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This List is piiniarily concerned with works in the Library relating
to inheritance and income taxation in the United States. A portion
of the List, however, is devoted to such forms of taxation in foi-cign
countries. The titles of the works on inhoritancc taxation are first
given, and then those on income taxation. Then follow (1) a list of
Conorossional documents and de>)ates relating to direct taxation, and
(2) a list of treatises on the Constitution of the United States which
give consideration to the taxing power under the Constitution.
This sul)icct is treated comprehensively by Max West, "The Inher-
itance tax," New York, 1893. This work gives a brief historical sur-
vey of the taxing of inheritances in continental Europe, tiu* British
Empire, and the United States. A history of inheritance taxation
from ancient times to the nineteenth century is Schanz, "Studien zur
Geschichte und Theorie der Erbschaftssteuer,"inFinanz-Archiv, vols.
17 and 18.
Inheritance taxation in the United States^ Federal. — See Boutwell,
G. S.; Cooley, T. M.; Dunbar, W. H.; Hewitt, L. E.; McDougall,
J. A.; Roberts, J. A.; Shearman, T. G.; United States; West, Max;
and the list of Congressional documents and debates, pp. 64-74:.
Recent discussions are noted under the following headings: Baldwin,
F. S.; Comment on the "Muck-rake" speech; Dead hand in wealth,
Ferris, A. A.; Hadden, A.; Limitations of fortunes in America; Pres-
ident Roosevelt on multimillionaires; Roosevelt, Theodore; Teague,
M. A.
Earlier disciissions.—Dxxnh'ni^ W. H. (tax of 1898); Guthrie, W. D.;
Howe, F. C; IngersoU, C. J., Speech (1813); McDougall, J. A.,
Speech (1862); Roberts, J. A. (tax of 1898); Sedgwick, A. G. (tax of
1898); Seligmaii, E. R. A.; Shearman, T. G.; United States American
State papers (taxes in 179-1 and 1796); United States, Fifty-tifth Con-
gress, second session (tax of 189S); United States Industrial Commis-
sion, contains a summary of Federal legislation; United States Supreme
Court; West, Max.
Legal decisions. — See Cooley, T. M. ; Dos Passos, B. F. ; Goodnow,
F. J.; Gray, J. M,; United States Supreme Court.
Inheritance taxation in the States. — Baldwin, F. S. ; Clapperton, G. ;
Desty,R.; Dos Passos, B. F.; Drake, J. N.; Ely, R. T.; Fallows, E. H.;
Gray, J. ^I. ; Guthrie, W. D. ; Iluebner, S. ; IMcElroy, G. W. ; Massachu-
setts; Millis, H. A.; United States Industrial Commission; United
States Supreme Court; West, Max; Whitten, R. H. ; Wyer, M. G.
Huebner, in Quarterly Journal of Economics for August, 1904, gives
a summar}' of Stiite legislation down to 1904. ^lillis's article in the
.same magazine for February, 19U5, is a similar study, with a tabular
statement of legislation, and notes two acts of dates subsequent to
Huebner's article. Current legislation ma}" be followed up in the
Bulletins of legislation of the New York State library.
Inheritance {succession) taxation in Great Britain. — See pages 21-23
of this list: France, pages 2^25; Get'miany, pages 26-28; Netherlands.,
page 29; Belgium., pag^ 29; Sioitzerland, page 29; British colonies.,
etc.. pages 30, 31.
The operations of the succession tax in Great Britain are set forth
in the annual reports of the Commissioners of inland revenue (see
p. 22 of this List).
The United States — General treatises. — See Bolles, A. S. ; Bullock,
C. J.; Burdick, F. M.; Cooley, T. M.; Dewey, D. R.; Foster, R.;
Howe, F. C. : Seligman. E. R. A. ; Smith, H. H. ; United States Supreme
Discussions and expositions of sj)eciaJ acts. — Act of 1798, see Adams.
H. C. ; Bolles, A. S. ; United States, American state papers; Act of
1813, see Adams, H. C. : Ingersoll, C. J.; Cnited States, American
state papers; Act of 1861, see Dunbar, C. F. ; Hill, J. A. ; Howe, F. C. ;
IMcDougall, J . A. ; Moses, B. ; United States, laws, statutes, etc. ; Act
of 1894, see Foster, R. : Glenn. J. A.; Gould, J. M. ; Gray, J. M. :
Hill. D. B.: Howe. F. C; Ogden, R.; Seligman, E. R. A.; funell, G.
Also for discussion of these four acts, see list of Congressional discus-
sions and debates, pages 64-71:.
Constitutionality of the income tax. — The income tax of 1894 was
decided to be unconstitutional; see United States Supreme Court,
Pollock V. Loan and Trust Compan}-; and also discussions under Bout-
well, G. S.; Dutton, W. T. ; Edmunds, G. F. : Income tax; Lewis,
W. D.: Lippitt. F. J.: Pennoyer, S. ; Sewell, R. ; Shipman, P. R. ;
Trickett, N.; Wells, D. A.: West, Max; Whitney, E. B.
General discussions of income taxation are given on pages 45-48 of
this List. For income taxation in Grea.t Britain see pages 49-53;
France., pages 54-55; Germany., pages 56-60; Austria, page 61; Neth-
erlands, page 62; Switzerland, page 62; Italy, page 62; British Colo-
nies, etc., page 63. The operations of the income tax law in Great
Britain are set forth in the aniuial reports of the Commissioners of
inland revenue (see page 50 of this List).
No attempt has been made to render this List complete or even to
exhaust the resources of the Library on the subject. The aim has been
to serve the interests of the general inquirer, although here and there the
specialist may not be without some incidental aid.
A. P. C. Griffin
Chief Bihliographer
Herbert Putnam
Lihi'arian of Congress
Wfifthington. I). C, January 8, 1907
Adams, Henry Ciirtcr. The science of liniincc; ;in investitration of
pul)lic expenditures and pul)li(' revenues.
JVew York: II. Holt jk -V. {Avier-
ican sciejice ser'tes. Advanced course.)
Inheritance tax, characterization of, pp. 3t)U-3Gl; a aource of stale
, revenue, pp. 504-505.
BaldTvin, F. Spencer. The taxation of inlieritunces.
[In Bankers' magazine (New York) vol. 73, July, 1906, pp. 27-34.)
Recent development and present position of inheritance taxation;
The Wi.-consin law; Ajiplication of the principle in other coun-
tries; Advantages and disadvantajjes of the tax; The tax consid-
ered as a means of controlling wealth; Constitutionality of the
I^roposed tax; Other remedies suggested.
Bout-well, (jrcorue S. A manual of the direct and excise tax svsteni
of the United States.
Washington: Government prlnihuj ol^ce., 1863. x^oOOjjjk 8^.
"Legacies and distributive shares of personal property," pp. 95-98.
Clappertou, George. Taxation in various states and in Canada, with
special reference to the taxation of corporations.
{In United States. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 11, pt.
7,242 pp. Washingtcm, 1901. 8°.)
Inheritance tax: ^lassachusetts, page 20; Connecticut, page 35;
New York, page 46; New Jersey, page 57; Pennsylvania, page
66; Ohio, page 87; Michigan, page 118; Illinois, i)age 126: and
Iowa, page 170.
Cohn, Gustav. The science of finance. Translated hy T. B. Veblen.
Chicago: The Lfnlverslty of Chicago presn^ 180o. .vi,800j)jK
(9'. {Economic sfudies of the Unirersitij <>f Chicago.^ no. 1.)
Inheritance tax, pji. .S56-357, 551, .5.59-.56().
Colburn, K. V. Taxatii)n of large estates.
(/// American academy of political and smial science. Annals,
vol.4, July, 1S93, pp. 82-90.)
Collateral inheritance tax. Opinion of Justice Sterrett, Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania.
{In American law register and review, n. s. vol. 32, April, 1893,
pp. 364-372. )
Comment on the "Muck-rake" speech [regarding the inheritance
{In The Outlook, vol. 82, April 28, 1906, pp. 912-913.)
Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the law of taxation, including the
law of local assessments. 3d ed., b}" Albert Poole Jacobs.
Chicago: Callaghan and company, 190S. '2 vols. 8^.
Succession tax, pp. 12, 30-34, 359, 360, 379, 380, 664, 727.
The Dead hand in wealth. By an American millionaire.
{In The Eclectic magazine, vol. 147, Sept., 1906, pp. 19&-204.)
Suggests that last wills be passed upon by a jury who shall determine
"whether sufficient amounts have been left to charity and public
works, [and] whether all those relations entitled to consideration
ha\e l)een duly remembered."
Desty, Robert. Note [on the succession and legacy taxes].
{ In The Federal reporter, vol. 13, pp. 618-622. St. Paul, 1882. 8°. )
Accompanying report of case, U. S. v. Hunuewell, Circuit Court,
D. Massachusetts, Oct. 18, 1882.
Dos Passos, Benjamin F. The law of collateral and direct inheritance,
legacy and succession taxes; embracing all American and
many English decisions, with forms for New York state and
an appendix giving the statutes of New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine, Ohio, Connecticut,
Maryland, California, Illinois. 2d ed.
St. Paul, Minn.: West jnMishing CO., 1895. xxii,651f,pp. 8^.
Drake, John N. Taxes — how assessed and collected. The tax law of
1896 with all amendments to date. School taxes . . . the
Stock transfer tax act of 1906 and the new revision of the
article on taxable transfers. Rev. by Albert J. Danaher.
Albany, N. V.: Banks S co., 1900. {i), ix, 361^., 31 j^jp. 8
Dunbar, William H. The Constitutionality of the United States
inheritance tax.
{In The Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 15, Feb., 1901, pp.
Ed-wards, Percy L. The graded inheritance tax.
{In The Albany law journal, vol. 57, May 7, 1898, pp. 294-297.)
inhi:ritance taxation: united states 7
Ely, Kichurd T. Tuxution in Aiuericuii stutL-j and cities.
New YorJc: Thoinas Y. (Jroioell d; company^ \1H88\ xx,
dJ^J^. i>i>. Folded tables. 12^.
Taxation of inheritance and bequests, pp. 312-.320; Inheritance and
bequests: 1. Comments on proposed change in the ntatutes of de-
scent and wills in Illinois, so as to inKure u more general divi.^^ion
of j)roperty among people; 2. Bill introduced into the Illinois
legislature to reform statutes of descent and wills; 3. New York
laws regarding collateral inheritances and l^equests, pp. 5i;i-o32.
Fallo^vs. Edward Huntinotoii, and George M. Judd, ed^. Collateiid
iiilieritance and transfer tax law of the state of New York;
containino- original act of 1885 with all amendments, the re-
vision of 1802 with all subsequent amendments prior to
1890, and the codilication of 1890 with all subsequent amend-
ments to date, with each act separately annotated and in-
dexed ; too-ether with forms and tables of cases.
New York: Baker., Voorhis db company., 1903. osv., (2),
305 j?j). 5°.
"The plan of this book is to present every successive Collateral
Inheritance and Transfer Tax Law in the State of New York from
the enactment of the first statute in 1885 to the present time, with
the decisions of the different courts grouped under the respective
sections of the law which they affect. The book is intended to
contain within itself all statute law and case law bearing upon
the subject."
Ferris, Aaron A. Can the accumulation of great wealth be regulated
by taxation?
(In Ohio state bar association. Proceedings of the twenty-seventh
annual session, pp. 128-137. Columbus, 1906. 8°.)
Takes the affirmative.
Field, William II. The inheritance tax law of Kentucky.
(In The American lawreview, vol. 40, Sept.-C)ct., 1906, pp. 711-720.)
"If the reasoning and the arguments herein presented are sound,
the inheritance tax law of Kentucky, however unassailal)le it
might 1)6 in other jurisdictions, under the peculiar Constitution of
Kentucky is invalid to the extent that it imposes a rate in excess
of lifty cents upon each one hundred dollars of value, thus con-
travening the requirements as to uniformity and equality as well
as the demand of the Fourteenth Amendment forep. 138-157. Columbus, 1906. 8°.)
Takes the negative.
Hadley, Arthur Twiniiio-. Kcononiics: an account ol' tlic rclation.-j
between private property and public widfare.
JVe7c Yorl\ London: G. 1\ PatnaiiCH sons, 1890. .ri\ ^%'
/'/'■ '^' •
Inheritance tax, page 474.
He-witt, Lutlicr K. Foderal taxation of inlieritance.
{In The American law register and review, n. s. vol. l', March,
1895, pp. 179-188.)
Hollander, Jacob Heniy, ed. Studies in .state taxation with par-
ticuhir reference to the southern .-states, l)v graduates and
students of the fJohns Hopkins universit}'.
BcdtiiiKtrf: The Johns JLopk'uiK j/i-exs, 1900. 2-jo j)p. 8^.
{Johns /lojj/ihis university studies in Jdstorical and political
science. Series 18.^ nos. 1-4-)
Inheritance tax in Maryland, pp. 61-62; in North Carolina, pp.
Ho-we, Frederic C Taxation and taxes in the L nited States inider
the internal revenue .system 1791-1895. An historical
sketch of the organization, development, and later modi-
fication of direct and excise taxation under the Constitution.
JVew York: ThoTnas Y. CroweU and company, \1896\. .ciii.,
(i), 29S pp. 12"".
Taxes on successions, acts and transfers, instruments, commotlities
and businesses, pp. 114-135.
Ho-well, Charles M. Colo.ssal fortunes; or, A new plan of progres-
sive taxation.
Chicago., III. : S/ason Th/nnpson db co., 1888. 20 pp. 8°.
Huebner, Solonu)n. The inlu'ritance tax in the American connnon-
{In The Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 18, Aug., 1904, pp.
529-548. )
An appendix, pp. 549-550, gives tables of the progressive inheritance
taxes in the following foreign countries: Australasia. Canada,
France, (Jreat liritain, Switzerland.
Also i)ul)lished, slightly abridged, in Bullock, Charles J. Selected
reailings in public finance, pp. 373-383, Boston, 1906.
Ingersoll, Charles J. Speech in the House of Representatives, June
29, 1813, advocating- an inheritance and an income tax.
{In Annals of Congress, 13th Congress, 1st session, vol. 26, columns
351-371. Washington, 1854. 8°.)
An Inheritance tax is constitutional.
[In The Outlook, vol. 83, .Alay 26, 1906, pp. 150-151.)
Landreth, Lucius S. A very bad statute. [P(*nnsylvania, 1897.]
{In The American law register and review, vol. 46, Februar_y, 1898,
pp. 79-90. )
"The Act is entitled 'An Act taxing gifts, legacies, and inheritances
in certain cases, and providing for the collection thereof.' As a
matter of fact, the Act does not tax 'inheritances' at all; and it
does tax 'sales made in contemplation of the death of the grantor,'
etc. — a provision not even faintly suggested by the title."
The Limitation of fortunes in America.
{In The Spectator, vol. 97, Sept. 8, 1906, pp. 319-320.)
Discusses trusts, tariff, and inheritance tax.
McDougall, J. A. The tax bill. Speech in the Senate, May 30, 1862.
{In Congressional Globe, vol. 60, 37th Congress, 2d session. Appen-
dix, pp. 227-232. )
Advocates an inheritance tax.
McElroy, George W. The transfer tax law of the state of New
York; . . . with annotations and references, together with
a table of cases and forms.
AJhany^ N. Y.: M. Bender and company^ 1905, xxx, 508^
{2) pp. 8°.
MacVeagh, Wayne. The graduated taxation of incomes and inherit-
{In The North American review, vol. 182, June 1906, pp. 824-828.)
Massachusetts. Co^nmission appointed to inquire into the expediency
of revising and amending the laws of the commonwealth
'relating to taxation. Report. October, 1897.
Boston: Wriqht cfe Potter printing co., 1897. r, (-5), S'2'2 pp.
The Commission recommended an inheritance tax.
Joint special committee on taxation. A full report of the
Joint special committee on taxation. Recommendations
and codification relating to the laws of taxation. Jan. , 1894.
Boston: Wright <& Potter printing co., 189 Jf.. 109 pp. 8^.
{Senate no. 9.)
Massachusetts. Legislative document. 1898. Jlouxe no. 1259.
Report of the roiiimittce on taxation, to whicli wore re-
ferred the reconnneridations ai the niajoiit\- and nilnoritv
of the special commission, and the \ari(ius l)ills submitted
for carrying out such recommendations. 1S9S. 9H pp. S .
Contain.H a brief ntateinent of the recoininendation of the Commis-
sion favoriiiK an inhcritaiuv tax, and the (-one liision of the Com-
mittee tiiat an inheritance tax of five per cent, on Vx>th realty
and persjonaity is objectionable, wiiile an inheritance tax on per-
sonalty alone, at a rate which would not jirove burdensonje,
would not afford an aileiiuate sub>titnte fur the Iosh of revenue
which wiiiild result M])on the exempfi(Hi f)f intanjribles.
Millis, II. A. 'V\iv inheritance tax in the American commonwealths.
[1)1 Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 19, Feb., HKj'j, pp.
"Tables," pp. 802-30S.
Also pul)lished, slijrhtly al)ridged, in Bullock, Charles J. Selected
readings in public linance, pp. :i83-.S93. Boston, 1906.
Ne-w York. Joint committee relative to ta^cation. Report of Joint
committee of the Senate and Assembl}- relative to taxation
for state and local purposes. Transmitted to the Lej^is-
lature March 17, ISiKl
Albany: James B. Lyon, 1893. G02 pp. s . (X. )'
Assembly documents., 1893, vol. IS., no. 69.)
Recommends a succession tax; contains a copy of "An act to ta.\
gifts, legacies, and collateral inheritances in certain cases," and
testimony on the subject.
Ne'w York. State. Comptroller. Annual report of the comptroller
of the state of New York. Transmitted to the Legislature
January 25, 1897.
Albany and y^ew York: Wynkooj>, J/allc/ibcck, Crawford co.,
1897. hiii, 681 pp. 8^.
Recommendation of a succession or inheritance tax, pp. xviii-xxix.
Plehn, Carl Copping. Introduitiou to |)ul)lic rinance.
JTair Yorl\ London: The MacmiUan vompary, 1897. xii,
36 If. pp. 12^.
Inheritance tax, pp. 89, 162, 227-230; American, page 229; English,
page 162.
President Roosevelt on nuUtimillionaires.
(/?i The Spectator, vol. !•(>, April 21, 190;e whom he selects."
Rice, Frank S. Note. — On succession taxes.
{In Probate reports annotated, vol. 1, pp. 212-215. New York.
1897. 8°. )
Note on the ca^e In re Whiting's estate, 150 N. Y., 27, summarizing
a nnnil)er of judicial decisions regarding the succession tax.
Roberts, James A. The progressive inheritance tax.
{In The Forum, vol. 23, May, 1897, pp. 257-270.)
Roosevelt, Theodore. The man with the muck-rake. An address
delivered bj the President of the United States at the la}'-
ing of the corner-stone of the office building of the House
of Representatives, April 14, 1906.
{In Tlie Outlook, vol. 82, April 21, 1906, pp. 88.3-887. ;»
"I feel that we shall ultimately have to consider the adoption
of some such scheme as that of a progressive tax on all fortunes,
beyond a certain amount, either given in life or devised or
bequeathed upon death to any individual — a tax so framed as to
put it out of the power of the owner of one of these enormous
fortunes to hand on more than a certain amount to any one
''The man with the muck rake."
{In Putnam's monthly and the Critic, vol. 1, October, 1906, pp.
"Five months have gone l)y since I made this speech. I have
reread it, and have added a few sentences strengthening one para-
grapli. I believe more strongly than ever, if that is possible, in
all that I have therein said."
Sedg-wick, A. G. The inheritance-tax bill,
(/// The Nation, vol. 64, May 6, 1897, pp. 333-334.)
Seligman, Edwin Robert A. Essays in taxation.
iVW Yoj'A': Macmillan t£' co., 1895. ,/.', 1^3 J^. pj). 8^.
The inheritance tax, pp. 121-135.
Progressive taxation in theory and practice.
{^Baltimore: Guggenheime'i\ Weil & c-9..] 189Ii.. 222 pp. 8^.
{American economic association. Publications., vol. 9, nos.
Bibliography, pp. 218-222.
The theory of progressive taxation.
{In Political science quarterly, vol. 8, June, 1893, pp. 220-251.)
Discusses the arguments for, and objections to, progressive taxation,
theoretical and practical. Gives the views of leading political
inhp:kitance taxation: i'mted states. 13
Shearman, Thomas G. Natiotml taxation; mi iiK^uiiy into tho prac-
ticaWility, jiisticf and cli'cct.s ol" a scicntilir and natural
method of taxation.
New York: G. /'. J'utimiriH stmn^ LSOo. ///, (/), 2.i9 j>j>.
12°. {Qmjtitlons of the day, no. j('itions, and hoIi'.
Jf.Oth Congress, 2d session. House repaint no. 3^. Legticyand
succession tax. Report from the Conunittee on manufac-
tures. February 20, 18?^U. J."; pp. b"^.
United States. 55th Congress, ^d session. House repm't no. 1183.
Revenue to meet war expenditures. Report from the Com-
mittee on ways and means. April 26, 1898. 3 pp. 8°.
55th Congress, ^2d session. House report no. 1583. Supple-
mental to acts relating to internal revenue. Report from
the Committee on ways and means. June 16, 1898. 1
page. 8"^.
Industrial commission. Final report.
Washington: Qovernment printing office, 1902. 8^. ( Vol.
XIX of the Commission'' s reports.)
Pp. 1053-1058 summarize federal legislation on inheritance taxes,
with tables showing the rates, exenij)tions, and productiveness of
the inheritance taxes levied in the various states.
Supreme Court. Octolter term, 187 If. Scholev v- Rew,
{In U. S. Supreme court. Cases argued and adjudged in the
Supreme court of the United States, October term, 1874. Re-
ported by John William AVallace, vol. 23, pp. 331-352. New
York, 1904. 8°.)
Opinion delivered by Mr. Justice Clifford.
The case involved "the validity of a Federal succession tax on
devolutions of real estate by will or descent. It was argued
against the tax that a tax on the succession to land was in effect
a tax on the land itself, which would be a direct tax within the
narrowest definition, hence it was void because it was not appor-
tioned among the states. The court held that the tax was an
excise and not a direct tax, saying that it was the succession or
devolution of the land and not the land itself which was the
subject of the tax. It was held tluit although a lien for the tax
was laid upon the land itself, that did not make it a tax on the
land ; but was merely a regulation for enforcing collection, not
affecting the nature of the tax. In support of its view the court
referred to the act of Parliament from which the act in question
was largely copied, and to the English cases giving to that act
substantially the same construction." Gray, Limitations of tax-
ing p(ncer, 1906: 364.
October term, 1895. United States v. Perkins. Error
to the Supreme court of the state of New York.
Submitted May 8, 1890. Decided May 2.5, 1896.
{In U. S. Supreme court. United States reports vol. 163. Cases
adjudged in the Supreme court at October term, 1895, pp. 625-631.
New York, 1896. 8°.)
"Personal property, bequeathed by will to the United States, is
sul)ject to an inheritance tax under state law. Under the stat-
utes of New York the United States are not a corporation,
exempted from such inheritance tax."
Opinion delivered by Mr. Justice Brown.
United States. Supreme Court. Octoher temi, 1S97. Maj,'ouii v.
Illinois trust and saviiij,As bank. Appoal from the cirnnt
court of tlio United States for the northern district of Illi-
nois. Ar^rued January 28, 1898. Decided April 25, 1898.
{In U. S. Snproiiie Court. United .States reports vol. 170. Cases
adjudged in the Supreme court at October term, 1897, pp. 28.3-
303. New York, 1898. 8°.)
"The inheritance tax law of lUinoip, of June 15, 1895, (LawH of
1895, page 301), makes a classification for taxation which the
legislature had power to make, and does not conflict in any way
with the provisions of the Constitution of the United States."
Mr. .Justice McKenna, dehvered the opinion; Mr. .Tu.stice Brewer
dissenting. Contains a list of cases in which the constitutionality
of till- tuxes has been declared, anart, of Federal securities and al.so that no sound distinc-
tion can be drawn l)etwoen the power of the States in imposing
taxes on franchises of the corporations composed of individual
peraons and in imjjosing taxes upon the right or i)rivilege of indi-
viduals to avail themselves of the right to grant and to receive
property under the statutes regulating the descent of the prop-
erty of the decedents.
Opinion of the court delivered by Mr. Justice Shinv«.
United States. Supreme Court. Octoher term., 1901. Orr v. Gil-
man. Error to the surrogate's court of the count}' of New
York. Argued November 25, 20,1901, Decided January
6, 1902.
{In U. S. Supreme Court. United States reports, vol. 183. Cases
adjudtied in tlie Supreme Court at October term, 1901, i)p. 278-290.
New York, 1902. 8°.j
"The provisions of subdivision 5 of tlie tax law of the State of Xew
York, which became a law April 16, 1897, are not in violation of
the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution nor of section 10
of article 1 of the Constitution."
" The Court of Appeals did not err when it held that a transfer or
succession tax, not being a direct tax upon property, but a charge
upon a privilege, exercised or enjoyed under the laws of the State,
does not, when imposed in cases where the property passing con-
sists of securities exempt by statute, impair the obligation of a
contract within the meaning of the Constitution of the United
Opinion of the court delivered by Mr. Justice Shiras.
Wells, David Ames, The theory and j^ractice of taxation.
i\«/j Yorl: D. Appleton A co., 1900. viii, 6^8 px>. 1^^.
Legacy tax, pp. 620-622.
West, Max. Recent inheritance-tax statutes and decisions.
{In The Journal of political economy, vol. 6, Sept. 1898, pp. 437-
For record of subsequent legislation see this author's reports in
Annual review of legislation, noted below.
The inheritance tax.
New York: Columhia college., 1893. llfO pp. 8^. [Studies in
history^ economics and puhlic law. Ed. hy the University
faculty of politiccd science of Columhia college, vol. ii',
no. 2.)
"Bibliography": pp. 134-140.
Chapters 1-3 contain a brief historical survey of the taxation of
inheritances of Continental Europe; the British empire; the United
States, federal inheritance taxe.'^, state laws. The legal theory and
the economic theory are treated in separate chapters. Contends
that the inheritance tax is an institution of democracy and just
and practicable.
Inheritance tax. Review of State legislation in 1901,
{In New York State library. Review of legislation 1901, pp. 67-69.
Bulletin of legislation, 16. )
For earlier legislation see the monograph noted above, and article
on Recent inheritance-tax statutes and decisions, in Journal of
political economy, vol. 6, Sept., 1898; and Whitten's Compara-
tive summary of legislation in New York State Library bulletins.
West, Mux. Iiilicritiiiice tax. Review of State lej^islatioii in 1902.
{J>i New York State lihrary. Review of legiHlati[>. 478-479.)
Wolfe, S. Herbert. Inheritance tax calculations; an explanation of
the underlying principles with tables and instructions for
ascertaining the present value of dower and curtes}^ rights,
life estates, annuities, vested and contingent remainders,
.... with a brief analysis of the inheritance tax laws of
the various states and territories.
New Yorl': Bakei\ Voorhis <& company^ 1905. viii, 300
jpjp. 8\
Wyer, Malcolm G. and Cliarlotte E. G-roves. Index of New York
governors messages, 1777-1901.
Albany: New Yorli state education department^ 1906. 8°.
(New York State lihrar 2/. djulletm of legislation, 26.)
Inheritance taxes, no. 836.
Campbell, .Tolm Doiiolus Suthcihuul, hul;- nf Ai-qylL The death
duties in foreign countries.
{Jn Society of comparative legislation. Journal, n. .«., vol. 5, pp. 2")-44.
London, 1903. 8°.)
Death duties in various countries.
{In Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 52, Mar., 1889, pp. 120-
143. London, 1889. 8°.)
"Translated from the Bulletin de stati?tique et de 16gi.«lation com-
par^e, Aug., 1888."
G-reat Britain. Foreign office. Taxes in Europe. '• Returns of the
total amoun':of taxes levied in each of the different states of
Europe, so far as the same can be obtained, distino-uishintr
between direct and indirect taxation, and specifvint^ the
several heads of each." Ordered by the House of Coninions.
to be printed, 4 July 18S1, 8 July ISSI, 3 August ISM,
27 August 1881. 4 parts. F^. {Great Britain. Parlia-
ment. Sessional papers, 188 U voL 75.)
Belgium: Succession and legacy duties, part 1, ]iagt' 5; I)enraark:
Inheritances, page 7; France: Inherited property, pp. 9,10; Ger-
many: Succession bschaftssteurersatze in Deutschland im 19.
Wagner, Adolf. Specielle Steuerlehre. Ergjinzungsheft. Die bri-
tische und f ranzosische Besteuerung, in ihren neuesten En-
twicklung und Gestaltung- (1886-1896).
Leipzig: C. F. AVinteT' sche VerlagsJiandlimg^ 1896. (6), 168
pp. 8'^. {FinanzwissenscTiaft^ 3. Theil. Ergdnzungslieft.^
"West, Max. The inheritance tax.
New York: Columbia college., 1893. 11^0 x>p>. 6'°. {Studies
in Idstm'y., economics and public law. Ed. by the University
faculty of political science of Columbia college. Vol. iv,
no. 2.)
"Bibliography": pp. 134-140.
Chapters 1-2 contain a brief historical survey of the taxation of
inheritances in Continental Europe, and the British empire.
Bastable, Charles FniiK-is. riiblic tiDuncc. 3d cd., rev. and enl.
London^ New York: Ma(nn'dlanandco.^lhnlted^l90S, xxiv^
780 pp. 8^.
Taxes on income, pp. 445-459; Succession duty, paj^e 556; Taxes
on succession, pj). 549-5f5ll
Beatty, Charles. A practical guide to the death duties and to the
preparation of death duty accounts.
London: E. Wilson, 1906. xii, 170 pp. 12°.
Bell, \y . T. Siiould the death duties be increased:'
{In The Westminster review, vol. 165, April, 1!»U6, pp. .S80-.386.)
Buxton, Sydney. Finance and politics: an liistorical study. 1783-
London: John Murray., 1888. 2 vols. 8-.
Succession duty, vol. 1, ].p. 117-119, 166; vol. 2. pp. 122, 167,
173-174, 292, 295,296; Ai)i)endix M. Table showing difference of
burden of death duties on personalty and realty, vol. 2, pp. .'^84-385.
Chiozza-Money, Leone George. Riches and povert}'. 2d ed.
Londini: Jltthue/) <.b r(/.^ [1006]. ,v,v., 338 pjj. Frontispiece.
Tables. . 8°.
Contents: — Part 1: Probate duty, pp. 1-18; Legacy duty, i^p. 19-39;
Succession duty, i^p. 40-61; Estate duty, pp. 62-86; Part 2,
Finance act, 189-1 (57 and 58 Vict. c. 30) (mcluding the Finance
Act, 1886), pp. 87-264; Stamp act (55 Geo. III. c. 184), pp.
265-346; Customs and inland revenue act, 1880 (43 Vict. c. 14),
pp. 347-350; Customs and inland revenue act, 1881 (44 Vict. c. 12),
pp. 351-382; Customs and inland revenue act, 1889 (52 Vict. c. 7),
pp. 383-390; Legacy duty act, 1796 (36 Geo. III. c. 52), pp. 391-
523; Succession duty act, 1853 (16 and 17 Vict. c. 51), pp. 524-
716; Appendix, pp. 717-734; Index, pp. 735-790.
Hardie, J. Keir. A labour budget.
{In The Financial review of reviews, vol. 1, April, 1906, pp. 265-277. )
Proposes changes in the income tax and death duties.
inhp:ritance taxation: great Britain 23
Peto, Sir S. Morton. Taxation: its levy and expeiidituro, past and
future; bein<^ an enquiry into our tinancriu! policy.
London: Chapman mid J lall^ 180 J. 'u:^ {-i)^ Jf,lH i>P' ^^.
The legacy and succession duty in Great Britiiin, pp. 194-198.
Root, John William. Studios in Hritish national finance.
Liverpool: •/. li'. Root^ IDOL i;r^ 110 pp. 1^\
Income tiix antl death duties, pp. 99-110.
Smith, G. Arniitage. Principles and methods of taxation.
London : Murray., 1900. 155 pp. 8^.
Williams, Ernest E. An impossible budj^et: a reply to Mr. Keir
{In The Financial review of reviews, vol. 1, May, 1906, i)p. 377-384. )
Bodin, Ch. La rcforme des droits de succession et la notion de i'impot
{In Revue d'economie politique, vol. 8, pp. 950-967. Paris, 1394.
8°.) ,
Charton, A. Pierre. La reforme liscale en France et a I'etranger.
Paris: Guillaumin c& cie, 1901. (4), 798 j)j). 8^.
"Impot sur les successions, ou mutations par deces," pp. 388-402.
Colin, Maurice. La reforme des droits de mutation par deces.
{In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 50, Nov. 10, 1906, pp.
Dufay, Jules. L'impot progressif en France.
Paris: Guillaumin & cie, 190 J/., x, 15'2 jpp. 5°.
Die Fortsetzungder Progression in der franzosischen Erbschaftssteuer
durch das Budgetgesetz vom 30. Marz 1902.
{In Finanz-Archiv, vol. 20, page 858. Stuttgart und Berlin, 1903.
France. Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances (1) chargee
d'examiner le projet de loi, adopte par la Chambre des
deputes, portant fixation du budget general de Texercice
1901. — Reforme du regime fiscal des successions, par M.
(/)i France. Annales du Senat. Documents parlementaires, vol. 39,
December 31, 1900, pp. 987-1006. Paris, 1901. 4°.)
Chamhre des deputes. Session ord. Seance du 2 juillet 1906.
Proposition de loi ayant pour objet Tetablissement d'un
impot personnel et progressif sur le revenu et sur les
capitaux improductifs, presentee par M. Maujan, depute.
(Renvoyee a la commission de la legislation fiscale.)
{In France. Chambre des deputes. Annales. Documents parle-
mentaires, 1906. Annexe no. 170, pp. 726-728. 4°.)
Proposition de loi tendant a limiter le droit
d'heritage et a modifier I'impot sur les successions, presentee
par M. Maujan depute. — (Renvoyee a la commission de la
legislation fiscale.)
{In France. Chambre des d^put^s. Annales. Documents parle-
mentaires, 1906. Annexe no. 171, pp. 729-732. 4°.)
France. Chamhre des diipute-s. SeHsion ord. Seance duo juillet 1906.
Proposition do loi ayant pour objet d'otablir un impot
gotu'ral ot i)ro(4Tessif sui- les revenus. pr<'.sent«M' \y,\r
M. Ma<(niau(l(', deputn. — (Renvo^'ec a. la <()miiii.s.sion do la
l(%i.slatioii tiscale.)
{In France. Chambre de.s deputes. AnnalcH. J)ocuinentH parle-
mentaires, 1906. Annexe no. 204, pp. 758-762. 4°.)
Leroy-Beaulieu, l*aul, i. <\ Pierre Paul. Lo budget do 1907.
{In Revue des deux monde.y, 5. p^^riode, vol.34, \n^. 1.5, 1906, pp.
759-797. )
Di.Mcusses propositioiis of the Minister of finance introducing changes
in the scale of inheritance and income taxes.
Rendu, Ambroise. Le systenie codulaire et les bases do Tinipot.
(7/1 Moniteur industriel, .3.S. annc'-e, Oct. 20, 1906, pp. 641-642.)
Criticism of tlie proposed .succession and income taxes.
Retz de Servies, Andre do. L'inipot progressif dans rhistoire on
France de'lTSIJ a 1870.
rarh: A. Ptdone, 1901^. (^), ll^i, {1) pp. 8^.
"L'impAt progressif sur les succe-ssions," pp. 119-123.
Schanz, Georg. Die Reform der f ranzosischen Erbschaf tssteuer durch
das Budgotgesotz vom 26. Fe))ruar 1901.
{In Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir das ge.«amte Finanzwesen, vol. 18,
pp. 227-240. Stuttgart, 1901. 8°.)
Simonin, Armand, and Alfred des Cilleuls. La roforme des droits de
succession et ses consequences sociales.
{In La Roforme sociale, vol. 33, pj). 382-398; 460-480. Paris, 1897.
Stourm, Rone. S3'stemes genoraux d'impots. luipotssurle capital.
Impots sur le revonu dans les differents pays. Lnpot
unique, en nature, capitation. — Tarifs progres.sifs. Sys-
tonios socialistes ot radicaux. Droits sur los successions. —
Grands monopolos tiscaux. Impots sur lo luxe, sur les
valours mobiliores et foncieres, directs et indirects, de
repartition et de quotite, etc. Impots sur los objets de
promiore necessite. 2. ed. rev. et niiso au courant.
Paris: GulUaumin et cie., 1905. {Jf), rl, Jf,]0 j)p. 8'^.
"Impots sur les successions," pp. 222-246; "SystC'me progressif,"
pp. 247-270.
Wahl, Albert /. e. Paid Albert. Traite de droit fiscal.
Paris: A. Ohevaliei'-Marescq cf' l)schaftssteuern; 3. Begriff und Begriindung der Erb-
schaftssteuer; 4. Wesen, Nachteile und Vorziige der Erl>schafts-
steuer; 5. Ausgabe und Stellung der Erbschaftssteuer im
Steuersystem ; 6. Die Erb.schaftssteuer al.'* Reich.-Hteuer; 7. Die
Erb.'JchaftH.steuer in der KeiclislinanzwirtsiL-liaft; S. Allgemeine
Beurteilung des Gesetzentwurfs; 9. Gegenstand der Erbschafts-
steuer; 10. Internationales Erbschaftssteuerrecht; 11. Betragder
Erbschaftssteuer; 12. Wertennittciung; 13. Bedingter und unge-
wisser Erwerb und gleiche Lastf n ; 14. Erwerlj von Veruiugen
ohneNutzung und die Nachererbfolge; 15. Berechnung der P>b-
schaftssteuer; 16. Ilaftnng fiir die P>b.'^chaft.«Hteuer; 17. Erhe-
bung and N'erwaltung der Krl)scliaft.«.steuer; 18. Der Rechtsweg;
19. Stralbestiminungen; 20. Verjiihrung der Erbschaftssteuer;
21, Schenkungen unter Lebenden; 22. Uebergansvorschriften.
Mecklenburg. Meelvlenbur^-i.sche Verordnung, ])otreliend die Eilie-
buiig einei- Erbschat't.s.stciier. Vom '22. Dezember l>>S»y,
{In Fuianz-.\rchiv, Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Finanzwesen. vol. 18,
pp. 795-808. Stuttgart, 1901. 8°.)
Saxony. Loi du 12 iip. 217-219.
Schanz, Georg. Studien zur Geschichte und Thcorie der Erbschafts-
{In Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Finanzwesen, vol.
17, pp. 1-62; vol. 18, pp. 553-695. Stuttgart, 1900-1901. 8°.)
Contents. — 1. Die Erbschaftssteuer im Altertum: A. Aegypten;
B. Rom; 2. Die Erbschaftssteuer iin Mittelalter; 3. Die Erb-
schaftssteuer nach Ausgang des Mittelalters; 4. Die Erbschafts-
steuer im 18. Jahrhundert; 5. Die Erbschaftssteuergesetzgebung
im 19. Jahrhundert; 6. Bewegung zu Gunsten der Einschriinkung
des Erbrechts und ihr Einfluss auf die Erbschaftssteuer; 7. Die
theoretischen Grundlagen der Erbschaftssteuer; Anhang: Die
Entwicklung der Erbschaftssteurersatze in Deutschland im 19.
Jahrhundert. ^
Strutz, G. Die direkten und indirekten Steuern.
Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1902. 8°. {Schwarz, 0. und G.
St7-ut2. Der Staatshaushalt und die Flnanzen Preussens.,
Bd. /, Lieferung J^..)
"Die Reform der Einkommensteuer," pj). U45-1146; 1285; "Stem-
pel- und Erbschaftssteuern," pp. 1297-1313; "Die Erbschafts-
steuer," page 1342.
Wagner, Adolph. Specielle Steuerlehre. Die deutsche Besteuerung
des 19. Jahrliunderts.
Leipzig: C. F. Winter' sdie Verlagshandkmg., 1901. ix^ (-5),
852 pp. 8°. {Finanzwissenschaft, .^. Theil.)
Theorie der Besteuerung, Gebiihrenlehrc und allgemeine
Steuerlehre. 2. Auflage.
Leipzig: C. F. Wlnter''sche Verlagshandlung ^ 1890. xxix., 81If.
pp. 8°. {FitianzuiissenschaJ^t., 2. Theil.)
Wahl, Albert. Prusse. Loi du 19 mai 1891, niodificative de la loi
du 30 mai 1873, sur Timpot de succession.
{In Annuaire de legislation etrangere, vol. 21, pp. 236-238. Paris,
1891. 8°.)
■Wiirttemberg. Loi du '26 decembre 1899 niodifiant, de nouveau, la
loi du 24 mars 1881, concernant Timpot sur les successions
et sur les donations.
{In Annuaire de legislation Etrangere, vol. 29, pp. 302-303. Paris,
1899. 8°.)
Wiirttembergisches Gesetz, betreffend die Erbschafts- und
Schenkungssteuer. Vom 26. Dezember 1899.
{In Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Finanzwesen, vol. 18,
pp. 751-764. Stuttgart, 1901. 8°.)
Anethan, Julos d'. Pii^.s-Bus. Loi dii '2T iiiui 181>7 modilitiiit le droit
de .succession et de mutation aprcs deces.
{Jn Annuaire de l^'gialation ^trangere, \oi. 27, i. 590-592. Paris,
1897. 8°. )
Borght, K. van der. Das niedeiiandlschc Eil).schafts.steuerj^e.setz vom
24. Mai 1897.
{In Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir ila.s gesamte Finaiizwesen, vol.
16, pp. 627-637. Stuttgart, 1899. 8°.)
Grodefroi, L'inipot .sur le.s successions en Hollaiide.
(/n Annuaire de legislation etrangere, vol. 8, pp. 505-5(RJ. Paris,
1879. 8°.)
A short account of the inheritance Uix in Holland, from 1859-1879.
Passy, Jacques. Les taxes successorales on Rcloiijue.
{In Annales de I'^cole libre des sciences politiques, vol. 4, pp.
222-246. Paris, 1889. 8°.)
Vauthier, M. Das Staatsrecht des Konigreichs Belgien.
Frtibery L B. : J. C. B. Mohr, 1S92. xii, 273 pp. 8'^.
{Ilandhuch den oeffentUchen Rechts.^ ,^. Bd.^ 1. JLdhhd., .5.
Erbschaftasteuern, pp. 95-96.
Cerenville, Max de. Les impots en Suisse; Assiette; quotitt'-niesures
Paris: A. Chevalier- Mar escq c6 cle, 1898. viii, 240 j>j>.
Tables. 8°.
"Les droits sur les mutations A titrt» gratuit. Les droits sur les suc-
cessions et donations," pi>. LM 2-220.
Palgrave, 11. H. Tnoflis. Proucce.ssioiis. 17 juin 188'.>.
(J/i Annuaire de legislation 6! range re, vol. 19, pp. 712-713. Paris.
1889. 8°.)
Bayly, R. A. Succession duty in Canada, containing all the acts in
force in the various provinces of the Dominion as amended
to 1st June, 1901, with notes on the Ontario act, and
lists of Canadian, American and English cases, forms and
actuaries' tables.
Toronto: The Car^well company^ 1902. xtv., (3), 4^8 2>p- S°.
An appendix contains, "Ontario Act of 1892," pp. 297-302; "New-
York Act of 1887," pp. 303-312; " Pennsylvania Act of 1887,"
pp. 313-318; "Taxabletransfer Actof New York," pp. 319-337;
"The (Imperial) finance Act, 1894, and amendments," pp. 338-
36(J; "Xew York Act, 1892, c. 169, pp. 367-368; "Actuaries'
tables," pp. 368-371.
Great Britain. Colonial office. Colonies. Cop}^ of a memorial from
the representatives of the colonies of Canada, New South
AVales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western
Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and the Cape of Good
Hope, respecting the application of estate duty to personal
propert}' situate in the colonies. Presented to both Houses
of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. June, 1894.
■i pp. F'-'. ( Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers.,
189 If, vol. 57. C. 7433.)
Colonies (Estate dut}'). Letter from the High Com-
missioner for Canada respecting the application of estate
duty to personal property situate in the colonies. Pre-
sented to both Houses of Parliament bv command of Her
Majest}^ Jul3% 1894. 4 pp. F'^. {Great Britain.
Parliannent. Sessional papers., 1894., '^ol. 57. C. 7 451.)
Local government hoard. Miscellaneous. No. 1 (1904).
Papers respecting the local taxation of personal property
in certain foreign countries and British possessions. Pre-
sented to the House of Commons b}^ command of His
Majesty, in pursuance of their address dated August 15,
London: Printed for His Ma^estifs Stationery office., [1901].
V, (1), 12s pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Ses-
sional p>apers, 1904., Cd. 2098.)
Death duties, p. v; in British Columbia, p. 84; in Manitoba, p.
85; in New Brunswick, p. 86; in Quebec, p. 90; in South Aus-
tralia, p. 92; in Victoria, p. -94; in Tasmania, p. 98.
Parsons, Fiiiiik, The story of New Zealand; a history of New Zea-
land from the earliest times to the present, with special
ret'ereiicc to the political, industrial and social development
of the island commonwealth. Kd. by C. F. Taylor.
PUladdpUa: C. F. Tayhn\ lOOJ,. n-s'li, {2),S3G 2>j>. Illn.s-
trations. Maps. S^. {Equity aeries.)
"The income-tax," pp. 194-197; "Progressive taxation of land and
incomes popular," page 197; "The progreH>^ive taxes likely to he
made more progressive, pp. 2(»2-2()l5; Progressive taxation, pp.
Inheritance taxes, page 203.
Abbott, Austin. The income tax. How it should be paid by the
honest citizen.
(/n Banker's magazine (New York), vol. 50, Jan., 1895, pp. 185-189.)
An exposition of the requirements of the law of 1895.
Adams, Henry Carter. Ta>xation in the United States 1789-1816.
Baltimore : -Johns Ilopkiiis university^ May and Jvne, 188If,.
79 j)P' 8°. {■Johns Ilophins university studies i7i historical
and political science, ^d series, v-vi.)
Contains brief consideration of direct tax act of 1798, and 1813.
Allen, Lafon. The income tax decision: an answer to Gov. Penno^^er.
{In American law review, vol. 29, Nov. -Dec, 1895, pp. 847-856.)
Defends the decision of the Supreme Court.
An Appeal to our millionaires.
{In the North American re\dew, vol. 182, June, 1906, pp. 801-823.)
The Outlook (London) says: "We regard his article as deeply sig-
nificant of the new American spirit. It will not, we imagine, be
very long before the demand for heavy progressive taxation on
incomes and inheritances becomes well-nigh universal."
Bolles, Albert S. The financial history of the United States, from
1774 to 1789: embracing the period of the American Revo-
lution; from 1789 to 1860; from 1861 to 1885.
Weu^ York: D. Apjpleton and company, 1879-1886. 3 vols. 5°.
The Direct tax of 1798, vol. 2, pp. 115-126; act of 1861, vol. 3, pp.
17-18, 160-161.
Bosley, William Bradford. The constitutional requirement of uni-
formity in duties, imposts and excises.
{In The Yale law journal, vol. 9, Feb., 1900, pp. 164-169.)
"The second case is Loughborough v. Blake, 5 Wheat., 317, wherein
it is decided that Congress possesses, under the Constitution, the
power to lay and collect direct taxes within the District of Colum-
bia in proportion to the census directed to be taken by the
Constitution. But it is conceded by the court that Congress may
lawfully impose direct taxes in the District for District purposes
without regard to the rule of apportionment, and that Congress is
under no constitutional necessity to impose direct taxes by the
rule of apportionment upon the District of Columbia, or upon the
territories, even though such a direct tax is laid upon the States. ' '
iNCOMK taxation: united states 33
Boutrwell, George S. The income tax. TIm^ decision of the Supreme
(//( The North Ajiicriran review, vol. ItK), May, )«".»."), pp. 5X9-001.)
I)iHCU.ssiii>< the theory involved in the ('(jurt's decision, tlie writer
asks, "Turning again to the practical nide of this question, is it
not apparent that the new theory works the exemption of all
incomes derived from real estate and pergonal estate?"
Bullock, ( liiirlcs ,1. Direct jiud indirect ta.xe.s in economic literature.
{Ill The Political Hcience quarterly, vol. i:{, Sept., 1898, pp. 442-47(>. )
Examination of the writing.« of political economists of ancient and
modern times to arrive at a correct chtssitication of direct and
iinlirect taxes. Favors the detinition recommended by Wagner
and Bastable as in accord with usage prevailing since the lx?gin-
ning of the 19th century.
Direct taxes and the Federal Con.stitution.
(/n The Yale review, vol. 9, February, 1901, pp. 438-449; vol. 10,
May, 1901, pp. 6-29; August, 1901, pp. 144-158.)
Endeavors to identify the sources of the ideas on taxation held by
the framers of the Constitution: seeks to find how far the " term
direct taxation" had been used l)y American writers prior to
1787; quotes from the Con.stitution makers to show their under-
standing of "direct taxation;" gives examples of attempts to de-
fine the constitutional intent of the term, with an exposition of
the decision of the Supreme Court in 179(). Concludes that this
"decision accorded with tiie Constitution in that it a.ssured to
Congress all needed powers of taxation. It certainly agreed with
the plain historical fact that land and poll taxes were those
branches of taxation which were most often contemplated as
The orjoiii, purpose and effect of the direct- tax clause of the
Federal Constitution.
{In The Political science quarterly, vol. 15, June, 1900, pp. 217-2.39:
Sept., 1900, pp. 452^81.)
Analyzes the proceedings of the Constitutional convention in regard
to power of taxation with a review of direct taxes of 1798, 1815,
and 1S()1 and their lesults.
Reprinted in part in the author's "Selected readings on public
finance," pp. 299-306. Boston, 1966. 8°.
Burdick, F. JSI. Direct taxes.
{In Columbia law times, vol. 2, April, 1889, pp. 255-263.)
Historical review and consideration of construction jnit upon con-
stitutiiinal ])rovisions regarding direct taxes by the United States
Su]irfnie Court.
Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the law of taxation, inchidinir the
law of local assessments. 3d ed. ))y Albert I'oole fIacol)s.
Chicago: CaUaglunt (ind cotnp/s. .V .
Income tax. vol. 1 . pp. 1 1 . 27. .30. 155. 387. 403, 406. 407. 683. 684-686.
15680—07 3
De-wey, Davis Rich. Financial histoi"}' of the United States.
Longriicuis^ Green^ and co.^ London and Bomhay^ 1903. xxxv^
(cf), 530 pp. 12^. {Awterican citizen series.)
Direct taxes, pp. 62, 65, 107, 109, 139, 140, 277, 427, 457.
Direct taxation and the income tax.
{In The Monthly law reporter, vol. 24, March, 1862, pp. 257-270.)
States the provision of the taxation act of Aug. 6, 1861, and the
methods of collection.
Dunbar, Charles Franklin. The direct tax of 1861.
{In The Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 8, July, 1889, pp. 436-
Written not long after the decision of the Supreme Court in the
case of the United States vs. Louisiana, which the author dis-
cusses. Begins with an investigation of the meaning of the
phrase "direct taxation," and then gives the history of direct
taxation acts in the United States. Shows relation of act of 1861
to acts of 1813 and 1815.
The direct tax of ISOl.
, {In his Economic essays, pp. 94-115. Xew York, 1904. 8°.)
Reprinted from (Quarterly journal of economics, July, 1889.
The new income tax.
{In his Economic essays, pp. 116-134. Xew York, 1904. 8°.)
Reprinted from Quarterly journal of economics, October, 1894.
Dutton, W. T. The Income tax.
{In The American journal of politics, vol. 4, May, 1894, pp. 498-504.)
An argument against the income tax pointing out what is termed
its unjust and illegal features.
Edmunds, George F. Salutar}" results of the income-tax decision.
{In The Forum, vol. 19, July, 1895, pp. 513-520. )
Approval of the decision of the Supreme Court declaring the income
tax to be unconstitutional.
"In the present, then, and for a long future, the safeguards of
equal rights and equal duties in respect of taxation are reestab-
lished and put upon the solid foundation that the creators of the
Republic provided."
Fleming, William Henry. The income tax — Its relation to political
economy, to the constitution, and to the Supreme court
decision. Speech ... in the House . . . April 29, 1898.
Washingto?i: [ Government printing o'fice\ 1898. lIt-p>'P- ^^'
Foster. Roo-er. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United
States, historical and juridical with observations upon the
ordinary provisions of state constitutions and a comparison
with the constitutions of other countries. Volimie I.
Boston: The Boston l>ooh company., 1895. viii, 713 pp. J^^.
History and apportionment of direct taxes under the Constitution,
pp. 413-123.
Foster, Rog-cr, ^tory of income tax in Europe; Incfjme taxi-s in the
several Unitelic indebtedness; a treatise upon the
constitutional law governing taxation and the incurrence of
public debt in the United States, in the several states, and
in the territories.
San Francisco: Bancroft- Whitney comjxiny.^ 1906. l,r. 1316
pp. 8°.
Federal income taxes, nos. 728, 729; The income tax law of 1894,
nos. 730-7.S7; For income tax in the .ceveral states, .SVc Index,
pp. 1239-1240.
Griithrie, ^^'iHiam Dameron. Lectures on the fourteenth article of
amendment to the Constitution of the Fnited States, deliv-
ered i)cfore the Dwight alumni association. New York.
April-May, 180S.
Jloxtou: Little.^ Brown., and rompauy., 1898. axeviii, 265
pp. 8°.
Under the caption " Of the equal protection of the laws," the author
discusses projxressive taxation, and writes: "It is imjxjrtant to
bear in mind tliatwliile the Supreme Court Iijus declined to nullify
under the Fourteenth Amendment a st«ite law imposing a pro-
gressive inheritance tax, there is no intimation that progressive
taxatir)n upon j^roperty or individuals or corfwirations would have
been sustained. On the contrary, in the dis.«enting o[iinion, Mr.
Justice Brewer said: 'It seems to be conceded that if thi.s were a
tax upon jiroperty such increase in the rate of taxation could n<»t
be sustained.' "
Hadley, Arthur Twining-, Economics, an account of the relations
between private property and public welfare.
Neiv Yorl:: G. R Put nam's sons, 1S99. ;n^{l), Ii.9(j 2)J->- 8"^
Direct taxes, ]>p. 459-475.
Hall, Uriel S. An income tax: reasons in its favor.
(JjiThe Forum, vol. 17, Mar., 1894, pp. 14-18.)
Gontain.s brief excerpts from writers in political economy favoring
an income tax.
Hamilton, Alexander. Carriage tax.
{In The works of Alexander Hamilton, edited by Henry Cabot
Lodge, vol. 7, pp. 328-333. New York, 1886. 8°.)
Fragment of a brief by Hamilton in the case of Hylton vs. the
United States. Hamilton appeared for the government with the
Attorney-General. The court sustained Hamilton's view that the
tax on carriages was not direct and therefore was constitutional.
Harrison, Benjamin. The obligations of wealth.
{In his Views of an ex-president, pp. 331-357. Indianapolis,
[1901]. 8°.)
Delivered before the Union League Club, Chicago, Feb. 22, 1898.
"The practical question, the one our people must solve, and solve
speedily, is the enforcement of the personal property tax and the
equalization of real estate assessments."
Hill, David B. No income tax! (xreat speech on the tariff bill and
income tax, delivered in tlic United States Senate, at
Washington, on Monday, April 9, 1894.
Mnv Tori-: M. J\ Ivers <& co., [189 J^]. 6}^i)p. W.
Hill, Joseph Adna. The civil war income tax.
{In The Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 8, July, 1894, pp. 416-
452. )
Takes up in turn the adoption of an income tax, difficulties as to
the rate to be levied, taxation of certain classes of dividends, defi-
nition of "income," administration of the income tax, question
of the continuation of the act, the assessment of the tax, and the
income tax as a war tax.
Howe, Frederic C. Taxation and taxes in the United States under
the internal revenue system 1791-1895. An historical
sketch of the organization, development, and later moditi-
cation of direct and excise taxation under the Constitution.
Nev) YorV: Thomas Y. Crowell (jc comjyany ,\189G\ tcinAl),
293 px>. i^°.
Federal taxation of incomes (1861-1872), pp. 90-102; The income
tax of 1894, pp. 231-236.
Selections are reprinted in Bullock, Charles J. Selected readings
in public finance, pp. 281-286. Boston, 1906. 8°.
INCOME taxation: tnitio states 87
The Income ttix.
(/n Banker's inaga/ine (New York), vol. 48, Dec, 1893, pp. 428-435.)
Summary of the legislative history of the income tax laws of 1861-'64.
The Income tjix decision.
[la The Nation, vol. 60, May 2:-], 1895, page .394.)
Compares the legal tender ileciKions of 1871 with the income tax
decision of 1895. The judgment in the latter case is termed "a
retreat on the part of the court from the immoralities of the legal-
tender decision."
Tlio Income tux. The spirit of the tax. Plain-speaker.
{Li The North American review, vol. 160, :May, 1895, pp. 601-606.)
Income tax law regarded a.^: class legislation exhihiting "the grow-
ing hoti^tility against tiie rich on the part of the poor."
The Income tax. Two methods of leg-ifslatioii. Letter to the editor.
B. G.
{In The Nation, vol. 60, April 18, 1895, pp. 298-299.)
Criticism of the present methods of legislation as illu.strated by the
income tax proceedings.
Ingersoll, Charle.'? J. Speech in the House of Representatives, June
20, 1813, advocating an inheritance and income tax.
{In Annals of Congress, 13th Congress, 1st se.ssion, vol. 26, columns
351-371. Washington, 1854. 8°.)
Kinsman, Delos Oscar. The income tax in the commonwealths of the
United States.
It/mca, 1903. Iv, (2), 128 pjj. 8'^.
Bibliography: page 126.
Selections reprinted in Bullock, Charles J. Selected readings in
public finance, pp. 275-280. Boston, 1906. 8=
Lewis, William Draper. The constitutionality of the income tax.
{Ja The American law register and review, n. .<. vol. 2, March,
1895, pp. 189-195.)
Holds that the Supreme court may rightfully regard the income
tax as an indirect tax and that the income tax is a tax not on
persons but on property. Tin? writer's oj)inion is that the cru-
cial point in the case before the Supreme court is whether Con-
gress can draw any lines in an income tax, exempting incomea
under a particular figure.
Lippitt, Francis .1. The income tax. Letter to the editor.
{In The Nation, vol. 60, March 21, 1895, page 217.)
Brief consideration of the meaning of direct ti\x, with the conclu-
sion "that the income tax, being a t political prac-
tice would result from imposition of such a tax. The tax would
"exalt the national merit" and tend to centralization. The
measure he declares is "thoroughly populistic."
O'Neill, John J. The graduated income tax.
{hi The American journal of politics, vol. 3, Decemljer, 1893, pp.
6.50-654. )
Arguments in favor of a graduated tax on incomes.
INCOMK taxation: united states 39
Pennoyer, SyUc^lcr. I lie incoiin' tax (l('(i>i(ni, an*! llic ]>o\vcr of t\io
SupreiMc Court to millify Jicts of Conj^ress.
(/n The Aiiifticaii law review, vl llir Mipreiiie c cjiirt as U8ur|»in>^ leyiflative
A roply to Allon's ['•'riic inconio tax flcci^inn : an aii-wtT
to (i<>\'. Pennoyer '"|.
(/uThe American law n-view, vol. L".t, NijvciiilKT-hect'iiilMT, 1H!»5,
pp. 856-863. )
"The ijuestion as to what the law i.s, is a judicial fjnestioii, hut the
iiui'stioii as to what the law stioiiM or shoiiM nut he, in order to
conform to the constitution, is most umuistakahly a le^fislative
The Peril of American wealth.
{In The Outlook (London), vol. 17, June ;^0, 1906, jjp. 866-867.)
Review of stn anonymous article in the North .\merican review, for
.Tune, 1906.
Plehn, Carl Copping. Taxation in the Philippines.
( In The Political science quarterly, vol. 16, Decemher, 1901, pp. 6s0-
711; vol. 17, March, 1902. pp. 125-148.)
Contexts. — 1. Personal taxes; 2. Thoincometaxes: .S. Indirect taxes.
Purdy, Lawsoii. Taxation on personalty: discussed with special ref-
erence to city conditions.
(/)( Municipal affairs, vol. 3, June, 1.H99, pj). 299-.S27. New York.)
An ar>rument for its abolition.
Seligman, Edwin R. A. The American income tp. 6.39-667.)
An examination of the provisions of the law, consiileration of objec-
tions which have been advanced, with conclusions favorable to
the principle of an income tax.
Essays in taxation. >
^eiv Yoj'k: Maoiiilldii and co.^ 1895. :i\ JfSJf. j^j>. 8 .
CoxTE.NTs. — The development of taxation; Theij^eneral proj>erty tax;
The sinfj;le tax; Double taxation: The inheritance tax; The taxa-
tion of corporations: 1. History. II. Principles. III. Compli-
cations and conclusions; The dassitication of public revenues;
Recent reforms in taxation ; The betterment tax ; Recent Euro|>ean
literaturi' in taxation: .\inerican rei)orts on taxation.
The inronie tax.
{In The Political science quarterly, vol. 9. I)ecend>er, 1894, j»p. 610-
Summarily reviews income taxation in the colonies of .\merica. in
foreign countries; examines in detail the provisions of the income
tax act of 1S94, its character and scope, considers objections ti»
the law and its sliortcomings, concludim: that an income tax
nmst be a permanent part of the tax system.
Selignian, Edwin R. A. The income tax in the American colonies
and states.
{In The Political science quarterly, v(j1. 10, June, 1895, pp. 221-247. )
Gives a synopsis of the provisions of laws taxing profits in the colo-
nies, with a brief summary of income tax systems of the various
Is the income tax constitutional and just?
{In The Forum, vol. 19, March, 1895, pp. 48-56.)
Although recognizing defects in the law of 1894 the author agrees
that it is a move in the right direction. "It is an honest effort
to rectify abuses and to secure a true equality."'
The shifting and incidence of taxation. 2d ed. completely
revised and enlarged.
JVew Yo7-k: The Macmillan company; London: Macmillan (&
CO., 1899. xii^ 337 pj?. 8°.
Income taxes, pp. .307-309.
Se"well, Robert. The income tax: is it constitutional?
{In The American law review, vol. 28, Novemljer-December, 1894,
pp. 808-817.)
Brief discussion as to an income tax being a direct tax. Contends
that an income is a direct tax.
Shearman, Thomas G. Natural taxation: an inquiry into the practi-
cability, justice and effects of a scientific and natural
method of taxation.
^eiv York: G. P. PutnarnJs sons., 1895. in. (i), 239 pp.
12^. {Questions of the day., no. 83.)
Income tax returns in United States, pp. 30-32; The general income
tax, pp. 41-42; Excuse for income taxes in America, j^p. 42-44;
Income tax unfitted for local use, p. 44; Other objections to
income tax, pp. 44-45.
Examines into the three forms of direct taxation: an income tax, a
succession tax, and a general property tax, finding economic and
moral objections to each.
Taxation on personal property impracticable, unequal and
N^eio York: Sterling piMlshing co.., 1895. (4-), 63 pp. 12°.
{Wo. }^5. The Sterling library.)
Shipman, Paul R. A point of constitutional law.
( JnThe American law registerand review, n. s. vol. 2, November, 1895,
pp. 7.3:3-747.)
Discusses considerations educed from a dictum of Mr. Chief Justice
Fuller, in the income tax cases, that the States "granted the
power of apportioned direct taxation, a power just as efiicacious
to serve the needs of the general government, but securing to the
States the opportunity to pay the amount apportioned, and to
recoup from their own citizens in the most feasible way, and in
harmony with their systems of local self-government."
INCOMK taxation: initpid states 41
Smith, Ilfiiiy 11. Jncoiuc tux.
I \\(is/uii(jl(i/i : Oipvernuicnt jrrl)ithi(j o^lr<\ JSOo.\ 10 pp. .S .
Tin; autliDi- was A.ssistaiit rogister of tho Treasury, aner, 1893, giving an outline
lii.story of income tax legislation to that date.
Stan'wood, Kdwartl. Aiiiciican tai-ifV r()ntr()\('i'>ic^ in tlio. niiiofoonth
Boxtoii and JVeio Yoi'h: Uoiujldon^ Miff I in and conipamj'^
1903. 3voh. 6'^.
Failure of direct taxation, vol. 1, \>. 2; During tiie Civil War, vol. l',
p. 126; Income tax amendment t<> the tariff act of 1894, vol. 2,
III). .*?24, 3;!8.
Trickett, N. The iiicuiiif tax: i> il constitutional ' A n-joiiidcr.
{In The American law review, vol. 29, January-February, isw.^j
pp. 73-77.)
Asserts the constitutionality of the income tax. Defends the non-
apportionment of the tax between the states.
Tunell, George. The legislative history of the second income-tax law.
(//I The Journal of political ec(inoiiiy, vol. :', June, 1895, pp. 311-
337. )
With outline of discus.. \, \i. Finance, vols.
1, 2. Documents, legislative and executive, of thi' Con-
gress of the United States, from the first session of the tirst
to the third session of the thirteenth Congress, inclusive:
commencing ^larch :^, 1780, and ending March 3, 1815.
Was/utu/ffm: Pnhlislud hij Gales and Seaton. 18S2. 2 mis.
Vol. 1, pp. 414-4(>3 contains Secretary Wolcott's report on direct
taxes showing the laws of the various states and recommentling a
Federal system. Apportionment of direct tiixes, vol. 1, pj). 588-
590; Vol. 2, contains annual rejiorts of the Treasury department
and other financial tables giving products of direct tax, etc.
L((a:.s., xtatutes., etc. Laws of the Tnited States, relative to
direct taxes and intenial duties.
^Vash^n gton : Prin tid hy Gales cfc Seaton , ISIS. Ill pp. S .
Laws relating to the direct and excise taxes, passed dur-
ing the first and second sessions of the Thirty-seventh ("on-
o-ress. Printed bv order of the House of Kepresentative.s.
]VatJfio\ ISOJ. ll'> pp. 8^.
United States. Commissioner of internal i^evenue. Report for the
fiscal year ended June 30, 1S95.
Washington: Government printing office^ 1895. r, (i), 3-J^18
pp. 8'^. {5J^th Congress, 1st session. House document
no. 11.)
Income tax of 1894, pp. 190-190.
Annual reports of the Commissioner of internal revenue.
Washington: Government printing office, 186Jf.-190o. If2
vols. 8^.
Congress. House of JLepr^sentatives. Comndttee of vMys and
means. Income tax. Report on the expediency of laying a
duty on all salaried officers, and on the professional income
of lawyers, solicitors, and counselors, etc. 13th Congress,
3d session.
{In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, page 87.S. Washing-
ton, 1832. F°.)
Siqyreme Court. Felruary temi, 1796. Hylton, plaintiff in
error, /•. The United States.
( In Curtis, B. R. Reports of decisions in the Supreme court of the
United States, vol. 1, pp. 150-162. Boston, 1855. 8°.)
Originally reported, 3 Dallas, 171.
Decii^ions interpreting the act of June 5, 1794, laying duties upon
carriages; the opinion of the court being that .said duties were not
a direct tax. Opinions delivered by Chase, J., Patterson, J.,
Iredell, J., and "Wilson, J.
Octoher term 1880. Springer v. United States.
{In U. S. Supreme court. United States reports, vol. 102. Cases
argued and adjudged in the Supreme court of the United States.
October term, 1880, pp. 586-603. Boston, 1881. 8°.)
In this case the decision was rendered that "Direct taxes within
the meaning of the Constitution are only capitation taxes as
expressed in that instrument and taxes on real estate."
Opinion of the court by Mr. Justice Swayne.
Octoher term 1891}.. Pollock v. Farmers' Loan and
Trust company. Appeal from the circuit court of the
United States for the southern district of New York. Argued
March T, 8, 11, 12, 13, 1895. Decided April 8, 1895.
{In U. S. Supreme court. United States reports, vol. 157. Cases
adjudged in the Supreme court at October term, 1894, pp. 429-
654. New York, 1895. 8°.)
Opinion of the court delivered by Mr. Chief Justice Fuller. Mr.
Justice Field rendered an additional opinion, while dissenting
opinions were given by -\Ir. Justice White and Mr. Justice
Harlan. Arguments of counsel are printed with decisions.
INCOME taxation: united statpjs 43
United States. Sirprmir ( 'onrt. Octuht-r ti-nn IHU)^. PcjUock /•.
Farmers' Loiin and Trust company. (Kehearing-.) Hyde i\
Continental Trust company. (Rehcarin*^.) Appeal fron)
the circuit court of the Ignited States for the southern dis-
trict of New York. Argued May G, 7, 8, 18!>5. Decided
May lit I, 1895.
( la \1. S. Supreme court. Unitop. 8°.
Income tax laws prior to act of August 28. 1894. (2), 69 pp. 8°.
Walker, Francis A. The bases of taxation.
(7h The Political science quarterly, vol. 3, March, 1888, pp. 1-16.)
Reply to Spahr on taxation of labor. Discusses incidentally the
comparative merits of property and income taxes.
Webster, Sidney. Income tax in 17s7.
{In The Nation, vol. 60, March 21, 1895, pp. 215-216.)
Discusses briefs and arguments on the income tax-case and summa-
rizes the brief of Mr. Seward showing that direct taxes existed in
Wells, Da\ id Ames. An income tax: is it desirabU^'
(/>iThe Forum, vol. 17, March, 1894, pp. 1-13.)
Argument against income tax. Discusses the ojH-rations of income
tax laws in foreign countries with acriticism of the Ma.-^sticluisetts
laws of taxation.
Is the existinir income tax unconstitutional
{In The Forum, vol. IS, January, 1895, pp. 536-642.)
Discusses the question a.s to an income t;»x l)eing a direct ta.x out of
conformity with Art. 1, sec. 2 of the Constitution, and deciding
that it is. asserts the unconstituti.
618-631; Rusultats de l'impot sur le revenu en 1897-1898, et
depuis I'origine, pp. 642-648. La reforme fiscale en Ilollande et
en Autriche, pp. 649-691. L'imput sur le revenu en Angleterre
et en Italie, pp. 692-720. Projets de ri'fornie fiscale en Frant-e:
Les projets d'impot sur le revenu, pp. 72.3-737; Projet de M.
Caillaux, i)p. 738-747; Considerations diverges relatives a rimp^t
global sur le revenu, i)p. 748-754.
Cohn, Gustav. The science of finance. Tr. by T. B. Veblen.
Chicago: The University of Chicago 2)ress, 1896. xi.,8002Jp-
8^. {Economic studies of the University of Chicago., no. 1.)
Translated from Cohn's System der Finanzwissenschaft. Book 3,
"German tax legislation of the present time" is omitted from the
"Literature" at the beginning of each chapter.
Income tax in England, pp. 309-311; in Prussia, page 320; in Swit-
zerland, pp. 321-322; in France, page 323.
Great Britain. Foreign oj/ice. Taxes in Europe. Returns of the
total amount of taxes levied in each of the did'erent states
of Europe, so far as the same can be ol)tained, distiniruish-
ino' l)ctNveen direct and indirect taxation, and specifyinj^' the
several heads of each. Orderetl l>y the House of Connnons,
to be printed, 4 Jidy ISSl, 8 July LSSl, 3 August ISSL 1'7
August 1S8L 4 parts. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament.
Sessio?ial paj^ers, 18S1. VoL 7J.)
Income tax: Austria, jiart 1, page 3; Denmark, part 1, page 8;
Prussia, part 1, pp. lo, 17; Iles.^e Darmstadt, part 1, page 19;
Bavaria, part 2, page 2; Wurtemberg, part 2, pp. 7, 8; Hun-
gary, part 3, page 2; Sweden, part 3, page 5; Norway, part 3,
page 6; Baden, part 4, page 3; Saxony, part 4, pp. 5,8, 10, 13, 14.
Great Britain. Foreign office. Miscellaneous. No. 2, 1905. Reports
from His Majest3'\s representatives abroad respecting'
graduated income taxes in foreign states. August 1905.
London: Printed for II. M. Stationery o'ffi.ee^ hij Harrison and
.sons.,Y1905\ xxi,150pj). F^. {Great Britain. Parlia-
merd. Sessional 2y<^^p(^r.^', 1905. Cd. 2587.)
Prepared by Bernard Mallet.
Contents. — Eeports from state.s in which graduated income taxes
exist: German Empire, Austria, Swiss Confederation, The Neth-
erlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Spain. Eeports from
states in which no graduated income tax exists: United States of
America, France, Belgium, Hungary, Portugal, Russia.
Local government hoard. Miscellaneous. No. 1 (1904).
Papers respecting the local taxation of property in certain
foreign countries and British possessions. Presented to
the House of Commons by command of His Majesty, in
pursuance of their address dated August 15, 1901.
London: Printed for Ills Majesty' s Stcdlonery office., [1901].
V, {1)^ 123 pj). F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Ses-
sional papers, 190 If. Cd. 2098.)
Income taxes and other taxes on personal property, except death
duties, pp. iii-v; Income tax in Austria-Hungary, pp. 6-7; in
Belgium, pp. 13-17; in Prussia, pp. 26-29; in Holland, pp. 31-33;
in New- Brunswick, page 86- in the Xorth-West Territories, pp.
86-87; in Nova Scotia, page 87; in Ontario, page 89; in Prince
Edward Island, page 89; in South Australia, page 92; in \'ictoria,
page 94; Form of tax declaration in Germany for the purpose of
assessment, pp. 105-109.
Marion, Marcel /. e. Noel Francois Marcel. L'impot sur le revenu
au dix-huitieme siecle principalement en Guyeune.
Toulouse: Lnpr. et librairle E. Prlvat; [etc... etc.] 1901. :t)\
2p'^{2) pp. Jy . {BlMlotlieqne rnerldlonale. 2ser.,t. r//,)
Miiller, Otto [Helmuth Wilhelm]. Die Einkommenl)esteuerung in
den verschiedenen Liindern.
Halle a. S.: HfhucJtdrdckerel von C. A. Kaenrnierer cfc ro.,
1902. {2), iv, 63, il\p>P' '^^- "
Nicholson, Joseph Shield. Principles of political econonw.
Nev) York, London: The Macinillan company, 1897-1901. 3
vols. 8^.
Income-tax assessments as basis of estimate of national wealth, vol.
1, pp. 214-215; Free minimum income, vol. 3, pp. 270-271, 276-
277; Taxation and sources of income, vol. 3, pp. 273-275,279-280;
Taxes on different species of income, vol. 3, page 291; Income
tax, vol. 3, pp. 8, 143, 260, 273, 277, 279, 286, 337-338, 354-355,
391, 396, 397-399, 402.
iNCOMK taxation: <;enkhal 47
Roche, flulcs, L'iinpot siir Ic icscmi :\ I't'triin^jcr.
• {In Revue de.s deux iiion2an7 ^v^- ^•
Classilied ])y countries.
Stourm, Rt'iu'. SN'steiiies oeiu'raiix d'inipots. Inipots Mir le capilal.
Iinpots siir le revomi dans los differonts pays. Inipot
miiquo, en nature, capitation. Tarit's progressif.s. Sys-
tenies .socialistes et radicaux. Droits siir les successions.
Grands monopoles fiscaux. Inipots >iir le luxe, sur les
valeurs mobilieres et foncieres, directs et indirects, de
repartition et de quotite, etc. Impots sur les objets de })re-
niier(> lu'cessite. 2. ed, rev. et mise au courant.
Paris: G a'dUimain et cic:^ 1006. (4), v'u JfSO j>j>. 8^.
" Iinpot sur le revenu global en Prusse et dans les Etats de I'Alle-
niagne," pp. 112-130; "Impots sur les divers^es sources de revenus
con.sideresdistinctement. Income-tax anglai.*," pp. 131-150; "Im-
pots avec tarif.s diffcrentiels suivant I'origine des'revenus. Imfn^t
sur la riclies!«e niohiliere en Italic," pp. l.">l-l()o; "Inip«"it.s sur le
revenu dan.s le grand-duchc de Luxembourg, en Autriche, en
Bavicre," pp. 160-170; "Iinpots sur le capital et iniiV>ts mixtes
sur le capital et le revenu," pp. 171-185; "Meriteset imperfec-
tions des impots sur le revenu etudics ju.^iiu'ici," pp. IStJ-lUG;
"Impots sur les signes extcrieurs du revenu en France et en Bel-
gique," pp. 197-216; " La question de I'impot sur le revenu n'est
pas line question doctrinale," i)p. 217-221; "Systeme progressif,"
pp. 247-270.
Vidal, Enunanuel. I/impot sur h- re\ eiui.
{In Revue internationale du commerce, 6. ann<^'e, SeptemWr .30,
1904, pp. 529-572.)
With short reviews of the systems adopted in England, Ciermany,
Austria, Itidy, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland. With particular
reference to France.
V/agner, Adolf. Speciello Steuerlehre. Pvi-g-unzungsheft, Die bri-
tische und franzfi.sische Be.steuerung, in ihren neuesten
Entwicklung- uiid Ge!;taltung (1886-1896).
Leipzig: C. F. Winter\sche Yerlagahandlumj^ 1896. (6'), 168
pp. 8'\ {Finmizwhsenschaft., 3. Th<'il. ErgdnzimgsJifift.)
Wells, David Ames. The theoiy and practice of taxation.
Nev) Y<>rl': I). Appleton and company, 1900. viii^ 6JfS pp>.
■ m^.
Taxation of income, p. 514; Direct tax, p. .363; Discriminating tax on
income, p. 533; Taxation of income in Austria-Hungary, pp.
.522, 538; Denmark, p. 523; France, pp. 517, 519; Germany,
p. .524; Great Britain, \>. 525; India, p. 169; Italy, p. 540; Rome,
p. 518; Switzerland, p. 523; United States, pp. .305, 528, 545.
Allen, J. K. A o;nidiiJitL'd iiicoinc tux.
[In Thv i:c\k 340-359. VarioiiH mean-
ings of direct taxation, pp. 271-272, 347-349.
The rule of taxation for revenue as a canon of public linance.
[In The Economic journal, vol. 13, December, 1903, pp. 505-510.)
Blunden, CI. II. The future of the income tax.
(/ft The Economic journal, vol. 11, .Inne, 1901, i>p. 157-168.)
Di.scu.ssion of the " future form and character of the income tax" of
Great Britain.
The position and function of tlic iticonie tax in tiic British
fi.scal .system.
(/nThe Economic journal, vol. 2, December, 1S92, pp. 637-652.)
A progressive income-tax.
{In The Economic journal, vol. 5, December, 1895, pp. 527-531.)
Aims "to explain the practiciil ditficultie.s which render a British
income tax a pccidiarly unsuitable medium forgiving effect to the
progrcf^^ive jirinciplc."
Buchan, John. The law relating- to the taxation of foreign income.
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Burns, fJames. A graduated income tax.
{In The Westminster review, vol. 146, November, 1896, pp. 5.=>5-.566.)
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Income tax: .9?^ Index, vol. 1, page 360; vol. 2, page 391.
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on either side, with an introduction. 11th cd.
London: •/. .]f>/ /'/•<';/, 190 J. x.i\ JfJi.2 pp. 8^.
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15680—07 4 -49
Cassel, G. The theoiy of progressive taxation.
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London: Methuen <& co.^ \1906\ xx, 338 2)2^- Frontispiece.
Tables. <§".
Adam Smith's first maxim of taxation, pp. 277-281; A popular
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"That this ' error of distribution ' should be corrected by a gradu-
ated Income Tax and a more severely graduated scheme of Death
Do-well, Stephen. The acts relating to the income tax. 5th ed. Rev.,
altered and considerably enl., with complete notes, cross
references, summaries of statutory provisions, decisions
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Fry, T. Hallett. Income-tax adjustment.
{In The Magazine of commerce, vol. 9, November, 1906, pp. 346-347. )
"How excessive assessments may be rectified: suggested form
of appeal: the district commissioners and the 'special' com-
The recovery and adjustment of income tax; what to do and
how to do it.
Jordan ih sons ^ London. 1905. 119pp. 8°.
A G-raduated income-tax.
{In The Spectator, vol. 95, August 19, 1905, i>p. 24&-247.)
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pp. 165-189; Income tax, pp. 191-246.
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of assessments to the income tax for the years ending the
5th day of April, 1904, and the 5th day of April, 1905."'
Part I. — Year ending 5th April, 1904. Ordered, by the
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committee on income tu.x.
London: Printed for II. M. Station* ry o^ct-,, hy Wyman it'
sons^ limited^ 1905. J vols, in 1. F . (Great Britain.
Parliament. SeKnional papern., lff(f'>. Cd. 2576-2'j7fi.)
Contents. Vol. 1. — I. Iiitron'.sent method of
aBPL'Sf-iiit'iit. III. Fraud and fva.sion. IV. The treatment of iricoiiie
derived from copyrights, patent right.«, and terminable annnitief^.
V. Depreciation of a.sset8 cliarged to capital account. VI. The
three years average system. VII. Repayments. VIII. Co-oper-
ative societies. Vol II. — Appendix.
Select committee on the income and pro])erty tax. Fir.>^t report,
together with the minute.s of evidence and index. Ordered,
))y the House of Commons, to l)e printed. 17 May. 1852.
iv, 458 pp. 8"-*. {Great Britain. P-211.)
Hill, Joseph Adna. The Eng-lish income tax with special reference to
administration and method of assessment.
JYeui York: The Maonillan co.; London: S. Sonnenscliein^,
\1899\ (-5), '250-Jf.05 pj). TcMes. S'-'. {American economic
association. Economic studies., v. 4., no. I{--5.)
Reprinted in part in Bullock, Charles J. Selected readings in
public finance, pp. 265-275. Boston, 1906. 8°.
Hobson, J. A. The taxation of monopolies..
{In The Independent review, vol. 9, April, 1906, pp. 20-33.)
"It is then right to recognise that the proposal to apply a graduated
income tax, so as to take an increasing share of large income for
the state, rests on the same economic and moral basis as the pro-
posal to tax 'unearned increment' in land values or licences . . .
The application, therefore, of our social theory of taxation
involves careful scientific experimentation, with the object of
finding out what jiroportion of the different sorts and grades of
« income can be taken Avithout encroaching on living wages and
living profits, so as to disturb the application of the factors of
production owned and operated l)y individual wills for private
Hook, A. Earned and unearned incomes and the income tax.
{In The Westminster review, vol. 165, February, 1906, pp. 124-131.)
Huncke, Ernst. Die Entwicklung- von Einkommensteuer und Ein-
kommen in England in den letzten zwanzig" Jahren.
{In Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fi'ir das gesamte Finanzwesen, vol.
22, pt. 1, pp. 138-209. Stuttgart und Berlin, 1905. 8°.)
Income-tax and life assurance.
{In The Outlook (London), vol. 17, June 30, 1906, p. 889.)
The Income-tass report.
{In The Economist (London), vol. 63, July 1, 1905, pp. 1068-1069.)
Inhiilsen, C. H. P. Die Einkommensteuer in Grossbritannien und
{In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Zweite, giinzlich
umgearbeitete Auflage, vol. 3, pp. 429-436. Jena, 1900. 4°.)
Lepelletier, F. Chronique financiere etrangere (Angleterre). Som-
maire: I. Rapport de la Commission sur Tincomc tax. —
11. Projets de transformation de Fincome tax.
{In Revue de science et de l(igislation financieres, vol. 4, April-
June, 1906, pp. 285-299.)
Morgan-Brown, H. Taxes that gall.
{In New liberal review, vol. 3, April, 1902, pp. 392-402.)
" My present purpose is to direct public attention to the real char-
acter of indirect taxation, and to the reasons which make it
unequal in its incidence and unjust in its effects as between rich
and poor."
National liiiiincc niui the iiifoinc-ijix.
(^//t The Oiitldok (London), vol. 17, .luin* l', UMMi, pp. 771-77L'. i
Ne^vbatt, Bcujaiuin. Tlic iiicoiiH- tii.x.
{In Journal ot the Institute of uctuarleH, vol. 2H, April, 1H9(», pp.
2H0-Mr,. London, IH'.lO. H°.)
Peacock, IIcrl)ort 8t. Gooro^e and KoWn V. (iriiliam Campbell. The
income tux acts, with iiitfoduction. nott's, and ci'tj.s.s- refer-
London: Sweet d" Ma:trwelL HfOl. .rlriii, r,:i2 />j>. ^ .
Peto, Sir's. Mofton. Taxation: its lew and cx])en(liiufi', past and
t'litiife; l^eing" an eiKjiiirv into our linancial jjolicy.
London: Chapman and Ilall^ IHG-i. i.i\, (J), .'i-lH pp. S-.
Property and int-ome tux in (ireat liritiiin, pp. 6S-99.
Price, AV. 11. The liritish income tax in fccent ycafs.
{In The Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 'JO, February, 1906,
pp. 287-300. )
Reid, H. Lloyd. The British tax-payers" riohts.
London: T. Flshet' Unwln., 189S. xvii (d), 398 pp. 8'^.
" Income or revenue generally, as a tax l)a.sis," pp. 194-209.
Root, flohn \\'illiam. Studies in British national tinance.
Liverpool: J. W. Root, 1901. i.>\ 110' p/>. 12 -.
Direct taxation, pj). 80-98. — Income tax and death duties, pp.
The Tyranny of the income-tax.
{Ill Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, vol. 17S, .\ui:ust. i;'0.">. pji.
279-284. )
Williams, Hrnest K. An inipossil)l(^ hutltrct: a icply to .Mr. Ivcir
{In The Financial review of reviews, vol. 1, May, 1906, pp. :i77-384. )
Beauregard, Paul. L'impot sur le revenu et Tincome tax.
{In Le Monde economique, vol. 14, December 10, 1904, pp. 737-739.)
Block, Maurice. Dictionnaire de radministration franyaise. 5. ed.
refondue et eonsiderablement auo-mentee.
Paris [etc.] Berger-Levraxilt et cie.., 1905. 2 vols. IfP.
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{In Revue Internationale du commerce, de 1' Industrie et de la
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L'impot par classes conjuguees.
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{In Same, 1904, Annexe no. 1799, pp. 657-668. 4°.)
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{In Same, 1904, Annexe no. 2097, pp. 302-305. 4°.)
2. Rapport supplementaire, . . . par Rene Renoult.
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{In Same, 1906, Annexe no. 3232, pp. 433-436. 4°.)
Texts of the propo.sed laws (April 12, 1900) in France. Chambre
des deputes. Documents parlementaires, vol. 58, pp. 1094-1108;
(June 10, 1902) in Same, 1902, Annexe no. 13, pp. 472-476; (Janu-
arv 15, 1903) in Same, 1903, Annexe no. 639, pp. 7-11; (June 14,
INCOME taxation: FRANCE 55
1903) in Same, 1903, Annexe no. '.»'.il, j.p. ():]l-«>47; ( Tune 10, 1903)
in Same, 1904, Annexe no. 1012 (annexe), pp. 9;W>-993; (May 26,
1904) inSuwe, 1904, Annexe no. 1706, pp. <)0(M)02: (July 2, itK»6)
in Same, 1906, Annexe no. 170, pp. 72<>-72k.
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{In United States monthly consular reports, vol. 14, March, 1904,
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"It is now ])ropo.'^eil to uholi.^h the pn-seiit systetn of taxation anp. S°.
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{Fuisting, B. Die preussischetv direkten Steuern. Bd. 1.)
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unigearbeitete Aullage, vol. 3, jip. 3S.'^419. Jena. 1900. 4°. *
La refornie des inipots en l^rus.se. Traduit jiar Leon Mis.
{In Revue de science et dc legislation financiere.>i, vol. 4, Aj)ril-June,
1906, pp. 238-274. )
La refornie des inipots en Prusse.
{In Revue de science et de legislation financiered, vol. 4. July-Sefv
tendier, 1900, pj). 494-495. )
Synopsis of the law of June 19, UHXi, niouie tax.
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(/u Bulletin de statistique et de legislation compan'-e, vol. .'in, Feb-
ruary, 1904, pp. 237-247; March. 1904, pp. 391-402; April. ItHM,
pp. 508-517; May 1904, pp. 630-639; vol. 56, July, liKM, pp.76-S2;
August, 1904, pp. 185-200. )
Gotha. S-Gothaisches Gesetz, betr. die Einkonimensteuer. Vom
12. Marz 1902.
(/// Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Finanzwesen, vol.
21, pt. 2, i)p. 711-729. Stuttgart und Berlin, 1904. 8°.)
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staatswissenscbaftlicher Versuch.
Ziirich: F. ScJmlthess, 1855. (6), 1/^8 2)p. ^^°.
Hamburg. Hamburger Gesetz, betreffend die Einkoinmensteuer.
Vom 22. Februar 189.5.
{In Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Finanzwesen, vol.
16, pp. 858-867. Stuttgart, 1899. 8°.)
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{In Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Finanzwesen, vol.
16, pp. 8.39-8-49. Stuttgart, 1899. 8°.)
Hill, Joseph Adna. The Prussian income tax.
{In The Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 6, January, 1892, pp.
207-225. )
Reprinted in part in Bullock, Charles J. Selected readings in pub-
lic finance, pp. 254-265. Boston, 1906.
Hoffmann, Alexander. Die direkten Staatssteuern im Konigreich
Sachsen, mit besonderer Berixcksichtigung der allgemeinen
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Leipzig: Jdh c& Schunke, 1906. viii., 230 pj). Tables. 8^.
"Die Zeit vorwiegender Besteuerung nach dem Einkommen," pp.
Hoffmann, Ludwig. Geschichte der direkten Steuern in Baiern vom
Ende des xiii. bis zum Beginn des xix. Jahrhunderts. Ein
tinanzgeschichtlicher Versuch.
Leipzig: Dnncker <& Humhlot., 1883. xiv, 2W pp. 5°.
{Staats- und socialwisseTiscJiaftliche Forschungen^ hrsg. von
Gustav Schm.oUe?'. If.. Bd.., 5. lift.)
"Die Besteuerung nach dem Einkommen," 1554, pp. 60-62; "Ver-
such einer Einkommensbesteuerung," 1746, page 156.
L'Impot sur le revenu en Prusse en 1904.
{In L'Economiste frangais, vol. 33, July 8, 1905, pp. 51-52.)
L'Impot sur le revenu en Prusse en 1905.
{In Bulletin de statistique et de legislation comparee, March, 1906,
pp. 317-321.)
Kiihnert, Die Einkommensbesteuerung in Osterreich und
Preussen in den Jahren 1898 und 1899.
{In Zeitschrift des koniglich preussischen statistischen Bureaus,
vol. 40, pp. 103-110. Berlin, 1900. 4°.)
INCOME taxation: (JKKMANV 59
Maatz, Richaid. Dir kaiirmruinisclic liilanz imd rlas stoiiorhare
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Berlin:- C. IL',ji„anus V,tIj>. Fnl,l.,l
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Nitschke, Kurt. Die neiien Kitdcoinniensteuern in Pi'»'ussen und
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(/ji Zeitschrift fur .Socialwissenschaft, vol. 5, pp. 494-511. IJerliii,
1902. 8°. )
Poller, Leon. La reforme des inipots directs eu Wurtternl)er«^.
{In Revue de science et de legislation financieres, vol. .S, January-
March, 1905, pp. 1-48.)
Raflfalovich, Arthur. La loi de Timpost sur revenu [Allenjaj^neJ.
{In Raffalovich, A. Le MaiTlie financier en 1904-5, pp. 310-317.
Paris, 1905. 8°.)
Saxony. Konigl. stichsisches Gesetz, die direkten Stouern hetr.
Vom 3. Juli 1902.
(7/1 Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir das geaamte Finanzwesen, vol. 20
pp. 256-257. Stuttgart und Berlin, 1903. S°.)
Sachsisches Einkoniniensteuergesetz. Vom 24. Juli U«(Xi.
{In Finanz-Archiv, Zeitschrift fiir da.s gesanite Finanzwesen, vol.
20, pp. 258-278. Stuttgart und Berlin, 1903. 8°.)
Schaumburg-Lippe. Schaumburg-Lippisches Einkommensteuerge-
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pp. 243-262. Stuttgart und Berlin, 1902. 8°.)
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pp. 324-357. Stutt-rart und Berlin, 1903. 8°. )
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Strutz. Der Staatshaushalt und die Finanzen JPreussens^
Bd. I. Liefei'ung 4.)
"Die Reform der Einkommensteuer, " pp. 1145-1156; "Die Klas-
sen- und klassifizirte Einkommensteuer," pp. 1208-1211; "Die
Einkommensteuer nach dem Gesetz vom 24. Juni 1891," pp.
Voigtel, ]\Iax. Die direkten Staats- und Gemeindesteiiern im Gross-
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Wien: JLohi; 1890. wvii, {2), GGJf pp. 8\
Kiilinert, Die Einivonimen.sbesteuoruii','- in Ostorreich and
Preussen in den Jahren 18!>8 imd Is'.t'.t.
{In Zeitschrift des koni honourable the House
of Commons, dat<'d 1 1 Auj^-ust, 1904. for "* Return showinj^
which of the colonies have establisheii >ystcni> of j^rad-
uated income tax, or of income tax levied at ditfeient rates
on earned and on uneai'ned incomes, or l)oth. with particu-
lars in each case of the rates of tax atnl the system of
assessment and collection." (In continuation <>f [11. ('.
196.] June, 1905.) Ordered, by the House of Connnons,
to be printed, 1 August. 1905. 71 pp. ¥. {Gnat Brit-
ain. Parllainent. ISeaaivnal papeis.^ 190:',. 2^2.)
Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Newest F'.no-land; notes of a democratic trav-
eller in New Zealand, with some Australian comparisons.
New York: DoxMeday. J\i(je dc co.., lOO-i. 8^.
"Taxation to burst up monopolies," pp. 104-125.
Parsons, Frank. The story of New Zealand: a history of New Zea-
land from the earliest times to the present, with special
reference to the political, industrial and .social development
of the island connnonwealth. Ed. by C. F. Taylor.
Fhlladelphia: C. F. Taylor, im.' .r,ru, [«^J, S36 pp.
Frontispiece. Illustrations. Maps. 6'". {Fjuity series.)
The income-tax, pp. 194-197; Progressive taxation of lan(l> (li.sclijir^''int( carj^o. and act
for the iclicf of >iik iiii'l (li~-:il)l<(l -ciiiin'ii. (). «; \)[). .s .
7t/i Von(jreii><^ "Hd i^rssloii. Juxutn'c docuiiientn.
1803. Statement of th<^ direct tax, 1.S08; (juota. as.sessment.s, remit-
tances, etc., of the .•several .stiites. December 2U, l^u;^.
19 pp. 8^
8th CongreHs^ 1st session. Executive docfntuiits.
Also printed in American state jjapers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. ^y-l'A.
1804. Report on taxation in South Carolina. Abstracts from the
coumiissioners to make the valuation of lands and d\V(dlin<5-
houses and the enumeration of >la\es in South (ai-olina.
December 10, 1804. 1 1 pp. 8^
8th Congress.^ 2d session. Executive documents.
1806. Letter in relation to the direct tax. specifvinj,^ the (juota-s
assigned to each stjite, and the airears of the individual
states. December 31, 180(5. 4 pp. 8.
0th Congress.^ °2d session. Executive documents.
Also printed in American state papery. Finance, vol. l'. pp. 219-
1809. lieport respectino- a direct tax. Statement of the i)ayni.'iil,s
made by the .several states of the direct ta.\. December
28, 180'.>. 15 pp. 8.
11th Congress., 2d session. Executive docunients.
Also printed in American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 387-
1812. Constitutional amendment propo.sed relative to the prohibition
of a duty on exports; provision for vestini,^ in Con}j:re.se>
power to •• lay and collect taxes, . . . as well uj>on
exports as imports." in lieu of. clause prohibitincf the taxa-
tion of articles *• exporteil from any state." March 12. 1^12.
1 page. 8 .
]2t/i (ong/'ess, lf.
Bill for assessing; and laying a direct tax, considereil in House, cols.
312, 319-.32S, 371-3S1, 3aS-399, 405-413; Passe; In Senate, cols. (52, 65, 70, 72,
79. Text of act, col.^^. 2739-2759.
156St)— 07 5
1814. Report on the direct tax. Statement of the valuation of lands,
dwelling-houses, and slaves in the several collection dis-
tricts of the states, 1814; amount of direct tax received,
October 15, 1814. 21 pp, 8°.
13th Congress^ 3d session. Executive reports.
Also printed in American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 855-865.
1814. Income tax. Report from the Committee of waj^s and means.
Communicated to the House of Representatives, December
3, 1814. 13th Congress, 3d session.
{In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, page 873. Washing-
ton, 1832, F°.)
1814. Answer to inquiry of Committee of ways and means on the
l)Ostponement of the assessments for direct tax ; inexpedi-
ency of postponement. January 3, 1814. 4 pp. 8^.
13th Congress., '2d semion. Executive documents.
1815. Annals of Congress, 13th Congress, 3d session. September
19, 1814, to March 3, 1815, inclusive. 3 vols.
Report by Mr. Eppes, from the Comiuittee of ways and means of
the House, October 10, 1814, on "so much of the President's
message as relates to the finances of the United States," and
recommending the continuance and increase of the direct tax, cols.
Bill before the House, cols. 871, 952, 964-972; Passed House, col.
972; Further action in House, cols. 1171, 1184, 1191, 1194. Bill
before the Senate, cols. 135, 136, 138, 148; Passed Senate, col.
160; Bill to amend act in Senate, cols. 170, 171, 202, 252, 254, 262,
273, 282.
Text of acts, cols. 1859-1879, 1944-1945.
1815. State of the treasury at the close of the year 1814, and a plan
for providing the ways and means for the year 1815. Com-
municated to the House of Representatives, January 21,
1815. 13th Congress, 3d session,
{In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 885-889. Wash-
ington, 18.32. F°.)
Report made by A. J. Dallas.
1815. Report on petition of the inhabitants of counties of Hickman
and Dickson, Tennessee, asking relief from unequal oper-
ation of the act imposing a direct tax. January 23, 1815,
2 pp. 8°.
13th Congress., 3d session. House document.
Also printed in American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, page 890.
1815. liiqiiiiy into tlir expediency of luyiiijc :i iliifcttax on I)i^trict
of ( '()liiiiil)i;i and the several tcii iioiic-. .laniiary 1^8, Ibl'*.
4 pp. 8 .
13th Congrens^ 3d 8e88io7\. Jfoitse docwiient.
Coininittec r('i)ort in favor -in January, ISIG, preparatory to the eollection of
the direct tax. December 2S, LS 15. '2 pp. s .
lJ).th Chngress, Int session. Houxe (loi-ununt.
1816 Annals of Congress, 14th Cont^ress, 1st session, December 4,
1815, to April 30, 1816, inclusive.
Bill to reduce the amount of the direct tax, in Hnii.se, cols. 9;}9,
967-970; Passed House, col. 976; Returned from Senate, col. 1122;
Considered and agreed to, col. 1136; Supplementary act, cols.
1222, 1295, 1374, 1377, 1413; Action in Senate, cols., 134, 136, 138,
146, 166, 168. 255, 256, 274, 300, 318, 339, 342.
Text of acts, cols. 1798-1800, 1858-1863.
1816. Valuation of taxable property. January 25, lsl»). 14th
Congress, 1st session.
{In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3. paj^e 6."i. Washinmon,
1834. F°.)
1816. Valuation of real estate and slaves. Fel)ruary 13, li>lfi. 14th
Congress, 1st session.
(//I American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 99-100. \Va.-hinir-
ton, 1834. F".)
1816. Statement of the valuation of lands, lots, d\volling-h»)Uses. and
slaves of the different states. February 15. 181 ♦'•. 1 p. s.
lJ^.th Co/K/res.s., l,st sessiofK Erecutivf re j torts .
1816. Abstract of the valuation of lands, slaves, and dwelling-hou.ses
in each county in the state of Maryland. March IS, \sU\.
7 pp. 8^.
IJitli Congress., 1st session. Keecutiiu' report.
1816. X'aluation of lands, lot^, dw.dlinLT-houses, slaves, etc., in the
state of Pennsylvania. March 2-'. 1 ^IC. 7 pp. S.
lJf.th Congress., 1st session. E.venitive report.
1817. Documents respecting the collection of the direct tax in Vir-
ginia. January 25, 1817. 3 pp. 8°.
llfth Congress^ '2d session. House document.
1817. Report on the expediency of repealing so much of the duties
on carriages and harness as imposes a dut}^ upon carriages
and harness not exceeding one hundred dollars in value.
February 11, 1817. 8 pp. 8'^.
lJf.th Congress., 2d session. House document.
1817. Statement of the collection of the direct tax . . . in 1814 . . ,
in 1815. February 11, 1817. 37 pp. 8^^.
lJf.th Congress., 2d session. Executive reports.
1817. Statement exhibiting the . . . amount of the direct tax
received during the j^ear 1816. December 5, 1817. 41
pp. 8°.
loth Congress., 1st session. Executive papers no. 3.
1818. Annals of Congress, 15th Congress, 1st session. December 1,
1817, to April 20, 1818, inclusive. 2 vols.
Bill supplemental to the several acts relative to direct taxes, in
House, cols. 1108, 1765; Passed House, col. 1769; In Senate,
col. 384; Passed Senate, col. .385.
Text of act, cols. 2559-2562.
1818. Report on lands sold for direct taxes. February 2, 1818. 7
pp. 8-.
15th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 137.
1818. Statements exhibiting the amount of the direct tax received
during the j^ear 1817. December 18, 1818. 65 pp. S'^.
15th Congress., 2d session. House document no. Ji7.
1819. Statements of the Commissioner of the revenue, showing
. . . amounts of direct tax received during the year 1818
and balances of direct taxes imposed during the years 1814,
1815, and 1816 remaining to be accounted for. Decem-
ber 16, 1819. 40 pp. 8^.
16th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 8.
1821. Statement of real propert}- sold for direct taxes in the first
collection district in the state of New York, under the
law of 1814, which remains unredeemed. January 15,
1821. 2 pp. 8°.
IGth Congress, 2d session. Executive papers no. 62.
1822. Annals of Congress, 17th Congress, 1st session. December 3,
1821, to May 8, 1822, inclusive. 2 vols.
Bill for extending the time for redeeming lands sold for direct
taxes, in House, col. 538; Passed House, col. 575; In Senate,
cols. 37, 39, 58, 64, 65.
Text of act, col. 2573.
DIRKCT taxation: C(jNOKESSI<)NAL documknts 6*.>
1823. AiiiimIs of Coiij^rcss, ITtli ('oii^tcss, 'M session. Di-cfiiitH'i- •_'.
Lsiiij, Lo March 8, lKi>:}, inclusive.
Bill to revive ami extend the time allowert aniountH unpaid, col. 'i]4.
1831. Statenioiit of direct ta.xes from 1S14 to 1.S16, inclusive. Jan-
uary 17, 1831.
^l.'nt Con(jrexi<^ '2d fmnHioit. Jloiuse ibx-uineitt no. ;i'i.
1831. Letter explainin*^ why the statement of diiect taxes cannot
be prepared in time to l)c forwarded to Conj^ress at the
present session. March 8, 1881. 2 pp. S'^.
21st Congress^ 2d aeftfiio/i. Ilouae executive document no. 1S2.
1861. The Congressional (iloho. 87th Cono-re.vs, l.>t session. 1 vol.
Bill to provide additional revenue.^ for defraying the expenses of
Government, and maintaining the public cret. 2, p. 18.54, i>t. 3, pp. 2017-
2039, 2041, 20.57, 2419, 247S, 2.506, 2538; in House, pt. 3, pp.
2081, 2363, 2409, 2497, 2560.
Text of act of June 7, 1862, appendix, pt. 4, pp. .361-362.
Bill to j)rovide internal revenue, to support the (.lovernment and
pay the interest on the public debt, in Hou..
2039, 2.598. 2671, 2675, 2873; pt. 4, pp. 2892, 2941, 29.50, 3t)10, 3088.
Text of act of July 1, 1862, pt. 4, api)endix, pp. .364-381.
1863. Laws and resolutions relating to the direct and excise taxes.
151 i)p. 8'.
37th C 'ongress., 3dseitt, 1st session. Senate report no. 35.
1864. The Congressional Globe. 38th Congress, 1st session. 4 vols.
Bill to provide internal revenue to support the Government, to pay
interest on the public debt, and for other purposes, in the House
of Representatives, pt. 2, pp. 1532, 1942; pt. 8, pp. 19.59, 20.30,
2810, 2885; pt. 4; pp. 2995-3024, 3055, 3056, 3078, 3267, 3272,
3275, 3280, 3423, 3424; in the Senate, pt. 3, pp. 2015, 2.344, 2437-
2765; pt. 4, pp. 3039, 3254, 3266, 3378, 3410, 3481.
Text of act of June 30, 1864, pt. 4, appendix, pp. 208-2.35.
1865. The Congressional Globe. 38th Congress, 2d session. 2 vols.
Bill to amend an act to provide internal revenue, to support the
Government, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other
purposes, passed June .30, 1864, in House, pt. 1, pp. 137-797,
pt. 2, pp. 832-904, 1333, 1334, 1404, 1405, 1422; in Senate, pt. 2,
pp. 915, 1060, 11.30-1310, 1359, 1392.
Text of act of March 3, 1865, pt. 2, appendix, pp. 128-134.
1866. Revenue system of the United States. Letter from the Sec-
retary of the treasur}", transmitting the report of a com-
mission appointed for the revision of the revenue system
of the United States. January 29, 1866. 132 pp. 8°.
39th Congress^ 1st session. House executive document no. 3Jf,.
Recommends an inheritance tax, pp. 31-32.
1866. Resolution relating to the mode in which the Representatives
and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several
states. January 15, 1866. 1 page. 8-".
39th Congress., 1st session. House miscellaneous document
no. 25.
1866. Information as to the collection of the direct tax in insurgent
states. June 20, 1866. 3 pp. 8°.
39th Congress., 1st session. House document no. 133.
1866. The Congressional Globe. 39th Congress, 1st session. 5 vols.
Bill to declare the meaning of certain parts of the internal revenue
act, approved June 30, 1864, in House, pt. 1, pp. 531, 698, 713,
719; pt. 2, pp. 1243, 1251, 1290, 1296; in Senate, pt. 1, p. 702;
pt. 2, pp. 1201, 1223, 1289.
Text of Act of March 10, 1866, pt. 5, appendix, p. 308.
Bill to amend an act to provide internal revenue, to support the
Government, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other
purposes, appro'ved June 30, 1864, and acts amendatory thereof,
in House, pt. 3, pp. 2187-2859, pt. 4, pp. 3417, 3420, 3443, 3464,
3633, 3793, pt. 5, p. 3846; in Senate, pt. 4, pp. 2912, 2913, 3221-
3382, 3454, 3607, 3650, 3785.
Text of Act of July 13, 1866, pt. 5, appendix, pp. 339-366.
1867. The Congressional Globe. 39th Congress, 2d session. 3 vols.
Bill to amend existing laws relating to internal revenue, in House,
pt. 2, pp. 1128-1488; pt. 3, pp. 1535-1781; in Senate, pt. 3, pp.
Text of Act of March 2, 1867, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 212-217.
1867. Kep(;it tmii.->iiiittiiio- iiilonimti«-i-.5
employed under the acts for the rolh-ction of direct tuxes
in insurrectionary districts . . . and the amount of salaries
paid, .^hu•(•h L'u, l,s»j7. 2 |)p. h .
40t/i CongresH^ Ist smaiori. Senate tlocument no. o.
1870. The Congressional (Jlol)C. 41st Congress, 3d session. '6 vols.
8. 108.3, to approve so much of the act aiii)rovep. 842, 84«, 851, conference report, pt. 3, p. 1873; S. 1083,
in House, pt. 1, pp. 790, 791, pt. 2, pp. StJl, 8«)2, pt. 3, pp. 1717,
1928, Hou.se adheres, pt. 3, p. 1930.
H. R. 2994, to n'lieal the income tax, reported to House, pt. 2, p.
1037; di.scussed, etc., pt. 2, pp. 1080, 1110, 1117, 1154, 1242, 1240,
pt. 3, pp. 1055, 1717, 1851.
1870. A report made to llie Conuni>siont'r of internal revenue hv
Charles P. James, showing the results of an examina-
tion . . . into the condition of ])roceedings for the collec-
tion of direct taxes. July 14, ISTii. r> pp. 8'.
^Ist Congress^! 2d session. House document no. 312.
1871. Report of Commissioner. A. Pleasonton, (tn the ta.\ commis-
sioners of South Carolina. February 22, 1871. -pp. 8^.
j^lst Congress., 3d session. Senate miscellaneous dccumcyit
no. 79.
1871. Statement relative to the apportionment of the direct tax in
the late insurrectionary' states. February 25, 1871. 2 pp.
Ji,lst Congress., 3d session. House miscellaneous document
no. 101.
1871. Report as to what states and territories have paid their pro-
portion of the direct tax levied by the acts of Augu>«t 5,
1861, etc. February 27, 1871. 3 pp. 8^.
If-lst Congress., 3d scsision. Senate document nn. J^7.
1871. Bills for raising revenue. Rejioit from the Committee of
conference on the part of the House, charged with tiio duty
of conferring witii the conference committee a{»pointed by
the Senate to consider the (piestion of privilege raised by
the resolution of the House adopted .lanuary 27, 1871. in
reference to Senate bill (S. 1083) "to repeal so \u\\A\ of
the act approved July 14. Is7<>. entitled "An act to reduce
internal taxes, and for other ])urposes.' as continues the
income tax after the 31st day of December, aiuio Pomini
1869." February 27, isTl. 13 pp. 8-.
Jf-lst Congress., 3d stssion. Ili'USt r> port no. !^2.
1871. Report from the Committee of conference appointed hj the
two Houses, to consider the question as to the power of the
• Senate to originate the bill (S. 1083) to repeal so raucli of
the act approved July 14, 1870, entitled "An act to reduce
internal taxes and for other purposes," as continues the
income tax after the 31st day of December, 1869. March 2.
1871. 11 pp. 8-.
^i.y^ Congress^ 3d session. Senate report no. 376.
1872. Report on direct taxes in the southern states, in regard to
what amount is due to any of the states lately in insurrec-
tion, under provisions of the act approved June 7, 1862.
March 6, 1872. 5 pp. 8-.
Jf^d Congress., 2d session. Senate document no. J^B.
1872. Report transmitting information in regard to direct taxes
apportioned to the several states by the act of August 5,
1861. April 16, 1872. 6 pp. 8°.
If2d Congress, ^d session. Senate miscellaneous document
no. lJf.1.
1874. Report adverse to reimbursing purchasers of lands sold for
direct taxes in the Confederate States. April 20, 1874.
1 page. 8".
Ii3d Congi'ess^ 1st session. Senate rejyort no. 287.
1875. An index of bills presented in the House of representatives,
from the First to the Forty-second congress, inclusive,
relating to . . . direct taxes. Prepared under the direc-
tion of Edward McPherson. February 24. 1875. 183 pp.
Jf3d Congress^ 2d session. House document no. 92.
1876. Report transmitting information in regard to the taxation of
lands granted to states and corporations. February 3,
1876. 10 pp. 8°.
Ji.Jf.th Congress., 1st session. Senate document no. 20.
1876. Report recommending the passage of a bill for the relief of
owners and purchasers of lands sold for direct taxes in
insurrectionary states. February 3, 1876. 3 pp. 8°.
Jf-Jfth Congress.) 1st session. House report no. ^6.
1878. Report favorable to the passage of a bill granting relief to the
owners and purchasers of lands sold for direct taxes in
insurrectionary" states. June 4, 1878. 5 pp. 8°.
JfStli Congress^ 2d session. House report no. 908.
1879. Report iclativo to tlic collection (jf direct tuxes in the .-.lal*- ol
South Ciiroliiia. Febriuirv 2i, IbT'J. 4 pp. s-.
J^fjth (Jojujre-ss^ .id nemiMi. Ilimse tliiruiiunf h". ini.
1879. riifonnation in ichition to the liability of the htate.-, for the
direct tax. May '2«, 1879. 'l'(Yl pp. 8^
1880. Lands sold for direct taxes. Report from tiie Cominittee on
the judiciary. January i}9, l.sso, 4 pp. 8--.
Ji-Gtli Conffre^'fs^ ^d session. House report im. IGS.
1880. Report favorable to IIou.se bill No. 8'Jl. for relief of owners
and purchasers of land.s sold foi- direct ta.ves in insurrec-
tionary states. Januarj' 29, 1880. 8 pp. 8'-'.
Ji-Gth CongresH^ '2d session. Senate executive dt^cument no. 58.
1880. Letter as to amount asse.ssed upon and collected from states
under act of 1801 and its supplement. May 14, 1880.
9 pp. 8°.
Jt.6^th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 81.
1880. Legacy and succession tax. Report from the Committee on
manufactures. February' !30, 1880. 15 pp. 8.
JjOth Congress., 2d session. House report no. 3^1^.
1885. Pa^-ment of direct taxes. Report from the Committei^ on
claiius. January 4, 1885. 4 pp. 8 .
Jf^ith Congress., 2d session. House repoi'i no. 21^80.
1886. Direct-tax apportionment. Statement of account between the
United States and states and territories. April 1. Lss*;.
31 pp. 8°.
Ii.9tli Congress., 1st session. Jfouse document no. 158.
1887. Letter from the Commissioner of internal revenue, relative to
the provisions of Senate bill No. 995, to refund direct taxes
collected underact of Auorust 6, 1801. Fel)ruary 1l\ 1^s7.
31 pp. 8^^.
Jf9th Cotigress., 2d session. House document no. 159.
1888. Refund of direct tax. Report from tlu' Connnittee on the
judiciary. Fel)ruary !il, 1S88. 40 pp. S.
50th Congres.'i., l,^t session, //oujie repoi't no. 552.
1890. Refund of direct taxes. Report fron> the Connnittee on the
judiciary. March 7. 1S1>(>. l>;] pp. 8-.
51st ( 'ongress., 1st ses.'.
A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon
the leofislative power of the states of the American union.
7th ed., with large addition.s, giving the results of the
recent cases, by Victor H. Lane.
Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1903. cxxiii, 1036
pp. 8°.
"The power of taxation," pp. 678-751. See also, pp. 12, 45, 52,
53, 94, 163, 165-167, 176, 184, 185, 2.38, 243, 283, 306-308. 30J),
312-325, 334-338, 390, 395, 396, 544-546, 85(>-859.
Foster, Roger. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United
States, historical and juridical, with observations upon the
ordinarv provisions of state constitutions and a comparison
with the constitutions of other countries. Vol. I.
Bar is [etc.]: G. E. Stechert; Boston: T/k Boston hook com-
pany; [etc., etc.] 1896. viii, 713 pp. 8°.
"Apportionment of representatives and »lire«"t taxes," pp. ;i6d-423.
Hare, John I. C. Notes of a course of lectuic- on American consti-
tutional law delivered in the law department of the Tniver-
sitv of Pennsylvania, 1884-85.
PJ,!huhIj>hia, 1885, xv, (1), 31^, 18pp. 4-.
Taxation, pp. 152-207; Direct taxes, pp. 15^159: See. also, Imlex,
p. 342.
* 75
Judson, Frederick Newton. The law of interstate commerce and its
federal regulation.
Chicago: T. H. Flood & co.^ 1905. xix^ 509 pp. 8^.
" Regulation of commerce through the taxing power," pp. 79-80.
McClain, Emlin. Constitutional law in the United States.
JVevj York, London [^'^r.J,' Longmans, (heen, and co., 1905.
xxxvihi, JfSS i)p. 12'^. {Ainerican citizen series, ed. hy
A. B. Hart.)
"Taxation," pp. 119-142; "Direct taxes," pp. 139-142. See also,
pp. 22, 104, 160, 297, 298, .360, 362.
A selection of cases on constitutional law.
Boston: Little, Brown & co., 1900. xxxi, 1080 pp. 8°.
Taxation: a Subjects of taxation, pp. 136-153; b Taxation of govern-
ment agencies, pp. 153-188; c For public purpose, pp. 189-205;
d Notice; Uniformity; Special taxes, i>p. 205-223; e Direct tax,
pp. 223-235.
Marshall, John. The constitutional decisions of John Marshall,
edited, with an introductory essa^' by Joseph P. Cotton, jr.
Hevj York [etc.]: G. P. Putnaiii's sons, 1905. 2 vols. Fron-
tispieces. 8^. {'"''The Founders of the Republic.'''')
Taxation, see Index, vol. 2, pj). 46.3-464.
John Marshall, complete constitutional decisions, ed. with
annotations historical, critical and legal.
Chicago: Ccdlaghand; company, 1903. xi,{l),799p2). Por-
trait. 2 folded facsimiles. 8"^.
Tax and taxation, see Index, p. 795.
Miller, Samuel Freeman. Lectures on the Constitution of the United
New York and Albany: Banks and brothers, 1891. xxi, {!),
765 pp. 8°.
"The power of taxation," pp. 104, 227-274, 463-i69, 476, 483-484,
559-565, 666, 668.
, Ordronaux, John. Constitutional legislation in the United States, its
origin, and application to the relative powers of Congress,
and state legislatures.
Philadelphia: T. and J. ^Y. Johnson & co., 1891. vi,
696 pp. 8"".
Capitation and direct taxes, pp. 224 et seq.
taxation: constitutional mrkatises 77
Paschal, (unn-go. W. The Constitution of the I'nitfd SUitos dotined
and cHn't'iiliy iinnotiited. With an appendix. sup|)hMncrit,
iind index thereto. [3d ed.J
Washington^ Jj. O. : IT. //. Morn -si >n^ LSH^. ./v, j'xh-j-xa:^
(5), xxiii-lxxit^ GJ^. pp. 8'-".
Taxes, pp. 67-()8, 94-97, 149-151, 247.
Patterson, Christopher Stuart. Th(! Cnited States and the staten
under the Constitution, 2d cd., with notc-^ and ii-fcii-iR-es
to additional authorities by Kohert 1'. ivceder.
J^/liladelp/iia: T. and ./. IT. .Inlmsnn d- rt,., 190Jf. xli^
347 pp. 8\
Taxation, pj). 22-25; Taxation l)y the Uniteh. <*?^.
" Powers of Congress, taxes," vol. 1. i>i>. 6(J1-7H2.
Thayer, James Bradley. Cases on constitutional law. With notes.
Oanihridije., [Masx.]: C. lU Sever and lompant/. 1893. 2
vols. 4.^.
Taxation, pp. 1190-1431; See, also. Index, p. 24:i;i: iMn^t taxen.
pp. i:>15, i:i21, i:?25, 1375; Taxation of siicceseion to pro|Krty.
pp. 1271, 1422.
Tiedeman, Christopher Gustavus. A treatise on state and federal
control of persons and property in the United States con-
sidered from both a civil and criminal standpoint.
St. Louis: The F. 11. Thomas laiv hook CO. ^ 1900. 2 vols. 8^.
Taxation of inheritances, pp. 649-661.
Tucker, John Randolph, The Constitution of the United States. A
critical discussion of its genesis, development, and inter-
pretation. Edited b^' H. S. Tucker, Vol. 1-2.
Chicago: Callaghan d; co.. 1899. 2 vols. 8°.
Tax, pp. 457-465, 468, 469, 497-505, 659; Taxation, pp. 75, 78, 79,
89, 96-99, 123, 123, 152, 155, 159, 859, 861, 862, 864, 865; Tax-
consumer and tax-payer, pp. 80; Taxes, pp. 194, 195, 395, 396,
398; Taxing power, pp. 373, 465, 466, 467, 468, 470-482, 491, 493,
496, 496, 497, 498-502, 507, 522, 523.
Abbot, Everett V 85
Abbott, Austin 32
Adams, Henry Carter 5, 32
Allen, J. E 49
Allen, Lafon 32
Alsace-Lorraine 26
Anethan, Jules d' 29
Bailen 26, 50
Baker, A. J 75
Baldwin, F. Spencer 5
Bastahle, Charles Francis 21,49
Baunigiirtner, Georg 56
Bavaria 26, 56
Bayly, R. A 30
Beatty, Charles 21
Beauregard, Paul 54
Bell, W. T 21
Black, Henry Campbell 75
Block, Maurice 54
Bluuden, G. H 49
Bodin, Ch 24
Bohinert, Wilhelm 56
Belles, Albert S 32
Borght, R. van der 29
Borst, A 56
Bosley, William Bradford 32
Boutwell, ( ieorge S 5, 33
Bremen 26
Brewer, Justice 15
Brown, Justice 14, 43
Brunswick 56
Buchan, John 49
Bullock, Charles J 33
Burdick, Y.y\ 33
Burkhard, Wiihclm 62
Burns, James 49
Buxton, Sydney 21, 49
Cahcn, Rene 54
Campbell, John Douglas Suther-
land, Duke of Argtjll 19
Campbell, RoUo F. Graham 53
Cassel, (t 50
Cereuville, Max .le 29. 62
Challamel, Jules 26
Charton, A. Pierre 24. 45
Chase, Justice 42
Chatelain, Emile 54
Chii )Zza-Money, Leone George 21 , 50
Cilleuls, Alfreil des 25
Clapperton, (ieorge 5
Clifford, Justice 14
Cohn, (Ju.stav 5, 45. 56, 62
Colburn, R. T 5
Colin, Maurice l'4
Cooley, Tliomas Mclntyre 6, IW, 75
Creanga, (ieorge I) 57
Daguin, Fernand 26
Dallas, A.J 66
Danaher, A.J »>
Desty^ Robert 6
Dewey, Davis Rich 34
Dinglinger, Friedrich 57
Dos Pa.«-si )s, Benjamin F 6
Dowell, Stephen 2L 50
Drake, John N 6
Dufay, Jules 24
Duffield, W. B (;2
Dunbar, Charles Kranklin .■>4
Dunbar, William H 6
Dutton, W. T 34
Edmunds, George F 34
Edwards, Percy I^ 6
Eichmann, 57
Ely, Richard T t'
Fallows, Edwanl Huntington 7
Ferris, Aaron A 7
Field, Juiftice 42
Field, William H 7
Finch-Hatton, Henry ."^tormont . . 21
Fiustiug. Bernhard 57
Fleming, William I lenry ;>4
Foster, Kogcr 84, ;>5, 75
France 24, 54
Chamhre ihx deputes 24-25, 54
Covniiijtsioti ejira-jmrlenientaire
de r imp^it su r les men ties 54
Freeth. Evelyn 22
Freiberger, Ciusta\ 61
Fry, T. Hallett 50
Fuller, Chief Justice 42, 43
Gallatin, Albert 65
Gerlach, Otto 26, 57
Germany 26-27, 57
Glenn, John A 35
Godard, J. G 22
Godefroi, 29
Goodnow, Frank J 8
Gotha 58
Gould, John M 35
Graffenried, Karl Wilhelm von... 58
Gray, James Mcllvaine 8, 35
Great Britain:
Colonial office 30, 63
Com lit issioners of inland revenue . 22, 50
Exchequer 22
Foreign office 19, 45-46
Local government board 30, 46
Select committee on income tax. . 51
Select committee on the income
and property tax 51
Treasury 50, 51
Greven, H. B 62
Griffin, W. T _ 55
Groves, Charlotte E 18
Guthrie, William Dameron 8, 35
Hadden, Alexander 9
Hadley, Arthur Twining 9, 36
Hall, Uriel S 36
Hamburg 58
Hamilton, Alexander 36
Hanson, Alfred 22
Hardie, J. Keir 22, 51
Hare, John I. C 75
Harlan, Justice 42, 43
Harrison, Benjamin 36
Hesse 27, 58
Hewitt, Luther E 9
Hicks, Maxwell 51
Hill, David B 36
Hill, Joseph Adna 36,52,58
1 1 obson, J. A 52
Hoffmann, Alexander 58
Hoffmann, Ludwig 58
Hoffmann, Ulrich 27
Hollander, Jacob Henry 9
Hook, A 52
Howe, Frederic C 9, 36
Howell, Charles M 9
II uebner, Solomon 9
Huncke, Ernst 52
Ingersoll, Charles J 10, 37
Inhulsen, C. H. P 52
Iredell, Justice 42
Italy. Direzione generale deldemanio
e delle tasso sugli affari 19
Jackson, Justice 43
Jacobs, Albert Poole 6
James, Charles P 71
Judd, George M 7
Judson, Frederick Newton 76
Kinsman, Delos Oscar 37
Kiihnert, 58, 61
Landreth, Lucius S 10
Lepelletier, F 52
Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, i. e. Pierre
Paul 20, 25, 55
Lesigang, von 61
Lewis, William Draper 37
Lippitt, Francis J 37
Lloyd, Henry Demarest 63
Maatz, Richard 59
McClain, Emlin 76
McDougall, J. A 10, 38
McElroy, George W 10
McKenna, Justice 15
McMillin, Benton 74
Mac Veagh, Wayne 10
Madison, James 38
Mallock, W. H 38
Marion, Marcel, *'. e. Noel Frangois
^larcel 46
Marshall, John 76
Massachusetts 10-11
Mecklenl )urg 27
Meisel, Franz 61
Meyer, Hermann 55
Miller, Samuel Freeman 76
Millis, H. A 11
Monaghan, J. F 59
Morgan-Brown, H 52
Moses, Bernard 38
:Muller, Otto 46
]\Iyrbach, Franz, Freiherr \on 61
Newbatt, Benjamin 53
New York 11, 38
Nicholson, Joseph Shield 46
Nitschke, Kurt 59, 61
Ogden, Rollo 38
O'Neill, John J 38
Ordronaux, John 76
Palgrave, R. IL Inglis 29, 62
Parsons, Frank 31 , 63
Paachal, < Jeorgi' \\ 77
Passy, Jaccjues I'D
Patterson , Jnntlre 42
PattiM>f)ii, Cliristoplicr Stuart 77
Veavnrk, lU'rliert St. ( ieorgc 53
Pennoyer, Sy 1 vestcr 39
Peto, Sir S. Mortdii 23, 53
Piper, John Ivhviii 50
Ploasonti in, A 71
Plehn, Carl C'oppin;.' ll,3!t
Poller, Loon 5<)
Poineroy, Jolm ^Morton 77
Price, W. H 53
Purdy, Lawson 39
Raffalovicli, Artlinr 59
Reirlieslwrg, X 62
Reid, H. Lloyd 53
Rendu, Ambroise 25
Retz de ServiC's, Andn' di' 25
Rice, Frank S 12
Richardson, Hamilton P 77
Roberts, James A 12
Roche, Jules 47
Roosevelt, Theodore 12
Root, John William 23, 53
Saxony 27, 59 ■
Schan/, ( Jeorj; 20. 25, 27, 2S
Schaundjurg-Lippe 59
Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 59
Sedgwick, A. ( r 12
Seligman, Kdwin 1\. A 12, .39-40
Sewell, Koljcrt 40
Shearman, Thomas (i 13, 40
Shipman, Paul R 40
Shiras, Justice 1 5, 16
Sieghart, R 61
Sinionin, Armand 25
SkodliT, Viktor 61
Smith, (!. Armitage 23
Smith, Henry II 41
Sparre, Karl von 59
Stan wood, Edward 41
Stein, Henri, i. e., Frederic Alex-
andre Henri 47
15680—07 6
Sterrett, ./iisllre 6
Story, Jo.«eph 77
Stourm, Rene . 25, 47
Strut/, radley 77
Thonia«, Ivlward A i;i
Tiedeman,f'hri.«t<)plier(iu8tavus.. 78
Triekett, N 41
Tucker, (ieorge F 35
Tucker, II. S 78
Tucker, J< >hn Randolph 78
Tunell, George 41
United States 13-14, 41
Commimotier aj iniernnl reve-
nue 42
Congress 42
Industrial cominiKnion 14
Supreme Cnurt 14-16, 42—13
Vauthier, ^I 29
Veblen, T. B 5
Vidal, Emmanuel 47
Voigtel, Max 60
AVagner, Adolf 20, 28, 48. 60
Wahl, Albert, i.e., Paul Albert... 25,28
Walker, Francis A 43
AVel)ster, Sidney 43
Wells, Davifl Ames 16, 43. 48
West, Max 1(>-1 7, 20, 43, 44
White, Justice 1 5, 42, 43
White, Horace 44
Whitney, Edward 15 44
Whitten, Robert H 17
Wieser, Fried rich, f^-c/Zifr/- von. . . 61
Williams, Erni'st E 23, 53
Williams, William Pierrepont 17
Wilson, Justice 42
Wolfe, S. Herbert 18
Wiirttemberg 2S, (U)
Wyer, Malcolm ( i is
Alsace-Lorhaine: Page
Inht'ritance tax 26
Challauiel, Jules 2(5
Income tax 61
Chartun, A. Pierre 45
Great Britain —
Foreign office 45, 46
fjiind fjovernment board 46
iStourm, RenC^ 47
Vidal, Plmniannel 47
Wells, David Ames 48
Inlu-ritanci- tax —
]'r()(iiiit t\vfi droits 20
Income tax 56
Briti.sii ('()i,<).mes, ktc. :
Income tax fL'-J
< ireat Britain, himl gov-
enuntiit litxrrd 46
Huebner, Soionifin 9
Inheritance tax 3tKSl
Bruxswk k:
Income tax 56
Income tax —
Moses, Bernard 38
Inheritance tax —
Dos Pa.«sos, Benjamin F.. 6
Inheritance tax —
Bayly, K. A 30
Hnclmer, Solomon 9
WhitU'ii, Kohert H 17
Congressional documents and de-
Inheritani f tax —
Clajijierton, (ieorge 5
Dos Passos, Benjamin F.. 6
TioN 75-78
Income tax —
(ireat Britain. Foreign
iffiiy 45, 46
Wells. Davi
Prndiiit dps droits
Creanga, George D
Dinglinger, Frie«irich..
(Jerlacli, Otto
Cireat Britain—
Forritjn office
Local goverument
New Jersey:
Inheritance tax —
Clapperton, George. .
Dos Passos, Benjamin
Hill. Ju««M'l' ^
Pkussia: Page
Income tax —
Kiihnert 58
Maatz, Richard 59
Nitschke, Kurt 59
Roche, Jules 47
Stourm, Rene 47
Inheritance tax —
Wahl, Albert 28
Income tax —
Creanga, George D 57
Russia :
Inheritance tax —
Great Britain. Foreign
office 19
Income tax 59
Great Britain. Foreign
office 45
Hoffmann, Alexander 58
Monaghan, J. F 59
Roche, Jules 47
Inheritance tax 27
Great Britain. Foreign
office 19
Income tax —
Great Britain. Foreign
office 46
Vidal, Emmanuel 47
Inheritance tax —
Great Britain. Foreign
office 19
Sweden : Page
Income taxi—
Great Britain. Foreign
office 45, 46
Income tax 62
Cohn, Gustav 45
Great Britain. Foreign
office 46
Vidal, Emmanuel 47
Wells, David Ames 48
Inheritance tax 29
Huebner, Solomon 9
United States:
Income tax 32—44
Roche, Jules 47
Wells, David Ames 48
Inheritance tax 5-18
Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre
Paul ^ 20
Inheritance tax —
Baldwin, F. Spencer 5
Income tax 60
Eichmann 57
(Termany 57
Great Britain. Foreign
office 45
Poller, Leon 59
Inheritance tax 28
Daguin, Fernand 26
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