4642 Tasso Jerusalem THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND THE JERUSALEM O F TORQJJATO TASSO. LONDON: Printed by JAMES BETTENHAM : And Sold by GEORGE HAWKINS, at Milton's ) between the Temple Gates , Fleet-Street. M.DCC.XXXVIII. The Argument. Godfrey of Boulogne, in the Sixth Tear of the Holy War, while the troops are yet in their Winter- Quart ers^ receives a Command from God^ by the Angel Gabriel, to ajjemble the Chriftian Princes, and exhort them to purfue their Enterprize. 'They eleffi him Commander in Chief. He makes a Review of his Forces^ and then marches ftrait towards Jerufalem. His Approach terrifies the King of Judea. Book I. Taffos Jemfakm. "? 3 21 HM THE FIRST BOOK O F T H E JERUSALE M. ; T HE pious Armies, and the Chief I fing, Who freed the Tomb of Heav'n's Anointed Long labours for the glorious Prize he bore, His Valour much performed, his Prudence more ; In vain did Hell with wily Rage oppofe, In vain to arms the Pow'rs of Afia rofe, Afia with Lybia\ fwarthy Sons ally'd, Alliance vain ! for God was on his Side, Beneath Heav'n's Banner made his Peers unite, And leave fell Difcord for the faithful Fight. c? O Heav'nly Mufe ! for not of Pindus Thou, Nor deck'd with fading Bays thy hallow'd Brow, A a Nor 882779 4 Taffb s Jerufalem. Book L Nor in Aonia*s Hill art wont to rove, But fit'ft enthroned amid the Quires above, Where round thy Head a circling Glory plays Of Stars effulgent with immortal Rays, Thou bid my Breaft coeleftial Warmth receive ! Thou tune my Numbers ! and O thou forgive ! To grace my Song if flow'ry Fiction join Delights unknown to thee, with Truth divine. Thou know' ft, the Many of our World below Seek the fweet Streams that from Parnaffus flow, That Truth, attempered to the pleafing Lay, Has footh'd the moft reluctant to obey : So fickly Children we contrive to cheat, Round the Cup's Margin fpread the tempting Sweet, When fraught with Health the bitter Juice we give; They drink deceived, and thus deceived they live. AND thou Alphonfo ! whofe aufpicious Hand Steer'd my weak Veflel to the wifh'd-for Land, When wandring wide, by furious Fortune toft Midft Rocks and roaring Surges almoft loft, This Verfe be thine, to thee this Verfe I bear, A votive Gift that owns thy Guardian Care, The Book L Taffos Jerufalem. 5 The Day may come the Bard ftiall tune thy Name And write thee foremoft in the Roll of Fame. For, fliould (our Wars composed) the Chriftians join (Urg'd by the Di&ates of the Voice divine) The haughty Turk to chafe by Land and Sea, And vindicate from Wrong the facred Prey, Each Honour at thy Choice would juftly ftand, To lead their Armies, or their Fleets command, Rival of Godfrey Now, O hear th' Alarms My Song refounds, and hearing, rife to Arms ! ALREADY roll'd the fixth revolving Year Since firft the Chriftians fought the Eaftern War ; o * Nice they poflefs'd, by Storm they forc'd the Town, And potent Antioch by Surprize had won, 'Gam&PerJfas numerous Pow'rs their Conqueft held, And with her (laughter 9 d Armies ftrow'd the Field j Tortofa next fubdu'd, the Heroes bring Their Troops to Quarters, and attend the Spring. THE wintry Clouds had wafted all their Stores, That fwell'd the Floods, and check'd the con- qu'ring PowVs, And 6 TaJJos Jemfalem. Book I. And now th 5 ETERNAL from his awful Throne, (Seat of all Pow'r) fuperior and alone, In pureft jSLther, o'er the Stars as high As from the Center to the fpangled Sky, Looks down below, and at a Glance furveys All that contains the Space of Earth and Seas : Then, where encampM the Chriftian Leaders lye, In Syria^ fix'd his all-difcerning Eye, And with that Look which views the Soul within, The modeft Virtue, and the mental Sin, Godfrey beheld, his Thoughts intent alone To drive the Pagan from the facred Town, o 7 All full of Faith, and Zeal, and pious Care ; Fame, Wealth, and Empire feem'd but empty Air. Not fo Baldwino^ He to thefe afpires, For wild Ambition wings his vain Defires. Carelefs of Life Tancredo lives, the Dart Of hopelefs Love with Anguifti pierc'd his Heart : While Eoemondo on the Syrian Plain, Lays the Foundations of his new Domain, Studious new Laws, new Cuftoms to injoin, And the true God reftore to Rites divine ; This Book L Taffos Jerufakm* 7 This in his Mind appeared the conftant Care, Nor other Thought had Room to harbour there. But in Rinaldoz youthful Bofom glows A warlike Soul impatient of Repofe ; Nor Pow'r, nor Wealth his gen'rous Mind in- flame, Smit with a Love inordinate of Fame 5 To Guelpho with Attention he applies^ And learns from old Examples to be wife. WHEN thus the Monarch, who the World controuls, Of all the Chiefs had fearch'd the various Souls, Gabriel r he call'd, from mid th' Archangels bright, Gabriel, the fecond of the Sons of Light, Glad Meflenger ! to whom the Lot is giv'n To bear to pureft Souls the Word of Heav'n, And waft their Incenfe to the bleft Abode, Faithful Interpreter 'twixt Man and God. To him th' ETERNAL : Hence, Goffredo find, Afk why he lingers thus, to Reft refign'd ? Nor leads his Squadrons to th ? embattel'd Plain, To refcue Sion from the fervile Chain ? 4 Bid 8 TaJJb s Jerufakm. Book L Bid him arife, the Chiefs to Council call, Quicken the flow, and be the Lord of all : To rule his Peers to him my Choice has giv'n, And they'll obey the Prae-ele&of Heav'n, Freely to him the fov'reign Pow'r confign, And unconftrain'd their Will accomplifh mine. HE fpoke. The Hierarch without Delay Prepares the facred Orders to obey : O'er his pure Form a Veil of Air he threw, Condens'd and vifible to mortal View ; With human Afpet, human Members, join Coeleftial Grace, and Majefty divine ; A Child juft blooming into Youth he feem'd, His flaxen Curls with radiant Glory beam'd : His Shoulders fledg'd, two fhining Wings unfold, White as the Snow, their Borders ting'd with Gold : Thefe high thro 5 Winds and Clouds his Courfe (uftain, O'er the wide Earth, and o'er the boundlefs Main, Unwearied, fwift : thus from th' ^therial Height He plung'd precipitate, but check'd his Flight Where Book L Taffos Jerufakm. ' 9 Where Lebanon's high Tops are feen to rife, And balanced on his Wings, fails equal thro' the Skies : Then down with ftiffen'd Pennon prone he bends$ And rapid to Tortofas Plain defcends. The rifing Sun a crimfon Luftre gave, Scarce half his Beams above the Eaftern wave, Goffredo watchful at his wonted Hour With pious Pray'r invoked the Heav'nly Pow'r, When with the Morning Ray, but far more bright, The flaming Seraph flood before his Sight. WHO thus. O Godfrey^ lo! the new-born Year Calls forth to arms, and doft thou linger here ? Nor lead thy Squadrons to th 5 embatterd Plain, To refcue Sion from the fervile Chain ? Warrior arife, the Chiefs to Council call, Quicken the flow, and be the Lord of all j Lord of thy Peers thee God has choie, and they Will freely chufe thee, and in War obey. I Meflenger of God, by him aflign'd, Reveal the Dictates of th' Almighty Mind. B What io Tajj$s Jerufalem. Book L What Hopes of Conqueft in thy Breaft fhould roll! For fuch an Hoft what Zeal infpire thy Soul ! Thus having faid, he vanifh'd from his Eye, And fwift remounted to th' empyreal Sky. Silent the Warrior ftood in deep Amaze, Struck with the Words, and dazzled with the Blaze. At length composed, revolving in his Mind, The Sent, the Sender and the Charge injoin'd, If he before to end the War defir'd, With burning Zeal now all the Heroe's fir'd : Nor yet vain Glory touched his humble Breaft To find that Heav'n prefer'd him to the reft, His Will grew ardent in the Will fiipreme, As the faint Spark glows fiercer in the Flame. HE fends around his Couriers with Commands T' invite the Leaders of the Chriftian Bands, (Not fcatter'd far they lay) to meet in arms , And thefe intreats, and thofe by Counfel warms : All that allures the Soul of gen'rous Kind, Or wakes the fleeping Virtue of the Mind, The Chief employs j his Words, with artful Eafe, Force ev'ry Breaft, and while they force theypleafe. Now Book I. Taffos Jerufalem. n Now came the Princes at their People's Head (Sole of the Number Eoemondo ftay'd) The Hofts divide ; Tortofa Part contains, Part pitch their Tents around the circling Plains : Upon a folemn Day, in awful State, The Chiefs conven'd, a glorious Synod, fate 9 Godfrey majeftick riling o'er the reft With Voice fonorous thus the Peers addreft : WARRIORS of God ! to whom his Choice has giv'n **- T' aflert the violated Rights of Heav'n, Safe in his Aid thro' many a deathful Day, Safe thro' the Dangers of the watry Way You ftill have paft ; and, when the rolling Sun Has fcarce five times his annual Circle run, Thro' various Nations led your focial Pow'rs, And humbled to the Lord their hoftile Tow'rs, High mid the Realms his conqu'ring Banners rear'd, And taught his hallow'd Name to be rever'd. We left not, as I judge, our natal Plain, Our Wives, our Children, all the tender Train, B z Nor jferufakm. Book L Nor thro 5 rough SeavS unnumber'd Perils bore, Nor dar'd fierce Battel on a foreign Shore, o ' To win of empty Fame a vulgar Sound, Or take Pofleffion of a barb'rous Ground ; Mean were that Prize, our Labours worfe than vain Our Blood to lavifh, and our Souls to ftain. Ne'er to defift was once the Voice of all, 'Till we furmounted Sion*s facred Wall, Freed from unworthy Bonds the Chriftian Throng, Who groan beneath unfufferable Wrong, And^ rais'd in Pale/line a new Domain, Where Piety fincere in Peace may reign, Where the faint Pilgrim may devoutly bow O'er the Great Tomb, and pay the holy Vow. Slight is the Praife our former Deeds may boaft, Tho' hard the Labours, yet thofe Labours loft, If now in Sloth we fpend th' una&ive Hours, Or from our firft Deftgn divert our Pow'rs. In vain we {hook proud Afia with Alarms, AflernbPd Europe ', fet a World in arms, If dire Deftru&ion be the Fruit alone, Not Empires rais'd, but Empires overthrown. Unhappy Book I. Taffos Jerufakm. ' Unhappy He ! whom fond Ambition fways, A feeble State on human Props to raife, His Friends but few, upon a foreign Ground, Unnumbered Unbelievers fwarming round, Where he no Truft in faithlefs Greece can reft, And diftant fees the Succours of the Weft ; Soon will his Labours in the Duft be fpread, And the vaft Ruin crufh the Builder's Head. Turks^ Per/tans vanquifti'd ! Antiochia won I Heroick A&s and worthy of Renown ! Not ours indeed 'twas Heav'n the Pow'r beftow'd, Thofe wondrous Conquefts were the Ats of God : Should we Heav'n 's Gifts, thro' mad Ambition blind, Employ to other Ends than Heav'n defign'd, I fear, O much I fear, in fiich a Wrong Th' Eternal Vengeance would not (lumber long ; Of God unfriended all our Glories grow The Scorn and Fable of the Pagan Foe. By Heav'n's immortal Pow'r, let none profane His Grace divine, nor make his Bounties vain ; Let all our Deeds in one great Tenour run, And end with Glory as they firft begun. While 14 tfajffis Jerufakm. Book L While now the Seafon calls us forth to arms. While ev'ry Road is fafe from hoftile Harms, Why hafte we not, when fair Occafion fmiles, To Sion^ glorious Term of all our Toils ? Chiefs, I pronounce, and to my Words give ear, Thou prefent, and ye future Ages, hear ! Hear all ye bleft Inhabitants of Heav'n ! *Tbe 'Time to free Great Solima is givn : Rife then, ye Peers, fecure of Conqueft, rile, If we delay, uncertain is the Prize \ My Soul prefages, if our Arms are flow, ^Egyptian Aid will reinforce the Foe. HE faid. A fhort-liv'd Murmur ftraitwas heard : Sage Peter then his rev'rend Figure rear'd, (Firft Author of the War) and thus began With Accent mild the folitary Man. WHAT Godfrey moves, O Peers, I too advife, For Truth refiftlels fpeaks his Counfel wife, Do you approve with well-confenting Mind, And let me add what yet remains behind. If I mif-iudp-e not, the commutual Hate. j> fj j ' The fierce Contention and the vain Debate, a The Book L Taffos Jerufalem^ 15 The ftubborn Will, relu&ant to obey, The Conqueft broken in the middle Way, Are Ills which to one common Spring you ow'd, (Spring of all Motion 'gainft the publick Good) That balanc'd Pow'r to various Men affign'd Of different Counfel and unequal Mind. Where One is not, from whofe fuperior Will Derives the legal Pow'r to punifh ///, Good to reward, and with impartial Hand Point each his Toil or Station of Command, There muft Confulion ever vex the State, Be wife then Warriors and one Head create, To him let all the friendly Members join, His Pleafure guide 'em and his Will confine, On One the Scepter and the PowY beftow, A King in Empire, as a King in Show. HE ceas'd. What Ear, O Voice divine ! can be, O holy Fire ! what Bofom, barr'd to thee ? By thee infpir'd each Word, a Flame-like Dart, Found eafy Paflage to the Hearer's Heart, Inborn Ambition, ev'ry Swell of Pride, At thy Rebuke, in ev'ry Breaft fubfide j 1 6 Ta/fis Jertifakm. Book L oj Guelpho^ moft refpe&ed Pair, Loud name Goffredo Leader of the War. The reft aflent ; To him the Pow'r they yield To call the Council, to dire& the Field, Laws to impofe on Realms fubdu'd by Arms, And guide the Progrefs of the War's Alarms ; His Peers obedient to his fov'reign Sway Confent to follow where he points the Way. FAME (bars aloft and on her bufy Wings The Tydings inftant to the Nations brings. Forth comes the Chief, th' admiring Hofts approve, Loud Acclamations ihake the Realms above j He with Benevolence and Look ferene Receives th' Applaufes of his fhouting Train, To each fond Shew of duteous Zeal replies, Then bade, when Morn fhould purple o'er the Skies, In fep'rate Bodies to divide the Band, And ev'ry Chief his fev'ral Pow'r command. Now rofe the Sun, and with unuiual Ray Bright and ferene o'er Heav'n diffused the Day. Forth iflues from the Camp the martial Train Beneath their Enfigns to th* appointed Plain, a Rang'd \ Book L Taffb s Jerufakm. 17 Rang'd in fair Order the Battalions fhine In polifh'd Arms, a long-extended Line : The Gen'ral plac'd, the marftial'd Hofts beheld, Move on in Rank, and ftretch around the Field. OH Memory ! Time's and blanc Oblivion's Foe, Who treafur'ftFa&s and giv'ft the World to know, Open thy Stores, that I may thence proclaim What Hofts, what Chiefs to refcue Sion came, Refound and brighten all their antient Praife, Now mute and foil'd by a long Trat of Days j And let my Verfe exalt each mighty Name To ftiine eternal on the Sphere of Fame. The LIST of the FORCES. THEIR Colours firft the gallant French unbind, And ftretch the golden Lily to the Wind. From that fair IJle whofe rich and ample Ground Four Rivers with circumfluent Streams (urround, Late their King's Brother, led the chofen Pow'r, Now wrapt in Death he heard of Wars no more ; C His 1 8 Faffos Jerufakm. Book L His Troops their Standard under Clotaire bring, Clotaire in all things, but the Name, a King : All clad in pond'rous Arms, a valiant Band, A thoufand Spears obey the Chief's Command. Equal in Force to thefe the Normans came, In Looks, in Genius, Arms and Skill the fame ; To Roberfs Conduct truft the martial Train, Who o'er their Country ftretch'd his native Reign. Two Paftors of the People next appear, Blamelefs Gulielmo^ and good Ademar y Whofe pious Hands before the facred Shrine Had pra&is'd long the Miniftry divine j Now to fierce War the zealous Priefts repair, The pondrous Helmets prefs their Length of Hair: Thefe head the Troops, Orangia\ City yields, And thofe who plough the beauteous Pavian Fields j Four Hundred Horfemen own each Leader's Care^ Dextrous alike in ev'ry Turn of War. THEN Baldwin the bold Boulogniam led, His own, and thofe his Brother us'd to head, Since He, now Chief of Chiefs, unrival'd ftands, And all obfequious wait his high Commands. Garnutfs Book I. Taffos Jemfakm. . 19 CarnutPs Standard next was feen to rife, A Man in Action bold, in Council wife j Four hundred Warriors to the Plain he guides, But o'er twelve hundred Baldwin prefides. Now to the Field his Banner Guelpho bore, For Honours much renown 'd, for Virtue more. He by his Latin Sire from Efte fprung, Boafts a lure Line of Anceftors and long ; But German in Dominion and in Name, The mighty Chief the Guelphian Records claim. He ruPd Carinthia and the Lands that join Faft on the Banks of Ifler and of Rhine, Where dwelt the antient Swave and Rhetian Line. j The Mother's Dow'r devolving to the Son, The Son augmented by vaft Conquefts won 5 Thence brought a Race, who prodigal of Breath Undaunted dare the grizly Front of Death j In warm Retreats they fhun the wintry Blaft, And grace with joyous Song the genial Feaft : . Five thoufand once, now fcarce a third they tell, The reft, by Perfian Swords, in Battle fell. C z A 20 TaJJos Jemfakm. Book I A Nation next their Standard raised in Air, White was their Skin, and fla^n was their Hair, Whom France, Germania, and the Sea furround, 1 Where the J/0///