EXCHANGE EXCHANGE NGv' IS Ufoe mni\?erstt ot Gbtcago THE RELATION BETWEEN THE ALPHA- RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN 'CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY BY EDWIN DANIEL LEMAN Private Edition, Distributed By THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1918 Ube *Cinix>ersft ot Gbfcaao THE RELATION BETWEEN THE ALPHA. RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY BY EDWIN DANIEL LEMAN Private Edition, Distributed By THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1918 Qc i-5 CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION i CHAPTER I. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE a-RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES or RADIUM AND ITS SHORT-LIVED PRODUCTS II. THE RELATION BETWEEN a-RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES OF RADIOACTINIUM AND ITS SUBSEQUENT PRODUCTS . . .,.,.' 9 III. NOTES . ,. ^_^ '1 v J . . 14 Note i . The Period of Radioactinium 14 Note 2. Determination of the Range of Radioactinium ... : * . 17 Notes. The Period of Actinium X .''"._ , .. . . . . ; . . 18 404734 f t INTRODUCTION At the present time all previous work tends to indicate that the number of ions, and therefore the ionization current in air due to a single particle of range R, is very closely proportional to the two- thirds power of R. 1 This can be represented by the equation, I = kR%, where / is the ionization current, R the range, and k a constant for particles of all ranges. McCoy and Viol 2 have shown that the relative a-ray activities in the thorium series, as calculated from this equation, are in good accord with experimental values. The purpose of this paper is to show that the relative activities of radium and its short-lived products and of radio- actinium and its subsequent products are also in good agreement with those calculated from the known ranges. Notes on the period and range of radioactinium and the period of actinium X are also included. The subject-matter of this thesis has been published in three papers. 3 1 Geiger, Proc. Roy. Soc., A, 82, 486, 1909; Taylor, Phil. Mag., 21, 371, 1911; McCoy, Phys. Rev., i, 393, 1913. 2 Phil. Mag., 25, 333, 1913. 3 McCoy and Leman, Phys. Zeit., 14, 1280 (1913); Phys. Rev., 4, 409 (1914); ibid., 6, 184 (1915). CHAPTER I THE RELATION BETWEEN THE d-RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES OF RADIUM AND ITS SHORT-LIVED PRODUCTS The latest available data on the radium series 1 which are used in this paper are given in Table I. TABLE I THE RADIUM SERIES Symbols Period Rays Ranges (Cm. at 15 C.) Radium Ra i 730 years a, /3 3 3O Emanation Em 3 . 8 ^ days a 4 16 Radium A Ra.A 3 oo minutes a. 47^ Radium B R&B 26 . 7 minutes /3 Radium Ci RaCi 19 5 minutes a(?) 13 Radium C 2 RaC 2 i 4 minutes /3 Radium C" RaC' io-6 seconds(?) a 6.94 The accepted scheme of disintegration in this series, according to Fajans, 2 is as follows: a , According to this view, the product formerly called radium C is complex: d, which is the product of B, disintegrates in two ways: the first (principal) with the production of a /3-particle giving C'; the second (subordinate) with the expulsion of an a-particle, giving C 2 . The prod- uct C' also gives a-rays, and of every 10,000 a-par tides produced by the C components all but three are due to the change of C' into Z), the balance being due to the change of d into C 2 . 3 If we assume that these conclu- sions are essentially correct, we see that the effect on the activity caused by a minute fraction of the a-particles of radium C, having a different range from those of the main fraction, would be negligibly small. I shall 1 Kolowrat, Le Radium', n, i, 1914. 2 Phys. Zeit., 13, 699, 1912. 3 Fajans, loc. cit. a-RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES OF RADIUM 3 neglect the complexity of C in the discussions in this paper, merely point- ing out that the present work furnishes no data regarding this important question. The method of determining the relative a-ray activities of Ra and its short-lived products consisted in preparing a Ra-BaSO 4 film free from all of the subsequent products of Ra and measuring its initial and final activities. The activities of such films increased for about six weeks after the preparation of the film and then remained practically con- stant during several months of observation, the constant activity in each case being taken as the final. The Ra-BaSO 4 film, free from its sub- sequent products, was prepared in the following manner: One c.c. of a solution of pure radium chloride in dilute hydrochloric acid was diluted to 10 c.c.; the solution was heated to its boiling-point, and a current of air was bubbled through it for thirty minutes, the solu- tion being kept near its boiling-point and a few cubic centimeters of water being added from time to time to replace that lost by evaporation. This procedure kept the solution free from emanation, and allowed Ra^l to decay practically completely. A few drops of lead acetate solution were then added and hydrogen sulphide passed in. The lead sulphide, which was precipitated, removed B, C, D, E, and F. 1 The precipitate was rapidly filtered off, and a current of air was again bubbled through the filtrate for ten minutes, keeping it near its boiling-point and the volume constant. Lead sulphide was again precipitated in the solution, the precipitate filtered off, and the filtrate again treated in the manner just described, making a total of three precipitations of lead sulphide and removing practically every trace of the products of radium. The various operations to this point had taken about fifty minutes. The filtrate from the last treatment was put into a 15 c.c. centrifuge tube, i c.c. of N/ioo barium chloride solution added, then a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid. The solution was well shaken and then centrifuged. The supernatant solution was decanted from the precipitate, and the latter was well washed, by decantation, with water acidified with a few drops of HC1, and finally with alcohol. A small portion of this precipi- tate was spread as uniformly as possible, with the aid of a glass rod and a little alcohol, over a flat polished brass plate, about 7 cm. in diameter. When the alcohol had evaporated, the less firmly adhering particles were brushed off, care being taken to guard the edges and back of the plate from radioactive contamination. The films so prepared were so thin 1 Compare the work of McCoy and Viol, loc. cit., on the separation of Th B, C, and D from Th X. 4 a-RAY ACTIVITIES as to be almost invisible; the differential absorption of a-rays in such films was therefore negligibly small. The time of precipitation of the sulphate was taken as zero time, as at this moment the precipitate was free from all of the subsequent products of radium. That the foregoing method completely freed the radium from all of its active products was shown both by control experi- ments and by the fact that the activity increased at a regular rate from the start. About thirty minutes elapsed between the time when the sulphates were precipitated and the time of making the first measure- ments. The activity measurements were made in a gold-leaf electro- scope, as previously described, 1 the active films being placed 7 cm. below the charged electrode, thus allowing all rays to reach their full ranges. Sufficient potential (about 600 volts) was used to insure practically complete saturation currents for the weak ionization produced. All activities were measured in comparison with a standard film of uranium oxide, the activities given being in terms of this standard. All measure- ments were made with the greatest care, and corrections were made for the accurately determined natural leak, which in every case was less than i per cent of the standard. The initial activity of each film was less than, the final activity greater than, the standard. The activity increased nearly linearly for the first six hours, so that by a small extrapolation the activity at time zero could be determined with a high degree of accu- racy. The activities in terms of the standard are given in Table II for two films. TABLE II THE INITIAL AND FINAL ACTIVITIES OF RADIUM (UNCORRECTED) Film Initial Activity Final Activity 8 Ratio Uncorrected I 0.858 4. -12< c .043 2 O S^S 2 8^2 ir Q7 1 ? But these results are subject to three corrections, viz.: the activity due to the /3-rays, the escape of emanation from the film either by diffusion or by recoil, and the loss of other products by recoil. The activity due to /3-rays was determined by placing consecutive layers of aluminium foil over the Ra-BaSO 4 film, the first layer being of sufficient thickness to absorb all a-rays and measuring the activity with each additional layer in the same electroscope as was used for the 1 McCoy and Ashman, Am. Jour. Sci., 26, 521, 1908. i< FTE: a-RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES OF RADIUM 5 a-ray measurements. By plotting the activities against the thickness of covering, and extrapolating to the axis of the activities, the /3-ray activity could be ascertained with a fair degree of accuracy. This activity must be subtracted from the final activity of the film. Since Kolowrat 1 has shown that the /3-ray activity of radium free from its products is only 2 per cent of the /3-ray activity of radium in equilibrium with its short-lived products, and since the /3-ray activity of the latter as measured in the electroscope used in this work was only about o . 5 per cent of the a-ray activity, it follows that it is not neces- sary to apply any correction for /3-ray activity of the radium itself. The amount of emanation lost by the film was determined by the use of a circular brass box, as shown in Fig. i. The cover A, fitted with two small bore tubes E and G, was ground so as to fit very tightly over the lower compartment B. In the lower compartment was a recess about o . 2 cm. in depth and 8 cm. in diameter. Small- bore glass tubes drawn out at one end, C and D, were attached to the tubes E and G by means of short pieces of thick-walled rubber tubing. The Ra-BaSO 4 film was placed in B, the cover A fitted on, and all joints sealed with wax. The ends of C Fig. i and D were then sealed by fusion. After an interval of 40 days or more the emanation which had accumulated was drawn into an emanation electroscope by a stream of air, care being taken to prevent any loss of the accumulated emanation and also to prevent any appreciable diminution of pressure within the box which might withdraw some of the Em from the film. The rate of discharge of the electroscope was measured after the emanation had stood in it for three hours. In order to find what fraction this quantity of Em was of the equi- librium quantity in the Ra-BaSO 4 film, two additional determinations were necessary. One c.c. of the original radium solution was diluted and then freed from subsequent active products, as described in a preceding paragraph. By means of a small weight-pipette, an accurately weighed portion of this solution was taken and uniformly distributed over the surface of a fiat platinum plate and evaporated to dryness. The activity of the residue, which was entirely invisible, was measured within twenty minutes, and the measurements extended over a short interval in order 1 Le Radium, 7, 269, 1910. 6 a-RAY ACTIVITIES to be able to get the initial activity by extrapolation. To find the activ- ity of the emanation from this quantity of radium, a known portion of the solution in the weight-pipette was run into a small round-bottom flask containing about 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid. The flask was well stopped with a two-hole rubber stopper fitted with delivering tubes, one of which extended into the solution. A current of air was bubbled through the solution for 30 minutes to drive off the accumulated emanation, and the flask was then sealed by fusing the ends of the delivery tubes. After an interval of a few days the emanation was drawn into the emanation electroscope by allowing air to bubble through the solution, which was heated near its boiling-point. After three hours the rate of discharge of the electroscope was measured. The corrections for loss of emanation by the film were made as follows: Initial activity of film No. i o. 858 Initial activity of Ra on the platinum plate 660 The radium on the platinum plate was obtained from i.4942gm. of solution. After 3 days 21.5 hours 1.5738 gm. of the same solution gave a quantity of Em which discharged the electroscope in 46.45 sec- onds. Since for 3 days 21.5 hours, i e~= 0.5036, the equilibrium amount of Em from the solution would have discharged the electroscope in o . 5036 X 46 . 45 = 23 . 40 seconds. Therefore the equilibrium amount of Em from i .4942 gm. of this solution would discharge the electroscope in 24 . 64 seconds. That is, a radium film, free from all subsequent products of radium, having an initial a-ray activity of o . 660, produces an equi- librium quantity of emanation which discharges the emanation electro- scope in 24 . 64 seconds. It then follows that the equilibrium quantity of emanation from film No. i, which has an initial activity of o .858, would discharge the emanation electroscope in 18 .97 seconds. The emanation which had escaped from film No. i, when the latter had been sealed up 40 days or more, discharged the emanation electroscope in 1,748 seconds; therefore i .08 per cent of the equilibrium quantity of Em escaped from the film. This means that the quantity of emanation and the short- lived products in the film is i .08 per cent too low. In this film the activ- ity of the subsequent products of Ra is 4.297 0.858 = 3.439, which value is i . 08 per cent too low. Hence the true activity of the products, if no Em had escaped, would be 3 .476. To find the loss of activity due to recoil, a polished brass plate 7 cm. in diameter was placed i mm. above, and completely insulated from, film No. i. A potential of no volts was maintained for six weeks, the a-RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES OF RADIUM upper plate being kept negatively charged. The activity of the plate was measured as quickly as possible after removing the potential, four minutes elapsing from the time the potential was removed to the mean time of making the measurements. The activity of the active matter which collected on the plate was o . 0374. Assuming that the active matter on the plate at the instant the potential was removed was Ra^4 , Ra, and RaC in equilibrium, the activity of the matter on this plate four minute's after the potential is removed is approximately 70 per cent of its initial value. 1 Therefore the initial activity of the matter on the plate was o .0534. To find what quantity of the matter on the plate is due to active deposit from escaped emanation and what quantity is due to TABLE III THE INITIAL AND FINAL ACTIVITIES OF RA (CORRECTED) Film Initial Activity I Final Activity I I./I I o 8^8 4. 363 r 08"? 2 o tx8 2 86^ r J77 Mean r IOQ direct recoil, it is necessary to recall that the emanation lost by this film was i . 08 per cent of the equilibrium quantity, or the activity of the prod- ucts Em, Ra^4, and RaC lost was 0.037. Assuming that the activities are proportional to the two- thirds powers of the ranges, the fraction of the activity due to Ra^-fRaC is 65 per cent of the total activity due to Em+Ra^4+RaC, or 0.0241, and that due to recoil is 0.0534 o. 0241 = 0. 0293^ Table III gives the results of two determinations. The final activ- ity is corrected for /3-ray activity, loss of emanation, and loss by recoil, these corrections being determined separately for each film. 1 Rutherford, Radioactive Substances and Their Radiations (1913), p. 491. 2 It must be pointed out that this value is calculated on the assumption that at the instant the potential is removed the active matter on the plate is Ra.4 -f-Ra+RaC in equilibrium, and there is a decided drop in activity before the first measurement is made, due to the rapid decay of Ra^4 . In the case of the active matter due to active deposit we do have this equilibrium, but in the case of recoil atoms there is in all probability an excess of RaC atoms over the equilibrium number of Ra^4 atoms. This would mean that the percentage of the activity which decayed during the interval between the time the potential was removed and the time of measurement would not be so great as that calculated upon complete equilibrium, and the value of the loss by recoil would be even less than that calculated above. However, the loss by recoil is so small that the value calculated above is certainly correct within experimental error, and it represents the maximum value. a-RAY ACTIVITIES In the series Ra Em Ra^4 RaC it is very probable that each member when present in equilibrium amount produces the same number of a-particles per unit time; if this is so, the equation leads to the theoretical results shown in Table IV. TABLE IV RANGES pi RELATIVE A CTIVITIES AT 15 Calculated Found , Ra 3 -2Q 2 217 I OO (i oo) Em 3-ov A 10 2 586 I 17) Ra4 A 7^ 2 826 I 28 r4 OO 4n RaC 6 04. 2 6^0 i 64 The only previous determination of the relative activities of radium and its products was made by Boltwood. 1 In these experiments the films were made by the evaporation of a chloride solution. Since such films gave off very large fractions of the emanation produced (in one case as high as 65 per cent), it is not surprising that the results obtained were not very accurate. Instead of a ratio of 4.11 given here (last column, Table IV), Boltwood found 4.65. For several years this result was looked upon as satisfactory, 2 since it was in good agreement with that calculated upon the assumption that the number of ions produced by an a-particle is proportional to the first power of its range 3 instead of the two-thirds power. The good agreement of this result with the theoretical value as calculated by the equation I = kR*, the correctness of which may be considered as already established, shows that only those members which are here considered play significant parts in the a-ray activity of the radium series, and that the accepted ranges are at least approximately correct. 1 Phys. Zeit., 7, 489, 1906; Le Radium, 3, 170, 1906. 2 Rutherford, Radioactive Substances (1913), p. 447- 3 Boltwood, he. cit. CHAPTER II THE RELATION BETWEEN a-RAY ACTIVITIES AND RANGES OF RADIOACTINIUM AND ITS SUBSEQUENT PRODUCTS A study of the actinium series was made along the same lines as in the preceding part of this paper, and radioactinium, free from actinium itself as well as actinium Xand subsequent products, was prepared, thin films made, and the a-ray activities measured from time to time. The activities, of course, increase to a certain interval, then decrease, owing to the formation of actinium X and its products and the consequent decay of the whole. Table V gives the latest available data for this series. TABLE V THE ACTINIUM SERIES Symbols Periods Rays Ranges (Centimeters) Actinium Ac ? Radioactinium Rn i 8 88 days* a B A 4.ot Actinium X . AcX ii ^ days* a 4 4.O Emanation Em 3 9 seconds a 70 Actinium A . , A 0.002 seconds a 6 1 300 400 500 Pressure in mm. of mercury Fig. 2 600 700 should by Geiger's law be 4.45 cm., which differs from the value found by Geiger by scarcely more than the experimental error of the measure- ments. NOTE 3. THE PERIOD OF ACTINIUM X Kolowrat 1 gives in his annual tables of radioactive constants the value for the period of actinium X as 10 to n days. Goldewski 2 has previously reported this figure to be 10.2 days. Hahn and Rothen- bach 3 have recently given the value to be 1 1 . 6 =*= o . i days. In view of the uncertainty of this figure, work along this line was undertaken to ascertain its true value. 1 Le Radium, loc. cit. 3 Phil. Mag., 10, 35, 1905. 3 Phys. Zeit., 14, 409, 1913. NOTES IQ Radioactinium free from actinium itself and all subsequent products was prepared as previously described, except that the precipitation of the thorium as oxalate was omitted. The solution was allowed to stand for about two weeks; a portion of this solution was then nearly neutralized with ammonia and the thorium precipitated by means of hydrogen peroxide. The solution which contained the actinium X was filtered and 10 drops of 2 per cent thorium nitrate solution were added. ThO 2 was again precipitated and the solution filtered. This treatment was repeated three more times, insuring the complete removal of Rn. A portion of the last filtrate was placed in a 15 c.c. centrifuged tube, i c.c. of o.oi N BaCl 2 added, then a few drops of dilute H 2 SO 4 . The solution was allowed to stand 15 minutes and then centrifuged. The BaSO 4 which carried TABLE XI Time in Days Activity Decay Constant Time in Days Activity Decay Constant O.OO 1 .000 O.OO I .OOO 3 . 06 0.830 0.0610 3 . 71 . . o. 708 o 0609 5 . 04 ~J~ 0.736 0.0610 4.71 o. 751 O 0609 6.77 f 0.659 0.0616 6.72 0.664 0.0610 9 . 83 0.546 0.0616 8.84 0.581 0.0614 II 00 o 480 o 0613 72 O ZZI o 0613 12 72 o 4^8 o 0614 12 8l O 4^7 o 0611 I s ; .02 . . 0.380 o 0610 i 7 . oo ... . O 3^7 o 0607 19.08 0.318 0.0608 Mean o 0612 Mean o 0610 down the actinium X was then washed and made into films as previously described in making the Ra'BaSO 4 films. Two films were prepared in this manner. Each was allowed to stand for two days before the series of measurements was begun. The measurements were made in the a-ray electroscope used in the previous work, the active films being placed 7 cm. below the charged electrode. All activities were measured in comparison with a standard film of uranium oxide, and corrections were made in every case for the natural leak. A small correction was applied for the presence of thorium X, introduced by the thorium nitrate solution. This correction was obtained by running a blank experiment, and in every case it was less than o . 3 per cent of the total activity. Table XI gives the values obtained, the activities given being cor- rected for all known factors. 20 a-RAY ACTIVITIES The mean of the values for the decayed constants is therefore 0.0611 day" 1 , corresponding to a period of 11.35 days. This value is in close agreement with that of Hahn and Rothenback and disproves that given by Godlewski. In conclusion the author wishes to express his most sincere thanks to Professor Herbert N. McCoy, whose interest, co-operation, and encouragement have made the completion of this work possible. Syracuse N Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 404734 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY