epovrat ol Xidoi iroXXoi, for
ol XlBoi ni ^f'poi'rat TroXXoj
ti(7tr, 4. 7. 7 ; so also ra aXXa
7ToXX %tapTr(t(>vmv, for r. a.
a 3. TroXXu ?i>- 1. 10. 2, 4. 3.
7 ; Zan/e, \''pa, 5. 6. 2o, 2. 4.
21; Zo?i^, xpoi'oc, 1. 9. 25, 5.
2. 17; (oooY), 6. 1. 16; much,
far, TroXv TrXsi'w, 5. 6. 5 ;
^dXAo', 2. 3. 13 ; with Comp.
1. 5. 2, 16, 3. 2. 15, &c. ;
Sup. 4. 2. 14 ; 7roXA vartpov,
2. 5. 32, 4. 5. 36; ot iroXXot, the
most of them, 2. 3. 16, 3. 1. 10,
&c. ; so ro 7roXv, 1. 7. 20, 4.
6. 24 ; IT., a large part, 4. 1.
11, 8. 17 ; a great distance, 1.
5. 3, 3. 3. 6 ; *d TroXXd, on
many accounts, 1. 9. 22 ;
Comp. pi. TrXft'ovcfor TrAt/ovec,
more, 4. 1. 11, 6. 9; ro
TrAfiov, 7. 6. 16 ; ^>poi'tv, 6.
1. 18; TrXetov iiKoat ora/wv,
3. 2. 34, 3. 11 ; TrXf'ov ?/ >'
tif/trovra, 4. 6. 11; TrXtov >/,
4. 2. 28, 1. 2. 11 ; TrXeToroe,
very many, 1. 5. 2, 5. 2. 14 ;
ot IT., Ae rnosi, 7. 4. 6. we
(5vvaVrO TrXfToTO, 4. 6. 1.
IIoXvfTrparoc, ov, b (TroXwc, orpa-
roc), Polystratus, an Atheni-
an, 3. 3. 20.
IloXvrfXrjc, rye, ec (sroXvc, rt'Xoc),
expensive, costly, 1. 5. 8.
i>pa, aroc, ro (Trtrw), a drink,
draught, 4. 5. 27, al. 7r; (TTtyujrw), a proces-
sion, 5. 5. 5.
'w, veiro'vjjk-a, >;/uat
to >or&, labour, 2. 6.
6 ; fl-oXXd, to 0 V
sea, especially the Black Sea,
in full II. Ev&tvoc, the hos-
pttable, 4. 8. 22 ; formerly
Aetvoc, /e inhospitable, the
Pontus Euxinus ; also the dis-
trict of Pontus, on the Black
Sea, 5. 6. 15.
Ilopet'fi, ac, >/ (Trdpoc), a march,
2. 2. 10, 4. 1. 13, 4. 18, 5. 10.
4, &c.
TIooivu>, fvfru), trfirnpevKa, tv/jiat
(Tropoc), to cause to go, convey ;
Mid. to go, march, 5. 3. 1 ;
Kara yj/r, 5. 4. 1 ; i, 4.
5. 10 ; Trapa /3a(TiXfa, 1. 3. 7 ;
7rt fiaaiXia, 2. 1.4; Tropttav,
5. 10. 4; ofv, 2. 2. 11, &c.
EW, //aw, &c. (7rp0a>), to a*e-
', 5. 7. 14.
t'ffW, ir7TOpCa, TTfTTOpl-
(Tropoc), io furnish, pro-
vide, supply, upioTov, 2. 3. 5 ;
TrXoIa, 5. 6. 5 ; rdXavroj-, 3.
5. 8 ; 0wpacac, 3. 3. 20, 2. 1.
6, 7. 6. 29.
Hopoc, v, 6 (n-t/pw), a passage,
4. 3. 13. 20 ; means, 2. 5,
we, adv. /ar from, 1.
3. 12.
jp^vpfoe, a, ov, contr. pov, pa,
povv, purple, 1. 5. 8.
, ij, ov, Aow much, how
great, 7.8. 1, 2. 4. 21 ; TroW,
how far, 7. 3. 12.
ov, o (Trt'i'w), a river,
5. 4. 1, 1. 5. 10, &c.
Ilort, once on a time, but fro'r,
when ? i Trore. if at any time,
in interr. like Lat. tandem, ri
TTOTK, why at all, why in the
world, 3. 5. 13.
IIoYfpor, interr. whether, folld. by
ij, or, Lat. vtrum an, 7. 7.
45, 3. 2. 21 ; indirect with
ind. 2. 2. 10, 5. 4. 2 ; with opt.
3. 1. 7; TiYirfpa {), dir. 2. 5.
17 ; indirect with ind. 2. 1.
10, 21; with opt. 7. 1. 14, 6.
Horfpwc, in which way (of two),
folld. by /'}, 7. 7. 30, 33,
Horrjptov, ov, TO (iri'rw), a drink-
ing cup, 5. 9. 4.
Flordi', oii,ro (TT/I/W), drink, air'inv
7} TTOTOV, 1. 10. 18 :crtra cat
fl-ora, 2. 3. 27, 7. 1. 33, 35,
3. 10.
Florae, ov, o (irti'm), drinking,
Trpnv^topft, 7. 3. 26 ; Trapa
irdrov, 2. 3. 15.
Flow, adv. where 1 irov, some-
where, 2. 4. 4, 5. 6. 17, 7. 13 ;
iyyvt; TTOV , 2. 2. 15 ; ti TTOV,
8. 4. 23 ; T|> TTOV, 1. 2. 27.
Howe, TTo^df, 6, a foot, apiarepos,
4. 2. 28 ; TU irpo TToSwv, what
lay before the feet, 4. 6. 12 ;
rpa^iia Troaiv, 4. 6. 12 ; iirl
irola ava\ii)ptii', to retreat step
by step, slowly, 5. 2. 32.
Flpay^ia, aroe, TO (7rpa ^ (Trpaffffw), trans-
action, 7. 2. 30, 6. 17 ; under-
taking, 1. 3. 16, 18, 19, 2. 6. 17.
np^ifoc, vpaila, vpijov, mild,
gentle, tame, 1. 4. 9, adv.
Trppwc, 1. 5. 14, better Trpdov-
Tlparrw, Trpa^w, Triwpa\a, iri-
jrpayyuai (2 p. irtTrpdya, in-
trans.), to do, act, Lat. ago',
TTOU'W, to make, Lat. /cz'o, 2.
1. 1, 3.1.1, 5. 6. 28; Trtpi
7r\o/wr, t^as bargaining for
ships, 7. 2. 12 ; eu *-., , &C. (7Tpff/3uc),
to 6e an ambassador, 7.7.6',
jrapa Tirog, 2. 1. 18 ; rtia,
7. 2. 23.
IIpr/3i/c, voe or EWC, 6, oZJ, an
old man, only ace. and voc.,
pi. irplfffitic, ambassadors, 3.
1. 28, 5. 5. 7, 7. 19, &c.
Comp. 7rpT/3vrpc, irprj;e, ov, 6 (irpluftv^, an
old man, 6. 1. 10.
Flp/uffflfu, only 2. aor. iirptn^ijv t
Trpiwpai, irpiaipr}i', to bui/\
other parts fr. u>vo/mi, 3. 1.
20, ri rn/n/- 1 ft fi
Up iv
iv, before, with ind. after a
negative, 1. 2. 26, 5. 9. 27;
ou Trporepof wpiv, 3. 1. 16;
ov irpoffOer Tpiv, 3. 2. 29.
With af and conj. 5. 7. 5, 12,
1. 1. 10; with opt. 1. 2.2, 4.
5. 30, 7. 7. 57 ; with inf. after
an affirmative, 1. 4. 13, 16,
10. 19, 2. 5. 2, 4. 1. 7, 5. 6.
Ilpd, before, with gen. 7rouy,
4. 6. 12; 6(pBa\nwv, 4.5. 13;
TroXeuic, 5. 4. 15 ; v/jwi', jfor
7/owr interests, 7. 6. 27 ; before
in time, ri/e p.d-^rjc, 1. 7. 13,
7. 3. 1.
IIpoayopi;w, cvffu), &c., to /jro-
cZatm by herald, 2. 2. 20.
ripoayw, aw, &c., to Zead Jor-
ward, 6. 3. 6, 7, 11, 4. 6.
npuucpcti;, rjffw, &c., 2. aor. ?rpo-
eiXoi', to prefer one thing to an-
other, TI rivoq, 6. 4. 19.
/jai, to perceive, observe before-
. hand, 1. 1. 7.
IIpouruX/rTKW, aXwaw, 7/Xwca,
wyutu, to spend, 6. 2. 8.
tTrw, rpi^ti), &C., Mid.
to tarn. oneself aiuay from,
leave off, with part., 6. 3. 31.
Xlpo/jotVw, /3/yirojuat, &c., to .90
forward, advance, 4. 3. 28,
i'v, 3. 1. 13.
IIpo/3aXXw, /3aXw, &c., to throw
forward, advance, aairica,
6'7T\a, 1. 2. 17, 4.2.21, 6.3.
16; propose, 5. 9.25, 10. 6.
Hjoo/Saro)', ow, ro (vrpo, /3atVw), a
Aep, 2. 4. 27, 6. 1. 3, 7. 6.
26, K al /3oc, 6. 1.22,7.3.48,
*rat alytc, 3. 5. 9.
n/3o/3oX^, jjc, ; (""PO) /3aXXw), a
putting forward, rd (topara tie
t, to
spears to the charge, couch them,
6. 3. 25.
o/3oi/Xww, evtru), &c., to p?*o-
vzWe /or a , to pursue farther,
3. 3. 10.
ou, TPO
irattor, 2. 5. 27, 6. 4. 7.
'/ (""^0, Spa^uety), a
, sortie, 4. 7. 10.
; see Tr^oopaw.
i' : see Trpoept'w.
IIpd(/Lu (Trpd, el/xt), to ffo fonvard,
advance, 1. 3. 1, 4. 18.
[JpotXavrw, tXctdw or t\w, &c.,
to rfrz've forward, 'iirtrov, to
ride forward, 1. 10. 16, 6. 1.
14, 22.
[Ipopyao^cu, cp-yaaopai, tipya-
to work beforehand, ?/
rj ^J^o, glory won
before, 5. 9. 21.
Flpofptw, tpw, fipriKa, eipripai, 2
aor. 7rpot7ri', to ^e/Z, intimate,
1. 2. 17, 7. 7. 13.
Ylpulp^ipni, (\evaofjai, cXj/Xv^a,
to go forward, advance, 2. 3.
3 ; to march, 3. 4. 37 ; Kara
r^y oiid)', 4. 2. 16 ; rptoKoyra
ffracit'ouc, 7. 3. 7 ; oi> TroXv, 3.
3. 6; ett, 7.2. 1,8. 5.
IIpo)(w, f'tw, &c., to excel, ///^dg,
3. 2. 19, usually rt^dc TIVI.
HporiytOfiat, 7/y//ffoyua, j'/yjj^ai,
to feac? ;e way, 6'cov, 6. 3.
10; T(I 'i\>"t) vpoTjyovf.iei'a, the
tracks of persons gone before,
7. 3. 42.
Uporjyopeo) Tlpo^evos
J; 1 ) eagerness, zeal, 1. 9.
18, 7. 6. 11, 7. 45.
Hp66v(j.of, oc, ov (Tpw, SW/LIOC),
ready, willing, eager, zealous,
1. 3.19,4.15,3/2. 15. Adv.
5.2.2,7.7.21, 1.4.9,10. 10.
TlpoOvm, 6unw, &c., to sacrifice in
behalf of one, rn-os, 6. 2. 22.
Hpoirifj.1, ?/TW, &c., to se/?(/ before,
i irpotler uvrut ol 6tvl irniiaa-
6ni, if the gods should permit
him to try, 7. 2. 15. Mid. to
0t'r w/>, 1. 9. 12, 5. 8. 14, 7.
.3. 31 ; to abandon, 1. 9. 9.
Trpoierrdai tvepytaiav mi, to
bestow kind offices on one,
with out looking for any return,
7. 7. 47.
TIpoiffTTjfjii, rpoffrifVM, &c., to sf
a ?//e /Jad q/"; Neut. to CO?M-
mand, TOV fariKov aurJ>, 1. 2.
1, ^7oKa\vJTTi>>, ui^w, &c., to cover
over, fj\iov rf\ri, 3. 4. 8.
QlpwaraOfM, titvanpai, to run
down beforehand, 6. 1. 10.
vaiw, /cayaw, &c., to
Jwrn, /a^ waste, all before one,
1. 6.2.
aXa/u/3a>'w, Xyifropai, &c.,
to seize beforehand, preoccupy,
1. 3. 14, 16, &c.
ai, Keiffofiai, to lie before,
stretch forward, 6. 2. 3.
wj'tww, vait>, &c., to run
risk beforehand, brave danger,
7. 3. 31.
Ilpok-XiJc, 0, 6 (irpo, KXt'w),
Procles, govemor of Teu-
thrania, 2. 1. 3.
IIp, &c., to be any
one's irpiiltroc, to bring on
one, Ktr^vvor vfj.1v, 6. 3. 14.
, ov, 6 (Tpo, it'c), <*
public guest, a foreign consul,
but always a member of the
foreign state, patron, protector,
5. 4. 2, 6. 11.
piicroc, ou, o, Proxenus, a
I2O Tlpoopaco
Theban, the great friend of
Xenophon,!.!. ll,&c.,2.6.16.
Hi>onpditi, ofyifMt, &c., to see
before one, 1. 8. 20, 5. 9. 8.
nporrt'/jjrw, Tre'^x^w, &c., to send
before or forward, OXOTTOVC, 2.
2. 15; eppr]via,4. 4. 5, 7. 2.
14, 19, 5. 8. 9; to accompany,
5. 9. 23.
IlpoTrti'w, irio/jiat, &c., to drink
one's health, 4. 5. 32, 7. 3. 26;
Kipara o'iyov, in horns of wine,
7. 2. 23.
IlpoTroiu;, I'IITUI, &c., to work for
TlfOC, 3. 1. 37.
Ilpoc, a prep, towards, gov. Gen.
Dat. and Ace. With Gen. by,
after Pass, verbs, 1. 9. 20 ; so
Trpoc "ijc TroXfwg vTraiTiov itjTt,
3. 1. 5 ; TT. iintiv, with us, lit.
from, 7. 6. 39, 2. 3. 18, 7. 6.
33 ; TT. TOV Kupou rpoTrou, ac-
cording to the character of
Cyrus, 1. 2. 11; Trpoc TOV
irora/jov, near the river, 2. 2.
4. 4. 3. 26 ; ik'(j)tvyt Trpoc r &i'
EXX/i wr = 7rpoc TOVTOVQ TUIV
E., 1. 10. 3; Trpoc 0w', Je-
/ore ?/ie ^o5, 1. 6. 6, 2. 5. 20,
5. 7. 12 ; in swearing by, 2. 1.
17, 7. 1. 29, 6. 33. With
13at. beside, rw Trora/iw, 1. 8.
4, 14, 5. 4. 25, 6. 2. 7, 7. 2.
14, 3. 21, 2. 3. 4; in addition
to, TT. rowroic, 3. 2. '33, 4. 13,
7. 6. 32 ; but Trpoc ravra,
thereupon, upon this, 1. 6. 9.
With Ace. towards, pecttin-
fipiav, 1. 7. 6, 3. 5. 15, 5. 7.
G; ///xtpav, 4. 5. 21; to, of
place, TT. TO ffTpnTevfia, 3. 4.
28, 4.2.25,5.4.5; errtr^e
2.3. 9,3. 1.40,4.5.2,5.10.
5 ; of persons, ///me, 5. 7. 20,
3. 3. 2, 7. 3. 31 ; TT. rim, 5.
6. 31, 7. 6. 6, 3. 1. 34, 2. 5,
&c. ; for, for the purpose of,
IT. TO CTrjfya/mr, 4. 3. 31, 1.
10. 19,2. 6. 20,2. 5. 20; .
r^ \Mpur avfjupfpti, is suitable
for the ground, 7. 3. 37; to, in
regard to, about, upon, 7. 1. 9,
1." 4. 9; j3ovAev*6a(, 1. 3.
19, 2. 3. 21, 5. 10. 5; ca-
\fyeaf)ni, 2. 5. 42 ; orao-m-
E<', 5. 9. 29; &KOVCII; 7. 6.
23; nnuKpivtffOai, 2. 5. 39,
5. 4. 8; ci'jreli', 1. 6. 9, 2.
1. 11, 20, 5. 5. 13; com-
pared with, 7. 7. 41 ; H-Z'^/J,
OI\KIV 2i\iar, in
friendship, 1. 3. 19. Ilpoc
3' f.Ti without a case, and be-
sides, also, 3. 2. 2.
Upoirdyw, ci^w, &c., to lead
forward, 1. 10. 9, 4. 8. 11 ;
Trpoc r;)i> ^pa^pa', 5. 2. 8, 5.
9. 14 ; tpofiov, to bring terror
before one, to utter terrible
threats, 4. 1. 23.
Ylpoaairtd), rjeTu>, &c., to ask be-
sides, fjuaOuv, higher pay, 1. 3.
21 ; ovSlv ire, asking nothing
else of you, 7. 3. 31, 6. 27.
UpoaavaXioKw, XUKTW, &c., to
consume besides ; xP'V a7 " a > ^
expend money besides, 6. 2. 8.
Hpiiffaretirelv, to mention publicly
in addition, 7. 1. 11.
Hpoafl uVw, fifioopai, &c., to g'O
to, advance, 4. 2. 28.
, /3aX<7>, &c., to attack,
4. 6. 13 ; Trpoc TIW Xo,
4. 7. 7, 7. 6. 24.
IIpo-w, eAr'iirw or fAw, &C.,
to drive to a place ; "nrirov, to
ride up, 3. 4. 39, 4. 4. 5, 7. 3.
7, 47, 6. 1. 7 ; orpcirdi', to
inarch up, arrive, 1. 5. 12, 7.
16, 3. 5. 13.
to come up or go to, 4. 8. 2, 7.
1. 33; tte LXIIKOOV, 4. 4. 5;
Sei'o^t'.-i, 4. 3. 10, 8. 4, 3. 5.
8, 7. 3. 18, 19, 1. 3. 9.
Hpoatv\npat, tv^opai, tuypai, to
pray to, offer up vows to, 6eo~t(,
6. 1. 21.
Hpo(T\, t'w, &c., to bring to,
rii'i TI, voiiy, to turn one's mind
to, Lat. animadverto, 1.5.9; we
ar dvvrifftit, 6.1.18; be attentive
to, role *EAAjj<7t, 2. 4. 2 ; direct
or pay attention to, ry t>y, 4.
2. 2; role xp///o<7t, 7. 8. 16;
oAi'yoi' rev/, 7. 6. 5 ; pory, to
think of staying, 5. 6. 22.
riKw, '/w, ^o stretch, (.TT\ TOV
Trora/uor, 4. 3. 23 ; related to,
fiaatXri, 1. 6. 1 ; TOVTV Tijg
Boiwr/ac TrpnafiKEi pioer, />
TT. apcT-ij, 1. 4. 8, 6. 4 ; ro
v., before, 1. 10. 10, 3. 1. 23 ;
TrpoirOty $, sooner than, 2. 1.
pocrStw, Otvtrofjtai, to run up to,
5. 7. 21, 6. 1. 7, 7. 1. 15, 7.
/jj/it, 7/(Tn>, &c., to /e, allow,
4. 5. 5, 4. 2. 12 ; Mid. admit,
3. 1. 30; ovCa^jy npdfftoivTO,
in no way permitted, 5. 5. 3.
oiTk-aAf'w, iffw, &c., to call to,
irpoffKa\itif TOVQ , KCKvyriKa, 1 aor.
tKvvr)ffa or tKvaa, to kiss the
hand to another, to do obei-
sance, in the East by prostra-
tion, 1. 6. 10,8. 21,3. 2. 13;
with the gods, to worship, 3.
2. 9, 13.
IIpo<7Xo/u/3a)'w, Xi'/J/o/jai, &c., to
receive in addition, ruvra Xa/3w v
KO\ rove bpijpovc; 7rpoi',
7. 7. 5; /xi<70o>', 7. 3.13,7.6.
32, 1. 7. 3; avunayov, 7. 6.
27 ; to take part in, 2. 3. 11,
- 12.
Hpoffftiyvvui, /u/w, &c., to mix
with, approach, rivi, 4. 2. 16.
ov, % (fpoc, r-Ooe), a
to, 5.2. 3; a procession,
5. 9. 11 ; income, 7. 7. 36 ;
revenue, 7. 1. 27 ; Trpoo-oct/uc
irotwi', improving the revenue,
1. 9. 19.
poffofjirvfjii and -op.vvti>, -o/jov-
p.m, &c., to swear in addition,
2. 2. 8.
poaopoXoyltM), r/ffw, &c., to grant,
give in, surrender, 7. 4. 24.
to fasten ivith a pin, skewer,
wpoc Tin, 7. 3. 21.
Hpo, Treaovfjiui, &c., to fall
. upon, rii'i, 7. 1. 21.
, &c., to add to,
iyi TI ; Mid. to pretend, airtv-
it', 1. 3. 14, 4, 3. 20, 6. 13;
tlt'ai, 2. 1. 7.
ffai, &c., to harass
in war, nva, 1. 6. 6.
pooTa7w, 5. 6. 21.
fw, jy, &c., to jsay or
spend besides, 7. 6. 30.
offrepvi&tov, ov, TO (^po, orf'p-
vor), a covering for the breast
of horses, breastplate, 1. 8. 7.
otrridrifJii, df]fftt>, &c., to
Mid. consent to, 1. 6. 10.
offrpe^dJ, 6pih) or c
&c., to 7-wre /) to, 7. 4, 7 ;
nW, 4. 2. 21, 3. 10.
pw, oicru), &c., to bring to,
5. 2. 14 ; Mid. conduct them-
selves, Tii'i and TTjode rira, 5. 5.
19, 7. 1. 6.
w, //aw, &c., to ^o to,
surrender, give in, Tii'i, 5. 4.
//*^ near, neighbouring, 5.
3. 9.
ofTw, adv. (irpo, IT poo), forward ;
of- TT., not far off, 2, 2. 15, 4.
5. 2, 7. 3. 17 ; riav Trijyoir, 3.
2. 22 ; row irora;jov, 4. 3. 28,
no< far from the river ; THV
jrpoffjj, gen. of portion, any
farther, 1. 3. 1 ; c ro IT., for-
ward, Trpoffttfripw, farther, 7. 7.
1 ; Trpoorwrarw, 6. 4. 1.
', ov, ro (T/>OC
countenance, pi. 2. 6. 18, foos.
IIpor\'u>, (.ITU), &c., to Jt?ay as
tribute, 7. 7. 25.
IIporpa7oc, a, ov, a diurnal adj.
TI irportpnia (/^pn), ?/ifi day
before, 2. 1. 3, 5. 4. 23.
orepov, or (TT^O), Supl. Trpw-
TOC, first (of two), 1. 4. 12, 5.
4. 26, Lat. prior ; irpuTtpa
Kvpov, before Cyrus, earlier
than Cyrus, 1. 2. 25. Adv.
7rpo'rpor, on a former occasion,
7. 6. 33, 4. 4. 14; almost
superfluous, 1. 7. 18.
ftripauf, ?j(rw, &c., to honour
one before another, ir\iu\' ?rpo-
n/>or/>e;(e0 -- H
e, ye sliall be more
highly honoured, obs. pass. sign.
1. 4. 14, 6. 5.
,u) or Spapovpai,
&c., to run forward, 4. 7. 10,
1.5. 2 ; TU>V oTrAtrwj', before,
5. 2. 4.
IIpo0ati'w, (f>ai'w, &c., to s^ow
/or ov, !> (irpunuc, c'iyw),
leading the van, ol TT., the van-
guard, 2. 2. 16.
IlpijjTfvia (TTpwroc), to be first, 2.
6. 26.
Ilpiuroc, 17. ov (Trpo, irpuTfpoc,
irpuiros), first, 2. 3. 19, 5. 1.
2, 4. 8. 18, 7. 1. 12; o TT.
Xt>>', 7. 6. 10, 6. 3. 5, 4. 8.
1 ; ill irpwroi, the first, the van-
guard, 2. 2. 16, 17, 4. 2. 25,
8. 12, 7. 4. 19. Adv. Trpirov,
first, in the first place, 2. 3.
16, 3. 1. 15 ; TT. HEV tl-a, 1.
3. 2 ; irpwra /ueV 'inura, 3. 2.
27 ; tTTfira ce, 5. 6. 7 ; elra
2e, 1. 2. 16; tVft^ Je', 1. 3.
4 ; irpwror fj.lt' /.itra TOVTO, 5.
9. 5; ro TT., 1. 10. 10; ro^tv
7T. - 7T^) 5e, 7. 2. 18 ; WC TO
TT., 7. 8. 14, as soon as, Lat.
quum jirimum.
Ilra/w, Trra/ffw, 57rrava, e^Tai-
;uai, 1 aor. act. tTrrapa, 2
aor. tVropor, pass. iTrrapriv, to
sneeze, 3. 2. 9.
uyoc, j; (iTTipof), a wing,
1. 5. 3; fiaps, 4. 7. 15.
f, >/ (TTU), afist,a box-
ing-match, 4. 8. 27.
UK-JOC, /, " (for iruKtrdc, fr.
TTUC), thick, close, airapra, 4. 7.
15; liv&fta, 4. 8. 2; rvpaeic,
5.2.5; ^d\ay, 2. 3. 3. .Adv.
TTI/K 'a, frequently, 5. 9. 8.
6*:^, v, 6 (TTW^), a boxer,
pugilist, 5. 8. 23.
, /, ^o^e, 5. 2. 16, 23,
5. 20 ; outlet, 6. 3. 1; pass, 1.
4. 4. (1) IIuAat at Ba/3vAw-
j'tai, 1. 5. 5 ; (2) TTJQ Ki\u-/ac,
1. 2. 21; (3) K/A.o'ac K-ai r^c
2vp/ac, 1. 4. 4, also at Uvptai
7riAai, 1. 4. 5 ; (4) 'ApartKai,
the Amanian Pass, through
Mt. Amanus, near Issus.
2 aor. itrvtiopriv, to ask, in-
quire, oVuc, 3. 1. 7 ; Tp ru'Of,
5. 5. 25, 7. 1. 14; -t^oc, 6.
1. 23, 25; to hear, learn,
ascertain, Tvtiofiivovf TO. Trap'
>/^i?r, having ascertained our
condition, 6. 1. 26 ; Tivoq,from
one, 4. 6. 17 ; u/ide tv Trpar-
r.i', 7. 6. 11,2,1.4,2.3.
IIv, adv. with the fists, 5. 8.
IIDp, irvpoe, TO, pi. 2. declare, 2.
5. 19; irpoafyiptiv, 5. 2. 14;
Troutffflnt, 5. 2. 27 ; di'avnt'fiv,
3. 1. 3 ; Kaieiv, 4. 5. 5, 6 ;
irvpa Epij/un, deserted watch-
fires, 7. 2. 18, 4. 4. 9, 1. 11 ;
KdTaafifvvvvai, 6. 1. 25.
Hi/pa, dc, // (""up), a funeral pyre,
6. 2. 9.
Hi/pn^t'c, t'Soc, >/ (~wp), a pyramid,
3. 4. 9.
Hupd/unc, ov, 6, //;e Pyramus, a
large river in Cilicia, 1. 4. 1.
Hvf/yoftayfftt^ ;o-w, &c., to storm
a tower, 7. 8. 13.
e, ov, 0, a tourer, 7. 8. 13.
' (n-Sp), to be in a
fever, 6. 2. 11.
IlvpiVoc, T;, or (Trvpoc), made of
tvheat, wheaten, ap-oi, 4. 5.
Ilvpoc, ov, o (irvp), wheat, pi. 1.
2. 22, 4. 5. 5, 6. 2. G, 4. 1.
Ilvpp/ac, i, ", Pyrrhias, an Ar-
cadian, 6. 3. 11.
Ili/pp'i'xty, ije* /, a war-dance, sc.
oo\r)aic, called after Pyrrichus
the inventor, 5. 9. 12.
~O.vptrf.via (KVP), to make signals,
or telegraph by torches or
beacon-fires, 7. 8. 15.
IIw, yet, with negatives, ovc/c
irw, 1.2.26,6.3. 14,7.5. 16;
owv "itrairi TTW, 7. 3. 35 ; ovle
VVV 7TW, 7. 6. 35.
ITwXew, j/o-w, &c., to sell, 1. 3. 3.
IIwXoc, ov, 6 and r\, a foal, 4. 5.
24, 35.
IliDXor, ov, 6, Polus, a Spartan,
7. 2. 5.
IIw;rnre, adv. at any time, ever,
usually with neg. ov Trwirore,
never, 1. 4. 18, 6. 11, 7. 7.
48 ; a, 5. 4. 6.
Hoic, /JOM-, 2. 5. CO, 5. 7. 9, 7. 6.
6 ; after fl,,v\ci>u, 3. 4. 40 ;
oKuirew, 7 . 8. 16 ; Xc'yiii, 3. 2.
27 ; TTWC /'y >/yow, How im-
portant you considered it, 7. 7.
Ilwc, somehow, e'i ITVQ, 2. 3. 18,
5. 2, 4. 1. 8, 21 ; aXXwg TTWC,
3. 1. 20, 26, 6. 2. 2 ; r X vi-
i:wc TTWC, m an artificial sort of
way, 5. 9. 5 ; wee TTWC, 1. 7.
9 ; KOTU plant' TTWC, somewhere
about the centre, 5. 10. 17 ;
/udXXop irwf, somehow rather,
3. 1. 43; ^rayi'oiTC TTWC,
ybr some reason or other, 2.
'P^ooc, a, ov and oc, ov (pVw),
easy, 4. 8. 13; Comp. pyuv,
Sup. pyvToc, adv. pa t
tppt/jpai, 2 aor. pass. eppl(pr]t' t
to throw, \iO th e nose, 7. 4. 3 ;
pi. the nostrils, Lat. nares.
'Pottos, a, or, Rhodian, of or be-
longing to Rhodes, an island
on the SE. coast of Asia
Minor, 3. 5. 8.
'Po<5oyou'77, jjc, y, Rhodogune,
daughter of Artaxerxes and
wife of Orontas, 2. 4. 8.
'Po$e(i, J;TW (poC, ov, o (pew), rhythm,
time, 5. 4. 14, 9. 10, 11;
pvtipovg (raXni^Eif, to piny
tunes, 7. 3. 32.
'Pi>^(i, UTOS, TO (p/w), drawing,
tK Tt>ov pvparot, within bow-
shot, 3. 3. 15.
'Pw^r;, iji-, / (puvvvfjit), strength,
force, 3. 3. 14 ; also Roma,
Puwvpl, p;, a sag&r-
is, said to be Persian for a
sivord, a bill, 4. 4. 16, 5. 4.
ScmW, ov, ro, and o-a/ori'ov (ffak--
KOC), a sma// bag or sac&, 4.
2a\/juOTftt,ii'T), 7. 3. 32.
2a\7rt'w, , late iVw, to sound
a trumpet, 1. 2. 17 ; , the tiarus, a river
in Cilicia, 1. 4. 1.
Sarpci7r*vw, evrrw, to be a satrap,
rule as satrap, rrjg -^upac, 3.
4. 31 ; an-arra, 1. 7. 6.
SarpctTTT/r, ou, 6 (Sansc. kshetra,
a country, pa, to rw/e, Cyrop.
8. 6. 3. Malcolm translates
it umbrella-carrier, Hist. I.
p 271), a satrap, the govern-
or of a province of the Per-
sian empire, 1 1. 2, 9. 7, &c.
2ariiooc, ov, b, a Satyr, Silenus,
1. 2. 13.
Saurov for atavrov, of yourse If,
your own, tic rj/r o-avroO (\w-
pa>'), 7. 2. 37 ; TV ffaurw, 7.
8. 3 ; iravroi', 7. 7. 23.
2a, an, 2. 2.
4, 7. 3. 32 ; TO TroXf^tuor, f/ie
signal of attack, 4. 3. 29, 7. 2.
18 ; >vyi>', 5. 2. 30, 5. 9. 24,
10.15; we ui'dTravEffOcu, 2. 2.4.
ov, ro (<7>;^u), a sz'^n,
/, 5. 10. 2, 2. 5. 32 ; TO
fia/, sesame, an
eastern plant, the seeds of
which are boiled and eaten
like rice, <7Jyffa/uor, ov, ro, is
.the seed, 1. 2. 22, 6. 2. 6.
Hence, " Open, Sesame " of
the nursery tale.
2jj'oc, ;, ov (irrjanfin), made
of sesame, ^pltrpa, 4. 4. 13.
Stydw, a silence, adv.
(Ttyp, iw. silence, 1. 8. 11, 4. 2.
7; (1) ty, adv. silently;
(2) fftya, inipt. of atyaw,
AwsA ; (3) oty$, 3 s. pres. ind.
of atydw, or Dor. dat. of
2t'yXoc, ou, o, sometimes /, also SirrrtfCTj, /S'zf-
KTraofjn, aroc, TO ((TVRTrd^w),
a tent- covering, 1. 5. 10; the
other reading is artyaap.ara.
S*T7rroc, a, or, from ffKoirtu, 1.
3. 11, 4. 6. 10.
uat ; see
to prepare, dress out, 5. 9. 12.
, 7/e, '/, equipment, dress, 4.
7. 27.
, oc, TO, a vessel, pi. Ja<7-
gage; Lat. rasa, impedimenta,
3. 2. 28, 5. 3. 1, 8. 6; <=<70k
KCU ffKfvri, 7. 4. 18 ; Xapfiuveir,
7. 1. 7 ; a raX/u/3u i'OpW, J/fTU) (aXfWOC, l()ti)\
to carry baggage, 3. 2. 28, 3.
tuo^upoc, oc, or, carrying bag-
gage, 3. 2. 28 ; TO. ffK. (KTTJVT)},
the beasts of burden, the bag-
gage animals, 1. 3. 7, 10. 3,
8. 2. 3G, 4. 3. 25, 7. 2. 22.
and oKrjrfw, jjVw
]), &c., to live in tents,
to be quartered or billeted, or
encamped, 7. 4. 12, 2. 4. 14,
4. 8. 25; IKWC, 4. 4. 14;
eV oiY/mc, 4. 2. 22, 5. 33,
5. 5. 20, 1. 4. 9, 5. 3. 9, 7.
3. 15.
/ (o-Kia), a tent, 1. 2.
17, 4. 4. 21, 3. 5. 7, Eng.
', &C. (ffVlJ>T|)j to
, encamp, 5. 7. 31,
7. 4. 11; to fo encamped, iv
oiKiutc, 5. 5. 11, 4. 5. 23.
ijia>/7n, aroc, rd (O-KTJVJ;), an
encampment, pi. soldiers' quar-
ters, 2. 2. 17, 7. 4. 16.
'jTroe, ov, o ((T/cqnrw), a thun-
der-bolt, 3. 1. 11.
ow, 6 (ffKrjrrTpor,
X W )> ^ e ivand-bearer, an at-
tendant on the king, always a
ewm/cA, 1. G. 11, 8. 28.
iXXoDc, oinToo, o, Scillus, a
town in Elis Triphylia, 5.
), a sma/ couch, low bed,
5. 9. 4.
a, nv
Aarrf, 4. 8. 26.
SicoXoi//, OJTOC, 6, a stake, pali-
sade, 5. 2. 5.
2(co7Tw, ffKi^opat, tffKenftai, to
keep a look-out, 5. 1. 9; ra
t/jiTrpoffdev, in front, 6. 1. 14;
to observe, watch carefully, 2.
5. 4 ; to attend or foo to, 7.
4. 8, 1. 9.22; to look out for,
5. 7. 32 ; to notice, observe,
consider, 3. 1. 13, 7. 3. 42,
7. 6. 33; *, 7. 3. 37; woOer,
5. 4. 7; OTTWC, 1. 3 11; iro-
Tf p t> v fi, 3. 2. 20, 5. 2. 8,
2(C07TOC, OU, O (de), wisdom, 1.
oc, >;, oV, wise, 1. 10. 2.
rar/w, I, ffirevtrii), tTirtver/jai, to
urge on, make haste, hasten,
2. 3. 13 ; TUVTU iyu tatrtvloV)
on this account I made haste,
for 3iu raf/ra, 4. 1. 21, 3. 4.
49, 4. 8. 14 ; T,)I> olov, 1. 5.
9; iropivttrOai, 1. 3. 14, 4.
27r0pcaTf/e, ov, o, Spithridates,
a Persian, 6. 3. 7.
27roXac, a^oc, //, a leather gar-
ment, buff-jerkin, sometimes
aro\ac, 3. 3. 20.
27T'?;, ijt, / ((TTreV^io), a Zj'oa-
tion, pi. a frwce, treaty, 5. 9.
5, 4. 3. 14, 2. 3\ 24 ; amir,
3. 1. 28 ; iroti'iffHat, 2. 3. 8 ;
7rna/3aii'tr, 4. 1. 1 ; \uic, 2.
5. 38, 3. 2. 10 ; Trapa rat , ijuu (erirovdi),
At'yw), to speak seriously, en-
gage in earnest conversation, 1.
27Tou?//, ijs, ?/ (;/i), pi.
oratiiot and ara^ta, a staf/
= 100 dpyvtat = 600 Grk. ft.
= 606 Eng. ft, about |th of a
mile ; a race, aywtl^eaOut, to
run, 4. 8. 27.
Sratf/uoc, ov, o (InTrjfjn), a station,
or stage, on the royal road,
where the king rested when
travelling ; hence a day's
journey, usually five parasangs,
or 171 miles, 1. 8. 1, 10. 1,
2raac, along the (beaten)
travelled roads, 1. 9. 13.
SrE'XXw, , to send, send far, equip,
3. 2. 7, to march, Kara
5. 6. 5, 10. 13.
SrEvoe, /, or, old form
hence, comp. OTEI orfpoc, supl.
o-rfj oraroc, narrow, \tapiov, 4.
1. 16, 2. 24, 6co C , 3. 4. 19, 1.
4. 4, Karaftufftg, 5. 2. 28 ; ro
o-rEvof, a narrow part of the
road, 4. 1. 14, 4. 4. 18, 5. 1.
2 r o A 77
a narrow road, 1. 5. 7.
to Zotv?, natural aiFection, as a
father loves a son ; dyaraw
is love founded on esteem
(aya^cu), pw, sexual love,
i\lti>, love in general, special-
ly of friends, 2. 6. 23. See
tw and trrepiaiaa,
iffTfprjxa, qpai, Mid.
VTfpiirKOfiai and (rrepopai, to
deprive, rtva nvoq, 2. 5. 10,
foi!>, 1. 9. 13, 1. 4. 8, 4. 5.
28, 2. 1. 12, trrtpotro and
a-tpotTo, 7. 6. 16.
e'pi'oy, ov, ro, fo breast, 1. 8.
26, used by Homer for the
breast of males only, while
arijOos is used of both sexes.
SrppJ>c, adv. sfrj^y, obstinately,
3. 1. 22.
c, ov, /, a Jlesh scraper,
used in the bath, 1. 2. 10.
SroXdc, dooc, // (ort'XXw), al.
(77roXac, 3. 3. 20, a coat, jerkin.
SroXrj, f], 11 (ariXXw), a robe,
4. 7. 13, 5. 9. 2, /3ap/3api^,
4. 5. 33, n p(roctf, 1. 2. 27.
2rdXoe, ov, 6 (ari'XXw), march=
TTOpeta, etc IlioiSac, fVt /3a-
ffiXf'a, 3. 1. 9\ 10, TTOttlaOai,
1. 3. 16, 3. 3. 2, army, array,
1. 2. 5, iroXuv t'xtiv, 2. 2. 12 r
Tra/jnr\t]dfjc, 3. 2. 11.
2rd)ua, aroc, ro, month, opening,
to a dwelling, 4. 5. 25, of a
river, 5. 10. 1, sea, 6. 2. 1, 7.
1. 1, the front, 5. 2. 26, opp. to
ovpa, 3. 4. 42.
2rpare/a, ae, ^ (orpardc), an
expedition, 3. 1. 9, 5. 4. 18.
2rparfvjua, arog, rd, ou, o (arparta), a
soldier, 1. 3. 21, &c.
e'oc, o (w, orpt'^w, terrpo^a, eorpa/i-
JUGU, 2 aor. pass, eirrpa^ijj', to
tanz, Trpoc, 4. 3. 26 ; vid.
ffTrapra, 4. 7. 15.
2rpov0oe> oi), 6 and ^ (orp/o>, rpir-
^w r orpu^w), a sparrow, but
o fjilyac orp., fAe ostrich, alsa
rarayatot, yepaaioi, birds that
do not fly off the ground, 1.
Srpwyuard?r/ioc, ov, 6, and ov,
ov, rd (ff-pOjfAa, 2ew) r Z>ecZ-
sac^:, a oa^ _/br forf clothes, o.
4. 13.
Srwyvdc, ?/, dv (<7ri, ffrvyita, to
hate), hateful, gloomy, 2. 6. 9.
Sn//z^dXtoc r o r ov, Stympha-
lian, adj. from
2rv/j(|aXoe, ov, //, Stymphalus, a
town in Arcadia, 1. 1. 11.
Su, pers. pron. /', yiyvofiai),
related, oi IT., kinsmen, 7. 2.
Svyytyvo/^at, yerijaop.ai, &c., to
Je wzYA, Aave intercourse with,
rivi 1. I. 9, 2. 27, 2. 5. 2, 7.
2. 19, 4. 5. 23, 2. 6. 17, 1. 2.
12, 5. 4. 33.
, to szf together, 5. 7.
f'w, tffw, &c. r to caZZ to-
r, 1. 4. 8, 7. 2, &c.
w, to &e/rf together,
bend up, 5. 8. 10.
t'o), navva, to burn
down along with, rwt TI, 3. 2.
2vy Ka.Ta.ffKeSavvvf.it,
Mid. to pour over oneself at
the same time, 1 . 3. 32.
i^w, &c., to
reduce along with, aid in re-
during, 2. 1. 14.
2wy/v'ar|0yaojua, acropai, &C.,
to help in obtaining, TIVI n, 7.
SvyKeipat, Kuaopat, to be agreed
upon, tig TO avyKf.ifjtf.vov, to
the spot agreed on, 6. 1. 4,
Kara ra ;, rje, '/ (duXXfyw), a
gathering, a. iroitiaQat., to make
a levy, 1. 1. 6.
2uXXoyoc, ou, 6 ((TuXXfyw), a
gathering, assembly, meeting,
5. 6. 22," 7. 2.
, &c., to hap-
take place, 3. 1. 13.
2u/L/jSciXXw, /iaXw, &c., to throw,
bring or heap together, 3. 4. 31,
1,1. Q,^eviav,to contract friend-
ly relations, 6. 4. 35 ; to a^rree
wjoora, 6. 1. 3 ; to ta/&, 4. 6.
cry aloud, shout to, aXX/Xou,
6. 1. 6.
2vp.j3or)dtw, rfffio, &c., to yoz'ra m
giving aid, 4. 2. 1, 7. 8. 17.
SvpftoXrj, rj, f] (<7v/u/3aXXw),
a meeting, encounter, 6. 3. 32.
2v/U/3ouXVa>, V(TW, &C., to O(Z-
wzse, counsel, give advice, 5. 7.
35, 1. 8, 6. 3, 10. 14, el, 5. 6.
4, 12, tKiro^iav Tfoitifftiai, 1. 6.
9,)ujf Trapa&^oi'at, 2. 1. 18, 19,
7. 8. 4, 3. 1. 5, Mid. to asfc
advice, consult, 1. 7. 2, 2. 1.
16, aurw, 1. 1. 10.
2u/i/3oi>X7, ^c, ?/ (HUT, /BouXjj),
advice, 5. 6. 11, there is a
Greek proverb wpor ^ C) o*', adj.
auxiliary, 'nrirtlq, 2. 4. 6, 7,
3. 1. 2; Swra/icc, 2. 5. 11, 5,
*Y P / '
OC, 7. 8. 17.
or vuw, ptii), &c.,
to mix together, unite with,
join, rtri, 2. 1.2, 4. 2. 9, 7.
8. 24; to meet in battle, 4. 6.
vyu7rapa<7Kvaw, affw, &C.,
get ready with, to help in pro-
viding, 5. 1. 8, 10.
vynTrape'xw, t'(,>, &c. (ffvv, 7rapr)/ju, 0?)(7w, to agree, confess,
raf/ra, 5. 8. 8, 7. 2. 26.
Sur, Prep, with, gov. Dat. (trvr
is ace. of ffSc, a /(z^), 1. 3. 5 T
6, 2. 5. 9, &c., arvv role 0to7c 7
by the help of the gods, 3. 1.
23,42,2. 8, 11, 14; TW-
^t'pj'/je co/ of (Tw^ ai/rw, 3. 5.
3, 2. 2. 8, 4. 1, 5. 40 ; /3o-
ffi\tvg KCII of <7ti^ airw, 1. 10.
1, 2; of avr fiaaiXel, 1. 10.
18, 3. 1. 19; Tlepaai caiof avv
avroig, 3. 2. 11 ; avr rw li
by just means, opp. to
adiKiae, with injustice, 2. 6. 18.
Surciyw, aw, &c., to Zn'n/7 to-
gether, xp^ara, 5. 10. 8, 3.
-5. 14,4.4. 10, 19, 1.3.9,5.
10,6.2. 10,4. 11,29.
Svi>uy/pw, ytpti, &c., to gather
together, 1. 5. 9.
low along with-, 2. 5. 30, 35,
3. 1. 4, 10, 7. 7. 11.
, /Xw>', 5. 4. 31.
tw, iffot, &c. } to gather
together, 7. 3. 48.
(vaXXarrw, aw, <&c., to inter-
change, reconcile, irp6<; TWO.,
1. 2. 1.
;i'ai'a/3acV&>, fitjffOfiai, &c., to
-along with, TIVI, 1. 3.
18, 5. 4. 16.
ira.raTrpa.TTU, au>, &C., to A//>
or ,;? m exacting payment,
7. 7. 40.
gether, p.ay*ii> aX\rt\oif. if ye
- engage in any fighting with one
anetJier, 1. 5, 16>
, ap^w, &c., to
jointly with, TIVI 0rpa.Ttvua.TOG,
5. 9. 32.
ov, fft
a companion at dinner, 2. 5. 27.
2i/j'Oia/3cuVa;, f3i)ffouai, &C., to
cross over together, 7. 1. 4.
Sui'Ctairparrw, Trpu^ui, &c., to
negotiate with one, virep TIVOC,
4. 8. 24.
^wloKiw, ^o^w, &c., to seem good,
TTOiffL, 6. 3. 9.
'Lvvf.ini, to ie with, 2. 6. 20;
<{>t\iKu>s TIVI, to be on friendly
terms with one, 6. 4. 35.
, to go together, to come
to close quarters, WQ /ua^ou-
1. 10. 10.
eXevvofjiai, &C-,
to ^o 7zJf^ one, e/c ro f pw/zo,
4, 5. 10.
Swj'i', 7.
OfjLai, &c.,
o?<< together, iiri TO opog, 4. 3.
^k-/3/3a^w, aw, , &c. r to ee/> to-
gether, orpciTtv/jia, 7. 2. 8.
$vv>jo/jaf, jjffOifffopui, to rejoice
with, 7. 7. 42 ; rivl on, to
congratulate one that, 5. 5. 8,
. 7. 8. 1.
Swdfaopat, aero/j.ai, &c., to view
together, ra itpa, 6. 2. 15.
Suj'^ij/xo, aroc, TO (ervv, ri
an agreement, 4. 6. 20; watch-
word, irapayyi\\tir, jrupafii-
$6vai, to give the word, 1. 8.
16, 7. 3. 34, 39 ; vapip-^erai,
the word is pasting round, 1.
8. 16; Lat. tessera militaris.
2vy0ijpaw, clcrw, &c., to httnt with,
5. 3. 10.
2iwi$t~tv, see irvropau, 1. 5. 9,
to perceive plainly.
on a hill, 6. 3. 28 ; holding
together, 7. 6. 26.
r ov, f), a coming together^
assembling, 6. 2. 9 ; engage-
ment, 1. 10. 7, henee synod.
i'oi^a, inf. (ru^ft^rat, to know
with, to be conscious, with
part, i^fvfffjifvot;, 1. 3. 10, 7.
6. 18.
w^w, Xvo)uai, fo ra/sc a
cry, scream, shriek toge-
ther, esp. of women, 4. 3, 19.
oyuoAoyf'w, JJTW, &c., /o agree
to,Tavra, 4.2.19, 7.8.3; w^/
one,ru'l, 7. 5. 10 ; aurw ruvra,
wzYA Am m this, 5. 7. 15.
vopaw, u-^opai, &c., fo see af
the same time, see plainly, 4.
1. 11, 5.2. 13 ; jj px^ " <7a >
the government was, like
, 1. 5. 9.
e, ; ((rvi'fiyut), a being/
with> meeting, 2.5. 6.
j'rarrw, raw, &C., <0 p?/i <0-
gether in order, draw up in
battle array, 1. 2. 15, 7. 14,
8. 14,3. 14,10. 5, &c., 6. 1.21.
, 0>j(Ta;, re'fotica, r0t-
;a, fo />Mf, p/ace together,
Mid. to jaA;e an agreement,
mi, 1. 9. 7, 2. 5. 8 ; ar-
range, sttte, n. 4. 2. 2, 6. 21,
5. 1. 12 ; tyv\u.TTtiv y 4. 2. 1,
7. 1. 35.
C, ov (ovv, r|UJ'w),
, o^oc,a short way,2. 6. 22.
e, oc, ov (TW^, r/ua-
a), a companion at table,
messmate, 1. 9. 31 ; so o
i, &c., to
together, 5.. 7. 4, 7. 6. 6.
2vvrp//3w, rpt'4/w, &c., to crush
completely, 4. 7. 4.
;z7A, rtW, 1. 10, 8. .
2iM'tv(/>\ew, j/irw, &c., to yoift tft
helping, evict', contribute no
advantage, 3. 2. 27,
2i/pavoc, ou, 6, a Syrian.
Si/ppcM, ptvffopa.1, &c., to flow or
/oc together, 4. 2. 19, 6. 1.
6, 5. 2. 3.
2wc, 0We, o and v, like we, ace.
avv (<7uw), a ioar, pz^, 5. 3.
10, 7. 24.
w, ao-w, &c. ("'',
), &> /?acl' M/J f A^ ^o^-
gage, 1. 3. 14, 2. 2. 4, 4. 5.
1 ; a Ix'> 2, 1. 2; p. p.
part entrevgBMurfUHH) 3. 5.
18, 7. 1. 11.
SufflfJJI'OC, OC, Of ((TUV, ffKJJvi/),
dwelling in one tent, a mate,
1 chum; 5. 7. 15, 6. 5, 6.
Swffwow, a<7w, &C., fo draw, sew
togethei', hipdepas, 1. 5. 10.
Zvffirupcua, a, ^w, &c., 2. aor. pass.
t)v, to turn, face
about, 1. 10. 6.
2uj(voc, ij, oy (ffuf, *X W )> ^"^j
considerable, x/)oVoc, 1. 8. 8,
5. 8. 14; ffv\vnl, many, 5. 4.
16, 18, 7. 16, (rvxyoV, a cora-
siderable distance, 1. 8. 10.
20aytao^aj, aaop.ai (ff^aytov,
o-^a^w), to sto:y a victim, sacri-
fice, 6. 2. 25, 4. 3. 18, 5. 4,
6. 3. 8.
ov, TO (, (T^aXd', cV^aXira, /uat,
2 aor. pass. efr^aXijv, to /??/)
p, deceive; Mid. stumble, 7.
7. 42, rt, m anything.
20arrw, and adev?6vr}, i;e, //, a sling, Lat.
funda, Htpaucai, 3. 3. 16;
0povro, 5. 2. 14 ; t^iKvoi/vTO,
3. 4. 4, 4. 3. 29, iirteZovro
viro a., 7. 8. 18.
S^vJonyrije, ov, o (aif>ev$6vrj), a
elinger, 3. 3. 6.
fy>a, adv. very (a6Spoc,
il, avtvlwi), 2. 3. 1C, 4>
18; XCVKD/, 5. 4. 32, 2. 6. 11,
oe, , or, and of, oy
ceia, 1. 10. 18.
ja, ac, ^ (ir^e^tof, sudden ,
, a ra/i, 1. 5. 10, 2, 4,
X W )> a ^ v - fflmot t near-
ly, 7-p/a, 4. 7. 6, 7. 6. 1, 4. 8.
15; mostly, 1. 8. 25, f a, ov (e'xw), rweJ, 7. 6.
roc r TO ('l\w\form t 1.
. 10.
cleave, vXa, 1. 5. 12, 4. 4.
12 ; TO ffrpdrevfja e\at(i), 1. 5. 8.
r rfe, y (tx w )> tei^re, time,
idtiv 4. 1. 17; iartv ev
iroitiv, 1. 6. D, 5. 1. 9; pre-
serve, 1. 10. 3, 3. 2. 10, 11,
5. 5. 8, 2. 3. 25, 3. 2. 4 ; p-
\^v, 2. 5. 11; ra fourwj'^3. 2.
39 ; otvvirrai, 7. 7. 56 ; Pass.
2. 1. 19, 6. 1. 5, 16, to retttrn
safely, go in safety, 8. 1. 6, 3.
4, 5. 3. 6 ; etc TY^V 'EXXeida, 6.
2. 8 ; eVi 0t/Xarrai-, 6. 3. 20 ;
(.vda fiovXoptda, 5. 6. 81 ; OTTJJ
QtXti tKatrroc, 6. 4. 18.
2], tog, c. ove,
), (1) Socrates, the phi-
losopher, 3. 1. 5. (2) An
Achaean general, 1.1. 11, 2.
5. SI, 6. 30.
3. 2. 20; (?z/e), 2. 1. 12, 4.
6. 10, 5. 5. 13 ; (person), 1.
9. 12, 27.
r a, ov, COBtr. ffwc> -, sa/e r 2. 2. 21,3. 1.32,
5. 1. 16, 2. 32, 8. 7.
, cue, o r and Swtrmc, ov, o
(<;, 3. 2. 9 1 , 4. 8. 25.
Swr^p/a, ac r j ( (atotypw^to brinff
to reason, 7. 7. 24, 5. 9. 28.
jc, q (o-w^pwv),
ion self-eontrel t 1^
ToXavrov, ow, ro (rXdw, Lat.
) a balane^ a takat t
usually of silver=60 minae,
or 243J. 15s., 1. 7. 18, 5. 6.
18, 2. 2. 20.
Ta/uiEuo/^at, evao/jiai (rajut'oc, a
steward, rt'/ii'w), to manage,
2. 5. 18 ; to determine with
hoiv many we may wish to
fight, or parcel out into such
parts as we may wish tojight
Ta/iwe, W, 6, Tamos, an Egyptian
from Memphis, the admiral of
Cyrus' fleet, 1. 2. 21, 4. 2.
Tavajrm = ra evavTia, 5. 6. 4.
Ta/ap)(oe, ou, o (raie, ap)(w), a
taxiarch, commander of a
taxis, a brigadier, 3. 1. 37.
Taie, ewe, >/ (ra7, oV (raVj/c, carpet,
aTTt^ov, Ae ground,
like humilis, fr. humus), hum-
ble, lowly, submissive, 2. 5.
TctTretvow, a, of, or Taptroe, ou, ff
(fancifully derived from rap-
pe> ou, ?) (OaVrw), a ditch,
6. 3. 3, 5. 2. 5, 2. 3. 10, 4.
Ta^a, adv. from ra^ue, quickly,
4. 4. 12, 1. 8. 8, 5. 7. 21 ;
presently, 5. 2. 17 ; ra^s'toc,
2. 2. 12, also ra)(u under
Taxuc,ea, u (0w, to rwn), Comp.
t)dffffu>i', supl. ;-a')(i(Troc, quick,
1. 2. 20, 1. 3. 14, 3. 3. 16, 4.
3. 24 ; raxu, adv. quickly, 2.
3. 6, &c. ;
a quick step, quick march, 4.
6. 25 ; on Ta-^iffra, as quickly
as possible, 4. 3. 29, 32, 5. 6.
18, &c. ; so oc Td\iivtav, 5. 4. 28.
Tejuei'frijc, ov, 6, an inhabitant of
Temenus, a place in Sicily,
Steph. Byz. ; others make it
TrjptvtTrjc, ir. Temenium, a
place in Argolis, Strab.; and
others Ti;/ui'trjv, fr. Temnos, a
place in ^Eolis, Schn. 4. 4. 15.
Ttpi'U), Ttpw, TtrpriKa, Ttrpripai,
2 aor. trepov or 'irapov, to cut,
5. 8. 18.
TeVayoc, eoc, TO (ret'i'w), a shoal,
a shallow, 7. 5. 12.
?, ov, wiaJe /roi
turpentine tree, repe'/3iv0oc;
, turpentine, 4. 4. 13.
ovra, forty, 1. 5. 13.
TeWapec, ec, a (old form Tre'ropee
= /ze (for /uelc> elc) + rpec,
l + 3),/owr, 1. 2. 15.
TeVaproc, r), ov, fourth, 3. 4. 31.
, at, a, four thou-
sand, 1. 1. 10.
rpatcofftot ai, a, /our hundred,
and sing. rerpa*cooi, wr, ot, i^e Tibareni, a
people in Pontus, 5. 5. 2, 7.
c, jroc, o, also Tt'yptc, t^oe,
the Tigris, a river in Asia, 1.
7. 15, 4. 4. 3.
Tt'07jui, dyad), rldfiKO., Tfdfifiai,
2 aor. 0j', to put, set, place,
florae, 1. 5. 13; 7. 3. 22;
dyJJro, instituted a contest, 1.
2. 10. Mid. 7. 3. 23, ra oirXa
rlOfoOai, to put up their arms,
Kara ^wpay, in their accus-
tomed place, 1. 5. 17; to
ground arms, 1. 10. 16 ; to
halt under arms, 4. 2. 16, 3.
17,5.2.8, 1.5.14,1.6.4,6.
3. 3 ; Etc TO.IV, to station
themselves under arms in the
order, &c., 2.2.21,5.4. 11;
iv rdfrt, 2. 2. 8, 7. 1. 22;
aiT/a ra o;rXa, halted under
arms opposite them, 4. 3. 26.
Ti/jatjtttit', ttivof, 6, Timasion, a
Dardanian, 3. 1. 47, 2. 37, 5.
9. 32, 5. 6. 19, 6. 1. 14, 3.
28, 7. 3. 46, 5. 10.
Ttyuaw, 7/ffw, rErJjuJjKd, ijjucu
(TI/JLH), to honour, 1. 8. 29 ;
rov a^tov, 7. 3. 10 ; roue
dyaflove, 1. 9. 14 ; tcai /te ro
rf aXXa rt/urjff cat t'SwKe, ^of^
in other respects did he honour
me, and in particular he gave
me, 1.3.3,5.5. 14,7.3.28;