', -. 3HKJ ^ mutts 0f (tmtfraie. mi. VISIONS OK TUNDALK: KH.-KTIIKK WITH METRICAL MORALIZATIONS AND OTHER FRAGMENTS OF EARLY POETRY HITHERTO INEDITED. EDINBURGH: THOMAS G. STEVENSON 87, PRINCES STREET. M.nCCC.XLIIT. IV DEDICATION. from your correspondence, and the admiration which I feel for your great book-chivalry. It is truly grate- ful to turn from the cold and selfish utilitarianism of the world around us, to the sympathies of such as delight in retracing the paths of time, and revelling in the umbrageous pastures of antiquity. And when to the union of taste and means is superadded an inclination to follow, and a judgment to regulate, the pursuits which they mutually command, the for- tunate possessors of such may rejoice in a position alike rare and enviable. To that category of favoured mortals you, my dear Sir, have the happiness to be- long ; so, without further intruding on your patience, or diverting your time from matter more attractive, allow me, in the words of our Northern Poet, to say, " Adieu, dear EYTON ! life and health, And store of literary wealth !" I am, Your's, most sincerely, W. B. D. D. TURNBULL. i, 2;"5, (iuKAT KING Si THE FEAST OK THE EPIPHANY, 1843. TOWARDS the close of 1837, my friend Mr. David Laing and I printed for private circulation a SHIM 11 volume of early poetry of the 13th and 14th centu- ries, of which the impression was so excessively re- stricted, that the book is now, and must ever be, of the utmost rarity.* The largest portion of that, to collectors, very eximious opuscule, contained the legend of Owain Miles ; in the initiatory remarks to which Mr. Laing, referring to cognate works on the fiction illustrated by that poem, makes mention of the ' Visions of Tundale, 1 contained in the MS. to be immediately noticed, as worthy of publication. A concurrence in opinion has induced me, after an interval not of absolute idlesse, to fulfil an intention * Owain Miles, and other Inedited Fragments of Early English Poetry, in 8vo. Impression, Thirty-two copies. > ' vi INTRODUCTION. then proposed ; and accordingly the present volume, devoted to the preservation of antique vorsicles, commences with the marvellous narrative so selected and approved. The manuscript whence these Visions of Tundale and the remaining articles are selected, is a small 4to volume of the loth century, preserved in the Advocates 1 Library, (Jac. V. 7, 27,) consisting of 216 folios. It was from this same MS. that Mr. Weber printed the " Huntyng of the Hare" in his Collection of Metrical Romances. Tundale occupies folios 98-157 inclusive. Of this legend, so popular in the middle ages, many versions, both in prose and in verse, exist in divers languages. I am not aware, however, of any one in English having been heretofore printed. An- other MS. with very inconsiderable variations, exists in the Cottonian Collection, (Caligula, A. ii.) and contains 2170 lines. The following of the printed Visions, all in prose, appear most worthy of notice : The earliest with a date bears that of 1473, and was printed at Augsburg in 1473, in folio. Its title is " Das puch der pein der selen imd von den freuden d'erwelten, und ist zu latein genant Visio Tundali. zu teutsch die gesicht Tundali." 1 A copy occur in Thorpe's Catalogue for 1840, No. 2077. OIK- bear- ing the date of 1472, but which is a misprint for 1482, was printed at Antwerp by Van der Goes, in 4to. 3Ltit (BrOti). Also, by an unknown printer, at Hertogenbosch, or I3ois-le-Duc, in 1484, and at Delf in I4i>4, both in 4to. Another, wiihotit place or date, hut from tin- press of Key.-, i- ;ii KirhM.-i.lt. about I47"). h:is tli< title " Incipit libellus de raptn anhn;e Tnndali ct -ju< visions, tractans dc penis inl'erni ct irandiis paridisi." It is in 4to. in (lothie letter, and embellished \\itli 20 quaint woodcuts. With the same title, also in 4t<>, and in (MM hie leticr. ;\nd having ncitlu-r ]>lace nor date, an .-dition was printed l.y Tlicrhocrnen at Cologne. Of this a full account may be seen in the BiMiothtca fytenceri- IV. p. 31. Besides the Althor])c copy, a very fine one exists in the library of Mr. (ircnville, and another is mentioned in Thorpe's Catalogue for 1838, No. 37G4. " Uon Tondalo de ritter auss Hybernia eyn wuder- lich geschicht, etc. 4to. Gothic letter, with wood- cuts ; at Augsburg, by Zeisscninair, in 1404; and again at the same place, by Froschauer, in 1508, same size. In Thorpe's Catalogue for 1838, No. 3705, one without date, in 4to. is thus titled, " Hier beghint dat bouck van Tondalus Visioen, ende hoe liii siele wt sinen lichame genomen was, ende hoe hii weder on lenendich wart. Antwerpen, by my (H>H- aert back." And in the same extensive bookseller's catalogue for 1840, No. 2970 is stated to be ,-m edition, sine nota, consisting of 15 leaves, an entire page containing 30 lines, with curious woodcuts, and apparently unknown to bibliographers. The latest which 1 have seen is in my own pos sion, of date 1570, and consists of 12 leaves in 4lo. viii INTRODUCTION. with strange cuts. The title-page is " Eenschoone Historie van Tondalus Visioen. Hoe ziin ziele wt ziin lichaem was dry daghen ende dry nachten, ende hoe hy weder leuende wert. T'Hantwerpen, by Pau- wels Stroobant, inde Cammerstrate, inden witten Hasewindt." The Visions of Tundale are also contained in the Sanctilogium Britannie of John of Tynemouth, (MS. Cott. Tiberius, E. i.) and in the Speculum Historiale of Vincent of Beauvais. They also exist in MS. in Magdalen College, Oxford, N. 53. Concerning the Purgatory of the blessed Saint Patrick, the fullest account will be found in the " Florilegium" of Messingham. The oldest poem is presumed to be that of Marie de France, " Le Purgatoire de Saint Patrice," written about the com- mencement of the 13th century, and analysed by Le Grand D'Aussy, vol. v. p 93, third edition. The following curious notice of this storehouse of marvels, occurs in the delightful Chronicles of Froissart. I use the charming translation of Lord Berners.* " On the Friday in the mornyng Sir Wyl- liani Lyslo and I rode together, and on the waye I dcnmimded of hym yf ho had been with the kynge in the woyage into Irelande. He answered mo yes. Than I demaunded of hym the nmin-r of the hole that is in In-landc. railed Savnt Patrvkis purgatorie, if it wen- tivwe that was sayde of it or not. Than he sayde, that <>f a suretie surhe a hole then- was. and that he Imnselfe and another knyirht of Ku<:- Vol. ii. p. 610. o,l. 1818. INTBODUOTION. ix lande luiddo IOM tln-ro \\hylr tin- k\Mir' lay- .'it Duuelyn, and sayd howo they entred into tin- lioolc and were closet 1 in ut the sonne <:<>\ HL: d\\m-. and abode 4 then- all nyght, and tin 1 m-xt iMoniynir isim- M were spoken of. Than ho sayd, howe that whan he and his felowe were entred and past the -;it- tliat was called the purgatorie of Saynt Patryke, and that they were discended and gone down thre or four paces, discending downe as into a cellar, a cer- tayn hoote wapure rose agaynst them, and strake so into their heedes, that they were fayne to syt doune on the stares, whiche are of stone ; and after they had sytte there a season, they frade great desyre to slepe, and so fell aslepe, and slepte there all nyght. Than I demaunded that if in their slepe they knewe where they were, or what visyons they had. He answered me, that in slepyng they entred into great ymaginacyons and in marvelyous dremes, otherwyse than they were wont to haue in their chambres : and in the mornynge they issued out, and within a shorte season clene forgate their dremes and visyons, wherfore he sayde he thought all that mater was but a fantasy. Than I lefte spekyng any further of that matter, by cause I wolde fayne haue knowen of hym what was done in the voyage in Irelande." Among many other books on the subject of this saint's Purgatory, may be noticed, " Bouillon, (F.) Histoire de la vie et du Purgatoire de S. Patrice Archevesque et Primat d'Hybernie," Avignon, INTKODTCTION. L2mo, and Lyons, 1074, 12mo. Also " Le Voyage du Puvs Saint Patrix, auquel lieu on voit les peines du Purgatoire et aussis les joyes de Para- dis, Lyons, 1506, 4to." Of all the purgatorial legends, the oldest appears to be that pf the visions of St. Fursey. These are briefly abstracted in Cressy's Church History of Brittany, p. 354, and in that of the venerable Bede, Vol. I. p. 199, (ed. English Historical Society) from the several Latin accounts of it existing in manuscript ; but a very interesting account in Anglo- Saxon, preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Jim. No. 23, fol. 48, has recently been printed in the Reliquiae Antiques of Messrs. Wright & Halli- well, I. 276, a miscellany of more intrinsic value than many others of greater pretension. The illustration to Tundale, which forms the frontispiece to this volume, is another of those exer- cises of friendship for which 1 have so often been indebted to Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq. who always increases the value of his favours by the delicacy with which he confers them. The remaining contents of this volume are 1. Tin-: TRENT ALLE OF SAINT GREGORY. See in Butler's Lives of the Saints, under March 12, the >ie germ of this story. T rentals Tor departed M>ul>: are u ually tiTined Gregorian masses, after hi Holine 3. In the Cotton MS. Caligula, A. ii. (Jo, (I. is a ditten nt version, commencing " A nobull story wry to Y fymlo. A popo lie wrote to hain- \ n mimic." INTBODUOTION. d 2,3,4. MOK \I.IX.MIo\s. <>r metrical <-\|.Mt i,, ns oil thivr (jT'-at festivals nt' tlic Cliurrli. tin- ( 'ir cumcision of our Lord, tin- Kpipham. and tin- 1'iin fication of our Messed Lady. 5. THE INCARNACION : consisting of Knirlish and Latin alternate rhymes. 6. ECCE ANCILI.A DOMINI: a hymn nn tin- AII nunciation of our Lady. 7. ATE REGINA OELOBDM : a hymn in honour of our Lady. 8. THE MASSE: in praise of the great Christian sacrifice, and rules for conduct thereat. 9. THAT PES MAY, STOND : a pious effusion on the then distracted state of the country. 10. VERBUM CARD FACTUM EST : on the won- drous composite unity of God and Man. 11. The volume appropriately terminates with " DEO GRACIAS," a sweetly flowing song of humblr gratitude, setting forth the duty of thankful expres- sion to Almighty God for all his mercies, " which endure for ever." Albeit the structure of these various verses is ex- tremely rude, they will, to a reflective mind, prove neither barren nor unfruitful in moral suggestions. They are quiet homelists. Whoso can, had better to them, (as the marginal memoranda of the MS. repeatedly admonish), IHESU Cryst Lord off myghtis most Fader and Son and Holy Gost Grant hem alle thi blessyng That lystenyght me to my endyng Yf ye that her ben wyll a whyle dwell Sechen a sampull Y wyll yow telle That he that woll hit vndurstand In hart he schall be full dredand For hys synnis yf he woll drede 10 And clanse hym her of his mysdede In Yrlond byfyll sum tyme this case Sethyn God dyeyd and from deythe arase Aftyr that tyme as ye may here A thowsand and a hondryt here And nyn wyntur and fovrty As it hys wretyn in tho story I woll yow tell what befell than In Yrlond of a rych man Tvndale was is ryght name 20 He was a man of wykud fame He was ryche ynow of ryches But he was poore of all gudnesse 1 TUNDALE. 30 40 He was ay full of trychery Of pride of yre and of envy Lechery was all his play And gloteny he loved ay He was full of covetyse And euer slovthe in Goddis servyce Noo warkis of mercy wold he worch He lovyd neuer God ne holy chyrch With hym was neuer no charyte He was a mon with owton pyte He loued well iogelars and lyers He mayntyinod ay mysdoers He louyd ay contakt and stryve Ther was non holdyn wors on lyf Yett wold not God is sowle tyne For he hit boghtte from hell pyne For his mersy passud all thynge But Tvndale had an hard warnyng For as he in his transyng lay His sowle was in a dredeful way Ther hit saw mony an howge payn Ar hit come to the body agayn In purgatory and in helle As he saw he cowthe well telle But how he had a hard fytt Yf ye woll here ye may whytt Tvndale had frendys full mony But he was full of trichery Of his maners mony had dred For he was lythur in word and dede Throw ocur wold he syluer Icyn For nyne schyllyng he wold have ten TUNDALE, For frystyng wold he ociu t.ik. And nothyng leyn for Got Id is sake When he sold his maivhandyse He sold ay drrur tlian ryghtfull prise He wold gyve dayes for his best 60 But he sold the derur for the fryst Tundale he went vpon a day To a mon to ascon his pay For thre horsis that he had sold For the whych the pennys wer vntold That mon hym preyd of respyte Vn to a day the deyt to quytte And proferud hym sykernes by othe Anon he grucchud and waxyt wrothe For he had not evon tho pay 70 But thratte hym fast and made gret aray But Tundale was bothe quynte and whys He sette the horsis to full hye prise For he had no pay in honde To hym the mon in scripture hym bonde The mon spoke to hym curtesly And broghtte hym owt of is malycoly He sobort his hart that was so greyt And made Tundale dwell at tho meytt And when he was seytt and seruyd well 80 A greytt evyl he began to fele At the fyrst mossel soo syttand He myghte not well lefte vp his hond He cryed lowde and changyt chere As he had felud dethe nere To the weyf of the howse than callud he Leve dame he seyd for charyte TUNDALE. Loke me my sparthe vvher that he stande That Y broughtt with me in my hande And helpe me now hethon awey 90 For Y hope to dye this same day So hardo with evyll am Y tane That strenthe in me fell Y nane For now my hart so febull Y fele Y am but dede Y wot full wele A Jhesu Cryst Y aske the mercy For can Y now non oder remedy Ryght as he schuld ryse of that stede Anon in the flore he fell don dedde Tho that wer his frendys by sybbe 100 Herd of that cause that hym bytydde Thei comyn to hym with hart sore And saw Tundale lygge dedde in the flore For hym wer the bellis yrongge And placebo and dyrge sone y-songe All his cloths wer of hym tane He lay cold dedde as any stun But of ^he lyft syde of Tundale Was sum wat warme the veyne quale Wherfor sum hyld hym not all dedde 110 For why thei had hym not fro that sted But sty 11 as a dedde mon ther he lay From mydday of that wenusday Tyl the setturday after the none By than wyst Tundale what he had done Then h<- lay dedde as ye han hard But heris now h<>\\ is sowle fard Wen Tnndale fell don sodenly The L r <>st departed smr from the l.ody TUNDALE. As SOne as tin- laxly was dedde l - Tho so\\l- \\;is s He wend to a hyn dainpnyd ay to pyne And ncii(>r a coin to the body agayiu For the synnis that the body dyd That myght not ther be laft nor hydde He had leuer then almydyl erde Ha ben agayne so was he i'crd But sum had more and sum had lasso J l' asslls 130 As tho story beyrthe wytnesse As the gost stod in gret dowte He saw comyng a full loddly rowte Of fowle fendys ay grennyng And as wyld wolfis thei cam rampyng He wold a flown from that syght But he wyst neuer whyder he myght This fowle fendys cam to hym ther The sowle for ferd made drury chyr And that was full lytull wondor 140 He went to a byn ryvon asonder Thei wer so loghtly on to loke Hym thoghtte the eyrthe vnder hym schoke ' Her bodys wer bothe black and fowle Full gryssly con thei on hym gowle Her ynee wer brode and brannyng as fyr All thei wer full off anger and yre Her mowthis wer wyde thei gapud fast The fyre owt of her mowthis thei cast Thei wer full of fyr with in 150 Her lyppis honget byneythe her cliynne 6 TUNDALE. Her tethe wer long tho throtus wyde Her tongis honged owt full syde On face and hondis thei had gret nayles And grette homes and atteryng taylys Her naylis were kene as grondon styll Scharpur thyng myght no man fyll Of hem cam the fowlest stynk That any erthyly mon myght thynk With her naylys in that plas lfi o Ychon cracched other in the face Thei faghtton ycheon with oder and stryvon And ychon oder all to ryvon Hit was a wonder grysely syght To see how thei weryn all y-dyght In tho word was no mon alyve That cowthe so grysely a syghth dyscryve Full grymly thei on hym staryd And all at onis thei cryd and rored And seyd gow abowte we yond wykyd gost 170 That hath ey don owre counsel most And syng we hym a song of deyd For he hathe wroght after owre red Thei vmlapud the soule abowte And crendon and mad an hugy schowt And seyd thou synfull wrecchyd wyght In hell a styd is for the dyght For thou art now owre owne fere Thou art deythis doghtter dere And soo to tho fyr with owttyn endo 180 And to darknes art thou frend And to all lyght art thou foo ThfHor with vs srhult thou goo TUNDALE. This his thi iV-lyschyp thou raytvil' That thou chase to the in tlii Ivtt'r Thi-rlor with vs sehald thou \\cudr To dwell in hell \\itho\\tou cnde Thou hast y-byn bothe fals and fykyll And thou hast seyd fals sclandor mykyll Thou louedyst, stryft nyght and day 19 And thou and we lovyd ay Thou hast y-lovyd myche lechery And myche thou hast vsud voutry Pryde envy and covetys Gloteny with all oder vys Why wolddust not thou leyve thi trechery Whyle thou levedust and was myghty Wher his now all thi vanyte Thi ryches and thi grette mayne Wher is thi pompe and thi pryde 200 Thi wyckydnes may thou not hyde Wer is thi streynthe and thi myght And thi hornys soo gayly dyght Wher is thi gold and thi tresour Wher is thi catell and thi stor That thou wendyst schuld neuer the fayll And now may all hit not the avayle Thou louyst neyuer God nor holy chyrch Noo warkys of mercy woldyst worch All the gud that in tho erthe is 210 Nor all the matens ne all the masse Myght not help the from the peyn of hell Fer eyuer mor ther in to dwell That wykked thoyght that was in thi brest Woldyst thou neuer schowe it to no presto 8 TUNDALE. Wreche thou thar not calle nor crye Thou \u-ndust with vs withowton mercy Ther the gost stod hit was darke as nyght But sone he saw a sterre full bryght Tundale fast that sterre beheld 220 Full wyll comfortud he hym feld Throw tho vertu of his creatur He hopeyd to geyte sum socur That was the angell to beton is bale The whych was emer of Tundale The angell sone with Tundale mett And full mekely he hym grette He spake to hym with myldde chere Tundale he seyd wat dost thou here When Tundale herd hym his name call 230 And saw hym bryght schynyng with all He was fayn and began to crie And seyd swete fader mercy These fowle fendys for my mysdede To tho fyr of hell thei wold me lede Then onsweryd the angell bryght And seyd to the drefull wyght Fader and lord thou callust me now \Vhy woldyst thou not er to me bow Y was thi ycmer evon and moron 240 Seython thou was of thi moder boron Thou woldyst neyuer to me take tent Nor to non of myn thou woldyst not sent Tundale seyd and sykyd sore Lord Y saw the ncucr before r m-iier mvglit Y hen- tin- Inwde nor styll Therfnr v\ li Y not .f' tin wyll Tt'NDALK. ii The anirrll that \vas of pvt invirht Chasyd \von that was -i t'owlr \vyrlit ( )t' all that f'owlc company -""' Thi'V seined non soo vnirdly Tundalr he scyd this is he That thou dyddyst know and not me After liyin tliou hast ulway wroght But in me try sty s thou ryght noght But Goddis mercy schall the save All thaff thou servydyst non to have But Y woll welle that thou wytte The behovyt fyrst an hard fyght Than was Tundale full glad 260 But he was after full hard bystad For he saw peynis greyt and strong And sum of hem was he among Well he cowthe tell yche a peyn When he come to the body ageyn Tundale ther out the angell hym drowgh For hym thoght he had drede ynow When that he saw tho fendys felle That he schuld not goo with hem to hell Thei began to rore and crye 270 And sclanderyd the God all myghty And seyd thou art not tru Justyce Thou art fals and vnryght wysse Thou seydust thou schuldust reward sone Ylke mon after that he hathe done (ITnttttt^ue sstentnlwm opug 0uum efc.) Tundale is owris with skyll and ryght For he hathe saruyd hits day and nyght 10 TUNDALE. Full wykydly has he levyd longe Yf we leyf hym thou dost hus wronge 280 Thei rorud and crydon so wer thei woo That Tundale schuld wend hem froo Ychon faght and with oder dyd stryve And with her naylys her chekys dyd ryve So fowle a etynke as thei cast than Feld neuer before yrthely man Then seyd the angell to hym at the last Tundale com forthe and folow me fast Then seyd he and syknd full sore Lord than seyst thou neuer me more 290 Yf Y goo behynd the then am Y schent Thes fendys from the wold me hent And leyd me with horn to hell peyn Then getust thou me neuer ageyn Then seyd the angell have no drede Thei mey no wyse from me the lede As mony as the thynkuth semyth here Yet ar ther mo with naylys full nere Whylis that God is with vs bathe Thei may neuer do hus skathe 300 But thou may rede to defende the with In the profecy of Davyd [ CaUrnt a later* tuo mt'Uc rt Umm mt'Uia a rr*#trte U te aut*m turn appropmgualrit That th.-r srhall fall of tlii lyft syde A thousand fmdys in srhort tyde And of thi ry.irht svd<- snnand S.-hall fall also ten thousand TUNDALE. LI And non of linn srhall coin to the Bot with thi eyn thou schalt honi see 310 Thou schalt y-see or we too twynne What peynis fallyth for dyuerse synne When the angell had told his tale Throw an entre he lad Tundale That was darke they had no lyght But only of the angell bryght Thei saw a depe dale full marke Of that Tundale was full yrke When he hit saw he vgged sone A delfull dwellyng saw he thore 320 That depe dale fast he beheld A fowle stenke therof he feld Alle the grond that ther was semand Was full of glowyng colis brennand Ouer that colys yron lay Red glowand hit semud ay Four cubytis thyk hit was Tho heyte of the fuyr dyd throw pas That yron was bothe large and brad For full strong payn was hit mad 330 The heyte of the yron was more Then all the fuyr that was thore That fyr was euer ylyche brannyng And euer more strong lyke stynkyng Of that fyr com more stynk Then any erthely mon myght thynk And that was peyn to hym more Then all that he saw or he com thore Apon that yron as hit was seyd Fendys with the sowlis wer layd 12 TUNDALE. 31() And in that stynke dvd thei brenn<- And wer molton as wax in a pon Thei ronnon throw that yron in to the fyr both As hit wer wax throw a clothe Thei weron gederud and molton agayn And fro thes ther in to new payn Then seyd the angell to Tundale Her may thou see mykyll bale For euery mon is ordenyt this payn That fader and moder has bothe y-slayn 350 Or any oder throw cursyd red Or ben asentyd to any monis ded Off this geyte thei neuer reles For this peyn schall neuer ses In oder peyn yet schell thei be Then this that thow may herre see But of this peyn schall thou not fele And yett thou hast deservyd hit full welle Thei passyd from that peyn And comyn to a greyt montteyn ^ pas sus 360 That was bothe gret and hye Theron he hard a delfoll crye Alle that ton syde was semand Full of smoke and fyr brennand That was bothe darkc and wan And stank of pyche and brymston On that toder syde myght he know (ii- t was theforst and snow And thT with givt wyndus blast And oder stormcs that folowyn fast ;i " lie saw thcr inoiiv i'didvs f'rllr And herd lioin I<>!' yron \vand \\'itli lioin tln-i dro\\yn and putton 1'nl son- The wnrrhyd smvlvs that thcr wore Owt of that fyr thei ronnr hoin dra\\- And putton hoin into the cold sn>\\ And seython in to th<> lyr airaync Thei putton horn in to oder pcym- 380 Her peyn was tornod mony folde Now in hotte now in cold Then seyd the angell that was so bryght This peyn is for thefus dyght And for horn that robry makis Or agayn incnnis wyll her gnddis taki- Or throw falsehed any mon begylys Or wynnyght mennis gude with wykyd wylys Whet thei hadon seyn that wykyd torment Furdur more yette thei went iiij passus 390 The angell ay before con pas And Tundale after that sore aferd \\ Thei hyldon ey forthe the way Tyll thei come to another valay That was bothe dyppe and marke Of that syght was the sowle yrke In erthe myght non deppur be To the grond thei myght not see Aswowyng of hem thei hard ther in And of cryyng a delfull dyn 400 Owt of that pytte he feld comand A fowle smoke that was stynkand Bothe of pycche and of brynston And ther in sowlys brent mony won 14 TUNDALE. That peyn hym thoght well more semand Then all the peynys that he beforyn fand That peyn passyd all oder peynis That pyt stod betwene two monteynis Ouer that pyt he saw a bryge Fro the ton to tho toder lygge 410 That was of a thowsand steppys in leynthe to rede And scarsly of won ffotte in brede All quakyng that brygge euer was Ther myght no mon ouer hyt passe Leryd nor lewyd maydon ne wyff But holy men of perfyt lyff Mony sowlys he saw don falle Of that brygge that was so smalle He saw non that brygge myght passe But a prest that a palmer was 42 A palme in his hond he had And in a slaveyn he was clad Ryght as he on erthe had gon He passyd ouer be hym selue alon Then seyd the sowle to that angell tho Y was neuer er soo wo Wo is me Y not how to passe So sor adred neuer er Y wasse The angell seyd to Tundale ryght Drede the noght her of this syght 430 This payn schalt thou schape full well But oder peyn schalt thou fell This peyn is ordeynyd full grevos For prowd men and bostus TUNDALE. 15 The angell tokc hym be the hond swythe v passus And hid hym ouor than was he blythe Yette went thei foryt bothe to geyder But the sowle wyst neuer wydcr Be a longe wey of greyt merknes As the story beryth wyttenes 440 Thei passyd that and coom to lyght But he saw then an hogy syght He saw a best that was more to knaw Then all tho monteynis that thei saw And his ynee semyd yette more And bradder then the valeyys wore In all his mowthe that was so wyde Nyne thowsand armyd in myght ryde Betwene his toskys that were so longe Too greyt gyandys he saw honge 450 The hed of the ton hyng donward And the toder is hed stod vp ward In myddys his mowthe stodon on yche syde Too pylers to hold hyt vp wyde Tho pylers weron sette on sere wyse In his mowthe wer thre partyse As thre gret yatys that opon stode Gret flamys of fyr owt of hym yode And ther with come al so fowle a stynke As tong myght tell or hert thynke 460 Thei hard ther a dylfull dyn Of mony thowsand sowlys with yn Gowlyng and gretyng thei hard within among Wei a way was euer her song Lowd thei hard hem crye and yell Hor sorow myght no tong tell Befor that bestys mowthe was sene Mony thowsand of fendys kene ti TL'XDALE. That hyed hem with inyght and inayne Tho wrecchyd sowlys to dryve to payin- 470 With brennyng baelys thei hem dong And with hem droffe to peynis strong When Tundale had that best y-seen And th<> wvkyd gostys that wer so kene Tundale spake full delfully When he hard that hydos crvc And seyd than to that angell bryght What bytokenyth this hydos syght The angell onswerud hym anon This last is called akyron 480 And ther throw byhouyth the to wend Yf we schull goo owre way to the end Non from this peyn may passe quyte But cleyne men of lyffe perfyte This hogy best as Y the kenne . His sette to swolo couetows men That in erthe makyght hit prowd and towghe And neuer wenon to have ynowghe But euer coueton more and more And that hor sowlys forthynkon sore 490 In tho profecy hit is wryton thus That a best schall swolcwo the covetows fiumrn rt non m train tut* et 4Ffructam guoU tnfluat SfovHanujBi in So muche thurst hathe that best That nil tin- \\atrr most and lest That CIKT ran <-st or west Myght not stain-h*' thr lu-stys tliur>t Tr.NDALK. 17 Ther for hr is rody y-dyght Namely for yche a covetows wyght 500 That wenon neuer ynow to linvr Ne holden horn payd nor vochcn saffe That God horn sent of his gran- Therfor thei schen sey alas alas For ay the more that thei han free Tho more covetows a mon may hem see The gyand^s that thou syst with ee Hongyng betwene his toskis so hye Goddys law wold thei not knowe But thei wer trew in hor own la we 510 Of whom tho namis wer callud thus That ton hyght Forcusuo and that toder Con- allus Alas quod that sowle suche peyn have thay Wheder thei schull neuer thennis away Quod the angell the falon no glee And in erthe seche thast thou ybe When he had seyd this ther thei yode And byfor the best bothe thei stode But that was agayn Tundale is wylle The angell vaneschyd and he stod stylle 520 No wonder was thaw he had drede The fowle fendys comyn gud spede Thei token hym and bowndyn hym fast With ynne that best thei connen hym cast A whyle with in he most dwell Ther was he beyton with fendys fell With kene lyonis that on hym gnowo And dragonis that hym alto drowe 2 18 TUNDALE. With eddrys and snakus full of venym He was all to drawyn yche lym 530 Now he was in fyr brennand Now in yse fast fresand The terys of ynee two Thei brendon as fyr hym was full wo Strong stynke he feld of brymston He was in peynis mony won With his nalys in anger and stryfe Hys owne chekis he con alto ryfe Off yche synne that euer he dudde He was vpbraydud ther was non hudde 540 In grett wanhope was he ay He went neuer to have passyd away But sone he come owt of that peyne He wyst not how he was full fayne Eyght now was he in full gret dowt And anon after was he withowt He lay a whyly as he wer deed And sone after he stod vp in that sted As he hym dressyd so syttande He saw an angell byforyn hym stande 550 He had comfort than of that lyght When he saw thys angell bryght The angell twoched sone Tundale And gaff hym strynthe than was he hale Then lovyd he God of his grace With terys sore gretand in that place He thus passyd that torment But forder more bothe thei went V J Anoder wey thei to con take Tyll thei com to an hydous lake TUNDALE 19 SCO That lake mad an hvdmis dymir Throw wawys of water tliat \\vnm \\itli yn- Tho wawys of that water roosas hye As any inon myght with is eo y-see Therin wer howgy bestys and fell That hydously con crye and yell Therin wer brondis and brandon bryght As brannyng lampis don on nyght On yche a syde thei waxud ay To swolovv sowlys that was ther pray 5 ?0 Ouer that lake then saw thei lygge A wonder long narow brygge Too myle of leynthe that was semand And scarsly of the bred of a hand Off scharpe pykys of yron and stell Hit was grevows for to fele Ther myght non passe by that brygge thare But yeff her feet wer hyrt sare The hydous bestys in that lake Drew nerre the brygge her pray to take 580 Off sowlows that fell of that brygge don To swolow hem thei wer ay bon Cryying and yellyng and gowlyng y-fere Tho noyse was wonder dredfull to here These hydous bestys wer wonder grette The sowlys that fell wer her mette Tundale saw the bestys all And fyr owt of her mowthe walle The fyr that he saw from hem faulland Made the water all hotte walland 590 He saw won stond on the brygge With a burden of corne on is rygge 20 TUNDALE. 600 610 620 Gretand with a dylfull crye And pleynud his synne full pytuysly The pykys his fett pykud full sore He dredyd the bestys mykyll mor That hym to slee wer ay bowne Yef that he had falle of the brygge don Tundale askyd the angell bryght What meneghth that hydous syght The angell onswerud thus ayayn For hym is ordeynyd this payn That robbyght men of hor ryches Or any gudys that herys is Lewd or leryd or holy kyrke Or any wrong to hem woll wyrk But sum haght more peyn and sum lase All aftur that her synnis his Sum reckys not wat thei deyre And woll not a kyrke for beyre Sum ar fekul and sum vnleylle Sum woll robbe and sum wol stell Thyng that to holy chyrche fallys Sacraleggi that men callys Thei that done wronge or vylony Within that sted of seynt wary Or within the sted of relegyon Maketh any dystruccion All schull thei here turment be In this peyn that thou may see And he that thou syst on the brygge stand With the schevis so sore gretand Fro holy chyrch he horn stale For thei \v-r t-ythe told by tale TUJNDALE. LM Therfor byes he hem full d-iv That dedc throw pryn that h<- ha^ht here Ouer the brygge schalt thou wend no\\< And with the lede a wyld cowc Loke thou lede her warly And be war yee fall not by 630 For wen thou art passyd thi pcyn Thou delyuer hur me agayn The behouys to lede huyr ouer alle For that thou the gossypis cow stale Than spake Tundale with drury chere A mercy Y aske my Lord dere Yf all Y toke hur ayaynis his wyll He had hur ayayn as hit was skyll That was soght quod that angell For thou myghttust not from hym hur stell 640 And for he had is cow agayn Thou schalt have the lesse payn Yche wyckyd dede more or lesse Schall be ponnyschyd after the trespas But God all myghty lykusse noght Nowder ell dede nor evyll thoght As Tundale stod that was ylle lykand The wylde cow was broght to is hand Maygrey in is chekys hym byhouyth nede To take the cow and forthe here lede 650 Hym thoght hit was to hym gret pyne But he myght not be ther agayn He dud the angell commandment By the homes the cow he hent He cheryschyd the cow all that he myght And to the brygge he leduth hor ryght 22 TUNDALE. 660 670 When he on the brygge was The cow wold not forther pas He saw the bestys in the lake Draw nerre the brygge her pray to take That cow had ner fall ouer that tyde And Tundale on that toder syde He was wonderly sor aferd than Of gret myscheffe vp than thei wan Thei passydon forthe that thoght hym hard Tyll thei come to the mydwarde Oder wylye he abouth oder wyle the cow Bothe the hadon sorow ynow Then mette thei hym that bare the corne Ther went thei bothe thei hadon ben lorne So narow then the brygge was That nowder myght for other pas To horn bothe hit was grette peyn For nowder myght ther turne ageyn Nor nowder dorst for all myddyl erd Loke byhynd hym so wer thei ferd The scharpe pykys that thei on yede Made hor feet sore to blede So that hor blod ran don that tyde In to that water on eyder syde He prayd Tundale of mercy That he wold lette hym passe by He seyd certus Y ne may For Y may not passe for the away Thei wepton sore gret dele ther was For nowder myght lette oder pas As Tundale stod with the cow in honde He saw the angell by for hym stond Tr.NDALE. The aiurrll lrorht hyin from that \v. And bad liviu Icttc tin- cow goo (i:l() And b<> of gud comford no\\ For thou schalt no more lode the cow Tundale schewyd his irtt tliat tlu-i wer sore And scyd lord Y may goo no more Then seyd the angell that hyin ladde Thynke how sore thi feett bledde Therfor dredfull is thi way And full grevous soghth to say Then towchyd he the feet of Tundal<> And as tyd was he all hale 700 Then seyd Tundale ablessyd be thou That Y am delyuered from peyn now A grette peyn abydys hus yette And that thow schalt sone y-wytte Fro that sted woll Y the not save That is full and more woll have And thyder now to wend behouyth the Ageynes that may thou not bee Tundale went forght as the boke says v jj pas sus Throw wyldernys and darke ways 710 He saw an hows hym ayayn Was more than any montayn As a novon that hows was mad But the mowthe therof was wyd and brad Owt of the mowthe the fure brast And fowle stynkyng lye com owt fast The lye was bothe grett and thro And start a thowsand fote ther fro The sowlys with howton that brene to noght That wykyd gostys thyder had broght 24 TUNDALE. 720 When Tundale had sen that syght He spake to that angell bryght Now goo we to a delfull stedde Yonder y-holde the yatys of dedde Who schall delyuer me from that sore Y wene to be ther for euer more Then seyd the angell gud Thou schalt be delyueryd from that styd Gret myght he hathe of Goddis grace That may delyuer me from that plas 730 Withynne yonde hows byhouyth the to wend But yonde lye schall the not schend When Tundale com that hows nere He saw mony a fowle bocchere Euyn in the mydward the fyre thei stond And scharp tolys in her hond Summe hade syculis knyuus and saws Summe had twybyll brodax and nawges Cultoris sythis kene wyt all Spytyll forkys the sowlys to fall Thei wer full lodly on to loke Summe had swerdys and summe hokes Summe gret axes in her hond That semyd full scharpe bytond Of that syght had he gret wonder How thei smyton the sowlis in sonder Summe stroke of the hed somme the thyes Summe armis summe leggis be the kneys Summe the bodyes in gobedys small Yetto ki-iu-ivd the sowlys to geder all And euer thei smoton horn to gobettis ageyn This thoght Tuiulalr a full grette peyn 740 750 Tl'NDALE. Then seyd Tundale to the ansHl tho Lord dclyuer mo from this woo Y" beseche yow that Y mey passe this care For sweche a peyn saw Y n< IK i- are And all oder turmentis that ben schyll Y woll suffur at yowre wyll Then seyd the angell to Tundale thus This peyn the thenke full hydous 760 But in this peyn byhouis the to be And eke in more that schalt thou see Of that peyn he thoght more aw Then of all tho peynis that euer he saw But sone ther after he saw thare A peyn that he thoght mare He saw an hydous hwond dwell With inne that hows that was full fell Of that hond grette drede he had Tundale was neuer so adrad 770 Wen he had seyn that syght He bysoght of that angell bryght That he wold lett hym away steyll That he com not in that fowle hell But the angell wold not for no thyng Grant hym his askyng The wykyd gostys that wer within Abowt hym com wyt gret dynne With hor tolys and with her geyre That he saw horn byfore beyre 780 Among horn thei tokyn Tundale And hewyd hym in gobettis smale He myght not dye for that peyn For he was sone hole ageyn 26 TUNDALE. The most mayster of that hows hyght Preston that was his name ryght He saw and hard wyle he was thare Gowlyng and gretyng and mykyll care The lye that he saw withowton passe Wastyd all that ther yn was 790 Ther was full delfull noyse and crye And hongur for gloteyne That all the sowlys that ther in wer Myght not stanche the appetyt there Tundale saw ther yn all soo Men and wemen that were full woo That peynud wer in her preuytys And all to gnawyn bytwene hor kneys He saw within that dongeon Mony men of relygeon That fowle wer of fowle venym Bothe withowttyn and withyn Strong venym on hem he saw And on euery lym beton and gnaw Tundale knewe summe ther full wyll That worthy wer that peyn to fele But he com sone owt of that peyn He wyst neuer how than was he fayn Then stodde Tundale in a darke stede That was callyd the cawdoron of drede As he satte his syght was dym He saw his angell by for hyin He seyd to the angyll alas Wher his the word that wry ton was That (Jnddys mercy schuld passe all thyng Here see Y ther of no thyng 800 810 TUNDALE. L>7 [JHtgm'tovDta Uamtm jrt* na **t terra *U.] Then ans\Yau Of whom Tundali' linl jrivtt n\\ viij TUNDALE. 29 That best was bothe folle and kene 880 And more than ho had euer y-sene Two grett wyngys that were blacke Stod on eyder syde on his backe Two fett wyth naylys of yron and stell He had that weron full scharpe to fell He had a long nekke and a smalle But the hed was gret with all The eyn were brode in his hed And all wer brannand as fyr red His mowthe was wyd and syde lyppud 890 JJys snowt was with yron typpud Fyr that myght neuer slakyd bee Owt of is mowthe com gret plentye That best sat evyn in myd ward A lake that was froson full hard That lake was full of gret yse Ther had sowlys full gret angwysse That best was bothe fell and gredy And swollod tho sowlys that wer redy And when the sowlys were ther yn 900 Ther wer thei peynod for her syn In strong fyr ther brand thei ay Too thei wer ner wastud away And than y-cast fro that peyn Tyll thei wer covert ayayn Then wax thei blacke and bloo For sorow and care and muche woo As wemen doght bothe meke and mylde When thei ben in beryng of chylde Thei playnod hem and seydon alas 910 Hard wer hor peynis for hor trespas TUNDALE. 920 930 940 For strong bytyng thei had with yn With wood edderys and oder venym That was with ynne hem gnawyng ay As thei among snakys lay When thei her tymys myght know and see Thei made hem sorow then gaynyd no glee They made suche dylle sothe to telle That noyse of hem fell neght to hell So dylfull a noyse was neuer hard Of men and wemen so thei fard But her tyme behouys hem to kepe When the edders schulld owt of hem crepe Noght only throw prevy place But throw ylke a lym maketh her trace Throw hed and feyt backe and syde Throw armis and leggys thei con glyde Throw wombe and brest thei wer crepand And throw ylk a ioynt that thei fand Their crepud owt all attonis Thei sparud neyder flesse nor bwonis Tho eddres wer full gret and longe With hedys of yron that wer full stronge Thei had mowthys of fyr glowand And glowand tongis owt schetand Her naylys wer bothe gret and longe All kene hokys wer ther honde Whan the vermyn wold have owt crepon At the holys that they made opon Thei myght not wyn owt hor taylys Soo fast hyldon the crokyd naylys Thei turnyd her hedys in agayne thare Throw ylke a ioynt thei madon full bare TUNDAU: : Thei fretud horn within and hem gnew And all her bowi-Il they owt drew Thei smyton her lirddis owt and yn Her taylys thei myght not owt \\ yn When tho hokys thay horn ayeyn styt Thei turnedyn ayeyn and toke ther bytt Fro hed to fotte ay was gnawyng 950 Scrattyng fretyng fleyng and styngyng To hevon the noyse myght have ben hard So hydously thei crydon and fowle fard The sowlys thei crydon for grett angwis And pleyndon gretly ther folys Thei wer not lyveryt of hor payn For hit was newed ay ayayn Tundale seyd to the angyll bryght Lord this is a dredfull syght Me thynkyght this peyn well more 960 Then all tho peyn that Y saw be fore Then onsweryd the angell ayeyn And seyd Tundale this peyn Ys ordeynyd for men of relygyon That kepud not well hor professyon Foi monkus channons prestis and clerks And for oder men and wemen of holy kyrke That delytis hor bodys yn lechery Or in any oder maner of foly And dothe not as ther order wyll 970 But ledus hor lyffe after ther wyll Jvwes schull have the same euer mor Yf thei amend horn not or thei goo befor And for thei same thow hast bene This schalt thou thole that thou hast sene 32 TUNDALE. 980 990 1000 When the angyll had seyd this The fendys that wer full hydeous Within the best Ttmdale thei ladde And ther was he within full hard bestad Ther in was he peynyd full long Brennyng in fyr that was full strong Seththyn the best hym owt kest Then was he swollon as he wold brest All full of edders than he was And non of hem myght from oder passe But wen he schuld delyuered be Then he myght the angyll y-see With mylde chere befor hym dyd stond He towched Tundale with hys hond And delyuered hym of that bale Then seyd the angyll to Tundale Com furder more and folow me For more peyn byhouyth the to se Forder more thei went than But Tundale thoght hit no gam Thei com in to a wey full derke Of that way was Tundale yrke For ther was no more lyght But that at come of the angyll bryght That way was strayt and longlastand And worst of all that Tundale fand Afrontte vnnethe thei myght passe So narow of steppis don that was As thei had come from a hye hyll Don in to a deppe dongyll The more that Tundale folowyd ay The lenger hym thoght was that way TTNDAU: y Tundale feld a stynk\n<_: ayr Then of his lytte he was in spr\ r Then ho syknd and wept full s>iv 1010 And seyd to the uiuryll thuv Lord wyder schall this way wend Me thenkyth this way hasse non ende Then onsward the angyll fre And seyd Y \vyll telle the How this way lythe and in to what sted This is the way that lyght to the dedde Then seyd Tundale how may this be In boke we may wryton y-see That the way that schall to the deythe lede 1020 Ys bothe large and mykyll of brede (ILata t&t fcte $ue mtcft an mottem) This is now a narow way That thou vs ledust and narow coasay Then seyd the angyll wyll Y wate That the boke spekys not of this gate But of the way of vnclannes Of fleschely lust that dedly is Be that way men lyghtly wende To the dethe withowttyn ende 1030 Then went thei forghthe and furder more passus By that darke way that they in wore They com to a depe dongyll Of that syght lykyd hym full yll That dongyll full of smythes stood And smythis abowtte horn yode With grett homeris in hor hond And gret tongis hoote glowand 3 TUNDALE. 1040 1050 1060 Thys smythis were grymly on to loke Owt of hor mowthis com grett smoke These smythis wer full of sowlys with in That wepton and madyn grett dyn In grett fyres thei con horn cast And sethen with homeris leydon on fast The master of that smythy was bold Vlkane was is name hold Lo yond quod the angyll with is gyn Hathe made mony a mon do syn Wherfor with hym after thare dede Thei schull by peynod with hym in this stede Then asked Tundale lord fre Schall Y among yond fendys be As oder that han servyd well So grett peynis for to fell Then seyd the angyll sone Tundale he seyd thou hast so done That the behouyth to thole this turment And then to the smythy he went The turmentowris com rennand With furgons and with tongis glowand Betwene horn hent thei Tundale thai- And laddyn hym to muche care Tundale had thei with horn than And leyt the angyll stond alan In to that smythy thei hym cast In myddys the fyr at that best cast With gret balyws at hym thei blew As hit wer as yron y-multon new Tundale bygan to brenne yche lym But thowsandis thei brend with hym TUN DALE. 1070 Sum of 1mm tlu-i inadyn As is the water that is Sum wer molton as molton lodde Sum as yron glowvni: r'dd<- Thei cast attonis full smart lv A thowsand sowlys full petevsly With yron homoris thei stode And leyd on hem as thei wer wode A thowsand sowlys togoder thei dong In a pott full wonderly long 1080 As men schull tempore yron and stell And that was a grysly peyn to fele That turment most thei long dre But yett myght thei not fully dye These turmentowrys wer fowle and blake Ylke on to oder in cownsell spake What peynis thei myght the sowlys wyrke Of wykkyd labovris thei wer not yrke This peyn dud horn more peyn Thei smyton horn all in sondor ayeyn 1090 Oder smythis wer ther that tyde Of a nothur smythy ther besyde Thei seyd habbuth zowr wel here yowr pay Rest ye horn hydour lett vs a say Thei lepedon and roredyn and criedon fast And bad tho sowlys to horn kast And so thei dedyn with greyt talent And non boldly thei con horn hent With hokys and tongis hootte glowand That thei hyldon in hor hand Horn thoght thei wer not smythyd y-noght Vp and don the detieles horn droghe Jfi TUNDALE. And in strong fyr thei brendon him ay Tyll thei wer nye brand away But sone then after was Tundale Delyuered owt of that greyt bale Ayeyns that grysly smythys wylle But all tho toder sowlys lafton stylle When Tundale com owt of that payn He was sone keuered ayevn 1110 Sone the angyllys voys he hard The angyll asked hym how he fard Tundale he seyd now may thou see Wer of thi synnis seruyd the The byhowyt to have a gret angwys For thi delytes and thi folys These that thou art delyuered froo Wer ordeynyd the peyn for to doo For why that same company Foloyddyn the in foly 1120 For with that same company Foluyddyn the yn thi foly Tundale stod and cowthe noght say For his wytte was ner away Then seyd the angyll as he stood Looke thou be of comford gud Yff all that thou have had tone * In sum peyn that thou hast sene Gretter peynis yett schalt thou see Her after that abydus the 1130 For hem schalt thou schap full well But the byhouyth sum to fell Thou schalt see or we weinU- Sowlys in peyn with owttyn cnde TUNDALE. ;*7 Hor mysdedys 1mm dampnyd has Ther for her song is ay alas But oder that soghton (Joddys mercy Passon that peyn well syourly When the angyll had this sayd His hond vpon Tundalc lie layd 1140 Then was he hoole and feld no soor Yett went they furthe furder more As the angyll and he went in company Ther com a cold all sodenly x pass is Suche a cold Tundale feld That his lymes myght hym not weld He was ner froson to dedde Strong darkenes was in that stedde Then was Tundale full ferd For more peyn neuer he hade 1150 For drede of peyn full sore he qvooke Hym thoght his hedde all to schoke Ah 1 his peyn byforyn hym thoght So muche as that greuyd hym noght Then he spake to tho angyll sone And seyd lord what have Y done Y am so combret fott and hond That Y may not vpryght stond Then the angyll hym not onsweryd Then wept Tundale and was ferd 1160 He myght not steron lythe nor lym The angyll went away from hym When he myght not the angyll see Dele he made that was pyte He went forthe ay furder mare To helle the way lay evyn thare TUNDALE. 1170 1180 A deelfull crye he hard sone Of sowlys that wer in peyn don That dampnyd wer in peyn endles For hor synne and hor wykkydnes He hard a strong noyse of thonder To here that dyn hit was grett wonder Noo hart myght thenke nor no tong telle How hydous was the noyse of helle Then was that sowle in grett dowtte He lokyd in euery syde abowtte. Euer when come that hydous dyn He lokyd to have be takyn yn Butt he saw hym besyde A deppe putt muckyll and wyde Owt of that pyt he saw comand A grett flam of fyr all stynkand Suche a stynke com of that hole That he myght not long hit thole Owt of that dyke ther ros evon A pylar that ner raght to hevon All brannand that pylar was With lye abowtte as a compas He saw fendys and sowlys flye On that pylar bothe low and hye 1190 Thei flow ay vp and don fast As sparkelys of fyr thoro wyndis blast And when the sowlys wer brent to askys all In myddys the dyke they con falle They keuerdyn that and wer broyght ayayn On this wyse was euer newyd hor payn Tundale had leuer than all myddel erd Had ben ayeyn soo was he ferd TUNDALK. But ayeyn inydit he not goo Ne styr hys lymis to nor froo 1200 As he was dotyd styll he stod He was so fVnl In- was ney wod With hym selffe he began to stry And his owne chekys all to ryvy He grendde he gowlyd hym was full woo For he myght not ayeyn goo Alas he seyd what is tho best red For now Y wot Y am but decide- Tho wykyd gostys as thei flow Abowt the peler in that low 1210 Thei hardon that gowlyng and that crye Thei come to hym full hastyly Brennand hokys with horn thei broght To turment sowlys wer thei wroght Thei gretton hym that sowle that meyne Kaytyf wealand myght thou bene Thou metust well with vs at home Tell vs now fro wennis thou come For thi wykkydnes and thi folly In fyr to brenne art thou worthy 1220 For thou come in noo peyn yett to fele Here in hell fyr we woll the kele For now with vs schalt thou wende And dwell in hell with owtyn ende Of owre maneres we schull the kenne Withowt kelyng schalt thou brenne Euer more to drenne in fyr reed For thou schalt neuer passe this steed The tharre not thynke on no wysse Too be delyuered of this angwysse 40 TUNDALE. 1240 1230 In darknes schalt thou euer bee For lyghtness schalt thou neuer see Trust thou not helpe to have For noo mercy schall the save Wrechyd gost we schull the lede To hell gatys for thi mysdede For in thi lyffe thou bare the ylle And wroghttust all ayeyn Goddis wyll Wher for we wyll the with vs bere Too Satanas owre mastere That lythe depe in tho pytt of helle And with him schalt thou ther dwelle He gaffe the full evyll reyd That broght the hedder to this steyd Ouer late to com woll hym falle To delyuer the from vs alle But now sykyr may thou bee That thou schalt neuer more hym see The wykkyd gostis to gedyr spake And seyd this sowle wolle we take To Satanas cast we hym that grymly gwonis He schalle hym swolow all attoonis They brawneschedyn hym and manast fast To Sathanas that sowle to cast Ther he lay depe in helle pyttr Thydour they saydon they wold hym flytte A hydous noyse th<' 1'cndys made Hor eyn wer brannaixl and brade As brennand lampis glowand they war Full grymly con they on hym stare 1260 Hor teyt wer blacke scharpe and long With tuskus bothe grett and strong 1250 TUNDAU: 41 Her bod\u< \\<-r lyke dragonys Hor taylrx \\vr lvk- s-lmr|vMvs They had naylys on ln-r knocus That wer lyke ankyr hokys As they wer made all of stelle Thei poyntys wer full srharpe to fele They had wyngis long aud brade As backe wyngis wer thei made 1270 Wheder they wold low or hye With hor wyngis myght they flye They grennyd on hym and bleryd here yye That wonder hyt was that he dyd not dye Then com the angyll that hym ladde Tho fendys than fast away fledde Tundale he seyd thou wer full radde Now may thou make ioy and be glad Thow was the sone of peyn full ryght And now thou art the sone of lyght 1280 For now forward syour thou bee Goddis marcy schall helpe the God hathe the grantyd thou mayst be feyn That thou schalt fele noo more payn But Y woll well that thou wette Moo paynys schalt thou see yette Com foryt with me smertly Y schall the schew thi most enmy To monkynd that euer was That tysus almen to trespas 1290 A lytull furder more they yode And sone at hell gatys thei stode Ther Tundale saw a greyt pytte That all this world myght not hit dytte 42 TUNDALE. 1300 Com hydour quod the angyll bryght Thou schalt here see an hydous syght Stond ner this pytte and loke adoun Thou schalt see here an hydous demoun That pytte is ay darke as nyght And euer schall be withowttyn lyght Bothe fendys and sowlys that ther in is Thou schalt see bothe more and lesse And Satanas that lythe bound in helle grond Thou schalt hym see in a lytull stond But they schall soo y-wrekyd bee That non of hem schall see the Tundale than to the pytte wentt Throw the angyll commandmentte He lokyd don with grett aw Sathanas at the grond he saw 1310 So vgly was that loghtly wyght Neuer ar was seyn so hydous a syght And so orybly he fard And such dull he saw ther and hard That yeffe a mon had varely An hundryd hedys on won body And as mony mowthys with all As yche hed schuld falle And yche a mowthe abone the chyn Had an hundryd tongys with yn And ylke a tong cowthe all the wytte That all men have that Ivuythe yette All wer not ynow to tell The pryn that he saw in the pytte of hell But Tundale toke full gud k {. On Satanas that lay soo depe 1320 TUNDALE. 43 And avysede hyni of that syght On what mainT lu- myrht dyscryuynjhit aryght He cowthe not wetton ho was so grym In what iiKinrr he mv low They wer sone scntrryd wyde Abowt hym ther on ylke a syde But that pry n was not ynow When he ayeyn^his armis drow All the sowlys he cast owt That wer y-scateryd rond^abowt 1400 He swalowyd horn ayeyn ychon With smoke of pycche and of brymston The sowlys that passyd owt of hys hond Fellon in to the fyr[and brand When thei ayeyn keueryd wor With his tayle he smot horn sore Thus peynyd he tho sowlys and dud horn woo And hym selfe was peynyd all soo The more peyn that he thare wroght To tho sowlys that thydur were broght 1410 The more peyn his owne was And fro that peyn may he not passe The angyll seyd to Tundale Her may thou see muche bale Satanas he seyd this vgly wyght That semyth soo muche vnto thy syght He was the furst creature That God made after his fygure Fro hevon throw pryd he fell adon Hydour in to this depe donion 1420 Here ys he bonde as thou may see And schall tyll domis day bee 46 TUNDALE. 1430 1440 1450 For yeffe they faylyd that hym schuld hold Heyvon and erthe trobull lie wold Of tho that thou mayst see with hym Sum they ar of Adammes kyn And oder angells as Y the telle That owt of hevon with hym felle Ther ys neyder sowle ne fend But they ar dampnyd with owttyn ende And mony mo hydour schulle come Or that hyt bee the day of dome That forsakyth Goddus law And hys warkys wyll not know Bothe lewyd men and clarkys And lowyth synne and cursyd warkys Thesse sowlys that thou hast here y-seyn In all the peynys they have beyn Now ar they cast on this manere To Satanas to thole peyn here And who soo is broght to thys kare Schall dwelle ther in for euer mare [%$Qtentt0 tormenta pariuntur] Men that ar of muche myght That don to pore men wrong and vnryght And woll algate fulfylle hor wyll Wheder hyt be gud or ylle And streyn the pore that ar lesse Thei aron prynces of wykydnes In strong turment schull thei bee With fendys that have of horn poste Tundale seyd to the angyll sone Syr Goddis wylle behouys to be don But o thyng wolld Y faynd lere Why yeuyth not (il sin-In- JH.\V tliare That semud full of sorow and care For they had bothe honger and t hurst And grett travel! with owttyn TUNbALE. 4y Givt cold they hadon alsoo Thtu I duddo horn sorow and made horn woo Hem'wantedyn clothys and f<>nd<> li) - As dowinpc ln-stys nakyd tliey yode Her penanse was hard to see 15 ut lyght they had grett plente Thys folke quod the angyll aryn all save But penance yett behovys horn to have All leued they well in honeste Yette greuyd they God in sum parte Honestely and well wold they leve But oner lytull gud wold they yeve Nowder to clothe nor to fede 1530 The powre men that had gret nede Ther for wolle God sum tyme that they had peyn Thoro wykyd stormis of wynd and reyn And throw greyt honger and thurst But after he woll that they com to rest The angyll wold noo more say But went forght fast vpon his way And Tundale folowd after fast They come to a yate at the last That yate was openyd horn ayeyn 1540 And in they went Tundale was fayn A feld was ther of feyr flowrys And hewyd after all kyn colowrys Of horn com a swete smylle Swetter than any tong may telle That plase was soo clere and soo bryght That Tundale was joy full of that syght Full clerly ther schon the sonne That well was hym that ther myght wonne 50 TUNDALE. 1560 Mony feyr treus in that place stood 1550 With all kynnis fruyt that was gud Tundale hard ther ay amonge Full swet noyse of sowlys song Full mekyl folke ther was seen That of all kynne syn wer mad clene And delyuered owt of all kyn peyn They wer joy full and full feyn In myddys that plase was a welle The feyryst that any mon myght of telle From that ran mony stremis sere Of water that was bothe feyre and clere Tundale thoght ther ioy ynooghe He spake to the angyll and looghe Lord he seyd here is greyt solace Leyt vs neuer wyndo from this place The angyll seyd hit beys not soo Furder more behouis hus to goo The sowlys that thou syst here within Han ben in peyn for hor syn But they ar clansyd throw Goddis grace And dwellon here now in this place But yett hennis may thei noght To the blysse of hevon to be broght Tliawye they ben clansyn of all ylle Here mot thei abydon Goddis wylle The well that thou hast seyn here With the water that spryngis so clere Ys callyd be scylle the well of lyfe The name of that welle is full ryfe Who soo drynkyth of hit ryght weyll Hongur schall he neuer y-feyll 1570 1580 TUMULI ;. 51 Ne thrust si-hall he m-yurr man- But lykyni: h;m- with owttyn care Yeffe he wer old with owttyn peyn llyt wold make hym yong ayeyn ij gaudium Yett forder more the angyll yede And Timdale folowyd with gud spede Sone then after as they went He beheld and toke gud tent Tyll a plas wer they schuld passe 1590 Wer mony a lewde mon wasse Tundale hade seyn sum of horn are And knew full weyll w r hat thei ware Among horn too kynggis saw hee That wer sum tyme of greyt poste Tho whyle they lewyd on bon and blod Bothe they wer men of truthe full gudd The ton of horn Cantaber hyght That toder was callyd Donatus ryght Then Tundale spake to the angyll free 1600 Lord he seyd what may thys bee These too kynggis that Y see here They wer men of greyt powere They wer bothe stowt and kene In horn was lytull mercy aseen Aydur of hem hatyd odur As cursyd Caym and his brodur Sertus syr me thenkyth ferly How they myght be so worthyly To comen to this joyfull stedde 1610 Me thynkyght they wer worthy to be dedde The angyll thoght hyt gret nede To bryng hym owt of that drede 52 TUNDALE. And seyd thou schald wytte why That God of horn hath marcy Byfor hor deythe ther fylle suche schanse That they had verey repentanse For Cantaber when he felle seke To God con he hys hart meke He made a vow with delfull cry 1620 To yeld hym selfe to God all myghtty And all hys lyffe in penans to bee When he wore hole and had poste Donatus was in a presoun strong Bee for hys dethe ther was he long All hys guddus gaffe he away To pore men for hym to pray In grett pouertte was he with stadde And in preson hys lyffe he ladde Yffe all they wer kynggys of mygtt 1630 Yette they dyodon in pouertte dyght Ther for God wold not horn forsake But to hys blysse he wold horn take Of all hor synnis they con horn scryve Ther for behouis horn to have marcy Full mekyll joy saw Tundale thare But yett went they bothe furder mare They saw an halle was rychely dyght Tundale saw neuer so feyr a syght The wallys semyd gold of that hows 1640 Full well y-sett with stonis full precyovs The rofe semyd of carbvnkyll ston Dorris nor wyndows was ther non But mony entrys and thei wer wyde That stodon ay opon on every syde TUNDALK. For all tho that \\old in |. Was noii lattvd that tln-r \vas Hyt semyd as bryght bothe far and ner As euer was sonno that schon hen- Large and round were the \\ovvys 1650 The flore was paved with precyous etonys The hallc was with owtton post Hyt semyd an hows of gret cost Hyt schon with in and with owtte Tundale lokyd oner all abowtte He saw a seyt rychely aparalyt Of red gold fynly ennamelyd Clothis of gold and sylke gret plente Saw he y-sprad upon that seytte He saw sytte on that seytt 1660 Kyng Corhale that was full greytt Hys clothyng was of ryche hew Tundale full well that kyng knew Meche pepull to hyni soughtt And ryche yefftus they hym broghtt Be for hym stodde they full gladde And muche joy of hym thei made Tundale stood ner and toke gud kepe And by held that grett worchepe Tho men to kyng Cornale this dydde 1670 That sumtyme was hys lord kydde For he was sum tyme with hym of meyne Ther fore farly of that syght had hee Prestis and deykenis come ther mony Befor hym a greyt company All revestyd as they schuld syng mas With ryche clothis of holynes 54 TUNDALE. 1680 1700 That halle was seytte with in and with owtte With greytt rychesse all abowtte With cowpys and chalys rychely dyghtt With sensowrys of selver and gold bryght With basseynys of gold fayr and semely And with tabyllys peyntyd rychely Tundale thoght yeffe he had no mare But that joy that he saw thare He had of joy greytt plentte So greyt murthe and joy ther saw hee They knelyd befor that kyng alse Tho folke that comyn in to the halle And seyd weyll is the on yche a syde And weyll the mott euer be tyde For tho warkys of thi hondys free We have now presentis here to the Then spake Tundale to the angyll bryght For he was amerveld of that syght And seyd of all tho that Y here see Non hym servyd in lyke poste Ther for grett farly have Y here That they hym worscheppe on this manere Then answerd the angyll curtesly And seyd to hym well wott Y That of all tho that thou may see Was neuer non of hys meyne But sum wer pore pylgrymis kyd Too whom of hys charyte he dyd And were men of holy chyrche To hold horn was he neuer yrke Ther for wold God full of myght That hyt be yold throw hor hondis ryght TU>'1).\LK. 55 Syr quod Tundalc liuurlit In- no tunu.-nt 1710 Sothen that he owt of tin- world \\vnt Then unsuvrd the niiLryll nycyn And seyd he had sulft-ryd inony a peyn And in more turment schall he bee Thou schalt al>yde and the sothe y-see Anon the hows \vtix darke as nyght That before was clere and bryght And all the men that tlier in WIT They laft hor servyse and dyd no more The kyng turnyd then from hys seyt 1720 He grende he gowlyd hys dill was gret Tundale folowyd aftur sone To witte wat schuld be with hym y-done He saw mony men sytte kneland With hor hondys vp to God prayand And seyd gud Lord and thi wyll hyt bee Have mercy on hym and pyte Then saw he hym in gret bareyt And in a fyr to the navylle y-seytt And above from the navyll vpward 1730 Clothed with an yron scharpe and hard This peyn quod the Angyll behouyth him to have Yche a day onys as God voche save For why he kept hym not clene Fro that tyme that he weddyd had bene And also he breke hys othe That he had made to wedlockes bothe Yche day by ryght he schall bee Sette vnto the navyll as thou myght see 5(5 TUNDALE. ^audium And for why that he commandyd to sloo 1740 An erle that he hatyd as his foo That was slayn for hatered Besyde Seynt Patrycke in that sted Ther for he tholuth as thou wottis wele This peyn that is full hard to fele That grevys hym wher the knottis lyes And dothe hyni full grett angwys Of all odur peyn is he qwytte Save of these too as thou mayst wytte Then seyd Tundale anon ryght thus 1750 How lonke schall he suffor thys The angyll seyd ylke a day owrys three This grett peyn sufferyn schall hee And the space of won and twenty owrys He schall have ioy and gret honowrys And with that the angyll went furder more To oder blyssys that was thore Sone they saw thro syght of yye A wall that was wonder hye All of bryght syluer all to see But hit had no yatys nor entre With in that wall they wer sone togeder But he west not how they come thyder Ther they fwond a full delyttabull place That was full of murthe and solace Tundale lokyd abowtte hym thanne And saw mony a mon and woman Synggand ay so muryly And makand ioy and melody Ther they honowryd God all weldand And pleydon and song to not cessand 1760 1770 IT \DALE. 57 In- to (MM! <{' iny.irhttis most Fader and son and holy ijost Hor clothis \\rr praryows and new As whyttc as snow that < IKT dyd snew They wer ioyfull and blythe ynogh And song and made myrthe and logh They louyd God in trynite Nott cessand of that solemnyte And ay as they wer syngand 1780 Her vocys was euer to God acordant As melodyes of musyk clere That full delectabull was to here Ther was gret swetnes and lykyng And ioy and murthe with owttyn sesyng Honeste beawtte and clennes And helthe with owttyn sekenes They weron all off wylle free In parfyte loue and charyte The swette sauour that ther was 1790 All the swetnes of eyrthe dud it passe This ioy quod the angyll bryght Hathe God ordeynyd for weddyd men ryght That levon in cleyne maryage And keputhe hor bodys from owttrage And for horn that hor guddys gevyn Too the pore that in myscheff levyn And for horn that techon dylygenly Hor sogettis to lovyn God all myghty And chastyn horn after hor myght 1800 When they don wrong and lyffe not ryght And for horn that holy chyrche honowrys And mayntenyth horn and sockors 58 TUNDALE. For thoo that don wylle schall at gret dom here The voys of God that woll say com neer My fader blessyd chyldyr free And receyve my kyndam with mee Ordeynyd and dyght for man Seythyn the tyme that the word began Tundale prayd with gud wylle 1810 The angell that he myght dwell sty lie The angell gaff hym noo onswer For he wold not doo his prayer iiij gaudium Furder more yett then went thay With owttyn travayll or peyn her way And ylk on as they went abowte Come to Tundale and to hym dyd lowtte And haylsyd hym and callyd hym ryght By hys name as he hyght They made gret ioy at is metyng 1820 F or they wer fayn of his commyng And thonkyd God all myghtty That hym delyuered thoro hys mercy And seydon honour and lovyng myght bee To the Lord of blys and pyte That wold not the deythe off synfull men But that they turne and leve ayeyn And throw is mercy wold ordeyn Too delyuer this sowle from helle peyn And wold bryng hym thus gracyously 1830 Among this holy company vgaudium The angell and Tundale yett furder went And Tundale lokyd and toke gud tent They saw a \\allc as they schuld ]>. Well herre than that tod r TUNDALE. 59 That wall seinyd to Tundale syght As hyt \\vr all of gold l>rvi:lit That was schynand and m<>iv dcre Than cucr was gold in this \vorld here Tundale thoght more ioy of that \\alle 1840 To behold that bryght metalle Then hym thoght of the solemnyte And of the ioy that he had see Within that wall come they sone As they hadon erward done Tundale beheld that place thare So fayr a plas saw he neuer are Ne he ne noo eyrthely mon As that was that he saw anon Ther in saw he as hym thoght 1850 Mony a trone all of gold wroght And of pracyous stonis seer That wer sette ther on dyuerse manere With ryche clothis wer they keuered ychon So ryche was ther eyr neuer see he non Holy men and wemen bothe Saten in horn clad in ryche clothe He saw abowt horn in that tyde Fayr honourmentys on yche a syde All that he saw wer full bryght 1860 Tundale saw neuer suche a syght Ne noo hert myght thynke of eyrthely man Soo fayr a syghtte as saw he than Tho greytt bryghtnes of Goddis face Schon among horn in that place That bryghtnes schon more cleer Then euer schon any sonne here 60 TUNDALE. Allwey hyt was fayr and cleer And semyd as hyt had been gold wyr Crownis on her heddis they had ychon 1870 Of gold with mony a prescyous ston Of grett vertu and dyvers colowrys They semyd all kyngys and emperowrys Soo feyr crownis as ther was seen In this world w r er on kyng ne qwene Lectornes he saw befor hem stande Of gold and bokys on hem lyggande And all the lettornes that he saw thare Wer made of gold bothe lasse and mare They song all ther with myld chere 1880 Aleluya with vocys soo clere Hym thoght they song so swete and clene Hyt passed all the joyes that he had seen And soo mykyll joy had he of that That all oder joyes he forgatte These men quod the angell bryght Ar holy men that God loyvyd ryght That for Goddis love wer buxvm In eyrthe to thole martyrdvm And that waschyd hor stolys in the blod 1890 Of the lombe wyt myld mod And had laft the world all holely For to sarve God all myghty And to kepe her boddys ay fre Fro lechery to chastyte And they louyd soburnes ay And wold not lv<- but sothe to say Therfor they ar to God full dere As hys darlyngys tln-i !,. thus here TUNDALE. til Among all that joy and solas 1900 Tundale lokyd and sa\\ a phis Full of pavelons schynand Soo fayr wer neuer non seyn in land They wer keveryd with purpull and grys That wer full ryche and grett of pryse The walle was ouer sette and dyght With besantes of gold and seluer bryght And with all oder ryches hit was ouer went That noo eyne myghtsee nehartmyght thynke The cordys therof wer bryght and new 1910 They were of sylke and of rych hew They were all with syluer twynvd And freyt with gold that bryght scheynod And tho cordys wer instrumentis seer Of musykys that hadon swette sond and clere Orgons symbals and tympanys And harpis that ronge all at onys They yeve a full delectabull sond Bothe trebull and meyne and burdown And oder instrumentis full mony 1920 That madon a full swette melody All maner of musyk was ther hard thanne Soo muche in eyrthe hard neuer no manne Not by an hondrythe thowsand part As this was to any monnis regarde Within the ryche pavelons whyte schynande Ay mekyll folke were syngande Full swetly with a mery stevon With all maner of musyk acordant eyvon So muche murthe as they made within 1930 No wordlyche wytte may ymagyn 62 TUNDALE. Tundale thoght that all the blys That euer he had seyn was not to thys Then spake the angyll with myld chere Vnto that sowle on thys manere These folke he seyd that murthe makyth thus They wer gud relygyous As freris monkys nonnis and channonis That welle heldon hor proffessyoimis The wyche to God wer beysy ay 1940 Too serve hym bothe nyght and dey Bothe blythelyche and with gud wyll Hys commandementys to fullfylle And louyd ay God in hor lyfe here And to hym euer obeydyand were And putte horn with clene conscyons Vnder the rewle of obeedyons And to chast lyfe horn toke And all hor fleschely wyll forsoke Thei hyldon sylens with owtton jangelyng 1950 And best louyd God ouer all thyng Syr seyd Tundale Y pray thee Let hus goo nerre that Y may see The swete semland and feyr chere Of the mury songis soo schyll and clere Then seyd the angell so feyr and bryght Here of thou schalt have a sight Of hem as thou hast mee besoghtte Butt entre to horn getust thou noght The syghtt he seyd of the trynyte i960 Schall not be schewyd vnto the Thou schalt be vnknowyn of that syght But this Y wolle the schewe that Y have hyght TUNDALE. 63 So all they in world here That have bee borne and chyldrun were That throw Godis grace have 1 M n nud in l-vyng Ar now ordeynyd sm-ln- lykyng That here they schulle dwell run- for sothe With all halows and with angells bothe That in hor lyffe ay chast have bene 1970 And levyd wylle as vergynes clene Thei schall euer thus ioyfull bee For they seen euer God in hys see vj gaudium They went then forthe and forder more By a fayr way that they in wore Full greyt plente then saw thay Of men and wemmen by that way That semyd all as angells bryght Soo feyr they semyd to her syght Ther was soo swete savour and smyll 1980 That noo hart myght thenke ne tong telle And swete voyse and melody Was among that company That made Tundale foryette clene All oder joyes that he had seyn For all maner instrumentys seer Of musyk that wer and clere Gaffe ther sown and wer ryngand W^ith owttyn towchyng of monnis hand And the vocys of spyrytis thare 1990 Passyd all joyes that ther ware And made joy and wer gladde And non of horn travell hadde Hor lyppis wer not mevand Ne made no contynanse with hand 64 TUNDALE. The instrumentys rong ther full schryll And noo travaylle was don ther tyll All maner of sownd was ther in That hart myght thynke or ymagyn Fro tho fyrmament above hor hedde 2000 Com mony bryght beymis into that sted For the wyche thyng schynis of dyuers fold Schynand full bryght of fyn gold They hongyd full thycke on ylke a party And annamelyd wonder rychely All wer they joynyd and fastenyd ryght In yardys of seluer full gayly dyght That hongud vp full hye in the eyre Ther was noo eyrthely lyght neuer soo feyr Among them hong greyt plente 2010 Of ryche jowellys and of greyt beawtte Fyollys and cowpis of greyt prysse Symbals of syluer and flowredelyce With bellys of gold that mery rong And angellys flewyn ay among With whyngis of gold schynand bryght Noo eyrthely mon saw euer seche syght As the angels that flewyn in the eyre Among the beymis that wer soo feyre Ther was suche joy melody and ryngyng 2020 And suche murthe and such syngyng And suche a syghtt of rychesse That all thys world myght hit not gesse Nor all the wyttis that euer wer sey Cowthe hyt neuer halfe dyscry Tundali- J-IHT grett delyte liad Of that myrtho and joy that was soo glad Tr.M>.\u; That In- wold ncucr have gnu away But ther have y-d welly d for OIUT and ay Then spake the auir<'ll with nivld mod 2030 Vnto Tundale ther he stode Cum now he seyd hedur to mee Anon he come and saw a tree That wonderly mykyll was and hv- Suche on saw he never with yye Grett and hye that tre was And brod and round all of compas Chargytt on yche a syde full evon With all kyn frytte that mon myght nemon That full delycyous was to fele 2040 With all kyn fruyt that savoryd wele Of dyuerse kynd and seer hew Sum wyte sum reede sum yolow sum blew And all maner erbys of vartu And of euery spyce of valew That feyr was and swette smylland Growyd ther and wer floryschand Mony fowlys of dyuerse colowrys Seyt among tho fruyt and the flowrys On the branchus syngant so meryly 2050 And madon dyuerse melody Ylke on of horn on hys best manere That song was joy full for to here Tundale lystenyd fast and logh And thoght that was joy ynoght He saw vndur that ylke tree Wonnand in cellys gret plente Of men and wemen schynand bryght As gold with all ryches dyght 5 66 TUNDALE. He loued God with gret talent 2060 Of the gyftus that hym he had sent Ychon had on hys hed a crowne Off gold that was of semyly faschyoun All sett abowtte on seyr wyse With pracyous stonis of full gret prise And septuris in ther hand they had With gold they wer full rychely clad With bryght clothis of ryche hew As they wer kyngys crownyd new So rychely as they wer dyght 2070 Was neuer eyrthely mon of myght Than spake the angell as swythe To Tundale that was bothe glad and blythe And seyd thys tree that thou myght see To all holy chyrche may lykkynyd bee And tho folke that thou seyste here dwelle Vnder tho tree in her scelle Tho ar men that throw devocyon Made howssus of relygyon And susteynyd well Goddis servyse 2080 And foundyd chyrchys and chantryse And mayntened the state of clargy And feffud holy chyrche rychely Bothe in londys and in rentys With feyr and worchepfull honowrmentys As they that the world forsoke And to clene relygyon horn toke Therfor they ar as thou myght see All reynyng in won fraternyte And ay schull have rest and pes 2090 And joy and blys that neuer schall ses TUNDALK 7 vijgaudium Noo longer ther they stood* But furder more yet thri y<>>l They saw a noder feyr wall stand Of greyt heyght full bryght srhyiiund Thaffe that toder wer feyr ther they had ben But non so feyr as that was seen Tundale beehyld hyt and abadde And avysud hym wharof hyt was made Hee saw this wall as hym thoght 2100 All of pracyous stonis wroght Hyt semyd that the stonis brand So wer they of red gold schynand The stonis wer full whyte and clere What stonis they wor ye schall here Crystall that was whyte and clere Berell cresolyte and saphere Emeraudis dyamondis that men desyres Jacyntus smaragdynes and rubyes Emastyce and charbokull all soo 21 10 Omacles and tapaces and oher moo Strong stonis of deuerse hew Suche saw he neuer ne knew Then spake the angell soo feyr and free Tundale he seyd cum vp and see They clombon bothe vp on that wall And lokyd doun and seyyn ouer all The greyt joy that they saw thare Semyd a thowsand fold mare Then all the joy that they had seyn 2120 Ther as they be foor had beyn For noo wytte myght tell of monis mowthe Thaffe he all the wytte of the world cowthe 68 TUNDALE. Ne hart myght thynke ne eyre y-here Ne ee see wer hee neuer soo clere The joy that ther was and the blysse That God had ordeynyd for all hysse They saw ther as the story doghthe tell The nyne ordyrs of angell They schon as bryght as the sonne 2130 And holy spyrytis among horn wonne Prevey wordys they hard than That fallyth to be schewyd to no man. Then seyd the angell on this manere Tundale opon thy eyrys and here And that thou herust thou not for yete For in thi mynd loke thou hyt sette God that ys with owttyn ende Wolle turne to the and be thi frend Now see that here ys joy and blys 2140 That they that here aron schull neuer mysse Ouer that yett saw they moore Among the angell that ther wore They seen the holy trynyte God syttyng in hys maieste They beheld fast hys swette face That schon so bryght ouer all that place All the angells that ther were Dud renne to be hold hys face soo clere For the bryghtnes and the bewte 2150 That they in hys face myght see Was seyvon sythis bryghtter to syght Then euer schon sonne that was soo lyght The whyche syght is foode to angell And lyffe to spyrytis that ther dwell TUNDALK 69 In the styd wher they stode They saw all both evyll and #ud All the joy and the peyn be neythen That they had be foron y-seyyen They saw all soo the world brad 2160 And all the creaturys that God had mad Ther saw they the order here as wee wonne In a bryght bem of the sonne Ther may no thyng in thys world bee Soo sotyll nor so preve But that he may see a party That hath seyn God all myghtty Tho eene that have seen hym Mow neuer be made blynd nor dym Bot they had such power and myght 2170 Ther they stodon on the walle bryght Thar they myght see at a syght clere All thyng that was bothe far and nere Alle that was be hynd horn at that tyde By for horn and on ylke a syde All at onys in that bryght place Was schewyd ther be for her face Off thyngys that Tundale had knowyng thare Hyt was myster to have noo mare He knew wat'thyng that he wold 2180 With owttyn any boke to be told As Tundale stod he saw com thanne Won that hyght Renodan That made joy and glad chere And grett hym on fayr manere And toke hym in hys armis louely And schewyd hym love and curtesy 70 TUNDALE. And as they stod to gedur Son blessyd be thi comyng hydur For this tyme forward thou may have lykyng 21 9 <> In the world to have gud endyng Y was sumtyme thy patron free Too whom thou schulldust borun bee Thou art holdyn as thou wost welle Too me namly on kneus to knele And when he had seyd this wordys thare Hee lafft hys speche and spake noo mare Tundale loked with blythe chere On ylke a syde bothe farre and nere He saw seynt Patryk of Yrland 2200 Commyng in a bryght tyre schynand And mony a byschop nobely dyght Then had he grett joy of that syght They wer full of joy and lykyng With owttyn dele or any sykyng Among that blessydfull company He saw ther fowre byschopis namly That he knew be syght of semland Whan he was in the world dwelland They wer gud men and lyued with right 2210 And won of horn Celestyen hyght That was archebyschop of Armake And muche gud dedde for Goddis sake And a noder hyght Malachye That come aftur hym full gracyouslye That pwope Celestyen of hys grace Mad arohebysohop of that place In hys lyffe he gaffe with hart glad Too pore men all that he had TUNDALK. 71 He mad colagys and rlmvhys mony 2220 That nomburd wcr to tow re and fowrty Namely for men of relygyon Too sarve God with devocyon He fefFyd hem and y-noogh hem gaffo All that was nedfull horn to hafe Save that aght to hym selfe only Hee laft hym noght to lyve by The thrydde of horn that he knew than Hyght Crystyne that was an holy man That was sumtyme byschop of Lyon 2230 And lord of mony a possessyon But hee was ay meke in hert Symplyst of wyll and pouert He was Malachynis owne brodur Ayder of horn loved well oodur The fowrte of horn that he ther knew Hyght Neomon thot was full trew And ryght wise whyle he levyd bodyly That eumtyme was byschop of Clemy And passud all the toder thre 2240 Off wytte and wysdam in his degre Tundale saw be syde horn stand A sege that was full bryght schynand But hyt was voyde wen he saw hyt For he saw non ther in sytte He be held fast that sege soo bryght And askyd for whom hyt was y-dyght Then spak Malachye and seyd Thys sege is ordeynyd and purveyd For won of owre breder dere 2250 When he comthe sohall sytton here 72 TUNDALE. The whyche is yette in the world levand Ay tyll he com hyt schall voyde stand Tundale had delyte greytt Of the syghtt of that fayr seytt And as he stod joy full and blythe Then com the angell to hym full swythe And spake to hym with blythe chere Tundale he seyd how lykuth the here Thou hast mony a feyre syght seyn 2260 I n dyuerse places ther thou has beyn That have Y lord he seyd and loogh Y have seyn joy y-noogh Dere lord Y pray the of thy grace Leyt me not owt of thys place For Y wold neuer owt of this place wendo But dwell here with owttyn ende Thou spekyst quod the angell all in veyn Thou schalt turne to the body a yeyn That thou hast seyyn hold in thy thoght 2270 And that thou hard foryete hyt noght When he had seyd on thys manere Then wept Tundale and made sory chere And seyd Lord what have Y done That Y schall turne ayeyn so sone To my body full of wrechydnes And leyve all this joy that here is The angell onswerd on thys manere And seyd that ther may non dwelle here But holy vyrgyns that have bene 2280 Chast and kept hor bodys clene And for the love of God all myghty Have forsake the world all helely TUNDALE. 73 And to God ar gevyn fro all ylle With all her thoghttys and all IUT wyll But suche a thoghtte and wyll was non in the When thou wast in thi nowne poste To God wold thou not the bowe Ne my conseyle wold thou not know To dwelle here art thou not worthy 2290 But turne agayn to thy body And of fylthe make the clene And fro syn henforward thou the absteyne My helpe thou schalt have and my consell So that thou schalt not of hevyn fayll When the angell had seyd thys Tundale turnyd from all that blysse Reversio As hys sowle wox all hevy And feld hyt chargyd with hys body He oponyd hys eene then and saw 2300 And hys lymes to hym con draw And or he spake any thyng He lyfte vp a greyt sykyng They that hym saw and stodon by Wer astoneyd and had farly And tho that lovyd hym wer full fayn That he was turnyd to the lyfe ayeyn He dressyd hym up all sykande And weptt and made hevy semlande And seyde thys with a grette crye 2310 Lord Jhesu Cryst thy marce Worse than Y am quod he than Was neuer noon boron of womman But now wylys that Y have space Y wolle amend with help and grace 74 TUNDALE. Off God that for vs tholyd pyne Y hoope he wolle not my sowle tyne He spake to hym selfe and seyd kaytyff Why hast thou levyd so wyked lyff Hy have ben he seyd a wyckyd man 2320 F u ll sore hym tenyd at hym selfe than He bethoght hym of all the tyme Of the greyt syghttis that he had seyn Ther for hyt semyd be hys contynance That for hys synne he had repentance All had they ferly that by hym stode That he soo well had turnyd hys mood For that he was sumtyme soo fell As ye be fore have hard me tell Won of horn that stod hym next 2330 Askyd hym yf he wold have a preste For to schryve hym of all the foly And to hosull hym with Goddis body Then answerd he a yeyn Yee he seyd Y wold full feyn That the prest come to me To here my schryft in priuyte And to howsull me then wer Y saffe Y pray yow do me a prest to haffe And Goddis body that Y may take 2340 For all my synnis Y woll for sake The prest come sone for he was soght And Goddis body with hym he broght When Tundale was schrevon and made redy He receyvyd the ost full mekely Then spake Tundale with hert free Lord he seyd lovyd mot thou bee TUNDALE. 75 For thy marcy and thi gudnes Passus all mennys wykkydnes Thatfe hyt bo rnucho and grevus score 2350 Thy grace and thi marcy is meche more Mony a mon and also vvemmen Wer geydoryd abowt hym then He told horn wer he had y-ben And wat he had hard and seyn And wat he had feld was in his thoght He held hit in mynde and for yeet hit noght And he warnyd ylke aman that peyn wold drede Too amend horn here or that they yeede He cownseld horn to bee holy 2360 And bad horn leyve hor greyt foly And turne horn to God all myghtty Servyng hym euer more devowtly He prechyd the wordys of God thare That neuer was prechyd among hem are And horn that synfull wer he told How thei schuld be with don as Godis wyll wold And comfordud gud men that wer clene Throw the joy that he had seyn And whyles he levyd synnis he fledde 2370 And all hys lyffe in holynes ledde He made to the world noo countynance But he leuyd euer in peynanse He gaffe all hys gud away Too pore men for hym to pray Noo worldys gud more wold he have But levyd as long as God voched save 76 TUNDALE. And at the last wen he schuld hennis passe When that Goddis swete wylle was The sowle departyt from the body 2380 And yoode to God all myghty In hevon euer more to dwell Ther more joy is than tong may tell Too that joy he hus bryng That made hevyn eyrthe and all thyng Ylkon of yow that have hard mee 2386 Seythe amen for charytee Explicit Tundale quod Hyheg it trfo* or "be it fate fc ajs tye coopg OcntaHc Sanrtt SOME tyme in Rome a pope ther was That hade a moder full fayr of face And the beste I undirstonde That was holden in Romes londe Of fastyng and of preyers as we rede And of other almes dede Tyl at the deuell that neuer can blyn Had brocht hor in a preuey syn Ho dorst noght telle no man Ho was holden so god a womon To mynser ne to frere Austyn To caryne ne to Jacobyn To no prest ne to clarke Ho durst not schow hor yvel warke Tyl sykenes told hor wonder sothe That ho trowed to lyf no more To the pope hor son ho sende Hor to consell and to mende To come to hor als be lyffe Yf he wolde se hur on lyffe Of this tythandis was he not blythe Bot to his moder he wente swythe And he askede hur of hur fare Ho sayde ho was in mycull care 78 TRENTALLE Wher fore ho hist no more to lyuen Bot to hym ho wold be schrywen Alas he sayde alas for syn So fayre with owt and fole with in Synfull I have byn mony a day Son of consell I thou pray Bot yf that I haue rede of the I trow neuer saffe to be Thre chylder I have borne Foil preuely they byn for lorne For I was holden so gud in londe I slo horn all with my honde Throogh combrous of the devel of helle This syn for schame I durst neuer telle Alas how scholl I saued be My der son with out red of the The pope answart wepyng sore Godis mercy is welle more My dere moder then thi synne Yf thou be sory with in I telle thee moder well secerly God of thi sole wylle have mercy Bot panans I wyll gyff the non I se thi lyf will sone be gone In helle or in purgatory with outon drede Thi sole mot bye thi lyvies dede Yelde the moder to God all myght For the I pray both day and nyght For hys mercy and hys pete Pardon of syn he graunt to the Bot god moder my dere dame Yf thou may with outon SANCTI GREGORII. 79 Of Gode to tell mercy thou gene I pray the in Godis mime When thou art dede in wele or \\n God moder do syght so My swet son Y schall no slowthe Lyt me ther from here my trowthe Yf God voche safe I com agayne To tell my state I wyll full fayne Ho had unnethe thes wordis sayde Bot ho yelde the gost in a brode Sone to the gronde the con hor bere bryng And beryd hor with outon lesyng The goste com the thyrde nyght To the pope a rufull wyght As blake hym thoght as any pyche With burnand fyre he se neuer syche The chambur glyssnet all abowte Therof the pope had grete dowte And of the gret stynke all so That made hym for to wake tho Ther he hade an yvell fytte That hade negh lost hys wytt Bot at the laste vp he breyde And rufully this wordis he sayde Benedicite in Godis name Wo is the ho says the dame Of that askyng the gost was glade The Pope for ferde was nere made Alas he sayde how art y-stade I am comun so as thou me badde For my socor and my prowe To helpe me of my vowe 80 TRENTALLE My dere gone for charite Helpe me as thou hattest me Ther is no tonge that may telle Peynes I soffur they byn so fell This hundryth yere I have hem borne Bot I haue helpe I am fore lorne He answart with sory harte Me rewes moder of thy smarte Yf ther be oght that helpe thou may Tell me moder I thou pray The sole sayd with sore sykynge Wo so dose hyt in hys lyff day Well is hym he may say That euer yitt was borne For pynes thar hym dred non forne Of purgatory no of helle Whech peynes byn I lyke full ill The ton have ende that other is bowte Wyll is hym is horn with out Thre masses of Crystes natiuite And thre of epyphanys And thre of the poryfycacyon And thre of the annunciacion And thre of the resureccion And thre of the ascencion And of the Holy Gost thre schall be And other thre of the trinite And of our laydis assumpcion thre And als mony of here natiuite And all this massus I the pryae With jus hor btas thou hem say And yitt wele more thou hase to do SANCTI aKEOORII. 81 Placebo and diriire tliou say ther to Also I pray tin- my (lore son That thoii say this <>ivx<>n God that made all ami som And yeld thi sell'c fore onr rannson Thou wold be borne be fore all other In the londe of be best to be our brother And as thou suffert doth for us Delyuer this solue thou swete Jesus Out of the fendes hondis felle Graunt hyt lorde in joy to dwell Tho folke lorde of mys beleve Then helpe hem lorde or hyt hem greue And lorde for thi grette pete Then helpe hem lorde all that trylis in the The pope vnswart anon ryght Hyt shall be done with all my myght Nowe god moder I pray the Wen hyt is all done thou com to me To tel me of thi fare God bryng us both out of care Then sayd the gost I wyll full fayne Yf God voche safe I com agayne To tell the at the last Wen all my paynes byn past Farewell son for now I go For Godis lofe thynke on my wo The pope lett send swyth sone To the freres of saynt Austen To mynor or to Jacobyn And to the freres of Mont Carmell With hys blessyng he gret horn welle 82 TRENTALLE To prest and clarke that woned in Rome To pylgrimis that thider com He bade hem on this blesyng Hys moder sole to in mynde In hor preyers and byddyng Hym selffe wolde the masses syng Wen the trentall was all done Ho came agayne full sone The thryde nyght secorly After the byrth of thor lady To the pope in this chambur With tho most swett sauor That euer he felde in his lyfe Therwith the pope wakende swyth Much myrthe y-hard and full grete steuin He se fayre angels were comin fro heuin Betwene horn they broght his moder I wis Hym thoght ho was the qwene of blys So fayre ho schon so bryght ho was The pope knelet doun in that place Lade he sayde I serued now the That thow wolde schow the to me As I schall the serue swette lady Of my moder sole hafe mercy Nay sayde the sole thou mys leuest I am not ho that thou wenest Thi moder I am and not the qwene Blossed mot thow be ever ben For thorogh thi prayers my dere sone Euer in blysse I schall won God of heuin brynge the thedur That we may have that joy togedur SANCTI GREGORII. 83 And to the blesse then com we Amen sayd all for charyte Here endes the trentall of Gregori God of our soles haue merci Amen Explyoyt trcntallo Sancti Urogorii tic it trofoe or fcc it fal0 Whan Janus bifrons in cold Jenuare With forsty berd enturth in the yere And Phebus chare negheth Aquare Hys wattry beemes to fore Feuerere Whant that lyght was pale and nothyng clere And from hym late parted was Lucyne Tho same nyght as Ysaw hur schyne Horned new with beemes glad and myrye On the heuen and cost hur stremes down I con remember me on thys hee ferye That called is the circunsision How hit befell then by revolucyon By just a cowntyng in the kalendere The fyrst day of the new yere And thoght I wold in my booke precede Of this fest sumwhat for to wryte And to the gospel fyrst I con take hede Of this day how Luke lyst to endyte Thowgh he therof spoke but a lyte And was full bref and compendyous Yett of this day so hee and gloryous 86 THE CIRCUNSISION. He wryth pleynly and seyth how that a non After the day of the natiuite When viij dayes passed weron and gon The chyld was broght with all humylyte To the temple lowly for to be As the law of Jowes hath deuysed The eyght day to be circunsysed And therto he mekly dyd obey And with a knyfe made full scharpe of ston His moder lokyng with a pytuos eye The chylde was corve ther with all anon That all abowtt the rede blode can gon With owt abydyng as seyth Bonaventure That for tho peyne that he dyd endure And for scharpenes of the soden smarte The chyld can wepe that pete was to here Wherfore his moder of verrey tender hart Owtt barst on teeres myght herself not stere That all by dewed wer hur eyon clere Whan sche saw hym that sche loved soo So yong so feyre to wepe so for woo But he anon in all hys passyon For all that he was so yong of age In maner he had pete and compassyon To se hys moder so wepe in hur age And put hys hond vnto hur vysage On mowthe and eyon passyng benygn And as he cowd gudly made a syngne THE CIRCUNSISION. 87 With owt speche to stynt hur wepyng That com to hur of moderly pete And sche ful wel conseyvynir his MUM-UN HL: From poynt to poynt and then anon con si-lu- To loke on hym that was so feyr to bo And hys fetures consydered by and by And in hur arnies wonder womonly Sche toke hym up and prayed hym be styll As of modurs is pleynly the maner And he in all obeyeth to hur wyll Thogh he wer yong and began to change chere And with hur kerchef sche made her eyon clere On hys chekis in all that ever sche may Full modurly the teeres sche wypt away And lyke of alyckenes as hit is devysed That Cryst Jesus who so lyst to se In swor maner was trwly cyrcunsysed The fyrst of his moder in his natiuite With the knyfe of poverte And now this day which is not feyned Eke with a knyfe by the law ordyned The thryd maner ye may also consider How with a knyfe of grete adversyte That he was kyt fyrst when he com hyder Takyng for us here hys humanyte And at the last with full grete cruelte For us he suffurd circunsysyon Upon the cros duryng his passyon 88 THE CmCUNSISION. Also in iiij maner who so can take hede Christ in his choson by gud inspeccion Here in this world with any drede Of new he suffurd a circunsysyon The fyrst is made by false detraccion That kytteth away both frend and fame And the schynyng of hur gud name The second is by fals tvrannv j j * Of suche that have no concyens at all But taketh away by cursed robbery Unrightfully hur gudis temporall And the thryd is sothely most mortall Of eyretykes that falsly dysobey To holy chyrche and to our feyth varrey The fowrth i* made by effusyon of blode Of tyrranitis that the bodye slethe When thei of malice ageyne the feyth bewode To execute hur venym vp by deth To make martyrs yeld up the breth Whom Cryst Jesu eternally in glory Ordeyned hath a palme of his victory Also v tymes (Jryst in his manhode Sched his blode by effusyon And fyrst of all when he loil most Con run out by mony cruell wownd When IK- tliat was the kviiLT most LC>';K M Of the Jowes t<> ;i p\ler was hound The fowrt tvine eke as liit is fownd He spend his llodr tor o\\ r althc ^ud Wlien he was nayled upon the rod And althc last when Longeus fere Thorow his hart pleynlyas I fynd On Caluery hym perced with a spere That Mode and water as bookis make mynd Con streme downe to his eyon blynd I^y whose vertu anon thys Paynym knyght Only of grace hath recoverd his syght And in bookis eke as hit is told How the pece of his incisyon Was by an angell in an uryn of gold To Charles browght in a vysyon And he anon of grete affectyon Of this myracle for the excellence And made hit be kept for grete reverence At Aquisgreyn but yf bookis lye Full mony yer by revolucyon In a church sothly of Marie But clerkis hau an opeynyon That in the day of resurexcyon When Cryst Jesu roose from deth to lyfe The same pece retourned also by lyue 90 THE CIRCUNSISION. To the place where that hit com fro Sython that hit was sothly as I fynd Of thys monhode perteynyng thertoo And a party longyng to his kynd Thowgh hit so be that bookis make mynd That in Rome hit is as yett reserved And yere by yere when this fest is served In a chyrch vvhych men of custom call Sancta Storva by old fundacyon The same day ther the prestis all Solemply makon a stacyon When all the pepull gown on processyon Fully in hope better for to spede From yere to yere ther they syng and rede And forthermor the story doth devyse The same day ryght forth with anon In the temple as they hym dyd circunsyse He named was Jesus of euery ychon Of which name long or that agoon Was of the angell told and seyd afore To his moder or that he were bore And to reherse the grete wurthynesse Of thys name which may not be dyscreved My wyttis be so dull with rudeness And in the cheynes of ignoraunce gyved That I alias of cunnyng am depreued Thorow lack of wytte in euery manner wyse To underfong so passyng an hee empryse For thys is the name whos con dyscerne Most excellent and most of dygnyt<- The name of names sacryd from eterne As seyth Barnard who so lyst to se Fygured fyrst unto Josue Thorow hys knyghthode when that he schuld lede The pepull of God to save him in her nede For this is the name that hartis most desyre Ther is ther in soo passyng swettnes For hit may best with grace horn enspyre And with plente of all gostly ryches Hit is comfort and socour in sekness Refute also rest and remedy To all tho that felon maledye Ageyn langor the best medycyne In all thys world that owher may be found For thys name is so hevenly and devyne That hertis syke hyt dothe with hele habownd Hyt cureth sores hyt heleth euery wownd And saveth men fro maym of swyrd and sper Where euer thei ryde in perel nye or farr Hit is fyrst wryten in the booke of lyfe For worthyest and most of reuerence As hit is eke best presarvatyffe Ageyn the assawte and the vyolence Of wyked eyre to voyde pestylence And from the deth hem that pleynon sore Of his vertu to helthe hit doth restore 1)2 Till-: riRCUNSISION. Hit is also sothefast saluacion To all that ben in pouerte and in nede Hit is defence hit is proteccyon In yche perel and in euery drede Hit is also the guerdon and the mede To hem that ben in exyle of owtrage Repeyre fynall of hur pylgrimage Hit is the well with iiij stremes Wherof Barnard wryteth in sentence That thorovv the world refrescheth all reemis Hit is so holsom and of suche excellence The fyrst he calleth the streuie of sapience Of whyche the flod most July is habownd And ryghtwysnes he nameth the secound And the thryd he calleth holyness For hit excelleth in perfeccion The fowrth also I con well expresse Hit is the flode of owre redempcyon And of the fyrst in conclusyon Of whech the stremis ben so fresch and fyne Who so looke aryght is hooly owre doctryne And of his ryght to make mencyon The holsom well euer doth flow and ttete With mercy medled and remyssyon Before his dome his ire for to lete And of the thryd the water ys so swette By gud ensample who so can dyscerne In vcrtu euer how we schuld hus gouerne Till- (IIKTNSISION. And of the fowrt to sprkr in sprrvnll His all o\\iv In-ltlir Mini salvarion For thcrin is >\vn ivmrdy t'ynall Ageynis dethe and full proteccion Whos blod sprang owtt of Crystis passion And who that lust by water to atamr He schall hit fynd enclosed in this name Of perfyt ryches hit is tresory Whych may not wast but eylyke abyde The fyre hit quencheth also of envy And represseth the boluyng eke of pryde And thorow mekynes setteth yre asyde And who that hathe this name in remembraunce The spyrvt of slowth hym may do no grevaunce Hit is also myghty it pethys fayre Ageynis wanhope and disperacyon Cryst all scheld of palys for dyspayre Therof to voyde the fowle abusyon And who that maketh hys invocacion To thys name with hart and stabulnes Hit gyveth hym strenth hit gevyth hym sykernes The crueHyr and brennyng withstonde Of lechury and all temptacion Hit is refute to fre and eke to bond That haue therin hur full affeccion Whos vertue was to Kyng Saloman Full long aforon in dyuyne oracle As I fynd schewed by myracle 94 THE CIRCUNSISION. Thys is the name of prophetis specyfyed In hor wrytyng and in hor bookis old Of the Apostyls most holy magnyfyed By whos vertu they the trowth told This made also martors to be bold And myghty lyke styrne champyons With stabull hart to suffur hor passyons By thys name thei were victoryous In hor torment pacyens to have This is the name that Ignasius Had in hys hart of gold full depe grave Wherof the tyrant gretly con abave When that he saw his hart kytte atweyn And letturs new depicte in every payn This is the name that to confessors Was full repast in hur abstinence This is the name that in scharp schowris Of fleschly lust was hooly hor defence Hit gaff horn myght to make recistence Ageyn syn knytly to werrey And to contynu in vertu tyll thei dey Hit is the fest and the sugurd foode Of maydonhede and of virginite The oyle of grace holsom to all goode Whech in the lampis of perfit chastite Brenneth so clere with love and charite That wordly wyndis boystust in blowyng Ne may not quenche the lyght of hor echynyng THE CIRCUNSIS10N. This is the name that most gyveth melody Vnto the eere and the s wettest sown Hyt is the name of hevenly arniony To voyde syn and all temptacyon With full acord ageyn dyvysyon Hit cawseth hart is no lenger to debate That parted weron thorow the warst of hate Thys name is joy to sorowfull in destres Eternall mede of hem that lyvon in blys Salue unto hem that langor in sekenes Vesture in cold to hem that clothis mysse Souereyn repast hongry for to wysse And for to skape the cruell vyolence Of nedis swyrd whettyng with violence Cryst is a name of sothfast sacryment The fyrst was gyven of holy unccion And he was called Cryst for this en tent For he for mon schuld make oblacyon And for he com for owr saluacion To skowre away the rust of all owre blame He hath of Jesus full worthily the name I fynd in book of old antiquite In her wrytyng as clerkis lyst expresse How ther wer iiij persons of won degre Som tyme anoynted for her worthines Som for monhode som for holynes With observawnce and solempnyte As was conabull vnto hor degre 96 THE CIRCUNSISION. Prophetis prestis and they that beron crownes Ar worthy kyngis of euery regyon Anoynted weron and myghty champyons With won pallestre thorow hor hee renown Or in champlos hardy as lyon Entur wold som quarel to derayne Synglerly by empryse of hem tweyne And Cryst was all by reson as 1 preve Fyrst a prophete by holy enformacion And by his doctryne most worthi of byleve And he was also the myghty champyon That syngulary for owre saluacion Fawght with the fende and had victorie Mawgrey his myght and wan the palme of glorye And he was preste inon to reconsyle That banysched was owt of eyrytage Whom a sarpent falsly dyd exyle Of fals malice in a soden rage And he was borne only by hys lynage To be kyng and by power eterne When he is crowned hys pepull to governe Now Cryst Jesu sothefast prest and kyng And for monkynd most worthy werrour Prophete also and invest in lyvyng Be thou owre helpe be ihow owre socour And lyke as a kyng be thow owre gouernour And champyon to helpe us in owre nede And lyke a prophete thou lu'lpi- n> and rede Till-: Cryst Jesu to the I clepe and crye From day to day to helpe us and releve And of thi grace us wrecches for to gye And or that thou thi ryghtwysnes prove Lett pete fyrst the to mercy meve And or thi swyrd of veniaunce vs manace Let ruthe afore thi ryghtfull dome enbrace For of owre helpe thou artt the pylere Ageyn dyspayr hooly owre sustynaunce Owre strenth owre myght owre reficte fer and nere In eych perel to save hus from meschaunce Thou art owre store and owre sustynaunce And in myscheve when drede wyll us assayle Thou art owre scheld and owre supportayle Thow art myghty and thow art meke also Thow art ryghtfull and thow art mercyabull Lomb and lyon thow art called bothe too And sothfast kyng whos regne is inmutabull To repentaunt by rygour not vengeable And euer afore in ponyschyng of the law to preferre or ryght his swyrd may draw And to bryng the lost schepe ageyn Owt of desert vnto hys pasture That was errawnt ydyl and in vayne Cryst Jesu of thi benygne cure More redy ay to save and to cure All that ben sore and skabbed eke with syn Rather with pete then with rygour wyn ' 7 98 THE GTRCUNSISION. Now thow that art the verrey ryghtfull lyne All that is croked goodly to redresse And mayst of mercy owre myscheve fyne O Cryst Jesu well of all swetnes Lord of pete lord of ryghtwysnes Have vpon hvs this day compassyon That called is the Circunsysion And grawnt vs grace with dew reuerence This hee fest so noble and so dygne Worschyp and holow devoyde of all offence And be to vs gudly and benygne That wher thys day marked with the syngne And karect by the syngne ordeyned And of mekenes hath hyt not dysdeyned And so as thow dydest neuer trespace Thorow thi mekenes and low subjeccion Suffer woldest this day of thi grace For owre offence circunsysion So kytt from huss all temptacion Of wordly lust and make the flesch to serue To the spirit tyll the bode sterue And grawnt us grace to lyve chast and clene Cryst Jesu whyl that we ben here Thorow prayyer of that hevonly qwene That is meydon and moder bothe in feere With help of her grawnt vs this new yerre So prudently with vertu hus to provyde Owre vices all that we may circunsyde THK OIBOUNSISION. yy And Cryst Jesu we pray vnto the Lett thi name wher we rydy or son In eych perel and eych adversyte Be owre defence ageyn owre mortal Ion To make hem stond styll as any ston And all that vs cast falsly to verrey Make hur malice mekely to obey To thi name to make hem stond abak Or they haue power to haunt her cruel myght And wykkod spyritis so horrabul and so blak That besy ben to wayte us day and nyght Lett thi name dryve hem owt of syght And in owre forhede when we Jesus inpresse Make us of grace hur malice to oppresse For in thi name we hooly commende Owre lyfe owre dethe body hart and all Owre sowle also when we hens wend Cryst Jesu O lord euer immortall Preying to the when thow vs deme schall To save all those from eternall schame That haue fulfeyth and hooly trust in thi name Thus endeth as I sey can The Circunsision of God and man Thovv lord whos lyght descendeth from fer Thorow the rowndnes of the speres nyne Withowt whom Phebus nere no sterre Upon hevun power hathe to schyne Lett now thi lyght my darknes enlumyn That thorow thi help I may my style gye Sumwhat to say of the Ephiphanye. And lett my brest benyng lord be dewod Downe with som drope from thi majeste That was this day by a sterre schewod Owt of the est to worthi kyngis thre Whech on the nyght of the natyvyte Can fyrst aspye the bryght beemes clere Of thys sterre and on the hevun apere Of whom the spryng was not cawsyl Of fortune ne of sodeyne aenture For mony a day or thys befell And mony a yere by record of scrypture With a waytyng and wonder besy cure In verrey sothe as I remembur can A certeyn kynrad toward the occian 102 THE EPHYPHANYE. Which of the stok and of the lyne cam Who so lyst to loke in bookis from afer And of the blode of old Balaam That sumtyme had with his asse were The whech sayde ther schuld ryse a ster Owt of Jacob and from Ysraell All yett therof he cowde not tell Upon whos word fully in beleve Ther schuld ryse such a ster bryght Wer xij choson the trewth to apreve Within mydwynter nyght by nyght When in Aquarye Phebus schad hys lyght For to wayte in hor best wyse When this ster of hevun schuld ryse And this xij wer of the kynrad Of Balaam as ye have harde me tell And yer by yer schuld take hede Upon an hyll besyde a lytell well And ther in feyr a lytell space dwell Anoynted and bathed and in clothis whyte And of custom ther in slepe but a lyte Butt in preyer and in certeyne rytis used They most wake and weyte in specyall And non of hem pleynly to be excused Upon thys hyll named Victoryall And yf won deud then his son schall By statute old hys place to occupye Or ellis won that wer ner next of alye. THE EPHYPHANYE. 11K* And this contynned duryng mony a y By custom used of ;inty|iiite As Phebus went by meuyng circuit T. So they kept hor tymes by degre And ych yere wer certryn da yes three By calkyng cast and computacion Sowght and chosen owt by clcccion For to wayte the upryst by the morow Of this sterre with his beemes glade Which Balaam seyd schuld avoyde owre sorow At hys upryst who beemes may not fade To schew hys lyght yn euery schowre and schade Withowt westryng or drawyng to declyne Tyll at the last for the same fyne To see this ster most famows of renown On the hevon when hit wold apere The worthi kyngis as is made mencion Upon this hyll togeder goo in fere For cawse thei who so lyst to here Weron of the stok of Balaam down descended Wherefor of sort the hyll thei ben ascendyd As byfell hem by custom succede At a certeyn yere by revolucion And on thys hyll estward they toke hede By gud avyse in hor inspeccion The same nyght of incarnacion That Cryst was borne in Beedlem of Marye The same owre they dyd aspye 104 THE EPHYPHANYE. Of new aryse in the oryent Full lustyly of whom the beemis bryght Con enlumyn all the fyrmament From est to west hyt gaffe soo clere a lyght That of the stremis every maner wyght Astoneyed was they weron so bryght and schene And to the eyon presawnt for to sene The which ster drowgh hys cowrse full ryght Toward the hyll lyke as bookis tell Wher the kyngis the long wynter nyght Hyt to awayte solytary dwell And they anon on her kneues fell And thanked God with all her hartis furst Whech hathe not defrawded hem of her lust And all the nyght togedur as they woke Upon the ster that schone so feyr and clere And as they sodenly upwards con loke They saw a chyld above the sterro apere Soo yong soo feyr in a goldon spere Full ryaly stondyng above hys hede A large eros that was of blode so reede The whech chyld spake to hem anon Above the hyll with clere voyce and benyng And bad hem that they schold fast gwon In to Juda ryght as any lyne And folow alway the ster schene That schall hem bryng to that regyon Where that the kyng most worthi of renown TI1K KIM1VPHANVK. I Of, Was borne that tynie to have iv^ily<> Of Jewes the lond of David v< rn-y ryght Whom the sterne dyd specyfye When lie was borne with hys clere lyght And anon when passed was the nyght The next morne no longer lyst to abyde But toward hym fast for to ryde With grett aray and royall apparayl As was fyttyng to her worthines They schope hem forth and for they wold not fayl To do honor to hys nobylnes With hem thei toke gold and grete ryches To spend and gyffe and also for they ment With gyftis grete the chyld to present And forth they gwon no longer wold thei tary Thorow mony a lond and mony dyuerse yle Everych of hem on a dromedary Whech was soo swyfft that full mony a myle They passed within a lytell whyle That in space of dayes throttene By cownt only of the sterre schene They entred in to Jerusalem That of Juda was the chefe cete Oonveyd euer with the bryght beem Of the sterre that was feyr to see And when they amyd the cete be Not astoneyed asked in audyence Wher is the kyng grattest of reuerence 106 THE EPHYPHANYE. Of Jewes borne to here a crowne Whose sterre we see in the oryent That from heyvon cast his streemis down Whech all the world vnder the fyrmament Ys glad to see and we in won entent Haue gyfftis broght owtt of owre contre Hym to honour in hys ryall see Then when Herod of hor comyng knew He trowbled was and also all the towne And began anon to change chere and hew And made in haste a convocacion Of all the prest dwellyng envyron To know clerly and to be certyfyed Of the place that was specyfyed Of prophetis wher Cryst schall be boron And they anon the trewth to hym told In Beedlem as thei full long aforne Fowndon owtt in hor bookis old And all the maner to hym thei dyd vnfold From poynt to poynt as Mathew maketh mynd Redes his gospell and ther ye schall hit fynd And then Herode con the kyngis call And of thys mater entredes pryvylly And curyously how that hyt was fall He con enquere full bysyly And of the sterre also by and by He asked him in wordis few How and in what wys<> hyt. con fvrst THE EPHYPHANYE. 107 And when they had told hym every dele Thei parted out of hys presens But fyrst he bad hem enquere well Of the chyld with all his dylygence And when thei had don reuerence He charged hem under wordis feyre Homward by hym they schuld repeyre To geve hym clerly enformacion Of her expleyte and of the chylde also Surly affermyng by fals conclusyon That he hym selffe wold after goo Vnto the chyld and hys deyver doo To worschyp hym as vnder colowrs The worm abydeth or serpent vnder flowrs Dareth full oft and kepeth hym couertly Of kynd malice tyll they a tyme see To schede her venym and than sodenly All at onis when men vnwarnyd bee They styngon in hart and schewon her cruelte And hur venym vnder flowris feyre Full oft is hyd tyll they may repayre Eyght so tho sarpent of iniquite Fals tigre full of dowbulnesse Vnder colowr of humylyte Thi venym dareth and thi falsnes thou tyraunt O roote of cursednes Thou Herode of malice most mortall What wenest thou that thou knows! all 108 THE EPHYPHANYE. To dysteyn with thi sleyghty wylc To bryng suger vnder feyn What wenest thou the kyngis to begyle And of malyce bryng hem in a trayne Of whos curayng though thou dysdeyne Hyt may not pleynly help nor avayle For of thi purpose surly thou schalt fayle For by grace they schall in quyete Mawgrey thi myght thi dawnger passe For thowgh thow with wordis honny swett Maliciously upon her deth compasse They schall askape in spyte of thi face For all the coniecte of thy prynces wyse As the story anon schall deuyse And soo with venym in hys hart looke He gaff hem leve passe thorow owt hys reem In her repeyr hym castyng to be wroke Yf they retowrned by Jerusalem And so the sterre hem browght to Beedlem And lyne ryght the chylde above Wher as he lay styll began to hove Butt who the joy con tell or endyte Or with hys mowthe who con the myrthe expresse Or who con pleynly with hys penne wryte The grette blysse or elles the gladnes Whech they made in varray sothfastnes After her jornay and long way Aboue the howsc when tln'V tli' strnv >a\ THE EPHYPHANYE. 109 That can to him clerly certyfye With more the chyldes dwellyng place And thei anon fast con hem hye With lusty hart and glad chere and myld of face And lyght downe in a lytell space They made hem redy and with reuerence They entred in and com in presence Wher as the chyld most worthi of degre Was with Mary and in an ox stall And humble the kyngis all thre Befor the chylde on her knees con fall And broght her tresor and her gyftis all As reuerently as they can dyvyse And hym presented on her best wyse Lyke her estate ychon after other Makyng her present with all humylyte Lyke her age as brother after brother Golde france and myrre thei gaf hym all thre After custom of Parce and Calde For of that land when kyngis present make The custom is seche gyftis to take And this was done with foyson and plente In verrey soth and grete habundaunce For in her present was noo skarste For of ryches thei had all suffycyaunce Wherfor they cast with devowt obeysaunce Of dew ryght with the chyld to part Of her tresor or that they depart 110 THE EPHYPHANYE. And that gold is payde for tribute As hyt is fownde of antiquite Therfor thes kyngis for a maner of sute That they to hym owght of verrey dowte They broght hym gold owt of her contre And gaff hym with owt repentaunce Hooly of al her hart for a reconysaunce And franke also as clerkis can devyse Ordeyned ys in conclusyon To God only to make sacryfyse With contrite hart and devocion Therfor to hym for oblacion Thei broght hym to syngnyfye tham That he was sothfast God and man And for they wold in all thyng obey To hys henes with all hor cure That he schuld for monkynd dey They broght hym myrre in sepulture For lyke a mon deth he most endure And with his blode schall in hys passyon Of owre trespas make redempcion In franke also who so can dyscerne Is understondon the majeste Of hys power the whych that is eterne And also hys hee deite And gold betokneth hys hee dignyte And myrre betokneth to us at all Of hys monhode that is mortall THE EPHYPHANYE. Ill And gold betokneth of love fervence That he to mon had of affeccion And franke betokeneth the soverayn excellence In holynes of convarsasyon And myrre betokeneth hys trybulacyon That he suffurd and all the grete penaunce For us in erth by contynuaunce In gold he was knowon as kyng In franke a prest who so can take hede Of myrre also thys day offurryng Was longyng only vnto hys monhede And thus he was withowtte any drede Bothe kyng and preste as I dyscerne can And for owre sake in erth bycom man In gold also metall most glorious Fygured was hys hye deite In franke that was so precyous The sowle of Cryst most perfyt of degre And myrre betokeneth thorow hys dygnyte The flesch the whych by dysposision May neuer suffur no corrupcion And of thes gyftis so passyng reuerent Full of mystery and hevonly pry vyte When thei had made her present Unto the chyld syttyng on hur kne With grete avyse they began to behold and se Before they remeved from that place Hys gudly chere and hys feyr face 112 THE EPHYPHANVM Consyduryng hys feturis by and by With grett insyght and humble entencyon And euer the more they loked besyly The more thei lyked in especcyon And thowght all in hor reson Thof kynd and God had sett in won fygure The bewte holy of euery creature Hyt "myght not in sothefastness haue ben lyke To hys feyrnes nor peregall For he that is above nature ryche Hathe made thys chyld in specyall For in hys face thei beheld all The hooli bewte and feyrnes alsoo Of hevon and erthe togeder bothe too Therfor no wonder thowghf they hym delyte Most passyng on hym to see For they in hart rejoysed not a lyte On hym to loke that they have lybarte For euer the more pleynly that they bee In hys presence the perfyt hote fyre Of hartly joy hem brent by desyre And of won thyng full gud heyd thei toke How that the chyld demeverly cast his syght Towarde hem and goodly bygan to looke On her faces with hys eye bryght And how he putt hys armes ryght Goodly to hem makying a maner syngne To hem of thonkyne: with chere full benyii T1IK EPHYPHANYE. Anil of hy< mod. -r imn'li tliynir tln-i <-n<|Uciv Towchyiiir hys hyrthf with Ininil.lc atVcccion And sclic answered most t-inynyiic f rln-iv Full prudently to curry |u-styni With chere demeuer hur look, c.ist adown With all the port of womonly clonnes Hurself demenyng and Hii-fly with O sche that was of hevon and erthe quene And of hell lady and eko princes O who is alas that may sustene To be prowd consider her raekenes O pryde alas roote of owre destres Thoff thou thi bost aboue the skyes blow Thi byldyng hee schall be browght ful low O thow syrquede alas why wyl thow se How sche that hath heven in hur demeyn And souereyne lade bothe of lond and see And the axyltre betwene the polys tweyne And all the enbrasyng of the goodly cheyne Zyt vnto God I sey in sothenes Above all this agreed is hur mekenes pompe elate with thi cheres bold Remember and se and loke how that sche On whom kyngis haue joy to behold In hur presens to knelon on her kne Thowgh sche of womonhede be hyest in degre Take hede and se how lowly in a stabull How that sche sat this lady worsehypabull 8 114 THE EPHYPHANYE. Wer ther of gold any clothes fownde Of sylke damaske or of tartryn Or was ther arras abowt hur hede bownd Or was ther any veluet or crymysyn Or was ther any chamlyt or satyn Or was ther any tapytys large or wyde The naked grownd to keuer or hyde Or was hur palys bylt with lyme and ston Or the pylers sett with marbyl gray Or the grownde pavyd on to gwon Or fresch perlowres glased as bryght as day Or wer ther any chawmburs of aray Or for asstates was ther any hall Save a dongon and an ox stall Or of hur bed was ther any perayle Of gold or sylke curteyned large abowt Or wer ther schetis longe or wyde of entayle Cutte of reynes nay withowtt dowte Or wer ther any ladees hur abowtt To hur plesaunce with all observaunce Or maydons doyng any attendaunce Oo as me semethe of verray dew ryght Ye wemen all schuld take hede With yor perles and yor ryche stonis bryght How that yor quene flowre of womonhed Of no devyse enbrowdyrd hath her wede Ne forred with armyn nor with trysty gray No martryn sable I trow in gud fay TIIK KNIYI'IIANYE. 115 Ther was non fowiulon in hur garment And yeitt sche was the ioyrest won to see That euer was under the fyrmament Where fore me seinHh y- srhuld have peto To se a lady of soo hee degre So symple tyred O ye wymmen all Behold how narow sche closed in an ox stall Lett be yowre pride and yowre affeccyon Of ryche aray and no thyng yow delyte In wordly pompe and such abusyon Of dyvarse clothe red black and whyte And be well ware or the spere byte Of cruell deth and the fell smart My counsell is to lyft vp your hart To that lady and that worthi quene That may yow best help in yor nede And yow releve in euery woo and tene And delyver from all myschefe and drede And thynketh pleynly and taketh gude hed That all schall passe aray and eke ryches When ye lest wene and all yor semelynes Lett hem afore be to yow a kalendere Ysowd Elyn and also feyr Polycene Hester also and Dido with hur gudly chere And ryche Candace of Ethiope the quene Lye they not gravyn vnder clottis grene And yett all this may not for pryde atame Notwithstondyng that ye schall to the same 116 THE EPHYPHANYE. Eke after deth abydeth no memory For euer with deth cometh forgetfulnes And farewell then all grett aray and veyn glory Save only vartu that stondeth in sykerness I take record of all mekenes That is of holynes the well Of whom I thenke sothly to tell How sche sate for all hur worthines Haldyng hur chyld full lowly on the grownde And kyngis knelyng as ye haue hard expresse Behold hur in vartu most habound Tyll at the last they haue a leysar fownd To take hor leyve and the same day They began to ryde homward by the way And sewyng after the next nyght Whyll thei slepped at her loggyng place Ther com an angell apperyng with grette lyght And warned hem that thei tooke not the trace By Herode but bad that they schuld pace Withowt abod in all the hast that they may To hor kyngdom howm by another way And in schort tyme to hor regyon They be repeyred the gospell telleth us And of her names to make mencion The fyrst in Ebrew was called Appollyus The next Amerous the thryd Damathus And in Greke the fyrst Galgala And Sarachvm thryd Malgala Till-: KI'IIYl'llANYE. 117 And in Latyn as bookis make myinl The fyrst of licin was named Jaspriv And the secound pleynly as we fynd Lykkc my auctor ivhn-sr as 1 dare Called and named was Baltysar And the thryd ye geytc of UK- no more As I rede was called Mcldiyore Of whos repeyre as som bokis savn That fyrst of all they went to the s< And retourned to hor kyngdoin ageyn They schypped hem at Tharsis the cct. For whech cursed Herode of cruelte In Tharsis made all the schyppis brenne Wherof Davit wryteth in the sawter yf ye hit kcnno And vnto yow clerly to specyfye Towchyng this fest and this solempnyte Wherof is seyd thyse wordis Ephyphanye Whych is a word of grette auctoryte And seyde and compowned who that can see Of Epi fyrst and phanos sothe to seyn And oo word combyned of thes tweyn Cometh thys word of Ephyphanye And this word epi by discrypcyon Is seyd of heght as I can sygnyfye And of a schynyng by demonstracyon Isfanos seyd and so by gud reson Epi and phonos bothe knytt in fere Is a schewyng that doth on loft apere 118 THE EPHYPHANYE. And for this day aloft was the sterre Whych Crystis byrth and his incarnacyon With his stremis can schew from so fer From Est to West in mony a regyon Wherfor this fest by conclusyon As ye before have hard me specyfy This fest is called of Ephyphany The whych fest hathe a prerogatyffe Of myracles notable in specyall For fowre thyngis wrowght in Crystis lyffe Where won thys day by his power ryall Tho forst of all most memoryall Is of the kyngis as ye have hard me sayn Whech were in ydyl to reherse ageyn The secound is as hit is sothly told That Cryst Jesu this day of Sentt Jon The yere when he was xxx ti wynters old Baptest was in the flem Jordon At the whech tyme thre kyngis under won Descended this day worthi of memory The fyrst was that from the hye glory The fadres voyse as clarkis lyst to endyte Come downe to erthe that mon myght here And lyke a dowve with fedurs whyte The Holy Gost also dyd apere And Cryst Jesu the fadurs son entere Thys day apperyng in owre mortall kynd Was of Seyn Jon baptyzed as I fynd TI1K K1M1Y1MIANYE. ll!> And for als moch as they all thiv Thys day were seyn by sothtast appaivm-e They beyng won in pertyte vnyte Therfor thys day of most reverence Named is trwly in sentence Theophanes for Hod in treble wyse Therin appered as ye have hard d-vys- For theos is as moch to mene As God in Englych yf ye lyst to see Andphanos a schewyng withowt any wene As ye have harde reherse afore of mee And for in erth won God in trynyte Thys day appered withowt any lye Ye may trwly hyt call the Ephyphanye Also when Cryst was passed xxx" yere Thys day he turned water into wyne That passyngly was to the chere And of tarage inly gud and fyne The whych he sent to Archytrychyne And thys myracle inly vertuows In Galile was schewed in an hows Thys same day whech men dyd aspye As holy chyrche maketh mencion Therfor hys hyt named Bethphanye For leth in Englych by dyscrypcion Called is an hows or a mancion Of whych meracle renowned of fame Bethphanye thys day worthely hath the name 120 THE EPHYPHANYK. Also in the yere afore hys passion For in desert thys day also I rede With loves v thorow hys grete foyson Fyve thowsand I fynde that he dyd fede Of the whych myracle yf ye take hede Thys day is named Phagyphanye Lyke as hyt was fyrst called Ephyphanye For thys \\ordphagy vnto owre entent Is seyd of fedyng or ellis refeccion For whych myracle passyng excellent That is famous and of so hee renown Lyke as the gospell maketh mencion Therfor thys day among the tother all Ye may justly Phagyphanye hit call Now Cryst Jesu thys hee day and fest We the beseche with hart wyll and thowght Only of mercy to here owre request For the myracles that thou therin hast wroght For love that the so fer haue soght The wurthy kyngis that com owt of Calde The to honor in Bedlem cete And thorow prayer of thes thre That for thi love taken here vyage Jesu defende vs from adversyte And make strong and sure in owre passage In exile and perilous pylgrymage Whech our fomen of malice and pryde Haw tliys Kw hysctt bus on euery syd*- TI1K BPHYPHANYE, IL>I The whyrh own- LTold of prri'yt charitr Wolde us beiwr ly prrsrcucion That we schuld oftuiv of trrvrnr<- vnto the Of hartly love and hee devocion And eke owre franke of conhmiplacion \Vhenvith wo schuld make owre sacrifyse Of live dysdeyne and malice they dyspyse For gold of trowth ys falsly now alayed JJy faynt'd love and symyljicion And feyth with frawde is corrupt and afrayed With dowbull tongis and detraccion Owre franke also of hee perfeccion That schuld brenne clere aboue the skye Is with cowod medled of envy That hyt alas gyff may no lyght In the sensure of trwe affeccion For the day of trowthe is turned into nyght Thorow wrang report and fals suspeccion And thus gud feyth is rolled upso downe And trw menyng darketh with a skye That we in Englysch callon flaturye And this offuryng gothe almost all wrong Of gold of franke for owght I can aspye And owre myrre hath ben behend long Hus to presarve from all trechery For now it is turned to ypocrysy All owre holyncs and that is ruthe And cawso why for frawd hathe banyschrd tn-wthr 122 THE EPHYPHANYE. But Cryst Jesu that all thys mest amend And that amysse in yche state redres Thys hee fest such grace to us send That we the gold of feythe and stabulnes And eke the franke of perfyte holynes May on this daye present vnto the With all trew hart as dyd the kyngis thre And grawnt also bothe to hee and low To have such myrre in her advertence That euery wyght hys owne fawtes know And that no man be hasty of sentence To deeme lyghtly before or in absence For sodeyn doome mynged with ignoraunce Hath a long teyle sewyng of veniaunce For in sothenes yf that euery man Wold make a myrrour of hys own mynd To deme hymself of thyng that he wele can And open hys eyon that have ben long blynd To se hys fawtes that he schuld wele fynd Thow in soth for any hast or rape Harmles from doome hys felow schuld askape Now Cryst Jesu that knowest every hart And no thyng may be hyd from thy presence Ne from thyne eye declyne ne astart (iraunt vs thys day of thi magnyfycence The gold of love the franke of innocence And the chast mynv of clenc intencion So to present in own- <>l>ln<-ion THE EPHYPHANYE. 123 To thy hyn.'s that hyt be acccptabull Whyl that we lyf euer from ynv to yere As was the offurryng in lit -edit >in in a stabull Mado unto the and to thi nioder dere Of the kingis that with the stremes clere Of a sterr conveyed weron by grace Wher thou lay to com to the place And unto the this day we clepe and call Thou blestful quene of kyngis emperes That gaf thi son sowkyng in a stall That chast mylke of virgynall clennes That thou thys fest sterre of holynes Conveye owre offurryng to thi sterns see Where neest thi son thou hast souerente And gud lady in thys sorowfull vale Of trowbull of woo and of hevynes Sython thou of Jacob art the ryght scale The way of love the laddur of holynes Toward the cowrte the evon way to dres And make thi men thyder to ascende Where euer is blys and joy hath noon end For certes modur in thys lyffe we lacke Of sothefast joy all owre suffysaunce Saf among we knele among the racke Wherewith the son was somtyme thi plesaunce And as rejoysyng as by a remenbraunce Only by lyknes to loke on thi ymage And on thy son with hys feyr vysage 124 THE EPHYPHANYE. But alias ther is but a lyknes Of portrature that dothe us grete offence For we may not haue full the blessednes Of thi vysage ner of thi presence And so to us grete harme dothe apparence When that we seon of owre dysyre that we fayle We may wele pleyne but hyt wyll not avayle Yett day by day of tru affeccion We gwon of new thi lyknes for to se Wherof o thyng we have compassyon To se the bestes that so humble bee To stond in betwene thi son and the The rude asse and the ox also And then we seyn compleynyng in owre wo With all owre hart what thyng may this be To se that lord in a racke lye That hathe hevon vnder hys poste And all tliys world power hath to gye Oo how is hyt that the regalye Of hevon and erthe is browght down so low That no mon lyst hys power unnethe know And sodenly owre hart is begynneth cold Sore astoneyed and is for wo ny mate S< rrett a quene when that we behold Aloon syttyng and dysconsolate So feyr so gud and of so hye astatr Most womonly and In-nyng ofehcn- Tlii son and tlmu to^rdur both*- in fere THE EPHYPHANYE. 125 In the bondes of so narow a Whereof all erth tmnlmlr schuld and <)iiake And every wyght by lamentacion Wepe and pleyne syke and sorow mak' O blesfull quene only for thi sake To se on the non other a watyng But beestes rude with hey hem selfc fedyng But in won thyng comfort yett we fele Oo gud lady sothly when we see Thre worthy kyngis afore thi face knele Bryngyng hor gyftis with all humylyte And hem gouerne lyke to thi degre With meke attendaunce and full besy cure But all thys thyng we se but in pycture Alas the whyle yett hyt dothe hus ese And in party aswageth owre grevaunce For no thyng may owre sorow so apese As euer on the to haue a remembraunce For in the is owre hoi suffysaunce And thowgh we lyve in langor for absence Yet gud lady for thi magnyfycence To thi servaunttis of grace now see And to thi son befor hus amene Thys hee fest whech longethe unto the In whych thow were honowred lyke a quene With myrre and franke and gold that schynethe so schene Now for the honor thys day was to the And for the love of the kyngis thre 126 THE EPHYPHANYE. When we schall part owtt of thys wofull lyfe And make an end of thys captyvyte Of Heroudes thorow thys mortall stryfe The fend betrap us thorow hys cruelte That tyme lady of thy benyngnyte Ageynis the snares of thys dredfull warre To lyfe eterne be thow owre loode starre Here endeth the offurryng verement Of thre kyngis with gud entent Tl)r iJimtiranon Glorye and preyse laude and hye honowre blesfull quene be gevon unto the That were of the choson towre Surely grownded upon humylyte Schytte with the key of clene vyrgynyte From all synne fully assured Of the Holy Gwost rownd abowte enmured That neuer brennyng of no fleschly hete Assayle myght thy holy tabernacle With dew of grace thi closet was so swete Fulfylled vith vertu oonly by myracle God chose thi wombe for hys tabernacle And halowed hyt so clene yn euery cost To make hyt secrary for hys own gost Notwithstondyng that thou were so clene Above all other by eleccion Of mekenes only O thou hevon quene Thou lyst to haue noon indygnacion The dayes passed of thi purgacion To fullfyll the precept of the law In euery thyng and not a poynte withdraw 128 THE PURIFICACION MARIE. But eyvon lyke as hyt is specyfyed Levytyci who so can vnderstand To the temple to be puryfyed Thou mekely com thyn offurryng in thyn hond All be the law sett on the no bond For hyt ther maketh mencyon Towchyng the law of purgacion If a womon conseyve by a man And have a chyld by meydlyng hem betwene Yf he be a male the law techeth than Fowrty dayes that sche schuld be unclene And kepe hur close that no mon schuld hur sene And after that sche schuld hur offurryng In law expressed to the temple bryng But taketh hede now in conclusyon How thys law lyke as ye schall fynd Ne was not put but by condycyon Only to hem that corupt weron by kyml Thorow towch of mon of such hit maketh im ml The dayes riowmbred of hur purgacyon The dayes nowmbred of hur oblacyon And bryng a lampe the whych in sarrif'yrr Schuld all be brent in the holy place And a pejon as l;i\v doth devyse Sche schuld eke offur as for hur trespace And then all fylth from hur to encha-r Sche of prest halowed and sanctyfyed Retowrncd limn all fully }>uryf'v fn- Or too prjonns lykc as \c iua\ Levytyci \\hcrcas ly dystynccyon Of thys offurryng is made dyaoiypoyon J3ut thys mcyde who so con take lied. Excluded was for condycion That bare hur chyld withowt mannis seede Beyng euer clene from all corrupcion Waere thorow sche was from such oblacion By law exempt and was under no charge For hur clennes stondyng at large For of hur wombe the cloysture vyrgynall Euer was lyke bothe fyrst and last Closed and schytt as castell principall For the Holy Gost devysed hit and cast And at bothe tymes schytt I lyke fast In hyr chyldyng no more thorow got broke At hyr conceyvyng then hyt was vnloke For nature withowtt any stryff Of repugnaunce or any recystence Gaff thys meyde a specyall prerogatyf As^moder pured to haue experiens Only of chyldyng and feele noon offence Neyder of seknes nor of no woo Intravelyng as other \\vinincn doo 9 130 THE PURIFICACION MARIE. Sche was exempt from all such passyon For hur clennes and so was non but sche And yet hur tyme of puryfycacion Sche dyd abyde of hur humylyte And lyke as law ordeyneth by dertre After all thys of custum as sche owghtt To the temple sche hur offryng broghtt To geve ensampull only of nieknes To the law sche mekely wold obey From poynt to poynte the gospel seyth expresse And in no maner wold hit not with sey And thowgh that sche bare of gold no key To bye a lombe for pouert constreynyng Yett full mekely to make hur offurryng Brought too turtulles as hyt is seyde aforon That was the offurryng of pore folke ychon Whych to the temple when that sche hath boron As custom was sche oifurred hym anon And after that old Symeyon With humble hart and full besy peyne The chyld enbracyng in hys armes tweyn Of his moder gudly can he take Of lonyng hart and grette devocion And such a joy of hym can he make With in him self of her affeccion That he ne cowde neyther by word ne sowne Outward declare neyther with chere ne face The passyng joy that can hys hart enbra<'<- THE PUEIPIOAOION MAH1E. i:n And lie was rvirhtt'ull and houly and vert nous This old mon this blessed Symeon Dredfull also and passyngly famows Among the pivstis t<> iv<- hnn cun-ychon That was expectaunt of full long agon On the comfort and consolacion Of Isrel in his entencion For he had onsswere of the Holy (lost In his preyer that he schuld se The byrthe of Cryst that is of power most And eke fro dethe that he schall goo fre To the tyme of his natiuite And to the day with his eyn old The byrth of hym that he may behold The whych day is by grace com And for that he by revelacion The tyme knew he hath the way noni To the temple with hye devocion To se of Cryst the presentacion How that Mare and Joseph also The chyld present and hur offeryng do And for that Cryst was the fyrst born After the law in hys tender age Not of Leuy as ye have hard to foron But of Juda comon by lynage Therfor hys moder most holy of vysage Hur offurryng made lyst not for to stryve For hym ageyn to pay schylyngis fyve THE PURIFICAOION MARIE. Lyke as the custom of the law was Sche mekely made hys redempcion And Symeon beholdyng all this case Full stylly in his inspeccion For love brennyng by affeccion Of verrey hart sodenly abreyde Holdyng the chyld even thus he seyf my \vivrhrd synfulhn-s TI1K MASSE. 14!) To gyffnir grarr aiul Of all my inyssdodo \Vhon thou tin Cuitrifinr thus has done Pater No*f< r and A r< s<>y last Thou without any tTryyMr Thus on this wys. In- thou God for thi gudnes At tho bygynnyng of this mas (iranto all that hit si-hall hciv Of concyonse to be clem- and clcrc Lorde tho preyst that hit schall sey From temptacion this ylk<> day That he be clene in dcdc and thoght That evylle spretis noy hym noght That he fullfyll tho sacrament With clene herte and gud entent Fyrst hyle to hym honowre That suffreyn is and socowre And to thi moder meydyn clenc And to thi halowse all by done And to all that is sowle hele Helpe and grace and all kyn wel<- And to all that we haue in myndc Syb or fremyd be any kynde Gud lorde grande to them for this mass. Of all there synnis forgyfnes And reste and pese that lastis ey To Crystyn sowlys passyd awry And to hus all his socor he send And bryng hus all to a irud end' 150 THE MASSE. Yf thou oght of letteris kon To tho pryst thou herkyn then Hys offyse prers and his pystyll And answer ye hym with gud wyll Or on a boke thi selfe rede I wot ther is non vnspede And thou kan not rede ne sey Thi Pater nosier thou reyherse ey Tyll dekyn or prest tho gosspell rede Therto loke thou take ryght gud hede At tho begynnyng gud tent thou take And a large crosse on the thou make Seyng thus on this manere As thou mey se wrytyn here In tho name of tho fader tho son tho holy goste And stydfaste God of myghttis moste Be Goddis worde welcum to me Joy and blys lorde be to the After tho gospell and tho crede The tyme is nere withowte drede That men schulde profer ther offerondis Or tho prest take water to his hondis Offer or leue wheder the lyst How thou schall prey I wolde thou wyst Als ne as hit is wrytyn I rede thou sey On this maner thi God to prey Jesus that was in Bedlem borne And iij. kyngis come the befonu- There offorde golde sense and myrre Thou forsoko none of there THE MASSK. 151 Bot send them \\vlr all thiv Home ageyne to there cuntn Ryght so owre offorondis that we ott'r And owre preyers that we prof'rr Thou take lorde to thi louyng And be owre helpe in all thyng That all perels be for done And thi gud grace thou grante us sone Ail owre mysdede that we amende In all owre nede hus socor thou sende After tho weschyng tho preyst wyl lowte Tho awter kyste and storne hym abowte Then he askis with styll steyuin Ylke manse preyer to God of heyuin Seche preyer I wolde we toke As nexte foloys in tho masse boke Tho holy goste that is on hyght Sende hus grace to leue ryght AMEN Explicit tont Ihesu that was borne of Mare fre As he hafe power and mey best Saue all in gud prosperite That feyne wolde sette this reme in rest And send whom luf and charite That feyth were wonis among bus fast For by my trothe hit is pete To wytte tho pepul so sore dystrest As thei have byn be est and west Robbud and slene thoro owt this longde All myzthe Jhesu os he mey best Lene hus grace nowe that pese mey stond For I haue myche mervel of mony men That of more myscheue wold be fulle feyne And syche as kan no resun ken That wolde ther schulde be trobul ageyne And hase hade knoleg whar and when How mony a gud mon has ben slene Me thynke that konsyonis schuld horn ken To pray for pes with all thes mene That lord that for hus soffurd pene 154 THAT PES MAY STOND. And markud Adam apon tho sond Send luf and charete home ageyne And lene hus grace that pes may stond And he that more unpes wolde haue Within this reme be day or nyghthe I pray to God he be not save But on hym selve that hyt mey lyghthe For ther ar mony a lyder knave That in the fylde wolde feyntly fyghth But trwe mens gud zyt wolde thei have To robbe and reve them of ther ryghth Jesus os he is most of myghth Send luf and charite in to this londe That consyons moth kepe his kandul lyghth And lene hus grace now that pes may stonde Be mony insampuls men mey see That we plese not all owre God to pey For hare be fore in yeris thre Mych of owre welth hase wastud awey With grete darthe and poverte And unkyndle wedurs be nyghth and dey Waters stronke and flodis hee Whyche dystryde bothe korne and hey And amonke howr selfe byn mony a frey Be northe and sowthe thore owte this londe Almyghty Jesus os he best mey hus LT.'iri- no\v<> tlint IH-S mo.jrht stonde Hyt \V'1V Lrivtr IH'ilt' t<> JMW tor )> And fro nil srh folvs 1ms drfrnde THAT 1'ES MAY STOND. I.V> For loko sython waris began to sos How feiro insampuls God has hus scndc And lyko thoro grace that tho worde schuld Tho sesonalnildst wcdur withowton loyse That euer mon sawe dryvun tyl a nende And feyr on gronde kon kornis incres Were luf and charite with hus blend That concions myghth regne within this londe Then schulde owre trobul be at a nende And I trust to God that pes schulde stonde To prey for luf and eharitc Hit was neuer so mycul nede For we haue lost in yeris thre Mony dughth mon of dede Yette wolde we all truwe men be And holde togeder when we haue nede With tho grace of God and owre Lade Hus thurt no noder nacions drede We ar yette enoo so God me spede To defende owre enmys owt of this londe That lorde that on a rode kon blede Lene hus grace now that pes may stonde Wolde we be trwe in fylde and towne And all men held apon a syde With tho ryght of Ynglonde and tho cron And lett no falsdom be owre gyde Yf that our enmys wolde be boyn Agenis hus for to go or ryde And we wolde fare with no tresond 156 THAT PES MAY STOND. We schulde be abull to fel ther pride That lorde that sofurd wondis wyde Sende luf and charite into this londe That concyons myghth among us byde And lene hus grace now that pes mey stonde And Mare mylde that neuer hade make Prey to thi son bothe dey and nyghth Lene horn grace seche consel take That mey be plesand to God Almyghth And all falsdam to forsake And euery mon holde with trothe and ryght And then schulde welthe and worchyp wake And ful grete grace among hus lyghth Jesus as he ys most of myghth Lene hus grace now that pes myghthe stonde And bryng hus all to that bygyng bryghth Ther joy and blys ys euer lastonde Explicit quod Heege frrbttnt Cavo jfactttm I passud thorow a garden grene I fond a herbere made full newe A semelyor syght I haff noght sene ylke tree sange a tyrtull trew Theryn a maydon bryght off hew And euer sche sange and neuer sche sesest Thies were the notis that sche can schew Verbum caro factum est 1 askud that mayden what sche mentt Sche bad me byde and I schuld here What sche sayd I toke gude tent In hyr songe had sche voice full clere Sche said a prynce withouten pere Ys borne and layd betwene to best Therfore I synge as ye mey here Verbwm caro factum est And thoroght that frythe as I can wend A blestfull zit hard I mo And that was of three scheperdis hend Gloria in excelsis Deo 158 VERBUM CARO FACTUM EST. I wold noght they had faren me fro And efthyr them full fast I prest Then told thei me that thei sange soo For Verbum caro factum est They said that songe was this to sey To God aboun be joy and blysse For that yn erth also we pray Tyll all men that yn goodnesse ys The may that is withowten mysse Hasse borne a child betwene to beste.s Scho is the cause theroff I wysse That Verbum caro factum est I fared me furthe yn that frythe I mett three comely kyngis with gone I spod me furth to spoke them with And on my knees I kneled done The ryalest of horn to me com rene And said wo farred wele at the fest Fro Bethleem now ar we bone For Verbum caro factum est For wose God be comm in mannis flesh That bote hasse broght off all our In 1< Away owre synnis for to wesche A mey hym harburd yn hur hall Scho socourd hym sothty yn hur sal< And held that hend yn hur arest Full trewly may sche tell that tul< That Verlum caro factum est VERBUM CARO FACTUM EST. 159 Untyll that prynces wyll we pray Als sche is botho moder and mayd Sche be our helpe als sche wele may To hyme that yn hur lappe was layd To serue hyme we be prest and payd And therto make we oure behest For I hard when sche sung and said Verbum carofactum est Explicit quod John Hawghton In a kyrke as [I] can knele This endyrs-dey be a wode syde Me lyked tho servys wonder wele For thi tho lengur I can abyde I sawe a clerke a boke forthe brynge That pryked was in mony place Fast he soght what he schulde synge And all was Deo Gracias And alle tho queresters of that quere On that worde fast con thei crye Tho noyse was gud and I drogh nere And calde a prest fulle preuelye I seyd Syr for yowre curtesye Telle me now yf ye hafe space What hit meneth and for whye Ye syng thus Deo Gracias In sylke that comly clerke was clade And on a letterne leyned hee And with his worde he made me glade And seyd son I wylle telle thee 11 162 DEO GRACIAS. Fadur and son in trynite Tho holy gost grownde of grace Alse ofte tymis on hem thenke we Os we syng Deo Gracias Owte of the kyrke I went my way And in that worde was all my thoght Twenti tymes I con say God graunt that I forgete it noght Thogh I were owtt of gud lyf hyng broght What helpe wer me to say alas In the name of God what soo be wroght I schall say Deo Gracias In myschef and in gud lyf bothe That worde is gud to say and synge And not to weyll nor to be wrothe Thogh all be not at owre lykynge For angur schall not be euerlastyng And sumtyme dysplesaunce will ouerpasse Ey in hope of a mendyng I shall say Deo Gracias Amende that thou has done of mysse Do wele and have no drede Whether thou be in bale or blysse Thi suffuraunce schall geyte the mede Yf thow thi lyffe in lykyng leyde So thow be kynde in euery case Thanke thi God yf thow wele spede Witli this word Deo Gracias DEO GRACIAS. 163 Yf God haue gyfhen the vertus moo Then IK- as gyfhen other too or thre I rede the that thow reule the soo That men may speke worchip be the Be ferde of pride and bost thou fle Thi wittes lett nott be foulde in no cace Bot kepe the clene curtes and free And thenke on Deo Gracias And yf thow be made an officere And art a mon of mykull myght What cace thou denies loke it be clere And bereyfe no mon his ryght Yf thow be strong and ferce to fyght For envy make thou never cause Bot drede thi God bothe dey and nyght And euer thou say this Deo Gracias Of this worde in harte we have And ey in loffe and charite lende Of Crist be conande we may crafe That joye that neuer schall haue ende Owtt of this worlde wen we schall wende In to his blys for to passe And sitte among his seyntis hende And in that place syng Deo Gracias ALEX. 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