by Leonora and Joanna 15. Horner. Illustrated. 8\(i. Lond., 1853, I) lit P 13 LK tjUESXE, V. [Ke|ii-o(luctioii of his Pictures] The Daughters of Menestho, and Tin- Disan-anged 'J'oilet. rSeeLan.sing, C. The Nude in Ait.] A 12 P 27 t LI') ItOUX, llugues, and G.ARNIER, Jules. Acrobats and Mountebanks. Translated by A. P. Morton. Illustrated. Svo. Loud., 1890. ' .\ 27 \ 20 LEROY, Aiplionse. Collection de l)e.s.sifis Originaux de Gi'ands Maitres, avee Texte E.xplicatif y.u- F. Reicet et F. Yillot. Fol. Paris (n.d.) AIOPSJ LE HOY, (i. Agriiullural Colleges and FiiMuli .\giicul ture for Australia. (Mclb. li.-v.. It).) .M K IS<,> LEROY-BEAULIEU, Anatole. The Empire of the Tsars and the Russians. Ti-anslated from the 3rd French ed., with Ainiotations, by Zenaide A. Ragozin. Vol. 3. 8vo. New York, 1890. B 31 T 6* Israel among the Nations: a Study of the Jews and Anti-.semitism. Translated liv Frances Hellman. Svo. Lond., 1895. ■ B 28 R 5 LEROY-BEAULIEU, Pierre Paul. L^lustralie et la Nouvelle-Zelande. (Revue des Deu.x Mondes, Aug., 1890.) E Les Nouvelles Societes Anglo-Saxonnes, Australia et Nou\elle-Zelande, Afritjue Australe. 1 2mo. Paris, 1897. MF4P41 LE SAGE, .Vlaiii Rene, ^Vdxcntures of (ill Bias, of San- tillane. Translated l)v T. Smollett. 8vo. Lond., 1893. ■ J 24 U 22 LESLIE, Alexander, 1st Karl of Le\cii. [&«Lcven, Earlof.] LESLIE, Charles. The Wolf Slripl. (Dearmer, Rev. P. — Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 LESLIE, Charles Robert. l.,ife and Letteis of John Con- stable ; with Portraits of Constable, and Illustrations from Constable's Pictures and Sketches. \_See Con- stable, J.] C 10 T 10 t LESLIE, John, Bisho]! of Ros.se. History of Scotland. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 34.] ' E LE SOUEF, W. H. Dudley. Ascent of Mt. Peter Botte, North Queensland. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Austral- a.sia, Vict. Branch, Tran.s'., 15.) ME 20 P Deseri))tions of some new or little-known Birds' Eggs from Quci-nsl-nid. ( ll)is, .1 uly, 1 897. ) E Descri])tion of the Egg of the White-headed Friut Pigeon. (Vict. Nat, Nov., 1897.) ME P Habits of the Alound-buililing ISirdsof .Vustralia. (Ibi.s, Jan., 1899.) E Letter from, on the transfer liy llic molliei- of an embi-yo kangai'oo bv her mouth into her pou<-li, (Zoolog. Soc, Loud., Proe.. 1898.) E New Birds' Eggs from Nortliciii .Vusli'alia. (Ibis, Julv, 1899,) " E .Notes of a Trip to .M.diacoola liilef. ( I toy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, N'ict. IJranch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P Notes on liirds found nesting on Alb.-iti'oss ]sl,and, in Bass Strait, .\ iisl rali;i. (Ibis, ( )ctober, 1895.) E Report on the Zoological tVngre.ss held .it Cambridge, 1898. (Vict. Nat!, Feb., 1899.) ME (i P Some Bii-ds and l'"ggs lately colly •'• A. 1''. Sdnnidl. .'ird cil. 8vo. Lond. (ii.d.) ' ■ II 13 P fl Nathan t.iie Wise. Tr-anshUcd liy Maj.-Ccn. P. iMaxwcll. iL'nio. Lo)id. (n.d.) II 10 l^ l!< [Critwism of.] [See Woisfold, \V. li. Principles of Ciitioisin.] ^ J 19 W 2 [Criticism of] Jj(>ssin;;'s " Nathan der Wcise;" hv \ivv. E. PlauLauni. [See Mell)oiirn(^ Review, +.] ME 18 Q Theology and Times of. [See JMarlineau, licv. J . — Essays, P.eviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 L'Ef!iTKAN(;E, Sir (ieorge J!. Ivecollections of. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) C 24 (,,) 9 LESTPANCE, Sir lio.ger. Adventures of Poger L'lto- trange, sonuHime Captain in the Florida Army of His PlveellcMiey the Maixjuis Hernando de, ISoto, (Jovernorof Cuba, and ('a|itaiu-(ieneral of all Florida: an Auto- liiograjjliy. Translated liy Uoniinick I'aly. Kvo. Lond.. 1S90. ' B 17 P :W A Hundred Failles of iEsop. [9 LETTiSOM, William Nanson. The Nil)eluni,'enlied. [See Nibelungeidu'd, The.] H \:', P 18 LEUCKAHT, Dr. lUid. Herichl id)er die wissen.sehaft- lieheli Leistuiigen in der Xaturgeschichte der Niederen Thicrc, L^o8-79. 11 vols. 8vo^ Berlin, 1860-8:!. A :U Q 1 5-25 LEUDET, Maurice. The Emperor of Geiniany at Home. [See William II, German Emperor.] ' C 25 R 18 LEUMANN, Surg.-Capt. Bernard Henry Frederick. Notes on Micid-oi'ganisms Pathogenic to man. Svo. Lond., 1897. ' A 40 P 2 LEUPE, P. A. De Reizen der Nederlanders naar het /iuidland of Nieuw Holland, in de 17c en 18e Eeuw. (Tijdsehrift voor het Zeewezen, 1807.) E De Reizen dor Nederlanders naar Nieii\v-(iuinea en de Papoesche Eilanden in de 1 7e en 18e Eeuw. 8vo. 'S Cxravenhage, 1S75. MD 6 R 12 .jEVAN, Dr. J. R. Treatise on Medical Examination foi- Life Insurance. 8vo. Philad., 18S5. A 41 R IS LE VAN, William P.arnet. Practical :Management of P^ngines and Boilers. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 25 P 46 LEV EN, Ale.xander Leslie, 1st Flarl of. JAU' and Cam- Iiaigns of. [See Terry, C. S.] B 28 T 14 2z LEVER, _Charles. Novels of. Edit,.,! I,y his daughter. Copvi'i.ghl I'll. Illusi T-a(eii. .'! I vols. 8vo. Lonil., 1897 99. J 24 P 1 -Q 6 1. Coiifessioiia of Hal ry l.,onci|m;r. 2, 3. Charles O'Malley. 4. .lack Hintdii. a, 6. Toiu liurkc uf "Oins.'' 7. ArtluM' O'Lciuy. H. 4'lie O' Donoghiie. !», II). The Knight of (iwymii;. 11. 8ir .Jasper Carew. 12. Horace Teniplctoii. ]'A. (.'on (.'rcgaii. II, 1.-). Kulaiiii Uashel. Hi, 17. 4'lie Daltons. 18, 1!). Doild Family Ahroail. 20. Maariie Tienitv. ■21, 22. The MartiiLS ot Cn.' M.irlui. 28. I'Virluiu'.s of (lleiicaro. 24, 2.1. Davenport Dimii. 2(;. One of theiii. 27. liarriiigtoii. 2.S. A Days Riile. 29, 3(». Luttrell of .\rr.ui. 31. Tony IJutler. 32, 33. .Sir Brook Fosslirooke. 34. 'I'lie Braniloiglis of I'.islioi.'s Kolly. 3."). 44iat Boy of Norcotl's ; Paul (oisslcits 1,'oiifcssions : A Rent hi a Cloud. 36. Lord Kilgohhin. 37. Tales of the Trains : . Xuts ami Nutcrackers ; .St. Vatrick's Kve. J^E VERRIER, U. -L J. .Sketch of. [See Ball, .Sir R. 8. — Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 LEVERSON, 3laj. George Francis. The Conduct of War. [See (Joltz, C' F. \-oii der.] A 36 R 8 LEVEiSON-GOAVER, Granville (ieorge. [5ee Granville, Earl.] LEVI, Prof. Leon. The Economic Condition of Fishermen. (Tnternat. Fisheries E.xhih. — Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 4 LEVY, W. Hanks. Blin." Life of : l)v A. J. 8mythe. Witli an Introduction liy C. Scott." Illustrated, .^vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P G LEWIS, Agnes Smith. In the Shadow of Sinai: a Story of Travel and Research frnm 189.)-97. Illustrated. 8vo. Camb., 1898. D 13 P 9 Palestinian Syriac Lectionary, containing Lessons from the Pentateuch, Job, Proverbs, Prophets, Acts and Epistles ; with Critical Notes by Prof. E. Nestle, and a Glossary by M. D. Gibson. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. (Studia Sinaitica.) G 18 U 6 LEWIS, Angelo John, "Pr.-.f. Hoffmann." E^•ery Boy's Book of Sport and Pastime. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 T 36 LEWIS, Charlton Thomas. Harper's Book of Facts. [See Wlllsey, J. H.] K 17 S 22 ■ , and SH(JRT, Charles. Latin Dictionary, founded on Andrew's edition of Freund's Latin Die tionary ; revised, enlarged, and in a great part re written. Imp. 8vo. Oxford, 189G. J 9 V 29 LEWIS, Elizabeth Dike. Old Prisons an(l Punishments. (^(ioDdwiii, Maud Wilder. — Histurir New York.) B 19 R G* LEWIS, Ei'ic. [Art of Acting.] [See Hannnerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] ' H 1 S 31 LEWIS, tieorge H. National Consolidation of the Rail- ways of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1893. F 15 S 21 LEWIS, Ilciuy C'ar\ ill. Paj)crs and Notes on the Genesis and Matrix of llu; Diamond. Edited by Prof. T. G. Bomiey. Svp. Lond., 1S97. A 33 V 23 LEWIS, J. Slater. Connuercial Org.iiiisalion of Factories. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 9 V 3 LEWIS, John Delaware. Letters of the Younger Pliny. [See Piinius Cicjilius Secundus.] C 27 S 18 LEWIS, Dr. Percy G. Nursing; its Tlieory and Practice ; being a complete Text-book of Medical, Surgical, aiul Monthly Nursing. ]llustrat(;d. 8vo. jjond., 1897. A 39 V 20 LEWIS, Prof. Thomas llaytcr. Address l)y. (Internat. llcallli Exhiii. Health Exhib. Lit.) A 11 U 18 LEWIS, Dr. William Bevan. Ceneral Pathology of the Nervou.s Hy.-itein. (Allliutt, Di'. T. C— .System of Medicine.) A 2G T 39 LEWIS, Prof. William James. Ti'eatise on Crystallography. 8vo. Camb., 1899. (Camb. Nat. Science Manua.!s.) A 39 Q 13 LEXIS, Pmf. W. Die Deutsehen Universitiiten. Sm. -Ito. Berlin, 1893. G 18 S 21 LEYBDRNE-POPHAM, F. W. [See Popham, F. W. Leyborne-.] LEYDS, Dr. AV. J. Sketch ui. [See Cumberland, S.— Wliat I think of South Africa.] I) U R 18 LEYEN, Friedrich von der. Indisclie Marchen. 12mo. Miinchen, 1898. J 11 T 4G LEYLAND, John. Thames Illustrated ; a Picturescjue Journeying from Richmond to Oxford. Ito. Lond. (n.d.) D 19 S 23 t Dispatches and Letters relating to the Blockade of Brest, 1803-5. [&« Navy Records Soc, Pubs., 14.] E LEYPOLDT, Augusta H., and ILES, George. List of Books for Girls and Women and their Clubs, with Descriptive and Critical Notes and a List of Periodi- cals and Hints for Girls' and Women's Clubs. 8vo. Boston, 1895. K 11 R 17 LEYS, Thomsun W. Brett's Colonist's Guide. [See Brett, H.] MK 2 R 12 L'HOSPITAL, Miclu4 de. Michel de I'Hospital ; by C. T. Atkinson. 8vo. Li>nd., 1900. (Lothian Prize Essay.) C 27 R 17 LIAS, Rev. John James. The Nicene Creed: a M^'^'iual for the use of candidates for Holy Orders. 8vo. Loud., 1897. " Cx 19 U 29 LIAUTARD, Prof. A. Exercises in Iviuine Surgery. [Sec Cadiot, Prof. P. J.] A 10 U 18 LIBERAL PLATFnii.M, The. Historic Facts iiirl L'urrcnt I'rolilfiiis. [.S^ee Rose, W. K.l F 8 Q 16 LIBERTY : 'i'hr Jiiunial of the National Association of New South Wales. Vols. 1-4, Dec, 1894-July, 1898. 4 vols, (in 3) sm. fol. Sydney. 1895-98. [All jmh- ILshed.] ' ' ME 5 V 4-G LIBRARY, Thr : a IMagazinc of Bibliography and Library Litei-aturc : tlu^ Ory-an of the ]>ibrary Association of the United Kingdcm. \'ols. 1-8, 1889-9G. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1889 9G. Cat. Room LIHIiARY ASSOCIATION OF AL'STUALASIA. Proceedings of the Sydney Meeting, Oct., 1898 ; with thn^e Apiiendi(^es tlie Programnu', (Juide to the Loan Exhibition, and Library Statistics of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydn(>y, 1899. .'M-l :-' \' 1 [See nho Australasian Libr.iry Conference. | Sup2)lementary Cutalogue — 1896-1900. 868 ].ICRAHY ASSOCIATION OF THE ITNTTED KTN(i- J)()M. Annual Reports, 1878, 1880-8:i, 1892-9:'.. 7 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1879-9S. E Catalo£;uing Rules. Svo. Lund, IS9.1. (Liljrary Assoc. Ser.) J 9 T ?,(\ Library AssociatviH R''r(:y(l. Vol. 1,1899. 8\(i. Lund., 1899. i<: lloyii! ChiU'tcf (if t\u: Liln-ary Assdi/iutinn. Rni. t'nd., 189.-). J 12 U 27 On a fresh Revision of the English New Testament. 8vo. Lend.. 1,X91. ' G 26 R 8 LIGNE, Karl Jo.seph, Prince de. ^iemoirs. Letters, and Miscellaneous Papers, seli'cted and translatetl by Katharine Prescott Wormeley : with Inti'oduction and Preface by C. A. Sainte-Beuve and Mme. de Stael- HoLstein. With Portraits. 2 \ols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. I! n P 8. 9 LILFORD, Thomas Littleton Powys, Lord. Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 188.5^97. A 45 Q 1-7 LTLIENTHAL, Rev. Hermann. Lent, Past and Present : a Study of the Primitive Origin of Lent ; its Purpose and Usages. 8vo. Xew Yoik, 189.J. G L") V 1 l,ll,IL'()KALANI, Lydia Kain<4vclia, (,)ueen of Hawaii. Hawaii's History. Illustrated. Svo. Iioston, 189S. P. 1 9 R 8 IJId-KV, A. E. v., and .MIi)GLl•;^■, W . \ I'.ook of Studies in Plant Foi-m, with some suggestions for their aj.plication to design. Svo. Lond., ISO-'). A 23 T 23 LILLFH. .\rlliur. I'.u.l.Uiaioid Huddhism. 8vo. Edinb.. I'HMi, (! 26 Q 13 Dealings with the Dead. [See Lc I'.raz, A.| G 21 I' IS Llf-LIE, C. O. New /c;,1mihI h'.pli.uicridie. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1S9S.) ME 2 S 1.1 I.I.Y, Joseph. Collection of sevenlN nine black letter liallads and Brojulsides, pi'inted in the Reign of Queen Klizabeth between ir)r)9 anil 1597 ; accompanied with .'in lilt roduction and illustrative Notes. Sxd. Lond., lS(i7. II 13 V 2 LILLY, William Samuel. Essays and Speeches. 8vo. Lond., 1897. JUS 14 Fir,sf Principles in Politics. Svo. Lond.. 1SU LINN, W. A. lUuldiiin' and Liian Associatiiiiis. (Stur<;es, Dr. ]{.— }l. 7. U xnls. ltd. Lund., 1791-1900. ' E LINNEAN SOCIETY OK NEW SOl'TM WALES. Proceeding.s. Vols. l-J-i, l-^7'i (•■'^. 32 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1S77 Oil. ME 2 P LINTON, Elizabeth Lynn [Mrs. W. J.] Atonement .if Leani Dundas. New ed. 12m. i. L.hhI., 1.'^93. .1 2.5 (,> 31 "George Eliot." (Oliphaiit, Mai'garet O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoi'ia's Reign.) C 24 8 3 My Literary Life ; with a Prefatory Note l)y Beatiice Harraden. .Svo. Lond., 1899. " "C 20 S 22 Ti'ue History of Joshua Davidson, (Christian and Com- munist, llthed. 12niii. Lond., 1. "^9 1. J 2."') Q 30 LINTON, Sydney, First Bishop of Riverin.i. His Life and Labours. Edited by Rev. W. ( 'liarles Pritchard. Svo. Melb., isor,. MC 1 T 27 LINTON, William James. Life of J. (4. Whittier. \_See Whittier, .).(!.] C 19 P 2.i LIPPINCOTTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Y(,ls. 1-57, 1868-.June. l.'*9ri. 57v,,ls. Svo. Pliilad.. ISGS-Ofi. E LIPPMANN, Dr. l-'riedrich. Engravings and Woodcuts l)y old Masters. [See. Engravin<;s and Woodcuts.] A 41 P 29-30 + LISBOA, J. C. Useful Plants of the i'.omb.ay Presidency. (Gazetteer of the liomliay Presidency, 25.) E LISLE, Alice. [Ti'ial of.] [See Stephen, H. L. -State Trials.] F 12 S 31 LISLE, Charles Rene Marie Leconte di'. \_See Leconte de Lisle, C. R. M.] LISLE, Rouget de. [See De Lisle. R.] LIST, N. A. An Omaha idea: Who wei-e the Authors of i he Arts and .Science Liteiature of the Ancients'/ Svo. Omaha, Neb., 1895. (i 5 P. 34 The Redeiniition of Woinan fr.im the I'irrois of Theology. 8v... (iiiiali.i, X.-b., IS9L (} .-, R :i:} LISTKl!, .\iiliur. Ouidi' t.i the British .\I yi-etozoa. \See Biitish Museum. - Nat. Hist.] A 39 V 16 Monograjih of tlie Mycetozoa : l)eing a Descriptive Cata- logue of the Sjiecies in the Herbarium of the Briti.sh Museum. [&« Brit. Mus.- -Nat. Hist.] A 42 I' 14 LISTER, Joseph, liaron. Expeiiinents on Animals. \_See Paget, S.] A 15 1! 5 LISTER. Thomas, liaron liibblesdale. [See Ribblesd.-de, liaron. | LISZT, Abbe Franz. Sketch of. [See Butterworth, IL — (ireat Compo.ser.s.] C 19 V 23 LITCH, Dr. \\ilbui F. American System of Dintistry : in Treatises by various .Vnthors. Illustrated. 3 vols. Svo. Philad., lSSG-.^7. A 31 S 1-3 1. Regional anil Comparative Dental Aiiatoiuy, Dental Histology, anil Dental Pathology. ■2. Operative and Prosthetic Dentistry. X Ansesthesia anil Anaesthetics. Physiology of Digestion, Voice anil Speech, Associate Dental ami Oral Path- .ology. Oral Surgery, Eruption of the Teeth, Materia Medica anil Therapeutics, Metallurgy, .Jurisprudence. Anaesthesia and Ansesthetics. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 Crown and Bridge work. (Litch, Dr. AV. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Metallic Facings for Carious Crowns. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 LITCHFIELD, Frederick. Illustrated History of Fur- niture from the Earliest to the Present Time. 4tli ed. Roy. Svo. Loiul., 1S99. A 44 V 9 Pottery and Porcelain. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lonfl., 1900. ■ A 45 V 17 LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY (iF LIVERPOOL. Proceeding.s. Nos. 44-53, 1889-99. 10 vols. Svo. Lond., 1890-99. E LITERARY HEARTHSTONES. Chailoltc Brill. ti- at H.im.- : K\ .\Iaii.in Harlanil. [.See- Br.mli', Charlotte.] ' C -iS P 1 William Cowper : hv Marion Hailaml. [.sVf C'owper, W.] C 2S P 2 LITERARY NEWS, Tlw : a Review and Magazine of Fact and Fiction, the Arts, Sciences, and Belles Lettres. Vol. 1, Aug., 1837-Feb., 1838. 4to. Sydney, 1837-38. :\I.J 3 W 9 366 Fublio Library of New South Wales, LITERARY YEAR-BOOK, The, 1897-1900. 4 vols. 12in<). Loml, 1S97-1900. E LITERATURE. Vols 1-G, Oct., 1897-Jiine, 1900. (5 vols. 4tu. Lond., 1897-1900. E LITIIGOW .MERCURY, 1899. Fol. Litligow, 1899. ME LITHOTOMY: its Successes and its Dampers. Illus- tiated. 8vo. Mell)., 1876. "MA 2 Q 71 LITTLE, Alicia Bewick [Mrs. A.] Intimate China : the Chinese as I liave .seen them. Illiist. 8v(). Lend., 1899. D 1.3 Y 21 LITTLE, Charles E. Cyclopedia of Classified Dates, with an exhaustive Index. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1900. K 11 R 27 LITTLE, George Thomas. Bowdoin College. [See Bow- doin College.] O 18 S .30 LITTLE, James Stanley. The Ignited States of Britain : an Address on England and hei' Colonies. 8vo. Guilford, 1887. F 1 S 2G A Vision of Empire : a Lecture on Imperial Federation. Svo. Guilford, 188S. F 1 S 2G LITTLE, L.M. Wild .Myrtle. 18mo. Lond., 1897. H 13 8 1 LITTLE, Marion. Essavs on Robert Browning. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " J 9 R 5 LITTLE, William C. Report on the jVgiicultural Labourer. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Royal Conunission on Labour.] F 39 Y 27, 28 + LITTLE, Rev. William John Knox. The Church of England. (Our Churches.) G 11 IT 37 St. Fraricte of Assisi : his Tijiies, Life, and Woik '■ Lectures delivered in siibstance in the Ladye Chape' of Worcester Cathedral in the Lent of 189C. With Portrait. 8vo. I.K)nd., 1S97. G 11 (J 38 Sketches and Studies in South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 U 2 In answer to Prayer. [See Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P I 7 LITTLEDALP; W. A. Registers r)f Clirist Church, New- gate, L538-1 754. [^e« Flarleian Soc, Rcg.s., 21.] E LITTLEHALES, V,. W. Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism. [See United States. — Hydrographic Oflice.] ■ A 38 R 28 LITTLKlfALL.S, Henry. The Prymer (.r Lay Folk.s^ Prayer-book. [See Early English Text Hoc. Pubs., 10.^.] • E TJTTf.EJOHN, J. Martin. Political Theory of the School- men and Grotiu.s. Pts. 1-3. Svo. New York, 1S9G. F 18 R 3 LITTON, Edward Falconer. Life or Death: the Destiny of the Soul in the Future State. Svo. Lond., 1800. G 3 R 2G LITTON, Robert T. Transactions of the Historical So- cietv of Australasia. [See Historical Soc. of Austral- asia"!] MB 3 R 1 LITURGIES. Authorised Daily Prayer-book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire ; with a new Translation by Rev. S. Singer. 3rd cd. [Hebrew and English]. 1 2mo. ^Lond., 1 892. G 9 U 3.5 Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Saci'aments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. [In Gaelic] 12nio. Dublin, 1832. G 20 R 11 Henanadai, Dirava ena Hereva mai Anidia Ida Baine Hadibadia. [Catechism, IMarriage and Burial Services, Forms of Prayer, itc, in the Motu Language, British New Guinea.]' 12mo. Sydney, 1890. '' MG 1 P 30 Liturgies, Eastern and Westei-n, being the Texts, original ( IV translated, of the principal Liturgies of the Church. Edited, with Introductions and Appendices, by F. E. Brightman, on the basis of the former work by 0. E. HanniK.nd. Yol. 1. 8vo. Oxford. 1896. (4 3 U 20 1. Eastern Liturgies. LIYACHE; Acli. ^Manufacture of Varnishes, Oil-crushing, Refining and Boiling, and kindred Industries. Trans- lated by J. G. Mclnto.sh. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. ' A 2.5 T 13 LIVERPOOL, Charles Jenkinson, Earl of, J'ormorhi Lord Hawkesburv. Portrait of. [Spf Paget, Rt. H(m. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] " C 21 U 4 LIVERPOOL FINANCIAL REFORM ASSOCIA- TION, tracts, 1851. Svo. Lond., 18-51. F 17 P 9 LIVERPOOL GEO(JRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transac- tions and Report, 1894, 1890. 2 vols. Svo. Liver- ]Mnl, 1S95-97. E LIVERPOOL HERALD, 1898 99. Fol. LiveriMH)!, 1898-99. ME LIVERPOOL LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHTCAL SOCIETY. [See Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool.] LI VERSIDGE, Prof. Aichil)ald, F.li.S. I'.lue Pigment of Corals. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 1898.) M K 1 K Ci'ystalline Structure of Gold and Platinum Nuggets and GoUl Ingots. (Chemical Soc, Joui'u., 1897.) E I're.sence of Gold in Natural S.-dinc I)ci)osils and Marine^ Plants. (Chemical Soc, Journ., 1897.) E Presidential Addres.s, delivered a( the 7th Sossion of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, Jan., 1898. (Australasian Assoc for the Advancement of Scienc<>, Kej.ort, 189S.) MK 18 S Supplementary Catcdogue — 1806-1900. 367 LIVIW AGE, The. Nos. 1 5, 7, 9- l:!, Juno-Sept., 1879. 4t<). Sydney, 1879. MFTjUll L1VTN(!ST0N, Luther S. Aiiiericaii Book-prices cui-rent: a ]iecor(l of Books, Manuscripts, and Autographs .sokl at aucti(.in in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, with the prices realiiied. Vols. 1, 3-.5, Sept., 1894- Sept., 1895, Sept., 1896-Sept., 1899. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, .1 89.^)-99. Cat. Ef ,. .ni LIVINGSTONE, Rev. David. Sketch of. l^ee Creegan, Kev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] " G 14 S 30 L! VI NGSTONE, W. P. Black Jamaica, : a Study in Evo- lution. 8vo. Lend., 1899. iM7 T 7 LIVHJS, Titus. Hist()ri;e. (Scriptores Histovias Ronianie.) B 40 U 22 + Livy, Book 26 : with Introduction and Notes by W. H. W. Nicholls.' 12nio. Sydney, 1890. B'SO P 13 LLOYD, A. B. In Dwarf Land and Cainiibal Country : a Record of Tra\'el anrl Discoverv in Central Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 18I»9. ' D 22 S 3 LLOYD, E. J. Influence of Food on the Quantity and Quality of Milk. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R LLOYD, H. Evans. Ti-avels in the Interior of North America. \See Ma.Kiniiliaii, Alexander Philip]), Prince of Wiod.] D 17 T 2 t LLOYD, Henry Demarest. Labour Copartnership : Notes of a Visit to Cooperative Workshops, Factories, and Farms in Great Britain and Ireland in which Em- ployer, Employe, and Consumer share in Ownershi]i, Management, and Results. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898.' F 1.5 R 32 Wealth against Ccmnnonwealth. 8vo. New York, 1898. ■" F 10 P 24 LLOYD, J. E. Aims and Practice of Teaching History. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Ohapte.rs on the j\Jn)S and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 LLOYD,- L. Notes of Travel in South Africa. {See Andersson, C. J.] I) 13 Q 1 LLOYD, Walter. The Galile.iin : a Portrait of Jesus of Nazareth. I2mo. Lond., 1892. G 2-5 P 5 LLOYD'S EEGISTER OF lililTISlI AXD FOREKIX SIfTPPTXG, Julv, lS98-June, 1899. 2 vols. 4to. Loud., 1898. " F 19 T 3, 4 t Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classifi- cation of Steel Vessels, July, 1898- June, 1899. 4to. Lond., 1898. " F 19 T 5 f LoB, Dr. Walter. Electrolysis and Electrosynthasis of Organic Compounds. Translated by II. W. F. Lorenz. 12mo. New York, 1898. ' A 41 T 19 Quautitfitive Cliemical Analysis bv Electrolysis. [See Classen, Dr. A.] ' ' A 38 U 12 LOBBAN, J. IT. English Essays [Collectedl. \See English Essays.] J II U 24 LOCARD, Arnould. Resultats Scientiti(|ues de la Cam- pagno du Caudftii dans le (Jolfe de Gascogne. [/^^ K.chler, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 L(JCK, Rev. John Bascombe. Arithmetic for Schopls. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1899. A 44 U 10 Key anfl Companion to Arithmetic for Schools. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 44 U IJ Key to Lock's Elementary Trigononu;try. [^See Carr, H.] A 25 R 42 LOCK, Rev. Walter. St. Paul, the Master-builder. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 21 LOCKE, John. Some Thoughts concerning P^ducaticm ; with Introduction and Notes by Rev. R. 11. Quick. 12mo. Camb., 1898. (Pitt Press Ser.) G 15 U 36 LOCKER-LAMPSON, Frederick. L<.ndon Lyrics. Svo- Lond., 1870. II 7 R 44 My Confidence,s. Svo. Lond., 1896. 22 Q 18 LOCKERT, Louis. Petnjleum Motor-cars. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 10 T 17 LOCKHART, John (iibson. Life and Letters of; by Andrew Lang. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. "^ C 23 V 18, 19 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 3S* LOCKHART, Lieut. Percy Clare Eliott-. A Frontier Campaign. [&e Fincastle, Viscount A. E.] B29R14 LOCKHART, Gen. Sir William Stephen Alexander. Campaign in Tirah, 1897-98. [See Hutchinson, Col. H. D.] D 13 U 16 Lockhart's Advance thi-ouyh Tirah. [See Shadwell, Capt. L. J.] B29U17 LOCKWO(Jl), Dr. Charles Barrett. Aseptic Surgery. Svo. Edinb., 1896. A 26 R 28 LOCKWOOD, Sir Fraidv. Sir Fraidv Lockwood : a Bio- graphical Sketch; liv A. Birrell. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. ' C 23 T 6 LOCKWOOD, M. S., and (iLAISTER, E. Art Embroid- ery : a Treatise on the Revived Practice of Decorative Needlework. Illust. 4to. Lond., 1878. A 17 T I T LOCKYER, Sir J. Norman, F.R.S. Inorganic Evolution as studied by Spectrum Anal}-sis. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 14 Recent and Coming Eclipses : being Notes on the total solar Eclip.ses of 1893, 1896, 1898. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 36 T 13 The §un's place in Nature. lUustratefl. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 5 T 39 368 Public Library of New Soi(fh JFalcs. LOCKYER, Sir J. Noniuin,F.R.S.,and SEABROKE.G.M. Staia;aziiig Past and Present. Illust. Hoy. 8x0. Lond., 1878. ■ A 45 Til LODEMAN, E. (A. The Spravin,;,' of Plants. 12nio. New York, 189(i. (Rural sjienco Ser.) A 20 P 23 LODGE, Prof. Alfred. Matter, Ether, and .Motion. [See Dolhear, Prof. A. E.] A 33 P 42 LODGE, Edmund. The Peeraj^e aiitl llaronetage of the British Empire as at present existing, 1872, 1885- I'JOU. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-1900. E Lt)Dt!E, Heiirv Caljot. Story of the Revolution. Illu.s- trated. 2 Vols. 8vo. Loud., 1898. B 20 T 1, 2 The War witli Spain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. r, .-56 R 12 LODtiE, Pruf. Richard. [Life of] Itiehelieu. [See Riche- lieu, Cardinal.] C 20 Y 1 Lt)D()E, Thomas. [Essay on.J [See Gosse, Eilniund. 17th Century Studies!] H 10 \V 2:5 LO"j\V, Oscar. Curing and Eennentation of Cigar-leaf Tobacco. [Sec I'nited States. — L'ept. of Agricult.] A 37 S 51 LOEWE. (uistav. T. Macci Plauti Coino ili:r. TSw Plau- tus, T. M.] H \ T 24-27 LOEWE, JohannCarlGotlfried. [Sketch of.] [Siiii,i)i;!rtc.] J I IT 15 Supp lementary Cat a logtie — 1 89G-1 900. m% LOUIS, Prof, ircrirv. (ioM-iiclds <,f Australasia. {See Schiiici.sHcr, K.] ' MA i V 35, 30 f Haiid-biiok (if l\k'(alliiii,'y. [_See .Sdiiiabel, J)r. C] A 21 U 18, It) Treatise on Ore Deposits. [/S^e Phillips, J. A.] A 25 V 31 LOUISE, Queen of Denmark. [Sketch of.] [5e« Bothinor, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladiesof Europe.] C 27 S 21 LOUISE, Queen of Prussia. Portrait of. [&« Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] II 1 T 15 LOUNSBURY, Pn.f. Thomas Raynesford. Studies in Chaucer : his Life and Writings. With Porti'ait. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1S92. J 24 Q 11-13 James Fenimore Coopei-. \_See Cooper, J. P.] C 27 P 1 LOUREIRE, P. The 100 Years Anglo-Chinese Calendar, 1st Jan., 1776-25th Jan., 1876. Roy. 8vo. Shanghai, 1872. B 39 S 18 LOVAT, Simon Eraser, Baron. [Memoiis of.] [Sue Thom- son, Katharine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 3 LOVE, Ernest Frederick John. Entnjpy Meters. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Library Facilities of Scientific Investigations in Mel bourne. (Interuat. Libr. Conf., Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. Room LOVE, Dr. James Kerr. Deaf Mutism : a Clinical and Pathological Study, with Chapters on the Education and Training of Deaf Mutes ; by W. H. Addison. 8vo. Glasgow, 1896. A 28 U 25 LOVED AY, W. G. Cooperative Agriculture. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 16 S U LOVELL, Arthur. Volo, or the Will : what it is, how to strengthen, and how to use it. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 U 26 LOVER, Samuel. Handy Andv. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 T 30 He would be a Gentleman. 8vo. Lond., 1890. J 25 T 31 LOVETT, Richard. History of the London Missionary Society. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 5, 6 LOW, David Allan. Pocket-book for Mechanical En- gineers. lUust. 18mo. Lond., 1898. A 33 R 28 LOW, Seth. A City University. \_See Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 18 LOW, Sidney James Mark, and PULLING, Frederick Sanders. Dictionarv oi English Historv. Re^-ised ed. 8vo. Loud., 1897. ' " B 39 Q 13 LOW, Thomas Boll. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 91.) E LOW, WalUu'. Arnc and the Fisher Lassie. \_See Bjiirn- s.^n, B.] J 24 U 31 LOW, William Leslie. Reuben Dean. 8vo. Ediub., 1898. J 23 Ji 23 LOWE, C. Bruce, and ALLISON, W. Breeding Race- horses by the Figure System. Roy. 8vo. Ijond,. 1895. A 31 Q 17 LOWE, Charles. Our Greatest Living Soldiers. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 II 15 Bismarck's Table Talk. {See Bismarck, Prince.] C 20 T 4 The G(n-man Emperor William IT. '\_See William II, German Emperor.] C 22 P 20 Pi'ince Bismarck. [^See Bismarck, Prince.] C 19 T 19 LOWE, E. Australian Governors and their Ideals. (Westminster Review, 1894.) E LOWE, F. H.- Round the World on a Wheel. {See Fraser, J. F.] D 21 R 6 LOWE, Sir Hudson. Sir Hudson Lowe and Napoleon. With Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 18 LOWE, Dr. John. The Yew Trees of Great Britain and Ireland. Illust. 8vb. Lond., 1897. A 37 R 13 LOWE, Robert, Viscount Sherljrooke. {See Sherbrooke, Viscount.] LOWE, Samuel. Dairy Industry in the Colonies. 8vo. Lond , 1897. MA 4 R 2 LOWELL, A. Lawrence. Governments and Parties in Continental Eunjpe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 13 R 6, 7 LOWELL, Frances C. Joan of Asc. 8vo. Boston, 1896. B 16 T 22 LOWELL, James Russell. Last Poems. With Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 10 S 18 Address by, as President of the AVordsworth Society, 1884. ("Knight, W. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 Impressions of Spain. Compiled by J. B. Gilder ; with an Introduction bv A. A.. Adee. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " D 13 S 10 [Life of] ; by G. W. Curtis. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1893. C 19 P 14 Jame.s Russell Lowell and his Friends ; by E. E. Hale. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C25T11 372 Fahlic Library of Neto South Wales. LOWELL, James Eussell— conond., 1898. A 9 P 18 LOWSON, Dr. James A. RcjHjrt on the Epidemic of Plagu(! from 22nd February to lljtli July, 1897. Fol. Lond., 1897. " " A 23 Q 2 t LOYD, Lady Mary. Brother and Sistei' : a Memoir of Ernest and Henriette Renan. [See Renan, E.] C 22 T 5 Fashion in Paris. [See Uzanne, O.] A 41 S 21 Marysienka. [See Mary sienka. Queen of Polanil. ] C 2 G R 4 New Letters of Napoleon I, omitted from the edition pul)lished under the auspices of Napoleon III. [See Napoleon Bonaparte] C 25 Q 1 Peter the Great. [See Waliszew.ski, K.] B 37 V 1, 2 LOYD, Samuel Jones, Baron Oyerstone. [See Oyerstone, Baron.] LOYE, Joseph de. Les Archi\es de la Chambre Apos- toli(iucauXIVe Siccle. 8yo. Paris, 1899. B32S11 LOYOLA, St. Ignatius. [See Ignatius Loyola, St.] LUBBOCK, Alfred. Memories of Eton and Etonians, including my Life at Eton, 18.54-63, and some Remi- niscences of subsequent Cricket, 1864-74 ; with a Chapter on Boys' Chances at Eton, by R. Lubbock. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 Q 8 LUBBOCK, Rt. Hon. Sir John, F.R.S. Buds and Stipules. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1899. (Internat. Scientific Ser.) A 20 R 18 Contribution to our knowledge of Seedlings. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1892. A 20 U 33, 34 The Scenery of Switzerland and the causes to which it is due. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 24 R 19 The Antiquities and Curiosities of the Exchequer. [See Hall, H.] F 13 S 32 The Primitiye Inhabitants of Scandinayia. [See Nils.son, S.] A 39 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 LUBBOCK, Dr. Montagu. First Year of Scientific Know- ledge. [See Bert, P.] A 25 P 51 LUCAS, Arthur Henry Shakspere. Some Facts in the Geographical Distribution of Land and Fresh-water Vertebrates in Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P and FROST, C. Doscrijition of a new species of Ablepharus from Victoria ; with Critical Notes on two other Australian Lizards. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P l)escri])tion of two new .species of Lizards from Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P Lizards indigenous to New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S New Lizard from Nortliern Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P New species of Lizards from Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME 1 P Reptilia of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Bald win. — Horn Scientific E.xpedition.) MA 3 R 01 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 373 LUCAS, Cliiules Prcstwood. ]Iistiirif tlie Hntish CViloiiios. Vol. 4. With Miij)s. 8v(). Oxfoid, 1897. DUSK) 4. South anil East Africa, Historical and Gcograpliical. LUCAS, E. V. Charles Lamb and the Lloyds. [See Lamb. C] C 19 P 21 LUCAS, Fred W. Annals of the Voyages of the Brotliers Nicole and Antonio Zeno in the North Atlantic about the end of the 14th Century, and the claim founded thereon to a Venetian Discovery of America. Illust. by facsimiles. 4to. Lond., 189«. D 18 T 30 t LUCAS, Frederic A. Preparation of Rough Skeletons. \_See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 9 Tongues of Woodpeckers. [_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 30 R 30 LUCAS, Rev. Herbert. Fra Girolamo Savonarola. [See Savonarola, C] C 27 S 1 LUCAS, Joseph. Water from the Chalk. (Tnternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 LUCAS, Olive A. The Temperance Cookery-book, com- piled for the Village Fair under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance Union and Local Op- tion League, 1896. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MA 4 P 1 LUCAS, Dr. Thomas P. Colouration of Insects. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T The Flying Fox : its Habits and Depredations. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Queensland Lepidoptera. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T LUCE, Morton. Handbook to the Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H11Q4 LUCE, Robert. Equitable Taxation. [See Weyl, \V . E.] F 15 S 27 LUCIANUS. Lucian the Syrian Satirist ; by Col. H. W. L. Hine. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 T 3 [Es,say on.] [See Traill, H. D.— The New Fiction, and other Essays on literary subjects.] J 14 R 28 [Sketch of.] [See Whibley, C. — Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 LUCKOCK, Herbert Mortimer, Dean of Litchfield. Foot- prints (jf the Apostles as traced l)y St. Luke in the Acts, being sixty portions for private study and in- structions in Church. A Sequel to "Footprints of the Son of Man." 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 19 U 36, 37 The History of Marriage, Jewish and Christian, in rela- tion to Divorce and certain forbidden degrees. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " F 8 V 3 LUCY, Henry W. Diary of the Home Rule Parliament, 1892-95. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 38 'Ihe Log of the Tiiuf.nUon Castle [Opening of the Baltic Can.-d.] 8vn. Lond., 1896. D1HQ18 LUDLOW, Emile. The Yaralla Gavotte. Sm. fol. Syd- ney (n.d.) MA13P5t LUDWK;, Dr. Hubert. Die Seesterne des Mittclmeeres. (Zoologische Station zu Noapel. — Fauna und Fli.rade.s Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 26 t LUDWIG II C)F BAVARIA. Romance of; by Frances Gerard. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 T 12 LUEHMANN, J. G. New Australian Labiate Plant. (Vict. Nat., June, 1898.) ME 6 P Observations on Xerotes sororia. (Vict. Nat., Feb., 1898.) ME 6 P Short Dichotomous Key to the hitherto known varieties of Eucalyptus. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Some Ob.servations on Pre-Linnean Botanists. (Vict. Nat., Sept., 1898.) ME 6 P LUFFMANN, C. Bogue. A Winter's Camp in Gippsland. (Nat. Review, Dec, 1899.) E The Fig Industry. [See Victoria.— Agr.] ^lA 3 V 13 The Muscatel Industry. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 Treatment of the Raisin Vine. [See Victoria. — Agri* cult.] MA 3 V 13 LUGRIN, Charles H. Yukon Gold-fields : Map showing Routes from Victoria, B.C., to the various Mining Camps on the Yukon River and its branches ; ^Mining Regulations of the Dominion (iovernment and Forms of Application ; together with Distances, Extracts from Mr. Ogilvie's Reports, and other information. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. F 13 Q 25 LUIGI AMEDEO DI SAVOIA, Prince, Duke of the Abruzzi. Ascent of Mt. St. Elias, Alaska. Trans- lated by Linda Villari. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 23 Q 3 LUINI, Bernardino. [Life and Works of.] [See William- son, G. C] A 39 V 30 LUKE, St. The Madonna of St. Luke. [See Bolton, Henrietta Irving.] A 23 Q 53 LUKIN, Rev. James. Working in Sheet Metal : being Plain Directions to the Amateur for Making and Mending small articles in Tin, Copper, Iron, Zinc, and Brass, Soldering, Brazinij, &c. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. ^ A 25 Q 42 374 ^Public Library of New South Wales. LUMBY, Rev. Joseph Rrawson. Chronicon Heniici Kiiigliton vel Cnittlioii Monaclii Leycestrensis. \_See Gt. Britiiin und Ireland. — Clironicle.s and Menis.] E LUMHOLTZ, Carl. Present and Future of Queensland. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Oct., 1889.) E LUMMIS, Cliarles F. Awakening of a Nation: Mexico of To-Llay. Illust. 8vo. Loml, 1898. B 36 S 3 LUMMIS, Edward. The Speaker's Chair: its Origin, the Procedures historically associated with it, and Bio- graphical Sketches of its most notable occupants. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 S 8 LUMSDEN, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Harry Burnett. Lumsden of the Guides : a Sketch of the Life of Lieut. -Gen. Sir H. B. Lumsden ; with Selections from his Corres- pondence and Occasional Papers, by Gen. Sir Peter S. Ijumsden and G. R. Elsmie. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 S 12 LUNDIE, George Archibald. Missionary Life in Samoa> as exhibited in the Journal of the late G. A. Lundie, during the Revival in Tutuila in 18-tO-il. Edited by his mother. 12mo. Edinb., 1816. MG 1 P 23 LUNGWITZ, A. Text-book of Horse-shoeing for Horse- shoers and Veterinarians. Translated by John W. Adams. Illust. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 39 P 7 LUNN, S. Edward. Round the World on a Wheel. [See Fraser, J. F.] D 21 R 6 LtJPKE, Dr. Robert. The Elements of Electro-Chemistry treated experimentally. Translated by M. M. Patti- son Muir. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 21 U 30 LUPTON, Rev. Joseph Hirst. The Utopia of Sir Thomas More. [See More, Sir T.] J 12 V 20 LUCiUEER, Frederick Ludlow. Hegel as Educator. 8\o. New York, 189G. G 26 T 12 LUSH, Charles Keeler. The Federal Judge. 12nK). Boston, 1898. ' J 23 T 22 LUSK, Hon. Hugh H. The Commonwealth of Australia. (Forum, Dec, 1899.) V. Bucccss of Woman's Enfranchisement in Now Zealand. (Forum, April, 1S97.) E LUTHER, .Martin. Life of ; l)y J. Kostlin. Translated from the German. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 P 27 Luther and the German Reformation ; bv Rev. T. M. Lindsay. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (The World's Epoch- njakci-M.) V 2S (J 2 Luther's Primary Works, t British Museum. [See British Mu.soum.^ — Nat. Hist.] A 42 V 12-15 Dictionary of Births. [See Newton, Alfred.] A 30 Q 31 Manual of Pakeontology. [See Nicholson, Dr. H. A.] A 39 R 19, 20 LYDfiATE, Dan John. Selections from Minor Poems of. [See Percy Soc.] H II S 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1900. 375 LYELL, Sir Charles. The Stuflent's Lyoll : a lshm\v\] nf Eleiiientary Gr'olop;y. Edited Ity J)r. Joliii W. Judd, F.R.S. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 24 R 18 LYELL, (Jeorge. Life-histories fif two Victorian Hes- perides. (Vict. Nat., Marcli, 1899.) ME G P LYGON, William, 7th Earl of Beauchamp. [^See ]^)Oau- champ, 7 til Earl of.] LYLY, John. Pappe with an Hatchet, and an Almond for a Parrot. [5f« Nash, T.] (J 23 Q 32 LYNCH, Arthur. Human Documents : Character Sketche.s of Representative Men and Women of the Time. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 15 LYNCH, H. F. B. The Ascent of Mount Ararat. (Out- of-door Lil).) I) 20 S 22 LYNE, Charles E. Life of Sir Henry Parkes. {See Paikes, Sir H.] MC 1 T 29 LYNN, William Thynnc. Celestial Motions : a Handy- book of Astronomy. 8th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 12P 21 Stars and Telescopes. {See Todd, Prof. D. P.] A 19 Q 32 LYNN LINTON, Elizabeth. {See Linton, Elizabeth Lynn.] LYON, C. H. The Exhaustion of Pasture Lands. (Mel- bourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q LYONS, Vice-Adm. Ednnmd, Baron. Life of; with an Account of Na\al Operations in the Black Sea and Sea of AzofF, 1854-^6, bv Capt. S. Eardlcv-Wilmot. Hlustrated. 8vo. Lond.', 1898. "^02488 LYSONS, Gen. Sir Daniel. Early Reminiscences. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " C 23 T 17 LYTTELTON, Rev. Arthur. Self-government of the Church. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 LYTTELTON, Arthur Temple, Bishop of Southampton. Place of Miracles in Religion. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Hulsean Lectures.) G 24 Q 13 LYTTELTON, Hon E., and COBB, Gerard Y. Athletics. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 6 LYTTELTON, Katharine. Joubert : a Selection from his Thoughts. [_See Joubert, J.] G 23 T 12 LYTTELTON, Lord, and GLADSTONE, Rt. Hon. Wd- liam Ewart. Translations. Sni. 4to. Lond., 18(i">. H 12 T bs LYTTON, Edwai-d George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, liaron. Alice; or, the Mysteries. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 T 32 The Caxtons. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 T 33 Devoreux. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 T 34 The Disowned. 8vo. Lond., 189.5. J 25 T 35 Ernest Maltravers. Svo. ]>oiid., 1897. J 25 T 36 Eugene Aram. Svo. Lond., 1 890. J 25 T 37 Falkland and Zicci. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 25 T 38 Godolphin. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 25 T 39 Harold, the last of the Saxon Kings. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 24 r 12 Kenelm Chillingly. Svo. Loud., 1)^97. J 25 U 1 Last Days of Pompeii. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 24 U 13 Last Days of Pompeii. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York (n.d.) J 22 V 6 Last of the Barons. 2 v. ,1s. Svo. Lond.. 1 896. J 24 U 1 4, 1 5 Leila ; or, the Siege of Granada. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 25 U 2 Lucretia : or, the Cliildrcn of Night. Svo. Lond-' 1897. J 25 U 3 My Novel ; or, Varieties in English Life ; bv Pisistratus 'Caxton. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. j'24 U 16-18 Night and Morning. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 U 4 The Parisians. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 U 5, 6 Paul CliiTord. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 25 U 7 Pelham. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 25 U 8 The Pilgrims of the Rhine. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 U 9 Rienzi. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 25 U 10 A Strange Story. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 IT 11 What will he do with it ; bv Pisistratus Caxton. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. " J 25 U 12, 13 Zanoni. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 U 14 , and MILL. John Stuart. Remarks on Bentham's Philosophv. \_See Mill, John Stuart. — Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 LYTTON, Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, Earl of, "Owen IMeredith.' Glenaveril ; or, the Metamorphosis. 2 vols. Svo. Loud., 1885. H 11 R 8, 9 King Poppy. Svo. Lond., 1892. H 1 1 R 7 Lucile. Svo. Lond., 1893. H 11 R 6 Marah. Svo. Lond., 1893. H11R3 Selected Poems. Svo. Lond., 1894. H11R5 Tlie AVanderer. Svo. Lond., 1895. H11R4 llistorj' of Lord Lvtton's Indian Administration, 1876- 80. ISee Balfour, Lady Rett v.] F 9 R 43 'Sketch of.] {See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 376 JPubllc Librart/ of New South Wales. M M., J. \_See McSweenJ', J. J.] "MAARTENS, Maarten." [&« P. oiten, J. M. W.] MABIE, Hamilton Wright. Books and Culture. 12mo. Edinl)., 1898. J 23 P 2 Essays in Literary Iiiteiprotation. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 42 Essays on Nature and Culture. 12uio. New York, 1897. J 21 P 44 E.ssays on Work and Culture. 12mo. New York, 1899. G 9 U 28 In the Forest of Arden. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. J 17 IT 8 Memorial Story of America, comprising the Important Events, Episodes, and Incidents which make up the Record of 400 j'ears from Columljus to the Present Time. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1896. B 20 V 9 My Study Fire. 1st and 2nd ser. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 39, 40 Norse Stories retold from the Eddas. 12mo. Boston, 1896. J 21 P 38 Short Studies in Literature. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 43 Under the Trees and elsewhere. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 41 McADAJI, Oraliam. The Protective System : what it costs the American Fanner. 12mo. New York, 1880. F 17 P 1 McADTE, Alexander. Protection from Lightning. [_See United State.s. — Dept. of Agricult. — Weather Bureau.] A 20 U 13 MACALTSTER, Prof. Alexander. Nephroptosis. (.\II- butt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 MACALISTER, I>. The Australian -M.origines. (Mel- l)ourn(^ ]{cview, 3.) ME 18 tj Man's relation to the other animals. (I\Iell). Review, 2.) ME 18 Q MacALTSTER, Dr. Donald. Special Pathological Anat- omy. [See Ziegler, Ernst.] A 32 R 29, 30 MACALTSTER, R. A. S. Ecclesiastical Vestments: their Development and History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 19 T 22 MrALL, Rev. Robert Whitiker. [Life of] Robert Wiiita- ker McAll, founder of the 5lcAll Mis.sions, Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. CJ 12 V 2iJ McALPINE, D. Descrijitions of new Australian Fungi. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Fungi from Kerguelen Island. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Fungi of Kerguelen Island. (Vict. Nat, Aug., 1898.) ME 6 P Fungi of the Wheat Plant in Australia. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Fungus Diseases of Citrus Trees in Australia, and their Treatment. \_See Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 4 R 36 Mi'Uohi ampltifricha, Fries. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Micro-Fungus from Mt. Kosciusko, and the first record of Uncinula in Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P New Myxomycete for New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P New South Wales Fungi. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) " ME 2 P Notes on Vromycfs nmygdnVi, Gooka. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) " ME 2 P Puccinia on Groundsel, with Trimorphic Teleutospores. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Report on Locust Fungus. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) " ME 9 R Rust in Wheat during the Dry Summer of 1897. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Sooty Mold of Citrus Trees : a study in Polymorphism. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Statistical Account of Australian Fungi. (Australasian Assoc, for Adv. of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Systematic Position of the Locust Fungus imported from the Cape. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Three additions to the Fungi of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Two additions to the Fungi of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.AV., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Fungus Diseases of the Raspberry. [See Victoria. — ■ Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 Onion Di.sease. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 Report on the Rotting of Apples. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 Rust in Wheat Experiments, 1894-97. [See Victoria. Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 Some South Australian Forms of Cordyceps Gunnii, Berk. [See Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.] ME 9 R Spraying for Fungus Diseases. [See Victoria. — Agri- cult.] MA 3 V 13 , and ROBINSON, Gerald II. Additions to the Fungi on tin' Vine in Australia. [See Victoria. — A-ricult.l MA 3 V 33 , and RdDWAV, !-. Australian Fungi. (Ai^ri- rult. Gaz, N.S.W.. 1896.) i\l K 9 R Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 377 McALPINE, Dr. D. Zoologieiil AUa.s, includiii,t,' Cdinpara- tive Anatomy; witli Practical JJircetioiis and Explana- tory Text for the use of IStiulcnts. Illustrated. Ob. 4to. Edinb., 1881. A 5 P 33 f M'ARTIIUK, J. Fraiicis. Tlic Justices' Assistant ; or, a Compendium of the Law relative to the office ano]id., 1897. G T.) I! '; The Uidillr of the Universe at the Close of tlie I'.nl] Centuiy. [See Haeckcl, Dr. Iv] G 26 Q 16 , and DARTEN, Georges. Can we disari7i ? 12m(). Lond., 1899. F ir, (i 37 McCaffrey, Frank. Dairying Industry and its Critics. 18mo. Sydney, 1898. ' MA 4 R 2 MacCALLUM, Prof. Mungo William. The Place of Fic- tion in Public Libraries. (Lib. A.ssoc. of Australasia, Proc, 1808.) MJ 2 V 1 McCARRON, STEWART, arid CO. Map of Sydney and Suburbs, sliowing Tramway-lines and Stopping-places. Folded 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MD 7 P 1 Map of North Sydney and Environs, showing Tramway Lines and Stopping-places. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MD 8 S 10 MacCARTHY, Rev. B. Annals of Ulster. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Records Commission.] B 30 V 17, 18 M'CARTHY, Dr. Charles. Dipsomania or Drink-craving. (Melbourne Review. G.) 3IE 18 Q MacCARTHY, Rev. Egerton Francis Mead. School Fit- tings. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 McCarthy, James. Surveying and Exploring in Siam. [See Royal Geographical Soc, Lond.] D 22 Q 20 McCarthy, Justin. History of Our Own Times, from 1880 to the Diamond Jubilee. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 3 S 47 Modern England liefore the Reform Bill. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Story of the Nations.) B 26 S 16 Reminiscences. With Portrait. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 25 T 5, 6 The Inner Life of ihe House of Commons. [See White, W.] F 13 U 20, 21 [Life of] Pope Leo XIII. [See Leo XIII, Pope.] C 20 T 25 The Story of Gladstone's Life. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 23 U 2 , and PRAED, Rosa Caroline [Mr.s. Campbell ] The Riglit Honourable. 5th ed. Svo. Lond., 1895. 1895. ' J 25 U IG -, and ROBINSON, Sir John R. The Daihj News Juljilee : a Political and Social Retrospect of 50 yeai-s of the Queen's Reign. Illustrated. Svo. Lend., 1S9G. ' FSy21 378 Public Librm^y of New South Wales. McCarthy, Justin Huntlv. The French Revolution. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890-97. B 37 V 5^8 Short History of the United States. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 19 R 9 ^McCarthy, Rev. Lawrence. Key to Todhunter's Mensur- ation for Beginners. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 R 40 McCASKEY, J. P. Christmas in Song, Sketch, and Story : nearly .300 Christmas Songs, Hymns, and Carols ; with Selections from Beecher, Wallace, Auertjach, Abbott, Warren, and Dickens. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1891. G 23 Y 21 McCLEAN, Frank, F.R.S. Spectra of Southern Stars. Illustrated. 4to. Loud., 1898. A 20 P 23 f McCLEAX, Mary Hall. Life of Francis Xa\'ier, Apostle of the Indies. \_See Xavier, St. Francis.] C 20 T 8 3IcCLELLAN, ilaj.-Gen. George Brinton. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore F. — Ciitical Sketch of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U 5 M'CLELLAX, Rev. John Brown. Higher Teaching of Agriculture. (Intermit. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 MACCLESFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Bf)oks in the Pul)lic Free Lil)rary presented by David Chad wick to the Corporation of Macclesfield. 8vo. Macclesfield, 1877. K 9 T 24 McCLINTOCK, Adm. Sir Francis Leopold. 1,000 Days in the Arctic. [_See Jackson, F. G.] D 13 V 22, 23 McCLURE, Alexander Kelly. Our Presidents, and how we make them. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1900. F 19 R 14 McCLURE, Edmund. Historical Cluii-ch Alias. 4to. Lond., 1897. (.t 17 S 20 t Tlie Ancient Hebrew Tradition. \_See Hommel, Prof. F.l G 2G S 1 A 21 P 13 t G 2.-) T 5 SUr Atlas. [See Klein, Dr. H. J.] 200 Years. [See Allen, W. O. B.] McCLURE, M. L. Struggle of the Nations. [See Mas- pero, Prof. Gaston.] IM7 U 18 McCLURE'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-3, ;V9, 11-13, June, 1893-Nov., 1894, June, 1895-Oct., 1897, May, 1898- April, 1899. Illustrated. 11 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1893-99. E McCLYMr)\T, J. 1{. Discovery of New Guinea by An- tonio J^'Abreu. (Australa.sian A.ssoc. for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) M !■: 18 S An I'jxjiianation of tlie Voya,ge of Alvarado, (l!ov. Soc. of Tasmania, Papers anL\cDONALD, Dr. Thomas Fauset. Transplantation of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve. (Australasian Assoc, for Adv. of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S MacDONALD, Prof. William. Select Charters and other Documents illustrative of American Histiny, 1606- 1775. 8vo. New York, 1899. B 19 R 12 MACDONNELL, Alexander, " Pickle the Spy." Pickle the Spy ; or, the Incoi/nito of Prince Charles. [See Lang, A.] ■ B 16 V 34 MacDONNELL, Prof. Arthur Anthony. History of San.skrit Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Short Histories of the literatures of the World.) J 17 U 17 MacDONELL, Philip James. The Historic Basis of Liberalism. (Essays in Liberalism.) F 5 S 50 MacDONOUGII, a. R. Nepigon River-fishing. (Out-of- door Lib.) A 40 Q 8 M'DOUGAL, Thomas D. Opening Letters in the Post Otfice. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q McDOUGAIjL, D. Melbourne Directory. [See Melbourne and Suburban Director)/.'] ME 11 P-R McDOUGALL, Jolni. Forest, Lake, and Pi'airie : Twenty yeai's of Frontier Life in Western Canada, 1842-62. Illustrated. 8vo. Toronto, 1895. D 16 R 10 Sujiplementary Catalofjne — 1890-1900. 381 MacBOWALL, it. C. Hem-y of Guise, ,uk1 other Por- traits. 8vo. Loud., 1898. B SG 11 11 MACDUFF, 1U:\. John Uoss. Talesof llic Wanioi' Kini; : Life and Times of David, King of Isiael. Svo. Lond., 180(5. 15 .■?() K y The, Autlioi' of Morning and Night Watches : Reminis- cences of a long Life. Edited \>y his daughter. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' C 22 T 17 McEACHRAN, Duncan. Tutierculosis in Cattle. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U Mcelroy, K. p. Canned Vegetables. [See Unit £, States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Chemistry. — Pood and Food Adulterants.] A 31 T 10 MacEWAN, Eli;is J. Technique of the Drama. [See Freytag, Gustav.] H 10 W 1 MacEWAN, Peter. The Art of Dispensing: a Treatise on the Methods and Proccs.ses involv(>d in Compound- ing Medical Prescriptions. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A ii V i:i MacEWEN, Alexander R. The United Presbyterian Churcli. (Our Churches.) G 1 1 U 37 The Erskines. [See Erskine, Revs. E. and R.] C 20 V 21 McEWIN, George. Preparation of Dried and Preserved Fruits. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 M ACEY, Frank W. Specifications in detail. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 39 P 17 MoFADYEAN, Prof. J. Foot and ^Mouth Disease. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 M'FALL, Frances Elizabeth [Mrs. H.] "Sarah Grand." What to aim at. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 MacFARLAND, Alfred. Capt. Cook : his Life, &c. [See New South Wales. — Lands. — Dedication of Cajit. Cook's Landing-place.] MF 5 P 19 MacFARLANE, Charles William. Value and Distribu- tion : an Historical, Critical, and Constructive Study in Economic Theory, adajited for ad\-anced and ]iost- graduate work. 8vo. Philad., 1899. F 9 P 37 MacFARLANE, John. Library Administration. 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Library Ser.) J U V 23 Archjeological Researches in Palestine, 1873-74. [See Palestine Exploration Fund.] B 13 V 16, 17 t MacFARLANE, Walter. Genealogical Collections con- cerning Families in >Scotland. [Si-u Scottisli Hist. Soc, Pubs., 33, 34.] E MacFARLANE, Waltci-, and CO. Catalogue of MacFar- laiic's Castings. 5tlicd. Ito. Glasg. (n.d.) A 40 U 21 J ALAd'AULANr-;, Willi.im Maci)hei-son, and ADIMSON, (!. Campljell. Synopsis of Olii-nces punislialjle on .sunnnary c(mviction by Justices of the Peace under local, and a few imperial. Statutes of general ai)plic;i- ti'in in force in New Soutli Wales at tlie end of 1896 ; with Introductory Outline of Procedure in Summary Convictions, and Cross-references, Notes, Tal)les of Statutes, d-c. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF3R7I MACFEE, K. N. Impeiial Customs Union : a Practical Scheme of Fiscal Union for the purposes of Defence and Pref(!rential Trade, from a Coli>nist'.s standpoint. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 28 MACFIE, Robert Aiubew. Copyright and Patents for Inventions 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1879-83. F 7 P 23, 24 M'GAVIN, William. Tlie Scuts Worlhi(.'s. [See Howie, Rev. J.] G 24 S 1 MACGIBBON, David, and ROSS, Thomas. Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland, from the Earliest Christian Times to the Nth Century. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1896-97. A 23 V 28-30 McGIFFERT, Arthur Cushman. History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. G 11 R 38 M'GILCHRIST, WilHam. History of Dogma. [See Har- nack, Rev. A.] G 23 S 41, 42 McGILL UNIVERSITY. Papers from tlie Department of Applied Science. No. 1. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. A 40 S 20 1. Presidential Address ; by H. T. Bovey. Papers from the Department of Botany. Nos. 1-6. Illustrated. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-97. A 40 S 7 1. Fematophyion Ortoiii, n.sp. ; by D. P. Penhallow. 2. Nematophyton Crassum ; by D. P. Penhallow. 3. Peculiar behaviour of Charcoal in the Blast Fiirnare at Radnor Forges, Quebec ; by J. T. Donald : and Char- coal impregnated with 81ag ; by D. P. Penhallow. 4. The Generic Characters of the North American Taxacese and Conifene ; by D. P. Penhallow. 5. Mt/elopfrris Topei-ensis : a new carboniferous plant; by i). P. Penhallow. n. A few Notes on Canadian Plant-lore ; by Carrie M. Derifk. Papers from the Department of Chemistry and Mineral- ogy. No. 1. 8vo. :Montreal, 1896. A 40 S 22 1. On a new Alkali Hornblende and a Titaniferous Andra- dite from the Nepheline-Syenite of Dungannon, Hast- ings County, Ontario ; by F. D. Adams and B. J. Harrington. Papers from the Department of Engineering. Nos. 2, 3. 8vo. Montreal, 1898. A 40 S 24 2. Hydraulic Laboratory, McGill University ; by H. T. Bovey and J. T. Farmer. 3. Law of Condensation of Steam ; bv H. L. Callendar and J. T. Nicholson. 3S2 Public Library of Neto South Wales. McGILL UNIVERSITY— coMfrf. Papers from the Department of Geology. Nos. 1-7. Illustrated. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-97." A 40 S 9 1, 2. Review of the Evidence for the Animal Nature of Eozoon Canadense ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. 3. Ou the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series iu the Canadian Laurentian : b}' Dr. F. D. Adams and A. E. Barlow ; with RL-marks bv R. W. Ells. 4. Additional Notes on Fossil Sjiongcs and other organic remains from the (^>uebeu (iroup at Little Metis, on the Lower St. Lawrence ; by Sir J. \V. Dawson. 5. Report on the Geologj' of a portion of the Laurentian area lying to the North of the Island of Montreal ; by Dr. F! D. Adams. C. Note on Cryptozoon and other ancient Fossils ; by Sir .J. W. Dawson. 7. Note on Carboniferous Entomostraea from Nova Scotia, in the Peter Redpath Museum, determined and described by Prof. T. R. Jones and Mr. Kirby ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. Papers from the Department of Pathology. No.s. 1—5. Illustrated. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-98. A 40 S 23 1. Upon general infection b}' the Bacillus Pyocyaneoiis in children ; by E. P. Williams and K. Cameron. 2. Notes upon a case of Madura Foot ; bj- ,J. G. Adami and R. C. Kirkpatrick. 3. Further ObseiTations upon Madura Foot Disease in America ; by J. G. Adami and R. C. Kirkpatrick. 4. Internal Secretions ; by J. G. Adami. 5. The Great Omentum ; by .J. G. Adami. Papers from the Department of Philosophy. Nos. 1, 2. • 8vo. Montreal, 1896. G 18 R 66 1. The Dualistic Conception of Nature ; by ■!. C. Murray. 2. The Idealism of Spinoza ; by J. C. Murraj-. Papers from the Department of Physics. Nos. 1-4. 7, 8. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-98. " A 40 8 6 1. Preliminary Results of Observations of Soil Tempera- tures with Electrical Resistance Thermometers ; by Prof. H. L. Callendar. 2. Our Record of Canadian Earthquakes : by Prof. C. H. McLeod and Prof. H. L. Callendar. 3. Some Experiments on tlie X-Rays ; by J. Cox and 11. L. Callendar. 4. Observations of Soil Temperatures with Electrical Re- sistance 'rhcrnionictci's ; by Prof. H. L. Callendar and Prof. C. H. McLeod. 7. Observations of Soil Temperature with Electrical Re- sistance Thermometers ; by Praf. H. L. Callendar and Prof. C. H. McLeod. 8. Some Measurements of the Temperature of the Lachine Rapids ; by H. T. Barnes. Papers from the Department of Physiology. Nos. 1-6. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. A 40 S 21 1. The Cat; by Dr. T. VV. Mills. 2. The Dog ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 3. The Dog and the Cat compared ; by Dr. 'I'. W. Mills. 4. The Rabbit and the Cavy or (iuinca Pig; bv Dr. T. \V. Mills. ■ fl. The Pigeon and the Domestic Fowl ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 6. The Functional Development of the Cerebral Cortex in different Groups of Animals ; by Dr. T, W. Mills. M.4.CGILLIVRAY, Dr. P. H. Monograph of the Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 4.) ME 21 T M'GOWAN, Dr. George. Analytical Cliemistry. {See Ostwald, Dr. Wilhelm.] A 21 R 41 MacGOWAN, Rev. J. History of China from the Earli- est Days down to the Present. With Map. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 38 U 14 M.icGREG(JR, George. Collected Writings of Dougal Graham. {See Graham, Dougal. J J 14 S 19, 20 MACGREGOR, Surgeon-Major John. Thri .ugh the Buffer State : a Record of recent Travels through Borneo, Siam, and Cambodia. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 17 Q 32 MacGREGOR, Sir William. British New Guinea. (Scot- tish Geograph. Journ., April, 1895.) E British New Guinea. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 1894-95.) E British New Guinea : Country and People. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MD 4 W 6 Discoveries in New Guinea. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., May, 1890.) E Highland Plants from New Guinea. {See Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 1.] ME 21 T MACH, Prof. Ernst. Popular Scientific Lectures. Trans- lated by Thomas J. McCormack. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. A 21 R 38 M'HENRY, Alexander. Geology of Antrim and Derry. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 3 Geology of Inishowen, Co. Donegal. {See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 1 Geology of N.W. and Central Donegal, {See Gt. Brit. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 2 Guide to the Collections of Rocks and Fossils belonging to the Geological Survey of Ireland. {See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — ScienceandArtMus., Dublin.] A 24 S 24 ]\IACniAVELLI, Niccolo di Bernardo. History of Florence ; from the Translation of the Works of the famous Nicholas Machiavel, published in 1675. l!xlited by Prof. H Morley. 8vo. Lond., 1S9I. B 34 S 8 Life and Times of. {See YiUari, Prof. P.] B 39 P 8 IMachiavelli: the Romanes Lecture deH\"ered in tlie Slu'idonian Tlieatre. {See Morlev, Rt. Hon. J.| F 13 Q 32 [Poi'trait and Sketch (jf.] {See Horridge, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 MacHUGH, Alfreil, and G'DOWI), Bernard Patrick. Local Government Acts; with Introduction, Notes, and Index. 8vo. Melh., 1S97. MF5Q23 McHUGII, R.J. The Siege of Ladysinilh. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 Q 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-- WOO. 383 MacHURON, Alexis. Androe and his Ballijon. [See Lachanibre, H.] I) 1:5 ]» 4 McILRAITH, J. R. Austria. [See Whitman, S.] 1', 2G S 1 7 Mdltke's Letters to his Wife. {_See Moltke, Count H. K. B. von.] C T.i V 15, 16 Paradoxes. [See Siidfeld, M. S.] G :\ 11 IG MacILWAINE, Herbert C. Tlie Australian ILjrsemaii. (Harper's Monthly Mag., July, 1899.) E M'lNNES, Duncan. Coiiperative Agriculture. 12ni(). Manchester, 1887. " F 13 V 2.3 How Cooperative Societies can supply their memljers with Dwelling-liouses. 12mo. Manchester. 1899. F IG S U McINTOSH, John Geddes. Manufaetuiv of Varnishes, Oil-crushing, Reliuing and Boiling, and kindred In- dustries. [See Livaciie, A.] ' A 25 T 13 McINTOSH, Dr. William Cannichael, F.R.S. Resources of the Sea, as shown in the Scientific Experiments to test the effects of Trawling and of the Closure of cer- tain areas off the Scottish Shores. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 30 T 25 Monograph of the British Annelids. [See Ray Soc, Pubs., 1898.) E McINTYRE, G. On the state of the Surveys in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 Q MACK, Marie Louise. [See Creed, Marie Louise.] MACKAIL, John William. Odvsseus in Phwacia. (Bibelot, 1897.) ' E Aglavaine and Selysette. [See Maeterlinck, M.] H 1 1 III 4 Life of William Morris. [See Morris, W\] C 25 S 9, 10 MACKAY, ^neas John George. History of Fife and Kinross. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. (County Histories of Scotland.) B 16 T 20 Historic and Cronicles of Scotland. [See Scottish Text Soc. Pubs., 42, 43.] E MACKAY, Alexander M. Sketch of. [5«eCreegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 MacKAY, Angus. [Life of] Rev. J. D. Lang. [Scs Mel- bourne Review, 3, 4.] ME 18 (.j MACKAY, Sir Donald James, Lord lleay. [See Reay, Lord.] MACKAY, Eric. The Lover's Missal. 18mo. Loud.,' 1897. il 11 ]' 38 McKAY, Frederic Edward, and WINGATE, Charles. Famous American Actors of To-dav. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896, ' C 23 Q 6 MACKAY, Rev. George Leslie. From Far Formosa : the Island, its People, and Missions. Edited by Rev. J. A. Macdonald. 8v(,. Edinb., 1896. 1) 17 S 13 MacKAY, J. K. Treatise on the Law relating to Bankers and Banking Companies. [See Grant, J.] F 13 R 17 MACKAY, John Charles. Light Railways for the United Kingdom, India, and the Colonies. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 21 U 11 MACKAY, Dr. John Yule. Human Anatomy. [See Cleland, Dr. John.] A 12 V 18 MACKAY, Kenneth. The Yellow Wave: a Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 Q 43 MACKiVY, Robert [oftener called Rob Donn and Robert Calder]. Songs and Poems in tlie Gaelic Language; Enlarged edition, containing .several Poems never before published ; with English Notes and a new JMeiiioir of the Poet by H. Morrison. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. H12R26 MACKAY, Thomas. Life of Sir John Fowler. [See Fowler, Sir J,] C 2G T 10 MACKAY, Thomas. Methods of Social Reform. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 8 V 9 The State and Charity. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 R 13 MACKAY, W. Boyd. Ruined Queensland : the Secret of her Downfall. (Westminster Review, 1895.) E McKAY, Dr. W. J. Stewart. Lawson Tait's Perineal Operations, and an Essay on Cui-ettage of the Uterus. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 V 1 McKEAGUE, John. Practical Irrigation. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. ^ MA 4 R 28 MACKECHNIE, Edmund A. The Influence of the Id&al. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S M'KECHNIE, William Sharp. The State and the Indi vidual : an Introduction to Political Science, with special reference to Socialistic and Individualistic Theories. 8vo. Glasgow, 1896. F 1 T 31 M'KENDRICK, Di-. .lohn Gray. Waves of Sound and Speech as revealed Ijv the Phonograph. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' A 23 T 42 H. L. F. von Ilehnholtz. [See Helmholtz, Dr. H. L. F. von.] C 23 R 15 MACKENZIE, Lieut.-Gen. Colin. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 Mackenzie, Fergus. Sprays of Northern Pine. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. ' ■ J 22 Q 27 384 Public Library of New South Wales, MACKENZIE, Dr. Hector William Gavin. Grave's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A -20 T 37 Phvsicul Siijns of the Diseases of the Lunfjs and Heart. (Allbutt,"Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Thvroid Gland. {See Ortl, Dr. W. M.] A 26 T 37 MACKENZIE, YLnnx. The :Man of Feeling. With Por- trait. l-2mo. Lond., 1893. J 24 S 36 MACKENZIE, Dr. James. Migraine. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 MACKENZIE, Sir James D. The Castles of England. Illustrated. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lend., 1897. B lOT 13, 14 t MACKENZIE, Dr. John Kenneth. Sketch of. ISee Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 MACKENZIE, Dr. Stephen. General Exfoliative Der- matitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Pitvriasis Rosea. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of iSIedi- cine.) A 26 T 41 Purpura. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Roseola. (AlUnitt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Mackenzie, William, and HANDFORD, Percy. Model Bye-laws, Rules and Regulations, under the Public Health and other Acts, with alternative and additiimal clauses. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 9 V 23, 24 McKEOWN, George Maurice. Broom Cora or Broom Millet. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Expei-iments with Fodders and Pasture Grasses at the Richmond River Experiment Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ' ME 9 R Experiments with Maize at the Richmond River Experi- ment Farm. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Experiments with Potatoes at the Richmond River Ex- periment Farm. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Fruits at Wollongbar Expei'imeiit Farm. (.\gricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Miscellaneous Sub-tropical Crops. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 PotJitoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Pumpkins, Squashes, Melons, kc. (Farmeis and Fruit- growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Rivcrina Notes. (Agr. (Jaz., N.S. W., 1 898.) ME 9 II Sweet Potatoes. (Farmers and I'^uit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Trials of Commercial Crops at Wollongbar Experiment Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S. W., 1897.) ME9R Trials of various Crops at Wagga Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R McKERROW, George. Economical Feeding. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 II M.\cKIE, Rev. G. M. Bible Manners and Customs. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 34 M.\cKIE, J. B. Life and Work of Duncan McLaren. [See McLaren, D.] C 24 P 4, 5 MacKIE, Rev. John Gordon. Sermons and Addresses. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MG 1 Q 66 MACKIE, S. J. Art Studies from Nature as applied to Design. [See Hulme, F. E.] A 45 T 21 McKIM, Dr. W. Duncan. Heredity and Human Progres.s. 8vo. New York, 1900. ' G24S16 McKINNEY, Hugh GifFen. Water Conservation Surveys in New South Wales. (Roy. Soe. of N.S.W., Journal, 1896.) ME 1 R The Wentworth Irrigation Scheme. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R MacKinnon, James. History of Edward III, 1327- 77. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 41 Q 7 The Union of England and Scotland : a Study of Inter- national History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 22 S 11 MACKINTOSH, Catherine AVinkworth. On the Thresh- old of Central Africa. [See Coillard, F.] D 13 U 2 MACKINTOSH, Rev. Robert. From Comte to Benjamin Kidd : the Appeal to Biology or E\'olution for Human tiuidance. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 V 4 MACKNIGHT, Thomas. Ulster as it is, or 28 years ex- perience as an Irish Editor. 2 vols. 8vo. L(md., 1896. F 14 U 34, 35 MacLACHL.VN, T. Banks. [Lif,. of] :Mun-o Park. [See Park, 1\!.] ' C20V8 McL.VREN, Alexander. A Rosary of Christian (Sraces. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 R 31 MACLAREN, Rev. Alexander. Tri\nii))hant Certainties and other Sermons. 8vo. i^ond., 1900. G 26 Q 1 McLAREN, Duncan. Life and Work of ; l)y J. B. Mac- Kie. 2 vcjIs. S\-o. T>oiid., 1888. " C 24 P 4, 5 " MACLAREN, Ian." [Se« Watson, Rev. John.] MACLARIW, J. M. Geology of Te Moehau. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Gold in the Coromandel District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) JME2S Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 385 McLARTY, F. M. Affairs of the Colony : being iTl! 21 McNAIR, Maj. J. F. A., and BAYLISS, AV. D. Prisoners their own Warders : a Record of the Con\ict Prison at Singapore, in the Straits Settlements, established 1825, discontinued 1873 ; together with a cursory History of the Convict Establishments at Bencoolen, Penang, and Malacca, from 1797. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.,^1899. F 6 U 8 MACNAMAR A, Nottidge Charles. Origin and Character of the British People. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 R 15 Sttiry of an Irish Sept : their Character and Struggle to maintain their Lands in Clare. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 34 T 17 ]SIacNAMARA, T. J. Education. (Sixty Years of Em- pire.) B 22 R 18 MacNAMAR A, Walter Henry. Paley's Law and Practice of Summary Con\ictions. \_See Paley, W.] F 9 P 67 INI'NAUGHT, D. Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Directory. '\_See Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Directory.] J 19 W 1 McN AUGHT, W. G. Music in Primary Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 9 MacNAGHTEN, R. E. Football. [See Shearman, M.] A 29 S 39 McNeill, Wllliam. Filter-press Treatment of Gold Ore Slimes (Hannan's Western Australia). (Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1897-98.) E ]\IACOUN, John. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. {See Canada.— Geolog. Surv.] A 20 V 25 MacPHAIL, J. R. N. The Arms of the Royal and Par- liamentary Burghs of Scotland. \_See Bute, Martjuess of.] K 17 S 25 t Letters written by Mrs. Grant, of Laggan, concerning Highland Affairs and persons comiected with the Stuart Cause in the 1 8th Century. \_See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 26.] E MacPHERSON, Hector Carsewell. Adam Smith. [See Smith, A.] C 20 V 15 Herbert Spencer, the man and his work. [See Spencer, H.] C 27 R 20 Life of Thomas Carl yle. [. Lond., 1899. G2UJ23 MAITLAND, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas. Sir Thomas Maitland : the Mastery of the Mediterranean ; by W. F Lord. 8vo. Loud., 1897. C 23 "S 10 MAITLAND CLUB. Registrum Monasterii de Passelet. Edited by Cosmos Innes. Sm. 4to. Passelet, 1877. G 15 T 25 MAITLAND DAILY MERCURY, The, 1890-Juue, 1900. 9 vols. fol. Maitland, 1896-1900. ME Siipplemenfari/ Catalogue — 1890-1900. 391 MAITLAND WEEKLY MERCURY, The, 189G-99. i vols. fol. ]\Iaitlaiid, 189G-'J'J. ME MAJENDIE, Sir Vivian Dcring. fJuidc-lxidk- to tlin Explosives Act, 1S75. [_See Great Britain and Ireland. —Home Office.] E 15 F 1.") MAJOII, Thomas. Leaves from a Squatter's Notebook. 8vo. Lond., 1900. MC 1 S 21 MAKARONY FABLES. [See " Cosmo."] H 9 T 30 MAKART, Hans. Illustrated Biography of. [&« Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of Modeili Artists.] C 1 P 17 t [Reproduction of his Pictures] The Wedding of Bacchus and Ariadne, and Charles V entering Antwerp. {^See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 \ MALAN, A. H. Famous Homes of Great Britain and their Stories. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 41 W 16 MALAN, Rev. Solomon Ciesar. Memorials of his Life and Writings ; by Rev. A. M. Malan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 2 MALDERGHEM, Jean Van. Les Fleurs do Lis de I'an- cienne Monarchic Frani^aise : leur Origine, leur Nature, leur Symbolisme. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894. K 17 T 13 La Verite .sur le Goedendag. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1895. " 1! 17 U 20 MALET, Sir Edward, and otlicrs. L'^nwritten Laws and Ideals of Active Careers. Edited by E. H. Pitcairn. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 S 9 MALLARME, Stephanc. Un Coup de Dcs jamais n'abolira le Hasard : Pocuie. (Cosmopolis, May, 1897.) E Divagations. 12mo. Pari.s, 1897. J 21 P 24 La Musique et les Lettres. 13mo. Paris, 1895. J 21 P 23 Pages. Frontispice par Renoir. Imp. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1891. J 21 U 15 Poesies. Frontispice par F. Rops. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. " H 12 V 1 Vers et Prose : Morceaux Choisis. 3rd ed. With Por- trait by J. M'Neill Whistler. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 21 P 22 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Sj'mons, A. — Symbol- ist Movement in Literature.] J 1 1 V 30 Les Po6mes d'Edgar Poe. [^Sm Poe, E. A.] H 1 V 19 [Translations from.] \_See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 Vathek reimprimc sur I'original franijais. {_See Beck- ford, W.] J 21 P 25 [Verses by.] [See Verlaino, P. — Les Poetes Maudits.] H 1 1 U 33 Villiers de I'lsle-Adam. [See Villiers de TLsle-Adam, P. A. M., Comtede.l J 21 P 26 MALLEE COUNTRY OF VICTORIA : being a short Account of the wonderful development of the Mallee Lands of Victoria, and giving full particulars of allot- ments for sale to intending selectors. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Mcll.. (n.d.) MD 8 R 52 MALLERY, Lieut.-Col. Garrick. Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North American Indians as illustrating the Gesture Speech of Mankind. 4 to. Wash., 1880. J 13 W 27 t MALLESON, Rev. Frederick Amadeus. Letters to the Clergy on the Lord's Prayer and the Church. [See Ruskin, John.] G 19 U 9 MALLESON, Col. George Bruce. History of the French in India, from the founding of Pondichery in 1674 to the ca[iture of that place in 1761. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 31 U 21 MALLET, Prof. J. W. Physiological Effect of Creatin and Creatinin and their value as Nutrients. [Set United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper Stns.] ' A 37 V 1 Report on an Investigation of Analytical Methods fov distinguishing between the Nitrogen of Proteids and that of the simpler amids or amido-acids. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 10 MALLET, Sir Louis. Reciprocity. 12mo. Lond., 1879. F 17 P 1 MxlLLOCK, William Ilurrcll. Aristocracy and Evolu tion : a Study of the Rights, the Origin, and the Social Functions of the Wealthier Classes. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 3 R 1 Classes and Masses ; or. Wealth, Wages, and Welfare in the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lend., 1896. F 8 V 14 Doctrine and Doctrinal Disruption : being an Examina- tion of the Intellectual Position of the Church of Eng land. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 S 19 A Human Document. New ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 23 U 1 The Old Order changes. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1887. J 23 S 15 MALLY, F. W. Report on the Boll Worm. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Entomology.] A37S7 The Boll Worm of Cotton : a Report of Progress in a Supplementary Investigation of this Insect. [See LTnited States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Ento- mology.] A 37 S 6 MALMESBURY, Lord. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 MALTBIE, Milo Roy. English Local Government of To- day : a Stud}' of the Relations of Central and Local Government. With Bibliography. 8\o. New York, 1897. (Columbia University. — Studies in History.) F 8 Q 27 392 Tiiblic Zibi'arj/ of Neio South Wales, MALTHUS, Rev. Thomas Robert. Observations on the effects of the Corn Laws, and of a Rise or Fall in the Price of Com on the Agriculture and General Wealth of the Country. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 18U. F17P4 MALTON, James. Picturesque and Descriptive View of the City of Dublin, with a brief authentic Story from the earliest accounts to the present time. Ob. fol. Lond., 179i. D 17 P 34 * "MAN IN THE IRON MASK, The." iSee Graham, James.] MF 4 Q 48 MANACEINE, Marie de. Sleep: its Physi(ilogy, Path- ology, Hygiene, and Psychology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 29 MAXARO MERCURY, Cooma and Bombala Advertiser, 1899. Fol. Cooma, 1899. ME MANATT, Dr. J. Irving. The Mycenfean Age. [5f« Tsountas, Dr. C] B 16 V 39 MANCHESTER, Alfred. [Life of] Caleb Davis Bradlee. iSee Bradlee, Dr. C. D.] C 20 S 9 MANCHESTER GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transac- tions. Vols. 14-lG, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 1875-82, 1884- 88, 1890-92, 1895-97. 8 vols. 8vo. Manchester, 1878-98. E MANCHESTER PUBLIC FREE LIBRARIES. Cata- logue of the Alexander Ireland Collection in the Free Reference Libary. Compiled by J. H. Swann. 8vo. Manchester, 1898. Cat. Room The Free Library Movement in Manchester; by \V. R. Credland. 8vo. Manchester, 1895. J 15 V 31 The Manchester Public Free Libraries : a History and Description and Guide to their contents and use ; by W. R. Credland. Illustrated. 8vo. Manchester, 1899. Cat. Room MANDEL, Prof. John A. H and-book for the Bio-Chemical Lalxjratory. 8vo. New York, 189G. A 21 R 40 MANDEVILLE, Sir John. [See Maundcville, Sir J.] MANDIS, J. Manual of Practical Operations connected with the Cultivation, ife of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Miitcm. [Atwn.] 3rliant, Margaret O. -Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 Suj)plcmentary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 393 MANNING, Dr. Frederick Nnrton. Report on Lunatic Asylums. 8vo. -Sydney, 186s. MA 5 S 1 MANNING, Henry Edward, Cardinal. Th,>..l(>-ical Teach ing in a University. (Internat. Health Exhib. — - Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 Cardinal Manning as pre.sented in his own Letters and Notes; by Stanley Roanier. 8vo. L(jnd., 1896. C 20 U 17 Life of; by E. S. Purcell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 22 Q .3, 4 Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 'Sketch of.] [See Russell. G. W. E.— Collections and Recollections.] C 2.5 P 13 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. — Reminiscences.] C 25 T 6 MANNING EI V-EJi TIMES, I8dd. Fol. Taree, 1899. ME HANSEL, Prof. Henry Longueville. Metaphysics ; or, the Philosophy of Consciousness, phenomenal and real. 8vo. Edinb., 1866. G 14 S 32 The Philosophy of the Conditioned ; comprising some Remarks on Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and on Mr. J. S. Mill's examination of that Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1866. G 14 S 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Limits of Religious Thought. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 MANSERGH, James. Sources of Water Supply. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 MANSFIELD, Richard. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 MANSFORD, C. Training of Teachers. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 MANSON, E. The Builders of our Law during the Reign of Queen Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 189.5. F 8 R 19 MANSON, John. The Alps and the Pyrenees. [See Hugo, v.] D 18 Q 33 MANSON, Marsden. Observations on the Denudation of Vegetation. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R MANSON, Dr. Patrick. Ainhum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Beriberi. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Craw-craw. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Dengue. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 I^atah. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 3d MANSON, Dr. Patrick— cort(!j. Negro Lethargy or Slccj)ing Sickness. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Sprue, or Psilosis. (.Vllbutt, Di-. T.C.— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 36 Tropical Diseases: a Manual of Diseases of W/irm Climates. Illust. 8vo. Lcmd., 1898. A 40 T 7 Worms — Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Malaria. [See Celli, Prof. A.] A 45 U 29 MANUALS OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF TEACHING. Cultivation of the Senses. [Sec National Soc] (; 15 U .37 Discipline. [See National Society.] (i 15 U 37 Class Teaching. [See National Society.] G 15 U 37 MANUFACTURE OF COTTONSEED OIL and allied Products, including Cake, Meal Foods, Soap Stock, ic. 8vo. New York (n.d.) A 33 P 23 MANUIRI. The Story of the Visit of Tonga iti to Raro- tonga. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1896.) ME 6 li MAPLESTONE, C. M. Further Descriptions of the Ter- tiary Polyzoa of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria. Pt 1. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.) ME 1 P MAR, Alexander del. [See Del JIar, A.] MAR, John Erskine, 11th Earl of. The Earl of Mar's Legacies to Sccjtiand and to his son Lord Erskine, 1722-27. Edited from the original MS. at Alloa House ; with a Biographical Introduction and Notes by the Hon. Stuart Erskine. [See Scottish History Soc. Pubs., 26.] E [Memoirs of.] [Set Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 2 MAR AK, Julius. Waldeinsamkeit : Zwiilf Landschaft- liehe Stimmungsbilder. [See Scheffel, J. V. von.] H 12 R 19 MARCELLINUS, Ammianus. [See Ammiauus Marcelli- nus.] MARCH, Dr. Francis Andrew. Comparati\"e Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language, in which its forms are illus- trated Ijy those of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, Old Saxon, Old Friesic, Old Norse, and Old high-Ger- man. 8vo. New York, 1875. J 14 S 22 MARCH, Thomas. History of the Paris Commune of 1871. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 34 R 7 MARCllANT, William. Romantic India. [See Chev- rillon, Andre.] D 17 T 29 394 Public Librm^y of Neto ^oiith Wales. MARCHBANKS, J. Artesian Wells at Longburn. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S MARCHESI, Mme. Mathilda. Marchesi and Music : Passages from the Life of a famous Singing-teacher. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 U 3 MARCHMONT, Frederick. The three Cruikshanks : a Bibliographical Catalogue describing more than 500 works illustrated by Isaac, George, and Robert Cruik- shank ; with Introduction by J. Moore. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 R 4 MARCOU, Jules. Life, Letters, and Works of Louis Agassiz. [See Agassiz, Louis.] C 22 S 14, 15 MARCROFT, William. A Cooperative Village : how to conduct it, and where to form it. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 MARCUSE, Adolf. The Hawaiian Islands. Translated by Helen H. Smith. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Jan., 1894.) E MARGARET OF ANJOU, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] ISee Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARGARET, Queen of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Margaret, Queen of Denmark. \_See Hill, Marv.] B"20 Q 1 MARGERIE, A. de. St. Francis of Sales. Translated by Margaret Maitland ; with a Preface by G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (The Saints.) G 2G Q 2 MARGHERITA, Queen of Italy. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countes,s A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 MARGOLIOUTH, George. Descriptive List of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. in the British INIuseum. [See British Museum.] K 11 Q 4 MARGOLIS, Maximilian Leopold. C-een the Zinciferous Sulphide Ores and the Oxidised Ores of the Broken Hill lodes. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P ?iIARSII, Dr. Herbert. Two Seasons in Switzerland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 18 S 16 MARSH, Narcissus, Archbisliop of Dublin. [Lectures on.] [See Stokes, Rev. G. T.— Some Worthies of the Irish Church.] G 25 T 7 396 Public Library of New South Wales. MARSHALL, A. D. [_See Ramsay, A. D.] MARSHALL, Alfred. Inaugural Address, delivered at the twenty -first Annual Cooperative Congress, 1889. 12mo. Manchester, 1889. F IG S 14 MARSHALL, Prof. Arthur Milnes. Biological Lectures and Addresses. Edited by C. F. Marshall. 8vo. Lend., 1897. A 28 P 34 Lectures on the Darwinian Theory. Edited by C. F. Marshall. Illust. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 38 V G IVLIRSHALL, :Mrs. Emma. A Biographical Sketch; by Beatrice Marshall. 8vo. Lond.,'l900. C 2G U 6 Miss Tucker and Mrs. Ewing. (Oliphant, Margaret 0. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 MARSHALL, Henry Rutgers. Instinct and Reason : an Essay concerning the relations of Instinct to Reason, with some special Study of the Nature of Religion. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 17 T 32 MARSHALL, Surg.-Maj. J. J. de Zouche. Stretcher Drill illustrated, including Hand, Seat, and Wagon Drill. 18mo. Lond., 1898. A 2G P 34 MARSHALL, John. The Bogus " Rush " at Coolgardie. (Wide World Mag., Sept., 1899.) E MARSHALL, Julien. Catalogue of Engraved National Portraits in the National Art Librarv. [_Sce National Art Library.] " A 3G T 28 MARSHALL, P. New Zealand Diptera. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S MARSHALL, T. W. Boundaries and Fences in their legal a.spect. \_See Vernon, A. — EstateFences.]A39P27 MARSHALL-HALL, George Walter Lorenzo. [See Hall, G. W. L. Marshall-.] MARSHMAN, John Clarke. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 MARSON, Rev. Charles Latimer. The Church and the Democratic Idea. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) Fir)P29 MARSTON, Edward, " A Publisher." Copyright, National and International : with .some Romaiks «n the Position of Authors and I'ulilisher.s. 8vo. Lond., 1887. F 7 P 25 MARSTON, John. Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.-^Old Dramatists.] 11 11 R 13 MARSTON, Joh,i. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, II. L.— State Trials.] 1' 1 2 S 32 MARSTON, Robert Bright. Coarse Fish Culture. (Inter- nal Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 6 Cultivation of Freshwater Fish other than Salmonidw. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 1 1 War, Famine, and our Food Supply. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 4 T 21 ]\Iechanical Traction in War. [.S'cc Layriz, Lieut.-Col. O.] A 34 S 2 " MARTELLO TOWER." At School and at Sea; or, Life and Character at Harrow, in the Royal Navy, and in the Trenches before Sebastopol. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 26 R 22 INIARTEN, Henry J. Mode of Distribution, with Re- marks on Dual Supply. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 jMARTENSEN, H., Bishop of Zealand. Christian Ethics. Translated by C. Spence, Sophia Taylor, and W. Affleck. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) G 3 U 11-13 MARTHA, Jules. Catalogue des Figurines en Terre Cuite du Musee de la Societe Archeologique d'Athenes. 8vo. Paris, 1880. K 8 R 27 MARTIN, Arthur Patcliett. Beginnings of an Australian Literature. AVith Portrait. 8vo. Loud., 1898. MJ 3 S 30 Bi-et Harte in relation to Modern Fiction. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Charles Lamli on Stage Representations. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q The Drama as a Fine Art. (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q England, 1877-78. (Melbourne Review, 2, 3.) ME 18 Q The Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh. (Melbourne Review, G.) ME 18 Q The ]\ran from Bot'ny. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 A Russian Romance. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Walter Bagehot's Literary Studies. (]\Ielbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q The Withered Jester, and other Verses. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MH 1 V 9 An Australian Humourist (Percy Oswald Tanner). [See Melliourne Review, 5.] ME 18 Q An English Humourist (Robert Louis Stevenson). [See Melbourne Review, 5.] ME 18 Q A Glance at the Life of Bcranger. [See Melbourne Review, 3.] ' ME 18 Q [Life of] Thomas Carlyle. [See Melb. Review, 6.] ME 18 Q [Life of] President Garfield. [See Melb. Rev., 6.] ME 18 Q Two Australian Poets (Rrunton Ste])hcns and Adam Lind.say Gordon). [See Melb. Review, 5.] ME 18 Q MARTIN, Benjamin Ellis, and Charlotte M. The Stones of Paris in History ami Letters. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 26 R 22, 23 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 307 MARTIN, Dr. Charles James. An Explanation of the inark(j(l difforcnce in the effects produced by subcu- taneous and intravenous injection of the venom of Australian Snakes. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1 SOC.) ME 1 R Further Observations concerning the relation of the Toxin and Anti-Toxin of iSnake-venoni. (Roy. Soc, Lond., Proc, 1898-99.) E History of the relations between Morphology and Physi- ology during the last fifty years. (Australasian Assoc. for Adv. of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Note on a method of separating Colloids from Crystal- loids by filtration. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Report on an Investigation into the EfTects of Darling Pea upon Sheep. (Agr. tiaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R A Platypus from the Intra-uterine Egg. [^See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.] " ME 2 P -, and CALMETTE, Dr. A. Snake-poison and Snake-bite. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine. A 20 T 35 , and CHERRY, Dr. Thomas. Nature of the antagonism between Toxins and Antitoxins. (Roy. Soc, Lend., Proc, 1898.) E MARTIN, Charlotte M. and Benjamin Ellis. The New York Press and its Makers in the 18tli Century. (Goodwin, Maud Wilder. — Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* MARTIN, E. C. A New Penal System. (Melliourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q [Sketch of] Hon. Graham Berry. [See Once a !Month, Sept., 1885.] MJ 1 V 21 MARTIN, Dr. Edward. Diseases of the Prepuce, Glans Penis, and Testicles. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 10 Obstructions of the Intestines. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 The Present Treatment of Syphilis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 MARTIN, Edward S. Country Clubs and Hunt Clul)s in America. (Out-of-door Lilj.) A -10 Q 1 MARTIN, Elizabeth Gilbert. The Court of the Second Empire. \_See Imbert de Saint Amand, A. L., Baron.] B 30 Q 18 France and Italy. [See Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L., Baron.] B 36 Q 19 Louis Napoleon and Mdllc. de iNluntijo. [See Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L., Baron.] B 26 R 26 Napoleon III and his Court. [See Imbert de Saint- Amand, A. L., Baron.] B 26 R 25 MARTIN, Geoffrey. [Life of] Frances Howard, Countess of Somerset. [See Somerset, Countess of.] C 24 Q 20 MARTIN, Harriette Anne [Mrs. A.P.] An Australian Rose. (Fisher, L.- By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 Cross Currents. (Fisher, L. — -By Creek and Gullv.) MJ 3 R 33 MARTIN, Ladv 1 fclena Saville (Helen Faucit). [Portrait of.] [See Si.xty Years of Empire] B 22 R 18 MARTIN, Sir James. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Month, 1857.) ME 3 P [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait Gallei-y.] MC 4 P 4 t MARTIN, Dr. Sidney. Poisoning by Food (Ptomaine Poisoning). (AUbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Tulicrculosis. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 MARTIN, Capt. Stephen. Life of. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 5.1 E MARTIN, Sir Theodore. Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G17T18 ^neid of Virgil. [See Virgilius Maro, P.] H 10 W 9 Vita Nuova of Dante. [See Dante Alighieri.] H 13 S 2 ]MARTIN, Sir Thomas Byan. Life and Letters of. [See Navy Records Soc, Pubs., 12.] E MARTIN, Thomas Commerford, and SACHS, Joseph. Electrical Boats and Navigation. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 21 r 15 MARTIN, Rev. William Alexander Parsons. The Chi- nese : their Education, Pliilosophv, and Letter.s. 8vo. New York, 1898. " A 41 T 10 A Cycle of Cathay ; or, China, South and North. Illus- trated 8vo. Edinb., 1896. D 17 S 17 "MARTIN MARPRELATE." The Marprelate and Anti-Marprelate Libels. (Deanner, Rev. P. — Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 MARTIN'S HOME AXD FARM: a Monthly Journal for Australian Farmers. Vols. 8-13, 1894-99. 6 vols, fol. Sydney, 1894-99. ME 16 T MARTINDALE, William. The Extra Pharmacopeia, revised in accordance with the British Pharmacopteia, 1898 ; with a Therapeutic Index by W. W. Westcott. 18mo. Lond., 1898. A 26 P 33 MARTINEAU, Harriet. [Criticism of the W(.rks of.] [See Craik, Henry.--English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Employments for Women. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Hornes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 39S FiiMic Library of New South Wales. MARTINEAU, Rev. James. Essays, Reviews, and Ad- dresses. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890-91 JUT 27-30 • 1. Personal, Political. 2. Ecclesiastical, Historical. 3. Theological, Pliilosophical. 4. Academical, Religious. A Biography and Study; bv A. AY. Jackson. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " ' C -27 U 7 Ethical System of James Martineau. \_See Hertz, J. H.] G 26 T 10 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 MARTINS, Oliveira. The England of to-day Translated from the Portuguese by C. J. Willdey. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D18Q22 MARTYN, Carlos. Jolin B. Gough, tlie Apostle of Cold "Water. [See Gough, John B.] C 20 U 10 Wendell Phillips, tlie Agitator. [See Phillips, "Wendell.] C 20 U 1 "William E. Dodge, the Christian Merchant. [See Dodge, "William E.] C 20 U 3 MARTYN, Edward. The Heather Field, and Maeve ; with an Introduction by G. Moore. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1899. H 12 T 7 MARTORELL, Don ^Miguel Cuni y. [See Cuni y Marto- rell, Don M.] MAR"VELL, Andrew. Es.say on. [See Benson, A. C. — Essays.] J 10 R 43 MARVIN, Prof. Charles P. Instructions for use of com- bined maximum and minimum Soil Thermometers. [See L^nited States. — Dopt. of Agricult. — -Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 32 Instructions for the use of niaxinmm and minimum Radiation Thermometers. [See United States. — Dept. of x\gricult. — Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 33 MARX, Karl. The Eastern Question : a Reprint of Letters written 1853-.'J6, dealing with the events of the Crimean War. Edited by E. M. and E. Aveling. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E 13 Q 36 Secret Diplomatic History of the 18tli Century. Edited l)y Ills daughter, Eleanor Marx Aveling. Svo Lond., 1899. F 15 P 41 Story of the Life of Lord Palmerston. Edited by Eleanor Marx Aveling. 12mo. Lond., 1899. F 15 P 40 Reyolution and Counter-Revolution ; or, Geiinany in 1848. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 27 Q 7 Value, Price, and Profit. Edited by Eleanor ^M.irx Aveling. 12ino. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 26 Karl Marx and the Close of his System. [See Bohm- Bawerk, K von.] F 15 Q 25 MARY I, Queen of England. [Life of]; by R. Davey. With Portrait. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) C 23 R 9 [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARY II, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.! C 23 S 7 MARY ADELAIDE, Princess, Duchess of Teck. Memoir of, based on her private Diaries and Letters ; by C. K. Cooke. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 T 12, 13 MARY BEATRIX OF MODENA, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Mary Queen of Scots, from her birth to her flight into England : a brief Biography, with Critical Notes, a few Documents hitherto unpublished, and an Itinerary by D. H. Fleming. 8yo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 17 M ARYL AN D : — State Departments. — Reports and Fubli- catloiis. Agricultural College. The Maryland Agricultural College Announcement, 1897-98. "Svo. (n.p.) 1898. E MARYSIENKA, Queen of Poland. Mary.sienka : Marie de la Grange d'Arquien, Queen of Poland, 1641-1716 ; by K. Waliszewski. Translated by Lady Mary Loyd. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 26 R 4 MASC ARENAS, Dr. D. Eugenio, and LINDE, Dr. F. El Aire Liciuido. 8vo. Barcelona, 1900. A 45 U 19 MASKELL, Alfred, and DEMACHY, Robert. Photo- Aquatint or the Gum-bichromate Process : a Practical Treatise on a new Process of Printing in Pigment, especially suitable for Pictorial Workers. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 41 Q 20 MASKELL, William Miles. Coccid Notes. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895-97.) ME 2 S Notes on some Genera and Species of Coccidse. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Aug., 1895.) E On some Tick-panisites of the Kiwi. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Some Austr.alian Insects of the Family Psyllid.-e. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S INIASKELYNE, John Nevil. IModprn Spiritu.alism : a short Account of its Rise .and Progress, with some Exposures of so-called Spirit Media. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 15 U 13 MASON, Alfiod Bishop, .-ind Mary Murdoch. The Four- teen Miles Round. (Gooihvin, iM. W. — Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 Sv^plemenlary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 399 MASON, Rev. Arthur James. The Mi.ssion of St. Augus- tine to England, according to the original documents : being a Hand-book for tlie 13th Centenary. 8vo. Camb., 1897. G 11 U 19 [Life of] Thomas Cranmer. [See Craniner, T.] C 23 S 19 MASON, Charlotte M. Parents and Children. 8\(.. Lond., 1897. G 17 T 7 MASON, Edward Campbell. The Veto Power : its Origin, Development, and Function in the Government of the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1891. (Harvard Univ. Pubs. — Harvard Hist. Monographs.) F 15 V 1 • MASON, James. Annual Summary : a complete Chronicle of Events at Home and Abroad, 1875-76. 8vo. Lend., 1876. K 7 P 12 MASON, L. Breeding of Sheep and Improvement of Wool. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 MASON, Dr. R. Osgood. Telepathy and Suliliminal Self : an Account of recent Investigations regarding Hyp- notism, Automatism, Dreams, Phantasms, and related phenomena. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G11U17 MASON, T. Account of the Plants growing at "The Gums," Taita. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S MASON, Lieut. Theodorus B. M. The AVar on the Pacific Coast of South America between Chile asid the allied Republics of Peru and Bolivia, 1879-81. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. B 19 T 16 MASON, Thomas. Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, 1550-1619. [See Harleian Soc, Registers, 25.] E MASON, Prof. William P. Examination of Water, Chemi- cal and Bacteriological. 12rao. New York, 1899. A 45 R 16 Water-supply ; considered principally from a sanitary standpoint. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 22 T 5 MASON-BEATTY, A. E. [See Beatty, A. E. Mason-.] JIA.SOJIC GUIDE OF .YjEW SOUTH IV.UES. Com- piled by G. S. Jacobs. Sm. -Ito. Sydney, 1 890. MG 2 U 39 MASONIC YEAR-BOOK AND DIRECTORY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1892. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1892. MG 2 U 40 MASPERO, Prof. Gaston Camille Chai-les. The Struggle of the Nations : Egypt, Syria, and Assyria. Edited bv A. H. Sayce, and translated by M. L. McClui-e. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1890. ' B 17 U 18 MASSACHUSETTS -.—State Departments— Reports and rublicat'wns. Adjutant-General. Annual Reports, 1862-65, 1875, 1885, 1889-91, 1893-97. 14 vols. 8vo. Bo.ston, 1863-98. E Almhouse at Tewksbury. Annual Reports of Inspec- tors, l,s71-76, 18^5-91, 1893-98. 19 vols. 8vo. iSoston, 1872-99. E Attorney-Gteneral. Annual Reports, 1886-90, 1892-97. lU vols. 8vo. Boston, 1887-98. E Auditor of Accounts. Reports, 1875, 1882-96. 8vo. Boston, 1876-97. E Board of Agriculture. Annual Reports, 1853, 1855- 50, 1S59-7S, 18S5-91, 1893-97, and Index, 1853-77. 33 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1854-98. E The Gypsy Moth : Report of the work of destroying the Insect in the Commonwealth of Ma.ssachusetts, together with an Account of its History and Habits, b(Ah in Jilassachusetts and Europe ; by E. H. Forbush and C. H. Fernald. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1896. A 38 P 11 Board of Arbitration. Annual Rejjort, 1887; 8vo. Boston, 1888. E Board of Commissioners of Savings Banks. Anjiual Reports. 1875, 1888-93, and pt. 1, 1898. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1876-99. E Board of Education. Annual Reports, together with Annual Reports of Secretary of the Board, 1850-59, 1863-64, 1868-75, 188-5-89, 1891-92, 1896-97. 21 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1852-98. E Massachusetts System of Common Schools : being an en- larged and re\ised edition of the 10th Annual Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education. 8vo. Boston, 1849. E Board of Health. Annual Reports, 1871-76, 1878, 1886-87, 1889-90, 1892-93. 13 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1872-94. E Annual Reports of the State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity, Supplements, 1880, 1884-86, containing Reports on Public Health. [See Board of Lunacy and Charity.] Board of Lunacy and Charity. Annual Reports, 1880, 1884-88, 1891, 1893, 1894-95. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1881-96. E Board of Railroad Commissioners. Annual Reports, 1872-74, 1876-77, 1887-91, 1893-07. 15 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1872-98. E Returns of the Railroad Corporations in Massachusetts, 1864, 1869. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1865-70. E Board of State Charities. Annual Reports, 1864-74, l<-<77-7s. 13 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1865-79. E 400 Tublic Zibraiy of New South Wales. MASSACHUSETTS— co^^f/. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Annual Reports, 1870, 1872-73, 1876-84, 188G-90, 1892-93, 1897-99. 19 vols. Svo. Boston, 1871-99. E Annual Statistics of Manufactures, 1886-98. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-99. E Census. Census of Massacliu.sett.s, 1875, 1880. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1876-83. E Commissioners on Inland Fisheries and Game. Annual Reports, 188.5-88, 1890-91, 1893-98. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-99. E Danvers Lunatic Hospital. Annual Reports of Trus- tees, 1894-98. 5 \ols. 8vo. Boston, 1895-99. E Farm at Bridgewater. Annual Reports of Trustees, 1887-9.3, 1895, 1897-98. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1888-99. E Free Public Library Commission. Reports, 1894, 1896-97. Svo. Boston, 1894-97. E Gas and Electric Light Commissioners, Annual Report, 1889. 8vo. Boston, 1890. E Harbor and Land Commissioners. Annual Reports, 1895-98. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896-99. E Highways. Report of the Commission to improve the Hifjhwavs of the Commonwealth, 1893. 8vo. Boston, 1893. ' F 13 U 17 Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1894-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1895-96. E Library. Reports of Librarian of State Library, and Annual Supplements to General Catalogue, 1880, 1884-97. 15 vols. Svo. Boston, 1881-98. E Lyman and Industrial Schools, formerly Primary and Reform Scliools. Annual Reports of Trustees, 1883- 91, 1893-97. 14 vols. Svo. Bo.ston, 1884-98. E Northampton Lunatic Hospital. Annual Reports of Trustees, l.ssi-'.)l, 1S'.J3 98. 8vo. Boston, 1885-99. E Perkins Institution. Annual Reports of Trustees of Perkins Institution and IMassachusctts School for the Blind, 1885-98. 14 vols. Svo. Boston, 1886-99. E Primary and Reform Schools. [See Lyman and In- dustrial Schools, under this heading.] Prisons. Annual Report of the Connnissioners, 1885 88, 1S9U-91, 1893 97. 11 vols. Svo. Boston, 1886-98. E Registration Reports. Annual Repoits of Births, Mar- riiige.s, and Deaths, 1842-47, 1848-49, 1852, 1855, 1K57 59, 1862-75, 1880-97. 44 vols. 8vo. Boston, IJ 13-98. E Sanitary Comini.ssion. lleport of a General Plan for tli(^ promotion of Public and Personal Health, devised, ]ircpareii, and recommended by the Comnii.ssion<'rs, relating to a Saiiitaiy Survey of the State. Svo. Bo.ston, 1850. A 39 Q 17 .AlASSACHUSETTS— eoN/J. School for Feeble-minded. Annual Reports of Trus- tees, 1870-76, 1880, 1889-91, 1893-98. Svo. Boston, 1871-99. E Secretary. Abstracts of the Certificates of Corporations organized under the General Laws of Massachusetts, together witli the Annual Returns required by chapter 106 of the Public Statutes, 1885-97. 13 vols. Svo. Boston, 1886-98. E Aggregates of Polls, Property, Taxes, itc, 1876-91, 189.3-9S. 22 vols. Svo. Boston, 1877-99. E Statistics. Statistical information relating to certain branches of Industry in Mas.sachusetts, 1837, 1845, 1855, 1865. 4 vols. Svo. Boston, 1838-66. E Taunton Lunatic Hospital. Annual Reports of Trus- tees, 1885-91, 1893-98. 13 vols. Svo. Bo.ston, 1886- 99. E Tax Commissioner. Reports, 1890-97. 8 vols. Svo. Boston, 1891-98. E Treasurer and Receiver-General. Reports, 1885-97. 13 vols. Svo. Boston, 1886-98. E Westborough Insane Hospital. Ainmal Reports of Trustees, 1891-94, 1896. 5 vols. Svo. Boston, 1892- 97. E Worcester Lunatic Hospittl. Annual Reports of Trustees of the Worcester Lunatic Hospital and the Worcester Insane A.sylum, 1894-98. 5 vols. Svo. Boston, 1895-99. E Workhouse at Bridgewater. Annual Reports of Trus- tees, 1881-86. 3 \ols. Svo. Boston, 1885-87. E MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pro- ceedings. Vol.11. 2nd scr., 1896-97. Svo. Boston, 1897. . E MASSART, Jean. Evolution by Atrophy in Biology and Sociology. [See Dcmoor, J.] A 41 T 25 MASSEE, George. Fungus Flora of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Text-book of Plant Diseases caused by Cryptogamic Parasites. Illust. Svo. Loud., 1899. A 20 11 19 MASSENA, Andre, Prince of Essling. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bona- parte.] H 1 T 15 MASSINGER, Philii). Believe as you list. [See Percy Soc.] H II S 29 [Criticism of the Woi-ks of.] [See Symons, A.' — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 M VSSON, Frederic. Josephine, Em|)ress and (Jueen. [See Josephine, Empress of the French.] C 20 R 7 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 401 MASSON, Oustaxc French Literature. 12ino. Ltind, 1888. (Dawn of European Literature.) .1 :i4.Si:i Mazarin. 8vo. Lond., 1880. (Homo Lib.) B 28 Q l MASSON, Prof. Orine. Classitieaticju of the Cliemical Eh-nients. 8vo. Loud., 189G. A 21 P 40 -, and KIKKLAND, J. B. The Preparation of Alkyl-Sulphine, Seleiiine, and Phosphoniuni Salt.s. (Roy. Soc, Viet., Trans., 1.) ME 21 T MASSON, Kosaliue. Polloiv and Aytoun. [See PoUok, R.] " C 20 V U MASTER MUSICIANS. Bach ; by C. F. A. WilliiUii.s. [Sec. lUcli, .1. 8.J (' 27 (,) 4 Beethoven ; liv F. J. Crowest. [.S'ce Uecllinvi-n, L. van. | C 27 (,! .-{ Wagner ; l)y C. A. Liilgoy. [,s'tc ^Vllglu•r, K.] C Ti Q 2 MASTER]MAN, Cliarles Frederick Guriiev. Tenny.son as a Religious Teacher. 8vo. Unid., 1 900. G 25 S T MASTERMAN, Rev. J. Howard B. The Age of Milton ; with an Introduction by J. Bass Mullinger. 12mo. Lund., 1897. (Hand-books of Eng. Lit.) J 11 P 32 MASTERS OF MEDICINE. }{. L. F. von Helmhoh/,; l.y I'l'- J. *'■ M'Kuudrirk. f.SVc Helinholtz, Ur. H. L. F. voii.J (J 23 R l.j 8ir B. C. Brodie ; by T. Hobiics. [.s'ce Brodic, .Sir B. C] C 23 R 14 Thomas 8\'doidiaiii ; 1>\' Dr. .J. F. Paviie. [See Sydeuhani, 1)i: f.] ■ ■ C 23 R lU William Harvi-v ; l)y D'Aicy I'dwer. [.S'ee Harvey, Dr. W.J ■ ' ■ C'23R11 MASY, Paul. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 20 U 2 MATAS, Dr. Rudolph. Diseases of the Pleura. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — Sv.steni of Practical Thera])eutics. ) A 31 P l.j MATER, Dr. George G. van. [See Van Mater, Dr. G. G.] MATHESON, Ewing. Aid-l)ook to Engineering Enterpri.se. 3rd ed. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 T 14 MATHESON, Percy Ewing. Matriculation, Responsions, and the Higher Certiticate Exaininati(jn. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 1,^ MATHEW, Gerva.se F. De.scriptions and Life-histories of new species of Rlnjpalocera from the Western Pacific. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1889.) E Descriptions of some ne\y species of Rhopalocera from the Solomon Islands. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1887.) E Life-histories of Rhopalocera frv ! York, 1895 A 44 S 16 | MATTHEWS, Charies P., and SHEARER, John. Prob- lems and Questions in Physics. t*vo. New York, 1897. A 24 T 34 MATTHEWS, H. The means by which School Instruction may be made to contribute most effectively to the material advancement of the Colony. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 T 20 MATTHEWS, J. W. Jean Jacques Rou.sseau and the Cosmopolitan Spirit in Literature. \See Texte, Prof. J.] J 23 V 36 MATTHEWS, James Brander. Americanisms and Briti- cisms, with other Essays on other i.sms. 18mo. New York, 1892. " J 1 R 47 Aspects of Fiction, and other Ventures in Criticism. 8vo. New York (n.d.) J 22 T 45 Bookbindings Old and New : Notes of a Book-lo\er. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 P 10 Comedies for Amateur Acting, with a Prefatory Note on Private Theatricals. 18mo. New York, 1880! H 12 P 6 The Decision of the Court. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1893. H 12 P 27 A Family Tree, and other Stoi-ies. 8vo. New York, 1889. J 22 R 36 Frank Wvlde. (Matthews, J. B. — Comedies for Amateur Acting") H 12 P 6 French Dramatists of the 19th Century. New ed. 8vo. New York, 1891. " H 12 R 1 In the Vestibule, Limited. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1892. J 1 R 49 Introduction to the Study of American Literature. 8vo. New York, 1896. J 22 R 37 Outlines in Local Colour. Illustrated. 8y<). New Y(n-k, 1898. J 22 R 41 Poems of American Patriotism. 8vo. New York, 1882. H 12 R 2 The Royal Marine lllush-.it.Ml. ISm,,. New York, 1894. J 1 R 36 Secret of the Sea. 8vo. New York, 1886. J 22 R 39 The Story of a Story, and other Stories. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. J 21 P 36 Studies of the Stage. 1 8mo. New York, 1894. H 1 2 P 7 Theatres of I'aris. Jlluslraled. 12mo. New York, 1880. H 12 Q 1 Tliis Picture and that. Illusti-aled. ISmo. Now York 1894. H 12 P 28 Tom Pauling : the Story of a search for Imried treasui-e in the streets of New York. Tllustratinl. 8vo. New York, 1892. J 22 R 42 Vignettes of Manhattan. llhisti-ated. Svo. New York, 1H94. .1 22 1! 38 , and .II'ISSOI", George 11. A Tale of twenty-five hours. 12mo. New York, 1892. J 1 R 29 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 408 MATTOS, Alexftiulin- Teixciia de. Memoirs of Marnhal Oudinot. [See Oudinot, Marshal N. C] C 21 U 13 Recollections of Alexis de Toqueville. [See TociiuevilJc, Alexis dc] LM2T25 MATURIN, Charles Robert. Melmoth, the Wanderer. New ed., from the original Text, with a Memoir and Bibliograpliy of Maturin's Works. 3 vols. 12nio. Lond.i l.^i)2. J 23 r 10-12 MAU, August. Pompeii : its Life and Art. Tran.slated by F. W. Kelsoy. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New- York, 1899. R -11 S 3 MAUDE, Aylmer. What is Art? [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count.] A 23 P AH MAUDE, Cyril. [Art of Acting.] [See Hannnerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art] H 1 S 31 MAUDSLEY, Dr. Henry. Natural Causes and Super- natural Seemings. 3rdcd. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 S 39 MAUORAS, Gaston. The Due de Lauzun and the Courts of Louis XV anil Marie Antoinette. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-9G. B 34 R 8, 9 MAULDE LA CLAVIERE, R. de. The Women of the Renaissance. Translated by G. H. Ely. 8v(>. Lond., 1900. F19T8 MAULT, A. Antarctic Exploration. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q Notes on a MS. Chart in the British Mu.seum .showing Tasmau's Tracks in the Voyage of 1G42-44. (Pujv. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q MAUNDER, E. Walter. Notes on the Zodiacal Light. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 S 28 The Recent Eclipse. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 S 28 Some Astronomical Records in ancient Chinese Books. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 19 S 28 MAUNDEVILE, Sir John. The Marvellous Adventures of, 1356. Edited by A. Layard. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 19 S 2 MAUPASSANT, Henri Rene Albert Guy de. Pierre and Jean. Translated by Clara Bell ; \^'ith Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 23 U 14 Mavipassant and the Fin de Siecle Women. [See Hans- son, Laura Marhohn. — We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 [Study of.] [See Burv, Y. B. de. — French Literature of To-day.] " J 23 R 20 ALVURTCE, Charles Edmund. Bohemia, from tlie Earliest Times to the Fall of National Independence in 1620 ; with a short Summary of Later Events. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 R 47 MAURICE, Rev. Fredei-ick Denison. The Prayer-book considered especially in reference to the Romish sys- tem. 8vo. Lond., 1880. G 19 U 20 [Sketch of.] [See Churcli, R. W,, Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 [Sketch of.] [See Haweis, Rev. H. R.— The Dead Pulpit.] G 19 T 21 Theological Essays. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occa- sional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Three Letters concerning Ruskin's " Notes on the Con- struction of Sheepfolds." [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 MAURICE, Maj.-Gen. John Frederick. National De- fences. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 22 'W^ar. Reproduced, with amendments, from the article in the last edition of the " Encyclopiedia Britannica;" to which IF, added, an Essay on Military Literature, and a list of books with brief comments. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 32 R .38 Tlie British Arniv. [See " Lieut. -Col. in the British Army."] ' B 41 W 1 Memoirs of Baron Lejeune. [See Lejeune, Louis Fran- cois, Baron.] ' B 17 R 46, 47 The 95th (the Derbyshire) Regiment in the Crimea. [See Wylly, Maj. H. C] B 31 R 9 Wellington. [See Wellington, Duke of.] C 26 R 18 -, LONG, Capt. Wilfred James, and SONNEN- SCHEIN, A. The Franco-German War, 1870-71 ; by Generals and other Officers wlio took part in the Cam- paign. Illust. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 40 W 1 MAURITIUS : — Government Departinents — Repwts and I'li/Jicationy. Blue Book. Blue Book, 1898. Sm. fol. Port Louis, 1899. E Census. Appendices to Commissioner's Report, 1891. Fol. (n.p.n.d.) E Civil Service. Mauritius Civil List, 1868, 1891, 1894, 1896, 4 vols. fol. Mauritius, 1868-96. E MAUGHAM, Harry Neville. Sir Paul Pindar, and other Plays. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 1 U 5 MAURY, Prof. Bonct. Faculties of Theology in the Uni- veisity of France. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 MAVER, William. American Telegraphy : Systems, Ap- paratus, and Operation. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A 34 V 7 MAAVSON, Thomas H. Art and Craft of Garden-making. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1900. A 20 R 25 t MAXTJtILIAN, Alexander Philipp, Prince of Wied. Travels in the Interior of North America. Translated by H. Evans Lloyd. 4to. Lond., 1843. D 17 T 2 t 404 Tuhlic Library of New South Wales. MAXIMUS TYRIITS. Dissertationes. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. Dubner. Imp. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842. J 18 V 23 MAXWELL, C. F. On Alterations in the C(iast-line of the North Island of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S MAXWELL, 8ir Herbert. History of Dunifi-ies and Gallowav. 8vo. Edinb.. I8<)(). (County Histories of Scotland.) "BIG Til Robert the Bruce and the .Stru,nen, Prof. A.] G 24 U 17 19 :^L\Y, D. W. Dietai y Studies at the Uniyersity of Mis- souri in 1895. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Offlce of Experiment Stns.] A 38 R 15 MAY, Maj. Edward Sinclair. Field Ardllery with the other Arms : its Empldymcnt, illustrated from Military Historj-, and its Re-armament with (,)uick-tiring (Juns di.scussed. 8yo. Lond., 1898. A 36 R 19 Gun.s and Cavalry : their Performances in the Past and their Place in the Future. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 189C. A 23 S 19 MAY, Phil. ABC: Fifty-two Original Designs forming two humorous alphabets from A to Z. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 10 T 19 t Gutter-snipes : Fifty Original Sketches in pen and ink. 4to. Lond., 189G. J 10 T IG t The Phil May Album ; collected by A. M. Moore. Illus- trated. 4to. Lond., 1900. ' J 20 P 16 t MAY, Sir Thomas Erskine. Treatise on the Law, Piiyi- leges, Pi-oceedings, and I' sage of Parliament. 10th ed. Books 1 and 2 edited by Sir B. F. I). Palgrave ; Book 3 edited by A. Bonham-Carter. Boy. 8yo. Lond., 1893. " F 9 V 20 MAYCOCK, W. Perren. Electric - wiring, Fittings, Switches, and Lamps ; a Practical Book for Electric- light Engineers, Wiring and Fitting Contractors, Con- sulting Engineers, Architect.s, Builders, Wiremen, and Students. 'Ulust. 12m<). Lond., 1899. A 24 P 40 MAYER, Alfred Goldsborough. Acalephs from the Fiji Islands. [See Harvard Uniyersity. — Bulletin of Mu- seum of Comparati\e Zoology, 32.] E Medusiie from Australia. [See Harvard Uniyersity. — Bulletin of ]\Iuseum of Comparatiye Zoology, 32.] E MAYER, Paul. Die Caprelliden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 16, 17 t INIAYES, Edward. Histor3' of Education in Mississippi. [See United States.— Bureau of Education.] G 18 S 38 MAYES, William Frederick. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Ciyil Engineei's, Proc, 82.) E MAYHEW, Edward. Dogs: their Treatment; being a new plan of treating the animal, based upon a con- sideration of his natural temperament. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 8 ]MAYNARD, Charles J. ilanual of Taxidermy : acomplete Guide in Collecting and Preserying Birds and Mam- mals. Illust. 8yo. Boston, 1884. A 23 P 13 3IAYNARD, James Mortimer. Charges against. [See Cape of G'jod Hope. — Charges against James Mortimer Maynard.] F 1 S 12 MAVNARI), Sanuu'l Taylor. Landscape Gardening as apj)lied to Home Decoration. Illustrated. 8yo. New York. 1899. A 20 It IG .MAYNE, Maj. Charles Blair. Moore. [See Moore, Sir J.] C 2G R 18 MAYO, Rey. Amory Dwight. Pul)lic Schools during the Colonial and licydlutionary Period inthe ITnitcd States. [See United States- Iturcau iif I'^lucatidU. Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1893-94, vol. l.J E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 405 MAYO, J. Report on Fruit-growing. [^See New Zealand. — Agricult.] MA 3 R yl MAYO, John Ilorslcy. Medals and Decorations o£ the British Army and Navy. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Loud., 1897. A M V IS, 19 MAYO-SMITH, Dr. I!irhiii..n,l. [5lioia', or th.o Muses Recreation, contein- ing .severall pieces of poetiijiic wit, by Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith, 1G.5G ; Wit Restor'd, in Severn II select poems, not formerly putilisli't, KiHS; AVits llecrc- ation.s, selected from the iincst fancies of moderne mu.ses, with a thousand outlandish proverbs, 1640. New cd., with additional Notes, Indexes, and a Por- trait of Sir John Mennis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) H 3 R 34, 3.5 ]\IENOS, Jean H. Lettres de Benjamin Constant a sa Famille. [See Constant de Rsbecque, B.] C 18 P 30 ISIENSING, Ant. Mappe of the Principal Voyages and Discoveries made by the Hollandci's, with the Prin- cipal Lands, Places, and Factories in their Possession. Fol. Amsterdam, 189.5. D 13 AV 29 f MENTZ, Dr. F. Minerva : Jahrbuch der Gelelirten Welt. [See Minerva.] E MENZEL, Adolf Friedrich Erdmaun \-on. Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 t Der zerbrochene Krug. [See Kleist, H. \on.] JI 1 U 7 MERCANTILE DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD, TIw. •Ito. Lend., 1871. E MERCANTILE MARINE MAGAZINE and Nautical Record. \'A. 11, 1804. Svo. Lond., 1804. E MERCANTILE NA VY LIST and Maritime Directorv. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— Roard of Trade.] MERCANTILE NAVY LIST OF VICTORIA, 18G8. 8vo. Melb., 1808. MF 5 S 28 MERCER, Thomas. Speculations on the Origin and For- mation of the Diamond, with especial reference to its Formation and Position at Bingara, N. S. Wales. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ' " ME 18 P MERCHANT SHIPPING AND UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIATION, Ltd. Register of Australian and New Zealand Shipping, with which is incorporated the Australian Register of Shipping, 1874-85 [1878-79, 1881-82, miasing]. 9 vols. oh. Svo. Melb., 1874-84. MF 5 R 14-22 MERCIER, Dr. Charles Arthur. Vice, Crime, and Tn- .sanity. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 4 1 MERCUR, Prof. James. Attack of F.irtilied Places, in- cluding Siege-works, Mining, and Deniolitiiins. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 41 T 27 MERCURY, Th<; from vol. 07, 1896-Dec., 1899. 9 vols, fol. Hobart, 1896-99. ME MEREDITH, Hon. Charles. [Portrait ami Sketch of]; by L. A. Meredith. (Once a Month, .March, IHHO.) MJ 1 V 22 MEREDITH, George. Works. With Portrait bv J. S. Sargent. 32 vols. Svo. Lond,, 1896-98. J 23 V 1-32 1, 2. The Onlcal of Ricliard Fcverel. 3, 4. Kvan Harrington. 5, 6. Sandra Belloni. 7, S. Vittoria. 0, 1 <). Rhoda Fleming. 11, \i. The Advcntur&s of Harry Richmond. 1.3, 14. Bcauehanip's Career. lo, 16. The Egoist. 17, 18. Diana of the C'TOSsway.s. 19, 20. One of our Conquerors. •Jl, 22. Lord Ormont and liis Aminta. 2.3, 24. The Amazing Marriage. 25. The Shaving of Shagpat. 26. The Tragic Comedians. 27. The Tale of Chloe, and the House on the Beach. 28. Farina, and the Case of Gen. Ople and Lady Camper. 29-31. Poems. 32. Essays. The Adventures of Harry Richmond. Hvo. Lond., 1897. " J 22 P 6 The Amazing Marriage. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 22 P 11 Diana of the Crossways. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. J 22 P 1 The Egoist : a Comedv in Narrative. Svo. Lohd,, . 1S97. ' J 22P 7 Essay v.n Comedy and the U.sesof the Comic Spirit. Svo. Lond., 1897. ' H 10 W 22 Jump to Glory Jane. Edited and arranged by Harry Quilter. Illustrated by Laurence Housman. 12mo. Lond., 1892. H 11 T 2 Modern L(3\e : a Reprint, to which is added tiie Sage Enamoured and the Honest Lady. 12mo. Lond., 1894. H 10 V 23 Odes in contribution to tlie Soni; of French Histoi-y- Svo. Lond., 1898. " H 12 R 15 One of our Conquerors. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 22 P 12 The Ordeal of Richard Feverel : a historj* of a fatha and .son. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 22 P 8 Poems. 2 \ols. Svo. Lond., 1898. IT 12 R 24, 25 A Reading of Earth. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 10 U 23 Rhoda Fleming. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 22 P 2 i08 Public Library of Neio South Wales. MEREDITH George— confd. Sandra Eelloni, originallv Emilia in England. 8v(i. Lond., 1897. ' J 22 P 4 The Shaving of Shagpat. Svu. Lond., 1898. J 22 P 9 The Tale of Chlue, and ether St. >rifs. 8v(>. Lond., 1898. J 22 P 10 The Tragic Comedians ; a Study in a well-known Story. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' J 22 P 8 Vittoria. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 22 Po [Essay on.] \_See Murray, I). C. — My CVmtemporaries in Fiction.] " " J U R 30 "George Eliot" on George Meredith. [See NicoU, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J li S -1 George Meredith : some Characteristics. ISee Le Gal- lienne, R.] J 17 V 29 George Meredith and liis Disciples. [See E.scott, T. H. S- —Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 [Sketch of.] {_See McCarthy, J. — Rennniscences.] C 2.5 T -5 " MEREDITH, Owen." [See Lytton, Earl of.] MEREWETHER, F. IF. S. A Tour thmugh the Famijie Districts of India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 19 U 14 MERFIELD, Charles James. The Cubic Paraliolii a]iplie(l as a Transition to small Tramway Curves. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W.. .J.mrn., 1897.) ME 1 R Determination of the Orbit Elements of Comet f, 189(i. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., J.mrn., 1897.) ME 1 R Orbit Elements Comet 1, 1899 (Swift). (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R MERIMEE, Prosper. Le Coup de Pistolet; Lokis; Djou- mane: La Dame de Pi.jue ; Mateo Falcone. Edited 1)V a Public Schoolmaster and an Army Tutor. 12mo. Lond., 1N91. (Army Holiday Scr.) " J 23 T 3.5 Merimei! as a Critic. [See Hapgo.)d, X. -Literary Statesmen.] C 23 Q 2(5 [Sketch of.] [Set Grenier, E. — Literaiv Rcniini.scences.] C 2G Q 15 MERINGTOX, ^Marguerite. AV.nnan ami ihe lii.-vrlc. ((Jut-of-door Lil).) A 10 (,) I MERIVALE, Charles, Dean of Ely. Autobiography ..f ; with Selections fr.)m his Corres])ondence, edited by liis daughter Judith Anne .Miii\ale. A\'ilh Poitrait. «vo. Lond., 1.S99. C 20 S 12 The Continental Teutons, With Maji. I2]]in. !,iin.l. (n.d.) (Conversion of tin' W.'st.) (! 20 P Tli(! Convci-sion of th.' Roman Em])ire. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 11 U 35 MERRIAM, Dr. Clinton Hart. Descriptions of a new genus and two new species of N.)rth American ISIammals. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Bio- logical Survey.] A 46 U 5 Descriptions of twenty -six new species of North American Mammals. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 4 Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 55 Report on Desert Cactuses and Yuccas. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 7 Report on Desert Trees and Shrul>s. [See United States. — Dept. of Agr. — Di\'. of Biological Surxey.] A 46 U 7 Results of a Biok)gical Reconnaissance of South Central Idaho, [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 5 Results of a Biological Survey of the San Francisco Mountain Region and Desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. [&« United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 3 Synopsis of the Weasels of North America. [See United States. — Dept. of Ai^ricult. — Div. of Biological Sur- \ey.] " A 46 U 10 .MEHKILL, Frederick James Hamilton. Guide to the Study .if the (ieological Cillections of New York Sttite .Museum. [See New York. --Museum, Bulletin 19.] E .MERRILL, Rev, Geor'ie E, The Parchments of the Faith, 8vo, Philad,, 189.J, (! 12 Y 3 MERRILL, (ieorge Perkins. Directions for Collecting Rocks, and f.ir the Preparation of thin Sections, 8vo, Wash,, 1895, A 24 Y 35 Treatise on Rocks, Rock-weathering, and Soils. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 33 V 20 MERRILL, John Ernest. Ideals and Institutions. Roy. Svo. Hartford, Conn., 1894. G 1 P 33 MERHILL, Stuart. Pastels in Pro.sc. [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 " MERRIMAN, Henry Seton." [See Scott, H. S,] .M I'dlRIMAN, Prof. Mansfield. l-'Jements of Precise Sur- yeying and Geodesy. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 38 S 20 Elements of Sanitary Engineering. Illustrated. Svt). New York, 1898. ' A 38 Y 22 , ami J.VC(ll;V, lleiny S. Te.\t-l)ook .in it.i.ifs an. I I'.i'i.lges, Pt, 4, 8vo, New ^'.lrU, 1898, A 38 \' 19 1. Ilij;lii'r StniclHr.!M, MEIililWA AND CASSIJA.S STAXDAHD, Dec, 1897- Dec, 1899, 2 vols, fol, Mei'i-iwa, 1897-99. ME Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 409 MERRY EXGLAXD: an lllustiated Magazine. Vols. 1- i:\ May, 188;3-Oct., lSt)4. 2:5 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1883-94. .J 18 !S 1-2:5 5iERZ, John Theodore. History of lOiiropcan Tluiujilit in the lOtli Ceuturv. Vol. 1.' Svo. Kdinli., I.Si)0. J! IG T 28 MESMERISM. Mesmerisni the (lift ui (.;,.d. [See "Beneficed Clergym.in, A.'] (! li) T 2 MESNIL, Felix. Les Formes Epitoijues et I'Evolution des Cirratulieiis. [See Caulleiy, M.] A ;50 V 2.") MESSALLA COR^'INUS. Ad Octa\ianiiiii Augustiiui de Progenie sua Libellus. (Script-ores Historic RomaniP.) 1! 10 U 2:5 J MESSITER, Charles Alston. Spoi't and Adventures among the North American Indians. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. I) Ki T L") MESTON, Ai'cbiljald. tjueensland Railway and Tourists' (iuide, compiled under instructions from the Queen.s- laud Railway Commissioners, with a concise History of the Colony, and complete Description of all Country traversed by the Railway Lines ; with interesting extra information for Toui'ists, Travellers, and all other classes. Illust. Svo. Rrislj. (n.d.) Ml) 2 S :3 ^METAPHYSICAL TRACTS ; hv Knglisli Philosophers of the 18th Century. 8vo. Lond., 18:57. G 24 U 29 1. Clavis Universalis. 2. A Specimen of true I'liilcsopliy ; liy A. Collier. .3. Conjjctunv qua'dani de Sensu, Motu, et Idearuiii (ieiier- atione. 4. Inquiry into the Origin of Human Api)etites and Affec- tions. .">. Man in i|UL'st of himself. 'MHTAPI/VS/C/AX, T/l''. [.SV,; Rr„;/re^^irr Thn,,;,/,/.] METCALF, ^^'illiam. Steel: a Manual for Steel Users. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 2-5 R :?7 METCALFE, Charles Theophilus. Tw. , Nati\-e Narratives of the Mutiny in Delhi. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 29 U 18 JIETCALFE, George. Guide to the Public Service Com- petitive Examinations. 12ino. Sydnev, 1897. MG 2 T 20 METCALFE, John. Tlie Case for Universal Old Age Pensions ; witli Introduction l)y C. Booth. Svo. Loud., 1899. F 1.^ Q .'59 METCALFE, Re\-. William M. Legends of the Saints. Pts. l-G. [Sc* Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 13, 18,23, 2.5, 35, 37.] E MEUDELL, (ieorge D. Australia for the .Vustralians. (Melbourne Review, 7.) .ME 18 Q An Australian Protest against Impeiial FeSavonarola, Raphael, and Vittoria Colonna ; by J. S. Harford. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858. CUV 22, 23 Ai-tof. [SeeRose, G. B. — RenaissanceMasters.] A 41 T 1 1 [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A. — Essays.] J 14 S 12 Examination of Works of. [See Stearns, F. P.] A 23 S 25 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horri(l<;e, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] ' C 20 8 11 [Sketch of.] [See Emei.son, R. AV. — Natural History of intellect, and other Papers.] J 22 Q 20 MICHEL, Daniel. The Ayenhite oi Inwyt, written in the Dialect of the County of Kent in the year 1340. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson. 4to. Lond., 1895. (Roxburghe Club rub.s.) G 17 Q 8 t MICHEL, Einile. Rubens; his Life, his Work, and hi.s Time. Translated Ijy Elizabeth Lee. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 20 T 4, 5 f Rembrandt: his Life, liis "Work, and his Time. [See Rembrandt Hemianszoon van Ryn.l (' 1 1 \V 1 1, 15 j MICHEL, Georges Ephraim, " Ephraim Mikhai'l." [Trans- lations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 ^NirCHELET, Jules. [Es.say on] Michelet's Francf;. [See Alison, Dr. Archibald.— Essays.] J 14 U 13 MICJIELL, E. I!. Art and Practice of Hawking. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 9 ]\ITCHELL, Stephen. Mine Drainage: being a complete Practical Treatise on Direct - acting Underground Steam Pumping Machiner-v. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " A 38 S 18 MICHIE, A. Phases of London Life. No. 1. Christie and Mason's. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q MICHIGAN : — Stnk Departments — Bxportt,- awl Publica- tions. Commissioner of Railroads. Annual Report, 1887. Svii. Lansing, 1887. E State Agricultural College Experiment Station. Annual Report, Julv, 1895-June, 189G. 8vo. Lansing, 1897. " E Bulletins, 107-110, 113-116. 2 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1894. E 107. Fattening Lamljs. 108. Potatoes ami Potato Scab. 109. Variety Tests of Vegetables. ] 10. The External Conformation of tlie Horse. 1 1 .3. Fattening Lambs. 1 1 4. Rape as a Forage Plant. 1 15. Management of 8wanip Lands. 1 16. Insects of the Clover-fiilil. State Board of Agriculture. Animal Reports, July, 1895-June, 1897. 2 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1897-98. E State Horticultural Society. Annual Reports, 1885- SS, 1890-91, 1893. 7 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1886-94. E State Institutions. First Biennial Report of the Central Board of Control of State Institutions, June, 1890- July, 1892. 8vo. Lansing, 1892. E Statistics. Reports of the Secretary of State, Michigan) reflating to the Registry and Return of Births, Marri- age.s, and Deatlis, 1872 80, 1892. 10 vols. 8vo. Lansing, l.'<77-94. E MICKLETIIWAITE, J. T, The Ornaments of the Rubric. 8v,,. Lond., 1897. G5T26 JIIVROSUOPIC JOURXAL AXD STRUCTURAL RECORD. [See Royal ^Microscopical Society.] MICROSCOPICAL StJCIETY oi'^ LONDON. [See Royal Microscopical Society.] "MID-ON." Seventy-one, ni.t mil: William Callyii. '[See Caffyn, A\'.] luiuiniscences of C 27 Q 1 MIDDLETON, Edwin C. Collotype and Plioto-Litho- graphy. [See Schnauss, Dr. Ju'liiis.] A 23 T 27 MIDDLETON, (!. A. T. Surveying and Surveying In- struments. Illust. 12nio. Lond. 1891. A 22 Q 22 -, and GARDEN, R. W. ( )rnamenta.l Details of the Italian Renais.sancc. Fol. Lond., 1900. A 49 P 10 ; Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 411 JIIDDLETON, George, and MILLS, Thomas R. The 8tuileiit'.s Companion to Latin Authors. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 16 11 43 MIDDLETON, Prof. ,J. Henry. Jlluminated M«S. in Classical and Mediaeval Times : their Art and their Technique. Imp. 8vo. Canib., 1892. J 22 V 22 MTDDLETON, Reginald E., and CHADWICK, Osbcrt. Treatise on .Surveying. Pt. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond , 1899. " A 45 V 3 MTDDLETON, Thomas. Conjectural Ueading.s on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 jMIDGLEY, W. Studies in Plant F.,rm. [See LiUey, A. E. V.l A 23T 23 MIEVILLE, Sir Walter. Under (Jueen and Khedive : Autobiography of an Anglo-Egyptian OlHcial. With Portrait'. 8vo. Lond,, 1899. '" 13 37 Q G "MIKHAEL, Ephraira." [See Michel, G. E.] MILBOURN, S. The new Kreuz Polka ^^'inifred. Sm. fol. Adelaide (a.d.) MA 13 P 5 f MILES, Alfred H. The Household Oracle: a Popular Referee on subjects of Household Enquiry. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 10 Q 9 Poets and Poetry of the Century. Vols. 9, 10. 2 Mils. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) ' H 11 Q 18, 19 9. Hiunonr. Society, I'aroily, ami Occa.?ional Verse. 10. Saored, Moral, and Religion.? Verse. MILES, Maj.-Gen. Nelson A. Repoit of his Tour of Ob- servation in Europe. [See United States. — Dept. of War.] A 36 W 14 ' MILFORD, Dr. Frederick. An Australian Hand-book of Obstetric Nursing ; designed for the use of iVlidwives and Nurses. 12mn. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 U 47 MILINOWSKI, Harriet Ransom. Manual of the Do- mestic Hygiene of the Child. [See Uffelniann, Dr. J.] A 38 S 9 MILITARY DRILL in the Public Schools. 32mo. Sydney, 1896. MF 1 P 20 ^IfLL, Hugh Robert. The International Geography. Illustrated. 8yo. Lend., 1899. D 22' Q 12 Catalogue of the Library of the Royal (ioographical Society. [See Royal Geographical Soc] K 9 R 14 MILL, Jolni Stuart. Early Essays; selected from the original sources l>y J. W. M. Gibbs. r2n)o. Lond., 1897. J 1 1 U 37 The I'lthics of John Stuait Mill. Edited, with Intro- ductory Es.says, by Charles Dougla.s. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. G11U14 Analysis of Mr. Mill's system of Logic. [See Stebbing, W.] G 4 V 31 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Examination of Hamilton's Philosophy. [See Hansel, Prof. H. L.] " (i 14 S 23 History of Economics. [See MacLeod, H. D.] F 12 T 8 J. S. Mill on Knowledge ; by A. Montgomery. [See -Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 (I Philosophy of. [See Mart.ineau, Re\-. J. — Essays, Re- views, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 Rectorial Addresses, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 Sketch of. [See Godkin, E. L. — Reflections and Com- ments.] J 12 S 4.5 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. —Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 Student's Hand-book, synoptical and explanatory, of J. S. Mill's System of Logic. [See Killick, Rev. A. IL] G 9 V 10 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F. — Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literaiy Estimates.] ' J 26 R 29 ]\IILLAIS, Sir John Everett. IMillais and his ^^■orks, with special reference to the Exhibition at the Royal Academy, 1898 ; by M. H. Spielmann. With a chap- ter. Thoughts on our Art of to-day, by Sir J. E. Millais. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., I.s98'. C 23 U 4 Life and Letters of ; by his son, J. G. MOlais. Illu.s- trated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 T 2, 3 Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 1 7 t [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Sir J. E. Millais : his Art and Influence. [See Baldry, A. L.] A 44 R 4 [Sketch of the Work of.] [See :Monkhouse, C— British Contemporary Artists.] A 44 A\ 1 MILLAIS, John Guide. British Deer and their Horns. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1897. A 17 U 5 t ;MILLAR, a. H. Historical Castles and Mansions of Scotland — Perthshire and Forfarshire. Illustrated. 8vo. Paisley, 1890. B 41 Q 13 The Compt Bulk of David Wedderburne. [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 28.] E MILLAR, George Henry. New, complete, authentic, and universal System of Geography : being a complete Modern History and Description of the whole World. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Loud, (n.d.) D 17 L" 7 t 412 ^Public Library of New South Wales. MILLAR, J. H. [Criticism of the Works of] Francis Jeffi-ey. [_See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the "Works of] Henry L()ngue^•ille Mansel. {See Craik, Henry.— English Pmse.] J C Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Gait. \_See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Stuart W\\\. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Lord Brnughani. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas Chalmers. \_See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Washington Irving. \_See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] ' J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Sir William Hamilton. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* MILLAR, James. Apostolic Age ; or, the Christian Church. [See Weizsiicker, Prc'.f. C. von.] G 23 T 5, G History of Dogma. [See Harnack, Rev. A.] G 23 S 38-40 MILLAR, William. Plastering, Plain and Decorative : a Practical Treatise on the Art and Craft of Plastering and Modelling, together with an Account of Historical Plastering in England, Scotland, and Ireland, accom- panied by numerous examples. AVith an Introductory Chapter, entitled, "A Glimpse of its History," by G. T. Robin.son. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 10X9 t MILLARD, Godfrey William. Law of Personal Pmiieity in New South Wales, founded on Williams' Principles of the Law of Personal Propcrtv. i^vo. Sydnev, 1898. ■ MP 2 t^ .3G MILLER, Dr. Alexajider K. Fermentation. [-See Hansen, Dr. E. C] ' A 25 U 17 Micro-organisms and Fermentation. \_See Jorgensen, A.] A 40 U IG MII-LER, Cincinnatus Jleine, '-Jriacpiin IMiller." Sketcli of. \_See A'i'ddci', 11. C. — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 MILLER, Lieut. E. D. Modein Polo. Edited by Capt. M. H. Hayes. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 29 li 3G INIir.LFR, [)r. Edmund ii. Notes on A.s.saying. [See Ricketts, Dr. Pierre de Peyster.] A 24 \ 38 Alll.l.ER, Prof. Edward F. Steam lioilers. [See Pea- body, Prof. C. H.] A 37 R 7 .MIMJOI!, i'red. Tlie Training of a Craftsman. Tllu.s- tratcd. 8vo. Lrmd., 1898. A 23 S 41 M1LT,ER, f;. W. TTistorv of Chislehursl. [,sVr Webb, i:. A. I ■ I! 40 W 2 illLLER, Gerrit S. Directions for Preparing Study Specimens of small Mammals. [^See United States. — - National Museum.] A 46 S 18 Genera and Sub-genera of Voles and Lemmings. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 10 Re\ision of tlie North American Bats of the Family Vespertilionida>. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 10 ^MILLER, Henry A. Monev and Bimetallism. 12mo. New York, 1898. " F 1.5 S 10 MILLER, Hugh. [Life of] ; by W. Keith Leask. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 T 13 [Ci'iticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] " J 6 Q 38* MILLER, Hugh, jun. (ieology of the Country around Otterburn and Elsdon. [See Gt. Bi'itain and Ireland. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 16 MILLER, Rev. J. R. Story of a Busv Life: Recollections of Mrs. G. A. Paull. [See Paull, Minnie E.] C 23 P 1 1 " MILLER JOAQUIN." [See Miller, C. H.] jNIILLER, Marion. Songs from the Hills. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MH 1 W 2 .DULLER, N. J. H. Producti.m of Milk rich in Fat. (.Vgricult. Gaz , N.S.W., 1S98.) ME 9 R MILLER, R. E. Lessons in Shorthand on Gurney's Sys- tem (improved) : being Instruction in the Art of Sliort- liand-writing as used in the service of the two Houses of Parliament. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J9Q17 :\riLLER, Miss S. A. Training of Teachers for Element- ary Schools. (Inteinat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Liti-rature.) A 41 Y 12 .M rLLKl{, Tiiomas. Old English Yersion of Bede's Eccle- siastical Histoiy of the English People. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] ' E MIIiLER, Wilhelm. C'vclopedia of .\inericaii Horticulture. \Sce BaiU-y, Prof. L II.] A II W 8 .\1 I LLI'lli, William. The Balkans: Uoumania, Itulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro. 8\i). ijond., 1896. B 16 R 48 Travels and Politics in the Near^^East. lllu.strated. Svo. Lond., 1898. 1> 13 V 14 -MILLER, Dr. Willoughby D. The Micro-organisms of the Human Mouth: the fjocal and (Jener.il Diseases which arecaused bv llii'in. Ilhist rati'd. S\-o. Philad., 1890. ' A 32 S 21 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 413 MILLET, Jean Prani;ois. His Life; aiiil Letters : Ijy "Julia Cartwright" (Mrs. Henrv Adv). Tllustrateci. Roy. 8vo. Loiul., 189G. " ' 19 U 18 J. F. Millet and Rustic Ait. [_See Naegely, If.] A 5 T 24 MILLIKAN, R. A. Polarization of J.ight cinittcd from the Surfaces of Incandescent Solids and Li([iiids, 8vo. New York, isor.. A I I S II MTLLINGEN, Prof. Alexander \an. Byzantine Constan- tinople : the Walls of the City and adjoining Historical Sites. Illust. Roy. Svo. Lond., ISOO. ' P. II SI MILLS, Dr. Charles K. Apoplexy, Rrain Tumor, Spinal Tumor, Meningitis, Cerebritis, and Neuritis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 PIG The Nervous System and its Disea.ses : Practical Treatise on Neurology for the use of Physicians and Students. Illustrated.' ■ Roy. Svo. Edinb., 1898. A 40 S l:? MILLS, Thomas R. Student's Compam'on to Latin ' Authors. [See Middletcm, (!.] J 16 R 43 MILLS, Dr. Thomas Wesley. The Dog Book : a Manual of the Dog : his Origin, History, Varieties, Breeding, Education, and General Management in Health and Disease. Illust. 8vo. Lond.j 189S. A -JT S 9 Nature and Development of Animal Intelligence. 8yo. Lond., 1898. " G 13 T 50 The Cat, the Dog, antl the Dog and Cat compared. \_See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Physi- ology.] ' A 40 S 21 The Functional Development of the Cerebral Cortex in different Groups of Animals. [See McGill Univei'sity. — Papers from Dept. of Physiology.] A 40 S 21 The Pigeon and the Domestic Fowl. [_See McGill Univ. — Papers from Dept. of Physiology.] A 40 S 21 The Rabbit and the Cavy or Guinea Pig. [See McGill Univ.— Papers from Dept. of Physiol.] A 40 S 21 MILMAN, Helen. [See Crofton, Helen.] MILMAN, Henry Hart, Dean of St. Paul's. Henry Hart Milman, Dean of St. Paul's : a Biographical Sketch ; by his son, A. Milman. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 Til [Criticism of the Wi.irks of.] [See Craik, Heni-y. — English Prose.] J G Q 38* Nalopakhyfinam : Storv of Nala. [See Maha-Bharata.] H 12 U 18 Savonai'ola, Erasmus, and other Essays. [See Church, R. A\'., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] " .114 U 35 ^IILN, Louise Jordan. Little Folk nf ^Fanj- Lands. Illustrated. 8\-o. Lond., 1899. A 40 Q 20 ]\1ILN, W. S. The Scotch, East Coast, Orkney and Shet- land, Lewis and Barra Herring Fishing. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries literature.) A 34 R 11 MILNE, Agnes A. Woman's Work and Wages. (Journ. of Agr. and Industi-y, S. Aust., Feb., 1899.) ME 9 Q MILNE, F. A. Ecclesiology. [5ee Gentleman's Magazine Library.] A 19 U 10 English Topography. [See (!entleman's Magazine Li- brary.] ' D 20 V 11 Ml LNE, G. (Jrinnell-. Life of Lieut.-Admiral De Ruyter. [See Ruyter, Lieut.-Adni. M. A. de.] C 20 S 4 MILNE, J. Gr/ifton. History of Egypt under Roman lUile. [See Petrie, Prof. W. .M. F.] B 21 R 7 MILNI], James. Itomance (if a Pro-Consul. [See Grey, Rt. Hon. Sir (i. I MC 1 S 23 MILNE, John, F.]?.S. Seismology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Internat. Scientific Ser.) A 19 R 21 MILNES, Richard Monckton, B.-u-on Houghton. [See Houghton, Baron.] MILROY LECTURES. Vaccination. [,S^ee C'opcinan, Dr. S. A. M.] A 40 T IS MILTON, John. Areopagiiica. (Bhys, E. — Literary Pamphlets.) " HUT 5 Fac-simile of the MS. of Milton's Minor Poems, preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Fol. Camb., 1899. ' J 18 U IG % Life of; by R. Garnett. 8vo. Lond., 1890. C 20 S 15 The Age of Milton. [See Masterman, Rev. J. H. B.] J 14 P 32 The Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost. [See Orchard, Dr. T. N.] ' A 19 U 19 [Essay on] Milton's Prose. [See Strachey, J. St. Loe. — From Grave to Gay.] " J 14 U 38 Milton's Italian Poems. [See MacDonald, G. — Eam- polli.] HUT 3 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 11 U 31 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. AV.— Natural History of Intellect, and other Papers.] J 22 Q 26 [Sketch of the Works of.] [See Farrai-, F. W., Dean.— Great Books.] J 22 Q 14 .MINCHEN, Prof. E. A. Porifera and Coelenterata. [See Lankester, E. R.— Treatise on Zoology, 2.] A 44 S 24 MINCHIN, J. G. Cotton. Old Harrow Days. lUus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 14 M IX I) : a t^uarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy. Vol. 1-n.s., vol. 3, 187G-94." 19 vols. Svo. Lond., 1876-94. E MINERVA: .}:\.\\r\>\n:\\ der Gelehrten Welt. Herausge- geben von K. Trubner uiid Dr. F. Mentz, 1897-1900. 3 vols 12mo. Str.asburs.', 1898-1900. E 4,U JPubliG Library qf New South JFales,, MINE8 OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1897, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1897-99. ME 9 U illNCiAYE, John Charles Henderson. Analy.ses of the Artesian Waters of New South Wales, and tlieir value for Irrigation and other purposes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ' ME 9 R Notes and Analyses of some New Soutli Wales Phosphatie Minerals and Pliospliatic Deposits. (Australasian Assoc, for Adv. of Science, Kept., 1898.) ME 18 S Analyses of Phosphatie Mineralsand Phosphatie Deposits. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, G.] ME 15 T Phosphatie Deposits in the Jenolan Caves. [See N.S.W. —Geolog. Surv., Records, C] ME 1-5 T MIXIXG MAXUAL, Th,:. \_See Skinner, ^^'. R.] MINNESOTA : — "^tnl^ Di-paytmcnts— Reports and Pnhll- rntion.". Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, 1894-9.5. 2 vols. 8vo. St. Paul, 1895-9G. E In.sects injui'ious in 189G. Illustrated. 8vo. Delanoi 189G. xV 3G T G Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletins 6, 8. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. JMinneapoli.s, 1891-93. G. Iron Ores of Minne.sotii ; by N. H. and H. V. WiiK-hcll. A 44 S 22 8, pt. 1. Aiiorthosytes of the Minnesota Coast of Lake Superior ; pi . 2. Laccolitie .Sills of the N. \V. Coast of Lake Superior. A 30 T IS Reports, 1873, 1875-76, 1881-87, 1889-91, 1893-94. 14 vols. 8yo. Minneapolis, 1874-95. E Legislature. Executive Documents of the State of Minnesota, 1875, and vol. 4, 1886. 3 vols. 8vo. St. Paul, 1876-87. E MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. V.ils. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. St. Paul, 1872-98. E Report, 1895-96. 8vo. St. Paul, 1897. E MTRAREAU, Uom,vC- (Jahiiel Riquetti, Comte de. [Life of] ; by P. F. Willert. 12mo. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 2© [Essay on.] [iSe« Alison, Dr. A. — E.ssays.] .1 14 S 12 A ilodcm Theseus. [See Vandani, Albei-t D. — Amouis of Great Men.] C 23 Q i;i Portrait of. {See Hilliis, W. J. -Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 MIKAMM, .James. A National Bank of Issue for Vic- toria. (Melboume Review, 3.) ME 18 Q MlliliOU, The, with wjiich i.s incorporated Sodfli/ and tli<' Austrahi^ifin Atk'ud'.nui. Vol. 1, July, 1888-June, 1889. 4 to. Sydney, 1888-89. MJ 2 U 8 MISKIN, W. H. Descriptions of new Australian Rho- palocera. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1884.) E Descriptions of new species of Australian Diurnal Li^pid- optera. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1876.) E MISSIONARY SOCIETY. [See Londi.n Missionary So- ciety.] E MISSISSIPPI -.—Stale Departments— Re^Mrts and Publi- cations. Agricultural and Mechanical College Experiment Station. Annual Report, 1895. 8vo. Starkville, 1895. E 3IITCHELL, Rev. Alexander Terrier. The Scottish Re- formation : its Epoclis, Episodes, Leaders, and Dis- tinctive Characteristics. Edited by D. H. Fleming ; ■\\ith a Biographical Sketch of the Author bj- Rev. J. Cliristie. With Portrait. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (Baird Lecture.) G 26 S 6 Compendious Book of Godly and Spiritual Songs, com- monly known as "The Gude and Godly Ballatis." [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 39.] E 3IITCHELL, Donald Grant. English Lands, Letters, and Kings : the later Georges to Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 12 U 29 The Country House. (Sturgis, Dr. R. — Homes in City and Coun'trv.) A 46 V 12 MITCHELL, F. J. Book-keeping simplified. 12mo. Lond. (n.-<. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Silurian Trilobites of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts of Australia. \_See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.] ME 2 P jMITCHELL, Dr. John Kearsley. INIa.s.sage : Technicpie, Phy.siology, and Therapeutic Indications. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Rest-cure for Neurasthenia and Hysteria. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 MITCHELL, Lilian [Mrs. P. C] Evolution by Atrophy in Biology and Sociology. \_See Dcinoor, J.] A 41 T 25 MITCHELL, M. A. History of the German People. {See Janssen, Johannes.] 1*> 43 P 7-10 MITCHELL, Margaret Jane. [Portr.ait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To- day.] C 23 Q 6 Supplementary Calalufjue — 1896-1900. 416 MTTCHKLL, P. Ch.-iliners. T5iol(,c;i,-iil Piohleni of to-day. {See Hcrtwig, T)r. O.] A 27 P 21 MfTOH KI.L, Dr. Silas Weir. Tlio Riith of Death and Pain: a Poem. (Spini-Centcmiial of Aiiii'sthcsia.) A 17 R 2 t Pat and Plood : an Essay on tlie ti'eatnient of certain forms of Neurastlicni.-i ami Hysteria. 7th ed. 12nio. Philad., 1898. ' A .3:3 P :!:i Collected Poems. 8vo. New York, 189G. II 13 V 8 MITCHELL, Lieut.-Col. Sir Tlionias Livingstone. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of New South Wale.s in the year 183G. Fol. (n.p.n.d.) Lihr. MITCHELL, W. F. Geology of the District of Baltinglass and I)uiilavin, Co. Wicklow. [_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 20 Geology of Donegal. \^See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 9 Geology of N.W. and Central Donegal. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 2 MITCHELL, W. Stephen. The Place of Fi.sh in a Hard working Diet, with Notes on the use of Fish in former times. (Internat. Fisheries Exhih. — Fisheries Litera- ture.) A 34 R 1 MITFORD, A. B. Freeman. The Attac-he at Peking. 8vo. Lond., 1900. I) 13 P 20 MITFORD, Bertram. The Gun-runner. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 2.'i S 18 The King's A.ssegai. Tlhislrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 2.5 S 17 MITFOBI), Eustace Reveley. Faxquin. [Sec raaqaiii.] MA 4 V 21 MITFORD, Mary Russell. Our Village; Sketches of Rural Character and Scenerv. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond , 1892. ' J 24 U 3G, 37 [Criticism of the AVorks of.] [_See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* MITRA, Dr. Asutosh. The Bulmnic Plague. 8vo. Cal- cutta, 1897. A 40 V 9 MITTEN DORF, Dr. William F. General Considerations of the Treatment of the Eye and its disorders. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 MITTY, Jean do. Napoleon, kc. {See Beyle, .M. IL] J 24 R 21 MIVABT, Dr. Frederick St. George. Gn.undwork of Science: a Study of Episteniology. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Progressive Science Ser.) "" A 40 P 10 MIZZT, M. A. M. A Voice from Malta. 1 2mo. Malta, 1890. J U P4i :ML0DZTANSKY, a. K. Mea.suring tlio Forest Crop. \See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. ai Foi'cstry.] A II l' 1.3 MOBEREY, Rev. Robert Campl.ell. Ministerial Priest- hood : Chapters preliminary to a study of the ordinal on the rationale of Ministry and the meaning of Christian Priesthood ; witli an Appendix upon Roman Critioi.sm of Anglican Orders. 8vo. Lond., 1897. O 23 S 11 MOCKLER-FERRYMxVN, Major Augustus Ferryman. {See Ferryman, Major A. F. Mockler-.] MODERN ENGLISH WRITERS. .John Ruskiu ; by Mrs. Mcyncll. [.S'ee Raskin, J.] C 23 R 25 Mattliew Arnold ; by I'rof. G. Saintsburv. [.S'ee Arnold, M.] " C u'.-} R •_'! Robert Louis Stevenson; by L. C. Coniford. [.S'ee Xtevcii- 3on, R. L. " C 27 R 6 MODERN FRENCH MASTERS : a series of Biographi- cal and Critical Reviews by Amei'ican Arti.sts. Edited by John C. Van Dyke. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 10 T 1.5 f MODERN LOCOMOTIVES. Illustrated. Fol. New York, 1897. A G LM7 t MODERN PLAYS. The Dawn. [Set Vorhaeron, E.J The Father. [See Strindberg, A.] Love's Comedy. [See Ibsen, H.] H 12T2 H 10 V 33 H 12X17 MODERN SERMONS. Nos. 1-11. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 T 34 MODJESKA, Helena. [Portrait antl Sketch of.] {See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 MOERCII, J. (J. Making Ready and Printing of Process Blocks : a Practical Manual for Machine-minders. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. (Harrington Ser.) MA 4 P 12 MOFFAT, Robert. Sketch of. {See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great ^Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 MOFFAT, Robert Scott. The Economy of Consumption : an omitted Chapter of Political Economy. 8vo. Lond., 1878. F12T33 ^Ir. Henry George, the "Orthodox" : an Examination of Mr. George's position a.s a systematic Economist, and a review of the Competitive and Socialistic Schools of Economy. 8vo. Loud., 188-5. F 12 T 32 MOFFATT, James. The General Purpose Cow. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Red Devon Cattle. (Queen.sland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U 416 Public Library of New South Wales. MOFFETT, S. L. Popuhition of the Towns and Munici- palities of the seven Colonies of Australasia, 189i. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1894. MF 5 IT 12 MOFFITT, Ernest. A Consideration of tlir Art of Ernest Moflitt. [See Lindsay, L.] MA 4 V 'J MOHR, Dr. Charles. The Timber Pines of the Southern United States. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult.— Di\-. of Forestry.] A 1 1 X 7 t MOIR, David Macbeth. [Life of.] [S« Douglas, Sii- V,. —The Blackwood (Jroup.] ' C 20 U 24 MOIR, George. Magic and AVitchcraft. 12nio. Lund., 18.52. G 15 U 15 MOLDENKE, Alfred B. Babylonian Contract Tablets in the Metropolitan ^Museum of Art. 8vo. New York, 1893. B 41 W 8 MOLE, C. C. H. Some n :in(l Notes by L. Dell)os. 1 2nio. Lond. (n.d.) ( l''icnch Cia.ssics for English Students.) II 13 U 8 Comedy-love. [See Vandam, .Mberl I). .Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 13 Commentaires .sur. \_See \W\\i; .M. Il.j J 24 li 21 MOLINEUX, A. A. Lucerne Pest. (Agricult. (iaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R MOLLER, A. German Reading-book : a Companion to Schlutter's German Class-book. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 S 35 MOLLOY, J. Fitzgerald. The Romance of the Irish Stage, with Pictures of the Irish Capital in the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 R 15, 16 Royalty restored ; or, London under Charles II. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 24 Q 12 The Most Gorgeous Lady Blessington. [_See Blessington, IMargaret, Countess.] C 23 P 18 MOLON, Dr. Girolamo. Le Variet.a di Piante da Frutlo raccomandabili per I'Alta Italia esistenti nel Canipo Sperimentale della Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricol- tura di Milano. Imp. 8vo. Milano, 1895-96. A 10 X 19 t ALOLONEY, Sir A. Brief outline of the Botanical Efforts of the Government of liritish Honduras. 12mo. Belize (n.d.) A 20 P 38 3HJLernard von. Letters to his Wife and other Relations. Tran.slated bv J. R. Mcllraith. 2 \ols. 8vo. Ly Dr. W. P. Dickson. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. 1? .'JOS 13-17 Dw ITntcritalisclien Dialekto. A\'itli plates and maps. Hoy. 8vo. Leipzig, 18i')0. J iM U K; .VOXAA'O }[ERCUHY. [.sVv M,ni1 -'<'<. MJ4Q]1, 12 MONTH, Tim : a Catholic Magazine and Review. Vols. 1-82, July, 1864-91. 82 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-94. E MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Thr-. Vol. 6, No. 32, Aug., 1841. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MJ 3 T 10 MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. [See Royal Microscopical Society.] MOODY, Dwight Lyman. Life and Works of: by Rev. J. W. Chapman. Illustrated. Ivor. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " C 26 T 5 Life-.storv of ; bv D. Williamson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.'(n.d.) ' C 20 T 28 ftlOON, Geoi'ge Washington. The Bad English of Lindley Murray and other writers on the English Language : a series of Criticisms. 12)no. Lond., 1868. J 14 P 50 MOON, Robert A. The Sun as a Guide to Travellers and Explorers. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1898.) ME 20 P MOON, William. William Moon, and his AVork for the Blind ; bv J. Rutherford. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ■ C 23 U 6 MOONEN, Leo. Exhibitions : their Origin, Aim, Influ- ence, and Results, and the utility of a permanent Ex- hibition Commission. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MF 4 Q 58 jMOONEY, E. Music in Schools. (Intermit. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 MOONEY, James. The Siouan Tribes of the East. 8vo Wash., 1894. A 27 V 15 MOOR, C. G. Applied Bacteriology. [See Pearmain, T. H.] ■ ' A 27 T 8 MOOR. Samuel Albert. Practical Plant Physiology. [See Detmer, Dr AV.] A 32 R 40 MOORE, Albert. Life and AVorks of. [See Baldry, A If led Lys.] A 10 X 5' t MOORE, Aul)rey L. Lectur(-s and Papei's on the History of the Reformation in England and on the Continent. [See Church, R. A\'., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 IT 35 MOORE, Augu.stus M. The Phil Alay AUnnn. [See May, P.] ' J20P16t MOORE, B. Chemistry of tlieDigestiveProce.sse.s. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Textbook of Physiology.) A 27 AM JIOORE, Charles. The North-west under three Flags, 1635-1796. Illu.strated. 8vo. New York, 1900. B 27 R 18 MOORE, Edmund F. Reports of Cases heard and deter- mined Ijy the Judicial Connnittee and the Loi-ds of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. A'ols. 6, 7. n.s'., 1869-71. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 11 T 24, 25 Supp lementary Cu talog ue — 1896-1900. 419 MOOllE, llev. Edward. Studies in DanU-. 1st and 2nd s(M-. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 189G-90. J \ V 1.^), IG 1. Scripture and Classical AuIIioik in Dante. ■2. MLscellancous E3sa3's. MOORE, Col. Eilwiird Crozier Sibbald. Sanitary Kn^i- noering : a Practical Treatise on tlii! Collection, Ke- nio\'al, and Final Disposal of Sewaf,'e, and (he Design and Construction of Works of Drainage and Sewerage; with a sjiecial Chapter on the Disposal of Hou.se Refuse and tSewerago Sludge, ttc. Illu.stratcd. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1898! A 38 T 12 MOORE, F. The Lepidoptera of Ccvlon. Illustrated. 3 vols. Ito. Lond,, 1880-87. " A 18 P 8-10 t MOORE, F. W. J. Hand-book to Insect Pe.sts of Farm and Orchard. [.S^c Tasmania.— Agricult.] IMA 3 S 72 MOORE, Prof. Frederick W. Outlines of Sociology. [.SV-e American Academy of Political and Social Science, Pubs.] " F 16 R 33 MOORE, George. The Bending of the Rough : a Comedy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. H 12 R 33 E.sther Waters. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., Is91- J 23 S G Evelyn Innes. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 Q 1 [Es.say on.] \_See ^Murray, D. C. — My Contemporaries in Fiction. I J U R 30 The Heather Field, and Maeve. [See Marlyn, E.] H12T7 AIOORE, Rev. George F. Critical and Exegetical Com- mentary on Judges. 8vo. Edinb., 189.'). (Internat. Grit. Com.) (J 23 R 3G Book of Judges. [See Bibles and Testaments. — English.] G 23 U 7 MOORE, J. J. Australian Almanac and Country Direct,)ry for 18.53-59, 1861-72, 187-1-86, 1890-97. 40 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1853-97. ME 4 S MOORE, J. 8. Friendly Letter.s to American Farmer.'! and others. 8vo. New York, 1888. F 17 P 6 Friendly Sermons to the Protectionist Manufacturers of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1886. F 17 P 5 MOORE, Dr. John. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T.— Mon- taigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 MOORE, Sir John. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Major C. B. Mayne. (Wilkinson, S. — From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 [Es.say on.] [See Carlyle, T. — Montaigne, and other Essay.s.] C2tR5 MOORE, John William. Meteorologv. Ilhistiated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. (Sanitary Ser.) '" A 19 R 18 MOORE, Dr. John William. Typhus Fever. (Allliutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 3-5 MOORE, Julian. The three Cruikshanks. [See Marcli- mont, F.] A 40 R 4 MOORE, Dr. Norman. The Church of St. iiartholomew llic Great, West Smithlield ; its Foundation, Present Condition, and Funeral Monuments. 4th ed. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 24 Q 9 MOORE, Spencer. Suggestions upon the Origin of the Australian J'lora. (Nat. Science, Sept., Oct., 1899.) E MOORE, T. B. Glaciation in Tasmania. (Roy. Hoc, Tasmania, Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q MOORE, Thomas. ••Thomas Moore" Anecdotes: being Anecdotes, Bon-mots, and Epigrams from the Journal of Thomas Moore. Edited, with Notes, by W. Harrison ; ^\ith special Iiitroduction liy R. Garnett. With Por- trait. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 19 T 25 Memoirs of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. \See Fitzgerald, E., Lord.] " C 23 R 4 MOORE, Dr. Veranus A. Infectious Diseases among Poultry. [See Smith, T.] A 30 R 32 MOORE, Prof. William Harrison. The Commonwealth of Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MF 3 P 67 Constitution-making in Australia. (National Review, April, 1898.) E MOORE COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL, N.S.W. Calendar, 1879. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. ME 4 T MOPE-HA WK, The : a Monthly Magazine of General Literature. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-11, May-Dec, 1868. Sm. 4to. Hobart, 1868. [Bound with Tnsmnnian Punfh.'\ ]\rj 3 W 20 MORAN, Thomas Francis. Rise and Development of the Bicameral System in America. (Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 13 ilORDAUNT, Charles, Earl of Peterborough. [See Peter- borough, Earl of.] JIORE, Henry. Henry Moie the Platonist : an Essay. \_See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 MORE, Sir Thomas. Tiie Utopia; in Latin from the edition of 1518, and in English from the edition of 1551 ; by J. H. Lupton. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. J 12 V 20 Erasmus's Epistle to Sir Thomas More. [See Erasmus, D.] J 14 P 29 [Essay on] the Utopia. [SeeTo\ey, Re\-. D. C. — Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 The Utopia of Sir Thomas More. [See Scudder, Vida D.— Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 16 :M()REAU, Gen. Jean Victor. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 420 Fuhlic Library of Neio South TFales. M0REAU-CHRI8TOPHE, L. M. CuJe des Prisons, 1670-1873. 3 vols. Svo. Pari.s, 1845-73. F 9 Q 31^33 MOREAU DE PRAVIEUX, J. Nobiliaiie Universel de France. \_See Magiiy, Marijuis L. de.] K 13 Q 21-23 t MOREE NEWS, 1899. Fol. Moree, 1899. ME MORFILL, W. R. Slavonic Literature. 1:.'uk>. Lend., 1883. (Dawn of European Literature.) .1 24 8 41 MORGAN. Dr. A. M. Xest and Eijiis of I'orznnn flmninea. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 181 7-98.) ' ME 1 S MORGAN, Augustus De. [See De ^Morgan, A.] MORGAN, C. L. Rabbit Question in Queensland. Illus- trated. 8vo. Brisb., 1898. MA 4 R 3 MORGAN, Conwv Llovd. Habit and Instinct. 8vo. Lend., 189G. ' " A 13 V 2G Essays by George John Romanes. [See Romanes, George John.] A 27 R 14 JNIORGAN, E. Delmar. Early Disco\ery of Australia. (Roy. Geograpli. 8oc. of Australasia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ., 1891^92.) ME 20 P MORGAN, Edwin ^^ernon. Sla\-ery in New York, with special reference to New York City, ((ioodwin, Maud Wilder.— Historic New York.) B 19 R f.* MORGAN, Geoi-ge Oslioine. Settlers in Australia: a Prize Poem. 12m... O.^ford, 184G. MH 1 V 24 MORGAN, Henry James. Canadian Men and Women of the Time : a Hand-book of Canadian Biography. 8vo. Toronto, 1898. Cat. Room Canadian Parliamentarv Companion. [Sfe Canada. — • Parliament.] ' F 15 P 12, 13 MORGAN, Jacques de. Reclierches sur les Oi'igines de rEgvj-)te ; I'Age de la Pi(M-r(> et les Metaux. Roy. 8vo." Paris, 1890. A 34 V 10 Reclierches .sur les Origines de rEgyj>te: Ethnographic et Tombeau Royal de Negadah; avec la Collaboration de Prof. A. Wiedemann, G. Je(iuier, (!t Dr. 1). Fouquet. Roy. Bvo. Paris, 1897. A 17 S 18 t MORGAN, James Ajiplelon. The Shakespearean IMytli : William Shakespeare ami cirrumstaiitial e\ idence. 8vo. Cincinnati, 18!^:]. J G S 43 MORGAN, Dr. M. List of Birds in the neighbourhood of Laura, South Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S MORGAN, Prof. Thomas Hunt. Dcveloimieni ,,f the Frog's Egg: an Inti-oducticm to Expeiimenlal Embry- ology. llluHt. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 3,s P -j I MORGAN- 1! HO WNK, 11. [See. i;.„wne, 11. .Morgan-.] MORGARI, Prof. Comm. R. Motivi di Figura applicati alia Pittura Decorativa Ornamentale. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 38 t MORIARTY, Edwai-d Orpen. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 129.) E MORIER, James. The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan. Edited by Dr. C. J. Wills. " Illustrated. Roy. 8yo. Lond., 1897. J 6 V 2G MORIER, Sir Robert Burnett David. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 :\10RIS0N, James Cotter. Life and Times of St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, 1091-11:"):'.. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 24 Q 31 Life and Times of St. Bernard. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 L^ 35 :\rORISON, Rev. James. Life of; by Rev. W. Adam.son. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 24 P 9 IMORISON, AVilliam. Andi-ew ^Melville. [See Melville, A.] C 20 V 10 5I0RLAND, George, (^eorge Morland and the evolution fi-om him of some later Painters ; by J. T. Nettleship. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 22 U 4 MORLEY, Charles. Studies in Board Schools. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 Q 41 :\10RLEY, Albert Edmund Parker, 3rd Earl of. Inaugural Address, delivered at the 18th Annual Cooperative Congress, 1880. 12mo. Manchester-, 1886. FIGS 14 :\I0RLEY, Prof. F. Introduction to the Theor>- of Analytic Functions. [See Hai'kness, Pi-of. J.] A 25'T 20 .M. [See Early English Text Soc, Puhs., e.\. sei-., 7").] K MORRIS, C. W. The effect of the existing National and International Laws for the IJegulation and Protection of Deep-sea Fisheries, with suggestions for improve- ments of said Laws. (Tnternat. Fislieries Exhih. — Fisheries Literature.) A 31 R 8 MORRIS, Charles. Tlie American Navy : its Ships and their Achievements. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1898. P, 19 Q IG MORRIS, Clara. [Portrait oud Sketch of.] \_See McKay, F. E.— Famous Am. Actors of To-day.J C 23 Q 6 MORRIS, Daniel. The Colony of British Honduras : its Resources and Prospects, with particular refei-ence to its Indigenous Plants and Economic Pioductions. With Map. 12mo. Lond., 1883. D 18 P 33 Fruit as a Factor in Colonial Commerce. Timo. Lond., 1887. F 9 P 28 Report on Economic Resources of the West Indies. \_See Kew Royal Gardens. — Bulletin of Miscellaneous In- formation, additional ser., 1.] E Subsidiary Report to Report of West India Royal Com- mission. [_See Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — West India Com- mission.] F 36 V 17 :t MORRIS, Prof. Edward Ellis. Austral English : a Dic- tioiiary of Australasian Words, Phrases, and Usages, witii those Ahoriginal-Austi-alian and iNlaori words which have become incorporated in the language, and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia. 8vo. Lond., 1898. M.I 3 T 1 Capt. Cook's First Log in the Royal Navy. (Conihill Mag., Oct., 1899.) ' E Federated Universities. (Melb. Review, G.) ME 18 Q History and Geography. (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Jenkin's Ear. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Language and Literature. (Melb. Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Melbourne University. (Melbourne Revi(>w, 1 . ) ME 18 Q Our Charities. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q The Problem of the Kangaroo. (Macmillan's Mag., July, 1897.) E Terra Australis Incognita. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1898.) ^lE 20 P Capt. Owen Stanley. [See Jlelb. Review, 7.] :ME 18 Q Sir Joseph Banks. \_See Lib. ^Vssoc. of Australasia, Proc, 1898.] MJ 2 V 1 MORRIS, Rev. Francis Orpcn. Natural History of the N('sts and Eggs of British Birds. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 10 AV 13-15 t MORP.IS, Henry. Diseases of the Kidneys. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. - System ..f M.'dirine.) A 2G T 37 .\|(»l;l;lS, Isaac. The Wreck of the W Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 189G.) ME 1 Q Notes on the Niditication of the Black Cockatoo. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 189G.) ME 1 Q MORTON, Dr. William J., and HAMMER, Edwin W. The X-Ray ; or, Photography of the Invisible and its Value in Surifei'v. lllusti'ated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 33 Stqip lemen tary Ca to, locj iie — 1890-1000. 423 MO.SCHELES, Felix. Fragments of an Autolnography. With P..l■t^lit^<. 8vo. Lond, 1899. C 2t P 18 Tu lioiieinia with Du Mauiier. Illustrated by G. Du .Alaurier. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 24 T 20 IMOSCHUH. [Opera.] [See Poetie Grfcci.] II 17 U 12 t MOSCOW. Societe Imperiale des Naturali.stes do Moscow. [See Soeiete.] MOSEll, Thouia.s. The Par.sonage Oirl : a Tale in li\-e chapters. Tllust. 8vi). .Sydney, 18S4. MJ.S>S:?1 MOSES, Pruf. Bernard. Democracy and Social (irowthin America. 8vo. New York, 1S98. F 15 S 5 MOSS, John F. Value of Special and General Workshop Instruction in Elementary, Higher, and Evening Schools. (Tnternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 MOSS VALE /?^COi?A Berrima, Sutton Forest, and Bun- ' danoon Advertiser, 1899. Fol. Moss Vale, 1899. ME MOSSO, Angelo. Fear. Translated by E. Lough and F. Kiesow. 8vo. Lond., 1S9G. ' A 2C S 30 Life of Man on the High Alps. Translates! by E. L. Kiesow. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. a'H S 20 MOTHEKSILL, John. England's Free Trade : its eflect on Colonial Interests and English Agriculture ; how it may aifect her Factories. 1 2mo. Oshawa, 1 895. F 9 P 28 MOTLEY, John Lothrop. The Rise of the Dutch Re- public. 3vol.s. 12mo. Lond., 1858. B.WR21-23 MOTT, Edward Spencer, "Nathaniel Gul'liins." The Flowing Bowl : a Treatise on Drinks of all kinds and of all periods, with sundry Anecdotes and Reminis- cences. 12nio. Loud., 1899. J 24 T 2 MOTT, Dr. Frederick Vralker. Arterial Degenerations and Diseases. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Metli- cine.) A 26 T 39 General Pathology of Nutrition. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. System of .Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Tabes Dorsalis. [See Ormerod, Dr. J. A.] A 26 T 40 MOTT, Dr. IJ eury Augustus. Fallacy of the Present Theory of Sound. Sm. 4to. New York, 1885. A 21 P 48 MOTT, John Robert. Strategic Points in the World's Con- quest : the Universities and Colleges as related to the Progress of Christianity. With Map. 8vo. Ix)nd., b'^97. ' G23P31 MOTT, Lewis Freeman. System of Courtly Love ; studied as an Introduction to the "Vita Nuova of Dante." 8vo. Boston, 1896. H ] j ^- 2 MOUILLEFERT, P. The Keeping of Grapes. (Agricult. (;az., N.S.W., 1897.; ME 9 R MOUL, Alfred. Tlu' Jolly Tars March. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P .^) t MOULDEN, J. Collett. Cordierite-bearing Rock from lb-..kciiHill. (Roy.Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1^97. )MKI H MOIILE, Rev. Handley Carr Glyn. Colossian Studies : Lessons in Faith and Holiness from St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 1 1 Bhilijj)ii,iM Sindics : Lessons in Faith and T./ Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.] " ME 1 P MULHALL, Michael (i. Dictionary of Statistics. 4th ed. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 9 V 16 Industries and Wealth of Nations. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 39 Natii>nal Progress in the Queen's Reign, 1S37-97. 1 2mo. Lond., 1897. . " F15Q11 MULHOLLAND, Philiji J. The Siher Question con- sidered from an Australian standpoint. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 S"6 MULLER, Prof. Friedrich Max (in full Friedrich Maxi- milian). Collected Works. Vols. 1, 2, 5-9, 11-14. 11 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1898-99. J 29 T 1, 2, 5-9, 11-14 1. Natural Religion, ((iiffonl Lectures.) •2. Physical Religion, ((iilford Lectures.) 5-8. Chips from a (icrman Workshop. 0. Lectures on the Origin and Crowth of Religion as illus- trated by the Religions of India. (Hibbert Lectures.) 11, 12. Science of Language. 13. India: what can it teach us? 14. Introduction to the Science of Religion. Auld Lang Syne. 1st and 2nd ser. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898-99. J 19 W 10, 11 Contributions to the Science of Mythology. 2 vols. 8vo Lond., 1897. " B 17 R 44, 45 RAmakrishna : liis Life and Savings. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (i 23 P 43 Sacred Books of the East. Translated by various Oriental .scholars. Vol.44. 8vo. Oxford," 1900. G 20 S 10 44. Tlic Sataiiatha-Brahmana according to the text of the Madlivaiirlina. Tnuuslatcd by J. Kggeling. Pt. 5, JSook.s- 11 14. The Six Systems of Indian Philosopiiy. S\(i. Lond., 1899. G 24 V 1 [Sketch of.] {See Stearns, F. P.- IModern English Prost; AVriters] •! 11 V 17 MULLER, G. W. Die Oslracodcn dcs Golfcs von Neapcl. (Zoologischc Station zu Neapel.-- Fauna und Flora de.s Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 23 f MULLER, Georg. Diseases of the Dog and their Treat- ment. Translated, revised, and augmented by A. Glass. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 39 R 25 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 425 MtJJiLEH, (Jcorgina Adclaido [Mi\s. F. Max.] Letters t'niiii C'diistantinople. Illiist. 8vo. Loud., IM97. I) IS (^ -'7 MULLIKEN, J. L. and E. 0. C'DiiiiiiuiiiMn ill Central Eui'ope in the time (if llii' Tiefni-iiiatidii. [See Ivaut- ,sky, K.] (iL'.iS2 MULLTNEE, Beatrice Charlotte. 'Ilie Aiiplieation of Psychology to the Science of Education. [See Hvv- bart, J. ¥.'] 2:5 (J 23 MULLINOER, James Bass, "Theodorus." The New lleforniation : a Narrative of the Old Catholic Move- ment from 1870 to the present time ; with an Histoii- cal Introduction. 8vo. Lond., LS75. O 3 T 13 The Age of ISIilton. [See Masterman, Kev. J. H. 1!.] J U V32 MULLINS, Dr. (Jeorge Lane. Cancer in New .South Wales. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1896. JIA 3 H .^5 New South Wales as a Health Resort for British Con- sumptives. Sm. 4to. Sydney (n.d.) MA 3 11 ."i."j Diet Lists for Australian Medical Practitioners. [See Springthoi-pe, Dr. J. W.] MA 2 P 3 MULOCK, Dinah Maria. [See Civiik, Dinah .Maria.] MUNART, Pictro. Ua Italiaiio in Australia, Note e Im- pressioni. Sm. +to. Jlilano, 1897. MD 1 AV J.") MUNDAHL, C. M. Line Fishing. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 MUNGIXDI XEWS, 1898-Dec., 1899.- Fol. :\lungindi, 1898-99. ' ME MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Proceedings, 1892, 1890, 189s. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-9'8. ME 6 R Reports, 1883-87, 1890, 1892. 4 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1888-93. ME 6 R MUNICIPAL YEAR-IWOK OF THE UXITED KINGDOM, The, 1900. 8vo. Loud., 1900. E MUNK, Dr. Eduard. De Fabulis Atellanis : Frag- menta Atellanarum Poet arum. 8vo. Lipsiie, 1840. •J 15 S 23 MUNK, Capt. Jens. Expedition to Hudson's Bay in search of a North-west Passage in 1019-20. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 97.] '' E jSIUNRO, Hector H. Rise of the Ru.ssian l-lmpiiv. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1900. 1! 11 1! MUNRO, John. The Storv of the I'.iitish Itare. ISmo. Lond., 1899. (Library of Useful Stories.) A 33 R 29 8 u MUNRO, Neil. Gilian the Dream.r. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 12 U 18 . John Splendid : the Tale iif a Poor Gentleman and tlic Little \\'ars , 1S4.'3. J 15 8 23 NAKAMURA, Keijii-. Hawaiian Annexation from a Japane.se point of view. (Arena, Dec., 1897.) E NALLTNO, Carlo Alphonsso. [_See Al-Battanl.] KAMOI JXDEPEXDEXT, 1S99. Fol. ({unnedaii, 1S99. ME NANGLE, Jame.s. Roof Coverings. (Engineering A.s.soc, N.S.F., Proc, 1894-9.5.) " ME 18 P NANSEN, Dr. Fridtjof. [Arctic Voyages of.] ISee Brogger, AV. C] " ' D IG A" 17 AA'ith Nansen in the Xortli : a Record of the Fnnn Ex- pedition in 189.3-9G. [5«# Johansen, Lieut. H.] D 1 R 1 8 — , and JOHANSEN, Lieut. Hjalmar. l^irthest iSTortli : Ijeing the Recoi-d of a Voyage of Exploration of the ship Fram, 1893-9G, and of a 15 months' Sleigh Joui-ney. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1^97. D 10 U 26, 27 NANSON, Prof. Edwaid John. Electoral Reform. (Mel- l)Ourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q NAPIER, Arthur Sampson, and STEVENSON, AV. H. The Crawford Collection of Early Charters and Docu- ments now in (he Bodleian Library. [_See Anecdota Oxoniensia, Med. ser., 7.] E NAPIER, Jame.s. FolkJore; or. Superstitious Beliefs in the AVest of Scotland within this Century: with an Appendix showing the pi-ohal)le relation of tlie :Modein Festivals of Christ m;i,s. May Day, St. John's Day, and Halloween, to Ancient Sun and Fire AVorship. 8vo. Pai.sley, 1879. B 33 P 9 NAPIER, John. [Obituary Notice of.] (lns(. of Civil Engineers, Proc, 80.) E NAPIER, AV. J. Hot AVater Supply and Circulation to large IJuildings. (Engineering Assoc, N.S.VV., Proc, 1894-95.) ME 18 P NAPIER, Sir AViUiam. [Criticism of the AA'orks of.] {See Craik, Henry.— -English Prose.] J G Q 38* NxVPOLEON BONAPARTE. [Life of] ; by T. P. O'Connor. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 22 T 13 Life of: bv AV. M. Sloane. A'ols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. sm. fol. New York, 189G. C 17 T 14-17 t liife of ; by S. Baring-Gould. Illustrateil. Sni. fol. Lond., 1897. ' C 13 AV 33 f The Napoleon Gallery : Reproductions oi Pictures of Napoleon, published by ,SV. PauFs, 1898. Fol. Lond., 1898. A 40 U 28 J Napoleon at St. Helena ; or, Interesting Anecdotes and Remai-kable Conver.sations of the Emperor during the live and a-half years of his captivity ; by J. S. C. Abbott. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1855. C24S 10 New Letters of, omitted from the edition pulilished under the auspices iti;iits. Svo. Lond., 189><. C 25 P 1 [Life of]; l)y Sir William Fi'iisor. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (' -20 T 5 Life ill the Tuilci-ies undei' tlic Seciiinl Iviiipire. \_See Bicknell, Anna L.] B 34 T 9 Louis Napoleon and Mile, de Moiitijo. [,sVv Tnilieif de Saint-Ainand, A. L, l?aron. ] P. 2G Pv 2(i Napoleon III and his Court. ySf- Inihert de .Saint- Aniand, A. L., Baron.] B 20 M 25 Napoleon III ann. (Si.\t v Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 The relation of Cooperative to Competitive Trading. 12m<). Manehe.ster, 1887. F 13 Y 23 NATAL: — Goiv/nimfnt Drpni'linfulu — R/'pnrln and Puhli- rntions. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Annual Reports. Departmental Reports, 1893-95. 2 vols. fol. Pietermaritzburg, 1895-9G. E Defence. Aragisterial. Ivhicatioii, Irrigiitimi. .Ju(li<-i;il. .MiwtllancouH. riil.lif Works. Revcmial. Civil Service. Lists, ls95, 1S97. 2 vols. 8vo. Pieter- iiiaril/.bing, 1895-97. E Statistics. Statistical Year-book of the Colony of Natal, 1893-95. 2 vols. fol. Pietermaritzburg, 1894-95. E Statutes. Acts of the Parliament of the Colony of Natal, 1894, 189G. 2 vols. Roy. Svo. Pietennai-itz- )iurg, 1894-96. E XATAJ. ALMAXAC, DIRECTORY, AXD YEARLY REGISTER, 1808-70, 1S72, 1884-8.5, 1889, 1891, 1894, 189G-97. II vnls. 8vo. Pioterm.iritzburg, 18G7-97. E NATHAN, R. Plague in India. 1 890-97. [.S'e« India- Home Department.] A 44 V 15-18 NA TIOX, The : a Weekly Journal devoted to Politics, Literature, Science, and Art. Vols. 1-62, 65-70, July, 1865-June, 1896, Julv, 1897-.Tune, 1900. 68 vols. 4to. New York, 186.5-1900. E NxVTIONAL ACADE:\n' ()|- SCIENCES, UNITED STATES. [See Uiuted States National Academy of Sciences.] XATIOXAL ADVOCATE. .lulv-Dec. 1899. Fol Bathurst, 1899. ' ME NATIONAL ART (iALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Catalogue. Illustrated. 8vo. Svdnev, 1893. ' MA"4Q"'9 NATIONAL ART LIBRARY. Catalogue of Engraved National Portraits in tlie National Art Library ; with a Prefatorv Note Ijy J. Marsliall. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 36 T 28 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the PROMOTION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. Transactions, 1857-84, 1886. 30 vols. Svo. Lond., 1858-86. F 15 T 1-U 9 NATIONAL AUSTRALASIAN CONVENTION. [See Soutli Australia. — National Australasian Convention.] NATIONAL CHURCHES. Tlie ('lunch of England [fiee Overton, Rev. J. H.] G 23 Q 5, 6 NATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN BIO- (JRAPHY. Vols. 6-9. Illustrated. 4 vols. imp. Svo. New York, 1896-99. C 18 U 11-14 430 Public Libmry of Neio South Wales, NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON. Abridged Cata- li)gue of the Pictures in tlie National Gallery ; with short Biographical Notices of the Painters : Foreign Schools. '8vo. Lond., 1898. A 3G Q 27 Descrij)ti\-e and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures and Sculptures in the National Gallery of British Art ; with Biographical Notices of deceased Artists. 5th ed. 8vo'." Lond., 1899. A 36 Q 28 Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery ; with Biographical Notices rals, and of Sponges. 18mo. Dublin (n.d.) A 27 P 6 NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Notice of some new or interesting species of Shells from British Columbia and the ad- jacent region; byW. H. Dall. 8vo. Victoria, 1897. E NATURAL SCIENCE: a Monthly Review of Scientific Progress. Vols. 8-15, 1896-Dec., 1900. 8 vols, (in 7) 8vo. Lond., 1896-99. E NA TURE : a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vols. 1-61, Nov., 1869-Apnl, 1900. 61 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1869-1900. E " NATIVE, A." [See Hallack, E. H.] NATIVE COMPANION SONGSTER, The. 8vo. Brisb., 1889. Mil 1 V 30 NATURE SERIES. 8cientific Evidences of Organic Evolution. [See Romanes, Dr. G. J.] A 27 Q 17 NAUTICAL ALMANAC and Astronomical Ephemeris, 1767-1902. 117 vols. 8vo. Lond,, 1766-98. E NAVAL ANNUAL [See Brassey, Hon. T, A.] E NAVAL CHRONICLE, The: containing a General and Biograjihica! History of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom, with a variety of original papers on Nautical Subjects. Ulust. Vols! 1-40, Jan.. 1799-Dec., 1818. 40vols. 8vo. Lend., 1799-1818. B 38 P 1-Q 21 NAVARRO, Mnie. de (Mary Anderson). A few Memories. 8vo, Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] {_See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day. J C 23 Q 6 NAVE, Rev. Orvillo J. Inde.x-Digest of tlie Holy Scrip- tures. Roy. 8\o. Lond., 1900. G 23 V 34 NAVILLE, Edouard. Temple of Deir el Bahari. [See Egypt Exploration Fund.] B 47 R 22, 23 + N A\'I LLF, Ernest. Modern Physics ; Studies Historical and Philosophical. Translated by Henry Downton. 8vo. Edinb., 1884. A 21 R 29 NAVY AND ARMY ILLUSTRATED: a Magazine Descriptive and Illustrative of Every-day Life in the Defensive Services of the British Empire. Vols. 1- 9. 9 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-1900. E NAVY LIST, The. [See C.n-A P.ritain and rrclaml — Admiralty.] E Snjiplementary Catalocjue — 1S96-1900. 431 NAVY IN THE CIVIL WAl!, Tlio. With JTaps. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1898. V. •.';? (,) L'l-2;3 The Blockade of tlio Cruisers ; by Prof. J. R. Soley. The Gulf anil Inland Waters ; by Capt. A. T. Malmn. The Atlantic Coast ; by D. Aninien. NAVY RECORDS SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 1- 17. ITvoLs. 8vo. Lond., 1894-99. E 1, 2. Defeat of the Spanisli Armada. 3. Letters of Sir Samuel Hood, 1781 3. 4. Index to James' Naval Hi.story. 5. Life of Captain Stephen Martin, l(i66-1740. 6. Journal of Rear-Adm. Bartholouicw James, ■1752-1828. 7. Two Discourses of the Navy, Ki.SS- 59, by John Hollond ; also, a Discum-.so of the Navy, l()(iO, by Sir Robert Slyngesbie. Edited by J. R. Tanner. 8. Naval Aeeounts and Inventories of the Reign uf lleniy VII, 1485-97. Edited by M. Oppenheim. 9. Journal of Sir George Rooke, 1700-1702. Edited by (). Browning. 10. Letters and Papers relating to the War with France, 1312-13 ; by A. Spent. 11. Papers relating to the Navy during the Spanish War, 1585-87- Edited by J. S. Corbett. 12. Letters and Papers of Adin. of the Fleet Sir T. Byaui Martin. Edited by Sir R. Y. Hamilton. Vol. 2. 13. 17. Letters and Papers relating to the first Dutch War, 1652-54. Edited by S. R. Gardiner. Vols. 1, 2. 11. Dispatches and Letters relating to the Blockade of Brest, 1803-5. Etlited by J. Ley land. Vol. 1. 15. History of the Russian Fleet during the reii^n of Peter the Great; by a contemporary Englishman. Edited by Vice-Adm. C. A. t!. Bridge. 10. Logs of the Great Sea Fights, 1794-1805. Edited l)y T. S. Jaekson. Vol. 1. NAYLOR, Edward Woodall. Shakespeare and Music. With Illustrations from the Music of the 16th and 17tl! Centuries. 12nio Loud., 189G. A 23 P 10 NAZARP.EK, Avetis. Through the Storm : Picture.s of Life in Armenia. Translated by Mrs, L. M. Elton ; with a Prefatory Note by F. York Powell. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' D 13 S 4 NEAL, John Randolph. Distmion and Restoration in Tennessee. 8vo. New York, 1899. E 18 R 7 NEAL, Thomas, "Practical Dyer and Cleaner." New System of Music ; or, the Old Notation superseded. Nos. 1, 2. -tto. Sydney, 1896-97. MA IIP 35 f Secrets of the Garment Dyeing and Cleaning Trade. 18mo. Sydney, 1898. ' MA 3 U 50 " NEALE, Agnes." [See Aherne, C. A.] NEALE, Dr. Alfred. Plague and Securitv. 12mo. Sydney, 1900. ' MA 4 P 45 The Skin : its Disfigurements, Diseases, and their Cure ; with Notes ou Baths and Bathing. 2uded. 12mo. Sydney, 1899. :\IA 4 P 44 NEALE, Edward Vansittart. Association and Education. 12mo. Manchester, 1882. E 12 S 20 The CooperaCive .A'ejfy, and why Cooperatoi-s should sup- port it. 12uio. Manchester, 1878. F 13 V 23 The Common-.sense of Cooperation. 1 2mo. Manchester, 1886. ¥ 13 V 23 The Distinction between Joint-sluckism and Coupera- timi. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 The Economic Aspect of Cooperation. 12)no. Man- chester (n-d-) F 13 V 23 The Economics of Cooperation. 12mo. Manche-ster, 188.5. F 12 S 20 Inaugural Address, delivered at the 20th Annual Co- (iperative Congress, 1888. 12mo- Manchester, 1898. F 16 S 14 The Principle of Unity : the Life of Cooperation. 12mo. Manchester, 1875. F 13 Y 41 Principles of Rating applied to Cooperative Stores. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 The three C's : a Cooperative Triologue. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 True Refinement. 12mo- Manchc-stcr, 1877- F 12 S 20 AVhat is Cooperation? 12mo- Manchester (n.d ) F 13 V 41 Why should the rich interest themselves in Cooperation, and how can they promote it ? 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 Manual for Cooperators. [See Hughes, T.] F 3 B 6 NEATE, H. D. How to Manage a Butchering Business. 12nto. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 NEAVES, Charles, Lord- Rectorial Address, delivered a.t; St- Amlrcw's L^niversitv- [See Knight, Dr. W.] G17T18 NECKER, Jacques, Baron de. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T. — Montaigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 NEELY, Samuel T. Traction Tests. [See United States. — Dept. of Agr. — Ofiice of Road Inquiry.] All V 4 NEESIMA, Rev. Joseph Hardy. Rev. J. H. Neesima, a Maker of New Japan. [&« Davi.s, Rev. J. D-] G 19U 10 Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C C. — Great Mission- aries.] G 14 S 30 NEIL, C. Laag. South Africa in Peace and War. IU.u.s- tratod- Ob- 4to. Loud, (n.d.) D 20 S 8 f NEIL, Robert Alexander. Tlie Jataka. [See Jataka,.] G5T22 NEIL, Samuel. The Home of Shakespeare. 8th ed. lllu-strated. 8vo. Warwick (n.d.) D 11 Q 12 NEILD, Dr. James Edward. Advantages of Rurniug the DcckI. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) ' MJ 3 R 16 432 public Zibrary of New South Wales. NEILD, Juhii Cash. Songs 'neath the Southern Cn.iss. Svo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 V 11 Report on Old Aire Pensions, Charitable Relief, and State Insurance in England and on tlie Continent of Europe. [_See N. S. Wales.^Okl Age Pensi(jns.] :MF 3 U 69 NEILL, Charles Patrick. Daniel Rayuiund : an Early Chapter in the History of Economic Theory in the United States. (Johns Hopkins Uni\ersit\\ — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 15 NEILSON, George. Fruit Exportation. [See Victoria. —Agriculture.] MA 3 Y 13 NEILSON, George. Obiter. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F"13 R 25 On Symbols. (Andrews, AV.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Posl-morti'in Trials. (Andrews, W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 NEILSON, "William. Mesmerism in its relation to Health and Disease and the Present State of ^Medicine. 12mo. Edinb., 1855. G 19 U U NELSON, A. D. Address to the Engineering Association of New South Wales. (Engineering Assoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1894-95.) ME 18 P NELSON, Prof. Aven. First Report on Floia of Wyoming. [See Wyoming.— Agricult. Exper. Stn.] A 20 T 6 The Red Desert of Wyoming and its Forage Resources. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division'of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 NELSON, Dr. H. C. Sanitary and Medical Reports for 1873-74 by Officers of the U.S. Navy. [See ITuited States.— Dept. of the Navy.] E NELSON, Adm. Horatio, Viscount. Horatio Nelson and the Naval supremacy of England ; by W. Clark Russell and W. H. Jaijues.] Gth ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. C 23 P 25 Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson: an Historical Biog- raphy, Ijased on Letters and other Documents in the Morrison Collection. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 R 2 Life of Nelson, the embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain ; by Capt. A. T. Mahan. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., ]S97. C 21 Q 22, 23 Nelson and his Tiuu^s ; by Rear-Adm. Lord Chai'les Beresford and H. \V. Wilson. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) C 13 R 17 t Nelson's Friendsliips ; by Mrs. Hilda (iandin ; with Pre- fatory Note by John Hargreaves. lllusti'ated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 27 S 21, 22 Pictures from tlie Life of ; by W. Clark Russell. With Portrait. Hvo. Lond., 1897. C 20 S 12 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Vice-Adm. P. H. Colondj. (Laughton, Piof. J. K. i'roin Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 NELSON, Adm. Horatio, Viscount — contd. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T. — ^lontaigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 [Funeral of.] [See Funerals.] B 16. S 13 | Nelson and his Companions in Arms. [See Laughton, J. K.] B 16 S 8 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 [Sketch of.] [See Giithth, O. — Men who ha\e made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 NELSON, Julius. Suppression and Prevention of Tuber- culosis of Cattle and its relation to Human Consump- tion. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R XEMESIS TIMES, Tko : a Weeklv Journal of Literature and Art. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, Dec, 1876-Jan., 1877. 8vo. Melb., 1,S77. MJ 3T 17 NENNIUS. Historia Britonum. [&r English Hist. Soc. Pubs.] ' B 39 R 4 XEl'EAX TIMES, 1898-99. 2 vols. f(,l. Penrith, 1898- 99. ME NERUDA, L. Norman-. [See Norman-Neruda, L.] "NERVAL, Gerard de." [See Labruiue, G. de.] NERVO, Gonsalve de. Baron Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: her Life, Reign, and Times, 1451- 1504. Translated by Lieut.-Col. Temple-West. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 12 U 35 NESBIT, Henry A. Spiritualism : an Essay. 8vo. Adelaide, 1881. MG 2 V 8 NESTER UND EIER DER VUGEL. 4to. StuKgarl, 1866. A 40 U 7 J NESTLE, Prof. Berhard. A Palestinian Syriac Lection- ary. [See Lewis, A. S.J G 18 U 6 NETTLESHIP, John Trivett. George Morlaml and the evolution from him of some later Painters. [See Mor- land, (;.] C 22 U 4 NETTLESHIP, Kichard Lewis. l'hil,,s,,pliical Lectures and lleniains. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch, liy A. C. Bradley and G. R. Ben.son. With Portrait. 2" vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (! 23 R 2, 3 NEUBAUFK, .Xdolf, ■rhe I'.ook of 'i'obil. [fe Bibles and Testaments. Apocrypha.] G 25 S 11 Mediieval Jewish Chronicles. [5(re Anccdota O.xoniensia, Seni. ser., vol. 1, pt. 6.] E XEl'ICS JAIIRIiUCII FCIl MIXERMAXUK, (lEOLO- (HE, VXD PAL.EOXTOI.OHIE, l,s94-95, 1897- 1900. llvols, 8vo. Stuttgar(, 1S<.)2-1900, E SnpplemeiUary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 433 NEUKELn, Charles. A Prisoner of the Kluilccfa : Twelve Years Cii]>tivity at Uiiuhiriiian. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., IS'Ji). C 20 S 19 NEUMANN, Arthur II. Klcphaiit-huiitiii;,' in East E(|ua- torial Africa: hein^ an ,\ccoun(i)f thrive years Ivory- huiitiiij; uiulei' M(aint Keiiia and aiuoii^ the Nihiroho savaf^es of the Loroj^i Mountains, inehuling a tiij) to the North end of Lake Kudolpli. Illu.strated. Hoy. Svo. Lend., 1898. T) 1.3 U 3 NEUMANN, J)r. Bcrnhard. Theory and Practice of Electrolytic Methods of Analysis. 'I'ranslated by J. B.C.Kershaw. Illustrated, 'll'nio. L,,nd., 1898. A 40 T -2 NEVADA : — S'/it/K Df/Hir/iiU'iits — licporta (IikI /'iili/int!i.oiin. Agricultural Experiment Station. lUdletin iM. 8yo. llcjio, 1894. A .•!:5 S 30 :>4. Karly Kloia i)f tliu 4'riu-Uoi! Vallo.v. NEVILL, E. Conxcr.salion wilh a Fi-icnd : written with tlu; blunt point of A. J. Nibli. il'iuo. Adelaide, 1888. I\l(i -2 1! () NEVILL, K. S. Curing Cigar Tobacco. ((,(uei'nsland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898.) ISIE 9 U Future of the Tobacco Industry in Queensland. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Jan.," 1900.) ME 9 U Handling Heavy Pipe Tobaccos. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., .S<>pt„ 1899.) :\IK 9 U NEVILL, llalph. Memoirs of Capt.-Lieut. iJ'Artagnan. [See Courtilz do Sandras, G. de.] C -'6 11 11, 12 NEVILLK-ROLFE, Eustace. [See Rolfe, E. Naville-.j NEVINSON, llenrv W. Ladysniitli : Diaiy of a Siege. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.,'l900. ' B;i7Q17 Scenes in the Thirty Days War between Greece and Turkey, 1897. Illust. 8yo. Lond., 1898. P. L'7 Q C NEVIX^S, Hev. John Livingston. Demon Po.ssessioii and allied Themes: being an inductive Study of Phenomena of our own times, with an Introduction by the Rev. F. F. Ellinwood : with an Index. Bibliogi-ayihical, I'iblical, Pathological, ^ind (leneriil. Nxu. Lond., 1897. " C 19 T •-'.'i ^VA'ir ASoil, Produce, itc, with the Manners and Customs of the .several Inhabitant.s, their Government, Religion, Arts, Science.s, Manufac- tures, and Conimeice ; the whole consisting of such English and Foreign Authors as are in most esteem, including the descriptions and remarks of .sritish New Guinea, 1888-90. Sm. tol. I'.irt .Moresby, 1890. ME NEW HAMPSHIRE : — '^lule Depart ment.'i— Reports and l'iil)liealiiiii>'. Annual Reports. Annual [Departmental] Reports, 1891-97. 17 \-,--,C,, 1H.-/J-G0, 18G.3-64, 18GG, 1870-72, 187r), 1879, 1SK3-84, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1893. 20 vols. f,,l. Sydney, 18.'50-94. Mi: [See also Finance, under this liending. NEW SOUTH \YALE8—contd. Australian Museum. [See under main Author Entry.] Bankruptcy, Company, and Probate Cases, [See N.S.W. Bankruptcy, Company, aiul Probate Cases.] Bay view House. Report of the Royal Commission ap- pointed to inquire into the conduct and management of the licensed house for insane at Cook's River, near Sydney, known as "Bayview House," and particularly as regards the allegations made in the Legislative Assembly respecting the treatment of certain patients in the said licensed house. Sm. fol. Sydney, 189.5. ■ MF 9 P 43 t Bills. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Blue Book. [See Public Service, under this heading.] Board of Health. Manual for the Information and truidance of Local Authorities, and of Dairymen and Milk-vendors registered in Town and Country Dis- tricts under the "Dairies Supervision Act, 1886." 8vo. Sydney, 1896. [7?oM«f? ^/'i^/; Practical Dairying; by J. P. Dowling.] MA 1 S 43 Census. [See Statistics, under this licading.] Chicago World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. [See Chicago Exhiliition, 1893.] Chinese Gambling. Report of the Royal Commission on alleged Chinese Gambling and Innuorality, and charges of bribery against memliers of the police force, 1891. Sm. fol. ' Sydney, 1892. MF 4 U 38 Civil Service. [See Public Service, under this heading.] Clarence River. Report, togethei- with Jlinutesof Evi- d(!nce. Appendices, and Plans relating to the proposed improvements to the entrance of the Clarence River. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 9 Q 40 t Commissariat. Regulations as to the issuing and ac- counting for Provisions and other Articles furnished by the Commissariat to the Civil Departments of New South Wales and its Dependencies ; ajiproved and ordered to be carried into efliBct by His Excellency Jlaj.-Gen. Sir Thomas Brisbane, Governor and Com- maiider-in-Chief. 8vo. Sydney, 182-5. MF 1 S 18 Constitution, The Constitution Act : an Act to confer a Constitution on New South Wales. (Shine, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.) MC 4 P 4 t Crown Lands. [See Lands, under this heading.] Defence Forces. Army and Navy List, 1893, 189.5-98. .-. vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-98. ]\IE G P Education. [Sec Public Instruction, uniler this luMdiiig.] Electoral Rolls, 1869-71, 1873-79, 1881-1900. 56 vols, sm fol. Sydney, 1869-1900. ME Supplementary Cataloffue— 1800-1900. 435 NEW SOUTH WALES— conkl. Emigration from Great Britain. Pajjers of 0. A. WiMnl, (Jol()ni;il L.uiil anil iMiiigialiou Oi)inini»sionur. Sm. ful. Loud, iSlG-tT. MF 9 P 4S t 1. Lutter-book, 26th Jan., 1850, to 24lh June, ISoS. 8-5. Draft of iv Bill for regulating tho carriage of passengers ill merchant vessels, with MS. alterations, IS4G. 6. Return of Emigration from the United Kingilom, 1847 .'iC. 7. Jleturn showing the amounts jjlaccd to the Kniigration Commissioner's disposal from 1S47-GG. 8. Acts of Parliament : the Colonization As.snrance Co. Act , Maintenance of the Poor Act, and an Act to facilitate Emigration from certain distressed districts of (Scotland. Estiipates, [See Finance, und(;i- this heading.] Finance. Fin.ancial .Statements, 1873-7-1:, 1877-79, 1881- 82, 1892-93. 6 vols. .sm. fol. Sydney, 1873-93. ME Financial Statements of the Colonial Treasurers of New- South Wales, from the iiitroduction of Ilesponsible Governnient, 24th Nov^ember, 185.5, to the dose of the Parliamentary Session of 1891-92, 1st April, 1892. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-93. ME Estimates of the Expenditure of the Government of New- South Wales. [See in "Votes and Proceedings of tlie Legislative Assembly.] [See aho Auditor-General, under this heading. Geological Survey. Guide to the Jenolan Caves, New- South Wales ; lay O. Triokett. Illustrated- Ob. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MD 8 P 35 Memoirs. Ethnological series. No. 1. Illustrated. 4to. Sydney, 1899. MA 13 Q 6 t 1. Ahoriginal Carvings of Port Jackson and Broken Bay, measured and described by W. 1). Campbell. Memoirs. Pahieontology. VoLs. 1-9. Illustrated. 9 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1890-99. MA 5 V 15-23 1. Invertebrate Fauna of the Hawkesburj-Wianamatta Sci-ies (beds above the iiroductivc coal-measures) of New 8outh Wales i by R. Etheridge. ■2. Contributions to the Tertiary Flora of Australia; I)}' Baron von Ettingshausen. 3. (leological and Paheontplogieal relations of the Coal and Plant-bearing bods of Pabeozoic and Mesozoic Ago in I'lastern Australia and Tasmania ; Ijy Dr. 6. Feistmantel. 4. The Fossil Fishes of the Hawkesbnry Series at Gostord ; by A. S. Woodward. 5. Monograph of the Cai-boniferous and Peruio-Carbonifer- ous Invertebrata of New 8outh Wales. Pt. 2. Echin- oderniata, Annelida, and Crustacea ; by R. Etheridge, jun. G. Descriptions of the Palaozoie Fossils of New South Wales, Australia ; 1)}' the late L. G. de Koninck. Translated from the French by Prof. T. W. E. David, Mrs. David, and W. S. Dun. 7. Mesozoic an 1891-94 ; by R. Etheridge, jun., and W. S. Dun. 17. ( ieological Notes ujjon a Trip to Mt. Kosciusko, N.S.W. by .J. B. Jacquet. 15. Devonian Plant-bearing Beds on tjie Genoa Bi\er, co Auckland ; by W. S. Dun. 1 9. Mineralogical and Petrological Notes ; b3- G. W. Card. 20. Lower Silurian Graptolites in N.S.W. ; by W. S. Dun. 21. Diatomaceous Earth Deposits of N.S.W. : by G. W. Card. 22. New form of Syringopora, allied to Si/rinjoj:o>-a taluhila. Van Cleve ; by R. Etheridge, jun. 23. Saddle Reefs at Hargraves ; by J. A. Watt. 24. Fauna of the Devonian Boulders occurrijig at the White Clifts Opal-fields ; by W. S. Dun. 25. Pal^ontologia Novk Cambrios Meridionalis ; by R. Etheridge, jun. 2,6. Stratigraphical and Palajontologicfil Ifotes ; by W. S. Dun. 436 public Library of New South JFales. NEW SOUTH WALES— confcZ. Geological Survey — contd. IJeciirds — ciintJ. '), •21. Australian (ieological Record, 1896, with Addenda, 1891-95; l)y R. Etheridge, jun., and W. S. Uun. 28. Kalgoorlite ; by E. F. Pittman. G, 1. (;eolog\- and Mineral Deposits of portions of Western Australia ; by E. V. Pittman. -. Kalgoorlie Rocks ; by I J. W. Card. ;i. (icnus Enduphylhnn in the Lower Paheozoic Rocks of N.S.W. : by R. Etheridge, jun. 4. Pernio-Carboniferous Flora of N..S.W. ; Ijv \\". S. Dun. .">. Stolzite, and a new Mineral. Raspite; liy V. Hlawatsch. (i. Struct\ire and mode of Preservation of llmjiliu-ulilis australh, Salter; by R. Etheridge, jun., and W. S. Dun. 7. -VUeged E\idence of (ilacial Action in tlie Permo-Car- Vioniferous Rocks of the Ashford Coal-field ; by Prof. Da\id and E. F. Pittman. 8. (ieology of the Hill End Gold-tield; by E. F. Pittman. 9. Saddle Reefs of the Hargraves Gold-field ; by J. A. Wattf 10. Cycloperoid Fern, closely allied to the European Cardi. opterif poh/iiiorph'', (ioeppert, in tlie Carboniferous o- X.S.W. : by \V- ^- l'"'i- 11. Phosphatic Deposits in the Jenolan Caves; liy .1. C H. Minga_\'c. 1-2. Analyses of .some N.S.W. Phosphatic Minerals and Phosphatic Deposits : by .J. C; H. Mingaye, 13. Australian Geological Record, 1897, with Addenda, 1891-96; by R. Etheridge, jun. 14. Corals of tlie Taniworth District ; l>y R. Etheridge, jun. ^Gold-fields. Report of the Royal Commission aiipoiiited 1o inquire into the working of tlie present (Jold-tields Act and Regulations of New South Wales, and into tlie best me;ins of securing a permanent water supply for the Gold-fields of the Colony. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1871. ■ MA 1.3 P 1 t Government Gazette. Uovernment Gazette, with Inde.x, ls:32-9<). L'08 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 183l'-99. ME Governor's Court. Rules and Orders of the Governor's Court ill New South Wales; to wliich are added an Abstract of tlie new Charter for the Administration of .Justice in the Territory, and a Tabic of Fees in the Governor's Coui-t. With autograpli Notes by Mr. .1 udge Advocate Wylde. ll'iilo. Sydney, ISl .')." Libr. Harbours and Rivers. [5e« Public Works, under this iicading.J Hawkesbury Agricultural College. [See Agriculture, under this licadiiig. ] Historical Records. Historical Records of New \Val<-s. KdiU-d by F. M. RIaden. Vols. 1^6. trated. G vols, (in 7) 8vo. Sv(hiev, 1S9;V-9S. Ml! -1 T 1, pl. I. Cook, 176-2-SO. 1, pt. 2. Phillip, nS.'J-Oi 2. Grose and Paterson, l79.'{-n5. :i. Hunter, 1796-99. 4. Hunter and King, J800-2. 5. King, 180.'}-.'). (i. King anil Bligh, 1800-8. Land Appeal Court, Cases dctormineil in ihe Appeal Court (jf New Srmtli Wales. \'(j1s. I- 7, 97. 7 vols. Hvo. Sydnev, lS93-9,'^. M South III us - L'O-L'G Lanil 1890 E G U NEW SOUTH WAIJES,— contd. Land Question in 1844-46. Papers of C. A. Wood, Colonial Land and Emigration Commis.sioner. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) " MF 9 P 47 t 1. Quit Rents -Remarks for information of W. E. Glad- stone. 2. MS. Draft of an Act for the Government of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land re pasture and timber licenses. 3. MS. Draft of a Bill to amend an Act for regulating the sale of waste land lielonging to the Ci-own in the Aus- tralian Colonies. 4. MS. Draft of a Bill to pro\ide against the unauthorized occupation of waste land in the Australian Colonies. 5. MS. Act of Council, 23rd June, 1840 : Pounds. 0. Condition of the licensed occupiers of Crown Lands in I'ort Phillip and New South Wales. 7. ilS. Note on recommendations sent home \>\ Sir (Jeorge Gipps, 1844. 8. MS. Extracts from a letter by Capt. King, 14th May, 1844, on Squatters. 9. JIS. Extract from a Despatch from the Commissioner of the Australian Agricultural Co., dated Port Stephens, May 24, 1844. lit. Shameful monopoly of millions of acres of land in New South Wales. 11. Letter- Stephen to Wood, .30th Jan., 1845 -on Land Question. 12. Letter— Denison to Wood, 2lltli June, 1845 on Land Question. 1.3. Letter from a Port Phillip Settler, 12tli Feb., 1845, mx the Land Question. 14. Cofjies or Extracts of any Correspondence relative to Crown Lands and Emigration in New South Wales. 15. Memo, re Land Question, by C. A. Wood, 3rd July, 1845. 16. Letter — Denison to ^Voo(l, ISth July, 1845— on Land Question. 17. Private Memo., in MS., July, 1845, on Sciuatting Regu- lations. 18. Letter- 20th July, 1845, Wood to Denison— Land Question. 19. MS. Extracts from Lord Stanley's private despatch to Gipps on Land Sales Ainendnient Bill. 20. Copies or Extracts of any Correspondence relatixc to the licensed occupation of Crown Lands in New South Wales. 21. Letter- -Wood to Stephen- »r Squatters in New South Wales ; with Memos, by Lord Lyttclton aiul \\'. E. Gladstone. 22. Observations l>y C. A. Wood, in MS., 3rd June, 1846, on Sir (i. Gipps' proposed amenr Entry.] Legislative Assembly. ' .SV rai-liament, under 'his headin".] [See Tarlianient, under tiiis Legislative Council. heading.] List of Magistrates. Li.st of Ma,<()undary, with the final Report of Major H. W. Clarke, Surveyor for the Commission. Illustrated. 8vo. Albany,' 1886. A 32 R 37 442 Fublic Library of New South Wales, NEW YORK— con^Z. Commissioners of Fisheries, Game, and Forests. Annual Reports, 1895-96. Illustrated. 2 vols. sin. fol. Albany, 1896-97. E Department of Public Instruction. Aimual Reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1871, 1873. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1872-71. E Geologist. Annual Report, 1891. 8vo. Albany, 1895. E Annual Report, 1896 Svo. Albany, E Historian. 1897. Public Papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of New York, 1807-17. With Portrait. Vol. 1. 8vo. Now York, 1898. B 41 S 5 Legislature. Election Laws of the State of New York, with Extracts from the Constitution, also Forms and Instructions for Officers, &c. 8vo. Albanv, 1871. ■p 16 T 22 ^Manual for use of the Legislature of the State of New York, 1882. 12mo. Albany, 1882. F 12 S 35 Library. Bulletins Legislation, Nos. 10, 11, 1899-1900. 2 vols. Svo. Albany, 1899-1900. Cat. Rooiu Bulletins Bibliography, Nos. 6-17, Feb., 1898-Jan., 1899. Svo. Albany, 1898-99. Cat. Room Report of the Trustees for 1884-86, 1895-97. 6 vols. rov. 8vo. Albany, 1885-98. E Museum. Annual Reports, 1879, 1885-86, 1894-96. 7 vols. 4to. Albany, 1879-98. E Bulletins. Vol. 4, No. 19, vol. 5, Nos. 20-23. 2 vols. Svo. Albany, 1898. E 19. (JuiJe to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum ; by F. J. H. Merrill. 30. Klm-leaf Beetle in New York State ; by E. P. Felt. 21. Oeology of the Lake Placid Region ; by J. F. Keniji. ■Zl. Earthenware of the New York Aborigines ; by ^A'- M. JJeauchanip. S-j. Fourteenth Report of the State Entomologist on Injuri- ous and other In.sccts of the State of New Y'ork, 1898. Statutes. [See Legislature under this heading.] University. Annual Report of the Administrative Dc- partuicnt, 1896-97. 2 vols. Svo. Albany, 1897-98. E Annual Report of the Examination Department, 1896- 97. 2 vols. Svo. Albany, 1897-98. E Annual Report of the Extension Department, 1896-97. 2 vols. Svo. Albany, 1898. ]<: College Department Bulletin, .Jan., ^\pril, 1899. Svo. Albany, 1899. E College Department, Bulletins 3-11, Oct., 1899- April, 1900. Professional Education in the United States ; jjii^pared by H. L. Taylor under direction of J . R. I'ar.'jon.s, jun. 7 vols. roy. Svo. Albany, 1899-1900. G IS U 18-24 1. General. 2. Theology. :!. Law. 4. Medicine. .'. Denti.slry. (i. Pliannacy. 7. Veterinary Medicine ; fortified Public Accountants ; Supplement. NEW YCmK—contd. Uni V er sity — co ntd. Extension Bulletin.s, Nos. 25, 26. July, 1898. 8vo. Albany, 1898. " E High School Department, Bulletin, March, 1899 : Re- port of the Director, 1898. 8vo. Albany, 1899. E Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York during the Century from 1784-1884; by Dr. Franklin B. Hough, with an In- troductory Sketch by Dr. Da^•id Murray. Svo. Al- bany, 1885. " G 17T 9 Regents Bulletins, Nos. 44, 45, March, Dec, 1898. Svo. Albany, 1898. E Reports, "1885-86. 2 vols. Svo. Albany, 1885-86. E NEV\^ YORK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF RAPID TRANSIT. Minutes of Proceedings, July- Dec, 1875. "E NEW YORK BOARD OF EDUCATION. Amuial Reports, 1856, 1878, 1891-93. 5 vols. Svo. New York, 1857-94. E NEW YORK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Report for the year 1881-82. Svo. New York, 1882. E NEW YORK FIRE DEPARTMENT. Report for three months ending Dec, 1896. Svo. New York, 1897. . E NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Report, 1883-84. 8vo. New York, 1884. E NEW YORK PUBLIC PARKS. Annual Reports of the Board of Commissioners, May, 1870-Miiy, 1872. Illust. 2 vols. roy. Svo. New York, 1871-72. E NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. Catalogue of the New York State Library ; First Supplement to the Subject-Index of the General Library, 1872-82. Svo. Albany, 1882. " Cat. Room NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY SCHOOL. Hand- book. 32mo. Albany, 1897. Cat. Room NEW ZEALAND : — Government De2Mrtmenis — Reports and Piihlirations. [For Reports and Parliamentary Papers not detailed here, sei; in Appendix to .lournals of House of llcprc- .scntativcs.] Acts. [See Statutes, under tliis heading.] Agriculture. Dairying Service : Reports, 1896-98. 2 vols. Svo. AVellington, 1897-98. ME 19 Q Division of Biolo»y and Pomology: Reports, 1895-99. 4 vols. Svo. Wellington, 1896-99. ME Leaflets for Farmers. Nos. 2, 6-13, 15-34, 36, 39-41. Svo. Wellingtpling Waters : the Lake, the Land, the Legends, with a Tramp through Tuhoe Land. Illustrated. 8vo. Wellington, 1897. MD 3 S 4 NEW ZEALAND— cow^c/. Legislative Council. headinLC. I \_See Parliament, under tins Marine Department. Annual Report, 1890-92. 2 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-92. ME Mines and Mining. Annual Reports of the Colon i.-il Laboratory, 1893-98. 4 vols, roy Svo. Wellington, 1894-99. ME IC Q Reports on the Jfining, Industry of N. Z., 1885-1900. 15 vols. fol. Wellington, 1886-1900. ME Native Land Laws. Report of the Commission appointed to in((uire into the subject of the Native Land Laws. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MF 3 Q 40 t Official Year-book, 1892-1900; by E. J. von Dadelszen. 9 vols. Svo. Wellington, 1892-1900. ME 14 P Parliament. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1861-80, 1891-99. G5 vols. fol. Auckland and Wellington, 1861-99. ME Debates. 18-54-58, 1861-63. Vols. 12-37, 39, 40, 44-65, 71-74, 83-113, July, 1872-Sept., 1880, July- Sept., 1881, June-Sept., 1883, June-Nov., 1884, June, 1885-Aug., 1889, June-Sept, 1891, June, 1894-Nov., 1898, June-Sept., 1899, June-Sept., 1900; and Index to vols. 87-96. 90 vols. roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1872-1900. ' ME Journals and Appendix to the Journals of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, June-Nov., 1895. Fol. Wellington, 1895. ME Postal Service and Telegraphs. Report of the Post Office and Telegraph Department, 1890-91. 2 vols, sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-92. ME Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, taken for the night of the 12th of April, 1896. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1896-97. ME Public Accounts. \See Finance, under this lieading.] Public Trust Office. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the condition and working of the Public Trust Office. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MF 3 Q 44 t Royal Commissions. {_See undeF the subject of each Commission, under this heading.] Settlement. Acts relating to the Settlement of New Zealand. Sm. fol. Lond., 1851. MF 9 P 48 f Statistics. Report on the Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, taken on the night of the 12th April, 1896; by E. J. von Dadelszen. Sm. 4to. Wellington, 1897. ME Reports on the Statists of New Zealand, 1889-90. 2 vols. Svo. AVellington, 1891. ME Stati.stics of the Colony of New Zealand, 1853-62, 1867- 81, 1887-89, 1891, 1893-98. 32 vols, (in 22) sm. fol. Auckland and WeUington, 1858-99. ME [See also Official Year-book, under this heading.] 444 Tublic Librm^y of New South Wales. NEW ZEALAND— fo»/c?. Statutes. The Ordinances of New Zealand passed in tlie first ten Sessions of the General Legislative Coun- cil, 18-11-49 ; to which are prefixed the Acts of Parlia- ment, Charters, and Roval Instructions relating to New Zealand. 8vo. Wellington, 1850. MFiVl Ordinances of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, 18'il-53. Fol. Wellington, 1871. ME Statutes of New Zealand, 1854-71, 1874-77, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1891-99. 28 vols, (in 24) fol. and 4to. Auckland and Wellington, 1871-99. ME Surveys. [See Lands, under this lieading.] TarifiF Commission. Ileport of the Tariff Connnission, 1895. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1895. MF 4 U 41 NEW ZEALAND A:MATEUR SWIMMING ASSO- CIATION. Annual, 1894-95. Illustrated. 12mo. Auckland, 1895. MA 5 Q 1 " NEW ZEALAND COLONIST." Notes on Political Economy from the Col<")nial point of view. 8to. L(md., 1897. MF 3 P 66 NEW ZEALAND CO. Reports of the Directors, 1844- 45. 8vo. Lond., 1844-45. MF 5 S 20 NEW ZEALAND COUNTRY JOURNAL, Tho. Vol. 1, No. 4, Oct., 1877. 8vo. Christchurch, 1877. MJ 3 T 18 NEW ZEALAND EARMER AND BEE AND POUL- TRY JOURNAL, The. Vols, 5-8, 10-18, 1885-88, 1890-98. 13 vols. f,,l. Auckland, 1885-98. ME 8 T NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. Annual Circular and Price List, 1897-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Christchurch, 1897-98. ME 6 P NEW ZEALAND GENERAL ASSEMBLY LI- BRARY. Catalogue of tlie (Jeneral Assonilily Li- brary of New Zealand. 2 vols. Ito. AV'ellington, 1897. Cat. Room NEW ZEALAND HERALD, The, 189G-March, 1900. 12 vols. fol. Auckland, 1896-1900. ME NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. Transactions and Pro- ceeding.s. Vols. 1-19, 21-32, 1868-86, 1888-99, and Indexes. 32 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1 869-1 9f)0. ME 2 S NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Vol. 2, Jan.-Nov., 1884; vol. 1, now issue, .fan. -Nov., 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. Dunedin, 1H84-91. ME 15 II NEW ZEALAND MAIL, 77/^ 1896 June, 1900. 9 vols, fol. Wellington, 1^96-1900. ME NEW ZEALAND MINING JOURNAL and Financial Guide. Vol. 4, March, 1899-Fcb., 1900. Sm. fol. Dunedin, 1899-1900. ME 17 T NEW ZEALAND POST OFFICE DIRECTORY (WLse'.s) 1875-76, 1878-1900. 12 vols. imp. 8vo. Dunedin, 1875-99. ME 11 T NEW ZEALAND SCENERY. Photographs of. Ob. 4to. Auckland, 1895. " j\IA 45 P J NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. Calendar.s, 1875- 77. 3 vols. 8vo. Christchurch, 1875-77. ME 5 U {See aho Canterbury College.] "NEW ZEALANDER, A." Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1897. MH 1 P .55 NEWBERY, W. Land and Income Ta.x A.ssessment Act of 1895. ISee Salusbury, F. H.] MF 1 R 13 NEWBIGGING, Thomas. Essays at Eventide. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 21 P 30 NEWBIGIN, Mariiin I. Colour in Nature: a Study in Biology. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 23 S 44 NEWBOLT, Henry. The Island Race. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H12R14 NEWBOLT, Rev. William Charles Edmund. Consolida- tion : an Address delivered befoi'e the Annual I\Ieet- ing of the English Church Union, 1897. 8vo Lond., 1897. '" GST 27 St. Paul's Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 Spiritual Letters of Rev. E. B. Pusev. {See Pusey, Rev. E. B.] ■ C 25 P 22 NEWCASTLE MORNING HERALD, The, 1896-June 1900. 10 vols. fol. Newcastle, 1896-1900. ME NEWCOMB, Charles B. All's Right with the World. 8vo. Bo.ston, 1897. G 23 R 19 NEWCOMB, n. T. Changes in the rates of charge for Railway and other Transportation serxices. {See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Statistics.] A 41 U 5 NEWELL, E. J. St. Patrick : liis Life and Teaching. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Tli<> ['"'atliers for Englisli Readers.) G 26 P 21 NEWllAbL, Charles S. The Nines of North-eastern Amei'ica. Illustrated. linv. 8\(>. New York, 1897. A 34 V 17 NEWLAND, S. Tlie Far Nordi Country. 8vo. Ade- laide, 1887. ' Ml) 3 S 14 NEWMAN, Rpv. A. II. History of tlie Baptist Churches in the United States. iSvo. New ^'drk, 1S9(. (Anieri- c.ui Church Hisl. Ser.) (i 12 V 9 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 445 NEWMAN, Cliarles L. Norris-. Willi the Boors in the Transvaal aiul Oraiitfo Fivo Htatc in 1880 -SI. 2iul p(l., witli now Map of tlio South African Itojmhlio and Toxtof tlio Convention ot' ISSt. Svo. Loud, (n.d.) 15 ;iG S NEWMAN, Ernost. Gluok and the Oj.ora. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 2.3 T 22 Study of Wagner. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A Oo T 1 NEWMAN, Francis William. Phases of Faith. [See Martiiieaii, Rov. J. - Es.savs, lloviows, and Addi-essos.] .lit T 29 NEWMAN, Dr. George, F.R.S. Bacteria, especially sis they are related to the Economy of Nature, to In- dustrial Processes, anrl to the Public Healtli. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Progressive Science Ser.) " A -10 Q 17 Notes on Bacteriologv. (Friedbergei-. Di'. F. — Veterin- ary Pathology.) " A 40 P U NEWMAN, John. Metallic Structures. Corro.sif Patent Agents, oth ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. " MF 1 P84 NEWTON, Richard Bullen. Systematic List of the Frederick E. Edwards" Collection of liritish Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the Briti.sh Museum. {See British iMu.seum.— Natural History.] A 42 V 6 446 F'ublie Library of New South Wales, NEWTOSS LOXBOX JOURNAL OF ARTS AND SCIENCE,^. \_See London Journal of Arts and Sciences.] A 35 S 1—12 NEY, Marshal I\lichel, Duke of Elcliingen. Historic Doubts as to the Execution of ; by Rev. J. A. "Weston. 8vo. New York, 1895. C 22 Q 2 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 NGATA, Apirana Turupa. Notes on tlie Rev. H. W. Williams' Paper on " The Maori Whare." (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R NIBELUNGENLIED, The : the Fall of the Nibelungers, otherwise the Book of Kriemliild. Translated bv W. N. Lettsom. 3rd ed. 8vo. . Lond., 1890. H 13 P 18 NICANDER. [Opera.] [See Poetre Gra?ci.] H 17 T 12 f NICHOLAS, Sir Edward. Correspondence of. [See Camden Soc, Pubs.] E NICHOLAS, Thomas. The Pedigree of the English People. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 45 U 22 NICHOLL, Edith JI. Observations of a Ranchwciman in New Mexico. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D13P12 NICHOLLS, Mrs. A. B. [See Bronte, Charlotte.] NICHOLLS, Sir George. History of the English Poor I..aw in connection with the State of the Country and the Condition of the People. New ed., containing the revisions made by the author, and a Biography by H. G. Willink, AVith Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 8 Q 29, .30 History of tlie English Poor Law, in connexion with the Legislation and other circumstances aftecting tlie con- dition of tlie people. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 185-1. F 17 P 10, 11 History of the IrLsh Poor I^^iw, in connexion with the condition of the people. 8vo. Lond., 1856. F17P12 History of the Scotch Poor Law, in connexion with tlie condition of the people. 8vo. Lond., 1856. F 17 P 13 NICHOLLS, Harry. [Art of Acthig.] [,Sm Hannuortun, •J. A.— The Actor's Art.] "^ H 1 S 31 NICHOLLS, William Hunt Ward. Livy, Book 26. [See Liviu.s, T.] 15 30 P 13 NICHOLS, Dr. Herbert, and PARSONS, William E. Our Notions of Numl)er and Space. 8vo. Boston, 1894. G 9 W 16 NICHOLSON, llcv. Alexander. No Cipher in Shake- speare : being u Refutation of Ignatius Donnelly's Great Cryptogram. «vo. Loud., 1888. J 10 U 35 NICHOLSON, Edward Williams Byron. Golspie: Con- tributions to its Folk-lore ; by Annie and Bella Gum- ming, Jane Stuart, W. W. Munro, A. Gunn, H. J. MacLoan, and 3Iinnie Sutherland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 32 Q 11 NICHOLSON, George. 1900 Supplement to the Diction- ary of Gardening. Illustrated. Sm. -Ito. Lond., 1900. A 46 T 7 Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening. 4 vols. sm. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 46 T 3-6 NICHOLSON, Dr. Henry Alleyne, and LYDEKKEB,* Richard, F.R.S. Manual of Pahcontology for the use of Students, with a General Introduction on the Prin- ciples of Palaeontology. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 39 R 19, 20 NICHOLSON, John. Life of, based on private and hitherto unpublished documents ; by Capt. L. J . Trotter. With Portraits and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 5 NICHOLSON, Dr. Joseph Shield. Principles of Political Economy. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-97. F 8 Q 24, 25 Strikes and Social Problems. 8vo Loud., 1896. F 8 V 25 NICHOLSON, Gen. Malcolm H. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 NICHOLSON, William. London Types. Quatorzains by W. E. Henley. 4to. Lond., 1898. J 20 R 11 t NICKALLS, Guy. Sculling. (Lehmann, R. C— Rowing.) A 40 Q 4 NICOL, Rev. Thomas. Recent Archaeology and the Bible. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Croall Lectures.) G 24 U 8 NICOLL, Rev. William Robertson. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 17 Expo,sitor's Bible. [S« Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S Memorial Sketch of Henry Drummond. [See Drum- moiid, Prof. H. — The ideal Life, and other unpub- lished Addresses.] G 23 R 9 and WISE, Thomas J. Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century. Illustrated. \'ols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 189.5-96. .) 14 S 3, 4 NICOLS, Arthur. Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds : a Book of Anecdotes, Adventures, and Zoological Notes. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 27 S 16 NICOTjSON, Dr. David. Criminal Lunacy in England. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 41 NICOLSON, John T. liaw of Condensation of Steam. [Sec M(^(!ill University.- Papers from the Dept. of Engineering.] A 40 S 24 Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 447 N1EI)KRL1<:TN, Gustavo. The Republic of Costa Rica. \_See riuladolpliia Conniiorcial Museum.] D 13 V 18 The Republic of Guatemala. \_See Philadelphia Commer- cial Museum.] I) i:i V IS The State of Nicaragua. \_See Philiulelphia Commerciiil Mu.seum.] 1) IS V IN NIESIGH, J. W. The Pi-ftspccts of Australia Federating. (United Service M igazine, May, 189G.) E NIETZSCHE, Eriedricli Wilhehu. Works. Vols. 8, 10, 11. 3 vols. 8vo. Loml., 1896-99. (5 16 V If), 17, 18 8. Thus spake Zaratliustra : a Book for all and uom-. Trau.slated 1iy Alexander Tille. 10. (ienealogy of Morals ; Poems. Translated liy W. A. Haussmann and J. (.ira\'. 11. Tlic Case of Wagner; Nictzselie eontra Wagner ; the 'J\vilij;ht of the Idols ; tile Anlielirlst. Translated by Thomas Conmion. Das Problem Fricdrich Nietz.sches. [See Grimm, E.] G 24 S 13 [Sketch of.] \_See Ellis, H.— Affirmations.] -J 19 AV U NIGHTINGALE, Florence. Nursing. [_See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 NIJIIOFF, Martinus. Bibliotheca Historico-Noei'landica : Hi-stoire des Pays-Bas : Catalogue Sj'stematique de livres anciehs et modernes. Svo. La Haye, 1899. Cat. Room General Catalogue (No. 293). Illustrated. Svo. The Hague, 1899. Cat. Room NILSSON, Sven. The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandi- navia : an Essay on Comparative Ethnography, and a Contribution to the History of the Development of Mankind, containing a Description of the Implements, Dwellings, Tombs, and Modes of Living of the Savages in the North of Europe during tlie Stone Age. With an Introduction by Sir J. Ijubl)ock. 3rd ed. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1868. A 39 R 18 NIJETEEXTII CEXTURY, 'Hw. Vols. l-47,.Juue, 1877- June, 1900. 47 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1877-1900. E NION, Comte Francois de. Journal dc " Stendhal " (M. H. Beyle). \_See Beyle, M. H.] " J 24 R 21 NISBET, Hume. My Friends the Cannibals. (Fi.slier, L, —By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 NISBET, James. Annals of San Francisco. \See Soule, F.] B41Q3 NISBET, John Ferguson. The Human Machine : an In- quiry into the Diversity of Human Faculty in its bearings upon Social Life, Religion, Education, and Politics. Svo. Lond.. 1899. G 24 Q 5 NITHISDALE, William Maxwell, Earl of. [Memoirs of.; [.S'cfi Thom.son, Katherinc. — Memoir.s of the Jacobites. C 27 U 3 NITOBE, Inazo. Intercourse Ijetween the United States and Japan. \See Johns Hopkins University. — Studies ill Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 8 NOAILLES, Jules, Due de. How to Save Bi-metallism. Svo. Philad., 1895. (Pubs, of Am. Acad, of Pol. and Social Se.) F 11 S 52 NOBLE, A. Cordite. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 36 V 28 NOBLE, F. H. Ta.xation in Iowa : Historical Sketch, Present Statu.s, .and Suggested Reforms. Svo. New York, 1897. F 18 S 1 NOBLE, John. Illustrated Official Hand-book of the Cape and South Africa : a Resume of the Histor}', Condi- tions, Populations, Productions, and Resources of the several Colonies, States, and Territories. 2iid cd. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 22 Q 16 NOCARD, Prof. Edmond. Animal Tuberculoses and their relation to Human Tuberculosis. Translated by Dr. H. Scurfield. Svo. Lond., 189.3. A 19 P 10 NODIER, Charles. Contes de la Veillee. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 24 R 3 Contes Fantastiques. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J 24 R 4 Nouvelles ; suivies des Fantaisies du D^.riseur Sense. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 5 [Sketch of.] [>Sfe« Grenier, E. — Literarv Reminiscences.] C 26 Q 15 NOEL, Hon. Roden. Our Manufactures. (Reid, A. — The New Party.) F 15 P 29 The Poetic Interpretation of Nature. (Kniglit, William. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 NOICE, C. S. Trade Directorv of Sydney and Suburbs, 1890-91, 1S93, 1895-1900. 8 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1890-1900. ME 10 S NOLAN, Joseph. Geology of Donegal, Londonderry, and Tyrone. '{See Gt. Biit. and Ii-el. — Geolog. Surv.-^^ Ireland.] A 47 V 6, 7 Geology of Inishowen, Co. Donegal, [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 1 Geology of N.W. and Central Donegal. {See Gt. Brit. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 2 Geology of Tyrone and Londonderry. {See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 11 -, and EGAN, F. W. Geology of the Country around Limavadv. {See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England' and Wales.] A 47 V 4 448 Fublio Library of New South Wale8. NOLDEKE, Prof. Theodor. Sketches from Eastern His- tory. Translated by John Sutherland Black. 8vo. Lend., 1892. B 12 U 36 NOLHAC, Pierre de. Marie Antoinette, the Dauphine. With Portrait.s. 4to. Paris (n.d.) B 18 Q 1-5 f NOLL, Augustus. How to Wire Buildings. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 25 S 7 NOLL, Dr. Fi-itz. Tfxt-lK.ok of Botanv. \_See Stra.s- burger. Dr. E.] A 40 U 1 NONNENBRUCH, ?.l. [lleproduction of his Picture] Greek Vase Seller. [_See Lan.sinir, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 i "NORDAU, Max." [See Sudfeld. Dr. M. S.] NORDENSKIOLD, (i. The Clifl-dwellers of the Mesa Verde, South-western Colorado : their Pottery and Implements. Translated by D. L. Morgan. Illu.s- trated. -tto. Stockholm, 1893. A 17 U 13 t NORDHOFF, Charles, (iod and the Future Life: the Reasonablene.ss of Christianity. 12mo. New York^ 1883. ■ G 9 IT 33 NORDLINGER, Clara. Galn-iele ^•on Biilow : a Memoir. [See Biilow, G. von.] C 24 R 13 NORGATE, Kate. Short History of the English People. [&e Green, .7. R.] ' B 20 V 23-2G NORMAN, Dr. Conolly. Systematised Delusional In- sanity. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 NORMAN, Henry. The Peoples and Politics of the Far East : Travels and Studies in tiie British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese Colonies, Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam, and Malaya. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1S95. " ]) 20 IJ 11 NORMAN-NERUDA, L. Climbs of. Edited, and witli an Account of his last Climb, by May Norman-Neruda. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 12 NORM AND, Henrietta [Mrs. E. [Repi-oduction of Her Picture. Lan.sing, C. — The Nudi' in Art. J (Henrietta Rae.) A. Naiad. [See A 12 P27 X NORRIS, Lieut. J. A. Telegraphic l)(!termination of lyjngitudes. [See (ireen, Lieut. F. M.] A 13 W 25 f NORRIS, J>r. Richard C. Di.sea.ses of the Thymus and Thyroid Glands, and E.xoplithalmic Goitre. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 V 15 NORRIS-NEWMAN, Cliarles L [See Newman, C. L. Norri.s-.] NORTH, Alfred John. Aves from Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Aves of Central Australia. (Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Curious nesting-site of Atithiis Australis. (Aust. ilus., Records, 3.)' ME 8 R Description of a new species of Collyriocincla from Queensland. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Extension of the range of CahttiKintlats Fii/iijitwsus and Emhlema Ficta to New South Wales. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Habits of a Cuckoo in the Gilbert Islands. (Zoological Soc, Lond., Proc, 1896.) E Insectivorous Birds. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R List of Birds collected by the Calvert Expedition in West Australia ; including Field Notes by G. A. Keartland. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust.; Trans., 1897-98.) iNlE 1 S List of the Insectivorous Birds of New South Wales. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896-97, 1900.) ME 9 R New sub-.species of I'tiaphudes CrejiiiuHx. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Niditication of J/ei/nlojircj/ia Jf(i(/n{flcii, the magnificent Fruit Pigeon. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds. (Liunean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897-98.) ME 2 P Oological Notes. (Liunean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME2 P Ornithological Notes. (Australian Museum, Records, 3.) ME 8 R Prelivuinary Descriptions of a new Genus and of live new Speciesof Central Australian Bird.s. (Ibis, July, 1895.) E Catalogue of the Australian Birds in the Australian jMuseum, Sydney. [See Aust. Museum.] MA 3 V 4 NORTH, W. Roman Fever: Results of an Inijuiry, during three years' residence on the spot, into the Origin, History, Distribution, and Nature of the Malarial Fevers of the Roman Campagna, with especial refer- ence to their .suppo.sed connection with Pathogenic Organisms. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 Q, 22 XORTII AMEIUCAX REVIEW, The. Vols. 10-170, 1820-June, 1900. and Index to vols. 1-131. 160 vols. 8vo. Boston and New York, 1820-1900. E NORTH CAROLINA -.—Stale l)e/,nrh,i''nts -Reports and J'u/)/ienlio)i.-i. Agricultural Experiment Station, .\iiinial lieports, and Bulletins, 1894-95, isii? .lunc, lsil9. 4 vols. 8vo. Raleigh, 1895-99. E Climatology of North Cai-dliiia, frum lierords, 1820 92, including the 5th Annual Report of the North Caro jina State Weather Service, constituting the Meteoro- logical Division of the North Cai-olina Agricultural Exiieriment Station, 1891. 8v(). Raleigli,' 1892. A 38 Q 28 State Weather Service. Nortii Can.lin.i We:vther dui-ing IS'J.-). 8vo. Raleigh, 1895. E Supj^lementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. U9 NOKT I r C AR( nANA—contd.— Statutes. Public Laws ami Kesoliitioiis (if the State of Niirth Carolina, passed l)v the (ii^iu^'al A.s.scnihly, 18!).!. Svo. Raleigh, lS!);i. E Supreme Court. Cases Argued and Octemiined in tiie Sujireme Couit of North Carolina. Vols. Ill — 11.'!, 116, 118, 1892-96. G vols. 8vo. Winston and Raleigh, 1892-96. 1-: NORTH DAKOTA : — S'tat,-. D,'jM(r/,n,-ii/s^Jifpor/s f Gas-works. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 22 P 50 O'CONNOR, Thomas Power. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 [Life of] Napoleon. [See Napoleon Bonaparte. ] C 2 2 T 1 3 O'CONOR, Rev. John Francis Xavier. Facts about Bookworms : their F istory in Literature and Work in Libraries. 8yo. Lond., 1898. A 28 P 36 O'CURRY, Prof. Eugene. Lectures on the MS. Materials of Ancient Irish History. Svo. Dublin, 1861. B 34 T 1 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish. Edited, with an Introduction, ifec, by W. K. Sullivan. 3 vols. Svo. Loud., 1873. B 34 T 2-4 1. Introduction. 2, 3. Lectures. 452 ^Public Lihranj of Neio South JFales. ODELL, George Clinton Densmoic. Simile and Metaphor in the English and Scottish Ballads. 8vo. New York, 1892. H 12 U 20 ODGERS, James. The Cooperative In.surance Co., Ltd., for the Fire and Life Insurance and Fidelity Guaran- tee in connection with Coopei-ative Stores. 12mo. Manchester, 1895. F i:^. V 41 ODGERS, William Blake. The Federation of our Aus- tralian Colonies. (New Centui'v Re\iew, Oct., 1897.) E Local Government. 8vo. Loud.. 1899. F 1-5 S 28 An Outline of the Law of Libel. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 15 Q 15 ODLAND, Dr. Sigurd. Om Apostolatets begreb og Op- rindelse. \_See Norwav — Det Kul. Norske Frederiks ITniversitet.] " ' G 23 Y 20 ODLING, Prof. 'William. Chemistry (.)f Potable Water. (In- ternat. Health Exhib.^Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 Y 4 Chemical ^Method, Notation, Classification, and Nomen- clature. [_S''fi. Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 T 5 O'DONAHUE, T. A. Ci>lliery Suiveying : a Primer designed for the use of Students and Colliery Manager a.spirants. Illust, 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 25 P 44 O'DONOGHUE, David J. Life of William Carletoii. {See Carleton, William.] C 20 S 1, 2 Life and Wiitings of J. C. Siangan. \_See Mangan, J. C] ' ■ C 25 Q 1 1 Traits and Stories f)f the Irish Peasantry. [See Cai-leton, William.] ' J 14 U 10-13 O'DONOYAN, Denis. Analytical and Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Parliament of Queensland. \_See Queensland Parliamentaiy LilM'ary.] Cat. Boom O'DOAVD, Beinai-d Pafiick. Digest of Australasian Min- ing Ca.sos. [5e« Eaglesim, J. G.] MF 5 R 5 Local Government Acts. {See MacHugh, A.] MF 5 Q 23 OEMLER, Dr. A. Truck-farming at the South : a Guide to tlie Raising of Vegetables for Northern Markets. New ed. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 19 RIO OERSTED, Hans Christian. Memoir of. {See Smitli.soni.-m Inst. Kept., 1868.] E One Mind in Nature. {See ISraitineau, Rev. .). — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 OFFER, Paul. Fortune-telling Ijv Cards: seven Systems. 18mo. Sydney, 1900. " MG 2 IT 42 OFFICER, (Jraham, and HOGG, Evelyn G. Tiie Geology of Coiinaidai. ]'ls. 1, 2. (Rov. Soc, Yict., Proc, 1897.) ■ .MK 1 P "^'FLANAGAN, James Pvoderick. Tlie Munstei' Circuit : Tale.s, Trials, and Traditions. 8vo. Lond., 18,s0. J 1 1 U 20 OGDEN, H. N. Sewer Design. 8vo. New York, 1899 A 41 T 28 OGILBY, J. Douglas. Additions to the Fauna of Lord Howe Island. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Australian Eleofrinai'. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896-97.) ME 2 P Australian Tchthvologv. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ■ " ME 2 P Descriptions of two new genera and species of Australian Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Galaxias fiom Mount Kosciusko. (Linnean Soc. N.S.W\, Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P The genus Aphritis, C.Y. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Larval Teleost from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Monograph of the Australian Marsipobranchii. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P New family of Australian Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P New genera and species of Australian Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P New genera and species of Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897-98.) ME 2 P New genus and species of Fislies from Maroubra Bav. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Some Tasmanian Fishes. (Rov. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ■ ME 1 Q A Traehvpterus from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) IME 2 P Two new genera and species of Fishes from Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Zoology of New Caledonia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W. Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P OGILVIE, A. J. Third Factor of Production, and other Essavs ; with an Introductcpiv Note bv A. R. Wallace. 8vo." Loiul, 1898. ' ■ F 15 R 30 (MJILYIE, AVill H. Fair (iirls and Gray Hor.ses, with other Ver.ses. Svo. Sydney, 1898. " MH 1 P 80 OGILYIE, William. Extracts from the Report of an Ex- ploration made in 1896-97. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 16 Y 22 Lecture on the Klondike .Mining District. Roy. Svo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. A 34 V 21 Lecture on the Yukon (oild liclds. S\-o. Victoria, B.C., 1897. A 33 S 3G OGILVY, Margaret. {See Barrie, Margaret.] OGLE, J"rci Library; its History and pre sent iMJiidit ion. 8\o. I^ond., 1897. (Library ser.) J 14 R 27 Public Library Legislation. {See I'oxargue, 11. W.] J 9 V 36 Pulilic Library Manual. [See Fovargue, H. W.] .1 5 T 37 supplementary Catcdogite — 1896-1900. 453 OGLE, Dr. William. Aristotle on Ynitli and Old Af;e. [_See Aristnlck.s.] A -.Vl K Wl O'CJORMAN, Prof. Thomas. History of the Roman Catholic Church in the Unit(^(l States. 8v'o. New York, 1894. (American Cluiivh Hist. Ser.) (i 12 V IT. O'GRADY, Standish. Pacata Hihernia ; or, a History of the Wars in Ireland during the lleign of Queen Eliza- beth, especially within the Province of Munstei'. Tllu.st. -1 vols. Svo. Lond., 1890. R ?A T 15, K! 0'HARA,JohnP.ernara. Lyrics of Nature. 8vo. Melb., 1899. " MH 1 W 4 OHIO : — Stall' Di'pnrtmi'nts — Jicporln a ml I'liliHi-nluDis. Annual Reports. Annual Reports, 189(5. '^ vols. 8v(). Norwalk, 1897. E Auditor. Annual Report, 1898. 8vo. Columbus, 1899. E Board of Agriculture. Annual Repoits, 1874, 189G. L! vols. Svo. Cincinnati and Norwalk, 1874-97. E Building and Loan Associations. Annual lieports, 1895-9G. i vols. 8vo. Norwalk, 189G-97. E Bureau of Labor Statistics. Annual Report, 1891. 8vo. Columbu.s, 1892. E Commissioner of Common Schools. Animal Repoit, 1897. Svo. Norwalk, 18i)7. E Insurance Department. Summary of the standing of all Insurance Companies other than Lif(> authoiized to do business in Ohio, 1896. 8vo. Norwalk, 1897. E Summary of the .standing of all Life Insurance Companies and Cooperative As.sociations authorized to flo husin(>ss in Ohio, 1896. Svo. Norwalk, 1897. E Secretary of State. Annual Reports, 1896-97. 2 vols. 8\-.,. Norwalk, 1897-98. E Statutes. General and Local Acts passed and joint reso- lutions adopted by the 73rd General Assembly, .Jan., 1898. Vol. 93. 8vo. Columbus, 1898. " E OHLY, C. H. JSIanual of German Composition ; with Passages for translation arranged progressi\-ely, and Macaulay's " Frederic the Great " in extracts. 12mo. Lond., 1890. .1 12 P 47 OHNET, Georges. Dr. Rameau. Translated by Mrs. Ca.shelHoey. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1890. J 2-5 Q 33 A Last Love. Translated by Albert D. Vandam. 12mo. Lond., 1892. " .J 25 Q 34 Love's Depths. Translated by F. Rothwell. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' J 22 T 34 A Weird Gift. Translated by Albert D. Vandam. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1892. " .J 25 Q 35 O'KELLY, Alphonse. Comte. Notice sur la Peinture sur Verre en fJelgique. Imp. 8vo. Hruxelles, 1859. A 44 V 7 OKOSHT, Naiinori. Sketch of the Fisheries of J.apan. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 5 OLCOTT, George M. Studies in the Word-formation of the Latin Inscriptions, Substantives, and Adjectives, with sjx'cial reference to the Latin Senno Vulgaris. 8vo. Rome, 1898. 3 24 V 3 OLCOTT, Henry S. Old Diary Leaves: the true Story of the Theosophical Society. Bvo. New York, 189.5. G 14 S 21 "OLD CHELTONIAN, An." [5e« Ingston, Mrs.] "OLD COLLEGER, An." [_See Coleridge, A. D.] OLD COLONISTS' ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA. Annual Report, with Rules and Regulations, 1872. 12mo. Melb., 1872. MF 5 P 15 OLD COUNTRY, The: Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 10 W 1-6 f "OLD INDIAN, An," Historical Sketch of Armenia and the Armenians in Ancient and Modei'n Times, with special reference to the present crisis. Svo. Loud., 1896. B 16 R 49 "OLD PIONEER." [&« L.acy, G.] OLD SANCTUARY, An. {See IL, L.] G 11 Q 37 OLDFIELD, Anne. Palmy Days of N.anceOldtield; by E. Robins With Port. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 24 R 24 OLDHAM, H. Yule. Aims and Practice of Teaching Geography. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and'Priietice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 OLDHAM, M. R. D. Manual of the Geology of India. iSee Ramond, G.] 'A 31 S 21 OLDKNOW, Lieut. Reginald C. The Mechanism of Men- of-war : being a Description of the Machinery to be found in Modern Fighting Ships. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 22 Q 50 Steam Propulsion. [_See Wilmot. Capt. S. M. Eardley-. —Our Fleet To-day.] R 27 R 16 OLDRUITENBORGH, Baron Sloet van. Technical 01> servations upon the Coolgardie Gold-fields. Svo. Lond., 1897. MA 4 Q 2 O'LEARY, John. Recollections of Fenians and Fenianism. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 13 R 3, 4 OLGA, Queen of Greece. [Sketch of.] [_See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladiesof Europe.] C 27 S 24 454 Fublic Library of New South Wales. OLIPHANT, James. Victorian Novelists. 8vo. Loud., 1899. (Victorian Era 8er.) J 9 R 39 LIPHANT, Laurence. Altiora Peto. New ed. 8vo. Ediiib. (ii.d.) J 25 S 23 Piccadilly : a Fragment of Contemporary Bioijrapliy. 11th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. " J 2.5 S 21 OLIPHANT, jNLirgaret Oliphant [Mrs. F. \V.] Auto- biography and Letters of ; arranged and edited by Mrs. Harry Coghill. With Portrait. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. " C 25 T i Jeanne d'Arc: her Life and Death. 8vo. New York, 1896. (Heroes of the Nations.) B 16 R 46 Kirsteen. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 S 25 Makers of Modern Eome. Illustrated. Uxo. Lond., 1895. B 30 U 21 Memoirs and Resolutions of Adam Graeme, of Mossgray, including some Chronicles of the Borough of Fendie. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 ,S 22 Old Mr. Tredgold. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 S 21 Sir Robert's Fortune. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 24 U 21 The Sisters Bronte. (Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret 0. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 Francis of Assisi. [See Francis of Assisi, St.] G 25 P 1 1 Thomas Chalmers, Preacher, Philosopher, and Statesman. [See Chalmers, Thomas.] C 20 T 20 William Blackwood and liis Sons ; their Magazine and Friends. [See Blackwood, W.] C 25 T 1, 2 ■ , and others. Women Novelists of Queen Vic- toria's Reign: a Book of Appreciations by Mrs. Oli- phant, Mrs. Lynn Linton, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Mac- quoiil, Mrs. Parr, Mrs. Mar.shall, Charlotte M. Yonge, Adelaide Sergeiuit, and "Edna Lyall." Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' ' C 24 S 3 The Sisters Bronti^ ; by Mrs. Oliphant. "George Eliot j" by Mrs. Lynn Linton. Mrs. Gaskell ; by "Edna LyaU." Mrs. Crowe, Mr.s. Arclier Clive, ami Mr.i. Hi'niT Wood ; by Adeline Sergeant. Lady Georgiaua Fnllertou, Mrs. Strctton, and Anne Man- nuig ; by Charlotte M. Yonge. Dinah Midock (Mrs. C'raik) ; by Mrs. Parr. Julia Kavanagli anciiilires. Tlhisti-alnl. 12nio. fjond., 1899. J i:\ T G OMAll KHAYYAM. Quatrains of Omar Kheyyani of Nishapoiir, now first e(nnpletely done into Eni^lisli Verse from tlie Persian, in accordance with the orij^'inal forms ; witli a Biographical and Critical Introduction })y John Payne. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 3 Q 3.5 Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam : being a fac-simile of the MS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford ; with a ti'anscript into Modern Persian Characters. Trans- lated, with an Introduction and Notes and a Bibliog- raph}', by E. Heron-Allen. Roy. 8\o. Lond., 1898. H 1 U 1 Rubaiyatof Omar Khayyam. English, French, German, Italian, and Dani.sh Translations comparatively arranged in accordance with the Text of Edward Fitzgerald's version ; with further Selections, Notes, Biographies, Bibliographies, and other material. Edited by N. H. D(ile. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1898. H 4 R 40, 41 Ruba'yat of Omar Khayam. Translated by Mrs. H. M. Cadell ; with an Introduction bv R. Garnett. S\-o. Lond., 1899. " II 13 V I Concordance to Fitzgerald's Translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. [Srr Tutin, J. R.] K 17 Q" :i3 OMNIBUS AND HACKNEY CARRIAGE BY^ LAWS [SYDNEY]. 12mo. Sydney, 1868. MF 3 P 37 OMOND, George W. T. Earlv Hi.storv of the Scottish Union Question. 8vo. Edinl)., 1897. F 4 T 20 [Life of] Fletcher of Saltonn. \_See Fletcher, A.] C -20 U 22 OMON D, Thomas Stewart. The Romantic Triumph. 8\c). Edinb., 1900. (Periods of European Lit.) J 27 ti 1 1 OXCE A MOXTIl: an Illustrated Australasian Magazine. Vols. 1-4, July, 1884-June, 18S6. 4 vols. rov. 8vo. Melb., 1884-86. MJ 1 \ 19-22 ONDERDONK, James L. Idaho: Facts and Statistics concerning its Mining, Farming, Stock-rai.sing, Lum- bering, and other Resources and Industries, together with Notes on the Climate, Scenery, Game, and ISIineral Springs. 8vo. San Francisco, 1885. D 16 T 29 ONE-HORSE CITY, The. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) {Sydney Once-a-week.) ' MJ3'R28 "ONE WHO HAS KEPT A DIARY." [^«e Russell, a. w. E.] O'NEIL, James. [Portrait and Sketch of.] \^See ^McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 O'NEILL, Henry. Fine Arts anrl Civilization of Ancient Ireland]. Illust. Imp.Svo. Loud., 1863. A 35 W 20 O'NEILL, I. R. Alethe ; or. Light through the Hlmdow of Death. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 19 T 5 ONO, Dr. Yeijiro. The Industrial Transition in Jajian. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 1.5 ONTARIO : — Government Departments — Reports and I'aU /Irnddiis. Agricultural College and Experiment Farm. Re- ports, 1889-95, 1897. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Toronto., 1890- 98. E Archeeological Museum. Report, 1894-95. Roy. Svo. Toronto, 1890. E Bureau of Industries. Reports, 189.3, 1895, 1897-98, 1890-91. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1891-1900. E Department of Agriculture. Annual Report of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental L'^nion, 1897. 8vo. Toronto, 1898. E Reports, 1892, 1894-97. 11 vols. rov. 8vo. Toronto, 189.3-98. ' E Statutes. Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, 1897: being a consolidation of the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1877, 1887, with the sul)se P .39 OPPOLZER, Dr. Tlieodore d'. Traite de la Deternuna- tion des Orbite.s des Cometes et des Planete.s. Edition Fran^-ai.se publiee d'apres la deuxieme edition alle- mande par Ernest Past(uier. Vol. 1 {nil pnhlished in French). Roy. 8vo. Pari.s, 1886. A 10 W 16 f ORAM, Henrv J. Thu Marine Steam-engine. \_See .Sen- nett, R.]" A 13 U 9 OBAXGE LEADER and Millthorpe Messenger, 1899. Fol. Orange, 1889. ME ORBELIANI, Sulkliani 8al)a. Book of Wisdom and Lies. Translated, with Notes, bv <_>. ^\'ar^lrop. 8vo. Lond., 189i. {Kdmscotl Press.) J 19 P 1 J ORCHARD, Dr. Thomas N. The Astronomv of Milton's Paradise Lost. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' A 19 U 19 ORCHARDSON, William Quilier. Art of. [_See Port- folio. — Monographs, 1-t.] E [Sketch of the Work of.] ^See Moiikh.nise, C— British Contemporary Artists.] A 4-t W 1 ORD, Dr. William Miller. Myxedema. (AUImtt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 .^ , and William Wallis. Sporailic Cretinism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 . , and MACKENZIE, Dr Hectm-. Diseases of the Thyroid Gland. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Grave's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 37 ORDE, L. I'.ohemian Life. [See Miirger, H.] P, 20 R 12 ORDEI^LY ItOOK OF THE NORTHERN ARMY at Ticonderoga and Mt. Tiidcpendence, from Oct. 17th, 1776-Jau. 8th, 1777. With Riographical and Ex- planatory Notes and an ^\.ppendix. Sm. 4to. Albany, 1859. R 28 T 17 ORDISH, T. l'"airman. Shakespeare's London : a Study of London in the Reign of (Jueen Elizabeth. 12mo. Lond., 1897. ' I! 23 P 1 + O'REILLY, Lieut. -Col. A. A. P.titicn of. [5e« Cape of Good Hope.— Petiti.m. if Li<-ut.-Col. O'Reilly.] K 1 S 12 "O'REILLY, Mile.s." \See Halpine, C. G.] O'REILLY, T. Detinilions of Socialism, Capital, Capital- ist, Single Tax, and other information from vai'ious leading Political l"]cls. 12mo. Oxford, 1838-99. E OXFORD UNIV^ERSITY COLLEGE HISTORIES. Lincoln. [See Clark, Rev. A.] B 25 V 1 PACKARD, Dr. Alpheus Spring. Text^book of Ento- mology, including the Anatomy, Physiology, Embry- ology, and Metamorphoses of Insects, for u.se in Agri- cultural and Technical Schools and Colleges, as well as by the Working Entomologist. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. ' " A 41 R 9 PACKARD, Dr. Frederick A. Cholera Morbus, Cholera, Cholera Infantum, and Dy.seutery. (Hai-e, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 Diabetes Mellitu.s. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Praeti cal Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 PACKARD, Dr. John H. Oral Surgery. (Litcb, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 PACKER, F, A. Song : For Evermore. Sm. fol. ney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 f PACKINGTON, Stnitford. The New MciLstruum. [See Cope, D.] . ■ M(; 2 R 59 PADDY LONG'S Budget of Topical Songs. [See Long, P.] MJ 2 P 30 J PAGE, Charles A. Letters of a War Correspondent ; by J. R. Gilmore. Illustrated. Svo. Boston, 1899. B41P14 PAGEANT, The, 1896-97. Edited by C. Hazelwood Shan- non and J. W. Gleeson White. Illustrated. 2 vols, roy. Svo. Lend., 1896-97. \^All i^Mished.^ J 28 Y 3, 4 PAGES, Pierre Marie Francois, Vicomte de. Travels round the World in the years 1767-71. 3 rols. Svo. Loud., 1792-93. " DNS 23-25 460 Fublic Library of New South Wales. PAGES FROM A PRIVATE DIARY. [,SVc Beechins, Rev. H. C] C 26 P"3 PAGET, Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur. The Paget Papers : Dip- lomatic and other Cori'espondence, 1794-1807. Ar- ranged and edited hv his son. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1,S9('>. ■ C 21 U 3, 4 PAGET, Hon. Berkeley Thomas. Portrait of. [_See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 PAGET, Admiral the Hon. Sir Ch. rles. P,,i'trait of. ^See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papeis.] C 21 U 4 PAGET, Dr. Charles Edward. Healthy Sclio. .Is. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exliih. Lit.) A 41 U 17 PAGET, Adm. Lord Clarence Edwaiil. Autobiography and Journals. Edited by the Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Otway. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1896. C 22 Q 13 PAGET, General the Hon. Sir Edward. Portrait of. \_See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 IT 4 PAGET, Francis, Dean of Christ Church. Introduction to the Fifth Book of " Hooker's Treatise of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity." 8vo. Oxford, 1899. G 1 P 22 PAGET, R. H. State Aid to Agricultural Science. (In- ternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 Y 10 PAGET, Stephen. Experiments on Animals ; with an In- troduction by Lord Lister. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 R 5 Ambroise Pare and his Times, 1510-90. \_See Pare, A.] C23 U 1 John Hunter, Man of Science and Surgeon, 1728-93. ISee Hunter, J.] C 23 R 10 PAGET, Violet, " Vernon Lee." Limbo, and other Essay.s. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 P 31 Ottilie. 2nd cd. 12mo. Loiul, 1893. J 25 Q 28 Renaissance Fancies and Stuilics: being a Se(|uel to "Euphorion." 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 S 24 PAINE, J. Pictorial Photographs of the most jjopular and interesting Scenery of New South Wales. Ob. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 P 29 PAINE, John Knowles, TllOMAS, TheocUne, and KLAL'SER, Karl. I'^inious Composers and their Works. Illustrated. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1895. (' 13 S 13 Kit PAINE, Thomas. AVriting.s, collected and edited by Moncure l)aniel Conway. \'ol. I. N\(.. New York, 1890. ■ J 6 T 25 PAKES, Dr. Walter C. C. Science of Hygiene. Tllus trated. 8vo. Jxmd., 1900. ' A 45 U 2S PAL^OGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Fac-similes of MSS. and Inscriptions. Edited by E. A. Bond, E. M. Thompson, and G. F. Warner. Nos. 1-13, and vols. 1, 2, 2nd ser. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1873-94. J 48 P 4-7 % Facsimiles of MSS. and Inscriptions (Oriental Series)- Edited by W. Wriglit. Pts. 1-8. Fol. Lond., 1875-83." J 48 P 3 + I'A L.EOXTOGliArilKJA . Stuttgart, 1851-95. Bande 1-41. 44 vols. 4to. E I'AL.EONTOLOGISCUE ABIIANDLUXGEN. Heraus- gegeben von AV. Dames luid E. Kayser. i?and 6. 4to. Jena, 1892-94. ' E 6, \)X. 1. Die obereii Kreidebildungeu der Umgebung ties Lago di Santa Croce in den Venetianer Alpen ; von K. Futterer. 2. Ueber Aepvornis ; von R. Burekliardt. .S. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Kieldefor- niatioii von Hokkaido ; von Kotora Jimbo. 4. Die C'helonier der Norddeutsclien Tertiiirforma- tion ; von W. Dames. .'>. Uel)er Stigniariopsis (irand' Eury ; von H. Graf zu Sohns-Laubacli. PALA TIXE XOT E-BOOK, Ilhistrated. 4 vols. 4to. The. Vols. 1-4, 1881-84. Manchester, 1881-84. B 24 U 1-4 PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND. Archaeological Researches in Palestine, 1873-74, by Dr. Charles Clermont-Ganneau ; with numerous Illustrations from Drawings made on the spot by A. Lecomte du Noiiy. Translated by John Macfarlane and Aubrey Stewart. 2 vols. 4to. "Lond., 1896-99. B 13 V 16, 17 t Quarterly Statements, 1869-99, and Index to 1869-92. 31 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869-99. E Thirty Years' Work in the Holy Land, 1805-95 ; by Sir Walter Besant. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 28 R 9 PALEY, Frederick Apthorp. iEschyli (jusd supersunt onniia. [See ^schylus.] H 4 V 17, 18 PALEY, William. Law and Practice of Summary Con- victions under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, 1848- 84, including Proceedings preliminary and subsecjuent to Convictions, and the responsibility of convicting Magistrates and their officers ; with the Suunuary Jurisdiction Rules, 1880, and Forms; bv Walter ][. MacNamara. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 9 P 27 PALO RAVE, Rev. Francis Milnes Temple. Words and Phrases in every-day use in Hetton-le-IIole, Durham. {See English Dialect Soc, Pubs., 74.] E PALGRAVE, Francis Turner. The (Joldm Treasury, selected from the best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language, aiul arranged with Notes. 2nd ser. 12mo. 'L(md., 1897. HUP 40 Journals and Memories of the Lifi^ of; by (.!. F. Pal- grave. WithPortr. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C26R15 Landscape in Poetry, from Homer to Tenny.son, with many illustrative examples. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 T 1 Siijiplenbentavy Catalogue — 1806-1900. 461 PALGRAVE, Mary E. Pictorial Gcograi)liy of the Biitisli Isles. Oh. roy. 8vo. Lond., 18»S. J) 21 P 7 t PALGRAVE, Sir Reginald F. D. The Chairman's Hand- book. 12mo. Lond., 1896. F 15 P 4S Treatise^ on the Law, Pri\ileges, Pi;oeeedings, and Usage of Parliament. [See .Afay, Sir T. E.] F 9 V 20 PALGRAVE, Robert Hairy Inglis, F.R.S. Dictionary of Political Economy. \'ols. 2, -3. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond., 189G -99, " F 7 S 28, 29 PALL MALL MAGAZLKE, Th,-. V,,ls. 1-21, May, 189:5- Aug., 1900. 21 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-1900. E PALLISER, F. W. The Irish Rebellion of 1796. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 29 R 16 PALMER, A. H. Life and Letters of Samuel Palmer. [See Palmer, S.] C 21 T 19 Life of .Icseph Wolf, Animal Painter. {See Wolf, J.] C 22 Q 1 PALMER, E. Davidson. The rightly-produced Voice : a Presentation of Facts and Arguments in support of ii new theory of Voice-production. 12mo. Lonfl., 1897. " A 23 P 45 PALMER, Prof. Edward Henry. History of the Jewish 8vo. Nation from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Illustrated. Lond. (n.d.) B 28 Q 6 PALMER, Frank Loomis. The Wealth of Labour. Svo. New York, 1894. F 10 V 4 PALMER, Maj.-Gen. H. S. Letters from the Land of the Rising Sun, 1886^92. Imp. 8yo. Yokohama, 1894. B 15 S 15 t PALMER, Henr}' Spencer. Sinai from the fourth Egyptian Dynastjr to the Present Day. New ed., revised by Prof. A. H. Sayce. 12mo. Lond., 1892. (Ancient History from the ^[onuments.) B 27 P 11 PALMER, Itev. J. Dictionary of the Language of Mota. [See Codrington, Rev. R. H.] MJ 3 V 2 PALMER, John. [Sketch of.] (New South Wales Mag., Jan., 1834.) ME 3 Q PALMER, John. From Sebastopoltn Lucknow. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 PALMER, Roundel), Earl of Selborne. [See Selborne, Earl of.] PALMER, Dr. S. B. Electro-Ciiemical Relations of Stop- pings to the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W F. — American System of Denti.stry.) A 31 S 2 PALMER, Samuel. Index to Th<' Thw's Newspaper. [See Times, T/u:] E PALMER, Samuel, Painter. Life and Letters of; by A. H. Palmer. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lend., 1892. C 21 T 19 PALMER, T. H. Cyanide Process for the Extraction of (iold. 8vo. Sydney, 189S. MA 2 R 56 PALMIOK, Ur. T. S. Jack Rabbits of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 53 PALMER, W. J. Repoit on Fruitgrowing. [See New Zealand.— Agricult.] ' >LV 3 R 81 PALMERSTON, Henry Jolui Temple, Vi.scount. [Por- trait of.] [&e Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Story of the Life of Lord Palmerston. [See Marx, K.] F 15 P 40 PALTOCK, Robert. Life and Adventures of Peter Wil- kins : with a Preface by A. H. Bullen. 2 vols. 12mo. Lonci, 1884. J 23 P 42, 43 PAMBULA VOICE, Oct., 1897-Dec.. 1898. Fnl. Pam- bula, 1897-98. ME PAMELY, Caleb. Colliery Manager's Hand-book : a com- prehensive Treatise on the Laying-out and Working of Collieries. 4th ed. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 41 S 14 PAMMEL, L. H. Notes on Grasses and Forage Plants of Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado. [5ee United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V IG PAMPHLET LIBRARY. Religious Pamphlets [T!t'j,rintf]. [See Dearmer, Rev. P.] G 23 Q 32 PAN-AMERICAN MEDICAL CONGRESS. Transac- tions, 1893. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1895. E PANABOKKE, Hon. T. B. Meghadiita. [See Kalidasa.] H 1 S 32 PANORAMA, Le. Le Louvre et le Luxendjourg. Illus- trated. Ob. 4to. Paris (n.d.) A 19 S 2 f Merveilles de France, Belgique, Suisse, Algerie, et Tunisie. Ob. 4to. Paris (n.d.) A 19 S 1 f Salon. Illustrated. 2 vols. ob. 4to. Paris, 1896-97. A 19 S 3, 4 t PANTALEONI, Prof. iMaffeo. Pure Economics. Trans- lated by T. B. Bruce. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 3 R 23 PANTON, J. A. A few Days Ashore in West Kimberly. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1885-86.) ME 20 P Mighty Russia's Asiatic Possessions : their Resources, Developntent, and Extension. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1899.) ME 20 P Probable River System of portion of N.W. Australia, and suggested further search for Leichhardt. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1885-8G.) ME 20 P 462 Public Zibi'iU'i/ q/ New Souih tFales. PAPE, Ainbroise. Ambroise Pare and his Times, 1510- 90: hy S. Paget. Illustrated. 8^-o. New York, 1897. C 23 LM PARETO Vilfredo. Le Protectioiiiiisme eji Italie: scs Resultats. 8vo. Pari.s 1891. F 17 P 7 PARIS, Loui.s. Le Poetique Fraiifaise au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. \_See Hecq, G.] H 1 U 3 PARIS, Matthew. Appendix ad Rogeri de "Wendover Flores Historiaruni. \_See, English Hist. Soc, Pulis.] B 39 R 18 PARIS. Acadcuiie des Sciences. \_See Academie.] .Academie Rationale, Journal. [&« Academie Nationale.] Soci6t6 d'Anthropologie de Paris. [See Socle te.] Societe de Geographie. \_See Socicte.] PARIS AND VIENNE. Thystorye of the Ni.hle Ryght Talyaunt and Worthy Knyght Parys, and of the fayr Vyenne, the Daulpliyns Daughter of Vyennoys. From the unique copy printed by AVilliam Caxton in the year 148.5 ; -with a Preface, Glossary, and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. Sm. Ito. Lond., 1868. (Roxburgh8 Lib.) J 2 T 29 PARIS SALON. Illustrated Catalogue, 1881-94, 1897- 1900. 18 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1881-1900. E Tlte Salon, 1892, 1894-1900: Plates, Photogravures, and Etchings. With English Text. 8 vols. sm. fol. Pari.s, 1892-1900. E PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports des Membres des Jurys, des Delegues et des Ouvriers sur TExposition L^niverselle de Paris en 1878. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1879-80. K 9 S 18-23 PARISH, Jklmuud. Hallucinations and Illusions : a Study of the Fallacies of Perception. 8vo. Lond., lf<97. G 18 P 43 PARtC, Arcliibald. Animal and Vegetable Parasites asso- ciated with tlie pioductiou of Neoplasms in Cattle and Sheep. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S General Report by A. Park, Government Veterinarian, New Zealand. " [.See New Zealand.— Agr.] MA 3 R 80 PA^IK, James. The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction : a Text-book for the use of MetallurgLst.s and Students at Schools of Mines, itc. 2nd ed. 8vo. Auckland, 1896. MA 1 Q 22 [Another copy.] 3rded. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. MA4 S 6 The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction : a Text-book for the use of Mining Students, Metallurgists, and Cyanide Operators. 1st English ed. Illustrated. 8vo. I^nd., 1900. MA 4 P 47 , and RUTLEY, F. Khyolites 0% the Hauraki (lold-tield.s. New Zealand, ((Jeolo^. Soc, Lond. Quar- twJy Journ., 1899.) Y. PARK, Mungo. [Life of] ; by T. B. MacLivchlan. 12ma Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 8 PARK, Dr. Robert. Patholow of Emotions. [.SVe Fere, C] ' ■ G 25 V 1 PARK, Dr. Roswell. Peritonitis, Appendicitis, and Peri typhlitic Abscess. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 PARK, William. The Game of Golf. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1896. A 29 R 37 PARK, Dr. William Hallock. New Fact.s and Methods in the Treatment of Diphtheria. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapexitics. ) A 3 1 P 1 7 , and GUERARD, Dr. A. R. Bacteriology in Medicine and Surgery : a Practical Manual for Phy- sicians, Health OtRcers, and Students. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 S 4 PARKER, Charles Stuart History of Classical Educa- tion. (Farrar, F. W., Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 Sir Robert Peel from his pri\-ate Papers. \Sce Peel, Sir R.] C 25 S 7, 8 PARKER, Gilbert. Song: Twilight of Love. [Words only.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t PARKER, Rev. Joseph. Christian Pi-ofilCvS in a Pagan Mirror. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P'l5 Studie.s in Texts : for Family, Church, and School, ^'ols, 2, 4, 6. 3 vols. 8vo. J.ond., 1898^99. G 23 Q 40, 42, 4 4 PARKER, Mrs. K. Langloli. Australian Legendary Tales : Folk-lore of the Noongahburrahs as told to the Picca- niiniics. 8vo. Loud':, 1896. MJ 3 R 12 More Australian Legendary Tales ; with Introtluction by A. Lang. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 R 29 PARKER, Prof. T. Jefferv, F.R.S., audHASWELL, Prof. William A., F.R.S. Manutd of Zoology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MA 5 Q 20 Text-book of Zcioloirv. Tllustrat(xl. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' MA 4 T 7, 8 PARKER, Theodore. Discourse of Religion. [See Mar- tineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, ivnd Addresses.] J 14 T 27 [Sketch of.] {See Emerson, R. W. — Miscellanies.] J 22 Q 24 PARKER, Dr. W. N. Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates. {See Wiedersheim, Dr. J!. I A 39 R 2 Supplemattart/ Catalogue— I89G-1900. 463 PARKE8, Sir Honry. An AustraHan Nation. (Mel- Ixmriip Ileview, 4") ME 18 y An Emigrant's Home Letters. 8vo. Sydney, 189G. MC 1 Q 58 The lieid Ministry. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 5 Q 20 Speech on tlie .second reading of the Customs Duties Bill, in the Legislative As.senib]y, June, 1886. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. F 17 P 3 The Union of the Colonics : a Speech delivered in thc^ Legislative As.sembly of -New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MP 4 Q 53 Life of; by Charles E. Lyne. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MC 1 T 29 liecollections of Sir Henry Parkes ; by AV. Walker. 8vo. Windsor, 189G. MC 1 T 37 Catalogue of the Library and Furniture of Hon. Sir Henry Parkes. 4to. Sydney, 189G. Cat. Room Honour to whom Honour is due. \_See Smith, B.] MF 5 S 30 [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_Sec Sliinc, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t PARKES, Dr. Louis Coltman. Hygiene and Public Health. 5th ed-. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 Q 23 PARKINSON, Sydney. Voyage round the World. \_See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 50 PARKIN, Geoi'ge Robert, Life, Diary, and Letters of Edward Thring. {Sec Thring, E.] C 23 T 4, 5 PARKINSON, Svdney. .Mcin.iir of. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1877.) ■ " ME 2 S PARKMAN, Francis. [Portraits and Sketch of.J [See Howe, M. A. De W. — American Bookmen.] C 23 U 1 1 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Vedder H. C. — American "Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 PARKYN, Ernest Albert. Law of Master and Sei'\aiit, with a Chapter on Apprenticeship. 8vn. Lnnd. 1897. F 15 S 1 PARLBY, Samuel. Hints to Emigrants, in wliich the Climate, Capabilities, and Geographical Position of the British Colony of the Cape of Good Hope are sub- mitted for examination and consideration. 12nio. Limd., 1838. j\[D 4 P 4 PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW AND 'FAMILY MAGA- ZINE, The. Edited by J. S. Buckingham. Vols. 1- 3, 1833. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. F 15 U 10-12 PARNELL, Charles Stewart. Life of; by R. Btlrry OHiien. With Portrait, 2 vttl.s. 8to. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 12, 13 The O'Shea-Parnell Divorce Case : Full Details. 12nio. Sydney (n.d.) iTie S 9 The Parnell Connnission : Opening Speech for the De- fence. [See Russell, C, Baron.] F 10 R 22 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 6 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 PARNELL, Thomas. Battle of the FrogS and Micfe. [See Homerus.] H 7 Q 17 PARR, Mrs. Louisa. Dinah Itulock (Mrs. Craik). (Oli- pliant, Margaret O. — Women Novclisis of Queen Vic- toria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 PARRAMAWA and DISTRICTS ILLUSTRAtED ; with a Review of chief Municipal, Electoral, Industrial, and Commercial Factors of Parramattan Progress and Prosperity. 4 to. Parramatta, 1899. MD 7 V 1 PARREIDT, Dr. Julius. Compendium of Dentistry for the use of Students and Practitioners. Translated by Louis Ottofy ; with N(jtes and Additions by G. V. Black. Illu.st, 8vo. Chicago, 1889. A 32 S 24 PARRY, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings. Evolution of the Art of Music. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A'23 S 22 PARRY, D. H. The Death or Glorv Boys : Stx)ry of the 17th Lancers. 8v.>. Lond., 1899. B 36 R 16 PARRY, Ernest J. Chemistry of Esseiitial Oils and Arti- ticial Perfumes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 U 8 PARRY, Francis. The Sacred May Stone of Mexico^ and its Symbolism. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1893. G 17 U 6 t PARRY, S\dney Henry Jones-. AnOldSoldier'sMemories. With Portrait. 8"vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 R 8 PARSELL, Henry V. A., and WEED, Artliur J. Gas Engine Construction. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 39 Q 23 PARSHALL, H. P., and HOBART, H. Si. Armature Windings of Electric Machines. 4to. New York, 1895. A 13 T 17 t PARSON AND THE PEDLAR, The. [Se^ "Ingon yama."] M H 1 V 29 PARSONS, Alfref the Works of.] [^See Craik, Henry. - English Prcse.] J 6 t^ ;i8* [Criticism of the Works of.] {_See Gosso, Edmund. — Critical Kit-kats.] J U U 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] 'iSce Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 Sandro Botticelli. \_See Englisli Literary Criticism.] J U U 19 PATERCULUS, Caiu,s Velleiu.s. Historia- Romame. (Scriptores Historiie Romana.'.) B 10 U 23 \ PATERSON, A. B. A ustr.ali.-i am.Mii; Nations. Folded ■Ito. Sydney, 19(10. iM H 13 T 1 f Memoir of Warcus Clarke. \Sec Clarke, M.- For the Term of his Natural Life,] ~ MJ 1 R 16 PATERSON, Rev. Hugh Sinclair. Life, Function, Health : Studies for young men, 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 27 R 23 PATERSON, Thomas T. Plans f,,r a safe Theatre. (Young, A. — Theatre Panics and their cure. ) A 37 R 2.5 PATERSON, William. Writings. Edited by Sa.xe Bannister. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18."j9. F 13 U 9-11 PATMORE, Coventry Kersey Dighton. How I Managed and Improved my Estate. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 1-5 P 38 Principle in Art, kc. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 1 R -A Religio PoetiB, &c. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. G 9 V 2.5 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_Sce Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 [Es.say on.] [See Tovey, Rev. D. C. — Reviews aivd Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 PATMORE, Emily Augusta [Mrs. C. K. D.] The Angel in the House. [So.e Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anec- dotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 PATON, Dr. Diarmid Noel. Mechanism of Bile Secretion. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 PATON, J. L. Aims and Practice of Teaching Latin. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 3n PATON, Jame.s. Glasgow : its Municipal Organization. [See Bell, Sir James.] F 9 V 2 PATt)N, John G. Sketch of. [See Creegan, I{.;\-. V.. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 PATON, William Agncw. Picturcsijue Sicily. Illustrated. 8vo. LoikI., 1898. J) 19 R 4 PATRICK, Dr. Hugh T. Disorders of Sleep. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 PATRICK, St. St. Patrick: his Life and Teaching. [See Newell, E. J.] G 26 P 21 PATRIOT, The: a Weekly Journal advocating an Au.s- tralian Policy for an Au.stralian People. Vols. 1, 2, April, 1898" Jan., 1899. 4f(j. Sydney, 1898-99. {A\t publishrJ.] ' iM F 3 U 67 PATTEN, Prof. Simon Nelson. Develoi.inent of English Thought : a Study in the Economic Interj)retation of Hist/iry. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 23 T 42 Educational Value of Pdlitical Kcononiy. (American I li.'ononiic Assoc.) F4 V 15 ]\Ialthus and Ricardo. (American Economic As.S(jc.) F 4 V 14 Staljility of Prices. (American Economic Assoc. )F 4 V 1 3 The(n-y of Social Forces. 8vo. Philad., 1896. G 23 V G PATTERSON, Capt. Howard. Naval Dictionary, ilhi.s- ti-ated : a Guide and Reference-book forOfficei-s and Men of the Navy, RevenueCutterService and Naval Reserve, and an indispensable cf)mpanion for Naval Cadets, United States. 8vo. New York, 189.5. A 22 8 6 PATTESON, John C, Bishop of Melanesia. Sketch of. [Set. Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G 1 4 S 30 PATTISON, Mark. Es.says of. [See Churcli, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 [Sketch of.] [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 PATTISON, T. Har\v Vieuzac, JSertrand.l C 24 ]{ 9-12 PAYNE, John. t^Uiitrains of Gmar Khayyam. [See Omar Khayyam.] ' j [ 3 (J 3,") PAYNE, Edward John. History of the New World called America. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1892-99. B 19 S 10, 11 PAYNE, Dr. Joseph Frank. Acne, Comedo, Seborrhaa, Milium, Milium Colloid. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Eczema. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Gutta Rosea, or Rosacea. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26' T 41 Hydroa, or Dermatitis Herpetiformis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Impetigo. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Mycosis Fungoides. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Pemphigus. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Plague. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Rhinoscleroma. (Alll)utt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medi- cine.) ' A 26 T 41 Thomas Sydenham. [See Sydenham, Dr. T.] C 23 R 16 PAYNE, William Harold. Psychology applied to Educa- tion. [See Comi)ayrc, (i.] ' G 4 V 28 Rousseau's Emile ; or. Treatise on Education. [See Rousseau, J. J.] G 18 P 61 PAYSON, Edward Payson. Suggestions toward an ap- plied Science of Sociology. 8vo. New York, 1898. F15S12 PEABODY, Prof. Cecil H. Steam Engine Indicator. 12mo. New York, 1900. A 25 P 53 , and MILLER, Prof. Edward F. Steam-boilers. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 7 PEABODY MUSEUM. Archa'ological and Ethnological Papers. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-6. Illustrated. 8vo. Cand)., 1888-98. A 41 P 14 1, No. 1. Stanilan! or Ht'iiil-dress? an Hi.storit'al Essay on a relic of ancient Mexico ; hy Z. Niittall. "2. The Karankawa Indians, the Coast l*co])le of Texas ; by A. S. (jatschet. 3. The Atlatl or Spear-thrower of (he ancient Mexi- cans ; hy Z. Nuttall. 4. Report upon Vile-stnietures in Naanian's Creek, near Clavmont, Delaware; by H. 'J'. Cresson. .'). Stndy of Omalia Indinn Mwsic : by /Mice ('. Klctchcr and K. Imaliland. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 R 4 PEARCE, Walter J. Painting and Decorating. Illus- trated. 8\o. Lond. (n.d.) A 44 R 7 PEARMATN, Thomas Hames, and M()Oi{, Cre.sacre (Icorgc. Aiijjlicd Bacteriology: an Introductory 1 land-book f(jr tlu^ use of Students, Medical Oilicers of Health, Analysts, and Sanitarian.s. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. (Universty Series.) A 27 T 8 [Another c-opy.] 2nd cd. Svo. L.inrl. J898. .4 40 P 11 PKARSE, A. W. The Pastoral Industry of New South Wales, 1895. Ob. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. .MA 3 U 35 PEARSE, II. H. S. Four Months l)esieged : the Story of Ladysmith. lllust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 y U PEARSE, Major Hugh. The Ciimean Diary and Letters of Lieut.-(Jen. Sir Charles Ash Windham. [See Wind- ham, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Ash.] C 23 Q 11 Memoirs of Alexander Gardner. [See (Jardner, Col. A.] C 25 P 7 PEARSON, A. N. Correspondence between the Results of Chemical Analysis of a Soil and its Productivene.s.s. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Experimental Manuring. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Feb., 1900.) ME 9 U Complete List of Manures, with current price.s and value in the Melbourne market. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 T 9 Manin-es an! PEMBREY, Dr. Miircus Seymour. Aiiiniall[eat. (.Scliafor, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Pliysiolojiy.) A 27 V 4 Chemistry of Respiration. (Sc-hafor, Dr. E. A. — Text- book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 PiaJBROKE AND MONTGOMERY, (5eorgc R(,5)ert Charles Herbert, 1.3th Earl of. Political Letters and Speeches. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 13 R 5 PENAFIEL, Dr. Antonio. Nonibrcs Geogriificos de Mexico. Roy. 8vo. (n.p.) 1885. J 17 T ii t PENDER, W. S. Production of Honev. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) " ME 1) R "PENDRAGON, A." [See Isaacs, G.] PENEDO, Baron de. Condition of Education in Brazil. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 PEN FIELD, Edward. Posters in Miniature. [See Posters in Miniature.] A 23 T 29 PENFIELD, Frederic Courtland. Present-dav Egypt. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. DISQS PENFIELD, Prof. Samuel L. Manual of Determinative Mineralogy. [See Brush, G. J.] A 38 V 20 PENGELLY, William. Memoir of, with a Selection from his Correspondence. Edited by his daughter, Hester Pengelly ; with a Summary of his Scientific Work by the Rev. Prof. Bonney. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 2 PENHALLOW, Prof. David Pearee. Charcoal impreg- nated with Slag. [See Mc(_!ill University.— Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 The (Jeneiic Characters of the North American Taxaccii; and Coniferse. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 Myclopferis Tupfkensis, a new carboniferous plant. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 Ni'matoph/ton Crnssnin. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 Nemainphijton Ortoni, n.sp. [See McGill L^niversity. — Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 "PENLAKE, Richard." [See Salmon, P. R.] PENN, Arthur. Heredity. (Matthews, J. B.^ Studies for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P G PENN, William. The True William Pcnn ; by S. G. Fisher. Illu^t. 8vo. Phihul., 1900. C 26 U 4 PEXNEbL, Dr. George Herbert. Health Abroad. [See Battersby, C. H.] A 45 11 3 PENNEF.L, Joseph. Art in the Victorian Ai^o. (Sixty Years (,f Empire.) 'b 22 R 18 lllustralion of liociks: a Maiui.d for (he use of Students. 8vo. Lond., |,s'j(i. A 23 ]' 17 Modern Illustration. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 R 45 The Work of Charles Keene, with an Introduction and Comments on the Drawings illustrating the Artist' methods ; to which is added a Bibliography of the Works Keene illustrated and a Catalogue of his Etch in^s, by W. H. Chesson. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. 1.^97. " A 13 X 13 t , and Elizabeth Robins. Lithography and Litlio graphers : some Chapters in the History of the Art with Technical Remarks and Suggestions. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. ' A 40 U 2G J PENNING, G. A. de. [.sV*-- do Penning, G. A.] PENNINGTON, Rev. Arthur Robert. The Counter ReformatiS, pt. 1. 3 vols. Sv,). Hnrrisburg, 1898-99. E Bulletins. Nos. G, 22, 31,39. Illu.sti-ated. 8vo. Har- risburg, 1896-98. A 38 Q 21 (!. Taxi(lerni\' : the Game and Fi.sh Laws of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania ; l\v B. H. Warren. '2nil eil. 22. Cider Vinegars of Pennsylvania ; by Dr. W. Ficar. 31. Economic Statns of the Mole ; by H. Wilson. 39. Farmers' Institutes in Pennsylvania. Department of Internal Affairs. Annual Report, lSiJ7-99. 10 vols. Svo lla-.rishurg, 1898-99. E Department of Public Instruction. Common School Laws of Pennsvlvania. 12riio. Hariisburg, 1899. F 12 8 38 Factory Inspector. Annual Report, 1897-99. 2 vols. Svo. Harrisburg, 1898-1900. E Fish Commission. Report of the State Coninnssi(mers of Fisheries for 1898-99. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898-1900. E Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1897-99. 4 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 189S- 1900. E 1. Fire and Marine Insurance. 2. Life, Accident, and Casualty Insurance. Legislature. Journal of the House of Representatives, 1899. Svo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Journal of the Senate, 1899. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Library. Reports of the State Librarian, 1898-99. 2 vols. Svo. Harrisburg, 1899-1900. E Catalogue of Law Books. ]_See under main ,\uthor En- try Pennsylvania State Library.] OfRce of the Governor. Message of D. H. Hastings, (lovernor of Pennsylvania, to the General Assembly, Jan. 3r(l, 1899. Svo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Pharmaceutical Examining Board. Annual Ileport, 1890-96. Svo. Harrisburg, 1897. E Public Charities. Preliminary Report, 189S. Svo. Harrisburg, 1899. " E Public Instruction, liiennial Report (m Higher Edu- cation in Penn.sylvania, 1897-98. Svo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Reports of Superintendent, 1890-91, 1897-June, 1899. o vols. Svo. Harrisburg, 1S91 1900. E Public Printing and Binding, .\ninial Report, 1895- '.)6, June, 1898. 2 vols. Svo. Harri.sbui'g, 1896-98. E Secretary of the Commonwealth. Biennial Reixnt, iS!)7-9S. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1S9S. E Tal)ulated Statement of the Votes cast at the Ceneral Election, Nov., 1S9H. Svo. Harrisburg, 1898. E Sinking Fund. Repr,rts 1890, 1897. 2 vols. Svo. Ilarri.sburg, 1891-98. E Soldiers' Orphan Schools Annual Report, 1S9S 99. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo ILiirrisburg, 1S9S-99. E PENNSYLVANIA— co/j/J. State College. Annual Report 1897-99. 3 vols. Svo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Calendar, 1896-97. Svo. Philad., 1897. E Statutes. Acts of the General Assem1)ly to provide Re- \enue Ijy Taxation. Svo. Hari-isburg, 1896. F 16 T .5 Laws of tlie General Assemlily of the Commonwealth of Pennsvlv.ania, 1895. 8vo. Harrislnirrr, 1895. F 3 V 15 Vetoes : Bills returned to the I.,egislature l)y the Gover- nor, witli his ol)jections thereto, during its regular Session ending July 1st, 1897. Svo. Harrisburg, 1897. ■ E Treasury Department. Report of tlie State Treasurer on the Finances of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1898. 1899. 2 vols. Svo. Harrisburg, 1899-1900. E Veterinarian. Annual Report, 1898. Svo. Harrisburg, 1 899. E PENNSYLVANIA STATE LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Law Books in tlie Pennsylvania State Librar}'. Imp. Svo. Harrisburg, 1899. Cat. Room PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. Catalogue, 1898- 99. Svo. Philad., 1898. E Political Econcnuy and Public Law. No. 13. Svo. Philad., 1898. F 7 T 8 13. Discussion of the Interrogatories of the Monetary Com- mission of the Indianapolis Convention ; by .1. F. .Johnson ; with Supplementary Suggestions by R. P. Falkncr, H. R. Seager, and S. M. Lindsay. PENTECOST, Rev. George Frederick. The True Science of Living. ISee Dewey, Dr. E. H.] A 32 R 35 PEOPLE AND THE COLLECT IVTH'l\ Th,; 1897-99, with which is incorporated the Xor/hern People. Sm. fol. Newcastle, 1897-99. ME PEOPLE'S FEDERAL CONVENTION, BATHURST. Proceeilings, 1S96. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MF 4 Q 51 PEOPLES FRIEXD : a Miscellany of Po|,uIar and In- structive Literature. Vols. 28-31, 1896-99. t vols. ■Ito. Dundee, 1S96-99. E PEOPLE'S IIORX nor, rUo. Nos. l, 2, 4, 6, Aug. 22nd, 29lli, Sept. 12th, 27th, 1834. Fol. Hobart, 1S34. [Bound with tlie r'py's Life, and on some passaj^es in the Diary ; with Ap- pendices. 10 vol.s. Svo. Loud., ISDi; !)').'(! 1 1 V 1 Id PERBANOCLOS, I. (;hiiii.st.s of (iivck Life and S, H 11 S 3-3:2 1. Old Ballads frum early jiriiitcil cnpies ; Straugo His- tories, by T. Doloiiy : a 8oarch for Money, liy W. Rowley ; a Marriage Triumph, by T. Heywocxl. '2. .Seleetion from the minor t'oems of I.iydgate ; the Boke of Ciirtasye ; Specimens of Lyric t'ueti'v ; Meeting of (Jallants at an Ordinaire, l{i04. 3. Political Ballads published in ilngland during the C'uni- monwealth ; Historical Songs of Ireland ; History of Patient (irissel. 4. Earh' Naval Ballads of England ; Nursery Rhymes of England ; Kind-heart's Dream, by H. C'hettle, 1592. 5. Songs and Ballads relative to the London Prentices ; Specimens of old C'liristmas Carols ; Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage ; the King and a ])oor Northern Man ; the two Angrv ^Vomcn of Aliingdou, by H. Porter, l;j(»9. G, A Knight's (Conjuring, by T. Dckker, 1607; Aneiei\t Poetical Tracts of the IfUh (_!entury ; Cock Lorell's Bote ; the Crown (iarlard of (Jolden Roses ; Follie's Anatomie, by H. Hutton, IDUI ; Poems, by Sir H. Wotton. 7. The Harmony of Birds ; a Paraphrase on the seven Penitential P.salms, in English Verse ; the Harmonv of the Church, by M. Drayton, l.-)i)l ; Tack of Dover, 1()(I4 ; a Kerry Pa.5toral. >s. Selection of Latin Stories ; Dialogue of \\'it( lies and Witchcraft, by (i. Giflford. 9. The four Knaves, 113' S. Rowlan First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters. Translated by J. II. Rabinson and H. W. Rolfe. 8vo. New York, 1898. C 23 T 1 1 An unrequited Love. [See Vandam, Albert D. — Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ilorridge, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G. — Rampolli.] H 11 T 3 PETRARCH. [See Petrarca, Francesco.] PETRIE, Donald. Botanical Notes. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Description of a new native species of Coprosma. (N.Z. Inst, Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Descriptions of new Native Plants. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Modern Chapter in Vegetabh^ Physiology. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ' ME 2 S Note on Gunnera ovnta. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Supplement to List of Flowering Plants indigenous to Otago. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S PETRIE, Mary L. G. [See Wilson, Mis. Ashley Caru.s-.] 3o PETJUE, Prof. William Matthew Flindeis, and MILNE, J. Grafton. Hi.story of Egypt. Illust. Vols. 1,2, T.. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1894-98. B 21 R 3, 4, 7 I. Earliest Times to 16th Dynasty. ■^. 17Ui -iOtli Dynasty. ."). liomaii Rule. Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt : Lectures delivered at L^rtiversity College, Djiidon. 12nio. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 24 Syria and Egypt fi'oni the Tell el Aniai-na Inciters. 8vo. "Lond., 1898. B 35 Q 13 Dendereh, 1898. [See Egypt Expl. Fund.] B 18 Q 30 t Deshasheh, 1897. [See Egypt Expl. Fund.] B 18 Q 19 t Royal Tombs of the 1st Dynasty, 1900, \A. 1. [See Egypt Exploration Fund.] " ' B 18 Q 29 t PETRONIUS ARBITER, Titus. Lexic(jn Petronianum. [See Segebade, I.] J 16 U 27 [Sketch of.] [See 'Whiblcy, C. — Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 PETTERD, William Frodeiick. Classified List of the Mineral Species known to occur in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Descriptions of hitheito undescribed Antechini and Muridte inhabiting Tasmania. [See Roy. Hoc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.] ISIE 1 Q Igneous Rocks of Tasmania. [See Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Tran.s., 1898.] ME 18 P Notes on some recently discovered and other Minerals occurring in Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] " ME 1 Q Occurrence of Limurite in Tasmania. [See Ro}'. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q Occurrence of Obsidian Buttons. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q Occurrence of Syherulitic Felsite on the West Coast of Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] HE 1 Q The Topaz-(juai tz Porphyi'v or Stanniferous Elvan Dykes of jNIt. liischoff. [See Rov. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] " ME 1 Q PETTIGREW, William Frank. Manual of Locomotive Engineering, with an Historical Introduction ; with a Section on American and Continental Engines, by A F. Ra\enshear. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1899. A 22 R 35 PETTY, Sir William. Economic Writings ; together with the Observations upon the Bills of Mortality, more probably by Capt. J. Graunt. Edited bv C. H. Hull. 2 vols. 8vo." Camb., 1899. "F 9 P 35. 36 Study in English Economic Literature. [See Bevan, W. L.] F 4 V 19 PFEFFER, Prof. W. Physiology of Plants : a Trea;Lse upon the ^Metabolism and Sources of Energy in Plaiits. Translated and edited bv A. J. Ewart. 2nd ed. Illust. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Oxford, 1900. A 45 V 13 474 Tuhlic Library of New South Wales, PFEFFER, Willielm Friedrich Philipp. Modern Theory of Solution. [See Jones, H. C] A 44 Q 21 PFEIFFER. Dr. Louis. Catalogue of AuriculiiUe, Pioser- pinidie, and Ti-uncatellid;v in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Natural History.] A 4.3 U 3 PFLETDERER, Rev. Otto. Lectures on the Influence (if the Apostle Paid on the Development of Chris- tianity ; delivered in London and Oxford. Tran.slated l)v J. Frederick Smith. 2nd ed. 8vo. Loud., 1894. (Hihhert Lectures, 188.J.) (i DJ T 35 PHARMACEUTICAL JOVRXAL, The : a Weekly Record of Pharmacy and allied sciences. Vol. l-4th ser., vol. 10, 1841-June, 1900. 44 vols. rov. 8vo. and 4to. Lond., 1841-1900. " E PHARMACEUTICAL JOURXAL OF AUSTRALASIA. Vols. 9-11, 1896-Sept., 1898. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1896-98. :\1E19P PHARMACEUTICAL RECilSTER OF NEW ZEA- LAND, 1897. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. ;ME 6 P PHEAR, Sir John B. The Aryan Villa-e in India and Ceylon. 8vo. Lond., 18sd. F 19 S G PHELPS, Rev. Austin, and FRINK, Dr. Henry Allyn. Rhetoric: its Theory and Piactice. 8vo. New York, 1895. J 14 T 8 PHELPS, Prof. C. S. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Experiment Stns.] A 38 R 15 PHELPS, Edward J. The Monroe Doctrine. [See America and Europe.] F 2 V 30 PHELPS, Elizabeth Stuart. {See Ward, Elizaheth Stuart.] PHELPS, Samuel. [Poitrait of] as Cardinal Wolsey. [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 PHELPS, W. L. Best Play.s of (leori;e Cliapiiian. [See Chapman, (!.] ' 117 1! 12 PHILADELPHIA. Annual Messages of the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia ; with Annual Reports of the Director of the Department of Puhlic Work.s, and the Annual Reports of tlie liureau of Water, 1888, 1890, 1893. 3 vols. 8vo. Piiilad., 1890 9 1. E [See also Academy of Natural Science.s.] PHILADELFHI.V COM.MEKCIAL MUSEUM. Ameri- can Trade with Australia ; by Col. G. W. Bell. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) P 16 R 21 American Trade with India. 8vo. Philad., 1 898. F 1 6 R 21 American Trade with Siam. 8vo. Philad., 1898. F 16 R 21 Consideration.s on the Hygiene of certain Cities of Europe. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 38 V 25 Meetings of the International Advi.sory Board, June, 1H97. Roy. 8vo. I'liil;id., 1S97. " E PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL MUSEUM— coh^c/. The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. 8\o. Philad. (n.d.) E Prospectus of the United States Cimimercial Conunission to China. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) F 16 R 21 The Republic of Costa Rica ; by C. Niederlein. With Map. 8vo. Philad., 1898. " D 13 V 18 Tlie Republic of Guatemala ; by G. Niederlein. 8vo. Philad., 1898. ■ D 13 V 18 The State of Nicaragua of tlie Greater Republic of Cen- tral America ; by U. Niederlein. 8yo. Philad., 1898. " D 13 V 18 The Waterworks of Europe. No. 1. 8\-o. Philad., 1898. A 38 V 25 1. (Jreat Britain. The World's Commerce and the United States' .share of it. 2nd ed. 8\(). Philad. (n.d.) F 16 R 21 PHILADELPHIA EXHIBITION, 1876. Classified and Descriptive Catalogue of the Collecti(ins selected froni the India Museum and exhibited in the Indian De- partment of the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876 ; by J. Forbes Watson. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. " " MJ 2 U 7 PHILADELPHIA FREE LIBRARY. Bidletin No. 1. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1898. Cat. Room 1. Descriptive Catalogue of the Writiiig.=i of 8ir Walter 8cott ; by John Thomson. ' PHILBRICK, Dr. John Dudley. City School Systems in the United States. [See United States. — Bureau of Education.] G 18 R 64 PHILIP, King of Maccdon. Philip and Ale.xander of Macedon ;" l)y D. G. Hogarth. 8a-o. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 11 PHILIP AUGUSTUS, King of France. [Life of]; by W. H. Hutton. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 S 25 rillLlP, George. Philip's Anatomical Model. [See Schmidt, Dr. -.] .\ 11 V 12 Pi I 1 LI PPA OF HAINAULT, Queen of Rngl.and. [Sketch of.] [See Cn.wn .lewels.] ■■ C 23 S 7 PHILTPPI, Federico. Disease of the \'ines in Talca and Quirihue, Chili. Translated by H. C.imbridge. (Ag- ricult. Gay.., N.S.W., 1896.) ■ ' ME 9 R PHILll'i'l, Dr. llodulfo Amando. Los Fosilcs Tcrciarios i Cuartarios de Chile. Illustrated. 4to. Santiago de Chile, 1887. A 17 T 8 t PHILIPS, Katherine [Mrs. Jame.s]. [Ess/iy on.] [See Gosse, E. 17th Century Studies.] 'H 10 W 23 I'llllJI'SON, .lolin. Art .■md Craft. if Coarlibullclinu-. 12ino. Loud., 1S'J7, (Technological ll.iu.l books.) A 23 V 31 Suppletnentary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 475 PHILLTMORE, Cjitheiinc Mary. Dante at Ravenna. [Sec \y.inU'. Ali,i,'Iii.'ii.] " O i\ Q 27 I'lllLLl-MOliE, .1 . S. Lilieralisni i]i mitward I'rlaliniis. (Essays in Lilirralisni.) ¥ 5 S 50 PHTLLTMORE, Sir Walter (Jei.ige Frank. Ecclesiastical Trilnmals. (Gore, Uev. C. — Essays in aid of Refoi-ni of the Clmrcli.) " G %>, S 28 Legal and Parliamentary Possibilities. ((Jore, Rev. C. — Es,says in aid of Reform of the Cluireli.) G 23 S 28 PHILLTMORE, William Phillimore Watts. A Supple- ment to "How to write tlie History of a Family : a Guide for the Genealogist." 8vo. Lond., 1896. Iv 111 Q 1* Plaeita coram domino Rege apud AW'stmonastcriuni d(^ tcrmino Sancte Trinitatis anno Regni Ref;is Ed^ardi tilii Regis Henrici vicesimo quinto. [See British Record Soc] E -, and FRY, George S. Abstracts of Glouccster- sliire Inquisitiones post-morion returned into the Court of Chancei-y in the reign of King Charles I. [See British Record Soc. Pubs., 12.] E PHILLIP, Vice Adm. .Arthur, (iovernor of New South Wales. Biographical Memoirs of. (Naval Chronicle, 27.) ' B 3S t^ 8 Admiral Phillip : the F(junding of New South Wales. [See Becke, L.] MB 3 tj 6 [Portrait and Sketch of. J [See Becke, L. — Naval Pioneers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 PHILLIPPS, James Orchard Halliwcll-. [Sec Halliwcll- Phillips, J. O.] PHILLIPPS, Vivian. Short Sketch of German Literature for Schools. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 11 P 51 Der NefFe als Oukel. [See Schiller, F. von.] H 13 P 15 PHILLIPS, Charles. The Ocean Cavern: a Tale of the Tonga [sles in three cantos. 8vo. Lond., ISli). MH 1 S 39 PHILLIPS, Charles E. S. Bibliography of X-Ray Litera- ture and Research, 1896-97 : being a ready reference Index to the Litei'ature on the subject of Routgon . Vols. 1-6, 1894-99. 6 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1894-99. E PUOTOGIIAPHIC REVIEW OF REVIEWS. [See AiiKtralasian Photographic Jteiriem.'^ ME 19 Q PICAVET, Franqois Joseph. Itosc^hii. Philus,,p]ie et Thcologien, d'apres la Legende et d'ai)rcs I'Mistoire, avcc un rapport .sommaire sur les Conferences do ri'j.\ercice 189.3-96, el ](! Progiamme, dcs Conferences ])our i'Excrcicc 1896-97. |Kcolc des haut<'s Etudes.] Roy. 8y„. Paris, 1896. C 2.i V .3 PICCOLOMINI, Enea Silvir.. [See Pius II, Pope.] PICKBLTRN, James Prosper. Perkin Warbeck. [See Ford, John.] H 10 U 21 PICKEL, A. Theorie und Praxis des Volks.schulunter- richts nach Herbartischen Grundsatzcn. [See Rein, Prof. W.] G 17 U 27-34 PICKERING, Dr. Charles. The Races of Man. [See United States. — Exploring Expedition.] A 31 Q 3 J PICKERING, E. C. Photometric Revision of the Har- vard Photometry, 1891-94. [iS'fe Harvard L^niversity Astronom. Observ., Annal.s, 44. J E PICKERING, William Alexander. Pioneering in Formosa : Recollections of Adventures among Mandarins, Wreckers, and He^id-hunting Savages ; with an Appendix on British Policy and Interests in China and the Far East. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1898. D 16 U 24 PICKERING, Prof. W. H. A'isual Observations of the Moon and Planets. [See Har\'ard L^ni\-ersity A.s- tronom. Obserw, Annals, 32.] E "PICKLE THE SPY." [See ISIacdouuell, Alexander.] PICTORIAL COMEEY. Vol. 1, April-Sept., 1899. 4to. Lond., 1899. E PICTVPE MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-7, Jan., 1893- June, 1896. 7 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. E PIDDINGTON, Albert Batliurst. Guide to Acts consoli- dated. Roy. 8vo. . Sydney, 1899. MF 5 R 8 Socialism in the Parliament of New South Wales. (Re- view f>f Reyie\vs, June, 1897.) E PIERCE, Franklin. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 PIERCE, Newton B. Grape Diseases on the Pacific Coast. [See United States.—Dept. of Agr.] A 41 U 1 PIERSON, Rev. Arthur Tappan. Life Power ; m, Charac- ter, Culture, and Conduct. 8vo. New York, 1895. (J 9 W 25 Seven years in Sierra Leone : the Story of the Work of William A. B. John.son. 8yo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 30 i'lHSSr; Al<'X.uider C. I'.ritisii Dogs. [See Dalziel, Hugli.] A 14 T 41* PIGOU, Francis, Dean of |'.,lsl,,l. Tliases of my Life. Willi Porli-ait. 8n,,. Lniid., 1898. C 2 "") R 15 PIKE, Godfrey lloldcn. < >li\i'|- Cromwell and ins Times : Social, Religious, and I'ohlical Life in the 17th Cen- tury. Illustrated. 8v(j. Lond., 181)9. I! IC I' 211 Supplemenlary Calalofjite — 180G- U)00. 477 PIKE, Luke Owen. Physical r^duration : an Essay, to which has hecii awarded tiic Prize of the Athletic Sociely. I'Jiiio. Lond., 180:!. GIHPSS Yearliooks of the Reign of Kinj; IO, 1875 92. ^ HIT 18-22 Connediie ; recensuit F. Ritschl, sociis adsumptis G. Loewe, (J. Goetz, F. Schoell. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878-94. H 1 T 24-27 Ruden.s. [In Fjatiu and Englisli.] 8\(>. Montreal (n.d.) J 19 W 12 Tran.slations f rom ; Iiv Prof. Jl. A. Strong. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ■ ■ ME 18 Q PLAYFAIR, Arthur. [Art of Acting.] [See H.immer- ton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] 11 1 S 31 Stipplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 479 PLAYFAIll, Lyon, Bjiroii. Memoirs and Correspondence of; l)v \V. itciil. With l'..iti'ait. 8vo. Lond., 1S99. C -JG S 8 PLAYFAIR, Dr. William .Smoidt. Alidomiiial Diagnosis from a Gyna'cological standpoint. ( Allhutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Mcdioiup.) A 2G T 36 Puerperal Septic Diseases, (.\llliutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) xV 2(1 T :U PLKHN, Dr. Carl C. Tntrotku-tioii lo PiiMie Finance. 8vo. New York, 180(i. F 10 V 31 PLINIUS C^CILIUS SECUNDITS, C. Letters of the Younger Pliny. Literally translated Ijy J. D. Ijewis. 8vo. Lond., 1879. " " C 27 S 18 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. C. Plinii Secundi Histori- arum Natune Libri XXXVTT. Sm. fol. PariKii.s, 1.532. A 17 U 9 t The Elder Pliny's Chapters on History of Art. Trans, hy K. Jex-Blake. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 U 29 PLONGEON, Dr. Augustus le. [.Sec Le Pl.mgeon, Dr. A.] PLOWDON, E. R. Progressive Studies and other Designs for Wood-carvers. 2nd ed. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A U W 3 PLUMB, Prof. Charles S. Geographic Distribution of Cereals in North America. [See Unitetl States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 55 Silos and Silage. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult] A 41 U 2 PLUMBER AND SASITARV EXGIXEER. [S,-e En- yineerimj Record.] PLUMER, Lieut.-Col. Herbert. An Irregular Corps in Matai)eleland. WithMaps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 37 V 3 ' With Plumer in Matebeleland. [See Sykes, F. W.] B 37 V 4 PLUMMER, Rev. Altr,-d. Critical and Exegetical Com- mentary on the (iospel according to St. Luke. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. ' G 15 R 38 PLUMMER, Mary Wright. Contemporary Spain as shown by liei' Novelists : with an Introduction by E. E. Hale. 12m,.. Lond., lsi)9. B 16 P 19 Hints to small Libraries. 8vo. I'.ronklvn, 1894. J 14 V 16 PLUMPTRE, Claude C. M., and MacKAY, J. K. Treat- ise on the Law relating to Bankers and Banking Com- panies. [See Grant, J.] F 13 R 17 PLUNKET, William Conyngham, Baron. Spanish Pro- testants in the 16th Century. [See Wilkens, Dr. C. A.] " G 13 U 11 PLUNKETT, Hon. Horace. Cooperative Dairying. 12nio. Manchester, 1890. A 33 Q 36 PLUTARCHUS. Plutarch : his Life, his Parallel Lives, and his IMorals ; Ijy R. C. Trench, Archbishop of Dublin. 2nd ed. j2nio. Lond., 1874. C 19 P 26 De Curiositate. Translated by Queen Elizabeth. [See Early Eng. Text Soc, orig. ser., 113.] E Invasion of India by Alexander the Great. [See M'Crindle, J. W.] ' B 28 T G [Sketch of.] [See Emeisdu, ii. W. — Lectures and Biographical Sketche.s.] J 22 Q 24 POATE, I'^rcderick. Market in China for our Suiplus Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) MK 9 R POBIEDONOSTSEFF, Konstantin P. Reflections of a Russian Statesman. Translated Ijy R. C. Long, with a Preface liy Olga Novikoff. 8vo. Lond., 189f<. G 23 P 35 POCOCK, J. The Brewing of non-excisable Beers. 12mo. Bangor, 1895. A 23 Q 51 POCOCK, R I. Australian Scorpions of the Genus Uro- dacus. Pet. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Julv, 1898.) E Solifugie, Scorpions, Chilopoda, and Diplopoda. (Smith, Dr. A. Donaldson. — Through Unknown African Coun- tries.) D 20 U 21 Some Trapdoor Spitlers of the family Ctenizidre fi-om South and West Australia, contained in the Collection of the British Museum. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hi.st., Jan., 1897.) • ' E POCOCK, Roger. Rottenness : a Study of America and England. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 35 PODMORE, Frank. Studies in Psychical Research. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " G 23 S 5 POE, Edgar Allan. Works : newly collected and edited, with a Memoir, Critical Introduction, and Notes, by E. C. StedmanandG. E. Woodberry. With Portraits and Facsimiles, and Illustrations liy A. E. Sterner. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " .J 14 R l-^'O 1-5. Tales. 6-8. Criticism. 9. Kureka. and Miscellanies. 10. Poems. Les Poemes : traduction de Stephane JIallarnie. 2iid ed. With Portrait. Imp. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. H 1 V 1 9 [Life of] ; by G. E. Woodberry. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1898. (American Men of Letters.) C 27 P 5 Aventures d' Arthur Gordon Pyw ; Eureka. [See Bau delaire, C. P.] ' J 24 S 22 [Essay on.] [See Strachev, J. St. Loe. — From Grave to Cay.] ' J 14 U 38 ISO JPtiblic Lihra7'y of New South Wales. POE, Edgar AWixw— could. Histoires Extraordinaii-es. \_See Biuidelaire, C. P.] J L'4 S L'O Nouvelles Histiiires Extraordinaires. \See Eaiulclairo, C. P.] ' J :i4 S -Jl [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 1 1 [Short Study of.] \_See Higgiu.';on, T. W. — .Sliort Studies of American Authors.] J 1 R 30 [Sketch of.] \_See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J "-'2 R 37 [Sketch of.] \_See Whiblev, C— Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 POET^ GR/ECI PRIiNTCIPES HEROICI CARMINIS ET ALII NONNULLI : Homervs, Hesiodvs, Orplicvs, Callim., Aratvs, Nicand., Theocrit., Moschvs, Bion, Dionysivs, Colvthvs, Tryphiodorvs, Mvsajvs, Tlieognis, Phocylides, Pythagoras aurea carmina, Fragmenta Ali- orvm. Ed. H. Stephanus. Sm. fol. (n.p.) 1506. [^Ilenricus Sfp})hanus.'\ H 17 U 12 \ POEMS. [See "Xew Zcalander."] MH 1 P 55 POGONOWSKI, L. A. Song: Australia. 1st and 2nd eds. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t Song: Cricket. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t Song: Football. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 f The Soudan Comic Song. [Words.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) ^ MA13'P6t P0IN80T, Louis. Elemens de Staticjue suivis d'un Memoire .sur la Tlieorie des Momens et des Aires. 4th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1824. A 25 S 33 POLACK, Thomas. Caution to the Woi-ld at large and serious Australian consideration : a Defence of the recently circulated work, entitled, " iModorn Babylon's Downfall." 8vo. Adelaide, 188S. MG 2 V 7 Modern Babylon's Downfall followed by the triumphant Millennium after Armageddon, now fast approaching, which is proved by the death of the late Emperor of Germany. 8vo. "Adelaide, 1K88. M(; 2 V G POLDING, John Bede, Archbishop of Sydney. [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See Shines, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 1 P 1 t rOLiriCAL SCIENCE QrARTEnhY : a Review de- voted to the Historical, Statistical, and Comparative Study of Politics, Economics, and Public Law. Vols. 1-13,1880-98. 13 vols. 8vo. Boston and New York, 1886-98. E J'Ol.rriciAX, The: a Monthly Magazine of Politics and Literature. Vol. 1, No. I, April; 1S51. 8vo. Sydney, 1851. MJ 3T 11 I'OldTICS IN 1890. [5«e Whelen, F.] POLK, James K. I'ortrait of. \See Brooks, Noah. — Sliort Studies in Party Politics.] I-' 10 \' 1 POLK, Leonidas, Bishop. [Life of] : bv Dr. W. M. Polk. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 27 R 13, 14 POLL, J. C. van de. Opmerkingen betrekkelijk Torres straat emen Booby-eiland. (Tijdschrift voor het Zee- wezen, 1801.) E POLLARD, A. F. England under Protector Somenset. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " B 40 U 3 Political Pamphlets ; with an Introduction and Explana- tory Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 4 POLLARD, Alfred William. Engli.sh Miracle Plays, Moralities, and Interludes : Specimens of the pre- Elizabethan Drama ; with an Introduction, Notes, and Glos.sary. 2nd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. H 13 V 3 Dialogus sive Speculum Ecclesie Militantis. \_See Wyclif Soa, Pubs.] G 23 T 20 The Towiieley Plays. \Sie Early English Text Sec. Putjs.] " E , and SAYLE, Charles. De Officio Regis. {See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 26 POLLARD, E. C. Text-book of Zoology. {See Boas, Dr. J. E. v.] ■ A 31 Q 8 POLLARD, Joseph. The Land of the Monuments. 8vo. L.md., 1896. D 17 S 18 POLLIO, Trebellius. {See Trebellius Pollio.] POLLOCK, Edwanl. Power aiul i)uty of an Arbitrator. [,S'«« Russell, F.] ■ F 1 U 28 POLLOCK, Sir Frederick. The Fishery Laws. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature) A 34 R 1 Introduction to the History of the Science of Politics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 14 P 53 The Land Laws. 8vo. Lond., 1890. F 8 V 1 1 The Law of Torts : a Treati.se on the Principles of Obligations arising from Civil Wrongs in the Conniion Law, to which is added the Draft of a Code of Civil Wrongs ])repar('d for thi' (iovernment of India. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 13 IT 6 ]<]iioyclopa'dia of the I*iws of Englantl. {See Renton, A. W.] F 7 T 9 English Law before tins Norman Conquest. {See Alfred the Great.] C 20 S 19 Mountaineering. {See. Dent, C. T.] A 29 S 41 POLLOCK, Prof. James Arthur. Experiments with Riintgen's Radiation. {See Threlfall, I'rof. Hichard.] E tjuartz-threail Gravity I'.alance. {See Roy. Soc, Lond.) Proe., 05, anil Philosoph. Trans., 193.] ' E Supplementcmj Catalogue — 189G-1900. 481 POLLOCK, WaUor Merries. Jano Austen : lior Con- temporaries and lierself. 8vo. Jjojid., IS'J'J. ,J 9 li 32 The Cliann, and other Drawing room Phijs. \See Besant, Sir W.] " II 10 W' 27 POLLOK, Col. FitzwiUiani Thomas. I'^ifty Year.s' Remiiiis- cence.s of India : a Retro.speet of Travel, Adventure, and Shikar, lilust. tyron, G. G., Baron.] H 11 T5 [Sketch of.] [See r.hrrU, A. Obiter Dicta.] J 11 V 31 POPE, Frederick John. Investigation of Magnetic Iron Ores from Eastern Ontario. 8vo. New York, 1899. .\ 14 S 10 POPE, Rev. George L^glstitui.s an to tlu^ oppitrtuiiities jirosentiHl in tlic Island for American Capit^il, Eiitei'prise, and l/il)our. Illu.strated. S\(,. New York, 1 899. FKJTIO Report and Reconnnendations on the Customs Tariff of the Island of Porto Rico. [See United States. -De'pt. of the Treasury.] F Ki M 11 Rejjort on the Connnercial and Industrial Condition of the Island of Culia. \_See United State.s. — Dejit. of the Treasury.] F 10 R 17 Report on the Currenev Question of Porto Rico. [See United States. —Dept. of the Treasury.] F 16 R 12 PORTER, Thomas Cunningham. Impressions of America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S99. 22 P 19 PORTFOLIO, Th:' : Jlonographs on Artistic Sul.jects. Illustrated. Nos. 1.3-38, 1895-98. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E 13. Early Work of Raphael : bj- Julia Caitwright. 1-t. Art of William Quiller Oi-charilsun ; by W. Anustroug. 1.5. Claude Lorrain ; by ({. Grahamo. IG. Whiteliall ; by W. J. Lottie. 17. Japanese Wood Engravings ; by W. Anderson. 18. Antoine Watteau ; by C. Phillips. 19. Tlie Lsle of Wight ; In- C. J. Cornish. 20. Raphael in Rome ; by Julia Cartvvright. ■21. Dutch Etchers of the 17th Century ; by L. Binyon. ■22. William Blake, Painter and Poet ; by R. (iarnctt. 23. Renaissance of Scidpture in Belgium ; by O. (f. Desttfe. ■24. (ierard David, Painter and Ilhuninatoi' ; bv \V. If. J. Weale. ■25. Picture fialler}- of Charles I ; by C. Phillips. 26. John La Farge, Artist and Writer ; by C. Waern. 27. Richmond ; by H. Garnett. 28. Life of Velaztpiez ; by- W. Armstrong. ; 29. Art ofVelazcpiez ; by W. Armstrong. 30. Royal English Bookbindings ; liy C. Davenport. 31. Albert Diirer's Paintings and Drawings ; by L. Cust. 32. John Crome and .Tohn Sell Cotman ; by L. Binyou. 33. Armour in England ; by J. S. (iardner. 34. Earlier Work of Titian ; b>- C. Phillips. 3o. Peter Paul Rubens ; by R. A. M. Stevenson. 36. Greek Bronzes ; by A. S. Murray. 37. Later Work of Titian ; by C. Phillips. 38. Foreign Armour in England ; by F. S. (iardner. PORTSMOUTH, Newton Wallop, 6th Earl of. Necessity for a Minister of Education. (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 AMI PORTUS, Alexander Brown. Centrifugal Pump Dredging in New South Wales. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W., Journal, 189G.) " ME 1 R PORY, John. History and l)escripti(ni of Africa. \_See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs.] E POSCHINOER, Heini-ich von. Conversations with Prince Hisiii.irck. I'higlisli ed., edited b)' Sidney Whitman. 8vo. Lond., 19U0. " C 27 R 22 I'OSITIVIST l!i:VIE\V, Tlu: Vols. 16, 1893-98. 6 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S93-98. [Vols. 1 and 2 incom- plete.] E Pf)SSELT, M .\. StrU'-l ure of l'"il)reK, Yarns, and Fabrics. Illust. 2 vols, (in l)4to. Phihul., 1S91. A13W14t POSTE, Eduai-d. I'.acchylides : a I'rose Transl.ation. {See Racchylides.J H 12 R 28 POSTERITY : its Verdicts and its Methods ; or, Democ- racy, .\.». 2100. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 28 POSTERS IN MINIATURE ; with an Introduction by Edward Penfield. 8vo. Loml, 1890. A 23 T 29 POTSDAM-ASTROPHYSIKALISCHES OBSERVA- TORIUM. Photographische Hinnnelskarte ; bear- heitet von J. Seheiner. Band 1. 4to. Potsdam, 1899. A 14 S 18 t Publicationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam. Illustrated. Bande 1-10, pt. 1, 11, 13. 13 vols. 4to. Potsdam, 1879-99. E P(JTSDAM K(')NI(!L1CIIE OJiSEli V.YK )P. 1 FN. 1 )ie Koniglichen Observatorien fiir Aslrojihy.sik, Meteor- ologie und Geodasie bei Potsdam. Jmji. 8vo. Berlin, 1890. A 32 U 27 POTTER, A. T. Habits of Dvnne.sfes viiljAmig. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Notes on the Cicadas of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1890.) ME 2 S POTTER, George. Tlie Australian Emigrant. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MD 4 U 38 Emigrant's Guide to Australia, with a Description of New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, South Aus- tralia, Western Australia, Victoria ; also the average cost of Provisions, ratt^ of Wages, House Rent, how to acquire Land, and other useful information. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MD 3 T 35 POTTER, Henry Codman, Bishop of New York. The Scholar and the State, and other Orations and Addresses. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. G 23 R 1 POTTER, J. M. Causes of Climate : Geological and Geo- graphical Changes upon the Earth. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P POTTER, Richard. Elementary Treatise on Optics : con- taining all the resjuisite propositioris carried to first approximations with the Construction of Optical In- struments. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond., 1847-51. A 41 P 2, 3 4S4 Fuhlic Library of New South TTales. POTTER, Rev. Robert. Credibility of Miracles. (ISIel- bounie Review, .3.) ME 18 Q Evolution in relation to Theologv. (Melbourne Review, 5.) '. ME 18 Q Miracles and Law. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Relation of the State to Religiou.s and Ecclesiastical Bodies in Victoria. (Melb. Review, 1.) I\[E 18 Q Visionof Retribution; a Poem. (Melb. Rev., 10.)ME 18Q POTTER, Thomas Bavlev. Biographical Sketch of. \_See Cobden Club.] " " " C 19 P 23 POTTHAST, August. Wegweiser durch die Geschichts- werke des Europaischen Mittelalters bis IfiOO. i vols. 8vo. Berlin, 189G. J 15 V 14, 15 POTTIE, John. The Science of Scripture: lieing apart of a Lecture specially designed for Sunday-school Teachers and young men and women. 12nio. Sydney (n.d.) ' MG 2 T 48 POULTON, Edward Bagnall, F.R.S. Charles Dai'win and the Theory of Natural Selection. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 27 Q 18 POUND, Charles Joseph. Applicatinn (jf the Tuberculin Test to the Dairy Cattle on the Island of St. Helena. (Queensl. Agr. Journ., Nov., Dec, 1898.) ME 9 U Cattle Tick. (Roy. See, Queensl., Proc, 1 898.) ME 1 T Destruction of RabVjits by meajis of the Microbes of Chicken-cholera. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Discovery of Chicken Cholera in Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queen.sland, Proc, 1895.) ME IT Fowl-enteritis in Brisbane. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Method of Destroying Rabbits with the Microbes of Chicken Choleia. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Notes on the Inoculation of Bulls. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Preventive Inoculation for Tick Fever. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1.^97.) ME 9 U The Stockowners' Indebtedness to tlie Micro.scope. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME IT Tick Fever. (Queensland Agricult. .Iniini., 1897, July, 1899.) ME 9 U Tick Fever: Tcchiii(iue of the Method ond., 1828. H12R31 PRINGLE PATTISON, Pr.if. A. Seth. [See Seth Pringle Pattison, Prof. A.] PRIOR, Rose Caroline Murray-. [See Praed, Rose Caroline.] PRITCHARD, Andrew. Hi.story of Infu.soria, including the DesmidiaceK and Diatomacefe, British and Foreign. 4th ed. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1861. A 20 T 31 PRITCHARD, Rev. Charles, F.R.S. Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Charles Pritchard, F.R.S. ; by Ada Pritchard, with air Account of his Theological Work by the Bishop of Worcester ; and of his Astronomical Work by his successor, Prof. H. H. Turner. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Y 23 PRITCHARD, George B. Palaeontology of the Older Tertiary of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.) ME 1 P Revision of the Fossil Fauna of the Table Cape Beds, Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Viet., Proc, 189i).) ME 1 P Eocene Rocks of Victoria. [See Roy. Soc. Vict., Proc, 1895.] ' ME 1 P (.Jeology of the Lower Mooraboul. [See Roy. Soc, A'ict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Note on a Tooth of Palorchestes from Beaumaris. [Set Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Tertiaries in the neighbourhood of Melbourne. [See Roy. Soc. Vict., Proc, 1896.] ME 1 P -, and GATLIFF, J. H. Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria. Pts. 1-4. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897-1900.) " ME 1 P New species of Victorian MoUusca. (Rov. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897-1900.) ' :S1E 1 P 4=88 FuMic Library of New South Wales. PRITCHARD, Rev. ^^'. Charles. Life and Labours of Svdiiev Linton, first Ritilmp of Riverina. [&« Linton, Sydney, Bishop ] MC 1 T "27 PRITCHETT, R. T. Pen and Pencil Sketches of Shipping and Craft all round the World. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 35 Q 17 PRIULI-BON, Contessa. Sodoma. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Great Masters in Painting.) A 44 R 15 PROAL, Louis. Political Crime. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Criminology Ser.) F 13 S 33 PROBYN, J. W. Address by. [S« Cobden Club.] C 19 P 23 PROBYN, L. C. Indian Coinage and Currency : Paper.s on an Indian Gold Standard, with the Indian Coinage and Currency Acts corrected to date. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 24 PROCESS YEAR-BOOK, 1898 : a Review of the Graphic Arts. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E PROCTER, Henry R. Leather Industries : Laboratory Work on Analytical and Experimental Methods. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S98. A 40 V 3 PROCTER, J. T. Indicators and Quartz-reefs. (Aus- tralasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 189.5.) ME 18 P PROCTER, John. Boers and Little Englanders : the Story of the Conventions. 8vo. Lond., is97. B 23 Q 1 7 PROCTOR, Richard Anthony. The Borderland of Science : a series of familiar Dissertations on Stars, Planets, and Meteors ; Sun and Moon ; Eartlnjuakes ; Flying Machines; Coal, (lanibling. Coincidences, Ghosts, itc. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1873. ' A 19 S IG Other Suns tlian ours: a .series of Essays on Suns old, young, and dead, with other Science Gleanings, two Essays on Whist, and Correspondence with Sir Jolm Ilerschcl. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 19 Q 15 The Star-lit Heavens; Sketch of J. W. Draper; Britisii and American Engli.sh ; Betting and Mathematics; Fallacies; the Menacing Comet; Winning Wagers. (Leisure Readings.) A 19 Q 1(5 PROCTOR, Richard Wright. .Memorials of Manchester Streets. Illustrated. Sm. Ito. Mundicster, 1874. B 22 V 18 PRODUCERS' GAZETTE and Settlers' Record, W(>steiMi Australia. Vol. 5, .Ian. Juno, 1S9S. 8vo. Perth, 1898. MA 4 Q 19 PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE SERIES. Bacteria. [,. Berlin, 1898-99. E Zcitschrift fiir das Berg- llutten- und Salinen-Wesen ini Preussischen Sta,ate. Biinde 39-46. With Atlas, 39- 45. 14 vols, (in 18) 4to. Beriin, 1891-98. E J*|{Vk;iv, Chailes. Tiie Neutr.al Ground. ((Joodwin, Maud Wilder. — Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* PRYNNE, William. Looking-glasses for Lordly Prelates. (Deai-nu-r, Rev. P. Religious Pam.) G 23 Q 32 PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. [Sw Society for Psychical Research.] PTOLEMyEUS, Claudius. Skctcli of. [See Ball, Sii- R. S. Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 PTOLEMY. [See PtoleiniVus, Claudius,] Siipideiiwiilary Calaloyuc — IdOO-IUOO. 1.&9 PIJBIJC LIBRARY, MIT8EUM8, ANT) NATIONAL (JALLERY OJ'^ VICTORIA. Loiters from Vic- torian Pioneers : hciiig a .series of Piipers on the Early (Jccupation of the Colon^y, the Aborifjincs, &c., ad- dressed by Victorian Pioneers to His E.xcellcncy Charles Joseph La Trobe, Lieut.-Govornor of the Colony of Victoria. Edit'jd by T. V. Pride. cSyo. Melb., 1899. " MB :3 q U PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Vols. 1-J, 189G-99. \ vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1896-99. Cat. Room PUBLIC OPIXIO.Y: a Comprehensive .Summary of the Press throughout the World on all important current topics. V0I.S. 20-64, 67-77, July, 1871-93, 1895- June, 1900. 56 vols. sm. fol. Loiul, 1S71-1900. E PUBLIC SERVICE JOTrRNAL ASD RAILWAY REVIEW, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Vol. 1, Nov., 1888-Dec.,1889. Sm.4to. Adelaide, 1 888-^89. ME 20 R "PUBLISHER, A." [5'e« Marston, E.J PUBLIUS, Victor. [See Victor, Publius.] PUCK, July-Nov., 1898. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1898. E PUGirS ^lZJ/.iiV..lC' and Queensland Directory, 1874-76, 1878-79, 1883-84, 1887-89, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1896. 13 vols. 8vo. Brisb., 1874-96. ME 4 P PTJGIN, Prof. Augustus Northmore Welby. Apology for the Revival of Cliristian Ai'chitecture in England. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1843. A 44 'W 12 PULIGA, Henrietta, Countess. My Father an.d I : a Book for Daughters. With Portrait. 8yo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 16 PULITZER, A. The Romance of Prince Eugene. [See Eugene, Prince.] C 22 R 10, 11 PULLAN, Rev. Leighton. History of the Book of Com- mon Prayer. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 Q 5 History of Early Christianity. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 36 PULLAN, Richard Popplewell. Studies in Cathedral Design. lUust. Fol. Lond., 1888. A 12X20 f PULLEN, Prof. W. W. F. Treatise on Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry. [_See Evans, T. J.] A 25 S 20 PULSFORD, EdNvard. New South Wales Statistics and Victorian Critics. 8vo. Sydney, 1889. F 17 P 7 PUMPELLY, Prof. Raphael. xVcross America and Asia : Notes of a Fixe Years' Journey around the World, .and of Residence in Arizona, Japan, and China. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1870. D 19 U 18 PUMPHREY, H. Easy Book-ket ping for small Coopera- tive Societies. [,S'^p"Hines G.J F 16 T 24 3q PUSCIL Vols. I IIS, is II ,I„i,e, 1900. 118 vo's. (in 9(i) .sm. Ho. Lond., 1S|1 I'.MIU. E An Evening from among the thou.sand Ey<'nings which may be spent with I'liitch : being a.se'cction fi'om the first fifty years of Pimili. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1900. J 28 V 2 .I//-. Pu,uli\i Animal Land. [See Reed, E. T.] A 31 S 32 A Peep into Pnuc/i. [See Schooling, J. H.J J 23 R 36 PUPIN, Dr. M. I. Tliiuinodynamics of Reversible Cycles in Gases and saturated Va])oi's. Arranged and edited by Max 0.sterberg. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 25 R 35 PURCELL, Edmund Shcri. 8vo. Lcmd., 1889. A 18 P 7 f Monuments of Typograjihy and Xylograjihy : Books of the tirst half century of the Art of Printing. 8vo. Lond., 1897. K 8 R 28 QUARRIER, William. In answer to Prayer. [See Car- penter, W. B., Bi.shop.] G 23 P 17 QUARTERLY JOURXAL OF ECONOMICS, Thf. Vols. 1-13, Oct., 1886-July, 1899, and Index to vols. 1 10. llvols. 8vo. Boston, 1887-99. E quAHTEiii.y .loriiS'AL OF Micnoscorit'Ai. SCIESCE. Vol. 1 n.s. vol. 33, 36-42, 1853-92, 1.S91 .laTi., I SIC). 39 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853-99. E QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. [SeeJunrnal of Science.^ Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 491 QUARTERLY JOVRXAL OF SCIENCE, LITERA- TURE, AND ART, 18l'7-28. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud., 18-J7-L'8. A30Q11-U QUARTERLY REVIEW, The. Vols. 1 l!il, 1809-April, 1900; and Index to vols. 161-18U. l'J2 vols. f^vo. Lond., 1809-1900. E QUEBEC LITERARY and HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1892 1900. 2 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1898-1900. E QUEEN, The. Vols. 9.-)--10G, .Tune, 189-l-.Juno, 1900. l.T vols. fol. Load., 1894-1900. E QUEEN'S EMPIRE, The: a Pictorial and Descriptive Record. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 19 S .5 f QUEEN'S LONDON: a Pictorial and De.scriptive Record of the Streets, Buildings, Parks, and Scenery of the Great Metropolis in the 59th year of the reign of H.M. Queen Victoria. Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 8 R 30 t QUEENS PRIME MINISTERS. Rt. Hon. W. E. (ilailstonc ; by i\. \V. H Rusaoll. \five Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. K.] C 24 R 'TA QUEENSLAND :—G'r)jvrM«(e»< Departments — Rcpnrtg and I'nIjI {cations. Acts. [See Statutes, uTider this heading.] Agriculture. Annual Rej)orts of the Depai'tnient of Agriculture, 1,S89 90, 1891-9.3, 1894-9S. 7 vols. sni. fol. and 8vo. Brisb., 1890-98. ME Botany Bulletins 11-13, 15. 8vo. BrisI)., 189.5-98. MA 3 S G8 11. 13, ir>. Contiilnitions to the Queensland Flora ; byF.M. Bailey. 12. Pestiferous Fungi ; by M. C. Cooke, and Peculiarities of the Queensland Flora, by F. M. Bailey. Bulletins of the Department of Agriculture, 2, 4, G-11, 13. 2nd .ser. 8vo. Bri.sb., 1896-98. MA 3 S OS 2. Rice-growing and its Preparation for Market ; b\- R. ^V. McCuUoch. 4. Disease affecting the Orange Orchards of Wide Bay, and the Insect Pests prevalent therein ; by H. Tryon. G. Wlieat-growing Experiments; by E. M. Shelton. 7. Use of Maize as Human Food ; by E. M. Shelton. 8. Practical Poultry Farming ; by Mrs. Lance Rawson. 9. Dairying ; l>v J. Mahon. 10. Report on the Olive Tree and Olive Oil of Tuscany ; liy Major W. P. Chaiiman. 11. Soil Wastes in the Cane-field ; by E. M. Shelton. 13. Spraying ; by A. H. Benson. Companion for the Queensland Student of Plant-life and Botany abridged ; by F. M. Bailey. 2nd ed. Svo. Brisb., 1897. MA 4 S 8 QUEENSLAND— coM^f/. Agriculture — contd. Dairying in Queensland, and QiieiMisland (Ira.ss'.-.s. 8vo. Brisb., 1896. MA 3 S 68 (irub Pest of Sugar-cane of the Mackay Di.strict ; by II. Trvon. (Queensland. — Agriculture. — .Annual Rejiort, 1S95-96.) ME Prospectus of tlie Queensland Agricultural College, Feb., 1897. Sm. 4to. Brisb., 1897. ME Report of Proceedings of Conference of Australasian Fruit-growers, held in Brisbane, June, 1897. 8vo. Brisb., 1897. ME 1 U Report of Rust in Wheat Conference, held in Melbourne, May, 1896. (Queen.sland. — Agriculture. — Annual Report, 1895-96.) ME Qi(c('.ns1and Agriadfural Jdurind. [See Qiiecnsland Aijrlcidtiii-(d Journal as a main Author Entry.] Blue Book. [See Public Service, under this heading.] British New Guinea. Report on British New Guinea from data and notes by the late Sir P. Scratchley : by G. S. Fort. Sm. fol. 'Bri.sb., 1886. MF 1 U 2 Forestry. Reports on Forest Con.servancy, 1890. Sm. fol. Brisb., 1K90. MA 3 Q 37 t Geological Survey. Bulletins 1-11. 2 vols. 8vo. Brisb., 1.^95-1900. MA 2 V 53, 68 1. Artesian Water in the Western Interior of Queensland ; by R. L. Jack. 2. Notes on the Pikedale Gold-field ; by A. G. Maitland. 3. Mount Cannindah Copper and Gold Deposits; by W. H. Rands. 4. Notes on the present condition of the Hodgkinson (iold-field ; by R. L. .Jack. T>. Notes on the Palmer as a Reefing District ; by R. L. .Jack. 0. Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Queensland Mining ('onrt, Queensland International Exhibition, 1897: by R. L. .Jack. 7. Additions to the Fossil Flora of Queensland : 1)\- .J. Shirley. 8. Report on the Gold-mines at the Fanning and Mt. Sue- cess ; by W. H. Rands. 9. Report of the Chillagoe Mining District and projected Railway ; by R. L. Jack. 10. Six Reports of the Geological Features of part of the District to be traversed b}' the proposed Transconti- nental Railway ; by R. L. Jack. 11. Report on the Geological Features of the Country be- tween Warren and Mt. Lion, in the Rockhamptim District; with a Plan and Section; by B. Dunstan. Geology of the Country round Stanthorpe and Warwick, South Queensland, with especial reference to the Tin and Gold-fields and the Silver Deposits; bv S. B. .1. Skertchlv. With Maps. Sm. fol. Brisb., 1897. MA 9 P 51 t Geologv of the West Moreton or Ipswich Coal-field; by W. E. Cameron; also, Queensland Coal: its Economic Value as a >Steam Coal; bv R. Wilson. Fol. Brisb., 1900. ' MA 14 Q 7 t 492 Public Lihn/ri/ of New Soiiih TT'ales, QUEENSLAND— raH/f^. Gold-fields. Reports on Queensland Gold-tields. Sm. fol. Brisb., 1884-97. MA 9 P 45 f Annual Progress Report of Geological Survey, 1890, 1895. Bellenden-Ker Range, North Queensland. Big Hill Crolil-mining Co.'s Lease, Talgai. Cape River Ciold-iieUl. Croydon Gold-tield. C'oolgarra Tin Mines and surrounding district. Geology of the Basalt Workings, Mt. Rainbow Golil-field. (ieology of the Cooktown District. Notes on Broken Hill. Notes on two Traverses of the Bunya Range and a Visit to the Brovinia Gold-tield. Report oil the Eidsvold Gold-field. Report on the Hodgkiuson Gold-field. Report on the Horn Island Gold-field. Tin Mines near Cooktown. Tin Mines of Watsonville. Government Gazette. Queensland Goveninient CJayette. Vols. 46-48, 62-G4, C6-G9, 71-74, 18S9, July, 1894- Dec, 189-5, July, 1896-Doc, 1899. 14 vols. sm. fol. Brisb., 1889-99. ME Legislative Assembly. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Mines. Reports. 1894-98. .5 vols. sm. fol. Brisb., 1895- 99. ME {_See also Geological Survey, under this headinji.] Oyster Fisheries of Moreton Bay. Reports. Sm. fol. Brisb., 1890. MA .3 Q 36 f Parliament. Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assemblv, l802-6;5, 186.5, 1868-72, 1876-99. 108 vols. sm. tV,l. Brisl)., 1862-99. ME Police Inquiry Commission. Rejioit of the Royal Commission a])poinled to in(iuire into the Constitution, Administration, and Working of the Criminal Investi- gation Branch of the Police Force of (Queensland, as well a,s into the relations subsisting between such Brandi and the Police Force generally ; together with Proceedings of the Coimnission and Appendices. Sm. fol. Brisix, 1899. MF 5 V 2 I Public Instruction. Reports of the Secretary of Public I iislruclion, ISSO, 189.5. 2 vols. sm. fol. Bri.sb., 1890-96. ME The State Education Act of 1875 ; together with the Regulations of the Department, General Instructions for the Guidance of Teachers and others, and Appen- dices. Roy. 8vo. Brisb., 1H91. MF3R9 Public Service. P.lue Book, 1889, 1893-95. 4 vols, sm. fol. Brisb., 1S90-9G. ME Registrar-General. Reports on Vlt.al Slatistics of Registry Distiict of I'.risbane and suburbs, Jan., 1899 jMav, 1900. Fol. i'.risb., 1S99 1900. MF.5U19 QUEENSLAND— eonw Test.amcnl Times. [See llaiisralh, J'rof. A.] G 25 Q 11, 15 Sniyplemontary Catcdogiie — 1806-1000. 493 QUEKAIM), Joscpli Marie. Ni.licc ,,f (li.' Life and Works of. [See Tlwinas, ll.J JUS .-59 QUESNE, F. le. [Sec Le Qucsnc, F.] QUESTIONS OF THE DAY. Ameriwi and lOuropc: a Study of IiUoriiatioiuil Relations. [.See America.] F 2 X .SO Congressional Currcncj'. [See (iordon, A. C] F 8 U 2!) Destructive influence of the Tariff' upon Manufacture and Commerce, and the Figures and Facts relating thereto. [See Schoenhof, .J.] F 15 S 22 Federal Taxes and State Expenses. [See .Jones, W. H. ] F 15 8 25 History of Money and Prices. [See Schoenhof, .J. ] F 8 V 19 History of the Surplus Revenue of 1837. [See Bourne, E.G.] F15S24 Regeneration of the United States. [See Grinncll, W. M.] F 17 To Relation of Tariflfto Wages. [See Wells, D. A.] F 17 P G A Sound Currency and Banking System. [See Foote, A. R.] ' " F1()V22 Work and Wealth. [See Bowker, R. R.] F 15 S 23 QUETELET, Lamhert Adolphe Jacques. Essai sur la Vie et les Omrages de L. A. J. Quetelet : par E. Maillv. With Portrait. 12mo. Bruxelles, 187."). C 27 P 23 QUICK, John. The next .step in Federation. (Review of Revi&ws, June, 1897.) ME 6 U AVhy Victoria should accept the [Federal] Bill. (Review of Reviews, March, 1898.) E QUICK, Joseph. Remarks on the Distribution of Water. (Internat. Health Exhi)).— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 4 QUICK, Rev. R. H. Life and Remains of. Ed. bv F. Storr. WithPortr. 8vo. Camb., 1899. C 20 U 29 Universities in their I'elation to the Training of Teachers. (Internal. Health Exhil). — Health Exhil). Literature.) A n V 12 Some Thoughts concerning Education. [&« Locke, J.] G 1.5 U 36 QUICK, Rev. W. A. Religion in State Schools. (Mel- ))ourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q QUILLARD, Pierre. [Translation fi-oni.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 QUILLER-COUCH, Arthur Thomas. [See Couch, A. T. Quiller-.] QUIETER, Harry. Sententiie Artis : First Principles of Art for Painters and Picture Lovers. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 40 Q 11 Jump to Glory Jane. [&« Meredith, G.] H 11 T 2 Tin; Uniivrsa! Revlfic. [Si'c Vniversal licvvir, The.'\ J 2! r 7-U QUFNN, George. Disinfecting Fruit-oases with Sulphur l''umes. (Journ. of Agrieult. and Industry, S. Aust., -March, 1899.) ' ME 9 Q Fruit-tree Pruning. (.Jouiii. of Agrieult. and Industry, S. Aust., April, July, 1899, Jan.', Feb., 1900.) ME 9 Q Fumigation of Citrus-trees for suppres.sing Scale Insects. (Journ. of Agrieult. and Industry, S. Aust., Feb., 1899.) ME 9 Q Grafting Fruit-trees. (Journ. of Agrieult. and Industry, S. Aust., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 Q Pruning Citru.s-trees. (Journ. of Agrieult. and Industry, S. Aust., Sept., 1899.) " ME 9 Q Selection and Planting of Fruit-trees. (Journ. of Agri- cult, and Industry, S. Aust., May, 1899.) ME 9 Q Summer Treatment of Lateral Growths to induce Fruit- fulness. (Journ. of -\gricult. and Industry, S. Aust., Jan., 1899.) ' -ME 9 Q U.se of Bordeaux Mixture in South Australia. (Journ. of Agr. and Industry, S. -A.ust., Aug., 1899.) ME 9 Q QUINN, J. Henry. Manual of Library Cataloguing. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 23 T 31 QUINN, Roderic Joseph. The Hidden Tide. 4to. Sydney, 1899. (Bulletin Booklets.) MH 13 R Tf QUINNELL, Wilmot C. The Horse. (Queensl. Agrieult. Journ., July, Sept., 1899, April, 1900.) JIE 9 U Tuberculosis in Spayed Cows. (Queensland -\gricult. Journ., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 U IjUnUXDI GAZETTE and Liverpool Plains -\dvocate, 1898. Fol. Quirindi, 1898. ME QUIRK, G. E. What should be the true relations be- tween a Wholesale Distributi\e Society and the Pro- ductive Societies whose work it mav sell. 12mo. Manchester, 1888. " F 16 S 14 QUIROS, Capt. Pedro Fernandez de. Did De Quiros land in Queensland? bv J. J. Shillinglaw. [See Roy. Geog. Soc. of Aust., ViJt. Br., Trans., 1898.] ME 20 'P R R., ^I. Romance of a King's Life. [See Jusserand, J. J.] B 24 Q 18 R.VBAULIATI, Dr. Andrea Carlo Franci.sco. -Air, Food, and Exercises : an Essay on the predisposing causes of Diseases. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 39 V 19 , and WESBROOK, F. F. Relapsing Fever, or Famine Fever. (-A.llbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 RABY, Richard. Pope .Vdrian TV : an Historical Sketch. 12mo. Lond., 18 19. G 9 Vi => R.\CCOLT-\ DI MOBILI IN DIVERSI STILL Fo.. Torino (n.d.) -V 48 P 20 ■ 494 Public Library of New South Wales. EACCOLTA IVORNATI ANTICHI E MODERNI. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 48 P 21 + " E ACHEL " (Elisabeth Rachel Felix. ) [Essay on.] [See Curtis, G. W. — Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 E 33 RACINE, Jean. Les Plaideurs ; with Introiluctiun and Notes IjY L. Delljos. 12mo. Loud., 1884. (French Classics for English Eeaders.) H 13 U 4 Phedre : with Grammatical and Explanatory Notes by H. Bu6. 12mo. L,md., 1880. H 10 V 17 RACINET, Auguste. Le Costume Historique. Illust. G vols. sni. 4to. Pari.s, 1888. A 38 V 9 14 RACKHAM, Rev. Richard Belvard. Position of the Laity in the Early Cliurch. ((iore. Rev. C. — E.ssays in aicl of the Reform of the Cluirch.) G 23 S 28 RADAU, Rev. Hugo. Early Babylonian History down to the end of the 4th Dynasty of LTr, to whicli is ap- pended an Account of the E. A. Hoffman Collection of Babylonian Tablets in the General Theological Semin- ary,"New York. 8vo. New York, 1899." B 41 T 2 RADCLIFFE, Charles. [^lemoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 4 RADCLIFFE, James, Earl of Derwentwater. [See Der- went water, Earl of.] RADCLIFFE COLLEGE LIBRARY. Classification used in the liadcliffe College Library. 8vo. Canib., 1896. [Bound with Dewey, M. — Decimal Classifica- tion.] Libr. RADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY, OXFORD. The Rad- cliffe Catalogue of Stars, 1845, 1860, 1890. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. and 4to. Oxford, 1860 94. A 49 U 1-3 Results of Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. Vols. 1-36, 38-47, 1840-76, 1880 91. 46 vols. rov. 8vo. Oxford, 1842-99. E RADCLYFFE, Raymond. Weahl, and Wild Cats : Travels and Researches in the (iold-lit^lds of Western Australia and New Zealand. Illustrated. 8\ii. Ltmd., 1898. MD 6 1! 17 EAE, Rev. Colin. Malalxjch ; or, Notes from my Diai'y on the Boer Campaign of 1894 against the Chief Malaboch of Blaauwberg, District Zoutpansberg, South Africiiii Republic ; to whicli is a]>]>ended a Synopsis of the Joliaiineslnirg Cri.sis of 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1 H98. B 39 P 1 7 RAE, Henrietta. [See Nonnajid, Henrietta.] RAE, J. L. C, PITT.MAN, Edward Fisher, and DAVID, Prof. Taniiett William Hdgewoi-th. Records of Rock Temperatures at Sydney Harbour Colliery, Birthday Shaft, Balmain, Sydnev, N.S.W. (l?oy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) " " ME 1 R RAE, John. Thirty-five years on the New South Wale.s Railways. [See Whitton, J.] MC 1 Q 59 RAE, William Eraser. Sheridan ; a Biography. [See Sheridan, R. B.] C 22 T 9, 10 RAFFLES, Sir Stamford. England in the Far East; by H. E. Egerton. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Builders of Greater Britain.) C 27 R 23 RAGGED SCHOOLS, SYDNEY. Annual Report for year ending 31st March, 1873. 12nio. Sydney, 1873. ■MG"2 U 36 RAGGED SCHOOL UNION MAGAZINE, TU. Vol. 14, No. 166, Oct., 1862. 8vo. L<3iul., 1862. MJ 3 T 10 R AGOZIN, Zenaide Alexeievna. The Empire of the Tsar.s and the Russians. [jS«e Leroy-Beaulieu, A.] B 31 T 6* RAIKES, Henry Cecil. Life and Letters of; by Henry St. John Raikes. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 R 17 RAILROAD GAZETTE: a Journal of Tran.sportation, Engineering, and Railroad News, 1895-99. 5 vols. fob' New York, 1895-99. E RAILTON, Herbert. The Haunted House. [5f«Hood, T.] H 10 S 17 RAILWAYIANA; or. Ye Seer's Warning. Sm. 4to. Hobart Town (n.d.) [Bound with Tasiiinniau Piiuch.^ MJ 3 W 20 RAINBOW, AVilliam Joseph. Arachnidan Fauna of Austi-alia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME2P Arachnidan Fauna of Jiritish New Ouinea. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Arachnidan Fauna of l'\inafuti. (.\ust. ^lus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Araneidan Fauna of Santa Cruz. (Tiinnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Catalogue of the dest-ribcd l'hasmid;e of Australia- (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Insect Fauna of Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mem.)MA 3 W 22 Larva of Pseuiloterpnn pereomptaria, Gn. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R A New Araneiad. (Aust. Mu.s., Records, 3.) ME 8 11 New Araneidan of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P New Araneidteof New South Wales. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Oct., 1895.) E Range of Vision in some Araneida>. (Australasian As.soc. for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Two new Australian Phasmas, together with a .synopsis of the Phasmida' of Australia. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME8R Suj^plemenlary Catalogue — ItlOG-lOOO. 495 RAINES, Lt.-Gen. Sir. Julius Augustus Robert. The 95th (the l>t'r})y,shir(') Hejjiincnt in Central India ; with Introiiiictiou hy t'ol. II. 1). Hulchiii.son. With Portr. 8\o. Lund., 1900. (J)erbvNhin' Campaif^n Ser. ) 1! 31 1! 10 ■RAINFOUD, E. H. Ccllar-w.irk aiul Finiiii;. (Queens- land Agricult. .Inurn., Oct., Dec, IStlH.) MK U Con.sideratinns on the Wines exhihited at the lirisliane Exhihitidii, iS'Ji). (Queensland Agricult. Juurn., Sept., IMOl),) ME 9 i; Effects of the late Frust on Vines. (Queensland Agri- cult Journ., Dec., 1899.) ME 9 U Maladies of Wine. (Queensland Agrieult. Journ., Julv, 1898.) ME 9 U Some Vines grown at the State Farms. (QueensUmd Agrieult. Journ., July, Sept., Is99.) ME 9 U Suunner Pruning. (Queensland Agrieult. Juui'n., Oct., 1899.) '" " ME 9 U RAIS, Gilles de. [See Retz, Gillcs de.] RALEIGH, Prof. Walter A. Style. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 14 11 34 [Criticism of the Works of] Chark)tto r>ronte. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q .38* [Criticism of the Works of] Robert L(juis Stevenson. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38^" RALEIGH, Sir Walter. Select Observations of the incomparable Sir Walter Raleigh, relating to Trade, Commerce, and Coin, wherein it is proved that our Money, our Sea and Land Commodities .serve to enricii and strengthen other countries against our own. 8v<). Lond., 1696. [Rejnwt, 189G.] F 8 V 4 [Life of] ; by M. A. S. Hume. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 25 The Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh ; by Arthur Patchett Martin. [See Melb. Review, 6.] "ME 18 Q Raleigh and the first British Colonies. [See Rodw.-iy, J. —the West Indies.] B 16 R 28 [Trial of.] [See Stephen, H. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 31 BALFIGH srX,Udi<-9d. 2 vols. fol. Bellinger, 1898- 99. ME RALFE, Dr. Charles Henry. Diabetes Insipidus. ( Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine. ) A 26 T 36 and FENWICK, Di-. William Soltau. General Pathology of Digestion. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 RALPH, Julian. Dixie; or, Southern Scenes and Sketches Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. D 22 R o Harper's Chicago and the World's Fair. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1«93. D 13 S 5 Oui- (ireat West: a Study of the Present Conditions and l<\iture Possibilities of the New Commonwealths and Cai)itals of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1H93. D 22 R 4 Towards Pretoria : a Record of the War between Briton and Hner to the hoisting of the I'ritish Flag at Jiloem fonteiu. With Map. 8\-o. Loud., 1900. 13 36 Q 15 RAM, Mrs. Abel. Literary Reminiscences. [&« Grenier, E.] ■ C 26 Q 15 RAMAKRISHNA. Life and Sayings of. [See Miiller, Prof. F. Max.] (! 23 P 43 RAMBALDONI, Vittoriuo de (Viit.nino da Feltre). [See Woodward, W. H.] G 2 U 45 RAMBEPiT, Eugene. Alpine Memories, [.fe Javelle, E.] D 20 S 26 RAMBOSSON, J. Asti-onomy. Translated by C. B. Pitman. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 S 15 RAMCHUNDRA. Treatise on Probhims of Maxima and Minima, sohed by Algebra. Reprinted under the superintendence of A. De Morgan. 8s-o. Lond., 1859. ' A 25 T 6 RAMEE, Mile. Louise de la, "Ouida." Critical Studie.s. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 23 S 33 RAMOLINO, Marie Letitia (Mme. Bonaparte). [See Bonaparte, Marie Laetitia Ramolino-.] RAMOND, (t. Goologie des Tndes Anglaises : Strati- graphie et Tectonique d'aj3res la nouvelle edition de " A Manual of the Geology of India " by M. E. D. Oldham. 8yo. Paris, 1895. A 31 S 21 , and DOLLFUS, G. Geologie du Spitzberg a propos de la jSIission de la " La Manche." Roy. Svo. Paris, 1894. A 25 V 36 RAMPINI, Charles. History of Moray and Nairn. Svo. Edinb., 1897. (County Histories of Scotland.) B 32 T 18 RAMvSAY, A. Alexander. Determining the Density of Sugar-cane. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898.) " ME 9 U Sugar Industry in the North [of Queensland]. (Queen.s- land Agricult. Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 U Sugar-cane from Seed. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1899.) ME 9 U RAMSAY, A. I). [Mrs. W. M.] (A. D. Marshall.) Every -day Life in Turkey. Svo. Lond., 1897. DISS 27 496 Public Library of New South Wales. RAMS AY, Allan. [Life of] : bv Olipliaiit Smeatou. 8vo. Edinb. (ii.d.) (Famous Scots Bt-r.) C 20 T 11 RA^MSAY, Edward Pierson. Notes on the Food Fishes and Edible Mollusca of New South Wales. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 Catalogue of the Australian Birds in the Australian Museum, Sydney. \_See Aust. Museum.] MA 3 V -1 RAMSAY, Sir Henry. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G. — Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 RAMSAY, Sir James Henry. Foundation.s of England : or, Twelve Centuries of British Historv, B.C. DS-a.d. 1154. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1898. B 22 S 14, 15 RA^ISAY, Prof. William, F.R.S. The Gases of the Atmosphere : the History of their Discovery. 8\o. Lond, 1896. A\2 S 19 RAMSAY, Prof. William Jlitchell. Historical Connnent- ary on St. Paul's Epistle to tlie Galatians. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 27 Impressions of Turkey during twelve yeai's' Wanderings. 8vo. Lond., 1897." " ' 1)17S21 St. Paul, the Traveller and tiie Roman Citizen. 8vo. Lend., 1895. G 3 U 6 RA^MSDEN, Hermione. We Women and our Authors. \_See Hansson, Laura Marholm.] J 21 R 38 It.VMSEY, Picv. A A\erell. An uiisclti.sh Life: a Ser- mon. 12mo. Manchester, 1888. F 13 V 23 RAMSEY, Marathon Montrose. The Island of Cuba. [See Rowan, Lieut. A. S.] B 2G P 7 RANGE, Charles E. de. [See De Ranee, C. E.] RAND, Benjamin. Life of Anthony, Earl of Siiai'tsburv. [See Shiiftsbury. Eai-l.j " C 26 T"6 RANDALL, Dr. B. Alexander. Disca.ses of the External Ear and Tympanic Membrane. (Hare, Dr. H. A.-- System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 RANDALL, Fiank II. I'r/atical Instruction in Mesmer- ism. 8vo. Lond. (M.d.) G11U35 HANDLE, A. A District Cooperative ]<'aiiii. 1 2mo. Manchester, 1883. V I.'. \ W RANDOLPH, John. Portrait of. [&e Brooks, Noah. Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 RANDOLPH, Sarah Nicholas. Domestic Life of Tliomas Jefferson. [See Jefferson, T.] C 26 (I 7 RANDS, William Henry. Contemporaneous Basalt in beds of the Gympie formation at Cannindah Station. (Rov. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Mt. Cannindah Copper and (Jold Deposits. [See Queens- land.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 2 V 53 Report on the Gold-mines of the Fanning and Mt. Success- [See Queensland. — Geolog. Surv.] MA 2 V 53 RANJITSINHJI, Prince. The Jubilee Book of Cricket. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinl)., 1897. A 33 V 24 With Stoddart's Team in Australia : being the Record of the 1897-98 Tour. Illustrated. ''8vo. Lond.. 1898. MA 4 P 14 RANKE, Leopold. The Popes of Rome. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 RANKEN, Rev. Charles. Edward. Chess Openings. [See Freeborough, E.] A 29 T 35 RANKIN, Rev. Jeremiah Eames. Estrangement of youtig people from Christianity. [See Bersier, Dr. E.] G 9 V 44 RANKIN, Reginald. Wagner's Nibelungen Ring. [See Wagner, R.] H 13 T 5 RANKINE, Re\-. W. Henry. A Hero of the Dark Con- tinent : Memoir of Re\ . William xVffleck Scott. [See Scott, Rev. W. A.] C 23 P 17 RANN, Ernest H. Fatal Links. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Trials in Superstitious Ages. (.\ndre\vs, W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 RANSOHOFF, Dr. Jo.seph. Cerebral Concus.sion and Shock. (Hare, Dr. II. A. — System of Practical Thera- peutics.) " A 31 P 16 RANSOME, Dr. Arthui-, F.R.S. (General Pathology of Respiratory Diseases. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Treatment of Asphyxia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Treatment of Phthisis. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 33 S 14 RANSOME, J. Stafford. Japan in Transition : a com- parative Study of the Pi-ogress, Policy, and Methods of the Japanese since their War willi Cliina. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 8 Modern Labour : a Review of the Labour truest ion. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 2 V 31 RANYARD, A. C. The Comet seen during the Eclip.se ; Has the Moon an Atmosphere? (Leisure Keadin^s.) A 19 q''16 Supplemenlcwy Catalogue — 1890-1000. 497 RAOULT, Francois Marie. Modem Tlieory of Solution. [.SV,. Jones, li. C] A 44 Q 21 RAPER, G. A. Pope Leo XIII. [See Leo XJ 1 1, Pope.] C 23 U 17 Sarah I'ernhanlt. [See IJernlianlt, S. C 2f; ii 10 RAPHAEL SANZTO, or SANTI, DA URBTNO. Raphael : liis Lite, Woi'ks, and Times ; by Euj;oiie Miintz. Translated hy Walter Ainistrong. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., l.S'JG. C 22 Q 10 Artof. [See Rose, G. B. — Renaissance Masters.] A 4 1 T 1 1 Early Work of Raphael. [See Portfolio. — Monographs, i:i] E [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 S 13 Examination of Works of. [See Stearns, F. P.] A 23 S 2.j Memoir of. [See Michael Angelo Buonarotti. — Life of ; hy J. S. Harford.] C 14 V 22 Raphael. [See Knaekfuss, H.] A 45 W 1 Raphael. [See Straehey, H.] A 44 R 11 Raphael in Rome. [See Portfolio. — Monographs, 20.] E RASHDALL, Hastings. Doctrine and Develiipment. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 37 The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. 2 vols, (in 3) 8vo. Oxford, 189-5. G 17 T 4-6 RASSAiM, Hormuzd. Asshur and the Land of Nimrod : being an Account of the Discoveries made in the An- cient Ruins of Nineveh, Asshur, Sepharvain, Calah, Babylon, Borsippa, Cuthah, and Van, including a Narrative of different Journeys in Mesopotamia, Assyria, Asia Minor, and Koordistan ; with an In- troduction by Rev. R. W. Rogers. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. '^ B 39 Q 10 RATHBONE, Frederick. Josiah Wedgwood on the Clay of Sydney Cove. [See Wedgwood, J.] MA 13 Q 10 t Sketch of Wedgwood's Life and Labours. [See Birming- ham Museum and Art Gallery.] K 19 R 20 RATHBONE, Mrs. W. District Nursing. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 RATHBORNE, Ambrose B. Camping and Tramping in Malaya : Fifteen years' Pioneering in the Native States of the Malay Peninsula. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D IG V 27 RATHBUN, Richard. Fishing-grounds of North America. [iSe« U.S. — Commission of Fish and Fislieries.] A 10 T 4t RATIONALE OF POLITICAL REPRESENTATION. [See Bailey, S.] F 10 R 28 2r RATZEL, Prof. Fricdrich. The Histoiy of Mankind. Translated by A. J. Butler ; with Introduction by E. B. Tvlor. Vols. 1 3. Illustrated. 3 vols. rov. 8\-o. Lond'., lS9G-9f<. A 31 S 9 11 R.VDM, (ii-cen l!crM-y. Lawsand IJi^gulations gfi\ ei'iiing the recognition of Agents, Attorneys, and other persons to represent Claimants before the Department of the Interiorand the; Bureaus thereof. [See United States. — Dept. of the Interior.] F 1 U 8 RAUPARAHA, Te. Life and Times of; by W. T. L. Travers. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1872.) ME 2 S RAVENSHEAR, Albert F. American and Continental Engines. (Pettigrew, W. F. — Manual of Locomotive Engineering.) A 22 R 3.J RAVENSTEIN, Ernest George. Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama. [See Hakluyt Soe. Pulis., 99.] ' ' E The Universal Geography. [SfeReclus, E.] D 21 U 1-19 RAWLINGS, (Gertrude Burford. The Story of the British Coinao-e. Ulust. 18mo. Lond., 1898." F 12 S 23 RAWLINSON, Rev. George. Herodotus. [See Herodotus.] B 17 Q 20, 21 Memoir of Sir Heniy Creswicke Rawlinson. [See Rawlinson, Sir H. C.'] C 2.5 Q 23 RAWLINSON, Sir Henry Creswicke. Memoir of ; by G. Rawlinson. With an Introduction by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 2.5 Q 23 , and SMITH, George. Selection from the Mis- cellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria. [See British Mu- .seum.] " B 47 P 12, 13 t RAWNSLEY, Rev. Hardwick Drummond. Reminiscences of W( irds worth amongst the Peasantry of Westmoreland. (Knight, William.— W^ordsworthiana.) J 14 R 1.5 Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle. [See Goodwin, H. Bishop.] C 23 V 8 RAWSON, E. S. What did he do with them? (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 RAWSON, Prof. Edward Kirk. Twenty Famous Naval Battles: Salamis to Santiago. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1900. ' P 40 P 9, 10 RAWSON, Henry Gilbert. Pr.jtit-sharing Precedents. With Note.s. " Svo. Lond., 1891. " F 16 U 2 RAWSON, Mrs. Lance. Practical Poultry -farming. [See Queensland — Agriculture.] MA 3 S 68 498 Tnblic Library of New South Wales. RAWSON, Till. mas Harokl. Westpoit Harbour, New Zealand AVave-basin. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 1898-99.) E RAAVSON, \V. Stepnev. Coil and Current. [See Frith, Heniy.] " A 20 Q 32 RAY, Sidney H. The Conimon Origin of the Oceanic Languages. (Polynesian >Soc., Journ. 189G.) ME G R RAY SOCIETY. Publications, 1891-98. -5 vols. 8vo. Umd., 1897-99. E 1894-93. Larva- of the Diitisli Butterflies and Mc.ths ; li\- William Burkler. Eititeil hv (Jeorge T. Porritt. Vols. 7, 8. 1896-97. Tht; Taille.ss Batr.ichian.s of Kuropc ; by (J. A. Boulengur. 1S9S. Monograph of the Britisli Annelids : l>y Dr. \V. C. Mcintosh. RAYLEIGII, John AViUiani Strutt, 3rd Baron, F.R.8. Scicntitic Papers. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Camb., 1899. A U V 1 The Theory of Sound. Vol.2. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 T 29 RAYMOND, Daniel. Daniel Raymond : an Early Chap- ter in the History of Economic Theory in the I'nited States. [See Neill, C. P.] ' R 18 S 15 RAYMOND, Pi-of. George Lansing. Rhythm and Har- mony in Poetry and Music, together with Music as a representative Art. 8vo. New York, 189.5. H10W7 RAYM(JNI», Harry. 3Iemoir of P.. I. 15;irnato. [See Barnato, Ji. 1.]" C 25 Q G RAYMOND, John T. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day. | C 23 y G RAYMOND, R. P. [Life of] Jean Paul Friedrich P.ichter. [See Melljourne I'xview, 10.] ME 18 Q RAYNER, Dr. Henry. Melancholia and llypocliondriasis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of .Mediciiie.) A 2G T tl RE.V. Jl.ipe. DLi"., March, 1899.) E READ, Mrs. Charles. Australian Ball-room Guide. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 P 67 READ, Gen. Meredith. Historic Studies in Vaud, Berne, and Savoy, from Roman Times to Voltaire, Rousseau, and (iibbon. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 19 IT 2, 3 READE, Charles. The Cloister and the Hearth. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 25 Q 41 (iriffith Gaunt ; or, .lealousy. New ed. 12mo. Lond. 1891. ■ J 25 Q 46 Hard Cash. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 25 Q 45 It is never too late to mend. New ed. 12mo. I^imd., 1894. J 25 Q 47 PegWoifington. Newed. 12mo. Lond., 1892. J 25 Q 48 [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C. — Mj- Contemporaries in Fiction.] " J 14 R 30 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T READER, Frederick M. Contributions to the Flora of Victoria. (Vict. Nat., Oct., 1897, April, Dec, 1898, March, 1899.) ME 6 P REASON, William. Settlements and Education. (Rea- .son, W, — University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 Settlements and Recreations. (Reason, W. — University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 University and Social Settlements. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (SocialQuestions of To-day.) F 15 P 33 REATCHLOUS, H. A. Science-teaching in Training- colleges. (Internat. Health E.xhib. — Health E.xhib Literature.) A 41 V 10 REAY, Donald James Mackay, 11th Baron. .\(ldress by, at Internation;il Conference on Education. (Interniit. Health E.Khib. Health Exhib. Literature.) A 11 V 9 Rectorial Addi-e.ss, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knigld, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 REBER, Samuel. IManual of Photo-raphv. [See United States. -Dejit. of War.] ' A 36 Q IG RELOUET, A. [Reproducli.m of Ids Picture] Night. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 | RECEJAC, E. Essay r,n the Bases of the Mystic Know- ledge. Translated liy Sai-.i Carr Upton. 8vo. Jjond., 1899. ' G 23 R 33 RECESS CO:\rMlTTEE. Report of the Recess Commit- tee on the establishment of a Department of Agricul- ture and Industries for Ireland ; with Aj.pendiees. 2nd ed. 8v.,. Dublin, 189(;. A 38 R 13 Supplemeulavy Calaloyue — 189G-1000. 199 llECLUS, Jean Jaciiues Elisuo. Tlio Universal Geogiapliy. Edited by E. (!. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. Tllust. 19 vols. n.y. 8vo. Loiul. (ii.d.) 1) 21 U 1-19 ]. Southern Kurope ({ircuvu, Turkej' in I'anopc, Rumania, Servia, Italy, Spain ami I'mtngal.) '2. Franco and Switzerland. 3. Austria-Hungary, (Germany, liulgiuni, anil tlic Nctlier- land.s. 4. The British Isleu. 5. The Nnrtli-cast Atlantic, Islands of tlic. Nuilh Atlanlii-, Scandinavia, Kuropeaii Islands of the, Arctic Ocean, Russia in Kurope. 6. Asiatic Russia. 7. East Asia. 8. India and IndoChina. 9. Soutli-western Asia. 10. North-east Africa. 11. North-west Africa. 12. West Africa. 13. Soutli and East Africa. 14. Australasia. lo. North America. 16. The United States. 17. Mexico, Centi-al America, West Indies. 18. Soutl) America : the Andes Regions. 19. Amazonia and La Plata. RECREATIVE SCIENCE: a Record and Remeudiiancer of Intellectual Observation. Vols. 1-.3. Tllu.stiated. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860-62. A 44 Q C-8 "KECTANGIJ:" C-T.W.") Zetetlc CV«!iiog(,ny ; or, Conclusive Evidence that tlie World is not a rotating, revolving Globe, but a stationary plane Circle. 8vo. Durban, 1897. A 24 K 21 RECTOR, L. E. The Education of Cluldreu. [.SVv Mon- taigne, M. E. de.] G 1.') U 46 REDDAWAY, AVilliani Fiddian. The IMonroe Doctrine. Svo. Caudj., 1898. F 15 R 1.5 REDDIE, Cecil. Abbotsholnie. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25 T 13 REDE LECTURE8. Byzantine History in the Early Middle Ages. {See Harri- son, F.] B -28 T 19 REDFIELD, Dr. James W. Comparative Physiognomy; 01-, Resemblances between Men and Animals. Illus- trated. Svo. New York, 1884.. A 30 Q 29 REDFORD, John. The Moral Play of "Wit and Science. [/See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 40 REDFORD, Prof. R. A. The Cluistian's Plea against Modern Unbelief: a Hand-book of Christian Evidence. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 18S7. G 26 S 2 REDGRAVE, Richard. Oil Paintings in England. (.Sheep- shanks, J. — The Sheepshanks Ga,llery.) A 10 W 11 t REDMAYNE, R. A. S. Colliery Working and Manage- ment. [See Rulman, II. F.] A 25 U 30 REDMOND, John Kdward. liisloi'ical and Political Ad- dresses, 1883-97. 8vo. DubHn, 1898. F 9 P 30 RiODW'OOl), HoMM'toii. Chapter on lln- Dcli-clion and Measurement of Petroleum N'apour. [See Clowes, J)r. F. — Inflannnable Gas and V'apourin the Air.] A 20 Q 21 -, and llOLLOWAY, George T. Petroleum. Illust. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., lS96. A 21 U 9, 10 REDWOOD, C. Rarlev-^'rowing. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ■ ME 9 R REDWOOD, Iltyd I. Practical Treati.se on Mineral Oils and their by-products, including a short hi.story of the Scotcli Shale Industry, the Geoh)gical and Geographi- cal Distribution of Seotcli Shale.s, Recovery of Acid and iSoda used in Oil Refining, and a List of Patents relating to A}>paratus and Processes for obtaining and refining Mineral Oils. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. ' A 33 S 26 REED, Sii- Charles. Menujirof; bv his son. 8vo. Lond., 1883. " C 27 R 24 REED, Edward Tennyson. Mr. I'lnir/is Animal Land- Roy. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 31 S 32 REED, T., and C(J. Reed's Engineers' Handd.ook. [See Thorn, W. H.] A 22 RIO, 11 REES, Rowland. Address delivered at the laying of the Foundation Stone (jf the South Australian Institute. [See S. Au.st. Institute.] MB 3 Q 2 REES, W. L. Sir Gilbert Leigh : or. Pages from the History of an Eventful Life, with an Appendix, '■ The Great Pro-Consul." 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1878. MJ 1 U 37, 38 REEVE, Heiuy. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of; by J. K. Laughton. AVith Portrait. 2 vols. Svo. Lond.", 1898. C 25 R 19 20 REEVE, R. Roope. Hunting in the Antipodes. (Bad- minton ^lag., Nov., 1898.)' E REE\ ES, Edward. Brown Men and Women ; or, the South Sea Islands in 1895 and 1896. Illu.strat«d. Svo. Lend., 1898. MD 3 U 14 Land Laws of New Zealand. (Westminster Review, 1S9A.) E The Piesent Position of adult Male Labour in New Zealand, (Westminster Review, 1895.) E 500 JPublic Library of New South TFalcs. EEEVES, Hon. William Peniher. Education in New Zealand. (Progies.s in Women's Education.) G 23 R 10 Five Year.s Political and Social Reform in New Zealand. (National Kcview, Aug., 1896.) E The Fortunate Isle.s. (Rov. Colonial Inst., Proc, 1895-96.) ' E The Long White Cloud. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MB 3 S 4 New Zealand. 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Storv of the Empire Ser.) MB 3 P -i The New Zealand Old Age Pensions Act. (National Review, Feb., 1899.) E Papaitonga Lake. (Fisher, L. — Bv Creek and Gullv.) MJ 3 R 33 Two Foreign Criticisms of 'Australasian Democracy. (National Review, June, 1898.) E REEYES-SMITH, H. [See Smith, H. Reeves-.] Ji'EFEBEE, Th', 189G~99. -1 vols. fol. Svdnev, 1896- 99. ■ ■ ME REGAN, William Frederick. Boer and Uitlander : the true History of the late events in Soutli Africa. 8vo. Tx)nd., 1896. B 16 R 30 REGAUD, Dr. C, and BARJON, Dr. F. Anatomic Patliologicjue du Systcme Lymphatique dans la Sphere des Neoplasme.s Malins. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1897. A 40 S 4 REGENER, Fr. Allgemeine Unterrichtslehre : im Grun- drisse dargestellt. ' 8vo. (iera, 1894. (J 19 T 39 Besondere Unterrichtslehre : im Grundrisse dargestellt. 8vo. Gera, 1896. G 19 T 40 REGENERATION: a Reply to "Max Nordau." 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 U 4 REGTA SCITOLA SUPERIORE D'A(;JRTC0LTURA IN MILANO. Annuario della Instituzione Agraria Dott. Andrea Ponti. Roy. 8vo. Milano, 1897. E Regolainenti e Progranmii per I'Anno Scolastico 1895- 99. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Milano, 1896-99. E Ricerchc e.seguite nel Laboratorio di Chimica Agratia della Regia Scuola d'AgricoItura di Milano: Analisi eseguite p(!r il Pulililii-o, 1896-97. 8vo. Milano, 1898. E REGNAl'i), Prof. Paul. Etudes Voiliques et Post- Vediques. 8vo. Paris, 1898. C 1 7 U 26 Phonctirjue Histfu-iquc ct Compare-.' du Suum lit et du Zend. 8vo. Paris, 1895. J 9 V 33 Bhiratlya-nritya-castram. \_See Grosset, J.] H 3 V 2 RECiNIER, Henri Francj-ois Jo.seph de. La Canne do Ja.spe : Monsieur d'Amercreur ; le Trcde noir ; Coiitos il .sol-memo. 8vo. Paris, 1897. J 24 R 6 La Double Maitresse. 12mo. Paris, 1900. J 24 R 44 EpiHodes ; Sites ; et Sonnets. 2nd cd, 8vo. Paris, 1891. JI 11 Q 10 REGNIER, Henri Francois Joseph da— could. Les Jeux rustiques et divins : Arethuse ; les Roseaux de la Fliite ; Inscriptions pour les treize Portes de la Ville ; la Corbeille des Heures ; Pot-mes divers. 2nd ed. 8vo. Pari.s, 1897. . H 12 Q 19 L?^ Mddailles d'Argile. 12mo. Paris, 1900. II 13 T 12 Poimes, 1887-92 : Poemes anciens et romane.sques ; Tel qu'en songe : augmentcs de plusieurs poimes. [2nd ed.] 8vo. Paris, 1897. H 12 Q 18 Premiers Poomes. 12mo. Paris, 1899. H 12 Q 17 Le Trcfle Blanc. 18mo. Paris, 1899. J 23 P 55 [Translation from.] [_Sce Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 REHAN, Ada. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [_See IMcKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 REICH, Emil. Hungarian Literature: an Historical and Critical Survev. "With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 V 35 REICHENBACH, Karl, Baron von. Researches on Mag- netism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and Chemical Attraction, in their relation to vital forces. Translated by Dr. William (iregorv. Pts. 1, 2. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lligion of Anc'ont Egypt. 1th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Hib- bert L(!ctures.) G 23 T 3 RENSSELAER, Mrs. Mari.ma (i. Van. [See Van Rens- selaer, Mrs. Mariana G.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 503 RENTON, A. Wood. Encyelopa-flia of the Laws of Eng- land : heinj; a new abridgment hy the most eminent h:'gal authorities ; witli a general fntroduction hy Sir R Pollock. 12 vols. i-(iy. Svn. Lnnd., 1897- OS." F 7 T 9-21 1. Aliancliiiiim'iit to I'.:inUni|)i,cy. 2. Banner to Cheque. 'A. Chicory to Coiuit}' ('oui Is. 4. t'ouiity District to Employers anil Workmen. ."). Km])loycrH' Liability to l<'reem,asons. (). Freight to Intcrn\ent. 7. International Copj'right to Lodcmanage. 8. Lodger to Mortgage. 9. Mortmain to Peel Acts. 10. Peerage to Rail. 11. Railway to Stream. 1'2. Street to Zululam', and .Viijiendix. RENTON, Echv.'ini. Tntaglio Engr.aving, Past and Pre sent. Ilhist. 12nio. ' Loiul.,'l.S96." A 23 P 29 PvENTOUL, Rev. J. L. The .Sunday Question. (Melhourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q REPPLTER, Agnes. Essays in Miniature. 8vo. ISi^ston, 1895. J 1 R 23 In the Dozy Hour.=;, and otlier Papers. 8vo. Boston> 1895. J 16 R 63 Philadelohia : the Places and the Peojile. Illustrated. 8vo. 'New York, 1898. B 19 Q 18 Varia. 8vo. Boston, 1898. J 1 R 2-t RESANOFF, A. Monograpliie de la Cathedrale d'Orvicto. [&« Benois, N.] A 12 X 23 f RETHWISCH, Pnif. Conrad. Deutsclilands hoheres Schul- wesen im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. (} 18 R 54 "RETIRED OFFICER," Letters on applied Tactics. {See Griepenkerl, Major.] A 36 R 18 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from curious, valu- able, and .scarce old books. Vols. 1, 2, Nov., 1852- Aug., 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853-54. J 28 R 11, 12 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW and Historical and Anti- (|uarian Magazine. Vol. l-2nd ser. vol. 2, 1820-28. 16 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1820-28. J 28 Q 14-R 10 RETZ, Gilles de. Blue-beard : a Contribution to History and Folk-lore : being the History of Gilles de Retz, of Brittany, France, who was executed at Nantes in 1440 A.D., and who was the original of Blue-beard in the Tales of Mother Goose ; l)v T. Wilson. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. ' C 27 S 19 RETZ, Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de. Memoirs, containing all the great events during the minority of Louis XIV and the administration of Cardinal Mazarin. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 21 U 2 REUCHLTN.Johann. [Sketch of.] [,S^e Cowan, Rev. W. — Pro-lieformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 REUSENS, Prof. Etlmond. Elements de Paleographie. llhistrated. 8vo. Louvain, 1897, J 15 V 33 REUTER, Fritz. Hiimmlhche Werkc. 15 vols. 12mo. Wismar, 1894 98. •) 23 P 20-34 1 , 2. Liiusehen iin Riinels. 3. De Reis' nah Belligen. 4, 6, 8-10, 12, 1.3. Olle Kamcllen. 6. Seluirr-Murr. 7. Hanne Niite un de liitte Piidel. 1 1. Kciri Hiisnng. 14, Id. Xaehgolasscne Sehriften. Ergiinzungsbande zu den Sanmitlichen Werken. 3rd ed. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Leipzig, 1891. H 10 U 34 \. Der 1 April 1S5B oder OnUel Jakoh und Onkel .Jochen ; Original- laistKpiel in 3 Acten ; Furst liluclier in 'I'eterow ; Dramati.scher Sehwank in, Akt. 2. Jnlklapp ! Polterabend-Gediclite in hochdeutsehen uud niederdeutscher Mundart. REVAREVA DUAHIA HADIBAIA BUKANA. Motu Gado. ]2mo. Sydney, 1893. MG 2 T 46 REVIEW OF REVIEWS. Vols. 1-8, 10, 1890-93, July-Dec., 1894. 9 vols. sm. 4to. Lcmd., 1890-94. E Australasian edition. Vols. 3, 4, 6-14, Julv, 1893- June, 1894, 1895-June, 1899. 11 vols. 8vo" Lond., 1893-99. ME 6 U History of the Mystery : a Sequel to Blastus, the King'.s Chamberlain ; by W. T. Stead. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. (Review of Reviews Annual, 1897.) E Index to the Periodicals of 1890-99. 10 \-ols. .sm. 4to. Lond., 1891-1900. Cat. Room Satan's Invisible World Displayed ; or, Despairing De mocracy : a Study of Greater New York ; by W. T. Stead. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Review of Reviews Annual, 1898.) E The Splendid Paupers : a Tale of the Plutocracy. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894. (Review of Reviews, Cliristmas No., 189-1.) E [,966 «;so Stead, W. T.] REVILLE, Rev. Alljert. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Native Religions of ^Mexico and Peru ; delivered at Oxford and London in April and May, 1884. Translated by Philip H. Wicksteed. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Hi!)bert Lectures, 1884.) G 23 T 2 REVUE AUSTRALIENXE : Journal des Interets Fran- cais en Australie, Nouvelle CalSdonie, Nouvelle Ze- lande, Fiji, Tahiti, PolynSsie. Nos. 1-4, 7, Dec, 1873- Jan.-JIarch, June, 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1873-74. 1,2. MJ3R26 3,4,7. M.T3T15 501 Public Library of New South Wales, REVUE BES DEUX MONDES. Tome^i 13, U, IG; 2e Periode, tomes 1-88, 91-108; 3e et 4e Periodes, tomes 1-160, 1852, 1856-Aorit, 1870, lS71-Aoit, 1900, et Table Generale, 1831-93. 274 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852- 1900. E REVUE D'ETHNOGRAPHIE. Illustrated. 8 vols. 8v<). Paris, 1882-89. A 42 T 1-8 REVY, J. J. Hydraulics of threat Rivers : the Parana, the TTruguav, and the La Plata Estuarv. 4to. Loud., 1874. " ' A 17 U 1 t REW, R. Heurv. Agriculture Reports. fSi"*; Ut. Britain and Ireland.— Agricult.] A 39 W 6-10 X "REWA." Tried and Acquitted. 12mo. Mell)., 1895. MJ 3 P 53 REYCHLER, Pr.jf. A. Les Theories Phvsico-Chimiques. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. " A 38 U 14 REYE, Prof. Theodor. Lectui-es on the Geometry of Position. Translated by T. F. Holgate. Pt. 1. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 39 P 21 REYER, E. Growth of Australia. (Chautauquan, Nov., 1894.) E REYNARD THE FOX. History of Reynard tlie Fox ; from the edition printed bv C'axton in 1481 ; with Notes and an Introductory .Sketch of the Literary History of tlie Romance. [.SV'c Percy Soc] H 11 .S 14 History of Reynard the Fox. Translated and printed by W. Caxton, June, 1481. [.SV^ English Scholar's Lib.] J 3 T 20 REYNOLDS, Henry Robert. Life and Letters. Edited liy liis sisters. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 20 S 16 REYNOLDS, Sir J. Russell, F.R.S. Essays and Addresses. 8vo. Lend., 189G. A 32 R 34 REYNOLDS, Dr. John P. Relation of Anresthesia and Ob- stetrics. (Semi-Centennia! of Ana-sthesia.) A 17 W 2 + REYNOLDS, Joseph William. The Supernatural in Nature : a Yei'itication by free use of science. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 P 2 REYNOLDS, Dr. Marcus T. Housing of the Poor in American Cities. (American Econ. Assoc.) F4V18 REYNOLDS, Samuel Harvey. Studies on many subjects ; •with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Ijond., 1898. J 19 \V S REYNOLDS, Sidney H. The Vertebrate Skeleton. Illus- traU-d. 8vo. Camb., 1897. A 33 P 38 REYNOLDS-BALL, Eustace A. ISee Ball, E. A. Rey- nolds-.] RHEES, William Jones. James Smithson and his bequest. [See Smithsonian Inst. — Misc. Collections, 21.] E RHIND LECTURES ON ARCHEOLOGY. Heraldry in relation to Scottish Histor\- and Ml. \f!ee. Paul, 8ir J. B.] " K9V4 RHODE ISL.\ND: — ^Utte Dfpnrtmfints—R<>pnrt.< and I'nJiUcatidmt. Agricultural Experiment Station. Reports, 1892-96, pt. 2, 1897, pt. 2, 1899. 7 vols. 8vo. Providence, 1894-99. E College of Agriculture and Mechanics. Report, 1S95. ,Sv(.. Providence, 1896. E Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1897. Pt. 2. Svo. Providence, 1897. E '2. Life and Casualty Insurance. RHODES, Hon. Cecil John. A Biography and Apprecia- tion, by "Imperialist;" with Personal Reminiscences by Dr. Jaineson. With Portraits. 8vo. Loud., 1897. C 23 P 7 Cecil Rhodes and his Friends. \See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 Cecil Rhodes: his Political Life and Speeches, 1881- 1900. [See "Vindex."] F 19 T 2 [Portrait of.] [Se« Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Cumberland S.— What I think of South Africa.] D 14 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G. — Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 With Rhodes in Mashonaland. [See De Waal, D. C] D UQ 17 RHODES, Lt.-Col. Francis William. The River War. [See Churchill, W. S.] B 41 P 1, 2 RHODES, James Ford. History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1895-99. B 20 S 16-19 RHODES' JOURNAL OF BANKING. [See Rankers' JJa(jazine.^ RHYS, Ernest. Frederic, Lord Leighton : an Illustrated Record of his Life and Works. 4to. Loiul., 1898. A 18 R iS t Literary Pamphlets, chiefly relating to Poetry, from Sidney to Byron ; with Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Limd., 181)7. II 11 T 4, 5 IllIYS, Prof. John. Ci-Uic Britain. 2nd ed. With Map^. l2ino. Lond., 1884. (Early I'.ritain.) I? 27 P 12 Lectures on the Ori;;iM and (Jrowlh of Religion, as illus- trated by Celtic Heathendom. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Hibbcrt Lectures, 1S86.) G 23 T 1 StS RIBOT, Prof. Thcodule. Diseases of Personality. Svo. Chicago, 1895. (i I'J U 2 English Psychology. Svo. Lond., 1873. (i21S21 Evolution of General Ideas. Translated by Frances A. Welby. 8vo. Chicago, IS'J'J. G 24 8 1 1 Psychology of the Emotions. .Svo. Lond., 1897. 18 P !,■) RICARDO, David. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Edited, with Introductory Essay, Ncjtes, and Appendices, by E. C K. Gonner. 12iuo. Lf)nd., 1895. V IG S 17 RICARDO, Ilalsey. Colour in the Architecture of Cities. (Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities.) A 23 ,S 39 RICE, James. By Celia's Arbour. \_Sce Bcsant, Sir W.] J 25 P 10 The Case of Mr. Lucraft, and other Tales. \_See Besant, SirW.] J 25 P 11 The Chaplain of the Fleet. ISee Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 1 2 The Golden Butterfly. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 13 The Monks of Thelema. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 15 My Little Girl. [&e Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 14 Ready-money Mortilioy. \_See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P IG The Seamy Side. [Sm Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 17 The Ten Years' Tenant, and other Stories. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 18 This Son of Vulcan. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 19 'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay, and other Stories. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 20 With Harp and Crown. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 21 RICCI, C. Antonio Allegri da Correggio : his Life, his Friends, and his Time. [See Correggio, A. A. da.] C 13 T 2 t RICH, Barnabv. Honestie of this Age. [Set Percy Soc] H l"l S 13 RICH, E., and CO. Wharf Protection against Teredo and Limnoria. Ob. 32mo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 P 24 RICH, George Edward. The No-Liability Mining Com- panies Act, 1896. [See Rolin, T.] MF 3 R 8 RICHARD OP DEVIZES. Chronicon de Rebus gestis Ricardi Primi. [.SVe English Historical Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 5 3 s RICHARD T, King of England. Chronicon d; Rebus gestis Kicardi Prinii. [See English Historica' Society, Pubs.] B 39 R'o RICHARD III, King of England. History of the Life and Reign of. [See O.iir.iner, J,] B 24 Q 20 RICHARD, Rev. Jame.s. V/illiam. I'hilip M<-lanclith<.n, the Protestant Preceptoi- of (Icrniany, 1497- 15G0. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. (Heroes of the Reformation.) G 23 P 48 RICH ART), T. A. Stamp ?tlilling of (!old Ores. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 21 RICHAUDS, Ellen II., and WOODMAN, Alpha^is G. Air, Water, and Food from a Sanitary StandjHiint. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 4G V 3 RICHARDS, Dr. Jo.seph W. Aluminium : its History, Occurrence, Pi'operties, Metallurgy, and Applications, including its Alloys. 3rd erl., willi Bibliogra])hv. Illustrated. Itoy. 8vo. Philad., 1896. A 31 Q 21 RICHARDS, Pearl .Mary Teresa. [See Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa.] RICHARDS, Walter. Her ]\Iajesty's Army : a Descrip- tive Account of the various Regiments now comprising the Queen's Forces, from their lirst establishment to the present time. Illu.strated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) B 18 R 10, 11 t Her Majesty's Army — Indian and Colonial Forces : a Descriptive Account of the various Regiments com- prising the Queen's Forces in India and the Colonies. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) B 18 R 12 t RICHARDSON, Sir Benjamin Ward, F.R.S. Biological Experimentation : its Function and Limit. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 26 R 33 Vita Medica : Chapters on INledical Life and Work. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 30 Q 32 RICHARDSON, Charles James. Studies from Old English Mansicms: their Furniture, Gold and Silver Plate, itc. 4 vols, (in 2) fol. Lond., 1841. A 49 P 2, 3 t RICHARDSON, Clifl'ord. The Chemical Composition of American Grasses. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Botany.] A 20 T 32, 33 An Investigation of the Composition of American Wheat and Corn. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 30 R 40 RICHAR DSON, Frank. An Incident out West. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 RICHARDSON, Jerusha D. (Mrs. Aubrey). Famous Ladies of the English Court. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 27 S 23 506 I'tiblio Library of New South Walea. RICHARDSON, Dr. Joseph. Practical Treati.se on Me- chanical Dentistry. 6th ew York Slate. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 46 S 22 Clays iif Alabama. \Snc. Alabama. — Geological Surv.] E IIIEU, Charles. Catalogue and Su]ii)lement to the Cata- logue of the Persian MSS. in the I'.ritish Mustnim. \See British Museum.] K 13 R 8-11 t Catalogue of the Turkish BISS. in the British Museum. \_See Hriti.sh Museum.] K 13 R 12 t Stqyplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 507 RIGBY, E. J. Tost of a Modern Aii-coinpressinf; Plant at the Long Tunnol (Jold-niino, Walliallii. (Austral- asian Lust, of Mining Eng., Trans., 1S<»,S.) MK 18 F PiIGG, J. M. St. Anselm of Canterbury : a Cha])tor in the HLstory of Keligioii. 8vo. Lond., 189G. G 15 11 33 RIGG, Rev. James Harrison. Free Education. (Tntnrnat. Health Exhih. -Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 llICJUiS, Eugene C. Nervous Disorders and Paralyses from excessive use of the parts aflected ; Vertigo, Tremor, and Lead-poisoning. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P IG RIGGS, Rev. James Stevenson. History of the Jewish People : Maccabean and Roman Periods (including New Testament Times). 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Hi.st. Ser. for Bible Students.) B 28 R 15 RIGGS, Kate Douglas [Mrs. J. C.] (Kate Douglas Wiggin), A Summer in a Canon. 12mo. Boston, 1899. J23T21 , and SMITH, Nora Archibald. Froebel's Gifts. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 18 P 3G Froebel's Occupations. 8vo. Lond., 189G. G 18 P 41 Kindergarten Principles and Practice. Svo. Lond., 189G. G 18 P 40 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, The. [_See "X."] K 19 R 2G RIGNOLD, George. Macbeth. ^See Shakespeare, W.] H 9T 31 RIGOLLOT, H. Reclierches Experimentales sur quelques Actinonietres Electro-Chimiques. 8vo. Paris, 1897. A40 S 2 RIIS, Jacob A. The Children of the Poor. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 RILEY, Dr. Charles Valentine. Directions for Collecting and Pi'eserving In.sects. [_See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 45 Report on Insects. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri cult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 4G U 7 RILEY, F. L^ Colonial Origins of New England Senates. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 14 RILEY, H. T., " Vidocq. " Memoirs of Mme. Du Barri. [_See Du Barri, Mme.] B 33 R 10-13 RILEY, J. W. Building Construction for Beginners. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 24 P 37 RIMBAUD, Jean Nicolas Arthur. [Criticism of the Works of. \See Svmons, A. — Svmbolist Movement in Literature.] " " J 17 V 30 [Verses by.] [&« Verlaine, P. — Les Poetes Maudits.] H 11 U 33 RIMMER, Alfred. Alwut England with Dickens. New cd. Illust. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1899. D16P9 Our Old Country Towns. New cil. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. L(md., 1898. B 23 Q 20 RIXDER, Frank. (Jlok : a Guide to Eastern Canada and Newfoundland, including full Descrijitions of Routes, Cities, Points of Interest, Summer Resorts, Information for Sportsmen, etc. Illust. Svo. New York, 1895. D 16 P 2 History of Canada. 8vo. Bond., 1898. B 19 IT 12 ROBERTS, Field-Marshal Frederick Sleigh, Baron. Forty- one years in India, fi-om Suljaltern to Commander-in- chief. With Portraits and ilaps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 16 V 37, 38 From Cromwell to Wellington. [See Wilkinson, S.] C 26 R 18 Memoir of Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson. [See Raw- lin.son, Sir II. C] C 25 Q 23 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Y'ears of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Low, C. — Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. — Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 ROBERTS, Dr. Frederick Thomas. Diseases of the Medi- astinum and Thymus Gland. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Diseases of the Pericardium. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — Sys- tem of Medicine.) A 26 P38 Dictionary of Medicine. [&e Quaiu, Dr. R.] A 31 P 3, 4 ROBERTS, Capt. George. Adventui-es among the Corsairs of the Levant. [See Hacke, Capt. V^ .] " D 20 S 20 ROBERTS, Isaac. Selection of Photograjihs of Stars, Star- clusters, and Nebuhv, togethei' with information con- cerning the Instruments and the Methods employed in the jmrsuit of Celestial I'hotographv. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1893-99. A 20 P 17, 18 t ROBEBTS, Tsaae Phillips. The Farmstead : tlie Making of the liural Homi^ and the Lay-out of the Farm. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Rural Science Ser.) A 27 P 16 'V\\t' l''ertilily of tlie Land: a summary Sketch of the relationship of farm-practice to the maintaining and increasing of the jiroductivitv of the land. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Rural Science Ser.) A 18 P 33 ROBERTS, J. Whcar. The Mining Industry of New South Wales. Illust. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) " MA 4 T 2 ROBERTS, M. E. Lace-making. [See Channer, C. C] A 16 P 24 ROBERTS, Morley. Land tr.iyel and Seafaring. Illu.s- trated. Svo. Lond. 1891. MD 8 S 2 Su2)plementary Calalogue — 1896-1000. 509 ROBEUTS, Dr. RicharJ Lawton. Tllustratcil Lectures on Nursing and Hvi,'iejie. 1,'nil el, Svi.i. Ijind., lSi)"2. A 20 P 38 ROBERT.^, Robert Davics. Roriuiroinents of a truly National System of Hii,'her Education, and the proper relation of the old Universities to such a system. (Internat. Health E.Khib. — Health E.\hib. Litei-ature.) All V 12 ROBEUTS, W. The Bookluinter in London. 8v.).- Lond., 1895. J 9 V 1 Memorials of ChrLstie's : a Record of Art Sales from 17G6-189G. Illustrated. 2 vols. n.y. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " A 30 V 22, 23 ROr.ERTS, Sir William. Gout. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 36 ROBERTS, Prof. William Rhys. Ai nd Practice of ROBERTS, William Bertrand. Electricity as a Factor in Ore Dressing. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P Teaching Greek. (Spencer, Dr F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 Longinus on the Sublime. \_See Longinus.] J 19 W 9 ROBERTS-AUSTEN, William Chandler. [See Austen, W. C. Roberts-.] ROBERTSON, Rev. Alexander. The Bible of St. Mark : St. Mark's Church, the Altar and Throne of Venice. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 20 Through the Dolomites from Venice to Toblach. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. D 18 P 30 ROBERTSON, Archibald Nugent. Federation and after- wards : a Fragment of History, a.d. 1898-1912, which briefly sets forth some of the causes of the late abortive revolt of the State of New Sovith Wales against the Commonwealth of Australia. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 1 B 63 ROBERTSON, Ethel F. L. Siren Voices. r&« Jacob.sen, J. P.] ^ J 22 R -16 ROBERTSON, F. E. Practical Treatise on Organ-build- ing. With Plates and Appendices. 2 vols. Svo. and 4to. Lond., 1897. A 34 V 5, 6 ROBERTSON, Frederick W. Life and Letters of ; edited by Stopford A. Brooke. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occa.sional Papers.] J 14 U 36 ROBERTSON, George Croom. Elements of Psychology. Edited by C. A. Foley Rhys Davids. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 19 T 16 ROBERTSON, Sir George Scott. Chitral : the Story of a Minor Siege. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 39 S 14 The Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 15 V 30 ROBERTSON, J. A. Edible Scrul) on the Narran and (^ulgoa. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 U ROBERTSON, Rev. James. The Old Testament and its contents. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 9 W 12 Poetry and Religion of the P.salms. Svo. Edinb., 1898. (Croall Lectures, 1893-94.) G 23 S 47 ROBERTSON, James Bert.m. I'hilnsophy of History. [See Schlegel, I-\ von.] " B 28 P 1 ROBERTSON, Sir John. [Portrait and Sketch of] (Once a Month, April, 1886.) MJ 1 V 22 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait (Jallery.] IMC 4 P 4 t ROBERTSON, J(.hn MacKinnon. Buckle and his Critics: a Study in Sociology. Svo. Lond., 189."). F 14 U 28 Cluistianity and Mythology. 8vo. Loud., 1900. G 25 U 8 Introduction to English Politics. Svo. Lond., 1900. F 19T 1 Montaigne and Shakspere. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 36 Patriotism and Empire. Svo. Lond., 1899. F 17 R 26 Short History of Freethought, Ancient and Modern. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 9 Characteristics. [See Shaftesbury, Earl.] G 25 T 11, 12 ROBERTSON, Leslie S. JNIarine Boilers. [See Bertin L. E.] A 38 T 15 " ROBERTSON, IMuirhead." [See Jolinson, H.] ROBERTSON, T. S. Progress of Art in English Cliurch Architecture. Ulust. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 43 ROBERTSON BROS. Catalogues of pure Shorthorn and Hereford Cattle to be sold by public auction, 1876-79, and Priced Catalogues of Messrs. Robertson Bros'. Annual Sales, 1876-78. 7 vols. ob. 32mo. and Svo. Mell)., 1875-78. MA 4 P 34-40 Private Herd-book, Aug., 1875. Svo. Mell)., 1875. MA 4 P 33 ROBERTSON-SCOTT, J. W. [Sea Scott, J. W. Robert- son-.] ROBESPIERRE, Maximilian Marie Isidore. Life of, with Extracts from his unpublished Correspondence ; by G. H. Lewes. New ed. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 26 P 6 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 Robespierre and the Red Terror. [See Ten Brink, Dr. J.] B 16 U 14 ROBIN, Ernest. The Clairaudient : a Story of Psychical Research. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 1 P 44 ROBIN, P. Anscll. Financial Aspects of Secondary Edu- cation. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S 510 FubliG Library of Neio South Wales. ROBINS, Etlwiuxl. Benjamin Franklin, Printer, States- 'nan, Pliilosopher, and Practical Citizen. \_Sce Frank- lin, B.] C 26 P 2 Palmy Davs of Mance Oklfiekl. [See Oklfield, Anne.] ' ' C 24 R 24 ROBINS, Edwai-d Cookworthy. ImpermeaLle Construc- tion of Roofs, "Walls, and Basement Floors, with a reference to Ventilation and Warming incidental thereto. (Internat. Health Exhil). — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 ROBINSON, Agnes Marv Frances. {See Darmesteter, A. M. F.] ROBINSON, Alexander. Study of the Saviour in the Newer Light ; or, a Present-day Study of Jesus Christ. 21k1 ed. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 23 ROBINSON, B. Fletcher. Rughy Football. Edited by Max Pemberton. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Isthmian Lib.) A 29 S 2.J The Complete Cyclist. [See Pemberton, A. C] A 29 S 33 ROBINSON, Rev. Charles Ifenry. Hausaland ; or, 1,500 miles through the Central Soudan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 189G. I) 14 V 19 Mohammedanism: has it any future? with an Intro- duction by W. Boyd Caipenter, Bishop of Ripon. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 4 V 27 Nigeria : our latest Protectorate. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 6 ROBINSON, Rev. Ezekiel Oilman. Christian Evidences. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 19 U 6 ROBINSON, George Frederick Samuel, ^laripiis of Ripon. \_See Ripon, ^Manjuis of.] ROBINSON, George T. Plastering, Plain and Decorative. [See Millar, W.] A 10 X t ROBINSON, Gerald H. Additions to the Fungi on the Vine in Australia. [-Sm McAljiine. 1).] MA 3 V 33 ROBINSON, Harry Perry. Pictorial EfToct in Photo- graphy : being Hints on Composition and Chiaroscuro for Photograplier.s. 4th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 41 Q 14 Picture-making bv Photography. 2nd ed. lllu.strated. Svo. Lond., 18S9. A 41 Q 7 [Another copy.] 4th ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 23 S 31 The Studio, and wliat to do in it. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond,, i«9l. A 41 Q 15 ROBINSON, Henry. Certain Propo.salls in order to the Peoples Freedome and Accommodation in some par- ticulars. Svo. Lond., 1G52. [AVj^jHh/, 189C.] F 8 V 4 ROBINSON, Henry, M.Inst. C.E. Sewerage and Sewage Disposal. Svo. Lond., 189G. A 22 R 20 ROBINSON, Sir Hercules George Robert. \_See Rosmead, Baron.] ROBINSON, Prof. James Harvey, and ROLFE, Prof. Henry Winchester. Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters. \_See Petrarca, F.] C 23T 11 ROBINSON, Prof. John. Ferns in their Homes and ours. 5th ed. Illusfc. Svo. Boston, 1894. A 27 S 14 ROBINSON, Sir John (1st Premier of Natal). The Colonies and the Century. Svo. Lond., 1899. F 15 R 33 ROBINSON, Sir John Richard. The Dally Xews Jubilee. [See McCarthy, Justin.] F 8 V 21 ROBINSON, John Robert. [Life of] Philip. Duke of Whart.m, 1698-1731. [S(;aVhartoii,Diikeof.] C23 V24 ROBINSON, Llewellyn Farrant Samuel. Digest of Re- ported Cases in the Supreme Court, Court of Insol- vency, and Courts of Mines of the Colony of Victoria, 1890-95. [See Eagleson, J. G.] MF 1 S 67 ROBINSON, Dr. Louis. Wild Traits in Tame Animals : being some familiar studies in Evolution. Illustrated. Svo. Edinb., 1897. A 27 Q 5 ROBINSON, Mary E. The Emperor Hadrian. [See Gregorovius, F.] B 34 R 17 ROBINSON, Phil. Fishes of Fancy : their Place in Myth, Fable, Fairy-tale, and Folk-lore. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 3 ROBINSON, Sarah. Pioneer Workers for Soldiers and Sailors. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Vic- toria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 R0P.1NS0N, Thomas. Life and Death of Mary I^lagda- lene. [■^'■r Early English Text Soc, Pubs., extra scr., 78.] E ROBINSON, Sir William Cleaver Franci.s. Physical (Geography of the South-west of Westei'n Australia. Svo. Adelaide, 1886. MD 6 R 13 Western Australia. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 1894-95.) E ROBLEY, Maj.-Gen. Horatio Gordon. Moko ; or, ]\Iaori Tattooing.' lUust. 4to. Lond.,189G. MA IIP 34 t ROBSON, Dr. Arthur William Mayo. Cholangitis. (All- l)utt. Dr. T. C.-System of Medicine.) A 2G T 37 Diseases of the Gall, Bladder, and Bile Ducts. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. --System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 ROBSON, Richard Oswald. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 104.) E Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 511 R0B80N, Stuart. [Pm-tniit and Sketeli of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Faiiiou.s Aiiiei'ican Acturs of To-day.] 23 Q G ROCCA, Gen. Contc ]<]nrico dclla. .\utol>ioi.jraphy . 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 1 U 29 Es.says. Edited by C. Lloyd Morgan. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' A-J7Rlt Scientific Evidences of Organic Evulutioii. 12mo. Lond., 1882. (Nature Ser.) A 27 Q 17 A Selection from Poems. With an introductiiJii by T. Herbert Warren. Svo. Lond., 1 890. H10W13 Life and Letters of ; written and edited by hi.s wife. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 R 19 ROMANES, Kenneth. New Science of Healing. [See Kuhne, L.] A 30 T 30 ROMANES LECTURES. Evolution of English Lexicography. [See JIurray, .J. A. H.] ■ " J4T29 Humanism in Education. [See Jebb, Prof. P.. C. ] (i 5 (J 3u ROME SEEN IN A WEEK: lieing a Haiid-liook to Rome and its Ea\'iroiis, with a Monumental Map con- taining a Description of the Roman Antiquities, Galleries, Museums, Churches, Catacombs, and General Information necessary to the Tourist. 12mo. Rome, 1897. I) 20 T 1 ROMERO, Julian. Julian Romero, Swashbuckler. [See Hume, M. A. S.— Year after tlie Armada.] B IG Y 19 ROMERO, Matias. Coffee and India-rubber Culture in Mexico, preceded by Geographical and Statistical Notes on ]Mexico. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 41 S 16 Geographical and Statistical Notes on Mexico. Roy. Svo. New York, 1898. D 13 Y 10 ROMILLY, Hugh Ha.stings. From my Verandah in New Guinea. 8vo. Lond.", 1889. MD S R 43 Letters from the Western Pacific and Mashonaland, 1878- 91. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 V 20 3 X RONNER, Mme. Hcnrietter. Life and Work of. [,SVe Rooses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t RONNFELDT, W. B. Critici.sni.s, R(!flections, and Max- ims of Goethe. \_See G. |). 1 Ir.bertson. 8\o. Lond., 1896. ]'M2T2 ROUSSEAU, .!(':in Jac(|ues. Rousseau's Emile ; or. Treatise on Education. Ahridged, translated, and annotated by W. H. Pavnc. ' Svoliihintoii, Lanarkshire, 1897. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. 1)12T31 Transactions. Vol. 15. 8vo. VAmK, 1898. E ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY. Illustrated Cata- logue, 1884-85. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1881-85. A 31 1! ].-), IG ItoV-Xfi SCOTTISH GE()(;1!.\P11ICAI, SOtUKTY. Atlas of Scotland. [See Itarthohimew, J. G.J D 6 U 18 | Supplementary Calalogue — 1806-1900. 519 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Procet^dinf^s ;uul Transactions. Vol. 1^2n(l scv. vol. 1:!, |.SSi> 95, It^'JT. It vols. 4lo. and roy. iSvo. Montre.'i! and Ottawa, 1883-97. E ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINIJURGH. Ti-ansactions. Vols. 1-39, and Index to vols. 1-3-L -10 vols. -Ito. Edink, 1788-1900. E ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Transactions. Vols. 1-20, 2nd ser., 1810-99. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813-99. E ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Catalogue of Sci.^u- titic Papons, 1874-83. 4to. Lend., 1896. K 19 V IG International Catal(jgue of Scientific Literature : Report of the Connviittee of the Royal Society of London, Selu'dules of Classification. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J12U28 Philosophical Transactions, 1665-1832, 1834-1900, and Index to vols. 1-110. 132 vols. 4to. Lond., 1801- 1900. E Proceedings. Vols. 1-G6, 1800-Aug., 1900. 66 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832-1900. E Report of the Proceedings al the International Confer- ences on a Catalogue of Scientific Literature, held in London, 1896-98. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. J 14 V 12 ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES [for- merly the Philosophical Society of N.S.W.] Journal and 'Proceedings, 1862-65, 1870-99. 29 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1866-99. ME 1 R ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Proceedings. Vols. 1-7, 9-15, and Index to vols. 7-9, 1884-90, 1892-1900. 15 vols. 8vo. Brisb., 1884-1900. ME 1 T ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA [formerly Adelaide Philosophical Society]. Tran.sactions, 1871- 72, 1877-Aug., 1900. 25 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1871- 1900. ME 1 S ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA. Papers and Pro- ceedings, 1848-55, 1659, 1863-86, 1888-99. 26 vols. 8vo. Hobart, 1848-1900. ME 1 Q ROYAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA [formerly the Philo- sophical Institute of Victoi'ia]. Proceedings, 1854-55, 1857-69 [not published 1870-73] 1874, 1879-80, 1882-87, 1889-1900. 33 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1855- 1900. ME 1 P Transactions. Vol. 1, pt. 2, and vol. 4, 1889, 1895. 2 vols. 4to. Melb., 1889-95. ME 21 T ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vols. 1- 55, 58-62, 1838-92, 1895-99, and Indexes to vols. 1- 50. 64 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838-99. E ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND. Calendars, 1896,1898-1900. 4vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1896-1900. E ROYALL, William L. Andrew Jackson and tlie Bank of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1880. F 17 P 8 ROYCE, Alice Carrington. Historic New Yoi'k. [See Goodwin, Maud AVilder.] B 19 R 6 llOY(,'i<:, Pruf. Josiah. The Feud of Oakfield Creek. 12mo. Bo.ston, 1889. J HP 48 The World and the Individual. 1st sei-. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Gifl'ortl Lectures.) G 25 T 3 LE CONTE, Prof. Jo.seph, HOWISON, Prof. G. H., and MEZES, Prof. Sidney Edward. The Con- ception of God : a Philo.sophical Discu.ssion concerning the nature of the Divine Idea as a demonstrable reality. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 23 Q 1 ROYER, Lionel. [Reproduction of his Picture] Tole- machus meeting Calypso. \_See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 | ROYLE, Charles. The Egyptian Campaigns, ]882-f<5. Newed. Illust. 8vo. "Lond., 1900. B 41 Q 6 RUBENS, Peter Paul. [Life of] ; by R. A. M. Stevenson. [.S'«K Portfolio. — Monogra})hs, 35.] E Rubens : his Life, his Work, and liis Time. [See Michel, E.] A 20 T 4, 5 t RUDDER, Augustus. The Waste of our Timber, and how to avoid it. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R RUDDIJIAN, Dr. Edsel A. Incompatibilities in Pre- scriptions for Students in Pharmacy and Medicine and Practising Pharmacists and Physicians. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 38 S 3 RUFF, John B. Confessions of Catherine Sforza. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 Q 8 RUFUS, M. CiBlius. [See C»lius, Rufus M.] RUFUS, Sextus. [See Sextus Rufus.] RUGGLES, Henry Joseph. Plays of Shakespeare founded on literary forms. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 12 V 19 RULERS OF INDIA. Biilrar. [See Poole, Prof. S. L-.] B 32 Q 13 RUMKER, Dr. Charles. Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory at Parramatta. (Roy. Soc, Lond., Philosoph. Trans.," 1839, pt. 3.) " E Observations for determining the absolute length of the pendulum vil)rating seconds at Parramatta, according to Borda's method. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mems. 3.) E 0!)servations made at Parramatta Observatory, N.S.W., 1825-27. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mem. 3.) E Astronomical Observations made at Parramatta and Sydney. [See Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 10.] E Observations on the Comet of July, 1824. [See Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mem. 2.] E and DUNLOP, James. Observations on two Comets discovered at Parramatta in 1824. (Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 10.) E 520 Tiiblic Lihrary of New South TFalcs. RUMMEL, L. The Spectra of the Alkalies and their Atomic Weights. (Roy. Soc, Victoria, Proc, 1896- 97.) ME 1 P RU-MP ; oi', a Collection of the choycest Poems and Songs relating to the late times. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1G62. H 9 T 2.5, 2G RUMSEY, Herbert J. Crimson Clover. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R RUNCIMAN, John F. Old Scores and New Readings : Discussions on Musical Subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 27 S 30 RUNDLE, Elizabeth. [See Charles, Elizabeth.] G 2G R 3 RUPERT, Prince. Rupert, Prince Palatine. [See Scott, Eva.] B 33 S 13 RURAL AUSTRALIA y, Th,\ 1884-91, May, 1893- April, 1899. Uvols. -Ito. Sydney, 1884-99. [Cm>-A. 22, 1899. 4to. Los Angele-s, 1899. E RURAL SCIENCE SERIES. The Farmstead. [.S'ee Roberts, I. P.] A -27 V 10 Fertility of the Land. [See. Roberts, I. ]'.] A l.S 1' 33 Irrigation and Drainage. {Sec King, F. M.] A 33 Q 40 Milk and its Products. {See Wing, H. H.] A 33 P 8 Principles of Agriculture. {See Bailey, L. H.] A 27 P 17 Principles of Fruit-growing. [See Bailey, L. H.] A 33 Q KS Rural Wealth and Welfare. {See Fairchild, Dr. (4. T. | F 17T 11 Spraying of Plants. [,S'ee Lodeman, E. G.] A 20 P 32 IIUSDEN, George William. History of Australia. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Mclb., 1897. MB IQ 11-16 RUSDEN, H. K. Labour and Capital. (ilelbourne Review, 1.) ME IS Q RUSH, Lieut. Commander Piicliard. Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the Wai- of the Rebellion. [See United States — Dejjartmeiit of the Navy.] B 18 R 16 RUSHFORTII, C!. M'Neil. Carlo Crivelli. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) A 44 R 14 RUSHTON, Alice M. Autographs and liirthdays of Eminent Persons. 18mo. L(jnd., 1896. Lil)r. RUSKIN, John. The Ruskin Reader: lieing Passages from "Modem Painters," "The Seven Lamps of Archi- tecture," and " The Stones of Venice." 12nio. Lond., 1895. A 23 P 3,7 Selections from the Writings of. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-98. J 23 S 29, 30 The Art of England and the Plea.sure.s of England : I.iectures given in (J.xford in 1883-85. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 3 RUSKIN, John— con/ci Giotto and his Works in Padua : being an E.xplanatory Notice of the Frescoes in the Arena Chapel. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 T 5 Lectures on Landscape, delivered at O.xford. 1871. Il- lustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 40 U 17 J Letters to the Clergy on tha Lord's Prayer and the Church ; with Replies from Clergy and Laity, and an Epilogue by Mr. Ruskin. • Edited, with Essays and Comments, by Rev. F. A. Malleson. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 U 9 The Nature of Gothic : a Chapter from the Stones of Venice; with a Preface bv W. Morris. 12mo. Lond., 1899. ■ A 40 T 20 On the Old Road : a Collection of ]\Iiscellaneous E.ssaj's and Articles on Art and Literature, 1834-85. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 44 T 2-4 Se.same and Lilies. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J11S7 Studies in both Arts : being ten subjects drawn and described. Fol. Orpington, 1895. A 40 U 5 + John Ruskin ; by Mrs. Mevnell. Svo. Lond., 1900. (Modern English Writers.) " C 23 R 25 John Ruskin : Sketch of his Life, his Work, and his Opinions, with Personal Reminiscences ; by M. H. Spielmann ; together with a Paper by John Ruskin entitled "The Black Arts." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 23 T 20 John Ruskin, Social Reformer ; by J. A. Hobson. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' C 25 R 10 Life of : by W. G. Collingwood. New ed., with Portrait and Bibliography. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 19 The Bible References of John Ruskin. [See Gibbs, Mary and Ellen.] K 19 P 32 [Essay on.] [See Stillman, W^ J.— The Old Rome and the New.] J 14 V 14 Lessons from my Masters. [See Bayne, P.] J 5 T 28 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Principles of Art as illustrated by examples in the Ruskin Museum. [See White, W.] A 23 U 33 Ruskin ; Rossetti : Preraphaelitism. [See Ros.setti, W. M.] C20T27 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— (ircat Teachers.] C 23 S G [Sketch of.] \See St(!arns, F. P.— Modern Engli.sh Pro.so Writers.] '^ J 14 V 17 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F.- Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 Three Letters concerning Ruskin's " Note* on the Con- struction of Sheepfolds." [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 What to do according to Ruskin. [See Scudder, Vida 1).— Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 16 RUSSEL, Hugh. Expedition to the ]}arrow, Cavenagh, and \\'arl)iirton Uangcs, West Australia. (Re who has kept a Diary." Collections and Recollections. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P 13 The Queen's Prime Ministers. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Letters of Matthew Arnold, 1848-88. [See Arnold, Matthew.] C 21 P 22, 23 Life of W. E. Gladstone. [See Gladstone, W. E.] C 23 S 23 RUSSELL, George William Francis Sackvillo, 10th Duke of Bedford. [See Bedford, 10th Duke of.] RUSSELL, Henry B. International Monetary Confer- ences : their Purjxises, Character, and Results, with a Study of the Conditions of Currency and Finante in Euro])(! and America during intervening periods, and in their relations to International action. Svo. Lond., 1898. F 8 Q 28 RUSSELL, Henry Cliamlierlaine, F.R.S. Aurora Aus- tralis. (Hoy. Soc, KS.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 11 Climate. ( Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Current Papers. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1890, 1898-99.) ME 1 R Icebergs in the Southern Ocean. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1895, 1897.) ME 1 R Measures of Double Stars made at Sydney. 4to. Kiel, 1890. MA 1 Q 15 : Measures of Double Stars made at Sydney Observatory, 1882-89. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mems. 50.) E Measures of Sir J(jhn Herschel's Cape Stars, together with a list of new Double Stars. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mems. 47.) E Observations of the Transit of Yenus, December 8th and 9th, 1874, made at Stations in New Soutli Wales. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mems. 47.) E Periodicity of Gt)od and Bad Seasons. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 189G.) ME 1 R Water-spouts on the Coast of New South Wales. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R [See (dbO Sydney O))servatory.] RUSSELL, Herbert. Power and Duty of an Arbitrator. [See Russell, F.] F 1 U 28 RUSSELL, Prof. Israel Cook. Giant Birds of New Zea- land. (American Naturalist, Jan., 1877.) E Lake Wakati})u, New Zealand. (American Naturalist, July, 187G.) E New Zealand Flax. (American Naturalist, Jan., 1876.) E River Development as illustrated by the Rivers of North America. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1898. (Pro- gressive Science Ser.) A 36 R 20 Sketch of New Zealand with Pen and Pencil. (American Naturalist, Feb., 1879.) E Yolcanoes of North America : a Reading Lesson for Students of (Jeographv and Geology. Svo. New York. 1897. " A 39 R 1 RUSSELL, James E. German Higher Schools : the His- tory, Organization, and ^Methods of Secondary Educa- tioi\ in Germany. Svo. New York, 1899. G 17 S 25 522 Supjplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. RUSSELL, Dr. James Samuel Risien. Afiections of tlie Spinal Meninges. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sy.stem of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Chorea. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Disseminate Sclerosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Eclampsia Nutans. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Facial Spasm. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— S-»stem of aiedicine.) A 26 T 41 Head-noddim,'. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) " A 26 T 40 Paramyoclonus Multiple.x-. (AlUnUt, Dr. T. C.^System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Saltatory Spasm. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medi- cine.) ' A 26 T 40 Tetany. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 -The Ties. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 -, and KINGDON, Dr. Ernest Cory. Infantile Cerebral Degeneration. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 RUSSELL, Jane Foss. Agricultui'e for Women. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R RUSSELL, John. Pcstalozzi. \_See Pestalozzi, J. H.] C 19 P 28 RUSSELL, John, 1st Earl. Life of ; by Spencer Walpole- 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. " C 23 P 15, 16 New Views on Ireland; or, Irish Land Grievances Remedies. S-.-o. Lond., 1880. F 19 S 7 [Portrait of.] \_See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Ru.sseU, (i. W. E. — Collections and Recollections.] G 25 P 13 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.- Remini.seences.] C 25 T 5 RUSSELL, John W. Australian Federation. (North American Review, July, 1898.) E RUSSELL, Macnamara. Mount Lycll Mines, Ta.sma]iia. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MA 1 U 11 RUSSELL, 11. Geology of the Country around I\Iallor" Ktang, with parts of Wcnsleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendule. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. -- J':nglan(l and Wales.] A 47 R 31 RUSSELL, Rachel Wriothesley, Lady. Memoirs of Lady Russell and Lady Herbert, 1623-1723. Compiled from original family documents l>v Lady Stepne}'. 8vo. Lt.nd., 1898. " C 26 P 4 RUSSELL, Robert. Natal : the Land and its Story. With Maps. 8vo. Lend., 1899. B 37 P 14 RUSSELL, Robert Howard. The Edge of the Orient. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. '^ D 17 S 19 RUSSELL, Sol Smith. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-daj'.] C 23 Q 6 RUSSELL, Pi-of. T. Instructions for Voluntary Ob- servers. [Bee L^nited States. — Department of Agri- culture. — Weather Bureau.] A 19 v''53 RUSSELL, T. O. Beauties and Antiijuities of Ireland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 21 S 4 RUSSELL, William, Lord. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, H. L.— State Trials.! F 12 S 32 RUSSELL, Vfilliam Clark. The Ship. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 V 1 Horatio Nelson and the Naval supremacy of England. [See Nelson, Adm. H.] C 23''P 25 Pictures from the Life of Nelson. [See Nelson, Adm. H.] C20S12 RUSSELL, Sir William Howard. The Crimean Diary and Letters of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Ash Windham. [See Vrindham, Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. A.] C 23 Q 1 1 RUSSELL-JEAFFRESON, J. [See Jeaffreson, J. R-.] RUSSIA ON THE PACIFIC and the Siberian Railway. [See "Vladimir."] F 16 T 11 RUSSIAN LIBRARY. Is War now impossible? [.^e Bloch, I. 8.] F IG 8 IG " RUSTICUS." [See Fowler, J. K.] " RUTH." [See Bedford, Ruth Marjory.] RUTHERFORD, I>anie!. Po.trait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. W.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 RUTHERFORD, E. Magnetic Detector of Electrical Waves and some of its applications. (Hoy. Soc, Lond., Phil. Trans. 189, .ser. A.) " E Magnetic Viscosity. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S RUTHERFORD, John. Story of; by Archdeacon W. L. Williams. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1890.) ME 2 S RUTHERFOP.D, John. William Moon aiul his Work for the 151iud. [See Moon, W.] C 23 U 6 "RUTHERFORD, Mark." [See White, W. 11.] - RUTHERFORD, Rev. William Gunion. St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans: a new translation, with brief analysis. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V 38 Public Library of New South Wales. 523 RUTHNING, Heinrich L. E. Agricultural Land Credit. 8vo. Brisb., 1896. MA 4 S 21 Cooperation and Produce Trade. 8vo. Drisb., 1888. MA 4 8 24 Cooperation iu Ireland and Technical Education. Sm. fol. Brisb., 1898. MF 9 Q 45 t Farmers' Cooperation. Sni.'fol. (n.p.) 1897. MF 9 Q 45 f How .should the Principles of the Credit Foncier be applied? Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MF 9 Q 4.5 t Industries Bill of New South Wales. Sm fol. Brisb., 1895. MP 9 Q 45 t RUTLAND, Joshua. Ancient Pit-dwellings of the Pelorus District, South Island, New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc.Journ., 1897.) ME 6 R The Big-ears. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1897.) ME 6 R Did the Maori discover the Greenstone? (N.Z. hist.. Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Some Ancient Stone Implements, Pelorus District, Middle Island, New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1896.) ME 6 R Traces of Civilization : an Inquiry into the History of the Pacific. (N.Z. In.st., Trans., 1896.) " ME'2 S RUTLEDGE, Rev. W. W. Prophetic Cliart illustrative of Lecturer o!i the Coming of Christ, the anti-Christ, and the Millennium. Folded fol. Sydney, 1900. ' MG 2 S 3.3 RUTLEY, Frank. Felsitic Lavas of England and Wales. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] ^ A 47 R 4 Ilhyolites of the Hauraki Gold-tields, New Zealand. \_See. Geolog. Soc., Lond., Quar. Journ., 1899.] E RUTT, Walter. The Flight of Birds considered with reference to Aerial Navigation. (Adelaide Philosoph. Soc, Trans., 1871.) ME 1 S RUTTER, Frank R. South American Trade of Balti- more. (Johns Hopkins Univer.'iity. — Studies in His- torical and Political Science.) B 18 S 15 RUYSBROECK, Jan van. [Sketch of.] {See C(nvan, Rev. W.— Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 RUYTER, Lieut. Adm. Michicl Adriaanszoon de. Life of ; by G. Grinnell-Milne. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 S 4 RYAN, Dr. Charles E. With an Ambulance during the Franco-German War, 1870-71. 8vo. Lond., 1896. With Portrait and Maps. D 18 S 14 RYAN, Dr. Charles. Experiences during the Siege of Plevna. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q RYAN, Dr. Charles S., and S ANDES, John. Under the Red Crescent : Adventures of an Englisli Surgeon with the Turkish Army at Plevna and Ei-zeroum, 1877-78. With Port, and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 22 R 1 7 RYAN, J. Tighe. The Australian Girl in the City and in the |}u,sh. (Review of Review.s, March, 1897.) E A Bush Brigade: an Illustrated Sketch of the I'irst Australian Horse. (Review of Reviews, July, 1898.) ME 6 U RYDBERG, P. A. Rei)ort upon Grasses and Forage PI; nts of the Rocky Mountain Regions. {See United States. — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 X 19 RYE, Maria S. Emigration. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pir)neer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 RYE, Walter. Words used in East Anglia. {See Eiigli-sh Dialect Soc, Pubs., 75.] E RYLAND, Frederick. Events of the Reign, 1837-97. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 16 P 18 RYLEY, J. Horton. Ralph Fitch, England's Pioneer to India and Burma : his Companions and Contempo- raries ; with his remarkable Narrative, told in his own words. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 36 K 7 RYLSTOXE EXPRESS and Electoral Representative, with which is incorporated the Ryhtone Advertiser, Nov., 1897-99. 2 vols. fol. Rylstone, 1897-99. ME S., C. Leaves from a Diary in Lower Bengal. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. I) 19 V 28 S., D. W. European Settlements in the Far East. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 12 SABATIER, Prof. Auguste. Outlines nf a Philosophy (.f Religion, based on Psychology and History. Trans- lated by Rev. T. A. Seed. B\o. Lond., 1897. G 23 R 4 SACCARDO, Prof. Pierandrea. Sylloge Fungorum omnium hucu.sque cognitorum. Vol.11. 8vo. Patavii, 1895. A 23 V 15 SACHAU, E. Kurzes Verzeichniss der Sachau'-schen Samndung syrischer Handschriften, Konigliche Bibliothek, Berlin. {See Berlin-Kiinigliche Bibliothek.] K 7 S 44 SACHS, Dr. B. Chorea. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A"31 P 16 SACHS, Edwin O., and WOODROW, Ernest A. E. Modern Opera Houses and Theatres : Examples selected fi-om Playhouses recently erected in Europe. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. fol. Lend., 1896-98. A 8 Q 16-18 • SACHS, Jo.scph. Electrical Boats and Navigation. {See Martin, Thomas Commerford.] A 21 U^ 15 524 Tublic Library of New South Wales. SADDINGTON, Arthur Graham. Supreme Court Rules, June, 1891-Jan., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 Q 27 SA'DI {in fnU Shaikh Maslah-uddiii SaVli-al-Sliii-azi). "With Sa'di in the Garden ; or, tlio Book of Love. \See Arnold, Sir E.] H 12 R 22 SADLER, Ralph. Apocalypse of St. John. [&« Bibles and Testaments— English.] G 23 8 19 Book of Ayub. [See Bibles and Testaments — English.] G 23'R 23 Malaki, mv Angel. \_See Bibles and Teslaments. — Hebrew.] G 17 S 10 SAIEGHI, Prof. E. Bacteria of tlie Sputa and Crypto- gamic Flora of the !Mi_iuth. {See Vicentini, Dr. Filandro.] A 32 S 32 ST. ALBANS, Viscount. {See Bacon, Francis.] SAINT-AMAND, Arthur J..eon, Baron Inibert de, {Set Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L., Baron.] SAINT-CLAIR, Roland William. The Saint-Clairs of the Isles : being a History of the Sea-kings of Orkney and their Scottish successors of the sirname of Sinclair. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Auckland, 1898. C 22 U 3 SAINT-GENIS, Flour de. {See Flour do Saint-Genis.] SAINT-GERMAIN, Comte C. de. Practic;d Palmistry ; or. Hand-reading simplified. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1897. G 17 S 20 ST. HELENS, Alleyne Fitzherbcrt, Baron. Portrait of. {See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.--Pagct Papers.] C 21 U 3 ST. JOHN, Charles. A Sportsman and Naturalist's Tour in Sunderlandshire. 8vo. Lond., 1891. D 18 S 20 ST. JOHN, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. {See Boling- Ijroke, Viscount.] ST. JOHN, Sir Spenser. Rajah IJrooke. {See Brooke, Sir J.] C 27 R 9 ST. LOULS PUBLIC LIBRA!'. Y. Class List.s, N.,s. 1, 2, 1897-98. 2vols. 8vo. St. Louis, 1897-98. Cat. Room 1. English Prose Fiction. 2. German Prose Fiction. ST. 1/)UIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Annual lUjiorts of the Board of Director-s. 187U78, is.so M2, 1.-181-97. 19 vols. 8vo. St. Louis, 1871-98. E ST. PAUL'S COLLEGE, SYDNEY. {See Sydney Uni- versity.] ST. PETEItSBUllG. Acadomio Imj)eriale des Sciences de St. I'etersbourg. {S<-p Academic Tmjieriale.] ST. STEPHEN'S CHUItCH, SYDNEY. I'uport, 1891. 8vo, Sydney, 1 892. AI I.] G P ST. VINCENT, John Jervis, 1st Earl of. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; l)y Vice-Adm. Sir P. H. Colomb. (Laugh- ton, Prof. J. k.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles Augustin. Causeries du Lundi. [Vols. 1, 2, 4, 4th ed., vols. 3, 5-15, 3rd ed.] 15 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1859-60. J 19 V 15-29 Causeries du Lundi, Portraits de Feinmes, ct Portraits Litteraires : Table Generale et Analytique. 12mo. Paris, 1885. J 19 V 34 Nouveaux Lundis. 13 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1890-95. J 24 R 8-20 Poesies completes. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1879. H 12P 36, 37 Portraits de Femmes. New ed. 12mo. Pari.s, 1886. J 19 V 30 Portraits Litteraires. New ed. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1862. J 19 V 31-33 Port-Roval. 5th ed. 7 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1888-91. G 24 P 1-7 Tal)leau de la Poesie Fran(jaise au seizieme siecle : edition detinitive precedce de la Vie de Sainte-Beuve par J. Troubat. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 187G. J 23 P 52, 53 Yolupte. New ed. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 24 R 7 The Book of the Ladies. {See Bourdeille, Pieri-e de.] C 25 S 3 CorresjHindence of Mme. Princess Palatine ; of Marie- Ad elaiilc de Savoie ; and of Mme. de Maintenon. {See A\'ormeley, Katharine Prescott.] C 25 S 19 Memoirs, Letters, and Miscellaneous Papers of Prince do Eigne. {See Eigne, Prince de.] B 41 P 8, 9 Sketch of. {See Birrell, A.— Res Judicatie.] J 7 P 52 [Sketch of.] {Set Grcnier, E. — Literai'v Reminiscences.] C 26 Q 15 SAINTS, The. Psycliology of tlie Saints. [,?ee Joly, H.] 4 V 38 8t. Ambrose. \_Set Broglic, Due de.] O 2.") P 14 St. Augustine. \Su HatzfeW, A.] (! 4 V 37 St. Francis of Sales. [See Margerie, A. ilc.J (i 26 Q 2 St. Ignatius of Loyola. {See Joly, H.] CJ 24 P 13 St. Jerome. [.See Largcnt, Rev. — .] G 26 Q 4 St. Louis. \See Sepet, M.] (i 2.5 P 1 St. Vincent tie Paul, [.fee Hroylic. K. ]n';ui Literature.) J 27 Q 2 History of 19tli (!enturv Literature, 1 7.^^0-1895. 8vo. Lond., 189G. ■ J 14 U 8 Short History of English Literature. 8vo. Loud., 1898. .1 1 I V 31 At the Sign of the Cat and Racket. {See Balzac, 11. de.] J 23 R 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 525 Hunt. [Iatthews, J. B. — French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 SARGANT, Alice. Book of Ballads. With Etchings by William Strang. 4to. Lond., 1898. H 19 S S t SARGEAUNT, John. Annals of Westminster Schools. Illustrated. Svo. Loud., 1898. G 17 R 38 SARGENT, Arthur John. Economic Policy of Colbert. With Bibliography. 12mo. Lond., 1899. F 15 Q 38 528 Tublic Library of New South Wales. SARGENT, Charles Sprague. The Silva of North America. Ilhistrated by C. E. Faxon. Vols. 8-1:2. 6 vols. 4to. Boston, 1895-98. A 40 S 2r>-29 + 8. CupuliterK. 9. CupuliferK--Salicace3». 10. Liliace*— Conifers. 11, 12. Coniferfe. SARGENT, Dr. D. A. Physical Characteristics of the Athlete. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 1 Physical Proportions of the typical Man. (Out-of-door Lib.) ' A 40 Q 1 SARGENT, Lieut. Herbert If. The Campaign of Marengo, with Comments. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 1> lil S 7 Napoleon Bonaparte's first Campaign. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. B 16 R 29 SARGENT, John F. Reading for the Young ; a classified and annotated Catalog ; with an alphabetical Author- index ; with a Supplement, 1891-95, and Subject-in- dex to the complete work, compiled by !Mary E. and Abby L. Sargent. Roy. 8vo. Boston", 1890-90. Cat. Room SARPI, Paolo, " Pietro Soave." Hi.storie of the Councel of Trent. Translated by N. Brent. Sm. fol. Lond., 1620. G 17 U 8 t SARS, Georg Ossian. Fauna Norvegiii; : Descriptions of the Norwegian species at present known Ijelonging to the sub-orders Phyllocarida and Phyllopoda. [In English and Norwegian.] Vol. 1. Illustrated. 4to. Christiania, 1896. A 13 R 1 t SARTO, Andrea del. Andrea del Sarto. [See Guinness, H.] A 44 R 3 SATTEllLEE, Rev. Henry Yates. A Creedless Gospel and the Gospel Creed. 8vo. New York, 1895. G12Y7 SATURDAY REVIEW, The, of Politics, Literature Science and Art. Vols. 1-89, June, 1855-June, 1900. 89 vols. fol. Lond., 1855-1900. E SAUNDBY, Dr. Robert. Diabetes Mellitus. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 3G SAUNDERS, De Alton. Phycological Memoirs. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. San Francisco, 1898. ( Leland Stanford Junior University. — Contributions to ]5iology from the Hopkins Seaside Laboratory.) A 46 Q 2 SAUNDERS, Edward. Revision of the Australian Buprestidie (lescn!)ed l)y the Rev. F. W. HoijC. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1868.) E SAUNDERS, Eleanor and Eliza1)etli. Memoirs and Letters of; by Rev. I). M. Berry. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MG2T19 SAL^NDERS, Howard. Catalogue of the Gaviaj in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.- Nat. Hist.l A 39 U 7 SAUNDERS, John. Chaucer, G.] Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. \See H 13 U 3 SAUNDERS, Sir Sidney S. Descriptions of three new genera and species of Fig Insects allied to Blastophaga from Calcutta, Australia, and Madagascar ; with Notes on their Parasites and on the atihiities of the respective races. (Entom. Soc., Lond., Trans., 1883.) E SAUNDERS, Thomas Bailev. Human Nature. [See Schopenhauer, Arthur.] G 19 U 35 Thoughts on the Present Position of Protestantism. [See Harnack, A.] G 24 Q 9 SAUNDERS, Dr. William. Results fiom Test-growing of Crops : being the Evidence of Dr. W. Saunders before the Select Standing Committee of Agriculture and Colonization, 1899." 8vo. Ottawa, 189"9. A 38 Q 25 SAUNDERSON, Nicholas. Method of Fluxions applied to a select number of useful Problems, together with the demonstration of Sir. Cotes's Forms of Fluents in the second part of his Logometria, the analysis of the Problems in his Scholium Generale, and an Explana- tion of the Principal Propositions of Sir Isaac New- ton's Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1756. A 36 U 19 SAVAGE, Dr. George Henry. English Law and Practice of Lunacy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Mania. (Allbutt, Dr.T. C— System of Medicine.) A26T41 Mental Diseases. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 41 Mental Stupor, (.\llliutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 41 Toxic Insanities. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) " A 26 T 41 , an,e])hardi. (Roy. Soc, \'ict.. Pi-oc, 1900.) .ME 1 P Structure of tlu^ Alimentary System of Gn/llnlnljid n>i.stm/is. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.) ME 1 P SAYER, J. W. The Legal Position of the IVIechanics' Institutes anlic Libraries of Victoria. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P32t SAYLE, Charles. Art of Dining. [See Hayward, A.] A 40 T 24 Do Officio Regis. [See Wiclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 26 Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Duke of. [See Edinburgh, Duke of.] SCAIFE, Walter 1>. America; its Geographical History, 1492-1892; with a Supplement entitled, "Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo (.)f the Spanish (Geographers the Mississippi 1" [See John.s Hopkins University. — Studies in Hist, and Polit. Science] B 18 T 13 Florentine Life during the Renaissance. [See Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Poli- tical Science.] " B 18 T U SCAMMELL, E. T. Work and Wealth of Western Aus- tralia. (Liverpool Get>graph. Soc, Trans., 1899.) E SCAMOZZI, Vincent. Het Voorbeelt der algemeene Bouv-Konst. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Amsterdam (n.d.) A 40 U 19 + SCANDRETT, W. B. Southland and ils Resources: being a Paper on the Resources of the District of Southland, Otago, New Zealand. 8vo. Invercargill, 1883. MD 5 V 20 SCARFOGLIO, Signora, "Matilde Serao." Farewell, Love. Trans, by Mrs. H. Harland ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. Svo. Lond., 1894. J 23 U 17 SCARGILL-BIRD, S. R. [See Bint. S. R. ScargiU-.] SCARRON, Paul. Essay on. [See Jusserand, J. J.— English Essays.] ' B 32 Q 10 SCHAERER, Rev. Ludwig Emanuel. Enumeratio Critica Lichenum Europa'orum. Illustrated. 8vo. Berna>, 1850. A 20 R 22 530 JPiihl'w Libmrij of Neio South Wales. SCHAFER, Dr. Edward Albeit, F.R.S. The Blood. (Sc-hafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A -27 V 4 The Intluence of the Ductles.s Gland.s upon Metalxilism — Internal Secretion.';. (Schiifer, Dr. E. A. — Text-l)ook of Physiology ) A 27 V 4 The Mechanism of the Secretion of ]\Iilk. (Schiifer, Dr. E. A.^Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 Metabolism. (Schiifer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physi- ology.) A 27 V 4 Texf^book of Physioloicy. V<]]. 1. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Edin))., 1898. ■"" A 27 V"4 Elements of Anatomy. [See Qiiain, Dr. J.] A 30 U 41-48 SCHAFF, Rey. Philip. History of the Christian Cluirch. New ed. 2 vols. 8yo. Edi'nb., 188-5. G 24 V 2, 3 SCHARFF, Robert F. Hislory of the European Fauna. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Contemporary Science Ser.) A 27 P 20 SCHARKIE, E. L. Fragments ; Poems. 12mo. Mait- land, 189G. " MH 1 V, 15 SCHARLIEB, Dr. Mary Dacomb. A Woman's Words to AVomen on the care of their Health in England and India. 8yo. Lond., 189.5. G 18 Q 30 SCHAUFFLER, William (J. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Mi.s.sionaries.] G 14 S 30 SCHAW, Maj.-Gen. Henry. Antarctic Research. (N.Z, last., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S Australasian Weather-charts and New Zealand Storms. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1890.) ME 2 S Further Light on the Circulation of the Atmosphere in the Southern Henii.spherc. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Histories of the Stoi'ms of the .'iOtli Januaiy and Kith April, 1897. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Interaction of Cyclones upon one another. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Vertical Component of the Motions of the Earth's Atmo.s- .sphere. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S SCHECHTER, Salomon. Studies in .Judai.sm. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 11 S 27 * SCHEFFEL, Jo.seph Victor von. Rergpsalmen : Dicli- tung. lllust. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1895. IT 12 P 13 Ekkeliard : ine (le.sehichte au.H dem zehntcn Jahrhun- dert. 166th ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1898. J 23 P 39 Frau Aventiure, Lieder aus Heinrich von Ofterdingens Zeit. 18th ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1892. H 12 P 9 Funf Dichtungen. 2nd <-d 12im.p. Stuttgart, 1.S9H. H 1 2 P I 2 SCHEFFEL, Joseph Victor yan—rontd. Gaudeamus : Lieder aus dem Engeren und Weiteren. 61st ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1898. H 12 P 11 Hugideo : eine alte Geschichte. 8th ed. 12mo. Stutt- gart, 1897. J 23 P 40 Juniperus : Geschichte eines Kreuzfahrers. Illustrated. 12rao. Stuttgart, 1891. J 23 P 38 Der Trompeter von Siikkingen : ein Sang voni Oberrhein. 239th ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1898. ' H 12 P 10 Waldeinsamkeit : Dichtung zu Zwijlf Landschaftlichen Stimmungsbildern von Julius Marak. 5th ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1889. H 12 R 19 SCHEIDEL, Dr. A. The Cyanide Process : its Practical Application and Economical Results. [See California. —State :\Iining Bureau.] A 24 T 33 SCHEINER, Prof. J ulius. Photographische Himmelskarte. \_See Potsdam — Astrophyeikalisches Observatorium.] A 14 S 18 t SGHELLENDORFF, Gen. Bronsart von. The Duties of the General Start". [_See Great Britain and Ireland. — War Oftice.] A 36 R 15 SCHELLER, E. Theorie und Praxis des Volksschulun- terrirhts nach Herbarti.schen Grundsiitzen. \_See Rein, Prof. W.] G 17 U 27-34 SCHELLING, Felix E. A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics. 8vo. Boston, 1895. H 9 U 42 SCHENCK, Dr. H. Text-book of Botany. {See Stras- burger. Dr. E.] " A 40 U 1 SCHENK, Dr. Leopi Lond., 1898. Tlic Determination of Sex. 8vo. A 27 R 33 SCHEPPEGRELL, Dr. William. Electricity in the Diag- nosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Nose, Throat, and Ear. lllust. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 39 Q 2 SCHERREN, Henry. Tlir.-ugh a Pocket Lens. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond,, 1897. A 28 P 10 SCHERZER, Gcorg. BalUiorns Niirnberger Wanderbuch. [See Dittmar, F.] D 1 2 P 64 SCIIEURER-KESTNER, A. The Calorific Power of Fuel. [See Poole, H.] A 38 U 13 SCHIAPARl'jLLl, Giovanni Virginio. Origine del Sis- temu Planetajio lilioccntrico presso i Greci. Sm. 4to. Milano, 1898. A 18 T 31 1 • Osservazioni astronomiche e lisiche sull' Asse di Rota- zione c sulla Topografia del ])ianeta Marte. Roy. 8yo. Roma, 1896. A 18 P 14 f Osservazioni astronomiche e lisiche sulla Topografia e Costituzione del pianeta Marte durante ropjiosizioni- del ISSS. Roy. It,.. R,.ma, 1S99. A 20 P 19 t Sujiplementary Cataloyue — 1896-1900. 631 SCHICK, Ti-uf, J. Tlic SiKinish Tragedy. [See Kyd, T.] SCHILLER, Juluuiu Christopli Friediich von. Maria Stuart; with copious Grammatical and Exiilaiiatoi-y Notes by M. Foerster. 12mo. Loud, (n.d.) Hi:5Pi2 Der Neffe al.s Onkel ; witli Notes by V. Pliillipps. 1 L'nio. Lend, (n.d.) " H [^^ P 15 Song of the Bell (Lied von der Glocke) and other Poems and Ballads ; with Grannnatical and Explanatory- Notes and a complete Vocabulary by M. Foerster. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) ' H 13 P 8 [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.] H 1 1 T 3 SCHIMMELMANN, Adeline, Countess. Glimpses of my Life at the German Court, among Baltic Fishermen and Berlin Socialists, and in Prison ; including " A Home Abroad," by Pa.stor Otto Funcke. Edited Ijy W. Smith Foggitt. 8vo. Lend., 1896. C 22 S 18 SCHIMPEB, Dr. A. F. W. Text-book of Botany. [See Strasburger, Dr. E.] A 10 U 1 SCHIMPER, Dr. Wilhelm Philipp. Bryologia Europjea. [SceBruch, P.] A 11 X 1-G j SCHJOTT, Prof. P. (), Samlecle Phil.,logiske Afhand- linger. Roy. 8vo. Chiistiania, 1S9G. J 9 V 37 SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von. Shakespeare's siimtliche Dramatische Werke. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 12 Q 26-29 SCHLEGEL, Friedrich von. Philosophy of History. Translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, by J.B.Robertson. Svo. Lond., 1893. B28P 1 SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich. Life and Times. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 SCHLESINGER, Frank. The Prsesepe Group : Measure- ment and Reduction of the Rutherfurd Photographs. 8vo. New York, 1898. A -tC S 17 SCHLICH, Prof. William. Manual of Forestry. Vol. .5. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 32 R 17 5. Forest Utilization ; l>y Piof. W. R. Fisher. SCHLICHTER, Henry G. Problems of Nature. [See Jaeger, Dr. G.] . A 44 Q 5 SCHLOSS, A. English Bijou Almanac. Illustrated. |in. X |in. Lond., 1841. Libr. SCHLOSS, D. P. Report on Profit Sharing. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Labour Depart.] F 7 U 30 SCHLOSS, David F. Metliods of Industrial Remunera- tion. 3rd cd. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 30 SCHMECKEBIER, Laurence Frederick. History of tiie Know Nothing Party in Maryland. (Johns Hojikins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 17 SCHMEISSER, Karl, and VOGELSANG, Dr. Karl. Die Goldfelder Australasiens. With Maps. Roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1897. MA 2 P 34 t Gold-fields of Australasia. Trans by H. Louis. Illust. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1898. MA 2 P 3.5, 36 t SCHAIIDT, Dr. — . Philips' Anatomical Model : a Pic- torial Representation of the Human Frame and its Organs. English ed. ; by W. S. Furneau.x. Roy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 44 V 12 SCHMIDT, Adolf. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Heft 1-54. Fol. Leipzig (n.d.) A 40 T 13 J SCHMIDT, Dr. Alexander. Shakespeare Lexicon : a complete Dictionary of all the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet. 2 vols, roy. Svo. Berlin, 1874-75. J 9 V 30, 31 SCHMIDT, J. A. F. Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm. [See Lesshig, G. E.] " H 13 P 9 SCHMIDT, J. S. Hermann. Principles of Sheep-breeding. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., July, Oct., Nov., 1899, Jan.-March, 1900.) ' ME 9 U SCHMIDT, Louis M. Principles and Practice of Artificial Ice-making and Refrigeration. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 45T 16 SCHINIIT, J. P. Nouveau Manuel complet du Decorateur Ornementiste, du Graveur et du Peintre en Lettres. Atlas. Roy. Svo. Paris (n.d.) A 31 S 34 SCHMITZ, L. Dora.. History of English Literature. [See Ten Brink, Bernhard.] ' B 3 P 24 SCHMOLLER, Gustav. The Mercantile System and its Historical Significance, illustrated chiefly from Pru.ssian History. 12mo. New York, 1896. F 8 V 22 SCHNABEL, Dr. Cari. Hand-book of Metallurgy. Trans- lated by H. Louis. Illu.strated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 21 U 18, 19 1. Copper, Lead, Silver, Golil. 2. Zinc, Cadiiiinni, Mercury, Bisiiuith, Tin, Antimony, Arsenic, Nickel, Cobalt, Platinum, Aluminium. SCHNAUSS, Dr. Julius. Collotype and Photo-lithography. Translated by Edwin C. Middleton, with an Appendix on Steam Presses. Illustrated. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 T 27 532 Tublic Library of New South Wales. SCHNEIDER, Dr. Albert. Compendium of Geueral Botany. {_See Westermaier, Dr. M.] A 20 T 23 SCHNITZER, Dr. Eduard Carl O.scar Theodor, " Emiii Pasha." Emin Pa.sha : his Life and Work. Compiled fi-um hi.s Journals, Letters, Scientific Notes, and from official documents by G. Schweitzer ; with an Intro- duction bv Dr. R. "W. Felkin. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. ■ Lond,, 189R. C 2-5 P 18, 19 SCHQ5BEL, C. L'Ame Humaine au point de vuo dc la Science Ethnographiquc 8vo. Paris, 1879. G 3 R 27 SCHOELL, Friedrich. T. .Alacci Plauti Comoediic. [&« Plautus, T. M.] H 1 T 2-1-27 SCHOENBEIN, C. F. Notice <.f. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1868.] E SCHOENER, Dr. and Mrs. Reinhold. P.ome. Condensed and edited bv ^Mrs. Arthur Bell (Nancv D'Anvers). Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. D 11 V 21 t SCHOENHOF, Jacob. Destructive Influence of the Tariflf upon ^Manufacture and Commerce, and the Figures and Facts relating thereto. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1888. (Questions of the Day.) F I.'') S 22 Histoiy of Money and Prices. 8vo. New York, 189G. (Questions of the Day.) F 8 V 19 SCHOFIELD, Dr. Alfred Taylor. The Unconscious Mind. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (M1U40 SCHOFIELD, R. J. Tlie Home Mechanic and complete Self-instructor in Carpentry, Painting, Horse-shoeing, Soap-makiiig, Candy-making, Baking, Taxidermy, Tan- ning, itc. lUust. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 39 P 3 SCHOFIELD, William llmrv. The Home of the K.ldir Poems. [See Bugge, Prof. S.] J! 3(; P ir> SCHOLES, Tlieophilus E. S. The i'.ritish i:iMi,iie and Alliances; or, Britain's Dutv to her Cnlniiics and Sub- iect Races. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F17P19 SCHOLEY, J I. I'jlcctric Tramways and Railways pro- perly explained. Illustrated. 8\ci. Lond., 189G. A 38 T 3 SCHOLZ, Dr. Friederich. Sice)) and Dreams : a Scientific Popular Dissertation [translated] fr Trustees of tlie l'>rilish JMu.seuin. [See British Mu.scum.] A 17 R 22 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 533 SCHRETNEH, 01iv.>. [See Cnmwright-Soliiviner, Olive.] SCHROEDEH, M(Hit. y., and SOITTH I'M! LAND, W. H. H. Aziimith Tables, giving the true hearings of the .Sun at intervals of ten minutes hetween sunrise and sunset for parallels of latitude hetween 61° N. and 61° S. inclusive. 4to. Wash., 1882. A 1-5 \V 23 f SCHUBERT, Franz. [Sketeh of.] [See W.'xU, A. B. ^ The Art liallad.] II 1 S ;M SCHUCHERT, Charles. Directions for collecting and preparing Fossils. 8vo. Wasli., 1895. A 24 V .''G SCHULTZ, William. Sterling Exchange Tallies, showing the value of United States Currency in English Cur- rency from Ic. to §10,000, and of English Currency in United States Currency from Id. to £10,000, from par to 60 per cent, premium by eights per cent, pro- gres.sively. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 13 U 16 SCHULTZE, Ernst. Die Studenten.sehaft und die Soziale Frage. 8vo. Gottingen, 189ri. F 14 S 37 SCHULZ, Albert. An Essay on the Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandina\'ia, which obtained the prize of the Abergavenny Cymreigyddion Society iit the Eistedd- vod of 1840." 8vo. Llandovery, 1841. J 14 8 8 History of the Holy Graal. \_See Borron, Sires Roliiers de.]" H 17 Q 9, 10 t SCHULZ, Dr. Aurcl, and HAMMAR, August. The New Africa : a Journey \\\i tlie Chobe and down the Oko- vanga Rivers : a Recortl of Exploration and Sport. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 14 T 27 SCHULZE, Oscar. Notes on the Beluliula Dam. (Austral- asian last, of Mining Eng., Trans., 1 897.) ME 18 P SCHURMANN, C. W. Vocabulary of the Parnkalla Language spoken by the Natives inhabiting the Wes- tern Shores of Spencer's Gulf, to which is prefixed a Collection of Grammatical Rules hitherto ascertained. 8vo. Adelaide, 184 4. MJ 3 T 2 SCHURZ, Hon. Carl. Honest Money and Labor. Svo. New York, 1879. " F 17 P 8 Arbitration in Liternational Disputes. \_See America and Europe: a Study of International Relations.] F 2 V 30 SCHWAB, Dr. John Christopher. History of the New York Property Tax. (Amer. Econ. Assoc.) F 4 V 15 SCHWAB, Moise. Le Talmud de Jcru.salem. [See Tal- mud, The.] G 23 V 8-18 SCHWARTZ, J. M. W. van der Poorten. [See Poorten Schwartz, J. M. W. van der.] SCHWARZ, A. Preparation of Malt. [See Thausing, Julius E.] A 25 U 16 SCHWARZ, E. A. Connncm Crow of the United States. [See Ujiited States.—Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Sui-vcy.] A 40 S 12 SCHWEINITZ, Dr. Gcorg(> E. de. [S,c De Schweinitz, Dr. G. E.l SCHWEITZER, (Jeorge. Emin Pasha: his Life an.l \V,,rk. [See Schnitzer, Dr. E.] C 25 P is, 19 SCHWEIZER, P.. von. Use of Clymnastics for Children of b'rT, Clement. Tlie Drama of Yesterday and To-day. With I'orlraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 12 U 16, 17 From "The Bells" to "King Arthur": a Critical Record of the First Niglit Productions at the Lyceum Theatre from 1871-95. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond,, 1896. II 9 T 15 SCOTT, Clement— con<(?. Some Notable Hamlets of the Present Time (Sarah Bernhardt, Henry Irving, Wilson Barrett, Beerbohm Tree, and Forbes Robertson). Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 21 Life of William Terries. [_See Lewin, W. C. J.] C 25 P 6 SCOTT, D. C. F. Xrw South Wales Sporting Magazine. \_See ITetv Sontli Wales Sporting 3fayaeine.^ MJ 3 T 12 SCOTT, David. Manures for Passion-fruit Vines. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R SCOTT, Dukinfield Henry, F.R.S. Studies in Fossil Botany. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 35 S 13 SCOTT, E. Lewis. Song; All in all. [Word.s.] Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 13 P 6 f SCOTT, Eben Greenongh. Reconstruction during the Civil War in the I'nited States of America. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 2 V 23 SCOTT, Edward, flali-room Guiile ; or. How to Dance. New ed. l2iuo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 4 P 22 Dancing in all Ages. 8vo. Lond., 1.S99. A 44 Q 9 SCOTT, Eva. Rupert, Prince I'al.itine. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 33 S 13 SCOTT, G. Firth. Homance of Australian Exploring. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MD 3 R 33 SCOTT, George, (i ROOM, Littleton Ernest, and GRAHAM, Austin Douglas. The Queensland Digest : a Digest of Cases decided by the Supreme and District Courts of Queensland. fioMi 1861-96. 8vo. Brisb., 1897. MF 3 S 35. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Queen.sland ; with Tables of Cases and Index. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Brisb., 1898. MF 5 Q 34, 35 1. ] 860-68. •2. 1S08-7-2. SCOTT, Hugh S., " Henry Seton Merriman." In Kedar's Tents. 7tli ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 S 14 Roden's Corner. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 S 15 The Sowers. 19th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 25 S 16 With Edged Tools. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 25 Q 32 SCOTT, J. W. Pu.beitson-. The Peo]ile of China: their Country, History, Life, Ideas, and Relations with the Foreigner. 8vo. Lond., 1900. 1) 13 P 21 "SCOTT, Leader." [Sec Baxter, Lucy E.] SCOTT, Mrs. Mary Monica Maxwell. The Making of Ab- botsford, and Incidents in Scottish Hi.stoiy drawn from various sources. 8vo. Lond., 1897, B 32 R 7 Suj^plementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 535 SCOTT, Michael. Ci'iiiso nf tlic .1//VA/,.. \-lmo. Loud. (ii.d.) J 22 P IS Tom Cringle's Log. 12iii.). Loud,, 1S95. J 21 IT 12 [Life of.] [See D(iu!^1m.s, Sir Ci. — Tliin5liic'kwcio(l(ir(nip.] C 20 V 21 SCOTT, Ro1)ert Henry, F.R.S. Cumulative 'J'ein],i.nituic. (Tnteniat. I-lealth Exhib. —Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 7 Equinoctial Gales. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 Storm Warnin<,'s. (Tntornat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 ]l 7 Weather Charts and Storm Warnings. Illustrated. Svo. Loud-, 1887. A 19 Q 10 SCOTT, Rev. T. H. (Jeolonv of New S„uth Wale.s and Van Diemen's Laud. (Philosoph. Mag., May, 1824.) E SCOTT, Temple. Biblio-rajiliv of the Wuvks ,,f William Morris. Svo. Loud., lSlt7. J 14 R 23 SCOTT, Sir Walter. The VVaverley Novels. T)ryl)urgh ed. Illust. 25vols. 8v(p. Loud., l.Si)2-'J4. j'2(;Ul-25 1. Waverley. 2. Guy Manneriiig. 3. Tlie Antiquaiy. 4. Rob Roy. 5. The Black Dwaif, aii.l a Lf.u./ii,t of Montrose. 6. Old Mortality. 7. Heart of Midlntliiau. 8. The Bride of Lamiiit'rmuor. 9. Ivanhoe. 10. The Monastery. 11. The Abbot. 12. Kenilworth. 13. The Pirate. U. Fortunes of Nigel. 13. Peveril of the Peak. 16. Quentin Durward. 17. 8t. Ronan's Well. 18. Redgauntlet. 19. The Betrothc.l, and tlic Highhuid Widow. 20. The Talisman. 21. Woodstock. 22. Fair Maiil of Perth. " 23. Anne of (ieierstein. 24. Count Roljert of Paris. 25. The Surgeon's Daughter, and Castle Dangorou.s. Story of Sir Walter Scott's First Love ; by Adam Scott. Svo. Edinh., 1896. ' C 23 Q 1 [Life of] ; by (i. Saintsburv. Svo. Edinl)., 1897- (Famous Scots Ser.) ' C 20 T 21 [Criticism of the Works of.] [_See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q"38* [Criticism of the Works of.]' [See Jack, A. A.] J 14 R 31 Descriptive Catalogue of the Writings of Sir Walter Scott. {See Philadelpliia Free Library.] Cat. Room [Sketch of.] {See Emerson, R. W.— Misc.] J 22 Q 25 [Sketch of.] {See Stearns, F. P. — Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 Stoi'y oi Scott's Ruin. {See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Riographer 1 C 23 T 2 SCOTT, William. Rock Villages of the Riviera. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1S9S. I! 31(^20 SCOTT, l?e\. Wilhani .\lileck. A Hero of the Dark Con- tinent: Memoir of Rev. W. Alileck Scott; by Rev. W. Henry Rankine. Svo. Edinb., 1897. C 23 P 17 S(/OTT, Prof. William Berryman. An Introduction to Geology. Illust. Svo. New York, 1897. A 24 R 20 SCf)TT, William llooth. Cleansing Streets and Ways in the Metropolis and largf! Cities. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 SCOTT LIBRARY. Reuan's Antichrist. [See Rcnan, E.] (I 2.j P 10 What is .Xrt? [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count.] A 23 P 81 SCOTTISH CEOGRArilWAL MAGAZIXE, The. Vols. 1-13, 1.5, 1885-97, 1899. 14 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinl)., 1885-99. E SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 19, 22-36. 16 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1895-1900. E 19. Tlie Jacobite Attempt of 1719 : by \V. K. Dickson. 22. The Lyon in Mourning. Vol. 3. 23. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, from his landing in iScotland, July, 17-lo, to his departure in September, 1740. Compiled from the Lyon in Mourn- ing ; supplemented a3id corrected from other contem- porary sources by \\'alter Biggar Blaikie. 21. Inverness and Dingwall Presbytery Records. 25. General Assembly Commission Records. Vol. 2. 2(i. Diaiy of Sir Archibald .Johnston, Lord Wariston, 1639 ; Preservation of the Honours of Scotland, 1(351-52 ; Lord Mar's Legacies, 1722-27 ; Letters concerning Highland Affairs in the 18th Century, by Mrs. Grant, of Laggan. 27. Memorials of John Murray, of Broughlon, sonietim' Secretary to Prince Charles Edward, 1740-47. Edited- with an Introduction, Notes, and Appendix of origina. documents, by R. F. Bell. 28. The Compt Buik of Davin Wcdderbni'ue, Merchant, of Dundee, 1587-1030 ; together with the Shipping Lists of Dundee, 1580-1618. Edited from the original MSS., with Introduction and Notes, liy A. H. Millar. 29. 30. Diplomatic Correspondence of Jean de Montereul and tlie Brotliers dc Bellicvre, Frcncii Ambassadors in England and Scot!and. Svo. Colchester, 1891. A 24 R 24 SCRIBE, Augustin Eugene. [Criticism of the Works of.] [^e Matthews, J. I'.. Krrnrli |)r:im.ili.sls of tlie 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 SCIIIBNER, F. Lainson-. American (iras.ses, [/§«« United States. — Dept.of Agr. — Div. of Agrostology.] A 37 T 15 Economic Grasses. [See United States. -Dept. of Agri- cult.— Div. of Agro.stology.] A 3G V 16 The True Grasses. [See Hackel, Eduard.] A 30 T 19 Useful and Ornamental Gnusse.s. [See United State.s. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 SVRinXER'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-27, 1887- June, 1900. 27 vols. I'oy. 8vo. New York, 1887-1900. E SCRIBXEPiS MONTHLY. [See Century lUustniled Maynziiii'.^ SCRIPTORES HISTORIC ROMANS Latini veteres, qui e.xtant omnes, notis variis ilhistiati, a Carolo Hen- rico de Klettenherg et AVildeck, edente et accurante Bennone Casparo Haurisio. Illustrated. 3 vols. fol. Heidelbergiv, 1743-48. B 40 U 22-24 + SCRIPTURE, Di-. Edward Wheeler. The New Psychology Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G II U 2"9 Thinking, Feeling. Doing. 8vo. MeadviHe, P.i., 1895. G 1 1 P 47 SCRIVENOR, Harry. History of the Iron Trade. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1854. " A 24 T 37 SCRUTTON, Percy E. Electricity in Town and Country Houses. Illust. 12mn. Lond., 1S98. A 25 S 12 SCRUTTON, T. U. Petroleum or Coal. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 18 12 8CUDDER, Horace Klisha. Noah Wi-bster. [See Web- ster, N.] C 27 P 10 8CUDDER, Rev. John. Memoir of; by Rev. J. B. Waterbury. 8vo. New York, 1870. ' C 27 R 3 SCUDDER, Mo.ses Lewis. National Banking. 8vo. New York, 1879. F 17 P8 SCUDDER, Samuel H. Canadian Fossil Insects. [See Canada — (Jeological Survey.] E SCUDDER, Vida Dutton. Life of the Spii-it in Modern English Poets. 8vo. Boston, 1895. H 11 S 2 Social Td<'als in Engli.sh Letters. 8vo. I'oston, 1898. J 23 R 16 SCI' KFII'^LD, I'r. Ibirold. .\nimal Tulierculoses and their relation to Human Tulicrculosis. [See Nocard, Prof. E.] A 19 P 10 SK.MiI'vOKE, G. M. Stargazin-. [Srr Lockver, J. N.] A 15 T 11 SEAGER, Henry 11. I'olilical Economy and I'ublii' Law. [See Pennsyhania I ' ni\ crsity. | F 7 T 8 SEAGER, Dr. Herliert West. Natural History in Shake- .speare's Time, being extracts illust rat ivet>f the subject as he knew it, 8vo. Lond.. ISIHI. A 27 T 1 1 SEALY, Robert, "Menippus." Scraps. S\(i. Sydney, 1859. iMH i R 65 SEAMAN, Owen, In C;iii .-nid Hells. 1 2mo. Lond., 1900. H 3 P52 1 JSttpjilemenlarf/ Cdluloguc — lSOG-1900. 537 iSKATvS, Eilniund Hamilton. Outliiio of Political Growth iu tlif Nineteenth C'cntui-y. iSvo. New York, 1900. F 19 R 13 SEARS, H.amhlen. Governments of the World to-day. 8vo. Meadville, Penn., 1895. F 8 V 18 SEARS, Prof. Lorenzo. History of Oratory from the Age of Pericles to the Present Time. 8vo. Chicago, 1 896. J 14 U 7 The Occaxional Address : its Composition ami Literature. 12rao. New York, 1897. J 14 V 24 Principles and Methods of Literary Criticism. 8vo. Loud., 1898. J -li Q 30 SEATON, Albert Edward. Manual of .Alarine Engineering: comprising the Designing, Construction, and Working of Marine Machinery. 13th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1896. A 22 R 33 SEATON, R. C. Sir Hudson Lowe and Napoleon. [See. Lowe, Sir H.] C 23 S 18 SEATON, Roland. Romance of Diaphon. Translated from the original Inscriptions. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 21 Pv 37 SEAVIilR, T. W. The Engineering Aspect of Local Self- Ooverument. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MxV 3 V 44 SEBASTIAN, Lewis Boyd, and HEMMING, Harry Baird. Law of Trade-marks and their Registration and matters connected therewith, including a Chapter on Goodwill, the Patents, Designs, and Trades-marks Acts, 1883- 88, and the Trade-marks Rules and Instructions there- under ; with Forms and Precedents, the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887-94, and other Statutory Enact- ments ; the United States Statutes, 1870-82, and the Rules and Forms thereunder, and the Treaty with the Ignited States, 1877. 4th ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 9 V 18 SECCOMBE, Thomas. The Age of Johnson, 1748-98. Svo. Loud., 1900. (Hand-books of English Litei'a- ture.) J 2G Q 35 SECRETAN, Prof. Charles. The Problem of Immortality. {_See Pctavel, Rev. E.] G 25 R"1 SECRETAN, J. H. E. To Klondyke and back : a Journey down the Y''ukon from its Source to its Mouth. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 Q 8 SEDDON, John P. Constraction of Chimneys. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) ' A 41 U 18 SEDGEFIELD, Walter John. King Alfred's Old English Version of Btethius de Consolatione Philosopliia'. [See Ba-thius, A. M. S.] J 23 S 20 King Alfred's Version of the Consolations of Boethitis. [See Roeth.ius, A. M. S.] J 9 U 15 SEDGWICK, Adam, F.R.S. Peripatus. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Canib. Nat. Hist.) A 40 U 12 Student's Text-book of Zoology. V'ol. 1. lllustratt^d. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 V 4 SEDGWICK, Catharine Maria. Life and Letters of. Edited by Mary E. Dewey. Svo. New York, 1872. C 27 U 2 SEDGWICK, Henry D wight. A Letter by Capt. Cuollar. [_Sec Cuellar, Capt. Francisco de.] 1! 10 P 15 SED(nVTCK, William T. Life and Letters of William Barton Rogers. [Sec Rogers, V^^ B.] C 23 Q 15, 10 SEE, Prof. Thomas JefTerson Jackson. Researches on the Evolution of the Stellar Systems. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 4to. Lynn, 1896. A 11 X 8 f ]. On the Universality of the Law of fJravitation, aiii' on the Orbits and general characteristics of Binary Star.'). SEED, Rev. T. A. Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion, based on Psychology and History. [See Sa})aticr, A.] G 23 R 4 SEEL, Charles. Charles Sccl's Song-book. With Portrait. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. Mil I V 32 SEELEY, Sir John Robert. The Growth of British Policy. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1895. F 8 V 0,"7 Introduction to Political Science. 8vo. Lond., 1890. F8 V42 Liberal Education in XTniversities. (Farrar, F. W. Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 Teaching of History. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 , and others. Ethics and Religion. Svo. Lond., 1900. ' G 25 S 14 Aims of Ethical 8ocietics ; by L. Stephen. Aims and Methods of an Ethical Society ; by H. Sidgwick. Communication of Moral Ideas as a Fimction of au Ethical Society ; by B. Bosanquet. Ethical Religion ; by W. M. Salter. The Ethical Bond of Union ; by Felix Adler. The Ethical Movement defined ; by S. Coit. Ethics and Religion ; by Sir J. R. Seeley. Ethics and Theology ; by G. Von Gizycki. Freedom of Ethiclished by the authority of Government, North- western Provinces [India]. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. Svo. Agra, 1849-52. A 34 R 21, 22 SELF- INSTRUCTOR, The ; or. Every Man his own Schoolmaster. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 R 61 SELFE, Norman. Annual Address to the Engineering Section, Royal Societv of New South AVales. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W., Journ.,"l899.) ME 1 R ^Machinery employed for artificial Refrigeration and Ice- making. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R IMap of Sydney City Railway, with a Bridge to North Sliore, combined with a scheme for Eastern Suburbs Extension, reconstructing and improving a large part of Sydney, also the official scheme for terminus on Hyde Park and the Imperial Arcade site. Svo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 Q 14 Rise and Progress of Lift Construction in New South AValos. (Engineering Assoc, N.S.AA'., Proc, 1894- 95.) " ME 18 P Some Notes on a AA^harf recently built in deep water at Dawes' R)int, Sydney, N.S.AA'. (Roy. Soc, N.S.AV., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R SELFE, Rose E. Selections from the first nine books of the Chroniehe Florentine of Giovanni A'illani. [See A'illani, Giovanni.] J 14 T 20 SELIGJIAN, Dr. Edwin Robert Anderson. E.s.savs in Taxation. Svo. New York, 1895. F 14 U 25 Progressive Taxation in Theory and Practice. (American Economic Assoc.) F 9 AM9 Shifting and Incidence of Taxation. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 17 Two Chapters on the Medi;eval Guilds of England. (American Economic As,soc.) F 4 A' 12 SELLA, Vittorio. Exploration of tiic Caucasus. [See Freshficld, Douglas AV.] D 15 8 17, 18 t SELLIER, Charles Augu.ste. [Reproduction of hi.s Pic- ture] L(Hla and the Swaji. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] " " A 12 P 27 \ SELLS, E. P. Remarks on tlie Physical Observations of Jupiter, made at the Adelaide Olxscrvatory, 1884-93. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Monthly Notices, 57.) E SELOUS, I'^redcrick Courteney. Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia : being a Narrative of Events in Matabele- land, l)oth before and during the recent Native Insur- rection, up to the date of the disl)andment of the Bulawayo Field Forces. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., lo96. B it; V 31 Downfall of Lolieiigid.a. [See AVills, W. .\.| I! .-,(; i; i;! Supp lenien tary Ca talogue — 1896-1 UOO. 539 SETAVYN, Dr. Alfred llichard C.u^il, F.R.S., aiul DAW- SON, Dr. (iciir^o Morcnr, F.R.S. Descriptive Sketch of the Phy.siciil (jCDgraphy and (Jeolotfy of the Doniinioii of Canada. 8vo. ' Montreal, 1894.' A 39 R 11 SELWYN, George. George Selwyn : his Letter.-^ and his Life. Edited by E. S. Roscoe and Helen Gl<>rgue. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (J l>.') S i20 SELWYN, George Augustus, Bi.shop of New Zealand. New Zealand : Letters to the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel, together with Extracts from his Visitati(.)ii Journal. 3rd ed. 12nio. Lond., 18-l:7-.51. MD 1 P 73 [Portrait of.] [^See Armstrong, E. S. — History of the Melanesian Mission.] MG 2 S 29 SELWYN, John Richardson, PAshop. Memoir of ; bv F. D. How. With Portr. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MC1T35 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF ANAESTHESIA, The, LS46- 9G. Sm. Uo. Boston, 1897. A 17 R 2 t SEMITIC SERIES. Babylonians and Assyrians. [,S'cc Saycc, Prof. A. H.] B 25 P 21 SEMON, Sir Feli.x. Diseases of the Nose. [See Hall, Dr. F. de H.] A 2G T 37 -, WILLIAMS, Dr. Watson, and HALL, Dr. Francis de Havilland. Di.seases of the Pharynx. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Larynx. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 SEMON, Richard. In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the Coral Sea : Ijciiig the Experiences and Observations of a Naturalist in Australia, New Guinea, and the Moluccas. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MA -I U 5 Zoologische Fovschungsreisen in Austnilien und dem Malayischen Archipel mit ITnterstutzung des Herrn Dr. Paul von Bitter ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1891- 93. Biinde 1, 2. With Atlases. 2 vols. 4to. Jena, 1893-97. MA 13 P 18 t Scientific Re.searches in Australia. [/Si't' Popular Science Monthly, Nov., 1897.] E SEMPERS, Frank W. Manures : how to make and how to use them ; a new Practical Treatise on the Chem- istry of Manures and Manure-making. 2nd ed. 8vo. Philad., 1893. A 28 P 23 SEMPLE, James George. Memoirs of the Northern Im- poster, in- Prince of Swindlers : being a faithful Nar- rative (jf the Adx'entures and Deceptions of James (Jeorge Semple, conunonly called Major Semple, alias Harrold, Maxwell, Grant, itc. ; to which is annexed his Trial and Sentence. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1786. C 24 P 3 SENDALL, Sir Walter J. Menu.ir of C. S. Calverley. [See Calverley, C. S. — Literary Remains.] II 1 1 (^ 2.") SENECA, Lucius Ann;eus. [Selected Works of, in Engli.sh.] 8vo. [Title-page missing.] G 17 S 13 SENIOR, Jane Elizabeth [Mrs. N. J.] A.s.sociaticms for Girls and Young Women. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 SENIOR, Mary Chai-lotte Mair. [See Simpson, M. C. M.] SENIOR, Prof. Na.s.sau William. Four Introductory Lectures on Political Economy, deli\ered before the University of Oxfoid. 8vo. Lond., 1852. F 1 R 20 [Reminiscences of.] [See Simpson, M. C. M. — Many Memories of many People.] C 2.5 Q 19 , and TENNANT, Charles. Letters concerning systematic Colonization and the Bill now before Parlia- ment for promoting Emigration ; also, a letter to the Canada Land Co. and a series of questions in elucida tion of the principles of Colonization. 8vo. Lond., 1831. F13Q37 SENIOR, William. Angling in Great Britain. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 SENNETT, A. R. " Carriages without horses shall go " : being a reprint of a Paper on Horseless Road Locomo- tion, to which is added, Remarks on the Future of Horseless Road Locomotion ; Notes on the New Enactment ; the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896 ; Evolution in Modes of Travel ; the Engineer Com- petition, 1897 ; the Local Govennnent Board Regula- tions. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 S 9 SENNETT, Richiu-d, and ORAM, Henry J. The Marine Steam-engine : a 'Creatise for Engineering Students, young Engineers, and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 13 U 9 SENSE, P. C. Free Enquiry into the Origin of the Fourth Gospel. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 35 SEPET, Marius. St. Louis ; with a Preface by Rev. G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (The Saints.) G 25 P 1 SEPP, Dr. J. N. Die geheime 0£fenbarung Johannis. [See Durer, A.] A 12 X 18 t "SERAO, Matilde." [See Scarfoglio, Signora.] • SERGEANT, Emily Frances Adeline. Mrs. Crowe, Mr.s. Archer Clive, and Mrs. Henry Wood. (Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria'.s Reign.) C 24 S 3 5i0 JPublic Library of New South JFales. SERGEAZvT, Lewis. Greece in the 19tli Century : a Ileconl of Hellenic Emancipation and Progress, 1821- 97. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 37 V 12 The Frank.s : from their orijiin as a Confederacy to the establisliaicnt of the Kiiigdoni of France and the German Empire. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Story of the Nations.) B 29 R 5 John ^Yyclif, last of the Schoolmen and first of the English lleformers. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. (Heroes of the Nations.) G 24 Q 2") SEBGIEFF, John Iliyteh, '-Father John." Fatlier John of the Gi-eek Church : an Appreciation, with some charactenstic passages of his mystical and spiritual Autobiography. [See Whyte, Rev. A.] G 23 P 14 SERGIO, Caietano. Bibliorum Sacrorura Grtecus Codex Vaticanus [See Bibles and Testaments — Greek.] GGF7-12 + SERJEANT, R. M. Essay on the Treatment of Aurifer- ous Pyrites. 12mo. Ballarat, 1886. MA 4 P 11 SEROCOLD, C. P. Rowing. [See Rowe, R. P. P.] A 1 7 U 48 SERRAILLIER, Lucien. Auto-cars. [See Farman, D.] A 2.5 R 39 SERRANO, Mary Jane. DoHa Lu?.. [Sec Valera, J.] J 23 IT G SERRES, A. [Reproduction of his Picture] A Libation to Pan. r&'f Lan.sing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 I SERVETUS, Michael. Servctus and Calvin. [.Sw AVillis, Dr. 1!.] G 24 V 24 SERVICE, Hon. James. [Portrait and Sketcli of.] (Once a Montli, Jan., 188.5.) MJ 1 V 20 SERVICE, Dr. John. Natural and Artificial I'^eding and Care of Infants. 8vo. Edinl)., 1890. A 2G R 34 Tiiir Notandums : being the Literary Recreations of Laird Cantiearl, of Mongrynen ; to which is appended a Biir History and Associations. Illustrated. 8vo. liond., 1898. A 32 11 43 SEXTON, Prof. A. If. Chemistry of Materials of Engineer- ing. ((Queensland Agr. Journ., Dec, 1899.) Mi'l 9 U Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 5dl Sl';.\'l'< )N, Dr. Sainucl. (ludiiie Pm-uli'iu. Disease of the Middle Kir. (Ifaro, Dr. 11. A.— System of Practical Tlun-apruiics.) A 31 P 16 SEXTU.S RUI'^IIS. Breviariiiiii Reruin Oostaruiu populi Uoinaiii. (Scriptores Historiiu lloiiuuui'.) B 40 IJ^ i'A \ SEYMOUR, E. H. Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Sliakspeare, resulting from a Collation of the Early Copies, together with some valualile Extracts from the MSS. of the late John, Lord Chedworth. i vols. Svo. Lond., ISOo. H 1 V U, 15 SEYMOUR, II. Rippon. Physical Training : its Theory and Practice : l)eing an Elementary Treatise on the Necessity and Eft'ects of Exercise; with an Introduc- tion by Dr. \V. Taylor. Illustrated. Svo. Edinl). (n.d.) G 11 U 45 SEYMOUR, Horatio W. Goveriunent antl Co.; Limited : an Examination of the Tendencies of Privilege in the United States. l:2mo. Chicago, 1895. E 4 U 31 SPORZA, Bona, Duche.ss of Milan. Miniatures and Borders from the Book of Plours of Bona Sfoi'za, in the British Museum. [/?« Biitish Museum.] A;31P2 SFORZA, Caterina, Countess of Foi'lc. Catherine Sforza ; by Count Pier Desiderio Pasolini. Translated and ]ircpared with the assistance of the Author by P. Sylvester. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P L'O SHADWELL, Charles Lane dot. Gaston de Litour. [See Pater, Walter.] J 14 T 12 SHADWELL, Capt. Leonard Julius. L.ickhart'.s Advance through Tirah. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B29U17 SHADWELL, Thomas. Selections from the Works of. [See West, K.— Laureates of England.] H 11 R 1 SHAFTESBURY, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of. Characteristics of Men, JNIanncrs, Opinions, Times, kc. i: lited by J. M. Robertson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G25 Til, 12 Life, unpublished Letter.-^, and Philosophical Regimen. Edited l)y B. Rand. 8vo. Load., 1900. C 2G T G SHAFTESBURY, Anthony A.shlev Cooper, 7th Earl of. [Sketch of.] [See Russell. O. W. E.— Collections and Recollections.] C 25 P 13 SH.\IRP, John Campbell, TAIT, Peter Guthrie, and REILLY, A. Adam.-;-. Ijife and Letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S. [See Forl)es, J. D.] C 25 R 9 SHAKESPEARE, William. Complete Work.s. Edited, with Notes, bv W. J. Rolfe. 40 vols. 12mo. New York, 1899. (English Cla.ssics.) H 13 W 1 40 1. Comedy of Errors. 2. Two Gentlemen of Verona. 3. Love's Labours Lost. 4. Taming of the Shrew. 5. A Mid.summer Niglit's Dream. 6. Merchant of Venice. 7. All's well tliat endr, well. 8. Much Ado aliout Notliing. 9. As you like it. 10. Twelfth Niglit. 1 1. Merry Wives of Windsor. 12. Measiu-e for Measure. 1'^. The Temi>e.st. 14. The Winter's Talc. 1.5-17. King Henry VI. 15. King Richard in. 19. King .John. 20. King Richard IL 21. 22. King Henry IV. 23. King Henry V. 24. King Henry VIII. 25. Titus Andronicus. 20. Romeo and Juliet. 27. Julius Ci'esar. 28. Hamlet. 29. King Lear. .30. Timon of Athens. ■3i. Antony and Cleopatra. .32. Troilus and Crc?sida. 33. Macbeth. 34. Othello. 3,'). Cymbolinc. .30. Coriolanus. 37. Pericles. 33. Two Noble Kinsmen ; by John Fletcher and William Shakespeare. 39. Venus a;id Ailonis ; Lucrecc : and other Poems. 40. Sonnets. Complete Works ; with a Life of the Poet, Explana- tory Foot-notes, Critical Notes, and a Glossarial In- dex. Harvard ed. ; by Rev. H. N. Hudson. 20 vols. Svo. Boston, 1899. H 13 U 15-34 1. Comedy of Errors ; Two (Jentleraen of Verona. 2. Love's L.abours Lost ; Taming of the Shrew. 3. A Mi91 ; willi Forewords 1)V Dr. F. J. Furnivall. H 11 V 12 Merchant of Venice, 1600 ; with Forewords by Dr. F. J. FiirnivaU. H'llV13, M Mcrrv Wives of Windsor, 16(12 ; witli Introduction by P. A. Daniel. H 11 V 15 Midsummer Night's Dream, 1600 ; with Introduction by J. W. Kbswortb. H 11 V 16, 17 Much Adoe alxmt Nothing, 1600 ; witli Introduction bv P. A. Daniel. H 11 V 18 Othello, 1622, 1630; with Introduction liv 11. A. Evans. H 11 V 19, 20 The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599; witli Introduction liv E. Dowden. H 11 V 21 Pericles, 1609; with Introduction bv P. Z. Round. H 1 1 V 22, 23 Ri(^hard II, 1597; with an Introduc'tion by Rev. W. A. Harrison. H 11 V 24 Richard II, 1597 ; with an Introduction liy P. A. Daniel. H 11 V25 Richard II, 1608; with an Introductory Notice by Rev. W. A. Harrison. " H 11 V 20 Richaril II, 1634 ; with an Introdui toiy Notice by P. A. Daniel. " ■ H i 1 V 27 Richard III, 1597 ; with an Introduction by P. A. Daniel. H 1 1 V 28 Riclianl III, 16f)2, 1G22 ; with an Introductory Notice by I'. A. Daniel. H 11 V 29, 30 SHAKESPEARE, William— co;//r/. Romeo and Juliet, 1597, 1599; with Introduction by H A. Evans. It 11 V :il-33 Sonnets, 1609; witli an Introduction by T. Tyler. H11V34 Taming of the Shrew, 1594 ; with Forewords by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. 'H 11 V 35 Titus Anilronieus, 1000 ; with an Introduction by A. Sv- mons. H11V36 Troilus and Cressida, 1009; with an Introduction bv Rev. H. P. Stokes. H l"i V 37 Troublesome Raignc of John, 1591. H 11 V 38, 39 True Tragedy, 1595; with Introduction by T. Tyler. H11V40 Venus and Ailonis, 1593; with an Introduction bv A. Sy- mons. H 11 V 43 The Whole Contention, 1619 ; «illi Forewords by F. J. Furnivall. H 11 V 41, 42 Beauties of Shakspeare : legularly selected from each Play, with a General Index (ligesting them under proper heads ; by Rev. W. Dodd. 32mo. Lond., 1824. Libr. Comedies. Illustrated. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1899. H 1 U 9-12 Poems. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by G. Wyndham. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 3 Q 30 Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems : being his Son nets clearly developed ; with his character, drawn chiefly from his ^yorks, liv C. A. Brown. 12mo. Lond', 1838. ' C 23 Q 7 Shakespeare's Morals : Suggestive Selections, with brief Collateral Readings and Scriptural References. Edited byA. Gilman. 8vo. New York (n.d.) H 4 T 17 Bacon-Shakespeare's Venus und Adonis: ein buchstablich genauer Wiederabdruck tier iiltestcn Original- Ausgabo vom Jahre 1593, verbunden mit der ersten Wort- und Sinngetreuen Uebersetzung und Erliluterung. Edited by E. Bormann. Illustrated. 8vo. Leipzig, 1899. H 4 V 22 Jules CJsar : Texte Criti(jue avec la Traduction en re- gard; par A. Beljame. 8vo. Paris, 1899. H 12 T 12 Macbeth ; as arranged for the Stage bv George Rignold. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. ' H 9 T 31 Macbeth : Texte Critique a\ec la Traduction en regard ; par A. Beljamo. 8yo. Paris, 1897. li 12 T 13 A Miiisinniiicr Night's Dream. Edited, with an Intro- duction, by I. Oollancz. Ilhistrated. Sin. 4to. I/md., 1895. 1! 4 T 13 The Hidden Lives of Shaki^speare and Bacon, and their Business Connection ; with some Revelations of Shakespeare's Early Struggles, 1587-92, by W. G. Thorpe. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 20 S 7 Life and Plays of ; by Miss H. A. Hcarii. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Life of; by S. Lee. Illustrated Lib. vd. Roy. 8yo. Lond., 1899. C 24 U 1 William Shakspere : a Biography ; by C. Knight. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1SI3. C 24 S 5 Shakespeare, Puritan and Recusant ; by Rev. T. Carter with a Prefatory Note by Rev. J. O. Dykes. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. ' C 23 P 20 Siipp lemeiitary Co. ta logu e — 1896-1 900. 543 SHAKESPEARE, William— con<(7. Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Ilosicrucians. \_See Wig- ston, W. F. C] J C T 31 The Cipher in the Plays and on the Tombstone. \See Donnelly, I.] J 21 S 30 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Castle, E. J.] J 14 S 1 5 [Criticisms of various Works of.] \_See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 The Diary of Master William Silence. \_See Madden, Rt. Hon. D. H.] A 35 T 18 The Doubtful Plays of William Siiakespeai-e. \_Set Hazlitt, Wm.] H 7 R 43 Goetheou Shakespeare. \_See Goethe, J. W. von.] J 14 P 43 The Home of Shakespeare. {See Neill, S.] D 11 Q li John Heminge and Henry Condell, friends and fellow actors of Shakespeare, and what the world owes them. \_See Walker, C. C] C 24 P G King Henry IV, printed from a contemporary MS. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. [_See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs..] H 3 U 32 King John, King Edward III, King Richard IT, King Henry IV, King Henry V, King Henry VI, King ]lichard III. [See Donovan, Thomas. — English His- torical Plays.] H 10 W 19, 20 [Lecture on.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Representative Men.] J 22 Q 18 Montaigne and Shakspcre. [See Robertson, J. M.] J 14 S 36 Natural History in Shakespeare's Time. [See Seager, Dr. H. W.] A 27 Til Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays. [See Collier J. P.] H 4 V 16 Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded. [See Bacon, Delia.] J 6 T 33 The Plays of Shakespeare, founded on literary form. [See Ruggles, H. J.] J 12 V 19 A Refutation of Donnelly's Great Cryptogram. [See Nicholson, Rev. A.] " J 10 U 35 Remai'ks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory upon the Plays of Shakspeare. [See Seymour, E. H.] H 4 V 14, 15 The School of Shakspere. [See Simpson, R.] H 10 V 30, 31 Selections from. [See Smithson, D. J. — Elocution and the Dramatic Art.] J 14 R 20 Shakespeare the Boy. [See Rolfo, Dr. W. J.] B 25 P 10 Shakspere and his Predecessors. [See Boas, F. S.] H 3 R 31 Shakespeare and Music. [See Naylor, E. W.] A 23 P 46 Shakespeare in France. [See Jusserand, J. J.] J 24 P 29 Shakespeare Lexicon. [See Schmidt, Dr. A.] J 9 V 30, 31 The Shakespeare Reference-book. [See Webb, J. S.] K 19 P 35 The Shakespeare Secret. [See Bormann, Edwin.] J 8 V 27 The Shakospeai-can ]\Tyth. [See Morgan, J. A.] .1 6 S 4.". SHAKESPEARE, William— conir/. The Shakesperian Guide to Stratford-on-Avon. [See Ward, H. S., and C. W.] D 1 1 Q 13 Shakespeare's English Kings. [See Pater, W.— Appre- ciatiy David Laing.] ' H 3 U 13 First Sketch of Sliake.speare's Mcrr\- Wives of Windsor. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. " H 3 U U Fools and Jesters, with a reprint of Robert Armin's Nest of Ninnies, 1G08 ; witli an Introduction and Notes [by J. Parae Collier]. H 3 U 15 Edited by Rev. H'3 U 1G 10. 11. Tiraon: a Play, now first printed. Alecander Dvce. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. Pierce Penniless's .Supplication to the Devil : by Tlionias Nash, from the first edition of 1592, compared with later impressions ; with an Introduction and Notes liv J. Payne Collier. H 3 U 17 The 1st and 2nd pts. of King Ed^^■ard IV : Histo-ies by Thomas Heywood, reprinted from the unique black letter 1st edition of 1000, collated witli one ether in black letter and with those of 1019 and 1620 ; with an H 3 U 18 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Introduction and Notes by B. Field. Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, and Interludes, with other idle pastimes ; by John Northbrooke, from the earliest edition, about A.D. 1577 : with an Intre- duction and Notes [by J. PajTie Collier]. H 3 U 19 First Sketches of the 2nd and 3r(l pts. of King Her.rv VI. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. HSU 20 Oberon's Vision in the Mid.5umnier Night's Dream illus- trated by a comparison with Lvlie's End\Tuion ; by Rev. N. J. Halpin. " ' H 3 U 2"l The Chester Plays : a Collection of Mysteries founded upon Scriptural suljjects, and formerly represented by the Trades of Chester at Whitsuntide. Edited by Thomas ^A'right. H 3 U 22 The Alleyn Papers : a Collection of original documents illustrative of tlie Life and Times of Edward A Ueyn and of the early English Stage and Drama ; with an Intro1. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 24 R 7 3 z SHARPE, Richard Rowdier. Wond.-rs of the Bird Worl.l. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 27 S 28 Catalogue of the Aecipitres, or Diurnal Birds of Prey, in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Briiish Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 1 Catalogue of the Fulicariu; ami iVlm-lorides in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Nat. Hist.] A 39 i: 5 Catalogue of the Liniicoke in the Collection of the Hritisli Museum. [See Brit. Mus.—Nat. Hist.] A 39 U 6 Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the Briti.sli Museum. [See British Mu.seum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 4, G, 7, 10, 12, 13 Catalogue of the Picariie in the Collection of tlie British Mu.seum. [See Brit. Mus.—Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 17 Catalogue of the Platalea? and Herodiones in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Nat. Hist ] A 39 U 8 SHARPE, Samuel. History of Egypt from the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs, a.d. 640. 6th ed. Illust. 2vols. 12m(j. 'Lond., 1885. B35Q15, 10 SHARPE, Dr. William. Humanity and the .Man ; or, the Training of the Adamite : a Poem of JAto and Evolution. New ed., to which is ajipended J5ooks 7 and 8 of "Thr Dual Image." 12m:,. Lond., 189S. H 1 1 R 20 Niagara and Khaiidalla ; or, Nature Worshi]) East and West. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) II 11 it 19 SHATTOCK, Sanniel C, and BALLANCE, Charles Alfred. (Jeneral Pathology of New Cs-ov.'ths. (Allbutt, Di-. T. C— Systeui of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 SHATTUCK, Di-. Frederick C. Diseases of the Blood. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Pr.icticil Ther.ipeutics.) A 31 P 15 Diseases of the Blood-vessels. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — Sv-stem of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31" P 15 SHAW, Albert. Coijpei'ation in a Western City. ( Amei-ican Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 11 Municipal Government in Continental Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 2 Y 21 Evolution of France under tlu- third Republic. [Ses Combertin, Baron Pierre de.] B 26 U 13 SHAW, C. S. Weeks-. Text-book of Nursing. 8vo. Loml, 1896. A 12 Q 18 SHAW, Capt. Evre IMassev. Fires and Fire Brigades. (Internat. Health Exhib.— HeaUh Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 3 SHAW, Flora T^. Austr.dia. (Scottish Geograph. jMag., April, 1894.) E . Colonial Expansion. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 1894-95.) E The Story of Australia. 12mo. Lmd.. 1897. (Stoiy of the Empire Sei'.) JUB 3 P 3 546 Tuhlic Library of Neio South JFahs. iSHAAV, (ipoi£;e Bernard. Ca.shcl Byron's Profession. New ed. l:imo. Lond. (n.d.) J 7 Q 13 Fahiaii E.s.says in Socialism, .^vo. Lond., 1889. 1'^ 1 "> 11 8 1. Economic ; l'>y (J. Bernanl SIuiw. 2. Historic : by Siilney \\'ebb. 3. Iiulustrial ; by William Clarke. 4. iloral ; l)y Sydney Olivier. 5. Property imder Socialism ; by (Jraham Wallis. 6. Industry under Socialism : by Annie Bcsant. 7. Transition ; by G. Bernard Shaw. 8. The Outlook ; by Hubert Bland. The Perfect Wagnerite : a Coninieiiiaiy on the Rini; of Nililung-s. 12nio. Ldml, 1898. " J 2.3> 9 Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant. "With Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1898. H 13 T 16, 17 The Quintessence of Ibsenisni. 12nio. Lond., 1891. J 23 S 10 The Fabian Society. [See Fabian Soc. — Fabian Tracts, 41.] ■ F 19 R 15 Impossibilities of Anarcliism. [See Fabian Soc. — Fabian Tracts, 45.] F 19 R 15 SHAW, Harold Sydney. Australasian Gold Reckoner, for calculating the value of gold from one grain upwards, at £3 to c£4 2s. 9d. per oz. 32mo. Sydney, 1897. MA 2 P 16 Dymock's Book of Fancy AIi>habets. Ob. ISnio. Sydney, "1898. ■ MA 1 P 52 SHAW, Henry. Details of Elizabethan Architecture. 4to. Ediiib., 1898. [Reprint.] A 20 P 24 f SHAW, .J,,lui, and OAKES, Leslie 51. The Oakshaw Annual of New South Wales for 1897-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Parramatla, 1896-97. ME 15 P SHAW, Leonard K. In answer to Prayer. [See Car- penter, W. B., Bishop.] " G23P17 SHAW, W;dler l!(,bci''. Thv Fertilization of Oiioclea. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. A 32 i} 23 SHAW, William A. Hi.story of the Englisli ( 'lui rch dui-ing tiie Civil Wars and under the Commonwealth, 1(110^ GO. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 900. G 2t V 28, 29 Select Tracts and Documents illustrative of English Mone- tary History, 1626-1730. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F8V4 Minutes of the Bury Presbyterian Clas.si.'!, 1647-57. [See Chethani Soc. Pubs., 3G.] E SHAW, Rev. William TLidson. Co(>])erati(in and Educa- tion. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F16S14 Why should the Workiiig-cla.sse.s aid and suppoit the University Extension Movement? l2nio. Manchester, 1898. F 16 S II SFIAW- LEFEVlil':, Rt. Hon. G. [See Lefevre, Rt. H<.n. G. Shaw-.] SHAYLOR, Joseph. Pleasures of Literature and the Solace of l?ooks ; with Introduction by Andn!w Lang. 18mo. Lond., 189S. J 23 P'-l SHEA, Sir Ambrose. Newfoundland : its Pisliei-ies and General Resources. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 SHEA, John Gilmar3'. History of the live Indian Nations depending on the Province of New York. [See Colden, C.J '^ B 23 Y 17 SHEAR, C. L. Report upon the Grasses and i'orage Plants of the Rocky Mountain Region. [See Unite(' States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Agrostolouy.] A 36 V 19 SHEARER, John. Problems and Questions in Phy.sics. [See Matthews, C. P.] A 24 T 34 SHEARMAN, Montagu, and others. Football. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo.'' Lond., 1899. A 29 S 39 SHEARMAN, Thomas Gaskell. Natural Taxation: an Inquiry into the Practicability, Justice, and Effects of a Scientific and Natural Method of Taxation. 8vo. N(^w York, 1895. F 10 Y 23 SHEDD, Julia Ann [Mrs. J. H.] Famous Painters and Painting.s. 8vo. Boston, 1896. C 20 Y 2 Famous Sculptors and Sculpture. 8vo. Boston, 1896. C 20 Y 3 SHEE, Richard Jenery. Socialism and Catholicism. [See Sodcrini, Count Edward.] F 10 Y 33 SHEEPSHANKS, John. The Sheepshaidcs Gallery: a series of 20 Pictures from this celebrated collection, re- produced in permanent tint by th.c Autotype Process ; with an Introduction on Oil Painting in England by Richard Redgrave, and ISiogiaphical Notices of the Painters. Sn'i. \U,. \j,vA.. 1873. A 10 \V 11 f SHEFLD, ])r. Arthur .Marmaduke. Diseases of the Nails. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 11 New Growths of the Skin. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 SHELBURNE, A\'illl.nii Petty, Earl of, | Life of] ; by R. Murray Smith. (Abdbour iie Review, 2.) M l'^ I's Q SilKLDON, Rev. Charles M. In His Steps: what would Jesus do? 8\d. Lorul., IS1)7. J 2.3 S 26 SiilCLDOX, Prof. Ib'orv Clay. History of lli,. Karlv Church. 5vol.8vo. '\,wS'i;ns in the private Chapel of Sir WilUani Shelikm, iif Weston, in the Parish of Long Compton, Warwickshire. \_Sec Crisp, F. A.] K 19 T G t SHELDON, William Rohei't. Treatise on tlio Law and Practice relatinf,' to Vendors and Purchaser.s of Real Estate. \_See Dart, J. H.] F 1 U 12, 1.3 SHELLEY, Elizabeth, " Cazire." Original Poetry. \See Shelley, P, B.] H 12 S 1 SHELLEY, George Ernest. Catalogue of the Picaria- in the Collection of the BritLsh Museum. \_Sce British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 U 1 SHELLEY, Mary Wollstonecraft [Mrs. P. B ] [Porti-,-iit and Sketch (.)!.] [^See Hubbard, E. — Little Journ(\ys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 SHELLEY, Percy P>ysshe. Poetical Works. Edited by H. B. Forman. With Portrait. 4 vols. 8\'o. Lond., 187G-77. H 12 S 15-18 Last Days of : New Details fi-oni unpuljlished documents ; by Dr. G. Biagi. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 15 The Mask of Anarchy, written on the occasion of the Massacre at Manchester; fac-simile of the Holograph MS. ; with Inti'oduction by H. B. Forman. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1887. (Shelley Soc. Pubs.) H 10 W 12 t Prometheus Unbound. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by G. L. Dickinson. 18mo. Lond., 1898. H 13 tj 5 The Sensitive Plant. Illustrated by Laurence Housnian 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Illustrated English Poems.) HIT 11 Life of; by Edward Dowden. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T IG Bundle of Letters from Shelley to Leigh Hunt. \_See Nicoll, W. Robert.son. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 Crabbe and Shelley : What Shelley wa.s. [Sec Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, kv.] J 1 R 51 Defence of Poetry. \_See English Literary Criticism.] " J 14 U 19 [Sk-etch of.] iSee Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 -, and Elizabeth, " Victor" and "Cazire." Original Poetry. Edited by R. Garnett. Bvo. Loi.d., 1,S98. H 1 2 S 1 SHELLY, Dr. Charles Edward. Puni.shment in Schools : Notes on some of its methods and defects. (Tnternat. Health Exhib. - Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 7 SII i; I ;rON, Edward Man.son. Soil Wastes in the Cano- fiflds. ISee tjueensland.— Agricult.] MA 3 S G8 Use of Maize as Human Food. [See Queen.slan(l. — • Agricult.] MA 3 S 68 Wi:oat-growing Experiments in Queensland. [See t^ueens- land.— Agricult.] JIA 3 S 68 SHELVOCKE, Capt. George. Voyage round the World- [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 49 SHENSTONE, William. Essays on Men and Manner.s. 18mo. Lond,, 1791. J 26 Q. 8 SHEPHARD, G. E. Notes on the Nidification of the Emu Wren. (Vict. Nat., Feb., 1898.) ME G P SHEPHARD, J. A new Rotifei-, Lacinularia ellijitica. (V^ict. Nat., Oct., 1897.) ME G P Some Animals reared from Dried ^Mucl. (Vict. Nat., Sept., 1898.) ME 6 P Structure of the Vibratilc Tags, or Flame Cell, in Roti- fera. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Pn.c, 1898.) ME 1 P SHEPHERD, Alice. Exliibition of Book-binding in Em- bossed, Modelled, and Tooled Leather. Illustrated. Bvo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 P 42 SHEPHERD, Richard Heme. The Bibliography of Tennyson. 8vo. Lond., 1896. K 19 P 19 SHEPHER D, Dr. William Robert. The Battle of Harlem Heights. ((Joodwin, Maud Wilder. — Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* SHEPHERD, William Robert. History of Proprietary Government in Pennsylvania. Bvo. New York, 189G. " F 18 R 18 SHEPPARD, Jack. Sketch of. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 SHEPPARD, Nathan. Before an Audience ; or, the Use of the Will in Public Speaking. 6th ed. Bvo. New York, 1S92. J 12 T 46 SHEPPARD, William. The Touchstone of Common Assurances : being a plain and familiar Treatise on Conveyancing, with copious Notes, and a Table of Cases cited therein ; to which is added, an Appendix and an extensive Analytical Index by E. G. Atherley. 8tli ed. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1826. F 1 U 21 SHERARD, Charles Allan. P,v Night. (IMelbourne Review, 10.) . ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ Droam.s. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Rivals. (Melbourne IJeview, 9.) ME 18 Q 5iS VnUic Library of Nexo South Wales, SHERAUD, Ri)l)crt Harljarough. The White Shives of Eniilaiid : beini; true pictures of certain social condi- tioiLS in tlie Kingdom of Engla^id in the year 1897. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' F 13 V 3 SHERATON, Thomas. The Cabinetmaker and Uphol- sterer's Drawing-book. \_Rpprbd of 'i,-d cd., 1802.] (Boll, J. M. — Chippendale, Sheraton, and Hepplewhite Furniture Designs.) A 21 Pit SHERBROOKE, Robert Lowe, Viscount. [Sketch of.] \_See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 SHERER, John Walter. Daily Life dniing the Indian jiutiny : Personal Experiences of 18.57. With Por- trait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 29 S 12 SHERIDAN, Caroline Elizabetli Sarah. [&« Norton, Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah.] SHERIDAN, Dr. Paul. Les Inscriptions sur Ardoise de I'Abbaye de Villers. Illustrated. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. B 39 U 9 SHERIDAN, Rt. Hon. Richard Brinslev. Works. Edited by F. Stainforth. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 13 P 20 Sheridan: a Biography; by AV. Eraser Rae. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189(). C 22 T 0, 10 Sketch of. \_See Pearson, Dr. C. II. — Reviews and Critical E.ssays._l J U U 20 SHERIDAN, Ricliard Brinsley. The Filijiino Jlartyrs: a Story of the Crime of February 4, 1 899. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 10 U 2 SHERMAN, Mrs. Belle M. The Romance of Prince Eugene. [&« Eugene, Prince.] C 22 R 10, 11 SHERMAN, John. Recollpctions of Fcjrty Years in tlic House, Senate, and Cabinet. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 189-5. B 3G U" 11, 12 SHERMAN, Orray Taft. IMcteorological and Physical Observations on the East Coast of Britisli America. 4to. Wash., 1883. A 13 W 22 t SHERMAN, Maj.-Gen. William Tecumseh. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore F. — Critical Sketches of some Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U .5 [Sketch of.] \_See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 SIIERRARU, James E. Illustrated Ollicial Il.ind-book to the Aquarium, Picture Salon, and Museum Collec- tions under the control of tlie E.xhiljition TrusU«s, Mell. Japanese Literature. [See A.ston, W. G. J J ■!:', ]< 11 Jlodern English Literature. [See Gosse, E.] .1 17 I' IS Russian Literature. [See Waliszewski, K.] J 17 U l.T Sanskrit Literature. [See MacDonnell, Prof. A. A.] J 1 7 U 1 7 Spanish Literature. [See Kelly, J. F.] J 17 U 7 SHORTER, Clement King. Victoiian Literature: Sixty Yeai-s of Books and Bookmen. 8\o. Lond., 1897. J 21 P 28 Charlotte Bronte and her Circle. [See Bronte, Charlotte.] C 20 S 3 Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and her sisters. [Sec Bronte, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne.] J 26 V 1-7 Memoir of Heniy Kingsley. [See Kingsley, H. — Recol- lections of <4coffrey Hamlyn.] J 25 T 29 SHORTER CATECHISM OF THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. [See Westminster Assembly of Divines.] G 24 V 13 SIlOBTHOUSE, Joseph Henry. John Inglesant. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 25 S 39 The Little Schoolmaster Mark. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 25 S 38 Mes.sage and Position of the Church of England. [See Galtert Greene : his Prose Works and his quarrels with Shakspere. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1878. H 10 V 30, 31 552 I'uhlic Library of New South Wales. SIMPSON, William. The Buddhist Praying "Wheel: a Collection of Material l)earing upon the Symbolism of the ^^'heel and Circular ^Movements in Custom and Religious Ritual. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 15 R 35 The Jonah Legend: a Suggestion of Interpretation. 8vo. Lond., 1899. O 24 V 23 SIMPSON, Dr. William John Ritchie. Health Abroad. {See Batter.sby, Dr. C. H.] A 45 R 3 SIMROCK, Prof. Karl. Remarks on the Plots of Shake- .speare's Plays. [/S^e Shakespeare Sue. Pubs.] H 3 U 35 SIMS, George Robert. Without the Limelight : Theatrical Life as it is. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " H 13 V 9 SIMSON, August. Memoranda of the Western Silver- mining Co., no liability, with an Analytical Statement of the Account of the Co. during the period of eight and a-half years of its existence to 30th September, 1897. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P SIMSON, Frances H. History of Phil, .sojiliv. [See Hegel, G. W. F.] ' G 12 R 30,' 31 SI ^' CLAIR, A. P.vv'^f/. A Clip of Wool from Sheai'Ini; Shed to Ship. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. :\]A 1 1! 29 SINCLAIR, Lieut, Arthur. Two Years on the Alahnma. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 36 U 13 SINCLAIR, Frederick Granville (formerly F. G. Heath- cote). Myriapods. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) " ■ A 40 U 12 SlNCL.Mli, James M. Report on the Sugar-Beet In- dustry and Tobacco Culture of the United States. [See Victoria.— Agiicult.] INIA 3 A' 29 SINCLAIPv, John. [Memoirs of.] [.SVc Thomson, Kath- crine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 2 SINCLAIR, Sutherland. Australian ^Museum r,ibrarv. (Tnternat. Lib. Conf., Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. Ronm SINGER, Hans W., and STRANG, William. Etching, Engraving, and tlie other methods of ])rinting Pictures. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 R 2 SINGER, Ignatiu.s, and Bl'niENS, Li'wis H. Some un- recognized Laws of Nature: an Lujuiry int > the Causes of Physical Phenomena, witii special reference to Gravitation. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. A 2 1 T 35 SINGICR, Samuel Weller. Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakesjieare. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 12 V 4 SlXaU: TAW Th.: Vols. l 5, .luly, 1893-April. IS98. Fol. Sydney, 1893-98. [All i,nhlU„',l.]n.) I0(,)19t SI XGLETON ARGUS, l?'^^. Fol. Singleton, 1898. ME SINIGAGLIA, Leone. Climbing Reminiscences of the Dolomites. Translated by Mary Alice Yialls. Illus- trated. Roy. 8yo. Lond., 1896. D 18 V 25 SINKLER, Dr. Wharton. Headaches and Neuralgia. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.') A 31 P 16 SINNETT, Alfred Percy. Esoteric Buddhism. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1888. " G 9 W 34 SINTON, John. Burns, Exci.se Officer and Poet. [See Burns, R.] C 21 U 15 SIOGARAPI MAI ARIMETIKA [Geography and Arithmetic in the Papuan Language]. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. " ' MG 2 T 22 SIOUSSAT, St. George L. Statistics on State Aid to Higher Education. [See Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Hist, and Polit. Science.] B 18 t 18 SISLEY, Charles P. The Complete Cyclist. [See Pemberton, A. C.J A 29 S 33 SISMONDI, Jean Charles L-Jonai-d Simonde de. [Es.say on.] [See xVlison, Dr. Archibald. — Essays.] J 14 U 13 SITES, Clement Moore Lacey. Centralized Administration of Liquor Laws in the American Co!nnlonv^■ea!ths. Svo. New York, 1899. F 18 R 8 SIJfTY YEARS OF EMPIRE, 1837-97: a Review of the Period. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B22R18 SJOGREN, Sten Anders Hjalmar. Bulletin f.f the Geological Institution of the L^niversity of Upsala. [See Upsala University.] 1'" SKEAT, Walter William. Malay .Magic : being an Introduction to the Folk-lore and Popukir Religion of the Malay Peninsula; with Preface by C. O. Blagdeii. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V 25 SKEAT, Rev. Walter William. The Chauci-r Canon, with a discussion of the works associated with the name of GeoiVrey Chaucer. 8vo. Oxford, 1900. J 1 7 V 20 The Ibuce. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 31-33.] F> Chaucerian and other pieces. [See Chaucer, G.] H 9 S .'i.'i Nine Specimens of English Dialects. [See English Dialect Soc, Pub.s., 76.] !'"< Two Collection.s of Derbicisms containing Words and Phrases in a great measure peculiar to the Natives and Inhabitants of llie County of Drrbv. [See English Dialect Soc. Pubs., 78.] " " IC SKELTON, C. Collee growing, (.\-ricult. Gnz., N.S.\Y, 1897.) "" MK '•> l{ Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 553 SKELTON, John. Siiiiunoi'.s and WiiiU^-s ;it, ilalina- whapple : a second series of the Table-Talk of .Shirley. Ilhistratcd. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., IS'JG. J 11 V 7, 8 SKELTON, Sir John. [Life, of] Charles T. I, King of England.] \See Charles C 18 T 14 t SKELTON, Joseph. Pietas Oxoiuensis ; or, Ueeords of Oxford Founders. Illustrated. 4to. Oxford, 1828. B 19 T 10 + SKERTCHLY, Sydney B. J. Ethnography of Leprosy in the Far East. (^Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc., 18'J7.) ME 1 T Our Island: a Naturalist's Description of Hongkong. 12mo. Hongkong, 1893. A 28 P 12 Geology of the Country round Stanthorpe and Warwick, South Queensland, with especial reference to the Tin and Gold-fields and the Silver Deposits. [;S'f;e Queens- land.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 9 P .^I t Geology of Parts of Cambridgeshire and of Suffolk. \_See, Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] ' A 47 R 32 Geology of S.AV. Norfolk and of N. Cambridgeshire. \_8ee Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 33 SKETCH, The, 1893-96. Lond., 1893-96. Illustrated. 1-T vols. fol. E SKEY, William. Conductivity of certain substances hitherto supposed to be non-conducting for Voltaic Electricity. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Decomposition of Water by Tannic Acid in conjunction with an Alkali. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Electro-deposition of Gold upon the Gold of our Drifts. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Liberation of Hydrogen in a certain \ariation of the apparatus used for Cyaniding Gold. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ' ME 2 S Oxidation of Mercury in Air and Water, also of Iron in alkaline solution. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Position that Cyanogen holds in relation to the simple radicals, and its inability to combine directly with Silver or Gold. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Rapid action of strong Cyanide Solution on Gold super- ficially. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S SKINNER, J. Angling Clubs. (Intcrnat. Fisheries Ex- hib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 SKINNER, Rev. John. The Book of Ezekiel. \_See Ex- positor's Bible.] G19S22 SKINNER, Thomas. The Stock Exchange Year-book for 1889 : a careful digest of information relating to the Origin, History, and Present Position of each of the Public Securities and Joint Stock Companies known to the Markets of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lond., 1889. E 4a SKINNER, W. 11. Tlu! Legend of Para-hia. (Polynesian Soc., Jouni., 1S97.) ME 6 R SKINNER, Walter R. Mining Manual for 1888-1900,. containing full particulars of Mining Companies, with a List of Directors of Mining Companies. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond,, ISSH-iOOO. E "SKITTLES." J |..r Adventures. 8vo. Sydney, ISOG. MJ 3 P 4G SKRINE, Francis Henry, and ROSS, Edward Deni.son. The Heart of xVsia : a Histoiy of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from the earliest times. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 17 Q 31 SKUSE, Frederick A. A. Additional Localities for Feri- patus Leuchartil. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R SLADEN, Douglas Brooke Wheelton. An Inside Station. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 Sonnets. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Spiritualism. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] \_See Album of Aust. Writers.] MA 4.") P X Who's who ? [See Who's who ?] E SLATER, Dr. Charles, and SPITTA, Dr. Edmund John- son. Atlas of Bacteriology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189S. "" A 32 R 42 SLATER, John. Description of Sydney, Parramatta, Newcastle, etc.. Settlements in New South Wales ; with some Account of the Manners and Employment of the Convicts, in a letter from John Slater to his wife. 12mo. Nottingham, 1818. Libr. SLATIN, Rudolf Carl, Pasha. Fire and Sword in the Sudan : a Personal Narrative of Fighting and Serving the Dervi.shes, 1879-95. Translated by jMajor F. R. Wingate. Illust. 8vo. I,ond., 1896. " D 14 V 21 SLATTER, H. R. Advant;iges of an Alliance between Gooj)erators and Trade-unionists. 1 2mo. i\Ianchester (n.d.) F12S20 SLAUGHTER, Frances E. Sportswoman's Library. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond.. 1898. A 29"T 39, 40 SLEE, Jacob Cornelis van. Diaiium Everardi Bronchoi-stii. [See Bronchorst, E.] G 17 U 24 SLESSOR, Capt. Arthur Kerr. The 2nd Battalion Derby- shire Regiment in Tirah ; with an Introduction by Brig. -Gen. Sir R. C. Hart. ^^'ith Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Derbysl.irc Campaign Ser.) B 31 R 13 SLINGSBY, Robert. Treatise on Magnesium Flash-light Photographv. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1890. A 13 T 20 t 654 Public Library of New South Wales. SLOAN, John Matthew. Modern Shorthand : the Sloan- Duplovan Phonographic Instructor. 11th ed. 8vo. Lond.'(n-d-) J 16 R 42 SLOAN, Samuel. American Houses : a variety of Original Designs for Rural Buildings. 8vo. Philad., 18G1. A 19 T 3-4 SLOANE, Thomas G. Australiaia Bembidiides referable to the genus Tachys, ■with the description of a new allied genus Pyrrotachys. (Linnean vSoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Carabid:e from "West Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P The Carenides. (Linn. Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P The Clivinides of King's Sound and its vicinity. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Revision of the Australian species of the genus Clivina, with the description of a new genus Clivinarchus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Studies in Australian Entomology. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897, 1899.) " ME 2 P SLOANE, Thomas O'Conor. Liquid Air and the Lique- faction of Gases: Theory, History, Biogra])h3', Practical Applications, Manufacture. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 24 R 33 SLOANE, "William Milligan. Life of Napoleon Bona- parte. Vols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. sm. fol. New York, 1896. C 17 T 14-17 t SLOSSE, Dr. A. Technique de Cliimie Physic ilogi([ue et Pathologique. Illustrated. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. A 40 P 9 SLOSSON, Annie Trumbull [Mrs.] Fishin' J inuny. lUus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 12 U 31 SLYNCJESBY, Sir ]{obert. Discourse of the Navy, 1660. [See Navy Records Soc, 7.] E SMALE, Dr. Morton, and COLYER, Di-. J. F. Diseases and Injuiies of the Teeth, including Pathology and Treatment: a .Manual of Practical Denti.stry for Students and Practitioiu'is. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 32 S 30 SMALL, E. Milton. Told from llie Ranks: ]{ecollections of Service during the Queen's Reign by Privates and Non-commissioned Orticcrs of the British Army. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ]!21S4 SMALL, Herbert. Hand-ljook to the new Public Lil)rary in Boston. [See Boston Public Lil)rary.] Cat. Rooin SMART, Prof. Ricliard Ad.lison. Hand book of Engineer- ing Lalif.ratory Praclico. illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 40 T 14 SMART, Prof. "William. Distribution of Income. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 10 P 32 Studies in Economics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 2 V 20 Taxation of Land Values and the Single Tax. 8vo. Glasgow, 1900. F 16 U 12 SMEATON, John. Plumbing, Drainage, Water Supply, and Hot "W'ater Fitting. 8vo. Lond., 1 893. A 25 U 20 SMEATON, Oliphant {in fuU William Henry Oliphant). Gallei'y of Australasian Singers. (Westminster Re- view, 1895.) E A Sexagenarian Idyll. (Fisher, L. — By Creek and Gully.) ' MJ 3 R 33 English Satires. [See English Satires.] J 14 R 33 [Life of] Allan Ramsay. [See Ramsay, Allan.] C 20 T 1 1 [Life of J Tobias Smollett. [See Smollett, T.] C 20 U 20 [Life of] William Dunbar. [See Dunbar, W.] C 20 V 10 Thomas Guthrie. [See Guthrie, Rev. T.] C 20 V 22 SMEDLEY, Francis Edward. Frank Fairlegh ; or. Scenes from the Life of a Private Pupil. 8\o. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 U 25 Lewis Arundel ; or, the Railroad of Life. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 U 24 SMEETH, W. ¥., and WATT, J. A. Petrology of Central Australia. (Spencei', Prof. W. Baldwin. — Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 62 SMILLIE, J. Original Poems. 8vo. Adelaide (n.d.) MH 1 Q 86 SMISSEN, Gen. Alfred Ltmis Adolfc Graves, Baron van der. [See Van der Smissen, Gen. A. L. A. G. Baron.] SMITH, iMrs. A. Murray. [See Bradley, Emily T.] SMITH, Dr. A. Donaldson. Through Unknown African Countries : the first Expedition from Somaliland to Lake Lamu. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 20 U 21 SMITH, Agnes Euan-. 1815 : Waterloo. [See Houssaye, H.l B41 R 7 SMITH, Adam. Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue, and Arms. Edited I)y Etlwin Caiman. 8vo. Oxford, 1826. ■ F 12 T 12 [Life of]; bv H. C. MacPherson. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 15 History of Economics. [See MacLeod, II. D.] F 12 T 8 SMITH, Agnos. Glimpses of Greek Life and Scenery. Greek Translation by I. Perbanoglos. Illustrated. 8vo. Leipzig, 1885.] D 19 R 7 Suj^iplementary Culaloyue — 1896-1900. 555 SMITH, Pnif. Albert W. Elementary Machine Design. Sm. 4t<). Palo Alto, Oal., 1895. A 22 11 8 SMITH, Dr. Alder. Preventive Treatment of Infectiuus Diseases in Public ami IIit;h Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health E.vhil). Literature.) A 41 V 7 SMITH, Dr. Andrew H. The Caisson Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Nephritis, Pyelitis, Phosphaturia, Chyluria, Albuminuriii., Lithuria, Oxalui-ia, and Diabetes Insijiidus. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — Sy.stem of Practical Therapeutics.) A .31 P IG SMITH Annie S. [Mrs. Burnett.] (Annie S. Swan.) The Woman, at Home. [See Woman el Borne, The.] E SMITH, Rev. Arthur H. Village Life in China : a Study in Sociology. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. F 16 U 11 SMITH, Arthur Hamilton. Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 40 R 1 1 White Athenian Vases in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 44 Q i;i f SMITH, Arthur Lionel. Teaching of Modern History. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 SMITH, Bruce, [in full Arthur Bruce]. Honour to whom Honour is due: a Federal Retrospect; with Portrait of Sir Henry Parkes. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 S 30 The Ideal and the Actual in Politics. Sm. 4to. North Sydney, 1894. MF 4 Q 51 Modern Legal Reform in England. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Our Sister Cities : Sydney. (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q SMITH, C. Gregory. [Criticism of the AWu-ks of] Edward Freeman. [SeeCraik, Henry. — English Prose.] JGQ38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Richard Green. [See Craik, Henry.— English Pro.se.] J 6 Q 38* SMITH, Cecil Harcourt. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 11 R 21-23 SMITH, Rev. Charles Ernest. The Old Church in the New Land : Lectures on Church History. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 9 W 24 SMITH, Charles W. Reply to the Final Report of the British Royal Commission on Agriculture on the (pies- tion of International Gambling in fictitious Agricul- tural Produce and fictitious Silver, under the option, future, and settlement systems. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. " A 36 W 25 J SMITH, Dr. D. D. Artificial Dentures of Enamelled Platinum (Continuous-Gum Work). (Litch, Di-. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 318 2 SMITH, D. Nichol. Ihuneiiero's Essays in French Litera- ture. [See Bruneti(ire, F.] J 21 P 27 SMITH, E.BoyJ. My Village. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' D 16 P8 SMITH, Edgar AUiert. Descriptions of five new species of Land Shells fr(jm New (Guinea. (.Vnnals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Sept., 1895.) F. SMITH, Edmund W. The Mogul Architecture of Fath- pur-Sikri. [See Archwological Survey of India.] A 18 T 2.3, 24 t SMITH, Edward. England and America after Independ- ence : a short examination of tlieir International Inter- course, U83-1872. 8vo. Lmd., 1900. F 16 U 16 SMITH, Dr. Eldred Noble. Atlas of Histology. [See Klein, Dr. E.] AllW13t SMITH, Elizabeth [Mrs. H.] (Elizabeth Grant). 3Iemoirs of a Highland Lady: the Autobiograjihy of Elizabeth Grant, of Rothiemurchus, afterwards Mrs. Smith, of Baltiboys, 1797-1830. Edited by Lady Strachey. Svo. Lond., 1898. " C 25 Q 21 SMITH, Ernest A. Manual of Dental Metallurgy. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 1 SMITH, Dr. Erwin F. Additional Evidence on the Com- municability of Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 37 S 14 Bacterial Disease of the Tomato, Egg-plant, and Irish Potato. [See United States. — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 Black Rot of the Cabbage. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Experiments with Fertilizers for the Pre\ention and Cure of Peach Yellows, 1889-92. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology^] A 37 S 13 Legal Enactments for the Restriction of Plant Diseases. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.^Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 Peach-growing for Market. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology'] A 37 S 26 SMITH, Dr. Eustace. Diarrheas of Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Diet and Therapeutics of Chihlren. (AObutt, Dr. T. C. — System of JNIedicine.) A 26 T 34 Mumps. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Whooping-cough. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sj-stem of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 35 556 JPublic Lihrary of Netv South IFulcs. SMITH, Francis Hopkinson. Caleb "West, Master Diver. Illustrated. Svo. Boston, 1899. J 17 V 27 SMITH, F. W. Bee-keeping in Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1S99.) ME 9 IT SMITH, Mrs. Fanny Cochrane. Is Mrs. F. C. Smith a "Last Living Aboriginal of Tasmania?" by H. L. Roth. [-S'w AnthropoL Inst, of Gt. Brit., Journ., 1897.] E SMITH, Frank J. Manual for Justices of the Peace in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF -1 R 65 SillTH, Frederick. Descriptions of Aculeate Hymenop- tera from Australia. (Entom. Soc, Loud., Trans., 1868.) E Descriptions of new species of Australian Hymenoptera and of a species of Formica from Xew Zealand. (Entoui. >Soc., Lond., Trans., 1862.) E Descriptions of new species of Hymenopterous Insects from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1878.) E Descriptions of three new species of Hymenoptera from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1876.) E Revision of the Hymenopterous genera Cleptes, Par- nopes, Anthracias, Pyria and Stilbum, with descrip- tions of new species, and also a new species of the genus Chrysis from North China and Australia. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1874.) E Catalogue of British Bees in Collection of the British Musemn. [See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A -13 T 1 Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the Briti.sh ^Museum. \_See British Museum. — Nat. Hist.] A 43 V 3-5, 7 SMITH, Vet.-Capt. Frederick. Manual of Veterinary Hy- giene. 2nd ed. 8vo. L(md., 1893. A 33 Q 21 Manual of Saddles and Collars. \_See Gt. Britain and Ireland. -War Ofiice.] A 2.'3 II 32 SMITH, G. Armitage-. The Free-trade Movement and its Results. Svo. Lond., 1898. F l.T Q 21 SMITH, G. O. Tiie Association Game of Football. \See Oakley, W. J.] A 29 S 39 SMITH, Garden. World of (!olf. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Isthmian Lib.) A 10 T 12 SMITH, (icorge. Occurrence of Dyscrasitc in the Aus- tralian Broken Hill Consols Mine, Barrier Ranges, New South Wale.s. (Australa-sian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P The Ore Depo.sits of the Australian Broken Hill Consols Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales. (American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 189G.) E SjNIITH, George. Assyria from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Nineveh. New and revised ed. by Prof. A. H. Sayce. 12nio. Lond., 1897. (Ancient History from the Monuments.) B 27 P 9 Selections from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria [_See Rawlinson, Maj.-Gen. Sir H. C] B 17 P 12 + SMITH, Dr. George. Twelve Indian Statesmen. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 20 S 10 S:MITH, Rev. George Adam. The Book of the twelve Prophets, commonly called the ]Minor. [See Ex- po.sitor's Bible.] " G 19 S 24, 25 SMITH, George Barnett. Life of Queen Victoria. [See Victoria, Queen of Gt. Britain and Ireland.] C 23 Q 8 Life of the Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 24 P 1 1 SMITH, George Gregory. The Transition Period. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (Periods of European Lit.) J 27 Q 4 SMITH, Lieut. -Col. Sir Gei-ard. Western Au.stralia : its Position and Prospects. [See Western Australia. — Lands and Survey.] ' MD 8 Q 56 SMITH, Gilbert Probyn. Open Letter to Mr. John Nor- ton, Conductor of Trutli Newspaper, alleged Reformer, Candidate for Federal Senate, itc. ; together with Reprint of Letter in Truth of June 25th, 1899, and Account of Proceedings at the Police Court. Svo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 S 5 SMITH, Prof. Goldwin. Guesses at the Riddle of Existence, and other Essays on kindred subjects. Svo. New York, 1897. " G 19 U 34 The Reorganization of the L^niversity of Oxford. Svo. Oxford, 1868. G 25 S 23 Shakespeare, the Man : an attempt to find traces of the Dramatists Personal Character in his Dramas. With Portrait. Svo. Toronto, 1899. J 17 V 19 The United Kingdom : a Political History. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1899. " F 16 U 7, 8 Life of Jane Austen. .[See Austen, Jane] C 23 U 10 SMITH, Dr. Grafton Elliot. The ISrain of a Fo'tal Ornitho- rhynchus. Ft. 1. (Quarterly Journal of Microscopi- cal Science, Aug., 1896.) E 1. The Fore-brain. SMITH, H. Llewellyn. Through the High Pyrenees. [See Spender, IL] ' " D 13 U 19 SMITH, H. Reeves-. [Art of Acting.] [See Ilammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art] " H 1 S 31 SMITH, Hannah. Music: how it came to be what it i.s. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A41T9 SMITH, Helen H. The Hawaiian Islands. [See Scottish Geograph. Mag., Jan., 1894.] E Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1 900. 557 SMITH, Prof. I[oiiry. [Sen.Hm ,,n.] [See .l,.wott, B.-- Sernions.] (J 23 Q 4'J ►SMITH, Henry (iciorgc. Ardmadciidriii uv AnniKulendric Acid t'ndii tlie turbid gi'oup of Eucidvi'tus K iiios. ( Hoy. Hoc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ^ ME 1 R Constituents of the sap of th<^ "8ilky Oak," Gi-evillnn 7-r. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 38 SMITH, R. Greig. The Nodule Organism of the Lcgu- minosie. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P The Tick Fever Parasite. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P SMITH, R. Macaulay. Franchise and Registration. (Rose, W. K. — Historic Facts and Current Problem.s.) F8 Q 16 Fon-ign and Colonial Policy. (Rose, W. K. — His(oric Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 The Problem of Government in Ireland. (Ro.se, W. K. - Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 Historic Facts and Current Problems. \_See Rose, W. K.] F8Q 16 SMITH, R. Neil. State of Mining in the Kimberley Dis- trict, and j)robability of obtaining Artesian Water between the Pilbarra Gold-fields and the Great Desert. [See Western Australia. — Geolog. Survey.] MA 4 R 4 SMITH, Richard Baird. Richard Baird Smith, Leader of the Delhi Heroes in 1857 : Private Correspondence of the Commanding Engineer during the Siege, and other interesting letters hitherto unpublished. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C23R8 SMITH, Rev. Richard Travers. Constitution of the Church of Ireland. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 SMITH, Prof. Richmond Mayo. Science of Statistics. Pts. 1,2. 2 vols. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1895-99. F 4 V 7, 8 1 . Statistics and Sociology. '2. Statistics and Economics. SMITH, Roanden Albert Heniy Bickford-. Cretan Sketches. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 T 18 SMITH, Robert Murray. Paper Jlonev. (Melb. Review, 3.) ' ME 18 Q Taritts of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1891. F 17 P 7 A Financial Genius: John Law. \_See Melb. Review, 7.] ME18Q A Forgfitten Statesman : William, Earl of Shellmrne. [See Melbourne Review, 2.] ME 18 Q SMITH, Robert Haden. Law List of Australasia, 1888- 89. 12mo. Melb., 1888. MF 5 P 13 SBIITH, Dr. Robert Pei-cv. Acute Delirium. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 SMITH, S.LeB. Rowing. [.Sw Rowe, R. P. P.] A 17 U 48 SMITH, Dr. S. MacCuen. Diseases of the Ear and their ti-eatment by the general practitioner. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 SMITH, S. Percy. The First Inhabitants of the Ellice Group. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R .Geographical Knowledge of the Polynesians. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S ! I (Polynesian Soc, ME 6 R Hawaiki : the whence of the Maori. Journ., 1898-99.) The Peopling of the North : Notes on the Ancient Maori History of the Northern Peninsula, and Sketches on the Ngati-Whalua Tribe of Kai|)ara, New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1890^97.) ME G R Volcanic Activity in Sunday Island in IS14. (N.Z Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S Wars of the Northern against the Soutlicin Tribes of New Zealand. (PolynesianSoc, Journ., 1899.) ME G R The Story of Whaki-Tapui and Tu-Taia-lloa. [See Poly- nesian Soc, Journ. 1896.] ME 6 R Supplementary/ Catalogue — 1896-1900. 669 SMITH, Dr. Solomon Charles. Cholera Asiatica. [See Har(, E.] A 26 T 34 SMITH, Stephen H. New Standard Geographiis. No. 1. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. (Brook'.s New Au.straliau School Scr.) MCi 2 T (iG 1. (icograpliy for Third Class. One hundred and one Certificate Te.sts in Arithmetic : a Pupils' Guide to the standard required by Inspectors from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Classes in the Public Schools of New South Wales ; with Answers. 32mo. Sydney, 1898. (Brooks's New Australian School Ser.) MG 2 T 70 SMITH, Rev. Sydney. Fifth Letter on the suliject of the Catholics. (Deaimer, Rev. P.- — Religious Pams.) G 23 Q 32 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — Englisl Prose.] J 6 Q 38* SMITH, Theobald. Sewage Disposal on the Farm. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 , and MOORE, Dr. Veranus. Infectious Diseases among Poultry. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult. — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 30 R 32 SMITH, Theodore Clarke. The Liljerty and Free Soil Parties in the North-west: Toppan Prize Essay of 1896. 8vo. New York, 1S97. (Harvard Historical Studies.) F 3 T 24 SMITH, Prof. Thomas Roger. Sanitary C(.>nstruction of Houses, ([nternat. Health Exhil).— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 18 SMITH, Dr. Thomas Southwood. Dr. Soutliwood Smith ; a Retrospect ; by his grandtlaughter, Mrs. C. L. Lewes. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. C 23 T 10 SMITH, W. AV. Notes on certain species of New Zealand Ducks. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Spurious Stone Implements. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME 6 R SMITH, Walter Chalmers. Hilda ; among the broken Gods. 4th ed. 8vo. Gla,sgow, 1889. H 10 U 19 SMITH, Rev. William. List of British Diatomaceai in the Collection of the British IMuseum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 U 4 SMITH, Sir William. Concise Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiipiities. [See Cnrni.-;h, F. W.] B 30 V 14 SMITH, William Anderson. The best Ajipliances and Methods italiana ali' Kstero ncl 18S1. l!ov. Svo. Roma, 1SS2. F !) V 1 1 SOCIETE D'ANTHROPOLO(nE DE PARIS. P.ulletins. Tomes 7-10, 4escrie, 1896-99. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1 896-99. E SOCIETE D'AQUARELLISTKS FRANQAIS: ouvragc d'art public avec le concours artistique do tous les So- ci6tiiiro.s, textc par les ))rincii)au\ crit^i(iues d'art. lllu.s- trated. 2 vols. rov. fol. Paris, 1883. A 22 S 3, 4 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 561 SOCIETE DE (JEOCRAPHIE. Hulletin. Tomo U7e ,«erie tome 19, 1821-98. 133 vols, (in 90) 8vo. Paris, 1821-99. E Coniptes Reiulus des Soances de la Societe do (Jeograpliie ct de la Coninii.ssidii Centrale, 1885-93, 1895-99. U vols. 8vo. Paris, 1885-99. E SOCIETE IMPERIALE DES NATURALISTES DE MOSCOU. Bulletins, tomes 53, 54, 1878-79. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo. Moscuu, 1878-79. A 36 V 1, 2 SOCIETE ROYALE MALACOLOGIQUE DE BEL- GIQUE. Annales. Tomes 31-33, 1896-98. 3 vols. 8vo. Bru-xellcs, 1896-98. E SOCIETY. Vols. 4-7, May, 1887-May, 1888. 4 vols, fol. Sydney, 1887-88. MJ 10 Q 37-40 t SOCIETY. \_See also Mirror, The.] SOCIETY FOR PROVIDING HOMES FOR NE- GLECTED CHILDREN. Sheltered: a Record of the Society for 1896. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 1 P 35 SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. Pn.ceed- ing.s. Vols. 1-11, 13, 14, 1882-95, 1897-99. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883-99. E SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. Trans- actions. Vol. 41. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1823. MA 4 T 1 International Congress on Technical Education : Report of Proceedings, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 17 U 20 SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION of ACCIDENTS IN FACTORIES, MULHOUSE. Collection of Appliances and Apparatus for the Prevention of Acci- dents in Factories : 42 Plates, with Explanatory Text in French, German, and English. Sm. fol. Mulhouse, 1889. ■" A 40 U 12 ; SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS, Classified Di- gest of the Records of, 1701-1892. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 1 P 30 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON. Archa'ologia ; or. Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Illustrated. Vols. 1-56, and Index to vols. 1-50, 1779-1899. 59 vols. 4to. Lond., 1779- 1899. E Index of Archieological Papers published in 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E Vetvsta Monvmenta qva- ad Rervm Britannicarvm memoriam conservandani Societas Antiqvariorvm Londini s^^llptv svo edenda cvravit. IHustrated. Fol. Lond., 1835. B 48 P 23 J 4b SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. Ar- cha^jlogia Scotica ; or. Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. 4to. Edinl)., 1792-1857. B 31 V 2-5 SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL ARCHEOLOGY. Proceed- ings [formerly Transactions]. Vols. 1-9, 15-21, 1872- 87, Nov., 1892-99, and Index to vols. 11-20, 1888-98. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-99. E SOCIETY OY CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Journal. Vols. 7-18, 1888-99. 12 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1888-99. E SODERINI, Conte Eduardo. Socialism and Catholicism. From the Italian, by Richard Jenery Shee. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 33 SODOM A [Giovanni Antonio Razzi]. Sodonia; by Con- tessaPriuli-Bon. [.s'w Priuli-Bon, Contessa.] A 44 R 15 SOILED DOVE, The. Tlie History of a Young Lady. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 45 SOISSONS, S. C. de. In Monte Carlo. [_See Sienkiewicz, H.] J 22 T 35 SOLA, Lieut.-Col. Francisco Garcia. Basis for Legisla- tion on Fisheries Question. (Inteniat. Fisheries Ex- hib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 The Fisheries of Spain. (Inteniat. Fisheries Exhib. — - Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 SOLEY, A. J. Rose-. An Australian AVatering-place and its Industries. (AVestminster Review, Nov., 1894.) E SOLEY, Prof. James Russell. The Blockade and the Cruisers. [See Navy and the Civil "War.] B 23 Q 21 SOLIS-COHEN, Dr. Solomon. [_See Cohen, Dr. S. Solis-.] SOLLAS, Prof. William Johnson, F.R.S. Funafuti : the Study of a Coral Atoll. (Nat. Science, Jan., 1899.) E SOLLY, Henrv Shaen. Life of Henry Jlorley. [See Mor- ley, Prof. H.] ' C 23 T 14 SOLLY, Dr. Samuel Edwin. Climate. (Hare, Dr. PI. A. System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 Hand-book of Medical Climatology, emb History of all the Important Events con- nected with its great City ; to which arc added. Bio- graphical Memoir.s of some prominent Citizens. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1855. B 11 Q 3 SOULE, Richard. Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions. New ed., by Dr. G. Howison. 8vo. Philad., 1892. J 10 S 28 SOULSBY, Lucy Helen Muriel. Work and Play in Girls' Schools. [See Beale, |).m'.iUic,%] C 19 T 19 SOUM, Dr. J. M. Recherches Pliysiologiques sur I'Ap- ])aroil Respiratoire des Oiseaux. Illustrated. 8v(). Paris, 1896. A 31 S 27 Sui^plementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 56a SOUTER, David Homy. Bubbles: liis 15ook. [5«« Ir- vine, K. F.] MJ 2 V G The New Auslraliiin Hchool .Series. [See Ti'viiio, K. F.] MG 2 T 52-55 SOUTH AFRICA DIRECTORY. Tlio General Directory of South Africa fur 1890-97. Hoy. 8vo. Capo Town, 1896. E SOUTH AFRICAN DIRECTORY. [See Cape Aryus.] SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Transaction.s. Vols. 1-10, 1877-98. 10 vols. 8vo. Cape To-n, 1880-99. E SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLICS. [See Gt. Brit and Irel. — South African Republics, for Official Reports.] SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLICS VERSUS GREAT BRITAIN. [See "True American."] B 3G R 18 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ■.—GorernmetU Di'partincnts~Re- ports and PubUcaiioits. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Adelaide Observatory. [See under main Author Entry.] Agricultural Bureau. Notes on Manuring : by Prof. Lowrie. Sni. 4to. Adelaide (n.d.) [Round with Journal of Agricultural Bureau of S. Aust., 7.] ME Report of the Proceedings of the Congresses, 1890-95, 1897, and Branch Confei'ences. 7 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1890-97. ME Treatment of Fruit-trees and Vines affected by Insect Pests and Fungus Diseases. 4th ed. Adelaide (n.d.) [Bound with the Journal of the Agricultural Bureau of S. Aust., 7.] E Journal of Agricultural Bureau of South Australia. [See Agricultural Bureau of South Australia.] ME Agriculture. Hints and Advice on the Breeding and Rearing of Poultry ; by D. F. Laurie. 8vo. Adelaide, 1895. MA 1 P 38 Report of the Minister of Agriculture for 1894-98. 4 vols. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1895-98. ME [See also Journal oj Agriculture and Indudry . Kdirili., 1875. D 16 T 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 565 SOUTHEY, Robert. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Essay on. [See Saintsbury, 0. — E.ssays in English Literature.] J U T 1 Selections from the Works of. [See \\'est, K. Laureates of England.] H II 1{ 1 SOUTHWORTH, ElKe A. The Tiuo (Jrasses. [See Hackel, pAluard] A ,^0 T 19 SOUTTER, William. Report on Insecticides. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., 1S97.) ME 9 IT Water Hyacinth. (Qucenslanil Aifricult. Joui-n., 1S97.) ME 9 II SOUVENIRS NUMISMATIQUES du Cinquantiemo Anniversaire de I'lndependanco de la Belgique. Illus- trated. 4to. Bruxelles, 1885. 'a 20 S 10 t SOUZA, Joa<|uim Gomes de. Melanges de Calcul Integral. 4to. Leipzig, 1882. " A 17 R 10 t SOWERBY, James. Coloured Pictures of English Fungi or Mushrooms. 4 vols. sm. ful. Lmid., 1797-99. A 18 Q 1-4 t English Botany [incomplete]. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., i'790-1814. " A 39 Q 12 The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of those remains of Testaceous Animals or Shells which have been preserved at vai'ious times and depths in the earth. Illustrated. 7 vols. Svo. Lond., 1812-34. A 39 R 3-9 Guide to Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the De- partment of Botany, British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 V 1.5 SPAHR, Charles Barzillai. Essay on the Present Dis- tribution of Wealth in the United States. Svo. New York, 189.3. F 10 V 32 SPALDING, Frederick Putnam. Hydraulic Cement : its Properties, Testing, and Use. 12mo. New York, 1897. A 24 Q 34 Text-book on Roads and Pavements. 8vo. New York, 189.-). A 2') R 33 SPALDING, John. Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotland and in England. [Si'e Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 R 21, 23 SPALDING, John Lancaster, Bishop of Peoria. Things of the Mind. 12mo. Chicago, 1894. G is'u 2 SPALDING, Thomas Alfred. Elizabethan Demonologv. Svo. Lond., 1880. G 2G Q 10 Life of Vice-Adin. Richard Badiloy. [See Badilev, Vice- Adm. R.] C 26 S 3 SPALDING, Prof. Volney M. The White Pine. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr. — -Div. of Forestry.] A 22 P 1 t SPALDING CLUB. Publications. Nos. 1-36. Illus- trated. 37 vols. Ito. and fol. Aberdeen, 1841-69. B 40 R 1-S 12, and 40 U 29, 30 J 1, .'!, ."). H isUiry of ScDts Affair.'!, 1037-41 ; l)y .7. fiordon. ;t vols. 2, 6, l.'i, 19, -23. Miscelliuiy "f tlio Spalding Club, r, vols. 4. Abredonia; vtrivsijuc Dfi.srriptio : a Desf-ription of botli Touna of Aberdeen ; by J. (iordon ; with a selection of the Charters of the Bui-gh. 7. Extract.s from Presbytery Bcjok of Strathbogie, 16.31-.54. 8. Fragment of a Memoir of Field-Marshal .James Keith, written by himself, 1714-.34. 0. Collections for a History of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff". 10. Short Abridgement of Britane's Distemper, 1039-49 ; by P. fiordon. 11. BreifTe Narration of the Services done to three Noble Ladyes ; by G. Blakhal. 1'2, IS. E.xtracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1.398-1625. Edited by .J. Stuart. 2 vols. 13. Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis : Ecelesie Cathe- dralis Aberdonensis Regesta que extant in unum Col- lecta. 2 vols. 14. Selections from the Records of the Kirk Session, PrcK- bytery, and Sj'nod of Aberdeen. 10, 28, 31, 30. Illustrations of the Topograph}- and Aiiti(iui- tics of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. 4 vols. 17. (loncalogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kil- ravock, with illustrative documents from the Family Papers, and Notes. 20, 22. Memorialls of the Tnibles in Scotland and in Eng- land, 1024-45 ; by .J. Spalding. 2 \ols. 21. Letters, illustrative of Public Affairs in Scotland, ad- dres.sed by Contemporary Statesmen to tJeorge, Harl of Aberdeen, 1081-84. 24. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland ; bv T. Innes, 80-818. 2.5. Fasti Aberdonen.ses : Selections from the Records of the University and King's College of Aberdeen, 1494-1854. 20, 34. Sculptured Stones of Scotland. 2 vols. 27. The Bius ; from a collation of tlie Cambridge and Edin- 1nu-gh MSS. 29. The Book of the Thanes of Cawdor : a seiies of Papers selected from the Charter Room at Cawdor, 1236-1742. 30. Passages from the Diary of (Jen. Patiick Cordon of Auchleuchries, 1635-99. 32. Diary of Alexander Brodie, of Brodie, and his son James Biodie, of Brodie, consisting of Extracts from the existing MSS., and a republication of the vol. printed at Edinburgh in the year 1740. 33. Account of the Familie of Innes, compiled by Duncan Forbes of Culloilen, with an Appendix of Cluvrters and Notes. 35. The Book of Deer. Edited by J. Stuart. SPARKES, Geoige. Man considered socially and morally. 12mo. Limci., 1876. GOV 37 SPARKES, John Charles Lewis. Schools of Art : their Origin, History, Work, and Influence. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 Teaching of Drawing and Coloui-ing as a preparation for Designing and Decorative Work. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 566 TuMio Library of New South Wales, SPAEKES, "W. E. Blackboard Drawing: Hints on Sketching Natural Forms. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 34 V 2G SPAEKS, Franci.s Edgar. Cause.s of the Maryland Eevo- lution of 1869. (Johns Hopkins University. - Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 14 8PAETIANXJS, Aeliu.s. Historia Augusta. (Scriptores HistorioB Roman;e.) B 40 U 23 1 SPEARMAN, Edmund R. A School for Street Ar;ibs. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 SPEARS, John Randolph. The American Navy in the War with Spain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 19 R 11 The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn : a Study of Life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia. Illust. 8vo. New York, 189,5. A 24 T 26 SPECTATOR, Thr, 1898-99. Fol. Walgett, 1898-99. ME SPECTATOR, The: a Weekly Review of Politics, Litera- ture, Theology, and Art. A'ols. 1-S3, July, 1828- Dec, 1899. 83 vols. fol. Lend., 1828-99. " E SPECTRUM, The: an Australian Journal of Science. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, Jan., Feb., 1891. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1891. [All jmblished.] MA 4 V 22 SPEECHES AND TOASTS : how to make and propcse them : a Hand-book of Social Speech-making for every occa.sion ; with a List of Toasts and Sentimeiits, Dii'ections for the Ari-angement of Local Parliaments, Temperance Addresses, and Rules of Social Precedence. 12 mo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 3 V 3 SPETR, .Tohn. Scol.land : Agriculture Reports. [See (Jt. J5ritain and Ireland.— Agricult.] A 39 W 28 f SPETR, R. T. N. Functions of the Laity in the Scottish Episcopal Church. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 SPEIRS, E. B. History of Dogma. [Sec Harnack, Rev. A.] G 23 S 39 History of the Hebrews. [See Kittel, Prof. R.] B 28 T 5 SPEIRS, Prof. Frederic W. Street Railway System of Pliiladelpliia. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 15 SPENCE, C. Christian Ethics. [See Martensen, H., Bishop.] G3U 11-13 SPENCE, C. H. Teaching of Modern History. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 SPENCE, Miss Catherine Helen, (iiaduated Succession Duties. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Social and Intellectual Aspects of Australian Life. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 1894-95.) E Two Theories for the Working of Bicameral Legislatures. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q "George Eliot's'' Life and Worlcs. [See Blelb. Rev., 10.] ME 18 Q [Life of] "George Eliot." [See Melb. Rev., 1.] ME 18 Q [Life of] Sir Richai-d Hanson. \See Melb. Review, 1.] ME18Q SPENCE, George. Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1846-49. F 1 S 30, 31 SPENCE, Henry Donald Maurice, Dean of Gloucester. Gloucester Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 The W^hite Rolje of Churches of the 1 1th Century: Pages from the Story of Gloucester Cathedral. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 S 9 SPENCE, James Carmichael. The Conscience of the King. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 8 R 23 SPENCER, AuVirey. Englatid : Agriculture Reports. [See Gi. Britain and Ireland.— Agricult.] A39 Wll, 15 J " SPENCER, Edward." [See Mott, E. S.] SPENCER, Dr. Frederic. Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching. 8vo. Camb., 1897. G 18 Q 36 SPENCER, H(jn. and Re\-. George, " Father Ignatius of St. Paul." Life of ; by the Rev. Father Pius. 8vo. Dublin, 1866. C 22 S 13 SPENCER, Guilford L. Hand-))ook for Sugar IManufac- turers and their Cliomists, containing Practical In- struction in Sugar-house control, the Diffusion Proce.s.s, ■selected methods of Analysis, Reference Tallies, kc. 2nd ed. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 25 P 13 [Another copy.] 3rd ed. 12mo. New York, 1897. A 33 Q 25 Report of ExiKM-iments in the IManufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station. [See United States. — ^Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 7 Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa Preparations. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.- — Div. of Chemistry. — Foods and Food xVdulterants.] A 31 S 18 SPENCER, Herbert. The I'lin^'iiiles of Biology. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1898-99. A 32 Q 19, 20 The Principles of Sociology. Vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 12 R 24 Various Fragments. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 23 S 3 J [(nbert Spencer, the Man and his Work ; by H. Mac- phcrson. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 20 Sti/pplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. m SPENCER, \loYhn-t~contd. Character Sketch of. [_Sec Lynch, A. — iruinaii TJocu- ments.] ' ' J 1-1 U 15 [Criticism of] Spencer's Principles of Sociology ; by A. M. Topp. ISee Melbourne Review, L'.J ' ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] V, 22 R 18 SPENCER, Prof. Walter Baldwin. Anatomy of Amphi- ptyches Unui. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 1.) ME 21 T Description of a new species of Marsupial fi'om Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 189G.) ME 1 P New Mar.supials from Central Au.stralia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME 1 P Report on the Work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia. 4 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1S9G. MA 3 R 60-63 Victorian Earthworms. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1900.) ME 1 P , and GILLEN, Francis James. Account of the Engwurra, or Fire Ceremony, of certain Central Aus- tralian Tribes. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Native Tribes of Central Australia. Illustrated. 8vo- Lend., 1899. MA 4 Q 7 Notes on certain of the Initiation Ceremonies of the Arunta Tribe, Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ' ME 1 P Remarks on Totemism as applied to Australian Tribes. (Anthropological Inst, of Great Britain and Ireland, Journ., 1899.) E , and HALL, Thomas Sergeant. New Genus of Terrestrial Isopoda allied to the Genus Phreatoicus. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Pr<,c, 1896.) ME 1 P and SWEET, Georgina. Sti-ucture and Develop- ment of the Hairs of Monotremes and Marsupials. Pt. 1. (Quart. Journ. of Micros. Sc, Jan., 1899.) E SPENDER, Harold. Parliament during the Queen's Reign. (Sixty Years of Empire.) ' B 22 R 18 Through the High Pyrenees ; with Illustrations and Supplementary Sections by H. L. Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ■ D 13 U 19 SPENDER, Dr. Kent, and GARROD, Dr. Archibald. Rheumatoid Arthritis. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— Svstem of Medicine.) A 26" T 36 SPENGEL, Prof. Johann Wilhelm. Die Enteropneusten des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna uud Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 18 t SPICER, Henry. Facts and Fantasies : a Sequel to "Sights and Sounds." 8vo. Lond., 1853. G 19 T 9 Sights and Sounds ; the Mystery of the Day, comprising an entire History of the American Spirit j\Ianifestations. 8vo. Lond.,'l853. G 19 T 8 SPIELHAGEN, Friedrich. Siimmtliche Roniane. 22 vols. 12mo. Leipzig, 1895-99. J 24 T 4-25 1, 5. Probluniatischc Naturen. 2, Die von Ifohcnstein. 3, 4. Hammer und Amboss 6, 7. In Reili und y York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 19 SPRENT, Charles Percy. Exploration on the West Coast of Tasmania. (Rov. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 188.5-86.) :\IE 20 P SPRIGGE, J. J. Sliortcomings of the machinery for Pauper Litigation and a certain defect of Legal Edu- cation, and their joint amendment. 3rd ed. 8yo. Lend., 189.3. F17P15 SPRIGGE, Samuel Squire. Life and Times of Tliomiis Wakley, Founder and first Editor of the Lancet, M.P. for Finsburv, and Coroner for AVest Middlesex, [See Wakley, T.] C 24 Q 18 SPRIXGTHORPE, I)i-. John AVilliam, and AlULLINS, Dr.George Lane. Diet Lists for Australian Medical Practitioners. Ob. 32mo. Sydney, 1896. MA 2 P 3 SPROTT, Dr. Gregory. Disposal of our Dead by Crema- tion. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897. )ME 1 Q Tuberculosis : Cause, Mode of Infection, and Prevention. (Roy. Hoc, Tas., Papers and Proc., 1896.) ME 1 Q SPRUCE, Richard. Hepatica> of tlie Amazon and of the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1885. A 35 Q 14 SPRY, F P. 'New BuiU'vny, Li/rcei,n Ci/rl/iis. [&« Vict. Nat., May, 1897.] " ' ME G P SPRY, W. J. J. Life on the Rosphorous ; Doings in tlie City of tlie Sultan ; Turkey Past and Present. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " B 36 U 4 SPURGEON, Rev. Charles lladdoii. :Mctrop,,liian Tabernacle Pulpit and the New Park-street Pulpit: l)eing Sermons preached by the Row C. H. Sjiurgcon. 45 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1855-99. G 20 P 1-Q 21 Auto))iography; compiled from his Diary, Letters, and Records l)y his Wife and liis Private Secretary. Illustrated. 4 vols. sm. 4to. Lcmd., 1897-1900. C 17 S 21-24 t [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Ein]>iic.] I! 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.J [See Clifford, Rev. J.— Typical Christian I.K-aderH.J " C 23 T 1 6 SPURZHEIM, Dr. Johann Caspar. Lectures on Phren- ology. 2nd ed. 12mo. Loml.. 1837. (;15LM1 SIJUATTERS' DIRECTORY, The. Rov. 8yo. Melb., 1849. " MD 4 V 32 S(JUATTERS' DIRECTORY and Key to Ham's Squat- ting Map, 1859. 12mo. Melb., 1859. MD 4 P 32* SQUIRE, P. W. Punting. [See Ro^ye, R. P. P.— Ro^ying.] " A 17 U 48 SQUIRE, Peter. Companion to the latest edition of the British Pharmacopoeia, co7nparing the strength of its various preparations with those of the United States and other Foreign Pharmacopanas ; to which are added, not official preparations and Practical Hints on Pre- scribing. 17tli ed., revised by P. W. Scjuire. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " A 40 P 20 , and Peter Wyatt. Pharniacopteias of thirty of the London Hospitals. 7th ed. 12mo. Lend., 1900. A 26 P 42 SQUIRE, Dr. William. Change in type of Epidemic Di.sease. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 STAAL, L. lets over de Reis door Torres straat. (Tijd- schrift voor het Zeewezen, 1854.) E STAEL-HOLSTEIN, Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Baronne de. [E.ssay on.] [riensi Catalogus 4 to. Vratislaviw, 1889. K 13 Tilt STA(i(i, A. Alonzd, and WILLIAMS, Henry L. Scien- tific and I'ractical Trcati.sc on .American I'ootball for Schools and Colleges. i8mo. Xrw York, 1894. A 29 S 22 ST,\INI*jK, Sir .lolm. JNIusical Education in Elementary Schools. (Internat. Hcaltii Exliil). Health Exhib. Literature.) .V II \' 9 , and BARRETT, W. .\. Dictionary of Musical Terms. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1889. ' A 41 V" 10 STATNFOr.TH, Francis Edward. AV,.rks of B. B. Sheridan. L&c Slicriihui, Rt. lion. K. H.] H 1 3 P 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 569 STAIR, Rev. Jdlm B. Jottings on tlio Mythology .and Spirit-lore of old Samoa. (Polynesian Hoc, Journ., 1.S9C.) ME G R Names and Movements of the Heavenly Bodies as looked at from a Samoan pf)int of view. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME f> R Old Samoa ; or. Flotsam and Jetsam from the Pacific Ocean. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MB 3 Q 1 Palolo : a Sea-worm eaten l>y the Samoans. (Polynesian Soc., Journ., 1897.) ME G It Romance of Samoan Natural Histoi-y ; or, Records re- lating to the Manu Mea, or Red Bird of Samoa, n(.)W nearly if not quite extinct. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S STANDAGE, H. C. Tlie Leather-worker's Manual. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 4.5 U .^ STANDARD, The: Free Presbyterian Magazine of Vic. toria. Nos. 6-8, IG, June-Aug., 1859, April, 1860. 8vo. Melb., 1859-60. MG 2 V 13 STANDARD DICTIONARY of the English Language. Edited by T. K. Funk. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) J 16 V 22, 23 STANDISII, Myles. The Exploits of; by H. Johns,,n. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 1 STANFORD, Edward. Map showing the position of the Yukon Gold-fiekls, 1897. 12mo. Lond., 1897. D 1 1 Q 10 STANFORD, Leland. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Leland Stanford, delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, 1894. With Portrait. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1894. -C 24 S 2 STANFORD'S COMPENDIUM OF GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL. Africa. {See Keane, A. H.] D U R 1.5 Asia. [,S'ee Keane, A. H.] D 17 R 22 Europe. [See Chisliolm, G. CJ.] D 15 R 21 North America, [.^ee Dawson, S. E.] D 1.5 P 20 North America. [See Gannett, H.] I) 1.5 R 20 STANHOPE, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield. [&e Chesterfield, 4th Earl of.] STANIHURST, Richard. First four Books of the ^ncis of P. Virgilius Maro. [See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 22 STANLEY, Arthur Penrliyn, Dean of Westminster. Historical Memorials of Canterbury : the Landing of Augustine ; the Murder of Becket ; Edward the Black Prince; Becket's Shrine. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1855. B 28 T 2 Letters and Verses of, 1829^81. Edited by R. E. Pro- thero. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 15 'Essa on.] [See Myers, F. W. H.— Essays Modern.] J 14 V 15 4 c STANLEY, Artluu' Prurhyn— co«(!r/. G..d in History. [&« Bun.sen, C. C. J.] G 23 S 20-22 Tli(^ Inliucnce of Dean Stanley on Religious Thought ; by Mrs. Martha Webster. {See Melb. Rev,, 7.] ME 18 Q Lectures on tlie Histoi-y of the .lewish Church. [See Church, R. W., Dean —Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 [Portiait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Rectori.il Addresses, delivered at tlie University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B. — Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.— Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 TIG [Sketcli of.] [See Haweis, Rev. H. R.— The Dead Pul- pit.] G 19 T 21 Three Introductory Lectures on the Study of Ecclesiasti- cal History. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 STANLEY, Edward. Jui/j/mr/na DrumuKindu. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 189G.) ME 9 R Tuljerculosis and Tuberculin. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Tuberculosis in Cattle and Dr. Koch's Tubei'culin. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R STANLEY, Etlward Geoffrey, 14th Earl of Derby. [See Derliy, 14th Earl of.] STANLEY, Edward Lyulph. Organisation of Secondary Education, locally and Ijy the State. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 STANLEY, Henry Charles. Re-erection of the All)ert Bridge, Brisbane. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 132.) " E STANLEY, Sir Henry ^Morton. Magdala : the Story of the Abyssinian Campaiijn of 1S66-G7. Illustrated. 8vo. Loml, 1896. B 1 P 44 The Laml of the Pigmies. [See Burrows, Capt. G.] D 13 U 15 Three Years in S.avage Africa. [See Decle, L.] D 13 U 7 STANLEY, Hiram Jtlorton. Essays on Literary Art. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ■ J 14 R 26 STANLEY, Sir John. Extracts from Pneterita. [See Stanley, Lady— Early Married Life of.] C 25 S 16 STANLEY, ]\laria Josejiha, Lady. Early IMarried Life of ; with Extracts from Sir John Stanley's Pra'tiu-ita. Edited by Jane H. Adeane. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 S 16 STANLEY, Capt. Owen. [Life of]; by E. E. Morris. (Melbourne Review, 7.) " ME 18 Q 570 Public Library of New South Wales. STANLEY, Thomas Lorde, 1st Earl of Derhv. [See Derby, 1st Earl of.] STANLEY, WiUiam Ford. Notes on the Nebular Theory in relation to Stellar, Solar, Planetary, Cometary, and Geological Phenomena. 8vo. Lend., 1895. A 21 S 34 Surveying and Levelling Instruments theoretically and practically described. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 11 20 STANTHORPE PROPRIETARY TIN-DREDGING CO. Prospectus. 4to. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 U 18 STANTON, Arthur Gwyer. Report on British-grown Tea. 8vo. Lond., 1887." " A 35 Q 9 STANTON, Frank Lebby. Songs of the Soil. 12nio. Lond., 1894. " H 13 T 1 STANTON, JIary Olmsted. Encyclopedia of Face and Form Reading ; or. Personal Traits, both Physical and ilental, revealed by outward signs through Prac- tical and Scientific Physiognomy. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1895" ' G 16 V 24 STANYHURST, Richard. [See Stanibur.-;t, R.] STANYON, J. Sandys. Communion of the Christian with God. [See Herrmann, Prof. W.] G 25 Q IG STARBUCK, Edwin Diller. Psychology of Religion : an Empirical Study of tlie Growth of Religious Conscious ncss ; with a Preface by Prof. \Y. James. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Contemporary" Science Ser.) G 24 P 33 STARK, Arthur C. Birds of South Africa. [See Sclater, W. L.] A 37 T 1 1 STARK, Francis 11. Tlio Abolition of Privateering and the Declaration of Paris. Svo. New York, 1897. F 18 R 13 STARK, John. Proceedings in Congress upon the accept- ance of the Statues of John Stark and Daniel Webster, presented by the State of New Jlampshiro. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1895. C 24 S 1 STARKEY, E. A. Australian Idylls and Bu.sh Rhymes. [See Henty, Ernest G.] MH I'V 14 STARLING, Dr. Ernest Henry. The Moclianism of the Secretion of Urine. (Schafcr, Dr. E. A.— Te.\:t-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 The Production and Al).sf)rption of Lymi)h. (Scliafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Pliysiology.) A 27 V 4 STARI?, Prof. Frederick. Sr)me First Steps in Human Progress. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 33 S 19 Catalogue of a Collection of objects illustrating the Folk- lore of Mexico. [See Folk-lore Soe., Pubs., 43.] E STARR, Dr. Moses Allen. Locomotor Ataxia, Acute In- fantile Spinal Paralysis, Myelitis, and Ajnyotrophic Lateral Paralysis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 Poliomyelitis Anterior Acuta. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicinf.) A 26 T 40 Syringomyelia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 40 STAS, Jean Servais. QSuvres completes. 3 vols. sni. 4to. Bruxelle,s, 1894. A 10 X 20-22 f STATEMENT of the Principles and Objects of a proposed National Society for the Cure and Prevention of Pau- perism by means of systematic Colonization. 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 13 Q 35 STATESMA.YS YEAR-BOOK, The, 1864-1900. 37 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1864-1900. E STATE-TRACTS, in two parts: the first part being a Collection of several Treatises relating to the Govern- ment, privately printed in the Reign of King Charles II ; the second part consisting of a further Collection of several choice Treatises relating to the Government 1660-89. Fol. Lond., 1692-93. B 20 II 3 t STATHAM, Francis Reginald. South xVfiica as it is. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 42 Paul Kruger and his Times, [^-^e Kriigcr, P.] C 25 R 2 STATHAIM, H. Heathcote. Architecture among the Poets. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 45 S 10 Modern Architecture : a Book for Architects and the pul)lic. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 8 STATIST, The: a Journal of Practical Finance and Trade. Vols. 35-4.5, 1895-June, 1900. 11 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-1900. E STATISTICAL REPORTER, The: a Monthly Journal devoted to Economic, Agricultural, and Statistical I<]n- (piiries. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 4 to. Calcutta, 1870-77. E STAUNTON, Howard. Chess-player's Hand-book: a Popular and Scientific Introduction to the Game of Ches,s. With Bibliography. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 29S 41 STAUPITZ, Johann von. [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W. — Pre-Ileformatiou Worthies ,] [See ( .] G 2 3 tj 10 ST] Opera Historica Minora. [See Euixlish Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39'R 2 STEVENSON, Robert. Elasticity a Mode of Motion; being a popular descriptit>n of a new and important discovei-y in science. 8vo. San Francisco, 1895. A 21 U 22 )74 Public Lihrai^y of New South Wales. STEVENSON, Robert Alan Mowbrav. The Art of Velazquez. 4to. Lond., 1896. ' A 13 T 4 t Vela.squez. [With Biblioa;raphv.] Illu.strated. 8vo. Loud., 1899. "^ ■ A 4-t R 1 Peter Paul Ruben.s. [.S'ee Portfolio. — Monographs, 35.] E STEVENSON, Robert Loui.s [in f nil Robert Lewis Balfour]. Edinburgh. Illu.strated bv T. Hamilton Crawford. Svo. Lond., 1896. " B 16 Q 47 Lowden Sabbath Morn. Illustrated bv A. S. Boyd. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898.- ' H 3 Q 37 New Arabian Nights. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 25 U 21 St. Ives : being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 IT 20 The Silverado Squatters. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 IT 19 Songs of Travel. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 8 The Strv.nge Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, with other Fables. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 38 Treasure Island. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 37 Weir of Hermiston ; an untiuished Romance. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 39 Letters to his Family and Friends ; selected and edited, with Notes and Introductions, bv S. Colvin. With Portr. 2vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " C 26 S 16, 17 [Life of] ; by A. P. Martin. (Melb. Rev., 5.) ME 18 Q [Life of]; by M. M. Black. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 12 Robert Louis Stevenson ; by L. C. Cornford. 12mo. Ediub., 1899. (Modern English Writers.) C 27 R 6 Robert Louis Stevenson's Edinburgh Days ; by E. B. Simpson. Svo. Lond., 1898. c"26 P 10 Vailima Letters : being Correspondence addressed by R. L. Stevenson to Si(hiin' Colvin, 1890-94. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " MC 1 T 26 [Critici.sm of the Works of.] \_See Craik, H. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of.] [_Sce Gosse, Edmund. — Criti- cal Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 [Criticism (jf the Works of.] \_See Matthews, Prof. J. B.^Aspects of Fiction.] J 22 T 45 [E.ssay on.] [See Murray, D. C. — My C(mtemporaries in Fiction.] " J 14 R 30 [Es.say on.] [See Strachey, J. St. L. I''icjm Grave to Gay.] ' J 14 U 38 The Plays of. [See Henley, W. E.] li 10 S 19 Prefatory Poem to tlie Stickit Minister. [See Crockett, S. R.] J 25 V 3 Rolicrt Louis Stevenson : an Elegy. [See. Le Gallienne, Richard.] II 10 W 5 [Speech on.] [See Ro.sebery, Earl.— Ajipreciations and Addresses.] J 9 R 6 , and OSBOURNE, Ll.)yd trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. W^ rrekcr. Illus- .7 24 U 26 STEVENSON, W.H. Crawford Collection. [Sm Napier, A. S.] E STEWARDS' AND COOKS' UNION OF AUSTRAL- ASIA. Special Report of the Conference between the Steamship-owners' Association of Australasia and the Federated Seamen's Lf^nion of Australasia and the Stewards' anil Cooks' Union of Australia, on the subject of the proposed reduction of wages. [See Steamship-owners' Assoc, of Australasia.] MF 4 Q 49 STEWART, Aubrey. Archaeological Researches in Pales- tine. [See Palestine E.xploration Fund.] B 13 V 16, 17 t STEWART, Dr. Da\'id D. Acute and Chronic Gastric Catarrh, Gastric Atrophy, Gastric LTlcer, Gastric Cancer, and Gastric Dilatation. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 STEWART, Field-Marshal Sir Donald Martin. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. — Our Li\ing Generals.] C 22 S 26 [P(n-trait and Sketch cif.] [See Lowe, C. — Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 STEWART, Dugald. Dissertations exhibiting the progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy since the revival of letters in Europe ; with numerous and important additions now first published. Edited by Sir William Hamilton. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1877. G16V7 Elements of the Philosojihy of the Human Mind, to which is prefixed Introduction and pt. 1st of the Out- lines of Moral Philosojihy ; with many new and im- portant additions. Edited by Sir William Hamilton. 3 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1877. G 16 V 1-3 Phildsophical Essays. Svo. Edinb., 1816. G 14 R 30 Phildsdpliical Essays; willi iii.iiiy new and imjKirtant additions. Edited liv Sir \\'illiaiM Hamilton. Svo. Edin))., 1877. ■ G 16 V 6 The Philo.sophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, to which is prefixed pt. 2nd of the Outlines of Moral Phild.sophy ; wiih many new and important additions. Edited by Sir AVilliam H.-imiltmi. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1877. G 16 V 4, 5 STEWART, George Nixon. [Sketch of J Hon. A. Douglas. [See Once a Month, June, 18S5.] MJ 1 V 20 STEWART, H. ('(.ckliurn. Agricultural Resources of Seychelles, (n. p.) 1881. A 11X15 f STEWART, Dr. James. Acute and Chronic A rticularRheu- matisiii, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout. (Hare, Dr. H. A. System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 STEWART, Ue\.. James, ijovedale, trated. 4to. Edinb., 1894. South Africa. Illus- D 17 S 12 t Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 575 STEWART, Jainca Douglas. QualHications of Military RpiiKuints. (A-rifult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) M E 9 11 Report on tlio Di.seasc affecting Cattle in the Moniya Di.striet. (Agricult. Gay.., N.H.W., 1899.) ME 9R STEWART, Joliii. The Ayr.shire Cow. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1899.) ME 9 U Bovine Tuberculosis. (Agricult. Caz,, N.S W., 1897.) M !■: 9 R STEWART, Dr. Robert Wlllson. Aims and Practice of Teaching Ph^-sical Science. (Spencer, Dr. V. — Cliap- ters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) (} 18 Q .'5(5 STEWART, Sir Thomas Grainger. Freidreich's Ataxia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System" of iledicine.) A 26 T 40 Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Spastic Paraplegia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C — System of Medicine.) A 20 T 40 STEWARTON, — . Memoirs of Talleyrand. [See Tal- leyrand de Perigord, Prince C. M.] B 26 V 24, 2.5 STICKNEY, Albert. State Control of Trade and Com- merce by National or State authoi'ity. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 1 R 28 STICKNEY, Sarah. [See Ellis, Sarah.] STIEGLER, Gaston. Memoirs of Marshal Oudinot. [See Oudinot, Marshal Nicolas Charles.] C 21 U 13 STILES, C. Warden. Sheep Scab. [See United States..— Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 STILL, Alfred. Alternating Currents of Electricity and the Theory of Transformers. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 6 STILL, Dr. George Frederic. Rheumatoid Arthritis in Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 STILLING, Dr. Johanii Heinrich Jung-. Theory of Pneu- matology ; in reply to the question, " What ought to be believed or disbelieved concerning Presentiments, Visions, and Apparitions, according to Nature, Rea- son, and Scripture." 8vo. Lond., 1834. G 15 U 14 STILLMAN, Dr. Thomas B. Engineering Chemistry : a Manual of (Quantitative Chemical Analysis for the use of Students, Chemists, and Engineers. Illustrated. 8vo. Easton, 1897. " A 38 U 1 STILLMAN, William James. The Old Rome and the New, and other Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 V 14 Union of Italy, 181.5-95. 8vo. Camb., 1898. (Camb. Hist. Ser.) B 34 Q 19 Francesco Crispi. [See Crispi, F.] C 20 Q 9 STIRLING, Dr. Edward Charles, F.R.H. Anthropology. (Sjicncer, Prof. W. Ilaldwin. - Horn Scientific Ex- pedition.) MA 3 R 03 Hydatid DLseasc. [^Tg^ Verco, Dr. J. C] A 20 T 35 I'hascolonus giijns and its identity with Scepnrnodon linmsaya. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., trans., 1899.) ME 1 S -, and ZIETZ, A. H. C. Description of the bones of the leg and foot of Genyornis Newtoni, a Fossil Struthious Bird from Lake Callabonna. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans, and Proc, 1890.) ME 1 S ST1RJ..ING, J. Propagation of the Salnionidic. (Tnternat. ■ Fisheries Exhib.— Fish. Literature.) A 34 R 11 STIRLING, James. (Jeological Surveys of various Coun- tries. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ' ME 18 P Mineral Wealth of Victoria. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Observations of Temperature, itc, in the Deep Mines of Bendigo. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P ^'ictorian Brown Coal-beds. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P STIRLING, Sir James. Present State and Condition of the Colony of Western Au.stralia. [See Present State.] MD 4 P 4 STIRLING-MAXWELL, Sir ^^■inianl. [See Maxwell, Sir William Stirling-.] STIRTON, Dr. James. New Australian and New Zealand Lichens. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) :ME 2 S New Cla.ssification of the genus Pyxine. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S STISTED, Georgiana M. True Life of Sir Richard F. Burton. [See Burton, Sir R. F.] C 19 T 17 STOByEUS, Joannes. Eclogarum libri duo ; recensuit Augustus Meineke. Vol. 2. 8vo. Lipsia?, 1864 G 2 V 45 STOBART, James William Hampson. Islam and its Founder. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 4 W 16 STOCK, St. George. Lecture.-; i;i the Lyceum ; or, Aris- totle's Ethics for English Readers. [See Aristoteles.] G 11 U 15 STOCK EXCHANGE YEAR-BOOK, The. [See Skin- ner, Thomas.] E STOCKER, Dr. James Reginald. Sea-sickness. (Allliutt, Dr. T. C.-^System of Medicine.) A 20 T 36 STOCKMAN, Dr. Ralph. Diseases of the Blood. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 576 Public Library of New South Wales, STOCKTON, Francis Richard. The Great Stone of Sardis. Ilhistrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 U 22 Rudder Grano;e. 12mo. Edinb.,1898. J 16 T 45 Sketch of. \_See Vedder, H. C. — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 8 19 STODART -WALKER, Archibald. [.sV-- Walker, A. S-.] STODDARD, Dr. Enoch Vine. Life and Times of Ber- trand du Giiesclin. [See Du Guesclin, B.] C 23 Q 24 STODDARD, Francis Hovev. Evolution (.f the En-lish Novel. 8vo. New York, 1900. J 9 U 5 STODDARD, Richard Henrv. Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of T.)-day.] C 22 S 19 STODDART, James Henry. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] " C 23 Q 6 STODDART, Jane T. The Clerical Life. [See Cleiical Life, The.] G 23 Q 1 7 STOKER, Ahraliam. Dracula. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 R 33 The Shoulder of Shasta. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 23 R 34 The Watter's Mou'. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 24 S 38 STOKES, Charles Hemy. Papers relating to the Execu- tion of Mr. Stokes in the Congo State. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— Africa.] ' F 20 IT 5 t STOKES, Sir George Gal>riel. Rontgen Rays. [See Barker, Prof. G. F.] A 44 Q 22 STOKES, Rev. George Thomas. Some AN'orthies of tlie Irish Church. Edited, with Preface and Notes, by H. J. Lawlor. lUust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G2.5T7 STOKES, Rev. Ileni-y Paine. Coii)us Chiisti. Illu.s- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (University of Cam- bridge, College Histories.) B 24 U 5 Troilusand Cressida. [)S«« Shakespeaie, W.] H 11 V 37 STOKES, Dr. William, F.R.S. . Life and Work of; by his .son, William Stokes. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 R 13 Treatise on the T)iagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of th, 1896-98. 3 vol.s. fol. Sy.lney, 1896-98. ME STORER, Prof. Francis J rumjihreys. Agriculture in some of its relations with Chenustry. 7th ed. 3 vols. 8v<). L..nd., 1897. A 35 Q 11-13 Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1000. 511 STOREY. George Adolplius. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond Hkotches fi-oTii IVTcmory. 1899. C 26 U 2 STORR, Francis. Diplomas and Cei-tilloatrs, and the Registration of Tejichers. (Iiiternat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 Life and Remains of Rev. R. H. Quick. [See Quick, Rev. R. H.] C 20 V 29 STORRS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA- TION. [See Connecticut. — .Stori's Agricultural E.v- periment Station.] STORTENBEKER, Peter. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M. — Dutch Paintei-s of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t STORY, Alfred Thomas. The Building of the Empiie : the Story of England's Growth, from Elizabeth to Victoria. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 16 U 12, 13 The Story of Photography. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1898. A 33 R 27 STORY, Rev. Robert Herbert. Apostolic Ministry in the Scottish Church. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Baird Lecture, 1897.) G 9 W 35 William Carstares. [See Carstares, Rev. W.] C 2.5 T 18 STORY OF THE EMPIRE SERIES. Australia. [See Shaw, Flora L.] MB 3 P :i India. [See Boulger, D. C. von K.] 11 29 P 18 New Zealand. [See Reeves, Hon. W. P.] MB 3 P 4 South Africa. [5'ee Worsfold, W. B.] B 37 P 7 Story of West Africa. [.S'ee Kingsloj-, Marj- H.] B 27 P 7 STORY OF THE NATIONS. British India. [See Frazer, R. W.] B 17 Q 19 Canada. [See Bourinot, .J. (;.] B 1" Q 2-2 China. [See Douglas, Prof. R. K.] B 33 P 8 The Franks. [See Sergeant, L.] B 29 R .-> ■ Modern England before the Reform Bill. [Sef MeCartliy, J.] B 20 S i(i Modern France. [See Lebon, A.] B 20 8 12 Modern Italy. [See Orsi, Prof. P. ] B 20 S 20 Modern Spain. [.S'ee Hume, M. A. 8. J B 20 S 19 Norway. [See Boyesen, H. H.] B 33 P 10 STORY OF THE SEA, The. [S^'e Coucli, A. T. Quiller-.] B 21 Y 7 STOTT, Grace. Twenty-six Years of Missionary A\'ork in China. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 'D 17 S 20 STOUT, George Frederick. Analytic Psychology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1890. " ' g\3 U 20, 21 STOUT, John Logan. A Trip from Dunedin to Samoa ria Tonga, returning via Fiji and Tonga. 8vo. Dune- din (n.d.) MD 5 V 17 4 D STOUT, Sir Roliert. Drift of Politics in New Zealand. (Review of Reviews, March, 1898.) E (l(i\i-i-iiiir ( Gordon and the Maoris. (Melbourne Review, 8.j ME 18 Q Is there a reuK^dv ii>r Victorian Crises? [(Melbourne Review, ."..) ' ME 18 Q New Zealand. (Conti'Uipoi'ary Review, Oct., 1899.) E Our Waifs and Strays. (Melb. Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Political Parties in New Zealand. (Melb. Review, 5.) ME 18 Q The Political Situation in New Zealand. (Review of Reviews, Jan., 1897.) E [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Once a Month, March, 188.5.) MJ 1 V 20 Titles for Colonists. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q A Trip to Samoa. 8vo. Auckland, 1893. MD .5 V 10 Imperial Album of New Zealand Sconerv. [See Im- perial Album.] ma"' 1 P 41, 42 t [Life of] Moses Wilson Gray. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q The Results of the General Election in New Zealand. [See Review of Reviews, March, 1897.] E STOWE, Harriet Elizabeth [Mrs. C. E.] (Harriet Elizabeth Beecher.) Dred : a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp ; together with Slavery Tales and Papers, and Life in Florida after the AVar. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896. J 22 T 25, 26 The Minister's W(,oing. 8v<). Boston, 189G. J 22 T 29 Oldtown Folks and Sam Lawson's Oldtown Fireside Stories. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896. J 22 T 27, 28 Uncle Tom's Cabin ; or. Life among the Lowly ; with an Introduction setting forth the history of the novel, and a Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 22 T 30, 31 Life and Lettei-s of. Edited by Annie Fields. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " C 23 S 14 Days with. [See Fields, Annie. — Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart. —Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 STOY, Carl Volkmar. Training of Teacliers. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhii). Literature.) A 41 V 12 STUACHAN, .1. Farming and Farm Fertilizers. (Agri- euU. Gaz,, N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R STRACHEY, Henry. Raphael. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Great blasters in Painting and Sculpture.) A 44 R 1 1 The Citizen and the State. F 16 S 34 STRACHEY, John St. Lor 12mo. Lond., 1895. From Grave to Gay: being Es.sa}-s and Studies concerned with certain j^ubjccts . of serious interest, with the Puritiuis, with Literature, and with the Humours of Life. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 U 38 578 Public Library of New South Wales. STRACHEY, Jane Maria, Ladv. Memoirs of a Higliland Lady. \_See .Smith, Elizabeth.] C -JS Q 21 STRACHEY, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Richard. Harmonic Analy- sis of Hourly Observations of Air Temperature and Pressure at Britisli Observatories. Pt. 1. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1893. - A 11 T 21 t 1. Temperature. STRAFFORD, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. Historical Sketch of the Memorable Trial of Earl Straft'ord in Westminster Hall, 1641. 12mo. Lond., 1846. F 15 P 21 Lord Strafford ; by H. D. Traill. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (English Men of Action.) C 27 R 5 Robert Browning's Prose Life of Strafford ; with an In- troduction by C. H. Firth, and Forewords by F. J. Furnivall. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 18 P 3 STRAHAN, Aubrey. Geology of the Carboniferous Lime- stone, Yoredale Rocks, and Millstone Grit of North Derbyshire. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 17 Geology of the Coasts adjoining Rhyl, Abergele, and Colwyn. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 6 Geology of tlie Country around Ingleborough, with parts of Wensleydale and Wharfedale. [^See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 28 Geology of the Country around Lincoln. [^See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England-and Wales.] A 47 R 24 Geology of the Country around Mallerstang, with parts of Wensleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale. \_See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 31 Geology of the Isle of Purbeck and AVeymouth. [See Gt. Brit, and Iix>l. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 S 4 Geology of the Neighbourhoods of Flint, Mold, and lluthin. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 27 Geology of the South Wales Coal-field, j)t. I. \See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 44 STRAHAN, Maj. Sir George CuUiine, (iovernor of Tas- mania. Portrait of. [(j. [.S'ee Surtcea, Maj. 0.] B 17 (i-if^ STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAL, Donald Alexander Smith, Baron. The Great Company. {See Willson, B.] B 36 Q 16, 17 STRAUSS, David Fiiedrich. New Life of Jesus. 2ntl eil. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1879. G 25 Q 18, 19 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 579 STREANE, Rev. Annesley William. Age of the Macca- bees, with special reference to the Religious Literature of the Period. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 44 .STREATFEILD, Frederick H. T. Complete Collection of tlu; Treaties and Conventions and Rceiiiroeal Regula- tions at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. [_See Gt. Brit, and Trcl. — Treaties.] F 16 Q 3 STREATFEILD, R. A. The Opera: a .Sketch of tiie Development of Opera, with full descriptions of every work in the modern repertory. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 2.-5 T 28 STRETCH, R. H. Prospecting, Locating, and Valuing Mines. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 24 P 27 STRETTELL, Miss Alma. Legends from River and Mountain. \_See Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania.] J 8 T 39 STRETTON, Julia Cecilia [Mr.s. R. W.] Mrs. Stretton; by Ciiarlottc M. Yonge. \_See Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 STRICKLAND, Sir Edward. Importance of Geography. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ., 1891-92.) ME 20 P STRICKLAND, Tom Percival. Experimental Investiga- tion of the Flow of Water in Uniform Channels. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.] ME 1 R STRINDBERG, August. The Father : a Tragedy. Trans- lated by N. Erichseu. 8vo. Loud., 1899. (Modern Plays.) H 10 V 33 [Sketch of.] \_See Hansson, Laura Marholm. — We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 STRONG, Rev. Charles. Religion in State Schools. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q [Life of] Norman Macleod. [See Melb. Rev., 1.] ME 18 Q STRONG, Prof. Herbert Augustus. Address to Students attending the Classical Lectur'es at the Melbourne University, 1879. 8vo. Mellx, 1879. MJ 3 R 16 Curious Survival of an Ancient Language. (Melbourne Review, 8.) '" ME 18 Q Half-au-hour with Heinrich Heine. (Melb. Re^-iew, 2.) ME 18 Q A Polyglot Love Song. (Melb. Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Should not the Melbourne University be removed? (]\Icl- bourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Methods of Teaching Modern Languages in Belgium. [See Gt. Brit, .and Ireland. — Scotch Education Depart- ment.] G 18 S 22 Translations from Plautus. [SeeJMelb. Rev., 1.] ME18Q STRONG, Rev. Th.^jua^ B. Christian Ethics. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 3 R 32 [Another edition.] 8v(>. Lond., 1897. G 23 S 4 STROUD, Prof. Henry. Supplement to Lord Armstrong's Work on Electric JMovement in Air and Water : being a continuation of his Experiments, together with an exten.sion of them, made in concert with Prof. H. Stroud. [See Armstrong, Lord.] A 40 U U* STRUTT, John ^\'illiaIn, 3rd Baron Rayleigh. [See Ray- leigh, 3rd Baron.] STRYIENSKI, Casimir. and NION, Comte Francois de. Journal de " Stendhal " (M. H. Beyle). [See Beyle, M. H.] C 19 P 24 STUART, Sir Alexander. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Once a Month, Dec, 1884.) MJ 1 V 19 [Portrait and Sketch of.] \See Shine, T. — Austi-alian Portrait Gallery.] " MC 4 P 4 f STUART, Donald M. D. The Origin and Rationale of Colliery Explosives. Sm. 4to. Bristol, 1895. A 25 V 27 STUART, Maj.-Gen. James Ewell Brown. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodoi-e F. — Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commandei-s.] C 21 U 5 STUART, Jane. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B32Q II STUART, John. Book of Deer. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B40S11 Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 R 12, 19 STUART, Sir John Patrick Crichton, Marquess of Bute. [See Bute, Manjuess of.] STUART, Lady Louisa. Lady Louisa Stuart : Selections from her MSS. Edited by Hon. J. A. Home. With Portrait. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. C 27 R 4 STUART, Dr. Thomas Peter Anderson. The Bubonic Plague. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MA 5 P 16 Federation in relation to Quarantine. (Peojile's Fetleral Convention, Proc) MF 4 Q 54 The "Mika" or "Kulpi" operation of the Australian Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 S STUART-CANSDELL, Capt. Charles. [See Cansdell, Capt. C. Stuart>.] STUBBS, Charles William, Dean of Ely. Charles Kings- ley and the Christian Social INIovement. [See Kings- ley, C] C 19 T 26 STUBBS, Edgar. [Life of] Elizabeth Brownrigg. [See Brownrigg, Elizabeth.] C 24 Q 20 580 Public Library of New South Wales. STUBBS, William, Bishop of Oxford. Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum : an attempt to exhibit the Course of Episcopal Succession in England from the records and chronicles of the Church. Sin. 4to. Oxford, 1897. G 17 Q 11 t [Sketch t>f.] ISee Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of *he Period.] C 23 T 3 STUCKENBERG, Rev. John Henry Wilburn. Intn,- dmtion to the Study of Sociology. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 3 R 27 STUCLEY, Capt. Thomas. [Life of.] [See Simpson, R. —The School of Shakspere.] H 10 V 30, 31 STUD-BOOK. General Stud-book: containing Pedigrees of Racehorses, itc, from the Earliest Accounts to 1896 inclu.sive. Vols. 1-18, and Supplements to vols. 17, 18. 18 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-99. A 37 P 1-18* STUDENT AXD INTELLECTUAL OBSERVER OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART, TJk-. Vols. 1-5. Illu.strated. .5vols.8vo. Lond., 1868-71. A4-1-S1-.5 STUDENT'S PRACTICAL DICTIONARY, The: con- taining English Words with English and Urdu Mean ings in Persian Character. 8vo. Allahabad, 1897. J 21 R 34 STUDIxV BIBLICA ET ECCLESIASTICA : Essays, cliiefly in Biblical and Patristic Criticism. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. O.xford, 1885-96. ^ G 25 R 4-7 STUDIA SINAITICA. Apocrypha Sinaitica. [.See Bibles and Testaments. — Apocryplia.] G 25 V 10 Palestinian Syriac Lectionarv. [.S'ee Lewis, Agnes Sniitli.] C 18 U STUDIES IN ECONOMICS k POLITICAL SCIENCE. Referendum in Switzerland. [,S'ee Deploige, 8.] F lo Q .34 STUDIO, The: an illustrated Magazine of Fine and Ap- l)Iied Art. Vols. 1-18, April, 1893-,Jan., 1900. 18 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1893-1900. E Beauty's Awakening : a Masque of Winter and of Spring. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. (?'Ae «^io, Summer Number, 1899.) E Children's Books and their Illustrators : l)y G. AMiitc. Sm. fol. Lond., 1S97. ('/'/(»■ iV;'f/(r, Xmas, 1894.) l-; Modern I3ook -bindings and theii- Designers. 2 vols. sni. fol. Lond., 1899. {Thi: S(»di<>, Winter Nundaer, 1898-1900.) K The Studio, Winter Number, 1896-97. Sm. f,.l. Lond., 1896. E STUKELEY, Capt. T. [See Stucley, Capt. T.] STUMM, Charles. Australasian Annual Digest. \_Sec Power, G. W.] ME 21 S ST URGE, Clement Y. Reform of Patronage. (Gore, Rev. C. — -Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 STURGES, Joshua. Sturges' Guide to the Game of Draughts ; with Critical Situations. Revised by J. A. Kear. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 29 R 34 STURGIS, Julian. A Boy in the Peninsular War. [See Blakeney, R.] ' B 34 R 19 STURGIS, Russell. European Architecture : a His- torical Study. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 25 U 31 Library Architecture. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Brochure Ser.) A 37 R 8 , and others. Homes in the City and Country by R. Sturgis, J. W. Root, B. Price, D. G. Mitclieil, S. Parsons, and N. A. Linn. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 46 V 12 STURLUSON, Snorri. The Stories of the Kings of Nor way, called the Round World (Heimskringla) ; done into English out of the Icelandic by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. Vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1895 J 14 Q 31 STURM, Christoph Christian. Reflections on the Works of God in Nature and Providence. Svo. Glasgow, 181.5. G 24 S 2 STURMFELS, F. E. Wool Industry from a Buyer's standpoint. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., Nov., 1899, Jan., 1900.) ME 9 U STURT, Albert, "An Elector." Hints on Federation. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF 4 R 67 STURT, Charles H. Life of; by INIrs. Napier George Sturt. Illustrated. 8vo. Loiid., 1899. MC 1 T 36 STURTEVANT, Dr. E. Lewis. Varieties of Corn. [See United States. — Dept. of .\.grii-ult. — Office of Exper. Stns,] A 37 V 1 STL^TTEH, R('V. E. J. ISacteria of the Sputa and Crypto- gamic Flora of the Mouth. [_See Viccntini, Dr. Filandro.] A 32 S 32 STYLES, A. A. S. The Copyright Act in South Australia. (Lib. A.ssoe. of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 SUBHAKUA lUIlKSHU. A Buddhist Catechism : an Introduction to the Teachings of the Buddha Giitamo, compiled from the Holy Writings of the Southern Buddhists ; with Explanatory Notes for the use of Kuropeans. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 9 W 21 SUDDS, Jose])h, and THOMPSON, Patrick. Specimen t)f the Instrument of Toi'tui'e inflicted on the persons of J. Sudds and P. Thomp.son, Soldiers in the 57tli Regiment, by order of (!ov(>rnor Darling, at Sydney, New South Wales. [See Hall, E. S.] J\1F 4 Q 57 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 581 SUDDUTH, Dr. AVillium Xavier. Ei.il.i-y(il(ii,'y .-ind Ueiital Histology. (Litcli, Dr. W. F. — Aiiieric:iii System of Dentistry.) % A 31 S I Tnflanimiitioii of the Mucous Meiiibraiic of tlie Oral, Nasal, and Pliaryngeal Cavities. (Lid-li, Dr. W. R — American System of Denti.stry. ) A 31 S 3 .SUDFELD, Dr. Max .Simuu, - Ma.x Nordau." Degenera- tion. 8vo. New York, 1896. (! 3 U I'J Paradoxes. Translated fi'om the (ienuau hy J. R Mcllraitli. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 3 U 16 Briton and Boer. [^See Br3'ce, Rt. Hon. J.] B 37 P 18 Regeneration: a Reply to "Max Nordau." [See Re- generation.] G 3 U 4 SUDWORTH, George Bishop. Check List of the Forest Trees of the United States. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Forestry.] A -41 U 13 Nomenclature of the Arhorescent Flora of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Forestry.] A 36 V 26 SUE, Eugene [ijiyi;/^ Joseph Marie Eugene. Mysteries of Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (ii.d.) .1 i\ U 23 SUETONIUS TRANQinLLUS, Gains. Opera quse ex- tant. (Scriptores Historiie Romana'.) B iO U 24 | SUFFIELD, Thomas. The Suffiekl Case. [Sec Stephens, A. G.] MF.5Q12 SUFFOLK, Owen Henry. [Sketch of] ; l)y J. F. Hogan. (Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1897.) E SUFFOLK AND BERKSHIRE, Heiny Charles Howard, 18th Earl of, PEEK, Hedley, and AFLALO, Freder- ick George. The Encvclopiedia of Sport. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 17 R 18, 19 f SUGAR JOURNAL and Tropical Cultivator. Vols. 1-9, 1892-June, 1900. 9 vols. 4to. Mackay, Q., 1892- 1900. ' ME 7 P SUGAR-PLANTING in Queensland. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MA 4 Q 3 SULIVAN, Admiral Sir Bartholomew James. Life and Letters 1810-90. Edited l)y his son. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' C 22 Q 9 SULLEY, Philip. Robert Burns and Dumfries. [See Burns, R.] C 20 S 8 SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur Seymour. Life-stor\', Letters, and Reminiscences ; by A. Lawrence ; with Critique by B. W. Findon, and Bibliographv by W. Bendall. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond.,"l899." " C 27 S 9 SULLIVAN, Sir Edward Robert. The Conquerors, Warriors, and Statesmen of India : an Historical Narrative of the principal events from the Invasion of Mahmoud of Ghizni to that of Nader Shah. With Map. 8vo. Loud., 1866. BUR 28 SULLIVAN, Edmund .). ilhisti'ations to Carlyle's Sartor Resartus. [See Carlyle, 'J'.] J 23 T 4 SULLY, Prof. James. Studies of Childhood. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 15 Q 35 The Teacher's Hand-book of Psychologv. Revised ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. " G 1 1 U 24 SULMAN, John. Recent Fii-e at Melbourne. (Austral- asian Assoc, foi- Advaiiccnient of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S SUMMERS, W. L. Analyses of Connnercial Fertilizers. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., April- June, 1899, Feb., 1900.) ' .ME 9 Q SUMNER, Charles. Life of Charles Sumner, the Scholar in Politics ; by Archiliald H. Gi-imke. 8vo. New- York, 1892. C 20U 7 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. — Reminisceuce.s.] C 25 T 5 SUMNER, Prof. William Graham. History of American Currency, with Chapters on the English Bank Restric- tion and Austrian Paper Monev. 8vo. New York, 1884. " F 5 P 31 Protection aiid Revenue in 1S77. 8vo. New York (n.d.) F 17 P 5 Our Revenue System and tlie Ci\ il Service : .shall they be reformed? [Se» Earle, A. L.] F 17 P 5 SUN, The, 1899. Fol. Orange, 1899. ME SUX, I'lie : an Illustrated Journal for the Home and the Society, Aug.-Dec, 1896, July, 1897-:Marcli, 1899. 4 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1896-99. ME 8 T SUNAERT, All. P. Doorzichtkunde of Perspectief. 8vo. Gent, 1871. ' A 44 Q 15 SUNDAY STORY-TELLER, Th: Nos. 1-6, July- Aug., 1889. 4to. Sydney, 1889. MJ 3 AV 17 SUNDAY TIMES, 77(r, 1895-99. 6 vols. fol. Svdnev, 1895-99. ' ME Tt/jif's Tales. No. 1. Illustrated. Fol. Sydney, 1898. MJ 5 R 11 1 " SUNDOWNER." [See Tichborne, H.] SUPPLE, Gerald H. The Dream of Dampier : a Poem. (Melbourne Review, 4.) IVtE 18 Q " SURGEON, A." Animal Magnetism : its History to the Present Time. 18mo. Lond., 1841. G 15 U 21 SURTEES, Major Conyers. Campaign in Italy, 1796 ; or, the Debut of Gen. Bonaparte. With Maps. Svo. Lond., 1897. (Strategical Studies.) B 17 Q 23 SURVEYOR, The: Journal of the Institution of Survey- ors, New South Wales. Vols. 1-1 2, 1883-99. 12 vols. 8vo. Svdnev. 1S83-99. ME 7 S 582 Public Lihrm^ of New South Wales. SUSO Heinrk-h (Ileinrich von Berjr). ['St. Amandus] [Sketch of.] \_See Cow.an, Re\-. W. — Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 SUTCLIFFE, HalUwell. By Moor and Fell: Landscape.s and Lang-Settle Lore from West Yorkshire. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 21 R 13 SL'TER, Henry. List of Xew Zealand Mollusca described in foreign publications since 1890. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S New Zealand Pleurotomida?, with descriptions of si.x new species. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S New Zealand Polj^placophora. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S SUTHERLAND, A. Football. [_See Sheaniian, M.] A 29 S .39 SUTHERLAND, Alexander. A Camp in the Mountains. (Melbourne Re\dew, 7.) ME 18 Q Equipment of the smaller Libraries for the assistance of Industrial Pursuits. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t An Idle Time at Port Jackson, (ilelbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. aiG 2 V 9, 10 Religion in State Schools. (IMelb. Rev., 8.) ME 18 Q Saturday Rambles. (Melb. Review, 6, 7.) ME 18 Q Tlie Sunday Question. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Temperatures of Reptiles, Monotremes. and Marsupials. (Roy. Soc, Viet., Proc, 1896.) ' ME 1 P Victorian Test of a Social Theory. (Melbourne Review, 10.) •" ME18Q When was Australia discovered? (Mellxmrne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Adam Lind.say (Sordon : a Moiiioir. {^See Melbourne Review, 8.] ME 18 Q The Development of Australian Literature. \See Tui-ner, H. G.] MJ 3 S 24 [Life of] Sir Redmond Barry. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ' ME 18 Q [Life of] Henry Clarence Kendall. [See Melbourne Re- view, 7.] ME 18 Q [Life of] James Brunton Stephens. [See Melbourne Review, 9.] ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] [See Album of Aust. Writers.] MA 45 P + [Sketch of) Jame.s Brunton Stephens. [See Once a Month, Dec, 1885.] MJ 1 V 22 [Sketch of] Henry Clarence Kendall. [See Once a Month, July, 1885.] MJ 1 V 21 SUTHERLAND, Rev. Archil)al(l. Palestine, the Glory of all Lands: b(;ing Travel-studies of some Bible placc.'i. 8vo. Edinb., IH96. D 18 S 28 SL^THERLAND, George. Australasian Live Stock Manual and Breeder's Record. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1896. • MA 2 R 49 Our Inheritance in the Hills. 8vo. Adelaide, 1889. MD 6 R 8 The South Australian Co. : a Study in Colonisation. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " MF 5 P 6 SUTHERLAND, George Frederick. Du Tabac conside're conmie r6colte de petite culture dans la Nouvelle- Galles du Sud. 8vo. Noumea, 1896. MA 1 R 14 SUTHERLAND, Gilbert D. Practical Advertising. [See Practical Advertising.] E SUTHERLAND, Minnie. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. AV. B.] B32Q11 SUTRO, Alfred. Agla\-aine and Selysette. [See Maeter- linck, M.] ■ H 11 R 14 The Treasure of the lluudile. [See Maeterlinck, ]\I.] G 12 V 34 Wisdcam and Destiny. [See :Maeterlinck, M.] G 11 U 42 SUTTER, Julie. For the Right. [See Franzos, K. E.] J 20 T 40 SUTTON, Arthur W. Potatoes : a Lecture delivered be fore the Royal Horticultural Society, October, 1895. Illustrated." Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 V 23 SUTTON, Francis. Systematic Hand-book of Volumetric Analysis ; or, the Quantitative Estimation of Chemical Substances by Measure, applied to Liquids, Solids, and Gases. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 U 26 SUTTON, J. Evaporators and Fruit Evaporation. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R SUTTON, J. W. Experiments with Rdntgen Rays. (Roy. Soc., Queen.sland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T SUTTON and SONS. Culture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds and Roots. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 20 U 31 SUTTOR, Francis Bathurst. Lecture on Politics. 8vo. Bathurst, 1898. MF 5 Q 22 SUVA OBSERVATORY. Mcteoi^ological Observations taken at Su\a during 1897 ; bv J. D. W. Vaughan. Sm. fol. Suva, 1898. " ME [Sie Fiji— Blue Book, for Observations, 189G, 98, 99.] SWAEN, A. E. H. Plays of Sir John Vanl.rugh. [See Vaid)rugh, Sir John.] Jl 1 1 Q 2 SWALLOW, William. Cooperative Productiim. 12mo. Manchester, 1886. F 13 V 41 Credit Trading in I'elation to Coiiperative Societies. 12mo. Manchester, 1889. F 13 V 23 Duty of the Distributive Store towards the Productions of Cooperative Societies. 12ino. Jlanchester (n.d.) F 16 S 11 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 583 SWAN, Annie S. [See Smith, Annie S.] SWANN, J.iliii IIil)bort. Catalofiuo of IIk^ Alexander Trc- liind Collection in tlie Free Ueferenco Library. [ T 30 SWEDENBORG, Emanuel. Heaven and Hell, [in Arabic] 8vo. Loud, (n.d.) G 11 R 33 [Lecture on.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Representative Men.] J 22 Q 18 SWEET, George. Ccmtributions to the Pala'ontology of the LT^pper Silurian Rock.s of \'ictoria. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P SWEET, Jliss Georgina. Variations in the Spinal Nerves of Hylaaurea. '(Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 18'JG.) ilE 1 P Further Evidence as to the Glacial Action in the Bacchus IMarsh District, Victoria. [See Australasian Assoc. for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.] ME 18 S Structure and Development of the Hairs of Monotremes and Marsupials. [See Quarterly Journal of Micros- copical Science, Jan., 1899.] E SWETE, Rev. Henry Barclay. Church Services and Service Books before the Reformation. 8vo. L/, 77te.] J 22 V 19-21 SYMONS, George James, F.R.S. English Clim;i,tological Stations. (Internat. Health E.xhib. — Health Exhil). Literature.) A 41 V 7 Origin of AVatcr Supply. (Internal. Health E.xhib. — Health E.xhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 SYMONS, Rev. John C. The Student's Hand-book of Christian Theology. [See Field, Rev. B.] MG 1 P 42 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 587 TA JB KHUMONG [Hymns translated iaid the laiaii Liinguage of Uvea, Loyalty Islands]. I'nded. 18ino. Sydney, 1897 MG 2 P 58 TABER, Julia Marlowe-. [Portrait ami Sketc'ii of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 TABLEY, Lord de. [See De Tabley, Lord.] TACITUS, Cornelius. Opera qua; extant. (.Sci-ipotres Historiaj Romanie.) B 40 U 2-1 t TADD, James Liberty. New Methods in Education. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Natural Education Ser.) G 18 U 12 TADEMA, Sir Lawrence Alma-. Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, ¥. G. — Illustrated Biography of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 I Life and Work of. [See R.joses, M.~Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 f [See Monkhou.se, C. — British A 44 W 1 [Sketch of the Works of.; Contemporary Artists. TADEMA, Miss Laurence Alma-. Realms of Unknown Kings. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 9 U 45 TAFT, Prof. Jonathan. Practical Treatise on Operative Dentistry. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 32 S 26 TAINE, Hippolyte Adolphe. Histoiy of English Literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. New ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 14 T 32, 33 Journeys through France, being Impressions of the Pi-o- vinces. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 S 21 Carlyle and Taine on the French Revolution. [See Wilson, H. S. — History and Criticism.] J 14 V o C 19 Q 22 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Per.sons.] TAIT, Archiliald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury. Leon Gambetta and Archbishop Tait. [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 TAIT, Prof. Peter (Juthrie. Properties of Matter. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1890. A 45 R 4 Scientific Papers. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 4to. Camlj., 1898-1900. A 10 U 13, 14 t Introduction to Quaternions. [See Kelland, Prof. P.] A 24 P 23 Life and Letter.s of James Da\"id Forbes, F.R.S. [See Forbes, J. D.] C 25 R 9 TAKAHASHI, Prof. SakuyS. Ca.ses on International Law during the Chino-Japanose War; with a Preface by Prof. T. E. Holland, and an Introduction l)y Prof. J. Wcstlake. 8vo. Camb., 1899. F IG t^ 15 TALBOT, Dr. Eugene S. Degeneracy : its Causes, Signs, and Results. Illustrated. 12nio. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 16 TALISOT, Rev. Reginald Thomas. Durham Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 TALIESIN ; or, the Bards and Druids of Britain. [See Nash, D. W.] n 12 S 19 TALLEYRAND DE PERIGORD, Prince Charles Mau- rice. Memoirs of, contE.'r.ing the particulars of his Private and Public Lifi. ; by — Stewarton. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 26 V 24, 25 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bcjnaparte.] H 1 T 15 TALMUD, The. Le Talmud de Jerusalem traduit pour la premiere fois par M. Schwab. 11 vols. roy. 8vo. Pari.s, 1878-90. G 23 V 8-18 TAMBLYN, W. F. Establishment of Roman Power in Britain. 8vo. Hamilton, 1899. B 34 S 5 TAMWORTir Xi7ir,S', 1899. Fol. Tarn worth, 1899. ME T AM WORT II OBSERVER and Northern Advertiser, Oct., 1897-Dec., 1899. Fol. Taraworth, 1897-99 ME TANDON, Horace Benedict Alfred Moquin-. The World of the Sea. Translated bv Rev. H. Martvn Hart. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 24 S 21 TANGYE, Harold Lincoln. In New South Africa : Travels in the Transvaal and Rhodesia. Illustrated. 8v(). Lond., 189G. D 14 S 24 TANGYE, Sir Richard. English Notes for American Circulation. 12mo. (n.p.) 1895. J 14 P 46 Notes illustrative of the Cromwellian Collection in the possession of Sir R. Tangve. Vol. 1. With Portraits. 8vo. (n.p.) 1897. " B 24 Q 14 Some Peculiar Beggars. 12mo. Birm., 1897. J 14 P 47 Tales of a Grandfather. 8vo. (n.p.) 1897. J 16 R 9 The two Protectors : Oliver and Richard Cromwell. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B .33 S 1 1 -, and George. Old Wedgwood and old Wedg- wood ^^'are. [See Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.] '" K19R20 TANNER, J. R. Discour.ses of the Navy, 1638, 1659-60. [See Navy Records Society, T.j E 588 Public Library of New South Tfales. THINNER, M. E. The Eight to the Whole Produce of Labour {See Meuger, Prof. A ] F 15 S 18 TANNER, Percy Oswald. [Life of] ; \,x Arthur Patchett Martin. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q TAPPIN, William D. A .Model Librai'v Building. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) " MJ 2 P :V2 t TAPtBELL, Frank Bigelow. History of Greek Art ; with an Introductory Chapter on Art in Egypt and I\Ieso- potamia. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " A 23 S 35 TxVRBELL, Ida M. Madame Roland: a Biograpliical Sketch. [_See Roland. Mme.] C 20 V 6 TARDENT, Henry A. Agricultural Pos.sibi!ities of Western Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) " ME 9 IT The Cow Pea. (Queensland Agr. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Dakota Millet. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1899.) " ME 9 U Early and Late Frosts and uther Tr()ubles. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1899.) ME 9 IT Friend or Foe? (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 r Maize-growing. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1898.) " ME 9 IT Mu.shrooms. (Queensland Agr. J ourn., Sept., 1899. ) ilE 9 L^ The Sunflower. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., 1899.) ME 9 U Tuberculous Consumption and Fai-ming. (Queensland Agricult. Joiii-n., Nov., 1898.) ME 9 IT TARLETON, Alfred H. Nicholas Break.spear. Engli.sh- man and Pope. {See Adrian IV, Pi>pe.] C 10 T 18 f TARLTON, Richard. Tarlton's Jests and News out of Purgatory ; witli Notes, and some account of the Life of Tarlt(,n, by J. O. Jlalliwcl! Fhillipiis. {See Sliake- speare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 25 TARR, Pn.f. Rali-li Stockman. Elementary Pliy.sical Geograpliy. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 24 S 17 I-'irst Biiok of Physical (leographv. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. ' " A 21 R 30 TAR VEI{, John (^'harles. l)ebatea})le Claims: E.ssayx on Secondary Education. 8v(). U,iu\., 1S98. G 23 Q 21 Gustave Flaubert a.f seen in liis Work.s and Corresjiond- ence. [-See Flaubert, :] MA 5 R 4-6 TASMANIAN LITERARY AND DEBATING SO- CIETIES' UNION. The Literaiv Cmpetitor, 1889. 12mo. Hobart, 1889. ' MJ i Q 22 TASMANIAX 3IAGAZIXE AXD MASOXK' REGIS- TER, The. Vol. 1, No. 1, .Marrh. 18 ill. 8vo. Laun- ceston, 1849. MJ 3 T 10 TASMAXIAX I'UXCII. Illustrated. \Uk Hobart, 1866-70. MJ 3 W 20 [Piil>lishfcl :is Tii.s.iicnian Piincli, vol. 1, July •21.'it-l)cr. ■"ith, ISfil) ; Iluhart Tovn I'linch, vols. 1, '2, Jan. l-2th, 1SG7-Feh. loth, 1868 ; Tnsmani'. Hooker, Sir W. J.] " A 35 T 17 Eight Edible and twelve Poi.sonous Mushroom.s of the United States, with Directions for the Culture and Culinary Preparation of the edible species. \_See United States. - l)ept. of Agricult.^ Div. of Micros- copy.] A 31 S 17 Twelve Ediljle Mushrooms of the United States, with Directions for their Identification and their Preparation as Food. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Microscopy.] A 31 S 17 TAYLOR, Thomas Marris. Constitutiimal and Political History of lionie from the earliest times to the reign of I)..mitian. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 S 6 TAYLOli, T. m. Ballads and Songs of Brittany. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 18f)5. ni2T]4 TAYLOR, Una. Early Italian Love Stories, taken from the originals. Illustrated. Sni. 4to. Lond., 1899. J 21 U 17 TAYLOR, W. Irving. Employei's Liability to their Workmen for Accidents incurri^d in the cour.se of their Employment, and State Regulation of Dangerous In- dustries. 8vo. New York '(n.d.) F18R12 TAYLOR, Rev. Walter Ro.?s. The Free Church of Scot- huid. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 TAYLt)R, William, Bishop of Africa. Autobiography of. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 13 [Sketch of.] [See Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Mission- aries.] G 14 S 30 TAYLOR, Dr. William. Physical Training. [See Sey- mour, H. R.] " G 11 U 47 TAYLOR, William Alton. Fruit Industry and substitu- tion of Domestic for Foreign-grown Crops. \_See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Pomology.] A 37 S 5G TAYLOR, William F. Critical Annotations. [See Cole- ridge, S. T.] J 8 V 32 TAYLOR, Dr. William Fred(;rick. Address as Presi- dent of the Royal Society of Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T Domestic Wiiter Filter. (Roy. St)c., Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T Public Abattoirs and the prevention of Tuberculosis. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1899.) ME 1 T Water Supply for Domestic L'^se. (Roy. Soc, Queens- land, Proc, 1894.) ME 1 T TAYLOR, Re\ . William Mackergo. Scottish Pulpit from the Reformation to the Pre.sent Day. 8vo. Lond., 1887. " G 26 Q 11 592 Tublic Library of New South Wales. TAYLOR, Zachar\-. Portrait of. \^Sec Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies "ill Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 T..\.YLOUR, Yirsinia. The Einijeror of Germany at Home. ^See William II, Gei-maii Emperor.] C 25 R 18 TCHAIKOYSKY, Peter Ilieh. Tchaikovsky: his Life and Works ; with Extracts from hi.s Writings and the Diarv of his Tour abroad in 1888, bv Rosa Newmarch. With Portrait. 8yo. Loud., 1900." C 23 R 28 TCHERTKOFF, Yladimir. Christian Teaching. ^See Tolstoi, Count L.] 0^23 S 44 TEALE, Dr. Thomas Pridgin. EtTects of Modern Systems of Compulsory Education and Competitive E.xamina- tion on the ^Mental and Physical Health Mary Adelaide, Princess.] TEGETMEIER, William Bernhard. The Poultry 'iiook: comprising the Breeding and Management of jirotitable and ornamental Poultry; to which is added, "The Stan- dard of Excellence in Exhibition Birds." New eliD, Rev. Jciliii. The Weslevaii .Mctlmdist Church. (Our Churches.) ' Gil U 37 Siqo2)Iementari/ Cdlnloguo — 1S06-1900. 593 TEMORA IXDEPEXDEXT, 1898 99. 2 vols. fol. Tr nuira, 1898-99. .M V] TEMORA STAR, 1899. Vu\. Teiu.ira, 1899. ME TEMI'EIIAXCK ADVOCATE ami Australasiiui Cmiuuci-- cial and Agricultural Iiitcllij.,'('iifcr. V'ol. 1, Nos. 1- 52, Oct., 1840-Sept., 1811. +t(). Svdney, 1840-H. "MFr)UlG TEMPERS, J. Le Diatoiiiiste, 1890-90. 2 vols. siii. (to. Pari!^■, 1890-96. A 18 Q .",, G t TEMPLE, Capt. —. Seal Fisheries. (Internal. Fislieri.'S Exhib. — Fishories Literal ui-p.) A ."'l R 7 TEMPLE, A. (J. The Art of Painting in the Queen's Reign : being a glance at some of the Painters and Paintings of the British School duiing the last 60 years. Illust. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 18 P 22 f England's History as pictured by Famous Painters. Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Lend., 1897. A 19 S 24 t Sacred Art : the Bible Story pictured by eminent Modern Painters. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 10 V 16 t TEMPLE, Arthur. Our Li\ ing Generals : twelve Bio- graphical Sketches of Distinguished Soldiers. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 22 S 26 TEMPLE, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury. Charge delivered at hi.s first Visitation. 8vo. Lend., 1898. G 23 R 30 TEMPLE, Henry John, Viscount Pahnerston. [See Pal- merston. Viscount.] TEMPLE, Sir Richard, F.R.S. Bird'.s-eye View of Picturesque India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 R 15 The House of Commons. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F L") S 34 Polynesian Labour TratKc. (National Review, Julv, 1892.) E Sixty Years of the Queen's Rein'n. 8vo. Lond., 1897 F 13 V 13 Story of my Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S96. C 23 V 13, 14 Life of Sir J. H. Glover. [See (xlover. Sir J. H.] C 25Q 10 Memoirs of Alexander Gardner. [See Gardner, Col. A.] C25 P7 TEMPLE, Sir Richard, K.B. Some short Remarks upon Mr. Lock's Book in answer to Mr. Bounds, and several other Books and Pamphlets concerning Coin. 8vo. Lond., 1696. [Rfprini, 1896.] F S V 4 TEMPLE-WEST, Lieut.-Col. T. [See AVest. Lieut.-Col. T. Temple-.] 4 p TEMPLE CLASSICS. Malial.harata. [.S'ee Maliabharata. ] 11 Ki P, G A SciiouB Oall to a Devout and Holy Life. [.See I/aw, W.] G 9 U 37 TK.MI'LK IM!A.M.\TISTS. Dr. I'austu.s. [.See Marlowe, C. | H l^t'.' > Pliilasttr. I'.fec Beaumont, F.] Jll.it,)! Prometheus Unbound. [.See Shelley,]'. 15.] JI 1.3 Q 5 'J'he Spanish Tragedy. [.S'ee Kyd, T.] 34 13 Q 3 'rra!,'i«il Kcigii of Sclinuis. [,?cc Greene, R.] H 13 Q 2 TEMPL1':T(>X, William. Pi-actical Mechanic's Work.shop Companion. 17th ed., revised by W. S. Hutton. Tllustra(e. A 33 R 32 TENANTS' OPTION OF PrUCHASE ASSOCIA- TION, MELBOURNE. llou- to dispose of Vic- toria's permanent I^andlords bv means of Tenants' Option of Purchase. 8vo. Mel'b., 1899. .MF 5 P 25 TEN BRINK, Bernhard. Histoiy of English Literature. Ed. by Dr. Alois Brandl, and tianslated from the German bv L. Dora Schn)itz. \'ol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ■ B 3 P 24 3. From tlie Uth Century to the Death of Surrey. TEN BRINK, Dr. Jan. Robespierre and the Red Terror. Translated bv J. Ilcdeman. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. R 16 U 14 TENISON-WOODS, Rev. Julian Edmund. Geology and .Mineralogy of the Northei-n Territory of South Aus- tralia. [See Parsons, J. L.— The Northern Territory.] MD8 Q49 Personal Reminiscences of Adam Lind.say Gordon. [See Melljourne Review, 9.] ME 18 Q TENNANT, Charles. Letter on Systematic Coloiuzation. 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 13 Q 37 Letters concerning Systematic Colonization. [See Senior, N. W.] F 13 Q 37 TENNENT, Sir James Emerson. Christianity iii Ceylon : its Introduction and Progress under the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Briti-sh, and American Missions ; with an Historical Sketch of the Brahmanical and Buddhist Superstitions. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1850. G23T11 TENNESSEE : — State Departments — Jiejwrts and Publica- tions. Agricultural Experiment Station. Gras.ses of Tennes- see. Pt. 2. Illustrated. Svo. Knoxville, 1894. A 37 R 15 Grasses and Forage Plants ; bv J. B. Killebrew. Illus- trated. 8vo. Knoxville, 1899. A 37 R 26 Soils of Tennessee. Illustrated. 8vo. Knox\-ille, 1897. A 41 R 2 )94 Fnblic Library of Neto South Wales, TEXXYSON. Alfred, Baron. Works. With Portrait. 12mo. Loncl, 189.^. H 3 R 39 IMoiuoir and Works of; hv lii.s son. AVith Portraits. 12 vols. 8vo. Load., 1S98-99. H 12 S 2-13 1-4. Memoir. 5-1-2. Works. Early Poems. Edited, with a Critical Introduction, Commentaries and Notes, together with the various readings, a transcript of the Poems temporarily and finally suppressed, and a Bibliographv, hv J. C. Col- lins. 8vo. Lond., 1900. H 13 V 13 Memoir of ; Ly his son. With Pcjrtruits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189?: C 24 R 21, 22 The Age of Temiyson [See Walker, Pr< .f . H.] J 1 4 P 33 Arthur Heniy Hallam as Advocate of Alfred and Charles Tennyson. [See Nicoll, AV. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 The Bibliography of Tennyson, [See Hhephord, R. H.] K19P19 Criticism of the Work f)f. [See A\'alker, Prof. H. — Greater Victorian Poets.] J 10 U 30 [Critici.sm on] Tennyson's "Princess": liv A. Wilson. [See Melbourne Review, 9.] ME 18 Q [Es.say on] Tennyson's Poems. [See Jlill, John .Stuart. —Early Essafs.] J 14 U 37 Gareth and Lynette. [See Russell, 1-". A. A.] illl 1 V 20 Hand-book to the Works of. [&« Luce, M.] II 1 1 t^ 4 Lessons from my Masters. [See Bayne, P.] J -J T 28 Lines on the Death of ; by H. Buxton Forman. [Sec Nicoll, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 8 3 Mind of Tenny.son. [See Kncalh, Pr(,f. E. H.] J 23 S 34 The Philosophy of Tennyson. [See Lindsay, James. — Es.says.] ' ' J 12 T 44 The Pilgrim of ]"]ternitv. [See Montgomery, Eleanor E.] MH 1 S 72 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Sketch of.] [See Eminc.m Per-sons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J. — Great T(>achcrs.] C 23 S G [Sketch of.] [See Fields, Annie - Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Sketch of.] [/Sc« Stephen, L. — Studies of a J5iographer.] C 23 T 2 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F. — Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 2G R 29 Tennyson: a Critical Study. [5f««(iwynn, S.] J 23 U 23 Tennyson : Poet, Philosopher, Idealist. [See Walters, J. C] J2GS31 Tciuiysonand "In .Menioriani.'' [Sm Jacobs, J.] .1 IPs TENNYSON, Alfred, Bnvon—conld. Tenny,son and "In Meuioriam." [See Scudder, Vida D. — Life of the Spirit in the Alodern English Poets.] H 11 S 2 Tennyson as a Religious Teacher. [Sec Masterman, C. F. G.] G 2.5 S 7 Tennyson's Idylls ; by A. C. Wilson. [See Melbourne Review, 8.] ME 18 Q TENNYSON, Charles [Kfiennu-ds Charles Tennyson Turner.] [See Turner" C. T.] TENNYSON, Hallam, 2nd Baron. IMemoir and Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. [See Tennyson, A.] H 12 S 2-13 Memoir of Alfred Lord Tennyson. [See Tennyson, A.] C 24 R 21, 22 TEjrERFlELD IXTERCOLOXIAL COURIER and Fairlield and Wallangarra Advocate, 1899. Fol. Ten- terfiekl 1899. ME TEXTEliFlELD STAR, with which is incorporated the Tenterfi,:IiI Record, 1899. Fol. Tcnterfield, 1899. ME TEPPER, J. G. O. Botflies, Gadflies, and Breezeilies. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Feb., 1900.) ME 9 U The Coleoptera of Lake Callabonna,. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans, and Proc, 189G.) ]ME 1 S description of the male of Co/'loson/a iinmnii.-, Maskell, and of a new species of a Leaf-mining Moth. (Rov. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ME 1 S Leaves, Flowers, Fruit. 8\-o. Adelaide, 1898. MA 4 S 27 List of Australasian l^ibelluidie. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ' ME 1 S Orthoptera of Central Australia. (Spencer. Prof. W Baldwin.— Horn Scientific Exiiedition.) iMA 3 R Gl Plants, Insects, and Birds: their relation to each other, the soil, auil ni:iii. 8yo. (n.p.n.d.) MA 4 S 7 Trees and their rule in Nature. (.Agric.dt. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R -, and McALPlNJ'j, Y). Some South Australian forms of C'ordi/ccps Gimnii, Berk. (Agricult. (laz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R TlilRHUNE, Mary Virginia [Mrs.] "Marion Harland." Some Colonial Homesteads and their Stories. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1897. B IG U 10 Cluirlotte Bronte at Home. [See Bronte, C] C 28 P 1 William Cowper. [See Gowper, W.] C 28 P 2 , and Hl':r,RI('K, Christine Terhunc The National Cook 1mm, k. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 22 S 4 'i'KKUKH, Mnic Venus Waltz. Sm. fol. Sy.hiey (n.d.) MA 13 P. 5 t Supplementary Catalog ne — 1890-1900. 596 TERRIEN DE LACOUPEllTE, Albert Eticnnc Jean Biiptistc. Oriciitiilia Aiiti(|Uii ; or, Documents and Researches relatinj,' to the History of the Wi-itings, Languages, and Arts of the East. Vol. 1. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1882. J 5 X -Jt Catalogue of Chinese Coins, including the S('ii( s in (he British Museum. [See P>ritish Musenin.] A 1.^ I! 17 t "TERRIS.S, William." [See L(>win, \V. C. J.] TERRY, Ch.-u'li's Sanford. Life and Campaigns of Alex- ander Leslie, 1st Earl of Leven. AN'ith Portrait. 8vo. Lend., 189'J. 1! 2^ T 14 " TERRY, Ellen." [See Wai-d.^ll, Ellen Alicia.] TESTE, Dr. Alphonse. Practical Manual of Animal Mag- netism, containing an exj)osition of the methods em- ployed in producing the magnetic plienomeini ; with its application to the treatment and cure of diseases. Translated by Dr. I). Siiillaii. ll'mo. Lend., 1843. V, I.') U 6 TEWFIK, Pasha, Xhedive of Egypt. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persims.] C 19 Q 21 TEXAS : — Stafc Dpp(ir(m''uff:— Rr]>tirU nnd I'liIiUcatlnns. Agricultural Mechanical College. Rulletin No. .5. 8vo. Houston. 1888. A 32 R 19 o. Notes 4;! TEXT-BOOKS OF TECHNOLOGY. Carpentry and .Joinery. [See Webber, F. ('.] A "25 8 Hi , Practical" Meclianics. [See Welk, S. H.] A '2,j S lo TEXTE, Prof. Joseph. Jean Jacques Rousseau and the Cosmopolitan Spii-it in Literature : a Study of the Literary Relations between France and England during the 18th Century. Translated by J. W. Matthews. 8yo. Lond., 1899. " J 23 V 36 THACKER, S. Induin Directory. [See Indian Direc- tory.] E Reduced Survey Map of India. [See liartholomew, J. G.] ' D 13 V 11 THACKERAY, Anne Isabella. [See Ritchie Anne, I.] THACKERAY, Henry St. John. Grammar of New Te.s- tament Greek. [See Blass. Prof. F.] J 14 S 24 THACKERAY, William Makepeace. Works. Bio- graphical ed. ; with liiographical Introduction.s by his daughter, Anne Ritchie. [With Bibliography.] With Portrait. 13 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 r 1-13 I. Vanity l""air. '2. History of l'endeniii>'. ;i. Memoirs of Mr. Charles .T. Vellowijhisli ; the History of Samuel Titmarsh and tlie Creat Hoggarty Diamond; Cox'a Diary, &o. 4. Menioiia of Parry Lyndon, Ksq., written by himself the FitzBoodle Papers ; Men's Wives; Catherine, &c- 5. Sketch-books : Paris Sketehdjook of Mr. M. A. Tit- marsh ; the Iiisli Sketch-book ; Notes of a Journey from Comhill to Craiid Cairo, &c. 0. Contributions to I'linch, &c. 7. History of Henry Esmond, Esq., written bj' himself ; the English Humourists of the ISth Century ; the Four Georges ; and Charity and Huniimr. 8. The Newconies. 9. Christmas Books of Mr. .M. A. Titmarsh, &c. 10. The Virginians. 11. Adventures of Philip. 12. The Wolves and the Land) ; Lovel the \A'idower ; Roundabout Papers ; and Denis Duval. 1.3. Ballads and Miscellanies. Ballads and Songs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. mown Hitherto unidentified Contributions to Punch ; with a complete and authoritative Bibliograpliy from 1843- 48 by M. H. Spielmann. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1899. J 17 U 12 ^liscellaneous Essays, Sketches and Reviews, and Con- tributions to /'(afcA. 8vo. Lend., 1896. J 21 S 28 Life of; by L. Mchillc Illustrated. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1899. C 27 S 3, 4 [Life of]: by P. D. Phillips. (.Melb. Rev., 5.) ME 18 Q Thackeray's Haunts and Homes : by E. Crowe. Illus- trated." 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 22 [Criticism of the AN'orks of.] [See Craik, Hem-y. — Eng- lish Prose.] J6Q38* [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Stearn.s, F. P. — ilodern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 ■[Sketch of.] [See Linton, Elizabeth Lvnn.— Jly Literary Life.] " C20S22 Sketch of the Works (jf. [See Harrison, F.— Early Vic- torian Literatui'e.] J 8 T 37 Stutly of. [See Jack, Adolphus Alfred.] J 14 V 4 Thackeray in America. [See Curtis, G. W.— Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 THALES. [Sketch of.] [See Clodd, Edwai-cl.— Pioneei-s of Evolution.] A 27 R 13 THANE, Prof. George Dancer. Elements of Anatomy. [5e«Quain, Dr. J.] A 30 U 41-4"8 "THANET, Octave." [See French, Alice.] 596 I^iiblic Library of New South Wales. THATCHER, Benjamin Bussey. Indian Tracts : being Sketclies of the Manners, Customs, and Character of the North American Natives. 2 vols. 18mo. New York, 1833. A 26 P 39, 40 THATCHER, Dr. Oliver Jo.-;eph, and SCHWILL, Ferdi- nand. Europe in the Middle Ages. AVith ^laps and Charts. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 Q 24 THATCHER, RiclmiL.nd. .SyJnr^ „,:,! Snhirrhan Ilotfl Guide and Licensed Victunllers' Directory. \See Sydney and Suhurhcin Hotel Guide.'] MF Tt S 14 THAUSINO, Prof. Julius E. Theory and Practice of the Preparation of Malt, and the Fabrication of Beer, with special reference to the Vienna Process of Brewing, Tran.slated from tlie German hy William T. Brannt. and edited liy A. Sohwarz and Dr. A, H. Bauer. Illustrated. 8vo. Pliilad., 18S2. A 2-") U IG THAXTER, Celia [Mrs. L. L.] (Cclia Lai-hton). Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1898. " H 4 T 24 [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See W:u'd, Eli/.abeth Htiiart. Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 [Sketch of.] [Sf^- Fields, Annie.— Authors and Friends.] .1 1+ R 14 THAYER, Eli. History of the Kan.sas Crusade ; its Friends and its Foes ; with Introduction liv i?e\-. E. E. Hale. 8vo. New York, 18N9. " F 6 S 34 THAYER, Prof. James Bradley. Pielimiuary Treatise on Evidence at the Conniion Law. Pt. 1. 8vo. Bo.ston, 189G. F 13 R 28 1. Development of Trial liy Juiy. THEAL, George M'Call. The Portuguese in South Africa, witli a Description of the Native Races be- tween the River Zambesi and the Cape of Good Hope (luiing the IGth Centurv. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896.' ' BIG TIG TlIEATliE, Tlf : a Monthly Iteview and Magazine, from vol. 1. n.s., Au;;., 1878-85. 1 1 \(ils. 8\o. Lond., 1878-8.5. J 27 VI M TUEATHE OF AisTUALA.f. K'.arl GotU'ricd Wilhrlm. Iliblia ilebraica. [.See Bibles and Testaments. — Hebrew.] (i 2 1 V .30 THEOBALD, Frederick Vincent. Iirscct Life : a short Account of tlio Classification and Habits of In.sects. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1890. A 18 P 31 Parasitic Disea.scs of Poultry. Illustrated. 8vo. Ltmd., 1S9G. A 27 R 15 Text-book of Agricultural Zoology. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. A 27 P 4 '"HE0I3ALD, William. Conchologia Indica. [See Han- ley, S.] A 18 R 5 t THEOCRITUS. Etude sur Th&ocrite. {See Legrand, P. E.] H 4 V 19 [Opera.] \_See Poetre Gra?ci.] H 17 U 12 t '■THEODORUS."' [See Mullinger, J. B.] THEOGNIS. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and Theognis. Literally translated into English Prose, with copious Notes, by Rev. J. Banks. H 1 1 R 11 The Fragments of Theognis. Translated or paraphrased and chronologically arranged, with a view to illustrate the personal history of the Poet, by J. H. Frere. (Banks, Rev. J.— W\)rks of Hesiod.) H 11 R 11 [Opera.] {See Poetre Gra=ci.] H 17 U 12 t THEOLOGICAL REVIEW, The: a Journal of Religious Though.t and Life, 1866-72. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1866-72. G 19 Q 15-21 THEOLOGICAL TRANSLATION FUND LIBRARY. Apostolic Age of the Cluistian Church. [.S'ee Weizsacker, Prof. C. von. 1 O -23X5, 6 Conununion of tlic Christian witli Cml. [,%(■ Herrmann, Prof. A\'. I G 'lb Q 16 TllEOSOl'IIY IX AI'STHALASIA. A'ols. 1-5, April, 1895 March, 1900. 5 vols. rov. 8vo. and 4to. Sydney, 1895 1900. ' ME 19 R THEURIET, Andre. Rustic Life in France. Translated by Helen B. Dole. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. D 18 S 17 THIBAULT, E. Modern Languages at the Melbourne University. (M(!lbourne Review, G.) ME 18 Q THIBAULT, Jacques Anatole, "Anatole France." Bal- thasar. 8th ed. 12mo. Pari.s, 1898. J 26 Q 9 Les Dcsirs de Jean Servien. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 26 Q 10 Histoire Contemporaine. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1899. J 26 Q 17-19 1. L'Orme (In Mail. .34lh cd. •2. Le Maniiecpiin d'Osier. 47th cd. ■'!. L'Anncau iTAnuHhyste. -Kitli ud. Jocaste et le Chat Maigre. 6(h ed. 1 2mo. Paris, 1897. ' J 26 Q 12 Le Livre de Men Ami. 25tli cd. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 26 Q 13 LeLys Rouge. 55th ed. l2mo. Paris, 1899. J 26 Q 14 Les Opinions de M. Jerome Coignard, recueillies par Jacques Tournebroche. 12nio. Paris, 1893. J 26 Q 11 La R6tisserie de la Rcine Pcdauque. 29th ed. 1 2mo. Pari.s, 1899. J 26 tj 15 Thai.s. 29lh ed. 12mo. Paris, 1899. J 2G Q 16 La Vie Litteraire. Vol. 1, 7th ed., vols. 2-4, new ed. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1898-99. J 26 Q 23-26 [Study of.] {See Bury, Y. B. de. — Fiench Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 597 THIDDALL, Mary. Heiniich Heine's Last Days. [See Heine, H.] C 2(; P 1 THTEBAULT, Dleiulonuc Adi-icn Paul I'. ('. 11. l!;u-on. Memoirs of. Translated and condiMi.sed by A. J. Uutlci-. •_> vols. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 23 V 1 1, 12 THIELE, H. Jl. llewa River, Fiji. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Aug., 1891.) E THIELE, Johannes. Stiidien liber pazilisc-lK! S|)on;;i('M. Pt. 1. ".'.■..;1. Ito. Stuttgart, 1898. MA 10 Q 1 1 t THIERRY, Aiuerlee Simon Doniiniiiuc St. JJronie. \_See Church, R. W., Dean — Occasional Pap;'rs.] J It U 3.5 TJIIKRRY, C. de. [.S'v De Thierry, C] THILENIUS, Dr. 0. Formaline in Museologv. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189S.) " ME 2 S THILLY, Frank. History of Philosopliv. [See Weber, Alfred.] ' G .5 Q 30 THIMM, Carl Alber. Complete Bibliography of Fencing and Duelling as practised by all Eui'opean Nations frop.i the Middle Ages to the present (lav. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. ' A 11 S .i THIRLMERE, Rowland. Idylls of Si)ain ; ^'arnishcd Pictures of Travel in the Peninsula. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 21 Q 3 THISELTON-DYER, T. F [_See Dye.-, T. F. Thiselt..n-.] THOBURN, James Mills, Missionary Bishop of India and Malaysia. Sketch of. \_See Creegan, Rev. C. O. — Great Missionaries.] (J 14 S 30 THOM, W. S. Wild Sports of Burma and Assam. {See Pollok, Col F. T.] D22S11 rirOArs official directory ^A the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland for 1884, 1887-90, 1893-1900. 13vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1884-1900. E THOMAN, Fedor. Interest and Annuity Tables. [See Inwood, W. — Tables of Interest and Mortalitj' for the Purchasing of Estates and Yaluatit)n of Properties.] F 8 Q 8 THOMAS, Prof. Allen C, and Dr. Richard H. History of the Society of Friends in America. 8vo. New Y'^ork, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) (i 12 Y 19 THOMAS, Charles G. Johannesljurg in Anns, 1895-96: being the Observations of a casual spectator 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 R 2.5 THOMAS, Prof. Cvrus. Maya and Malav. (^Polvnesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) " ME 6 R THOMAS, David Morgan. The Day-book of Wonders. «vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 R 13 ■ri|i».M,\.S, I'l Neumann. How thankful slumld we be ConimentsonNat.il. Roy. 8vo. Cape Town, 1894. D 13 V G TII().M.\.S, Edward. The Woodland Life. 8vo. Edinb., 1S1)7. A 20 Q 40 T1I(».M.\S, Prof. Kmilc. Brjiiian Life lUidcr the Ca'sars. Illustrated. 8vo. Lnn.l., 1899. B 17 Q 32 THO.M.AS, Maj.-Gen. (ieorge Henry. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore F. - Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederatt; Commanders.] C 21 L' 5 THOMAS, Gluhs, ar.d GUILLEMARD, Jlary F. Cyrano de ]!ergerac^ [See Rostand, E.] H 10 U 33 THOMAS, J. R. Goring. Song: D(.llv Dav. [Mu.sic] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) ' MA 13 P 6 t Song: Forget-me-not. Sni, fol Sydney, 1895. MA I3P0t TilD.MAS, .lames Ilenrv. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 80.) " E THOMAS, .lames AValler. Treati.se on Coal, Mine-gases, and Ventilation. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 24 Q 35 THOMAS, John J. The American Fruit Culturist, con- taining Practical Directions for the Propagation and Culture of all Fruits adaptetl to the United States. 12th ed., revised and enlarged bv W. H. S. Wood. Illustrated. 8v(,. New York, 1897. A 20 U 30 THOMAS, Julian, '-The Yagabond.' Holy Tonga. Svo. Melb. (n.d.) ' Mb 5 R 36 Western Australia : being the Winter Supplement of 7'/(« Lmder, JNlav, 1896. Illustrated. Fol. 3Ielb., 1896. " MD 2 P 32 % THOMAS, Margaret. Struck Gold. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 To my Cigarette. (Fi.sher, L.— Bv Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 k 33 Two Years in Palestine and Syria. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. . " D 22RI3 THOMAS, Michael Rogers Oldtield. Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotreniata in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Nat. Hist.] A 42 V I Dendereh, 1898. \See Egypt Exploration Fund.] B 18 Q 30 t Habits of the Sydney Bush-rat. \Su Zoological Soc, Loud., Proc., 1897.] E 598 Public Library of Neii) South Wales. THOMAS, Ralph. A Bibliosvaphical List of Works on Swimming. 8vo. Lond^ 1868. A 29 T 37 JS^otice of the Life and Works of Joseph ^Nlarie Querard. 8vo. Load., 1867. J U S 39 On the use of the word P.rilish 12in. Lond., 1897. J 12 Q23 Some Words in "A New Eni;lisli Dictionary on Histori- cal Principles." 12mo. L.Mid., 1899. ' .T12. .M,,dern Methods in Churchwork. [See Alead, ilev. (!. W.] G 24 Q I THOMPSON, Denman. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous Amei'ican Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q THOilPSON, Dr. Edmund Symes. Life Assurance. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 THOMPSON, Edward G. Woodward's National Archi- tect. [See Woodward, G. E.] A 18 R 21 t THOM PSON, Rev. Edward H. Farm and ( )ichard Pests. 12mo. Adelaide, 1892. MA 4 P 10 Hand-book to the Insect Pests of Farm and Orchard. [See Tasmania. — Agricult.] ■ MA 3 S 72 THOJIPSON, Sir Edward Jlaunde. English Illuminated :MSS. Fol. Lcmd., 189.-). ' A 13 T 3 f Fac-similes of MSS. and Inscriptions. [See Palwographi- cal Soc] J 48 P 4-7 J Wycliffe Exhibition in the King's Lil)rarv. [&e British Museum.] " " K 19 R 24 THOMPSON, Edwaid P., and ANTHONY, Prof. William A. Roentgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode. Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. New York, 1896. " A 2.5 U 33 THOoSIPSON, Elizabeth Southerden. [Sei Butler, Lady Elizabeth Southerden.] THOMPSON, Ernest Evan Seton. Studies in the Art Anatomy of Animals: being a brief analysis of the visible forms of the more familiar Mannnals and Birds, designed for the use of Sculptors, Painters, Illus- trators, Naturalists, and Taxidermists. Illusti'ated. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 17 U 2 t I THOMPSON, Francis. New Poems. 8y( Lond., 1897. H 1 S 24 THO:MPSON, George F. Index to Authors, with Titles of their Publications, appearing in the Documents of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1841-97. [See United States. - Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Publications.] Cat. Room Synoptical Index of the Reports of the Statistician, "1863-94. [&e United States. — Dept. of Agricidt.— Div. of Publications.] Cat. Room THOMPSON, Sir Henry Home and Abroad, an( which it entails ; with Certification of Death. 8yo. Lond., 1898. Diet in relation to ag(> a 1891. Fish as Food. ( Int.-riiat. Literature.) Food and Feeding, ^\'il Loud., 1898. Modern Cremation. Crem; ticc to the present date ; all I'ecently imj)roved arr mation Society of Ivigl 1899. Cremation : its Progress at 1 the medical respon.sibilities special relation to improved (With discussion.) 2nd cd. A 30 T 31 lid a(■ti\lt^■. 1 2mo. Lond., A 33 Q 41 I'i'iheries l']xliib. — Fisheries A 34 R 7 h .\ppriidix. 9th ed. 8vo. A 39 V 25 ition : its History and Prac- with information relating to iiiigemenls made by the Cre- !ind. 3rd ed. 8yo. Lond., A 28 P II Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 599 THOMPSON, ?,ev. TTcMiry L.nvis. Tnspcctioii iind Exami- iiation lit' iSchdols l)y iitlirf pulilic l)ii(lics t.luui the Un'i- versitiiw. (Iiitrrnal. lir'jLli Exliilj. — Ileiilth Exhib. Litcniture.) A 41 V 9 Memoir of Henry (ioorgv liMcldl, Dean (if Christ Church, Oxf.inl [Sc/Liddcll, II, (i, l>an.] C 25 S 1 1 THOMPSON, llcrhnl Ar. ItussiaiiPdlitius. .Svo. LdiuL, 1896. E It U L'4 THOMPSON, J. W. Appeal tu Patriotism; tliu Laiul Question ; Alienation ; the very llicli and the very Poor; Leasinjf Policy ; Justice to all ; with a jn-actical method of introducing into Queensland £1.'), 01)0,000. 8vo. Biisb., 1S8:1 MF 5 Q 16 THOMPSON, Dr. John Ashl.urton. Contriliution 1o the History of Leprosy in xVustralia. Svo. Loud., 1897. MA 3 W 2.3 History and Prevalence of Leprosy in Australia. (Aus- tralasian Assoc, fin' Advancement of Science, Keport, 1898.) .ME 18 S Lepro.sy in Hawaii : a Critical Lujuirv. 8\ii. Sydney, 1898. ' MA -it's THOMPSON, John Low. Catch Crops. (A-ricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) " ME 9 Pv The Cliannel Islands Breed of Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Cheese-making on the ChedLhir Principle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) I\iE 9 R The CultiAation of !iMai/cc oi' Indian Corn. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 R 59 Dairy Notes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Dehorning Cattle. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R The Dutch Belted Breed of Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ' ME 9 R Ensilage up to date. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Grain Drill and Hor.se Hoe. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Highland Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Holstein or Frisian Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Irrigation in Australia. (.Vijricult. Gaz., N.S.M'., 1899.) ME 9 R Labour-sa\ ing lni[ilen\ents. (Agricult. (iaz., N.S.W., 1897-99.) ' ' ME 9 R Lard. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) :sm 9 R Lucerne. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' (iuidc. ) ?il A 4 V 1 ]Slaize. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide. ) MA 4 L^ 1 Notes on Ham and Bacon-curing. (Agricult. Gaz.i N.S.W., 1896.) ' ME 9 R Pasteurising Cream for Piutter-niaking. (Acrricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) '" ME 9 R The Pig. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Report on a Visit to the 'Western District. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R THO^MPSON, John Low— mnlj. liotalion of Crops. (Farmers and I'ruil-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Selection of a Dairy Hei-d. (.Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ■ ME 9 P. Soil Exhaustion. (.\gr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) MK 9 R Soiling Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R A Spiked Puiller. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 189H.) ME 9 R Steam ( 'ulliv alioii. (.\L;ricidt. Gaz., N.S.AV., 1900.) M !■; 9 R The Tillci-ing r. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1000. 601 THOMSON, Prof. J.ilni Artlmr. Tho Natui-al History of thcYciir. Tllustratc'd. Svo. Loud, 189G. Ail'lT) The Science of Life : an Outline of tlic History of ISiology and its recent advances. 8vo. Lond., L'^O'J. (Vic- torian EraSer.) A l' 1 P 39 Fi-om North Polo to Ec|iialor. [See ]in:hui, Alfred Edmund.] D 18 V 22 THOMSON, Jaseph. Josepli Thomson ; :i l!i..-Ta|,hv ; hy his brother. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1 SOC. C -i.'i Q 5 THOMSON, Prof. Joseph John, F.R.S. ])iseharffc of Electricity through Gases. Illustrated. 12nio. Lend., 1898. A 22 Q 23 Rontgen Rays. [See Barker, Pi-of. 0. F.] A 44 (.J 22 THOMSON, Katherine (Mrs. A. T.) [Katlierine Hyerley]. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 171") and 1745. With Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 184."). C 27 U 2-4 THOMSON, Margaret R. From North Pole to Efpiator. [See Brehm, Alfred Edmund.] J) 18 V 22 THOMSON, Dr. Theodore. Report on an epidenn'o of Enteric Fever in the Borough of Newpoi't. [See (it. Brit, and Ireland. — Local Government.] A 39 V 1 1 i THOMSON, Sii' W [S'cf Kelvin, I'aro THOMSON, Capt. William C. Fiji: Past and Present. (Roy. Geograjih. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1899.) ME 20 P THOMSON, Dr. William H. Acute and Chronic Organic Diseases of the Heart. (Hare, l>r. IT. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A'31 P 15 THOMSON, Dr. William Hanna. Christ in the Old Tes- tament ; or, the Great Argument. 8vo. New York, 1888. G 24 T 5 THOMSON, William McClure. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionarie.s.] G 14 S 30 THOREAU, He-.irv Da\id. Life of ; by Heurv 8. Salt. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T 12 [Life of]; Ly F. B. Sanborn. AVith Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1897. (American Men of Letter.s.) C 27 P 8 [Short Study of.] [See Higginson, T. A\'.~Short Studies of American Authors.] ' J 1 R 30 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W. —Lectures and Bio- graphical Sketche.s.] J 22 Q 24 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 THORELL, Tamerlan. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma. [See British ^Museum. — Nat. Hist.] A 38 P 12 4 a THORN, W. H. Reed's Engineers' Hand-book to the Board of Trade E.xaminations for Certificates of Com- petency as First and Second-class Engineers. 15tli ed. With Plates. 2 vols. Svo. Sunderland, 1894. A 22 R 10, 11 THORNBURY, George Walter. Songs of tlie Cavalier.s anil Roundheads, Jacobite Ballads, &c. Tllusti-ated. 8vo. Lond., I8.'i7. II 10 W 24 Life of J. M. W. Turner. [,SVe Turner, J. -M. W.j C 23 R 29 THORNDlKi:, Ivbvard L. Animal Intelligence : an E.k- perimental Study of the Associative Processes in Ani- mals. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 25 V 8 THORNK, Charles R. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See ]\[cKay. F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q (i THORNE, Dr. Richard Thorne. Diphtlieria. (Alll)utt, Dr. T. C— System (,f Medicine.) A 20 T 34 THORNE, Dr. William Bezly. The Schott .Methods of the Treatment of Chnjnic Disea.ses of the Heart, with an Account of the Nauheim Baths, and of tlie Therapeutic Exerci.se.s. Illust. Svo. Lond., 189G. A 30 Q 10 THORNHILL, Mark. Haunts and Iloljbies of an Indian Oflicial. Svo, Lond., 1899. 1)13 S3 THORNLEY, E. M. Notes on Hydraulicing and (u-ound- sluicing in New Zealand, and comparisons with tlie Drift Gravel of the Corinna District in Tasmania. (Australasian In.st. of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ' ME 18 P THORNTHWAITE, W. Hints on Reflecting and Re- fracting Telescopes and their acces.sories. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 T 36 THORNTON, J. First Lessons in Book-keeping. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 25 P 16 THORNTON, Rev. Robinson. St. Ambrose: his Life, Times, and Teaching. 12mo. Lend., 1891. (The Fathers for English Readers.) G 26 P 22 THORNTON, Samuel, Bishop of Ballarat. Problems of Aboriginal Art in Australia. (Viet. Inst., Trans., 30.) THORNTON, Thomas Henry. Gen. Sir Richard Meade and the Feudatory System of Central and Southern India. [S«« Meade, Gen. Sir R.] C 25 P 14 THORP, Frank Hall. Outlines of Industrial Chemistry. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 U 25 THORP, William. Chemical Technolosv. [See Groves. C. E.] "^^ A 21 V 6-8 G02 FiihUc Library of New South. Wales. THORPE, Benjamin. Florcntii Wigorniensis jMonachi Chronicon ex Clironicis. {Sec Englisli Hist, Hoc, Pubs.] B .39 R 23, 24 THORPE, Francis Nowton. Constitutional Histoiy of the American People, 1776-18.")0. With ilaps. 2 vols. 8vo. New Ynrk, 1898. F IT. V .3, 4 THORPE, G. Co.iperative A-ricultme. 12mo. 31an- chester, 1894. F 13 V 41 THORPE, Dr. Thomas Eilwaicl, F.R.S. Humphry Davy, Poet and Philosopher. [See Davy, Sir H.] C 20 U 16 THORPE, Dr. Tidal (iuns.m. Notes on a new species of Pedalion from the Solomon Isles. (\\i<\. Hoc, Tas., Papers and Proc., 18 S 2 TIDDEMAN, Richard Hill. Geology of the Country between Appleby, Ullswater, and Haweswater. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] ' A 47 R 38 Geology of ilie Country aromid Ingleljorougli, witli parts of Wensleydale and'Wharfedale." [See Gt, Brit, and Irel. Geolog. Surv. -England and Wales.] .\ 47 R 28 Geology of the Country around Mallerstang, with parts of Wensleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale. [See Gt. lirit. and Irel. Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 31 TIDEY, Dr. Stuart. Health Abroad. [See Batter.sby, Dr. C. TL] A 45 R 3 TIDSSKIUrr roii I.ASD'OKOXO.M!. [See ])einuark. Agricull.] E Supplementary Calalogne — 1800-1000. 603 TIDSWELL, Dr. Frank. PrDtcctivc Tiiipciiliiliiui !ij,'ainst AiUlirax. (Ajtriciilt. V,:v/.., N.S.W., ISIJ!).) ,M K 1) 1! Protective Innculafiim a.L!aiiisl Tii'k Fe\-er. (Aiiricull. Gaz., N.S.W., l.SUO.) I\IE i) R TIDY, Dr. Charles MeviniiU. Ee-al .Mrdirin,.. i' vols, roy. 8v(.. Loud., 1S,S2 .S.'i. V \ \ 10,11 TIECK, Liidwi;;. Slial;eKjx'ai-e's Saiiitlieln- I )rainnti.selie Werke. [See .Sliakesjicare, "W.] 1112 (.^> I'd !".» TIELE, l?e\-. Cornelius Petnis. ElfMiients of the Science of Relijiiun. 2 voK 8vo. Ediiil.., ISilJ 99. (Oillbrd Lectures) (ill U. 33, 3+ Western Asia according- to tlu' most recent Discoveries. Translated by Elizahetli J. 'I'avlor. liiino. Loud, (n.d.) ■ ■ P. l'9Sll TIEPOLO, Giovanni Pattista. G!i Alfresclii : raccolti da (K Molfese con uno .Studio di A. Centelli. Yok 1. Pol. Torino {\\.i\.) A IS P If, ; TTEPNEY, Rev. Mark Aloysius. History .n,.l Antic.nitics of the Castle and Town of Arundel, iiichuling the Biography of the Earls froni the Conquest to the Present Time. Tlhistrated. i vols. rov. Svo. I/md., 1834. J! 23 A' l."), IG TJETKENS, W. H. llemarks ..n C'enlral Australia, sug- gesting further Exploration. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, 7{e)iort, 1S9S.) JNIE l^i S Western Central Australia. (l>oy. Geograph. Sec. of Australasia, N.S.W. Prancli,.)ouin., 1891- 92.) iME2{)P TIFFANY, Rev. Charles Comfort. History of the Protest- ant Episcopal Chui'di in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1895. (Am.'r. Church Hist. Sei.) (! I 2 A' 1 1 TIFFANY, Francis. This (ioodly Frame the i:arlh : Stray Impressions of Scenes, Incidents, and Persons in a Journey touching Japan, China, Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J) 21 T 1 TIFFANY, Dr. Louis McLane. Oral Surgery. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Denti.stry.) A 31 S 3 TJJDSCIIRIFT VOOR 11 KT ZEEWEZEN, formerly ]'crln'ii(li'/iii(/Pii ni J)i'ri;/fi'ii owr '■riiii/c Otnkrircvpin der Zi'i'vanrlkiDidi', 1837-75. 35 vols. S\(i. Amster- dam, 1837 75. E TILDEN, Samuel Jones. Life of; hy John Bigelow. 2 vols. iSvo. New York, 1895. C 22 Q 15, 16 AVritings and Speeclies of. Edited liv Jolni Bi<;clow. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 18S5. " V 10 S 32, 33 TILDEN, Prof. AYilliam Augustus, F.R.S. .Manual of Chemistrv, Theoretical and Practical. Illustrated. 8vo. Loiid., 1897. .\ 20 P l'7 Short History of the Prt)gress of Scientilic Clicniislry in our own times. 8vo. Loud., 1899. A II T 2G TfELIO, Pi'of. Alexander. AV(jrks of {'"rieilricli Nietzsche. \See Nietzsche, F. W.| (i 10 Y 15 TILIJ:AI7, Dec, 1.sk7-JuIv, 1888, Jan. -June, 18K9, Oct., 1889-Dee., 1890, June, 1891 April, 1900. 104 vols. fol. Ljud., 1872-1000. E Index to Tlir Tiim's Newspap(M-, Jan., IK22-G5, April, 1866-99. 78 vols. sm. 4to. Lian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P TIR.VRD, Dr. Xestu:'. Diphtheria and Antitoxin. 8vo. Lond.. 1897. A 32 R 3G TIREBUCK, William. On the A^erge of Change. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 TISDALL, Henry Thoiiias. Algie of A'ictoria. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) AIE IS S Botanical Peep into the Rockv Pools of Sorrento and Qucensclift'. (A'ict. Nat., May and Oct., 1897. ) ME 6 P Facilities for Botanical Studies in A'ictoria. (A'ict. Nat.i March, 1899.) ME 6 P State School Examination Papers, 1889. 12nio. Melb., 1890. MO 2 U 23 TISDALL, Rov. St. Clair. The Religion of the Crescent j or, Islam : its Strength, its AVeakuess, its Origin, its Inlluence. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 4 \ 21 eo4 Public Library of New South JT'ales. n.SSERAND, Prof. FoHx. Ti-aiti. de Mecaniciue Celeste. 4 VLils. 4to. Paris, 1889-9G. A 5 P l'7-30 f 1. Perturbations des Planetes cVapres la Muthoile tie la Variation ties Constantes Arbitraires. '2. Tlieorie de la Figure des Corps Celestes et de Leur ilouveiiient de Rotation. 3. Expose de I'lCnsemble des Theories relatives au JIou%e- inent de la Luue. -t. Theories des Satellites de .Jupiter et de Saturnc. Per- turbations tXes petites Planetes. TISSOT, James Joseph Jacques. Life of Our Sa\iour Jesus Clirist : 36-5 Compositions from the four Gos pels. With Nt)tes and Explanatory Drawings ; Notes trans- lated by Mrs. Ai-thur Bell. ' Vols. 1^'2. Illustrated. ■2 vols." fol. Lond., 1897-98. G G U 13, 14 1 TITCHEXER, Prof. Edward Bradford. Outline of Psv- cliology. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 12 V 32 Primer of Psychology. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 23 R 15 The Facts of the Moral Life. [&« Wundt, W.] G 1 1 R 40 Introduction to Philo.sopliv. \_Se( Kulpe, Prof. O.] G18P44 Outlines of Psychology- {See Kiilpe, Prof. 0.] G 3 U 5 TITHERADGE, George S. The Daffodil in Australia. (Roy. Horticult. Soc., Journ., Aju-il, 1899.) E TIVOLI SONGSTER. Nos. 14-18, 21. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MH I'U 82 TIZIANO VECELLI. Art of. {See Rose, G. B.— Renaissance Masters.] A^llTll Earlier Work of; by C. Phillips. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 34.] E Later Work of; by C. Phillij)s. [.SV,- Portfolio. — Mono- graphs, :'.7.] E TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis Charles Henri VAmA, Comte de. Recollections of. Edited by the Comte de Toc, and now first translated into Engli-sh by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 8v(). Lond., 1896. F 12 T 22 [Essay on.] [-S^e Alison, Dr. A.— Es.says.] J 11 1' 1:! TOD, Alexander Hav. Charterliousc. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ■ G 1.5 U 50 TOD, Lieut. Col. James. Annals ami .Vnliquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Calcutta, 1877 79. B 41 AV II, 12 TODT), Commander Cliapnian C. Report on \'ovag(' of U.S.S. Wilminijtnn up the Amazon Rivei-, preceded by a .short Account of a Voyage uj) the Orinoco |{i\cr. [Sen United States. — Dept." of tlie Navy.] D 22 U 1 1 With Sampson through tlie War. [See Goode, W. A. M.] B 1 1 K :■. TODD, Charles. Oli.servations of the Transit, of Venus, December 8tli and 9th, 1.S7I, at Adelaide, South Aus- tralia. (Roy. Astroiiom. Soc, Mem. 47.) ]•; TODD, Pi-of. David Peek. New Astronomy. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' A 19 R 20 Stars and Telescopes : a Hand-l)ook of Popular Astron- omy, founded on the 9th ed. of Lynn's " Celestial Motioas." Illust. 8vo. Lend., 1900. A 19 Q 32 TODD, George Eyre-. Early Scottish Poetry. 8vo. Glasgow, 1891. (Abbotsford Ser.) H 13 P 5 Mediieval Scottish Poetry. 8vo. Glasgow, 1892. (Ab- botsford Ser.) ■ H 13 P 4 Scottish Ballad Poetry. 8vo. Glasgow, 1893. (Abbots- ford Ser.) ' ' H 13 P 6 Scottish Poetry of the 16th Century. 8vo. Glasgow, 1892. (Abbotsford Ser.) " H 13 P 5 Scottish Poetry of the 17th Century. 8vo: Glasgow, 1895. (Abbotsford Ser.) ' H 13 P 7 Scottish Poetry of the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Glas- gow, 1896. ' (Abbotisford Ser.) ' H 13 P 1, 2 TODD, John, and WHALL, W. B. Practical Seamanship for use in the Merchant Ser\'ice, incluiling all ordinary subjects, also Steam Seamanship, Wreck Lifting, avoiding Collisions, Wire-splicing, Displacement, and e\-erything necessary to be known by Seamen of the present day. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. ■ ■ A 22 V 7 TODHUNTER, I.saac, F.R.S. History of the Mathe- matical Theory of Probability from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace. 8vo. Camb., 1865. A 38 V 5 Key to Algebra, for the use of Colleges and Schools. 8yo. Lond., 1894. A 25 R 41 Mensuration for Beginners. 18mo. Loud., 1890. A 25 P 42 Key to Todhunter's Mensui-ation. [_See McCarthy, Rev. Lawrence.] A 25 R 40 TOFT, W. Apiculture. (Queensland Agricidt. Journ., July, 1899.) '^ ME 9 U TOKYO IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 2557- 58 (1897-98). 8vo. Tokyo, 2558 (1898). E TOLLEMACHK, Hon. Lionel Aithur. Talks with IMr. (iladstone. AVitli Portr. 8yo. Loud., 1898. C24P10 Kruiiinscences of " Lewis C!arroll." [_See Dodgson, Rev. C. L.] J 14 Q 35 TOLSTOI, Lyof Nicholayevitch, Count. Anna Kareniua Translated by N. H.' Dole. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond. (n.d.) ' J 22 U 16 Anna Karcniiie. 2 vols. l2ino. Paris, 1899. J 22 T 1, 2 Christian Teaching. Translated by W. Tchertkoff. 8m). L(md., 1898. ' G 23 S 44 La Guerre et la Paix : J{om.ui llisloric|ue traduit avec I'autorisation de I'Auteui', pai' unc liusse. 8th ed. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 22 T 3-5 Leo Tolstoy, the Grand Mujik : aStud\- i]i Personal Evo- lution ; by G. 11. Perris. AN'ilh llililiography and Portrait. 8yo. Lond., i89S. ' C 20 T 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. mo TOLSTOT, Lyuf Ni.'holayevituli, Count—con/'/. Wiir .-iiul Pciieo. Ti-uislatcd l)y N. H. Oulc, J vols. 8v(). J.(m(l. (ii.d.) J 23 S 3-6 Wliat is Art? Ti-aiislated froiii tlic (ii-ij;iiial Kussian MS., witli an Introduction, liv A. Maude. I2ni(). Loud., 1S09. (Scott Lib.) ' A 23 P 48 Work whilo ye liiivo the Light. 'J'ranslatcd by E. J. Dillon; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1890. J 23 U 9 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See (Jossc, E. — Critica Kit-kats.] .) II ir 2:! [Sketch of.] {_See Han.s.son, I^aura Marliolni. -Wo Women and oui' Authors.] .1 21 K 38 "TOMAHAWK, A." Yellow A-ony: Wide-spreading BranchesofaDangerousTree. 8\-o. (n.p.n.d.) MJ3R28 TOMASCHEK, Dr. Willielm. Die Topograi)hii-clicn Capitcl de.s Indischen Seespiegels Mohit. [^See Seidi 'Ali ben Hcscin.] " D 12 X 17 t TOMES, Sir John, F.R.S. System of Dental Surgery. 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 21 U .'ll TOM KINS, Rev. Henry George. Abraham and his age. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 23 Q'19 TOMN, Lilian. The Referendum in Australia and Ts^ew Zealand. (Contemporary Review, Aug., 1897.) E The Referendum in Switzerland. \_See Deploige, S.] F 1.5 Q 34 TOMPKINS, Albert Edward. Text-book of IMarinc Engineering. Illustrated. 8vo. Port.sniouth, 1898. A 38 T 4 TOMPKINS, Daniel D. Public Papers of. [See New York. -Historian.] B 41 S .") "TOMSON, (iraham R. [See Watson, Rosamund.] TONKIN, James E. Eiuj/ish, Anstriditiii, mnl Aiiitr'wan SportiiKj Calcndat; 1884. Svo. Svdnev, 1884. MA b Q 13 TOOLE, John Lawrence. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammer- ton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] '" HIS 31 TOOLEY, Sarah A. Personal Life of Queen Victoria. [See Victoria., Queen of Great Britain and Ireland ] C 21 U 12 TOOTH, Dr. Howard Henrv. Cerebral I hemorrhage. (Alll)utt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 40 TOOTHED GEARING. [See "F.n-eman Pattern-maker.''] .V 24 P 42 TOPINARI), Dr. Paul. Science and Eaith ; or, Manas an Animal and Man as a Member of Society ; with a Di.seu.ssion of Animal Societies. Translated by T. J. McCormack. Svo. Chicago, 1899. A 27 S 31 TOPLEY, William. W;iter Supply in its influence on tlie Distribution of the Pojiulation. (Internat. Health E.xhib. Health Kxhib. Liter.iture.) A 41 Y 4 TOPJjIS, S. (irace. Early Fiction of Richard Jefferies. [&« Jefferies, B.] ' J 21 P 29 TOPP, A. M. D.'fenre ,,f tile Empire. ( .Melbourne Re- view, .").) ME 18 Q The Eastern Question and the British I!m]iire. (Mel- bourne Review, .3.) ME 18 Q English Institutions and the Irish Race. (Melbourne Review, 0.) ME 18 Q A few Banking Questions. (Mell). Rev., 4.) ME 18 Q A few more Words on tli(> Irish Question. (Melbourne Review, G.) ME 18 Q Freeman's Historical Geographv of Europe. (Melbourne Review, G.) ' ' ME 18 Q Germany and England. (Melb. Review, .3.) ME 18 Q The Situation in Europe. (Melb. Review, .5.) ME 18 Q Spencer's Principh;.s of Sociology. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ■ ME18Q TOPP, S. St. John. Marriage and Divorce Law.s. (Mel- bourne Review, 4.) " ME 18 Q Shakespeare's Knowledge of the Classics. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ' ME 18 Q [Life of] Charles Dickens. [See Melb. Rev., G.] ME 18 Q TOPSENT, E. Eponges. [See Ko'hler, Prof. R.— Rd- sultats Scientific [ues de la Campagne du Cnufhm dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 3 1 S 30 TORR, Cecil. Memphis and Mycena' : an Examination of Egyptian Chronology and its application to the Early Histoiy of (ireece. Svo. Camb., 189G. B 27 V 21 TORR, H. J. Parocliial Church C(mncils. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays ill aid of Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 TORR, W. (4., and ASHBY, Edwin. Descriptions of seven new .species of South Australian Polyplacophora. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) " ME 1 S TORRENS, William Torreus Maccullagh. Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. William, 2nd Viscount ]Melbourne. [See Melbourne, Viscount.] C 24 R 3, 4 TORREY, R. A. What the Bible teaches : a thorough and comprehensive study of all the Bible has to say concerning the great Doctrijies of which it treats. Svo. Lond. ( 11.(1.) G 23 XJ 44 TORRUJIBARRY IRRIGATION COLONY. Dcscrip tion and !Map : Irrigated Farms, Vineyards, Orchards, and Gardens. Svo. Melb., 1891. " MA 4 S o TOTTEN, (4eorge Oakley. Report upon the 4th Inter- national Cimgress of Architects, Brussels, 1897. [See United States. — Dept. of the Trea.sury.] A 23 Y 4 606 Fnhlic Library of New South IFules. "TOUCHSTONE, S. F." History of Celebrated English aad Frencli tlioroughbred 8tallioiis and French Mares, 1764-18.-<7. Trans, bv C. B. Pitman. lUust. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1S90. " A .3 R 23 t TOUGH, William. W,,rks of 8ir ^\-illiani IMnre. [_See Scottish Text Soc, Puljs., 40, 41.] E TOULOT, Jules. [Reproduction of his Picture] Salambo. [See Lan.sing, C— The Xude iuArt.] A 12 P 27 \ TOURGUENEFF, Ivan Sergueivitch. Tourgueneff and his French Circle. Tlldited by E. Halperine-Kanun- sky, tran.slated by Ethel ^I. Ai-nold. (Syo. Lond., 1898. ' C 23 S 15 TOUT, Prof. Thomas Frederick. The Empire and the Papacv, y 18-1 27:5. Period 2. 8vo. Lond., 1898. P. 16 R 32 TOUT^VIX, J. Les Cites Romaines de la Tunisie : Essai sur IHistoire de la Colonisation Roinaine dans I'Afrifiue du Nord. 8vo. Pari.s, 1896. B 32 8 7 Etude sur les C'apitoles j)rovinciaux de I'Empirc romain. Svo. Paris, 1899. V, 11 ^\' 10 TOVEY, Rev. ]!)uncan Crookes. Reviews and Essays in Engli.sh Literature. 8yo. Lond., 1897. J 14 V 18 TOWER, Ralph W. Dissection of the Cat. [&<; Gorham, Frederick P.] A 41 R 6 TOWX AXD COUXTRY .J()ri;XAL. Thr, fr,,m No. 1, Jan.. 1870-June. 1900. 71 vols. fol. Sydney, 1870- 1900. ■ ' ME TOWX AXD COI-XTJ;)- MAGAZIXE: or, Universal Repository of Knowledge, Instruction, and iMitertain- meiit. Vol.s. 1-17, 21, 22, 1709-8."), 17.^9-90. 19 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1769-90. F 28 P ll-Q 13 TOWNSEND, George William. Note t'''""t- Critical Commentary.) G 23 ]{ 41 Book of tlic ProjilH't Ezekiel. [See Bibles and Testa- ments.— English.] (4 23 U 12 TOYNBEE, Gertrude. Treatment of the London Poor. (Internat. Health Exliib.- Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 18 TOYNBEE, Paget Jacks..n. Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in tlie Works of Dante. 4to'. Oxford, 1898. K 13T G Specimens of Old French (9th-15th Centuries); with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. Svo. Oxford, 1892. (Clarendon Press Ser.) " J 22 P 35 TOZER, Rev. Henry Fanshawe. History of Ancient Geography. AVith ilaps. 8vo. Camb., 1897. 1)17R28 TRACTS RELATR'E TO ABORIGINES, 1838-92. 8vo. Lond., 1813. MA 2 T 24 TRACY, Dr. Frederick. The Psychology of Childlu.od. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston, 1895. ' G 9 W 20 TRACY, Dr. Roger Sherman. Hand-book of Sanitary Information for Householdei s. 12nio. New York, 189.5. A 26 P 23 TRACY, Prof. S. M. Corn Culture in the South. [See United States.-^-Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Forage Plants for the South. [See United States. — Dept. of Ag'-'wilt-] A 41 U 1 Hog-raising in the South. '^See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A41U2 Report upon the Forage Plants and Forage Resources of the Gulf States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult. — Division of Agmstology.] A 36 V 16 TRADES DIRECTORY OF SYDXEY l- SURURnS. [See Noice, C. S.] ME 10 S TR.\ILL, Henry Duff. England, Egypt, an.l the Sudan. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " B 4 1 U 12 The New Fiction anil other Essays on literary subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " J 14 R 28 The New Lucian : lieing a sei'ies cf l)i,il(igues of the Dead. 8yo. L(md.. 1884. ' J 4 V 14 Social England: a Record of (he Progress of the People in Religion, Laws, Learning, Arts, Industry, Science, Jjiterature, and Manners, from the earli(?st times to the present day. vols. Svo. Loud., 189.3-97. I! 19 U 4-9 1. From the earliest lime.s to tlio Ac'ces.sion of Kilwanl I. "2. From the Accession of Kilward I to Death of Henry VI I. ;i. From the Accession of Henry VIII to Deatli of Klizalieth. 4. From the Accession of .lames I to Death of Anne. ."i. From the Accession of (Jeorge I to Battle of Waterloo. (). From the Battle of Waterloo toficncral Flection of ISS."). Among my Books. [See Among my i^ooks.] J 14 Q .35 [Life of] Lord Cromer. [See Cromer, Baron.] C 24 Q 19 Life of Sir John Franklin. [See Franklin, Sir John.] C 22 11 Lord Sli-.-illord. [Scf Straflord. Earl.] C 27 1! 5 TliANSMITTim, Th<\ Publishi'd in the interests of the N. S.W. Postal and Electiic Telegraph Society. Vols. 3-9, June, 1893-May, .1900. 7 vols. 4to. Sydney, 189.3-1900. .M K 19 li Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1900. G07 TliANSVAAL WAl?, The: Sonvoniis of tlic New S.mfli Willi's Coiitiii^cnl.s oil Active Service. Ito. Sviliicv, 1900. ' Ml; l:i T I't Tli.\SK, S]iencer. Howliiifj Green. ((ioodwiii, ?iliuid Wilder. Historic New York.) V, 19 R 0- TliAT.MAN, E. E. Hu.sscll. IJeport ou the use of iMetal Hnili'oad Tics, and on Preservative Pi'oce.s.'ies aiul Metal Tie-jilates for Woollen Til's. S\o. Wash., 1S9I. .V i-1 V S TRAURE, J. Physico Chciiiical Methods. Translated liv W. I.. Haidi:!. Illusli'.Ui'd. Svo. Philad., 1S98. A 2S T 17 TRAUTWI N I'j, John Cressoii. J'^xperiiiicnts upon the con- traction of the liijuid vein i.ssuing from an oi-iKce, and upon tiie distrilail ion of (lie M'locities within it. \_See Bax.in, II.] A .-'.2 R 33 TRAVERS, William T. !.. Material and Scientilic Pro- o-ress ill New Zealand ilurini;' the A'irturian Era. (N.Z. iiLst., Traii.s., 1,^97.) .ME 2 >S Patellida>, with rel'erence to species found on the rocks at Island and Fivall's Bays. (N.Z. Tnst., Tiaiis., 1897.) " ■ ME 2 S Presidential Addre-ss. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1896.) ]\[E 2 S Life and Times of Te Rauparaha. [See New Zealand In.st., Trans., 1872.] ME 2 S TREr.ELLIU8POLLl(). Hist iria Augusta. (Sciiptores Historic Romame.) B 10 U 23 % TBECHMANN, Emil .). Passages for Tran.slation into French and (lerman for the use of University and School Classes. 1 2nio. Sydney, 1899. M{i2R(;."> TREDGO LI), Thomas. Tlie Steam cn.;,dnc. Vol.1. Illus- trated. -Ito. Loud., 1850. A 18 T 29 t 1. Principles ami Practice and Kxplaiialioii cf tin; Marhi- neiy of Locomotive Engines. TREE, Herbert Reerhohm. [Art of xVcting'.] {Sea Ham- mertoii, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 Souvenir of the Chai'ing Cross Ho.spita. l>azaar. \See Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar.] J 12 X 21 t TREGEAR, Edward. Congenital Stigmata. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ]\IE 2 S Inaugural Address, read before the Wellington Philo- .sophical Society, June, 1898. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Kiwa, the Navigator. (Polvnesian Soc, June, 1898.) MEtiR The Language of MaUur.i, New Hebrides. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 189t;.) ME 6 R Maya and Malay. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) MEGR Phase of Hypnotism. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1890.) ME 2 S Thoughts on Comparative Mvtliol gv. (N.Z. Inst., Ti'ans., 1897.) ' ' ' ME 2 S TREMKLLIUS, Emmanuel. Biblia Kicra. [See Bibles and Testaments. Litin.J G 9 U 30 TRI'jNCH, Maria. 'I'he Passion-play at Ober-Anunorgau, translated into English, and tlic Songs of the Chorus in (jerman and English. Sm. Iti). Ijond., 1900. H 12 T IC Storv of Dr. I'usey's Life. [,SV; Pusey, Rev. E. B.] C 26 U 3 TltEXCH, Richard Chenevix, Archbishop of ]>ublin. [Essay on the Poems of.] [See Myer.s, F. W. H.— i:ssays Modern.] J 14 V 15 Plutarch : his Life, his Parallel [..ives, and his Morals. [See Plut.irvluis.] C 19 P 20 TRENHOLM, Willi mi Le New York, 1893. ■ Pcdjilc's .Munev. 12mo. "F I r 22 TRENT, Prof. William Petertield. William (Jilmoie Sinims. [See Simms, W. ti.] C 27 P 7 TREVELYAN, Charles Philip. Referendum in Switzer- land. [See Heploige, S. | F 1.^) Q 34 TI;1':VI':LYAN. Hk. KdnKuid Faurid. P.etrospect of Medicine. [See JJraithwaite, Dr. James.] E TREVELYAN, (ieorge Macaulay. England in the Age of Wycliffe. 8vu. Lond., 1899. ' B 33 S 1.5 The Peasants' Rising and the Lollards : a Collection of unpublished documents forming an Appendi.v to " i-aigland in tlie Age of Wycliffe.' [See Powell, K] B 33 S 16 TREVELYAN, Rt. Hon. Sir George Otto. American Revolution. AVith ^Maji. Pt. 1.' 8vo. Lond., 1899. R 20 T 3 TREVES, Dr. Frederick. Acute Peritonitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 30 Entci'optosi.s. (Allbutt, Di-. T. C. System of Medicine.^ A 20 T 36 Intestinal Obstruction. (Alll)utt, Dr. T. C— System of iMedicine.) A"26 T 36 Peritvplditis, t.Vllbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 2 Mils. 8vo. Lend., A 28 U 27, 28 Sv.stem of Surgery. Tllustrati ' 189.5. TREVOR, R. B. L 40 U 23 \ TROLLOPE, Anth(mv. Barchester Towers. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 2.") U 2(5 Framley Parsonage. New ed. 12mo. Lond., I89(). J 25 U 27 J(ilin Cohligate. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1885. J 25 U 28 Last Chronicle of Barset. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 15 V 31, 35 Phineas Finn. 8vo. Lfind. (n.d.) J 23 T 3 1 Phineas Redux. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 U 29 The Small House at AUington. New ed. 12nio. Lond.> 1894. J 25 U 30 The Three Clerks. Newed. 12mn. Lond., 1891. J 25 U 31 The Warden. Newed. 12riio. Lond., 1894. J 25 U 32 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. - Jicminiscences.] C 25 T 5 Sketch of tlie Works of. [See Harrison, F. ^l-Iarly Victorian Literature.] J 8 T 37 TROLLOPE, Frances [Mrs. T. A.] Life and Literary "Work of, from (ieorge FIX to Victoria ; by Frances E. Trollope. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 20 T 1, 2 TROLLOPE, Thomas Adolphus. What I remember. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1887-89. C 22 T G-8 TROPICAL AGRICULTURIST MO S'TULY, The. Vols. 1-12, 1.5-19, 1881-June, 1893, July, 189.5-June, 1900. 17vol.s. 4to. Colombo, 1881-1900. E TROTTER, Coutts. Some recent Explorations in New Guinea. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Oct., 1885.)- E TROTTER, Lieut.-Col. James Keitli. The Niger Sources and the Borders of the new Sierra Leone Protectorate. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 P 3 TROTTER, Capt. Lionel James. Life of John Nicholson, liased on jn'ivate and hitherto unj)ublished documents. [See Nicholson, J.] C 25 Q 5 TROUBAT. Jules. La Vie de Sainte-Beuve. [See Sainte- Beuve, C. A.] J 23 P 52 TROUBETZKOY, Amelie [Princess] (Amelie Rives). Athehvold 12mo. New York, 1893. H 10 T 19 TROUESSART, Dr. Edouard Louis. Halacariens. [See Kcehler, Prof. R. — Rc'sultats Scientiiiques de la Cauipa;;rie du Cciirhm dans le (iolfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 39 TROWBRIDGE, Dr. John. What is Electricity? Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Internat. Scientiiic Ser.) A 20 P 28 TRUBNER, Karl J. Minerva: Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt. [See Minerva.] E TRUE, Alfred Charles. Agricultural Experiment Stations ; their Olijects and Work. [See United States. — Dept. of .AgricuU, -Oliice of Experiment Stns.] A 38 Q 19 '■ TRUE, Holli.s." [See Chegwiddcn, T. C] "TRUE AMERICAN." The South African Republics irmux Great Britain. Sni. Ito. New York, 1900. B 36 R 18 TJiUJ-J COLOMST, \-M\ Dic;nen's Lantl Political Des- patch, and Agricultural and Commercial Advertiser, from vol. 1, No. 1, Aug. 5th, 1834-March 25th, 1836, and Nov. 4th, 1836. [Incomplete.] 3 vols. fol. Hobart, 1834-30. [Jan.-March and No\-. 4 th, 1836, hound with Jfuharl Town (,'fi~r./te.] ME TRUICMAN, Dr. William II. .\ililicial Crowns (Pivot Teeth). (Ijitcli, Dr. W. F. -American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Artificial Dcjitures on Bases of Gold and Sihcr. (Twitch, Dv. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Metallic Dies and Counter-dies. (Litch, Di\ W. F.- — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. cm TRUMAN, lOi-iiest K. P. Song ; ! Love me yet. Sin. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 V f TRUMAN, Dr. Jiinics. Di.scolourod Teetli jind their Treatment. (Litcli, Dr. W. F. ^American Sy.stem of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Di.seases of the Dental Pulp, and their Treatment. (Litch' Dr. W. F.— Anici-ican Sy.stem of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 "TRUMPETER, A." Salmcmiana. [&e "Barri Conta."] M !■: I 7 S TRUMPP, Prof. Ernest. Tlie A
  • TWELVETREES, W. H. Microscopical Studies of Tas- manian Rocks. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc. 1896.) ME 1 Q 612 Public Library of New South Wales. TWELVETEEES, W. H., and PETTERD, William F. Igneous Hocks of Tasmania. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Tran.s., 1898.) j\[E IS P Liauirite in Tasmania. (Rov. Soc, Ta.s., Papers ami Pi-oc, 1897.) ' ME 1 Q Notes on some recently disco\-ered and other Minerals occurring in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q Obsidian Buttons. (Rov. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ■ ME 1 Q Splierulitic Felsite on the AVest Coast of Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q Topaz-quartz Porphyry, or Stanniferous Elvan Dykes, of Mt. Bischoff. (ildv. Soc, Tas., Papers and" Proc, 1897.) " ME 1 Q TVrEXTIETir CEXrURY: a Weekly Radical Magazine. Vols. 16-20, 1896-June, 1898. "o vols. 4to. New York, 1896-98. E TWIGG, John Hill. Plain Statement of the Currency (Question, with reasons why we .should restore the old English law of Bimetallism. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 9 Q 38 TWINING, Katlierine. The Transformation of ]Mrs. Gamp. \_See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Vic- toria's Reign.] C i?> Q 19 TWINING, Louisa. Work-houses and Pauperism, and Women's Work in the administration of the Voov Law. 12mo. Land., 1898. F 15 Q U A Pioneer in Poor Law Reform. [&« Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer AVonien in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 TYLER, A. A. Nature and Origin of Stijiules. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, l.'<97. A 37 T 10 TYLER, Rev. D. B. History of the Disciples of Christ. 8vo. Now York, 1894. (American Church Hi.st. Series.) G 12 \ 19 TYLER, .Jolni. Portrait of. [^e Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 TYLER, Prof. John M. The Whence and Whither of JSlan : a hrief Hi.story of his Origin and Development through Conformity to Environment. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. A 27 R 19 TYLKR, John William. Tlio Working.s of Time ; or, a Peep into the Future. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 S 17 TYLER, Prof. Moses Coit. Glimpses of England : Social, Political, Literary. With Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1898. ' F15R27 Literary History of the American Revolution, 1 703-83. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1897. J UH 25, 20 TYLER, Thomas. Shakespeare's Sonnets, and the True Tragedy. \__See Shakespeare, W.] H 11 V 34, 40 TYLOR, Prof. Edward Burnett, F.R.S. The History of Mankind. [See Ratzel, Prof. F.] A 31 S 9-11 TYNAN, Katlierine. \_See Hinkson, Katlierine.] TYNDALL, Prof. Jolni, F.R.S. Glaciers of the Alps: being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents ; an Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers ; and an Ex- position of the physical principles to which they are related. Now ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 24 T 27 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 Sketch of. \_See Jerrold, W. — Electricians and their Mar-.els.] A 21 P 50 [Portrait of.] [See Si.xty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Tyndall and the Theologians. [Sec Godkin, E. L. — Re- flections and Comments.] J 12 S 45 TYRRELL, Rev. George. External Religion: its use and abuse. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ■" G 24 P 28 P.sychology of the Saints. [See Joly, H.] G 4 V 38 St. Ambrose. [See Broglie, Due de.] G 25 P 14 St. Augustine. [See Hatzfeld, A.] G 4 V 37 St. Francis of Sales. [See Margerie, A. de.] G 26 Q 2 St. Ignatius of Loyola. [See Joly, H.] G 24 P 13 St. Jerome. [See Largent, Rev. — .] G 26 Q 4 St. Louis. [See S(>pct, M.] G 25 P 1 St. Vincent de Paul. [See Broglie, E. de.] G 23 P 37 Testament of St. IgP-atius. [See Ignatius Lovola, St.] G 20 y 9 TYRRELL, J. W. Across the Sub-.\rctics of Canada: a Journey of 3,200 miles by Canoe and Snow-shoo through the Barren Lands, including a List of Plants collected on the I^xpedition, and a Vocabulary of Eskimo Words. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 15 T 29 TYRRELL, Prof. Robert Yelverton. Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero. [See Cicero, SI . Tullius.] C 1 4 U 9 TYSIvIEWICZ, IMichael, Count. Memoirs of an Old Collector. Ti-anslated by Mrs. Andrew Lang. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. C 20 P 5 TYSON, Hon, .lames. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Re- view of Reviews, Dec, 1898.) ME 6 U TYTLER, Henry William. The Works of Callimachus translated into English Vei'se. [See Callimachus.] HllRll "TYTLER, Sarah." [See Krddi.', Hmrictla.] Sttpplcmcnlary Catalogue — 1896-1000. G13 u UDALL, Rev. John. Demonstration of the Truth of that Discipline which Christ hath prescribed in His Word for the Government of His Church in all times and places until the end of tlie World. [.SVe Enjjlish Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 22 State of the Ciiurch of En<,dand, LOSS. [,SVc Enijlish Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 20 UDALL, Nicholas. Roister Doister, written, probably also represented, before L553 ; carefully edited from the unique copy now at Eton College by E. Arber. 12!ii(i. Lond., 1898. (English Reprints.) H 13 T 2 UFFELMANN, Dr. Julius. Manual of the Domestic Hygiene of the Child, for the use of Students, Phy- sicians, Sanitary Oflieials, Teachers, an 1 Mothei's. Translated by H. R. Milinowski. Edited by M. P. Jacob!. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 38 S 9 LfEFORD, NValter Shepard. Fresh Air Charily in the United States. Svo. New York, 1897. F 18 ]{ 1 UHLAND, Johann Ludwig. [Translations fr. mi.] 'i See MacDouald, (i.^Rampi.lli.]" 11 11 T 3 LTLJANTN, Dr. Basilius. Die Arceu der Gattung Dolio- lum in Golfe von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 10 t ULLADULLA AXD MILTOX TIMES, 1898-99. Fol. Milton, 1898-99. ME ULZER, Prof. Ferdinand, and FRAENKEL, Dr. A. Intro- duction to Chemical-Technical Analysis. Authorized Translation ; with Appendix by H. Fleck. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 38 T 18 'UMAR IBN 'ALI IBN MURSHID IRN 'ALT (Sharaf Al-Dln Abu Hafs, or Abu Al-Kasim) Al JIamawi Al- MisrT, called Ibn Al-Farid. Jalla-ul-Ramid-K-Sharreh Diwan-Al-Farid. [The Revelation of Mystery in the Divan of Al-Farid : a mystical Commentary on the Arabic Poem.] 8vo. Beyrout, 1888. G 24 U 23 UNDERHILL, Francis T. Driving for Pleasure ; or, the Harnes.s, Stable, and its appointments. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 5 P 31 t UNION BOOTMAKERS' COOPERATIVE SOCIETY. Abridged Prospectus. Sm. fol Melb., 1890. MF 3 Q 47 UXITED SERVICE JOURXAL. A[atjazine.\ 'iSee United Service UNITED SERVICE MACAZIXE, Thr, fr.)m vol. 1, 1829 -Sept., 1900. [Published up to 1841 as United Service Journal, from 1842-43 a.s United Service Magazine, and from 1844-90 as Colburn's United Ser- vice Mayazi7ie.\ 195 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1829-1900. E UNITED STATES : —,SVr(/« Depart nMits— Reports and I'lltllicdtioHH. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Adjutaut-Gensral's Office. .\niiual Report of the B jard of Commi.ssioner.s of the Soldiers' Home, Dis- trict of Cr)lund)ia, and Report of the Annual Inspec- tion of the Home by the Inspector-General of the Army, 1897. 8vo. Wash., 1897. E Autumn ISIaneuvers of 1898 : ,4ustria-Hungary, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and Switzcrrland. With Map. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 3G W 20 Ballistics; by Capt. J. M. Ingalls. 4to. Wash., 1893. A 22 P 2 t Electricity and its a])plications in Artillery Practice; by Lieut. G. L. Anderson. illustrated. 4to. AVash., 1893. A20T18t French-Eimlish .Military Technical Dictionary; by Lieut. C. de Witt Willrox. " 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 36 W 21 Gunnowder and High E.xplosives ; by Lieut. W. Walke. 4to. Wash., 1893. ' A 20 T 17 t Interior Ballistics ; liv Col. Pa.shkievitscli. Translated from the Russian liv Lieut. Tasker H. Bliss. 4to. Wash., 1892. ' . A 10 W 8 t Laws and Regulations of the Soldiers' Home, Washing- ton, 1883. '8vo. Wa.sh., 1891. F 3 R 33 Mathenuitics ; by Lieut. A. IMiirrav. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1893. ■ ' A 20 T 20 t Military Notes on the Philii)pines. With Maps. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1898. D 13 V 19 Modern Guns and Mortars adopted in the United States Land Servi-e : their Carriages, Projectiles, Fuzes, and Sights ; by Capt. C. C. Morrison and Capt. J. C. Ayres. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1895. A 20 T "19 1 The Organized jMilitia of the United States : Statement of the condition and efficiency for service of the Or- ganized Militia, 1893, 1897. 2 vols. 4to. and 8vo. W^ash., 1894-98. F 5 P 18 f, and 16 R 4 Reports of Explorations in the Territory of Alaska (Cook's Inlet, Sushitna, Copper and Tanana Rivers) 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1899. D 22 U 10 The Resistance of Guns to Tangential Rupture. 4to. Wash., 1892. A 5 P 24 t The Soldier's Hand-book, for use in the Army of the United States. 12mo. Wash., 1898. F 15 P 46 Whistler's Graphic Tables of Fire, with Chart; by Lieut. Garland N. Whistler. 4to. Wash., 1892. A 5 P 23 t [See also Department of A\'ar, under this heading.] Army. [Sec Adjutant-General's Office: Board of Ord- nance; Bureau of IMedicine: Department of War; Ordnance Department; Pension Office; Surgeon- General's OiVice, under this heading.] Board of Indian Commissioners, [See Otfice of Indian Aflair.s, under this heading.] GIL JPublic Library of New South Wales, UXITED STATES).— co/;/(?. Board of Ordnance and Fortification. Third Report of tlie Board of Ordnance and Fortiticatiou to the Secretary of War, 1893. 8vo. Wash., 189.3. E [&e also Bureaji of Ordnance and Ordnance Department, under this heading.] Board on Geographic Names. Report and Decisions of tlie United States Board on Cieogi'aphic Names, 1890 OS. -2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1892-9S. D IG T 24, -25 Bureau of the American Republics. Animal Re- ports, 1891-9G. G vols. Svo. Wash., 1892-97. E Argentine Repuljlic. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 31 Ecuador. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 32 Honduras. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 2G Montlily Bulletins of the Bureau of American Repulilics. Vol. C, July, 1898- June, 1899. 8vo. Wash., 1898-99. E Nicaragua. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 27 Paraguay. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 28 Peru. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 33 Salvador. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 30 Santo Domingo. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D18T29 Bureau of Education. Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education. No. 1, 1881, No. 2, 1884, No. 1, 188.5, Nos. 1-4, 1898, No. 1, 1899. -5 vols. Svo. Wash., 1881-99. ISSl. The Construction of Library Buildings ; by W. F. Poule. " ,T"l9\V2 1884. Teaching, Practice, ami Literature of Shorthiiiid : by Julius Ensign Rockwell. J 11 S 9 1885. City School Systems in the United States ; by Dr. John D. rhillirick. (i 18 R G4 1S98. History of Education in Louisiana ; l)y E. W. Fav. Higher Education in Missouri ; by M. S. Sno\s-. Itistoi-y of Education in New Hampshire^ \ by ( i. (1. P.usli. li is- tory of Education in Mississippi ; Ijy E. Mayes. (4 18 S :i8 1899. History of Education in New .Terscj' ; by D. Murraj-. (;-2(j T 15 Proceedings of the Dci)artnu^nt of Superintendence of the National Educational Association, at its Meeting at Washington, February, 1883. Roy. Svo. Wash., 1883. " G IS S 23 Public Libraries in the United States of America : tlieir History, Condition, and Management. Pt. 1. Illus- trated. 8vo. Wash., 1.S7G. J 4 8 30 Reports of the Commissioner of Education, 1870-98. [Report for 1892-93 contains Papers prepared foi- the World's Library Congress.] 33 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1870-99. E Statistics of Libraries and Library Legi.slation m the United States. 8vo. Wash., 1S97. l''l.iT35 Bureau of Engraving and Printing, licport (ui the ()pcrutions of (hi- liurcau of Engraving and Printing, 1H97. Xvo. AVa.s!i., 1S97. E UNITED STATES.— co?(/f/. Bureau of Equipment. The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1894, 1895-96, 1898-1902. 8 vols. roy. Svo. Wash., 1883-99. E A.stronomical Papers prepared for the use of the Ameri- can Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. Vols. 1-4, 5, pts. 1-5; 6, pts. 1-3; 7, pts. 1-4; and 8, pts. 1, 2. 8 vols. 4to. AVash., 1882-98. E 1, pt. 1. Recurrence of Solar Eclipses, with Tables of Eclipses from B.C. 700 to a.d. -IZ'M. 2. Transformation of Hansen's Lunar Theory, compared with tlie Tlieory of Delaunay. 3. E.xperimental Determination of the Velocity of Light. 4. Catalogue of 1 ,098 Standard Clock and Zodiacal Stars. 5. (iauss's ^Method of Computing Secular Perturbations, with an application to action of Venus on Jlercury. G. Discussion of Observed Transits of Mercury, 1677- 1881. 2, pt. 1. Formula^ and Tables expressing corrections to the (ieoeentric Place of a Planet in terms of Symbolic Corrections to the Elements of the Orliits of the Earth and Planet. 2. Investigations of Corrections to tlie Greenwich Planetary Observations, 1762-18,30. 3. Measures of the Velocity of Light, made -1880-82. 4. Supplementary Measures of the Velocity of White and Colored Light in Air, Water, and ^Carbon Disulphide. 5. Discussion of Observations of the Transits of Venus, 1761 and 1769. 6. Discussion of the North Polar Distances observed with the Greenwich and Washington Transit Circles, with a Determination of the Constant of Nutation. 3, pt. 1. Development of Perturbative Function and its Deri- vatives, in sines and cosines of multiples of the eccentric anomalies, and in powers of the eccen- tricities and inclinations. 2. Determination of the Inequalities of the Moon's Jlotion which are produced by the Figure of the Earth. 3. Motion of Hyperion. 4. Certain Lunar Inecpialities due to the action of •Jupiter. .">. Periodic Perturbations of the Longitudes and Radii Vcctores of the four Inner Planets of the first order as to the masses. 4, pt. 1. New Theory of .Jupiter and Saturn. 5, pts. 1, 2. Development of the Perturbative Function in- c<)ualitics of long period. 3. Action of the Planets on the Moon. 4. Secular Variations of the Orbits of I he four inner Planets. (1, pt. 1. Tables of the Sun. 2. Tables of Mereur\-. 3. Tables of Venus. 7, pt. 1. Tables of Jupiter. 2. Tables of Saturn. 3. 'i'ablcs of Uranus. 4. Tables of Neptune. 8, pt. 1. The Precessional Constant. 2. Catalogue of I'"undaniciital Stars for liST"' and 1000 reduced to an alisolule system. Tlio Pacific Coaster's Nautical Almanac, 1894, 189G-97. 1899-1900. .5 vols. roy. Svo. Wash., 1893-99. E Report, 1897. Svo. Wash., 1897. V. [See nlso Bureau of Navigati(ui and Dcpartnient of the Navy, uiulc']- I his heading.] Sripplementary Caialogne — 1896-1000. UNITED STATES.— cou<,/. Bureau of Ethnology. Aniniul Uoports, 1.^79-97. 17 vols. .sill. fill. W'lisli., l,SSl-<»7. E Bureau of Foreign Commerce. Conmu'roial rolntions of tilt! United Stiitrs with Fonngii Coiiutrics, 1880-81. 18'Jl-liill. 8vo. AVash., 1882. A 19 U 13 Contagious Diseases of Domesticated .\ninuds. Roy. 8vo. AA'ash., 1883. A 30 R 35 Supp lementary Calulogue — 189G-1900. 017 UNITED STATES.— co»;f/. Department of Agriculture -couiJ. Cultivation of Cif,'ar-l<'at' Tobacco in Floi'ida ; by M. L. Floyd. Illustrated. 8vo. Wasli., 189U. A ':'." S 54 Cultivation of Tobacco in Sumatra ; by E. IMuMci-. 8vo. Wash., 1898. " A .17 S r, 1 Culture of the Date; by W. (J. Klco. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A :>() H l;! Curing and Fermentation of Cigar-leaf Tobacco ; by (). Loew. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A ;57 S 51 Encouragement to the Sorghum and Beet Sugar In- dustry. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 42 Farmers' Bulletin.s. No.s. 7, 15-19, i;4-2G, 29-35, 37 ■ 55, 58-86, 88, 90, 91, 93-96, 98-104. 78 Nos. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1894-99. A 41 IT 1, 2 7. Spraying for Fungous Diseases of the Apjilc, Tear, ;ui. T. (lalloway_ 16. Leguminous Plants for (ircen Manuring ami for Keeiling ; liy 10. W. Allen. 17. Barnyard Manure ; by W. H. Beal. 18. Forage Plants for tlic South ; by Prof. S. M. Tracy. 19. Important Insectieides ; by C. L. Marlatt. 24. Hog Cholera and Swine Plague ; by D. E. Salmon. 2.5. Peanuts ; by R. B. Handy. 26. Sweet Potatoes ; by J. F. Duggar. 29. Souring of Milk and other changes in Milk Products. 30. Grape Diseases on the Pacific Coast ; by N. B. Pierce. 31. Alfalfa, or Luoern ; by J. G. Smith. 32. Silos and Silage ; by Prof. C. S. Plumb. 33. Peach-growing tor Market ; by E. F. Smith. 34. Meats : Composition and Cooking ; liy C. D. AA'oods. 35. Potato Culture ; by J. F. Duggar. 37. Kafir Corn ; liy Prof. C. C. Georgeson. 38. Spraying for Fruit Diseases ; by B. T. (ialloway. 39. Onion Culture ; l>y R. L. Watts. 40. Farm Drainage ; by C. G. Elliott. 41. Fowls : Care aud Feeding ; by Prof. (!. C. Watson. 42. Facts about Milk ; by R. A. Pearson. 43. Sewage Disposal on the Farm and the Protection of Drinking-water ; Ijy T. Smith. 44. Commercial Fertilizers ; by E. B. Voorhees. 45. Insects injurious to stored Grain ; by F. H. Chittenden. 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates ; by F. H. King. 47. Insects affecting the Cotton Plant ; by L. 0. Howard. 4S. Manuring of Cotton. 40. Slieep-feeding ; by J. A. Craig. 50. Sorghum as a Forage Crop ; by T. A. Williams. 51. Standard Varieties of Chickens ; by O. E. Howard. 52. The Sugar-beet ; by H. W. Wiley. 53. How to grow Mushrooms ; bj- W. Falconer. 54. Some cd. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Wash., 1K9H 99. A 37 T 15 Economic Crasses ; by F. Lanison Scribner. llluslraled. 8vo. Wash., ]i<eal ; and the Tongues f Agricultui-e in the Manufacture of Sugar from Sorghum, 1888; by H. W. Wilev. 8vo. Wash., 18S9. ' A41 r 7 Record of Experiments in ihf Production of Sugar from Sorghum in 18S9 ; by H. W. Wilev. 8vo. Wasli., 1890. ' ■ A 21 U 28 Record of Experiments with Sorghum, 1890-93; by H. W. Wiley. 8vo. Wash., 1891-91. " E Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station, 1886-87 ; by G. L. Spencer. 8^•o. Wa.sh., 1887. A 41 V 7 Report on an Investigation of Analytical Methods for (listingiiishing between the Nitrogen of Protoids and that of the simpler amids or amido-aeids ; by J. W. Alallet; with a Chapter on the Separation of l^'lesli Pases fi-om Proteid Matters by means of Promin : by H. W. Wiley. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 10 Special Report on the Extent and Cliaractor of li'oot' Adulteration.s, including State and other Laws relating to Foods and J5everag('s ; Ijy Alexander J. Wedder- l)urii. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 31 S 18 Sugai-producing Plants ; Record of Analysis made by authority of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1887- 8H, Sorghum and Sugar-cane ; togetlier with a study of the (lata collected on Soi'ghutn and Sugar-cane. 8vo. Wash., 1.SS8. ■ A 41 U 7 Sweet Cassava : its Culture, Properties, and Uses; by if. W. AViley. Illu.strated. 8vo. Wfu:h.,1894. A41 U 7 Zinc in Evajioi'ated Apples; bv If. \V. ^Viley. 8vo AVa,sl,., 189G. ■ A 41 U 7 UNITED STATES— oo»^(;. Department of Agriculture — contd. Division of Econumicid Ornitliology and Afainmaloi/y. [^See Division of Biological Survey, under this heading.] Division of Entomoloijy. The Boll Worm of Cotton : a Report of Progress in a supplementary investigation of this Insect ; by F. W. Mally. 8vo." Wash., 1891. A 37 S 6 The Chinch Pug. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 38 Q 20 Circulars. 2nd ser. Nos. 2-31. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1891-98. A 41 U 6 2. Hop-plant Louse, and the remedies to be used against it. 3. San Jose Scale. 4. Army Worm. 5. Carpet Beetle or Buffalo Jlolh. 6. Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil. 7. Pear-tree Psylla. 8. Imported Elm-leaf Beetle. 9. Canker Worms. 10. Harlequin Cabbage Bug or Calico Back. 11. The Rose Chafer. 12. The Hessian Fly. 13. Mosquitoes and Fleas. 14. Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil. 15. General Work against Insects which defoliate Shade Trees in Cities and Towns.' 16. The larger Corn-stalk Borer. 17. The Peach-tree borer. IS. Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil. 19. The Clover Mite. 20. Wooly Aphis of the Apple. 21. Strawberry Weevil. 22. Periodical Cicada in 1807. 23. Buffalo Trechopper. 24. Two-lined Chestnut Borer. 25. The Ox Warble. 26. The Pear Slug. 27. Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil in 1897. 28. The Box Elder Plant Bug. 29. Fruit-tree Bark Bcellc. 30. Periodical Cicada in 1S98. 31. Striped Cucumber Beetle. All Enumeration of the published Synoi)ses, Catalogues, and Li.sts of the North American Insects, togethei- with other infoi'mation intended to assist the student of .\mcric.an Entomology. 8vo. Wash., 1888. A19 V 34 (jlrass and Grain Joint-worm Flics and their allies ; by L. G. Howard. Illustrated. 8vo. AN'ash., 1895. A 4 1 U (J Gyp.sy Moth in America ; by L. O. Howard. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1897. ' A 38 Q 20 Hessian Fly in the United States ; by Prof. H. Osborn. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1898. ' A 38 Q 20 The Honey Bee : a Manual of Instruction in .\i)iculture ; bv K. IVnton. Ilhislralod. 8vo. Wash., 1S95, 1S99. A 38 Q 20 S'lqjp [em en la ry Ca la lay ne — lt>'JO-l MO. en UNITED STATES— f07i(frf. Department of Agriculture — run/J. Diuifntin of Eiti'iimoio'ji/ — coii/J. Inipoi'ted Elm-leiif Beetle : its Hiiliils and Natural History, and means of counteracting its injuries. 8vo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 3 Insects affeotinj.; Domestic Animals : an Account of tlie species of importance in North America, with mention of related forms t)ccurring on other animals ; !iy Herbert Osborn. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1890. A 30 V 2 t The Pediculi and Mallophaga affecting man and tlie lower animal:?: by Prof. Herbert Osburn. Svo. Wash., 1891. ■ ■ A37 S .5 The Periodical Cicada : an Account of Cicdda Spptcii- decim: its Natural Enemies and the means of prevent- ing its injury ; by C L. Marlatt. Illustrated. 8v(). Wa.sh., 1898. ' ' A 38 Q 20 The Principal Hnusehdld Insects of the United States ; by L. O. Howard and C. L. Marlatt ; with a Cliai>ter on Insects affecting Dry Vegetable Foods, by F. H. Chittenden. Illustrated. 8xQ. Wash., 1890. A 30 V 23 [Another copy.] Revised ed. Illustrated. Svo. Wasli., 1896. ' A 38 Q 29 Principal Insect Enemies of the Cirape ; by C. L. Mar- latt. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash, (n.d.) A 41 U Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists, 1895-98. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1895-98. " E Recent Laws against Injurious Insects in North America., together with the Laws relative to Foul Brood ; by L. 0. Howard. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 38 Q 20 Report on the Boll Worm of Cotton ; by F. W. Mally. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 37 S 7 Reports of Okservations and Experiments in the practi- cal work of the Division [of Entomology], 1883, 1890, 1892. 3 vols. Svo. Wash., 1883-92.' ■ E Reports of Observations on the Rocky Mountain Locust and the Chinch Bug, together with Extracts from the Correspondence of the Division on Miscellaneous In- sects. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 37 S 1 Reports on the damage by Destructive Locusts during the season of 1891. Svo. Wash., 1892. A 37 S 4 Revision of the Aphelininre of North America ; Ijy L. O. Howard. Illustrated. Svo. Wa.sh., 1895. A 30 R 34 Revision of the Neniatinte of North America ; by C. L. Marlatt. Svo. Wash., 1896. A 41 U 6 Revision of the Tachinida; of America North of Mexico ; by D. W. Coquillett. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 38 Q 29 San Jose Scale in 1S96-97 ; by L. O. Howard. Svo. Wash., 1898. " A 38 Q 29 San Josi Scale : its Occurrence in the United States ; by L. O. Howard and C. L. Marlatt. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1890. A 41 U G The San Jose Scale and its nearest allies : a brief con- sideration of the characters which distinguish these closely related Injurious Scale Insects; by T. I). A. Cockerell. Svo. Wa.sh., 1897. " A 41 U 6 UNITED STATES— ran^/. Department of Agriculture— cowic/. Difisinn of Eiitoiiwloijii -conld. Some Insects injurious to Garden and Orchard Crops ; by F. M. Chittenden. Illustrated. Svo. Wash.,' 1899. A .38 Q 29 Some little-known Insects affecting Stored A''egeta)>le Products; by F. H. Chittenden. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 41 U 6 Some Mexican and Japanese Injurious Insects liable to be introduced into the United States. Svo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 12 Some Miscellaneous Results (if the Work of the Division (if E]it(imoloL;v. Illustrated. 3 pts. Svo. Wash., 1897-98. ' " A 30 V 17 A Study in Insect Parasitism : a consideration of the Parasites of the white-marked Tus.sock Moth, with an account of their habits and inter-relation.s, and with descriptions (jf new .species : by L. O. Howard. Illus- trated. Svo. Wash., 1897. " A 3G V 21 Dirifiiou of Fori'.sfri/. Check List (if the Forest Trees of the United States : their Names and Ranges ; by G. B. Sudworth. 8v(j. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Experimental Tree-planting in the Plains ; liy C. A. Keffer. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 r(jrest-growth and Sheep-grazing in the Cascade Moun- tains of Oregon ; by F. V. Coville. Svo. Wa.sh., 189S. ' ■ A 41 U 13 Forestry Conditidus and Interests of Wisc(jnsin ; by F. Roth. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Measuring the Forest Crop ; by A. K. ]\Ilodziansky. Svo. Wash., 1S9S. A 41 U 13 Nomenclature of the Ali(.ircscent Flora of the L^nited States; by George B. Sudworth. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 30 V 26 Notes on the Forest Conditions of Porto Rico ; by R. T. Hill. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1899. A 41 U 13 Osier Culture : bv J. :M. Simpson. Svo. Wa.sh., 1898. A 41 U 13 Practical Forestry in the Adirondacks ; bv H. S. Graves. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1899. " A 41 U 13 Primer of Forestry ; by G. Pincliot. Pt. 1. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1899. A 27 P 27 Report of the Chief of the Division of Forestry for 1891 ; by B. E. Fernow. Svo. Wash., 1892. " E Sunmiary of Mechanical Tests on 32 .species of American Woods. 4to. Wash, (n.d.) A 13 R 7 t Systematic Plant Introductidn : its Purposes and "Methods: liy D. G. Fairchild. 8v(i. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Tindjer : an Elementary Discu.ssion of the Characteristics and Properties of Wood ; by F. Roth. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1895. A 39 P 19 The Timljer Pines of the Southern United States, by C. Mohr ; together with a discu.s.sion of the structure of their work, bv F. Roth. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1(896. ■ AllX7t G22 I'liblic Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES ~escriptive Notes on ten varieties of Apple suitable for the Export Trade; by W. X. Taylor. 8vo. Wash., 1898, A 37 S 56 lleportof the Pomologist, 1894-95. 8vo. AVash., 1895- 97. ' A 18 V 33 Division if Publications. Historical Sketch of the United .States Department of Agriculture : its Objects and Present Organization; bv (". II. s in the rate of charge for Rjiihvay and other Transportation services ; by H. T. Newcomb. 8vo. AVash., 1898. ' A 41 U 5 Circulars. Nos. 1, 3, 5-7, 9, 10. 8vo. AVash., 1896-99. A 38 R 27 1. Acreage Production and Value of I'rineipal Farm Crops in the United States, lS(JG-9o, with other (lata as to Cotton and \\'ool. S. Farmers' Interest in Finance. 5. Local Taxation as affecting Farms. (). ('ereal Crop.s of ISiXi. 7, 9. Cotton Crops of 1890 98. 10. The Brazos River (Texas) Flood of June-July, 1899, and its effects upon the Agriculture of the .submerged region. Co iperative Credit Associations in certain European Countries and their relation to agricultural interests ; prepared umler direction of the Statistician by E. T. Peters. Roy. 8vo. AN'ash., 1892. F 16 U 15 Cost of Cotton Production : by ,J. L. A\'atkins. 8vo. AVash., 1899. ' ' A 41 U 5 Snpplemenfarij Catalorjue — 1800-1900. 623 ITNITRI) STATES -rmif,!. Department of Agriculture c»/(/f^. Dwinion of Statistics — contd. The Fortilizer Industi-y. Svo. AVasli., lS!iS. A H U 3 Final Rpport on tlic Crops of 1897. Kn... Wash., 1898. A 38 R 27 Freight Cliarg(\s for Ocean Transportation of the Pro- cluo'^s of As,'ricultHr(>, Oct., 1895()ct., 189G. 8vo. Wash., 189(5. A 41 U 5 Number ami \'alue of I'^arni Animals of the United States, and Animal I'lvidnets, I S80 OG. 8vo. Wasli., 1890. A tl U 5 Production and Prici^ of Cotton for 100 vpars ; by J. L. Watkins. 8vo. A\-asli., 189."). ' F'I T 28 Puljlications of the Division of Statistics of the United States D.^partinent of Agrioultuiv: lleports, Nos. 14.5- 15.3, C'ircidars, Nos. 5-8 ; by J. Hyile. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 38 R 27 Recent Features of our Foreign Trade ; by Edward T. Peters. 8vo. Wash., 1894.' " A 37 S 39 Report of Acreage of Spring Cr.iin and Cotton, the condition of Winter Wheat, and European Grain prospoct.s, with Freiglit Rates of Transportation Com- panies, 1883. 8vo, W.-ish., 1883. A 19 U 13 Report of Condition of Winter Grain, the Progi'ess of Cotton-planting, and Estimates of Cereals of 1882, with l<''reight Rates of Transport^ition Companies, 18S,3. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 19 U 13 Report of the Statistician, Aug.-Oct, 1892, Jan. -Nov., 1893, Jan. -Aug., and Nov'., Dec, 1894, Jan., Feb., April-June, 1895. 7 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1892-95. E Report on tlie Acreage of AVheat and Cotton, and Con- dition of Cereal Crops, and on Freight Rates of Trans- portation Companies, 1890-92. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1890 -92. E Report on the Area and Conditicm of Winter Wheat, and the Condition of Farm Animals, also Spring Rates of Transportation of Farm Pi'oducts, 1883. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 19 U 13 Report on the Area of Corn, Potatoes, and Tobacco, and Condition of Growing Crops, and on Freight Rates of Ti-ansportation Conii)aiues, 1890-92. 3 vols. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1890-92. E Report on Condition of Crops, American Coniijetititm, and Freight Rates of Transportation Companies, 1883. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1883. A 19 U 13 Report on the Condition of C'rops in America and £uro})e, and on Freight Rates of Tran.sportation Com- panies, 1890-91. 2' vols. 8vo. Wash., 1890-91. E Report on Condition of Crops, yiehl of (irain per acre, and on Freight Rates of Transportation Companies, 1890 92. 3V0I.S. 8vo. Wash., 1890-92. E Report on the Condition of Growing Crops, and on Freight Rates of Transportation Companies, 1890-91. 2 vols. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1890-91. E Report on the Condition of Winter Grain on Ai)ril 1st, 1899, and the Losses of Farm Animals during the year ending March 31st, 1899; with Statistics of Foreign Crops. UNITED STATES— "o,///. Department of Agriculture -co/;/'/. Division of Statistics — contd. Rejiort on the Condition of Winter (Jrain, the Condition of Farm Animals, and on Fieight Rates of Transporta- tion Compani('S, 1890 92. Gvols. 8vo. Wash 1890- 92. E Report on tlu; Crops of the year, and on Freight Rates of Transportation Companies, 1889-93. 5 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1890 94. E Report on Distribution and Consumption of Corn and Wheat, and on Freiglit liates of Transportation Com- panies, 1890-93. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1890-93. E Report on the Yield of Croiis per Acre, 1 890- 92. 2 voLs. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1890-92. E Re])ort on the Yield of Crops per Acre, on Agriculture in Mexico, and on Freight Rates of Transportation Companies, 1884. 8vo. Wash., 1884. A 19 U 13 Re])ort on Yield of Cro])s per Acre, on the Progi'ess of Sorghum-growing, the Crops of Europe, and on Freiglit Rates of Transportation Cnmjiaiiies. 1S83. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1883. A 19 U 13 Report upon the Numbers and Values of Farm Animals, and on Cotton Distribution, 1890-93. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1890-93. E Special Report of the Statistician, July, 1892. 8vf). Wa.sh., 1892. " E Dirifiii>ii of V'ti/r'((ilj/e Plnjxioluiiy and Pntltolorji/. Addi- tional Evidence on the communicability of Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette; by Erwin F. Smitli. 8vo. Wash., 1891. A 37 8 14 Bacterial Disease of the Tomato, Egg-plant, and Irish Potato ; by E. F. Smith. Illustrated. 8vo. AVash., 1896. A 38 R 20 Bermuda Lily Disease; liy A. F. Woods. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 38 R 20 Bordeaux Mixture : its Chemistry, Physical Properties. and Toxic Effects on Fungi and Algre ; by W. T. Swingle. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1896. 'A38R20 Cereal Rusts of the United States ; Ijy M. A. Carleton. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 38 R 20 Copper Suli)hate and Germination : Treatment of Seed with Copper Sulphate to prevent the attacks of Fungi ; by W. H. Evans. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 20 Experiments with Fertilizers for the Prevention and Cure of Peach Yellow.s, 1889-92 ; by Erwin F. Smith. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 37 S 13 Fungous Diseases of the Grape, and their Treatment ; by B. T. Galloway. 8vo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 42 Journal of jMycology ; d(!\oted especially to the study of Fungi in their relation to Plant DLseascs. Vols. 6 and 7, Nos. 1-3. 2 vols. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1890-91. E Legal Enactments for the Destruction of Plant Diseases ; ijy E. F. Smith. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 20 Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette : bv Erwin F. Smith. 8vo. Wa,sh., 1894. ' " A 37 S 26 The Principal Diseases of Citrous Fruits in Florida : by Walter T. Swingle and Herbert J. Webber. Illus- trated. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 11 624 J?iihlic Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES- ' S. T Neely. 8vo. Wasli., 1896. A 41 U 4 Section of Foreiqn Markets. Circulars. Nos. 16, 18, 20, 21. "Svo. Wa.sli., 1897-99. F 7 T 3 16. Our Trade with Cuba, 1887-07. 18. Hawaiian Commerce, 1887-97. •20, 21. Agricultural Imports and Expurts, 18!);i-',)8. Our Foreign Trade in Agricultural Products, 1893-98 ; by F. H. Hitchcock. 8vo. Wash., 1898-99. F 7 T 1 Our Trade with Spain, 1888-97; by F. H. Hitchcock. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 7 T 1 UNITED STATES— fony^/. Department of Agriculture - -contd. Spain's Foreign Trade Wash., 1898. by F. H. Hitchcock. 8vo. F 7 T 1 Trade of Puerto Rico ; bv Wa.sh., 1898. II. llitchcoi-k. Svo. 1' 7 T 1 Trade of the Philippine Islands; by F. H. Hitchcock. Svo. Wash., 1898. F 7 T 1 The World's Markets for American Products : German Empire, France, Canada, Noi-way, Sw(>dcn. 4 vols. Svo. Wash., 1895-98. " I'M T 22-25 Wnathcr ISurcdu. Absti'act of a Report on Solar and Terrestrial Magnetism in their relations to Meteorology; by Prof. F. Il.'l'.igelow. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 3 Climate and Health. Vols. 1, 2, July, 1895-March, 1890. II... Wash., 1,S96. ' A 20 S 9 f The Climate of Cliicago ; by Piof. 11. A. Ihizen. 8yo. Wash., 1893. " A 19 V 39 The Diurnal Variation of Barometric Pressure ; by Dr. Frank N. Cole. Svo. Wash., 1892. A 19 V 31 Instructions for Use of combined Maximiini and .Mini nmm Soil Tlierinometcrs ; by Pi-of. C. 1''. Maryin and Prof. Milton Whitney. Svo. Wash., 1894. A 19 V 32 WentJter Bureau — contd. In-structions for the U.se of Maximtim and Jlinimum Radiation Thermometers ; by Prof. C. F. IMarvin and Prof. Milton Whitney. Svo. Wa.sli., 1894. A 19 V 33 Instructions for Voluntary Observers ; bv Prof. T. Russell. Svo. Wa.sh., 1892. " A 19 V 35 Monthly Weather Review. Vols. 24-26, 1896-98. 3 vols. 4to. Wash., 1896-99. E Notes on a New Method for the Discussion of Magnetic Observations; by Prof. F. H. Bigelow. Svo. Wash., 1892. A 37 S 35 Notes on the Climate and Meteorology of Death Valley, California ; by Mark W. Harrington. Svo. Wash., 1892. ■ " A 19 V 29 Observations and Experiments on the Fluctuations in the Level and Rate of Movement of Ground-water on the Wisconsin Agricultural Exjieinment Station Farm, and at Whitewater, Wisconsin ; by Prof. Franklin H King. Svo. Wash., 1892. A 19 V 37 Protection from Lightning ; by A. McAdie. Illustrated Svo. Wash., 1895. ' " A 20 U 13 Report of Annual Meetings of the American Association of State AVeather Services, 1892, 1895. 2 vols. Svo. AVash., 1893-90. E Report on Forecasting of Thunder during the Summer of 1892 ; by N. B. Conger. ,Svo. Wash., 1893. A 19 V 38 Re])ort on the Climatology of the CottBn Plant; by P H. Mell. Svo. Wash., 189.3. A 37 S 12 Some Physical Properties of Soils in their relation to Moisture and Crop Distribution ; by Prof. Jlilton Whitney. Svo. AVa.sh., 1892. " A 19 A' 36 Storms, Storm Tracks, and AVeather Forecasting ; by Prof. F. H. Bigelow. Svo. AVash., 1897. A 30 A" 20 AVork of the Weather Bureau in coiniection with the Rivers of the United States. Illustrated. Svo. AVash., 1896. \ 11 U 3 Department of the Interior. Laws and Regulations gcixcrning the recognition of Agents, Attorneys, and otlier per.sons to rejiresent Claimants before the De- partment of the Interior and the Bureaus thereof; compiled by G. B. Raum. Svo. AVash., 1891. F 1 U 8 Mi-scellancous Reports, 1890 97. 8yo. AVash., 1897. P] Register (jf tlic Department of the Interior, corrected to Sept., 1883. 2 vols. roy. Syo. AVash., 1883. E Repoi't on the D(\s Moines River Land (. E ll(\])ort on th(! Coinniercial and Tn(hi.strial Con(htion of tlio T.'ilaiul of Cuba ; with Appeiuli.x hy 1'. ]*. I'orU'r. 8vo. Wash., isys 99. V 10 11 17 Report on the Currency Question of Porto l\ico ; Ijy R. R Porter. 8vo. Wash., ISIJO. V 10 R 12 Report on the Ishmd of Porto Rico : its Population, Civil Government, Commerce, Industries, Productions, Roads, Tariti', and Currency ; with recommendations by H. K. Carroll. Roy. 8vo! Wash., 1899. D 22 U 1 2 Report on the Rookerie.s of the Commander Islands, 1897 ; by L. Stejneger. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 40 V 7 Report on the Salmon Fi.sheries in Alaska, 189G-98. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1897-99. E Report on the Sea-otter Banks of Alaska ; by C. L. Hooper. With Map. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A .38 R 29 Revised Regulations governing the sampling and classifi- cation of imported Sugars and Molasses under tlie Act of July, 1897. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 15 The Tariff of 1897 on Imports into tlie United States, together with the Customs Administrative Act, 1890, with amendments to sections 7 and 11, and the War Revenue Act, 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 31 The United States Revenue Cutter iSWvice in the War with Spain, 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1899. B 41 S 4 Wool and the Manufactures of Wool ; hy Worthington C.Ford. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1894. A 37 R 12 [See also Comptroller of the Currency; Marine Hospital Service ; under this heading.] Department of War. Alphabetical List of Additions made to the ^^'ar Department Library, 1882-84. Imp. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1884. K 9 P 17" t Compendium of Regulations for the Quartermaster's De- partment. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 16 R 10 Customs Tariff and Regulations for Ports in Cuba in possession of the United States. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 16 R 11 Customs TarifT and Regulations for Ports in Porto Rico in possc.ssion of the United States. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1899. F 16 R 11 Customs .Tariff and Regulations for the Philippine Island.s. 8vo. Wash.,'' 1898. F 16 11 11 Description and Rule.s for the Management of the United States IMagaziiio Rifle and Carbine. Illustrated. 8vo. AVasii., 1898. A 36 V 33 Drill Regulations for Cavahy, United States Armv. 32mo. ' Wash., 1899. " A 22 P 59 Drill Regulations for Coast Artillery, United States Army. 8vo. Wash., 1898, A 32 U 33 Drill Regulations for Light Artill(>ry. 32mo. Wa.sh., 1896. A 22 P 56 UNITED HTATESi—ronld. Department of War — couitl. hi HI Regulations for Siege Artill'.MV, United States Army. 18mo. Wash., 1898. ' A 22 P 52 Diill Regulations for the Hospital Corp.s, United States Army. 32mo. Wash., 1896. A 22 P 60 Emergency Diet for the Sick in the Military Service ; by Capt. E. L. Mun.son. 12mo. Wash., 1899. A 36 Q 25 Fortifications of To-day ; Fire against ^Models of Coa.st Batteries and Parados; Horizontal and Curved Fire in Defense of Coasts. 4t(j. Wash., 1 883. A 1 3 W 2 1 t H.-md-book of Subsistence Stores. 12mo. Wash., 1896. F 16 S 27 Hospital Coi-ps |)rlll Regulation, L^.S. Annv. 18mo. Wash., 1893. A 22 P 45 Inmiigration Regulations for the Island of Portpy] revised to April, 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1898. ■ F 16 T 18 Manual for the Quartermaster's Department. 12mo. Wa.sh., 1897. F 16 S 29 Manual for the Subsistence Department, corrected to April, 1S9S. 12mo. Wash., 1898. F 16 S 26 Manual of Guard Dutv, U.S. Armv. 18mo. Wash., 1893. ■ " A 22 P 46 Manual of Photographv ; bv S. Reber. 12mo. Wash., 1896. ' " A 36 Q 16 Military Laws of the L'nited States ; with Appendix. 8vo. Wash., 1897-98. F 16 R 3 [Another copy.] 3rd ed. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1898. j' 16 R 14 3Iilitary Notes on Cuba. 8vo. Wash., 1898. D 22 U 8 Notes on Mitering Lock Gates ; by Lieut. Harrv F. Hodges. 4to. Wash., 1892. A 10 X 1 t Notes on Tables on Organization and Establishment of the Spanish Armv in the Peninsula and Cohjnies. 8vo. AVa.sh., 1898. " F 12 P 42 Otlicial Army Register, 1892-95. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1892-94. E 030 Fublic Library of New South Wales. rXITED STATES— eoH/'/. Department of War — cc.ntJ. OfEciiil Danger, Distress, and Sturm-signal Codes for Signal Service, Sea-coast Stations, and ^Mariners. Roy. 8to. Wash., 188.3. A 30 R 46 Property and General Regulations of tlie Signal Corps, United States Army. 12nK). Wash., 1898. F 16 S 28 Puerto Rico : emhracing Reports of Brig. -Gen. G. W. Davis, ^Military Governor, and Reports on Districts of Arecibo, Aguadilla, Cayey, Humacao, Mayaguez, Ponce, San Juan. Vieques, and the sub-district of San German. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1900. D 22 U 12 .8^ vols, ovo Register of the AVar Department, 1893-9-1. Wa.sh., 1893-91. K Regulations and Decisions pertaining to the Uniform of the Army of the United States. 12nio. Wash., 1897. " A 36 Q 15 Regulations for Operation and Maintenance of United States Military Telegraph Lines, and General Regula- tions of the Signal Corps, United States Army ; with Appendix. 8yo. Wash., 1899. A 44 Q 17 [Another copy.] 3rd ed. 12mo. Wash., 1899. A 36 Q 15 Regulations for the Army of the United States. 18mo. Wash., 1892. ■ F 12 S 18 Regulations for the Army of the United States. 8vo. Wash., 189.5. " F 16 R 8 Regulations for the Army of the United States, with Appendix separately iiide.xed showing changes to Jan. 1st, 1899. 8va Wash., 1899. F 16 T 15 Regulations for the Army Transport Service. 8vo. Wash., 1898. ■ A 36 V 32 Remarks on the Army Regulations and Executive Regu- lations in general ; by (,i. N. Lieber. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 16 R 7 Report of Maj.-Gen. Nelson A. Miles of his Tour of Ob- servation in Eurojic, 1897. 8vo. Wash., 189!t. A 36 \V i 4 Report of the Secretaiy of War, iS91, vols, 1 and 3, 1892; vols. 1 and 2,"pts. 1, 2, 5, 6. and vol, 4, 1893. 12vols. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1891-93. E Report of the Test of Metals and other Materials for iii- tiustri.al purpo.ses, made with the United States Test- ing i'achiiie at Waterlown Arsenal, Massachusetts, during 1894. 8vr). Wash., 1895. E Report of the United States Insular Commission' to the Secretary of War ufion rn\estigations made into the Civil Aflairs of the Island of Porto liico, with Recom- mendations. 8vo. Wash., 1S99. F 16 R 12 Selcctcfl Professional Papers. Translated from ICuropean Militarj- ])ul)lications, Jan., 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1898. • A 36 W 10 The Soldier'.s Hand-book for the use of the enlisted men oftliearmv; prejiared by N. Ilershler. ISmo. Wash., 1H93 ■ ' F10y43 UNITED STATES— co»/. liotany. 7. Archa;ology, 632 Fuhlic Library of New South Wales. UXITED STATES— con^fZ. Government Printing Office. Report of tlie Public Printer for year ending June 30tli, 1897. iSvci. AVash., 1897. ' E Reports of Explorations printed in the documents of the United States Government. Compiled by A. R. Hasse. 8vo. Wash., 1899. I) i'2 U 7 Hydrographi^ Office. Contributi.jns to Terrestrial ^Iai;nelisin : the Magnetic Dip or Inclination ; by (i. W. Littlehales. 8vo. Wash;, 1897. A .^S R i'8 The Hawaiian Islands and the Islands, Rocks, and Shoals to the Westward. 8vo. Wash., 1899. D 22 R 21 Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador from Cape St. Lewis to Grand Point. 2nd cd. 8vo. AVash., 1899. I) 22 8 7 North Atlantic Cyclones of Aug., 1883 ; by Lieut. W. H. H. Southerlaiid. 4to. AVash., 1883. A 13 \V 20 t Intestate Commerce Commission. Annual Reports, 1894-9.3. 2 vols. 8vo. AVash., 189-4-9G. E Library of Congress. Report of the Librarian of Con- gress for fiscal vear ended June 30, 1899. Roy. 8vo. AVash., 1S99. " E Life-saving Service. Annual Report (jf the Operations of the United States Life-.s:iviiig Service, 1890, 1892, 1895-98. 5 vols. 8vo. AVa.sh., 1892-99. E Ullicial Register, 1895. 8\-o. AVash., 1895. F 1 T 27 Organization and Methods of the United State.s Life- saving Service; by S. T. Kimball. 8vo. A\'ash., 1891. A 40 P 13 Light-house Board. Annual Reports, 1892-98. 7 vols. 8vo. AVash., 1892-98. E The Modern Light-house Service ; by A. B. John.son. Svo. AA^a.sh., 1890. A 38 R 25 Marine Hospital Service. Anjuial Rej)orts of the supervising Surgeon-(!eneral of tlu^ Marine Ho.sjjital Service of the United States, 1892-93, 1895-98. 5 vols. 8vo. AVash.,' 1893-99. E Public Health Reports, formerly .M)stract of Sanitary Reports. Vol.s. 11-13. 3 v(>ls. 8vo. AVasii., 1897- 99. E Regulations regarding the Uniform of Olhcers and Em- ployes of the U.S. Alarine Hospital Service. 8vo. AVash., 1893. F 13 T 11 Report of Commission of Medical OfScers detailed by authority of th(! President to investigate the cause of Yellow Fever. 8vo. AVash., 1899. A 36 W 19 Yellow Fever: its Nature, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prophylaxis ; and Quarantine l{egulations relating tluTeto. 8vo. AVash., 1898. A 31 R 23 Military Academy, West Point. Report of the Board of Visitor.s, |,S92 93, 1,S97. 2 vol.s. 8vo. AVash., 1892-97. E National Academy of Sciences. {Sec main Author Entry. — United Slates National .Veademv of Sciences. UNITED STATES— f.n^/. National Museum. Bulletins. Nos. 40, 43-48. 7 vols. 8vo. AVash., 1892-96. E 40. The published Writings of George N'e^^•bold La\vTence, 18«-ni ; by L. S. Foster. 4,'?. Monograjjli of the Bats of Xorth .4incrica ; by H. .-Mien. 44. Catalogue of the Lepiilopteroiis Superfainily Xoctiiidie found in Boreal America ; by J. B. Smith. 45. Jlonograph of the Xorth American Proetotrypida! ; b}- ^^'. H. Aslimead. 46. The Myriapoda of North America ; by C. H. Bollinan. 47. Tlie Fishes of North ami Middle America ; by I). S. Jordan .and B. W. Kvermann. Pt. 1. 48. Insects of the Lciiidopterous Family NocluidK of Boreal North America ; by .J. 15. Smitli. [_Sce Smith.sonian Inst., Misc. Collections 13, 23, 24, for Bulletins 1-16.] Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects ; by C. \. Riley. 8yo. Wa.sh., 1892. ' A 37 S 45 Directions for Collecting Birds; bv Robert Rida;way. 8vo. AA'ash., 1891. " " A 37^8 49 Directions for Collecting, Preparing, and Preserving Birds' Eggs and Nests ; by Charles Bendire. 8vo. AVash., 1891. ' A 37 S 46 Directions for Collecting Recent and Fossil Plants ; by F. H. Kuowlton. 8vo. AA'ash., 1891. A 37 S 22 Directions for Collecting Reptiles and Batrachians ; by Leonhard Stejneger. 8vo. AVash., 1891. A 37 S 47 Directions for Prejiaring Study Specimens of small Mam- mals; by G. S. Miller" 8vo; AVash., 1899. A 46 S 18 Instructions for Collecting Mollusks, and other useful hints for the Conchologist ; by AA'illiam H. Dall. 8vo. AVash., 1892. ' A 37 S 51 Life-histories of the North American Birds, from the Pari-ots to the Crackles, with special reference to theii' Breeding Habits and Eggs ; by Charles Bendire. Illustrated. 4to. AVash.', ' 1895. A 17 T 19 f List of Shells collected on the AA-'est Coast of South America ; by Robert E. C. Stearns. 8vo. A\'ash., 1891. A 37 S 48 Mi'thods enijiloj'ed at the Nai)les Zoological Station for the Preservation of Marine Animals; by Dr. S. L. Bianco. 8vo. AVash., 1899. " A 16 S 19 Notes on the Preparation (jf Rough Skeletons ; by Frederic A. Lucas. 8vo. AVa.sh., 1891. A 37 S 9 Oceanic Ichthyology : a Treatise on the Deep-sea and Pelagic Fi.shcs of the AV^orld, based chiefly upon the (Jollections made by the steamers Jiliike, Albatross, and Fish. J/i(irk in the North-western Atlantic ; by G. B. (ioode and T. H. Bean. AVilli an .Atla.s. 2 vols. 4to. AVash., 1895. A 17 T 20, 21 t On i']legiiuis of I'iselier, otherwise calhnl Tilesia or Pleurogadus ; liv Pr Tlieodore (.'•]]]. 8vo. AVash., 1891. ■ A 37 S 52 Proceedings. Illustrated. A^.ls. 1 21, 1878-99. 21 vol.s. 8vo. AVash., 1879-99. E Rej)ort upon .Annelida i'olvcha'taof Iteaiiforl, N.t'ai'olina by E. A. Andrews. 8\'o. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 50 Reports, 1881-96. II \ols. 8\.). AVash., 1884 98. E Siipplenienlarij CaialoQue — ISOG-WOO. 033 UNITE O STATES nn.lJ. Naval Academy at Annapolis. Annual Ixogistcr of the T'nitcd Stutcs N;i\-al Academy, Annapolis, 1892- 94, IS'JO I'JOO. :5 vols. Sv(.. ■\^■a.sll., 1892 99. ]■: UNITED STATES— c(5n/(^. Ordnance Department. Note.s on llie Construction of Ordnance. 4to. Wash., 188.3. A lOS 19 t Navil Observatory. Astronomical t)hservations niado at till' I'niti'd States Naval Ohservatory during 18.")]- 52,1876-90. 17vols.lt... V\'ash., 1807 90. E lieport of the ISoanl of Visitors, 1899. 8vo. Wash., 1899. E Reports of the Superintendent, 1891, 1897-99. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 189.J-99. E Navy. [See Department of the Navy ; Marine Hospital Service; Naval Academy ; Naval Oljservatory; Pension Office; under this heading.] Office of Indian Affairs. Regulations of the Indian Office, with an Appendi.x containing the Forms used. 8vo. Wash., 1891. ' V 1 U 10 Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affiiirs for year ending June, 1897. 8vo. Wash., 1897. " E Rules for the Indian School Service. 8vo. Wa.sh., 1898. G 18 S :17 Office of Internal Revenue. Appendix to tJie (iaug- er's Weighing Manual, embracing the Regulations for determining the taxable quantity of Distilled Spirits by weighing; with extracts from the Tables, and an exten.sion of Table No. 1. 8vo. Wash., 189i'. A -JG R 39 Laws and Regulations concerning Documentary and Pro- prietary Stamps uiider the Act of June, 1898. 8vo. AVash.,' 1898. 1MGR18 Regulations concerning Rectitieis aiid Wholesale Licjuor- dealers' Notices, Returns, and Package.?, ttc, under the Act of July ir>, 1892. 8vo. Wa.sli., 1892. F 1 U .■) Revised Regulations concerning Ta.xes on Tobacco, SnuiF, and Cigars, under the re\ised Statutes of the United States as amended by subsecpient Acts, August, 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1898. . "F 1G R 19 Office of Naval Intelligence. Battles and Capitulation of Santiago de Cuba; liy Lieut. J. M. Y. Tejeiro. With Map. 8vo. AA'ash", 1898. B 39't 10 Notes on Naval Progress, 189.5, .Jan. and April, 1898. Ap. 1899. 4 vols.'Svo. Vv'asli., 189.3-99. E The Spanish- American War : Blockades and Coast De- fense : by Capt. S. G. Niinez. 8vo. Wash., 1899. B 40 Q 1 The Spanish-American War : a Colk-c'tion of Documents relative to the Squadron Operatioiis in the West Indies arranged by Rear-Adm. Pascual Cervera y Topetc. 8vo. Wash., 1899. . "B 40 Q 1 Views of Adni. Cervera regarding the Spanish Navj- in the late War. 8vo. AVash., i8;),-<. p, 39 T 1 1 4 T, Oi'dnancc Notes. Vol. 10. Sm. fol. AVa.sh., 1883. A 13 AV 28 t \_See aho Bureau of Ordnivncc and Fortification, under tliis heading.] Paris Exposition. Reports of Ignited States Comniis- si(jners to the Universal Exposition of 1889 at Pari."?. Illu.strated. .5 vols. Svo. AVash., 1891. K 7 U .38-42 1. Report of the Commi.s.sioner-Ocneral, with aecompanj'- iiig (ioeiiinents, incluilinj; Hejiorts of OtHcerH of tlio (.'onimissioii, Otiicial Kegulatioiis, Classilit.-ation, List.^ of IC.xliibitors, Awards, &c. 2. Fine .\rts ; Education and Lilieral Arts ; Furniture ; Textile Falirics and Wearing Apparel ; Extraetivc .'\rts. Raw and Manufactured I'roduets ; Hygiene. 3. Ap|)aratus and Processes of Medianical Industries, Civil Engineering, &c. 4. Electricity, Military and Life-saving Material, Aliment- airy Products, Horticulture. o. Agriculture. Patent Office. Alphabetical List of Patents for the (juarter ending Dec. 31, 1894. Imp. 8vo. AVash., 1894. E Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and the United States Courts in Patent Cases, 1890-92. 3 vols. Svo. AVash., 1891-93. E In. re Application of Daniel Drawbaugh. Telejjhones, jiublie u.se and sale proceeding : Testimony taken by the Patent Office, April, 1890. Sm. fol. AVash., 1890. F 10 T 22 t Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office. Vo's. 1-90, 187r;Alir., 1899. 90 vols. imp. 8vo. AVash., 1871-1900. E Report of the Ccmimi-ssioner of Patents, 1848-71, 1870- 92, 1 894, 1897-98. 90 vols. Svo. AA'ash., 1849-1900. E Rules of Practice in the United States Patent Office. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. AA^ash., 1883-91. F 1 S 0, and U 11 roy. 8vo. AVash., 1883-97. F 1 S 7 Rules of Practice of the United States Patent Office, 1878. 8vo. AVa.sh., 1878. F 13 T 13 Subject Matter Index of Patents for Inventions, 1790- 1873. A'ol. 3. Imp. 8vo. AA'ash., 1874. E Pension Office. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Pensions to the Secretary of the Interior, 1897-98. 8vo. AVash., 1898. " E Ltiws of the United States governing the granting of Army and Navy Pensions, together with the Regula- tions relating thereto. Svo. " AA'a.sli., 1897. F 1 U 26 Treatise on the Practice of the Pension Bureau governing the adjudication of Army and Naval Pensions. Svo. AVash., 1898. F 16 R 5 Public Lands. [See Gem-ral Land Office, under this heading.] 634 Tublic Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATY,><—conUl. Signal Service. Report on the Solar Eclipse of July, 1S78; by Prof. Cleveland Abl.ie. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1881. A 10 X 2 t State Papers. American State Papers : Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States. Vols. 1-21, 1789-182.3. 21 vols, (in 38) sm. fol. AYash., 18.32-34. E Statistics. [See Bureau of Statistics ; Census Office ; Department of Agriculture. — Division of Statistics; under this heading.] Statutes. Appropriation Acts, 189.5. Imp. 8vo. Wash., 1895. E Coinage Laws of the United States, 1792-1891 ; with an Appendix of Statistics relating to Coins and Currency. 8vo. AVash., 1894. F 3 U'l Laws of the United States governing the granting of Army and Navy Pensions, together with the Regula- tions relating thereto. 8vo. AA'ash., 1891. F 1 U 4 Laws relating to Street-railway Franchises in the District of Columbia. 8vo. AA'ash., 189G. F 3 R 34 Patent Laws and Laws relating to tlie Registration of Trade-marks and Labels. 8vo. A\\ash., 1889. F13U15 Tariff' Act, approved 1897. 8vo. AVash., 1897. F 3 P 2G United States Statutes concerning the Protection of Trade-marks and Labels ; with the Rules of the Patent Office relating thereto. 8vo. AVasli., 1892. F 13 U 14 Steam-boat Inspection Service. Annual Reports of supervising Inspector-General to the Secretary of the Trca.sury, 1893, 1897-99. 3 vols. 8vo. AVash., 189.3- 99. E General Rules and Regulations prescribed l)y the Board of Supervising In.spcctoi's f)f Steam A^essels, as amended January, 1897. 8vo. AVash., 1897. F 3 R 32 Laws governing the Steam-boat Tnspt'ction Service. 8vo. AVasli., 1890. F 3 R 30 Li.st of Ma.sters, Mates, Pilots, and Engineers of Mer- chant Steam Vessels licensed during the vears 1S9G- 97. 2 vols. Svo. AVash., 1897-98. " E Proceedings of a special Aleeting of the Board of Super- vising In.spectors of Steam A''esscls. 1S93. Hvn. AVash., 1893. K Proceedings of the 40tli-44th Annual Jleetings of the Board of Supervising Insjjectcjvs of Steam A>ssels, 1892-90. 7 vols. 8vo. AVash., 189.3-9G. E Steam-boat Inspectors' Manual : Liws governing the Steam-l)oat Inspection Service, revised Statutes of the United Slates, as amended by various Acts of Con- gress, to which are added the revised Rules and Regu- lations of the Board of Supervising lns[)ector.s, as amended .January and February, 189.'), together with various Decisions of tiio Treasury Department apper- taining thereto. Compiled l>y J. A. Duinont. 6tli od. 12mo. AA'ash., 189.'). F 12 S 25 UNITED STATES— co«^/. Strike Commission. Report on the Chicago Strike of June andJuly, 1894. 8vo. AVash., 1895. F 13 Q 34 Supreme Court. General Orders and Forms in Bank- ruptcy. 8vo. AVash., 1898. F 16 R 20 Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Rules of Practice for the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in Equity and Admiralty Cases, and oi'ders in reference to appeals from Court of Claims. 2 vols. rov. 8yo. AVash., 1883-91. F 1 S 3, and U 9 Surgeon-General's Office. Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, U.S. Army : Authors and Subjects. 2nd ser. A^'ols. 1-4. 4 vols, sm. fol. AA^ash., 1896-99. K 16 P 18-21 t Outlines of First Aid, L".S. Army. 18mo. AA'ash., 1899. " A 35 P 17 AVeather Bureau. [See Department of Agriculture. — AA'eather Bureau, under this heading.] UNITED STATES NATIONAL ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. Memoirs. A^ols. 5, 7, 8. 3 vols. 4to. AA^ash., 1895-99. E UXITED STATES SAXITARY COMMISSIOX BULLETIX. Nos. 1-40, Nov., 1863-Aug., 1865. 8vo. New York, 1866. A 34 U 10 UXIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD PATH [formei-ly Uni versal Brotherlwod]. \b\. 14, Apiil, 1899-]\Iarch, 1900. Sm. 4to. New York, 1899-1900. E UXIVERSAL REVIEW, The. Edited by Harry Quilter. Illustrated. A^ols. 1-8, May, 1888-Dec., 1890. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1888-90. J 21 U 7-14 UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND FREE REVIEW, The [formerly the Free I{evietc\. Vols. 1-12, Oct., 1893-Sept., 1899. 12 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893-99. E UNIVERSITY SERIES. Aljplied Bactoiinlogy. [See Pcarmain, T. H.] .\ '27 T S, 40 V 1 1 UNTOLD HALF, The. [See "Alien."] JIJ 3 U 15 UNTRODDEN FIELDS OF ANTHROPOLOGY. [See "French Army Surgeon, A."] LTNWIN, Mary Louise Hermione. Manual of Clay- modelling for Teachers and Scholars. 12mo. Lond., 1895. ' A23RU irNAVTN, Prof. AVilliam Cawthorne, F.R.S. Testing of Materials of Construction : a Text-book for the Engi- neei-ing Laboratory, and a Collection of tlie Results of Experiment. 2iid ed. Illustraled. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 22 R 31 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. (335 UPHAM, Warron. Orecnl.'nid T.^o-ficlds. [See Wright, Rov. G. Fmlcii,-k.] I) 10 Q H lU'SAI.A UNIVERSTTY. Bulletin (,f the (iiM,l„ni,-;ii Tiistitutiou of the University of Upsahi. Edited hy ]1. Sj(i-i-eii. Vol. 2, pt. 2. Hoy. 8vo Upsala, 1890. i) UPTON, Sara Carr. Eis.say on the Bases of the Mystic Knovvdedge. [See RSc'cJac, E.] tl 23 R 3:5 VRALLA TIMES and the People's Advocate, 1898-99 [July 20th, 1898, missing]. Fol. Uralla, 1898-99. ME URQUHART, Dr. Ale.xandcr Reid. Recurrent Insanity. (Alllnitt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T il States of Mental Weakness. (Allhutt, Dr. T. C— Sys- tem of Medicine.) A 26 T '41 URQUHART, F. C. Albatross Bay and Enibley and Hey Rivers. (Roy. Soc, Queen.sland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T URQUHART, John W. Electric Light: its Production and Use, embodying Plain Directions for Treatment of Dynamo-Electric Machines, Batteries, Accumulators, and Electric Lamps. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8yo. Lend., 1898. A 2-1 P 45 Electric Light Fitting: a Hand-book for Working Electri- cal Engineers, embodying Practical Notes on Installa- tion Management. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8v(). L.md., 1898! A 21 P 46 URQUHART, Sir Thomas. [Sketch of.] [See Whibley, C— Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S'2 URSINS, Mario Anne, Prinoesse des. (Marie Anno de Talleyrand, succo.ssively Princesse do Chalais and Duchessa di Bracciano.) Story of the Princess des Ursins in Spain. [See Hill, Constance.] B 34 S 4 URUGUAY. Memoria Correspondiente al afio ISilo pre- sentada ii la direccion general de Instruccion Piiljlica por el Inspector Nacional de Tnstrucciun Primaria. Imp. 8vo. Montevideo, 1894. G 13 V 30 Programas Escolares aprobados por Resolucitjn Guber- nativa de Fecha, 1897. 8vo. Montevideo, 1897. G 18 S 25 USSHER, William Augustus Ednnmd. Geology of parts of N. Lincolnshire and S. Yorkshire. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Sur\-.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 29 -, BROWNE, A. J. Jukes-, and STRAHAN, Aubrey. Geology of the Country around Lincoln. [See Gt. Brit, ami Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 24 USSING, Prof. Johann Ludwig. T. Maccii Plauti Comodiie. [See Plautus, T. Maccius.] H 1 T 18-22 UTAH : - S/iiti' Drpartm/'ii/'t — Rfipm-fn and PnMirrUioiis. Agricultural College Experiment Station. Bulletin 50. Svo. L.,gan, 1897. A 23 T 37 ."n. The Water Supply of f_V-Iio Valley ; liy S. I'ortiei-. The Cliiii.-ile of Utah. 8vo. Logan, 1897. A 33 S 51 Report, 1892, 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Salt Lake City, 1893- 95. E UTREC 1 IT - 1 f ISTORl SC (I U Ei\(JOTSC M A P. Bij- dragen en Mededeelingen, 1890-99. 4 vols. 8vo. •'Sgraveidiage and Amstei-dam, 1896-99. E UXBRTDGE, Heni'y Bayly Paget, Earl of. Portrait of. [See Paget. Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 UXBPiIDGE, Jane, Coinitess of. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.-^Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 UZANNE, Octave. Fashion in Paris: the various phases of Feminine Taste and Esthetics, 1797-1897. Tran,s- lated by Lady Mary Loyd. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond.,'l898. ' A 41 S 21 VACCLVATIO.Y IXQUIRER AXD IIEALTU REVIEW, T/ir. Vols. 17-21, April, I.s95-March, 1900. 5 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1895-1900. E YADAGNINO. [See Yavas.sore, Giovanni Andrea,] " YA(.!AB0N1», The." [See Thomas, Julian.] VALl )ER, George. Barley. ( Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) ' MA 4 U 1 Broom Corn or Broom ^klillet. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) J^IA 4 U 1 Chicory. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Comparative Trial of Oats. (Agricult. Gaz„ N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Exneriments with Pulses. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Fora-e Plants at Wagga AVagga. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Hemp. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Lucerne. (Farmers and Fruit-growci-s' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Mangolds. (Farmersand Fruit-growers' Guide.) JNIA 4 U 1 Millet. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R jMiseellaneous Forage Crops. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) AIA 4 U 1 Pigs at tlie Hawkesbury Agricullural College. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Potatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-giowers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Preventives for Smut. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R 636 J?i'Mlc Library of New South Wales, VALDER, G&orga—contd. Pulses. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) I\IA 1 U 1 Pumpkins, Squashes, Melons, itc. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) jNIA 4 U 1 Sheep in the Coastal Districts. (Auricult. Gaz., N.S.W.' 1900.) ME 9 II Sorghum. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Sweet Potatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guidi-.) MA 1 U 1 Trials of Salt Bush at Waii'sia "Wagga. (Agricult. Gaz., X.S.W., 189G.) "" "" ^ ?iIE 9 R Turnips and Swedes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers Guide.) MA 4 U 1 "Wheat. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 YALDE8, Armando Palacia. Froth. Translated by Clara Bell. 8vo. Lond., 1S91. J 22 R 47 The Grandee. Translated by Rachel Challice ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 23 U 5 VALE, ^^'. H. Notes on Gold-milling. (Australasian List, of Jlining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P YALERA, Juan. Dona Luz. Translated by Mary J. Serrano; with Introduction bv E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1893. ' J 23 U G Popita Jimenez ; with Introduction bv E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1891. ■ J 23 U 7 VALENTINE, Charles R. Preparation of .Meat Extracts. (Queensland Agricult. J(iurn., July, 1898.) ME 9 U VALIANTE, Raffaele. Lo Cystoseririe del Golfo di Napoli. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 7 t VALLANCE, Aymer. Decorative Art of Sir E. Burne- Jones. [See Art Journal.] A 20 R 30 t YALLE, Antonio della. Gammarini del (iolfo di Napoli. (Zoologisclie Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A IS P 21, 22 f YALLEE, Leon. Essai d'une Bibliographic de la Nouvcllr- Caledonie et Dej)en(lances. 12iii(i. Paiis, 1883. MD 4 Q 21 V.1VLLIXGS, Rev. Jamt^s Fi'cdcrick. Jesus Christ, the Divine Man: his Life and Times. 8vo. New York (n.d.) G 19 U 8 YAL.M(M{I':, Marcelino Dcsbordes-. [,fc Desljordcs-Yal- iiiore, ^I.] VAMiil^i'.Y, Prof. Aruiinius. Tra\els aiid jVd\eiitures of the Turkish Adiniial Sidi Ali Reis. [&eSeiee Broglie, Duke de.] B 31 U 20 A Last Love. \Set Ohnet, G.] A Weird Gift. {See Ohnet, G.] J 25 Q 34 J 25 Q 35 VANDELEUR, :Maj. Cecil Foster Seymour. Campaigning on the Upper Nile and Niger ; with an Introduction by Sir G. T. Goldie. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 36 R 10 VAN DENBURGH, John. Reptiles ..f the Pacific Coast and Great liisin. [See California Academy of Sciences.] A 38 Q 2G VAN DER GOES, Willeui, IMartiinis, and Adriaen. Briefwisseling tusschen de Gebroeders Van der Goes lG.59-73 uitgegeven door C. J. Gt)nnct. Vol. 1. 8vo. Amsterdam," 1899. C 27 T 5 VAN DER HOOGHT, Everard. [A'a-Hooght, E. Yander.] VAN DEI! SMLSSEN, Gen. Alfred Louis .\dolfe Graves, Baron. Sou\enirs du Mexi, 18G4- G7. 8vo. J'.ruNelles (n.d.) B 41 P 3 VANDEUVELDE, Emile. Evolution liy .\tro].hy in Biology and Sociology. \See r)emo(H', .I.| A 41 T 25 r.l.r liIF.MES'S LAM) MOXTIILY MAdA/IXK, Th<: No.s. 1, 2, Sept., Oct., 1835. 8vo. Hobarl, 1835. MJ3T11 VAN DYCK, Sir .\n(h...ny. \Sec Dyck, Sir A. van.] VAN DYKE, Rev. Henry Jackson. The Christ-child in Art. Tllust. 8\<>. New York, 1894. A 39 (.J 7 Story of the oilier >\'ise Man. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 23 S 5i Snjiplementarij Catalogue — 1806-1900. G37 VAN DYKK, Jiilui Cliarlcs. Nniurc fur its own sake: First Studios in Natural AiijicMraiii-cs. AVitli Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 2.3 « 43 Modern French Masters. [S« Modem French Masters.] A 10 T ].-) t VAN DYKK, Prof. Paul. The Age of the Pvc i-.ascoiice : an outline Sketch of the History of t!;c Pajiacy from the return fi'om Avignon to the f^u-k of Rome, 1377-1527; with an Introduction l)y H. Van Dyke. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Eras of the Chri.stian Church.) G 23 R 5 VANITY FAIR: a Weekly Show of Political, Social, and Literary Wares. Vols. 1--12, 18G9-74. llvoLs. fol. Lond., 18G9-7-1. E VAN IMATER, Dr. George G. Text-Imok of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 39 y 3 VAN MILLINGEN, Prof. Alexander. [See Millingen, Prof. A. van.] VAN NOSTRANB'S EXGINEERIKG MAGAZINE [formerly Vaii, Nontrand'ti Eclrctif Enr/iiinnriiig Mar/a- zine]. Vols. 1-35, 1869-8G. 35 vols. roy. 8vo. New Y^ork, 18G9-8G. A IG R 1-S 15 VAN RENSSELAER, Mariana Gri.swold. [Mrs. S.] Art Out of Doors : Hints on good taste in Gardening. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1891. A 23 P 11 VxiN SLEE, J. C. [_See Slee, J. C. Van.] VAN 'T HOFF, Dr. J. H. [See Hoff, Dr. J, H. Van 't.] VAN VECHTEN, Emma. [See Vechtcn, Enmia van.] VAPEREAU, Louis Gustave. Dictionnaire LI'niversel des Conteniporains : contenant toutes les Personnes Notables de la France et des Pays Etrangers. Gth ed. 2 vols. roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1893-95. C19 1T1G, 17 VARIGNY^ Charles de. The A^'omen of the United States. Translated by Arabella V.'ard. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 10 V 3 VASEY, George. Agricultural Grasses of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agi'icult.— ■ Div. of Botany.] A 20 T 32 The Agricultural (irasses and Ji'orage Plants of the L^nited States, and .such foreign kinds as have been introduced. [See I'nited States. — Dept. of Agricult. — DiN-. of Botany.] A 23 T 33 Grasses of the Pacific Slope, including Alaska and the adjacent I.slands. [See Unitckl States. — Dept. of Agri- cult.— Div. of Botany.] A 20 S 13 t , Grasses of the South-west. [See LTjiited States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Botany.] A 20 S 12 f Grasses of the United States : being a Synopsis of the Tribes and Genera, with Descriptions of the Genera, and a List of the species. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 30 R 41 VAUGHAN, Prof. Charles Edwyn. English Literary Criticisui. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 VAUGHAN, Henry. Poems. Edited by E. K. Chambers; with an Introduction by H. C. Bceching. 2 vols. 12mo. LhkI., 189G. (Muses' Lib.) H 1 1 Q 7, 8 VAUGHAN, Herbert, Cardinal. UisK.rv of St. Vincent do Paul. [See ]5ougaud, E., i5ishop.]' G 24 U 1, 2 VAUGHAN, J. I). W. Meteorological Observations taken at Suva. [Sec Suva Observatory.] ME VAUX, James Hardy. Sketch of. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scouudivls.] C" 23 Q 2 VAUX, William Sandys Wright, F.R.S. Persia from tlic Earliest Period to tin; Arab Conquest. Now and re- vised ed., edited l)y Prof. A. H. Sayce. 12mo. Lend., 1893. (.Vncient History from the Monuments.) B 27 P 10 VAVASSORE, (iiovanni Andrea, called Vad;',gnino. Map of the World. [See Reniarkabh; Maps of the 1.5th, 16th, and 17th Centuries.] D 8 P 37 J VAY^SSIERE, Prof. Albert. Resultats Scientiliiiucs de la Campagne du Cavdun dans le Golfe de Gascogne. [See Kiehlei-, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 VAZOFF, Ivan. Under the Y^jke ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 23 U 8 VEALE, Alfred P. The Diamond Jubilee, 1897. 18mo. Lond., 1897. H 13 P 19 VEBLEN, Prof. Thorstein B. Science of Finance. [See Cohn, Gustav.] F 4 R 24 VECHT, A. The Pork Industrv. Sm. 4to. Otago, 1893. " MA 5 R 5 J VECHTEN, Emma v;in. Early Schools and Schoolmasters of New Amsterdam. (G(jodwin, Maud Wilder. — His- toric New Y^irk.) B 19 R 6* VEDDER, Henry Clay. American Wi-itors of To-day. 8vo. Bo.ston, 1895. C 22 S 19 The Dawn of Christianity ; oi-, Studies of the Apostolic Church. 8vo. Philad., 1894. G 9 W 22 " VEDETTE.' [See Fitchett, Rev. W. H ] VEGA CAEPIO, LopeF.lixde. Comedy-Love. [&e Van- dam, A. D.— Amours of (Jreat Men.] C 23 Q 13 VEGERTUS, Petrus Paulu.s. De Ingenuis Moribus : an English Version. [See Woodward, W. H.] G 2 U 45 VEITCH, John. The Thei-sm of WonJswortli. (Knight, William.— Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 Discourse on the method of rightly conducting tlie reason and seeking truth in the Sciences. [See Descartes, R.] ' G 17 S 33 638 Public Library of New South Wales. VELASCO, Faiiiir. La Idea Liberal y la Idea Ultramfm- taiia. 12mo. Ya]i)araiso, 1871. G 15 U 30 VELASQUEZ, Don Diego Rodriguez de Siha v. Art of. [See Stevenson, 11. A. :M.] A 13 T 1 t Art of ; by Sir W. Arni.strong. {See Portfolio. — Mono- graj^hs, 29.] E Life of ; by Sir W. Armstrong. [See Portfolio. — Mono- graphs, 28.] " E Velasquez. [See Stevenson, E. A. 31.] A 41 11 1 Velasquez : ein Bilderatlas zur Geschichte seiner Kunst niit Text. [See Voll, K.] A 21 P 6 f VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, Caius. [See Patereulu.s c. v.] VENABLES, Rev. Precentor. Lincoln Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 VENN, John Edmund, F.R.S. The Logic of Chance. 2ud ed. 8vo. Lond., 187('. G 1 U 39 VERBEEK, Dr. Reinier D. M., and FENNEMA, R. Description geologique de Ja\-a et Madoura. With Plates. 3 vols. 8vo. and fol. Amsterdam, 189G. A 39 R 16, 17, and 20 P 28 + VERCELLONE, Carlo. Bibliorum Sacrc.rum Grwcus Codex Vaticanus. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Greek.] G 6 U 7-12 \ VERCO, Dr. Joseph Cooke. Descriptions of new .species of Marine Mollusca. (Roy. Soe., S. Aust., Trans, and Proc, 1890.) ME 1 S -, and STIRLTN(i, I'ruf. l-:duard Cliarles. Hy- datid Disea.se. (.VllbuU, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 20 T 3.5 VERDI, Giuseppe. Verdi, Man and Musician : his Bio- graphy, with especial reference to his English experi- ences ; liy F. J. Crowest. AVilli T.ir(rait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T VERDON, Rev. Monsignor. Manual of Sacred Chant and Ceremonies. 8vo. Sydney, 189.5. MG 1 R 78 VEIIDY UL' \I:K.\(J|.S, (General Julius von. A\'ith the Royal Headquarters in 1870-71. With Portrait and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Wolscley Scr.) I', 39 Q 8 VERESTCH.VCIN, Vassili. 1812: Napoleon T in Russia; with Introduction l»y R. Whiteing. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 20 R 19 A Russian Village. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 10 VERFASSER, Julius. The Half-tone Process; a Piactical Manual of Photo-engraving in Half-tone on Zinc and Copper. Illust. 8vo. Bradford, 1895. A 23 P 27 VERGA, Giovanni. The Hou.se by the Medlar Tree. Translation b}' Mary A. Craig ; Introduction by W. D. Hovvells. 12mo." New York, 1890. J 20 U 1 VERHAEREN, Emile. The Dawn (Les Aubes). Trans- lated by A. Symons. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 12 T 2 [Study of.] [See Crawford, Virginia M. — Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 30 VERHANDELIN'GEN EX nERIGTEX OVER EEX- IGE ONDERWERPEN DER ZEEVARTKU NDE. [See Tijdsclirlft voor liet Zeewzen.l YERLAINE, Paul Marie. Amour. 12mo. Paris, 1892. H 1 1 TJ 22 Bonheur. 2nd ed. 12mo. Paris, 1890. H 11 U 24 La Bonne Chan,son. 2nded. 12mo. Paris, 1898. H 11 U 18 Chansons pour elle. 12mo. Paris, 1891. H 11 U 26 Dans les Limbe.s. 12mo. Pari.s, 1891. H 1 1 IT 30 Dedicaces. 12mo. Paris, 1894. H 11 U 25 Elegies. 12mo. Pari.s, 1S93. H 11 U 28 Fetes Galantes. 4th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1890. H 11 U 17 Invectives. 12mo. Pari.s, 1890. H11U31 Jadis et Naguere. 12mo. Paris, 1891. H 11 U 21 Les Mcmoires d'un Veuf. 12mo. Pari.s, 1880. J 21 P 31 Les Pontes Maudits. New ed. AVith Portraits. 12mo. Paris, 1888. H 11 IT 33 Liturgies intimes. 12mo. Pari.s, 1893. II 1 1 IT 27 Loui.se Leclercq. 12mo. Paris, 1880. J 21 P 32 MesHopitaux. 12m... Paris, 1891. C 18 P 26 MesPrison.s. iL'm... Pari.s, 1893. C 18 P 27 Odes en .son H..nncur. 1 1'mo. Pari.s, 1S93. li 1 1 U 29 ParallMement. ll'in... Paris, 1894. II 1 1 U 23 PokuesSaturnicns. .".rd ed. 12m... Paris, 1894. TI 1 1 U 16 Quinze Jours en Hollande : Lettres a un ami. With Portrait. Sm. 4to. La Haye (n.d.) D 10 T Romances sans Paroles: Aricttcs ouliliees, Paysages Belge.s, Birds in the Night, Ai|uarelles. 1 2mo. Paris, 1891. ^ I! II LT 19 Sagesse. 4th c.l. 12m... Paris, 1890. H 1 1 IT 20 Les Uns et les Autrcs : Cmcdic en uii .Acte et en vers. 12mo. Paris, 1.S91. H 1 1 IT 32 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.---S_yinbol- isfc Movement in Literature.] J 17 V 30 [Study of.] [See Bui'v, Y. B. tie. — I'rencli Literalurc of Today.] " J 23 R 20 Siipplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 039 VERMONT ■.—State Dqwrtmnils— Reports and Publica- tions. Agricultural Experiment Station. Kepoit on Dairy- iii},'. Svo. lUirlin^liiii, IS',).-;. A 33 S 27 Reports, 1888, 1892-94, l,s<)S yi). 5 vols 8vo. F.ur- lington, 1889-99. E VERNE, Jules. The Mysterious Tshuul. Pts. 1-3. Translated by W. H. G. Kingston, lllustriited 3 vols, (in 1) 12ino. Lend., 1894. J 25 i: 33 1. Dropped from the Clouds. 2. Abandoned. 3. The Secret of the Island. Twenty thousand Leagues under the Seas. Illustrated- 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 23 T 36 VERNER, Lieut.-Col. William WiUoughhy Cole. A British Rifleman. [See Simmons, Maj. G.] C 20 Q 5 VERNES, Maurice. De la Place faite aux Legendes lo- cales par les Livres Historiques de la Bible, avec un Rapport Sommaire sur les Conferences de I'Exercice, 1896-97, et le Programme des Conferences pour I'Exercice 1897-98. [Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes.] 8vo. Paris, 1897. G 18 S 30 VERNON, Arthur. Estate Fences: their Choice, Con- struction, and Cost ; with a Chapter on Boundaries and Fences in their legal aspect by T. W. Marshall. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 39 P 27 VERNON-HARCOURT, Rt. Hon. Sir William. [See Harcourt, Rt. Hon. Sir W . H-.] VERRALL, Arthur Woollgar. The Agamemnon of iEschylus. [See ^schylus.] H 3 U 50 The Choephori of ^schylus. [See ^schylus.] H 3 U 51 VERRALL, Margaret de G. [Mrs. A. W.] Mythokygy antl Monuments of Ancient Athens. [See Pausanias.] B 27 Q 17' VERRIER, Dr. E. Le Developpement de I'Afiique. [See White, A. S.] D 14 S 20 VERTUE, George. Medals, Coins, Great Seals, Impres- sions, from the elaborate works (jf Tliomas Simon. Fol. Lond., 1753. [Bound with Genealogical History of the Kings of England.] B 15 U 17 J VERWORN, Dr. Max. General Physiology ; an Outline of the Science of Life. Translated from the 2nd Ger- man ed., and edited by Prof. F. S. Lee. [With Biltli- ography.] Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 41 R 11 VETERINARIAN, Tlw : a Monthly Journal of Veterin- ary Science. Vols. 47-72, 1874-99, and Reports of Societies, 1895-98. 30 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874-99. E VIALLS, Mary Alice. Climbing Reminiscences of the Dolomites. [See Sinigaglia, Leone.] D 18 V 25 VIAUD, Louis Marie Julien, "Pierre Loll." Aziyade. 31st ed. 12mo. Paris, 1897. J 24 R 24 Les Desert. ]9tlied. ]2iiio. Paris, 1895. J 24 R 31 L'Exilee. 25th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 24 R 36 Fan tome d'Orient. 38th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1893. .) 2 t R 25 Figures et Glioses (jui Passaient. 14lh (id. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 20 Fleu?-s d'Ennui : Pascpiala Ivanovitch ; Voyage au Mon- tenegro; Suleima. 6th ed. 12nio. Paris, 1893. J 24 11 27 La Galilee. 2Sth ed. 12mo. Paris, 1896. J 24 R 30 Au Maroc. 29th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 24 R 23 Impressions; with an Introduction bv H.James. Sm, 4to. Lond., 1898. " J 7 T 38 Japoneries d'Automne. 31st ed. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 24 R 28 Jerusalem. 31st ed. 12uio. Paris. 1895. J 24 R 29 Le Livre de la Pitie et de la Mort. 45th ed. 12mo. Paris, 18'J7. J 24 R 32 Madame Chrysantheme. 44th ed. 12nio. Paris, 1897. J 24 R 37 Le Mariage de Loti. COth ed. 12mo. Paris, 1897. J 24 R 33 Matelot. 5th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 38 Mon Frere Yves. 75th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 39 Pecheur d'Lslande. 193rd ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 40 Propos d'Exil. 31st ed. 12mo. Paris, 1892. J 24 R 41 Ramuntcho. 52nd ed. 12mo. Pari.s, 1898. J 24 R 42 Le Roman d'un enfant. 51st ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 34 Le Roman d'un Spain. 45th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1896. J 24 R 35 [Essay on.] [See James, H. — Essays in London and elsewhere.] JUT 33 [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de. — French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 VIBART, Col. Edward. The Sepoy Mutiny, as seen by a Subaltern from Delhi to Lucknow. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 36 Q 11 VIBART, Col. Heiuy IMeredith. Addiscombe: its Heroes and Men of Note. Alphabetical List. Sm. 4ti>. (n.p.n.d.) B 21 U 15* Richard Baird Smilli, the Leader of the Delhi Heroes in 1857 : Private Correspondence of the Commanding Engineer during the Siege, and other interesting letters hitherto unpublished. [See Smith, R. B.] C 23 R 8 VICENTINI, Dr. Filantlro. Bacteria of the Sputa and Cryptogamic Flora of the Mouth. Translated by Rev. E. J. Stutter and Prof. E. Saieghi. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 32 S 32 640 Fublic Library of New South Wales. VICKERY, Samuel K. Notes oi a Holiday Trip from ^lelbiiurne to the American Prairies and back. (Roy.' (.ieofraph. Soc. of Australasia, Yict. Brancli, Trans., 1.5.)" ME 20 P '^ VICTOR." [_See Shelley, P. B.] VICTOR EMANUEL II, King of Italy. [Portrait and >^ketch of.] IScs Ilarridgo, F. —Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 VICTOR, Publius. [De Regionibus Urbis Roma?.] (Scrip- tores Historia; Romanre.) B 40 U 2-t \ VICTOR, Sextus Aureliu.s. Origo gentis Romaure ; De Viri.s lUustribus L'rbis Romw ; Historia abbreviata ; De Yita et INIoribus imperatorum R(jmanoriun. (Scrip- tores Historic Romance.) B 40 U 23 \ VICTORIA, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Life ..f ; by G. Barnett Smith. 8vo. Lend., 1897. C 23 Q 8 Life of Her Mo.st Gracious Majesty the Queen ; by Sarah Tytler. Edited, with an Introduction, by Lord Ron!il i'i7 Suj^demcn Idrij Culaloyue — 1890-1900. Gil Y ICTOVJ \ co»tJ. A;5i-iculturc- cioi/i/. List of Fruit Treos, &c., grown at tlic Royal Ilorticul tural GardeuK, llichinMiul Pai'k, Burnley, 1897. I'^vo. Melb., 1897. MA 3 V 2(i Manures and iMaiiinini;' ; l.y A N. Pearson. 8vo. Melb. (n.il.) ' ' MA .'J V 11 Practice with Science ; hy U. Hedgcr-Wallace. Svo. Melb. (n.d.) ' MA 3 V 27 Report, by I). Wilson, on tli(' Dairying Indu.stry in Vic- toria, 1894-96. 8vo. Melb., 1895-96. MA 3 V 27 Report, by D. Wilson, f)n the Export of Frozen Produce from Victoria, 1896-98. 8vo. Melb., 1 897-98. MA 3 V 27 Report, by James M. Sinclair, on the Sugar-beet In- dustry and Tobacco Culture of the United States. 8vo. Melb., 189.0. MA 3 V 29 Tuberculin Test. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MA 3 V 27 Wine-making in Hot Climates : bv L. Roos. Translated by R. Dubois and W. P. Wilkinson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. MA 4 R 37 [_See also Council of Agricultural Educati'jn ; and Vege- table Products, under this heading.] Civil Service. [See Public Service, under this heading.] Coinage of Silver. Proposed Coinage of Silver at the Melljourne Branch of the Royal Sfint: Correspond- ence. Sm. fol. Melb., 1890. MF 4 U 33 C Jmmissioners of Audit. [See Fimnce, under this heading.] Council of Agricultural Education. Prospectus and Regulations of the Agricultur.al Colleges, with Syllabus of 'instruction, 1894, 1897. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1894-97. ME 8 Q Report, 1884-87. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MG 2 V 19 Defence. Financial and Store Regulations of the De- fence Department. 8vo. Melb., 1892. MF 4 Q 50 Revised Regulations and Standing Orders for the Vic- torian Military Forces. 12mo. Mcll)., 1892. 5IF 4 P 43 Education. [See Public Instruction, under this heading.] Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops. Second Progress Report of the Board appointed to inquire and repoi-t as to tl>e working of the Factories and Shops Act, 1890, with regard to the alleged existence of the practice known as sweating, and the alleged insanitary condition of Factories and Work-rooms. Sm. fol. Melb., 1894. MF 4 U 32 Finance. General Regulations respecting Public Accounts. Sm. fi.l. Melb., 1891. MP 4 U 35 The Treasurer's Statement of the Receipts and E.x'pendi- ture of the Consolidated Revenue and other moneys, 1890-97, accompanied by the Report of the Connnis- sioners of Audit. 5 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1891-97. ME Foot and Mouth Disease. Progress Report of Com- mission. Sm. fol. Melb., 1872. MA 9 Q 31 f 4 M VICTORIA--™,,/,/. .Friendly Societies. i;i|)ori i>f the J'roceeiJings of tiie Government Statist in connection with Friendly So- cieties, 1894. Sm. fol. Melb., 189G. " ME Geological Survey. (observations on New Vegetable Fossils of the Auriferous Drifts; by Baron F. von Mueller. 1st and 2nd decades. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1874-83. MA 4 V 25 Reports of Progress. Nos. 1- 8. 8 vols, (in 5) imp. 8vo. and sm. fol. Melb., 1874-94. MA 5 V 1-5 Government Gazette. Govennnent Gazette, July, 1851- Dec, 1852, J ulv, 1853-Dec., 1854, July, 1855-June, 1866, Jan., 1867-April, 1900. 110 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1851-1900. ME Lawr Reports. [See Victorian Law Repfirts as a main Author Entry.] Legislative Assembly. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Legislative Council. [Siv. Parliament, under this heading.] Melbourne Mint. [See Coinage of Silver, under this heading.] MilJura Settlement. Report of the Mildura Royal Commission. Sm. fol. Melb., 1896. MA 3 P 30 f Mines. Annual Reports of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, 1886 88, 1890-93, 1896-98. 10 vols, sm. fol. Melb., 1887-99. ME Gold-fields of Victoria: Reports of ]\Iining Registrars for (piarter ended March, 1886. Sm. fol. .Melb., 1886. ME Parliament. Debates. Vol 1-n.s. vfil. 90-95, 1856- 1900, and Index. 107 vols. roy. 8vo. Melb., 1856- 1900. " ME Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council, 1898. Sm. fol. Melb., 1898. ME Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative A.ssemblv, 1856-1900. 151 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1856-1900. ME Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council, 1851- 56, 1877-81. 15 vols. sm. fol.' Melb., 1852-81. ME Patents. Patents and Patentees, 1854-91. 29 vols. 4to. Melb., 1872-99. ME Postal Service and Telegraphs. Report upon the ailairs of the Post Oflice and Telegraph Dejiartments, 1889-92, 1891. 5 vols. .sm. fol. 'Melb., 1890-95. ME Public Instruction, Regulations under the Educiition Act, 1890. and the Public Service Act. 1890. 8vo. Melb., 1891. :\rF I R 34 Public Library, Museum, and National Gallery. Reports of the Trustees. 1870-72. 1874-Sl. 1890. 1896, 1898. 13 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1871-98. ME 4 U Public Service. Public Service Act Regulations, 1890. Sm. fol. Melb., 1891. '^ MF 4 V 37 Public Service Act, 1883. (Melb. Review, 9.) ME 18 Q 042 Fahl'tG Libvary of New South Wales. VICTORTA— row?(/. Railways. Report of the Board appointed by the Governor to inquire into the 'V^'orking and Manage- nient of the Victorian Railways. 8ni. fol. Melh., 1895. MF 4 U 40 Royal Commissious. \_See under the suliject of eacli Ciiuniiissi. i]i as a .-iuh-heading under this heading.] State Banking. Report of the Royal Connni.ssion on .State Ranking. Sm. fol. Melb., 1895. MF 4 U 30 Statistics. Statistical Register of the Cohmv of A"ic- toria, 1886-94, 1896, 1898. 11 vols. 8vJ. and fol. Melb., 1853-99. ME Statistical Register of Victoria from the foundation of the Colony ; with an Astronomical Calendar for 1855. Edited bv W. H. Archer. 8vo. Melb. 1854. MF 5 S 7 Statutes. The Acts of Parliament of Victoria, 1851-71. 1875-1900, and Index, 1890-1900. 40 vols. 4to. Melb., 1851-1900. ME Land Act of 1890. Regulations. Sni. fol. Melb., 1890. " MF 4 U 34 Tlie Public General Statutes of the Colony of Victoria, 1866, vol.s. 1-3; 1874, vols. 1, 2, 4; 1883, vol. 4. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Melb., 1867-84. ME Victorian Statutes. \_See Horwitz, L.] MF 5 U 1-9 Vegetable Products. Hand-book on Viticulture for Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MA 4 S 20 Victorian Butter. Report of the Board appointed by the Minister of Agriculture to inquire into the alleged deterioration of Victorian Butter made for Export. Sm. fol. Melb., 1900. MA 14 R 1 t Water Supply. First and Fourth Progress Reports of the Royal Commission on Water Supply. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 5 R 16, 17 1. Irrigation in Western America so far as! it has relation to tile circnnistances of Victoria. 4. Irrigation in Egypt and Italy. ]\Iiinites of K\idence of the Royal Connnission on "Water Supply. Sm. f(.l. Melb., 1S96. MA 12 P 30 t \See also Mines, under tliis Iniuhng.] [All Rej)orts not specifically mentioned under these sub- lii'adings will lie found in the Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Asseiidily. | VICTORIA COUNTRY FIRE BRIGADES BOARD. ]{eports, 1897-99. 3 vols.sm.f..!. iMelb., 1S9S. 1900. .M K VICTORIA INSTITUTE. .lournal of Transactions. Vols. 1 17, 20-25, 29-31. 26 vols. 8vn. Loud., 1807 99. E VK'TORIA OFFJCIAL I^OSTOFFlCb: J) 1 1! EC TORY AS'D (lAZETTEFR, ls71 72. R..v. 8v,,. .Mell). (n.d.) ■ MK 11 P VfCTOlUA I'UST OFFICE COMMERCIAL DIREC- TORY (Wise'.s) lSSt-85, iH,SS-94, 1897 1900. 6 volij. roy. Hvo. .Melb., issi.'j!). Ml.; |i '|- VICTORIAN AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICUL- TURAL GAZETTE. Vols. 1-4, March, 1857-Dec., 18G0. 4 vols. 4ta; Mell)., 1857-60. MA 4 V 16-19 VICTORIAN ALLIANCE. Annual and Temperance Year-book, 1893. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MF 5 S 26 VICTORIAN CHAMBER OF MANUFACTURES. Ainiual Report and Balance-sheet of the Victorian Chamber of jNIanufactures for the year ending March, 1890; together with the Rules, Bye-laws, Standing Orders, and List of Members, Office-bearers, &c. 8vo. Melb., 1890. ME 8 Q VICTORIAN COOPERATIVE SOCIETY. Reasons why I prefer Cociperation ; by " A Practical Co- operator." 8vo. Brunswick (n.d.) MF 3 Q 47 Rules, &c. 12mo. Hamilton, 1889. MF 3 Q 47 VICTORIAN ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION. Rules and Bye-laws, with Balance-sheets, List of Members, Office-bearers, etc. 8vo. Melb., 1884. MF 5 S 18 VICTORIAN ERA EXHIBITION. Progress in Wo- men's Education in the British Empire : being thf Report of the Education Section. Edited by the Countess of Warwick. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 10 VICTORIAN ERA SERIES. Charles Dickens. [Sec Gis.sing, G.] J 14 V 21 Charles Kingsley and the Christian Social Movement ; by C. W. Ktubbs. [.SVe Kingsley, Rev. C] C 19 T '26 The Earl of Beaconsfield ; by H. E. Corst. C 27 R 12 Growth and Administration of the British Colonies. \Set Grcswell, Re\-. W. P.] F 16 S 1 London in the Reign of Victoria. [., 1897-99. ME G U " VIDOCQ." [_See Riloy, H. T.] VIENNA UNIVERSITY. Bei-icht .Ukt die V„lkstlnnn lichen Universitatsvortriige iui .Stiulieiiiahri> l.s'J'J- 1900. 8vo. Wien, 1900. ' E VIEW OF SYDNEY HARBOUR. Roy. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MD G V 3 VIGNERON, The : a Monthly Journal of the Australian Wine As.sociation of Victoria. Vol. 1, Feb.-Dec, 1886. Ito. Mell)., 1886. {All ptihlkhcd.)MA\\ iO VIGNY, Alfred Victor. Comte de. CEuvres completes. 8 vols. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 23 P 11-51 1. Poesies. 2, 3. Theatre. 4. Journal J'un Poete. 5. Stello. 6. Servitude et Oraiiileur Militaires?. 7. S. Cinq-Mars. VILLAGE LIBRARIES IN IRELAND. 8vo. Duhlin, 1900. JUS 40 VILLANI, Giovamii. Selections from the first nine books of the Chroniche Fiorentine. Translated by Rose E. Selfe. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 T 20 VILLARD, Oswald Garrison. Early History of Wall- street, 1653-1789. (Goodwin, M. W.— Historic New York.) B19RG VILLARI, Linda, [Signora P.] Ascent of Mt. St. Elias [Alaska]. \_See Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Piinc-e.] D 23 Q 3 VILLARI, Prof. Pasquale. Life and Times of Nieeolo Machiavelli. Translated by Mine. Linda Villari. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 8 Two First Centuries of Florentine History : the Re- public and Parties at the time of Dante. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 31 U 7, 8 VILLEVAL, Albiu. La Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, la Colonie-Mere des Australies. \_See Hutchinson, F.] MD 8 R 54 VILLIERS, Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland. [See Cleve- land, Duchess of.] VILLIERS, John dc. Diarv of a Citizen of Paris during the Terror. [_See Bire, Echnond.] B 16 V 20, 21 V^ILLIERS, Victor Albert Geoige Cliild, Earl of Jersey. [See .JfM'sey, Karl of,] VILLIEItS DE LISLE ADA.M, Philij.pe Augustc Matliias, Conite de. Les Miens, 1 • \illiers de I'lsle- Adaiii ; jiar Sti'phane Mallariiie. With Portrait. 18mo. Bru.telles, 1892. J 21 P 26 [Criticism of the Works of.] \Sre Symtms, A. — Symbol- ist Movement in Literature.] " J 17 V 30 [Translation from.] [See Pastels iiiPro.se.] J 26 U 2 [Verses by.] [See Verlaine, P. — Les Poetes Maudits.l If 11 U 33 VILLOT, Frederic. Collection de Dessiiis Originaux de Grands Maitres. [See Reiset, F.] A 46 P 8 | VILMORIN, Henry Louis de. Selection and its effect on Cultivated Plants. ( Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1 900.) ME 9 R VINCE, Charles Anthony. [Life of] John Bright. [See Bright, J.] C 23 P 26 VINCENT, Arthur. ' Lives of Twelve Bad Women : Illus- trations and Reviews of Feminine Turpitude set forth by impartial hands. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 20 VINCENT, Benjamin. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. 21st ami 22nd eds. [&e Haydn, J.] K 11 P 23, 24 VINCENT DE PAUL, St. Life of ; by Henry Bedford. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) C 19 V 21 History of St. Vincent de Paul. [See Bougaud, B., Bisliop.] G 24 U 1, 2 St. Vincent de Paul. [See Broglie, E. de.] G 23 P 37 VINCENT, James Edmund. Footljall. [See Shearman, M.] A 29 S 39 VINCENT, Jaccpies. Vaillante : ce que Femme veut. 12mo. Lond., 1891. (Army Holiday Ser.) J 11 P49 VINCENT, Jiihn Martin, and Ada S. Constitution of the Kingdom of Belgium. 8vo. Pliilad., 1896. F 1 S 29 VINCENT, Leon H. The Bibliotaph and other People. 8vo. Boston, 1898. J 22 Q 35 VINCENT, Rev. Marvin Richard.son. Critical and Exege- tical Commentary on the Epistles to the Philippians and to Pliilemon. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Internat. Critical Commentary.) G 23 R 40 History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. 8vo.'' New York, 1899. (New Testament Hand- 1 looks.) G 25 P 18 Gil I'lihiic Lihranj of New South Wales, YIIsCENT, Mary Ann [Mrs. J. R.] (Mnry Ann Farlin). [Portrait and Sketch of.] [&e McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 2.'i Q G VINCENT, Ralph Harry. The Elements of Hypnotism : the Induction, the Phenomena, and the Physit)logy of Hypno.sis. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1.^97. G 23 P .T VINCENT, W. I). F. The Cutters' Practical Guide to Cutting every kind of Garment made by Tailors. Pts. 1-8. 8 vols. 4to.andfol. Lond. (n.d.) A 12 X 1^8 f VINCI, Leonardo da. Leonardo da Vinci, Artist, I'lnnker, and Man of ISciencc ; bv Eugene Miintz. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lend., 1898. C II V 17, 18 t Art of. \_See Rose, G. B. — Renaissance Masters.] A 4 1 T 1 1 Examination of the Works of. \_Sei Stearns, F. P.] A 2;i S 2.j "VINDEX." Cecil Rhodes: his Political Life and Speeches, 1881-1900. With Portrait and Map of South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 T 2 VINES, Sydney Howard, F.R.S. Eleinentarv Text-book ofBotany.' Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1 SOS. A 32 Q 18 VINET, Alexander Uodolphe. Life and Y\'ritings of ; hy Laura M. Lane ; with an Introduction liy F. A\'. Far- rar, Dean of Canterbury. 8vo. Edinb., 1890. C 27 S 17 VIOLET'S ILLUSTRATED TIIEAIRICAL AXNUAL ISee Samuell, Dinah.] MA 5 R 10 X VlKCTLirS ]\IARO, P. Th(! Works of Virgil rendered into English Prose; by J. Lonsdale and S. Lee. 12mo Li:TA('|li;i)SgL'AI>KO.V, ^^ithlheir Royal Jliglftiossos Prince Edward and Prince Gc-orge of Wales, t') Bi-isbaiie, from 16tli-20tli August, 1881. Illu.strated. Ito. Brisb., 1881. MI) 7 \1 29 VITTORINO DA FELTRE. \_Sce Rambaldoni, Vitt< rir.o de'.] VIVIAN, Herbert. Servia : the Pouvre precede d'une Notice sur la \ie et les Ouvrages du Maitre, par Henri Hymans. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Bmxelles, 1893. " A 34 V 3 VL^ILLIER, Gaston. The Forgotten Isles : Imjn-essions of Travel in the Balearic Isles, Corsica, and Sardinia. Translated by Frederic Breton. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., '1890. 1)18 V 24 VULCATIUS GALLICANUS. Historia Augusta. (Soriptores HistoriiC Runiana'.) B 10 V 23 + w W., T. [Sec "Rectangle.'] WAAL, \h: ('. de. [See De Waal, Dr. C] WAGE, Re\-. Henry. Christianity and .Morality ; or, the Correspondence of the Gospel with the Moral Nature of Man. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Boyle Lectures.) G 25 S 12 Theological Teaching in a Univei'sity. (Tnternat. H('alth Exh'il).- Health Exhil). Literature.) A 41 V 11 Luther's Primary Works. [&« Luther, 51.] (; 1 9 T 20 WADDELL, Maj. Lawrence Augustine. Among the Himalayas. Uiust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D19U21 WADDELL, Rev. Peter Hately. Christianity as an ideal. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. ' G 25 S 18 WADDELL, Rev. Rutherford. Sport in Maoriland with Rod and Gun. (Review of Re\iews, Fel)., 1897.) E Station ISallads, and other Verses. [See Wright, D. M'K.] MH 1 W 3 WADDIE, Charles. Restored Scotland. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 WADDINGTON, Prof. Albert. La Repuljli.iue des Pro- vince.s-Unies, la France ct les Pays-Bas Espagnols de 1630 a 1650. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8yo. Paris, 1895-97. B39 U 10, 11 WADDINGTON, William Henry. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.]. C 19 Q 22 WADE, F. C. The Manitoba School Question. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1895. (! 17 T 21 WADE, Thomas. The Poet aiul his Surroundings ; by H. Buxton Fonnan. [See NicoU, W. Roljertson. — Liter- ary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 Sonnet to certain Critics ; Fifty Sonnets ; the Ccmtention of Death and Love ; Helena. [See Nicoll, W. Robert- son. — Literary Anecdotes of 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 WADE, VV. Cecil. Symbolisms of Heraldry ; or, a Treatise on the Meanings and Derivations of Armorial Bearini;s. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. K19R'25 WADE, William Burton. [Obituary Notice of.] (In.st. of Civil Engineers, Proc, 87.) E WAERN, Cecilia. John La Fargo, Artist and Writer. [See Portfolio. — Jlonographs, 26.] E WAddA WAdGA ADVERTISER, l^n-'d'd. 9 vols. fol. Wagga Wagga, 1891-99. ME 646 Public Librm'y of Neio South JFales. WAGGA U'AGGA EXPRESS, 1S99. Fol. Watcga ME Wagga, 1899. ^VAGGOXER, J. H. From Edeii to Eden: a Historic and Prophetic Study. 8vo. Oakland, 1889. G 1 R 40 WAGHORX, Lieut. Thomas Fletcher. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; bv T. W. Comvns. (Once a Montli, Sept., 1885.) ■ ■ MJ 1 V 21 WAGNER, Richard [in full Wilhehii Richard. Pro.se "Works. Translated by W. A. Ellis. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892-99. J 4 S 14-21 1. Tlie Art Work of the Future, kc. 2. Opera and Traiua. 3. The Theatre. 4. Art and Politics. 5. Actors and Singers. 6. Religion and Art. 7. In Paris and Dresden. S. Posthumous, &c. Letters to Emil Heckel ; with a brief History of the Bayreuth Festivals, translated and indexed by \V. A. Elli-s. 12mo. Lond., 1899. C'27 P 20 Letters to \\>sendonck et Al. Translated and indexed by W. A. Elli.s. 12mo. Lond., 1899. C 27 P 21 Nibelungen Ring done into English Ver.se by R. Rankin. Vol.1. 12mo. Lond., 1899. H 13 T 5 [Life of] ; by H. S. Chamberlain. Translated by G. A. Hight. Illast. 4to. Lond., 1897. C17T28t Richard Wagner ; by C. A. Lidgey. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Master Musicians.) C 27 Q 2 The Epic of Sounds : an Elementary Iiiterju-etation of Wagner's Nibelungen Ring. [See Winworth, Freda.] H 11 Q 23 Legends of the Warner Drama. [See Weston, Je.s.sie L.] IT low 2 The Perfect VVagnerite : a C. Sydiun-, 1889. ' MF 4 P 51 WAKEMAN, Henry Offley. Europe, 1598-1715. 8vo. Lond., 1894. (Periods of European Hist.) B 16 R 35 Introduction to the History of the Church of England from the earliest times to the present day. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 24 WAKLEY, Thomas. Life and Times of; by S. Squire Sprigge. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' C 21 Q 18 WAL(;H, Garnet. [P(U-trait of.] [See Album ,.f Aus- tralian Writers.] .M .V 45 P + W'.VLCIl, (Jeiirge 'I'. Notes on si>m(> of the chief Navigal)le Rivers and Canals of the United States and Canada. Illustrated. 8vo. Matlras, 1877. A 22 U 6 WALCH, J., and SONS. Tcsmanidii A/imoiiir. [See Tiismnnian Alinannc.^ ME 4 P Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. C47 WALCII, Jaiiif's Henry Bivit. The (iiiileless Disciple : a Sei'nioii ill ineiiioi-y of J. H. J!, ^^',■lll■h. \_See Clarke, Rev. G.] ]\I(1 L> S 24 WALCHA WITNESS and Vernon C'ountv Itccord, 1S9.^^ 99. Fol. Walcha, 1898-99. ' ME WALCOTT, R. H. Note on a Basalt Tree Cast. (Roy. See, Vict., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P Occurrence of so-called Obsidian iiondis in Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.) ME 1 P WALDSTEIN, Charles. Excavations of the American School of Athens at the Heraion of Argos, 1892. lUust. No. 1. 4to. Lond., 1892. B 22 Q 3 f Study of Art in the Universities. 12mo. Lond., 189G. G 18 P 34 WALDSTEIN, Dr. Louis. The Subconscious Self and its relation to Education and Health. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G23Q12 WALE, M'illiam H. Love's Evening Song. [Music] Sui. fol. Lond. (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 f WALES, Philip Skinner. Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Museum of Hygiene, Medical Department of the United States Navy. '\_See United States. — Depart- ment of the Navy.] A 34 T 43 WALFORD, Ed%\-ard, Walford's County Families of the United Kingdom ; or, Royal Manual of the Titled and LTntitled Aristocracy of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 1871, 1873, 187G, 1884, 1886-1900. 19 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1871-1900. E WALGETT XEWS, 1899. Fol. Walgett, 1899. ME WALISZEWSKI, Kazimierz. History of Russian Litera- ture. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 17 U 15 Peter the Great. Translated by Lady Mary Loyd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 37 V 1, 2 Marysienka. \_See Marysienka, Queen of Poland.] C 2G R 4 The Story of a Throne. [&e Catherine II.] C 22 T 3 WALKE, Lieut. Willoughby. Gunpowder and High E.\; plosives. \_See United States. — Adjutant-General's Office] ' A20T17t WALKER, Agnes. Manual of Needlework and Cutting- out, .specially adapted for Teachers of Sewing, Stu- dents, and Pupil Teachers. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 35 WALKER, Archibald Stodart-. The Struggle for Success : a Study in Social Compiromise, Expediencv, and Adap- tability. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ■ F 19 R 17 Selected Poems of John Stuart Blackie. \_See Blackie, I J. S.] H 10 W 3 I WALKER, Charles Clement. John llemingo and Henry Condell, friends and fcUow-aetors of Shakespeare, anfl what the world owes to them. Sin. Ito. Lond., 1890. C 24 P6 WALKEB, Charles 1 Toward. A rchitecture of the Library. (Boston I'nbb'i- Librar}-. — Hand hcjok.) Cat. Room WALKER, Donald. Defensive Exercises. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1810. A 20 P 22 WALKER, Gen. Duncan S. Celebration of the lOOlh ■ Anniversary of the laying of the Corner Stone of the Caj)itol of the United States, with Accounts of the laying of the original Corner Stone in 1793, and of the Corner Stone of the extension in 1851. Illus- trated. Imp. 8vo. Wash., 1896. B 10 X 13 t WALKER, Etlward. Terrestrial and Cosmical Magnetism. 8vo. Camlj., 18GG. (Adams Prize E.ssav, 1865.) A 19 S 28 WALKER, Francis. Letters of a Baritone. 12ino. New- York, 1895. A 23 Q 54 WALKEB, Francis Amasa. Double Taxation in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 18 R 23 Internaticmal Bi-metallisni. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 21 Land and its Rent. 12mo. Lond., 1883. F 15 P 39 The Manual Laboring Class. (American Econ(jmic Assoc) F 4 V 13 Recent Progress of Political Economy in the United States. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 14 WALKEB, Frederick. Life and Letters of; by J. G. Marks. Illust. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 U 1 WALKER, George Washington, and James Backhouse. Notes on the Aborigines of Tasmania. (Boy. Soc. Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 (^ WALKER, Gilbert T. Aberration and some other Prob- lems connected with the Electro-magnetic Field. 8vo. Camb., 1900. A 45 T 19 WALKER, Henry de Rosenbach. Australasian Democ- racy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 5IF 5 Q 13 Australasian E.xtension.s of Democracy. (Atlantic Monthly, May, 1899.) " E WALKER, Prof. Hugh. The Age of Tennyson. 12mo. Loud., 1897. (Hand-books of English Lit.) J 14 P 33 Greater V'ictorian Poets. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 10 U 36 WALKER, Prof. James. Introduction to Physical Chemistry. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 30 T 29 Outlines of General Cliemistrv. {See Ostwald, Prof. W.] A 41 R 15 6 IS Public Library of New South JFciles. WALKElv, Jiimes Backhouse. Di^portatioii of the Norfolk Ishmdei-s to the Dorwent in 1808. (Roy. 8oc., Tas., Papers and Proc, 189i-05.) ME 1 Q Some Notes on the Tribal Divisions of the Aborigines of Ta.smania. (Koy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q Abfl .Jansooii Tasman: his Life and Voyages. \_See • Roy. 8oc., Tas., Papei-s and Proc, 1894-95.] ME 1 Q Abel Janszoon Tasman : liis Life and Voyages. \_See llov. Geograph. Soc. of Austrahisia, Vict. ISrancli, Trans., 1896-98.] ME 20 P Notes on the AbDrigines of Tasmania. \_Sce Roy. Soc, Tas., Palmers and Proc , 1897.] ME 1 Q WALKER, James Thomas. Federation of British Aus- tralasia : a Sketch from a political and economic point of view. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 Q 19 A (llance at the Prospective Finances of the Australian Ftideration or Connnonwealth. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 Notes on Federal Finance. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF .5 Q 19 Remarks on Federal Finance. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 Q 19 WALKER, Louisa. Varied Occupations in String Work ; comprising Knotting, Netting, Looping, Platting, and Macrame.' 8vo. Lond., 1896. " A 23 P 9 WALKER, Obadiah. Of Education, especially of Young Gentlemen, ll'mo. O.xford, 1GS7. " G 18 P 38 WALKER. R. Cooperation versus Private Trading, l-.'nio. Manchester, 1889. F 13 V 23 WALKER, Russell D. Billiards. {See Broadfoot, Major W.] A 29 S'23 WALKER, Thomas. The Original. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838. J 4 S 24 W.VLKKR, Thomas Alfred. History of th.' Law of X.-itions. Vol.1. 8vo. C'and)., 1899. F 17 P 21 1. From the Earliest Times to Peace of Westphalia, Hits. A\'.\ LK 10!!, \\'illiam. Pvceolleetions of Sir 1 lenry Parkcs. lUee Parkes, Sir 11.) MC 1 T 37 WALKER, William (iregoiy, and ELGOOD, Edgar John. Compendium of the Lawj'elating to Executors and Administrators ; with an A]>pendix of Statutes, anno- tated by means of References to the Text. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. |- 7 1' 31 W.VLKICIi, Prof. Williston. History of Congregational Chuiches in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 \' 10 WALKLKV, Artliur Bin;;ham. The V'ietnrian Stage. (Sixty Years of Kinjiire.) J! 22 R 18 Tre.-isure of the Humble. [5e« M.ietcrlinck, M.] (J 1 2 \' 34 SVALL, E. J. Cailion Printinf,'. 3rd ed. 8\-o, Lond., 1897. A 41 Q 21 WALLACE, Alfred Edward. Social Economy of the Future. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F l-i P 29 WALLACE, Alfred Russel, F.R.S. IMiracles and Modern Spiritualism. 8vo.. Lond., 189G. G 14 S 34 Pierida> of the Indian and Australian Regions. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1865.) ' E The Wondeiful Century : its Successe.s and its Failures. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 7 Third Factor of Production, and other Essays. \_See Ogilvy, A. J.] F"15 R 30 WALLACE, Edgar. \\\i in Barracks. 8vo. Lond., lOOO. H 13 V 15 WALLACE, J. Howard. Manual of New Zealand His- tory. 8vo. Wellington, 1886. JilB 2 P 58 WAIiLACE, Joseph. History of Illinois and Louisiana under the French Rule, embracing a general view of the French Dominion in North America, with some Account of the English occupation of Illinois. With ]\Iap. 2nd eil. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1899. B 41 R 8 WALLACE, Gen. Lewis. Ben-Hur. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 U 34 The Prince of India ; or. Why Constantinople fell. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 39, 40 WALLACE, R. Hedger-. Practice with Science. \_See Victoria.— Agricuit.] MA 3 V 45 WALLACE, Prof. Robert. Farming' Industries of Cape Colony. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 R 12 Red Water in Cattle due to Tick Poi.soning. 8\(). Melb., 1897. MA 3 V 40 WALLACE, William. [Criticism of the Works of] R(J)ert Southey. [SceCraik, Henry.- English Prose] J6Q38* Life anil Works of Robert Burns. \_See Burns, Rober-t.] n 9 V 2-5 Robert Burns and Mrs. Duuloii. [See Burns, R.] C 23 U 5 WALL.'VCE, Prof. William. Epicureanism. ]2mo. Lond., 1880. (Chi(>f Ancient Philosophies.) V. 26 P 13 Lectures and Essay.s on Natural Theology and Ethics. Edited, with a Biographical introduction, by E. Caird. With Portrait. 8vo. Oxford, 189-*. G 24 U 24 Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's Philosophy and <>si)eciallv of his Lnnie. 2nd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. (J 25 S 8 Thr LoK'i.- of H.'gel. [_See Hegel, G. W. !■'.] G 19 IT 28 Supidementary Catalocjue — lSOG-1000. 640 WALLACE, Sir William. [Life of] ; by A. F. Murison. 8v(). Edinlx, 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 11 Book of Wallace. \_S('c Graiiipian Cluli, Pub.s.] B 39 S .5, 6 111 l\rein(iry of Sir William Wallace : an Address Ity Lord Kosebery. \_See Ko.sebery, Earl] C 24 P 8 [Speech on.] [See Rosebery, Earl. — Appreciations and Addres.ses.] J 9 R G WALLACE, William Camp'jell. The Church : its Charac- ter and Function. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q AVALLACK, Lester. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [&,' McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day,] C 23 Q G WALLAS, Graham. Life of Francis Place, 1771-1^54. {See Place, F.] C 2t T 5 The Organization of Society. [_See Shaw, G. B. — Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 VVALLEM, Fredrik M. Notes on Fish Sujiply of Norway. (Internat. Fish. E.xhib.— Fish Lit.) A 3-1 R 5 WALLENSTEIN, A. AV. E. von. Sketch .,f. [See Wilson, II. S. — History and Criticism.] J li V 5 AVALLER, Edmund. [Essay on.] [See Tovey, Rev. D. C— Reviews and E.ssays in English Literature.] J LI V 18 WALLEY, John Thomas. Principles of Mechanics pre- sented in a new form. [See Hertz, H.] A 4.J T G AV ALLEY, Prof. Thomas. Practical ({uide to Aleat In- spection. Illu.st. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. A 26 S 25 AVALLIS, Capt. Samuel. Biographical Memoirs of. (Naval Chronicle, 33.) '" B 38 t^ U A'^oyage round the World. [Sec Historical Account of all the Voyages round the AA'orld.] MI) 8 R .'JO WALLIS-TAYLER, A. J. [See Taylcr, A. J. WaJlis-.] AVALLON, Heiu'i Alexandre. St. Louis et son Temps. 2nded. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 187G. G 24 U 30, 31 AVALMESLEY, Oswald. Guide to the Mining Laws of the AVorld. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 189 1. F 1 V 22 AVALPOLE, R. S. Suggestions as to the Origin and Geo- graphical Distribution of the Aborigines of Australia. (Rov. Gefigraph. Soc. of Australasia, A''ict. Branch, Trans,, 1S'J9.) ME 20 P AVALPOLE. Robert. Indo - Australian Trade. 8vo. Melb., 1885. MF 1 Q 58 4 N AVALPOLE, Sir Spencer. The British Fish Trade. (Internat. Fisheries Exliib.— Fihheries Literature.) A 31 R 1 Fish Tran.s])ort and Fish Markets. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fislieries Literature.) A 34 R 4 Life of Loiil Jdlin Russell. [-Sc*; Ru.s.sell, Lord John ] C 23 P 15, 16 WALSH, Dr. David. E.xcretory irritation and the action of certain internal remedies in the skin. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 37 T 3 The Rontgen Rays in Medical AVork ; with an Introduc- tory Section upon Electrical Ajtjiaratus and Methods by J. E. Greenhill. Illustrated. 8vo. Lmd., 1897. A 23 T 40 AVALSH, Rev. F. Disappearance of th.e New Zeala:!. Lond., 1897. G 23 S 6 AA'ALSH, AVilliam S. Curiosities of Popular Customs and of Rites, Ceremonies, Observances, and Miscellaneous Antiquities. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 33 AA'ALTER, John. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q22 WALTER OF IIEMINGBURGH. Chronicon de Gestis Regum Anglire. [Sec Engli.sh Hi.st. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 25, 26 AA' ALTERS, Cuming. Island Laws. (Andrews, AV— Legal Lore,) F 13 R 2'5 Law under the Feudal System. (Andrews, M'. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 G50 Fublic Lihrary of Neio Sotith Wales. WALTERS, Dr. Frederick Rufenacht. Sanatoria for Cijiisumptives in \-arious parts of the World : a Criti- cal and Detailed Description, together with an Ex- position of the Open-air or Hj-gienic Treatment of Phthisis ; with an Introduction bv Sir R. D. Powell. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " A 41 R 10 WALTERS, Rev. George. Australian Church Hymn- book. 18mo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 P 6-4 Bethlehem's Star and Calvary's Cross. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MG 2 S 19 The Crimin;d's Ascension ; or. From the Gallows to the "Golden Streets." 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MG 2 S 19 Religion without Superstition. (Melb. Rev., 10.) ^lE 18 Q Some aspects of Religious Thought in Melliourne. (Mel- bourne Review, 10.) " JNIE 18 Q >\'ALTERS, Henry B. Catalogue of tlie (Jreek and Etrus- can Yases in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 11 R 21-23 WALTERS, J. Cuming. Tennyson: Poet, Philosopher, Idealist : Studies f>f the Life, AVork, and Teaching of the Poet Laureate. With Pi.irtrait. 8vo. Lond., 189.3. J 2G S 31 AVALTHEW, George W. Philosophy of (iovernment : a Treatise on the Fundamental Characteristics of Man in his relations to the State, and the ultimate form of Ci\il Government certain to result therefrom. 8vo. New York, 1S98. F 15 S -1 WALTON, Izaak. The Complete Angler : or, the Con- templative Man's Recreation : being a fac-simile re- print of the first edition pul)lished in 1653. 12mo. Lond., 189G. A 29 S 26 [Life S. S.] J 19 P 1 J WARDROPER, Sarah Elizabeth. Nursing. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 WARE, Fabian. Educational Reform : the Task of the Board of Education. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 2G Q 3 WAR FIELD, Rev. Benjamin Breckenridge. Encyclopivdia iif Sacred Theology. [See Kuyper, Rev. A.] G 23 S 48 WARING, George Edwin. Sewerage and Land-drainage. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1891. A 13 W 17 t Street-cleaning and the Disposal of a City's Waste : Methods and Results, and the effect upon Public Health, Public Morals, and Municipal Prosperitv. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T"4 Old Wells and Water-courses of the Island of INIanhattan. [See Hill, G. E.] B 19 R 6 WARTNf^, J 1. J. 1 )iseasps of Hie Liver, Gall Bladder, and Miliary System : their I'athology, Diagnosis, and Sur- gical treal meni . illustrated. '.Svo. Edinb., 1897. A 37 R 1 1 WA l; I N( ;, James. Tic.atiix. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 29 A l''athcr'.s Curse, and other Stories. [See J'alzac, H. de.] J 23 11 2C WARING, John I'.urley. Masterjiieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture at the Internatioiud E.vhibition, 1SG2. English and Fi'cnch. llhistrated. 3 \ols. fol. Lond., 18C3. A 19 P 10 12 + WARINGTON, Prof. Robert, F.R.S. Agricultural Science: its Place in a L^niversity Education. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 18 R 58 Lectures on some of the Physical Properties of Soil. Svo. Oxford, 1900. ■ A 45T8 Si.\ Lectures on the Investigations at Rotliamsted Ex- jierinient Station. [See I'^nited States. — Dept. of Agricult.- Ollice of Exper. Stns. | A 37 S 37 WARISTON, Archiljald Johnston, Baron. Fragment of the Diary of Sir Archiliald Johnston, Lord Warist 50 Aswego. Illu.strated. ISmo. New York, 1894 J 1 R 48 As we were saying. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1894. J 1 R 46 Backlog Studies. 25th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Boston, 1897. J 1 R 25 Baddeck, and that sort of thing. 19th ed. 18mo. Boston, 1897. J 7 Q 22 Being a Boy. 27th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Boston, 1S98. J 1 R 26 Book of Eloquence : a Collection of Extracts in Prose and Verse from the most famous Orators and Poets, intended as Exercises for Declamation in Colleges and Schools. New ed. Svo. Boston, 1889. J 22 Q 28 The Golden House. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. J 22 (i 30 652 TaUic Lihrary of New South Wales. WARNER, Charles Dudley— cok/J. A-lmnting of the Deer, and other Essays. 8vo. Boston, 1888. J 1 R -27 In the Levant. 20th ed. 8 vo. Boston, 1 89.5. D 20 R 1 4 In the Wilderness. 20th ed. 18mo. Boston, 1878. J 7 Q 20 A Little Journey in the A\'orld. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 22 Q 33 On Hor-seback : a Tour in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, with Notes of Travel in Mexico and Cali- fornia. 12mo. Bo.ston, 1896. D 10 P 7 Our Italv. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 18'J1. D 19 U 17 Relation of Litc:'".':Mre to Life. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 22 Q 29 Saunterings. 18mo. Boston, 1872. D 20 P 10 Studies in the South and West, with Comments on Canada. 8vo. New York, 1883. D 20 R 11 The People fur whom Shakespeare wrote. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 25 P 11 Their Pilgrimage. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1886. J 20 R 12 Capt. Jtjhn Smith, sometime Governor of Virginia and Admiral of New England. [See Smith, Capt. J.] C 19 P 16 [vSketch of.] [See Vedder, H. C. — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 AVashington Irving. [See Irving, AV.] C 27 P -4 WARNER, Dr. Francis. Dull, Delicate, and Nervous Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Study of Children and their School Training. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 18 Q 44 WARNER, George Frederic. Correspondence of Sir Ed- ward Nicholas. [See Camden Soc. Pubs.] E Fac-similes of MSS. and Inscriptions. [See Paheograplii cal Soc] J 48 P 6, 7 t Fac-similes of Royal, Historical, Literary, and other Autographs in Department of MSS., Jlriti.sh Aluseum. [See British Mu.seum.] J 12 X 9-12 t Voyage of Robert Dudley to the West Indies, 1594-95. [See Hakluyt Soc, Pubs., 2nd ser., 3.] E ^\'Ai'^NEP>, George Town.send. Landmarks in Kriglisli Inilustrial History. 8vo. Lond., 1899. V KJ S 2 Harrow School. [S« How.son, E. W.] G 18 S 31 WARNOTS, Dr. Loo. Les Fonctions du Cerveau. Illus- trated. 8vo. Bruxcllcs, 1893. A 31 S 23 WARliE, Rev. Edmoiul. Atlihitics; or. Physical Exercise and R(;creation. (Tnternat. Health Ji.xhib. — Healtli ICxhil.. Literature.) A 41 V G WAUI'.KX, Dr. 15. II. Ta.vidermy. [5m Pennsylvania. J)ept. of Agricult.] A 38 (,» 21 WARREN, Rev. Frederick Edward. Liturgy and Ritual of the Ante-Nicene Church. 8vo, Lond., 1897. (Side-lights of Church History.) G 20 S 1 WARREN, Dr. Georire W. Practical Treatise on Mechani- cal Dentistry. [See Richardson, Dr. J.] A 32 S 22, 36 WARREN, Henry. How to deal witli vour Banker. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ■ " F 19 S 9 WARREN, Ina Russelle. The Doctor's Window : Poems liv the Doctor, for the Doctor, and about the Doctor; with an Introduction by Dr. W. Pepper. 8vo. Buffiilo, 1898, ■ H 1 U 4 WARREN, JoliTi Fleming Leicester, Baron de Tablev. [See De Tabley, Baron.] WARREN, Mercy. [Life of] ; by Alice Brown. 12mo. Lond., 1896. (Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times in America.) C 20 V 25 WARREN, Samuel, F.R.S. Ten thousand a-year. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Ediiib. (n.d.) J "25 U 35 WARREN, Thomas Herbert. Selection from the Poems of George John Romanes. [See Romanes, G. J.] H 10 W 13 WARREN, Walter R. History of Private Property. (Roid, A.— The New Party.) • F 15 P 29 W\\RREN, William. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famou.s American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 WARREN, William Fairfield. Paradise Found : the Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole : a Study of the Prehistoric World. Illustrated. .8vo. Lond., 1885. G 17 S 17 WARREN, Prof. William H. Annual Address, delivered to the Engineering Section of the Roval Society of New South Wales, June 1 7, 1890. (Hoy." Soc, N.S.'W., Journ., 1896.) " ]\IE 1 R Apparatus for ascertaining the minute strains which occur in Materials when stres.sed within the elastic limit. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R Engineering Construction in Iron, Steel, and Timber. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 22 V 30 Testing Machine for Equal Alternating Stresses. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) " ME 1 R Unification of the Methods of Testing Matciials used in Ci^nstruetion, and the precautions neces.sary in tiie accurat(^ determinations of the various coefficients of Strengtli and Elasticity. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ,, 1897.) ME 1 R , and J]ARRACLOUt;iI, Samuel Henry. Effect of Temperature on tensile and compressi\e jiropcrties of Copper. (Roy. Soc, N.S. W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 11 Som(! Pliysical Pi-operties of Nickel Steel. (Roy. Soc, N.S.AV'., Journ., 1898.) . ME 1 It Supplemcn (anj Calalogue — ISOG-IDOO. 65S WAURRN HERALD, Lower Mactniiirlf. luul Nevertire Aclvocat■,^ l.sys 99. Fol. Wan-en, 1898-99. ME WAIIRINER, John. National Portrait, < iiillery of British Musicians; with an IntrotUution liv Joseph Bennett. Oh. (to. Lond. (u.d.) ■ A 5 P 32 t WARTON, Thomas. Selections from the W,.rks of. {See West, K.— Laureates of England.] 11 11 R 1 " WARITNG, Price." [See Astley, W,] WARWICK, Frances Evelyn (Jreville, Countess of. An ( )ld English Garden. Jllustrated. Ito. Lend., 1898. A 40 U 2.5 + Progress in Women's Education in the Biitish Empire. [See Victorian Era Exhi!)ition.] « 23 R 10 Story of Life of Joseph Arch. [See Arch, J ] C 25 Q M WARWICK, Mary, Countess of. Autobiography of. [Seo, Percy Soc] " H 11 S 2-i WARWICK LIBRARY. English Essays. [See. English Essays.] J H U 24 English Literary Criticism. [See English Literary Criti- cism.] J 14 U 19 English Masques. {See English Masque.s.] H 11 R 17 English Siltires. [See English Satires.] J 14 R 33 WASHBOURN, Dr. John Wychenford. Infectious Dis- eases. [See (Joodall, Dr. E. W.] A 41 R 5 WASHBURN, Prof. Margaret Floy. Ethical Systems. [See Wunilt, Prof. \Y.] G U R 41 WASHINGTON, George. The true George Wa.shington ; by Paul Leicester Ford. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 R 1 Catalogue of the Washington Collection in the Boston Athenieum. [See Boston AtheuiBum.] K 7 U 34 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to Homes of American Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah. — Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 WASHINGTON, Martha. [Life of] ; by Anne II. Whar- ton. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times in America.) C 19 T 18 WASHINGTON, William Morrow. The Formal and Material Elements of Kant's Ethics. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 2G T IG WASHINGTONIAN HOME, BOSTON. Annua! Re- port, 187G. 8vo. Boston, 187G. MJ 3 R 28 WASSA, Eflendi. The Truth on Alhania and tlu> Albanians, historical and critical. Translated by E. St, J. Fairman. 8vo. Lond., 1879. B 3G P 2 WASSON, David Atwood. Sketch of. [See Stearns, F. P. Sketches f.om Concord.] D 10 Q 3 WATIIRIUJRY, Rev. J. B. INTemoir of ]{ev. J. Scudder. [See Scudder, Rev. J.] C 27 R 3 WATERHOUSE, Charles Owen. De.sciiptions of new Coleoptera from Australia. (Entom. S, from the Sandwich Islands. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1871.) E Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with Descriptions of new .species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1874.) E WATERHOUSE, G. A. The genus Hcteronympha in New South Wales. (Linneau Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Life-history of Apaustus lascivia, Rosenstock. (Linnean Soc, N.'S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P The Rhopalooera of Lord Howe Island. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P WATERHOUSE, Mrs. J. M. The Medlmrsts of Min- dala : the Story of the development of a Soul. 8\-o. Lond., 1897. MJ 3 S 25 WATERS, George. Orchard Notes. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1897-98.) ME 9 R A Simyile Fruit-dryer. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R WATERS, W. G. Jerome Cardan. [See Cardan, J.] C 25 S 1 Life of Elizabeth Canning. [See Canning, Elizabeth.] C 24 Q 20 [Life of] Elizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of Kingston. [See Kingston, Duchess of.] C 24 Q 20 [Life ,,fl Mary Anne Clarke. [See Clarke, Mary Anne.] C 24 Q 20 The Pccorone. ^See Giovanni Fiorentino, Sen] J 17 S 2G + WATHERSTON, Edward J. Progress of British Com- merce. 2nded. 8vo. Edinb., 1881. F 17 P 2 WATKINS, George. The Cauna. (Queensland Agricult. J.mrn., 1897.) ME 9 U The Gladiolus. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1899.) '" ME9U 654 Tithlic Library of New South Wales. W ATKINS, James L. Cost of Cotton Production. [See United States — Dept. of Atjricult. — Div. of Statistics.] A 41 U 5 Production and Price of Cotton for 100 years. \^See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Statistics.] F 1 T 28 "\V ATKINS, Rev. Morgan (Jeorge. Gleanings fi-om the Natural Historv of the Ancients. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A L'7 Pv 17 WATKINS, Dr. T. J. Diseases of the Vulva and Vagina (non-venereal). (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) " A 31 P 16 WATSON, Alfred Edward Thomas. The Young Sports- man. Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 V 14 The Year'.-! Spurt. [See Year's Sport, The.] A 34 R 19 WATSON, Dr. Chalmers. Encyclopredia Medica. [See Encyclopedia Medica.] A 4.'i P 6-8 WATSON, David K. Hist(jry of American Coinage. 8vo. New York, 1899. F 15 S 30 WATSON, Rev. Frederick. Tlie Defenders of the Faitli ; or, the Christian Apologists of tlie 2nd and 3rd Centuries. 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1899. (The Fathers for Englisli Readers.) G 26 P 19 WATSON, Prof. G. C. Fowls. [See United States— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 WATSON, Henry Brereton ^Marriott. Point De.spair. (Fislier, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 WATSON, Rev. Henry William, F.R.S.,and BURBURY, Samuel Hawksley. IMathcmatical Theory of Elec- tricity and Magnetism. Vol.2. 8vo. O.xford, 1889. A 21T 12* 2. Magnetism and Klectiodynaniics. WATSON, Dr. James Kenneth. Hand-lKJok for Nurses. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 33 P 43 WATSON, Prof. John. Cliristianity and Idealism: the Cliristian Ideal of Life in its relations to the Greek and Jewi.sh Ideals and to ^lodorn Philo.sojihv. 8\o. Gla.sgow, 1897. G23P51 Outline of Philosophy, with Notes Histtaical and Critical. 2nd ed. 8vo. Glasgow, 1898. (il7S19 WATSON, Rev. John, " Ian Maclaren." Afterward.s, and other Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 U 36 Beside tlic Bonnie Brier Bu.sh. 9th ed. 8vo. Loud., 1895. J14T4 [Another copy.] I2llied. Illustrated l.v W. Hole. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' J 22 V'7 Companions of the Sorrowful Way. 12nio. Ijond., 1898. t! 9 W 30 WATSON, Rev. John, " Ian Maclaren"— co»^?. The Cure of Souls. 8vo. Lond., 1896. 19 U 22 The Days of Auld Langsyne. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 14 T 3 Kate Carnegie and those Ministers. 8vo. Lond., 1896- J 14 T 5 A Doctor of the Old School. 12mo. Lend., 1898. 4th ed. Illustrated. J 26P7 The Mind of the Master. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 2 V 47 The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 17 [Essay on. Fiction. [See Murrav, D. C. — Mv Contemporaries in J 14 R 30 In answer to Prayer. [See Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 Memorial Sketch of Henry Drummond. [See Drum- mond, Prof. H. — The Ideal Life, and other unpub- lished Addresses.] G 23 R 9 WATSON, Dr. John Forbes. The Imperial Museum for India and the Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 32 R 39 Classified and Descriptive Catalogue of the Collections selected from the India Museum and exhibited in the Indian Department of the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1876. [See Philad. Exhib.] MJ 2 U 7 Report on the Cultivation and Pre]>aration of Tobacco in India. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — India Office.] A 18 T 32 t WATSON, Rev. John Selby. Homer's Odyssey. [See Homerus.] H 7 Q 17 AVATSON, Rev. M. Primary Instruction in Victoria. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q [Life of] St. Francis Xavier. [See :Melb. Rev., 5.] ME 18 Q WATSON, Robert. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 104.) K WATSON, Robert Spence. Wordsworth's relation to Science. (Knight, W. — AN'ordswortliiana.) .1 1 I I! 15 WATSON, Rosamund [Mrs. H. I'.. Marriott.] "Graham R. Tonison." The Art of tlie House, 8\(i. Lond., 1897. (Connois.seur Ser.) A 22 S 3 Tares: a P.ook of Verses. (Bibelot, 1898.) E WATSON, Tlumias H. Naval .\rchitecture : a :Manual of Laying-oir Iron, Steel, and Composite Vessels. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 S 4 WATSON, Thomas Henry. Water Supplv. (Internat. Health Exhib. Health Exhib. Lit.) " A 41 U 18 WATSON, W. Textbook of Physics. Svo. Lond., 1899 A 25 T 1 1 Sup2^lementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 655 WATSON, Williiuii. Collc'ctod Vumvi. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 12 R 18 Epigrams of Art, Life, and Nature. (Bibelot, 189G.) E The Father of the Forest, and other Pofms. ^\'ilh Por- trait. 12mo. Loud., 189r.. II 7 U 41 The Ilojie of the World, and nther Poonis. 1 2ino. Lond., 1898. 11 10 W 29 Lachryini« Musannii, and iitlicr Pcmmus. rjiim. Lond., 1890. 11 10 W 28 The Purple East : a series of Sonnets on En.<.;hind's Desertion of Armenia. 8vo. Lond., lcS9r). H 10 U 27 The Year of Shame. 1 2mo. Lond., 1897. H 10 IT 28 WATSON, William, F.ll.lI.S. Favourite Flowers of Garden and Cxreenhouse. [&« Step, E.] A 31 S 5--8 WATT, Agnes C. P. Twenty-fi\-e Years' Mission Life on Tanna, New Hebrides ; Biographical Sketch and In- troduction by Rev. T. Watt Leggatt. 8vo. Paisley, 189G. "" MC 1 T 28 WATT, Francis. The Law's Lumber Room. 2nd ser. 12mo. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 19 WATT, Dr. George. Report on Indian Fibies and Fibrous Substances. \_See Cross, C. F.] A 25 T 8 WATT, John Alexander. Notes on the occurrence of Bis- muth Ores in New South Wales. [See New South Wales.—Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 47 Petrology of Central Australia. \_See Snieeth, W. F.] MA 3 R 62 Physical Geography and General Geology of Central Australia. ' [&« Tate, Prof. R.J MA 3 R 62 Report of the Physical Geograi)hy of Central Au.stralia. {See Tate, Prof. R.] " ' MA 3 R 64 Report on the Wyalong Gold-field. \_See New South Wales.—Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 47 Saddle Reefs at Hargreaves. \_See New South Wales. — Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Saddle Reefs of the Hargraves Gold-field. [See N.S.W. —Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T WATT, James Croinai'. E.xamples of Greek and Pompeian Decorative Work. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1897. A 47 P 25 t WATT, W. The Current.s, Temperatures, and other Phy- sical Conditions of the Sea in relation to Fisli. (Inrernat. Fish. Exhib.-^Fish. Lit.) A 34 R 11 WATT, William. History of .Vlierdeen and Banff. Illus- trated. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (County Histories of Scotland.) ' B 36 S 12 WATTEAU, Aiiloine. [Life of.] [See Portfolio.— Mono- graphs, 18.] E WATTENBACH, Wilhelm. Ecclesise Mctropolitana! Coloniensis Codices Manuscripti. [_See Jafi'e, P.) K IS T 27 WATTS, George Frederick. Life and Works of; by Julia Cartwright (Mrs. Ady). \_See Art Juunial.] A 13 W 8 t [Sketch of the Woi-ks of.] [See Monckhousc, C— British Contemporary Artists.] A 44 W 1 WATTS, Henry. Hand-book of Chemistry. [See Caven- dish Soc, Works.] " A 3G S 2-20 WATTS, Dr. John. TIk- Working-man: a Problem. 12mo. Manchester, 1875. F 12 S 20 WATTS, R. L. Onion Culture. " [See United States.— Dept. of .Agricult.] A 41 U 1 WATTS, Theodore. [See Dunton, T. Watts.] WATTS, W. A. The Photographic Reference Book. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 T 24 WATTS, W. L. f)il and Gas-yielding Formations of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties. [See California.— State Mining Bureau.] A 37 R 23 WATTS, W. W. Geology of part of Northumbeiland, in- cluding the Country between "W'ooler and Coldstream. [See (it. Brit, and Ire). — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] ' A 47 S 5 Guide to the Collections of Rocks and Fossils belonging to the Geological Surrey of Ireland. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Science and Art Museum, Dublin.] A 24 S 24 WATTS, Rev. A\'. A\'. Some New IMosses from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P WATTS-DUNTON, Theodore. [See Dunton, T. ^^'atts-.] WAUGH, James. Three Years Practical Experience of a Settler in New South Wales : being Extracts from Letters to his friends in Edinburgh, from 1834-37 ; with a Preface by tlie editor and an Appendix con- taining Notes and Information for all classes of in- tending Emigrants from the latest authorities and public documents. 4th ed. With Map. 12mo. Edinb., 1838. MD 4 P 4: WAUGH, James William. ]\'ini(//i's Austrtilian Almanac, 1858-63. G vols, (in 3) Svo. Sydney, 1858-63. ilE 4 R WAUTERS, A. J. L'Etat Independant du Congo. Svo. Bruxelles, 1899. I) 19 P 15 WAUWERMANS, Lieut.-Gen. Henri. Histoire de ri]cole Cartograjihique Beige et Anvcr.soise du XVI Siecle. 2 vols. 8\o. Bru.xelles, 1895. D 1 1 A' IG. 17 656 Vublic Library of New South Wales, WAUAVERMAIs^S, Paul. Le Droit des Auteurs en Bel- gique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894. F 1 R 15 WAY, Artlmr S. Aim.s and Practice of Teaching English. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G IS Q .-^6 A^'.VY, Sir Samuel James. Observations on the provisions of the Draft Bill to con.stitute the Commonwealth of Australia with respect to Appeals to the Pri\ v Coun- cil. SiJi. 4to. Adelaide, 1900. MF"5 U 20 WAY, T. R. Reliques of Old London; with an Intro- duction and Descriptions by Henry B. Wheatlcv. -Ito. Lond., I89G. ' D .')> 22 t WAYLEN, James. The House of Cromwell : a Genea- logical History of the Family and Descendants of the Protector. New ed., revised liy John Gabriel Crom- well. 8vt\ Lond., 1897. ' C 2i Q 2-1 WEALE, William Henry James. Gerard David, Painter and Illuminator. \_See Portfolio. — Monographs, 21.1 E WEARE, G. E. Cabot's Discovery of North America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 Q 30 WEATHERBURN, Roliert. Aja.x Lo.juiuu- ; or, the Autobiography of an old Locomotive Engine. Ilhi.s- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " A 2 1 R 32 WEAVE!?, William. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 31.) E WEBB, A. E. H. How to Manage a Boot and Shoe De- partment. [Sec Green, J. W.] F 13 V 41 ^^'1•>1U;, Beatrice [Mrs. Sidney]. Relationship Ijetween Cooperation and Trade llnionism. 12mo. Man Chester, 1892. F 13 V 41 WEBB, Miss Catherine. Machinei-y of tlic Cooperative Movement. 12mo. Manchester, 189(i. F 13 V 43 Should Cooperative Employes understand the Trinciiiles of the Movement, and if so, how are tliey to be taught ? 12nio. Manchester, 1894. F 13 V 41 WEBB, E. A., MILLER, G. AV., and BECKWTTH, J. History of Cliisjeliurst : its Church, Manors, and Parish, lllust. 4to. Lond., 1S!):iw Iteports. iSee Victorian Law ]{eports. j M li 21 R AVEI'.B, J. Sl<^'iison. The Shakespeare Reference-book : Ijeiiig some t^uotali(jn.s from Shakespeare'.s Plays. 8vo. Ly C. Lamb. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 1-1 U 19 [Essay on.] \_See Oosse, E. — 17th Century Studies.] H 10 W 32 WEBSTER, Mrs. Martha. [Essay on] the Poems of ?vlatthew Arnold. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q The Influence of Dean Stanley on Religious Thought. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ' ME 18 tj Natural Religion. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q The Sunday Question. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME IS Q WEBSTER, Noah. [Life of] ; Iiy H. E. Scudder. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1897. (American IMen of Letters.) C 27 P 10 Webster's International Dictionary of the Englisli Lan- guage. Revi,sed and enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter; with a voluminous Appendi.v. and an Australasian Supplement. Australasian ed. 4to. Spring-lield, 1898. Cat. Room WEBSTER, William. Jesus and Paul. (Melbourne R(- view, 10.) ME 18 Q Property in Land. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME IS Q •1 o WEBSTER, William Clarence. Recent Centralizing Ten dencies in Stat(! Educational Administration. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 26 T 18 WEHSTER'S ROYAL RED HOOK; or. Court and J''asliioriable Register. 1870-1900. 44 vols. 12mo. Loiiil., 1S70 1900. E WEDDEl! BURN, Alexander J. Pc.pular Troati.se on the extent and character of Food Adulterations. {See United States. — Dej)t. of Agricult. — Div. of Cliem- istry.] A 34 T 37 Sfiecial Report on the extent and character of Food Adulterations. {See United State-s. — Dept. of Agri- culture.—Div. of Chemistry.] A 31 T 30 WEDDERBURN, Sir Da^id. British Colonial Policv. [See Practical Politics.] F 12 T 31 WEDDERBURNE, David. Compt Buik. [See Scotti.sh Hist. Soc, Pubs., 28.] E WE D(,; WOOD, Josiah, F.R.S. The Clay of Svdney Cove ; by F. Rathbone. 4to. Birm. (n.d.) MA 13 Q 10 t Loan Exhibition of selected pieces of old Wedgwood, exhibited at the Wedgwood Institute, Bur.slem, 1895. Sm. 4to. Burslem, 1895. K 17 T 6 Sketch of the • Life and I^abours of. \See 15irmingham Museum and Art Gallery.] K 19 R 20 WEDGWOOD MEMORIAL INSTITUTE, BURSLEM. Loan Exhibition of old Wedgwood. [See Wedgwood, J.] K 17 T 6 The Wedgv.ood Memorial Institute. [Sec Dawson, J.] B 23 P IS WEDMORE, Frederick. Fine Prints. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 31 On Books and Arts. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 26 R 28 Rembrandt: his Life, his Work, and his Time. \See Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Ryn.] C 11 W 14, 15 f , and jMillicent. Poems of the Love and Pride ul England. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H11R26 WEED, Arthur J. Gas Engine Construction. \Hee Par- sell, H. V. A.] A 39 Q 23 WEED, Dr. Clarence Moores. Life-histories of American Insects, lllust. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 28 P 33 WEED, Thurlow. Porti-ait of. \See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 WEEDON, Thornhill. Queensland, Past and Pre.sent. {_Sce Queensland. — Statistics.] ME 8 S WEEKS, Edwin L(n'd. From the Black Sea through Persia and India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 17 V 22 Some Episodes of M(juntainearing by a casual amateur. (Out-of-door Lib.) D 20 S 22 658 I'nblio Library of New South Wales, WEEKS, Stephen Beiiuipgaril. Southern Quakers and Slavery. [See Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.] " B 18 T 15 WEEKS, Dr. Thfimas E. ^Manual of Operative Technics : a Practical Treatise on the Elements of Operative Dentistry. 11 lust. 8 vo. Chicago, 189-1. A 32 S 29 WEEKS-SHAW, C. S. [See Shaw, C. S. Weeks-.] WEGMANN, Edward. Water-supply of tlie City of New . York, 1658-1895. 4to. New York, 1896. A 13 T 18 t WEIL, Robert. The Legal Status of the Indian. Svo. New York, 1888. F 18 Q 1 WEIR, Dr. James. The Dawn of Reason ; or, Mental Traits in the Lower Animals. Svo. New York, 1899. G 2-4 P 9 WEIR, Capt. Robert, and others. Riding ; and Polo ; Ijy J. Moray Brown. 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Badminton Lib.) A 17 U 49 WEIR, Thomas H. Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 23 Q 50 WEISBACH, Dr. Julius, and HER.MANN, Prof. Gustav. The Mechanics of Pumping Machinery : a Text-book for Technical Schools, and a Guide for Practical Engineers. Translated by Karl P. Dalilstrora. Illu.s- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 22 S 5 WEISSE, Trangott Heinrich. Complete Practical Grannnar of the German Language, with Exercises constituting a Method and Reader. 4lh cd. 8vo. Lond., 1888. J 12 P49 German Life and Manners : a systematically progressing course of new Conversational Exercises in German Composition, with complete rules and directions, and with full references to the 3rd ed. of his Grannnar of the German Language. 2Md cd. 8vo. Lond., 1876. J 12 P 50 Short Guide to German Idioms: being a Collection of the Idioms most in use with Examination Papers. 2nded. 12mo. Lond. (ii.d.) .1 1 1 P 53 WEISSENBRUCIl, .lohn H.nry. Life and W<,rks of. [See Roose.s, M. - Dutch Painters of the 1 9th Century.] A U \' 19 t WETZSACKEii, Pi-of. Carl von. Apostolic Age of the Cliristian Church. Translated by J. Millar. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1894-95. (Theological Translation Lib.) G 23 T 5, G WELBY, Frances A. Electro-Physiology. [See Bieder- maiiii. Prof. W.] A 30 R 24, 25 Ev(,lutir,n of GcneralTdeas. f&cRibot, Prof. T.] G 21 S 1 1 \\ ELUV, Reginald Earle, Baron. [Skclcli of.] [See Es- nott, T. H. y.— Personal Forces of tlic Poriod.] C 23 T 3 WELCH, Charles. Modem History of the City of London : a Record of Municii)al and Social Progress from 1760 to the present day. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1896. BllW8t WELCH, Dr. H. W. The influence of Anesthesia upon Medical Science. (Serai-Centenriial of Aniesthesia.) A 17 R 2 t WELCH, J. J. Text-book of Naval Architecture. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Admiralty.] A 23 U 38 WELCH, James. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] ^^ H 1 S 31 WELCH, Prof. William Henrv. Embolism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medic'ine.) A 26 T 39 Thrombosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 WELCH, Dr. AVilliam M. Small-pox. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 WELD, Sir- Frederick, Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 1 1 P 33 t WELD, Dr. George W. ]{eplantation and Transplanta- tion of the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 WELDON'S MATRIirONIAL GAZETTE oi Australasia. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-13, Sept.-Dec, 1896. 4to. Sydney, 1896. [AH puhlL-hecl] MF 2 P 38 t WELLBAKK'S AUSTRALIAN NAUTICAL AL- MANAC and Coasters' Guide for the Southern and Eastern Coast and part of the Western Coast of Aus- ti-alia, also the Principal Ports and Harliours of Fiji, 1874, 1886-87. 3 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1874-S7. MD 4 W 30-32 WELLBY, Capt. Montagu Sinclaii-. Through l^nknown Tibet. Illu.st. Svo. Lond., 1898. ' D 16 V 24 WELLHAUSEN, Prof. Julius. Book of Psalms. [See Bibles and Testaments.- Engli.sh.] G 23 U 14 WELLINGTON, Arthur IMellen. Economic Theory of the Location of Railways : an Analysis of the conditions controlling the laying out of Railways to efiect tlie most judicious expenditure of capital. 6th ed. Svo. New York, 1899. A 44 Q 23 WELLINGTON, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of. Letters of, to Miss J., 1834-51. Edited, with Extracts from the J)i:ii'v of the latter, by Chi-istine Tcrhune Hcrrick. l2nio. Lond., 1889. " C 20 U 26 Life of : Restoration of the Martial Power of Great Britain; by Rt. Hon. Sir H.Maxwell. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Loml, 1899. C 25 S 17, 18 [Porlrait and Sketch of] ; by Jfaj.-Gen. F. ]\Iaurice. (Wilkinson, S. — From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 Supplementary Catalogue — I800-1U00. 659 WELLTNOTON, Arthur Wcllesley, Dukp ni—co7itd. W('lliiiibli(_)graphy.] 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Great Educators.) " G 18 Q 50 AVEST, Di-. Charles. Reiring of Hand-fed Infants. [See Owen, Dr. E.] ' A 41 V 2 The Riviera, Ancient and Present. [See Lentheric, C] D 18 S 13 WEST, Gerald Montgomery. Status of the Negro in Vir- ginia during the Colonial Period. 8\(). New York (n.d.) F 18 T 1 WEST, John. Process of Drying Fruits. [See Victoria. -AgricuU.] ' ' MA3T9 A\ I'lST, Kinyoii. The Laureates of England : i!en Junson li^ William Wordsworth, with Selections from their AVorks, and an IntnKluction dealing with the Oiigin and Significance of the English Laurciiteship. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895'. 1111 R 1 WEST, Dr. Sanniel. Tntiapleural Tension. (.Mllutt, Dr. T. C. System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Splenic Anjeniia. (Allbutt, i'r'. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 WEST, Lieut.-Col. John Temple Tein])le-. Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain ; her Life, Reign, and Times, 1451-1501. [5?f Nerv,., IJar.Mi de.] i!12U35 WEST AUSTRALIAN SETTLER'S GUIDE and Farmer's Hand-book. Edited by L. Lindley-Cowen. Pts. 1-6. 8vo. Perth, 1897-98^ MD 8 Q 54 W£ST MACQUAIilE, 77,^,1899. Fol. Blayney, 1899. ME WESTBURY, Atha. Australian Fairy Tales. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " MJ 3 S 22 AVESTCOTT, Brooke Foss, Bishop of Durham. Coopera- tion. 12mo. Manchester, 1890. F 16 S 14 Some Lessons on the Revised Version of the New Tes- tament. 8vo. Lend., 1897. G 12 V 35 , and Ht)RT, Fenton John Anthony. The New Testament in the original Greek. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Greek.] " G 2 U 22, 23 AVESTCOTT, Edward Noyes. David Harum. Svo. Lend., 1899. J 14 A" 25 AVESTCOTT, AA'illiam AVynn. The Extra Pharmacopeia. [See Martindale, AV.] A 26 P 33 AVESTERMAIER, Dr. Max. Compendium of General Botany. Translated by Dr. Albert Schneider. Illus- trated. Svo. New York, 1896. A 20 T 23 WESTERX ADVOCATE, 1899. Fol. Orange, 1899. ME WESTERN AUSTRALIA ■.—auvernmenl Drparlimnts^ Reports null I'li/i/iratwiis. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Agricultural and Live Stock Returns. Abstract of the AVestern Australian Agricultural and Live Stock Returns for 1896-97. Snu fol. Perth, 1897. ME Agriculture. Official Report of the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Producers, 1898. 8vo. Perth, 1898. ME 19 P Possiliilities of the Dairying Industiy in AW^stern Aus- tralia. Edited by L. Lindley-Cowen. 8vo. Perth, 1896. MA 2 U 68 Journal of the JJureaii of A Producers Gazette as a main Author Entry.] Blue Book. [See V\\\\ Sei-\ice, under this heading.] Census. [See Statistics, under (hi^; heading.] Civil Service. Blue Book, 1875, 1878-95 1899. 20 v.>ls. Mn. fol. Perth, 1875-1900, M K Constitution Bill. [Sec Great lirilain .ind Ireland. - Western Australia Constitution Bill.] Forests. [See Woods and Forests, under this heading.] Gold-fields. Itip.nt by the Government Geologist in connection with the Water Supply of the (iold-fields. AVitli Maps. Sm. fol. Perdi, 1897. MA2(,!41t Guld-iuining Statistics. Guld mining Statistic.^, 1897. 2 vols. sm. f..l. P.Tlh, 1S97 98. !\IK {Supplementary Ca lalogue — 1896-1900. 65] WESTERN AXTSTE ALIA— confer. Geological Survey, Annual Progress Keport, 1S98. Illustrated. Sni. t'ol. Forth, 1899. ME Bulletins 11. 8vo. Pertii, 1898-1900. MA 4 R 4 1. Bibliograi)hy of the (ieology of Western Australia ; liy A. li. Maitlaud. 2. State of Mining in tin; Kimlicrli'V District; Proljaliilily of obtaining Artesian Water between tlie Pill)aria (iold-fielils and the Great Desert ; by R. N. Smith. .3. Ceology of the Coolgardie (iold-fie'.d ; by T. Blatchford. 4. Mineral Wealth of W. Anstralin, ; liy A. (i. Maitland. Government Gazette. Western Australian Govern- ment Gazette, 18-l.-i, 18G1, 1865-G9, 1872-8-3, 1885-87, 189.J-9G. 26 (in 17) vuls. fol. Perth, 1843-96. ME Lands and Surveys. The Land Selector's Guide to the Crown Lands of Western Australia ; with Notes on the Agricultural Bank Act, 1894, and Amendment Act, 1896. 8vo. Perth, 1897. MF 1 R 74 Western Australia : its Position and Pnwpects ; by T. Chambers ; with an Introduction by Lieut.-Col. 8ir (4. Smith. Illustrated. 8vo. Perth, 1899. MD 8 Q 56 Legislative Council. [&«Parliaraent, under this heading.] Mines. Report of the Department of Mines, 1897. Sm. fol. Perth, 1898. ]\1E Parliament. Minutes and Votes and Proceedings of the Parliament, 189.5. 2 vols. sm. fol. Perth, 1895. ME Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council, 1874, 1876-77, 1882, 1884-89. 13 vols. sm. fol. Pertli, 1874-89. ME Statistics. Census, 1870, 1891. 2 vols. sm. fol. Perth, 1870-91. ME Statistical Registers for 1896-98, and pre\ ions vears. 3 vols. sm. fol. Perth, 1896-1900. " E [^See also Year-book, under this heading.] Statutes. Acts of Council, 1877, 1880-81, 1887-89, 1891, 1894. 10 vols. 4to. Perth, 1877-94. ME Tiie Elementary Education Act, 1871, witli Regulations for the Conduct and Management of Elections of l)is- triot Boards of Education, and By-laws andRegulati(jns of the Central Board of Etlucation, also suggested I>y- laws for District School Boards and for Compulsory School Attendance. 12mo. Perth, 1890. MF 4 P 46 Index to the Statutes now in force. Sm. 4to. Perth, 1882. ME Woods and Forests. Annual Progress Report of the Woods and Forests Dcjiartment, 1807-98. Sui. fol. Pvrth, 1898. ME Report on the Forests of Western Australia : their Des- cription, Utilisation, and Proposed Future Manage- ment ; by J. Ednie-Brown. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Perth, 1896. MA 5 R 12 % [Another copy.] 2nded. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Perth, 1899. ' MA .5 R 12 X Year-book. W\>stern Australian Year-book, 1890-99 ; by -Al. A. C. Fra.scr. 6 vols. 8vo. Perth, 1891-1900. ME 14 S WEHTERN AUSTRALIA POST OFFICE DIREC TOIiY (Wi.se's) 1895-1900. 5 vols. rov. 8vo. Perth, 1895-1900. " ME ]] ESTER. \ ClJAMl'IOX and Parkes and Forbes Rejire- .sentativc, 1S99 [-Mav 19tli and 26th mi.ssing]. Fol. Parkes, 1899. " ME WESTERX dRAZnCR, Th<; 1896-98. 3 vol.s. fol. Wil- cannia, 1896-9S. ME WESTERX HERALD and Darling River Advocate, 1896 99. 4 vols. fol. Bourke, 1896 99. :\IE WESTF.h'X MAIL, Dec, 1897-99. 4 v..ls. f..,l. Perth, 1897-99. ME WESTERX I'OST and Pe.,ple's Representative, 1899. Fol. Mudgee, 1899. ME WESTERN SUBURBS COOPERATIVE SOCIETY. Rules and Regulations. 12mo. Meib., 1897. MF 3 (^ 47 WESTLAKE, Prof. .Ji>hn. Etudes sur les Principes du Droit International ; traduit do I'Anglais par Ernest Nys. 8vo. Bru.xelle.s, 1895. " F 1 U 15 Cases on International Law during the Cliino Japanese War. ISee Takahashi, Prof. S.] " F 16 Q 15 WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. Shorter Catechism of the Westminster As.senibly of Di\ ines : being a fac-simile of the Ist ed., which was ordered to be printed by the House of Connnons, 25th November, 1647: with Historical Account and Bibliography. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. G 24 V 13 ]VESTMINSTER REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-24, 26-28, 34, 36-43, 46-5.5, 58-77, 79-140, 142-153, 1824- .Jan., 1836, July, 1836-38, .June-Sept., 1840, July, 1841-45, Oct, 1846-51, July, 1852-April, 1862, 1863-93, July, 1894- June, 1900. 140 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1824-1900. E WESTOBY, William A. S. The Adhesive Postage Stamps of Euroi)e : a Practical Guide to their Collec- tion, Identification, and Classification. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1898-1900. A 44 U 6, 7 WESTON, Miss Agnes Elizabeth. Pioneer Worker-s for Soldiers and Sailors. [_See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoiia's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 WESTON, Rev. James Augustus. Historic Doubts as to the Execution of Marshal Ney. \_See Key, Marshal I\I.] C 22 Q 2 WIv'-^TOX, .Jessie L. The Legend of Sir Gawain : Studies upon its oriscinal scope and significance. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Grimm Lib.) B 36 P 11 Legends of the Wagner Drama : Stutlies in Mvthology and Romance. 8yo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W^ 2 662 JPublic Library of New South Wales, WESTON, Kev. Walter. Mouiitaiuoering and Exjdoratinii in the Japanese Alps. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 189G. D 18 V 23 WESTWOOD, John Obadiali. Descriptions of .some new species of Coleopterous Insects belonging to the Euro- pean Phvtophaga, natives of the Old World and Aus- tralia. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1864.) E Descriptions of two new Australian Lucanidso. (Entom. Soc., Lond., Trans., 1862.) E British Butterflies and their Transformations. \_See Humphreys, H. N.] A 18 R 4 f British ISIoths and their Transformations. [^See Humph reys, H. N.] A 18 R 2, 3 t Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. {^See British IMuseum. — Nat. Hist.] A 18 P 15 1- Natural History of the Insect.s of China. [See Donovan, E.] ' A 20 R 10 t WET, Sir Jacobus Albertus de. [See De Wet, Sir J. A.] WETHERED, Dr. Frank Joseph. Medical Microscopy : a Guide to the use of the Slicroscope in INIedical Prac- tice. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 40 T 10 WETTERSTR AND, Dr. Otto Georg. Hypnotism and its application to Practical Medicine. Ti'ans., together with Medical Letters on Hypno-suggestion, ifcc, by H. G. Petersen. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 11 Q 33 WETZEL, W. A. Benjamin Franklin as an Economist. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 13 WEYL, Walter E., and others. Equitable Taxation : Six Essays in answer to the question, " What, if any, changes in existing plans are necessary to secure an equitable distribution of the burden of Taxation for the sup[)nrt of National, State, and Municipal Govern- ments?" with an Introduction by the Hon. J. A. Lane. 8vo. New York, 1892. ' F 1.5 S 27 WEYMAN, Stanley John. From the Memoirs of a Minis- ter of France. 8vo. Lcmd., 1895. J 25 V 23 A Gentleman of France. New cd. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 22 Under the Red Robe. 1 Itli ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 24 WHALL, W. Vi. Practical Seamanshiji for use; in the 31crcliant Service. \_See Todd, John. | A 22 V 7 WHARTON, Miss Anne Hollingswortli. Salons Colonial and Republican. 8vo. Philad., 1900. B 40 P 8 [Life of] Martha Washington. [See Washington, Martha.] C 15 T 18 WUARKjN, Edith, and C(JiJMAN, Ogdcn. Decoration ofHoases. Iilust.Sui.4to. Lond 1898,^ A 22 V 31 WHARTON, Philip, Duke of. [Life of] 1698-1731 ; by John R. Robinson. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 24 WHAT IS SOCIALISM ? [See " Scotsburn."] F 15 R 20 WHATELY, Richard, Archbishop of Dublin. Memoirs of, with a Glance at his Contemporaries and Times ; bv W. J. Fitzpatrick. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864. C 26 Q 12, 13 WHEATLEY, Henry Benjamin. Prices of Books: an Inquiry into the changes in the Prices of Books which have occurred in England at different periods. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Library Ser.) J 9 S 41 Diary of Samuel Pepys, F.R.S. [See Pepys, S.] C 14 V 7, 8 Merlin. [See Early English Text Soc] E Reliques of Old London. [See Way, T. R.] D 5 P 22 t WHEATLEY, Leonard A. Sources of the Apostolic Canons. [See Harnack, Prof. A.] G 25 U 7 WHEATSTONE, Sir Charles. Sketch of. [See Jerrold, W.— Electricians and their Marvels.] A 21 P 50 WHEELDON, J. P. Angling Clubs and Preservation Societies of London and the Provinces. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 3 Practical Lessons in the Gentle Craft. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 3 WHEELER, Benjamin Ide. Alexander the Great : the Merging of East and West in Universal History. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Heroes of the Nations.) B 27 Q 14 WHEELER, Edward Jewitt. Prohibition : the Principle, the Policy, and the Party. 5th ed. 8vo. New York, 1894. ■ ' F 15 Q 26 WHEELER, George. Privy Council Law: a Synoj)sisof all the Appeals decided by the Judicial Committee, in eluding Indian A])peals, from 1876-91 ; together with a precis of all the important cases from the Supreme Court of Canada in which special leave to appeal has been granted or refused, or in which Appeals have been heard. Roy. Svo. Lontl., 1893. F 1 V 19 WHEELER, Gerald .Joim. Confeilcration Law of Canada. [See Canada.— Statutes.] F 9 V 19 WHEELER, 1 1 . J. I>imiiig of Soils. [See United States. — Dept. of AgricuU.] A 41 U 2 AVTIEELER, Stei)]ien. Letters of Walter Savage Laiidor. [See Laiidor, ^^■. S.] C 24 P 19 Letters and other unpiibli^lu'd W'l itiiiLjs nf W. S. Landor. [See Landor, W. S.J C 23 R 6 WIIELEN, Frederick. I/niiiLiii (!o\c'rnnien(. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 S 9 Politics in 189G : an Annual. 12mii. Lonil., 1897. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GC3 WIIEIlllY, Albinia. Orook .Sculpture with Story anrl Son.Lt. Jlluslratcd. 8vo. Loiul, I89.H. A 44 R 2 WHERRY, Rev. E. M. Wissimis at Jloine and Aliroad. [See Chicago Exhih., isy;!.] G I'J U 4 WHEWELL, Rpv. William, F.R.S. Researches on the Tides. 10th, 11th, loth sor. 2 vols. 4to. Loud., 1839-47. A 11 T 19, 20 t 10. Laws of Low Water at the Port of I'lyiiioutli, ami on the peniianeiicy of Mean Water. 11. Certain Tide Conservations made in tlie Indian Seas. 1.3. Tides of the Pacific, and on the diurnal inequality. Elements of Morality and Systematic Mon.l., 1898. A 19 S 9 t WHITMAN, Prof. Charles Otis. Methods of Research in Micnjscopioal Anatomy and Embryology. Illustrated. 8vo. BosUm, 1891. A 11 R 1 Biological Lectures delivered at the IMarinc Biological Laljoratory of ^^'ood's Hull. [See Biological Lectures.] A 27 T 13 WHITMAN, Dr. Marcu.s. Sketch of. [&« Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G li S 33 WHITMAN, Sidney. Conversations with Prince Bis- marck. [-Sec Poschinger, H. von.] C 27 R 22 -, and McILRAITH, J. R. Austria. Illustrated. vo. Lond., 1899. (Story of the Nations.) B 26 S 17 WHITMAN, Walt [in fall Walter]. Complete Prose Works. Roy. 8yo. Phiiad., 1892. J 22 S 2 Calamus: a series of Letters written during the j'eai's 1868-80 by Walt Whitman to a young friend (Peter Doyle). Edited, with an Introduction, by E. M. Bucke. 8vo. Boston, 1897. C 22 P 19 Walt Whitman. A Study ; by John Adclington Synionds. 8vo. Lond., 1890. ' C 22 Q 12 Walt "\Miitman, the Man ; ijy Thomas Donaldson. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 23 The Wound Dresser: a .series of Letters written from the Hospitals in Washington during the War of tlie liebellion. Edited by R. M. Bucke.' Witli Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1898. C 23 P 28 [Criticism and Sketch of.] [See Gosse, Edmund. — Criti- cal Kit-kats.] J II U 23 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See ]\TcCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 2-5 T 5 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 Walt Whitman as Religious and ^lor.il Teacher. [See Guthrie, W. N.] (JUS 32 Whitman, a Study. [See Burroughs, J.] J 14 R IG 66G IPuhlic Library of New South Wales, WHITNEY, Adeline Diittmi Train. Sketch of. {See Red- der, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 WHITNEY, Caspar. On Snow-shoes to the Barren Grounds : 2,800 miles after Musk-Oxen and Wood- Bison. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D IG T U WHITNEY, Eilson L. (lovernment of the Colony of South Carolina. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Hist, and Polit. Science.) B 18 S 13 WHITNEY, Pi'of. Milton. Instructions for use of com- bined ilaximum and Minimum Soil Thermometers. \_See United States. — Dept. of Actricult. — Weather Bureau.] " A 19 V 32 Instructions for the use of Maximum and Minimum Radiation Thermometers. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 33 Methods of Curing Tobacco. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Preliminary Report on the Soils of Florida. [_See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R U Some Physical Properties of Soils in their relation to Moisture and Ci-oji Distributi(.>n. \_See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 36 Tobacco Soils. \_See United States. — Dept. (jf Agricult.] A^41 U 2 Tobacco Soils of the United States. \_See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.— Division of Soils.] A 38 R 14 , and BRIGGS, L. J. An Electrical Method of determining the Temperature of Soils. \_See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 -, GARDNER, Frank D., and BRIGGS, Lyman J. An Electrical Method of determining the Moisture Content of Arabic Soils. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 -, and HOSMER, Ralph S. Soil Moisture. [See United States.— Dopt. of .\t;ricult.--Div. of Soils.j A 38 R 14 , and MEANS, Thomas H. Alkali Lands. [.See United States— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Alkali Soils of the Yellowstone Valley. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.- Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 An Electrical MethrKl of determining the Soluble Salt Content of Soils. [See United States. l)('i)t. of Agri- cult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 1^14 Temperature Changt.s in Formciiting Piles of Cigar-leaf Tobacco. [.See United States— Dept. of Agricult.] A 37 S 5 1 WJfTTNEY, W. H. Elements of Electro-chemistry. [See Le lijano. Max.] A 20 P 24 WHITON, Helen Isabel. The Coiirdinate a)id Subordinate (.'on junctions in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, with a Comparison of the Romaunt of the Ros(!. 8vo. New York (n.d.) H 12 U 19 WHITTAKER, Dr. James T. A.sthma, Acute and Chronic Bronchitis, and Whooping-cough. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 WHITTAKER, Thomas. Sights and Scenes in Oxford City and University : with an Introduction by G. Saint.sbury. Ob. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 8 R 29 t WHITTAKER, Thomas P. Free Trade, Reciprocity, and Foreign Competition. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 17 P 2 WHITTAKER'S MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' POCKET-BOOK. [See BjOrling, P. R.] A 33 R 25 WHITTEN, Robert Harvey. Public Administration in Massachusetts : the Relation of Central to Li>cal Ac- tivity. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 18 11 19 AVHITTEN, Wilfred. London in Song. 8vo. Lond. 1898. ^ H 12 R 12 WHITTIER, John Greenleaf. Poems, Religious and Devotional. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 10 V 24 John G. Whittier, the Poet of Freedom; l)y AVilliam Sloane Kennedy. 8vo. New York, 1892. C 20 U 8 Life of ; by W. J. Lintun. With Bibliography. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 P 25 Notes of his Life and of his Friendshijis. [See Fields, Annie. — Authors and Friends.] J 1 1 R 14 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 13 U^ 1 1 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Per.sons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 Sketch of. [See Stearns, F. P. — Sketches from Concord.] D 16 Q 3 [Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stinrt.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 Study of. [See Lawtou, AV. C. — New England Poets.] J 23T 3 WHITTLE, C. L. Forces which operate to destroy Roads, with Notes on Road-stones and Problems therewith connected. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. —Office of Road Iiuiuiry.] A 41 U 4 WHITTLE, Jiimes Lowrv. [Life of] Giover Cleveland. [See Cleveland, S. tJ.j C 20 T 22 Wlirri'LESEY, E. Peace ratilicd in the Creek Nation. [See Fisk, Clinton B.] A 30 R 47 WHITTON, John. 'I'lnrty-five years on the New Soulh AVales Railways: the Work of John Whittou, I'^n- gineer-in-Chief of (he Railways of New Soulii Wales ; bv John Kae. With Portraits. 8vo. Sydncv, 1898. Mti 1 Q 59 Wlll'rWoU'l'll, Charles, Yi.soiunt. I'orlrail of. [Sec Paget, lU. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 Supplementui'y Catalogue — 180G-I900. C07 WHITWORTlf, l;nl..Tl Percy. JSailliore's Queensland Giizettccf antl Ku.ul (iuidc, oimtainiiig the mo.st recent and accurate iiii'orniafinn as lo cNci'y [)lace in tlie Colony. With Map. Svo. Jirish., 1,S7G. j\1D 3 S 3 Crushed. Svo. Melh., 1875. MJ 3 P 49 Hine-Ea; or, the Maori Scout : a Pcjiuance of the New Zealand War. Svo. Melh., 1887. MJ 3 8 5 WHITWORTH, William Allen. Choice and Chance : an Elementary Treatise on Permutations, Combinations, and Probaljility. With 640 Exercises. 4th ed. Svo. Camb., 1896. A 24 Q 32 WHOLE SERIES of all that hath been transacted in the House of Peers concerning the Popish Plot, wherein is contained the most material passages in both Houses of Parliament relating to the full discovery thereof. 12mo. Lond., 1681. B 23 R 20 WJIOS WHO, 1897-1900. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897- 1900. E II7/0',S' WJ/0 IX AMERICA: a Biographical Dictionary of Living Men and Women of the United States, 1899-1900. Svo. Chicago, 1899. E WHYMPER, Edward. Ascent of the Matterh<,rn. lllu.s- trated. Svo. Lond., 1880. D 22 R 25 How t(j use the Aneroid Barometer. Svo. New York, 1891. A 41 P 13 WHYTE, Adam Oowans. Psvcho!i:i;;y of Reasoning. [_See Binet, A.] " '^ " G 24 P 30 WHYTE, Rev. Alexander. Father John of the Greek Church: an Appreciation, with some characteristic passages of his mystical and spiritual Autobiography. 12mo. Edinb., 1898. G 23 P 14 Lancelot Andrewes and his Private Devotions. Svo. Edinb., 1896. G 1 U 35 WHYTE, Frederic. Actors of the Century : a Play- lover's Gleanings from Theatrical Annals. With Por- traits. Imp. s'vt). Lond., 1898. C 22 U 5 The English Stage : being an Account of the Victorian Drama. [_See Filon, A.] H 9 T 27 W^ICK, Barthinius L. History of the Amana Soeietv. ISee Perkins, Prof. W. R.] G 19 T 28 WICKEN, Mrs. Harriet F. Australian Table Dainties and Appetising Dishes, including Recipes for the Invalid's Corner, I.ienten Fare, and Christmas Dainties. 12mo. Lond., 1897. MA 3 U 41 The Kingswood Cookerv-bouk. 4th ed. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. " MA 4 P 9 Recipes of Lenten Dishes. Sm. ltd. Svdney, 1890. MA 3 P GG WICKKNDEN, James. With tiie (uniner^ at Telcl-Kebir. (Small, E. M. T.-ld from the Itanks.) B 31 S 4 WICK SON, Prof. Edward J. California Fruits and how to grow them. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Svo. San Francisco, 1900. A 35 Q 18 California Vegetables in Garden and Field : a Manual of Practice, witli and without Irrigation, for semi tropi- cal Countries. Illustrated. Svo. San Francisco, 1897. A 19 U 34 Dairying in California. [&<; United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 WICKSTEED. Rev. Philip Henry. Advent of the People. (Reid, A.- The New Party.) F 15 P 29 Essays on Dante. \_Sce Lawrence, C. ilabel.] J 21 R 35 Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated liy the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru. \Sec R6ville, P. II.] G 23 T 2 W^ICLIF, John. Septum Hereses. (Dearmer, Rev. P. — Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 England in the Age of WvclifTe. [See Trevelyan, G. M.] B 33 S 7 .Lihu Wiclif. [&<; Sergeaiit, L.] G 24 Q 25 [Sermon on.] \_8ee Jowett, B. — Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 Wycliffe's Exliibition in the King's Library. \_See Briti.sh Mu.seuni.] ' K19R24 \_See also Wyclif Soc, Pulis.] WIDE, Dr. Anders. Hand-book of Medical Gymnastics. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 45 U 20 WWU WORLD MAGAZIXE. Vols. 1-5, April, 1898- Sept., 1900. Illustrated. 5 vols. rov. Svo. Lond., 1898-1900. ' E WIDMANN, J. V. Recollections of Johannes Brahms. [See Brahms, J.] C 27 S 10 WIEDEMANN, Prof. Alfred. The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of the Innnortality of the Soul. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1895. G 19 U 17 Religion of the Ancient Egyptian.s. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 1 R 39 Recherches sur les Origines de I'Egypte. [See Morsan, J. de.] A 17 8 i'S t WIEDERSHEI:M, Dr. Robert. Elements of the Com- parative Anatomy of Vertebrates. Translated by W^. N. Parker. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A39R2 WIEGAND, Auguste. Orizaba Gavotte. Sm. fob Syd- ney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t WIEL, Alethea. Romance of the House of Savoy, 1003- 1519. Illustr.ited. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1898. B 34 Q 23, 24 668 Fuhlic Lihvary of New South IT'alcs. WIENER, Alfi-f.l E. Piaetioal Calculation of Dynamo- Electric ilachiues : a Manual for Electrical and Meehajiical Engineers, and a Text-book for Students of Electro-technics. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 T 5 Yn'IEXER, August F. The Illustrated Bo;)k of Canaries and Cage-birds. \_Set Blakston, W. A.] A. 10 X 11 f WIEXER, Leo. Hi-storv of Yiddish Literature in tlie 19th Centurj-. 8vo. ' Lend., 1899. J 10 S 32 WIERTZ, Antoine. Peinture Mate : Proccdc nouveau. Ro_v. Svo. Bruxelles. ISGT. A U V 8 WIGGIN, Kate Douglas. {_See Riggs, Iv^'.te Douglas.] WIUXER, G. W. Pure Milk. (Intcrnat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 WIGSTON, W. F. C. Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosi- crucians. 8vo. Lond., 1888. J 6 T 31 WILBERFORCE, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford. Life of ; by his son, Reginald Wilberforce. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1888. C 29 R 22 Death of. \_See Ciiurch, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J U U 36 WILBERFORCE, William, Private Papers of. Col- lected, and edited with a Preface, ))y A. M. Wilber- force. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 21 R 19 WILCOCKS, J. C. The best means of increasing the supply of Mus.sels and other ilolluscs. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 31 R 11 Improved Fi.shcry Harbour Accommodation for Great Britain and Ireland. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 3-1 R 9 WILCOX, Dclos F. Municipal Government in Michigan and Ohio : a Study in the Relations of Cilv and Com- monwealth. 8vo. New York, 1S9(). "FLSRU The Study of City GovcM'nnient : an Outline of the Prob- lems of Municipal Functions, Control, and Orgaiuza- tion. 8vo. New York, 1897. F ';') P 37 WILC'JX, Lute. Irrigation Farming. 8vo. New York, 1895. ' A 19 P 8 WILCOX, Walter Dwight. Camping in the Canadian Rockies: an Account of Camp Life in the wilder pails of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, together with a Description of the Region about Banff, Lake Louise, and Glacier, and a Sketch of the Early Explorations. Illust. Hoy. 8vo. New York, 1896. D 15 V 29 WlfJ), JoJin James. Propo.sed Antarctic Expedition. (Roy. Geogni|)h. Soc. of Australasia, N.S.W. I5ran(-h, Jou'rn., 1891-92.) ME 20 P WILD, Jonathan. Sketch of. [See Whiblev, C— Book of Scoundrels.] " C 23 Q 2 WILDE, Norman. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi : a Study in the Origin of German Realism. Svo. New York, 1891. G 26 T 17 WILDE, Oscar Fingall O'Flahertie Wills, " C. 3. 3." The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Svo. Lond., 1898. H 3 Q 34 An Ideal Husband. Svo. Lond., 1899. H 12 T'll Intentions ; the Decay of Lying ; Pen, Pencil, and Poison ; the Critic as Artist ; the Truth of Masks. Svo. New York, 1891. J 17 V 25 WILDECK, Karl Heinrich von Klettenberg-. {See Klet- tenberg-Wildeck, K. H. von.] WILEY, David T. Australian Object Lesson-book. Pt 2. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 19 WILEY, Dr. Harvey Washington. Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analj'sis : a Manual for the Estimation of Soils, Fertilizers, and Agricultural Pnjducts. Illus- trated. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. Svo. Easton, Pa., 1895- 97. A 30 R 17, 18 '2. Fertilizers. 3. Agricultural Products. Sugar-beet Industry. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ' ME 9 U Analyses of Cereals collected at the World's Columbian Exposition, and comparisons with other dat.a. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult, — Div. of Chemi.s- try.] " A 21 U 16 Chemical Composition of Carcasses of Pigs. \_See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 10 Composition of Maize. \See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 10 Experiments with Sugar-beets. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chemi.stry.] A 41 U 7 Th(! Food Value of IMai/.e. [See United States,— Dept. of Agricult.] A 37 S 18 Ili^cord of Experiments at Fort Scott, Kansas, in the Manufactun^ of Sugar from Sorghum and Sugar-canes. [See United States.- Dept. of Agricull.-^Div. of Cliemistry.] A 41 U 7 Record of Experiments in the Jlanufacturo of Sugar from Sorghum. [See Uiiited States.— Dept. of Agri- cult.— Div. of Chenustry.] A 41 U 7 Records of Experiments in the Production of Sugar from Sorghum in 1889. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. —Div. of Chemistry.] A 21 U 28 Record of Experiments with Sorghum. [See U^nited States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Chemistry.] E The Sugar Beet. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult] A 41 U 2 Sweet Cassava. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. —Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 7 Zinc in Evaporated Ajiplcs. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 7 Supp lemen tary Cat a log ue — 1896-1 000. 669 WILFRID, St. [Life ..f.] [Si-c Newman, J. 11., C.-u'dinal. —Lives of th<' ICuglisli Saints.] U 2G S 10 WILHELMINA, Queen of the Netherlands. [Sketch of.] {See Bothnier, Countess A. von. — Sovei'oign Ladies of Eui-oiie.] C L'7 S 24 WTLKENS, Dr. Cornelius August. Spanish Protestants in the IGth Century. Compiled hy Rachel Cliallice ; with an Introduction ))y the Most Rev. Lord I'lunket, and Preface by Rev. Canon Fleniini,'. Svo. Lond., 1897. ' G11U13 WILKES, Capt. Charles. United States Exploring Expe- dition. {See U.S. — Exploring Expedition.] A 31 J WILKIE, Sir David. Sir David Wilkie and tlie Scots School of Painters ; by E. Pinnington. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 20 Sketches. 1st and 2nd ser. IHustrated. 2 vols. fol. Lo!id., 1841-46. A 31 R 22, 23 I 1st scries. Turkey, Syria, a;iil Egypt. 2nd series. Spanish and Oriental. WILKINS, Charles, F.R.S. Grammar of tlio Sanskrita Language. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1808. J 28 V 1 WILKIN, Anthonv. On the Nile with a Camera. Illus- trated. 8vo. "Lond., 1896. I) 14 S 25 WILKINS, Mary Eleanor. A Humble Romance, and otlier Stories. 12nio. New York, 1899. J 23 T 41 Jane Field. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 42 Jerome, a poor man. 12mo. New York, 1898. J 23 T 43 Madelon. 12mo. New \"ork, 1896. J 26 T 44 A New England Nun. aii'i other Stories. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 45 Pembroke. I'lvzo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 46 Silence, and other Stories. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 47 Young Lucretia, and other Stories. 8vo. New York, 1892. J 22 T 44 AVILKINS, William Henry. The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam. [See Burton, Sir R. F.] A 41 S 2 The Love of an uncrov>ned Queen. {See Sophie Dorothea, Queen.] C 25 T 13, 14 ThePas.sion Play at Ober-Ammergau. [See Burton, Lady.] H 13 V 10 The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton. {See Burton, Isabel, Lady.] C 24 R 6, 7 WILKINSON, P. Story of the Cotton Plant. Illus- trated. 18mo. Lond., 1898. A 18 P 21 WILKINSON, Henry Spenser. Connnand of the Sea and the Brain of the Navy. 1 2mo. Lond., 1900. F 19S2 From Cromwell to Wellington : Twelve Soldiers ; with an Introduction bv Field-Marshal Lord Roberts. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 20 R 18 Tlu^ Gi'eat Alternative : a Pl(!a for a National Policy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F IG U 5 Lessons of tlie War : being Comments from week to week to the Relief of Ladvsmith. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 Q 13 The Nation's Awakening: Essays towards a British Policy 8vo. Loud, 1396. ' F 12 P40 The Volunteers and National Defence. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 27 Imperial Defence. [See Dilke, Rt. Hon. Sir C. W.] F 13 R 11 WILKINSON, Sydney B. Geology of Donegal, London derrv, Tyrone. '{See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 6 Geology of Fermanagh, Loitrim, and Cavan. {See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 15 -, and CRUISE, Richard J. Geology of the Dis- trict around Swanlinbar, Florencecourt, and Dowra. {See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ti-eland.] A 47 V 18 — , EG AN, F. W., and KILROE, J. R. Geology of Tyrone and Donegal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — ■ Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 10 , and KILROE, J. R. Geolo.gy of the DLstrict arountl Omagh, Fintona, and Ir%inestown. {See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 13 WILKINSON, W. Percy. Resume of MM. Miintz and Rou.s.seaux's Studies on the importance of the Refrig- eration of Musts in Winc-makinf;. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. ' MA 3 U 49 First Steps in Ampclography. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 12 Wino-making in Hot Climates. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 4 R 37 WILKINSON, W. T. Photo-engraving, Photo-litho, Collo- tviic, and Photoi^ravure. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 23 S 29 Photogravure. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 41 Q 23 WILKS, William. Raid of the Aborigines. [See Camp bell, J.— Early Settlement of Queensland.] MB 3 P 2 WILL, John Sliire.ss. Law relating to Electric-lighting. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 1 U 24 WILLARD, Ashton Rollins. History of Modern Italian Art. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., "1898 A 39 R 23 G70 Public Library of New South Wales, WILLAIID, Frances Elizal)Pth. Frances Elizaheth Wil- lard : a Memorial \'oluiiie ; by Anna A. Gordon ; \\ith Introduction by Lady Henry Somerset. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 18981 C 24 S 9 WILLCOX, Lieut. Cornelis de Witt. French-English ^Military Technical Dictionary. [See United States — Adjutant-General'.s Office.] A 3G W :.'l WILLDEY, C. J. England of to-day. [_See Martins, Oliveira.] ' D 18 Q i2 WILLERT, Paul Ferdinand. [Life of] Mirabeau. \_See Mirabeau, H. G. R.] C 23 S 20 WILLETT, E. H. Oyster Culture. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A o4 R 11 WILLEY, Dr. Arthur. Letters from Ne\v Guinea on Nautilus and some other Organisms. (Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Aug., 1896.) E Rare variation in the Shell of Pterocera lambis, Lin. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189G.) ME 2 P Zoological Results based on Material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands, and elsewhere, collected during 1895-97. Pts. 1-3. Illustrated. Sm. Ito. Camb., 1898-99. MA I V 3 New species of Astralium from New iirilaiii. \^See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.] :ME 2 P WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY. Gesta Rerum An- glorum at(|ue hi.storia Novella. [Sfe English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R G, 7 WILLIAM OF NEWBURGH. [See Petit. Win.] WILLIAM OF RUSBRUCK. Journey of William of Rusbruck to the Eastern Parts of the Woild, 12r)3-5."). [See Ilakluyh Soc, Pubs., 2nd scr., 4.] E WI r.LIAM T, King of England. [Sketch of.] [Sec Giillith, ('•■ — Men who have made the Empire.] B .39 i.> 4 AV I LLI AM [, King of the Netherlands. [Life of] ; by F. Harri.son. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Foreign Statesmen.) C 23 S 8 A\ ILL! AM II, (Jerman Eraporor and King of Prussia. 'J'lie EiMi)eror of (iennany at Home; by M. Leudet. Translated l)y Vii-ginia Tavlour. Illustrated. 8vo. L.md., 1898." " C 25 R 18 Tiic Gennan Emperor William If: by C. Lowe. 8yo. L. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 5 The Imperial Heritage. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 15 Q 31 .Maperation. Women .. K.liicational Committees. Women on Management Committees. WOMEN'S COOPERATIVE SILK-GROWING AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Objects and Plans. 12ino. Sydney, 1894. MF 4 P 12 WOMMERSOM, Le Baron A. do T'Serclaes de. [&e T'Serclaes de Wommersoni, Le Baron A. de.] WOOD, Rev. Andrew. The Hebrew INIonarcliy : a Com- mentary with a Harmony of the Parallel Texts and Extracts from the Prophetical Books. Sm. 4to. Lend., 189G. G 15 R 37 WOOD, Arthur Branscomlie. Future Life : an Oratorio. 8vo. Sydney, 189G. MH 1 S 70 WOOD, C. Alexander. Papers of. [See New South Wales — Laud Question in 1844-4G : New South Wales. — Immigration from Great Britain ; and New Zealand. —Settlements.] MF 9 P 47, 48 t WOOD, Dr. Casey A. Diseases of the Eye and their treatment by the general practitioner. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — Sy,stem of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 WOOD, Catheiine Jane. Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids ; with an Introductory Chapter by Dr. W. B. Cheadle. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 WOOD, Charles William. In the Valley of the Rhone. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 19 R 8 The Romance of Sjiain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 S 12 WOOD, Edward J. Giants and Dwarfs. 8\o. Lond., 1SG8. A 19 S 17 WOOD, Ellen [Mrs. Henry]. East Lynne. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 V 25 Mildred Arkelh 8vo. Loud., IS97. J 25 V 26 The Shadow of Ashlydyat. 8vo. L,nd., 1 899. J 25 V 27 Mrs. Henry Wood ; by Adeline Sergeant. [See Oli- phant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Vic toria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 WOOD, H. F. Egy])t under tlie IJrilish. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 10 V 14 WOOD, Henry. Edward I'.urton. 8lh cd. Bostcm, 1897. ■ J 14 V 31 God's Image in Man : some Intuitive Perceptions of Truth. 10th ed. AVilh Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1898. G 23 P 28 Ideal Suggestion through Mental Photography: a. Res- torative System for home and private use, preceded by a Study of llie Laws of Mental Healing. 8th ed. With Portrait. Svo. Hoston, IS9S. ' (! 23 S 32 Studies in the Tiiou'^ht World; or, Piactical Mind Art. 4th ed. 8vo. lioston, 1S97. G 23 P 29 Victor Serenus : a Story of the I'auline Era. 8vo. Boston, 1898. " J U V 32 Stippleinentanj Catalorjne — 1890-1900. 679 \V()( )1), (Jen. Sif Ilciii'v I'iVelyii. Achic\T'inciits< if Cavalry. With Mmjis. Svo! L(,ih1., I8'.i7. A 29 S 31 Achievements of Cavahy ; with a Cliaptor on IMourited Infantry. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., I'JOO. A 30 Q 20 Cavalry in the Waterloo Caiiipaign. Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 1895. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies in New York City, 1895-9G. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. —Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 Dietary Studies with reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in 1895^96. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Meats. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Cai-bon in the Human Organism. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] " A 38 R 15 WOODS, Rev. Francis Henrv. Civilisation of Sweden in Heathen Times. [See Montelius, Prof. O.] F IG T 2 WOODS, Mrs. J. Crawford. The Jew and the Roman : a Story of the fir.st Century. 8\o. Adelaide, 1878. MJ 3 S -26 WOOT)S, Rev. Julian Edmund Tenison-. [See Teni-son- \\'oods. Rev. J. E.] WOODS, Robert A. The City Wilderness : a Settlement Study by Residents and Associates of the South End House. 8vo. Boston, 1899. F G T 40 The Social Awakening in Loiidon. (The Poor in Great Cities.') F 13 U 25 WOODS, Robert H. Records of the Union and Con- federate Navies in tlie War of the Rebellion. [See United States— Dept. of tlie Navy.] J? 18 R JG WOOD'S HOEL MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORA- TORY, BOSTON. Biological Lectui-cs. [AV Bio- logical Lectures.] A 27 T 13 ^\■OOJ)SEN^-), Charles J. Practical ^\■ood carving. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 10 \' 2 WOODWARD, Arthur Smith. Outlines of Vertebrate PaliEontology for Students of Zoology. 8vo. Camb., 1898. (Camb. Nat. Sc. Manuals.) ' A 40 V G Catalogue of the Fo.s.sil Fishes in the British Museum. [Se« British Mu.seum.— Nat. History.] A 39 S 11-13 Fossil Fi.slies of the Hawkesbury series at GiLsfoi'd. [See New South Wales Geolog. Surv.] MA 5 V 18 Fossil Fislies of the Talbragar Beds (Jurassic?) [See New South Wales— Geolog. Survey.] MA 5 V 23 AVOODWARD, Benjamin Duryea. Palatal Consonants in English. 8vo. New York, 1891. J 24 Q 15 WOODWARD, Prof. Calvin Milton. INlanual Training SchooLs. (luternat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 AVOODAVARD, George E., and THOAIPSON, Edward G. Woodward's National Architect, containing 1,000 Original Designs, Plans and Details to working scale, for the Practical Construction of Dwelling-houses for the Country, Suburb, and Village, with full and com- plete sets of Specifications, and an estimate of the co.st of each Design. 4to. New York (n.d.) A 18 R 21 t WOODAVARD, HSrry Page. The Dry Lakes of Eastern Australia. (Geological Magazine, Aug., 1897.) E Mining Hand-book to the Colonv of AA'estern Australia. 2nd ed. 8vo. Perth, 1895. " MA 3 T Gl Portrait and Sketch of. (Geological Magazine, Sept., 1897.) E The sii-callcd Lode Formations of Hannans, and Telluride Deposits. (Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1897-98.) ■ E WOODAVARD, Henry. Catalogue of Briti.sh Fossil Ctw- tacea. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 A' 5 AVOODAVARD, Hrvoloj;y of Imcrteliratcs. [^See Korschclt, Dr. E.] A 38 P 18 WOOLLS, William. Letter addressed in 1839 to the Students of the Sydney College, find printed liy the desire of their friends. 'Vhnu. Syilney, 1S1l>. MJ 3 R L'8 WOOLIMAN, .Tohn. Word of Renienihranee and Caution to the Rich. [A'ec Fabian Soc. — Eabian Tracts, 79.] F 19 V. 1.5 WOOLSEY, Theodore Dwight. Politieal Science ; oi', the State theoretically and praelieMllv considered. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1893. " F 8 Q 31, 32 W< )( )LSEY, Prof. TluMnlore Salisbury. .\nici-iea's Foreign Policy. 8vo. New York, 1898'. F 1(5 S3 WOOLWARD, Florence H., and LEHMANN, F. C. The Genus Masdevallia, issued by the Marquess of Lothian. Illustrated Fol Lond., 1896. A U 6 J WORCESTER, Prof. Dean Conant. Tlu! Phi]iiH)ine Islands and their People : a Record of Personal Obsci'vation and Experience, with a short Sunnnary of the more iniiiortant facts in the History of the Ai'cliij)elago. lUust. Roy. Svo. New Y..rk," 1.S98. R 39 P18 WORDSWORTH, Charles, Rishop. The Episcopate of Charles Wordsworth, Bishop of St. Andrews, Duidceld, and Dunblane, 18.53-92 : a Memoir, together with some materials for forming a judgment on the great ipiestions in the discussion of which he was concerned ; by Bishop J. Wordsworth. With Portraits. Ro}'. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 T 1.5 Shakespeare's Knowledge and Use oi the Bible. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1892. J 10 P 40 WORDSWORTH, .John, Bi.shop of Salisbury. The one Religion : Truth, Holiness, and Peace desired by the Nations and revealed Ijy Jesus Christ. 2iid ed. 8vo. Loud., 1893. G 24 Q 26 Episcopate of Charles ^^'orrls\^•or(h. [See Wordsworth, C, Bishop.] C 25 T 15 WORDSWORTH, William. La Jeunessc de AVilliam Wordsworth, 1770 93, etude sur le "Prelude;" by Dr. E. Logouts. 8vo. Paris, 1896. J 9 V 34 A Letter to a friend of Robert Burns. (Rhy.s, E. — Literary Pamphlets.) H 1 1 T 5 The Age of. [See Heford, Dr. C. H.] J 14 U 33 [Essay on.] [See Pater, W. — Appreciations.] J 22 U 17 The French Revolution and Wordsworth. \_See Darmes- tcter, James. — English Studies.] J 14 V G Helps to the Study of Arnold's Wordswortli, [See Wil.son, R.] J 14 P 45 4 n WORDSWORTH, William -w»?'/. Primer of Wordsworth. [See Magnus, L.] .1111! 30 Selections from the Works of. [See AVest, ]\. Lau- reates of England.] H 11 R 1 Wordsworth and the Coleridgcs. [See Yarnall, Iv] C25T8 Wordsworth and the New Democracy. [See Scuddcr, Vida D. — Th(! Life of the Spirit in the Englifli Poets.] H11S2 Wordsworth's Youth. [See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 Wordsworthiana : a Selection from Pajiers read ))eff>re the Woi-dswoi-th Society. Edited liy Willi.-nri Kni^'lit. [See Knight, W,] .1 1 IK 15 WUl!|)S\\'()l;TiI SOCIETY, Th-. W(,nlsworthiana ; a Selection from the I'.ipcrs read to the Wordsworth Society. Edited by William Knight. [See Knight, W.] " -IN I! 15 WORK : the Illustrated Weekly Journal for Mechanics. Vol.s. 9-11, 14, Jan., 1895\)uly, 1.^90. -hilv. 1897- Jan., 1898. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-9^. E WORKER, n^, from vol. 1, lf<95-Feb., 1S97, Jan. 1^-98- Dec, 1899. 4 vols. fol. Sydney, 1895-99. ME . WO It K .MAX, Walter Percy. Aims and Practice of Teaching Geometry. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 WORLD, The. World AJmnnac and Enctjdopndia, 1899. 8vo. New York, 1899. E W^ORLD'S EPOCH-MAKERS. Buddha and Biiddliisni. [.S'ce Lillic, A.] f! 'ifi Q 13 Cranmer and the Reformation in England ; Ijy A. 1). Inne.«. {Set Cranmer, T. Archbisliop.] C 2S Q 1 Luther and the German Reformation ; liy Rev. T. M. Lindsay. [,'?ee Luther, M.] ' C 28 Q 2 Wesley and Methodism ; by F. J. Siiell. [.%e We.slev, .J.] C 2S Q 3 WORISIELEY, Katharine Prescott. Correspondence of Mnie., Princess Palatine, Mother of the Regent ; of INIaric-Adelaide de Savoie, Duchesse de Bourgogne and of Mnie. de ^laintenon, in relation to Saint-Cyr preceded by Introductions from C. A. Sainte-Beuvo. "With Portraits. 8yo. Lond., 1899. C 25 S 10 The Book of the Lidies. [See Bourdeille, Pierre de.] C25S Memoirs, Letters, and Miscellaneous Papers of Prince cc Eigne. [See Eigne, Prince de.] B 41 P 8, WORMELL, Richard, an'd LOBBOCK, Dr. Mont.igu. I'irst Yeir of Scientitic ivnowledge. [See Bert, P.] A 25 P 51 682 Tublic Library of New South Wales, WOESFOLD, William Basil. Portuguese Nyassaland ; with a Ke\'iew of the Portuguese Rule on the East Coast of Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1899. D 13 Q 2 The Principles of Criticism. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 19 W 2 The Redemption of Egypt. Illustrated. Rov. Svo. Lond., 1899. ' " D"22 U 3 The Story of South Africa. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Story of the Emjiire Ser.) B 37 P 7 The Valley of Light : Studies with Pen and Pencil in the Vaudois Valleys of Piedmont. Witli ]\Iap. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' D 22 P 10 AVORSNOP, E, 31., and BLAIR, 31. C. The Nurse's Hand-book of Cookery : a Help in Sickness and Con- valescence. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 39 WORSXOP, Thomas. Prehistoric Arts, 3Ianufactures, Works, Weapons, etc., of the Aborigines of Australia. Illustrated. Svo. Adelaide, 1897. 31 A 1 Q 1.5 WORTHINGTON, Prof. Arthur 3Iason. Dynamics of Rotation : an Elementary Inti-oduction to Rigid Dy- namics. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A .33 P 35 WORTHINGTON, T. K. Historical Sketch of the Fi- nances of Pennsylvania. (American Economic Assoc.) F I V 12* WORTHIXGTON, Thomas. Short Description of a mode of Disposal of the Sewage of a Dwelling-house situated in a locality where there is no main sewer or outfall. (Inteniat. Health Exhib.— Health E.\. Lit.) A 41 U 18 W0RT3IAN, Dr. Jacol. L. Teeth of the Vertebrates. (Litch, Dr W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 WOTTON, Sir Henry. Life of. \_See Walton, I.] C 27 P 22 Poems. [Sep, Percy Soc] 11 1 1 S 8 WllAGGE, Clement L. Queensland Floods of 1890. [See Queensland.— Weather Bureau.] MA 3 Q .38 t AVIJ.VPSOX, James P., and (JKE, William Winson Hal- dano. Mathematical and Physical Tables. 8^T). L'.nd., 1898. A 25 S. 38 AV'JlHNCn, James Thoma.s. Autobiography of James Thomas Wrench, b'»rn without arms : containing an interesting Account of my Life from a cliild to the present. Svo. B.itlmrst," 1897. 31C 1 R 1 WRENN, Robert D. Lawn Tennis. (Out-of-door Lib.) \ \0 (i 1 WIJIvV, P. I!. S, Downfall of Lolxtiigula. |&'"ater Birds, with Plate.s in Natural Colours 8vo. New York, 1890. A 27 S 12 WRIGHT, Mrs. Marie Roliinson. Picturesque Mexico. •Ito. Lond., 1897. D 11 V 16 t WRIGHT, R. Patrick. Book of the Dairy. [See Fleisch- mann, Di'. W.] ^ A 30 R 50 WRIGHT, Sir R. V 3 R 5 WRIGHT, Thomas. Tlie Chester Plays. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] " H 3 U 22 WRIGHT, William. Catalogue of the Syriac MSS. in the British Museum. [&cBriti.sh Museum'.] K 13 R 14-16 1 Fac-similes of MSS. and Inscriptions (Oriental series). [Sec Pala-ograph. Soc] J 48 P 3 j WRIGHTSON, John. Agricultural Education. (Iiiteniat. Health Exhih. —Health Exliib. Lit. ) A 4 1 V 1 WRIOTHESLEY, Rachel, Lady Russell. [See Russell, Lady.] WRIXON, Sir Henry. Libraries from the reader's point of view. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) IsU 2 P 32 f Socialism : lieing Notes on a Political Tour. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MF 2 R 63 WRONG, Prof. George M. Review of Historical Publicv tious relating to Canada. Vol. 1, 1896. Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1897. B 17"S 13 t WROTH, Warwick. Citdogu,; of Greek Coins in the British Museum. [See Brit. Mus.] A 37 Q 9, 1 2, 1 .5, 1 7 , and Arthur Edgar. The London Pleasure (iardens of the 18ili Century. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. ■ B 10 U 9 WUNDT, Prof. Wilhclm. Ethical Sy.stenis. Translated by Margaret Floy Washburn. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 R 41 Th vols. 12nio. Lond., 1842-80. A 36 P 1-Q 4 YEAR~nOOK OE PHARMACY : ecnnprisin- Abstracts of Papers relating to Pharmacy, Materia JMedica, and Chemistry, contributed to Britishand Foreign Journals, witli the Transactions of the British Pharmaceutical Conferences, 1874-99. 27 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874- 99. E YEAR BOOK OF QUEENSLAND, Th<; 1896. 8vo. Brisb., 1896. ME 14 T YEAR-BOOK OF SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND, comprising Lists of the Papei's read during 1884-99 before Societies engaged in fourteen Depart- ments of Research, with the names of theii- authors. 16 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885-1900. E YEAR-BOOK OF TREATMENT, r//^-.- a Critical Review for Practitioners of Medicine and Surgery, 1884-85, 1888-93,1897-98. lOvol.s. 12mo. Loiid.,' 1884-98. E YEAR'S ART, TJif, 1880-1900. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-1900. E YEAR'S SPORT, The: a Review of British Sports and Pastimes, 1885. Edited by A. E. T. Watson. 8^-o. Lond., 1886. A 34 R 19 YEATS, William Butler. Poems. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 12 R 30 The Secret Rose. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 R 14 The Tables of the Law and the Adoration of the Magi. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 R 38 The Wind among the Reeds. 8vo. Lond., 1899.11 12R29 YEISER, John O. Labor as Money : a story with a }iur- pose. 8vo. Bo.ston, 1894. F 10 V 6 YELI), George. Scrambles in the Eastern Graians, 1878- 97. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 20 S 25 YELDHAM, Capt. Walter, " Aliph Clieem.'' Lays of Ind : Comical, Satirical, and Descriptive Poems illus- trative of English Life in India. 10th ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. " H 13 V 4 YELLOW AGONY. [See "Timiahawk, A."] :\IJ 3 R 28 YELLOW BOOK, Thn : an lllu.strated Quarterly. Vols. I l:'., A]iril, 1894 Aiiril, 1S97. 13 vols.'sni. 4to. Lond., |S!M ',(7. [All j,,ihlisl,nl.] J 26 V 8-20 YELLOW BOOlv OF LECAX, The: a Collection of Pieces (in pi-ose and verse) in the Irish Language, in ]iart comj.iled at the end of the 1 4tli Century, now for tiu- first time pul)lishe(l from tiie original MS. in Trinity College Lilnary, Dublin, l)y the Royal Irish Academy; wilh Introduction, Analysis of Contents, and Index, liy Prof. R. Atkinson. Fol. Dublin, 1896. " J22Slt YEO, Dr. Isaac iiurney. Nutrition and I'oods, including the Treatment of Oiiesity and Leanness. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therajieutics.) A 31 P 14 YEW EX'S DIRECTORY of the Landholders of New South Wales. 4to. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 U 17 "YOE. Shway." TheBurman: his Life and Notions. Svo. Loud., 1896. I) 17 V 26 YONGE, Charlotte Mary. The Armourer's Prentices Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S9S. J 25 V 28 The Heir of Redclyffe. Illustrated. Svo Lond , 1897. J 25 V 29 John Keble's Parishes: a Study of Hur.sley and Otter- bourne. Illust, Svo. Lond., 1898. B 22 R 12 Lady Georgiana Fullerton, Mrs. Stretton, and Anne Manning. (Oliphant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.)- C 24 S 3 YORK, Archbishop of. [See Magee, W. C] YORKE, Philip C. Letters of Princess Elizabeth of Eng land. \_See Elizabeth, Princess.] C 24 T 22 Y^ORKE-DAVIES, Dr. Nathaniel Edward. ^See Davies, Dr. Nathaniel Edward Yorke-.] YOSHI-AKI, Dr. Yamada. Heroic Jajian. [See East- lake, Dr. F. W.] J117R40 YOUNG, Archibald. Thi-atre Panics and their cure, with Plans for a Safe Theatre ; i)y Thomas T. Patorson Svo. Edinl)., 1896. A 37 R 25 Y'"OUNG, Arthur. Autobiograi)hy of, with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by M. Bethaui-Edwards. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 20 S 14 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 YOITNG, Brigham. Brigham Young and tlie ilormon City. [See McCarthy, J.— Remini.scences.] C 25 T 5 YOUNG, Clarence H. Ercliia a denie of Attica. Svo. New York, 1891. B 41 P 10 686 FubliG Library of Neio South Wales. YOUNG, Ernest. The Kingtlom of the Yelhnv Robe : heintf Sketches of the Domestic and Religious Rites and Ceremfinies of the Siamese. Ilhistrated. 8vo. Loud., 189,S. B 23 V i YOUISrG, Franklin K. Major Tactics of Cliess : a Treatise on Evolutions, the projier employment of the Forces in Strategic, Tactical, and Logistic Planes. Illustrated. yvo. Lond., 1898. A 40 V \i . and HOWELL, Edwin C. Minor Tactics of Ches.s. 12nio. Boston, 1894. A 29 S 21 YOUNG, Frederick. Reasons for Promoting the Cultiva- tion of New Zealand Flax. [&« Bell, F. D.] MA 4 S 30 YOUNG, Sir Frederick. Tinpoi-ial Federation in Scotland. 8vo. Johnstone, 1888. F 1 S 26 Transplantation the true svstem of Emigration. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 18G9. " " F 9 P 28 YOUNG, Sir George. Proper relation between the teach- ing and examining bodies in a University. (Internat. Health Exhil).- Health E.xhib. Lit.) ' A 41 V 11 YOUNG, Sir Henrv Edward Fox, Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t YOUNG, J. L. Origin of the name Tahiti, as related by Mai-erenui, a native of Faaiti Island, Paumotu Group. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME R YOUNG, Dr. Louis Tarleton. The Carlsbad Treatment for Tropical and Digestive Ailments, and how to carry it out anywhere. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 4.5 R 1 YOUNG, Norwood. The Truth about Female Suffrage in New Zealand. (Westminster Review, Doc, 1894.) E YOL'NG, Rosalind Amelia. Mutiny of the linimlij, and Story of Pitcairn Island, 1790 1894. 3rd ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Oakland, Cal., 1894. MB 1 Q 49 YOUXG AUSTRALIA: an Illustrated Monthly Paper for J5oys and Girls. Vols. 10, 11, Dec, 1898-l)ee., 1899. 4to. Sydney, 1899-1900. IMK 17 Q "YOUNG LADY, A." \_See William.s, H. M.] YOUNG MEN'S SABBATH MORNING FELLOW- SHIP ASSOCIATIONS of the Proisliyteiian Cluirch of New South Wales. Rules. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) [Hound with Report of the Pre.'ibyterian Fellowship Unions of Australasia.] Mii 6 P YOUN(; MKN'S S.VBliATH MOItNING FELLOW- SHIP UNION of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales. Rules. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) |i>oun(lwilh R(^port of tlic Presbyterian Fellowship Union of Aus- trahwia.] ME G P YOUNGER, Robert T., and ATKINSON, J. B. Iteports on the circumstances attending the accident which occurred at Furnacebaidc, No. 1 Pit, Devon Colliery. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland — Devon Colliery Disaster.] A"40 W 43 X YOUNGHUSBAND, Capt. Francis Edward. Among the Celestials : a Narrative of Travels in ilanchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas to India. Abridged from " The Heart of a Continent." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 R 6 The Heart of a Continent: a Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884-94. 8\-o. Lond., 1896. D 17 Y 23 South Africa of To-day. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 Q 14 YOUNGHUSBAND, IMiij. George John. Indian Fron- tier Warfare. With' Maps." 8vo. Lond.,' 1898. (Wolseley Ser.) B 29 U 10 The Philijipines and round about, with some Account of British Interests in these Waters. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 P. 2 , and Capt. Francis Edward. The Relief of Chitral. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 17 V 23 YUILLE, ArchibaUl. The Australian Stud-book, contain ing Pedigrees of Racehorses from the earliest accounts to 1896 "inclusive. Vols. 1- G. 6 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1878 97. MA 3 W 1-6 YUKON TERRITORY, The; with Introduction by F. M. Trimmer. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 V 22 YUSUF IBN RAFI IBN TAMIN (Baha Al-Din, Abu Al-Mahfisin) called Ilm Sliaddad. Saladin ; oi-, What befell Sullan Yusuf. {See Salah Ed Din.] C 24 R 20 Z., J. H. L. [.SVr Zilliiiann, R(-v. J. TI. L] ZABlilSKIE, Francis NicoU. Horace Greeley, the Editor. [See Greeley, Horace.] C 20 U 2 ZACHARIAH OF MITYLENE. The Syriac Chronicle, known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene. Translated by F. J. Hamilton and il. W. Brook.s. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 24 V 37 ZAEH NSDORF, Jo,sei)h A\'. Art of Bookbinding. 1 2i Lond., 1890. A 23 P 19 Z.VHiM, lii'W Jnlin .\ugustini'. liilile, S<-icnc(', and l''ailli. 8vo. Ilalliinol'e, 1895. (i 19 T 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. G87 ZAMA, Dr. Cesar. Hist oi'ia dos Tics Orandes Capitaes da Autiguidade : Alexandre, Amiil)al, c, Cesar. 8vo. llio dc Janeiro, 1894. C 2t R 17 Ti-aoos Biogra[)liici)s e Politicos dos tres (Jrandcs Ora- dores da Antiguidade, Peiicles, Demosthenes, o Cicero 8\o. Bahia, 1896. C 2-t R 10 ZAN ARDELLT, Tito, llistoire de la Litteraturc Italienne : les Premiers Siecles Dante et ses Pr6c;urseur.s. 8v<>. Bruxelles, 1896. J 14 T .11 La Precelticitc dcs Nonis de Rivieres en Belgique. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1S98. A 4.5 V 11 Premier Essai d'une Carte do la Belgiqnc. Roy. 8v(). Bruxelles, 1898. ' A 45 V 1 1 De quelques Suffixes d'Origine Celti(jue dans les Nonis de Licux de la Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. J 8 V 33 ZANDER, C. G. Phol.i-tricliromatic Printing in theory and practice. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 U 26 ZANGWILL, Isaac. Cliildi-en of tlie Ghetto ; a Stuily of a Peculiar People. 8vo. Lond., 1897. .! 1 I l' 21 The King of Schnorrcrs Grotesques anrl Fantasies. Illus- trated! 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 25 V 30 The Master. 8\o. Lond., 1897. J 25 V 31 Without Prejudice. 8vo. Lond., 1896„ J 14 U 25 ZARATHUSHTRA. [&e Zoroaster.] Z ARIEL, Agar. \See Cope, D.] ZEALAXDIA : a Monthly Magazine of New Zealand Literature by New Zealand Autlioi's. Vol. 1, No. 6, Dec, 1889. 8vo. Dunedin, 1889. :>[.! 3 T 9 ZEILLER, Prof. R. Elements de Paleobotaniijue. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1900. A 32 S 1 ZEITSCIIRIFT DER DEUTSCHE N GEOLOGIS- CI/ElV GESELLSfHAFr. Biinde 1-51, 1849-99, und Register, 1849-88. Illustrated. 51 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1849-99. E ZEITSCIIRIFT FUR ETIINOLOGJE. Organ der Bei'liiier Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologic, und Urgeschichte, 1869-99. 31 vols. roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1869-99. " E ZELLER, Prof. Eduard. Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics. Translated from Zeller's " Philosophy of the Greeks " by H. F. C. Costelloe and J. 11. :Muirliead. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 U 32, 32 ZELftfAN, Alberto. Lo\r in a l!all-room ^^'altz. Sni. fol. Lond. (n.d.) :MA 13 P 5 f ZENKER, E. V. Anarcliisrn : a Criticism and History of the Anarchist Theory. Trau.slated from the Ger- nip.n. 8vo. Lend., 1898. F 13 T 33 ZENO, Nicolo and Antonio. Annals of the Voyages of. \_See Lucas, F. AV.] D 18 T 30 t ZERFFI, Dr. Gustavus (!eorge. Spii-itualism and Animal Magnetism : a Treatise on Dreams, Second Sight, Somnambulism, Magnetic Sleep, Spiritual Manifesta- tions, Hallucinations, and Spectral Visions. 8vo. Lond., 1871. G 19 U 11 ZETETIC COSMOGONY. [5'« " Rectangle."] A 24 R 21 ZIF.BEK, Eugene. Heraldry in Americ.i. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Philad., 1895". K 13 V 15 t ZIEGLER, Ernst. Text-book of .special Pathological Anatomy. Translated by Dr. Donald MacAlister n in the United States. Svo. Lend., lS9i. G 15 U 34 ZIMMERN, Helen. The Epic of Kings : Stories retold from Firdusi, and a Prefatory Poem by Edmund AV. Gosse. 12mo. Lond., 1883. H11R12 J 23 U 16 AA'oman's Folly. [See Ferruggia, G.] 688 Tublic Lihniry of New South Wales. ZIRKEL, Dr. Ferdinand. Lehrbucli der Petrograpliie. Baiide 1-3. 3 voLs. roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1893-94^. A 31 Q 9-11 ZITTEL, Prof. Karl A. von. Grundziige derPalreontologio (Paheozooloijie). Illustrated. 8\(.). ]Miinchen, 189.5. A 30 P G Text-book of Palwoiitologv. Vol. 1. Translated and edited bv C. R. Eastman. 8\o. Lond., 1900. A 30 P 7 ZIWET, Prof. Alexander. An Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics. Pt. 3. 8vo. New York, 189i. A 2.5 U 6* 3. Kinetics. ZOLA, Eniile. L' Affaire Dreyfus : Le Proees Zola devant la Cour d'^Vssises do la 8eine et la Cour de Cassation, 1898 : Conipte-rendu stenographique in-extenso et Documents annexes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1898. F8 Q 11, 12 The Dreyfus Case: four Letters to France; with an Intro- duction by L. F. Austin. "With Portrait. 12mo. Loud., 1898. F 15 P IG Eniile Zola : a Study of Ins personalilv ; by A. Mac- Donald. 8vo. Wash., 1899. ' ' ' C 2G 8 2 Character Sketch of. \_Sce Lynch, Artiiur.- lluniaii Documents.] J 14 U 15 Eniile Zola and the present tendencies of French Drama. [See Matthews, J. B.— French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 A Note on Zola's Method. [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] " J 14 S 31 [Sketch of.] [See Ellis, H. - Aliirmations.] .1 19 W 1 t Zola as an Evolutionist. \_Sce l>ury, Y. 15. de. — French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 ZOOLOGICAL AND ACCld .M.\T1S.\T10N SOCIETY OF VICTORIA, formerly the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. Annual Reports, 18(12, l!^l)5 71. 5 vol.s. 8vo. Mell.., 18G2 71. M,\ I R 11, 11-17 Proceedings and llc-jiort. V 8vo. Mclb., 1872-78. 5, 1872 78. 5 vols. MA t R 18 22 ZOOLOdlCAL ItFJ'ORD, The: })eing Records of Zoo- logical Litei-.iture. ^'ols. 1-35, 18G1-98. 35 vols. »vo. Lond., 18GI-98. E ZOOU;(iIC.M. SOCIETY OF L(JiN1)(jN. Proceedings, 1.S30-99, and Indexes, 1830-90. 59 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831-yy. E Tran.saclion.s, vols. 1-12, 1 I, 1835-90, 189G-98. 13 \i,ls. Svo. Lond., 1835-98. i; ZOOLOGISCHE STATION ZU NEAPEL. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Monographien 1-25. With Atlases. 27 vols. 4to. Leipzig and Berlin, 1880-99. A 19 P 1-27 t 1. Ctenophorte; von Dr. C. Chun. 1. Fierasfer; von Dr. C. Kmcry. 3. Pantopoda ; von Dr. A. Dohrn. 4. C'orallina; von Graf zu Sohiis-Laubaoh. 5. Cluvtognathen ; von Dr. B. (irassi. 6. Caprelliden ; von Dr. P. Mayer. 7. Cystoseiren ; von R. Valiaute. 8. Bangiaceen; von Dr. G. Bertholil. 9. Actinien ; von Dr. A. Andres. Thicl 1. 10. Doliolum ; von Dr. B. Uljanin. 1 1 . Poly claden ; von Dr. A. Lang. 12. C'ryptonemiaceen ; von Dr. G. Berthold. 1.3. Koloniebildenden Radiolarien ; von Dr. K. Brand 14. Polygordius; von Prof. J. Fraipont. 1.5. (iorgoniden; von G. von Kocli. 16. Capitelliden; von Dr. H. Eisig. 17. Naclitrag zu den Caprelliden; von P. Mayer 15. Enteropneu.sten ; von Dr. J. W. Spengel. in. Pelagische Copepoden; von Dr. W. Giesbretlit. 20. ( iannnarini ; di A. della Valle. 21. Ostracoden: von (i. W. Miiller. 22. Neniertinen ; von Dr. 0. Biirger. 23. Cefalopodi (Sistematica) ; di G. Jatta. 24. Seesterne ; von Di-. H. Lu Inferioris Dialcctira'. Roy. 8vo. Mos(|Va', 1880, J 5 V 22 ZWEMER, Rev. S. M. Arabia,, llie Cnulle of Islam: Studies in the Gcograjihy, People, and Polities of the Peninsula; with an Account of Islam and .Mission Work. Illust. Svo. Edhd)., 1900. l)13 1!l-_' SUBJECT-INDEX TO THE SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE, 1896-1900. A Abattoirs. [See .Slaiigbteiini; ami Slanii'iil'.'f-hdUscs,] Abbeys — Aivliitcrturc and Histoii', and WcstniinU.L'i' Alilu'v.. . Munis, W. A L'4 (,) 2C, Castles and Alilieys of Englaml Rcattie, W. ]'> 24 V )7 Cliartulary of Cockorsand Abbe}'... Chetham Soc. I'nhs.,:!.S '.)i2.~ Guide to tlie Palace and Alibey of Hol\'i'ood ... Holyi-oud Palaou B-2,3 1'lli Les Inscriptions sur Ardoisc dc 1' Abl)a vo de Villieis. . . Slicridan, I'. B 30 U 1) Memorials of St. Kdniund's Abljey (it. iirit. and Irel. - C'hrouioles and Meins. 271 We.?tminster Abbey Bradley M. C. B ?,'.) U 1,5 [.See a/.so Cathedrals and Cliurolies; EecIo.5iastical Areliitecture ; and under each Abbsy. ] Abbotsford — History — Making of Abbotsford Scott, Hon. Mrs. M. B 32 R 7 Abdomen. [See Digestion and Indigestion; Genito-Urinary System; Intestines; Kidney.s; Liver; Stomach ; Viscera.] Abecedarium — Mechanical Perforniiinee of Logical Inference Tevons, W. .S. c; 11 T 18 t [See ciho Calculating Machines.] Abeokuta — Genera! and Descriptive — Vie de John Williams Williams, J. C 10 V IS Aberdeen — General and Descriptive — Description of Both Tonus of Aberdeen; by Rev. .T. Gordm. Spalding Club Pubs. B 4<) R 4 Sights and Scenes in Scotland Scotland A S (J 2G t Churches — St. Machar's Cathedral, Abenleen Turrefl', J. B 24 (,l 11 History — History of Aberdeen and B.inlV W^tt, W. B SC) S 12 Spalding Club Publications... Spalding Clnl) B 40 R 1-S 12, and 40 U 29, 30 X Aberdeen University — Aruuirial Bearings, Portraits, ami Busts in the Mitchell Hall and Pictnre(i,allerv,Marisehal College... Aberdeen Univ. K 19(^1 Fasti Aberdoneii.'fes, 1494-18.54... Spalding Club Pubs. B 40 S 3 History of the Aberdeen University, 140.5-1805 ... Cullooh, J. M. G 18 Q 31 Abiogenesis. [See Biology ; Evolution ; Life, Origin of.] Abnormities — Autobiograpliy Wrencii, J. T. MC 1 R4 [iS'ee also Gyna'cology. ] Abolitionists — Brown, John, and his Men C 20 U 11 Dougdass, Frederick, Life and Times of C 22 S 21 (iarrison, \\'illiam Lloyd, tlie Abolitionist V 20 U (i Sumner, Charles, Life "of C 20 U 7 Whittier, John (J., the Poet of Freedom C 20 U S [See also Slavery and Slave-trade; United St-atcs— Politics.] 4 s Aborigines of Australia -ft; /(/^jy;? — Alniriginal Ixaics in .Australia; liy Florence Nightingale. Nat. A.ssoe. , Promotion o/ Social Science, Trans. , 18(14 F 15 T Aborigines of Australia Colonial Magazine, 1843 F 19 P 10 Al>origincs of Australia Ethnologicallv Considered ... Montli, The M.I4QU Australian Aboriginal at Home; by R. Ireton Windsor Magazine, 9 052 Australian Almrigines; by D. Macaliister ... Melb. Rev. , 3 0.52 Australian Aborigines' Water Quest; by A. T. Magarey... Roval (ieog. Soc, Aust., S.A. Br., Proe., 1888-08 OIO.G Australian and Tasiuanian Aborigines; bv R. Etheridge. N. S. Wales - Gcol. Survey, Paheontology, 8 MA 5 V 22 Australian Anthropological Journal. [See Science of Man. ] Australian Anthropologist .572.994 Australian Divisional Systems; by R. H. Mathews Royal Society, New South Wales, .Journal, 1898 .506 Australian Gods; by A. Lang Folk-lore, 1899 398 Australian Race - m Races of Man ... U.S. - Expl. Expedition, 9 A 31 (i 3 t Australian Tree-carvings; by H. Perkins Antliropological Institute, (ireat Britain, Journal, 1899 572 Autochthon v of the Australian Aborigines; by "SV. Forster. Sydney University Review, 1882 MJ 4 P 23 Circular and Spiral Incised Ornameut on A-ustralian Aboriginal Implements and Weapons ; by R. Etheridge Australian Museum Records, 3 5(J7 Conilition and Prospects of the Aborigines of Australia; by W. Westgartli... .Journal of thelndian Archipelago, 1851 A 36 U 5 Crania of Australian Aborigines; bj' W. L. H. Duckworth. Anthropological Institute, Journal, 1807 572 Customs connected with the so-called Kurdaitcha Shoe of Central Australia; by P. M. Byrne... Roy. Soc, Vict., Proe. . 1890 .506 Eaglehawk and' Crov/ Mathew, J. MA 4 Q 10 Fooiii(ler t'l "Australian (ioils," l)v A. Lang; by E. S. Hartland. Folk-loie, 1899 398 Ritual, Mvtli, and Customs of the Australian Aborigines. Squire, W. A. MA 3 U 44 Romance of Australian Exploring Scott, . F. M I) 3 R 33 Science of Man 57"2 Stone Cooking-holes and Grooves for Stone-grinding used by the Aborigines of Australia; by R. H. Mathews... Anthropological Institute, Journal, 25 572 Studies in Ancient History M'Leiuian, J. F. F 14 U 33 Superstitions of the Australian Aborigines: the Yahoo. Australian and New Zealand Jlontlil\' Jlagazine MF 5 S 9 Tracking b}' Australian Aborigines; by A. T. Magarev ... Roval Geog. Soc, Aust., S.A.'Br., Pro;., 18SS-9S 910.6 Tracts relating to the Aborigines MA 2 T 29 Widow's Cap of the Australian Aborigines ; bv R. Etheridge, junr. Linncan Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 oSO.C Word about the Aborigines Australian, The MJ 4 P 14 [,SVfi rt/.f the Al.(Migiucs of X. S. Wales: liv T. M'Cond)ie. Colonial Magazine," 1845 F 19 P 16 Spear with Incised Ornament, from Angehlool, N. S. Wales; by R. Etlieridge Australian Museum Records, 3 507 \\'anl 14 — Western Australia- Aborigines of New Holland ; by G. F. Moore Colonial "Magazine, 1840-41 F 19 P 2, 5, 6 Anthrojiology : by U. Helms Roy. Soc. , S. A., Trans., 16 ."106 Bark Bundle of Native Objects from Western Australia; by I). W. Carnegie Anthropological Institute, .Journal, 1899 572 Correspondence relating to the Proposed Abolition of I lie .-Vborigines Pi'otcctioii Boiird of Western Australia ... (!t. Brit, and Irel. — Western Australia M V 3 P 37 I Absolute, The. [Sec OnLology.] Suhject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 691 Absolution - Histciiy (if Auiicuhu- (Vmfossi.m Lea, H. C. (J 11 T 32-34 [See al/iO Confession ; C'rcfds. ] Absolutism — I'hil .sophy of Itutli-ftion Hoag.son, S. H. (! 1 1 i.) :iO, ,N1 Abyssinia — General and Descriptive — I'liivLTsal Geograpliy Hct^lus, V.. D'JI U In Willi tho Mission to Menelik, 18!)7... <;k'ic-lion, A. K. W., Count. I) 13 UT) [iVce a/»'0 Abyssinian Language ; Aliyssiniaii War; Aliyssinians.] . Coinmerca and Trade Trade of Abyssinia — In Diploniatie and Consular Reports, Annual Series (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 3H'2 . History — '83-"87 iu the .Soudan Wylde, A. li. 1'. Hi T S, !) Abyssinian Language and Literature — Verzeii'lmi.'S der Abe.-isinisrlK'U Hauilsiliiifteii ; von A. Dillman. IJeriin-Konigl. Bi)il. K 11 U t Abyssinian War, 1868 — Forty-one Years in India Roberts, Earl 1! Ki V 37, 38 Magdala, 1866-67 Stanley, H. M. 1! 1 P 44 Abyssinians — Tln-ougli Unknown African Countries... Smith, A. D. D "20 U 21 [.SVe also Abyssinian Language and Literature.] Acacias. [Sec Wattles.] Academies of Literature, Art, and Music. [See under the exact title of eacli, both in the Autlior Catalogue and the Index ; also Fine Arts — Societies ; Literature — Societies ; Music — Societies.] Acalephse — Aealephs from the Fij i Islands : by A. Agassiz — in Bullet iu, Museum of Comparative Zo.ilogy, 18118-0!)... Harvard University 000.7 Anatomy of the Hydrostatie Aealeplue in Seientilie Memoirs. Hu.xley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [5fce a?so Cielenterata ; Hydrozoa ; Medusie.] Acarina — Canipoguo du Caudan dans Ic C'olfe de Gascogne lOehler, R. A 31 S .30 Living Acari artificially produced Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 10 [See a /.so Mites ; Parasites.] Accadians. [See A.s.syrian Language; Babylon; Chaldea; Cuneiform.] Accidents — Accidental Injuries: their l\elief ami Luniediate Treatment; bv Ur. J. Cantlie Internat. Health li.xliib. Lit., 1SS4, 7 A 41 V 3 Appliances and Apparatus for the Proveution of Accidents in Fac- tories ... Society for the Prevention of Acciilents A 40 U 12 X Causes of Accidents to Servants of Railway Companies and of Truck-owners Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Accidencs to Railway Servants F 20 U 17 + Prevention of Factory Accidents Calder, J. F 16 S 22 [See a/.so Ambulances ; Insurance — Accident; Life-saving; Sur- gei'y-] Acids. [See Technc ilogiwil Chemistry ; and under Names of Acids.] Accipitres — Aci-ipitres, or Diumal Birds of Prey in the British Museum ; by E. B. iSharpe—w( Catalogue of Birds British Museum — Natural History A 30 T 1 Australian Birds in the Australian Museum... Australian Museum MA 3 V 4 Acclimatisation 6'«H»')v// — Arcliinatisatioii in New Zealand; bj- A. Bathgate... New Z(aland Institute, Trans., 1897 500 Soeielietf — Acclimatisation Society, (^lucensland. Kept., 1S78 ... MA .5 Q 10 Zoological and Acclimatization Society, Victoria, Repts. and Proc. MA 4 H U-22 Accountants — Profession of a Chartered .\ccountant, ami other Lectures. Pi.xley, F. W. F 13 Q 33 [See aim Book-keeping.] Acephala — Cone hifera, or Bi-valvc Shells in the Collection of the British Mu.seum ... British Museum — Natural History A 43 V 21, 22 [See alno Conchology; Mollusea.] Acetylene — Actvlene Lewes, V. B. A 4.") U 27 Lighting by Acetylene Gibbs, W. E. A 25 P 45 Achmin, El. [See Egyptology.] Acology. [Sn- Tlierapeuties.] Acoustics- Art of Projecting Dolbcar, A. E. A 23 S 16 Elementsd'Acoustique, MusicaleetIn.strumentalc...MahiIlon. V. C. A 42 W 18 Fallacy of the Present Theory of Sound. . . Mott, H. A. A 21 P 48 Formula' in Acoustics— /h Mathematical and Phvsical Tables. Wrapson, J. P. A 25 S 38 Researches in Sound, with special reference to Fog-signalling. Smiths. Inst. Report, 1878. 506 Scientific Papers Rayleigh, Baron A 44 V 1 Scientific Writings Henry, J. A .35 W 3, 4 Tlieory of Sound Rayleigh, Baron A 21 T 29 Waves of Sound and Speech as revealed by the Phonograph. M'Kcmirick, .L G. A 23 T 42 [See «?.so Ear ; Music; Physics.] Acrididae — New North American .\cridiil;e; by L. Bruner... United States — National Museum, Proc., 12 .507 New Zealand -VerididM'; by Capt. F. W. Ilutton ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 [See aUo Entomology — General; Melanopli; Orthoptera. ] Acrobats- Acrobats and Mounte\)anks Le Rou.x, H. A 27 V 26 Acting — The Actor's Art Hammerton, J. A. H 1 S 31 [See also Actors ; Amateur Theatricals ; Drama, The ; -Stage, The ; Theatre, The.] Actinidae — Lc Attinie; del Dr. A. Andres Zoologisehe Station zu Neapel A 19 P 9 + New Zealand Act iniaria; by II. Farquhar Liunean Society, London, Zoology, 26 590.6 [Ste also Zoophytes.] Actinometry — ALmoKjihcrie Actinometry and the Actinic Constitution of the Atmosphere; by Prof. E. Duclaux Smithsonian Inst., Contributions to Knowledge, 29 508 [See o?so Heat ; Optics; Photography.] Actinomycosis — Actinomycosis and JIadura Foot Acland, T. D. A 26 T 35 Aotinomj'cosis, or Lumpy Jaw ; by D. E. Salmon... United States - Dept. of Agr. -Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1894 636 Report of the Veterinarian New Zealand Agr. MA 3 R SO [See f( /.so Diseases of Animals ; Bacteriology, Economic] Actiuozoa. [See Ca-lenterata; Corals; Polyps.] 692 TuhliG Library oj New Sonlh JFulea. Actions at Law. [.Sf* Enuity; Evidence; Forms in Law ; Trials.] Actors and Actresses — TheActoraArt Hammerton, J. A. H 1 S 31 Actors of the Century ^Yhyte, F. C 22 U 5 Allevn, Edward, Memoirs of; by J. P. Collier Shalsspeare Society,. Pubs. H 3 U 7, 23 Apology for Actors; by T. Heywood ... Siiakespeare Soc. , Pubs. H 3 U 8 Bentley, Walter, Critical Estimate of Begg, V.'. MC 1 Q 60 Bernhardt, Sarah; by J. Huret C 26 Q 10 Books and Arts Wedmore. F. J 26 R 2erton (irimston, W. H. C 2(i S 21 Macready, \V. C, Life of C 19 P 1 Melbourne Stage in its Infancy . . Colonial Montldy, 3 M J 4 P 7 Memoirs of tlie Principal Actors in tlie Plavs of Siiakespeare ; bv J. P. Collier Shakespeare Society Pubs. HSU 36 Napoleon's Opera-glass Rosen, L. H 10 W 18 Oldfield, Xance, Palmy Davs of; bv E. Robins ... Oldtield, Anne C 24 R 24 Our Celebrities MA 4 V 10 Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the Devil ; by T. Nash : Reprint of 1 592 ed Shakespeare Society Pubs. H 3 U 1 7 Romance of the Iiish Stage MoUoy, J.'F. H II R 15, 16 School of Abuse; by S. Gosson Shakespeare Societv Pubs. H3U 8 Sketches of Leading Actors and Actresses Theatre, The J 27 V 1-1 4 Some Notable Handets of the Present Time. . . Scott, C. C 27 R 21 The Stage as a Career Hubert, P. G. H 13 U 14 Terriss, William, Life of; bv A. J. Smvthe Lcwin, W. C. J. C 25 P 6 Terrv, Ellen; by C. Hiatt ... Wardcll, Mrs. Ellen A. C 26 P 13 Theatre, The MJ 4 P 24 Wagners Prose Works, 5 Wagner, R. .J 4 S IS Without the Limelight Sims, G. R. H 13 V 9 [See a/so Stage, The; Theatie, The.] Acts of Parliament. [.SVe sub-licading Statutes under till' name of the Country in the Author Catalinue and in the Tnde.x : ry/.vo .suh heading Law.s and legis- lation under eaeh .subject. | Acts of Pilate - Homeric Centonos, and the Acts of Rilatc Harris. J. R. (; 23 V 7 Acts of the Apostles New Testament — Hi.story of Early Christian Literature Knigcr, G. G 24 Q 18 Footprints of tlic Apostles Luckock, Dc.an G 19 U 36, 37 .St. Paul, the Traveller and the Roman Citizen... Ramsay, W. .M. G 3 U 6 Ad valorem Duties. [See Cu.stoms; TariiTs; Taxation.] Adders and Vipers JJcHcription of a Xcw Death Adder from Central Au.stralia; l>v (J. A. Boulcnger... Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1898 ."iyo.S [.S'ce aho ReptilcH.] Addresses — General — AdilresHUH and Speeches Winthrop, R. (!. J 5 \' 12 AiiprcciatioiiH and A(hlrc8.scH Rosebery, Earl J 9 R 6 Australian .\ddrc.ssea Brassev, Baion MJ '2 \' 5 Diucouriscs in America Arnold, M. J 12T43 The Occasional Address: its Composition and Literature. Seard, I. J 14 V 24 Rectorial Addresses delivered at the Univcrsitv of St. Andrews, 18«»-»3 Knight, W. GI7T18 [Sr.t alio Mub-hcnding AddrcsscB under each Subject.] Adelaide — (leneral and Descriptive — Adelaide Almanac 319.42 Fair Adelaide Adelaide MD4Q2S (nimp.ses of Adelaide (iall, E. Jll) 1 P 70 Our .Sister Cities; by H. G. Turner... ilclbourne Review, 9 052 Sketch of Adelaide : b\' H. Furness Windsor Mag. . 1 898 0.52 Travel and Talk, 1885-95 Hawcis, Rev. H. R. D 16 R 5, 6 Municipal Governmenl — First Corporation of the City of AdeLaide South Australian Magazine MJ 4 Q 4 [For Municipal Reports, &c. , see Adelaide in Author Catalogue.] Adelaide Hospital — Adelaide Ho.spital Commission, Report ... South Australia — Par- liament, Proc, 1895 .328.942 Resignation of Medical Officers. Report .South Australia- Parliament, Proc, 1896 328.942 Adelaide JtibLlee International Exhibition. [For Catalcigue.s and (.)i}icial Pul)lication.s .vee Author Cata- logue.] Adelaide University. [For Official Publication.s see Author Catalogue.] Adjutants-General, Rep< under eaeh Country.] rts. [.SVe sul)-heading Army Administrators and Executors. [.SVe Wills — Law.] Admirals - Badilev, Richard, Vice-Adm. of the Fleet, Life of; bv T. A. Spalding C 20 S 3 Blake, Itobert; by H. Dixon C 26 U 1 Codrington, Adm. Sir E. , Memoir of Life of C 25 R 3, 4 Collingw-ond, Adm. Lord, Life of C 22 S 23 Duncan, Adm. ; bv Earl of Caraperdown C 25 Q 17 Foote, Adm. A. Hull, U.S.N., Life of; bv Prof. J. M. Hoppin. C24P21 Franklin, Rear-Adm. S. R., U.S.X., Memories of C 24 P 13 Hornby, Adm. Sir G. P C 23 V 17 Howard to Nelson Laughton, J. K. C 25 T 7 Hurrah for the Life of a Sailor Kennedy, Vice-Adni. Sir W. C27 T 19 Kev, Adm. Sir .\. C., Memoirs of; bv Vice .-\ilm. P. H. Cokimb. C25P21 Lyons, Lord, Life of: by Cai)t. S. E.- A\'ilniot C 24 S 8 Mends, Adm. Sir William Rol)ert, Life of; by his Son C 24 P 17 Nelson and his Companions in Arms... Laughton, J. K. B 16 S 8 Nelson and his Times; bv Lord Charles Beresford... C 13 R 17 t Nelson, Horatio " C 23 P 25 Xulson, Life of; by Capt. A. T. Mah.an C 24 Q 22, 23 Nelson, I'icturcs from the Life t)f (' 20 S 1.^ Nelson's Friendships; by Mrs Hihla Gamlin C 27 8 21,22 Paget, -Adm., Autobiogriiphy and Journals of C 22 (,» 13 Phillip, Adm Bcckc, L. MU 3 Q (i Rupert, Prince Palatine Scott, Eva B 33 8 13 Ruvter, Licut.-Adm. de. Life of: bv G. G-. Milne C 20 S 4 Snlivan, Adm., Life and Letters of,"lS10-90 C 22 () 9 Ti yon, Vice-Adm., Life of ; by Rear-Adm. Fitzgerald ('24(^18 Admiralty Islands Tliiunj;li Xcw (iuinea and other Cannibal Countries. Webster, H. C-. M I) 8 R 53 Adulteration - Commeri-ial Organic Analysis .Allen, A. H. ."V 21 T 27 ConmuMcial Organic .An.alysis. Srdcd Allen, A. H. .A 38 IJ ](> [.Sec a/.vo Analytical Chemistry ; Bcver.agcs; Food Adidteration ; Foods, ('hemistry of; Hygiene; Milk aiul Milk Inspection; Phai'Miavy: Ti'chnological Chcnii:.tvy.] Advances to Settlers Advance.1 to Settlors— ('« AjipciidiN .. New Zealand- Parlianu'ul, .lourn., 1895 328.931 Settlements on Lands .Act, 1893 Victoria- -Parliament, V. and P, 1897 32S.945 [.SV;c f(/«o Land Tcnin'c New South Wales; New South Wales ■ I'ublic Land".] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 093 Adventures Aclvt'iitiiri'.s of Joliii ,le\vitt lowitt, J. I) l(i Q 4 Huflalo Joiu'k' Fort}' Years of Adventure.,. Joiie.s, (_'. .). J) '22 V i Tlie Great Salt Lake Trail Innian, H. I) '22 P Ifi Library of Universal Adventure by Land and Sea. , . Howells, \V. 1). I) !:! V 2.-, [f!f:e r(/, 5 Second Afghan War, 1878-80 Hanna, Col. H. B. B 28 U 18 Afghanistan — (/enernl mul Descri2itive — At the tjonrt of the Amir Gray, J. A. I) 19 U 3 Story of my Life Temple, Sir K. C 23 V 1.3, 14 Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reis; by A. Vamlu'ry Seidi Ali I) 16 R 19 Universal (Jeography Reclus, E. 1)2! U9 [.%e a/.so AfghaT\ Wars; Afridis; Indian Frontier: I'atliaiis.] Africa General and Deseriplive— British Central Africa John.ston, Sii- 11. If. IMI \' 15 I)eveloj)pement al Country ... Llovd, A. I!. 1) 22 S 3 Lake Regions of Central Africa . .Burton, Sir R. F. D IS U 2! , 22 Sport in East Central Africa Kirby, F. V. I) 22 U 1 A White Woman in Central Africa ... Caddick, Helen D 21 Q 7 French — French Enterprise in Africa... Hour.st, Lieut. E. A. L. D lo V 22 . Portuguese — Portuguese Xya.ssaland Worsfold, W. 1!. 1) \3 (,) 2 Sport in East Central Africa Kirliy, F. V. 1) 22 U 1 South. [See South Africa.] West— Life in West Africa ; liy M iss King.sley . . . British Africa I) 22 Q .5 Story of \\"est Africa .'. Kingsley, Mary H. B 27 1' 7 West African Colonies; by Sir W. H. (.)-. Jones... British Africa D 22 Q .5 West African Studies King.sley, ilary H. 1) 22 V 1 2 African Tribes. [See under each Trilie.] Afridis — Campaign in Tirah, 1897-98... Hutchinson, Col. H D. 1) l:i U 16 [See al-^o Indian Frontier: I'athaiis.] Age of Consent — Needed Change in Age of Consent Arthur, R. >IF 1 1' 20 Aged Poor. [See Old A},'e Pensions ; Poor.] Agni — God of Fire. [Sen Fire AYorshiji ; Vedas.] • Agnosticism — \n .\i'nostic's Answer: a Poem Melbourne Review, 4 0.")2 Heresies Hiiler, H. C. (J 24 P 21, 22 Intolerance in Scepticism - /n Poetry of the Celtic Races. Renan, E. J 10 K 41 Naturalism and Agnosticism Ward, J. G 24 V 14, lo I'hilosophy of 'I'hei.sm Eraser, A. C. G 14 S 24 Reviews and Critical Essay.s Pearson, C. H. J 14 U 20 Sensualistic Philosophy of the l!)th Century... Dabncy, Rev. R. L. (! 17 S20 [See a/.so Atheism ; Conscience; Deism; Freethought; Inlidclity; Positivism; Rationalism; Responsibility; Spinozi.sm ; Theism.] Agra — General and Descriptive — • Agra, Historical and Descriptive Latif, S. M. B :^!) T 2 Agricultural Banks Agricultural Bank for Loans, Tiading, and other Purposes. (Queensland Agricult. (!az., .J O.'jO.o A'Ticultural Bank [.Model] Rules ... Irish Agricult. Organization Soc. F 1(J R M . Agricultural Land Credit Ruthning, H. L. K. MA 4 S 21 Land and Agricultural Banks in the Madras Presidency, Report. Madras F 20 R 4, 5 t Village Banks Wolff, H. W. F 15 P 35 [See aluo Credit Foncier; Savings Banks.] Agricultural Boards, Conferences, and Societies. [.sVy> Aj;rieulture Societies.] Agricultural Botany. [See Botany, Keonomic] Agricultural Chemistry — AbHorj)tion of Water by the (Muten of DilTerent Wheats; by F. B. Guthrie Royal .Soc., N. .S. Wales, Prne., I89(i .")0() Academic des Sciences, Comptes rcndus des Seances .")(I0 Agricultural Analysis Wiley, H. W. A 30 R 17, 18 Agri(^ultiual Chemistry Adic, R. H. A 33 P 2(), 27 Agriculture in some of its Relations with Chemistry. Storer, F. H. A 35 Q 1 1 13 Agricultural Chemistry — confd. Cliemical Conipo.sition of American Gr.asses United States — Dept. of Agriculture- Division of Botany A 20 T 32, 33 Chemical Notes : by F. B. Guthrie... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 7 630.5 Conventions of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Proceedings U.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Chemistry 031 Dairy Chemistry Richmond, H. D. A 35 Q 19 E.Kperimental Farms, Canada, Reports, 1895 Canada — Dept. of Agricultuie 630.7 E.xperiment Stn. Record, 5. ..United States - Dept. of Agr. 630.7 Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry ; by Dr. J. G. Black. New Zealand— Agriculture MA 3 R 78 Methods of Analj-sis United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Chemistry A 41 U 7 Ncw.Tersey — State Agricult. Experiment Stn., Report, 1895 630.7 Pamphlets on Soils Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 16 Phosphoric Acid in Agriculture Canada— Dept. of Agr., Report, 1895 630.6 Proteids of Malt, Proteids of the Potato, Legumin and other Pro- teids of the Pea and Vetch, Con£;lutin and \'itellin. Connecticut -Ag,-. Exper. Stn. Rept., 1895 630.7 Relation of Chemistry to the Progress of Agriculture ; by H. W. Wiley... United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1899 6.30.5 Ricerche eseguite nel Labotorio di C'himica Agraria. . . Regia Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura di Milano 630. 7 Scientific Agriculture Cooke, S. A 33 P 25 Soil Analv.sis Au.stralas. Assoc, for Adv. of Science, G 506 Soil AnalVsLs; by F. B. (Juthrie Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 7 630.5 Soil Analysis; bV H. B. Jackson... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 10 630.5 Vermont— State Agricult. Exper. Stn., Reports, 1888, 1892 630.7 Volumetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid— /« Work during 1895 North Carolina— Agr. Exper. Station 630.7 [See also Alkali in Soils ; Crops, Analyses of ; Dairying ; Experi- ment Farms and Stations; Feeding Experiments ; Fodders and Food-stuffs; Foods, Chemistry of; Fruits, Analyses of; Manures; Nitrogen in Agriculture; Phosphates; Soils; Wood- ashes. ] Agricultural Colleges and Schools — Agricultural Colleges and French .Vgriculturc for Australia; by G. Le Roy Melbourne Review, 10 052 Agricultural Exper. Stns. and Agricult. Colleges of United States, America, Rept. ...Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Board of Agr. A 38 R 10 Annuario della Institnzione Agraria Dott. Andrea Ponti. Reg. Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura in Milano 630.7 Association of American Agr. Colleges and Exper. Stns,, Pro(.'. United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. Stns. A 37 V 1 Canterbury College — School of Agr., Repts., 1887, 1891 ... 630.7 Colleges endowed by Congress for the Benefit of Agriculture. United States - Dept of Education, Rept., 1895-96 379.73 C'olorado — State Agricultural College, Catalogue 630.7 Conventions of A.ssociation of American Agr. Colleges and Exper. Stns,, Proc... U.S. Dept. of Agr.— Oliice of Ex. Stns. 630.7 Department of Agriculture, University of Minnesota, Repcn-t — m Executive Documents Minnesota— Legislature 328.770 Hawkesbury Agricult. College and E.vper. Farm, Rept 6.30.7 Maryland — Agricultural College, Announcement 630.7 Montana — State College of Agriculture, Catalogue ()30.7 New Hampshire, Collegia of Agriculture, Rept. . . .New Hampshire — Annual Repts. 328.742 North Dakota, Agricultural College, Rept. ... North Dakota- Annual Repts. 328.784 Ontario— AgricuUur:d College, Report, 1894-95 ()30.7 Ontario — Dept. of .-\griiidture, Report (i.SO.O Oi'ganization Lists, Agricultural Experiment Stations and Agri- cultural .Schools and Colleges... United States De)>t. of Agr. --- Otiicc of Experiment Stations 630.7 Pennsylvania State College Calendar 378.748 Prospectus and Regulations of the Agricultural Colleges. ^■ictoria Agriculture MA 3 V 45 Prospectus and Regulations of the Agricidtural Colleges; with Syllabus of In.strnction Victoria -Agriculture 630.7 Qneeuslanil iXgricuItural College, Calendar 6.30.7 Queensland Agricultural College, Prospectus Queensland— Agriculture (>;i0.7 R. Scuola Superiore d'AgricOltma in Milano: Regolamcnti e Pro- giamm i 6.30. 7 Hliodc Island — College of Agriculture, Report 630.7 Suhject-Iiidex to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. G95 Agricultural Colleges and Schools— rr/»Y'/. StatistiuH of Land (iraiit (_'<>lk'i;t's and Agricult. Kxj)tn'. Stns. U.S.— Uept. of Agr.— Oflico of Expur. Stiis. A 3S R 1.') Slorr.sAgr. College, Rept. '... Connei.-ticut Ann. Rcpts. 3"2.S.74() Types of American Agricultural Colleges; by A. ('. True. United States— Dept. of Agr., Ycar-bnok, ISilS (l.'in..') {See riUo Agriculture — Education.] Agricultural Departments — Aniuili di Agricoltura Italy (i.'ill.ll Homljaj' — Dept. of Land Records and Agriculture, Rept (iSn.(i lirilish Columbia -Department of Agriculture, Report ... (>.'!(). (i Mulletin de I'Agriculturc Belgium (j:f().li Canada — Agricultural Department, Rejjorts Canaila — Parliament, .Sess. Papers 32.S.71 Canada — Department of Agriculture, Report 0;?0.(i Florida — Commissioner of Agi'iculture, Report 030.0 Ideal Department of Agricultuic and Industries ; by E. Tisserand United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 030.") New South Wales — Dept. of Agriculture, Repts. ... N. S. Wales — Parliament, V. and P. 3i>8.944 Now Zealand --Department of Agricult., Rcpts... New Zealand Parliament, Journs. , Appcn. 3"28.!I3I North Dakota — Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor, Report. North Dakota— Annual Repts. 328.784 Ontario -Department of Agriculture, Report 630.0 Organization of Departnjeuts of Agriculture in Foreign Coxintries, Reports (U. Brit, and Irel.- Foreign Office F 13 T o Pennsylvania — Department of Agriculture, Report 030.0 Queen.sland — Department of Agriculture, Repts. ... Queensland — Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 South Australia- Minister for Agriculture, Reports South Australia — Parliament, Proc. 328.942 Soulli Australia — Minister of Agriculture, Reports 030.0 Ta.smania — Council of Agrii ulturc, Reports Tasmania — Parliament, Journs. 328.941! United States - Dept. of Agriculture, Historical Sketch ; by C. H. Grcathouse ... U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Pubs. A SS R 17 United States — Department of Agriculture, Report 630.6 United States — Department of Agriculture, Year-book ... 020..') Victoria — Department of Agriculture, Reports ... MA 4 S 31-33 [iS'ec also Agricultural Colleges and Schools ; Experiment Fai-ms and Stations ; and sub-heading Agriculture under each Country ill tlic Author Catalogue fm- (iovernment Publications.] Agricultural Education. [See Agricultural Colleges and Schools ; Agriculture — Education; Experiment Farms and Stations.] Agi-icultural Engineering- Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen... Woll, F. W. A 23 1! 32 Agricultural Exhibitions and Shows. [.sVv Agricul- ture — Societies.] Agricultural Implements and Machinery — Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 030. o American Agricultural Implements in N. S. W. ... United States — Consular Repts., 61 382 The liuckscraper ; bv W. .J. Allen Agricultural (nizcttc, N. S. Wales, 1898 630. .3 Involution of Farm Implements and Machinery in the Past Sixty Y'cars ; by J. Darby . . . Bath and West and Southern Counties Society, Journal, 1898-99 630.6 fiiant r.inilcr: by J. Martin Agr. (iazettc, N.S.W., 7 03O.,j Grain Drill and Horse Hoe; l)y J. L. Thompson Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales,"lO 0;iO..i Labour-saving Implements ; l>v J. L. Thtmip.son Agricidtural 'Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8, 10 030.5 New Labour-saving Implements ; by L. J. Thompson . . . Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630. .5 Ramie JIachine Trials in New Orleans, Report - in Report of Statistician, Sept., 1892 United States- Dept. of Agr. -- Division of Statistics 630.973 Royal Agricultural Society of England, Journal, 189i) 630.6 Some Tools Useful in Experiment Work ; bv N. A. Cobb ... Agr. Gaz., N. S. Wales, 1898 630..5 A Spiked Roller; bj- ,1. L. Thompson ... Agr. (iaz. . N. S. Wales, 1898 030.5 Agricultural Labourer — Agricultmal Labourer Ot. Brit, and Irel. Labour F 39 \- 27, 28 % Agricultural Laboiner iit Workers on their Imlustries. (ialton, F. W. F 10 V Agi-icultural Labourer in Wales. . .Poor Law Confs. , 1 897-98 352. 9 Aich, Jo.seph: the Story of his Life C 25 Q 14 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society FI9R15 {See. also Agriculture and Politics ; Labour Question : \\'oiking- classes. ] Agricultural Periodicals. [See Agricuhurc IViio.ljcal.s.] Agricultural Pests — Binlstliat Injure Grain; by F. E. L. Beale United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, ).S97 6.30.5 Danger of Introducing Noxious Animals anil Birds ; l>vT. S. i'almcr. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 ():i0.5 Extermination of Noxious Animals by Bcnuitv; bv V. S. Palmer. United States -De])t. of Agr., Year-book, 1890 030.5 Pests and Crops; by N. A. Cobb Agricultural (lazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 030.5 [.SVe a/su Entonuilog}', Economic; Fungi in Agricidture; In.sects, Injurious; I'lant Diseases; Rabbits; Weeds; and under each s]iccial Pest.] Agricultural Statistics. [See Agriculture— Statistics.] Agriculture — Geneml — Academic des Sciences, Comptcs rendus des Seances, 120 ... 506 Agricultural and Experimental Union, Report Ontario - Dept. of Agriculture 630.7 Agricultural Calendar Woll, F. W. A 18 P 15 Agricultural Producti(m and Prices; bv G. K. Holmes. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1897 6.30.5 Agriculture Annee Scientitiijue et Industrielle, L' 505 Agriculture— ;« Speeches ... Rosebery, Earl F 12 T 15 Agriculture inscmicof its Relations with Chemistrj'... Storer, F. H. A 35 Q 11-13 Australasian Association for Advance, ot Science, Report ... 506 Australasian Live Stock Manual .Sutherland, (r. MA 2 R 49 Birds in relation to Agriculture; bv C. W. Nash... Ontario — Agriculture, Rept., 1897 6.30.0 Book-keeping for Farmers West Australian Settler's (iuide MD 8 Q 54 City Agriculturist ; by W. H. Clarke Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Coiiperation in Agriculture: bv .1. C. Gray Cooperative Congress, Rept., 1898 .3.34 Cooperative Agriculture; bv W. CamjOiell... CooperativeCongrcss, Rept, 1894 334 Cultivation of the Soil MA 3 S 09 Eu/ournal ... 6.30 6 Bureau of Agriculture, Western Australia, Journal 630.5 Farm and Dairy 6.3.7 Farm and (4arden MA 4 V 11 Garden and Field 630.5 Great Britain ami Ireland— Board of Agriculture, Journ 630.5 Journal Mensuel AcaiU'mie Naliouale 600 Landwirthschaftliche .lahrbucher 630.5 Martin's Home and Farm 0,30.5 New Zealand Country Journal* MJ 3 T 18 New Zealand Farmer 630. 5 North New Zealand Settler and Land-buyers' tiuide G30.5 Pasijuiji : Pastoral, Mineral, and Agricult. Advocate MA 4 V 21 Queensland Agricultural .Icmrnal 630.5 Royal Agricultural Society of England, Journal 6,30.5 Rural .'Vustralian 630.5 Rural C.alifornian , 630.5 Sydney .Stock and Staticm Jcnirnal 6.30.5 Tropical Agriculturist Monthly 630.5 United States -Department of Agriculture, Year-book ... 630.5 Victorian Agricultural and Horticultural (Jazette MA 4 V 16-19 Western Australia Producers' Gazette MA 4 Q 19 Societies, Boards, Exhibitions — Agricultural Associations iuBelgium; by P. do Vust — in Experiment Station Record, 9 United States- Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exiieriment .Stations 630.7 Belgiijuc, Bulletin du Conscil Supcricur de rA<;ricullure, Belgium A 32 R 27, 28 Connecticut- Board of Agriculture, Report (i.'iO.O (tcelong and Western District Agricultural and Horticultural S.iciety, Reports MA 5 R 27 Indiana— State Hoard of Agriculture, Report 0,30.0 Iowa -.State Agricultural .Sociely. Report 6,'J().6 Manitoba Central Faimers' Institute, .Annual Meeting 630.6' Ma'isachusotts — State Board of Agricidture, Reports 630.8 Michigan— .State Board of Aj.'iiiulture, Rcpcu-ta 630.6 New .South Wales AgiicuUural Society, .lourual... MA 4 V 12-15 New South Wales Agricultural Society: Official Catalogue, Metropolitan Exhibition, 1884 MK 2 S 2 Subject-Index to the Sniiplementary Cahilofjue — lSOO-1000. 697 Agriculture —Soi'lMics, Boards, Exhlbiliuns — contd. New South Wales Faniioi-s' and Settlei-s' Association, Report of Animal Confercnw!, 1!)0(> (530.6 Now Soutli Wales Farmers' and Settlers' Association, ll\iles and Hyodaws MF J 1' S Northern Agricidt. Assoc, N.S.W., Menilier's Pamphlet... O.iO.li Oliio— State Hoard of Agricnltiuc, Reports 030.0 Ontario Agrienltural and Experimental Union, Reports ... O.SO.G Ontario Agriculture and Arts Asso>:iation, R,e|).>rt Ontario l)e])t. of Agriculture 031). Ontario Farmers" Institutes, Kept Ontario — Dept. of Agr. 030.0 Pennsylvania Farmers' Institutes Pennsylvania -Dept. of Agricvilture A 38 t^) 2 1 Royal Diililin Soiicly, C'ouneil of, Rep n-t 030.0 South Australia — Agr. Bureau, Annual C'oiifereneo, Rept. 030.0 iStfitititics — AgriculLiiral Depression. Reports of Commission on, 1894. (!t. Brit, and Irel. Agr. F 39 V 1-.-; + Austria— Statistisohes Jahrbncli des U.k. Aekerliau-Ministeriums. Statislik der Eiiite 33S. 1 P.ritish India, AgrieuUiiral Statistics, 1890 97. . India Dept. of Revenue and Agiionlture 030.9.>1 Condition of Crops in America and Europe, Report. . .United States ■ - Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Statistics 030.973 Condition of Crops, Reports, 1890-92 ... United States Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Statistics 030.973 Condition of (Irowing Crops, 1890-91 ... United States Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Statistics 030.973 Crop Experiments, Bombay Presidency ISomhay Dept. of Land Records and Agriculture 030.7 Crop Reports United States - Dept. of Agr. Division of Statistics 030.973 Crops of the Year, Report, lS89-9i United States Dept. of Agr.-Div. of Statistics 030.973 Englanil : Agi-iculture Reports Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Agr. F39 V 13, ]5, ih* Great Britain, Agricultural Retiu'ns, 1894-97 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Board of AgricuU. 630.9 Great Britain and Ireland — Board of Agr., Journ., 1890-98 030.5 Imlia and My.sore, Agricnltiu-al Statistics, 1892 94 India — Dept. of Revenue and Agrieult. 630.954 Irelanil, Agricultural Statistics, 1895-97 Gt. Brit, and Irel.- - Agriculture 6.30.9415 Japan, Agricultural and Commercial Department, Statistical Report. [InJapane.se] Japan 33S.1 Ontario— Bureau of Industries, Report 338. 1 Scotland: Agrieiiltiu'e Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Agriculture F 39 V 12 + Synoptical Index, Reportsof Statistician. 1863-94... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Publications Cat. Room United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Statistics, Bulls. A 41 U 5 United States— Dept. of Agr.,— Div. of Statistics, Pidw. A 41 U 5 United States— Dept. of Agr.-Div. ol Statistics, Repts. 030.973 Yield of Crops per Acre, Report, 1884... United States— Dept. of Agr.-Div. of Statistics A 19 U 13 Y'ield of C!rops per Acre, Reports, 1890-92 ...United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Statistics 030.973 [.9ee also under Cereals ; Stock ; and names of Crops for speeitie reports; also sub-heading Department of Agriculture inider names of Countries in Author Catalogue.] Alaska- By Countries. Agricultural Experiments in Alaska; by C. C. Georgeson. United States— Dept. of Agr., Y'ear-book. 1898 630.5 Agricultural Outlook of the Coast Region of Alaska ; !)}• W. H. Evans . United States -Dept. of Agr., Yeardjook, 1897 030.5 Australia — New-clunn Farmer Hennessey, J. D. iMA4P4 Northern Farmer; by S. Rinder Melbourne Review, 9 0.52 Story of Australasia Ijaurie, J. S. MB 1 T 7 [jS'ee "Iso eacli Colony under this heading.] Austria — Austria — Statistisches Jahrbiich des k.k. Ackerbau-Jlinisteriums. Statistik der Ernte 338.1 Guide Agricole et Forestier de I'Autriche... Proskowetz, Max von A IS P 29 4 T Agriculture —Belgium — Belgitun Bulletin de r.Agi-iiulturc 630.6 State Aid to Agriculture ajid Industry in Belgium, Report. Recess Committee A 38 R 13 Bombay — Boinbay -Dept. of Land Records and Agrieult,, Rcpts. ... 030.6 Crop Expel inient.s, Bombay Presidency Bombay Dept. of Land Records and Agiiculturc 630.7 Canada — Agricultural Credit Associations in Canada United States— Consular Repts, ;")7 3H2 Agricultural Resources and Development — in Canada. Hopkins, J. C. D 13 T 9 t Cooperative Experiments in Agriculture; by C. A. Zavitz. Ontario -Agr. and Exper. Union, 1897 6,30.7 Impeiial Heritage Williams, E. E. F 15 Q 31 Cape Colony - I'^ariiiing Rcsouiets of Cape Colony Wallace, R. A 30 R 12 Caroliua - Climate, Soil, and Agricultural Clapabilities of South C'arolinaand Georgia United States Dept. of Agriculture A 19 U 13 China Agricultiii'e in China . United Slates Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Statistics, Rept., Jan., 1894 630.973 Conuecticut- Descriptive Catalogue of Farms in Coimectieut for Sale. Connecticut — Board of Agriculture A 35 T 13 Denmark — Aar.sberetning om det kongcligc dan.ske Landhusholdiiingsselskabs Virksonihed Denmark — Agriculture 630.9489 Agricultural Condition of Denmark (it. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office, Misc. per., 376 382 Agricultural Organization and State Aid to Agriculture in Den- mark, Rejiort ; by T. P. (iill ... Recess Committee A .38 R 13 Kortfattct Vejledniiii: for Landv;vs.sensl,trlinge paa .stone Gaarde. Tuxen, A. V. A 33 P 34 England — Agricultural Depression Commission, 1S94, Reports. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Agr. A 39 V 1-5 + Agricultural Returns of Great Britain, 1896... Gt. Brit, andlrcl. — Agriculture 630.9 Agriculture in Mediaeval England— iV Industry in England. (Hbbins, H. de B. F 12 T 13 Counties of Bodfonl, Huntingdon, and Northampton, Report. (it. Brit, and Irel.- Agriculture A 39 W 14 + County of Cumberland, Report... (it. Brit, and Irel. — Agriculture A 39 W 4 + County of Dorset, Report (!t. Brit, aud Irel. — Agi-iculture A 39 W 8 X County of Lincolnshire, Report... Gt. Brit, andliel. — Agi-iculturo A 39 W a * Comity of Norfolk, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Agriculture A 39 W 7 : County of Suffolk, Report Gt. Brit, aud Irel. Agriculture A 39 W 3 : Culture, Management, and Improvement of Landed Estates. Dean, (i. A. A 34 V 13 Domesda}- of Inclosures Royal Historical Society Pubs. 333 English Agricultural Problem ... New Zealand- Dept. of Labour, Journ., 1S94 331.S English Farms and Farmers; by (i. W. Hill United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 Expenditure and Outgoing on Certain Estates in Great Britain— in Report, Commission on Agriculture Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Agriculture A'Sg V 5 t Farmer's Year Haggard, H. R. A 20 R 23 Foreigner iu the Farmyard \Viliianis, E. E. A .37 R 5 Great Agricultural Estate Bedford, Duke of A 19 S 3 North Devon, Report (it. Brit, aud Irel.— Agriculture A 39 W 9 + Poaltrv-rcaring and Fattening Industry, Heathfield District, Sus- se-v/Refort ... Gt. Brit, and Ire!.— Agriculture A J9 W 10 J 098 Tnblic Library of Neio South Wales» Agriculture— England — i-ontd. Reply to tlie Final Report of the British Royal Commission on Agricultme .Sniith,"C'. W. A 36 W 2.") Revival of English Agriculture Graham, P. A. A -20 R 24 Salisbury Plain District, Wiltshire, Report... (4t. Brit, andlrel.— Agriculture A .S9 W 6 J SelectedDislricts, Counties of Oxford. Gloucester. Wilts ami Berks, and on the Neighbourhood of Taunton, Somerset, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Agriculture A 39 \\' 11 J South Durham and Selected Districts of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire, Report Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— Agriculture A3',) W 13 + Tenant Farmer: by J. Howard Practical Politics F 12 T 31 Truth about Agricultural Depression. . . Channing, F. A. F 1 3 V 30 Vale of Avlcsburv and the County of Hertford, Report. ■ Gt. Brit, and Irel.— AgricuHure A .39 W l.> % Europe- Condition of Crops in America and Europe, Report Uniteil States- Dept. of Agr.— Division of Statistics 6.30.973 [.^ce 'dfo each Country under this heading.] Florida- Soil and Pro R 13 Italy Annali di Agricoltura Italy 0.30.6 Japan — Statistical Report, Agricultural and Commercial Dcjjaitmcnl of Japan. [In .Japanese] Jiipan :WS.l Mexico — Agriculture in Mexico ... United States- l)c))t. of Agr. Div. of Statistics A 19 U 13 Cultivation of Cacao, Vanilla, India-rubber, Indigo, ami Bananas in Mexico fit. Brit, and Irel. For. Office, Misc. scr., .38.-) •A»2 Minnesota — Minnesota Farmcr.M' Institutes, Annn il 9 New Brunswick (i:!0.6 Agriculture for the Province of New Brunswick, Report ... New I'ntnswick — Parliament, Journ. 328.7I.'> Agriculture — New South Wales — Agricultural Education in N. S. Wales Anderson, H. C. L. MA 3 S 50 Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 63C.5 Agriculture in New .South AA'ales; by J. L. Thompson — in Net» South Wales, the Mother Colony. .Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Agriculture in New South Wales; by W. ^Vilkins- !« Pams., N. S. W. Commissioners. . . Chicago Exhibition, 1893 MA i T 22 A\'cstern Agriculture; bv R. W. Peacock... Agricultinal Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 6.30.5 A\'cstern (irazing Problems; by R. W. Pe.acock Agricultural (Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 New Zealand — Colonists' Guide and Cvclop;cdia of Useful Knowledge. ]5ret, H. MK 2 R 12 Porto Rico — AtjricuUuie in I'ucrto Rico; by R. Stone United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 Prussia — Protc ko'l der 41. .Sitzung der Central-Moor-Commission. (ierm.inj' 630. G Queensland- Agricultural I'ossibilities of Western Queensland ; by H. A. Tardent . Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 A Few Letters from Queensl.and Farmers MA 4 S 2 (Queensland Agricultural .Journal 6:ttl.5 Russia — Trade and Agriculture of Northern Russia, including Finland, 1897 — hi Diplomatic and Consular Reports, 1898. (U. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Seychelles- AgricuUnral Resources of Seychelles... Stewart, C. A 11 X 15 t South Australia — Agricultural Bureau of S. Aust., .Journ. ...Garden and Field 6.30.5 Capabilities of Various Districts in the Colony .. Schomburgk, R. MA 4 S 12 South Au.stralia — Agr. Bureau, Rept. of Ami. Conference 6.30.6 Switzerland — Agricultural Development of Switzerland... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 394 382 State Aid to Agriculture and Industry in Switzerland, Report. Recess Committee A 38 R 13 Tasmania — Agricultural (uizcttc and Journal of the Council of Agriculture, Tasmania 630. 5 United States — Agricultural Discontent in the U.S. ... Emerick, C. F. F 18 Q 7 Condition of Crops in America and Europe, Report United States -Dept. of Agi". - Division of .Statistics 630.973 Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States ; by C. H. Merriam. U.S.— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Biological Survey A 37 S 55 Progress of Agriculture in the United States; by G. K. Holmes. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-t)ook, 1899 6.30.5 Suggestions to Southern Farmers... United States -Dept. of Agr. — Farmers' Bulletin, 98 A 41 U 2 United States--l)ept. of Agr., Year-book 6.30.5 [See also Alaska, Carolina, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Miinie- sota, under this heading. 1 Victoria — Australian Colony, An Victoria— Agriculture MI) 8 CJ 57 Hints f(n- the (Uiidancoof Village .Settlers... Victoria— Agriculture MA 3 V 52 Malice Country of Victoria MI)8R52 Virginia - Economic History of Virginia in the 17th Century... Bruce, P. A. F 2 V 28, 29 Western Australia — Agricultural and Livestock Returns, Abstract Western Aus- tralia Agriculture (i.3().6 Sixth Conferenceiif Producers, Proceedings... Western .\uslralia - Agriculture 6.30.6 West Au.stralian Settler's Guide Ml) 8 Q. 54- Stilject-Index to the Suiyplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. cm Agriculture —Wyoming — Agrioultmal Survey >.47 Ainos - Aiim of Japan Batchclor, Rev. J. A I!) (.) 8 [.See atao Antlu-o|iology.] Air — Chemistry — Air and Life; li\ Dr. 11. De Varignv ... Smitlisonian Institution, Jlisc. Collections, 39 508 Ail- of Towns ; by Dr. .J. B. ('ohen Smith.sonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 39 508 Atmosplicre in relation to Human Life and Health ; l)y F. A. R. Russell ... Smitlisonian Institution, iVlisc. Collections, 39 508 Composition of Expired Air and its Eti'ects upon Animal Life; liy Dr.s. Billings, Miteliell, and Bergey ... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 39 508 Gases of the Atmosphere Ramsay, W. A 19 S 19 Metliods for the Determination of Organic Matter in the Air; by Dr. 1). H. Bergey... Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collects., 39 508 Puljlic Health Laljoratory Work Kenwood, Dr. H. R. A 26 R 31 [See a/jo Argon; Hygiene; Nitrogen; Oxj-gen; A'cntilation.] Air — Physics — E(|nipment anil Work of an Aero-phj-sieal Observatory; by A. McAdie ... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 39 508 (Jeneral Circulation of the Atmosphere; by Lieut. Maury. American Assoc. Advance, of Science, Proc. , 18.50 ,")06 Lawsof(;ases Boyle, R. A 25 T 12 Mechanics of the Eartli's Atmosphere Abbe, C. A 31 Q 12 Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere; byC. Abl)e... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 34 508 Vertical Component of the Motions of the Earth's Atmosphere ; by Major-(ien. Schaw New Zealand Inst., Trans, 1897 500 [.See alio Aeron.iuticR ; Air Engines ; Barometei-s ; Compressed Air ; Pneumatics.] Air Engines — Steam-engine as a Thermodynamic Machine Cotterill, J. H. A 21 U 21 Akhmin, El. [See Egyptology.] Alabama — General and DescrijHive — Dixie; or, Southern Scenes ami Sketches ... Ralph, .J. D "22 R 5 " Alabama," The— .\danis, Cliarlcs Francis C 19 P 29 Memorials, 17(J0 )S()5 Selborne, Earl of C 23 V 4, 5 Two Years on tlic AtuJiiiiiiti Sinclair, Lieut. A. B 36 U 13 [.S'cc alio Anu'rican Civil War; Geneva Ariiitralion ; International Law.] Alaska and Archipelago — General and Descriptive — Alaska Bruce, M. W. D 22 R 10, 17 Alaska; by I. I'etrofF-i;» Census of the United States, 1880. United States — Census Ollice 317.3 Alaska and the Klondike Heilprin, A. D 13 R 10 Alaska, Report of tlie Governor United States - Dej)!. of Die Interior, Misc. Rcpts. 3.53.3 Ascent of Mt. St. Elias, Alaska... Luigi Amedeodi Savoia, Prince . , , D23(i3 Narrative of the Expedition to Alaska, 180G-GS D;dl, \\. H. D Hi V2-2 Our Western Archipelago Field, H. M. U 16 S 4 Population and Resources of Alaska, Report United States-- Census Ollice 317.3 Tlu-ongli tlic Gold-iichls of Alaska to Bering Straits... DeWindt,H. 1) 10T20 Tlu-ougli the Subarctic Forest..!]....... Pike, W. D 15T27 Univcr.sal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 15 • Diseiivery, E.rphyrntion, and Earhj Votjnt/ea — Explorations in tlic Territory of Alaska ■ United States^-. 'Adjutant-GencraFs Office D 22 U 10 Geor/r((j>/ii/, 'J'lijicijrajihi/, mid Maps — ■ Aneliorages in and near Sumner Strait, 1898 [Chart]. (U. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 t Anchorages in South-east Alaska, 1898 [Chart]. (it. Brit, and Irel.— H3-drographic Office D 49 P 1 t Lvnn Canal from Point Slierman to Head of Inlet, 1898 IChart). (U. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office I) 49 P 2 t Plans in .\laska, 1898[Cliart]... (U. Brit, and Irel. —Hydrographic Oilicc D4!tP2t Wrangell Strait, 1899 [Chart]... (it. Brit. andlrel.— Hydrographic Office D 49 ViX [See alio Klondyke; Yukon.] Albania — General and Deseriplive- Travels and Politics in the Near Ea.st,. Histor}/ — Albania and Allianians Albany, U.S.— //('.v/or'/— Historic Towns of tlie Middle States .. ... Miller, W. 1) 13 V II Wassa I'M'cndi B 3(i P 2 Powell. L. P. B 20 T 16 Albany, Western Australia — A Peep at Albany ; Oy If. Furniss... AVindsor Magazine, 1898 0.52 Albuminoids. [See. Foods, Chemistry of; Physiological ClicmistiT.] Albuminuria Diseases of the Kidnev characterised by Allmmimn-ia; by Dr. W H. Dickinson— .» System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Nephritis ; by Dr. A. H. Smith in Practiail Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 [.See alio Kidneys -Diseases.] Albury, N.S.W. — General and De-icriiJlive — Border Post Abnanac Affleck, T. 919.41 Alcse — Platalc;e in the Britisli Mnseum— /« Catalogue of Birds, 26. Britisli Museum — Natural History A 39 I." 8 700 Public Library of New South Wales. Alchemy — Bibliography of Chemistry, U92-1S02... Bolton, H. C. A 21 U 2.5 JIv3terv and Romance of Alchemy anil Piiarmacv. Thompson, C:." J. S. A 20 R 8 V.'itch, Warlock, and Magician ... Adanifi, VV. H. D. (! 17 R ^^7 [See also Chemistry — Hi.story of; Or-cnlt Soiencos.] Alcoholism — Alcoholism Rollcston, T>. H. A 20 T So Alcoholism in France... United States —Consular Rcpts., 49 382 Relation of Alcoholism to Public Health, and the Methods to be adopted for its Prevention ... Internaticnal Congress of Hygiene and Demography 7, Trans., 1 614.06 True Science of Living Dewey, H H. A 32 R 35 [,?(!e aho Curatcl Procedure; l.^eliriuni Tremens; Dipsomania; Drink Question; Gothenburg Sys', em; Terapcranco.] Alcohols — Organic Chemistry Whitely, R. L. A 23 R 48 [.See a'.so Brewing ; Chemistry, Organic: Disiillation.] Ale- Colonial Beer; by Dr. J. Jamieson ... Jlelliourne Review, 3 052 [See also Brewing.] Alectorides — FuIicariH; and Alectorides in the Collection of the British iMuseum ; by R. B. Sharpe— /n Catalogue of Birds British Museum — Natural History A 39 U 5 [Sec also Ornithology; Poultry.] "Alert," The^ Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. Alert, 1881-82, Report ... Britisli Museum— Natural History A 42 U 15 Aleutian Islands — General and Descriptive — American Cruiser in the East Ford, .T. D. 1) 21 S 2 Alfalfa. [See Lucerne] AlgaB — Algx Britannic* Creville, K. K. A 20 U 29 Alga; of Tasmania ; by Dr. Harvey Tasmanian Journal, 3 ° ' MA 5 R 6 Alga' of Victoria ; by H. T. Tisdall Anstrahisian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Ri-pt., 1S98 50(5 Botanical Peep into the Rocky Pools of Scu-rcnto and (juecnsclitT; by H. Tisdall Victorian Naturalist, 1897-98 505 British Freshwater Alga-. Hassall, A. H. A 20 T 25, 2() Fuci ; or, Colorel Figures and Descriptions of the I'lants referred by Botanists to the Genus Fucus ... Turner, 1). A 18 P 1-4 | History of the Fresh- water Algie of Noi'tli America: by Dr. H. C. Wood Smithsonian Inst., Contribs. to Knowledge, 19 50S Key to the Tribes and Genera of Melanospcrmea' ; Ijy R. A. Bastow. Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1898 500 Nereis Boreali-Americana Harvey, W. H. A 17 T 9, 10 t Phycological Menioir.s Saunders, De A. A 4'> Q 2 Queensland Freshwater Algaj; by F. M. Bailey in Botany Bul- letin, 15 Queensland— Agriculture MA 3 S OS Revised List of New Zealand Seaweeds; by R. Laing New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 500 [See also Ariuariums ; Botany, Cryptogamic ; l)o.snii .32 [See also Chemistry, Organic; Cacao; Cocoa; Coffee; Kola; Morphia; (,hiini!ie ; Tobacco.] Allegories, Religious - Danli's Pilgrim's Progress Dante, Alighicri C 23 P 1 I'ilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come. Bunvan, J. (i 20 P 15 f Saerod Tree Philpot, Mrs. J. H. G 3 U 23 Tower of Cosmos Forlong, (!. M(J 1 P 88 [See w/.so l^arablcs ; Religious Stories.] Allegory Kloiirishing of Koniance and tlie Rise of Allegory. Saintsbury, (!. J 27 i) 2 Alligators and Crocodiles — I'ishcrics and Fishery Industries of the United Stales. United States Com. of Fish and Fisheries .\ 10 T 1 t [See also Ci'ocodilia.] Alloys - Manufacture of Metallic Alloys (luettier, A. V. A 2.1 R 23 Rarer Metals and their Alloys; by W. C. R. -Austen. Smithsonian Institutiim, Rept., 1S96 .500 Work-shop Companion for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copi)cr-pIate Workers P.liu, L. .1. A 25 K, .34 Allusions, Dictionaries of. [See QiidtMlions.] Alluvium. I.SVv- (!('i)logy ; Ciolil tielils ; (Jnlii-iiiiiiiiig. | Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 701 Almanacs and Calendars — A'lelaiilc Almanac and South Australian Directory 319.42 Almanac and (Uiido, lSSr> Urowii, 1). K. Ml) 8 P 43, 44 Almanac de (iotlia S'll J?omliay Calciidar and Almanac 01"). 4" Border' Post Almanac Affleck, T. !)l!l.44 Caj)c of ( ioud Hope Almanac 9 1 6. 87 Ceylon Almanac 31."). 48 Colc'.'i Family Almanac Colo, K. W. 040 Courricr Australion, Almanarli du M.T 4 (^ 21 Kdiuljun,di Almanac Oliver and Boyd 314.1 lOniigi'ants' Almanack andCuidc to tlu; ( iold-ficlds M 1) 8 S "> Financial Reform Almanac 310 Hawaiian Almanac and Annual 319.0!) Hobart To wn Almanack 3 1 9. 4(1 Irish-Australian Almanac and Directory M(i 2 U 30-33 Lunar Almanac, 1 Doxat, H. A 30 U 27 Madras New Almanac 3 1 5.48 Moore's Australian Almanac Moore, J. J. 319.4 Natal Almanac, Directory, and Yearly Register 31(V84 Piigh's Almanac anil Queen.'-land Directory 319.43 Tlunnpson's Almanack and Encyclopedia 314.2 Walch's Tasmanian Almcnac Tasmanian Almanac 319.46 Weather Almanac Egcson, C. MA 5 R 18 Wellington Almanao ard Directory 919.31 Win taker's Almanac .' 14.2 World Almanac and Encyclopedia .'17.3 [See (i/.50 Chronology ; Nautical Almanacs ; Year-books.] Almshouses. [.SVe A.sylums, Benevolent; Charities; Poor-liiws ; Work-liouses.] Almucantir — Almucontir; by S. C. Chandler Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 17 522.19 Alphabets— Philology- Alphabets Strange, E.F. J 14 U 18 [iS'ce also Cuneiform Inscriptions ; Hieroglyphics ; Inscriptions ; Pakeography ; Writing ; and sub-heading Alphabet under each Language. ] Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms — Alphabets, Old and New Day, L. F. A 41 Q 24 Dymock's Book of Fancy Alphabets ... Shaw, H. S. M.\ 1 P 52 Monograms ami Ciphers Renoir, H. A IS Q -JO f ySce also Illumination — Fine Arts.] Alpine Plants. [_Sce Botany and Flora — New Zealand ; Botany and Flora — Switzerland.] Alps and Alpine Scenery — Alps and Pyrenees Hugo, V. M., Comto I) 18 Q 33 Alpine Memories . . Javellc, E. D 20 S 2G Climbing Reminiscences of the Dolomites Sinigaglia, L. D 18 V2."> Climbs of Norman-Nenula Norman-Ncruda, L. 1) 22 R 12 En Voyage: Alpes et Pyrenees... Hugo, V. M., Comte D 22 P 13 Glaciers of the Alps ..'..... Tyndall, .). A 24 T 27 Our Life in the Swiss Highlands Symonds, ,J. A. 1) IS Q 30 Scrambles in the Eastern (iraians Yeld, (1. 1)20S25 Sport in the Alps Grohman, W. A. B-. 1) 18 U Ki Two Seasons in Switzerland Marsh, H. D IS S 111 [See also Australian Alps; Mountaineering.] Alsace — History — La Question des Di-x YWXca Imperiales d' Alsace, 1648-80. Bardot, G. B 39 S 17 Altars — Ornaments of the Rubric Micklethwaite, .J. 'I'. (;,")T2() Alternation of Generations. [.sW- Bioloijy.] Altruism — Ethica; or, the Etliies of Reason Lauri Origin and (Growth of the Moral Instinct S. S. G9 W29 Sutherland, A. MG 2 V 9, 1(1 Thus Spake Zarathustra Nietzsche, F. (J 16 V 1.5 [See also Benevolence ; Charity ; Egoism ; Individualism ; Moral Philosophy; (Optimism; Socialism.] Aluminium - Aluminium ; its History, &c. ; with Bil)liography. Richards, J. W. A 31 Ij 21 [Sr:r' also CJIienn'stry, Inorganic] Amalgamated Society of Engineers— Amalgjtmatcd Society of Engineers, Rules F 12 S 17 Amana Society Histoi-y fif llie Aniana Society I'erkins, W . R. (; 19 T 2H Amateur Theatricals — Amateur Chilis and Actors Elliot, W. G. H 4 V 20 Comedies for Anuitcur Actors Matthews, , I. H. H 12 P (5 Amazon River - Poems of Claces Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P .'iO Vovagc of the U.S.S. IVilminr/lcn up tbc- .Ain.azon Hiver, IS! !), United States— Dept. of the Navy D 22 U 11 Ambassadors and Diplomatists — Barclay, Thomas, Scleetii ns from Correspondence o''... C 26 R 19 Hay, Sir .John Drumnior.d, Memoir of C 21 U 11 Murrav, Hon. Sir Char'cs, Memoir of ; by Sir H. Maxwell. C 25 R 1 Paget Papers, 17!)4-1807 ... Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A. C 21 U 3, 4 [See fiAiO Consuls and Consular Service; Diplomacy.] Amber-cane. [SW Sorgluims.] Ambiguity - Distinction an.l the Criticism of Beliefs... Sidgwick.A. (i 19 U 38 Ambulances and Ambulance 'Work — Aeci A incricanisms and Briticisms Matthews, .1. 1!. .1 I I; 47 .Vtlunlic Es.says Higginson, 'I'. W. .1 11 U2 l>ictionary of American Authors Adams, O. V. K 19 H 22 American Literature — General — contd. Initial Studies in American Letters Beers, H. A. J 14 \' 9 Introduction to tlie Studv of American Literature.. .Matthews, J. B. J 22 R 37 Literarv History of the American Revolution Tyler, il. C. J 14 S 25, 2;J New World and the New Book ... Higginson, T. \Y. J 22 R 32 Short Studiesof American Authors... Higginson, T. W. J 1 R 30 [See alfO Americanisms ; Canadian Literature ; Dramatic Litera- ture — American ; Fiction — American ; Poetry — American.] American Negroes — Army Life in a Black Regiment ... Higginson, T. W. C 19 T 22 Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro. HotTmann, F. L. F 4 V 21 Status of the Negro in Virginia during the Colonial I'eriod. West, G. M. F IS T 1 Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom. Siebert, \V. II. F IG Q 14 [See also Race Problems.] American-Philippine War — Filipino Martyrs Sheridan, R. B. B 40 U 2 Stor}- of tlie Spanish-American War anil the Revolt in the Philip- pines King. Lieut. W. N. D 49 P 14 J American-Spanish War, 1898 — American Cruiser in tlic East Ford, J. D. IJ 21 S 2 American-Spanish War Bl V 21 AmerioanNavyintheWarwithSpain Spears,.J.R. B 19R11 America's Foreign Policy Wolsey, T. S. F 16 S 3 Battles and Capitulation of Santiago de Cul la ; li\' Lieut. J. .MuUerv Tcjciro... UnitedStates— OthceofNavalluteliigcnce B 39 T 10 Blockailcs and Coast Defense; bv Capt. Severo Gomez Niincz. United States— Office of Naval Intelligence B 40 Q 1 Comments of Rear- Adm. Pliiddemann, (4ermau Navy, on the Main Features of the War with Spain U.S. — Dejit. of the Navy A 30 W lo Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns Davis, R.H. B 30 R !."> Downfall of Spain Wilson, H. W. B 41 Q 5 Elfcct of the (inn-fire of U.S. Ve-ssels in the Battle of Manila Bay ; by Lieut. Ellicott U.S.— Dept. of the Navy A 30 W 15 History Up to Date Johnstone, W. A. B 1 9 Q 20 Lessons of the War with Spain ... Mahan, Capt. A. T. F 16 U 9 New Pacific Bancroft, H. H. D 22 Q 14 Proclamations and Decrees during the War with Spain. United States— Dept. of State F 10 R .30 Rough-riders Rocsevelt, T. B 17 Q 34 Sinking of the Merrimac Hobson, R. P. B 19 Q 19 Sketches from tlie Spanish-American War; by Commander .1- United States— Dept. of the Navy A 36 W 15 Spanish-American War: Squadron Operations in the West Indies; by Rear- Adm. Cervera U.S. — Ofiice of Naval Intelligence B 40 Q 1 Story of the Spanish-American War and the Revolt in tlic I'hilip- piiiies King, Lieut. W. N. B 49 P 14 ♦ United States Revenue Cutter Service in the War with Spain. United States — Dept. of the Treasury B 41 S 4 United States Sanitary Commission, Bulletin, vols. 1,2 A 34 U 10 Views of Admiral Cervera regardiiiL' the Spanish Navy in the late War ... United Stales— Office of Naval Intelligence B 39 T 1 1 War in Cuba Atkins, J. P. B .'SO (,,» 12 War with Spain Lodj-e, H. C. I! .30 R 12 With Samjison through the War ... (Joode, W. A. M. B tl II 3 f.SVc hI.io Cuba— Ilistoiy; Philippine Islands.] American War, 1812— Barclrtv, Thomas, Selections from the ( 'urrcs]ninrlcnie of. C2(; R 19 Calhoun, .L C, Life of, 1811-43 C 20 T 4 History of American Privateers Maclay, E. S. B 40 P 3 Naval Actions of the War of 1812 Barnes. J B 10 V .30 Pictorial Field-book of 1812 Lossing, B. ,L B .39 T 18 Tnmpkins, Daniel D., (Jovernor of New Yoik, Pulilic Papers of isil7-17 New Vork— ni.storian B 41 S 5 Suli van. Admiral, Life and Letters of, 1810-90 C 22 Q 9 [Sec alio United States— History.] Snbjoct-Index to the Sti}:)2Aement(mj Catalogue — 189G-1900. 703 American War of Independence, 1775 83 — A-iieneaii Revolntion I''iski% J. 15 10 V M, 30 Amuiiain devolution, 170(J-7().-- 'I'l-cvelvan, Sir (I. (). H '20 '1' 3 Battle of Harlem Heights, 1770 Jolinstoii, II. 1'. 15 I'J R 2 Hlaiiil I'aiier.s lilaiid, CcjI. T. C 27 S 13 Buililing of the Empire Story, A. T. 15 Hi U V2, 13 Catalogue ile I'Kxposition Historiijue des Souvenirs Franco-Ameri- cains cle la (juerre de rindependaneo ('hicago Kxhib., 1,S!)3 K 1 1 R -21 Critieal Period of AmeiieanHistoiy, 17S3 S!),.. Fiske,.T. J5 17R17 Fitzgerald, Lord Kdward, Memoirs of; by T. Moore... C 23 R 4 Franklin, 15onjaniin; bj' E. Robins C 26 P 2 Frcncli V'olnntcer in tlie War of Independence. Pontgibauil, tJhev. de C 2:5 P 21 History of American Privateer.s Maclay, E. S. I! 40 P 3 History of the Poht Office Packet Service, 1 7i)3 - 1 8 1 .'>. Norway, A. H. 15 10 S 1.') Literary History of the American Revolution Tyler, M. C. ,) '14 S 2.1, 2o Madison, Dolly, Life of C 20 U 14 Manuscripts of the Karl of Dartmouth (it. Brit, and Irel. — Hist: MSS. Com., 14th Rept., vol. 2 942.07 Orderly-book of the Northern Army at Ticonderoga and Mt. Inde- pendence, Oct. 17tli, 177(>-Jan. Sth, 1777 15 28 T 17 PictoiialFicld-book of the Revolution... Lossing, 15., 1. 15 3!)T 10,17 Stiny of tlie Revolutiiin Lodge, H. (J. 15 2( IT 1 , 2 Theory of the Social Compact, and its Influence upon the American Revolution Fentoii, J. F. F IS R 2."> Warren, Mercy ; by Alice Brown C 20 U 2.) Washington Collection, Catalogue... Boston Athena-uni K 7 U 34 Washington, Martha C lit T bS Yorktown Campaign lohnston, H. P. B 33 R 10 [See also United States — History.] Americanisms — Americanisms and Briticisms Matthews, J. 15. .1 1 R 47 Americans- - 15eginnei-s li a Nation Eggleston, E. 15 17 Q 20 Jonathan and his Continent Bluuct, P. .1 2."i Q 38 Lanil of the Dollar .Steevens, (!. W. F 10 V 44 Ametabola — Natural History of Insects of Cliina. [See alto Entomology-.] Donovan, E. A 20 I! Ill f Smith, J. P. A 40 2 Kxpositor's Bible (I HI S 24 Ammonitoidea — Development of Lytoceras and Pliylloeeras [See also Cephalopoda ; PaU-eontology.] Ammunition — Sniii>lv and Expenditure of A^nnnunition ; by Capt. Balck — in Sele'ctcd Profes.sional Papers .. U.S.— Dept.of War A .30 W 1 Text-book for Military Small-arms and Annnnnition. V;t. Brit, and Irel. - War Office A ,30 R b". Treatise on Amnuniition (it. Brit, and Irel, — War Oliicc A 30 W S Amos— Old Testament— l5nok of the Iwelve Prophets... Amphibia. [See Batrachia.] Amphioxus — Examination of the Corpuscles of the Blood of Amjihioxus lanceulaius — in Scientific Memoix-s Huxley, T. H. A 40 .S 15 Amphipoda — Freshwater Amphipod from New Zealand; b}^ C. Cliilton. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1898 .^iOO.,') Xipharqui lulchdluf, a New Victorian Blind Amphipod; by O. A. Sayce Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1899 500 New^Amphipod from New Zealand ; by Dr. C. Chilton. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1897 .1i90.5 Specimens of AmphipodonsCrustaoea in theCoUcction of the British Museum ; byC. SpenceBate... BritishMuscum— NalnralHi.slory A 42 U 12 {See ft/.vo CaprcUida' ; Crnstacca ; Ganniarini.] Amulets — Evil Eye Elworthy, F. T. G 15 S 29 Religion of the Ancient Egyptians ... Wiedemann, A. (i 1 R 39 [>5cc «/.>!0 Magic ; Symbols; Witchcraft.] Amusements — Ethics of Amn.sements, and the Public Control of Amuscnicntn — ill, Women in .Social Life... Internal. Congress of Women, IH99 F17Q9 I'Vee Trade in Amusements -z« The Coming Individualism. Hake, A. E. F I R 22 [i^ce ato Amateur Theatricals; Billiarils; Boxing; (Jards ; Chess; Circus ; Coaching ; (Jem jnring ; Dancing ; Fencing ; Fiction ; ( lames; Mu.sic ; Opera; Palmistry; Recreation; .Sports; Theatre ; Ventrilocpiism. | Anabaptists — Connniuiism in Ci'iitral Einopc in the Time of the Reformation. Kautsky, K. C 23 S 2 [See also Baptists.] Anacropora- Madrcporarian (.'oials in llic 15iilish Mnscnm... Brilisli Museum — . X.itnral History "A 18 U 3 f [See also Corals. ] Anaemia — Heallli and Condition in the Active and the Sedentary. Davics, N. E. Y-. A 20 R 30 Pernicious Aniemia ; b}' Dr. S. Coupland m System of Medicine. AUbutt," T. C. A 26 'I" 3S Sjilcnic Ana'mia West, S. A 20 T 38 Anaesthesia — Ana-sthesia and An;cstheties—(« American System of Dentistry'. Litoh, W. F. A 31 S 3 Biological Experimentation... Ricluirdson, Sir 15. W. A 20 R 33 Birth and Death of Pain Mitcliell, S. W. A 17 R 2 t Influence of Ana'stlicsia upon Medical Science Welch, W. H. A 17 R 2t Relation of Ana'Stliesia and Obstetrics Reynolds, J. P. A 17 R 2 t Reminiscences of 1840 Davis, R. T. A 17 R 2 + Semi-Centeniiial of Aiuesthesia A 17 R 2 i" Simpson, Sir .Tames Young, and Chloroform C 23 R 12 Surgery before the Days of Ana'sthesia Ashhurst, .1. A 17 R 2 + Surgery of the Future McBurney, C. A 17 R 2 t What has Ana;sthesia done for .Surgery Cheever, D. W. A 17 R 2 t [.S'ce a/so Anrcsthetics; Surgery.] Anaesthetics — Anaesthesia and Amtstheties Litch, W. F. A 31 .S 3 Nitrous Oxide Guilford, .S. H. A 26 P 27 [See alxo An;vsthesia.] Analytical Chemistry — Acadcmie des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances, 120, 121 50G Analyst's Laboratory Companion Johnson, A. E. A 20 Q 39 Analj-tieal Methods for distinguishing between the Nitrogen of Proteids and that of tlu^ Simpler Amids or Amido-Aeids ; by Prof. J. W. Mallet ... U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry A 41 U lb Bromine Method of Estimating Sulphur in (raseous Compounds ; by Dr. W. P. Evans New Zealand Inst., Trans., 29 oOO Chemical and Physical (ieologv; by Prof. G. Bischof... Cavendish Society, Pubs. A 36 T 1-3 Chemical-Technical Analysis Ulzer, F. A 38 T 1 8 Chemistry of Coke Simmersbaeh, 0. A 24 P 28 Colonial Laboratory, N. Z. , Reports . . . N. Z. - Jlines and Mining 553 Commercial Organic Analvsis Allen, A. H. A 21 T 22-27 [Another Copy.] 3rd ed.'. Allen. A. H. A 32 S 2 Course of Practical Chemistry Muir, M. M. P. A 20 P .33 Engineering Chemistry " Stillman, T. B. A 38 U 1 Indicators and Test-papers Cohn, A. I. A 41 T .30 Manual of Chemical Analysis Newth, G. S. A 44 U 4 Notes on Assaying Ricketts, P. A 24 V 38 (Jxidation of Cane Susjar by Aqueous Solutions of Potassium Per- manganate: by W. H. (irccn...Roy. Soc., Vict.. Proc, 1898 50G (Jxidation of ilercury in Air and Water ; also, of Iron in Alkaline Solution; by W. Skey New Zealand Inst., Trans., 29 506 704 JPublic Library of New South Wales. Analytical Chemistry— croiA/. Piisitioii tliat ('yanogen luilils in relation to the Simple Radicals, anil its inability to coniliiue with iSilvei- or (Jokl ; by W. Skey, \fw Zealand Institute, Trans., 'JU 500 Scientitic Foundatious of Analytical Chemistry... Ostwald, W. A --'l R 4-2 Sewage Analysis Wanklvn, J. A. A 20 t>> 27 Steel Works Analysis Arnold, J. 0. A 21 Q 12 Volumetric Analysis Sutton, F. A 21 U 20 [.See f(/ FisliiMj,'.] Anglo-Indian Terms and Phrases - List of Indian Terms with tlu'ir Englisli l",c|nivalents ;'« Indian Frontier Warfare Vcmngliusiiand, Capt. G. J. B 29 U 10 Anglo-Israelism - (ireat Pyr.unid Lagrange, C. G 12 V 2 Anglo Norman Literature. [See Enfjll.sh Literature.] Anglo-Saxon History, [.s'-v' l';iii,dand - History— Early.] Anglo-Saxon Language Comparative Giiumnar of tlie Anglo Saxiin Language. Marcli, V. A. .T 14 S 22 First Bonk in Old English Cook, A. S. J 12 Q 21 Suhject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 705 Anglo-Saxon Literature — Anglo Saxon IJIniatiiir Eai'Ic, Rev. J. ,124 8 42 Jionwulf; lieraiisgfgfhi'ii von A. Hulilcr H lli V 5 7 Crawford Collection of J'Jarly Cliartcis; hy A. S. Napier. Anecilota Uxonieusia, Meil. ser. , 7 33;J Elene Cynewulf H 12 T 1.", King Alfred's Old English Version of Boethiu.s. . . Hoelliius, A. M. S. J 2:? S 20 Ornuiluni, The; witli X(pteK and lllos.sary l>v Dr. White .. Orniin H 1:JT(), 7 Tale of Beowulf ; tran.=. hy Morris and Wyatt. . . Beowulf H 1 2 R 1 [See also Old English Language; and under Alfred tlielJreat, Beowulf, Csedmon, Cynewulf in Aut'ior Catalogue.] Anglo-Saxons — Anglo-Saxon l)re: s and Food; hy Prof. Hodgetts... InlerMational Health Exhibition, 18«4, Lit., !) A 4! V 5 Anglo-Saxon Lwellings; liv I'rof. Hodgetts International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., :( A 41 U 111 Anglo-Saxon Superiority Demolins, E. F 1.") S 2 Angola — General and Descriptive — ■ Universal (ieography Reelus, E. 1)21 U l.'J Angora Goat — Angora (ioat Cronwright-Sehreiner, S. C. A 40 V 5 Anguillulidse. [See Nematodes.] Aniline Dyes- Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours Benedikt, R. A 23 P 20 [See also Coal-tar; Cohmrs and Cohiuring; Dyes and Dyeing.] Animal Foods. [.SV«? Food ; ]\Ieat ; Vegetarianism.] Animal Industry, United States Bureau of Outlines of the WorU, Rules and Regulations in Annual Re])ort.'. United States — Dei)t. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Lidustry ()?G [See also under United States — Dept. of Agriculture — Bureau of Animal Industry, in Author Catalogue.] Animal Intelligence. [See In.stinet.] Animal Lore - Beast and Man — in India Kipling, J. L. A 40 V 10 Red Book of Animal Stories Lang, A. J 12 R 22 Animal Magnetism. [See Hypnotism.] Animal Mechanism and Locomotion — Animal as a Prime Mover; hy R. H. Tliurston Smithsonian Institution, Repts., l,S!)(i .10(1 Animals in Motion Muybridgo E. A 1 9 S (j | Bipedal Locomotion among existing Lizards : hy W. Saviile-Kent. International Congress of Zoology, Proe.", 1S!)S A 35 W 14 Du concours necessaire de la physiologic et de I'anatomie coniparee pour la eonnaissance de la locomotion anim,^le ; par I'rof. Marev. International Congress of Zoology, Proc, ISDi A ,35 \V 14 [See also Physiology- Genera!.] Animal Painting - Barl_)er, Charles IJurton, Works of Wolf, J., Animal Painter, Life of A17T:!t C22gi Animal Plagues. [See Cattle Plagues ; Diseases of Ani- mals ; Veterinary Science; and under names of specific diseases.] Animal Products — Animal Resources of the United States; by ft. B. Goode— (h Bulletins 6, 14, United States National Museum... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, L3, 23 508 [See also Fats and Oils; and under each Product.] Animalcules. [See Acalephs?; Aetinozoa; CVelenterata : Ctenophora; Echinodermata ; Foraminifera; Hydrozoa; Infusoria; Polyps; Protozoa: lladiata; Khyzopoda; Rotif era ; Sponges. ] 4u Animals General. [,S'«« Animal-lore: Animal Mechanism; Animals, Worship of; Cruelty to Animals; Diseases of Animals; Domestication; Instinct and Animal Intel- ligence; Natural History; Physiology —Comparative; Veterinary Science; Vivariums; Zoology; and under each Animal.] • — J/i/(/iene, Feedim/, and Trealment. [See Cruelty to Animals; Diseases of Animals; Feeding Experiment.s.] Animals and Plants in Mythology. [See Animal-lore; Plant lore.] Animals, Worship of— Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. 23 R .34 Egyptian Magic Budge, Rev. E. A. W. (J 2.5 P 20 Religion of the Ancient Egyptians ... Wiedcinami, A. G 1 R 3'J [See. also Religions, Primitive; Serpent Worship.] Ankerite - Ankerite from Sandhurst ; liy L)r. T. Cook.sey... Australian Museum Records, 3 507 Annelida — Annelida Polyclucta of Beaufort, North Carolina; by Dr. K. A. Andrews ITnited States - National Museum A 37 S 50 Biitish Annelids; bv Dr. A\'. C. Mcintosh... Ray Soc, Pubs., 1898 .590.6 Formes cpitoques des Annelides, ct en particulier dcs Cirratuliens ; par MM. Mesnil et Ca uUery ... Intcrnat. (Congress of Zoology, Proc. If- 98 A 3.-. W 14 Hermajihrodite and Fisiparous Species of Tuhicolar Annelid -in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Rf'sultats Scientifiques de la Campagne du Camlnn ... Kichlcr, R. A 31 S 30 [,SVi> f(/.so Cluetopoda ; Cinatulus ; Earthworms; Helmintology.] Annuals. [See General Information, 'Works of ; Year- books.] Annuities- Tables of Interest and Mortality Inwoud, W. F8Q8 [S( c (il.-io Insurance — Life] Annulosa — Vascular Svstem of the Lower Annulosa in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S lo [See also Arthrjpoda.] Anonyms. [A'w P.seudonvms and Anonyms.] Antarctic Regions and Voyages — Antarctic and Southern Exploration; by Hon. P. G. King. Australasian A.ssoe. , Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1898 506 Antarctic Exploration; by Major Boyd Royal Geog. Soc, AuKt.", tilucensland Br., Proc, i89.")-96 910.0 . Antarctic Exploration ; liy E. Du Faur... Roval Geog. Soc. , Aust., N. S. Wales lir.. .Journal, 1891-92 910.(i Antarctic Exploration ; by A. Msiult... Roval Societv, Tasmania, " Papers, 1894-9.") .506 Antarctic Regions Frieker, K. D 22 S 10 Antarctic Regions; by C. W. Purnell Mclb. Rev., .5 0.52 Antarctic Research ; by Major-Gen. IL Schaw New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895 .506 Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A 19 S 16 Brief Survey of Antarctic Exploration... Roy. Geog. Soc. of .Aus- tralasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 12, 13 910.6 Cruise of the Antarctic to the SoutI, Polar Regions ... Bull, H. .J. D ISU 15 Notes on Antarctic Rocks... Roy. ,Soc., N..S.W., Jouni., 29 .506 Proposed Antarctic Expedition: hv .F. .J. Wild Roval (ieog. .Soc, Aust., N. S. Wales Br., .Journal, lS91-i>2 910.6 South Polar Problems; by H. S. (iritiiths Royal Geog. Soc, Aust., Victorian Br., Trans., 18-85-86 910.6 Southern Cross Antarctic Expedition ; hy ,Sir G. Newncs. Strand Magazine, 1890 052 Surviving Refugees in Austral Lands of Ancient Antarctic Life. Roy. >Soc, N.S.W., Journ.. 29 506 Through the First Antarctic Night,1898-99 Cojk, F. A. I) 22 T 5 [.S^(C also Arctic Regions.] 706 Tuhlic Library of New South Wales. Antechini — Tasmanian Antechiui anrl MiiriilK; by E. F. Higgins ami W. V. Puttenl Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1882 506 Anthems. [See Church Music ; Hymns.] Anthozoa. [See xVctinozoa; C(dciiterata; Corals; Pulyjis.] Anthracite. [.SV-e Coal.] Anthrax — Antlnax United iStatcs— Dcpt. of Agr. -Bareau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1897 0o6 Anthrax ; liy Dr. J. H. Bell — ;'« System of Medicine. Allliutt, T. C. A 2G T 35 Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 4U P II Experiments on Animals Paget, iS. A 45 R, 5 Leaflets (it. Brit, and Irel.— Board of Agr. A 21 V .S Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Prevalence of Anthrax among Domesticated Animals U.S. — Dept. of Agr.— -Bureauof Animallndu.stry, Rcpt., 1894 036 Protective Inoculation against Antluax ; bv Dr. Tidswell. Agricultural (Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 [See aUo Bacteriologj- ; Diseases of Animals. ] Anthropological Periodicals. [S^,- Aiithrojiuk),i,'y — Periodicals.] Anthropological Societies. [Sec Autluopulogy — 80- ciftii-s.] Anthropology — General — American Association for Advancenu'.nt of Science, Proe. ... 506 Antln-opological Studies Buckland, A. W. A 27 R 34 Anthropology Stirling, E. U. MA 3 R 63 Anthropology; by R. Helms Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 16 506 Anthropology and Medicine Beddoc, J. A 26 T .34 Australasian Association for Advance, of Science, Rept., 6... 506 British Association for Advance, of Science, Rept., 1895 500 Fall of Man and Anthi-opology — in \\'arfare of Science with Theology White, A. D. 3 U 17, 18 < heat Rift Valley Gregory, J. W. D 14 V 22 . Handwiirterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologic, mid Etlinologic. Enoyklopiodia der Naturwissenschaften A 42 (} 1-7 ili.storv of the Human Family ; by Rev. R. Tuck- /« Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 History of the Transactions of the Antlnopological Society of T'aris, 1865-67 Smiths. Inst. Report , 1 808 506 L'Idee do Dieu Alviella, Comte (4. d' C 4 T 16 Introdnction to tlicHistory of Religion... Jevons,F.B. (i 15 1139 Kimlrcd Group Marriage i« Chances of Dcatli Pcar.son, K. A 37 R to Making of Religion Lang, A. G 23 S 30 Man, Past and J^resent Keane, A. H. A 27 S 29 Modem Mythology Lang, A. B .34 R 14 Natives of Sarawak and Briti.sh North Borneo Roth, H. L. A 31 Q 27, 21 Pliysi^l History of Man Prichard, J. C. A 27 S 3 PreliLstoric Man and Beast... Hutcliinson, Rev. H. N. A 30 (J 23 I'rehistoric Problems Munro, R. A 19 U 15 Races of Man Deniker, J. A 27 S 32 Kaccsof Man; by Dr. C Pickering U.S. — ICxploring ICxpcd. A 31 (I 3 X Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmalia. .Munro, R. B16T23 Remains of Later Prehistoric Man ; byW. H. Dall... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 22 508 Science and Faith To))inard, P. A 27 S 31 Science of Humanity; by W. .J. McGce American Assoc., Advance, of Science, I'roc., 1897 506 Some First Slips in Human Progress Starr, F. A 33 S 19 .Studies in Anciinv History M'Lennan, J. F. V 14 U 33 'I'nie Basis of Antliropology— /n Chips from a German Workshop. Midler, F. M. J 22 Q 3 UnlrodJcu Fields of .Anthropology... "French Army Surgeon, A" Libr. Anthropology — General — contd. Varieties of the Human Species: by Prof. G. Scrgi... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 3H .508 {Stc t(7,so Aborigines of Australia ; Abnormities; Ainos; Anthro- pometry ; Archajology ; Aryans ; Bronze Age ; Civilization ; Craniology ; Degeneration ; Development ; Dwarfs ; Ethno- graphy ; Ethnolog\' ; Evolution; (iiants ; Gypsies; Heredity; Indians, American ; Industries, Primitive ; Iron Age ; Lake- dwellers ; Malayan Races ; Man, Antiquity of ; Man, Natural History ; JIaoris ; Mongols ; Negroes ; Papuans : Primeval ilan ; Primitive Societj- ; Rock-carvings ; Sign Language ; Stone Age ; Totemism ; Troglodytes ; and under each Race of Mankuul.] Addresses, Essays, Lectnres — Essays on Museums and other Subjects connected with Natural History Flower, Sir W. H. A 41 R 1 Jftiseiinis and Collections — ^Vddress by C. H. Read, President of Section of Anthropology. British Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1899 .506 ■ Periodicals — - American Anthropologist 572 Australian Anthropologist 572.994 Science of JIan , 572 Zeitschrif t f iir Ethnologic 572 Societies — Anthropological Inst., Gt. Biit. and Iicl., Journal 572 Anthropological Society, Washington, Trans Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 25, 34 508 . By Countries. [See Ethnology — By Countries.] Anthropometry — .\Htlnupunutrir Lalioratorv; by F. Galton... International Health Exhib. Lit., 1884, 19 A41VI5 Anthropometric Measurements ; liy Surgeon P. Brown— »» Report, U.S. Delegates to Internat. Prison Congress, 1S95 United States — Dept. of State 3(i5 Dcciplicrment of Blurrcil Finger-prints... Galton, F. A 29 V 23* Experimental Study of Children, including Anthropometrical and Psvcho-physical Meastu'ements of Washington Srhool Children. United States -Bureau of Education, Rept., 1S97-98 379.73 Internat. Cong, of Hygieneand Demography, Trans., 10... (114. 06 Signaletic Instructions .. Beitillon, A. F 13 T 19 [.S'ee alxo Bcrtillon Sj'Stem; Identifieation of Criminals.] Anthropophagy. [See Cannibals.] Anti-Corn Law Struggle. [See Com Laws.] Anti-Semitic Movement. [See Jews.] Anti-toxiue. [See Scrums and Scro-thci-a,py.] Antilles — General and Descriptive — rnivorsal Geography Reclus, 10. 1)21 V 17 Antiquarian Periodicals. [See .\rch:oology — Periodicals.] Antiquarian Societies. [.S'w Aicha'ology- Societies; His tory Societies.] Antiquarians. [See Arcluvoloi,nsts.] Antiquities. [Set- .VnlKmlogy.] By Countries. [.See Arclneology — By Countries.] Antiquity of Man. [See Jlan, ,\ntliiuity of.] Antiseptics — .\iilisipsis and Asepsis; by Di. ■!. W. \\'hitc — »> Practical Tliera- pentics .' Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Aseptic Snigcry Loekwood, C. B. A 26 R 28 [.S'cc also Disinfoctiim and Disinfectants; Medicine — Dictionaries; (Jbatctries; Preserving and Preservatives; Surgery.] Subject-Index to the Supplementcmj Catalogue — 1800-1900. lot Antonyms. [See Synonyms.] Antrim- - (Sfnc.nd and DeserijHive — Jligliwa3's anil Byways in Donegal ami Antrim . ,. Clwynii, S. U21 S 1 Ants— Biologic Relations butwucu Plants anil .\nU; liy Ui'. lli'ini. Smithsonian Institution, Hc]>ts. , 18% .'>0(i Formicida; of Mackav, Quecnslaml ; liy (i. Tunicf... Linncan Soc, N. S. Wales, Proo., 18'J7 ")8().() HanntsanilHo!)liicsofauInilianOHii'ial... Thornliill.M. I) V.i S ;i Honey Ants of Ccntial Australia... Fioggatl, \V. \V. MA 3 H (U Notes on Meridional Anthills of the Cape York PcTiinsula; by H. L. Jack Royal .Society, Queensland, I'roe. , 12 oOl! [See alxo Kntoniology ; Het3rogyna ; Hymenoptera ; Insects; Termites; White Ant-'.] Aorta — Diseases — Diseases of the Heart and Aorti Palfour, (1 [See also Arteries; Heart.] \V. A 40 P Apes — Anthropoid Apes ; 1)y Mr. Duckworth ... International Congress of Zoology, Proe., 1S!)8 A 3.5 W 14 Gorillas and Chimpanzees Garner, R. L. A 30 R ")! [See also Jlonkeys ; Pithecanthropus erectus.] Aphasia — Aphasia, and otlier Speech Defects Bastian, H. ('. A 38 S 7 Aphasia, anil other Speech Defects ; by Dr. A. Bastian — in System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 'ifi T 40 [See also Pathology ; Speech, Organs of ; Voice] Aphides — A"ainie Rci)roilu< tion and Alorphologv of A)ihis — in Seicntific Alcmoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S Hi [iSVe also Entomology, Economic; Insects, Injurious; WooUv Blight.] Aphis lanigera. [,S'e« Aphides; Apples juul Ajiple-grow- ing ; Woolly Blight.] Aphorisms. [See Epigrani.s ; Maxims; Proverlis; Quota. tinils.l Aphritis — Aphritis, C. V. ; by .T. D. Ogilby. Liniu^an Soeietj% N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 -jSO.Ci [See al^o Ichthyology — Australasia.] Apiculture. [See Bees and Bee-farming.] Apidse — British Bees in the Collection of tlie British Museum ; 1)3- F. Smith. British Museum — Natural History- A 43 T 1 [.See also Bees and Bee-farming ; Hymenoptera.] Apocalypse. [See Revelations.] Apocrypha. [See Author Catalogue, under Bililes and Testaments — Apocrypha, for Texts ; aho under Acts of Pilate; Canon of Scripture, in the Index.] Apologetics - All iphrcn; or, llie Minute Philo.«.)pher - in Works. Berkeley, Bishop (i Ifl P .>"> Apologetics ; or, Christianity Defensi vol}' Stated. ..Bruce, Rev. A. B. G-24R.S0 Bible in the Light of To-day Croslegh, Rev. C. G 10 T 10 Defenders of the Faith Watson, Rev. F. (i 20 P 10 Foundations of theCrced Goodwin, Bishop (i 23 T 40 Ili.story of Early Christian Literature Kriiger, (!. G 24 Q 18 [See a/so Christian Evidences; Miracles.] Apologists — Intellectual Development Crozier, .J. B. (! 17 Til Apoplexy — Apoplexv; by Dr. C. K. Mills— !K Praetieal Therapeutics. Hare, If. A. A 31 P 10 [See alio lirain.] t Apostasy Dc Aposiasia Wyclif Society Pubs., 12 G 23 T 27 Apostles and Apostolic Church — Apo.stolic Ago of the Christian Church Weiz.siicker, C. von G 23 T o, Apostolic Christianity ?« Intellectual Development... Crozier,. I. B. G 17 Til Apostolic Interpretation --!« Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. (). G 1 (,! 23, 24 Constitutional Antl.oritv of Bishops in the Catholic Church. Wirgman, Rev. A. T. (! 24 Q 10 Dawn of Christianity Vedder, H. C. {J0W22 Footprints of the Apostles Luckock, Dean G 19 U .30, 37 History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age. McGiliert, Rev. A. C. G 11 R .38 Om Apostolatcts begrcb og Oprindelse af Dr. S. Odland. Norway -Det Kgl. Norske Frcderiks Universitct G 23 V 20 St. Peter and the First Years of Christianity ... Fouard, Abbii C. G 1 U 42 Teaching of the Apostles Bibles and Testaments — Codices G 23 V-20 [See also Christianity — Historj'; Ecclesiastical History; Fathers of the Church; Patristic Literature.] Apostles' Creed — Creeilless Gospel Satterlec, Rev. D. H. Y. G 12 V 7 Foundations of the Creed (ioodwin. Bishop G 23 T 49 [See also (Jreods.] Apostolic Succession- Apostolic Succession Brown, Rev. .J. <; 23 S 14 Constitutional Authoritj- of Bishops in the C'atholic Church. Wirgman, Rev. A. T. G 24 Q 10 [See i!?.so Church of England ; Ecclesiastical History; Episcop.irj- ; Roman Catholicism ; Tlieology, Pastoral.] Apothecaries. [See Pliarmacj'.] Apparatus, Scientific. [See sub-heading Teaching under oaeh 8rii-nee.] Apperception. f.SVv- Knowledge, Tlieory of.] Apparitions — Miracles and Modern Spiritualism ... Walhce, A. R. (;i4S3i Natural and .Supernatural .Jones, . I. (JlOTll Theory of Pneumatology .. Stilling, J. H. .1. G 14 U 14 [.See also Clairvoyance; Denionology ; (ihosts; Hallucinations; Magic; Jliracles; Spiritualism; Superstition.] Appendicitis — Peritonitis ; by Dr. R. Park — in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P !."> Peritonitis and Appendicitis; bj' Dr. G. R. Fowler— 1« Practic^rl Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Appendicularia — Appciulicularia and Doliolum, two (Jenera of the Tunieata— in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Structure of Appendicularia flabdlnm— in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 1.5 [.See also Tunieata.] Appledore, New Hampshire — sketches from Concord and A])pledore... .Stearns, F. P. D10Q3 Apples and Apple-growing — Agricultural Gazette, Tasmania, 1897 G30..5 The Apple; by J. C. Cole ... Victoria— Agr. , Rept., 1874 030.fi Apple and Pear Conference, Report... Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour.. 10 G34 Apidc Scab— 1« Injuriouslnsects, 6, 7. . . Agi-. Exp. .Stns. A 38 Q 0, 7 Apjde Scab ; bj- T. W. Kirk — in Leaflets for Gardeners, 22. New Zealand— Agriculture MA 3 R 7-5 7j3 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Apples and Apple-growing — contd. Cause ami Prevention of a Fungous Disease in the Apple. Connecticut — Agr. p^xper. Station, Rejit., 1897 630.7 Four Diseases of the Apple — /« Injurious Insects, 7... Agr. Exper. / Stations A 38 Q 7 Iowa— State Agricultural Society, Report, 1891 G30.G Pamphlets on Fruit-growing Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 3.") Ripe Rot, or Bitter Rot of Apples — in Injurious Insects, 6. Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Rotting of Apples, Report Victoria-^ Agriculture- Uuides to (Jrowers, 30 MA 3 V 13 [See al/so Cider ; Codling Moth : Entomologj-, Economic ; Fruit- growing ; Insects, Injurious : Plant Diseases ; Pomology ; Scale Insects; Spraying; Woolly Bliglit.] Apprentices and Apprenticeship — Law of Master and Servant Parkyn, E. A. F 15 S 1 Apricots — Apricot Culture ; by A. H. Benson... Agr. (iaz., N.S.W., 7 030.5 Aquariums — Hand lio'ili to the Auuariuni, Exliihition Buildings, Melbourne. Sherrard, J. E. MA 1 U 1-2 [.%e aAso Alg;c ; Fislies ; Marine Zoi'dogy ; Zoology— Laboratories. ] Aquatic Gardening and Plants. [See Algie; Desmids; J )i;itijinace;e ; Pt'lugit.- Botany.] Aquatics. [.SVe Boating; 8\vinniiing; Yachting.] Aqueducts. [See Hydraulic Engineering; Water .Supply.] Arabia — Gennvol and Descriptive — Arabia, the Cradle of Islam Zwemer, Rev. S. M. 1) 13 R l'-' Ride through Western Asia Bigliani, C. 1) !l> T 17 Soutlieni Arabia Bent, T. 1) -ii R 23 Universal (ioography Reclus, E. 1)21 V i^ History — Sliort History of the Saracens Ali, Ameer Syed B 2.") P 13 Sketches from Eastern History Nr.ldeUe,' 'i'. V, 12 U 30 Arabic Literature — Araliic Books in the Biitisli Mubcum, 1 T.rilish Museum K 8 S 7 t Dcnkwiirdigkeiten von Asien ... Diez, H. V. von B 10 R 20, 27 Glaser'sche Samniluug arabiscliei- Handscliriften Berlin - Kouigliclie I'.ibliothek K 7 S 45 Heaven and Hell, in Arabic Swedenborg, E. (! 11 R 33 Landberg'sche Sammlung arabischer Handsclniftcn ... lierlin - KCmigliclie Bibliolhck K 7 S 40 Supplement to the Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Britisli Museum Brilisli Museum K 13 \V (> f Vcrzeichniss der Arabischen Handscliriften; von W. Aldwardt. Berlin -Koniglichc IJibliothck K 1! U t Arabs — Sketches from Eastern History N'ildcl;c, T. I! 12 U .30 [.SVe 'i/.vo Arabi.a ; Arabic Literature.] Arachnida — Vrachnidan Fauna of Australia; 1)V W. J. R;iinbow Linnean S.«iety, N.S.W., Proc., 189(i 5S0.(> Araehnidan Fauna of Funafuti J by" W. .J. Rainbow... Australian Mu.seum MA 3 W 22 Araehnidan Fauna of New fluinoa; by W. J. Rainbow. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 580.0 Arachnides de Belgique; par Leim Becker Belgium -Musce Royal d'Histoire Nalurelle de Belgique A 40 T 21, 22 * Natural History of Insects of Cliina .. Donovan, E. A 20 K 10 t [.S't'c n/ioAcarina; Araneid.e; Arthr.)gastra; Sc.)rpio:is; Spiders. ] Araneldse - • Arano;e from Africa Simon, E. II20U21 Arancidx- of Central Australia... Hogg, H. R. MA 3 R (il Araneidan Fauna of Santa Cruz ; by W. .1. Rainbow Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 5S0.li Description of a new Araneiad; by W. .1. Rainbow ... Austrdlian Museum Records, Vol. 3, No. 4 507 New Araneidie of New South Wales; by W. .J. Rainbow. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1895, 1896 .5.S0.6 Araneidse — contd. New Araneidie of New South Wales; by W. J. Rainbow. Annals and Mag. Nat. History, 16, 6th ser. 590.5 Range of Vision in some Araneid* ; by W. .J. Rainbow. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 506 Scorpions, Pedipalpi, and Spiders; by R. I. Pocoek— »i Zoological Results WiUey, A. MA 4 V 3 Spiders from Queensland: by H. R. Hogg .".. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1898 506 Spiders of Burma in the British Museum ; l>v T. Tliorell... British ■ Museum A .38 P 12 Spiders of Victoria; hv H. R. Hogg Roval Society. Victoria, Proc, 1900 506 [See a?.50 Arachnida ; Scorijions; Spiders.] Ararat — Transcaucasia and Ararat Bryce, J. D 18 S 19 Arbitration and Conciliation — Anglo-American Ar1>itration in VariousFragments... Spencer,H. (\ 23 S 3 Arbitrations — i/< Profession of a Chartered Accountant. Pixley, F. W. F 13 Q .33 Australasian Democracy' Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Boards of Conciliation and Arbitration --('« Civilization of our Day Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Christ's Law for the Settlement of Controversies —in Christianity and Social Problems Abbott, L. G 19 U 23 Conference between the Steamship Owners' Association anil the Federated Seamen's Union, Report Steamship Owners' Association of Australasia MF 4 Q 49 Economics of Arbitration New Zealand -Dept. of Labour, Journ., 1895 331.8 I'oreign Reports ... (U. Brit, and Irel. Labour F 39 V 52, 54 X National Association, Promotion of Social Science, Transactions. F 15 T 1-U 9 Nova Scotia Arbitration Act . . . New Zealand Dept. of Labour, .Journ., 1S95 331.8 Position and Prospects of Industrial Conciliation in Ii'.conomie .Science and Practice Price, L. L. F. R. F 10 V 30 Power and Duty of an Arbitrator Russell, F. F 1 U 28 Proceedings uniler the (.'oneiliation Act, 1896, Report. (!t. Brit, and Irel.— Board of Trade ,331.1 Relations between Industrial Conciliation and .Social Reform in Economic Science and Practice... Price, L. L. F. R. V 10 V 30 Royal Commission ou Labour, Fifth Report... (it. Brit and Irel. Laljour F 39 V 33, 34 ♦ Colorado— State Board of Arbitration, Report .'131.1 Mas.sachusetts— State Board of Arbitration, Report .331.1 Ohio— .State Board of Arbitration, Rt...01iio — Ann. Repts. 32.S.771 Strikes and Lock-outs, Report (it. Brit, and Irel.— Labour Dept. F ,39 V 20 % [.s'lc ftto Arbitration, International ; Capital and Labour ; Labour (Question — Laws; Master and Servant ; Strike;-.] Arbitration, International — Arliitialioii Ticaty /« Century of Science ... Fiskc, .T. A 45 S 2 America and lanii|ic: a Stuily of International llclations. V i V 30 (Joricspondence Ijctwecn the (iovcrnmciits of Croat Britain and the United .States witli respect to Proposals for .Arliitralinn. tit. Brit, and Irel.- United States F 40 V 22 J Herahl of Peace 172.4 International Arbitration MF 1 P 20 International Arbitration in American Contributions to Civiliza- tion Eliot, C. W. Y 13 R .'13 International Courts of Arbitration Baleh, T. V 5 P .32 National Association, Promotion of Social Science, Transactions. F 15 T 1 U 9 Tribunal of .Vrbitration, Bering Sea Fisheries, Procoeilings. United States -Fur Seal Arbitration F 3 U 2 15, 17 [.S'ce (t/»o " Alabama," The ; Behring Sea Fisheries; Disarmament; (ieneva .\rliitration ; InternatioiuU Law.] Arbor-day — .\rlior-day; its Histoi'y and Observance; by N. H. Egleston. United States Dept. of Agricidture A .')7 S .14 Pamphlets on Forestry Agr. Exper. .Stations A 38 R 3(l [.S'cc aiso Forestry.] Sahjecl-Iiidex to the Supplementary Calolofjue — 1890-10O0. 709 Arboriculture. [S-'fl Forcstiy ; Fi-uit-iirowiii^'.] Archaeologists ~ ,Mi'iiiciiii-s (if :iii Old OjUootor ... Tyskie\vi<-z, Count M. C 20 P .'> Hunan, ICni&st, Life of C 2.'! S 10 Archaeology— General — Anti((Ur (icnis and Hinj;.s King, C. W. A 45 V 7, 8 Aruluuolugia ., Society of Antiquaries of London !)!.'! ArcliiBoIogy (ientlenian's Magazine Lilirary B 32 U .">, Cuiio.sities of Olden Times (iould, S. 15-. J Iti li 10 Memories of an Old Collector ... Tyskiewicz, Count M. C 2t) I' 5 Prehistoric Proi)lems Munro, R. A 19 U 1") [See rdxo Abbeys; Amulets; Antbropoloi^y ; Arcliitcclural An- tiquities; Arms and Armour; Alliens; Biblical Arclneology ; Brasses; Bronze Age ; Castles; Catacombs; (Jatlicdrals ; Cliris- tian Art ; Classical Dictionaries; ('lid' Dwellings; Coins; Ois- tume • Customs; Egyptology; Epitaphs; Ethnology; Eolk-hirc; Heraldry ; Hieroglyphics ; Indians, American ; Inscriptions ; Iron Age; Lake-dwellers; Mounds; Mythology; Numismatics; Pageants ; I'aheography ; Poniijeii ; Pottery ; Pyramids ; Rome ; .Sculpture ; Seals ; Signs ; Stone Age ; Stonehenge ; Super- stition ; and the names of Ancient ('ountrics and Places.] • Dictiotiarins — Harper's Dictionary of Classic, d Literature and Auti(|uities. Peck, 11. 'J'. K 15 U 23 Periodicals — American Anticjuarian 913.7 American Journal of Archa'ology Arclucological Institute of America 913.7 Anticpiarian Magazine and Bibliographer B 37 8 9-20 Archaeological Review. [.See Folk-lore under this heading.] 398 Folk-lore Folk-lore Society 39< Palatine Note-book B 24 U 1-4 Societies — Arelia'ologia Society of Antiquaries of London 913 Arelueologia Cambrcnsis ... Cambrian Aichieolog. Assoc. 913.42 Arolueologia Cantiana Kent Art^lueological Society 91 3.42 Bulletin Monumental 913.44 Connnission Imjicriale Archeologiiiue, Compte-rendu, 1859-Sl. B (i T S 28 } Royal Asiatic Society, Oreat Bi-itain and Ireland, Journal... 9;">l) Society of Biblical Arclueology 220. 93 By Coantries. Algeria — Roman Africa Eoissicr, C. P, .^5 Q 14 America — Ancient America Baldwin, J. B. B IS S 12 [.Sec aho L^uitcd States under this heading. J Asia Minor — Assluir and the Laud of Ximrod R.assam, H. B 39 Q 10 Asshur — Asshur and the Land of Nimrod Rassam, H. !> 39 1^1 10 Assyria — /Egyplischc und Vorder-a.siatisclie Altcrthiimer Berlin — Kiinigliches Museum B 47 P Hi t Asshur and the Laud of Nimrod Rassam, H. 15 39 () 10 Assyria from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Nineveh. .. Smith, ( ;. B 27 P 9 fJuide to the Exhibition Galleries ... British Museum A 39 \" 17 Hittites. and their Language... Cornier, Lt.-Col. C. R. 15 33 P 4 Tell El-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum, with Autotyjie Facsimiles British Museum J 18 R Hi t [.S'ec also Architecture - Assyria ; Assyrian Language and Litera- ture.] Athens - Catalogue des Bronzes lrou\cs sui- rAcrojjole d'Ath^nes. Bidder, A. de A .30 V 1. 2 Mvthologv and Monuments of Ancient Athens Pausanias B 27^17 Archaeology— Babylon — A-^shur aii.l Ihc Land of Nimrod Rassam, H. B 39 Q 10 ( uncif.jnn Texts fr(iin iSabvloiiian Tablets in the British .Museum. British Museum J 8 S 25, 20 t (iiuilc to the Exhibition fJalleries... British Museum A 39 V 17 Nipijur; or, Exploiations and Adventures on the F^uplirates. Peters, .L P. D 17 T 30 Belgium Bulletin d.'s Cunnuissions Ko^-ales d'Art et d'Archcologie. Belgium 913.493 La Veritc sur le Ooedendag Maldergliem, J. van B 17 U 20 Bosnia I'.ambles ,ind Studies in Bosnia- Herzegovina and Dalmatia. Munro, R. B 10 T 23 Central Asia — British Collection of Antiquities from Central Asia Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1899 954 Ceylon — Archaeological Survey of Ceylon, Reports... Ceylon — Parliament, Papers .328.r>48 Chaldaea — Alualiam and his Age Tomkins, Rev. H. C. C 23 Q 1 Cornwall — Na-nia Cornubiie Borlasc, W. C. B 40 P 2 Cyprus — Cesnola Collection of Cvpriote Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York ... Cesnola, L. P. di B 49 P 4-7 X Salaminia Cesnola, A. P. di 15 15 S 16 ■ Dalmatia — Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina .and Dalmatia. Munro, R. B 10 T 23 Egypt. \_See Egyptology.] Etruria. \_See It.ily undci- this lioading.] • France — Reliquiae Aquit,anica> Lartet, E. A 20 R 22 t Vcrite sur le Goedeiulag Malderghem, J. van B 17 U 20 Gloucestershire -- Monumental Brasses of Gloucestershire; by C. T. Davie.s. (Uoucestershire Notes and Queries B 40 P 6 Great Britain — AnticpiitiesandCuriositicsof theExcheciuer... Hall, H. F 13 S 32 Archaological Survey of United Kingdom ilurray, 1). B 10 V 23 Achitectural Anticiuities of Great Britain. . . Gentleman's Mag. Lib. A 19 U 8, 9 (Juide to the Exhibition (ialleries ... Britisii Museum A 39 V 17 Ronumo-British Renuiins ... (ientlenian's Mag. Lib. B 32 U 7, S Vetvsta Monvmcnta (jvae ad Rervm Britannicarvm ... Society of Antiquaries, London B 48 P 23 J [.Sep aho Ireland and Scotland under this heading.] Greece — Catalo.'ue des Bronzes in Ontario — Ontario Archieological Museum, Report. Palestine — 913.71 Archieoh)siical Researches iu Palestine, 1S7.3-74 Palestine Exphnation Fund B L3 V IG, 17 t New Light on the Bible and tlie Holy Land Evctts, M. T. A. (! 14 1'2G Palestine Exploration Fund: Quarterly Statements 913. .33 Patriarchal Palestine .Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 28 S 1 .Syria and Egvpt Petric, W. M. F. B25(i>i;i Thirty Years' Work in the Holy Land, 18G5-95; by \V. Besaiu. Palestine Exploration Fund 1! 28 I! 9 Persia — Persia Vaux, \V. S. VV. 15 27 1' 10 Pompeii- Monumens Ics plus interessants du Mus^e Nationale de Naples. Gargiulo, R. A 20 S 4, .■> f Pompeii; its Life and Art M.au, A. B 41 K 3 Rome — (ircek and Etruscan Va.sc3, fJreek ami Roman Lamps iu the Nicholson Museum, University of Sydnev : by Louisa iNfacdonahl. Sydney' University MA 4 S 28 Guide to the Exhibition (iallcries ... liritisli Museum A 20 V 17 Museo Pio Cleinontino Viseonti, G. A 4G P 1-7 t Roman Lifi; imder the Cesars Tlionms, E. B 17 Q 32 Ruins and Excavations of Ancient Rome Lancinni, R. ]! 30 S 21 Hanilcdc Philologisko Afliandlinger Sehjott, I". 0. J i) V 37 Archaeology — Scotland — Heraldry in relation to Scottish History and Art... Paul, Sir .1. B. K 9 V 4 Monuments and Monumental Incriptions of Scotland ; by Rev. C. Rogers Grampian Club, Pubs. B 39 S 3, 4 Prehistoric Scotland Mimro, R. B 32 R 12 Scubitured Stones of Scotland Spalding Club Pubs. B 40 U 29, 30 J Tunis- Roman Africa Boissier, (;. B 35 Q 14 Turkey — Impressions of Turkey Ramsay, W. M. D 17 S 21 United States- Archaolugical Field-work in Arizona; by .1. W. Fewkes. Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 500 Palenque Tablet in the United States National Museum ; by C. Ran. Smithsonian Inst., Contributions to Knowledge, 22 5118 Prehistoric Burial Places in Maine ; by C. C \ViIloughby. Peabody Museum, Arch. Pa)>crs A 41 P 14 United States tieographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian. Report LSiited States -Engineer Dept. A 10 U 8 t [.S'ec also America luider this heading.] Archangel — General and Descriptive — Russia)! Province of the North Engelhardl, A. 1'. D 13 \" 2G Archbishops. [See Bi.shops.] Arches — Construction — Column and the Arch Longfellow, W. P. P. A 19 S 4 Roofs and Bridges Merriman, M. A .38 V 19 Treatise on Arches Howe, M. A. A 37 R 19 Architects— Micliacl Angclo; by H. Grimm Michael Angelo Buonarotti C 20 S 5, G Architectural Antiquities — Avcliitectural Anti(iuilies of Great Britain... Gentlcnuin's Mag. Lib. A 19 U 8, 9 Architectural Drawing — Academy Architectiu-e 720. 5 Monuments de rArchitecture Chretienne depuis Constantin juscpra Cliarlemagne Hidisch, H. A 4G P 2G J Prima Es|)osizione Italiana di Architettura Torino Turin A 47 P 7 J Si)ccimcns of Early French Architecture Jolnison, R. .1. A 47 P 27 ; Architectural Drawings - Ai-chitectural Studies Wright, F. A. A 17 T .30, 31 t National Architect Woodward, (4. E. A 18 R 21 f Architectural Periodicals. [See Arcliitcctun' — Pcriddi- culs.] Architectural Societies. [See Architefture -Suuietii'.s.] Architecture — General — Arcliitecturc Albcrti, L. B. A 22 S 2 I Architecture among the Poets Statham, H. H. A 45 S 10 ArchitectureandSculpturc -in Selections.. Ruskin,.T. .1 23 S 29 Architecture, BuiMing, Decoration ; by W. H. Wood in Household Oracle ".... Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Australasian Association for Advance, of Science, Report, G... 50G Building Superintendence Clark, T. M. A 37 T 4 (:olour in the Arcliitecturc of Cities Ricaido, H. A 23 S .39 Column and the Arch Longfellow, W. P. P. A 19 S 4 (Jottages and Country Buildings Cutler, T. W. A 19 R 5 Euroi)ean .-Xrchitecture Sturgis, R. A 25 U 31 Five Orders of Colunnis in Architecture... Terrault.C. A 40 U 20 J Idea della Architettura Universale ... Scamozzi, V. A 40 U 19 } Introduction to the Study of the Renaissance ... Field, Lilian 1''. 1!2G 1! 18 Tnflueneeof Material onArehiteeturo... Fletcher, I!. 1''. A 13 K G t Modem Architecture Statham, H. II. A 39 P 8 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 711 Architecture— General — ronld. Nati.iiial Airliitoul \\'.)ci(hvarcl, ( !. K. A 18 li 'Jl + Oil the (JId KdiicI Ruskiii, J. A 44 T2 4 I'riiK-ipk- ill Art Patmore, C J 1 K ril I'riiiciplcs of Art White, W. A 23 U 33 (iHuintity Surveying Leaning, J. A 37 T 5 Kelativc! Positiiiii of the Architect, Engineer, and Builder in Modern VVorlcs; 1)V N. Sclt'e... I'liigineering Assoc. ,N. S. Wales, Proc., 1S!)2 Greek Oligarchies Wliiliky, L. l" S V 26 Political Science Woolsey, T. 1). K8Q31,32 [,SV(! rilno Baronetage; Constitutions of Coinitiien ; Family His- tories; Genealogy; Gentry, Ijiiided ; Heraldry; Peerage; Seats of Nobility ; Visitations of Counties.] Great Britain — Aristocracy in England Badeau, A. F 12 S 29 Walford 's County Families, United Kingdom... Walfonl.E. 929.725 Wh'TsWho 920.042 Aristotelianism — Aristotclianism Smith, Rtv. I. (i. G 26 P 16 Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics... Zeller, E. G 19 U .32, 33 Aristotle's Ethics for Euglisli Readers... Stock, St. G. G 11 U 15 Aristotle's Tlu'ory of Poetry and Fine Art; translated by S. H. Butclier '. Aristoteles G"'18R70 Chapters from Aristotle's Ethics Muirhead, J. H. G 24 S 18 History of Ancient Philosophy Windelband, W. (J 25 T 9 History of Philosophy ."... Hegel, (}. W. F. F 12 R 30, 31 Intellectual Development Crozier, J. B. (i 17 T 11 Outline of Pliilosopliy Watson, J. (i 17 S 19 Philo.sopliy of tlie Human Mind Stewart, 1>. G 16 V 1-3 [.S'ec nixo Pliilosophy — (ireek ; and under Aristoteles in Author Catalogue.] Arithme'.ic-- Arithmctic and Mensu 'ation Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 U 44 Arithmetic for Schools Lock, Rev. J. B. A 44 U 10 Art of Reckoning Howanl, C. F. A 2.5 Q 22 Art of Teaching Aritlnnetic Hunter. Rev. J. A 25 Q 40 Elementary Mathematics Lagrange, J. L. A 25 P 20 Exercises in Aritlimetic Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 U 44 Key and Companion to Arithmetic for Schools... Lock, Rev. J. B. A 44 U 1 1 101 Certificate Tests in Arithmetic Smith, S. H. MG 2 T 70 Siogarapi mai Arimetika M(i2T22 Talile-book and Mental Arithmetic Angus and Robertson's SchoofSeries MG 2 U 44 [f!(:e iilxo Book-keeping : Calculating Machines ; Mathenuities ; Mensuration ; Metric System ; Numbers, Theory and Concept of; Weights and ileasures. ] Arizona — General and Descriptive — Across America and Asia Pumpelly, R. D 19 U 18 Arizona, Report of tlic (iovernor United States — Dept. of the Interior, Misc. Repts. 353.3 Mexico, California, and Arizona Bishop, W. H. D 21 S 3 Arkansas— (ror>em?«(?«.i a^id Adininis/ra/ion- Arkansas, Secretary of State, Report Armada, Spanish Drake and the Tudor Navj' [Another co])y. New cd.] Letter written fpy ('apt. Cuellar, 354.9707 Corbett, J. S. i; 39 Q 10, 17 Corl)ett, J. S. B 36 I) )3, 14 ■89 Cuellar, Capt. F. dc B 16 P 15 Year after tlic Armada Hume, M. .\. S. B 16 V 19 [sSec England -History; Spain History.] Armenia — General and Deserip/lre- Lcttiis from tlic Scenes of the Recent Massacres in Ainieniii. Harris, J. R. 1) 17 R 21 Rcjiuul about Armenia, 1895 Hodgetts, E. A. B. I) 18 25 Transcaucasia and Ararat Bryec, .1. I> ISS 19 Tln-oughArmeniaonHorscback...>Hepworth,Rev.(i. M. I) l.'t 1! 5 Tlirough the Storm Nazarbek, A. D13S4 [,s'. ,' (i/.vo Armenian Church; Armenian Massacres; Armenians; TiU'Uey ; Turkey in Asia.] IHstnri/ — Armenia and Europe Lepsius, J. B 28 R 8 Cniifuvnce surrilistoired'Armc'iiie Duhiuricr, E. B41T8 Historical Sketch ( f Armenia and the Armenians... "Old Indian" V, 16 R 49 Armenian Language and Literature Ktruskisi'li uiid .ArMMMiisch Buggc, S. J 12 V 39 \'er/.ciclini.^\s der Armenischeii Handschriften : \'on !>r. N. Kara- mianz ... Berlin Konigliche I'.ibliofliek K II U t Subject- Index lo the Bupijlemenlanj C'utalo(j'ue-^189G-1000. 713 Armenian Massacres — Anneiiia aniIKmopu Lepaius, J. B 28 R 8 AiDioniiin ('lisia in Tmkey •(Jieeiic, V. I). 1'' 10 V IS AiiiR'iiiaii Question ... (It. lifit. anil Irol. Turkey K 40 V 1.'} J: Asi'itio Provinces of Turkev (it. IJiit. and Irel. -Turkey F 40 V 17--iO : Historical .Sketch of Aniiciiia ami the Aiiiicnians... "0!y H. G. Smith ... Royal iioc, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1S9G 50G Product allied to Aromadendric Acid; by H. (4. Smith Royal Society, N. S. Walci, Journal, IS97 5(10 [.S^ee alio (iums. ] Arrow heads. [S^e Arcluvology ; .Stone Age.] Arrowroot — Arrowroot; bj- H. V. .Jackson Agricultiu'al (iazetto, N. S. Wales, 189S 030.5 Arrows. [See Bow.s and Arruw.s.] Art. [.SV« Fine Arts ; ISIanufacturos and Industries.] Art and Morality — L'Art ct la Morale — in Discours de Combat Rrunetierc, P. .T -li U ?A Hogartli Moralized Truslcr, Rev. J. ( J 24 T 1 What is Art? Tolstoi, Count A 2:) P 4S Art and the State - Art and tlie Commonwealth; by Rev. A. (i. R. Atkinson — in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. .7. K. F 1,'> S :i:{ Art Criticism — Across the Channel Mourey, (J. A 23 S 32 Addresses delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy. licigliton, Frederick, Lord A 2.1 U 32 Art and Criticism Child, T. A 44 W .) Art of England and tlie Pleasures of England Ruskin, J. A 40 T 3 B.allads, CriticalReview.sTales,&c.. Thackeray, W. M. .T 22 U 13 Reardsley, Aubrey Svnions, A. A .39 V 2!) Books and Arts Wedmore, F. J 20 R 28 Criticisms, Reflections, and Maxims Goethe, .T. \V. von .J 14 P 42 llamerton, Philip Gilbert C 23 V 22 Jmpre.s.sions d'unc Femme an Salon de 1859 ... Stevens, Mathilde A 33 R 34 J>es.sons from my Masters Bayne, P. .J ."i T 2S Meissonier, J. L K C 13 U 20 t Modern French Masters A 10 T 1,') t On the (Hd Road Ruskin, J. A 44 T 2-4 I'rinoiple in Art Patmorc, C. J 1 R ol Ruskin, .John; by Mrs. Alice Meynell C 23 R 2.5 The Paiskin P.cadcr ." Ruskin, J. A 23 P 37 Sententiic Artis Quilter, H. A 40 Q 11 l.S'ce aho Art and Morality; Art ami the State; Fine Arts < ^ii'ial ; Pre.Rapliaelitism.] Art Education. [,SV« Drawing; Fine Arts Teaching; Teclinicul and IniUistrial Educ-atiun.] Art Galleries. [.S'w Fine Arts (lalleries; and under the name of eac-li (iallery in tlic .Xutlior Catalogue anil in tlw Tnde.x.] Art Needlework. [See Neediewoik -Fine Arts.] Art Periodicals. [See Fine Arts— Periodieals.] Art Sales - MeniDiialK of Christie's Roberts, W. .\ 31) \ i-2, 23 Art Societies. [,SV,'c Fine Arts— Soeietie.s ; ami umic r tlic liiic (if cacli Art Academy or yociety.] Art Teaching, [.v.-; Fine Arts— Educati(.n.| Arteries — Arterial Degenerations and Diseases; 1)V ]>r. F. ^\'. Mott — in System of Medicine .♦. AUlmtt, T. C. A 20 T 39 Nature of Reparatory Inflammation in Arteries after Ligature, Acupressure, and Torsion; by Dr. E. 0. Shakespeare. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, IG 508 Artesian "Water and Wells — Alleged Leakage of Artesian Water; by J. P. Thomson ... Royal (ieog. Soc, Aust., (^tueen.sland Br., Proc., 1895-90 910.0 Analyses of Artesian Waters of >J. S. Wales, and tlicir Value for Irrigation and other purposes; by J. C. H. Jlingaye. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales", 1896 630.5 Analj'ses of the Artesian Waters of New South Wales and their * Value for Irrigation and other Piu'poses... Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, 1895 506 Arte8ia,n Prospects in New South Wales : l)v Prof. Stephens. Sydney University Review, 1882 M.J 4 P 23 Artesian Water in N. S. Wales; by J. W. Boultbee Royal Society, N" S. Wales, Journal, 1898 500 Artesian Water in Rocks other than Cretaceous ; by E, F. Pitmann. Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journal, 29 500 Artesian Water in Rocks other than Cretaceous ; by E. F. Pitmann. N. S. Wales — theological Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Artesian Water in tlie Western Interior of Queensland. Australasian Assoc. , Advance, of Science, 6. 500 Artesian Water in tlie Western Interior of Queenslaml ; liy R. L. .Jai'k (ijueensland — Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Artesian Water Prospects in Poverty Bay and Gisborne; by H. Hill New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 oOG Artesian \\'ater Supply; by W. G. Co.k Roj-al Gcog. Soc. Aust. , Queensland Br., Proc., 1895-90 910.6 ArtesianWell-power utilised for Electric Lighting... New Zealand — Dept. of Labour, Journ., 1890 331. S Artesian Wells at Longburn; by J. Marchbanks ... New Zealand In.stitute, Trans., 1898 50() Artesian \Vells of Southern Wyoming Wjoming Agr. College and Experiment Station Rept., 630.7 Colorado— State Engineer, Report 026.8 ( leological Structure of Extra-Australian Artesian Basins ; by A. (i. Maitland Royal Soc., tiueenslaiid, Proc, 12 500 Influence of Forests on Subterranean Waters Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales,"lO 630.5 ()n llic Belia\'ioiir of two Artesian Wells at Canterbury Museum ; by Capt. F. W. Hutton N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895 500 I'amplilets on Artesian Waters and Irrigation Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 R 5 Pcia Artesian Bore Settlenicnt ... Agricultural (Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Probabilities of olitaining Artesian \\'ater between Pilliarra Gold- tields and tlic (ireat Desert Western Australia — Geological Survc}', Bulletin, 2 559.41 Piciiuisite and (Qualifying Conditions of Artesian \Vclls ; by T. C. Cliamlicilin U.S. — Gcol. Survey, Annual Rc))t., fl ,5.57.3 Rise and Progress of Artesian Boring; by J. W. Bcmltbee in N. S. Wales.tlie Mother Cohmy... Hutchinson, F. MI) 7 U 23 Source of Artesian Wells; by F. B. Gipps ... Royal d'eog. Soc of Aust., N. S. Wales, 1896 910.6 Straligraphical Notes on the (loorgina Basin with reference to the tjuestion of Artesian Water; liy K. L. Jack Royal Society, (Jueenslaiul, Proc, 1894-95 .")il6 Siilimarine Leakage of Artesian Water; by R. L. .Jack. Royal Soc, Queensland, Proc, 12 500 [.fcc nlso Bores and Boring ; Diamond Drills. J Avthrogastra Structure of tlie Mouth and Phar^■nx of the Scorjiion — in Scientitic Memoirs .'. Hu.xley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Arthrology. [See .Joints— Anato;ny.] Arthropoda. [See Annulo;a; Arailmiia ; Crustacea: lOnlwniohigv; M vrinjioda.] Arthurian Romances — Legem] of Sir ( iawain Weston, Joasio B 36 P 1 1 [.S'te «/.ratittn, and Early Viiya Asparagus Culture ; In- R. [!. Ilanily ... United States— Dept. of Agr. Bulletin, fil A 41 U 1 Asparagus Rust — in Injurious Iiiaeet.s, (i ... Agr. l''xper. Stations A 38 Q (i Pamphlets on Vegetable.-, Agr. Kxpor. Stations A 38 Q 14 [Hue also Inseets, Injurious ; Vegctalile ( iardening ; Vegetables, j Asphalt — (Jcnesis of Petroleum and AspbaUum in Califurnia; by A. S. Cooper California— State .Mining liureau A 37 T 7 + Aspidiotus perniciosus. [.s'-v Siui .Jose'' Scidc] Asphyxia Treatment of Asphj-.xia; liy Dr. .\. Ransome — m System of Medi- cine '. AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Assam — Willi Sports in Burma and Assam .. I'ollok, (_'ol. F. T. 1) -J-J S 11 4k.ssaying — Assayer's iManual Kerb 1!. A 30 V 21 Assaying of (Jold aiul Silver Coins at t!ie Mint of the United States Smiths. Inst. Kept., 1S(;S oOO Notes on Assaying Rieketts, P. A 24 V 38 Practical Metallurgy and Assaying ... Hiorns, A. H. A 24 P 2.') Prospector's Hand-book Anderson, J. \V. A 24 P 11) Text-book «f Assaying Beringer, C. A 24 R 31 [See. also (Jold ; Metallurgy ; Silver.] Assigned Servants. [Sfe CoH\k-ts ami Ci>u\ict System —New- South Wales.] Associationalism - Association — in Principles of Psychology... James, W. O 3 U 24 English P.sychology Ribot, T. (i 24 S 21 \Ste also Intuitionalism: Knowledge, Theory rtf. ] Assurance. [.S'w lusuranee.] Assyria — General mid Dr»-riphve — -Kgyptische und Vorderasiatisehe Alterthiimer Berlin — Konigliehes Museum B 47 P 16 t Anti(iuity of Man, ICgyijtology, and Assyriology in Warfai-e of Science with Theology White, A. ]): (! 3 U 17, 18 Assyria from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Nineveh... Smith, C. B 27 P 9 Babylonians and Assyrians Sayec, A. H. B2.")I'21 New Light on the Bil)le and the Holy Land I'^otts, B. T. A. lcts in the Kouyunjik Cullection of the British Museum British Musemn K S S 13 f Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from the Assyrian Monu- ments British Museum B 47 P 9 J Miscellaneinislnscriptionsof A.ssyria.. Briti.-.b Museum B47 P 12 J Tell p;i-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum, with Autotype Facsimiles British JIuseum J 18 R 16 [,%e oAto Archseology — As.syria; Babylon; Biblical Areha'ology; Biblical Criticism ; Chaldean Language ; Cuneiform Inscriptions.] Grcimmnrs — Assyrian Grammar Pclitzili. 1', .T 12 P 34 Assyriology. [See Assyria — Generd.] Astacidse Asta' id.e in the United St.ates National Museum anil in the Miiueuni of Comparative Zoology; by W. Faxon United States- National Museum, Proc. , 20 507 [.^rf' also Crnstaeer.] Asterocheridse — AsteroclK i-idcn ; von Dr. W. (Jiesbreelit ... Zoologisehe Station zu Neapcl A 19]>27 'I- Asteroids — Comparison of Results obtained from the Photometric Observations of Asteroids by Parkhurst and .\luller Harvard University 'Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 29 522.19 Micronu^tiic Measurements ... Harvard University Astronomical Ob.servatory, Annals, 13 522.19 Photometric Ob.scrvations of Asleioids Harvard University Astnmomical Ol)servatory, .-\nnals, 29 522.19 Photometric Observations of Asteroids; by H. M. Parkhurst. Harvard Univ. Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 18 522.19 [See aAso Astronomy ; Sta?-s ; Sun.] Asthma — Astlima and Hay Fever; by Dr. .J. F. (ioodharl — in System of Medicine ". ". Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Asthma, Bronchitis, and Whooping Cough ; by Dr. N. Bridge — in Practical Therapeutics Hare', H. A. A 31 P 17 Asthma, Bronchitis, and Whooping Cough : by Dr. .I.T. Whittaker — in Practical Thcrapc\itics Hare, H. .\. A 31 P 15 Diseases of the Lungs F'owler, .J. K. A 40 P (i Astrseopora — Madrepiirarian Corals in the British Museum... British Mu.scum — Natural History A IS U 2 t [See also Corals.] Astro-Physics— Astrophysieal.Iournal .520.5 Astrophysical Oliservatory Langley, S. P. A .TO V 24 Atlas ot'Stellar Spectra ..'. Huggins, .Sir W. A 22 R 5 i Fllementaire (r.-\strouomie Physique ... Biot, .J. B. A 19 S 9-11 Harvaid Univ. Astronomical Observatory, Miscellaneous Papers, 1877-96 "A 37 T 6, and 18 Q 23 t Inorganic Evolution as studied by Spectrum Anahsis. Loekyer, Sir J." N. A 45 T 14 Investigations of the Henry Draper Memorial Harvard University Astronomical Observaton.', Annals, 26 522.19 Iviniglicheu Observatorien bci Potsdam, Die Potsdam — Konigliche Observatorien A 32 U 27 Potsdam Astrophysikalisches Observatorium, Publicationcn. 522.19 Spectra of Bright Stars Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 28 .522.19 Spectra of Southern Stars McLean, F. A 20 P 23 t Star-gazing Loekyer, Sir .1. N. A 45 T 11 [See '(/.-'O Spectroscope ; Spectrum Analysis ; .Stars.] Astrology — The Canon Tile New Menstruum: by .A. Zaricl . 23S9 . . Cope, D. M(; 2 R 59 Astronomers — Airy. Sir (ieorge Biildell, Autobiography of C 21 U 9 Duiilop, .James, Biographical Sketch of. Astronomer Royal, New- South Wales, 1831-47 in Tliir Xotandnms Service, J. xM.I 3 46 Oalileo — (H Lives of Great Italians Honidgc, F. C 20 S 11 (Jrcat Astronomers Ball, Sir R. S. A 20 U S Pritchard, Charles ; by Ada Pritcliard C 23 V 23 Quetelet, L. A. J., La Vie et les Ouvragcsde; par E. Mailly. C -27 P 23 Astronomical Itstrunients. [See Astronomy — Instru- ments.] 718 FiibliG Library of Neio South Wales, Astronomical Observations. [See Astronomy — Obsei-\a- tiiiies and Stations ; and under the title of eacli Ob- servatory in Author Catalogue for its publications.] Astronomical Periodicals. [.S'«e Astronomy — Periodicals.] Astronomical Photography — Iti'VclopiiR'iit uf Phcitographv in Astronomy; liy E. K. Barnard. American Assoc, Advance, of Science, I'roc. , 1898 506 Handworterbuch der Astronomie Encvkloj). dcr Natnrw. A 4'2 (,l 12, 13 Instruments and Methods employed in the Pursuit of Celestial Photography — m Photographs of Stars Roberts, I. A -20 P 17, IS t [See alfio Photometric Measurements ; Stars.] Astronomical Societies. [.SV'; Astronomy — Societies.] Astronomy — Gemral — Acadeniie des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances 506 Address liv P. Baracehi Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept., 189S r)06 American Association for Advancement of Science, Proe. ... 506 American Ephenieris and Nautical Almanac United States — Bureau of Enuijiment 528. 1 Aunuaire pour TAii 1897 ... Bureau des Longitudes, I'aris 528.4 Aspects of American Astrononn-; by S. Ncnconib . . . Smithsonian In.stitution, Repts. , 1897 506 Astronomical Phenomena — in Whitaker's Almanac, 1896. \Vhitaker, J. 314.2 Astronomie Amiee Scientiiique et Industrielle, 1896 505 L'Astronomie dans I'Academie Royale de Belgiijuc, 1772-1872. JIailly, E. A 45 V 10 Asti-onomy Rambosson, J. A 19 S 15 Astronomv in Australia ; by (.!. Butterfield Australian, The M.J 4 P 11-15 Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost Orchard, T. N. A 19 U 19 Astronomj' '.vithout Mathematics Beckett, SirE. A 19 P 13 Austnilasian Association, Advance, of Science, Report, 1895 506 Celestial Motions Lynn, W. T. A 19 P 21 Concise Knowledge of Astronomy... Clcrke, Agnes M. A 19 S 14 Crawford Library, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, Catalogue. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Edinb. Roy. Observatory K 1 1 W 1 1 t Descriptive Astronomy Howe, H. A. A 19 U 16 Klements of Practical Astronomy... Campbell, \V. W. A 45 T 13 (leodetic Astronomy Havford, .J. V. A 38 T 10 (ireat Astronomers" Hall, Sir R. S. A 20 U 8 Handworterbucli der Astronomic Encyklop. derNaturw. A42Q 12, 13 Han-ard Univ. Astronomical Observatorv, Miscellaneous Papers, 1877-96 "a 37 T 6, and 18 Q 23 t Introduction to Practical Astronomy ... Loomis, E. A 19 U 17 Txtisurc Readings A 19 (J 16 Life of Man on the High Alps Mosso, A. A 41 S 20 Making of a World; by Rev. W. Mathison Au.stralasian Independent, 1890 205 Midnight .Sky Dunkin, E. A 12 T 23 t Names and Movements of the Heavenly Bodies as looked at from a Samoan Point of View; by Rev. J. P. Stair Polynesian Society, Journal, 1898 996 Nautical Almanac ,'>28.2 New Astronomy Langlcy, S. P. A 38 T 11 Opus .'\stronomieum Al-Battanus A 22 (^ 6 t Rigorous 'i'lieory of the Dctcmiinatiou of the Meridian Line by Altazimuth Solar Observations; by O. H. Knibljs. Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1896 506 Royal Astronomical Soc, Memoirs: with Index, vols. 1-38. 520.6 Royal .Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices .")20.() Sctiiery of the Heavens Gore, .L K. A 19 R 19 Scientitic Papers Adams, .J. C. K 10 U 10 t Stars and 'IVIeseopes 'I'odd, 1). P. A 19 (,) .32 Stellar A.stronomy Monck, W. H. S. A 19 (,) 11 StellnrTheologyandMasonic A.stronomy...i5rowii,R. H. G 23 V 4 Study of the Sky Howe, H. A. A 19 S 18 Truitii de Mecaniijiie C<51csto Tisserand, V. A 5 P 27-30 t Trratise on Astronomy Woodhouse, R. A 36 U 10, 17 Warfare of Science with Theology... White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 Astronomy — contd. [iS'ee aUo Alnumacs ; Asteroids ; Astrology ; Astronomers ; As- tronomical Photography ; Astro-Physics ; Calendars ; Comets ; Eclip.ses; Geodesy; Gravitation; (ireenwich Observatory; .Jupiter ; Latitude Determination ; Longitude Determination ; Mars ; ileteorology ; Meteors ; Moon ; Nautical Almanacs ; Nautical Astronomy ; Navigation ; Nebuhe ; Nebular Hy- potheses ; Observatories ; Pendidum Experiments ; Planets : Saturn ; Spectroscope ; Spectrum Analysis ; Stars ; Sun ; Telescope ; Tides ; Transits ; Venus ; Zodiacal Light ; and under each Planet. ] Biblioijrajilty — Bibliography of Astronomy, 1887; by W. C. Winloek. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 34 .508 Dictionaries — Handworterbuch dcr ^\stronoMUe Encyklopiedia der Natm-- wissenschaften A 42 Q 12 llistori/ — I'recis de I'Histoire de I'Astronomie aux Etats-Unis d'Am^riqvie. Mailly, E. A 19 P IS Short History of Astronomy Berry, A. A 19 Ij 12 Tableau de rAstronomie dans I'Hf misphcre Austral et dans I'lnde. .Mailly, E. A 35 () 24 In.sfrnmenlg — Aljsolute Length of the Pendulum vibrating Seconds at Parra- matta ; by Dr. C. Riindcer... Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems., 3 520.6 Concise Knowledge of Astronomy... Clcrke, Agnes M. A 19 S 14 Klemcntsof Practical Astronomy... CampVicU, W. W. A 45 T 13 Handworterbuch der Astronomie Encyklopicdta dcr Natur- wissenschaften A 42 Q 12, 13 Star-gazing Loekyer, Sir J. N. A 45 T 11 [See «/.inii-,al Jiiunial Ast ropliysieal J ournal ()l)ser\'atary SoriHtu'x—52Q.& Royal Astmnoiiiical Sociuty, ftrenioii's ; witli Index to vols. 1-H8... Royal Astronomical JSooiety, Monthly Notices Tiuicliiiiij- Tcacliing of Astronomy in the Primary and Heoondary Sihools, and in the University; hv K. S. Holdcn... United States 15nrcan of Education, Ri'iiort, ISflT !IS :i7!t.7:! Astronomy, Nautical. [See Nautical Astrdnuiiiy.] Asylums, Benevolent — lienevolcnt As3'Iums, Queensland, Reports Queensland Parliament, V. and P. 3'JS.<)48 Hobart Benevolent Soeietj', Reports Tasmania -Parliament, Journs. 328.i)4li State Almshouse, Tewksbury, Report... Ma.ss. — Almshouse .'Uii.'i State Farm, Pridgevvatcr, Rept...Mass. — Farni,Bridgewater 1^(12..") State Workhou.se Hi-iilgmvater, Rept Ma.s.s. — Workhouse 8oi."> [.S'ee a?.s-o Hospitals ; Orplians and Orphan Schools; Poor Laws; \A''orkliouses. j Asylums for Blind. [.SVr Blind --As3luiiis.] Asylums for Deaf and Dumb. [See Deaf and Dunil) — Asylums.] Asylums for Indigent Children. [.sv,. Cliildron — Asylums.] Asylums, Lunatic. [See Lunatic- Asylums.] Athanasian Creed — iVthanasian Creed in c()nncxi06 [See alsoyiind; Psychology.] Attica — Attic Law of Status, Family Relations, and Sucee.ssion in the 4tli Centurv, B.C Herrick, F. M. F 18 R 26 Erchia, a'Deme of Attica Young, C. H. B 41 P 10 [See al.so Athens ; Greece — Histor\'.] Attorneys-General — Reports — Colorado— Attorney of the State, Report .34.3,7882 Idaho Attorney-General, Report 34.3.70G2 Indiana -Attorney-General, Report Indiana — Annual Reports 3.53.JI772 M.assachusetts-Attoniey-Geueral. Report 343.7442 Minnesota — Attoruev-General, Report . . . Minnesota — Legislature, Exec. Does, 326,776 North Dakota — Attorney-General, Reports North Dakota — Annual Repts, .328.784 Ohio — Attorney-( ieneral. Reports... Ohio — Ann, Repts, 328.771 Pennsylvania -At torncy-( ieneral. Report 343. 7482 LTnited States — Attorney-General, Report United States — Dept. of Justice 343,732 720 Tuhlic Library of New South Wales. Auckland — Aucklaml, Cilv and Province; livd. IT Once a Month, 2 MJ 1 V -iO Auckland Free Public Library — Auckland Free Public Lilnaiy; l>y K. Shillington... Intel-national Library Conference, Trans., 1S',)7 Cat. Room Auctions and Auctioneering — Australian Auction Co., Report Auditors— Law — Auditor.-*: their Duties and Responsibilitiet; MF .5 S 22 .. Pixlev, F. W. "F 1 S 24 Profession of a Chartered Aecounlaut, and other Lectures. I'ixley, F. W. F 13 Q X^ Auditors-General — Kcports — Canada — Auilitur-tJeneral, Report Canada— Parliament, ^iess. Paps. 328.71 Colorado —Auditor of State, Report 330. 78S Great Britain and Ireland— Public Accounts, Reports, 1S81-83, 1SS9-91 33(i.42 Indiana — Auditor, Report .. Indiana — Annual Repts. ,3,i3.!l772 Massachusetts — Auditor of Accounts, Report, 1802 ."SG.'ii Ne«- Brunswick -Pnblic Accounts of the Province, Report of Auditoi--(4eneral .. New Brun.swick Parliament 328.71.5 New South \Vales--Auditor-Ueneral, Reports N. S. Wales- Parliament, V. and I>. 328.i)4-t North Dakota State Auilitor, Report North Dakota - Annual Repts. 328. 78 1 Ohio —Auditor, Report 335. 77 1 Pennsylvania — Auditor-Ceneral, Report 33(i. 748 South Australia — Audit Commisioner. Reports ... S. Au.stralia — Parliament, Proe. 328.942 Victoria — Public Aceouuts, Regulations Yictoria--Finance MK4 U 3.1 Augsberg Confession — Augsberg Confe.s.sion (i 9 V 39 Lutheran Origin of the 39 Articles... Morris, Rev. J. (i. li 9 V 40 [.S'cc also Creed.s; Lutheran Cliurt^h.] Auk, The — Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds Nicols, A, A 27 S 19 [See aUo Alca' ; Pahentolog}'.-] Aural Surgery, [.sv,. Ear, Tlu>.] Auricular Confession. [.SV« Confession.] Auriculidas Aurieulidie, Proserpinida;, and Trunoatellida' in the C'ollcction of the Briti.sh Muaeuui ; by Dr. L. Pfeitl'cr British Museum — Natural History A 43 U 3 Auroras — Aurora Australis; by H. C. Rus.sell Rov. Soc, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 oOii Aurora Boreal is Angot, A. A 19 (J 14 Meteorological and Physical Observations on the East Coast of British America Sherman, 0. T. A 13 W 22 t ObserN'alions of Aurora Rorcalis... Harvard University Astronomical Olwervatory, Annals, 19 .">22. 19 .Scientific Writings Henry,.!. A 3.") W 3 Australasia -G'eiicnd mtd iJcscrlptive — Account of the Boundaries of the Australian tjolunic.H. Surveyor, 'J'lie, 189.5 i52G.9 Australian Hand-book 319 CVH)k, Capl. .lanic.H, Copies of Documents relating to MB 5 R 7 t Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MI) 4 T 4.3 Universal Ceography Reclus, IC. 1)21 U 14 [Sep. aim Australia ; New Zealand ; Polynesia ; Tasmania ; anlii/ — Australian Bililiograpliv; bv Rev. .J. E. 'I'enison Woods. Australian' ,Moiilbl\- Magazine, 1800 07 MJ I P 3, 4 JH(ilii/ Australian Portrait (iallcry Shine, T. .MC I I' 4 t ■ • Climate — Rainfall in Avistralia; by J. T. Wills Scottish Gcogi-ai)lueal Society, 1887 910.0 Suhject-Lidex Iv Ihe HHiiiiletneularij Citlalo(jiic — 1806-1000. 721 Australia — Commerce and Trade — Australasian C'hanibcrs of Commerce, Proceciliiigs of Coiifeieiicc, I.SilT, Report 380 Australia uiid the Asiaii-Paeific Dj'cr, E. J. MF o Q n Comiiiercial Conditions governing Kailway Extension in Australia ; liy C. 0. IJurge... Aust. Assoe., Advance, of .Sc, Hept., 18i)S 50() Indo-Australian Trade \\'aliiole, H. MI<"4Q")8 Japanese-Austialian Trade U.S. Ci>nsnlar Kepts., ."lO 38'2 Trade Conditions in Australasia... U. S.- -Consular liepts., (ill .'iS'i ■ Dfifenco Forcen — Australia in 189(1; by Hon. T. A. Brassey Royal Colimial Insl'itute, I'roc, '28 ?,i:^.%l-2 ■ Dinroi-erij, E.rplorntiori, avd Earhj Vmjaijpn — Banks, Sir Joseph , Journal of M D 3 U 1 .5 Collection de Dessiusprovenant de rEx])edition ded' Entrecastcaux ; par E. T. Hamy... Societedetieagraphie, Bulletin, I89() 91().() Continiuition of Search for Leichhardt's Party as proposed by Baron F. von Mueller Colonial Monthly MJ 4 P 5 Did De Quiros land in Queensland? by T. F. Bevan Royal CJcographical Society of Australia, Victoria, lilOO !)l(l.(> Discovery of Australia; by J. D. and R. H. .Major... (ieographieal Magazine, 3 D '23 P 4 Discovery of the Eastern Coast of New Holland by Capt. Cook ; by A. C. Maodoualcl Royal (ieog. Soc. Australia, Victoria, Trans., 14 010.6 Eai'ly Discovery of Australia; by (J. CoUingridge ... Royal (ieos.'. Soc!, Aust., N. S. Wales Br., Journal, lS9l4)2 iiloVo Early Discovery of Australia ; by A. C. Macdonald... RoyaKieog. "Soc, Aust., Victorian Br., Trans, lSSr)-8(i !H0.(; Early Discovery of Australia; by E. D. Morgan Royal (ieog. Soc., Aust., N. S. Wales Br., Journal, 1891-92 9IO.(i European I'aiterprise in Australasia; by E. A. Petherick. Melbourne Review, 8-10 0.";2 Exploration of Australia, 1S44-96... Calvert, A. F. Ml) 7 U 21* Funeral of the Lost Explorers, Report Calvert Expedition MC 1 T .31) Geography of Australia as delineated by the Dutch Cartographers. Remarkable Maps 1) S P 3(j X Henry Norris to Sir James Wright respecting the (Jriginal MS. of Tasman's Voyage — )'« Copies of Documents relating to Cajitain Cook Cook, Capt. J. MP. ."> R 7 J Historical Accoiuit of the Circumnavigation of tlie Clobe. MI) 3P 13 Historical Account of , all the Voj'iiges round the World by the English Navigators MI) 8 RUS-.TI Historical Narrative of the Discovery of New Holland and New South Wales ' MI) 4 U ^(i Is Australia the Baptismal Font of Brazil? by (i. CoUingridge. Royal Ceog. Soc. of Au.st., N.S.W., Journal, lH9(i 910.0 Jotirnal of H.M.S. Emleavnnr — in Copies of Documents relating to Captain J. Cook Cook, Capt. J. ill! 5 R 7 + Journal of Cook's Last Voj'age to thePacificOcean. . . Cook, Capt. J . MD 4 U 28 Journal of the llrs,i1iili,iH's Voyage... Cook, Capt. J. Ml) 4 U 27 Leichhardt, Dr. Ludwig : einebiographischeSkizze... M(' 1 T 31 Modern Voyages Adams, Rev. J. MD 3 P 14, l.> Naval Pioneers of Australia Bceke, L. MB 3 S 1 1 Notes on a MS. Chart in the British Museum showing Tasman's Tracks in the Voyage of 1042-44 ; by A. Mault Rov. Soc, Tas., Papers, IS94-9o 'Mi Part borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia, l(;0j-17(ii). Heeres, J. E. MD 13 S 1 t Point Cloates, and the Bird called Rokh by Marco Polo; by (4. CoUingriilge ... Roj-al Geog. ,Snc., Aust., N.S.W. Br., Journal, 1891-92 910.0 Reizen der Nederlanders naar het Zuidland of Nieuw Holland, in 17^ en ISe eeinv... Tijdschrift voor het Zcewezcn, ]S(i7 910. ,> Remarkable Maps of the l.">th-17th Centuries DSP 23 J Remarks on Centfal Australia suggesting Further Exploration: by W. H. Tietkens... Aust. Assoc, Adv. of Sc, Rept., 1898., .^-OO Romance of Australian Exploring Scott, T. F. MD 3 R 33 Scientific Exploration of Central Australia Roy.al Colonial Institute, Proc, 1895-90 ,32.-..:)42 Sturt, Charles, Lifeof MC I T 30 Tasman, Abel, and his Journal ; by Dr. T. M. Hocken. New Zealand In.stitute, Trans., lS9.i .100 Tasman, Abel Jansz; door G. Lauts Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1844 910.5 4 T Australia -Dlscnvnry, K.rjilnriillini, niid Kinhj Vniju'jra — cuiUd. Tasman, .Abel Janz., Het .Tourna.al rcis van der, 1042. Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, I8.jG OIO.,! Tasnum, Abel -lansoon : his Life, &c. ; by J. B. Walker. Roy. (Jeog. Soc. of Aust., Vict., Trans., 14 910.0 Tasman, Abel Jansen, Insti uctie of Lastbrief voor, 1044. Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1844 010.5 Tasman, Abel Janszoon, Journal MD 2 P 33 t Tasman, Abel .lan.sz., Vcrvolg van het Journaal van... Tijdschrift vt)or het Zeewezen, 1859 910..> Vo3'age round (he WurM in II, .M.S. Kmlmvirr, 17(i9-7!. Cook, Capt. J. MD 7 U 30 Voyage to New South Wales Barrington, G. MI) 8 Q 52 Warljurton's Journey across Australia Geographical Mag. , 1 D23P2 Was Australia discovered in the 10th Century? by E. Heawood. Royal Geographical Society, Jouni., 1899 910.(i When was .Australia Discovered? by A. Sutherland .. Melbourne Review, 5 052 Geor/r/ip/ii/, Tupni/rii/ihi/, kikI Miijis Australian Orc.inogiaphy ; by T. W. Fowler Australasian A;sn(iation .-\dvancc of Science, Rept., 1898 .T'O Part borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia, KiOO- 1705. Heeres, J. E. MD 13 S 1 t Terra Australia Incognita; by Prof. Morris ... Royal y F. J. Donoliue— 1» N. S. Wales, the Mother Colouy... Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Story of the Australian Church Symonds, E. MG 2 P 61 722 JPuUic Library of New South Wales. Australia — RcIi(jiov {Ahoru/iiies). [See A}iori;,'ines of Australia.] Social Life and Cuslo)n6 — The Australian Oirl; byT. Rvan... Reviewof Reviews, 1S!»7 U,VJ The Australians .". Adams, F. W. L. M F 5 P 4 Country House Life in Australia; by Agatha May Review of Reviews, 1899 0o2 [See also Australians, The.] Statistics — Statistics of the Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1861-99. Coghlan, T. A. IMF 5 P -iO Central — Western Central Australia; bv W. H. Tietkins Royal (ioog. Soc., Aust., N. 8. 'Wales Br., Journal, 1891-92 910.G [.See also Horn Expedition; Australia — Uisco\-ery.] Australian Alps — Australian Aljis, or Snowy ilouutains ; by R. Helms Royal Geog. Soc. of Aust., N.S.W. Br., Journal, 18!W Olb.li Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1887 910. .5 Australian Art. [See Fine Arts — Australian.] Australian Federation. [.See Federation, Australian.] Australian Gas-light Company — Historical Sketcli Australian Gasdight Company MB .S S 3 Australian Literature — Beginningsiif anAustraliauLiterature... Martin. A. P. MJ .3 S 'M Colonial Literature and the Colonial Press; by J. Smith. Melljourne Review, 3 U.Vi Development of Australian Literature... Turner, H.G. MJ 3 S 24 Literature and Art in New South Wales: by F. Hutchinson— //i N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony... Hutchinson, F. Ml) 7 U 23 [.SVc also Special Catalogue of Australian Authors; and under Fiction — .\ustralian ; Talcs —Australian ; Poetry — Australian.] Australian Museum — Australian Mu-sinun Library: by 8. Sinclair International Library Conference, Trans., 1897 Cat. Room Australian Music. [Sre ;Music — Australian.] Australian Mutual Provident Society — Mishaps uf the .V.M.P. Smicty ; or, Sliclls wliicli Failed to E.\])lodc. Mutual Life Insurance Conipanj- of New York MF o Q 29 Record of Our Jubilee Aust. Mutual Prov. Soc. MF "> 1' II) [.?te under name of Society in Autlior Catalogue for Re])orts and other official publications.] Australian Subscription Library - Australian Subscription Lilirary ... N.S.W. Magazine .\M 4 i) 8 Australians — 'J'he Australiandiorn 'l'y])C Au.stralian, The MJ 4 ]' 12 Evolution of the Australian; by G. E. Bo.xall Macmillaii's Magazine, 1899 0r)2 Our Future Rulers; by H. D'E. Taylor Mclb. Rev., 7 052 [,SVe also AliDrigines; Australia — Social Life and Custouis.] Austria aud Hungary -General and Descriptive — (jirl's Wanderings iu Hungary... Browning, H. Ellen 1) 18 Q 24 Institutions of Austria Coldstream, J. P. F 12 S 34 Millennium of Hungary and its People lekelfalussv, J. de 1) 19 U 8 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. II 11 P 22 Universal Geography Reelus, l). 1)21 U3 Army — Autumn Maneuvers, 1898 U.S.- Adjntaid-Generars Office A 3(i W 20 .SlafTsofVarioHHAniiies... UnitedSlates— Uepl. of War ]•" Ki R 23 Cointnerce and Trade — Trade of Austria — in Diplomatic and C.'onsnlar Reports, Annual Scries Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Austria and Hungary — Constitutional IHstor// — Austria-Hungary— /« Tlie State Wilson, W. F 13 \' 1 JTisiory- Austria Whitman, S. B 26 S 17 Campaign of Marengo Sargent, Lieut. H. H. B 21 S 7 Joseph II B 17 P48 Ligne, Prince de B 41 P 8, 9 Maria Theresa B 17 P 47 Napoleon Bonaparte's First Campaign B 16 R 29 Revolution and Counter-revolution; or, (jermany in 1848. Mar.\-, K. B 27 Q 7 Robert the Wise and his Heirs, 1278-1352 Baddeley, St. C. B 19 U 1 [See also Austro-Italian \Var, lS(ili. ] Polities— La Peninsule dcs Balkans L;iveleye, E. de I) 20 R 9, 10 Tlic Sultan and the Powers MacCoU, Rev. M. F 12 T 23 Austro-Italian "War, 1866— Battle of Lissa-/)' Ironclads in Action, 1855-95... Wilson, H. W. B 33 R 6, 7 Authority in Religion. [See Liberty of Conscience.] Authors and Authorship — Aspects of Authorship Jaoox, F. J 14 U 1 The Bookselling Question— «n Various Fragments Spencer, H G23S3 Highway of Letters Archer, T. J 14 U 14 Men and Women of the Century Lehmann, R. A 10 T 17 t [See also Authors and Publishers ; Copyright ; Di-aniatists ; Epi- grannnatists ; Essayists ; Historians ; Journalists ; Literary Metliods and .Style; Litterateurs; Noveli.sts : Philologists; Philosoplicrs ; Poets ; Pseudonyms ; Publishers. J Besaiit, W. J 23 8 9 Authors and Publishers— Ethics — The Pen and the Bonk [Sec also l'nlilisher.s.] Autocars. [.See Motor-carriages.] Autographs — .\utii;;raplisanilBirtlidaysof Eminent Persons... Rusliton, Alice M. Libr. Fac-similes of Royal, Historical, Literai\\', and other Autographs in tlie Dcpt. of Manuscripts, Bi'itish Museum... British Museum J 12 X 9-13 t Talks about Autograi>hs Hill, (i. B. J 10 U 39 Automatism — The New Psychology and Automatism— i«. Man's Place in the Cosmos .Seth, A. G 14 R 26 Subconscious .Self Waldstein, L. (i 23 Q 12 Telepathy and tlic .Sublinunal Self Mason, K. (). G 11 U 17 Winds ot Doctrine Elam, C. A 27 H IS [See ff/.w Consciousness ; Unconscious, The.] Automobiles. [See Motor-carriages.] Autotypes — (Juideto Autotype .. Sawyer,.!. I!. .\ II (,> Ki [See also I'hotography. ] Average. [.See Insurance- -MariiH'.] AvCS. |.S''v lii)-(ls : Ornilliol.igy ; I'ahmntoli.gy.] Avesta. \Sre Zoroastrians.] Avignon Li's .Aichjycsdcla Chambri' ,\posliilii|Ut' au 1 IcSiecIe... Loye, .T. de B 32 S 1 1 [Sie also Ecclesiastical History; Papacy.] Awards, Law of. (.S^e Arliiii-atloii.) Axioms. I .See Epigrams ; Maxini.s; Proverbs; (^hmtatiDns.] Suhjeet-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 72.3 Ayrshire Cattle — Ayrshire Breeders' Associiitioii, Onlarin, Report Ontario^ Depl. of Agrioulliire, Kupurt (iSO.G Ayrshire Cow ; liy J. Stewart, .suiir. ... (.luecenslarid Af^riciiltural .Jiiurnal, 1, .j U.'i0..j [See also Dairy Cattle.] Ayub, Book of. \_See Job— Old Tcstauicul.] Azimuth Tables— Aziiinitli Tallies Hchroeiler, Lievit. S. A 13 \V '23 t Sun's True Bearing, or Aziiimth Tables... (it. Hrit.andlrel. — Admir. A 1!) LI IS [See a?.«o Geodesy.] Azores — Orui'ml (Old Descriptive — Atlantio Islands Benjamin, S. (1. W. I) •22 R 3 I'oenis of Places Longfellow, H. \V. II 11 P 37 Aztec Race — Ancient America ' Baldwin, .1. B. B IS S 12 Atlatl, or Spear-thrower of the Ancient Mexicans ; by ZeliaNuttall. Peabody Museum, Archivological Papers A 41 I' 14 Contributions of North American Ethnology United States - (ieographical and Gool. Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region A 10 \' 5 t North Americans of Antii|uity Shoit, J. T. A 3o T 7 Origin and (irowth of Religion as illustrated l)y the Native Re- ligions of Mexico an0() Amateur Bacteriology ; by |{ev. W. Spiers Illustrated Annual of Micraseopy A 40 P I!) Apiilied Bacteriology Peannain, 'J', if. A 27 T 8 Apjilied Bacteriology. 2nd ed Pearmain, T. If. A 40 P 11 Aseptic Surgery ..." Lockwood, C. B. A 2(i R 28 Atlas of Bacteriology Slater, C. A .32 R 42 Bacteria Newman, (;. A 40 Q 17 Bacteria New Zealand .lournal of Science, 1884 StW Bacteria of River-water; by Dr. .J. B. Billings United States National Academy of Sciences, 7 50() Bacteiia of tlie Sputa Vincentini, F. A 32 S 32 Bacteria ; what they are, what they do, and how they are cultivated ; by C. E. Marshall Mieliigan— Stale Boaid of Agriculture, Rept., 1890 97 030.0 Bacteriological Diagnosis Reid, .St. (i. A 37 T 2 Bacteriological Examination of Air — /« Applied Bacteiiologv. Pearmain, T. H. A 4(j P 11 Bacteriology in Medicine and Surgery ... Park, W. H. A 45 S 4 Certain Bacteria from the Air of New York (,'itv ... Dvar, H. G. A 44 S 21 Comparative Action of Dry Heat and SnlplunoiLS Aciil upon Putro- f.active Bacteria... United States — Nat. Museum, Proc, 4 507 Composition of the Tuberculosis and (.[landers Bacilli; by Dr. do Scliweinitz... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1898 030 Experiments on Animals I'aget, S. A 45 R 5 Fats.contained in the Tuberculosis Bai^illus; by Dr. de Scliweinitz. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Ind., Rept., 1898 030 History of Bacteriology and its Application to Modern .Medicine; by Dr. W. C. C. Pakes... Illust. Ann. of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Internat. Cong. ofHygieneand Demography, 7, Trans., 2... 614.00 .Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology Woodhead, G. S. A 31 P 5-7 Lalioratory Guide for the Bacteriologist Frothingliam, L. A 31 Q 14 Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of certain Micro-organismal Disea.ses; by C. F. Dawson ... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1898 030 Living Death Germs -in Other Suns than Ours Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 15 Mamud of Bacteriology Muir, R. A .33 P 10 Micro-organisms Flliggc, C. A 20 S .37 Micro-organisms and Disease Klein, E. A 26 R 32 Micro-organisms from the Brisbane Air ; by A. J. Turner. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc., 12 500 Micro-organisms in the Air of Public Buildings and Conveyances due to Improper Cleaning Firth, E. W. A 44 .S 20 Miero-organismsof the Human Mouth... Miller, W. D. A32S2I Micro-organismsPathogenic to JIan . . .Leumau, Surg. -Capt. B. H. F. A 40 P 2 ilineral Constituents of the Tulicrculosis Bacillus; by Dr. de Schweinitz... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry, Kept., 1S9S 630 Our Secret Friends and Foes Frankland, P. F. A 27 P 14 Our Unseen Enemies; by Dr. .1. Jamieson Melb. Rev.,2 0.V2 Practical .Studies in Fermentation Hansen, E. C. A 25 U 17 Prevention of Zymotic Disease; by "Mucor "...Melb. Rev., 3 0.)2 Principles of Bacteriology Abbott, A. C. A 27 S 18 Principles of Bacteriology Hueppe, F. A 40 T 19 Products of the Tuberculosis Bacillus ; by Dr. de Scliweinitz. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Ind., Rept., 1S9S 0.30 Public Health Lal)orator\- Work ; b\- Dr. W. W. Cheyue. Internat. "Health Exliib., 1884, Lit., 10 A 41 V 6 Repoit b\' Dr. (Jautlej' into the Influence of certain Non-pathogenic Micro-organisms liable to gain access to Food ; on the Activities of certain other Microbes that inhabit the Human Litestine, and which ordinarilj- are Pathogenic to Rodents — in Rept. of Medical Officer, 1895-96 Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— Local Govt. 014.0942 72i IPuMic Library of New South Wales. Bacteriology — conul. Report by Drs. Copeland anil Blaxall on the Influence of (Jlyceiine, of Lanoline, and of Vaseline, in Inhiljiting the tirowtli of Micio- ori^anisms commonly founil in Vaccine Lymph— /n Report of Medical Officer, 1895-90 Ot. Brit, and Ireh — Local Government 014.()942 Science of Hygiene Pakes, W. C. C. A 45 U 28 Stockbreeders' Indebtedness to the Microscope ; by C. J. Pound. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4 (330.5 Story of (icrm Life Conn, H. W. A 33 R 22 Structure and Functions of Bacteria Fischer, A. A 34 S 1 Text -book of Bacteriology Crookshank, E. M. ASH,!" Vitality and Retention of Virulence of certain Pathogenic B.icteria in Milk and its Products; bv C. F. Dawson ... United States— I)ept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Ind., Kept., 1898 (iSli [See «?so Bacteriologv, Economic; Biology; Bat.my, Cryptogamic; Bubonic Plague; Microscopy; Mycetozoa; Serums anil Soro- tlierapy ; Tuberculosis. ] Economic Ddirv Bacteriologv ; b.v M. A. O'Callaghan... A-riculturaUlazettc, N. S. Wales, 9, 10 030.5 Dairying; by G. S. Thonnon... Journalof Agriculture and Industry, South Australia, 2 l>30.5 Lactic Acid Ferment ; bv M. A. O'Callaghan Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 0.30.5 Micro-organisms and Fermentation ... .Jiirgenson, A. A 40 U 10 [See also Fermentation; Leguminos* ; Nitrogen in Agriculture; Serums; Yeasts.] Badges, Coats of Arms, and Crests — Armorial Families D.ivic.s, A. C. F-. K 13 U 1 t Arms of the Royal and Parliame:itary Burghs of Scotland. Bute, Marquess of KITS 25 f Nobiliaire Universel de France Magny, Martpiis L. de K 13 q 21-23 I Records and Badges of Regiments in the British Army. Chichester, H. M. B 24 R IS The Right to Bear Arms "X " K 19 R 20 [See ato Genealogy ; Heraldry; Seals.] Bagdad — Geiural and Dencrijitire Kr.>iii Ratum to Baghdad Harris, W. B. 1) 17 S 10 Bahamas — General and Descrijillr/i — Annual Reports — ,H Colonial Reports (it. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Office 354.428 Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. G. W. I) 22 R 3 British America 1)22(^)0 Universal Geography Rcclus, E. 1)21 U \i Baking The Colonial Baker Williamson, T. P. .MA 4 P 40 [iS'ce k/«o Bread ; Confectionery ; Cooking. ] Balances — <.^>iuirtz-thread Gravity Balance ; bj- Prof. 'I'hiclfall Royal Society, Lnnd., I'roc., 1899 .500 Balearic Isles — General and Descriptire - Forgotten I.sles Vuillier, G. 1) Is V 24 Balkan Peninsula — Outgoing Turk Thom.son, IT. ('. I) 17 T 27 Penin.sule des Balkans Laveleyc, 10. de I) Ju i; II, 10 Travels and Polities in the Near East Miller, W. I) 13 V 14 [.See 'ilio Bosnia; Bulgaria; Herzegovii;a; Montenegro; Kou- mania; Servia; Turkey] Ballads and Popular Poetry ^/'!»Y'yvT/ Epic and 15allaen"is and liallads; by "Q" Couch, A. T. Q-. H 10 W 14 Political Ballads published in England during the Common«-ealth. Percy Society Pubs. H 1 1 S 5 .Simile and Metaphor in the Engish and Scottish Ballads. Odell, G. C. D. H 12 U 20 Six Ballails with Burdens Percy .Society Pubs. H 11 S 15 Songs and Ballads of the London Prentices, 14th to 16tb Centuries. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 7 .Songs of the Cavaliers Thornbury-, G. W. H 10 W 24 Strange Histories; byT. Daloney... Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 3 Irish — BiUad Poetry of Indand Duffy, Hon. C. (i. H 10 V 27 Irish Political liallads in Engiisli Studies Darmcsteter, .1. J 14 V 6 Japanese — Three Popular Japanese B.illads — in Kokoro...Hcaru, L. 1) 17 l'31 Scottish — Balladists (ieddie, J. H II R2 English and Scottish Popular Ballads Child, F. J. HIV 18 (V.Uecticmof BiUals Lang, A. H 10 V 29 Scottish Ballad Poetry Todd. G. E-. H 13 P 3 Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads ... Percy Society Pubs. H 1 1 S 19 Simile and Mctajihor in the Engli.sh and Scotti.sh B.alladst Odell, G. C. 1). H 12 U 20 Ballarat Old Mcll.uui lie Memories Browne, T. A. M.I 3 P 50 B?llistics — Ballistic Tables for .'-'tandard Projectiles w ith Ogival Heads of two CalilicrsRadius... UnitcdStates Dcpt. of theNavy A 25 U 37 Ballistics; by t'apt. .1. M. Ingalls UnitcdStates — Ailjutant- General's Office, Artillery Circular F A 22 P 2 f Interior Ballistics .... United .States Adjutant-Gcncrars Ofliee A 10 W 8 t [Sec «/. 15 [See a/«o Aeronautics ; Flying Machines. ] Balloons. [.SV,> Ballooniiif;.] Ballot, The Thr I'luilaii ill ll(ill;iiid, EnL;laiid. and .Vmerica Campbell, D. B 28 U 10, 17 [Sr:: iilso I'Ucctioii and Representation; SulTragc] Balnec-thc-rapeutics — Balneology and Hydrotherapeutics ; by Dr. H. Weber in System of Medicine "Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T .34 Hydrotherapy and Mineral Springs Baruch, S. A 31 P 14 .Sjholt Methods of Treatment of (j'hronie Di.sea.sc8 of tlieHeart ; with Account of the Nauheim Baths Thorne, W. B. A .'10 (,> 10 The Skin Ncale, A. MA 4 P 44 [.S'ee ay.vo Baths and Bathing ; Medical Baths; Nauheim Baths. J Snhjecl-Iii'lcx to the Siipplemcnlcmj Catalogue — 1896-1900. 725 T.ii.y, II. W. 1) IS 1^ IS Baltic Canal — l-i.,!,' of til.' TantalUni Caslle Baltic Sea - F,ih;,it ,m tlie liiiltic Kiiiglit, 10. I". I) IS (J L'il Baltimore —Voinmi'rce and Trade — iSoulli AiiieriLaii Triuk' of F.altiinore ; by V. R. R\ittor. Johns llopkiTis iriiivorsity, Studios, 1.") V> IS S 1") Finmice (did 'J' 20 Law and Practice of Bankruptc\- in N. S. W'ale.s. . . Salusbur\-, F. H. M'l'' r. i; 2 History of Modern Banks of Issue Conant, C. A. F 12 T 10 How to Deal with your Banker Warren, H. F 19 S 9 Manual for Co/iperators Huglies, T. V 3 R li Monetary and Industrial Fallacies Hin>e, J. B. F 10 (J 12 Money and Banking White, H. F 7 V 49 Money and Social Prol)leins Hai'per, J. \\'. F 13 U 7 Principles of Political Economy Xieliolson, J. S. F 8 (,» 2o Royal Commission on Slate Banking, Report Victoria — Parliament, V. and P., 189.")- 90 328.94.) Sound Currency and Banking System... Foote, A. R. F 10 V 22 Writings Paterson, W. F 13 U 9-11 [.S'ee nl-n of Canada. Cornwell, W. C. F 8 P 30 Evidence given bv Lord 0\ei'stonc l>efore Select Committee on Bank Acts .....". Overstone, Lord F 10 S 4 Law and Practice of Banking in Australia and New Zealand. 2ndod Hamilton, E. B. MF 3 T 02 Law relating to Bankers and Banking Companies (Irant, J. F 13 R 17 New In)peiial (ierman Mortgage Bank Law — ,'» Diplomatic and Consular Report, Misc. series, 1900 (it. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Banks and Banking — J'eriodicah 332 Australasian Insurance anil Banking Record Australian Financial (ia/.etto Baidier's Magazine Hankers', Insurance Managers', and Agents' Magazine Institute of Bankers, Jouinal Socintii's — Institute of Bankers, Journal 332 By Countries. Australia — Articles on .'\ustralian Banking Economist, Tlie .332 Australian Banking; by S. J. Murray Banker's Magazine, Lond., 02 332 Australian Banks : Oilicial Schemes of Reconstruction. Were, J. B. MF .J (.1 7 Collapse in Australia; by H. F. Hatlon... National Rev., 1893 0.'>2 History and Development of Banking in Australasia; by K. Brett. Institute of Bankers, Jomiial, 1894 332 Late Australian Banking Crisis ; by N. Cork... Institute of Banki'is, Journal, 1894 332 Law and Prac:ticc of Banking in Australia and New Zealand. 2nd ed Hamilton, K. P.. MF 3 T 02 [iS'ee idso each Colony under this heading. J California - Episode in Californian Banking; l)y H. (J. Turner. Melbourne Review, 1 0.r2 Canada — Canada Hopkin.s, J. C. D 13 T o t Canadian Banking System, ISI7-90 Breckenridge, R. M. F 4 V 20 (jurrencj' and Banking Law of the Dominion of Canada. (. ornwell, \V. C. F 8 P 30 China— Imperial Baidi (>f(_'liina... UnitcdStates -Consular Repts.,.")4 382 Connecticut Bank Commi.ssioiiers, Connecticut, Report Connecticut — Annual Repts. 328.746 Dakota - Public lOxainiuci-, North Dakota, Report North Dakota — Annual Repts. 328.784 England — Chi-onicles of the Bank of England Turner, B. B. F 5 P 36 English Bank Restriction - j«, History of American Currency. Sumner, W. G F 5 P 31 Ireland - - Banking, Railway, and Shii)ping Statistics, Ireland. (It. Brit, and Irek -Statistics F 13 T 8 Maryland — Histor\- of State Banking in Maryland ; by A. C. Bryan. Johns Hopkins University, Studies 17 B 18 S 17 New Hampshire — Bank Commissioners. Rept... New Hamps. .Vnu. Repts. 328.742 New South Wales — Institute of Bankers of New South Wales, Journal .3.32 New Zealand — Law and Piactiie of Banking in Australia and New Zealand. 2nd ed Hamilton, E. 15. MF 3 T 62 New Zealand House of Representatives Banking Committee, Reports New Zealand -Banking MF 1 Q 17 J Pennsylvania Commissioner of Banking, Pennsylvania, Report . . . I'ennsvl vania — Banking Dept. 332 Queensland — Queensland National Bank, Report of Committee... Queensland — Pailiament, V. and P., 1890, v. 2, 1897, v. 2 328.943 (Queensland National Bank, Reports and Correspondence. Queensland -Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.943 Switzerland — BankingSy.stems in Switzerland .. U.S. — ConsularRepts., .54 382 726 JPublic Library of Neio South Wales. Banks and Banking — United States — Dankiii!,' System of the Uiiiteil States ... Dawes, C (i. F 10 V ."> Xational Bankiiiji Scud.ler, M. L. F 17 V S Open Mints and Free Bauking Brough, W. F lo Q '2:2 [See "Iso California, Connecticnt, Maryland, New Hamijshire, Pennsylvania, under this heading.] Victoria Banking in Victoria; by H. (i. Turner Melb. Rev., 4 O.'i^ A Xational Bank of Issue for Victoria: liy J. Mirams. Melljournc Review, 3 ().V2 Royal Commission, Report... Victoria - State Banking. MF 4 U SO Baunockburn — Bannockburn — ;« Commune of London... Round, J. H. B is T 1-3 Baptism — Cluistian In.stitutions Allen, Rev. A. V. (i. (J 24 R 10 Cyprian Benson, Archliishop li 19 T 8"2 [See alio Baptists ; Sacraiitcnts, The. ] Baptists — Australian Evangelist M(i 1 V 11-14 Australian Particuhvr Baptist Magazine MO 2 U 17 Baptist Churcli - in Oui Churches. . . < Jlover, Rev. Dr. R. (i 1 1 U S7 History of the Baptist Churches in the United States. Newman, Rev. A. H. C, 12 \' History of the Congregational and Baptist Churches in Canada in Canada Hopkins, J. C. D 13 T 7 t [See alio Anabaptists; Baptism; Calvinists; Miiuionites; Wal- denses. ] Barbados — General and Descriptive Annual Reports — in Colonial Reports (!t. Brit, and Ircl. — Cohmial Office 3.-)4.428 British America D 22 <>) U Barbarism. \_See Heathen IJarhiuism; .Sa\agi.sin.] Bards — Talicsin; or, the Bards and Druids of Britain Nash, D. W. H 12 S 10 [See nlsn Minnesingers; Troubadnurs.] Barley — Agricultural Investigations at Rotliamsted (iilbert, Sir J. H. A IS U 27 Barlcj'-growing ; by C. Redwood... Agr. (la/.. , N.S.W., 11 (WO.S Kxpcriments in the Cultivation of Barley, lS!t!(; liy H. C. Sliciing- ham Irish Agricult. Organization Soc. F 10 I! :i4 Barns. [AVr Farm T.uildings.] Baroda — Gewral y (1. K. rjilbert U.S. (icological Siuvey, .Annual Pvcpt., 2 .V)7.3 fMi.scrviitioiiH UIKUI the .Marine Barometer made on the Coasts of New Holland and N. S. Wales, lHOl-3, by Cupt. M. Flimlcis. Royal Society, London, Phil. Trans., 1800 .">0(> Observations with Aneroid ami Meienrial Barometers and Boiling Point Thermometers; by T. W. Fowler... Royal Soc., Victoria, " Pi-oc, 18<).-) ."lOO Seientifie Writings llcmy, J. A ;!.) W I United Statca Geographical .Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report United States— Engineer Dept. A 10 U 2 t Baronage. [See Peerage.] Baronetage and Knightage — Debiett's Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage 929.72 Dods Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage 929.72 History of the Baronetage Pixley, F. W. K 10 U 11 Peerage and Baronetage IJurke, Sir B. 929.72 PeerageandBaronetageof British Empire Lodge, E. 929.72 [See alio Peerage. ] Barrows. [See Archeology ; jNIounds.] Bars — Hydraulic Engineering — Report on the Macleav River; by Sir. John Coodc... N. S. Wales — Maeleay River MA 9 P 41 t [See alio Harbours.] Bas-Breton. [See Breton Language.] Bas-relief — Bas-relief Romain a RepresentationsJHistoriqucs. Courband, E. A 35 T 15 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetseh, H. A IS T 15 t II Masco Pio Clementino Visconti, C. A 40 P 1-7 t [See r(/. Bath — in story — The Bath Road Harper, C. (.4. B .33 S 12 Baths and Bathing — Model Byedaws (it. Brit, and Irel.— Local (Jovt. F Ifl R 29 Surf and Surf-bathing; bv D. Osliornc Out-of-Door Sports A 40 Q 1 [See alio Balneo-Therapouties ; Hc.-ilth Resorts; Hydropathy; .Medical Baths; Mineral Waters; Swimming.] Batrachia — Auipliil>ia of Central Australia Spencer, B. MA 3 R 01 .Amphibian and Kci)lilian Remains from South Africa and Australia — (■» Scientific Memoirs Hu-xlcy, T. H. A 40 S It Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the British Museum: by Dr. A.(iuiither... British Museum— Natural History A 42 U 13 Collecting Reptiles anil Batracliians ; by L. Stejncger. United States — National Museum A 37 S 47 Fo.ssil Rcplilia ami Aniphil)ia in the Ihitish Museum; by K. Lj-dekker... British Museum- Natural History A 42 V 12- 15 (ieograpliical Distrilnition of Australian Batradiia; by J. J. Fh:tch('r Liimean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.(i North American Batracliia and Keptilia; by K. I). Cope— m Bul- letin 1, United States National Museum Sniithsonian Inst., Misc. ( 'dllectioMs, 13 50S On a Collection of Reptiles and Batracliians from British New Guinea; by G. A. Boulenger... Amials and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 18i)(i .WO. 5 Reptiles and Batracliians of North America (iarman, S. A 15 R22 t Royal Natural History Lydekker, R. A 28 V 25 Tailless Batracliians uf ICuiopc; bv G. A. Boulenger. Ray Society Pubs., 189G-97 590.0 The Vivarium Bateinan, Rev. G. C. A 27 R 9 [Sec aUo Frogs.] Siihject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 727 Bats —Mammalia. [See Chiroptera.] Battles — (.', nil rill JJiittUsaiKl Battlii liulilsiiiKiiglan(l...Harrott,(:. R. 1!. 11 -24 V IS Ucuils tliiit Won Ihe Kmiiiru ; liy " Vak'tLi;".,. Fitcliclt, l{fv. W. II. K24 (,i i:i Fights for the Fhi- Fitdiett, Rev. W. 11. 1! i{) (.1 lM Told from thu Raiik.s Small, K. M. 15 i\ S 4 [See aho under caeli Battle.] Batum — General iiiul J)i'.', Report Agricultui-al (iazettc, N. S. Wales, fl CoO.5 [.sVe nlifo Sorghums and Soiglium Sugar; Sugar-groM'ing. ] Beggars — Auld Lang Syne Miiller, M. .15X33 Some Peeuliar Beggars Tangye, Si r R. J 1 4 P 47 [■See a/. .i,s La Ki'pMliliqueiieenslancl, T^eport... Queensland — (iold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Bslles Lettres. [See Literature — Hi.stdrv of.] Bells - Bell-lore; by E. Howlctt — in Bygone Church Life in Scotland. Andrews, W. G 23 T 44 Cloches de Volone Lieutaud, V. B .34 R2 Ecclesiastical Curiosities Andrews, W. G 23 T 46 [.S'cf also Electric Bells.] Belts and Belting — Use of Tiehing tor the Tran.sniission of Power Cooper, 3. H. A 37 R 4 Bembidiides — Australian Bembidiides referable to the Geinis Tachys, with the Description of a new allied (ienus Pyrrotaehys ; by T. ( 1. Sloane. Linnean Society, N.S.W^, Proc, 1S96 580.6 [See also Carabida> ; Coleopdera.] Benedictines — English Black Monks of St. Benedict Taunton, Rev. E. L. G 11 S41, 42 [.See a?.so Monasteries; Monks; Religious Orders.] Benefit Societies. [See Friendly Societie.s; and under carli Scieii'tv.] Benevolence. [See Asylums, Benevolent; Chaiities; Charity; Poverty; Soeial Economy ; iSocial Problem.s.] Bengal (renend and Descriptive — Administration of Bengal, Reports ' ,3,54.541 Leaves from a Diary in Lower Bengal S., C. D 19 V 28 Ilistort/ — Early Annals of the English in Bengal... Wilson, C. R. B 22 V 19 Bengali Language Bcniiali I'riiilcil ISooks in tlic Lilirary of the British Jluseum; by .l.'^F. Blnndiaiilt IJritish Museum K18R18t Dictionary of lien^ali and .Sanskrit IhiuglUon, .Sir (i. ('. J 10 X 6 t Belli Hasan, (.sv-c Ix^yptiilony.] Benin -llistori/ The Benin Massacre r,i-iiiii. tlie City of I'.lood, .... Boisragon, .\. B 21 S 5 .... Bacon, K. II. I'. :i!» (,» 9 Benzene .\ction of Kthyl Chlorocarbruiate on Benzene in Presence of Alu- minium Chloride Reiniic, E. H. MA 3 W 18 Derives Surchlorcs du Phenol ct du Henzi-ne Barral, K. A 31 S 29 Benzyl-phenol r.eii/yl iphenol iuid its Derivatives . Kcnnic, 10. II. .MA:i\\'18 Beri Beri — lieribcri Manson, P, A 26 T .35 United StatcH Marine HoHpital Service, Report of Supervising Surgeon-General, 1897 6i;!.68 \iiee ril.in Troi)ieal Di.scn.scs. ] Subject-Index lo the Supplementary Catalogue — ISDG-IOOO. 729 Berkshire — (rfn/'ral and Descriptive ~ Kiiglisli l'op(igni))hy... Oentleman's Magazine Lilirary l)'2l)\' I Berlin — Generol (iiid Desi'i-iji/im — MuiiicipaUioverMiiient. iiiCiiiitiaciilal l'',iirii|i(' ..Sliaw, A. A 2 V 21 Bermudas — General mid Descrip/ive — Aiiiiiial lieports—t'n. Colonial Reports (it. liiit. ami licl. Colonial Ollii.' :!r)4.4-2S Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. (;. W. 1)22 11 li British America I) 22 (>> (i Poems of Places Longfellow, H. \V. H II I'M? Universal Oeography Rccliis, 10. 1)21 U 17 1 List or II ~ Generall Historic of the Bermudas, 1.593-1621: livCapt. J. Smith, 1G24 [Reprint]... English Scholar's Library Piihs., 1(1 J 8 1' 2.5 Berne — History — Historic Stiulies Head, C en. M. 11 Ul U 2. 3 Berry Estate — Berry Estate, Descriptive Account of j\ID 8 T 2 Bertillon System Anthropometric Measurements: l)_v Surgeon P. Brown — in Rejiort of United States Delegates to International PrisonCongress, 189,5. United States- -Dept. of State ,30.5 Bertillon System ; by Major R. W. McClaughrey — in Report of United States Delegates to International Pi'ison Congress, 1S95. United States— Dept. of State 3(i.5 Bertillon System as a Means of Suppressing the Business of Living byCrime.. U.S. — Bureau of Education, Rept., 189,5-9i) .S79.7o Signaletic Instructions Bertillon, A. F 1 3 T 1 [See alt^o Anthropometry; Identification of Criminals.] Bessemer Steel. [See Imn and Steel.] Bethels — Sydney Bethel Union, Reports . 206 Betterment — Increment in the Value of Land in Melbourne: by I). Syme. Melbourne Review, -1 (1.52 Select Committee on Town Improvements, (ireat Britain. Report. 1894 ... (it. Brit, and Irel. — Town Improvements F 39 V 21 J [.5ee also Property.] Betting. [.See Gambling.] Beverages — The Flowing Bowl Molt, E. S. .1 24 T 2 [.S'ce r(/,vo Alcohols: Ale; Cocoa; Coffee; Tea; Wines and Wine- making.] Bi-metallism - Address on Bi-mctallism Crenfcll, W. H. MK.iR 12 Australia's Interest in the International Monetary Conference. Keating, F. A. MF 3 R 12 Bi-metallie Question F 13 R 19 Bi-metallism Darwin, L. F 13 V 39 Bimetallism Maitland, E. V. A. MF 3 R 12 Bi-metallism McCidloch, H. F 17 P 8 Bi-metallism in Studies in M.anv Subjects... Revnolds, Rev. S. H. ,1 19 W 8 Bi-metallism E,Kplained Rothwell. W. T. F 13 V 31 Bi-metallism; or. Currency Reform... Howell, .J. H. MF 3 R 12 Bi-metallist, The MF 3 R 12 Coin's Financial School Harvey. W. H. F 10 V •J,5 La Crise Agricole: Expose didactique de scs Origines Monctaries. AUar.I. A. A 46 P 7 Currency Question MF 3 R 12 Declarations in favour of Bi-metalli.sni... Bi-metallism MF3R 12 Disturbance in the Standaril of Value Barclay, R. F 4 L' 26 The Economic Problem: an Australian Appeal ; by F. A. Keating. National Review, Dec, 1S97 6.52 Economic Theory Davenport, H. J. F 13 R 2 4 z Bi-metallism - eontd. Free ('oin,ii,'c of Silver in the United .States Frcwen, M. .MF3R12 (iold and Silver Hallard, .1. H. F 13 V 26 Iackie, G. M. Ci3P24 Bible of St. Mark Robertson, Rev. A. G 23 R 20 Bible, Science, and Faith Zahm, Rev. .J. A. (i 19 T 1.5 Bibles of England Edg.ar, Rev. A. (; II S 31 (ireat Pyramid L,agrange C. (;I2V2 History of the English Bible Pattison, T. H. (J 9 \\ 14 Holy Land and the Bible Geikie, Rev. C. D 1,5 S 10 t Hours with tlie Bible (ieikie, Rev. C. (J 19 T 23 .Jehova's (Jesammelte Werkc Ro.'^s, W. S. (J 17 R 43 Literary Curiosities and Notes. . .Gentleman's Mag. Lib. .1 12 V 32 Literary Study of the Bible Moulton, R. G. (; 1 R .37 The Old English Bible, and other Essays ... (Jasijuet, Rev. F. A. (i 19 T 34 Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts Kenyon, Rev. F. G. (J 1 R 36 Parchments of the Faith Merrill, Rev. G. E. (J 12 V 3 Radical Criticism Beattie, F. R. G 9 W 26 Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament. Weir, T. H. G 2? Q ,50 Study of the Holy Scriptiue Briggs, Rev. C. A. (i 23 U 4,5 What the Bible teaches Torrev, R. A. G 23 U 44 Who wrote the Bible? Gladden, W. G 23 P 7 [See also Apostles; Biblical Criticism; Biblical Geography; Biblical History ; Canon of Scripture; Christian Evidences; Creation; Deluge; Lord's Prayer; Miracles; Parables; Prophecy : Religion and Science ; Revelation ; Theology, Systematic; and under each Book of the Bible.] 730 Tuhlic Lihrcmj of New iSoii/h Wales. Bible, The— Codicefi^ Biblioniiii Sacrorum Giwcus Coilex Vaticamis Bililus ami Testaments — Coilices (i G U 7-12 X Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptoruni Orieutaliuiu (jni in JIusei) Britauuico asservantur British Museum K 44 Q 14-lS Codex Beziv Bibles ami Testaments — Codices (! "21 P 3, 4 f Commeiilai-irs — Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible. . . Ball, Rev. J. C. U 5 Q 3-2 The Bible as Literature ." Moulton, R. ( i. (J "23 P 3U [See alxo New Testament — Commentaries ; Old Testament — Com- mentaries.] Concordances — Concordance to the Greek Testament Jloulton, Rev. W. F. 23 U 41 Dlcliunaries — Dictionary of tlie Bible Hastings, Rev. J. G S S 10-21 1 Encvclopa'dia Biblica: edited by T. K. Chevne G 23 V 23 Indc.x-Digest of the H. .ly Scriptures... Nave^ Rev. 0. J. (i 23 \ 34 • Societies — British and Foreign Bible Society, Report 2(M) Kew South Wales Auxiliary Bible Societj', Reports 200 Society for I'ropagation of Gospel in Foreign Parts, Classified Digest of the Records, 1701-1892 G 1 P 30 Bible ill Schools, [.s'w Religion in Education.] Bibles and Testaments — 'fexts. \_See under Bibk-s and Testaments in the Author Catalogue.] Biblical Archaeology — Ancient HeVircw Tradition .. Honnncl, F. G 2t) S 1 Authoritj' and Arch;eology Driver, Rev. S. R. G 24 U 7 The Bible and the Monuments: by Rev. A. H. Sayce — ('/( Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible .'.,... Ball, Rev. C. J. G 5 Q 32 Biblical Antiquities: bv C. Adler United States — National Museum, Rept., 1896 507 Biblical Archreology .Jacobs, ,T. G ] 7 Q 44 Kthnologv of the 3!ible: by Rev. A. H. Sayce in Aids to the Student of tlic Holy Billlc Ball, Rev. C. J. G 5 Q 32 Land of (ioshen and the Exodus Brown, R. H. B 34 S 7 Light from the East Ball, Re^•. C. J. G 23 V 22 Monumental Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures in Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible Ball, Rev. C. J. C! 5 Q 32 Society of BiMical Archaology, Proc 220.93 Studia I5il>li(ra ct Ecclcsiastica H 25 R 4-7 Testimony of the Monuments to Old Testament History; by \\'. St. C. IJoscawen - in Aids to tlie Student of the Holy Bible. Ball, Rev. C. J. G 5 Q 32 [See also As-syria; Babylon; Bible— Dictionaries j ICgyptology ; Jews; Palestine.] Biblical Criticism — Geim-al^ 'I'liu liililc Fanar, Dean G 1 R 5 Bible and Mo Palestine, theGloryofAllI.ands... Sutherland, Rev. A. D 18 S 28 Patriarchal Palestine Sayce, Rev. A. II. 15 28 S I Vcrglcicheiiilc Krdkunde uud Altteslamcntlich (ieogra|)liisclic Weltgc.Hchichte Haug, H. (i II .\ 19 t [See a/so liibliial History: Palestine.] Biblical History - ,\bialiam and his .Age Tomkiiis, Rev. H. (i. (! 23 1} 19 Age of the Maccabees Sircane, A. W. G 23 P 44 The Uible; its History; by Rev. H. li. Swc'te-m Aids to the StudiMit of the Holy BiCle Ball, Rev. C. J. (i 5 Q 32 Biblical Lands; by H. Rassam Victoria Inst., Trans., 30 200 Subject-Index lo the Siqiplementary Catalogue — lHUG-1000, 731 Biblical History — conUl. ])(■ l;i ri:i'c I'iiiti' :vux Lfgcndcs locales jiar Ics Livres liiKtoi'iijues (l.j la r.ililc Venios, M. (! IS S 30 Holy Land in (icograpliy and History... MaiiCouii, 'P. 1) 'iO (,t IH H(uii-.s with the Bible..." Ueikie, Rev. C. (J 1!) T 2:5 Joseph the Dreamer , Bird, R. (r 1 U 30 New Liglit on the Bil)le and the Holy Land Kvetts, B. T. A. C 14r2() People's llil.le History Lorinicr, Rev. (1. ('. (Ml \V (i, 7 t Sinai Palmer, II. S. P, 27 P 11 Struggle of tlie Nations Maspero, (i. I! 17 LJ IS Tales of the Warrior King Maediill", R<:v. J. R. P. 'M R !) \H(.e also Jewish History.] Bibliography— General— Bililiographieal Notes (ientleman's Alag. Lib. .1 12 V 33* P>ook -hunter in London Roberts, W. J9V1 Conferenec Bililicjgraphiipiu Internationale Brussels— Olilee Internationale de Bibliographic .7 1 1 S 20 Institut International de Bibliographie: Bidletin olO.(i A Martyr to Bibliography Thomas, R. .) 14 S 20 Organisation Internationale de la Bibliograpliie SeientiHciue. Brussels — Office International de Bibliographie J 14 S 28 Retrospective Review I 28 Q 14-R 12 Theory of National and International Bibliography. . . Campljell, F. J US 21 [i9ee aho Book-binding ; Book-plates ; Book Rarities ; Booksellers ; Catalogues of Books; Cataloguing; Classification; Indexing; Kelmseott Press; Palimpsests; Libraries; Lilirary Kconimiy: Pseudonj'ms; Ty])ograpliy ; and under Author, Country, Literature, and Subject; ct/., a Bildiograpliy of Chemistry will bo placed under Chemistry — Bililiograpliy ; of Japan, mider Japan — Bibliography. ] Pfriodlcals — Anticpiariau Magazine and Bibliographer B 37 S 9-20 The Biblii.igrapher. [.^ee Book Lore under thi.s heading.] Bibliographica T 13 S 2-4 t Book Lore J 10 V 0-14 The Bookw(irm J 10 V 12, 15-21 Bicameral System — Rise and Development of the Bicameral System in America; by T.F.Moran... Johns Hopkins Univer.sity, Studies, 13 B IS S 13 Two Theories for the Working of Bicameral Legislatures; 1>3' Miss Spcnoe Melbourne Review, 4 052 [.See afeo Constitutions of Countries ; (government; Upper Cham- bers. ] Bicycles and Tricycles — Bicycles and Tricycles Sharp, A. A 25 R 3S Modern Cycles Tayler, A. J. W-. A 29 S 29 Modern Safety Bicycle < iarrat t. H. A. A 33 (,) 30 [.S'fc also Cycling.] Bicycling. [.See Cycling-.] Bigotry. [Sea Toleration.] Bijapur — General and Descriptive — Bombay Presidency — (lazetteer, 23 915.47 Bilharziosis — Bilharzia htematobia Cuilleniard, P. II. H. A '20 T 35 [See also Parasites and Parasitic Diseases.] Biliousness — Bilious Temperament- /« Health and (.'omlition in the Active and the Sedentary Davies, N. K. A 20 R 30 Diseases of the Liver Waring, H. J. A 37 R 11 [See aho Digestion and Indii_'estion : Li\er.] Billiards — Billiards Broadfoot, W. A 29 S 23 [See aho Games.] Bills of Sale— Bills of Sale Act Thomson, C. C. MF 5 R G [See aho Mortgages. Binding. [S'ee Book-bindinf,'.] Biogenesis, [.sv,. I!i,,lciuv : K\oluiic/i) ; Life Origin of.] Biographers — P.osHcll, James; bv W. K. Leask C 20 U 21 .Masters of Viilori.ui Literature Craham, R. I). J 22 Q 9 Biographical Sketches - American Bookmen Howe, M. A. De W. C 23 U 11 A]i|iicci.itions and Addresses Ro.sebery, Karl .1 9 R (i P.iiigr.ij)hiial E.ssays — in Chips from a (iornan Workshop. Midler, F. iM. J22Q4 Biogiaphical Sketches Hawthome, N. .1 23 R 12 (.'ommemorative Addresses (lodwin, I'. •! 14 V .1 Eminent Per.sons C 19 Q 21, 22 Literary and .Social Essays ('urtis, (i. W. .1 14 V2 Lives of Dr. .John Donne, Sir H. Wotton, Richard Hooker, Ccorgo Herbert, and Dr. R. Sanderson Walton, I. C 27 P 22 Men who have made the Empire Griffith, llli Colour in Nature Nowbigin, Marion L A 23 S 44 IClcmentarv Practical Biology Dodge, C. W. A 27 S 4 Foundations of Zoologj; Brooks, W. K. A 40 U 9 Heteroblastie ; by Prof. Salensky International Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 History of the Relations between Morpholog}- and Biology ; by Prof. Martin. . . Australasian As.soc. , Advance, of Se. , R-'pt. , 1898 50, i Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte dor Anatomic und Kntwick- lungsgeschichte 1 0. .■) The Living Organism Earl, A. A 27 R 3.") Principles of Biology Spencer, II. A 32 (^ HI, 20 Problems of Bioh)gy Sandeman, (!. A 27 (,.• 19 Relics of Primeval Life Dawson, Sir J. W. A 24 R 28 Science of L-ifc Thomson, J. A. A 28 P 39 Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom... Cunningham, J. T. A 35 T 14 [.SffC a/.vo Anatomy ; Bacteriology; Biologists; Biology -Addresses; Biology iluscums; Biology — Pcrioditals; Biohigy— Societies ; Botany; Cells; Development; Eniliryology ; Evolution; Fer- tilization; (jlcmmation: Gestation; Heredity; Histology ; Life; Marine Zoology ; Microscopy ; Microtome ; Morphology ; Natural History ; Physiological Chemistry ; Physiology; Protc;- plasni ; Sex; Zoology.] • A'lr/reKaiMi, Ensai/.i, Lcctiires-- Biological Lectures A 27 T 13 Biological Lectures and Addresses... Marsludl, A. M. A 28 1' 34 MusfuiHS, Lahnratories, Siatioiis- Essavs on Museums and otiicr Subjects connected witli Natural History Fh.wer, Sir \V. H. A 41 R 1 Laboratory Guide Pillsbury, J. H. A 27 Q 21 Marine Biological Stations of Europe; by B. Dean. Biological Lectures A 27 T 13 Proposed Biological Station, Duiiedin; byt!. M. Thomson. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 odO Work and Aims of Wood's Holl Marine Biological Observatory; by C. O. Whitman Biological Lectures A 27 T 13 J'eriodicals- Biologischcs Centralblatt... ■ Societies — Mil Biological Society of Washington, Proceedings Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 2o 508 Birds —Popular Books Birdcraft Wright, Mabel O.sgood A 27 S 12 Birds and Bees Burrouglis, .J. A 41 (J 9 Canaries and Cage Birds Blakston, W. A. H 10 S 1 1 t Curiosities of Bird Life Dixon, C. A 27 R i'rrv--/« Injurious Insects, fi. .\gricult. Exper. Stns. A 3S (.1 6 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Fruits Agricultural Experiment Stations A .'JS R 1 Blackleg Blackleg in the UnitedStates; byV. A. Niirgaard... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry, Rejit., 1898 636 Blacksmithiiig - Test liofik of -Mci'hanical Engineering {Set aino Farriery; Iron-work.] Bladder Diseases. [See Urinnry Organs.] . Wy.lif Society Publications, 17 (i23T31 I Lincham,W.J. A 22 R 32 Blasphemy l>e lilasphcmia Subject-Index to the Sujujlcmentarij Cataloyue — 1896-1000. 733 Blasting — Blasting of Rock Itaw, A. \V. A 10 U 9 [.See also Explosives; Quair\'ing. ] Blastoidea lilastiiidoii ill tliu (iciilogii-"il l)e])ai tiiiciit of the ]'rilisli Miisouiii; by R. Etheridge, and P. H. Caiiii'iitor Biitisli Museum — Natural Histoiy A 12 U .'! t {See also Pala'ontology — Etliiiiodcrniata.] Blastophaginae — Insects living in Figs; liv W. W. Fioggatt.. Agiirultuial ( :azctte, N. S. Wale.i, 11 (iSO.") [ftp a/4'0 Caprifiratiuii ; Entomology, Etoiionii<' ; Fias.J Bleaching - Jileaching and (.'alieo-piinting l)iK'ri', (1. A i"i U 111 Textiles and Bleaching — in Cliemistiy for ManufaLturers. Blount, B. A '21 T liO Blind, The — Ast/hims and Ediicniion. — A Blind Liadei- of the Blind -in Pioneer Women ... Pratt, E. A. C 2.? Ci) 19 Blindness and the Blind Levy, W. H. A 21) R 27 Central Board of Control of State Institutions, Rept... Michigan — State Institutions oOO Moon, William, and his Work for the Blind ; liv J. Rutheiforil. C -l-A U (i New South Wales Institution for the Deaf and Uumb and the Blind, Report 36->.4 Ohio Institution for the Education of the Blind, Reports. Ohio — .\miual Repts. 328.771 Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, Report. 371.91 Schools for the Blind, Rept... Ot. Brit, and Irel. — Education 371-91 Sydney Industrial Blind Institution, Report 302.4 Blindness — Blimlness and the Blind Levy, W. H. A 20 R 1:7 [.SVc re/so Colourddindness; Eye.] Bloemfontein, South Africa. [See Orange Free State; South Africa.] Blood— Clinical Ex.amination of tlic Blood ; liy Dr. M. C'opcman .'» Sv.stcm of Medicine ".. Alllmtt, T. C. A 2(i T 38 Clinical Examination of the Blood for Diagnostic Purposes. Cabot, R. C. A 37 R 3 Diseases of the Blood ; by Di'. F. C. A. Shattuck in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P lo Diseases of the Blood ; by Dr. R. Stockman — I'rt Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 General Features of the Blood ; by Dr. M. Foster in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 2(i T 38 {See alxo Arteries; Cireulatorj' System: Heart: Physiological Chemi.stry; Pya'inia; Septicemia; Vascular System; Veins.] Blood-poisoning. [See Pyiemia : Septicaemia.] Blood rites. [See Sacritic'c.] Blow-fly— Anatomy and Physiology of the Blow-fly . . . Lownc, B. T. A 34 V 1 .5 Blovrpipe Analysis — Manual of Determinative Mineralogy ... Brush, (i. .J. A 38 U 2tl [See. also Analytical Chemistry; Metallurgj-. ] Blue Books. [See under New South Wales — Public Ser- vice, in Author Catalogue.] Blue Jay (C yanocitta crisiata) — Blue Jay and its Food; by F. E. L. Beal United States - Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 030.5 Blue Mountains, N.S.W. r.MistiiKling lload over the lihic .Mount. liiis, Isl4-1.")... Cox, W. M A 4 (J 8 Jcnolan Ca\cs and tin; Blue Mountains ., Richardson, R. S. Ml)(i V 4 Journey from Sydney over the Blue Mountains to Bathurst Forty Years Ago....' Ml) 2 P 10 Bluebeard — Bluclicard: a C'jntiibiilion to llistorv and Folk-lore... Wilson, T. C 27 S 19 Blunders. [See Halhicination.s; Popular Errors; Super- stition.] Board for Exports, Kew South Wales. [See Export Trailr, New South Wales.] Boardiug-out System — Boarding-out of Pauper C'hilihen, Report; bj- Miss M.ason. Ct. Brit, and Irel.— Local Oovernincnt F Hi R 28 Children under the Poor Law Chance, W. F 13 T 20 I'oor Uw Conferences, 1897-98 352.9 [See fi/(-. (; 17 Q 8 + 15tli Century — History of Reynard tlicFox. [Reprint] Reynard the Fox ,1 22 P 15 Histi rv of Reynard the Fox. [Reprint of 1481 Translation.] Reynard the Fox .1 22 P 15 History of Reynard the Fox, from the edition of 1481. Percy Society Puljs. H 11 S 14 History of the Holy (iraal... Borron, iSires R. de H 17 Q 9, 10 + Paris ami \'ienne 1 2 T 29 Printers of Basle in the 15thand 16th Centuries... Heekct horn, C. W. C 11 .\ 18 t .Sermones de tempore et Sanctis Augustine, St. (! 11 X 17 t 16th Century— Cyuile and Uncyuile Life Incditcd 'I'racts .1 2 T 30 Health to the (ientlcmanly Profession of Scruiiigmcn. Markham, G. J 2 T 30 Historiarum Nalura, Libri xxxvii Pliniu.s Seeundus, C. A 17 U 9 + Inedited Tracts J 2 T 30 I'rin ters of Basle in the loth and 1 0th Centuries. . .Heckcthorn, ( '. W. (• 11 X IS t Subject-Index to the Supjilementary Catalogue — 1800-lUOO. 735 Book Rarities 17tli Century — Ccitiiiii I'r<.|j.)SHlls Roliinsoii, H. F 8 V 4 CuUfotioii uf ()ii{,'iiial VoyaguK Hac^Ue, ('apt. W. 1) 2(1 S 20 (.'omplotc Angler [Ucpriii't]" Walton, I. A 2!l .S 20 Ceographiial Diiliuiiary, 1G91 ]?(jlinii, I'l. 1)111 I'll Historic of tin: t'ounccl of Tirnt Sar))i, Fia !'. (I 17 U 8 t Micosmogra])liy Karlc, Kev. .1. .1 14 H 'i'> I'oliteuphuia BoiU-Mliani, .7. .1 1 \' 41 Remarks on Mr. Lock's I3ook Temjjle, Sir 1!. K 8 \' 4 Select Observations Kalcigli, Sir W. KSV4 Tract.s ilhistrative of Kiiglisli Monetary Hi.story, l(i2(5 -17'5(). Shaw, W. A. F S V 4 Book Sales and Auctions — Book Auctions in England Lawlcr, J. .1 24 T H Books — General — Aspects of Author.sliip .Jacox, F. .7 14 U I 'I'lie Bibliographer, [tiee Book Lore vmilcr this heading.] Book-buying— (■« Obiter Dicta Birrell, A. J 11 U 30, 31 Book-hunter in London Roberts, \V. J !) V 1 Book Lore J 10 V 9-14 Books and Culture Mabie, H. W. J 231' 2 Books ami Reading Porter, Rev. N. J 3 'V 1 4 The Bookworm J 16 V 12, KV21 Life-power Pierson, Rev. A. T. (1 !) W 2.'> Literary Curiosities and Notes... Gentleman 'sAIag. Lib. J 12 V 34 Prices of Books Whcaley, H. B. J <) S 41 [Ste a/.so Bibliography ; Book-binding; Book-plates; Booksellers; Illuiuination; Illustration of Books; Printing.] Books of Hours. [.SV," Prayer-lidoks.] Booksellers and the Book-trade — ■ Book-tradein Australia; by A. y C. T. Clark Library Association of Australasia, Proc, 1898 MJ 2 V 'l Books and their Makers during the Middle Ages... Putnam, (i. H. J 12 V 30 Liternational Directory of Booksellers and Bibliophile's Manual. Cat. Room Profession of Bookselling (irowoll, A. J .5 V 18 [;S'ce alio Authors and Publishers ; Publishers ; Publishing. ] Bookworms — Facts aliout Bookworms., O'Connor, Rev. J. P. X. A 28 P 36 Boomerang- Australian Weapon called the Boomerang; by Prof. Lovering. American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc, 1858 r)06 Boomerang and its Flights; bv J. Jennings Wide World Magazine, 2 910.5 Carved Boomerang from Noith Cj»uecnslan05 Botany I'hillips, ii. W. (J IS (,) 30 Briti.'ih Association for Advancement of .Science. Report, KS1I5 ."idii Collecting Recent and I'"ossil Plants; by F. If. Kuowlton. United States- National Museum A 37 S 22 Compendium of General Botany ... Westermaier, M. A 20 T 2.'! Conception of Species as ali'eeted by Recent Investigations on l''inigi ; by W. (I. Farlow American Assoc, Advance, of Sciciuie, Proc., ISOS .■)()(! Klenientary Text-book of Rotanj' Vines, S. H. A .32 !>• l.s Elements of Hotany Darwin, F. A 20(^1 lit Kvolution of Plants Campbell, D. H. A 20 l< 15 Favourite Flowers of (iarden and (Jrecnhouse Stej), K. A 31 S 5 8 Freaks ami Marvels of Plant Life Cooke, M. C. A 20 R 7 fJcncral Botany Curtis, C. C. .'\ 34 X I(> Hardy (j'onifcrous Trees Webster, A. I). ,\ 20 U 12 Leaves, Flowers, Fruit Tepper. .1. (1. {). .\IA 4 S 27 Lessons with Plants Uailey, L. H. A 33 P .32 Monograplii.e I'hanerogamarum ])e Canook of Botanj" .Strasburger, E. A 40 U 1 Uniteil States Geographical .Surveys west of the lOOth Meridian, Report, Xjnited States — Engineer Dept. A 10 U 7 t [See also Algse ; Bacteriology ; Botanists ; Botany and Flora — By Countries; Botany, Cryplogamic ; Botany. Economic; Botany, Medical ; Botany, Physiological ; Cells ; Collecting ; Distribu- tion of Plants ; Evolution ; Ferns ; Fertilization : Fungi ; Hy- bridization; Insectivorous Plants; Kew Royal (hardens; Lich- ens; Mosses; Orchids: Plant-lore; Seaw-eed ; Seedlings; Seeds Seed-testing; Trees and Slu'ubs; and under names of plants and orders.] • Dirtionaries — Dictionary of tiardening Nicholson, (J. A 4G T .3-7 Handbuchder Botanik... Encyklopa'dia der Naturw. A 42 R 1-5 Eduealiun, Getrdens, Mxsdtnis, Lahorntorles — Botanical Gardens; byN. L. Britton... American As.soc, Advance. of Science, Proc, 1896 506 La Botanique ii Lyon avant la Revolution. . . (Gerard, R. A 31 S 26 Facilities foi Botanical Studies in Victoria ; by H. T. Tisdall. Victorian Naturalist, 1898 .505 Hortus Fluminensis, ou-I5revc Noticia sobre as Plantas Cultivadas no .Jardim Botanico do Rio de .Janeiro Brazil A 44 W 15 Plantas novas cultivados no .Tardini Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil A IS Q 27, 28 t Ta.smanian Museum ajid liotanical (iardens, Reports... Tasmania — Parliament, Journs. 32-'. 946 Somene/alure - Explanation of the Venmcular Name of ICiieali/p/us fastiijata ; by W. Baeuerlen Linnean Soc, N.S. W..'Proc, 1899 580.6 General Index to the Latin Names and Synonyms of the Plants depicted in the first 107 vols, of Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 580.5 Glossary of Botanical Terms Jackson, B. 1). A 45 S 8 Nomenclature of the Arborescent Flora of the United States; by G. B.Sabworth... UuitedStates -Dept.ofAgr. l)iv. of Forestry A 36 V 26 Periodical)! — Curtis's Botanical Magazine -580. 5 GreviUea A20S 23-44 Societies — Campbelltown Botanical Collecting Society .MA 5 R 3 Cryptogamic — English Botany Sowerby, J. A 39 Q 12 Grevillea A20 S 23-44 New Zealand Cryptogams; by VV. Colenso... N. Z. Inst., Trans., 1895 506 [See nixo Algie; Biieteriology ; Desmids ; Diatomacea;; Ferns; Fungi; Hepatacie; Lichens; Mos.ses; Mvietozoa; Seaweeds; Yeasts.] Economic — AgricuUinal Botany Piicival, J. A 27 S ,34 Bath and West ami .Scmth. Counties Soc, .li urn.. 1895 96. 630.6 Black, or , Spear Thistle Agiiciilt. ( az., N.S.W., V, 030.5 Botanical Aspects of British Central .\fi-ii-(i ... (it. Brit, and Ircl. - Foreign (Mice, Misc. Ser. .373 382 Botanical Notes Agricnlt. (iazettc, N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Biief Outline of the Botanical Efforts of the (Government of British Honduras Moloney, Sir A. A 20 P .38 Collecting Specimens illustrating the Aboriginal Use of Plants. Coville, F. V. A 20 V 27 Experimental Farms, Canada, Repor's, 1895 Canada Dept. of Agricultuie 630.7 Marram firass, a v.aluable Sand-stav Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Native Food Plants; b\' .1. II. Ma den Agricultmal (iazette, N. S. \Valcs, 10 6.30.5 New Jersey— Agrieult. College Fxper. Sti\., Rept., 1895... 030.7 New Ze.aland Timbers and Forett Products... Peiceval, Sir W. B. .MA 4 S 3 Prnilucts from Fruit of I'llli's, oriim viidulalmii, and fioni Leaves of the Pepper-tree Poyal Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 29 .506 iS'ubJ eel-Index- to the HiJi/iyplementary CalaloQue — 1896-1900. 737 Botany — Economic— co?i/f^. Sonu! Miiiiir Vi';^(/tal)k'rj'Oiliietsof N. S. Wiiles ; liy.l. IT. Maiden — ill's. S. VValus, tlR'AlotliurCJoliiny. .Iliitcliiiisoii, l>'. Ml) 7 U i'5 Uiiiteil States — Dcpt. of .At;r. , Kx|>ciiment Stii. Record, "> (iJJO.T Useful Australian ri;ints ; liv. 1. 11. .Maiden .. AniieuUurallJazcltc, N. S. Wales, II (i:!!).") [See aluo Acclimatisation; 15oUiny, Medical; C'amjilior; Dye Plants ; K.s.^snces ; Experiment Farms ; Fibres ; Flower-garden- ing; Fodders; Forage Plants; (lras.ses; Gums; PoLsonous Plant.s; Prickly Pear; Scent IMants; Seed.s; Technological Chemistry; VVce()..5 Callecting Specimens illustrating the Aboriginal Use of Plants. Coville, F. V. A 20 V 27 Handworterbuch der Pliarmakognosie des Pilanzenreiclis. Encyklopa^die der NaturwissenschaftoTi A 4:2 P 1 Indigenous Drugs; by J. H. Maiden Agricultural Ga/.ctto, N. S. Wales, 'J, 10 G30..5 New Native Medicinal Plants of Queensland ; by Dr. J. Lauterer. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 12 ."ilHi Queensland Native Astringent Medicines, illustrated by tiie Chemistry of Gums of the Eucalypts and Angophoras. Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1S9S .")0I:') [.See a/.s'O Botany, Economic; Drugs; Materia Medica; Poisonous Plants; and under eacli Medicinal Plant.] Physiological and Structural- - Academic des Sciences, Complcs rendusdes Seanee.s, 120, 121 ."iCIi Animaland Vegetable Physiology Roget, P. M. A 2(i R 2-"), 2U Botanical Microtechnicjue Zimmermann, A. A 20 T •I.~> Buds and Stipules Lubljock, Sir .J. A 20 R 18 Domatia in certain Australian and other Plants ; by A. (i. Hamilton. Linuean Society, N.S.W. , Proc., ISiKi ,')SO.I) ■ Evolution of Plants " Campbell, D. H. A 20 R l.". Experimental Morphology; by G, T. Atkinson... American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc, 1897 WKi Fixation of Carbon by Plants; by H. T. Broivii... British Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1S99 oO(i Identity of Structure of Plants and Animals- -in Scientihc Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S l.-> Microscope in Botany Behrens, J. W. A 20 T 24 « Nature and Origin of Stipules Tyler, A. A. A 37 T 10 Organography of Plants Vjoebel, K. A 4.5 V 22 Origin and Formation of Organic Matter in Plants: b\- p. P. Deherain in Experiment Station Record, 9 ... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office Experiment Stations (i:j0.7 Physical ami Jleteorological Researches, principally on Solar Ra^'s ; by C. Flammarion — in Experiment Station Record, 10. United States— Dept. of Agr.— OHice of Exper. Stns. 030.7 Physiological Role of Water in Plants; by E. (iain... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030..') I'liysiology of Plants Pfeffer, W. A 4.') V 1 3 Plant-hairs; by G. Pini... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 Practical Plant Physiology Detmer, W. A .•?2 R 40 Structural Botany (iray, A. A 20 U 2.5 Temperature of Plants; by W. Soutter Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 500 Water as a Factor in the Growth of Plants; by B. T. (iallow.ay. United States - Dept. of Agr. , Year-book, 1S94 OSO.o [See nho Cells ; Colour of Flowers ; Embryology ; Histology ; Morphology; Protoplasm; Seedlings; Selection in Breeding.] Botany and Flora Africa — African Plants collected by Dr. F. Welwitsch in 1853 01 ; by W. P. Hiern British Museum, Nat. History A 43 X 1-4 Botanical Aspect of British Central Africa... Gt. Brit, and Ire. Foreign Office, Misc. Ser. , 373 382 (4reat Rift Valley Gregory, J. W. D 14 V 22 Naturalist in Mid-Africa Elliot, G. F. S. A 28 U 22 5 A Botany and Flora — America, North - Bibliographical Index of \oiih .\Tiicrican Molany; by S. Wateon. Smitlisoniaji [nsliliilion, .Misc. Collections, 1.5 .508 Gcogra|)liic Distribution of .Animals and I'lants in North America ; l)y(;. H. Merriam...U.S. Dcpt.of Agr. , Year-book, 1894 G30..J Silva of North America Sargent, C. S. A 40 8 25, 26 X Synoptical Flora of North America: theClamopctake; by A. Gray. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 31 .508 [,SVe nlxo Ai'ctic: Regions, Canada, United States under this heading.] Arctic Regions Natural History of .\ritic .\mcriea; byL. Kumlien — /n Bulletin 1.5, National Museum... Smith.sonian Inst., Mi.sc. Collects., 23 508 Australia — Australasian Association for Advance, of Science, Rei)t. , 6... .500 Botany of Central Australia ....'. Tate, R. MA 3 R (52 Emc.v Austnili^ by R. Helms ... Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 SOB Flora of Australia ; by G. H. Adcock... Royal Horticultural Soc, .loun-.al, 1898 034 Flora of Australia; by R. T. Baker... Liiniean Soc, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897' 580. G Fragmenta Phytographia' Aiistraliie... JIueller, Baron F. v. A 1 T 40* New Species of Australian Plants ; by .1. H. Maiden Linnean Society, N. S. Wales. Proc, 1897 oSO.G Stcrciiliii hri.hi and discohir; by J. H. Maiden ... Linnean Societ\', N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 .580"6 Suggestions upon the Origin of the Australian Flora ; by S. Moore. Natural Science, 1899 505 [See. nlx:i each Colojiy under this lieading.] Austria Flora of the .Alps . Bennett, A. W. A 20 R 5, Bombay- Botany of the Bombay Presidency ; liy Snrgeon-Major W. Fray. Bombay — (iazetteer, 25 915.47 List of Gujerat Trees; by G. H. D. WiLson Bombay — Gazetteer, 2.5 915.47 Useful Plants fif tlie Bombay Presidency; by J. C. Lisboa. Bombay— (jazetteer, 25 915.47 Brazil — Palma; Mattogrosscnses , Rodrigues, J. B. A 22 Q 12 t Planta? Mattogrnssenscs Rodrigues, ,T. B. A 22 Q L3 t Burmah — Among Pagodas and Fair Ladies... Gascoigne, Gwendolen Trench D 19 S 3 Forest Flora of British Burma Kurz, S. A 45 U 23, 24 Canada — Catalogue of Canadian Plants Macoun, J. A 20 A' 25 (ieneric Cliaracters of the North American Taxacea" and Conifene ; by D. P. Penhallow Ivlc( i ill University A 40 S 7 Mu'dujJ/eris Tiq'c/.i n^is ; by 1). P. Penhallow ... Mcf.iill University A 40 S 7 Kematophiitun Orion i; by 1). P. Penhallow McGill U^niversity A40S7 KLiiiafonlii/li.'n crris.iinn; by D. P. Penhallow ... McGill University A 40 S 7 Ellice Islands — Atoll of Funafuti... Australian Museum Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 22 Florida Water Hvacinlli and its relation to Narigation in Florida; by H. .1. VN'clibcr... United States Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Botany A 38 R IG France — Flora of the Alps Bennett, A. W. A 20 R 5. fi Great Britain — Florigrapliia Britannica Deakin, R. A 20 R 9-12 [.S'ee alfo Scotland under this heading.] 738 JPuhlic Library of New South Wales. Botany and Flora — India — Additional Species of Couvohmlaeea ; l>y 1). Prain Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1894 954 Century of New and Rare Indian Plants; by P. Briihl. . Calcutta Ro}'al Botanic Gardens, Annuls, o A 17 U "21 t Croftia, a new Indo-Chinese Genus of Scitaminea' ; by Dr. G. King. Asiatic Society, Bengal, Jovirnal, 1896 954 Fumariacea> ; by T>. Prain. . . Asiatic Soc, Bengal, Journ., 1896 954 Indian Species of Vitis ; by Dr. G. King... Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1896 »ri4 New Species of llcconopsis from Sikkini ; l>y D. Prain ... Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1894 954 Sketch of the Histor}' of Indian Botany ; by Sir G. King. British Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1899 506 Two Additional Species of Lagotis ; bvD. Prain... Asiatic Society, ■ Bengal, Journal, ISUG 9o4 [5ee also Bombay under this heading.] Italy Flora of the Alps Bennett, A. \V. A 20 R 5, 6 Lord Howe Island — Vegetation of Lord Howe Island: by ,J. H. Maiden Linnean Society, N.'S. Wales, Proc, 1898 5S0.6 Malayan Peninsula- Materials for a Flora of tlie Malayan Peninsula: liy Dr. G. King. Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1896 954 Mexico^ Niitural History of the Tres JIarias Islands, Mexico. U.S. — Dcpt. of Agr. — Diy. of Biological Survey A 37 S 41 ■ Nevada — Karlv Flora of tlie Truckee Valley ... Ncyada— Agr. Experiment Station A 33 S 30 New Caledonia- Description lie quelipics Plautes Reniartjualjlcs de la Nouvelle- Calcdonie Brongniart, A. MA 1-2 P 29 t New Guinea — Contribution to the Botany of New (iuinea; liy F. M. Bailey. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 6 ()30.5 Contrilmtions to the Flora of New (Juinca; by F. M. Bailey. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1898 630.5 Flora of New Guinea; by F. M. Baile\-,.. (Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4 630.5 Hi'diland Plants from New (iuinea; by Karon F. von Mueller. Royal Society, Victoria, Trans., 1 506 Vegetation of New (iuinea; bv F. M. Bailev Royal Society, (,)ucensland, Proc.', 1898 506 New South Wales - Apoeynaceous Plant \ ielding large Ivlible Tubers; by H. 'I'. Hakci. Linnean Society, N. S. 'Wales, Proc!, 1899 580.(i Botanical Notes from the Technological Museum ; by J. H. Maiden. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1895 580.6 Botany of Rylstone and the Goulburn River Districts; by R. '!'. Baker ..." Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 Concernnig Hill Top; by J. H. Maiden... Agr. (Ja/.., N.S.W., 7 630.5 Darwinian of Port Jackson and their Essential Oils; by R. T. Baker Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 506 Flora of Bathurst; by W. J. C. Ross Austiulasian As.soc, Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1898 506 Flora of Mount Kosciii.sko ; by J. H. Maiden Agricultural flazette, N. S. Wales, 1H98 (i30.5 Flora of Mount Wilson; by A. G. Hamilton ... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 58o'.6 Flowering Plants and Fenis of N. S. Wales Maiden, J. II. MA3H4il Galaxiasfrom Mount Koseiusko; by J. D.Ogilby... Linnean Society, N.S.W.," Proc, 1890 580".6 Grey Gum of the North Coast Districts; by H. Deane... Linnean Society, N.S.W. , Proc, 1895 580.6 Mount Seavicw and the Way thither; by J. II, Maiden. Agricultural Ga7.ctt(^ N, S, Wal(«, 1898 030.5 New Species of Elajocarpus from Northern New South Wales; by .1. 11. Maiden ... Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 580.6 Botany and Flora — New South Wales — contd. New Species of Macradamia ; by J. H. Maiden... Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 New Species of Plants from New South Wales ; hv J. H. Maiden. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895, 1898 580.6 New Species of Prostanthera'from New .South Wales; by R. T. Baker Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 New Species of Pulteneea; by R. T. Baker Liimean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.6 Plants of New South Wales Illustrated; bv R. T. Baker. Linnean Society, N.S.W.," Proc, 1895-97 580.6 Some Minor Vegetable ProductsofN.S. Wales; by .1. H. Maiden — in N.S.W., the Mother Colony ... Hutchinson, "F. MD 7 U -23 Some Port Jackson Plants ; by if. H. Maiden ... Linnean Society, N. S. \\'ales, Proc, 1898 580.6 Some Western Plants; by W. S. Campbell... Agricultural Gazelle, N. S. Wales. 10 630.5 Trip to Mount Seaview, Hastings River ; by J. H. Maiden. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 580.6 New York— • Flora of Long Island Jellifle, S. E. A 45 V 19 New York— State Botanist, Reports 581.9747 Plants of Buftalo and its Vicinity ; by D. F. Day... BuS'alo Society, Natural Sciences, Bulletin, 4. 506 New Zealand — Botany of Hikurangi Mountains: by J. Adams New Zealand Institute, Trans., 30 506 Botany of the East Coast District ; bv T. Kirk... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 Burning and Reproduction of Sul)alpine Scrub; by L. Cockayne. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 3 50() Climbs in tlie New Zealand Alps... Fitzgerald, E. A. Ml) 3 V 19 Disai)pcarancc of the New Zealand Bush; by Rev. P. 'Walsh. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 Establishment of Vallisneria spiralis in haku Taimpma; by T. F. Cheeseman' New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 .506 Flora of New Zealand and the Outlving Islands Kirk, T. MA 4 U 6 Flora of the North Cape District ; by T. F. Cheeseman. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 50() Flower-hunter in Queensland and New Zealand... Rowan, Mrs. E. MA 4 S 11 Flowering Plants indigenous to Otago ; by. D. Pctric New Zealand Institute, Trans.. 29 506 Forthcoming Flora of New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 Future of the New Zealand Bush ; b\- Canon Walsh . . . New Zealand Institute, Trans., 31 506 History of Botany in Otago; bj- T. Kirk... New Zealand lustitutcj TraTis. , 29 506 K;iuri Gum in the Kahikatea Forest at Turua; by L. J. Bagnall New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 50(> Liffusticum trifnlialum. Honk, V. ; by L. (lockayne... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 31 506 New (Jenus of Griiiiiiiia' ; by T. Kirk New Zealand Institute Trans., 29 .506 New Indigenous New Zealand Ferns ; by Rev. W. Colenso. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 New Native Plants; bv D. Petrie New Zealaiul Institute, Trans., 29 .506 New Species of Astclia, Veronica, and Cebuisia; by L. Cockayne. New Zealand Institute, 'J'rans. , 31 50(i New Species of Corysanthes ; by T. F. Cliecsoiuan . . New Zealand Institute, Trans., 31 506 New Zealand Cryirtogams ; bv \V. C'olenso... New Zealand Inst., 'J'rans., 29 506 New Zealand Institute, Transactions and Proceedings 506 New Zealand Mosses; by J. W. N. Beckett New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 .506 New Zealand Mnsci; by R. Brown ... N.Z. Inst., Trans., 29 .50(i Note on Oiinncra omta, Petrie; by D. Petrie Ne\v Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 50(i On C'lritiirlinclia, Cortdlospurliiim, Ifitllnnilld, una h'titiispariium : by T. Kirk New Zealanrl Institute, Trans., 29 .50"6 (Jrigin of the Fauna and Floia of New Zcahmd New Zealaml .lournal of Science, 1884 .505 Ottelia in New Zealand; liy T. F. Cheeseman New Zealand Institute, Trans., 31 .506 ^iihj eel- Index to the Supidemenki'i'y Catalogue — 1800-1000. 739 Botany and Flora — New Zealand — conid. I'laiil (Ic.ignpliy nf Lliu Wainiakaiiii River Itasiii, tonsiderod iliicfly friJiii ail CEi;cjliis4i(:al I'uiiit nf View; liy h. Cnckaync. Now Zealand Institute, Trans., ',i2 ■>UC) Plants growing at the (!ums, Taita ; liy T. Mason . . New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 ")(!() Plants new to the Now Zealand Flora; by T. V. Choeseman. Now Zealand Institute, Trans., '29 "iiK! Remarks on I'lir.ih-iiji/iix hcterophjUa : liy T. Kirl< ... New Zealand "institute, Trans., 29 oOO Speeies of DclexKirin : liy R. JI. Lang New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 TilHi Vegetative Organs of Ildastia pn'.cinarh ; liv Miss K. Low. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 32 'ilKi North Carolina — Flora of North Carolina ... Nortli Carolina — Agi'. K.xper. Station, Rept. 1898-99 G;i0.7 Queensland — Companion for tlio (Queensland Student of "Plant Life" and "Botany Abridged;" liyF. M. Bailey... Queensland — Agriculture MA 4 S 8 Contributions to the Flora of Queensland ; by F. M. Bailey. Queensland Agrieultural dournal, 1. 030. 5 Contributions to the Queensland Flora. ..Bailey, F. M. MA 3 S 08 Flora of Queensland ; by F. M. Bailey... Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4, 03O.."i Flora of the Islands of Torres Straits ; by F. M. Bailcj-. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 TiOO Flower diunter in Queensland and Now Zealand... Rowan, Mrs. E. MA4S 11 The Pawpaw; by J. F. Bailey... Queensland Agr. Journ., 1 030.0 Peculiarities of the Phanerogamic Flora of Queensland. Australasian Assoc. f(jr Advance, of Science, 1897 oOO Plants of Rabbit-infested Country, Bulloo River ; by J. F. Bailev. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 oHO Queensland Agricultural Journal G30. ."i Queensland Flora Bailey, F. M. MA 4 U 14, 1.") Queensland Flora- m Bulletins, 11, 12 Queensland- Agr. MA 3 S 08 Winter Notes from North Queensland; liy F. A. Barnaril. Victorian Naturalist, 1898 ."lO.'i [See ul.ia Thursday Island under this heading.] Sandwich Islands — Plants of the Oriler Compositii; from the Sanilwich Islands ; Prof. (Jray... American Assoc, Adv. of Science, Proc, 1849 Scotland — liv ."id'O WiM FloHcrs ,,f Scotland Crawford, J. H. A 20 R 14 Solomon Islands — New Variety of Dtnirubiiim undulation ; by J. H. Maiden. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, I'roc, 1899 580.6 South Australia — Dimorphism in two South Australian Cruciferous Plants; by Prof. R. Tate . ... Royal Soc, South Australia, Trans., 1897-98 oOO Forest Flora of South Australia Brown, J. E. MA 3 Q 10 + Littledciiown South Australian Plants ; by Prof. R. Tate. Royal Society, South Australia, 'J'rans. , 1897-98 oflO New Myopoium from South Australia; by J. H. Maiden... Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1897-98 fiOO New Species of Plants from South Australia ; liy Prof. R. Tate. Royal Society, South Australia, Trans. , 1899 oOO Nortliern Territory Reports South Australia— Northern Territory JID 9 Q 38 f Plianerogams and Vascular Cryptogams ; by Baron F. von Mueller. Ro3-al Society, South Australia, Trans., 1890 500 Plants collected on MountLyndIiurst,SouthAustralia; byM. Koch. Royal Society, "Soutli Australia, Trans., 1897-98 SilO Switzerland — Flora of the Alps Bennett, A. W. Tasmania — A 20 R 5, New and Rare Tasmanian Plant s ; by L. Rod way . . . Royal Society, Tasmania, Trans., 18"94-95 500 Botany and Flora— Texas — Flora of Western and Southern Te.xas ; by Dr. V. Havard. United States— National Museum, Proe., 8 507 Thursday Island — Flower luniter in Queensland ami New Zealand ... Rowan, Mrs. K. MA 4 S 1 1 [See nlxo OJueensland under this heading. 1 United States — Ameriean ^Xssocialion, Advancement of Science. Proc .500 Contriliutions from tlie United States National Herliarium. UnitcdStates Dept.ofAgr. Div.ofBotanv A 37 S 29-32 Evolution of Our Native Fruits Bailey, L. "H. A 20 R 13 Nomenclalnre of the Arborescent Flora of tlie United States; by (!. 15. Sud worth... UnitcdStates -Dept.ofAgr. Div.of Forestry A 30 V 20 United States Geographical Surveys west of the lOOtli Meridian, Report, UnitcdStates Engineer Dept. A 10 U 7 + Vinos of North-eastern America Newhall, C. S. A 34 V 17 [See «/.-■' Florida; Nevada; New Voik; North Carolina; Texas; W}-oming, under this heading.] Victoria Flora of \'ietoria; by K. M. Reader. ..Viet. Naturalist, 1897-91 505 Floia of Victoria; by Prof. Muller... Vict. Naturalist, 1898 505 Now Victorian Clematis; by W. R. (iuilfovle Victorian ' Naturalist, 1898 "jOo Observation on -Ycru/es .S'>/W«/; Ijv J. (!. Luelimann Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Plants found (irowing at ilouth of the Yarra ; by Dr. A. Jlorrison. Victorian Naturalist, 1898 .505 Plants Indigenous to Victoria ; bj- St. E. D" Alton... Au.stralasian As.soc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 500 Virgin Islands — Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands; by Baron Eggers — in Bulletin 13, United States National Museum Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 23 508 Western Australia — List of Plants eoUected b_\- the Calvert Expedition; by Prof. R. Tate Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 21 500 Now Australian Labiate Plant; by J. G. Luelimann ... Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Phanerogams and Vascular Cryptogams ; by Baron F. von Mueller. Royal Society, Soutli Australia, Trans., 1890 50b Wyoming — Flora of Wyoming, Report Wyoming — Agr. Exp. Station A 20 T Boundaries of Countries — New York and PeniLsylvaiiia Boundary, Report Now York — Boundary Commission A 32 R 37 [See al'iO Geodetic Surveys.] Bounties. [See State Bounties.] Bounty, H.M.S.— Account of the Mutineers of the Bounty Naval Chronicle, 33 B 38 Q 14 Fateof theMutineersof tho7,V!J«/y...NavalChronicle.21 B .38 Q 2 Mutiny of the Boiiiiti/ Young, Rosalind M B 1 Q 49 [See also Pitcairn Island.] Bowdoiu College — Addresses and Poem on occasion of the Hundredth Anniversary. Bowdoin College G IS S 35 General Catalogue, 1794-1894 Bowthiin College G 18 S 36 Bows and Arrows — Bows and Arrows in Central Brazil; by H. Mej'er... Smithsonian Institution ' Repts. 1896 Boxing — Defensive Exercises Walker, D. A 20 Self-defence, or the Art of Boxing Donnelh', E. A 20 Td 740 I'uUic Library of New South Wales. Boye — General — Being a Boy Warner, C. T>. •! 1 ?> 'JO Clubs - Poor ill (ireat Cities F 13 U i'l [See ai-o Social Prolilems, ami under Xaiiies of ('lulis in Author Catalogue for Piflilieations ami Reports.] Brachiopoda — Anatomvof theBrachiopoda - I'n Scient ifitileinoirs... Huxley, T.H. A 40 .S 15 Cambrian Brachiopoda ; liy C. D. Waloott United States — National Museum, Proc., 19 fiO" Kraussina in Tasmania ; by \V. H. Twelvetrees . . . Roval Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1S9S-99 S06 Names which have been applied to the Sub-division of the Class Braehiopod.i, exeludinw the Ruilistes, previous to the year 1S77 : by W. H. D.-Jl— <"« Bulletin S, United States National Museum. Smithsonian Institution. Misc. Collections, 13 .)('8 Re5ultats Scientifiques de la Campagnc du (hiudan ... Kcehler, R. A :?1 S 30 [See al.-ralini.ini^:m : Hinduisin.] Bralimanism - Aiii'in.' Vv.^ id Fair Ladies . Gascoigue, (iH-endoKn T. 1) 19 S 3 Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. ( i 23 R .'U Ilinda Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies ... Dubois, Ablie J. A. G 23 S 12, 13 Life of Father Gorch; by C. E. Gardner Goreh, Rev. N. S. C 27 R 2(i Literary History of India Frazcr, R. W. J 19 W 7 :Madnis Presidency, Manual, ISSO... 1) 29 Q 20 :|: Tlifi Mantrapatha Anccilota Oxonieiisia, Aryan series, S 294 The Sitapatha-Brahmana; trans, by J. Eggeling — in Sacred Books of the East " Miiller, F. M. G 20 S 10 [.SVfi r(A.o Buddhism ; Hindnisai; Polytheism; Religions — General.] Brain— Abscess of tlie Brain ; liv Dr. B. r)ra:i!\V(^ll -in Sj-.stem of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 21) T 40 Brain in tlio Edentata: by Dr. G. E. Smith Linnean Societj', L'jiid., Trans., Zoology 7, 2n(l series ri9o".(i The Brain Machine \Vilson, A. A 39 \' 27 Brain Tumour Mills, C. K. A 31 I'll; Brain Waves; by H. M. Andrew Melbourne Review, 1 0.")2 Cerebral Concussion and Sliock il.iiHuholT, J. A 31 PIG Cerebral Ha-morrhige; by Dr. H. Tooth - ,» System of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 2(> T 40 Concussion of the Brain; I)-. W. 11. Bennett -m System of Modi. cine : AUbutt, T. C. A 20 T 4o Diseases of the Brain— 1« System of Modicin.; AUIiutt, T. ('. A 2li 'i' 10 Dual Character of the Brain; by Dr. (/'. V.. Brown-Scquard. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, l.'i .'lOS Elements of Anatomy (^iiain, J. A.30U41 4S Experimental Pathology of the Cerebral Circulation; by Dr. L. Hull— « System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. .\ 20 T 40 Fear Mosso, A. .\ 20 S 30 Fonetioiw de Ccrveau Wariiols, L. A 31 S 23 Functions of the Brain— /« Principles of Psychology. ".James, '\V. G 3 U 24 The Human Machine Nisbet, J. F. G 24 Q o Inipciliiiiciits of S]iecch; by Dr. VV. S. Colman— /h System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 2ii T 40 Infantile Cerebral Degeneration; by Dr. It. KusscU -,'n System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A"20'1'40 Intracranial Tumours; by Dr. B. Braniwcll -in System of Mcdi- /ino AUbutt, f. C. A20'140 Nervous System and its Diseases Mills, C. K. A 40 S 13 Occlusion of Cerebral Vessels ; by Dr. .(. Taylor —/« System of Medicine ." AUbiili, T. ( '. .\ 20 'I' 10 Brain — contd. Physiology and Pathology of the Cerebral Circulation'... Hill, L. A 33 V 1.-. Regional Diagnosis of Cerebral Disease ; by Dr. I). Ferrier — in Sy.stem of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 20 T 40 Relation of Mind and Brain Duncan, (i. (i 17 Q 33 [Sf:C alxo Apoplexy; Craniology; Idiocy; Insanity; Intellect: Meningitis; Mental Physiology; Mind and Body; Nerves; Phrenology; Psychology; Skull.] Brakes—- Railway Brakes; by R. Mor.se Engineering Assoc. , N.S.W., Proc, 1892-93 (i20.0 [See alxo ilcchanical Engineering.] Brands — Brands Directory of South Australia South Australia — Stock and Brands 030 Brandy — Australasian Fiuit-giowers' Conference, Proceedings. 1S97. Queensland — Agricultui e 034 Brandy-making in France U.S. — Consular Rcpts., GO 3S2 Distilling Cognac from Sugar and Grape-juice; by Dr. J. Lauterer Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1 894-95 ',00 Brass. [See Alloys.] Brasses — Monumental Brasses, of Glouccstersliirc ; b}' C. T. Davis. (diucestershire Notes and Qneries B 40 P G Braver J'. [See Coumge.] Bi'azil- Geii'i-td and Descriplire — Poc:ns . f Places Longfellow. H. W. H 11 P 30 Voyage de la Mer du Sud Frezier, A. F. I) 10 J' 4 L"^niver. al Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U 19 Commerce and Trade — Commerce and Industries of Brazil... U.S — Con.s. Repls., GO 382 Trade of Brazil— /« Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual .series Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Oiljcc 382 Jlistori/ — Earlaceua, Marquez de, Vida do C 24 R 1 8 Correspondence exchanged with the Legation of Portugal and tlie Legation of Brasil in regard to the Surrender of tlie Insurgent Refugees Brazil Fl K 24 Pvlitics — Barbaccna, Marquez de, Vida do C 24 R 18 Co;'re?p3ad3n'je exchange:! with the Legation of Portugal ami the Legation of I5rasil at Lisbon, in regard to the Surrender nf the Insurgent Refugees Br.azil F 1 1! 21 [See aluo Brazilian Literature] Brazil National Library Aniiaes da ISililiotlieca Nacional do RiodeJanciro... Brazil 027. ">SI Bililiotheca N«c:ional rcsunio Historico Br.azil li 19 S 12 t Relalorio pelo Director Urazil 027.581 Brazilian Literature Di;L,ionario Bibli:i.;iaphic) Bra/.ileiiM Blakj. A. V. A. S. C 21 S 7 Brazing. [See Sdldcring.] Bread- Bread and Bread-making; by 11. Snyder United States — Dept. of Agr. — Ollice of Exper. Stations A 37 V 1 Chemistry of Bread-making; by Piof. C. (Iraluim... Intcrnat. Health Exiiili., 1884, Lit., G A 41 V 2 The Colonial Baker Williamson, T. P. MA 4 P 4G Priee.^ of Cereals and of Breads in certain European States. Gt. 15rit. and Irel. Foreign Otlieo F 40 V 31 } Bread-stuifs. [See Cereals; Flour; Gniiii JMiigazines Wlu';it ; ami iiiidcr ciicli (Irnin.] Suhjoct-Index to the Supplemenlanj Catalogtie — 1800-1900. -741 Break of Gauge. [See Railways — Construction.] Breakwaters. [See Harbours; Hydraulic En^'iiiccriiig ] Breathing. [See Respiratory .System.] Breeding. [Sre Cattle and CaUlc liivcdin;;- ; licrvdity ; Hybridization; Sclcctinn in Brrcdin^; uiid undrr names of Animals and Breeds.] Breviaries, [,SV Liturgies; Mis.sals ; Prayer-books; Rituals.] Brewing — Aiistialasian Brewing World , ()(i;!.;i The Brewer 003.:! Brewing an 1 Distilling in Oiiemiitry f.)r Manufaeturcrs. lilount, B. A 21 T .'iO Brewing of Non-exeisable B^crs I'oejek, .]. A '2:5 (,) 51 Hamly-baok for Brewers Wright, H. 10. A 2.-) K 4:i Inilian Cora in tho Manxifaeture of Beer; liy li. Wall!. United States Dept. of Agrienlture A .'!7 S 2S Praotieal Studies ill Fermentation ... Hansen, K. C. A 2.t U 17 Preparation of Malt 'riuui.-iing, -T. K. A i.") U 16 Principles and Praetiee of Brewing Syke.-., W. .J. A :)<) P 2 Bricklaying — Brieklaycrs -m Workeii oa their Industries (;alt')ii, 1''. W. y 10 V IS Bricks Bricks and Briek-making in and around Sydney; Ijy J. Naugle. Engineering Assoe. , N. S. Wales, Proc., 189;3-94 (i-20.11 Clays and Clay Industries of Pennsylv.ani.i; by Prof. Hopkins. Pennsylvania — State College, llcpt., lSi)7 .'17^.7 IS [(See fi/. Designing of Draw-spans Wright, C. H. A :]S U 21, 22 Engineering Construction in Iron, Steel, and Timbjr. VVarre;i, W. H. A 2-2 \- S) The Forth Bridge Phillips, P. A 49 P 18 J Iron Bridge; iu Dheoveries a:i.:l Inventions of the 19tli Centurv. Routledge, R. A 2.3 T 4.". Lift Bridge over the Murray at Swan Hill; by P. Allen. Royal Soelcty, N. S. Wales, Proe., l.S9t> 500 Low-level Concrete Bridge over tlie Mary River, Maryborough, Queensland; by A. B. Brady Institute of Civil Engineers, I•r..<^. lS9Vt 1900 020.0 Railway Engineering Haldane, .1. W. C!. A 22 R 30 Rc-erection of oi the Albert Bridge, Brisbane; by H. C. Stanley. Institute of Civil Engineers, Proe. , l!S9y (i2().0 Roofs and Biidges Merrinian, M. A 3S V 19 Steel Sections Dorinau, Long, and t'o. A 22 P 47 Stresses in Framed Structures Du Bois, A. .J. A IS P 24 t Timber Bridge Construction in New South Wales ... Royal Soe. , N. S. Wales, .lonnial, 29 500 [.Sec aliiO Arches; Engineering — Cener.il; Strains and Stresses; Strength of Materials. ] Bright's Disease — Health and Condition in tiie Active and the Sedeiitai'V. Davies, N. E. Y-. " A 20 K .30 [.%£ oto Albuminuria ; Diabetes; Kidneys.] Brisbane — General ami Deitcriptive — Our Sister Cities; by L. Beaton Melbourne Review, 10 052 Visit of the Detached Squadron with Prince Edward and Prince (ieorge of Wales to Brisbane, 1881 Ml) 7 U 29 Ihsliiri/ — Australian PioneersandReminiscjnees... Hartley, X. MB 1 Q 50 British Art. [See Fine Arts - British.] British Association for the Advancement of Science. [Si-r Aiitlinr (ntahigue for I'ubliivitioiis.] British Colonies. [See Colonics, British.] British Columbia d'em-rdl an'l Descriptive — liiitisli Columbia for Settlers Macnab, Frances I) 10 R 12 l''iftccn ^'cais' Sport (irohman, W. A. B-. 1)22 U (i Williams' Oliicial Briti.sh ( 'olumbia Directory Bi-itish Columbia 917.11 C'oniiiierce and Tfode - British Columbia Board of Trade, .Annual Report 380 UiMor;/— Hi.story of Briti.sh Columbia Begg, A. I! 10 Q 41 British Empire — ISritisli Empire Dilke, Sir C._W. F15S1I Britisli Empire and Alliances Seholes, T. E. S. F 17 i' 19 Building of the Empire Story, A. T. B Ki U 12, 13 The Colonies and the Century Robinson, Sir .1. F 15 |{ 33 Defence of (ircat and (rreatcr Britain Cohimb, Sir .1. C. R. F Ki T 13 The Empire— iH Citizen and the State Strachev, J. St. L. F His 34 English-speaking World A 21 Pllt Expan.sion of the Britisli Kmpiic, 15(() 1870,.. Woodward, W. H. F 10S21 The Great Alternative Wilkinson, S. F IG U 5 Crow-th of Creater Britain; liy Sir C. Dilkc Si.Ktv Years of Empire B 22 R 18 (irowth of the Emiiire .Jose, A. W. MBS P 1 ( Irowth of the Empire. 2nd ed Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 8 Impel ial'Bri tain .Johnson, Rev. T. F8Q2 The Nation's Duties to the Empire; bv Hon. W. P. Reeves — in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S .33 The Queen's Empire A 19 S 5 + Ralph Fitch, England's Pioneer to India and Burma. .. Rylev, J. H. B3li K 7 Sixty Years of t!ie Queen's lU-ign Temple, Sir R. F 13 V 13 Social and Imperial Life of Britain Cotes, K. D. R 41 Q 14 [See n/.'.o Colonie.5, Tlie, and Great Britain; Federation, Imperial.] British Guiana — General (tnd Descriptive — British America D 22 Q 6 Twentj-tive Y'ears in Briti.sh Guiana Kirke, H. D 15 T 28 Universal (Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 19 Commerce and Trade — Trade of Guiana — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (U. Brit, and Iiel. — Foreign Oflicc 382 Hist or]/ — Documents relating to the (^luestiim of Boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Venezuela F 39 V 55 t History of ISritisli Gui.ma. lOOS 1833... Rodway, .J. B 1 U 24, 25 British Honduras (lencnd and Descriptive — Annual Reports^/d Colonial Reports (it. Brit, and irel. — Colonial Otiice 354.428 Britisli America D 22 Q C British Museum — Reading room and New Library British Museum A 33 Q 28 Ruturirof Income and Expenditure Gt. Brit, and Ire!. British iluseum 507 {See also under Title in Author Catalogue for Catalogues and Pub- licali ms. ] British South Africa Chartered Company— Britisli Souili .\iiic.i, l!c|ioi t of Select Committee. Gt. Bt. and Irel.— British South Africa B 40 W 25 + Horvey, Hubert; by Earl Grey C 20 S 14 Rhodes, Cecil ". ." "Vmdcs" F 19 T 2 [See a/i)0 JMashonaland ; Matabeleland ; Rhodesia; South Africa.] 742 JPublio Library of New South Wales. Britons, Ancient — Etlinologj' of the British IsUimls Latham, R. G. A 24 P 18 Life ill E;uly Britain Windlu, B. C. A. A I'J R (i Brittany — General and Descriptive — Brittany: aSeriesofThirty-fiveSketches... Foster.B. A 2-J R 2 1 Broken Hill, N.S.W. — General and Descriptive — Barrier iliner Ijiisiness Directory 9I'J.-44 Barrier Silver and Tin-fielrls in 1,SS8... Stevens, C. J. MA 4 T 10 Notes on Broken Hill ... Queenslaml— (iold-tiehls MA 9 P 4.") t Ore Deposits, Australian Broken Hill Consols Mine, Broken Hill, N. S.Wales; bv ti. Smith... American Inst. , Mining Engineers, Trans., 26 0-2-2.0(i Vi5it to Broken Hill: by M. Frewen... Contemp. Rev., 1S95 (l.")2 [Sie also Silver-mining.] Bronchitis — .\stii;na. Bronchitis, and Whooiiing Cough: liy Dr. N. Bridge — /« Practical Therapautics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Asthma, Broncliitis, and Whooping Cough ; by Dr. .1. T. Wliittakcr in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P l."i Bronchitis; t)V Dr. W. Ewart— ('« Svstem of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 20 T 3.S Diseases of the Cliest ♦. . . Stokes, W. A 33 S 2 1 Diseases of the Lungs Fowler, J. K. A 40 P (i [.See rt/.s-o Lungs; Respiratory System.] Bronze Age — Civilisation of Sweden in Heathen Times Monteliu.i, 0. F 10 T 2 Historic Ornament Ward..!. ,\ :i!) P 4 Life in Early Britain Windic, B. C. A.. A 10 R Men of the Later Stone Age and Bronze Age— z« Prehistoric Man anil Beast Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. A 30 Q 23 [See aUo Anthropology. ] Bronzes and Bronze-work — Catalogue des Bronzes de la Society Arch(;-ologi(iuc d'Athenes. Ridrier, A. de K 8 R 2.5 Catalogue des Bronzes trouves sur I'Acropole (FAthenes. Bidder, A. de A .30 V 1, 2 Greek Bronzes; by A. S. Murray Portfolio, 1898 705 Historic Styles of "Ornament J)olnictsch, H. A 18 T 1.5 f Painter, Gilder, and Varnishcr's Companion Brannt, W. T. A 23 R .51 Ru.ssian Bronzes T.sar and his People B 39 S K! Brook Farm- liiMok Farm . Swift, L. K 17 T9 Brooklyn — Jflxiortj — Historic Towns of the Middle Stales Powell, L. P. I! 20 T 10 Puhlir. Bnildinijs, Paris, and Warks — Brooklyn Park Commissioners, Reports 711 Broom Corn — iSroom Corn Victoria— Agriculture Guides toGrowers. 20 MA 3 y 13 Cultivation of Broom Corn ; liy I). .Tones. . . (Queensland Agricultural .Journal. 5 030.5 [.SVc aho Millet; .Sorghunis.] Broom Rape — )5room Rape of Hemp and Tobacro--(n Injurious Insects, C. Agricultural ICKperimeiit Stations A 38 Q Brotherhoods. [.See Monasticisni; llcligiou.s Ordcis.] Brovinia, Queensland— rrVw,-)-,,/ nml Descriptivn— \'i.xit to the IJrovinia P 14 Kuine.l Cities of Ceylon Cave, JI. \V. ]) K) T '20 t Siam Sonieiville, M. J) IS V 27 TheSonl of a I'eople Fielding, H. (i 23 S 2!) Wanderings in Burina liii'd, (J. W. I) 20 U 23 [See also Bi'iUimanisni ; Confucianism ; Hinduism ; 'I'aoisni ; The- (]sn)iliy. ] Budding. [.SVv I'^ruil-gnnving ; ( Jarck-iiiiij;' : G)-;ifli)i,:j;.] Buenos Ayres — General and D'-tiniptive — Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 1 1 P 3li History - Lost Possessions of England Lord, \V. F. 1! I(i R 24 Buffalo. [See Bison.] Buffalo — lliiiUyry — Historic Towns of the Middle states ... I'owell, L. P. 15 20 '1' l(i Bugle Sounds. [See Trumiiet ami Bugle Sounds.] Building — General- - jVrcliitecturo, Bnilding, and Decoration; W. H. Wood /« Housc- liold Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Building Construction Kidder, F. E. A 2.") VIS,] 9 Building Construction for Beginners ... Riley, J. W. A 24 P 37 Building Superintendence Clark, T. M. A 37 T 4 Conditions of Building Construction and Requirements in Sydney ; bv G. A. Mansfield... Australasian A.ssoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 500 Conduct of Bnilding Works Leaning, J. A £2 P ,') 1 Constructional Iron and Steel-work Campin, F. A 2.") P 41 Hou-se-bnilding Woman's Book A 27 V 29, 30 Notes on the Recent Fire in MeUiournc; by J. Sulman. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1898 oOfi Praetica 1 Biulding Construction Allen, J. P. A 39 P 1 1 Quantity Surveying Leaning, .J. A 37 T o Relative l^osition of the Architect, Engineer, and Builder in Modern Works; by N. Solfe... Engineering Assoc., N. S. Wales, I'roc, 1892-93 620.6 Skeleton Construction in Buildings. ..Birkniire, W. H. A 25 U 27 [See aho Arches; Architecture; Building Materials; Carpentry; Ceilings ; Cements ; Chimneys ; Dairy Buildings ; Uwelling- houses; Farm Buildings; Heating of Buildings; Masonry; Painting ; Plumljing ; Roofs ; Ship-building : Specification.s ; Stairs and Stair-building; Ventilation.] Latex and Leyidatiint — Regulations governing the Erection, Removal, Repair, and Electric Wiring of Buildings ... United States — Commissioners, District of Columbia F 15 P 25 [,S'ec also Public Health.] Periodicals — Architect 720. 5 American Architect and Building News 720.5 Builder 690.5 Building, Engineering, and Mining Journal 090.5 BuUdiug World G90.5 Engineering Magazine 620. 5 .Scientific American. Building cd 720. 5 [See a/so Architecture — Periodicals.] Building Acts. [See Building — Law.s and Legislation.] Building Materials — Building Stones of the United States — in Census, 1S80 United States— Census Office 317.3 Industrial Evolution of tlic United States Wright, C. D. F 13 R23 Influence of Material on Architecture... Flctclicr, B. F. A 13 R 6 t Materials of Construction Johu,son, J. B. A 37 R 6 [See fi?.so Bricks ; Cements; Iron; Stone; Strength of Materials; Timbers. ] Building Periodicals. [See Building — Period ic.-.ls.] Building Societies - < 'liicf Registrar of Ki icndly Societies Acts, Report. (it. Brit, and Irel. Buihling Societies 3:}4. 1 C(jnnccti<-'Ut, Counnissioner of Building and Loan AssociatiouK, Rcjjorts Connecticut Annual Hepts. 328.746 Ohio— Building any "Ta.sma" Melbourne Review, 3 0.52 Burial Acts Consolidation Bill — 1'« Speeches... Magee, Archbishop J 14 Q 37 Cremation and Burial : an Examination of the Relative Advantages ; by Dr. J. F. A. Adams Ma.ssachusett.s — Board of Health, Rept., 1875 614.09744 Death and Burial in Attie Tragedy... (Jrieve, Lucia C. (J. H 26 T 5 Disposal of the Dead; by A. W. Blyth .. Intcrnat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 8 A 41V 4 [See also Catacombs; Cemeteries; Cremation; Disinfection; Em- 1)alming ; Epitaphs; Funeral Rites; Inscriptions; Mounds; Tombs^] Burbung. [See Bora.] 744 I^ti'ciic Lih'o.ry of New Soulh Wales. Burmah — Geiwral and Descriptive — ^moii" Pagodas aud Fair Ladies... Gascoigue, (iwemlulcu Trench " D HI S S Burma Ferrars, M. V 23 Q 2 Fifty Years' Reminiscences of India ... Pollok, F. T. 1) 17 T '24 Leaves from a Diary in Lower Bengal S., C. I) 19 V 28 - Picturesque Burma* Hart, Mrs. E. D 20 U 22 QuaintCornersof AneientEmpires... .Shoemaker, M. il. D 13 R 9 . Wanderings in Burma Bird, G. \V. 1) 20 U 23 Wild Sports in Burma and Assam PuUok, F. T. T) 22 S 1 1 With the Jungle Folk Cuming, E. D. 1) 17 T 23 History — Ralph Fitch Rvlev, J. H. B SPj R 7 Wanderings in Burma Bird. G. W. D 20 U 23 Meligion — The Soul of a Peop'.c Fif:y(!. B. M Australian Home Companion, 5 MJ 4 Q 19 Bush Life — Bu.sh-life in Australia; by A. Bertram Wind.sor Mag.. 0.">2 Loaves from a Sijuatter's Note-boak Major, T. MC 1 S 24 Lost in the Bush; by S. J. Rea Wide World Mig., 2 910.,-) Old Times in the Biish of Australia Kirbv, .1. ,\I1)4R9'' Round and About Oakes, Rev. G. S. Ml) 8 T 1 While the Billy Boils Lawsou, H. M J 3 S 8 [.See aUo Rural Life and Pleasures.] Bushrangers- Australian Bu.shranging White, C. MF 5 P 11 cture — J'vzaiitiue ; Fine Art-; — Byzantine.] Byzantine Empire — Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages... Harrison, F. B 28 T 19 [See al-^o Constantinople; Holy Roman Empire; Roman Empire.] Cabala. [See Kabala.] Cabbage — Bactcriiil Rot of Cabbage and Allied Plants — (/; Injurious Insects, Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Black Rot of the Cabh.age; bj' E. F. Smith United States — Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 68 A 41 U I Chib Root of Cabb.agc and its Allies — .« Injurious Insects, G. Agricultiu-al Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Harle<|uin Cabbage Bug... United .States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Cabinet Work — Art of the House Watson, Rosanunnl M. A 22 .S 3 Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer's Guide Hepplewhitc, A. A 29 Q 12 X Cabinet-making for Amatexu-s Arkwrighl, .J. P. A 25 .S 37 Cliippendale Period of English Furniture Clouston, K. W. A 17 S 9 t Cliippendale, Sheraton, and Hcjiplewliite Furniture Designs. Bell, .1. M. A 21 P 4 t Fretwork and Marciuetry Denning, 1). A 23 R. 49 Illustrated History of Furniture Litchlield, F. A 41 V 9 Kaccolta di MobiU in Diversi Stili .._. A 18 P 20 J [Six (i^.vo Carpentry; Furniture; Wood-carving.] Cabul --(I'etwni/ ami JJescriptive— .\t tlie C-'ourt of the Amir Gray, .1. A. D 19 U 3 Cacao — Cacao (.'ulture in Ecuador ... U.S.— C:on.sn!ar Rcpts., 61 .382 Cage birds. [Sre Iljrds : f'anai'v ; P;irrots : Sonj;' liirds.] Caicos Islands .\ninial Rc|)ort, 1897 i« C^)Ionial He|i(^rts .. (it. Brit, and Irel. - Cnl.iMial Office .3.'>4.428 Cairo Geuerol (Hid Dcseriptire City of the Caliphs Ball, V.. A. R-. 1)20S23 Forty Days in the Desert Bartlctt, W. H. D 18 U 20 In Cairo and .lerusalem Carpenter, Mary Thorn 1) 17 <,> .'i3 Views on 1 he Nih loncs, O. 1) 31 R 21 .| Snhject-Index to the Supplementurij Catalogue — 1896-1900. 745 Caisson Disease — C;iissoii Diseaw'; liy I'l'- A. 11. Siiiilli — /)( .SyNtciii of Medicine. AlUmtt, T. (.;. A 20 'P 40 (',mi|>res.=ie,l Ail- Illness Siull, K. H. .A. 2-_' 1! 2!) Calculating Machines- r.al.l.iigc's ('a^•ul:^liH,^' KngineH ISalibage, C. A 10 S II t Mcclianieal I'erforniance of LoLjieal Inforenee Jevon.s, \V. S. (i 11 T IS I [See. alfio Malheniatieal InstnimeiiLs.] Calculi Renal CalenUiH Mnnis, H. A 2(i 'I' MV [See (d.'io (lenito-Urinary System. ] Calculus, Differential and Integral Caltulns fill- l'",iigini'ei-iiig Sluileiits (irahain, .1. A 2.i S l.S Caleulus of Opeialions Canniehael, Kev. R, A 2.") S ;{0 CertainAIgelii-aiel-)oub!eMiiiinialSurfaeeH... Maelay,.!. A 4-1 K 15 (Jraphioal Statics Cremona, \j. A 39 1' 25 Inlinitesimal Analysis Smith, W. B. A41 1' Infinite.simal C'aliaiUis l^aml), H. A 24 P 22 Melanges de Calcnl Integral Soiiza, J. (}. dc A 17 H K* + Method of Indeterminate Coellieicnls and Kxpoiients aiijilie-d to Differential Equations BlaUe, K. ,M. A -H S 14 Method of Fluxions Saunderson, N. A 3() U 19 [See aluo Mathematics.] Calcutta — General and Descriptive — Calcutta Directory !ll.-|. U Busteod. H. E. B ; i:? History — Echoes from Old Calcutta Caledonia. [See Scotland.] Calendars — Aniiivcrsary Calendar, Natal Book, and Univer.sal Mirror B 87 S S Aunuaire pour I'An 1897 ... Bureau des Longitudes, I'aris 528.4 Woodhill's Hawke.sbury Cahnidar MD S S 3 The Hundred Years Anglo-Chinese Calendar, 177<3-1S70 Louriero, ]'. B 39 S IS [See also Almanacs; Chronology; Yeardjooks. ] Calendars and Registers of Universities and Colleges Adelaide University .Calendar .'JTS. 942 Bowdoiu College, (jencral Catalogue, 1794-1891 ii the Bosphonis !'>pi'y. ^V. J. J. B 30 U 4 Turkish Dynastic Mystery, 1870-95 Djemal-eddin, Bey B 34 Q 14 [See «Avo Turkey; Moliannuedanisni.] Calisthenics. [.SV,; riyinnastics ; Pliy.sical Education.] Calorimetry— Bomb Calorimeter and Accessory Apparatus; Respiration Calori- meter... Connecticut— Storrs Agr. Ex. Stn., Rcpt., 1897 630.7 Calorifie Power of Fuels Poole, H. A .38 U 13 Development of the Respiration Calorimeter -!H Experiment Station Record, 11... U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— OiHceof Expcr. Stns. 630.7 jMethod of Determining the Specific Heat of a Liquid, espeeiallj- of Soluticms; by W. Rosenhain Royal Society, Victoria, Proc.. 1897 506 New Respiration Calorimctei- ; bv Prof. Atwater. . . United States— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 37 A" I [See «? 22 Canada Transvaal Aron, J. B 16 P 21 Canadian .\rcliives ... Canada — Parliament, Sess. Papers 328.71 Canadian Archives, Report 971 Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, Memoirs of; by T. Moore... C 23 R 4 The Great Company Willson, B. B 36 Q 16, 17 ( i rcater Canada ..'. Osboru, E. B. B 24 Q 25 Growth of the Empire (2) Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 1,S History of Canada JefiFers, J. F. B IS (J 9 HistorV of Canada Kingsford, W. B 17 R 8-l(( History of Canada MacMullen, J. B IS R 20 History of Canada Robert.s, C. (J. D. B 19 U 12 Tlic New Empire Howland, O. A. F 10 U 2S Nortli-wcsl under Three Flags iloore, C. B 27 R IS l,Hu'bi-r Literaiv and Historical Society, Trans Olil Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada. Wrong, G. M. B 17 S 13 t Soldiering in Canada Denison, Lieut. -Col. G. T. B 40 P 11 Upper Canada Sketches Conant, T. B 19 U Ui Parliament. [See Canada-— Parliament, in Autlidr Catalogue, for its own )iul)lieationK.] Politics- Canada and its Capital Edgar, Hon. .1. 1). 1) 13 R 3 ('anadian Domitdon and proposed Au.stralian Connnonwcaltli ; by Di'. J. G. Bourinot Royal Soc, Canada, I'roc, 1895 061 The New Empire " Howlaml, 0. A. F 10 U 28 Pahlic Lands — Department of the Interior, Report Social Life and Customs — Canada and its Capital Ei Canada — I'arliament, Sess. Papers 328.71 Statntes. Catalogue.] lion. .1. I). I) 13 R 3 [See Canada — Statule.s, in Author Snlject-Index to the Sii/pplementary Catalocjm — 1890-1000, 747 Canadian Literature- short Review i)f Canadian Litei'alnri',..l)iiti.sli Anieriea 1> 'il !!• Canaigre — Canaigre Queensland Agricultural Jonrnal, .") ():)().'> ('anaigre ... Victoria— Agr.- Guides to Growers, 34 MA 3 V l.'i Canaigre; by E. W. Hilgard ... (!alifornia^Agr. Kxi)er. Station Report (;:!1».7 [See al-:o Tannin.s.] Canals — CJanada — Department of Railwaj-s and Canals, Reports 38.") [Another Copy] Can.ada — Parliament, Sess. Papers 328.71 Canal and the Railway James, K. J. F4 V 15 Canals and their Economic Relation to Ti'ansportation. Haipt, L. M. F4Vir, Control Sluices Stoney, F. (4. M. A 31 S 14 Mitoring Lock Gates; by Lieut. H. F. Hodges... United States — Dept. of War A 10 X 1 t Navigable Rivers and Canals in tlic United States and Canada. Waleh, G. T. A 22 U Pennsylvania — Dept. of Internal Ail'airs, Report 38,") Ship Canals- (■« Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th Centurw Routledge, R. A 23 T 4.") [See alxo Hydraulic Kngineering; Irrigation; Transportation; Water Supply; ami under tlie names of Canals.] Canary Islands— General and Descriptive — Poems of I'laics Longfellow, H. W. H 1 1 P .ST Canary, The — Caiiai-ies and Cage Birds Blakstou, W. A. A 10 X 11 f Cancer — .Vcademie des Sciences, Comptes rendus de^ Seances, 120, 121 .J0() Cancer in Cattle and its Effects on the Con.sumer Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1898 630.5 Cancer in New South Wales Mullins, G. L. MA 3 R ^m Diseases of the Cliest Stokes. W. A 33 S 21 Structure of Cancerous Tumours and the Mode in which adjacent parts arc invaded ; by Ih-. J. J. Woodward Smith.sonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 15 .508 Candles — Candles; by Dr. L. Field Inlernat. Health Kxhib., 1884, Lit., 12 A 41 V 8 Chemical Teclniology Groves, C. E. A 21 V G-8 Directory and Hand-book of Meat and Provision Trades A 33 P 22 Soap and Candles — j'h Chemistry for Maiuifacturers... Blount, 15. A 21 T 39 Canker Worm — Canker Worms United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U Remarks on the Canker Worm — in Pamphlets on Injurious lusect.s. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 3S i) 1 [See also Entomology, Economic] Canna, The — 'I'lic Canna ; liy G. Watkins .-, Queensland Agr. Journ., I 630.5 Cannibals and Cannibalism — Cannibalism as practised on Tanna Polvnesian Soe. Journ., 1895 996 From my Verandah in New tiuinea... Romilly, H. H. MI) 8 R 43 [See aho Anthropology ; Ethnology ; Heathan Barbarism ; Savagi.sni.] Canning and Preserving — ■ Canneil Vegetables in Fof]ds and Food Adidterants, pt. 8. U..S. Dept. of Agr. Division of (Jhemistry A 34 T 42 Tin; (banning Industry United States -Dept. of Agr.— Div. of .Statistics, Rept., Jan., 1893 630.973 Poisoning by 'i'inned Foods Rcnnie, E. H. MA 3 W 18 Preserving in Tins; or, the Art of Canning; by A. M. Howell. Agri(-ultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 [See alio Fruit-canning; Meat Preserving; Preserving and Pre- servatives.] Canon Law — Canon Law in Church of Englaml... Maitland, F. W. (i 23 U 43 C'anonsof First Four GencialCr)uncils... Bright, Rev. W. G 25 S 10 [See, also Ecclesiastical Law.] Canon of Scripture — lUblicallnspiration; Ijy Rev. H. N. Wollaston Melbourne Review, 2 052 New Testament Canon— /n Intellectual Development. Crozier, J. B. (1 17 T 11 Source of the Apostolic Canons Harnack, A. G 25 U 7 Cant. [SW. Slang.] Cantaloupes. [.sVe IMcIoiis.] Canterbury — History — Historical .Memorials of Canterbury ... .Stanley, 1 >riin 1! 28 T 2 Canterbury Cathedral — Canterbury Catliedral Frcmantle, Canon A .39 P 9 Canterbury College, New Zealand. [See New Zoalaiul lTni\er,sity, in Authoi' Oataloguo, foi- Calendars and Puljlication.s.] Canyons. [S^e Colorado ; Geology — United States.] Caoutchouc. \_See Guttapei-elia.] Cape Breton Island — Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. G. W. 1) 22 R 3 Cape Cod— Hisfori/ — Historic Towiis of New England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Cape Colony. [S'rr Cape of Good Hope.] Cape of Good Hope — General and Deso-ijitive — Banks, Sir Joseph, Journal of MD 3 U 15 British Africa D 22 Q 5 Cape Colony Hand-book : with Map — in Hand-book, 1899. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Emigrants' Information Gfiice D 22 Q 19 Cape of Good Hope Directory 916.87 Farming Resources of Cape Colony Wallace, R. A .30 R 12 Federal South Africa Molteno, P. A. F 8 V 37 From the Cape to Buluwayo D 14 R 22 Hints to Emigrants on the Climate, &c., of the Cape of Good Hope Parlhy, S. MD4P4 Illustrated Official Handbook of th6 Cape and South Africa. Noble, J. D 22 Q 16 Impressions of South Africa Bryce, .J. I) 13 U 1 Kingdom of the Barotsi, Ujiper Zambesi... Bertram!, A. D 22 R 7 Kloof and Karroo Bryden, H. A. A 27 S 10 On Veldt and Farm Macnab, Frances D 14 R 21 South Africa General Directory 91 G. 87 Transvaal and the Boers Fisher, W. E. G. B 1 6 R 40 Twelve Hundred Miles ina Waggon... Balfour, Alice D 14 T 23 Univer.sal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 L' 13 What I think of South Africa Cumberland, S. D 14 R 18 [See also Boers, The; Colonics, British; South Africa; South African Question; Soutli African Wars.] History — Century of Wrong Rcitz, F. W. B 41 R 2 Fifty Years of the History of the Republic in South Africa, 1795-1845 Voigt, J. C. B .33 S 9, 10 History of the (Ircat Boer Trek Cloete, H. B .37 P 13 Sketches and Studies in South Africa Little, Rev. W. 3. K. D 22 U 2 74S JPublic Library of Neio South Wales. Cape of Good Tlo-pe— Pontics — Moltoiio, Sir J. C. , Life and Times of C -iO R 23, ■24 Statistics — .Statistical Register. Cape of (iooil Hope ... Cape of (iood Hope — Statistii-'.s HIG.ST Cape River, Queensland — (.'vpe River (ToM-iield, Report Queeii.slaiid - liold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Cape Town — General and Descriptive — C'api' of (iood Hope Directory 910.87 What 1 thi'ik of South Africa Cumberland, S. D 14 R 18 Chriiitiansun, C. A Xi V l-S Capillary Attraction — Theoretical Rhysies [>'ec ol.-to Phj'sics.] Capital — C.ipital an.l lutareit— i« Ecjuoniiu Tlicory IXivcnport, H. J. F ]3 \l -2 Capital and its Earniugii Clark, .J. 1!. 1'' 4 V 13 Compjun.l Capit.al -in Principles of Sociology Spencer, H. G l> R 24 Definitions of Socialism, Capital, Car>itali.=;t. Single Tax, and otlier Information '.... O'R'jilly, T. ^MF 4 Q .V) Economic History of Virt^inia in ths 17th Ccitni-y... Bruce, P. A. V -2 V -iS, !.'<) Economic-j Ha-.Uey, A. T. F 12 T 7 Kco!iomics and Sjcialisni L.uycjck, F. U. F 12 R 3i Economy of Consunn)tion MoHat, R. .S. F 12 T 33 England of To-day Martins, Olivicra 1) 18 Q 22 General Functioas of Capital; by J. A. Hodson — i/i (iood Citizen- ship "... Hand, Rev. .T. K. F 15 S 33 (iovernmont and Ca .". Seymour, H. \V. F 4 U 31 Liberalism and Wealth Hirst, F. \V. F 5 S .".O Populatirm an 1 Capital Hidley, A. T. F 1 V Ul Pi-eseut Distrilnition of U'oalth in the United State.". Spain-, C. R. F lU V 32 Scientific Solution of the Money Question . . . Kitson, A. F 1 V 20 Studies in Econon.ici Smart, W. F 2 V 20 Tlieory of Wealth Couniot, A. F 4 U 1!) Third"Factor of Production, and other Essays Ogilvv, A. .J. F 15 R 30 Ultimate Standard of Value... Rohm-Rawcrk, E. von F 14 U 31 Wealth and .Moral Law Andrews, Rev. E. R. F 8 V 10 [See nl-^o Cnrrcney; Interest.] Capital and Labour — Capital: the Friend and Ally of Wage-earners and the Mainspring of Commerce Davie.s, E. MF4Q58 The Capitivlist and tlio Manual Worker -in Ignorance. IJorman, M. R. P. (i 18 R 71 Clas.sc.s and Masses Haggard, F. T. F 9 P 28 Classes and Masses Malloek, W. H. F 8 V 14 Concentration of Wealth Irving, E. F 15 P 2! Distribution of Income Smart, W. I'' 10 1' 32 Di.stribution of the Protluco Smith, .1. C. !•' 15 S 2(i Economics of Distriljution Hobson, J. A. 1'' 17 'I' 12 Fabian Society Tracts ...^. F lil R 15 Formation ami Distribution of Riches. ..Tnrgol, A. R. .J. F 15 (,) 20 Free Competition in tlie Supply of C.vpital to Laiiour in Tlie Coming Individualism Hake, A. E. I" 1 R 22 Free Labour in Principles of .Sociology .. S])cncer, H. (i 12R24 Functions and Divisions of Labour ik I'rinei])le.s of .Sociology. Spencei-, H. (i 12 R21 Honest Money and Labor Schur/., C. F 17 P 8 How to Increase Wealth and Diminisli tlie Poverty of t'le Many. "Ciant-killcr" MF 3 Q 47 Laltor as Money Yeiser, .1. 0. F 10 \' (i Labour and Capital Hohlcn, (i. K. MF 3 P (i!) IvJibour ami Capital; by H. K. Rusden Melb. Rev., I 0.52 Labour, Cajiilal, and Consumption; by Miss L. Davie.s. Cooperative Congress, Rej)t., 1.S90 334 Labour Problem Drage, (!. F 10 S 31 Lectures on Political Economy Longfiilil, M. I' 1*31 Methods of Inrlustrial Remuneration... Seldoss, D. F. I'' 15 1*31 Overproduction and Crises Rodbertus, K. F 15 R 29 Relation of Christianity to the Conllict between Ca])ital and Labour Andrews, C. F. I' 10 \- 27 Capital and Labour — contJ. I^elations of Capital and Labour Cowderoy, li. MF4Q,5S Relations of Capital and Labour M F 4 Q 5.S Rural Wealth and Welfare Fairchild, G. T. F 17 T 11 Science of Political Economy George, H. F 3 R 26 Social Philosophy of Rodbertus ... Conner, E. C. K. (i 24 V 18 .Strikes and .Social Problems Nicholson, J. .S. F 8 V 25 Tiiird Factor of I'roduction, and other Essays Ogihy, A. J. F 15 R 30 Tlie Two Capitals • Barrow. A. H. MF 5 Q 28 Value, Price, and Profit Marx. K. F 15 P 26 Wages and Capital Taussig. F. \V. F 10 V 12 Wages and Capital in Mr. Henry George, the Orthodox. MoHat, R. .S. F 12 T 32 Wages-fund Doctrine at the hands of German Economists. New Zealand— Dept. of Labour, Journ., 1895 331.8 Wealth again.st Commonwealth Llojd, H. D. F 10 P 24 White Slaves of England Slierard, R. H. F 13 V 3 Work and Wealth Rowker, R. R. _ F 15 S 23 [See 'i/so Arbitration ; Eight-hour Question ; Employers' Liability ; Insuraiic'j, State; Labour; Master and Servant; Monopolies; Pauperism; Poor Laws: Profit-sharing; Savings Banks ; Social- ism; Strikes; Sweating System; Trader Unions; Work and Wages: Working-elass'.s: Workmen's Dwellings.] Capitalists and Financiers - Palcrson, W.. Writings of F 13 U 9-11 Capitellaceas M v.jiapliie der Capitelliden des Golfes von Neape'. ; yon Dr. H. ICisig Zoologisohe Station zu Neapcl A 19 P 16 t [See alxo Helminthology. ] CapDn-i. [See Poultry.] Caprellidce - |)ie CapieUiden des Golfes von Neapel ; von P. Maj-er. Zoo'.ogische Station zu Neapol A 19 P 10, 17 t Mel.ii.roteUa .«nrltli:nsis, u.sp. ; by Dr. Mayer — ,;iZoologi(!il Results. Willcy, A. MA 4 V 3 [See iv. of Cliemistry A 41 U 7 Caste — (ieiiesis of the Social Conscience Nash, H. S. (J 11 U 18 Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies... Dubois, Al)l)e J. A. (;23S12. 13 Law and Politics in the Middle Ages Jenks, E. F 13 T 30 [See also Brahminism; Social Etliics.] Castings. [.SV/; Iron-castin.tcs ; Metiil-foiiiuliiiL;; IMiiuldiuL;-.] Castles — Castles and Alibeys of England Beattie, \V. K •2-1 V 17 Castles of England Mackenzie, Sir J. D. H 10 T 13, U t Churches and Castles of Mediaeval France Larned, W. C. B 16 S 1-2 Historical Castles and JIansions of Scotland JSIillar, A. H. B 41 Q 13 [See aho Archasology : and under the name of each Castle.] Castor and Pollux — L'Evolution d'un Mythu Rcnel. C. B 3il U 7 [ijee also Mythology— (Jreek.] Castor Oil — Ca.-tor Oil Plant... Victoria —Agriculture — (iuiiles totirowers, 1.'? MA 3 T it Casuarina — Two New Species of Casuarina ; bv K. T. Baker. . . Linnean Society, "N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 oSn".;") Casuistry. [Sw Conscience.] Cat, The- cal Huidekoper, R. S. A 2G (HI Laboratory Oni()() Skeleton of the Cat compared with the Skeleton of JIan. .Taync, H. A 4(1 S 14 Catacombs— Fabiola Wiseman, ('ard. ( I !l W II [See also Archaeology — Rome; Egyptology.] Catalepsy ■ Catalepsy; by Dr. Tuke — in System of Mcilicino... .\lllmtt, 'i'. C. .\ 2() T 41 [.SVe aho Hypnotism; Hysteria.] Catalogues of Books and MSS. — i'^2"^^c'al ColUctkns — American Hook-prices Current Livingston, L. S. Cat. Room A nierican Catalogue Cat. Room Best Books of 1897, Bibliography, 12 New York — Library Bulletin Cat. Room Bibliographic de Belgiipie Belgium Cat. Room Bibliophile Americain Cat. Room Bibliotheca-Hi-storieo-Ncerlandica Nijhoff, M. Cat. Room Biieher-Lcxicou Kayscr, C. G. Libr. Catalogue (J6n(5ral de la Librairic Fi'aneaise Lorenz, d'O. Cat. Room Catalogues of Scientific Papers... Royal Soc., London K 19 V Hi Ecclesise Motropolitana: Coloniensis Codices Manuscripti. Jaffe, P. K 18 T 27 English Catalogue of Books Cat. Room f Jeneral Catalogue of Periodicals, Standard Works, Scarce and Valuable Works of the last Four Centuries Nijhoff, M. ('at. Room Guide to tlie Foi'matioi i of a Music Libraiy . . . Bio wn , .L D. J 9 V 3li In Deutschland erschienc Wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftcn fiir die Universitiits-Ausstellungin Cliicago, 1893...ChicagoExhil)., I89.'i K 1") U 10 Index Catalogue of Bibliographical Works lelaling to India. Cam).l,ell, F. J 9 V •^:^ Index McdieUB oKiiil Catalogues of Books and MSS. — Special Colhriioyu — coritd. List of Books for (xirls and Women and their Clubs. Leypoldt, Augusta H. K 11 R 17 Padagogische Zeitschriften, Jalirbiicher und Lehrerkalender Deutschlands Arndt, 0. K 11 Q 19 Pi-ivate Collect ion of PaintingsandObjetsd' Art,.. Bsauchamp, Earl MA 4 (,) 13 Proceedings at the International Conference onaCatalogue of Scien- tific Literature, Report ... Koyal Society, London J 14 V 12 Monuments of Typography T Quaritch, B. K 8 R 28 Reading for tlie Young Sargent, Mary E. Cat. Room Stowe Manusci-ipts in the British Museum British Museum K 17 T 23, 24 Weg%veiser durcli die Geschichtswerke des Europ-iischen Mittel- alters bis 1500 Potthast, A. .J 1.5 V 14, l.j [.^ee also Bibliogra])liy : Library Catalogues ; jSISS. ; Periodicals — Indexes.] Catalogues of Exllibilious. [.SVc Exhibitions ; am] under eacli Exliil)ition in Antliur Catalogue.] Catalogues of Fine Arts. [-SV^; Fine Arts — Exhibitions.] Catalogues of Stars. [.sV .Stars — Catalogues.] Cataloguing — Cataloguing; by H. C. L. Amlerson Australasian Library Conference, 1890 M.T 2 P .32 t Cataloguing Rules Bodleian Lilirary .1 9 V 36 Cataloguing Rules British Museum .J 9 V 3(i Cataloguing Rules Lib. Assoc, of United Kingclora J 9 V 30 Conference Bibliographique Internationale Brussels— Office International de Bibliograpliie .1 14 S 29 Eclectic Card Catalog Rules Lindorfelt, K. A. Cat. Room Library School Rules Dewey, M. Cat. Room Manual of Library Cataloguing Quinn, J. H. .T 23 T 31 Organisation Internationale de la Bibliograpliie Scicntificjue. Brussels— Office International de Bibliographic .1 14 S 2S Papers prepared for the World's Library Conference, 1893. United States — Bureau of Education Libr. Public Libraries of tlie United States of America. . . United States — Bureau of Edueat ion .7 4 S 3i t Rules for Compiling Catalogues in tlie Briti.sh Museum ... British Museum .1 22 \ 24 [.?c£ «/ko Classification : Indexing; Lilirary Economy.] Catechisms — Luther's Primary Works Luther, M. (; 19T20 [See also Creeds; Theology, Systematic-.] Preslyijtcrian- Westminster A.sscmbly of Divines, Shorter Catecliism (! 24 \' 13 Caterpillars. \Sr,' Entonioloi;y; Insects, Tajurious; Lcpiil- optera ; Metamorphosis.] Cathedrals and Churches — CInuclics and Castles of Mediaeval I'lancc Larned, W. C. B Ifl S 12 Churches and Chapels Kidder, F. K. A 19 P9 Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland, 1 MacGibbon, 1). A 23 V 28 Ecclcsiology (Senllenian's Magazine Library A 19 U 10 Englisli Cathedrals Illustrated Bond, F. A 41 T 1 "i Flemish Interiors Byrne, ISIrs. W. P. G lo U 23 Our Kngli.sh Minsters A 39 P 9, 10 Our National Cathedrals A 19 V .'), (! [See also Abbeys; (Jhristian Art; Ecclesiastical Architecture] Cathode Rays — Cathode Rays; by.]. .J. 'J'homson Smithsonian Listitution, Rcjits., 1897 oOO [See also Riintgen Rays.] Catholic Church. [.S'-y; llonian Catholicism.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 751 Cattle and Cattle-breeding — Au.stnil;isi;ui Livu StnrU Maiuuil Siitlu rlauil, (1. MA •> It 49 Aiistnilasiau I'astonilisls' Review (iSO.S I iuef-piodueing Breeds of Cattle ... Agr. Uaz., N.S.W., B C30.5 Hi-itlany C'liw Agrieultuval Cazette, N. .S. Wales, G KW.5 Calf .Muitalit\-; by H. Robiusoii Agriciilliiral (iazotte, Tas- mania, 18'J7 030.5 Cattle-brceilers' A.ssoc'iatiiai, Ontario, Rei)ort Ontario - - Uept. of Agriculture, Kept. ()30. (i Cattle-breeding Agricultural (Jazetto N. S. Wales, ti. 030.5 Cattle Breeds and Management Housnian, W. A 38 P 10 Cliannel Islands Breed of ('attic; by J. L. Thompson. -Agr. (,'azette, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 ('ondition of Winter (Jrain and the Condition of Farm Animals, Reports U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Statistics 030.073 Devon Breed of Cattle... Agricultural (_!az., N. S. Wales, 030.5 Domesticated Animals .Shaler, N. 8. A 30 R 2!) J']very-dav Ailments and Accidents of Cattle Barton, F. T. ' ■ A 1 V -i-i ICxpcriem-!- of our Imported Cattle; by M. A. O'Callaghan. Agricultural (Jazette, N. 8. Wales, 10 030.5 Holstein Cattle ; Dutcli Belted Breed of (Jattle ; Choking of Cattle ; 8afe Way to throw a Bull ... Agr. (iaz., N. 8. Wales, 7 030.5 Improvement of New South AVales Stock; by M. A. O'Callaghan. Agricultural Cazctte, N. S. Wales, 9 030.5 Indiana— State Board of Agriculture, Report, 1884 030.0 Live Stock in New South Wales; by A. Bruce —«J N. S. Wales, the -Motlier Colony Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Numbers and Values of Farm Animals... United States - Dept. of Agr.- Division of Statistics 030.973 Pamphlets on Experiments in (,'attle-feediug ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 30 Polled Breeds of Cattle Agr. Gaz., N. S. Wales, (i 030.5 Stock-owners' Guide Heatley, G. S. A IS S 41 UnitodStatesCattle-raising Industry in 1890... Gt. Brit, andlrel. — Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 403 382 Wild Oxen, Sheep, and Fossil Cetacean from New Zealand — in Scientific Memoir.s. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Specimens of (-'etacea in the Zoological Department of the British Museum ; by W. H. Flower... British Musemu Natural History A 42 U li) [,SVc also Porpoises; AVhales.] Ceylon — (leneral and Descriptive — .\nnual Rcpcu-ts — in Colonial Reports (it. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Office 354. -128 Future Trade with the Far East Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 India, Ceylon, &c 1)22(^)4 Ruined C'ities of Ceylon Cave, H. W. D 10 T 20 t A Run Round the Empire Hill. A. D IS (,) 32 Travel and Talk, lSS.5-95 Haweis, Rev. H. R. 1) 16 R 5, 9 [See also Taiuil Language; and under (.'cylon, in .\uthor Cata- logue, for olliiial publications.] Chaetognatha - Chetognati: .Mcmoiia ; del Dot t. B. Gi'.a.ssi... Zoologi.schc Staticm zu Ncapel A 19 P5 t Thread-woi-nis and Sagitta Shipley, .A. K. A 20 '!" 20 [See also Helminthology.] Chaetopoda I'olychiel Wnruis IViiham, W. I!. A 20 T 20 [See uIko Annelids; ICarthworms; llclniinlliology. | Chains and Chain-making — Tlic ( bain iiialvcr.H in The Whiteslaves of lOiiglanil. Sheninl, R. 11. F 13 V 3 Siihject-Indecc lo the Supplementary Catalogue — ll^OG-1000. 753 Clialdsea — Sacreil ]>ook.s of (.'halilaa in Oiij,'in anil (liowtli of Rclisi""- Saycu, A. H. G l()T2(i [See «/.so Ai'cha.'ology — ChaliUra ; Arcliitecturo — CUalda'a ; Assyria ; Babylon and Habylonia; Chaldoan Language; Ciuieil'orm; Nestorian Chmx'h.] IxiIkjiiiii — Kgyjit, Clialda'a, and CInna— !« Anfituit Idualu ... 'Pay lor, II. (). ( 1 1 <,> -j:!, -Ji Chaldean Language — Hebriiisches und Chaldiiischos IScliuI-Wiirteilmoh l''iirst, .1. .r n 1' 4s Manual of theChaldec Language. . . Tuiijie, 1 Irv. 1 ). Mi-lJ. d "2(1 1! 2(i [See also Assyrian Language; Cuneifurni.] Chalices — Small Bra.ss Cup foujid in Kodil Wurray, P. (1 21 U Ki Challenger Expedition — LogdetU'r.s fioMi tlie ( 7ialkn;/er Campbell, Lord ]) 22 It 21; Portraits of liie Contributors Tliomson, Sir ('. W. A (i R t [See also Thomson, C. \V. , in Autlior Ciitalogue. | Chamois — Sport in the Alps tirohniau, W. A. B.- I) IS U IG Chance — Choiee and Cliance Wliiluorlli, \V. A. A 24 <,> .■!2 Chancellors — delTreys, .ludge; by H. B. Irving JelTroys. liaron C 2.') (). 18 Memorials, 17(J6-1S()5 Stdljorne, Earl of C 2.'i V -1, o Chancery — Alistracts of Liquisitioncs Post Mortem relating to City of London returned into Court of Chancery... British Ree. Soe., lo 914.21 Calendar of Chancery Proceedings in tiie Reign of Charles 1. British Record Society, 14 347. IIO Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and otiier Analogous Docu- ments, Henry VII ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Public Recoid Office B 45 Channel Islands — Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. (!. W. 1) 22 R .S Chants. [See Church Music] Chap-books — Notices of Fugitive Tract.s and Cliapdiooks printed at Aldcrmary Cliurchyai^d, &c Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 31 [.See also Billads; Polk-lore; Legends; Old English Language; Proverlis. ] Character — Oliaracter Indicated by Handwriting... Bauglian, Rosa (i 2.") P 9 Coiiperation, Character, and Culture Carpenter, Bishop F 13 V 23 Formation of the Human Character .. Ovren, R. G 15 U 25 God's Gentlemen Welsh, Rev. R. E. (i 23 P 40 Herbart and tlie Herbartians Ue Garmo, C. (t 9 W 23 Human Nature Schopenhauer, A. G 10 U 35 Life-Power Pierson, Rev. A. (! 9 W 25 Making of Character MacCunn, .1. G 20 Q S Mapof Life:ConductandCharacter...Lecky, W. K. H. (! 24 V 33 Mind of tlie Master Watson, Rev. J. G 2 V 47 Parents and Children Maaon, Charlotte M. (1 17 T 7 Revelation by Cliaracter — in Doctrine and Development. Rashdall, Rev. H. (! 23 Q 37 Theory of Practice Hodgson, S^ H. G U Q 28, 29 [iSee n/.so Christian Ethics; Culture; Home Education; Life ami Conduct ; Moral Education ; Jloral Philosopliy ; Phrenology ; Physiognomy; Self-culture; Temperament.] Character Sketches — London Types Nicliolsnn, V\'. J 20 R 11 t 5c Charcoal — Manual of Forestry .Schlieh, W. A 32 R 17 i'ciuliar Behaviour of Charcoal in the Blast Furnace; l)y J. T. Donald McGill University A 44 S 7 Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar - Souvenir ( 'liaring Cross Hos]jital Bazaar J 12 ,\ 21 t Charitable Societies. [.SV;« Charities — Societies; a.nd under the title of eaeli i]i Author Catiilo<^ue.] Charities — General — Burdett's Hospitals ami Charities Burdett, H. C. .360 Charities; by E. E. Morris .Melbourne Review, 2 0.52 Old Age Pensions, Cliaritable Kelitf, anil State Insurance, Report; 1)V J. C. Neild ... N. S. Wales— Old Age Pensions MF 3 U G!) Paladin of Plnlanthropy Dobson, A. J 22 Q 12 Poor in Great Cities F 13 U 25 Rich and Poor Bosanquet, Mrs. Bernard F 10 V 29 The State and Charity Mackay, T. F 15 R 13 [Sen itJsu Asylums; Blind — Asylums; Boy.s — Clidis; Children — Asylums; Deaf an'.l Dundi— Asylums ; Hospitals; Pauperism; Pliilanthropists; Poor Laws ; Ragged Schools ; Social Problems.] Socicti.en, luKtitntions — Freemasons' Benevolent Society, New South Wales, Rept .366.1 Home Visiting and Relief Society, Rei)ort Mt! 2 U 25 By Countries. Australia Uses an Rise of Democracy Rose, J. H. F !3 V .34 Some Social and Political Pioneers of tlie inth Ccnturv. Balmforth, R.' C 23 R 24 [See also (U. Brit.— Pnliiics.l Charts —6-'en/«-rt? — Charts of the World, Society Islands, New Zealand, Melanesia, and EastIudianArchipclago-—ii( Journal. ..Banks, .Sir J. Jll) 3 U ^o Collection of Cliarts and Jlemoirs ... Dalrymple, A. A 17 S 10 f [.See afco Cartography ; Plans; Topographj-; under Cit. Brit, and Trcl. — Admiralty; Ot. Brit, and Irel. — Hjdrographic Office; United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in the Author Cata- logue; and under the names of places in the Index.] Chastity — .Eiloeology Elliot, S. B. A 2G S 2!) [.See aho Celibacy. ] Chatham Islands —General and Dcxcriplive — .\biriiiri People of the Chatham Islands; by A. Shand... Polynesian Soc., Journal, 1895-!)7 9i!0 Chautauqua — United states -Bureau of Education, Report, lS94-9j ... .379.73 [.See alM Reading Circles ; Summer Schools ; Univcrsit\- E.vtt.Msion ; University Settlements.] Cheating. [See Impostors; Swindlers,] Cheese — ,\iialy.ses of the Different Varieties... Minnesota - Agr. Experiment Station Rept., 1S94 (i;i().7 Bath and West and Southern Counties Soc, .lourn., 189o-90 ()3l).(i Book of the Dairy Fleisehmann, \V. A. 30 R .50 (;hed Manufacture and Consumption of Clieese... L^nited .States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1895 6.30.."> Manufacture of Soft Cheese... Agr. (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030..") Milk aud it« Products Wing, H. H. A .33 P S New Y'ork — Agr. Exper. Stn., Board of Control, Rept., 1894 (J30.7 Pamphlets on Cheese-making ... Agr. E.xper. Stations A 38 Q 9 Pure Lactic Cultures of Bacteria in Cheese-making... Wisconsin — Agi-. Experiment Station Rept., 189G ()30.7 Ripening of Cheese ... Queensland Agricultural .Journal, 4 G.'iO..") Ripening ofChee.se. ..Wisconsin — Agr. Exp. Stn., Rept., 1899 030.7 Rise and Fall of Bacteria in Cheddar Cheese Wisconsin - Agr. Experiment .Station Rept., 1890 630.7 Wisconsin — Agricultural Experiment Station, Report, 189S G30.7 [.See also Dairying.] Cheirognomy. [See Palmistry.] Cheiroptera. [Siscovery of New Elements witliin tlie last Tweiily-iivc Years; liy C. Winkler Suiitli.sonian Institution, Rejils., 1897 ."iOG FromMagictoChemiatry and Physics. ..White, A. J>. (i 3U 17, 18 General Chemistry Ostwald, W. A 41 R 15 Hand-book of Chemistry ; by Prof. L. Gmeliii... Cavendish Society Pubs. A 36 S 2-20 Introduction of Chemical Theory Scott, A. A 20 P 29 Lancet 610.5 Law aud Theory in Cliemistry Carnegie, D. A 23 P 10 London, Edinburgh, aud Dublin Philosophical Magazine ... Vfy't Maniial of Chemistry Tilden, W.~A. A 20 P 27 Metliod of .Separating Colloids from Crystalloiils liy I'iltration ; l)y Dr. C. J. Martin ... Royal Soc., N. S. Wales, Proc, 1890 ."lOO Qiuvros Compltjtos Rtas, J. 8. A 10 X 20 22 t Progress of Scientific Chemistry in our own Times... 'I'ihlen, W. A. A 41 T 20 Rise and Development of Org.anic Cliemistry... iSchorlcmmcr, ('. A 21 R 3!) Scientific Writings of .T:\mcs Smilli.son... .Smithsonian Iiistitiilion, Misc. Colk'ction.s, 21 .">0S Subject-Index io the Suppleiwuiary (JaUdorjxie — lSdO-1000. v. •JO Chemistry — General — contd. Short Stuilies in Physical Science C'uniish, V. A ii R 27 Syntheses d'Aldfiiyilcs ot d'Acetones dans la soric du Naplitalene au moycn du Clduniie d'Aluminitim Rousset, L. A 40 8 5 Theoretical and Physical Clieniisti-y Hoff, J. H. van't A 39 Q 19-21 'J'reatise on Chemistry Roseoo, Sir H. E. A 38 U 3, 4 Vohunetric Analysis Sutton, F. A 21 U 20 Wandering of Atoms Muir, M . M. P. A 3S R 33 Year-book of Pharmacy fiLlOo [See al.to Ay Plants; by H. T. Brown... British Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1899 .506 Hanil-book for tlie lUo-Chemical Laboratory Mandel, .1. A. A 21 K 40 Organic Chemistry Whiteley, R. L. A 23 R 48 Preparation of Alkyl-Sulphino, Seleiiine, and Pho.sphonium Salts; by O. Mas.son and.!. 15. Kirkland Roy. Soe., Vict., Traus., 1 500 [See iilno Al(:(>ho\!i; .Mkaloids; Fats; Foods; Chemistry; Physio- logical Chemistr}'; I'tomaine.s. ] Chemists — Cavendisli, Hon, If., Life of; lij- Dr. 0. Wil.son Cavciidi.sli Society, Pubs. A 36 S 21 Dalton, .John, Memoirs of the Life and Scientific Researches of ; by Dr. W. C. Henry Cavendi.sh Society Pubs. A 30 T 4 Davy, Humphry, Poet and Philosopher C 20 U 16 Faraday-, Michael: his Life and Work; by Prof. Thompsf)n. CI9P20 Plavfair, Lyon, Memoirs and Correspondence of; by W. Reid. " C 26 S 8 Sniithson, .James, Memoir on Scientific Character and Researches of; by W. R. Johnson. ..Smithsonian In.st., Misc. Collee., 21 508 Smithson, Janu,'s, Works and Character of ; by J. R. McD. Irby. Smilhsonian Inst., Misc. "Collections, 21 .j'lS Cherries ~ Black Knot of the Plum and Cherry — in Injurious Insects, 6, 7- Agrieult. Exper. Stns. A 38 Q 6, 7 Leif Blight of_the Plum arul Cherry — in Injurious Insects, 6. Agrieult. Exper. Stns., 6 A 38 Q 6 Pamphlets on Cherries and Small Fruits Agrieult. Exper. Stns. A 38 R 1 Pamphlets on Fruit-growing... Agrieult. Exper. Stns. A 38 R 35 [See also Fruit-growing ; Pomology. ] Chesapeake and Ohio Canal — Early Dcvelopnicnl of the Cliesapeake and Ohio C;vnal Project ; by Prof. ( ;. W. Ward .Johns Hopkins Cuiversity, Studies, l~ B18S17 Cheshire — Unneral and Descriptive — English Topography... Oentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 2 History — Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop W IS P 13 f Chess — Analysis of the Chesi Ending King and C^ueen asjainst King ami Rook "Euclid" A 29X34 Chess and Playing Cards ; liy S. Culin... United States— National Museum, Rept., 1896 507 Chess Endings Freeborough, E. AGQ7 Chess Openings Freeborough , E. A 29 T 35 Common-sense in Chess Lasker, E. A 29 S 20 Games at Chess Blaokburne, J. H. A 40 V 13 Hastings Chess Torirnament, 1895 ... Clieshire, H. F. A 29 S 24 Major Tactics of Chess Young, F. K. A 40 V 12 Minor Tactics of Chess Young, F. K. A 29 S 21 [See also Games.] Chester — History — oil Cliester Crickmore, H. H. B 16 T 17 Palatine Note-book B 24 U 1-4 Chestnut — Pampldets on Fruit-growing... Agrieult. Exper. Stns. A ;}8 R 35 [See also Nuts.] Chicago — General and Descriptive — Chicago and the World's Fair Ralph, J. D 13 S o Poor in Gieat Cities F 13 U 25 Climate — • Clinuvte of Chicago; by H. A. Hazen ... United States— Dept. of Agriculture— Weather Bureau A 19 V 39 /J.l Pidlcc I/iirary of NeiD South JVales. Chicago — Comm".rce. and Trade — Trade and Commerce of Chicago, Annual Report Chicago Board of Trade :«1 Chicago, Department of PuUlio Works, Report 3.")2.o ri'Uic Works- Chicago Exhibition, 1893 — Catalogue de I'Exposition Historique des Soiivenira Franoo-Amt'ri- cains de la (Juerre de I'lndepcndance. . . Cliicago Exhibition, 1803 K 11 R '24 Catalogue of Exhibits in tlie New Sout!i Wales Court. Chicago Exhibition, 1893 MK 1 8 Zi Chicago and the World's Fair Ralph, J. D 1 3 S 5 Connecticut at the World's Fair... Chicago Exhib., 1893 D 22 T 3 My Travels in Europe and America, 1S9,'J ... Jagatjit Singh, Raja D 13 S 12 t [See also in Author Catalogue under Chicago Exhiliition for Cata- logues and other Publications. ] Chicago University. [_Sce Author Catalogue, umlei- this heading, for Publii-ation.s.] Chicken Cholera — Discovery of Cliioken Cholera in Queensland; by C. J. Pound. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc., lS94-9.'> olKi Reports relating to the Microbes of Chicken Cholera; Ijy C. .). Pound Queensland — Parliament, V. and P., 1S97 328.943 \See also Poultry.] Chicken Pox Chicken Pox; liv Dr. .1. McCombie — .« System of .Medicine. AUlnitt, T. C. A 26 T 3,5 Scarlet Fever, Measles, &c Smith, J. L. A 31 P 15 Chicory — Chicory-growing ; by M. C. Kains... UnilcdStates — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Botany A 41 U 11 Consular Reports, 48 United Stales — Consular Repts. 382 Chief Justices— Bowen, Lord; b3- Sir H. T. Cunningham" C 24 Q 6 Buihlcrs of our Law during tlie Reign of Queen Victoria. Mauson, E. F 8 R 19 [•Sefi a/sO ChancellorK ; .Juilgcs; Lawyers.] Child Life— Tlic ('liild : a Study in tlic Evolution of -Man . , Cliamberlain, A. F. A 4.5 H 20 The Child : Life and Training — in Women in Education. International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 4 [See aho 'Roys; Chihlrcn— Cencral; Family; Home; Infant Life Protection.] Children — General — Bibliography of Child Study "Wilson, L. N. (1 17 R .12 Care of Cliifdren Kneipp, Mgr. S. A 20 S ;!3 Care of the Baby CrifKth, J. P. C. A 2(i S 27 ChiM Labor Willoughby, W. F. F4 V 1.5 Child Labour Gratfeuried, Clare de F 4 V 1,5 Child Study... U.S. —Bureau of Education, Rept., 1892 93 379.73 Cliild Study in the United States ... U.S. — limeau of Education, Rept., 1897 98, vol. 2 .•^79.73 The Children Meyndl, Alice .19 P Ki Children under the Poor I>aw Chance, W. F 13 T 20 Condition of Children in Civilisation of Our Day...Samuelson, .1. F 1 V 14 Cry of the Children Hird, F. F 1.5 K 24 Eilucatinn of (;hildren Montaigne, M. E. de C 1.5 U 4(i Exfjerimental Study of Chilihen, including -Anthroponutrical an(l P.iycho-])!iy»ical Measurements of Washington School Cliihlren. United Statc.H—Biueau of Education, Rejrt., 1897 98 379.73 Fenencoloriien, or Holiday Colonics; by I)r. E. F. Willoughby. Internat. 'Health Exhib., IS84, Lit., II A 4rV 7 (Jrcat Britain and Irelanil, Factories anoor Law Suliools I'" 40 V 7-9 3: International Cong, of Hygiene and l)ciuogra]iliy, Tians.,4 61 l.UO I Legal Status — Legal Rights of Children... United States — Bureau of Education, Rept, 1897 379.73 Matrimoni.al (Causes, Parent and ChiM; bv L. I). Powles In Hou.schold Oracle .Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Mnnai/ement- Dcmicstic Hygiene of the Child Uffelmann, .7. A .38 S 9 Hearing of Hand-fed Infants; by Dr. E. Owen... Internat. Hrallh Exiiib., 1884, (jt., 6 A 41 V2 Training of Cliildren Woman's Book A 2/ V 29, .30 S\bjcct-Inde.v to the Sn2)2)lementart/ Catalogue — 1896-1900, 1b1 Chilclien'(3 Books — Animal Story-lj(jok Lang, A. ,^'2'iT'> Australian VVonderlanil H., A. A. MJ '2 V 24 Bul>blcs: Lis Book Irvine, R. F. M.J 2 V (i CJhildrcn's Books and f.hoir lUustvators; by (). White Studio, Winter No., 1897-08 705 Cliristnias, Everv-dav, and utlier Stories Howells, W. ]). .1 22 R 2!) Dot and the Kangaroo Pedley, Ktliel C. M.) 2 V <.) (!uni Loaves CJurlewis, Kthel M.) 2 V 20 Harper's Ronnd Table Ool "Lewis Carroll" Pii-ture-book... Dodgson, Rev. C. L. .1 17 U 1.'! Pages and Ficture.5 from ForgottcnCliildren'.sBooks... Tncr,A. W. ,1 14 Q 34 Red Book of Animal Stories Lang. A. J 1 2 11 22 Summer in a Canon Ri sys, Kate D. J 23 T 2 1 Voyage of the Mons>.,i McMillan, R. M,J 3 V 13 Young Australia 0.")2 [.See al.fO Nursery Rhymoi and Tales.] Chili — Geiici-i'l an I Descriptive — Over the Andes.. Crommulin, May 1) 10 T 10 Temperate Chile Smith, W. A. I ) 22 (^) 1 3 Universal (ieograph3^ Reclus, E. 1)21 L' IS Viaje de Ucstierro Ui'ez, V. D 10 P 3 Voyage de la Mer du Sud, 1712-14 Frezier, A. F. 1) 10 P 4 Wreck of the n«(jroT Byron, Hon. J. D 19 P 14 Bio;/ raplii/ — - Lastarria, J. V., i su Tiempo C 1 • X 11 f Commerce and Trade — Trade of Chili — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, 1S99, Annual scries (it. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office E82 Ge.ograpliy, Tojioijraphij, anil Maps — Arehorages on the Coast of Chile, 1 898 [Chart]. . .Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office U 49 P 1 + Chafiaral de I/as Animas Bay, 1S98 [Chart]... Ct. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office ]) 49 P 2 + Ii|ui(iuc, LSSi [Chart].,, (it. Brit, and Irel. -Hydiograjihic Office 1) 49 P 2 J Plans on the Coast of Chile, 1899 [Charts]... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrograpliic OtHco D 49 P 3 J Ilistort/- Prinieras Asanibleas Nacionales en Chile, IS! !-14,.-Roldan, A. F 1 V 20 Viaje de Destierro Orez, V. D 10 P 3 War between Chile and Peru and Bolivia, lS79-8i. Mason, Lieut. T. B. M. B 19 T 10 Politics — Ineompatibilidades Parlamentarias Hubner, C. L. Fl R 2.") . Statutes — Codigo Civil de la Rcpublica de Chile Ciiili F 10 .\ l.j f [See aA t Codigo Penal Chili F 10 X 10 f Lei de Organizacion i Atiilnu-iones de los Tiibunales. (ionzales, M. R. F 1 U 10 Chilian Literature La Resurrcccion de .Jesu-Christo, Neustro .Senor .. (ieddcs. T. K. (i 11 U 27 Chillagoe Caves — The Chillagoe Caves; by 1). S. 'I'liistlethwayte Royal (!eog. So'c, Au.st., (iuecnslan'd Br., 1 893 94 910.0 Chimneys- Boilers and Furnaces Barr, W. M. A 38 T 20 Chimney Design and Theoi'y (Christie, W. W. A .38 S 22 Chimpanzee — OoiiUas and Chimpanzees \_See alto Apes. ] C.-uner, li. L. A .30 K 51 China — General and Descriptive— Aci-oss America and Asia J'umpclly, H. D 19 U 18 An American Cruiser in the East Ford, .). 1). D 21 iS 2 Among tile Celestials Youiigliu.sband, F. E. D 13 R (5 An Attache at Peking Mitford, A. B. F-. D 13 P 20 Australian, India, and.Japan Trade Directory... Wright, (i. 910.3 Breakup of China Bercsford, Lord C. 1) 22 P 17 Cliina Corst, H. E. D 22 P 18 CliinaandthcChinc.se Plauchiit, E. D 19 P 12 (Jliina in Decay Kraus.se, A. D 22 P 8 Cliina in Transformation Colquhoun, A. R. D 10 V 25 Chinamen at Home Sclby, T. G. D 13 Q 4 Clhroniclc .and liirectory for China, &c .■ 910.3 Collection of Charts and Memoirs ... Dalrvmple, A. A 17 S 10 t Cohmi.sation de rindo-Chine Bert, J. C-. F 13 V .30 (.'.ycle of Cathay Martin, Rev. W. A. P. D 17 S 17 European Settlements in the Far East S., D. W. D 21 (.) 12 From Peking to Petersburgh Reid, A. D 13 S 2 From Tonkin to India ... (Jrleans, Prince H. P. M. d' D 13 V 9 Future Trade with the Far East Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 Heart of a Continent Younghusband, F. E. D 17 V 25 Intimate China Little, Mrs. A. B. D 1 3 V 24 Mystic Flowery Land Halcombe, C. J. H. 1) 17 T 20 The New Far East Diosv, A. D 13 U 20 The •■Overland" to China Colquhoun, A. R. D 22 P 24 People of China ; their Country, History, Life, Ideas, and Rela- tions with the Foreigner Scott, .1. W. ]?-. D 13 P 21 Peiples and Politics of the Far East ... Norman, H. D 20 U 11 A Roving ('ommission Pasco, C. MD3R13 Sister Martyrs of Ku Cheng Berry, Rev. D. M. MG 2 T 19 This Goodly Frame, the Earth ' Tiffany, F. D 21 T 1 Through Cliina with a Camera Thomson, .1. D 19 U 13 Thr.mgh Cnknown Tibet Wellby, M. S. D 16 V 24 Toui'ist I iuide to China, Japan, Australia, and Tasmania. Eastern and Australasian Steamship Company MD 8 T 9 Twenty-six Years of Missionary Work in China Stott, (r. D 17 S 20 Uiiivcr.=al Geography Reclu.s, E. D 21 U 7 World P.ilitics " Rcinsch, P. .S. F 19 S 5 Yangtze Valley and Beyond Bishop, Mrs. J. F. D 22 S 2 [.S'ee fi/.uo-T»zc, the (ircat Thinker, li.c. 004 i : I U 32 Chinese Question — Anti-Chinese Legislation in Australasia; by J. Lcc ... Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1889 3.30.5 California — Chinese Emigration F 13 U 12 Chinese Immigration into the Australian Colonies ; with a Return of Acts passed by the Legislatures of those Colonics and of Canada and British Columbia on tlie Subject Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Australasia MF 3 P 31 + Chinese in Victoria ; by Rev. J. F. Horsley Melbourne Review, 4 052 Joint Special Committee to investigate Chinese Immigration, Rejiort United States— Chinese Immigration F 13 T 28 Judge and Jury Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 Royal Commission on alleged Chinese (iamblim;. Report. N. S. Wales -Chinese Gambling MF 4 U .38 Yellow Wa.ve Mackay, K. MJ 3 Q 43 [See nlxo Aliens; Coloured Labour Question; Emigration; Race Problems. ] Chiropody. [.SV-e Foot, Tlie.] Chiroptera — Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum; by R. Lydekker. British Museum— Natural History A 42 V 16-19 Fruit -bat from New Guinea; byO. Thonuis ... Ainials and Magazine of Natural Historj' 7th ser., vol. 5. 590.5 !Monfigi-apli of the Bats of North America; by H. Allen. United States — National Museum, Bulletin 43 .507 [_See niso Bats ; Mammalia.] Chiroscopy. [See Pahnistry.] Chislehurst — History „f Chislehurst Webb, E. A. B 40 W 2 Chitonidse — Beitriige zur vergleichenden Anatoniie der Chitonen ; von Prof. Plate... Internat. Congress of Zoologj-, Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Cliilunicum simplex, ein neuer Zellparasit; von Prof. I'latc. International Congress of Zoolog3', Proc., 1S9S A 35 W 14 [.Se also Gasteropoda ; Mollu.sca.] Chitral — General R "> Inquiry into the relations of Asiatic (Jholera and Cholera Nostras, or English Cholera; by Dr. Klein — 1« Report of Jledical Ofiiccr, 18',J.j-!J0 (it. Brit, and Irel.— -Local Government 014.0942 Manual of Baetei-iology Muir, H. A 33 P 10 Notes on Asiatic Cholera United States — Dept. of the Navy A 26 R 38 Prevention of Cholera; by Prof. F. de Cliaumor.t... International Health Exhibition, 1SS4, Lit., 9... A 41 V 5 Report of Dr. Klein on Modifications of the Cholera Vibrio artificially induced — in Report of Jledical Officer, lSflG-97. Gt. Brit, and Irel — Local Government 614.0942 {See a?.50 Bacteriology ; Epidemics.] Cholera Morbus — .Applied Bacteiiology 11 Cholera; l)y Dr. F. A. Packard ,... Pearmaiii, T. H. A 40 1 in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 1.5 Inquiry into the relations of Asiatic Cholera and Cholera Nostras, or English Cholera ; bv Dr. Klein — /;) Rcjiort of Medical Officer, 189.)-96 Gt. BritI and Irel.— Local (Government 614.0942 Chorea — Chorea; liy Dr. R. Rugsell — iu Svstem of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 20 T 40 Chorea; by Dr. B. >Sachs— /« Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 10 Christ. [See Je.sus Christ.] Christ Church, Newgate — Registers of Clirist Church, Newgate, lo3S-1754... Harleian Soc, Pubs., 21 929 Christian Art and Symbolism— The Christ-Child in Art Van D_vke, H. A .39 (J 7 Madonna of St. Luke Bolton, Henrietta I. A 23 (^ .53 Rand)les and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalniatia. Munro, R. B 16 T 23 Renaissance Fancies and Studies Paget, V. A 23 S 24 [See aho Catacombs; Church Decoration; Church Furniture; Cross, The ; Ecclesiastical Architecture ; Emblems ; Ritualism ; Saints ; Symbolism. ] Christian Biography. [.S'ee Apostles; Bi.shops; Cardinals; Clergy ; Fathers of the Church ; Martyrs ; Missionaries ; Monks; Nuns; Pilgrim Fathers; Popes; Preachers; Puritans; Reformers, Religious; Saints; Theologians.] Christian Churches and Sects — General — sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World... Evans, J. G 15 U 31 [See also Apostles; Arians; Cahnnism; C!opts; Creeds; Greek Church ; Lutheran Church ; Nestorian Church ; Quakers ; Re- vmion of Churches ; Sv.edcnborgianism ; and under each De- nomination and Sect.] Statistics — Religious Forces of the United States... Carroll, H. K. (J 12 V 8 Statistics of Churches in the United States, Rej)ort. United States— Census Office 317.3 Christian Ethics — Cliristim IClliics Martensen, Bishop G3U 11-13 (,'hri.sliau Ethics Smyth, Rev. N. G 24 R 9 Christian Ethics Strong, Rev. T. B. (i 3 R 32 Christian Ethics. Now ed Strong, Rev. T. B. (i 23 S 4 lOlcments of Moral Science Porter, N. (i 24 R 5 Ethical Systems Wuudt, W. Gil R 41 (Jo !'s Gentlemen Welsh, Rev. R. E. (J 23 P 40 Obligations of Social Service; by Rev. 'J'. C. Fry— («(iood Citizen- ship Jfaml, Rev. .J. E. F lo S .33 Scholar and the State Potter, Bi.shop G 23 R 1 [See also Chastity ; Life and C'on P 32. 33 Genesis of the ;?ocial Conscience Xasli, II. S. (i 11 U 18 God and the Future Life Nordhoff. C. G 9 U 33 God in His World Alden, H. M. G 24 P 17 Great Charter of Christ Carpenter, Bishop G 1 U 31 Historical Church Atlas McCIure, E. G 17 S 20 t History of Freethought Robertson, J. M. G 24 U 9 History of the Amana Society Perkins, W. E. (J 19 T 28 Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity. Pfleideror, Rev. O. (i 19 T 3.") Intellectual Development ... Crozier, J. B. G 17 T 11 Letters to a Jewess .. Elyard, 8. 11(1 1 'I'."; Letters to his Son on Religion Selborne, Earl of G 4 \' ."•.'i Letters to the Clergy on tlie Lord's Prayer and the Cliurch. Ruskin, J. (J 19 U 9 Life and Work of the Church Bright, Re\. C. MG 1 R 19 Messiah of the Gospels Briggs, P.cv. C. A. G 12 V 5 Meta))hysic of Experience Hodgscm, S. H. G 17 R 3.'3-3U Mind" of the Master Watsou, Rev. J. (i 2 V 47 Miraculous Element in Christianity - /n Guesses at the Riddle of Existence 8mith, G. (i 19 U 34 Mysteries, Pagan and Christian... Cheothani, Rev. S. G 23 Q 13 QScuraenical Documents of the Faith Bindlcv, Rev. T. H. (i 24 {) 32 The One Religion Wordsworth,' Bishop G 24 (.) 2(1 Paine, Thomas, Writings of I C '1" 2.'> Parchments of the Faith Merrill, Rev. G. E. (; 12 V 3 Pauline Christianity — in Intellectual Dcveloinnent... Crozier, .1. B. (i 17T 11 Philo.sophy of Belief Argyll, Duke of G 14 P 2o Plea for a Simpler Faith Keith, G. S. G 2 U 47 Primitive Jewish Christianity in Intellectual Development. Crozier, J. B. (i 17 T II Problem of Religious Progress Dorchester, Rev. D. G 12 V 4 Reflection of a Russian Statesman Pobvedonostseff, K. P. (;23P3.'5 St. Paul's Conception of Christ .. Somerville, Rev. D. G 2.3 S 1 Siikularbilder (iulzkow, K. J 24 S .30 Social Teachings of Jesus Matliev.s, S. (1 II U 2.') The .Spirit on the Waters Abbot, E. A. (! 3 U 27 Storyof LafsuBeg,theCamel-driver..."Gunn,Dr. ])." MJ 3 P44 Via, Veritas, Vita Druinmond, J. (i 2.'> Q 4 Wagner's Prose Works ; by W. A. Ellis. . . Wagner, R. J 4 8 19, 20 [A'cc a/«oApo.sllesand .'VpostolicChurch; Apostles' Creed ; Atlieisni ; Atonement; Bible, The; Canon of Scripture; Clnistian Arl ; Christian Churches and Sects ; Christian Ethics; Christian ICvi- dcnces; Christianity — Hi.story; Church, The, and Social Prob- lems; Church and State; Cro.ss, The; Ecclesiastical History; Fathers of the Church ; Heresies ; Incarnation ; Jesus CJhiist : Miracles; Missions; Persecutions; Religion and Science; Religion and Education; Resurrection; Stage and Chuich; Theology, Systematic ; and under each Christian Churcli and Sect.] llislori/ of — Antichrist Renan, E. G 2") P 10 Antoninus Pius, Reign of, a.d. 138-fil B 30 S 18 Apology anil Acts of Apollonius, and other Monuments of ICarly Christianity Conybeare, F. C. (5 24 U4 Argument for Christianity Lorimer, Rev. G. C. (! 12 V 27 The Church: its Character and Function; by W. C Wallace. Melbourne Review, 9 052 Dawn of Christianity Vedder, H. C. G 9 W 22 The Emperor Hadrian (ircgnrovius, F. B.'ll H 17 Christianity — Historij fif^co)itd. Evolution of Christianity Gill, C. G 25 Q .T Fabiola Wiseman, Card. G9 W 11 Free Enquiry into tlie Origin of the Fourth Gospel... Sense, P. C. G 24 U 35 (iathering Clouds Farrar, Dean (! 2 U 2, 3 Gcsta Christi Brace, C. L. G 25 R 9 Historical Essays Lightfoot, Bishop J 12 U 27 History of Christian Doctrine Fisher. Rev. (J. P. G 11 P48 History of Dogma Harnack, A. G 23 S 30 39 History of Early Christian Doctrine .. Sheldon. H. C. (1 24 T 2, 3 History of Early Christian Literature Kriiger, G. G 24 Q 18 History of Early Christianity PuUan, L. G 23 Q 36 History of Philosophy Hegel, (J. W. F. G 12 R .30, 31 History of the Christian Churcli .. Schaff, Rev. P. G 24 V 2, 3 History of the Christian Church... Sheldon, H. C. G 14 R 20^24 History of the Councils of the Church, 1. 5 Hefele, Bishop G 14P27, 31 Jesus Christ, the Divine Man ... Vallings, Rev. J. F. G 19 U 8 Life and Letters of Paul the Apostle ... ." .Abbott, L. G 23 Q 47 Li turgv and Ritual of the All tc-NircneCliurrh... Warren, Rev. F..E. (i 2li S 3 Neglected Factors in the Study of the Early Progress of Chris- tianity Orr, Rev. J. G 23 P 50 Old Church in the Ne\y Land Smith, Rev. C. E. G 9 W 24 Ulil Tc^,taihent and Monuineiital Coincidences ... Anderson, J. C. G 19 P 40 Our Christian Heritage Gibbons, Card. G 1 U 44 Oatline.=i of a Philosophy of Religion based on Ps3'ehology and History .". Sabatier, Rev. A. G 23 R 4 Place of Christ in Modern Theology, Fairbairn, Rev. A. M. G 20 R 8 Roman See in the Early Church ... Bright, Rev. W. G 12 V 26 Roman World and Christianity - in Ancient Ideals... Taylor, H. 0. G'l 23, 24 St. Peter and the First Years of Christianity ... Fouard, Abbe C. G 1 U 42 [.SVerty.so Apostles and Apostolic Church; Catacombs; Christian Art ; Cross, The; Crusades; EcclesiasticaL History ; Fathers of the Church; Knights Templars; Patristic Literature.] Christianity and Science. [.SV Apologetics ; Christian Evidences; Religion and Science.] Christianity, Teaching of. [*« Religion in Education.] Christmas - Christmas and Ejiiiihany King.sbury, Rev. T. L. G 9 U .38 Cliristmas in Song, Skctc'ji, and Story... Mr(.'askcy,.LP. G 23 V 21 I'robalile Itclatiou of Die Festivals of Christmas, May Day, St. John's Day, and Halloween, to Ancient Sun and Fire Worsliip — in ]'\ilk lore Napier, J. B 33 P 9 [.%« nUo Christinas Cards ; ( lliristmas Carols ; Clunvli Deoration ; Festivals, Church.] Christmas Cards — Christmas (.'aids and tlicir Chief Designers; by G. White. Studio. Cliristmas No., 1894 70o Christmas Carols ChiistiaasinSniig, Sketch, andSlory... McCaskey, J. P. G 23 V21 Specimensof Old Chri.stin.asCarols... Percy Society Pub.s. H II S7 [.SV'C rtho .Hymns and Ilymnody; Religious Poetry.] Christmas Isla»d — Annual Reports .. Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— Co). OfTico, Repts. 354. 418 Eiidcrbury Island to Christmas Island, 1899 [Chart]. (!t. I5ril. and Ircl. Hydrographic Olli. c 1) 49 P 2 J Chromatography. [See. Colours and Colouring.] Chromolithography. [See (iolour piiniing; Lil]iogra]iliy.] Chromophotography. \See Cnlour l'liotogni]iliy.] Suhject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 701 Chronology — GeneA-al — Chniiic)lii';ii:al Tallies, 17()-4-1000 Girisaclmiidra Tarkalankara 15 3i) T 1 Deiikwiirdigkeiten von Asien Dicz, H. F. von P. 10 R 2(), 27 Handwortcrbuch dcr Astronomic Kncyklop. del- Natiirvv. A4'2y 12, 13 Haydn's Bietionary of Dates. 21st ed. ... Haydn, J. Kill' 23 The Hundred Years Aiitjio-Chinese Calendar, 1776^870. Loureiro, P. B 39 S 18 Mysteries of Chronology Arbuthnot, F. F. B 34 S [See also Almanacs; Dates; History — Dictionaries; Time Sys- tems; and sub-heading History under each Country.] Chrysanthemums — Chrysautlicnium.s and their Culture . Molyneux, E. A 20 (^ 20 Church, The— Dc Kcelesia Wyclif Society Puhlioations, 5 (; 23 T 19 Dialogus sive Specuhmi Ecclesiie Militantis Wyclif Society Publication, 6 23 T 20 Elements of the Science of Religion Tiele, C. P. G 11 U 34 Idea of the Church — in Doctrine and Development. Raslidall, Rev. H. (i 23 Q 37 Reflections of a Russian Statesman Pobyedonost.seff', K. P. G 23 P 35 Church and Parish Registers. [.SVc Register.s of Births.] Church and School Lands — Cluirch and School Lands Acts N. S. Wales —Statutes — MF3UUG [See also Church and State ; New South Wales — Public Lands. ] Church, The, and Social Problems — Attitude of the Church to some of the Social Problems of Town Life Ede, Rev. W. M. (i 9 W 18 Christ and the Church Bradford, Rev. A. H. G 9 W 27 Christianity and Social Problems Abbott, L. G 19 U 23 Christianitv and the Social State... Lorimer, Rev. (i. C. (J 24 R 1 Development of English Thought Patten, S.N. G 23 T 42 Education ; bv H. A. Dalton — in Church Problems... Henson,H. H. G 25 R 10 Ge.sta Christi Brace, C. L. G 25 R 9 Looking Upward Adderley, J. G 7 W 17 Modern Pulpit; by Rev. (J. F. Cross Melb. Review, 4 0.')2 Modern Pulpit; by Rev. W. H. Fitchett Melb. Rev., 4 0.V2 Tile New Party Reid, A. F 15 P 25 Poor in Great Cities F 13 U 25 Practical Christian Sociology Crafts, R^v. W. F. (4 9 W 19 Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S., Congress, 1894 ... (A 15 S 31 Relation of Cliristianity to the Conflict between Capital and Labour Andrews, C. F. F 10 V 27 Relation of the Church to Cooperation ... Grey, Earl F 15 U 21 Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism. Haulleville, Baron de G 9 W G Social Facts and Forces Gladden , W. F 1 3 V 40 Social Problem and the Churches . . . Congregational Union of N.S. W. M(i2S22 Socialism and Catholicism Soderini, Count J. F 10 V .33 [See also Socialism, Christian.] Church and Stage. [See Stage and Churcli.] Church and State — BuUanabee aiid Clinkataboo M-J 3 P 55 Chm-ch and State; by Rev. IT. S. Holland— m Essays in Church Reform Gore, Rev. C. G 23 S 28 Church and the Empire ; by B. Wilson — in Church Problems. Henson, H. H. (; 25 R 10 De Civili Dominio Wyclif Society Publications, 3 fl 23 T 15 Genesis of the Social Conscience Nash, H. S. d 11 U IS History of the Christian Church Schafl", Rev. P. G 24 V 2, 3 Relation of Religion to Civil Government in the LTnitcil Slates. Cornelison, I. A. (4 12 V 28 Reflections of a Russian St.atesman Pobyedonostscff, K. P. G 23 P 35 Relation of the State to Religious and Ecclesiastical Bodies in Victoria Melbourne Review, 1 052 5d Church and State — mntd. The State and the hi.lividual M'Kechnic, W. S. F 1 T .■!) Vinet, A. R., Lifcarid Writings of ; by Laura M. Lane... (427 S 17 Welsh Disestablishment — /n .Speeches. . . Rosebcry, Earl F 12 T 15 [Sec ff/.w Church of England; Church Polity; Ecclesiastical His- tory; Liberty of Conscience; Religion in Education; Roman Catholicism.] Church Antiquities - Ecclesiastical Curiosities Andrews, W. (4 23 T 40 Vetvsta Monvmenta qvae ad Rervni Britannicarvm ... Society of Antiquaiics, London B 48 P 23 J [.%e a/so Abbeys ; Catacombs; Cathedrals; Christian Art; Eccle- siastical .'Architecture; Ecclesiastical Vestments; Fasts; Festi- vals, Church; Holy Wells.] Church Architecture. [See Ecclesiastical Architecture.] Church Councils. [See Councils, Church.] Church Decoration — Histoirc dc la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais Decloux, M. G 12 X 22 t Monographic delaCathedraled'Or^'ieto... Benois,N. A 12X23t Ornaments of the Rubric Micklethwaite, J. T. (4 5 T 20 [See also Christian Art; Festivals, Church.] Church Extension. [See Missions — City and Home] Church Furniture. [See Christian Art; Cliurch Decora- tion; Ecclesiastical Architecture; Ecclesiastical Vest- ments.] Church History. [S<'/' Ecclesiastical Hi.story.] Church Institutions and Woi-k. [,S'ee Baptism ; Bethels; Bible Societies; Burial; Christian Ethics; Church and Social Problems; Clmrch and State; Church !Music; Church Polity; Clergy Lists; Confession; Di\anity Schools; Eucharist; Evangelistic Work; Fe.stivals, Church; Guilds; Liturgies; Mis.sions; Monasteries; Prayer; Preaching; Priesthood; Kituals; Sacraments; Sunday; Sunday-.schools; Y.M.C. Associations.] Church Law. [See Ecclesiastical Law.] Church Missions. [See Missions and Missionary ^York.] Church Music — Apercu sur I'Histoire de la Musique Religieuse des Italiens et des Neerlandais Huberti, G. A 44 S 7 Church Music Smith, Hannah A 41 T 9 Church Music ; by T. Frost — in Bygone Ciiurch Life iu Scotland. Andrews, W. (4 23 T 44 [.SVe r-e/.vo Hymns ; Psalms.] Church of England — Admonitiim to the People of England; by T. Cooper, Bishop of Winchester, 1589 [Reprint]... English "Scholar's Lib. J 3,T 23 Andrewes, Bishop, Life of C 20 T 10 The Anglican Revival Overton, Rev. ,1. H. G 23 P 9 An'dican Theology ; bv Rev. W. 0. Burrows — in Church Problems. ' ' Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Anglican Worship ; by Rev. W. O. Burrows — in Church Problems. Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Apostolic Succession Brown, Rev. J. G 23 S 14 Canon Law in the Church of England Maitland, F. W. G 23 U 43 Catholic and Apostolic Chvirch Selbome, Earl G 25 P Ifl Christian Observer G4 27 P 1-Q. 11 Church and Faith G 5 P 31 Church and Nonconformity ; by Rev. E. W. Watson — in Church Problems Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Church and State ; by Rev. H. S. Holland — in Essays in Church Reform Gore, Rev. C. G 23 S 28 The Church in England Overton, Rev. J. H, G 23 Q 5, 6 762 Fiihlie Librai'y of New South Wales. Church of England — contd. Church of England — in Church Problems Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Cliurch of England, Evangelical ; by Rev. H. W. W-. Peploe. Our Churches (! 1 1 U 37 Church of England, High; by Rev. W. J. Little... Our Churches (H1U37 Church Problems; by Various Authors... Henson, H.H. G^oRlO Church Reform and Social Reform ; by Rev. T. C. Fry— in Essays in Church Reform '. Gore, Rev. C". G 23 S 23 Church Services and Service-books before the Reformation. S-ivete, Rev. D. H. B. G 19 U 19 Clergy List 283.42 Consolidation Newbolt, Rev. W. C. E. G 5 T 27 Convocation ; by Rev. W. H. Hutton — in Cliurch Problems Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Crisis in the English Church Bowen, Rev. W. E. ^, K. MG 2 P 61 United States— 1 Church ill America Coleman, Bishop G 19 U 5 History of the American Episcopal Church... McConnell, Rev. S. 1). G 23 T 9 History of the Protestant Episcopal C'hureh in the United States. Tiflany, Rev. C. C. G 12 V 14 Old Church in the New Land Smith, Rev. C. K. (i 9 W 24 Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S., Congress, 1894... G 15 S 31 Victoria — Church of England Messenger M(; 7 tj 3 .t Statistics, Diocese of Melbourne, 1869 Church of England MG 2\» 4S Story of the -Viistralian Church Symonds, E. .\IG 2 I' til Church of Ireland Constitution (if I he Cliurch of Ireland; bv Rev. R. T. Smith -in Kssays in Cliuich Reform Gore, Rev. C. G 23 S 28 Irish Church Bill — in Speeches and Adilres.scs...Magee, Archbishop J 14(>37 [.See alio Episcopacy.] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1000. 763 Church of Scotland — Apostolic Ministry in tlic Scottisli C'luii-<'Ii Story, l-tcv. R. H. ( i 'J \v :» Church of Scotlanil Muir, Hcv. 1'. M. (i 1 U -l.S Kdinlnirgh Ahuanac Olivcn' ami lioyd 314.1 The Krskines; by A. H. McEwen... Krskiiie, Itcv. E. C 20 V '-'I Kslablished (church of Scotland ; b}- I'rof, J. Iterklesa. Our Churches ( J 11 U 37 (jcneral Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, Records, 1648-40. vScottish History .Society, 25 i)41 History of the (jhurch of Scotland ... Hetherington, Rev. \V. M. (J •24 V 0,7 Influence of the Scottish Cliurch in Christendom. Cowan, Rev. H. G 19 U L'l Knox, John, Life of C 20 T lii Last Years of St. Andrews Royd, Rev. A. K. H. O 14 Q 37 Miller, Hugh, Life of ... C 20 T 13 SufTerings of the Church of Scotland Wodrow, Rev. H. G 3 U 30-33 [See also Covenanters ; Free Church of Scotland ; Presbyterianisni.] Church Polity — Introduction to Hooker's Treatise of the Laws of Eccle-siaslical Polity Paget, Dean G 1 P 22 [See also Absolution ; Apostolic Succession ; Asceticism : Baptism ; Celibacy; Church and State; Episcopacy; Liturgies; Lord's Supper; Penance; Preaching; Priesthood; Religion in Educa- tion; Religious Orders; Reunion of Churches; Ritualism; Sacraments; Stage and Church ; Sunday.] Church Vestments. [See Eccle.siastical Vestments.] Churches. [See Catliedrals and Cllmrclics ; Ecclfsia.stical Arcliitecture ; aho under name.s of remai'kable Churches, and sub-lieading Churches under each City.] Churches and Sects — Statistics. [See Cin-istian Churclies and Sects — Statistics ; and under each Denomination and Sect.] Churclies, History and Records of^Geneml — Ecclesiology (ientleniau's Magazine Library A 19 U 10 Histoire de la Sainte-Chapello du Palais Dccloux, M. G 12 X 22 -I- [See also names of remarkable Churches, and sub heading Chm-clies under each City.] Cicadidse — Cicada; byT. W. Kirk — ?« Leaflets for Gardeners... New Zealand — Agriculture ALA 3 R 03 Cicadas of New Zealand ; l)V A. T. Potter... New Zealand Institute, Ti-ans., 29 5(10 Notes on Cicadas ; byW. W. Froggatt... Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, lS9o 580.0 Periodical Cicada ; by C. L. Marlatt United States — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 38 Q 20 [See nho Entonujlogy ; Homoptera. ] Cider- Bath and West and Southern Counties Soc.j.Tourn., 1895-90 030.() Canada, Department of Agriculture, Report, 1895 U30.0 Cider-making in Fiance... United States— Consular Repts., 51 382 Manufacture of Cider; by F. J. Lloyd Bath and West and Southern Counties Society, Journal, 1898-99 030.0 Cinematograph — Animated Pliotograpliy Hepworth, C. M. A 41 Q 19 Cinnamon — Cinnaniomums of N. S. Wales; by R. T. Baker... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc., 1897 580.0 Circulatory Sy.stem — Dis'eascs of tlic lUood Vessels Shattuck, F. C. A 31 P 15 [See also Aorta; Arteries; Blood; Heart; Vascular System; Veins.] Circumnavigation. [See Voyages — General.] .... LeRoux, H. A 27 V 20 Circus Acrobats and Mountclianks .. . Cirencester -I/istort/ — Histoiy of Cirencester Beechani, K. J. B25R13 Cirratulus — Formes epitoijucs dcs (Jirn^tuliens; par MM. Mcsnil et CauUerj'. International Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1898 A .35 W 14 Lcs Formes Epi toil ucsetrEvolutiondesCirratuliens... Canllery.M. A 30 V 25 [See also Annelida. J Cities — General — ( Irowth of Cities [.S'ee also City, The.] Archltecivre- Weber, A. F. F 18 R 4 Colour in the Architecture of Cities Ricardo, H. A 23 S 39 History of. [See sulj-licadiu,ii Uistorij undernames of Cities.^ Citizens' Life Company- Page from the Secret History of the Citizens' Life Company. " Citizens' Life Company MF 5 P 23 Citizenship — Cliristian Citizenship Closs, Rev. W. J. L. MG 2 P 00 Churchman as a Citizen; by Canon Barnett — in Good Citizenship. Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Citizenship in Poets; by Rev. R Bayne— in Good Citizenship. Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. Y.. F 15 S .33 .ludge and Jury Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 Practical Cluistian Soeioloay Crafts. Rev. W. F. (J 9 W 19 The Scholar and the State" Potter, Bishop C 23 R 1 Teaching of Civics in Switzerland, France, and England. United States — Bureau of Education, Rcpt. , 1897 379.73 [.See also State Ethics.] Goodnow, F. .L F15R5 .. Gladden. W. F 13 V40 City, The— JIunicipal Problems Social Facts and Forces . [See also Cities.] Civil Engineering — American Society of Civil Engineers, Trans 020.6 Earthwork Mensuration Ho%vard, C. R. A 21 U 29 Engineering Construction in Iron, ISteel, and Timber. ^ ^ Warren, W. H. A 22 V .30 Engineering Magazine •''-t'- ^ Engineer's Year-book Kempe, H. R. 020. 8 Institution of Civil Engineers, Proc, with Index 020.0 Preliminary Survey and Estimates .'. . Gribble, T. G. A 33 P 20 United States Public Works Black, W. M. A 8 R .33 f Useful FormuUe and Memoranda Molesworth, Sir G. L. A 22 P 44 [See also Arches; Bridges; Canals; Docks; Embankments; Engi- neering—General ; Engineering— Periodicals ; Engineering— Soqieties; Harbours; Lighthouses; Public Works; Railways- Construction; Reclamation of Land ; Retaining Walls ; Rivers; Roads; Strength of Materials; Wharfs.] Civil Lav/ - Civil Code, State of California... California- Statute,? F 13 U 26 Code of Civil Procedme California- Statutes F 13 U 32 Codigo Civil de la Repiiblica de Chile Chili F 10 X 15 t Histoire de la Compensation ea Droit Romain Appleton, C. F 1 S 16 Modern Civil Law Bowyer, G. F 1 S 28 Obligation of Civil Law ; by Canon Holland— in (Jood Citizenship. Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Principles of Pleading Steiihen, J. F 12 T 11 764 Tublic Library of New South JFales. Civil Service — Gewml — Colonial Goveminents and their Civil Services ... United States — Civil Service Commission, Rept., 1S97-9S 351.1 [See aho Pensions ; and sub-headings Civil Service or Public Ser- vice under each Country in the Author Catalogue. ] Exdminut'wHS, JIanucds, Guides — Great Britain — Appointments as Clerk in the Foreign Office, and Attached in the DiplomaticService, IS'J-l-O'J... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 28 Appointments in the India Forest Service, and Appointments in • the Indian Police Force Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Ci\al Service G 20 U 26 t Assistant Cashier in H.M. Naval Yards, 1893, 1895. Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Civil Service G 20 T 26 Assistant Ci\nl Engineer, 2nd (Trade, in H.M. Naval Establish- ments at Home and Abroad, 1896-98 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 26, and 20 U 26 t Assistant Clerkships in the Roval Navy, 1893-98... Gt. Brit, and IreL^Civil Service G 2{) T 25, and 20 U 16, 26 i Assistant Clerkships of the Abstractor Class, 1 897 . . . G t. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service G 20 U 16 t Assistant Examiner in H.M. Office of Works, 1897-98... Gt. Brit. and Irel.— Public Service G 20 T 51, and 20 U 26 t Assistant Examiner in the Patent Office, 1897-98. . Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 51, and 20 U 26 t Assistant Librarian and Clerk at the Museum of Practical Geology, 1895 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 39 Assistant Naval .Storekeener, &c., 1897 Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 U IG, 26 t Assistant of Excise, 1894-98 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 T 19, and 20 U 16, 26 t Assistant Survej'or in the Department of Director of Engineering and Architectm-al Works, 1896 (it. Brit, and Irel. -Ci\nl Serrice G 29 T 52 Assistant Surveyor of Buildings in the Public Works Office, Ireland, 1895 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Civil Service G 20 T 42 Assistant Surveyor of Taxes, 1894^98... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 T 13, and 20 U 10, 26 t Assistant Survej'or, Royal Engineer Civil Staff, War Office, 1894, 1896, 1898... Gt. Brit, and lrel.---Civil Service G 20 T 24, 51, and 20 U 26 !' Assistant to the Head of the Litelligence Branch, Board of Ayri- culture, 1895 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 33 Assistants in the British Museum, and in the Natural History Museum, 18-12-95. . . Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service G 20 T 10 Boy Clerk in the Civil Service, 1894-95 (it. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 30 ' Boy CopyLst (new cla.ss) in the Civil Service, 1896 98 ... (it. Brit. and Ircl.— Civil Service G 20 T 50, and 20 U Hi, 20 1' Building Assistant under the Board of Agriculture, 1898. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 26 j Cadetships in the Roval Irish Constalralarv, 1896... (it. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service G 20 T 48 Civil Service of India, 1894-98 (it. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service (i 20 T 29, and 20 U 26 t CUerk in H.M. Stationery Office, 1895-98 ... Gt. Brit, and Ircl. - Civil Service ("i 20 T 8, and 20 U 26 f Clerk ill the London Postal Sei-vice, 1894 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service (i 20 T 12 Clerk in tlie Operative Itepartment of the Royal Mint, 1897-98. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service (i 20 U 20 t Clerk of the First Division in tlie Legacy Duty Olficc, 1895. Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Civil Service G.20 T 16 C'lerk of Works in Her Majestv's Office of Work.s, 1895. Gt. Brit. 'and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 2 Clerk on the Supplementary Establishment of the.Sccrctary's Office, General Post Office, 1897 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 4, and 20 U 16 t Clerkship in the House of Commons, 1895... (it. Brit, and Iicl. -- Civil Service G 20 '1' 36 Clerkships, Class 1, 1894-95 ... Gt. Brit, and Ircl. -Civil Service' G 20 T 22 Clerk.shipa in the High Court of Justice, Ireland, 1895. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service G 20 T 43 Clerkships of the 2nd DiviHion, 1894-98 Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— Civil Service G 20 T 21, and 20 U 2(i I Civil Service — Examinations, Manuals, Guides — contd. Constables for Promotion. Royal Irish Constabulary, 1895. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 41 County Surveyorships in Ireland, 1898 Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 U 26 t Dispenser in H.M. Naval Hospitals, 1897 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 U 16 I' Draughtsman in the H3'drographic Department of the Admiralty, 1897 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civd Service G 20 T 52 Draughtsman in the Patent Office, 1898 (it. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 U 26 t Eastern Cadet, 1895... Gt. Brit.andlrel.— CivilService G20T 18 Eni;ineer Students and Apprentices in H.M. Dockyards, 1894-98. (it. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 23, and 20 U 16t, 26t Extra Assistant Examiner of Binding in H.M. Stationerv OfJicc, 1898 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service (i 20 U 20 t Female Clerk in the Post Office, 1894-96 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 5 Female Inspector of Factories... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 T 40 Fonale Sorter in the Dept. of the ("ieneral Post Office, 1894-96. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service G 20 T 7, and 20 U 26 t Girl Clerk in the Savings Bank Dept. of the (ieneral Post Office, 1897-98 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel— Civil Service G 20 U 16+, 26 t India Forest Service, and Indian Police Force, 1894-96. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 31 Inspector of Factories under the Home Office, 1895, 1898. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service G 20 T 40, and 20 U 26 + Inspector of Mines imder the Home Office, 1894 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service (i 20 T 41 Inspector of Schools, National Education Office, Ireland, 1893, 1897... Gt. Brit.andlrel.— CivilService G20T20, and20 U26 + Junior Assistant in the Art and Science Branches, South Ken- sington Museum, 1895 fit. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Sei-vice G 20 T 10 Junior Assistant in the Science Brancli of the South Kensington Museum, 1898. . . Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 20 + Junior Clerk in the Bankruptcy Court, Ireland, 1896. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 49 Junior Clerk in the Ecclesiastical Commission, 1895, 1897-98. Gt. Brit, and Ircl. -Civil Service G 20 T 38, and 20 U 26 + Junior Clerkships in the OtBce of Woods, 1895, 1897 ... Gt. Brit. and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 T 6, and 20 U 16 + Learner in the Department of the (ieneral Post Office, 1897-98. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 26 + Male Sorter in the Post Office, 1894-95 (it. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service Ci 20 T 9 Orders in Council and Notices in the London (iazette relating to Examinatious for tlie Civil Service, 1894... Gt. Brit, and Irel. ■ Civil Service F 7 U 31 Out-door Officer in tlie Customs Department, 1893-94... Gt. Brit. and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 T 15 Po.stmaster, Sorting (Jlcrk, and Postman Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 T 9 Promotion in the Dublin Metropolitan Police Force, 1895. (U, Brit, and Ircl. -Civil Sevice G 20 T 44 Promotion in the London Police Force, 1896 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service (i 20 T 45 Rules and Regulations respecting Examinations for the Home Civil Service, the Army, the Navy, tlie Civil Service of India. Gt, Brit, and Irel. Civil Service F 7 U 32 Science Examination Papers, 1898... Gt. Brit, andlrel. — Education G 18 '1' 12 Second Assistant to the Lecturer on Electricity at the Artillery College, 1897 (it. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 51 Second Class Assistant Surveyor in H.M. Office of Works, 1896. Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Civil Service (i 20 T 51 Second Class Clerk at the Outports in the Customs Department, 1894, 189.S... Gt. Brit, and Ircl. Civil Service (i 20 T 17, and 20 U 26 + Second Clerk in tlic Mutroiiolitan Police Courts, London, 1895. (it. 15rit. and Ircl. Civil Service G 20 T 14 Specimens of Handwriting of Successful Students. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service G 20 U 16 + Student Interpreter in Cliiiia, Jajiau, and Siam, 1894-95. (it. Brit, and Ircl. CivilService (i 20 T I iStudent Interpreter in Turkey. Persia, Morocco, .and the Levant, 1894 (it. Bril". iuul Irel. CivilService G 2o T 3 Sul)-Iiispector {2nd class) in Eduiation Department (it. Uril. and Irel. — Civil Service G 20 'J' 53 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 765 Civil Service — ExaminatlonK, Manuals, Guides — conid. Tclci,'i'a|ili IjCiinicr in the Depaitmcnt of tlic (Jeiiei-al Post Oliice, 18114- !)U (!t. JJrit. and Ircl. -Civil Survicc G 20 T 11 Third Class Clerk in the Irish Land Couimissioii, ISiKi. (it. Hrit. and Irel. -Civil Service (I 20 T 47 W.inian Clerk in the General Post Oliic^e, 1807-98 (it. Brit. and Irel.— Civil Service (J 20 U 10, 2(> t [See a/.so Anny, British — Kxamination.s; Navy, British — Examina- tions. ] Nev) South Wales — Admission to Clerical and Professional Divisions of the I'nljlio Service, 1898 N. S. Wales- Pnhlic Service MG 2 Q 57 Admission to Clerical Division, March, 1899 N. S. Wales — Pnhlic Service MG 2 U 6 Cadet Draftsmen, Jnnc and Sept., 1899 N. S. Wales — Pnl)lic Service MG 2 U Clerical ICmergcncy Staff, Angust, 1899 N. S. Wales- Public Service MG 2 U 6 Clerk in the Bonds and Contracts Branch, Public Works Dept. , 1899- 1900 N. S. Wales-Publie Service MG 2 U Clerk in the Crown Law Office, March, 1899 N. S. Wales- Public Service M(i 2 U 6 Clerks for Promotion, Feb., 1899 ... N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Engineering Cadets N. S. AVale-s — Public Service MG 2 U 6 Engineering Draftsmen, Jan., 1899 N. S. Wales — Public Service MG 2 U 6 Engrossing and Assistant Search Clerk, Dept. of Mines, Sept., 1 899 N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Examination Papers, with Regidations for Sompotitivc Examina- tions N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U Field Assistant in the Dept. of Lands, May, 1899 ... N. S. Wales —Public Service MG 2 U (i Forestry Cadet, 1900... N. S. Wales-Publie Service MG 2 U « Guide to the Public Service Examinations Medcalfe, G. MG 2 T 2G Guide to the Public Service Examinations. . . Angus and Robertson MC; 2 U Inspector of Metalliferous Mines, 1899 N. S. Wales — Public Service MG 2 U Junior Clerks, Dec, 1899... N.S.W.— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Junior Clerkships, 1897. ..N. S. Wales -Public Service MG 2 U G Police Magistrates, 1893, HWO N. S. Wales-Public Service MG 2 Q 58, and 2 U Postal and Telegraph Assistants, June, 1899 N. S. Wales — Public Service MG 2 U G Postal Assistants, 19(X)...N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Professional Emergency Staff of the Works Department, 1899. N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U G Promotion in the Petty Sessions Branch, 1898-99 ... N. S. Wales — Public Service MG 2 U G Shorthand-writers and Typists, 1898-99 N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U Teacher of Carpentry, 1900.,.N.S.W.— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Teachers of Small Schools, 1900 N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U G Telegraph Messengers to test their fitness for Clerical Work, May, 1 899 N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U G Testing of Officers on Maximum Salaries of Grades, Feb., 1899. N. S. Wales— Public Ser\ice MG 2 U 6 Typist, Female, Shorthand-Avriter and Typist, Female, 1900. N. S. Wales— Public Service .MG 2 U G Tvpist in the Public Service, 1899, 1900... N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U G United States — Manual of Examinations for the Classified Civil Service of the United States ... United States Civil Service Comuii.ssion G 17 U 22 By CouEtries. Canada — Board of Civil Service Examiners, Report... Canada — Parliament, Sess. Papers 328.71 Ci\-ilSei-viceListof Canada... Canada — Parlmt., Sess. Paps. 328.71 Royal Connnissioners on the Civil Service of Canada, Report. Canada— Civil Service F 13 T 1 Civil Service— Cape of Good Hope- Cape of Good Hope civil Service List .35L2 Civil Service, Report of Conuni-ssion, 1883— m Appendix 1, vol. 1 Cape of Good Hope — Parliament, V. and P. 328.687 Ceylon Ceylon Civil Service List 351.2 Connecticut — Connecticut Register and Manual Great Britain— 328.764S Account of Retired Allowances or Superannuations. (it. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service F 17 T t Appropriation Accounts of the Civil Services and Revenue Depart- ments (it. Brit, anil Irel. Civil Service .351.1 Civil Service Year-book and Official Calendar 351.2 Her Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners, Report. (it. Bi it. and Irel. - Civil Service 351.1 Japan — JapaneseCivil Service Regulations .. U.S.— Cons. Repts., GO .382 ■ Mauritius — Mauritiu.s Civil .'-Service List 351.2 Natal- Natal Civil Service List 351.2 New South Wales — Public Service Board Reports ... New South Wales — Parliament. V. and P. 328.944 Royal Commission on the Civil Service of N. S. Wales, Report. N. S. Wales— Parliament, V. and P., 1894-95 328.944 Queensland — Public Service Board, Reports Queensland — Parliament, V. and P. .328.943 South Australia — Blue l!ook S. Australia— Civil Service .351.2 Evidence taken before Public ServiceCommissiou... S.Australia— Civil Service MF 13 P 4 t Public Service Journal of South Australia 351.1 Straits Settlements — Straits Settlements Civil Service List .351.2 United States - Amended Civil Service Rules United States— CivU .Service Commission F 1 S 2 American Ideals Roosevelt, T. F 15 Q IG Official Congressional Directoiy U. S. -Congress 328.7.38 Organization of Executive Departments, &c United States — Civil Service Commission F 13 T 16 t Our Revenue System and the Civil Service. . . Earle, A. L. F 17 P 5 Tables showing the Number of Positions in the Executive Civil Service of the United States... U.S.— Civil Seri-ice Com. Fll X12t United States Civil Service Act, Rules and Regulations. United States — Civil Service Commission, 14th Rept. 351.1 United States— Civil Service Commission, Report, 1892 ... 351.1 United States— Department of State, Register .353.1 United States- Department of the Interior, Register 353.3 Victoria — Our Civil Service Colonial Monthly MJ 4 P 2 Public Service Act Melbourne Review, 9 052 Public Service Act, 1890... Victoria— Public Service MF 1 R 34 PublicService Act Reeulations, 1890. ..Victoria— Publiclnstruction MF 4 U 37 Public Service Board, Reports Victoria— Parliament. V. and P. 328.945 Western Australia- Blue Book Western Australia - Civil Service 351.2 [See also sub-heading Civil Service or Public Service under each Country in the Author Catalogue.] Civil War in America. [See AmeriL-an Civil War.] 766 Tuhlic Library of Neio South TFalcs. Civil War of England, 1642- Rupert, Prince Palatine Scott, Eva B 33 S 13 Civilization — Buckle and his Critics Robertson, J. M. F U U 28 Church and Civilisation; by Rev. F. E. Powell— /n (iood Citizen- ship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Civilization and Progress Crozier, J. B. F 14 U 32 Civilization of an Ancient Race— (k God-Idea of the Ancients. Gamble, Eliza B. (i 3 U 20 Civilisation of Our Day Saniuelson, J. F 1 V 1-1 Civilization of Sweden in Heathen Times Montelius, 0. F 16 T 2 Essay on Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects. Cunningham, Rev. \V. F 17 T 21 GestaChristi Brace, C. L. G 25 R 9 Greek Civilization Mahafty, J. P. F 13 R 33 Improvident Civilization; by R. T. Colburn ... American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc, 1897 506 Law of Civilization and Decay Adams, B. F 15 R 14 Mental Diseases and Modern Civilisation Melb. Rev., 2 052 Modern Civilisation Cunningham, Rev. W. F_8 V 12 Origines de la Civilisation Moderne Kurth, (i. F13V24,25 Our Christian Heritage GibVions, Card. G 1 U 44 Prehistoric Scotland Munro, R. B32R.12 Principles of Sociology (Jiddings, F. H. F 12 T 6 Psychology of Peoples Le Bon, G. G 17 S 16 Regeneration (i 3 U 4 Science of Civilisation Phipson, C. B. F 111 T 9 Science of Statistics Smith, R. M-^ ^,* J "' 5 Social Forces in German Literature Francke, K. F 17 P 17 Traces of Civilization : an Inquirv into the History of the Pacific : by E. Tregear New Zealand Institute, Trans. , 29 506 Two Methods of Civilization- m Intellectual Development. Crozier, J. B. G 17 T 1 1 [See also Anthropology ; Aich.-sology ; Culture ; Ethnology ; Evo- lution — Social Economy; Man, Natural History of.] Cladocera — Common Water-flea; by H. D. Scourfield Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 [.SVe a?so Crustacea; Entomostraca.] Clairvoyance — . Art of Mind Reading G 23 P 19 Brain Waves; by H. M. Andrews Melb. Rev., 1 052 Human Magnetism Newnham, W. G 19 T 10 Ideal Life, and other Unpublished AddreaBcs Drummond, H. G 23 R 9 Miracles and Modem Spiritualism Wallace, A. R. G 14 S 34 MoUie Fancher Kancher, Mary .1. C 22 S 20 Natural and Supernatural Jones, J. (! 19 T 14 Somnolism and Psycheism Haddock, J. W. (J 19 T (i Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism Zerfli,(J.G. (J 19 U 11 Studies in Psychical Research Podmore, F. G 23 S 5 Telepathy and the Subliminal Self Mason, R. O. Gil U 17 Theory of Pneumatology Stilling, J. H. J. G 15 U 14 [.SVc also Electro-Biology ; Hypnotism ; Second Sight. | Classical Antiquities. [Sec Arcli.ToIogy — By t'nunlrics ; Classical Dictionaries; Egyptology; Greece; Mythol- ogy; Koine.] Classical Dictionaries-^ Dictionary of Greek and Roman .Vnticiuitics Cornish, W. F. B 30 V 14 Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and .-XntiiiniticB. Pck, H. T. K15U23 [See also Archtcology — Dictionaries; Mythology — Dictionaries.] Classical Education — Arnol.l of Rugby ; by J. J. Findlay Arnold, T. C 23 Q 20 Discounies in America Arnold, M. .) 12 T 43 History of Cla.isical Education Parker, C'. S. G I" T 10 Humanism in Education Tcbb, R. C. (■ 5 Q .35 Present Social Result.s of Classical Education ... Houghton, l^ord (', 17 T 10 Theory of Classical Education Sidgwick, H. G 17 T 10 [See alto Scientific Education. ] Classical Literature. [See under each Language.] Classification— Books — Abridged Decimal Classificatif n and Relative Index.., Dewey, M. Cat. Room Classifiation Decimale Brussels -Office International de Bibliographic J 14 S 27 Classification in Public Libraries; by H. Wilson _ Library Association of United Kingdom, 'I'rans., 1879 020.6 Classification used in the Radcliffe College Library Radcliffe College Librar3' Libr. CoufiSreuce Bibliograpliique Internationale Brussels— Office International de Bibliographie J 14 S 29 Decimal Classification Dewey, M. Libr. Decimal Classification of Dewey ; by C. Hardy Australasia!. Library Conference, 1896 MJ 2 P 32 t Decimal, or Relative System of Classification ; l.y Margaret Win- deyer Library Assoc, Australasia, Proc, 1898 MJ 2 V 1 Decimal System of Classification In.stitut International de Bibliographic: Bulletin 010.6 Dewey Classification ; by C. Hardy Library Association, Australasia, Proc, 1898 MJ 2 V 1 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature: Report, Committee of the Royal Societ}' Royal Society, Lomlon J 12 U 28 Library Clas.sifieation ; bv W. H. Ifould ... Lilnarv Association, Australasia, Proc, 1898 MJ 2 V 1 Library Classification and Shelf Arrangement Brown, J. D. J 1 1 T 44 Organisation Internationale de la Bil)liographie. . . Brussels— Office Internationale de Bililiographie J 14 S 28 [■fee a/so Cataloguing; Indexing; Librarj- Economy.] Clays — Clay Indn.stries and Glass —m Chemistry for Manufacturers, 2. Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Clay of Sydney Cove Wedgwood, J. MA 13 Q 10 t Clays and Clrty Industries of Pennsylvania ; by Prof. Hopkins. "Pennsylvania— State College, Kept., 1897 378.748 Clays of Alabama; by H. Ries Alabama— Geol. Survey, Bulletin 6 557.61 How to Analyze Clays Ashby, H. M. A 45 U 4 [See also Moilelling.] Clergy, The ^na]jtisf — Spuigeoii — in Typical Christian Leaders Clifford, Rev. J. .... C23T13 Spurgeon's Autobiography ; compiled by his Wife. Spurgeon, Rev. C. H. C 17 S 21-24 f ChiLveh of Englniid — Butler, William John, late Dean of Lincoln, Life and Letters of C 25 Q 13 "Carroll, Lewis," Life and Letters of... Dodgson, Rev. C. L. C 20 S 18 Donne, John, Dean of St. Paul's, 1621-31 C 23 S 9 Donne, John, Life and Letters of C 26 S 4, 5 Elizabethan Clergy and the Settlement of Religion, 1558-64. (;ee, H. C 23 TIG ErsUincs, The ; l)y L. R. MacEwen... Krskinc, Rev. E. C 20 V 21 (ioulburn, Edward Mayrick; by Rev. B. Conipton ... C 26 1' 15 Jolinsoii, Rev. R., Australia's First Preacher; by J. Bonwick. MC 1 S 21 Liddell, Henry (Jcorge; by Rev. H. L. Thom])son C 25 S 1 1 Liddon, Canon — /« Typical Christian Leaders... Clittbrd, Rev. J. C23T13 Malan, Solomon Ciesar, D.D C 25 Q 2 Marsdcn, Rev. S. ; by E. R. Garnsey... OncoaMonth MJ 1 V 22 Merivale, De:in, Autobiography of C 26 S 12 Milman, Henry Hart, Dean of St. Paul's: a Biographical Sketch; ))y his Son ". C 27 T 1 1 Morison, Rev. J., D.D., Life of C 24 TO Phases of my Life Pigou, Dean C 25 R 15 (^nick, Rev. R. IL, Life and Remains of; by F. Storr C 20 C 29 Spurgecm's Autobiography ... Spurgeon, Rev. ('. H. C17S21 24 t Stanley, Dean — j» Typical Christian Leaders ... Clifford, Rev. .1. ' C 23 T 13 [See also liishops.] Subject-Index to the Supj)lementary Catalogue — 1890-1000. 767 Clergy, The— C7(*(?rA nj Irdmid — Sunu! W'ortliiesof tlie Irish Clmro.li... Stokes, Rev. (J.T. (\ 25 T 7 [.S'te i-tiso Bisluips.] Church of Scotland — Life of the Author of "Morning aiul Ni;,'lit Watches." Miiciluff, Rev. .J. R. C 22 T 17 MacleocI, Norman ; liy J. Wcllwooil (; 20 U 23 Macleod, Norman, LilVof ; liy Ilev. C. Strong... Mclli. Rev., 7 052 Co)!f/rei/ii/.ion((/ — Dale, R. W., of Birmingham, Life of C 25 R Ifl Dale, Ruv. R. W. -j/i Typical Christian Lcailci's. ClilTord, Rev. .1. C 2:i T i;i (iraliam, Rev. J., Mcnioirof M(! 2 1' G2 Hall, Newman: an Autobiography 22 T IS Reynolds, Henry Robert; by his Sisters (J 20 S Hi 7'Vefl Church ; by W. M. Maskell. Annals and Mag. of Natui-al Hist., 1895 590.5 Notes on Sub. family Brachyscelina' ; by W. W. Froggatt. "Linneari Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 580.6 Scale Insects; liy H. Tryon ... (Jueensland Agr. JoiU'n., 1 (!.'!0.5 Some (iall-making Coeeida;; bv C. Fuller Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Western Australian Coccids; by C. Fuller Entomological Society, London, Tran.s., 1899 595.7 [See also Entomology, Economic; Hemiptera; Scale Insects.] Coccinellidse — Coccincllida' of .Japan ; liy (i. Lewis Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1896 590.5 [i?ee a/.1.4'28 Codes. [.See sub-heading Statutes under each Country.] Codicils. [See Wills. J Codification — Law — Seieuce of Law-making Clarke, R. ¥. F II T 20 [See also Law Reform.] Codling Moth (Carpoceqmi pomonella) — Arsenical Spraying for Codling Moth; with Notes on the Life History of the Jloth ; bj- ti. Quinn... Journal of Agriculture and Industry, South Australia, 1S07-9S 030.5 Codlin Moth, Report on Experiments for Extermination of. South Australia— Parliament, Picc., 1898-89 S'2S.n42 Codling Moth in Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agricultmal Experiment Stations A 38 (j 1 , 5 Codling Moth Act, Ta.smania, Reports... Tasmania — Parliament, Journs. 328.940 [See also Apples and Apple-growing ; Entomology, Economie ; Insects, Injurious; .Spraying.] Coelenterata — Campagne du Caiulan dans le (fulfe de Beecliam, J. MF 4 Q 56 Wakefield, Edward (iibbon - . Garnott, R. MB 3 Q 5 Queensland — Gladstone Colony Hogan, J. F. M15 3 S 1 South Australia South Austialia-Xortlicni Territory, Rcpt., 1895 Ml) 9 Q .39 + Soutli Australian Company Sutherland, (i. MF5P6 Wakefield, Edward (J iblmu Garnett, R. MB 3 Q 5 Tropics, The— Control of the Tropics Kidd, B. F 15 R 24 Virginia Economic History of \'irginia in tlie 17th Century... Bruce, P. A. F 2 V 28, 29 Smith, Captain Jolni, Life and Writings of, 1579-1031 ; by C. 1). Warner C l9 P 10 Colonizing Companies and Schemes — Now Zealand Company and the Colonial Office ... Colonial Mac., 1844 F 19 P"l4 South Australian Company Sutliorland, (i. MF5P6 Tlic Wakefield Tiicory of Colonising inapplicable to New Zealand and tlie Australian Colonies; by Dr. Martin ... Colonial Mag., 1845 F19P17 While Sel'vitudo in the Colony of Virginia; by J. C. Ballagh. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 13 B 18 S 13 Suhject-Index lo the Siqyplementary Catalogue — lfiOO-1000. 773 Colorado— (/omnd and Dngcriplive — • Uiiiu'cl States (Jeograpliical Surveys west of the lOOtli Meridian, lieport United States Engineer Dept. A 10 U 1-S t Flnaitri'. and Taxation — Colorado Treasurer, Report ;^3(i.788 Colorado River - Ciuiyoiis of the Colorado rowell, .1. W . A l.'i T l!l t lOxploration of the Colorado iiiver ot tiic West and its Tribidaries. rowell, ,(. W. 1) IS K-22 t Colorado State Agricultural College. [For Pulilka- tidiis Kfi' Author Catalof^uc] Colossians Epistle — Colossiaii Studies Moule, Rev. H. C. c; -23 I! II Coamienlarv on the Epistle lo the C'olo.s.sians. . Aljljott, Kev. T. K. G 23 R 38 Colour. [.SVc Cdlimrs and Colouring.] Colour-blindness. [See Colour-vision and Colour-blind- nes.s.] Colour of Flowers and Plants — Colour of Flowers and its Intiucnce on Bee Life; by A. (falc. Australasian As.soc. Advance, of Scienee, Kept., ISOS 506 [.S're (tho Botany — Physiological ; Colourati()n, Animal.] Colour Photography — Color Photography- by Means of Body Colors, and Mechanical Color Ada|)tation in Nature; byO. Wiener... Sinitlisonian Institution, Repts., IS'JU 51Jf) Kroniskop Color Photography Ives, F. A 41 (J 10 [See fiAvo Colour-vision ; Photograpliy. ] Colour-printing — Plioto-triclir.anatic Printing Zander, C. G. A 'io U 20 [iS'ee also Printing. ] Colour-vision and Colour-blindness — Colour-vision; by F. P. Whitman ... American Assoc. , Advance. of Science, Proe., 189S rm Color-lilindness Smiths. Inst., Kept., 1877 500 Thinking, Feeling, Doing Scripture, E. W. G 11 P 47 [iS'ee also Eye, The ; Mental Pliysiohjgy ; Optics.] Colouration, Animal — Cohlur in Nature Newljigin, Mai ion I. A I'A S 44 Colouration of Insects ; by Dr. T. P. Lucas, Royal Society, tjucensland, Proc, 1894-95 500 Evolution of Coloiir in Lcpidoptera ; by N. C. Piepers... Internat. Congress of Zoology. Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Experiences sur la relation qui existe entre la coulcur du Milieu et la couleui' dcs Clirysalides de certains Lepidopteres; par M. Bordage... Internat. CongressofZoology, Proc, 1898 A .35 W 14 Tlie Law wliich underlies Protective Colouration ; by A. H. Thayer. Smithsonian Institution, Repts. )897 506 Rod Cats and Disease; bj' Sir.T. Hector ., New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Coloured Labour Question — Letters from the Western Pacific and Mashonaland. Romilly, H. H. D 14 V 20 Northern Territory Commission, Report, IS'Jo .. Soutli Australia - Northern Territory MI) 9 Q 39 t Polynesian Labour Trathc; by Sir R. Temple... National Review, 1892 052 Problems i>f (Queensland — in Australasian Democraev. Walker, H. de R" MF 5 Q 13 Reports Queensland -Parliament, V. and P. .328.943 [,S'(,c also Aliens ; Chinese Question ; Emigration ; Negroes ; Race Problems; Slavery.] Coloured Schools and Negro Education, United States. [_See American JSTegroes.] Colours and Colouring — Colour Hurst, (J. H. A 45 U 13 Colour Measurement and Mixture... Abney, W. de W. A 27 P 13 House Decorating and Painting Brown, W. N. A 45 R 18 Painter, Gilder, and Varnishcr's Companion I'raniit, VV. T. A 23 H 51 [,S'ce also .\nilinD Dyes; Dye.3 and Dyeing; Paints and Pigments; Technological CheniiUr}'.] Columbae Cohuubie, or Pigeons, in (>)Uection of Bi-itish Museum ; by T. Sal- vador! in Catalogueof Birds... Brit. Mus., Nat. Hist. A 39 U 3 Columbia University — Four American Universities G 15 S 10 + Columbium. \_See Niobium.] Combustion — Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A .38 S 23 St eam-ljoiler Practice Sno w, W. B. A 38 V 27 [.SVr also Kirc; Fuel; Heat.] Comedies. [.See Dramatics Litoi-aturc] Comedy — Idea of Comedy and the [js^i of llie Comic Spirit in Works. Meredith, (i. .J23VJ2 [,SVe also Drama, 'I'lic. ] Comets - Account of the Great Comet of 18.58 Harvard Univer.sity Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 3 .522.19 Comet seen during the Eclipse /h Leisure Readings... Proctor, R. A. A J 9 Q 10 Determination dcs Ori)ites dcs Cometes et des Plauetes. Oppolzer, T. d' A 10 W 10 + Determination of tlie Orliil Elements of Comet of 1890; by C. J. Merfield Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 500 MenacingComet -.'h LeisureReadiugs... Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 16 Observations of Comet n, 1888 Tebbutt, J. MA 3 S 67 01)Scrvations of Comet Coddingtoti (c 1898); by J. Tebbutt. Royal Astronomical Soe., Monthly Notices, Dec., 1898 .520.6 Observations of two Comets at Parramatta, 1833-34 ; by J. Dunlop. Royal Astronomical Soc, Mems. , 8 .520.6 Observations on 1824 Comet ; by C. Riimker Royal Astron- omical Soc, Mems., 2 .520.0 Oljservations on the Comet of 1825; by .J. Dunlop Edinburgli .Journal of Science, 1827 A 30 Q 15 Oljservations on Two Comets discovered at Parramatta in 1 824 bv Mr. Riimkor and Mr. Duidop Roval Society, Edinb. , T'.ans., 10 506 Orbit Elements, Comet I, 1899 (Swift); by C. J. Merfield. Royal .Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 506 Other Suns than Ours '. Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 15 Scientific Papers Adams, J. C. A 10 U 10 + Short Formulas for Gauss's Method of Computation of an Orbit frour Three Complete Observations; by Rev. G. M. Searlc. Astronomical .Journal, 1896-97 520.5 Story of Comets ; bvRev. .J. M. Sands... Australasian Independent, 1895 205 Traitc de Mi'caniquc Celeste Tisserand, F. ASP ,30 + Comic Literature. [.See Humour and Comic Lit'?raturc.] Commentaries — General Literature. [See under each Author in the Author Catalogue.] Commentaries of the Bible. [See Bible — Commentaries; New Testament — Commentaries: Old Testament — Commentaries.] Commerce and Trade -Oenn-al — Applied Geography Keltic, .J. S. D 20 Q 24 Au.stralia and tlie Asian-Pacific Dj-er, E. J. MF 5 (J 5 Balance of Trade ; by E. Pratt Melbourne Review, 7 0.52 British Consuls on Trade of all Countries, Reports—/;! Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and IreL— Foreign OflSce 382 77i J?ublic Lib7'arij of New South Wales. Commerce and Trade — Gentral — couiJ. Colonial Conference at Ottawa, Report, 1894.. .(U. Brit, andlrel. — Colonial Conference F 39 V 22 X Commerce and "Banking; by U. M'Pherson... Melb. Rev., (i 052 Commerce and Empire -in Speeches... Roscliery, Earl F 12 T 15 Commercial Geography; by Dr. Waugh Roval Geog. Soc, Aust., Queensland Br., Proc, "1893-94 910.6 Commercial Geography ; by J. P. Thomson ... Roval Geog. tSoc, Aust. ."Queensland Br., Proc, "1893-94 010.6 Commercial Organisation of Factories Lewis, J. S. F9V3 Comparison of the Trade of the Principal Xations of the World - in Our Trade in the World (iastrell, W. S. H. F V 10 Economics of Socialism Hyudmau, H. M. F 8 V 24 Essays written for the Trade. . . Scottish Trade Advocate MF 5 P 2 Fields, Factories, and Workshops .Kropotkin, Prince P. F 16 V 3 Foreign Trade Policies U..S. — Consular Repts., 59 382 History of Jlonev and Prices Schoenhof, J. F 8 V 19 Mercantile and Maritime Guide WiUmore, G. F 13 T 27 Mercantile Directory of the World 910.3 Mercantile System Sehmoller, (J. F 8 V 22 Modern Business Methods Hooper, F. F 1 6 U 1 Production and Price of Cotton for 100 Vears : by J. L. \Vatkins, United States- Dept. of Agr. Div. of Statistics F 1 T 28 Review of tlie World's Commerce United States — Bureau of Foreign Commerce 382 State Control of Trade and Commerce ... Stickney, A. F 1 R 28 Statistical Abstract for the Principal and other Foreign Countries, 1884-94 Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Statistics 3S2 Theory of International Trade Bastable, C. F. F 13 R 10 Traces of Pre-historic Commerce in Europe — in Anthropological StucUes Buekland, A. W. A 27 R 34 World's Commerce and the United States' Share of it. Philadelphia Commercial Museum F 10 R 21 [See nho Advertising; Bankruptcy; Banks and Banking ; Book- keeping; Business Ethics ; Colonics, The, and Great Britain; Commercial Law ; Consular Reports : Coiiperation ; Credit Sys- tem ; Currency ; Electric Telegraphs ; E.xcliange ; Finance; Flags ; Insurance; International Law ; Monopolies; Panics; Partner- ship; Postal Service; Profit-sharing; Railways — Administration; Routes for Trade ; Statistics ; Stock Excliange ; Stocks and Shares; Tariffs; Trade, Boards of ; Trade Protection; Trans- portation; Trusts; Weights and Measures; a7ul the sub-heading Commerce and Trade under each Country.] Education. [See C'omineiTi:i.l Education.] Lairs and Legislation. \Jiee Commerfial Law.] Matiualu — Directory and Hand-book of the Meat and Provision Trades. A 33 P 22 How to Manage a Boot and Shoe Depai-tmcnt Green, J. F 13 V 41 How to Manage a Butchering Busine.ss... Xeate, H. 1). F 13 V II How to Start Cooperative Stores Gray, J. C. F 13 V 11 Periodical — Academic Xationalc, Journal Mensuel, 1895 006 Australa.sian Ironmonger MA 4 V 23 Australian and New Zealand Monthly Magazine MF 5 S 9 Dalgety's Review 630.5 Hall's Jlercantile Gazette 338 Road and Sea 056 Shii)pingGazcttcandSydne}'GeneralTradeList... MF 5 V 11-24 Storekeeper and Commercial Record 338 Sydney Trade Review 338 Commercial Correspondence. [S'ce Commercial Education.] Commercial Education — Commercial Education in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Nelherlanils, Austria, France, Japan, Italy, United States, Norway, and Sweden — in Diplomatic and Consular Rc^pts., Misc. Series, 1898 !)9 (!t. Brit, and Ircl.— Foreign OHice .382 Cominercinl Education in Europe United Stale I'.ineau of Education, (Jcpts., 1897 379.73 Commercial High School at Leipzig— in Dii)lomati<; and Consular licpta. , MiHC. Ser., 468 . . Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 382 Commercial Education — conlJ. Higher Commercial Education in Antwerp, Leipzig, Paris and Ha\re — in Sjiccial Reports on Educational Sulijccts. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education (.! 17 U 16 Hint on the Conduct of Business, Public and Private. Boyle, Sir C. G 15 U 49 International Congress of Education, Proceedings, 1893. Chicago Exhibition, 1893 G 17 T 1 Some Professions open to Women— jn Progress in \\"omen's Edu- cation in the British Empire ... 'V'ictorian Era Exhibition, 1897 G 23 R 10 State Encouragement to Commercial Education in Switzerland. (it. Brit, and Irel. -Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 400 .382 Commercial Law — Mercantile and Maritime Guide WiUmore, (;. F 13 T 27 Mercantile Law Reform ; by T. Fink Melb. Rev. ,6 052 Principles of Commercial Law Hurst, J. F 10 U 5 Simplilication of Legal Procedure and Codification of Commei-cial Law Cowderoy, B. MF 4 Q 58 [Sf.e also Admiralty Court ; Arbitration : Bankruptcy ; Banks and Baidiing; Bills of Exchange ; Bills of Sale; CJompanios ; Con- tracts; Exchange; Insurance; ilaritime Law; Partnership; Sliipijing Law; Trusts.] Commercial Periodicals. [See Commercp and Trade — Periodicals.] Commercial Products. [See Mamifauture.s and Industries ; Technological Chemistry.] Commissariat — Regulations, N. S. Wales, 1825 N. S. Wales — C'onnuis.sariat MF 1 S 18 Common Law — Coinin.in Law Procedure Act, N.S.W.. 1S99 ... Cockshott, H. M. MF5 R 13 Evidence at the Common Law Thayer, J. B. F 13 R 28 Commune, 1871. [See Paris Connuuiie.] Communion, The. [See Lord's Suppei-i Sacraments.] Communism — ■ Address to the Human Race Owen, R. F 4 R 32 Arc we Victorians drifting towards Comnuinism; by J. Cami)bcll. Melbourne Review, 4 052 Christianity andt'onnuunism —in Cliristianity and. Social Problems. Abbott, L. G 19 U 23 Conununisni in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation. Kautsky, K. G 23 S 2 (Jencsis of the .Social Conscience Nash, H. S. (! II U 18 History of the .-\mana .Society Perkins, W. R. (i 19 T 28 Letters to the Human Race .*... Owen, R. F 12 S 15 New E.xistencc of Man upon Earth Owen, R. F 4 R 25-30 Norske Comnuincrs Retsforfatning for 1837 af T. H. Aschelioug. Norway— Det Kgl. Norske Fredcriks Uinvcrsitet F 19 S 26 |- Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race. Owen, R. F 12 S 10 Self-supjiorting Home Colonies Owen, R. F7T2 Suiiplemcnt to the " Revolution in Mind and Practice of the Human Race" Owen, R. F 4 U 31 [See also Individiialism ; Socialism.] Companies Law I'niniotcrsof ('ompanios; by E. B. llaniillon ... M ell i. Rev., 8 0.52 [See nho Bankru))tcy ; Commercial Law; Cor|iorations and Coni- jianies; Stocks and Shares; and under titles of Companies.] Comparative Anatomy. [.S'^y; .Vnatomv, (.'oniparative; Animal Meclianisiii.J Comparative Physiology. ( .S'«e Physiology, Coiniiarative.] Subject -Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 775 Compass, The -M:i;,'iii'liral ()l)survations on the Variation and Dip of llio Needle (luring tlie Voj-age of the Corjuille from 'I'oulon to Port Jackson, 1822-24; by M. Dupcrrey... Edinburgli Journal of Science, 1827 A 31) Q Hi Questions and Answers relating to Compasses ; tluM'r Ei'roi's and Corrections Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Admiralty A 'Mi \ 34 Terrestrial Magnetism, and the Deviation of tiie Compass; by Dr. W. Harkness ... Smitiisonian Institution, Conti-ibulion.s to Knowledge, 18 .^DS [See also Magnetism, Terrestrial; Navigation.] Competition — Kconomy of Consmnption Motl'at, K. .'"S. F 12 T 33 Foreignei- in tlie Farmyard Williams, K. K. A 37 R ■"> Theoiy of Wealth ....'. Conrnot, A. F 4 U li) [i%e a/.so Currency ; I'rices; Work and Wages.] Competitive Examinations. [See Civil Service -Exanii- natiims : Exa'.uiuiition.s — General.] Compressed Air — Compressed Air-engines — in Heat and Heat-engines. HuttI Es.saisde Paleoconchologieeomparee...Cossmann, M. A. 3.5 W8-13 List of American Writers on Recent Conchologv .. Tr\^on, O. W. ■ A 32 Q Manual of Conchology Tryon, C. W. A 32 Q 10, II, I(i [See also Mollusca ; Shells. ] By Countries. ■ America, North — Land and Fresh-water Shells of North America ; by (i. W. Tryon. Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 10 oOS Australia — Australian Species of Eulimidaj and Pyramidelliche; by Prof. R. Tate Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1897-98 500 Contributions to a Revision of the Recent Rissoidaj of Australia ; by Prof. Tate Royal Soc, S. Aiist., Trans., 1899 .500 Description of New Land Shells ; by C. Hedley Australian Museum Records, 3 507 Revision of the Australian Cyclostreniatida' ; by Prof. Tate. Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1899 506 T/tersifcspachi/sf 1/1(1, Pfr., var. siil)fusco-::onjti', var. nov. ; by Dr. J. C. Cox '... "Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc., 1898 580.0 I'vlii/a Balmdli, Braz. ; bv Dr. .1. C. Cox Linnean Society, N. S. Wixies, Pron., 1898 580.0 [See also each Australian Colonv under this heading.] . British Columbia — New Shells from British Columl>ia and the Adjacent Region; by W. H. Dall ... Natural History Soe., British Columbia 590.0 Florida— Collection of Shells from Florida ; by W. H. Dall . . . United States- National Museum, Proe., 507 Conchology — Great Britain — Mineral Conchology of (Jieat Britain... Sowcrby, J. A 39 R 3 9 India — C'onehologia Indiea Hanley, S. A 18 R 5 + Kermadec Islands — b\' T. F. Cheescman. C^ ct Habitat of Putdla Kermadecensi. SIS ; by Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 189.5 .5.S0.0 New Britain New Species of Asti-aliuni from New Britain; l)y (j. Hedlej'. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1896 580.0 New Guinea — Land Shells from New tiuinea and aund :it Whangarei Heads; by C. Cooper. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 50 Queensland — New Species of Land-.shell ; by C. E. Beddome... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.0 Santa Cruz — Description of a new Bivalve, Li,iin alala; by C. Hedley. Austialian Museum Records, Vol. 3, No. 4 507 Solomon Islands — Marine Shells fr3' Mrs Angus Kenj-on Royal Soc, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1890 500 Eflects of the Atmosphere on the Shells of Mollusca ; by Mrs. Angus Kenyon Royal Soc. , Tasmania, Proceedings, 1896 500 New Marine Shells; by Lieut. Beddome Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1882 506 Pupa in Tasmania; by R. M. .Johnston ... Royal Soc, Tasmania, " Papers, 1882 .500 Tasuianian Sliells in the Tasmanian Museum; bv Miss Lodder. Royal Society Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 Vvullafiisiformis; by C. E. Beddome Royal Soc, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1896 506 United States — List of SlicUs collected on the West Coast of America ; by R. E. C. Stearns United States National Museum A 37 S 48 Victoria — Marine Sliclls of Vi'-toria; bv G. B. Pritchard ... Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1897-99 500 Uiiio from tlie River Glenelg; by .1. Denuant Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1897 500 Western Australia — New Species (.if Liparus from Western Australia; by Dr. Cox. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 580.0 Conciliation. [See Arbitration.] Concord, New Hampshire— (r«w?-aZ and Descriptive- Sketches of Concord and Appledore ... Stearns, F. P. D 10 Q 3 History - Historic Towns of New England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 770 TuLiic Lihmrij of New Soitih JVales. Concordances of the Bible. [See Bible — Concordances; ami uiKlt-r each Ejiistle, Gospel, etc.] Concrete. [See Cements.] Condition of the People. [See Social Economy ; Social P^<^l;lems; Workinjji-classes; and sub-heading Social Lije under each Country.] Confectionery — TliL- Honiu Mtchanic Schofield, J. A 39 P :i Lessons in Artistic Confectionery Baxter, E. ilA \ U 10 [.See a/.>o Bread ; Cookery.] Confederate States — Lee, Robert E., and the Southern Confederacy C 23 P 24 Reconstruction duunt; the Civil War in tlie United .States. Scott, E. V,. F 2 V 23 South after the War - In Reflections and Counnents, ISfiri-y-'i. Codkin, E. L. J 12 S -i:. [.See a/.5-o American Civil War; Federal Governincnt; Flavcry : United States — Hi.story; United States — Constitutional His- tory.] Confession— Church and Faith (1 o P 31 Historj' of Auricular Confes.sion Lea, H. C. (J 11 T 32-34 Practice of Confession—/;; Charge at First Visitation. Temple, Archl ishop G 23 R 30 Confession of Faith. [See Creeds.] Confucianism — ('oufucianism and Taouism Dousrlas, R. K. (t 4 A IS Tlie (iist of Japan Peery, Rev. R. B. G 11 U 31 [.S'ee a/.so Ancestor Worship; Biiddhi.sni ; Cliina — Religion; Tao- ism ; and under Confucius in the Author Catalogue.] Congo Free State — General and Descrij/tiva~- The Congo State Boulger, 1). C. I) 22 P 1 Etat Indeijcndant du Congo Wautci.s, A. J. 1) 11) P l.") First Ascent of the Kasai Bateman, C. S. L. D 14 T 2.'> Land of the Pigmies Burrows, G. U 1 3 U o 1 Pioneering on the Congo ... Bentley, Rev. \\\ H. I) 22 P 21, 22 Commerce and Trade — < Congo Free .State, Report — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Misc. .Ser., 4.>9 Gt. Brit, and Irel.-- Foreign Office 382 Trade of the Congo Free State — in Diplomatic and Consular Repts. , Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign OlHce 382 Conslitutioii and C onstitutional Law — Droit et Administration de TEtat Indfpendant du Congo. Cattier, F. V 1 S , Government and Admininl ration — Droit et Administration do rEtal Independant du Congo. Cattier, F. F 10 S i History — Fall of the Congo Aiabs Hinde, S. L. li 17 R 41 Parier.s relating to the Execution of Mr. .Stokes in the Congo State. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Africa F 20 U .'> I Story of Belgium .Smythc, C. B 40 U 1 Congregationalism — Australasian ("ongrcLational Vear-hook, 18G8 MG 2 U 24 Australasian rndnjjcndent Year-book .M(i 2 U 13 Ctmgregational Church ; 1j3' Rev. R. F. Horton OurCluirches. (i 1 1 U 3J Congregational Endeavour Three Centuries Ago... Binna, Rev. F. MG 1 P 88 f'ongrcgational Year-book •. 285.8 The Congrcgationalist S History — Connecticut Historical Society, Collections 074. Connecticut, Public Records B 17 U 21, 22 Statistics — Connecticut, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Report 331 [.See aluo under this heading, in Author Catalogue, for Official Publications. ] Slalutes. [See Connecticut— Statutes, in Autlmi' Catalogue.] Supreme Court — Rule 5 of Court and Forms. . .Connecticut - Supreme Court F 7 U 30 Consanguinity — .Systems of Consanguinity .and Allinitv of the Human Family; hy L. H. Morgan Smiths. Inst., Conts. to Knowledge, 17 5'tH [See also Marriage.] Conscience — Boston Monday Lectures Cook, Rev. ,T. .1 22 S IS Elements of Moral Science Porter, N. (124 1!") Genesis of the .Social Conscience Nash, H. .S. (; 11 U l.S Intuition-, of the Mind McCosh, Rev. ,T. G 14 P .34 M jtaphvsic of Experience Hodg=;on, S. H. (! 17 U 33-36 Thoryof Practice Hodgson, S. H. Gil Q 2-!, 20 [.SVe iiim Fre:;dom of the Will; Ilesponsibilit\-.] Consciousness Accuracy ot Voluntary Movement... Woodworth, K. .S. G 2:") V !) Art of Thinking Knowlson, T. S. G 2.'> P l."> God in History B\mscn, Ibvon G 23 S 20-22 Hegel's Doctrine of the Will M.icVanuel, .J. A. G 26 T U Heresies Hiller, H. C. G 24 P 22 Metaphvsie of Experience Hodgs.^n, S. H. G 17 R 33 ."Hi Pi-imci'of Psychology Titehcner, E. B. G 23 R l."« Sensations from Pro.isur'c and Impact Grilling, H. G 20 T !) Studies in the Thought Worhl Wood, H. (!23P2!I [.See o/ko Automatism; Knowledge; Ontology; Reality; Sensc^s ; Unconscious, The] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1000. 777 Conservation of Water. [Sea Wain- Supply.] Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles — Origiiius (111 Conservatoire Royal do Miisiquo do Bni.xi'llc^s. Mailly, 10. A 44 Q VI Conspiracies —Law — Law of (_'i iiiiinal Conspiraoies and Agreements Wriglit, R. S. F 3 R 5 Constantinople — General and Descriptive — Letters from Constaiitiuoplo Chiller, Mr.5. (i. M. 1) IS (.}, 27 Cominerce and Trade — Trade of Constantinople, .Scutari, and Durazzo — in Diplomalio and Consular Repts., 1SII8... (H. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Otiice .SS'i History — Byzantine Constantinople Millingen, A. van 15 41 S 1 Constantinople Grosvonor, E. A. 15 21 V 24, 2.3 Dcnkwurdigkciten von Asien ... Dicz, H. ¥. von 15 10 R 26, 27 Constipation — Health and Condition in the Active and the Sedentary. Davies, N. E. Y-. A 20 R .30 {See also Digestion.] Constitutional History — General — (lovernments and Parties in Continental Europe... Lowell, A. L. F 13 R 6, 7 I'opular (Government Bradford, G. F 10 P 28, 29 Theory of the Divine Right of Kings ... Figgis, j'. N. F 8 V 28 [.See alao Aristocracy ; Constitutions of Countries ; Crown, The ; Democracy; and the sulidieadings Constitution and Constitu- tional Law, Constitutional History, and Parliament, under names of Countries. ] Constitutional Law — General — Elements of Law Davis, G. B. F 13 T 10 Governments and Parties in Continental Europe ... Lowell, A. L. F 13 R6, 7 Sttidy of the Constitution ; by M. M. Cohn Johns Hopkins University, .Studies, extra vol. 11 B 18 T 11 [See also Bi-cameral System ; Constitutions of Countries ; Federal Government ; Upj)er Chambers ; and subdieading Constitution and Constitutional Law, under names of Countries.] Constitutions of Countries — General — Governments of the World To-day .Sears, H. F 8 V 18 History for Ready Reference .....".... Earned, J. N. B -10 W 4-8 [See also Aristocracy ; Bi-cameral System ; Constitutional History ; Constitutional Law ; Democracy : and tlic sub-lieadings Con- stitution and Constitutional Law, and Constitutional History, under names of Countries. ] Consular Reports — Great Britain — Diplomatic and Consular Reports on Trade and Finance. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Subjects of General and Commercial Interest, Reports. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Ofiice 382 United States — United .States Considar Reports U.S.— Consular Repts. 382 [See also under (H. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Ofiice; United States — Consular Reports, in Author Catalogue ; and under each sub- ject treated on by the Reports.] Consuls and Consular Service — Cromer, Baron; by H. D. Traill C 24 Q 19 Foreign Appreciation of the United States Consular Service. United States Consular Service 382 Great Britain and Ireland, Foreign Otlice List 354.429 General Instructions for Her JSIajest}''s Consular Officers, 1879. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office F 7 U 35 List of Consuls in the several Coiuitries of Phirope .. Almanac de Gotha 354 [See also Ambassadors ; Connnercial Law ; Diplomacy ; Inter- national Law; and under Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Othce, in the Author Catalogue.] 5 F Consumption— CnnKum]ition ami Chn iiic Disea.ses Densmorc, E. A 45 R 9 Diseases of the Cliest Stokes, W. A 33 S 21 New South Wales as a Health Resoi t for British Consumptives. Mullins, (;. L. MA 3 R 55 PiitJii.His Pulmonalis; by Dr. P. Kidd -/« System of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Sanatoria for Consumptives Walters, R. F. A 41 B 10 .State Prevention of Consumption ; by Dr. E. Robertson. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 500 Treatment of Phthisis Ransome, A. A 33 .S 14 [See also Bacteriology; Lungs; Tuberculin; Tuberculosis; and under Koeli, Dr. R., in Author Catalogue.] Contagious and Infectious Diseases - Apjili.-d Ba(teri,.l..gy IVarmain, T. H. A 40 P 1 1 Co-(^^istence of Infectious Diseases; by Dr. F. F. Caiger — in Sv.steni of Medichie Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T .35 Contagious Diseases (Animal) Acts, Annual Reports. (it. Brit, and Irel. — Boaid of Agriculture 614.9 Contagious Diseases of Domesticated Animals ... United States — Dept. of Agr. A 30 R 35 Disinfection of Places whei e Animals have been kept suffering f i om Infectious Diseases Agr. Gazette, N. .S. Wales, 7 630.5 General Pathology of Infection; by Dr. A. A. Kanthack— m Sys- tem of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 34 How Infectious Diseases are .Spread ; l)y Dr. W. H. Corfield. International Health Exhibitiorr, 1884, Lit., 8 A 41 V 4 Infectious Disease and its Prevention ; by Dr. F. S. Muqihj'. International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 7 A 41 V 3 Infectious Di.sea.ses and liow to Prevent them Wil.son, A. A 26 P 41 Infective Diseases of Animals Friedberger, F. A 40 P 14 International Congress of Hygiene and Demographj^, Seventh, Trans., 1 614.06 Is it Desirable that Notification of Infectious Diseases should be Obligatory; by G. W. Hastings International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Manual of Infectious Diseases Goodall, E. W. A 41 R 5 Milk as a Vehicle of Infectious Diseases ; by Dr. W. N. Thursfield. International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 8 A 41 V 4 Notification of Infectious Diseases : its Importance and its Diffi- culties; bj- Dr. A. Hill International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 8 A 41V 4 Problems of Nature , -Jaeger, G. A 44 Q 5 Return of Sanitary Districts Gt. Biit. and Irel. — Local Government Board A 39 V 26 * Right of the .State to enforce Notification of Infectious Disease; by Dr. A. Carijcnter... International Health Exhibition, 1884 Lit., 8 A41 V4 Texl -book of Bacteriology Crookshank, E. M. A 31 Q 7 [See also Anthrax : Bacteriology ; Bubonic Plague ; Cholera, Asiatic; Diphtheria; Disinfection; Dysentery; Epidemics; Fevers : Hydrophobia ; Influenza ; Leprosy ; Plagues : Prostitu- tion ; Public Health ; Puerperal Fever ; Quarantine; Sanitation; Scarlet Fever ; Small-pox ; .Social Purity ; Tuberculosis ; Tji>hoid Fever ; Vaccination ; Yellow Fever ; and names of other Diseases.] Contortionists. [See Acrobats.] Contracts — Law — Cardinal Rules of Legal Interpretation Beal, E. F 9 V 9 Law and Polities in the Middle Ages Jenks, E. F 13 T 30 Controversy — Distinctii.m ami the Criticism of Beliefs. ..Sidgwick, A. G 19 U 38 Convents and Convent Life — History of the Convent Allen, Rev. D. MG 2 S 25 Woman under Monasticism, 5(X)-1500. . . Eckensteiii, Lina (i 1 T 22 [See also Abbeys; Monasteries; Monasticism: Nuns; Religious Orders. ] Conveyancing — Law an.l Praclice relating to Conveyancing in New South Wales. Hogg, .J. E. MF 5 S 21 Studies by the Way Frj-, Sir E. J 24 Q 17 Touchstone of Common Assurance Sheppard, W. F 1 U 21 [.See also Deeds; Land Tenure; Real Property.] 778 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Convict Labour. [See Prison Labour.] Convicts — Iiistructious to Surgeons on board Convict Ships. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty MA -2 R .3.3 New Siberia De Windt, H. I) 17 T 25 Prisoners their own Warders... McNair, Major J. F. A. F (i U 8 [)%c alfO Criminals; Prison Labour; Transportation, Criminal ; and under Ut. Brit, and Irel. — Convicts, in Author Catalogue] Convicts and Convict System —New South Wales — Description of .Sydney ; witii Account of the Manners and Em- ployment of the Convicts, 1818 Slater, .1. Libr. [See also Xew S. Wales — Transportation, in Author Catalogue.] Cook Islands — General and Descriptive — Brown Men and Women Reeves, E. Ml) 3 U 14 Heroes of the .South Seas Banks, Martha B. M(J 2 U 1 Studies in Ancient Histor}- M'Lennan, J. F. F 14 U 33 Cookery and Cookery Schools — Australian Table Dainties Wiuken, Mrs. H. MA 3 U 41 Book of Sauces Pownall, S. B-. A 22 R 31 Cakes and Ale Spencer, E. A 22 Q 36 Cassell's Houseliold (iuide A 22 V 28, 29 Chemistr v of Cookerv Williams, W. M. A 45 R 7 The Cook-book; by ''Oscar of the Waldorf" Tsehirkv, O. A 44 V 13 Cookery, Plain and Artistic; liy A. (i. Paine -i'n Household Oracle '. Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Dinners of the Daj- Praga, Mrs. A 22 P 55 Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids; by Catherine J. Wood Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 4 A 41 U 20 Food and Feeding Thompson, Sir H. A 39 V 25 History and Present Status of Instruction in Cookery in New York Schools: by Mrs. Hogan... UnitedStates — Dept. "of Agr. — Office of Exper. Stations A 37 V 1 Household Manual Winning, Mrs. T. P. MA 4 P 27 Kingswood Cooker}- Book Wicken, Mrs. MA 4 P 9 Mrs. Maclurcan's Cookery-book ... Maclurcan, Mrs. MA 4 P 18 Nati(mal Cook-book Harland, Marion A 22 S 4 Nurse's Hand-book of Cookery Worsnop, E. M. A 23 P 39 Practical Cookery in Elementary Schools ; by Fanny L. C'aldei-. Internat. Health E.\hib., ISS-i, Lit., 14 A 41 V 10 Practical Dictionary of Cookery Meyer, Ethel S. A 38 S 11 Principles of Cooking ; by S. Berdmore Internat. Health Exhib., 1S84, Lit., 4 A 41 U 20 Principles of Practical Cookery Mann, E. E. A 22 P 54 Recipes of Lenten Dishes " Wicken, Mrs. H. MA 3 P 66 Science of Cookerv ; by W. M. Williams Internat. Health E.xhib., 1884, Lit., 6 A 41 V 2 Temperance Cookery-book Lucas, Olive A. MA 4 P 1 Thorough Good Cook Sala, (i. A. A '22 R 5 Twentieth Century Cooking and Home Decoration. Aronson, Mr.s. Z. B. MA 4 S 36 {See a/«o Confectionery; Dietetics: Domestic Economy ; Food; Fruit-eanning; Military Cooking.] Cooktown, Queensland — Tin. mines near Cooktown, Report Queensland -Cold-fields MA 9 P 45 Coolgardie Gold-fields — (jcological Notes on Coolgardie Gold-fields; bv Dr. C. Chewings. lioy. Col. Inst., Proc., 189.5-96 :i'2,5.34'2 Geology of Coolgardie Gold-field; by T. Blatchford Western Australia— Geolog.' Surv., Bulletin 3 AL'\ 4 R 4 Technical Observ.atioiis upon the Coolgardie Gold-fields. Oldrnitenborgh, Baron S. van MA 4 Q 2 Cooperation and Cooperative Movements -«7«WY'mZ — Alliance between Co.;pcjation and Trade I'nioiii.sts,., Slatter,H. R. F 12 S '20 AInianaeh de la Cooperation Francaise 334 As.soeiation aTiil Education .' Ncalc, R. V. F 12 S '20 AsHociation of the [''ainiliHtere Godin, A. V I2S20 Aflftnciations of Russian Working Men known as Artels. Gt. Brit, and lie). Foieign (Jlfiee, .Misc. Ser., 372 382 Australiun Produce; the Best Means of realising thereon. Bntcman, W. MF 1 T 45 Cooperation and Cooperative Movements — General — contd. Benefitsof Cooperation to Working Men... Scotton,A. F 13 V 41 Best Jletliod of bi-inging Cooperation within the reach of the Poorest of the Population Webb. S. F 16 S 14 Best Method of Cooperation Best, J. MF 3 Q 47 Best System of Leakage for a Cooperative Store. Hopkinson, G. H. F 13 V 41 Book-keeping for the use of Industrial and Provident Societies, Cooperative Union A 11 T 17 t Business without Gold Fliirscheim, M. MF. 5 P 9 Chapters on Cooperation Forster, H. A. F 16 S 14 Christian Socialist Movement and Cooperation F 13 V 41 Christianity and the Social State... Lorimer, Rev. (4. C. G '24 R 1 Commercial Cooperation Holyoake, G. J. F 13 V 23 Common-sense of Cooperation Neale, E. V. F 13 V '23 Concentration of Wealth Irving, E. F 15 P 23 Conspiracy of Grocers against Public Education. . . Holyoake, G. J. ' F 13 Y 41 Contracts given out by Public Authorities to Associations of Work- men, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Labour Dept. F 1 R 27 Cooperation Day, J. M. MF 3 Q 47 Cooperation (ir'ay, .L C. F 13 Y 41 Cooperation Hoare, B. MF 3 Q 47 Cooperation AVestcott, Bishop F 16 S 14 Cooperation—™ Principles of Sociology... Spencer, H. G 12 R '24 Cooperation among the Working Classes; by J. Ross. Melbourne Review, 6 052 Cooperation and Education Shaw, W. H. F 10 S 14 Cooperation and Profit-sharing — in Economic Theory. Davenport, H. J. F 13 R 2 Cooperation .and the Engineers' Lockout Snell, H. F 16 S 14 Cooperation and tlie Perils of Credit Hines, G. F 13 Y 41 Cooperation and the Welsh Coal Strike Snell, H. F 16 S 14 Cooperation and Trade Unionism ... W^ebb, Beatrice F 13 Y 41 Cooperation, Character, and Culture Carpenter, Bishop F 13 Y 23 Cooperation, Distributive and Productive —!» Civilisation of Our Day Samuelson, J. F 1 Y 14 Cooperation in a Western City Shaw, A. F 4 Y 11 Cooperation in Great Britain, 1898 Cooperative L^nion, Manchester F 16 S 14 Cooperation in Ireland and Technical Education . . . Rut hning, H. L. E. MF 9 Q 45 t Cooperation in its Relations to Trade Unionism and Soeiali.sm — in Economic Science and Practice... Price, L. L. F. R.. F 10 Y 30 Cooperation in New England Bcmis, E. \V. F 4 Y 1 1 Cooperation in relation to International Commerce Nash, Y. F 13 Y 41 Cooperation in the Building Trade Arnold, R. MF 3 Q 47 Cooperation v. Competitiozi Gray, J. C. F 16 S 14 Cooperation v. Private Trading Deans, J. F 13 Y '23 Cooperation r. Socialism Champion, H. H. F 13 V '23 Cooperative Agriculture Lovcday, W. G. F 16 S 14 Cooperative Agriculture M'lnncs, D. F 13 V '23 Cooperative Agriculture Thorpe, G. F 13 Y 41 Cooperative Banks on the Continent of Europe ; by F. H. Snow. Journal of Agriculture and Industry, S. Australia, 2 630.5 Cooperative Classes Garnett, F. F 13 Y 41 Coiiperative Conference, Kiama, Report, 1897 MA 4 S 24 Cooperative Congress, First International, Report, 1895 334 Coiiperative Congress, Repts. of Annual Conferences, 1890-99 334 Coiiperative Contract System New Zealand — Parliament, Journ., 1S92 3-28.931 Cooperative Cottage Purchasing Scotton, A. F 13 V 41 Coiiperative Credit Associations in Certain l^an-ojjean ('ountries. United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Statistics V Hi U 15 Coiiperative Dairy Plunkett, Hon. H. .\ 33 Q 36 Coiiperative Distribution United States — Buivan of Lal)or, Bull., 6, 1S9I1. .•i3l Coiiper.ative Education Jones, J. H. !•' 13 Y 41 Coiiperative Kducation , Sharp, Amy F 13 Y4I Coiiperative Movement F 13 Y '23 Coiiperative News Noale, E. V. F 13 Y '23 C'oiiperative Production Cray, ,1. C. F 13 Y4I Cociperativi- Production Swallow, W, F 13 Y 41 Coiiperative Production of Great Britain... Gray, J. C. F 13 Y 23 Cooperative Rights in Public or Private Bills ... Greening, E. O. F 13 V4I Snbjeci- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 779 Cooperation and Cooperative Movements — General — contd. Cooperative Share Capital Nuttall, \V. !■' 1-2 S 20 CooperativeiSoeieties — mCitizenandtheState... Straclii-y,.!. St. \,. F IG S 34 Cooperative Union, Manelie.ster, Painplilets on Cooperation. !•' 13 V41, and Hi T 21 A Cooperative Village Marcroft, W. F 12 S 20 Cooperative Wholesale Societies anil their relations to the Retail Cooperative Societies J. , B. F I G T 24 Credit Trading in relation to Cooperative Societies... Swallow, W. F 13 V 23 Deceased Members' Shares Cray, J. C. F 10 S 14 District Cooperative Farm Handle, A. F 13 V 41 Dividend : what it is and how it is made P' 1 3 V 23 Drapery Departments and their Management Rockell, F. ^ •* F 13 V 23 Duty of a Society to Educate its Members in the Pi'inciples of Cooperation..." 'I'utt, R. H. F 13 V 41 Duty of the Distributive Store towards the I'loductions of Coopera- tive Societies Swallow, W. F 16 S 14 Easy Book-keeping for Small Cooperative Societies ... Hines, C. F 16 T 24 Economic Aspect of Co.ipcration Neale, E. V. F 13 V 23 Economics Hadley, A. T. F 12 T 7 Economics of Cooperation Neale, E. V. F 12 S 20 Educationin connection withCooperation... Crooks, W. F 13 V 41 Education of Citizens Acland, A. H. D. F Ki S 14 Educational Funds Smith, J. F 13 V 41 Educational Scheme and the New Code... Gray, J. C. F 13 V 41 Equality Bellamy, E. F 15 Q IS Farmers' Cooperation Ruthning, H. L. E. MF 9 Q 45 f Foreign Reports Ct. Brit, andlrel. — Labour F39V52, 54 ,t Fundamental Principles of Cooperation. . .(Greenwood, A. F 12 S 20 General Condition of Paraguay, 1S93 Ct. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Oflice 1) IG V IG Growth of Cooperation in England... Holyoake, (J. J. F 13 V 23 History and Objects of Cooperation Hughes, T. F 12 S 20 How can a Man become his own Landlord ? Havercrof t, C. F 13 V 41 How Cooperative Societies can help their Members w ith Dwelling- horises Mclnnes, D. F 16 S 14 How to Cooperate Myrick, H. F 15 P 32 How to Manage a Boot anution of Copper Ores in 5J. S. Wales; bj' J. E. Carne... N. S. Wales — Geological Survey MA 3 V 48 Effect of Temperature on the Tensile and Compressive Properties of Copper; by Prof . Warren Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 506 Lead and Copper-smelting Hixon, H. W. A 38 V 4 Modern Copper-smelting Peters, E. D. A 24 U 1 1 Ontonagon Copper Bowlder in the United States National Museum ; by C. Moore U.S-- National Museum, Rept., 1895 507 Work-shop Companion for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copper-plate Workers Blinn, L. J. A 25 R 34 [See also Copper-mining ; Metallurgy ; Mineralogy ; Smelting. ] Copper-mining — Copper at the Dottswood Mine, Queensland; by G. W. Card. N. S. Wales — Geological Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Copper-mining Industry, and the Distribution of Copper Ores in N. S. Wales; bv J. E. Carne... N. S. Wales — Geological Survey MA 3 V 48 Mount Lyell Mines, Tasmania Russell, M. MA 1 U 11 [See also Copper and Copper-ores.] Coprosma — New Native Species of Coprosma; by D. Petrie... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 [See also Botany and Flora — New Zealand.] Copts and Coptic Church — The Egytian Rite Liturgies, Eastern and Western Ct 3 U 26 Story of the Church in Egypt Butcher, E. L. G 23 Q 8, 9 [See also Christianity — Historj' ; Ecclesiastical History — Egypt ; Egypt — Religion; Greek Church.] Copyright and Literary Property — Convention between Austria asul (jrcat Britain on International Copyright, 1893 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Treaties F 13 T 10 Copyright Act in South Australia; by A. A. S. Styles ... l.ibrarj' Association of Australasia, Proc, 1898 MJ 2 V 1 Copyrigiit and Patents for Inventions. . .Macfie, R. A. F 7 P 23, 24 Copyright Law of Japan... United States — Cons. Repts., 60 382 Cop3-right, Patents, Designs, Trade-marks, &o. ... Bewes, W. A. F 15 R 8 Copyright Question— iVi Essays Ali.son, A. J 14 S 12 Le Droitesdes Auteursen Belgique... Wauwermans, P. F 1 R 15 National and International Copyright Marston, E. F 7 P 25 Patents, Designs, Copyrights, and Trarle-marks Walsh, F. MF 5 Q 26 The Pen and the Book Besaut, W. J 23 S 9 Public Libraries in the United States of Auu-rica. . . United States — Bureau of Educatimi J 4 S 30 Question of Copyright Putnam, (!. H. F 15 R 9 Registration of Colonial Publications ; by J. R. (i. Adams. International Library Conference, Trans., 1897 Cat. Room Views concerning Copyright - in Various Fragments. . . Spencer, H. G 23 S 3 [■^ee aho Authors and Publishers; Patents.] Corallinacese — Die Corallincnalgen des Golfes von Neapel; von Graf zu Solms- Laubacli Zoologische Station zu Ncapel A 19 P 4 f [ See a 'so Algai. ] Corals and Coral Reefs — Atolls; byS. Gardiner.., Iiiternat. Congress of Zoologv, Proc, 1898 ■ A 35 W 14 Blue PigmL'nl of Cor.ils; bv Prof. Liversidge Roval Society, N. S. Wales, Journal", 1898 5(16 Broadening of Atoll-islets; byC. Hedley... Nat. Science, I89S 505 Coral Reefs; by T. Klephous... Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 Kxjwdition of II. .M.S. Pmjiiin to the Funi I'uli Atoll Royal Gcog. Soc. of Aust., N. S. Wales, Jtmrnal, 1896 910.(1 Explorations of the Atlm/ross in the Pacific ; by A. Aga.ssiz. American Journal of Science, 1000 505 Formation of the Coral Reefs on the N, W, Coast of .Vuslialia; by Stad-Surgoon Bassctt-Smith ZooUigical Soc, Lond., Proc, 1899 590.6 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 781 Corals and Coral Reefs— could. Funafuti; liy. I'rof. Sollas Natural Science, 1899 505 Islands and Cural Ueefs of Fiji ; liy A. Agassiz (icological Magazine, 1899 550..", Islands and Coral Reefs of Fiji; by A. Agassiz-m Bulletin, Museum of Comi)arative Zoology, Harvard, 33 ... Harvard Univ. ' 590.7 Islands and Coral Reefs of the Fiji (Jroup; by A. Agassiz. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1898 580.5 Madreporarian Corals in the British Mu;;cum... Britisli Jluseuni — Natural History A 18 U 1-3 t Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 :!: Roems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P37 Solitary Coi'als; by J. S. (lardiner — ;;; Zoological Results. Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 structure of Coral Animals; by Prof. Agassiz... American Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Proc. , 1849 50G Visit to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, 1896: by A. Agassiz in Bulletin, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 28 Harvard University 590.7 [See also Anthozoa ; Copepoda ; Cyeloscris ; Fiji ; Funafuti ; Lithophytes ; Millepora.] Corcoran Gallery of Art, "Washington. [For Catalogues ;iiid otlun- Puljlieation.'i, sec Author Cataloguf.] Cordierite — Cordierite-bearing Rock from Broken Hill; by J. C. Moulden. Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 506 Cordite — Cordite Noble, A. A 3(i V 28 Machinery used in the Manufacture of Cordite ; by E. W. Anderson. Inst., Civil Engineers, Proc, 1898 020.0 [See also Explosives.] Corea — General and Descriptive — An American Cruiser in the East Ford, J. I). I) 21 S 2 Chronicle and Directory for China, &o 910. 3 Corea Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, 6 506 Corean Games Culin, S. A 31 Q 16 European Settlements in the Far East S., D. W. 1) 21 Q 12 Future Trade with the Far East Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 Korea and her Neighbours ... Bishop, Isabella L. 1)17 8 20,27 Korean Sketches Gale, Rev. J. 8. 1) 16 R 17 The New Far East Uid.sy, A. L) 13 U 20 Observations on the Korean Coast, Japanese-Korean Ports, and Siberia Buckingham, B. H. D 20 U 10 People and Politics of the Far East Norman, H. D 20 U 11 Port Lazaref and Yung HingBav, 1899[Chart]...Gt. Brit. and Irel. — Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 J Shadwoll and Cargado Gulfs, 1898 [Charts]... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office I) 49 P 3 + UniversalGeography Reolus^ E. D 21 U 7 . Coriiinerce and IVade — Trade of Corea — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (4t. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Trade of Korea in 1898. . . United States — Consular Repts. , GO 382 Ilistor!/- Korea and her Neighbours ... Bishop, Isabella L. D 17 S 20, 27 Corinium. \_See Cirencester] Cormorants. {See ytegauopode.s.] Corn. [See Cereals; Maize; Wheat.] Corn Laws — Agriculture and the Corn Law Greg, W. R. F 17 P 4 Agriculture and the Corn Law Hope, G. F 17 P 4 Agriculture and the Corn Lav/ Morse, A. F 17 P 4 Bright, John: bv C. A. Vince C 23 P 20 Cobden Club Banquet, 1896 F 4 U 33 Cobden, Richard, and the Jubilee of Free Trade F 13 R 22 Effects of the Corn Laws on Agriculture Malthus, Rev. T. R. F17P4 Free Trade under Protection Gill, R. F 15 8 20 Place, Francis, Life of; bv G. Wallas C 24 T 5 Village Politician ,". Buckley, J. C 23 P 10 [See also Free Trade.] Cornwall — General and Descrijytive — Bonk nf the West (iould, S. B-. 1J21 R8 Collectanea Cornubiensia Boasc, (J. C. K 20 Q 18 t English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 2 Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall... Norway. A. H. D"l5R18 • Bihlioyraphy - BiblinUicca CoVnubir'n-is Boase, (i. C. K 20 Q 1.5-17 1 Jiwyraj)hij- CoUectanca Cornubiensia Boase, G. C. K 20 Q 18 + Ilistory- Book of the West Gcmld, 8. B-. 1)21 R Corporal Punishment. [5ee Punishment; .School Manage nient.] Corporation? and Companies — Abstract of t)ic Ccrlilicates of Corporations, Massachusetts. Massachusetts — Secretary 338.7 Christianity and the Social State... Lorinier, Rev. G. C. G 24 R I Corporation and Finance (Jrecne, T. L. F 5 T .30 Social Facts and Forces Gl.adden, W. F 13 V 40 [See also Companies — Law ; Guilds ; Societies ; Trusts ; and uniler the names of individual Companies.] Corpulence — llcilth and Condition in the Active and the .Sedentary. Davies, N. E. \-. A 26 R 30 Nutrition and Foods ; by Dr. I. B. Yeo — in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Obesity. Meltzer, S. .L A 31 P 17 Obesity ; by Sir D. Duckworth — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 37 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University — Hi.story of Corpus Chri.sti Stakes, Rev. H. P. B 24 U 5 Correspondence, [.^'ee Letter-writing; Letters.] Corrosion and Fouling -- Engines and Boilers ._ Le Van, W. B. A 25 P 46 Iron Corrosion, Anti-fouling and Anti-corrosive Paints. An.U's, L. E. A 45 U 18 Metallic Structures ; Corrosion and Fouling Newman, J. A 23 S 21 Corsica — General atid Descriptive — Forgotten Isles Vnillier, (i. D IS V 24 History — Hi.story of Cor.sica Caird, L. H. R 30 8 23 Lost Possessions of England Lord, W. F. 1! 16 R 24 Cosmetics. [See Perfumeiy; Toilet.] Cosmic Dust. [See Astronomy; Nebular Hypothe.ses.] Cosmogony — Cluistian Topography of Co.sinas... HakluytSoc, Pubs., 9S 910.0 Cosmogonies and Astro-theology— /n Origin and Growth of Reli- gion Sayce, A. H. G 19 T 26 Origin of the World Dawson, J. W. (i 24 P 3 1 Zetetic Cosmogony "Rectangle"' A 24 R 21 [See also Astronomy ; Cosmology ; Creation ; Earth ; Force ; Geology; Matter ;" Motion ; Quantity; Space; Time.] Cosmology Tiiei.stie Philosophy of Religion Lindsay, J. G 1 P 35 [See also Cosmogony ; Creation.] Cost of Living. [See Living, Cost of.] Costa Rica — General and Descriptive — The Repul>lie of Costa Rica; by G. Niederlein Philadelphia Commercial Museum D 13 V 18 UniversalGeography Reclus, E. D 21 U 17 782 I'ubliG Library of New South Wales. " Costa Rica Packet " — What may happen to a British Captain ; by J. F. Hogan, Wtst minster Review, 1894 0o2 Costume — Le Costume Historique Eacinet, A. A 28 V 9-14 Female Costumes ! Lacy, T. H. A 10 T 12 f Female Costume from the Commencement of the 19th Century- to 1825 A IS R 1 t History of British Costume Plauche, J. R. A 23 P 34 Satirical Songs and Poems on Costume, 13th to 19th Centuries. Percy Society Puljs. H 11 S 29 Sketches in Turkev, Sma, and Eg^-pt Wilkie, Sir I). " ■ " A 31 R 18, 19 J [See a?.so Arms and Armour ; Boots; Chrthes; Dress: Dressmak- ing; Ecclesiastical Vestments ; Fashion Journals ; Hair; Jewel- lery; Toilet; Uniforms.] France — Costumes of the Time of the French Revolution, 1790-93. Guilaumot, — A 40 U 27 J Fashion in Paris, 1797-1S97 Uzanne, 0. A 41 S 21 Cotton Manufacture and Trade — Cut tun Industry of Italy... UnitedStates — Consular Rept., 63 382 Cotton Manufacturing Industry in Mexico — in Diplomatic and Con- sular Reports, Misc. Ser., 453 Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Cotton Trade— i'n Our Trade in the World ... Gastrell, W. S. H. F9V10 Cotton-weaving Marsden, R. A 23 P 21 ForeigiiCompetitionintheCotton Trade... Fielden,J.C. F 17 P2 Production and Price of Cotton for 100 Years : by J. L. Watkins. United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Statistics F 1 T 28 United States Consular Reports, 48 382 [.S'ec ato Calico ; Dyes; Textile Fabrics.] Cotton-plant and Cultivation — Acreage of Spring Grain and Cotton 1883 United States — Dept. of Agriculture A 19 U 13 Acreage of Wheat and Cotton, and Condition of Cereal Crops. United States - Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Statistics 630.973 Black Rust of Cotton — in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Boll- worm in Cotton; by F. W. Mally... United States— Dept. of Agriculture — Div. of Entomology A 37 S 6, 7 Climatology of the Cotton-plant : by Dr. P. H. Mcll United States - Dept. of Agr. — Weather Btu'cau A 37 S 12 Cotton, and how to grow the Plant Musson, J. MA 4 T 9 Cotton Convention, 1881 ... Unite;u-h Cuunty.] Courage - .Aristotle's Elliics for English Readers Aristotelos (! IIU15 Moral Courage Williams, H. MG 2 Q 50 [See atxo Cowardice.] Courses of Instruction in Colleges and Universities. [2 Jubilee Book of Cricket Ranjitsinhji, Prince A o.3 V 24 Memories of Eton and Etonians Lubbock, A. C 26 Q 8 N. S. Wales Cricketers' Guide and Annual... Cohen, S. MA 5 P 5 •Seventy-one, not out Caffyu, W'. C 27 Q 1 Sydney Universitv Cricket Club Annual MA 5 Q 1 2 With Bat and Bail (iiffen, G. MA 4 P 7 With Stoddart's Team in Australia Ranjitsinliji, Prince MA 4 P 14 [See also Sports. ] Crime — Histury, Freiytiuliun, Ti-ealmcut — At Darlinghurst Australian, The, 1 M-T 4P 11 Book of Scoundrels Whibley, C. C 2.i (,> 2 Bye- ways of Crime Berrey, R. J. P-. F 16 S 4 Conduct and the Weather Dexter, E. G. G 2.3 V 4 Crime and Punishment — in Civilisation of Our Day . . .Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Crime and Tran.sportation -in Essays Ali.^on, A. J 14 S 11 The Criminal Driihms, Rev. A. F 17 T 13 Criminal Sociology Ferri, E. F 2 V 22 Criminals ; the Enemies of the Social Order- in Oiristianity and Social Problems Abbott, L. ti 19 U 2.'? Criminology MacDonald, A. F 8 V 41 Tlie Discharged Convict in Europe ; by Rev. S. J. Barows — in Report of United States Delegates to International I'rison Con- gi-ess, 1895 United States— Dept. of State 365 Fatal Links Rami, E. H. F 13 R 25 Habitual Offenders, Vagrants, Beggars, Inebriates, and Juvenile Delinquents, Report ... (Jt. Brit, andlrcl. — Habitual ()tlender.s F 36 W 1 : Heredity and Human Progress MeKim, W. D. (4 24 S 16 The Human Machine Nisbet, J. F. G 24 Q 5 The Law's Lumber-room Watt, F. F 1 5 P 1 9 Mysteries of Police and Crime (iriffiths, A. F 8 (^ 14, 15 Political Crime Proal, L. F 13 S 33 Relation of the Liquor Traffic to Paujierism, Crime, and Insanity. Massachu.setts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Rcpt., 1895 .331 .Science of .SUilistics .Smith, 1!. M-. F 4 \' 7, 8 .State of (!nme Straits Settlements — Annual Repts. .354.595 Transportation as the oidy Effectual Means of Convict Reform. Howitt, W. MF4 P47 [See alxo Anthropometry; Bcrtillon System; Crimes, History ; Criminal Law; Criminals; Identification of Criminals; Insanity; .Juvenile Offenders ; Penal Legislation ; Police-; Prisons ; Pun- ishment; licformation ; Reformatories; Swindlers ; Transporta- tion — Criminals; Trials; Vagrants.] Great Britain— Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers— iV» Works... Fielding, H. J 22 V 15 Chronicles of Newgate Griffiths, A. FS V5 Criminal Statistics (H. Brit, and Irel. — .Judicial Statistics F 40 V 55 t Prisons and Pri.soners Hor.slcy, Rev. .T. W. F 15 Q 33 Crimean War — At S( bool and at .Sea "Martello Tower" C 26 R 22 Blackwooil, Sir S. A., Some Records of the Life of C 23 V I Chronicles of a Virgin Fortress Hcrliert, W. V. K 16 V 18 ColdHtreamCJuardsintheCrimea... Ross, Lieut. -Col. J. I! 21 S6 Eastem Question Mar,\, K. F 13 Q 36 Highland Brigade in the Crimea Stirling, Lieut. -Col. A. B31 U 19 Inva.sion of tlie Crimea. [Student's ed. ] Kinglakc, A. W. B41 PT Crimean Wa,T—co>itd. — Letters from the Black Sea Heath, Adm. B 23 S 19 Lyons, Adm. E., Lord, Life of; by Capt. S. E-. Wilmot C 24 S 8 Memorials, 1766-1835 .Selborne, Earl of C 23 V 4, 5 Mends, Admiral Sir W. R., Life of ; by his Son. C 24 P 17 A Middy's Pvecollectious, 185.3-60.. .Montagu, Rear- Adm. C23U8 Napoleon III and his Court Imbert de Saint-Amand, Bai'on B 26 R 25 95th Regiment in the Crimea ... Wj'Uy, JIajr.r H. C. B 31 R 9 Old Soldier's Memories Parry, Capt. S. H. J-. C 24 R 8 Paget, Adm. , Autobiography and Journals of C 22 {^) ] 3 Sulivan, Adm., Life and Letters of, 18UM)0 C 22 Q 9 Told from the Ranks Small, E. M. B 21 S 4 Twelv'o Yearsof aSoldier'sLife... .lohnson. Major W. T. B21 S3 Windluam, Gen., Diary and Letters of C 23 Q IS [See ri/.vo Great Britain — History; Russia — History.] Crimes, History of - Celebrated Crimes Dumas, A. F 7 P 2G-.33 Mountain Mystery Drayton, J. MF 3 U (iS Mysteries of Police and Crime... Griffiths, Major A. F S Q 14, 15 [.See aAso Bushrangers ; Convicts; Criminals; Trials.] Criminal Law — Codigi) Penal do la Republica dc Chile Chili F 10 X 16 t Criminal Law in New South Wales; by Sir A. Stephen... Sydney University Review, 1882 MJ 4 P 23 Criminal Responsibility; by .Sir.S. Griffith... Australasian Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Rcpt., 1898 506 Degeneres et Desequilibres Dallemagno, J. A 34 V 4 Law of Criminal Law Procedure in Indictable Offences. Stephen, Sir J. F. F 8 R 22 Palc\'s Law and Practice of Summary Convictions ... Palev, W. F 9 P 27 PenalCode, State of California... California— Statutes F 13 U .30 [See also Conspiracies; Convicts; Criminals; Evidence; Idcnti- lication of Criminals; Juvenile Offenders; Mutinies; Penal Legislation; Prisons; Punishment; Transportation — Criminal; Treason; Trials.] Criminals — i;,ui iiigton, George, Memoirs of MC 1 S 20 Book of Scoundrels Whibley, C. C 23 Q 2 Clu-onicles of Newgate (iriffiths, A. F 8 V 5 Dignam, D. B. , and Barrington, (i., Account of Two Noted Criminals Barrington, (J. MC 1 T 34 Lives of Twelve Bad Women Vincent, A. C 24 Q 20 Semple, M,ajor, Memoirs of C 24 P 3 Treatment of Criminals; by Rev. W. D. Morrison — in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S .33 [.S'ec aAso Bushrtingers ; Convicts; Crime; Crimes, History; Iden- tification of Criminals; Pirates; Police; Prison and Prison Discipline; Trials; Vagrants.] Criminology. [See Crimes; Criniinals.] Critical Philosophy. [See Kcuitian rhiloso])liy.] Criticism— ICsMay on tlie Bases of Mystic Knowledge... R(Scejae,E. G 23 R 33 Introduction to Pliilosophy Ladd, G. T. G 1 T 24 Logic of the Practical Sciences - in Theory of Practice. Hoilgson, S. H. (; 11 Q 28, 29 Principles of Critici.sm Worsfold, W. B. J 19 W 2 [.S'fiC a/«o .(Esthetics; Art Criticism ; I''incArtH; Literary Critici.Hm.] Crocodilia — l)cnn:il Arnu)ur of Crocoililiin /faxtinqxia — in Scientific Mcmoir.s. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Dermal Armoiu' of .Tacai-c and Caiman ; ^\ itli Notes on the Specific ami (Jcncric Characters of liecent Crocoililia — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 10 S 16 Fisheries and Ji'ishery Industries of the United States, 1 . United .States —Com. of I'^ish and Fisheries A 10 T 1 f Range of Crocodilus; by E. R. Waite Liimean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 580.6 [.S'ce also Alligators.] SuhjecUIndex to the Siq^plementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 785 Crofters — Culuniaation in Canada of Crofters and Cottars from Highlands and Islands of Scotland ... C t. Brit, and Irel. Crofters F 40 V '20 X Crofter Legislation —in Historic Facts ... Ivosc, W. K. F 8 Q 10 (Jreat IJritain and Ireland— Crofters Connnission, Reiiort ... SXi [See aUo Land Tenure — Scotland; and under Ct. Brit, and Irel. — Crofters, in Author Catalogue.] Crop Reports. [See Agriculture — Statistics; By Coun- tries ; and under each special Crop for its own Statis- tics.] Crops, Analyses of — Analyses of Cereals Wiley, H. W. A 21 U 16 United .States Dept. of Agriculture, Kxper. Stn. Record... ()30.7 [See alxo Agricultural Chemistry ; Experiment X''arins ; Fodders ; Fruits, Analyses of.] Croquet — Croquet Williams, L. B. A 29 S 40 Cross, The— Canon, The G 23 S 9 The Cross and a Dying Saviour — in God-ldca of the Ancients. Gamble, Eliza B. G S U 29 The Cross in Scotland; bj' Rev. (!. S. Tyack in Bygone Church Life in Scotland Andrew."., W. G 23 T 44 [See alxo Christian Art ; Christianity — History ; Crucifixion ; Jesus Christ; Phallic Worship.] Croup — Diphtheria and True Croup; by Dr. .J. C. Cameron- in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Crow, The — Common Crow ; by N. A. Cobb... Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 7 030.5 Common Crow of the United States; by W. B. Barrows... United States -Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Ornithology A 40 S 12 Crow Blackbirds and their Food ; by F. E. L. Beal. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1S94 6.S0.5 The Too Common Crow; by W. Farrcr Agricultural (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Crowd, The — Crowd, The Le Bon, G. F 10 V 11 [See alxo Democracy ; Mobs ; Working-classes. ] Crown, The. [.SV;« Constitutional History ; Constitutions of Countries ; and the sub-lieading Constitution under each Country.] Crown Colonies. [See Colonies, British; Colonies and Great Britain.] Crown Lands of Australasia. [See sub-headiii.t; Public Lands under Austraha and each of tlie Colonies.] Croydon, Queensland — Croydon Gold-iield, Report. . .Queensland— Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 f Crucifixion — Crcedless (iospel Satterlee, Rev. H. Y. G 12 V 7 [See also Cross ; Jesus Christ. ] Cruelty to Animals — Band of Mcicy 179.3 Cruelty toAnimalsBiU-!«Speeches... Mageo, Archbp. J 14 Q 37 [See also Vivisection.] Crusades — Crusades, The— in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 12 Empire and the Papacy, 018-1273 Tout, T. F. B 16 R 32 Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291.. .Coudcr, C. R. B 28 U 10 Law of Civilization and Decay Adams, B. F 15 R 14 Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. Vi'oodhouse, Rev. F. C. G 20 R 5 St. Bernard, Life and Times of Morison, J. C. G 24 Q 31 5g Crusades— cotUcZ. St. Louis and Calvin Guizot, F. G 24 Q 28 St. Louis et son Temps Wallon, H. G 24 U 30, 31 St. Louis, Vie do Tillemont, S. L. le N. de G 25 U 1-6 Saladin and the Fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem... Poole, S. L-. B .30 Q 24 Saladin ; or, what befell Sultan Yusuf . . . Salah-Ed-Din C 24 R 20 [See alxo Chivalry; History — Mediitval ; Knights Templars; Saracens. ] Crustacea — Australian Crustacean Fauna; by D. G. Stead... Linnoan Society, N. S. W'ales, Proc., 1898 580.0 British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms and the Range in Time of each Genus and Order ; by H. Woodward British Museum — Natural History A 42 V 5 Crustacea Anomiira of ^ew Zealand: by G. Jl. Thomson. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 500 Crustacea of Central Australia Spencer, B. MA 3 R 61 Crustacea of Funafuti ; by T. Whitelegge ... Australian Museum .Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 22 Crustaceans... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., ISS.'i, Lit., 6 A 34 R 6 Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States, 1. Unitad States — Com. of Fish and Fisheries A 10 T 1 t Natural History of the Insects of China Donovan, E. A 20 R 10 + Saeculina parasitic upon Pilumn)peus seiTatifrcns; by D. (i. Stead. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc., 1899 580.0 Stalk-eyed Crustacean from the CarboniferouSlStrata, near Paisley — !« Scientific Memoirs Huxlc}', T. H. A 40 S 10 United States— National Museum, Proc, 1894 507 Voices of Crustaceans ; by G. B. Goode United States — National Museum, Proc, 1 507 [See also Brachytheciacaja ; Copepoda ; Crabs ; Entomostraca ; Isopoda. ] Cryptogamic Botany. [See Botany — Cryptogamic] Cryptonerniacese — Die Cryptonemiaceen des Golfes von Neapel ; von Dr. G. Ecrtl'.old. Zoologische Station zu Neapel A 19 P 12 t Crystallography — Crystallography Lewis, W. J. A .39 Q 13 Isomorphism; by Prof Otto... Cavendish Society Pubs. A 30 S 1 [See also Mineralogy.] Ctenophora — Die Ctenophoren des Golfes von Neapel; von Dr. C. Chun. Zoologische Station zu Neapel A 19 P I f Cuba — General and Descriptive — Commercial Cuba Clark, W. ,L F 16 T 1 Cuba and Porto Rico ... United States — Consular Repts, 57 382 Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other Islands of the West Indies. Hill, R. T. D 22 P 5 Military Notes on Cuba. . . United States— Dept. of War D 22 U 8 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 1 1 P 30 Universal Geography Roclus, E. D 2 1 U 1 7 [See aho American - Spanish War; Haiti: Disaster; Spain — Colonies. ] Commerce and Trade — Code of Commerce in Force in Cuba amended by the Law of 1897. United States— Dept. of War F IS R 2S Commercial Cuba Clark, V\'. .L F 10 T 1 Commercial and Industrial Condition of the Island of Cuba ; by R.P.Porter... United States— Dept. of the Treasury F 16 R 17 Imports into Cuba, 1895 — in Report on Commercial Condition of Cuba United States— Dept. of the Treasury F 10 R 17 Industrial Cuba Porter, R. P. F 16 T 10 Finance and Taxation — Revenue ami Customs Tariff, Internal, Industrial, and Professional Taxation, and Testimony and Statements in Relation to the Needs of Cuban Planters — in Report on Commercial Condition of Cuba United States -Dept. of the Treasury F 10 R 17 783 JPublic Library of New South TFales. C uba — nistory — Cuba and International Relations; lay J. M. Callaglian. Johns Hopkins Universitv, Studies, extra vol. 21 BIST 21 Cuba, Past and Present '.._.. Davey, R. B 33 S 3 Island of Cuba Rowan, Lieut. A. S. B 26 P 7 L'Estrauge, Roger, Adventures of B 17 P 38 Lost Possessions of England Lord, W. F. B 16 R 24 Marching with Gomez Flint, G. B 36 Q 10 Cuckoo — Anatomy of an Australian Cuckoo : by F. E. Beddard. . . Zoological Society, Lor.don, Proc, 1898 590.6 Cuckoos and Shrikes in their relation to Agriculture. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— ])iv. of Biological Survey A 37 S .5.") Fan-tailed Cuckoo; by A. J. Campbell. ..Vict. Naturalist, 1897 uU.^i Notes on the Bronzed Cuckoo ; bv xV. J. Campbell Victorian . Naturalist, 1898 505 Notes on the Pallid Cuckoo; bv A. J. Campbell Victorian Naturalist, 1897 505 Square-tailed Cackoo ; bv A. J. Campbell... Victorian Naturalif^t, 1898 505 Cucumber — I>uv. uy ilildevv of the Cucumber and its Treatment — in Iiijurious Insects, 6 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Spotting of Peaches and Cucumbers — in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Striped Cucumber Beetle United States — Dept. of Agr. — ])iv. of Entomology A 41 U (! CuUoden — The '45 Tnlloch, Major-Gen. A. B. B 16 P 14 [See also Great Britain and Ireland — History.] Culture — Books and Culture Mabie, U. W. J 23 P 2 Christ and Culture — in Doctrine and Dev'clopment. Rashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 Pursuit of Culture— t'n Practical Ethics... Sidgwick, II. G 23 Q 16 Things of the Mind Spalding, Bishop (i 15 U 2 [.S'ce ato Character ; Civilization; Moral Education ; Self-culture.] Cumberland — Geiund and Descriptive — Engli-sli Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Lilirary D 20 V 2 History — Story of some Engli.sh Shires ... Crcighton, Bishop B IS P 13 t Cumberland Disease. [Sec Anthrax.] Cumberland Presbyterian Church, United States- History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Churcli. Foster, U. X. G 12 V 18 Cuneiform Inscriptions — Ancient Babylonian Temple lleeords in tlic Columbia Universitv Library Arnold, W. R. R. B 41 T 1 Assliur and the Land of Nimrod Rassam, H. B 39 Q 10 Babylonian Contract Tablets in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Moldenkc, A. B. B4I VV 8 Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection .. Briti.sh Museum K8S il 15 t Cuneiform Tcvts from Babylonian Tablets British Museum J 8 S 25, 26 t Inscriptions in tlie Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monuments. British Museum B 47 P 12 J Miscellancou.s Inscriptions of Assyria Briti.sli Mu,'plcmcntary Catalogue — 1S06-I000. 789 Dairy Farming — contd. ]Ja.ii-y i5reeds and Milk Tosts ; by M. A. O'Gallaghan . . . Agricultural (iazctto, N. fS. Wales, !) fi.'SO.S Our Dairy Herds and Pastures, and how to improve them ; by A. Williams Agricultural Hazottc, N. S. Wales, 11 030.5 Production of Milk rich in Fat ; by N. J. il. Miller. . . Agricultural Oazette, N. S. Wales, 9 G30.5 [Sec aAs-o Bacon-making ; Dairy Buildings; Dairy Cattle; I.'airy- ing; PInsilage; Experiment Farms; Feeding Kxperiments ; Fodders; Food.?, Chemistry of; Forage Plants; Grasses; Manures; Pastures; Pigs.] By Countries. Australia — Dairy Industrv in the Colonies; bv S. Lowe Royal Colonial Institute, Proc, 28 »>-).:»2 Dairying — Agricultural (Jazette of Tasmania, 1897 630.5 Agriculture and Dairying, Canada, Report of Commissioner. Canada — Parliament, Sess. Papers 3'3S.71 Australasian Live Stock Manual Sutherland, (i. MA 2 R 49 Bacteria in the Dairy Connecticut —board of Agricult. , Rept., 1S95 G30.6 Bacteria in the Dairy Connecticut —Storrs Agr. Exp. Stn., Report. 1S95 639.7 Bacteriology in relation to Dairying; liy M. A. O'Callaghan. Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 9 030.5 Bath and West and Southern Counties Society, Journal... 630.6 Board of Control, Kept., 189-1. ..New York -Agr. Exp. Stn. 630.7 Book of the Dairy Fleischuiann, W. A 30 R .50 Bz'itish Columbia Dairymen's Association, Report 637 Care of Dairj' Utensils; bv R. A. Pearson United States — " Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 630.5 Care of Milk on the Farm ; by R. A. Pearson . . . United States — Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 63 A 41 U 1 Cheese and Cheese-making Long, J. A1U5 Chemistry of Dair3-ing Snyder, H. A 33 Q 19 Creamery Calculations on the Basis of Buttsr Fat ; b}' F. L. Kent. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Cooperative Dairj' Plunkett, lion. H. A 33 Q 36 Cooperative Dairy Experiments Ontario — Agriculture — Agricultural and Experimental Union, 1897 630.7 Cost of Producing Milk New Jersey— State Exper. Station Rept., 1897 6.30.7 Dairies Supervision Act, 1836 N.S.W.— Statutes MA 1 S 43 Dairy Calendar WoU, F. W. A 18 P 14 Dairy Chemistry Richmond, H. D. A .35 Q 19 Dairy Commissioners, Connecticut, Report .*. Conneoticiit— Annual Repts. 3-2S.746 Dairy Cows and Milk Yiehls; by Prof. Lowrie Journal of Agriculture and Industry, S. Australia, 1897-98 6.30.5 Dairy Experiments ; I)}' H. H. Dean Ontario — Agriculture — Agricultural and Experimental Union, 1897 630.7 Dairy Industry ; by .J. W. Boag ... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 9 630.5 Dairy Industry in Nebraska, South Dakota, and Nortli Dakota ; by J. H. Monrad ... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry A 41 U 8 The Dairy Industry in the Colonies Lowe, S. MI) 4 R 2 Dairy Management ; by Miss Smithard Internat. Health ■Exhib., 1884, Lit., 6 A tl V 2 Dairy Notes; by J. L. Thompson... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 7 630.5 Dairy Products of Canada. . . United States — Cons. Repts. , 60 382 Dairy Records; by C. D. Smith Michigan- -Board of Agricult., 1896 630.6 Dairy Schools ; by R. A. Pearson... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry A 41 U 8 Dairying Mahon, J. MA 3 S 68 Dairying Queensl.and Agr. .Journal, 1898 630.5 Dairying Vermont— Agr. Exper. Stn. Repts., 1893-94 6.30.7 Dairying; by A. Crawford West Australian Settler's Guide MD 8 Q 54 Dairying in California; by Prof. E. .1. Wickson... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry A 41 U 8 Dairying in N. S. Wales ; by M. A. O'Callaghan Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Dairying in New Zealand; by A. F. Sonierville... Bath and West and Southern Counties Journal, 1896-97 630.6 Dairying— con'c?. Dairying in Qucen.sland ... Queensland — Agricultnrc MA 3 S 68 Dairying Industry ; byM. A. O'Callaghan... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Dairying Industry and its Critics MacCaffrey, F. MD 4 R 2 Daiiying Industry in New South Wales; by A. A. Dunnicliff -m N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony... Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Dairying Industry in Queen.sland; by J. Mahon Queensland Agricultural .lournal, 1 630.5 Dairying Industry in Victoria: Reports; by D. Wilson. Victoria Agriculture MA 3 V 27 Dairying -Science .and Art; by G. S. Thomson .Journal of Agriculture and Industry, S. Australia, 1897-98 630.5 Dairying Service Reports New Zealand— Agriculture 630.6 The Danisli Dairy; by A. Mariboe Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 6 A 41 V 2 Danish Dairying Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 The English Dairy; by Prof. J. P. Sheldon Internat. Health E.xhib., 1884, Lit., 6 A 41 V 2 Farm and Dairy 637 Fifty Dairy Rules Unitcil State.?— Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1898 636 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen... Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Industries of the North Coast; bj' W. H. Russell ... Agricultural (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Manual for tlie Information and (iuidauce of Local Authorities and of Dairymen, &c. , under Dairies Supervision Act, New Soutli Wales, 1886 N.S.W.— Board of Health MA 1 S 43 Milking Competition Queensland Agr. Journal, 1 630.5 Minnesota Farmers' Institutes, Annual9 630.6 New Butter-making Machine ... U.S. — Consular Repts., 51 382 New-chum Farmer Hennessey, J. D. MA 4 P 4 Ontario — Agricultural College, Report 630. 7 Ontario Dairymen's and Creameries Associations, Repts 637 Pamphlets on Dairying ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 18 Pennsylvania — Dept. of Agriculture, Report, 1897 630.6 Possibilities of tlie Dairying Industr}' in Western Australia. Western Australia— Agriculture MA 2 U 68 Products of the Dairy — ;n First Principles of Agriculture. ^^oorhees, E. B. A 20 Q 38 Proposed Dairy Legislation .. . Queensland Agr. Journal, 5 630.5 Tests of Dairy Implements and Practices— m Work. . . North Caro- lina— Agr. Exper. Station 630.7 United States — Dept. of Agricult., Exper. Stn. Record, 5 630.7 Utilization of By-products of tlie Dairy: by H. E. Alvord. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Utilization of By-products of the Dairy; by H. E. Alvord. United States -Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1897 630.5 Vermont — Agr. Exper. Station, Report on Dairying... A 33 S 27 Vermont — Agricultural Exper. .Station, Repts 630.7 Wisconsin — Agricultural Experiment Station, Rept., 1898 630.7 [See also Bacteriology -Economic ; Butter ; Cheese ; Dairy Build- ings; Dairy Farming ; Milk.] Dakota Language — Dakota- English Dictionary -w Contributions to North American « Ethnology, 7 United Stiites Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rockj' Mountain Region A 10 V S t [.Sec also Indians, American — Languages.] Dalmatia — General and Descriptive — In the Land of the Bora "Sn.affle" D 19 U 5 Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia. Mimro, R. B 16 T 23 Travels and Politics in the Near East Miller, W. D 13 V 14 Dams — Fissures in Masonrj' Dams; by E. P. Hill Institution, Civil Engineers, Proc, 1898-97 620.6 Masonry Dams Courtney, C. F. A 39 P 13 Water Storage and Construction of Dams ; by J. D. Schuyler. United States — Geol. Survey, Annual Rept., IS, lit. 4 557.3 [See also ColFer-dams; Embankments; Hydraulic Engineering; Weirs.] Dancings Australian Ball-room Guide Read, Mrs. C. JIA 3 P 67 Ball-room (Juide Scott, T. MA 4 P 22 Dancing (Badminton Library) Frazer, Lilly A 29 R 33 Dancing in all Ages Scott, E. A 44 Q 9 (90 Fublic Library of New South Wales. Dandies — Pageantry of Life Whiblej-, C. C 27 R 25 Daniel, Book of— Old Testament — Book of Daniel Expositor's Bible G 1 9 S 20 Od the Book of the Prophet ])aniel Uauiel G 1 U 41 Seven Puzzling Bible Books Gladden, Rev. \V. G 23 P S True Import and Application of the Vision related, Daniel 9 v. 20 totheend Blayney, B. G 17 B 14 t Danish Literature — Andersen, Hans Christian : a Biography C 22 R 1 ."> The Augustan Ages Elton, 0. J 14 R 32 Danish War — Memorials, 176li-lSC5 Selborne, Earl of C 23 V 4, 5 Danube — From Xorih Pole to Equator Brehni, A. E. D IS V 22 Daphniadae — H\alinL' Daphnia ; by D. J. Scourfield Illustrated Annual ot Mieroscopy, 1000 A 40 P 19 Darling Downs, Queensland — The Garden of Queensland Evans, G. E. MD S P 46 Darling Pea (Sisainsona f/alegifvlia) — Darling Pea; by Prof. C. T. Martin Agricultural Gazette, N. >S. Wales, 8 (530.5 [See aho Poisonous Plants — Australasia.] Darling Point — Darling I'oint Month, The, 1 MJ 4 Q 11 Dartmoor — Book of Dartmoor (Jould, Rev. S. B-. D 21 Q 10 Darwinism. [.SVe Evolution; and under Darwin, Cliarle.s, ill the Author Catalogue.] Date Palm — Culture of the Date; by \V. G. Klee ... United States— Dept. of Agriculture A 30 R 43 Dates, Dictionaries of— Cyclopedia of Classified Dates; with an Exhaustive Index. Little, C. E. K 1 1 R 27 Haydn's Dictionary of Dates Haydn, J. K 11 P 23 [See ulno Chronology — General.] DaubentoniidsB — Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fiuiteating Bats in the Collection of the Briti.sh Museum ; by J. E.Gray British Museum — Natural I ' History, A 42 V 4 Dawes' Point — Dawes' Point Month, The, 3 MJ 4 Q 12 Day of Judgment. [See Judgment, Day of.] Deaf and Dumb— General — Deaf mutism Love, J. K. A 2i> U 25 Marriage among Deaf Mutes ... New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 .505 [See aho Sign Language. ] Asi/lnms and Edueatioa- Ccntrallifjord ofConlrol ofStatelnstitutions, Report... Michigan- Stale Institutions .'i(i0 Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Annual Rejjorts. United States — Colundiia Institution 302.4 Columbia In.Rtitulion for the Deaf and Dumb, Report United States — Dept. of the Interior, Misc. liepts. .'!.')3.3 Education of Incurably Deaf Children ; by W. B. Dalby... Intcrnat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit,, 11 A 41 V 7 Education of tlie Deaf and Dumb ... Ohio — AnnualRcpts. 328.771 GuUaudct College for the Deaf , Calendar Zll.^'Z Deaf and Dumb — Asylums and Education — conld. International Rejjorts on Schools for the Deaf Volta Bureau G 17 T 22 New South Wales Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind, Report 3G2.4 Oial Instruction of the Doaf and Dunib; by W. van Praag. International Health Exhibition, 18S4 Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 School for the Deaf, North Dakota, Report North Dakota — AnnualRcpts. 328.784 Schools for the Blind and Deaf, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education 371.9 Deaf-mutism. [See Deaf and Dumb.] Deafness. [.See Ear, The.] Death — Aristotle on Youth and Old Age Aristoteles A 32 R .32 Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Biological Lectures Marshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 Chances of Death Pearson, K. A 37 R 37 Death and Burial in Attic Tragedy... Grieve, LuciaC. (i. G 26 T 5 Philosophy of Theism Eraser, A. t'. (> 14 8 25 I'lace of D'eath in Evolution Smyth, N. G 11 U 22 {See alio Burial ; Funeral Rites ; Future State ; Purgatory ; Resur- rection.] Debates. [See sub-heading Parliament under each Country in Author Catalogue.] Debating — General — Pros and Cons Askew, J. B. F 4 U 23 [iS'ec «to Elocution ; Oratory; Parliamentary Law; Public Speak- ing; Rhetoric] Societies — Literal}' Competitor. . Tasmauian Literary and DeViating Societies' Union MJ 4 Q 22 South Australian Literary Societies' Union, Year-book.. 374.3 Debtor and Creditor — Collection of Debts in various Countries Unitc%e ato Agno.stici.sm ; Atheism; Freethonght; Infidelity; Posi- tivism; Rationali.'mi ; Spinozism ; Thei.sm ; Theology Natural.] Deity and Divine Attributes. [See God.] Delagoa Bay — The Kej' to South Africa .Tcs.sett, M. (i. Portuguese in South Africa Theal, G. M'C. Delislc's Method. [See Astronomy; Eclip.ses.] B 37 P 1 1 B 16T 16 Delphacidse — North American Delphacidie; by E. P. Van Duzeo Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Bulletin, vol. 5 506 Deluge, The — Bible, Science, and i'aith Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 10 T 15 Eden Lost and Won Dawson, Sir J. W. (; 9 W 9 [.S'ee also Creation ; Geology. ] Delusions. [See Hallucination.s.] Democracy — American (.'ontributions to Civilization... Eliot, C. W. F13R33 Australasian Democracy Walker, H. de R. AIF 5 Q 13 Australian Democracy ; byE.L.Godkin...AtlanticMonthlj','98 051 Australian Democracy- m Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy. Godkin. E. L. F 13 R IS Australasian Extensions of Democracy; by H. de R. Walker. Atlantic Monthly, 1899 051 Christianity and Democracy— rVi Christianity and Social Problems. Abbott, L. G 19 U 23 Democracy; by Rev. J. Bates N. Z. Inst., Trans., 1895 500 Democracy and Empire (iiddings, F. H. F 17 P20 Democracy and Liberty Lecky, W. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 Democracy and Social (irowth in Amsrica... Moses, B. F 15 S 5 Democracy and the Voice of History ; by W. J. Brown. Australasian Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1898 506 Democratic Delusions — inIgnorance...Dorman, M. R. P. (i 18 R 71 Democratic Government; by W. Forster Melb. Rev., 7 052 Democratic Government; by Rev. A. Lilley — in (Jood Citizenship. Hand," Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Development of Parliament during the 19th Century. Dickinson, G. L. F 12 R 33 Eleusis Club, Rules F 16 S 31 English Democratic Ideas of the 17th Century Gooch, G. P. F 15 Q 23 Errors of Democracy — in The Coming Individualism. Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Fabian Essays in Socialism Shaw, G. B. F 13 R 8 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 German vSoeial Democracy Russell, B. F 10 V 38 Government and Co Seymour, H. W. F 4 U 31 Government and Dcmocraey Chapman, J. J. F 15 S 6 History of the Last Quarter Century in the United .States, 1 870-95. Andrews, E. B. F 1 S 10 Industrial Democracy Webb, S. F 9 R 39, 40 The New Democracy Brown, W. J. MF 5 S 8 The New Democracy — in Reflections of a Russian Statesman. Pobyedonostsefr, K. P. G 23 P 35 The New Party Reid, A. F 15 P 29 Political Science Woolsey, T. D. F 8 Q 31, 32 Popular Government Bradford, (i. F 1 P 28, 29 Posterity: its Verdicts and its Methods F 13 V 28 Problems of Modern Democracy Godkin, E. L. F 2 V 33 Riseof Democracy Rose, J. H. F 13 V 34 Some Failures of Democracy Harry, T. MF 4 P 48 792 Fublic Library of New South Wales. Democracy — could. Standixrd of Life Bosanquet, Mrs. B. F 1 5 R 23 Two Foreign Criticisms of Australasian Democracy; by W. P. Reeves National Review, fS98 052 Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy... Godkin, E. L. F 13 R 13 'See also Aristocracy; Crowd, The; Cro'\\'n, The ; Election and Representation; Evolution — Social; Government; Libert}'; Monarchy ; Payment of Members ; People, Tl-.e ; Referendum ; Republicanism; Suffrage.] Demography — Demography, Indian Hygiene and Demograpln', MunicipalHygiene and Demographv ... Internat. Congress of Hygiene and Damo- graphy. Trans., 10-12 614.08 Demonology — Demon Possession and Allied Themes Nevius, Rev. J. L. G i;) T 25 Demoniacal Possession of the New Testair.ent considered in t]:e Light of the Hebrew Demonologj'; bj' J. C. W. Edwards. Melbourne Review, 7 052 Elizsibethan Demonology Spalding, T. A. G 2») Q 10 Magic, Divination, and Demonology... Da vies, T. W. G 11 U 43 Making of Religion Lang, A. G 23 S 30 Vikram and the Vampire ; or. Tales of Hindu Devilry. Burton, Sir R. F. J 14 S 34 [See afeo Apparitions ; Devil, The; Witchcraft.] Demotic Language. [-See Egyptian Language.] Demurrage. [See Maritime Law.] Dendereh. [Sea Egyptology.] Dengue Fever — Dengue; by Dr. P. Manson — in Svstem of Medicine. AUbufct, T. C. A 20 T 35 Malarial Diseases and Dengue; by Dr. G. Dock-m Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Denmark — General and Descriptive — Falcm on the Baltic Knight, E. F. D IS Q 20 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 1 1 P 1 2 1 4 Universal Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U5 — Army — Staffs of Various Armies . . United Slates — Dept. of War F 1 6 R 23 Commerce and Trade — Trade of Denmark — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (it. Brit, and Ircl. —Foreign Office 3S2 History — Margaret of Denmark Hill, .Mary B 20 Q 1 Original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Sweden and ])enni:irk, 17Gi;-181S ■ Brown, J. B 20 S 12, 13 Denominational Schools. [See Religion in Education.] Denominations. [See Christian Cliurche.s and .Sects — .Statistics; lleligions — Statistics; and under each Church and .Sect.] Dental Colleges — Boanl of Dental Examiners, Nortli Dakota, Report. North Dakota Annual Rcpts. 328.784 [See alio Dentistry — Education.] Dentistry — .Am.^iicaii System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 1-3 Anatomy of the Human 'I'eoth Black, G. V. A 32 S 27 Arliticial Bridge and Crown Work Evana, G. A 3S S 4 Artiticial Crowns; by W. H. Trucman -m American Svstem of of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Artilieial Dentures of Bases of Fusible Alloys; by T. F. Chupein —-in American .System of Dentistry ... Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Artificial Dentures of Enamelled Platinum; by I). D. Smith- i« American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Artilieial Dentures on Biwes of (iold and .Silver; by W. Tf. Truc- mun— in American Systeinof Dentistry... Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Dentistry — contd. Artificial Dentures on the Rubber Base ; by A. P. Beale — in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Calcareous Deposits on the Teeth ; by A. W. Harlan— in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Celluloid and Zylonite ; bv W. W. Evans — in American Svstem of Dentistry '. Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Compendium of Dentistry Parreidt, J. A 32 S 24 Crown and Bridge Work-in American System of Dentistrv. Litch, W. F. A31S"2 Dental and Facial Tvpes ; bv R. .S. Ivy— in American System of Dentistrv ' ." Litch, W. F. A 31 S_2 Dental Medicine Gorgas, F. J. S. A 32 S 23 Dental Metallurgy Smitli, E. A. A 40 T 1 Dental Metallurgy; by E. C' Kirk — in American System of Den- tistry Litch, W."F. A 31 S 3 Dental Pathology and Therapeutics Inglis, 0. E. A 38 S 5 Dental Surgery Barrett. A. W. A 26 R 35 Dental Surgery Tome.'?, Sir J. A 21 U 31 Dentists' Register Gt. Brit, and IreL — Council of Medical Education 614.24 Dictionarj' of Dental Science Harri.'s, C. A. A 32 S 25 Discolored Teeth and their Treatment ; by J. Truman — in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Diseases ar.d Injuries'of the Teeth Smale, A. A 32 S .30 Diseases of Children's Teeth Pedley, R. D. A 40 V 14 Kleciro-cheniical Relations of .Sto]))iings to the Teeth; by S. B. Palmer — in American Svstem of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 E.\trac:ion of Teeth; bv T. C. Stellwagen - in American System cf Dentistry '. Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Geometrical and Mechanical Laws of the Articulations of the Human Teeth; by W. G. A. Bonwill — in American .System of Dentistry Litch, W, F. A 31 S 2 Hcrbst Method of Filling Teeth; by C. F. W. Budecker— m American .System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Hygienic Relations of Artificial Deuttires; by E. C. Kirk — in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics for Dentists. Clifford, E. L. A 32 S 33 Mechanical Dentistry Richardson, J. A 32 .S 22 Mechanical Dentistry Richardson, J. A 32 .S 36 ^Jetallic Dies and Counter-dies; by Vv^. H. Trucman - in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Metallic Facings for Carious Crowns — in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Methods of Filling Teeth ; by R. Ottolengui— in American .S^-stem of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 32 S 35 Micro-organisms of the Human Mouth Miller, W. D. A ,32 S 21 Mouliling and Carvin" Porcelain Teeth; by W. R. Hall — in American System of l)entistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Obturators and Artificial Vela ; by H. A. Baker — in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S2 Operative Dentistry Taft, ,1. A .32 S 26 Operative Technics Weeks, T. E. A .32 S 2!) Oral Deformities Kingdey, N. W. A 32 S 2S Oral Surgery Garrctson, J. E. A .32 S 20 Orthodontia Guilford, S. H. A .32 S 34 Orthodontia; by .S. H. Guilford — in American System of Den- tistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Pan-American Medical Congress, Triinsiictions 610.6 Plastic Materials for Filling Teeth; by A. G. Bennett, in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 .S 2 Replantation and Transplantation of the Teeth ; by G. W. Weld - in American .System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Stopping Process with Gold; by L. Jack in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A .31 S 2 System of an all Porcelain Crown Substitute ; by W. (i. A. Bonwill -in American System of Dentistry ... Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Taking Impressions of the Mouth ; by A. G. Bennett in American System of Dentistry '. Litch, W.F. A 31 S 2 [See also Dental Colleges; Teeth.] Edncalion and Training- Dcntal Education in the United States ... United State — Bureau of Education, Ropt., I.S'J7 98 379.73 Profosaional Education in the United .States New York — University, College Dept., Bulletin, 1901) (! 18 U 22 Subject-Index to Ihe Supijlementary Catalogue — 1S96-190O. 793 Dentistry — Lines and Lei/idatuni — JJcntal JiiriHiMudence; by ('. C. Garrison — in Aiiu;iicaii .System of Dcnlistiy Liloh, W. F. A lii S 3 Dentition. [See Osteology; Teeth.] Deodorants. [v. Pringle — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 2(i T 41 Affections of the Seb.aecous CJlauds ; by Drs. Pavne and Pringle— Hi System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 4 1 Affections of the Skin produced by Occupations ; by Dr. (Jalloway —in System of Medicine ^ Allliutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Affections of the Sweat Glands ; by Dr. Pringle — in System of Medicine Albutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Ainhum; bv Dr. Manson—m System of Medicine... Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Antitoxin Ra.shes; by Dr. Ooodalb-i'n System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Atlas of Diseases of the Skin Crocker, H. K. A 48 P 1 , 2 { Atrophy of the Skin; by Dr. P. S. Abraham — in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Bacteria of the Skin ; by Dr. Galloway — iti System of Modieinc. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Conditions of Necrosis; by Dr. Galloway — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Darier's Disease; by Dr. Printde — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Diseases of the Nails ; by Dr. Sheild— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Diseases of the Skin Morris, M. A 20 P 3.5 Disorders of Secretion and New Growths ; by Dr. R. Crocker — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 10 Drug Eruptions ; by Dr. .J. Hutchinson — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Eruptions of Syphilis; by Dr. .T. Hutcliin.3jn -in System of Medi- cine .". Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Erythema; by Dr. C. Fox— in System of Medicine... Allbutt, T. C. A 2:.l T 41 Ethics of the Skin; by Dr. M. Morris International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 9 A 41 V 5 Excretory Irritation and the Action of Certain Internal Remedies on the Skin Walsh, D. A .37 T 3 Feigned Diseases of the Skin; by Dr. (Jalloway — in System of Medicine Allbutt, t. C. A 20 T 41 General Exfoliating Dermatisis; by Dr. S. Mackenzie — in System of Medicine , Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T"41 Gutta rosea ; by Dr. Payne — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Herpes Zosta;. by Dr. Head — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Hydroa; by Dr. Payne— ,« System of Medicine ... Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Hypertroi)hies of the Skin; by Dr. J. N. Hyde — in Practical "Therapeutics '. Hare, "H. A. A 31 P 10 Ichthyosis: by Dr. Pringle — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Impetigo; by Dr. Pavne — in S3'stsm of Medicine... Allbutt, T. C A 23 T 41 Inflammations of the .Skin ; by Dr. W. A. Hardaway — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 5h Dermatology eontd. Liclien; bv Dr. I3rooke — in System of Medicine ... Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Lichen urticatus; by Dr. C Fox — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Modern Treatment of Diseases of the Skin ; by Dr. H. W. Stehvagon — lii Practical Thera|)cutiea Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Molluscum contagiosum ; by D. Galloway — in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, f. C. A 26X41 Mycosis fungoides; by Dr. Pavne — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Neuroses and Parasites of the Skin ; by Dr. M. B. Hartzell, — in Practical Therapeu ( ies Hare, H. A. A 3 1 P 1 New Grov.ths of the Skin: Benign Growths, by Drs. Sheild and Pringle; Malignant Growths, by Drs. ,Sheild and Crocker- n Sj-stem of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A26T4! Pan-American Medical Congress, Transactions 610.6 Parasitic Diseases of the Skin — Vegetable: Ringworm, Tinea, Favus, &c. ; Animal: Scabies, Pediculosis, &c., by Ur. M.Morris; Craw-'.raw, by Dr. Manson — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Pemphigus; liy Dr. Pavne — in System of Medicine... Allbutt, T. C. ^ ■' • ^ A 20 T 41 Pityriasis rosea; by Dr. S. Mackenzie — in Systeni of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Prurigo; by Dr. C.Fox— .n S\-stem of Medicine ... AlUnitt, T. C. A26_T41 Psoriasis; by Dr. Brooke — ih Sj'stem of Medicine... Allbutt, T.C. A 26X41 Uhinoseleroma ; by Dr. Payne — iii Sj'Stem of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Roseola ; by Dr. S. Mackenzie — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Sclerodermia ; by Dr. P. S. Abraham — //( .System of Medicine Allbutt. T. C. A 26 T 41 The Skin Neale, A. MA 4 P 44 Tuberculous Diseases ; by Dr. Anderson — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Urtic.iri:-. ; by Dr. C. Fox — in .S3'stcm of Medicine. . Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Xanthoma; by Dr. M. Morris — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 X 41 [See nl.to Skin.] Des Moines — Des Moines River Land Or.ant Clauns. Report... United States — Dcpt. of the Interior F 13 T 14 t Descartes — System of Philosophy. [See Caitcsiani.sm ; and under De.scarte.3 in Author Catalogue.] Descent of Man. [See Evolution ; Man, Natural Histoi y ; and under Darwin in the Author Catalogue.] Design, Decorative — Adaptability of our Native Plants to the Purposes of Ornamental Art— ,-n Art Studies from Nature ... Ilulme, F. E. A 4.5 T 21 Arbor Vitic ; Bloimt, G. A 19 T IS + Art of 'William Morris Da v, L. F. A 1 1 \V 2(1 + Art Studies from Nature Hiilme, F. E. A 4.5 T 2 1 Bases of Design Crane, W. A 38 V Ic Book of Studies in Plant Form Lilley, A. E. V. A 23 T 23 Brush-woik in an Elementary School — lii Special Reports on Edu- cational Subjects... (it. Brit, and Irel. — Education Ct 17 U 14 Crystals of Snow as applied to the Purposes of Design ; by J. Glaisher— iiiArtStudiesfromNature... Hulme.F.E. A 45T21 Design and Craftsmanship — i.i Training of aCraftsman...iIiller, F. A 23 S 41 Evolution in Art Haddou, A. C. A 23 R 46 Examples of Greek and Ponipeian Decorative Work... Watt, J. C. A 47 P 25 * Fantaisies Florales Magniant, M. A 1 2 X 1 9 t Journal of Design and Manufactures A 42 W 12-17 Line and Form Crane, W. A 45 Q 8 N.itui-e in Ornament Day, L. F. A 44 U 1 Ornament in European Silks Cole, A. S. A 30 V 26 Ornament.al Design for Woven Fabrics. . .Stephenson, C. A 23 T 38 Ornamental Details of the Italian Renaissance... Middleton,G. A. T. A 49 P 16 J 79i Tuhlic Library of Neio South Whales. Design, Decorative — contd. Oi-naniPiital Treatment of Bricks and Iron in N. S. Wales ; by J. Xangle Engineering Assoc. , N.S.W., Proc, 1892-93 620.6 Outline of a Course in Design for Public Schools ; liy H. T. Bailey. Massachusetts — Board of Education, Rept., 1887-88 379.744 Pattern-designing Morris, W. A 44 Q 10 Picture Posters Hiatt, C. A 23 U 34 Progressive Studies and other Designs for Wood-carvers. Plowden, E. R. A 44 W 3 Puttini e Figure Decorative Allegoric (Jonin, F. A 47 P 19 X Rudiments of Curvilinear Design Phillips, li. A 48 P 22 % Scoltura Ornamentale Frullini , L. A 47 P 6 X Sea-weeds as Objects of Design; by S. J. Mackie— m Art Studies fi-om Xature Hulme, F. E. A 4.5 T 21 Soffitti del 16-19 Secolo dei Migliori Castclli e Palazzi del Piemonte. Charvet, A. A47P17.t Specimens of Ornamental Art Oruner, L. A 46 P 23 J Studies in Design Dresser, C. A 40 U 13 J Symmetrical and Ornamental Forms of Organic Remains; by R. "Hunt— i'n Art Studies from Nature ., Hulme, F. E. A 4.5 T 21 [See also Carpets; Decoration; Fine Arts; Needlework — Fine Arts; Wall-papers.] Desmids — History of British Freshwater Alga?. . .Hassall, A. H. A 20 T 2",, 26 [.S'te a/*o Algai; Diatomacea;; Infusoria.] Despotism. [See Democracy; Libert}'; Monarchy.] Destiny — WLsdom and Destiny Maeterlinik, P. M. B. G 11 U 42 Determinism — liutler. Bishop, Works of G 2 T 33-35 Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. G 16 V IS Essay on the Bases of Mystic Knowledge... Rfccjac,E. G 23 R 33 Heresies Hiller, H. C. G 24 P 22 Metaphvsic of E.xperience Hodgson, S. H. G 17 R 33-3(i Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q SO, 31 Theistic Philosophy of Religion Lindsay, J. 6 1 P 35 Theory of Practice Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Thus Spake Zaratliustra Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 1.5 The Will to Believe James, W. G 23 R 24 [See also Calvinism ; Fatalism ; Freedom of fl'ill ; Liberty ; Necessitarianism; Predestination; Will.] Deuteronomy — OM Testament — Commentary on Deuteronomy Driver, Rev. S. R. G 23 R 37 Development — Anatomy and Development of Pvrosoma — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S KJ Development of Frog's Egg M organ , T. H. A 38 P 24 Development of Some Parts of the Skeleton of Fi.slics — in Scientitic Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S Ki Nature of the Earliest Stages of the Develo])ment of Animals — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Physical Nature of the Child Rowe, S. H. A 39 V 31 Placenta von Tarsius und Tupaja; von Prof. Hubrecht. International Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Problems of Nature Jaeger, G. A 44 Q 5 Studies of Childhood Sully, J. G 15 (J 35 Zoological Arguments commonly adduced in favoui' of tlie Hypo- thesis of tlie Progressive Development of Animal Life in Time in Scientific Memoirs Huxley,'!'. H. A 40 S 15 [.S'ce aho Children — Development and (Jrowtli; Degeneration; Embryology; Evolution; Man, Natural History; Alind.] Devices. [See Cliristian Art; Emblems; Heraldry; )Sym- tjolism; Symljols.] Devil, The— Autoliiography of Satan Beard, Rev. J. R. 25 P 8 The Devil in Britain and America Ashton, J. G 15 R 30 Evil and Evolution Gil U 28 History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil... Carus, P. G 23 V 35 What the Bible Teaches Torrey, R. A. G 23 U 44 [.See alno Demonology; Devil Worship.] Devil Worship— Madras Presidency, Administration Manual, 1886 915.48 Devonshire — General and Descrijytlve — Book of the West Gould, S. B-. D 21 R 7 English Topography .. Gentleman's Magazine Liljrary D 20 V 3 Highways and Bvwavs in Devon and Cornwall... Norway, A. H. ■ ■ D 15 R 18 Devotional Exercises. [See Churcli Mu.sic; Hymns; Liturgies; Lord'.s Prayer ; Lord's Supper; Meditations, Devotional; Prayer-books; Sacraments; Theology — Devotional.] Dewberries — Bush Fruits Card. F. \Y. A IS P 20 Dharwar — General and Descrijitive — (iazetteer, Bomba}' Presidency-, 22... Bombay— Gazetteer 915.47 Dhoura. [See Sorghums.] Diabetes — Dialjetes Insipiilus; by Dr. C. H. Ralfe — in System of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T .36 Diabetes Mellitus — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Diabetes Mellitus ; by Dr. F. A. Packard — in Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Diabetes Mellitus: by Dr. R. Saundby — in System of Medicine. ■ Allbut't, T. C. A 26 T 36 Diabetes Mellitus and its Treatment . . . Williamson, R. T. A 38 S 6 Health and Condition in the Active and tlie Sedentary. Davies, N. E. Y-. A 26 R 30 Nephritis; by Dr. H. A. Smith — in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 [See nho Kidneys.] Diagnosis — Bacteriological Diagnosis Reid, St. G. A 37 T 2 Medical Examination for Life Insurance... Levan, J. R. A 41 R 18 Practical Diagnosis Hare, H. A. A 26 U 13 [See also Patliology.] Dialectics. [.SVs Logic] Dialects. [.SVc Americanisms; English Language — Dialects; Philology; Slang; under each English County; and sub heading Dialects under each Language.] Diamond, The, and Diamond Mines — Diuiiicinii Minesand AUuvialI)L-|)i)sitK; liyP. R. Day... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 622.0(i Diamond Mines of Soutli .\frica N. Z. Journ. of Sc. , 1884 505 Diamonds at Inverell, N. S. Wales; bvH. M. Porter... Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 6 622.116 Genesis and Matrix of the Diamond ... Lewis, H. C. A 33 V 23 Origin of the Dianumd, Bingara; by T. Mercer Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 022.06 [Sec also Crystallography'; (!ems; Mineralogy.] Diamond Drills — Dianu)Md-drilling for Gold and other Minerals Denny, G. A. A 45 T 22 Victoria, Geological Survey of. Progress Reports ... MA 5 V 1-5 [Sre (i/.w Artesian Water ; Bores; Wells.] Diamond Jubilee. [AV<' Queen Victoria's Jubilee, 1897.] Diamond Necklace Case - Marie Antoinette and the Diamond Necklace from another Point of View Albini, F. de B 26 R 24 [See also France -History.] Diaphragm — l)iaj)liragmatie Hernia; by Dr. L. Dickinsim — in Sv.stcm of Medi- cine ". Allbutt, T.'C. A 26 T ;!6 Subphcnic Abscess; by Dr. L. Dickinson — I'n. System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 36 Subject-Index lo the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1V00. 7'.J5 Diaries. [-SVa Journals.] Diarrhoea — A|iplicil Bacturiology Pcarmain, T. H. A K) 1' II Diarrlicoa: liy Dr. L. linmtoii— i(j System of Mudicino. Allhutt, T. C. A 26 T 30 Diarrluoal Di.-^uasc'S anil Dysentery; by Dr. W, W. .Tohnston ;« Practical Therapeutics " Hare, II. A. A .'Jl 1' 17 Influence of certain Non-pathogenic Micro-organi.sms liable to gain access to Fonrl, on the Activities of certain other Microbes that inhabit the Human Intestine, and which orilinarily are Pathogenic to Rodents, Report ; by Dr. Cautley — in Report of Medical OHicei-, 1895-96 (it. Brit, and Irel.— Local (iovt. 6l4.n042 Report by Dr. Andrcwcs on Spore-bearing Anaerobic Bacilli in the Contents of the Human Intestine, M"ith special Reference to their concern with Acute Diarrlia-a in Report of Jledical Officer, 1896-97 Cit. Brit, and Ircl. —Local Govt. 14.0942 Diatomacese — Antarctic Diatoms; b}' Dr. H. Stolterfotli ... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Atlas der Diatomaceeu-kuude Schmidt, A. A 40 T 13 J British Diatomacea; in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Rev. W. Smith... British Museum— Natural Histoi-y A 43 U 4 British Fresliwater Alg;e Hassall, A. H. A 20 T 2"., 26 Catalogue of the Diatoniaeea; Habir.shaw, F. A 3.> W 16 Diatomaceous Earth at tlie Warrumbungle Mountains, N.S. W. ; by T. W. E. David Linncan Soc., N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 Diatomaceous Earth Deposits of N. S. Wales ; by (1. W. Card. N. S. Wales — Geological Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Diatomiste, Le Tcmpere, J. A IS Q 5, 6 t History of Infusoria Pritchard, A. A 20 T 31 Resultats Scientifiqucs de la Campagne du Ciiinlan dans le (iolfe de Gascogne Kcehler, R. A 31 S 30 [See also Algie ; Desmids; Infusoria.] Diatoms. [See Diatomacew.] Dictionaries. [See Classical Dictionaries; Names; Quota- tions; and sub-heading Dictionaries under each Sub- ject and Language.] Dicynodontidse — Dii-vnodim from near Colesbeyg, South Africa — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [Sec also Pahcontology— Reptilia.] Didymium — Inile.x to the Literature of Didymium, 1842-93; by A. C. Langmu r. Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 38 508 Dietetics — Book of Diet Muskett, P. E. MA 4 P 13 Carboliydrates of Wheat, Maize, Flour, and Bread. . . United States — Dept. of Agr. — Oflice of E.xper. Stations A 38 R 15 Chemical CompositionofAmericanFood Materials. ..United States — Dept. of Agr. -Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 15 Diet and Food Haig, A. A 33 Q 35 Diet and Therapeutics of Children ; by Dr. E. Smith — in System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 34 Diet in relation to Age and Activity... Thompson, Sir H. A 33 Q 41 Diet in relation to Health and Work ; by Dr. A. W. Blyth. International Health Exhibition, 1884 Lit., 4 A 41 U 20 Diet Lists for Australian Medical Practitioners MuUius, G. L. MA 2 P 3 Dietof Australian School Children... Muskett, P. E. MA 4 P 31 Dietary Studies in Chicago United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. Station A 41 U 9 Dietary Studies at Purdue University... United States — Dept. of Agr. —Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the Maine State College United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Experiment Stations A 36 V 22 Dietary Studies at the University of Missouri ... United States — Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the Universty of Tennessee... United States — Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A .38 R 15 Dietary Studies in NewMcxico in 1 895 ; by A. Goss. . . United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. .Stations A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies in New York Cit}'; liy W. 0. Atwater... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. Stations A 41 U 9 Dietietics — contd. Dietetics in Disease; by Sir D. Duckworth— rn Sj'stera of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 26X34 I'anergency Diet for the Sick in the Military Service, United States; by Capt. Munson U.S.— Dept. of War A 36 Q 25 I'isli as Food... Interiiat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 7 A .34 R 7 Fish as Food; by C. F. Langwortliv United States — Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 85 A 41 U 2 Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids ; by Catherine J. Wood. International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 4 A 41 U 20 Food and Diet; by \V. O. Atwater United States- Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 6.30.5 Food and Nutrition Investigations New .Ter.sev State Agr.. Exper. Station, Rept", 1897 630.7 Food and Nutrition Investigations in New Jerscv. . . United States — Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 15 Food (jf the Negro in Alabama... United States Dept. of Agr. — Office of Experiment Stations A 38 R 15 Food of the People-iH Civilisation of Our Day ... Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Health and Condition in the Active and the Sedentary. Davics, N. E. Y-. A 26 R 3Q Honey as Food; by F. B. Guthrie Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 11 6.30.5 How to Feed Infants laniieson, .1. MA .3 P 70 Human F'oods U.S.— Dept. of Agr., Y'ear-book, 1894 6.30.5 Losses in Boiling Vegetables, and the Composition and Digesti- bility of Potatoes and Eggs ; bv H. Snyder ... United States^ Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exi)er. Stations A 38 R 15 Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organism ; by W. 0. Atwater United States— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 15 Milk as Food. . . United States — Dept. of Agr. , Farmers' Bulletin, 7 1 A 41 U ; Nutrition and F'oods; by Dr. I. B. Yco — in Practical Tlierapeutics. Hare, T. A. A 31 P 14 Nutrition Experiments at the University of Tennes.see; by Prof. C. E. Wait U.S. — Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stafion.s A 41 U 9 Nutrition Investigations in New Mexico; by Prof. A. Goss. U.S.— Dept. of Ac;r.— Office of Exper. S'tations A 41 U 9 Nutrition Investigations in Pittslnirg; by Prof. I. Bevior. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 41 U 9 Place of Fish in a Hard-working Diet International Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 1. A34R1 Plea for a Simpler Life and Fads of an Old Plu'sician. Keitii. G. S. A .33 P 31 Practical Dietetics Thompson, W. G. A 33 U 25 Practical Dietetics; by Prof. F. de Ch.aumont... Internat. Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 6 A 41 V 2 Results of Dietary Studies in the LTnited States ; by A. P. Bryant. United States— Dept. of Agr., Y'ear-book 030.5 School Dietaries; bv Dr. F. de Chaumont... International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., U A 41 V 7 Studies of Dietetics ; Experiments on the Digestion of Food by Man ; Applications of Results of Food Investigations : Analyses of Foods... Conn.— Storrs Agr. Exper. Stn., Rept., 1897 630.7 Sugar as Food ; by Marv H. Abel. . . United States— Dept. of Agr. — Farmers' Bulletin A 41 U 2 Theory and Practice of Hygiene Notter, J. L. A 31 Q 22 True Science of Living Dewey, E. H. A 32 R .35 [See also Beverages ; Cookery ; Digestion ; Food ; Hygiene ; Meat ; Vegetarianism. ] Digestibility of Food Stuffs. [See Feeding Experiments; Vu. ■rs.] Digestion and Indigestion — Common-sense Management of the Stomach Drew"ry, G. 0. A 26 Q 42 Digestion of Food by Man Connecticut — Storrs Agr. Exper. Station, Rept, 1897 630.7 Digestive Ferments and the Chemical Processes of Digestion; by Prof. A. Gamgee Internat. Health Exhib., 1884. Lit., 6. A 41 V 2 Dyspepsia ; by Dr. T. L. Brunton — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Dyspepsia in Childhood ; by Dr. W. S. Fenwick — in .Sj-stem of "Mediciue Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 3fi 796 Tuhlio Library of Neio South Wales. Digestion and Indigestion -cojiit/. General Pathologv of Digestion; by Dr. C. H. Ralfe— .h System ofiletlicine... '. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 8G General Pathology of Nutrition ; by Dr. F. U. Mott— <'n S^'stenl of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 34 lufligestion- in Health aue Law EejDorts and Digests.] Dimorphism — Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Krngdora... CunninLdium, .J. T. A 35 T 14 DinornithidsB — Bones of the Vinornis Kovin Zcalandiu- ; by Prof. Chase. . . American Assoc., Advance, of Science, Prcc. , 1840 506 Nearly Complete Skeleton of Z'mocHiswirt.i^rtiis; byC. \V. Anchews. Geological Magazine, 1899 559.5 [.SVc nl-o Moa; Zoology and Fauna — New Zealand.] Diphtheria — Antitoxic Serum for the Cure of Diphtheria... New South Wales — Parliament, V. and P., 1895 328.944 Applied Bacteriology Pcarmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Diphtheria; by Dr. S. Gee — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 34 Diphtheria and Antitoxin Tirard, N. A 32 R 30 Diphtheria and True Croup ; by Dr. J. C. Cameron — in Practical Therapeutics " Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Diptheria (iroup of Bacilli; by Dr. J. Eyre ... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Diphtheria in Hawthorn; by Dr. Gresswell Victoria — Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.945 Enquete sur Effieacitii du Serum AntidiphtCrique Belgium A 39 R 10 Experiments on Animals Fagct, S. A 45 R 5 Internat. Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Trans., 1 614.06 Manual of Bacteriology Miiir, R. A .33 P 10 New Facts and Methods in Treatment of Diplithcria: by Dr. W. H. Park — m Practical Therapeutics... Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Outbreaks of Diphtheria and .Sniall-po.x, Reports. Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Local (iovt. A 13 W 18 t Prophylaxis in Diphtheria ; by Dr. Klein — in Report of Medical Officer, 1896-97 ... Gt. Bri't. and Irel.— Local (iovt. 614.0942 Prophylaxis in Diphtheria, Further Report; by Dr. Klein — in Report of Medical OlHeer, 1895-96 (it. 'Brit, and Irel.— Local Government 614.0942 Surgeon-General, United States Navy, Report, 1895. United States Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 613.68 [iS'cc alxo Bacteriology ; Contagious and Infectious Diseases ; Seninis; Throat; Toxinc.] Diphyidse — Anatomy of Diphycs— in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Ueber die Sexualorganc dcr Diphydae und Pliysoplioridie- /« Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T.'H. A 40 S 15 Diplomatists. [Sfp. Ambassadors; Consuls.] Diplomacy — DiplomaticHistorj'of Amcrica,]452-94... Harri89c,A. F 13 V 37 Logic of tlic Practical Sciences in Tlicory of Practice. Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q28, 29 Madiiavclli Morley, Rt. Hon. .J. F 13 Q 32 Studies ill Diplomacy Benedetti, Count F 14 U 27 [■SVe «/ko AmbasHadors ; Consuls; International Law; Treaties.] Diprotodontidse — .Jaw of the JJijivfodcn Atistra!i;i0.5 Malnttie del Bestiamc-iii Annali di Agricoltura, 1896 ... Ital.\- 630.0 Subject-Index to the Supplementanj Catalogue — 1896-1900. 797 Diseases of Amma,ls — G'eni!ra! — coutd. I'apois anil ( 'onvspnnilciiec relating to Importation of Animals from New Zealand... (St. Biit. an.l Irel. — Hoard of Agr. MA 4 T ^0 Pathology and Thurapeuties of tlie Domesticated Animals. l<'riedbergei-, F. A HO R 27, 28 Pennsylvania — Department of Agrienltnrc, Report, 18!)7,.. 030. Pennsylvania — Veterinarian, Report (ili) Relations of Diseases of Animals to those of Man Internat. Congress of Hygiene anil Demography, Trans., 3 U14.0G Returns under Diseases of Animals Aet as regards Ireland. Ut. Brit, and Irel. — Veterinary' Dept., Ireland GM.O Rickets and Maerozauiia ; by Dr. J. Lauterer Royal Society, Queensland, Proe., 1808 .WO Treatment of Scours in Clalves, Pigs, and Lambs Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Vi'ales, 10 CHO.o Tympanitis Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 United .States— Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry-, Report .'.... (i.3fi [See aluo Actinomycosis ; Anthrax ; Cattle Plagues ; Chicken Cholera ; Contagious Diseases ; Disinfection ; Epidemics ; Far- riery ; Glanders; Hog Cholera; Hor.se Sickness ; H.ydrophobiH ; Pleuropneumonia ; tjuarantine ; Pvinderpest ; Scab in Sheep ; Stables; Swine Fever; Ticks; Tsetse Fly; Tuberculosis; Veterinary .Science; and under the name of each Animal.] . Cattle — Australasian Live .Stock Mamuil .Sutherland, (4. MA 2 R 49 Cattle Breeds and Management Housman, W. A SS P 10 Disease affecting Cattle in Mornya ])istrict; by J. D. Stewart. Agricultural (.iazette, N. S. Wales, 10 (i30..5 Diseases among Stock ; by W. Thomson... Victoria — Agriculture, Report, 1874 (i3't.(i Every-day Ailments and Accidents of Cattle IJarton, F. T. A 1 V 22 Impaction of Omasum and Asthenic Apoplexy in Cattle ; by R. J. Needham..,.Journ. of Agr. and Indust., S. Aust., 1897-98" 630.5 Prevalence, Symptoms, and Treatment of ]\Iilk Fever, Garget, and Abortion. ..N. Jersey— State Agr. E.\p. Stn., Rept., 1897 6.30.7 Dogs — Dogs: their Treatment Mayhcw, E. A 27 R 8 Ilvrse — Enzootic Cerebro-spinal Meningitis in Horses ... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1897 636 Sheep — Diseases of .Sheep- in Practical Treatise on Wool .. GoMslirnngh, Mort, and Co. MA 3 W 21 Worm Di.seascs in Sheep Victoria — Agr. , Rept. . 1874 630.6 Diseases of Plants. [See Fungi; In.secte, Injurious, Plant Diseases ; and under Names of Plants.] Disestablishment and Disendowment — Cluirch Di.sestalilishment, Scotland; by R.. Munro — in Histui-ic Facts Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 Danger of Disestablishment — in Speeches Magee, Archbp. J 14 Q 37 Disendowment; by C. A. Whitmore — in Church Problems. Hen.son, H. H. G 25 R 10 Estabishment — in Cluncli Problems... Henson, H. H. (i 25 R 10 Welsh Disestablishment; by R. Mnnro — pn Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. FS Q IG [See a?.so Church and .State; Church of England ; Church of Ire- land; Church of Scotland.] Disinfection and Disinfectants — Bacteria Newman, (i. A 40 Q 17 Disinfecting of Places where Animals have been kept suffering from Infectious Di.seases Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Disinfection; by Dr. (}. M. .Sternberg — ;« Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Disinfection and Disinfectants— i'h Applied Bacteriologw Pearmain, T. H. "A 40 P 1 1 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen... WoU, F. W. A 23 P 32 Disinfection and Disinfectants -amtd. Infectious Diseases and how to prevent them Wilson, A. A 26 I' 41 I'ublic Health Labora'ory Work ... Kenwood, H. R. A 26 li 31 Sijme Mxlern Disinfectants; by E. A. ile .Schwcinitz United States Dept. of Agr., V'earbook, ]8!)0 630.5 Theory and Practice of Hygiene Xotter, ./. J... A 31 Q 22 [See also Antiseptics; Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Hy- giene; Public Health; iSanitation.] Dissection. [See Anatomy; Vivisection.] Dissenters. [See Nonconformists.] Distillation — Brewing and Distilling— i/i Chemistry for Mannfaclurer.s. IJlount, B. A 21 T .39 Destructive Disfcillatiou -in Chemistry for Manufacturers. lilount, B. A 21 T 39 [See nho Alcohols ; Brandy. ] Distinction — Di.stinction and the Criticism of 15eliefs...Sidgwick, .-V. G 19 U 38 [.S'ce u/.so Genius; Heredity.] Distribution of Plants and Animals — Gcograiiliic Distribution of Cereals in North America; liy C. S. Plumb... UnitedStates — Dejjt. of Agr. — Di v. of Biological Survey A 37 S 55 Life Zones and Crop Zones in the United .States ; by C. H. Merriani. U.S. — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Biological Siu-vey A 37 S 55 Theoretical P^xplanation of theDi.stribution of. Soutliern Faunas ; by Capt. F. W. Hutton... Linnean Soc, N.S. W., Proe., 1896 .)80.6 [See also Botany and Flora — By Countries; Pahcontology — By Countries; Zoology — By Countries.] Distribution of Wealth — Distribution of tlie Pr.xluce Smith, J. C. F 15 S 26 Early Essays Mill, J. ,S. .J 14 U 37 Economics of Distribution Hobson, .J. A. F 17 T 12 Emplo\'er's Place in Distribution New Zealand— Dept. of Labour, Journ., 1896 331.8 Formation and Distribution ofWealtU...Turgot, A. R.. I. F 15Q20 Influence of Foreign Trade on the Distribution of Wealth — in Theory of International Trade Bastable, C. F. F 13 R 10 Rural Wealth and Welfare Fairchild, G. T. F 17 T 11 Science of Statistics Smith, R. M-. F 4 V 7, 8 [See also Capital ; Profit-sharing ; Social Economy ; Social Prob- lems; Work and Wages.] District of Golwmbia. — General and Dcscriplire — United States — t^.mnus. of District of Columbia, Rept 3.54.753 Divi Divi Tree — The Divi Divi Tree ; by E. Cowdey . . . Queon.sl. Agi-. .Touiii. , 1 630. 5 Divination — Divination l)v tlie Rod and by the Arrow — in Anthropological Studies ..." Bucklaud, A. W. A 27 R 34 Magic, Divination, and Demonology... Davies, T. W. (J 11 U 43 Moral Order of the World Bruce, Rev. A. B. G 24 S G [.S'ce n/.so Clairvoyance; Magic; .Second .Sight. ] Divining Rod — Divination by the Rod and by the Arrow — in Anthropological Studies '. Buckland, A. W. A 27 R 34 So-called Divining Rod; by Prof. W. F. Barrett Society for Psychical Research, Proe., 1897-9S " 1.30 Divinity Schools — Divinity Hail Record M.\ 5 R 25 [See also Religion — Education; Theology — Educatiou.] Divorce. [See Marriage and Divorce.] Docks and Dockyards — Additions and Corrections to the Dock-book... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty Coaling, Docking, and Repairing Facilities of the Ports of the World .";, United States— Dept. of the Navy A 25 U 38 [.See a7.<0 Civil Engineering ; Harbours; Wharfs.] 79S Ttiblic Library of New South Wales, Doctors and Surgeons — Brodie, Sir Benjamin Cullins: "by Dr. T. Holmes Cardan, Jerome ; by W. G. Waters Harley , George Harve3% William; bj' I). Power Hunter, John ; by S. Paget Pare, Ambroise, and his Times, 1510-90; byS. Paget .. Pioneer Women Doctors — in Pioneer Women Pr Recolleolions of My Life Fayrer, Sir J. Simpson, Sir James Young; bj- Eve B. Simpson Simpson, Sir James Young, and Chloroform ; by II. L. Smith, Dr. Southward; b^- Mrs. C. L. Lewes Stokes, William ; by his Son Sydenham, Thtmias; by Dr. J. F. PajTie Wakley, Thomas, Life and Timesof; by Dr. S. S. Spriggc {Ste also Medieal Registers; Medicine— Education.] Dodo, The— Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds Nicols, A. [See also Palaeontology — New Zealand.] C 23 R 14 C 25 S 1 C 24 P 15 C 23 R 1 1 C 23 R 10 C 23 U 1 att, E. A. C 23 Q 19 C 25 T 17 C 20 U 19 Gordon. C 23 R 12 C 23 T 10 C 23 R 13 C 23 R l(i C 24 Q 18 A 27 S IG Dog, The— British Dogs Dalziel, H. A 14 T 41* Dog-book Mills, W. A 27 S 9 Dog in Australasia Beilby, W. MA 4 Q 1 Dogs; their Management Mayhew, E. A 27 R .S Domesticated Animals Shaler, N. S. A 30 R 2!) Moilern Dogs of Great Britain and Ireland . . . Lee, R. B. A 3S P 8, 9 Physiology of the Dog and Cat compared ; by Dr. T. W. Mills McGill University A 40 S 21 Dogma — Against Dogma and Free-will and for Weismaunism . . . HiUer, H.V. a 24 T G Dogma in Religion Kinross, Rev. J. M(! 2 U 2 History of Dogma Harnack, A. G 23 S 36-39 Introduction to Philosophy Ladd, (J. T. G 1 T 24 Outlines of a I'hilosophy of Religion based on Psycliologv and History Sabatier, Rev. A. G 23 B 4 [See also Tlieology — Systematic. ] DoliolidcC — Appendicularia and Doliolum, t^vo Genera of the Tunicata— m Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Die Arten der (iattung Doliohnn im Golfe voii Ncapel ; von Dr. B. Uljanin Zoologische Station zu Xeapel A 19 P 10 t [See also Tunicata.] Dolomites — Through the Dolomites Robertson, l^cr. A. I) KS P 30 Dolphins. [See Cetacea; Porpoises.] Domestic Animals — Domestic Animals; by Dr. 6. Stables—m Household Oracle. Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Lcs origincs dcs aiiimaux domestiques ; par X. Raspail. International Congress of Jloology, Proc, 1895 A 35 W 13 [.S'ee also Birds; Cat; Cattle; Dog; Farm Buildings; Horse; Pigeons; Pigs; Poultry; Sheep; Stables; Veterinary Science.] Domestic Economy — Account of Prizes for Common Thing.s... Burdett-Coutts, Baroness G 3 S 2(! Cassell's Houseliuld G uidc A 22 V 28, 29 Domestic Economy Tcaeliingin England i« Special Heportson lOdu- eational Subjects, ,. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Education (i 17 U 14 Family Budgets: being the Income and Expenses of Twenty-eight British HinL-eholds, 1891-94 Economic Club F'I R 29 Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 (,i 9 Housekeeping Woman's Book A 27 V 29, 30 Housekeeping; by A. G.Paync-mHousehold Oracle. ..Miles, A. H. A 40 (-i 9 Domestic Economy — contd. Housewifery Schools and Classes in Belgium— mj Special Reports on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Education G 17 U 14 Making of the Home Barnett, Mrs. S. A. A 33 Q 38 Tlic Now Home Peel, Mrs. C. S. A 41 T 12 Teaching Domestic Economv and Needlework ; by J. V. Germain. International HealtliExhibition, 1884, Lit.", 14 A 41 V 10 [.S'cc ri/.so Cookery ; Dress-making; Family; Food; Fuel; Furni- ture; Heating; Home; Needlework; Ventilation.] Domestic Education. [,SVv,. Childien,; Domestic Economy ; Family ; Home.] Donegal — General aiid Descrijilive — Iliuhwavs and Bvwaj's in Donegal and Antrim Gwynn, S. D 21 S 1 Doors- Porte Picmontcsi dal 15 al 19 Sccolo ... Brayba, R. A 47 P 35 t Doric Architecture. [.See Arcliitecture — Grecian.] Dorsetshire — General and Descriptive — ■ Englisli Topography... (ientleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 3 Dosliisha University, Japan — Maker of New .Japan : Rev. J. H. Neesima. Dower. [Sec Marriage and Divorce.] Davis, Rev. J. D. (.' 19 U 10 Drainage, Agricultural — Drainage Queensland Agi'icultural Journal, 5 630.5 Farm Drainage; bvC. G. Elliott... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Farmers' Bulletin, 40 A 41 U 2 Fertility of the Soil Roberts, L P. A 18 P 33 Importance of Drainage to Agriculture ; by D. Hanneman. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Irrigation and Drainage Iving, F. H. A 33 Q 40 Lectures on Investigations at Rothamsted; bj' R. Waiington. U.S. Dept. of Agr.- Office of Exper. Stations A 19 V 42 Management of Swamp Lands Michigan State Agr. College Exper. Station, Bulletin, 115 630.7 [See also Agricultural Engineering ; Agriculture — Cyclopedias ; Hydraulic Engineering; Irrigation.] Drainage and Sewerage -Public Health. [.S'sfPlnmbinf;; Saiiitarv J'lnuiiicering; .Sanitation; Sewage Di.sposal.] Drama, The — General — Aiistotle's Tlieory of Poetry and Fine Art ; translated by S. H- Butcher ." Aristotcles G"18 R 70 Drama and Music in N. S. Wales; by F. C. Brewer— ;« Pams. , N.S.W. Commissioners... Chicago "Exhibition, 1893 M.V 4 T 22 The Drama as a Fine Art; by A. P. Martin... Melb. Rev., 6 0,52 Drama at the Antipodes ; by L. Wingfield New Review, 1892 J 29 P 7 Dranuitic Drama -m Essays Alison, .A. .1 14 .S 13 I'lssay on Comedy Meredith, G. IT 10 W22 Ge.sannnelte Werke Freytag, (i. J 23 U 38 The Later Renaissance Haniiay, I). J 27 Q 6 Rise of llic Drama — f'n Introduction to the Study of the Renaissance. Field, Lilian F. B 20 R 18 Sliakcspcare in France under tlic.Vncien Regime... .Jusserand, .T. .L J il P 29 Studies of the Stage Matthew, J. B. II 12 P 7 'lechniijuc of tlic Drama Freytag, (1. H 10 W 4 [Sec also Acting ; Actors ; Amateur Theatricals ; Drama Cliinese ; Drama -Greek; Drama Hijidu; Dranuitic Art and Criticism; Dramatic Literature; Dramatists; Interludes; Miracle Plays; Opera; Passion Plays; Stage, The; Theatre, The.] iiuhject-libdex to the Huiyjilcmeniary Catalogue — 189G-1V00. 799 Drama, The- Tlieatre, Tlic -Periodicals — J 27 V 1-14 By Countries. American — Curiosities of the American Stayc Hiittoii, L. 11 Vi T 10 Australian- Theatre, The M.I 4P-24 — ■ — British — Accounts of the Revels at Court in the Reigns of I'^lizabcth and James I; with Notes by 1'. Cunningliam... Shakespeare Society i'nbs. II 3 U 1-2 J 12 S 43 J 14 S 13 H 3 U 33 J 14 U 33 Age of Dryilen ;. Garnctt, R. Britisli Theatre in Essays Alison, A. Diary of Philip Henslowe. . . Sliakespearc Soc. Pubs. , 28 The Drama -'« Age of Wordsworth... Ilerford, C. H. Drama>of Yesterday and To-day Scott, C H 12 U IG, 17 Kight Novels employed by iCnglish Dramatic ]?octs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth ; originally iniblishe Ideal Husband "Wilde, 0. H 12 Til Jules Ci'sar Shakespeare, W. H 12 T 12 Landslip, The — in Sir Paul Pindar, and other Plav.g. Maughan, H. N. H 1 U o Macbeth Shakespeare, W. H 9 T Ifi Macbeth ; texte critique, avcc la Traduction en regard. Shakespeare, W. H 12 T 13 Mastery of Men— i'« Sir Paul Pindar, and other Plays. Maughan, H. N. H 1 U .1 Michael and his Lost Angel .'Jones, H. A. H 11 Q 5 Midsummer Night's Dream ; illustrated by R. A. Bell. Shakespeare, W. H 4 T 13 Moral Play of Wit and Science ; by J. Redford Shakespeare Society Pubs., 35 H 3 U 40 Old and the New — in Sir Paul Pindar, and other Plavs. Maughan, H. N. H 1 U o The Old Taming of a Shrew... Shakespeare Soc. Pub.s.,25 H 3 U 29 Patient Orissil; byT. Dekker and others... Shakespeare Soc. Pubs. H3U 11 Perkin Warbeck Ford. J. H 10 U 21 Pliilaster Beaumont, F. H 13 Q 1 Plays of Henley and Stevenson Henley, W. E. H 10 S 19 Plavs, Pleas.ant and Unpleasant Shaw, (i. B. H 13 T IG, 17 Poetical Works Bridges, R. H 12 R 8 Piince Lucifer Austin, A. H 10 S 22 Princess and the Butterfly Pinoro, A. W. H 12 Q 2 Prometheus Unbound Shelley, P. B. 11 1 3 Q o (Quarto Facsimiles of the Works of Slmkespeaie, lo93- 1()34 - Shakespeare, W. 11 1 1 V 1-43 The Relapse ; The Provok'd Wife ; The Confcileracy ; an5ee rt/.so Clothes ; Costume; Toilet; Uniforms.] Dressmaking — Dressmakers and Tailoresses— !?i Workers on their Industries. Galton, F. \V. F 10 V 18 How to make a Dress Wooil, .J. A. E. A 23 P 3S [.See a/.so Clothes ; Costume; Fashion Journals ; Needlework.] Dreyfus Case — L'Affaire Drevfus ct I'Image... Grand-Carteret, J. G. A 33 Q 29 The Dreyfus Case Couybeare, F. C. F 15 Q 35 The Drevfus Case Guyou, G. F 15 R 17 The Dreyfus Case— in Things Seen .. Steevcns, G. W. C 28 R I The Dreyfus Case: Four Letters to France... Zola, E. F 15 P Hi Historic Parallels to I'Affaire Dreyfus... Sanderson, E. B 37 <>> 12 Hi.story of the Dreyfus Case Barlow, G. F 12 R 36 LeProc;sZola Zola, E. F 8 Q 11, 12 Tragedy of Dreyfus Steevens, G. W. F 16 8 19 [See also under Dreyfus, Capt. A., in Author Catalogue; and France — Army^ in Index.] Dried Fruits. \See Fruit-drying.] Drill. [See Physical Education.] Drill and Minor Tactics. \_See Artillery; Cavalry; In- fantry; Military Art; Military Engineers; Mounted Infantry; Tactics; Transport, Military.] 802 I'uhliG Library of New Suitth Wales. Drills. [,sVe Artesian T\'ater ; Bores and Boring; Diamond Drills; Mining Machinery; Wells.] Drimys — Xew Sjjecics of Drimvs; b}- T. Kirk New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 SOU Drink Question — Arraek Question in Ceylon Perera, M. A. FOP 28 Bibliography — in Economic Aspects of the Jjiquor Problem. Koren, J. F 17 T 2 Cyclopa;dia of Temperance and Prohibition F 7 T 7 Drink Bills of New South Wales... Boyce, Rev. F. B. MF 5 S 4 Drink Question and Temperance Efforts— !» Civilization of our Day Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Economic Aspects of the Liquor Problem ... Koi'en, J. F 17 T 2 Economic Aspects of the Liquor Prol)lem United States — Bureau of Labor, Kept., 189S 178. ■! Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 1 5 Free Trade in Drink — iVi The Coming Individualism. Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Industrial Day Dreams Keeble, S. E. F 2 U 40 Intoxicating Drink — in Democracy and Liljcrty. Lucky, \V. E. H. F 12 T 4, .5 Production and Consumption of Alcoholic Beveragc.s in Europe and the United States (it. Brit, and Irel. — Board of Trade F 20 U 10 t [.Sec a/-50 Alcoholism ; Curalel Procedure ; Dip.somania; (iothen- burg System; Liijuor Traffic ; Local Option; Temperance.] Driving — Driving for Pleasure Underbill, F. T. A 5 P 31 t Dropsy — Dropsy; by Dr. W. H. Dickinson — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. CI A 2(i T .-iS Epidemic Dropsy; liv Dr. K. MacLeod — in System of Medicine. Alllnitt, T. C. A 2t) T ;» Drosera Whittakeri - Colouring Matter of i^ciwnf Whidalccri Rennie, E. H. MA 3 W 18 [See also Insectivorous Plants.] Droughts— Oli.^crvations on the determination of Drought-intensity ; by (!. H. Knibbs Royal Society N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 .>0(j Suggestions for depicting diagrammatioally the Character of Sea- sons as regards Rainfall, and especially that of Droughts; by H. Deane Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journ., 1899 oOG Druggistry. [.SVy; Pharmacy.] Drugs. [,SV« Adulteration; Materia Medica, Pharmacy; Prescriptions; and under each Drug.] Druids^ Arclueology Gentleman's Magazine Library 15 ;^2 U 5, IJarddas Williams ab Ithel, Rev. .1. .1 14 S 17. 18 Literary Histoi-y of Ireland Hj'de, I). J 4 T 28 Taliesin; or, the Bards and Druids of Britain Nash, 1). W. H 12 S 19 Who were the Authors of tlie Arts and Science Literature of the Ancients? List, N. A. G ."> R ;M Drunkenness. [See Curatel Procedure; Dipsomania; TciMpii-ance.] Druses — Sketches from Eastern History Niildekc, T. B 12 U 3(i Dry Rot. [.S'«e Timbers and Timber Trees.] Drying of Fruit. [Sen Fruit-drying.] Dualism — Dualistic Conception of Natuie; by J. C. Murray McCill University G 18 H (id Moral Order of the World Bruce, Rev. A. P. G 24 S (i Natinalism and AgnosliciBm Ward, .J. f! 2-4 V 14, l.") I'hiloHophy of Miiiil Liuld, G, T, (i 3 I; 'J9 [.S'cc also MuniBpi.] Dubbo — General and Descriptive — Photographic Views of Dubbo Cadman, S. J. MA 4 P 2.) Dublin — General and Descriptive — Pill urcsque and Descriptive View of the City of Dublin, 1794. Malton, J. D 47 P 34 I Picturesque Dublin, Old and New ... Gerard, Frances D 13 V 7 Directories — Dublin Post Office Directory 914.183 Thom's Official Directory 354. 42 Dublin University — Dublin University Calcnilar 378.415 Dublin University Library — A tircat Irisli Library; by Dr. A. Loeper ... Liln'ary Association " of Australasia, Proc, 1898 M J 2 V 1 Duchy of Lancaster — List of Original Ministers' Accounts, part 1... C!t. Brit, and Irel. — I'ublic Record Office B 43 Duck-billed Platypus. [See Platypus.] Ducks — Ducks; by J. J. McCue Agr. Ga/.ette, N.S.W., 10 ()30..5 Species of New Zealand Ducks; by W. W. Smith... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 [See also Game ; Poifllry. ] Duelling — Bibliiigrapliy of Fencing and Duelling . Thimm, C. A. A 41 S 5 Dugong— Occurrence of a Submerged Forest, with Remains of the Dugong, at Shea's Creek, near Sydney; by J. Ethcridge, Prof. David, and .J. W. Grimshaw Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Proc., 1890 506 Duke of York Island -General and Descriptive — Through New (Uiinca and other Cannibal Coimtries. Webster, H. C-. MD S R 53 Laniju. G 2 W 35 [.See also Citizenship ; Moral Philosophy. ] Dwarfs — Giants and Dwarfs ;:. Wood, E. J. A 10 S 17 Dwelling-houses — Architecture — American Houses Sloan, S. A 10 T 34 Anglo-Saxon Dwellings ; l)y Prof. Hodgctts Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 3 A 41 U 19 Cottages and Country Buildings Cutler, T. W. A 10 R .') Homes in City and Country Sturgis, R. A 4(5 V 12 Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. . . Morse, E. S. A 4"> P 4 Modern American Homesteads Atwood, D. T. A 33 V 10 Woman's Book A 27 V 20, 30 {See also Seats of Nobility; Workmen's Dwellings.] Sanitation. [.SVe Sanitation.] Dyaks — Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo Roth, H. L. A 31 Q 27, 28 Dyes and Dyeing — Cliemistry of the Coal-tar Colours Benedikt, R. A 23 P 20 Colouring Matters, Dyeing, andPrinting—(» Chemistry for Manu- facturers Blount, B. A 21 T ;50 Dyeing and Calico-printing Sansone, A. A 25 T 37 Physical Investigations on Dyeing; by M. Chevrcul ... Cavendisli Society, Pubs. A 3(> S 1 Secrets of the (Jarment-dvcing and Cleaning Trade Neal, T. MA 3 U .-.() Silk-dyeing, Printing, and Finishing... Hurst, G. H. A 23 P IS [.S'ee aluo Calico-printing.] Dynamics — Dynamics of a Particle Routh, ]■;. J. A 25 S 3G Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies... Routh, E. .1. A 33 S 32 Dynamics of Rotation Worthington, A. M. A 33 P 35 Formuhe in Dynamics — in Mathematical and Ph3-sical Tables. Wrapson, J. P. A 25 S 38 G roundwork of Dynamics ; by J. Galbraith ... American Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Proc. , 1897- 50(i Impact— !« Scientific Papers Tait, P. (J. A 10 U 14 t Magnetic Fields of Force Ebcrt, H. A 20 T 27 Dynamics —cnntd. .Mallutiiatical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy,.. Pratt, .1. H. A 25 S 35 Mathematical 'I'lieory of the Top Klein, F. A 24 P 34 On a Form of the Dilfcrential Equations of Di'namics. Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, fl .506 Popular Scientific Lectures Mach, E. A 21 R 38 Scientific Papers Tait, P. G. A 10 U 13 + Treatise on Dynamics Wilson, W. P. A 3(1 U 18 'I'rcatise on the Theory of Screws ... Ball, Sir R. S. A 44 W 14 [.S'ce '(.to Force and Energj' ; Mathematics; Mechanics; Phj'sics; Statics.] Dynamite — Hand-book on Modern Explo.sivcs ELssler, M. A 20 Q 22 [iSVe aho Explosives.] Dynamo Machines — Alternating Currents Jackson, D. C. A 20 Q 37 Armature Windings of Electric Machines Parshall, H. V. A 13 T 17 + Electric Light Urquhart, .J. W. A 24 P 45 Electricity for Everybody Atkinson, P. A 20 P 20 Electricity for Town and Country Houses Scrutton, P. IC. A 25 S 12 Electro-magnetism and Construction of Dynamos. Jackson, D. C. A 20 Q 30 Engines and Boilers Le Van, W. B. A 25 P 46 Industrial Electricity Elliott, A. G. A .33 Q 31 Latest Dynamo-electric Machines... Thompson, S. P. A 21 S 16* Practical Calculation of Dynamo-electric Machines... Wiener, A. E. A 38 T 5 Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature Osterberg, JL A 21 V 26 [.S'ce also Electric Lighting ; Electric Slotors ; Electrical Engincer- Dynamometer — New 'Iransmission Dvnamometer; by W. E. Dalbv.. Institution, Civil Engineers, Slinutes of Proc, 1898 620.6 Dyscrasite — Dj'scrasite in the A. B. H. Consols Lode; by G. Smith. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Tran.s., 1893 622.06 Dysentery — Amcebie Dysentery; bv Dr. H. A. Lafleur — m System of Medicine. Allbutt,"T. C. A 26 T. 35 Diarrhoal Diseases and Dysentrj'; by Dr. W. W. Johnston — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Dysentery ; by Dr. A. Davidson — in System of Medicine. ' Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Slanual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A .33 P 10 Dyspepsia, [See Digestion and Indigestion.] Dysteria — Dysteiia, a new Genus of Infusoria — m Scientific Memoii's. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [Spp ((Avo Infusoria. ] E Ear, The, and Hearing — x\ciite Diseases of the Middle Ear; by Dr. R. Barclay — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Certain Affections of the Ear; by 0. A. Ballance — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 40 Clironic Catarrh of the Middle Ear, and Diseases of the Internal Ear; by Dr. C. H. Burnett — in Practical Theraiieutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Chronic Purulent Diseases of the Middle Ear ; by Dr. S. Sexton — in Practical Therapeutics Hare,"H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Ear and their Treatment by the General Prac- titioner; by Dr. S. M. Smith — in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Diseases of the External Ear and Tympanic Membrane ; by Dr. B. Randall — in Practical Therapeutics... Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-4S [.See also Deaf and Dumb; Senses.] 804 I'uhlic Library of Neio South Wales. Early Closing Question — Early Closing in N. 8. Wales; by Col. Bell United States — Consular Repts., (j3 382 Hours Worked by Sliop Assistants in Sycbie\' and Suburbs... Early Closing Association of N." S. Wales MF 1 P S5 Earth, The— Age of the Earth as an Abode Fitted for Life; by Lord Kelvin. Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 506 Causes of Climatic, Geological, and Geographical Changes upon the Earth; by J. M. Potter ... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 622.00 Outline of the Earth's History Shaler, N. S. A 19 S 7 Story of the Earth and Man Dawson, Sir J. W. A 4(1 T 22 Zetetic Cosmogony "Rectangle" A 24 R 21 [See also Antarctic Rsgions ; Arctic Regions ; Astronomy ; Cos- mogony; Creation; Deluge; Earthquakes; Geodesy; Geology; Gravitatiop ; Meteiirology ; Pln^sical Geographj' ; Volcanoes ; Voyages — General. ] Earthenware. [.See Pottery.] Earthquakes — Acadt'mie des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances, 120, 121 50G Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A 19 S 16 Charleston EartlK|uake of 18S6; by Capt. C. E. Dutton. United States — Geological Survey, Annual Rcpt., 9 5r>7.3 ComiJarison of some Elements of Earthquake Motion as observed in New Zealand, Avith their Theoretic Values ; by 6. Hogben. Xew Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S9S 506 Earthquakes in New Zealand... N.Z. .Journal of Science, 1891 505 Earthquakes on the Pacific Coast, 1769-1S97, Catalogue; by E. S. Holden ... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 37 508 Earthquakes, with their influence on Building Construction. Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, 6 506 How Earthquakes are caused— jh Other Worlds than Ours. Proctor, R, A. A 19 Q 15 Notes on the Recent Earthquake ; by H. C. Field . , . New Zealand "institute. Trans., 1897 506 Record of Canadian Earthquakes; by C. H. McLeod McGill University A 40 S Seismological Journal of Japan 551.2 Tasmanian Earthquake of 1892; by G. Hogben New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Wanganui Earthquake of 1897; by G. Hogben New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 [.S'ee also Seismology ; Volcanoes. ] Earthworks — Earthwork }Jonsuralion Howard, C. R. A 21 U 20 [.S'ce aho Embankments; Engineering — General.] Earthworms — Description of Victorian Earthworms; by B. Spencer Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1900 506 Earthworms ; by F. E. Beddard— in Zoological Results. . . Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 Earthworms and Leeches Beddard, F. E. A 20 T 20 Re-examination of Hutton's.Tyi'cs of New Zealand Earthworms: l)y W. B. Benham . . , Annals" and Mag. of Nat. Hist. , 1 899 590. 5 Reproductive System of Dii/astcr {Didi/iiKii/astKr) si/lm/icits, Fletch ; bySarahO. Brennan... LinneanSoc., N.S.W., Proe., 1899 580.6 [.S'cc a/«o Annelids ; Cluetopoda; OligocliKta ; Pcrichreta. ] East, The— Eithcu Kinglake, A. W. 15 16 R 41 The Unchanging East Barr, R. 1) 21 (,» 9 [See nlso Oriental Languages; Oriental Liter.ature; Oriental Peri- odicals; Oriental Societies; and under each Country.] East India Company — IJritish India Frazer, R. W. B 17 Q 19 History of British India Hunter, Sir W. W. B 28 U 12 Madras Presidency, .\dniinistration, Manual, 1886... D 29 Q 20 % A Servant of John Company Kecnc, II. G. B 29 U 15 East Indies .b>urnal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia A ?,(i U 1-12 [See nlito Dutch K,i;it Indie.^; Malay Peninsula; Papuans; anil under each Islaijd or (Jroup.J Easter — Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial. . .Feasey, H. J. G 1 1 Q .30 Easter Thoughts; by Dean Russell .. Melbourne Review, 5 052 [See also Festi\als, Church.] Easter Island— Easter Island and its Colossal Statues ; by Capt. H. V. Barclaj-. Royal Geog. Soc, Aust., S.A. Br., Proc, 1888-98 910.6 Eastern Church. [See Greek Church.] Eastern Question — Ambassador of the Vanquished Broglie, Due do B 31 U 20 Armenian Crisis in Turkey (ireene, P. D. F 10 V 19 Backwards or Forwards? Hauna, Col. H. 1!. F 10 V 37 Eastern Question Marx, K. F 13 Q 36 Eastern Question and tlie British Empire; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 3 052 Eastern Question in the 18th Centm-y Sorel, A. F 13 R 12 European Situation; bv T. D. Wanliss Melb. Rev., 1 052 Our Responsibilities for Turkey Argyll, Duke of F 10 V 13 Russia and England, 1870-80; by "O.K." Novikoff, Olga F 3 R 10 Story of the Life of Lord Palmerston Marx, K. F 15 P 40 [.S'ee a?so Armenian Massacres; Crimean War; Russia — Politics; Turkey — History. ] Eating. [See Cooking; Diabetes: Digestion; Food.] Ebon Language — New Testament Bibles and Testaments MG 2 U 5 Ecclesiastes — Old Testament — Seven Puzzling Bible Books Gladden, Rev. W. G 23 P 8 Ecclesiastical Antiquities. [S'ee Clnnx-h Antiquities.] Ecclesiastical Architecture — .■\uiaial Syml)olism in Ecclesiastical Architecture ... Evans, E. P. G 12 V 30 Apology for the Ivevival of Christian Architecture in England. Pugin, A. W. A 44 W 12 Canon, The G 23 S 9 Tlie Cathedral Builders Baxter, Lucy E. A 45 P 5 Early French Architecture Johnson, R. ,T. A 46 P 27 t Ecclcsiasticrd Architecture of Scotland MaclJililion, D. A 23 V 28-30 English Cathedrals Illustrated Bond, F. A 41 T 15 Gothick Architecture Brandon, R. A 18 P 19, 20 f Histoire de la Sainte-ChapcUc du Palais Decloux, M. (i 12 X 22 t Monograi)liiodelaCathedrale(rOivieto.., Benois,N. A 12X23t Monuments de rArchitccture Chrotienne dc])uis Constantin jusqu'a Charlemagne Hiibsch, H. A 46 P 26 t Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages... Brandon, R. A 19U3t Our English Minsters A 39 P 9, 10 Polychiome Meisterwerke der Monumentalen Kunst in Italicn vom 5"bis 1 6 Jahrhundcrt Kiihler, H. A 46 P 25 } Progress of Art in English Church Architecture... Robertson, T. S. A 23 P 43 Studies in Cathedral Design Pullan, R. P. A 12 X 20 | Vetvsta Monvmenta qvae ad Rervm Brilannicarvm ... Society of Antiquaries, London B 48 P 23 % White Robe of Churches Spcnce, Dean A 45 S 9 [.S'ee also Abbeys ; ."Vrchitecturc ; Cathedrals and Churches ; Chris- tian Art ; Church Antiquities ; Church Decoration ; Convents ; Crosses; Fonts; Monasteries.] Ecclesiastical History ^Geueml — Aposlolio Succession Brown, Rev. J. i! 23 S 14 Church of the 6th Century Hutton, W. H. (J 19 U .30 Cyprian Benson, .\rchbishop (! 19 '1" 32 Historical ('liurch Atlas McClure, E. G 17 S 2(1 t History of the Christian Church... Sheldon, H. (! 14 R 20 24 History of the Councils of the Church Hcfelc, Bishop G 14 P 27-31 Stihject-Index to the Stipplemcutary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 805 Ecclesiastical History — General — could. Roman Soc in tlie Karly Church 15i-ighl, Kuv. W. O 12 V 20 [SKCalno Ahhays ; Apo.stlcsaudApustoUi;(,'hurch ; ApDstoliu Suoces- sion; Arians and Arianism ; Armenian C'hui-oh; Bililu; Cata- combs ; Cathedrals and Churches ; Cliristian Art ; Christianity — History of; Church and State ; Church Antiejuities ; Church of England ; Church Polity ; Copts ; Councils, Church ; Council of Trent ; Ci-ccds ; Crusades ; Dogma ; Fathers of the Church ; Creek Church; Heresies; Huguenots; Inquisition; Janscnists; Jesuits; Jews; Manichieism ; Martyrs; Miracles; Missions and Missionary Work ; Monastieism ; Nco-Catholic Movement; Ncstorian Church; Nonconformists; Old Catholics; Papacy; Persecutions ; Protestantism ; Puritans ; Reformation ; Pvoman Catholicism; Theology, Systematic ; Ultramontanism ; Vatican Council, 1SG9; Waldenses; and under names of Councils, IJe- nominations, and Sects.] By Countries. Australia- Story of the ,\usti-alian Chun.h Bulgaria — Synionds, K M(;2 I'Gl The Slav F. C 20 P 9 Maclear, Rev. (i. F. C 20 P 9 Denmark — The Northmen Maclear, P.cv. (J. F. C 20 P S Eastern Church — Catholicus of the East and his People Maclean, Rev. A. J. t! 20 R 2 . Egypt- Story of the Churcli of Egypt Butcher, E. L. G 23 (,) S, 9 England — The Anglican Reformation Clai-k, W. G 23 R 8 Augustine and the Evangelization of England... 15o\'ce, Rev. F. B. MG 1 P 90 The Church in England Overton, Rev. J. H. G 23 Q 5, Uocumeuts illustrative of English Church History Gee, H. G 14 8 36 Karly English Church History Bright, Rev. W. G 11 S 30 Elizabethan Clergy and the Settlement of Religion, 1558-04. Gee, H. G 23 T 10 England in the Age of Wycliffe Trevelyan, G. M. B 33 S 7 The English Maclear, Rev. (J. F. G 20 P 10 English Church, 597-1000 Hunt, W. G 25 S 1 Hi.storv of the Church in Great Britian Hutton, Rev. W. H. G 9 AV 38 History of the Church of England... Wakeman, H. 0. <; 23 P 24 Mission of St. Augustine to England Mason, Rev. A. J. G 1 1 U 1 9 Old English Version of Bcde's Ecclesiastical Histoi-y of the Engli.^h People . . Early English Text Society, Pubs. 820. 8 Parish Priests and their People in the Middle Ages in England. Cutts, Rev. E. L. G 23 Q. 45 Popular History of the Church of England ... Carpeiiter, Bishop G 20 S Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum Stubbs, Bishop (! 1" Q 11 t Religious Thought ; bv W. Clarke Sixty Years of Empire B 22 R 18 St. Ansclm Church, Dean G 23 P 25 St. Anselm of Canterbury Rigg, J. M. G 15 R 33 Theodore and Wilf rith Browne, Bishop G 23 P 4 Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. (4ibson, Rev. E. C. S. (J 14 Q 30 A Thousand Years of English Church History from the Earliest Times to theDeathoiQueenElizabeth... Asplcn,L.O. G 4 V 34 Vcu. BedieEpistolaadEcgberctumantistitem... English HisLorical Society, Pubs. B 39 R 2 Ven. Bedoe Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum English Historical Society, Pubs. B 39 R 1 The Venerable Bedc Browne, Bishop G 20 P 18 Europe- History of the Christian Church Sehaff, Rev. P. C! 24 V 2, 3 Ecclesiastical History — France — Ablje Lamennais and the Liberal Catholic Movement in France. Gibson, Hon. W. (i 15 Q 30 Century of Louis XIV Bourgeois, E. B II W 12 l Life of 'St. Vincent de Paul Vincent ile Paul, St. C 19 \' 21 Germany^ Continental Teutons Mcrivale, Dean G 20 P G The Slavs Maclear, Rev. G. F. G 20 P 9 . — Great Britain and Ireland — Calendaiof Entries in the l'a|ial Register.s relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Letters, 1198-1.302 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office B 45 Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Petitions to the Pope, 1342-1419. (Jt. Brit and Irel. —Public Record Office B 45 History of English Church 1040-00... Shaw, W. A. (; 24 V 28, 29 [_See (dso England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, under this heading.] Iceland — The Northmen Maclear, Rev. G. F. G 26 P 8 Ireland — The Celtic Church in Ireland Heron, Rev. .L G 23 Q 15 St. Patrick; his Life and Teaching Newell, E. 3. G 20 P 21 Some Worthies of tliclri.sh Church... Stokes, Rev. G.T. G 25 TT Norway — The Northmen Maclear, Rev. G. F. G 20 P 8 Poland — The Slavs Maclear, Rev. G. F. G 20 P 9 Russia — The Slavs Maclear, Rev. G. F. G 20 P 9 Scotland — Apostolic Ministry in tlie Scottish Ministry... Story, Rev. R. H. G 9 W 33 Bygone Church Life in Scotland Andrews, W. G 23 T 44 Celtic Church in Scotland Dowden, Rev. J. G 26 P 11 General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, Records, 1048-49. Scottish History .Society, 25 941 History of the Church of Seotiaud ... Hetherington, Rev. W. M. G 24 V G, 7 History of the Reformation within the Realm of Scotland. Knox, J. G 23 T 8 Preacher.? of Scotland, Cth-19th Centuries... Blaikie, Rev. W. G. G 25 T 10 Pre-ibyterics of luveruess and Dingwall, Records, 1643-88. Scottish History Society, 24 941 Scottish Nationality, and other Papers. . . Ker, Rev. J. Q 24 S 24 Scottish Pulpit, from the Reformation to the Present Day. Taylor, Rev. W. M. G 26 Q 11 Spalding Club Publications B 40 R 1-S 12 Suli'crin.L's of the Church of Scotland Wodrow, Rev. R. G 3 U .30-33 Spain- Spanish Protestants in the 10th Century Wilkius, Rev. C. A. G 11 U 13 Sweden — The Northmen Maclear, Rev. G. F. G 26 P S Syria^ Svriae Chronicle known a^ that of Zachariah of Mitylene. Zacliariah of Mitylene (i 24 X 37 Unitsd States — Americ.in Church History Series G 12 V 8-19 CUiurch in Amcricx Coleman, Bishop G 19 U 5 Futiu-e of the New EnglandCburchcs—Zn American Contributions to Civilization Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 Historical Sketch of the Unitarian Movement since the Reforma- tion Allen, Rev. J. H. G 12 V 17 History of the American Episcopal Church . . . McConnell, Rev. S. D. G23T9 History of the Baptist Churches in the United States. Newman, Rev. A. H. G 12 V 9 806 ^Public Library of New South Wales. Ecclesiastical History— United States— cofi<(/. History of the Methodists iu the United States... Buckley, J. M. History of the Reformed Dutch Cliurch iu the United States. ^ Corwin, Rev. E. T. U 12 V 1-j History of Universalism Eddy, Rev. R. G 12 V 17 Life of Francis Hiaginson, First Minister in the Massachusetts Bay Colony; by T. W. Higginson... Higginson, Rev. F. C 19 P lo Old Church in the Xew Land Smith, Rev. C. E. U 9 \\ 24 Problem of Religious Progress Dorchester, Rev. D. G 12 \ 4 Religious Forces of the United States... Carroll, H. K. (i 12 \ 8 Wales- History of the Church of Wales... Clarke, Rev. H. W. (i \V o2 Ecclesiastical Law — EcclesiasticalCourtsBill— !« Speeches... Magce, Archbp. J 14 Q 37 Great Britain and Ireland, Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Eng- land, Acts relating to F 13 S 29 Great Britain and Ireland. Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Eng- land, Reports .•• „^*^ Great Britain and Iielantl, Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Eng- land, Orders in Council ratifying Schemes of S 13F 17-28 [,?ce ako Church Polity ; Councils, Church ; Marriage and Divorce.] Ecclesiastical Vestments — Ecclesiastical Vestments Macalister, R. A. G. G 19 T 2'2 The Sacred Vestments Duranduif, Bishop ( ! 24 (,> 1 (J [See also Costume.] Echidna — Period of Gestation in Echidna: by Dr. R, Broom Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 fiSO.O [See also Monotremata. ] Echinodermata — British Echincderms in the British Mu.seuin ; by F. .7. Bell. British Museum— Natural History A 42 U 9 Eehinoderm Fauna of New Zealand ; by H. FaiMjuhar. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 580. G Echinodermata; by T. Whitelegge Australian Museum •^ Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 22 Echinodermata in the Australiau Museum ... Australian Museum MA 3 R 66, G8 Echinoderms; bv F. J. Bell— in Zoological Results ... Willey, A. • MA 4 V 3 Historj- of New Zealand Ecliinorney Royal Society, N. S." Wales, Journal, 1899 506 Edinburgh — (r'eH«c((/ and Deseriptive — Edinburgh Almanac Oliver and Boyd 314.1 Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh Hutton, L. D 20 Q 26 Sights and Scenes in Scotland Scotland A 8 Q 26 t Directories- Edinburgh and Leith Post Ofricc Directory, 1896-97 Hutory- 914.144 Edinburgh Stevenson, R. L. B 16 R 47 Edinburgh University. [For Calemlai-.s and Ollicial Puhlicatioiis ^ee Author Catalogue.] Edriophthalma lii, ,1. F 1 V 14 Education and the Social Problem— in Manual Training. llam, (!. H. G 24 P 19 Education, especially of Young Gentlemen, 1687 Walker, O. G 18 P38 Education of tho Young in the Republic of Plato; trans, by B. Bosiimpiet Plato (i 26 7 Suhject-Indecc to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 807 'Educa.tion— General — cordd. Kilucatioiiiil Aims and Methods Fitch, Sir J. (! ■2(1 R Ediicatioiiid IdwU ; with Bibliography... Mmu-oe, J. R (i-2V4(i ICducatioiial Theories Browning, (). (1 l7S'i7 Kssay.s on a Ijibural Education Farrar, I)ean (i 17 T 10 Founilation of Success Bratli, S. ile (i IS tj .'i-t (jreneral and I'rufessiiinal F.diication in University Ad(h'esses. Caird, Rev. J. Ci 15 P 40 Great Didactic of Jo!in Auijj C'j;ncniu3 C&nienius, J. A. (! 14 R 2.-) He^'cl as Educator Luquucr, F. L. (!2l)'ri2 ITcrliart an 1 the Herbartians Do (iarino, C. (J i) W 2:i Huniauisni in Education Jcbb, R. C. ( i .3 (i) .'!') International Cnigress of Education, Proceedings, ISiK). Chicago Exliil)ition, lS!):i ({ 17 'I' 1 John Amos Comenius Laurie, S. S. (lOUSli Kant on Education Kant, I. (i 24 P 11 Levana: or, the Doctrine of Education.., Wood, Susan (! 20 R 10 . Liljcral View of Education Hammond, J. L. F 5 S 50 Logic of tlie Practical Sciences— /'< Theory of Practice. Hodgson. S. H. (J 11 Q 28, 2!) Logical Bases of Education Weltoii, J. (i 15 U 43 Loyola and the Educational Sj'stem of thejesuits. . . Hughes. Re%'. T. (! kSQ52 Meaning of Education Butler, N. M. (i23P20 Necessity for a Minister of Education; by Viscount L3'mington. Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 15 A 41 V 11 Problems in Education Winch, W. H. (i 2fi R 12 Psychologic Foundationsof Education... Harris, W.T. (! 18 Q 42 Psychology applied to Education Compayre, G. (i 4 V 28 (Juiek, ReV. K. H., Life and Remains of ; by F. Storr C 20 U 29 Rousseau and Education according to Nature Davidson, T. G IS Q 47 Rousseau's "Emile" Rousseau, J. J. (J IS P (il Siikularbilder Gutzkow, K. J 24 S ») Scientific Writings Henry, J. A .35 W 3 Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism. Haulleville, Baron do G W 6 Social Phases of Education in the School and the Home. Dutton, S. T. G 24 P 2G Some Educational Suggestions — ui Ignorance... Dorman, M. R. P. G 18 R 71 Some Thoughts concerning Education Locke, .1. (J 15 U 36 Superintendent of Public Instruction, North Dakota, Report. North Dakota -Annual Repts. 328.784 Things of the Jlind Spalding, J. L., Bishop (i 15 U 2 Vittorina da Feltre ami other Humanist F'ducators. •\\'oodward, W. H. G 2 U 45 Wherein I'opular Education has Failed- in American Contributions to Civilization Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 Writings Ruskin. J. J 23 S 30 [See aho Agriculture — Ediication; Attention; Blind — Asylums and Education; Classical Education; Commercial Education; Cookciy; Culture; Deaf and Dumb ; Divinity Schools; Educa- tion, Primary; Education, Secondary; Education — Univei'sities and Colleges ; Education — Laws and Legislation ; Education — Periodicals; Education— Statistics ; Education — Hy Countries; Educational Reformers and Teachers ; Engineer! Tig — Education ; Examinations; Feeble-minded; Fine Arts — Education; Heu- ristic Method ; Industrial Schools ; Kindergarten ; Languages, Teaching of; Legal Education ; Medicine — Education; Military Art and Science — Education ; Mining — Education ; Moral Edu- e.ition; Music -Education ; National Education; Naval Art and Science — Education; Object Lessons; Ph3'sical Education; Ragged Schools ; Reading-books ; Reformatories ; Religion in Education ; Religion — Education ; School Libraries ; School Management ; >School Papers and Magazines ; Scientific Edu- cation ; Self-cvilturo ; Stuiletit Life'; Sunday Schools ; Teachers — Training Schools; Teiching; Technical E.iucation ; Theology — Education; Universities; University Extension ; Women — Edu- c.vtion; and snb-lieading Education under each subject.] Jtibliograpliy — Bibliography of Education Monroe, W. S. G 18 P 50 List of Publications on Educational Subjects, issued by Local Edu- cational Authorities in England and Wales — in Special Reports o.'i I'jducational Subjects Gt- Brit, and Ire!. — Education G 17U 15 Education — Deparlmente, lioarch, Councils — - Accountant for Scotland, Annual Report Gt. Britandlrcl. - Scotch Education Dept. 379. 1 1 Cape ot (Jood Hope— Education, Supt.-Gen.'s Rept. ... 379.087 (!omiecticut -Board of Education, Re[Mrts 379.740 Charity Ciminuasioners for England and Wales, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Education 379.429 Colorado— Public Instruction, Report' of Superintendent 379.788 Commissioner of School Fund, Connecticut, Rept. . . . Connecticut — Annual Repts. 328.746 Comniissionsrs of Education in Ireland, Rept. ...Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education 379.415 Commissioners of National Eilucation in Ireland, Report. (it. Brit, and Irel. Education 379.415 Committee of Council on Education, England and Wales, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Education G 17 U 11 Committee of Council on Education in Scotland, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Scotch Education Dept. 379.41 East Central Division, (General Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Education 379. 42 Education Department, Tasmania, Reports... Tasmania — Parlia- ment, Journs. 328.940 Education, New Zealan N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony ." Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 New South Wales Educational Gazette, 1894^9.5 37''.5 School Instruction and the Material Advancement of the State. Mathews, H. JIG 2 T 20 New York — New York — Board of Education, Reports 379. 747 Education— New Zealand— lOducation Law in New Zealand JoUifTc, W. MG 2 U 8 Progress in Women's Education in the Briti.sh Empire. Victorian Era Exhib., 1897 G 23 R 10 Norway — Ediuation in Norway United States — Bureau of Education, Rept., 1897 379.73 Ohio — Oliio— Connni.s.sioner of Connnon Schools, Report 379.771 Queensland — State Education Act, 187.5, and Regulations of the Department. Queensland -Pidjlic Instruction MF 3 R '.) South Africa — Progress in Women's Education in the British Empire. Victorian Era Exhib., 1897 G 23 K Hi South Australia- Educational Legislation; by .T. Hosking Royal Soc, South Australia, Trans., 1871 50C Spain — Education of Girls and Women in Spain- in Special Reports on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 U 14 Sweden — Education in Sweden and Iceland L^nited States - Bureau of Education, Rept., 189.5-96 379.73 Switzerland — European Schools Klemm, L. R. G IS P 00 National Organization of Education iu Switzerland — in Si)ecial Pveports onEducationalSubjccts... Gt. Brit.andlrel. — Education G 17 U 10 Normal Schools in Switzerland United States — Bureau of Education, Rept., 1894-95 379.73 United States — American Connnon Sclio:]! in the Southern States during the First Half-Century of the Republic; by Rev. A. D. Mayo ... L'nited States— Bureau of Education, Rept., 189.5-96 .379.73 City School Systems in the LTnited .States ; by Dr. J. D. Phill.irick. United States - -Bureau of Education G 18 R 04 Democracy and Social Growth in Aniei-ica... Moses, B. F 1.5 S 5 Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association, Washington, Proceedings, 1883... United States — Bureau of Education G 18 S 23 Educational Legislation and Administration of the ColonialGovcrn- ments Clews, Elsie V/. (J 26 T 2 Educational Reform Eliot, C. W. G 17 T 31 First Common Schools of Now England United States — Bureau of Education, Rept., 1897 379.73 Methods of Education in the United States Zimmern, Alice G 15 U 34 National Bureau of Education of the United States— ire Special Reports on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 U 14 National Legislation concerning Education ; its Influence and Efl'ect in the Public Land States of the Mississippi River admitted prior to 1820 Germann, G. B. G 20 T 8 Organization and Reconstruction of State System of Common School Education in the North Atlantic States, 1830-65; by Rev. A. D. Mayo U.S.— Bureau of Education, Rept., 189t-9S 379.73 Public Schools in t!ie United Stats's during the Colonial and Revo- lutionary I'criod ; by Rev. A. D. Mayo... United States — Bureau of Education, Report, 1893-94 379.73 Recent Centralizing Tendencies in State Educational Adminis- tration Webster, W. C. G 20 T IS Teaching in Three Continents Grasby, W. C. G 17 S 23 United States— Bureau of Education, Reports 379.73 [See a/so Individual States under this heading.] Uruguay — Education in Uruguay United States — Bureau of Education, Report, 1892-93 379.73 Memoria Correspoudiente al aiio 1893 Uruguay (J 13 V 30 Programas Escolares Uruguay G 18 S 25 810 Tuhl'iG Library of New South Wales. Education — Victoria — Basis of National Prosperity; h\ Rev. T. F. Binl. Melbourne Review, 1 0r>2 Pearson, Cliarlcs Henry C 25 T 16 Professor Pearson's Report ; by T. Harlin Mclb. Rev.,3 052 Regulations under the E U 4G Effects of Modern Systems of Compulsory Education and Cotu- petitive Examination on tlie Mental and Phj'sical Health of the Community; bv Dr. J. P. Tcalc Internat. Health Exhib.. 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Home Lessons after School Hours ; by Sir James Fayrer. . .Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit", 11 A 41 V 7 Infant Schools under the Code of 1SS4; by A. Bourne... Internat. Health Exhib., 1S84, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Infant Teaching: by Celia Ellis... Internat. Health E.xhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V9 International Congress of Education, Proceedings, 1893. Chicago Exhibition, 1893 G 17 T 1 Organisation of Elementary Education; by T. E. Heller. Internat. Health Exhib., 1S84, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Over-pressure in Elementary Schools ; bv R. Greenwood. Internat. Health Exhib.," 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Overwork in Schools; bv Br. R. B. Carter Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., U A 41 V 7 Punishment in Schools; bv C. E. Shelley Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Study of the Child Taylor, A. R. G 17 S 12 Use of Pictures and other Works of Art in Elementary Schools ; by T. C. Horsfall... Internat. Health Ex., 1884. Lit.,"l3 A 41 V"9 [.5ee nho iCducation — Departments, Reports; Education, Prinuiry — By Countries; History — Teaching of; Kindergarten; National Education ; Object Lessons ; Orphans and Orphan Schools ; Ragged Schools ; Reading; Reading-boolvs; Schools— Architec- ture; and under each Country in Author Catalogue for Goverji- mcnt Publications. ] — Belgium- By Countries. Construction of Primary Scliools in Belgium : liy C. Buls . . . Internat. Health Exhib., 18S4", Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Housewifery Schools and Classes of Belgium !« Special Repoi ts on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— Education G 17 U 14 Legislation on Elementary Education in Belgium- m Special Reports on Educational Subjects. . .G t. Brit, and Irel. ICducation G 17 U 14 Finland- Elementary Education in the Grand Ducliy of Finland — in Special Reports on Educational Subjects ..Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education 17 U IG France — Frencli Leaving Certificate — in Special Reports on ICducational Subjects (it. Brit and Irel. — Education G 17 U \'> French System of Higlicr Primary Education -in Special Reports on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education (i 17 U 14 Infant Schools in France; byMme. Dillon... International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Great Britain^ Bni.sh-work '\n an Elementary School— in Special Reports on Edu- cational SubjectH ., Gt. Brit, and Irel. Education G 17 U 14 Committee a|)pointe(l to in<|uire into the Existing SyBtem for the Maintenance and Education of Children, Report. at. Brit, and Ire).— Poor Law Schools F 40 V 7-9 + Education, Primary — Great Britain — contd. Education: a Maniuil of Practical Law... Williams, J. F 13 V 17 Education of Children — in Progress in Women's Education in the British Empire Victorian Era Exhibition, 1887 G 23 R 10 Education of Girls and Women in (ircat Britain .. Bremner, C. S. G 18 Q .37 Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland ... Balfour, (J, G 18 Q 49 English -National Education .' Holman, H. G 23 P 21 English System of Elementary Education ; by Rev. H. Roe. Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 History of the Irish System of Elementary Education— »« Special Reports on Educational Subjects... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 U 14 Instructions to Inspectors (it. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 U 13 List of School Boards and School Attendance Committees in England and Wales Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Ediication 379.1,5 National System of Education in Ireland— /;i Special Reports on EducationalSubjects...Gt. Brit, andlrel. — Education G 17 U 14 Public Elementary Education in England and Wales, 1870-95 — in Special Reports on Educational Subjects... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 U 14 Summary of Statistics. Regulations, &c., of Elementary Education in England and Wales, 1833-70 — ;'« Special Reports on Educa- tional Subjects Gt. Brit, and IreL — Education G 17 U 15 Studies in Board Schools Morley, G. 6 18 Q 41 South Australia — Bill for promiiting Elementary Education in South Australia; by J. Ho.sking Royal Soc, S. Australia, Trans., 1871 50"G United States — City School Systems in the United States; by Dr. J. D. Pliilbrick. United States— Bureau of Education G 18 R 04 Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association, Washington, Proceedings. United States — Bureau of Education G 18 S 23 Public Schools during the Colonial and Revolutionary Period in the United States -in Report, 1893-94, vol. 1 ... United .States- Bureau of Education 379.72 Uruguay — Programas Escolares Uruguay . G 1 8 S 25 Victoria — Primary In.structioii in A'ictoria; by Rev. ^1. Watson. Melbourne Review, 4 052 Western Australia — Elementary Education Act, 1871... Western Australia — Statutes I\IF 4 P 40 Education, Secondary — Genei-al-— Comiiaralive Advantages of Boarding and Day School ; by Rev. Prebendary Brcreton... International Health Exliibition, 1884, Lit., Hi A 41 V 12 Course of Study in the Various School Classes on Lines of Subjects appointed for Local, University, and other General Examinations; bv Rev. R. B. Poole... Internat. Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 10 A 41 V 12 Curriculum of a Modern School ; by H. W. Eve ... International Health Exliibition, 1884, Lit., 16 A 41 V 12 C\u'riculum of a School for (iirls of the FirstGrade ; bj' Mrs. Br^■ant. International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 16 A ifV 12 Dehatcablc Claims Tarver, J. C. G 23 Q 21 Education: aManualof Practicil Law... Williams, J. F 13 V 17 Essays on Secondary Education Cookson, C. <)(> Free Eilucation; by Rev. J. H. Rigg Intermit ion:>l Hcaltli Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 10 A 41 V 12 Function of the Secondary School - in Meaning of Education. Butler, N. M. G 23 P 20 International Congress of Education, Proceedings, 189.3. Chicago Exhibition, 1893 G 17 T 1 Matriculation Examination of the University of London ; by Rev. (!aiion Fowler — in Essays, &c Cookson, V. G 23 P 18 Matriculations, Rcsponsions, and Higher Certificate Examinations; by P. E. Matheson — I'n Essays on Secondary Education. Cookson, C. G23Pia Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 811 Education, Secondary — General — contd. Oil Nuiiibci's in a Class; I >y Archdeacon Emory lutcrnalional Health Exhibition, 1SS4, Lit, l(i A 41 V 12 Organisation of Higher Education for Girls; by Dorothea Boalo. International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 10 A 41 V 12 Organisation of Hecondary Education Locally and by the State ; by Hon. E. L. Stanley Internal. Health I'^xhib.", 1884, Lit., Ki A 41 V 12 I'ajjers accompanying the Report of the Ko\al ('omniission on (Secondary Education United States — Bureau of Education, R-ept., 18'J4 9.5 37it.7:{ Professional Examinations; by J. Gow — in Essays on Secondary Education Oookson, C. (i 28 P 18 Providing for Intermediate Education by Means of a Rate; by Canon I)aniel... International Healtli Exhibition, 1S84, Lit., Hi A 41 V 12 Recent Changes in the Theory of Higher Eilueation — m Proceedings, 12th Convention of American Agricultural Colleges. United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. Stations 030.7 Reijuirements of a Truly National System of Higher Education ; by R. D. Roberts... International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 10 A 41 V 12 Sixth Form Teaching in a Day School— m Essays on Secondary Education Cookson, C. G 23 P 18 Some Difficulties of Day Schools; by J. E. King--m Essays on Secondary Education Cook.son, C. G 23 P IS Some Problems connected with the Teaching of Sixth Forms - in Essaj's on Secondary Education Cookson, C. G 23 P 18 Teaching and Organi.sation Barnett, P. A. (t 18 P 47 The Tutorial System— /h Essays on Secondary Education. Cookson, C. G 23 P 18 [See aUo High Schools.] By Countries. Belgium- Statistiquc dc rEnseignemeut Supcricv France — France G 12 W 11, 12 t Enseignement Supericur et I'Enseignement Technique en France. Melon, P. t! 17 U 35 Higher Education in France; by A. Dumont ... Intcrnat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 15 A 41 V 11 Recueil des Lois et Reglements sur rEnseignemeut Su})erieur. France F 1 1 V 27 Germany — Curricula and Programmes of Work for Higher Schools in Prussia — !)i Special Rejiorts on Educational Subjects .. Gt. Brit, andlrcl — Education G 17 U 10 German Higher Schools Russell, J. E. G 17 S 25 Higher Schools of the Grand Duehy of Baden ; their Development and Organization — in Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Gt. Brit, and Iiel. — PMucation (J 17 U 10 Problems in Prussian Secondary Education for Boys, with special reference to Similar Questions in England — in Special Reports on EducationalSubjects...Gt. Brit, andlrel. — Education (! 17 U 16 Secondary School Sj'stcm of Germany... Bolton, F. E. G 15 U 48 Great Britain — Abbotsholme Reddie, C. G25T13 Education of Girls and Women in Great Britain... Bremner, C. S. G 18Q37 Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland ... Balfour, ii. G 18 Q 49 English Schools at the Reformation Leach, A. F. (i IS R 05 Experiment in the Co-edueation of Boys and (iirls in Special Reports on Educational Subjects . . . Gt . Brit, and Irel. — Education G17U14 Inspection of Higher Class Schools, Scotland, Report. (Jt. Brit, and Irel.— Scotch Education Dept. 373.41 Intermediate Education Board for Ireland, Rcpoit. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education 373.415 IntermediateEducation, Ireland, Appendix to Rept. of Commission. (U. Brit, and Irel. — Intermediate Education, Ird. (i 40 W 7 X IntermediateEducation, Ireland, Commissioner's Final Report and Appendix... Gt. Brit. andlrcl. — Intermel!eges in America Barker, .J. M. G 18 P .37 Duties of the Universities towards our Indian Empire; by Prof. M. Williams... International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 15 A41 Vll Education; a Manual of Practical Law... Williams,.!. F 13 V 17 Educatiouof the Educated; by C. W. Caddy... Melb. Rev., 5 052 Educational Reform Eliot, C. W. G 17 T 31 Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland ... Balfour, (;. G 18 Q49 Functions of a Great University Clark, J. M. G 18 R 59 Higher Education in Missouri ; bj' Prof. M.S. Snow. . . United States — Bureau of Education, Circular of Information. 189S G 18 S .38 Higher Education in Pennsylvania, Report Pennsylvania — Public Instruction "370.9748 Liberal Education in Universities Seeley, .1. (J 17 T 10 London University Teaching considered from the jlodern Side ; by Prof. H. Morley ... International Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 15 A 4 1 V 1 1 Proper Relation between the Teaching and Examining Bodies in a University; by Sir li. Young... Intemat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 15 A 41 V 11 Rectorial Addresses delivered at the University of St. Andrews, 1863-93 Kiiight, W. G J7 T IS Recueil des Lois et Riglements sur I'Enseicnement Superieur. France F 11 V 27 Reorganizatioirof the University of Oxford... Smith, G. G 25S23 Relation between University and College ; by G. W. Hemming. . International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 15 A 41 V 11 Relations of Provincial Colleges to a University ; bv S. G. Johnson. International Health Exhibition, 1884,'Lit.' 15 A 41 V 11 Speech on the University Bill... Wentworth, W. 0. JIG 1 R 79 State Aid to Higher Education Johns Hopkins University. Studies, extra vol. 18 B IS T 18 Statistical Review of Higher Education... United States — Bureau of Education, Rept., 1894-95 379.73 Study of Art in Universities Waldstein, C. (J IS P 34 Sychiey LTniversity, Reports... N.S.W.— Pari., V. and P. 328.94 812 Tublio Library of New South Wales. Education — Universities and Colleges c.ontd. Training by Universities of Ihe PuiiHc Servants of the State: bv O. Browiling. . . Internat. Healtli Exliib. , 1884, Lit., 15 A 41 V ll Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages Rashdall, H. (;17T4-G Universitj' Colleges, Keports C4t. Brit. an^o Birds; Ornithology.] Egoism — Thus .Spake Zarathustra Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 10 [.S'ee a/.so Agnosticism ; Altruism; Cartesianism ; Idealism.] Egypt, Ancient — Historij — Alexander tlie (treat Wheeler, B. L B 27 (J 14 Alexander the Great, Life and Exploits of B 27 V 20 Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 28 R 13 Egypt of the Hebrews and Hevodotos Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 28 S 2 Empire of tiie Ptolemies, B.C. .332-30 ... Mahaffy, J.P. B 28 S 3 History of Egypt Petrie, W. M. F. B 21 R 3, 4, 7 History of Egypt to a.d. 640 Sharpe, S. B 35 Q 15, 16 Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx Le Plongeon, A. B 39 U 16 Saladin ; or, what befell Sultan Yusuf . . . Salah-Ed-Din C 24 R 20 Story of the Church in Egypt Butcher, E. L. G 23 Q 8, 9 Struggle of the Nations ..'. Maspero, G. B 17 U 18 lieligion — Book of the bead British Museum B 41 P 1 + Book of the Dead B37V 13-15 Book of the Master Adams, W. M. G 23 Q 48 Egypt, Chaldaja, and China -!» Ancient Ideals ... Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 Egyptianldeas of theFuture Life. . .Budge, Rev. E. A. W. G 25 P 19 Origin and Growth of Religion Renouf, P. le P. G 23 T 3 Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt Petrie, W. M. F. G 23 Q 24 Religion of the Ancient Egyptians Wiedemann, A. G 1 R 39 The Temple of Mut in Asher Benson, Margaret B 28 U 11 [.Sec n/*o Egyptology ; Hieroglyphics; Hyksos; Slemphis.] Egypt, Modern — General awl Descriptive — Citv of theCaliplis Ball, E. A. R-. D 20 S 23 Edge of the Orient Russell, R. H. D 17 S 19 Egypt in 1898 Stecvens, G. W. D 20 Q 19 Expansion of Egypt under Anglo-Egyptian Condominium. Wliite, A. S. F 8 R 31 E.\p2 Campaigning in South Africa and Kgynt Molyncux, • Ma.p-Gen. W. C. F. B 31 U i) Cromer, Lord ; by H. D. Traill ' Cromer, Baron C 24 Q 19 Dongola Expedition -in Memoir of Roildy On'cn ... Owen, E. R. C2.5Q0 Downfall of the Der\ ishcs Bennett, E. N. B 29 Q 23 Egypt ill tlie 19th Century Cameron, D. A. B 37 R 1 Egyptian Campaigns, 1882-99 Royle, C. B 41 Q 6 Ei'vptian Soudan : its Lo?s and Recovery... Alford, Lieut. H. S. L. °^^ B39Pl(i How the Sirdar reached Ivhartoum... Campbell, Lieut. -Col. (J. R. MB 2 Q .5 Ironclad:; in Action, 18.-).-)-95 Wilson, II. W. B 33 R 6, 9 Khartoum Campaign, 1898 Burleigh, B. B 39 P 17 Letters from tlie Sudan Knight. E. F. D 14 T 24 Ordnance Notes, 10. . . United States -Dept. of War A 1 3 W 28 1 Sirdar ami Khalifa ; or, the Re-con(|uest of the Soudan, 1 898. Burleigh. B. B 34 R l.:i Soudan, '9(i Wright, H. C. S. B 17 P 43 Told from the Ranks Small, K. M. B 21 S 4 Towards Kliartoum, 1893 Atteridge, A. H. ]} 17 R 43 Under Queen and Kliedive Mieville, Sir W. B ,37 Q I! An Unsuccessful Patriot; by H. G. Turner ... Melbourne Rev., S 052 War in Egypt and the Soudan Archer, 'I'. 1! 21 V 20 .30 [See also Egj-pt — History; Soudan Contingent.] Egyptians — " Recherches sur lesOrigines del'Egypte... Morgan, .J. dc A 34 V 10 Egyptology — Abraham and his Age Tondiins, Rev. H. (J. G 23 Q 19 i-Egyirtische und Vorderasiatisehe Alterthiinier Berlin— - Kijnigliches Museum B 47 1' l(i J Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul. Wiedemann, A. (J 19 U 17 Antiquity of Man, Egyptology, and Assyriology — !« Warfare of Science with Theology Wliite, A. V>. i\ 3 U 17, 18 Beni Hassan .. . Egypt Exploration Fund, 7th Memoir B 18 Q 31 t Book of tire Dead '. British Museum B 49 P 1 : Book of the Dead B 37 V 13-1.3 Collection of Hieroglyphs; liy F. L. Griffith... Egvpt Exploration Fund B18Q28t Denderjli, 1893; bv Prof. Petric Egvpt Exploration Fund B 18 Q 30 t Egyptology— co/t/f?. iXshaslieh; l>y W. M. F. Petrie Egypt Exploration Fund B 18 Q 19 t Egypt of t!ic Hebrews ami Herotlotos Sayce, Rev. .\. H. '"^' B28S2 Egy])tiaii Texts of llie I'^arliest Period from the Coffin of Anianiu in the Britisji Museum; trans, by S. Birch . . British Museum A 4G P 9 t Ejiitaphe Mincenne iVEgNpte Derenbourg, H. 15 .39 U 8 Guide to tlie Exhibition Galleries ... Briti.sh Museum A .39 V' 17 Guide to tlie First and Second Egyptian Rooms... British Museum B 40 P 4 History of lOgy pt Petrie, W. M. F. B 21 R 3, 4, 7 Inscriptions iii tlie Hieratic and Demotic Character from the Col- let^tions of tlio British Museum ... British Museum B 47 P 8 t Land of Goshen and the Exodus Brown, R. H. B .34 S 7 Land of the Monuments Pollard..!. I) 17 S 18 Light from the Land of the Sphinx... W'itherby, H. F. G 1 S 21 Mastaba of Ptahhete)) and Akhethetep at Saqqareh Egypt Exploration Fund, 8th Memoir B 18 Q 32 I' Memi)bis and Mycenx> Torr, C. B 27 V 21 Pyramids and Progress Ward, .L B 28 T 18 Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx Le Plongeon, A. B39U1G Recent Research in Egvpt; by W. M. F. Petrie Smithsonian Institution, Rept., 1897 .")06 Recherches surlesOriginesderEgypte... Morgan, J. de A .34 V 10 Recherches surlesOrigiiiesderEgvpte...Morg.an,. I. de A 17 S 18t Roval Tombs of the First Dynasty ; bvProf. Petrie Egypt Exploration Fund B 18 Q 29 1 Samlode I'liilologiske Afhandlinge ■ Schjott, P. 0. J 9 V ,37 Struggle of the Nations Maspero, G. B 17 U 18 Syria and Egvpt from the Tell el Amarna Letters. Petrie, W. M. F. B25Q13 Toll-el-.4marna Tablets in tlie British Museum, with Autotype Facsimiles British Museum .J 18 R 10 t Temple of Deir-el-Bahari; by E. Naville Egyirt Exploration Fund B 47 P 22, 23 J Temple of Mut in Asher Benson, Margaret B 28 U H Western Asia according to tlie most Recent Discoveries. Tiele, C. P. B 29 S l4 Work of the Service of Antiquities of Egypt, and of the Egyptian Institute, 1892-94... Smithsonian Institution, Rept., 1890 500 [See also Biblical Antiquities; Catacombs; Egypt, Ancient; Egypt— Religions ; Hieroglyphics; Mummies; Papyrus; Pyra- mids and Obslisks. ] Eidsvold, Queensland — Rcurt;, Eidsvold G'lld-tield Queensland -Gold-fields ^ MA 9 P 4.5 t Eight-hour Question — Ecjiiomic Eifccts of n.n Eight-hours Day for Miners. National Lib. Club, Pol. Econ. Circle, 2 330.6 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 History of the Eight Hours' Movement Murphy, W. E. .MF 4 P 38 Elasticity — Elasticity a Mode of Motion .Stevenson, R. A 21 U 22 Elasticitv and Heat Kelvin, Baron A 34 V 25 Miscellaneous Papers Hertz, H. A 21 U 23 Strength of Materials Ev.ing, J. A. A 38 S 21 Theoretical Physics Clu-istiauseii, C. A 33 \ 1 8 Theorie Mathematiquc de I'Elastieite des Corps solides. . Lami'-, G. A 25 S 34 [See iil.so Strains and Stresses; Strength of Materials.] Elder Expedition - Go:5<'ra])!iical Results of the Eliler Rcientifle Exploring Expedition. ° Roy. Geog. Soc. of Aust, Vict. Br., Trans., 12, 13 910.6 Eleatic Philosophy — First Phihisoplicrs of Greece Fairbanks, A. G 23 S 25 [.S'ce also Metaphysics.] 8U Public Library of New South Wales, Election aud Representation — General — Koininating Svstum — ;'« Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy. Goclkin, E. L. F 13 R 13 Political Crime Proal, L. F 13 S 33 Rationale of Political Representation Bailey, S. F 10 R 28 RepriSsentation des Interets dans les Corps Elus Franijois, C. F 17 S 1 [5eea?jso Citizenship; Electoral Laws ; Suffrage; Woman Suffrage. ] By Countries. Great Britain- English Representative Government in tlie 18th Century— !« Democracy and Liberty Lecky, \V. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 Massachusetts — Practical Working of Australian System of Voting in Massachu- .setts; by R.H.Dana... AmericanAcademy, Annals, 1891-92 30G ■ Victoria — Electoral Reform; by E. J. IS'ausoii Melb. Rev., S 0.")2 Parliamentarj- Reform ilelb. Rev., 1 052 Syme ou Rejireseutative Uoverument ; by (i. Elliot. Melbourne Review, 7 052 Wliom do our Representatives Represent? by J. S. Elkington. ^lelbourne Review, 5 052 Elections — Nominations for Elective Office Dallinger, F. W. F 3 T 22 Proceedings of the Electoral Connnission relating to the Count of Electoral Votes cast Dec, 1876, for the Presidential Term com- mencingl877...Uuited.State3 - Electoral Count, 1877 F 13T 12 Electoral Laws — Election Laws, State of New York New York — Legislature. F IG T 22 Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act, N. S. Wales. N. S. Wales -Statutes MF 5 Q 1 Electoral Rolls (New South Wales). [See New South Wale.-i — Eleetural Rolls, in Author Catalogue.] Electoral Systems. [See Election and Representation — By Countries.] Electric Bells — Industrial Electricity Elliott, A. C. Electric Boats — Electrical Uoats and Navigation . A 33 Q 31 . Martin, T. C. A 21 U 15 Electric Lamps. [See Electric Lighting.] Electric Lighting — Art of Projecting Dolbear, A. E. A 23 S IG Artesian Well Power utilised for Electric Lighting... N.Z. Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1897 331.8 Artificial Lighting in relation to Health Internat. Hcaltli Exhib., 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Central Station Electricity Supply (»ay, A. A 44 T 1 Coil and Current Frith, H. A 20 g 32 Commercial and Business Aspects of Municipal Electricity Su])ph'. Uibbings, A. H. A 35 W'7 Electric Light Fitting Uripihart, J. W. A 24 P 46 Electric Light; itsProductionandU.se. ..Urquhart, J. W. A24P45 Electric Lighting ii) Australia, Europe, andAmerica... Anderson, O. MA 4 S 14 Electiic Wiring, Fittings, Switches, and Lamps... Maj'cock, W. C. A 24 J' 40 Kleclricians and their Marvels Jerrold, W. A 21 P 50 Electricity for Everybody Atkinson, P. A 20 P 26 Electncit3' in Town and Country Houses Scrutton, P. K. A 25 S 12 Engineering Magazine 620.5 Iiiduatrial Electricity Elliott, A. (i. A 33 Q 31 Internal Wiring of Buildings Leaf, H. M. A 41 T 20 Electric Lighting — coaUT. Law relating to Electric Lighting Will, J. S. F 1 U 24 Mas.sachuselts — Gas and Electric Light Commissioners Rept. 665.7 Motive Power and Gearing for Electrical Machinery. . . Carter, E. T. A 25 T 22 Physiological Bearing of Electricity on Health ; by W. H. Stone. Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Railway Engineering Haldane, J . W. C. A 22 R 30 Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature Osterbere. M. A2rv 26 Water, Gas, and Electric-light Plants luider Private and Municipal Ownership... United States — Bureauof Labor, Rept., 1899 338 [See aho Dynamo Machines.] Electric Motors — Electricity for Everybody Atkinson, P. A 20 P 26 Electro-dynamics Wilson, C. A. C-. A 40 T 4 Industrial Electricity Elliott, A. (i. A 33 Q 3 1 Moilern Locomotives A 6 U 17 + [.SVe Telegraph Cables; by C. J. Cooke... N.Z. Inst. , Trans. , 1899 506 [.S'ce also Military Telegraphy; Pacific Cable; Telegraphy.] Adiiiinistratioii — Administration des Tfligraphes : R^glemeIlt Special Belgium F 16 R 27 Forty Yearsat the Post Office, London. .. Raines, F. E. F2V24,25 I'cnnsylvania — Department of Internal Affaiis, Report of Secre- tary 385 Postal and Telegraphic Conference .. N. S. Wales— Postal Service and Telegraphs 383 Postal and Telegraphic Service of New South Wales; by S. H. Lambton — in H. S. Wales, the Mother Colony. ..Hutchinson, F. Ml) 7 U23 Periodicals — Transmitter 383 Electric Wiring — Electric Wiring U.)l)b, R. A 21 U 12 lilectric Wiring, Fittings, Switclies, and Laui]'S... Maycock, W. P. A 24 1' 4') ' How to Wire Buildings Noll, A. A 25 S 7 Internal Wiring of Buihlings Leaf, H. M. A 41 T 20 Subject-Index to the Supi^lementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 815 Electrical Engineeriug — Alliiiiatiiij,' (.'uiiL'iits JacUsoii, 1). ('. A -JO (J :i7 Aiiiuituif \\'iuclin<,'s of Kloctriual Miichincs Pavs'.iall, H. K. Ai:iTi7t C'e)itnil Staiion Ek'ctricitv Supply (iav, A. A tt T 1 Coil and Current ". Fritlj," H. A 20 (>> S2 Commercial and Business Aspects of Munieipal Kleotricitv Su)>))lv. (iibl)inj;s, A. H. A 35 W' 7 Ulectrical Knergj' : Genei-ating Stations and Supply, Kcport of Committee... Gt. Brit. andlrel.— EleotricalKnei-gy A 30 V 11 :|: Electrical Engineer 021.3 Eleetrical Instrunient-iriaking for Ainatour.s Bottone, S. 1{. A 21 P r,2 Electrical Power Distribution in Factories; bj' H. A. Mavor. Inst., Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scot., Trans., 1827-98 020.0 Electro-magnetism and Construction of Hvnamos... Jackaon, P. C. A 20 (i 30 Engineering Magazine (i20.r) Engineer's \' ear-book Kempe, H. E. 02(1.8 Industrial Electricity ICUiott, A. (>. A 33 () 3 1 Magr.ets and Electric Currents. Fleming, J. A. A 20 (J :U IMannal of Eleetrical Undertakings C!arcke, E. 62 1 . 3 Motive Power and C!c?vring for Electrical ^.lachinery... Carter, E. T. A ib T 22 Practical Electricity, 1 Ayrton, W. E. A 20 P 25 Standard Polyphase Apparatus and Systems Oudin, M. A. A 45 S 3 Transformers for Sin.de ami Multiphase Currents Kapp, U. A 45 R 12 Use of Electricity in Mining; by E. F. J. Hewlett... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 022.00 [See alio Dynamo Machines ; Electr-ic Bells ; Electi'ie Boats ; Elec- tric Lighting ; Electric Motors ; Electric P,ail^^ ays and Tram- A«ays; Electric Telegraphs; Electric Wiring; Electricity — CJeneral ; Electro-dynamics. ] Electrical Fishes — Ekc'..ro-j hysiology Bicdermann, W. A 30 Q 25 Electrical Instruments. [See Electvii-ity — Appiu-atus.] Electrical Periodicals. [See Electricity — Pcriddicals.] Electrical Societies. [See Electricity — Societies.] Electricians — Electricians and their Marvels .Jerrold, W. A 21 P 50 Electricity— Gem-ral — Academic des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances, 120, 121 506 Alternating Current Phenomena Steinuietz, C. P. A 37 R 5 Alternating Currents Franklin, W. S. A 33 S 38 Alternating Currents Jackson, D. C. A 20 Q 37 Alternating Currents of Electricity Still, A. A 40 T American Association, Advancement of Science, Proc EO!i Coil and Current Frith, H: A 20 Q 32 Conducti\ity of Certain Substances hitherto supposeil to be Non- conducting for Voltaic Electricity; bv W. Skcv.. New Zealand Institute," Ti-ans., 29 506 Discoveries and Inventions of the I9th Century ... Routledge, R. A 2.3 T 45 Electric Movement in Air and Water Armstrong, Lord A 40 U 14 : Electric Power Transmission Bell, L. A 33 V 22 Electric Resonance of Mountains... Smiths. Inst. Rept., ISCS 506 Electrical Transmis.siou of Energy Abbott, A. V. A 21 V 22 Electrician3 and their Marvels .." Jerrold. W. A 21 P 50 Electricity .and its Applications in Artillery Practice; by Lieul. G. L. Aiiderson .. U.S.— Adjutant-General's Office A 20 T 18 \ Electricity and Magnetism Foster, G. C. A 25 S 11 Electricity and Magnetism Gerard, I";. A 39 Q 1 Electricity and Magnetism for Beginners .. .. Sanderson, F. W. A 21 Q 21 Electricity Un- Everybody Atkinson, P. A 20 P 20 Electricity — General — contd. IClcctro-magnetism and Construction of Dynamos... .Jackson, D. C. A 20 Q 30 FoiinuUe in Pure and Applied Magtietism and Electricity — in Mathematical and Physical Tables. .. Wrajison, J. P. A 25 S 38 Inductit.n Coil in Practical Work Wright, L. A 23 S .38 Iiulustrial Electricity Elliott, A. G. A 33 Q 31 Intellectual Rise in Electricity Benjamin, P. A 21 U London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical M.agazine 505 M.agnetic Fiehls of Force Ebert, H. A 20 T 27 Magnets and Electric Currents Fleming, J. A. A 20 Q 31 Matliematical 'J'hcoiy of Electricity and JIagnetism. Watson, II. W. A 21 T 12* Miscellaneous Papers Hertz, H. A 21 U 23 Physics Anthony, A. W. A 41 P 1 The Potentiometer and its Adjuncts ... Fisher, W. C. A 38 T 2 Practical Electricity Ayrton, W. E. A 20 P 25 Pi'iuciples of the Transformer Bedell, F. A 21 U 24 Scicntilic Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 Screening of JCleetro-motive Force in the Fields produced by Lej den-jar Discharges; by J. A. Erskine New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 500 Some Unrecognised Laws of Nature Singer, I. A 24 T 35 Sul CongreSEo Internazionale di Elettricita in Chicago, 1893. Ferreris, G. A 21 U 7 Sur le R&idu Electrique des Condensateurs Houllevigue, L. A 40 S 1 .Synopsis of Curreut Electrical Literature Osterberp, M. A 21 V 30 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism ... Curry, C. E. A 20 P 30 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism Webster, A. G. A 33 S 24 Transformers for Single and Multiphase Currents Kapp, G. A 45 R 12 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy : by L. Duncan. Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1896 500 Wliat is Electricity? Trowbridge, .J. A 20 P 28 [Sect(7.soD_ynamoMaehines; Electric Bells; Electric Boats; Electric Lighting ; Electric Motors ; Electric Railways and Tramways ; Electric Telegraphs ; Electric Wiring ; Electrical Engineering ; Eectricity, Measurement of ; Electro-biologj' ; Electro-cliemistrj-; Electro-dynamics; Electrolysis; Elccti'o-magnetisra ; Electro- metallurgy ; Electro-physiology ; Electro-plating ; Electro- tlierapeutics; Electro-typing; Lightning Conductors; Magnet- ism; Physics; Telephone.] BVMoyrapliy — ■ Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature Osterberg, M. A 21 V 26 Dictionaries — Dictionary of Electiical Words, Terms, and Phrases. . .Houston, E. J. A 21 V 39 Lans (uid Legislation — Electric Company's Bill, Report of Select Committee South < Australia— Parliament, Proc., 1895 .328.942 Electric Light and Powers Regulations ... Victoria — Parliament, V. aiid P., 1890 .328.945 Law relating to Electric Lighting Will, .L S. F 1 U 24 Periodicals — Electrical Engineer 021. 3 Electrical Review 021.3 Eleetrical World 621.3 Societies — American Institute of Eleetrical Engineers, Transactions... 621.3 Institute of Electrical Engineers, Journal (i21.3 Electricity discharged through Gases — I)isc]iaii,'e of i'Ucctricitv thmugli (Jascs Thomson, J. J. A 20 Q 23 Electricity in Animals. [See Electrical Fishe.s; Electro- physiology.] Electricity in Medicine. [See Electro-therapeutics.] 8]6 Public Library of New South Wales. Electricity, Measurement of — Electrical Transmission of Energy Abbott", A. V. A '21 V '22 Electricity and Magnetism Oeranl, E. A 30 Q 1 Experiments for improving the C'onstrnction of Practical Standards for use in Electrical Measurements, Report of Committee. British Assoc, Advance, cf Science, Kept., 1899 oOfl Indnstrial Electricity Elliott, A. G. A m Q 31 Magnetic Detector of Electrical Waves and some of its Applicatior^s ; by E. Rutherford Rov. Soc, Lend., Phil. Trans., ser. A, vol. 189 .5015 Magnets and Electric Currents Fleming, J. A. A 20 Q 3! Popnlar Scientific Lectures Mach, E. A 21 R 38 The Potentiometer and its Adjuncts ... Eisner, W. C. A 3S T 2 Practic.ll Electricity Ayrton, W. E. A 20 P 2.') Theory of Electricity and]SIagnctism...\Vel;ster, A. (!. A 33 S 24 Electro-biology — Electrical Psychology Dods, J. B. G 19 U 12 Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, &c. Reichenbach, Karl, Baron von A 21 U 20 [See also Electro-physiology; Electro-therapeutics; Hypnotism.] Electro-chemistry — Electric Currents in Organic Chemistrj' ; by E. F. Smith. American Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Proc. , 1898 506 Electrolysis and E1ectros^^lthesis of Organic Compounds. LOb,\V. A -11 T 19 Electrolytic Dissociation and some of its Applications. Jones, H. C. A 4.5 S 5 Electroh-tic Methods of Analysis Neumann, B. A 40 T 2 Elements of Electro-chemistry Le Blanc, M. A 20 P 24 Elements of Electro-chemistry Liipke, R. A 21 U 30 Industrial Electricity Elliott, A. G. A 33 Q 3 1 [See also Electrometallurgy.] Electro-deposition. [See Electro-molallurgy: Electro- Electro-dynamics — Electro-dynamics ^Vilson, C. A. C-. A 40 T 4 Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Watson, H. W. A 21 T 12* Theory of Electricity and Magnetism Webster, A. G. A 33 S 24 [See aho Electricity, Measurement of. ] Electro-magnetism — Aberration and some other Problems connected with the Electro- magnetic Field Walker, G. T. A 45 T 19 Alternating Currents Jackson, D. C. A 20 Q 37 Electricity and Magnetism (ierard, E. A 39 Q 1 Electricity anl Magnetism Weljstcr, A. G. A 33 S 24 Electricitj' and Magnetism for Beginners Sander.son, F. W. A 21 (J 21 • Electro-magnetic Theory Heavisido, 0. A 21 'I' IS Jilcctroniagnctism and Construction of Dynamos... Jackson, D. C. A 20 (^ 30 Magnetic Fielils of Force Ebert, H. A 20 T 27 Magnets and Electric Currents Fleming, J. A. A 20 Q 31 Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, &c . Reichenbach, Baron von A 21 U 20 ■Scientific Papers Rayleigh, Baron A 44 V 1 Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 3.5 W 3 Theoretical Piiy.sics • Christiansen, C. A .33 V 18 Theory of IJglit Preston, T. A21U14 Treatise on Physical Optics Basset, A. P.. .A 21 U 13 [See aho Electricity; Magnetism.] Electro-metallurgy — Ek(,lric Siiicltijig and Refining Borcliers, \y. A 38 T 1 Electricity as .a Factor in Ore-dressing; by V. 1). Power. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, I'roc., 1893 f)22.0(> Electro-metallurgy McMillan, W. G. A 24 R .34 [.S'ee atgo Electro chcmi.stry ; Electro-plating.] Electro-physiology — Electropbyaiiilogy Bicderninnn, W. A 30 (.> 24. 2.5 [See alio Electro-biology.] Electro-plating — Electro-platers' Hand-book Bonnoy, G. E. A 24 P 20 Industrial Electricity Elliott, A. G. A 33 Q 3 1 Mineral Industry in the United States and other Countries. Rothv.ell, R. P. 622.09 [See nho Electro-metallurgy.] Electro-statics — Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. -A .33 V 18 Electro-therapeutics — Animal Ma£.'nctisni Teste, A. G 15 U 10 Desideratum Wesley, Rev. J. A 21 P 10 Electrical Psychology Dods, J. B. (i 19 U 12 Electricity in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseasjes of the Nose, Throat, and Ear Scheppegrell, W. A .39 Q 2 Electro-therapeutics; by Dr. A. D. Rockwell — in Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Jledical Application of Electricity ; by Dr. H. L. Jones — in Svstem of Medicine ."... AUbutt, T. C. A 20 T 3 Nervous Diseases by American Doctors Dercum. F. X. A .31 Q 18 Physical and Natural Therapeutics Hayem, G. A 31 Q 19 Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature Osterbera, N A 21 V 26 Therapeutic Electricity Hcdley, W. S. A 44 S G Treatment of Disease by Physical Methods Dowse, T. S. A 26 S 40 Vital Magnetism Pyne, Rev. T. G 15 U 17 {See also Electro-biology; Electro-physiology; Hypnotism; Mas- sage.] Electrolysis — Electrolysis and Electrosvnthesis Liib, W. A 41 T 19 Electrolytic Deposition of Zinc; by E. A. Ashcroft... Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 6 622.06 Electrolytic Dissociation and some of its Applications. Jones, H. C. A 45 S 5 Electroh-tic Methods of Analysis .. Neumann, B. A 40 T 2 Elements of Electro-chemistry Liipke, R. A 21 U 30 Quantitative Chemical Anidysis by Electrolysis Classen, A. A 38 U 12 Elementary Education. [Si-e Education, Primary.] Eleotrinae — Australian Elccitriaie ; bv.J. 1). Ogilby... Linnea!i Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 [See also Ichthyology — Australasia.] Elephants Dimic=iic.vtcd Animals Slmler, N. .S. A 30 R 29 Elciiliant-hunting in I'^ast Eciuatorial .-\frica ... Neumann, A. H. D 13 U 3 Elevators, Grain. [See (J rain Magazines and I'lU'vatiii-s.] Elixir of Life. [See Alchemy.] EUice Islands — General and Desmptiro - The Atoll of Funafuti, Eilice Group; by C. Hcdley ... Australian Museum" Memoirs, 3 MA 3 \V 33 First Inhabitants of the EUice Islands; by S. P. Smith. Polj-ncsian Soc, Journal, 1897 996 [See also Corals and Coral Reefs; Funafuti.] Geography, Topof/raphy, and Maps — • Chart, 1898 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Ofiico Ml) 2 P. 34 X Eilice Island-; to Phu'nix Islanils [Chart] ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office MI) 3 C) 16 J Solomon Islands to EUicelslauds, 1807 [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic Office Ml) 2 P 35 % Elliptic Functions — .\|i|)!iration.. of KUiptic Functions... Grccnliill, A. G. A 25 T 21 Elocution Art of Public Speaking Fleming, Rev. .1. .) 12'!' 45 Elocution aiul tlic Dramatic Art .Smithson, I). J. J 14 It 20 [.S'ee o/.vo Dcl>ating; Oratory; Preaching; Public Speaking; Read- ing; Recitations; Rhetoric; Voice.] Snhject-Inde.t; to the ^apidcmcnlari/ CaUUu(jue — 1800-1900. 817 Eloquence. [SW ElocutiLiii; Oiatury.] Dickson, Canon A 39 IMO Ely Cathedral— lOh Catlieillal Emancipation. [See Sla\ory.] Embalming — jMciki) ; or, Maori Tattouing... Rolilry, Maj.-(lcn. H. (!. MA 111' -.'A f Embankments — J''asciue Work as carried out by the Public Works Department of N.S.Wales Royal ,Soc., N..S.\V., Journal, 2!) .5(l(i Ora.sses us Sand and Soil-biiidei's; by 1*\ S-imson-Scribner. United States— Dept. of Agricult. Year-book, 1804 CiWO.T) Proposed Selionie for Embanking the Water of the Nile at Assouan in Upper Egypt; by Bishop Thornton Vietoria Institute, Trans., ;» 500 Tables for Facilitating tl>eCaleulating of Earthwork in tlie Construc- tion of Railways, Roads, Canals, i)ams, &e Cunningham. IX A 10 W 10 1" [.S'ee also Earthwork.'-.] Emblems — Eleurs de Lis de I'Ancicnne Monarehie Eraneaise. Maldergheni, .1. V. K 17 T l.'J [See also Christian Art and Syndxilism ; Symbols. ] Embroidery — Art Embroi.lery Loekwood, M. S. A 17 T 1 t Art in Needlework Day, L. E. A 40 P 2.S Broderie du Xlme Siecle jusqu'ii nos Jours Earey, L. do A47 P 1-.3 X Embroidery; or, the Craft of the Needle ... Townsend, W. (!. P. A 4(> 1' 1 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, 11. A bs T 1.") t Ornament in European Silks Cole, A. S. A .'!(t \' 20 f.SVc alxo Lace; Needlework— -Eine Arts.] Embryology — Hioh)gieal Lectures, 189.S A 27 T l."? ('ritieal Period in the Development of the Horse ... Ewart, .1. C. A 38 P 14 Development of the Frog's Egg Morgan, T. H. A 3S P 2.3 Klements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-.1S Emiiryology anil Dental Histology; by Dr. W. X. Sudduth — ,h American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S I Embryology as an Aid to Anatomy— //( Biological Lectures. Marshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 Embryology of Invertebrates Korschelt, E. A 38 P 18, 10 Microscopical Anatomy and Embryology Whitman, C. O. A 41 R 14 Natui'e of the Earliest Stages of Develo))ment of Animals — .'n Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Occurrence of Placental Connection in Pcr.ij/iiilc.t ohcsiila, and on the Fa'tal Membranes of certain Macropods; by J. P. Hill. Linncan Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1895 580.0 I'lacenta von Tarsius und Tupaja ; von Prof. Hubrcnht. International Congress of Zoology, Prftc, 1808 A 35 W 14 Recent Embryological Investigations... Marshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 [See also Biology ; Cells, Structure and Theor}' ; Development ; Gestation'; Histology; Life, Origin of; Protoplasm; Se.x.] Emery — Emerv Districts of Naxos, Report... (U. Brit, and Irel. Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., .SOS 382 Emigration and Immigration — Alien Inniiigrants to England... (.'unningham,Rev. W. F 15 Q 17 Australian Colonies in f800 Petherick, E. A. ME 1 R 21 Department of the Interior, Reports — in Sessional Papers. Canada— Parliament 328. 71 Distress caused to British Emigrants to Califoi'uia l.iy Fr.xuduknt Land Syndicates and Emigrat ion Agenries... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign OIKlc, Misc. Ser., 404 3 2 Emigration for the Relief of P.arishes Gougcr, U. F 13 Q 37 German Emigration Laws,.. UnitcdStates — Cons. Repts..57 S.'2 Great Britain and Ireland, Emigrants' Information OfKco Har.d- beoks, 18)9 1) 22 Q 19 5 L Emigration and Immigration— eoji^/. Immigration Agent's Reports Qucensl.'ind — P,irli,ament , V. and P. 32,S.0t:; Immigration aiul Migration... Charities and Correction, National Conference, 1896 30 J Innnigration and P^issenger Movement at Ports of the Uniteil States United States -Dept. of the Treivsuiy StiJ Innnigration into the United States -in Diplomatic and Censalai- Repts., Misc. Ser., 450.. , (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Ofiice 382 Innnigration Investigation Commission, Report... United States Innnigration Service ii 3 R 31 Innnigration Laws and Regulations .. United States— Dept. of the Treasury F 3 R 20 Immigration Regulations for the Island of Porlo Rico. United States -Dept. of War F 10 R 12 Information pidjlished by His Majesty's Commissioners for Emi- gration respecting the British Colonies in North America (jlt. Brit, and Irel. — Emigration F 13 Q 37 On Blue Water De Amieis, E. D 22 Q 1 Pajjers of C. A. Wood, one of the Colonial Land and Emigration Connnissioners, Report New Zealand — Settlements MF 9 P 48 t Papers of C. A. Wood, Re])ort... N. S. Wales Land Question in 1844-40 MF 9 P 47 t Pioneer Women Pratt, E. A. C 23 Q 10 Protection of Immigrants, Kept Natal— Ann. Repts. 354.084 Rem.arks on Emigration F 13 Q 37 Science of Statistics... Smith, R. M-. F 4 V 7, 8 Statistica della Emigrazione It.aliana all' Estero nel 1881. Societa Geografica Italiana F \' 1 1 Superintendent of liumigration, Rejwrts United Stales -- Immigration Service 325.73 Trade and Immigration. ..StraitsS'tlem'nts— Ann. Repts. 354.505 Transplantation the True .System of Emigration Young, F. FOP 28 [.S'ee a/so Aliens ; Chinese; Colonies and Great Britain; Colonizi- tion; and under New South Wales — Emigration and Immigr.i- tion in Author Catalogue.] Emotions — .\etive and Moral Powers of Man Stew'.art, ]\ ('. 10 T 4, 5 The Emotions /n Principles of Psychology James, W. G 3 U 25 Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct Sutherland, A. MG 2 V 0, 10 Primer of Psvchology Titchener, E. B. G 23 R 15 Psvchologv of the Emotions Ribot, T. G 18 P 45 Theory of Practice Hodgson, S. H. Engineering — General— eonid. EelativePositionof the Architect, Engineer, amlBiiililer in Modern Work.-i; by N. Selfe... Engineering Assoc, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1892-93 ()2l).(i [See also Aeronautics ; Agricultural Engineering ; Arches ; Bridg< s ; Building Materials; Canals; Cements; Civil Engineering; Cohl Stor.igc; Docks; Drainage; Dredging; Electrical Engineering ; Embankments ; Engineering— Education ; Engineering— Periodi- c.ils; Engineering — .Societies; I'higineers; Engines; E.xplosives ; Geometrical Drawing ; Harbours; Hydraulic Engineering; Irri- gation; Lighthouses; Machinery; Marine Engineering; Ma- sonrj'; Mechanical Drawing; Mechanical Engineering; Mechan- ics; Military Engineering; Mining Engineering; Naval Engi- neering; Public Works; Railways; Reclamation of Lan'«; -Mining Engineering;.] Naval. [See Naval Eiigiin-ering.] Sanitary. [See. Sanitary Engineering.] Engineers Fowh'r, Sir .(olu), Life of; by T. Mackay C 20 T 10 Engineers, Military. [See Military Engineers and Arti- licers; Military Engineering.] Engines — He.it and Heat-engines..., liullon. F. !\. A 38 S 23 Railway Engineering Ilaldane, .1. W. C. A 22 R .30 [.S'cc «/.«o Air Engines; Boilers; Fuel; (ias ICngines; Locomotives; Oil Engines; Pumps; Steam and .Steam Engines.] England — General and Descriptive — .Aliout l-Ji'^land with Dickens Rinuner, A. 1) 16 1' 9 England Ml W 1 t Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalofjue — 1800-1900, 819 England Gimcral and Deacriptive — contd. Our lluiiiliiul Days ill Europe Holiiios, (). W. ]yH)'Vi Our Old Itume Hauthonio, N. .1 23 R 7, 8 rocuis of I'laces Longfellow, H. \V. Hll l'7-l() Soutiii-rii Knglish Roads Hisscy, J. .1. I) 22 I* 1.") Tour tlu-ouj,'li Oreat Britain in 17!).) MacKitcliic, Hev. W. D 11 S 10 IJnivcrsaHJcography Kcclus, K. 1)21 U -1 [,SVc "^KO Kiiglisli Language; English Litcraturo; Oruat LSriUiin ; and inidor names of Cities, Counties, and iSulijoots.J Constitutional IHstury — National Movement in Reign of Henry III Rieliardroii, O. If. li 2:i S 20 Piers Gavestou Dodge, W. 1'. h' 12 'I' 21 Geoyraplty, Topography, and 3fnps — Bath Road' . Harper, C. G. B 33 8 12 ■ Gover?iment and Administration — Calenilar of the Close Rolls, 131S 37, anil Calendar nf the Patent Rolls, 1292-1467. ..Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Oiliee B 44 History, Geiu:ral — Alien Immigrants to PIngland... Cunningliam, Rev. W. F 15 (J 17 Bat li Road Harper, C. (;. B .33 h! 12 ISatlles and Battle-fields in England. . .Barrett, C. R. B. B 24 V 18 Building of the Empire Story, A. T. B 1(5 U 12, 13 Cliief Events and Date.? in English History. . . Angus and Rol.'crt son's School Series M(;2U49 Descriptive Notices of Popular Englisli Histories ; by J. O. Halliv, ell. Percy Society Pulis. H 1 1 S 25 Development of English Thouglit Patten, S. N. G 23 T 42 Dictionary of English History Low, S. J. B 3!) Q 13 England's Attainment of Commercial Supremacy I'ipjji.T, H. F 4 T IS Eni.dand's History as I'iotured bj' Famous Pa inters,.. Tcm|)le, A. ( !. A 1!) S 24 t English Historical Society Publications B 3!) R 1-29 English or British? — in Leisui'e Readings Procter, R. A. A 19 (i 10 E.xcter Road Harper, C. G. B 33 S 14 Foundations of England Ramsay, Sir J. H. B 22 S 14, I.') History for the New Standard ... Angus and Robertson's Scliool Series MG 2 U 43 History of England Forster, H. O. A-. B 21 S 10 Intluencc of English History on English Literature; by J. Shirley. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1898 506 Life in Early Britain Windle, B. C. A. A 19 R Norman and Saxon Blood Royal — in Leisure Readings... Proctor, R, A. A 19 Q 10 Our Old Country Towns Rimmer, A. B 23 Q 20 Red Book of the Exchequer... Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Chronicles and Memorials 330.42 Rise and Growth of the English Nation Aubrey, W. H. S. B 16 R 44, 45 Royal Historical Society, Transactions 9il0 Selections from the Sources of English History Colby, C. W. B 24 Q S Sliort History of H.ampton Court Law, E. B 21 S 9 Short History of the English People. . . Green, J. R. B 20 V 23-20 Social England Traill, H. I). B 19 U 4-9 Stories from English History Church, Rev. A. J. B 17 P 40 Story of our English Towns DitehCehl, P. H. B 23 S 21 Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 f E \ni.y HisTony. .\.n. -1060. Alfred in the Chroniclers Conybearc, E. B!l(v)4 Alfred tho(;reat; cd. by A. Bowkor C 20 S 19 Alfred the (ireat. King, Life of C 22 P 22 Calendar of Documents preserved in Franco illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, 918-1206. (!t. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office B 4o Celtic Britain Rhys, J. B 27 P 12 (,'hi'onicon Domini Walteri de Hemingbnrgh, receiisuit H. C. Ilaniilton English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 25, 26 Codex Diplomaticus vEvi Saxoniei, opera J. M. Kemble.. English Historical Society Pubs. B 38 R 8-13 Cnmmunc of London Round, J. H. B 28 T 15 England —IliMory -contd. ICarly Histoky, \.\i. -1066— co/iirf. Crawford Collection of Early C'harters; by A. S. Napier. Aneedota Oxonicnsia, Mediieval Ser., 7 333 Establishment of Roman Power in Britain Tamblyu, \\'. F. B 34 S 5 Florentii Wigorniensis Monaehi Chronicon ex Chronicis, edidit B. Thorpe English Historical Society Pub.s. B 39 R 23, 24 Gildas de cxcidio Britaiuiia^... lOnglish Hist. Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 3 Jews of Angevin I''.ngland Jacobs, J. B 26 P 4 Nennii Hisloria Britonum ... English Hist. Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 4 Rogeri de Wendover Chronica, sive Flores Historiarum, nunc primuni edidit H. 0. Co.xo ... English Historical Society Pubs. B 38 H 14-18 Ven. BodiB Hiatoria Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 1 Ven. Bedx" Chronicon, sive de sex hujus Secnli x'Etatibus. Englisli Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 1 W. Malme.sbiriensis Monaehi gesta Reguni Anglorum, reeensuit T. D. Hardy ... English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 6, 7 NoRM.VN Pekiod, a.d. 1000-1135. Calendar of Documents preserved in France illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, 918-1206. (Jt. Brit, and IreL— Public Record Office B 45 Chronicon Domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, reeensuit H. C. Hamilton English Historical Society Pub.s. B 39 R 25, 20 Complete Works of Samuel Daniel Huth Library J 5 \' 7, 8 Domesday Book and Beyond Maitland, F. W. F 1 S 8 Historia Rerum Anglicarnm Willelmi Parvi deNewburgh, reeensuit H. C. Hamilton... English Historical Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 28, 29 Jews of Angevin England Jacobs, J. B 20 P 4 Rogeri de Wendover Chronica, sive Flores Historiarum, nunc primum edidit H. 0. Coxe ... English Historical Society, Pubs. B38 R 14-18 W. Malmesbiriensis Monaehi gesta Reguni Anglorum, reeensuit T. D. Hardy ... English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 6, 7 Blois Period, a.d. 1135-54. Calendar of Documents preserved in France illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, 918-1206. (it. Brit, and Irel.- Public Record Office B 45 Chronicon Domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, reeensuit H. C. Hamilton English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 25, 26 F. N. Triveti, de Ordine Frat. Pnvdicatorum, Annales sex Regum Angliie, reeensuit T. Hog... English Hist. Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 19 Gesta Stepliani, Regis Anglorum et Duels Normannorum. Englisli Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 21 Historia Rerum Anglicarnm Willelmi Parvi deNewburgh, reeensuit H. C. Hamilton... English Historical Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 28, 29 Jews of Ange\ in England Jacobs, J. B 26 P 4 Plaxtaoenet Period, a.d. 1154-1399. Adaini Murimuthensis Chronica sui temporis 1303-46, edidit et reeensuit T. Hog English Historical Soe. Pubs. B 39 R 20 Calendar of Documents preserved in France illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, 918-1200. 20 TcDOR Period, a.d. 14S5-1(J03. Cabot, John, and Sebastian, his Son, 1496-1557 D 15 T 15 Calendar of Letters, i)es)]atches, and State Papers relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain, 1542-1603. Gt. Brit, anil Irel.— Public Record Office B 45 Calendar of State Papers anil Manuscripts relating to Englisli Affairs existing in t!ie Archives and Collections of Venice, and in other Libraries of Northern Italy, I5S1-1603. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office B 45 Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland in tlie Reign of Elizabeth', 1598-1(;0> Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office B 44 Courtships of Queen l'"lizal)oth Elizabeth, Queen of England B 16 T 19 Drake and the Tudor Navy Corbctt, J. S. B 39 Q 16, 17 Drake and the Tudor Navy. [New cd.] Corbett, .). S. B3oQ 13, 14 England under Protector Somerset Pollard, A. 1'". B 40 U 3 Great Lord Burghley Hume, M. A. S. B .34 R 18 Ixitters and I'apers, Foreign and l).)niestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, K539-41 (Jt. Brit, and Ire.— Public Record Office B 44 Letters and Papers relating to the War with France, 1512-13: by A. Spont Navy Records Society Pubs. , 10 942 JIarv, Queen of Scots C 24 Q 17 Mary Tudor; by R. Davey C 23 R 9 The People for w horn Shakespeare wrote. . .Warner, C. I). B 25 P 1 1 The Puritan in Hcjlland, I'Ingland, and America Caui])bcll, I). B28 U 16, 17 Queen Elizabeth Creighton, Bishop B 13 U 21 t Shakespeare, the Boy Rolfe, W. J. B 25 P 10 Year after the Armada Hume, M. A. S. B 16 V 19 [For History of Kuglaiul after 1603 see (ireat Britain— //(.sYor;/.] Politics — England in the Age of Wycliffe... Trevclyan, ( :. M. B 33 S 15, 10 Snriid Lif'; and Customs — Chaucer's Enjjland Browne, M. B 17 Q 27, 28 Cotswold Village, A (libbs, J. A. D 13 S 6 Coiut and Country Breton, N. J 2 T 30 Cyuile ami Uneyuile Life Iiicdited TraetF J 2 T 30 Dear Ncighboni's Bhmi.-t, P. J 25 (,) 36 Dilaiiy, Mrs., I700-8H; by(!. Pa»ton...Delany, Mr.s. M. ('26(,l IS iJevelopnient of English Thought Patten, S. N. (; 23 'I' 42 Drat the BoyB'. , Bloui^t, P. J 25 Q 37 England — Social Lifi and Customs — contd. England in the Age of Wvcliffe ., Trevelyan, G. M. B 33 8 15, 16 English Society " Du Maurier, G. A 15 S 22 t English Traditional Lore... (Gentleman's Magazine Lib. B 32 U 9 Health to the Gentlemanly Profession of Seruingmen. Markham, (J. J 2 T 30 Honestie of this Age; by B. Rich; reprinted from 1614 ed. Percy .Society Pubs. H11S13 Inedited Tracts J 2 T 30 Kind-heart's Dream ; by H. Chettlc : Reprint of 1 592 ed. . . . Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 6 Knight's Conjuring', by T. Dekker; from the ed. of 1607 ... Percy Societ\- Pubs. H 1 1 S 8 Mad Pranks and Merry Jests of Robin Gnodfellow : Reprint of ed. of 1028 ' Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 3 Manners and Customs ... Gentleman's ilagazine Lib. GUT 36 Morocous Extatieus ; from the 1595 ed Percy Society Pubs. H"11 S 11 Old English Customs extant at the Present Time. . .Ditehfield, P. H. (i 12 V 33 Old English Homo and its Dependencies, An... Gould, Rev. S. B-. B 24 Q 22 Old English Social Life as told by the Parish Registers. Dvcr, T. V. T-. B 22 R 1 1 Our Engli.sh Cousins Davi.s, H. H. B25PI4 People for wliom Shakespeare wrote ... Warner, C. D. B 25 P 1 1 Shakespeare, the Boy Rolfe, W. J. B 25 P K' Social Ideals in English Letters Scudder, V. D. J 23 R English, The — Anglo-Saxon Stiperiority Demolins, E. F 15 S 2 Art of England, and the Pleasures of England Ruskin, J. A 40 T 3 (Jlimpses of England Tyler, M. C. F 15 R 27 Pedigree of the English People Nicholas, T. A 45 U 22 Story of the Britisli Race Munro, J. A 33 R 29 Who are the English? Bonwick, J. A 27 P U [.SVe i.d.-^o Aiighi-.Saxon.s.J English Church. [.SVpClnucliof I'inglaud; Eiiiscdpaliaiiism.] English Eialec'.S. [.SV-c Aun'ricaiiisms; EiisH.sli Language — Dialcct.s; Slang; and uudertlic nanir id' each Cuunty.] English Dictionaries. [.SVv> Englisli Language— Diction- aries.] English Grammars. [Sre Engli.sh Language; — (iranniiars, Svnta.x, Accidence, Analysis.] English History. [.Ste England — Ilisloiy; Great liritaiu and Ii-ebmd — Histoiy; and under Great Britain and Ireland in Author Catalogue for State Papers and Records.] English Language — General — liritisli and Aiiiciican English — in Leisure Readings. Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q Hi English Way, A. S. G 18 Q .'iO English Language Meiklejohn, J. M. D. J 14 U 5 English Language and how it is taught; by .L W. Rogers. Mclbonrue Review, 2 0.52 Evolution of ICnglish Lexicogra])hy... Murray, .1. A. II. J 4 T 29 Misused H in Enghtnd — ('« Other Snusfhan Ours .. Proctor, R. A. A 19 (^1 b-> Old luid .Middle English Oliplianl, T. I,. K. .1 1 I U :M Our ]<;iigb.. .1 12V .T) English Dialect Dictionary Wi-igli(, .1. .1 IHT'it Olnssary of tlic Worils- in tlu' Dialci'l ofCmnbcrlancI, \V<'.slnKiiolanil, anil Xortli I,ancashirc wliicli si'cni aliicil to Icelandic or Norse; liy Rev. T. Klhvooil ... iMij^lisli Dialect Society, I'ubs., 77 427 \Vor(I.s aii'l rin-aics iiscil liy tlie Nativea of Hctton-le-Holc ; (ilo.ssary of Worils uscil in Kast Ant;lia; Nine Specimens of ICnglisli DialccLs Kiigli.sli Dialect Socitty, 7-l-7li 127 • Dic/ionari'!,-; Lexiraus, Ir/ioiiis — Austral-English: a Dictionary of Anstralasian Wonls, riiras-c:;, and U.sagos Morris, K. K. M.I :{ T 1 K\olntioa of English Lexicography... Mnrray, .1. .A. II. .1 4 T 2!l New lOnglish Dictionary '.... Mnrray, J. A. H. K 1:0 V Standard Dictionary of the English Langnage I Id V 22, 2:! Webster's International Dictionary of the English Langna,'e. Webster, N. Cat. "Room Grnmninrs. Syn.tax, Arckloire., Analysis — Bad English of Lindley Mnrray and other Writers .. Moon, (!. W. J 14 1'. V.I English (Jrannnar Conway, J. M.I ,'i V I English (irammar. [2nil cii.] Conway, J. M.J .'? V 7 English Grammar ; by Emily 1). Fianeis in Honsehold Oracle. Miles, A. H. A 40 Q i) English Langnage Meiklejohn, J. M. I). .1 14 U .T English Syntax Kellner, L. .1 9 Q 10 Grammar and Derivation Book ... Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 U .51 Grammar of English Grammars TJrown, G. .T V 27 Higher English Grammar Bain, A. J 10 P 4,) Parts of Speech ; by F. .1. Pirani Melbourne Rev., 1 0.")2 Practical Le.5Sous in Grammar Alanson, A. G. M.J ^ V .52 Uiigramnr.itical Statesmen; an K.xposure of the bad English con- tained in the Australian Eedei-al Cmstitntion Ro.sa, S. A. M.J 3 V 14 . Seh'.H)l-hiHiks, Ri;iirli:rs, Exaniinnfiuii rajK'rs— Brook.s's New Au.itralian School Series Spelllm;-books. Irvine, R."F. MG 2T.-)i)-(il English Literature - Age of Dryden, l(;()')-17l!0 Garnett, R. .1 12 S 4.'! Age of Johnson Seccombs, T. .J 2(i Q S.") Age of Milton Mastcnnan, Rev. J. H. P.. .1 14 P .•!2 Age of Tennyson Walker, H. ,T I4P:« Age of Woniswortli Herford, C. II. J 1 4 U 3.S Aims of Literary Study Corson, H. .1 Id T 44 Augustan Ages Elton, O. .1 27 'i> 8 Criticisms, Reflections, and Maxims... Goethe, J. W. von .1 14 P42 Early Victorian Literature Harrison, F. .1 8 T 37 English Lands, Letters, and Kings ,. Mitchell, D. G. ,T 12 U 29 English Literature from the Beginning to the Norman Conquest. Brooke, Rev. S. A. J 22 Q 34 English Prose Craik, H. J (j Q .3S» English Romanticism in the KSth Century... Beers, H. A. .J 14y3(i Essays in English Literature, 17SO-18Gii...Saintsbury, G. ..T 14 T 1 Ethics of Literature Kersey, .J. A. .J 10 U 33 French Revolution and English Literature Dowden, E. .1 14 R 21 Froissart ; bv Marv Darmcsteter Froissarfc, Sir ,J. J (i T 32 Highway of Letter's Archer, T. J 14 U 14 Historv of English Literature Taine, H. A. .1 14 T .32, 33 Hi.story of English Literature Ten Bruik, B. B 3 P 24 History of Modern English Literature (J.)asc, E. .1 17 U 18 Histoi-y of 19th ("entury Literature, 1780-1895 ... S.xintsbury, G. ,1 14 U 8 Influence of Engli.-ih History on English Literature; by J. Shirley. Anstralasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 5'5(i Jean-Jaequos Rousscan and the Cosmopolitan Spirit in Literature. Texte, ,1. J 23 V .30 Language and Literature; by E. E. Morris... Melb. Rev., 9 0.52 L,ater Renaissance Hannay, D. .T 27 Q G Literary Anecdotes of 19th Century... Nicoll, W. R. J 14 S 3, 4 Literary History of England in the End of tlie IStli and the Be- ginning of tlic l9;hCcntnrv; by " Aristarchus" Melbourne Review, 8 f.52 English Literature — conld. Litejary History of the American Revolution Tyler, .\I. ('. .1 14 S 2.5 Masters of Victorian Literature (iraham, R. D. .122(^)9 Old and Middle English Oliphant, T. L. K. .1 14 IJ 34 Po'ioda of European Literature .1 27 (,' 2-11 Reviews and I'jssays in English Literature Tovey, Rev. D. ('. .1 14 V 18 Short Histni-y of English Literature... Saint.sbury, G. .1 14 V .'M .Social Ideals in English Letter3 Kendder, V. D. .1 23 R 10 Si)eciniens of Early English Morris, Rev. R. 1113 S3 Studies in Two Literatures .Synions, A. .1 14 S 31 TiMiching oi I<",nglish Literature, by E. W. Howson • in Essays on Seeondaiv Education Cookson, ('.. ('• 23 P 19 These Si.xty Years, 1837-97 Holmes. K. .M. 1! 23 S 22 Victoi-ian Literature Shorter, C. .J 21 P 2S [.*>(!<; f(/.so Anecdotes ; Anglo-Saxon Literature; Authors; Uallad.s; Book R.arities ; Dram.atic Literature, British; Epigrams; I'pitaplis; Essays; Fables; Faiiy Tales; Fiction, British; HniiKun' and Comic Literature ; Irish Langnage and Literature ; Legends; Letters (Correspondence); Literary (.Iriticism ; Ohl English Literature; Parodies; Periodicals, lii-jtisli ; I'octiy, British; Proverbs; Quotations; Satire; Scottish Literature; Songs; Speeches and Orations; Tales.] English People. [Sea English, Tlic] Engraverr — An English Engraver in Paris --i« Pal.ulin of Philanlluopy. Dobson, A. .J 22 Q 12 MastersandMasterpiecesof Engraving ..C'liapin, W. O. A 44 W 7 Vorsterman, Lucas A 34 V 3 [.Sec also Ai'tists.] Engraving — Et-hini, Engraving, and Other Methods of Printing Picture". Singer, H. W. A 40 R 2 Intaglio Engiaving Renton, E. A 23 P 29 Photogravure in Intaglio Denison, H. A 40 V 13 Reproduction of Drawings by Wood Engraving— ralllustration of Books Pennell, .J. A23P17 Wood Engraving m Workers ou their Industries... (ialton. K. W. F 10 V 18 [See rdso Drawing; Etching; Lithograiihy. ] Engravings and Reproductions of Pictures — Ancient Marble-; in th.c British Museum ; with Engravings. Britifh Museum A 13 X lo~25 t Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum ; with Engravings. Biitish Museum A G T 1 t Antiquitcs dHerculanum David, F. A. B 19 R 1 1 -22 t Art (Jallery, The A OT 2-7 { British Contemporary Artists Monkhc.use, C. A 44 W 1 Dante Gabriel Ro.ssetti Marillier, H. C. A 21 P 12 t Dutch Painters of 19th Century Rooses, M. A 20 T 21, 22 f Early Florentine Woodcuts ..." Kristeller, P. A 19 T 19 |- Early Prints in the British JMuseum : In- A\'. H. Willsliire. British Museum A 17 R 24, 25 t England's History as Pictured bv Famous Painters.. . Temple. A. ( i. A 19 S 24 t English Pre-Raphaelite Painters Bate. P. H. A 20 S 1 + Engraved National Portraits... National Art Library A 30 T 28 Engravings .and Wood.cuts by Old Ma.stcrs A 41 P 3.5, .30 X Famous Painters and Paintings... Shedd, Mrs. .Julia A. C 20 V 2 Fifty Years of Art, 1 849-99 . .• Art Journal, The A 20 T 2 t Fre;"ich Painters of the ISth Century ... Dilke, Lady A 20 S 2 t Geheimc Off'enbarung .lohannis Durer, A. A 12 X IS t (iraham, Peter, Life and Works of ; by W. M. Gilbert — in Art Annual, 1899 Art .Journal A 20 T 24 t Hcuies de Notre Dame. Lcs Destrte, J. J 23 V 1 Hogarth Moralized Truslcr, Rev. .1. G 24 T 1 Index of Artists represented in the Department of Prints and Drawings; by L. Cust British Museum A 17 R 27, 28 t Illustrated Biographies of Modem ."Vrtists Dumas, F. (-. c I p 17 : Italian School of Design Bartolozzi, F. A 20 U 1, 2 t .lapamse Wood Engravings; by W. Andcr.son . . . Portfolio, '95 705 822 TubliG Lihra)y of Neio South JFales. Engravings and Reproductions of Pictures — contd. Liiuvre ft k' Luxfiiibouig Panorama, Le A 19 S 2 t Masters and Masterpiecs.^ nf Engraving...Chaiiin,\V. O. A 44 W 7 Mezzotints, Etchings, and Engravings after Jlorland; by -I. T. Jfettlcship Morland, G. C 22 U 4 Modern French Masters A 10 T 15 t Monographs of Artists Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 1-5 Mon-is, William, and his Art; hv L, F. Dav Art Journal A 20 R 12 t Napoleon Gallery Napoleon Bonaparte A 40 U 28 J National (iallery Poynter, Sir E. J. A 20 T 6, 7 t Nude in Art Lansing, C. A 12 P 27 X Ouvrage d'Art ... Society d'Aquarellistes Fran^ais A 22 S 3, 4 t Prints and Drawings British Museum A 17 R 30-84 f Representative Painters of the 19th Centurj- Bell, Mrs. A. A 20 S 7 + Reproductions of Drawings by the Old Masters, pt. 4. British Museum A 11 P 31 + Rcprodnctions of Prints British Museum A 40 P 14 J Koyal Academy Pictures 70S.2 Rubens; his Life, his Work, and his Time Michel, 10. A 20 T 4, 5 t Sacred Art Temple, A. G. A 10 V 16 t Saloii Panorama, Le A 19 S 3, 4 t fSalon, The, English Text Paris Salon 708.4 Specimens of Line Engraving by Masters of Germany and the Low Countries — in Reproductionsof Prints. ...Brit. Mus. A 4() P 15 J Velazquez Voll, K. A 21 P (i + Vorsterman, Lucas... A 34 V 3 Wahleinsamkeit : Diehtung zu zwiJlf landschaftlichen Stimmungs- bildern von J. Marak Schell'el, J. V. von H 12 R 19 [See aho Etchings.] Enoch, Book of — Book of Enoch the Prophet... Bibles and Testaments — A)K)crvpha G 1 'U 38 Enology. [^Sen. Wines and Winc-nuiking.] Ensilage and Silos — Analyses of Ensilage... Connecticut — Bd. of Agr., Rept., '95 630.G Eubilage West Australian Settler's Guide MD 8 Q 54 Ensilage; by W. L. Boyee Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 9 030.5 Ensilage up to Date; b}- J. L. Thompson... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Ensilage without Pressure; by Dr. Ross ... Agricultnral (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 11 030,5 Plan and Specifications of a Small Circular Silo Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Practical Treatise on Wool Goldsbrough, Mort, and Co. MA 3 W 21 Scwerjvge and Sewage Disposal Robinson, H, A 22 R 20 Silos Queensland Agricultural Journal, 9 630.5 Silos and Silage; by Prof. Plum!)... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Farmers' Bulletin, 32 A 41 U 2 WoUongbar TuVj-silo ; bv H. V. Jackson ... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 C30.5 [See aho Dairy-farming ; Fodders and Food-stufl's.J Enteric Fever. [See Typhoid Fever.] Enteropneusta — Enteropneusten dos Golfes von Neapcl; von Dr. J. W. Spengel. Zoologische Station zu Noapel A 19 1' 18 t Enteropneusta from the Soutli Pacific ; witli Notes on the West Indian Species, bj'A. Willey — m Zoological Results... Will(;y, A. MA4V3 New Species of Enteropneusta, I'li/cliodcra anstmlicnsis, from the C'oa.st of New South Wales; bv J. P. Hill ... Linncan Society, K.S.W., Proc, 1895 580.6 [.S'cc alio Anneliila.] Enthusiasm — Cliaraeleristics Shaftesbury, Karl G 2,5 T II, 12 Entomological Periodicals. [See Entomolo^'y — Pcriodi- .•••tls.] Entomological Societies. [.SVe Entomology — Societies.] Entomology — General — Anicriian Association, Advancement of Science, Proc 506 Colouration of In.sccts; by Dr. T. P. Lucas Royal Society, (i)ueensland, Proc, 1894 95 506 Constitution Morphologique do la Tetc de I'liisecte ; par C. Janet. International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Directions for Collecting and I'reserving Insects ; liy Dr. C. V. ■ Riley United States — National Museum A 37 S 45 Houseiiold Insects of the United States ; by L. O. Howard. United States — Dept. of Agr. — Di v. of Entomology A 38 Q 29 Miscellanea Entoniologica; bj' R. lUidge Ro3al Societv, Queensland, Proc, 1899 506 Some Points in the Classification of Insecta Hexapoda ; by Dr. Sharp... Internat. Congress of Zoologj', Proc, 1.S98 A .35 W 14 Text-book of Entomology P.ackard, A. S. A 41 R 8 Vegetable Wasps and Pkant- worms Cooke, M. C. A 44 U 3 [See n7.so Colooptera; Collecting; Diptera; Entomology, Econ- omic ; Entomology — By Countries ; Hymenoptera ; Insects ; Lepidoptera; Neuroptera; Orthoptcra; Rhyncota; and under each Genus separately treated. ] Periodicals — Entomological Mag.azine A 28 U 29-.S3 Entomologist's Aiuiual A 33 R 1-20 Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 595.7 Societies — Association of Economic Entomologists, Proceedings. United States - Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology 591.0 Entomological Society, London, Transactions 595.7 Entomological Soc. , Ontario, Rept Ontario— Dept. of Agr., Kept. 030.6 By Cou.li tries. Australia — Additional Localities for ririjmtiis L S IS Economic Entomology Agricult. (iiizette, N.S.W., fl (iSO.o Economic Entomology ; by W. W.Frogg.itt... AgricultiuaK iazettc, N. S. Wales, !) ()*).r, Economic Entomology in the United States ; l)y L. 0. Howanl. United Stkoj -Djpt. of Agr., Year-book, 189!) (i.'i!)..', Entomological Notes from Hawkesbniy College. Agricnltural (lazettc, N. S. Wales, 6 (i:i!l.."i Experiment Station Record, 5 U.S. — Dept of Agr. 03'. 1. 7 Experimental Farms, Canada, Reports, 1895... Canada - Dept. of Agricultnre (i.'i(l.7 Life histories of American Insects Weed, C. M. A 2S P 3.'! New Friendly Ladybird Agricnlt. Gazette, N.S.W., (i ijM\.'t Observations and E.xperiments in the Practical Work of the Division of Entomology, Reports United States- -Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Entomology 591.0 Ontario Entomological Society, Report oO.")." Revision of the Aplielininre of North America ; by L. O. Howard. United States. -Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 30 R .34 Useful Insects - in Domesticated Animals Shalcr, N. S. A .30 R 29 [See also Aphiiles ; Bes.s and Bee-farming : Codling Moth ; Collect- ing; Delphacida'; E.xperimentn.l Farms and Stations; Hessian Fly ; Insects, Injurious ; Ladybirds ; Locusts ; Phylloxera ; Plant Diseases; Scale Insects; Sericulture; Spraying; Wire- worm and Click-beetlos; and under conunon names of Insect Pests.] Eatomostraca. [See Cladooera; Gopepuda; Crustacea: Ostracoda; Pliyllopoda ] Entozoa — Contagious Diseases of the Domesticated Animals... United States — Dept, of Agr. A 30 R 35 Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms contained in the Collertii n of the Britisli Museum. ..British Museum, Nat. Hist.iry A 43 U 1 [.S'ce alao Cestoda ; Hejminthology ; Nematodes ; Pai'asites ; Tre- matodcs; Worms.] Entropy — Entropy Meters; b}- E. F. .1. Loye Royal Society Victoria, Proc, 1897 500 Environment — Inllnenco of Environment in the Origination of Plant Varieties; by H. .1. Webber ... U.S.- Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1890 03l).5 Inlluenee of Environment on the Structure and Habits of Animals //! Biological Lectures Marshall, A. M. A 2S P 34 Tlieor\' of Social Forces Patten, S. N. ( t 23 V 'i'iie Will to Believe .lames, W. ( 1 23 R 24 Eozoon Canadense Evidence for the Animal Nature of Sjjwm CunuhnK; by Sir .T. W. Dawson Mc'.4ill University A 40 S 9 [See alxo PaUeontology — Canada. ] Ephemeridffi — Aiiii'itatiid List of the Ephemerida; of New Zealand; by Rev. A. K. Eaton Entomological Society, Loud., Trans., 1899 595.7 New Zealand Ephemeridiu; by C. O. Little New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 [See also Entomology ; Pseudoncnroptora.J Ephemerides — Astronomy [See Nautical Almauacs.] Ephesians —Epistle — ('i)mmrntarj- (.n the Epistle to the Ejjhesians... Abbott, Rev, T, K, (i 23 R 38 Epi Islands — Cliart of Epi and Adj.aecnt Islands, 1895 .., Gt, Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office MD 2 P 34 J Epicureanism — Epicurcani.sm Wallate, \V. G 20 P 13 Epidemics- Change in Typeof E])idomicDiseaso; by Dr. W. Sfpiiro... Intcmat. Health E.xhib., 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 [See aluo Bubonic Plague ; Cholera ; Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Disinfection; Fevers; Plagues; Public Health; Small-pox; Yellow Fever; and each Epidemic Disease.] Epigenesis. [Srv P.iology; Ex-olutioa; Life, Origin of.] Epigrammatists — Epigrannnatists Dodd, Rev. H. P. .J 10 R -K) Epigrams - Collection of Proverbs and Popul.ar Savings ; by M. A. 1 )cnlunn. Percy Society Pnl>s. H 1 1 S 22 Epigrams, Ancient and Modern Booth, Rev. J. H 10 V 28 [jS'uc «// l."> T -20 Buffalo Jones" Forty Years of Adventure... Jones, C. .1. 1) 22 U 4 Graphic Art of the Eskimo ; by W. J. Hoffmann... UnitedStatcs — National Museum, Rept. , 1S95 507 Greenland Ice-fields and Life in the North ^-^tlautic. Wriglit, Rev. (!. F. D 16 Q 5 I..iimp of tlie Eskimo; liy \V. Hougli .. United States — National Museum, Rept., 1896 507 [.Si'ee also Arctic Regions; Greenland.] Esoteric Buddhism. [.sV« Buddhism; Theosophy.] Esperance Bay, "Western Australia — Ksperance Bay Anchorage, 1897 [Chart] (it. Brit, and Ircl. — Hydrographic Office JI» 2 P .•^4 J Esperanee Bay and .\pproaches, 1897[Chart]... Gt. Brit. land Irel. — Hydrographic Office MD 2 P 34 J Essayists — ArniM, Mittho-.v; by G. Saintsbin-y C 23 R 21 Critics and E.3Sayists — m Age of Wordsworth ... l^Ierford, C. H. J 14 U .33 Hunt, Leigh, .Sketch of; by R. B. Johnson C 19 P 9 Irving, Washington; by C. I). Warner C 27 P 4 I.,amb, Charles, and the Lloyds; by E. \. Lucas C 19 V 21 Lambs, The: their Lives, &<• "..... Hazlitt, W. C. C 23 S 24 Ma.sters of Victorian Literature Graham, R. U. J 22 Q 9 Montaigne, Michel dc; by JI. E. Lowndes C 23 S 22 Thoreau, H. 1). ; by F. B. Sandborn C 27 P 8 Tlioreau, Henry Diviil, Life of C 22 T 12 Wilson, John, Skct jhof in The Black wood G roup.. . Douglas. SirG. C 20 U 24 Essays, American — American Contril)ulions to Civilization, a-nl other Kssavs. Kli.it, C. VV. 'F 13R.33 As wo go Warner, C. IX J 1 R 48 As we were Saying Warner, C. I). .1 I 1! 46 Atlantic Essays Higginson, T. \V. ,1 II U2 Backlog Studies Warner, C. U. J 1 R 25 Concerning all of us Higginson, T. W. .1 1 R 39 Emerson, K. W., Complete Works J 22 Q 15-20 Essays in Miniature Repplicr, Agnes J 1 R 23 Essays on Nature and Culture Mabic, H. W. J 21 P 44 Es-savs on Work and Culture Mabic, H. W. (!9U28 From the Ea.sy-ehair Curtis, G. W. J 1 R 40-42 In the Dozy Hours, ami other Papers.. Repjilier, Agnes J 16 R 36 Literary and Social Essivs (.Jurtis, G. VV. J 21 R 33 My Study Fire " Mabic, H. W. J 21 P .39, 41 New World and tlic New Book . . Higgiusrin, T. W. J 22 K 32 OldRomeiuiil New,andothcrfc)Uidio.H...Slinman, W. .1. .) 14 V 14 Oiildoor I'a])er8 Higginson, T. W . J 22 K 31 Over the Teacups Holmes, O. W. J 25 S 1 Essays, American— conld. Personal Equation Peck, H. T. J 9 R 31 Reflections and Comments, 1865-95 ... Godkin, E. L. J 12 S 45 Three Villages Howells, W. D. 1) 20 P 7 Under the Trees and Elsewhere Mabie, H. W. J 21 P 41 Varia Repplier, Agnes J 1 R 24 Whitman, Walt, Prose Works J 22 S 2 Women and Men Higginson, T. W. .1 1 B 31 Australian — Australian (Jossip and Story British— M.MUUn, R. MJ3R11 At Random Austin, L. F. J 14 U 27 r.arkwater of Life; or. Essays of a Literary Veteran ... Payn, .1. J 21 S 31 Ballads, Critical Reviews, Talcs, &c Tharkerav, W. M. J 22 U 13 Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolutiou ... Pearson, K. A .37 R 9, 10 Chjiracteristics Shaftesbury, Earl G 25 T 11, 12 Chips from a German Workshop Miilier, F. M. J 29 T 5-8 Collectanea Laurence, P. M. J 19 W 15 Decay of Sensibility, and other Essays ... (iwj-nn, S. J 12 U 20 Eighteenth Century Vignettes Dobson, A. J 14 T 17 English Essays [Collected] J 14 U 24 Essays Alison, Sir A. J 14 S 11-13 Essays Benson, A. C. .T 10 R 43 Es.says Myers, F. W. H. J 14 V 15 Essays and Speeches Lilly, W. S. J 14 S 14 Essays at Eventide Newbigging, T. J 21 1' 30 Essays from the f/«iJ-(fe>! Pater, W. J 26 (,) :>4 Essays in London and Elsewhere James, H. J 14 T 23 Essays in the Guardian -in Works Berkeley, Bishop (i 19 P .55, M Essays, Mock-Essays, and Character Sketches J 14 Q 32 Essays on Men and" Planners Shenstone, W. J 26 Q S Essays, Reviews, and Addresses ... Martineau, J. J 14 T 27-30 Exotics and Retrospectives Hcarn, L. J 23 S 1 1 Fielding, Henry, Works J 22 V 14 From (Jrave to'Gay Strachey, J. St. L. J 14 U 3S God's Gentlemen Welsh, Rev. R. E. C. 23 P 40 (ireen Window O'Sullivan, V. J4U 1 Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow ?erome, J. K. J 25 T 25 Ipanc, The (.iraham, C. J 9 ;12 Landi, Charles, Complete Works T 23 R 37 Limbo, and other Essays Paget, Violet J 14 P 31 Man of Feeling Mackenzie, H. J 24 S 36 Microcosmography Earle, Rev. J. J 14 K 35 Miscellanies Dob.son. A. .1 14 P 54 Miscellaneous Essays Drinkwater, J. F. J 24 S 37 Misctdlancous Essays Thackeray, W. M. J 21 S 28 New Curiosities of "Literature Soanc, G. J 21 S 22, 23 New Fiction, and other Essays on Literary Subjects... Traill, H. I). .1 M K 2S New L;u'ian : Traill, II. D. .1 WW Occasional Papers Cluu-ch, Dean J 14 U 35, 3(> Original, The Walker, T. J 4 _S 24 Outlineof theDoctriueofThomasCarlyle... Carlyle, T. J 14T 14 Oxford Knglish Prize Essays J 7 S 22-26 PaUulinofPlnlanthropy,andolherPapers... Dobson, A. J 22 (^) 12 Princii)le in Art Patmorc, C. J I R 51 Prose Fancies Le (iallicnne, R. J 6(^40* Religio Poeta; Patmore, C. G 9 U 25 ResJudicatie Birrcll, A. J 7 P 52 Reviews and Essays in Englisli Literature Tovey, Rev. 1). C. J 14 V 18 Roundabout Papers Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 12 Sivage Club Papers Muddock, J. E. J 14 R :!3 .Scholar (iipsies Buclian, J. J 14 T 19 ■Select Writings Cli.ambers, R. J 12 P 29:12 Spirit of Place, and other Essays Meynell, Alice J 23 P 8 Studies by the Way Fry, Sir E. J 21 (.) 17 Slaulies in Many Subjects Reynolds, Rev. S. II. .1 10 U' 8 Smnmei-sand Winters at Balmawhapple .. Skelton, J. .1 1 I \' 7, 8 Things Keen .Stcevens. G. W. (' 2.S 1! 1 Wraries Munthe, A. J 22 (^ 32 V.ana Ashlon, J. J 22 S 8 Without Prejudice Zangwill, I. J 14 U 25 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 825 Essays French— l>i\aHiiliuns Mallarmf, S. .) '21 I"24 Montaigne, M. E. de, Works J 8 V 2(i Pages Mallarme, 8. J 21 U 15 [For Ksaavs on Special Subjects, «■'■ Sub-heading Essays under each Subject.] Historicil. [See History — Essays.] Philosophical. [.S's« Philoso] hy— Essa s.] Political. [See Politics— Es.says.] Scientific. [See Science — Essay.s.] Theological. [See Theology — Es.says.] Essences and Essential Oils - Clieniistry of Essential Oils and Artifical Perfumes... Parry, E. L. A 45 U 8 Darwinias of Port Jackson and their E.3sential Oils; by R. T. Baker Royal Society, N. S. Wales, .lournal, I.S99 .306 Essential Oil and a Solid Camphor in the Svdnov Peppermint; by R. T. Baker Royal Society, N.S.W., Journal, l8iJ7 5l:"() Grey Gum, particnjarlr in regard to its P]ssential Oil ; by R. ']'. Baker Roy.al Society, N. S. Wales, .Journal, 1897 506 Pinenes of the Oils of the Genus Eucalyptus; by H. (J. Smith. Royal Society, N. S. \\'alcs. Journal, 1S9S 506 Sassafras Trees of Queensland and the Chemistry of Cinniimomum OUvcri; by Ur. J. Lauterer Royal Society, Queensland, Proc* 1894-05 506 Sti-ingybark Trees of N.S.W., e.spDpially in regard to their Essential Oils: by R. T. Baker... Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898 506 [.%e also Eucalj-ptus Oil; Perfumery; Scent Plants.] Essex — General and Descriptive — lOuglish Toijiigraphy... (Jcntlenian's Magazine Liln-ary D 20 V 4 Established Church of Scotland. [See Church of St^ot- land.] Estate Management — Agi ii\ilturiil Surveyor and Estate Agent's Hand-book... Bright, T. A 25 P 19 Estate Fences Vernon, A. A 39 P 27 How I Managed and Improyed My Estate Patmore, C K. 1). F15P38 Landed Estate Management Smith, H. II. A 39 P 2G Ester. [See Ether.] Esther— Old Testament- Seven Puzzling Bible Books Gladden, Rev. AV. G 23 P S Estimates of Expenditure, New Soulh Wales. [See Votes and Proceeding.s under New South V/alo.s — Parhaiuent, in Autlior Catalogue; and similarly for other Countries.] Etching — Decorative Painting Saward, P.. C. A 23 S 26 Dutch i;tchcrs of 17th Century; by L. Binyon... Portfolio, '95 705 Etching— (H Illustration of Books Pennell, J. A 23 P 17 Etching, Engraving, and Other Methods of Printing Pictures. Singer, H. W. A 40 R 2 Palmer, Samuel, Life and Letters C 21 T 19 Rembrandt; by E. Michel Rembrandt van Ryn, II. (• 11 W 14, 15 t [.?ee also Engra\ing.] Etchings- Book of Ballads Sargant, Alice H 19 S 8 t Consideration of the Art of E. Moffitt ... Lindsay, L. M.\ 4 V 9 Dante GaViriel Rassetti Marillier, H.'C. A 21 P 12 t Dutch Paintcrsof the 19th Century.,. Rooees.M. A 20 T 21, 22 f Fifty Years of Art, 1849-99 Art Journal, The A 20 T 2 t Hand-book for Po.sterity Cruikshank, G. A 23 V 23 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmctsch, H. A 18 T 15 t 5m Etchings -contd. lllustratcil Biographies of Modern Artists Diimns, F. (J. c 1 p 17 : Mezzotints, Etchings, and Engravings after Morland; by J. '1'. Ncttleship O 22 U 4 Salmi, J895, English Text Paris Salon 708.4 Vorsterman, Luc;vs A iJi '/ 3 Wilton (Jarden Ca.i'i, L de A 8 Pv 31 t \Sie also ICngravings. ] Eternal Life. [See Future .State.] Ether Chemistry - Bil>Iiograpliy of Aceto Acetic Ester and its Derivatives; by P. H. Seymour... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 38 508 Physics^ .Ether and .Matter Larmor, J. A 40 U 15 Machinery of the Universe Dolbear, A. E. A 2t P 47 Matter, Ether, and Motion Dolbear, A. E. A 33 P 42 Ethics. \_See Moral Philosophy.] Ethiopia - Liters from K: :ypt LcpsiuB, R. D 19 P 13 Ethnography. [See Ethnology— By Countries.] Ethnology— 6-'«Me)-fl? — Australasian Association for Advance, of Science, Rept., ... 506 Classification of Mankind by Language or bj' Blood in Chips from a German Workshop Midler, F. M. J 20 T .=.-8 Ethnology Keaue, A. H. A 26 S 24 Evolution of the Aryan Ihcriug, R. von A 19 U 14 Fall of Man and ICtlniology -in Warfare of Science with Tlicology. White, A. D. (i 3 U 17. 18 Handvvorterbuch der Zoologie, PaUeontologie, und Ethnologic. Encyklop;edie der Naturwissorisjhaften A 42 Q 1-7 Histoira de VAUiance Scientifique Univeriolle Pitrou, O. A 21 T4I History of Mankind Ratzel, F. A 31 S 9 Physical History of Man Prichard, J. C. A 27 S 3 Proposal for a Bureau of Ethnology in Australia ; by A. Hamilton. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Sci:;nce, Rept., 1898 506 Psychology of Peoples Le Bon, G. G 17 S 16 Races of Man Dcniker, J. A 27 S 32 Races of Man; by Dr. C. Pickering U..S. — Expl. Exped., 9. A 31 Q 3 X Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family: by L. H. Morgan ... Smiths. lust.. Coats, to Knowledge. 17 50S [See also Aborigines of Australia ; Angio-Israelism : Anthropology ; Arehasology; Arj'ans; Cannibals and Cannibalism ; Carvings; Cra^iology; Customs and Manners; Folk-lore; (Jypsits; Indians, American ; .Tews ; Lake-dwellers and Lake-dwellings ; Maoris; Mounds and Mound -builders; Mythology; Negroes; Primeval Man ; Race Problerds ; Rites and Ceremonies ; Tattoo- ing; and under each Race of Men.] Periodicals — American Antiquarian 913.7 Revue d' Ethnographic A 42 T l-S Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie, 1895 572 • Societies — Polynesian Society, Journal 006 By Countries. Africa - Man, Past and Present Kcjinc, A. H. A 27 S 29 Canada — Ethnological Survey of Cauada, Report of Committee ... British Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1 S99 506 [See also Indians, American.] Egypt- Rcc'herchessurlcsOriginesdcl'Eg}"ptc.. Morgan, J. de A 17S ISf EUice Islands — Atoll of Funafuti Australian Museum Memoirs, 3 MA 3 \\' 22 826 Public Library of New South IFales, Ethnology — England — I'ediyree of tlie English People Nicholas, T. A 4o U 22 Europe — Races of Europe Ripk'V, W. Z. A -Ij T 12 Finland— Pre- aud Proto-historic Finns Abercronihy, J. B 30 P 13, 14 Great Britain — Ancient Stone Implements of (!rcat Britain .. Evans, Sir J. A 1!) U 33 Ethnology of the British Islands Latham, R. G. A 24 P IS Life in Early Britain Windle, B. C. A. A 19 R (i Origin and Character of the British People ... Macnamara, N. C. A 4.-1 R 13 Study of Man Haddon, A. C. A 27 Q 46 India — Indian Village Community Powell, B. H. B-. F 12 T 24 Letter on the Ethnology Survey of India — .« Chips from a Cerman Workshop ". Midler, F. M. J 22 Q 3 North-western Provinces of India Crooke, W. B 29 T 7 Ireland — Dolmens of Ireland Burlasc, W. C. B 41 W 2-4 Maimers and Customs of the Ancient Irish O'Currv, E. B 34 t 2-4 Jamaica — Aboriginal Indian Remains in Jamaica Institute of Jamaica, Journ., 2 002 Japan — Aiim of Japan Batchelor, Rev. J. A 19 Q 8 Kaiser Wilhelm's Land — Kunstlcrisclu; Darstellungcn aus Kaiser- Wilhelnis-Land in ihrcr Bcdeutung fur die Ethnologic; von Dr. K. T. Preiiss. Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic, 1897 .-)72 Madras — Madras, Administration, Manual 91.5.48 Murray Islands — Ethnograjihical Xotis on tlie Murray Islands, Torres Straits; by- Rev. A. E. Hunt ... Anthropological Inst., Journal, 1899 .572 New Caledonia — Canaqucs dc la Nouvclle Caledonie Revue d'Ethnographie, 2 A 42 T 2 Usages, Mieurs, et Coutumes des Neo-Calcdoniens Revue d'Ethnographie, 7 A 42 T 7 New Guinea — Anthropology and Natural History of Torre.s Straits, Rei)ort of Coniniittee... British Assoc., Ail v. of Science, Kept., 1899 50(i New Hebrides— Nouvelles-Hfbrides, Les Revue d'lClhnngraphie, 7 A 42 T 7 Norway Norroii.-isk.dlci-: Crania antiipia in parte orientali Norvegi;c meridionalis inventa Barth, J. A 34 \' 22 Philippine Islands — Philippine Islands Forenia n , J. D 22 l< 1 Queensland Anlhrop'ilogy and Nat>u-al IIi.-,tory of Tonus fjtraits, Report of Committee... British Assoc, Adv. of Ss:o:ic?, Pv3-t.> 18!)i) 5C6 Rarotonga Evoluti.in in the Oinaniental Art of Savage Peoples ... Stolpc, H. MA 3 W 24 Samoa Antliropologi.sche Aufnahmen und Unlersuchungen, ausgefiJut Jiuf den Samoa Jnscln, 1894-9,5; von F. Kcineeko. Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic, 189) 572 Sarawak Natives of Sarawak and British North liornco Roth, H. L. A 31 Q 27, 28 Entliuology — Scandinavia — Primitive Inliabitants of Scandinavia Nilsson, S. A .39 R 18 Scotland — Prehistoric Scotland Munro, R. B 32 R 12 South Africa — Antiquity of Man in South Africa— in Raid and Reform. Hiliier, A. P. B 17 U 20 Catalogue of Ethnographical Olijeets from Somaliland - in Through Unknown African Countries, by S. Culin Smith, A. 1). D 20 U 21 Sweden — Civilisation of Sweden in Heathen Times Montelius, 0. F 16 V 2 United States- - American Indians Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1877 506 Contributions to North American Ethnology ... U.S. — Geog. and Geol. Survey of Rocky Mountain Region A 10 V 1-8 t North Americans of Antiquitj' Short, J. T. A 35 T 7 Peopling of America ; by A. R. (irote Buftalo Society of Natural Sciences, Bulletin, vol. 3 .506 United States — Bureau of Ethnology, Reports 572 United States — (Geographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report, 7 U.S~ Engineer Dept., U.S. Army A 10 U 8 t [Sen uIko Indians, American.] . Wales — The Welsh Pooide Rhys,.!. A 40 U 17 [For spei-ial works .sec under the name of each Nation, Race, or Tribe of Men.] Etiquette — Etiiiucttc of Modern Society MG 2 R 62 Manners and Social U.sages ... Sherwood, Mary E. W. G 9 U 34 [.S'ce aUo Customs and Manners ; Letter-writing ; Professional and Business Ethics; Social Ethics.] Eton School — Annals of the King's College of Our Lidy of Eton beside Windsor, Sterry, W. (J IS R 72 Eton in the Forties Coleridge, A. D. G 23 1' 22 Fasti Etonenses Benson, A. C. G 24 V 26 Hi.story of Eton College Cust, L. G 24 S 10 Memories of Eton and Etonians Lubbock, A. C 26 Q 8 Etruscan Language and Literature — Etruskisch und Arnienisch Bugge, S. J 12 \' 39 Etymology. [Sae English Language — Etymology.] Eucalypts - Chaiacters available for the Classification of the Eucalypts, with a Synopsis of the Species; by Prof. Tate... Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 ,506 Eucah'pts of New South Wales; by H. Deanc... Linnean Society, N.S.W., I'roc, 1895-99 .580^6 Eucalypts of the New England Talile-land : by .1. H. Maiden. Australasian As.soc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 506 Ki(cal;/;>/as jiiik'criUvnta in Victoria; by A. W. Howitt. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1898 506 Explanation of the Vernacular Name of Kticalt/pfiis/(isli Wanilering Schohir in tlie Levant ... Hogarth, 1). (J. IJ US R 32 Eupomatia laurina Fertilisation of /'i'»pi«i«a'r( /m «/■/«' ; liv A. (4. Hamilton... Linnean N. 'S. Wales, Proo., 180S oSO.O Eureka Stockade — Story of the Eureka Stockade; l)y Marcus Clarke Mellmurne Review, 1 U.")i> [See also Victoria — History.] Europ3 — Gcnp-al — Europe in the Middle Ages Thatcher, (). J. B 17 Q -M Europe in Tour Allen, (J. (i 13 P IS Freeman's Historical (icography of Europe; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 6 0r)2 Hand-l>ookofEiiropoauHistjry,47G-1871 .. HassallA. B 21 S S Selections from thj Fir.it Nine Books of the Chroiiiche Fiorentine. Villani, (i. J 14 T 20 United States of Europe on the Eve of the Parliament of Peace. Stead, \V. T. F Hi V 14 [.SVe nlso under each Country and Subjeel.] Gi'oijrdjilni, 'J\ijiiiiiriii/hii, toiil Afujjn — I'airojie Chisholm, (;.(!. I) l."> R l1 History — European History Adams, ( ;. ]!. B 2 1 (^1 24 .\.i>. 476-800. Europe, 470-',)lS Oman, C. B Ki R 31 .\.li. 800-1100. Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273 Tout, T. F. B Ki R 32 Europe, 470 018 ." t)nriu, C. ]; 10 R 31 A.I). 1100-!4')3. Empire and t!<.e Papacy, !)l,s~1273 Tout, T. F. B Hi R 32 A.n. 145.3-ir,17. F.urope in the 1 Otli Century, 1494-1508. , . Johnson, A. H. B I (i R 34 .4.0. 1517-1789. Balance of Power, 171.5-89 Hassall, A. B Ki R .30 Counter-Reformation in Europe Pcimington, Rev. A. R. (;24U 13 Eastern Question in the 18tli Century Sorel, A. F 13 R 12 Europe, I. 'lOS- 17 15 Wakenum, H. O. B Ki R .35 Europe in the lUthCcntury, 1494-l.WS. , .Tohiison, A. H. B 10 R 34 ,\.r>. 17^:9-181.5. Causes of tlie AVar of 1792 Clapham, .T. II. B .37 R 3 Historical Development of ^Modern Europs, 1815-50. Andrews, C. M. B Ki V 2(), 27 H(n\Englan.l Saved Europe,.. Fitehett, Rev. AV. H. B 37 I,) 8- II A.D. 181.--. Historical Dcvelopa-.cnt of Modern Europe, 1815-5 ). Andrews, C. .\I P. 10 V 20, 27 [,SVe n/.so Napoleonic War.=:; Reformation.] Europe — PoUtict — Balance of Power, 1715-1789 Hassall, A. B Ki R .30 Europe, 470 918 Oman, O. B Ki R 31 Europe, 1.598 1715 VVakeman, H. O. B 10 R 30 Cermany anil Engl.and ; by A. M. Topp Melb. Rev., 5 052 I'olitic'al F\iture of I'hnope Melbourne Review, 1 052 Scoret Diplomatic History of KStli Century... Marx, K. F 15 P 41 Situation in Europe; by A. M. Topp Melb. Rev., 5 0.52 Euryapteryx — Speciiiieu of Euryajjtcryx from Southland; l)y A. Hamilton. "New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S97 .500 [See nlso Ornithology — New Zealand.] Evangelical Association, United States — History of the Evangidical Association .Spreng, Rev. S. P. G 12 V 19 Evangelical Lutheran Church, United States — History .Jacobs, H. E. G 12 V 11 Evangelistic Work Chalmers, Thoma.s]; b\' \V. (!. Blaikie C 20 T 15 History of the Evangelical Association Spreng, Rev. IS. P. 12 V 19 Moody, D. L., Life-story of; by D. Williamson C 20 T 28 New Evangelism Drummond, H. G 24 T 7 [See also Apostles ; Missions and Missionary Work ; Salvation Army.] Evangelists. [.SV'« Mis.sionaries and Evangelists.] Evidence — Law — Evidence at the Common Law Thayer, J. B. F 13 R 28 Evidences of Christianity. [See Christian Evidence.s, ]\liracles.] Evil Eye. [Sn; Witclicraft.] Evil, Problem of — Evil and Evolution O 1 1 U 28 Fundamental Ideas of Clnistiauity C.aird, Rev. .T. (i5P.32 History of tlio Devil and the Idea of Evil... Cams, P. (i 23 V 35 Tln-ough Nat uro to God Fisko, .J. G 24 P 20 [.See a?.vo Original Sin ; Sin.] Evolution- Biology — Against Dogma and Free-will and for Weismannism . . . Hiller, H. C. a 24 T Animal Mind as a Factor in Organic Evolution ; by C. W. Purnell. New Zealand Institute, Trans, 1899 500 Animal Pedigrees in Biological Lectures Marshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 Aroliiv fiir Mikroskopische Anatomie 591.4 Biological Lectures, 1893 A 27 T 13 Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolution Pearson, K. A 37 R 9, 10 Child, Tlie: a Study in the Evolution of Man... Clurmberlain, A. F. A 45 R 20 Darwin, and .after Darwin Romanes, G. .1. (J 1 U 29 Darwin, Charles, and the Theory of Natural .Selection. Poulton, E. B. A 27 Q 18 Darwinian Theory Aveling. E. B. A 27 R 10 Darwinism and Lamarckism Hutton. F. W. MA 4 P 2S Descent of Man Darwin, C. A 27 R 21, 22 Descent of the Piimates Hubreeht, A. A. W. A 24 P 33 Doctrine of Evolution — !h Century of Science... Fiske,.J. A 45 S2 Evolution by Atrophy Demoor, .J. A 41 T 25 Evolution in Relation to Theology ; by Rev. R. Potter. Melbourne Review, 5 052 Factors in Organic Evolution Jordan, D. S. A 27 R 20 Factors of Organic Evolution from a Botanical Standpoint ; by L. H. Bailey Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 50G Foundations of Zoologj- Brooks, W. K. A 40 U 9 From Creation to Evolution —in Warfare of Science with Theology. White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 Grammar of Science Pe.arson, K. A 45 T 7 828 Tithlic Llhronj of New South Wales. Evolution — Biology — contJ. Hulf-Centuiv of Evolution, with special referenco to tlis Effects of Gcologicil Changes oa Animal Life; by A. S. Packard. American Assoc, Advance, of Scie:ice, Proc. , 1S9S oOG Last Link, The Haeckel, E. A 27 R 36 Lectures on the Darwinian Theoiy... Marshall, A. JL A 38 V 6 llan's Place in the Cosmos Seth, A. (4 14 R '26 ilonkeys, Apes, and Men Aveling, E. B. A 27 R 1 1 Organic Evolution Shute, D. K. A 27 H 33 Organic Evolution Cross-examined... Argyll, Duke of A 40 T 1 1 Odjiin of .Species Darwin, C. A 27 R 32 Our Present Knowledge of the Descent of Man ; Viy Prof. Haeckel. Inter. vEitionil Congress of Zoology, Proc. ,1898 A 3~> \V 14 Papers, &c., Church Congres.s, United States, 1894. Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S. O I.") S 31 Pioneers of Evolution, from Thales to Huxley Clodd, E. A 27 R 13 Place of Death in Evolution Smyth, X. C 1 1 U 22 Prehistoric Problems Munro, R. A 19 U 15 Present Evolution of Man Reid, G. A. A 27 T 18 Primer of Evolution Clodd, E. A 26 P 37 Problems of Xature Jaeger, G. A 44 Q 5 Recapitulation Theory— ;'« Biological Lectures... Alarshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 Romanes, George John, Life and Letters A 22 R 19 Science and Faith Topinard, P. A 27 S 31 Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution Romanes, (i. J. A 27 g, 17 Species and Races, ami their Origin — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxlev, T. H. A 40 S 16 Survival of the Unlike Bailey, L. H. A 27 R 1 6 Theology of an Evolutionist rt».. Abbott, Rev. L. G 23 P 5 Theory of Evolution; bj- Sir R. D. Hanson... Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1872 506 Variation, and some Phenomena connected with Reproduction and Sex; bj' A. Sedgwick British Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Rept., 1S99 506 Whence au.l the 'Whither of Man Tyler, J. M. A 27 R 19 Wild Traits in Tame Animals Robinson, L. A 27 t> 5 Zoological Relations of Man with the Lov.-er Animals — ,« Scientific .Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [See also Anthropology ; Apes ; Biology ; Breeding ; Colouration, Animal ; Creation ; Degeneration ; Development ; Embryology ; Environment; Heredity; Life, Origin of; Man, Natural His- tory of ; Natural Selection ; Pithecanthropus crcctus ; Religion and Science; Sex; Variation; Zoology.] Evolution— Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology — Against Dogma and Free-will and for Weismannism... Hiller, H. C. (i 24 T 6 Bible, Science, and Faith Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 15 Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 18 Cosmic Ethics Thomas, W. C. ti 15 Q 34 (,'iitici.sms on Spencer's Views on Social J'lvolution in N'arious Fragments Spencer, H. (i 23 S 3 Evil , and Evolution G 1 1 U 28 Evolution Jcvons, F. B. G 25 S 13 Evohition of <;cncral Idea.s Ribot, T. (4 24 S 1 1 Evolution of HistoricilOrgani.sm .. l'>rowu,Rev. W. F. M(! 2 U 9 l'"r( in Comte to Benjamin Kidd Mackiiito.fh, I!. G 24 V 4 Inttllectual Dcvelopnient Crozier, .). I>. (; 17 Til Life and the Conditions of Survival Brooklyn JClliical Assoc. G 12 V 23 Met:if)hj'3:c of Experience Hodgson, S. U. (i 17 R 33 3(i M ii'.il Evolution Harris, G. G 14 S 27 K.iluiali;;!;) and Agnosticism Ward, J. G 24 V 14, 15 Orij'in and Growth of the Mor.al Instinct Sutherland, A. M(; 2 V 9, 10 Ciigin of the Worhl Dawson, J. W. (4 2-t ]' 31 Piiy.^icH and Politics Bageliot, W. FH V 46 Prin( i|ilf3 of Sociology Giddings, K. H. F12T0 Piof. Tail on the I'^ormula of Evolution — «h Various Fragments. Spencer, H. G 23 S 3 Rmliatic Plnlo.tnpliy McCo.sh, Rev. J. (4 17 S 21, 22 S.e.naualiiitic I'liilosophy of the 19th Century, ., Dabney, Rev. R. L. G 17 S30 Social anil Ktliieal InlcrprctationR in Mental T/'evclopmcnt. Baldwin, J. M. G 24 R 4 Spencor, Herbert ; by H. MacPhcrson C 2" R 20 ( Evolution— Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology— contd. Spencer's "Principles of Sociology"; by A. M. Topp... Melbourne Review, 2 (^52 Tile Spirit on the Waters Abbott, E. A. (.4 3 U 27 Through Nature to God Fiske, J. G 24 P 2.5 Thus Spake Zarathu.stra Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 15 Wi.iils of Doctrine Elam, C. A 27 R 18 Winds of Doctrine Melbourne Review, 2. 052 Evolution — Social Economy — Aristocracy ami Evolution Mallock, W. H. F 3 R 1 Economic Foundations of Society Loria, A. F 15 S 19 Evolution by Atrophy Demoor, J. A 4 1 T 25 Government or Human Evolution Kelly, E. F 17 T 14 Outlines of Sociology ; by Prof. Gumplowiez... American Academy, "Political and Social Science, Pubs. F 16 R 33 Social and Ethical Literpretations in Mental Development. Baldwin, J. M. G 24 R 4 Study of Sociology- Stuokenberg. J. H. W. F 3 R 27 Suggestions towanl anAppliedScienceofSociology,.. Payson,E. P. Village Life in China Smith, Rev. A. H. F 16 U II [See also Primitive Society; Society, History of.] Evolution of Sex — Biology. [See Sex.] Ex-libris. [See Book-plates.] Examinations — Collective Examination of Pupil Teachers ... Gt.' Brit, and Irel. — Education (4 17 U 39 Education Department, Midsummer Examination, 1896. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education (4 17 U 37 Examinations and Examination Systems — in Women in Education. International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 ti) 4 Examination of Scholars by the State ; liy W. Kennedy ■ . Internat. Healtli Exhib." 1SS4, Lit., 13 A 41 V9 Inspection and Examination of Schools by other Bodies than the Universities; by Rev. H. L. Thompson... International Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 List of Successful Candidates and Questions proposed to Candidates for admission to Training Colleges and for the Ottice of Teacher. (4t. Brit, anil Irel.- Scotch Education Dept. 370.7 Local Examinations; by Rev. G. F. Browne International Health Exhib., 1884 Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Manuals of Pidilic Examinations Sydney Univer.sity 378.944 On the Annual Examination undergone by Cunscripts in Belgium ; by G. Juttrand ... International Health Exhib., 1SS4, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Queen's Scholarship and Stndentship E.\amination. (4t. Brit, and Irel. — Scotch Educaticm Dept. 370.7 Queen's Scholarship Examination, 1S96 Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education 370.7 Questions proposed to Candidates for admission into Training Colleges and for the Office of Teacher (it. Brit, ami Irel. Education 370.7 Scope and Limitation of Inspeeticm; by Father Gerard... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 \ 9 Siotcli Education De|iartnicnt, Certificate Examination. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Scotch Ed. Dept. (! 17 U 37 State School Examination Papers, Victoria Tisdall, H. T. MG 2 U23 [.SVe also CJaleiulars and Registei's of Universities; Civil Servit^e Examinations; and sub-heading Education and Examination I'apcr.i under each Language and Subject.] Exchange — llsclKiiigc in Principles of Sociology ... Spencer, H. G 12 K 21 Foreign Exchanges -in Theory of International Trade. Bastablc, C. F. V 13 I; 10 Logic of the Practical Sciences — in Theory of Piacticc. Hodgscm, ,S. H. (ill Q28, 29 Principles of Political Economy Nicholson, J. S. 1'" 8 (J 25 Science of Money Del Mar, A. F 14 U 29 Science of Statistics Smith, R. M-. F 4 V 7, 8 Sterling Exchange Tables, Euglish and American Currency. Schultz, W. F 13 U 16 Theory of Wealth Conrnot, A. F4U19 [Sec aUo Banks and Banking ; Credit ; Currency ; Stock I'^xchange.] Suhject-Iude.c to the Supplemcntavy Catalogue — IHOO-IOOO. 829 Exchequer, The — Antii|iMtiesan(lCuriositc3of the Exchequer... It:ill,II. V 13 8 32 Oii"iii of the E.xchetiucr — m Gummune of Loiiilou... Mound, .1. If. BliSTl.-) Excise. [See Customs and Excise.] Executors. [.SVe Wills.] Exegesis. [Sm Biblical Criticism.] Exercise— Hygiene — • (IciRial Exercisf; liv Dr. E. M. Hartwell — in Practical Thera- peutics ". Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Health and Condition in the Active and the Sedentary. Davics, N. E. Y-. A -20 I-; 30 Swedish Movement and Jiassai^'c; liy Dr. B. Lee in Practical Therapeutics T Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Theory and Pnieticc of Hygiene Notter, J. L. A 31 t^) •.'2 [See (("/.so tiyninasties ; Physical Education; Training, Athletic. J Exeter Cathedral — Exeter Catliodral „... Eilniomls, Canon A 3!) P 10 Exeter Road, The - Tlic E-Kcter P.oad Harper, C. O. P. 33 S 14 Exhibitions, Industrial — General — Exliiliitions: their Origin, Aim, Influence and Results... Mooncn, L. MF 4 t^) oS International Exhibitions and their Civilising Influence — /» Civili- sation of Our Day Samuelson , 1. E 1 'V" 1 4 [.^ec aUo under the title of the Exhibition in the Author Catalogue, .and under the name of the Town in which the Exhibition has been lieh', aud under each special title in the Index.] Exosmosis. [.See Physiological Chemistry.] Experiment Farms and Stations - 630.7 Agricultural Experiment Stations; their Objects and Work. True, A. C. A 38 Q 19 Aims and Tendencies of (ierman Agricultural Experiment Stations ; by M. Maercker — in Experiment Station Record, 9. United States — Dept. of Agr. — Otfioe of Exper. Stations California University — Agricultural Experiment Station, Report. Caiuxda, Experimental Farms, Reports... Canada — Dept. of Agr. Connecticut— Agricultural Experiment Station, Report Eighth Annual Convention of the Association of Americ.xn Agri- caltural Colleges and Experiment Stations, Proceedings. United States Dept. of Agr., Oflice of Experiment Stations. Every Farm an Experiment Station ; by E. E. Ewell. United States - Dept. of Agr., Yc.ir-book, 1S97 030.5 Expcrhncnt Station Record .:.... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Otlioe of Experiment Staitions Experiment Stations and Agricultural Colleges of the United States, Report... Gt. 15ri t. antllrcl. — Bo,ard of Agr. A .38 R 10 Functions of Experiment F.arms ... Agr. Gaz.. N.S.W, 10 G30..J Government Experimental Farm, Poona, Reports Bombay - Dept. of Land Records and Agriculture 031). 7 How Experiment Farms can bo made to help on in the Best Manner the Agriculture of the Country ; by W. Farrer ... Agricultural " Giizctte, N. S. W.ales, 11 6.30.5 Kentucky — Agricultural Experiment Station, Report Michigan — State Agricultural College Exper. Station, Bulletins ... Michigan — State Agricultural College Exper. Station, Report ... Munic^ota Universitj' — Agricultural Ex2Jer. Station, Report Mississippi — Agricultural ami Meciianical College Experiment Stat ion. Report ; New .Ter-^ey — State Agricultural Experiment Station, Report North Carolina— Agricidtural Exper. Stati.')n, Work during lS9o. North Dakota — Agricultural Experiment Station, Reports North Dakota— Agricultural Experiment Station, Report. North Dakota —Annual Repts. 323. 7S4 Ontario -Agi-icultural College, Report Experiment Farms and Stations— 63J.7 — eontd. Organizatitju Lists of the Agricultural Experiment Stati'ms and Agricultural Schools and Colleges United States - Dept. of Agr. Office of Experiment Stations Rhode Island— Agricultural Experiment .Station, Reports Rothanisted Agricultural Investigations Gilbert, Sir .7. H. A)HU27 Rothamsteil Experiments Kottniann, G. MA 2 U 07 Two Views (jf the Functions of Experiment Stations U.S.- - Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exjier. Stations, Record, 11 United States -Uept. of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Digest, Annual Reports, 1888 Utah — Agricultural Colh-gc Experiment Statirm, Reports Vermont — State Agricultural lOxperiment Station, Reports Wisconsin Unlver.sity — Agricultural Exper. Station, kcjjoi-t Wyoming —Agricultural College and Experiment Station, l-lcport. [.S'ce (j/.vo Agricultural Colleges; Agriculture — Education; Koth- amsted Experiment Farm ; and under the Title of the College or Farm in Author Catalogue.] Experimental Psychology. [.See Mental Pliysiology; Physiuhjgical P.sychology.] Exploration — General. [See Scientific Expeditions ; Travel's ; and sub-heading Discovery, Exjiluration, and Early Voyages under name of Place.] Explorers. [.SVe Tra\-ellers and Explorers.] Explosions — Accident in Drumpeller Colliery... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Drumi)ellcr Colliery Disaster A 40 \' 43 ^ Ciiusss of Explosion, and Precautions re(piired to ensure the Safety of Cylinders of Compressed (ias. Report of Committee. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Compressed (ias A 40 V 39 t Explosion at Nobel's Explosives Company, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Ardeer Explosion A 39 V 38 | Explosion at the Nitro-glycerine Factory, \\'altham Abbej', Re- port . . . (;t. Brit, and Irel. — Explosion at Nitio-glycerlne Factory A 39 V 10 I Origin and Rationale of Colliery Explosions ... Stuart, D. M. D. A 2.1 V 27 Royal Connnission on Explosions from Coal-dust in Mines, Reports. ( rt. Brit, and Irel. - Explosions from Dust in Mines A .39 V 41. 43 I [.SVe also Boilers; Explosives; (Jas in Mine.!.] Explosives — Action of Certain Explosives; by F. Marchant Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 T>'M Board of Engineers, United .States Army, Report on .Storage of Explosives in New York Harbour. . . United States - Dept. of the Treasury A 21 U 27 Expc.imcntal Trials with Explosives Gt. Brit, and Irel. — I'^xplosives A 40 V 30 I Explosives and Matches in Chemistrj' fin- Manufacturers. Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Guide to the Explosives Act, 1S7.'>: bv Col. M.ajendie. Gt. Brit, and Ire'l.— Home Office F 15 P 45 Gunpowder and High Explosives; by Lieut. W. Walke. United States— Adjutant-tienerars Office A 20 T 17 t Hand-book on Modern Explosives Eissler, M. A 20 Q 22 Handling of Dangerous Goods Phillips, H. .J. A 21 R 30 Her Majesty's Inspectors of Explosives, Annual Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Explosives 614.831 List of Authorized Explosives under Explosives Act, 1875. Gt. Brit, and Ire!.— Home Office F 20 U 11 4to Nitro-explosives Sanford, P. G. A 20 Q 34 Regulations for Magazines. Anunuiiilion, Stores, Laboratories, &c. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -War Office F 8 V 32 Treati.se on Ammunition... Gt. Brit, andlrel. — War Office A 30 W S Treatise on Service Explosives, 1895 (it. Brit, and Irel. — War Office A 29 V 31 [See also Accidents ; Blasting ; Explosions ; Noxious Tra Kxport of Oranges Agr. Gazette, N. K. Wales, 9 030..') Export of Poultry Agricultural Gazette, N.R.W., 10 GSO.o Export Trade Agr. Gazette, X. ^'). \V-i C3, 9 C.>)..j Govemment Prizes for Exports Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 8 G30.o Market in China for our Surplus Whiat ; by F. Po.ite. . . Agricultural Gazette", N. S. AVales, 10 (i3n..") Shipping Regulations N. S. Whales... Agriculture Boanl of Exports MA 4 T 1 1 ■ Victoria — Export of Frozen Produce from Victoria, Report ; by D. \\'ilson. Victoria — Agriculture MA 3 V 27 [See aUo Produce Trade.] Expression. [Sea Artistic- Anatomy; Phy.siognomy.] Extradition. [.SV.? Criminal Law; International Law.] Extreme Unction. [See Sacraments, The.] Eye, The, and Eyesight — General — IJliuauessHiid the iJlii.d Levy, W. H. A 2t) R -27 Changes found in the Field of Vision while the Eyes are placed at Right Angles to Ordinary Position... Oliver, C. A. A 33 V 10 Curiosities of Light and Sight Bidwell, S. A 41 Q 27 Defective Eyesight Roosa, B. D. St. J. A 33 P 41 Fundus Oculi Frost, W. A. A 18 P 2,5 t Light Glazel.rook, R. T. A 21 P .-)1 Treatise on the Eve and on Optical Instruments. , . Coddingtt)n, H. A 41 P .-) [.?ee a/.ixon, K. .J 24 Q 14 Fair}' Tales, Legends, and Roni.ances illu.strating Shakespe.arc and other Early English Writers Hazlitt, W. C. J 14 P 49 Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants ami Herdsmen Cliodskn, A. .1 .S T .-',9 From my Verandah in New(juinca...Roniilly, H. H. MD y R 43 Mad Pranks and Merry Je.'its of Robin (ioodfellow: Rejirint of ed. of 1028 " Percy Soeiety Pid)s. 11 11 S3 Kinder- nnd Hausniiirehen Grimm, J. L. .J 12 P 39 Old English Fairy Tales Gould, S. B-. Sintram and his Companions... La Motte Fouque, F. H. V ,J 14 T 2 , Baron de J 14 S 7 J 14 S 2 ■J 21 T 20 Turkisli Fairy Tales Kiinos, I. Twilight Land : Pyle, H. Voyage of Bran, Son ot Febal, to the Land of the Living. Meyer, K. B .3(5 P 10 Zankiwank and the Bletherwitch... Fitzgerald, S. J. A. .T22P 1 [See afoo Fairies ; Folk-lore.] . J)ilJi(X/rap/ri/ — Bibliography of Fairy Tales for Children — in State Library Bulletin, Bibliography, 13... New York — Librarj' Cat. Room Faith- Bible, Science, and Faith Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 15 Elements of the Science of Religion Tide, C. P. G 11 U .34 Faith and Duty - in Parents and Children... Mason, Charlotte M. G 17 T 7 Faith and Reason Guthrie, K. S. G 23 R 13 Fundamental Ideas of Christianity... Caird, Rev. J. G 5 P 32, 33 Mind of the Master Watson, Rev. J. G 2 V 27 Pliilosophy of Reflection Hodg.son, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 Philosophy ot Theism Fraser, A. C. G 14 S 2.') Reflections of a Russian Statesman Pobyedonostsefl', K. P. G 23 P 3.5 [.9ee (1^0 AgnosticLsni ; Confession of Faith; Creeds; Knowledge, Theory of ; Religion; Salvation; Theology, Systematic; Trutfi.] Faith healing — Christian Science .Journal 61.5.851 Christian Science Sentinel 615.8.51 Faith-healing and Christian vScience... Feilding, Alice G 24 Q 22 [See ato Mind and Body; Physiological Psychology; Theologj', Practical. ] Fakirs. [See Dervishes; Mohammedanism.] Falconry — Art and Practice of Hawking Michell, E. B. A 45 T 9 Diary of Master William Silence Madden, Rt. Hon. 1). H. A 35 T IS Falkland Islands — General and Descriptive — Aninud Reports Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Office Reports 354.428 British America 1) 22 (,l 6 From the Tropics to thcNorth Sea... Barkly, Fanny A. I) 20 S21 Fallacies — Fallacies— i'/( Leisux-e Readings Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q IG Logic of Chance Venn, J. Gl U 39 Fallopian Tubes — Diseases of the Broad Ligaments ; by Dr. H. A. Kelly — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P IG [.S'ce also Gyniccology.] Falmouth — His'. or,- of the Po.st Office Packet Service, 17f 3-1815. Norway, A. H, B 16 S 15 Family, The— y\tlic Law of Status, Family Relations, and Successions. Herrick, F. M. F 18 R 26 Clwist's Law of tlie Family —in Christianity and .Social Problcnis. Abbott, L. (i 19 U 23 Morality of Mari-iage Caird, Mona F 13 T 32 Origin and GiMwth of the Moral Instinct Sutherland, A. MfJ 2 V 9, 10 Parents an>'>ourer; Rural Life.l 832 Public Library of New South Wales. Farm Life. [See Rural Life.] Farmers' Institutes, [See Ajjiicultuie — Societies, Con- fercm-es, and Boards; Grange, The.] Farming. [See Agricidtur.d Implemont.s; Agriculture — General: Agriculture — Periodicals; Cattle and Cattle- breeding; Dairy Farming; Drainage: Ensilage: Ex- perim?nt Farms and Stations; Farm Buildings; Fences; Grain Magazines and Elevators; Pastures.] Faroe Islands — General mid Descriptive — Far. ,e Islands JeaftVcson, J. R-. U 20 K 7 Farriery — Home Meclianie, The Schofield, J. A .S9 1' 3 Horse-shoeing for Horse-shoirs and Veteiinarians... Lnngwitz, A. A 39 P 7 [.?ee aho Horso; Veterinarj' Science.] Fashion. [See Clothe; and Clothing; Costume; Dress,] Fashion Journals -- Harper's Bazar O,")! Ladies Pictorial 072 Qujen, The 072 Fasts and Fasting [See Festivals, Church; Lent.] Fatalism — Free-will and Fatalism— m Hunio,u Xature Seliopenhauer, A. [Set also Di'terminism ; Freedom of the Will.] G 10 U .So Fathers of the Church — Cyprian Benson, Ai-chbishop (i 19 T .S2 Leo tlie Great Gore, Rev. C. G 2(i P l.'i Monastic Life Alliers, T. \\. (i I,") S ;i2 [Sue a^vo Apocrypha ; Apostles; Councils, Clmrch ; EccIesiaKlical History ; Patristic Literature ; Saints ; and midcr each of tlio F'athcns — Augustine, Clement, Origen, TertuUian — in Author Catalogue.] Fats and Oils — Animal Fats and Oils Andes, L. E. A 45 U 9 Chemical Tcclniology Groves, (3. E. A 21 V G~S Directory and Hand-book of tlie Meat and Provision Trades. A 3.S P 22 Lu'irioating Oils. Fats, and Greases ... Hurst, G. H. A in U H Manufacture of Varnishes Livachc, A. A d.") T 13 Oil Analysis Org.inic Chemistry Whitelcy, R. L. A 23 R 48 Painter, Gilder, and Variiisher's Companion Brannt, \V. T. A 23 R ni Practical Compounding of Oil, Tallow, ,and (Ircase ... E.tpcrt Oil Refiner A 4.-> U I Vegetable Fats and Oils And.'s, L. E. A 4.1 U 10 [.S'ce a/«o Butter ; Oils; Olives and Olive Oil ; Petroleum; Waxes; and under each Oil.] Faunas of Countries and Places. \Sfc Zo'ilogy and Fauna i.>y Countries.] Faust — Legends — FiULst; by Rev. .J. Lambic Melliourne Review, 7 0"2 Hintory and (Criticism \Vils(m, H. S. .) 14 V 5 Philosophy of Faust— IH Essays Lindsay,.]. .1 12 1': 9 [.S'tc aluo legends.] Fayal, Azores — General and Desrriptive — Alliinlic Essays Higginson, T. W. .1 14 U2 Feasts. [See Fa.sts and Fasting: Festivals, Cluuvh.] Federal Ci;y of Australia Sonic Good Rea»f)n8 why the Federiil Capital niiimhl he built near Yass 'i'n.sH Federal City I.K;aguc Ml) 8 S 11 Federal Conventions, Australian. Australian.] [See Federation, Federal Government and Federalism — Canadian Dominion and Proposed Australi vn Commonwealth ; by Dr. .J. (4. Bourinot Royal 8oc. , Canada, Proceedings and Transactions, 1S95 OGl Contest over t!ie Ratification of the Federal Constitution in tlie .State of Massachusetts Harding, S. B. F 3 T 20 Federal South Africa Molteno, P. A. F 8_V 37 I'^ederal Taxes and State E.vpenses Jones, W. H. F 1.5 S '25 Federation of the Powers Farquhar.son, C. D. F 13 V 27 [See n/so sub-heading Con-^titution imdor Canada, Switzerland, and United States.] Federation, Australian — Addles., on tlic Federal Constitution Bill.. Henrv,.T. MF 5 Q, 21 Advanced AustraH.i (ialloway, \V. .L MD S P 41 Adviintages of a Fe leral Union ; by W. .1. Brown... Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 189S .'iOG Anarchist Foiled Southern Cross MF .5 S 29 Australasia Annual Register, 1890 905 Australasian Federal Convention, Melbourne, 1898, Othcial Record of Debate.5 MF 5 R 25, 26 Australasian Federal Convention, 1897, Official Record of tlie Debates MF 5 R 8 Australasian Federal Convention, 1897, Proc MF 13 Q 4 t Australian Colonies in 1S9G Pethcrick, E. .\. MF 1 R 21 Australian Commonwealth ; bv 2 Australian Federation ; its N.aturc and I'robal)le ICffects; by Sir S. W. Gril'ith Oueensland — Parliament V. and P., vol. 1, ISrC) 328.943 Australian Nation; by Hon. .J. Douglas Melb. Rev., 5 0.52 Aiustralian Nation; by Sir Hcnrv Parkes Melb. Rev., 4 0.52 Bathurst People's Fcd'eral Convention, Proc, 1890... MF 4 (} 54 Canadian Dominion and Proposed Australian Commonwealth: by Dr. .1. (J. Bourinot Royal Soc, Canada, Proceeilings and Transactions, 1895 001 Case for the Bradilon Blot ; by Sir E. Braddon Review of Reviews, 1898 0.52 Coming Commonwealth Garran, R. R. MK 2 R 40 Commonweahh MF 5 U 10 Comminwealtli of Australia Moore, W. H. MF 3 P ()7 ('ommonv.-calth of Australia; by H. II. LusU... Forum, 1899 051 (.'ommonwealth of .'\u.stralia; bv B. R. Wi.se .. National Review, 1899 (1.52 Constitution-making in Au.stralia; by Prof. W. H. Moore. ' National Review, 1,S98 052 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia... United St.ates- Consular Reiis. , (il 382 Ci>nveuliun at Work: li\ 11. I'.. Iliggins Review of Reviews, 1897 (1.52 Draft Federal Conslitnt ion of 1897 ; a Criticism: by Sir S. VV. (Jriflith Review of Review.s, 1898 ('.52 Draft Federation Bill Barton, Hon. E. Ml'' 5 R 3 Es)ays on Eederation Crabbe, (i. W. M F 5 P 28 ICvolution of a Federal (;o\cniment in .Au.stralasian Dcmocraey. Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Suhject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 833 Federation, Australian — contd. Failuru uf thu Australian Federation Bill : by Rev. W. IT. ritchett. Canadian Magazine, 1898 0.")! Federal Bill Hevie^^• of Reviews, 1 .S!)S f)7A Federal F.ill Analysed Rosa, 8. A. M V 4 V .54 Federal (Jnuncil of Australasia, Debates 342.0402 Federal Council of Australasia, Journals and Papers ... 342.0402 Federal Defence of Australasia Craig, G. C. MF 5 V 3 Federal Finauce Nash. R. L. MF 5 U 2 Federal Finance Walker, .T. T. MF 5 Q H) Federal Movement in Australia. . US. — Oonsulai' Repts., 54, Gl 382 Federation; by E. Dowling in N. S. Wales, tlie Mother Colony. Hutehinsou, V. MD 7 U 23 Feder.ation; by H. C Parsons Melbourne Review, 9 0ri2 Federation; an Exposure of the Federal Conspiracv... Rosa, S. A. MF .') T 2 Federation, and Afterwards Robertson, A. N. MF I R 03 Federation and Kindred Subjcet.s; liy "Free Heleetor.'' Heron, .J. S. MF 4 P ,'0 Federation Movement in Australasia; by Sir E. N. C'. Ri-addon. Nineteenth Centurj', July, 1800 {!'& Federation of British Australasia; by J. T. Walker... Australa.s'an Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept. , 1S08 .50.) Federation of Britisli Australasia Walker, J. T. MF 5 Q 19 Federation of Our Australian Colonies from a Lawyers Point of View; bj' Dr. W. B. Odgers New Century Reviev/, 2 0."i2 Federation Spiders and the Unsuspecting Flv... Johnston, A. W. MF 4 P .).5 Creat Convention Spiders and the Unsuspecting Flv. Joh)iston, A. W. MF 4 P 35 Hints on Federation Sturt, A. MF 4 R 07 Honour to wlumi Honour is Due Smith, B. MF5S30 Is F'ederation our True Policy? Federation MF 5 Q 18 Leading Features of the Constitution ; by J. Quick ... Review of Reviews, 1898 0,')2 JTarriage Contract ."... Jackson, Helen Orr MH 1 S 74 "Me an' Ceorge" .Johnston, A. W. J1F4P.j5 Next Step in Federation ; by Dr. J. Quick ..Rev. of Revs. , 1807 052 New Australian Commonwealth— i« The New Democracv. I!rown, W. J. 'M F 5 S 8 New Australian ConmionweaUh and the Pi-ivy Council; by H. (f. Parsons Blackwccd's f.lagazine, 1S09 ('.")2 Notes on Federation and the Draft Constitution Bills framed by the Conventions of 1S91, 1S97 Barton, G. B. MF 9 P 42 t Notes on the Financial Aspect of Australian Fedei-ation : bv T. A. Coghlan N. S. Wales Statistics MF 5 P 4 Nouvclles Socictes Anglo-Saxonncs Leroy-Beaulieu, P. 1'. MF 4 P 41 Outlook of Australian Federation ;" bv E. Wilson National Reviev.', 1895 052 Outlook of Federation; byG. H. Rcid,. Rev. of Revs., 1897 052 Prospects of Australia Federating ; by J. W. Niesigh United Service Magazine, May, 1806 355.05 Prospe.-ts of Australia Federating; by .J. Eeid ... United Service Mag.azine, Sept., 1800 355.05 Prospects of Australian Federation; by Sir .1. Vogel. Contemporary Review, 1898 052 Queensland Politics and Federation ; by T. M. Donovan. AA'cstminster Review, 1S99 0.52 Protection and Federation De Lissa, A. MF 5 S 1 Australasian Federation League, 1894, Rules and Proposals. MF 5 P 1 Sister Dominions Hogan, J. F. MD 8 P .30 Some Factors of Federation ... Australasian Assoc, for xVdvanee. of Science, 6 506 Some Observations on the Provisions of the Draft Bill to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia with resjjeet to Ai)peals to the Privy Council Way, Chief Justice MF 5 U 20 South Australia National Aust. Convention, Debates MF 3 S 34 Sydney Convention of 1897; by F. W. Holder Review of Reviews, 1897 052 Why South Australia should accept the Bill ; bv F. W. Holder. Review of Reviews, 1808 052 \\'\\y Tasmania should accept the Federal Bill ; by Sir P. 0. Fysh. Review of Reviews, 1808 '052 Union of the Colonies Parkes, Sir H. MF 4 Q 53 Why Federate? Brown, W. J. JIF 5 T 1 [Sue, al^o Federal (iovernmcnt and Federalism ; Fcileration, Imperial, and Defences.] 5n Federation, Imperial, and Defences — A'.i.^tralian Protest against Impcjiul Federation; by (i. V>. MeudcU Me:bounic Review, 10 052 British Federalism Labilliere, F. P. do F I S 20 British Food Supply in Vv'ar; by C. Gleig - wi Naval Annual, 1898. Brassey, Hen. T. A. 359.0.5 British Imperial Customs Union Gow, W. F 1 S 26 Colonies and the Century Robinfon, Sir J. F 15 R 33 Conunand of the Sea and the Brain of the Navy ... AVilkinson, S. F 19 S 2 Consolidation of the Empire— !» The Coming Individualirni. Hake, A. E. F I R 22 Coiiperativc System of the Defence of the Empire ; by Col. E. T. H. Hutton Royal Colonial Institute, Proc., i9 S2.'.342 Defence of Great and Greater Britain Colomb, Sir .J. C. R. F U)T 13 Defence of the Empire Carnarvon. Earl F 4 T 17 Defence of the Ilmpire; by A. M. Topp Melb. Rev., 5 152 I'oreign and Colonial Speeches Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. .1. F 13 V 14 (Jovernment of the Empire Bousfield, Vi'. F I S i.'0 Imperial Customs Union Maofec. K. N. F 4 U 23 Imjierial Cuf-toms Union; or, Commcrcird Federation of the British Empire Hayes, T. H. F 17 S H t Imperial Defence Clai-ke, Lieut. -Col. Sir (I. S. F 13 U 19 Imperial Defence Dilke. Sir C. W. F 13 R 11 Imperial Defence; by E. Adam — in Historic Facts.. Rose, W. K F8Q 10 Imperial Federation Labillierc, F. P. de F 1 S "26 Imperial Federation Lagge, C. H. C. F I S £6 Imperial Federation in Scotland Young, Sir F. F 1 S 26 Imperial Federation League, Titles of Publications F 1 S 20. Imperial Federation on a Commercial Basis ...D., J. E. F 1 S 2(i Imperialism Dc Thierry, C. F 15 P 21 Lost Possessions of Eugland Lord, W. F. B IG R 24 National Defences Maurice, Major-Gen. F. ' F 13 \^ 22 Nation's Awakening Wilkinson, S. F 12 I*. 10 Naval Administrations, 1827-92 Briggs, Sir J. H. F 1 S 13 Navy and the Nation Clarke, Lieut. Col. G. S. F 1 R 23 Nouvclles Societes Anglo-Saxonnes Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. MF4P41 Ottawa Colonial Conference, 1894, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Colonial Conference F 30 V 22 t Preferential Trade Relations between Gieat Britain and her Colonies .. Tupper, Sir C. F 1 S 20 Sixty Years of the Queen's Reign Temple, Sir R. F 13 V 13 Substance of a Letter Bowcn, Sir G. F. Fl S 20 United States of Britain Little, J. S. F 1 S 20 Victoria Britannia Chcgwiddcn, T. C. F 12 S 22 Vision of Empire Little, .L S. F 1 S 20 War, Famine, and Our Food Supply... Marston, R. B. l-" 4 T 21 [See. also Coaling Stations; Colonies and Groat Britain ; Federa- tion, Australian.] Fee Simple. [See Land Tenure; I\cal Property.] Feeble-minded — Charities and Correction, National Conference, Proc., 1890... 3G0 Massachu.setts-' School for the Fce'ole-minded, Reports 371.93 Ohio, Institution for Feeble-minded Youth, Reports Ohio- Annual Repts. 328.771 Schools for the Defective Classes United States — Bureau of Education, Report, 1895-90 379.73 [See aho Idiocy ; Idiot As\dums.] Feeding Experiments — A i'ricultural Investigations at Rothamsted Gilbcit, Sir J. H. A IS U 27 Canada Experimental Farms, Reports, 1895... Canada— Dept. of Agriculture 630.7 Cotton-seed Hulls and Meal for Beef Production... North Carolina — Agr. Exper. Station, 1895 630.7 Digestibility of Fodders and Feeds — in Fiist Principles of Agri- culture Voorbees, E. B. A 20 Q .38 Digestion Experiment Connecticut— Beard of Agiicult., Rept., 1895 630.6 Economic Feeding ; bj' G. McKerrow... Ontario Agricultural and Experimental L'nion, 1897 630.7 Economic Feeding of Working Horses ; by T. L^. Walton. Agricnltur.tl Gazette. N. S. Wales. 9 630.5 834 l\iblic Library of New SoiUk IFulcs. Feeding Experiments — contd. ELonomiciil Feodiim ; liv(!. McKerrow Agricaltural Gazette, " " N. S. Wales, 9 030.5 Economical Feedrng of Stock in the West on Purchased Food Stuffs ; by R. W. Peacock Agricultural Gazette, N.8.W., 10 GSO.S Fatteuine Lambs... Michigan—State Agr. College E.Nper. Station Bulletins, 107, 113 (330.7 Fattening Lambs; by F. B. Mumford Michigan — Board of Agriculture, Rept., 1896 630.6 Fattening Steers in Winter Minnesota— Agr. Exper. Station Rept., 1S95 630.7 Feeding Corn Snnit to Dairy Cows; by C. D. Smith... Michigan- State Board"of Agriculture, Rept., 1896-97 630.G Feeeding Experiments : Pigs, Lambs, and Cattle ... Wisconsin — Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1899 630.7 Feeding Experiments with Hogs and Sheep ... Wisconsin— Agr. Exper. Station Repts., 1898 630.7 Feeding of Working Horses ; by T. U. Walton Australasian Assoc, Adyanoe. of Science, Rept., 1898 506 IIr)w to Increase the Percentage of Butter-fat in Milk. Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Influence of Food on the Quantity and Quality of Milk ; by F. J. Lloyd Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Investigations on the Metabolism of Milch Cows; by 0. Hagemann. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Str.s., Record 10 630.7 Lamb Feeding, Steer and Heifer Beef Iowa— Agr. College, Bulletin, 33 A 33 S 28 Maintenance Ration of Cattle ; byH. P. Armsby... Pennsylvania — State College, Rept., 1817 378.748 Methods of Determining the Digestibility of Feeding Stuffs; by O. Kellner United States— Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. Stns. Record, 9 630.7 Minnesota Farmers' Institutes, Annn.".l 9 630.6 ilolasses as Food for Live Stuck... Queonsl. Agr. Jouni., 5 630.5 New York — Agricultural Experiment Station, Rept., 1891 630.7 Ontario — Agricultural College, Report, lS84r'95 630.7 Pamphlets on Experiments in Cattle Fecdin.g... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 H 3 j Pam^jhlets on Feeding Experiments with Pigs, Horses, and Sheep. Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 8 Pig Feeding; by C. D. Smith Michigan— State Board of Agi-icnlture, Repts., 1896-97 630.6 Rations fed to Milch Cows, Nitrogenous Feeding Stuffs, and Foi- mula;s for Feeding .. . Connecticut — Storrs Agr. Exper. Statioi), Rept., 1897 630.7 Separated Milk as a Food for Calves ; by M. A. O'Callaghan. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 (>30.5 Study of Rations fed to Milch Cows in Connecticut... Connecticut - Storrs Agr. Exp. Station, Reijort, 1S!)5 (i.'{U.7 Texas — Agricultural and Mechanical College, B\inetiM A 32 K 19 United States — Dept. of Agricult., Exper. Stn. Record, 5 630.7 Utilization of Husidues from Beet-.sugar Manufacture in Cattle- feeding; by (i. L. Spencer United States. - De|)t. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 [fiee also Cattle and Cattle-breeding ; Dairy Cattle ; Experiment Farms and Stations; Fodders and Food-.stufl's ; Foods, Chemi.s- try of; Sheep and Sheep-breeding.] Feejee. [See Fiji.] Feelings - Art of Thinking Knowl.son, T. S. 25 1' 15 I'rimer f)f Psychology Titchener, K. B. (! 23 R 15 P.sychology Dewey, J. G 17 S 31 Feet. [See Foot, Tlic] Feldspar — Oligoclase Felspar; by A. W. Ilowitt Australasian A8.soc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 506 [tice rxho Mineralogy— Manuals.] Female Education. [.Sue Women -Ed ucation, Ilyicnc |r|, . . -, *. ' JO ' i laiiiiiig.J Female Suffrage. \.sw AVcrn.in SiiU'iii-jc] Fences and Fencing — Estate Fences Vermn, A. A 39 P 27 Fencing and Impounding Act . . . Victoria — Agr. , Rept. , 1 874 630. 6 Plants adapted for Live Fences Victoria — Agriciilt., Report, 1873 630.6 Fencing — Gymnastics — Bibliography uf Fencing and Duelling... Thimm, C. A. A 41 S 5 Defen.sive Exercises Walker, D. A 20 P 22 Infantry Sword Exercise Gt. Brit, and Irel. — War Office A 36 Q 6 Fenians — RecoUectionsof Fenians and Fenianism...O'Leary, J. F 13 R 3, 4 [See also Home Rule; Ireland — Politics; Secret Societies.] Feriencolonien. [See Holiday Colonies.] Fermentation — Appbcd Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Brewing of Nou-excisable Beers Pocock, J. A 23 Q 51 Fermentation; by Dr. Duclaux... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 10 A41 V6 Importance of Refrigeration of Musts in Wine-making. Wilkinson, W. P. MA 3 U .39 Micro-organisms and Fermentation ... Jiirgenson, A. A 40 U 16 Practical Studies in Fermentation Hansen, E. C. A 25 U 17 Preparation of Malt Thaiising, J. E. A 25 U 16 Soluble Ferments and Fermentation Green, J. R. A 35 T 5 [See alao Alcohols ; Bacteriology ; Brewing ; Technological Chem- istry; Yeasts.] Ferns — Fern Portfolio Heath, F. G. A 22 R 3 t Ferns; by J. Leopold Agr. Gaz., N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Feins in their Homes and Ours Robinson, J. A 27 S 14 Ferns of British India Beddorae, R. H. A 20 P 12, 13 t Ferns of Southern India Beddome, R. H. A 20 P 1 4 t Florigrajihia Britannica- Deakin, R. A 20 R 9-12 Flowering Plants .and Ferns of New South Wales... Maiden, J. H. MA 3 R 49 Genera Filicum Hooker, W. .J. A 44 \'i' 2 New Indigenous New Zealand Ferns ; by W. Colenso. New^ Zealand Institute, Trans. , 29 ,506 Newly Discovered New Zealand Ferns ; by W. Colenso. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Structure and Development of the Mosses and Ferns. Campbell, D. H. A 20 T 18 [See al-iO Botany, Cryptogamic] Fertilization— Botany — Fertilization of Nortli .-\ustr.alian Plants; by N. Holtze. Australasian Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 506 Fertilization of Onoclea Shaw, W. R. A 32 Q 23 Methods of Fertilisation of Goodeniacea' ; by A. G. Hamilton. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proe., 1895 580.6 Methods of Fertilization of some Australian Plants; by A. (J. Hamilton Austi'alasian Assoc. , Ailv. of Sc. , Rept. , 1 898 506 Pollination of Pomaceous Fruits ; byM. B. Waite... UnitedStales— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 Zoology — Atlas of the Fertilization ami KaryoUiucsis of the Ovum. Wilson, E. B. A 5 R 25 t Fertilisation of the Egg of Rhynehelmi.!;; by Prof. VcjdovsUy. Intcrnation.al Congress of Zoology, Proe. , 1898 A 35 VV 14 [Ste rilso liiology; Cells, Structure and Theory; Embryology.] Fertilizers. [SW IManure.s.] Festivals, Church — Lent, Past anil Present Lilienthal, Rev. H. G 15 U 1 [.S'ee a/.so Cliristmas; Church Deecjration ; lOastcr; Fasts and Fast- ing; Pageants; and unilcr each Festival.] Fetichism — Fetishism- in Introilucliou to the History of Religion. Jevons, F. li. (i I5R39 From Fetich to Hygiene — in Warfare of Science and Tlicology. White, A. I). G 3 V 17, 18 Modern Mythology f.aug, .A. 1! 3-1 K 14 Pioneering on the 'Congo ... Bontley, Rev. \V. II. I) 22 I' 21, 22 West African Studies Kingsley, Maiy II. 1> 22 1' 12 [.%« n/.fo Idolatry J Superstition; Worship.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 835 Feudalism — Ancient ■remu-os ITowlett, R. F 13 11 25 Jminisitions antl Assessments relating to I'YmkUiI Aids, l'i8-l MSI. (U. 151. and li-el. — I'ublie Ueeonl OHicc: I! 45 Lxws of the Forest Peacock, K. K 13 H '2'> Laws under the Feudal System Wallers, V. i' \:i R 2'> Manor and Manor Law llovvlell, K. !■ 13 R '25 Old Knglisli Manor; by C. MeL. Andrews Johns Hopkins UniN-ersity, Studicf, extra \ol. '2 B 18 T 12 [See also Chivalry; Clans and Clan System; Histtry, Mediieval.] Fevers — Climate and some of the Fevers of Inilia; l>y Sir J. A.. Fayrer — in System of Medicine AUbutt, T. (J. A 20 T 35 Doctrine of Fever; by Dr. .J. B-. Sanderson — in System of Medi- cine AUbutt, T. C. A2()T34 Fever: a Study in Morbid and Normal Physiology; by Dr. H. C. Wood Smithsonian Inst., Contribs. to Knowledge, 23 5(JS Manual of Infectious Diseases ('oodall, K. W. A 41 K5 Nature and Meehanism of Fever ; by Dr. H. C. Wood. . . Smithsonian Institution, Mise. Collections, 15 SOS Researches upon Fever Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1S7S 500 Surgical Complicitions and Sequel of the Continued Fevers; by Dr. W. W. Keen... Smithsoni.in Innt., Mise. Collects., 15 508 [See also Bacteriology, Eeonomio; Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Disinfection and Di.5infectants ; Kpidemici; Tropical Diseasss; and under names of Fevers. J Fibres and Fibre Plants — Flax Culture for Fibre in the United States; by C. K. Dodge. U.S. Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 43 Flax, Hemp, Ramie, and Jute, Report; by C. R. Dodge... U.S. — Dept. of Agr. Ofiico of Fiber InviN-itigations A 37 S 10 Indian Fibres and Fibrous Sub.st.anccs Cro.ss, C. F. A 25 T S Jadoo Filire, Ramie Fibre, and Rhea ... L^Uieensland Agricultuial Journal, 4 0.30.5 Leaf Fibres of the United States ; byC. R. Dodge... United States - Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 11 Principal Fibres obtainal^le in the Society Islands. (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., .379 3S2 Sisal Hemp Culture in the United States; by C. R. Dodge... U.S. Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 17 Structure of Fibres Pos-selt, E. A. A 13 W 14 f Uncultivated Bast Fibres of the United States ; by C. R. Dorlgc. U.S. - Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 10 Useful Fibre Plants of the World, Catalogue ; by V,. R. Dodge. United .States- Dspt. of Agr. — FibreInve5tigatio;is A 33 R 19 Vegetable Fibres... Kew Roy. Gardens, Bull., add. ser., 2 5S0.7 [See also Ramie; and under names of Fibres and Fibre Plants.] Fichtean Philosophy — History of Philosophy Hegfcl, ( Unity of Fichte's Doctrine of Knowledge W. F. (4 12 R 30, 31 . Thompson, Anna B. (1 3 R 33 [See f(/.s'0 Knowledge, Theor3'of ; Philosophy — Cerman; and under Fiehte, J. G., in Author Catalogue.] Fiction — (?«nern^ — Aspects of Fiction Matthews, B. J 22 T 45 Bret Harte in relation to Modern Fiction ; by A. P. Martin. ilelliourne Review, 2 052 Century of French Fiction Wells, B. W. J 1 7 V 24 Criticism and Fiction Howells, W. 1). J 1 R 43 Eight Novels emploj-ed by English Dramatic Poets of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, originally published liy B. Richc, 1581. Shakespeare Society Pubs. H 3 U 37 EssaysinEnglishLiterature,1780-lS60...Saintsbury,(T. J 14 T I Essays on the Novel Jack, A. A. J 14 R 31 Evolution of the English Novel Stoddard, F. H. J 9 U 5 Hand-book to Prose Fiction in the Library of the Midlanril Hopes Howells, W. I). J 22 R 13 Aspern Papers James, H. J 25 T 7 At the Sign of the Savage Howells, W. D. J 1 T 45 Ben-Hur Wall.aee, Gen. L. J 25 U 34 Blilhedale Romance Hawthorne, N. J 23 R 5 Bostonians James, H. J 25 T 8 Brook.smith James, H. J 25 T 11 Bundle of Letters James, H. J 25 T 23 Caleb West Smith, F. H. J 17 V 27 Californians Atherton, (icrtrude F. J 23 R 15 Casa Braecio Crawford, F. M. J 22 P 23 Chance Aeqtiaintance Howells, W. D. J 22 R 14 Children of the King Crawford, F. M. J 22 P 24 Choir Invisible Allen, J. L. J 24 U 27 Coast of Bohemia Howells, W. D. J 22 R 12 Coming of Theodora White, Eliza Orne J 23 T 10 Confidence James, H. .J 20 P 5 Copperhead, and other Stories Frederic, H. .J 25 R 31 Corleone Crawford, F. M. J 25 R 7 Daisy Miller James, H. J 25 T 9 Daughters of the Revoluticm and their Times Coffin, C. C. J 9 R 33 David Hariun Westcott, E. N. J 17 V 26 Day of their Wedding Howells, W. D. J 22 R 3 Deerslayer Cooper, .J. F. J 24 U 7 1 )r. Breen's Practice Howells, W. D. J 22 R 25 Dr. Claudius Crawford, Y. M. J 25 R 8 Dr. Grimsbawe's Secret Hawthorne, N. J 23 R 1 3 DoUiver Romance Hawthorne, N. J 23 R 11 Don Orsino Crawford, F. M. J 25 R 9 Dred, an Subject-Index to the Supple^nentary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 837 Fiction, Works of — Australian — could. Miner's Right Bnnvne, T. A. MT :! U 8 Miradc of Repair Kemp, H. R. R. M(i-2U-I Mocassins of Silence Favenc, 10. M.I S I' -lU Modern Cucoanccr Browne, V. A. M.f ;> U i) Mutineer Becko, L. M.f W S '29 My Rim Home Browne, T. A. M.I ?, U 10 Mystery of the LaugMin Islands Beclce, L. MJ 3 P 57 Nevermore Browne, T. A. MJ .'! U 11 Now Arcadia Tucker, Rev. H. M.J 3 U 18 North Shore Mystery Fletcher, H. M .1 ;! V 4 Rains and Penalties Kirkham, Mrs. '!'. M.I 8 U Hi Parsonage Girl Moser, T. M.I .'! S ;!1 Plain Living; by "Rolf Boldrewood"... Browne, T. A. iM.I .'! S 2S Rodman thcBoat-steerer, and othcr8tories... Beckc, L. M.I 31! 32 .Sealskin Cloak Browne, T. A. M.J 3 S 13 Severed Fronde, Lily M.I 3 S Hi Sir Gilbert Leigh Rees, W. L. M.J 1 U 37, 3S Snags: aStoryoftheShearhigStrike... Osmond, Sophie M.J 3 P 43 Spliinx of Eaglehawk Biowne, T. A. M.J 3 I' 5.S Sipiattcr's Dream Browne, T. A. MJ 3 U 12 Story of Lafsu Beg, Camel-driver ... "Gunu, Ur. U." iM.J 3 P 44 Sword of a Sin Montgomery, A. M.T 3 S 27 Teens Creed, Marie Louise MJ 3 S 18 XJlipa: a .Story of South Australian Life Wollaston, E. G. MJ 3 P 47 Untold Half "Alien'' MJ 3U 1.5 Voyage of the Moisovn McMillan, R. MJ 3 V 13 War to the Knife Browne, T. A. M J 3 U 14 Where Cresses Grow Andrews, C MJ 3 S 12 Who did if; (JouKl, N. MJ 1 Q 35 Workings of Time Tyler, J. W. MJ 3 S 17 World is Round Creed, Marie Louise MJ 3 S 9 Wynnum Hennessey, J. J). M.J 3 K .32 Yellow Wave Mackay, K. MJ 3 Q 43 . British — Abbot Scott, Sir W. J 2G R II Adventures of David Simple Fielding, Sarah ,J 23 P 13, 14 Adventures of Harry Richmond Mereilith, (!. .J 22 P (i, and 23 V 11, 12 Adventures of Philip Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 11 Agnes Grey; Vjy Anne Bronte — in Life and Vv'orks of Charlotte Bionte - Bronte, Charlotte .T 2(i V o Alec Forbes M.acDona'd, G. J 17 V 22 yMiee : Lytton, B.aron .J 25 T .'52 All Sorts and Conditions of Men Bcsant. Sir W. J 25 I' 9 Allan tiuaterraain Haggard, H. R. .T 25 R 37 Altiora I^eto Uliphant, L. J 25 S 23 Amazing Marriage Meredith, (i. J 22 P II, and 23 V 23, 24 Aiuclia Fielding, H. J 22 V 1 1, and 23 Q 7-9 Annals of a (Juiet Neighbourhood MacDonald, (!. J 25 S 4 Annals of the Parish, and the Ayr.shire Legatees Gait, J. J 25 (J 12 Anne of Geicrstcin Scott, Sir W. J 20 R 23 Anti Barnaby Rudge Dickens, C. J 2(! S 9, 10 Barrington Lever, G. J 24 P 27 Barry Lyndon Thacker.ay, W. M. J 22 U 4 Beauehamp's Career Mereditii, ti. J 23 V 13, 14 Belinda Edgew^orth, Maria J 24 S 39, 40 jiesidc the Bonny Brier Bush Watson, Rev. .J. .J 22 V 7 Betrotheil Scott. Sir W. J 20 R 19 Bettor Dead Bariie. J. M. J 21 T 12 I'Jack Dw.irf Scott, Sir W. J 20 R 5 1 iloak House Dickens, C. J 22 S 4, and 20 S 1 S, 1 9 Blue Pavilion? , Couch, A. T. Q-. J 25 T 1 B'indman Caine, H. J 25 R 1 r.oy of Northeott's Lexer, C. J 24 Q 7 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly Lever, C. J 24 Q G Biidc of Lammermoor , Scott, Sir W. .J 20 R S Fictioi), Works of -British — cou/d. TJriseis Black, W. J 25 ]> 22 J!room-S(juire Gould, Rev. iS. B-. J 24 U By Cilia's Arbour Besant, Sir W. J 25 P 1 ByPioxy Payn, .L J 23 T 33 Caleb Williams Godwin. W. J 23 P 5 Calidore, and Miscellanea Peacock, T. L. .7 25 Q ■i2 Captains Courageous Kijiling, R. .J 22 P 29 Case of (ieu-eraU )])le and Lady Camper... Meredith, G. J 23 V 28 Ca.se of Mr. f^ucraft Besant, Sir W. J 25 P 11 Cashel Byron's Profession Shaw, (i. B. .J 7 Q 13 Castle Dangcnms Scott, Sir W. J 20 R 25 Castle Rackrcnt, and the Absentee... Edge woith , Mar .J 25 R £9 Catherine Furze White, W. H. J 25 S 31 Caxtons Lytton, Baron .J 25 'i' 33 Chaplain of tlie Fleet Besant, Sir W. J 25 P 12 Charles O'Malley Lever, C. J 24 P ?, 3 Chihlren of the Ghetto Zangwill, L J 14 U 21 Christian Caine, H. J 25 R2 Cinistnias Books Dickens, C. .J 20 S i8 Clu-istmas Stories Dickens, C. .7 20 .S 29 Clnonicles of the Bastilo Chamerovzow, L. A. J 24 Q 10 Clara Hopgood White, W. H. J 25 S 32 Cleg Kelly Crockett, S. R. J 24 U 32 Cloister and the Hearth Reado, C. .J 25 Q 44 Cloudeslev Godwin, W. J 23 S 12-14 Contributions to Pun:/i Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U Cometh np as a Flower Broughton, Rhoda .J 25 P 30 Con Cregan Lever. C. J 24 P 13 Concerning Isabel Carnaby Fowler, Ellen T. J 22 Q 10 Confessions of a Thug Tajdor, P. M. .J £5 U 25 Confessions of Catherine Sforza Ruff, J. B. .J 22 Q 8 Confessions of Harry Lorretjuer Lever, C. .1 24 P 1 Count Robert of Paris Scott, Sir W. J 20 R 24 Cradock Nowell Black more, R. 1). J 25 P 31 Cripps, the Cariier Blackmore, R 1). .J 25 P 32 Cruise of the .ViV(/e Scott, M. J 22 P l,S Daltons Lever, C. J24P10, 17 Dartmoor Idylls Gould, Rev. S. B-. J 25 R 34 Daughter of Heth Black, W. J 25 P 23 Davenport Dunn Lever, C. J 24 P 24, 25 David Copperheld Dickens, C. J 22 S 5, and 20 S 10, 17 David Elginbrod MacDonald, G. J 17 V 21 Day's Ride Lever, C. J 24 P 28 Deemster Caine, H. .J 25 Q 1 Delectable Duchy Coueh, A. T. (»-. J 25 T 2 Deloraine Godwin, W. J 23 R 17- 19 Demos Clissinff, G. J 25 Q IG Denis Duval Thackeray, W" M. J 22 U 12 Destiny Ferrier, Susan J 20 Q 28, 29 Devereux Lytton, Baron J 25 T 34 Diana of the Crossways... Meredith, G. .J 22 P 1, and 23 V 17, IS Disowned Lytton, Baron .1 25 T 35 Doctor of the Old School Watson, Rev. .J. J 26 P 7 Dodd Family Abroad Lever, C. J24P18, 19 Donib.cy and Son Dickens, C. J 22 S G, and 20 S 1 4, 15 llonal Grant MacDonald, H. J 25 S 5 Dracula Stoker, A. J 23 R 33 Early Fiction .Jefferics, R. J 21 P 29 East Lynne Wood, Ellen .T 25 V 25 Egoist Meredith , G. J 22 P 7, and 23 V 15, 1 Emma Austen, Jane J 25 P I Entail Gait, J. J25Q13 Ernest Maltravers Lytton Baron .J 25 T 30 Esmond Thaekerav, W. M. J 22 U 7 Esther Waters Moore, G. J 23 S 8 Eugene Aram Lytton, Baron .1 25 T 37 Evan Harrington Meredith, G. J 23 V 3, 4 Evelina Arblay, Mme. d'. J 23 P 18, 19 Evelyn Innes Moore, G. .J 22 Q 1 Fair Maid of Perth Scott, Sir W. J 26 R 22 Falkland, and /^icci Lytton, Baron .J 25 T 38 Far from the Madding Crowd ."... Hardy, T. J 25 V 9 Farina Meredith' G. J 23 V 28 . Fortunes of (Jlencore Lever. C. .J 24 P 23 Fortunes of Nigel Scott. Sir W. J 20 R 14 Frandey Parsonage TroUope. A. .125 1127 Frank Fairlegh Smedley, F. E. J 24 U 25 F'rom the Memoirs of a Minister of France Wevman, S. .7. " J 25 V 23 838 I'ubliG Library of New South Wales. Fiction, Works of^British— c'o»/inan Easy Marryat, Capt. 1'". J 24 U 20 My Lady Nicotine Banie, J. M. J 21 T 19 MyLittleGirl Besant, Sir W. J 25 P 14 My Novel Lytton, Baron J 24 U 16-18 Alystory of Edwin Drood I )ickens, C. J 26 S 30 NaulahW Kipling, R. J 22 U 27 New Arabian Nights Stevenson, R. L. J 25 U 21 Newcoines Thackeray, W. M . J 22 U 8 NicholasNickloby Dicken.s, C. J 26 S 5, 6 Night and Morning Lvtton, Haron J 25 U 4 Novels, Talcs, and Sketches Barr'ic, J. M. J 21 T 12-19 Nuts and Nut-crackers Lever, C. J 24 Q 9 O'Donoghue Lever, C. il 24 P 8 01<1 Curio.sity Sliop Dickens, C. J 26 S 7, 8 Old Mortalil;v Scott. Sir W. J 26 RO Old Mr. Treilgold Oliphant, Margaret Olipliant .1 25 S 21 Old Older Changes Malloik, W. II. J 23 S 15 Ohl Sir Douglas Norton, Hun. Caroline J 25 S 20 Oliver Twist Dickens, C. J 22 S 7, and 26 S 4 On the Face of tlie Waters Steel, Flora Annie J 25 S 40 One of Our C 7 1 !eturn of tb.e Native Hardy, T. J 25 V 1 3 Reuben Dean Low, W. L. J 23 R 23 Revolution in Tanner's Lane White, W. H. J 25 S 34 Rhoda Fleming Meredith, G. J 22 P 2, and 23 V 9, 10 Rienzi Lvtton, Baron J 25 U 10 Right Honourable McCarthy, J. .T 25 U 10 Ringan Gilhaize Gait, J. J 12 Q 24 Rob Roy Scott, Sir W. J 20 R 4 Robert Elsmere Ward, Mary Augusta J 25 U 38 Robert Falconer Maci)onald, G. J 17 V 23 Roden's Corner Scott, H. S. J 25 S 15 Roland Cashel Lever, C. J 24 P 14, 15 Romance of Diaphon Seaton, R. J 21 R 37 Romany Rye Borrow, (J. J 17 U 19 Rupert of Hentzau Hawkins, A. H. J 25 T 4 St. Ives Stevenson, R. L. J 25 U 20 St. Leon: a Tale of the lOth Century... Godwin, W. J 24 S 14, 15 St. Patrick's Eve Lever, C. J 24 Q 9 St. Ronan's Well Scott, Sir W. J 20 R 17 Sandra Belloni Meredith, G. J 22 P 4, and 23 V 5. Seamy Side Besant, Sir W. J 25 P 17 Secret Rose, The Yeats, W. B. J 23 R 14 Sentimental Tommy Barrie, J. M. J 21 T 17, 18 Shadow of a Crime Caine, H. J 25 Q 2 Shadow of Ashlydvat Wood, Ellen J 25 V 27 Sliandon Bells ." Black, W. J 25 P 29 Shaving of Shagiiat Meredith, G. J 22 P 9, and 23 V .52 She Haggard, H. R. J 25 R 30 Shirley Bronte, Charlotte, J 20 V2 Slioulder of Shasta Stoker, A. J 23 R 34 Silas Marner, The Lifted Veil, Brother Jacob, Jlill on the I'loss, ImpressionsofTheophrastusSuch. ..Cross, Mrs. M. J 17 V 10-13 Silcote of Silcotes Kingsley, PL J 25 T 28 Silverado Squatters Stevenson, R. L. J 25 U 19 Simple Adventures of a Memsahib Cotes, Sara Jeannette J 25 R 27 Sin of Joost Avclingh Poorten, J. M. W. J 25 U 15 Sir Andrew Wylie of that Ilk Gait, J. J 25 Q 1 5 Sir Brook Fossbrooke Lever, C. J 24 Q 4, 5 Sir George Tressady Ward, JIary Augusta J 25 V 20 SirGibbie ." MacDonald, (i. J 25 S9 Sir Jasper Carew Lever, C. J 24 P 1 1 Sir Robert's Fortune Oliphant, Margaret O. J 24 U 21 Sketch-book Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 5 Fiction, Works of— British — contd. Sketches by Boz Dickens, C. J 26 S ) Small House at Allington Trollopc, A. J 25 U 30 Soiled Dove J 20 L' 5 Sowers Soott, H. ,S. J 25 S IB SjdcndidSpur Couch, A. T. Q-. J 25 T 3 Sprays of Northern Pine '. Mackenzie, F. J 22 (J 27 Spriiighaven Blackmorc, R. D. J 25 P 35 Starling Mac'.eod, Rev. N. J 25 U 17 Stickit Minister [and other Stories] ... Crockett, S. R. J 25 V 3 St.)lon Bacillus Wells, H. G. J 25 V 30 Story of Bessie Costrell Ward, Mary AugHst Scott, H. S. J 25 Q 32 With Harp and Crown Besant, Sir W. J 25 P 21 Wives and Daughters Gaskell, Mrs. W. J 22 P 21 Wolves and the Lamb Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 12 Wonmn in White Collins, W. J 25 Q 7 Woodlanders Hardy, T. J 25 V 17 Woodstock Scott, Sir W. J 26 R 21 Wrecker Stevenson, R. L. J 24 U 20 Wuthering Heights; by Emily Bronte — in life and Works of Cluirlotte Bronte Bronte, Charlotte J 26 V 5 Yellowplush Pajiers Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 3 Zanoni Lytton, Baron J 25 U 14 810 JPiihlic Library of New South JFalcs. FictioD, Works of- L'mler the Yoke -Bulgarian- Vazoff, I. J 23 U 8 Danish — Komad uii'l H: ima Gyllembourg, T. J IV 46 !>iren Voices; ;ran5. liy Ethel F. L. Robertson ... Jacubseii, J. P. J -22 R iQ Dutch- Footsteps of Fate .;..... C'oupcrus, L. J 23 U 2 French — Ailventurcs of ( :il Bla.s of .Santillane... Le Sage, A. E. J 24 U 22 xViles d'Icare, Les Benianl, C. de J 24 S 9 Ammalat Bey Dumas. A. J 14 Q 41 Amours of (iustave Kock, P. de Lil)r. Amicau d'Ami'thyste Thibatdt, J. A. J 2G Q 19 Autour d'une Source Droz, (!. J 24 R 2 Aziyadt- A'iaud, L. M. J. J 24 R 24 Balthasar Thibault, J. A. J 2ij Q 9 Beatrix Balzac, H. de J 23 R 29 Bean-Pere Bernard, C. de J 21 S 10, II Ciiat Mdgre, Lo Thibault, J. A. J 2o Q 12 Citizen Bonaparte, 1794r-]815 Erckmann, E. J 2(j P 3 Cmteii du Lundi Daudet, A. J 1,") W 2 JX'sirs de Jean Servien ..,..,..,... Thibault, J. A. J 20 Q 10 Dr. Rame.au Ohnet, G. J 2o Q 33 Double Maitre.^se, La , Regnior, H. de J 24 R 44 Ecueil, L' Beniard, 0. de J 24 S 3 Eugenie Grandet Balzac, H. de J 24 U 2 Evangcliste, L' Daudet, A. J lo W 4 Fantome d'Orient , Viaud, L. M. J. J 24 R 25 Femmes d'Artiste.s, Les; Robert Helmont; Etudes et Paysawes. Daudet, A. J "l.") W 9 Figures et Choses qui Pas-saieut Viaud, L. M. J. J 24 R 26 Fleurs d'Ennui Viaud, L. >L J. J 24 R 27 Fromont Jeune ct Risler Aine Daudet, A. J 1.5 W 10 ( ientilhomme C'ompagnard Beinard, C. do J 24 S 4, 5 •■'erfaut ;.. , Bernard, C. dc .T 24 S 1 (iondrevillc Mystery Balzac, H. de J 23 R 30 ngue3 et Brives Coppee, F. J 15 \V 42 Louise I.*elere(i Verlaine, R J 21 P 32 love's Depths Ohnet, (J. J 22 T 34 J.ys Rouge Thibault, J. A. J 26 Q 14 Madame Chiysanthdnio Viaud, L. M. J. J 24 R 37 Madame ThcrJ'se ; or the Volunteers of '92 Erckmann, E. .T 25 q 4 Manneijum d'Osier Tliibault, J. A. J 26 Q IS Mariage de Loti Viaud, L. M. J. J 24 R 33 Matelot Viaud, L. M. J. J 24 R SV, Member for Arcis Balzac, U. de J 9 R 34 Mfmoires d'un Venf Verlaine, P. J 21 P 31 Mi.MMableN, Ix;.s Hugo, V. M. J 22 8 1, and 23 S 2 Miseiablcs, Les, Principaux Episodes de Hugo, V. M. J 12 P 44, 45 .Modeste-Migiion Balzac, H. de J 23 R 32 Mon Frr re Yves Viand, L. M. J. J 24 R 39 Mysteries of Paris ,Sue, E. J 24 U 23 .MysteriouB Island Verne, J. J 25 U 33 -Nabab, Ix; Daudet, A. J 15 \V 6, 7 X.i-ml Gordien Bernard, C. de J 24 S 6 Notrc-Damc lie faris Hugo, V. M. .J 12 P 42, 4:! Xunia Roumeslan , Daudet, A, J 15 VV 17 Olil Goria Balzac, H. de .7 24 f 1 OnnediiMail, L' Thibault,.!. A. .7 26 1^ 17 *)]»mic-lhagen, F. J24T18 Angela Spielhagcn, F. J 24 T 1 1 An der Heilquelle : Spielhagen, F. J 24 T 21 Aslauga's Knight... La Mot ti- Foui|iu', F. JI.C, Baron de .1 26 P 6 Blasedow und seine Stihn' .. (iutzkow, K. J 24 S 27, 28 Chief Justice Franzos, K. E. J23U"18 Egyptian Princess Ebers, G. J 26 P 44 Ekkchard Scheffel, J. V. von J 23 P 29 For the Riglit Franzos, K. K. J 22 T 40 Frage ^ Ebers, (!. J 22 T 6 Frau Biirgcr.ieisterin , Ebers, (!. J 22 T 20 (iesammelte Werke Frevtag, G. J 23 U 28-37 ({red Ebers, G. J 22 T 16, 17 Hammer und Amboss .-. Spielhagen, V. J 24 T 6. 7 Homo Sum Ebers, (J. J 22 T 19, anil 26 P 45 Hugidco , ScheflTel, J. V. von J 23 P 40 Im Patadieso Heyse, P. J 24 T 38, 39 In Reih' und Glied Spielhagen, F. J 24 T 9, 10 Josua EIht.s, G. J22T 18 Juniperus Schell'el, J. V. von J 23 P 38 Kiiuler der Welt .. ... Heyse, P. J 24 T 3(i, 37 Kleine Romano Spielhagen, F. J 24 T 16, 17 Kleino Roniane und Erzulilungen Gutt'.kow, K. J 24 S 24-26 Lou Roberts, Baron von J 23 U 10 Merlin Ebers, G. J 24 T 50 Neuer I'harao Spielhagen, F. J 24 T 23 Nilbraut Ebeis, (i. J 22 T 10-12 Nol)!esse Oblige Spielhagen, F. J 24 T 22 Old Adam and the New Eve; trans, liy Edith Fowler... (iolni, R. J22R4S Peter Scldeniihrs wundersame Geschichte. Chamisso de Boncourt, L. C. A. de J 12 P 40 Platl Land Spielhagen, F. J 24 T 17 Problematische Natureii.. Spielhagen, F. J 24 T 4, 8 (juisisana Spielhagen, F. J 24 T 26 Roman der .Stiftsdnme Ebers, G. J 24 T 49 So'iitHrlii- Weikc... Chamisso dc I!on''n>n-l, L. C. A. dc .1 19 1; III Subject-Index to llie Sapplemenlarij Catalogue — 1S9G-1000. gdl Fiction Works of— German— roj/A/.— SdniMitlicho Wcrke Iloiilcr, F. J 2;i P -JO-IU Sl-Iiw i-Hti-rn Khccs, (!. J 22 '1' 24 So.iaoiis, Tlie ... La Motto Fouqiu-, V. H. C, Biirondo J 2(1 I' (i f^eiapis Klicra, G. J 22 'I" 22 iSiiiti-ain anil hi.s Coiiipaiiidu.^. , . La Miitte Kouinii', V. H. C, Baitm dc .) 14 S 7, and 2(i I' (i ■Sisters JChcivs, G. J 2(i 1' 47 Sturnilliit Spidlia^on, F. J 24 Til, 12 'I'wo CaptaiiLs... La Mottu FoiuiiK', 1'. H. c!, Baron do J 2() I' (i Uarda Ebcrs, (J. J 22 T KHS, and 2(i P 40 Uhlenlians Spielhagcn, F. .124'!' li) Undine La Motle FoiKjiiu, F. l\. C, Baton de J 2(1 P (i Von Holicnstein, Die Spielliagen, F. ■] 24 T .') Was die .Schwalbe .Sang Spielliagon, F. .1 24 T I .") Was will das weidcn ? f-'pielliagcii, F. J 24 T 24, 2.") Winter in Berlin Biuiven, Marie, von .1 14 (,) 40 Wort Kbcrs, G. J 22 T 21 ■ Hungarian — Timar's Two Wcnlils Juk, ■ Italian — if Pleasure Love M. J 2.J T 24 Child of Pleasure Aninuizio, (j Farewell, Love f~erao. Matilde House by the Medlar-tree Ve.'ga, G. Triumph of Death Annvnzb, G. d' Woman's Folly Feri'iiggia, G. Norwegian — Arne and the Fi.sher Lassie Bjornson, B. Commodore s Daughters Lie, J. Heritage of the Kurts Bjornson, B. Li God's Way Bjornson, B. Niobe ". Lie, J. Polish - Hania Sienkiewiiz, H. In Monte Carlo Sienkiewiez, H. In Vain .Sienkiewiez, H. •lew Kraszewski, J. I. Quo Vadis Sienkiewiez, H. Russian — Anna Karen ina Career of a Nihilist Common Story Guerre et la Paix ... War and Peace J 2;i T J 23 U 17 J 20 U 1 J 23 T 8 J 23 U 10 J 24 U 31 J23U 13 J 23 U 3 J 23 U 4 J 23 U 12 J 21 S 27 J 22 T 3.-) .1 22 T 32 J 23 U 11 .1 25 S 37 ToLstoi, Count L. J 22 T 1,2 Kravehinsky, S. M. Gonteharoft', I. Tolstoi, Count L. N. Tolstoi, Count L. Work while Ye have tlic Light Tolstoi, Count L. , and U Hi J 23 T 1 J 23 U 15 J 22 T 3-5 J 23 S 3-0 J 23 U 9 Spanish Dona Liiz Valera, J. J 23 U Froth; trans, by Clara Bell Valde.^ A. P. J 22 R 47 (irandoe Valdes, A. P. J 23 U 5 Histcu'v of Don (Quixote... Cervantes Saavcdra, M. de J 20 T 3 |- Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Maneha Cervantes Saavcdra, M. de J 14 1' 43 Pcpita Jimenez Valera, J. .1 23 U 7 Field Fortifications. [Spo. Military ]']iigiuoei-ing.] Fierasferidse - Specie del Genere Fierasfer ncKiolfodcl N.-ipoli ; del Dr. C. Emerv. Zoologisehc Station zu Neapel A 19 P 2 f Fife— Ilis/ori/ — History of Fi'fe and Kinross Mackay, .-E. J. G. B 10 T 20 Figs- Fig Culture; by G. Kisen and F. S. Earlc United States— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Pomology A 37 S 50 Fig Industry Victoria— Agriculture -Guides to Growers, 24 MA 3 V 13 Insects Li\ing in Figs; by W. W. Froggatt Agricult. (iaz., N.S.W., 11 030.5 Three New Genera and Species of Fig Insects allied to Blastophaga, from Calcutta. Australia, and Madagascar ; by Sir S. S. Saunders. Entomological Society, Loml. , Trans., 1S83 595.7 [See also Fruit-growing; Insects Injurious.] Figure-painting. [See Portrait Painting.] 5 o Fiji — G'r.nyrol and Drsrrijilive — Amrcal Beports... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Col. Office Eepts. 354.42.S Australian Hand-book, 1893 ■>... 310 Brown Men and Women Reeves, E. MD 3 U 11 Corre njoiidence respecting the Affairs of Fiji and the Native Pop;dation Gt. Brit, and Ireland Fiji MF 9 P 44 t Fiji for Tourists ; Thom.son, B. MD 4 V 45 Hand-liooktoFiji Fiji— Hand-book MD 5 U2 Hei-ocs of tlie South Seas Banks, Martha B. MG 2 U 1 Islands and Coral Reefs of Fiji ; by A. Agassiz —in Bulletin, Museum of tJoniparative Zoology, Harvard, 33... Harvaid Univ. .590.7 Islands and Coral Reefs of Fiji; by A. Agassi/. ... Gcolog. M.ag., 1899 550.3 Islands and Coral Reefs of the Fiji (Jroup: by A. Ag.as.iiz. Annals and Mag. of X.at. Hi.st., 1898 590.5 LandofViti; by .J. P. Thomson... Scottish (ieog. Mag., '94 910.5 Letters from the Western Pacilio ... Homilly, ll. H. D 14 V 29 Map of tlie Viti, or Fiji Islands; by i'". (L Ravenstein. Geographical Magazine, 1 D 23 P 2 Notes on Colonial Experiment; by Rev. .J. Landiie. Mernournc Review, 9 0-52 Parts of the Pacific Eykvn, Rev. .1. .MD S K 42 Rcwa River; by H. H. Thiele... SeottfsirGcog. M,ag., 1891 910.5 Studies in Ancient History M'Lemian, J. F. F 14 U 33 Tariuna Lake, in Fiji; by Lieut. Liardot... Geographical Mag., 3 D 23 P 4 Universal (ieography Rechis, E. D21 U 14 Viti .._.....■■ Thompson, J. P. MD 2 T 27 Viti; by .J. P. Thom.son ... Royal Gcog. Soc. , Aust. , Queensland Br., Proc., 1893-94 910.li [.S'cc ri'iiii under Fiji in Author (Catalogue for (ioverument Publi- cations, and under important subjects with Fiji as sub-hea11 Studies in Both Arts Ruskin, J. A 40 U 5 X Study of Art in Universities Waldstein, (". (! ISP 31 WhatisArt? Tolstoi, Count L. N. A 23 P 48 [.SVe filno .-Esthetics and ^I^sthcticism ; Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms; Archieology ; .'■\rchitecture; Art and Morality; Art and the State; Art Criticism ; Art Sales; Artistic Anatomy ; Artists; Bas-reliefs; Book-plates; Bras.ses; Bronzes; Carica- tures; Cartoons; Carving; (,'eramics; Christian Art; (Joins; Costume; Decoration and Ornament ; l).;oorative Art ; Design; Drawing; Embroidery; Knamnls; Engraving; iCngravings; Etcliing; Flower-painting; Fre.scoe.-*; Funn'tuiv, Art; Gems; (ilass-painting; Goldsmith's Work ; House Detutration ; IHumi- nation ; Illustration of Books; Intaglios; Iron Castings ; Ivories; Jewellery; Lace and Lace-making; Landscape (lardoning; Land.scape Painting; Leather-work; Lithography; Majolica; Medals; Metal-work; Mezzotint; Mi]iiature-]iairiling; Model- ling; Mosaics; Music; Musical Instruments; Neeillework ; Nude in Art; Painting; Photo-engraving; Pliolographs ; I'hoto- graphy; Picture Posters; Porcehiin; Portrait-painting; Por- traits ; Pottery ; Pre-Rapliaclitism ; Primitive Art ; Renaissance ; Scenery; Rock-carvings; Sculpture; iSeals ; Silversmith's Work ; Statues and Statuary; Symliolism; Tapestry; Terra-cotta; Vases; Wall-papers; Wedgwood Pottery; Wood-carving.] AddreHKim, Esuai/s, Lrxhtrcs — Art, and the Beauty of the Earth Morris, VV. A 40 i) 13 (iesammelte Werke Frcytag, (i. J 23 U 40 Study of Art, and Progressiveneus of Art — ;'n University Addrrsses. (Jaird, Rev. .1.' i; 1.'. I' k; Fine Arts — Bihliof/raplnj — Renaissance Ail of the 15th and l(>th Centuries — in State Library Bulletin, Bibliography, 10 ... New York — Library Cat. Room EdiK'tillon, Ti'uchiiKj, Schools- Art Eilucation in the Public Scliools- ih Report, Commissioner of Education. 1894-95 U.S.... — Bureau of Education 379.73 Directory, with Regulations for Establishing and Conducting Science and Art Schools and Classes Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education (i07.42 Ecole des Arts Decoratits Belgium (;18S34 National Competition 1898 : List of Students rewai-ded, witli Report of Examiners (it. Brit, and Irel.— Education (i 18 T 13 Roj'al College of Art, Prospectus Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education 707 [See alfiO Technical Education.] Galleries, E.vli ihilions — Cntaloijues- Abridged Catalogue of Pictures : Foreign Schools. Gt. Brit, and Irel. —National Gallery A 36 (J 27 Academy Notes 708. "2 Anniiaire Illustre des Beaux-Arts A 34 R IS Armorial Bearings, Portraits, and Busts in the Mitchell Hall and Picture Gallery, Marischal College Aberdeen Universitv K 19 q 41 Catalogue des Figurines en Terre Cuite du Mus^e de la Socii'-tc Archeologique d'Athcnes Martha, J. K 8 R 27 Catalogue of Pictures and Sculptures (it. Brit, and Irel. — National (iallery A 36 (J 28 Catalogue of Pictures, Foreign School (it. Brit, and Irel. National (iallery K19P21 Corcoran Gallery of Art, Catalogue K 8 R 33 Exposition des Anclennes Industries d'Art Belgique en 1880. Belgium A 38 Q 27 Hand-book to Picture Salon, Exhibition Buildings, Mclljourne. Sherrard, .J. E. MA 1 U 12 Illustrated Catalogue of the Pictures in the Shakespeare Memorial at Stratford-upon-Avon Sliakespeare Memorial K 19 R 21 National Art (iallery, N.S.W., Illustrated Catalogue MA 4 (^ 9 National Art Gallery of N. S. Wales, Reports of Trustees. N. S. Wales— Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 National Art Gallerj-, Queensland, Reports of the Trustees. (iueensland — Parliament, V. and P. 328.9-13 National Gallery of Scotland, Catalogue K 19 P 20 Opie and his Works Rogers, J. P. A 45 T 2 Paris Salon, Illustrated Catalogue... 708.4 Picture (iallery of Chailes I ; by C. Phillips... Portfolio, 1896 7U5 Private Collection of Paintings andObjetsd'Art... Bcaucliani)), Kail MA 4(i 13 Public Librarj', Museum, and Art (iallery of South Australia, Reports South Australia-Public Lilirary 027.5942 Pulilic Library, Museums, and National (iallery of Victoria, Re- port Victoria Parliament, V. and P. 328.945 Royal Acadcmvand NewGallery Pictures.. Blackand White 70S.2 Royal Acadciny Illustrated ....". A 34 R 17 Royal Academy Pictures 708.2 Royal Scottish Ac.adc:ny, Illustrated Citalogue ... A 34 R 15, 1(1 Salon; English Text Paris Salon 708.1 Ye;n-'s All. 709.J2 Period leal s — American .1 ournal of Archicolo^y 9 1 3. 7 Art Journal 7^5 Art of 1897 708 Art jiour Tons 7-i0.5 AuHtralasian .Vrt Review MA 5 V 14 Austialian Art MA 4 V 24 (iazette des Beaux-Arts 705 Journal of Indian Art 740.5 Magazine of Art 705 Pageant, The J 28 V 3, 4 Stud io 705 Universal Review J 21 U 7- 14 By Countries. American La Farge, Jolin, Artist and Writer; by Cecilia Wacin. l'i.rU'..Iio, 1896 71 (5 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogne — 1890-1000. 843 Fine Arts — Arabian — )Iisluiii- ^;iyli-s (if DnuuiR'nt l),iliiiutsi-li, 11. A 1 H T l."i f Assyrian- Hi«tui-iu OrTuiiiient Wiuil, .1. A :>!) I' 4 Historic Styles of Ornament, Dolnietsc^li, H. A IS 'I' l.'i f . Australian — Art and Artists in Sjihicy ; )iy •'DUk 'i'iuto ' Month, Tlie, 3 MJ 4 Q 12 Consideration of tlio Art of Moilitt Lindsay, L. MA 4 V 9 Literature and Art in New Soutli Wales; by F. Hntchinson in N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony... Hutehinson, F. Ml) 7 U 23 Souvenir Book (irand Fail- and Press Ba/.aar MJ o II l(i f Belgian- Commissions Rovales d'Art et d'Areheologie, Bulletin drs. Belgium 'J13.4<)3 L)avid, Gerard, Painter and Illuminator: l.v W. H. J. Weale. 'Portfolio, 1S95 705 Kenaissanoe of Sculpture in Belgium ; liy 0. (i. UestrCe. Portfolio, 189") 70.5 Rubens, Peter Paul; liy R. A. M. Stevenson... Portfolio, 1S9S 705 British — Across the Channel Mourey, (i. A 23 S 32 Art (Gallery A U T 2-7 J Art of England, and the Pleasures of England Ruskin, J. A 40 T 3 Art of Painting in the Queen's Reign... Temple,A.G. A lSP22t Barber, Charles Burton, Works of A 17 T 3 f Beardslev, Aubrey Symons, A. A 39 \' 29 Beard.sley, Aubrey, Early Work of A 19 T 20 t Blake, Wni., Painter and Poet ; by R.Garnett... Portfolio, 1895 705 British Contemporary Artists Monkhousc, C. A 44 W 1 British Miniature Painters and their Works Foster, J. J. A 17 T 32 t Burne-Jonos, Sir E., Decorative Art of; by A. Vallanee. Art Journal, Easter annual, I90U A 20 R 30 t Bnrne. Tones, Sir Edward Bell, M. A 10 X 7 t Butler, Lady, Life and Work of; by W. Meynell ... Art Journal A 20 R 13 t Christmas Cards and their Chief Designers; by (i. White. Studio, Christmas No., 1S94 705 Crane, W. , Work of Art Journal A 1 3 W 1 1 t Crome, John, and Cotman, Jolni Sell; by L. Binvon... Portfolio, KS97 705 Dictionary of Artists who have Exliibitod in London, 1700-1893. (iraves, A. A 22 (,l 14 t English Contemporary Art De la Sizeraunc, R. A 39 R 22 English Illustration, 1855-70 White, C. A 30 V 20 English Pre-Raphaelite Painters Bate, P. H. A 20 S 1 t Fildes, Luke, Life and Work of ; by I). C. Thomson... Art Journal A 13 W 7 t Gainsborough, Thomas C IS P 21 t (iraham, Peter, Life and Work of; by W. M. (Gilbert — /'«, Art Annual, 1899 'Art Journal A 2;) R 24 t Hogarth Moraliy.ed Trusler, Rev. J. G 24 T 1 Lectures on Landscape Ruskin, J. A 40 U 17 + Leighton, Lord, Illustrated Record of Life and Works of. Rhys, E. A 18 R 23 |- Memorials of an 18th Century Painter... Northcote, J. C 25 P 12 Millais, Sir John: hisArtand Influence... Ba!(hy,A. L. A 44 R 4 Millais, Sir J. E., Life and Letters of ! C 20 T 2, 3 Millais and his Works; by M. H. Spielmanr^.. - Millais, Sir J. E. C 23 U 4 Moore, Albert, Life and Works of A 10 X 5 + Morland, George; bv J. T. Nettlcship C 22 U 4 Morris and his Art;" by L. F. Day Art Journal A 2(i K 12 t National Gallery of British Art, Catalogue of Pictures and Sculp- tures 6t. Brit, and Irel. — Education A 30 C' 2!^ Opie and his Works Rogers, J. P. A 45 T 2 Orchardson, William (j)uiller. Art of; liy VA'alter Armstrong. Portfolio, 1895 705 Poynter, Sir E. .T., Life and Works of; by C. Monkhousc ... Art Journal A 13 W 9 I- Progress of Art in Englisli ( 'liurcli Architecture... Robertson, T. S. A 23 P 43 Fine Arts — British — contd. lio.s.sclli, D.inlcllabriel Marillier, H. C. A 21 P 12 t Shciipshanks (iallery Sheepshanks, J. A 10 W lit Souvenir Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar, 1899 J 12 X 21t Stone, Marcus, Life and Work of ; liy A. L. Baldry... Art Journal A 13 W 10 t These Sixty Years, 1837-97 Holme.s, F. M. B 23 S 22 Watts, G. F. , Royal Aeademieian : his Life and Work ; Ijy Julia Cartwright Art .bmrnal A 13 W 8 t Wilkie, Sir D:ivid, and the Scots School of Painters; by E. Pin- nington C 20 V 20 Burmese — Madras and Burmese Art-ware A 19 S 10 t Byzantine — Church of the Gth Century Hutton, W. H. G 19 U 30 Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetseh, H. A 18 T 15 f Influence of Byzantine Art on Italian Art- m Architecture in Italy, (ith- II th Centuries Cattanco, R. A 15 S 21 t Canadian — Canadian Art, Music, and Sculpture—/;* Canada... Hopkins, J. C. D 23 Q 8 Celtic- Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetseh, H. A 18 T 15 f Chaldaean — Historic Oniament Ward, J. A 39 P Chilian — Beaux-Arts au Chili Grez, V. A 10 X 18 t Chinese — Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetseh, H. A 18 T 15 f Dutch Dutch Etchers of the 17th Century; by L. Binvon... Portfolio- 1895 705 Dutch Painters of the 19th Century... Rooses, M. A 20 T 21, 22 t Hand-book of Painting Kugler, F. T. A 44 R 5, 6 Index of Artists represented in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the Briti.sh Museum; liyL. Cu.st... Briti.sh Museum A 17 R 27, 28 t Rembrandt ... Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 3 Rembrandt; by E. Michel Rembrandt, C. C 11 W 14, 15 t Rubens; his Life, his Work, and his Time ..Michel, E. A20T4, 5 t Egyptian — Historic Ornanu-nt Ward, J. A .39 P 4 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetseh, H. A 18 T 15 + Etruscan — (ireek and Etruscan Vases in the Briti.sh Museum British Mu.seum K II R IS, 19, 21-23 Terracotta Sarcophagi in the British Museum ... British Museum A 12X 16t Flemish — Earl}- Prints in the British Museum: by Dr. W. H. Willsliire. British Sluseum A 17 R 24, 25 t Heures de Notre Dame Dcstree, .J. (i 23 V 1 Index of Artists represented in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum; bj'L. Cust... British Museum A 17 R 27, 28 t Van Dyek Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 4 Van Dyek, Sir Anthony, Life and Work of; by J. Guiffrey. C 44 Q 12 t V.ir.,te;';r..r:i, Luca.-j A .34 V 3 French- Art Romantique Baudelaire, C. J 24 S 18 Century of Louis XIV Bourgeois, E. B 11 W 12 t Curiosites Esthctiques Baudelaire, C. ,T 24 S 1 7 French Painters of the 18th Century ... Dilke, Ladv A 20 S 2 + H.and-book of Painting Kugler, F. T. A 44 R .5, G Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetseh, H. A IS T 15 t History of French Art, 1 100-1889... Kingsley, Rose G. A 39 R 24 Impressions trunc Fcmme au Salon de 1l"53 ... Stevens, Mathilde A 33 R 34 SM TnhViG Library of New South IFulcs. Fine Arts— French — cnntd. Imlex of Artists represented in f ic Department of Prints and Brawinffs in the British JIuseuin ; bv L. Cast... British Museum A 17 R 27, 28 t Louvre et le Luxembourg Panorama, Le A 19 S 2 t Lorraine, Claude: bv (i. (;rahame Portfolio, 1895 705 iMeissonier; by V. 0. O. (hear Meissonier, J. L. K. C 13 U 20 t Millet, J. F., and Rustic Art Naegely, H. A 5 T 24 Modern French Masters A 10 T 15 t Oavrages d'Art... Societe d'Aquarellistes Fran9ais A 22 (^3, 4 t Poussin, Nicholas; by Elizabeth H. Denio C 25 S 13 yalon ■" Panorama, Le A 19 S 3, 4 t Storia di Psiche e Dipinti Diversi Esistenti nel Palazzo del Borboni a Parigi Boucher, F. A 47 P 36 t Watteai° .^toine; by C. Phillips Portfolio, 1895 7<.'5 German — Fine Arts — Herculaneum — Antiquities d'Herculanum David, F. A. B 19 R 11-22 t Diirer Knackfxiss, H. A 45 W 5 Diirer's Paintings and Drawings ;, by L. Cust. . . Portfolio, 1897 705 Early Prints in the British Jluseuni : bv Dr. W. H. Willshiie. British Sluseum A 17 R 24, 25 t Oeheimc OfTjnbarung Johannis, Die Diirer, A. A 12 X 18 t Hand-book of Painting Kugler, F. T. A 44 R 5, (i Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmutsc-h, H. A 18 T 15 t History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages. Janssen, J. P. 43 P 7-10 Holbein Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 2 Index of Artists represented in llie Department of Prints and Drawinps in the British Mnseurn; by L. Cust .. British Museum ^ ■ A 17 R 27, 28 t Greek — Ancient Marbles in tlie Brilisli Museum; with Engravings. British Museum A 13 X 15-25 t ' Ancient Terracottas in tlic British iluseum ; with Engravings. British Museum A 6 T 1 J Attitude of the Creek Trat'edians towards Art. . . Huddilston, J. H. H 1 S 39 Catalofuc dco Bronze; de la Societe Arelu'ologicpie d'Athenes. Bidder, A. dc K S R 25 Catalogue dc3 Bronzes tiouvua sur I'Acropole d'Athines. Bidder, A. dc A 38 ^' 1 , 2 Chapters on the History of Art... Plinius Secundus, C. A 25 U 29 Designs frtjin (i reek Vases Briti-sh Museum A 23 Q 23 t I'.mperor Hadrian (iregorovius, F. B34RI7 Engraved (lenis in the British Museum... British Museum A 2;ir41 Examples of (ircek and Pompeian Decorative Work... Watt, J. C. A 47 P 25 : Excavations of tlie American School of Athens at tlic Heiaidon of Argos Waldstcin, C. B 22 tj 3 t (Jrcck and Etruscan Vases; by H. B. Walters... British MuseuiU K 1 1 R 18, 19 Greek Art and Poetry in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. 0. G 1 Q23, 24 Greek Art on Greek Soil Hoppin, .J. .M. A 23 T 44 Greek Bio:izes; by A. S. Murray Portfolio, 1898 705 ( Jrcek Sculpture Wherry, Albinia A 4-4 R 2 Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase Painting... Huddilston, J. H. A 41 T 3 Greek Vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Gardner, E. A. K 18 S24 Greek View of Life Dickinson, (J. L. (i 19 U 15 Hand-book of Greek Sculpture Gardner, K. A. A 23 S b'i Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 Historic Style.'! of Ornament Dolmetscli, H. A 18 T 15 t History of Greek Art Tarbell, F. B. A 23 S 35 Jlonuniens lea plus Intercssans du Musee National de Nai)lcs. (Jargiulio, R. A 20 S -1, 5 I Musco Pio Clcmentino Visconti, G. A 40 ]' 1 7 t Mycemean Age Tsomitas, C. B 10 V 39 ficulpture in tlie Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities ; by A. H. Smith British Museum A 40 R 11 Sculptured Tombs of Hellas -pore Portfolio of A.rchitectviral Details Jacob, S. S. A 31 R 17 I Journal of Indian Art 710.5 Madras and Burmese Art- ware A 19S lOt Photograph; and Drawings of Historical Buildings ... (Jriggs, W. A 40 U 15 : Through Pcisia and India Weeks, E. L. U 17 V 22 Irish — Fine Arts and Civilization of Ancient Ireland O'Neill, II. A 35 W 20 Italian - Architecture in Italy, 6th-lllh Century C'altaneo, R. A 15S21 t Architecture of the Renaissance iu Italy Anderson, W. ,T. A -25 U 34 Cellini, Benvcnuto; or. Chisel, Pen, and Poignaid ... C 20 S 20 Correggio: his Life, bis Friends, and his Art... Correggic, A. S. da C 13T2 t Crivelli, Carlo Rushforth, G. M'N. A 44 R 14 Donatc'Uo Rea, H. A 44 R 13 Early Florentine Woodcuts Kristeller, P. A 19 T 19 t Florentine Painters of tlie Renaissance... Bcrenson, B. A 23 P 47 Giotto and liis Work in Padua Ruskin, J. A 44 T 5 (Juida Pi'atica de! Tappezziere A 48 P lit I Histoirede I'Art pendant laRenaissance... Miintz.E. A 18 R (i-8 t Historic Orn.amcnt W\ard, J. A 39 P 4 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A IS T 15 t Italian Schiiol of Design Bartolozzi, F. A 20 U 1. 2 t Lectures on the National (4allery Bichter, J. P. A 41 S 19 Luini, Bernardino Williamson, G. C. A 39 V 30 Midsummer of Italian Art Stearns, F. P. A 23 S 25 Modern Italian Art Willard, A. R. A 39 R 23 Ornamental Details of the Italian Renaissance... Middleton.G. A. T. A 49 P 10 I Principles of Art White, W. A 23 U 33 Puttini e Figure Decorative: Allegoric... Gonin, F. A 47 P 19 X Puttini e Figure Decorative: Mitologie... (ionin, F. A 47 P 44 :J: Raccolta di Mobili A 48 P 20 * Raccolta d'Ornati A 48 P 21 I Raphael Rtrachcv, H. A 44 R 11 Raphael Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 1 Raphael, Knrly Works of ; by .lulia Cxrtwright. . .Portfolio, '95 705 Raphael in Rome; by Julia Caitwright Portfolio, 1895 705 Renaissance Masters Rose, (J. B. A 41 T 11 Sarto, Andrea del Guinness, H. A 44 R 3 Scoltura Ornamentalc Frullini^ L. A 47 P ij: Selections from the First Nine Books of the Chroliic he Fiorcntine. Villani, G. JUT 20 Signorelli, Luca Cruttwell, Maud A 44 R 10 Sodoma , '..... Piiuli-Bon, Contessa A 44 R 15 Soffitti del 10-19 Secolo dei Migliori Castelli e Palazzi del I'icmonte. Charvet, A. A 47 P 17 J Stucchi ed Affrcschi dc Real Castello del Valentino... Bravda, R. A 47 P 50 * Titian, Earlier Work of : by C. Phillips Portfolio, 1897 705 Titian, Later Work of; by C. Pliillips Portfolio, li-98 705 Tuscan Artists Rea, Hope A 41 T (i Vinci, Leonardo da; by E. Miintz C 11 V 17, 18 |- Japanese An Ariists Letters fiom Japan La Fargo, J. I) 19 U II Books relating to Japanese .'\rt in the National Art Library. (it. Brit, anil Irel. — Education Cat. Roi m Historic Styles of Ornament Dolnutsch, H. A 18 T 15 t Japanese Illustration Strange, IC. F. A 23 T ."2 Japanese Wood Engravings; by W. Anderson .. . Portfolio, '95 705 Maori ArtWorUmanslnin.f tlic .Maori Kiirc. Hamilton, A. MAI I'lOf Persian Historic (Jrnament Wai.l,.l. .\ ."ti 1' 4 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. .\ is I' l.'i \ Suhjccl-Iadex lo the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1000. 845 Fine Arts — Phoenician- Histriric (h-iiaiiu'iit Ward, J. A :» P 4 Pompeii - Examples of (jreek and roinpeiaii Uxoiativc Woi !■•... Watt, J. C. A 47 P 25 J Pompeii: its Life and Art Man, A. 15 41 S,S [6'ee also Arcliasology — Pompeii and Horiu'ani uni, J Roman — Ancient Marl)Ics British Mnsfiun A KiX 15 •_•.") f Ancient Tonacottas IJriti.sli Museum A (i 'I' I ;]: Chapterson theHistory of Art... PliniusSeciinilus, ('. A "25 I,' '_'!) lOmpcror Hadrian (ireyorovius, l'\ HIM II 17 Engraved Gems British IVInsenm A'2.'^1'4I Historic .Styles of Ornament Dulmetsoh, H. A IS T 1 ') t Monnmens les plus Intercssans du Mnsce National dc Naples. (iarginlo, R. A '21) S 4, 5 t Jlnsco Pio Cleraentino Vif-conti, 0. A 4!) P I ~l Russian — Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T !."> j Ttar and his People B 39 S l(j Scottish — Heraldry in relation to fSccttish History anil Art. . . Paul, Sir J, P. K I) V 4 Spanish- Uand-book of Pcxinting Kugler. F. T. A 4; R r,, (i Velas(jnez Stevenson, R. A. iM. A 44 R 1 Velazquez Voll. K. A "21 P G t Velasiiucz, Art of Stevenson, R. A. M. A I:! T 4 t Velazquez, Life of ; by W. Armstrong' Portfolio, IS!)'! 7ur> Turkish — Historic Styles of Ornameut Dolnietsch, II. A l.S T 1.) f Finger Prints — l)cci|ih<'rinc'Mt nf lUurred Finser-prinls. . (laltou, V. A '2!) V 2.3' \_Sfe alfO Anthropometry ; Bcrtillon System ; Ideutilieatiou of Criminals.] Finke River — Source i of the Finkc River C'hcwings, C. Ml) li Q 4 Finland -Gi-ncral. ti 10 Sea Fisheries and Fishing Population of (iieat Britain... Internat. Fisheries Exliib., )SS3, Lit., 4 A 34 K 4 Tweed Fisheries, Report Cl. I'.ril. and Irel.— Fislieries A 40 V 40 t Fisheries, Fish Culture,Fishing Industries- Holland - Dutch Sea Fisheries Internat. Fisheries Exliili., 1883, Lit., 9 A 34 R 9 India — Indian Fish and Fishing... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 2 A 34 R 2 Indiana — Fish Commissioner, Report .. Indiana— Annual Repts. 353.9772 Japan- Fisheries of Jairan Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 5 A 34R5 Massachusetts — Massachusetts — Commi.ssioncrs of Inland Fisheries, Report... 639 Mauritius — (iourami of Mauritius (^hieensland Agr. Journal, 1 630.5 New Hampshire — Fish and (lame (.^mnnissioners, New Hanqishiro, Report. Xew Hampshire — Annual Repts. 328.742 New South Wales — Fish Industry in Xew South Wales; by J. D. Ogilby— ?» N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Fisheries Act, ISSl N. S. Wales— Statutes MF .5 R 11 Fisheries of New South Wales ; by L. G. Thompson — in Pams. , N.S.W. Commissioners... Cliioago Exhibition, 1893 MA 4 T 22 Food Fishes of New South Wales... Intern.at. F^isheries Exhib., Lit.,5 18S3 A34R5 Marine Fish and Fisheries of N.S.W. ; by P. Cohen — in Pams., N..S.W. Commissioners... Chicago Exhibition, 1893 MA 4 T 22 New York — Fisheries, Game, and Forests of New York, Report... New York — Commissi inei's of Fisheries 639 Newfoundland — Newfoundland: its Fislieries ... Internat. Fisheries Exhib. , 1883, Lit., 5 A34R; Norway — Fish Supply of Norway... Internat. Fisheries Exliib. , 1883, Lit., 5 A 34 R 5 Ohio- State Fi.shcriesConiniission,Rept. ... Ohio — Ann. Repts. 328.771 Pennsylvania — Pennsylvania — Fisli Cummissioii, Report. 639 Queensland- Fish Acclimatisation in (,^ueenslanueensland, Proc, 12 506 F'isli Culture and Acclimatisation; bv D. O'Connor... (Queensland Agricult. Jtmrnal, 1 630.5 Food -fishes of (Queensland, Rejiort; by Mr. Savillc-Kent. (Juecnsland— Parliament, "v. and P., 3. 1889 328.943 Spain Fisheriesof Spain. ..Internat. I'isli. Exhib., 1883, Lit., ■> A 34 R 5 Sweden- Swedish Fisheries. ..Internat. Fisli. Exiiili., 1883, Lil United States A 34 R 5 Fisheries ami Fishery Industries of tlie United States. U.S. Commi.ssion of Fish :vnd F'isheries A 10 T 1-7 t I'isliermen of tlie United States... United .States - Commission of Fish and Fi.sheries, 4 A 10 T 4 t Fisliery Industries of the United States Internat. Fislieries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 5 A .34 R 5 l''ishing Gnnnids of North America... United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, 3 A 10 T 4 f History and Methods of the Fisheries United .States - Connni.ssion of Fish and F"ishcrics, 5 A 10 T .^-" t Salmon Fisheries, Columbia River Basin, Report, 1894... United .St;des Commission of l''ish :uid Fisheries 039 United .States- Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Bulletin .. 039 [.S'cc nlno each State un(h!r this heading.] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Cataloyue — 1896-1900. 847 Fishes -Y?w(/!)-rti — . ('oiiiiiiiTcial Sea Fislirs of Croal Hritain Internat. Fislicriea Kxliib., 1,SS8, Lit., S A 31 H S ])ratnicti()n of Fi.sli liy liilcnial Parasites Intern it. Fisliorios E.\liil)., ISSS, Lit., 6 A HI R (I Fisli Diseases Internat. Fisli. Kxliili.. 18!- :i Lit., A .'it \i it Fisheries and Fishery Iinliistries of tlie Unilcil .States, \. United States Com. of Fish and Fisheries A 10 'P 1 f Fislieries K.xhibitiou Literature Internat. Fisheries Kxhih., Lond., 1883 AM K 1-14 Fislies of Faney Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 18S3, Lit. ;i A 34 11 3 Fishes of Sinaloa Jordan, I). S. A 30 T SO Fishes of Tasmania; liy R. M. Johnston... Roval Soc, Tasmania, "Papers, KSS'2 "lOli Food of Fishes... Internat. Fish. Exhib., 1883, Lit., 6 A 34 R (i Marine and Fresh-water Fishes of the British Islands... Internat. Fisheiies Exliilj., 1883, Lit., 1 A 34 M 1 Natural History of Commercial Sea Fishes of (ireat Britain. Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 10 A 34 H 10 Natural History of the Marketalile Marine Fishes of the Uritish Islands Cunningham, J. T. A 30 Q 28 Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 + Notes ou the Food Fishes and Edible MoUnsea of New South Wales. Internat. Fisheries Exhilj. , 1883. Lit., o A 34 R 5 Royal Natural History, o Lydeklcer, H. A 28 V 2.") Sea-fi.sh Aflalo, P. G. A 28 P 35 United States Geographical Survey west of the 100th Meridian, Report, 5 U.S.— Engineer Dept., U.S. Army A 10 U t Winners in Life's Race Fisher, Arabella B. A 27 P 3 Zoology and Food Fishes Internat. Fisheries Exhil)., 1883, Lit., 2 A34R2 [See aho Fisheries ; Fishing ; Ichthyology ; Marine Zoology ; PaliKontology ; and under uames of Fishes.] Fishing and Fishing Tackle — Angling Yale, L. M. A 40 Q 8 Angling Clubs... Internat. Fish. Exhib., 1883, Lit., 11 A 34 R 11 Angling Clubs of London Internat. Fisheries Exhib. , 1883, Lit., 3 A34R3 Angling in (ireat Britain Internat. Fisheries Exhib. , 1883, Lit., 2 A34R2 Complete Angler [Reprint] Walton, I. A 29 S 2() Fisheries Exhibition Literature Internat. Fisheries Exhil). , Lond., 1883 A 34 R 1 -14 Literature of Sea and River Fishing... Internat. Fisheries Exhil)., 1883, Lit,. 3 A 34 R 3 Practical Lessons in the Gentle Art... Internat. Fisheries Exhil)., 1883, Lit., 3 A34R3 Pre-historic Fishing in Europe and North America; by C. Ran. Smithsonian Institution, Contribs. to Knowledge, 25 ."lOls Sea-fish Aflalo, F. G. A 28 P 3.". Trout-fishing in New Zealand ... MacMillan's Magazine, 70. 052 [.SVc also Fisheries; and under eacli Fisli.] Flags^ Flags of the World Hulnie, F. E. K 19 Q 43 [.SVc nl-io Heraldry.] Flat Worms - Flatworms and Mesozoa Gamble, F. W. A 20 T 20 [See also Helminthology. ] Flax — Cultivation and Spinning — Consular Reports, 47 United States - Consular Repts. 382 Cooperative Flax Societies, Special Rules Irish AgrieuU. Organization See. F 1 6 R 34 Cultivation of Flax and its After Treatment Victoria - Agriculture — Guides to G'rowers, 14 MA 3 T it Flax and Flax Machinerj- — in Ropt., 1874... Victoria — Agr. ti30.() Flax Cultivation Pizey, S. V. MA 4 T 12 Flax Cultivation — in Report, 1873 ... Victoria— Agricult. 030.0 Flax Cultivation; by S. V. Pizey ... Victoria — Agr. MA 4 S 12 Flax Culture for Fiber in the United States ; by C. R. D^dge. U.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Ortice of Filitr Investigations A 37 S 43 Flax Culture for Seed and Fiber in Europe and America; by C. R. Bodge U.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigation A 37 S 57 Flax Culture in the United States ; by 0. R. Dodge. . .United States — Dejrt. of Agr., Year-book, 1897 630.5 Flax — Cultivation and Spinnimj — contd. Flax Farming on the Continent of Europe Agr. fiazette, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 Flax, He np. Ramie, and Jute, Report; by V. R. Dorlge. U.S. - Dept. of Agr. Office of Fiber liivcsligatioiis A 37 S I(> (i; cat Britan and Ireland— Flax Mills and Linen Factories, Re- ports F39V9t New Zealand Flax Bell, F. D. MA 4 S 30 New Zealand Flax ; by I. C. Russell. . . An.e ican Naturalist, '7G 505 Pamphlets on F^xperiments with Cotton and Flax ... Agricultural Expeiiment Static IS A 38 (^ 1 1 [.See aliio Fibres and Fibre Plants ; Linen ; 'J'extil,' Fabrics.] Fleas - Mosquitoes and Fleas United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U [Sec rilno Amphipoda ; Pulieida-.] Fleet-street, London — Highway of Letters Archer,'!'. J 14 U 14 Flemish Art. [See Fine Arts — Flemish.] Flies. [S,'e Diptera; Eiitoiuology.; In.seets.] Flight Internal Work of the Wind; by S. P. Langley Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 27 508 Soaring Fbght; by E. C. Huffaker ...... Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 500 Story of Experiments in Mechanical Flight ; by S. P. Langley. Smithsonian Institution, Rejits. , 1807 500 [See also Aeronautics; Animal Mechanism; Birds.] Flint Implements. [See Primeval Man: Stone Age] Floods- Flood Prevention in the Hunter River... N. S. Wales — Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.944 Flood Warnings... Queensland— Pailt. . V. and P., 1897 328.943 Floods in the Brisbane "River; by C. .J. R. W'illiams... In.stitution, Civil" Engineers, Proe., 1898-99 620.6 Work of tlie Weather Bureau in connection with the Rivers of the United States. ..U.S.— Dept. of Agr.- Weather Bureau A 41 U 3 [See also Deluge, The; Hawkesbury Floods; Meteorology.] Floras of Countries and Places. [See Palieontology ; and under Botany and Flora — By Countrie.s.] Florence — General and Descriptive — Florence : its Administration and Institutions — in Diplomatic and Con.sular Reports, Misc. Ser., 403 Gt. Brit, andlrel.— Foreign Office 382 Literary Landmarks of Florence Huttcm, L. D 20 Q 27 History — Cosimo de' Medici Ewart, K. Dorothea B 26 R 20 Florentine Life during the Renaissance; by W. B. Seaife. Johns Hopkins Universitj-, Studies, extra vol. 14 B 18 T 14 History of Florence MachiavelH, N. B 34 S 8 Legends of Florence Leland, C. G. J 14 R 12 Lorenzo de' Medici and Florence in the 15th Centuiy, Armstrong, E. B 16 S 7 Two First Centuries of Florentine History Villari, P. B 31 U 7, 8 Floriculture. [Sec Flower-gardening.] Florida — Genercd and Descriptive — Across the Everglades Willoughby, H. L. D 10 R 14 Adventures of Roger L'Estrange L'Estrange, R. B 17 P 38 Camp Fires of the Everglades Whitehead, C. E. D 11 V 14 History — De Soto and Ids Men in the Land of Florida King, Grace B 19 Q 17 Floridese — Key to the Tribes and Genera of Floridea; ; hy R. A. Bastow. Royal Society, N. S. Wales, .Journal, 1899 506 [See also Alg.-e.] 848 JPnbiic Zibrari/ of New South Wales. Flour— ImpurteJ FlucU- aiiil Wheat by F. B. Guthrie ... Agr. fiazottc of N. S. Wales, 7 C3'J.5 Flower-gardening — Ciles's Australiisian tUirileiiing Elliott, W. MA 3 U 42 Favourite Flowers of tiarden and Greenhouse Step, E. A 31 S r)-8 Florist and Pomologist A 4S P 1-17 Hand-book of AustralianHorticulture... James, H. A. MA 2 R2.j Pansies Queensland Agricultural Journal, 5 63D..5 Practical Vegetable and Flower-gardening Agricult. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7, 8 630.5 V.'oman's Book A 27 V 29, 30 [.See f(/.30. U Note on a Victorian Host of the Larval .Stages of the Liver Fluke. Roy.al Society, Victoria, Proceedings, 1S!)5 .500 Rheep Fluke; by N. A. Cobb... Agricult. (iaz., N.S.W. 8 630.5 [.S'ee also Par.xsites and Parasitic Diseases.] Fluorine — Fluorine; by H. Moissan... .Smithsonian Inst., Rcpts., 1,S97 .506 Flying Fish — /■.•.iv«,./«s /',«-/; l)y F. E. Clark N. Z. Inst., Trans., bSOS .",06 Flying Fox (I'trrnpus) — The Flying Fox ; its Habits a!id Depredations ; b\- T. P. Lucas. Roy.al Society, Queensland, Proc. , 12 .500 [.9ce also Pteropidie; Zoology a!id Fauna — Australia.] Flying Machines. [See Aeronautics.] Fodders and Food Stuflfs - Analyses of American Feeding Stuffs; by .Jenkins and Winton. Uuitad States Dept. of Agr. Ollice of IC.xper. Stns. A 37 S 40 Analyses of Feeding Stuffs Miiniesota Agr. Hxiieriment Station Rept., 18!)t 030.7 Anstr.xlasian Live .Stock Manual ... Sutherland,!!. MA 2 R 49 Character and Composition of Fodilers and Feeds in Fiisl Piin- ciples of .-Agriculture Voorhee-i, 10. U. A 20 (,) 38 Edible Shrubs in Practical Treatise on Wool (ioldsbrongli, Mort, and Co. MA ;> W 21 Experiments with Fodders and Pasture (iras.ses at Richmond River; by (!. .McKcown Agr. (ia/.ettc, N. S.' Wales, 7 (i.30.5 Feeding Value of Corn Stover; by J. H. Lindsej'... United States Dept'. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 630.5 Forage Plants at Wagga Wagga : Trials of .Salt-bush at Wagga Wagga ; by G. Valder Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 7 6.30.5 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen.. Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Leguminous Forage Crops ; by J. G. Smith United .States - Depl. of Agi-. Ycar-l)ook, 1897 630.5 Needs and Rj(iuirements of a Control of Feeding .Stulis ; by E. W. Allen... United States Dept. of Agr., Yearbook, 1897 630.5 Otlicial Metliods of Analysis of Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs ailoptcd bj' the Itelgian State Laboraloricsand the AgriculturalEx|>eriment Stations of Holland -in ICxperimciit Station Record, 10. United States l)e](t. of Agr. — OlHce of Expcr. Stns. 630." Recent Features of our Foreign Trade... United States Dept. of Agiiculture Division of Statistics A 19 V 44 [.SVe nlfO Feeding Experiments; Footis, Chemistry of; For.age Plants; Salsolaecie ; Sorghums; and under each Food Stud'.]" Fog Signals. [.^V Sign;i]s.] Folk-lore —4V;(f'rr/? — Curiosities of Indo EuropeanTr.idition andFolk-lore. . .Kellv. W. K. B'25 P 20 Essays on Folk-lore -in Chips from a (Jcrman Worksliop, 4. Midler, F. Jlax J 29 T 8 Folk-lore Folk-lore Society 398 History cf Reynard the Fox; from the eilition of 1481 Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 14 Introduction to History of Religion ... Jevons, F. B. (J 15 R 39 Legend of Perseus Hartland, E. S. B 36 P 8 Magic of the Horse-shoe Lawrence, R. M. G 17 R 39 We.ither Proverbs Dunwoody, Lieut., H. H. C. A 31 Q [.S'ee also Amulets ; Arclueology ; Ballads ; Blucbeai'd ; Chap- books; Cu.stoms and Manners; Devil; Divining Rod; Faliles; Fairies; Fairy Tales; Gypsies; Legends; Mythology; Proverbs; Sagas; Superstition.] By Countries. Aborigines of Australia Australian Folk-Ioie Stories; collected l)y W. Dnnlop. Anthropological Institute, Journal, 1899 572 Australian Gods; by A. Lang Folk-lore, 1899 .398 Australian Legendary Tales Parker, Mrs. K. L. MJ 3 R 12 Denmark — Danish Fairy and Folk-talcs Bay, J. C. .J 14 Q 43 England English Traditional Lore... (Jentleman's Mag.izine Lib. B .32 U 9 Tom Tit Tot Clodd, E. B 20 Q 16 Finland ^ Traditional Poetry of the Fhms Comparetti, 1). H 3 U 49 Florence — Legends of Florence Lclind, C. (;. J 14 R 11 France — InHnenco of Welsh Tradition upon tlie Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia Schulz, A. J 14 S 8 Germany - Influence of Welsh Trailition upon the Literature of Gei'many, France, and Scandinavia .Schulz, C. .1 11 S 8 Greek — Greek Folk Poesy G.arnctt, Lucy M. .1. J 14 S .37, 38 India - Indische Marohcn Lej'cn, F. von der J 1 1 T 4fi Popular Religion and Folk-lore of Northern India ... Cn>okc, W. G 19 T29, .'iO Gypsy- (iypsy Folk-talcs (iroonic, V. H. .1 21 Q 28 Ireland — Cuchillin Saga in Irish Literature Hull, Eleanor B 36 P 12 D.)lmens of Irclanil Borlase, W. C. B 41 W2 4 Harvest of Irisli Folk-lore— /« Centurv of Science Fiske, J. A 45 S 2 Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to tlic Laud of the Living. Mcyii, K. 11.36 P 10 Japan - Nihongi : Chronicles of .Japan, to 697 .v. n .Tapan .Society, London, Supplement I 952 Louisiana- Louisiana F.ilk-lales Fortier, A. J 8 V 29 Malay Peninsula Malay Magic Mexico Skoal, W. W. G 21 V 25 Collei-tion of Objects illustr.ating the Folk-lore of Mexico; by Prof. V. Starr Folk- lore Soc-iety I'ubs. , 1 898 39S New Guinea l'"rom my Veramlah in New Guinea ..Romilly, H. H. Ml) S ]; 43 Sahject-Lidex to the Siipplemcnlary Catalogue — 1890-1000. 819 Folk-lore New Zealiiul- M:iui-i Tales :uiil Luguiicls ClarU, Katu McC'usli Ml! 1 W .'! Norway - Popular Talcs from tlic Norso Dasoiit, Sir G. W. J 12 U 34 Stories of the Kings of Norway (Heiniskringla) Sturlusoii, S. J 14 (,> .-'.l Samoa — Folk-songs and Myths from Samoa Royal Society, N.S.W'., Journal, 29 ollli — • — Scandinavia - Influence of Welsli Tradition u[)')ii the Literature of flerniany, France, anil Scauilinavia Schulz, A. J 14 S 8 Scotland — Folk-lore ; or, Superstitious Beliefs in tlie West of Scotland within this Century Napier, J. P. :« 1' 9 Turkey — Turkish Fairy Tales Kunos, I. J 14 S '2 Wales^ Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia Schulz, A. J 14 S 8 Folk-songs — Fahle and Songs in Italy Gierke, E. M. H 4 T 1!) Folk-songs and Mytlis from Samoa; by J. Fraser Polynesia'! Societ}', Journal, 1S9S 99U [.SVe also Ballads; Songs —By Countries.] Folk-tales. [See Fairy Tales; Folk-lore.] Food, [See Alcohols; Beverages; Bread; Butter; CViokery; Dietetics; Dii,'e.stii)n : Fixlrlers iiiul Food Stulls; Food Adulteration; Foods, Cheniistiy of; Fruit; Hygiene; Meat; Milk; Preserving and Preservatives; Sugar; Vegetarianism; Wine.] Food Adulteration — Bath anil West and Southern Counties Soc. , Journ. , 1 89.1-96 030. E.Ktent and Character of Food Adulterations; by A. J. Wediler- burn United States— Dept. of Agr. — Division of Chemisti-y A 31 S 18 Food Adulteration and Analysis; by J. Bell Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 5 A 41 V 1 Food Adulteration and Food Laws—/;; Report, 1897. Penn.sylvania — Dept. of Agr. 030.0 Food and Food Adulterants United States Dept. of Agr. — Division of Chemistry A 31 S 18 Food Laboratories United States --Dept. of Agr. — Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S 21 Food Products, Report Connecticut — Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1897 C30.7 Great Britain and Ireland- Food Products Adulteration, Rc])ort. A 40 V 38 t Public Healtli Laboratory Work ... Kenwood, H. R. A 20 R 31 Special Report on Food Adulterations ; by A. J. Weddcrburn. United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Chemistry A 31 S 18 [See aliio Adulteration ; Milk and Milk Inspection ; Public Health. ] Food Preservation. [See Canning; Fruit-canning; Pre- serving and Preservatives.] Food Supply — Causes which have checked the Development of o\n' Home Pro- duction of Meat ; b}' T. Duckham ... Internat. Health Exliib., 1884, Lit., 5 A41 \' I Foreigner in the Farm-yard Williams, E. K. A 37 R Home-grown Meat Suppiv; by J. Clay... Internat Health Exhib. , 1884, Lit.., ") A 41 V 1 Means of securing the Supply of Meat to Largelv Populated Centres : by S. B. L. Druee Internat. Health Exhib., 1SS4, Lit.,;") A 41 V 1 Sources of our Meat Suppiv: bv Major P. G. Cragie ... Internal. ilcaltli Exhib., 1884, Lit., 5 A 41 V 1 War, Famine, and Our Food Supply... Marston, R. B. F 4 T 21 Wheat Problem Crookes, Sir W. A So (.) 1 .". [.S'ee a/,so Corn Laws ; Famines; Frce,Trade; Protection.] Foods Cookery. [See Cookeiy.] Foods, Chemistry of — Agiiiultuial Clirmistry Adie, R. H. A 33 P 20, 27 Analyses of American Feeding Stuffs; by Jenkins and Winton. LJnited States iJept. of Agr. Oltice of Experiment Stations A 37 S 40 Analytical Methods for Distinguishing; between the Nitrogen of Proteiils and tliat of the Simpler Amids or Amido-Acids; bv Prof. J. W. Mallet ... U.S. Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Cliemistrv A 41 U lij Bread and Bread-making; by H. Snyder... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. Stations A 37 V' 1 Carboh^'drates of Wheat, j\Iaize, Flour, and Hread ; by Prof. Stone. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R l.". Chemical Composition of American Food Materials; by W. O. Atwater... U.S. — Dept. of Agr.— Olficc of Exper. Stn. A 37 V 1 Chemical Composition of American Food Materials ; by W. 0. Atwater U.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R !.■; Chemical Composition of the Carca.sses of Pigs; b\' II. W. Wilev. United States— Dept of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry A 41 V iO Chemical Examination of Certain Indian Food Stuffs; by P. C. Ray Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1894 9.)4 Chemistry of Cookery Williams, W. M. A 4.') R 7 Composition, Digestil)ility, and Food Value of Potatoes. Minnesota Agr. Experiment Station Rept., ]H'.)o 030.7 Compositionof Foods ; by J. C.Briinnich... QucenslandAgricultural Journal, I (;30..") Foods and Food Adulterants United States— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Chemistry A 31 S 18 Life and Conditions of Survival Brooklyn Ethical A.ssocial ion G 12 V 23 Losses in Boiling Vegetables, and the Composition and Digestiliility of Potatoes and Eggs; by H. Snyder United States — Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 1.') Meats: Composition and Cooking; by C. 1). Woods. United States— Dept. of Agr. , Fainiers' Bulletin, 34 A 41 U I Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carlion in the Human Organism ; by W. O. Atwater... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 1.3 Pamphlets on Experiments in Cattle Feeding... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 30 Pamphlets on Feeding Experiments with Horses, Pigs, and Sheej). Agr. Experiment .Stations A 38 Q 8 Public Health Laboratory Work ... Kenwood, H. R. A 20 R 31 [See al.-:o Feeding Experiments ; Fodders and Food Stuffs ; Food Adulteration; Fruits, Anah'sesof; and under each Food.] Fools and Jesters — Fools and Jesters ; with a Reprint of Armin's Nest of Ninnie.s, 1008 Shakespeare Society Pubs. H 3 U 15 Foot, The— Military Shoe Salipiin, Major S. A. A 30 R 49 [See alio Boots and Shoes.] Foot and Mouth Disease — Applied Baiteriulogy Pc.armain, T. H. -A 40 P 1 1 Foot and Mouth Disease McFadyean, J. A 20 T 35 Victoria- Foot and Mouth Commission, Rept., 1872 MA 9 Q 34 f [See alio Diseases of Animals; Vetcriiuiry Science and Practice] Football — American Football Stagg, A. A. A 29 S 22 Football Shearman, M. A 29 S 39 Footballer, The Power, T. P. MA 5 R 22-24 Real Football Catton, J. A. H. A 44 U S Rugby Football Robinson, B. F. A 29 S 25 Southern Tasm.anian Football Association, Report MA 5 P 6 Forage Plants — Agricultural (Jrasses and Forage Plants of the L^uited States. United States Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Botany A 20 T 32, .33 Curing Cjw-pea Hay Queensland Agr. Journ.al, 5 0.30.5 Economic Grasses ; by F. Lanison-Scribner United St.ates — De])t. of -Agr. — Div. of .Agrostology A 30 V 10 Edible Scrub on the Xarram and Culgoa; by .1. A. Rol)erl.son. Agricultural Gazette, N.'S. Wiiles, 10 030.5 850 TiihUc Library of Neio South Wales. Forage Plants— ro?i/J. EiliMe Trees and .Shiubs of the West Bogan; by R. W. Peaccck. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Fodder and Forage Plants West Australian Settler's Guide MI) 8 Q 54 Fodder Value of some Common Shrub Plants ; by F. B. Guthrie. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 G30.5 Fodders and Forage Plants exclusive of the Grasses ; bv J. G. Smith. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostolofry A 36 V 16 Forace Plants ; bv F. Lam.son-Scribner United States— Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 102 A 41 U 2 Forage Plants and Forage Kesources of the (iulf States: by S. M. Tracv... U.S.— Dopt. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 36 V 16 Forage" Plants for Cultivation on Alkali Soils; by J. G. Smith. United States ~Ucpt. of Agr., Year-book, 189S 630.5 Forage Plants for the South; by S. M. Tracy ... United States- Dept. of Agr. - Office o"f Experiment Stations A 37 S 27 Forage Plants for the South ; bv S. Tracy United States— Dept. of Agr.", Farmers' Bulletin, IS A 41 U 1 Grasses and Forage Plants ; by J. B. Killibrew Tennessee— Agr. Exper. Station A 37 R 26 Grasses and Foi-age Plants ; by E. J. Wickson California— Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1895-97 630.7 Grasses and Forage Plants and Forage Conditions of the Rocky Mountains; byT. A.Williams... UnitedStatcs— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 16 Grasses and Forage Plants of Central Texas ; by 11. L. Bcntley. XJ.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 16 Grasses and Forage Plants of Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado ; by L. H. Pammcl U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 16 Grasses and Forage Plants of the Rocky Mountain Region ; bj- P. A. Rydberg U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostokgy A 30 \ 19 Grasses and Forage Plants of the South-eastern States; by T. H. Kearney... United States -Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Agrostology A 39 P 20 Leguminous Plants for Green Manuring aiul for Feeding; by Dr. E. W. Allen United States-Dept. of Agr.— Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S 25 Miingel Wurtzel ; by W. Scott... Vict.— Agr., Rept., 1875 030.6 Native and Introduced Forage Plants of South Dakota. South Dakota— Agricultural College A 33 S 29 Native Australian Fodder Plants ; bv J. H. Maiden . . . Agricultural Gaze"tte, N. S. Wales, 8, 10 030.5 Pamphlets on Grasses and Forage Plants Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 10 Pastures, Grasses, and Forage Plants in Nc-»' .Soutli Wales ; by P. Turner -t«N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony... Hutchinson,!''. MD 7 U 23 Profitable Fodder Crops; bj'G. H. Gorman... Agricultural (Jazctte, N. S. AVales, I89S 0;!0.5 Rape as a Forage Plant Michigan— State Agr. College Exper. Station, Bulletin, 114 6.S0.7 Red Desert of Wyoming and its For.ago Resources ; bv I'rof. A. Nelson . . . U. S. —Dept. of Agr. —Div. of Agrostology A 3(i V 1 6 Sheep's Burnet; by J. H. Maiden Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Studies on American Grasses ; by T. Kearney, and F. I.anison- Scribner... U.S.— Dept. of Agi".— Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 16 Zygophyllura from the Point of View of the (irazier. . . Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, II 630.5 [See. alno Beans ; Clovers ; Cow-peas ; Fodders and Food Stuffs ; Gra.s.se3; Eucernc; Maize; Millet; Pea-nut:;; Peas; Prickly Pear; Salsolacea; ; Sorgliums : and und-r names of Crops.] Foramiuifera— Haddonia, a new (ienus of Foramiuifera from Torres Straits; by F. Chapman Linnean Society, I.K)n(Ion, Zoology, 20 590.6 Index to Genera and Species of Fonaminlfcra; by CD. Sherborn. Smithsonian In.stitution, Misc. Collections, 37 508 [Sie uho Protozoa; Rhyzopoda.] Force and Energy — Animal as a Machine and a Prime Motor Thur.ston, R. H. A 25 R 36 Magnetic Fichls of Force Eberl, H. A 20 T 27 Matter, Energy, Force, and Work ... llolman, S. W. A 20 (J 29 New Psycliology Scripture, E. W. G II U 29 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. II. (Ml (,) 30, :'.! Force and Energy — contd. Popular Scientific Lectures Mach, E. A 21 R 38 Scientific Papers Tait, P. G. A 10 U 13 t Some Unrecognised Laws of Nature Singer, I. A 24 T 35 Text-book ofMechaniealEngineering... Lineham.W. J. A 22 R 32 Theory of Reality Ladd, G. T. G 24 V 8 [See o?.bO Cosmology ; Mechanics; Phj'sics; Statics.] Forecasts, Literary — Coming People, The Dole, C. F. G 15 U 32 [,S'c-c also Ideal States.] "Weather. [See Weather Foi-ecasting.] Foreign Missions. [See Mis.sions and Missionary Work — Foreign.] Foreign Office Lists. [See under Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office, in Author Catalogue] Foreign Policy. [See sub-heading Politics — Foreign, under names of Countries.] Forensic Medicine. [See Medical Jurisprudence.] Forestry and Forest Conservation— fffj?!.em? — Address before the American Foresti'y Congress, 1883. Loring, G. B. A 30 R 44 Denudation of Vegetation ; byM. Manson... Agricultural (Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 6:50.5 Forest Conservancy; by A. J. Boyd Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Forest Nursery Work; by H. V. Jackson... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Forestry for Farmers ; by B. E. Fernow United States — Dopt. "of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 67 A 41 U 1 Forestry for Farmers ; by B. E. Fernow United States — Dept. of Agr. , Yearbook , .1 894 630. 5 Government Forestry Abroad Pinchot, G. F 4 V 10 Hand-book for Fanners and Dairymen... Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Hardy Coniferous Trees Webster, A. D. A 20 U 12 Influence of Local Conditions on the Growth of Trees ; by W. Gill. Journal of Agr. and Industry, S. Australia, 1897-98 030.5 Manual of Forestry Schlich, W. A 32 R 17 Michigan — State llorticultural Society, Report 634 Notes on Planting; by W. Gill Tovirnal of Agriculture and Industry, South Australia, 2 030.5 Pamphlets on Forestry ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 30 Present Condition of the Forests on the Public Lands. Bowers, E. A. F4 V 16 Primer of Forestry ; by G. Pinchot United Slates — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry, Bull., 24 A 27 P 27 Pi.oyal Scottish Arboricultural Society, Transactions 634.9 Some Forest Problems; by G. Pinchot... United States — Dept. of Agr., Ve,ar-book, 1898 0:)(f.5 Timber Culture; by Dr. A. Furnas— en Agricultur.al Reports, 1882. Indiana — Boaril of Agriculture 030. (i Work of the Division of Forestrv for tlie Farmer; by (J. Pinchot. United States — Dept". of Agr., Year-book, lH9i 630.5 [.^ce afeo Arbor-day ; Landscape Gardening; Timbers; Trees and Shrubs ; and sub-heading Forestry, under each Country, in Autl\or Catalogue, for Government Publications.] Laws and Legislation — Forest Law Powell, B. H. B-. F8 Schools — Forestry Education by C. W. Parks -ih Report, 189.3-94. United States — Bureau of Education 379." By Countries. Austria Guide Agricole et Forcstier dc I'Autriclic Proskowetz, Max von A 18 P 20 Canada- Forests of Canada United States — Con.sular Repls., 60 382 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 851 Forestry and Forest Conservation — Germany - l''urststaU.s;;lic iMitloilungwi aus W'urUem'nug, lS!Jli. VVurtoiiibing 034.!) India - Forest Acbniuistration, ISiitisli India, IS!).'! India— Forest Administration 034.!) Forest Departmont, inclmling Hindc, Rcp;rts Komliay — Forestry (JSl.O Mauritius — Fore.sts of the M.uiritiua, Report ... Thonipgon, R. A 11 X IG t New Hampshire Forestry (Jomm., Rupt. ... N. Ilanip.'diire— Ami. Repts. 328.742 New South Wales — Agrieultural (iazclte of N. S. Wales, G G30..5 Forestry in N. !S. Wales; by W. S. Canipliell Au.stralasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 50G ('rov.lli of Trees Agr. Ciazette, N. S. Wales, 7 G30.5 Injury to Forest Vegetation durinc the Winter of 1SU.5. Agr. (Jazetto, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 Sta'.e Forest Nursery ; by H. V. Jack.son Agr. (lazette, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 Trees ami their Rele in Nature ; by J. O. 0. Tepper... Agr. (iazette, N. S. Wales, 7 G30.5 Waste cf our Timber and how to avoid it; liy A. Rudder. Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 New York — Fisheiies, ( ame, and Forests of Nev/ York, Report. . . New York - Conimissiouers of Fisheries 039 New Zealand — Few Zeiland T.inlci s and Forest Products... Perceval, Sir W. R. MA 4 S 3 North Dakota — Huperin'.i-ndent of Irrigation and Forestry, North Dakota, Report. North Dakota -Annual Rcpts. 32S.7K4 Pennsylvania — Pennsylvani.i — I'ept. of Agriculture, Report, 1897 030.0 Porto Rico — Forest Conditioas of Porto Rico; by R. T. Hill... United States — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 Queensland — F restry Ccn.serv.uicv Queensland — Parliament, V. and P., 3, ISiiO 328.043 Foi est Conservancy, Queensland, Report... Queensland -Forestry HIA 3 Q 37 t Plea for Forest Conservancy in Queensland ; by J. W. Fawcett. Queensland Agricultural Joxirnal, 4 030.5 Q\icen3laud Agr. Journal 630.5 Timber Trees of Herbertou District ; by J. F. Bailey... Queensland AgiiculturoJ Journal, 5 030. 5 Timber Trees of Queensland ; by J. W. Fawcett Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4, 5 030.5 South Australia — Forest Conservancy and Tindier Suppl}'... Kriehaufif, F. E. H. W. MA 4 H 12 Woods and Forests, Report of Conservator ... South Australia — Parliament, Proceedings 328.942 United States- American Forcstiv Congress, Proceedings, 1882, 88. A 37 R 18 & G34.9 Check List of the Forest Trees of the United States ; by (4. B. Sudwortb... U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 Experimental Tree-planting in the Plains ; by C. A. Kefler. United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 Forest Growth and Sheep-grazing in Oregon ; by F. V. Colville. United States — Deirt. of Agr. — Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 Forestry Conditions and Interests of Wisconsin ; by F. Roth. United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 Forests. of North America, exclusive of Mexico; by Prof. C. 8. Sargent — in Census of the United States, 1880... United States - Cen.sns Office 317.3 Measuring the Forest Crop ; by A. K. Mlodzianskj-. . . United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 Forestry and Forest Conservation— United States — could. NomcMiilaturo of the Arborescent Flora of the United States; bj' G. B. Sudworth U.S.— Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Forestry A 3G V 20 rracticability of an American Forest Administration... Femow.B.E. F4 V IG Practical Fo-estry in the Adiror.dacks; by H. S. Graves. United States -Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 Pi-ogress of Forci-try in tlio United ,States ; by G. Pinchot. Uniteil States— Dept. of Agr., Vcar-booU, 18!t!t 030.5 Relation of Forests to Farms, and Tree-planting in the Western Plains... United States -Dejjt. of Agr., Year-book, I8i)5 (i3().5 Rulesanil Regulations concerning Forest Reserves . . United States- General Land Office A 32 U 34 Silva of North America Sargent, C. S. A 40 S 25 X Kj'stematic Plant Introduction ; by D. (1. Fairchild United States -Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 United States -Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Forestry, Rept. ... 634.9 [See also each State under this heading.] Victoria — State Forests and Timber Reserves, Report of Royal Commission — in Papers presented tj Parliament, 3, 18!)0-J!")()0. Victoria— Parliament 328.945 State Forests and Timber Reserves, Vietoiia, Report of Royal Commission... Victoria — Parliament, V. and P., 1898 328.94;) State l*"orest3 of Victoria Victoria — Parliament, V. an> 38 flovernment and Adiuinislralion — (,'hancelier lie I'landre P.aclia. E. Fl U 20 Inlcndant as a Political Ajjenl under Louis XIV', The. JolniHon, A. F IS (,> 5 France — History, General — Cliurches and Castles of Mcdi.Tyal Franco Lamed, W. C B 16 S I? Dungeons of Old Paris Hopkins, T. B .39 Q 11 Franks, The Sergeant, L. B 29 R .5 Historic Studies in Vaud, Berne, and Savoy Read, Gen. M B 19 U2, 3 Idler in Old France Hopkins, T. B 17 P 56 Lost Empires of the Modern World Lord, W. F. B 21 S 2 Michelet's France -!« Essays Aliso:i, A. J 14 S 13 Personal Characteristics from French History. Rothschild, Baron F. B 16 T 21 E.4ELY History, .\.d. 987. Charlemagne, the Hero of Two Nations Davis, H. W. C. B27Q13 Charles the Great ; b}- Dr. T. Hodgkin . . . Charlemagne C 23 S 5 C.VPET AND V.\LOIS, .v.D. 987-1589. Bertrand du Guesclin; liy Dr. E. V. Stodilard... Du (iuesclin, E. C 23 tv> 24 HenrvofGuise, and other Portraits... ]\IacdowaIl,H. C. B 36R 11 Histo'ryofthcCivinVarsofFrance... Davila.H.C. B 19R23,24t Jeanned'Arc; her Life and Death... Oliphant, Margaret B 16R-16 .Joan of Arc Lowell, F. C. B 16 T 22 Letters and Papers relating the War with France, 1512-13; by A. Spent Navy Records Society, Pubs., 10 942 Lives and Times of the Early A'aluis Queens ... Bearne, Catherine B 26 S IS Marguerite d'Angouleme, Life of, 1492-1-349 C 21 U 1, 2 Philip Augustus, llSO-1223 , C 22 S 25 Pictures of the Old Fien h Court... Bearne, Catherine B 26 S 23 Bourbon, .\.d. 15S9-1780. Auue of Austria, Regency of... Freer, Martha W. B 16 S 37, .38 Artagnan, Monsieur d'. Memoirs ..... Courtilz de Sandras, (!. de C26 R 11, 12 Barras, P., Memoirs ... C 21 T 17, 18 Briefwisseling tusschon dc Gebroeders van der (iocs, 1659-73. "\-an der Goes, W. C 27 T 5 Correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, of Marie-Adelaide de Savoie, of Madame de Maintenon in relation to Saint-C\r. Wormelv, Katharine P. C 25 s" 19 De Retz, Cardinal, Memoir of, 1640-79 B 21 U 2 Dubois, Cardinal, Memoirs B 41 R 4, 5 Eugene, Prince, Romance of C 22 R 10, 11 Hane, Joachim, .Journal of, 1653-54 B 16 P 8 Henry IV. King of France and Navarre, History of... B 16 V 25 History of theCivil Wars of France... Davila, H. C. B 19 R 23, 24 t Lauzun. Ducdc, and tlic Court of Louis XV, 1760-74... Maugras, G. B 34 R 8 Lauzun, Due de, and the Court of Marie Antoiuette, 1774-93. Maugras, (i. B 34 R 9 Longuevillc, Mme. de, Life of; by Mrs. Cock C 27 S 12 L 26 Richelieu, Life of Ridielieu, Card. C 20 V 1 Revolution, a.d. 1789-1804. Bar.'re, Bertr.and, Memoirs C24Rn 12 Conciergerie /n History and Criticism... Wilson, H. S. J 14 V 5 ('ontcnii)orary American Opinion of the French Revolution; by Prof. C. D." Hazen lohiis Hoi)kins University, Studies extra vol. 16 "B 18 T 1(1 Crjrday, Chivrlotte; by Mrs. H. K. Van .Mstine C 23 1' 14 Daiiloii; by H. BclloJ Danlon, G. .r. C 24 1' 16 l);uiloii. Lift' of; by .A. II. Bccsly Dariton, G. J. C 26 R 20 Diary of a Citizen of Paris during the Terror Hire, E. I! 16 \' 20, 21 Sahjecl- Index lo the Supplementary Calalogue — 1896-1000, 853 France — IHxtory — contd. liiiVoLuriON, A.D. 17S9-1H04 f6H<(/. FitzgeraUl, Loi-d Edward, Memoirs of; by T. Moore... (' 2.'i R 4 France Eodley, ,1. K. (,'. V I T :U, MS French Revolution MeCartliy, J. !< .H7 V ."i-S Frencli Revolution - 1«. Essays Alison, A. .1 14 SI! Freneh Revolution and English Literature Dowden, E. .) 14 1121 French Rcvohition of 17.-i9 Aliljott, J. S. (,'. B .'i'.l 'i' 1.') History of tlie French Revolution in Studies in Many Suhjocts. Reynolds, Rev. S. H. J 1!) W 8 Journal of a Spv in Paris durini; the Reign of Terror, 1794. Hcsdin, R. I!2(>R17 Krndencr, Mnic. dc. Life and Letters of; hv ('. Foiil... C 24 T 1 Lafayettes, Hcnsehold of the Sichcl, Etiiel V 24 T 7 Lauzun, Due de, and the Court of Marie Antoinette, 1774-!).'5. Maugras, (i. 15 :« R 9 Mirabeau; by P. F. Willert Miraheau, C'onite de C 2:j S 20 Popular l!ovcrnment Bradford, (i. F 10 P 2H, 29 Real French Revolutionist Jcphson, H. B 20 R 21 Reign of Terror B 39 P 9, 10 Robespierre and the Red Terror Ten Brink, J. B l(i U 14 Robespieire, Life of ; byft. H. Lewes. ..Robespierre, M. C 2(> P (i Roland, Madame: a Biographical Study (." 20 V G Rovigo, Duke of. Memoirs... Savary, A. J. M. R,. C 23 U 12-15 Side-lights on the Reign of Terror Echerolles, Mdlle. des B 41 Q 12 Toc(iucvillo, Alexis de. Recollections of F 12T 22 FiR-ST Empike, A.D. 1804-1"). Campaign of Marengo Sargent, Lieut. H. H. B 21 S 7 Coignct, Capt., Narrative of C 23 P 3 Du Barri, Madame, Memoirs B 33 R 10-12 France since 1814 Couljcrtin, Baron P. de ]! 25 S 21 Josepliine, Empress, Memoirs C' 23 V 2, 3 Modern France, 1789^1895 Lebon, A. B 20 S 12 Napoleon (' 22 T 13 Napoleon Bonaparte, Hi.story of... Abbott, J. S. C. B 39 T 12, 13 Napoleon Bonajjarte, Life of; by S. B-. (Jould C 13 \^' 33 f Napoleon Bonaparte's First Campaign Sargent, Lieut. H. H. ]! 10 R 29 Ne}', Marshal, Historic Doubts as to Execution of C' 22 (J 2 Rovigo, Duke of, Menioir.s... Savary, A. J. M. R. C 23 U 12-1.5 Talleyrand de Perigord, Prince C. M., Memoirs... B 20 V 24, 2j Restoration, a.d. 181.')-48. France in 1833— i/i Essays Alison, A. J 14 8 12 France since 1S14 Coubertin, Baron P. dc B 20 S 21 Tocqueville, Alexis de. Recollections F 12 T 22 Second Republic, a.d. 184S-5?. E'lgenie, Empress of the French; by Clara Tsehudi ... C 25 T 9 France and Italy Imbert de Saint-Amand, Baron B 30 Q 19 France since 1814 Coubertin, Baron P. de B 26 S 22 Life in the Tnileries under the Second Empire ... Bicknell, Anne B34 T 9 Second Empire, a.d. 1852-70. Campaign of Sedan Hoo] er, (i. B 10 P 29 Coiu't of the Second Empire... Imbert dc Saint-Amand, Baron B ,36 Q 18 Eugenie, Empress of the French; by Clara Tsehudi ... C 25 T 9 France and Italy Imbert de Saint-Amand, Baron B 36 Q, 19 France since 1814 Coubertin, Baron P. de B 2() S 21 Life in the Tnileries under the Second Empire ... Bicknell, Anna B 34 T 9 Louis Napoleon and Mdlle. de Montijo... Imbert de Saint-Amand, Baron B 26 R 20 Modern Franco, 1789-1895 Lebon, A. B 20 S 12 Napoleon III and his Court Imbert de Saint-Amand, Baron B 20 R 25 Napoleon III ami Lady Stuart Lano, P. de B 10 P 13 Undercurrents of the Second Empire Vandam, A. D. B 1 ^^ 24 Third Repuplic, a.d. 1870-. Ambassador of the Vanquished, 1871-77 BroLlic. Due de " B 31 U 20 Evolution of France under the Third Republic. Coubertin, Baron P dc B 26 U 13 France since 1814 Coubertin, Baron I', de B 20 S 21 With tlie Royal Headquarters in 1870-71. Verdy du Vernois, (len. .J. \ijn B S9 i^ 8 France — N^ational Assewhly — ■ France Bodley, J. E. C. F 1 T .32, .33 Xnvy- Fleets of (ireat Britain and Foreign Countries, 1898. (it. Brit, and Ircl.— Ailmiralty A 30 V 18 t Naval Annual, 1896 Brassey, Hon. T. A. 3.59.05 Naval Policy Stecvcns, (;. W. F 12 T 25 0])crations of tlie French T«avy during the Recent War with Tunis Wright, Lieut. M. F. B 26 V 23 Pdlitics — C'hoses Vues Hugo, V. M. .1 24 R 43 France Bodley, J. E. C. F 1 T .32, .33 (Jesammelte Werke Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 29 Idee de Patrie, L' ; Les Einiemis de I'Ame Fran^aise ; La Nation et rArmsSc ; Le (Jcinie Latin — in Discoiirs de Combat... Bruneticre, F. .1 24 U 34 PaternalStateinFraneeand Germany... Gaullieur, H. F 15 R 31 The Physiocrats Higgs, H. F4T16 Reeollecticms of Alexis de Tocqueville Tocqueville, A. de ri2T22 Studies in Diplomacy . Bcncdetti, Count F 14 U 7 Theories Politiqucs et le Droit International en France jusipiau ISe siecle Nys, E. F16T21 Social Life and Customs — Cho.'jes Vues Hugo, V. M. .1 24 R 43 Dear Neighbours Blonet, P. .1 25 Q .30 Lller in Old France Hopkins, T. B 17 P .50 .Jacques Bonlio mine Blouct, P. .1 20 P 2 Pictures of the Old French Court... Bcarnc, Catherine B 20 S 23 Franchise. |.sV.'« Suffr.a^e.] Franciscans — Francis of Assisi ; by Mrs. Oliphant G 25 P 1 1 Little Flowers of St. Francis of A.ssisi... Woodrotl'e, P. G 24 (,) 8 St. Francis of As.sisi Little, Rev. \V. .1. K. (< 11 Q 38 [.S'te n/,vo Monasticism ; Monks; Religious Orders. ] Franco-German War, 1870— Ambassador of the \'anquishcd, 1871-77 Broglie, Due Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A 33 \' bS [See alxo Dynamics; Lubi-icants. ] Friendly Islands —Genn-al and Descriptive — Anchoi-ages, 181)9 [Chart] (ft. Brit, and Ircl. — Ilydroyiuphic Office Ml) -J P 34 + Brown Men and Women Reeves, 10. M 1 ) 3 U 14 (Jannil)als of the Friendh' Lslandn. . . Naval Clironicle, 24 B 38 Q 5 [See al.:o Tonga.] Friendly Societies — Amalgamated Society of Knginecrs, Rnlcs F 12 S 17 Architects' Benevolent Societj' : Report of the ('ouncil ... 302.8 Brotherhood Relief and Insurance of Railway lCni])lo\ce.s ; liy K. R. Johnson U.S.— Bureau of Labor, 'Bull., Jidj', IS'JS 331 Citizen and the State Strachcy, J. St. L. F 10 S 34 Development of Thrift Brown, Mary W. F 1 5 P 36 Friendly Societies; by E. F. Oweu... Melbourne Review, 052 Friendly Societies and Friendly Society Finance Royal Statistical Society, Journal, 1895 310 Fiieiidh' Societies, Industrial and Provident Societies, and Trade Unions, Repts (Jt. Brit, and Irel. — Friendly Societies 334.7 Friendly Societies, N.S.W., Reports... N. S. Wales— Parliament, V. and P. 328. 944 Friendlj' Societies, N.Z., Reports New Zealand — Parliament, Appendix to Journals 328.931 Friendly Societies, Victoria, Reports Victoria — Parliament, V. and P.. 32S.945 Friendly .Societies, Victoria, Report, IS94 ... Victoria — Friendly Societies 334. 7 Guide-book of the Friendly Societies' Registry Office. 1897 ed. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Friendly ifjocieties F 1.") R 21 [Another copy. 1899 ed.] F Hi S 30 Manual for Coiiperators Hnglies, T. F 3 R G Mutual Relief and Benefit Associations in the Printing Trade; by W. S. Waudby... U.S.— Bureau of Labor, Bull., Nov., 1.S9S 331 Provident Societies and Industrial Welfare Brabrook, K. W. F 15 R 20 Special Report on Sickness and Mortality experienced in Registered Friendly Societies Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Friendly Societies F''40 V 26 t Sweating of the Medical Profession tjy the Friendly Societies of Australasia Bruck, L. MF 4 P 39 [.fee also Building Societies ; Cooperation ; Insurance, Life ; Old Age Pensions ; Trades Unions ; and under name of the Society in Author Catalogue and Index.] Friends, Society of. [.Sec Quaker.?.] Friendship — Friendship Bkck, H. G 4 V 30 [.S'ce also Love.] Froebel System of Education. [See Kindergarten ; .ind under Froeljel, .Fiiedricli, in Autlior Catalogue.] Frogs — New Lizards and Frogs from New Guinea ; by G. A. Boulengcr. Annals and Mag. of Nat. History, 1897 590.5 Variations of the Spinal Nerves of Hi/la aurca; by jiiss (i. Sweet. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc. , 1890 500 [See also Batrachia. ] Frost— Notes on Frost ; by Prof. Garriott United States — I)cpt. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 104 A 41 U 2 Frozen Meat. [See Cold Storage; Meat Trade.] Fruit-canning and Preserving - Canning and I'nluing I'l nil ; l.y S. Hogg... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Crystallized, or (Uaccd Fruits ... Victoiia- Agriculture— Guides to Growers, 9 MA 3 T '.) Fruit Preserving... Victoria— Agriculture -Guides to Growers, 8 MA .3 T 9 Preparation of Dried and Pn'.served Fruits McKwiii, G. MA 4 S 12 Prol>lem of Fruit Preservation... Qucensl. Agr. Journal, 4 630.5 [See also Fruit-drying; Sj-rups.] Fruit-drying and Dried Fruits — Australasian Fruit-growcr.s' Conference, Proceedings, 1807. Queensland — Agriculture 034 Bush-fruits Card, F. W. A 18 1* 20 Casula Fruit-dryer Agricult. (Jaz., N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Drying Figs Queensland Agr. .Journal, 030.5 Evaporated Fruits .Journal of Agr. and Industry, South Australia, 1897-98 030.5 Evaporation and Fruit Evapoiation; by J. Sutton... Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 Fruit-drying; by V\'. .J. Allen Agr. Gtiz., N.S.W., 10 030.5 Fniit-diying; by C. H. (iornian Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., S 030.5 Fruit-growing, Drying, and Curing; b}' W. J.Allen... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 (i30.5 Insects attacking Dried Fruits; by W. W. Froggatt... Agricultural ({azette, N. 8. Wales, 1898 030.5 Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 Preparation of Dried and Preserved Fruits McEwin, G. MA 4 S 12 Process of Drying Fruits Victoria — Agriculture— Guides to Growers, 11 IMA 3 T 9 Simple Fruit-dryer ; by (i. W.aters... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 8 030.5 Zinc in Evaporated Apples; by H. W. Wiley ... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Chemistry A 41 U 7 Fruit-growing — General — Bush-fruits Card, F. W. A ISP 20 Cyclopedia of American Horticulture... Bailey, L. H. A 44 W 8, 9 Florist .and Pomologist A 48 P 1-17 Fruit Culture Crichton, D. A. MA 4 P 10 Fruit-growing under Irrigation Agr. (!az., N. S.W., 10 0.30.5 Handling Fresh Fruit ; by C. H. (iorman... Agricultural (iazetce, N. S. W.alcs, 8 030.5 Orch.ard Planting ; b\- ^V. J. Allen . . . Agr. Gaz. , N. S. W. , 8 030. 5 Pruning, Budding, Grafting; by W. .J. Allen Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, S G3(J.5 Royal Horticultur.al Society, .Journal 634 Selection and Planting of Fruit-trees; by G. Quiun ... Journal of Agriculture and Industry, South Australia, 2 030.5 Surface Drainage for Orchards Agr. Gaz., N..S.W., 11 030.5 Thinning Fruit Agricultural G.azettc, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Utilizing Surplus Fruits; by G. B. Brackett United States — ■ bcpt. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 [.?ce a/.vo Experiment Fai-ms .and .Stations; Fruit-canning; Fruit- drj-ing; Fruit Try G. (,iuinn. •lournal of .'\gr. ami Induslry. .S. Australia, 1897 98 030.5 List of Fruit Trees grown in tlie Royal Horticultural Gardens, Burnley Victoria— Agriculture .\1.\ .'i \' 20 Fruit, Nomenclature of. [Si-e Pomology.] Fruit Trade— Ajiplianccs necessary in Fruit-packing Houses; by W. T. Allen. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 030.5 Australasian Fruitgro%\'ers' Conference, Proceedings, 1897. Queensland — Agriculture 034 Australian Fruit-case ; by G. H. Grapes ... Agricultural (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 9 030.5 Consular Reports, 47 United States — Consular Repts. 382 Export of Frcsli Fruit to London; bj- G. Quinn... Journal of Agr. r.n.l Industry, S. Australia, 1S97~98 030.5 Fruit as a Factor in Colonial Commerce ... Moi'ris, D. FOP 28 Fruit Exportation... Victoria -Agriculture— Guides to (Jrowers, 17 MA 3 V 13 Fruit liulustry ; b\- W. A. Taylor... United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1897 630.5 Fruit Industry; by W. A.Taylor... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Pomology A 37 S 56 Fruit Inspection Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Fruit Inspection : by D. Jones... Queensland Agr. Journ., 4 6.30.5 Instructions for Fumigating Fruit for Export Agricultural Gazette, N. S. ^ Vales, 9 030.5 Keeping of Grapes; by P. Mouillefert Agricultural (iazstte, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Marketing and Preserving Perishable Products Indiana — Board of Agriculture, Rept., 1874 030.5 Marketing Citrus Fruits; by W. J. Allen... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Packing Lemons for Export Agrieult. Gaz., N.S.W., 9 030.5 Packing Oranges for Export; by (J. Qninn.. Journal of Agr. and Industry, South Australia, 1897-98 030.5 Storage of Fruit, and Over-sea Carriageof Fruit Agricultiu-al Gazette, Tasmania, 1897 030.5 Trial Sliipments of Fruit— (« Report, Commissioner of Agriculture, Scss. Papers, Canada, No. 7, 1 898... Canada— Parliament 328.71 [See aho Cold Storage.] Fruits —Varieties. .dogy.] Western Australia Bureau of Agriculture, Western Australia, Journal 030.; Fruits, Analyses of — Composition oi Californian Fruits, Nuts, Canaigre ... California — Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1895-97 030.7 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Snuill Fruits ... Agr. Expcrinuuit Stations A 38 R 1 United States -Dept. of Agr., Exper. Station Record, 5... 030.7 [.S'c-e alxo Agricultural Chemistry.] Fucacese — Fiui; or, Colored Figures and Descriptions of the Plants rcferrcnia Cornubi;e Borlase, \V. C. B 40 P 2 RecherchessurlcsOriginesderEgypte... Morgan, J. de A 17 S IS t Sculptured Tombs of Hellas tiardner, P. 1! 17 U 13 [.See also Burial ; Customs and Manners ; Funerals. ] Funeral Sermons an;l Orations. [.SV Scnnons — runeral.] Funerals - Collections of Ordeis, &c., relating to Funei-als of Eail of Derby, 1.321; Earl of Carlisle, Sir Philip Sidney, 1580; Duke of Albe- marle, 1070; Duke of Marlborough, 1722; Viscount Nelson, ISOO; Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, 1800; Arthur, Duke of Wellington, 1852 Funerals B 10 S 13-17 t [.See also Burial; Cremation; Customs and iSIanueis.] Fungi — General — Additions to the Fungus Flora of Tasmania; by I . Roilway. Royal Society, Tasmania, Papiis, 1S08-!)'J ."lOO Coloured Figures of English Fungi, or Mushroon.s... Sowerbv, J. A IS y 1-4 t Description of a New Cordyeeps ; bv L. Rodwav... Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1893-!)!) 500 Discomycetous Fungi of the United States ; by M. C. Cooke. JiufTalo Society of Natural Sciences, Bulletin, yol. 2 500 Edible and Poisonous Fungi; bv Dr. Farlow United States — Dept. of Agr.-Div. of "Vegetable Physiolrgy A 38 R 20 Fungi from Kei'guelen Island ; by D. McAlpins.. Linncan Society, N. S. Wales, Prce., 1899 5S0!g Fungi of Kerguclen Island; bv D. M'Alpinc Victorian Natuialist, 1898 505 Fungus FI(n-a of New Zealand; by (J. Masseo New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 500 Guide to Sowerljy's Models of BritishFungi in the Briti.sh Museum ; W. (;. Smith British Museum A 39 V 15 Hyphomecetous Fungi of the United States ; by M. C. Cooke. Butialo Society of Natural Sciences, Bul!et"'n, 3 506 Lichens and Fungi collected in Otago, New Zealand, by Dr. W. L. Lindsay Royal Society, Edinb., Tians., 25 5tC Micro fungus from Mount Kosciusko; by D. McAlpine... Linne.an Society, N. S. Wales, Proc., 18G9 580.0 New Australian Fungi; bj' IX MeAlpinc Linncan Society, N.S.W., Proe., 1890 580".0 New South AV'ales Fungi ; by D. McAlpine Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, 1S97, 1899 58o".0 5 Q Fungi — General —contd. Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms and how to distinguish tlicm Gibson, W. H. A 39 Q 9 I'lca for the Study of the Micro-fungi ; by G. Pirn Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 Polymorphismc des Champignons, Influence du Milieu. Beauvcrie, J. A 45 V 20 Some Edible and Poisonous Fungi ; by W. O. Farlow. United States Dept. of Agr., Vearboclt, 1897 0?,Q.o South Australian Forms of t'orrfyccyjs (rKnniV, Berk; by J. O. O. Tci)i)er Agricultural tJazette, N. S. Wales, S 030.5 Stat islical Account of Au.stralian Fungi; by I). McAlpine. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 5*0 Syllogo Fungorum omnium hucu£quecognitorum...Saccardo, P. A. A 23 V 15 TasuKinian Fungi; by L. Rodway Royal Society, Tasmania, Procccilings, 1 890 500 Underground Fungi of Tasmania; by L. Rodway ... Australasian As.«)c., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 500 Vegetable Wasps ami Plant Worms Cooke, M. C. A 44 U 3 [.S'ec uAso Bacteriology ; Boleti ; Botany — (.!ryptoganiic; Botany — Economic; Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit-growing; Lichens; Mushroonjs; Mvcctozoa; Pathology, Vegetable ; Plant Discaccs ; Rust in Wheat."] Fungi in Agriculture ar.d Fruit-growing - Anthracnos>;; by T. W. Kirk- in Leaflets feu- Fruit-growers. 22. New Zealand — Agriculture MA 3 K 75 Australasian Fruit-growers" Conference, Piocccdings, 1897. tjueensland — Agriculture 634 Australian Entomophyte-S Agricult. (Jaz., N.S.W^., 030.5 Australian Fungi ; by L). McAlpine. . Agr. (iaz. , N. S. W. , 0, 7 030.5 Board of Agr. Lcaliets, 1893-95. . .Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Board of Agr. A 21 V 31 Conunon Fungi and Insects; with Preventives — in Injurious In- sects, Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q Conunon Fungous Diseases and Methods of Prevention ; by C. V. Piper — in Injurious Insects, 6... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Cidture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds aiul Roots. Sutton and Sons A 20 U 31 Diseases of Plants Tubeuf, K. A 20 V 31 Eclilile Fungi of New Zealand... N.Z. Jouin. of Science, 1891 505 Fruit Tree Blights in General — in Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Expei-. Stations A 38 Q 7 Fungous Diseases and Methods for their Preyention — in Injurious Insects Agricultural Exper. iStations A 38 Q (irain Smuts; l>y W. T. Swingle... United States — Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bidletin, 75 A 41 U 1 (i rain Smuts; their Causes and Prevention ; by W. T. .Swingle. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 030.5 Injurious Insects and Fungi, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Board of Agr. A 21 V 29 Insect and Fungus Diseases of Fruit-trees and their Remedies; by W. J. Allen and others Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 9 630."5 Insect Pests and Fungi... Victoria -Agr. tiuides to Growers, 27 MA 3 V 13 Insects and Fungi Injurious to Crops, Reports. (';t. l!rit. and Irel.- Board of Agr. A 21 V 28, 32 Investigations of the Year — in Lijurious Insects, 7... Agricultural Exper. Stiitions A .38 Q 7 Journal of Mycology United States- Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Vegetable Phj'siolcgy and Pathology 589.2 Literature of Fungous Diseases Coimeeticut -Agr. Exper. Station, Rept.. 1897 630.7 Locust Fungus ; by D. McAlpine .. Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 10 030.5 Locust Fungus imported from the Cape ; by D. McAlpir.e. Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 11 6.30.5 McUiila anipl/Hrivlia; by D. McAlpine... Linnean .Society, X.S.W., Prce., rS95 580.0 New Disease among Rye-grass— ,h Report, 1873 Victori.a — Agriculture 630.6 Notes on Fungous Diseases, Report ... Connecticut Agr. Exper. Station, 1895 630.7 Pamphlets on Injurious Insects, Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit- growing, Spraying, &c Agi-. Exper. Stations A ,"8 Q 1-5 Pestiferous Fungi- .« Bulletin 12. ..Queensland — Agr. JIA3 S 68 Pestiferous Fungi and their Modes of Attack Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of .Science, 506 I'lanl Diseases — in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 858 Fublic Library of Neio South Wales. Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit-growing— con^J. Preliminary List of the Rusts of Ohio— ;« Injurious Insects, 7- Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q, 7 Puecinia on Groundsel, with Triaiorphie Teleutospores ; bj' B. McAlpinc Linnean Society, N.S.W., 1895 580.6 Remedies for the Prevention of Smut — in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 6 Treatment for Fungous Diseases of Plants United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 630.5 Vromi/ees ammdali ; by D. McAlpine... Limiean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1S95 580.6 Vermont— State Agricult. E.xperiment Station, Reports... 630.7 [Ste aho Patholog}-', ■\'egetable ; Plant Diseases ; Rust in Wheat ; Sooty Mould ; Spraying ; and under names of Crops, Fruits, and Vegetables, as Apples, Lucerne, Potatoes, for their specific diseases. ] Fungiidse. [.SVo> Anthozoa.] Fungicides. [SW. Fungi in Agriculture; Plant Di.scase.s; Spniying.] Furnaces — Boilers and Furnaces Barr, W . M. A 38 T 20 Chemical Technology Groves, C. E. A 21 A' 6 8 Cupola Furnace Kirk, E. A 38 T 26 [.S'te alfo Metallurgy.] Furniture— Art of the House Wat.son, RosaMiund M. A 22 S 3 Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer's G uide Hejjplewhite, A. A 29 Q 12 J Chippendale Period in English Furniture Clouston, K. W. A17S9t Chippendale, Sheraton, and Hepplewhite Furniture Designs. Bell, J. M. A^il P 4 t Encyclopedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Fur- niture Condon, J. C. A 39 P 18 Half-timbered Houses and Carved Oak Furniture of the I6th and 17th Centuries , Sanders, W. B. A 12X30 + Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 5 House Furnishing; by A. H. Miles— fn Household Oracle. Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 House Fnrnishin-^ and Decorating Assistant Whitaker, H. A 18 Q 21 + Illustrated History of Furniture Litchfield, F. A 44 V 9 Mobili air Esposizioue Gcneralc Italiana, Torino, 1S98. Turin Exhibition, 1898 A 47 P 47 t RaccoHa di iJoliili in Divcrsi Still A 48 P 20 I Studies from Old Ei-.glisli Mansions .. Richard.-ion, C J. A 4!) 1' 2, 3 X Woman's Book A 27 \' 29, 30 [.Vce «/.sO Cabinet-work ; Church Furniture ; Decoration ami Decora- tive Art; House Decoration; Upholstery; Wood-carving.] Future State Active and .Moral Powers of Man Stewart, D. (i l(i \' 4, 't liutlcr, Bi.shop, Works G 2 T 33-35 Deathand Burial in AtticTragedy... Grieve, LuciaC. G. G 2C T 5 Doctrine of a Future Life in Lsracl, in Judaism, nn 1 in Chri.slianilv. Charles, Rev. R. II. (i 24 U iS Egyptian Ideas of the Future State Budge, Rev. l*;. A. \V. G 25 P 19 Essential Man Crcsscy, G. C. G 15 U 22 JCvolution of the Resurrection and of a Future Life in Intellectual Dcvelopmetit ('rozier, J. 15. (! 17T11 Fundamental Ideas of Clnistianil3'... Caird, Rev. J. (i 5 P 32, 33 Future Dcstinj- of Man; by Rev. H. N. WoUaston. Melbourne Review, 9 0.52 <;oil and Ihc, Future Life Nordhfill', C. (! 9 U 33 Intermediate State and tlie Last Things Barrett, Rev. (i. S. G 19U3 Is there Another Life? in Gueases at the Riddle of Hxistencc. Smith, (;. Gambling Superstitions -in Borderland of Science... Proctor, \{. A. A 19 S Hi The fiambling World "Rouge et Noir" (Jl.lS.SO History of ()aud)liug in England , AKhton, .J. F .S C^ (! Tlic Human Maoliine Nisbct, J. F. (J 24 (.i 5 Immortality of Memory Lefroy, liean (! 23 R 28 Royal Connnission on alleged Chinese Gandiling, Report. N. S. Wales- Chinese (lambling MF 4 U 38 Winning Wagsrs — in Leisure Readings Proctor, R. A. A 19 (i 10 Game and Game-birds — Fish and Game Commis.sioners, New Hampshire, Report. New Hami)shire — Annual Repts. 328.742 Fisheries, Game, and Forests of New York, Report... New Yoi-k — Conunis.sioners of Fisheries 039 Gallinaceous Game-birds of North America Elliot, D. G. A 27 Q 4 Game-birds and Wild-fowl of the British Islands Dixon, C. A 44 W 4 (Jcme-birds of Manitoba: by G. A. Atkinson Historical and Scientitie Society of Manitoba A 27 S 27 In Haunts of Wild Game Kirby, F. V. A 28 V 28 In the Northman's Land... Ferryman, Maj. A. F. M-. I) IS M 21 Wild-fowl of the United States and British Possessions of North Americi Elliot, D. G. A 27 S [/Seea/.soDcer-stalking; Gallin.'c; Game Laws; Hunting; Shooting; Sport and Sporting Adventures; and under names of Animals and Birds.] Game Laws and Poaching — Recent Legislation on the Protection of Wild Birds inGreat Britain ; by Sir H. Maxwell... Internal. Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1899 A 35 W 14 Games — Foster's Complete Hoylc Foster, R. F. A. 1 V 23 Home Annisement.'! ; by T. Archer — in Household Oracle. Miles, A. H. A 40 (,) 9 Korean Games Cnlin, S. A 31 (,) Ui Puzzles Hod'mann, L. A 29 S 27 [.S'ce also Anuiscmcnts; Billiards; Cards; Chess; Conjuring; Sports and Pastimes; and under each (.!amc.] Gammarini — Gammarina del Golfc; di Napoli : Monografia di Antonio Delia Valle Zoologischc Station zu Neapel A 19 P 21, 22 f [See also Amphijjoda] Gamopetalse — Synoptical Flora of North America; the Gamopetalre ; V>y A. Gra^-. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 31 508 [(S'ce also Botany — Manuals.] Gangrene — Gangrene of the Skin; by Dr. Galloway — in Sj-stem of Medicine. "Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 [See also Necrosis.] Gaols. [See Prisons.] Garbage, Disposal of — Disposal of Garbage and Scvyage — in Elements of Sanitary Engi- neering Mcrriman, M. A 38 V 22 International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Tr.ins. , 7 014.(10 Removal and Disposal of Town Refuse Maxwell, W. H. A 32 R 41 Street -cleaning Waring, (J. A 41 T 4 [Si:e also Public Health; Street-cleaning.] Gardening — Gcnnml — Art and Craft of Garden-making ... Mawgon, T. H. A 20 R 25 t Australian Amateur Gardening Mortlock, .1. .1. M.\ '.', C 34 Cole's Australasian Gardening Elliott, W. MA 3 U 42 Cidtiu'e of 'i^egetables and Flowers from Seed.s and Roots. Sutton and Sons A 20 U 31 Cyclopeilia of American Horticulture Bailey, L. H. A 44 W 8, 9 Garden-making Bailey, L. H. A 33 (.] 32 (jardening Horner and Son A 19 I'll Gardening and the Gardeners' Calendar; by W. W. Early in Household Oracle MiVs. A. H. A 40 Q 9 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen... Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Hand-book of Australian Horticuhnrc... .lames, H. A. MA 2 K 2 History ofGardeuinginEngland.. .Amherst, HyH. A. Humphrey. Institution Civil Engineers, Proc, 189(5-97 020. (i Text-book of (Jas Manufacture for Students Honisl)y, •!■ A 21 P 47 Water, Gas, and Electric-liglit Plants under Private and Municipal Ownership— (';( Report of Commissioner of Labor, 1899. United States — Bureau of Labor 33S Gas Engines and Motors — (JasandOa Engine Clerk, D. A 22 R 7 (Jas-engine Construction Parsell, H. V. A. A 39 Q 23 (ias Engineer's Pocket-book O'Connor, H. A 22 P 50 (ias. Gasoline and Oil Vapour Engines... Hi.seox,G.U. A 37 R 20 Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 38 S 23 Modern Gas and Oil Engines . . Grovei-, F. A 25 S 17 Motive Power and Gearingfor Electrical Machinery. ..Carter, E. T. A 25 T 22 Railway Engineering Haldaue, J. \\' . C. A 22 R 30 Steam-engine as a Tiiermodj'naniic Machine. . Cottcrill, J. H. A 21 U 21 United States — Consular Rci)orts, 48 382 Gas-iitting. [.sVv riuiiihiiiir.] Gas in Mines- Coal, Mine-gases, and Ventilation ... Thomas, ,J. W. A 24 Q 35 Great Britain and Ireland — Explosions from Dust in Mines, Royal Connnission, Reports A 39 V 41, 43 j Inflammable Gas and Vapour in the Air... Clowes, F. A 20 Q 21 Origin and Rationale of Colliery Explosions ... Stuart, D. M. D. A 25 V 27 {See also Explosions; Fires in Mines; Minors' Safety Lamps.] Gas, Natural. [See Petroleum.] Gases - Gases of the .Atmosphere Ramsay, W. A 10 S 19 InHanimalile Gas and Vapour in the Air... Clowes, V. A 20 i} 21 Kinetic Theory of (i.ases Burlmry, S. H. A 38 S 14 Kinetic Theory of Gases Meyer, 0. M. A 38 S 19 Laws of Gases Boyle, R. A 25 T 12 Liquid Air and [.,i(|uefactioti of (Jases... Sloane, T. O'C. A 24 R 33 Public Health Laboratory Work .. Kenwood, H. R. A 20 R 31 Undiscovered Gas, An ; bv W. Ramsay... Smith.sonian Institution, Repts., 1897 500 [See aho Air; Barometers; (Jas, Manufacture; I'lunimatics; and under each Gas. ] Gasteropoda - Catalogue of British Jurassic Gasteropoda ... lluillcston, W. IL A 24 r31 Gasteropods of the Older Tertiary of Australia; by M. Cossmann. Royal Soc. , South Australia, Trans., 1897 50(i Lnwer Palraozoic (iasteropoda in the ('ollection of tlie Australian Museum; by R. Etheridge Australian Museum Records, Vol. 3, No. 4. 507 New Species of Pupina from Queensland; by C. E. Beddome. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1896 580.0 [.SV;e also Snails and Slugs ; and under names of Families for Special Monographs.] Gastritis Acute and Chronic fiaslric Catarrh; by Dr. D. D. Stewart- i« Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Gastritis; by Dr. T. L. lirunton— ;« System of Medicine. Allbntt, T. C. A 20 T 30 Gastronomy— Art of Dining Hay ward, A. A 40 T 24 [Sir «/...(■,„, 1,. .,.,■: |.-ood.] Gazaland — General and Descriptive — ■ Univer.sal (ieography Reclus, E. I) 21 U 13 Gazetteers. [See Geography — Dictionaries and Gazetteers.] Gearing - Tootlicd (Jearing "Foreman Pattern-maker" A 24 P 42 Geelong — Commerce and Trade — (Jeelong Chamber of Commerce, Report . MF 5 S 19 Geese — Goose-breeding; bj- C. 0. Flagg Rhode Island — Agr. Exper. Station, ReiJt., 1897 630.7 Gemmation — Phenomena of Gemmation — ,« Scientific Memoirs. . . Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [See also Biology ; Zoology.] Gems and Precious Stones — Australian Sauropterygian cunvcrteil into Precious Opal ; by E. Etlieridge Australian Museum Records, 3 507 Antique Gems and Rings King, C. W. A 43 V 7, 8 Composition of New South Wales Labradorite and Topazes; by G. Harker Royal Society, N.S.W.. Journal, 1899 500 Engraved Gems in theBritish Museum . . . British Museum A 23 P 41 (iems and Precious Stones Smith, H. G. M.A 3 R 58 Gems and Precious Stones of N. S. Wales ... Curran, Rev. J. M. MA 3 V 25 Genesis and Matrix of the Diamond ... Lewis, H. C'. A 33 V 23 Intaglio Engraving Renton, E. A 23 P 29 New Species of (iarnet at Port C3'gnct; by \\'. A. MacLeod. Ro3'al Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 500 Occurrence of Precious Stones in N. S. Wales, and the Deposits in which they are found; by Rev. J. M. Curran... Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Procedings, 1890 5(10 Science of Gems Billing, A. A 35 T (i [.SVc nl.-.o Diamond ; Jewellery ; Lapidary Work ; Mineralogy ; and under each Gem and Stone.] Genealogical Periodicals. [See Genealogy — Periodicals.] Genealogy — General — Alnuuiach dc Gotha o.")4 List of Parish Registers and other Genealogical Works; edited bv F. A. Cri.sp Crisp, F. A. K 19 U 32 "t [See. also Badges; Baronetage and Knightage: Family Histories; Heraldry ; Peerage ; Registers of Births, Deatlis, and Marriages ; Seats of Nobility; Wills, Registers of; and unonaparte, Life of C L3 ^^' 31 t Nicholson, John, Life of; by Capt. Trotter C 25 C^) 5 Oudinot, Marshal, Memoirs of C21 U 13 Our Greatest Living Sohliers Lowe, C. C 27 R 15 Our Living Generals Temple, A. C 22 S 20 Peterborough ; by Major F. E. Cooper — in From Cromwell to Wellington Wilkinson, S. C 20 R 18 Polk, Lconidas, Bishop and (ieneral C 27 R 13, 14 Raleigh, Sir Walter ; by M. A. S. Hume C 23 Q 25 Rawlinson, ^L^jor-Gcn. Sir H. C , Memoir of; by G. Rawlin.son. C 25 Q 23 Rovigo, Duke of , Memoirs of... .Savary, A. J. M. R. C 23 L^ 12-15 Rupert, Prince Palatine Scott, Eva B 33 S 13 Sketches of Generals Beauregard, (irant, Hancock, Humphreys, McClellan, Sherman, Stuart, and Thomas— /n Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders. Dwight, T. F. C 21 U 5 Thiebault, Baron, Memoirs of C 23 V 11, 12 Tres tlrandes Capitaes da Antiguidade: Alexandre, Annibal, e Cesar Zama, C. C 24 R 1 7 Wellington; by Major-Gen. F. Maurice — in From Cromwell to Wellington " Wilkinson, S. C 20 R 18 Wellington and Waterloo Grifliths, Major A. B 17 S 30 t Generals— cvyrt<(Z. Wellington : his Comrades and Contcm}joraries; by Major(!rifiiths. Wellington, Duke of ('24 T 111 Wellington, Lifeof; by Sir H. .Maxwell Wellington, Duke (jf C25S17, 18 Wellington's Career ; by Lieut. Col. E. B. Hamley. Wellington, Duke of C 19 V 22 Windham, General, Diary ami Lclter.s of C 23 Q 1 1 Wolfe; by Sir A. Alison in l''riim Cromwell to Wellington. Wilkinson, S. C 20 R 18 Generative Oi'gans and System - .Ed(eology Elliot, S. B. A 26 S 29 Elements of Aiuitomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41 48 [Se.e alto Chastity; Contagious Diseases — Laws and Legislation; (ionito-Urinary .Sy.stem ; Social Purity.] Genesis — Old Testament — From Genesis to (Ecology - in Warfare of Science with Theology. White. A. 1). (J 3 U 17, 18 Myths of Israel Fiske, A. K. G 11 U 20 Geneva Arbitration — Aliograph\' relating to the United .States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1807-90... U.S. — Coast and Geodetic Survey A 37 V 2 Catalogue of Charts and other Publications United States Coast and Geodetic Sin"ve5- 016.520 Comparisons of the Standards of Length, p^ngland, France, Bel- gium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Ordnance Survey Office A 11 W 10 t (."ompte rendus des Operations dc la Commission Geodesir|Uc. Belgium A 20 P 26 t 862 JPiihlic Libra)'!/ of New South TFales. Geodetic Surveys— — conld. Guuck-tieOpi-iationsin the UnitedStates, Report .. UnitedStates — Coast and Geodetic Survc}' A 18 T 33 t Methods and Results of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey United States - Coast and Geodetic Survey 526 Xew York— Boundary Commission, Report upon the Xen York and Pennsylvania Boundary A 32 R 37 Triangulation du Royaumo dc Belgique Belgium 526.3 United States— Coast and Geodetic Survey, Report 526 [See also Boundaries of Countries; Geographical Surveys; Scientific Expeditions ; and under United States in Author Catalogue.] Geographers- Mi'iaoirs of a Revolutionist. Thomas Best .Torvis .. . Kropotkin, Prince C 23 T 18, 19 Jcrvis, Lieut. -(Jen. T. B. C 26 Q 17 Geographical Distribution of Plants and Animals. [.s>/? Botany and Flora — By Countries ; Distribution oi Plants and Animals; Zoology and Fauna — B\- Coun- tries.] Geographical Societies. [AV*? Geography — Societiers.] Geographical Surveys — L'nited states Geourai)li:cal Surveys west of the KMltli Meridian, Report United States Engineer Dept. A 10 U l-S t [See also Geodetic Surveys. ] Geography — General — Address by Sir J. Hector Austnalasian Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Kept., 1S9S 506 Applied Geography Keltic, .T. S. I) 20 Q 24 British Association for Advancement of Science, Rept. , 1895 506 Dawn of Modern Geography Beazley, C. R. D IS U 19 Earth — in Warfare of Science with Theology White, A. D. G 3 U 17, IS Evolution of Geography Keane, J. D 13 S 9 Function and Field of Geography ; by .J. S. Keltie... Smithsonian Institution, Repts. , 1897 506 Geography ... Angus and Robeitson's School Series M(i 2 U 48 Geography Oldham, H. Y. G IS Q .S6 Geography for Third Class Smith, S. H. M( J 2 T C6 Grammar of Modern Geography ... Boyce, Rev. W. Ml) 1 P 74 Histoi-y and Geography; by E. E. Morris Melb. Rev., 1 052 Importance of Geogrsiphv; bv Sir E. Strickland Roval Geog. Soe., Ausl., N. S." Wales Br., .Journal, 1892 93 910.6 International Geography Mill. H. K. T) 22 R 12 Man on the Earth Lydc, L. W. I) 20 Q 23 Memory Mapping Benton, .J. W. Ml) 1 P 71 Progress of Geographical Discovery during the Reign of Queen Victoria; by A. C. Macdonald... Royal (ieog. Soc., An.stalasia, Victoria, 1897 910.6 Siogarapi mai Arimctika M( J 2 T 22 Sixty \ ears' Progress of (Jeographical Discovery ; by A. C. Mac- donald ... Aust. A.ssoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1S98 500 Smithsonian Geographical Tables ; by R. S. Woodward. Smithsonian Institution, Mi.sc. Collections, 35 508 Si'stem of Universal (ieograpliy ... Bankes, Rev. T. D 22 R 4 | Universal System of Geography Millar, (!. H. D 17 U 7 t What Geography Teaches Royal Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 12, 13 910.6 [.?ce a//(0 Antarctic Regions ; Arctic Regions; Atlases; Biblical Geograpli}-; Boundaries of Countries; Cartography; Latitude; Longitmle; Physical Geography ; Sailing Directions; Travellers and Explorers; Travels; Tro))ics; Voyages; and .subheadings Geography, Topography, and Maps, under each Countiy.] Dictionaries and Gazetteers — Railliere's Queensland (Jazcttcci-s... Wliitworth, R. P. Ml) 3 S 3 Geographical Dictionary, 1691 Bohun, E. 1)19 I'll Imperial Gazetteer of India Hunter, W. W. D 19 S 7-20 Longmans' Gazetteer of the World D 15 S 13 f llistorij — Geography — Manuals, N'omenclainre — United States - Board of tieograpliie Names, Repts. D 10 T 24, 25 Periodicals — Cosmos 91 0. 5 Geographical Journal Royal Geographical Society 910.5 Geographical M.igazine D 23 P 1-6 Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischcr Anstalt ; In- haltsverzeichnis von Petermann's Geographisehen Mitteilungen ; Geographiseher Litteratur-Bericht Petermann, A. 910.5 Ocean Highways. [See (ieographical Magazine under this heading. ] Scottish Geographical Magazine... Koy. Scottish Geog. Soe. 910.5 Sucicties — (Geographical Society of the Pacific, Proceedings A 3S R 24 Instiluto Nacioual dc Geografia y Estadistica dc la Republica Mcxicana, Boletino 1)21 V 1-21 International Geographical Congress, VI, Report 910.6 Liverpool (ieographical Societ}-, Transactions 910.6 Roj-al Geographical Societj" of Australasia, tTournal 910.6 Ro3'al Geographical Soeietj-, Charter and I5ye-laws 910.6 Royal (ieographical Soeietj', (ieographical journal 910..') Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings 910.6 Royal (ieographical Society, Victorian Branch, Trans 910.6 Societe de (ieographie, Compto rendu des Seances 910.6 Teacliing of- Address by Sir J. Madden ... Royal Geog. Soc, Aust.. Victorian Branch, Trans., 1S99 910.6 Teaching of Geograph}- United States — Bureau of Education, Rept., 1897 379.73 Teaching of Geography ; by Commander V. L. Cameron. Intcrnat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Teaching of (ioography in Central Europe — in Report of Conmiis- sioner of Edueation,"'92-93 ...U.S.- Bureau of Education 379. 73 Ancient — Christian Topography of Cosnias, 530-50... Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 98 910.6 History of Ancient Geography Tozer, Rev. H. F. D 17 R 28 Riviera, Ancient and Modern Lenthcrie, (.!. 1) IS S 13 Biblical. [S,'e Biblical Gcograjihy.] Military - Military (Icography Maguirc, T. M. D 21 S5 Physical. [See Phy.sical Geography.] Christian Topography of Cosraas, 530-50. . . Hakluyt Soc. I'ubs., 98 910.6 Story of Geographical Discovery Jacobs, J. I) 20 P H Geological Periodicals. [See Geology— Periodicals.] Geological Societies. [See Geology — Societies.] Geological Surveys, Maps, and Atlases. [See Geology — Purveys, Map.s, and Atl.ases; and under iiii' name of each Country in Author Catalogue] Geologists— ('roll, James, Autobiographical Sketch of C 21 TI 6 .Miller, llugli, Life of C 20 T L'! Pcngclh', William, Memoir of (; 24 T 2 PreslwiVh, Sir J., Life ami Lellors of C 25 T 10 Woodward, H. P., a Western Australian Geologist ... Geological Magazine, 1897 550.5 Geology — General — Academie des Sciences, C'omptes rendus des Seances 506 Address by Capt. Hutton Australasian Assoc. Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 .1110 Age of the Earth as an Abode Fitted for Life; by Lord Kelvin. Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 500 Annals ami M.agazine of Natural History 590..'> Australasian Association for Advance, of Science, Rept .lOli Mrilisji Association for Advancement of Science, Kept., 1895 .'506 Diieetions for Collecting Rocks, and for tlie Picparation of 'I'hin Sections Merrill, G. P. A 24 V 35 Earth and its Story Heilprin, A. A 24 Q 30 Sithject-Index to ihe Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 863 5li() 505 Geology — General — conhf. Kk'iiients of Chemical and Physical (Jcology ; by Prof. O. Bisoliof. Cavendish (Society, Works A 3(i T l-.S Koimdora of (Jeology (ieilvie, 8ir A. A '2J S 'id From (iencsis to (Icology - in Warfare of Science with 'I'hcoloyv. White, A. D. G 3 U 17, is (Geological Action of tlie Tides; by Ijient. Davis, U.S.N. American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc. , 1848 Geological Laboratory Notes... Roy. Soe., N.S. W., Journ., 2!) Geologic AnUL'C Scicntilique et Indiistrielle (icoli>gy, Chemical, Physical, and Straligi'aphical. Prestwich, J. A 25 V 32, 33 Introdnction to tJeology Scott, W. B. A 24 R 211 Modern (Jeology Green, A. II. A 24 P 24 Naturalist in Mid-Africa Klliot, G. F. S. A 2fS U 22 Notes on Antai'ctic Kocks... Roy. Soe.. N.S. W., Journal, 29 5(l(i Philosoplucal Magazine London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosoplucal Magazine 505 Practice and Science of Mining Engineering Fairlcy, W. A 22 R 18 Prospector's Hand-book Andersen, J. W. Relics of Prime\*al Life Dawson, Sir J. W. Rocks, Rock weathering, and Soils ... Merrill, (J. P. Storv of the Earth and iSIan , Dawson, Sir .J. Student's Lyell Lyell, Sir C. Time as an Element in Geological History; by Sir. British Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., United States — National Museum, Proceedings 507 [.SVc o7ko Artesian Water and Wells; Bronze Age; Caves; Coal- mining ; Corals anil Coral Reefs ; Creation ; Deluge ; Earth ; Earthijuakes ; (Jeology — Societies; (Jeology — Surveys; Geology — By Countries; Geology, Economic; Geysers; Glacialtieology ; Iron Age; Meteors and Meteorites ; Mineralogy; PaUeontology ; Petrolog\'; Primeval Man; Physical Geograph3' ; Seismology; Stone Ago; Volcanoes; and sub-heading (ieological Survey under name of Country in Author Catalogue, for Oliicial Publications.] J] iblini/ nij thy- A 24 P 1 A 24 R 2S A 33 V 20 A 40 T 22 A 24 R 18 .'\. (Jeikie. 1899 500 Australian (Jcologieal Record, 1896; with Addenda, 1891-95: by R. Etheridge, junr. ...N.S.W. — Geol. Siirv,, Records, 5 559.44 Dictionarici — Handworterbuch der Mincralogie, Geologic, nnd Fa'a^ontologie. Encyklopredic der Naturwisscnscliaftcu A 42 P 2-4 Xomenclnture — • Nomenclature of (ieological Age; by G. B. Prichard Royal Society, Victoria, I'roc, 1900 500 Periodirah — ■ (geological Magazine 550.,") Journal of Geology 550.5 Kaiserlich-Kiiniglichc Gcologisehe Reichsanatalt, Ja,hrl)uch 550.() Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mincralogie, Geologie, iiud Pahvontologio. ' Upsala University, Geological Institutiim, Bulletin ■"i.'ittli Zeitschiif t der Dcutschen geologischen tiescllschaft 55(^ (i • (SVrivy.s, Jfops, and Atlases — C.iuada (geological Survey, Report .557.1 England and Wales, (ieological Survey of. Memoirs. (jt. Brit, and Irel. — (jeologieal Survey A 47 and Bd. Room Geology of tlie Henry Mountain, Report ; l)y (L K. (Gilbert. United States.— (Geological Survey A 13 W 2G + Great Britain, Geological Survey of. Memoirs... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - (Geological Survey A 47 and Bd. Rcom India --(Geological Survey, Records 5.55.4 Iowa — (ieological Survey, Report 557.77 Ireland, (Geological Survey of. Memoirs Gt. Brit, and IreL — Geological Survey A 47 and J Minnesota— Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Bulletin 8 A 30 T IS Geology— .S'M»-!r?/.\ V. Bennett Royal Society, (iueeensland, Proc, 1897 5(l(> Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1000. 805 Geology Scotland— Ueologii^iil iSiirvcy of Suotland, Mciiioira Gt. Brit, anil Irul. — (iuological Survey A -17 and 15il. I'ooni Geology of Scotland — in Land o' Cakes ancl Britlici- S'jots. Johnstone, T. 15. I) 1 1 T S'i [For detail of Memoirs of (leologieal Survey «'' (ircat Itritaiii and Ireland — Oeologieal Survey, in yXuthor Catalogue.] . Solomon Islands - Beocnt CaleaicousForiuatious of till- Soloniou (IroMir ; liy Dr. II. 1!. (I'uppy Royal Society, I'Miiili., 'j'lans., \iJL f,(Mi South Africa — Klcrksdorp Gold-fields South Australia — Denny, (i A 31 S 1.5 Arltuiiga (lolil-lielils and Hart's Range Mica-field, Keport.s. South Australia- Geology MA IJ P 40 t Deep-level Deposits of Newer Pleistocene in S) 49 I'hvsiography and (leology of Wadnaminga (!old-(iehls: by P. 1). ijobnson... Aust. Inst. , Mining Engineers, Trans. , 1894 0'2'2.li0 South Australia— Geology, Reports M.\ !) I^> HO \ South Australia — N. Territory Explorations, Rept. MD 9 Q 38 t Spitzbergen — Geologie du Sjjitzberg Switzerland Ramond, G. A 2,5 V .36 Beitriige zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz Sclnveizeriscjie Natur. Gesellschaft A 31 U, and 1 Q 15 % Scenery of Switzerland and the Causes to whicli it is due. Lubljock, Sir J. A 24 R 19 Terrains Tcrtiaires du Daupliine, do la Savoie, ct dc la Suisse Occidentale ... Douxarai, H. A 31 S '25 Tasmania — Coal and Plant-liearing Beds of Palaeozoic and Mesozoie Ago in Eastern Australia and Tasmania; by Dr. 0. Feistmantel. N. S. Wales — Geological Survey, Paleontology, 3 MA 5 V 17 Historical Sketch of the Geological Relations of Australia and Tasmania; by R. M.Johnson... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 022.00 Microscopical Studies of Australian Rocks : by \V. H. T«-elvetrees Royal Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1890 500 Sketch of the Geology of N. S. W. and Van Diemen's Land ; by T. H. Scott... Lond., Eilinb., and Dublin Philo.soph. Mag., 1824 505 United States- American Association, Advancement of Science, Proc .500 Canyons of the Colorado Powell, J. W. A 13 T 19 t Early Tertiary Volcanoes of the Absaroka Range : by A. Hague. Geological Soc., Washington, Presidential Address, 1895 550.0 Geographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report. United States --liogra|)hy of the Geology of Western Australia; by A. G. Maitland... Western Australia — GeoIogicalSurvey MA 4 R 14 Dry Lakes of Western Australia ; by H. P. Woodward. (ieological Magazine, 1897 550.5 Geological Notes on Coolgardie Gold-(ields; by C. Cliewings. Royal Colopial Institute, Proc, 1895 90 325.342 ( !eology and Mineial Di'posits of Portions fjf Western Australia ; by E. V. Pittman N.S.W.— Geol. Survey, Record.s, (i 559.44 Geology of the Coolgardie Goldfield ; by T. Blatchf ord . . . Western Australia — Geological Survey, Bulletin, 3 MA 4 R 4 [See aliio Coolgardie.] Agricultural. [.SVe Soil.s and Sulwuils.] Economic, f &? Asbestos ; A.splialt; Clays; C'ikiI; Gems; Marbles; Mineral Waters ; Mineralogy; Petro- leum; Phosphates; Pumice Stone; Salt; Soil.s and Sub-soils ; Sulphur; and under each Metal and Mineral.] Geometry — Academic des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances .506 Analytical Geometry Lambert, P. A. A 23 P .36 Elements of Geometry Loomis, E. A 25 R 2!) Euclid Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 U 46 Geometry Workman, W. P. G 18 Q .36 (ieometry of Position Reye, T. A 39 P 21 Mathematical Works Ban-ow, Rev. I. A 25 U 1.5 Practical Plane and Solid Geometry Evans, T. J. A 25 S 20 Pure Mathematics Carr, G. S. A 31 S4 Stud}' and Difficulties of Mathematics... DeMorgan, A. A 25 P 50 Works Archimedes A .35 T 1 {See nlso Conic Sections ; Curves ; Mathematics ; Mensuration. ] Geophilidse — Arrangement of the Gcophilida'; by 0. F. Cook... United States — National Museum, Proc, IS 507 [See also Myriapoda.] Georgia — General and Descriptive — Dixie; or. Southern Scenes and Sketches .. Ralph, J. D 22 R 5 History — American Colonial Tracts 973. 2 Georgia, Strait of — Active I'ass to Gabriola Pass and Inner Channels [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Ii-el. — Hydrographic Office D 49 P I * Georgian Literature — Book of Wisdom and Lies Orbeliana, S. S. J 19 P 1 * Gephyrsea — (iephyrea and Phoi'onis Shipley, A. E. A 20 T 20 Sipunculoidca ; by A. Shipley — m Zoological Results... Willev, A. JIA 4 V 3 [See nAso Helmiuthology.] German Art. [S",; Fine Arts— German.] 866 JPublic Library of Neio South Wales. German Church. [See Reformed Gemian Church.] German Colonies. \_See Germany — Colonies.] German Dictionaries. [.s« German Language — Dictiun- aries.] German Language — Ceniian ;; Spencer, F. Cierman Language Aim, F. Dictionaries — G 18 Q 36 J 24 U 40 Deutsches Wcirterbuch Grimm, J. K 14 R 26 English-Ciermau Dictiouar3- Fliigel, F. J 7 V 26, 27 German Idioms Weissc, T. H. Jlir.")3 Heliraisches und ChakUiisohes .Schul-WiirterbiiLh Fiir.^it, J. J 9 P 48 Grammars — Complete Practical Granuuar of tlic German Language. ^A'eisse, T. H. J 12 P 49 Conversational Exercises in German Composition... Weisse, T. H. J 12 P 50 German Grammar for Beginners Api'l, H. Manual of German Composition Olily, ti H J 24 U 30 J 12 P 47 School Boohs — Kilderlmeh ohne Bilder Anderson, H. C. .T 12 P 33 (iermau Prose Stories for Begimiers Apel, H. J 24 U 28 German Reading-book Miiller, A. J 24 S 3.> (ierman Reading-book for Beginners ... Hickie, W. J. .1 9 R 37 Kin(k-r- und Hausmarchen Griunu. J. L. J 12 P 39 German Literature — ];Uit!iezeit der Romantik Hueb, R. J 17 U 14 German Literature for Schools Phillipps, V. J IIP 51 History of the German People at tlie Close of the Middle Ages. Jaussen, J. B 43 P 7-10 Influence of ^VeLsli Tradition upon the Literature of (iermauy, France, and Scandinavia Schulz, A. J 14 S 8 Periods of Enropean Literature J 27 Q 2-11 Social Forces in (iermau Literature Francke, K. F 17 P 17 [.S'ee alito Dramatic Literature — German; Fiction — German; Poetry — German. ] German Nature Cure — < icrman Xat'.nc Ciueandhow toPractiseit... .\idall,I. A 40 P 3 Gorman Philosophy. [.s'— I'liilusopliy — Gorman, aiul under i'ifhte, llegcl, Jaeobi, Kant, Leibnitz, Lot/,e, Schclling, Schlegel, iSehopenliauer, in Author Cata- ll)f,'lU-.] Gorman Universities. [See Uuixer.sitie.s— German ; and under the titles of Universities.] Germanton, N.S.W. — Churdn's — Griiiuuitou i'rcsliytcrian Cliurch, N.S.W., Pcpoil.s 285 Germany — (Innrval and Descriptive — (iisiimmclte VV'crke (Jutzkow, K. ,) 2IS33 In the Volcanic Kifel Macquoid, Kathciinc S. 1) IS S 18 Napoleon Beyle, -M. H. .1 24 H 21 I'oeinsof Places Longfellow, H. \V. II 11 I' 23, 24 Saunterings Warner, C. 1). 1)20 I' 10 UniversaKicography Kcclus, E. 1)21 U3 [.SVe also Franco-German War; Germany — Colonics; P>cformcd (iermau Chureli; and under Tciritorial Divisions, Cities, and Subject.] Arm;/ — Autunm Maneuvers, 1898 U.S. -Adjulant-Gcncrar.s Oflicc A 36 W 20 Hand-book of the German Army, Home and Colonial; by Major K. Agar Gt. Brit, ami Ircl.- War OMicc F" 15 I' 13 New (iernmn Gun; by Capl. Marin -in Selected I'rofcssion.d _ PiilK-TS United States— Dent, of War A .36 W JO The School and the Army in ( iermauy and France. Hazen, Major-Gcu. W. B. G 17 S .30 StafTa of VariouH Annies U.S--De|>t. of \Var F 16 U 23 Germany — Colonies and Dependencies — German Colonies in Africaand the South Pacific... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 382 382 (iermau Colonies in Africa and tlie Southern Pacific — in Reports on Subjects of (.icneral Interest, Misc. Series, 1897. Gt. Brit, ami Irel.— Foreign Office 382 ■ Commerce and Trade — Foreign Commerce and Industrial Progress of Germanv. United States— Consular Reirts., 59 382 Industrial Progress of the (iermau Empire- i/i (Dur Trade in the World Gastrell, W. S. H. F9 V 10 Statistik der Seeschilfahrt fiir das Jahr 1897 (iermauy 656 Trade of (iermauy — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (it. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382- Constitutional History — Governments of (leriuany — in The State... Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 Teutonic I'olity and (iovernment during the MidiUe Ages- in The State Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 ■ History — General Essays and Speeches Lilly, W. S. .J 14 S 14 Franks, The Sergeant, L. B 29 R 5 ( iesannneltc Werke Freytag, G. .1 23 U 4 1 -45 (iesammeltc Werke Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 32 History of the (iermau People at the Close of the Middle Ages. Janssen, J. B 43 P 7-10 Mediieval Empire, Tlie Fisher, H. F 8 (^) 1 1 , 1 2 Prose Works Wagner, R. J 4 S 1 6, 1 7 Social Forces in German Literature Franclve, K. F 17 P 17 FoRji.iTivE Period, -.^.d. 843. Cliarlcmagne, the Hero of Two Nations... Davis, H.W.C. A 27 Q 13 (.'luirles the (ireat ; liy T. Hodgkiu Charlemagne C 23 S 5 History of (iermauy in the Middle Ages, 800-1300. . .Henderson, E. E. B 27 R 9 E.Ml'IRE UKFORE ReKOIIM ATIO.N', -\.D. 843-1519. History of (iermauy in theMiddleAges,800-1300... Henderson, E.E. B 27 R 9 Reform.\tiox, a. p. 1519-1618. Mclauchthon, Pliilip Richard, Rev. .L W. G 23 P 48 Peasants' War in Germany, 1525-26 Bax, E. B. B 17 (j 36 Rise of Prussia, a.d. 1705-89. Krudcncr, Mnus de. Life and Letters of; by C. Ford... C 24 T 1 New (?1erman E.Mriun, A.n. lS(i6 . Ambassador of tlie Vaiujuishcd, tS71-77 Broglic, Due de r. 31 U 20 Bismarck and German Unity Smith, M. B 20 S 14 Bismarck and the Foundation of the (icrnian I'^mpirc. Hcadlaiii. ,T. W. B 30 Q 25 Bismarck, Life of; by Dr. M. Busch C 25 P 15 17 Bismarclc, Prince; by C. Lowe C 19 T 10 Hismarck, tlic Man and Statesman C 25 It II, 12 ( 'ampaign of Sedan Hooper, G. H 16 P 29 History of the (iermau Struggle for Liberty Bli;clow, P. I! Ui T 12, 13 RevoUitiou and Ciounter Revolution ; or, (icrmaiiy in 1848. Marx, K. B 27 (J 7 William 11, (icrman Kmperor C 22 P 20 Willi (he Royal Hcadrjuartors in 1870-71. \'erdy du Vcrnois, (icn. .T. von B 39 (J 8 Ntmj — Fleets of (ireat Britain and l'"orcign Countries, 189S. (it. Brit, amrirol.— Admiralty A .36 V IS % Naval Policy Stcevens, G. 'W. F 12 T 25 Politics— (iiiiiian ImiH'iial Pulilirs — in World Politics Reinscli, P. S. F 1 9 S 5 (ii'sanimcllc Wcikc Frevtag, G. .1 23 U .39 (iesammeltc Werke (iut/.kow, K. .1 24 ,S .32 Nation's .Awakening, The WilUinson. S. F 12 P 40 I'aternalStatoinFranceand (icrmany... (iaullicur, II. F 15 K 31 Suhject-Indcx to the Supplementary Cataloyue — I^OG-IOOO. 8l7 Germany — Polifirs—conld. Ki'Viiliiticiii ami Countor-rcvohitiuii; or, Gcniiaiiy in 1848. Maix, K. ]! '27 Q 7 SillailailiildiT fiutzkow, K. J 24 S :ii» .Studies ill Diplomacy Keiu^detti, (lount K 14 U 27 Sultan and tho Towers MaeCoU, Uov. M. !<' |-J'l''J;i iStadstics — Stati.sticlies Jahrbuch fill' Djutsclic lliiieli (Ji!riii:uiy :)ll.:i iStatistik dcr Sccschillahrt fiir da.s .Talir 181)7 ( Icini.uiy ti'Mj Germicides. [,S'';e Disinfection; 8iiiiiliitiOli Kvidence.s of (ilaeial Action in Australia in Permo-carboniferous Time; by T. VV. E. David... Geol. Soc, Lond., .lourii., .52 .').50.(i Evidence of Glacial Action in tlic Port Victor and Ininan Valley Disdicls, South ,\ustralia Australasian A.ssoe., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 50fi E\ idcnccs of (Jl.aciation in Central Austi-alia; by R. T.ite. Iloyal Soc., Soutli Australia, trans., 1897 .500 Fiirthi-r Discoverii-s of Gla<'ial Remains in South Australia; by \V. Hcjwchin Royal Soc, S. Australia, 'i'rans., 1.'<97-9H .5110 Glaci.U Actiim in the iiaechus Marsh; by C. C. Brittlebank, and others Aust. Assoc, Advance, of Science, Ropt., 1898 500 Glacial Action on Mt. Kosciusko Plateau; by Rev. J. M. Curran. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 .580.0 (ilaeial Beds of Tooleen, Coleraine, and Wanda l)ale ; by E. G. Hogg. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 50(j Glacial Boulilers at Yellow Clift', Central Australia... Anstralasjan A.ssoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 .500 Glacial Features of the Inman Valley, Yaiikalilla, and .Icrvis District; by T. W. E. David... Royal Society. Scmth Australia, "Trans., 1897 -500 (ilaeial (icology in America; by H. L. Fairchild American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc, IH98 500 (ilaeial (ieology of Coimadai ... Australasian Assoc for Advance. of Science, 0. .500 ("ilaciated Bonlilers at base of Permo-carboniferous System, Lochinvar, New South Wales; by T. W. E. David Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 .506 Glaciation in Tasmania; by T. B. Moore Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1894-95 500 Glaciers of the Alps Tyndall, .L A 24 T 27 (ircenland Ice-fields and Life in the North Atlantic Wright, Rev. (i. F. D 10 Q 5 Ice-work, Present and Past Bonney, T. (!. A 20 (j 18 Myth of the Great Ice-sheet -m Prehistoric Man and Beast. Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. A 30 Q 2.1 Our Western Archipelago Field, H. M. D 10 S 4 Ragnarok, the Age of Fire and Gravel... Donnelly, I. A 44 C 12 Rock-scorings of the Great Ice Invasion; by T. C. Chamberliii. Unite~(l States— (geological Survey, Annual Rept., 7 .557.3 Scenery of Switzerland, and the Causes to which it is Due. Lubbock, Sir J. A 24 R 19 Story of Ice Brend, W. A. A 33 R 31 Structure and Motion of Glaciers— m Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Structure of Glacier Ice— in Scientific Memoirs ... Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [.S'ee a?.«o Alps ; Antarctic Regions ; Arctic Regions; Icebergs.] Glaciers — Glacier Bay and its Glaciers; by H. F. Reid— (« Geological Survey, ilept, 10, pt. 1 U.S.— Dcpt. of Interior .557.3 Cilaciers of the United States; by I. C. Ru.ssell... United States— (ieological Survej', Annu.al Rept., 5 .557.3 Life and Letters of .Tames D. Forbes Forbes, J. D. C 2;5 R 9 Pioneer Work in tlie New Zealand Alps Harper, A. P. MD 8 R 44 Story of Ice Brend, W. A. A 33 R 31 Structure and Motion of Glaciers— hi Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [See also Glacial Geology.] Gladstone, Queensland — (Hailstone Colony Hogan, .1. F. MB 3 S 1 Glanders- Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Composition of the Glanders Bacillus; by Dr. de Schweinilz. U. S. — Dept. of Agr.— Bur. of Animal Industry. Rept., 1898 636 Glanders; by Dr. (i. Woodhead— /h .System of Medicine. "Allbutt, T. C. A20T.S5 Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Roy.al Agricultural Soeicty of England, .lournal, 1895 030.5 [See aho Disease.? of Animals.] 868 Tuhlic Librat'y of New South Wales. Glands — Internal Secretions; liy Dr. J. G. AJami McGill U livcrsity A 4(1 8 -24 [.Sec a/so Glandular Fever ; Lymphatic System ; Thyroid ({land; and under each System for its own Glands.] Glandular Fever — Glandular Fever ; by Dr. D. Williams — in System of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 20 T 35 Glasgow — General and Descriptive — (iiiide to Glasgow Black, A. I) 11 t^l U Sights and Scenes in Scotland Scotland A S Q 2() f -— Churches — History of the Cathedral and See of Glasgow. . . Glasgow Cathedral C 23 I' 15 Directories — Glasgow Post Office Directory 914.143 History— Early History of Glasgow — in Scottish Nationality. . , Ker, Rev. J. <; 25 S 24 Glasgow and its Clubs Strang, J. B 28 T 3 Municipal Goi-erninent- Glasgow; its Municipal Organization Bell, Sir .7. F 9 V 2 Glass-blowing — < dass-bluwing and Working Bolas, T. A 25 P 47 Laboratory Arts Threlfall, I!. MA 4 P 8 Glass Manufacture — Art de la Voncrie Hondt, P. d' A 36 V 13 ('lay Industries and (ilass — in Chemistry fi>i- Jlanufactui'ers, 2. lUount, r>. A 21 T 39 Glass-painting and Staining — Art of William Morris Day, L. F. A 11 W 20 I Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 1* 5 Historic Stjdes of Ornament I)olmet.sch, H. A 18 T 15 t Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion Brannt, W. T. A 23 R 51 Painting on (ilass and Porcelain and Enamel-painting. Hermann. F. A 45 U 17 Peinture sur Verrc en Belgirjue an dixneuvit'me sieclc. O'Kelly, Comte A. A 44 V 7 Stained (Mass as an Art Holiday, H. A 23 V 5 Training of a Craftsman Miller, F. A 23 S 41 Windows: a Book about Stain<'d and Painted (Jla.ss... Day, L. F. a" 40 R G [.S'ee a/«o Decoration and Decorative Art ; KnaniclsandKnamclljng.] Glass-ware Fifty Years of Art, 1S49-99 Art Journal A 20 T 2 t Glasshouses. [See Grccnhouso Gardening.] Glenorchy Caves — Visit to the- l!ori(; Caves at (Jlenorchy; by S. If. Windi'. Colonial Monthly, 1 .M.f 4 P5 Glossaries. \Sc.i'. suli-hcuclinj^s Diak'cts, tilo.ssai'ics, under cacli I>ixnguaj^('.] Glossina niorsitans. [See Tsetse Fly.] Gloucester Cathedral — (iloucesler Cathedral Spence, Dean A 39 P 9 White Robe of Churches Sponee, Dean A 45 ,S 9 Gloucestershire — General and Descriptive — CotMwold ViU.ige, A Gibbs, J. A. D 13 S G Knglish 'J'opography . . . Gentleman's Magazine Libraiy D 20 V 4 llislortj — Abstracts of (Jloucestershirc Inijuisitifmes Post Mortem returned into the Court of Cliancery in reign of Charles I British Record Society, 12 914.241 Story of some English Shires .. Crcighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 t Glue- Glue and Glue-testing Rideal, S. A 33 S 37 Manufacture of Leather, Glue, and Size— (« Chemistry for Manu- facturers, 2 Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Glycerldae — New Type of Nephridium in Glycera ; by E. S. Goodrich. International C'ongress of Zoolog}', Proc., 1898 A 35 W H {Sue also Helminthology ; Polycha;ta.] Glycyphyllin — ■ Glyeypliyllin, the Sweet Principle of fSmiUix gbicyphylla. Rennie,' E. H. MA 3 \V 18 [See aim Clicmistr\-, Organic] Gly pt dipterini — Gliitoheniiix Kiinuinli — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley. T. H. a" 40 S 16 Glyptodontidse — New Specimen of Glyptodon -in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [.See nlxo Paleontology — Mammalia.] Gnostics and Gnosticism— Free Enquiry into the Origin of the Fourth (iospel... Sense, P. C. G 24 U 35 History of Early Christian Literature Kriiger,G. G 24 Q 18 Intellectual Development Crozicr, J. B. (! 17 T 11 [.See also Heresies.] Goats- Domesticated Animals Shaler, N. S. A 30 R 29 Habits of the Rocky Mountain (ioat; by .1. C. Merrill. United States — National Museum, Proc, 2 507 Keeping (ioats for Profit ; by A. Barnes United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 030.5 Wild Oxen, Sheep, and (ioats of All Lands Lydekker, R. ■ A 20 P 7 t [.sVf .(Ao Angoi'a Goat.] God and Divine Attributes — Active and Moral Powers of Man Stewart, D. G 10 V 4. 5 Basis of ICarly Cliristian Tlieism Cole, L. T. (! 20 T 3 "Bullei's ATuilni;y'' and Moilern 'I'liouglit Eagar, Rev. A. R. G 26 P 12 Christian Ethics Martensen, Bisliop G3U 11-13 Conception of (iod RoAce, J. 23(^1 D.iwn of lUasoii in Religion in Civilisation of our Day. .Sanuielson, J. F 1 V 14 l)c Dominio l)i\ino... Wyclif Society Publications, 14 (! 23 T 28 Elements of the Science (if Religion Tiele, C. ]'. G 11 U 34 Evolution of the Idea of God Allen, G. G 23 S 7 Existence of God Bachcler, 0. G 15 U 24 Existence of (iod -in Writings Paine, T. JOT 25 Fundamental Ideas of Chri.stianity... Caird, Rev. J. G 5 P .32, 33 (Jcnesis of tlie Social Conscience. T Nash, H. S. (i 11 U 18 God in His World AUlcn, H. M. G 24 P 17 (iuil in History ... Bun.sen, Baron G 23 S 20 22 Idea of God ..". Bayncs, H. G 24 V 17 Idee de Uieu Alviella, (Jomte G. d' G 4 T 10 Idi'edcDieu Le Moyne, P. G 15 U 28 Melai)hysic of Kxpcrienco Hodgson, S. H. G 17 R 33 .30 Myth. Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 (,) (i, 7 Philosophy of Religion Caird, Rev. D. J. (j 1 T 25 Place of Clnist in Modern Tlieolog}' Fairbairn, Rev. A. M. (i 20 R 8 Problem, The Williams, H. M(; 2 t^l 56 Piovidential Order of the World ... Bruce, Rev. A. B. (J 23 R 7 Rccliorches eur I'Origine do I'ldee do Dieu d'apies lo Rig-Veda. (iuerinot. A. (J 26 T 1 Ricardi Armaehani de Pa\i))crie Salvatoris Wyclif Society Publications, 14 G 23 T 28 What the Bible Teaches Torrey, R. A. G 23 U 44 World and the Inilividual Royco, J. (i 25 T3 [.SVi? «/«o Atlieism ; Christianity; Creation; Deism; Holytlhost; Idolatiy; .Jesus Christ ; Monollu'ism; Religion; Theism: The- ology - Natural; Trinity.] Subject -Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1000. 809 Gods and Goddesses Mythology Atlantic Kssays Uiggiiison, T. W. J 14 U 2 Book of the Dead B 37 V 13-15 (Jods of Old and the Story that thev told ... FitzSiniun, Sir J. A. 15 41 1' 12 [.^ee aJso Mythology; and under eaeh God.] Goitre — Diseases of the Thj'nms and Thyroid Glands, and K.xophtlialmie Goitre; by Dr. K. C. Norris -in Praetieal 'rhera])euti(s. Hare, H. A. A .SI 1' l.-> [See also Cretinism ; Thj'mid Gland.] Gold Currency - History of Money and Prices Schoenhof, .T. F S V 19 I'rceions Metals in the United States United States Dcpt. of the Treasury .'5:)2.41 [.%« o/so Bi-metallism ; Coinage; Mints.] Gold— Metallurgy — California Gold-mill Practices Preston, E. B. A 25 U 18 Chemistry of (iold SeoU'ern, ,1. A 33 Q 20 Chlorinatiou Process Wilson, F,. I!. A ,33 P 12 Crj'Stalline Structure of (iold and Platinum Nuggets and C!old Ingots; by A. Liversidge... Chemical Soc. , Joiu'u., 1SII7 541). (i Crystalline Structure of Gold and Platinum Nuggets and (Jold Ingots; by A. Liversidge Roj'al Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1808 5U(i C'yanide Process; by A. Seheidel California- State Mining Bureau A 24 T 33 Improvements in Treating Minerals for the Wet Extraction of (Jold and Silver; by Dr. Storer ... Engineering Assoc., N. S. Wales, Proc, 1893-94 G20.6 Klerksdorp Gold-fields Denny, G. A. A 31 S l.'i Metallurgy of (iold Eissler, M. A 24 S 19 Metallurgy 0 By Countries. Alabama Ujiper Gold Belt of Alabama, Report Brewer, W. M. A 24 U 37 Alaska — Alaskan (iold-lields, and the Opportunities they afford for Capital and Labor; bv S. C. Durham... United States — Bureau (jf Liiboi-, Bulletin, May, 1898 331 Australia - Australia and its (iold; by A. H. Guernsev Hai-jjcr's New Monthly Magazine, 1853 051 Australian (iold Discovery and its EtI'ects upon Australia; by W. Westgarth National As.sociation, Promoting Social Science, Tran.s., 1801 F 15 T floldfelder Australasiens Schmcisser, K. MA 2 P 34 t (iold-fields of Australasia Schmeisser, K. MA 2 P 35, 30 t [.S'ee at-10 each Colony umler this heading.] California — Eldorado Taylor, B. D 10 Q 2 Gold-.Silver ^'eins of Ophii', California United States — (ieol. Survey, Rept., 14, part 2 5.')7.3 Cape Horn — (iold-diggings of Cape Horn Spears, J. R. A 24 T 20 Klondyke — (iold-fiehls of the Klondike Leonard, .L W. A .33 P 29 Lecture on the Klondike .Mining District... Ogilvie, W. A 34 V 21 Lecture on the Yukon Gobi-field Ogilvie, W. A .33 S 30 Truth about the Kbuidvke Evre, S. C. MD 2 S 9 New Guinea — (iold Kusli to British New Guinea; by T. F. Bevan .. Royal Soc., Australiisia, Victoria, 1897 5(t0 New South Wales — Auriferous Bcaih Sands of tlic Ksk River and .Jerusalem Creek ; by .1. E. Carne ... N. S. \\'alcs— (ieol. Survej-, Records, 5 5.19.44 Australian (iold Discoveries ... Colonial and Asiatic Review, 1853 J 22 S 10 Gobi-bearing Rocks at Bingera; by C. C. Mole Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894 022. (HI (iold-diggings at Bathurst in 1851 ; by Mrs. Huxle}-... Nineteenth Century, 1899 052 N. S. Wales -Gold-fields, Ro3al Commission of f^nquirv MA 13 P 1 t Hillgrove Gold-field; by E. C. Andrews N. S. Wales— ( ieol. Survey, Mineral Resources, 8 MA 3 V 48 Lucknow (ioM-field; bv A. R. Canning ... Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Loud., Trans., 1898-99 022.t»0 Mines d'Or de lAuslralie, Province de Victoria, et le gite d' Argent de Broken Hill, Noiivelle-tialles du Sud...Aimale.s des Mines, 1896 553 Wvalong (iold-ficld; bv J. A. Watt N. S. Wales— (ieologieal Suney JIA 3 V 47 New Zealand — Deep Quartz-mining in New Zealand — in Appendix to the Journals, 1894 New Zealand— Parliament 328.931 Gold-fields of New Zealand ... New Zealand — Gold-fields 553.41 Morning Star (iold-mine. Description MAS U .32 Older Auriferous Drifts of Central Otago, Rejxirt : by A. McKay — « Appendix to Journals, 1894 N.Z.— Parliament 32iS.931 Papers and Reports relating to Minerals and Mining, New Zea land New Zealand- Mines and Mining 553 Philippine Islands - Notes on the Philippine Islands.. U.S. — Consular Repts. , 57 382 870 Tuhlic Library of Neto South Wales. Gold-fields— Queensland- Annual Reports ... Queensland — Parliament, V. and P. 3'28.943 Auriferous Veins at Charters Towers ; bj- W. J. PauU. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans. , 1895 622.0G Bunya Bunj-a Range, and a Visit to Brovinia (Jold-field. Queenslanrl - Gold-fields M A 9 P 45 t Cape River Gold-field ... Queensland— (iold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Catalogue, Exhibits in the Queensland Mining Com-t ; by R. I.. Jack Queen.sland - Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Croydon (ioldfield Queensland Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 f Eidsrold Gold-field Queensland- Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Gold-mines at the Fanning and Mount (Success ; by W. H. Rands. Queensland — Geological 8urve\- MA 2 V 53 Hodgkinson Gold-field ... Qiieensland-Gold-fields " MA 9 P 45 t Horn River Gold-lield ... Queensland -(iold-fields MA 9 P 45 t ilount Cannindah Copper and (iold Deposits; by \V. H. Rands. Queensland Geological Survcj- MA 2 V 53 Notes on the Palmer as a Reefing District; by R. L. Jack, Queensland — Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Notes on the Pikedale Gold-field ; by- A. Maitland... Queensland- Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Present Condition of the Hodgkinson Gold-field ; b}- R. L. Jack. Queensland Geological Survey M.A 2 V 53 Queensland -Gold-fields, Reports " MA 9 P 45 t South Australia — Gi>ld Discnverv at Tarcoola ... South Australia — Mines, Records MA 4 U 2 Record of the Mines of South Australia: the Minnahill (iold -field. Brown, H. Y. L. MA 4 U 2 South Australia -Gold-fields, Reports MA 9 Q 37 t Tasmania — Mount Lyell Mines, Tasmania Russell, M. MA 1 U 11 • Transvaal — Klerksdorp Gold-fields Denny, G. A. A 31 S 15 Witwatersrand Gold-fields Banket and Mining Practice. Truseott, S. J. A 34 S 49 Victoria — Auriferous Devonian Formations of (Jipp.slaml; by H. Hern.an. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 G22.0G Australian Gold Discoveries ... Colonial and Asiatic Review, 1853 J22S 16 Contacts; bv W. H.Ferguson Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 6 622. 0(J Deep Alluvial Leads of Victoria ; by E. Lidgej' Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Lond., Trans., 189S-99 622.06 Gold Regions of Australia Home Friend, 1853 J 22 S 11 Mining Registrars' Reports Victoria — Mines 553 South German Mine, Maldon, Victoria; by J. Mactear. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 6. 622.06 Trip to the Australian Diggings Colonial and Asiatic Review, 1852 J 22 S 15 Victoria— Geological Sur\'ey, Progrcs.s Reports MA 5 V 1-5 . Western Australia - Alluvial Deposits of Western Australia; l)y T. A. RicUard. American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 622.06 Bogus Ru.sh at Coolgardie; by J. Marshall Wide World Magazine, 3 91(».5 Geological Notes on the Coolgardie Goldficlds... Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings, 1895-96 32.5.342 Gold-miuing Statistics, Western Australia... Western Australia (iold-niining .553.41 Kalgoorlie and its Surroundings; by G. J. Bancroft ... American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 622.06 Land of (Jobl, The Price, J. M. Ml) 8 P 31 Occurrence of Telluride of Gold upon the Kalgoorlie Gohlllelds; by (J. A. Holroyd... Australa-sian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 622.0(i So-called L2 Philosophy of Government Walthew, (i. W. F 1.5 S 4 Political Rights of the British People Dean, (i. A. F o R 21 Political Science Woolsey, T. D. FSQ31, 32 Political Theory of the Schoolmen and Grotius... Littlejohn. T. M. F IS R 3 Popular Fetish; by G. D. Meudell Melb. Rev., 8 0.-)2 Popular Government Bradford, G. F 1 P 28, 29 Power of (iovernment Hawkcn, N. MF 5 S 3 Present Theory of Representative Government anil Democracy in The New Democracy Brown, W. J. MF o S 8 Rationale of Political Representation Bailey, S. F 10 R 28 Government Forms, Methods, and Functions — foji/fZ'' I; rial ion (if K.ligion ti> llii- ( 'ivd I lovcriinicnt in the l.'nitcd States Corneli.srm, I. A. G 12 V 28 Representative ("Government in the Colonies; by \\\ Forster. ilelbourne Revie\v, (i 0.")2 Se])aration of Governmental Powers Bondy, W. F 18 Q 3 State, The Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 State and the Individual M'Kechnie, \V. S. F 1 T 31 Syme on Keprcsentative (Jovcrnment ; by (.1. Elliot Melbourne Review, 7. 0.V2 Theory of the Social (Jompact, and its Influence upon the American Revolution Fenton, J. F. F 18 R 2.5 Veto Power Mason, E. C. F 1") \' 1 [.S'ce t.tlso A luvrehy ; Aristocracy ; Bicameral System ; (Jabinet, The ; Civil Service ; Clans and Clan System ; Constitutional History ; Constitutional Law; Constitutions of Countries; Crown, The; Democracy; l^^leclion and Rejn'csentation; Electric Telegraphs — Administration ; Family ; Federal (Government and Federal- ism ; Feudalism; Local (iovernment; Monarchy; Parliament- ary Practice; Party System: Police; Political Economy; Politics ; Postal Service and Administration ; Public Healtli ; State, The; State Ethics; Suffrage; Tribes and Tribal System; Upper (/'handlers ; Veto ; Village Communities ; and sub-heading — Govennnent and .Administration, mider each Coinitry.] Government Gazettes. [•^'■,. uitilereach Cohmy in Authur C'ataldguc] Government House, Sydney — (iovernment House New South Wales Mag., 1843 M-l 4 'J 7 [See aLio Sydney.] Government Printing Office, Sydney - The Government Printing Ollice, ISOi... Bladen, F. M. MB 3 Q 3 [See also Sydney.] Governors —Australian Colonies — Plnllip, Adni l!ecke, L. Ml! 3 (.1 (5 Phillij), Adni., Portrait and Memoir of Naval Chronicle, 27 B 38 (,! 8 [.S'ce alio subheading Bis/on/ under each Colony.] India— Story of My Life Temple, Sir R. C 23 V 13, 14 Governor's Court, New South Wales — N. S. Wales Governor's Court, Rules and Orders Libr, Govett's Leap- Legend of (iovett's Leap; by R. W. Smith ... Once a Week :MJ 1 V 22 Graco — Divine Grace - in Dogma anuinn .lournal of Agr. and Industry, South Australia, 1897-98 f).3n"..5 Cirafting Fruit-trees ; by G. Quinn. . . Journal of Agr. and Industr\', South Australia, 2 63o!.5 Hints on Buddinv: bv T. 10. Ellis Agricultural Gazette, N. S. W'ales, 10 630. o [.S'ce also Fruit-growing; Gardening.] Grail, Holy. [,SV Holy Grail.] Grain. [S,,- Cereals.] Grain Magazines and Elevators — Grain Elevators; by N. A. Colib Agricultural (^lazette N. S. Wales, 11 630.3 Introduction into India of the .System of (irain Elevators. (it. Brit, and Irel.— East India Wheat A 39 V 6 J Warehouses for Cleaning and (irading Wheat...Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Fiist India Wheat A 39 V 8 J 872 T'ublic Library of New Soulh Wales. Graining. [See Painting — Trade.] Graniineae — New Genus of Graminea: by T. Kirk ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 [See also Botany — Economic; Grasses.] Grammar. [.S'e« Philology; and isubhoadiiig —Grammar, under each Language.] Grammar Schools. [.See College.s ; Education, Secondary; High iSchuuls; and under the title of each >School.] Granada — Iliatori/ — Isabflla the Catholic Ncrvo, Baron de B 12 U 35 [.SV^ also Alliaini)ra.] Granaries —Architecture. [.SVe Grain Magazines and Elevators.] Grange, The — American Grange, The Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 1808 630.5 Grange, The; its Origin, Progress, and Educational Purposes; by D.W.Aiken United States Dept. of Agr. A 19 U 13 [See also Agricnlture and Politics ; Agricnltnre — Societies ; United States — Politics. ] Grants, Land. [.SVc New Soutli AVales — Public Lands.] Grape Vine. [.SV" Viticulture] Grape-root Worm - Pani|jhlct.s on Injuriou.s Insects... Agr. E.xpei-. Stations A 38 (^> 4 [iSee also Insects, Injurious.] Grapes — Apple Seal), fir.apc and(ioosehery Mildew — in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Dessert and Raisin firapcs ; by \V. J. Allen.. . Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Downy Mildew, or Brown Rot of Grapes — in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Fruits ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 Sultana (Jrape; by W. J. Allen ... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 10 630.5 [See nlso (!urrants; Phylhjxera; Raisins; ^'iticulturc ; Wine- making.] Graphology. \Spo Writing] Graptoloidea Li>wor Silurian (iraptolitcfi in N. S. Wales; by W. S. Dun. X. S. \Vales -Geological Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Tasmanian Graptolite Record; by T. S. Hall Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Scien('e, Rept., 1898 5G6 [Set also Pala;ontology.] Grasses — Gmwrnl - Best, Most Useful, and Protilalilc (irasses; by I. D. Nelson. Indiana— Board of Agr., Rei)ts., 1882 630.6 Canary Seed Victoria— Agriculture Guides to (Jrower.'f, 16 MA 3 V 13 Grass-seed and its Impurities ; bv G. H. Hieks... United States Dept.' of Agr., Year-book, 1898 (i.30.5 (^ira.Mses and Fodrler Plants Sehomburgk, R. MA 4 S 12 Griissea anil Forage Plants; by J. Killibrcw Tennessee — Agr. Exper. Station A 37 R 26 Grasses as Sand and Soil-Binders; by F. Lamson-Scribner. United States Dept. of Agr., Year Ixjok, 1894 6"0.5 Handbook of Grasses Hutchinson, W. A 18 P 34 Lawns and Lawn-making; by F. Lamaon Scribncr. United States Dept. of Agr., Yearbook, IS97 6.30.5 PamphletB on Grasses and Forage Plants Agr. Experiment Slatiims A 38 (,> 10 I'((i>j>alum dilatiilum; by H. M. Williams ... Agricultur.al Gazelle, N. S. Wales, 1898 (i3('.5 Grasses — General— <-ontd. Sand-binding Grasses ; by F. Lam.scm-Scribncr ... United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 Some Exotic Grasses ; by J. H. Maiden Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Timothy in the Prairie Region; byT. A. Williams. ..United States - Dept. of Agr., Y'ear-book, 1896 6.30.5 True Grasses... Hackel, E. A .30 T 19 [.?ec «/.vo Botany — Economic; Dairy Farming ; Fodders and Food Stuffs; Forage Plants ; Graminea'; Pastures.] — Australia— Ey Countries. Au.itralasian Live Stock M-anual Sutherland, G. MA 2 R 49 '\'ictorian and other Australian Grasses ; by W. H. Bacchus — in Report, 1874 Victoria— Agr. 630.6 [See also each Colony under this heading.] Canada — Ontario Agricultural College, Report, 1895. New South Wales — 630.' Chhiris trun-ala, with abnormally developed Inflorescence ; by P. Turner Linnean Society", N. S. ^Valcs, Proc, 1899 oSO.6 Description of a new Australian (irass; by F. Tiu-ner ... Linnean Society, N. S. \Vales, Proc, 1898 580.6 Manual of the Grasses of New South Wales Maiden, J. H. MA 3 W 25 Pastures, Grasses and Forage Plants in New South A\'ales ; by F. Turner— /« N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony... Hutchinson, F. Ml) 7 U 23 Scented Grass, A ; by J. H. Maiden... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 7 630.5 Variety of Punicnm compositum ; by J. H. Maiden . . Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Various Articles — Agricullural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1-11 630.5 Queensland — yuecnsland tirasscs Queensland — Agriculture MA 3 S 68 United States — Agricultural Grasses of the United States United States - Dept. of Agr. l)i\ ision of Botany A 20 T 32, 33 American Grasses ; byT. H. Kearney and F. Lamson-Scribner. United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Agrostology A 36 V 16 American Grasses; by F. Lamson-Scribner United States- . Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Agrostology A 37 T 15 American Grasses: Synopsis of the Genus Sitanion ; by .J. G. Smith. U.S. Dept. of Agr. Div. of Agiostology A 36 V 16 Economic (irasses ; by F. Lamson-Scribner United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Agrostology A 36 V 16 Experimental (Jrass (iardens; by F. Lamson-Scribner. United States — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 36 V 16 Grasses and Forage Crops; by E. J. Wickson California — Agr. E.xper. Station, Rept., 1895-97 030.7 (Jrasscs and Forage Plants and Forage Conditions of the Rocky Mountains ; by T. A. Williams... L^nited States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Agrostology A 36 \' 16 Gra.sses and Forage Plants of Central Te.xas; by H. L. Bentlcy. United States — Dept. of Agi-. — Div. of Agrostology A 36 A' i(i Grasses and Forage Plants of Iowa, Nel)raska, and Colorado; by L. H. Pammel U.S. — Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Agrostology A .31) \' lii Grasses and Forage Plants of the Rocky Mountains; by P. A. Rydberg... U.S. Dci)t.ofAgr. Div. o"f Agrostology A 36 \' 19 Grasses and Forage Plants of the Soutli-castern Stales; by T. 11 Kearney,.. U.S. Dept. of .Agr. Div. of Agrostohigv A".39P2(. Grasses of North America Real, W. J. " A 19 T 18* Grasses of Salt Marshes U.S. — Dept. of Agr., Year-liook, 1895 630.5 Grasses of Tcnnesseo... Tennosseo - Agr. Exp. Station A 37 R 15 Grasses of the Pacific Slope; by G. Vascy United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Motany A 20 S 13 f Grasses of the South-west; by G. Vasey United States Dept. of ..\gr. - Div. of Botany A 20 S 12 t Grasses of the United States; by G. Vasey United Stales - Dept. of Agr. A 30 R 41 Grazing Problems in the South west; by .1. G. Smith. U.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Div. (if Agrostology A :«> \' li; Snhject-Indox to the Snpplemenlanj Catalorjne — 1H0G-1000. 873 Grasses— United States — cox^rZ. Jllustnitiims (if Nortli American Grassoa; liy (!. Vasov. U.S.- Dept. of A '2'J History, General — Britisli Rule and Modern Politics Canning, Hon. A. S. G. ]! 24 Q 21 Chief Events and Dates in English Histor3' Angus and Roliertson's School Series Mli 2 U 49 ChiUVs History of England Dickens, C. J 2r> S 20 Eneland's History as Pictured by Famous Painters... Temi)le, A. (!. ^ •* ^ AiyS24t Expansion of the British Empire... Woodward, W. H. F 16 S 21 History for the New Standard Angus and Robertson's Stthool Series M<;2U43 History of the Foreign Policj- of fJreat Britain Burrows. M. F 5 r 38 Short History of the English People. . . Creen, J. R. B 20 V 23-26 Side-lights on English History Henderson, E. F. B 40 W 3 [.S'ee 'il-ii> under England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, for Histories of these Countries prior to 1G03. ] Stuart Period, a. d. 1G03-89. ■ Browning's Prose Life of Strafford Strafford, Earl C 18 P 3 : Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, 1G25-91. (it. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Offic: B 44 Charles I, Life of; by Sir J. Skelton C 18 T 14 t Clarke Papers Camden Society Pubs. 942.063 Hi-storical Sketches Carlyle, T. B 1 U 33 Journey to England, 1G63 -in English Es.says ... Ju.sserand, J. J. B32Q 10 Leslie, Alexander, Life and Campaigns of... Terry, C. S. B28T 14 Life of a Conspirator, ir)-5l-lG40 Digby, Sir E. B 24 T 21 Pepys, Samuel, Diary of C 14V 7. 8 Royalty Restored MoUoy , J. F. B 24 Q 1 2 Rupert, Prince Palatine Scott, Eva B 33 S 1 3 State Tracts B 20 R 3 I Strafford, Lord; by H. D. Traill C 27 R 11 What (lunpowder Plot was (iardiner,S. R. B 21 S 1 Whole Series of all that hath been transacted in the House of Peers concerning the Popish Plot B 23 R 20 COMMONWKALTII, A.I). 1G49-G0. Barebone Parliament Class, H." A. F 8 R 29 Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, l(i2o -91. Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— Public Record Office B 44 Carstares, William; by Rev. R. H. Story C 2.") T 18 Cromwell as a Soldier Baldock, Lieut. Col. T. S. 15 33 S S Cromwell, House of Wayleu, J. C 24 Q 24 Cromwell, Oliver; by S. R. Gardiner C 20 R 2 t Cromwell, Oliver; bj^ T. Roosevelt C 27 U 5 Cromwell, Oliver, and liisTiniM Pike, (J. H. 15 16 P 20 Cromwell, Oliver, and the Rule of the Puritans in England. Firth, C. B27 Q l.'i Cromwell, Oliver, Political Life of C 19 P 27 Cromwell's Place in History Gardiner, S. R. B17P.H East Anglia and the (Jreat Civil War ... Kingston, A. B ,39 Q 7 English Democratic Ideas of the 17th Century (Joocli, (I. P. F I,-)Q23 Hane, Joachim, Tournal of, 1G.')3 ,54 1! IG P 8 History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate... (Jardiner, S. R. 15 43 (J 1 , 2 Howe, John; by H. Rogers C 2" U 1 Notes illustrative of the Cromwellian Collection in the possession of Sir Richard Tangye Tangye, Sir R. B 24 Q 14 Two Protectors, The Tangye, Sir R. 15 33 S II Revoi.utiox, a.i>. IG89-17I4. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Scries, 162.1-91. Gt. I5rit. and Irel. Public Record Office B 44 Carstarca, William; by Hev. R. H. Story C 2") T 18 Savilc, Sir (i., Life and Letters t)f ; by H. C!. Foxcroft C 2"> R 7, 8 Great Britain and Ireland — History— conld. Hanover Period, a.d. 17I4-IS37. British HLstory during the 18th Century— i'« Essays. Alison, A. JUS 13 Calendar of Home Office Papers, Reign of George III, 1773-7.'). Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office B 45 Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, 1729-34. (it. Brit, anil Irel.— Public Record Office B 4.5 Charlotte, The Good (jueen; by P. Fitzgerald... Charlotte, (^uecn C 24 T 24 Court of England under George IV Caroline, (>>uccn B 24 R 19, 20 Early Days of the 19th Century in England, 1800-20. , Sydney, W. C. B 41 (J 10 England and America after Independence... Smith, E. F 16 U Hi Euglan.l and India Dutt, R. C. F 1.5 R 3 Englan.l in the 19th Century.., Latimer, Elizal)eth W. R 16 S 13 Great I5ritain and Hanover Ward, A. W. B 25 P 16 iIodcniEnglandl)eforetheReformBill... Mc(_'artliy, J. B 26 S 16 When William IV was King Ashtoii, .J. B IG U 5 VicTORn, a.d. 1837-1900. England and America after Independence... Smith, E. F 16 U 16 Events of the Reign, 1837-97 Ryland, F. B 16 P 18 (iranby, Jolm Jianncrs, Marquis of ; Military, Political, and Social Life of; Ijy W. E. Manners .'. C 26 S 15 History of Our Own Times McCarthy, J. 15 5 S 47 Jacobite Attempt of 1819 Scottish History Soe., 19 941 Our (^)ueen Victoria, Queen of England C 23 P 9 Sixty Years of the (Queen's Reign Temple, Sir R. F 13 V 13 Social Transformations of the Victorian Age Escott, T. H. S. F 5 P 14 These Sixty Years, 1837-97 Holmes, F. M. H 23 S 22 Union of England and Scotland Mackinnon, J. 15 22 .S 1 1 Victoria, Queen and Empress Davey, R. B 19 H 1 Victoria, (^ueen. Progress in Reign of .. Favrar, Dciin B 16 P 17 Navy. [See Navy, Briti.sh.] Parliament — P.arel >one Parliament Glas.s, H. A. F 8 R 29 Parliament during the Queen's Reign : bv H. Spender. Sixty Years of Empire 15 22 R IS Polities, General- Australian in Europe Thirty Years Ago, An ; by Sir Charles (lavan Duffy Contempoi ary Review, 72 ( 152 BeaconsHehl, Earl of; by H. E. Gorst ' C 27 R 12 Blachford, Frederick, Baron, Letters C 23 V 25 Bolingbroke, Viscount, Extracts from the Political Writings. F 13Q.35 Bright, Jolm; by C. A. Vince C 23 P 26 British Rule and Modern Politics Canning, Hon. A. S. (i. B 24 Q 21 Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. J., the Man and the Statesman ; by N. .M. Marris C"2(i T II Cliambcrlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph; by S. H. Jcyes C 20 T 24 Defence of the Empire Carnarvon, Earl F 4 T 17 Eilccta of tlie late Colonial Policy of Great Britain ... Baiclay, A. F I3"H .T) England in the 19lh Century... Latimer, Elizabeth W. 1! 16 S 13 English Political Philosophy (iraham, W. F 10 I' 31 Foreign and Colonial Politics; by R. M. Smith — in Historic Fuels. Rose, W. K. F8Q16 Free Trade Movement and its Results... Smifh, (i. A-. F 15 Q 21 (!eneral Politics in Political Letters Pembroke and Montgomery, (icorge. Earl of F 13 R 5 (iladstonc, W. E., Life of; by Sir W. Rcid C 26 S 1 (dadstone's Life, Story of... (iladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. C 23 U 2 (Irafton, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of, Autobiography and Political ( 'orrespondencc C 25 R 5 Growtli of British Policy Sceley, Sir J. R. F 8 V 6, 7 lli.storii' Facts Rose, W. K. F8Q 16 Historical and Political .\ddrcss09 Redmond, J. E. F 9 P .30 History of Onr Own Tinier McCarthy, J. H. B 5 S 47 Lord jM<'lb.,. Ro.scbcry, Earl K 12 T 15 .McLaren, Duncan, Lifeand Work of; by J. 15. MacUie (' 24 PI, 5 Made in Germany \Villiams, E. JC. !■' 1(» \' Hi Suhjecl-lndeio to the Hu^idemeutary Caluloyae — ISIXJ-I'JUO. 875 Great Britain and Ireland— /'u/jVirs, General — contd. jMiMiic, rials, ITCCi-lSOa Si'Diorne, Karl of C 2.S V 4, .") Moduli Kn.^'laii.lliL-forelheReforniHill... MoL'aitliy.J. J5 2(i S Hi Kalii>ii'« AwuUening Wilkinson,. S. .F 12 1' 41) Naval Poliuy Htucvens, G. W. F 12 T 2.') Notes from my Journal when Speaker of the House of Commons. Ossiugton, Viscount 1"' 17 1' 18 I'aget Tillers, 1794-1807 i'aget, Rt. Hon. Sir A. (J 21 i; .-1, 4 Palmor^ton, L-jr.l, Story of tliy Life of Mirx, K. F 15 P 40 Parliampntary Review F 15 U 10-12 Parnell, Life of; by R. B. O'Brien... Parnell, C. S. C 23 T 12, 13 Peel, Sir Robert; by C. S. Parker C 25 S 7, « Pitt ; 1 )v Lor.l Aslib'ourne Pitt, W. C 25 R 1 4 Place, Franci.s, Life of ; by G. Wallas C 24 T 5 Political Pamphlets Pollard, A. F. F 13 V 4 P<.litieal Rights of the British People Dean, G. A. F 5 R 21 Polities in 189(3 Whelen, F. 320.5 Practieal Politics F 12 T 31 Prompter, The ,122 S 9 Pros anil Cons Askew, J. B. F 4 U 23 Reeve, Henry, Memoirs of Life and Correspondcnee of; by Prof. J. K. Laughton C 25 R 19, 20 Review of the late Parliamentary Session in England; by "An Australian Agent-(ienerar' Melbourne Review, G 052 Roebuck, J. A., Life and Letters of; by R. E. Leader C 25 Q 4 Rottenness Pocock, R. F 4 U 35 Short History of British Colonial Policy Egerton, H. K. F13T20 Si.xty Years of the Quecu's Reign Temple, Sir R. F 13 V IS Speech on Colonial Adinini.stration Hawes, B. F 13 V 29 Thirty Years of Liberal Legislation -in Essays Alison, A. .1 14 S 11 United Kingdom: a Political History Smith, G. F Hi U 7, 8 Victoria, (^ueen, Progress in Reign of... Farrar, Deau B 10 P 17 Wellington's Career ; by Lieut. -Col. E. B. Hauiley. ^Vcllington, Duke of C 19 V 22 When William IV was King Ashton, J. B Hi U 5 Yoke of Empire Brett, R. B. C 23 Q 9 Pvlitics, Fofpiijn — China in Transformation Colquhoun, A. R. D Hi V 25 Commandeering of British Snl.ijects in the South African Repulilic, 1894 Gt. Brit, and Irel. South Africa F 39 V 57 J Eastern Question and the British Empire; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 3 052 Egypt under the British Wood, H. F. F 10 V 14 England ane Tliirty Daj's War between (Jreeee and Turkey. Nevinson, H. AV. B 27 (J With the Concjuering Turk Steevens, G. W. B 27 R 12 With the Turkish Army in Thessaly Bigham, C. B 34 R i:}- Greece — General and Descriptive — Dcscrijition of Greece Pausanias B 39 S 7-12' (ilinipses of (ireek Life and Scenery [in Modern Greek]. Smith, AguL-s D 19 R 7 ) 18 Greek Language — General — Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Harvard University — Studies in Classical Pliilology J 26 T 1-7, 10^ 1 1 Ancient — Curious Survival of an Ancient Language : by H. A. Strong. Melbourne Review, 8 052 Greek Roberts, W. R. (J 18 Q 36 Greek and Latin Verse — Composition as a General Branch of Edr.. ciition — m Essays on a Lib::ral Education... Farrar, Rev. F. W. G 17 T 10 Language of ^Eschylus compared with the Language of the Attic Inscriptions prior to 4.56 E.c Rogers, J. I). .1 22 U 15 Paheography of Greek Papyri Kenyon, F. (J. J 21 y 29 Sources of New Testament Greek Kennedy, Rev. H. A. A. J 17 U 9 Modern - Modern ( i reck Mastery Stedman, T. L. J 9 Q 30 Dialects — Historical Greek Grammar, chiefly of the Attic Dialect. .Jannaris, A. N. J 14 S 35 Grammars — Ars Grammatica —in Classical Texts from the Papyri in the Britisli Museum British Museum J 5 V 13 (Jrammar of Ne\v Testament Greek Blass, F. J 14 S 24 Historical (Jreek Grammar, chiefly of the Attic Dialect. Jannaris, A. N. J 14 S 35 Greek Literature — Ancient (ircck Literature Murray, G. J 14 T 22 Antliologia (;r;cca sive Poetarum (irajcorum lusus Jacobs, F. J 21 T 1-11 Authoress of the Odyssey Butler, S. J 19 W 4 Ch(ephori; trans, by A. W. Verrall Eschylus H 3 U 51 Dictionary of Classical Quotations... Hariiottle. T.'B. K 19 Q4; Emperor Hadrian Gregorovius, F. B 34 R 17 Etude sur Tli<5ocrite Legrand, P. E. H4V 19 (ireek Art and Poetry in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. O. (J 1 (,) 23, 24 (jreek View of Life Dickinson, G. L. (1 19 U 15 Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Harvard University — Studies in Classical Pliilologv J 26 T 1-1 1 Homer and the Iliad; by J. S. Blackie... Homorus' H 12 T 19 22 Plutarch: by Arclibislio'p Trench Plutarchus C19P26 Religion in (Jrccli Literature Campbell, L. (J 23 S 45 Successors of Homer Lawton, W. C. J 23 S 21 Tlioughts on Homer, and Mr. Gladstone on Homer — in Studies in Many Subjects Reynolds, Rev. S. H. J 19 W 8 Verzeichniss der (irieehischen Handschriften : \oii W. Sludennind und L. Cohn Berlin — Kimigliehe Bililiotlick K II I' t Women of Homer Perry, W. C. J 17 U 2 [.S'ee n/.'-o Greek Language; Homeric Question; and under eacli Greek Author in Author Catalogue.] Greek Philosophy. [Sre .Vristotoliaiiisin; Eclec-tics ; KK'atii; Pliilu.sujiliy ; E[)ii'ureauisii\ ; Philo.sophy- — Greek; Phitoni.sin ; Pythagorcanifsni ; Socratic Philos- (i])liy; Sti)icisni.] Greek Religions and Mylhology. \Sre Greece -Keli- giuns and Mvtlmhigv.] Greek Verses and Prose '/'nntKln/ions and Academical GinnjKisilions Canduiilge (Jompositions Hinds, R. I). .\.. J 23 U 24 Literary Remains Calverley, C. S. H 11 Q 25 Translations by Lord Lyttleton and W. Gl.ulstone. Lyttlcton, Lord II 12 T 18 Greek?, The Tui-kcy and the .Arnnaian .Vtrociticj Bliss, Rev. E. M. B 16 U 7 Green Manuring. (".Sec Clovers; Cow-peas; Lcgiiniiiiosic: Manures ami l'\ntiliser.s; Nitnigen in .Sgrieullure; Sojl.s.] Suhject-Indejc lo the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 877 Greenbacks. [.S'w Currency; Piiprr-nioncy.] Greenhonse Gardening — -l''av(niiite Flowcis of (iardcu and Ureenliouse Step, K. A 31 S .5 8 Forcing-book Bailey, L. H. A 18 1' 35 [Sfe also Foliage and Flowering Plants.] Greenland —Grnrral and Descriptive — Kxpliiiations in (irecnlaiid Sniitlis. Inst. Report, 1878 W(> Hand-hook of Aretie Discoveries .. (Jreely, (Jen. A. E. ]) Hi P 1 I'oemsof Places Longfellow, II. \V. II 11 P 3:t Universal (J cograpliy KecUis, K. 1) 21 U I.') Greenwich Ob:ervatory — (irciit Astronomers Ball, Sir R. S. A 20 U 8 [Sec iin ler Greenwich Observatory in Anther Catalogne for Publications.] Grenada — Annual Reports — in Colonial Reports (it. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Otlicc 354.4'28 Grippe, La. [See Influenza.] Groselles - Bnsli Fruits Card, F. W. A 18 P 20 Gryllidae — Structure of the Alimentary System of Gn/Uotalpti Aiisfr<(Uf\ b\- O. A. Sayce Royal .Society, Victoria, Proc, 1898 OUU [Set a/.so Orthoptera. ] Guard and Sentry Duty- Manual of duanl Duty... UnitedStatos— Dept. of War A 22 P 46 Guatemala — General and Dencriptii-e — I'oemsof Places Longfellow, H. W. H II P .36 Republic of Guatemala ; by G. Niederlein Philadelphia Commercial Museum D 13 V IS Universal Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U 17 Commerce and Trade — Trade of Guatemala — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Guiana — General and Descriptive — I'oemsof Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 36 [Sic also British Guiana; Dutch Guiana; French (iuiana. ] Guide-books — General — European Tour Allen, G. I) 13 P IS Orient Line Guide, 1896 Loftie, W. J. MD 8 Q 4S Tourist Guide to China, Japan, Australia, and Tasmania. Eastern and Australasian Steamsliip Company MD 8 T 9 [See aho sub-heading General under names of Countries.] Guilds — Gen eral — Meilia'val Guilds of fingland Scligman, E. R. A. F 4 V 12 [See also under names of Guilds.] Guilds, Religious — Parish Priests and their People in the Middle Ages in England. Cutts, Rev. E. L. G 23 4.") Guilds, Trade- Ilistor\' and 1 )evelopment of (iilds and the Origin of Trades Unions. Brcntano, L. F 16 Q 13 Nations of Aniwerp ; by J. H. (Jorc ... United States — Bureau of Labor, Bulletin, .Inly, IS9i 331 [See alio Trades Unions; and under the names of liuild?.] GnineSL — General and Descriptive- Universal tJeography History- Reelus, E. D 21 U 12 Discovery and Concjuest of ( luinea : liy (Ionics Eanncs de Azurara. Ilakluyt Society 9111.6 Gujerat — General mid Descriptive — (iazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 2 ... Bombay — (iazcttccr 91.5.47 Gujerati - Marathi and (Jujerati Piinted Books in the Library of the British Museum; by ,J. F. Blundiardt... British Museuiu K 18 R 19 t Gums, Kinos, and Resins — E.xudations of the (iiey (ium, Eiiculi/ptus j!vn:tu.tu, and on a Product allied to Aromadendrin; by H. (J. Smith Royal Society, N. S. N^'ales, Journal, 1897 -WO Manufacture of Varnishes Livache, A. A 2.') T 13 New Zealand Kauri Gum Rennic, E. H. MA 3 \V 18 Oils, Resins, and Varnishes in Chemistry for Manufacturers, 2. Blount, B. A 21 T 39 'Resin o{ Jnatrnri [See also Botany and Flora -New Zealand.] Gunnery, Naval — Elt'ect of ( lun-lire of the U.S. Vessels in the Battle of Manila Bay; by Lieut. Ellicott U.S.— Dept. of the Navy A .36 W \r, Naval (Junnery Garbett, Capt. H. A 29 S .36 [See also Annnunition ; Artillery ; Ballistics ; Explosives ; Pro- jectiles; Sliooting. ] Gunpowder. [See Ammunition; Cordite; E.xplosives.] Gunpowder Plot, 1605 — Life of a ('on^pirator, l.'.Sl-1640 Digby, Sir E. B 24 T 21 What (Junpowdir Plot was Gardiner, S. R. B 21 S 1 Guns and Revolvers. [Sea Small Arm^.] Gunshot Wounds - Sargeon-( General, Unite! States Navy, Report. LTnited States — Bureau of Mcilicine 613.68 [See also Ambulance Work.] Guttapercha and India-rubber — Cantor Lectures on (iutta-perch I Obaeh, E. F. A. A 41 S 12 Cofieeandlndia-rubbi-rCnltureiuMexieo... Romero, M. A 41 S Ki India-rubber, (;utta-perclui,andBalati...Brannt, W. T. A 45 K 14 Rubber Industry ("Queensland Agricultural Journal, 5 630.5 Treatise on Caoutchouc and Gutta-percha... Hotfer, R. A 23 .S 14 Tropical Industr\-, A; by E Cowley Queensland Agricultural Journal, I 63f.).5 [Sec also Technological Chemistry.] Gymnastics and Calisthenics — Always Suoiig and Hapi.y Judd, J. R. G IS R 56 (Jerinan-Anierican System of (iymnastics Steeher, W. A. G 18 R 57 Manual of Swedish (Jynniastics Andersen. N. M(; 2 T 27 Popular (Jymnastics Crawley, R. MA 4 P 21 L^so of (gymnastics forChildren of both Sexes ; by R. von Schweizer. Internat. Health Ilxhib., 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 [.5fC lAso Athletics; Exerci.se; Fencing; Hygiene; Phj'sical Edu- cation; Sports and Pastimes ; Traiuing.] Gympie — (iymi)ie Gliinii.ses ... Australian, The, 2 MJ 4 P \: 878 Fuhlic Libi'ary of New South Wales. Gynaecology — Abilomiual Diagnosis from a Gjiuecological Standpoint ; by Dr. W. S. Playfair— m System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Diseases of Pregnancy ; by Dr. B. C. Hirst— ;'« Practical Thera- peutics ■. Hare, H. A. A .31 P 16 Diseases of the Broad Ligaments, Tillies, and Ovaries; by Dr. H. A. Kellv— i/i Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Uterus ; bv Dr. R. L. D;ckensen— /h Practical Therapeutics ." Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of t lie Vulva and Vagina; by Dr. T. J. Watkins— m Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Kraukheitm der Fraiien Fritsch, H. A 41 R 19 Pan-American Medical Congress, Transactions 610.6 Retrospect of Medicine Braithwaite, J. 610.5 Therapeutics of tlie Genito-Urinary Diseases of Women ; by Dr. E. E. Montgomery— iH Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 PIT [.S'ee also Fallopian Tubes; Obstetrics; and under each Organ.] Gypsies — ( iypsy Folk-tales (iroome, F. H. J 21 Q 28 Jew, "the Gypsy, and ¥j\ Islam, The... Burton, Sir R. F. A 41 S 2 Lavengro .' Borrow, (J. J 17 U 16 Laws relating to the Gipsies Axon, W. E. A. F 13 R 25 Life, Writings, and Correspondence of George Borrow ; by W. I. Knapp Borrow, (t. C 26 R 16, 17 Romany Rye Borrow, G. J 17 U 19 [See alto Divination; Folk-lore.] Gypsy Moth (Osneria dispar) — (Jipsy Moth in America; by L. 0. Howard United States— Dept. of Agr. Di\-. of Entomology A 38 Q 20 Work of Destroying the Insect in Massachusetts, Report. Forbush, E. H. A 38 P 11 [.S'ee aho Insects, Injurious.] Gyroscope - Problems of Rotary Motion ; by Major-Gen. J. (J. Barnard. Smithsonian Inst., Contributions to Knowleiige, 19 508 Spinning Tops Perry, J. A 27 P 12 H Habit ~ Habit ill Principles of I'.sychology James, W. (! 3 U 24 Habits. \See Customs ainl .M.iiiiuMs.] Habitual Offenders. [See Criininiils.] Haematomyelia — Htematomyelia ; by Dr. F. E. Batten in Syslcm of Medicine. AUIiuU, T. C. A 26 T 40 Haemoglobinuria — 111 iiin^l.il.inuiia; by Dr. S. A. .M. t.'ii)M-iiiaii— ('« System of Medi- cine Mll.iitl, T.'C. ,\ 2() T .SH Hsemoglobinuric Fever — ILiiniih''obinuric Fever; bv Dr. S. A. M. Copeman— <'h System of Medicine ." AlUmtt, T. (:. A 2(i T 35 Hsemophilia Il.iiiiiiphilia; by Dr. J. W. Logg — in S.V8tcm of Medioino. I' Allbutt, T. (". A 26 T 38 Hsemo.rrhages — ILemorrhages in New-born Children; by Dr. .J. Thom.son --/;j .System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Hagiology. [See Baints.] Hair— Atl'ections of the Hair : bv Dr. R. Croker— ih System of Medicine. Allbutt,' T. C. A 26 T 41 Hitherto Undescribed Structure in the Human Hair Sheath— i» Scientific Memoirs Huxley,'!'. H. A 40 S 15 Structure and Development of Hairs of Monotrcmes and Mar.supials ; by Prof. B. Spencer and ( ieorgina Sweet. ... Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Jan., 1899 578 [.S'ce aho Dermatology.] Hall-marks Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers Britten, F. J. A 35 T 3 Old English Plate .^ Cripps, W. J. A 35 T 2 [.S'ee o^so Jeweller}- ; Plate; Watches.] Halloween — Probable Relation of the Modern Festivals of Christmas, May Day, St. John's Day, and Halloween — in Folk-lore Napier, J. B 33 P a {Sue aho .Scotland — Social Life and Customs.! Hallucinations and Illusions— Hook of Dieamsand (ih.ists Lang, A. (i 11 U 30 Hallucinations ._ Parish, E. (i 18 P 43 Illusions- in Leisure Readings Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 16 Making of Religion Lang, A. G 23 S ,30 Natural Causes and Supernatural Seemings Maudslev, H. G irS39 Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism Zerffi, G. G. G 19 U 11 Studies in P.sychical Research Podmore, F. G 23 S 5 [.S'ee a/so Apparitions; (ihosts; Impostors and Imposture; In- sanity; Magic; Psychical Research ; Spiritualism ; Witchcraft.] Halticidae — HaUicidie in the Collection of the British Musoum ; by Rev. H. Clark British Museum— Natural History' A 43 R 1 [.S'ee also Coleoptera ; Phytophaga. ] Halysites — Halysitcs in New South Wales; by R. Etheridge Australian Museum Records, Vol. 3. No. 4 507 Tasmanian Species of Halysites; by R. Etlieiidgc, jun. ... Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 [.S'ee «/so Corals; Paheontologj'.] Hamnielin Bay, Western Australia - Haiiimcliii Kav an.l liui.i Harbour. 1898 [Cluirt]. (it. Brit, and Ircl.— Hydrograpliic Ollicc ,M D 2 P 34 % Hampshire — (rc.nm-al and Descriptir-e — English TcipogiMi>hy... (ientlenian's Magazine Lilir;uy 1) 20 V 5 Hampton Court (Juide to the Palace and (ianlens Law, K. 1123 1' 19 Hampton Court Hutton, W. 11. I'. 16 V. '{2 Slioil History of Hampton Court Law, IC. B 21 .S 9 Hamyritic Language, [.s'ee Himyaritic] Hammong, L. dc G 17 1! 3 f Hand— Language of the Hand [,S'if. aho Palmistry.] Handbooks of Countries. [Scr sulj liradiiij,' General nndcr cacli C'lUintrv.] , Hand-books of Sciences, (.s'm; suh-hoading G'ckov*/ uiulci- rarli .'-iiilijccl.] Hanover Ccupval aud Descriptive — • Foreign Courts and Foreign Homes F., A. M. D 21 (J 2 . llistiirij - - (Jreal Britain and Hanover Ward, A. 'W. B 26 P 16 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 879 Hansard. [AVr Gt. Brit, and lid. — Parlianient, in Author Catalogue.] Happiness — Aristotle's Ethics foi-Enf,'lisliReailcra ... Aristnteles GllUl.') Hapiiiness as finind in Foretlionglit niinua Feartluuight. FIlUIrt, II. i; II U It Ilajipy Life -in -American Contiiliutions t<) Civilization. K.liot, V. W. F l.S H X\ Qiio.st of Happiness Haiiieiton, P. 0. (;2:!l'(i Wi.siloni and Destiny Maeterlinck, M. (J 11 U 4'i Harbour Masters' Reports — New South Wales— Sydney Harbour Master's Reports, 1830. MF 3 I' 3'2 t [See alio under each Harbour.] Harbour Regulations — Kules relating to tlie I'ort of Calcutta. , . India Statutes F 13 R 27 Harbours and Harbour Construction- Best Ajipliances any Dr. N. Chevers ... Internat. Health Exhili., 1S84, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 How to be Well Samllamls, Rev. J. P. A 20 S .S8 Life, Function, Health Paterson, H. 8. A 27 R 23 Papers on Health Kirk, J. A 20 P 24, 2.") True Science of Living Dewey, E. H. A 32 R ;i5 [See alio Health Resorts ; Hygiene ; Longevity ; Nervous System ; Public Health.] Health Boards' Reports. [See Public Health — Boards.] Health Resorts — Climatic ami Sea-side Health Resorts in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand; bv L. Bruck... Australasian Medical Directory. 010.!1!I4 Health Abroad Battersbv, C. H. A 4.") R ,"? Medical Climatology .Sofly, S. E. A ,38 S 1 Mineral Waters and Health Resorts of Europe Weber, H. A 33 S 1,-) New South Wales as a Health Resort for British Consumptives- Mullins, (4. L. MA 3 R 55 Present-day Egypt Penfiekl, F. C. D 13 Q 3 [.9ee nto Adirondacks; Holiday Colonies ; Medical Baths ; Spas.] Hearing, [See Ear; Senses.] Heart — Acute and Chronic Diseases of the Heart; by Dr. W. H. Thomson — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Cardiac Physics; by Prof. C. S. Sherrington —in .Sj^stem of Meili- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Congenital Malformation of the Heart ; by Dr. L. Humplirv — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T. 38 Disease of the Aortic Area of the Heart — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Di.seases of the Heart ; by Dr. I'. 1". Henry — in Practical Thera- peutics '. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Diseases of the Heart and Aorta Balfour, (!. W. A 40 P 5 Diseases of the Mitral Valve ; by Dr. E. S.insom — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T .38 Disca.ses of the Mj'ocardium ; by Sir R. D. Powell- -)'« System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Diseases of the Pericardium; by Dr. F. T. Roberts -in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T .38 Endocarditis; by Dr. J. Dreschfeld — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Functional Disorders of the Heart — i'« System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Injuries by Electric Currents of High Pressure ; by Dr. T. Oliver —in System of Medicine Allbutt, f. C. A 20 T 38 Mechanical Strain of the Heart — in System of Medi(-ine. Allbutt, ■!'. C. A 20 T .38 Naulieim Treatment of Di-seascs of the Heart— /h Treatment of l)iHea.MeK by Phj'sical Methods Dowse, T. S. A 26 S 40 Nervous Diseases of the Heart; by Dr. T. \,. Burton -in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Heart— co«/(;. Pliysical .Signs of Diseases of the Lungs and Heart; by Dr. H. Mackenzie — in System of Medicine ., Allbutt, T. C. A 2(i T 37 Right-sided Valvular Diseases; bv Dr. (i. N. Pitt — iji System of Medicine ". Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 39 S(;hott Methods of Treatment of Chronic Diseases of the Heart, and Accounts of the Nauheim Baths Thorne, W. B. A 30 Q 10 Strain and Over-action of the Heart; by Dr. .1. M. Da Costa. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 15 .508 [.^ec a?-vo Angina Pectoris ; Aorta; Arteries; Blood; Circulatory S\'.stem ; Pericarditis.] Heat — Art of Projecting Dolbear, A. E. A 23 S 16 Elasticity and Heat Kelvin, Baron A 34 V 25 Formuhe in Heat — in Mathematical and Physical Tables. Wrapson, J. P. A 25 S 38 Heat and Electricity— m Electricity for Everybody. Atkinson, P. A 20 P 26 Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 38 S 2;} Latent Heat of Steam at Different Prcs-sures; by M. Regnault. Cavendish .Society', Pubs. A 36 S 1 Mechanical Theory of Heat Smiths. Inst. Report, 1808 500 Physics Anthony, A. W. A 41 P 1 Recent Progress in relation to the Theory of Heat Smiths. Inst. Report, 1868 500 Scientific Writings Henry, .1. A .35 W 3 Some Unrecognized Laws of Nature Singer, I. A 24 T 35 Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A .33 V 18 [.SVc a/so Actinometry ; Calorimetrx' ; Combustion; Fire; Fuel; Heating of Buildings; Melting .and Boiling-point Tables; Physics ; Steam ; Sun ; Temperature ; Thernio-dynamics ; Thermometer. ] Heathen Barbarism. [See Cannibals and Cannibalism; Savagism.] Heathen Missions. [See Missions and Missionary Work — Foreign.] Heating of Buildings- Enginccruig Magazine 620..5 Hot- water Heating and Fitting B.aldwin, W. J. A 37 R 2 Hot-water Supjjly and Circulation to Large Buihlings; by W . J. Napier Engineering .4ssoe., N. S. Wales, Proe.. 10 020.6 Modern Phimliing, Steam and Hot-water Heating... Lawler, .1. J. A46T2 Plumbing, Drainage, \\'ater Supply, and Hot-water Fitting. Smeaton, .1. A 25 U 20 Ventilation, Warming, and Lighting for Domestic Use ; by Capt. D. (Jalton... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 1 A 41 U 17 [.^ce a/.vo Fuel ; Heat; Sanitary Engineering; Ventilation.] Heaven — Heaven and Hell [in Arabic] Swedenborg, E. G 11 R .33 [See also Future State.] Hebrew Language - Hebr.iisrhc!! viiid Cluild:iischcs Sclud-Wortcrbuch Fiirst, J. .1 (I l'4S LingiL-E HobraicK Studium .luventnli Aiademica> ccmimendatum. ,Iubb, A. (i. .1 17 R 13 t Short History of tlie Hebrew Text of the Ohl Testament. Weir, T. H. (! 23 (J 50 Stu. .1 It H 25 [,SVc «/.vo Samaritan Language; Yiddish.] Hebrew Literature — Helirew Books British Museum K 13 T 10 + .Icwisli Literature Karpelcs, (!. J 14 I' 22 Media;val Jewish Chronicles; by .-V. Neubauer Anecdota Oxoniensia, Sem. iScr. , vol. 1, pt. 6 206 Verzeiehniss der Hebraischen Hand.schriften : von M. .Stein- schncider Berlin — Kiinigliche Bibliothek K 11 Uf [■SVc a/«0 , Jewish History.] Hebrews. [SW Jews.] Hebrides, New. (.sV/- New llcluidcs.] Subject-Index to the Siipidcmeuturij (Jatalocjue — ISOG-l'JUO. 881 Hedonism Naluial ThcolD^ry and EUiics Wallace, W. G 21 U 24 I'lu-ii KcoiKimifs Pantalooni, M. F 3 R 25 Short Study of Ktliics iJ'Arcy, C. F. (i 1 U 30 [See also i'hilosoi)hy — (ireuk.] Hegelianism — Hegel as Educator Liiquecr, F. L. G 26 T 12 Hegel's Doctrine of the Will MacVannel, J. A. G 2(1 T M History of Philosophy Hegel, G. W. V. (J 12 R 30, 31 Logic Hegel, G. W. F. G I'J U 28 Philosophy of Right Hegel, G. W. K. G P2 V" 2J Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's Philosophy, and especially of his Logic Wallace, W. G 25 S 8 Studies in theHegelianDialectio... McTaggart, J. McT. G24U 14 Studies in the Hegelian Dialectics; by .J. M. E. McTaggart — in Natural Theology Wallace, W. G 24 U 24 Ultimate Problem of Philosophy ; by W. W. Carlile. . . New Zealand Inst., Trans., 1895 50(i Will to Believe James, W. G 23 R 24 [.SVe aho Philosophy — German, and under Hegel in Authoi' Cata- logue. ] Heirs-at-law. [See Next-of-kiu.] Heligoland — (rV7i";Y(; and Descriptive — From tlie Tropics to tlie North Sea. , . Barkl}-, Fanny A. D 20 S 21 Heliostat — Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 [.S'ec alxo Photomicrography. ] Helium — Sun's Place in Nature Lockyer, Sir N. A 5 T 39 Hell- Heaven anil Hell fin Arabic] Swedenborg, E. G 11 R 33 [.See also Eternal Punishment; Future State; Judgment, Day of. ] Helminthology — British Non- Parasitical Worms in the Collection of the British Museum ; l)v Dr. G. Jolmston... British Museum— Nat. History A 42 U 8 {See also Chaitognatha; Ch;Btopoda; Entozoa; Flat Worms; Nematodes; Nemertines; Oligochaita; Parasites; AYorms.] Hemipodii — Ciainuljirds in tlie Collection of the British Mu.seum : by W. R. Ogilvie-Grant— i« Catalogue of the Birds in the Britisli Museum. British Museum — Natural History A 39 U 4 {See Game and Game Jiirds ; Ornithology. ] Hemiptera. [See Ehyncuta.] Hemp — Culture of Hemp and Jute in ths United States... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Ollice of Fiber Livestigations A 37 S 57 Culture of Hemp in Europe; by C. R. Dodge ... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 57 Flax, Hemp, Ramie, and Jute, Report; by C. R. Dodge. U.S. -Dept. of Agr. -Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S Ki Hemp Culture U.S. — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1895 030.5 Leaf Fibers of the United States; byC. R. Dodge.., United States— Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 11 Sisal Hemp Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 G30.5 Sisal Hemp Culture in the Uniteil States; by C. R. Dodge. U.S. —Dept. of Agr. —Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 17 Hepaticse — Hepatioa.' Europa.- Du Mortier, B. C. A 39 Q 14 Hopaticaj of the Amazon and of the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. Spruce, R. A 35 Q 14 Species Hcpathicarum Lindenberg, J. B. W. A 20 S t [.SVe also Mosses.] Hepialidse — Larval Structure of HepUilus viresccns, D'bld, fif New Zealand; by A. Quail Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 18J9 506 5t Heraldry —General — Bacon-Shakespeare's 'Venus und Adonis Shakespeare, W. H 4 V 22 Derarative Heraldry Eve, G. W. K 19 Q 42 Heraldry in relation to Scottish History and Art... Paul, Sir J. B. K9 V4 History, Princiiiles, and Practice of Heraldry Hulnie, F. E. K 19 R 19 Pursuivant of Arms Planche, J. R. K 19 P 16 Symbolism of Heraldry Wade, W. C. K 19 R 25 [.S'ce also Arms and Armour ; Baronetage ; Bad"cs, Coats of Arms, and Crests; Endjlems; Family Histories ; Flags; Genealogy; Gentry, Landed: Knights Templars; Peerage; Seals; Visita- tions of Counties; and uniler each Order of Heraldry.] By Countries. France — Fleurs do Lis de I'Ancienne Monarchic Francjaiso. Maldcrghem, J. V. K 17 T 13 Noblliaire Universcl de France Magny, Mar<|uis L. de K 13 Q 21-23 t Great Britain — Armorial Families Davies, A. C. F-. K 13 U I t Blazon of Episcopacy Bedford, Rev. V\'. K. R. K 17 T 10 Book of Public Arms Davies, A. C. F-. K 17 T 23 t English Regalia Davenport, C. K 1 7 T 22 t Right to Bear Arms "X" K 19 R 26 Visitation of England and W'ales ... Howard, J. .J. K 13 T 5, 7 t {See aUo Ireland, Scotland under this heading. J Ireland — VisiUition of Ireland Howard, J. J. K 10 V 11, 12 t Scotland — Armorial Bearings, Portraits, and Busts in the Mitchell Hall and I'icture Gallery, Marischal College, University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen University K 19 Q 41 Arms of the Royal and Parliamentary Burghs of Scotland. Bute, Marquess of K 17 S 25 t United States — Heraldry in America Zieber, E. K 13 V 15 f Herbariums. [See Botany — Mu.seums, Herbariums.] Herbartian System of Education — Application of I'sj-chologv to theScience of Religion... Herbart. J. F. G 23 Q 23 Herbartian Principles of Teaching... Dodd, Catherine I. G 17 S 19 Herbartian Psy cholog\- applied to Education . . . Adams, J. G 23 Q 1 1 Theorie und Praxis des Volksschidunterrichts nach Herbartischcn Grundsiitzen Rein, W. G 17 U 27-34 {See also under Herba.rt, J. F., and Pestalozzi, J. H., in Author Catalogue.] Herculaneum. [See Pompeii and Herculaneum.] Herd-books — Catalogue of Shorthorn and Hereford Cattle Robertson Bros. MA 4 P 34--tO Robertson Bros.' Private Herd-book, FF Brand... Robertson Bros. MA 4 P 33 {See also under each Breed of Cattle. ] Heredity — Biologie:^l Problem of To-day Hertwig, O. A 27 P 21 Boston Monday Lectures Cook, Rev. .L J 22 S IS Foundations of Zoology Brooks, W. K. A 40 U 9 Habit and Instinct Morgan, C. L. A 13 V 26 Heredity and Christian Problems ... Bradford, A. H. G 14 S 33 Heredit\' and Human Progress McKin, W. D. G 24 S 16 Inheritance -in Biological Lectures... Marehall, A. M. A 28 P 34 Laws of Inheritance in Disease Hutchinson, J. A 26 T 34 Old and New Psychology Colville, W. J. G 23 P 26 Parents and Children —in Other Suns than Ours... Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 15 Rhythmic Heredity Hiller, H. C. A 33 P 44 Social Rights and Duties Stephen, L. F 8 V 29, 30 [.S'ce CI/-50 Biology ; Environment; Evolution; Natural Selection.] 882 J?uhliG Library of New South Wales. Hereford Cattle — Hfiefoicl Brc;eilers' Association, Ontario, Repoi't Oiuario — Dept. of Agiiculture 03(1.6 [See aUo Cattle and Cattle-breeding ; Herd-books.] Herefordshire — General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library I) 20 V 5 History — Story of some English Shires ... Crcighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 t Heresies — Heresies HiUer, H. C. G "24 P 21 Historj' of Early Christian Literature Kriiger, G. G 24 (^» IS History of the Councils of the Church Hef ele, Bisluip G 14 P 28-30 [See also Agnosticism ; Arians and Arianism ; Asceticism ; Atlie- ism ; Copts ; Ecclesiastical History ; Fanaticism ; Gnostics and Gnosticism ; Inquisition ; Jansenists ; Martyrs ; Manicha?ism ; Mysticism ; Nestorian Church ; Orthodoxy : Pantheism ; Pela- gianism; Persecutions; Port Royalists: !S\vedenborgiani.sm.] Heriot Free Schools, Edinburgh — Life and Work of Duncan ilcLaren ; by J. B. Mackie. McLaren, \i. C 24 P 4, 5 Hermaphrodites. [See AbnoniiitIe.s; Mon.strosities.] Hermeneutics. [See Biblical Criticism.] Hermit Crab. [See Crabs.] Hermits. [See Asceticism; Religious Orders.] Hero-tales. [See Folk-lore.] Herodiones— Paltale;e in the Britisii Museum — in Catalogue of Birds, 2fi. British Museum, Natural History A 39 U S [.See also Ornithology.] Herpetology. [See Rej)tiliii.] Herrings and Herring Fisheries — Herring Fisheries ... Inteniat. Fisheries Exhib. , 1883, Lit., G, H A34RC, 11 Scotch Herring Fisheries Internat. Fisheries Exliib., 1883, Lit, G, 11 A.34RG, 11 [See also Fisheries. ] Hertfordshire— ^cncrnZ and Desrripliw. — Kngli.sli Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library 1) 20 V 7> Ilistory- Bygone Hertfordshire Andrews, W. B 2.") R 17 Hervey Archipelago. [See Cook Islaiuls.] Herzegovina — General and Descrij^tive — In the Land of the Bora... "Snaflle" D 19 U ') Outgoing Turk, The Thoni.son, H. ('. T) 17 T 27 Travel and Politics in the Near East .Miller, W. D 13 V 14 [See also Balkan Peninsula.] t History — Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-ilcrzogovina and Dalmatia. Mnnro, R. V. Hi T 23 Hesperidae - Life histoiiea of l«o Victorian Hesperid;e; by G. Lyell. Victorian NaturalJKt, 1898 .50.') lAle-Ymiory oi Apuustuslatcivia; by G. A. Waterhouse... Linnean Society, IvJ. S. Wales, Proc, 180" .580.G [.Siee alno Lcpidoptera.] Hessian Fly (Cecidomyia destructor) — He-ssiau Fly United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Hessian Fly in the United States ; by Prof. H. Osborne. United States -Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 38 Q 20 Pamphlets on Injurious Insects ... Agr. Exper. Stns A 38 (J 3, 4 Parasites of the Hessian Fly ; by C. V. Riley ... United States — National iluseum, Proc., 8 507 Report on the Hessian Fly, 1S86. . .Cit. Brit, and Irel. — Board of Agr. A 21 V 26 [See also Entomology, Economic; Insects, Injurious; Wheat.] Heterocera — British and European Butterflies and Moths Kappel, A. W. A 13 T 12 t British Moths and their Transformations Humphreys, H. N. A IS R 2, 3 t Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Oxford University Museum Swinhoe, Col. C. MA 2 R ,^0 Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepiiloptera fleteroeera in the Collection of the British Museum : bj' A. G. Butler, and others Briti.sh Museum- Natural History A 18 U 9-12 t LarvK of the British Butterflies and Moths; by W. Buckler. R.ay Society, Pubs.," 1894-95 590.G Lepidoptera Heterocera collected by W. .J. Holland-- ('« Through Unknown African Countries Smith, A. I). D 20 U 21 Life-history of Timber Moths; by R. lUidge Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1898 .516 New Victorian Moth; by J. A. Kershaw... Victorian Naturalist, 1897 .■>05 New Zealand Moths and Butterflies... Hudson, G. V. "MA 13 Q. 5 + North American Moths; by Dr. Harvey Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Bulletin, vol. 2 50G Victorian C.ise Moths ; by W. H. F. Hill... Victorian N.aturalist, 1898 505 Victorian Heterocera; by 0. B. Lower Victorian Naturalist, 1S97-9S 505 [See alio Lepidoptera ; Cloths.] Heterogenesis. [See Biology; Life, Origin of.] Heterogyna — Species uf Formica from New Zealand; bj- F. Smith. Entomological Society, Loiul., 1802 595.7 [.Site also Ants; Hj'menoptera. ] Heuristic Method of Teaching — Heuristic Method of Teaching — in Special Reports on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 U 15 Hexapoda. [See Entomology; In.sects.] Hhansdorf, South Australia — (lernians at Hhansdorf South .\ustralian Mag., 1 M.J 4 t^) 4 Hibbert Lectures- Lectures on the origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by Celtic Hcathcnduni Rhys, .L G 23 T 'l Origin and (irowth of Religion as illustrated by the Native Kcli- gi(ms of Mexico and Peru Reville, Rev. A. G 23 T 2 [See also Philosopliy t)ricntal.] Hides and Skins - - Trcatniriit of IVUs Agricultural Gazette, N.S. W., S G30.5 Hieroglyphics— .\nricnt l'",gyi)tian Tcxt.s from the Coflln of Aniamu in tlic British .Mnscwm;" trans, by S. Kirch Brilisli Museum .\ 40 P 9 % Collection of Hieroglyphs; by F. L. GritHtli... Egypt Exiiloratioii Fund B 18 t,> 28 | Hittitea, anil their T/anguage. . . Conder, Lieut. -Col. ( '. H. B 33 P 4 Primer of Mayan Ilieroglypliics l!rint(ui, 1). G. J 14 S 1 [See fi/.vo Alpluibets; Egyptologj' ; Inscriptions; Paheography; I'hiliilogy, Comparative; Rock-carvings; Sign Language; Writing.] High Church. [S,,/ Uitualism.] Suhject-hidex to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1S9G-1900. 883 High Schools - I Ifiitsclilaiiils liuhcres SuIiuhvi'Sen iiii NeunzrliMlcii .hilirlnuiclrrt. Rethwisuli, C. (i 18 R 'A Kuglisli Schools iit the Reformation ... Leaeh, A. F. (i 18 R ().■) [.SVe (xho Colleges; Eilueation, Secondary. ] Higher Education. [.See Education, Secondaiy.] Highland Cattle ^ Highland Cattle ; liv T. L. Thom))son Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, !) 030.") [See also Cattle and Cattle-breeding. ] Highland Clans and Clan Costumes Collectanea de Reims Allianiris I.ma Chib, Trans. K .30 (i '2 HighlandDress, Arms, and Ornament.. Cam])liell, Lord A 40 U 11 History of the Highlands and Highland Clans Browne J. B ].3« 2.3-^0 Scottish Gael, The Logan, J. B 16 T .32, 33 {See alio Clans and Clan Systems; Highlanders, Scottish.] Highland Regiments — Hhtonj — Highland Brigade in the Crimea Stirling, Lieut. -Col. A. B 31 U 19 {See alfO names of Regiments.] Highlands of Scotland — Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis lona Club, Trans. B 39 Q 2 Painter's Camp in the Highlands... Hamerton, P. G. D 21 R 4, 5 Highwaymen. [See Bushranger.s; Criminals.] Highways. [See Roads.] Himalayas — Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab Gore, F. St. J. 1) 19 S I Among the Celestials Younghusliand, Capt. F. E. 1) 13 R G Among the Himalayas Waddell, Major L. A. 1) 19 U 21 Artist in the Himalayas, An McCormick, A. D. 1) 17 T 22 Heart of a Continent Younghusband, Capt. F. E. I) 17 V 25 In and Beyond the Himalayas Stone, S. J. 1) 18 U 17 Himantopterus — structure and Affinities of Himantopterus — in Seientifio Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 1.5 Himyaritic Language - Inscriptions in the Himyaritic Character in tlie British Museum. Britisli Museum B 47 P 27 t Hindoos — Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies... Dubois, Al)1)e .J. A. iographies of Gibbon, J. C 24 U .S (iibbon, John, Letters of Gibbon, J. C 24 Q 3, 4 Hume, David; by D. Cahlervvood Hume, D. C 20 V9 Hume, David, Letters of, to William Strahan...Hume.D. C 20 S 9 Irving, Washington; bv C. D. Warner Irving, \V. C 27 P 4 Literary Industries ". Bancroft, H. H. C 19 P 19 Masters of Victorian Literature Graham, R. D. J 22 Q 9 Whitehead, Charles; by M. Bell Whitehead, C. C 24 P 47 [.SVe also Antiquarians.] Historical MSS. Commission. [&v under Great Britain ami Ireland iu Author Catalogue.] Histoi'ical Periodicals. [See History — Periodicals.] Historical Societies. [See Areha'ology — Societies; His- tory — Societies.] History — General — Chronicles selected from the Originals of Cartaphilus, the Wan- dering .Tew Hoffimanu, D. (J 3 T 21, 22 Genesis of the Social Conscience Nash, H. S. (I 11 U 18 History in Fact and Fiction... Canning, Hon. A. S. G. J 14 T 24 Introducti(m to tlie Study of History Langlois, C. H. V. G 11 U39 Manual of Historical Literature Adams, C. K. B 26 S 15 Tabular Views of Universal History... Putnam, G. P. B 2.5 R 16 L'nity of History — in Comparative I'olitics. Freeman, E. A. F 12 T 9 [See also Archa?ology ; Battles ; Biblical History ; Chronology ; Civilization; Colonization; Costume; Crusades; Eastern Ques- tion ; Ecclesiastical History ; (Genealogy ; Family Histories ; Famines; Heraldry; Historians; -History, Ancient; History, Medieval; Mutinies; Naval History ; Napoleonic Wars ; Nu- mismatics ; Reformation ; Renaissance ; Revolutions ; Slavery ; Social Economy : Treaties ; Wars ; and sub-heading History under Names of Countries and Subjects.] Bihliograjihy — History for Ready Reference Larned, .J. N. B 40 W 4-8 Dictionanes History for Ready Reference Larned, .J. N. B 40 W 4-8 88 A Public Libvary of New South JFales. History — Essa>/s — English Essays from a French Feu... Jusserand, J. J. Essays Alison, A. J Essays, Reviews, ami Addresses ... Martineau, J. J Oesammelte Werkc Frey tag, (i . Historic Bubbles Leake, F. Historic Oddities Gould, S. B-. Historical Essays Lightfoot, Bishop Studies re-stiidied Ewald, A. ('. ■ Periodicals - • B 32 Q 10 14 S 11-1." 14 T -27-30 J 23 U 40 B 17 P 4.-) B 37 y 3 J 12 U 27 B 22 8 12 973.2 905 American Colonial Tracts English Historical Review Historical Magazine [U. S. ] B_ 1 7 T 2G--4S Magazine of American Hist ory 1 > 38 R 1 -!S 15 Philoso]ih]i of — Age of Wordsworth Herford, C. H. J 14 U S3 Buckle and his Critics Robertson, J. M. F 14 U 2S Essays and Speeches Lilly, W. S. .1 US 14 History in Fact and Fiction... Canning, Hon. A. S. (i. J 14 T 24 Lecture on the Study of History ... Acton, Lord B 35 Q 11 Philosophy of History Schlegcl, F. von B 28 P 1 Study and Use of History— in Political Writing.'^. Bolingbroke, Viscount F 13 Q 35 Unity of History Freeman , E. A. B 35 Q 12 iiocietieB- Biidragen en Medodeelingcn van liet Historisch-Genootschap. Utrecht 949.2 Camden Society, Publications Camden Society 942 Chetham Society, Publications 942. 7 Connecticut Historical Society, Collections 974.0 English Historical Society, PublicatioRS B 39 R 1-29 Grampian Club, Publications B 39 S 1-0 Great Britain and Ireland— Historical MSS. Commission 942 Historical MSS., Royal Commission Report... Gt. Brit, andlrel.— Hi.=torical MSS. Commission 942 Historical Societies in the United States — in Public Libraries in the United States... United St.ates ■ Bureau of Education J 4 S 30 Histarical Society of Australasia, Transactions MB 3 R 1 Iowa State Historical Society 977.7 .Japan Society, London, Trans, and Proc, Supplement, 1 ... 952 Ma.ssachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 1896-97 ... 974.4 Minnesota Historical Society, Collections 977. Minnesota Historical Soeiet}-, Report 977. Isavy Records Society, Publications Navy Records Soc. 942 Quebec Litcrar3' a,nd Historical Society, Transactions 001 Royal Asiatic Society, Great Britain and Ireland, Journal... 9:"0 Royal Historical Society, Pnl)licatious 000 Royal Historical Society, Transactions 90() Scottish History Society, Publications 941 Spalding Club l'ul)lications ... B 49 R 1-S 12, and 40 U 29, 30 % Wisconsin State Historical Society, Collections 977.5 Wisconsin State Historical Society History, Bulletins, ar.d Cir- eular.s B 41 T 5 Wisconsin State Historical Society, Proceedings 977.5 Teacliintj of History Lloyd, J. E. G 18 Q 3fl History and Geography; by E. E. Morris Melb. Rev., I 052 How to Study and 'J'each History ... Hinsdale, B. A. (i 15 U 45 Introduction to the Study of History Langlois, C. H. V. G 11 U 39 Reviews and Critical Essays Pearson, C. H. J 14 U 20 Study of History, and the Science of History — in University Ad- dres.ses " Caird, Rev. .). (J 15 P 4(i Teaching and Organisation Barnett, P. A. G IS 1' 47 Teaching of History ; bv .1. R. Seeley International Health Exhib.,lS84, Lit., 15 A 41 V 11 Teaching of Modem History; by C. H. Sponee— m Essays on Secondary Kducation Cookson, C. G 23 P 18 History, Ancient, -176 A.D. \Snn under each Ancirnt (-'ountry.] History, Constitutional. [.Vet (Jonstitutidual JIIsIiht.] History, Ecclesiastical. \Sw Eccle.siastical History.] History, Mediaeval, 476-1458— Bibliograpliy of the History of the Latter Half of the HthCentury — in State Library Bulletin, Bibliography, 11 New York — Library Cat. Room Scenes and Sketches of the Middle Ages Cutts, Rev. E. L. B 28 U 21 [.9(!e a^so Chivalry ; Crusades; Fevidalisni ; Inquisition; Knights Templars; Monasteries; Renaissance; and names of Countries.] Hittites— Hittites Sayce, A. H. A 28 P 29 Hittites, and their Language . . Conder, Lieut. -Col. C. R. B 33 P 4 [.S'ce also Mongols. ] Hobart — General and Desrri]>t>,ve — Description ofa View of HobartTov.n... Burfi;rd,R. JIU 1 V 26 He;ilth of Holjivrt ; by R. M. .Johnston . . . Royal Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1896 506 Hodgkinson, Queensland— }lnil"kinsnn ( iiild-ficld, Repott Queensland- Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Hodograpli — Note on the Hodograph — in Scientific Papers Tait, P. G. A 10 U 13 t [.9lonialic and Consular Reports, Annual Scries (H. lirit. and Ircl. Foreign Oliice 382 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Cataloyue — 189G-1000. 885 Holland -^History — Briyfwilleling tiisschcn du (Juliioi'ilois Van dor (Joes, l(i.")i)-73. V'an dor (Joes, W. '27 T 5 History of People of tlieNetherlaiida... lilok, P. J. K 2H T ID, 1 1 Holland Rogers, J. E. T. H :«i R 'iO Lost Empires of the Modern World Lord, W. F. B ^l S 2 Papers illustrating tl;e History of the Seots Brigade in the Service of tlio United Netherlands, 1572 1782 Seottith History Society, Pubs., 32, 35 941 Partition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Essays. Ali.son, A. J 14 S 12 Republifjue des Provinees-Unies, la France et les Pays-has Espagnols Waddington, A. H 3!) U ID, 11 Rise of the Dutch Republic Motley, J. L. B .SO R 21-'23 \Vi!liani the Silent. . . Williain I, King of the Netherlands ( ' 2;) S 8 Holothuroidea — Anutiiiny of Cindini cnrhiccii, Hutton; by A. Uendy. . Linnean Society, London, Journal, Zoiilogj', 26 59D.0 Holothurians ; by E. P. Bedford — in Zoological Results. . . Willej', A. MA 4 V 3 Holotluu-ians of New Zealand; by A. Dcndy ... Linnean Society, London, Journal, Zoology, 26 5'J0.6 [Sec alfio Echinodennata.] Holy Ghost— Creedlcss (lospel Sattcrlee, Rev. H. Y. G 12 V 7 What the Bible Teaches Torrey, R. A. (i 23 U 44 {See also Trinity.] Holy Grail — Leqends — History of the Holy (Jraal... Borron, Siroa R. dc H'l7 Q 0, 10 t In (,)ufst of tlie Holy (Jraal Evans, S. J 23 P 1 \Sec itliio Artiiurian Romances; Mabinogion.] Holy Land. [See Palestine.] Ho'y Roman Empire — Mediicval Empire Fisher, H. ESQ 11, 12 {See also Ronmn Empire; Rome.] Hcly WeUs- Hoiyv.-ell and its Miracles Williams, C. G 24 P 32 Saints and Holy Wells ; by T. Frost — in Bj'gonc Church Life in Scotland Andrews, W. G 23 T 44 Holyrood Palace and Abbey - Holviood Palace and Abbey, Giiitle {See also ICdir.liurgh.] B23r 16 Home, The — G entlewoman at Hon:o Coke, Mrs. T. F 8 V 40 Morality of Marriage Caird, Mona F 13 T 32 {See eilso Children ; Family ; Domestic I'^conomy ; Home Educa- tion; Women — Education; Women — Position, Treatment, and Influence: Women — Work, Professions, and Employment.] Home Education and Life — Hints on Home Teaching Abbott, Rev. E. A. G 24 P 12 [.SVe f'/.vo Character ; Home, The ; Moral Education ; Self-culture] Home Islands, Queensland — Geof/ntjih//, Top(i(jriiji]iy, and 2l(t])H — Anchorages on the East Coast cf Ai'.stralia : Home Islands, Cape Weymouth, Night Islands, Howiok Island, 1899 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel— Hydrographic Otiiec MD 2 P U + Home Rule - Diary of Homo Rule Parliament, 1892-95. . .Lucy , H. W. F 8 V ,S8 (Jladstonc's Life; by J. McCarthy... Gladstone, W. E. C 23 U 2 Historical and Political Addresses, 1883-97 Redmond, J. E. F9 P30 Home R ale for Home Reading F 1 S 27 Ireland, I798-1S9S Morris, W. O'C. B 29 U 19 Life Spoilt for Ireland Daunt, W. J. O'Neill C 23 V ID McLaren. Duncan. Life and Works: by. I. B. Mackie (' 24 P 4, 5 Home Rule - contd. Parnell, Life of; by R. B. O'Brien... Parnell, C. S. C 23 T 12, Recollections of Feniansand l'"cnianism...(J'Leary, J. F 13 R 3, 4 Saying of Ireland Powell, Sir G. B-. F3R3 Scottish Home Ride— m Historic Facts... Rose, W. K. F 8 (^ 16 Tory Scheme of Home Rule — ,'k Historic Facts Rose, W. K. F 8(^16 Ulster as it is Macknight, T. F 14 U 34, {See alno Ireland — Politics.] Homeric Question — Aullioress (jf tlio Odyssey Butler, S. J 19 W {See also Greek Literature ; and Homerus, in Author Catalogue.] Homes of England. |.SVe Scats of Nobility.] Homestead Settlements — Crown Lands available for Homestead Selection and Settlement Lease, New South Wales N. S. Wales— Lands MF 1 S 72 Village Homestead Special Settlement System in New Zealand -in AppendL^c to Journals, 1891 N.Z.— Parliament 328.931 Village Homestead Special Settlement System in New Zealand. Report South Australia— Village' Settlements MF 5 (^ Village Settlements in Australia — in Appendix to Journals, 1895. New Zealand— Parliament 328.931 Homilies and Homiletics — Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature. Aneedota O.xoniensia, Sem. ser. 1, pt. 9 220.43 [,SVe «Aso Preachers; Preaching; Sermons; Theology —Pastorah ] Homoeopathy — Britisli Homojopathic Pharmacopteia A40Q19 Homoptera — New Nortli American Homo-jterous Insects ; by E. P. Van Duzee. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Bulletin, vol. 5 506 [.S'ce oAso Aphides ; Cicad:e; Entomology; Locusts; Rhyneota.] Honduras —General and Descriptix^e — ('..luny of British Honduras Morris, D._ D 18 P .33 E.xplorations and Adventures in Honduras Wells, W. V. D 22 T 1 Honduras U.S.- Bureau of American Republics D 18 T 26 Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America ... Davis, R. H. D 13 P 13 Universal Geography Recliis, E. D 21 U 17 Historij — British Honduras from 1670 Gibb.s, A. R. B 19 Q 15 Honey - Adulteration of Honey ; by O. Hehncr International Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 5 A 41 V 1 Foods and Food Adulterants United States— Dept. of Agr.— Division of Chemistry A 34 T 40 Honey, and how to got rid of it ; by A. ( iale. . . Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Honey as Food; by F. B. Guthrie Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Honey: its Coinposition and Adulteration Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 6 630.5 Notes on Honey; by A. Gale Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., S 6.30.5 {See also Bees and Bee-farm; :ig.] Hongkong — General and Descriptive — Annual Reports... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Col. Office Repts. 3.54.42S From Sea to Sea Kipling, B. I) 11 R 11, 12 India, Ceylon, &c D 22 Q 4 Our Island Skertchly, S. B. J. A 28 P 12 Peoples and Polities of the Far East Norman, H. D 20 U 11 {See aho Colonies, British.] 'Hisfory — Europe in China Eitel, E. J. B .33 R 5 Honolulu — Gewral and Descriptive — • Iravcl and Talk, lSS.5-05 Haweis, Rev. H. R. D 16 R 5, 6 \Ste (»/>-.o Hawaii ; Samlwich Islands.] 886 Public Library of Neto South Wales, Honour — Elements of Moral Science Porter, N. (J 24 R 5 Hop Louse — Hop Plant-louse and the Remedies to be used against it. United States — Dept. of Agr. — I)iv. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Pamphlets on Injurious Insects .. . Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 5 [See also Insects, Injurious.] Hops — (,'altivation of Hops ... Agricult. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 030.5 Cidtivation of the Hop in Victoria Victoria — Agriculture, Report of Department, 1874 630. G Horn Expedition — Journal uf the Horn Scientific Exploring Expedition, 1894. Winnecke, C. MA 3 R 60-04 [See also Scientific Expeditions.] Horn Fly ( Ilrematohia serrata) — Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Exper. Stations A 3S Q 2 [See also Insects, Injurious.] Horn Island, Torres Straits — Hurn Island Gold-field, Report Queensland (iold-fields MA !) P 4.-) t Hornblende — New Alkali Hornblende, and a Titaniferous Andradite from the Nejjheline-Svenite of Uiingannon. Ontario; bv F. I). Adams. Mc(4il! University A 40 S 22 Horology. [See Clock.s; Time .Sv.stem.s and Htandard.s : \A'atche.s.] Horse, The— Among Horses in Russia Hayes, Capl. il. H. A 45 U 21 Artistic Anatomy of the Horse... Armstead, H. \V. A 20 P 25 t Critical Period in the Development of the Horse ... E\iart, J. C. A 38 P 13 Domesticated Animals Shaler, N. S. A 30 R 29 External Conformation of the Horse Michigan- Agr. College Exper. Station, Bulletin, 110 030.7 Horse in Art and Nature Brown, C. A 17 R 17 f Horse in Shakespeare— !h The Diarj' of Master William Silence. Madden, Rt. Hon. D. H. A 35 T 18 Horse in the Stable and the Field; by "Stonehenge." Walsh, J. H. A 39 Q o Pamphlets on Feeding Experiments with Horses, Pigs, and Sheep. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q S [.?£C o7.-o Driving ; Farriery; Horse Rot; Hor.se -breeding; Horse- sickness; Horse-racing; Hor.sc-training ; Hunting; Riding; Sadillcry; Stables; Stud-books; Veterinary Science. ] Horse Bot — Jiot-fly ; by W. W. Froggatt Agr. Caz., X.S.W., 1 1 03li.5 [See aluo Insects, Injurious.] Horse-breeding — Among Horses in Russia Hayes, Capt. M. H. A 45 U 21 Australasian Live Stock Manual Sutherland, G. MA 2 R 49 Australian Stud-book Yuille, A. MA 3 W 1 6 15rcedingRace-horsesbytheFigureSystem...Lowe,C. R. A31 (,) 17 Cross-breeding; by "Arab". . Queensl. Agr. Journ., 1898 (i.'iO.o Horse-breeders' Hand-book Osbonie, J. A 27 V 28 Horae-broc? Driving; Hor.se-racing; Hiding.] Horticultural Periodicals. [See Gardening — Periodicals.] Horticultural Schools and Gardens. [See Botany — (jardens ; Gardening — Schools.] Horticultural Societies and Shows. [See Gardening — .Societies, Exhibiticms, Hoards.] Horticulture. [See Flower-gardening; Fruit-growing; Gardeniiiij.] Hosea Old Testament — Book of the Twelve Prophets Expositor's Bible G 19 S 24 Hospitallers. [See Knights of St. Jolin.] Hospitals -ffeweraZ — Board of Superintendence of Dublin Hospitals, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Ho.spitals 302 Colonial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum, Fiji, Annual Report. Fiji — Hosjjilal aiul Lunatic Asylum 362 Cottage Hospitals Burdett, Sir H. C. "A 27 S 17 Hospitals and Charities Burdett, Sir H. C. 300 Lying-in Hospital, Sydney, Prospectus MA 3 P 05 Medical Department of Her Majesty's Army, Regulations. Gt. lirit. and Irel. War Ollice A 31 Q 29 Sydney Dispensary, 13lh Report, 1841... Sydney Hospital 302.1 U.ses and .Alnises of tlic Pulilic Hospitals in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand Bruck, L. MA 4 V Si) [.SVe n/.so Asylums, Benevolent; Children's Hospitals ; Hospitals — C'onstruction : L\nmtic .\sylums; Nursing; and under the name of each Hospital.] Administratinn — (,'haritable Institutions of Melbourne, Report... (ircsswell, 1). A. MF4 U29 Cottage Hospitals Burdett, Sii- H. C. A 27 S 17 Hospitals for Jiifcctious Diseases in Rejiort, Local (.'ovcinmcnt Hoard, ISSO.. Gt. lirit. and Irel. Local Government ;!.V_'.(M2 State Hospitals of Ohio, Rcpts. ... Ohio — Annual Rejits. 328.771 Construction — Dctailsof Hospital Construction; byC. K. O.iSnnth .. .\u.strala.sian Assoc, Advance, of .Science, Rcpf., 1898 ."iOO Healthy Hospitals Gallon, Sir 1). A 45 T 1 kluhjccl-ludex lo the i^applcmentary Caluluyue — 1806-1000. 887 Hot-air Engines — Heat luid Heat-engines Hutloii, F. R. A 38 iS '23 Hot-houses. [See Green-house Gardening.] Hot Springs. [See Geysers and Hot Siirin,;,'s.] Hours of Labour. [See Capital and Labour; Eiglit-hour Question; Factories and Factory System — i^aws; Laljour Question; Wni'k and Wages; Working-classes.] House Decoration — Aft of the Hiiuse Watson, Rosanuuiil .\I. A ii 8 3 Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer's Guide Hepplewhito, A. A29Q 12 X Decoration of Houses Wliarton, Kditli A 22 V 3 1 (iuida I'ratica del Tappezziere A -kS 1* 19 X Hou.se Furnisliing and Decorating Assi.stant Whitaker, II. A IS Q 21 t List of Works consulted by the Authors of Deeoi-atiou of Houses --m Decoration of Houses Wharton, Kdith A 22 V 31 Painting and Decorating Pearee, W. A 4-1 R 7 Twentieth Century Cooking and Hcjuie Decoration. Aronson, Mrs. Z. B. MA ■! S 3(i Woman's Book A 27 V 2i), 30 {See aUo Carpets ; Decoration and Decorative Art ; Fancy Work ; Furniture ; Upholstery.] House of Commons — Debrett's House of Coiiunons and the .Judicial Bench ... 023.242 House of Commons Temple, Sir R. Flo 8 34 Houseof Commons, Journal... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Pailt. 328.423 Inner Life of the House of Commons... White, W. F 13 U 20, 21 Notes from my Journal when Speaker of the House of Commons. Ossington, VLscount F 17 P 18 Speaker's Chair Lumniis, K. F 19 S S [For Debates and Proceedings sec under (it. Brit, and Irel. — Par- liament, in Author Catalogue; aho sub-heading Parliament, under (Jt. Brit., in Index.] House of Lords — Early History of the House of Lords -in Democracy and Liberty. Lecky, W. E. F 12 T 4, 5 Essays on Parliamentary Reform Bagehot, W. F 8 V 44 Hereditary Legislators, Reform of the Lords, Creation of Peers — in Speeches Rosebery, Earl F 12 T 15 House of Lords — in Historic Facts Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 House of Lords — .« Political Letters Pembroke and Mont- gomery, tieorge, Earl of F 13 R 5 House of Lords, Minutes of Proceedings ... (it. Brit, and Irel. — Parliament .328.421 House of Lords Question Reid, A. F 15 S 8 [See aho Upper Chambers : and for Debates and Proceedings under (Jt. Brit, and Irel. — Parliament; also luider Gt. Brit. — Parlia- ment, in Index.] House-keeping. [See Domestic Economy.] House-painting. [.Sec Frescoes; Marbling; Painting — Trade ; .Sign-writing.] Household Management. [See Domestic Economy.] Household Medicine. [See Family Medicine.] Houses. [See Dwelling-hou.ses.] Housing of the People. [.See Workmen's Dwellings.] Houtman's Abrolhos — Houtman's Abrolhos ; by R. Heims Producers' tiazette, 5 MA 4 (i 19 Hudson Bay— ICxpeibtion to Hudson Bay and CumberlaiuK.. nlf, 1807 — in Sessional Papers, 1898 Canada— Parliament 328.71 Sketcli of the Life and Discoveries of Robert Campbell; by (J. Bryee... Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba C 24P 12 Hudson Bay Company — Creat Coni]«nv, 'I'll.' WiUson, B. B 36 Q 16, 17 (,'reater Canada Osborn, E. B. A 24 (J 25 History of the Hudson's Bay Company Bryce, ycy. McGiU'Univ'ersity A 40 S 24 llvdraulics for Garrison Artillery Gt. Brit, and Irel. - WarOilice A 36 V 31 Hydraulics of Great Rivers Bevy, J. J. A 17 U 1 t Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy... Pratt, .1. H. A 25 S 35 .Mechanics applied to F.ngineering .... (ioodman, .1. A 20 Q 28 Steady Flow of Water in Uniform Pipes and Channels; l)y S. H. Knibbs Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Jomnal, 1897 .506 [See aluo Hydrostatics; Mechanics.] Sahjcct-Indcx to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 889 Hydrogen — Densities of Oxygen find Hyili-ogen, aii S 3.-) Physics, Experimental and Theoretical . . . Jude, R. H. A 3') T 8 [See also Fluids; Hydrodynamics.] Hydrotherapeutics. [See Hydropatlty.] Hydrozoa — H\ droids of the Neighbourhood of Dunedin : by F. W. Hilgcndorf. New Zealand In.stitutc, Trans., 1897 506 Preparing Hydrozoa for the Microscope; by G. T. Harris — i'?; Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 [5ee a?so Acalephse ; Medusa;; Zoophytes.] Tlygiene— General — Air, Food, and Exercises Rabagliati, A. A 39 V 19 Air of Towns; by Dr. J. B. Cohen Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 39 r)OS Architecture in relation to Hygiene Intermit. Congress of Hygiene and Demography, 1S91, Trans., G 614.00 Atmosphere in relation to Human Life and Health ; by F. A. R. Russell Smithsonian In.5t., Misc. Collections, 39 .'iOS Australasian Association for Advance, of Scieiice, Rept., 189.5 o06 Chemistry and Physics in relation to Hygiene, . . iTitcrnat. Congress of Hygiene and Demographv, 1891, Trans., 5 614.06 Codicil to "My Will" Kneipp, Rev. S. A 39 V 2 5u Hygiene— Gennral—contd. Con.struction of Healthy Dwellings Gallon, D. A 33 S 20 f'onsumption and Clironic Diseases Dcnsmore, E. A 4.1 R !) Dictionary of Meilieine Quain, P.. A 31 P 3, 4 Dwelling-'house, The Poore, G. V. A .33 (^24 Engineering in relation to Hygiene Internal. Congress of Hygiene and Demography, 1891, Trans., 7 614.06 Exhibits of the Museum of Hygiene, Medical Department. United States-Dept. of the Navy A .34 T 43 From Fetich to Hygiene m Warfare of Science with Theology. White, A. D. G 3 U 17, IS Health in the Village: by Sir H. W. Aeland ... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 1 A 41 U 17 Health in the Woi-k.'diop; by .J. B. Lakeman ... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 1 A 41 U 17 Healthy and Unlu^althy Houses in Town and Country : by W. Essie Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 1 A 41 U 17 Healthy Furniture and Decoration ; by R. W. Edis Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., I A 41 U 17 How to be Well Sandlands, Rev. .1. 1'. A 26 S 38 Hygiene and Public Health Parkes, L. C. A .33 Q 23 Hygiene in the Home Woman's Book A 27 V 29, 30 Hygiene of Certain Cities of Europe Philadelphia Commercial' Museum A 38 V 2.5 Hygiene of Youth ; by Dr. C. Dukes — in System of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 20 'J' 34 Influence upon the Vital Resistance of Animals to the Micro- organisms of Disease lirought about b}' Prolonged .Sojourn in an Impure Atmo.sphere ; by Dr. D. H. Bergey Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Colle<'lions, 39 .508 International Congress of Hygiene .and Demographv, 1891, Trans. 614.110 International Health Exhib., 1884, Literature A 41 U 17-V 1.5 Manual of Hygiene, Sanitation, and Sanitary Engineering. Jones, .1. A. A 38 T 7 Manualof Veterinary Hygiene... Smith, Vct.-Capl. F. A .33 Q 21 Means for Spreading Hygiene Knowledge among the People ; by L. Burgerstein .". United States—Bureau of Education Report, 1897-98 379.73 Methods for the Determination of Organic Mailer in Air; by Dr. 1). H. Bergey ... Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 39 508 Micro-organisms in the Air of Public Buildings and Conveyances due to Improper Cleaning Firth, E. W. A 44 S 20 Natural Hygiene Lahmann, H. A 40 T 9 Nursing and Hygiene Roberts, R. L. A 20 P .38 Our Duty in relation to Health; by Dr. G. V. Poore... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 7 A 41 V 3 Pan-American Medical Congress, Transactions OlO.fl Principles of Hvgiene Hunt, E. M. A 4 1 T 29 Prolongation of Life Dudgeon, R. E. A 4^5 R 1 9 Rural Hygiene Poore, G. V. A 23 P 15 Science of Hygiene Pakes, W. C. C. A 45 U 28 Text-book of Hygiene Rohe, G. H. A 28 U 26 Theory and Practice of Hygiene Nolter, .1. L. A 31 O 22 Thrift in its relation to Health; by Dr. G. V. Poore ... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 9 A 41 V 5 True Science of Living Dewey, E. H. A 32 R 35 What Restrictions in the Interests of Health should be enforced in connection with the Employment of Women and Girls in Factories; by J. H. Bridges ... Internat. Health Exhib., 18S4, Lit., 2 A41 U 18 [See also Air, The ; Baths and Bathing ; Beverages ; Children ; Climatology : Clothing ; Dietetics ; Disinfection ; Epidemics ; Exercise ; Food ; Gymnastics ; Health ; Health Resorts ; Hered- ity; Injurious Occupations; Longevity; Luxury; Meat Inspec- tion ; Medical Baths ; Mind and Body ; Noxious Trades ; Nurs- ing ; Physical Education ; Plagues ; Public Health ; Quarantine ; Recreation ; Sanitation ; School Hygiene ; Sleep ; Temperance ; Therapeutics; Training; Vegetarianism; Ventilation; Water; \\'omcn — Education ; \\'omen — \Vork.] Hyksos, The— Abraham and his Age Tomkins, Rev. H. G. G 23 Q 19 [See also Eg3'pt, Ancient; Egyptology.] Hyloism. [See Materiali-sm.] 890 Tiiblic Library of New South Wales. Hymenoptera — General — Californian Acaileniy of Sciences, Proceedings, 1893-94 506 Hymenojjterous Insects in tlie Collection of tlie Britisli Museum. British Museum — Natural History A 43 V 3-5, 7 Insect Life TlieobaW, F. V. A IS P 31 Xomenclature of Hymenoptera— /« List of British Animals in the British Museum ... British Museum — Xat. History A 43 U 17 [.sVc also Ants; Bees; Entomology — General; Heterogyna; Trigonalyidte ; Wasps.] ?y Countries. Australia — Descriptions of tlie Aculeate Hymenoptera from Australia; by F. Smith Entomological Soc. , Lond., Traus., 18G8 o!)5.7 New Genera of some recently discovered Species of Australian Phytopliaga ; by J. S. Baly Entomological Society, Lond., Trans., 1871 595.7 Revision of the Hymenopterous Genera Cleptes, Parnopes, An- thracias, Pyria, and Stilbum ; by F. Smith Entomologita! Society, Lond. , Trans. , 1874 595.7 Great Britain — Britisli Hvmenoptera in the Britisli Museum... British Museum — Natural History A 43 T 1 New Zealand — Hyms;nupt era of New Zealand: by \V. F. Kirbv... Entomological Society, Lond., Trans., 1881 595.7 List of the Hymenoptera of New Zealand... New Zealand Journal of .Science, 1884 505 New or little known Species of of H\inenoptera, chiefly from New Zealand Entomological Society, Lond., Trans., 1883 .595.7 New Species of Hymenoptera from New Zealand ; by F. Smith. Entomological Society, Lond., Trans., 187(i, 1878 595.7 New Species of Hymenoptera, and of a Species of Formica from New Zealand; bv F. Smith Entomological Societj-, Lond., Trans., 1SG2 595.7 United States — Nematina' of North America; byC. L. Marlatt,.. UnitedStates — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 LT G Revision of the Aphelinina' of North America ; by L. 0. Howary J. D. Ogilby Limiean Society, X.S.W., I'ruc, 1890 08O.6 On a Fiddler, Tri/i/onorhinn fusciata, with abnoraial Pectoral Fins; by J. P. Hill Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 580.6 Tracln-pterus from Xew South Wales; by J. D. Ogilbj-.,. Linnean Society, N. 8. Wales, Proc., 1897 580. G New Zealand — Notes on some Xew Zealand Fishes ; by Capt. F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895 50(i Occurrence of Regalccus argctiteiis on the 'I'aranaki Coast ; bv F. E. Clarke New Zealand Inst., Trans., 1897 506 Parore; or, the Mangrove Fish; bj- F. E. Clark ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Regaleeus Sp. ; b\- S. H. Drew N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897 506 Two New (ilobe-fish and Notes on a Species of Lnphotes from Coast of Taranaki; by F. E. Clarke N.Z. Inst., Trans., 29 506 . Queensland — Food-fishes of Queensland, Report ; by W. SaviUe-Ivent. Queensland — Parliament, V. and P., 3, 1889 3"28.943 Tasmania — An/ennariu.-i Mi'c/ieUi ; by A. .Morton... Royal Societ}', Tasmania, Proceedings, 1896 506 Descriptions of new Species of Fish from Emu Bay, Tasmania ; by R. M. Johnston Royal Soc, Tasmania, Papers, 1882 500 Fishes of Tasmania; bv R. JI. Johnston... Royal Soc, Tasmania, ' Papers, 1882 50(i Jjamj:ris hina ; by A. Morton Royal Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1890 506 Notes on Two Fishes, Ciinus dcsjAciUul us and Buvichlhys varh'fja/us ; by R. M. Johnston Royal Soc, Tas., Papers, 1882 506 Some Tasmanian Fishes ; by J. IX Ogilby Royal Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1896 506 tTnited States — Bibliography of the Fishes of the United States to the end of 1879 ; by T. Cili— /« Bulletin 11, United States National Museum. Smith.sonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 23 508 Fishes of North ami Middle Amerie.a; iiy D. S. Jordan. United States— National Museum, Bulletin, 47 507 [See a!so America, North, under this heading.] Ichthyopterygia — Zur Entwicklungsgeschiclite des Iclitliyo|)t;-rygiums; by Prof. Saleusky... Internat. Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Iconography. [See Embloms; Statuary; Symbolism.] Idaho — General and Descriptive — Maho Ondcrdonk, J. 1,. 1) 16 T 29 Official Manual Idaho— Secretary of State 328. 7968 Cons(itutio7i and Constitutional Law — ConstitutionoftheStateofldaho... Idaho — Constitution F 10 To Government and Administration — Biennial Message of the Governor... Idaho — Legislature 353.979003 I'nhlic Lands — Idaho Board of Lanil Commissioners' Report 336.1 Idaho Uuiversity. [For Reports and Official Puhlica- lion.s see Author Catalogue under this title.] Ideal States— Ana.liii Sidney, Sir P. J 23 V 33 Atlantis Donnelly, I. J 14 R 22 Christianity and Idealism Watson, J. (1 23 P SI Christianity and the Social State... Lorinier, Rev. (i. C. G 24 R 1 Dr. Hcrl/.ka'sFreeland...Nal.Lib. Club, Pol. Econ. Circle, 2 330.(i Kiiuality Bellamy, E. F 15 Q 18 Happy Colony, The Penibcrton^ R. Ml'' 2 R 15 Huma'n Drift, The (Jilletto, K. C. F 19 T 6 Millennium Owen, K. F 4 R 33, 34 Social Ideals in Kngliah ]>cttcr8 Scudder, V. I). J 23 R 16 State and the Individual M'Kechnie, SV. S. F 1 T 31 Utopia More, Sir T. J 12 V 20 t.S'ce (i/io Communism : l'''n"'i>ithy ; Rock-carvings.] Idiocy — Facts concerning Idiocy and ludiccilitv; by Dr. F. Beach. internat. Health ExhilV, 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Health and Physical I)evolopm(>!it of Idiots; by Dr. G. E. Shuttle- worth "Internal. Health Kxliib., 18S4| Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Idiocy and Imbecility; by Dr. Shuttleworlh— /« System of Medi- cine .' AUbutt, T." C. A 26 T 41 [.5cc fi/.vo Feeble-minded; Idiot Asylums; Insanity.] Idiot Asylums — School for Imbeciles Coimecticut -Annual Repts. 328.740 [See also Feeble-minded; Idiocy.] Ignorance — Ignorance : a Study of the Causes and Efl'ccls of Popular Thought. Dornuin, M. R. P. G IS R 71 Ilex cassine. [See Yerba-mati"'.] Illawarra — General and Descriptive — lUawarra; or, South Coast Tourist Guide ... South Coast Tourist Union Ml) 8 P 42 Illawarra Road - iMipoitaiil New Line of Road... N.S.W. Mag., 1843 MJ 4 Q 7, S Illinois — //is/o?-,y — Illinois and Louisiana under the French Hide Wallace, .7. B41 R 8 Illiteracy - lllitciaiy in the United States United States — Bureau of Kducation, Rcpt., 1892-93 379.73 [See also Culture] Illumination. [See Electric -lij Lij;litiM,i;, Cooking; Lamps.] lltUlL (las Heating, Siihject-Index to the Supplementai'y Caluloyne — 189G-1900. 893 Illumination Fine Arts — Aliiliu)K-ts Strange, E. F. J 14 U 18 Kuglisli lllimiiiiiiteil Manuscripts Tlioinpson, Sir K. M. A 1 3 T 3 t Examples of the Ait of liook Illiuiiiiialion iluring the Michlle Age3 Quaritcli, B. A 18 P 7 t Heures dc Notre Dame Destree, J. () "23 V 1 Historic Styles of Onianieiit 1) ilmetsch, H. A IS T 1.') f Illuminated MSS. in Classical and Mediaeval Times. Middleton, J. H. J ■>> V il ISee also Alphaliets, Initials, and Monograms; Ueeoration ; Palaeography. ] Illusions. [See Apparitions; Gho.sts; Halluciiiatidns,] Illustration of Books - Decorative Illustiatiiin of Books Crane, W. A 2.'i P '28 Designs to Thornton's Virgil Blake, W. A 45 V 1'2 Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley Beardsley, A. A 19 T 20 f English Illustration, 1 SSo-TO White, ( !. A 30 V 20 Examples of the Art of Book Illumination during the Middle Ages Quaritch, B. A 18 P 7 t Fine Prints Wedmore, F. A 23 T 31 Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 5 Illustration of Books Pennell, J. A 23 P 17 Japanese Illustrati(ni Strange, E. F. A 23 T 32 Moilern Illustration Pennell, J. A 23 R 4.^ Printers of Basle in the 15th and 1 6th Centuries... Heekethorn,C. W. C 1 1 X 18 t Woi-k of Charles Keene Pennell, J. A 1 3 X 1 3 t [Seeri/so Engraving; Illumination; Photo-engraving.] lUyrian Language — DizionarioItaliano-Latino-Illirico...Bella, Rev. A. Delia J 12 V29 Imagination — • luiagiLiation — in Principles of Psychology... James, W. (i 3 U 25 Natural Causes and Supernattu'al Seemings Maud-^lev, H. () 11 S39 01(1 and New Psychology Colville, W. J. ( 1 23 P 2(j Philo.?ophy of the Human Mind Stewart, D. (i Ki V 1-3 Theory of Knowledge Hobhouse, L. T. I) 14(^)38 [See a/so Mental Faculties ; Mind ; Psyehulogy. 1 Immaculate Conception — Dead Pulpit, The Haweis, Rev. H. R. ( I 1 9 T 21 Letters of Dr. Pusey to Very Rev. J. H. Newman. Pusey, Rev. E. B. 3 U. 7-9 [See also Vatican Council; Virgin Mary.] Immigration. [.S'"e Emigration and Injmigratiun.] Immortality — Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul. Wiedemann, A. (i 19 U 17 Christian Doctrine of Immortality Salmond, Rev. 1). F. U 3 R 21 EgyptianIdeasoftheFutureLife...Budge,Rev.E. A. W. (J 19P 19 Essential Man Cressey, (i. C. (i 15 U 22 Future Destiny of Man; by Rev. H. N. WoUaston. Melbourne Review, 9 052 Life or Death the Destiny of the Soul Litton, E. F. (J 3 R 2ii Metaphysie of Experience Hodgson, S. H. (J 17 R 33-3(i Osirian Doctrine of luniiortality in Religion of the -Ancient Egyptians Wiedemann, A. (J 1 R 39 Place of Death in Evolution Smyth, N. (! 11 U 22 Problem of luunortality Petavel, Rev. E. (i 25 R 1 Record of Oliscrvatiinis of certiiu Phenomena of Trance ; by R. Hodgson... Society for Psychical Research, Proc, 1897-98 130 Resurrection and Immortality in Doctrine and Development. Kashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 [See also Future State: Soul, The.] Impennes — Platalct in the British Museum — in Catalogue of Birds, 2G. British Museum, Natural History A 39 U 8 [See also Oi-nithology. J Imperial Federation and Defence. [Src ColunicK and (irrat Britain ; Federation, Inijieria!.] Imperialism — l)i-nioii-,H y and lOmpirc (iiddings, F. II. ]■' 17 I' -'i I'atriotism and Empire Robertson, J. M. F 17 ii 20 World Politics Reinsch, P. ,S. F 19 S 5 Implements. [Sen AgrioulturallmplementsandMacliincry.] Impostors and Imp;sture — C iinbling Woild. The "Rouge et Noir" (', 15 S 30 [Sic also Swindlers and Swindling.] Impressionism — Art of Velasfjuez Stevenson, R. A. M. A 13 T 4 t Velas(|uez Stevenson, R. A. M. A 44 R 1 [See also liealism.] Incarnation- ■ Christ and the Church Bradford, Rev. A. H. O 9 W 27 Creedless (xo.spel Satterlee, Rev. H. Y. (i 12 V 7 I)e Bcneilicta Incarnacione... Wyclif Society Pubs., 7 (! 23 T 21 Divine Immanence lUingworth, .1. R. (i 5 Q 31 Fundamental Ideas of Christianity... Caird, Rev. J. G 5 P 32, 33 History i;f Dogma '. Harnack, A. f; 23 S .3(;-.39 Immortalitj^ of Memory Lefroy , Dean G 23 R 28 Principle of the Inearnation Powell, Rev. H. (,'. ('• 15 R 32 [See also Immaculate Conception; .Jesus Christ; Virgin Mary.] Incas — Origin and (irowth of Religion as illustrated by the Native Reli- ■ gions of Mexico and Peru Rcville/Rev. A. G 23 T 2 [See also Peru.] Income Tax — Depreciating Assets, Profits, Deduction, and Sinking Funds in relation to the Income Tax Acts... Rus.sell, F. A. A. MF 5 Q 30 Federal Income Tax Explained Gould, J. M. F 10 V 24 Income Tax Act, New South Wales, 1895... N. S. Wales— Statutes MF 4 P 37 Land and Income Tax Assessment Act of 1895...Salusbury, F. H. MF 1 R 13 Payment of Income Tax in the L'niteil Kingdom on Income Earned and Taxed as such in other parts of the Bi-itish Empire. Royal Colonial Institute, Proc, 189.5-96 325..342 Treatise on the Federal Income Tax, 1894. ..Foster, R. F 10 U 19 United States Internal Revenue Tax System Eldridge, C. W. F 1 R 1 1 [See also Finance; Taxation.] Iiicrement. [See Betterment; Cajjital and Labour; Co- operation; Land Tenure; Socialism.] Independence Day. [See United State.s — History.] Independents. [See Congregationalism.] Indexes to Periodical Literature. [See Periodicals — Indexes.] Indexing - International Catalogue of Scientific Literature — Report of Conmiittee Roy. Soe., Lond. J 12 U 28 Oiganisatiou Internationale de la Bibliographic. Brussels — Office Internationale de Bibliographie. Public Libraries of the United States of America. . . United States — Bureau of Education J 4 S 30 Subject Headings for Use in Dictionary Catalogs American Library Association Cat. Room [See also Bibliography ; Cataloguing ; Library Economy. ] India — General and Descriptive- — Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab Gore, F. St. J. D 19 S 1 Australian, India, China, and .Japan Trade Directory... Wright,G. 910.3 Backwards or Forwards? Hanna, Col. H. B. F 10 V 37 Cavesand Jungles of Hindustan... Blavatsky, Helena P. D 22 Q 3 Topngraphischen Capitel des Indisehen Seespiegels Moliit, Die. Seidi Ali ben Hosein Katib i Rumi D 12 X 17 X East and West .. Arnold, Sir E. D 18 U 14 East India and iPolonial Magazine F 19 R 1-12 894 FubliG Library of New South Wales, India — General and Descriptive — contd. Enchanted Intlia Karageoi-gevitc-h, Prim'e 1) 13 P 14 Fifty Years' Reminiscences of India. . Pollok, Col. F. T. D 17 T "24 Forty-one Years in India Roberts, Earl B 10 V 37, oS From Tonkin to India Orleans, Prince H. d' D 13 V !) HauntsandHobbiesof anliidiauOflBcial... Thoi-nhill,M. D 13 8 3 Hand-book of Information for the Colonies and India British India and Queensland Agency 010.2 Heart of a Continent ... Y'ounghusbancl, Capt. F. E. D 17 V 25 Imperial Gazetteer of India Hunter, W. \V. D 19 S 7-20 In India Steevens, (I. \V. D 13 P 17 Index Catalogue of Bibliographical Works relating to India. CamijbcU, F. J S V 35 India Midler, F. M. J 20 T 13 India; b3'H. Morgan-Browne... Sixty Years of Empire B 22 R 18 India— iH Democracy and Liberty... Lecky, W. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 India, Ceylon, &c D 22 Q 4 India List Gt. Brit, and Irel.— India Office .3ol.2 Indian Village Community Powell, B. H. B-. F 12 T 24 Jer\-is. Tliomas Best C 26 Q 17 Kafirs of Hindu-Kush Robertson, Sir G. S. D 13 V 30 Moral and JIaterial Progress in India — in Asiatic Studies. Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 More Tramps Abroad Clemens, S. L. D 13 P 2 On the Indian Hills Arnold, E. L. D 17 P 32, .33 Oswell, William Cotton, Hunter and Explorer C 26 T 7, S Photographs and Drawings of Historical Buildings .. (iriggs, W. A 40 U 1.5 t Picturesque India Temple, Sir R. D 16 R 15 QuaintComersof Ancient Em] ires .. Shoemaker, M. M. 1) 13 R Reminisccncesof an Indian PoliceOtUcial... Crawford, A. F 13 T 31 Romantic India Chevrillon, A. D 17 T 20 Statistical Atlas of India, 1895 India F 1 Q 14 { Sunny Memories of an Indian Winter. . . Dunn, Sara H. D 19 U 16 Thacker's Indian Directory 915.4 Through Persia and India Weeks, E. L. D 17 V 22 Tour thi-ough the Famine Districts of India .. Mcrewcther, F. H. 8. D 19 [I 14 Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi AH Rcis; liv A. Vambery , .Seidi Ali 1) 16 R 10 Universal Geography Reclus. E. D 21 US [See nlso Anglo-Indian Terms and I'hrases ; Fine Arts — Indian ; Himalayas; Hindui.sm: India — Religions; Indian Frontier; Indian Mutiny ; Kulu ; Kuram Valley : Manipur; Naga Hills; Sikh Wai'; Sikhs; and under names of Places and Subjects.] Army, Xative — Lumsden of the Guides Lumsden, Sir H. B. C 25 S 12 Types of the Indian Army Bremner, F. A 21 P 1 t Bioyraphy — Biibar Poole, S. L-. B 32 Q 13 Clive, Lord Macaulav, Baron B 26 P 1 1 Clive, Lord; by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot ". C26P 14 Hastings, Warren INIacaulay, Baron B 26 PIG Hodgson, Brian Houghton, Life of ; by Sir W. W. Hunter C 21 U8 Lawrence, Sir Henry, the Pacificator; by Lieut. -Gen. J. J. McL. Innes '. C 10 T 24 Meade, Gen. Sir Richard ; by T. H. Thornton C 23 P 14 Old Memories (Jough, Gen. Sir H. C 23 R 3 Old .Soldier's Memories Parry, Capt. S. H. J-. C 24 R 8 Representative Indians Pillai, G. P. C 25 Q 8 Story of My Life Temple, Sir R. C 23 V 13, 14 Thackerays. The, in India Hunter, Sir W. W. C 23 P5 Twelve Indian Statesmen Smith, G. C 20 S 10 Xavier, .St. Francis, Life and Letters C 20 T 6, 7 Commerce nnd Trade — Accounts of Trade canicd by Rail and River in India, ISOCi !)7. India - Depl. of Revenue and .Agriculture ."{62 Accounts relating to the Tiade nnd Navigation of British India. liidi.i Statisticil Bureau 382 American Trade with India ... Philadelphia Commercial Museum F 16 R 21 Future Trade with the Far East Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 Indo-Australian Trade Walpole, R. MF4Q.58 Heview.Tradeoflndia... India Dept. of Finance and Connu. 382 Sixty Y'cars of the Queen's Reign Temple, Sir R. F 13 V 13 Wcinhta of Articlos carried by Rail and River in Brili.iji India, 1893-96 India- Statistical Buruay 382 India — Finance and Taxation — Administration of Expenditure of Inilia. Re))ort of Commission. Gt. Brit, and Irel— Indian Expenditure F 24 P 4 t Indian Coinage and Currency Probyn, L. C. F 13 T 24 Review, Trade of India . . . India —Dept. of Finance and Comm. 382 Geograplnj, Topo'jraplty, and Majis Thacker's Reduced Survey Map of India Bartludomew, .1. G. D 13 V 11 Government and Administration — Histor\- of Lord Lytton's Indian Administration ... Balfour, Lady FOR 43 Selections from Public Correspondence published by the Authority of (Jovernmcnt.N'orth-vvestern Provinces... India A 34 R 21, 22 History — Alexander the Great Wheeler, B. I._ B 27 Q 14 Alexander the (4reat, Invasion of India by M'Crindle, J. W. B 28 T 6 Alexander the Great, Life and Exploits B 27 V 20 Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan Tod, Lieut.-Col. .7. B41 W 11. 12 Babar Poole, S. L-. B 32 Q 13 Briti.^ih In.lia Frazer, R. W. B 17 Q 19 Building of the Emjiire Story, A. T. B 16 U 12, 13 Clive, Lord; by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot C 26 P 14 Conquerors, Warriors, and Statesmen of India... Sullivan, Sir E. BUR 28 Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asien Diez, H. F. von ]5 16 R 26, 27 Early Annals of the English in Bengal... Wilson, C. R. B 22 V 19 Embassy of Sir T. Roe to Court of the (4rcat Mogul, 1615-19. Hakluyt Society Pubs., 2nd series, 1,2 010.6 England and India '. Dutt, R. C. F 15 R 3 Fitch, Ralph Rylcy, R. H. B 36_R 7 Forty-one Years in India Roberts, Earl B 16 V ,37, 38 Growth of the Empire Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 1 History of British India Hunter, Sir W. W. B 28 U 12 History of the Deccan Gribble, J. I). B. B .32 S 1 History of the French in India Malleson, Col.G. B. B31 U 21 History of the Panjab Latif, Syad M. B 32 S 6 Incidents in India Pitt, F. W. B 17 Q 17 Indian Frontier Warfare... Younghusband,Capt. G. J. B 29 U 10 Madras Presidency —Administration, Manual, 1886 915.48 North-western Provinces of India Crooke, W. B 29 T 7 Philip and Alexander of Maceilon ... Hogarth, D. G. C 24 Q 1 1 Recollections of Thiity-nine Years in the Armv... Gordon. Sir C. A. B 39 Q 15 Romance of an Indian Empress ; by D.Blair... Melb. Rev. ,2 052 Servant of .John Company Keene, H. (!. B 29 U 15 Sikhs and Sikh Wars ..." Gough, (!en. Sir C. B 1" R 49 Sr>hlier and Traveller (Jarclner, Col. A. C' 25 P 7 Story of India Boulger, D. C. B 29 P IS [See also Indian Mutiny.] Politics — Administration of the Marquis of Lansdowne, lSSS-04. Forrest, G. W. F 11 U .36 England and India Dutt, R. C. F 15 R 3 History of Lonl Lytton's Indian Administration .., Riilfoiir. Lady V R 43 Russia against India Colqvdioun, A. R. F 10 S 3 Reliriions- Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. (;23R.34 Collected Works Midler, F. M. .1 29 T 1 14 Evolution dun Mythe Benel, C. B .39 U 7 Popular Religion anil Folk-lore of Northern India .. Crooke. W. G 19T20, :«) Ramakrishna: his Life and Sayings... Jliillcr, I*'. M. G 23 P 43 [See also under each Religion.] ■ Social Life, and Customs — From Sea to Sea ". Kipling, R. D 21 Rll,12 Hindu Maimers, Customs, and Ceremonies Dubois, Abbe G 23 S 12, 13 India-rubber. [See Outta-ppnlia.] Indian Archipelago. [Sen East Indies.] Suhject-Index to the Suj)i)lemenlary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 895 Indian Art. [See Fine Arts — Indian.] Indian Corn. [See IMaize.] Indian Frontier — (reneral mid Descriptive — Among the Celestials Younghushand, Capt. F. E. Dl.SRO Kigliteen Years in the Khyber, 1879-98 Warliurton, Sir H. 15 :i() S 1 1 India's Scientific Frontier Hanna, Col. H. H. F lU S 18 Campaigns — ■ .... Oman, ,J. C. .T •_>:) T G Frazer, R. W. .1 1!) \V 7 British Relations with Tribes on the N.W. Frontier of India and the Military Operations undertaken against thcni dui'ing the year 1897-98... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Military Operations. N.W. Frontier. India B :!() V l(i + Cam])aign in Tirah, 1897-98... Hutchin.son, C Q ."i 9.'jth Regiment in Central India Baines, (ien. .1. B 31 R 10 Old Memories Gough, Gen. .Sir H. C 23 R 3 Old Soldier's Memories Parry, Capt. S. H. J-. C 24 R 8 Recollections of a Highland Subaltern . . . Alexander, Lt. -Col. W. G. B .39 S 1.5 Recollections of Thirty-nine Y'ears in the Army. . . Gordon, SirC. A. B39Q10 Selections from the Letters, Despatches, and other State Papers in the Military Department of the Government of India, 18.">7-.i8. Forrest, (J. W. B39T3 Sepoy Mutiny, as seen bv a Subaltern, from Delhi to Lucknow. Vibart, Col. E. B 3f) Q 11 Sepoy Revolt Innes, Lieut. -Gen. McL-. B 10 S .39 Servant of .lohn Company Keenef H. (i. B 29 U 1,") Sikhs and the Sikli Wars Gough, (.ien. Sir C. B 17 R 49 Smith, Richard Baird, the Leader of the Delhi Heroes in 1S57 ; by Col. H, M. Vibart C 23 R 8 Story of the Indian Mutiny Moncrieff, A. R. H. B 17 P 39 Told from the Ranks Small, E. M. B 21 S 4 Twelve Indian .Statesman Smith, G. C 20 S 10 Twelve Years' of a Soldier's Life, . . Johnson, Major W. T. B 21 S 3 Windliam, (ieneral, Diary and Lettersof C 23 Q 1 1 With H.M. 9th Lancers during the Indian Mutiny. Anson, Brevet-Major B. B 29 Q 22 [.S'ee aho India— History.] Indian Ocean — Poems of I'laces Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 Topograpeischcn Capitel des Indischen Secspiegels Mohit, Die. Scidi Ali ben Hosein Katib i Rumi D 1 2 X 1 7 + Indian Politics. [S,y> Tiulia —Politics.] Indiana — Finnnee and Taxation — State Treasurer, Indiana, Rept... Indiana — Ann. Repts. .333.9772 Goveriiinent and Adndnistration — Message of tlie (ioyc'rnor Iniliana--Legislature .3-53.977203 Indiana University - Indiana Ciii vii sity. Ann. Rept... Indiana — Ann. Repts. 3.53.9772 Indians, American — Aboriglinl (,'hippcd Stone Implements New York State Museum, Rept., 1890 i507 Aboriginil Shjll Mounds on th_> Cj.ist of New Brunswick and of New England ; by .S. F. Baiid... U.S.— Nat. Mus., Proc, 4 507 American Antiquarian, .Ian. -Nov., 189.5 913.7 American Association, Advancement of .Science, Proc 500 Antiquity of the Red P^ace in America; by T. Wilson. United States — National Museum, Rept., 189.5 .^07 Buffalo Jones' Forty Years of Adventure... Jones, C. ■!. D 22 U 4 Canada Hopkins, .J. C. D 23 Q 5 Canada— Department of Indian Affairs Report, 1895 970.5 Canadian Aborigines British America I) 22 Q Cliff-dwellers of the Me.sa Verde, South-west Colorado. Nordenskiijld, G. A 17 U 13 t Collecting S])ecimens illustrating the Aboriginal Use of Plants. Coville, F. V. A 20 V 27 Condition and Needs of the Mission Indians of California, Report. Jackson, Helen A 30 R 45 Contributions to North American Ethnologj'... United .States — Geographical and (ieologieal Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region A 10 V 1-8 t Creation Myths of Primitive America Curtin, .J. G 23 S .50 Department of Indian Affairs, Reports — in Sessional Papers. Canada — Parliament 328. 7 1 Earthenware of the New Y'ork Aborigines ; by W. M. Beauchamp. New Y'ork — Museum, Bulletin 5, No. 22 507 Echnology of the American Indians... .Smiths. Inst. Rept., 1877 500 Ethnology of the Coast Indians of Alaska: by A. B. Niblack. United States -National Museum, Proc., 1888 .507 Explorations of the Aboriginal Remains of Tennessee ; by Dr. .1. Jones Smiths. Inst., Contiibutions to Knowledge, 22 .508 Facts relative to the Canadian Indians Tracts relating to the Aborigines MA 2 T 29 Gold-diggings of Cape Horn .Spears, .1. R . A 24 T 20 (iovernment and Religion of the Virginia Indians ; by IS. R. Hendren. Johns Hopkins Universit3', Studies, 13 B 18 .S 18 Haidah Indians of the Queen Chai-lotte's Islands, British Columbia ; by J. (i. Swan ... Smiths. Inst., Conts. to Knowledge, 21 508 History of the Five Indian Nations of New Y^ork Colden, C. B 23 V 17 Indian Attivirs, 1789-1815 — in American State Papers. United States— State Papers 328.734 Indian Affairs, 1894— /« Report, 1894 ... United States— Dept. of the Interior 970.5 Indian All'airs, Report of Commissioner... United States — Office of Indian Affairs 970.5 Indian Mode of Bestowing and Changing Names ; b5- L. H. Morgan. American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc, 18.59 .500 Indian Office, Regulations United States — Office of Indian Affairs F 1 U 10 Indian Traits ■■ Thatcher, B. B. A 26 P 39, 40 Indians Taxed and Indians iiot Taxed in the United States, Report, 1S90 United States— Census Office 317.3 Jewitt, John, Adventuresof D 16 Q 4 Karankawa Indians; by A. S. Gatschet Peabody Museum, ArchEBoIogical Papers A 41 P 14 Legal Status of the Indian Weil, R. F 18 Q 1 L'Estrauge, Roger, Adventures of B 17 P 38 896 ^Public Library of New South Wales. Indians, American— con^Y. Man, Past and Present Keane, A. H. A 27 S 29 JIassachusetts Indians ; tlieic Descent, Numbers, and Condition. Massachusetts — Lunacy and Cliarity, Rcpt., 1868 360 " Maya and Malay Poljiiesian Society, Journal, 1898 096 Myth, Ritual, arid Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 6, 7 North Americans of Antiquity Shot, J. T. A 35 T 7 Notes on the N'tlakapamuq of British Columbia, a Branch of the great Salish Stock of North America; by C. Hill-Tout — in Ethnological Survey of Canada British Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Rept., 1899 506 Old Santa Fe Trail Inman, Col. H. 1) 16 T 19 Omaha Indian Music ; by Alice C. Fletcher ... Peabody Museum, Archwological Papers A 41 P 14 On Snow Shoes to the Barren (irounds... Whitney, C. D 16 T 14 Palenque Tablet in the United States National Museum; by C. Ran Smiths. Inst., Contributions to Knowledge, 22 508 Peace ratified in the Creek Nation Fisk, C. B. A 30 R 47 Pile-structures in Naaman's Creek; by Dr. Cresson Peabody Museum, Archajological Papers A 41 P 14 Prehistoric Burial Places in Maine ; by C. C. VVilloughby. Peabody Museum, Archaeological Papers A 41 P 14 Rules for the Indian School Service United States — Office of Indian Affairs G IS S 37 Salt Lake Trail Inman, Col. H. D 22 P 16 Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the KwaUiuti Indians ; by F. Boas United States— Nat. Mus., Rept.. 1895 507 Sport and Adventures among the North American Indians. Messiter, C. A. D 16 T 15 Standish, Mj-les, Exploits of; by H. Johnson C 23 S 1 Stone Implements from Lake Michigan ; by W. A. Phillips. Smithsonian Institution, Repts. , 1897 506 Story of the Indian Grinnell, G. B. A 27 S 19 Study of the Omaha Tribe; by Alice C. Fletcher Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 506 Tangweera ^ Bell, C. N. D22R. 14 Travelsin the Interior of North America... Ma.\iniilian D 17 T 2 ;t Twelve Months in Klondyke Kirk, R. C. D 13 P 16 United States — Bureau of Ethnology, Report 572 United States Geographical Surveys \^'est of 100th Meiidian, Report United States- Engineer Dept. A 10 U 1-8 t Vocal)ulario Indigena com a Orthograpliia Correcta, Complemento da Poran ilubo Amazonense Rodrigues, J. B. J 28 V 3 [See also Aztec Race ; Cliff-dwellings ; lOthnology — United States ; Incas; Mounds and Mound-builders ; Race Problems; Sioux; Totcmism ; Yerba Mate; and iincler names of Ti'ibes. ] Languages — Sign Laiiguage among the North Ameiican Indians. Mallcry, Lieut. -Col. (i. J 13 \V 27 t Vocabulaire dc I'Ecriture Hieratique Yucati'que.Rosny, Leon de J S V 28 Vocabulario Indigena Rodrigues, J. B. J 9 V 38 Indians, Lives of. [fe India -Biu.srajiliy.] Indie Languages — (llo.^sarv of -Iiicliiial and Revenue Terms Wilson, H. H. .1 19 T 2 I [.SVe a/dO Dra vidian ; Marathi ; Pali; Prakrit; Sanskrit.] Indie Literature. [See Tiuliiui Literature.] Indie Religions. [.SW Bralimani.sin; ]?uddhism; Hindu- ism; India Ueligions; Mijliaiiiincdanisni ; Parxoos.] Indies, East. [.See Ea.st indies,] Indigestion. [.SVe Digestion.] Indigo — SiiliHtance, formed during Fcrmentatioji, from wliicli Indigo Blue is eventually formed in Indigo Manufacture; by Lieut-(!thcirWorkmen,.. Taylor, W. I. F 18R12 Great Britain ami Ireland — Dangerous Trades, Report of Com- mittee appointed to report upon certain Miscellaneous Danger- ous Trades F 40 V 28 t Industrial Diseases; by Dr. J. S. Bristowe... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 8 A 41 V 4 Report on Alkali, &c. , Works; by the Inspector. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Local Government Board 6 13. 03 White Slaves of England Sherard, R. H. F 13 V 3 [.Sec alio Noxious Trades.] Ink- Printers' Hand-book -Jacobi, C. T. A 24 P 41 Inoculation — Preventive Inoculation ; by W. M. Hafkine Royal Society, Loud., Proc, 1899 506 [See also Serums and Sero-therapy . ] Inorganic Chemistry. [See Chemistry, Inorganic] Inquests — Iland-liook to Magisterial Inquiries in New South Wales. Mathews, R. H. iMF 4 R 64 5x Inquisition — (linn I II Reformation in Europe ..PenningUm, Rev.A.R. G2-t U 13 Spanisli Protestants in the 10th Century ... Wilkens, Rev. C. A. t; 11 u 13 [See alio Martyrs; Persecutions.] Insane, Asylums for. [See Lunatic Asylums.] Insanity — Alcoholic Insanitv; by Dr. Hyslop — in Svsteni of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 American Journal of Insanity ] 32. 1 Criminal Lunacy in England; by Dr. Nicholson— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Epochal Insanity; by Dr. Clouston — in System of Jlcdieine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Family System in Practice ; by Dr. Stednian Massachusetts — Lunacy and Charities, Rept., 1808 300 From Demoniacal Possession to Insanity -t» Warfare of Science with Theology White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 General Board of Ciimniissioners in Lunacy for Scotland, Rcjiort. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Lunacy 362.2 Cieneral Treatment of the Insanities ; by Sir .1. B. Tuke~(;i System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Hospital Treatment of Insanity ; by Dr. E. N. Brush — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Insanitv; by Dr. Savage — in System of Medicine... Allbutt. T. C. A 20 T 41 Insanitv and Epilepsy; by Dr. R. Jones— i'k System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Insanitv and Surgical Operations; by Dr. Dent — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T." C. A 26 T 41 Mad Humanity Winslow, L. F. A 39 V 20 Mania; by Dr. Savage — in System of Medicine ... Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Medical Treatment of Insanity; by Dr. H. M. Bannister — in Practical Thcrajjeutics.. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Mental Affections Macpherson, J. A 30 T 41 Recui-rent Insanity; by Dr. Urquhart — in S\steni of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Relation of the Liquor Traffic to Pauperism, Crime, and Insanity. Massachusetts— Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Rept., 1895 331 Sleep and Dreams Scholz, F. G 9 V 45 Systeraatised Delusionary Insanity ; by Dr. C. Norman — in Sj'stem of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 Toxie Insanities ; by Dr. Savage — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Treatment of the Insane in France... U.S. — Cons. Repts., 50 .382 Vice, Crime, and Insanity ; by Dr. Mercier — in System of Medi- cine ". Allbutt, T" C. A26T41 [.?ce a/so Brain ; Hallucinations; Idiocy; Lunacy — Laws; Lunatic Asylums ; Medical .Jurisprudence ; Mind and Body ; -Nerves and Nervous System.] Inscriptions — Ancient ( i reek Inscriptions in the British Museimi . .British Museum A 47 P 28-31 * Epitaphe Mineenne d'Egj-pte Derenbourg, H. B 39 U 8 Fac-similes of Ancient Manuscripts and Inscriptions. Palajographical Society J 48 P 3-7 t Grammatik der Oskisch-Umbrischen Dialekte Planta. R. von J 12 V 37, 38 Inscriptiones Italia; Inferioris Dialecticsc. . . Zvetaieflf, J. .1 5 V 22 Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic Character from the Col- lections of the British Museum ... British Museum B 47 P 8 J Inscriptions in the Hiniyaritic Character in the British Museum. British Museum B 47 P 27 t Inscription.s in the Phienician Character discovered on the Site of Carthage; by N. Davis British Museum B 47 P 26 X Inscriptions sur Ardoise de I'Abbaye de Villiers Sheridan, P. B 39 U 9 Light from the East Ball, Rev. C. J. G 23 V 22 Temple of Mut in Asher Benson, Margaret B 28 U 1 1 Umbrica Biicheler, F. J 12 V 30 WordFormationof thcLatinlnscriptions... 01cott,G.N. J24 V 3 [See also AlphaViets ; Cuneiform Inscriptions ; Epitaphs ; Hiero- glyphics; Pala^ograplw ; Writing; and sub-tlivision — Alphnhe t, under each Language, ] 898 Tahlic Lihrarjj of New South Wales. Insecticides. [See Insects, Injurious; Plant Diseases; Spraying.] Insectivora — Fosriil .Mammalia in tlie Bfitisli Museum ; by R. Lvdekker. British Museum— Natural History" A 42 V 16-19 [See nho Talpida;.] Insectivorous Birds — Insects anil Biiils; li\- \V. W. Froggatt AgrieuIturaKJazette, N. S. Wales, 11 030.5 List of Insectivorous Birds of New Soutli Wales; by A. J. North. Agricultural Gazette, N. 8. Wales, 7, «, 11 630.5 Insectivorous Plants. [.S'^e Droscra "Wliittakeri.] Insects — General — Insect Life Theobald, F. V. A 18 P 31 Insects .Sharp, D. A 40 U 12, 13 Insects: their Structure and Life... Carpenter, (i. H. A 28 P 40 True Tales of the Insects Badenoeh, N. A 30 T 26 [See alto Entomology — for Scientific Works ; and under each Class.] Insects, Injurious and Peneficial to Agriculture- Agricultural lUizctte of New South Wales, 1-11 030.5 Agromyzii phascvli, a New Species of Leaf-mining Fly ; by D. W. Coquillett . . . Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, ProcI, 1 809 580.6 Ambrosia Beetles; by H. O. Hubbard... United States -Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 630.5 Association of Economic Entomologists, Proceedings. United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Entomology 501.6 Attack of the Diamoml-back Moth Caterjiillar, Report, 180!. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Board of Agr. A 21 V 30 Australasian Fruit-growers' Conference, Proceedings, 1897. Queensland — Agriculture 634 Bull-worm of Cotton; by F. \V. Mally... United States— Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Entomology A 37 S 6, 7 Box-elder Plant-bug United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Buffalo Tree-hopper United States— Dept. of A'gr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Bureau of Agriculture, Western Australia, Journal ..' 630.6 Carpet Beetle, or Buttalo Moth... United States-Dcpt. of Agr.-- Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Caterpillar Plague; by W. W. Froggatt AgriculturaKJazette, N. S. Wales, 630.5 Catei-pillars ; by W. W. Froggatt... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 10 630.5 Cause of an important Apple Disease ; by N. A. Cobb. Agricultin-al (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Cineraria Fly; by T. \V. Kirk— (h Leaflets for Gardeners and Fruit-growers, 27 New Zealand— Agricultiire JIA 3 R 75 Clover Mite... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Common Insects; with Preventives — in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Culture, Management, and Imijrovemcnt of Lantled Estates. Dean, (i. A. A .34 V 13 Culture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds and Roots. Sutton and Sons A 20 U 31 Damage by Destructive Locusts ..United States- Dept. of Agr. Div. of Entomology A 37 S 4 Danger of Importing Insect Pests; by L. (). Howard. United States Dept. of .\gr., ^'cai-book, 1897 630.5 Destructive Insects liable of Introduction to (Queensland ; by H. 'I'ryon (^leensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State; by E. Felt New York- Museum, Bulletin 5, No. 20 .507 Enemies of Farm Crops- in Hand-book for Farmers and Daily- men VVoU, F. W. A 23 P 32 Farm ami Orchard Pests Thompson, Rev. E. H. M.\ 4 P 10 Forest Moths that have become Orchard and Garden Pests; by W. W. FroEL'att Agr. (iazettc, N. S. Wales, 7, 8 630.'5 Fruit Flies... V ictoria - Agr. -Guides to Growers, 40 MA 3 V 13 Fruit Flies; by Claude Fuller Journal of .\giiculturc and Industry, South Australia, 2 630.5 Fruit Fly Experiments; by Benson and Voller (,)ueensland Agricultural Journal, 4 630.5 Fruit-maggot Fly ; by W. W. Froggatt Agricidtural (iazcttc. N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Fruit-tree and Vine Pests ; by W. W. Froggatt Agricultural Gazette, N, H. Wales, i) 030.5 Insects, Injurious and Beneficial — conul. Fruit-tree Bark Beetle ... United States- Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 General Work against Insects which Defoliate Shade Trees in Cities and Towns United States - Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entfmiology A 41 U 6 Goveriunent Entomologist, Report — in Appendix 2, vol. 1. Cape of (Jood Hope -Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.687 Grass and Grain Joint-worm Flies and their Allies; by L. 0. Howard... U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A41U6 Great Britain andlreland— Board of Agriculture, Leaflets, 1893-95. A 21 V 31 Horticulturist's Rule-book Bailey, L. H. A 18 P 28 Idaho — State Board of Horticultural Inspection, Report 634 Imported Elm-leaf Beetle United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 37 S 3 Imported Elm-leaf Beetle ... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Inj urious and other Insects of the State of New York . . . New York — Museum, Bulletin 5, No. 23 507 Injurious Insects Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Injurious Insects and Fungi, Report, 1890 ... (it. Brit and Irel. — Board of Agr. A 21 V 29 Insect Control in California; bv C. L. Marlatt... United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 630.5 Insect Friends; by G. Quinn Journal of Agriculture and Industry, South Australia, 1897-98 630.5 In.seet Friends and Foes; byC. Fuller... Agr. (jaz.,N.S.W., 7 030.5 Insect Friends and Insect Foes; by H. Tryon Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Insect Pests; by W. W. Froggatt... Agr. (^Jaz.. N.S.W., 10 630.5 Insect Pe.sts and Fungi Victoria -Agriculture— Guides to Growers, 27 MA 3 V 13 Insect Pests found in the Northern District: by W. \\. Froggatt. Agricultural (iazetto, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Insectivorous Birds of N. S. WaIes;bvA. J. North... Agr. Gazette, 'N. S. Wales, 7, 8, 11 fi.30.5 Insects affecting Stored Vegetable Products : by F. H. Chittenden. United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Insects and Birds; by W. W. Froggatt Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Insects and Fungi injurious to Crops, Reports, 1889, 1892. (it. Brit, aufl Irel. -Board of Agr. A 21 V 28, 32 Insects and Fungus Diseases of Fruit-trees and their Remedies ; by W. J. Allen, and others Agricult. (4az., N.S.W., 9 03(.».5 Insects and Fungus Pests; by E. H. Thompson Tasmania — Agriculture MA 3 S 70, 72 Insects injurious in 1895 Minnesota- Agr. Exper. Station Rept., 1895 (i30.7 Insects injurious to Crops in Great Britain... (U. Brit, and Irel.— Board of Aav. A 21 V 24 Insectsinjurious toGarden and Orchard Crops ; by F. H. Chittenden. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of l<:ntomology A 3S (,) 20 Insects injurious to Orchard and Bush Fiiiits; with Means of Prevention and Rcnu'dy Onncrod, Eleanor A. A 20 U 32 Insects injurious to Stored (!i-ain; by F. H. Chittenden. United States — Dept. of ,\gr.. Farmers' Bidlct in, 45 A4I U 1 Insects injuiious to Stored Grain; by F. H. Chittenden. United States- Dei)t of .\gr., Yearbook, 1894 6.30.5 Larger ^orn Stalk Borer . United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U (i Leaf-mining Cater])illar; by W. W. Froggatt "Agricnltuial Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 Life-histories of American Insects Weed, (-'. M. A 28 P .33 Mexican and .lapanesc Injurious Insects liable to be Introduced into the United Slates ... Unitivl States - Dept. of Agr. Div. of Entomology A 38 R 12 Mimiesota — Agricultural Exper. Stn., Bulletin 48 A .'id T (i New .Icrsej' State Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1897 030.7 New York - -Agricultural Experiment Station, Bonrd of Control, Keport, 1894 (i:in.7 New Zealand .Agriculture, (Jovei-nment Biologist, Report 591. (i Notes on Injurious Insects... Connect. — Agr. Stn.. Rept , '95 6.30.7 Notes on Injuiious Insects Iowa - Agr. College, Bulletin, .■f3 A 33 S 28 Observations and l''xperimcnts in the Practical Work, Reports. United Stales Dciit. of .Agr Div. of Isiitomology ,591.6 ()l>scivation.M of Injurious Insects, Report, 1S95. Ormerod, lOUanor A. 591.68 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 899 Insects, Injurious and Beneficial — contd. Oiilarid Kntoiiiological Society, Keport, 1892 ."O.")." Our Insrct Kiiemics Wood, Rev. 'I'. A 2" 1' 1-") Piiniphlots on Injurious Insects, Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit- growing, Spraying, &c Agr. Exper. Stations A SS Q 1 "> Parasitic and Predaccous Insects in New Zealand, Australia, and adjacent Islands ... United States -Dcpt. of Agr. MA '2 R 5.") Plant-helping Insects; by P. MacMalion... (,)ueenslandAgiic\dtui"al Journal, 4 (iSO.o Preparation and Uses of Insecticides United States Dcpt. of Agr., Year-book, 18!)4 (130. ;> Prevention and Destruction of Insect Pests — in Text-book of Agri- cultural Zoology Theobald, F. V. A 27 P 4 Principles of Fiuit-growing Bailey, L. H. A .Ti Q IS Queensland Fruit Fly Agr. (laz. of Tasmania, 1807. 1130..') Recent Laws against Injurious Insects in N. Aniciica; with Laws relative to Foul Brood; by L. 0. Howard United States — Dept. Agr. — Div. of Kntoniology A 38 Q 20 Remedies for Insects and Fungi; byC.W.Woodwcirth... California — Agr. Exper. Station, Kept., 1895-07 030.7 Revision of the Aphelinina; of North America; by L. 0. Howard. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 30 R 34 Rose-chafer. . . United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A41 U 6 Some Injurious Insects; by G. C. Davis Michigan -Board of Agriculture, Kept., 189R 030 7 Suppression of Insect Pests and Plant Diseases by Legislation. United States — Dept. of Agriculture A 37 S 54 Three Insect Enemies of Shade Trees; by L. 0. Howard. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 99 A 41 U 2 Two-lined Chestnut Borer... United States-Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms Cooke, M. C. A 44 U 3 Vermont — Agr. Exper. Stn., Entomologist Rents. , 189.3-94 030.7 [Sue also Aphides; Bees; Beetles; Butternies ; Chinch Bug; Coceidie; Codling Moth; Delphacida' ; Entomology, Economic; Figs; Hessian Fly ; Hop Louse; Insectivorous Birds; Lady-birds; Locusts ; Moths ; Parasites ; Peach ; Pliylloxera ; Plant I)iseases ; Potato Moth; San Jose Scale; Scale Insects; Spraying; and under common names of Insect Pests, and under names of crops affected, such as Cotton, Potato, Tobacco.] Insolvency. [.See Bankruptcy.] Inspiration — History of the Aniana Society Pathway of the Spirit Perkins, \\\ F. (i 19 T 28 .. Dewey, J. H. (i 23 R 17 Instinct and Animal Intelligence — Animal Intelligence Tlioiniliko, E. L. ft 25 V 8 Animals of To-day Corui.sh, C. J. A 27 S 8 Darwinian Theory of Instinct — in Essays Romanes, H. J. A 27 R 14 Dawn of Reason Weir, J. (i 24 P 9 Do Animals possess Reason ; by C. W. Purnell Melbourne Review, 9 052 Evolutional Ethics anach Canal.] Interviewing. [,SV'« Journali.sm; Newspaper, The; Pres.s.] Intestines - Dirt'ercntial Diagnosis of Diseases of the Anus and Rectum; by Dr. H. W. AUingham — in System of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Diseases of Small Intestines ; by Dr. H. D. Rolleston — in System of Medicine " Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Diseases of the Colon ; by Dr. W. H. \^"hites — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T .36 Intestinal Obstructions; by Dr. F. Treves — in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A20T:i6 Obstruction of the Intestines; by Dr. E Martin — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Perityphlitis; bv Dr. F. Treves — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Pliysiologv of F:ecal Evacuations; by Dr. T. L. Brunton in Systemof Medicine Allbutt, T. C. .A 26 T 36 Sprue; by Dr. P. Manson — in System of JIe; Ptn'si:i;i Iranic Langua,q;es Lan<; •] Ireland — General and Descriptive — Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland Ru.«sjll, T. O. D 21 S 4 Old Country, The D 10 W l-(! \ Poems of Places Ljugfellow, H. W. IT 11 P 11 Sights and Scenes in Ireland A 8 R 32 t Spring and Autumn in Ireland Austin, A. 1) 22 Q 17 Stranger in Ireland, 1S05 Carr, J. D 2.3 Q 1 Universal Geography- ... Rocluii, E. U 21 U 4 [See rt/.so Churcli of Ireland; Great Britain; Ilonia Rule; Irish Language; Irish Life and Character; Iri.sh l!cl)ellion ; under Cities, Places, and Subjects ; and under Ct. Brit, and Irol. in Author Catalogue. ] Biography — History of Ireland in tlie Lives of I iisnnien Wills, J. B 15 R lS-2i Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen Wills,.!. C-2G R.5 10 Government and Adniinistratlim — Problem of Government in Ireland; by R. M. Sniitli— 1« Historic Facts Rosi, W. K. F S Q 10 History — Annals of Ulster, 431-1511 Gt. a-.ul Irel. -Records Cjin. B30 V Ki-lS Calendar of Documents preserved in Franco ilhistrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, 918-120(). Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office B 45 Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland in tlie Reign of Elizabeth, 1598-1600 (!t. Brit, and Irel. —Public Record Office B 44 Celtic Britain Rhys, J. B27P12 Celtic Church in Ireland Heron, Rev. J. G 23 Q 15 Chronicleof the Law Officers of Ireland... Smyth, C. J. F 7 V^ '"i'^ Conquest of Ireland — ;'« Commune of London Round, J. H. B2ST 15 Ferguson, Sir Samuel, in the Ireland of his Day C "22 S 13, 17 Fitzgerald, Lord Edwar.l, Memoirs of; by T. Moore... C 23 R 4 History of Ireland, Ancient ami Modern.. Haverty, M. B 34 T 8 HLstory of Ireland in Lives of Irishmen... Wills. J. B 15 R 18-23 History of the Irish Confederation and the War in Ireland, l(;4()-48. Bellings, R. B 29 V 17 Ireland, 1494-18G3 Morris, W. O'C. B 17 P 30 Ireland, 1798-1898 Morris, W. O'C. B29U19 Irish Rebellion of 179;-! Palliser, F. W. B 29 R 10 Lectures on tlie MS. Materials of Ancient Irish History. O'Curry, E. B 34 T 1 Life Spent for Ireland Daunt, W. J. 6'N. C 23 V 10 Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen Wills, .1. C 26 R 5-10 Mr. Gregorv's Letter-box, 181.3-30 Gregory, W. C 25 Q 22 My Life in Two Hemispheres ... Duffy, Sir C. (4. MC 1 T 32, 33 Pacata Hibernia O'Grady, S. B 34 T 15, 10 Recollections of Fenians and Fenianism. . .O'Leary, J. F 13 R 3, 4 Review of Irish History in relation to the Social Development of Ireland (Gannon, .J. P. B 29 S 15 Story of an Irish Sept Macnamara, N. C. B .34 T 17 [See also Irish Rebellion, 1798.] Ireland —Politics — Australian in Europe Thirty Years Ago, An ; by Sir Charles Gavan Dutty Contemjiorary Review, 72 052 Englnml in the 19th Centui-y... Latimer, Kliz.abeth W. B 10 S 13 English Institutions and the Irisli Race; by .J. O'Brien. Melbourne Review, 6 0.52 English In.stitutions and the Irish Race; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, G 0.52 Few More Words on the Irish Question; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 6 0.52 Fitzgeiald, Lord Edward, Memoirs of; by T. Moore... C 23 R 4 (iladstone's Life, Story of; by J. H. McCarthy. Gladstone, W. E. C 23 U 2 Historical and Political Addresses, 1883 97 Redmond, .1. E. FOP 30 Home Rule for Home Reading F 1 S 27 Ireland f/i Essays Alison, A. J 14S11 Irelaini, 1798 1898 Morris, W. O'C. B 29 U 19 Life and Death in Ireland, 1849 Hall, S. T. F 1 U .30 Life Spent for Ireland... Daunt, W. .1. O'N. C 23 V 10 McLaren, Duncan, Life and Work ; by .J. B. Mackie C 24 P 4, 5 Mr. (iregorv's Letter-bo.\-. 1813 30 ...'.. Gregory, W. C 25 Q 22 >.ly Life in Two Hemi.siilieres ... Dutt'y, Sir C. (J. MC 1 T 32, 33 I'arncll, Life of; by R. B. O'Brien... Parnell, C. S. C 23 T 12, 13 Recollections of Feinans and I''enianism...O'Le£iry, .1. F 13 R 3, 4 Review' of Irish History in reUvtion to the .Social Development of Ireland Garaiou, J. P. B 29 S 15 Rule of England in Ireland - in .Speeches Rosebery, Earl F 12 T 15 Saving of Ireland Powell, Sir G. B-. F 3 R 3 Ulster as it is Mackniglit, T. F 14 U 34, 35 Social Life and Ciistoms — Keen of the South of Ireland ... Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 15 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish O'Curry, E. B 34 t 2 4 [See also Irish Life and Clnracter.] Irish, The- Story of the British Race Munro, .J. A 33 R 29 Who are the Irish? Bonwick, .J. A 27 P S [See also Ireland — Social Life and Customs; Irish Life and Character.] Irish Language and Literature — Ballail Poetry of Ireland Dnil'y, Sir C. G. H 10 V 27 Irish Literature and Ossian -in English Studies. ..Darmcsteter, J. J 14 V Lectures on the MS. Materials of Ancient Irisli History. O'Curry, E^ B 34 T 1 Literary History of Ireland Hyde, D. J 4 T 28 Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living. Meyer, K. B 36 P 10 [See also Poctr\-, Irish.] Irish Life and Character - English Institutions and the Irish Race; by .J. O'Brien. Melbourne Review, 6 0,52 Highways and Bywa\-s in Donegal and Antrim Gwvnn, S. D 21 S 1 Irish Chimney Corner Stories Ellard, W. M.I 3 T 3 Irish Idylls Barlow, Jane D 10 S Life and Death in Ireland, 1849 Hall, S. T. F 4 U 30 Memories of Father Healev, of Little Brav Hcaly. Rev. J. "C 23 S 17 Munster Circuit O'flanagan, J. E. J 14 U 26 Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry • Carleton, W. J 14 U 10-13 [.S'ee rt/.vo Humour and Comic Literature — Irish ; Ireland— Social Life and Customs; Irish, The.] Irish Poetry, [See Poetry, Irish.] Irish Question. [See Great Britain — PoUtics; Home liule; Ireland — Politics.] Irish RebeUion, 1798— Popidai' ."^ongs illustrative of the French Invasions of Ireland. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 23 [.S'cc also Ireland— History.] 902 Titblic Library of New South Wales. Iron Age — CivilisationofSwedenmHeathen Times, ..Moutelius, 0. F 16 T '2 Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 [•See also Antliropology. ] Iron and Steel — Architectural Iron and Steel Eirkmire, W. H. A 19 U 11 Basic Refined Steel on tlie Continent ; by C. E. Stromeyer. Inst. , Engineers and Sliiphuilders, Scot. , Trans. , 1807-98 620..') Constructional Iron and Steel Work Campin, F. A "25 P 41 Engineering Construction in Iron, Steel, and Timber. Warren, W. H. A 22 V 30 E.xperimeuts with Steel U.S. — Dept. of the Xavy A 22 T 7 Handbook of Art Smithing Meyer, F. S. A 23 T 26 History of the Iron Trade Scrivenor, H. A 24 T 37 Industrial Evolution of United States... Wright, C. I). F 13 R 23 Iron Industry in Styria. and the Betler Ironworks in Hungary', (it. "Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 388 382 Iron; its Nature, Properties, and Uses... Cameron, R. J!A 4 S 12 Iron -making in Alabama; by W. B. Phillips... Alabama Geological Survey A 24 U 36 Iron-makingin Alabama; by \\'. B. Phillips. [2nded.] ., Alabama (.Geological Survey A 24 S 28 Made in Cermany Williams, E. E. F 10 V 16 Metallic Structures : Corrosion and Fouling Newman, J. A 23 S 21 Metallography of Iron and Steel; by W. H. Merrett... Illustrated Annual of'Mitroscopy, I'JOO A 40 P 19 Physical Properties of Nickel Steel ; b\' W. H. Warren ... Royal Society, N. S. "Wales, Journal, 1898 o06 Practical Iron-founding Horner, J. (1. A 24 P 38 Steel : a Manual for Steel Usei-s Metcalf, W. A 2.5 R 37 Steel-works Analysis Arnold, J. 0. A 24 (,> 1 2 Work-shop Companion for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copper-plate Workers Blimi, L. J. A 2.5 R 34 [See aho Metallurgy.] j'ron Castings — Catalogue, MacFarlane'sCastings... MacFarlane.W. A 40 U 21 X Practical Iron-founding Horner, J. (I. A 24 P 38 [.S'ee aho Corrosion and Fouling; Iron-work; Metal-founding; Moulding ; Pattern-making. ] Iron Ores- Chromic Iron Ore; by J. E. Carnc N. S. Wales— Geological Survey MA 3 V 46 Extensive Iron Formation, West Coast of Tasmania ; by D. Jones. Australasian In.st., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 022.06 Investigations of Magnetic Iron-ores from Eastern Ontario. Pope, F. J. A 44 S 10 Iron Ores of Minnesota ; by N. H. Winchell Minnesota — (ieological Survey, Bulletin, 6 A 44 S 22 Iron Ores of New Zealand — in Appendix to tlie Journals, 1895. New Zealand PailiainiMit 328.931 [See alio Mineralogy.] Iron-work — Iron-work Gardner, .1. S. A 23 S 36, .37 Ornamental Treatment of Iron and Stefl in HuiUling Woik ; by .1. Nangle Aust. As.soe., Advance, of Si-iinf,-, l{upt,, 1898 .506 [See (Uho Iron Castings.] Irrigation - G'nteral — (.'nnfiuest of Arid America Smythe, W. E. .\ 19 K 17 Exhaustion of Pasture Lands; by C. H. Lj'on... Mulb. Rev.,() (ir)2 Fertility of the Land Roberts, I. P. A 18 P 33 Hints to Amateur Irrigalionists; by J. ,MeTntosli... Journal of Agr. and Industry, South Australia. 1897-98 630..5 Irrigation AgricnlturaHJazettc, New .South Wales. 6 030..5 Irrigation and Drainage King, F. H. A 33 (,> 40 Irrigation Karmiug Wilcox, L. A 19 P 8 Irrigation in Humid Climates; by F. H. King ., United States — Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bidlotin, 46 A 41 U I Practical Irrigation McKeague, J. MA 4 R 28 Water-sujiply Engineering Folwell, A. P. A .38 S 24 [.S'ee a/dO Canals ; Drainage ; Riparian Rights; Water Sujiply.] Irrigation — Laics — Treatise on the Law of Irrigation Kinney, C. S. F 13 U8 By Countries. Canada — Department of the Interior— m Sessional Papei'S Canada — Parliament 328.71 Cape of Good Hope — Douglas Irrii^ation \V(jrks, Vaal River — in Appendix 1, vol. 2. Cape of (iuod Hope— Parliament, V. and P.. 1899 328.687 Hartz River Valley Irrigation Scheme — in Appendix 1, vol. 2. Cape of (ioocl Hope— Parliament, V. antl P., 1899 328.687 Irrigation and Hydrographic Survey, Special Report — in Appendix 1, vol. 2... Cape of (iood Hope— Pari., V. and P., 1899 328.687 Irrigation Connnission, 1883, Report — ;'« Appenix 1, vol. 4. Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P., 1883 328.687 Irrigation, Report of Select Committee — in Appendix 2. Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P., 1892 .328.687 Stevnsburg Irrigation Commission, Reports - in Appendix 1, vol. 1. Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. anrl P.. 1897 328.687 Thel.us Irrigation Commission, Report — in Appendix 1, vol. 2. Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P., 1899 328.687 Egypt— Irrig.ation in I'jgypt and Italy — in Report, Royal Commission. Victoria — Water Supply MA 5 R 17 Prescnt-d.iy Egypt PenHeld, V. C. 1) 13 Q 3 India — Bengal Public Works Dept., Irrigation Branch, Rept 626.8 Canal Irrigation of Valleys India Selections from Public Correspondence A 34 R 22 Irrigation of Turrai Lands India — Selections from Public Correspondence A 34 R 21 Irrigation Report and Maps, Presidency of Madras India — Selections from Public Correspondence A 34 R 21 Works for- Irrigation India — Selections from Public CorrcRpon30..5 Prospects of Irrigation and Water Conservation in N. S. Wales; by Col. V. J. Home... N.S.W.- Pari., V. and P., 1897 328.944 'I'orrumbarry Irrigation Colony MA 4 S .5 Water Couservalion, Irrigation, andDrainage iuNcw South Wales ; by H. (;. MuKinney--/;; N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony. Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 2.3 Went worth Iirigation Scheme ; byll. G. McKinney... Agr. ( jazette, N. S.' Wales, 7 630.5 South Australia — Gawler Plains Irrigation, Plans, &e South Australia — Parliament, Proc. 18!)() .328.942 Tasmania Irrigaliiiii in 'lasiuauia ; liy Capt. Cotton... Tasmanian .Toumal, 1 M.\ .5 1! 4 United States — Colorado, State Engineer. Report 62(i.8 Developments ill Well-boring and Irrigation in Scnitli Dakota. United States — (ieological Survey, Rc))t.. 18 5.57.3 Engineering Results of Irrigation Survey United States - (ieological Survey, Report 13, pt. 3 557.3 Irrigation ... U.S. — (ieolog. Surv., Annual Hi]its., 1(1, 12 557.3 Irrigation for the Garden and Greenhouse, and Irrigation Methods of ('alifornia U.S.- Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1H95 63(K5 Irrigation in Connecticut and Now Jer.iev; by C. S. Phelps. U.S. -Dept of Agr.— OHice of Expcr. Stations A 38 R 15 Inigation in New Jersey New .Tersey State Agr. lOxpcr. Station Rcpt.. 1896 (i:!(l.7 Snhject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 903 Irrigation United States — co/^^/. Ji li'^iitiiin in Utah : liy (_'. II. Urmigli... Julius lli>|iUiiiH Uiiivi'i-sily, .Studies, extra vol, I!) H IK T ill lii'igaliun in Western Ameriea — in Reijoit, Hoyal ('(iiriinission. Viotoiia— Water Siipjily MA ."> H l(i Irrigatiim on the Great Plains ; by F. H. Newell . . . United States — Dept.' of Agr.. Year-hook, 18!Hi (iSO..-) Irrigation Phmts New Jerssy State Ag)-. Kxper. Station Kept., 1S!)7 li:ill.7 Laws for acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri and its Tributaries; by E. Mead United States -Dept. of Agr. — Office of Experiment Station.s A 37 V 1 New Developments in Well-boring and Iriigation in Scnith Dakota. United States — (Jeolog. Surv., Annual Rept., IS, ])t. 4 .').57.3 New Jersey — Agricult. College Exper. Stn., Rept., 18!)")... 0.30.7 Pamphlets on Artesian Waters and Irrigation .. Agr. Experiment Stati This Goodly Frame, the Earth TilTany, F. D 21 T 1 Tourist (iuidc to Cliina. Japan, Australia, and Tasnumia. ICaslern and Australasian vSteamship Company MD S T 9 Universal (ieographv Reclus, E. 1)21 U7 Xavicr, St. Francis,' Life and Letters of C 20 T 6, 7 [,SVft r(/.so .Mnos; Chinese-Japanese War; Fine Arts — Japanese; Shinto; and under names of Cities and Places.] A rmy — Stalls of Various Armies U.S.- Dcpt. of War F 16 R 23 llihluiiirajihji State Lil>raiv Hullctin, I'ibliogi-aphy, 6 New ^'o^k Library Cat. Room Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1900. 005 Japan — Cummei-ce and Tia'le — t'onunerceaml Iiulustrvin thcEnipiieof.Tapan... . Japan !•' l."i(^t 13 Forrigii Coninicnoo of Japan U.S. — Con.sular Repta., .14 licS'i KuUiie Tnulu with tlie Far East Wakefield, V. V. V 8 V :W Industrial Tniiisition in .lapan One, Ycijiro I'' 4 V 15 Intcrcour.sc between the United States andjapan ; by Inazii Nitol e. Jolms Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 8 15 KS T 8 Japanese-Australian Traile U.S. —Consular Rept.s., .50 38'2 Trade Conditions in Japan U.S. — Consular Re) )ts., .'j9 S8'2 Trade of Hakodate, Nagasaki, Hiogo, ami O.saka, 18!)7 --/« Ui])lo- matio and Consular Repts., 1898... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreifiii Offiee .382 Trade of Japan — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Ct. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office .3S'2 Trade with Japan and China — in Our Trade in the World. Gastrell, W. S. H. F 9 V 10 Finance and Taxaticm — Supjilenientary Budget of .Japan, 1898-99 — in Diplomatic and Con- sular Report, 1898 Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Oflice ;iS2 Geography, Topography, and 3Iaps — Anchorages on the West Coast of Yezo, 1899 [Chart]. Gt. Biit. and Irel.— Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 + Ando Zaki to Otose Zaki, including Sado Island, 1899 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 J Kobe and Osaka, 1898 [Chart]... Gt. Brit, andlrel. — Hydrographic Office D 49 P 2 T ' Tsu Saki to Kagara Sima, with the Channels to Imari, 1899 [Cliart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Hydrographic Offiee D 49 P 3 J Uraga Harbour, 1899 [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office I) 49 P 3 t Yokohama Harbour, 1899 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrograpliic Office 1) 49 P 3 J . History — Far Eastern Question Clii rol . V. B 33 R 1 4 Feudal and Modern Japan Knapp, A. M. B .33 P 0, 7 Heroic Japan Eastlake, F. W. B 17 R 40 Letters from the Land of the Rising Sun, 1880-92. Palmer, Major-Gen. H. S. B 1.5 S 1.5 t Mikado's Kmpire Griffis, W. E. B 33 Q 11 Nihongi : C'hronicles of Japan to 697 .\.P. Japan .Society, London, Supplement 1 9.52 Xavy — Fleets of Great Britain and Foreign Countries, 1898. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty A 36 V 18 J Politics^ Peoples and Politics of the Far East Norman, II. D 20 U 1 1 Religion — Religion in japan Cobbold, G. A. G 20? 14 . Social Life a7id Customs Japanese Homes and their Surroundings... Morse, E. S. A 45 P 4 Japanese, The — Japanese in America — in Intercourse between the United States and Japan; by Inazo Nitobe Johns Hopkins Univer.sitv, Studies, extra vol. 8 B 18 T 8 [See aho Ainos. ] Japanese Art. [See Fine Arts — Japanese.] Japanese Literature — History of Japanese Literature Aston, W. G. J 23 R 22 Japanese Printed Books and Manuscripts in th.c Libraiy of the British Museum British Museum J 13 R 18 t Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan to 697 a.d. Japan Society, London, Supplement 1 952 Japanese Plums — Paniiililcts on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Expci-. Stations A 38 R 35 Jaundice — Jaundice ; bv Dr. W. Hunter — in System of Medicine. - AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 5t Java — General and Descriptive — Islands of the Southern Seas Shoemaker, M. M. MD 2 T 31 Java, the (iarden of the East Scidmore, Kliza R. D 21 Q 1 Supplement to the Eastern Archipelago Directory, 1890. (Jt. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty D 20 U 13 Through New Guinea and other Cannibal Countries. Wcb.stcr, H. C-. MD 8 R 53 \_See. also East Indies.] Geography, Topograjihy, and Maps — Bays and Anchoiviges on the South Coast of Java, 1899 [Chart]. Gt. Bi-it. and Trcl.— Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 t History — Lost Possessions of England Lord, W. F. 15 10 R 24 Jaws, The— Oral Surgery Garretson, J. E. A 32 S 20 " Jeannette " Expedition, The — Examination into the (ienuineness of the Jcannclle Relics. (jeographical Society of the Pacifie D 20 U 19 Jenolan Caves — Fish River Caves; by J. Inglis ... Australian, The, 4 M.f 4 P 15 Fish River Caves ; by F. L. Warleigh... Australian, The MJ 4 P U tiuide to the Jenolan Caves; by 0. Trickett N. S. Wales — Geological Survey MD 8 P 35 Jenolan Caves and the Blue Mcnuitains Richardson, R. S. MD V 4 [See also Geology — New South Wales.] Jeraeil, The. [See Ilite^ and Ceremonies — Aborigines of Australia.] Jeremiah —Old Testament- Bonk of Jeremiah E.xpositor's Bible G 19 S 27 Jerusalem — General and Descriptive — Excavations at Jerusalem Bliss, F. J. B 28 T 9 lu Cairo and Jerusalem Carpenter, Mary Thorn I) 17 <} ."3 In the Levant Wanier, C. D. D 20 R 14 Literary Landmarks of Jerusalem Hutton, L. D 20 Q 28 [,S'ce «/(io Crusades; Jewish History ; Palestine.] History — Archreological Researches in Palestine, 1873-74; byC. C. Ganneau. Palestine Exploration Fund B 13 V 16, 17 t Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1 099-1291... Conder, Lieut. -Col. C. R. B 28 U 10 Jervis Bay, New South Wales — Chart,1895 .. tit. Brit andlrel.— HydrographicOffice MD2P35* Jests. [See Humour and Comic Literature; Wit.] Jesuits — Arc hpriest Controversy Camden Society 282.42 Counter-Reformation in Europe Pennington, Rev. A. R. G 24 U 13 Jesuits: their Constitution and Teaching Cartwright, W. C. G 3 R 27 Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits.. . Hughes. Rev. T. G IS Q .52 St. Ignatius of Loyola Joly, H. G 24 P 13 Testament of Ignati us Loyola Ignatius, St. G 26 Q 9 [See also Jansenists; Religious Orders.] Jesus Christ — Cluist in His Holy Land Boddy, Rev. A. A. G 26 R 4 Christ in the Old Testament Thomson, W. H. G 24 T 5 Christianity and Mythology Robertson, J. M. G 25 U 8 Evolution of the Messiah and the Messiauic Kingdom— ;« Intel- lectual Development Crozier, .J. B. G 17 T II Galilean, The Lloyd, W. G 25 P 5 Historic Christ- ;« Doctrine andDevelopment... Rashdall. Rev. H. ( ; 23 1,1 37 In the Dav of the Cross Clow, Rev. W. M. G 23 R 27 906 Fithlic Library of New South TFales. Jesus Christ — contd. Jesus Christ the Divine Man Vallings, Rev. .7. F. G 19 U S Jesus of Nazareth ; his Life and Teachings. . Abbott, L. G 24 T 4 Life of Lives Farrar, Dean G 24 Y 34 Life of Our Saviour Jesu.s Christ ... Tissot, J. J. (i 6 U 13, 14 t Limitations of Knowledge in Christ — in Doctrine and Development. Rashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 Jlessiah of the Apostles Briggs, Rev: C. A. G 1 2 V 6 Messiah of the Gospels Biiggs, Kev. C. A. (i 12 V 5 Messianic Prophecy - in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 Mind of the Master Watson, Rev. J. G 2 Y 27 Kew Life of Jesus Strauss, D. F. G 25 Q 18, 19 Place of Christ in Modern Theology Fairbairn, Rev. A. M. G 20 R 8 Records of the Life of Christ - in The Spirit on the Waters. Abliott, E. A. G 3 U 27 St. Paid's Conception of Christ ... Somerville, Rev. D. G 23 S 1 Savings of Our Lord from an Early (iresk Papyrus Kgypt E.xploratiou Fund G11Q34 Social Teaching of Jesus Mathews, S. G 11 IT 2.5 Story of Jesus Christ Ward, Elizabeth S. G 23 1' 10 Studies in the Life of Jesus Sallmon, W. H. G 9 U 22 Study of the Sariour in tho Newer Light Robinson, Rev. A. G 23 S 23 Times of Je.sus Christ Muirhead, L. A. G 1.5 U 26 Unique Son, The — mDoctrineand Development. ..Rashdall, Rev. H. (J 23 Q 37 What the Bible Teaches Torrey , R. A. (i 23 U 44 [.S'te alio Antichrist ; Apostles ; Arians and Arianism ; Atone- ment; Christianity; Cross, The; Faith; Grace; Immaculate Conception; Incarnation; Lord's Supper ; Miracles; Original Sin; Redemption; Resurrection; .Salvation; Socinianism ; Transubstantiation; Trinity; Unitarianism ; Yirgin Mary.] Jewellery — Antique Gems and Rings King, C. W. A 4,5 Y 7, 8 Garantie et le Controle Offlciels du Titre des Ouvrages d'Or et d'Argent en Suisse Switzerland F 13 V 5 Training of a Craftsman Miller, F. A 23 S 41 [Set also Gems and Precious Stones. ] Jewish History — Age of the Maccabees Streane, A. W. G 23 P 44 Karly History of the Hebrews Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 17 P on Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 28 R 13 Hebrew Monarchy Wood, Rev. A. (i 15 R 37 Hebrew Tragedy Condcr, C.l. C. R. B 28 P 4 Hebrews and the Philistines -in Struggle of the Nations. Ma.spero, (i. B 17 U 18 History of the Hebrew People Kent, C. F. B 28 R 10, 11 History of the Hebrews Kittcl, R. B. B 28 T 4, 5 History of the Jewish Nation Ederslieim, Rev. A. V, 31 U 3 History of the Jewish Nation Palmei-, E. H. H 28 Q History of the Jewish People Kent, C. F. B 23 R 14 Hi.Htory of the Jewish People Riggs, Rev. J. S. 15 28 R 15 Hi.storvofLitoratureof Old Testament... Kautzsch, E. (1 11 t^) 39 History of tho People of Israel Coniill, C. H. B 28 R 12 History, Prophecy, and the Monuments McCurdy, J. F. B27 V' 18, 19 Israel among the Nations LcroyPcaulieu, A. li 2S R 5 Jewish Life in the Middle Ages Abrahams, I. li H! T I Jewish Religious Life after tTie E.\ilo Chovnc, Rev. T. K. G23R25 Media;val Jewish Chronicles ; by A. Neubauer... AnccdotaOxon. Sem. Ser. 1 , pt. (i 290 Rcligionof IsraeltoFallof JcwishState...Kucncn, .\. (!24r 17 19 Restoration of the .lews I)urilo|i, I!. M(!2r2(l Sketches from Eastern History N>'ii and tlic Hook Besaiit, Sii- W. .1 -IW S <) Spirit of tin- I'ulilir Journals, 1797-180.^ J 20 Q 37-4.') Strikes anil Social Problems Nicliolson. J. S. F 8 V '2.") These Sixty Years, 1S37-97 Holmes, V. M. H 2.S S '2'2 [,S'('C «/.vo Authors; Journalists; Libel; Newspaper, The; Press, The.] Journalists — (iesammelte Werke Gutzkow, K. J 24 S .34 (Jreeluy, Horace, the Editor (; 20 U '2 Hutton, Richard Holt, of the Spcctatm- C 22 8 '27 McLaren, Duncan, Life and Work ; by J. B. Mackie C 24 P 4, ') Ripley, (ieorge ; by 0. Frothingham 27 P •> Sala, G. A. , Life and Adventures of C 22 S 22 Journals — Biography, [See Reminiscences, and under names of Authors in Author Catalogue.] Journals of Learned Societies. [See sub-heading So- citie.s, under Sub.'ects.] Joy— Kmotion of .Joy Dearborn, (',. van N". (I 2.') V .5 Juan Fernandez— &'(?)iei-«? o«cZ Descriptive — J'oemsof Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P .■>7 Jubilees. [See Queen Victoria's Jubilee.] Judaism — ChaieAdam and Nishmas Adam [in Hebrew]... Danzig, A. 24X7 38 Chochmas Adam and Binas Adam [in Hebrew] Danzig, A. (J 24 T 10 Christian Ethics Strong, Rev. T. 15. ( i 3 R 32 Christianitj- and Ideali.sm' Watson, J. (J 23 P .")1 Evolution of Christianity Gill, C. (i 2") Q ,> History of the .Jewish People Riggs. Rev. J. S. B 28 R l.i Intellectual Development Crozier, ,1. B. G 17 T 11 Jewish Life in the Middle Ages Abrahams, I. B IC T 1 Jewish Literature Karpeles, (!. J 14 U 22 Jewish Religious Life after the Exile Cheync, Rev. T. K. G 23 R 25 Judaism: by Rev. E. Blaubaum Melb. Rev., 8 052 Letters to a Jewess Elyard, S. MG 1 To Making of Religion Lang, A. G 23 S 30 Messiah of the Apostles Briggs, Rev. C. A. (i 12 V Moses George, H. (i 15 U 29 Myths of Israel Fiske, A. K. (! 11 U20 Old Testament Theology Duff, A. (i 24 V 30 Original God-Idea of the Israelites — in God-Idea of the Ancients. Gamble, Eliza B. G 3 U 29 Passover, The Adler, Rev. S. A. MG 1 R 80 Religion of Israel to the Exile Budde, Rev. K. G 24 S 14 Religionof IsraeltoFallof JewishState...Kuenen, A. G 24 U 17-20 School of Plato Bussell, F. W. (i 3 U 15 Studies in .Judaism Sehechter, .S. (i 11 S 27 Wisdom and the Law — in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. (). G 1 Q 23, 24 [.^ee a/«o Anglo-Israelism ; Kabala ; Talmud.] Judges— Biography — Builders (jf our Liw during the Reign of Queen Victoria. Manson, E. FSR19 Chronicle of the Law Officers of Ireland... Smyth, C. J. F 7 V 55 Debrett's House of Commons and Judicial Bench 923.242 Kerferd, His Honour Mr. Justice... Once a Month, 4 MJ 1 V 22 Richardson, William Adams, Life and Public Services of; byF. W. Haekett C 27 S 2 Wilshere, George, Baron Bramwell of Hever; by C. Fairtield. Bramwell, Bart)n C 25 8 2 [See alio Clianoellors ; Chief Justices.] Judges -Old Testament — Critical and Exegetical Commentary on .Judges. . . Moore, Rev. G. F. (i 23 R30 Seven Puzzling Bible Books Gladden, Rev. W. G 23 P 8 Judgment - riiciy of Knowledge Hobliouse, L. T. G 14 Q .38 Judgment, Day of — Future Destiny of Man; by Rev. H. X. Wollaston. Melbourne Review, 052 Ijast .Judgment- in The Dead Pulpit Haweis, Rev. H. R. C PIT 21 Spiritual Law through the Natural World... Ferguson, Rev. S. H. M(; 2 R 04 [.See alto Eternal Punishment; Future State; Immortality.] Jungermannise — Bi'itish .Jungermannia! Hooker, W. J. [See also Bryophyta ; Hepatieie.] A 20 S 3 Jupiter — Astronomy — Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A 19 S IG Certain Lunar Inequalities due to the Action of .Jupiter. United States — Bureau of Eiiuipment — Ast. Pajiers, 3 .520.8 Conjunctibutt... Roy. Ast. Soc, Monthly Notices, June, 1899 .520.0 Mass of Jupiter and the Orbit of Polyhymnia United States — Bureau (if Knuipment — Ast. Papers, vol. 5, pt. 5 520.8 Micrometer Comparisons of Jupiter and Beta Scorpii, 1888. Tebbutt, J. MA 3 8 07 New Theory of Jupiter and Saturn ... United States — Bureau of Equipment— Ast. Papers, 4 ,520.8 Observations of Phenomena of Jupiter's Satellites at Windsor, N.S.W., lS9(i; by J. Teliliutt ... Royal Astron. .Soc, Monthly Notices, .57 520.0 Phenomena of Jupiter's .Satellites, 1895...Tel>butt, J. MA 3 S 07 Phvsical Remarks made of Jupiter at the Adelaide Observatni-y, 1884-93; by E. P. .Sells Royal Astron. Soc. Monthly Notices, 57 .520.0 Scientific Papers Adams, .L C. A lOU II t Tables of .Jupiter United States— Bureau of Equipment —Ast. Paiiers, vol. 7, pt. 1 520.8 Tr.aite de Mecanique Celeste Tisseraud, F. A 5 P .30 f [See also Astronomy ; Planets; Sun and Solar System.] Jurisprudence. [See I.iaw; IVIedical Jurisprudence.] Jury, Trial by- Evidence at tlie Common Law Thayer, J. B. F 13 R 28 Government or Human Evolution Kelly, E. F 17 T 14 Reflections of a Russian Statesman Pobyedonostseff, K. P. (; 23 P 35 Trial by Jury in Old Times Frost, T. F 13 R 25 Justice — Aristotle's Ethics for En.^lisli Readers ... Aristotelcs G 1 1 L^ 15 Gorgias of Plato; bv W.'H. Thompson Plato J 15 S 32 Justice — Administration — Charge delivered to the Crand Jury, Westminster, 1749 -I'li Works. Fielding, H. J 22 V 15 Conviction of Innocent Men Bundey, Judge MF 5 P 20 Jahrbuch der Preuszischeu Geriehtsverfiissiuig, 1894 Prussia F5 P2S Justiz-Ministerial-Blatt Prussia 349.4379 Law and Politics in the Middle Ages Jenks, E. F 13 T 30 Lectures on .Justice, Police, &c Smith, A. F 12 T 12 Preuszische Justizverwaltuug, Die Prussia F 1 U 1, 2 [See nlfo Law Courts; Police.] Justice Departments — Register of the Department of .Justice and the .Judicial Officers of the United .States ... Uniteil States —Dept. of Justice F 1 S 5 [See alio under each Country in Author Catalogue.] 908 Fiiblic Library of New South Wales, Justices of the Peace — List of Magistrates, 189(3... N.S.W. -List of Magistrates 347.06 Magistracy, The — en Historic Facts Rose, W. K. F 8 C^> 16 [.S'ee also Magistrates' Guide.] Justification — Doctrine and Development Rashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 iSpiritual Law through the Natural World... Ferguson, Rev. S. H. MG 2 R 64 [See aho Faith; Salvation.] Jute — Culture of Hemp and Jute in the United States... L^nited States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 57 Flax, Hemp, Ramie, and Jute, Report ; liv C. R. Dodge. U.S. —Dept. of Agr. — Office of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 16 Jute Culture and .Jute Industry in India United States — Consular Repts., 60 382 {See also Textile Fabrics.] Jutland — General and Descriptive — In Jutland with a Cycle Kdwardos C. 1) 16 R 11 Juvenile Books. [S>-e Children'.s Buoks.] Juvenile Literature. [_See Children's Books.] Juvenile Offenders and Punishment — Habitual Offenders, Report Gt. Brit, and Ircl. - Habitual Offenders F 36 V.' 1 t Juvenile Offenders Morrison, W. D. F 2 V 34 Juvenile Reform... Charities and Correction, National Conference, 1393 .360 [See also Reformatories.] K Kabala — Art Magic Britlon, W. (i 3 U 22 C.inon, The G 2;! S 9 [.S'ee also Theosophj'. ] Kabul. [See Cabul.] KafBr Corn. [See Sorg'auiii'i.] Kaffirs— Kaiiis of the Hindu-Kush Roberlsoi), Sir G. S. I) 1.5 V 30 (Jallaway, Bishop, Memoir of ; by Marian S. Benhani. C 23 P 2 Native Laws and Customs, Report of Commission, 1S.S3. Cape of Good Hope— I'arli.amciit 9)0.87 Natives under the Transvaal Flag .. Bovill, Rev. J. II. F 17 T 6 Kafiristan — General and Descriptive — Kalirs of the Kindu-Kush Robertson, Sir G. S. D lo V 30 Kaira — General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 3 ... Bombaj- G.a:'.ettccr 015.47 Kalgoorlite — Kalgoorlitc, a new Telluride Mineral from Western Australia: by K. F. I'ittman N.S.W. Geol. Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Kamchatka — Avatcha Bay, 189S [Chart] ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydi-ographic OtHce D49P2I Kaniilaroi. [See Aborigines- New South Wales.] Kanakas. [See Coloured Labour Question; Polynesians; South Sea Island.s.] Kanara — General and Descrij/tive — ( iazettccr, Bombay Presidency, 1.5.. Bombay -Gazetteer 015.4" Kandy — General and Descriptive — Notes on Kaudy Siebel, J. B. D IS S 23 Kangaroos — After Kangaroos: by 0. Hall ... English Illust. Mag., 1897 052 Problem of the Kangaroo ; by E. E. Morris Macmillan's Magazine, 1897 052 Transfer hy the Mother of an Embryo Kangaroo by her Mouth into her Pouch; by D. Le Souef Zoological Societv, London, Proc, 1898 590.6 [.See also Marsupials.] Kansas — General and Descrip>tive — (Jreat Salt Lake Trail Inman, Col. H. D 22 P 16 Kantian Philosophy — Dreams of a Spirit Seer Kant, I. G 25 S 16 Formal ami Material Elements of Kant's Ethics. Wasliington, W. M. G 26 T 16 Friedrich Eduard Beneke : the Man and his Philosophy. Brandt, F. B. G 1 P 34 History of Philosophy Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 R 30, 31 Inaugural Dissertation of 1770; trans, bv W. .J. Eckoff. Kant, L G 26 T4 Kritik der rcinen Vernunft Kant, I. G 26 P 25 Kritik of Judgment Kant, I. G 3 U 28 Philosophv of "Knowledge Ladd, (4. T. G 11 S 33 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. (ill Q 30, 31 [S(e also Philosophy- German; Hcgelianism : Knowledge, Tlicory of; Neo-Kantian Philosophy ; and under Kant, I., and BenekCj F. E. , in Author Catalogue.] Karakorams — Karakorams and Kashmir Eckenstein, 0. D 17 R 23 Karoo Desert, South Africa — Kloof and Kai-roo Bryden, H. A. A 27 S 10 What I think of South Africa Cuniberland, S. D 14 R 18 Karyokinesis. [See Cells.] Kashmir — General and Descriptive — In and Beyond the Himalayas Stone, S. J. D 18 U 17 Karakorams and Kashmir Eckenstein, O. D 17 1! 23 Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir Darragli, H. Z. 1) 1 9 U 1 5 Kathiawar — General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 8 ... BonJjay- Gazetteer 915.47 Kauri Gum — Kauri (!um Inijuiry Commission, Report— ;'h Appendix to Journals, New Zealand — Parliament 328.931 IS! I Ke Islands^ Kc, or Ewaf Islands, 1897 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office D 49 P 2 + Kea - Notes on the Kea, or Mountain Parrot New Zealaml .lournal of Science, 1891 .">(I5 [.S'ee also Ornitliology — New Zealand.] Kelmsoott Press — .Aims in l''ovLndiiig the Kelmscott Pres.s ... Morris, W. J 17 U Books of William Morris [Bibliography] Forman, II. H. J US 23 Morris, William, Life of; by J. W. M.ackail C 25 S 9, 10 [.S'ee also Bibliograpliy. ] Keltic. [See Celtic.] Kent — General and Descriptive — English Topography... (-icntleman's Magazin(! Library 1) 20 V 6 Visitation of Kent, 1619 21 Harlcia:i Society, Pub., 42 929 History — Arehaiologia Cantiaiia Kent .Arcbaological Society 913.42 Kentucky — General and Descriptive- — Blue Grass Region of Kentucky Allen, J. L. D 18 U 23 J Subject- Index to the Supplementanj Catalofjuc — 180G-1000. 009 Kentucky State College. [For Catalogues mid Olllcial Puljlicatious, nee Author Catalogue.] Kermadec Islands — Kerraadec Islands; by J. (iiinii Scottish Geographical Society, 1888 OIU.O Kerry Cattle— JCeriy L'ow; liy M. A. O'Oallaghan Agiieiiltiual (Jazctte, N. S. Wales, 8 U30.5 [See also Dairy Cattle.] Kew Royal Gardens. [See under Groat Britain and Ireland, in Author Catalogue, for Oflicial Pul>licati( ns.] Keys. [Sea Loeks,] Khartoum — Pris(^nei- of the Klialeefa Neuiehl, C. C '21! S 1 1) Khyber Pass — I'hgliteeii Years in the Khvher, 1S7'J-'J8 Warlmrtoii, Sir R. B SG S 11 Kiama, N.S.W. — (rVfwTaZ nnd Descriptive. - Australian Watering-place and its Imlustries ; by A. .J. Rose-Soley, Westminster Review, 18!) t 052 Kidneys -DiseaS6S — Diseases of tlie Kidneys; hj' Dr. H. Morris — in System of Medi- cine " Allbutt, T. C. A2(JT,37 Diseases of the Suprarenal Bodies; by Dr. H. D. RoUeston — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 2(i T .37 General Pathology of the Renal Functions; by Dr. R. Bradford — iti System of Medicine Allbutt, P. C. A 2!j T ;i7 Nephroptosis; by A. Macalister — ,'n System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. ('. A 2ii T :i- Therapeutics of Renal Diseases; by Dr. N. S. Davis — in. Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 [See also Albuminuria; Bright's Disease; Diabetes.] Kilniacolm — Kilmacolm: a Parish History, 1100-1898 Murray, Rev. ,T. B 31 V20 Kimberley, South Africa —Geiieml ami Drscrijitii-e^ Wliat I think of S;)uth Africa Cumberland, S. D 14 R 18 [See also Diamond, The, and Diamond Minos.] Kindergarten — Commissioner of E Gardening.] Kites — Exploration of t!ie Free Air by Means of Kites; by A. L. Roteh. Smithsonian Institution, Repts. , 1897 506 On the Cellulai Kite; by L. Hargrave... Royal Soe., N. S. Wales, Proceedings, 1896 506 910 JPublic Library of Neio South TFales. Kites — eo7itd. Parakites Wogloin, (4. T. A 23 V 14 Sounding the Ocean of Air Rotfli, A. L. A 10 P 15 Use of Kites in the Exploration of the Upper Air ; bv C. F. Marvin. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 (J30.o [See also Meteorological Instruments.] Kiwai Language — Buka Kiwai Language [.sVe also Polynesian Languages and Dialects.] M(i -2 T 49 Klondyke Gold-field- Alaska Bruce, M. W. D •22 P. 16, 17 Alaska and the Klondike Heilprin, A. B 13 R 10 Gold-fields of the Klondike Leonard, J. \V. A 33 P 29 Klondike and all about it... "Practical Mining Engineer" D IfiP LeetureontheKlondikeMiningDistrict... Ogilvie.W. A 34 V 21 Pioneers of the Klondike Hayne, M. H. E. D IGQ S Through the Gold-fields of Alaska to BeringStraits. . . Dc Windt . H. D 1UT20 To Klondvke and Back Seerctan, J. H. E. D IG Q !) Trail of the Gold-seekers Garland, H. D 1 3 P 1 ."> Truth about the Klondvke Eyre, S. C. MI) 2 S 9 Twelve Months in Klondvke KiVk, R. V. D 13 P Hi Two Women in the Klondvke ... Hitchcock, Jlary E. D 22 R 9 Yukon Gold-fields '. Lugvin, C' H. F 13 Q 2.-> [See a/.fO Gold-fields; Yukon.] Knightage. [.S'e« Baronetage.] Knighthood, Order of. [AVe Heraldry; Kniglits Tem- plars.] Knighthood, Orders of — Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. Woodhouse, Rev. F. C. (! 26 R 5 Knights of Malta. [.SVe Knights Templars; Malta.] Knights of St. John — Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. Woodhouse, Rev. F. C. (I 2(1 R ."> Knights Templars^ Militaiv Religious Orilers of the Middle Ages. Woodhouse, }io\: F. C. G 2() R .'> [iSice a/«o Crusades ; Freemasonry; Malta.] Knots and Splices - Scientific Papers [See also Navigation.] Tait, P. G. A 10 r 13 Knowledge, Theory of— A[)|>cn cptiun Langc, K. Education Holnian, H. (ireat Didactic Comenius, .1. A. (iniundwork of Science Mivart, F. St. (!. Herbart and the Herbartians Dc (ianno, C. Human Understanding Leibnitz, (J. W. Intioduction to Philosophy Ladd, (i. '1'. Kritik der rcincn Vernunft Kant, 1. Mill on Knowledge; by A. Montgomery Melb. Rev., 7 OjVi I'hilo.sophical E.S9ay3 Stewart, D. (J Hi V Philosophy ami Experience Hodgson, .S. II. G 14 R 29 Philosophy of Knowledge La A 40 P 10 G 9 W 23 G .") (,) 29 (i I T 24 (i 20 P 2.-> (i 14 R 27 17 S2I, 22 G 23 R .31 (i 14 Q 38 (i 23 V (i G 18 P 5.5 Koitapu. [See Papuans.] Kola Nut- Consular Reports, 47 United States— Consular Reports 382 Kolaha — General and Descriptive — ■ Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 11... Bombay — Gazetteer 91.5.47 Kolhapur — General and Descriptive — - Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 24... Bombay —Gazetteer 91.5.47 Koran — CurMu: its Composition and Teaching,.. Muir, Sir W. G4V16 Koran, Dcr ' Koran G 2G P 24 Koran [in Arabic], The Koran (i 25 P 2 Sketches from Eastern History Niildeke, T. B 12 U 30 [See also Mohammedanism ; Sacred Books.] Kuhne System — New Science of Ho:Uing Kuhne, L. A 30 T 30 Ku]u — General and Descriptive — Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab Gore, F. St. .7. I) 19S 1 Kuram Valley — General and Descriptive — Af!,'han arnl Hindu Highlands of the Punjab (iore, F. St. J. D 19 S 1 Kurdistan — General and Descriptive — From Batum to Baghdad Harris, W. B. D 17 S 16 Kurds, The— Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities. ..Bliss, Rev. E. M. B 16 U 7 Kurnell, Botany Bay - Dedication 1 if Captain Cook's Ijanding Place... N. R. Wales — Lands MF .5 P 19 Site of Sutherland's Grave Coloiual Monthly M.J 4 P 5 Kusaiean Language — Mwo Sasi' lull Jisus Kraifit leum las ma Mattu el Sim. Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 35 L La Plata, River — Hydraulics of (ircat Rivers Rcvy, ,T. .7. A 17 U 1 t Labadism — Labadist Colon}' in ilaryUind; by B. B. .lames ... .luhus Ho|)kins IJniversity, Studies 17 B 18 S 17 Laboratories. [See suli-headiiig Labciratorie.s uiuKm- eaeli Scicnre. | Labour Bureaus and Departments — Labor Bureaus in the Netherlands. . .U.S. — Consular Rcpts., ,54 .S82 Ma.ssachusettK--l5ui'eau of Statistics of Labor, Report .331 New Zealand Department of Labour, .lournal 331.8 [.SVe also under each Country, in Author Catalogue, for Official Rciiorts.] Labour Party Nev/ South Wales -Australasian Democracy Walker, II. i\f 1!. M F 5 tj 13 Power of (iovcrnment Ha«kcii, .N. M K 5 S 3 Labour Question — CrViioYi/- Australasian Past oral ists' Review, March, 1892-Fcb., 1893 (i30.5 Boston Monday Lectures (!ook. Rev. .7. ,1 22 S 19 -Economics Hadhy, A. T. F 12 T 7 Economics of Socialism Hyndman, 11. M. F 8 V 24 Economy of Consumption Mollal, R. S. F 12 T .33 Knglanii of To-day M.artin.s, Olivcira I) 18 Q 22 I'Issay on the Report of the Labour Coniiiiission in Economic Science and Practice Price, L. L. F. R. F 10 \' .'io Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 911 Labour Question — General — contd. Fabian Tracts Faliian Society I'" 1!) I{ l.'i (ierieral Fimctions of Labour; hy .). A. Ibilisdii — in (!oo(l Citizen- ship Hand, Kcv. J. K. F 1.") S :i:i (ioveinnient anil Co Seymour, H. \\ . F4 U 'M llanil and Machine Labor United States— Uurcau of Labor, Annual Rcpt., 189S 338.4 Lllers iu tlie Market-place Day, J. M. MF 3 Q 47 Industrial Day Dreams Keeble, S. K. F '2 U 40 Irregularity of Employment Dewey, 1). K. F4V lil Lai lour Annual 330. .") Labour-making Machinery Powers, F. P. F 17 P 8 Labour Question- (H Democracy and Liberty... Lecky, \V. K. H. F 12 'I' 4, .-) Labour-saving Machinery Saniuelson, J. A 33 P 17 Labour, Socialism, and Strikes (iuyot, Y. F 4 U :29 Liberals and Labour Simon, J. A. F 5 S 50 Life in West London SherwcU, A. F 4 U 36 .Migration from the Country to the Towns ... Co'.ver, Hon. F. L. ^ F 2 V 32 Modern Civilisation Cunningham, Rev. \V. F8 V 12 Modern Economic Imbroglio in The Coming Individualism. Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Modern Labour Ransome, J. S. F 2 V 31 Money and Prices in Foreign Countries Unite;!0.5 Work -shop Companion for Tin, Sheet-inm, and Cojiper-platc Workers Blinn, L. J. A 25 R .34 Ladakh — Summer in High Asia, A Adair, Capt. F. IC. S. ]) 22 .S 4 Ladrone Islands— //iVr/?-y-- Aii.-traliaii l'ioncer.';and Reminiscences... Bartley, X. Ml! 1 I ^> .JO Lady-birds -- Ladybirds Qucen.sland Agricultural .)(/urnal, I 6.30.5 [.SVc «/«oCoeci?R.lli(la'; Ent 042.7 Palatine Note-book '. B 24 U 1-4 Story of the House of Lancaster Hartwright, H. B 17 R 50 " Lancet," The - Waklev, Dr. Tliomas, Founder of the Lancet, Life and Times of; by IJr. S. .S. Sprigge C 24 Q 18 [See nl.to Medicine, Periodicals.] Land Banks. [.SV« Agricultural Banks; .Savings Banks.] Lani Courts 'See Luid Tenure — Laws.] Land Laws. [See Land Tenure— Law.] Land Systems. [See Land Tenure— By Countries.] Land Tax — History of New York Projierty Tax ... Schwab, J. C. F 4 V 15 Laud and Income Tax Assessment Act of 1895...Salusbury, F. H. MF 1 R 13 Land Tax Act, New South Wales, 1895... N. S. Wales -Statutes MF 4 P 37 Select Committe on Town Holdings, Report... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Town Holdings F 40 V 3 J Taxation of Land \'alues and the Single Tax Smart, W. F 16 U 12 [See also Betterment; .Single Tax.] Land Tenure — ffeno-rt^— Economic and Commercial Aspects of the I, anil Question. National Lib. Club, I'ol. Econ. Circle, 2 330.6 Free Trade in Land in The Coming Individualism. ..Hake, A. E. J'' I R 22 Freedom of Land ; by G. ,S. Lcfevre... I'r.actieal Politics F 12T31 Great I.anil Question Ashton, J. MF 4 .52 Lan Great Britairi and Ireland — Irish Land Conmiission, Reports 333 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Irish Land Commissiim, (Jeneral Rules and Forms F 1 U 17 Irish Land and Labour Question C'raig, E. T. F 10 S 13 Irish Land Question— »« Democracy and Liberty. Leeky, W. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 Judicial Rents... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Irish Land Cimimi.ssion 333 New Views on Ireland Russell, Banm F 19 S 7 Order issued by the Irish Land Commission... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Irish Land Commission F 1 U 17 Ulster as it is ,.;,,,.. Mackniglit, T. F 14 U 34, 35 New South Wales — Lands Department of X. S. Wales, Reports N. S. Wales — Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Land Tenure in 1844-40 N.S. Wales— Laiiil(,)uestion, 1844-40 MF9P47 t . Nev/ Zealand- Land Question in New Zealand and Australia; by W. W. Carlilc. Melbourne Review, 4 052 Pennsylvania — Proprietaiy (iovernment in Pennsvlvania Shepherd, W. R. F 18 R 18 Queensland — Department of Public Lands, Queensland, Repoi-ts. . . Queensland — ■ Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 Appeal to Patriotism Thoniii.'Jon, J. W. MF 5 Q 10 Russia, — L.ind Tenure in Russia ,. United States — Consular Repts. , 59 382 Scotland — Crofters Commission, Report, 1892-93 Gt. Brit, and Irel.^ Crofters 333 Land Registration in Scotland Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Scotland F 40 V 41 I ■ South Australia — Laud Systems of \'ietoiia and South Australia compareil; by J. .7. Casey Melbourne Review, 2 052 Victoria- Brace of Land Reformers; by J. T.Thomson Melbourne Review, 9 0.52 Getting and Hohling; by C. Fairfiebl Melt). Rev., 9 0.52 Graduated Succession Duties; \yy MissC. H. Sjjcnce... Melbourne Review, 2 0.52 Historical Glance at tlie Land Question; by J. S. Klkington. Slelboiuiie Review, 2 052 Increment Value of Land; by J. Ross Melb. Rev., 10 0.52 Land Systems of Victoria and South Australia compared ; In' J. .T. Casey Melbourne Review. 2 052 Our Laud Policy : by J. W. Hackett Melb. Rev., 2 0.52 Property in Land; Ijy Prof. C. H. Pearson ... Melb. Rev., 2 0.52 Property in Land; by W. Webster Melb. Rev., 9 052 Victorian Land Acts and Large Estates; bj' S. Reid... Melbourne Review 4 0.52 Victorian Test of a Social Theory ; bvA. Sutherland... Melbourne Review, 10 052 Virginia- Economic History of Virginia in the 17th Century... Bruce, P. A. F 2 V 28, 29 Landholders, Lists of— New South Wales — Ycwen's Direel',>ry, Landholders of N. S. Wales MF 5 U 17 ■ Victoria — How Xo Dispose of Victoria's Permanent Landlords by Means of Tenants' Option of Purchase Tenants' Option of Purchase Ass.x-. MF 5 P 25 Squatters' Directory, Victoria MD 4 V 32, and 4 P 32» 914 Public Library of New South Wales, Landlord and Tenant— Law- Address Ijv A. 1). Nelson on Law of Fixtures Engineering Association, N. S. Wales, J'roe., 10 (ao.ti Landlord and Tenant, Master and Servant; by R- J- (iritfiths - in Household Oracle Milis, A. H. A 40 Q !) Tenements Recovery Act Addison, tJ. C. MF 1 S ''|7^ Lands — New South Wales. [Sen New South '\^'ale.s — Public Lanils: and under New South Wales — Lands, in Author Catalogue, for Official Publications.] United States. [Sw United States— Public Lands ; and under the name of each State, in Author Catalogue, for Oiiicial Publications.] Victoria. [Si-e Victoria — Public Lands; ajid under Victoria —Lands, in Author Catalogue.] Lands, Crown, of Australasia. [S,-p sub-heading Public Lands under Australia and each of tlie Colonies.] Lands Departments. [Sn; under each Country in Author Catalogue for Official Reports.] Landscape Gardening- Art ami Craft oi (ianlen-makiTig ... ilawson, T. H. A '20 R 2."> f Art Out of Doors. ..Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Mariana U. A '2.3 P 11 Garden-making Bailey, L. II. A 3.3 i) .32 Italian Gardens Piatt, C. A. A 44 \V Landscape Gardening as applied to Home Decoration. Maynard, ,S. T. A 20 K 10 Ornamental Shrubs for Garden, Lawn, and Park Planting. Davis, L. D. A 23 \' 22 [See also Cemeteries; Forestry; Garilening; Paiks; Trees and Shrubs. ] Landscape Painting — Ciinstalile, .ioini. Life and Letters of; by C. R. Ijcslic C 10 T Id f Crome, Jolni, and Cotnian, John Sell : bv L. Binvon .. Portfolio, KS97 70.3 ( iainsborough, Thomas C IS P 2 1 f Lectures on Landscape Ruskin, J. A40U17X Lornni, Claude; by G. Grahame Portfolio, IS'Jo 70.3 Millet, .Jean Francois: his Life and Works C 1!) U IS Turner, J. .\L W., Life of; by W. Tliurnbury C 23 R 20 Language. [Sr-e Philology; N'olapiik; and under each Dialect and Language.] Languages, Teaching of — Ifoliday Course in Frame and Germany for Instruction in Mode] ii L;inguages iit Special l^ejiorts on Kducational Sul>jecls. (U. Brit, and Irel. Education G 17 U 14 Methods of Teaching Modern Languages in Belgium, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Scotch Education Dept. G 18 S 22 Modern Language A.ssociation of America, Report of Committee — /h Report, 1S97 98, vol. 2... U.S.— Bureau of Education 379.73 Modern Languages at the Melbourne University; by E. Thibault. .MellKiurne Review, 0.32 Teacher of Modern Languages in Pi'ussian Schools for Boys ; his Education and Training — in Special Reports on Educational Subjects Great Biitainand Irel. —Education (; 17 U Ifi Teaching of Foreign Languages — in Special Reports on Educational Subjects (;t. Brit, and Irel. — Education (1 17 U 10 Teaching of Modern Languages; by Rev. A. E. AUcock in ICssnys on Secondary Education Cookson, (1 G 23 P 18 Teaching of .Modern Languages in Belgium and Holland —in Special Reports on Educational Subjects... (it. Britandlrel. — Education G 17 U 1.3 Tcacliing of Modem Languages in Fiankfurt — in Special Repoits on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Education G 17 U It) Teaching of Modern Languages in (icrniany — in S))ccial Rcjiorts on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Irel. — l'',duc;ition G 1 7 U 1 Teaching of the .Mother Tongue inGciiuany in Sjjccial Report son Eilucali»nalSubjects...Gt.Brit.anrlIrel.' Eduratiou G 17 U 14 [.Vte aleo Philology.] Langue d'Oc. [See Provencal Language and Litciatuie; Troubadours.] Lanthanum — Iiiilexcs to tile Literatures of Cerium and Lantlianum : by W. H. M igee Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 38 508 Lapidary Work- Intaglio Engraving Rcnton, K. A 23 P 29 [See ii/.so Gems and Precious Stones.] Lapland — General and Descriptive — Be\oml Petsora Eastward Pearson, II. J. D 22 S ,3 From North Pole to Eipiator Brehm, A. E. 1) IS V 22 Through Arctic Lapland Hyne, C. D 13 R 2 {See riAso Finland; Russia.] Lard — Lard; by .T. L. Thompson Agr. (iazette, N.S. W., 7 030.5 Largs Bay — New Australian Port; by the Earl of Kilniorey Review of Reviews, 1S98 052 Larynx — Diseases of the Larynx ; by Sir F. Semon — ,/* System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 3/ Diseases of the Pharynx and Larynx; by Dr. C. E. Sajous — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Diseases of tlie Uvula, the Pharjnx, and Laryn.x ; by Dr. 1). B. K3'le in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A31 P 17 [.S'ee a?,so Throat ; Respiratory System; Voice.] Latent Heat. [See Heat.] Lathes and Lathe-work — Advanced Metal-work Comptou, A. G. A 41 T 21 English and American Lathes Horner, J. G. A 10 X 3 I Metal-turning Horner, J. G. A 24 P 39 Tool-maker and Designer Wilson, H S. A 41 S 13 Latin Dictionaries. [See Latin Language — Dictionaries.] Latin Language — Harvard Univcisity — Studies in Classical Philology. J 20 T 1-11 Iterare Cursiis ... Fowles, E. W. H. MJ 1 Q 30 Latin Paton, J. L. G IS Q 30 [See also Italic Languages; Osoau Language.] Dictionaries — Dizionario Italiano-Latino-IUirico... Bella, Rev.A. Delia J 12 V 20 Latin Dictionary Lewis, (". T. J 9 V 29 Lexicon Pctronianum Petronius Arbiter, T. J 10 U 27 Etiimohitpi - Word Formation in tlie Roman Sermo Plebcius Cooper, F. T. J 24 V 1 Word Formation of the Latin Inscriptions... OlcuttjG. N. J 21 V 3 School-hooks — C. Julii Ciesaris de Bello Gallico; ed. by .\. M. Bell... Caesar, C. J. B 23 P 21 Latin Literature — Harvard LinivcrKit_v— Studies in (.'las.iiital Plillology .. .1 20T I 1 1 [See also Dramatic Literature -Litin; Poetry — Ijatin.] 3/ediievnl — Hynnii lalini niedii levi Mone, I''. .1. (! I Q 25 Sernuiues de tempore Augustine, St. (! 1 1 X 17 t Latin, Low. [See Latin Literature^ — Blcdia^val.] Latin Poetry. [See Litin V<'r.scs; Poetry — Latin.] Latin Verses and Proe - 7'ritnslations and Acadcinic(d Coin jxtsit iitits- C.imbriilge Compositions Hind, R. D A-. .1 23 U 24 Gieek and Latin Verse Composition as a General Branch of Edu- c;ition in Essays on a Liberal Eilucation Farrar, Dean (! 17 T 10 Literary Remains Calvei-ley, C. S. II 11 y 25 Transl.il ions Calverle'y, (J. S. H II q 24 Transkitiuns bv Lord Lyttleton and W. E. Gladstone. Lyttleton, Lord II 12T 18 Siihject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — lROG-1900. 915 Latitude Determinations — Latitude anil N'.uialiuii of Latitude at the U.S. Naval Ob.servatory ; by I'l-of. W. Harkiiess ,. Astionomieal .Journal, lS!)G-!)7 iViU..") Resultate aus den Polhuhcnhcstiminuiigen in Berlin. Battcrmaiin, H. A 17 S 28 t Telegraphio neterniination of Longitudes in .lapan, Cliina, and the East Indies, lSSl-82 ... (ireeii, Lieut. F. M. A i:i \\ 25 t Theory of the Polar Motion ; by Dr. S. C. (Jliandler... Astrononiieal .lournal, 1S90 !)7 .■)2:i.r) Trajectory of the Pole for computing Latitude Variations in !8!I7 ; by Dr. W. C. Chandler... Astronomical Journal, 1S9()- P .J Relation of Ethic and Law m Theory of Practice... Hoilg.son,S. H. (4 1 1 Q 28, 29 Science of Law and Law-making Clarke, R. F. F 11 T 20 Where to fiuil your Law Jelf, E. A. F4Q 17 \Se.R aho Admiralty Court; Agricidture; Aliens; Arbitration; Attorneys-Cencral; Auditors; Banks and Banking; Bank- ruptcy; Bills of Sale; Building — Laws; Building Societies; Canon Law ; Chancery ; Charities ; Children — Legal Status ; Civil Law; Codification; Commercial Law-; Common Law; Companies; (,'onstitutional Law; Contagious Diseases; Con- tracts; Conveyancing; Copyright; Corporations; Court Prac- tice and Procedure ; Crime ; Crimes ; Criminal Law ; Criminals ; Crofters; Currency; Customs and Excise ; Debtor anil Creditcu-; Ecclesiastical Law; Education — Laws and Legislation ; Elec- toral Laws ; Electricity — Laws and Legislation ; Employer's Liability; Equity; Evidence; Exchange; Factories; Feudalism; Forestry; Forms inLaM"; Friendly Societies; (!ameLa%vs; Infant Life Protection ; Inheritance; Insurance; International Law and Relations; Irrigation — Laws; Judges; Jury, Trial by; .Jti.stice Departments ; .Justices of the Peace ; Labour — Laws and Legis- lation ; Lanil Tcntu-c — Laws ; Lamllord and Tenant ; Law — Almanacs ; Law — By Coimtries ; Law — Dictionaries ; Law — Education ; Law — Periodicals ; Law Courts ; Law Reform ; Law Reports ; Lawyers ; Libel ; Libraries — Laws and Legislation ; Liquor Traffic — Laws; Lunacy; Magistrates' (iuides; Maritime Law ; Marriage and Divorce ; Master and Servant ; iledical Jurisprudence ; Mercantile Law ; Military Law ami Adminis- tration ; Mining — Laws; Municipal (iovernment — Laws and Legislation; Na\al Law ami Administration; Noxious Trades ; Parliamentary LaAV and Practice; I'artnership; Patents and Trademarks ; Penal Legislation and Systems ; Personal Pro- perty; Pleading; Poor Laws; Privy Council ; Public Health ; Public Law : Quarantine ; Railways ; Real Property ; Right- of-w'ay ; Shipping; Tithes; Torts; Treason; Trials; Trusts and T'rustees; Vaccination; Vice- Admiralty Court; Water Supply; Weights and Measures; Wills; Women — Position, Treatment, and Influence ; and sub-heading Laws and Legisla- tion under Subjects, and sub-heading Statutes under Countries. ] Almanacs and Directories — Law List of Australasia Smith, R. H. MF 5 P 1.3 Law List of Great Britain and Ireland 347.05 Legal Year-book of Australasia MF 5 S 11, 12 New South Wales Law Almanac 347.05 Register of Judges, Attorneys, and Marshals ... United States — Dept. of Justice 347. 9G Register of the Department of Ju.stice and the Judicial Officers of United States United States — Dept. of Justice F 1 S 5 Law — Dictionaries — Eucyclopjedia of Laws of England... Ronton, A. W . F 7 T 9 Ifl Eiliiciilion, Hchooln, Training — Legal Education in a University; by T. E. Holland Internal. » Health F;xhib., 1884, Lit., I.!^ A 41 V II National Assoc, for Promotion of Social Sc,, Trans. F 15 T 1-U U Professional Education in the United States New York— University, College Dept., Bulletin, 1899 V. 18 U 20 Shortcomings of the Machinery for Pauper Litigation . . .Sprigge, J. J. F 17 P 15 ■ llixtory oj Builders of our Law during the Reign of Queen Victoria. Manson, E. F8R19 King's Peace Inderwick, F. A. F 7 V 50 Periodicals— Creen Bag, The • 340.9 Index to Legal Periodical Literature Jones, L. A. F I V 21 Law Chronicle :«7.0.j Law Magazine and Law Review 347-05 By Countries. American — ActsAmendatory of the Codes of California... California— Statutes F 13 U 31 Civil Code California- Statutes F I3U2(i Digest of the Laws of the United States, 1789-1857. ..Brightly, F. C. F 12 V 17 Elements of L.aw Davis, Lieut.-Col. O. B. F 13 R U\ (ieneral Statutes California Statutes F 13 U 27 Judge and .Jury Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 Penal Law of California California Statutes F 13 U .30 Political Code California-Statutes F 13 U '28, 29 Anglo-Saxon — Codex Diplonuvticus .F>vi Saxonici ; opera .7. M. Memble. English Hi.storical Society, Pubs. B 38 R 8-13 British — C jmmonwcalth Law and Lawyers Peacock, E. F 13 R 25 National Assoc, for Promotion of Social Se. , Trans. F 15 T 1-U 9 Rous:;'s Practical Man; revised by E. E. H. Birch ... F 15 P 47 Grreelc Attic Law of Status Herrick, F. M. F IS R 20 Law Courts - Kind's Peace Inderwick, F. A. F 7 V 50 [.SVc f(/«o Court Piacticc; Justice, Administration ; Police Courts. ] Law Periodicals. [.See Law — Almanacs; Law — Periodi- cals.] Law Reform - Law Reform Cowderov, B. MF4(,i.")S Law Reform ; by AlfredMcFarland... Australian, The, 1 MJ 4 P 1 1 Law Reform, Victoria, Pcport, Royal Commission — in Papers pre- sented to Parliament, 1899-19fHy Victoria— Pari. 328.945 Modern Legal Refoi-m in England; by B. .Smith Melbourne Review, 4 0.l2 National Assoc, for Promotion of Social Sc. , Trans. F 15 T 1-U 9 [,S'ce aho Codification.] Law Reports and Digests— Australia — Digest of Australasian Mining Cases. . . fjagleson, .J. < i. MF 5 R 5 [fee alio each Colony under this heading.] Great Britain — Current Index, 1894-95 Law Repts. of Ot. Brit. 34G.4 House of Lards, Chancery Division, Probate Division, Queen's Bench Division Law Repts. of (Jt. Brit. 340.4 Tables of all Cases decided in the Superior Courts of England, Scotland, and Ireland, jjrior to the commencement of the Liw Reports Cane, A. F" 7 V 56 Weekly Notes, Great Britaiu... Law Repts. of Gt. Britain 340.5 916 JPitUic Libmi'i/ of New South Wales, Law Reports and Digests — New South Wales — Australasian Annual Digest Povror, O. W. 346.5 J)igest of Cases deeiJed in the Supreme Court of N. S. Wales, 189-2-96 Cockshott, H. M. MF 3 R 1 Index to Cases judicially noticed in the Courts of New South Wales, 1825-95 Leibius, (i. H. MF 1 R 14 Legal Digest of New South Wales... Incorporated Law Institute, N. S. Wales 346.5 New S. Wales Bankruptcy, Company, and Probate Cases... 346.5 New South Wales Weekly Notes 346.5 New South Wales Law Reports 346.4 Reports of Cases determined, Imle.v N. S. Wales — Land Ajipeal Court 336. 1 Selection of Supreme Court Cases in New South Wales, 1825-62. Legge, J. (1. MF 2 S 54, 55 Supplement to Digest of Criminal and Magistrates' Cases. Addison, (i. C. MF 3 R 58* New Zealand — Australa.sian Annual Digest Power, G. W. 346.5 North Carolina — Cases argued and determined. ..N. Carolina — Supreme Ct. 345.42 Queensland — Australasian Animal Digest Power, G. W. 34(5.5 Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Queenslai'.d. Scott, G. MF 5 Q 34, .35 Queensland Digest Scott, (t. ?.IF 3 S 35 United States — Cases decided in Court of Claims... U.S. — Court of Claims 345.41 Victoria — Australasian Annual Digest , Power, G. W. 346.5 Australian Law Times 347.05 Digest of Reported Cases in the Supreme Cuuit, Court of Insol- vency', and Courts of Mines of the Colony of Victoria, 1890-95. Eagleson, J. G. MF 1 S 67 Victorian Law Reports 346. 5 [See also Attorneys-General — Reports.] Law Schools. [Sre Law — Education, tSoliooLs, Training.] Law Societies and Institutes. [See .sub-heading Societies and Institutes, under Law.] Lawn Tennis — Lawn Tennis; by R. D. Wrenn ... Out-ofDoor Sports A 40 Q 1 [See aliiO Sports. ] Laws. [Sm Laws and Lpgi.slation under cadi Subject ; and sub-heading Statutes, under the name of the Country, in Author Catalogue.] Lawyers — I..,.k«ood, SirFrank; by A. Birrell C 23 T 6 [.sVf (//.o Chancellors; Chief Justices ; Court I'ractice; Judges.] Lazarettes. [See nospitals, &c.] Lazarists. [See Vincentlans.] Lead- Lead and Co])per-smelting Hixon, II. W. A .38 V 4 Metallurgy of Lead and Silver Collins, H. F. A 24 S 29 Metallurgy of Lead, Hofman, 11. O. A 38 V 26 [.S'ee aUo I'lumliing.] Leather — Leather Indu.strie.s Laboratory Book... Procter, H. R. A 40 \' 3 Mumifncture of lyjather Davis, C T. A 13 U 10 ilanufacture of Leather, (ilue, aud Size -in Chemistry for Manu- facturera Bhnuit, B. A 21 T 39 [See a/»o Leather- work ; Tanning.] Leathei'-work - Leather-worker's Manual .Slandage, TL C, A 45 U 5 [iVee «/»o HootH anil Shoes; Saddlery; Tanning.] Lectionaries — Palestinian Syriae Leetiqnary Lewis, Agnes S. G 18 U G [.See also Liturgies.] Lectures. \_Sce sub-licading Addresses, Lectures, Essays, under each Sulijcct.] Lecturing — Lecture in Defence uf Lectures — in Chips from aGerman Workshop. Miiller, F. M. J 22 Q 3 Thii-ty Years of Teaching Miall, L. C. G 18 V 40 Leeches — Earthworms and Leeches Beddard, F. E. A 20 T 20 Species of Australian Land Leeches; by Ada JI. Land)ert. Royal Society, Victoria, Proe., 1898 506 Structure of an Australian Land Leech ; by Ada M. Lambert. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc. , 1897 506 Leeds Industrial Cooperative Society — Jubilee Histor\- of the Leeds Industrial Cooperative Society. Holyoake, G. J. F 15 P 42 Leeward Islands — General and Descriptive — Annual Reports... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Col. Office Repts. 354. 42S British America D 22 Q 6 Legal Education and Law Schools. [See Law — Educa- tion, Scliools, Training.] Legal Medicine. [See Medical .Jurisprudence.] Legends — General — Atlantis ; Donnelly, L J 14 R 22 Chronicles selected from the Originals of Cartaphilus, the Wan- dering Jew Hofi'uuinn, 1). (4 3 T 21, 22 Cuchillin Saga in Irish Literature Hull, Eleanor B 3C P 12 Dealings with the Dead Le Braz, A. G 24 P 18 Epic and Romance Kei-, W. P. J 14 S 10 Legend of Perseus Hartland, E. S. B 36 P 8 Ragnarok, the Age of Fire and Gravel... Dimnelly, I. A 44 U 12 Romances in the Department of MSS. in the BritishMuseum; by H. L. D. Ward British Museum K 1 7 T 27 Unpublished Legends of Virgil Leiand, C. G. .1 21 S 32 [.S'ee o?.so Ballads ; Cross; Fairy-tales; Faust; Folk-lore; Holy Grail; Mythology; Myths; Saints; Superstition.] By Countries. Australia- Australian Traditions; b}^ Rev. B. Hamilton Scottish (Jeographical Magazine, 1885 910.5 England - Edwin and Kltnida Williams, Helen M. H 17 R 15 English Tr.ulitional Lore (ientleman's Mag. Lib. A 32 V fl Fairy Talcs, Legemis, and Romances illu.straling Sliakcspcare and other Early lOnglish Writers Hazlitt, W. ('.. .] 14 P 49 Legend of Sir (Sawain Weston, Jessie 15 .'!6 P 1 1 Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Becket; by Robert of Gloucester. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 21 Merlin; ed. by II. P.. Wlieatley Eaily English Text .Society, Pubs., 820.8 Florence— Legends of Florence Leiand, C. G. J 14 R 12 Germany Fall of the Nibclungs Armour, Margaret JUS .33 Legendsof the Wagnerian Drama... Watson, Jessie L. II 111 W 2 Nibelungenlied ; trans, by W. N. Lettsotn JI 13 P 18 Greece — Evolution d'nn Mythe Renel, C. B .39 U 7 Opera Apulcius, L. J 14 U 32 Hebrew- Chronicles of .Jerahmcel ,, .. Caster, M. 25 R2 Subject- Index to the Siqyplementary Catalogue — 180G-1900. 917 Legends— Ireland — ^ rllow I!,,Mk of U-can J 22 S 1 I ■ Japan^ OI.l Worl.l Japan Riiuler, F. 15 33 I' 3 ■ New Zealand- Maori Tales and Legends C'lai'k, Kate McCosh MB 1 8 3 Roman Empire^ Opera Apnleiu;:, L. J 14 U 3-2 Roumania — Legends i'loni lliver and Mountain. ..Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania J 8 T 39 Scotland — Legends of the Saints in the Scottish Dialect of the 14th Century. Scottish Text Society, PuUs., 13, 18, 23, 25, 35, 37 4!)1.U3 . Spanish — St. Bi'andan: a Medieval Legend of the Sea... Percy Society Puhs. H 11 S 16 Legerdemain. [See Conjuring; Magic; Witchcraft.] Legislative Assembly. [See sub-heailing Parliament uudiT each Colony.] Legislative Council. [See sub-lieading Parliament under each Colony.] Leguminosse — Agricultural Investigations at Rothani.sted ... Gilbert, Sir J. H. A 18 U 27 Experiments with Pulses ; bj' G. Vahler... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Nodule Organism of Leguminosai; by R. G. Smith Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 580.6 [iS'ee also Beans ; Clovers ; Cow-jieas ; Lucerne ; Nitrogen in Agi-i- culture; Peas; Wattles; and under each Genus. ] Leicestershire — General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Libi-ary D 20 V 7 History — Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop B IS P 13 f Leith — General and Descriptive — Eilinburgh and Leith Po,st Office Directory 914.144 Lemon — Cultivation and Uses — Fungus Diseases of Citrus Trees in Australia; by D. Me Alpine. Victoria — Agriculture ILA 4 R 3() Lomon-curing Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Lomon-growing and Curing ; by W. S. Williams Queensland Agricultural .Journal, 1 630.5 Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 Principal Diseases of Citrous Fruits in Florida ; by W. T. Swingle. United iStates — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Vegetalile Physiology and Pathology A 38 R 11 \Htt alxn Fruit-growing; Fruit Trade.] LemuridsB — Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the Briti.sh Museum; b}' J. E. Gray ... British Museum — Natural History A 42 ^■ 4 Angwantibo of Old Calabar — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 R IG [.?ce aho Mammalia ; Prosimia'.] Lenses — Lens-work for Amateurs Orford, H. A 23 P S Light Glazebrook, R. T. A 21 P 51 Photographic Optics Cole, R. S. A 41 Q 26 Telephotography Dallmeyer, T. R. A 45 V 9 Testing of Reflecting Surfaces ; by P. Baraeehi Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 500 [.S'flc aho Optical Instruments.] Lent^ Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial.. Feasej', H. .1. f! II 6 New Lepidoptera from Australia and New Zealand ; by E. Meyrick. Entomological Society, London, Trans., 1897 595.7 New Species of Australian Diurnal Lepidoptera ; by W. H. Miskin. Entomological Society, Lond., Trans., 1876 595.7 [.Sise also each Colony under this heading.] Ceylon- Lepidoptera of Ceylon Moore, F. A IS P 8-10 t China — Natural History of Insects of China... Donovan, E. A 20 R 10 f Great Britain — British an* European Butterflies and Moths Kappel, A. W. A 13 T 12 + British Moths and their Transformations Humphreys, H. N. A IS R 2-4 t Larva; of the British Butterflies and Moths: bj- W. Buckler. Ray Society, Pubs., 1894-95, 1S99 590.6 Hawaii— Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands; by A. G. Butler. Entomological Societ}-, Loud., Trans., 1S82 595.7 Malay Peninsula — New and little-known Butterflies from the Indo-Malayan Region; by L. do Nice'ville ... Asiatic Soc. , Bengal, Journal, 1894 9.54 New Guinea — On Some Lepidoptera from New Guinea; by E. Meyrick. Entomological Societj', Lond., Trans,. 1889 595.7 New South Wales — Heteronympha in New South Wales ; bv G. A. Waterkouse. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.6 New Species of Australian Lepidoptera ; by 0. B. Lower. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.6 New York^ List of Macro-Lepidoptera of Buffalo and Vicinity; by E. P. Van Duzee... BuBalo Society, Natural Sciences, Bulletin, vol. 5 506 918 Pallic Zlbrart/ of New South Wales. Lepidoptera — New Zealand — Xt'M- Lepiiloptfia fiom Australia and New Zealand ; by E- Mt'vi'iek. Entomological Society, London, Trans., 1897 oOo.T New Species of Lepidoptera: bvE. F. Hawthorne... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 r>06 NewZealandMothsandButterflius... Hudson, ({.V. MA 13 Q o t Rare Lepidoptera in Wellington; bv W. P. Cohen.. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1,S95 JOli Some New Zealand Lepidoptera; byD. Sharp Entomological Soc. , Lond. , Trans., 1882 59o.7 .Synonymic List of the Lepidoptera of Now Ze.iland ; by R. W. Fereday New Zealand Institute, Trans. , 1897 500 Queensland- List of Butterflies of the Brisbane District; by R, lUidgc. Royal Society, Queensland, I'roc. , 1,S97 "iCCi New Micro-Lepidoptera from Queensland ; by Dr. A. J. Turner. Royal Society, S. Australia, Trans.", 1S97-93, 1900 odU Queensland Lepidoptera ; bv Dr. Lucas Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1S97-99 500 South Australia — Australian Butterflies ; by (i. Lycll... A'ict. Naturalist, 189S 5:V> United States — American Lepidoptera; by A. R. Grote Buffalo Society, Natural Sciences, Bulletin, yol. 2 500 List of Butterflies of North America; by S. H. Ssudder... Buffalo Society, Natural Sciences, Bulletin, yol. 2 5'JO Monograph of the Bombj-cine Moths of America north of Mexico ; by A. S. Packard U.S. Nat. Academy of Sciences, 7 500 Texan Lepidoptera collected by Mr. Belirage : by Dr. Haryey. Buffalo Society, Natural Seienac.3, Bulletin, 3 5o(i United States Geographical .Suryeys \Vest of the lOOLh Meridian, Report, 5 Unitijd States— Engineer Dept. A 10 V U f Victoria Vict. Naturalist, 1897-98 505 Lycan'i Cijr'dm; by E. Ander.-J Leprosy — Act to Amend the Leprosy Repression Act... C'apeof Good Hojie Statutes A 17 T 29 f Act to Check the Sjjroad of the Disease known as Leprosy. Cape of (Jood Hope - Statutes A ]"7 T 29 |- Alleged Connection of Vaccination with Leprosy... International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. Trans., 1 014.00 Applied Bacteriology ' Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Copy of Letter addressed to the Colonial ,Secretaiy by the Chief and Medical Sujjerinteudent of tlie Robben Island Establishment. Cape of Good Hope -Lepro.sy A 17 T 2!) t Correspondeneeon theSubject of the Interim Report (*f the Eyidcnce taken by the Leprosy Commission... C'apeof Gooil Hope — Leprosy A 17 T 29 "t Dr. Impoy on his Tour through Europe and Egypt for the piuiHisc of encjuiring into certain matters' connected witliLeprosy, licpoit. Cape of Good Hope -Leprosy A 17 T 29 f Emjanvana Leper Asylum, Reports... Cajjc of Good Hope Leprosy A 17 T 29 t Ethnography of Leprosy ill the Far East; by S. B. J. Skerli hly. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc., 1897 500 Hand-liook on Leprosy Im))ey, .S. P. A 41 R3 History .and I'rey.alenco of Li-pra in Australia; by Dr. .1. A. Thompson Aust. A.ssoc., Adyaiic-c. of Se.,Rcpt., 1S98 500 History of Leprosy in Australia... Thompson, .J. A. MA 3 \V 23 Is Leprosy a Telluric Disease? Australasian Association for the Advancement of ,'^cience, G 500 Leprosy ; by Dr. P. S. Abraham— in System of Medicine. 'Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 35 Leprosy and Hawaiian Annexation; by Dr. P. A. Morrow. North American Review, 105 051 Leprosy Commission, 1S94 in Appendix 1, vol. 0... C'apeof (iood Hope -Parliament, V. and P., 1894 328.087 Leprosy Commission, Minutes of ICvidencc and Report 1894. Cape of Good Hope -Leprosy A 17 ''1' 29 t Leprosy in Hawaii Tliompscm, .1. A. MA 4 T 5 leprosy in Hongkong Cantlie, J. A 39 V 3 Leprosy in India and liesl Means of Preventing it; bv Snrg.-Maj. K. Pringle... Internal. Health Exliili., 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Leprosy in N. S. Wales.. .N..S.W.— Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Leprosy — contd. Lejiruus Patients at Robben Island, Report. , . Cape of Good Hope — Leprasv A17T29t Manual of Bacteriology Muir.'R. A 33 P 10 Select Committee on the Leprosy Commission Evidence, Report. Cape of (lOod Hope - Leprosj' A 17 T 29 + Select Committee on the Spread of Leprosy, Report. Cape of Good Hope - Leprosy A 17 T 29 f \Sn(L aho Tropical Diseases.] Le?bos — General and Descfijillve — Coiicspondance, 1863-80 Flaubert, (i. C 14 P 25* Letter-writing — Frjnch and English Cammcreial Correspondence... Williams, T. S. .1 1 1 P 52 Letters and Lcttor-writers ; by Jliss M. Turner Melbourne Review, 1 052 [.S'ee nho Conimcreial Education.] Letters. [See Alphabets — Philolo<,'y; Hierogh-phics; In- scriptions; Pakpography; and sub-di\i.sion Alphabet under caL-li Language] Letters —Correspondence — Barclay-, Thomas, Selections from Correspondence of C 26 R 19 Bland Papers Bland, Col. T. C 27 S 13 Bricfwillelinj tus.^chcn do Gebroeders Van der Goes, 1659-73. Van der Goes, W. C 27 T 5 Browning, Robert, Letters to Elizabeth Barrett... C 20 P 10, 17 Carlvle, Thomas, Letters to his Youngest Sister C 23 U 16 Clerical Life, The (; 23 Q 17 Constant, Benjamin, Lcttres de Constant de Rebecfiue, H. B. C 18 P 30 C'jrro.^pondeuce betwco.i Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop. Burns, R. C 23 U 5 Correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine ; of Marie-Adelaide de Savoio, and of Madame de Maintcnon in relation to Saint-Cyr. Wormeley, Katharine P. C 25 S 19 De Lisle, Ambrose Phillips, Life and Letters of; by E. S. Purcell. C 27 T 1 , 2 Eighteenth Century Letter.s .lohnson, R. B. C 20 P 8 Elizabeth, Princess of England, Letters of C 24 T 22 Hume, David, Letters toXVilliam .Strahan C 20 S 9 Jowett, Benjamin, Letters of C 26 S 18 Lamb and Hazlitt Lamb, C. 27 R 7 Landor, Walter Savage, Letters of C 24 P 1 9 Letters; trans, by E. S. Shuckburgh... Cicero, M. T. J 22 Q 37-40 Letters concerning Ruskin's "Notes on the Construction of ,Shcep- folds"; by Rev. F. D. Maurice — in Literai-v Anecdotes of the 19th ticntury Nicoll, W. R. J 14 S 4 Letters from Shelley to Leigh Hunt — in Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century Nicoll" W. R. J 14 S 3 Letters of the Younger Pliny ; trans, by J. D. Lewis. Plinius Ca^cilius .Seeundus, U. C 27 S IS Pra'raphaelite Diaries and Letters ... Rossetti, W. M. C 27 K 5 Puscy, Edward Bouverie, Spiritual Letters of C 25 P 22 Kuskin; Kossetli: Pirrap'.iaclitisni... Rossetti, \V. M. C 20 T 27 Scilgwick, elalhcrine M., Life and Letters of C 27 K 2 Sehvyn, George: his Letters and his Life C 25 S 20 Stevenson, Robert Loui?, Letters of ; with Notes by S. Colvin. C26S 10, 17 Stuart. Lady Loui.sa, Selections from MSS. of C 27 B 4 Swift, Dean; Unpnblislieil Letlcrsof; cd. by (!. B. Hill... C20 H 3 Wagner, Ri.'liaid, b-ttcrs to Kmil llcekel" C 27 1' 20 Wagner, Richard, Letters to We.scndonck et al C 27 P 21 Wound Dresser Whitman, W. C 23 P 28 [,S'ce also Manuscripts.] Letters Patent. [Sec Patents and 'rrndi' iii;uks.] Lettuce — Garden Lettuce and its Cultivation ; by L. F. Kinney. Rhode Island -Agr. Kxper. Station, liept.", 1897 0.30.7 Leucocythajniia Lcui'ocythainia : b\- Dr. R. .\lnir—//( .System of Midicine. Allbull, T. ('. A 26T38 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalof/ne — IHOG-IOOO. 919 Lexicons. [.See sub-hoadiiif;; Dictionaries undci' ikuiiox of r^anguages and Subjects.] Leyden — //is/nri/ — CaUilofTue (les Actes (lu Jc-ui ill! Bavii-rc, \:i'.)U 1417 .. r>;ivlin, K. i; 4\ V (i Leyden University — Diariuiu Everardi Bionclioi-iitii sive adversaria omnium <\u:v j^usla suntinAcademiaLcydL'iisi, 151)1-1()27.. Bronelioist.l'j. (I 17 U 'i-i Libel -Law — Uulliiie of the Law of Lihul Od-cr.,, W. Li. 1'' l.j ^i 15 [See a/.vo Jounialisiii ; I'rc.s.s.J Libellulidae — List iif Aiistralaferences, Transactionsand Reports — American Library Association Hand-book Cat. Room .Vustrala iian Library Conference, Proc. 1890 MJ 2 P 32 + International Library Conference, Trans., 1897 Cat. Room Library As.sociation of Australasia, Proceedings of the .Sydney Meeting, 1S9S MJ'2 V 1 Li'irary Association of the United Kingdom, Annr.al Meetirg, Ke;rart, 1892 020 6 Library Association of the United Kingdom, Trans, li7S... (120.6 Library Journal 020.5 Edncation, I'rainiiKj- - New York Stale Librai-y Sch.ool Hand-book, " Cat. Room 920 JPuhlic Lihrary of New South JFales. Libraries — Hand-lovks — Boston I'utilic Library Hand-book Small, H. Cat. Room Denver rnl)liu Library Hand-book J 10 T 43 Library' of Congress, Washington Small, H. Cat. Koom Wisconsin Free Library Coinmis.Hion Hand-book J 7 P 53 Laws and Legislation — Adoption of the Public Libraries Acts in Kngland and Wales. Fovargne, H. W. J 9 V 36 Consolidation and Amendment of the Public Libraries Acts for England; by E. B. Nicholson Library Association of the United Kingdom, "tranTj., 1S79 02O.(i Library Legislation, 1855-90 Fovargue, H. W. ,1 5 T 37 Library Legislation in the United States — in Report, 1895-i)(i. United States— Bureau of Education 37!*. 73 Public Library Legislation Fovargue, H. W. J 9 V 36 Statistics of Libraries and Library Legislation in the United States. United States -"Bureau of Education F 13 T 35 Manafiement. \See Library Economy and Ad- ministration.] Pcriodk-ah—QZQ.5 Greenwood's Library Year-book Library Library Association Record Liljrary Journal Library World Public Libraries Statistics- Public Libraries of the United States of America. . . United States- Bureau of Education J 4 S 30 Agricultural- Development of Agricultural Libraries; by C. H. Greathonse. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1S99 630.5 Free Public and Municipal- Connection ))etween the Public Lil)!aiy and tlie l'"lementary Public School — in Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 tJ 13 Employment of Y'oung Women as Assistants in Public Free Libraries ; by T. Baker Library Association of tlio United Kingdom, Trans., 1879 02X0 Free Libraries— 1« Speeches Rosebery, Earl F 12 T 15 Free Lil)raries anejb, F. K lo U 15 Edinburgh Puljlic Library K 8 R 29-32 English Prose Fiction, 1897... St. Louis Public Library Cat. Room Escola Normal do Districto Federal, Catalogo da Bibliotheca. Brazil K 8 R 34 German Prose Fiction St. Louis Public Library Cat. Room Hand-book of Prose Fiction in the Library of the Midland Railway Institute, Derby Baker, E. A. Cat. Room Hopkins Railway Library Teggart, F. J. K 17 T 1 John Crerar Library, Chicago Cat. Room Library and Furniture of Sir H. Parkes, . . Parkea, SirH. Cat. Room Macclesfield Free Public Library K 9 T 24 Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, ; by T. K. Abbot,t. Dublin University Libi'ary K 11 R 26 Montana Historical Library Montana — Library Cat. Room National Art Lib., classed Catalogue of Printed Books: Ceramics. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — South Kensington Museum K 17 T 14 National Library of Ireland, 1839-03 Cat. Room Nautical Almanac Library, United States United States -- Dept. of the Navy K 17 T 5 Now South Wales— Dept. of Public Woi'ks Library. . . MK 1 S 49 New South Wales Parliamentary Librar\' Cat. Pioom New South WalesParliamentary Library Supplementary Catalogue, 188l)-94 MK 1 T 37 New York — State Library Catalogue, 1882 Cat. Room New Zealand General Assembly, Library Catalogue. . . Cat. Room Pennsylvania — State Library, Reports 027.5748 Pennsylvania — State Library, Law Books in Cat. Room Periodicals and other Serial Publications currently received in the Libraries of Boston Bost(m Public Library Cat. Room Printed Books and Manuscripts in the .John Rjdands Library, Manchester lohn Rylands Library Cat. Room Printed Books in the Librarj- Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Office Cat. Room Queensland Parliamentary Library Cat. Room Regia Bibliotheca PaulinaMonasteriensiCatalogusChirographorum [Miin.ster] Staender, J. KlSTllf Royal Colonial Institute Library Catalogue, 1 895 ... Cat. Room Royal Geographical Society Library K9R 14 South Kensington Museum, Supplement to Catalogue of Science Library ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. —South Kens. Mus. K 17 T 15 Surgeon-tieneral's Office Library, Index Catalogue, United States Army... United States Surgeon-General's Office K l(i P 18 t Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, Supp. Catalogue, 3 MK 2 S 1 Universitets-Bibliothekets Aarbog, 1S90-93... Norway— Det Kgl. Norske Frederike Uuivcrsitet 017.2 War Department Library, 1882-84 United States — Dept. of War K 9 P 17* t Wellington Public Library, Lending Department ... MK 2 R U [.S'ce a/.vo Bibliography ; Catalogues of Books; Cataloguing; In- dexing: and under titles of Liluaries in Author Catalogue.] Library Economy and Administration — Card Ledger; bv G. Parr Librarj- Association of the United Kingdom, Trans., 1879 020.6 Children in Public Libraries; by Margaret Windeyer Library Association, Australasia, Proc, 'l89S MJ 2 V 1 Classification used in Reporting Statistics of Issues; by J. T. Kay. Library Association of United Kingdom, Trans., 1879 02U.6 6a Library Economy and Administration — conld. Ciittei- l5i)ok Nunibcis; bv .Margaict Windcver Library Associal'ion, .Vustralasia, P'roc. , 1898 M.f 2 V I E(iui])ment of the Smaller LilirariesfortheA.ssistance of Industrial Pursuits; by A. Sutherland Australasian Librarv Conference, 1896 MJ 2 P 32 t Free Library, The Ogle, J. J. J 14 P; 27 Hints to Small Libraries Plummer, Marv W. J 14 V Hi Indicator Book; by A. Cotgrcave Library A.s.socialion of tin; United Kingdom, Tians., 1879 020.6 Indicator Catalogue and Charging System; by W. H. K. Wright. Library Association of United Kingdom, Trans., 1879 020.6 Lilnarian and his Work; by K. L. Armstrong Australasian Library Conference, 1S96 MJ 2 P .32 t Librarian and his Work; by A. J. Taylor Australasian Library Conference, 1896 MJ 2 P 32 t Libi-ary Ailministration Macfarlane, J. J 14 V 23 Library Classification and Shelf-arrangement Brown, J. 1). .1 1 1 'I' 44 Library Primer Dana, J. C. J 17 V 28 Manuel de Bibliotlu'conomic (iraesel, A. J 17 U II Organization and Management of Public Libraries... Poole, W. F. J 19 W Papers prepared for the World's Library Conference, 1893. United States— Bureau of Education Libr. Papers prepared for the World's Library Congress in Report, 1892-93 United States— Bureau of Education .379.73 Place of Fiction in Public Libraries ; bj' Prof. ilacCallum. . . Library Association, Australasia, Pios. , 1898 MJ 2 V 1 Public Libraries of the United States of America . . United States — Bureau of Education J 4 S 30 Public Library Handljook, Denver... Denver Pub. Lib. J 16 T 43 Public Library Staffs Cowell, P. J 9 V 36 Second International Libiary Conference, Transactions, 1897. International Library Conference Cat. Room Sundav Opening of Libraries ; by H. Wright Australasian Library Conference, 1896 MJ 2 P 32 + Wisconsin Fiee Librarj' Commission Hand-book J 7 P 53 \Vorking of the Free Public Library, Report of Select Committee, 1900 N. S. Wales— Public Library MJ 14 R 2 + [See aho Book-binding; Cataloguing; Classification; Inde.\ing; Libraries — Associations ; Liliraries — Periodicals.] Library of Congress, Washington- Hand-book of the New Library of Congress... SmaIl,H. Cat. Room Library of Congress, Washington A 40 U 1 6 J; [See also Author Catalogue under U.S. — Library of Congress.] Library Reports — Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique, Rapport sur la Situation. Belgium 027.5493 Boston Public Lduary, Annual Report, 1896 027.47446 Hobart I'ub. Libr.ary, Repts Tasmania — Pari. , Journs. ,328.940 RIassachusetts — Free Public Library Commission Report 027.4744 Massachusetts— Library, Report 027. .5744 Montana State Library, Historical and Miscellaneous Department, Report 027.5786 New Hampshire, .State Librarian, Report New Hampshire — Annual Repts. 328.742 New York State Library, Report of Trustees New York- Library 027. 5747 North Dakota, State Librarian, Report... North Dakota — Annual Repts. 328.784 Ohio State Library, Report Ohio— Annual Repts. 328.771 Pennsylvania— Library, Reports 027..574S Public Librar}-, Museum, anil Art Gallery of South Australia, Reports South Australia — Public Library 027.5942 Public Library, Sluseums, and NationalGallery of Victoria, Report. Victoria — Public Library 027.594.5 I'ublic Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria, Rept Victoria-Parliament, V. and P. 328.945 Public Library of N. S. Wales, Annual Reports .. N. S. Wales — Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 South Australian Institute, Reports South Australia Public Library MJ 2 U 7 United States —Library of Congress, Rejjort 027.573 Library Schools. [See Libraries — Education, Training, A-l-.] Licensing Laws, [See Litjuor Traffic — laws.] 922 Tiiblic Library of New South Wales. Lichens — ColU'ctiou of Lichens from Kerguelen Islaml ; by Rev F. R. il. Wilson Victorian Naturalist, 1898 .Wo Enumeratio Critica LichenumEuropiearum... Schaerer, Rc\-. L. E. A -20 R -2^ Lichenograpliia Europa'a Rsform.ita Fries, E. A 20 R 20 Lichens and Fungi coUecteil in Otago, New Zealand ; by W. L. Lindsay Ro3'al Society, Edinb., Trans,, 2-t oDG Lichen Flora of Chicago and Vicinity ; by \V. W. Calkins. Chicago Academy of Sciences A 39 R 21 New Australian and New Zeahmd Lichens ; bv .J. Stirton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897-99 o06 Synopsis Jlethodiea Lichenuui Acharius, E. A 20 R 21 Synopsis of the Lichens of Now England anil other Northern States of America Tuckennan, E. A 39 Q 11 [Hce aho Botany, Crj-ptoganiic] Bihiiogriipliij — Bibliography of North American Lichenology- -//; Lichcu Fltjra of Chicago Chicago Academy of Sciences A 39 R 21 Life and Conduct — Advii.e ti> Youii,' Men Cobl)ctt, \V. .J 10 Q 9 (iod's(;entlcmcn Welsh, Rev. R. E. G 23 P 40 Life, Function, Health Paterson, H. S. A 27 R 23 Map of Life; Conduct and Character Leckv, W. E. H. ( ; 24 A' 33 [See alto Customs and Manners ; Death ; Future State ; Longevity ; Moral Philosophy ; Vitality.] Life-boats — (Jre.it Britain and Ireland — Royal National Life-boat Institution, Report of Select Committee F 20 U 13 t Life Insurance. [Sfo Insurance — Life.] Life, Origin of— Beginnings of I.ife; Ijv W. .T, ]')\rani Royal Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1899 506 Nature and Origin (jf Livin" Matter; by A. J. Turner. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1899 ."06 On Youth and Old Age Aristotelcs A 32 R 32 [.S'ec also Biology ; Cells, Structure and Theory ; Embryology ; I'rotoplasm.] Life-saving — D'Kird of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, Reports. United States— Steam-boat Inspectiv;nm^\ Life-lio,il< : Lighthouses; Shipwrecks.] Lifts, Hoist3, and Elevators Rise and Progress of Lift Construction in New South Wales; by N. Selfc Engineering Assoc, N. S. Wales, Proc, 10 620.6 Lifu Dialect. ['r28 Lighting of Our Coast; by J. R. Atkinson Royal (leog. .Soc, Anst., Quccnuland Br., Proc, ■i894-9.j 910.6 Lighthouses and Beacons— ro»/r/. Modern Liglit-huuse Service ; bvA. B. .lohnson... United States — Light-hcuse Board A 38 R 25 New Macquarie Liglithouse, and the New Barrenjoey Lighthouse Macquaric Lighthouse M.J 3 R 28 Scientific Writings Henry, .J. A 35 \V 3 Uniteu .States — Light-house Board, Reports 614.865 United States Pul)lic Works ... Black, Capt. \\'. M. A 8 R 33 t Lighting. [.SVc Electric-lighting; G;;k.] Lightning — I'rotection from Lightning; by A. McAdie United -States — Dept. of Agr. — Weather Bureau A 20 U 13 Lightning Conductors — Chimney Design and Theory Chri.stie, W. W. A .38 S 22 Scientilic ^Vritings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 Liguria — Romans of the Riviera anil the Rhone... Hall, W. H. B .30 U 22 Lima Bsans, [Sec Beans.] Limes — Lime and Cement /« Chemistry for Manufacturers ... Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Limestones. \_See Cements.] Limnoridse - Wliarf Protection against Teredo and Limnoria Rich, E. MA 4 P 24 [See also Crustacea ; Isopoda. ] Lincoln Cathedral — Lincoln Cathedral Vcnables, Rev. Precentor A 39 P9 Lincoln College, Oxford University — College Histories Clark, Rev. A. B 25 V 1 Lincolnshire — (renend and Descriptive — En'dish Topograpliy... (Gentleman's Magazine Library 1) 20 V 7 Over Fen and" Wnld His.sey, J. ,J." D 13 U 21 Linen Manufacture — (ircat Ibilain and Ireland— Flax Mills and Linen Factories, Reports F 39 V 9 J [.5ee a/.vo Fibres ; Flax; Textile Falirics.] Linguistics. [See Pliildloc;}-, Comiiaratixc] Linnsean Societies. \See under title of each in Aullior Catalogue, and under Science— iSucieties.] Lions and Lion-hunting — In Haunts of Wihl Came Kirby, F. V. A 29 V 28 [.SVc fi/.vo (!ame and Game Birds; Hunting; S])ort and Sporting .\dventures.] Liquid Air — .-\irc Li(luido, El Mascarenas, 1). .-V 45 U 19 Liijuid Air and Liquefaction of Gases... Sloane, T. O'C. A 24 R 33 New Researches on Liquid Air; by Prof. Dcwar Smithsonian Institution, Rcpts., 1896 596 Liquids. \See Hydro.slatics.] Liquor Duties — United States Internal Revenue Tax System... Eldridgc, C. W. F 1 R'.' L:quor Prohibition ( 'vcl.i|i;i.cMa of 'rcDipcranci' and I'roliiliition F 7 T7 People r. the Liquor TraHic Finch, .7. B. F15P27 IVohibition Wheeler, E. ,1. F 15 (,) 26 TcMipi'iance Problem andSocialRcform... Rowntrcc,.!. F 15 S 29 Wi.dth and Waste Hopkins, A. A. F 15 K 22 [Si:c also iJrink (Question; (lothcidiurg System; Licpior 'I'rallic-- Laws; Local Option; Temperance — Societies.] Snhjcct- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 923 Liquor Traffic — AiiarU (,liu'sli,in in Ceylon Percra, M. A. F 9 T 28 Australian HutulUcupL'i' and Lifcnsud Timie llevicw... MK .") V I Eoonomio Aspects of the Lii|niir Problem— 'h. Ilopoi-t, ISDT. United States — Dcpt. of Labor 17S.4 Government Spirit Monopoly in ilnssia-/;;. Diplomatic and Ixinsular Repts, Misc. Sur.,4()r)... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign ()Hi','c as'J Relation of the Liquor Trallic to Pauperism, Crime, and Irisanit\'. Massachusetts iiurean of Statistics of Labor, Rept., 189.") 'X.W Social Switzerland Dawson, W. if. FLJKT Wealth and Waste Hopkin.s, A. A. Flo K '2.1 {See nUo Drink Question; (iothenburg System ; Loral Djilion. | Latrs (nid Lr + Liquor Act, 1898; with Notes Cockshott, H. M. MF 5 R 10 Liquor Laws Connnission, Report, 1889-90... Capeof (Jooil Hope Liquor Laws F 20 R 9 t Liquor Legislation ; by A. M. Anderson — in Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 Liquor Traffic Legislation in the United States since 1889. Gt. Bt. and Ireland- Foreign Olfice F 4 R 23 Permissive Prohibitory Liquor Bill... Ot. Brit. ancHrel. — Statutes F 18 Q 10 t Regidation of the Liijuor Traffic Menken, P. S. F 18 R 11 Regulations concerning Rectiders and Wholesale Liejuor Dealers' Notices, Returns, Packages, &c United States -Office of Internal Revenue F ! U f) Temperance Problem and Social Reform... Rowntree,.J. F 1.5 S "29 Working of the Liquor Laws in Canada, tlie Australian Colonies, and New Zealand ... (Jt. Brit, and Irel. luto.xicating Liquors MF 3 P 20 t [See nlso Alcoholism; Driidc Question.] Liquorice — Li(|Uorice; by J. F. Bailey ... Queensland Agr. .Tonrnal, 1 (i.19.."; Lisconnell, Ireland — Irish IdvUs Barlow, .lane D HI S Litanies — Manual of Sacred ('haul anil Coremonii [See ah-o Liturgies; Praj'er-books.] Verdon, Mgr. Mi; I i;'78 Literary Criticism — Art Romantique, L' Baudelaire, C. J 24 S 18 Across the Channel Mourey, (!. A 23 S 32 Adventures in Criticism Couch, A. T. Q-. J 14 T Id Affirmations Ellis, H. .7 19 W 14 Amei-ican Prose Carpenter, G. R. d 21 R .'!(i Among My Books T 14 (,) 3.") Ancient and Modern Learning Addison, J. H 11 T ."i Appreciations Pater, W. J 22 U 17 Arnold, Matthew, and the Spirit of the Age White. Rev. (I. J 21 Q 27 Arnold, Matthew, Essays upon Galton, A. J 14 V 13 Arnold's Wordswortli, Helps to the Study of Wilson, R. • J 1 4 P 4,-) Aspects of Fiction JIatthews, 15. J 22 T 45 Australian Writers Byrne, I). M.I 1 R Authors and Friends Fields, Annie J 14 R 14 Balladists, The Geddie, J. H 11 R 2 Barrie, J. M., and his Books Hammerton, J. A. .T 22 S 20 Bibliotaph, Tlie, and other People Vincent, L. H. J 22 Q 35 Books and Arts A\'edmoro, F. J 20 P^ 28 Boston Browning Society Papers H .3 Q 32 Browning, Robert, Essays on Little, Marion J 9 R 5 Brow'ning, Studies in the Poetry of... Fotheringhani, J. J 14 U 30 ■ Browning's Poems, Ethics of Leake, Mrs. P. J 14 P 39 Browning's Verse-form Beatty, A. H 12 V 3 Burns, Roliert, LettertoaFriendof... Wordsworth, W. HI! T .5 Carlyle on Burns Muir, J. .1 5 T 34 Causeries du Lundi Sainte-Beuve, C. A. .1 19 V 1.5-34 ChaucerCanon Skeat, Rev. W. W. .T 17 V 20 Literary Criticism— com. J. 23 S 7 |i Suhjcct-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1900. 925 Literature — lllntory nf— could. Lat.ur Rciiaissaiico Hannay, D. J 27 Q Komaiitii.' Triumph Omoiid, T. S. J 27 (J 1 1 Transition I'ei-ioil ..,.■. Smith, G. G. J 27 (j 4 [.S'ee also HiI)liograpliy ; Englisli Literature; (!rcek Literature; Kclmscott Pi-ess ; Latin Literature; Literary Critieiam; Liter- ary Mcthofla and Style ; Patristic Fiteraturc ; and under eaeli National Literature. ] Periodicals — ■ Ath enanini 0f)2 ]!ibelot 8(t5 Bookfellow M.J 3 V H (ierm J21 P5 t Leigli Hunt's London J ournal J 1 1 W 9 f Literature 0.'i2 Pageant J 2S V 3, 4 Retrospective Review J 28 Q 14-R 12 [.?ee aUo Philology — Periodicals.] Societies — Boston Browning Society, Papers H 3 Q 32 Chetliam Society, Publications 942.7 Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, Proo. 80(i Percy Society, Publications H 11 S 3-32 Royal Society of Literature of United Kingdom, Trans SOU Shakespeare Society, Publications HSU Society. (leLitteraturedeBruxelles, 1800-23... MailIy,E. J 1;)S35 Wordsworthiana : Papers read to the Wordsworth Society. Knight, W. J 14 R 15 [5'ee a^o Philology — Societies; aud under title of Academies and Societies in Author Catalogue.] ToacMng, HtiuJij of- Sesame and Lilies Ruskin, J. J 11 S ' Lithography — (Iranunar of Lithography Richmond, W. IX A 41 Q 13 Litliography Pennell, J. A23P17 Lithography and Lithographers. . Pennell, Elizabeth R. A 40 U 20 J South Kensington Mu,seum, Loan Collection of Lithographs. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Education A 44 tj 25 Typographia Hansard, T. C. A 25 V 20 [See ato Chromo-Iithography ; Engraving.] Lithology. [See Petrology.] Lithophytes — Lithophytes' or Stony Corals in the Collection of the British Museum ; by J. E. Gray,.. British Museum— Natural History A42U21 [.S'ce also Corals ; Polyps. ] Lithotomy — Lithotomy: its Successes and its Dangers [See atxo Bladder — Diseases.] MA 2 Q 71 Litterateurs — Allen, (irant; by E. Clodd C 23 R 27 American Writers of To-day Vedder, H. G. C 22 S 19 Arnolil, Matthew; by G. Saintsbiiiy, C 23 R 21 Arnold, Thomas aad'Matthcw ; by Sir J. Fitch C 23 P 22 Blackwood Group Douglas, Sir G. C 20 U 24 Carlvle ~ in Great Teachers Forster, J. C 23 S Cai'lylo, Thomas ; by M. D. Conway C 27 R 1 Carroll, Lewis, Life and Letters of . . . Dodgson, Kev. C. L. C 20 S 1 8 EugeneFieldlknew, The; byFrancis Wilson... Field, E. CIS P 19 Field, Kate; by Lilian Whiting... Field, Mary K. K. C 20 Q 14 Fitzgerald, Edward, Life of ; by J. Clyde C 27 R 1 1 Four Generations of a Literary Family Hazlitt, W. C. C 24 Q 1, 2 Froude, Mr. , and Carlvle ; by D. Wilson . . . Carlyle, T. C 25 R 13 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert .1 C 23 V 22 Oliphant, Mrs. M. 0. W., Autoliiograjjhy and Letters of C 25 T 4 Lamb, Charles, and the Lloyds; by E. V. Lucas C 19 P 21 Landor, W. S., Lettersandotherunpublished Writingsof C23R6 Landor, W. R., Letters of C 24 P 19 Lockhart, J. G., Life, &c., of C 23 V IS, 19 Memorials of a Quiet Life Hare, A. J. C. C 23 P 12, 13 Morlcy , Henry, Life of ; by H. S. Solly C 23 P 14 Litterateurs— eo?i^c^. My Long Life Clarke, Mary C-. C 23 R 20 Reeve, Henry, Memoirs of Life and Correspondence of; by .1. K. Laughton C 25 R 19, 20 Ruskin—m (Jreat Teachers Forster, J. C 23 S G Ruskin, John; liy W. G. CoUingwood C 27 H 19 Ruskhi, John; by M. U. Spielmann C 23 T 20 Ruskin, John; by Mr.s. Meynell C 23 R 25 Shcllev, Mary W.-ht Little Journeys... Hubbard, E. C 19 P 12 Smollett, To1)ia.s ; by O. Smeaton C 20 U 20 Stael, Mme. do - in Little Journeys Hubbard, E. C 19 P 12 Tlirale, Mrs. ; by L. B. Seeley Piozzi, Mrs. C 26 U 2 Willis, Nathaniel Parker; by"H, A. Beers C 27 P 9 Wilson, John, Sketch of— iH The Blackwood Group... Douglas, Sir G. C 20 U 24 [.S'ce a/.so Authors ; Dramatists; Epigrammatists; Essayists; His- torians; Jouiiialists; Novelists; Philologists; Philosophers; I'oets.] Belloc, Mme. G 20 R Little Sisters of the Poor Flowing Tide, The [See aliio Church Missions.] Liturgies — Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial... Feasey,H. J. (; 11 Q 36 English Liturgy, The ; by Rev. T. A. Lacy- in 'True Limits of Ritual Linklater, Rev. R. (i 24 Q 14 History of the Roman Breviary Battifol, P. G 23 (J 25 Liturgies, Eastern and Western G 3 U 26 Liturgy and Ritual of the Ante-Nicene Church. . .Warren, Rev. F. E. "^ G 26 S 3 Ornaments Rubric ; by J. Micklethwaite — in True Limits of Ritual. Linklater, Rev. R. G 24 Q 14 Sacred Vestments Durandus, Bishop G 24 Q 1 G Suggestions for a Basis of Agreement in Matters Liturgical and Ceremonial ; by Rev. H. E. Hall — in Tiue Limits of Ritual. Linklater, Rev. R. G 24 Q 14 [See also Funeral Rites; Hymns; Lcctionaries ; Litanies; Mass; ^Missals; Prayer-books; Rites and Ceremonies; Ritualism; Rituals ; under each Denomination ; and under Liturgies in Author Catalogue.] Live Stock. [See Stock.] Liver — Diseases — Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver; by Dr. W. Hunter--in System of Medicine " AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Amrt'bic Abscess of the Liver; by Dr. H. A. Lafleur — ra System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Cirrhosis of the Liver; by Dr. H. P. Hawkins — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Cholangitis ; by Dr. M. Robson — in System of Medicine. AUlnitt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Congenital Obliteration of the Bile Ducts ; bv Dr. J. Thomson — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Congestion of the Liver; by Dr. W. Hunter — in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Gall Bladder and Bile Ducts ; liv Dr. M. Robson— ;« System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Liver; by Dr. J. Eichberg— i'n Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Diseases of the Liver Waring, H. J. A .37 R 11 Diseases of the Liver and Spleen ; by Di-. J. H. ilusser— in Prac- tical Therapeutics Hare. H. A. A 31 P 15 Functions of tlie Liver and their Disorders ; 1)V Dr. W. Hunter— i« System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Icterus Neonatorum ; by Dr. J. Thomson— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Lardaceous Disease; bj'Dr. H. Dickinson — /« System of Medicine. • Allbutt," T. C. A 26 T 36 Periheuatisis; Iw Dr. W. H. White — in System of iledicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Suppurative Hepatitis; by Dr. A. Davidson — i'n System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Tumours of the Liver; by Dr. W. H. White— i'n System of iledi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Weil's Disease ; bv Dr. W. Himtcr — i'n System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 [See also Biliousness; Digestion.] 926 Fuhlic Library of New South Wales. Liverpool — History — ■ Palatine Note-book...- ...,..,..., B -24 U 1-4 Livery Compauies. [See Guilds, Track'.] Lives, [.See Biographical Sketches; Biography; Reminis- cences ; and under lvalues of Individuals in Author Catalogue.] Living, Cost of — Familv Budgets ; lieing the Income and Expenses of Twenty-eight British Households, 1891-94 Economie Club F 1 R 29 Lizards — Bipedal Locomotion among Existing Lizards; by W. Savillc-Kent. International Congress of Zoology, I'roc. , 189S A 3.5 \V 14 Pevelopment of the Tuatata... N.Z. Journal of Science, 1891 505 Lizards in the British Museum; by (J. A. Boulenger British Museum — NaturalHistory A 42 U 1-3 Lizards indigenous to New Zealand ; liy A. H. S. Lucas. New Zcalanil" Institute, Trans., 29 506 Lizards of the Cliillagoe District, North Queensland ; by Dr. R. Broom Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1S97 580.6 Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 % New Lizards and Frogs from New Guinea ; bv O. A. Boulenger. Annals and Mag. of Nat. History, 1897 r,90.5 New Lizard from Northern Queensland ; liy A. H. S. Lucas. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1899 506 New Species of Ablepharus from Victoria ; bv A. H. S. Lucas. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales", Proc, 1896 ;':S0.6 New Species of Ddma from ^^'estern Australia ; b_\- Dr. A. (iunther. Annals and Mag. of Nat. History, 1897 590.5 New Species of Lizards from Central Australia ; by A. H. S. Lucas. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1890 ."06 Vivarium, The Batcman, Rev. (J. C. A 27 R 9 [.%e aho Reptiles; Tuatura.] Loan Fund Societies, Ireland — Great Britain anil Ireland -Loan Fund Board, Ireland. Rcpt. 332.3 Loan Societies. [>'«> Building Societies.] Lobsters — Artificial Culture of Lobsters... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit. , 6 A 34 R 6 [.S'ee aUo Crustacea. ] Local Government — '7e/iecaZ — Christian Socialism and Local (iovernmcnt ; bv G. W. K. Rnssell — in (iood Citizen.ship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Classification and Incidence of Imperial and Local 'J'axcs. (!t. Brit, and Irel.— Local Taxation F 40 V 51 % Engineering Aspect of Local Self-government Seaver, T. W. MA 3 V 44 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Lectures on the Principles of Local (iovernmcnt.., Gomme, G. L. F 13T25 Local (iovernmcnt Odgers W. B. F 15 S 28 Local Government and State Aid Cha])man, iS. J. F 15 R 34 Model Bye-laws, Rules, and Regulations Mackenzie, W. F 9 V 23, 24 [.9ee n^'io Boroughs ; Bridges; Municipal (iovernment ; Roads and Road-making; V'illage Comnnuiities.] By Countries. ■ Canada — Ixical Self government : tlie Can.adian Village New Zciland — Dept. of Labour, .Journal, 1893 331.8 Cape of Good Hope — Local Selfgoveirniiciit, lleport of Selcc't Connnittce, 1893 -.'n Ap- I)endix2... Ca[>eof Good Hope— Pari., V. and 1'., 1893 .328.687 Local Government — Great Britain — Annual Local Taxation Re urns (It. Brit, and Irel. — Local Government .3.36.28 County Councillor's Guide Hobl'.ouss, H. F 16 U 16 Englisli Local Government of To-day... Maltbie, M. R. F 8 Q 27 (it. Brit, and Irel. — Local Taxation, Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission F -tO W 46. 48 t Great Britain and Ireland — Local Taxation, Report of Royal Commi.ssion F 40 V 51 % Local (iovernmcnt Board and Parish Coiuicils — ;'h Historic Facts. Ro.se, W. K. F S Q 16 Local (iovernment Board, Animal Reports... (it. Brit, and Irel. — Local Government 352,042 Local ( iovernment Board fov Scutlaml, Report, . .( it. Brit, and Irel. - Local (iovernmcnt .3.')2.041 Local Taxation Returns, Scotland Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Local Go\'cirunent ;^36.28 London in the Reign of Victoiia (iommc, (i. L. B 24 (^ 19 Rules, Instructions, and R xonunendations to Parochial Authorities issued by tlie Local (ioveramcnt Board for Scotland. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Local Government F 10 T 16 [.S'cc alfiO Ireland under this heading.] Ireland — Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Local ( iovernment Board for Ireland, Report... (it. Brit, andlrel. — Local Government .352.0415 New Zealand — Local Government Law in New Zealand... Jolliffe, W. MF 5 Q 25 Qtieensland — Local (iuvcinment, Report of Roval Commission ,,, Queensland — Parliament, V. and P., 2, 1896 328,943 United States — Local Taxatiiin as all'e -ting Farms United States — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Statistics A 38 R 27 Victoria— Local (iovernment Acts MacHugli , A. MF 5 Q 23 Local Option — New Zealand Affairs; by Rev.F. W. Isitt..,Rev. ofRevs.,lS9- 052 [.S'ee a/,so Drink Question : (iotlicidmrg System ; Liquor Traffic — Laws; Licjuor Prohibition. J Lock-Duls. [See Strikes.] Lockjaw. [See Tetanus.] Locks — Proposed Construction of Locks and Weirs on tlic River Darling, Report.,. N.S.VV. .Standing Ccmi., Pub. Works ,\lA12l'27t [See alxo Hydraulic Engineering; Water .Su])p]y. J Locomotives — Modern Locomotives .-X I' 17 J [.S'ee nl.^o Railways; Steam and Steam-engines.] Locomotor Ataxia Locomotor .\ta\ia ; bv Di', M, A. .Starr— /« Practical Therajieutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P IC Locusts- - D.'imagc by Destructive Locusts,., United .States Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 37 S 4 (irasshoppers and Locusts of NcwZealandand tlie Kcrmadcc Islands; by Capt. F. W. Hutton N.Z. Inst.. Trans.. 1,'<97 -506 Locust (;ampaign of 1896,,. (it. Brit, andlrel. —Cyprus A 20 U9t Locust Plague ; by T. Bath -,'« Rept. , 1 873, , . Victoi ia — Agr. 630.6 Plague Locusts ; by W. W. Froggatt . , Agr. Gaz. , N.S. W. , 1 1 630.5 Rocky Mountain Locust United States Dei)t. of Agr. ■ Div. of l'',ntomology A 37 .S I [See nlao Cieadic; In.sects — Injinious; Entomology, Economic; Rocky Motnitain Locust.] Loganberries — Pamphlet-; on Fruitgrowing ,,. Agr. Exper. Stations A .38 R 35 Suhjcct-Index to the Su]}pleme)itary Calaloyue — 1800-1900. 927 Logarithms — < 'nniimtation Kulesaiul Logaritliin.s... Hnlinan, S. \V. A '2'> V "JS (-'i)ii(leiis(_' S :i.S [Sec ((/.so Fimutions — iiuneral; .Matliematical TaWos; 'I'ligim- omctry. ] Logic -Gnirrnl — All ilyais of Mill's Sj-stom of Logic SU'liliing, W. (!4V;U Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics ; liy K. Zcllcr. AnstctcUs (; 1!) V -A-' J)e Logica Wyclif Society Pubs. , 1 ,S, -21 , -i:', ( I '2;) 'I' 82 ;i4 ])istiiictionandtlieC'ritieisin of Beliefs... SidgvieU.A. (! IDU.'iS Hand-liook of Mill's System of Logie ICilliek, Rev. A. H. (J 9 V 10 Introduetion to Philosophy Kiilpe, O. (I 18 P 44 Logic of Chance Venn, J. (i 1 U ."H) Logic Hegel, G. W. r. G 19 U -2.8 Origin and Growth of Plato's Logic... Lutoslawski, W. G '23 S 8 Philo.sophioal Lectures and Remains Nettleship, R. L. G 23 R 2, 3 Pliilo.sophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 l'ort-Ro_yal Logic; tran.s. by T. S. Bayncs G 2.5 8 22 Process of Argument Siilgwiek, A. G 11 U 21 Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's I'liilosophv, and especially of his Logic Wallace, \V. G2.5S8 Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic McTaggart, J. McT. E. G -24 Q 14 Symbolic Logic Dodgson, C. L. G 9 V 41 Theory of Knowledge Hobhouse, L. T. G 14 Q 38 Writings Ruskin, J. J 23 S 29 [.S'c'C ((/.so Evidence; Fallacies; Psychology; Reason.] Logs of Ships — C'apUiiii Cook's First Log in the Royal Navy ; by E. E. Moriis. 'Cornhili Magazine, 1899 (I.:i2 Lollards- England in the Ageof Wyclill'c... Trevclyan, G. M. B .'B S l.'>, Hi [See alfio Persecutions.] Lomatia — Colouring Matter from Lomafia ifici folia and Lomatin lunr/ifolia ; by E. H. Rennic Chemical Society. Journal, 1895 540.G London — General, and Descriptive — j\bslracts of Inquisitiones post-nrorteni relating to City of London. British Record Society, l.j 914.21 American's Reverie over London, An -in The Old Rome and the New Stillman, W. J. J 14 V 14 Life and Labour of the People of London... Booth, C. F 10 U 14 Literary Landmarks of London Huttoii, L. D 20 Q 29 London Idylls Dawson, W. J. J S T 38 London in'Verse Whitten, W. H 12 R 12 London Lyrics Locker, F. H 7 R 44 London Manual and Municipal 'i'ear-book 352.0421 Phases of London Life ; by A. Michie Melb. Rev., 2 052 Poor in Great Cities F 13 U '25 Queen's London A 8 R 30 t Unknown London Pratt, A. T. C. B l(i U 8 Churclieti — Cathedral Church of St. Paul Dimoek, I'.cv. A. ( ; 20 S 7 t'luirch of St. Bartholomew the (Jreat, West Smilhlield. Moore. N. P> 24 Q London Churches of the 17th and ISth Ccutuiic ; ... Birch. ('. H. A 21 1'20 I London River.side Churche.5 D.iniell. A. V.. G 23 (j) 3 Regent Scxuare Hair, J. t; '24 S 20 Directories — London Post Office Directory 914.21 Webster's Royal Red Book 914.21 ■ History — CHianges at Charing Cross — ;;i Paladin of Pliilanth ropy... Dolwon, A. J '22 12 Connnunr of London , Round, .J. H. B "28 T 15 (iridi-str.C if the Arts, The — in Paladin of Philanllnopy. Dobson, A. J 22 (^1 12 London Besant, Sir W. B 40 P 7 London — Ilistory — rontd. Loll 1(111 and the Kingdom Sharpe, P.. I'>. B "24 R 7 London in the T{eign of Victoria (Jonime, ('•. L. B "24 (,l 19 London Pleasure Gardens of tlic 18th C'entury Wiolh, \V. B 10 U 9 London S(nn'cnirs Heekethorn, C W. B 37 Q 7 Moileru History of the City of L(md(m... Welch, C. B 1 1 W 8 + Old London Taverns Callow, E. B 25 I' 19 Kcliipics of Old London Way, T. R. D 5 P 22 t Itoyalty Restored Molloy, .1. F. 15 2.t Q 12 Shakespeare's London Ordifh, T. F. B 23 P 14 South London Besant, Sir \\'. B22S13 Sloriis of the Streets of London Baker, H. 15. 15 17 Q 35 Town, The Hunt, L. B 22 S 10 [.S'ec («/.so (ircat Plagues of London ; (iuilds; Hyde Park; Tower of London; and under London in Author Catalogue.] Jfiuiti-i/jii/ Giiveriiiiieiit — Gt. Brit, and Ircl. Amalganialicm of the City and dranty of London, Report of Commissioners F "20 U 18-'20 t I'lil.lir Parks— Municipal Parks of London... Scxby, Licut.-Col. J. J. A '23 l! 43 Social Life and Ciisfonis — Seven Deadly Sins of Lomhm; by T. Dckker, 1600 [Reprint]. English Scholar's Library J 3 S 21 London County Council — Fabian Trai'ts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 London (jovcrnment Whelen, F. F 15 S 9 [See a/.so under tliis Title in Author Catalogue.] London IMLissionary Society — Histoiy of the London Missiouaiy Society, 179.5-1895... Lovett, R. G'24 U.5, [See fffso Missions and Missionary Work — Societies, and under name of Society in Author Catalogue for Official Publications and Reports.] London University. [For Calendar.s, Register.*;, and •Jliieial Puliliratiiins, see Author Catalogue.] Londonderry —IJisiori/ — Siege and History of Londonderry Hempton, .J. B '25 P 15 Longevity — Pnrluiigation of Life l)udg(!on, R. E. A 45 R 19 Secret of Long Life ; Collins, M. A 25 S 23 [."j'ce (i/.vo Hj'gicnc ; Life and Conduct ; OhlAge; Statistics, Vital.] Longicornia — Coleopterous Insects in the Collection of tlie Bi'itish Museum. British Museum— Natural History A 43 V 37, 38 Longicornia of Australia and Tasmania; by C. J. Gahan. Entomological Society, Lond. , Trans., Iis93 595.7 Notes on Australian Longicornia, with Descriptions of Sixty New Species;byF. P. Pascoc.Entom. Soc, Lond. , Trans. ,'63 59.5.7 S(o!cco!m)lii/ll'cs/tnH.i!ii; by D. Best A'ict. Nat., 1898 505 [See also Beetles; Colenptcra.] Longitude Determinations — Tclei;iap!iic DctcniiiiKilion of Longitudes in .Japan. China, and the East Indie.-, I.S81 82... Grc<_'n, Lieut. F. M. A 13 W 25 t [.SVe n/.io Astronomy ; Azinuilh Tables; Geodesy; Nautical As- tronomy. ] Lophobranchii — Lophobranchiate Fifh in the Collection of the British Museum: liy .J. .1. Kaup .. British Museum— Natural History A 43 U 2 [See a/so Ichthyology.] Loranthacese -- Host Plants of some Australian L(jrantluvc;ea; by Prof. Tate. Australasian Assoc, Advance of Science, Rejit., 1898 506 [See nl.io Botan\'- General.] 928 Tublic Library of New South Wales, Lord Howe Island — Gencrol and Descriptive — Lord Howe Island : its Zoology, (Jeology, and Physical Characters. Australian Museum, Memoirs, 2 MA 3 W 32 • Climnic — Climate of Lord Ho«e Island ... Royal Society of New South Wales— Journal, '29 500 Lord Mayors' Shows — Lord Mayors' Pageants; by F. \\. Fuirliolt... Percy Society Puhs. •* => ' •) ' H 11 S 12 [See also Pageants.] Lords Prayer — Letters to ths Clergy on the Lord's Prayer and the Church. Ru.skiii, J. t; 19 U Lord's Prayer, The Goulburn, Dean C 23 P 39 Prayer and the Lord's Prayer Gore, Rev. C. '(4 23 P 30 Lord's Supper — Christian Institutions Allen, Rev. A. V. G. G 24 R 10 Church audFaith G 5 P 31 Doctrine of the Eucharist — in Charge at First Visitation. Temple, Archbishop (» 23 R 30 Libro Lititulado Ccena Domini Monserrate, M. de G 9 U 32 [See also Mass; Sacraments, The; Transubstantiation. ] Lost Ti-ibes of Israel. [See Anglo-Israelism.] Lotteries — Gambling World "Rouge et Noir" G 15 S SO Louisiana — History — Illinois and Louisiana under the French Rule Wallace, J. B41 R8 Love — Abnormal Woman MacDonald, A. F 10 V Human Love Mortimer, G. (J 24 U 3 Paradoxes Siidfeld, M. S. (J 3 U 10 Primitive Love and Love-stories Finck, H. T. G 24 T 9 Rational, or Soieutitic Ideal of Morality Fitzgerald, P. F. G 1 T 23 System of Courtly Love Mott, L. F. H 12 V 2 [.SVc a/so Charity ; Fnendship; Marriage; Pas.sions.] Lovedale, South Africa — General and Descriptive — Lovedale Stewart, J. D 17 S 12 Low German — S:immtliche Werke Renter, F. J 23 P 20-34 Low Latin. [See Italic Languages; J.,atiii Literature — Mediaeval. J Loyalty Islands — General and Descriptive — Aiiilinragcs in Ltij'altv Islands, from French Admiralty Charts, ISUS (it. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrograjjhic Office 1) 49 P 1 + [See also laian Language. ] Languages — Pilgrim's Progress in the Lifu Dialect .. I5unyan, J. MG 2 T 20 [See also laian Language.] Lubricants and Lubrication — Animal Fats aii.l Gils Andes, L. K. A 4.') U 9 Ik'arings and Lulnication Tayler, A. .J. W-. A 24 P 3.5 Chemistry for Engineers and Manufacturers. . . Blount, 15. A 21 T 38 Lubricating Oils, Fats, and Greases ... Hurst, G. H. A 4.") C 14 Practical Compounding of Oils, Tallow, and (irease ... Expert Oil Uetiner A 45 U 1 Vegetable Fats and Oils Andes, L. E. A 4.'> U 10 [.S'eea/»o Fats and Oils; Friction; Oils; Technological Chemistry.] Lucanidse — Two New Australian Lueanida-; by .T. O. Wcstwood. Entomological Society, Loud., Trans,, 1803 595.7 [Sec also Beetles; CoIeoptera.J Lucernarise — Lucernari;e and their Allies ; by H. J. Clark Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 23 508 [See also Zorjihytcs. ] Lucerne — Alfalfa, or Lucern; by .J. G. Smith United States— Depl. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 31 A 41 U 1 Alfalfa-root Rot — in Injui'ious Insects, Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Great Destroj'er of Lucerne, Hi/^icra mnrini.. . Agi ic.dtiu'al (Gazette. N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Legunnnous Plants for Green Manuring and for Feeding; by Dr. E. W. Allen United States— Dept. of Agr. - Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S 25 LuccrncPcst, A; bvA.A. Molineux... Agr.Gaz.,N.S.W.,7 630.5 Lucerne-growing and Hay-making; by (i. Bishop... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Lucerne-growing for Pastures... Agr. Gaz.,N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Royal Agricultuial Society of England, .Journal, 1895 630.5 Tree Luceni... .Journal, Agr. and Industry, S.A., 1897-98 030.5 [Sec also Hay and Hay-making; Lcguminosa,' ; Nitrogen in Agri- culture.] Luke, St. — Gospel — Commentary Plummsr, Rev. A. G 15 R 38 Lumbering. [See Forestry; Tiiiiber.s.] Limacy — Law — English Law and Practice of Lunacy; bv Dr. 0. Wood — in System of Medicine '..... AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Lunacy Law Reform; by A. Morrison Melb. Rev., 5 052 [See also Insanity.] Lunatic Asylums - A.syluiii for Insane, Rept. ... New Hamps. — Ann. Rcpts. 328.742 Asylums for the Insane, Queensland, Reports (Queensland Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 Charities and Correction, National Conference, Proc, 1896 360 Colonial Hospital and Lunatic Asjdum, Fiji, Animal P.eports. Fiji- Hospital and Lumitic Asylum 362. 1 Commissioner in Lunaev to the Lord Chancellor, Report. (rt. Brit, and Ircl. - Lunacy 362.2 (ieneral Board of Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland, Report. (it. Brit, and Irel. Lunacy 302.2 Government Hospital for theln.sane. Report United States Dept. of tlie Interior, Rcpt., 3.53.3 Hospital for the Insane, Report... North Dakota Annual Rci)ls. 32S.7H4 Hospitals for Insane, Reports... Viet. — Pari., V. and P. .".28.945 Idaho — Insane Asylum, Report 362.2 Inspector-General of the Insane, Reports N. S. Wales — Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Inspectors of Lunatics, Ireland, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Lunacy 362.2 Lunatic As\'liuns of tlic Colony — in Appendix to .Journals. New Zealand— Parliament .328.931 Lunatic Asylums, Report Manning, F. N. MA 5 .S I Massachusetts — Board of Lunacy and Charity, Report 360 Massaehu.sctts — Danvers Lunatic Asylum, Report 362.2 Massaeluisctts — Lunacy and Charities, Annual Reports 3(ill Massachusjtts- Nortliampton Lunatic Hospital, Ueport... .■i62.2 Massachusetts — Taunton Lunatic Hospital, Report .362.2 Massachusetts — Westborough Insane Hosjiital, Report ... 362.2 Massachusetts — Worcx-stcr Lunatic A.sylum, Report .'(62.2 I'rovincia! Liniatic Asylum at St. .John's, Re])ort — in .Journals. New Brunswick — I'arliament .328.715 Royal Commission to inquire into tlieConduetand Managemeutof Bayvicw House, Report N. S. Wales -Bayview House 'MK9P43t SiniDi Australia - Hospitals for tlic Insane, Report, I8S6,.. 362.2 Lung-fish. [See Ccradolu.s.] Subject-Index to the Suiiplemenlm^y Catalogue — 1896-1900. 929 Luugs — Alpscess and (iaiigrc lu cif t.lic Lung; liy Dr. A. J. McC'osh — in I'ractioal Thcrap ■iitirs H.irc, Jl. A. A ,'il ]' 17 Bronchiectasis; \>y Dr. VV. Ewart — m tSystoiu of Medirinc. Allbutt, T. ('. A '2(i T ;{S Diseases of tlie Lungs Fow'cr, J. K. A '10 I' (i Diseases of tlie Clicst Stckci, W. A .33 S -Jl Physical Signs of tlie Diseases of the Lui gs and Heart; liy Dr. 11. Ivlackenzie— !» System of Medicine... Allhntt, T. ('. A "ili T .37 Pneumoconiosis; l)y Dr. .J. T. Arlidge — in S\stum of iMedieine. Alllinl't, T. C. A -Jli T .38 Pulmonary Aspergillosis ; by Dr. H. 1). KciUeston — ;« System of Medicine Allhutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 [.SVe fi/w Consumption ; Pneumonia; Rcsjiiratory System ; 1'uber- euliisis. ] Lushai Language — Vocabulary of the Lusliai Language Hutchinson, H. H. S. .T '.) V 3!) Lutheran Church - Augsliurg Confession and Fornuda of the Kvangelieal Lutlieran Church in the United States... Augsburg Confession (4 9 V 39 History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United .States. Jacobs, H. E. G 12 V U History of the Reformed Dutch and German Churches, and the Moravian Church in the United States Corwin, Rev. E. T. G 12 V 15 Lutheran Origin of the 39 Articles Morris, Rev. ,J. G. G 9 V 40 [See also Augsburg Confession ; Ecclesiastical History — German}' ; Pietists; Zwinglianism ; Reformation, The; .and under Luther, Martin, in Author Catalogue.] LuxemTjOUrg — Coustiluliomd IKstori/ — Histoire du Conseil Proviuuial Lu.xembourg F11U37, 3S Luxury — Luxury, Ease, and Vice in Outspoken Essays Bax, E. B. G 9 W 3.5 Practical Ethics .Sidgwick, H. G 23 Q 1(3 [See also Capital.] Lymphatic System Anatomic Pathologiquo du Systemo Lymphatiipie ... Regaud, C. A 40 S 4 Diseases of the Lymphatic Vessels; by Dr. H. D. Rolleston — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 2G T 39 Hodgkin's Disease; by Dr. G. R. Murray — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 2(> T 37 Lymphatic Vessels of the Head and Iseck ; by A. P. Brubakcr — in American System of Dentistry ... Litch, W. F. A 31 S 1 [See also Glands; Spleen.] Lyrics — l?elh and i'lmiegranato? Browning, R. H 10 \V 21 Book of Elizabethan Lyrics Schelling, F. F. H 9 U 42 PInglish Lyrics Henley, W. F. H 1 S 38 London Lyrics Locker, F. H 7 R 44 Lyii-,al Poems Au.«tin, A. H 10 S 23 Lyrics fromtheSong books of the Elizahethan Age... liiUen, A.H. H 11 Q 9 [See also Ballads; Hymns; Odes; Minnesingers; Poetry — General; Songs.] M Mabinogion, The Intiucuce cif Welsh Tradition upon tlie Literature of (ierniany, France, and Scandinavia Schul/. .A. .1 14 S S Macao — General and Descriptive — Peoples and Politics of the Far East ... Norman, H. D 20 LT 1 1 Maccabses— Age of the Maccabees Streane, A. W. G 23 P 44 Macedonia — General and Dcscriji/ire— Outgoing Turk Thomson, li. ('. 1) 17T27 Travels and Politics in the Near East Millei-, \V. D 13 \' 14 Gb Macedonia— //istory — Alexander the Creat, Life and Exploits of B 27 V 20 I'l.ilip and Alexander of Macedon ... Hogarth, D. G. C24Q11 Machiavelism ■ - Political Crime Proal, L I' 13S33 Machine Construction — KIciiicntary .Ma.^hinc Design Snnth, A. \V. A 22 H 8 Mechanics and Mechanism Burn, R. S« A 25 S 2S [Sre also Mechanics, I'raetical; Patteni-making.] Machine Guns— (iuns and Cavalry May, E. S. A 23 S 19 Machine Tools I'lartical Toiil inakei- and Designer ... Wilson, II. .S. .\ 41 S 13 Sho]! Kiidis Grimslunv, R. A 22 R 9 Text book of Meehanie.alEngincering... Linchiim.W..!. A 22 R 32 [Sue ntso Lathes and Lathe-work; Tools, Making and Use of.] Machinery — Labour-saving Machiner}' Samuelson, .J. A 33 P 17 Machine Design Jones, F. R. A .38 S 12, 13 Shop Kinks Grimsliaw, R. A 22 R 9 [.S'ce o/.vo Agricultural Implements ; Belts and Belting: Electrical Engineering; Engines; Friction; (Jas Engines; Hydraulic En- gineering; Lathes and Lathe-work ; Locomotives; Lubrication; Machine Construction; Macliine Tools; Meehanical Drawing; Mechanical Engineering; Mccharncs; Mechaidcs. Practical; Mining Machinery ; Motors; Oil Engines; Piunps; Railways- Construction ; Refrigerating Machinery ; Technical Education ; Tools.] Macedon, Mount - Stray Leaves from Upper Macedon; b\' "Sapphire." Once a Month, 3 MJ 1 \' 21 Mackerel — Mookvrcl and Pilchard Fisheries Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 188.3, Lit., 6 A34R6 McKinleyism. [See Protection; Tariffs; United States— riiiiviiee and Taxation.] Macleay River - Report on the Jlaclcav River; by Sir.John Coode... N. S. Wales — Macleay River MA 9 P 41 { Macquarie Islands — Pa))ers relati\e to the Annexation of Macquarie Islands — in Aji- pcndix to Journals, 1S91... New Zeaknd — Parliament 328.931 Macvame. [.SVe Fancy "Work.] Macraucheniidse — New Species of Macrauchenia — in .'scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [.SVe nl-.o .Mammalia ; LTngulata.] Macropodidse — Fossil .Jaws of the JIacropodida; in the Queensland Muscimi ; by C. W. De Vis Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proe., 1S9,J ."iSO.G Occurrence of a Placental Connection in Pcnimelca obersula, and on the Fietal Membr.anes of Certain Macropods; by J. P. Hill. Linneau Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1895 580.6 [See also Kangaroos.] Madagascar —''/.'»";•((/ and Descriptive — Voyages to the Islands of JIadagascar and Bourbon. Du Bois, Le Sieur D 19 U 7 History — Madagascar before the Conquest Sibree, Rev. J. B 16 U 6 Madagascar War, 183G - Two Campaigns Burleigh, B. B ,33 R IS Madagascar in War Time Knight, E. F. B 16 Q. 48 930 Fuilic Library of New South Wales, Madeira — General and Descriptive — Atlantic Islands Benjamin, R. O. W. D 22 R 3 Madeira Islands Biddle, A. J. B. B 33 Q 13, 14 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 History — Madeira Islands Biddle, A. J. D. B 33 Q 13, 14 Madonna. [AVr> Christian Art; Virgin Jlarv.] Madras — General and Descriptire — Madras Presidency — Administration, Manual, 18S6 913.48 Madras Presidency — Administration, Report 354.548 History- Madras Presidency — Administration, Manual 915.48 Statistics — India— Census 14, 15 315.48 Madreporaria — Madrcporia of Fimatiiti; liyT. Wliitelegge... Australian Museum, Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 22 Madreiioriau Corals in the British Museum ... British Museum — Natural History A 18 U 1 f [.SV c al^o Anthozoa ; Corals. ] Magazine Guns. [See Small Arm.s.] Magazines. \_See Periodicals — General; and .sub-heading Periodicals under Subjects.] Magdala — History — ■ Magdala, 1866-67 .Stanley, II. M. B 1 P 44 Magdalen Islands Atlantic Islands Benjamin, 8. (!. W. I) 22 R 3 Magellan Strait — Snivtli t'lmnnel. from its South Eutrancio to Fortune Bav, 1898 [Chart]... Ct. Brit, and Ire!. — Hydrographic Otxico 1) 49 1' 3 J Magic— Amongst the Per.siau3 Browne, E. 0. T) 19 U 6 Alt Magic Britten, \V. C 3 U 22 Canon, The G 23 8 9 Kgvptian Magic Budge, Rev. E. A. W. (i 25 P 20 EVU Kye Elworthy, F. T. C 15 S 29 From Magic to Chemistry — in Warfare of Science witli 1'heology. White, A. D. U 3 U 17, 18 Ohost Land Britten, Emma Hardinge t! I P 30 Isn't it Wonderful? Bertram, C. A 23 T 30 Magic Australian Theosophist M(J 2 W 2 Magic Hopkins, A. A. A 40 S 11 Magic and Witchcraft Moir, (!. (J 15 U 15 Magic, Divination, and Demonology... Davies, T. W. C 11 U 43 .Malay Magic Skcat, W. W. of the Needle, made during the Voyage of the Cor/uille frmu Toulon to Port Jackson, 1822-24; by Si. Duperrey Edinburgh Journal of Science, 1827 A 30 (,) 16 New Method for the Discussion of Magnetic Observations; liy Prof. Bigclow... Lfnited States - Dcpt. of Agr. — ^^'eather Bureau A 37 S 35 [See also Meteorology — Observatories.] Magnetism — Genercd — Aeadi'mie des Sciences, Comptes reudus des Seances 506 Electricity and Magnetism ;.. Foster, G. C. A 25 S H Elcctiicity and Magnetism Gerard, E. A 39 Q 1 Electricity and Magnetism for Beginners Sanderson, F. W. A 21 Q 21 Electricity for Everybody Atkinson, P. A 20 P 20 Fornudic in Pure iind Applied Magnetism and Electricity in Mathematical and Physical Tables. . . Wrapson, J. P. A 25 S 38 Magnetic Fields of. Force Ebert, H. A 20 T 27 Jfagnetic Viscosity ; bvE. Rutherford. ..N.Z. Inst., Trans., 'i)~-> .506 Tilagnets and Electric" Currents' Fleming, J. A. A 20 Q 31 Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Watson,' H. W. A 21 T 12» Miscellaneous Papers Hertz, H. A 21 U 23 Physics Anthony, A. W. A 41 P 1 Some Unrecognized Laws of Nature Singer, I. A 24 T 35 Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature Ostcrbcrg, M. A 21 V 20 Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A 33 V 18 Theory of lOlectricity an73 Experiments with Maize at Richmond River; by (J. M. McKeown. Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Maize-growing on Scrub Lands ; by A. J. Boyd Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Pamphlets on Experiments with Corn Agr. E.xper. Stations A 38 Q 13 Smut of Imlian Corn — in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 (^» 7 Use of Maize as Human Food— Hi Bulletin 1 ... Queensland —Agr. MA 3 S 68 Use of Maize in Europe .. United States— Dept. of Agr. A37S18 Varieties of Corn; bv Dr. Sturtevant ... United States — Dc]jt. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 37 VT [See raZso Cereals ; Crops, Analyses of; Feeding Experiments; Fodders and Fod(ler-.stuffs ; Grain Magazines and Elevators.] Maize Oil- Oil of Maize... Winficld, Harriet A 37 T 9 Majolica — Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 t Maiolica Fortnum, C. D. E. AbjSll-f- [See also Ceramics ; Pottery. ] Malachi- Old Testament — Malaki Bibles and Testaments- Hebrew G 17 S 10 Malachite- Origin of Malachite, Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journal, 29 5C0 [.SV e aY.so Copper and Copper Ores. ] Malacology. [See Conchology; MuUusca.] Malarial Fever- Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 I'ixperiraents on Animals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 Malaria; bv Dr. Manson — rn System of Medicine... Allbntt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Malaria according to the New Researches... Celli, A. A 45 U 29 Malarial Diseases ; bv Dr. J. M. Anders — in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Malarial Diseases and Dengue; by Dr. G. Dock — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Malarial Fever ; by Dr. W. Osier — in Svstcm of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Mosquitoes and Malaria ; bv J. Shirley Royal Societv, Queensland, Proc., 1899 506 RoraanFever North, W. A 30 Q 22 Malay Archipelago— I'laiisof v\ni ImragcsinSorwattiandTenimberlslamla, 1898[Chu)t] Gt. Brit, and Irel.—Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 I Plans of Anchinagca in Snndia, Timor, and Adjacent Islanils, 1S9H [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Hydrograpliie Office D 49 P 3 I Malay Peninsula and Malaysia — General and Descrip- tive — Campin" and Tramping in Malaya.., Rathbone, A. B. 1> 10 V 27 (Chronicle and Directory for China, &c 910,3 Eurojjcan Settlements in the Far Kasit S., D. W. D 21 Q 12 In a Corner of A.sia Clifford, H. J 9 Q 33 Islands of Bali and Lombock, Malay Archipelago; by Capt. 1''. B. Carpenter... Roy. Geog. Soe., Aust., N.S.W., Journ., '90 910.6 Malays and Malagasies— tn History of Mankind Ratzel, F. A 31 S 9 Mining Life and General Features of Pahang; by W. B. RoIhiIs. Roval (Jeog. Soc, Aust., (iueensl. Br., Proc, 1896-97 910.(i People.s'and Politics of the Far East Norman, H. D 20 l' 1 1 Real Malay, The Swcttenham, Sir F. A. D 13 P 19 [See a/.so Borneo; Celebes; Dutch East Indies; Indo-Cliina; Java; Moluccas; Philippine Islands; Straits Settlements; Sumatra.] HLstorj/ — Accoimt of the Rescue of Joe Forbes from Timor Laut in 1839. b\- Capt. Pasco ... Historical Soc. , Australasia, Trans. MB 3 I! I Affairs of the Colony McLarty, F. M. D 18 S 24 Relirjion — Malay Magic Malayan Races— Malayan Race- in Races of Man .. Skeat, W. W. G 24 V 25 U.S. — Exploring Exped., !) A 31 Q 3 : Maya and ^^alay Polynesian Society, Jounial, 1898 996 [Si':e al.hi/,J^opographi/, and Maps — ■ Anchorages in xMalekula Island. 1 S95 [Chart]. . . 'g t. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrograpliie Office Mi) 2 1* 34 t MalOuine Islands. [See Falkland Islands.] Malt - Preparation of Malt Thausing, J. E. A 25 U IC [Sue aluo Barley; Browing.] Malta — General and Descriptive— Annual Kepts.,.. Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— Col. Office, Rcpts. 3r>4.42S Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 [See also Knights Templars.] Ilistory- Voice from Malta, A Mizzi, M. A. J UP 44 Malta Fever- Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 Malta Fevor; by Dr. J. L. Notter— m System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Maltese Language- Voice from Malta, A Mizzi, M. A. M. J 14 P 44 Malthusianism — Development of English Thought Patten, S. N. G 23 T 42 Malthus and Ricardo Patten, S. N. F 4 V 14 [See al.yo Population; and under Malthus in Author Catalogue.] Mammalia — General — (icographieal History of Mammals Lydekker, R. A 27 S 13 Guide to Mammalia in Dept. of Zoology... British Mus. A 39 V 7 Origin of Mammals; bv Prof. Scelev, and others ... International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1S9S A 35 W 14 Winners in Life's Race Fisher, Arabella B. A 27 P 3 [See also Ajies ; Bats ; Carnivora ; Cat ; Cetacea ; Chiroptera ; Dog ; Edentata ; Elephants ; Gorilla ; Horse ; Insectivora ; Lemuridse ; Man, Natural History of; Marsupials; Moles; IMonkcys ; Monotreniata : Paheontology ; Primates ; Prosimiie ; Rodentia; Ruminantia: Seals: Uugulata ; Vertebrata; Whales Zoology ; and under names of Families, Orders, and Classes.] 932 JPublic Librm^ of Neio South Wales. Man, Antiquity of — Age of the Human Race according to Modem Science and Biblical "chronology — //; Bible, Science, and Faith ... Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 1.-) Antiquity of Man — in Anthropological Studies. . . Buckland, A. W. A 27 R 34 Antiquity of Man — in Prehistoric Man and Beast. Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. A .SO Q 23 Antiquity of Man, Egyptology, and Assyriology — /« Warfare of Science with Theology White, A. 1). (i 3 U 17, IS Antiquity of Man in Western Europe - in Leisure Readings. Proctor, R. A. A 10 Q 10 Man, Past and Present Keanc, A. H. A 27 S 2i) [See a/.so Anthropology ; Areluuology: Man, Natural History and Development of; Primeval Man.] Man, Fall of— Theology. [See Original Sin.] Man, Natural History and Development of — Archa-ology , Gentleman's Magazine Library B 32 LT o, (! Aristocracy and Evolution Mallock , W. H. F 3 R 1 Coming People, The Dole, C. F. G 1-5 U 32 Descent of Man Darwin, C. A 27 R 21, 22 Fossil Remains of Man — in Scientific Memoirs Huxlev, T. H. A 40 S l(i Human Machine, The Nisbet, J. F. G 24 Q ."i Human Remains from the Neanderthal — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Letter on the Human Remains found in the Shell-mounds — ;« Scientiiic Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Man, considered Socially and Morally ... Sparkes, G. (! 9 V 37 Natural History of Man ; by D. Macallister... Melb. Rev.,2 0.'i2 Organic Evolution Shute, D. K. A 27 S 33 Origin of Man — ;h Anthropoh)gical Studies Buckland, A. W. A 27 R 34 Physical History of Man Prichard, J. C. A 27 S 3 Prehistoric Man and Beast . .» Hutchinson , Rev. H. N. A 30 Q 23 Prehistoric Problems Munro, R. A 19 U lo Races of Man Deniker, J. A 27 S 32 Science and Faith Topinard, P. A 27 S 31 Story of the Earth and Man Dawson, Sir J. W. A 40 T 22 Studies in Ancient History M'Lennan, J. F. F 14 U 33 Unity of the Human .Species; by Marquis de Nadaillac. Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 oOO Whence and Wliither of Man Tyler, ,1. M. A 27 R 19 Zeitsclirift fiir Etlinologie ri72 [.See fi/.io Anthropoli)gy ; Anthropometry; Craniology; Dwarfs; Ethnology; Evolution; Family; Folk-lore; Heredity; In- dustries, Primitive ; L(mgevity; Phi-cnology; Primeval Man ; Sex; and under cacli Race.] Manchester — General and Descriptive — Ml 111.. rials of M.anche.ster Streets Procter, R. \\ . li 22 \' IS Cliiirchen History of tlie Ancient ( 'ha])cl of .Slretford ; by H. T. Croftdn. Ciietham .Society, Pubs., 42 942.7 IJislori/ - Palatine Note-book B 24 U 1 4 Manchester Public Free Libraries - History, Description, ami Guide to their Use; by W^ R. Credland. Mancliestcr Public Free Libraries Cat. Room Manchuria - Among the Celestials Younghusband, F. E. I) 13 R (! Manchurian Language and Literature — Chinesische iind .Mamlchn-'i'ungusische Hiuhci' und Haiid- 8chrifteii der Konlglichcn Ribliothek zu I'x'rlin, von W. Siholt. HcrliiiK(iniglil)ons, H. dc (!. !■" S V 17 Wanicr,(!.T. F 10 S 2 I Landnuirksin English IndusliialHisti Japan Industries of O-inka nod Compclition with Australian rroducls. Gl. Hrit. .ind Ircl. l!,,ard i.f Trade .bmrnal, 1800 382 South Australia South .■\us'.ralian ('handier of .M.'inufactnres, Ri'piii't Subject-Index to the S:pplcmentary Catalogue — 1890-1000. 933 Manufactures and Industries -United States^ lii.lustii.il I'lxoliitioii of till' I'.S W'li'^lit, C. II. F i:i R ■_':! Industrial ICxpcrimoiits in tlu' liiitisli C'oliunrs nf Nciitli Anicrioi; by Eleanor Luuisa Lord ... Johns llopkiii.'f UnivtrKity, Stiiilic'S u.xtra vol. 17 B 18 T 17 World's Opportunities anil \wx\ to usj tlicni Oucrngey, A. H. JFO V 17 ■ Victoria — Colon}' of A'i<'toria ; some of its Indust-ries; l)y 10. J. Dyer. Roval Colonial Institute, I'roc., 28 32-).342 Victorian Chamlier of Manufactui'cs, Ke()(irt, 1890 380 Manures and Fertilisers - Agricultural Analysis Wiley. H. W. A .'{OR 17 Agiiciiltural Chcniistry Adie, K. II. A 33 1' 2(1. 27 Analvs'jsof Counucrcial Fertilisers; liy F. B. Cuthrie....Agiicult\nal Gazette, N. .S. Wales, 8 030. .j Artificial Manure ilaniitacture in Clieinistry for Manufacturers. Blount, B. A 2! 'J' ;.!) Average Cost per Pound of Plant Food Constituents.. .New Jersey — State Agr. F.vper. Station, Re])t., 1897 (>30.7 Barnyard Mainn-e; by W. H. Beal United State.s — Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 21 A 41 U 2 BaHiand West and Southern Counties See., Journ., 1895-96 (330.0 Chemical Analyses of Fertilizing Materials New Jersey — State Agr. Kxpcr. Station, Rept., 1897 630.7 Chemical Analysis of Soils as a (Juide to Manuring. Agricultural (.4azette, Tasmania, 1897 030.5 Chemistry of Soils and Manures ; by J. Osborne ... Agricultural (.Jazette, Tasmania, 1897 030.5 Commercial Fertilizers Connecticut — Agr. E.xper. Station. Rept., 1897 030.7 Commercial Fertilizers; by E. B. Voorhees United States — Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 44 A 41 U 2 Connecticut Storrs Agr. Exper. Station, Report, 1895 ... 030.7 Culture, Management, and Improvement of Landed Estates. Dean, (i. A. A 34 V 13 Directory and Hand-I)ook of Meat and Provision Trades A 33 P 22 Distribution of (irants for Agricultural Education in Great Britain, Report, 1895-96 Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Board of Agriculture G 18 S 28 Experiment Station Record, 5... U.S. — Dept. of Agricult. 030.7 Experiments with Chemical Manures ; by W. F. VVorle}'. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 5I)() Experiments with Fertilizers for the Pi'evention of Peach Yellows; by E. F. Smith United States -Dept. of Agr.-Div. of Vegetable Physiology A 37 S 1 3 Experiments with Manures Vermont -Agr. Exper. Station Repts., 1893-94 030.7 Farming and Farm Fertilisers ; by ,1. Strachan Agriculluial Gazette, N. S. Wales,"lO 030.5 Farmyard Manure; by G. E. Day... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 10 030.5 Fertility of the Land Roberts, L P. A IS P 33 Fertilizer Indu.stry U.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Statistics A 41 U 5 Fertilizers... Connecticut — Agricult. Exp. Sin., Rept., 1895 030.7 Fertilizers Voorhees, 10. B. A 20 R 25 Fertilizers for Cotton: by J. M. MeBryde United States - Dept. of Agr. Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S 24 Fertilizers, Report New Jcr.scy State Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1890 030.7 Fertilizing Value of Street-sweepings; by E. E. Ewell. United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry A 41 U 10 Forraulffi for Preparing Fertilisers ; by F. B. ( Juthrie. . . AgriculUn'al Ga'zette, N. S. Wales, 10 (;.30.5 Green Manuring Agrieidtural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen... WoU, F. W. A 23 P 32 Home-mixed Fertilizers and Composts North Carolina — Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1897-98 030.7 Leguminous Plants for (Jreen jlanuring; by E. W. Allen. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletins, 10 A 41 U 2 Leguminous I'lants for Green Manuring and for Feeding : by E. W. Allen United States Dei)t. of Agr.— Oifice of Experiment Stations A 37 S 25 Liquid Manures; by R. R. Harding Queen.sland Agricultural Journal, 1898 630.5 Li-^t of Manures; with Li.st of Values and Prices in Melbourne. Victoria- Agriculture — (iuides to Growers, 12 MA 3 T 9 Manures Sempers, F. W. A 28 P 23 Manures and Fertilisers— conld. .Maiiiiiis and .Manuiing West Australian Settler's Guide MD 8 Q 54 Manui-cs anil. Manuring; by A. N. Pearson .. Victoria— Agriculture MA 3 V 41 ^lanures fiom the Vinegrowcr's Point of View; by A. J. Perkins. Journal, Agr. and Industry, South Australia, 2 030.5 Mannrial Value of Feeding Stuff's... Wisconsin - Agr. Experimen Station Rept., 1890 030.7 Minrr.d Phosphates a.s Fertilizers ; liy H. W. Wiley. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 630.5 Natural and Artificial Manures in First I'rinciplcs of Agriculture. Voorhees, E. B. A 20 Q 38 NewJer.sey — StateAgricidtnral Exper. Station, Rept., 1895 030.7 Official Mctliods of Analysis of l''ertilizers and Feeding iStufls adoptrd by the Belgian State Laboratories and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Holland — in Exper. Station Record, 10. United States— Dept. of Agr. — Oifice of Exper. Stn.s. 630.7 Orchard Mamu-es; by W. S. Cani])bell... (Queensland Agricultnra Journal, 1 030.5 Our ('niiis, and how to Increase thciu Anderson, H. C. L. MA 3 V 15 Pamphlets on Manures, Analyses of Manures, and Fertiliser Con trol Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 6- Peru in the (luano Age DtiHield, A. J. D 15 K 7 Potash, and its Functions in Agriculture; by H. W. Wiley. United States- D:'pt. of Agr., Ye.ir-book, 1896" 630.5 Potash Manures for Australia... Anderson, H. C. L. MA 3 V 15 Rhoiie Island Agricultural Experiment Station, Reports 630.7 RothauLsted Experiments Kottman, G. MA 2 U <> SeientiHo Agriculture Cooke, S. A 33 P 25 Soil Tests; by H. J. Wheeler Rhode Island — Agr. Ex]>er. Station, Rept., 1897 030." Sulphate of Ammonia as a Manure Anderson, H. ('. L. MA 3 V 15 Talks on Manures Harris, J. A 19 R 7 Value of Pliosphato of Lime in Bone-dust ; by F. B. Guthrie. Agricultural (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 8 (i30.5 Vermont — State Agricultural Experiment Station, Repts. 630.7 [See aluo Agricultural Chemistrj-; Clovers; Cow-peas; Experi- ment Farms and Stations ; Nitrogen in Agricidture ; Soils and Sab-soils.] Manuscripts — Additions to the Manuscripts in the Briti.sh Museum, 1882-87. British Museum K 17 T 19 Catalogus Codicum Manusci-iptorum Orientalium qui in iluseo Britannico asservantur British Museum K 44 Q 14-18 X De.scrijitive List of Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. in the Briti.sh Museum; by (J. Margoliouth Biitish Museum K 11 Q4 Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical and ilcdia-val Times. Middlelon, J. H. J 22 V 22 Japanese Printed Books and Maiuisci-ipts in the Library of the British Museum British Mu.seum J 13 R 18 t .Joiu-nal of an Expedition into the Interior of N. S. Wales, 1837. Mitchell. Sir T. L. Libr. Manuscript of a Diary of a Visit to England in 1775. Campbell, Rev. T. Libr. Mainiscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Catalogue: liy T. K. Abbott "Dublin University Library K 11 R 26 Manusei'ipts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum; by Don Pascal de Gayangos y Arce... British Museum K 17 T 29-32 Persian Manuscripts in the Bi itish iluseum ; by C. Rieu. British Musevuu K 13 R 8-11 t .Syriae Manuscripts in the British Museum: by W. Wright. British Mu.seu"m K 13 R 14-16 + Turkish Manuscripts iu the British iluseum; by C. Rieu. British Museum K 13 R 12 + [.?ec n/.s-o Autographs; Inscriptions; PaUvography ; Palimpsests; Writing.] Manuscripts, Fac-similes of— Ancient Manuscripts in the British Museum: Greek British Museum J 47 P 4 t Ancient Manuscripts in the Briti.sh Museum : Latin British Museum J 47 P 4 J Fac-siniiles of Ancient Charters in the British Museum ... British Mu.seum B 46 P 34-36 J Fac-siniiles of Ancient Manuscripts and Inscriptions. Paheographical Society J 4S P 3-7 J 931 Fublio Library of New South Wales. Manuscripts, Facsimiles oi— could Facsimile of Manuscript of Milton's Minor I'oems preserx'cJ in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge... Milton,.!. J 18 U 16 X Facsimiles of Royal, Historical, Literary, and other Autographs in the Dept. of MSS., Briti.sli Museum British Museum J 12 X 9-13 t Jiivenalis a Parts of the PaciHc Eykyn, Rev. J. M D 8 R -12 Peopling of the North; by S. P. Smitli Polynesian Societj', Journal, 1897 996 PoUiiesian Society, .Journal 996 Reports on Native Affairs — in Appendix to Journals. New Zealand— Parliament 3'28.931 Studies in Ancient History M'Lennan, J. F. F 14 U 33 Tohunga-Maori, The; by S. P. Smith ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 500 Wars of the Northern against the Southern Tribes of New Zealand ; by S. P. Smith Polynesian Society, Journal, 1899 996 {See aUo Fine Arts — Maori; Folk-lore — Maori; Maori Language; jSIythology — Maori ; Kock-carvings ; Tattooing ; and under New Zealand — Native Department, and Native I^and Court, in Author Catalogue.] Map-makiug. [See Cartography.] Maps — General — Renuirkable xMaps of 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries DSP .^-.SS t Silver Map of the World Christy, M. 1) 22 P 20 VVitsen's Map of Northern Asia, Three Maps of the World, and Geography of Australia, 17th Century Remarkable Maps D 8 P 30, 37 t [Sec also Atlases ; Cartography ; Charts ; Maps, Earl.y ; Physical Geography — Atlases and Maps ; and sub-heading Geography, Topography, and Maps, under each Country.] EarJy, shounnf/ Terra AitstraJis — Abel .Janszoon Tasman's Journal ... Tasnuan, A. J. MD 2 P .33 X Cartogi'aphv of the Terra Australis and New Holland ; hv ,J. ]'. Wa'lkyr ." Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 Charts recently reproduc'cd by the Libraries of .Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide; by A. .Sutherland... Historical Soc. , Austral.asia, Trails. MB 3 R 1 Geography of Australia as delineated by the Dutch Cartographers. Remarkable Ma])s D 8 P 30 X Huj-ch Allardt's Map of India ... Remark.ablo Maps D 8 P 36 J Mappe of the Principal Voyages and Discoveries made by the Hollanders Mensing, A. I) 13 \V 29 t Part borne by tho Dutch in the Discovery of Australia, 1000-1705.. Heeres, J. E. MD 13 S 1 t [See also Australia — Geography, Topograjjhy, Maps.] Maps and Plans of Cities. [See undLi- names of Cities.] Maratlii Language — Marathi and (iuj.irati Printed l^ooks \n tho Library of the Brilisli Mu.scum: by. .1. F. Blumhardt... British Mu.-icuiii K 18 K 1!) t [See altto Hindu La)iguagc.J Marbling — Painter, (iilder, ami Varnisher's Companion Brannt, W. T. A 23 R 51 Marianne Islands. [See Ladrone Tslands.] Marine Architecture. [See Corrcsion and Fouling Naval Ai-c'liil;L'(.'tur('; Hliip building; Yacht buih ling.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1000. 035 Marine Boards and Departments — C'uiaila Duiiartimiit of iMiiriiit- iuiil Kisheries, RciJort... 014.804 Marine Board of N. S. Wales, Report ot CoiiitiiisHioii. N. S. Wales— Parliament, V. and P., ISii7 .■«S.i)44 Marine Board of N. S. Wales, Reports N. «. Wales— I'arliameut, V. and P. 32.S.!IU Marine Board, Reports Vietoria— Pari., V. and P. 328. i)4.) Marino Department, Reports — in Appendix to Journal.'!. New Zealand -Parliament 32S.9.S1 [.%« also Steamooat Inspection ; and under each Country, in Author Catalogue, for Otticial Reports.] Marine Engineering - IJoub'.o-ended tSerew Ferry Steamers ; by W. Reeks. . . Engineering As.so.-., N. S. Wales, Proc., lSi)3-'Jt U2'J.O Drawing and Rough Sketching for Marine Engineering. Donaldson, J. A 38 S IG Engineer 620.5 Engineering Magazine OSO..! Engineer's Year-book Kempe, R. II. 62D.S Manual of Marino Engineering Seaton, A. E. A 22 R 33 Marine Boilers Bertin, L. E. A 3S T 1.") IMarine Engineer's (Inido Wannan, A. C. MA 2 P 4 ISIarine Steam-engine Sennett, R. A 13 U 9 Practical Engineer's Hand-book Hutton, W. S. A 22 T 4 Regulations relating to the Examination of Engineers under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Board of Trade F 9 Q 35 Review of Marine Engineering during the Past Decade: Re])ly to Discussion on Paper... Engineering Assoc, N. S. 'Wales, Proc. , 1892-93 020.0 Speeifieations for a S-Cj'linder Back -acting Comporind Screw Engine for each of the United States Steamers Boslcn and Atalanta. United States- Dept. of the Navy A 22 Q 47 Specifications for Engines for tlic U.S.S. Cldcago .. United States — Dept. of the Navy A 22 Q 40 Specifications for Steam Machinery of U.S. Dispatch Boat. United States -Dept. of the Navy A 22 Q 45 Text-hook of Marine Engineering ... Tompkins, A. E. A 33 T 4 United States- Steam- boat Inspection Service, Reports 014.864 [iS'e« «^so Boilers ; Engines; Naval Engineering.] Marine Insurance. \8ee Insurance— Mcarine.] Marine Surveying — Collection of Charts and Memoirs ... Dalrymple, A. A 17 S !0 f Oceanic Depths and Serial Temperature Observations. Gt. Brit, and Irel.—Hydrographio Office A 40 V 33 J [i%e aim Hydrography.] Marine Zoology — Conditions of Existence and Distribution of Marino Organisms ; by J. Murray Smithsonian Institution, Rcpts., 18y0 o'JO Development of Ilcteroduntus I'hi'Jipi; by Vf. A. Haswell. Luinean Society, N. S. Wales, I'roc, 1897 580.0 Dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, China Sea, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Admiralty A 35 V 5 J Fresh-water Animals — m Biological Lectures ... Marshall, A. M. A 23 V 34 Marine Biological Stations of Europe ; by B. Dean. Biological Lectures A 27 T 13 Methods of Planktology ; by G. W. Field Rhode Island — Agr. Exper. Station, Rept, 1S97 030.7 Zoologische Station zu Neapel, iSIittcihuigcn 590. 7 Museum of Comparative Zoiilogy at Harvard College. Bulletin, Harvard University 590.7 Natural History Notes from H.M. Indian Marine Siu'vcy Steamer Invesliqaliir Asiatic Societj", Bengal, Journal, 18S4 9.54 Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 J Potobolbos; by A. Dendy Linnean Society, London, Journal, Zoology, 20 590.0 Remarkable Collection of Marine Animals found on the New Brighton Beach, Cliristchureh, New Zealand; by A. Dendy. New Zealand Institiite, Trans., 1897 500 Rcsultats Scientifiqnes.de la Campagne du Caudan. Ka'hler, R. A 31 S 30 Scientific Results of Explorations by Steamer Alhatross. United States — National Museum, Proc. 607 Marine Zoology — coiitJ. Scientific RchuUs of the Trawling Expedition of H.M.C.S. Thvtin, 1898 Australian ^Museum, Memoirs, 4 MA 3 W 34 Seven New Species of South Australian Polyplaeophorje ; by W. < !. 'J'orr Royal Soc, South Australia, Trans., 1897-!)* 506 Work and Aims of Wood's HoU Marine Biological Laboratory; by C. O. Whitman Biological Lectures A 27 T 13 World of the Sea Tandon, M. A 24 S 21 Zoological Notes and Observations ma ... I'owcll, Col. R. S. S. B-. V, .'{O (.) I Raiders and Rebels in South Africa ... Green, Elsa (i. 1! 37 P 10 With the Mounted Infantry and the Mashonaland Field Force, |-<9I1 Alderson, Lieut.-Col. E. A. H. B .39 '8 Masonry r.nildnig e^ou.struction Kidder, F. E. A 25 V 18 Moilcrn Stone-cutting and Masonry ... Siebert, J. iS. A 23 U 37 Practical Masonry; a Guide to the Art of .Stone-cutting. Purchase, W. R. A 23 U 25 r.S'cc a^KO Arches; Building: Cements; Strength of .Materials.] Subject- Index lo the Siqrplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 937 Masques — Jifautv's Awaki'iiiiig: a Mascjuu of VViiilcr ami of Spring... Studio, SiiiTiini-i- No., ISi)!) 7( ( Pilgrim Fathers of New England Brown, Rev. J. G 1 R 42 Standish, Miles, Exploits of ; hy II. Johnson C '2J S 1 [6'ee ti/so Pilgrim Fathers ; Plymouth, U.S.A.] Statistics — Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Massachusetts, Reports. Massachusetts — Registration Repts. 014.1 Statistical Information relating to certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts Massachu.3ctts - Statistics 338 Massage — Manual for Students of Massage Ellison, M. A. A 30 V :24 Massage Mitchell, K. A •2() T 34 Practice of Massage Eccles, A. S. A 39 V 21 Swedish Movements and Massage ; by Dr. B. Lee — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Treatment of Disease by Physical Methods Dowse, T. S. A 2(j S 40 [See. also Electro-tlieraiienties ; Mechano-therapeutics.] Master and Servant-- IviniUord and Tenant, Master and Servant; l)v K. J. (Siilliths — in Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 tj Law of Master and Servant Parky n, E. A. F 1.") S 1 Statutory Rules and Orders, Mastei-and Servant: Workman's Com- pensation Act, l.S!)7... (it. Brit, and Irel. -Statutes F 1(3 T 2G [See (iLto Arbitration; Capital and Labour; Strikes; Working Classes. ] Matabelelaud — General and DescrijUive — Cecil Rhodes "Vindex" F 19 T 2 Directory of South Africa South Africa OKi.fj Impressions of South Africa Bryce, J. D 13 U 1 Impressions of South Africa. [3rd cd., revised.] Bryce, J. I) 21 () ;-) In New South Africa Tangye, H. L. I) 1 4 S 24 Kingdom of thcBarotsi, Upper Zambesi... Bertrand, A. D 22 R 7 On the South African Frontier Brown, W. H. 1) 22 Q 2 Rhodesia and its Government Thomson, H. C. D 13 S 1 Rhodesia of To-day Knight, E. F. B 16 R IS Twelve Hundred Miles in a Waggon... Balfour, Alice D 14 T 23 [/S'ee ri/ao British South Africa Chartered Co. ; Rhodesia; South Africa. ] nistory — Downfall of Lobengula Willis, W. A. B .36 R 13 Hubert Hervey ; by Earl Grey Ilervey, H. C 24 S 1 4 An Irregular Corps in Matabelelaiicl Plumer, H. B 37 V 3 Matabele Campaign, 1S96 Powell, R. S. S. B-. B 39 Q 1 Rise anil Fall of the Matabele Nation Doyle, D. B 2S i) 3 South Africa as it is Statham, F. R. B 17 K 42 Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia Scions, F. C. B 10 V 31 With Rlnmer in Matabelelaud Sykes, F. \V. B 37 V 4 Gc Matches — Explosives and Matches — in Chemistry for Manufacturers l51ount, B. A 21 T 3!) Materia Medica— Aryan .Medical Science Ice, Sir B. S. A 33 .S 17 Classification of the Materia Medica Collection, United States National Museum; by Dr. .J. M. Flint United States- National Museum, Pioc, .'507 Dental Mc.liciue (iorgas, F. J. S. A 32 S 23 Elements of Pharinacy, Materia Medica, and Therapeutics. Whitla, W. A 26 P 32 Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Murrcll, W. A 26 R 29 Materia Medica Greeni.sh, H. G. A .30 T 27 Materia Medica and Therapeutics : by Dr. H. Lcffmanii — in American System of 1)i-ntistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Materia Medica, Pliarmai'y, and Therapeutics for Dentists. Clifford, E. L. A 32 S 33 Materia Medici, Pliarmacv, Pharmacolog\', and 'j'herapcutics. White, W. II. A 26 P 31 .Supiilemcnt to the Reference Hand-book of the Medical Sciences. Buck, A. H. AllT9t Year-book of Pharmacy 61.5.0.') [.S'fc n/so Ana'sthetics; Botany— Medical; Drugs; Pharmacology; Pharmacy; Poisons; Prescriptions; Therapeutics.] Materialism Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 18 Essential Man Cre.ssey, C. C. (! 1.5 U 22 History of Ancient Philo.sojjhy Windelband, W. (! 2.5 T 9 Human Machine, The Nisbet, J. F. S. Wales, 6 (>»!.". Prospects of the Frozen Meat 'I'rade on the Continent of Fiunpc. N.S.VV.— I'arliament, V. and P., l«!ll 95 iVM\.'t Shipment of Cattle by the 7'ur/ i'i;v'c to London Agricultural ' Cazette, N. S. Wales, G (i:if».5 Some Esrentials in Beef Production United States — Dcpt. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Iiulu.stry, Rciit., 1897 (!•!(> [Set also Cold Storage; Meat Inspection.] Mechanical Engineering — American Association, Advancement of Science, Proc SfKi American Society of Mechanical Engmeers, Trans (i'2l.(l(i Engineer (i2l I. ."i Engineering— i'li Workers on their Industries (Jalton, F. W. F 10 V 18 Engineering Laboratory Practice Smart, R. A. A 40 T 14 Engineering Magazine 620. 5 Engineer's Vear-book KemiJe, H. R. 620.8 fJas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers (xill, A. H. A 21 P S3 ( las Engineer's Pockotdjook O'Connor, H. A 22 P 50 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings (i21.0(i Key to Engines and Engine-running Rose, J. A 45 S 7 Locomotive Engineering Pettigrew, W. F. A 22 R 35 Mechanical Arts Simplified Dixon, D. B. A 30 P 1 Mechanical Engineering ot Power Plants Hutton, F. R. A 20 T 30 Mechanical Movements Hiseox, G. D. A 38 S 1 7 Pocketdwok for Mechanical Engineers... Low, D. A. A 33 R 2S Practical Engineer's Handd)ook Hutton, V»'. S. A 22 T 4 Railway Engineering Haldane, J. W. C. A 22 R 30 Reed's Engineer's Hand-book Thorn, W. H. A 22 R 10 Scientific American C05 Text-book ofMechanicalEngineering... Lineliam,W. J. A22 R 32 Toothed Gearing "Foreman Pt. Mun.son .. United Slates Dcpt. of War A 30 Q 2.3 Exhibits of the Museum of Hygiene, Medical Deiiartment. United States -De])t. of the Xavy A 31 S 10 Hospital Corps Drill Regulations... United iStates—Dept. of War A 22 P 4.-) Instructions in preparing Medical and Surgical Reports, U.S. Arjny Medical Department U. States Dept. of War A 27 V 24 Instructions to Surgeons on board Conyict Ships ... Gt. Brit, ami Irel. Admiralty MA 2 R 53 Manual for the Medical Department United States — Dept. of War A 30 Q 17-20 Manual for the Medical Staff Corps Gt. Brit, and Irel. — War OfHco A SO (J 10 Medical Department of Her Majesty's Army, Regulations. Gt. Brit, and Irel. War Oflice A 31 Q 29 Military Medicine and Surgery... Pan-American McdicnlC'ongress, Trans, (i 1 0. Naval and Military Hygiene... International Congress of Hygiene ami Demograjihy, 1891, Trans., 8 0)4.00 Recollections of Thirty-nine Years in the Arm}.,. Gordon, SirC. A. B39(,l ]r, Sanitary and Medical Reports United Slates Dept. of the Nayy 01.3.08 Medical Service, Army and Navy — conid. Standard Supply Table of the Medical Department United Slates— Dept. of War A 27 V 25 Statistical Report, Health of the Na\v Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Admiralty 013.08 Snpervismg Surgeon-General, Report United States- Marine Hospital Service 013.68 Surgeon-General, United States Nayy, Report... United Slates — Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 613.68 Unilcr the Red Cre.^cenl Ryan, C. S. 15 22 R 17 United States Sanitary Commission Bidl., 1, 2 ... A .34 U 11, 12 With an Ambulance during the Franco-ticrman War, 1870-71. Ryan, C. E. D 18 S 14 [.See a/.n., Mwifumn, Srhnnis — K.lii.atinnal Hufniin .....' F.liut, ('. \V. (! Higliei- Medical J'jilucation I't'lipf], \V. ( Medical Schools in the United States Uiiitcd States - of Education, Ki-pt., KSilt-!)') Professional Kducation in the United States New University, College Dept., HuUctin, 1900 (! Some Professions open to Women - in Progress in Wonuui cation in the British Empire ... Victorian Eia Exhiljitii History- Modern Progress in Medicine - LI n i I e( 1 States ... Periodicalti — (! ;; Universilv I'nililcnis (iiliiian, I). ('. (! 17T:?i I .") H :n -Bureau .379.73 York ISU'Jl ^ Edn- 1, 1W»7 ::i II 10 in Ihc •i I S .', American Journal of Insan ity Australasian Medical Uazette Australian Pi'actitionor MA Eilinlmrgh Hospital Reports J*^xrer])ta Mediea Index Medicus Lancet Medical Annual Medical Journal Faulding, F. If. New South Wales Medical Gazette MA 5 Retrospect of Medicine Braithwaite, J. Year-book of Treatment \_fice rtl-o Lancet, The.] Sucietias — I :!■?. 1 (ilO.o r>R i.-> (ilO.T) (ilO.f) (llO.fil lilll..j (ilO.f) (ilO.o 117-U «io.r> 610.0.) Pan- American Medical Congress, Transactions 010.(i Meditations, Devotionxl-- Eatlier John of the (ireeli Cliureli ScrgiclV, J. 1. (! -iW V 14 (Jood Tlioughts in Bad Time.=i Fuller, Rev. T. (i i) U ;>l Lancelot Andrewes and his Private Devotions While, A. C 1 U :« Of the Imitation of C'lu'ist Kempis, T. a. (!i'!'r4.") Reflections on the Works of (iod Sturm, C ('. (i '24 S 'A Sei-ious C.rll to a Devout and Holy Life Law, W. (1 9 U .■>7 Story-hooks of Little (iiddiug ....'. Ferrar, N. (i '24 S ,S Suggestive Lives and 'I'licuights Hodder, E. (12:{S40 Treatise on Consummate Perfection — in History of St. Calhei-ine of Siena Drane, Augusta" T. ii 23 T 47, -tS Weighty Words Darby, .L N. (! 20 P 1 Mediterranean Sea- Coasts and Islands of the .Mediterranean Sea, pt. 4. Hawley, J. M. D 20 U 17 Cruises in the Mediteranean, 1822-20 Black, W. D 22 P 21? UniversaHieography Reclus, E. 1)21 U I Medusae - Anatomy and Atlinities of the Family of the iledusa; — ('/( Scientific Memon-s Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Notes on Medusie and Polypes -in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Some Medusa' from Australia : by A. Agassiz- in Bulletin, Museum of Conipar.ative Zoology, 1S9S 99... Harvard University ."i90.7 [Sue also Aealeplnv.] Mekometer— Hand-book of the Mekometer.. [.See a/.so Range-finding.] Melancholy — Medicine and the Mind (it. Brit, audlrel.— WarOifiee A .ili W 1 1 ... Fleury, M. de 24 U .S7 Melanesia —rrV?(f>)Yf/ and Descriptive — Heroes of the Scmth Seas Banks, iVlartha B. Mti 2 U 1 H istory of the Mclanesian Mission . . . Armstrong, E. S. M ( i 2 S 29 Univer.sal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 14 [.See (ito New Hebrides ; Pacific Islands ; Papuans; Polynesia; and under each Group and Island. ] Melanesians. [See Papuans; Polynesian.s.] Melanopli — Revisi. in of the Ortliopteran Group Melanopli, witli special reference to Noitli American Forms ; by S. H. Scudder. . United States — "National Museum, Proc., 20 507 [.S'ec also Orthoptera.] Melbourne - TrViHr'^vr/ laid Descriptive — Capitals of (ireater Biifain: Melbourne; by C. Short... Pall Mall Magazine, 1898 O.j'i Colony of Victoria, Socially and Materially Ijannow, W. MI) 8 Q 51 Melbourne as it is, and as it ought to bo Australasian, I MJ 4 P 25 JlcIIiouriie Directory 919.45 Sands and McDougall's .Meibinn-ne Directory Melbourne and Sulnuban Directory 919.45 .Sister Doniiuions Hogan, .1. I''. \1I)S 1' .'id Travel and Talk, 18S.V95 Ilaweis, Rev. H. R. I) Hi li 5. li Churches — Chalmers' Church, Melbourne... Mclb. Monthly Mag Commerce nnd Tnide — MJ 4 (} 5 Victorian Chamber of Manufactures, Report, ISSl, 1S90. MF5S 17, :JSO nislonj- Austialian Pioneers anil Rcminibccnees... Bartley, X. MB 1 Q 50 Cyelorama of Early .Melbourne Finn, E. MI) S S 4 iViell ournc in 1 S.36 Journal of Australasia MJ 4 Q 2 SocliiJ Life raid Customs — Social Condition ot .Mrllicnn ne .. ( 'olonial and Asiatic Review, 18.5.'? .1 22 S 10 Mell)Ourne Exhibition, 1880 Exhibition Ode .. Melbourne Review, 5 0.V2 Melbourne University - ilelljourne University; by E. E. Morris Melb. Rev., 1 (1.52 Should not the Melljouriie University be Removed'; by H. A. Strong Melbourne Review, 2 0.52 [For Calendar; and Ollieial Publications, s«' Author Catalogue.] Melonite — Meli mite ; 1 ly A. .1. H iggin . . . Roy. Soc. , S. Aust. , Trans. , 1 S09 500 Melons — Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Watermelons and Cantaloupes - in Pamphlets on Vegetables. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 (} 14 Melting and Boiling Point Tables — Annuaire pour I'An, 1S97... Bureau de.s Longitudes, Paris .5-28.4 Specific Gravities, Boiling Points, and Melting Points; by F. W. Clarke .Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 14, ."^2 .308 [.See also Molecular Phj-sies.] Membracidse — Stiuly of the Mcnibi-acida' described from .\ustralia and Tasmania; by'Dr. F. W. Coding.. Linneaii Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898 580.0 [.See rt/.so Homiiptera.] Memory — Hand-book of Psychology .Sully, J. Oil U '24 Human Machine," The Nisbet, J. F. G '24 Q 5 Immortality of Memory Lefroy, Dean G 23 R '28 Memory — i» Principles of Psychology James, W. G 3 U '24 ilemorv and its Cultivation Green, F. W. E-. G 11 U .32 Old and New Psychology Colville, W. J. (i 23 P 26 Philosophy of lh"e Huma'n Mind Stewart, D. G 16 V 1-3 [.See also JInemonies. ] Memphis — Histori/ — Memphis and Myceme Torr, C. B 27 V 21 Mendicancy. [S'ec Beggar.s; Fakir.s; Pauperism; Poor Law.s; Vagrants] 942 Fnblic Library of New South Wales. Mending and Repairing— Manual of Jlcnding and Repairing Leland, C. C!. A 23 P 15 Workshop Makeshifts Cassal, H. J. S. A 25 S 10 [Sic also Receipts, Workshop.] Meningitis — Cerebrospinal Fever; bj- Dr. J. C. Wilson — in Practical Tliora- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Kpidemie Cerebrospinal Meningitis; bv Dr. J. A. Onuerod — in System of Medicine AUbntt, T. C. A 2G T 34 Meningitis; by Dr. C. K. Mills — in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P IG Simple Meningitis in Children; by Dr. D. B. Lees — ;« System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 2G T 40 Tuberculous Meningitis ; by Dr. T. Barlow — in System of Medicine. Allbutt,"T. C. A 26 T 40 [See also Brain; Spinal Cord; Spine.] Mensuration — Applications and Developmemn oi the Prisinuii'ial Formula; by (!. H. Knibbs Royal Soc., N.S.W., Journal, 1S99 5UG Arithmetic and Mensuration Angus and Robertson's School Series MO 2 U 44 Earthwork Mensuration Howard , C. R. A 2 1 U 29 Key to Todhuuter's " Mensuration for Beginners." McCarthy, Rev. L. A 25 R 40 Mathematical and Physical Tables ... Wrapson, J. P. A 25 S 3S Mensuration fur Beginners Todhunter, I. A 25 P 42 Mental Diseases — Mental Aft'cctions Macijherson, J. A 30 T 28 Mental Diseases and Modern CivilLsation Melb. Rev. , 2 052 Mental Stupor; by Dr. Savage — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Pan-American Medical Congress, Transactions 610.6 States of ilental Weakness; bv Dr. Urquhart — in System of Medicine ' Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 System of iledicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 [.S'ce aho Brain Diseases ; Hallucinations ; Insanity ; Mental Physiology and Hygiene.] Mental Faculties — Art of Thinking Knowlson, T. S. Human Machine - Nisbct, J. F, Man and Brute ; Mind in Men and Animals; Origin Faculty ; Mental Difference between M en and Women Romanes, 0. .1, Mental Healing — Alls Right with the World Newcomb, C. B. (iod's Image in Man Wood, H. Ideal Suggestion through Mental Photography In Search of a Soul...., Dresser, H. W. Law of Psychic Phenomena Hudson, T. J. Old and New Psychology Cohille, W. J. Pathway of the Spirit Dewey, J. H. Power of Silence Dresser, H. W. Rudimental Divine Science ... Kddy, Mary Baker (J. Science and Health Eddy, Mary Baker G. Spiritual Science of Health and Healing Col Studies in the Thought World Wood, H. Way, the Truth, and the Life, The Dcwcj', J. H. 25 P 15 G 24 Q 5 of Human — in Essays. A 27 R 14 G 23 R 19 (4 23 P 28 Wood, H. G 23 S 32 G 23 R IS (i 9 W 15 (i 23 P 2() (J 23 R 17 G 23 R 21 G 9 \V3I G 12 V 20 villc, W. ,T. G 23 P 27 (i 23 P 29 a 23 R 16 [See Jlotapliyaics ; Philosophy ; Mental Philosophy P.syclujJogy.] Mental Physiology and Hygiene — Alterations of Per.sonality Binct, A. Ajiplication of Psychology to the Science of Education Herbavt, J. F. Diseases of Personality Ribot, T. International Congress of Education, Proceedings, 1893 Chicago Exhib., 1S93 G 17 T 1 PliiloHophische Stndien Wundt, W. GOT 11 pHychologic I'oundation.sof Education... HarriH, W. 'I'. G IS Q 42 Psychology of the Kniotiona Ribot, T. (i IS P 45 Relation of Mind and Brain Duncan, G. o Philosophy ; Psychology.] Metazoa. [See under each Division of the Animal King- dom.] Meteorites — Four New Australian Meteorites; by H. A. Ward American Journal of Science, Feb., 1898 505 Introduction to Study of Meteorites... Brit. Museum-Nat. Hist. A 20 U 9 Meteoric Inn which fell in Johnson County, March, 1886; V)y G. F. Kunz United .States— National Museum, Proc., 10 507 New Soutli Wales Meteorites; by G. W. Card .. N. +>. Wales- Geological Survey, Records, .5 559.44 Nocolechc Meteorite ; by T. Cooksey Australian Museum, Records, 3 507 Study of Meteorites ; by L. Fletcher. . . British Museum A 39 V 9 Syiithetii! Experiments relative to Meteorites. Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1868 506 Meteorological Instruments — Instructions for the Use of Combined Maximum and Minimum Soil Thermometers United States— Dept. of Agr.— Weather Bureau A 19 V 32 Instructions for the Use of Maximum and Minimum Radiation Thermometers United States— Dept. of Agr.— Weather Bureau A 19 V 33 [Sue also Actinometry; Balloons; Barometers; Kites; Ther- mometers. ] Meteorological Observations. [.s'«e Evaporation; Mag- netic Surveys ; jNIeteorology — Ob.scrvatorics.] Meteorological Periodicals. [See Meteorology — Periodi- cals.] Meteorological Societies. [See Meteorology — Societies.] Meteor ologj" — General — Acailcmie dcs Sciences, Com] tes rendus des Seances 506 American Assoeiation, Advancement of Science, Proc 506 British Association, Advancement of Science, Report, 1895... 506 Ch.amp Eloctrique de rAtmosphcre Le Cadet, G.- A 33 T 19 Circulation of the Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere ; by Major-Gen. Schaw New Zealand Inst., Trans., 1898 506 Climate and Meteorology of Death Valley, California United States -Dept. of Agr. — W'eather Bureau A 19 \^ 29 Comparison of Ev.ipor.iticn Results in N. S. Wales and S. Africa; by G. Alston... South African PhilosoijhicalSoc, Trans., 9 506 Conduct and the Weather Dexter, E. G. G 25 V 4 Eleotricitc et Magnetisme Terrestres Doneux, Lieut. -Col. A. A 20 P 30-32 Explorations of the Upper A^tmosphere; by H. de Graffigny. Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 506 Forecasting of Thunderstorms ; by N. B. Conger. . . United States — Dept. of Agr.— Weather Bureau A 19 V 38 From the Prince of the Power of the Air to Meteorology— >ii War- fare of Science with Theolo.cy White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 International Meteorological Conference, 1896, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Meteorological Council A 36 W 13 Instructions for Voluntary 01)servers; by T. Russell United States— Dept. of Agr. — Weather Bureau A 19 V 35 Level and Rate of Movement of Grouiul-water... L^nited States- Dept. of Agr.— Weather Bureau A 19 A^ 37 Meteorological Charts of the Red Sea Gt. Brit and Irel.— Jletcorological Council A 31 R 20 J 94 i FKblic Lihrarij of Neio South Wales, Meteorology — conld. Jleteorological Work for Agricultural Institutions ; by M. W. Harrington ... United States -Uept. of Agr. Weather Bureau A 19 A' 30 Meteorologie Aimee Scientifique ct Industrielle, 1", ISflli 50.5 Meteorology Dickson, H. N. A 19 P 10 Weteorologj- and the Law of Storms. . . DePenning, (J. A. A 38 T 8 .Metenrologj- in its connections with Agriculture — in Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W i Meteorology, Practical and Applied Moore, J. W. A 19 R 18 Naturalist in Mid-Africa Elliot, G. K. S. A 28 U 22 North Atlantic Cyclones of August, 1883: by Lieut. W. H. H. Southerland United Hydrographic Otfice A 13 W 20 t Observations made at Port iLacquarie, Van Dicnen's Land, fur the Purpose ofDeterraining the Heat in Ascending in the Atmosphere. Edinburgh Journal of Science, 1827 A 30 i) 15 Observations on the Mean Temperature of the Earth at Sydney, 1824-2,5 Edinburgh Journal of Science, 1827 A 30 Q 15 Periodicity of (iood and Bad Seasons; by H. C. Russell. Royal Society, N. S. \A"aIes, Proceedings, 1896 500 Physical Phenomena of the Upper Regions of the Atmosphere ; by A. Cornu Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1896 506 Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 4 Short Memoirs on Meteorological .Subjects ... Smithsonian Inst. , Rept., 1877 506 Smithsonkin Meteorological Tables Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 35 508 Solar and Terrestrial Magnetism in their relation to Meteorology ; bv F. H. Bigelow U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Weather Bureau A 41 U 3 Sounding the Ocean of Air Botch, A. L. A 19 P 15 Storm Warnings luternat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 7 A 34 R 7 Theory and Practice of Hygiene Kotter, J. L. A 31 Q 22 Thermomctrical Ob.servations made at Raiatea in 1822; by Rev. L. E.Thrclkeld... Edinbuigh Journal of Science. 1829 A 30 Q 20 Weather Charts and Storm Warnings... Scott, R. H. A 19 (,> 10 Weather Forecasting; by F. H. Bigelow United States— Dept. of Agr.— Weather Bureau A 36 V 20 Weather Proverbs Dunwoody, Lieut. H. H. C. A 31 Q 6 [See also Air ; Auroras ; Barometer ; Climatology ; Cyclones ; Droughts; Evaporation; Floods; Kites; Magnetic Surveys; Meteorological Instruments ; Meteorology — Observatories ; Me- teorology — Periodicals ; Periodicity ; Radiatii n ; Rain and Rainfall ; Temperature ; Thermometers ; Tornadoes ; Weatheu Forecasting; Winds; and sub-heading Climate under names of Countries. ] Obsfi'vnlorlcs mid Sfnfiiina — Kcjioyts — American Association of State Weather Services, First Anniuil Meeting, Rept. ... U.S. Dept. of Agr.— Weather Bureau 551.5 Astrouomie.il and Magnetical Observations, Greenwich. Greenwich Royal Observatory A 13 T 3* t Atmospheric Temperature in the United States; by C. A. Seliott. Smilh.sonian Inst., Contributions to Knowledge, 21 50S Australasian Weather Charts and New Zcalaml Storms ; by Maj.-Gen. Schaw New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 50() Great Britain and Ireland Meteorological Comicil Report 551.5 Investigations of the New England Meteorological .Society. Harvard Univ. Astronomical OKservatory, Annals, 31 522. 19 Kijuiglichen 01»servatorien bei Potsdam, Die Potsdam Kiinigl. Observatorien A 32 U 27 Meteoi-ological and other Observations made at Willo\vs, Cal Harvard Univ. A.stronomical Observatory, Annals, 29 522.19 Meteorological and Physical Oljservations on the East Coast of British America Slierman, 0. T. A 13 W 22 + Meteorological Observations Tebbutt, J. MA 12 P 21 I Meteorological Observations .. , Harvard University Asf i-onomiral Oliservatorv, Annals, 19 .522.19 Meteorological Observatories ; by H. Inwards Smithsonian Institution, Rc|)ts., I,S96 506 Meteorological Observations at .Stations of the Second Older. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Meteorological Council .551.5 Hietcorological Observ.ations at Sidney... f^.yil'icy Observ. .551.5 Meteorological Observations made at Providence, Rliode Island ; by A. Caswell... Smithsonian inKt.,Conts. to Knowledge, 24 .508 Meteorological Observations made on tlie Sunnnit of Pide's Peak, Colorado... Harvard Univ. Astron. Ob.wrv., Annals, 22 .522.19 Meteorological Ob.servations, South Australia and the Northern Territory Adelaide Observatory 551.5 Meteorology — Observatories and Stations — Reports — contd. Meteorological Observations taken at .Suva... Suva Observ. 551.5 Meteorological Reports Queensland- Chief Weather Bureau MA 3 P 39 t ilontldy Weather Review United States— Dept. of Agr. — Weather Bureau 551.5 New Englanil Meteorological Society, Observations, 1SS8-89. Harvard Univ. Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 21 522.19 New England Woathei- Service, Observations, 1892-95. Harvaril Univ. Astronomical Observatorj', Annals, 41 522.19 North Carolina Weather North Carolina --.State Weather Service 551.5 Observations nuido at tlic Bhie Hill Meteorological Oljservatoiy, Mass Harvard Univci'sitv Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 20, 30," 40, 42 522.19 Precipitation in Rain and Snow in the L'nitcd .States; by C. A. Schott . . Smithsonian Inst., Conts. to Knowdedge, 18, 24 508 Rain, River, and Evaporation Observations, New .South Wales. Sydney Observatory 551.57 Rainfall of .Southern Riverina Royal .Soc, N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 506 Experiment Station Record, 5 U.S. — Dept. of Agr. 630.7 Meteors — Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A 19 S 16 (ireat Meteor of May, 1895 Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 50(i Other Suns than Ours Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 15 Method^ Element in Metliod in Various Fragments Spencer, H. G23S 3 Methodist Episcopal Church, United States— \\itobio;^raphv of Wdliam T:i\ lor of Califnrnia, l>isli.)p of Africa. Taylor, Bishop C 23 S 13 History of the Methodist Episcopal Church, .South, United States. Alexander, (!. (J 12 V 18 History of the Methodists in the United States... Buckley, J. M. G 12 V 12 Metre. [_See Pnetry - Cionoral; Prosody; Versification; and sub-hfadiiig Prosody under names of Languages.] Metric System - Against the Metric System in Various Fragments... Spencer, H. (J 23 S 3 Metric System ])elb,.s, L. A 25 P 52 MctricSystem of Weights and Measures... Smith,.). H. A ;J3 P 18 Remarks (m, and Suggestions for a Decimal Currency Royal Statistical Society, Journal, 1895 310 [,sVc iiho Decimal System; Weights and Measures.] Metrology. [See Weights and Measures.] Mexican Language and Literature — Nombrcs «;engi;'iticos de Mexico Peuafiel, A. J 14 T 24 t [,S'ee also Indians, American — Languages.] Mexico — (ifeneral and Desc7'iptive — Australian Trade Directory Wright, G. 910.3 CoHcc and India-rubberCulture in Mexico... R(Uucro,M. ,\ 41 S 16 Land of tlie Sun Rei.l, C. I) 16 (^, 1 Mexico, C'alifornia, and Arizona Bishop, W. II. I) 21 S 3 Nombres (icogrdticos do Mexico Penatiel, A. ,1 17T24t Picturesque Mexico Wright, .Marie K. 1)11 V 1(> |- Poems of Pla(«s Longfellow, II. W. 11 II P .36 ResourcesandDevelopmentofMexico... Bancroft. II.II. I! Iti «,» 42 Universal tieography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 17 [See nl.10 Aztec Race and Language ; Mexican Language ; Mexico — Religions.] Commrrer mid Tnidi' — ■ Commerce and Industries of Mexico... U.S.— Cons. Repts., ,59 3,H2 Trade of Mexico iH Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Anniial Series (it. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Ofhce .382 Trade of Mexico and Tampico, IS97— ix Dijjloniatic anil Consular Reports, 1898 [See also Rodcntia ; Zapus. ] Micro-organisms. [See Bacteriology ; Feniieiitatioii ; Nitrogen in Agriculture.] Microbes. [See Bacteriology.] Micronesia — General and Descriptive — Mieronesian Weapons, Dress, Implements, &c. ; liyF. W. Christian. Anthropological Institute, .lournal, 189!) 572 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 [See also Caroline Islands ; Gilbert Islands ; Ladrone Islanils ; Polynesia.] Micronesians — History of Mankind Ratzel,F. A 31 S 9 Microphone. [See Telephone.] Microscope — Elementary Theory of the Microscope; by C. Beck ... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Micro.scope in 1897; by Dr. H. van Heurck Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 [See also Microscopy.] Microscopical Societies. [See Miero.scopy — S()cietie.s.] Microscopy — General — Achromatics v. Apochromatios ; by Dr. E. J. Spitta... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 American Association for Advancement of Science, Proc. , . . 50() Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Botanical Microtechnique Zimmennann, A. A 20 T 2.5 British Freshwater Alg;v> Hassall, A. H. A 20 T 2."), 20 Choice of Colours for obtaining the Best Effects witli Multiple Colour Illumination ; bv J- Rheinberg ... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Diatoniiste, Le Tcmpere, J. A 1 8 (^l IS, (i t Divinity Hall Record MA ,5 R 2.5 Eiieaine Hydrocloride as a Narcotizing Agent ; by G. T. Harris. Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Evenings at the Microscope Gosse, P. H. A 40 Q 10 Exhibition of Live Animals at Soirees ; by M. Hartog. Illustrated Annual of ilicroscopy A 40 P 19 History and Theory of .Staining; liv Dr. Hollljurn Illustrated Annual of JIicroscoj)y A 40 P 19 History of Infusoria Pritcliard, A. A 20 T 31 Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 C D Microscopy — General — coatd. Laboratory Guide for the Bacteriologist Frothingharn, L. A 31 Q 14 Manipulation of the Microscope Bauseh, E. A 41 Q 29 Manu.d of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Medical Miero.seopy Wethered, F. J. A 40 T 10 Metliod of Using the Microscope; by N. A. Cobb ... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030. .5 Microscope as an Aid to the Artist and Designer ; by S. Cope. Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 4f) P 19 Microscope in Botany Behrens, J. W. A 20 T 24 Microscopical Anatomy and Eiidjryology Whitman, C. 0. A41 R4 Microscopical Studies of Tasnianian Rocks ; by W. H. Twelvetreeg. Royal Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1890 .500 Microscopy of Drinking-water Whipple, (i. (.'. A 40 P 21 Microtomist's Vade-mecum Lee, A. B. A .'iO I" 12 Modern Microscojiy Cole, M. .1. A 23 T 4 1 Multiple Colour Iliuinination; by .J. Rheinberg Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 New Method of Staining Cilia, Flagella, and other Locomotor Organs of Protozoa; by Prof. Schcwiakotl' ... International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1898 A .3.5 W 14 New Stain for Bacillus Tuberculosis; DV Marion Dorset... U.S. — Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1898 630 Practical Applications of the Polarizing Jlicroscope; by F. S. Scales Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Preparing Hydrozoa for the Microscope; by G. T. Harris. Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Section-cutting and .Staining Colman, W. S. A 23 S 27 .Simi>lc Means of obtaining a Large Field with a Compound Micrft- soope; by "Procella' ... Ilhist. Ann. of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Stockbreeders' Indebtedness to the Microscope; by C. .J. Pouniting Microscopically a Living Fly in the Act of Feeding ; l)y R. Macer lUlustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Value of the Microscope for Veterinary Purjjoses ; by Prof. Hobday. Illustrated Annual of Jlicroscopy A 40 P 19 [.See a/xo -Bacteriology ; Biology — Periodicals; Hi.stology; Micros- cope; Microtome; Polariscopc] Periodicals — Archiv fiir Mikroskopische Anatomic 591.4 Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology Woodhead, G. S. A 31 P 5-7 Lens, The; a Quarterly Journal of Mieroscop\- ... A 39 R 14, 15 Quarterly Journal of Microscopical .Science 578 Societies — Royal Microscopical .Society, Journal 578 Microtiuae - ^'olcs anil Lemmings ; liy (i. .S. Miller — hi N. American Fauna. 12. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Biological Survey A 46 U 10 [See also Rodentia. ] Microtome - Preparing, Cutting, Staining, and Mounting Sections of Botanical Tissues; by M. J. Cole... Ilhist. Ann. of Microscopy A 40 P 19 [See also Microscopy.] Middle Ages. [See Chivalry; Crusades; Feudalism; History, Medianal; Inquisition; Monasticism; Re- naissance; also sub-heading History under names of Countries and Subjects.] Middlesex — General and Descriptive — English T.ipigraphy... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 7 Midwifery. [_See Obstetrics.] 946 JPuhlic Library of Neio South Wales. Migraine — Mi>'iaine; by Dr. J. Mackenzie — in System of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 20 T il [Set also Headache.] Migration — Foundations of Zoology Brooks, W. K. A 40 U 9 History of the European Fauna Scharff, R. F. A 27 P 20 Migration and Nesting Habits of West Coast Birds; by Dr. J. (J. Cooper United States — National Museum, Proc, 2 it')' [See also Birds.] Mildews. [See Fungi; Rust in Wheat.] Militarism — Nation et rArmee, La— (rt Diseours de Combat ... Brunetiere, F. J 24 U 34 Patriotism and Empire Robertson, J. M. F 17 R 20 Military Art and Science — Attack on Fortified Places Mercur, J. A 41 T 27 Campaign in Italy, 1796 Surtees, C. B 17 Q 23 Conduct of War Goltz, C. F. von der A 36 R 8 Cromwell as a Soldier Baldock, T. S. B 33 S 8 Duties of the f4eneral Staff; by Gen. Bronsart von Schellendorff. at. Brit, and Irel.— War Office A 36 R 1.5 Field Artillery with the other Arms... May,MajorE. S. A 30 R 19 French-English Militarv Technical Dictionary ; by Lieut. C. de W. Willcox... United States— Adjutant-General'sOffice A 36 W 21 Gustavus Adolphus Dodge, T. A. B 20 S 14 History of the Art of War Oman, C. A 40 R 19 Indian Frontier Warfare Younghusband, G. J. B29 U 10 Letters on Strategy Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Prince K. zu A 36 T 14, 1.5 Military Expeditions beyond the Seas Fur.se, G. A. A 36 U 13, 14 Problems in Applied Tactics, with Solutions Biiide, J. A 36 U 1.5 Kailways in Warfare Cansdell, C. S-. MA 4 S 10 Selected Professional Papers from European Military Publications. United States— Dept. of War A 36 W 10 Small Wars: their Principles and Practice; bvCajit. C. E. Calwell. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Office A 36 Q 12 Sources of Information on Military I'rofessional Subjects. United States— Dept. of War A 36 W 9 Tour of Observation in Europe, Report: b\' Gen. Miles. United States— Dept. of War A 36 W 14 War Maurice, Col. P. A 32 R .38 [See also Ambulances ; Ammunition : Arms and Armour : Army, British; Artillery; Ballooning; Cavalry; Conscription; Drill and Minor Tactics; Explosives; Geography, Military; Gun- nery ; Infantry ; Intelligence Department ; Medals and Decora- tions ; Medical Service — Army and Navy ; Military Clothing ; Military Colleges; Military Cooker}-; Military Dictionaries; Military Engineering; Military Engineers and Artificers; Military Law; Military Life and Customs; Military Plioto- graphy; Military Surveying; Mounted Infantry ; Naval Art and Science; Projectiles; Red Cross Associations ; Shooting, Militarj'; Signals and Signalling; Small Arms; Soldicr.s; Stratc|;y ; Tactics ; Topograpliy, Military ; Transport, Military ; War Game; Wars; and sub-heaular Precis of Military Law... Furse, Capt. A. D. !•" 10 -X S t Military Life and Customs — .Mcrt C:iiii]iiignes Guillaumc, A. B 13 X 3 t Mr. 'I'bomas Atkins Hardy, Rev. E. .T. B 37 P 15 Soldier Tales Kipling, R. .1 M U 28 Soldiers of the Queen Wyndliant, H. B 25 P 17 [See also Soldiers.] Subject-Index to the Sii/pplementa7'y Catalogue — 1806-1000. 947 Military Orders \_See Medals and Decorations.] Military Periodicals. [Seo Military Art and iScieiicc — • Periodicals.] Military Photography— Manual nf I'hut'.'giaiihv; l^y S. Rebel' U.S.— Depl. of War Military Surveying — Conventional Signs and Terms used in Military Topography. Gt. Brit, and Irel. War Office A 40 S S Military Systems. [See Army, Briti.sh; and .sub heading Army under eacli Country.] Military Telegraphy — • Army Telegrapliy Ot. Brit, and Irel.— War Office A 3C R 12 United States Military Telegraph Lines, Regulations. United States— Dept. of War A 44 (,> 17 Militia. [See Army, British.] Milk and Milk Inspection — Bacteriological E.xamination of Milk— i';i Applied Bacteriology. Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 1 1 Book of the Dairy Fleischniann, W. A 30 R 50 Cheese and Cheese-making Long, J. J 1 U o Chemistry of Dairying Snyder, H. A 33 Q 1 9 Conditions affecting the Consistency of Milk Wisconsin — Agr. Exper. Station Rcpt., 1S9G 630.7 Dairy Chemistry Richmond, H. D. A 3.5 Q 1 fl Facts about Milk; by R. A. Pearson ... United States — Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 42 A 41 U 1 Fermentation of Milk; by Dr. W. H. Conn United States — Dept. of Agr. — Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S 20 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen... Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 How to Pasteurise Milk Queensland Agr. Journal, 5 630. 5 Meat and Milk Inspection in Shanghai ; by W. .J. Blackwood. U.S.— Dept. of Agr. —Bureau of Animallndu.st., Rcpt., 1S98 030 Milk and its Products \Ving, H. H. A 33 P 8 Milk Control in Copenhagen, Stockholm, kc. — in Public Health in European Cities Legge, T. M. A 26 Q 40 Milk Formation and Composition ; by G. S. Thomson ... Journal of Agr. and Industry, South Australia, 1897-9S 030.") Milk; its Nature and Composition... Aiknian, C. M. A 32 R 20 Milk Supply of Boston and other New England Cities; by J. M. Whitaker ... U.'S. — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry A 41 U 8 Milk Testing and Paj'mcnt for Milk liy Results Lance, C. C. MA 3 T 10 Pasteurization and Sterilization of Milk; by E. A. de Seliweinilz. UTiited States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 030.5 Pasteurization of Milk ; by E. H. Farrington Wi.sconsin — Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1S99 630.7 Pasteurization of Milk ; by C. D. Smith Michigan— Board of Agriculture, Rept., 1896 03(1.6 Production of Milk rich in Fat; by N. J. Miller Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Pure Milk; by (J. W. Wigner International Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 6. A 41 V2 Restoration of the Consistency of Pasturized Milk and Cream. Wisconsin — Agr. Exper. Station Rept., 1896 630.7 Ropiness in Cream or Milk; by C. E. Marshall Michigan — State Board of Agr., Rcpt., 1896-97 630.6 Internat. Cong., Hj-gioneand Demography. 1891, Trans., 3 014.00 Souring of Milk and other Changes in Milk Products United States— Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 29 A 41 U 2 Testing of Milk- -in Work during 1895 North Carolina— Agr. Exper. Station 630.7 Vitality and Retention of Virulence of certain Pathogenic Bacteria in Milk and its Products; by C. F. Dawson ... Uniterl States — Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Indust., Rept., 1898 636 [See aliso Dairying.] Millennium — Caution to the World at Large: a Defence of "Modern Babyltn's Downfall" Polack, T. M(!2V7 Millennial Dawn Russell, C. T. G 18 P 51-53 Millennium Owen, R. F 4 R 33, 34 Modern Babylon's Downfall Polack, T. Mf } 2 V 7 Prophetic Chai-t illustrative of the Coming of Christ, the Anti-Christ and the Millennium Rutledge, Rev. W. \V. MG 2 S 33 [See. nlio Future State.] - Millepora — Specimens of th.e Genus Millepora; by S. J. Hickson— »i Zoological Results Willcy, A. MA 4 V 3 Millet- Cultivation of Broom Millet for Manufacturing Purposes ; bj- A. A. Dunnicliff Agr. (Jazctte, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Millet; by G. Valder Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Millets; by T. A. Williams United States— Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 101 A 41 U 2 Millets; by T. A. Williams Uniteil States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 [See aho Broom-corn; Sorghums.] Milling Machine — Screws and tScrcw-niaking A 24 R 24 Milling of Wheat- Australian Miller 679 Corn-milling, Ancient and Modern —in Workers on their Indus- tries Galton, F. W. F 10 V 18 Hungarian Milling— m Report 1893 United States— Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Statistics 630.973 Milling Qualities of Wheats; by F. B. Guthrie Agricultural (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 7, 10 630.5 Modern Flom--milling VoUer, W. R. A 40 V 17 Millionaires — Baiiuito, Bernard I C 25 Q 6 Millionaire of the Back-blocks: Hon. J. Tyson Review of Reviews, 1898 0.52 Mr. Carnegie's Conundrum: 1'40,000,000; what .shalll do withit? Stead, ^V. T. F 8 T 4 Mimicry— Tlicory of Warning Colours and Mimicry; by F. Finn. Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1896 954 Mimosa-bark. [See Tannins; Wattles.] Mind- Art of Thinking Knowlson, T. S. G 2.3 P 15 Comparison between the Animal ilind and the Human !Mind ; by C. W. Purnell New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 Education Holman, H. G 18 Q 32 Mental Imagery Lay, W. G 25 V 7 Outline of Philosophy Watson, J., G 17 S 19 Philosophy of the Human Mind Stewart, D. G 16 V 1-3 Psychology of Childhood Tracy, F. G 9 W 20 Relations of Minds to other Things -in Principles of Psychologj'. James, W. G 3 U 24 Story of the Mind Baldwin, .J. M. G 9 U 27 Studies of Childhood Sully, J. G 15 Q 35 Subconscious Self Waldstein, L. G 23 Q 12 [See al.-r)0.'> Prospecting for Minerals Cox, S. H. A 24 R 22 Prospector's Handbook Anderson,.!. W. A 24 P 19 Receptacles for Valualde Mineial Deposits; by F. I). Power. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, 'I'lans., 1897 022.00 Short Studies in Pliysical .Science Cornish, V. A 24 R 27 Student's Iny T. Cooksey. Australian Museum Memoirs, 3 ISIA 3 W 22 New Caledonia — Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 New South "Wales — Mineralogical and Petrological Notes ; by G. W. Card. N. S. Wales — Geological Survey. Records, 5 559.44 Notes on some Broken Hill and other Barrier Minerals ; by C. W. Marsh ... Aust. Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897" 622.00 On some New South Wales and other Minerals ... Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 506 Ottrelite-phjdlite from near Wattle Flat ; by G. W. Card. N. S. Wales — Geological Survey, Records, 5 .559.44 Stolzite, and a New Mineral, Raspite, from Broken Hill; by C. Hlawatsch N. S. Wales — Geol. Survey. Records, 6 ,5.59.44 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Two New Mineral Sulistances from the Australian Broken Hill Conssols Mines... Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 500 New Zealand — Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Norway- Beskrivelse af en Raikke Nor.ske Bergartei-...Kje™lf, T. .\ 13 Sit Queensland — Chillagoe Mining District and Projected Railway ; liy R. L. .Tack. Queensland — Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 South Australia — Northern Territory of S. Australia... Parsons, J. L. MD 8 Q 49 South Australia— Northern Territory, Reports ... JIl) 9 Q 38 + Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Tasmania Classifieil Li.^t of .Mineral Species known to occur in Tasmania; by \V. F. Petlerd Royal Soc, Tasnuiuia, Proc, 1890 i500 Treatise on Ore Deposits Pliillips, .1. A. A 25 V 31 Useful Minerals of Tasmania; by A. jNlontgomery... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1?95 622.06 United States Ore Deposit^ of tlu' U.S. jjnd Canada Kemp, J. F. A 38 S 25 "Victoria Locality List of all the Minerals hitherto recorded from Victoria ; by J. A. Atkin.son Royal Soc, Victoria, I'roc, 1890 ,500 Treatise on Ore Depo.-jits Phillips, J. /\. A 25 V 31 "Western Australia Country KihU of tlir Kalg lie Gold licld; liy ooli of Hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of Milan IJritisli Museum A 31 P 2 Portrait Miniatures, 1531-1860 Williamson, O. C. A 40 R 3 Mining — General — Aerial or Wire-rope Tramways ... Tayler, A. .1. W-. A 20 Q 24 Blasting of Rocli Daw, A. W. A 10 U !) Early Histrory of Colonial Mining ; by H. W. F. Kayser. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 622.01) Economics of Mining; by J. R. Godfrey... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 622.00 Indications of Ore Deposits; by E. Lidgey ... Australa.sian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 622.06 Indicators; by W. Bradford Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 022.06 Manual of Mining Ihlseng, M. 0. A 38 U 23 Mine Drainage, Pumps, &c. ; by H. C. Behr California State Mining Bureau A 24 T 30 Mine Stores; by F. D. Power Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 6 622.00 Mineral Industry in tlie United States and other Countries. Rothwell, R. P. 022.00 Mining Industry of New South Wales; Ijy W. H. J. Slee in N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony. ..Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Mining Timber; its Use and Preservation; by H. W. F. Kayser. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans. , 1898 (i22.(l6 Ore and Stone-mining Foster, C. le N. A 44 (.j) 14 Ore-dressing by Automatic Processes ; by H. W. F. Kaj'.ser. Australasian Inst. , Mining Engineers, Trans., 1S94 622.06 Pocket-book for Miners and Metallurgists . . . Power, F. D. A 35 P 1 9 Prospecting for Minerals Cox, S. H. A 24 R 22 Prospecting, Locating, and Valuing Mines Stretch, R. H. A 24 P 27 Prospector's Pocket-book ; by G. A. Goyder... South Australia - Mines MA 4 P 6 Safety Appliances and Precautions necessary in Mines; by J. E. Godfrey Aust. Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 6 622.06 South Australia, Mining Commission, Report MF 4 U 42 Story of the Mine as illustrated by the Great ComstocU Lode of Nevada Shinn, C. H. A 24 Q 31 Subterranean Treasure.'? -»n Civilisation of our Day . . .Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Treatment of Slimes ; by W. B. Gray Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 622.06 [.See a?so Coal-mines ; Coal-mining; Copper-mining; Explosives; Fires in Mines; Gas in Mines; Gold-fields; Gold-mining; Hy- draulic Mining ; Mining — Education ; Mining — Laws and l,egis- lation ; Mining — Periodicals; Mining — Societies; Mining — Statistics ; Mining and Mineral Resources — By Coiuitries ; Mining Departments ; Mining Engineering ; Mining Machinery ; Placer-mining ; Prospecting ; Salt and Salt-mining ; Silver- mining; Ventilation; and under each Metal and Mineral.] ■ Educntion, SrlioDla, Museums — Programme y A. G. Jiaitland. Western Australia — Geol. Survey, Bull. 4 MA 3 R 4 Mining Hand-book of Western Australia Woodward, H. P. MA 3 T 61 Wealth and Wild Cats RadclyfTe, R. MD C R 17 Westralian Mining Manual Beeman, G. B. MF 1 P 45 Zululaud Mineral Resources of Zuhdand, Report Zululaud 5."i3 Mining Industrj' of Zululand, Repoi-t Zululaud .5.53 Mining Companies — llanily Register of Mining Companies MA 5 R 1 [.SV:c nlxo Mining — Education, Schools, and Museums.] Mining Departments — California State .Mining Bureau, Report 553 Colonial Laljonitory, New Zealand, Reports. New Zealand Mines and Mining 553 Dt^pirtmunt of Miues and Agriculture, Reports ... N. S. Wales- Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Mineral Industry of Tasmania Tasmania - Mining 5.")3 Minister of Mines, Annual Report ... Brltl.sh Columbia— Dept. of Mines 022.009 Mining Departments — contd. Papers and Reports relating to Minerals and Mining, Isev.' Zealand, 189G New Zealand — Mines and Mining 553 Pennsylvania — Bureau of Mines, Report 022.009 Queensland — Mines, Report 553 Secretary for Mines, Repts Victoria — Pari., V. andP. 328.945 Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, Annual Report, 1897. Victoria- Mines 622.009 Secretary of Mines, Tasmania, Reports — m Jom-ual of Parliament. Tasmania- Parliament 328.946 Western Australia — Mines, Report 553 Mining Engineering — Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans 622.06 Coal, !Mine-gases, and Ventilation Thomas, J. W. A 24 Q 35 Colliery Surveying O'Donahue, T. A. A 25 P 44 Engineering Magazine 620. 5 Engineer's Year-book Kempe, H. R. 620.8 Mine Drainage Michell, S. A 38 S 18 Mine Drainage, Pumps, &c. ; by H. C. Behr Calif oruia — State Mining Bureau A 24 T 30 Mine Models and Mine Plans; bj' U. Dudley Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893 622.06 Phictice and Science of Mining Engineering Fairley, W. A 22 R IS Use of Electricity in Mining ; by E. F. J. H. Hewlett. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 6 622.06 [ Place of Miracles in Religion Lyttelton, Bishop G 24 (I 13 Works Butler, Bishop G 2 T 3.3-3.-) [.See aim Apologetics ; Apparitions ; Christian Endences ; Spiritualism ; Supernaturalism.] Mirage — Scientific Papers Tait, P. G. A 10 U 13 t Missals and Breviaries — Church Services and Scr\ice Books before the Reformation. Swete, Rev. H. B. G 19 U 19 Miscellaneous Literature. [See Literature— General] Mishna. [,S'e« Talmud.] Missionaries and Evangelists — Callaway, Bishop, Memoir of ; bv Marian S. Beuham... C 23 P 2 Francis Xavier, St. , Life and Letters of B 27 V 20 Great Missionaries Creegan, Rev. C. C. G 14 S 30 Gulick, Luther Halsey Jewett, Frances G. G 23 Q 7 Hero of the Dark Continent Rankine, Rev. W. H. C 23 P 17 McAll, R. W., Founder of the McAU Mission, Paris G 12 V 2,-) Mission Life on Tanna, New Hebrides Watt, Agnes C. P. MC 1 T 28 Moody, D. L. , Life and Works ; by Rev. .T. W. Chapman C 20 T 5 Moody, D. L., Life-story of; by D. Williamson C 20 T 28 Murray, Rev. A. W. , a Veteran Missionary : In Memoriam. Kin'g, Rev. J. MG 2 S 21 Scudder, Rev. J. , Memoir of ; by Rev. J. B. Waterbury C 27 R 3 Sister Martyrs of Ku Cheng Berry, Rev. D. M. MG 2 T 19 Travels and Adventures Wolff, Rev. J. D 10 T 22, 23 Williams, John, Vie de C 19 V 18 \Sen Mission.s and Missionary Missionary Societies. Work -iSocieticii.] Missions and Missionary Work— ^'cMeraZ — British and Foreign Bible Society, Report 206 Centenary Conference on Protestant Missions, 1888. Johnston, Rev. J. G 1 P 31, 32 Christian Missions and Social Progress Dennis, Rev. J. S. G 11 S 37, 38 Ecclesiastical Expansion of England... Barry, Rev. A. G 14 S 31 (Glimpses of my Life Sehimmelmann, Countess C 12 S 18 (Jreat Missionaries Creegan, Rev. C. C. G 14 .S .30 Illustrated Missionary News G 23 V 2'7 Missionary Expansion of the ReformedChiirch. . .Graham, Rev. J. A. G 23 P 10 Missions at Home and Abroad... Chicago Exhib. , 1893 G 19 U 4 Modern Missions in the East... Lawrence, Rev. E. A. G 19 U 18 Travel and Talk, lS8o-9.J Haweis, Kev. H. R. D 16 R .-), [.SVe «/.. M. MCJ 2 T IS) Twenty-six Years of Missionary Work in China Stott, (i. D 17 S 20 Gold Coast — Xine Years at the Gold C'o.ist Kemp, Rev. 1). B 2.5 T 17 — — Hawaii — (iulick, Luther Halsey Jewett, Frances (!. G 23 Q 7 Transformation of Hawaii Brain, Belle M. (! 24 () 1!) India — Bickersteth, Edward, Life and Letters of ... Bickersteth, Bi.shop C 2() S 1 1 Snidder, Rev. J. , Memoir of ; bv Rev. J. B. Waterbury . . . C 27 R 3 Travels and Adventures " Woltt', Rev. J. D 16 T 22, 23 Japan Bickersteth, Edward, Life and Letters of ... Bickersteth, Bishoj) C 26 S 1 1 Gist of Japan Peery, Rev. R. B. G 11 U 31 (iulick, Luther Halsey Jewett, Frances (i. (t 23 Q 7 JIaker of New Japan: Rev. J. H. Neesima ... Davis, Rev. J. D. G 19 U 10 Melanesia — History of the Melanesian Mission... Armstrong, E. S. MG 2 S 29 Light of Melanesia Montgomery, Bisho]) Mt; 1 (J 68 Selwyn, Jolm, Bisho;.; by F. D. How MC 1 T 3.") — Micronesia — Gulick, Luther Halsey New Hebrides - Jewett, Frances G. G 23 Q 7 New Hcl>iidcs Missi in, .Annual Rci)urt 279.934 Mission Life on Tanna, Xcw Hd.rides Watt, Agnes C. P. MC I T 28 Persia — Travels and Adventures WdIiI, lU-v. J. I) 16 T 22, 23 Polynesia Brown Men and Women Reeves, IC. MI) 3 U 14 Colonial Church Chronicle G 26 U l-'ii) Heroes of the South Seas Banks, Martha Burr M(; 2 U 1 Holy Tonga 'I'homas, J. Ml) ,'> R 36 Lsland Voyage, 1880 Melanesian Mitsion M(; 2 S 17 Murray, Rev. A. W. , a Veteran Missionary: In Memoriam. King, Kev. J. MG 2 S 21 Narrative of Leading Events of Voyage2of the s.s. Join Will inns. Hore, Capt. IC. C. M( J 2 S 23 Otaheitcan Journals London Missionary Society MG I T6 Samoa — Missionary Life in Samoa Lundic, G. A. MC I P 23 Sierra Leone Seven Years in Sierra Leone Piorson, Rev. A. T. G 1 V :iii Mississippi (Jt^iwal and DflHrriptiae — Di.\ie; or, Sonthcrn Scenes and Sketehcs ... Ralpli, .1. I) •« R ") Mites— Zoology — Board of Agriculture Leaflets, 1893-95 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Board of Agr. A 21 V 31 British Freshwater Mites; by C. D. Soar... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 [See alio Acarina.] Mithra and Mithraism. [See Veda.s, The ; Zoroastrians.] Mitosis. [See Cells.] Mnemonics — Memory .System ... [A'ee also Memorj'.] Cumiinghame, A. D. M(J 2 P 56 Moa- Classification of the Moa N.Z. Journal of Science, 1891 505 Enormous Fossil Bones lately discovered in New Zealand : by W. Colenso Tasmanian Journal, 2 M A 5 R 5 Have we the Remains of a Swimming Swan-like Moa? by T. White New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 "506 Leg Bone of Miiunornis from (ilcnmark ; by Capt. F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1896 506 Maori and the Moa, The ; by E. Best Pol vnesian Society, Joilrnal, 1896 996 Moa Au.stralian, The MJ4P11 Moa, and tlie Prob.ablc Cau.sa of its Extinction Pyke, V. MA 4 S 4 Moa and Toa; by T. W'hite N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1899 506 Moa Farmers; by R. Henry N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898. 506 Moa in Australia New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 Moa Skulls in the Canterbury Museum ; by Cajit. F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1.S96 506 Moas of tlie North Island of New Zealand ; by Capt. F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1896 506 Occurrence of Moa and other Remains at Allniry New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 Travel and Talk, 1885-95 Haweis, Rev. H. R. D 16 R 5, 6 [See also Dinornithida? ; PiiLtontology — New Zealand.] Modelling- Artistic Taxidermy and Modelling Browne, M. A 23 U 39 Chapters on the History of Art Plinius A 25 U 29 Cours de Modelage scolaire Stepman, — . A 40 V 8 Manual of Clay-modelling Unwin, Mary L. H. A 23 R 44 New Methods in Education T.add, J. L. (; 18 U 12 Plastering, Plain and Decorative Alillar, W. A 10 X 9 t Plastic Method Harlmtt, W. A 4(1 R 1 Technique of Sculpture Partridge, W. O. A 23 P 14 Mohammedanism — AraViia, the Cradle of Islam Zwemer, Rev. R. M. D 13 R 12 C!instantino[ile Grosvenor, E. A. B 21 V 24, 25 (/orAn: its Composition and Teaching... Muir, Sir W. (i 4 V 16 Hedaya, or /!uide: a Commentary on tlie Mussulman Laws; tran.s. by C. Hamilton G 25 U 9 History of the Cliristian Church... Sheldon, H. C. G 14 R 20-24 Impressions of Turkey Ramsay, W. M. D 17 S 21 islam and its Founder Stobart, J. \V. H. (;4V16 Islam as a Missionary Religion Haines, (.'. R. (i 4 V 20 Islam in Africa Atterbury, Rev. A. P. (i 24 P 29 Islamism and Science -in Poetry of tlie Celtic Races... Renan, E. J 16 R4I Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam, The... liurton, SirR. F. A 41 S 2 Life on the"BospIiorus Spty, W. J. J. B 36 U 4 Madras Presidency — Administration, Manual, 1886 915.48 Alohammcdanism : has it any Future? Robin.son, Rev. V. II. (i 4 V L'7 Mohammedanism in its relation to Christianitv — in History of the C!iri.stian Church Schal}', Rev. P. (! 24 V 2, 3 Preaching of Islam Arnold, T. W. (i 15 R 34 Religion of the Piesent Tisdall, l!cv. St. C. (J 4 V 21 Saladin ; or. what befell Sultan Yusuf .. Salah-Eil-Din V- 24 R 20 Sketches from lOastern Historv N.ildekc, T. 1! 12 U .36 StoryofI,afsuBcg,theCamelI)river .. "Gunn, Dr. D." MJ 3 P44 Studies of Mohammedanism Pool, J. J. (i 12 V 36 Through I'ersia and India Weeks, E. L. 1) 17 V 22 \Sii; a/no Koran. J Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 953 Molasses — FiMjil anil Foixl Adiilterants Uniteil States — Dept. of Agr. — division of C'heniistiy A 34 T 40 Mamifactiu'o of Sorghum Sirup; l)vA. A.Dyjiton... Unitorl States^ Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' iSullutin, 90 Ail U 2 [See also Svigar-making.] Molecular Physics — IviuL-Ui; Thccjry of (jases Mc.yor, 0. M. A 38 S 19 Machinery of the Universe Dolbear, A. K. A 24 P 47 Matter, Energy, Force, and Work .. Holinan, S. W. A 20 I) 29 [S^ee a/«'0 Atomic Theory ; Chemistry; Elasticity; Ether ; (Jravita- tion; Matter; Melting and Boiling Toint' Tables ; Physics; Strength of Materials.] Moles- Revision of the American Moles ; by F. W. True [See also TalpiJa'.] Uniteil States — National Museiuii, Proc. , 19 oOT Mollusca — General — IJcst Means of Increasing the Supply of Afussels and oilier Mollusca. Internat. Fisheries K.xhib., KS83, Lit., 11 A 34 R 11 Collecting Mollusks, ami other Useful Hints for the Conchologist ; by W. H. Dall... United States -National Museum A 37 S 51 Effects of the Atmosphere on the Shells of Mollusca ; by Mrs. Angus Kenyon Royal Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, IS96 r>06 Guide to the Systematic Distriliution of Mollusca in the British Museum; by J. E. Orav ... British Museum— Natural History A 43 S 1 Internat. Fisheries Exhib., Loud., 1883, Literature A 34 R 1-14 Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum British Museum— Natural History A 43 W 34 Molluscs, &c. , used as Food or Bait... Internat. Fisheries E.\hib. , 1883, Lit., A34R0 Mollusks collected by the Boundary Commission of the United States and Mexico, 1892-94; by W. H. Dall,.. United States- National Museum, Proc, 19 507 Morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca //( Scientiiic Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Observations sur la Circulation du Sang cliez les Mollusques - in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 On the ( Jenus Remondia, (iabb ; by T. W. Stanton . .United States — National Museum, Proc, 19 507 Resultats Scientifiqucs de la Campagne du CtiiKltoi. Ktehler, R. A 31 S SO Shell and Starfish (ialleries in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum British Museum A 39 V 10 Socic'te Royale Malacologique de Belgique, Annalcs 594 Some Mollusca and the Microscope ; by W. M. Webb. . . Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 [See also Molluscoidea ; 0\'sters ; Tunicata ; and under each Class, Order, and Family specially treated.] By Countries. ■ America, North — Revision of the Dcepwater Mollusca of Noi-th America ; by A. E. Verrill United States — National Museum, Proc, 20 507 Australia — Australasian Tertiary Mollusca; by G.F.Harris... British Museum — Natural History A 43 S I Critical Remarks on some Australian Mollusca ; by R'. Tate. Royal Society, South Australia, Tians., 1897 506 Mollusca of Central Australia Tate, R MA .3 R GI [See also each Colony under this heading.] California- California Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, 1893-94 506 Great Britain — British (.)ligiiccne and Eocene Mollusca in the British Mu.scum: by R. 15. Newton .. British Museum— Natural History A 42 V 6 History of British Mollusca and their Shells ". Forbes, E. A 38 P 14-18 Mollusca New Caledonia — .\'c\v .Miillnsca, chiefly fiiiin New Caledonia; by C. Hedley. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 580.G New Hebrides — New Species of Mollusca from New Hebriileg; by J. Brazier. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.G New South Wales — Austrosarepta, and Notes on other Mollusca; by C. Hedley. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 580.C New Species of Mollusca from New South Wales; by J. Brazier. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1890 580.6 New Zealand — Geographical Relations of our Laud and Fresh-water Mollusca. New Zealand .Journal of Science, 1891 .')05 MoUuscan Fauna of New Zealand; by H. Suter New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895 506 Queensland — Marino Mollusca from Torres Straits; by J. C. Melville. Linnean Society, Lond., Journal, Zoology, July, 1899 .580.0 Samoa — Tectibranchs and Naked Mollusks from Samoa ; by C. Eliot. Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, Proc, 1899 506 South Australia — New Species of .Marine Mollusca; by J. C. Verco. Royal Soc, South Australia, Trans., 20 .506 Tasmania - Conchologieal Notes ou Tasmanian Mollusca; by Mrs Angus Kenyon Royal Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1896 506 On some Tasmanian Chitons; by \V'. H. Bednall... Royal Society, Tasmania, Pajjers, 1894-95 506 United States - Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States, 1. United States -Com. of Fish and Fi-sheries A 10 T 1 + United States National Museum, Proceedings, 1894 507 [.S'ee also America, North, California, under this heading.] Victoria — Four New Species of ilollusca from Victoria ; by J. Brazier. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 580.6 New Species of Victorian Mollusca ; by (J. B. Pritchanl. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1898, 1900 580.6 Western Australia — New Species of Mollusca from Western Australia ; by .J. Brazier. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc," 1896 5S0.6 Moluccas — General and Desmptive — Francis Xavier, St., Life and Letters of C 20 T 6, 7 Universal (xcography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 Voyages faits da:is les Moluques, k la Nouvelle-Guinee, et a CCdebes Bastiaanse, J. H. de B. MD 4 U 34 Monads and Monadism — Monadology and otiicr Piiilosophieal Writings; trans, by R. Latta. Leibniz, G. W. "O 11 U 41 [.S'ee also Monism.] Monarchy — Auld Lang Syne Miillcr, F. M. J 5 T 33 De Ofticio Regis Wyclif Society, Pubs., 10 (.i 23 T 26 History of the Theory of Sovereignty... BuUowa, F. E. F 18 P 2 Idea of a Patriot King jn Political Writings Bolingbroke, Viscount F 13 Q 35 King, The -(K Comparative Polities... Freeman, E. A. F 12 T 9 Popular Ro3-alty Beavan, A. H. C 24 S 4 Theory of the Divine Ridit of Kings Figgis, J. N. F 8 V 28 [.Vee o/io Democracy ; Government; Kings; Queens.] Monaro — Southern Monaro as a Site for the Capital of Federated Australia. Bonibala Railway and Federal League MD 8 P 47 954 Tiihlic Library of New South Wales. Monasteries — Registrum Monasterii de Passelet Maitlaiul Club O lo T "25 [See aho Abbeys ; Convents ; Monasticism ; Monks ; and xinder names of Monasteries.] Monasticism^ Anselra, St Church, Dean G 23 P 25 Christian Institutions Allen, Rev. A. V. G. G 24 R 10 Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273 Tout, T. F. B 16 R 32 EngUsh Black Monks of St. Benedict Taunton, Rev. E. L. G 11 S41,42 Genesis of the Social Conscience Nash, H. S. G 11 U 18 History of the Christian Church Schaff, Rev. P. G 24 P 2, 3 History of the Christian Church... Sheldon, H. C. G 14 R 20-24 Life in a Modem Monastery McCabe, J. G 23 Q, 38 Monastic Life AUiers, T. W. (J 15 S 32 Monasticism Feasey, H. J. G 23 R 26 Monasticism, Ancient and Modern Woodhouse, Rev. F. C. G 19 T 18 Monasticism : its Ideals and its History Harnack, Rev. A. G 19 U 7 Olil English Bible, and other Essays. . .Gasquet, Rev. F. G 19 T .34 Origin and Early History of Double Monasteries ; by Mary Bateson. Royal Historical Society, Trans., n.s. 13 SC6 Parish Priests and their People in the iliddle Ages in England. Cutts, Rev. E. L. (i 23 Q 45 Scenes and Sketches of the Middle Ages Cutts, Rev. E. L. B28 U21 Twelve Years in a Monastery McCabe, J. G 23 R 6 Woman under Monasticism, 500-1500. . .Eckenstein, Lina G 1 T 22 [Sr:e nlxo Asceticism ; Augustinians ; Benedictines ; Brotherhoods ; Celiljacy ; Convents ; Dominicans ; Franciscans ; Jesuits ; Monasteries; Monks; Passionists; Religious Orders.] Monetary Question. [.SV« Bi-metallism; Currency.] Money. [-S'ee Bi-metalli.sni ; Currency; Pa jser Money.] Money-lending — Great Britain and Ireland — ^foney-lending, Report from Select Committee F 36 V 10 J Mongolia — General and Descriptive — Diary of a Journey through Mongolia and Tibet, 1891-92. Rockhill, \V. W. D 19 U 22 From Peking to Peter.-iburgh Reid , A. D 1 3 S 2 Journev of William of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the \A'orld, 12.5.3^55 Hakluyt Society Pubs., 2nd ser., 4 910.(i Univei'sal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 7 Mongols — Biibar Poole, S. L-. B .32 Q 13 Man, Past and Present Keane, A. H. A 27 S 29 [See also Hieroglyphics; Hittites.] Monism Monist .: 105 Naturalism and Agnosticism Ward, J. G 24 V 14, 15 Non-religion of the Future Guvtiu, M. .7. G 1 1 R 41 Philosophy of Mind Ladd, G. T. (; 3 R 20 [.SVc a/»io Dualism ; Pantheism; Spinozism; Theology, Natural.] Monkeys — Brain of Atctes paniscus — in Scientific Memoirs Jluxlev, T. H. A"40S1G [See also Apes; Pithecanthropus erectus.] Monks — JOiiglish Black Monks of St. Benedict Taunton, Rev. E. L. G 11 S 41, 42 Monastic Life Alliers, T. W. G I5S32 Scenes and Sketches of the Middle Ages Cutts, Rev. E. L. B 28 U 21 [.Sec aim Monasteries ; Monasticism ; Nuns ; Religious Ordcrn ; and under names of Orders.] Monmouthshire — General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Liljrary D 20 V 7 Monocotyledonse— Handlist of Tender Mouocotjdedons cultivated in the Gardens, Kew Royal Gardens A ilO Q 41 [See also Botany — Manuals.] Monogamy. [See Mormonism.] Monograms. [.See Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms; Illumination — Fine Arts.] Monopolies — Coiiilnnation and Monopoly— m Economic Theory. Davenport, "H. J. F 13 R 2 Monopolies and Trusts Ely, R. T. F 17 T 8 Principles of Political Economy Nicholson, J. S. F 8 Q 25 Relation of the State to Industrial Action Adams, H. C. F 4 V 1 1 Theory of Wealth Cournot, A. F 4 U 19 Useful Work versus Useless Toil Morris, W. F 1 7 T 1 8 Wealth and Moral Law Andrews, Rev. E. B. F 8 V 10 Wealth against Commonwealth Lloyd, H. D. F 10 P 24 [.?(;e «/vo Capital ; Trusts.] Monotheism — Genesis of the Social Conscience [Sec also Polytheism.] Nash, H. S. O 11 U 18 Monotremata — Marsupialia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British JIuscnm ; by 0. Thomas. ..BritishMuscum — Nat. Hist. A 42 V 1 Reptilian Affinities in the Temporal Region of the Monotreme Skull; bv Dr. von Bemmelen International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1S9S A 35 W 14 Snakes, Marsu])ials, and Birds Nicols, A. A 27 S 16 Structure and Development of the Hair of Monotremes and Mar- supials; by B. Silencer and Georgina Sweet Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Jan., 1899 578 Temperatures of Reptiles, Monotremes, and Marsupials; by A. Sutlierland Royal Soc, Victoria, Proceedings, 1896 .500 [.SVc n/so Echicbia ; Marsupials; Platypus.] Monroe Doctrine — America and Europe : a .Study of International Relations F 2 V 30 American Ideals .. Roosevelt, T. F 15 Q 16 America's Foreign Policy Woolsey, T. S. F 16 S 3 History of the Last Quarter Century in the Uniteil States, 1870-95. Andrews, E. B. F 1 S 10 Monroe Doctrine Reddaway, W. F. F 15 R 15 Side-lights on American History Elson, H. W. B 16 P 4 [See also United States — Politics.] Monstrosities. \_See Abnormities; Dwarf.s; Hermaphro- dites.] Mont Blanc- - .\nnals of Mont Blanc Mathews, C. K. D 22 P 9 Montana — General and Descriptive — Our Western Archipelago Field, H. M. 1) 16 S 4 Public Lands — State Land OiKce, Rejwrt Moiilana- Land Olilcc .336.1 Montana Historical Society Library - Librariaji's Itcimrl Montana—Library 978.6 Montana State College of Agriculture. [For Cata- logue, Uejiorls, und I'uhlications, sec Author Cata- logue. 1 Monte Carlo- Gambling World, The , 'Rouge ctNoir" G 15 S 30 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 955 Montenegro — Gntieral and Descriptive — K.lt,'e (if the Orient Russell, K. II. I) 17 U 1!) Travels and I'olitics in the Near Kast Miller, W. 1) 13 V 14 . Army — Hand-book, Armies of Bulgaria, (ireeco, Montenegro, Roumania, and Servia Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Oiiico 1<' 12 S 21 . Commerce and Trade — Trade of Montenegro — in Diplomatic anology — Bj' Countries; Brasses; Inscriptions; Mounds; Pyramids; Sculpture; Tombs and Mausoleums. ] Moon— Academic des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances 506 Action of the Planets on the Moon United States — Bureau of Equipment, Astronomical ^Papers, vol. /), pt. 3 .')20.8 Borderland of Science —MJ Leisure Keadinijs Proctor, B. A. A 19 S IG Csrtain Lunar Inequalities due to the Action of Jupiter. United States — Bureau of Equipment — Ast. Papers, 3 .520.8 Determination of the Inequalities of the Moon's Motion which are produced bj- the Figure of the Earth ... United States — Bureau of Equipment — Ast. Papers, 3 520.8 Determination of the Solar Parallax and Mass of the Moon ; by D. Gill Cape of Good Hope — Ro3al Obseivatory 522.19 Errors in the Theory and Tables of the Moon's Jlotion ; by Prof. J. N. Stock well Astronomical Journal, 1890-97 520.5 Has the Moon an Atmosphere— ?;» Leisure Readings. Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q IG Observations of the Moon and Planets ; by W. H. Pickering. Harvard University Astron. Obs. , Annals, 32. pt. 2 522.19 Scientific Papers Adams, J. C. A 10 U 10, 11 t Tides, Currents, and the Moon; by W. Buchanan... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 50G Traite de Mccanique Celeste Tisserand, F. A 5 P 29 t Transformation of Hansen's Lunar Theory, compared with the Theory of Delannay ... United States — Bureau of Equipment — • Ast. Papers, 1 520.8 [iS^re aUo Eclipses; Tides.] Moors- Moorish Empire Mcakin, B. B 33 Q 12 {Sue, aluo Alhambra, The; Arabs.] Moral Education — Foundation of Success Brath, S. de G 18 Q 34 Psychology applied to Education Compayrt', G. G 4 V 28 Teaching of Morality in the Family and the School. Bryant, Sophie G 18 P 48 [See also Character; Culture; Home Education; Self-culture; Training.] Moral Philosophy — Active and Moral Powers of Man Stewart, D. (J IG V 4, 5 Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 Chapters from Aristotle's Ethics Muirhead, J. H. G 24 S 18 Christian Ethics Martensen, Eisliop G 3 U 11-13 Complete Works Emerson, R. W. J 22 Q 1 5-2G Conduct of Life Emerson, R. W. J 22 Q 20 Cosmic Ethics Thomas, W. C. G 15 Q 34 De Officiis; trans, by G. B. Gardiner... Cicero, M. T. G 24 Q 24 Moral Philosophy— eoM 29 Will to Believe, The James, W. G 23 R 24 \^'ordswortll's Position as an Ethical Teacher Boyle, Bishop J 14 R 15 [See also Altruism ; Amusements ; Capital Punishment ; Celibacy ; Character ; Charity ; Chastity ; Christian Ethics ; Citizenship ; Civilization ; Conscience ; Courage ; Cowardice ; Crime ; Cruelty ; Customs; Debtor and Creditor ; Determinism; Duelling; Duty ; Emotions; Epiciu-eanism ; Etiquette; Evil; Family; Freedom of the Will ; Friendship ; (landjling ; Happiness ; Hedonism ; Heredity ; Home ; Liberty ; Love ; Loyalty ; Lying ; Marriage and Divorce ; Master and Servant ; Morality ; Patience ; Pa- triotism ; Pauperism ; Peace ; Poverty ; Professional and Business Etliics ; Punishment ; Reformation ; Religion ; Repentance ; Self-culture; Sin; Slavery; Social Ethics; Social Problems;^ Soul ; Speculation ; State Ethics ; Stoicism ; Suicide ; Sunday and Sunday Observance ; Temperance ; Theodicy ; Toleration ; Truth; Utilitarianism; Vice; Virtue; Vivisection; Warf Will; Women — Position, Treatment, and Influence.] Morality — Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 18 Characteristics Shaftsbury, Anthony, Earl G 25 T 11, 12 Christianity and Moralitj' Wace, Rev. H. G 25 S 12 Economic Foundations of Morality — in Economic Foundations of Society Loria, A. F 15 S 19 Elements of Moral Science Porter, N. G 24 R 5 Equal Moral Standard for Men and Women International Congress of Women G 20 Q 6 Ethics and Morality— w Ethics Mill, J. S. Gil U 14 Evolution of Jewish Morality — in Intellectual Development. Crozier, J. B. G 17 T 11 956 Fuhlic Library of New South WaUi. Morality — contJ. Moral and Material Progress in India — in Asiatic Studies. Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Morality and Religion Kidd, Rev. J. O 2-1 V 10 Morality and Theism— !« Guesses at the Riddle of Existence. Smith, G. (i I'J U 34 Pa<»au Morality— /n Intellectual Development C'rozier. J. P. (i 17 Til Philosophy of Religion Caird, Rev. J.^ G 1 T 25 Progress of Morality in the Relations of Men and Women ; hx Rev. J. M. Wilson — in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. E. r 15 S 33 Public Morality- /.•! Practical Ethics... Sidgwick. H. G 23 Q 10 Rational, or Scientific IdealMorality... Fitzgerald, P. r. () 1 T 23 S:ikiilarbilder Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 30 Scientific Basis of Morality Gore, G. G 24 U 26 Teaching of Jloralitj- in the Family and the School. Bryant, Sophie (i IS P 4S Morality Plays. Plays.] ".SVr Jlini'jlo, Moralitv, and Mystery Morals — Medicine and the Mind Fleurv. M. de G 24 U 37 Morasses — Freshwater Morasses of the United States ; by N. S. Shaler. United States — Geological Survey, Annual Rcpt., 10 557.3 Moravians — History of the Moravian Church in the United States. Hamilton, J. T. (J 12 V 15 Moray — History — History of Moray and Nairn Rampini, C. B 32 T IS Mordants. [See Dye.s and Dyeing.] Moreton Bay — Moreton Bay and Port Bowen ... N. S. Wales Mag., 1 M.J 4 Q 7 Mormonism — Monnonism — in Democracy and Lilierty Lecky, W. H. E. F 12 T 4, 5 Tell it All : the Storv of a Life's Experience in Mormonism. Stcnhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. G 23 S 18 Travel and Talk, 18S5-9o Haweis, Rev. H. R. D 16 R 5, 6 Morocco — General and Descriptive — In Mnori.-^h Captivity Grey, H. M. D 22 R 15 Laud of an African Sultan Harris, W. B. T> 14 1' 15 Memoir Hay, Sir .J. D. C2IU11 Mogrcbcl-Acksa : a Journey in Morocco Graham, R. B. C-. D 22 P 7 Morocco; its People and Places ... Do Aniicis, E. DISS 25, 26 Tafilet Harris, \V. B. D 14 S 23 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 11 . Commerce and Trade-- Trade of Morocco — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Amnial Series Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Foreign Office 3S2 History - Moorish Empire Meakin, B. B .33 Q 12 Morphia — Ac tioh of Benzoyl-Chlorine on Morphine Rcniiie, K. H. MA 3 \V 18 Morphology — Agamic Reproduction an>ntc. .T. A 45 K 1 1 Constitution moijihologjque de la Tito de I'lnseetc; par C. Janet. International Congress of Zoology, I'roe., 1808 A 35 W 14 Experimental Morphology Davenport, C. !'•. A ."(! T 8, !) Morphology — contd. History of the Relations between Morphology and Biology ; by Prof" Martin... Aust. Assoc, Advance, of Sc, Rept.. 1S98 .500 Morphologisches Jahrbuch .')91.4 Text-book of Invertebrate Morphology McMurrieh, J. P. A 27 T 12 [See aho Anatomy ; Biology ; Dentition ; Embryology ; Histology ; Muscles: Nerves and Nervous System ; Osteology.] Mortality Statistics. [See Statistics, Vital.] Mortars. [.See Cement.s; Limes.] Mortgages — Mortgage Law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. United States— Dept. of War F 16 R 12 [See also Credit Foncier.] Mortuaries. [.See Cemeteries.] Mosaic Law. [See .Judaism.] Mosaics — Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 5 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmctsch, H. A IS T 15 f Moscow — General and Descriptive — Holy Moscow Tsar and his People B 39 S 16 Mosquito — Life-history of the Common Mosquito; bv W. R. CoUedge. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1 899 506 Mosquitoes and Fleas United States — Dept. Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U Mo.squitoes and Malaria ; by J. Shirley Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1899 506 [See also DiptcT-a.] Mosquito Territory — Convention l>etween (ireat Britain and Nicaragua for Settlement of Claims arising out of the Disturbances in the Moquito Reserve, 1894 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Treaties F 13 T 2 Tangweera Bell, C. N. D 22 R 14 Mosses — Bryologia Britannica Wilson, W. A 35 T 1 7 Bryologia Europaja Brueh, P. A 11 X 1-0 t Manual of the Mosses of North America Lescjuereux, L. A 20 S 22 Moss-flora of New Zealand; bv T. W. N. Beckett... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 .506 Mosses of New South Wales: bv \V. Forsvth... Linnean Societv, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 580.0 New Mosses from New South ^Yales ; bv Rev. W. "W . A\atts. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 5S0.() New Species of Au.stralian Mosses... Brotherus, V. F. MA 3 W 29 New Zealand Mo.sses; by T. W. N. Beckett New Zealand Institute, Trans., 2!) .500 New Zealand Musei; bv P>. Brown New Zealand In.stitute, Trans., 1898-99 506 Structure and Development of the Mosses and Ferns. Campbell, 1). M. A 20 T 18 [.S>e ato Alga' ; Botany, Cryptnganiic: Hcpatiea>; Lichens.] Moths. [See Butterflies; Entomology: Heteroeera; In- sects; Lepidoptera; Noctuidse; SphinxcN.] Motion Cuiiccrning Motion ,;j Works... Berkeley, Bishop (I 19 P .55, 56 (Jrammar of Science .". Pearson, K. A 45 T 7 Matter, Ether, and Motion Dolbcar, A. K. A 33 P 42 Spinning Tops Perry, .L A 27 P 12 Theory of Reality Ladd, (!. T. G 24 V 8 [.S'cc I'/so Cosmology ; Dynamics; Force: Kineiiiaties.] Suhjcct-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 957 Motor Carriages and Auto-cars— Autocars Fannaii, 1). A 25 R 30 Auto-niotur li'i'cight Waggons and Freight Ratos in Engli nd. Uniti'd States -Consular Kejjts., 59 382 Carriages without Horses sliall go Sunnett, A. R. A 25 8 Electric Tramways and Railways Schnlcy, H. A 38 T 3 Horseless Carriages in Europe... U.S. -Consular Rqits., 51 382 Horseless Vehicles, Automobiles, Motor Cycles ... Hiscox, U. I>. A 45 T 20 International Motor-carriage Exposition at Berlin... United States — Consular Repts., (il 382 Motor Cars Tayler, A. .T. W-. A 33 1' 7 Motor Vehicles and Motors Beaumont, W. W. A 44 VV 17 Petroleum Motor-cars Lockert, L. A 40 T 17 Motors. [See Dynamics; Engine.s.] MotU Language- Catechism, Marriage and Burial Service, Forms of Prayer, &c. , in the Motu Language, British New Guinea Liturgies M(J 1 r 30 Dictionary of the Language of Mota Codrington, Rev. R. H. MJ 3 V 2 Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language spoken by the Mcjtu Tribe, New (Uiinca Lawes, Rev. W. G. MJ 3 R 13 Revareva duahia hadidaia bukana M(i 2 T 40 [See also New Guinea; Papuan Languages.] Moulding — Text-book of Mechanical Engineering. . . Lineham, W. J. A 22 R 32 [See also Iron-castings ; Metal-founding ; Pattern-making. ] Mounds and Mound-builders — American Association, Advancement of Science, Proc. , 1883 500 Ancient America Baldwin, J. B. B 18 S 12 Blackfellows' Mounds ; by G. Soilleux Historical Society, Australasia, Trans. MB 3 R 1 Certain Peculiarities in the Crania of the Mound-builders; by J. W. Foster... Amer. Assoc., Advance, of Sc. . Proc, 18.50 5CG Human Remains found in Shell Mounds— //i Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 [See al«o Indians, American.] Mount Desert — General and Descriptive — Forgotten Millions, The— /» American Contributions to Civiliza- tion Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 Mount Gambler — Trip to Mount (lambier; by "Carpo Diem" Once a Month, 3 MJ 1 X 21 Mount Morgan Gold-mining Company — Mount Morgan (iold-mining Company, Report MF 5 P 17 Mountaineering — Alpine Memories Javelle, E. D 20 S 2(i Annals of Mont Blanc Mathews, C. E. D 22 P 9 Ascent of Mount St. Elias, Alaska.. . LuiL'i Amedoo di Savoia. Prince D 23 Q 3 Ascent of the Matterhorn Whympcr, E. D 22 R 25 ClinJjing Reminiscences of the Dolomites Sinigaglia, L. D 18 V 25 Climbs in the New Zealand Alps... Fitzgerald, E. A. MD 3 \' 19 Climbs of Norraan-Neruda Norman-Neruda, L. 1) 22 R 12 Early Mountaineers Gribblc, F. D 22 R 1 1 Exploration of the Caucasus... Freshfield, D. W. D 15 S 17, 18 f From the Alps to the Andes Zurbriggen, M. D 13 U 23 Glaciers of the Alps Tyndall, J. A 24 T 27 Highest Andes FitzGerakl, E. A. D 22 T 2 Mountain Clind)ing Out-of-Door Library I) 20 S 22 Mountaineering Dent, C. T. A 29 S 41 Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Al])s. Weston, Rev. W. D 18 V 23 Pioneer Work in the Alps of New Zeaiand Harper, A. P. MD8 R44 Scrambles in tlie Eastern Graians Yeld, (!. D 20 S 25 Through the Dolomites Roliertson, Rev. A. I) IS P .30 Two Seasons in Switzerland Marsh, H. D 18 S IC [See also Alps.] Mounted Infantry — Achievements of Cavalry ; witli a Chapter on Mounted Infantry. Wood, Sir K. A 36 Q 26 Regulations for Mounted Infantry (U. Brit, and Irel. — War Cilice A 22 P 62 Mouth, The— ('ry|itogaiiiic Flora of the Mouth Vincentini, F. A .32 S .32 I (Jformitics of the Mouth Coles, 0. A 32 S 31 Diseases of the Mouth ; by Dr. W. A. Wills— /n System of Medi- cine AUbutt, T."C. A 20 T 36 Diseases of the Mouth and Salivary Glands ; by Dr. A. D.Blmkader /» Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. -X. A 31 P 15 lullanimation of the Mucous Membrane of the Oral, Nasal, and I'haryiigeal Cavities: by Dr W. X. Sud.duth — in American Sy.stem of Dcnti.stry Litch, W. F. A 31 S .3 Micro-organisnisof thcHumanMouth... Miller, W. D. A 32 S 21 Oral 1 )eformities Kingsley , N. W. A .32 S 28 Oral Surgery (iarretson, J. E. A 32 S 20 Oral Surgci-y ; by Dr. J. H. Packard — in Ameiican System of Dentistry' .' Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Oral Surgery ; liy Dr. L. McL. Tifiany — in American System of Dentistry '. Litch, W. F. A 31 _S 2 Theoretical I'hysics Christiansen, C. A 33 V 18 [See also Teetli ; Tetanus.] Mozambique — General and Descriptive — Universal (ieography Reclus, E. D 21 U 13 Mules — Mules Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, U 030.5 Multiple Expansion Engines. [AW- Engines.] Mumps— Diseases of the Mouth and Salivary (ilands ; by Dr. A. D. Blackader —in Practical Therapeutics '. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Mumps Smith, E. A 26 T 35 Mung Bean. [See Beans.] Municipal Corporations mcnt; Munici|ial G' [See City, Tlio: )\ei'nnient.] L< cal Goyern- Municipal Engineering and Works — ' Commercial and Business Aspects of Municipal Electricity S\ipply. Gibbings, A. H. A 35 W 7 Municipal Government — Bibliography of British Municipal History... Gross, C. F 3 T 23 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Government of Municipalities Eaton, D. B. F 8 R 27 History of Municipal Ownership of Land on JIanhattan Island. Black, G. A. F IS R 9 McLaren, Duncan, Life and Works ; by J. B. Mackie C 24 P 4, 5 Municipal Association of N. S. Wales, Proceedings 3.52.0944 Municipal Development in England Webb, S. MF 4 R 68 Municipal Government — in The Coming Iu-ap/ii/ — Civiiclu, to the Miinuacriiits and Printed Books illustratinf; tlio Progress of Musical Notation Britisli Museum K 1!) P 33 Histoiro et Bibliograpliie de la Typograpliio Musiealo dans Ics Pays-Bas Goovaerts, A. A 44 Q 11 Dictionaries — Dictionary of Musical Terms , .. Stainer, Sir J. A 44 V 10 Education, Training, Schools- Class Teaching in Schools ; by A. W. Barrett International Health Exhil)., 1SS4, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Letters of a Baritone Walker, F. A 23 Q 54 Marchesi and Music Marchesi, Mathilde C 23 U 3 Music in < Jernian Heliools... LTnitcd States — Bureau of Education, Kept., 1890-97 379.73 Music in Primary Schools; bv W. G. McNaught ... Internationeil Health E.xhib., 1884, Lit.. 13 A 41 V 9 Music in Schools; by E. Mooney ... International Health K.xliib, , 1884, Lit., 13 A 4! V9 Musical Education in Elementary Schools ; bvJ. Stainer.. .Internal. Health Exliib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Musical Instruction in Kindergartens, Primary Schools, andNormal " Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 S. Curwen International Healtli Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Schools; by A. Lauda. Singing in Schools; liy J. History- Apercju sur I'Histoiro de la Musiijue Religieuse des Italiens ct des Ni'erlandais Ilubcrti, G. A 44 S 7 Histoire et Bibliographic de la Typographic Musicale dans les Pays-Bas ^Goovaerts, A. A 44 Q 11 HowMusic Developed Henderson, W. J. A 45 R 2 Musical History and Bibliography, from St. Gregory to the Present Time ." Matthew, J. E. A 40 R 7 Shakespeare and Music Nay lor, E. W. A 23 P 40 Periodicals — Australian Musical Times MA 4 \" 1 Australian — {Received under Copyright Act.) All in All Juncker, A. \V. MA 13 P 6 + Aurora Australia Waltz Morris, Lilian MA 13 P Ji t Australia Pogonowsky, L. A. MA 13 PO t B. and B. Polka Armstrong, Amy MA 13 P 5 f Carbine Sehottische Blaekston, Sylvia MA 13 P 5 t Clematis Waltz Haugh, B. B. MA 13 P 5 t Coolgardie Waltz Town. Ethel M. MA 13 P 5 t Cricket Pogonowskv, L. A. MA 13 P 6 t Crom-a-boo Hoben, S. F. MA 13 P 6 t Cruiser Waltz Turner, May A. MA 13 P 5 t ■ Cycli.st's Waltz Curtin, A. MA 13 P 5 t Dance of Dryads Childe, C. S. MA13P5t Delightful (iavotte Caflisch, W. A. MA 13 P 5 t Dolly Day Thomas, J. R. G. MA 13 P 6 t Epacris Waltz Bensusau, D. A. MA 13 P 5 f First Kiss Valse Caron, L. MA 13 P 5 t Football Pogonowsky, L. A. MA 13 P 6 t For Evermore PaokeV, F. A. MA 13 P 6 t Forget me not Thomas, J. R. G. MA 13 P I) t Hampden Waltz Dawson, Lilian MA 15 P 5 f Highland Sehottische Music MA 13P5 t I'll come. Love, to thee Peel, F. R. MA 13 P t In May Kelly, F. S. MA 13 P 6 t Irene Gavotte Caflisch, W. A. MA 13 P 5 t Jack's Toast Burry, F. MA 13 P 6 t Jolly Tars March Mou'l, A. MA 13 P 5 f Katherine \Valt z Lardelli , G. M A 1 3 P 5 t Katoomba Waltz Maguire, Mary McCarron MA 13 P 5 t Little Donah Polka ".. Hope, A. MA 13 P 5 t Lobelia Waltz Hogan, M.J. MA 13 P 5 t Love in a Balli'ooni, Waltz Zelman, A. MA 13 P 5 f Love's Evening Song W^ale, W. H. MA 13 P 6 t March of the Men of Kent Hopper, A. M A 1 3 P 5 f Mindaribba Waltz Hyndes, H. MA 13 P 5 t Mizpali Waltzes Carter, (J. D. MA 1 3 P 5 f Music for the "Versa" Beatty, A. E. M-. MA 13 P 5 t My Wedding Day Caron, L. MA13 P 5 t Nautch Song Caron, L. MA 13 P 5 t Music — Australian — {Received under Copyi contd. New Kreuz Polka, Winifred Milbourn, S. O, Love me yet Tiniman, E. E. P. Oh, my Baby, Oh, mj' Honey Evans, G. Orizaba Gavotte Weigand, A. Queensland Waltz Laniond, Jean Hcturn of Life Burnham, C. Rosalind \Valtz Lawson, B. Softly Fell the Sunshine Allen, G. B. Song of the P.hine Bethune, C. C. Song of Young Au.stralia Amati, M. Soudan Newton, H. Sweet Marie Waltz Peel, F. R. Sydnej' Waltz Farrelly, Josepliine Thou'rt not for me Dcsjardins, R. Twilight of Love Kowalski, H. Venus Waltz Terlier, Mnie. ^'achting Binsted, W. H. Varalla Gavotte Ludlow, E. Zarita Waltz Bear, Sara E. [.S'ee also Songs — Australian. J ighl Act) — MA 13 P 5 t MA 13 P 6 t MA 13 P (i t MA 13P5 t MA 13 P 5 t MA 13 P 6 t MA 13 P 5 t MA 13P0 t MA ]3Pe t MA 13 P 6 t MA )3PC + MA 13P5 + MA 13 P 5 + MA 13 P 6 t MA I3PG + MA 13 P 5 t MA 13 P() t ]\IA 13 P 5 t MA 13 P 5 t Music-Drama. [_See \V atrnoriaii Jlu.sit Musical Criticism — Music and Manners Krehbiel, H. E. A 41 T 13 Musicians Pilgrimage Maitland, J. A. F. A 41 T 17 Old Scores and New Readings Runeiman, J. F. A 27 S 30 Musical Education. [See Music — Education, Trainings iSfhucils; iSinging.] Musical Form and Composition — Interludes Banister, H. C. A 41 T 2 Musical Instruments — Elements d'Aeoustique Musicale et Instrumentalc. . .Mahillon, V. C. [Stc alio under each Instrument.] A 42 W 16 Musicians - Barb; by C. F. A. Williams Bach, J. S. C 27 Q 4 Bach, John Sebastian, Life of; by S. Taylor C 23 Q 21 Beethoven; by F. J. Crowest Beethoven, L. von C 27 Q 3 Beethoven and his Symphonies Grove, G. A 23 S 15 Bibliography of Biography of Musicians — in State Library Bulletin, Bibliography, 17 New York — Library Cat. Room Brahms, Johannes, Recollections of; by A. Dietrich... C 27 S 10 Famous Composers and their Works... Paine, J. K. C 13 S 13-10 t (iluck and the Opera Newman, E. A 23 T 22 Gounod, Charles C 22 T 11 Great Composers Butterworth, H. C 19 V 23 Halle, Sir Charles, Life and Letters of C 21 U 14 Marchesi and iMusic Marchesi, Mathilde C 23 L^ 3 Men and Women of the Century Lehmann, R. A 10 T 17 t Musical Memories Dield, Alice il. C 23 R 7 National Portrait Gallery of British Musicians Warriuer, J. ASP 32 t Notable Welsh Musicians of To-day Griffith, F. C 23 V 9 Old Scores and New- Readings Runeiman, J. F. A 27 S 30^ Prose Works Wagner, B. J4S 10-18 Rossini, Life of; by H. S. Edwards ... Rossini, G. A. C 24 P 22 Sullivan, Sir Arthur; by A. Lawrence C 27 S 9 Tchaikovsky; by Rosa Newmareh Tchaikovsky? P. I. C 23 R 28 Verdi ; by F. J. Crowest Verdi, G. C 24 T 6 Wagner; by C. A. Lidgey, Wagner, R. C 27 Q2 Wagner, Richard ; by H. S. Chamberlain C 17 T 28 + Wagner, Stud}- of Newman, E. A 35 T 1 Musk Melon. [See Melons.] Musketry. [See Shooting, Militar}'.] Mustard — A.ssiniilatiou of Free Atmospheric Niti-ogen by Mustard; by J. P. Lotzj- United States— Dept. of Agr. — Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S 23 930 Tnblic Librarxj of Neio Sotdh JFales. Mutinies — Mutiny of the Bounlij ami Story of Pitcairu Island. Yoiuif;, Rosalind MB 1 Q 49 Mutiny on board the Ship Laily Shore Black, J. B 32 R 9 [See also Indian Mutiny; Revolutions.] Myall Lakes — Lakes of Port Stephens ; by R. C Australian Home Companion, i MJ 4 Q 19 Mycenae — History — Memphis and Mycena? Torr, C. B 27 V "21 Myceua;an Age Tsountas, C. B 16 V 39 Mycetoma — Actinomysoris and Madvira Foot Aeland, T. D. A 26 T .35 Notes on a Case of Madura Foot ; bv Drs. Ailami and Kirkpatrick. "McGill University A 40 S 23 - [See also Parasites and Parasitic Diseases; Tropical Diseases.] Mycetozoa — (iuide to the British Mycetozoa in the Department of Botanj". British Museum - Natural History A 39 V 16 Monogi-apli of the Mvcetozoa ; by A. Lister British Museum — Natural History A 42 U 14 New Myxomj'cete for New South Wales : by D. McAlpine. Linnean Soeietv, N. vS. Wales, Proc, 1898 580.6 North American Slime-Moukl.s' MacBride, T. H. A 39 Q IS [See also Protophyta; Protozoa.] Mycology. [See Fungi.] Myelitis— Mvelitis, Acute, and Chronic; bv Dr. F. Tavlor— /« Svstem of Medicine ". AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 40 Poliomyelitis Anterior Acuta; by Dr. A. Starr— ih System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 40 Poliomyelitis Anterior Chronica ; by Dr. C. E. Beevor — in System of Medicine ■.... Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 40 [.See aho Spinal Cord.] Myology. [See Mu.scles and Muscular System.] Myriapoda — Centipedes and Millipedes ; bv R. I. Poeock — i'n Zoological Results. WiUey, A. MA 4 V 3 Myriapoda of North America; byC. H. Bollman... LTnited States — National Museum, Bulletin 4ti 507 Myriapods Sinclair, F. G. A 40 U 12 North American Species of Myriapods ; by J. A. Ryder. United States— National Museum, Proc, 3 507 Solifuga-, Scorpiones, Chilopoda, and Diplnpoda; by R. I. Poeock i« Through Unknown African Countries Smith, A. 1). D 20 U 21 [See aho Geophilida;.] MyrtaceBe— Sujiposed New Genus of the N.O. Myrtaco;e; by R. T. Baker. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc. , 1 S98 580. 6 Myrticolorin— Notes on Myrtieolorin ; by H. (!. Smith Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1S97 50(i Mystery Plays. [See Miracle, Moralit)-, and Mystciy Playw; Ober-Aiuinergau ; Pa.s.sioii Phiy.s.] Mysticism — Amongst the Persians Browne, E. (1. D 19 U 6 Amphithi-atrederEternelle Sapience... Khunratli, M. (! 23 V 32 Christian Mysticism Inge, W. R. G 24 V 2! Degeneration Siidfeld, M. S. G 3 U 19 Divagations Mallarnu', S. J 21 P 24 Essay on the Bases of Mystic Knowledge... Ri'cejac, K. G 23 R 33 Histwy of Philo.sophy Hegel, G. W. F. (! 12 R .30, 31 Mysteries, Pagan and Christian... Cheetham, Rev. S. (i 23 (,> 13 Nc-v Testament Occultism Dewey, .T. H. Maori SpiraLs iiiul .Sun Worship; by E. Trcgear ... New /^calami Tii.stitute, Trans., ISO!) r>(l() Mythology of the New Zealanders ; by J. Hamlin Ta.snianian Journal, 1 MA 5 K 4 Notes en Maori Mythology; by K. Best Polynesian fSocictv, Journal, IS!)!) i)!;U Omens and .Superstitious Beliefs of the Maoris; by E. Biwt. Polynesian Soeiety, Journal, 1898 9!)(i TeReinga; byT. White " Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898 99G Mexican — Myth, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. (J 24 Q 0, 7 Origin and (irowth of Religion as illustraUul by the Native Reli- gions of Mexico and Peru Roville, Rev. A. G 23 T 2 • North American- United states — Bureau of Ethnology, Reports 572 Peruvian — Origin and (irowth of Religion as illustrated by the Native Reli- gions of Mexico and Peru Reville, Rev. A. G 23 T 2 Polynesian — Mythology on Creation at Variance with the .Scientific Solution ; by Rev." J. S. Royce Hist. Soc., Austr., Trans. MB 3 R 1 Samoan — Folk-songs and Myths from Samoa... Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 20 50U Folk-songs and Myths from Samoa; bj' .J. Fraser Polynesian Society, Journal, 180(!, 1S!)8 906 Mythologj' and Spirit Lore of Old Samoa ; by Rev. J. B. .Stair. PoljTiesian Society, Journal, 1890-97 096 Scandinavian — Home of tlic K.ldir I'nem.s Buggc, S. B 30 P 1.1 Myths- Myths and Dreams C'lodd, E. (;iOU40 N Naga Hills- Experiences in the Manipur and Naga Hills. Johnstone, Major-Gen. .Sir J. D 10 U 4 Nagana. [See Tset.se Fly.] Nahuatl. [See Mexican Language.] Nails — Nad-makers — in The White Slaves of England ... Sherard, R. H. F 13 V 3 Nairn — History — History of Moray and Nairn Rampini, C. B 32 T IS Names — Meu-of- War Names : their Meaning andOrigin...Battenberg, Prince K 10 P 20 Names [of Places] and their Histories. ..Taylor, Rev. I. K 10 Q IS Personal and Family Names Long, H. A. J .T T 33 Place Names of Scotland Johnston, Rev. J. B. K 19 P 34 Studies in Hel ire w Proper Names Gray, G. B. J 24 R 25 [See. also Pseudonyms.] Nanga, The. [See Rites and Ceremonies — Aborigines of Australia.] Naples — General and Descriptive — Naples in the Nineties Rolfe, E. N-. I) 17 R 26 Naples through Australian Spectacles; by H. G. Turner. Melbourne Review, 7 052 Poor in Great Cities F 13 U 25 Commerce and Trade — Trade andCommeree of NaplesandDistrict. 1897 — in Diplomaticand Consular Rept.s., 1808... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 3S2 61- Naple S — History— JbriKjira Henry, Duke of Guise B 26 P Robert the Wise and his Heirs, 1278-1352 BadUclev, St. C. B19U1 Napoleonic Literature- Adventures of a French Sergeant, 1805-23 (Juillemard, R. B26S 13 Barcre, Bertram!, Memoirs C 24 R 9-12 Beianger et la Legende Najjoleonienne Garsou, J. H 1 U 2 Bourgogno, Sergeant, Memoirs, 1812-13... Bourgogne, A. J. P. F. C 24 P 20 Constant, Memoirs Cou.staut, W. C 22 Q 5-8 Crcateursde la Legende Napol^onicnnc Garsou, J. H 4 S 37 1S12 Verestchagin; V. B 20 R 1!) Eugcue, Prince, Romance of C 22 R Id, II Lowe, Sir Hudson, aiidNapoleon ; by R. C. Seaton C 23 S IH Napoleon Beyle, M. H. J 24 R 21 Napoleon at .St. Helena; by J. ,S. C. Abbott C 24 S 10 Napoleon Bonai)arte, History of. . . Abbott, J. S. C. B 39 T 12, ^ 1 3 Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of ; by S. Baring-Gould... C 13 W 3.3 t Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of C 13 W 31 + Napoleon Bonaparte, Metrical History of the Life and Times of. Hillis, W. J. H 1 T 15 Napoleon I, New Letters of Napoleon Bonaparte C 25 Q 1 Napoleon. .Secret Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte C 21 U 7 Rovigo, Duke of. Memoirs of... Savary, A. J. M. R. C 23 U 12-15 [Sea also under Napoleon, in Author Catalogue.] Napoleonic Wars, 1789-1815- Campaign in Italy, 1790 Surtees, Major C. B 17 Q 23 Campaign of 1815 Morris, W. 0"C. B 41 R 9 Campaign of Marengo Sargent, Lieut. H. H. B 21 S 7 Cau,ses of the War of 1792 Clapham, J. H. B .37 R 3 Coiguet, Captain, Narrative of... Coignet, Capt. J. R. C 23 P 3 1SI2 Verestchagin, V. B 20 R 10 How England Saved Europe. . . Fitchett, Rev. W. H. B 37 Q S-U Lejcune, Baron, Memoirs B 17 R 46, 47 Life of WellinL'ton; by Sir H. Maxwell Wellington, Duke of C 25 S 17, 18 Napoleon's Invasion of Russia George, H. B. B 34 R 20 Narrative of the Campaign in Russia Labaume, E. B 31 S 5 Thiebault, Baron, Memoirs C 23 V 11, 12 [See also France — History; Napoleonic Literature.] Narcissus and Jonquil- - Denkwur.ligkiitcn von Asien Diez, H. F. von E 10 R 20, 27 Nasik — General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 16... Bombay — Gazetteer 915.47 Natal — General and Descriptive — British Africa D 22 Q 5 Comments on Natal Thomas, E. N. D 13 V 6 Illustrated Official Hand-book of the Cape and South Africa. Noble, J. D 22 (J 10 Natal Almanac, Directory, and Yearly Register 31().84 Natal Hand-book; with Map— in Hand-book, 1890. Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Emigrant's Information Office D 22 Q 10 On Veldt and Farm Maenab, Frances D 14 R 21 Pictures of Travel Laey, G. D 22 R 20 .Statistical Year-book Natal— Statistics 316.84 Lfniversal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 13 What I think of .South Africa Cumberland, S. D 14 R 18 [See also South Africa.] History — Century of Wrong Reitz, F. W. B 41 R 2 Cetewayo and his White Neighbours... Haggard, H. R. B37 P 12 History of the Great Boer Trek Cloete, H. B 37 P 33 Natal Russell, R. B 37 P 14 South African Republic v. Great Britain "True American'' B 36 R 18 Statutes. [See Natal — Statutes, in Author Cata^ logue,] 962 ^Public Library of Neto South Wales. National and Patriotic Songs — American ^National Songs — xn The Great Composers. Butterworth, H. C 19 V -23 Stories of Famous Songs Fitz-Oerald, S. J. A. H 3 R 38 Stories of Great National Songs Smith, Col. N. H 4 T 12 [See also War Songs.] National Australian Convention. tralian.] [See Federation, Au.s- National Banks — Banking Systems of the World Handy, W. M. F 15 R 4 History of Modern Banks of Issue Conant, G. A. F 12 T l(i Instructions and Suggestions of Comptroller of Currency relative to National Banks ... U.S.— Dept. of the Treasury "F 10 T 19 Judge and Jury Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 Money and Social Problems Harper, J. W. F 13 U 7 National Bank of Issue for Victoria; bj- J. Mii-ams. Melbourne Review, 3 0.32 National Banking Scudder, M. L. F 17 P 8 Royal Commission, Rept Victoria — State Banking MF 4 U 30 [.See also Agricultural Banks ; Banks and Banking ; Savings Banks.] National Debts — Appendi.x to Report of the Council of the Corporation of Foreign Bondholders Corporation of Foreign Bondlioldcrs 330. 3 Australian Colonies in lS9(i Petherick, E. A. MF 1 R 21 Poor's Manual Poor, H. V. F 13 L' 1 Public Indebtedness —m Introduction to Public Finance. Plehn, C. C. F 10 V 31 Pennsj'lvania — Sinking Fund. Report of Commissioners... 336.33 Sinking Funds Ross, E. A. F 4 V 17 Story of a Loan ; by H. (J.Turner Melbourne Review, 8 052 [See also Finance. ] National Education — Connnissioners of National Education in Ireland, Reports. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Education 379.415 Free Trade in Education ; by A. R. Fitchett , . . Melb. Rev. , 10 052 Handbuch des Volksbildungswesens Rener, E. G 18 R 53 History of the Irish System of Elementary Education — ((> Special Rejjorts on Educationil Subjects. , .Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 U 14 NationalEducation Union — (/(Speeches... Magee,Abp. J 14 Q 37 National System of Etlucation in Ireland— /» Special Reports on Educational Subjects... (it. Brit, andlrel. — Education G 17 U 14 Reflections of a Russian Statesman Pobvedonostseff, K. P. G 23 P 35 Some Educational Suggestions — ((( Ignorance... Dorman, M. R. P. (i IS R 71 [See also Education — By Countries; Public Schools, N.S.^V.] National Gallery, London— Lectures on tlie National Gallery Richter, J. P. A 41 S 19 National (iallery, The I'oynter, Sir E. J. A 20 T (i, 7 I [See also London National Gallery, in Author ('atalogue, for Catalogues; and under (ireat Britain and Ireland, for Oltieial Reports.] National Gallery, Scotland [Fur Eeports and Ofllcial I'ul)liialiij!is, s'-i- ,\utlicir Catalogue.] National Insurance. [See Insurance, State and Compul- .sui-y.] National Libraries. [See Liljraries — State.] National Organizations — ■JIdi ty H . .ind and Thirty third Annual Encampments, 1898, 1899. (Jranil Army of the Republic, Dept. of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania — Army 3()9. 151 National Schools, N.S.W. [See Education, Primary— ^■ew South Wales; Fublic Schools, N.S.W.] Nationalization — Land — Colonist's Plea for Land Nationalization O., A. J. MF 5 T 4 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 1 9 \i 1 5 Rent, Interest, and Wages Fliirscheim, M. F Ui S 5 Third Factor of Production, and other Essays Ogilvy, A. J. F 15 R 30 [.S'ee also Land Tenure; Single Tax; Socialism, State.] Railways — National Railways Hole, .L F 15 Q .S6 Railway Nationalization Edwards, C. F 13 V .35 State Railroad Control Di.\on, F. H. F 10 V 7 Native Currant ( Leptomeria acida) — Acids of the Native Currant Renuie, E. H. MA 3 W 18 Natural History — PojiuJar Botany and Zoology — All abuui Animals A 19 S 22 t Animals uf To-day Cornish, C. J. A 27 S 8 Eve Spy Gibson, W. H. A 41 R 13 Flashlights on Nature Allen, G. A 41 (J 25 From North Pole to Equator Brehm, A. E. D 18 V 22 ({reat Rift Valley Gregory, J. W. D 14 V 22 Great World's Farm Ciave, Selina A 27 R .'l? Habit and Instinct Morgan, C. L. A 1 3 \" 2G Happy Hunting-grounds Gibson, W. H. A 20 (,| 2 f Higliwavs and Byways Gibson, W. H. A 45 P 1 Hittoriarum Natura?, Libri xxxvii Plinius Seeundus, C. A 17 U9t Kloof and Karroo Bryden, H. A. A 27 S 10 Moorland Llylls Allen, C. G. B. A 27 R 4 My Studio Neighbours Ciibson, W. H. A .39 Q 8 Natural History, asKnowledge, Discipline, and Power— ('n Scientific Memoirs , Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Natural History in Shakespeare's Time Seager, H. W. A 27 T 1 1 Natural History of Australia Aflalo, F. G. MA 1 V 7 Natural History of the Ancients Watkins, Rev. M. (J. A 27 R 17 Natural History of the Bible ... Tristram, Rev. H. B. A 44 U 2 Natural History of the Year Thom.son, J. A. A 27 P 5 Naturales Curiosa; Taylor, .J. A 27 P 7 Naturalist's Assistant, with Bibliography... Kingsley, J. S. A 27 T 7 New York State Museum of Natural History, Report .507 Notes and Jottings from Animal Life ... Buckland, F. A 27 S 5 Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle A 34 P 1-3G Our Island : a Naturalist's Description of Hongkong. Skertclily, S. J. B. A 28 P 12 Pastoral Days Gibson, W. H. A 20 (J 1 t Prehistoric Man .and Beast... Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. A 30 Q 23 I'rinutive Natural Hi.story — m Essays. ..Romanes, G.J. A 27 R !4 Royal Natural History Lydekker, R. A 28 V 25, 2() Sharp Eyes Gibson, W. H. A 41 R 12 Spiirisnumand Naturali.st'sTourin Sutherlanilshirc... St. John, C. 1) 18 S 20 Slicills by Slarliglil and Sunshine Gibson, W. H. A 45 P 3 Vivarium, The Bateman, Rev. G. C. A 27 I? 9 Wild Life at Home Kcarton. R. A 28 I' 37 Wiruiers in Life's Race Fisher, Arabella B. A 27 P 3 With Nature and a Camera Kearton, R. A 38 V 7 Woodland Life Thomas, K. A 20 (J 40 [.See «Aso .Animal-lore ; Aquariums; Biology; Botany; Collect ing: Distribution of Plants and Animals; Evolution; (ieology; In- stinct; Mineralogy; Naturalists; Nature; Palaeontology; Plant-lore; Taxidermy; Zoiilogy; and under eich .\nimal. J Periodicals — • American Naturalist 505 Natural Philosophy. [See Physics.] Natural Religion. Naliiral.l \See Religious, PriiniUyo; Thoolog_v, Natural Science. [Sre Natural History; Physics.] Subject -Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 933 Natural Selection - Diiruiii, ami aflrf l):u'Hin liDiiianes, (i. J. (J 1 U '29 Kouiiilatioiis of Zoulogy Brooks, W. K. A 40 IJ !) Reproductive Selection — in Chances of Death Pearson, K. A ;!: 11 !) Socialism ami Natural Selection — in Chances of Death. Pearson, K. A 3" R 9 Thcor}- of Change of Function - i'« Biological Lectures. Marshall, A. M. A 28 P S4 [.S'ce also Evolution; Hereility.] Natural Theology. [See Theologj', Natural.] Naturalism — .Mr. IJalfiiur ami liis Critics — 1'« Man'.s I'lace in the Cosmos. Seth, A. (i 14 Ri2G Natural Theology ami Ethics Wallace, W. ( J 24 U 24 Naturalism and Agnosticism Ward, J. (! 24 V 14, 15 [See also Agnosticism ; Romanticism ; Supernaturalism ; Theology, Natural. ] Naturalists — Agassiz, Louis, Life, Letters, and Works of C 22 S 14, 1.5 Allen, Grant; by E. Clodd C 23 R 27 Audubon and his .Journals Audubon, .1. J. L. C 25 P 2, 3 Banks, Sir Joseph , .Journal of M D 3 U 15 C'ojie, Edward l)., Naturalist ; by T. (iill American Assoc., Advance, of Science, Proc., 1897 506 RafHes, Sir Stamford ; by H. E. Egerton C 27 R 23 Thoreau, Henry David, i>ife of C 22 T 12 [iS'ee also Biologists; Scientists.] Nature and Natural Law — Characteristics of Nature — i'« Writings ... Ru.skin, J. .J 23 S 29 Nature Emerson, R. W. .J 22 (J 15 Nature for its own sake Van Dyke, J. C. A 23 S 43 [.See also Metaphysics ; Natural History ; Science ; Theology, Natural.] Nauheim Baths and Treatment — Accountof the Nauheim Baths Thorne, W. B. A 30 Q 10 Nauheim Treatment in Diseases of the Heart— i'n Treatment of Di.sease by Physical Methods Dowse, T. S. A 26 S 40 [See also Balneo-therapeutici.] Nausitoria — Australasian Sliipworms ; by C. Hedley... Linnean Soc, N.S.W., I'roc, 1898 580.6 Nautical Almanacs — American Ephenieris and Nautical Almanac United States — Bureau of Equipment 528. 1 Austnilian Nautical Almanac and Coasters' (iuide... Wellbank, J. MD 4 W 30-32 List of Geographical Positions for the Use of Navigators and others Green, Lieut. F. M. A 13 W 24 t Nautical Almanac 52S.2 Navigation and Nautical Astronomy Gill, J. A 38 T 13 Nev,-castle, N.S.W., Nautical Almanac Knaggs & Co. 528.2 l^acific Coaster's Nautical Almanac United States -Bureau of Equipment 528. 1 Wellington Ahnan.ao and Directory 919.31 [See also under title of each, in Author Catalogue.] Nautical and Naval Dictionaries. Science — Dictionaries. ] \See Naval Art and Nautical Astronomy — Navigation ami Nautical Astronomy... .Stebbing, F. C. X 20 U 11 Navigation for Yachtsmen English, Lieut. V. J. A 25 T 7 vSun's True Bearing or Azimuth Tables (!t. Brit, and Irel. - Admiralty A 19 U IS [See also Compass ; Latitude ; Longitude ; Nautical Almanacs ; Navigation.] Nautical Life. [See Naval Life; Sailors and Nautical Life.] Nautical Surveying. [See Marine Sur\-('ying.] Nautilus^ lA'lters from New Guinea on Nautilus and some other Organisms ; by Dr. A. Willey... Quart, .lourn. Micro.s. Sc, Aug., 1890 .578 I'oints in the Anatomj' oi NauiiluH I'uMj.ilius — in Scientitic Memoiis. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S Hi Points in the Arrangement and Structure of the Tentaculiferous I-obes in Naut iliis pmiqnhiis ; by Prof. Ha.swell... Linnean Society N.S.W., Proc, 1895 580. (J [See Cephalopoda.] Naval and Nautical Periodicals. Science — Periodicals.] [See Naval Art and Naval Architecture — Iromla.ls in Action, 1855-95 Wilson, IL \V. 15 33 R 0, 7 iNlanual of Laying-oll' Iron, Steel, and Composite Vessels. Watson, T. JL A 41 S 4 Naval Annual Brassey, Hon. T. A. .3.59.05 Norsk Naval Architecture ; by G. H. Bochmer... United States — Nation.al Museum, Proc., 9 507 Te.xtdjouk of Naval Architecture. ..Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Admiralty A 23 U 38 Tlieoretical Naval Architecture Attwood, E. L. A 41 T ]H Torpedoes and Torpedo-vessels Armstrong, Lieut, (i. E. A 22 (,l 49 [See fi?.so Ship-builJing; Trireme.] Naval Art and Science — General — Accidence ; or, the i'atliw ay to Experience necessary for all Young Seamen; by Capt. J. Smith, 1626 [Reprint]... English Scholar's Library J 3 T 25 Naval Gunnery Garbett, Cairt. H. A 29 S ,30 Naval Scouting; by G. S. Clarke- !« Naval Annual, 1898. Brassey, Hon. T. A. .359.05 Notes on the Year's Naval Progress. ..L^. S. — Dept. of Navv 359.05 Royal Navy, The "Lieutenant, A" A 29 S 25 [See also Gunnery ; Merchant Navy and Service ; Naval Architec- ture; Naval Artillery; Naval Defences; Naval Education; Naval Engineering ; Navigation and Seamanship ; Privateering ; Ship-building; Signals and Signalling; Torpedoes; Warships.] Dictionai'ies — Naval Dictionary Patterson, Capt. H. A 22 S 6 Educnfion, Colleges, Training Ships — ■ Manual for Officers serving on board United States Cruising Training Ships. . . United States— Dept. of the Navy A 36 Q 24 Manual of Seamanship for Boys' Training Ships of the Koval Navy, 1893 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty A 25 R"31 Regulations for the Government of H.M.S. Britcnnin. Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Admiralty G 23 S 24 Periodicals — Broad Arrow .355. 05 Mercantile Marine Magazine and Nautical Record 656 Naval Annual Brassey, Hon. T. A. 3.59.05 Naval Chronicle B 38 P 1-Q 21 Navy ami Army 3.59. 05 United Service Magazine .355.05 Naval Battles— Badilcy, Richard, Vice-Adm. of the Fleet, Life of; by T. A. Sp.alding C20 S3 Battles of the British Navv Allen, .L B 26 P 12. 13 Britain's Naval Power " Williams, H. B 23 Q 1 8, 1 9 Dispatches and Letters relating to the Blockade of Brest, 1803-5. Navy Records Society, Pubs., 14 942.073 Drake and the Tudor Navy Corbett," .J. S. B 39 Q 16, 17 [2nded.1 B36Q13, 14 Duncan, Admi; al ; by Earl of Camperdown C25y 17 Famous British War-ships and their Commanders Wood, W. B lf> T 10 From Howard to Nelson Laughton, .J. K. C 25 T 7 History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1688 ... Hannav, D. B 39 Q 6 Ironclads in Action, 1855-95 Wilson, H. VV. B 33 R 6, 7 Letters and Papers relating to the first Dutch War, 1652-54 ; ed. by S. R. Gardiner .. Navy Records Soc, Pubs., 13 942.064 Logs of the (4reat Sea Fights, 1794-1805 : by Adm. .Jackson. Navy Recoids Society, Pubs., 16 942.073 934 Public Zibrary of Neto South TFalea, J. B 16 V 30 B 38 P 1-Q 21 , C 13R 17 t .... C20S1'2 E-. B 2.5 V 18 War, 1585-87. Pubs., 11 942 B 17 R 4-S 1 Q-. B 21 \' 7 B -iOP 0, 10 A. B 36 U 13 M. B 19 T 16 Naval Battles —co)z<i Naval Annual, 189S. Brassey, Hon. T. A. 359.0.") Marine Steam-engine, The Sennett, R. A 13 U 9 ilechanisni of Men-of-War... OlJknow, Lieut. R. C. A 22 Q 50 Naval Annual Brassey, Hon. T. A. 3.59.05 Shijis, Guns, and Armor ... U.S. — Dcpt. of the Navy A 22 T 6 .Specifications for Engines for U.S. S. i'/iicuqo ... Uniteil .States — Dept. of the Navy A 22 Q 46 Sliecification for Steam Machinery for U..S. Dispatch Boat. United States— Dept. of the Navy A 22 Q 45 [See also Mirine Engineering; Shiplniilding; Warships.] Naval Gunnery. [See Gunnery, Naval.] Naval History - Discoursesof theNavy, 1638, 1659-60... Navy Records Soc, 7 942 Eflfect of Maritime Command on Land Campaigns. Callwell, Major C. E. B 17 K> 16 History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1088 ... Hannay, D. B 39 Q 6 Ironclads in Action, 18.55-95 Wilson, H. W. B 33 R 6, 7 XjCttcrs and Papers relating to the first Dutch War, 1652-54 ; ed. bv 8. R. Gardiner... N.ivv Records Soc, Pubs., 13 942.004 Letters'from the Black Sea, 18.54-55 ... Heath, Adm. B 23 S 19 Logs of the Great Sea Figlits, 1794-1805 ; liy Adm. Jackson. Navy Records Society, Pubs., 16 942.073 Roval Navy, The Clowes, W. L. B 1 7 R 4-8 t Story of the Sea, 2 Couch, A. T. Q-. B 21 V 7 Successors of Drake Corbett, J. S. B 41 R 14 [See rt/«o Admirals ; "Alabama," The; Armada; Naval Battles; Navies of the World; Navy, Britisli; Pirates; Privateering; Sailors and Nautical Life ; sub-heading Navy under names of Countries, and under Navy Records Society in Author Cata- logue. ] Naval Law and Administration .\dministration of the P.'iyal Navy, I.50i) l(i(JO ... Oppenheijn, M. F 12 T 26 Articles for the Government of the United Skates Naw. United States -Dept. of the Navy F 1 U 3 Compilation of I^aws relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, &c., United States Hogg, .J. W. V 1 S 4 Naval Administration Hamilton, Adm. Sir R. V. F 8 V 23 Navftl Administrations, 1827-92 Briggs, Sir J. H. F I S 13 Royal Navy, The A 29 S .35 [See aim Admiralty Court; Maritime Law.] Naval Life and Customs At School and at .Sea "Marlello Tower" C 2(1 R 22 Fleet in Being Kipling, K. B 24 Q 23 Way they have in the Navy Bullen, F. T. B ,37 Q 5 [.S'ee aleo Sailors and Nautical Life. ] Naval Tactics. [See Naval Art and Science.] Navies of the World — General — All the World's Fighting Ships Jane, F. T. A 17 R 21 t Naval Pocket-book Clowes, W. L. A 22 P 6 Naval Progress United States — Office of Naval Intelligence. A 36 W 15 [See also Navy, British ; and sub-heading Navy under names of Countries.] Navigation and Seamanship — Catalcigue, Nautical Almanac Lilirary, United States. United States— Dept. of the Navy K 17 T 5 Elements of Navigation Henderson, W. J. A 19 P 22 List of Geographical Positions for the Use of Navigators and others Green, Lieut. F. M. A 13 W 24 f ilanual of Seamanship for Boys' Training Sliips of tlie Royal Navy, Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty A 25 R 31 Navigation and Nautical Astronomy Gill, J. A 38 T 13 Navigation and Nautical Astronomy... .Stebbing, F. C A 20 U 11 Navigation for Yachtsmen English, Lieut. V. J. A 25 T 7 Penn.sylvania — Dept. of Internal Atlairs, Report 385 Practical .Seamanship for use in the Merchant Service... Todd, J. A 22 V 7 Tijdschritt voor hot Zecwezen 910.5 [See also Azimuth Tables ; Compass, The ; Knots and Splices ; Latitude ; Lighthouses ; Logs of Sliips ; Longitude ; Merchant Navy and Service ; Nautical Almanacs ; Nautical Astronomy ; Naval History ; Oil at Sea; Pirates; SailingDircctions; Sailors ; Sliip-building; Shipwrecks; Signals and Signalling ; Yachting.] Lmvs and Legislation — Navigation Laws~m Essaj's Alison, A. J 14 S 11 [See also Maritime Law; Naval Law.] Navigators. [See Travellers and Explorers.] Navigator's Islands. [See Samoa.] Navy, British — Administration of the Roval Naw, 1509-1660 ... Oppenheim, M. F 12 T 26 Baltics of the British Navy Allen, J. B 20 P 12, 13 British Navy Stenzel, Capt. A. B 22 V 22 Collingwood, Admiral, Lord, Life of C 22 .S 23 Command of the Sea and the Brain of the Navy ... Wilkinson, S. F 19 S 2 Discourses of the Navy, 10:18, 1059-60... Navy RecordsSoc.,7 942 Dispatches and Letters relating to the Blockade of Brest, 1803-5. Navy Records Society, Pubs., 14 942.073 Dockyard Expense Accounts... Gt. IJrit. and Irel. — Adm. ,3,54.427 Drake and the Tudor Navy Corbett, J. S. B 39 Q 10, 17 Drake and the Tudor Naw. [New ed.] Corl ett, .1. .S. B 30 Q 13, 14 Famous Britisli War-sliips and tlic ir Connuanders Wood, W. B tOT 10 Fleet in Being Kipling, R. B 24 Q 23 Fleets of Great Britain and Foreign Countries, 1898. (!t. Brit, and Irel. Admiralty A ,36 V 18 t Forces of the Cniwn ; by H. Morgan-Browne Sixtv Years of Empire "B 22 R 18 Historical Records of tlie Roval Marines Edve, Major L. B 16 V 40 History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1688 ... Hannay, D. B 39 Q 6 II Uriah for the Life of a Sailor Kennedy, Adm. C 27 T 19 Logs of the Great Sea Fights, 1794-1805 ; liy Adm. .Tack.son. Navy Records Soc", Pubs., 10 942.073 Manning of the Navy in Time of War — in Naval Annual, 1898. Brassey, Hon. T. A. 3.59.05 Men-of-War Names : their Meaning and Origin . . Hattenborg, Prince K 19 P29 Middy'sRecoUoctions, A, 1 853-60. . .Montagu, Rear-Adm. C 23 U 8 Naval Accounts and Inventories of the Reign of Hciiiy VII. Navy Records Soc'icty, 8 3.59 Naval .\dmiMi.stration Hamilton, Adm. K. \ . F 8 V 23 Naval .'\dmiiiiHtration.s, 1827-92 Briggs, Sir J. H. F 1 S 13 Naval Chronicle B 38 P 1 Q 21 Naval Mantt'uvres, 1897... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Naval Mamcuvrcs A .36 V 19 t Naval Policy Stcevcns, G. W. K 12T25 Subject-Index to the Suj^plementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 965 Navy, British— co^^<(f. Naval KL'inforcoments in War Time; by C. N. Robinson -mNavivl Annual, 1S!W Brassey, Hon. T. A. ri.lO.d.') >favy and the Arny, The ; bv C. Williams. . . Sixty Years of ]'',in| li le B'22R1S Navy and tlic Nation, The. . . Clarke, Lieut. -Col. Sir G. S. F I II 2:! Navy and Volunteers -in Political Letters Pembroke and Montgomery, (.4oorge, Earl of V 13 R 5 Navy Appropriation Account, 1887-90 (it. Brit, and Irel. — Admiralty 3r)t.4-2" Navy Records Society, Pubs 94'2 Our Fleet To-day Wilniot, Capt. S. K-. 15 27 R Hi Our Navy for a ThousMid Years... Wilmot, Capt. S. E-. B 2.") P IS Paget, Admiral, Autobiography and Journals of C 22 Q l.'i Progress of the British Navy- m Naval Annual, ISiXi. Brassey, Hon. T. A. S.^O.Tn") Regulations for Training the Boys of the Royal Navy. (it. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty F IS T l."i Roving Commission, A Pascce, Comm. C. MD .'1 K \'i Rn val Navv, The '.... Clowes, W. L. B 1 7 R 4 -S t Royal Navy, The " Lieutenant, A'' A 29 S ."if) Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns, A Keppel, Adni. Sir H. C 2.3 Q 1-3 Statistical Report, Health of the Navv Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Admiralty filS.GS Strength of the British Navy, 1899.. Bras.sey, Baron F Hi R 2(j Successors of Drake Corbett, J. S B 41 R 14 Victualling Yard Manufacturing Accounts... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Admiralty 3r)4.427 Way they have in the Navy Bullen, F. T. B 37 t^ 5 [See a/.so Admirals ; Ambidanecs; Medals and Decorations. Military andNaval; Medical Service — Army andNavj' ; MerchantNavy ; Naval Artillery; Naval Reserves; Royal Marines; Sailors; Warships; for other Navies .see under Country, e.r;., France — Navy.] • Exnmiaalioiis — Cadetships in the Royal Navy... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service (! 2(J U KJ, 2fi t Competition f0S Investigations of the Henry Draper Memorial Harvard Univ. Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 2o 522.19 Mierometrie Measurements ... Harvard Universitj' Astronomical Observatoiy, Annals, 13 522.19 Monograph of the Central Parts of the Nebula of Orion ; by PI S. Holden U.S. — Naval Observatary, Observations 522.19 Nebula of Orion... LeanderMoCormickObsor. Pubs. .V. l.pt. o 522.19 Nel)ul;e and Clusters of Stars in the Southern Hemisphere, ob- served at Parramatta, N.S.W., bv J. Dunlop ... Royal Society of London, Philosoj)hical Trans.^ 182S 506 Photographs of St.ars, Star-Clusters, and Nebuhi; Roberts, I. A 20 P 17. IS t Priesepe Group; Measurements and Reduction of the Ruther- furd Photographs Schlesinger, F. A 40 S 17 Southern Nebul* Leander SlcCormick Observatory. Pubs. , vol. 1, pt. 6 522.19 Sun's Place in Nature Lockyer, Sir N. A 5 T 39 Nebular Hypothesis— I'.ililc, Science, and Faith Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 15 Notes on the .Velxdar Theory Stanley, W. F. A 21 S 34 Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System. Darwin, G. H. A 19 Q 31 [.S'ee nl.iO Asti'onomy ; Comets.] Necessitarianism - Kvolution Jevon.s, F. B. G 25 S 13 [.SVe alno Determinism; Freedom of the Will.] Necromancy, [S^e M;Li:;ic; Soi'cer}-; Witchcraft.] Necrosis. \_Sce Gangrcno.] Needlework — Art Embroidery Lookwood, M. S. A 17 T I t Art in Needlework Day, L. F. A 40 P 23 Broderie du Xle Si6clc jusqu'ii nos Jours Farcy, L. de A 47 P 1-3 t Needlework and Cutting-out Walker, Agnes A 23 T 35 Plain and Fancy Needlework; by Emily D. Francis — in Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 (} 9 [iS'ce n/.to Dressmaking ; Embroidery; Fancywork; Lace and Lace- making; Needlework -Fine Arts; Tapestry.] Negrito Races and Languages. \See Aborigines of Australia; Papuans; Polyncsian.s.] Negro Slavery. [See Slavery and Slave Trade.] Negroes [&« American Negroes; RaceProblem,s; Slavery.] Nelson, New Zealand — Nelson in 1S43; by Capt, England Colonial Magazine, 1845 F 19 P 18 Nematodes — Australian Free-living Marine Nematodes; by N. A. Cobb. Linnean Society, N.S.W.", Proc, 1S9S 5S0.6 Thread-worms aud Sagitta " . . . Shipley, A. E. A 20 T 20 [sUt, H. t:-. MDS Hr)3 ■ Geography, Topcniraphi/, anil Maps ~ Blanelie Bay, 189!) [Cliart] ... Ot. Brit, and Irel.— Hy(lro{;r,ai)liic OtHce 1) 4U 1' 1 I ■ Lnni/aai/r — A buk tabu kalamana ure to lusu Karisito... Bibles and TestanicTits MC •_>■!' 411 New Brunswick -General and Deacriptwe — Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P ;t(i Parliament — Legislative As.senil)ly of the Province of New Brunswick, Joui-iials. New Brun.swiek— Parliament 328.71o Pahlle Lanils- Crown Land Depai-tment of New Brunswick, Report. New Brunswick— Parliament 328.71.5 New Gsledonia, - General and 'Descriptive — Aanteekening over NieuwCaledonie Tijdsehrift voor het Zeewezen, 1S()."> 910.,") Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. U 11 P .37 [See aluo Pines, Isle of. ] ■ Bihliographij — Bibliographie de la No>ivelle-Caledonie et Uependanoos. Vallee, L. MI) 4 Q 21 ■ Geography, Topiography, and J/ap/s — New Caledonia to New Zealand, 1898 [Chart]... chibition, 1893 MA 4 T 22 Througli New Guinea and other Cannilial Countries. Webster, H. C-. MD 8 R 53 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 Vo\-ages faits dans les Moluques k la Nouvellc-fiuinee et k Celebes. Bastiaanse, J. H. de B-. MD 4 U 34 {See a!.~:o Motu Language; Papuan Languages; Papuans; Torres Straits. ] Discovery, Exploration, and Early Yoyagei — Discoveries in Eastern New Guinea ; by Capt. Moresby. Geographical Magazine, 2 D 23 P 3 Discovery of New Guinea by Antonio D'Abreu ; by J. R. McCly- mont Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898 500 Future Exploration of New Guinea Royal Gcog. ,Soc., Aust., Victorian Br., Trans., 1885-86 500 Geographical Magazine, 3 D 23 P 4 Italian Explorers of New Guinea ; by H. H. Giglioli. Geographical Magazine, 2 D 23 P 3 New(juineaExploringExpedition,..Eyerill,Capt. H.C,'. MD 8 S Recent Exploration in British New (iuinea; by J- P. Thomson. Royal (Jeog. Soe., Anst., (Jueensl. Br., Proc, 1893-94 500 Travels in New (Juinea; by M. Maklay., Geog. Mag., 2 D 23 P 3 Geography, Topography, and Maps — Discovery of the Aird and Purari Rivers Royal Geographical Society, Aust., Victoria, 1897 910.0 Guasopa Harbour, Woodlark Island [Chart]... (it. Brit, andlrel. — Hydrographic Office MD 3 Q 16 J North-east Coast of New Guinea" 1898-99 [Chart]. (it. Brit, and Irel. —Hydrographic Office MD 2 P 35 + Plans of Anchorages on the North Coast of New (iuinca, 189.5-99 [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office Ml) 2 P35 + Government and Administration — British New Guinea; by Sir W. Macgregor Royal Colonial # Institute, Proc, 20 325. .342 British New Guinea, Aimual Reports... Queensland — Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 British New (iuinea. Report ; by G. .S. Fort Queensland — Brit. New Guinea ilF 1 U 2 History — Story of Australasia Laurie, J. S. MB 1 T 7 968 FuUie Library of New South Wales. New Guinea — Language and Dialects — Aratoro, Wasare ramu MG 2 T 51 Buka variave Bibles and Testaments MO 2 T oO Dirava Ihanamona Anedia JIG 2 P 50 (iurijniri bukana .' M(4 2 V 57 lesu Keristo eua Evanslia Mareko Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 38 lesu Keriso wasana waiwaisana Mareko wana wawasili. Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 42 Kabadi Dialect of New Guinea ; bv Rev. J. E. Newell. . . Pol.i,-nesian Society, Journal, 1897 9!)6 New Testament in Mutu Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 44 Revareva Helaga Bibles and Testan>ents M(i 2 R 5" School-book in tbe Language of Wedau Giruna MD 2 T 25 Siogarapi mai Arimetika M(; 2 P Tl [See also Matu Language ; Papuan Languages ; Wedau Language. ] Social Life and Cusloms- RecoUections of New Guinea Customs ; by Vv'. M. Fielding. Polynesian Society, Journal, 1S9B (96 New Hampshire — Finance and Taxation — Board of Equalization, Rept. ... N. Hamps. — Ann. Repts. ?28.742 State Treasurer, N.H., Rept....N. Hamps.-Ann. Repts. 328.742 Statute!!. \_See New Hampshire — General CVmit — in Author Catakigue.] New Hebrides — General and Descriptive — Cannibalism as Practised on Tanna Polynesian Society, Journal, 1S95 99G Heroes of the South Seas Banks, JIartha R. M(; 2 U 1 Letters from the Western Pacific . . Romilly, H. H. D 14 V 20 Mission Life on Tanna, New Hebrides Watt, A.ijnes C. P. MC 1 T 28 Williams, John, Vie de C 19 V 20 [See also Kanakas; Missions and Missionary Work; Pacific Islands ; Polynesian Languages ; Polynesians ; and under each Island. ] Geograpln/, Topnriraphy, and Maps — New Hebrides and New Caledonia, 1899 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hvdrographic Office MD 2 P 35 + New Hebrides Islands, 1898 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Hydrographic OtKce 51 D 2 P 35 t Language and Dialects Genesis go namagovai vea ni Exodos Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 45 Gospels according to Matthew and John, translated into the Lan- guage of Nguna Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 39 Intasetipup matu lesu Kristo... Bibles and Testaments M" ales Hand-book; with Map -in Hand-book, 1809. Gt. Brit, and Ire!.— Emigrant's Information Office D 22 Q 19 New Soutli Wales: its Railway System, Holiday Resorts, &c. N. S. Wales— Railways and Tramways MD 6 R 7 New South Wales Municipal Directory 352. 0944 New South Wales, the Jlotlier Colony of the Australias. Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Notes on New South Wales; by Dr. McKirdy ... East India and Colonial Magazine, 1843 F 19 R 12 Nouvelle-G.alles du Sud .. Hntcliinson, F. MD 8 R 54 O.-ikshaw Annual of New South Wales Shaw, J. 319.44 Official Account of th.e most recent Topograpliical Surveys of New- South Wales, 1815 Pliilosophical Magazine, 1810 ,505 Post Office Directory, 1896-97 Wise, H., and Co. 010.44 Practical Experience of a Settler in Now South Wales. . . Waugli, .T. MD 4 P 4 L^niversal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 Wealth and Progress of Nevv South Wales, 1894... N. S. Wales-- Statistics 319.44 [See also under New South Wales in Author Catalogue for Government Publications. ] [See alxo Ahcn-igines of Australia ; Bush Life ; Bushrangers ; Colonization; Convicts and Convict System; Jenolan Caves ; Supreme Court ; and under Districts, Cities, and Towns, and those subjects which are sub-divided by Countries.] — Biograpliy- Australi.a's First Preacher: the Rev. R. .Johnson; by J. Bonwick. Johnson, Rev. R". MC 1 S 21 Parkes, Sir Henry, Life of: by C. E. Lyne MC 1 T 29 Climate — Climate and Geology of New Soutli Wales; b\- J. King. Edinburgh Journal of Science, 1828 A .30 Q 18 Physical (ieograj)hy and Climate of New South Wales ; by H. C. Russell in Pams., N.S.W. Commissioners ... Chicago Exhib., 1893 MA 4 T 22 Commerce and Trade — • American Trade with Australia; by G. W. Bell Philadelphia Commercial Mu.scum F 10 R 21 Annual Review of Exports from New South Wales, 1S95-07, 1800- UKJO Daily Commercial News MF P .30 t Commercial (Geography Thomson, J. P. MD8Q.50 Commercial Relations of New Soutli Wales ; by R. L. Nasli- in N. S. Wales, the MoihcrColony... Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Import Trade of New South Wales ; by \V. (J. Reiidall in N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Progress and l!e.--ouiccs of N.S. W. ; l)y (i. 'I'lcgarthen in Pams., N.S.W. Commi.'sioners Chicagli lOxhib., 1803 MA 4 T 22 Rise, Progress, and Present Pesitioii of Trade and Commerce of N.S.W. — I'n Pnnis., N.S.W. Commis.sioners Chicago Exhibition, 1893 MA 4 T 22 \\'caUh of New South Wales shown bv her Kxports. Diiily Slujiping News ,MF3(,)I5J Subject-Index to the Siqrplementanj Catalogue — 1896-1900. 9G9 New South Wales —Constitution and Constitutional Liuf — Constitution and Laws of New SiHitli Wales; l)y Prof. P. ('()l)l)ett — in New (South Wales, the Mother Colony ... Hutihiiison, F. Ml) 7 U 2.3 Constitution of tlie (Jovernment of New South Wales; by W. VV. Burton Colonial Magazine, 1840 'l'" ID P 1 Defence Forces — Military Forces of New South Wales, Reports ... N. S. Wales — Parliament, V. and P. 32S.!)44 New South Wales Army and Navy List ... N. S. Wales - Defence Forces 354. 0440 Squadron for England ; by M. H. Donohoe Review of Reviews, 1899 0.V2 Volunteer Force Australian, The MJ 4 P 11 [See also 1st Australian Horse ; N.S.W^. Corps of Engineers.] Discoveriy, E.rp/orntion, and Early Voyaijes — Geographical Results of the Elder Scientific Exploring Expedition. Roy. Geog. Soc, Austialasia, Vict. Br., Trans., 12, 1.3 010.6 Historical Narrative of the Discoverj^ of New Holland and New South Wales MI) 4 U 26 Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of N. S. Wales, 1S.S6. Mitchell, Sir 'J'. L. Libr. Journey from Sydney over the Blue Mountains to Bathurst. MD 2 P 10 Finance and Taxation — Financial Statements of the Colonial Treasurers, 1855-92. N. S. Wales- Finance 336.944 Geo(/rap]iy, Topoyrajihy, and AfajiS- Geography of New South Wales Taylor, J. M. MD 4 Q 8 Road Map of New South South Wales Fcriis, T. M DSP 34 Govprnment and Administration — Reply in Refutation of the Pamphlets of Lieut. -Gen. R. Darling and Maj.-(Jcn. H. C. Darling to .J. Hume and Viscount Goderich. Hall, E. S. MF 4 Q 57 History — Account of New South Wales ... Naval Chronicle, 16 Admiral Phillip Becke, L. Australia and its (!old Regions Home Friend Australian Pioneers and Reminiscences. . . Bartley, N. B .38 P 16 MB 3 Q 6 J 22 S 1 1 MB 1 Q 50 Giowth of the Empire Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 1 Historical Records of New South Wales N. S. Wales- Historical Records MB 2 T 20-25 History of Botany Bay Cook, Capt. .J. MD 1 P 15 Historj' of New South Wales Barrington, (i. MD 8 (i 53 Interesting Details from N. S. W. . . Naval Chronicle, 35 B 38 Q 1 (i Portrait and Memoir of Capt. J. Sliortland... Naval Chronicle, 24 B38Q5 Recollections of a Centenarian [.lohn Dell]; by .J Smith. Colonial il.mthly MJ 4 P 1 Reminiscences of the Early Days of Parramatta...Houison, A. MB 2 U 25 Sketch of the Life of Capt. .7. Hunter Naval Chronicle, 6 B 38 P 9 Soldiering Fifty Years Ago De Winton, Major G. J. de W. MB 3 P 5 State of New South Wales, 1812... Naval Chronicle, 28 B 38 Q 9 Story of Australasia Laurie, .L S. MB 1 T 7 Voyage to New South Wales Barrington, G. MD 8 Q 52 Polities — Australasian Democracy Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Free Trade and Liberal Association of N. S. Wales, Constitution and Rules F 17 P 3 Libertv MF 5 V 46 Politician, The MJ 3 T 11 Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 43 Power of (government Haw ken, N. MF 5 S 3 Reid Ministry, The Parkes, Sir H. MF 5 Q 20 Puhlic Lands — Crown Lands Act of 1884, &c. Sth ed. ... N. S. Wales -Statutes MF 1 S 72 Crown Lands available for Homestead Selection and Settlement Lease '. N. S. Wales— Statutes MF 1 S 72 Land Question in 1844^46... N. S. Wales — Land Question in 1844 MF 9 P 47 t G G New South Wales— Pw^.'/ic Lands — conld. Lanils Dcp.vrtnicnt of New South Wales, Reports... N. S. Wales- Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Laws relating to Crown Lands, New South Wales: l;y H. A. G. Curry -»( N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony ... Hutchinson, F. MD7U23 List of Pastoral Leases and Artesian Well Leases... N. S. Wales- Lands .336.11 N. S. Wales Crown Lands Acts N.S.W.- .Statutes MF1S72 Outline of the Main Provisions of the Crown Lands Acts in force in New South Wales N. S. Wales-Lands MF 5 Q .33 Synopsis of Laws relating to the Crown Lands of N. S. Wales. N. S. Wales-Statutes MF 1 S 72 Synopsis of Provisions of the Crown Lands Act, 1899. N. S. Wales -Statutes MF 1 S 72 Reliyion — Religious Wants of N. S. Wales... Colonial Mag., 1840 F 19 P 2 ■ Social Life and Customs — State of Society and Crime in New South Wales ; by Judge IJinton. Colonial Magazine, 1840 F 19 1' 1 , 2 . Statistics — Childbirth in New South Wales Coghlan, T. A. MF 5 Q 31 N.S.W. Statistics and Victorian Critics... Pulsford, E. F 17 P 7 Registrar-General's Reports N. S. Wales— Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Statistical Account of the Seven Colonies of Australasia. New South Wales- Statistics 319.4 Statistical Register N. S. Wales -Statistics 319.44 Statistician's Report on the Vital Statistics of N. S. Wales, 1S99. N. S. Wales— Statistics 614.1 Statistics of the Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1861-99. Coghlan, T. A. MF 5 P 20 Vital Statistics for 1S98 and previous vears N. S. Wales- Statistics 614.1 Statutes — Common Law Procedure Act, 1899... Cockshott, H. M. MF 5 R 13 (ruide to Consolidated Acts Piddington, A. B. MF 5 R 8 Index to theStatutes of NewSouth Wales. ..Clegg.T.B. :MF 3 S 36 New South Wales— Statutes 346.2 Rules and Orders of the (iovernor's Court in New South Wales. N. S. Wales— Go\ernor's Court Libr. New South Wales Corps of Engineers — History of the N.S.W. (.'oips of Engineers.. Cansdell, Capt. C. S-. MB 3 S 5 New Testament — Commentaries — Bible Hand-ljook Angus, Rev. J. G 5 R 35 Colossian Studies Moule, Rev. H. C. (i. G 23 R 11 Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians. Abbott, Rev. T. K. G 23 R .38 Commentary on the Epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon. Vincent, Rev. M. R. G 23 R 40 Commentary on the Gospel according to St. Luke. Plummer, Rev. A. G 15 R 38 Commentary on the Gospel according to St. Mark. Gould, Rev. E. P. G 19 T 27 Face of the Deep Rossetti, Christina G 25 T 4 Historical Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New- Testament 'Salmon, Rev. G. G24Q11 New Testament and its Writers M'Clymont, Rev. J. A. G 1 U 37 New Testament Occultism Dewey, J. H. G 19 U 1 Notes on Translation of New Testament ... Field, F. G 24 U 12 St. Paul, Traveller and Roman Citizen. ..Ramsay, W. M. G 3 U 6 Some Lessons of the Revised Version of the New Testament. Westeott, Bishop G 12 V 35 Texts Explained Farrar, Dean G 24 Q 29 Theology of theNewTestaraent... Stevens, Rev. G. B. G 23 R 35 [,SVc also Apocalypse; Biblical Criticism; Epistles; Gospels; Lord's Prayer;" Miracles; Parables; and under each Gospel and Epistle.] Texts. [See Bible.'* and Testaments, in Autlior Catalogue.] 970 JPublic Library of Neio South Wales. New York (City) — General and Descriptive — Poor ill Great Cities F 13 U 25 Satan's Invisible World Displayed ; by W. T. Stead. Review of Reviews 052 Commerce and Trade — Xew York Chamber of Commerce, Report 3S1 History - Historic New York (ioodwin, Maud W. 15 19 R 6, 6* New York (Stats) — Comstitution and Constitutional Law — Mauu-il for the use of the Lesislature ... New York —Legislature F 12 S 35 Constitutional History — Civil List and Constitutional History of the Colony and State of New York Werner, E. xV. 351.2 . Government and Administration — Centralization of Administration inNew York State. . . Fairlie, J. A. F 18 R 20 Manual for the use of the Legislature ... New York — Legislature F 12 S 35 . History — Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America ... F'iske, J. B 19 V G, 7 Historic Tomis of the Middle States ... Powell, L. 1'. B 20 T Ki Public Papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, (Jovernor of New York, 1S07-17 - New York— Historian B 41 S •") State Historian, Report .. New York — Historian 974.7 Story of the Palatines Cobb, S. H. B 19 R 7 New York State Museum of Natural History. [For liepurts and Official Publi'jatioiis, fc. AutlKir Cata- logue.] New York State University — Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York, 1784-1884; by Dr. F. B. Hough New York- University G 17 T 9 [For Calendars, Reports, and Official Publications, see Author Catalogue. ] New Zealand — General and Descriptive — Advanced Australia Galloway, W. J. ilD 8 P 41 Australia, Van Diemairs Land, and New Zealand MD 4 P 4 Australian and New Zealand Monthly Magazine MF 5 S 9 Australian Hand-book 319 Banks, Sir Joseph, Journal MD 3 U 15 Cockney Columbus Murray, D. C. D 13 P 5 Cold Lakes of New Zealand ; by W. N. Blair . . . Scottish (Jeograpliical Magazine, 1887 910.5 Flower-hunter in Queensland anil New Zealand... Rowan, Mrs. ]"1 MA 4 S 1 1 Fortunate Isles ; by Hon. W. P. Reeves Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings, 1895 9() 325.342 Governor King's Visit to New Zealand, 1793; by F. R. Chapnian. Polynesian Society, Journal, 1898 99G Heroes of the South Seas Banks, Martha B. M(! 2 U 1 Imperial Album of New Zealand Scenery MA 1 P 41, 42 |- In the Kami Forests of New Zealand ; by C. F. (1. Cumming. Lipjiincott's Monthly Magazine, 1884 051 In the New Zealand Alps ; by K. A. Fitzgerald ... Contemporary Review, 1895 052 Islands of the Southern Seas Shoemaker, M. M. MD 2 T 31 Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 43 More Tramps Abroad Clemens, S. L. D 13 P 2 New Zealand Colonial Magazine, 1840 F 19 P 2 New Zealand S.dwyn, Bishop MD 1 P 73 New Zealand; by "Latitude" Australian, The, 5 MJ 4 P 15 New Zealand; by Sir R. Stout ... Contemporary Rev., 1899 052 New Zealand described in Foreign Publications since 1890; by H. Suter New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 500 New Zealand Uaiifl-book ; with Map in Hand book, 1899. (!t. Brit, anillrel. Emigrant's Information Odice I) 22 Q 19 New Zealand in 1895; by Hon. H. (1. Ward Roval Colonial Institute, IVoc, 20 325.342 New Zealand Post Odicc Directory 919.31 New Zealand through Victorian Spectacles ; by R. W. Best. Review of Reviews, 1899 052 New Zealand — General and Descriptive — contd. New Zealand Tours and Excursions : the Duller Tour; Southern Alps and West Coast Tour ; Aorangi Tour ; Rotorua Tour. New Zealand — Lands and Survey MD 3 P 53-56 Northern Districts of New Zealand; bv W. H. Simms... Colonial Magazine, 1844 F 19 P 14 Notes on a Visit to New Zealand ; by Rev. J. F. Buss. New" Church Magazine, 1899 205 Nouvelles Societes Anglo-Saxonnes Lerov-Beaulieu, P. P. MF 4 P 41 Our Stolen Summer Boyd, Marv S. D 22 S 8 Parts of the Pacific Evk vn. Rev. J. MD 8 R 42 Pictures of Travel Lacv, G. D 22 R 20 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 Run round the Empire Hill, A. D 18 Q 32 Rural New Zealand Houghton, J. MA 5 R G ]; Sketch of New Zealand with Pen and Pencil ; by I. C. Russell. American Naturalist, 1879 505 Stone's Otago Directory and New Zealand Annual Otago and Southland Directory 919.31 Travel and Talk, 1885-95 Haweis, Rev. H. R. DIG R 5, 6 Two Y'ears in New Zealand; bv J. N. Ingram Chautaucpian, 1890 U51 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 Waikare-Moaiia Best, E. MD 3 S 4 Westland Alps ... Royal Geographical Soc, Journal, 1895 910.5 [See also Maoris ; under Subjects, Towns, &c. ; and in Author Catalogue for Government Publications and Reports.] ■ Commerce and Trade — Colonist, The Bateman, W. MB 1 R 21 Di'fenre Forces — New Zealand Forces, Reports — in Appendix to Journals. New Zealand— Parliament 328.931 . Discovery, Eaploration, and Early Voyages — Nienw-Zeeland, cloor de Nederlanders ontdekt en Colouisatic op hetzelve; door Jacob Swart Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1843 910.0 Scheme of a Vovagc to New Zealand [Reprint] ... Dalrvniplc, A. Jj 15 2 Q 28 Supposed Early Mention of New Zealand; by .G. Collingridge. Polynesian Society, journal, 189G 996 Tasman, Abel Janszoon, Journal MD 2 P 33 1 Finance and Taxation — Financial Statements New Zealand — Finance 336.931 Geography, To])ograp/i y, and Maps — Anchorages on and off the North Coast of North Island, 189S [Chart]... (it. Brit, andlrcl. Hydrograpliic Office M1)2P34* Harbours and Ancliorages in South Island, 1897 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Hydrograpliic Office MD 2 P 35 X Napier Port and Harbour [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel. ^ Hvdrographic Office MI) 3 Q 10 J New Caledonia to New Zealand, 1898 Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Hv(liogra))hic OfKco MD 2 P 35 + River Waiau to Cape Fdulwind, lS99|Cliartl... Gt. Brit, and Ircl. - Hydrograpliic Office MD 2 P 35 X History — Cidouist, The Bateman, W. MB 1 R 21 Colonization of New Zealand ... Colonial Mag., 1843 F 19 P 2, 3 Contributions to the ICarly History of New Zealand. Hocken, T. M. .M 15 3 S 2 Growth of the Empire Jo.se, A. W. M15 3 I' 1 History of Austi'alia and New Zealand ... Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 P 65 In Ancient Maoriland Best, E. MA 3 W 20 In the Maori Rising: liv J. Hinton Told from the Ranks B 21 S 4 Long White Cloud Reeves, W. P. MB 3 S 4 Manual of Now Zealand History Wallace, J. H. 1M15 2 P 58 New Zealand Reeves, W. P. MIS 3 P 4 New Zealand and its Present State Colonial Magazine, 1843 F 19 I' 12 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catcdogiie — 189G-1900. 971 New Zealand— //isfor>/—ronfiL KoniarUs on the Military Operations in Now Zealand ; Ijy Cajjt. C-IoUinson — in Papers of the Corjjs of Iloval I<]ngineers. Royal Engineers A 41 S 17, IH Sketch of the Now Zealand War '.. (iraee, M. S. MI) r, Q 44 Soldiering Fift}' Years Ago l>e Winton, Major G. J. de \V. M15 3 P -. State of Affairs in New Zealand... Colonial Mag., 1844 V 1!) P I'.i Story of Australasia Laurie, J. S. Ml!l TT Studies in Ancient History M'Lennan, .1. K. I' 14 U '.VA Wakefield, Edward (iibbon ( Jarnett, H. M B .'? (,> ") Wrongs of New Zealand Colonial Maga/ino, 1844 E 1!) 1' 14 Politics Australasian Democracy Walker, Tl. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Clean Shirt Ministry, The Gentleman's Magazine, 1898 052 Drift of Politics in New Zealand; by Sir R. Stout. Review of Reviews, 1898 052 Five Years' Political and Social Reform in New Zealand ; by Hon. W. P. Reeves National Review, 27 052 Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 4.'? Political Parties in New Zealand ; by Sir R. Stout. Melbourne Review, 5 C52 Rapara; or, the Rightsof the Individual in theState...Forsvth, A. MF 3 P 68 State and its Functions in New Zealand -m Fabian Tracts. Fabian Society F 19 R 15 ' — Public Lands — Commission on Native Land Laws, Repr.rt New Zealand — Lands and Survey MF 3 Q 40 f Department of Lauds and Survey, Reports -?'», Appendix to the Journals New Zealand— Parliament 328.931 Land Policy of New Zealand— ni Australasian Democracy. Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Land Question in New Zealand and Australia; by W. W. Carlile. Melbourne Review, 4 052 New Zealand — Horowhenua Commission MF 13 Q 1 f SUitistics — Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, ISOG in Appen- dix to Journals New Zealand -Parliament 32S.931 Statistical Account of the Seven Colonies of Australasia. New South Wales Statistics 319.4 Statistics of New Zealand New Zealand— Statistics 319.31 Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand— /» Appendix to Journals. New Zealand— Parliament 328.931 Statistics of the Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1861-99. Coghlan, T. A. MF 5 P 20 Statutes. [See New Zealand — Statutes, in Author Catalogue.] New Zealand Alps — tUiuibs in the New Zealand Alps ...Fitzgerald, K. A. MD 3 V 19 Pioneer Work in the New Zealand Alps Harper, A. P. Ml) S R 44 New Zealand Company — New Zcalaural and Descriptive — Aiinu.il l;(]iortB... (it. Brit, and Irel.- Col. Oiliee Rents. 354.428 Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. G. W. I) 22 R 3 British America D 22 Q Canadian Guide-book Roberts, C. G. D. D 16 P 2 Newfoundland in 1897 Harvey, Rev. M. D 16 R 8 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 36 Practical Ailvcrtising 659 Stanford's Componurv Daily Xews and Wodonga Chronicle Alburv Herald Annual Review of Exports from New South Wales; being a Supplement to the Daily Commercial News, 189o-97, 1898-1900. ■ Daily Commercial News MF 9 P 39 + Armidale Chronicle Armidale Express Australasian Coachbiiilder and Saddler 684 Australasian Imlependent '-^05 Australian Christian World -05 Australian Field Australian Graphic MJ 7 R 1 J Australian News Australian Star Australian Workman Barraba and Manilla News Barrier Miner Bathurst Daily Times Bathurst Free Press Bega Gazette Bega Standard Berry Register Bingera Telegraph Blay ney and Carcoar Advocate and Herald , Block, The Bijurke Banner Braidwood and Araluen Express Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal Brewarrina Times and Barwon River Gazette Budget, The, and Singleton Advertiser Bulletin Burrangong Chronicle Burrowa Times Camden News Candelo and Eden Union Catholic Press Chinese Australian Herald [in Chinese] Churchman 205 Clarence and Richmond Examiner Clarence River Advocate Cobar Herald Collarendabri Chronicle Colonial Military Gazette M.T 14 Q l-o t Condoboli n Argus Coolamon Echo Cooma Express ( 'oonamble Independent Cootamundra T.,ihcral Corowa Free Press Co wra Guardian Crookwell Gazette and Settler's Advocate Cumberland Argus Daily Commercial News 338.5 Dail}' Shipping News Daily Telegraph Debater, The MF 5 V 8 Delegate Argus and Border Post Dcnilicjuin Chronicle and Riverine Gazette Deutsch-Australische Post Detitsch- Australisches Echo Dubbo Dispatch and Wellington Independent Dubbo Liberal and Maequarie Advocate Duiigog Chronicle Echo, Das Evening News Federalist M F 5 V 7 I'Vubca and Parkes Gazette Freeman's Journal Glen Innes ICxam iner Glen Innes (Juardian (JoulVmrn Evening Penny Post ( Joulburn Herald (Jraphic Australian MJ 7 R ii t (irenfcU Record G renfcU Vedette Grip, The .• f iulgong Advertiser Gundagai Independent and Pastoral Advocate Newspapers — New South Wales — 072 — contd. Gundagai Times Hard-up MF5 V7 Hay Standard Hel)rew Standard 296 Hillgrove Guardian and New England Mining Gazette Hillston Spectator and Lachlan River Advertiser lUawarra Mercury Jcrildcrie Herald and Urana Advertiser Junee Southern Cross Justice MF5 V7 Kangaroo Valley Times Kiama In dependent Kiania Reporter Lachlandei-, The Liberty MF 5 V 4 Lithgow Mercury Liverpool Herald Macleay Argus Macleay Chronicle and Bellinger Advertiser McPhun's Australian News MF 5 V 3 Maitland Daily Mercury Maitland Weekly Mercury Manning Ri ver Times M arrick villo Express Mcrriwa and Cassilis Standard..' M( il( )ng Argus Molong Express and Western Districts Advertiser Monaro Mercury and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser Moree News Moss Vale Record Mudgee tiuardian Mudgee Liberal Mungindi News Murrurundi and Quirindi Times M us wellbrook Chronicle Namoi Independent Narrabri Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser Narrandcra Ensign National Advocate, Bathurst Ncpcan Times New Siiutli Wales Trade Protective Institute, Report 332 Newcastle Morning Herald Newspapers published in N.S.W Practical Advertising 659 Northern People. [See People and the Collectivist.] Northern Star and Richmond and Tweed Rivers Advocate Nyngan Ob.server Orange Leader and Milltliorpe Messenger Pambula Voice Patriot MF 3 U 67 People and the Collectivist Press News MJ 5 R 17 t Protest an t Standard Quirindi Gazette and Liverpool Plains Advocate Raleigli Sun Referee 796 liiihmond River Express and Tweed Advertiser Kichmond River Herald K i veri na Recorder Hi N'cri ne ( J razior Rj'lestone Express and Electoral Representative Singleton A I'gus Spectator [Wakett] Stoiekeeper and Commercial Record 338.5 Sun, Tlie Sunday Times Sy!l North New Zealand Settler and Land-buyer's (Juide (iSD.ri Relics of the First New Zealand Press; l'>v R. C. Harding... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 50(i Queensland— 072 Jii'isbane Courier Newspapers published in Queensland Quconslander Praet. Advertising (io9 Siam- List of New.spapors published in Siam ... Praet. Advertising (159 South Africa — Listof Newspaperspublished inS. Africa... T'rart. Ailvertising (i.')9 South Australia— 072 Newspapers published in S. Australia... Praet. Advertising 659 South Australian Register — Tasmania— 072 Colonial Times Colonist C'ornwall Chronicle Hol.>art Town (< azette Illustrated Tasmanian News Independent Lainiceston A<1 ver tiser Launccston ( 'ornier Launeeston Examiner Mercury Newspapers published in Tasmania Praet. Advertising 059 Tasmanian Tasmanian Colonist, with which is incorporated the Britannia and Trades' Advocate Tasmanian Tribune MJ 6 P 20 + True Colonist United States — Harper's Weekly 071 Nation 07 1 Newspaper and Periodical Press ; by S. N. I). North — in United States Census, 1S80 United States Census Office 317.3 Twentieth Century 330.5 Woman's Journal 390 Victoria -072 Age. Argn Australasian Australasian Skctcher MJ 7 P 4, ") J AustraliaTi Financial Gazette 3.32 Christian Times M(J 1 V 1 Church of England Messenger 205 Newspapers —Victoria— 072 — contd. Grapliic .\cu of Australasia MJ 7 P 1 t Illustrated Australian News MJ 7 P 1-3 I lllu.stvated W.-jkly Herahl MJ 7 P 1 I Newspapers pulilisheil in Victoria ... Practical Advertising 659 Iti veri ne Heiuld West Indies • List of Newspajieis ]iublished in the British West Indies. Practical Advertising 059 Western Australia- 072 Inquirer List of Newspapers pulilishcd in Western Australia. Practical Advertising 059 Perth G azette Westei-n Mail [For Newspapers received as issued see Special List of News papers. ] Newspapers, General Indexes to. [For an Index to any .sjH'cial New: j!u,|iri-, sir uinlcr its title in Aiitlior Cata- logue; see ahu) Special Catalogue of Xe\vspa])er.s re- ceived in Nevvspaper Room, but not bound for refer- ence.] Next of Kin Inilex to Adverti.^cments for Next of Kin Dougal. F. H. K 10 T 29 Unclaiuieil Jloncy Preston, S. H. K 19 P 22 Niagara Falls — Lotus Eating Curtis, G. W. D 20 Q 21 Utilization of Niagara; bvT. C.Martin. . Smithsonian In.stitution, Repts., 1896 506 Nibelungen. [See Mythology— Germany.] Nibelungenlied — Xibelungeiilioil; translated by W. N. Lettsom H 13 P 18 Wagner's Niljelungen Ring done into English Verse ; by R. Rankin. Wagner, R. H 13 T 5 [.9ec also Poetry — German. ] Nicaragua — General ((11(1 Descriptive — Interpretation of Certain Articles of the Treaty of Managua. (it. Brit, and Irel. — Nicaragua F 17 T 4 t Key of the Pacific Colquhoun, A. R. A 22 S 33 Nicaragua U.S.- Bureau of American Republics D 18 T 27 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P .36 Recollections of Central America and the West Coast of Africa. Foot, Mrs. Henry Grant D 16 R 4 State of Nicaragua : by G. Niederlein... Philadelpliia Commercial Museum D 13 V IS Tangwecra Bell, C. N. D 22 R 14 Tlu'ee Gringos in Venezuela and Central America... Davis, R. H. D 13 P 13 Univer.sal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 17 [See also Central America.] Commerce aii'l Trade — Trade of Nicaiagua — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign OfiSce 382 Nicaragua Canal Earl\- Diplomatic Historv of the Niciiragiia Canal... Keasbev, L. M. F 18 y 4 Key of the Pacific Colquhoun, A. R. A 22 S .33 Notes on the Panama and Nicaragua Canal Schemes ; by A. C. Macdouald... Roj'al Geograiihieal Societv of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1S9S 910.6 Volcanoes of Central America, and the (ieographical and Topo- graphical Features of Nicaragua, as connected with the Proposed Inter-oceanic Canal ; bj' K. (i. Squier American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc, 1850 50(5 974i Public Library of New South Wales. Nicene Creed — lutroiluction to the Creeds and to tlieTeDeura,.. Burn, Rev. A. E. U 23 T 43 Nicene Creed : a JIauual for Candidates for Holy Orders. Lias, Rev. J. J. Ci 19 U 29 CEctmienical Documents of the Faith Bindlev, Rev. T. H. (i -li Q 3-2 [.S'ee also Council of Nica;a; Cresds.] Nickel — Extraction of Nickel and Cobalt; by G. C. Mcilurtry— /« Report, 1S90 South Australia— School of Mines 607.942 New Caledonia Nickel Ores... N.Z. Journal of Science, 1891 50.") Nicodemus, Gospel of. \_See Acts of Pilate.] Nidiflcatioa. [See Eggs and Nests.] Niger — General and Descriptive — British Africa D 22 Q 5 Campaigning on the Upper Nile and Niger .. Vandeleur, Lieut. S. D 36 R !0 Description of the Natives of the Niger Coast Protectorate; by M. le Comte C. N. de Cardi — in West African Studies. Kingsley, Mary H. D 22 P 12 French Enterprise in Africa .. Hourst, Lieut. E. A. L. D 13 U 22 In the Niger Country Bindloss, H. D22P11 Niger Som-ces, The Trotter, Lieut. -Col. J. K. D 13 P 3 Nigeria Robinson, Rev. C. H. D 21 Q G Reports ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Colonial Office Reports 354.418 • Histori/ — Park, Mungo; by T. B. Maclachlan C 20 V S Nihilism - King Stoik and King Log; by .Stepniak Kr.ivchinsky. S. M. B31R6, 7 [See alxo Anarchy ; Russia — Politics ; Russia — Social Life and Customs.] Nile— Campaigning on the Upper Nile and Niger... Vandeleur, Lieut. S. B 36 R 10 Scheme for embanking the Water of the Nile at Assouan ; bv Bishop Thornton Victoria Inst. , Trans. , 30 206 On the Nile v.ith a Camera Wilkin, A. D 14 S 25 Views on the Nile Jones, O. 1) 31 R 21 J 19th Hussars — lOth and their Times Bidihdpli, Col. .7. B 41 P 6 95th Regiment. [See 45th Kegimcnt.] 91st Argyllshire Highlanders. [See Argyll and .SuHkt- laiid Highlaiulci'.s.] Nineveh Nineveh and its Palaces Bononii, J. B 28 Q 5 Niobium — Index to the Literature of Columbium, 1801-87; by F. W. Trap- hagcn Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 34 506 [See aluo Chemistry, Inorganic] Nippur - Xi|i)nir; or, Explorations and .Vdventures on the Euplnates. Pcter.s, .1. I'. I) 17 r30, 31 Nisi Prius. [See Actions at Law.] Nitidulidse — Some Xitiilulidte from the Hawaiian Islands"; by 1). Sharp. Entomological Society, Lond., Trans., 1878 50,'i.7 [See aluo Clovicornia ; Coleoptera.] Nitrate of Soda. Mi Nitrils— ActionofNitrilsuponAromaticAcids... Mathews.J. A. A44S 17 Nitro-glycerine — E.xplosion at Waltham Abbey, Report Cit. Biit. and Irel. — Explosion at Nitro-glycerine Factory A 39 V 10 t Haud-book on Modtr.i Explosives Eissler, M. A 20 Q 22 [See also Dynamite; Explosives.] Nitrogen in Agriculture — Agricultural Investiu'ations at Rothamsted ... Gilbert, Sir J. H. A 18 U 27 Lectures on the Investigations at Rothamsted ; bv R. Warington. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 19 V 42 [See also Agricultural Chemistry ; Bacteriology — Economic ; Cow- peas; Experiment Farms and Stations ; Leguminosaj; Lucerne; Manures. ] Nitrous Oxide — Nitrous Oxide (Juilford, .■<. H. A 26 P 27 Nine Language — Bilile in Nine, The Bible and Testaments MG 2 V 2 Ko e Kenese ko e Esoto Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 32 Nobility. [.S'ee Ai-istoL-racy; Heraldry; Peera,t;e; Seats of Nobility.! N. A 45 V 18 ..Huxlev.T.H. A40S 15 Noctilucidse- Mitosia in So:;Hluca Miliaris Calkins, G. Structure of yuctihwa miliaris -in Scientific ilems. , [.S'ee also Infusoria; Protozoa.] Noctuidse — Lepidopterous Superfaniilv Noctuidfe found in Boreal America ; by J. B. Smith... United States- Nat. Museum, Bull., 44, 48 507 Noctuidas of Boreal North America United States — National Museum, Proc. , 21 507 Noctuidse of North America. . . Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, "Bulletin, vol. 2 506 Noctuida; of Temperate North America ; by J. B. Smith. United States. — National Museum, Proe., 12 507 [Set also Lepidoptera.J Nomenclature in Botany. [.S'e« Botany — Nomenclature.] Nomenclature in Zoology. [.S'eeZoology — Nomenclature.] Nominalism — I ! osi clin [.s'lC also Realism; Scholasticism.] Nomuka Islands Chart of Nomuka I.slands, 1899 Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic OlBce MD 2 P 35 J Nonconformists Noiuoiifoiiuity- i« Speeches Magee, Archl)]). J 14 Q .37 [See also Church of England ; Congregationalism ; Prcsbyterian- ism; Puritans; Quakers; Weslcyan Methodism.] Norfolk — General and Descrijdive — • English Topography ... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 8 Picavet, F. J. G 23 V 5 History — Bygone Norfolk .... Andrews, \V. 15 25 R 18 Norfolk Island — Goivrnmenf and Ail iiiinist ration — .\duiinisir.ition of (iovernment of Norfolk Island... N. S. Wales — Pai-liameut, V. and P., 1898, 2nd Session .328.944 Transfer of Norfolk Island to the ( loverinuent of New South Wales. (U. Brit, and Irel.- Norfolk l.sland MF 3 P 38 t History — D())ortation of Norfolk Ishuulcrs to (he Derwent in 1808; by J. I ;. Walker Roy. Soc, Tas., Proc, 1894 -i"5 506 Soldiering Fifty Years Ago De Winton, Major G. .1. de W. MB 3 P 5 Suhject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. 975 Normal Schools. [.S'ec Teachers — Training Scliools.] Norman Conquest. [See England — History — Norman.] Normandy — General and Descriptive — Tr.ivcl in Normandy and Maine Freeman, K. A. D 13 Q 28 Norse Languages. [.SVe Icelandic Language; Scandi- navian Languages.] Norsemen. [See Scandinavians; Vikings.] North America. [.%« America, North ; Ca)iada; Indians, American; United States.] North Carolina — General and Descripiive — JM.xie; or, Southern Scenes and Sketches ... Ralpli, J. 1) 22 R ,5 On Horseback Warner, C. I). I) lU P 7 [See also Confederate States ; United States — (ieneral. ] Cllmale — Climatology of ... North Carolina— Agr. Kxper. S(n. A 3S Q 28 History — Old Virginia and lier Neighbours Fiske, .T. B 10 R .3, 4 Story of tlie Palatine Cobb, S. H. B I'J R 7 North Dakota — Finance — State Treasurer, North Dakota, Report North Dakota — Annual Reports 32S.784 North Shore Bridge — Higli-lr.vel Bridge between Sj'dney and Nortli Shore. Australian, Tlie MJ 4 P 12 Northamptonshire — General and Descriptive — EuL'lisli 'I'opoMiaphy ... Gentleman's Magazine Lib., 8 D 20 V 8 I/istori/ — Story of some English Shires ... Creigliton, Bishop B 18 P 13 + Northern Territory, S.A. — General and Descriptive — Development of the Noitlicrn Territorv of Soutli Australia. (It. Brit, and Irel.— Board of Trade Journal, 1896 382 Far North Country Newland, S. MD 3 S 14 Government Resident's Reports... South Australia— Parliament, Proc. 328.942 Northern Territorv Commission, Report SoiUh Australia — Parliament, Proc., 1895 32S.042 Northern Territory Explorations, Report South Australia — Nortliern Territory MD 9 Q 38 t Nortliern Territory of South Australia. ..Parsons, .J. L. MD 8 Q 49 Products of the Northern Territory ; by J. L. Parsons — in Report, 1890 South Au.stralia—Scliool of Mines 007.942 South Australia- Northern Territory, Reports MD 9 Q 38, 39 t iSee also South Australia.] Northumberland — General and Descriptive — ICnf'li.ili Topograpliy ... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 8 Dialect — List of Works illustrative of the Dialect of Nortlnimberland. English Dialect Society, SO 427 History — Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 f Norway — General and Descriptive — In tlic Northman's Land. ..Ferryman, Major A. F. M-. 1) IS Q 21 Norway: its Fjords, Fjelds, and Fosses... Bradsliaw. J. D18Q19 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 12-14 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 5 Wihl Norway ....I Chapman. A. D 18 T 2.j [iSVe also Sweden.] Co)iiiiierce and Trade — Trade of Norway — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Norway — Constitntional History — Lois Fonilamentalea de Suiide et (le Norvcge, suivies de I'Aete d' Union entrc les deux Royauines . . Norway-Statutes F 5 1' 35 History — - History of Norway Boyesen, H. H. B 33 1' 10 Stories of the Kincs of Norway (Heimskringia) Sturluson, S. J 14Q31 Statutes — Alniindclig Norsk Lovsamling for Tid.strummet, 16G0-1870. Mejl.endcr, O. F 8 Q o Norwegian Literature — Augustan Ages Elton, 0. -J 14 R .32 Norwich — Churches — Norwich Cathedral Lef roy. Dean A 39 P 1 Nose, The — Diseases of the Nasal Cliambcrs ; by Dr. R. W. Seiss — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 1.5 Diseases of Nasal Cliaml)ers and Associated Affections ; by Dr. F. F. Ingalls— /« Practical T]uMapeutics...Hare, H. A. A" 31 P 17 Diseases of tlie Nose; by Dr. De H. Hall — in Svstem of Medicine. Allbutt^ T. C. A 26 T 37 Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-48 Inflammation of the Mucous Membrane of the Oral, Nasal, an Irving, Washington; by C I). Warner C 27 P ^ Kincslev, Charles, and the Chiistian Social Movement ; bv 1 ean Stubbs C'l9T26 Kipling, Paidvard Clarke, W. J. J 22 Q 13 Kock, Paulde. Memoirs of C £6 S 13 Marshall, Emma C 26 U G Masters of Victorian Literature Graham, R. D. J 22 Q 9 Men and Women of the Century Lehmann, R. A 10 T 17 t Moir, D. M. . Sketch of - ;'/( The Blackwood Group. . , Douglas, Sir G. (i iO U 2-t My Contemporaries in Fiction Murray, U. C. J 14 R 30 Oliphant, ilrs. il. 0. W., Autobiography and Letters of C 25 T 4 Poe, Edgar Allan ; by G. E. Woodherry C 27 P 5 Richardson, Samuel: a Biographical and Critical Study ; bv Clara L. Thomson ! C26 U 5 Scott, Michael, Sketch of -in Tlie Blackwood (iroup. Douglas, Sir G. G 20 U 24 Scott, Sir Walter, Life of: by G. Saintsbury C 20 T 21 Scott's First Love, Story of." Scott, Sir Walter C 23 Q 1 Sedgwick, Catherine M., Life and Letters of C 27 R 2 Simms, William Gilmore; bv W. P. Trent C 27 P 7 Smollett, Tobias ; by O. Smeaton C 20 U 20 Stevenson, Robert Louis; by Margaret M. Black C 20 V 12 Stevenson, Robert Louis; by L. C. Cornford C 27 R 6 Stevenson's Edinburgh Days ; byE. B. Simpson... Stevenson, R. L. C 26 P 10 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Life and Letters of C 23 S 14 Thackeray, William Makepeace; bv L. Melville C 27 S 3 •Tolstoy, Leo, the Grand Mujik ; by <;. H. Ferris C 20 T 26 Tourgucnefi" and his French Circle... Tourgueneff, I. F. C 23 S ].■) Walch, Garnet, Portrait of ... All mm of Australian Wiiters MA 45 P t Whitehead, Charles; by M. Bell C 24 P 47 Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign Oliphant, MaigaretO. C 24 S 3 Zola, Emile; by A. MacDonald C 26 S 2 Novels. [See Fiction.] Noxious Trades — Great Britain and Ireland — Flax Mills and Linen Factories, Repts. F 39 V 9 X River Pollution by Refuse from Manufactories and Mines. Internat. Fisheries E.\hil)., 1883, Lit., 4 A 34 R 4 Theory and Practice of Hygiene Notter, J. L. A 31 Q 22 [See also Injurious Occupations; Public Health.] Nubia — General and Descriptive — L'iiiversal (Jeography Kcclus, K. D 21 U li' Nude in Art — Nude in Art, The Lansing, C. A 1 2 I' 27 X Numbers, Theory and Concept of- Canon, The G 23 S 9 Number Concept Conant, L. L. J 14 V 1 Our Notions of Number and Space Nichols, H. (i 9 W 16 Theory of Reality Ladd, (i. T. G 24 V H [.S'cc also Metaphysics; Quantity.] Numismatics. [See Coins; Mcdal.s; Tokun.s.] Nunneries. [.See Abbeys; Convents; Nuns.] Nuns — HistoricNuns Belloc, Bessie R. C 23 P ,30 Nuremburg — General and Descriptive — Ballboni's Niirnbcrger Wanderbuch Dittmar, S, I) 12 P 64 Nursery Rhymes and Tales .\Minial Sloryliook Lang, A. .1 23 T 5 Mother's Songs, Games, and Stories Friibel, !•'. (! 18 R 62 Nursery Rhymes of England, princi]jally from Oral Tradition. Percy Society Pubs. H 1 1 S (i Songs for Little People dale, N. H 4 S .35 [See also Children's Books.] Nurses and Nursing — Australian Hand-book of Obstetric Nursing Milford, F. MA 3 U 47 Hand-book for Nurses Watson, 3. K. A 33 P 43 Home and Training School for Nurses, Report MA 5 Q 9 Nurse's Hand-book of Cookery Worsnop, E. M. A 23 P 39 Nursing Hughes, Miss Amy A 26 T 34 Nursing and Hygiene Roberts, R. L. A 26 P 38 Nursing; its Theory and Practice Lewis, P. G. A 39 V 20 Pioneer of Trained Workhouse Nursing —in Pioneer Women. Pratt, E. A. C 23 Q 19 Pioneer Women Pratt, E. A. C 23 l,l 19 Te.xt-book of Nursing Shaw, C. S. W-. A 12 Q IS Nutrition — Nutrition and Foods ; by Dr. I. B. Yeo -(;; Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 [See also Animal Heat; Digestion.] Nuts - lileaehing of Nuts by Dipping — in Pamphlets on Fruit-growing. Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 [See also under each Nut.] Nyassaland— General and Descriptive — I'urtugucse Nyassaland Worsfold, W. B. 1)1 3 Q 2 Oats - Comparative Trial of Oats; by G. Valder Agi'. (iazctlc of N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Estimation of Wlieat-mcal in Oat-meal; by W. H. Doherly. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Siicnce, Kept., 1898 ,506 Oat Smut - in Injurious Insects, 6, 7 . . . Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6, 7 Pamphlets on Experiments with Oats Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 3 Smut in Oats— /« Injurious Insects, 6 Agricidtural Exju'r. Stations A 38 Q 6 Treatment of Loose Smut of Oats — in Inj\u-ious Insects, 7. Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 [.S'ce also Cereals.] Obsdieuce — Works Obslisks. [Si'c Pyramid.s.] Berkeley, Bishop G IS P 55 Ober-Ammergau - Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau ... Burton, Lady I. It 13 V 10 Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau: Translation of Text. Trench, Maria H 12 T 16 Story that Transformed the World Stra.l. W. T. G 23 V 19 [Hce also Drama — History of; Miracle, Morality, and Mystery I'lays; Passion Plays.] Obesity. [S,v C'ciriiulcMicc] Object Lessons — Auslraliin Olijcc-t Lesson-book Wiley, D. T. MG 2 U 19 Materials for Object Lessons Garland, W. J. il(! 2 T 24 [See (dso Kindergarten; School Management; Teaching.] Observatories Mountain Observatories in America and Europe ; by E. S. Holden. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, ."17 ..T'S [.SVe n/.f. Ibi.s, 1899 598.2 Key tothcBirdsof AustraliaandTasmania... Hall, R. MA 4 (.) 17 Natural!.st in Australia... Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 J New Genus and five New Species of Central Australian Birds; by A. J. North Ibis, 1895 ,598.2 Ornithological Notes; by A. J. North Australian Museum Records, Vol. 3, No. 4 507 Trachea of the Freckled Duck of Au.stralia ; by A. J. Campbell. Ibis, 1899 .598.2 Vernacular Names for Australian Birds Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 506 [.See also each Colony under this heading.] California- Partial Lists of Birds of Central California ; by L. lidding. United States — National Museum, Proc, 1 507 Canada — Birils ill rclalinii to Agriculture; by C. W. Nash- in Re]i(iit, 1S07 Ontario — Agiiiulluic (i.'lO. Willi fowl of the United .States and British Possessions of North Ameriea Elliott, D. G. A 27 S 6 Suhject-Index io the Su{P2)leinentary Cataloc/iie — 1896-1900. 98] Ornithology — Carribbee Islands — Ornithological ExiJloration of the ( aiililiue Islanils. Siiiithsouiaii Inst. Kepoit, 1878 iinii Chatham Islands — On the I'oua and other Extinct Binls of the Chatham Islanils; liy T. White New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 mi EUice Islands— Aves from Funafuti; by A. J. Nortli Australian Museum Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 2-2 Fiji- Birds of the Fiji Islands — in Ornithological Miscellan\-. Rowley, O. D. 'A IS (). 13 f Galapagos Islands— Birds of the (.Jalapagos Arcliijjclago; by R. Ridgway. United States- -National Museum, Proc. , 19 ■'JIlT Gilbert Islands — On the Habits of a C'ucUoo in the Gilbert Islands ; by A. J. North. Zoological >Society, Proceedings, 1890 .VJd.U Great Britain — British Birds Hudson, W. H. A 27 R 7 British Birds and their Eggs Meyer, H. H. A 38 P 1-7 British Birds in the Collection of the British Museum ; by 0. R. Gray British Museum — Natural History A 42 U 10 British Birds, witli their Nests and Eggs Butler, A. (!. A 20 P 1-G |- British Sea-birds Dixon, C. A 27 T 39 ColouredFiguresof the Birds of the British Islands... Lilford, Lord A 45 1-7 Game-birds and Wild-fowl of the British Islands Dixon, C. A 44 W 4 Our Favourite Song-birds Dixon, C. A 27 U 35 Recent Legislation on the Protection of Wild-birds in (ireat Britain ; by Sir H. Maxwell... Intornat. Congress of Zoology, Proc, 189S A 35 W 14 Hawaii — Aves Hawaiienses Wilson, S. B. MA 13 R 2 t On some Hawaiian Birds ; Ijy R. C. L. Perkins... Ibis, 1895 598.2 Heligoland — Birds of Heligoland; by H. Garko United States —National Museum, Proc, 2 507 India- Beast and Man in India Kipling, J. L. A 40 V 10 Birds collected by the Afghan-Baluch Boundary Commission, 1S9() ; by F. Firm Asiatic Societj', Bengal, Journal, 1890 954 Japan Ornithological Notes made in Japan, 1SS2: by G. P. Merrill. United States — National Museum, Proc, 507 Review of Japanese Birds; by L. Stejneger United States — National Museum, Proc, 9 507 Water-birds of Jap:in ; l>y T. W. Blakiston United States — National Museum, Proc, 9 507 Madagascar — Collection of Birds made by Dr. Abbott in Madagascar ; by C. W. Richmond United States — National Sluseum, 19 507 Mexico — Birds of South-western Mexico ; by G. N. Lawrence — m Bulletin 4, U.S. Nat. Museum ... Smiths. Inst., Misc. Collections, 13 508 New Guinea — Avi-Fauna of New Guinea; by Dr. G. Bennett Australian Almanac, 1877 319.4 New Bird of Paradise from New Guinea ; by C. W. De Vis. Ibis, 1897 598.2 Ornithology of New Guinea ; by G. S. Meail. . . American Naturalist, 1894 .505 Thirtv-six New or Little-known Birds from British New Guinea; by'C. W. De Vis Ibis, 1897 59S.2 Ornithology — New South Wales — Extension of the Range of CidaiitanthtLn J'ulii/inoah and EnthUy/iala pictd. to New Srjutli Wales; Curious Isesting Site of Aiithiih Aitstraliii; and Niditication of Mcf/aloi/rcjM mai/nijka, the Magnificent Fruit Pigeon; liy A. J. North Australian Museum Reconls, 3 507 Insectivorous Birds of N. ,S. Wales; by A. J. North. Agrirultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7, 8, 11 030. New Zealand -- AuckhiMil Island Shag; by Sir W. L. Buller Ibis, 1895 598. '' Bird Life in the West Coast Sounds; by R. Henry... New Zealand Institute, 'i'rans., 1897 500 Birds of New Zealand //iOrnithologiealMi.scellany... Rowley, G. D. A I8"Q 12 t Birds of the Buy of Ishuids ; by A. T. Pycroft New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 500 Climlis in the New Zealand Alp.s... Fitzgerald, E. A. MD 3 V 19 Extinct (Jigantic Birds of Madagascar and New Zealand — .« Ornithological Mi.scell.any Rowley, G. D. A 18 Q 14 t Giant Birds of New Zealand; by I. (,'. Rus.scll American Naturalist, 1877 505 New Sjiecies of A'ciiu-iix from an Island off the Coast of New Zealand; l)y Sir W. L. Buller Ibis, 1895 .598.2 New Zealand Ornitliology ; by Sir W. L. Buller ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895-98 506 Ornithology of New Zealand... New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 Proservatioii of Native New Zealand Birds ; by Lord Onslow — in Appendix to Journals, 1892 New Zealand— Pari. .328.931 Spe.-ies of New Zealand Ducks; by W. W. Smith... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895-90 500 [See also Notornis. ] Newfoundland — W^ild-fowl of the United States and British Possessions in North America Elliott, D. G. A 27 S Nic:\ragua — Collection of Birds from Nicaragua; by C. C. Nutting ... United States — National Museum, Proc, 507 North Carolina — Ornithology of North Carolina. .. North Carolina — Agr. Expcr. Station, Rept., 1897-98 030.7 Nova Scotia — Wild-fowl of tlic I'liited States and British Possessions of North America '. Elliott, D. (1. A 27 S Philippine Islands — Piiilippine Ornithology .. U.S. — National Museum, Proc, 20 507 Queensland — Birds and Eggs lately collected at Cape York bj* H. G. Barnard; by D. Le Souef Ibis, 1898 598.2 Description of a Flycatcher, presumably new ; by C. W. De Vis. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 580.0 New Sub-species of Psopkodes crepitans; bj' A. J. North. Australian Museum Records, 3 507 Samoa, — Manu Mea, or Red Bird of Samoa ; by Rev. J. B. Stair. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S97 500 Solomon Islands — Birds from Solomon Islands ; by H. B. Tristram . . Ibis, 1895 598.2 South Africa — Birds of South Afri. (J. A 27 S [See aho names of States under this heading.] — Victoria — Bird Fauna of the Box Hill District; by R. Hall Victorian ■ Naturalist, 1897-98 505 Birds of the Birchip District; by J. C. Goiulie Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Large-billed Shrike-Robin Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Occurrence in Victoria of a Phase of the Sub-species I'anlalotiis assimilis, Ramsay; Iw R. Hall... Linncan Society, N. S. Wales, Proc., 1899 5S0.0 Plumage Changes of PctrcBca jhaniceu, Gould ; Pachi/cephda (jut- /era//.?, Latham; and 3/i6T. D 13 R 3 Ottawa Colonial Conference. [See under Great Britain :infl Trclaiid in Author Catalogue.] Otterbourue — History — • John Kel)les Parishes ' Yonge, Cliarlotte M. B 2*2 R 12 Ottomans. [See Mohammedanism.] Ouananiche, The. [See Salmon.] Overman, The. [XVYmnderNietzsche, in Author Catalogue.] Ox Warble Fly {Ifijpodermn lineata) — Ox Wnrl.lc, Tlie United States- Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U Oxford —t/eneral and Deseviptive— Sij;lit.s and .Scenes in Oxford City and University... Whittaker, T. A 8 R 2 ) t Oxford Church Movement, 1833. [*« Tractarian Mjvc- nicnt.] Snbject-Index to the Siq)plementary Catalogue — 1800-1000, 983 Oxford University — HisliMv if l,inr,,lii Tullege Clarke, Rev. A. 1! iT V 1 Life ami [yjtlers oi Benjamin Jowett ; liy Dr. K. A))l)(iU i,iv\ Dr. L. CanijilKll Jowett, H. C "24 (,i ICi, 17 Pietas Oxunieiisi-s Skelton, J. B H: 'I' 10 j Reorganizationof the University of Oxford.., Smith, (i. (! 2") S 23 Sights and Scenes in Oxford City and University... WhittaUer, T. A S II -2'.) t [For Reports and Offieial Publicationa, sec Author Catalogue.] Oxfordshire — General and Descriptive — English Topography... (ientlenian's Magazine Lilirary D 20 V !) Oxygen and Ozone — Densities of Oxygen and Hydrogen, and on the Ratio of their Atomic Weights; by E. W. Morley... Smithsonian Inslituticm, Contributions to Ivnowledge, 29 r)08 Study of 0-xygen at Low Pressure ; by R. Threlfall. . . Royal Societ\', N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 50G Oysters and Oyster Culture — pi.sheries and Fisliery Industries of the United States, I. Uniteil States ('oniniission of Fish and Fisheries A 10 T 1 t France etAlgerie: PechesSlaritimeset derOstreieulture, I8S5 039 Oyster, The Brooks, \V. K. A 20 R 40 Oyster Culture... Internat. Fish. Exhib., 1883, Lit., 11 A 34 R 1 1 Oyster Culture ; by H. M. Brewer — in Appendix to Journals, 1892. New Zealand— Parliament 328.931 Oyster Culture and Oyster Fisheries in the Netherlands. Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 5 A 34 R 5 Oyster Culture in relation to Disease (It. Brit, and Irel. - Local Government Board, Supp., 1894 013.29 Oyster Fisheries of Moreton Bay, Report Queensland - Parliament, V, and P., 3, 1889 328.943 Oysters and all about them Philpots, J. R. A 26 R 30, 37 Pearls and Pearl Ovsters-,« The Naturalist in Australia. Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 t Queensland Oyster Fisheries, Moreton Bay, Repts. MA 3 (,| 30 1 [.S'ee also Fisheries,] Ozone. [See Oxygen.] Pachydermata — Carnivorous, Pachydeimatous, and Edentate Mannnalia in the British Museum; bj' J. E. Graj" British Museum — Natural Hi.story A 42 V 2 [See also Mammalia.] Pacific Cable — Colonial Conference at Ottawa, Report, 1894. . .Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Conference F 39 V 22 % Pacific Islands — General and Descriptive — Australasian Islands Colonial Magazine, 1840-41 F 19 P 3, 4 Historical Account of. Circumnavigation of the (ilobe MI) 3 P 13 Islands in the North Pacific Ocean, 1899: (iuadalupe Island, Alijos Rocks, Roca Perdita, Clarion Island, Clipperton Island, San Benedicto Islanobotany ; by L. F. Ward United States- Geological Survey, Ainiual Report, 5 557.3 Studies in Fossil Botany Scott, D. H. A 35 S 13 Paheozoiilogy. Ccphalaspin and Ptera.spis !« Scientific Memoirs... Huxley, '1'. H. A 40 S 15 De la Structure spCcialc! des fpines chez les Apogonini ; par L. V^aillant... Internal. Congress of Zoology, Proe., 1898 A 35 W 14 Essaisde Palcoconcliologie comparec... Co.ssman, M. A 35 W 8 10 Faune Lacustre de rEoeiene Moyen Roman, F. A 35 W 19 Fos.sil Birds in the British Museum; by R. Lydekker British Museum — Natural History A 42 V 7 Fossil Bryozoa in the De])aitnient of Geology: Jurassic Brj'ozoa; liy.J. VV. Gregory... British Museum -Nat. History A 42 V 10 Fossil Ccplinlopnda in the British Museum ; by A. H. Fooril. British Museum— Natural History A 43 P 13 p'osHil Cephalopoda in the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology Hyatt, A, A 27 V 2:) Palaeontology — coyiid. P ihf r.iii'iJtHjij — contd. Fossil Crustacea ; with with their Synonyms and the Range in Time of each Genus and Order; by H. Woodward British Museum— Natural Histoi-y A 42 V 5 Fossil Fishes in the British Museum; bv A. S. Woodward. British Museum— Natural History A 39 S 11-13 Fossil Mammalia in tlie Britisli Museum ; bv R. Lvdekker. British Museum— Natural History" A 42 V 16-19 Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department of Geology and Piila'ontology ... British Museum — Natural History A 39 V 6 Fossil Phyllopod Genera ; by C. Schuchert United States — National Museum, Proc, 19 507 Fossil Remains of Man — in Scientific Memoirs Huxlev. T. H. A'40S 16 Fossil Reptiles and Fishes in the Department of Geology and Paheontology ... British iluseum — Natural History A 39 V 4 Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum ; by R. Lydekker... British Museum — Natural History A 42 V 12-15 Genesis of the Arietidie : by A. Hyatt... Smithsonian Inst., Con- tributions to Knowledge, 26 508 Gliipfiihr,nn» Kinnainli — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Grundziige der Pala^ontologie Zittel, K. A. von A 30 P (i History of the European Fauna Scharflf, R. F. A 27 P 20 Human Remains found in the Shell-mounds — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Human Remains from the Neanderthal — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 New Crustacean from the Coal Measures — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 New Species of Macrauelienia — in Scientific JNIcmoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 New Species of Plesio.saurus — )'« Scientific Memoirs... Huxley, T. H. A '40 S 15 New Specimen of Glvptodon — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Origin of Mamnuilia; by Prof. Osborn... International Congress of Zoology. Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Outlines of Vertebrate Pala'ontologv for Students of Zoologv. "" Woodward, A. S. A 40 Y 6 Persistent Tvpes of Animal Life — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Phnn'ro'j^lcunn Jndcrs<^ni — in Sc'icntific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 I'liiilii/ra.r Kriijijii; by Prof. Osborne .. International Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Preliminary Essay >ipon the Systematic Arrangement of the Fishes of the Devonian Ejioeh — in Scientific Memoirs. . . Huxle\-, T. H. A40S 1(> rtcrafiis Di:n nsis — m Scientific Memoirs Huxlev, T. H. A 40 S 16 Range in Time and Space of Fnnus nn'ii/un^ and its Allies ; by F. W. Harmer... Intcrnat. Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Restoration of Extinct Vertebrates; by Prof. Osborne... Internat. Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Stai/< n'jlcpis Tl,ih(rl.iiini of the Elgin Sandstones, and on tlie recently discovered Footmarks in the Sandstones of Cummingstone — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Ty)>cs and Figni'iMl Specimens of Fossil t'cphalopoda in the British Museum; by t!. C. Crick... British Museiuu — Natural History A 42 V 8 Znr lOntwickelungsgesehiehte des Ichthyopterygiums ; by I'rof. Salensky .. Internat. C'ongrossofZoology,Proe., 1898 A35W14 [.S'te also \uider names of Orders and Classes.] Africa By Countries. Fos.iil Ccjihaloijoda from Somaliland ; bv(i. ('. Crick //(Through Unknown African Countries "Smitli, A. H. 1) 20 U 21 Alaska Miocene I'lora of .\laska ; liy L. LcscpU'rcux I'nitcd Stales — National Miiscuni, I'roc, 5 .50" Antilles Teitiaiy Fossils from Ihc Antillean Region; by H. VV. Dall. United States— National Museum, Proc., 19 507 Suljcct-Imlex to the Supplementary Catulocjue — lSOO-1900. 985 Palaeontology— Australia — Aliiiiitics aTiil llaliits of 'J'liylacolL'D ; liy R. Broom Linnran Soniely, N.S.W., I'loo., 18!tS MD.Ii Amphiliian and Reptilian Remains from Soutli Africa and Australia — m .Scientilic Memoirs Huxley, 'I'. H. A 40 S Mi AustralasianTertiaryMollusea; byCi. F. Harris... BritishMiiscum, Natural Histoi-y A 4:i S 1 Australian TieniopteridciE ; bv W. S. Dun... Australasian Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 500 Census of the Fauna of the Older Tertiary of Australia; l)y 1!. Tate Royal Societ}', N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 5(10 Contributions to tlie Tertiary Flora of Australia: by 75aron Ettingshausen N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv. — Palajontology, 2 MA 5 V 10 New Species of Corals from the Australian Tertiarics; by J. Dennant Royal Soc. , South Australia, Trans. , 1899 .500 Older Tertiary Mollusca of Australia ; by R. Tate Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1899 500 Palasontology of Central Australia Tate, R. MA 3 R 02 P/(nsco?i'«»S(/(V/ff .sand its identity with SocpamMhn Ramsar/a ; liv E. C. Stirling Royal Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1899 500 [See also each Colony under this heading. ] California — Bibliogi'aphy relating to (Jeology, Pal.T;ontology, and Mineral Resources of California; by Capt. A. W. Vogdes... California State Mining Bureau A 24 T 29 Distribution of Californian Tertiary Fossils ; by W. H. Dall. United States — National Museum, Proc, 1 507 Canada — Contributions to Canadian PaUeoutology Canada — Geological Survey 500.971 Crvptozoon and other Ancient Fossils ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. McGill University A 40 S 9 Fossil Sponges and other Organic Remains from the Quebec Group at Little Metis ; by Sir J. W. Dawson McGill University A40S9 Paheozoic Fossils; by .]. F. Whiteaves ... Canada — Geol. Survey A 25 V 16, 17 Chatham Islands — Discours de M. A. Milne Edwards sur les ressemblances qui existent entre la faune dea iles Marcaroignes et celle de certaines iles de rOcean pacifique austral International Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1895 A. 35 wis Chili- Fiisiles Terciarios i Cuartarios du Chile Pliilippi, R. A. A 17 T 8 t France — Reliqua> Aquitanic.i> Lartet , E. A 20 R 22 t Recherches Stratigraphicpies et PalContologiques dans le Bas- Languedoc Roman, F. A 40 S 3 Terrains Tertiares du Dauphine, de la Savoie, et de la Suisse Occidentale Douxami, H. A 31 S 25 Germany — VorweltliehePllanzon aus deniSteiukohlcngebirge der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens Aiidrii, C. J. A 13 X 5 f Great Britain — Anatomy and Affinities of the Genus Pterygotus, and Description of the' Species of Pterygotus — in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Anikracosaurus EmsscIU — in Scientific Memoirs Huxlev, T. H. A 40 S 16 British Jurassic Gasteropoda Hudleston, W. H. A 24 T 31 British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum; bj- R. B. Newton. ..British Museum — Natural Histoiy A 42 V 6 Dasyceps Bvcklandi {Labyriniho(hnBucldnniJi)--in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Fragment of a Lower J.aw of a Laj-ge Labyrinthodont from Cub- bington — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Jurassic Rocks of Britain Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geol. Survey A 47 P 1-5 Mineral Conehology of (ireat Britain ... Sowerby, J. A 39 R 3-9 New Labyrinthodonts from Edinburgh Coal-fields— /» Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. U. A 40 S 16 6 I Palaeontology — Great Britain — contd. l'lii>ci.-nc l.>epositsof I'.ritain Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geol. Survey of England and Wales A 47 P 13 Ehainphorijnchus Buc/clan'li, a Pterosaurian from the Stonesfield Slate— »i Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Stalk-eyed Crustacean from the Carboniferous Strata near Paisley. iH Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Vertelrata of the Pliocene Deposits of Britain. . .Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geol. Survey A 47 V H [See also Ireland, under this heading.] Ireland — Collection of Rocks and Fo.=sils belonging to the Geological Survey of Ireland Gt. IJrit. and Irel. - Science and Arts Museum, Dublin A 24 S 24 Mascarene Isles - Discours de M. A. M ilne Edwards sur les ressemblances qui existent entre la faune des iles Mascareignes et celle de certaines iles de rOceaii pacifique austral International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1895 A35 W 13 New Guinea- Fossil Wood frs9ils from Banana; by F. Bennett. Royal Society, Queensland, Pro(\, 1894 95 506 Precaudal Vertebra of Irhthiinmurun JiistinHn, McCoy; by R. Etheridge, jun. ... Annalsand Mag. of Nat. History, 1898 590.5 I'remolar Teeth of Diprotodon, and on a new S])ecics of that (Jernis —in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 South Africa — AmpliiV)ian and Reptilian Reniainsfrom South Africaanil Australia — i'n Scicntifii: Memoirs Huxley, T. If. A 40 S 16 Now Species of Dicynodon ficim near Colcslierg - i'/i Scienlilic Memoirs Ilii\|i \ , T. II. A 40 S 16 Palseontology— South Australia — Australian Sauropterygiau converted into Precious Opal; by R^ Etheridge Australian Museum Records, 3 507 Cand)rian'Trilobite from Yorke Peninsula: by R. Etheridge. Royal Society, South Australia, trans., 1897-98 506 Deep-seated Eocene Stiata in the Croydon and otlicr Bores: .by R. Tate Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Tran.s., 1897-98 506 Description of the Bones of the Leg of Gfiiyorn (.s yeirtnii i. Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 20 506 Fossil Reptilia from'the Warburton River; by A. Zietz ... Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1899 506 Lower Cambrian Fossils in the Jlount Loftie Ranges; by W. Howchin Royal Society, South Australia, Trans.. 21 506 Older Tertiary Fossils from the Jliirray Deserts; Viy R. Tate. Royal Society, South Australia, Trans. , 1899 506 PaL-eontology of South Australia ; by R. Etheridge. . . S. Australia - - Geology MA 9 P 46 t ■ Switzerland — Terrains Tertiaircs du Dauphir.e, de la Savoic, et de la Suisse Occidentale Douxami, H. A 31 S 25 Tasmania — Collection of Tasmanian Silurian Fossils; by A. Montgomery. Royal Society, Tasmania. Proe., 1896 506 Fossil Fauna of Table Cape Beds; by G. B. Pritchard. Roy.'Soc, Vict., Proe., 1895 506 Fossil W.Mid found at Cox"s Bight'; by W. A. McLend Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 5C6 Geological and Pahvontological relations of the Coal and Plant- bearing lieds of Palaeozoic and Mesozoie Age in Eastern Aus- tralia and Tasmania ; by 0. Fe'stmantel N. S. Wales — Geological Survey, Palseontology, 3 MA 5 V 17 Palaeozoische und mesozoische Flora des cistlichen Australiens ; by O. Feistmantel Pala>ontographica, Supp. 5 560.5 Some Fossil Plants new to Tasmania; by R. M. Johnston, Hoy. Soc, Tas., Proe, 189: -95 r06 Tasma:nan Graptolite Record ; by T. S. Hall Australasian Assoc, tor Advancement of Scienc^e, Report, 1898 506 Trilobites from the Lower Silurian Rocks, Mersey River District, Tasmania; by R. Etheridge. ..Roy. Soc., Tas., Papers, 1882 506 United States — American Association for Advancement of Science, Proe 506 New York— Geologist, Report, 1894 557.47 United States Geographical Surveys west of the lOOth Meriilian, Report, 4 United States— Engineer Dept. A 10 U 5 f United States — (Jeologieal Survey, Reports 557.3 [.<(■€ also names of States under this heading.] Victoria Additional Geiuis of Fossil Plants fouml in the Bacchus Marsh Sandstone; by Sir F. McCoy... Roy. Soc, Viet., Proe, 1897 506 Anclioring Tuljes of Adeona in the Older Tertiaries of Victoria; by 'J\ s! Hall Royal Soc, Victoria, Proe, 1896 506 Basalt Tree-cast; by R. H. Walcott Royal Society, Victoria, Proe, 1899 506 Evidence of a Cambrian Fauna in Victoria ; by A. Etheridge. Royal Society, Victoria, Proe, 1895 506 Excursion to Maribyrnong Victorian Naturali.>^t, 1898 505 Geological and Pahconlological relations of the Coal and Plant- hcaiiiig beds of I'alaozoic and Mesozoie Age in Eastern Aus- tialiaaiul Tasmania; by Dr. O. Feistmantel ... N. S. Wales - Geological Survey, Pahvoiitology, 3 MA 5 V 17 New Genus and New Species of Fish from the Mesozoie Rocks of Victoria; by T. S. Hall ... Royal Soc, Vict., Proe, 1899 .506 New V'cgetabie Fossils of the A>;riferous Drifts; by Baron F. von Mueller Victoria (.ieological Survey MA 4 V 25 Note on a Tooth of Palorehesti's from Beaumaris; by T. S. Hall. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1897 506 Occurrence of Graptolites in North-eastern Victoria; by T. S. Hall Royal Society, Victoria, Proe. , 1 896 506 Pala-MUtologv of t lie Older Tertiary of Victoria; by(i. B. Pritchard. Royal Society, Victoria, Proe, 1898 .'■>06 Paheontology of the Upper Siluiian Rocks of Vii'toria : by W. S. Dun Koy.d Society, Victoria, Proe., 1,S97 506 Paheozoic (lasteropoda in the (.'ollcction of the Australian Museum ; by R. Etheridge... Aust. Museum Records, Vol. 3, No. 4 507 Pal.acozoisclH; und mesozoische Fliu'a des iistlielien Australiens ; by (), KciHtmantel Pahcontograpliica, Supji. 5 5(i0.5 Stibject- Index to the Sui^dcmentary Calulofjue — J806-1000. 0S7 Palseoutology — Victoria— c(m«(/. I'lnli^ililc Mii.ci'ue Ago y J. JJeniiaiil Royal Soc, Victoria, Proc, KSlKi .";()() Stj'lasterithe i'roin the Vietorian IVrtiaries; by T. S. H:ill. Roj'al Society, Victoria, Pi-o(!., 1,S!)7 'U(i Tertiary Poly /oa of Victoria ; by Dr. P. H. Macfiillivray. Royal Society, Victoria, Trans., 4 50f) Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria ; by CM. .Ma])l(^.-itonc. . . Royal Society, Victcjria, Proc, 189S-1900 oOO Two Fossil Plants from Dundas; by W. S. Dun... Royal Society, Victoria, Proc", KSii;) r>6() Victoria -Geological Survey, Progress Reports MA 't V 1 '> Victorian Graptolites; by T. S. Hall ... Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 18i)7 !)8 .'■)()() Victorian Palicozoic Sponges ; by T. S. Hall Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 189S ofxi West Indies — Contents of a Done Cave in the Island of Anguilla ; by E. 1). Coj.c Smithsonian Inst., Contribution.s to Knowledge, 2.5 .">08 Western Australia — Actinoeeras from Nortli-west Australia; by R. Etlicridgc Australian Museum Records, .3 Ct7 Palestine and Syria — General and Descriptive — H.iwadii in Syria Curtis, G. W. D 20 Q 20 In the Levant Warner, C. D. 1)20 R 14 Palestine, the (Jlory of All Lands. . . Sutherland, Rev. A. D 18 S 28 Sketches in Turkey, Syria, and Egypt Wilkie, Sir I). A ,S1 R 22, 2:^ I This Goodly Frame, the Earth Tififany, F. D 21 T 1 Two Years in Palestine and Syria... Thomas, Margaret 1)22 R 13 Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U !) Tlintory- jEgyptische und Vorderasiatische Altertluimcr Berlin — Kiinigliches Museum B 47 1' 10 J Eothen Kinglake, A. W. B l(i R 41 Forty Days in tlie Desert Bartlett, W. H. I) 18 U 20 Holy Land and the Bible Geikie, Rev. Dr. C. I) 15 S 10 t Latin Kingdom of .lerusalem, 1099-1291. ..Conder, Lieut. -Col. C. R. B 28 U 10 Patriarchal Palestine Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 28 S I Saladin; or, what befell Sultan Yusuf.. Salah-Ed-Din C2 R 20 Sketches from Kastern History Niildeke, T. B 12 U 36 Struggle of the Nations Maspero, (i. B 17 U 18 [See alio Archaeology — Palestine. ] Pali Language — Sanskrit, Pali, and Prakrit Books in the British Museum: by Dr. Haas, and C. Eendall British Museum K 18 R 14," lo f [See also Buddhism; Sanskrit.] Palimpsests — Fragments of the Books of Kings. Aquila's Version... Bibles and Testaments— (i reek G 13 X 14 t Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimpsest ; edited by W. Curcton Briti.s'h Museum J 18 () 17 t [See also Bibliography ; Manuscripts. ] Palmistry — Language of the Hand Hammong, L. de G 17 R 3 + Palmistry Ferris, P. M(! 2 U 3 Practical Palmistry Frith, H. MG 2 R (i3 Practical Palmistry vSaint-C.icrmain, Comtc C. dc (4 17 S 20 Rodrigues, J. B. A 22 Q 12 t Palms — Palnuv Mattogrossenses [See al-iO under special Pahns.] Palolo — Notes on the Palolo; by B. Fricdlacniler Polynesian Society. Joiirr.al, 1898 9!(> Palolo : a Sea-worm eaten by the Samoans ; by Rev. J. B. Stair. Polynesian Society, Journal, 1897 i't'O Palsy. [See Paralysis.] Pamirs- lb' lit of a Continent ... Voungliu.sband, Capt. F. K. D 17 V 25 Inncrmo.st A.sia Cobbokl, R. P. D 22 R 24 I'aniirs and the Source of the Oxus Curzon, Rt. Hon. (i. \. D 1 H V l-(i Roddy Owen Owen, P. C 25 Q 9 Pampas, The — Poems of Placjs Longfellow, H. \V. H 11 P .'iO Pan Britannic Movement. [See Colonics and Great Jjiitaiii; Fcdciatioii, Imperial.] Panama (lencral and Descriptive — Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 1 1 P .SO Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America ... Davis, R. H. D 13 P 13 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 17 Finance and l^nxntion — Report on Panama in Diplomatic ami Consular Reports, 1S98. Gt. Brit. a:id Irel. —Foreign Oliice 382 Panama Canal — Panama and Nicaragua C'rnal Schemes; by A. C. Macdonalil. Roy. Geog. Src, Aust., Vict. Branch", Trans., 1898 910.0 [See also Nicaragur.]. Panch Malialf — General and Descriptive — • (;azcUecr, ]!(jnibay Presidency, 3 ... Bombay — Gazetteer 915.47 Pancreas — Diseases of the Pancreas; by Dr. R. H. Fitz — in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 37 Pandects. [See Civil Law.] Panics - (nunbliiig Woihl "Rouge et Xoir' G 15 S 30 [See also S})Cculation.] Pantheism — Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R ?.i Non-rcligiin of the Future Guyau, M. .7. G II R 41 Philosophy of 'J'heism Eraser, A. C. <; 14 S 24 [See also (Jod; Theology, Natural.] Pantopoda. [See Pycnogonidie.] Papacy — Age of the Renascence Dyke, P. van G 23 R 5 Archives dc la Chambre Apostolicjue au 14e Sieele ... Loye, J. dc B 32 S 1 1 Church of the Otli Century Button, W. H. G 19 U ."iO Cyprian Benson, A.rchbishop (i 1 9 T 32 De Blasphemis Wj'clif Society Publications, 17 G 23 T 31 Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273 Tout, T. F. B 10 R S2 Essays and Speeches Lilly, W. S. J 14 S 14 Papal Hierarchy and the Holy Roman Empire — in History of the Christian Church Schaft", Rev. P. G 24 V 2. 3 Robert the Wise and his Heirs, 1278-1.352 Eaddeley, St. C B 19 U I Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy ... Barrow, Rev. I. (i 25 T 8 Validity of the Papal Claims ... "Oxenham, Rev. F. N. G 23 Q 4 [See alio Papal States; Popes; Roman Catholicism ; Vatican.] Papal States — L'Etat I'ontiticalapns le Grand Schisme... Guiraud,.J. B .32 S 8 Paper— Manufacture - Paper and Pasteboard i';i Chemistry for Manufacturers. Blount, B. A 2 1 T 39 [See also Manufactures — Periodicals.] Paper Duty — History of thcTaxesonKnowleclgc Collet,C.D. F 17 R i3, £4 Paper Money. [Sea Banks and Banking; Currency; Finance.] 938 Fiihlic Zihrcoy of Neio Soitlh JFales. Papier-niaclie — .Miiiiual of Meuiling and Rspiiirinj L^Lvi.l, C. G. A 23 P 15 Papua. [See New Guinea.] Papuans — Banks, Sir .Joseph, Journal JID 3 U 15 Ethnological Atlas: Types from tlie Stoae Age of Xew Guinea. Finsch, 0. MA 2 P 33 t Journay to New Guinea and New Britain ; by Rev. G. Brown. Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Sc, Kept., 189S 506 Lsading Characteristics of the Papuan, Australian-, and Malayu- PoljTiesiau Nations ; b3- G. W. Earl .Journal of the Indian Archipelago, 1849-50 A 36 U 3 Life-histor3- of a Savage ; l)3'Rev. G. Brown... Australasian Assoc. for Advance, of Science, Report, 1898 506 Man, Past and Present Keane, A. H. A 27 S 29 Notice sur les Vetements. les Parurcs, et les Tatouages des Papouas dosCcJtesSud-est delaNouvellcGuincc. . .Rcvued'Ethaot'raphie.o A'i2T5 Papuan Ethnology ; hv C. Kcdlov Linnean Societj', N.S.W. > Proc., 1895, 1897 580.6 Papuan Race — ;« Races of Man U.S. —Exploring Expod., 9 A 31 ii 3 { Papuan Throwing-sticks ; by .J. Jennings Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.0 Tribes inhabiting the Mouth of the River Wanigela, New Guinea ; bj- R. E. Guise Anthropological Inst., Journal, 1899 572 [See alio Fijians.] Papyrus - Classical Texts from I'ap\-ri in tlic British Museum British Museum J 5 V 13 Greek Pap\'ri in the British Museum : Catalogue, with Texts. British Museum B 20 R 27 t Palaeography of Greek Papyri Kenj-on, F. G. J 21 Q 29 Poems of Baechylides: Facsimile of Papyrus UCCXXXIII in the British Museum Baechylides H 47 P 24 J Sayings of Our Lord Eg5'pt Exploration Fund (i 11 Q 34 [*Ve also Egyptology. ] Paradise — Paradise Found : the Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole Warren, W. F. G 17 S 17 Paraffin. [.9e« Petroleum; Waxes.] Paraguay —General and Descriptive — ( Jencral Condition of Paraguay, 1S13 Gt. Urit. and Ircl. — Foreign Ollice ]) Hi V 16 P.ar.iguay U.S. -Bureau of American Ropnlilies D 18 T 28 Repiiblica del Paraguay Santos, (!. K. 1) 16 R 5 Univer.sal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 19 Commerce and Trade — • Tr.ide of Paraguay — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual SsricT N. S. Wales, 1898 6.30.5 Parasites of the Horse's Stomach ... Agr. Gaz.. Tas., 1897 630.5 Parasitic and Prcdaceous Insects in New Zealand, Axistralia, and the adjacent Islands. . . United States Dept. of Agr. MA 2 R 55 Parasitic Diseases of Poultry Tlieobald, F. V. A 27 R 15 I'cdiculi and Mallopliaga affecting Man and tlie Lower Animals ; by Prof. H. Os1)orn United States- Dept. of Agr.-Div. of I'hitomology A 37 S 5 Prevention and Treatment of Vermieeous Pests — in Text -book of Agricultural Zoology Thcob.ild, F. V. A 27 P 4 Reared Parasitic Hymenopterous Insects ; by W. H. Ashmcad. United States — National Museum, Proc, IS 507 Revision of the Adidt Tapcwoi-ms of Hari'S and Rabbits ; bj' C. W. Stiles UnitedStates — National Museum, Proc, 19 507 Revision of the Aphelinin:e of Nortli America ; by L. O. Howard. United Statc.^i. — Dept. of Agr.-Div. of Entomohigy A 30 R 34 Study of Insect Parasitism: by L. O. Howai-d ... United States - Dept. of Agr.-Div. of Entomology A 30 V 21 Tapeworms of Poultry... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Indu.stry A 41 U 8 Worm Di.scasos in Sheep Victoria — Agr., Rept., 1874 030.6 Worms ; by Dr. P. Manson — /« System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 35 Fungoid — Anatomical and Chemical Ro.scarclies on the Parasitic Phanerogams of Queensland ; by Dr. J. Lauterer ... Roj'al Soc, (,)ueensland, Proc, 18!)4 05 ,-)06 Animal and Vegetable Parasite.?; by A. Park New Zealand In.stilule, Trans., 1894 506 Notes on a case of Madura Foot... Mc(iill University A 40 S 2." Psorospermosis; liy Dr. J. (liillith — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T .35 Ringworm in the Light of Recent Research Morris, M. A 41 S3 Sahjecl,- Index to the Siij^plementm^y Catalogue — 1896-1900, 939 Parents - Parents aii.l f'liildron Mason, Charlotte M. T! 17 T7 [.SVe ((/.so Ancestor Worship ; Cliildrcn; Family; Heredity; Iloiiie.] Paris — Geiievcl and Di'scrlptive — Hi >liemian Paris of To-day Modow, W. C. 1)13 8 7 (iisaninielte Werke (Jutskow, K. .J 24 S :?<) Miiiiiei]wI(ioveniineiitiiit;ontineiit!il Europe. ...Shaw, A. F '2 V 21 Paris of the Parisians MacDoiiald, J. F. D 21 Q 11 Saunterings \\'arner, C 1). 1) 20 P 10 [See also Franco-German War; Paris Comniune; Tuileries. ] Hidory- — Paris Belloe, H. B 20 S 22 Recollectiona of Paris llingliam, Capt. D. B 34 K 5, (i Stones of Paris in History and Letters. . , Martin, B. E. B 2() R 22 Social Life and Customs — Bohemian Palis of To-day Morrow, W. C. I) 13 S 7 Paris Commune — History of tlie Paris Commune, 1S71 March, T. B ,'!4 R 7 Popular Oovernmcnt Bradford, G. F 10 P 28, 20 Paris Universal Exhibition, 1873 - Rapport.s ties Mcmbres des Jurys, des Delegues, ot des Ouvricrs sur l'Expo.sition Universelle de Paris, 1878... Exposition Univer.sellc K9S 19-23 Paris Universal Exhibition, 1889 — Reports, t.'uited States Ccmnnisioners Paris Exposition K 7 U 3f5-42 Parish Registers. [.See Register:, of Birth.s.] Parks — Act for the Regulation of the Royal Parks and Gardens. (it. Brit, and Irel. — Ro^-al Parks and Gardens F 1.5 P 44 Geographical Condition of City Life; liy .1. P. Thomson ... Royal Geog. Soc., Aust., Queensland Br., Proc., 1899 OIO.G Municipal Parks of London .. 8exby, Lieut. -Col. J. J. A 32 R 43 New York — Public Parks, Report, Board of Commissioners... 71 1 Public Spaces, Parks, and (hardens Blomtield, R. A 23 S 39 [See also Hyde Park; Landscape (lardening.] Parliament of Great Britain. [See House of Common.s; House of Lords; and under Groat Britain and Ireland — Parliament, in Author Catalogup, for Debates and Proceedings; and under Great Biitain — Parliament, in Index, for General Descriptive Works.] Parliamentary Debates. [See sub-heading Parlniment, under the name of each Countr}- and Colony, in Author Catalogue.] Parliamentary Government — Reflections cf a Russian Statesman Pobyedonostseff, K. P. (i 23 P 35 [See also Government — Forms, Methods, and Functions.] Parliamentary Hand-books- Cauadiau ParUanieiitarv Companion Canaila - Parliament F 15 P 12, 13 Legislative Manual Wisccns'n — Legislature F 15 Q 9 New South Wales Parliamentary Companiim N. S. Vv'ales — Parliament MF 4 P 42 Parliamentary History and "Refovm. — General — Decline of Leyislaluixs //; Unforeseen Tendencies of Demrcracv. (Judkin, E. L. F 13 R 13 Development of Parliament during the 19th Century. Dickinson, G. L. F 12 R 33 F,ssays on Parliamentary Reform Bagehot, W. F 8 V 44 Governments and Parties in Continental Europe ... Lowell. A. L. F 13 R 0, 7 [See also sub-heading Parliament or Congress under each Country.] Parliamentary Law and Practice — Am rican .Ma]iu,d of Parliamentary Law... Fish, 0. T. F I2S.30 Br, ,k of Piirliameut, MacDonagli, M. F 10 V 45 Manual of Parliamentary Practice... United States -Constitution F 13 R .34 Parliamentary System of France -in France Bodley, .1. E. C. F 1 T 32, 33 Speaker's Cliair Lumniis, E. F 19 S H 'J'rcatises on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Par- liament May, Sir T. E. F 9 V 20 [.SV-e also Parliamentary Hand-books; Parliamentary History and Refornn 1 Parlir.mentary Privilege. and Heform.l [See Parliamentaiy History Parliamentary Reports. [See in Author Catalogue under the name of eacli C.)untry or Colony with the name of the Public Department or Commission as a sub- h(^ading, and in the Index under subjects of Reports. Reports of Royal Commissions, Select Connnittee.s, and (hjvernment Departments will be fouiul in Votes and Proceedings of Parliament for the year in whieli Reports are issued.] Parliaments of Countries. [See sub-heading Parliament or Congress, under name of Country in Author Cata- logue, for Official Publications and Debates; under the same heading in the Index for Descrij)ti^-e or His- torical Works.] Parlour Games. [See CJames.] Parnell Commission — Oji -ning Sp.--jcli for the Defence Russell, Baron F 10 R 22 Parodies — Cariatides, Les Banville, T. de H 11 U 9 Exiles, Les Banville, T. de H 11 U8 Odes Funambulesques Banville, T. de H 11 U 7 Ver.se3 and Fl}' Leaves Calverley, C. S. II 11 Q 27 Paropiis — Pkcvision of tlie Genus Paropsis ; by Rev. T. Blackbiu'n. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 189G-97 580.0 Parramatta — General and Descriijtive — Description of Sydney, 1818 Slater, ,7. Libr. Parramatta and "Districts Illustrated MU 7 V 1 ■ History — Reminiscences of the Early Days of Parramatta Houison, A. MB 2 U25 Parrots and Parakeets — Life-history of the Blue-banded Gr.iss Parakeet; b\' R. Hall. Victorian Naturalist, 1S98 505 Notes o:i the Fiery Parakeet; by A. J. Campbell Victorian Naturalist, 1S9S 505 Pigeons and Parrots from North and North-western Australia; by R. Collett Zoological Soiicty, London, Proc, 1898 590.(3 [See also Birds — Australia ; Psittaci.] Parsees and Parseeism. [See Sacred Books; Zend Avesta; ■ Zoroastrians.] Partnership — Law of Partnership - in Profession of a Charteretl Accountant. Pixley, F. W. F 13 Q 33 Party System — Govornnicnts and Parties in Continental Europe ... Lo-.\ell, A. L. F 13 R U, 7 Political Science Woolscy, T. D. F 8 (J 3 1 , 32 Popular » io vcrnment Bradford, G. F 10 P 28, 29 [See also Government.] 990 Fuhllc Library of New South Wales. Passeriformes — Passeriformes, or, Percliing Birds in tlie British ^Museum ; by R. B. Sharpe, and P. L. Selater — in Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum ... British Museum — JJat. Hist. A 39 T U-l;j [See also Ornithology — ilanuals.] Passion-fruit — Manures for Passion-fruit Vines; bj- D. Scott Agricultural (Jazetts, N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 Passion-viae Roaring from Seed ... Agricult. (iaz. ofN.S.W., 10 630.5 Strawberry and Passion Fruit; bv W. J. Allen Agricultural " Gazette, N. S. Wales, S 630.5 Passion Plays — (iernian Passion Play — in Chances of Death Pearson, K. A 37 R !0 Passion Plaj' at Obcr-Amnicrgau ... Burton, Lady I. H 13 V 10 Passion Play at Ober-Ammcrgau : Translation of Text. Trench, Maria H 12 T 16 Story that Transformed the World Stead, W. T. G 23 V 19 [See a/.sO Miracle, Morality-, and Jlystery Plays ; Ober-Ammergau.] Passionists — Life of Father Ignatius of .St. Paul ... Spencer, Hon. and Rey. G. C 22 .S 13 [See also Religious Orders. ] Passions- Human Loye Mortimer, G. G 24 U 3 Medicine and tlie Mind Fleury, M. do (i 24 U 37 [■See a?so Emotions ; Gambling; Loye.] Passover — Passoyer, The Adler, Rey. S. A. MCi 1 R 80 [See also Judaism; Lord's Supper.] Passports — American Passport, The... UnitcdStates — Dept.ofState F 16 R I Pasteurism. [See Bacteriology; Fermentation; Yeasts; and under Pasteur, Lt)uis, in Author Catalogue.] Pastimes. [See Sports.] Pastoral Arldressss. [See Episco)).!.! Addres.ses.] Pasture and Stock Boards. [Sn; .Stock aiul Pasture Boards.] Pastures — Cattle Ranges of the South-west ; a Suggestion for Restoration ; by H. L. Bentley United States — Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 72 A 41 U 2 Culture, Management, and Improyeniont of Landed Estates. Dean, G. A. A 34 V 13 Exhaustion of Pasture Lauds ; by C. H. Lyon... Melb. Rev.,4 052 Grass Lands of Victoria Madden, F. MA 3 U 37 Mcailows and Pastures; by J. G. Smith ... United States — Dcpt. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 60 A 41 U 1 Pastures, (4rasscs, and Forage Plants iu New South \Vales ; by F. Turner--/;! N. S. W.ale3, the MotherColony... Hutchinson. F. Ml) 7 U 23 [See also Dairy Fanning; Grasses.] Patagonia — General and Descriptive — G'ili|.digr;iiigs of Cape Horn Spears,.!. R. A 24 T 26 Wreck of the Wayer Byron, Hon. J. D19P14 Patellidse — Notes on PatoUida; ; by W. T. L.Traycrs... New /Ccaland Institute, Trans., 1897 006 [.S'ee alio Concliology ; Gasteropoda.] Patents and Trade-marks — General — Australian Mining and Metallurgical Patents ; by G. G. Turri. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 022. 00 Copyright and Patents for Inyentions. . . Macfie, R. A. F 7 P 23, 24 Copyright, Patents, Designs, Trade-marks, &c. ... Bewes, W. A. F 15 R 8 Law of Trademarks Sebastian, L. P. F 9 V 1 8 Patents, Designs, Copyrights, and Trade-marks Walsh, F. M F 5 Q 26 Patents for Inventions, and how to obtain them... CoUison. C. N. MF 4 P 49 Trade-mark Law in .Japan, and Patents and Trade-marks regis- tered in .Japan United States — Consular Reports, 60 382 [See ttlxo Authors and Publishers ; Copyright and Literary Pro- pert .v.] Latcs and Lrgislatlnn — Errors in the World's Patent Laws: bvG. G. Turri... Australasian Institute, Mining Er£;::ccrs, Trans., 1894 022.00 Gleanings, Patent La^^■s of All Countries... Wise, W. L. F 7 V 51 Handy Guide to Patent Law and Practice Emery, G. F. F 8 V 10 ."^udge and Jury ..., Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 Laws and Practice relating to Patents... Newton, il. MF 1 P 84 Patent Acts of Victoria and N. S. Wales. . . Turri, G. (i. .MF 5 Q 2 Patent Laws of the East in Future Trade with the Far East. Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 Patent Laws of the United States United States — Statutes F13U 15 Patentblatt 008 Patents and Patentees, Victoria Victoria- Patents 60S Protection and Registration of Trade-marks and Labels. United States Statutes F 13 U 14 L'nited States — Patent Office, Decisions 347.7 United States -Patent Office, Report 608 United States —Patent Ollicc. , Rules of Practice. F 1 SO, 1 U 11, and 13 T 13 Periodicala and Jaurnals — Alphabetical List of Patentees, United States... United States - I'atcnts Office 008 Canadian Patent Office Record Canada- Patent Office 608 By Couutries. Cape Colony — Trade-marks in Cape Colony U.S. — Consular Kept s., 57 382 Queensland — Registrar of Patents, Queensland, Reports Queensland — Parliament, V. and P. ;J2S.913 Pathans - Af"han and Hinilu Hitrldands of tlie Punjab Gore, F. St. .1. 1) 19 S 1 [.See a/,so Afridis ; Indian Frontier; Orakzais.] Pathology, Animal. [See Diseases of Animals; Tuber- culosis; Veterinary Science and Practice; and under each Disease.] Pathology, Human- Chcniical I'liysiology and Pathology Haliburlon, W. 1). A 38 S 8 Clinical Diagnosi-s Jaksch, R. von A 38 S 2 Dental Pathology and Therapeutics Inglis, 0. E. A 38 S 5 Dictionary of Medicine Quain, R. A 31 P 3, 4 Kx|icrinienls on .'Vnimals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 General Pathology; by Dr. G. V. Black— ,'« American System of Denti.stry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 1 Journal of I'atliolocy and Bacteriology Woodhcail, (J. iS. A 31 P 5-7 Mamml of Pathology Coats, J. A 40 V 15 I'an-Anierican Medical Congress, Transactions (ilO.O Practical Dietetics Thompson, W. (i. A .T! U 25 iSpecial Pathological Anatomy Zicgkr, E. A .'12 R 30 Supplement to the Reference Hand-book of the Medical Sciences. ISuck, A. H. A 11 T9 t Tcmperatuic- of .Acute Diseases; b\' W. Hallsllcadlcv. McDiournc Review, 2 052 ^tihject-Index to the Supplementary Calaloyue — 1800-1000. 991 Pathology — Human— cow^c?. 'rcxt-lio.ik ..I HaLli'iicjlogy Cniiksli:ink, !•:. M. A ;!1 (i 7 Text-lxiok of Special Pathological Aiiiitomy /'icf^lcr, K. A 32 P. •-'!) Theory aiiil PracUce of Hygiene Nottor, .1. L. A ;^l i) 2i [.SVe nh.o Bacteriology ; Blood ; Hones, Diseases ; Clinical Mcilicine ; Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Dei-inatology ; Diagnosis; (Jyna'cology ; Histology ; Hygiene ; Nei'vcs ; Nursing ; Pr.rasitcs ; Therapeutics; and uniler each Organ and Disease.] Pathology, Vegetable. [&« Fungi; Fun,<,'i in Auricultni'c; Parasites and Parasitic Diseases; Plant l)iscas('s; Ku.st in Wlicat; Spraying.] Patience — Rosary of Christian Graces McLai-en, Rev. A. (J '23 R .'il Patriarchal Theory. [See Family, The] Patriotic Songs. [See National and Patriotic Songs.] Patriotism — Maxims ccneerning Patriotism — in Works. 3... Berkelej', Bi.shop G 18 P 57 Patriotism and Empire Robertson, J. M. F 17 R 2(3 Spirit of Patriotism — in Political Wi'iting.s.. , Bolingbroke.H. St. J. F 13 Q 3.-) Things of the Mind Spalding, Bishop G 15 U '2 Patristic Literature — Biblical anil Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature. Anecdota O.Koniensia, Seni. ser. 1, pt. 9 ■220.43 Bricfe, Alihandlungen, und Prcdigten... Caspar!, C. P. G 5 Q 33 Cyprian Benson. Archbishop (J 1 9 T 32 Free Enquiry into the Origin of the Fourth (Josjiel... Sense, P. C. ( ; 24 U 3.-> Histoiy cf Early Christian Literature ... Kriiger, y C. Batten... Queensl. Agr. .Jor.ru., 5 030.5 Pea Weevil — Pamphlets on Injurious Imsects. [See also Insects, Injurious.] Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q, 5 Peace — Reflections and Comments, 1805-95 .. (iodkin, E. L. J 12 iS 43 United States of Europe on the eve of the Parliament of Peace. Stead, W. T. F 16 T 14 [See also Dis.arraament.] Peach — CUn Peach Piot ho Controlled by Spraying — 'ti Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural E.xper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Cultivation of the Peach Tree —in Work during 1895 North Carolina - Agr. Exper. Station 030.7 Ex'psriments with Fertilizers for the Prevention and Cure of Peach Yellows; bv E. F. Smith United States -Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology A 37 S 13, 14 Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 Peach Curl, Blister, Leaf Carl, or Frenching; bj' T. W. Kirk — in Leaflets for Gardeners, 24 ... New Zealand — Agr. MA 3 R 75 Poach-growing for Market ; by E. F. Smith L^nited States — Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 33 A 41 U 1 Peach-tree and its Parasites -in Work during 1895 North Carolina— Agr. E.xper. Station 630.7 Peach Troe-borer United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Peach Twig-borer; In C. L. Marlatt United States — Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 80 A 4! U 2 I'each Yellows and Peaeh Rosette ; by E. F. Smith . . .United States — ■ Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Vegetable Phvsioloav and Pathology A 37 S 26 Spotting of Peaches and Cucumbers — ™ Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Exper. Stns. A 38 Q 6 [.SVjC «/so Fruit-growing: Pomology.] 992 Tublic Library of New South Wales, Pear — Ajiple and Pear Conference, Report... Roy. Hort. Soc. Journ. 634 Experiments in Preventing Pear Scab — in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Leaf Bliglit of the Pear — in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Leaf Blight of the Pear and the Quince — in Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Xational Pear Conference, Report Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 631 Pear Slug ... United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Eutomologv A 41 U 6 Pear Tree Psylla United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 [iSee a/so Cider ; Fruit-growing; Pomology.] Pearls and Pearl Fisheries — Pearl and Pearl-shell Fisheries of North Queensland ; bv W. Saville-Kent... Queensl.~Parl., V. and P., v. 3, 1890 3-28.943 Pearls aud Pearl Oysters -in The Naturalist in Australia. Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 I Peas — Canadian Field Peas U.S.- Dept. of Agr., Year-book, ISOo 630.5 Insects injurious to Beans and Peas; by F. H. Cliittenden. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-bcok, lf-.f8 6S0.5 Leguminous Plants for Green Manuring and Feeding; by E. W. Allen United States— Dept. of Agr. --Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S ici Pamphlets on Vegetables Agr. Exj^er. Stations A 38 Q 14 [.Ste aho Cow-peas ; Leguminosa^ ; Nitrogen in Agriculture ; Pea Weevil.] Peat — Manual of Forestry Schlich, W. A .32 P 17 Usesof Peat in Europe .. UuitedStates— Consular Rcptt-., 49 3S;2 Pecora. [e Author Catalogue.] Pennsylvania University. [For Catalogues and Official Publications, see Author Catalogue.] Pensions and Superannuation Laws and Schemes — (Jonnnissioner of iV-nsions, Report... L^.S. — Pension Ulii'/e S.^l.o Commissioner of Pensions, Report, 1S94— /« Report, 1896, vol. 3. U.S.- Dept. of the Interior 353.3 Foreign Reports Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Labour F .'39 V rv2, 54 X Ii-ish Teachers' Pension Rules Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education F 1 U 27 Laws and Regulations governing the recognition of Agents, Attor- neys, and other Persons to represent Claimants before the De- partment of the Interior... United States— Dept. of the Interior F 1 US Law.s of the United States governing the granting of Army and Navy Pensions United States — Pensicm Office F 1 U 26 Laws relating to Army ami Navy Pensions United States — Statutes F 1 U 4 Pension for Everybody Australian, Tlio M J 4 P 11 Pensions for Teachers — r/i Report, 1894-95 United States — Bureau of Education 379.73 Pensions for Aged Poor. ..Nab. Lib. Cluli, Pol. Econ. Circle, 2 330.6 Royal Commission on the Aged Poor, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Aged Poor F 39 U 3S-40 t Treatise on the Practice of the Pension Bureau, United States United States — Pension Office F 16 R 5 [.See aho Asylums, Benevolent ; Benefit Societies : Civil Service ; Insurance, State and Compulsory ; Old Age Pensions; Pauper- ism ; Poor Laws. ] Pentateuch. \jiee Decalogue; Deuteronomy; Exodus; Genesis; Leviticus; Numbers.] People's Banks. [See Agricultural Banks; National Banks; !:y A. Willey— «« Zdiilogii-al Itesults Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 Caracturcs cxtcnius dus I'cripates; par E. L. Houvicr. International Congress of Zoology, l'ro(.\, 1898 A 35 VV 14 Description of Pcripalus oviparns ; by A. Dendy... Linnoan Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1895 ,580.0 Observations on Peripatus ; by T. Steel Liniican Society, N.S.W., Proc, ISiHi 58(Ui Peripatns Sedgwick, A. A 40 U 12 Specific Identity of the Australian Peripatus, usually sujiijosfd tcj be P. Lciu-karii; by J. J. Fletcher.. Linnean Societj', N.S.W., Proc, 181)5 580.0 [See also Antliropoda ; Malai^opoda. ] Peritonitis — Acute Peritonitis; by Ur. F. Treves — in System of Medicine. AUbutt, T. C. A 20 T 36 Acute Peritonitis of Undetermined Nature; by Dr. W. H. AUcliin — (n System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T .36 Chronic Peritonitis ; Viy Dr. W. H. AUchin — trt System of Medi- cine AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 New firowths of the Peritoneum ; by Dr. W. H. Allcbin — in Sy.stem of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Peritonitis; by Dr. R. Park — in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Peritonitis and Appendicitis ; by Dr. G. R. Fowler — in Practical Therapeutics '. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Tubercle of the Peritoneum ; by Dr. W. H. AUchin -m System of Medicine AUbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Perry. [See Cider and Pei'ry.] Persecutions — Cyprian Benson, Archbishop G 19 T 32 History of the Waldenses of Italy ... Coinba, Rev. E. Gil Q 30 Pagan Persecution of Christianity — in Intellectual Development. Crozier, ,1. 15. (J 17 T 11 Spanish Protestants in the 16th Century ... Wilkens, Rev. C. A. G 11 U 13 Waldensian Church in the Vallcj's of Piedmont. Willyams, Jane L. G 15 U 27 [See also Albigenses; Christianity — History of; Covenanters; Fanaticism ; Heresies ; Huguenots ; Inquisition ; .Jansenists ; Jews ; Liberty of Conscience ; Lollards ; Martj'rs ; Massaci'es ; Port Royalists ; Quakers; Waldenses; Witchcraft.] Perseus— Legends — Legend of Perseus... [See also Mythology -Greek.] Hartland, E. S. B ,36 P S Persia — General and Descriptive — Amongst the Persians Browne, E. G. D 19 U 6 From liatum to Baghdad Harris, W. B. 1) 17 S 16 Ride through Western Asia Bigham, C. D 10 T 17 Through Persia and India Weeks, E. L. D 17 V 22 Through Persia on a Side-saddle Sykes, Ella C. D 20 U 12 Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reis; by A. Vambery Seidi Ali D 18 R 19 Univeral Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U9 [See also Parsces and Parseeism ; Zoroastrians. ] Commerce and Trade — Trade of Bushire and District, 1897 in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, 1898 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Trade of Persia — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Atmual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 382 History - Alexander the Great Wheeler, B. I. E 27 Q 1 4 Alexander the Great, Life and Exploits of B 27 V 20 In the Kingdom of the Shah Collins, E. T. B 10 U 2 Per.sia Vaux, W. S. W. B 27 P 10 Persia Revisited, 1895 Gordon, Sir T. E. B 16 U 4 Persian Life and Customs Wilson, Rev. S. G. D 17 S 15 Philip and Alexander of Macedon ... Hogarth, G. G. C 24 Q 11 ^ketclies from Eastern History Noldeke, T. B 12 U 36 Persian Language — Pi-isian Mar]u;d Khurshid, Mirza J 21 P .33 PhoM('-ti(iue llistoiiciue et couiparce du .Sanscrit et du Zend. Regnaud, P. J 9 V 33 Persian Literature — Adventures of Ilajji Baba Morier, J. J V 26 Hiicli des Kabus Diez, H. F. von J 14 U 6 Denkvviirdigkeiten von Asien Diez, H. F. von B 16 R 2(i, 27 lOpic of King.% Zimmern, Helen 11 1 1 R 12 \'erzeichniss der Persischen Handsehrif ten ; von W. Pertsch. H.^rlin -K.inigliche IJibliolhek K 11 U t Personal Property - l.awof Pcis.i;ialI'io),crtyinX..S.W.... Millard, G.W. MF 2 Q 30 [See tdso Property; Real Property.] Personality, Human and Divine. [See Ontology.] Perspective — Domzirlitkundc of Pcr.spcjtief Siniacrt, A. A 44 (J lo [See al.su Drawing.] Perthshire — History — Historical Castles and Mansions of Scotland Millar, A. H. B 41 Q 13 •Perturbations — Development of Perturbative Function and its Derivatives. United States — Bureau of Equipment - Ast. Papers, 3 520.8 Gauss's Method of ComiJUting Sei;ular Perturbations with an Ap- plication to Action of Venus and Mercury United States — Bureau of Equipment — Ast. Papers, 1 520.8 Periodic Perturbations of the Longitudes and Radii Vectores of the Four Inner Planets of tlie Fu'st Order as to the Masses. United States -Bureau of Equipment— Ast. Paijers, 3 520.8 Secular Perturbations of Mercury ; by E. Doolittle. Ast. Journal, 1896-97 520.5 Peru — General and Descriptive- Over ih.^ Anikes Crommelin, May I) 10 T 10 Peru... United States — Bureauof American Republics D 18 T 33 Peru in the Guano Age Duffield, A. J. D 10 R 7 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P .36 Universal Geograxjhy Reclus, E. D21 U IS Viaje de Destierro Grez, V. D 16 P 3 Voyage de la Mer du Sud Frezier, A. F. D 16 P 4 [See also Incas ; South American Wars. ] Commerce and Trade — Trade of Peru — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series ../ Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Geoyrapliy, Topoijrapliy, and Jfaps — Cape Lobos to Pescadores Point, 1898 [Chart] ... (4 1. Brit, and Irel. — Hvdrographic Office D 49 P 2 J Ferrol and Coisco Bays, 1899 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographie Office D 49 P 2 J History — Viaje de Destierro Grez, V. D 16 P 3 \^'ar between Chile and Peru and Bolivia, 1878-81. iMason, Lieut. T. B. M. B 19 T 16 ReJiejion — Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated bj' the Native Reli- gions of Mexico and Peru Rijville, Rev. A. G 23 T 2 Perugia — History — Story of Perugia Symouds, Margaret B 37 P 8 Pessimism — Evolution Jevons, F. B. G 25 S 13 Human Nature Schopenhauer, A. G 12 U 35 Optimism and Pessimism; by Rev. W. Henderson. Melbourne Review, 2 052 Paradoxes Sudfeld, M. S. G 3 U 16 Reviews and Critical Essays Pearson, C. H. J 14 U 20 Rhapsodies on Rhymers Henerie, J. E. S. M.J 3 S 7 WiU to Believe James, W. MG 23 R 24 [See also Altruism ; Optimism ; and under Schopenhauer in Author Catalogue.] 996 Public Library of Neic South Wales. Pestalozzi System. [See Kindergarten; and under Pes- talozzi, J. H., in Author Catalogue.] Pests. [See Agricultural Pests; Entomology — Economic; Fungi in Agriculture; Insects, Injurious; Parasites; Plant Diseases; Rabbits: Weeds; and under iSTames of Animal or Insect Pests.] Petrography. [See Petrology.] Petroleum and Natural Gas — Chemical Teclmologj- Groves, C. E. A '21 V 6-S Detection ami Measurement of Petroleum Vapour— iwlnflamnialjle Gas and Vapour in the Air Clowes, F. A 20 Q 21 C4enesis of Petroleum and Asplialtum in California ; by A. S. Cooper. California— Mining Bureau A 37 T 7 Oil and Gas-yielding Formation of Los Angeles; by W. L. Watts. California— State Mining Bureau A 37 R 23 Petroleum Kedwood, B. A 21 U 9, 10 Petroleum — j« CheniLstry for Manufacturers Blount, B. A 21 T .39 Petroleum and its Products ; by S. F. Peckham— rn Census of tlie United .States, ISSO United States— Census Office 317.3 Petroleum or Coal Scrutton, T. U. MA 4 S 12 Petroleum Trade . United States — Consular Repts., 57 382 Russian Petroleum in 1898. ..United States— Cons. Repts., 69 382 Select Committee on Petroleum, Report, 1S9G-9:?. Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Petroleum A 40 V 37 J, and A 20 U 24 t Trenton Limestone as a source of Petroleum and Inflammable Gas; by E. Orton... UnitedStates— Geological Survey, Annual Report, 8 557.3 United States— Consular Reports, 47 382 [See also Oil Engines.] Petrology — General — Basalt from One Tree Point ; by W. A. MacLeod... Roval Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 500 Basalts of Bathurst and the Neighbouring Districts : by W. .J. C. Ro.ss Royal Society, N. S. Wales, .Tourn.al, 1897 50(j Directions for Collecting Rooks, and for the Preparation of Thin .Sections Merill, G. P. A 34 V 35 Effusive and Dj-ke Rocks near St. .John, N.B.... Mattlicw, W. D. ^ A 44 S 16 Felsites and Associated Rocks of M(mnt Read and Vicinity; by W. H. Twelvetrees. . .Roy. Soc. , Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 Graphitic Slates and Associated Rocks in the Kalgoorlie District; by H. B. Corbin Royal Soc. , S. Aust. , Trans. , 1897-98 506 Guide to the Collection of Rocks and Fossils belonging to the Geo- logical Survey of Ireland ; by A. McHenry... (U. Brit, and Irel. — Science and Arts Museum, Dublin A 24 S 24 Hayne-trachyte and Allied Rocks in tlie District of Port C\-gnet and Oyster Cove; by W. II. Twelvetrees Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 Igneous Rocks of Tasmania; by W. H. Twelvetrees.., Australasian Institute, Jlining Engineers, Ti'ans., 1898 (i22.06 Introduction to the Study of Rocks; by L. Fletclier Briti.sh Museum A ;i9 V 1 1 Lehrbuch der Petrographie Zi rkel, F. A 3 1 Q 9 11 Liniurite in Tasmania; Ijy W. H. Twelvetrees ... Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 Mesozoic Dolerite and Dialiase in Tasmania ; by W. H. Twelvetrees. Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 Minoralogical and Petrological Notes ; by (!. W. Caril. N. S. Wales — (ieological Survey, Record, 5 5,'>9.44 Names of some Ne\v Zealand Rocks: by Capt. Hntton. New Zealand liistitute, Trans., 1898 506 Nepheline and Melilite from tlie Sliannon 'I'ier; bj^ W. H. 'i'wclve- trees Royal Society, Tasm.inia, Papers, 1898 99 .WO Palicozoic Rjuliolaiijin Rocks of N. S. Wales; by I'rof. David. Geological Society, Limd., Quarterly .Journal, 1899 550.6 Perforated Rocks from Western Australia; liy E. J. Duim. Royal Society, Victoria, Pioc, 1897 506 Perforated Rocks in the Coolgardie District; by F. D. .Johnson. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 622.06 Petrology of Central An.stnalia Suiceth, W. F. MA 3 K 62 J'etrcjlogy of Kerguelen Island; by E. (i. Hogg .. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc", 1H9H 506 Petrology — General — contd. Radiolaria in the Devonian Rocks of N. S. Wales; by Dr. Hinde. Cieological Society, Lond., Quarterly Journal, 1899 .550.6 Rhyolites of the Hauraki Gold-fields, New Zealand; liy .1. Park. Geological Society, Lond., Quarterly .Journal, 1899 550.6 Rock Specimens from Kerguelen Island ; by E. G. Hogg. Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Rocks collected by Kitson and Thorne ; by A. W. Howitt. Australasian Assoc. Advance, of Sc, Rept., 1898 .506 Rocks, Rock-weathering, and Soils .. Merrill, G. P. A 33 V 20 West Coast Dolerite ; by W. A. MacLeod New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 [.?fe «/.so Crystallography ; Geology; Meteorites; Mineralogy.] Phsenogamia. [_See Phanerogamia.] Phalangistidse — Cunti-niulion to the Development of the common Phalanger ; by Dr. R. Broom Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898 580.6 [See also Marsupialia.] Phallic Worship — Fire and Phallic ^\'ol'ship— i'n God-Idea of tlie .•Vncients. (iamlile, Eliza B. G 3 U 29 From Phallism to Purism — in Outspoken Essays Bax, E. B. G 9 W 35 [.9(6 aho Religions, Primitive; Rosicrucians; Sj'mbolism.] Phanerogamia — Ph.-enogiims ; by W. Colenso N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898 5C6 Seeding Forms of NewZealandPhanerogamsand their Development: by L. Cockayne New Zealand Inst., Trans.. 1898-99 516 [See also Botany — General; and undeB each Order.] Phaneropleurini — 2'Jian"ro2ili'iircn Jnderscni — m Scientific Memoirs... Huxley, T. H. A40S 16 Pharmaceutical Periodicals. [See Pharmacy —Periodicals.] Pharmacology — JIateria Medica, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics. Wlii'tc, \\'. H. A 26 P 31 [See also Botany, Medical; Pharmacy; I'oisoiious Plants.] Pharmacopoeias — liriti.sh Hmncpopathie Pliarmacopoeia A 40 Q 19 I'.ritisli Pharmacoprt'ia, 1898 A 40 1' 12 t^impanioii to the Briti.sh Pliarmacopioia... Siiuire, P. A 40 P 20 Extra Pliainiacop.eia, 1898 Martindalc, W. A 26 P 33 Pliarni.acopojiaa of Thirty London Hospitals Sijuirc, P. A 26 P 42 [Sre ffAs-o Pharmacy ; Prescripticms. ] Pharmacy — General — Ai^tion of Medicines Brunton, T. L. A 37 T 1 Art of Compounding Scoville, W. L. A 31 Q 20 Art of Dispensing MacEwan, P. A 44 U 13 ("hemist's Compendium Thompson, C. J. S. A 26 P 21 Companion to tlie Britisli Pharmacopceia... Squire, P. A 40 P 20 Drug Trade in Foreign Countries United States - Consular Repts., Special Repts., 14 382 Druggist's General Receipt-book Bcasky, 11. A 26 P 28 Elements of Pharmacy, Materia Medica, and Tliciapentics. Whilla, W. A 26 P 32 Incompatibilities in Presjcriptions Ruddiman, E. A. A 38 S 3 Indicators and Test-papeis Colin, A. I. A 41 T .30 Lancet 610.5 Manual of General Medical Technology ... Curtis, E. A 20 P 22 Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Muirell, W. A 26 ii 29 Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Tlierapeutics for Dentists. Clifford, E. L. A 32 S 33 Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Pliarmaculiigy, and Therapeutics. While, W. 11. A 20 P 31 Subject-Index to the Siqyplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 997 Pharmacy— ^^(tern? — conld. MystiTv niiil Tioiiiancc of Alchemy and Phaimacy. Thompson, C\ J. S. A 20 R 8 Prescription Writing ami the Comliination of Drugs; by IJr. J. P. Remington — in Practical Thcra|)(nitics Hare, H. A. A 3) I' 1 1 Professional Education in the United States New York - University, College Dept., Bulletin, liWO f! IS U "iS [.SVfi aho Botany. Medical ; Honifeopathy ; Materia Medica ; I'liar- macopceias ; Pharmacy — Periodicals; Prcseri[)tionH; Vcteiin- ary Science.] Periodir.nls — Pharmaceutical Journal (il.'i.d,") Pharmaceutical Journal of Australasia (Mi\A)Ti Year-book of Pharmacy U 1 .3. 05 Pharynx — Diseases of the Pharynx ; bj' Sir F. Semon — //( System of Mcdicimn Allbutt,'T. C. A -20 T 37 Diseases of the Pharynx and Larynx ; by Dr. C. K. Sajous — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Diseases of the Uvula, the Pharynx, and Larynx; by Dr. D. B. Kyle — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Inflammation of the Mucous Membrane of the Oral, Nasal, and I'haryngeal Cavities; by Dr. W. X. Sudduth — in American System of Dentistry Litch \V. F. A 31 S 3 Phasmidse — Phasmid;e of New Zealand; by Capt. Hutton New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897-98 500 Phasmida;; with Note.'i on the Eggs by D. Sliarp — in Zoological Results , WiUey, A. MA 4 V 3 \^See also Orthoptera. ] Phenicia. [/SVe Phoenicia.] Phenomenism — Jlctai)liysic of Experience Hodgson, R. H. (! 17 R S.^-Se Philosophy and Experience Hodgson, S. H. (! 14 R 29 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. (ill (,^1 30, 31 Reorganisation of Philosophy Hodgson, S. H. C! 14 1! 27 Philadelphia — History — Historic Towns of the Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Philadelphia: the Place and the People Repplier, Agnes 1! 19 Q IS Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1876 - Catalogue, Collection from the Indian Museum exhibited in the Indian Department of the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1870 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition MJ 2 U 7 Philanthropists — Fry, Elizal>eth--/n Little Journeys Hubb.ard, E. C 19 P 12 Howe, Dr. S. ()., the Philanthropist C 20 U 5 Organiseil Pliilanthropy — in Pioneer Women Pratt, E. A. C 23 Q 19 Shaftesbury, Anthony, Earl of, Life, Unpublished Letters, and Philo.sophical Regimen of C 26 T (i Tuke, .lames Hack C 37 S 11 Philanthropy. [See Charities; Cliarity; Philanthropists; Social Prolilems.] Philately. [See Postage Stamps.] Philippians -Epistle — Commi-ntaiv on the Epistle to tlie Philippians. Vincent, Rev. M. R. G 23 R 40 Philippian Studies Moule, Re\'. H. C. G. G 19 T 31 Philippine Islands — General and Descriptive — American Cruiser in the East Ford, J. V>. D 21 S 2 Chionicle and Directory for China, &c 910.3 European Settlements in the Far East S. , D. W. I) 21 Q 12 Military Notes on the Philippines United States — Adjutant-General's Office D 13 V 19 New Pacific Bancroft, H. H. D 22 Q 14 Philippine Islands , Foreman, J. D 22 R 1 Philippine Islands — 6'ci(emZ and DeKcriptive—covld. I'hibonincs and Round About \''ounghusband, Major (J. J. D 22 R 2 . Ports in the I'hibppiiie Islands, 1 899 [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Hydiographic f)IIiee D 49 P 3 t QuaintCornersof.\ncientEmpires... Shoemaker, M. M. D 13 R 9 San Pedro Bay to Lib\ikan Islands, inclurlingJuanico Strait, 1S98 [Chart] .. (it. Brit, and Irel. -Hydrographic Ollice D 49 1' 3 X iSupiilenient to the Eastern Archipelago Directory. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Admiralty D 20 U 13 Universal (Jeography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 Yesterdays in the Philippines Stevens, J. E. D 14 R 24 Commerce and Trade — Code of (!c)nnnerce in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, amended by the Law of 1897... U.S.— Dept. of War F 18 R 28 Trade of thePhilippinelslands; by F.H.Hiehcock... United States -- Dci)t. of Agr.— Section of Foreign Markets F 7 T 1 Ifistori/ — Pliilippine Ishuids and their People... Worcester, I). C. B 39 P 18 [See also American-Philippine War; American-Spanish War.] Philological Periodicals. [See Philology — Periodicals.] Philological Societies. [s<-e Pliilology — Societies.] Philologists - - Letters nf I)e Brosses Brosses, C. de C 24 Q 7 Lite Writings, and Correspondence of George Borrow; by W. I. Knajjp Borrow, G. C 26 R 1 6, 1 7 Noah "Webster; by H. E. Scudder Webster, N. C 27 P 10 Philology and Study of Languages— 6'«nero? — Collected Works Miiller, F. M. J 29 T 1-14 Contributions to North American Ethnology... United States — Geographical and Geol. Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region A 10 V 1-8 t Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Harvard University — Studies in Classical Philology J 26 T 1-7, 10, 11 Language and Literature ; by E. E. Morris... Melb. Rev., 9 052 Language and Science -,'« Groundwork of Science. Mivart, F. St. G. A 40 P 10 Letters and Papers upon Philological Subjects... Straugford, Vise. J 12 P 21 Logic of the Practical Sciences -in Theory of Practice. Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Nature and Origin of the Noun Genders in the Indo-European Languages Bnigmann, K. A 24 P 32 Origin of Language Melbourne Review, 2 052 Origin of the Human Language Jaeger, G. A 44 Q 5 Psychology of Childhood Tracy, F. G 9 \V 20 QuelqnesSuttixes d'origine Celticpie dans les Noms de lieux de la Belgique ZanardcUi, T. J 8 V 33 Science of Language Miiller, F. M. J 29 Til, 12 [See aho Alphabets ; Classical Education ; Elocution ; Hiero- glyphics ; Idioms ; Languages, Teaching of ; Literature ; Philologists; Philology — Periodicals ; Philology — Societies; Phonography; Rhetoric: Slang; .Synonyms; Volapiik; and under each Language for its own Grammars and Dictionaries.] ■ Periodicals — American Journal of I'hilology 405 Societies — Philological Society, Transactions 406 Polynesian .Society, Journal 996 Comparative — Comparative Grammar of the Indo-Germanic Languages. Brugmann, K. J 12 V 24-28 Etude sur le.3 Dialectes Nco-Calt doniens, Australieus, et autres. Bernier, J. MJ 3 T 5 From Babel to Comparative Philology— ;« Warfare of .'I'cience with Tlieology White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 Number Conce'pt Conant, L. L. J 14 V 1 [.S'cc a/.so Aborigines of Australia — Languages; Alphabets: ¥a\- mology; Hieroglyphics; Inscriptions; Palaiography ; Philology and Study of Languages; Sign Languages.] oos FuhUc Library cf New South Wulei. Philosophers and Economists — American — Early American Philosophers Jones, A. L. G 26 T 11 Emerson, Ralph Waldo; by O. W. Holmes C 27 V 2 Franklin, Benjamin, as an Economist ; by W. A. Wetzel. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 13 15 18 S 13 Raymond, Daniel; by C. P. Ncill Jolms Hopkins University, Studies, 15 B 18 S 15 British Carlylc and Cln'istianity— in Typical Cliristiau Leaders, Clifford, Key. J. C'arl3le, Thomas ; by M. D. Conway Ferrier, James Frederick ; bj' E. S. Haldane Lieber, Francis; by L. R. Harley Masters of Victorian Literature Graham, R. D. Reid, Thomas; by A. C. Fraser Ruskin, John; bj' J. A. Hobson Ruskin, John; by M. H. KiJielman Shaftesbury, Anthony, Earl of. Life, Unpublished Letters, sophical Regimen of Smith, Adam; by H. C. Macpherson Spencer, Herbert ; by H. C Slacpherson ._. Canadian — G23T 16 C 27 n 1 C 20 V 1 7 C 27 T 4 J 22 Q 'J C20 V 13 C 25 R 10 C 23 T 20 and Phil.. - C 26 T (i C 20 V 15 C 27 R 20 My Liner Life Crozier, J. B. G 11 Iv 43 French - Montaigne, Miclielde: by M. E. Lowndes Renan, Ernest, Life of ; by JInie. L. U.u-mesteter. C 23 S 22 C23S IG Philosophical Instruments. \Sne A.stroiioinieal Instru- ments; Optical lustriiinent.s; Science- boratories.] -Teachiui', La- Philosophical Periodicals. [See Philosopliy — Periodicals ; Political Economy — Pei'iodicals ; Social Economy — Periodicals; Statistic? and Economies — Periodicals.] Philosophical Societies. [.See Philo.sophy — Societies; Science — Societies.] Philosophy — Otncml— Collecte.l Works of Dugald Stewart ... Stewart, D. G 16 V 1-7 Consolation of Philosophj' of Boethius Boethius G 4 V 26 De Consolatione Philosophiie ; by Boethius. . . English Text Society, " Pubs., original series, 113 S20."8 European Thought in the 10th Century... Merz, J. T. B 16 T 28 Introduction to Piiiloaophy Kiilpe, 0. G 18 P 44 Introduction to Philosophy Ladd, G. T. G 1 T 24 Outline of Philosophy Watson, .7. G 17 S 19 Philosophische Studfcn W undt, W. ( ! 6 T 1 1 Philosophy and Experience Hodgson, S. H. G 14 R 29 Present Position of the Philosophical Sciences in Man's Place in the Cosmos Seth, A. G 14 R 20 Reorganisation of Philosophy Hodgson, .S. H. G 14 R 27 Science and Sentiment Porter, Rev. N. G 24 R 6 [See (iIko /Esthetics; Agnosticism; Altruism; Aristotclianism ; Association.ili'ira ; Atheism ; Baconian Philosophy ; Cartesianism ; Causation; Cimceptualism ; Conscience; Cosmolog}' ; ("reeds; Determinism; Dualism; Egoism; EleaticPhiUisophy ; Emotions; Kpieurcmisni ; Evil, Problem of ; Evolution; Faith; Fichtean Philosojihy ; Freedom of the Will ; Freetliouglit ; Future State ; Hedonism; Hegelianism ; Hi.story, Philosophy of; Idealism; Ideals; Imagination; Intuitionalism; Kantian Philosophy; Knowledge; LiVjcrty ; Ivogic ; Man; Materialism; Matter; Memory'; Mental Pliysiology ; Metapliysics; Mind and I?ody ; Monism; Moral Philosopliy; Mysticism; Neo-Kantian Phih)s- ophy; Neo-Platoni.sm ; Niliilism; Ontology; Optimism; Pan- theism ; I'erception ; Pessimism ; Phenomenism ; Platonism ; Political Economy; Positivism; Psychology; Pythagoreanism ; Rationalism; Realism; Ptcason; Religion; Religion and Science; Rosicruci.uiH ; Scholasticism ; Sensation ; Social Economy ; Socratic Philosophy; Soul; Space; Spenccrian Philosophy; Spinozism ; .Spiritualism ; Stoicism ; Su])ernatiu'alisni ; Syni- Vwlism ; Teleology; Theism; Theodicy; Theology, Natural; *cenJentnlism ; Tranfi Time ; Transcend ualism; Utilitarianiam ; Will. J IVansmigration ; Truth ; Univcr- G 19 U 35 G 14 R 26 G 9 W 35 G 3 U 16 G 14 R .30 F 8 V 46 G 23 Q 16 Philosophy — Addresses, Bssai/$, Lectures — Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolution ... Pearson, K. A 37 R 9, 10 Complete Works of Emerson Emerson, R. W. J 22 Q 15-26 Essays, Literary and Philosophical Lindsay, J. J 12 T 44 Essays, Reviews, and Addresses ... Martineau, J. J 14 T 27-30 Gesammelte Werke Gutzkow, K. .1 24 S 34 Guesses at tlie Riddle of Existence .Smith, (i. G 19 U 34 Human Nature Schopenhauer, A. Man's Place in the Cosmos Seth, A. Outspoken Essays on Social .Subjects Bax, E. B. Paradoxes Siidfeld, M. S. Philosophical Essays Stewart, D. Physics and Politics Bagehot, W. Practical Ethics Sidgwick, H. Will to Believe, and other Essays in Popular Philosophy. James, W. G 23 R 24 History — History of Ancient Philosophy Windelband, W. G 25 T 9 History of Modern Philosophy Hoffding, H. G 24 V 31, 32 History of Pliilosophy ." Weber, A. G 5 Q 30 History of Philosophy Wmdelbaud, W. G 14 Q 40 Lectures on the History of Philosophy Hei;el, (i. W. F. G 12 R 30, 31 Periodicals — Journal of Speculative Philosophy 105 Mind 105 Monist 105 Positivist Review 305 Societies — Aristotelian Society, Proceedings G 25 Q 23-25 Literary and Philosophical Society, Liverpool, Proceedings. . . 806 .Society for Psychical Research, Proceedings 130 American - By Countries. Early American Philosophers Jones, A. L. G 26 T 11 British^ Development of En-iish Tliought Patten, S. N. (i 23 T 42 James Frederick Ferrier; by E. S. Haldane C 20 V 17 Philosophical Essays ." Stewart, D. G 14 R 30 Realistic Philosophy MeCosh, Rev. J. G 17 S 21, 22 Sartor Resartus ...." Carlyle, T. J 23 T 4 French — History of Mo.lern Philosophy in France Lcvy-Bruhl, L. ■ G 24 U 25 Joxdiert: a .Selection from liis Thouglits... Joubert, .1. G 23 T 12 German — Monadolog}', and other Philosophical Writings of Leibniz; trans- lated by R. Lalta Leibniz, G. W. G 11 U 41 Problem Friedrich Nietzsches Grimm, 1C. G 24 S 13 Works of Fricdrich Nietzsche Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 15, IS Greek — Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 Aristotle and tlie Earlier Peripatetics... Zellcr, E. G 19 U 32, 33 Articles from the Heretic Tucker, C J 23 T 30 Commontarii Aurelius Antoninus, M. Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti Simplicius Dissertationcs Maximus Ty rius 1 )issei-tationes ab Arriano Uteris mandatiB. . . Epictetus Early Greek Philosophy Burnet, J. ]>;clog:e Stobicus, J Eiiijjcror Hadrian Grcgorovius, F. Euripides and the Attic Orators TIkuusou, A. I). Fathers of Greek Philosophy - in Studies in M.iny Sul)jects. Reynolds, Rev. S. H. J 19 W 8 First Philosophers of Greece Fairbanks, A. (irc'jk View of Life Dickinson, (i. L. Hislory of Ancient Philosophy Windclliaiul, W, liitrllci'tual Development Crozier, J. B. Philosophy of (ircece Benn, A. W. Plutarch; by Archbishop Trench Plutarehus Tabula Ccbos Xenoi)honti3 ipue extant Opera Xenophon J 18 V 23 J IS V 23 J 18 V 23 J 18 V 23 (i 1 1 (.) 32 G 2 \ 45 B34 K 17 (i 14 P ,35 (i 23 S 25 G 19 U 15 G 25 T 9 G 17 T 11 (} 17 S IS C 19 P26 J 18 V 23 J 17 U 11 t Subjcct-hidex to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 999 Philosophy— Oriental— Cliinus,', Tlie Martin, Rev. W. A. P. A 11 T 10 iTitt'lluctual Development Crozier, J. 1!. (J 17 T II Philosophical Kssays Stewart, ]). (1 Ki \' (i Physics ami Politics Bagehot, \V. F 8 V 40 Poetry of Oriental Religion; bj- Rev. J. Lambie Melbourne Review, 10 K.Vi Six Systems of Indian Philo-sophy Miiller, F. M. (;'_'4V1 Roman — Knipcror Hadiian (Jrcgorovius, F. B.S4R17 History of Ancient Philosophy Windelbanil, \V. (i 2.5 T 9 King Alfred's Old English Version of Boethius. Boethius, A. M. T. S. J 23 S 20 King Alfred's Version of the Consolation of J5o(;tliins. Boethius, A. M. 'I", S. J tl 15 Selected Works Seneca, L. A. H 17 S lli [.S'ee also Philosophy — Gi'cek.] Scottish — Ethical System of James Martineau Hertz, .J. I[. (! 20 T 10 Phlorizin- Phlorizin Rennie, E. H. MA 3 W 18 [See a/so Chemistry, Organic; Botany, Economic] Phoenicia — /lis/ori/ — • struggle of the Nations Maspero, (i. B 17 U IS Western Civilisation Cunningham, Rev. W. V 15 R 12 Phoenician Language and Literature — Inscriptions in the Pluenician Character discovered on the Site of Carthago; by N. Davis British Museum B 47 P 20 J Orientalia Anti(|ua... Terrien de la Couperie, A. E. J. B. J 5 V 24 Phoenix Islands — Geoyrapki/, Topugrapltij, iiiul Maps — Ellice Islands to Phieni.x Islands [Chart] . . Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office Ml) 3 Q 10 J Enderburv Island to Christmas Island, 1899 [Chart]. (it. Brit, and Irel.- Hj'drographic Ottice D 49 P 2 J Phonetic Journals. [See Piionography — Periodicals and Journals.] Phonetics. [See Phonography.] Phonograph — Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th Century ... Routledgc, R. A 23 T 45 Waves of Sound ami Speech as I'evealed by the Phonograph. M'Kendrick, J. (}. A 23 T 42 Phonography - Cursive Sliorthand Callondar, H. L. J 9 P 47 Duployan Shorthand Brandt, G. J 14 V 10 Phrasengraphic Shorthand Cole, F. H. MJ 3 S 15 Sloan-Duployan Phonographic Instructor Sloan, J. M. J 16 R 42 [See aUo Shorthand.] ■ ■ Periodicals and Journals — Phonetic Journal -r 053.05 Phonographic Magazine .^ 053.05 Phcronis — Ciephyrea and Phoronis Shipley, A. E. A 20 T 20 [6'ee also Hclniintholog\'.] Phosphatic Deposits — Analysis of some N. S. Wales Phosphatic Minerals and Pliosphatic Deposits; b}' J. C. H. Miugaj'e Australasi.an Assoc, for Advance, of Science, Report, 1898 500 [Another copy.]... N. S. Wales— Geol. Survey, Rec., 6 559.44 Phosphatic Deposits in the Jcnolan Caves; bv J. C. H. Mingayc. N. S. Wales -Geol. Survey, Record, 6 559144 [Abstract of same.] ... Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Sc, Rept., 1S9S 500 [See also Geology, Economic ; Manures and Fertilisers.] Phosphorescence — Scientific Wiitings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 Photo-engraving — Etching, Engiaving, and Other Methods of Printing Piclurcfl. Singer, H. W. A 40 R 2 Halftone Process Verfasscr, J. A 23 P 27 Photo-engraving made Easy Lemane, J. MA 4 P 12 Photo-engraving, Photo-litho, Collotype and Photogravure. Wilkinson, W. T. A 23 S 29 Photo-micrographic Notes; by A. Norman ... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 Plioto-niicrographv; by Dun Domingo de Orueta Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 Photo-mici'ograjiliy for Entomology ; by F. N. Clark... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 Photo- micrography. Stereo-phot o-micrograpliy, Chr(jmf»-plK)to- niicrograi)Jiy, Stc^reo-chromo-photo-mierography ; by K. R. Turner 'illustrated Animal of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 Photogravure Wilkinson,'W. T. A 41 Q 23 Treatise on Photogravure Denison, H. A 40 V 13 [.S'ee a/so Collotypes ; Intaglios; Photo-lithography; Photography.] Photo-lithography — CoUotype and Photo-lithography Schnauss, J. A 23 T 27 I'hoto-engraving, Photo-litho., Collotype, and Photogravure. Wilkinson, W. T. A 23 S 29 Photogravure and Phiito-litliography -!« Illustration of Books. Peimell, J. A 23 P 17 Photo-micrography Illustrated Annual of Micro.scopy A 40 P 19 Plioto-micrography Spitta, E. J. A 41 S 22 Photographical Periodicals. [Sec Photograpliy — Perio(h- Photographical Societies. [See Photograpliy — Societie.s.] Piiotographs — Diamiind .lubilee Naval Review A 8 S 18 + Diamond Jubilee Procession A 8 S 17 t [.S'ee aho Portraits ; .Scenery, Australian. ] Photography — Acadcirdi! des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances ,500 iVction of Light in Photography... Abney, W. de W. A 23 P 25 Art of Retouching Hubert, J. A 41 Q 18 Atmo.spheric Absoiption Harvard Universit}' Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 19 522.19 Barnctt Book of Photography A 25 T 10 Carbon Printing Wall, E. .J. A 41 (,) 21 Chemistry of Photography Steel, T. MA 4 P 12 First Princijiles of Photography Leaper, C. J. A 23 S .30 (iuide to Autot\'pe Sawj-er, J. R. A 41 Q 16 Half-tone on the American Basis Cronenberg, W. A 41 Q 4 Half-tone Process Verfasser, J. A 23 P 27 Home Portraiture Penlake, R. A 41 Q 28 Instantaneous Photography Abney, W. de W. A 23 Q 50 Lighting in Photographic Studios... Duchochois, P. C. A 41 Q 17 Magnesium Flash-light Photography .. Slingsby, R. A 13 T 20 f Making Ready and Printing of Process Blocks Moerch, .1. 0. MA 4 P 12 Photo-aquatint MaskeU, A. A 41 Q 20 Pliotographic Chemistry Hardwich, Rev. T. F. A 23 P 23 Photographic Diversions in Magic... Hopkins, A. A. A 40 S 11 Photographic Optics Cole, R. 8. A 41 Q 26 Photographic Reference Book Watts, W. A. A 23 T 24 Photographic Reproduction Processes Duchochois, P. C. A 23 S 28 Photography Blake, Rev. A. H. A 41 Q3 Pictorial Eficct in Photography Robinson, H. P. A 41 Q 14 Picture-making by Photography Robinson, H. P. A 23 S 31 and 41 7 Popular Photograph-printing Processes... Maclean, H. A 41 Q 6 Processes of Pure Photography.... Burton, W. K. A 40 V 14 .Story of Photography Story, A. T. A 33 R 27 1000 Tiiblic Lihrury of New South iVales, Photography — contd. Studio, and what to do in it Kobinson, H. V. A U Q 15 Talluitvpe, or Sun Pictures Cowdoroy, B. MA 4 P i3 Telephotography Dallmeyer, T. R. A 45 V 9 Use of the Hand Camera Holland, C. A 23 P 44 Wild Life at Home Kearton, R. A 28 P 37 [Ste also Astronomical Photography ; Autotype ; Camera ; Collo- type; Colour-photography; Military Photography; Photo- engraving ; Photographs ; Photo-lithography ; Platinotype ; Riintgen Rays.] Periodicals — Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, International Annual... 770.5 A ustralian Photographic Journal 770.5 Australian Photographic Journal Annual M A 5 Q 2 Australasian Photographic Review 770.5 Photogram 770.5 Photographic Review of Reviews "''^J^ Process Year-book '71 Photogravure. \_See Photo-engraving.] Photogravures of Pictures. [.SVe Engravings and Re- jjroductijns of Piuture.s.] Photometry — New Flicker Photometry Tufts F. L. A 44 ,S 12 Photometric Observations, 1877-79 Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 11 522.19 Theory of Light Preston, T. A 21 U 14 Treatise on Physical Optics Bassett, A. B. A 21 U 13 Zone Observations made witli the Transit Wedge Photometer. Harvard University Astron. Observatorj' Annals, 13 522.19 [.fee alio Light; Optics; Stars -Photometric Observations.] Phrases — Dictionaries — Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-lore ... Gentleman's Magazine Lib. J 12 y 35 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Brewer, E. C. K 19 S 32 Word 5, Facts, and Phrases Edwards, E. K 19 P 23 Phrenology — How to Phrenologise Carey, T. G. MA 4 S 19 Lectures on Phrenology Spurzheim, J. G. G 15 U 11 Neglect of Phrenologv—;« The Wonderful Century... Wallace, A. R. A 40 Q 7 Physiognomy and Phrenology Carej', T. G. MA 4 Q G Relation of .\linil and Brain Duncan, (4. cperimental and Theoretical ... Jude, R. H. A 3.5 T 8 Physiquj Annee Scicntifique et Industrielle, 1', 1896 .505 Populai- Scientific Lectures Mach, K. A 21 R 34 Pr I'llems and Questions in Physics... Mattliews, C. P. A 24 T 3.'* S.;ientifie Papers Rayloigh, Baron A 44 V 1 Scientific Papers Tait, P. (J. A 10 U 1.3, 14 t Short Studies in Physical .Science Cornish, V. A 24 R 27 .Smithsonian Physical Tables ; by T. Gray ... Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Colls., 3.5 .508 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism... Webster, A. G. A 38 T 10 [.?ee a?.vo Acoustics ; Air; Atomic Theory ; Biromctcrs; Djiianiics; Electricity; Force; Friction; Gases; Gravitation; Heat; Hydraulics; Kinematics; Magnetism; Mechanics; Melting and Boiling Point Tables; Molecular Physics; Optics; Pendulum Experiments; Pneumatics; .Statics; Thermomster.] Dictionaries — Handbuch der Physik ... Encyklop.-Bdie der Naturw. A 42 S 1-5 Ti'it.c]iiii.c/, Laboratvriea, Apparatus — Convenient Form of Oil-bath for stud\'ing the Influence of Definite Temperatures on Solids; by Dr. W. ]'. Evans ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 .506 History of Physics in its Elementary Branches Cajori, F. A 25 S 39 Laboratory Course in Experimental Physics Loudon, W. .1. A 21 T 36 On Laboriitory Arts Threlfall, R. MA 4 P 8 Physico-chemical Methods Traube, J. A 38 T 17 Quartz-thread Gravity Balance; by Prof. Threlfall and J. A. Pollock Royal Soc., Lond., Philosophical Trans., 193 506 [Abstract of same] Royal Society, Lond., Proc, 1899 506 Teaching of Physics in Secondary Schools WoodhuU. J. F. A 44 S 13 Physiognomy — Comparative Physiognomy Redfield, J. W. A ."0 Q 29 Encyclopedia of Face and Form Reading Stanton, Miirv 0. G 16 V 24 Physiognom}' and Phrenology Carey, T. G. MA 4 Q 6 Physiognomy Illustrated Simnis, J. G 17 T 19 {See also Phrenology. ] Physiography. [See Geology; Physical Geography.] Physiological Chemistry — Chemical Basis of the Animal Body Foster, M. A 28 U 19 Hand-book for the Bio-chemical Laboratory Maudel, J. A. A 21 R 40 Laws, according to which the Mixing of Fluids and their Pene- tration into Permeable .Substances occur, with special reference to the Processes in the Human and Animal Organization ; bv J. Vogel Cavendish Society, Pubs. A 36 S 1 On Digestive Proteoly.sis Chittenden", R. H. A 26 S 28 Physiological Chemistry ; by Prof. C. G. Lehniann CavendLsh Society, Pubs. A 36 S 22-2;5 Physiological Effect of Creatin and Creatinin and their Value as Nutrients; by Dr. Mallet U.S.— Dept. of Agr. —Office of Exper. Stations. 630.7 Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, &c. Reiehenbach, K., Baron von A 21 U 20 Technique de Chimie Physiologique et Pathologique . . . Slosse. A. A 40 P 9 [.S'ec a/.so Chemistry, Organic ; Digestion; Fermentation; Fodders and Food-stuffs; Food Adulteration; Foods, Chemistrj' of; Poisons, Poisoning, and -Antidotes.] Physiological Psychology — Accuracy of Voluntary Movement.. . Woodworth, R. .S. G 25 V 9 Afterimages Franz, S. I. G 25 V 6 Emotion of Joy Dearborn, G. van N. G 25 V 5 Experimental .Study of Children, includuig Authropometrical and Psycho-physical Measurements of Washington .School Children —!K Report, 1897-98 U.S.— Bureau of Education 379.73 Human ilacliine, The Nisbet, J. F. G 24 Q 5 Inhibition Breese, B. B. G 25 V 3 Idee fi.xe ehez les Alienfe Klecfeld, A. G 17 S 32 1002 Tublio Library of Neio South Wales, Physiological Psychology — contd. MttaliuHsin Experiments ; by W. 0. Atwater... United States— Dept. of Agr. — Office of Exper. Stns. A 41 U 9 Tathologv of Emotions Feri?, C. G 2.5 V 1 Story of the Mind Baldwin, J. M. G 9 U 27 [iS'ee a'so Brain ; Faith-healing; Materialism; Mental Physiology ; Mind; MindandBody; Nerves andNervousSysteni; Phrenology; Psychometrj' ; Sensation.] Physiologists — Helmlioltz, Hermann Lud«ig Ferdinand von; by Br. .J. O. M-Kendrick .'. C 23 R 15 Physiology — General — Acadeinie lies Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances 506 Animal and Vegetable Physiology... Roget, P. M. A 26 R 25, 26 British Association. Advance, of Science, Report, 1S95 .!i06 Chemical Basis of the Animal Body Foster, M. A 28 U 19 Chemical Physiology and Pathology Haliburton, W. D. A 38 S 8 Electro-physiology Biedermann, W. A. A 30 R 24 Essentialsof ExperimentalPhysiology... Brodie.T.CJ. A 10 U 10 Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 (Jeneral Pliysiology Verworn, M. A 41 R 11 Identity and Structure of Plants and Animals — in Scientific Memoins Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Institutions of Physiology Blumenbach, J. F. A 26 S 39 Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physiologie 612.05 Kirke's Hand-book of Physiology .. Haliburton, W. I). A 45 S 6 Lancet 010.5 Life, Function, Health Paterson, H. S. -V 27 R 23 Pan-American Medical Congresss, Transaction 610.6 Physiology Hill, A. (i IS Q 36 Pliysiology for Beginners Foster, M. A 26 P 36 Physiology of Digestion ; by Dr. A. P. Bndjaker — in American System of Dentistry '. Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Physiology of Voice and Speech ; by Dr. C. Seller — in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Presidential Address ; by Dr. J. T. Wilson Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 5S0".6 Recent Progress in Physiology ; by M. Fostorj Smithsonian " Institution, Repts., 1897 506 Rechcrches Physiologiques sur I'Appareil Respiratoiro des Oiseaux. Soum, J. M. A 31 S 27 Self-Iiistnictor in Phrenology and Physiology Fov.ler, 0. S. A 33 Q 33 Text-book of Physiology Foster, M. A 28 U I.")-1S Text-book of Physiology Schiifer, E. A. A 27 V 4 Vita Medica ". .". . Richardson, Sir B. W. A 30 Q .32 Wonders of the Human Body Pileur, A. le A 26 R 24 [.S'ec a/; J Production of Pork— /«. Report, Commissioner of Agriculture, Sessional Papers, No. 7, 1898 Canada — Parliament IV28.71 Swine-breeders' Assoeiation, Ontario, Report Ontario- Dejjt. of Agriculture (i30.(i [■?ee aZs'O Bacon-making ; Dairy Farming; Feeding E.\perimcnts ; Hog Cholera; Stock and Stock-breeding; Swine Fever; Trichinosis.] Pilchard^ Mackerel and Pilchard Fisheries Internat. Fisheries Exhib. , 1883, Lit. 6 A 34 R 6 Piles- Cause and Cure of Piles Pontifex, H. MA 4 P 43 Pilgrim Fathers — Beginners of a Nation Eggleston, F. B 17 Q 26 Beginnings of New England Fiske, J. B 2.5 T 18 Pilgrim Fathers in their Three Homes... Griffis, W. E. B 2.") P 12 Pilgrim Fathers of New England Brown, Rev. J. (i 1 R 42 Puritan as a Colonist and Reformer... Byingfcon, E. H. C 5 P 29 Staudish, Miles, Exploits of; by H. Johnson C 23 S I Story of the Pilgrim Fathers ..." Arber, E. B 17 Q 29 [See ato Massachusetts— History ; Plj-mouth, U.S.A.; Puritans.] Pilots and Pilotage — Pilot Rules for Atlantic and Pacific Coast Inland Waters. United States — Steamboat Inspection Service D 10 T 20 Pilot Rides for Rivers whose Waters flow into the Gulf of Mexico. United States — Steamboat Inspection Service D 16 T 26 Pilot Rules for the Great Lakes United States— Steamlioat In.spection Service D 16 T 20 [See also Sailing Directions.] Pineapple — Pineanple-growing; by H. V. Jackson Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Pineapple Industry in the United State? ... U.S.— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1895 630.5 [See aho Fruit-growing.] Pines — Timber Pines of the Southern United States ; by Dr. C. Mohr. United States— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Forestry A 11 X 7 t [.See aJso Coniferoe.] Pines, Isle of — General and Descriptive — He des Pins Mialaret, T. MD 7 U 28 Pirates and Piracy — Tunisia anil the iSIodern Barbary Pirates... Vivian, If. I) 19 R Pisciculture. [See Fislieries, Fish Culture, and Fishing Iiidu.stry.] Pistols. [See Small Arms.] Pitcairn Island — General and Descriptive — Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 37 ■ History — Mutiny of the Huinifi/ and Story of Pitcairn Island. Youna, Rosalinil MI) 1 Q 49 Pitch. [See Coal-tar.] Pithecanthropus erectus — ■ Brain Case of Pifheciin'/irojms crcctiis; by E. M. Dubois. International Congress of Zoology, Proc. , 1 898 A 35 W 1 4 Pithccautliruj us ereo'us Aunee Scientifique et Industrielle 1896 505 Fithecanthropns erectus, eine mensehenaehnlicho Ueborgangsfonn. International Congress of Zoolog3', Proc., 1895 A 35 W 13 [See also Evolution — Biology.] Pitman's Shorthand. [See Phonography.] Pittsburgh — Ilistm-y — Historic Towns of the Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Pity^ Thus Spake Zarathustra Nietzsche, F. (i 10 V 15 Placer-mining — Alaska and the Klondike Heilprin, A. D 13 R 10 [,S'ee also Hydraulic Mining; Mining — ^General.] Placophora — Nnv Zcdand PolyplacoiAera; bv H. Suter New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 500 [See also Mollusca.] Plagues. [See Buhonic Plague; Cattle Plagues; Clnjlcra; Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Diseases of Ani- mals; Disinfection; Epidemics; Great Plague.-i of London; Public Health; Swine Fever.] Planariidae^ Anatomy of an Australian Land Planarian; by A. Dendy. Ro)-. Soc, Vict., Trans. 506 Australian Land Planarians; by Dr. T. Steel ... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.6 New Zealand Land Planarians; by A. Dendy New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 .■)06 Planarians from the Great Barrier Reef of Australia ; by W. McM. Woodworth in Bulletin, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1898-99 Harvard University 590.7 [.SVe o/.'.o Turljcllaria; Hclmintliology.] Planetoids. [See Asteroids.] Planets. [See Sun and Solar System.] Plankton. [See Marino Zoiilogy; Pelagic Botany.] Plans. [See Architectural Drawings.] Plant Diseases — Bermuda Lilv Disease; bv A. F. Woods... United States — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology A 38 R 20 Diseases of Plants Tuljeuf. K. A 20 V 31 Diseases of Plants ; by N. A. Cobb Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 8 6.30.5 Diseases of Plants and their Remedies Agricultural Gazette, New South Wales, 6 630.5 Divinity Hall Record MA 5 R 27 Experiment Station Record, 5 630..5 Horticulturisfs Rule-book Bailey, L. H. A 18 P 28 Micro-organisms in some I'lant Diseases — iji Applied Bacteriology. Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 1 1 Plant Diseases Massee, G. A 20 R 19 Plant Diseases and Legislation ; by B. T. Galloway . . . Agricultural Gazette, N. S.'V.'ales, 8 6.30.5 Regidations under the Vegetation DiseasesAct, 1897... Victoria- Agriculture — Guides to Growers, 28 MA 3 V 13 Reports on Entomology and Plant Diseases California — Agr. Exper. Station, Report, 1894-95 630.7 Restriction of Plant Diseases; by E. F. Smith... United States — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology A 38 R 20 Royal Horticultural Society, .Journal 634 Timber Pines of the Southern L^nited States ; bv Dr. C. Mohr. U.S.— Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Forestry A 11 X 7 t Treatment of Plant Diseases; by B. T. Galloway... U.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology A 37 S 44 Treatment of Plant Diseases in theUnitedStates ; bvB.T. Galloway. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1899 630*5 Vermont-State Agr. Exp. Station, Repts., 1S8S, 1882 ... 6.30.7 [See also Forestry; Fruit-growing; Fungi in Agriculture; Insects Injurious; Pathology, Vegetable; Spraj'ing; and undernames of specific diseases, and under names of Plants and Crops for their special diseases.] Plant-lore — Canadian Plant-lore; by Carrie M. Derrick ... McGill Univei-sitv A 40 S "7 Freaks and Marvels of Plant-life Cooke, M. C. A 20 R 7 [See also Botauj'— General ; Botany and Flora— By Countries.] lOOi ^Public Library of New South Wales. Planter's Friend. [See Sorghums.] Plants. [See Botan}-; Flower-gardening; Insectivorous Plants; JNlarine Plants; Plant Diseases; Plant-lore; Seedlings.] Plastering — BuilJiiig Construction Kidiler, F. E. A '25 V IS Plastering, Plain and Decorative Millar, W. A 10 X 9 t Plasticene. [See Modelling.] Plataleae — Platalea; in the Britisli Museum— /n Catalogue of Birds, 26. British Museum, Natural History A 39 U 8 [See also Ornithology.] Plate, Gold and Silver — Old EnL,'lish Plate Cripps, W. J. A 35 T 2 Studies from Old English Mausion.? Richardson, C. J. A 49 P 2, 3 t [See alio Goldsmith's Work; Silversmith's ^A'ork.] Plating. [See Electro-plating; Gilding.] Platinotype — Platinotype Abucy, W. de \V. A 23 P 25 Platinum Toning Clark, L. A 41 Q i2 [See also Photograpll3^] Platinum — Bibliography of Metals of the Platinum Group, 174S-1896; by J. L. Howe Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 38 508 Crj'stalline Structure of Gold and Platinum Nuggets; by Prof. A. Liversidge Chemical Society, Journal, 1897 540.0 [Another com-.] Royal Society, N.S.W., .Tourn., 1897 506 Platinum in Now South Vx'ales; by J. B. Jaquet... N. S. Wales — Geological Survey, Records. 5 559.44 Platonism - Christian Mysticism Inge, W. R. G 24 V 21 Gorgias of Plato; cd. by W. H. Thompson Plato J 15 S 32 History of Philosophy ". Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 R .30, 31 Opera Appuleius, L. J 14 U 32 Origin and Growth of Plato's Logic... Lutoslawski, \V. (i 23 S S Outline of Philosophy Watson, J. G 17 S 19 Philosophical Lectures and Remains Nettleshij), R. L. G 23 R 2, 3 Platonism of Wordsworth Shorthouse, J. H. J 14 R 15 School of Plato Bussell, F. W. G 3 U 15 Subject-Inde.x to the Dialogues of Plato ... Abbott, E. J 14 S 16 [See also Neo-Platoniam.] Platyhelmintlies. [See Flat-worms.] Platypus— Anatomy of the Duck-billed Animal of New South Wales; by Dr. R. Knox... Wcrnerian Nat. Hist. Soe., Mems., 5 A 30 R 5 Anatomy of the Oniit/torync/nis jarcidcTus; by E. Homo ... Roy. Soc, Loud., Phil. Trans., 1802 506 Blood of the Ornithori/nchus 'paruili).vu!! ; by Dr. Hobson. Tasmanian Journal, 1 MA 5 R 5 Brain of a Fcetal Ornithorhyncus; l>y Dr. G. E. Smith .. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Aug., 1896 57S Description of a New Species of Ornitliorynchus; by W.Macgillivraj' Wcrnerian Natural History Sjciet}', Mcms., 6 A 3(> R Orgnns of Digestion and their Appendages, and Organs of Res- l)iratioii and Circulation in Ontir/inn/nr/iiis }i:trado.rus; by Dr. R. Knox ... Wcrnerian Natural Hi.story Soc, Mcms., 5 A 30 R 5 I'latvpus Embryo fiom the Intia-uterinc Egg; by J. P. Hill. Linncan Society, N.S.W., Proo., 1895 580.6 Knake.i, Marsupials and Birds Nicola, A. A 27 S 16 [Sec aim Zoiilogy an nana ti.st.s; Stage; Theatre.] Pica Rolls. [Sre Groat Britain and Ireland -Eccord ()i\'\<:<; in Autlmr Catuli'Uuc ] Pleading — Principles of Pleading ... Stephen, .Sergt. J. F 12 T 11 [See aho Actions at Law; Forms in Law; Trials.] Pleasure. [See Happiness; Pain.] Plebescite. [See Referendum.] Pleura — Diseases of the Pleura; by Dr. R. Matas — in Practical Thera- peutics ". Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Litrapleural Tension; by Dr. S. West — in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Pleural Effusions and Empyema; 1j\' Dr. A. J. McCosh — in Prac- tical Therapeutics ! Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Pneumothorax; by Dr. D. W. Finlav — in System of Medicine. ■ Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Pleurisy — Diseases of the Chest Stokes, AV. A 33 S 21 Diseases of the Lungs Fowler, J. K. A 40 P 6 Pleurisy; Dr. S. J. Gee — !« System of Medicine... Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Pneumonia and Pleurisy; by Dr. J. B. Herrick — in Practical Therapeutics '. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Pleuro-pneumonia — Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Papers relating to the Landing in Great Britain from Canada of Cattle affected with Pleuro-pnemnonia ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Board of Agriculture A 21 V 35 Pleuro-pneumonia in Dairy Herds ; by M. A. O'Callaghau. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 [See also Bacteriology, Economic; Diseases of Animals.] Pleurotomidse — New Zealand Pleurotomidjv ; by H. Suter New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 [See also Gasteropoda ; MoUusca.] Plevna — History — Experiences during the Siege of PlcAnia: by Dr. C Ryan. Melbourne Reyiew, 4 052 [See oAvo Ru.'iso-Turkish War.] Ploughs — I']volution of the Plow — /)i Fertility of the Land ... Roberts, I. P. A 18 P 33 [See also Agricultural Implemcuts.] Plumbing — American Sanitary Plumbing Lawler, J. J. A 25 T 9 Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing Maguire, W. R. A 22 R 19 External Plumbing Work Hart, J. W. A 45 U 12 HouscDrainageandSanitary Fitments. ..Jensen, G.J. G. A 44 U 5 Hints to Plumbers Hart, J. W. A 45 U U Modern Plumbing, Steam and Hot-water Heating... Lawler, J. J. A 46 T 2 Plumber and Sanitary Houses Hellj^er, S. S. A 46 T 1 Pluml)ing, Drainage, Water Supply, and Hot-water Fitting. Sniealon, J. A 25 U 20 Principles and Pi'actiee of Plumbing... Hellycr, S. S. A 25 Q 41 Standard Practical Plumbing Davies, P. J. A .34 V 8, 9 [See also Sanitary lOngincoring; Water Supply of Towns.] Plums - Articles on Plum Diseases — in Injurious Insects, 6... Agr. ICxper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Black Knot of the Plum and Cherry — ?'?; Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 7 Leaf Blight of the Plum and Cherry — in Injiirious Insects, 6. Agricultnral Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 LeafCurland PlumPockcts — in InjuriousInsccts.O... Agricultural lOxper. Stations A 38 (} (i Panipldets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exjier. Stations A 38 K 35 Plum-rust; by T. W. Kirk— ;'« Lcallets for Gardeners, 23. NcM' Zealand- Agrieullvuc MA 3 R 75 [See a/dO Fruit-growing; Pomology.] Snhjecl-Index lo the Bupi^lementarij Catalogue — 189G-1900. 1005 Plymouth, JJ.S. A. -History^ Hi),"_;iiiMpn, Fiaui'is, Life of; liy T. W. Iligginsun C 1!) 1' l.T Jlisturii- 'I'dwns of Now Kngland I'uwcll, L. 1'. I! ■>:> K 14 History of the I'limotli lM;u.tation ... lirailfonl, \V. I! K! X 4 t Pilgrim Katlicrs of New Kiiglaiul lirowii, llev. J. Ci 1 H 42 Standisli, jMiles, lOxploits of ; by H. Johnson C 23 S 1 [See aUo Pilgrim Fathers.] Pneumatic Telegraphs — Uniteil Stiites— Consular Reports, 47 3S2 Pneumatics — Pliysies, Experimental and Tlieoretieal . . . Jude, R. H. A n.i T 8 [See also Aeronautico; Air; Barometers; tJasoH; Pneumatic Telegraphs. ] Pneumonia — Applied Baeteriology Pearmain, T. II. A 40 P 1 1 Croupous and Catairlial Pneumonia ; by Dr. E. E. (iraham — ,n Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Diseases of the Lungs Fowler, J. K. A 40 P 6 Epidemic Pneumonia ; by Dr. A. Whitelegge — in System of Medi- cine AllMitt, T. C. A 26 T 34 Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A .33 P 10 Pneumonia and Plem-i-sy; by Dr. J. B. Hcrrick — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Pneumonia, includingCirrhosis and other Indurations, and Broncho- Pneumonia of Children; by Dr. P. H. P-. Smith — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 2G T 38 [.S'ee also Lungs. ] Poaching. [See Game Laws.] Foetry— General — Adventures in Criticism Couch, A. T. Q-. .J 14 T 10 ^i;sthetic Poetry; by W. Pater Bibelot, The, 1899 800 Apologie for Poetrie Sidney, Sir P. HUP 4 Aristotle's Tlieory of Poetry and Fine Art; translated l)y S. H. Butcher Aristoteles (ri8R70 Art of English Poesie Campion, T. H 11 T4 De Arte Poetiea; by Horace... Early English Text Society, Pubs., original series, 113 820.8 Defence of Ryme Daniel, S. H 11 T 4 Divagations " Mallarmc', S. J 21 P 24 Early Es.says Mill, J. S. J 14 U H7 English Poetry, from Blake to Browning... Dixon, W.M. H 10U20 Epic and Romance Ker, W. P. .J 14 S 10 Essaj' — in Imagination and Fancy Hiuit, L. H 12 Q 24 Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory... Saintsbury, (J. J 27 <;> 2 History of English Poetry Courthopc, W. J. H 4 V 10 Landscape in Poetry Palgrave, F. T. H 11 T 1 Later Pvcnaissanee Hannay, I). J 27 (j 6 Lectures on Poetry Doyle, Sir F. H. H 1 3 V 1 4 Life of the Sjjirit in the Modern English Poets. . . Scudder, Vida D. H 11 8 2 Litcrarj" Mo\'ement in France during the 19th Century. Pelli.ssier, G. JUS .32 Literary Pamphlets Rhys, E. H 11 T 4, 5 Musique et les Lettres Mallarme. S. J 21 P 3 Pages MallarmC-, S. J 21 U l.i Painting and Poetry — in Selections Ruskin, .J. .J 23 S 29 I'oetry- -(■« Age of Wordsworth Herford, C. II. J 14 U 33 Poetry and Public Libraries ; by W. H. C. Darvall Libr.ary Association of Australasia, Proc, 1S98 M.J 2 V 1 Poetry of Life Ellis, Sarah H 12 Q 20, 21 Seventeenth Century Studies (iosse, E. H 10 \V 23 Walt \^'hitman as Religious and Moral Teacher... Guthrie, W. N. U 11 S32 With Poet and Player Adams, W. D. J 1 1 P 47 [.S'ce ri/.s'o Ballads ; Drama; Hymns; Literary Criticism; Lyrics: Minnesingers ; Odes ; Parodies ; Poetry — By Countries ; Poetry — Selections; Poets and Song-writers; Recitations; Religious Poetry ; Songs ; Sonnets ; Troubadours ; Verses, Occasional ; Versiiieation.] — Bihlioyraphy — Cooks of William Morris Forman, II. B. J 14 S 23 Poetry -Selections— I :o.,k of Eloquence Warner, C. D. J 22 Q 28 iJoclor's Window, The Warren, Ina R. H 1 U 4 Flowers of Literature Oxberry, W. J 2ti 2 Eos: an Epic of the Dawn Davin, N. F. H 1 -J-T Evening Lake, The; by G. J. Macdonald New .South Wales Magazine MJ 4 Q 7 Exhibition Ode Melbourne Review, 5 052 Fair (Jirls and Gray Horses... Ogilvie, W. H. MH 1 P 80 Fair Trade Wakefield, P. MF 4 P 51 Federation Spiders and the Unsuspecting Fly... Johnston, A. V.'. MF 4 P 55 Fragments Soharkie, K. L. MH 1 V 15 Future Life: an Oratorio Wood, A. B. MH 1 S 70 (iallery of Australasian Singers ; by O. Smeaton ... AVestminster Review, 1895 052 Good King, The ; by J. L. Michael .. Sydney University Magazine 'MJ4P22 Gordon, Adam Lindsay ; by Dr. C. Pearson... Pall Mall Jlag., 9 052 Gordon, .\