THE WITCH OF ATLAS A BA LL ONING S TOR Y fj o xvvt-ty ^La^^C^^-C, LsC~*st^.c~ (Jrf . 3 A.CRES OF eoor* 240LQNGPEACM LONDON : PBIMTBD BY eiLBBBT AND BIVIN6TON, LIMITBD, si. JOHN'S HOUSE, CT.BBKENWEI.L KOAD. THE WITCH OF ATLAS A BALLOONING STORY H. PARK BOWPEN ' There she would build herself a windless haven Out of the clouds whose moving turrets make The bastions of the storm, when through the sky The spirits of the tempest thundered by." The Witch of Afl edges, y. 6d. Life, Letters and Journals. By EDNAH D. CHENEY. Cr. 8vo, 6s. See also " Low's Standard Series." Alden ( W. L.) Adventures of Jimmy Brown, written by himself. Illustrated. Small crown Svo, cloth, zs. Trying to find Europe. Ill us., crown Svo, 5*. A Sampson Low, Mars ton. 6 Co.'s Aiger (J. G.} Englishmen in the French devolution, cr. 8vo, TS. 6d. Amateur Angler's Days in Dove Dale ; Three Weeks' Holiday in 1884. By E. M. is. 6d. ; boards, u. ; large paper, $s. Andersen, fairy Tales. An entirely new Translation. With over 500 Illustrations by Scandinavian Artists. Small 4to, 6s. Anderson (W.} Pictorial Arts of Japan. With 80 full-page and other Plates, 16 of them in Colours. Large imp. 410, .8 8s. (in four folio parts, 2 2s. each) ; Artists' Proofs, 12 12s. Angling. See Amateur, "Cutcliffe," "Fennell," " Halford," "Hamilton," "Martin," " Orvis," " Pennell," " Pritt," "Senior," "Stevens," "Theakston," "Walton," " Wells," and " Willis-Bund." Arnold (R.} Ammonia and Ammonium Compounds. Translated, illus., crown 8vo, 5 J - Art Education. See " Biographies," " D'Anvers," " Illustrated Text Books," "Mollett's Dictionary." Artistic Japan. Illustrated with Coloured Plates. Monthly. Royal 4to, 2s.; vol. I., 15^.; II., roy. 410., 15-r. Ashe (R. P.) Two Kings of Uganda ; Six Years in E. Equa- torial Africa. Crown 8vo, 6s. Attwell (Prof.} The Italian Masters. Crown 8vo, $s. 6d. Audsley (G. A.) Handbook of the Organ. Imperial 8vo, top edge gilt, $is..6d.; large paper, 63^. Ornamental Arts of japan. 90 Plates, 74 in Colours and Gold, with General and Descriptive Text 2 vols., folio, .15 15^.; in specally designed leather, ^23 2s. The Art of Chromo-Liihography. Coloured Plates and Text. Folio, ID A CON (Delia} Biography ,'with Letters of Carlyle, Emerson, *-* &c. Crown 8vo, los. 6d. Baddeley ( W. St. Clair) Tchay and Chianti. Small 8vo, 5*. Travel-tide. Small post Svo, 7-r. 6d. Baldwin (James) Story of Siegfried. 6s. Story of the Golden Age, Illustrated by HOWARD PYLE. Crown Svo, 6s. 'Story of Roland. Crown Svo, 6s. Bamford (A. J.} Turbans and Tails. Sketches in the Un- romantic East. Crown Svo, "]s. 6d. Barlow (Alfred} Weaving by Hand and by Power. With several hundred Illustrations. Third Edition, royal Svo, i $s. Barlow (P. W.} Kaipara, Experiences of a Settler in N. New Zealand. Illust., crown 8vo, 6.r. Bassett (F. S.} Legends and Superstitions of the Sea. "js. bd. List of Publications. THE BAYARD SERIES. Edited by the late J. HAIN FRISWELL. Comprising Pleasure Books of Literature produced in the Choicest Style. "\Ve can hardly imagine better books for boys to read or for men to ponder over." Times. Price 2S. fxi. each Volume, complete in itsel/, flexible cloth extra, gi.'t edges, ivith silk Headbands and Registers. The Story of the Chevalier Bayard. Joinville's St. Louis of France. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. Abdallah. By Edouard Laboullaye. Napoleon, Table-Talk and Opinions. Words of Wellington. Johnson's Rasselas. With Notes. ilaxlitt's Round Table. The Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, .) Springhaven. Illust. by PARSONS and BARNARD. Sq. 8vo, 12^.; new edition, 7.5-. 6./. Blaikie (William} How to get Strong and how to Stay so. Rational, Physical, Gymnastic, &c., Exercises. Illust., sm. post Svo, $s. Sound Bodies for our Boys and Girls. i6mo, 2s. 6d. Bonwick. British Colonies. Asia, is. ; Africa, is. ; America, is. ; Australasia, is. One vol., cloth, $s. Bosanquet (Rev. C.) Blossoms from the Kings Garden : Sermons for Children. 2nd Edition, small post Svo, cloth extra, 6s. Jehoshaphat ; or, Sunlight and Clouds, is. Bowden (H. ; Miss} Witch of the Atlas : a ballooning story, Crown Svo, 6s. Bower (G. S.) and Spencer, Law of Electric Lighting. New edition, crown Svo, 12s. 6d. Boyesen (H. If.) Modern Vikings : Stones of Life and Sport in Norseland. Cr. Svo, 6s. Story of Norway. Illustrated, sm. Svo, 7*. 6d. Boy's Froissart. King Arthur. Knightly Legends of Wales. Percy. See LANIER. Bradshaw (J.~) New Zealand as it is. Svo, 125-. 6d. New Zealand of To-day , 1884-87. Svo, 14$. Brannt (IV. T.) Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils. Illust., 8vo, 35.?. Manufacture of Soap and Candles, with many Formulas. Illust., 8vo, 35.?. Manufacture of Vinegar, Cider, and Fruit Wines. Illustrated, Svo. Metallic Alloys. Chiefly from the German of Krupp and Wildberger. Crown Svo, I2S. 6d. Bright (John} Public Letters. Crown Svo, fs. 6d. Brisse (Baron} Menus (366). A menu, in French and English, for every Day in the Year, and Edition. Crown Svo, 5-r. Brittany. See BLACKBURN. Browne (G. Lennox) Voice Use and Stimulants. Sm. Svo, 3^. 6d. andBehnke (Emit) Voice, Song, and Speech. N. ed., 5^. Brumm (C.) Bismarck, his Deeds and Aims; reply to " Bismarck Dynasty." Svo, u. Brunlie's Diary. A Tour round the World. By C. E. B., is. 6d. Bryant ( W. C.) and Gay (S. H.} History of the United States 4 vols., royal Svo, profusely Illustrated, 6ar. Bryce (Rev. Professor) Manitoba. Illust. Crown Svo, 7*. 61. Short History of the Canadian People, js. 6d. Bulkeley (Owen T.) Lesser Antilles. Pref. by D. MORRIS. Illus., crown Svo, boards, 2s. (xi. Sampson L(nu, Marston, & Co.'s Burnaby (Mrs. F.} High Alps in Winter; or, Mountaineering in Search of Health. With Illustrations, &c., l^r. See also MAIN. Burnley (/) History of the Silk Trade. History of Wool and Woohombing. Illust. Svo, 2 is. Burton (Sir R. F.} Early, Public, and Private Life. Edited by F. HITCHMAN. 2 vols., Svo, $6s. Butler (Sir W. F.} Campaign of the Cataracts. Illust., Svo, iSs. Invasion of England, told twenty years after. 2s. 6d. Red Cloud; or, the Solitary Sioux. Imperial i6mo, numerous illustrations, gilt edges, 3.?. 6J. ; plainer binding, zs. 6d. TJie Great Lone Land ; Red River Expedition. 7$. 6d. The Wild North Land; the Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North America. Svo, l8s. Cr. Svo, 7_r. (id. Bynner (E. L.) Agnes Surriage. Crown Svo, 105. 6d. STABLE (G. W.} Bonaventure : A Prose Pastoral of Acadian *-* Louisiana. Sm. post Svo, 5-c. Cadogan(Lady A.) Drawing-roomPlays. los. 6d. ; acting ed., 6d. each. Illustrated Games of Patience. Twenty-four Diagrams in Colours, with Text. Fcap. 4to, I2s. 6d. Neiv Games of Patience. Coloured Diagrams, 4to, 1 2S.()d. Caldecott (Randolph} Memoir. By HENRY BLACKBURN. With 170 Examples of the Artist's Work. 14?.; new edit., "js. 6d. Sketches. With an Introduction by H. BLACKBURN. 4to, picture boards, 2s. 6d. California. See NORDHOFF. Callan (H.} Wanderings on Wheel and on Foot. Cr. Svo, is. 6d. Campbell (Lady Colin} Book of the Running Brook : and of Still Waters. $.r. Canadian People : Short History. Crown Svo, 7^. 6d. Carbutt (Mrs.} Five Months' Fine Weather in Canada, West U.S., and Mexico. Crown Svo, 5-r. Carleton, City Legends. Special Edition, illus., royal Svo, 12s. 6d. ; ordinary edition, crown Svo, is. City Ballads. Illustrated, 125-. 6d. New Ed. (Rose Library), i6mo, is. Farm Ballads, Farm Festivals, and Farm Legends. Paper boards, I s. each ; I vol. , small post Svo, 3^. 6d. Carnegie (A.} American Four-in-Hand in Britain. Small 4to, Illustrated, ior. 6d. Popular Edition, paper, u. Round the World. Svo, 10*. 6d. Triumphant Democracy. s. ; also is. 6d. and I.T. Chairman's Handbook. By R. F. D. PALGRAVE. 5th Edit., 2s. List of Publications. Changed Cross, &c. Religious Poems. i6mo, 2s. bd. ; calf, 6*. Chess. See BIRD (H. E.). Children's Praises. Hymns for Sunday-Schools and Services. Compiled by LOUISA H. II. TRISTRAM. $d. Choice Editions of Choice Books. 2s. 6d. each. Illustrated by C. W. COPE, R.A., T. CRESWICK, R.A., E. DUNCAN, BIRKET FOSTER, J. C. HORSLEY, A.R.A., G. HICKS, R. REDGRAVE, R.A., C. STONEHOUSE, F. TAYLER, G. THOMAS, H. J. TOWNSHENU, E. H. WEHNERT, HARRISON WEIR, &c. Bloomfield's Farmer's Boy. Campbell's Pleasures of Hope. Coleridge's Ancient Mariner. Goldsmith's Deserted Village. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. Gray's Elegy in a Churchyard. Keats' Eve of St. Agnes. Milton's L' Allegro. Poetry of Nature. Harrison Weir. Rogers' (Sam.) Pleasures of Memory. Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets. Tennyson's May Queen. Elizabethan Poets. Wordsworth's Pastoral Poems. " Such works are a glorious beatification for a poet." Athenceum. Christ in Song. By PHILIP SCHAFF. New Ed., gilt edges, 6s. Chroma- Lithography. See AUDSLEY. Cicero, Tusciilan Disputation, I. (Death no bane). Translated by R. BLACK. Small crown Svo. Clarke (H. P.) See WILLS. Clarke (P.) Three Diggers : a Tale of the Australian Fifties. Crown 8vo, 6s. Cochran ( W.) Pen and Pencil in Asia Minor. Illust., 8vo, 2 is. Collingivood (Harry) Under the Meteor Flag. The Log of a Midshipman. Illustrated, small post Svo, gilt, 3.?. 6d.; plainer, 2s. 6t/. Voyage of the " Aurora." Gilt, 35-. 6d. ; plainer, 2s. 6J. Collinson (Sir R. ; Adm.) H.M.S. "Enterprise " in search of Sir J. Franklin. Svo. Colonial Year-book. Edited and compiled by A. J. R. TRENDEI.L. Crown Svo, 6s. Cook (Dutton} Book of the Play. New Edition, i vol., 3*. 6d. On the Stage: Studies. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, 24*. Cozzens (F.} American Yachts. 27 Plates, 22 x 28 inches. Proofs, 21 ; Artist's Proofs, 31 IO.T. Craddock (C. E.) Despot of Broom sedge Cove. Crown Svo, 6*. Crew (B.J.} Practical Treatise on Petroleum. Illust., Svo, 28*. Crouch (A.P.} Glimpses of Fever land : a Cruise in West African Waters. Crown Svo, 6s. On a Surf-bound Coast. Crown Svo, 7*. 6d. Cumberland(Stuart}Thought Reader sThoughls. Cr. 8vo., ios.6d. Queen's Highway from Ocean to Ocean. 111., Svo, 18*. ; View ed., "js. 6J. S Sampson Low, Marston, 6 Cols Cumberland (S.~) Vasty deep : a Strange Story of To-day. New Edition, 6s. Cundall (Joseph}. See " Remarkable Bindings." Gushing (W.} Initials and Pseudonyms. Large 8vo, 25*.; second series, large 8vo, zis. Custer (Eliz. .} Tenting on the Plains; Gen. Custerin Kansas and Texas. Royal 8vo, i8s. Cutdiffe (H. C. ) Trout Fishing in Rapid Streams. Cr. 8 vo, 3*. 6d. T~)AL Y (Mrs. D.) Digging, Squatting, and Pioneering in ~*-^ Northern South Australia. 8vo, I2s. UAnvers. Elementary History of Art. New ed., 360 illus., 2 vols., cr. 8vo. I. Architecture, &c., 5^.; II. Painting, 6s.; I vol., I Of. 6d. Elementary History of Music. Crown 8vo, zs. 6d. Davis (Clement) Modern Whist, ^s. (C. T.) Bricks, Tiles, Terra-Cotta, &c. N. ed. 8vo, 25 s. Manufacture of Leather. With many Illustrations. 525.6^. Manufacture of Paper. 28^. (G. .} Outlines of International Law. 8vo. IQS. 6d. Daividowsky. Glue, Gelatine, Isinglass, Cements, drc. 8vo, i2s. 6J. Day of My Life at Eton. By an ETON BOY. New ed. 1 6mo, 15-. Day's Collacon : an Encyclopedia of Prose Quotations. Im- perial 8vo, cloth, 3U. 6d. De Leon (E.*) Under the Stars and under the Crescent. N. ed., 6s. Dethroning Shakspere. Letters to the Daily Telegraph ; and Editorial Papers. Crown 8vo, zr. 6J. Dickinson (Charles M.) The Children, and other Verses. Sm. 8vo, gilt edges, 5J. Dictionary. See TOLHAUSEN, " Technological." Diggle (J. W. ; Canon) Lancashire Life of Bishop Eraser. 8vo, I2J. 6J. Donnelly (Ignatius) Atlantis ; or, the Antediluvian World. 7th Edition, crown 8vo, 12s. 6d. Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel. Illustrated, crown 8vo, 12s. 6d. The Great Cryptogram : Francis Bacon's Cipher in the so-called Shakspere Plays. With facsimiles. 2 vols., 30*. Donkin (J. G.) Trooper and Redskin : N. W. Mounted Police, Canada. Crown 8vo, Ss. 6d. Dougall (James Dalziel) Shooting: its Appliances, Practice, j and Purpose. New Edition, revised with additions. Crown 8vo, "js. 6d. "The book is admirable in every way We wish it every success." Globe. "A ver\- complete treatise Likely to take high rank as an authority on shooting." Daily News. List of Publications. Doughty (H.M.) Friesland Meres, and through the Netherlands . Illustrated, crown 8vo, Ss. 6( fonva -did on application. 14 Sampson Low, Mars ton, 6 Co.'s ILLUSTRATED Text-Books of Art-Education. Edited by * EDWARD J. POYNTER, R.A. Illustrated, and strongly bound, 5.?. Now ready : PAINTING. Classic and Italian. By HEAD. I French and Spanish. German, Flemish, and Dutch. | English and American. ARCHITECTURE. Classic and Early Christian. Gothic and Renaissance. By T. ROGER SMITH. SCULPTURE. Antique : Egyptian and Greek. Renaissance and Modern. By LEADER SCOTT. Inderwick (F. A. ; Q.C.) Side Lights on the Stuarts. Essays. Illustrated, 8vo, l8s. Index to the English Catalogue, Jan., 1874, to Dec., i8o. Royal 8vo, half-morocco, lS.r. Inglts (Hon. James ; "Maori") Our New Zealand Cousins. Small post 8vo, 6.?. Tent Life in Tiger Land : Twelve Years a Pioneer Planter. Col. plates, roy. 8vo, lS.r. Irving ( Washington). Library Edition of his Works in 27 vols., Copyright, with the Author's Latest Revisions. " Geoffrey Crayon" Edition, large square 8vo. 12s. 6d. per vol. See also "Little Britain." JACKSON. New Style Vertical Writing Copy-Books J Series I, Nos. I. XII., 2//) .Stow and Alps of Alaska. 8vo, ^ i6j. Keats. Endymion. Illust. by W. ST. JOHN HARPER. Imp. 4to, gilt top, 42j. List of Publications. 15 Kempis (Thomas a) Daily Text-Book. Square i6mo, 2S. 6d.; interleaved as a Birthday Book, 3-r. 6:. 8vo, 12s. Larden (W.) School Course on Heat. Third Ed., Illust. 5*. Laurie (A.) Conquest of the Moon : a Story of the Bayouda. Illust., crown Svo, -js. (xi. Layard (Mrs. Granville) Through the West Indies. Small DOSt SvO, 2S. 6(f. tr-JJt A Lea (H. C.). History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages. 3 vo!s., Svo, 42J. 1 6 Sampson Low, Marston, & Co.'s Lemon (M.) Small House over the Water, and Stories. Illust. by Cruikshank, &c. Crown 8vo, 6s. Leo XIII. : Life. By BERNARD O'REILLY. With Steel Portrait from Photograph, &c. Large 8vo, iSs. ; /dit. de luxe, 63.?. Leonardo da Vinci's Literary Works. Edited by Dr. JEAN PAUL RICHTER. Containing his Writings on Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, his Philosophical Maxims, Humorous Writings, and Miscellaneous Notes on Personal Events, on his Contemporaries, on Literature, &c. ; published from Manuscripts. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, containing about 200 Drawings in Autotype Reproductions, and nu- merous other Illustrations. Twelve Guineas. Library of Religious Poetry. Best Poems of all Ages. Edited by SCHAFF and GILMAN. Royal 8vo, 2U. ; cheaper bind ing, IQJ. 6d. Lindsay (W. S.) History of Merchant Shipping. Over 150 Illustrations, Maps, and Charts. In 4 vols., demy 8vo, cloth extra. Vols. I and 2, iu. each ; vols. 3 and 4, 14^. each. 4 vols., 50?. Little (Archibald J.) Through the Yang-tse Gorges : Trade and Travel in Western China. New Edition. 8vo, lew. tt. Jimmy's Cruise. By Miss ALCOTT. Under the Punkah. ' By PHIL Roiil.vso.v. 20 Sampson Low, Man ton, e Ci>.'s Low's Standard Series of Books by Popular Writers continued. An Old-Fashioned Girl. By Miss ALCOTT. A Hose in Bloom. By Miss ALCOTT. Eight Cousins. Illust. By Miss ALCOTT. Jack and Jill. By Miss ALCOTT. Lulu's Library. Illust. By Miss ALCOTT. Silver Pitchers. By Miss ALCOI T. Work and Beginning Again. Illust. By Miss ALCOTT. A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life. By Mrs. WHITNEY. Faith Gartney's Girlhood. By Mrs. WHITNEY. Real Folks. By Mrs. WHITNEY. Dred. By Mrs/STOWE. My Wife and I. By Mrs. STCT.VE. An Only Sister. By Madame DE WITT. Spinning Wheel Stories. By Miss ALCOTT. My Summer in a Garden. By C. DUDLEY WARNER. Low's Pocket Encyclopedia: a Compendium of General Knoiv- ledge for Ready Reference. Upwards of 25,000 References, with Plates. Newed., imp. 32010, cloth, marbled edges, y.f>d.\ roan, t,s.t>d. Lmtfs Handbook to London Charities. Yearly, cloth, is. 6d.; paper, is. Lusignan (Princess A. de) Twelve years' Reign of Abdul Hamid II. Crown Svo, js.6ct. lyTcCULLOCH (H.) Men and Measures of Half a century. Sketches and Comments. 8vo, i8s. Macdonald (D.) Oceania. Linguistic and Anthropological. Illust., and Tables. Crown 8vo, 6s. Mac Donald (George}. See Low's STANDARD NOVELS. Macgregor (John] "Rob" Roy" on the Baltic. 3rd Edition, small post Svo, 2s. 6d. cloth, gilt edges, y. dd. A TJwu sand Miles in the "Rob Roy" Canoe, nth Edition, small post Svo, 2s. 6tf. ; cloth, gilt edges, $s. 6d. Voyage Alone in the Yawl " Rob Roy.'' New Edition, ** with additions, small post Svo, 3*. 6d. ; plainer binding, 2s. 6d. Musgrave {Mrs.) Miriam. Crown Svo, 6s. Music. See " Great Musicians." ATETHERCOTE (C. .) Pytchley Hunt. New Ed., cr. Svo, New Zealand. See BRADSHAW and WHITE (J.). New Zealand Rulers and Statesmen. See GISBORNE. Nicholls (J. H. Kerry) The King Country : Explorations in New Zealand. Many Illustrations and Map. New Edition, Svo, 2is. Nordhoff (C.} Calif ornia, for Health, Pleasure, and Residence. New Edition, Svo, with Maps and Illustrations, 12s. 6d. Norman (C. .) Corsairs of France. With Portraits. Svo, 185. North (IV. ; M.A.) Roman fever: an Inquiry during three years' residence. Illust., Svo, 2$s. Northbrook Gallery. Edited by LORD RONALD GOWER. 36 Per- manent Photographs. Imperial 4to, 63-r. ; large paper, 105.?. Nott (Major) Wild Animals Photographed and Described. 35^. Nursery Playmates (Prince of }. 217 Coloured Pictures for Children by eminent Artists. Folio, in col. bds., 6s.; new ed., 2s. fx/. Nursing Record. Yearly, Ss.; half-yearly, 45-. 6\ 1'anton (J. E.} Homes of Taste. Hints on Furniture and Deco- ration. Crown Svo, 2s. 6rf. Parsons (James ; A.M.) Expositionof the Principles of Parlner- ship. Svo, 3U. 6d. , List of Publications. 23 Pennell (//. Cholmondeley] Sporting Fish of Great Britain 1 55. ; large paper, 3OJ-. Modern Improvements in Fishing-tackle. Crown 8vo, is. Perelaer (M. T. H.} Ran Au'ay fsom the Dutch ; Borneo, &c. Illustrated, square Svo, 7.?. 6; ; new eel., 2s. 6J. Perry (Lf. M.} Edliiigham Burglary, or Circumstantial Evi- dence. Crown 8vo, "$s. 6.) Land of the Pink Pearl: Life in the Bahamas. 8vO, 1OS. 6:1. Poynter (Edward J., R.A.}. See " Illustrated Text-books." Prince Maskiloff: a Romance of Modern Oxford. By ROY TEI.LET. Crown 8vo, ros. 6 i vol., cl., gilt eel., 3-r. 6- The Chaldean Account of Genesis. With many Illustra- tions. i6s. New Ed. By PROFESSOR SAYCE. Svo, iSs. Smith (G. Barnetf) William I. and the German Empire. New Ed., Svo, 3*. 6.) Story of a Poodle. By Himself and his Mistress. Illust., crown 410, 2s. 6d. Thorrodsen, Lad and Lass. Translated from the Icelandic by A. M. REEVES. Crown Svo. Tissandier(G.} Eiffel Tower. Illust., and letter of M. Eiffel in facsimile. Fcap. Svo, is. Tolhausen. Technological German, English, and French Die- tionary. Vols. I., II., with Supplement, \2s. 6d. each; III., 9*. ; Supplement, cr. Svo, 35. 6d. Topmkins (E. S. de G.} Through Dav:d's Realm. Illust. by the Author. Svo, icxr. 6d. Tucker ( IV. J.} Life and Society in Eastern Europe. 15*. Tucker man (B.}Life of General Lafayetie. 2 vols., cr. Svo, 125. Tapper (Martin Farqiihar) My Life as an Author. 14*. ; new edition, 7^. (d. Tytler (Sarah} Duchess Frances: a Novel. 2 vols,, 2is. T JPTON (H.) Manual of Practical Dairy Farming. Cr. U SVO, 25. 17 AN DAM. Land of Rubens ; a companion for visitors to * Belgium. Crown Svo, 3-r. dd. Vane ( Young Sir Harry}. By Prof. JAMES K. HOSMER. Svo, iSj. Veres. Biography of Sir Francis Vere and Lord Vere, leading Generals in the Netherlands. By CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM. Svo, iSj. Verne (Jules) Celebrated Travels and Travellers. 3 vols. Svo, 7.?. bd. each ; extra gilt, 9^. Victoria (Queen} Life of. By GRACE GREENWOOD. Vincent (Mrs. Howard) Forty Thousand Miles over Land and Water. With Illustrations. New Edit., 3?. 6 s. d. j 10 6 10 6 10 6 j 10 6 10 6 10 6 7 G } != 7 6 } r_e j 7 6 ) 22 6 f 7 6 (76 ) 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 i 7 6 j 7 6 1 ' ) 7 6 6 7 6 | ,6 ) 7 6 7 6 7 6 10 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 8. d. 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 6 3 6 3 G 3 6 3 6 10 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 8 6 3 6 5 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 5 3 6 3 6 s. d. 3 6 3 6 3 6 f 2 vols., } 1 2s. ca. ) 3 6 3 6 2 2 2 f 2 (.20 2 2 f 3 G \ 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 2 vols., Is. each. 2 vols., Is. each. 2 vols., Is. each. 2 vols., Is. each. 2 vols., Is. each. 2 vols., Is. each. Is. Od. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 vols., Is. each. 1*. Od. 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 vols., Is. each. The Earth to the Mooa and a Trip Dick Sands, the Boy Captain . . Five Weoks in a Balloon . . . Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians .... Round the World in Eighty Bays The Blockade Runners .... A Winter amid the Ice .... Survivors of the " Chancellor " . Martin Paz . . The Mysterious Island, 3 vols. : I. Dropped from the Clouds . III. Secret of the Island . . . The Child of the Cavern .... The Begum's Fortune .... Tie Tribulations of a Chinaman . The Steam House, 2 vols. : I. Demon of Cawnpore . . . II. Tigers and Traitors . . . The Giant Raft, 2 vols. : I. 800 Leagues on the Amazon II. The Cryptogram .... Keraban the Inflexible : I. Captain of the "Gnidara" . II. Scarpante the Spy .... The Archipelago on Fire .... The Vanished Diamond .... The Clipper of the Clouds . . . North against South Adrift in the Pacific Flight to France CELEBRATED TRAVELS AND TRAVELLERS. 3 vols. 8vo, GOO pp,, 100 full-page illustrations, 12*. M. gilt edges, 14. each : (1) THE EXPLORATION OF THE WORLD. (2) THE GREAT NAVIGATORS OF TH EIGHTEENTH CENTCRY. (3) THE GREAT EXPLORERS OF THK NINETEENTH CENTURY. . Sampson Lou*, Mars ton, &> Co.'s List of Publications. 31 TX7ALFORD (Mrs. L. B.) Her Great Idea, and other Stories. " Cr. 8vo, ids. 6ii.\ also new ed., 65. Wallace (Z.) Ben Hur : A Tale of the Christ. New Edition, crown Svo, 6s. ; cheaper edition, 2s. Wallack (Z.) Memories of 50 Years ; with many Portraits, cr.d Facsimiles. Small 4to, 63^. nett ; ordinary edition Js. 6d. Waller(Rev. C.H.) Adoption and the Covenant. On Confirma- tion. 2s. 6d. Stiver Sockets ; and other Shadows of Redemption. Sermons at Christ Church, Hampstead. Small post Svo, 6s. The Names on the Gates of Pearl, and other Studies. New Edition. Crown Svo, cloth extra, y. 6J. Words in the Greek Testament. Part I. Grammar. Small post Svo, cloth, 2s. 6J. Part II. Vocabulary, 2s. 6d. Walsh(A.S.} Mary, Queen of the House of David. Svo, 3^. 6d. Walton (/*.) Wallet Book, CloIoLXXXV. Crown 8vo, half vellum, 2is. ; large paper, 42^. Compleat Angler. Lea and Dove Edition. Ed. byR. B. MARSTON. With full-page Photogravures on India paper, and the Woodcuts on India paper from blocks. 4to, half-morocco, 105^.; large paper, royal 410, full dark green morocco, gilt top, 2los. Walton (T. Z/.) Coal Mining. With Illustrations. 4to, 25*. War Scare in Europe. Crown Svo, 2s. 6d. Warner (C. Z>.) My Summer in a Garden. Boards, is.; leatherette, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. Their Pilgrimage. Illustrated by C. S. REINHART. Svo, TS. bet. Warren ( W. F.) Paradise Found; the North Pole the Cradle of the Human Race. Illustrated. Crown Svo, 12s. 6d. Washington Irving' s Little Britain. Square crown Svo, 6^. Watson (P. .) Swedish Revolution under Gustavus Vasa. Svo. Wells (H. P.) American Salmon Fisherman. 6s. Fly Rods and Fly Tackle. Illustrated, los. 6d. Wells (f. W.) Three Thousand Miles through Brazil. Illus- trated from Original Sketches. 2 vols. Svo, 32^. Wenzel (O.) Directory of Chemical Products of the German Empire. Svo, 25-f- West garth ( W.') Half-century of Australasian Progress. Personal retrospect. Svo, 12s. Wheatley (H. .) Remarkable Bindings in the British Museum. Reproductions in Colour, 94?. 6d., 73*. 6