3 1 AC ANNEX s 021 J44 .ibris Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN A y . But ryotte and reuell with joly rebellyon They songe and daunsed full merely 370 With swerynge and starynge heuen* hye Some said yt they were getyl me of grete myght That ther purses were so lyght And some wente in fured gownes and gay shone That had no mo faces than had the mone 375 Of this daye gladde was many a brothell That myght haue an ore with Cocke Lorell Thus they daunsed with all theyr myght Tyll that phebus had lost his lyght 20 COCKE LORELLE'S BOTE. But than came lucyna with all her pale hewe 380 To take her sporte amonge the clowdes blewe And marcury he trewe downe his golde bemes And sperus her syluer stremes That in the worlde gaue so grete lyght As all the erth had be paued with whyte 385 Tha Cocke wayed anker and housed his sayle And forthe he rowed without fayle They sayled England thorowe and thorowe Vyllage towne cyte and borowe They blessed their shyppe whan they had done 390 And dranke about saynt Julyans torne Than euery man pulled at his ore With that I coulde se them no more But as they rowed vp the hyll The bote swayne blewe his whystell full shryll 395 And I wente homwarde to mowe shame stere With a company dyde I mete As ermytes monkes and freres c. iy. a. Chanons chartores and inholders And many whyte nonnes with whyte vayles 400 That was full wanton of theyr tayles c. iij.b. To mete with Cocke they asked how to do And I tolde them he was a go Than were they sad euerychone And went agayne to theyr home 405 But my counseyll I gaue them there To mete with Cocke another yere No more of Cocke now I wryte But mery it is when knaues done mete COCKE LORELLE'S BOTE. 21 Cocke had in his hande a grete route 410 The thyrd persone of Englande Thus of Cocke Lorell I make an ende And to heuen god your soules sende That redeth this boke ouer all Chryst couer you with his mantell perpetuall. AMEN. Here endeth Cocke Lorelle's bote. Inpryted at London in the Flete strete at the signe of the sonne by Wynkyn de Worde. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 083 340 o